jones XJ J\ atmospheric railways Pr ice j/ó 1 t f 1 690 1 jt A POPULAR SKETCH of the VARIOUS PROPOSED SYSTEMS OF ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY, demonstrating the applicability of the mechanical properties of the atmo¬ sphere, as a motive power. lElIustrateti by numerous lB,oots ßCuts. BEING HUE substance of lectures, delivered on the subject, at the ROYAL ADELAIDE GALLERY. In the month of February, 1845. with additions and corrections. By the late Proprietor, ^ WILLIAM JONES, ESQ. ^ M.D. M.E.C.S. L.S.A. A.C.E. ETC. ETC. LONDON: SHERWOOD AND CO., 137, STRAND. and sherwood, gilbert, and piper, paternoster row. 1845. TF690 •Ti LlUr,«,.l BUREAU OF RAILWAY tC JI. ..„,0" WASHI^TON. D. 0, Û., f.e£W?, !• ^AY 1 10^3 PREFACE. The frequent demands made by the nu¬ merous attendants of the Lectures on the Atmospheric Railway, delivered at the Royal Adelaide Gallery ; for some popular descrip¬ tion of its principle, and the absence of any such publication, in a succinct and separate form, have induced me to compile the fol¬ lowing brief sketch of this now all-engrossing subject of public interest. In its consideration I have carefully pe¬ rused and have drawn largely from " A Treatise on the Adaptation of Atmospheric Pressure, to the Purposes of Locomotion, on Railways." By J. D'A. Samuda. London. John Weale, 1841. Also, " Atmospheric Railway and Canal Propulsion." By James Pilbrow, C.E. London. John Weale, 1844 ; vi PREFACE, but am more especially indebted to a very able article on the subject in the " British and Foreign Review," of April, 1844. Art. XI., embodying a review of—1. Report of Lieut.-Colonel Sir Frederic Smith and Pro¬ fessor Barlow, to the Right Hon. the Earl of Ripon, President of the Board of Trade, on the Atmospheric Railway. Presented to Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, 1842. 2. Rapport, addressé à M. le Ministre des Travaux Publics, sur le nouveau mode de locomotion, dit Système Atmosphérique. Par M. Edmond Teisserenc. Paris, 1843. 3. Report on the Railroad, constructed from Kingstown to Dalkey, upon the Atmo¬ spheric System, and upon the application of this System to Railroads in general. By M. Mallet. London, John Weale, 1844. PREFACE. vii 5. The Atmospheric Railway. A Letter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Ripon, Presi¬ dent of the Board of Trade, &c. By James Pim, Jun., M.R.IA. London, 1841. 6. Observations on the Report of Lieut.- Colonel Sir Frederic Smith, R.Ë., and Pro¬ fessor Barlow, on the Atmospheric «Railway. By. T. F. Bergin, M.R.I.A. London, 1842. to which, and to the publications therein mentioned, I must refer such of my readers as may be desirous of farther inves¬ tigating the subject; the plan of this work being merely intended to give some popular idea of the principle, rather than to enter into an elaborate consideration of all the arguments that may be adduced in favour or against it. For the purpose of giving to it additional interest, several wood cuts have been added. viii PREFACE. in the hope of rendering intelligible such portions as might otherwise appear obscure and insufficiently explained. The whole question has, it is believed, been considered with such a spirit of impartiality and candour as is most consistent with the character of an individual at the head of a large establishment in London, having for its object the investigation and dissemination of useful knowledge; uninfluenced in his opinion, having no personal interest to serve, and only desirous ofj discovering and promulgating truth. Being about to retire from the proprietor¬ ship and management of this institution, I feel it incumbent on me to avail myself of this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the numerous friends and supporters who have honoured it with their patronage during PREFACE. ix the past three years ; and in regretting that the means at disposal have not been adequate to the accomplishment of all the good that might have been effected, yet I feel conso¬ lation in the knowledge of the fact that those who have had the best opportunities of knowing me, believe that my talents, humble as they are, have been constantly, zealously, and sedulously, employed, to the best of my apprehension, in promoting the truest welfare of the public; and that, however, much I may be chargeable with weakness of under¬ standing, or error in judgment, nothing can be imputed to my character which has the slightest reference to an impure, dishonest, or corrupt, intention. Thus then I retire, not defeated, but tri¬ umphant ; defeated as regards the possession of the usual reward of labour, the summa res X PREFACE. pecuniœ, but triumphant in the possession of a bank of intelligence (derived from the various resources, constantly brought before me), which will, I trust, long continue to honour the cheques I may have occasion to draw upon it; hut more especially triumphant in the possession of that habitual satisfaction which is the glorious reward of constantly striving to act an honest and an honourable part; while I have yet the honour of sub¬ scribing myself The Public's Humble yet grateful servant, WILLIAM JONES. 26, Park Lane, Piccadilly. INDEX. Page Frontispiece Title page Preface v Index xi Explanation of frontispiece xvii Introduction 1 Mechanical Properties of the Atmosphere . . 4 Weight 5 Elasticity 6 Condensibility 6 Expansibility 7 Papin's application 8 Taylor's original suggestion of the application of the mechanical properties of the atmo¬ sphere, as a locomotive power 9 xii INDEX. Medhurst's suggestions No. 1 . . Ditto ditto No. 2 . . Ditto ditto No. 3 .. Ditto ditto No.4 Vallance's plan Pinkus's ditto Diagram thereof Clegg and Samuda's Diagram 2, representing section of the tuhe on this plan Diagram 3, showing the oblique armature of the piston Diagram 4, showing the form of the piston rod Mode of action of Samuda's system Diagram 5, showing the mode of connecting the piston with the train Samuda's description Diagram 6, showing the equilibrium or entrance valves Mode of stopping Application of a fall of water, in lieu of stationary engines and air pumps 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 20 22 23 24 25 28 31 33 34 INDEX. Xlll Diagram 7, showing the mode of connecting the travelling tubes with the stationary engines and station houses 35 Diagram 8, showing the mode of junction of other lines 36 Mere weight of atmosphere hitherto employed 36 Pilbrow's patent 37 Absence of long valve 38 Diagram 9, showing vertical section of tube on Pilbrow's plan 39 Diagram 10, showing the application of cogs and pinions to the piston rack 40 Modification of piston 41 Diagram 11, showing a vertical section of tube, with projecting and prolonged pinions 42 Mode of action, Pilbrow's description 43 Diagram 12, Hallette's lip valve 49 Hay's modification 50 Advantages of the atmospheric railway .... 51 Original formation 51 Diagrams 13 and 14, showing the inclines and curves traversed on the Dalkey exten¬ sion of the Dublin and Kingston Railway 53 XIT INDEX. Applicability of the atmospheric system to common turnpike roads 54 Relative first cost 54 Relative costs of working 57 Parliamentary report thereon 59 Economy effected by the employment of gra¬ dients 60 Inapplicability of the Steam Locomotive to steep gradients 61 Table showing the gross load in tons which a locomotive engine capable of evaporating sixty cubic feet of water per hour will drag, exclusive of the tender, at different rates of speed, on different inclinations of planes. . 63 Cause of loss of power from increased veloci¬ ties on the ordinary locomotive system. ... 64 Cause of velocity on the atmospheric system, and superiority of the patent of Pilbrow in this respect 64 Power exactly proportioned to the power re¬ quired on the atmospheric system 65 Report of Monsieur Teisserenc thereon .... 65 Velocity capable- of being obtained on the at¬ mospheric system _67 Comparative safety of the atmospheric system 68 INDEX. XV Principal causes of accident on the ordinary locomotive system 72 Opinion of Möns. Mallet thereon 73 Recommendation of the atmospheric principle, by I, K. Brunei, Esq 75 Advantages of Pilbrow's patent 76 Patentee's description thereof, in construction 76 Ditto, in safety 79 Ditto, in simplicity 80 Ditto, in first outlay 81 Cheapness in working 83 Observations on Pilbrow's statement 85 Applicability of exhaustion and compression, and consequently all the mechanical proper¬ ties of the atmosphere, by this system .... 86 Fate of present railroads 87 Samuda's remarks thereon 88 Smaller fares and larger profits, by the amo- spheric system 91 Calculation in reference thereto, showing that a greater profit would be realized at 5s. per head and 6s. 3d. per ton for goods, from London to Birmingham, by the atmospheric system, than can be obtained by the present system, at 25s. per head and 40s. per ton 93 xvi INDEX. Proved by dismissal of useless weight, and saving in fuel, &c. 95 Still greater diminution capable of being eifected by Pilbrow's patent 97 Advantages of penny trains 97 The public largely indebted to Messrs. Clegg and Samuda 98 Appendix.—Parliamentary Report of the Com¬ mittee of the House of Commons 101 EXPLANATION OF FRONTISPIECE. Fig. 1 represents the mode of connecting the travelling piston, with the train of carriages, on Pilbrow's system, in which d. represents the square compartment, containing f. the cogged piston-rack ; c. is the main tube, containing the cylindrical piston, of which e. is the head; g. re¬ presents the armature, connecting the piston with its rack ; h. represents the lower cogs of the pinion, projecting into the square compartment d. ; i. is the spindle, connecting the lower cogs with the upper cogs k. ; L is the carriage rack, running between them and through them, receiving the motion of the piston-rack. In fig. 2, the same letters are used to express the same portions of the apparatus ; where it will be seen that the racks, both of the piston f. and carriage, are no longer cogged, hut obliquely xviii EXPLANATION, ETC. grooved, to catch in passing the projecting por¬ tions of the spiral threads in the pinions h.k., as described in p. 43 ; m. is a prolonged lever, pro¬ jecting from the centre n., intended to be pressed downwards by the under surface of the carriage- rack, in its passage, so as to open a valve at o. and allow the atmospheric air to enter immediately behind the piston. THE ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY. The present century, more than any other, has been charaeterized by the remarkable development of human ingenuity and mechanical contrivance, exemphfied in the numerous inventions, which, under the sanetion of patent, have laid claim to public patronage. Foremost amongst these are the appliances of steam, and more especially the railway. Twenty years have not yet elapsed since the first application of steam to locomotive power was brought into action. The Liverpool and Manchester line was opened to the public Septem¬ ber 15, 1830, when, as it will be recollected, that great and enlightened statesman, Mr. Huskisson, became its victim. Since that period upwards of ^100,000,000 sterling have been embarked in railway speculation in the United Kingdom, and a mania for this species of monopoly is daily on b 2 the increase, not only in Great Britain, but throughout both the continents of Europe and America. In November last, upwards of one hundred applications for new railroads was sub¬ mitted to the Board of Trade, in London. In the present session of the Chamber of Deputies, in Paris, thousands of millions of francs have been voted to the Minister of Public Works, to carry out the numerous proposed railroads in that kingdom. Eussia, Austria, and Germany, are also spending their millions sterling in the same cause, and, in all probability, ere the close of the present century, Europe, in every depart¬ ment, will be intersected by this means of com¬ munication. Who can contemplate these vast and stupendous undertakings without awe, admiration, and gratitude ; without reflecting on the immense advantages which such facilities of intercourse, the consequent interchange of commodities, and collision of intellect between the inhabitants of different nations of the earth, must ultimately confer on the great family of man. It is a fact, which is daily gaining ground among mankind, that it is impossible for a single disco- 3 very to be made in any of the physical sciences, for a single blade of grass to spring up more readily under the application of greater agricul¬ tural knowledge, or any new motive power to be advantageously applied to mechanical science, without a consequential benefit extending through¬ out the whole chain of civilization ; and how much more potent does this argument become when aided by the rapid facilities of intercourse afforded by the railroad. The invention and successful application of such a power as the steam engine locomotive might appear sufficient for one age, did we not know that it is the characteristic of power to multiply itself, and that every new dis¬ covery acts only as an incitement to fresh efforts of inventive genius. What is done is great! What is to be done is greater far I Fresh hours demand fresh energies, new means beget fresh wants, and these again are the stimuli to those whose task it is to provide for them. In the pre¬ sumed self-sufficiency of present means we look back on the puny efforts of our ancestors, and can scarcely believe it possible that an age could have been so ignorant as to have condemned to 4 perpetual imprisonment, as a lunatic, the genius which foresaw the vast and important objects capable of being effected by the application of the mechanical properties of steam.* May not future ages look back upon our present exertions with the same wonder at our ignorance, may not a similar self-suiRciency and self-complacency, to that which we now manifest, be held by them when they shall have developed and successfully applied numerous inventions as yet unknown and buried in the womb of time. For upwards of five thousand years (since the creation of the world) mankind has had at disposal, and constantly sur¬ rounding him, means far more powerful than any that ever could be realized by the application of steam, viz., the atmosphere, whose mechanical properties are now being, for the first time, suc¬ cessfully applied to the comfort and conveniences of life, in the facilitation of human intercourse. The question which naturally suggests itself to the mind is, what are the mechanical properties of the atmosphere ? The answer is, weight and • Soloman dc Caus was imprisoned. 5 elasticity. First, as regards the weight of the atmosphere : a pint of this elastic fluid weighs 14 grains, and forming a halo as it were around our globe, it presses equally on all bodies with a pressure equal to 141bs. on every square inch, is capable of supporting a column of mercury 30 inches in height, and a column of water 34 feet. It is true we do not feel the atmosphere pressing on our bodies with a weight equal to 141bs. on the inch, because it presses equally in every direc¬ tion, and consequently the weight on the anterior portion of the body is compensated by that on the posterior portion ; and so in an ordinary glass bottle, the pressure is equal on the inside of the glass and on the outside, but if you attach a bottle by a stop cock to an air pump, and exhaust the air therein contained, it is immediately crushed" into a thousand pieces by the pressure of the atmosphere on its outer surface. Again, if you take a glass tube 30 inches in length and exhaust the air therein contained and invert it into mer¬ cury, the pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of the mercury immediately drives up the mercury and fills the tube. In the ordinary M ater B 3 6 pump on exhausting the air on the surface of the water contained in the tube in which the sucker or piston rests, the pressai e of the atmosphere on the water surrounding that tube, drives the water into the tube to the height of 34 feet. It is not therefore the sucker which draws up the water, as believed by the vulgar, but the pressure of the atmosphere which forces the water into the vacuum caused by the exhaustion of the air within the tube. Next as regards its elasticity. In consequence of this property it is capable of being compressed under pressure, of expanding when that pressure is removed. It is also capable of expansion under the application of heat, and of being condensed when that heat is removed. As a proof of its compressibility, we may men¬ tion, that a vessel which ordinarily contains one volume of air, may, if sufficiently strong, be made to contain one hundred or two hundred volumes, on which principle is formed the air gun. In this illustration, the air so compressed on the valve being open for its exit, rushes out with great impetuosity by its expansibility, carrying with it the bullet or charge in its course. It is 7 the law with all gaseous bodies that they expand or contract of their volume for every degree of heat imparted, or abstracted therefrom ; so that one volume of air at a temperature of one degree, would fill double the space at the tempe¬ rature of 480 degrees, or vice versa ; and in the same way a vessel containing 100 volumes of atmospheric air at a temperature of 480 degrees would contain 200 volumes, under the same pres¬ sure, at a temperature of only one degree ; and by allowing this 200 volumes of air, at a tempe¬ rature of one degree, to escape through a tube heated to 480 degrees, it would expand to 400 volumes, by the application of that 480 degrees of heat, and as each volume of atmospheric air presses on the surface of bodies with a power equal to 141bs. on the square inch, and as 400 X 14 = 5,600, a power equal to 5,6001bs. on the square inch will be thereby generated.—A mecha¬ nical power in all probability so great as never to be " fully" employed by human means. With such a mechanical agent ever at command, is it not wonderful that it should have remained for the present age to apply its enormous power. 8 and even now to be satisfied with only a modicum thereof, viz ; its mere weight ; as in the application of atmospheric pressure, obtained by the exhaust¬ ing power of the air pump. Mr. Papin, in the year 1654, originally suggested employing atmo¬ spheric pressure against a vacuum as a motive power» and the system was adopted in Nieucomem's Steam Engine, now obsolete, but not for the purposes of locomotion. According to the learned Editor of " The British and Foreign Review," * "Thefirst idea of employing the power of air in land carriage occurred to a gentleman, at Manchester, Mr. Taylor, (the inventor of the first power loom,) in 1805. In conversation with two friends, Mr. Duckworth and Mr. Clegg, the subject was dis¬ cussed, and, although these gentlemen were all of opinion that the idea was capable of being realized, the means of accomplishing their object was so surrounded with difficulties, that the subject was ultimately dropped, without any steps heing taken, or experiments made. The plan proposed was in principle the same as that which is now in suc- * No 33, April 1844, Article XI. 9 cessful operation, in Ireland, on tlie Dalkey extension of the Dublin and Kingston Line. Mr. Taylor's scheme only extended to the conveyance of letters and despatches ; he suggested that a tube, large enough to contain a parcel, should he laid down from one town to another : at these places a stationary steam engine should be erected, which should exhaust the tube. The parcels being placed in the tube at one end, and the latter exhausted by the engine at the other, the pressure of the air would carry the contents of the tube along with immense velocity : at each station, or town, the letters or parcels intended for that district would he taken out, and the rest forwarded to their destination. In 1810, Mr. George Medhurst, an engineer in London, published a pamphlet, in which he pro¬ posed " A New Method of conveying Goods and Letters by Air," and in 1812 he published his calculations and remarks on the practicability of his scheme. In 1827, he printed another pamphlet, entitled " A new System of Inland Conveyance, for Goods and Passengers, capable of being applied and 10 extended throughout the Country, and of con¬ veying all kinds of Goods, Cattle, and Passengers, &e," in which, not confining himself to the mere weight or pressure of the atmosphere, he suggests four applications of its mechanical properties to purposes of travelling, which are thus descrihed in his own words,—first ; " In order to apply this principle to the purpose of conveying goods and passengers from place to place, a hollow tuhe, or archway, must he constructed, the whole distance, of iron, hrick, timber, or any material that will confine the air, and of such dimensions as to admit a four-wheeled carriage to run through it, capable of carrying passengers, and of strength and capacity for large and heavy goods. The tube, or aërial canal, must he made air-tight, and of the same form and dimensions throughout, having a pair of cast iron or steel wheel tracks, securely laid aU along the bottom, for the wheels of the car¬ riage to run upon ; and the carriage must he nearly of the size and form of the canal, so as to prevent any considerable quantity of air from passing by it. If air he forced into the mouth of the canal, behind the carriage, by an engine of sufficient power, the Il carriage will be driven forward by the pressure of the air against it ; and if the air be continually driven in, the pressure against the carriage, and consequently its motion, will be continually main¬ tained. When the carriage is to go through the canal from the engine, the air must be forced into the canal behind it ; but when it is to go the contrçlT3^way, the same engine is to draw the air out ¿Í the canal, and rarify the air before the carriage, that the atmospheric air may press into the canal behind the carriage, and drive it the contrary way." In this scheme it will be seen that Mr. Medhurst did not confine himself to the mere weight of the atmosphere acting as a motive power, against a vacuum, but rather proposed to employ its elasticity and consequent compressibility, as exemplified in the air gun ; and it would appear to have immedi¬ ately occurred to him that few travellers would adopt a mode of conveyance, wherein they should form as it were part of the charge of an air gun, or the pellet of a pop gun, to be driven forward with any velocity that compressed air might be capable of imparting ; for in his next suggestion, he says. 12 " Suggestion, No. 2." It is practicable upon the same principle to form a tube so as to leave a continual communication between the inside and outside of it, without suffering any part of the impelling air to escape ; and by this means to impel a carriage along upon an iron road, in the open air, with equal velocity, and in a great degree possessing the same advantages as in passing withinside of the tube, with the additional satis¬ faction to passengers of being unconfined, and in view of the country. If a round iron tube, 24 inches in diameter, be made with an opening of 2 inches wide in the circumference, and a flanch 6 or 8 inches deep, on each side of the opening, it will leave a channel between the flanches, and an opening into the tube. If such a tube is laid all along upon the ground, with the iron channel immersed in a channel of water, and a piston or box made to fit it loosely, and pass through it upon wheels or rollers, this box, driven through the tube by the air forced into it, may give motion to a carriage without, by a communication through the channel and the water. No air can pass out of the tube while the channel is immersed in 13 water, unless the air be of such density as to force the water out of the channel, and then the air will follow it and escape ; but there is an opening made for a bar of iron to pass from the running box in the interior of the tube, to which a rod or crank may be brought from the carriage in the open air, and from that receive its motion. His third suggestion was as follows :— " A plan to combine the two modes together, that the goods may be conveyed within the canal, and a communication made from the inside to the outside of it, so that a carriage may be impelled in the open air, to carry passengers, would be an im¬ provement desirable and practicable. It must be effected without the aid of water, so that it may rise and faU as the land lies ; and it must give a continual impulse to the outside carriage, without suffering the impelling air to escape. For this purpose there must be some machinery which will diminish the simplicity, make it more expen¬ sive, and more liable to be disordered, unless exe¬ cuted in the most substantial and perfect manner, but by skill, experience, and sound workmanship, it may be accomplished in various ways." c 14 Mr. Medhurst's fourth ideáis thus described:— " The same principle, and the same form, may be advantageously applied to convey goods and passengers in the open air, upon a common road, at the same rate of a müe in a minute, or sixty miles an hour ; and without any obstruction, ex¬ cept at times contrary winds, which may retard its progress, and heavy snow, which may obstruct it. If a square iron tube be formed two feet on each side, four feet in area, with three sides, and one half of the top of cast iron, the other half of the top made of plate iron or copper, to lift up and shut down in a groove in the cast iron semi- top plate, as before described, this arm may give motion to a carriage in the open air, and upon the common road, without any railway, if the pressure within the tube is made strong enough for the purpose." Previous to Mr, Medhurst's second tract, in 1827, from which these extracts have been drawn, a patent was taken out by Mr. Vallance, in 1824, for a plan of locomotion by atmospheric pressure. This was merely a modification of Mr. Medhurst's first suggestion of exhausting a tunnel large 15 enough to contain a train of carriages : a stationär) engine was to be erected at one end of this tunnel, which it was supposed would create a sufficient vacuum for the pressure of the air acting on a piston, attached to the first carriage, to impel the whole train forward. A model of this railway was exhibited at Brighton, but this was the extent of its application. March 16, 1834, Mr. Pinkus obtained a patent for a pneumatic railway, which was, however, con¬ trived on a plan precisely similar to that published in Medhurst's fourth suggestion, excepting that he proposed to use a rope for the continuous valve, and substitute a cylinder for a square tube. To use his own words, " A flexible cord lies in the groove, at the top of the cylinder, for the pur¬ pose of closing the longitudinal aperture : this cord is to be of the same length as the pneumatic railway, and to fit tightly into the groove or channel." In 1836 he took out a new patent, in which he says, " The method of carrying it into practice consists in a method, or in methods, of construct¬ ing the pneumatic valve, and the valvular cord. 16 and in the manner of using the same, one of which methods, hereinafter described, I design to substitute for, and in lieu of, the valve and cord described in the specification of my said former patent." In this second patent, as in the former, a rope made of oakum, saturated with tallow, or some other unctuous substance, was intended to close the valve, and communicate the motion of the piston, effected by atmospheric pressure on it, against a vacuum, by means of a perpendicular armature to tbe first carriage of the train, the valve being raised by means of a friction roller, immediately in fronl of the armature, and closed by a second roller, immediately after the piston, as seen in the following diagram No. 1, where a a. represents a tube exhausted, in front of h. the piston ; c. is the perpendicular armature of the piston communicating its motion to the train of 17 carriages ; d d. is the- rope valve, formed of oakum and tallow ; e. the friction roller raising the valve in front of the armature of the piston ; and f. the second friction roller, closing the valve after the passage of the perpendicular armature. In practice it was found that this valve, being elastic, was incapable of rendering air-tight the exhausted tube, for the pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of the valve, forced the elastic sub¬ stance into the tube, destroyed its vacuum, and prevented the onward progress of the piston, and it remained for Mr. Clegg to develop a valve pos¬ sessing sufficient elasticity to render the tube air¬ tight, and at the same time sufficient solidity to resist the pressure of the atmosphere, which was happily accomphshed by the patent taken out by him, on the 3d of January, 1839. The principal feature of this invention consists in " A method of constructing and working valves, in combination with machinery, to be applied to railways, or other purposes, by a line of partially exhausted pipes, for the purposes of obtaining a direct tractive force to move weights, either on the railway, or otherwise." And is thus explained in c 3 18 the following extract from Mr. Clegg'a specifica¬ tion. " My improvements consist in a method of constructing and w^orking valves in combination with machinery. These valves work on a hinge of leather, or other fiexible material, which is practi¬ cally air-tight, (similar to the valves usually used in air pumps,) the extremity or edge of these valves is caused to fall into a trough, containing a com¬ position of bees' wax and tallow, or bees' wax and oil ; or any substance, or composition of sub¬ stances, which is solid at the temperature of the atmosphere, and becomes fluid when heated a few degrees above it. After the valve is closed, and its extremity is laying in the trough, the tallow is heated sufficiently to seal up, or cement together, the fracture round the edge or edges of the valve, which the previous opening of the valve had caused; and then the heat being removed, the tallow again becomes hard, and forms an air-tight joint, or cement, between the extremity of the valve and the trough. When it is requisite to open the valve, it is done by lifting it out of the tallow, with or without the application of heat, and the before-named process of sealing it, or ren- 19 dering it air-tight, is repeated every time it is closed. This combination of valves with machinery is made in the application of these valves to rail¬ ways, or other purposes, hy a line of partially exhausted pipes for the purposes of obtaining a direct tractive force to move weights, either on the railway or otherwise. In the formation of this valve to obtain the necessary degree of density to resist atmospheric pressure, and sufficient elasticity to attach it closely to the exhausted tube, a double series of iron plates, connected by leather, are employed, and the tube, although circular in the centre, has a prolongation of metal, or lip on each side of its upper surface, and the tube is not of the same thickness throughout, but has an accumulation of metal also in its lower portion, to prevent that tendency to spring open which might occur were the tube of equal thickness in all its parts, as seen in the following diagram. No. 2, representing a vertical section of the tube :— 20 Where a. represents the circular aperture of the tuhe, which is filled up by the head of the piston as it travels ; b. the thickened hase of the tube ; c. the thinner portion of the tuhe ; d. the outer lip on the upper surface of the tuhe, to which the valve is attached; c. the inner lip, forming a groove for the lodgment of the unctuous substance destined to seal the valve ; f. the valve itself; composed of g. the larger plate of metal ; and A. the smaller plate of metal, which two are con¬ nected by means of i., the intervening leather, prolonged towards the outer lip, forming a hinge for the valve at k. The internal surface of the 21 tube A. being properly prepared by a coating ot tallow, a travelling piston made air-tight by leather packing is introduced therein, and is connected to the leading carriage of each train, by an iron plate, or armature, passing through the aperture f. under the valve. A very important modification of this armature, as compared with that of Pinkus's, is employed by Messrs. Clegg & Samuda ; by refe¬ rence to diagram No. 1, it wiU be seen that the armature in Pinkus' patent is perpendicular, and consequently were a similar armature employed with the valve of Clegg & Samuda, it would be necessary to lift that valve to an angle of 85 or 90 degrees, to allow the onward passage of the piston ; thus producing constant strain on the hinge, and its consequent immediate destruction ; to obviate this inconvenience, Clegg & Samuda make the armature of their piston to pass diago¬ nally, or almost horizontally, from the exhausted tube, so that the valve is never raised to an angle of more than 45 degrees, and has consequently a tendency to fall by its own weight, and close the longitudinal aperture in the tube after the piston 22 has passed, as seen in the following diagram. No. 3 Where a a. represents the circular aperture of the tube; b. the armature of the travelling piston, with its diagonal direction ; c. the valve raised to an angle of 30 degrees ; d. the groove for the lodge¬ ment of the unctuous substance ; e. the foul weather covering, raised by the armature of the piston during its passage onwards, and falling after the closing of the valve over the groove, d. containing the unctuous substance, to protect it from the influence of snow, rain, and other in- clemêncies of the season. The iron armature 23 being fixed to the travelling piston within the pipe, and also to the leading carriage of the train, con¬ nects them together. Diagram No. 4, represents 24 the form of the travelling piston, where a. is the piston head, i. the compensating balance, hhhh. four vertical wheels intended to lift up the valve, and allow the atmospheric pressure to enter immediately behind the piston head ; k. is the point at which the armature of the piston is attached to this rod. Diagram No. 5. represents the mode of con¬ necting the piston rod with the first carriage in the train, by means of the armature at k. pro¬ ducing the motion of the train, r. is a roUer of which there are two attached to the posterior portion of the carriage, intended to close down the valve after the passage of the armature, and leave the pipe in a fit state to be again exhausted of its air, while n. is the heating apparatus travel¬ ling behind the whole and liquifying the unctuous substance so as to seal the valve. The internal surface of the pipe being properly prepared by a coating of tallow, and rendered air¬ tight by the closure of the valve and its travelling piston, if a part of the air be withdrawn from that length of pipe in front of the piston, by an air pump, a certain amount of atmospheric près- 25 Diagran'i No. 5. 26 sure on the back of the piston will take place, proportionate to the vacuum produced. If a per¬ fect vacuum be effected, a pressure of 141hs. on the square inch will he produced behind the tra¬ velling piston ; hut it will he found much more advantageous in practice say the inventors to pro¬ duce an exhaustion of air in the pipe equal to causing a pressure from the atmosphere, of 81bs. on the square inch only, by which means considerable power wUl always he left at disposal. Supposing the main pipe to be of 18 inches internal dia¬ meter, it will receive a piston of 254 superficial inches area, on which, with the above pressure, a tractive force of 2,0321hs. is consequently ob¬ tained ; and this is capable of propelling a train weighing 45 tons, (or eight to nine loaded car¬ riages,) at the rate of thirty miles an hour, up an acclivity of 1 in 100, or 53 feet per mile. Two and a half miles of pipe, say the patentees, will contain 23,324 cubic feet of air, -g-fths of which, or 12,439 cubic feet, must he pumped out, to effect a vacuum equal to 81bs. per square inch ; the air- pump for this purpose should be 5 feet 7 inches diameter, or 247 feet area, and its piston should 27 move through 220 feet per minute, thus discharg¬ ing at the rate of 24.7-1-220=5,434 cubic feet per minute at first, and at the rate of 2,536 cubic feet per minute, when the vacuum has advanced to 16 inches mercury, or 81bs. per square inch; the mean quantity discharged being thus 3,985 feet per minute; therefore VsW =3.1 minutes, the time required to exhaust the pipe ; and as the area of the pump-piston is 14 times as grerft as that of the former, or 220 feet per minute -|-14 = 3,080 feet per minute, or 35 miles per hour. But in consequence of the imperfect action of an air- pump, shght leakages, &c., this velocity will be reduced to 30 miles per hour, and the time requi¬ site to make the vacuum increased to four minutes : the train will thus move over the 2^ miles section in five minutes, and it can be prepared for the next train in four minutes more—together nine minutes; 15 minutes is therefore ample time to allow between each train ; and supposing the working day to consist of 14 hours, 56 trains can be started in each direction, or 2,520 tons, making a total of 5,000 tons per day. The fixed engine to perform this duty wUl be 110 horses' 28 power, equivalent to 22 horses' power per mile in each direction. The following description of railway is borrowed from Clegg and Samada.* On this system of working railways the moving power is commu¬ nicated to the train by means of a continuous pipe or main, laid between the rails, and divided by separating valves into suitable and convenient len'gths, for exhaustion. A partial vacuum is formed in this pipe, either by steam-engines and air-pumps, fixed at intervals along the road, or by water power, if the nature of the country be such as to afford it. These valves are opened by the train as it advances, without stoppage, or reduc¬ tion of speed. A piston which is made to fit air-tight, by means of a leather packing, is intro¬ duced into the main pipe, and connected to the leading carriage of each train, by an iron plate which travels through a lateral opening the whole • A Treatise on the Adaptation of Atmospheric Pressure to tlie purposes of Locomotion on Railways, hy J. D'A. Samada.— London, 1841, Weaie, High Holborn. 29 length of the pipe. This lateral opening is covered hy a valve extending the whole length, formed of a strip of leather rivetted between iron plates ; the top plates are wider than the groove, and serve to prevent the external air forcing the leather into the pipe when the vacuum is formed, the lower plates fit the groove when the valve is shut and making up the circle of the pipe, pre¬ vent the air passing the piston : as shewn in the diagrams. One edge of this valve is securely held down by iron bars, fastened by screw bolts, to a longiludinal rib d. cast on the pipe on one side of the lateral opening, and the leather between the plates and the bar being flexible, forms a hinge as in a common pump valve ; the other edge of the valve falls on the surface of the pipe on the opposite side of the opening, thus forming one side of a trough d. as shewn in figure 3. This trough is filled with a composition of bees' wax and tallow, which substance is solid at the temperature of the atmosphere, and becomes fluid when heated a few degrees above it. This composition adheres to the edge of the valve, which forms one side of the trough, and to that D 3 30- part of the pipe which forms the other, and pro¬ duces perfect contact between them ; hut as the piston advances, the valve must he raised to allow the connecting plate to pass ; and this is effected by four wheels H. H. H. H. fixed to the piston rod behind the piston, and the ^aperture thus formed serves also for the free admission of air to press on the back of the piston, by this operation of raising the valve out of the trough, the composition between it and the pipe is broken, and the air-tight contact must he re-produced. To effect this another steel wheel R. is attached to the carriage, regulated by a spring which serves to insure the perfect closing of the valve by running over the top plates immediately after the arm has passed, and a copper tube or heater N. about five feet long filled with burning charcoal is also fixed to the under side of the carriage, and passes over and re-melts the surface of composition which has been broken by lifting the valve, and which upon cooling becomes solid, hermetically sealing the valve as before. Thus each train in passing leaves the pipe in a fit state to receive the next train. A protecting cover formed of thin 31 plates of iron about five feet long, hinged with leather, is placed over the valve, and serves to preserve it from snow or rain ; whieh eover is raised by wheels fixed under the carriage, as it passes. The " exit" separating valve, or that, at the end of the seetion nearest to its steam engine, is opened by the compression of air caused by the piston after it has passed the branch whieh com¬ municates with the air punip. Diagram 6 is the equilibrium or " entrance" separating valves. The arrow denotes the direction in whieh tiie trains advance. The pipe is exhausted on the side of the valve lettered C. and is only 32 prolonged on the other side to allow the piston to enter the pipe before the valve is opened. Attached to one side of the main is a semicircular box, B. A. divided into two compartments by a par¬ tition, of which a. a. a. is a sectional view, and through which is a circular opening : in the top of the box are two small square holes, one on each side of the partition, furnished with a box slide, by which either, or both of them, may he covered at pleasure; within the box B. A. are two valves h. and c. (of which 6. is the greater) connected by an arm d. d. to each other, and to a vertical axis e. on which they can swing horizontally, or about 100 degrees. When the pipe is to he exhausted, the valves are placed by hand, or otherwise, in the position represented in the plate ; h. filling the opening in the partition, c. closing the main D. The box slide also covers the hole on the side B. of the partition, leaving the outer hole open as the exhaustion proceeds ; A. and C. are in vacuum ; B. and D. open to the air. There is then the same pressure on each square inch of b. and c. ; but h. being larger than c., both remain closed for the total pressure on h. preponderating, will 33 keep c. against its seat. But the train on ap¬ proaching moves the slide box so as to cover both holes, and a passage is formed through which the air in the partition B. rushes into the main C. so that A. and B. are both in vacuo, and the pressure being removed from b. that on c. forces it back, and allows the piston to pass. The valve, or rather piston, b. is a cup leather, rivetted between iron plates, and shuts into the opening in the partition ; c. is a flat leather valve, and shuts against a facing in the main. The main pipe is put together with deep socket joints, in each of which an annular space is left about the middle of the packing, and filled with a semi-fluid ; thus any possible leakage of air into the pipe is prevented. When it is necessary to stop, or retard a train, in addition to the use of a common break, a valve in the travelling piston is opened by the conductor, by which means the external air is admitted into the exhausted portion of the pipe, and the pro¬ pelling power destroyed. In localities where a sufficient quantity and fall of water can be obtained, the atmospheric system 34 can be worked without the assistance of " any machinery whatever by constructing a tank or tanks, (of a total capacity double that of the section of pipe they have to exhaust,) filling them with water, and allowing it to run out through a descending perpendicular pipe, about 32 feet long, (which it will do by its gravity alone,) the whole of the air contained in the pipe will expand itself into the tanks, and by the time they are half emptied of water, half a vacuum will be formed in the pipes, as the air will be expanded into twice its bulk, and the other half will run out while the travelhng piston and train are advancing ; thus increasing the speed in the tanks, as that in the pipes is diminishing by the approach of the piston, and by this means maintaining the same degree of vacuum, during the whole time the train is passing, whatever be its speed." Fig. 7 gives an idea of a station-house, one of which, in Clegg and Samuda's plan, is located at the distance of every three miles ; intended to contain the stationary steam engine and exhausting pump —d. e. represent two sections of the main tube, communicating with the station by means of 35 Diagram No. 7. the tubes b.c.—the curved lines f.f. show the mode of erossing at the various stations, so as to render one line of rail sufficient for the purpose of traffic in both directions, the main tube e. being ex¬ hausted by the tube c. when the train is proceeding in the direction from c. to d. and by a similar tube to that of b, d. at its other extremity when the train proceeds in the opposite direction. Fig. 8 shows the mode of junction of other lines, or branches of rail communicating with the main line. 36 Dingram, No. 8. From the preceding remarks, it will be evident that in the patents of Vallance, Pinkus, and Messrs. Clegg and Samuda, the inventors have only proposed to avail themselves of the mechanical properties of the atmosphere, resulting from its mere weight, in the application of atmospheric pressure on a piston against vacuum, regardless of the power at disposal from its elasticity, compres¬ sibility, condensibility, and expansibility; the valves of the two latter inventors being formed expressly for the purpose of resisting pressure from without. To effect this object they have had in common a main pipe, a piston, or diaphragm, fitting this pipe, an air pump to exhaust it, and a connecting mateñal between the piston and carriage, through 37 a continuous slit, or valve, along the top of the main pipe, which valve must be ripped up every journey, by the passing of the carriage, and cemented down again for the next exhaustion ; and, says Mr. Pilbrow, in bis work, entitled, " Atmospheric Railway and Canal Propulsion."* The presence of this continuous valve seems ever to have been considered a sine qua non, with all the difficulties arising from it ; and to connect a car¬ riage outside the pipe, to a piston inside, so that the one shall be acted upon by the other, without this opening, seems never to have been dreamt of in the philosophy of the several projectors of atmospheric railways. In this gentleman's patent, (Mr. Pilbrow's,) the continuous opening or slit along the tube, to¬ gether with the valve, is entirely dispensed with, yet the carriage and piston are so connected together, that their motions become dependant one on the other, and the travelling piston readily imparts its • Atmospheric Railway and Canal Propulsion, by James Pilbrow, 2nd edition, John Weale, High Hol- born, 1844. £ 38 motion to the train of carriages. Many persons would doubtless be inclined to believe that such an arrangement is impossible, yet it is effected by means so simple as at once to convince the most sceptical of its perfect practicability, while a little reflection will point out the immense advantages to be obtained from its adoption. Thus the valve being dispensed with, leakage will be prevented, and the elasticity, compressibility and other mechanical properties of the atmosphere may be employed. In the application of this principle, the con¬ tinuous valve being dispensed with, and a con¬ tinuous tube being employed, the tube,although eir- cular, is somewhat modified in its form to admit of the necessary arrangements for effecting the com¬ munication between the travelling piston and the train of carriages, as seen in the subjoined 39 Diagram No. 9. a ■which represents a vertical section of the tube, in which it will be apparent that, though the continuous valve is dispensed with, yet the longi¬ tudinal slit or aperture b. in the upper portion of the tube is retained, the atmosphere being pre¬ vented from entering through it by means of a solid square compartment, a. cast with the tube itself, on the upper portion thereof, and extending throughout its whole length. To fit this double tube and render it air tight, it will be evident that the piston also must undergo some modification, and in reality it is two-fold, as seen in 41 consisting of, primarily, a cylindrical Lead, tra¬ velling in the lower portion of the tube c. and a long square tail fitted to, and travelling in, the square compartment d., the two being held toge¬ ther by a solid fastening passing through the lon¬ gitudinal aperture b. to communicate the motion. The means of communicating the motion of this double travelling piston outwards, is re¬ presented in the same diagram, where e. the cylindrical piston head is represented in a section of the lower compartment c. of the exhausted tube, communicating by an armature g. through the continuous slit 6., with the upper portion or tail of the piston situate in the square com¬ partment d. This upper portion or tail is grooved or cogged on one or both sides, forming a rack, whose grooves at various intervals receive the cogs of pinions h. projecting into the square compartment d, ; the axle of the pinion i. is prolonged upwards, to receive a second set of cogs k. destined to work in the grooves of a similar rack, attached under the first carriage of the train. E 3 42 representing a vertical section of the tube, where a set of these pinions occur ; the lower cogs hh. are seen projecting into the square compartment d. communicating the motion resulting from the passage of the piston-rack by them, through the spindles i. i. to the upper cogs k. k. In practice the piston-rack and carriage-rack must be of equal lengths or thereabouts, and of such extent that each will be in gear with two sets of pinions at once, and thus in working never quit the posterior pinion till the rack is in gear with 4-A the pinion in advance. On the working scale these vertical pinions are about 25 feet asunder. The piston-rack and carriage-rack having each an extent of about 30 feet in length. Objections having been urged against the use of cogs on the rails, as described above, on the ground of their liability to fracture, and the noise which would accompany their action; the patentee has since substituted in their place spiral threads or worms, on the pinions, and oblique channels on the racks, by which means the racks enter between the pinions without concussion, or fear of fouling, and producing a screw motion of the pinnion, does away with the noise that would attend the use of cogs, and prevents the possibility of slipping, which might occur in the use of plain surfaces, or adhesion only. In action a vacuum being formed in front of the piston, theatmosphericpressureacting on its hinder part with a greater or less force, according to the degree of vacuum produced, propels it onward, the motion of the piston-rack is conveyed to the lower cogs of the pinion, and through the upper cogs thereof to the carriage-rack, and consequently to the whole train. The operation of this inven- 44 tion, or manner of its working, is thus described by its inventor. " A pipe or tube, of sufiScient diameter, being laid along in a hollow between the rails of a rail¬ way, and being exhausted of air, and having the spindles and pinions arranged as described at intervals throughout its length ; the piston with its " rack" attached is placed in this tube at the farther end from where the air has been or is being exhausted or withdrawn, the "piston-rack" being in gear with the pinions inside the tube ; a railway carriage, having a " carriage rack" attached to it, being placed upon the rails, this " carriage rack " being also in gear correspondingly with the pinion on the upper part of the same spindles, outside the tube, that is to say, the relative position of each rack being the same, the " piston rack '' being precisely under and matching end to end with the " carriage rack," the one rack cannot therefore move backwards or forwards without turning the spindles and pinions, these being also in gear with the other rack, that must move also, and in the same direction ; if the vacuum, then, has such an effect upon the piston, that it advances^ the "rack " upon the carriage will be affected, by 45 and through the medium of the spindles and pinions, and will advance also, and keep its rela¬ tive situation exactly with the other, the racks being long enough to reach as described, at least, two pairs of pinions at one time, the next in ad¬ vance is acted upon before the one acting has ceased, and therefore as long as the power applied continues, and the piston advances, the carriage will do the same to the end of the tube, neither arriving before or after the other, but together, as they cannot separate, nor can one move or stop without the other ; thus would the carriage be propelled, and others, if attached to it. " As it is necessary and important that the atmo¬ sphere should be admitted as nearly behind the piston as possible, the spindle and pinions maybe lifted up by the advance of the " piston rack " or by the "carriage rack," and the air will enter through the space allowed by the lifting of the conical or flat portion of the spindle or axis of the pinions, thus would there always be, at least, two or more such passages open, as the " rack " may act upon any required number of pinions. After the rack has passed by, the spindles by their 46 own weight fall into their original places, and thus make an air-tight tube ready for the next ex¬ haustion ; when, if an air-pump be set to work at the other end, and the direction of the piston and rack changed, and placed again as before into proper gear, the carriage would return in like manner. " As there will not be required by my plan, even in a single line of rails, any discontinuance of the main tube but at a place arranged for trains to meet and cross, which will always be at a station, (and for general purposes not less than twenty miles apart,) it will be only at such places that the main will require any kind of valve to close its open end. The end of the main would simply require a disc of iron or wood placed against it, with a little composition, to make an air-tight joint, when the vacuum is to be made by the air pump, which disc or valve will fall or be pushed aside when the piston arrives at the end, and will require no more attention, excepting being replaced or closed by the time this engine is again required to work. " The piston would, when it arrives here, either 47 partially or wholly leave the tube, after displaciug the disc or door by its remaining momentum, and the train with the "carriage rack"' will pass on, and take one of the sidings, and be stopped by the conductors by " brakes " as usual ; but the operation of the stopping would have been begun before arriving here, the train now only moving slowly and with sufficient momentum to carry it to the place required, or middle of the siding* When the piston and rack reach the end of the main, and are out or withdrawn, I propose there shall be placed at each of the two ends of the mains (and all similar ends), a receptacle or trough mounted upon four wheels or rollers, so that the piston coming on to it, could be immedi¬ ately removed for inspection, &c., and another piston newly greased, &c. brought and placed (by the same nuans) with its head in the tube ready for the next returning train. The trains having both arrived, each train would be (by any suitable means) urged on to the commencement of the opposite "main," where the fresh pistons having been already inserted (and held by any convenient contrivance) and the vacuum formed, the carriage 48 rack coming into gear with the first pair of pinions and the piston released, the train would start on its journey. Thus the pistons would never leave the main, or enter another, but at a very slow pace, and at a place for stopping ; and the same piston would not be required to go on the whole journey, but a fresh one might be applied every twenty miles, leaving the other to be examined, &c. "When this method of propulsion is used upon COMMON ROADS, the tube will be sunk or buried along the side or centre of the road, and its operation would be as before described, there merely being the absence of the rails." On the relative advantage of this mode of atmospheric travelling, as compared with that of Samuda, we will subsequently dilate, in the mean¬ while sufficient has probably been said to explain its simplicity, ingenuity, practiÄbility, and efficiency. It would probably be unjust to the inventors to pass to the consideration of the advantages of atmospheric railways generally, without arresting our attention for a few moments on other modifica¬ tions of the valves in Clegg and Samuda's plan. 49 one suggestedby the ingenuity of Monsieur Hallette, and another by Mr. Hay, of Portsmouth. The former gentleman, Monsieur Hallette, having remarked the facility with which a vacuum may be formed in a tube, surrounded by the human lips, has proposed to produce artificial lips, one on each side the longitudinal aperture of the piston tube, by means of semicircular tubes attached on each side, to be filled with elastic circular bags, containing water under pressure, as in the follow¬ ing diagram. No. 12. F 50 where a. represents the travelling piston ; h. its armature ; c. c. the semicircular tubes, containing the elastic bags d. d. ; compres¬ sing the armature of the piston in its passage to the train, yielding to the pressure of its onward motion, and closing after it has passed. The latter gentleman, Mr. Hay, reflecting on the time necessary to effect the removal of any portion of injured valve on Samuda's plan, owing to the necessity of taking off the horizontal plates of iron which hold it down on one side, suggests that it should be free on both sides, and made to travel through a forked armature, being only held at its two extremities. Probably in practice neither of these valves will be found, although ingenious, (especially the former,) equal to that of Samuda. The principle of the application of the mecha¬ nical properties of the atmosphere, as a locomotive power, being fully established by the repeated ex¬ hibition of models in London, at Wormhalt Scrubs, and on a working scale on the Dalkey extension of the Dublin and Kingstown railway, we have now to consider the advantages resulting 51 from this mode of locomotion over the present system of steam conveyance, together with the objections that have been urged against its use. To this end we wül first inquire what are the ad¬ vantages proposed to be gained by any line of railway ? These are as follows, viz.—rapid com¬ munication between distant places, combined with safety to passengers, and although last, not least, a fair return for capital employed ; and on each of these respective grounds it will, I think, be fully shewn that the atmospheric system has pecu¬ liar claims for public patronage. First, as to original formation—To form a railroad on the locomotive system, whatever may be the line of country proposed to be traversed, it is necessary to produce almost a level line of road, for which purpose a vast outlay must be incurred in cuttings, embankments, and tunnelling ; not only a level line, but almost a straight line, not having a curve greater than 800 yards radius, must also be obtained, rendering it imperative in many in¬ stances, to purchase at an enormous expense the privilege of passing through certain properties in a projected line of rail, and also to purchase more 52 than' quadruple the width of road necessary for the mere passage of the train, for the foundations of the slopes required, the cuttings and embank¬ ments, for the spoil banks, the side roads, the drains and ditches, and sidings for stations on the line, which have not only to be made in the first instance, but to be maintained and repaired : no such expenses are necessary on the atmospheric principle and in addition the weight of the rail may be materially diminished, in consequence of fifteen to twenty tons, the weight of the locomotive engine, being dispensed with. On the atmospheric system, the power employed being a perpendicular power, any incline may be travelled with facility, and the highest mountains traversed with ease, consequently the level line with its cuttings, embankments, and other ex¬ penses, are not needed ; thus, on the Dalkey ex¬ tension of the Dublin and Kingstown line, where the power employed is merely atmospheric pres¬ sure acting against vacuum with a force equal to 81hs on the inch only; an incline of 1 in 100 (as represented in diagram No. 13.) is traversed by a train of 72 tons weight, at 20 53 miles an hour round curves similar to those repre¬ sented in diagram No. 14, No. 13. No. 14. 54 of something less than 300 yards radius. It is therefore applicable to the common turnpike road, and all expenses dependant on the forma¬ tion of an appropriate line of road may be avoided. One single line of rail also being all that is neces¬ sary on this system, it may even be adjusted to the side of a turnpike road leaving suificient way for the ordinary traffic. Next as to first cost in the power to be employed, this will of course be dependant on the presumed traffic to be accomplished. On the locomotive systern, with a traffic of 1700 tons per day, one engine will be necessary for every mile of road ; making the calculation, therefore, for a line of 30 miles in length 30 locomotive engines must be purchased, and, as each engine costs about 361500, and as ¿£1500x30=3645,000, that sum will be sunk in the first cost of motive power. On the atmospheric principle, according to the plan of Clegg and Samuda, a hne of thirty miles in length would require ten stationary engines, air-pumps and engine-houses ; supposing three miles to be the distance between each, and if it were calculated to transport 5000 tons 55 per day over the whole distance, the expense of each establishment complete would be ¿64200, which multiplied by ten=¿642000; or ¿63000 less in the first cost of power to accomplish a traffic three times as great as that proposed by the loco¬ motive system, viz. 1700 tons. The comparative first costs of the locomotive and atmospheric systems are summed up as follows by Samuda, in his work :—page 28. LOCOMOTIVE SYSTEM. Per mile. Taking five of the principal Kailroads as the hasis of our calculation, their average expense of formation has exceeded ..... ¿636,000 And the original stock of Locomotives 1,600 ¿637,600 56 ATMOSPHERIC SYSTEM. Per mile* The average expense of forming a turn¬ pike road throughout England has been ¿63000 per mile, but for our road say ..... ¿64,000 Allow extra for road-bridges . . 2,000 Rails, chairs, sleepers, and laying down 2,500 Main pipe and apparatus complete (on a scale for transporting 360 tons per hour, or 5000 tons per day of four¬ teen hours, on a road with gradients of 1 in 100) 5,200 Fixed engines, air-pumps and engine- houses ...... 1,400 Travelling pistons .... 20 Saving per mile in forming and furnish¬ ing on the Atmospheric system . . 22,480 ¿637,600 From this table it appears that the saving per mile, in forming and furnishing on the Atmo- 57 spheric system, is no less than ^622,480 per mile, or nearly two-thirds of the whole sum expended on the Locomotive system. This, however, is not the most important economy capable of being effected, much greater saving resulting from the employment of stationary power in lieu of locomotive. It is universally admitted that when once a stationary engine is established, for whatever purpose it may he employed, the cost for repairs^ and wear and tear, rarely exceeds more than five per cent, per annum on the first cost, and many stationary engines have been known to work for years together with scarcely a single hour's inter¬ mission as in many of the mines. By reference to the half-yearly accounts of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, the annual expense for locomotive power and coke, is found to be from ¿657,000 to ¿660,000 a year, nearly ¿62,000 a mile per annum, on a traffic of 1,700 tons a day, which sum is exclusive of first stock and interest on the original stock. The comparative expenses of working are thus stated by Sarauda. (Page 29.) 58 LOCOMOTIVE SYSTEM. Per mile. 5 per. cent interest on capital sunk, ^637,600 £1,880 Maintenance of way .... 450 Locomotive department, including coke 1,800 ¿64,130 ATMOSPHERIC SYSTEM. Per mile. 5 per cent, interest on capital sunk, viz. ¿615,120 ¿6756 Maintenance of way, and attendance on mains ...... 300 Wear and tear of fixed engines, 5 per • cent, of cost .... 70 Coal 0.751b. per ton per mile, 214 tons, at 20s ...... 214 Wages to engine-men and stokers. . 60 Wages to train conductors ... 26 Renewal of travelling apparatus and composition ..... 50 Sundries . . . . . . 150 ¿61,626 59 Annual saving per mile on the Atmo¬ spheric system .... 2,504 ^£4,130 Total expenses per ton per mile on the Locomotive system ...... l"54rf. Ditto ditto ditto on the Atmo¬ spheric system . . . .0 6d. This assertion relative to the comparative ex¬ penses of the two systems, is corroborated by the the Parliamentary reporters, as follows :*— "We have no doubt that a stationary engine pro¬ perly proportioned, according to the rules we have indicated, for a pipe three miles long, would be able to work trains on a line every quarter of an hour, or every half hour, each way, during the day, (say of 12 hours,) amounting to 144 miles. Now to work this distance by a locomotive engine, at the moderate estimate of Is. 4d. per mile, would amount to £9 18s., say £10. per day; whereas the stationary engine power would not British and Foifimi Review. April, 1841. •. I'age Ï19 60 cost half that sura, and consequently a saving in working expenses would arise of ^1800 or ¿62000 per annum. But if only half this duty were re¬ quired, the expenses of the two ways of working would be much nearer equal : and again, if only half the latter duty were to be performed, that is of trains starting only every two hours each way, the advantages would be on the side of the loco¬ motive engine. The fact is, that in one case the expenses per diem will be nearly the same, whether working at intervals of an hour or at every quarter hour ; whereas, in the other, the charge is nearly proportional to the work actually performed.?#* Great economy in the working on the atmo¬ spheric principle also results from the fact of its admitting of the employment of much steeper gradients than the locomotive system, and from the whole force employed to surmount them being exerted on the load itself by the atmospheric prin¬ ciple ; instead of being in great part absorbed by the motive power, viz. the engine andits tender, as in the present system of railways.—The extent of this defect will be more clearly apparent by an example, says Samuda. (Page 21.) 61 " Supposing a locomotive engine to possess a gross tractive force of 17001bs., and its weight, including tender, to be 20 tons, (this is the actual weight and tractive force of the best locomotive engines in general use when travelling at a mean rate of 20 miles per hour,) and as 141hs. per ton is required to attain this velocity on a level road, 2801hs. will he consumed to impel the engine and tender, leaving 14201h8. available for the train. This, ^t 141hs. per ton, will draw 101 tons on a level road. We will now place the same train on an inclined plane rising 1 in 50. The power required to draw a ton at the same speed is then increased from 141hs. to 59lhs., or nearly 4^ times as much as on a level : therefore the engine and tender weighing 20 tons will consume llSOlhs. instead of 2801hs., and will leave hut 5201hs. available for the train, instead of 14201hs. ; hut as the train now needs 59591hs. to enable it to ascend, 11|^ locomotives, each possessing a tractive force of 17001hs., together 19,5501hs., will he required to produce that available force : we thus have an absolute waste of more than two-thirds of the power employed on an ascent of 1 in 50, while G G2 on a level it is less than one-sixth. By (he same calculation it will be seen, that if the acclivity be slightly increased, the locomotive engine will not have sufficient power to draw itself and tender, even without the train." This considerable inconvenience of the employ¬ ment of gradients in the locomotive system is more fully demonstrated in the following table, taken from "Wood's Practical Treatise on Railways," show¬ ing the gross load, in tons, which a locomotive engine capable of evaporating sixty cubic feet of water per hour, will drag, exclusive of the tender, at the undermentioned rates of speed, on different inclinations of planes. Note.—Gross load in tons wliicli a locomotive engine, capable of evaporating sixty cubic feet of water per hour, vill drag, exclusive of the tender, at the under¬ mentioned i ates ofspeed, on different inclinations of planes. 10 124 15 174 20 224 25 274 30 Inclination miles an miles an miles an miles an miles an miles an miles an miles an miles an of plane. hour. hour. hour. hour. hour. hour. hour. hour. hour. tuns. tons. tons. tons. tons. tons. tons. tons tons. level. 346. 251-10 187-84 142-64 08 75 82-38 61.29 44 04 29-66 1 n 4480 325-72 236 09 176'35 133-66 01-65 76-76 56-83 40 54 26 95 1 n 2240 307-58 222-67 166-06 125-62 95-30 71 71 52-84 37-40 24-54 1 n 1120 276 47 199-65 118-44 111-85 84-41 63-07 45.99 32-03 20-39 1 n 1000 269-87 199-76 144-70 108-93 82-11 61 24 44-54 30-89 19-51 1 n 900. 264 59 190-85 141-70 106-58 80 25 59 77 43-38 29.98 18-80 1 u 800. 255-56 184.17 136-59 102-5 77-09 67-25 41-40 28-42 17-60 I n 700. 246-17 177-22 131 27 98 43 73-81 54-65 39-33 26-79 16-35 1 n 600. 234-68 168 72 124-75 93-34 69 78 51-46 36 80 24-81 14-82 1 n 500. 220-02 157-87 116-45 86-85 64-65 47-38 33-58 22 28 12-86 I n 400. 201-04 143 82 105-69 78-44' 58-01 42-11 29-40 19- 13-33 1 n 300. 175-39 124-85 91-16 67 09 49-03 34-99 23-70 14 57 6-91 1 n 200. 138-48 97-54 70-24 60-74 36 12 24 74 16-64 8-20 1-99 1 n 100. 84-07 55-30 37-89 25 46 16-14 8-88 3-09 — — See Wood on Railroads, 2nd edition. 64 By reference to the same table, it will also be seen that the power of the engine is constantly diminished as the velocity of the train is increased ; thus, an engine drawing 346 tons on a level, will only draw 108 at the rate of 20 miles per hour, and to obtain that speed for the whole 346 tons, more than two other engines must be added, and the cost of working at this increased speed will, in consequence be more than trebled. This loss of power from increased velocities, principally arises from the great velocity in the movement of the pistons, preventing the steam from acting on them with full force, causing a back pressure thereon, and reducing their force in proportion to the velocity at which they move. In the atmospheric system of Clegg and Samuda, the power and velocity depends entirely on the rapidity with which the air is withdrawn from the tube, and a vacuum established in front of the piston ; and, therefore, by simply enlarging the air-pump, increased speed and power may be obtained ; and, in that of Pilbrow, the velocity and power may be still farther increased by the introduction of compressed air immediately behind the piston. On an atmospheric line, increase of speed does not increase the cost of transit ; and the power expended may he exactly regulated to the power required, by diminishing or increasing the action of the exhausting engines proportionately to the resistance, and making more or less rarefaction as may be necessary. It would be possible, for example, to use. on ordinary occasions an exhaustion of twelve or thirteen inches column of mercury, orabout (ilbs. to the inch of atmospheric pressure, and to increase it to 10 or 121bs. on the inch when required, either for increased speed or ascending inchnes. In all atmospheric systems the loss of power occasioned by the locomotive engines having to draw their own weight is entirely avoided, and steep hills may be ascended with no more additional power than that actually due to the acclivity, as there is no weight except the train, and, conse¬ quently, the whole force employed will be exerted thereon. Monsieur Tisserenc, in his report to the French government, remarks (p. 107) " That the eost of a locomotive engine in action is nearly the same 66 whatever load it carries, and the cost of repairs is proportionably smaller upon an engine of large size and power ; such a motive power can, therforc be only profitably worked with large trains, and this very fact tends to limit considerably the number of daily trains, and consequently the advantages of railway travelling. On the atmospheric principle, on the contrary« a saving in the' cost of working is effected by the very means which the public advantage requires ; namely, by despatching trains as speedily as pos¬ sible. Their weight is consequently diminished, and the piston having less to draw, may be pro¬ portionably smaller in diameter. This reduces the tube (which is the principle item in the first ex¬ penditure) in nearly the same proportion as the speed is increased, and as the rapid succession of trains is effected ; so that the economy of working and the advantage to the public are here identical. By the registered experiments on the Dalkey rail¬ way, a train with a load of 72 tons, takes 5 minutes and 33 seconds to perform the journey of one mile and three quarters. Now, as upon this system no two trains can possibly move at once on the same 67 section of pipe, no delay is required in starting the trains to avoid danger from their overtaking one another. As soon, therefore, as one train has passed off a section, the tube is ready to be exhausted again, and to receive the next train imme¬ diately and, therefore, according to the length of the tube and the relative diameter of it to that of the piston of the air-pump, trains may be started every 15 or 30 minutes during the day, and even more frequently if desired. The correctness of the foregoing premises being admitted, it will be evident that both in its first formation, and in the expense of working ; the atmospheric principle offers much greater security for accomplishing the grand desideratum of railway speculation (viz. a fair return for capital employed) than can ever be even hopied for by any other prin¬ ciple of locomotive railway. We have now to consider the other proposed advantages of railway travelling, viz.—rapid com¬ munication between distant places combined with safety to the traveller. First, as to velocity :— on this head it will be apparent that the only limit to velocity on the Dalkey line is the relative size f)S of the exhausting pump, as compared with the tube to be exhausted, and no one will attempt to deny that the tube may be exhausted more rapidly, and a consequent greater rapidity given to the train in motion by increasing the size of the air pump, and more rapidly effecting the ex¬ haustion of the tube in front of the travelling piston ; yet even on this line a velocity of 50 or 60 miles per hour is readily obtained. It will be borne in mind that in this application the only principle employed is merely the mechanical pressure of the atmosphere acting on a piston against a vacuum, which when fully employed is only equal to 141bs. on the inch; while the employment of the other properties of the atmo¬ sphere puts at disposal the means of increasing that power at least one hundred fold, and conse¬ quently of commanding any velocity that may be desired, consistent with prudence and safety ; and there is little doubt in my mind that a velocity of one thousand miles per hour, or even more, might be as easily effected as that of 50 miles per hour only, if it were considered prudent to employ it ; and that letters, merchandise, and 69 luggage might be as safely and surely transmitted from John O'Groat's to Land's End, in the same time as they are now conveyed from London to Oxford. The Atmojpheric principle then, admitting of the highest velocities, the question of the velocity to be adopted resolves itself into the question of " What velocity is consistent with the safety of the traveller ?" Even to this inquiry we can give no definite answer, as we possess no data on which to base our calculations, so as to fix a limit. Thirty years ago it was deemed prepos¬ terous to advocate the possibility of travelling at the rate of thirty miles per hour, and a variety of plausible arguments were put forth to show the dangers to be apprehended primarily to the respi¬ ratory organs in the animal economy, and through them to the brain, in the production of conges¬ tion, apoplexy, &c. should such velocities be attempted. But we now see the Exeter fast trains travelling at the rate of fifty miles per hour, with perfect safety to the health of passen¬ gers ; and I can conceive no difficulty in adopting such means in the formation of railway carriages 70 as to secure perfect immunity from danger to the animal economy, even though they travelled at the rate of a thousand miles per hour. For myself I am inclined to believe that even the present generation will not be content till the ordinary velocity of travelling equals, if it do not exceed, one hundred miles per hour; and which will even be effected with much greater security to the public safety than exists in the present locomotive system. It has been very justly observed by Mr. Samuda, in his pamphlet, (page 39.j " The first grand object in railway undertakings is to render them a perfectly secure mode of transit —a conveyance by which the most timid may travel without hesitation, without a thought of fear, and of course without an example of ill, arising from the badness of their workings, to refer to : these great works, destined as they are to effect much good to all classes of society, will never be, nor indeed deserve to be, looked upon as a permanent benefit until they have arrived at this point. Precisely as a country flourishes under a well regulated system of police and justice, where the liberty and right of the subject are 71 respected, so will railways flourieli as human life in their keeping becomes secure. The high roads of England became more travelled over as the robbers that infested them fell into the hands of justice ; and it is a matter of small importance to a person contemplating a journey whether he have to fear falling a prey to the assassin's knife, or losing his life from the collision of two railway trains. The possibility of either would equally prevent the timid from travelling, and the cou¬ rageous from travelling more than necessity required. To render the railway system perfectly secure is, then, the first object, and to this end should those who have its prosperity at heart look well. Humanity dictates it, and interest prompts it ; and what greater inducements, we would ask, need be urged ?" The learned Editor of the British and Foreign Quarterly Review, remarks (page 325.) " If any one feature characterizes the principle of the Atmospheric Railway, it is the very element of safety which lies in its construction, and in the mode of its working." And in support of this TI opinion he quotes the authority of Messrs. Teisserenc, Samuda, and Mallet. The first of these gentlemen, Monsieur Teisse¬ renc, states " In reference to security, it is easy to show that the Atmospheric system remedies all the principle causes of accident on the ordinary railroads," and he asks in fact, what are those causes ? " They are principally collisions between trains, running off the roads, breaking of the axle trees of the locomotives, the falling down into deep cuttings, and taking fire. With the Atmospheric apparatus," he says "there are no collisions, no taking fire, no rupture of axle trees, the road being adapted to the ordinary incline of the soil, renders embankments, unne¬ cessary, and there can consequently be no falling down the-sides, and the train being held by a fixed point, can scarcely ever get off the rails." Mr. Samuda remarks.—" This system possesses advantages of great importance to the public. iVb collision between trains can take place ; for as the power cannot be applied to more than one piston at a time in the same section of pipe, the trains must ever be the length of a section apart 73 from each other ; and if from any cause a train should be stopped in the middle of a section, the train which follows it will be obliged to stop also, at the entrance of the pipe, ,as there will be no power to propel it until the first train is out. It is also impossible for two trains to run in opposite directions on the same line, as the power is only applied at one end of each section. A train cannot get off the raU, as the leading carriage is firmly attached to the piston, which travels in the pipe between the rails ; and the luggage and car¬ riages cannot be burnt, as no engines travel with the trains." The opinion given by M. Mallet fully confirms this statement. " Firstly," he says, " this sys¬ tem, from not employing locomotives, is exempt from all the dangers to which accidents to them expose us. In the second place, the risk of collision entirely vanishes, and perfect security may be enjoyed on that head, two trains never being able to run in the same pipe at once." Again he says :— " Upon an atmospheric railroad there is no possibihty of running off the rails ; or at least, H 74 if one carriage gets off the rails no accident can result from it. First, the leading carriage, firmly and closely attached to a pipe, which may well be regarded as immovable, from its own weight and the strength with which it is fastened down, cannot run off the rail. Those which follow it, and are linked to each other, would have even more difficulty in getting off the rails. But on a railroad, whilst the guiding carriage maintains its way, it is of litfle consequence if one of those behind misses the rail ; its wheels may plough up the soil beside the track, but as it cannot get away, no danger is to be apprehended, and the worst that can happen will be a check in the speed. This is an important result for the con¬ struction of roads upon the atmospheric system." The opinions here quoted in favour of the su¬ periority of the atmospherie principle are still further corroborated by a preponderating ma¬ jority of those who have examined into its merits ; amongst whom may be particularized a gentleman of no mean authority, who, when he has com¬ pleted his present undertakings, (should he live to accomplish them,) will leave a lasting monument 75 of his fame, greater probably than any man now living, in railroad affairs ; viz.—Mr. Brunei, the engineer of the Great Western Railroad, and sou of Sir. I. M. Brunei, of Thames Tunnel and Portsmouth Block-Machine notoriety. In the prospectus of the Gravesend and Chathafti Com¬ pany, published in 1844, was found a »recom¬ mendation of the committee, founded upon the opinion of their engineer, I. K. Brunei, Esq. to adopt the atmospheric system. The prospectus stated " The committee having made a satisfactory inquiry as to the decided economy with which the Dublin and Kingstown Extension Railway, is now being worked as an atmospheric line, and their engineer having satisfied himself as to the ad¬ vantages this plan of motive power affords, re¬ commend its adoption on the proposed line of communication, 6otA as a mums of keepiny the capital within avery moderate compass, and of in¬ creasing the profits by a reduced charge of work¬ ing." In accordance with this recommendation, we find that he has recommended its adoption also to the Directors of the Great Western Railroad, and at the present moment is engaged in bringing 70 it into action on the Falmouth extension of that line of rail. Great as are the advantages of the atmospheric principle of Clegg and Samuda over the present system of locomotive railroads, they form but one step in the progress to perfection, and, if brought into operation, will in all probability be soon superseded by other more important and more economical inventions ; already the patent of Pü- brow, to which we have alluded, bids fair to put if completely " hors de combat." The compara¬ tive advantages of this invention over that of Clegg and Samuda, are described by its inventoras follows :—First, IN CONSTRUCTION. I. In having no discontinuance of the "main," and therefore no "'section valves," &c. at crossings of roads, lanes, &e. II. In having no necessity for bridges for cross lines, roads, lanes, &c. III. In having no continuous valve with all its complication, and necessary care in fitting, com¬ position, &c. 77 IV. In having fewer engine establishments, one to every ten miles being sufficient, instead of one to every three miles—thus saving twenty-three engines, Sfc. out of thirty-four in 100 miles. The reason why a less number will be required on this plan than the other, is, that there being no long valve here, the leakage wUl be so diminished that it will amount to less in ten miles than now in one ; it is estimated that now the leakage equals 5-horse power per mile, * and therefore should there be but one engine to ten miles of main, .iO-horse power out of the 100 would be lost for leakage alone, so it is found absolutely necessary to have one engine every three miles, thus reducing the loss to 15-horse power out of the 100. Why the pinion-valves as proposed will not leak so much as the long valve is, first, because the surfaces are ground truly, and are pressed together by the weight and fall of the pinion, (and the more used • See Mr. Samuda's evidence'before the Committee of the House of Commons. Mr. Bergin, in his evidence, said 5 or 6-horse power per mile, &c., but doubtless tbis will be found under-rated for extensive practice. II d 78 the better they -will stop) ; and secondly, on account of the small quantity of surface or space that can leak, the proportion being as 1 to 20 between the two systems, for the pinion-valve or seat being but about 9 itïches in circumference at the aperture where the air is admitted, and being only two of them to every 30 feet of main = 1 -5 feet, whereas, the present long valve would be the whole thirty feet exposed and liable to leakage ; hence, even were the pinion-valves to leak as much as the long valve, surface for surface, this plan would only leak 2J-horse power instead of 50-horse power, in ten miles ! V. In there being no necessity for the main to be cast thicker at the lower part than at the top, for strength, as now the tube being with an open groove along its top, when therefore a vacuum is made within, the superincumbent atmosphere pressing all round the tube, has so large a surface to act upon and so strong a tendency to press these edges together, that it is found necessary to cast the " main " much thicker and heavier at the lower part and altogether than otherwise would be requisite, if it were without any cut or open groove. 79 VI. In having no necessity for the " heating apparatus." VII. In having no necessity for 'cranes,' or elevated rails, for the taking on and oif carriages, as that would he done in the usual manner, &c.— Secondly, IN SAFETY, AND THEREFORE GREATER POPULARITY. I. In there being no necessity for a discontinu¬ ance of " main " between the stations, therefore— II. In the fact that the piston will never leave one part of the main and enter another at full speed. III. In there being no section valves under the doubtful control of an attendant, or the liabilities of machinery to get out of order (and so not act at the instant reqnired), which neglect or accident would be attended with the most fearfnl concussion and consequences. IV. In the piston never leaving or entering a " main " but at a station where it is required to stop. V. In no liability of obstruction or destruction, by snow, frost, and bad weather. 80 VI. In being able to retard trains in descending inclines, by not lifting the valves, and thus rarify- ing the air behind the piston. VII. In the ability, in case of stoppage or accident between stations, to disengage the piston, and thus send that information to the next station, and then the facility by which a carriage, contain¬ ing men and tools, &c. can be dispatched to their assistance :—Thirdly, .. IN SIMPLICITY. I. In having no heating apparatus and com¬ position. II. In havihg no long valve, or section valves, between stations, bridges, &c. III. In having so few engine establishments, &c. &c. IV. In being able, without any alteration from the present mode, and without cranes, or elevated rails, to remove or place carriages upon the line : —Fourthly, IN CHEAPNESS OF FIRST OUTLAY. I. In requiring fewer engine establishments. 81 II. In requiring no bridges, &c. for crossing of roads, &c. III. In greater simplicity and lightness of " main." In the above three items and founded upon Messrs. Clegg and Co.'s own calculations, and evidence before the House of Commons, the saving in 100 miles would stand thus:— By the present system, there would be 34 engines and establishments re- required, at ^65000 .... 170,000 By the proposed system, at ten miles apart, 11 at ^65000 55,000 36115,000 By saving in bridges, &c. for roads and cross lines : Messrs. C. & S. in their pamphlet, p. 20,haveallowed 362000 per mile extra for bridges, but allow¬ ing that half the quantity would be required upon the common locomo¬ tive railway, I consider ¿61000 per mile on the average of lines a very moderate calculation, 1000 x 100 100,000 By simplicity and lightness of "main," the estimate given of the present plans, by Messrs. C. & S., stand thus, per mile : ¿6215,000 82 Brought over 56215,000 Main, (15 inches diameter). . . . 1632 Long valve, &c 770 Composition for lining and valve 250 Planing, drilling, &c. . 295 Laying, jointing, &c 295 Station valves and piston appa¬ ratus 100 3342* The saving in the above may be safely taken thus : — In main, (less weight, &c.). . . 200 In difference of cost of long valve and pinions 375 Difference in composition (being none required for the long valve 125 In planing, drilling, &c. (which must be wholly connected with the long valve) 150 850 850x 100 miles 85,000 56300,000 • See Mr. Samuda's ICvideiicc l)ctoie the (ioinmittee of the House of Commons. 83 Thus showing a difference, in first outlay, in favour of Pilbrow's patent over the present "atmospheric railway" apparatus, in 100"miles, no less a sum than «6300,000 ; and in which it is presumed there can be no difference of opinion, when the two plans are examined and compared, even by the most partial or sceptical :—Fifthly, CHEAPNESS IN WORKING. Interest upon capital saved in first outlay (300,000 per annum) 15,000 Wages to engine men and stokers (as 34 is to 11)* 4,058 In composition (being no long valve, and therefore none required for that purpose, «6200 being allowed by C. & S. per mile for composition and renewal of travelling apparatus, &c.; one-fourth only is here supposed to be saved )t 5,000 Saving in fuel,—there being only in this case, 11 furnaces to light and keep going between trains, instead «624,053 • See pamphlet by Messrs Clegg and Co, p. 21, upon which the above is founded. John Weale, London, t See Mr. Samuda's Evidence. 84 Brought over j624,()58 of 34, and the fuel at present WASTED by such means being two- thirds of the whole quantity used, where the trains are not very fre¬ quent indeed. When we consider that the engine will only work 5 minutes to standing still 25 minutes the fire must be kept up during this time, and the waste in getting steam up every day,* we shall be under¬ rating, if any thing, by taking only the saving of the two-thirds for 23 engines out of 34, and a propor¬ tionate saving in the 11 used ; it will stand thus:—As 154 tons of coals are consumed in 80 daysf by If miles of road, (and that working but one way) the saving for 100 miles per annum, at 20s. per ton, would be for the two-thirds waste of 23 engines, ¿618,038 and one-third waste upon the 11 engines used, ¿63,009, together 21,047 ¿645,105 • See Mr. Bergin's Evidence : he states that 42 tons and a half of coals were used to get the steam up alone, to 111 tons and a half used while the trains were at work, t See Mr. Bergin's Evidence. 85 Brought over £45,105 Mr. Samuda, in his examination, (by Mr. Mereweather,) before the House of Commons, stated that " there would be a man per mile extra for attending to the valves : " such not being required where there is no long valve or composition to attend to, the expence would be saved, amounting to, per annum, for 100 men at 12s. per week 3,120 In saving of wear, and renewal of 23 boilers, &c 2,300 In saving of fuel expended on extra leakage, the difference of leakage in the two systems being equal to one-seventh of the power employed ; therefore, if we suppose here half the gross fuel used to be usefully expended 1,528 Total saving for 100 miles per annum in working, as compared with the estimated cost by the present " at¬ mospheric" system £52,053 Without absolutely pinning our faith to the accuracy of these calculations, the most candid inquiry and the most careful observation fully 86 justifies the assertion, that the patent of Pilbrow offers very important advantages over that of Samuda, alike in the first outlay, in the expense of working, in the absence of the long valve, and in the facilities for crossings without the interven¬ tion of bridges ; and that, although, it is as yet untried on the working scale, there are no diffi¬ culties connected with its application that inge¬ nuity and perseverance wiU not overcome. That as the ordinary roads have to a great extent been superseded by railroads and locomotive power, these will be dispensed with, by the employment of the atmospheric principle and stationary power, and the first application of this principle will be set aside by the later invention, which in turn will be shelved by some other application of the same principle, combining the advantage of vacuum before the piston with compressed air acting as propulsive power behind it ; unless the inventor, Mr. Pilbrow, immediately secures to himself the right of employing such combination, for which his invention is peculiarly adapted.* * Since Uie above was written, 1 lind that Mr. Pilbrow 87 I do not mean to contend that the combination of these two sources of power :—viz. exhaustion before the piston, and compression behind it, are impossible in the patent of Clegg and Samuda; on the contrary, I beheve it to be perfectly practi¬ cable, but that its application would be much less easily eifected than in that of Pilbrow. It may be asked " What are to become then of the present railroads, are they to be abandoned?" The answer is " No, but the locomotive power employed must be set aside, and stationary power and the atmospheric principle be substituted, if l^iey wish successfully to compete with other hnes of rail, already projected, or in progress of comple¬ tion. By this means alone can they defy competition. On this point Mr. Samuda justly remarks, p. 40, has become aware of the important advantages derivable from^the combination]of vacuum before the piston, and compression after it ; and that he, moreover, proposes tlie employment of back vacuum ; that is, a certain degree of exiiaustion bebind the piston, as a means of arresting the too rapid progress of trains down steep gradients,—a principle which cannot be applied to the long valve system of Clegg and Samuda. 88 " Perhaps the next point, after having arrived at that degree of security required to satisfy the public, is to obtain that system of working which is the most economical. A large portion of the British commercial public have, with that enter¬ prise which characterizes all their actions, em¬ barked large sums of money in establishing railway communications between most of the principal towns in the kingdom. They saw the advantages that were certain to result from such an improved communication, but they did not know, indeed it would have been too much to have expected from them, the expense of making and maintaining, this communication. They only knew what their engineers told them. Their engineers' estimates in most cases were considerably less than was found necessary for the work, and this, added to the increased annual expense of working (above that originally contemplated when most of the present lines were projected), has placed these undertakings in a very questionable light as com¬ mercial speculations and permanent investments. If we show this to be the present position of most railways, which we intend doing by reference to 89 their own accounts, we wish it to be understood that we do not from this circumstance draw a conclusion that they cannot be made a lucrative investment. On the contrary, we are of opinion that they can : we think it has been clearly shown that all their difficulties have arisen and are per¬ petuated by the use of an improper system of working. So long as the locomotive system is adhered to, a strict economy may in a small degree lessen the expenses, but no material improvement can be hoped or obtained. To strike at the root of the evil, the system must be abohshed; any thing short of this will not be productive of benefits on a sufficiently extensive scale to enable railways to maintain their present position, and yield a return for the millions they have cost. A better instance of this fact can scarcely be needed than an inspection of the receipts and expenditure of those railways already in operation. From the official weekly returns in the " Railway Times," we perceive seventeen railways are in operation the whole of their length, and out of the whole number only three are earning sufficient to pay their subscribers more than common interest for I 3 90 their money. Of the remaining fourteen, six are not taking as much for their gross receipts as the interest of their capital embarked, independent of working expenses ; and the receipts on the remain¬ ing eight, after deducting the working expenses, do not leaye £b per cent, dividend for their sub¬ scribers. " Fifty millions sterling have been embarked in railway speculations, and seventeen lines have come into full working activity, of which number only three can show a return beyond common in¬ terest to the subscribers : it well behoves capitalists to ascertain the cause of their disappointments, and to seek to recover some of the golden harvests they were led to expect, and which have melted away before their eyes, like ice in the rays of the sun. Any thing short of perfect indifference to their own interest will force on them the conclusion that they must investigate and judge for them¬ selves ; that they must no longer shut out the idea of improving, and listen only to the counsel and advice of those at present in their confidence, whose interests are served by maintaining things as they now are, and by clinging to preconceptions 91 and prejudices as part and parcel of their exiat- ence. When looking oyer the half-yearly accounts of a railway worked by locomotive power, common sense and observation cannot fail to lead to the conclusion, that a very large portion of what would be profits is absorbed by the nature of the power applied ; but although a cursory notice of the accounts would prompt this conclusion, .few would imagine, without giving the matter very close attention, how great this portion is. Some idea of it may be drawn from the following facts: —Each train on railways is drawn by an engine, the average weight of which is 20 tons : therefore 20 tons carried with each train is perfectly useless. On the London and Birmingham Railway the lowest charge for goods is £2 per ton, for the whole 112 miles. Supposing, for the sake of argument, the expense of maintaining and working the locomotive department to remain unaltered, but the engines to weigh nothing; it is clear that the Company would be able to transport 20 tons more with each train for the same coat, or 15 tons of profitable merchandise, after deducting one- fourth for the waggons, wliich at £2 per ton 92 would add to their revcuxie ¿^30 per journey, or, with their present number of trains, (12 each way daily)—3^306,000 a year. No doubt tfiis fact will take many railway proprietoi-s by surprise, who by a natural course of reasoning will immediately seek to discover by what means so large an amount, at present wasted, can be made to find its way into their pockets. The means are obvious : the waste is occasioned by transporting useless weight j remove the useless weight, and the objection ceases of itself. Before the introduction of the atmospheric system, it was hopeless, by any known mechanical means, to effect this ; every previous application of power carried considerable useless weight with it. The atmospheric is en¬ tirely free from this objection ; and it was mainly from a knowledge of the benefits that must result from this source that we have laboured so inces¬ santly (and happily with such success) to mature, and bring it before the public, for their conside¬ ration and approbation. " Such would be the effect of dismissing only the useless weight; but add to this the other ad¬ vantage possessed by the atmosplieric system, and 93 the London and Birmingham Railway (notwith¬ standing its present large capital sunk) would be enabled to carry passengers at 5s. each, and goods at 6s. 3d. per ton, the whole 112 miles, and share the some dividend as now. The calculations from which this statement is adduced are shown as follows ; viz.* Per day. Per year. 2500 persons at 5s. each .... £625 5930 tons merchandise at 6s. 3d. per ton 1853 362478 Year's Income ¿6805,350 Expenses, viz.— - Coals, 38 stations x SOOlbs. per hour x 16 hours per day = 6867 tons per year, at 10s. per ton 3,434 • This estimate of traffic is of course much gieater than at present exists on the line, but considerably less than the reduced prices would produce : it is scarcely necessary to add, that at these rates any extent of traffic could be obtained in coals and iron alone, as it is less than a sea-borne freight from the north. 94 J'en year. Year's income brought forward , ¿6805,350 Year's expenses brought for. ¿63,434 76 engine-drivers at ¿6100 per year ¿67,600 76 stokers at ¿650 a year 3,800 Repairs to engines, oil and tallow, at £70 each X 38 2,660 14,060 Renewal of travelling appara¬ tus, composition, charcoal, &c. £100 per mile X 112 11,200 Maintenance of way and attendance to main ¿6300 per mile 33,600 Police, coaching, waggons, &c. (as on locomotive lines) 80,604 General charges (as on loco¬ motive lines) 15,400 Parish rates (as on locomo¬ tive lines) 14,400 Add 5 per cent, interest on ¿61,500,000, the total amount required to furnish the atmospheric apparatus i on a scale fortransporting 9600 tons per day 75,000 247,698 Balance, £557,652 By reference to the last Gene¬ ral Meeting of the London and Birmingham Kailway Company, (see " Kailway Times," 13th February, 1841,) the present re¬ ceipts average per year £810,000 And the present expenses. . 260,000 Balance £550,000 The present charges are— For passengers (average). . . . 25s. each. Lowest charge for merchandise 40s. per ton. " We have already shown the expense of forma¬ tion in railways to be greatly influenced by a portion of the power employed being unavailable, and that the road is levelled as a convenience for the propelling power, not the traffic conveyed. We have also shown that the destruction to the road is attributable to the weight and shocks of the engines, not of the trains ; that the enormous expense of locomotive power and coke arises from the bad application of power and the artificial means employed to work engines at an unnatural speed. In other words, all the expenses have 96 been traced home to the use of locomotive engines, which have, from the opening of railways for passenger traffic to the present day, been a source of continual annoyance and vexation ; breakage after breakage has occurred, and been succeeded by increasing the weight and power of the ma¬ chines ; this in turn has led to the necessity of increasing the strength and stability of the rails and foundations on which they travel, and in¬ creasing the strength of the passenger-carriages, to resist any shocks they may occasionally receive from their ponderous neighbour ;—until we have arrived at this conclusion, that on an iron railroad, where the surface is by comparison smooth and the track marked out, a carriage to convey eighteen passengers must weigh about 3 tons, while over a rough paved road an omnibus weigh¬ ing only 1 ton will perform the same amount of duty. Here are facts which must at once convince every one that there are in the present system, radical defects to be weeded out : if no remedy were suggested, it might be difficult for Railway Companies to determine how to extricate them¬ selves from their present position ; but under 97 existing circumstances their position is by no means a difficult one." • If these arguments still hold good in refe¬ rence to the atmospheric principle of Clegg and Samuda; notwithstanding the various improve¬ ments which have taken place in i steam loco¬ motive, since the date of Mr. Samuda's writing, and founded as they are on truth and sound reasoning it cannot be otherwise, how much more forcible do they become when applied to the system of Pilbrow, where the first cost of the alteration and subsequent expense of working are so materially diminished, and the charges of transit and travelling may be reduced at least one- fourth more, and yet afford the same amount of profit. It is useless to contend that the diminu¬ tion of fares and charges for transit of merchan¬ dize does not increase the amount of traffic, and that only a limited quantity of traffic will take place whatever may be the amount charged. The fact is abundantly disproved by the working of pleasure trains, and the establishment of penny trains, which have already carried thousands of persons who would never have travelled by railway K î»8 conveyances, unless such economical charges had been adopted. All the objections that I have^hitherto seen or heard urged against the atmospheric principle appear to me to be untenable, and little more than the cavillings of interested paVties against means they are unwilling to see adopted. There will necessarily be difficulties in the commencement, we cannot expect perfection on the outset, but the principle being correct, all apparent defects wUl readily be remedied by practice and experience. In conclusion, it is impossible to calculate the immense advantages that must flow from the adoption of this principle, ^or even to form a limited idea of the immense boon conferred by its inventors, Clegg and Samuda, not alone on the members of the British empire, but on the whole family of man. Proudly and justly may they adopt the motto, " Exegimonumentum aere peren- nmm," it is, however, to be regretted that ere sufficient time could elapse to enable them to reap that ample remuneration which their sanguine expectations anticipated, and their energies and application so richly deserve, their prize is likely 99 to be borne off by the inventor of anotlier adap¬ tation of the same principls, more important to the public, because more simple in its application and more economical its working. The merit of demonstrating the practicability of the atmospheric principle, and bringing it fairly before the public, is entirely due to Messrs. Clegg and Samuda, the expenses thereof have been borne entirely by them, and their friends, and should it so happen that the application they have adopted should be superseded by others, it will require very little argument to show that to them the public is largely indebted, and that, either by public subscription or Parliamentary grant, some remuneration should be secured to them. Parliamentary grants have been voted to parties having less claims on the public than these gentle¬ men, and a similar liberality in the present instance would not only be their just due, but would act as a stimulus to future inquirers, by convincing them that should they fail in obtainingjall they antici¬ pated, a wise and liberal government would amply reward their energies and exertions, should they succeed in promoting the public good. 100 Since the foregoing went to press, a Select Committee having been appointed by the Honour¬ able House of Commons to inquire into the At¬ mospheric System of Railway, consisting^ of the following gentlemen :— Mr. Shaw. Mr. Bingham Baring. Lord Harry Vane. Sir George Clerk. Mr. Baring. Viscount Mahon. Sir Charles Lemon. Mr. Hawes. Viseount Howiek. Mr. Hodgson Hinde. Mr. Morrison. Mr. Pakington. Mr. Gibson Craig. Mr. Lascelles. Mr. Wyse. with power to send for persons, papers and records, and report their opinion to the House ; we have deemed it advisable to annex their Report by way of appendix. APPENDIX. The Select Committee appointed to inquire into the merits of the Atmospheric System of Rail¬ way have examined the matters to them re¬ ferred, and haveagreedto thefollowingreport :— Your Committe have given their best attention to this interesting subject. Adverting to the great number of railway bills now in progress, they consider that one of the most practical results of this inquiry would be lost if their report were delayed until after these biUs had passed through committee, and a decision had already been made on their comparative merits. Your Committee have endeavoured therefore to present to the House, with as little delay as is consistent with the due discharge of their duty, the evidence which they have taken, and the opinions to which they have come ; and they trust that their labour may not prove altogether useless to the committees that have to decide on the par¬ ticular railway schemes now pending. K d 102 The House are aware that a railway on the at¬ mospheric principle is already in operation between Kingstown and Dalkey, in Ireland. The first object of your Committee was to make a full inquiry into the result of this expe¬ riment. From Mr. Gibbons, Mr. Bergin, and Mr. Vignoles, gentlemen oifieially connected with the Kingstown and Dublin and Kingstown and Dalkey Railways, they received the fullest and frankest evidence on all the points connected with their management. Your Committee had also the advantage of the opinion of Dr. Robinson, of Armagh, whose scientific knowledge and acquire¬ ments render his testimony particularly valuable on the theoretical merits of such an invention. From this evidence, and from that of Mr. Samuda, it appears that the Dalkey line has been open for 19 months, that it has worked with regularity and safety throughout all the vicissi¬ tudes of temperature, and that the few interrup¬ tions which have occurred have arisen rather from the inexperience of the attendants, than from any material defect of the system. Your Committee find, moreover, that high velocities have been attained with proportional loads on an ineliije, averaging 1 in 11.5, within a course in which the power is applied only during one mile and an eighth. These results have been displayed under circum¬ stances which afford no fair criterion of what may be expected elsewhere ; for, in addition to the curves on the line, which would have been con- 103 sidered objectionable, if not impracticable, foi- locomotive engines, there are alleged to exist defects in the machinery and apparatus, occa¬ sioned partly by the difficulties of the situation, partly by mistakes inseparable from a first attempt, which very seriously detract from the efficiency of the power employed, for the remedy of which provision has been made in the experiments now in progress. These are important facts. They establish the mechanical efficiency of the atmospheric power to convey with regularity, speed, and security, the traffic upon one section of pipe between two termini ; and your Committee have since been satisfied, by the evidence of Messrs. Brunei, Cubitt, and Vignoles, that there is no mechanical difficulty which will oppose the working of the same system upon a line of any length. They are further confirmed in this opinion by the con¬ duct of the Dalkey and Kingstown directors, who have at this moment before Parliament a proposi¬ tion to extend their atmospheric line to Bray. In addition to the witnesses already mentioned, your Committee have had the advantage of hear¬ ing the objections urged by Messrs. Nicholson, Stevenson, and Locke, against the adoption of the atmospheric principle, and the grounds of their preference for the locomotive now in use. Your Committee must refer the House to the valuable evidence given by these gentlemen. It will be seen that great difference of opinion exists between them and the other witnesses to whom 104 your ComiuiUct' have beibi'e referred, both in their esiitnatioii of what has already been eii'eeted, and in their calculations of future improvement. But without entering upon all the controverted points, your Committee have no hesitation in stating, that a single atmospheric line is superior to a double locomotive line both in regularity and safety, inasmuch as it makes collisions impossible except at crossing places, and excludes all the danger and irregularity arising from casualties to engines or their tenders. Now, the importance of these considerations will be best estimated by a reference to the return of accidents for 15 months appended to this report. It will there be seen that there have been during that period 14 colli¬ sions upon the road, and 13 accidents to engines, which would altogether have been avoided on the atmospheric system, and that these casualties entailed the loss of 11 lives, as well as the serious injury of 45 persona. From the other 20 acci¬ dents, common to both systems, resulted only four deaths, and two persons injured. There is certainly one case in which the engine passed uninjured over cattle lying upon the road, toge- thei- with its entire train ; but then against this security derived from the advantage of weight in surmounting obstacles, must be set the great danger to which the engine driver and stoker are exposed, standing as they do upon an open platform. Your Committee desire also to bring to the attention of the House a peculiarity of the atmo- 105 spheric system which has been adduced by the objectors to prove how unsuited it must be profit¬ ably to carry on a small and irregular traffic— namely, that the greatest proportion of the ex¬ penses of haulage on the atmospheric principle are constant, and cannot be materially reduced, however small the amount of traffic may be. This is, no doubt, a serious objection to the economy of the atmospheric system under the circumstances above alluded to. But, on the other hand, as the expenses do not increase in proportion to the fre¬ quency of the trains, it is to the interest of com¬ panies adopting the atmospheric principle to in¬ crease the amount of their traffic by running fre¬ quent light trains, at low rates of fare ; by which the convenience of the public must be greatly promoted. Upon an atmospberic railway the moving power is most economically applied by dividing the weight to be carried into a consider¬ able number of light trains. By locomotive en¬ gines, on the contrary, the power is most con¬ veniently applied by concentrating the traffic in a smaller number of heavier trains. The rate of speed at which trains of moderate weight can be conveyed on an atmospheric line makes compara¬ tively little difference in the cost of conveyance ; while the cost of moving trains by locomotive engines increases rapidly with the speed. Now, when it is considered that we surrender to great monopolies the regulation of all the arteries of communication throughout the king¬ dom, that it depends in a great measure upon lOíj their view of tlieir interest when we shall travel, at what speed we shall travel, and what we shall pay, it becomes a material consideration, in balancing the advantages insured to the public by rival systems, to estimate, not so much what they respectively can do, but what, in the pursuit of their own emolument they will do. The main objection of the opponents of the atmospheric system seem to rest — 1st, on the sup¬ posed increased expense of the atmospheric appa¬ ratus over and above the saving made in the con¬ struction of the road ; 2nd, on the inconvenience and irregularity attending upon a single line. With reference to the last point, your Committee felt it their duty to direct their first attention to the question of security, and they have already stated that there is more security in a single at¬ mospheric line than in a double locomotive. They may further observe, that they find the majority of the engineers who have been examined are decidedly of opinion that any ordinary traffic may be carried on with regularity and convenience by a single atmospheric line. Mr. Brunei has proposed to double the line in those places where trains are intended to meet ; and he has further shown that in a hilly country, with long planes of sufficient inclination to allow of the descent of trains by the unaided power of gravity, it might be possible to effect this object without the expense of the tube. With respect to expense, and to some other contested points, your Committee do not feel 107 themselves competent to reporta cleciJecl opinion. It would scarcely be possible at the present time to institute a fair comparison of a system which has had 15 years of growth and development, with another which is as yet in its infancy. That comparison would, after all, be very uncertain ; it must depend much on details of which we are ignorant, much on scientific knowledge which we do not possess. There are, however, questions of practical im¬ portance, having reference to the present state of the railway bills before the House, to which your Committee consider themselves bound to advert. There is a doubt raised in the Keports of the Board of Trade, whether the atmospheric system has beeti sufficiently tested to justify the prefer¬ ence of a line which can only be worked on the atmospheric system, or which presents gradieut.s less favourable than a competing line for the use of the locomotive engine. If it were practicable to suspend all railway legislation until the result of the Devon and Cornwall, and of the Epsom and Croydon atmo¬ spheric lines were known, it would be, perhaps, the most cautious and prudent course to await that result ; but such a course, independent of all considerations of e.vpediency, is evidently im¬ practicable. Your Committee venture, therefore, to e.xpress their opinion to the Ilcuse, that in deciding between competing lines of railway, those which have been set out to suit the atmospheric principle ought not to be considered as open to 108 valid objection merely on account of their havii gradients too severe for the locomotive, nor shoe, they be tested .in comparison with other Un solely by the degree of their suitableness to t) use of the locomotive. No doubt, in matters like these experience alo can decide*the ultimate result, but your Committ ^'bliiivk that there is ample evidence which wou jicstify t^ {^option of^^n atmospheric line at t' present time. All the witnesses they have es amined concur in its mechanical success. M)' Bidder says, " I consider the mechanical probler as solved, whether the atmosphere could be mai an efficient tractive agent. There can be i question about that; afid the apparatus worke as far as I have observed it, very well. The oif question in my mind was as to the commerci application of it." Mr. Stephenson admits tin, under certain'circumstances of gradients (1,316^ and under certain circumstances of traffic withor reference to gradients (1,204), the atmospher' system would be preferable. While your Committee have thus expressed strong opinion in favour of the general meritá.x tlie atmospheric principle, they feel that experient can alone determine under what circumstances'c, traffic or of country the preference to either sys; tem should be given. April 22, 184.5. 1-'^