iBc^icitu ^iitioiuü ^ivihvratj (íompitutj. AGREEMENT OF OCTOBER 15, 1886, BETWEEN ■ ' MATHESON & CO. OF LONDON AND WILLIAM J. PALMER, As RATIFIED BY THE PARTUCS NAJIED IN ARTICLE NINETEENTH. ^Xunxovituiîaim of made this fifteenth day of October, 1886, by and between Messrs. Matheson & Company, of No. 3 Lombard street, London, England, representing certain holders of First Mortgage six per cent, gold bonds of the Mexican National Eailway Company under an agreement dated the 7tb day of June, 1886, parties of the first part, and General William J. Palmer, of the City of New York, representing the Mexi¬ can National Eailway Company, the Mexican National Construction Company and certain of the holders of said First Mortgage six per cent, gold bonds, as party of the -second part. Whereas, The Mexican National Eailway Company has made default in the payment of the coupons for interest of its First Mortgage six per cent, gold bonds and the ^onstrac- tion and completion of its railroad cannot be proceeded with, and all the parties interested in the said company are desirous of arranging so that the funds required to com¬ plete said railroad may he obtained and that a sound and permanent reorganisation of the undertaking can be ac¬ complished. Now, therefore, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto that the following plan shall he carried out. First,—A proceeding or proceedings to foreclose the ex¬ isting First Mortgage or to enforcethe rights of the holders of existing First Mortgage bonds shall be commenced and prosecuted with the consent, as far as practicable, of all parties in interest, and a sale in foreclosure he had of the railroad and property as speedily as may be, to carry out this plan. Pending such proceedings the present Company shall continue in possession and operate the property until sale, and the appointment of a Eeceiver shall be avoided. H E 2L Z Z 0 M45 1 ZZ6 ^ 2 Current monthly reports of the business shall be fur¬ nished the parties hereto, showing earnings and expenses. Second.—At any sale of said railroad and property un¬ der such" proceedings the same shall be purchased, under suitable limitations as to terms, by a Committee of three persons, to be nominated as follows ; Each of the parties hereto shall nominate one member, and the parties hereto shall mutually agree on the third member, and the party of the first part accordingly nominates Eckstein Norton, of New York, as one member of such Committee ; and the party of the second part nominates Joseph D. Potts, of Philadelphia, as another member of such Committee, and the parties mutually agree upon Albert Fink, of New York, as the third member, and the chairman of such Committee, In case either of said three persons shall be unwilling to act, or resign, or be unable for any reason to serve, his successor shall be named by the party who nomi¬ nated him as aforesaid, or by the parties mutually agreeing to his nomination, as the case may be, according to the foregoing principles, and such new selections, if any, shall be made of gentlemen of like high character and fitness, and not personally obje'ctionable to either of the parties hereto. This Committee shall organize the new Eailway Com¬ pany as hereinafter provided and do whatever is necessary to convey to the respective parties entitled thereto as here- ' in provided, concurrently, whatever property the Commit¬ tee shall acquire by purchase as above provided, and gen¬ erally shall do whatever may properly devolve upon it to carry out the provisions of this agreement. Third.—A new Railway Company shall be organized under the laws of Colorado to take over that part of the railway and property, rights and interests which it is con¬ templated shall become its property under the article here¬ inafter contained relating to segregation, and to carry out the other provisions of this agreement pertaining to it: and the Mexican National .Construction. Company shaU 3 "take over the part designed for it. Such new Eailway Company shall he vested with all the rights and powers to construct,- maintain and operate that part of the railway and property, &c., taken over by it, whether such rights and powers have been heretofore owned and exercised by the Mexican National Railway Company or by the Mexican National Construction Company. Fourth.—The constructed part of the so-called Inter- oceanic line extending from the City of Mexico via Acam- baro to Patzcuaro, about two hundred and seventy-four (274) miles, together with the constructed parts of the El Salto line and the constructed and un constructed parts of the Cintura line, the constructed parts of such two lines aggregating together about fifty-four and one-half (54^) miles, including also the tramway in the City of Mexico from Colonia station to its terminus; also the Santiago station lands, being about sixty-five acres, in the City of Mexico, and the Colonia and Cindadela station lands, being .about thirty acres, in said city; also the constructed and un- constructed parts of the so-called International line, viz., extending from Acamharo to New Laredo, and a connec¬ tion with the Texas Mexican Railway, about six hundred and ninety (090) miles, three hundred and eighteen of which are constructed; also the so-called Sabinas Coal Road, being about seventy-five (75) miles unconstructed, and all rights pertaining thereto, except the subsidy, which is otherwise hereinafter pledged, including any of its branches or extensions, and also the constructed and un¬ constructed parts of the Matamoras-Monterey line, about two hundred and eleven (211) miles, whereof over seventy- five (76) miles have been constructed, shall be segregated from the other lines covered by or embraced within the concessions granted by the Mexican Government, and such ■constructed and unconstructed lines so segregated with all rights thereto pertaining, except as to subsidy, which is herein otherwise pledged, including the rights to • construct the above named unconstructed parts thereof; ■and also including telegraph lines and franchises construct- 4 ed or to be constructed along the foregoing described routes, shall become the property of the new Railway Company, unencumbered and free from all liens "or claims of the Construction Company, except so far as it is or shall become the holder of securities entitled to a'lien or claim thereon, or be itself entitled to any equitable inter¬ est in the unearned subsidy which is to be pledged as pro¬ vided in this agreement; and the remaining railroads, prop¬ erties and rights shall become and be the property of the Construction Company, unencumbered, free and clear of all liens created by the old or new Company and claims on the part of the old or new Railway Companies. And aviiereas. The Mexican National Raihvay Company by lease holds and operates the Texas Mexican Railway and branches, and owns 24,537^ shares of the capital stock of the Texas Mexican Railway Company, the total issue whereof is 25,000 shares, and 1,190 of the said Railway Company's bonds of a total issue of 1,380 and also has an interest in 248 bonds of the Corpus Christi, San Diego and Rio Grande NarroAV Gauge Road, secured by an underly¬ ing lien on said Texas Mexican Railway, of a total issue of 960, and said leasehold rights and the said stock and bonds or interests of the Mexican National Railway Com¬ pany therein are subject to its existing mortgage, the said new Railway Company shall own and acquire by such foreclosure, and by transfer from the Mexican National Railway Company such leasehold rights as well as all its interests in said bonds and stock, and by virtue thereof wiU hold and control the Texas Mexican Railway extending from a connection with the International line in Mexico to Corpus Christi, comprising, Avith spurs and branches, about 165 miles of railway. The new Railway Company Avill thus have, when the International line and the coal road are finished, an ag¬ gregate of 1,334 miles of Rathvay, which includes all pres¬ ent constructed railroad, except 28 miles at Manzanillo and about 18 miles at Zacatecas and about 15 miles at Galveston. It will also have the right to build the railway and telegraph lines for,the gap in- the International line 5 and the coal road, and all extensions and branches thereof, and to complete the Matambras and Cintura lines. The parties agree to co-operate to obtain the consent of the Mexican Government to such segregation and thé transfer of rights and franchises; and the Companies in¬ terested shall interchangeably execute all and any proper instruments to carry the provisions of this agreement fully into effect. . ' The present Railway Company is to be wound up and dissolved as soon as practicable after the new Company shall have come into possession of its properties. Fifth. - There shall he created a first and iiaramount lien or mortgage covering all the new Railway Company's pj'operties, rights and interests to he acquired hereunder, including therein all the rolli)ig stock and equipment which it is tö acquire as hereinafter stated; and the afore¬ said leasehold interests and said 1,19G bonds and 2i,537i shares of the capital stock of the Texas Mexican Railway Company, and interests in said 248 bonds of the Corpus Christi, San Diego and Rio Grande Narrow Gauge Rail¬ way Company, to secure $12,500,000 par value of principal of the bonds of the new Company, liereinafter denomi¬ nated new First Mortgage bonds, due in forty years from their date, bearing six pèr cent, interest, payable semi-an¬ nually, principal and interest payable in gold coin of the United States of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness. This mortgage shall also cover all addi tional lines or branches constructed out of the proceeds of the bonds secured thereby, hut shall not cover any of the un- constructed fiarts of the routes acquired by the new Rail¬ way Company and rights pertaining to such unconstructed parts, except the gap in the International Line and seventy- five (75) miles (being the subsidized portion) of the Sahinas Coal Road and the gap in the Cintura Road, and excepting also such further extent of new railroad as shall be built with proceeds of the new First Mortgage bonds. In addition to the security of this first lien upon the new Railway Company's properties, rights and interests, these t) bonds shall have the security of i??,000,000 subsidy, which is to be derived, pledged and deposited as hereinafter pro¬ vided. Tlie new Railway Company shall have the power to pay off and to cancel all or any jiart of these new First Älort- gage bonds, at par and interest, on any daté when any coupon matures, having given six months' previous no¬ tice; and the Construction Company shall have the same I'ight as the Railway Company to pay off and cancel these bonds, and the bonds so i)aid off shall be canceled. If the payment be only of a part of such bonds the bonds so to be paid off shall be selected* by drawings. The JMortgage or Trust Deed and the pledge of subsidy to be made to secure these bonds shall contain proper pro¬ visions so as to insure speedy and effectual remedies in case of default, by any and all available legal methods, without irksome restrictions or unusual provisions; and such further provisions as shall .secure the application of the net proceeds, as hereinafter defined, of the subsidy collected, as follows: " 1st. To meet any deficiency of interest on such new First JMortgage bonds, after applying net earnings of the railroad to the payment of such interest, and exhausting any other moneys available therefor. 2d. To the payment at par, by drawings, of such new first mortgage bonds and cancellation thereof as and when subsidy may be collected and available therefor. These new first mortgage bonds shall be apifiied : $2,000,000 to the Construction Company in consideration of its transfer as hereinafter provided to the new Railway Company of all equipment cer¬ tificates and all title to rolling stock and equipment (except rolling stock, equipment and material for equipment on the JManzanillo and Zacatecas Divisions, not exceeding in amount at, original value, $125,000), the in¬ tention being that the new Railway Company shall acquire and own all rolling stock and í equipment now on the road or acquired for use thereon whether actually in use or not set up, excepting that which is on the two divis¬ ions above named, and it being represented and understood that the original cost of such rolling stock exceeded $2,000,000 cash. $!t,500,000, or- about that amount of bonds to he sold at not less than eighty per cent, net New York, and to be applied to furnish money needed to complete and equip the International line, in¬ cluding expenses* incident thereto; to con¬ struct and equip the Sabinas Goal Road; to provide an interest reserve of $650,000, or so much thei-eof as may be needed to pay in¬ terest on any new first mortgage bonds until such interest shall be earned (any portion of such $650,000 not required for this purpose shall be added to the Cai)ital Reserve); and for the following purposes : out of the pro¬ ceeds of these bonds there shall be paid the expenses of foreclosure and reorganization, including the expenses in connection there¬ with already or hereafter incurred by the parties hereto: and a sum not exceeding $217,000 to he applied to liquidate the indebt¬ edness of the'existing Railway Company; a sum now estimated at $200,000 to be paid in liquidating and extinguishing the underlying- lien on the El Salto branch; and finally, a sum not exceeding $700,000 to he paid to the Construction Company to enable it to dis- * charge all its outstanding indebtedness, but for such payment the Construction Company shall sell and deliver to the new Railway Com¬ pany existing first mortgage bonds or their equivalent in new securities into which the same may have been converted as hereinafter provided, to an amount equaling $2,500 in ox- 8 istiug fii'st mortgage bonds or their equivalent in new securities for every §700 in money paid. Tlie bonds so acquired by the new • Railway Company, or their equivalent in now securities, to constitute a betterment fund, applicable for betterments only, on and upon that property covered or to be covered by the raorigages herein provided for; but in¬ asmuch as the Construction Company hereto¬ fore pledged 200 existing flret moitgage bonds as security to keep indemnified certain sureties on the transportation bonds given on behalf of the present Railway Company to the United States Government, it shall have the n'ght on transferring its residuary interest in said 200 bonds or their equivalent in new securities to have the same counted as part of the bonds sold or delivered under this pro-- vision, and if it exercises this right, the 200 bonds or their equivalent in new securities issued in lieu thereof shall remain subject to the said pledge and not become a part of the betterment fund "until released from such pledge. In case any of said $9,500,000 in new first mortgage bonds or of the proceeds thereof shall not be required for the above pui-poses or any thereof, such surplus bonds or proceeds shall be added to the Capital Re¬ serve next named. $1,000,000, or about that amount of the new firet mortgage bonds to remain in the treasury of the new Railway Company as a Capital Reserve, but- which may, if necessary, be applied to meet defldeucy of interest on the new first mort¬ gage bonds that cannot he currently met out of the earnings of the Railroad or from the net . proceeds of subsidy collected as herein before previded. Bonds in the Capital Enerve 9 shair not draw interest while they remain in . the treasury of the new Company. It is however expressly agreed that the amount of this new first mortgage and of the bonds to be issued there¬ under may be increased to thirteen million five hundred thousand dollars,'provided the holders of a. majority in amount of the new "A" and "B " bonds and of the in¬ come bonds hereinafter provided for and the Construction Company' shall severally consent and agree thereto in writing duly acknowledged or proven, such increased amount of one million dollars to be added to the capital reserve above provided for. But in case of issue of all or any part of such additional one million first mortgage bonds, an equal amount of new "A " and " B " bonds shall likewise be issued and deposited with the $7,924,000 bonds provided for in article sixth to he used therewith only to retire or replace at par a like amount of such new first mortgage bonds, dollar for dollar. Sixth.—To represent the existing First Mortgage bonds there shall be created and issued Second Mortgage bonds which shall rank next after the new First Mortgage bonds in priority of lien upon all the Eailway Company's pi'op- erties, rights and interests, including the said rolling stock and equipment, bonds and stock that are or may be covered by the First Mortgage, but shall not have any lien on the $7,000,000 subsidy or the net proceeds thereof pledged to the payment of the new First Mortgage bonds and the interest thereon. The aggregate amount of these new Second Mortgage bonds shall not exceed $25,000 per mile on the basis of 1,334 miles, say $33,350,000, except in case of and to pro¬ vide for the eventual retirement of any part of the addi¬ tional million new First Mortgage bonds referred to in Article Fifth, in which contingency an additional amount of "A" and "B" bonds shall be issued and deposited dollar for dollar, to provide for such retirement. And all of said new Second Mortgage bonds shall be divided into 10 two classes, half of the total being in " A " lx)nds which will bear six per cent, iuteitjst from January 1, 1S87, accumulative, payable in cosh as and when earned out of any not earnings of any year remaining after interest on new Fiist Moitgage bonds outstanding shall have been paid for such year, and if in any year the net earnings so remaining available for payment of the*inteiest upon said "A" bonds, shall not be sufficient to pay in full the interest thereon at six per cent, per annum, there shall be paid any part thereof earned ami available; and any deficiency shall not ho waived, but shall be 'paid to the holders of such "A" bonds out of the net earnings of any subsequent year or years, as and when there shall be any net earnings available for such purpose: the intention being that said ■"A'' bonds outstanding shall be entitled to and shall receive full interest in ca.sh at the rata of six par cent, per annum, as and when, and whenever there shall be any net earn¬ ings available therefor before the outstanding " B " bonds hereafter named shall receive interest. For greater convenience of payment, said " A " bonds shall bear half- yearly interest coupons, but no distribution of net earn¬ ings by way of partial payments upon such interest ■coupons shall be obligatory on the company at any time, unless the amount available shall, at that time, be equal to one per cent, upon the outstanding "A" bonds. The i-eroaiuinghalf shall be in " B " bonds which shall bear •six per cent, interest from January 1, 1887, non-accumula¬ tive, payable in cash out of any net earning of any one year, remaining after all interest then due on " A " bonds shall have been fully paid; and if, in any year, the amount of such net earnings shall not be sufficient for the full payment of such interest on said " B " bonds there shall be paid any part thereof earned and available, and any deficiency, whether partial or total, shall be waived and relinquished. The principal of the "A" and " B " bonds shall be pay¬ able thirty year's after their date, and principal and interest shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness. 11 Bonds of either class may he in denominations of $1,000 or $500, as may be convenient. Of the above total amount at the rate of $25,000 per mile there should be reserved $9,020,000 in bonds, whereof $7,921,000 are to be issued only to retire or replace at par a like amount of new First Mortgage bonds, dollar for dollar; $896,000 are to be issued only to retire or replace a like amount of bonds now existing on the Texas-Mexican Eailway; $200,000 shall be issued and added to the better¬ ment fund, but only after the lien now existing on, the El Salto branch shall have been paid off. Proper provisions shall be made in the Trust Deed or mortgage given to secure the ''A" and "B "bonds to prevent foreclosure thereof by reason of any default on said "'A" and " B " bonds while the railroad and property shall be in the control of the bondholders as hereinafter provided; but there shall be an adequate power to foreclose and sufficient remedies if the property should revert to the control of the stockholders and if default shall follow and control not be restored to the bondholders, as here¬ inafter provided; said mortgage to be in form satisfactory to Charles 0. Beaman, of New York, or other counsel of Matheson & Company. The "A "and " B " bonds shall be issued as hereunder: "A" Bonds. $12,165,000 to the holders of existing First Mortgage bonds. 3,902,000 only to be issued with same amount of "B" bonds after the new First Mortgage honds shall have been paid or in exchange there¬ for dollar for dollar-. 448,000 only to be issued with same amount of "B" bonds to replace or retire a like total of Texas-Mexican bonds. 100,000 only to be issued with same amount of " B" bonds and added to the betterment fund when the El Salto lien shall have been paid off. $16,675,000 total, equal to $12,500 per mile on 1,334 miles. 12 " Bonds. $12,165,000 to the holders of existing Fiist' Mortgage bonds. * 8,962,000 only to be issued with same amount of "A" bonds after the new First Mortgage bonds shall have been paid, or to retire a similar total of new First Mortgage bonds. 448,000 only to be issued with same amount of "A" bonds to replace or retiré a like amount of Toxas-Mexirain bonds. 100,000 only to bé'i^ued with same amount of "A" Ixjnds and added to the bettermmt fund when the El Salto lien shall have been paid off. $16,073,000 total, equal to $12,500 per mile on 1,334 miles. "A" ánd " B " bonds reserved to replace, retire or pay off new first mortgage bonds, or bonds secured by a lien on the Texas Mexican Eailway, or the lien on the El Salto branch, or reserved as a betterment fund, shall not draw . interest until actually issued, provided that whœi they oi- any of them shall be sold or used for any of such pur¬ poses they shall have the same and ño other position in respect of interest accrued and unpaid as outstendiog- bonds of the same description have at that time. Holdere of present bonds assenting to this plan and performing its conditions shall receive, at the rate of $500 in " A " bonds together with $500, in " B bonds for every $1,000 of principal in present bonds with all over due coupons at¬ tached, and such assenting present bondholders shall have the preferred right to subscribe pro rata upon the most favorable terms, to the new first mortgage bonds to te- created and subscribed for as hereinafter provided; but such preferred right shall not be held, to predudé the pay¬ ment of a" commission to a syndicate to guarantee and ai^ure the subscription to said new first mortgage bonds if such be necessary or advisable. 18 Seventh.—The capital stock of the new railway com¬ pany shall be S33,350,0C0, whereof $25,876,000, shall be issued to stockholders of present railway company dollar for dollar; $46,250 shall be reserved to be issued only in exchange for an equal amount of Texas-Mexican stock now in the hands of third parties; and the balance of $7,428,750 shall be issued to the Construction Company as hereinafter provided. The stock shall be issued only subject to the conditions- hereinafter contained. Eighth.—The Mexican National Construction Company shall— 1st. Assign to the new Eailway Company all rolling stodk and equipment now upon the lines, whether in oper¬ ation or not set up, except that now on the Zacatecas and Colima Divisions, by assigning all equipment certificates and all other title therein, so that the Railway Company shall be vested with the sole title to said rolling stock or equipment whether actually in use or not set up¡ and be enabled.to include the same as security under its mort¬ gages, free of all other incumbrance. 2d. Transfer to the new Railway Company all materials and supplies at points on the line in Texas from Corpus Christi to I.aredo and anywhere in Mexico, excepting construction material on the.railroada mnning to or from Manzanillo and Zacatecas; the materials and supplies so transferred shall belong to the new Railway Company. 8d. Pledge $7,000,000, of subsidy earned and to be earned, of which three million is earned and four million to be earned by completing the International Road and Coal Road. Said pledge to be free from any other lien ex¬ cept the cha^^ hereinafter created. . , This subsidy so pledged is to constitute a fund for the I-i íidditional security and retirement of the new first mort¬ gage bonds as before stated. The pledge of this subsidy shall be to the trustees of the new first mortgage, and by the terms of said pledge and mortgage the said subsidy shall be available and used for the payment and security of said new first mortgage bonds before the other property mortgaged to secure the same, but all equities in the subsidy so pledged shall belong to and be the absolute property of said Construction Com¬ pany after the said bonds have been paid and cancelled. 4tb. Against the payment of not to exceed $700,000 cash ■out of the proceeds of new first mortgage bonds the Con¬ struction Company shall deliver to the new Eailway Com¬ pany first mortgage bonds of the old Eailway Company or securities into which such bonds shall be converted to an iimount equaling $2,500 in such" present bonds for every $700 cash paid. The Construction Company shall receive $7,040,000 in income bonds secured by lien on all the new Eailway Com¬ pany's properties, subject to the liens securing the new first mortgage bonds and the said new second mortgage "A" . and " B " bonds, and this mortgage shall cover the same property as said second mortgage. These income bonds shall be entitled to receive interest up to six per cent, per annum in United States gold coin of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness if and when earned, but not accumulative, after payment in full of all interest on the new first mortgage bonds , and the "A" and "B" bonds, as previously stated herein.- Uo further income bonds shall be issued, and the trust •deed or mortgage securing the same shall be in such form and of such tenor and effect consistent with the provisions hereof and the prior ]-ights of the new first mortgage and "A" and " B '' bonds as the Construction Company or its counsel shall require. The Construction Company shall also receive capital ■stock of the Eailway Company to an amount equal to the 15 liifference between $26,000 in stock per mile on 1,334 miles $33,350,000 00 And the amount already- issued ' $25,875,000 00 To which must be added stock of the Texas-Mexi¬ can Eailway Company held by third parties 46,250 00 Total.. $25,921,250 00 Balance, to wit... $7,428,750 00 All contracts between the Construction Company and the Railway Company relating to building the Mataraoras Line to be cancelled and the Construction Company saved against its obligations by reason thereof. And the new Railway Company is to assume all obligations to the Mexi¬ can Government connected with said line and is to be en¬ titled to receive the subsidy pertaining to all extensions thereof. It being the intention that Second Mortgage "A" and "B " Bonds shall eventually be a first lien on the prop¬ erty at arate of $25,000 per mile on the basis of 1,334 miles, any of said "A" and " B " Boiids reserved for the purpose ■of taking up or replacing an equal amount of new First Mortgage Bonds which shall not be used for such pur¬ poses because of the application of the subsidy, shall, upon payment of all the new First Mortgage Bonds in full, be ■delivered to the Construction Company as its property, and so likewise shall any part of the $7,000,000 subsidy, which may remain after the new First Mortgage Bonds shall have all been paid, be turned over to the Construc¬ tion Company. But if said new First Mortgage Bonds should be paid off 'by the RailwayCompany out of its own funds or assets, then and in such case and to the extent to which such pay¬ ments shall have been made by it and from sources other ■than the subsidy and the reserved new Second Mortgage 16 "A" and "B " Bonds, the Constraction. Company shidl not b© entitled to claim the delivery to it of reserved Second Mortgage " A " and " B " Bonds or subsidy, unless it re¬ imburse the new Railway Company to the extent of such payments. The Construction Company is to be protected a^inst any claims of third parties upon all current tie, lumber, fuel and other supply contracts for the operation and main¬ tenance of the railways in Mexico that become the prop¬ erty of the new Railway Company, The Construction Company shall have the right to have the "A" and " B " Bonds reserved for the payment of the new First Mortgage Bonds applied to that purpose in accoi-dance with the provisions hereof. The present Second Mortgage Debentures shall be cut off by foredosure, or the debentures surrendered and can¬ celled, and the Deed Trust or Mortgage given to secure them shall be satisfied. Ninth.—All the stock of the new Railway Company, except enough to qualify directoi's, shall be lodged in a Voting Trust and representative certificates issued there- against so as to insure control of the railroad to the new Fii*st Mortgage and new Second Mortage "A" and " B " bondholders, to be exercised as hereinafter provided; the new Krst Mortgage Bonds to have twice as many votes- as "A'î and " B " Bonds in respect of equal amounts. Such control sliall continue until the full interest at six per cent, per annum has been duly and regularly earned and paid for two consecutive years upon all outstanding new First Mortgage Bonds, and upon all outstanding new Second Mortgage "A" and "B" Bonds, when the stock shall be released against surrender of the representative certificates, and in the event that at any time subsequent to such release there shall be any failure in any half year- to pay such full interest upon.said new Second Mortgage "A" and "B" Bonds, the lien thereof may be foreclosed unless- the stockholders shall within four months after default, lodge in the Voting Trust not 1m than 180,000 shares out J7 of 333,500 shares, or a like proportion, if at any time said capital stock be increased, to be again controlled by the bondholders as hereinbefore provided; but no increase of capital stock shall he made while the stock is in the Vot¬ ing Tmst. The Board of Directors shall consist of not exceeding thirteen members, five of whom are, by the concession, re¬ quired to be residents of Mexico, two of which five must be nominees of the Mexican Government- The holders of new First Mortgage and Second Mortgage "A" and " B " Bonds shall have the right to nominate six of the Directors resi¬ dent in the United States and two of the Directora i-esident in Mexico; and the holders of certificates evidencing the deposit of shares in the Voting Trust shall have the right to nominate two of the Directors resident in the United States and one of the Directors resident in Mexico. It shall he the duty of the voting Trustees to vote for a Board composed of the representatives so nominated. Va¬ cancies happening in any Board so elected shall be filled in accordance with the foregoing principles by the election of the nominees of the party whose representative in the Board shall have ceased to be a Director. As it will be necessary to organize the new Railway Company to take over the property before the Voting Trust can be established, the said Purchasing Committee shall nominate the Board of Directors to be named in the articles incorporating the new Railway Company, and in nomi¬ nating such Board of Directors the said committee shaU be governed as nearly as practicable by the principles of representation of bondholders and stockholders laid down in this article. If the" new First Mortgage Bonds shall then be wholly or partly subscribed, or taken and paid for in part, the said committee shall accord lepresentation on the basis provided for in said article to such subscribers, as if they had paid their subscriptions in full and become bondholders, and shall adopt suitable methods to ascertain the wishes of the parties so entitled to nominate Directors as herein provided. The Board thus selected shall be a Provisional Boai"d, n.nd as soon as the Voting Trust can be IS established a formal eleution shall be held according to the provisions thereof to select a legular Board of Directors to take the place of the Provisioiial Board and manage the property as herein provided. Tkntii.—Net earnings wherever mentioned herein,shall be so much of the earnings of said properties during any one calendar year (January 1st to December 31st). as shall re¬ main after deducting all general and operating expenses and all exj^enses for repairs, renewals and replacements, taxes, if any, and insurance during the same period. Eleventh.—The Construction Company shall have the right at its own expense to api)oint and employ an engineer and an accountant, who shall directlj'or through their rep¬ resentatives have access to all books, papers and accounts, and otber sources of information relating to the Eailway Company and its affairs, all the details and statistics of trafhc, and of all earnings and expenses, receipts and out- Jays. Twelfth.—The 82,500,000 subsidy heretofore pledged for the85,000,000 First Mortgage bonds issued in London and known as Matheson bonds, to the extent that the same has not been applied already, shall remain applicable to the new Second Mortgage "A" and "B" bonds which are to be issued against the bonds of that issue, and be applied to redemp¬ tion of such ' 'A" and ' 'B " bonds precisely, as originally pro¬ vided in a certain Trust Indenture, dated 1st Jul}', 1882, made by the Construction Company to Smith and Mac- donald. A further Trust Indenture to be executed by the Con- •struction Company to adjust and confirm the above pledge and also the guarantee of £10,000 per annum as in the -original Trust Deed provided, with power in the Trustees to collect such subsidy. Thirteenth.—The Trustees with whom the $7,000,000 subsidy shall be deposited shall, if necessary, advance out 19 the proceeds of such subsidy collected, not to esceed ■0,000 United States currency, or £10,000 (pounds) per mum, as required by said Matheson Subsidy Trust In- ■nture of July 1st, 1882, said Trustees to be reimbursed r such advances out of subsequent collections as in said ust Indenture provided. And in order to enable the Construction Company to aintain its corporate organization and comply with its ■ligations to the Mexican Government, there shall be paid it by such Trustees a sum equal to thirty-five thousand 35,000) dollars per annum. United States currency, for the riod of five years only and no more (commencing Janu- y 1st, 1887) out of the proceeds of subsidy deposited ider this plan, the above payments to be made out of ■ y subsidy collections before there shall be any net pro- ■?ds of subsidy applied to any other purpose. The exist- g order of subsidy collections shall be maintained, and I subsidy earned as well as that to be earned by the spective parties shall be collectible in the order earned. Foueteenth.—As soon as practicable after this plan shall ratified, as hereinafter provided, a subscription shall be rmed to take not less than §8,500,000 of the new First jrtgage Bonds at a price netting not less than eight mdred dollars ($800) cash in New York for every thou- nd dollars in such bonds. Money raised by the sale of new First Mortgage Bonds all be deposited in a Trust Company in the City of New )rk, only to be expended for the purposes herein men- ■ned, under proper checks. Fifteenth.—The parties hereto agree to depo.sit all ■esent First Mortgage Bonds owned, held or controlled by em respectively, subject to the order of the purchasing mmittee, with a Trust Company of New York to be lected by the parties hereto against its negotiable re- ipts therefor in form hereafter to be agreed upon and endeavor to obtain the concurrence of all bondholders the speedy deposit of their bonds in like manner in 20 order to secure the early execution of this plan. Such Committee to have, in respect of the bonds so deposited, full power to purchase the mortgaged premises at the foredosui-e sale, and to apply the said bonds in payment of the purchase price thereof, and to raise money by the pledge of said deposited bonds to pay to non-assenting bondholders their distributive share of said purchase price. The Committee, if they shall deem it proper, in order to provide for expenses, may raise such sums as may be ne¬ cessary by the hypothecation of the bonds and coupons deposited, to be borne by the assenting bondholders pro rata. In case any of the present first mortgage bond¬ holders shall not assent to this plan, and the Committee' hereby appointed are required to pay to them their dis¬ tributive sharc of tlie purchase price at said foreclosure sale of said mortgaged premises, then the "A" and "B"" bonds whicb would be given in exchange for the bonds of said non-assenting bondholders, if they had assented here¬ to, shall be issued and sold by the said Committee to the extent to whicli it may be necessary to repay to said Com¬ mittee whatever they shall have paid to said non-assenting Irandholders, and any of said "A" and "B" bonds not re¬ quired for such purpose shall be added to the betterment- fund provided for in Arricié 5th. Sixteenth.—It is understood and agreed that the ratifi¬ cation of this agreement herein provided for, and any. assent thereto by bondholders is also given to such modifi¬ cations or changes thercin within tbo general scope and purpose thereof, as may be found desirable and agreed to- in writing by the parties hereto. Seventeenth.—^Slessrs. Charles C. Seaman and Lyman K. Bass are hereby agreed upon as the attorneys and counsel to have charge and direction of the legal proceedings and the- preparation of the requisite papers and instruments in the- United States to carry this agreement into effect, and. Messre. Luis Mandez and EmiUo Velasco, of the City of Mexico, slmll, under direction of said Messrs. Beaman and 21 Bass, have charge and direction of the legal proceedings hi Mexico, and of the preparation of the requisite papers and instruments there. Eighteekth.—It is further agreed that the new Railway Company shall assume all the ohligations to the Mexican Government of the present Railway Company which per¬ tain to the parts of the railway property and lines to he acquired by it, and which are imposed by the concessions or the laws, and the new Company shall conform, in all re¬ spects, to the concessions and laws which aro impostó in that regard as the condition of its acquiring and operating said lines. . , îfiXETEEKTH.—It is uiideistood that the execution of this agreement by Messrs. Matheson & Company is subject to ratification by certificate holders, as provided in said agreement dated the 7th day of June, 1880, and that the execution of this agreement by 6en«ól WilUam J. Palmer is subject to ratification by said Railway and Construction Companies and by the Committee. of Bondholders at New York, of which Spencer Tixisk is chairman, which represents bonds deposittó in. the Central Trust Company under an agreement dated July 19th, 1886, and the parties hereto promise and agrtó to earnestly endeavor to obtain the ratification thereof by the parties they respectively represent, and agree to co-operate faithfully together to carey out the foregoing plan, and in the faith that such ratification will be speedily had, the parties will at once proceed to insti¬ tute the foreclosure proceedings herein contemplated. Matheson & Co. By H. W. Smithers, Tlieir Agent and Attorney under poimr dated IMh July, 1886. WM. J. PAmEB. 22 State of New York, ) . City and County of New York, ) " " I, Hekuy Wintiiroi'Hardon, a Notary Public duly com¬ missioned and sworn, appointed to reside and residing in tlie County of Kings, Avith a certificate duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New York, do hereby certify that on the fifteenth day of October, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, before me personally api^eared Henry W. Smithers, to me known and known by me to be the individual who executed the foregoing agreement as the agent and attorney of Matheson & Co., and that the said Henry W. Smithers having been by me duly sworn, did depose and say: That he was the agent and attorney of said Matheson & Co., of London, in England, and that he executed the foregoing agreement in their name as and for their act and deed, and was thereunto duly authorized by an instrument dated July 13th, 1S8G. In avitness avhereof, T have hereunto set mj' hand and affixed my official seal this fifteenth day of October, 1S8C. Henry Winthrop Hardon, ; : Notary Public, ; Notarial : Kings Co. ..i Cert, in N. Y. Co. 23 State op New York, ' V City and Countj of New York, ) ■ I, the undersigned, Theodore H. Friend, a Notary Pub¬ lic duly commissioned and sworn, residing in the City and County of New York, do hereby certify that on this twenty-ninth day of October, 1886, before me, personally, at said city, came the said William J. Palmer, who is known to me to be one of the parties to the foregoing in¬ strument, and who executed the same, and acknowledged to me the execution thereof, for the uses and purposes therein named. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal the day and year last aforesaid. Theo. II. Friend, Notary Public, N. Y. City and Co. Notarial Seal. This agreement has been ratified by all the parties named in Article Nineteenth. New York, November "ICth, 1880.