MERGWÄNT MARINE ACT, 1920 Compliments of TUE AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK New York City Total Besonrces Over $175,000,000.00 / : ; The'. iÂmèrîcàîi"--Éxichange V viÑa'tíórimí Bank « • •• ••• •••••• New York City LEWIS L. CLARKE President WALTER H. BEXXETT LOUIS S. TIEMAXX Vice-President Vice-President THEODORE H. BAXKS MERCER P. MOSELEY Vice-President Vice-President GEORGE 0. HAIGH WILLIAM P. MALBURN Vice-President Vice-President THOMAS L. ROBIXSOX Vice-President ARTHUR P. LEE Cashier A. K. de GUISCARD CHARLES E. MEEK Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier HUGH S. McCLURE FREDERIC M. LANGDON Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier WALTER B. TALLMAN HENRY P. SEIBERT Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier ALEX. G. ARMSTRONG W. G. CLINKUNBROOMER Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier ROY MUROHIE LUKE D. DOYLE Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier ARTHUR D. BRIGHT JOHN P. G. MORAN Asst. Cashier Asst. Cashier GEO. W. GIDDINGS Assistant Trust Officer Directors AVERY D. ANDREWS Royal-Dutch Shell Cos. THEODORE H. BANKS Vice-President WILLIAM M. BARRETT President, Adams Express Co. WALTER H. BENNETT Vice-President H. C. BLACKISTON Furness, Withy & Co.. Ltd. and Prince Line, Ltd. ORION H. CHENEY Pres., Pacific Bank of New York LEWIS L. CLARKE President R. FULTON CUTTING New York JOHN T New WILLIAM P. DIXON Dixon & Holmes STEPHEN B. FLEMING Pres., Intern'1 Agrl. Corp. GEORGE LEGG George Legg & Sons EDGAR J. NATHAN Cardozo & Nathan EDWARD C. PLATT Vice-President, Mackay Cos. JOSEPH A. SKINNER Wm. Skinner & Sons JAMES A. SMITH Calhoun, Robbina & Co. ELBRIDGE GERRY SNOW President, Home Ins. Co. CLAUS A. SPRECKELS Pres., Federal Sugar Ref. Co. TERRY York MERCHANT MARINE ACT, 1920. AN ACT To provide for the promotion and main¬ tenance of American merchant marine, to repeal certain emergency legislation, and provide for the disposition, regulation, and use of property acquired thereunder, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That it is necessary for the national defense and for the proper growth of its foreign and domes¬ tic commerce that the United States shall have a merchant marine of the best equipped and most suitable types of vessels sufficient to carry the greater portion of its commerce and serve as a naval or military auxiliary in time of war or national emer¬ gency, ultimately to be owned and operated privately by citizens of the United States; and it is hereby declared to be the policy of the United States to do whatever may be necessary to develop and encourage the maintenance of such a merchant marine, and, in so far as may not be inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act, the United States Shipping Board shall, in the disposition of vessels and shipping prop¬ erty as hereinafter provided, in the making of rules and regulations, and in the administration of the shipping laws keep- always in view this purpose and object as the primary end to be attained. Sec. 2. (a) That the following Acts and parts of Acts are hereby repealed, subject to the limitations and exceptions hereinafter, in this Act, provided : (1) The emergency shipping fund pro¬ visions of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in appropriations for the Military and Naval Establishment.? on account of war expenses 1 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917, and for other purposes," approved June 15, 1917, as amended by the Act entitled "An Act to amend the emergency shipping fund provisions of the Urgent Deficiency Appro¬ priation Act, approved June 15, 1917, so as to empower the President and his desig¬ nated agents to take over certain transporta¬ tion systems for the transportation of shipyard and plant employees, and for other purposes," approved April 22, 1918, and as further amended by the Act entitled "An Act making appropriation to supply defi¬ ciencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1919, and prior fiscal years, on account of war expenses, and for other purposes," approved November 4, 1918; (2) Section 3 of such Act of April 22, 1918; (3) The paragraphs numbered 2 and 3 under the heading "Emergency shipping fund" in such Act of November 4, 1918; and (4) The Act entitled "An Act to confer on the President power to prescribe charter rates and freight rates and to requisition vessels, and for other purposes," approved July 18, 1918. (5) Sections 5, 7 and 8, Shipping Act, 1916. (b) The repeal of such Acts or parts of Acts is subject to the following limitations; (1) All contracts or agreements lawfully entered into before the passage of this Act under any such Act or part of Act shall be assumed and carried out by the United States Shipping Board, hereinafter called "the board." (2) All rights, interests, or remedies accruing or to accrue as a result of any such contract or agreement or of any action taken in pursuance of any such Act or parts of Acts shall be in all respects as valid, and may be exercised and enforced in like man¬ ner, subject to the provisions of subdivision (c) of this section, as if this Act had not been passed. (3) The repeal shall not have the effect of extinguishing any penalty incurred under such Acts or parts of Acts, but such Acts or 2 parts of Acts shall remain in force for the purpose of sustaining a prosecution for enforcement of the penalty therein provided for the violation thereof. (4) The board shall have full power and authority to complete or conclude any con¬ struction work begun in accordance with the provisions of such Acts or parts of Acts if, in the opinion of the board, the comple¬ tion or conclusion thereof is for the best interests of the United States. (c) As soon as practicable after the pass¬ age of this Act the board shall adjust, settle, and liquidate all matters arising out of or incident to the exercise by or through the President of any of the powers or duties conferred or imposed upon the President by any such Act or parts of Acts ; and for this purpose the board, instead of the Presi- aent, shall have and exercise anv of such powers and duties relating to the determina¬ tion and payment of just compensation : Provided, That any person dissatisfied with any decision of the board shall have the same right to sue the United States as he would have had if the decision had been made by the President of the United States under the Acts hereby repealed. Sec. 3. (a) That section 3 of the "Shipping Act, 1916," is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 3. That a board is hereby created to be known as the United States Shipping Board and hereinafter referred to as the board. The board shall be composed of seven commissioners, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate ; and the President shall designate the member to act as chair¬ man of the board, and the board may elect one of its members as vice chairman. Such commissioners shall be appointed as soon as practicable after the enactment of this Act and shall continue in office two for a term of one year, and the remaining five for terms of two, three, four, five, and six years, respectively, from the date of their appoint¬ ment, the term of each to be designated by the President, but their successors shall be appointed for terms of six years, except 3 that any person chosen to fill a vacancy shall be appointed only for the unexpired term of the commissioner whom he suc¬ ceeds. The commissioners shall be ap¬ pointed with due regard to their fitness for the efficient discharge of the duties imposed on them by this Act, and two shall be appointed from the States touching the Pacific Ocean, two from the States touch¬ ing the Atlantic Ocean, one from the States touching the Gulf of Mexico, one from the States touching the Great Lakes, and one from the interior, but not more than one shall be appointed from the same State. Not more than four of the commissioners shall be appointed from the same political party. A vacancy in the board shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments. No commissioner shall take any part in the consideration or decision of any claim or particular controversy in which he has a pecuniary interest. Each commissioner shall devote his time to the duties of his office, and shall not be in the employ of or hold any official relation to any common carrier or other person subject to this Act, nor while holding such office acquire any stock or bonds thereof or become pecuniarily interested in any such carrier. The duties of the board may be so divided that under its supervision the directorship of various activities may be assigned to one or more commissioners. Any commissioner may be removed by the President for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office. A vacancy in the board shall not impair the right of the remaining members of the board to exercise all its powers. The board shall have an official seal, which shall be judicially noticed. The board may adopt rules and reg¬ ulations in regard to its procedure and the conduct of its business. The board may em¬ ploy within the limits of appropriations made therefor by Congress such attorneys as it finds necessary for proper legal service to the board in the conduct of its work, or for proper representation of the public in¬ terest in investigations made by it or pro¬ ceedings pending before it whether at the 4 board's own instance or upon complaint, or to appear for or represent the board in any case in court or other tribunal. "The board shall have such other rights and perform such other duties not incon¬ sistent with the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, as are conferred by existing law upon the board in existence at the time this section as amended takes effect. "The commissioners in office at the time this section as amended takes effect shall hold office until all the commissioners pro¬ vided for in this section as amended are appointed and qualify." (b) The first sentence of section 4 of the "Shipping Act, 1916," is amended to read as follows : "Sec. 4 That each member of the board shall receive a salary of $12,000 per annum." Sec. 4. That all vessels and other property or interests of whatsoever kind, including vessels or property in course of construction or contracted for, acquired by the President through any agencies whatsoever in pursu¬ ance of authority conferred by the Acts or parts of Acts repealed by section 2 of this Act, or in pursuance of the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution authorizing the President to take over for the United States the possession and title of any vessel within its jurisdiction, which at the time of coming therein was owned in whole or in part by any corporation, citizen, or subject of any nation with which the United States may be at war, or was under register of any such nation, and for other purposes," ap¬ proved May 12, 1917, with the exception of vessels and property the use of which is in the opinion of the President required by any other branch of the Government service of the United States, are hereby transferred to the board: Provided, That all vessels in the military and naval service of the United States, including the vessels assigned to river and harbor work, inland waterways, or vessels for such needs in the course of construction or under contract by the War Department, shall be exempt from the pro¬ visions of this Act. 5 Sec. 5. That in order to accomplish the declared purposes of this Act, and to carry out the policy declared in section 1 hereof, the board is authorized and directed to sell, as soon as practicable, consistent with good business methods and the objects and pur¬ poses to be attained by this Act, at public or private competitive sale after appraise¬ ment and due advertisemenrt, to per.sons who are citizens of the United States, ex¬ cept as provided in section 6 of this Act, all of the vessels referred to in section 4 of this Act or otherwise acquired by the board. Such sale shall be made at such prices and on such terms and conditions as the board may prescribe, but the com¬ pletion of the payment o^ the purchase price and interest shall not be deferred more than fifteen years after the making of the contract of sale. The board in fixing or accepting the sale price of such vessels shall take into consideration the prevailing domestic and foreign market price of, the available supply of, and the demand for ves¬ sels, existing freight rates and prospects of their maintenance, the cost of constructing vessels of similar types under prevailing conditions, as well as the cost of the con¬ struction or purchase price of the vessels to be sold, and any other facts or conditions that would influence a prudent, solvent business man in the sale of similar vessels or property which he is not forced to sell. All sales made under the authority of this Act shall be subject to the limitations and restrictions of section 9 of the "Shipping Act, 1916," as amended. Sec. 6. That the board is authorized and empowered to sell to aliens, at such prices and on such terms and conditions as it may determine, not inconsistent with the pro¬ visions of section 5 (except that completion of the payment of the purchase price and interest shall not be deferred more than ten years after the making of the contract of sale), such vessels as it shall, after careful investigation, deem unnecessary to the pro¬ motion and maintenance of an efficient American merchant marine; but no such 6 sale shall be made unless the board, after diligent effort, has been unable to sell, in accordance with the terms and conditions of section 5, such vessels to persons citizens of the United States, and has, upon an affirmative vote of not less than five of its members, spread upon the minutes of the board, determined to make such sale ; and it shall make as a part of its records a full statement of its reasons for making such sale. Deferred payments of purchase price of vessels under this section shall bear inter¬ est at the rate of not less than 5^ per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. Sec. 7. That the board is authorized and directed to investigate and determine as promptly as possible after the enactment of this Act and from time to time thereafter what steamship lines should be established and put in operation from ports in the United States, or any Territory, District, or possession thereof to such world and domestic markets as in its judgment are desirable for the promotion, development, expansion, and maintenance of the foreign and coastwise trade of the United States, and an adequate postal service, and to de¬ termine the type, size, speed, and other requirements of the vessels to be employed upon such lines and the frequency and regu¬ larity of their sailings, with a view to fur¬ nishing adequate, regular, certain, and permanent service. The board is authorized to sell, and if a satisfactory sale can not be made, to charter such of the vessels referred to in section 4 of this Act or otherwise acquired by the board as will meet these re¬ quirements to responsible p'^rsons who are citizens of the United States who agree to establish and maintain such lines upon such terms of payment and other conditions as the board may deem just and necessary to secure and maintain the service desired ; and if any such steamship line is deemed desirable and necessary, and if no such citi¬ zen can be secured to supply such service by the purchase or charter of vessels on terms satisfactory to the board, the board shall operate vessels on such line until the 7 business is developed so that such vessels may be sold on satisfactory terms and the service maintained, or unless it shall appear within a reasonable time that such line can not be made self-sustaining. The ^ Postmas¬ ter General is authorized, notwithstanding the Act entitled "An Act to provide for ocean mail service between the United States and foreign ports, and to promote commerce," approved March 3, 1891, to contract for the carrying of the mails over such lines at such price as may be agreed upon by the board and the Postmaster General : Provided, That preference in the sale or assignment of vessels for operation on such steamship lines shall be given to persons who are citi¬ zens of the United States who have the support, financial and otherwise, of the domestic communities primarily interested in such lines if the board is satisfied of the ability of such persons to maitain the serv¬ ice desired and proposed to be maintained, or to persons who are citizens of the United States who may then be maintaining a serv¬ ice from the port of the United States to or in the general direction of the world market port to which the board has determined that such service shall be established: Provided further. That where steamship lines and regular service have been established and are being maintained by ships of the board at the time of the enactment of this Act, such lines and service shall be maintained by the board until, in the opinion of the board, the maintenance thereof is unbusi¬ nesslike and against the public interest : And provided further. That whenever the board shall determine, as provided in this Act, that trade conditions warrant the es¬ tablishment of a service or additional service under Government administration, where a service is already being given by persons, citizens of the United States, the rates and charges for such Government service shall not be less than the cost thereof, including a proper interest and depreciation charge on the value of Govern¬ ment vessels and equipment employed therein. 8 Sec. 8. That it shall be the duty of the board, in co-operation with the Secretary of War, with the object of promoting, en¬ couraging, and developing ports and trans¬ portation facilities in connection with water commerce over which it has jurisdiction, to investigate territorial regions and zones tributary to such ports, taking into consid¬ eration the economies of transportation by rail, water and highway and the natural direction of the flow of commerce; to inves¬ tigate the causes of the congestion of com¬ merce at ports and the remedies applicable thereto; to investigate the subject of water terminals, including the necessary docks, warehouses, apparatus, equipment, and appliances in connection therewith, with a view to devising and suggesting the types most appropriate for different locations and for the most expeditious and economical transfer or interchange of passengers or property between carriers by water and carriers by rail ; to advise with communities regarding the appropriate location and plan of construction of wharves, piers, and water terminals; to investigate the practicability and advantages of harbor, river, and port improvements in connection with foreign and coastwise trade; and to investigate any other matter that may tend to promote and encourage the use by vessels of ports ade¬ quate to care for the freight which would naturally pass through such ports : Pro¬ vided, That if after such investigation the board shall be of the opinion that rates, charges, rules, or regulations of common carriers by rail subject to the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission are detrimental to the declared object of this section, or that new rates, charges, rules, or regulations, new or additional port terminal facilities, or affirmative action on the part of such common carriers by rail is necessary to promote the objects of this section the board may submit its findings to the Interstate Commerce Commission for such action as such commission may con¬ sider proper under existing law. Sec. 9. That if the terms and conditions 9 of any sale of a vessel made under the pro¬ visions of this Act include deferred pay¬ ments of the purchase price, the board shall require, as part of such terms and condi¬ tions, that the purchaser of the vessel shall keep the same insured (a) against loss or damage by fire, and against marine risks and disasters, and war and other risks if the board so specifies, with such insurance companies, associations, or underwriters, and under such forms of policies, and to such an amount, as the board may pre¬ scribe or approve ; and (b) by protection and indemnity insurance with such insur¬ ance companies, associations, or under¬ writers and under such forms of policies, and to such an amount as the board may prescribe or approve. The insurance re¬ quired to be carried under this section shall be made payable to the board and/or to the parties as interest may appear. The board is authorized to enter into any agreement that it deems wise in respect to the pay¬ ment and/or the guarantee of premiums of insurance. Sec. 10. That the board may create out of net revenue from operations and sales, and maintain and administer, a separate in¬ surance fund, which it may use to insure in whole or in part, against all hazards com¬ monly covered by insurance policies in such cases, any interest of the United States (1) in any vessel, either constructed or in pro¬ cess of construction, and (2) in any plants or materials heretofore or hereafter acquir¬ ed by the board or hereby transferred to the board. Sec. 11. That during a period of five years from the enactment of this Act the board may annually set aside out of the revenues from sales and operations a sum not exceeding $25,000,000, to be known as its construction loan fund, to be used in aid of the construction of vessels of the best and most efficient type for the estab¬ lishment and maintenance of service on steamship lines deemed desirable and nec¬ essary by the board, and such vessels shall be equipped with the most modern, the 10 most efficient, and the most economical machinery and commercial appliances. The board shall use such fund to the extent re¬ quired upon such terms as the board may prescribe to aid persons, citizens of the United States, in the construction by them in private shipyards in the United States of the foregoing class of vessels. No aid shall be for a greater sum than two-thirds of the cost of the vessel or vessels to be constructed, and the board shall require such security, including a first lien upon the entire interest in the vessel or vessels so constructed as it shall deem necessary to insure the repayment of such sum with interest thereon and the maintenance of the service for which such vessel or vessels are built. Sec. 12. That all vessels may be recondi¬ tioned and kept in suitable repair and until sold shall be managed and operated by the board or chartered or leased by it on such terms and conditions as the board shall deem wise for the promotion and maintenance of an efficient merchant marine, pursuant to the policy and purposes declared in sections 1 and 5 of this Act; and the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corpora¬ tion shall continue in existence and have au¬ thority to operate vessels, unless otherwise directed by law, until all vessels are sold in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the provision in section 11 of the "Shipping Act, 1916," to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 13. That the board is further author¬ ized to sell all property other than vessels transferred to it under section 4 upon such terms and conditions as the board may de¬ termine and prescribe. Sec. 14. 1 hat the net proceeds derived by the board prior to July 1, 1921, from any activities authorized by this Act, or by the ^Shipping Act, 1916," or by the Acts specified m section 2 of this Act, except such an amount as the board shall deem neces¬ sary to withhold as operating capital, for the purposes of section 12 hereof, and for the in¬ surance fund authorized in section 10 hereof, and for the construction loan fund au- 11 thorized in section 11 hereof, shall be cover¬ ed into the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the board and may be expended by it within the limits of the amounts here¬ tofore or hereafter authorized, for the con¬ struction, requisitioning, or purchasing of vessels. After July 1, 1921, such net pro¬ ceeds, less such an amount as may be au¬ thorized annually by Congress to be with¬ held as operating capital, and less such sums as may be needed for such insurance and construction loan funds, shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. The board shall, as rapidly as it deems advisable, withdraw in¬ vestment of Government funds made during the emergency under the authority conferred by the Acts or parts of Acts repealed by sec¬ tion 2 of this Act and cover the net proceeds thereof into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. Sec. 15. That the board shall not require payment from the War Department for the charter hire of vessels owned by the United States Government furnished by the board from July 1, 1918, to June 30, 1919, inclu¬ sive, for the use of such department. Sec. 16. That all authorization to pur¬ chase, build, requisition, lease, exchange, or otherwise acquire houses, buildings, or land under the Act entitled "An Act to authorize and empower the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation to pur¬ chase, lease, requisition, or otherwise ac¬ quire, and to sell or otherwise dispose of im¬ proved or unimproved lands, houses, build¬ ings, and for other purposes," approved March 1, 1918, is hereby terminated: Pro¬ vided, however. That expenditures may be made under said Act for the repair of houses and buildings already constructed, and the completion of such houses or buildings as have heretofore been contracted for or are under construction, if considered advisable, and the hoard is authorized and directed to dispose Ol all such properties or the interest of the L'nited States in all such pro[ierties at as earl\' a date as practicable, consistent with 12 good business and the best interests of the United States. Sec. 17. That the board is authorized and directed to take over on January 1, 1921, the possession and control of and to maintain and develop, all docks, piers, warehouses, wharves and terminal equipment and facil¬ ities, including all leasehold easements, rights of way, riparian rights and other rights, estates and interests therein or appur¬ tenant thereto, acquired by the President by or under the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, and prior fiscal years, on ac¬ count of war expenses, and for other pur¬ poses," approved March 28, 1918. The pos¬ session and control of such other docks, piers, warehouses, wharves and terminal equipment and facilities or part thereof, in¬ cluding all leasehold easements, rights of way, riparian rights and other rights, estates or interests therein or appurtenant thereto which were acquired by the War Department or the Navy Department for military or naval purposes during the war emergency may be transferred by the President to the board whenever the President deems such tiansfer to be for the best interests of the United States. The President may at any time he deems it necessary, by order setting out the need therefore and fixing the period of such need permit or transfer the possession and control of any part of the property taken over by or transferred to the board under this section to the War Department or the Navy Depart¬ ment for their needs, and when in the opin¬ ion of the President such need therefor ceases the possession and control of such property shall revert to the board. None of such property shall be sold except as may be hereafter provided by law. Sec. 18. That section 9 of the "Shipping Act, 1916," is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 9. That any vessel purchased, char¬ tered, or leased from the board, by persons who are citizens of the United States, may be registered or enrolled and licensed, or 13 both registered and enrolled and licensed, as a vessel of the United States and entitled to the benefits and privileges appertaining thereto : Pro\-ided, That foreign-built vessels admitted to American Registry or enroll¬ ment and license under this Act, and vessels owned by any corporation in which the United States is a stockholder, and vessels sold, leased, or chartered by the board to any person a citizen of the United States, as pro¬ vided in this Act, may engage in the coast¬ wise trade of the United States while owned, leased, or chartered by such a person. "Every vessel purchased, chartered, or leased from the board shall, unless otherwise authorized by the board, be operated only under such registry or enrollment and license. Such vessels while employed solely as merchant vessels shall be subject to all laws, regulations, and liabilities governing merchant vessels, whether the United States be interested therein as owner, in whole or in part, or hold any mortgage, lien, or other interest therein. "It shall be unlawful to sell, transfer or mortgage, or, except under regulations pre¬ scribed by the board, to charter, any vessel purchased from the board or documented under the laws of the United States to any person not a citizen of the United States, or to put the same under a foreign registry or flag, without first obtaining the board's approval. "Any vessel chartered, sold, transferred or mortgaged to a person not a citizen of the United States or placed under a foreign registry or flag, or operated, in violation of any provision of this section shall be for¬ feited to the United States, and whoever violates any provision of this secton shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not more than $5,000, or to imprison¬ ment for not more than five years, or both." Sec. 19. (1) The board is authorized and directed in aid of the accomplishment of the purposes of this Act (a) to make all neces¬ sary rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this Act : (b) to make rules and regulations affecting shijjping in the foreign 14 trade not in conflict with law in order to ad¬ just or meet general or special conditions unfavorable to shipping in the foreign trade, whether in any particular trade or upon any particular route or in commerce generally and which arise out of or result from foreign laws, rules or regulations or from competi¬ tive methods or practices employed by own¬ ers, operators, agents, or masters of vessels of a foreign country ; and (c) to request the head of any department, hoard, bureau, or agency of the Government to suspend, modi¬ fy, or annul rules or regulations which have been established by such department, board, bureau, or agency, or to make new rules or regulations afifecting shipping in the foreign trade other than such rules or regulations relating to the Public Health Service, the Consular Service, and the Steamboat-In¬ spection Service. (2) No rule or regulation shall hereafter be established by any department, board, bu¬ reau, or agency of the Government which affect shipping in the foreign trade, except rules or regulations affecting the Public Health Service, the Consular Service, and the Steamboat-Inspection Service, until such rule or regulation has been submit¬ ted to the board for its approval and final action has been taken thereon by the board or the President. (3) Whenever the head of any depart¬ ment, board, bureau, or agency of the Gov¬ ernment refuses to suspend, modify, or annul any rule or regulation, or make a new rule or regulation upon request of the board, as provided in subdivision (c) of paragraph (1) of this section, or objects to the decision of the board in respect to the approval of any rule or regulation, as provided in paragraph (2) of this section, either the board or the head of the department, board, bureau, or agency which has established or is attempt¬ ing to establish the rule or regulation in question, may submit the facts to the Presi¬ dent, who is hereby authorized to establish or suspend, modify, or annul such rule or regulation. (4) No rule or regulation shall he estab- 15 lisliecl wliich ill any manner gives vessels owned by the United States any preference or favor over those vessels documented under the laws of the United States and owned by persons who are citizens of the United States. Sec. 20. (1) That section 14 of the "Ship¬ ping Act, 1916," as amended, is amended to read as follows: "Section 14. That no common carrier by water shall, directly or indirectly, in respect to the transportation by water of passengers or property between a port of a State, Terri¬ tory, District, or possession of the United States and any other such port or a port of a foreign country— "First. Pay, or allow, or enter into any combination, agreement, or understanding, express or implied, to pay or allow, a de¬ ferred rebate to any shipper. The term 'deferred rebate' in this Act means a return of any portion of the freight money by a carrier to any shipper as a consideration for the giving of all or any portion of his sliipments to the same or any other carrier, or for any other purpose, the payment of which is deferred beyond the completion of the service for which it is paid, and is made only if, during both the period for which computed and the period of deferment, the shipper has complied with the terms of the rebate agreement or arrangement. "Second. Use a fighting ship either sep¬ arately or in conjunction with any other carrier, through agreement or otherwise. The term 'fighting ship' in this Act means a vessel used in a particular trade by a car¬ rier or group of carriers for the purpose of excluding, preventing, or reducing com¬ petition by driving another carrier out of said trade. "Third. Retaliate against any shipper by refusing, or threatening to refuse, space accomodations when such are available, or resort to other discriminating or unfair methods, because such shipper has patron¬ ized any other carrier or has filed a com¬ plaint charging unfair treatment, or for any other reason. 16 "Fourth. Make any unfair or unjustly discriminatory contract with any shipper based on the volume of freight offered, or unfairly treat or unjustly discriminate against any shipper in the matter of fa) cargo-space accommodations or other facili¬ ties, due regard being had for the proper loading of the vessel and the available ton¬ nage ; (b) the loading and landing of freight in proper condition ; or (c) the adjustment and settlement of claims. "Any carrier who violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misde¬ meanor punishable by a fine of not more than $25,000 for each offence. (2) The "Shipping Act, 1916," as amend¬ ed, is amended by inserting after section 14 a new section to read as follows : "Section 14a. The board upon its own initiative may, or upon complaint shall, after due notice to all parties in interest and hearing, determine whether any per¬ son, not a citizen of the United States and engaged in transportation by water of pas¬ sengers or property— "(1) Has violated any provision of sec¬ tion 14, or "(2) Is a party to any combination, agreement, or understanding, express or implied, that involves in respect to trans¬ portation of passengers or property between foreign ports, deferred rebates or any other unfair practice designated in section 14, and that excludes from admission upon equal terms with all other parties thereto, a com¬ mon carrier by water, which is a citizen of the United States and which has ap¬ plied for such admission. "If the board determines that any such person has violated any such provision or is a party to any such combination, agree¬ ment, or understanding, the board shall thereupon certify such fact to the Secretary of Commerce. The Secretary shall there¬ after refuse such person the right of entry for any ship owned or operated by him or by any carrier directly or indirectly con¬ trolled by him, into any port of the United States, or any Territory, District, or pos- 17 session thereof, until the board certifies that the violation has ceased or such combina¬ tion, agreement, or understanding has been terminated." Sec. 21. That from and after February 1, 1922, the coastwise laws of the United States shall extend to the island Territories and possessions of the United States not now covered thereby, and the board is di¬ rected prior to the expiration of such year to have established adequate steamship service at reasonable rates to accomodate the commerce and the passenger travel of said islands and to maintain and operate such service until it can be taken over and operated and maintained upon satisfactory terms by private capital and enterprise: Provided, That if adequate shipping ser¬ vice is not established by February 1, 1922, the President shall extend the period here¬ in allowed for the establishment of ;uich service in the case of any island Territory or possession for such time as may be neces¬ sary for the establishment of adequate ship¬ ping facilities therefor: Provided further, That until Congress shall have authorized the registry as vessels of the United States of vessels owned in the Philippine Islands, the Government of the Philippine Islands is hereby authorized to adopt, from time to time, and enforce regulations governing the transportation of merchandise and pas¬ sengers between ports or places in the Philippine Archipelago; and provided fur¬ ther, That the foregoing provisions of this section shall not take effect with reference to the Philippine Islands until the Presi¬ dent of the United States after a full inves¬ tigation of the local needs and conditions shall, by proclamation, declare that an ade¬ quate shipping service has been established as herein provided and fix a date for the going into effect of the same. Sec. 22. That the Act entitled "An Aet giving the United States Shipping Board power to suspend present provisions of law and permit vessels of foreign registry and foreign-built vessels admitted to American registry under the Act of August 18, 1914, 18 to engage in the coastwise trade during the present war and for a period of one hundred and twenty days thereafter, except the coastwise trade with Alaska," approved Oc¬ tober 6, 1917, is hereby repealed: Provided, That all foreign-built vessels admitted to American registry, owned on February 1, 1920, by persons citizens of the United States, and all foreign-built vessels owned by the United States at the time of the en¬ actment of this Act, when sold and owned by persons, citizens of the United States, may engage in the coastwise trade so long as they continue in such ownership subject to the rules and regulations of such trade : Provided, That the board is authorized to issue permits for the carrying of passengers in foreign ships if it deems it necessary so to do, operating between the Territory of Hawaii and the Pacific coast up to Febru¬ ary 1, 1922. Sec. 23. That the owner of a vessel docu¬ mented under the laws of the United Stares and operated in foreign trade shall, for each of the ten taxable years while so op¬ erated, beginning with the first taxable year ending after the enactment of this Act, be allowed as a deduction for the purpose of ascertaining his net income subject to the war-profits and excess-profits taxes im¬ posed by Title III of the Revenue Act of 1918 an amount equivalent to the net earn¬ ings of such vessel during such taxable year, determined in accordance with rules and regulations to be made by the board: Provided, That such owner shall not be entitled to such deduction unless during such taxable year he invested, or set aside under rules and regulations to be made by the board in a trust fund for investment, in the building in shipyards in the United States of new vessels of a type and kind approved by the board, an amount, to be determined by the Secretary of the Trea¬ sury and certified by him to the board, equivalent to the war-profits and excess- profits taxes that would have been pay¬ able by such owner on account of the net earnings of such vessels but for the de- 19 duction allowed under the provisions of this section : Provided further, That at least two-thirds of the cost ol any vessel con structed under this paragraph shall be paid for out of the ordinary funds or capital of the person having such vessel constructed. That during the period of ten years from the enactment of this Act any person a citizen of the United States who may sell a vessel documented under the laws of the United States and built prior to January 1, 1914, shall be exempt from all income taxes that would be payable upon any of the pro¬ ceeds of such sale under Title I, Title II, and Title III of the Revenue Act of 1918 if the entire proceeds thereof shall be invested in the building of new ships in American shipyards, such ships to be documented un¬ der the laws of the United States and to be of a type approved by the board. Sec. 24. That all mails of the United States shipped or carried on vessels shall, if practicable, be shipped or carried on American-built vessels documented under the laws of the United States. No contract hereafter made with the Postmaster General for carrying mails on vessels so built and documented shall be assigned or sublet, and no mails covered by such contract shall be carried on any vessel not so built and docu¬ mented. No money shall be paid out of the Treasury of the United States on or in relation to any such contract for carrying mails on vessels so built and documented when such contract has been assigned or sublet or when mails covered by such con¬ tract are in violation of the terms thereof carried on any vessel not so built and docu¬ mented. The board and the Po.stmaster General, in aid of the development of a merchant marine adequate to provide for the maintenance and expansion of the for¬ eign or coastwise trade of the United States and of a satisfactory postal service in con¬ nection therewith, shall from time to time determine the just and reasonable rate of compensation to be paid for such service, and the Postmaster General is hereby au¬ thorized to enter into contracts within the 20 limits of appropriations made therefor by Congress to pay for the carrying of such mails in such vessels at such rate. Nothing herein shall be affected by the Act entitled "An Act to provide for oeean mail service between the United States and foreign ports, and to promote commerce," approv¬ ed March 3, 1891. Sec. 25. That for the classification of vessels owned by the United States, and for sueh other purposes in connection there¬ with as are the proper functions of a classi¬ fication bureau, all departments, boards, bureaus, and commissions of the Govern¬ ment are hereby directed to recognize the American Bureau of Shipping as their agency so long as the American Bureau of Shipping continues to be maintained as an organization which has no capital stock and pays no dividends ; Provided, That the Secretary of Commerce and the chairman of the board shall each appoint one repre¬ sentative who shall represent the Go'/em¬ inent upon the executive committee of the American Bureau of Shipping, and the bu¬ reau shall agree that these representatives shall be accepted by them as active mem¬ bers of such committee. Such repre¬ sentatives of the Government shall serve without any compensation, except neces¬ sary traveling expenses: Provided further. That the official list of merchant vessels published by the Government shall hereafter contain a notation clearly indicating all ves¬ sels dlassed by the American Bureau of Shipping. Sec. 26. That cargo vessels documented under the laws of the United States may carry not to exceed sixteen persons in ad¬ dition to the crew .between any ports or places in the United States or its Districts, Territories, or possessions, or between any such port or place and any foreign port, or from any foreign port to another foreign port, and such vessels shall not be held to be "passenger vessels" or "vessels carrying passengers" within the meaning of the in¬ spection laws and the rules and regulations thereunder; Provided, That nothing herein 21 shall be taken to exempt such vessels from the laws, rules, and regulations respecting life-saving equipment: Provided further. That when any such vessel carries persons other than the crew as herein provided for, the owner, agent, or master of the vessel shall first notify such persons of the pres¬ ence on board of any dangerous articles, as defined by law, or of any other condition or circumstance which would constitute a risk of safety for passenger or crew. The privilege bestowed by this section on vessels of the United States shall be extended in so far as the foreign trade is concerned to the cargo vessels of any nation which allows the like privilege to cargo vessels of the United States in trades not restricted to vessels under its own flag. Failure on the part of the owner, agent, or master of the vessel to give such notice shall subject the vessel to a penalty of $500, which may be mitigated or remitted by the Secretary of Commerce upon a proper rep¬ resentation of the facts. Sec. 27. That no merchandise shall be transported by water, or by land and water, on penalty of forfeiture thereof, between points in the United States, including Dis¬ tricts, Territories, and possessions thereof embraced within the coastwise laws, either directly or via a foreign port, or for any part of the transportation, in any other ves¬ sel than a vessel built in and documented under the laws of the United States and owned by persons who are citizens of the •United States, or vessels to which the privi¬ lege of engaging in the coastwise trade is extended by sections 18 or 22 of this Act: Provided, That this section shall not apply to merchandise transported between points within the continental United States, ex¬ cluding Alaska, over through routes here¬ tofore or hereafter recognized by the Inter- .state Commerce Commission for which routes rate tariffs have been or shall here¬ after be filed with said commission when such routes are in part over Canadian rail lines and their own or other connecting water facilities: Provided further, That this 22 section shall not become effective upon the Yukon River until the Alaska Railroad shall be completed and the Shipping Board shall find that proper facilities will be furnished for transportation by persons citizens of the United States for properly handling the traffic. Sec. 28. That no common carrier shall charge, collect, or receive, for transporta¬ tion subject to the Interstate Commerce Act of persons or property, under any joint rate, fare, or charge, or under any export, import, or other proportional rate, fare, or charge, which is based in whole or in part on the fact that the persons or property affected thereby is to be transported to, or has been transported from, any port in a possession or dependency of the United States, or in a foreign country, by a carrier by water in foreign commerce, any lower rate, fare, or charge than that charged, col¬ lected, or received by it for the transporta¬ tion of persons, or of a like kind of property, for the same distance, in the same direction, and over the same route, in connection with commerce wholly within the United States, unless the vessel so transporting such per¬ sons or property is, or unless it was at the time of such transportation by water, docu¬ mented under the laws of the United States. Whenever the board is of the opinion, how¬ ever, that adequate shipping facilities to or from any port in a possession or dependency of the United States or a foreign country are not afforded by vessels so documented, it shall certify this fact to the Interstate Commerce Commission, and the commission may, by order, suspend the operation of the provisions of this section with respect to the rates, fares, and charges for the trans¬ portation by rail of persons and property transported from, or to be transported, to such ports, for such length of time and un¬ der such terms and conditions as it may prescribe in such order, or in any order supplemental thereto. Such suspension of operation of the provisions of this section may be terminated by order of the commis¬ sion whenever the board is of the opinion 23 that adequate shipping facilities by such vessels to such ports are afforded and shall so certify to the commission. Sec. 29. (a) That whenever used in this section— (1) The term "association" means any association, exchange, pool, combination, or other arrangement for concerted action ; and (2) The term "Marine Insurance Compa¬ nies" means any persons, companies, or as¬ sociations authorized to write marine in¬ surance or reinsurance under the laws of the United States or of a State, Territory, District, or possession thereof. (b) Nothing contained in the "anti-trust laws" as designated in Section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to supplement existing laws against unlawful restraints and mon¬ opolies, and for other purposes," approved October 15, 1914, shall be construed as de¬ claring illegal an association entered into by marine insurance companies for the fol¬ lowing purposes: To transact a marine insurance and reinsurance business in the United States and in foreign countries and to reinsure or otherwise apportion among its membership the risks undertaken by such association or any of the component mem¬ bers. Sec. 30. Subsec. A. That this section may¬ be cited as the "Ship Mortgage Act, 1920." Definitions. Subsec. B. When used in this section— ' (1) The term "document" includes regis¬ try and enrollment and license; (2) The term "documented" means regis¬ tered or enrolled or licensed under the laws of the United States whether permanently or temporarily; (3) The term "port of documentation" means the port at which the vessel is docu¬ mented in accordance with law ; (4) The term "vessel of the United States" means any vessel documented under the laws of the United States and such ves¬ sel shall be held to continue to be so docu¬ mented until its documents are surrendered with the approval of the board ; and 24 (5) The term "mortgagee" in the case of a mortgage involving a trust deed and a bond issue thereunder means the trustee designated in such deed. Recording of Sales, Conveyances, and Mortgages of Vessels of the United States. Subsec. C. (a) No sale, conveyance, or mortgage which, at the time such sale, con¬ veyance, or mortgage is made includes a vessel of the United States or any portion thereof, as the whole or any part of the prop¬ erty sold, conveyed, or mortgaged shall be valid, in respect to such vessel, against any person other than the grantor or mortgagor, his heir or devisee, and a person having actual notice thereof, until such bill of sale, conveyance or mortgage is recorded in the office of the collector of customs of the port of documentation of such vessel as provided in subdivision (b) of this subsection. (b) Such collector of customs shall rec¬ ord bills of sale, conveyances, and mort¬ gages, delivered to him, in the order of their reception, in books to be kept for that purpose and indexed to show— (1) The name of the vessel; (2) The names of the parties to the sale, conveyance, or mortgage ; (3) The time and date of reception of the instrument; (4) The interest in the vessel so sold, conveyed, or mortgaged ; and (5) The amount and date of maturity of the mortgage. Subsec. D. (a) A valid mortgage which, at the time it is made includes the whole of any vessel of the United States of 200 gross tons and upward, shall in addition have, in respect to such vessel and as of the date of the compliance with all the provisions of this subdivision, the preferred status given by the provisions of subsection M, if— (1) The mortgage is indorsed upon the vessel's documents in accordance with the provisions c: this section; (2) The mortgage is recorded as provid¬ ed in subsection C, together with the time and date when the mortgage is so indorsed; 25 (3) An affidavit is filed with the record of such mortgage to the effect that the mortgage is made in good faith and without any design to hinder, delay, or defraud any existing or future creditor of the mortgagor or any lienor of the mortgaged vessel ; (4) The mortgage does not stipulate that the mortgagee waives the preferred status thereof ; and (5) The mortgagee is a citizen of the United States. (b) Any mortgage which complies in respect to any vessel with the conditions enumerated in this subsection is hereafter in this section called a "preferred mortgage" as to such vessel. (c) There shall be indorsed upon the documents of a vessel covered by a prefer¬ red mortgage— (1) The names of the mortgagor and mortgagee ; (2) The time and date the indorsement is made; (3) The amount and date of maturity of the mortgage ; and (4) Any amount required to be indorsed by the provisions of subdivision (e) or (f) of this subsection. (d) Such indorsement shall be made (1) by the collector of customs of the port of documentation of the mortgaged vessel, or (2) by the collector of customs of any port in which the vessel is found, if such collec¬ tor is directed to make the indorsement l'y the collector of customs of the port of mentation ; and no clearance shall be is¬ sued to the vessel until such indorsement is made. The collector of customs of the port of documentation shall give such direc¬ tion by wire or letter at the request of the mortgagee and upon the tender of the cost of communciation of such direction. When¬ ever any new document is issued for the. vessel, such indorsement shall be transfer¬ red to and indorsed upon the new document by the collector of customs. (e) A mortgage which includes property other than a vessel shall not be held a 26 preferred mortgage unless the mortgage provides for the separate discharge of such property by the payment of a specified por¬ tion of the mortgage indebtedness. If a preferred mortgage so provides for the sep¬ arate discharge, the amount of the portion of such payment shall be indorsed upon the documents of the vessel. (f) If a preferred mortgage includes more than one vessel and provides for the separate discharge of each vessel by the pay¬ ment of a portion of the mortgage indebted¬ ness, the amount of such portion of such payment shall be indorsed upon the docu¬ ments of the vessel. In case such mortgage does not provide for the separate discharge of a vessel and the vessel is to be sold upon the order of a district court of the United States in a suit in rem in admiralty, the court shall determine the portion of the mortgage indebtedness increased by 20 per cent (1) which, in the opinion of the court, the approximate value of the vessel bears to the approximate value of all the vessels covered by the mortgage, and (2) upon the payment of which the vessel shall be dis¬ charged from the mortgage. Subsec. E. The collector of customs upon the recording of a preferred mortgage shall deliver two certified copies thereof to the mortgagor who shall place, and use due diligence to retain, one copy on board the mortgaged vessel and cause such copy and the documents of the vessel to be exhibited by the master to any person having business with the vessel, which may give rise to a maritime lien upon the vessel or to the sale, conveyance, or mortgage thereof. The master of the vessel shall, upon the request of any such person, exhibit to him the docu¬ ments of the vessel and the copy of any pre¬ ferred mortgage of the vessel placed on board thereof. Subsec. F. The mortgagor (1) shall upon request of the mortgagee, disclose in writing to him prior to the execution of any preferred mortgage, the existence of any maritime lien, prior mortgage, or other ob¬ ligation or liability upon the vessel to be 27 mortgaged, that is known to the mortgagor, and (2), without the consent of the mortga¬ gee, shall not incur, after the execution of such mortgage and before the mortgagee has had a reasonable time in which to record the mortgage and have indorsements in re¬ spect thereto made upon the documents of the vessel, any contractual obligation creat¬ ing a lien upon the vessel other than a lien for wages of stevedores when employed di¬ rectly by the owner, operator, master, ship's husband, or agent of the vessel, for wages of the crew of the vessel, for general aver¬ age, or for salvage, including contract sal¬ vage, in respect to the vessel. Subsec. G. (a) The collector of customs of the port of documentation shall, upon the request of any person, record notice of his claim of a lien upon a vessel covered by a preferred mortgage, together with the na¬ ture, date of creation, and amount of the lien, and the name and address of the person. Any person who has caused notice of his claim of lien to be so recorded shall, upon a discharge in whole or in part of the indebt¬ edness, forthwith file with the collector of customs a certificate of such discharge. The collector of customs shall thereupon record the certificate. (b) The mortgagor, upon a discharge in whole or in part of the mortgage indebted¬ ness, shall forthwith file with the collector of customs for the port of documentation of the vessel, a certificate of such discharge. Such collector of customs shall thereupon record the certificate. In case of a vessel covered by a preferred mortgage, the col¬ lector of customs at the port of documenta¬ tion shall (1) indorse upon the documents of the vessel, or direct the collector of cus¬ toms at any port in which the vessel is found to so indorse the fact of such dis¬ charge, and (2) shall deny clearance to the vessel until such indorsement is made. Subsec. H. (a) No bill of sale, convey¬ ance, or mortgage shall be recorded unless it states the interest of the grantor or mort¬ gagor in the vessel, and the interest so sold, conveyed, or mortgaged, 28 (b) No bill of sale, conveyance, mort¬ gage, notice of claim of lien, or certificate of discharge thereof, shall be recorded un¬ less previously acknowledged before a no¬ tary public or other officer authorized by a law of the United States, or of a State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, to take acknowledgement of deeds. (c) In case of a change in the port of documentation of a vessel of the United States, no bill of sale, conveyance, or mort¬ gage shall be recorded at the new port of documentation unless there is furnished to the collector of customs of such port, to¬ gether with the copy of the bill of sale, con¬ veyance, or mortgage to be recorded, a cer¬ tified copy of the record of the vessel at the former port of documentation furnished by the collector of such port. The collec¬ tor of customs at the new port of documen¬ tation is authorized and directed to re¬ cord such certified copy. (d) A preferred mortgage may bear such rate of interest as is agreed by the parties thereto. Subsec. I. Each collector of customs shall permit records made under the pro¬ visions of this section to be inspected dur¬ ing office hours, under such reasonable regu¬ lations as the collector may establish. Upon the request of any person the collector of customs shall furnish him from the records of the collector's office (1) a certificate set¬ ting forth the names of the owners of any vessel, the interest held by each owner, and the material facts as to any bill of sale or conveyance of, any mortgage covering, or any lien or other incumbrance upon a speci¬ fied vessel, (2) a certified copy of any bill of sale, conveyance, mortgage, notice of claim of lien, or certificate of discharge in re¬ spect to such vessel, or (3) a certified copy as required by subdivision (c) of subsec¬ tion H. The collector of customs shall col¬ lect a fee for any bill of sale, conveyance, or mortgage recorded, or any certificate or cer¬ tified copy furnished, by him, in the amoum of 20 cents a folio with a minimum charge of $1. All such fees shall be covered into 29 the Treasury of the United States as mis¬ cellaneous receipts. Penalties. Subsec. J. (a) If the master of the ves¬ sel willfully fails to exhibit the documents of the vessel or the copy of any preferred mortgage thereof, as required by subsection E, the board of local inspectors of vessels having jurisdiction of the license of the master, may suspend or cancel such license, subject to the provisions of "An Act to pro¬ vide for appeals from decision of boards of local inspectors of vessels, and for other purposes," approved June 10, 1918. (b) A mortgagor who, with intent to defraud, violates any provision of subsection F, and if the mortgagor is a corporation or association, the president or other principal executive officer of the corporation or asso¬ ciation, shall upon conviction thereof be held guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. The mort¬ gaged indebtedness shall thereupon become immediately due and payable at the elec¬ tion of the mortgagee. (c) If any person enters into any con¬ tract secured by, or upon the credit of, a ves¬ sel of the United States covered by a pre¬ ferred mortgage, and suffers pecuniary loss by reason of the failure of the collector of customs, or any officer, employee, or agent thereof, properly to perform any duty re¬ quired of the collector under the provisions of this section, the collector of cus¬ toms shall be liable to such person for damages in the amount of such loss. If any such person is caused any such loss by reason of the fail¬ ure of the mortgagor, or master of the mort¬ gaged vessel, or any officer, employee, or agent thereof, to comply with any provision of subsection E or F or to file an affidavit as required by subdivision (a) of subsec¬ tion D, correct in each particular thereof, the mortgagor shall be liable to such person for damages in the amount of such loss. The district courts of the United States are given 30 jurisdiction (but not to the exclusion of the courts of the several States, Territories, Dis¬ tricts, or possessions) of suits for the recov¬ ery of such damages, irrespective of the amount involved in the suit or the citizen¬ ship of the parties thereto. Such suit shall be begun by personal service upon the de¬ fendant within the limits of the district. Upon judgment for the plaintiff in any such suit, the court shall include in the judgment an additional amount for costs of the action and a reasonai^le counsel's fee, to be fixed by the court. Foreclosure of Preferred Mortgages. Subsec. iv. A preferred mortgage shall constitute a lien upon the mortgaged ves¬ sel in the amount of the outstanding mort¬ gage indebtedness secured by such vessel. Upon the default of any term or condition of the mortgage, such lien may be enforced by the mortgagee by suit in rem in admir¬ alty. Original jurisdiction of all such suits is granted to the district courts of the United States exclusively. In addition to any notice by publication, actual notice of the com¬ mencement of any such suit shall be given by the libellant, in such manner as the court shall direct, to (1) the master, other rank¬ ing officer, or caretaker of the vessel, and (2) any person who has recorded a notice of claim of an undischarged lien upon the •vessel, as provided in subsection G, unless after search by the libellant satisfactory to the court, such mortgagor, master, other ranking officer, caretaker, or claimant is not found within the United States. Failure to give notice to any such person, as recpiired by this subsection, shall not constitute a jurisdictional defect; but the libellant shall be liable to such person for damages in the amount of his interest in the vessel termin¬ ated by the suit. Suit in personam for the recovery of such damages may be brought in accordance with the provisions of subdiv¬ ision (c) of subsection J. Subsec. L. In any suit in rem in admir¬ alty for the enforcement of the preferred mortgage lien, the court may appoint a re- 31 ceiver and, in its discretion, authorize the receiver to operate the mortgaged vessel. The marshal may be authorized and direct¬ ed by the court to take possession of the mortgaged vessel notwithstanding the fact that the vessel is in the possession or under the control of any person claiming a posses¬ sory common-law lien. Subsec. AI. (a) When used heremafter in this section, the term "preferred maritime lien" means (1) a lien arising prior in time to the recording and indorsement of a pre¬ ferred mortgage in accordance with the pro¬ visions of this section ; or (2) a lien for dam¬ ages arising out of tort, for wages of a stevedore when employed directly by the owner, operator, master, ship's husband, or agent of the vessel, for wages of the crew of the vessel, for general average, and for salvage, including contract salvage. (b) Upon the sale of any mortgaged ves¬ sel by order of a district court of the United States in any suit in rem in admiralty for the enforcement of a preferred mortgage lien thereon, all preexisting claims in the vessel, including any possessory common- law lien of which a lienor is deprived under the provisions of subsection L shall be held terminated and shall thereafter attach, in like amount and in accordance with their re¬ spective priorities, to the proceeds of the sale ; except that the preferred mortgage lien shall have priority over all claims against the vessel, except (1) preferred maritime liens, and (2) expenses and fees allowed and costs taxed, by the court. Subsec. N. (a) Upon the default of any term or condition of a preferred mortgage upon a vessel, the mortgagee may, in ad¬ dition to all other remedies granted by this section, bring suit in personam in admirality in a district court of the United States, against the mortgagor for the amount of the outstanding mortgage indebtedness secured by such vessel or any deficiency in the full payment thereof. (b) This section shall not I)e construed, in the case of a mortgage covering, in ad- 32 dition to vessels, really or personalty other than vessels, or both, to authorize the en¬ forcement by suit in rem in admiralty of the rights of the mortgagee in respect to such realty or personalty other than vessels. Transfers of Mortgaged Vessels and As¬ signment of Vessel Mortgages. Subsec. O. (a) The documents of a ves¬ sel of the United States covered by a pre¬ ferred mortgage may not be surrendered (except in the case of the forfeiture of the vessel or its sale by the order of any court of the United States or any foreign country) without the approval of the board. The board shall refuse such approval unless the mortgagee consents to such surrender. (b) The interest of the mortgagee in a vessel of the United States covered by a mortgage, shall not be terminated by the forfeiture of the vessel for a violation uf any law of the United States, unless the i. ort- gage authorized, consented, or conspired to effect the illegal act, failure, or omission which constituted such violation. (c) Upon the sale of any vessel of the United States covered by a preferred mort¬ gage, by order of a district court of the United States in any suit in rem in admiralty for the enforcement of a maritime lien other than a preferred maritime lien, the vessel shall be sold free from all preexisting claims thereon ; but the court shall, upon the re¬ quest of the mortgagee, the libellant, or any intervenor, require the purchaser at such sale to give and the mortgagor to accept a new mortgage of the vessel for the balance of the term of the original mortgage. The conditions of such new mortgage shall be the same, so far as practicable, as those of the original mortgage and shall be subject to the approval of the court. If such new mortgage is given, the mortgagee shall not be paid from the proceeds of the sale and the amount payable as the purchase price shall be held diminished in the amount of the new mortgage indebtedness. (d) No rights under a mortgage of a vessel of the United States shall be assign- 33 ed to any person not a citizen of the United States without the approval of the board. Any assignment in violation of any provi¬ sion of this section shall be void. (e) No vessel of the United States shall be sold by order of a district court of the United States in any suit in rem in admiral¬ ty to any person not a citizen of the United States. Maritime Liens for Necessaries. Subsec. P. Any person furnishing re¬ pairs, supplies, towage, use of dry dock or marine railway, or other necessaries, to any vessel, whether foreign or domesric, upon the order of the owner of such vessel, or of a person authorized by the owner, shall have a maritime lien on the vessel, which may be enforced by suit in rem, and it shall not be necessary to allege or prove that credit was given to the vessel. Subsec. Q. The following persons shall be presumed to have authority from the owner to procure repairs, supplies, towage, use of dry dock or marine railway, and other necessaries for the vessel : The managing owner, ship's husband, master, or any per¬ son to whom the management of the ves- .sel at the port of supply is intrusted. No per¬ son tortiously or unlawfully in possession or charge of a vessel shall have authority to bind the vessel. Subsec. R. The officers and agents of a vessel specified in subsection Q sh.all be taken to include such officers and agents when appointed b}' a charterer, by an own¬ er pro hac vice, or by an agreed purchaser in possession of the vessel; but nothing in this section shall be construed to confer a lien when the furnisher knew, or by exer¬ cise of reasonable diligence could have ascer¬ tained, that because of the terms of a char¬ ter party, agreement for sale of the vessel, or for any other reason, the person order¬ ing the repairs, sup])lies, or other necessar¬ ies was without authority to bind the ves¬ sel therefor. Subsec. S. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the furnisher of re- 34 pairs, supplies, towage, use of dry dock or marine railway, or other necessaries, or the mortgagee, from waiving his right to a lien, or in the case of a preferred mortgage lien, to the preferred status of such lien, at any time, by agreement or otherwise ; and this section shall not be construed to af¬ fect the rules of law now existing in re¬ gard to (1) the right to proceed against the vessel for advances, (2) laches in the en¬ forcement of liens upon vessels, (3) the right to proceed in personam, (4) the rank of preferred maritime liens among them¬ selves, or (5) priorities between maritime liens and mortgages, other than preferred mortgages, upon vessels of the United States. Subsec. T. This section shall supersede the provisions of all State statutes confer¬ ring liens on vessels, in so far as such stat¬ utes purport to create rights of action to be enforced by suits in rem in admiralty against vessels for repairs, supplies, towage, use of dry dock or marine railway, and oth¬ er necessaries. Miscellaneous Provisions. Subsec. U. This section shall not apply (1) to any existing mortgage, or (2) to any mortgage hereafter placed on any vessel now under an existing mortgage, so long as such existing mortgage remains undis¬ charged. Subsec. V. The Secretary of Commerce is authorized and directed to furnish collec¬ tors of customs with all necessary books and records, and with certificates of regis¬ try and of enrollment and license in such form as provides for the making of all in¬ dorsements thereon required by this sec¬ tion. Subsec. W. The Secretary of Commerce is authorized to make such regulations in respect to the recording and indorsing of mortgages covering vessels of the United States as he deems necessary to the effi¬ cient execution of the provisions of this section. Subsec. X. Sections 4192 to 4196, inclu- 35 sive, of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended, and the act entitled "An Act relating to liens on vessels for rcf'ahs, supplies, or other necessaries," approved June 23, 1910, are repealed. This section, however, so far as not inconsistent with any of the provisions of law so repealed, shall be held a reenactment of such repealed law, and any right or obligation based upon any provision of such law and accruing prior to such repeal, may be prosecuted in the same manner and to the same efïect as if this act had not been passed. Sec. 31. That section 4530 of the Revised Statutes of the United States is amended to read as follows ; "Sec, 4530, Every seaman on a vessel of the United States shall be entitled to re¬ ceive on demand from the master of the vessel to which he belongs one-half part of the balance of his wages earned and remain¬ ing unpaid at the time when such demand is made at every port where such vessel, after the voyage has been commenced, shall load or deliver cargo before the voyage is ended, and all stipulations in the contract to the contrary shall be void : Provided, Such a demand shall not be made before the ex¬ piration of, nor offener than once in, five days nor more than once in the same harbor on the same entry. Any failure on the part of the master to comply with this demand shall release the seaman from his contract and he shall be entitled to full payment of wages earned. And when the voyage is ended every such seaman shall be entitled to the remainder of the wages which shall be then due him, as provided in section 4529 of the Revised Statutes : Provided further, That notwithstanding any release signed by any seaman under section 4552 of the Revised Statutes any court having jurisdic¬ tion may upon good cause shown set aside such release and take such action as justice shall require: And provided further. That this section shall apply to seamen on for¬ eign vessels while in harbors of the United States, and the courts of the United States 36 shall be open to such seamen for its en¬ forcement." Sec. 32. That paragraph (a) of section 10 of the Act entitled "An Act to remove cer¬ tain burdens on the American merchant ma¬ rine and encourage the American foreign carrying trade, and for other purposes," ap¬ proved June 26, 1884, as amended, is here- hy amended to read as follows: "Sec. 10. (a) That it shall be, and is here¬ by, made unlawful in any case to pay any seaman wages in advance of the time when he has actually earned the same, or to pay such advance wages, or to make any order, or note, or other evidence of indebtedness therefor to any other person, or to pay any person, for the shipment of seamen when payment is deducted or to be deducted from a seaman's wages. Any person vio¬ lating any of the foregoing provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a mis¬ demeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $100, and may also be imprisoned for a period of not exceeding six months, at the discretion of the court. The payment of such advance wages or allotment, whether made within or without the United States or territory subject to the jurisdic¬ tion thereof, shall in no case except as here¬ in provided absolve the vessel or the master or the owner thereof from the full payment of wages after the same shall have been actually earned, and shall be no defense to a libel suit or action for the recovery of such wages. If any person shall demand or receive, either directly or indirectly, from any seaman or other person seeking em¬ ployment, as seaman, or from any person on his behalf, any remuneration v/ha (ever for providing bim with employment, he shall for every such offense be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be imprisoned not more than six months or fined not more than $500." Sec. 33. That section 20 of such Act of March 4, 1915, be, and is, amended to read as follows : 37 "Sec. 20. That any seaman who shall suf¬ fer personal injury in the course of his em¬ ployment may, at his election, maintain an action for damages at law, with the right of trial by jury, and in such action all statutes of the United States modifying or extending the common-law right or remedy in cases of personal injury to railway employees shall apply ; and in case of the death of any seaman as a result of any such personal in¬ jury the personal representative of such sea¬ man may maintain an action for damages at law with the right of trial by jury, and in such action all statutes of the United States conferring or regulating the right of action for death in the case of railway employees shall be applicable. Jurisdiction in such ac¬ tions shall be under the court of the district in which the defendant employer resides or in which his principal office is located." Sec. 34. That in the judgment of Con¬ gress, articles or provisions in treaties or conventions to which the United States is a partv', which restrict the right of the United States to impose discriminating cus¬ toms duties on imports entering the United States in foreign vessels and in vessels of the United States, and which also restrict the right of the United States to impose discriminatory tonnage dues on foreign ves¬ sels and on vessels of the United States entering the United States should be term¬ inated, "and the President is hereby author¬ ized and directed within ninety days after this Act becomes law to give notice to the several Governments, respectively, parties to such treaties or conventions, that so much thereof as imposes any such restric¬ tion on the United States will terminate on the cxpirtion of such periods as may be rcc|uired for the giving of such notice by the provisions of such treaties or conven- titms. .Sec. 35. That tlie power and authority vested in the l)oard by this Act, except as hi.Tcin otherwise specifically provided, may lie cxerei.'^^ed directly by tlie board, or by it through the United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation. 38 Sec. 36. That if any provision of this Act is declared unconstitutional or the applica¬ tion of any provision to certain circum¬ stances be held invalid, the remainder of the Act and the application of such pro¬ visions to circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid shall not be affected thereby. Sec. 37. That when used in this Act, un¬ less the context otherwise requires, the terms "person," "vessel," "documented un¬ der the laws of the United States," and "citizen of the United States" shall have the meaning assigned to them by sections 1 and 2 of the "Shipping Act, 1916," as amended by this Act ; the term "board" means United States Shipping Board ; and the term "alien" means any person not a citizen of the United States. Sec. 38. That section 2 of the "Shipping .'\ct, 1916," is amended to read as follows : "Sec. 2 (a) That within the meaning of this Act no corporation, partnership, or as¬ sociation shall be deemed a citizen of the United States unless the controlling inter¬ est therein is owned by citizens of the United States, and, in the case of a corpora¬ tion, unless its president and managing di¬ rectors are citizens of the United States and the corporation itself is organized under the laws of the United States or of a State, Territory, District, or possession thereof; but in the case of a corporation, associa¬ tion, or partnership operating any vessel in the coastwise trade the amoimt of interest required to be owned by citizens of the United States shall be 75 per centum. "(b) The controlling interest in a corpor¬ ation shall not be deemed to be owned by citizens of the United States (a) if the title to a majority of the stock thereof is not vested in such citizens free from any trust or fiduciary obligation in favor of any per¬ son not a citizen of the United States; or (b) if the majority of the voting power in such corporation is not vested in citizens of the United States ; or (c) if through any contract or understanding it is so arranged 39 that the majority of the voting power may be exercised, directly or indirectly, in be¬ half of any person who is not a citizen of the United States; or (d) if by any other means whatsoever control of the corpora¬ tion is conferred upon or permitted to be exercised by any person who is not a citi¬ zen of the United States. "(c) Seventy-five per centum of the inter¬ est in a corporation shall not be deemed to be owned by citizens of the United States (a) if the title to 75 per centum of its stock is not vested in such citizens free from any trust or fiduciary obligation in favor of any person not a citizen of the United States; or (b) if 75 per centum of the voting power in such corporation is not vested in citizens of the United States; or (c) if, through any contract or understanding it is so arranged that more than 25 per centum of the voting power in such corporation may be exercised directly or indirectly, in behalf of any per¬ son who is not a citizen of the United States ; or (d) if by any other means what¬ soever control of any interest in the corpor¬ ation in excess of 25 per centum is conferred upon or permitted to be exercised by any person who is not a citizen of the United States. "(d) The provisions of this Act shall ap¬ ply to receivers and trustees of all persons to whom the Act applies, and to the suc¬ cessors or assignees of such persons." Sec. 39. That this Act may be cited as the Merchant Marine Act, 1920. Approved; June 5, 1920. 40 In all matters related to FOREIGN TRADE we are especially equipped to render satisfactory service. When in need of Foreign Exchange Commercial Letters of Credit Cable Transfers Travelers Letters of Credit or information respecting any phase of international commercial inter¬ course, we would be especially pleased to discuss your requirements. (FOREIGN DEPARTMENT) The AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK ( ESTABLISHED 1838 ) 128 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY Resources Over $1^5,000,0000.00 6 1 720