L ^*517 o-Ä, ). • il ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $3,000,000 STATE OF LOUISIANA, PORT COMMISSION 5 PER CENT. SERIAL GOLD BONDS, ISSUE OF 1914, \ and ACT OF MORTGAGE AND PLEDGE OF REVENUES SECURING SAME by the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS to HIBERNIA BANK & TRUST CO., TRUSTEE. Issue Approved by Dillon, Thomson & Clay, of New York, N. Y. Wood & Oakley, of Chicago, III. Caldwell, Masslich & Reed, of New York, N. Y. Arthur McGuirk, of New Orleans, La. 1 ORDINANCE^ PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $3,000,000 STATE OF LOUISIANA, PORT COMMISSION 5 PER CENT. SERIAL GOLD BONDS, ISSUE OF 1914, and ACT OF MORTGAGE AND PLEDGE OF REVENUES SECURING SAME by the BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS to HIBERNIA BANK & TRUST CO., TRUSTEE. Issue Approved by Dillon, Thomson & Clay, of New York, N. Y. Wood & Oakley, of Chicago, III. Caldwell, Masslich & Reed, of New York, N. Y. Arthur McGuirk, of New Orleans, La. AN ORDINANCE To carry into effect the provisions of the Constitution of Louisiana of eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, as amended pursuant to Act No. One Hundred and Thirty-three of the General Assembly of Louisi¬ ana, nineteen hundred and ten, and of Article Three Hundred and Twenty-two of the Constitution of Louisiana of nineteen hundred and thirteen, and otherwise; to establish a system of publicly owned and controlled warehouses therein provided for, in connection with and as a part of the public system -0f:ttó;PoPt of New Orleans; to authorize the issu- , : .'àYicè'ôf-three million dollars five per cent. Port Commission bonds for that purpose; to provide for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds; to prescribe the duties of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, its officers and agents, in connection with said bonds, and to create a contract between the Board of Com¬ missioners of the Port of New Orleans, the State of Louisiana and each and every holder of said bonds. Whereas, the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, created as an agency and instrumentality of the State of Louisiana under the provisions of Act No. 70 of the General Assembly of the year 1896, as amended by Act No. 36 of the General Assembly of the year 1900, and recognized, approved and perpetuated by the provisions of the Constitution of Louisiana of 1898, as amended in 1908 and 1910, and also by the provisions of the Constitution of Louisiana of 1913, is vested with the control and government of the Port and Harbor of New Orleans, and is charged with the duty of extending, improving and maintaining the same for the development of the commerce of the State of Louisi¬ ana, of the City of New Orleans, and of said port; and Whereas, storage facilities whereby merchandise in transit may, without impeding the movement of freight over the wharves and landings and independently of the operation of said wharves and landings, be economically assembled, stored, protected and thereafter distributed, are necessary to the proper development of the commerce of the State of Louisiana, and of the Port of New Orleans; and Whereas, by Act No. 133 of the General Assembly of Louisiana of 1910, which act was submitted as an amend¬ ment to the Constitution of Eiouisiana of 1898, at the Con¬ gressional election held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November, 1910, and by the voters at said 3 election ratified, adopted, and made part of the Constitu¬ tion of the State, and by Article 322, of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1913, the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans is authorized to erect and oper¬ ate warehouses and other structures necessary to the com¬ merce of the Port of New Orleans, to that end to expro¬ priate any private property necessary for said purposes and to pay for the same by issuing mortgage or mortgages, bond or bonds, against the real estate and buildings thereon, such mortgage or mortgages, bond or bonds, to be paid out of the net receipts after the payment of operating expenses, and said Board is empowered to fix charges for storage on all goods or merchandise ; and it is also provided that bonds so issued shall be paid by preference out of the receipts of the warehouse or warehouses erected therewith after payment of operating expenses, and so far as such net receipts may be insufficient, out of the receipts and revenues of the said Port after the payment of operating expenses and prior bonded obligations; provided that each issue of bonds under the authority of said Article 322 of the Constitution of 1913 shall be subordinate to previous issues thereunder ; and Whereas, it is necessary in the public interest and for the promotion of the commerce of the State of Louisiana, the Port of New Orleans, and the City of New Orleans, that the powers conferred as hereinbefore recited for the erec¬ tion and construction of storage warehouses should be exer¬ cised by this Board; and Whereas, this Board has determined to locate and erect the said warehouses upon the following lands and premsies— to wit: All that tract of land situated, lying and being in the Sixth Municipal District of the City of New Orleans, Par¬ ish of Orleans, fronting on the Mississippi River and (ex¬ cluding the Valence Street wharves and sheds), measuring one thousand (1,000) feet, more or less, along the easterly line of the projection of Soniat Street, from the Missis¬ sippi River to the easterly river corner of Soniat Street and 4 Leake Avenue; thence along the line of, and following the river side of Leake Avenue, two thousand nine hun¬ dred and twenty (2,920) feet, more or less, to the wester¬ ly river corner of Napoleon Avenue and Leake Avenue; thence along the westerly line of the projection of Na¬ poleon Avenue, nine hundred (900) feet, more or less, to the Mississippi River; thence along the Mississippi River, three thousand and ninety (3,090) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Said property being bounded by the Mississippi River, easterly line of the pro¬ jection of Soniat Street, the river side of Leake Avenue, and the westerly line of the projection of Napoleon Ave¬ nue, and containing in superhcial area, about sixty-two (62) acres. Which said lands and premises subject to the condi¬ tions, covenants and agreements hereinafter expressed, have been appropriated, dedicated ana set aside by the State of Louisiana through its designated agency, the Loard oi Com¬ missioners of the Port of New Orleans, to the public use of the said Board and of the people of the State of Louisi¬ ana, for the construction of the said warehouses and of the appurtenances and appliances necessary for the proper main¬ tenance, control and operation of the same; and Whereas, the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, has heretofore investigated the cost of the erection of said warehouses anu the appurtenances neces¬ sary for the proper operation of the same, and has directed the preparation of working plans and specifications for the construction oi said warehouses and appurtenances, to the end that the construction of the warehouses and appur¬ tenances shall be promptly begun and completed ; and Whereas, it is now desired, and this Board hereby finds that it is necessary, to issue the bonds of the Port of New Orleans to the amount of three million dollars ($3,000,000), for the purpose of providing funds for the 6 acquiring of necessary lands and for the erection of the said warehouses and other structures in aid of commerce thereon; and Whereas, it is necessary for the additional security of the bonds so to be issued, that provision should be made for a mortgage upon the said lands and premises, and upon the structures to be erected thereon, and to make provision for the payment of the said bonds by preference out of the re¬ ceipts of the warehouses to be erected upon the said lands and premises, after the payment of operating expenses of the said warehouses, and so far as such net receipts may be insufficient, out of the entire receipts and revenues of the said Port, after the payment of operating expenses and after providing for prior bonded obligations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS: Section 1. That the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans created by Act No. 70 of the General Assembly of 1896, as amended by Act 36 of the General Assembly of 1900, and as recognized, approved and per¬ petuated by the provisions of the Constitution of Louisiana of 1898, as amended in 1908 and 1910, and by the pro¬ visions of the Constitution of Louisiana of 1918, and hereto duly and specifically authorized and empowered by the peo¬ ple of the State of Louisiana, under and by virtue of the said provisions of the Constitution of said State, hereby directs that there be issued negotiable coupon bonds of the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, as an agency and instrumentality of the State of Louisiana for the management, control and improvement of the said Port of New Orleans, in the manner and form hereinafter pro¬ vided, to an amount not to exceed the sum of Three Million ($3,000,000.00) Dollars, which bonds shall be dated the first 6 day of April, 1914, and shall be 3,649 in number, numbered from one to 3,649, both numbers inclusive; said bonds shall be known and styled as "State of Louisiana Port Commis¬ sion Serial Gold Bonds, Issue of 1914," and shall be of the following numbers, denominations and maturities: No. of Bonds. Amount. Denominations. Amt. of Coupons 2831 $2,831,000.00 $1,000.00 $25.00 218 109,000.00 500.00 12.50 600 60,000.00 100.00 2.50 Said issue is to be entirely of $1,000.00 denominations with the exception of $30,000.00 bonds with a maturity of 1924, $30,000.00 bonds with a maturity of 1929, which are to be of the denomination of $100.00 each, and $53,000.00 bonds with a maturity of 1930, $56,000.00 bonds with a maturity of 1931, which are to be of the denomination of $500.00 each. The bonds are to be numbered consecutively, and the maturities and coupon dates and numbers are to be tjrped as follows : Denomina¬ No. of Maturity. Principal. tion. Number. Coupons. April, 1920 33,000 1,000 1 to 33 inc. 12 ti 1921 35,000 1,000 34 << 68 14 n 1922 37,000 1,000 69 ii 105 16 n 1923 39,000 1,000 106 << 144 18 n 1924 11,000 1,000 145 (( 155 20 n 1924 30,000 100 156 (Í 455 20 n 1925 43,000 1,000 456 i< 498 22 it 1926 45,000 1,000 499 n 543 24 (< 1927 47,000 1,000 544 n 590 26 1928 49,000 1,000 591 639 28 ÍÍ 1929 21,000 1,000 640 660 30 n 1929 30,000 100 661 960 30 7 Denomina¬ No. of ty- Principal. tion. Number. Coupons. 1930 53,000 500 961 t( 1066 tt 32 1931 56,000 500 1067 n 1178 tt 34 1932 59,000 1,000 1179 a 1237 tt 36 1933 62,000 1,000 1238 tt 1299 tt 38 1934 65,000 1,000 1300 n 1364 tt 40 1935 68,000 1,000 1365 n 1432 it 42 1936 72,000 1,000 1433 it 1504 it 44 1937 76,000 1,000 1505 tt 1580 tt 46 1938 80,000 1,000 1581 tt 1660 tt 48 1939 84,000 1,000 1661 tt 1744 tt 50 1940 88,000 1,000 1745 tt 1832 tt 52 1941 92,000 1,000 1833 tt 1924 tt 54 1942 97,000 1,0U0 1925 tt 2021 tt 56 1943 102,000 1,000 2022 tt 2123 tt 58 1944 107,000 1,000 2124 tt 2230 tt 60 1945 112,000 1,000 2231 tt 2342 tt 62 1946 118,000 1,000 2343 tt 2460 tt 64 1947 124,000 1,000 2461 tt 2584 tt 66 1948 131,000 1,000 2585 tt 2715 tt 68 1949 138,000 1,000 2716 tt 2853 tt fO 1950 145,000 1,000 2854 tt 2998 tt 72 1951 152,000 1,000 2999 tt 3150 tt 74 1952 159,000 1,000 3151 tt 3309 it 76 1953 167,000 1,000 3310 tt 3476 tt 78 1954 173,000 1,000 3477 tt 3649 tt 80 Said bonds shaill bear interest at the rate of ñve per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October in each year; coupons for interest to be attached to the said bonds. Both principal and interest shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of America, of the present standard of weight and fineness, at the office of the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana, or at the fiscal agency of said State in the City of New York, State of New York, at the option of the holder. Said bonds shall be signed by the President of the said 8 Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, and countersigned by the Secretary thereof, under authority of the State of Louisiana, and shall be sealed with the seal of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. Upon each of the coupons shall be engraved or lithographed the facsimilie signatures of said President and Secretary, and said facsimilie signatures of said President and Secre¬ tary are hereby declared and adopted as a sufficient and authentic execution of the said coupons. Coupons attached to said bonds, past due at the time of delivery, shall be detached and canceled by said Board before delivery of the bonds. Section 2. Be it further ordained, etc., That the form of said bonds and the coupons attached thereto, and the rules and regulations for the registration of said bonds, shall be substantially as follows, to wit: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA state of louisiana PORT COMMISSION SERIAL GOLD BOND ISSUE OF 1914. No $ Know All Men by These Presents, That the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, acting under authority and as an agency of the State of Louisiana, for value received, hereby promise to pay to bearer on the first day of April 19. . ., the sum of Dollars, to¬ gether with the interest thereon from the date hereof, until said principal sum is paid, at the rate of five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October in each year, on presentation and surrender of the respective coupons hereto attached as they severally be¬ come due. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness, at the office of the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana, or at the fiscal agency 9 of said State, in the City of New York, State of New York, at the option of the holder. This bond is one of a series of like date and tenor ex¬ cept denomination and maturity, aggregating three million dollars ($3,000,000), issued for the purpose of erecting and constructing public warehouses for the use of the com¬ merce of the State of Louisiana and the said Port, and is issued under the authority of, and in strict compliance with, the Constitution and statutes of the State of Louisiana, in¬ cluding among others Act No. 138 of the General Assembly of 1910, ratified and adopted as an amendment of the Con¬ stitution of Louisiana of 1898, at the general election of November 1910, and Article 322 of the Constitution of Louisiana of 1913, and is issued under and pursuant to ordinances and proceedings of said Board duly taken for that purpose. For the prompt and punctual payment of the principal hereof and the interest hereon as they severally become due, the full faith, credit and resources of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans as an agency of the State of Louisiana are hereby irrevocably pledged in the form and manner authorized by the Constitution and laws of said State, and this bond is further secured by a 'first mortgage on the public warehouses erected and con¬ structed with the proceeds of the series of which this bond is a part, and of the real estate upon which said warehouses are situated, and is also a preferential charge against the revenues from the said warehouses and real estate after payment of operating expenses. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana to exist, happen and be per¬ formed pursuant to and in the issuance of this bond have existed, happened and been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law, and that the amount of this bond together with all other indebtedness does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution or statutes of said State. This bond may be registered, in which event all un- I 10 matured coupons of this bond shall he cut off and cancelled by the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana and a certificate of that fact on the back of this bond shall be signed by said Treasurer and the name of the registered owner of this bond be placed in the registration clause on the back of this bond, together with the signature of said Treasurer, and thereafter both principal and interest of this bond shall be payable to such registered owner or his legal representa¬ tives or assigns, and this bond shall thereafter be transfer¬ able from time to time only by the registered owner in per¬ son or by attorney upon the books of said Treasurer and the name of the new registered owner similarly placed on the back of this bond. This bond is exempt from all taxation. State, Parish and Municipal. All the provisions of said Act No. 133 of 1910, and of said Article 322 of the Constitution of Lou¬ isiana of 1913, constitute a contract between the holder of this bond, the State of Louisiana and the Board of Com¬ missioners of the Port of New Orleans. In Witness Whereof, This bond has been signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary of said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans under authority of the State of Louisiana, and the seal of said Board hereto affixed, and each of the coupons hereto at¬ tached has been signed with the engraved or lithographed fac-simile signatures of said President and Secretary, and this bond has been dated April 1, 1914. President, Board 'of Commissioners, Port of New Orleans, La. Countersigned : Secretary, Board of Commissioners, Port of New Orleans, La. 11 (FORM OF COUPONS.) $ On the first day of , 19, the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, under au¬ thority of the State of Louisiana, will pay to bearer at the office of the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana, or at the fiscal agency of said State in the City of New York, N. Y., at the option of the holder, dollars ($ ) in gold coin of the United States of America, being six months' interest then due on Port of Nisw Orleans Serial Gold Bond, Issue of 1914, dated April 1, 1914, No President. Secretary. 12 (form of registration.) {Notice: No writing on this bond except by the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana.) I Hereby Certify that the unmatured couponts on this bond have been cut off and cancelled by me this day of , 19..., and this bond registered as below stated. Treasurer of the State of Louisiana. Date Name of of Registration. Registered Owner. Treasurer of State. Section 3. Be It Further Ordained, Etc., That pur¬ suant to the authority conferred by Article 322, of the Con¬ stitution of Louisiana, of 1913, to fix charges for storage on all goods or merchandise in the said warehouses, and for the purpose of providing means towards the payment of the in¬ terest on the said bonded inedbtedness, and towards pro¬ viding for the payment of the principal thereof at maturity, the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, as an agency, and by authority, of the State of Louisiana, will hereafter fix and determine upon a proper and sufficient schedule of charges for the storage of goods in the storage warehouses to be constructed pursuant to this ordinance; which charges shall always be sufficient when taken in con¬ nection with the other resources of said Board, to pay the interest upon and to provide for the redemption of said bonds at their maturity, and the said Board binds itself always to maintain rates and charges for the services and facilities rendered sufficient, with its other resources, not only to pay the operating expenses of the said warehouses, but also to pay the interest upon the bonds authorized here- 13 by, and to make provision for a sinking fund for the re¬ demption of the same at maturity. Section- 4. Be It Further Ordained, Etc., That bonds authorized to be issued hereby shall be paid by preference out of the receipts of the warehouse or warehouses erected with the proceeds thereof, after payment of operating ex¬ penses, and whenever the said Board shall have sold any of said bonds, and thereafter so long as any of the said bonds may be outstanding, this Board will place on deposit, on or before the first day of April of every year, with the Hibemia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, to the credit of a spe¬ cial account, styled ; "Port Commission Serial Gold Bonds, Issue of 1914, Interest Fund," an amount equal to the annual interest on all bonds authorized hereby that may have been delivered, and will always maintain in said fund, from said sources, a sum equal to one year's interest upon the said bonds outstanding, and it shall be the duty of the Trustee to transmit to the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana, at least fifteen days in advance of interest dates, the amount necessary to pay maturing coupons. The said Treasurer of the State of Louisiana is hereby empowered and directed, and it is made his duty, to pay any and all interest coupons that may be due, when presented by any holder thereof. This Board will also during each and every year, from and after the first day of April, 1919, place on deposit with the said Hibernia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, to the credit of a special fund or account, to be known and styled as; "Port Commission Serial Gold Bonds, Issue of 1914, Re¬ demption Fund," a yearly sum equal to the amount of bonds maturing in the following year ; and it shall be the duty of the Trustee to transmit to the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana, at least fifteen days in advance of maturity dates, the amount necessary to pay such maturing bonds, and the said Treasurer is hereby empowered and directed, and it is made his duty, to pay any and all bonds at their several ma¬ turities, when presented by any holder thereof. In case of the issuance of any bonds pursuant to this ordinance, the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New 14 Orleans hereby irrevocably binds itself not to sell, lease or in any manner dispose of the said warehouses, until the bonds issued hereunder, with the interest thereon, shall have been paid in full ; or, in case the said Board should sell, or otherwise dispose of the same, before such payment, said Board agrees to pay out of the moneys derived from the sale or other disposition thereof, all bonds, principal and in¬ terest, that shall then remain unpaid, and that in any event, it will not sell the said warehouses for a sum less than suffi¬ cient to pay all outstanding bonds authorized hereby, with the interest thereon. Section 5. Be It Further Ordained, Etc., That until the said warehouses have been completed, and the receipts therefrom, after the payment of operating expenses, are sufficient to pay the interest upon the said bonds, and to create a fund in the manner hereinbefore provided, for the payment of the principal at maturity, and thereafter, so far as the receipts from the said warehouses, after the pay¬ ment of operating expenses, may be insufficient to provide for the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds hereby authorized to be issued, the said bonds shall be pay¬ able out of the entire receipts and revenues of the Port of New Orleans, after the payment of operating expenses, and after providing for prior bonded obligations, in accord¬ ance with the terms of the contracts under which they were issued. Section 6. Be It Furt^her Ordained, Etc., That pur¬ suant to the authority conferred upon this Board by Article 322, of the Constitution of Louisiana, of 1913, to mortgage the real estate on which said warehouses shall be erected, and the buildings erected thereon, for the purpose of secur¬ ing the bonds issued for the erection of said warehouses, and in order to secure the payment of the principal and interest of all bonds at any time issued and outstanding, under and pursuant to this ordinance, according to their tenor and ef¬ fect, and the performance of all the covenants and conditions herein contained, the Board of Commissioners of the Port of 15 New Orleans, in consideration of the premises, and of the purchase and acceptance of such bonds by the holders there¬ of, does hereby authorize to be mortgaged, affected and spe¬ cially hypothecated, in favor of each successive holder of said bonds, and of the coupons thereto attached, and to the Hi- bemia Bank and Trust Company, of the City of New Or¬ leans, Louisiana, as Trustee for, and to enure to the use and benefit of all of them, all and singular the lands and premises described as follows, viz. ; All that tract of land situated, lying and being in the Sixth Municipal District of the City of New Orleans, Par¬ ish of Orleans, fronting on the Mississippi River and (ex¬ cluding the Valence Street wharves and sheds), measuring one thousand (1,000) feet, more or less, along the easterly line of the projection of Soniat Street, from the Missis¬ sippi River to the easterly river corner of Soniat Street and Leake Avenue; ttience along the line of, and following the river side of i^eake Avenue, two thousand nine hun¬ dred and twenty (2,920) feet, more or less, to the wester¬ ly river corner of Napoleon Avenue and Leake Avenue; thence along the westerly line of the projection of Na¬ poleon Avenue, nine hundred (900) feet, more or less, to the Mississippi River; thence along the Mississippi River, three thousand and ninety (3,090) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Said property being bounded by the Mississippi River, easterly line of the pro¬ jection of Soniat Street, the river side of Leake Avenue, and the westerly line of the projection of Napoleon Ave¬ nue, and containing in superficial area, about sixty-two (62) acres. Upon which this Board has determined to locate and erect the said warehouses, and which this Board has here¬ tofore appropriated, dedicated and set aside, and does now, again, appropriate, dedicate and set aside, for the construc¬ tion of the said warehouses, and of the appurtenances and ap¬ pliances necessary thereto, and for the proper maintenance, control and operation' thereof, together with the warehouse and warehouses to be erected thereon and also any lands and 16 premises other than those hereinbefore described, upon which a public warehouse, or public warehouses, may here¬ after be erected with the proceeds of said bonds, and the warehouses so erected on such other and additional lands and premises ; the said property so to remain mortgaged and hypothecated until the full and final payment of the said bonds, authorized to be issued hereby, in principal and interest, the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans hereby binding itself not to sell, alienate, mortgage or encumber the same, to the prejudice of these presents. The said Board does further bind Itself to maintain adequate insurance upon said warehouses, payable to the Trustee, as interest may appear, and in case of loss or de¬ struction of the said buildings by fire, or from any other cause, to immediately, and without unreasonable delay, re¬ build and restore the same, and place the same in as good condition as before such loss or destruction. The said Board does further declare, that it does con¬ sent, agree and stipulate, that in the event that the said bonds shall not be punctually paid at maturity, or in the event of any default for sixty days in the payment of any installment of interest thereon, it shall be lawful for, and it does hereby authorize said Trustee upon such default, or upon the written request of the holders of ten per cent. (10%) of the amount of the outstanding bonds, to cause all and singular the said hereinbefore described and herein mortgaged property, to be seized and sold under executory process, without appraisement, to the highest bidder, for cash. And the said Board does hereby, also, further stipu¬ late, covenant and agree, that in the event that the said bonds shall not be punctually paid at, or before, maturity, or in the event of any default or delay for sixty (60) days in the payment of any installment of interest of said bonds, the said Trustee of its own motion may, or upon the writ¬ ten request of the holders of ten per cent. (10%) or more of the amount of outstanding bonds, shall, by action or suit in 17 any court of competent jurisdiction, apply for the foreclosure of the mortgage hereby authorized to be effected, and for the appointment of a receiver to take possession of the mortgaged premises, and control and administer the same for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of the bonds hereby authorized to be issued ; and, as and when au¬ thorized by such court, to sell the same, and to apply the proceeds thereof to the payment and satisfaction of the said bonds, and of any accrued interest thereon; and it is further stipulated, covenanted and agreed, that any receiver, or other person appointed by the court pursuant hereto, or any purchaser of the said premises at any executory or ju¬ dicial sale thereof, shall have power to collect any and all fees and charges authorized by this ordinance, or by law, in respect of the said storage warehouses, and in respect of the storage and other facilities furnished therein, either before, or after the sale of the same, pursuant to the decree of such court. And the said Board does further declare, that it does consent, agree and stipulate, that in the event the said bonds shall not be punctually paid at maturity, or in the event of any default for sixty days in the payment of any installment of interest thereon, the Trustee may, and upon the written request of the holders of ten per cent. (10%) or more, in amount of the bonds then outstanding shall, by notice in writing delivered to said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, declare the principal of all bonds then outstanding to be due and payable immediately, and upon any such declaration the principal shall become and be due and payable immediately, anything in said bonds, or this ordinance, to the contrary notwihtstanding. The Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Or¬ leans does further stipulate, covenant and agree, for the se¬ curity of the said bondholders, that it will not use, hypothe¬ cate, sell or dispose of any bonds hereby authorized in any manner, other than in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, and the agreements in that behalf herein contained; and in issuing, selling, hypothecating, or other- 18 wise disposing of said bonds, from time to time, it will well and truly apply, or cause to be applied, the same, or the pro¬ ceeds thereof, to and for the purpose herein prescribed, and to and for no other or different purpose. It is further hereby declared, that in case of any sale of the said lands, premises and buildings, whether under executory process, or pursuant to judicial proceed¬ ings, the whole of the principal sum of the bonds hereby secured, if not previously declared due, shall at once be¬ come due and payable, anything in said bonds, or in this ordinance, to the contrary notwithstanding. And the Board of Commissioners of the 'Port of New Orleans does further stipulate, covenant and agree, that it will, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, execute all such further deeds, mortgages and assignments, for the better securing unto the said bondholders, and each of them, as shall by the said bondholders be reasonably desired, ad¬ vised and requested, through the said Trustee. The Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Or¬ leans, acting as an agency of the State of Louisiana, fur¬ ther directs, authorizes and empowers the President of the said Board, under the seal of said Board to certify to and authenticate a copy of this ordinance, and directs that such copy, so authenticated, be attached to the act of mortgage hereinafter provided to be recorded in the office of the Re¬ corder of Mortgages of the Parish of Orleans, and the said Board does further authorize and empower the said Presi¬ dent, for the purpose of effecting the mortgage and pledge hereby authorized, and for the purpose of acquiring any property or moneys from said Trustee, or both, to appear before any Notary in the said Parish of Orleans, and to make and execute an act of mortgage, in notarial form, of the lands and premises hereinbefore described, and of pledge of revenues of this Board, and to cause the same to be recorded in the said office in the manner and form pre¬ scribed by law, and by this ordinance. Section 7. Be It Further Ordained, Etc., That all the provisions of said Act No. 133, of 1910, adopted as an 19 ipiendment to the Constitution of Louisiana of 1898, as hereinbefore recited, and all of the provisions of said Article 322, of the Constitution of Louisiana, of 1913, and all the provisions of this ordinance, shall constitute a contract be¬ tween the holders of bonds issued hereunder, the State of Louisiana, and the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, and the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, as an agency of the State of Lou¬ isiana, thereunto duly authorized, does hereby pledge its full faith, credit and resources for the prompt and faithful performance of all the stipulations, conditions and obliga¬ tions, undertaken and imposed upon it by this ordinance. Section 8. Be It Further Ordained, Etc., That all the property under the control of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orelans, both real and personal, movable and immovable, including the lands and premises herein¬ before described, and set apart, for the erection of ware¬ houses thereon, and the said warehouses when erected, being dedicated to the public use of the people of the State of Louisiana, and held for the benefit of the said State by its agents, the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, and being controlled by the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, as an agency of the said State, it is hereby expressly declared, that the right, exists in the said State, acting through its General Assembly, or otherwise, to protect its interest in the said property, by providing for the payment of the said bonds, by appropria¬ tion, or otherwise, as the said State, through its duly con¬ stituted authorities, may elect. Section 9. Be It Further Ordained, Etc., That the passage of this ordinance does not exhaust the powers of the said Board to acquire additional lands, and to build addi¬ tional warehouses on lands acquired, or hereafter to be ac¬ quired, and to issue bonds to pay for the same, under said Act No. 133, of the General Assembly of Louisiana, of 1910, adopted as a constitutional amendment, as hereinbefore re¬ cited, and under said Article 322, of the Constitution of 20 Louisiana, of 1913, whenever the growing commerce of said Port may demand and require the same, and to secure the said bonds by the specific pledge of the net receipts of the said additional warehouses and appurtenances, and by first mortgage of the lands and buildings acquired and con¬ structed with the proceeds of such additional bonds: pro¬ vided, that any subsequent issue of bonds for the construc¬ tion of such warehouses, under the authority of the said Act 138, of 1910, and said Article 322, of the Constitution of Louisiana, of 1913, shall be subordinate to the issue of bonds hereby authorized, and to the mortgage lien hereby created, so far as the premises herein described are concerned. Section 10. Be It Further Ordained, Etc., That an ordinance adopted by this Board on the 27th day of August, 1913, to carry into effect the provisions of the Constitution of 1898, as embodied in Act 133 of the General Assembly of Louisiana, of 1910, to establish a system of publicly owned and controlled wharves, landings and warehouses, and to authorize the issuance of Three Million ($3,000,000) Dol¬ lars of five per cent. Port Commission bonds for that purpose, is hereby expressly superseded and repealed. That all ordinances, and parts of ordinances, in conflict with, or contrary to, the provisions of this ordinance, be, and the same are, hereby, repealed. Section 11. Be It Further Ordained, Etc., That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. MORTGAGE OF PROPERTY AND PLEDGE OF REV¬ ENUES BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE PORT OF NEW ORLEANS TO HIBER- NIA BANK & TRUST CO., TRUSTEE. United States of America, state of louisiana, piarish of orleans, city of new orleans. Be it known, and remembered, that on day of the month of April, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of the Inde¬ pendence of the United States of America the One Hundred and Thirty-eighth, before me, Arthur John Peter, a no¬ tary public, duly commissioned, sworn and qualified, in and for the City and Parish of Orleans, therein residing, and in the presence of the witnesses hereinafter named and un¬ dersigned : Personally came and appeared : HONORABLE ROBERT GODIN GUERARD, of this city, herein appearing and acting in his capacity as President of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, hereunto duly authorized and em¬ powered, under and by virtue of a resolution and ordinance of the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Or¬ leans, passed on the twenty-second day of April, 1914, a duly certified copy whereof is hereunto annexed and made part hereof, as fully as if the same were herein set out at length. Which said appearer declared and acknowledged, that the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Or¬ leans, a State agency, and acting under authority of the State of Louisiana, is justly and truly indebted unto the Hibemia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, a corpora¬ tion organized under the laws oí the State of Louisiana, and 22 domiciled in the City of New Orleans, in the said State, herein represented by MR. JOHN J. GANNON, PRESIDENT, under and by virtue of a resolution of the Board of Directors of said bank, of date of the day of , 1914, a duly certified copy whereof is hereto annexed, in the full and true sum of THREE MILLION ($3,000,000.00) DOLLARS, borrowed money, which the said Hibernia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, has this day loaned and advanced to the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, as an agency and instrumentality of the State of Louisiana, and for the reimbursement whereof, the said Board of Com¬ missioners of the Port of New Orleans has made and sub¬ scribed its thirty-six hundred and forty-nine, negotiable coupon bonds, payable to bearer, dated the first day of April, 1914, numbered from one to thirty-six hundred and forty- nine, both numbers inclusive, said bonds being known and styled as "State of Louisiana, Port Commission Serial Gold Bonds, Issue of 1914," and are of the following numbers, denominations and maturities, viz. : No. of Bonds. Amount. Denomination. Amt. of Coupons. 2831 $2,831,000.00 $1,000.00 $25.00 218 109,000.00 500.00 12.50 600 60,000.00 100.00 2.50 Said issue consists entirely of bonds of the denomina¬ tion of one thousand dollars each, with the exception of $30,000.00 bonds with a maturity of 1924, $30,000.00 bonds with a maturity of 1929, which said bonds are of the denomination of one hundred dollars eacn, and $53,000.00 bonds with a maturity of 1930, $56,000.00 bonds with a maturity of 1931, which said bonds are of the denomination of five hundred dollars each. 23 The said bonds are numbered consecutively, and the maturities, coupon dates and numbers are typed as follows : Denomina- No. of Maturity. Principal. tion. Number. Coupons. April, 1920 33,000 1,000 1 to 33 inc. 12 " 1921 35,000 1,000 34 << 68 it 14 " 1922 37,000 1,000 69 n 105 it 16 " 1923 39,000 1,000 106 << 144 a 18 " 1924 11,000 1,000 145 (< 155 a 20 1924 30,000 100 156 n 455 a 20 " 1925 43,000 1,000 456 n 498 it 22 " 1926 45,000 1,000 499 it 543 ti 24 " 1927 47,000 1,000 544 tí 590 ti 26 " 1928 49,000 1,000 591 << 639 a 28 1929 21,000 1,000 640 ÍÍ 660 it 30 " 1929 30,000 100 661 u 960 it 30 1980 53,000 500 961 ii 1066 it 32 " 1931 56,000 500 1067 (Í 1178 it 34 " 1932 59,000 1,000 1179 <( 1237 it 36 1933 62,000 1,000 1238 (Í 1299 it 38 " 1934 65,000 1,000 1300 i( 1364 it 40 1935 68,000 1,000 1365 it 1432 it 42 " 1936 72,000 1,000 1433 ÍÍ 1504 it 44 " 1937 76,000 1,000 1505 ii 1580 it 46 " 1938 80,000 1,000 1581 << 1660 it 48 " 1939 84,000 1,000 1661 (Í 1744 it 50 " 1940 88,000 1,000 1745 << 1832 it 52 " 1941 92,000 1,000 1833 1924 it 54 " 1942 97,000 1,000 1925 (( 2021 it 56 1943 102,000 1,000 2022 << 2123 it 58 " 1944 107,000 1,000 2124 << 2230 it 60 1945 112,000 1,000 2231 (< 2342 it 62 " 1946 118,000 1,000 2343 it 2460 it 64 " 1947 124,000 1,000 2461 a 2584 it 66 1948 131,000 1,000 2585 it 2715 it 68 " 1949 138,000 1,000 2716 it 2853 it 70 " 1950 145,000 1,000 2854 a 2998 a 72 24 Denomina¬ No. of Maturity. Principal. tion. Number. Coupons. " 1951 152,000 1,000 2999 " 3150 74 " 1952 159,000 1,000 3151 " 3309 76 " 1953 167,000 1,000 3310 " 3476 78 " 1954 173,000 1,000 3477 " 3649 80 Said bonds bear interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, on the first days of April and October in each year, and coupons for interest are attached thereto. Both principal and interest of said bonds are payable in gold coin of the United States of America, of the present standard of weight and fineness, at the office of the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana, or at the fiscal agency of said State in the City of New York, State of New York, at the option of the holder. Said bonds are signed by the President of the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, and are countersigned by the Secretary thereof, under authority of the State of Louisiana, and have been sealed with the seal of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, upon each of the coupons at¬ tached to said bonds have been engraved or lithographed the facsimilie signatures of said President and Secretary, and said facsimile signatures of said President and Secre¬ tary, as aforesaid, have been declared and adopted as a sufficient and authentic execution of the said coupons. That the form of said bonds, and the coupons attached thereto, is as follows : UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, State of Louisiana, PORT COMMISSION SERIAL GOLD BOND, ISSUE OF 1914. No $ Know all men by these presents, that the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, acting under authority of and as an agency of the State of Louisiana, 25 for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer on the first day of April, 19 the sum of dollars together -with the interest thereon from the date hereof un¬ til said principal sum is paid, at the rate of five per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October in each year on presentation and surrender of the respective coupons hereto attached as they severally become due. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight anu fineness, at the office of the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana, or at the fiscal agency of said State, in the City of New York, State of New York, at the option of the holder. This bond is one of a series of like date and tenor ex¬ cept denomination and maturity, aggregating three million dollars ($3,000,000), issued for the purpose of erecting and constructing public warehouses for the use of the com¬ merce of the State of Louisiana and the said Port and is issued under the authority of and in strict compliance with the Constitution and statutes of the State of Louisiana, including among others Act No. 183 of the General Assem¬ bly of 1910, ratified and adopted as an amendment of the Constitution of Louisiana of 1898 at the general election of November 1910, and Article 322 of the Constitution of Louisiana of 1913, and is issued under and pursuant to ordinances and proceedings of said Board duly taken for that purpose. For the prompt and punctual payment of the princi¬ pal hereof and the interest hereon as they severally become due, the full faith, credit and resources of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans as an agency of the State of Louisiana are hereby irrevocably pledged in the form and manner authorized by the Constitution and laws of said State, and this bond is further secured by a first mortgage on the public warehouses erected and con- 26 structed with the proceeds of the series of which this bond is a part, and of the real estate upon which said warehouses are situated and is also a preferential charge against the revenues from the said warehouses and real estate after payment of operating expenses. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana to exist, happen and be per¬ formed pursuant to and in the issuance of this bond have existed, happened and been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law, and that the amount of this bond, together with all other indebtedness does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution or statutes of said State. This bond may be registered, in which event all un¬ matured coupons of this bond shall be cut off and canceled by the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana and a certificate of that fact on the back of this bond shall be signed by said Treasurer and the name of the registered owner of this bond be placed in the registration clause on the back of this bond, together with the signature of said Treasurer, and thereafter, both principal and interest of this bond shall be payable to such registered owner or his legal representa¬ tives or assigns and this bond shall thereafter be trans¬ ferable from time to time only by the registered owner in person or by attorney upon the books of said Treasurer and the name of the new registered owner similarly placed on the back of this bond. This bond is exempt from all taxation. State, Parish and Municipal. All the provisions of said Act No. 133 of 1910, and of said Article 322 of the Constitution of Louisiana of 1913, constitute a contract between the holder of this bond, the State of Louisiana and the Board of Commis¬ sioners of the Port of New Orleans. In witness whereof, this bond has been signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary of said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans under au¬ thority of the State of Louisiana, and the seal of said Board 27 hereto afñxed and each of the coupons hereto attached has been signed with the engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures of said President and Secretary and this bond has been dated April 1, 1914. President, Board of Commissioners, Port of New Orleans, La. Countersigned : Secretary, Board of Commissioners, Port of New Orleans, La. (FORM OF COUPON) $ On the first day of , 19 , the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans under authority of the State of Louisiana, will pay to bearer at the office of the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana, or at the fiscal agency of said State in the City of New York, N. Y., at the option of the holder, Dollars ($ ) in gold coin of the United States of America, being six months' interest then due on Port of New Orleans Serial Gold Bond, Issue of 1914, dated April 1, 1914, No. . President. Secretary. 28 (form of registration) (Notice.—No writing on this bond, except by the Treasurer of the State of Louisiana.) I hereby certify that the unmatured coupons on this bond have been cut off and cancelled by me this day of , 19 , and this bond registered as be¬ low stated. Treasurer of the State of Louisiana. Date Name of of Registration. Registered Owner. Treasurer of State. And the said bonds, after having been so identified by numbers, maturities and denominations, have been deliv¬ ered to the Hibernia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, the said Hibernia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, being here present, as aforesaid, and acknowledging the receipt and delivery of the said bonds, for itself, and for all bondholders. And the said appearer. Honorable Robert Godin Guerard, President of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, declared that, pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, by Article 322, of the Constitution of i^ouisi- ana, of 1913, to mortgage the real estate upon which the public warehouses authorized by Act 133, of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, of 1910, and Article 322, of the Constitution of Louisiana, of 1913, shall be erected, and the said warehouses so to be erected upon the said land, and in order to additionally secure the payment oi the principal and interest of all bonds now issued and delivered under, and pursuant to, an ordinance of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, enacted on the 29 twenty-second day of April, 1914, and annexed hereto as aforesaid, according to the tenor and effect of saiu bonds, and the performance of all the covenants and conditions con¬ tained in said ordinance, and in this act of mortgage, the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, in consideration of the premises, and of the purchase and ac¬ ceptance of Three Million ($3,000,000.00) Dollars "State of Louisiana Port Commission Serial Gold Bonds, Issue of 1914," does hereby mortgage, auect and specially hypoth¬ ecate in favor of the Hibernia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, and of each successive holder of said bonds, and of the coupons attached thereto, and to enure to the use and benefit of any or all of them, all and singular the lands and premises described as follows—to wit: AH that tract of land situated, lying and being in the Sixth Municipal District of the City of New Orleans, Par¬ ish of Orleans, fronting on the Mississippi River and (ex¬ cluding the Valence Street wharves and sheds), measuring one thousand (1,000) feet, more or less, along the easterly line of the projection of Soniat Street, from the Missis¬ sippi River to the easterly river corner of Soniat Street and Leake Avenue; thence along the line of, and following the river side of Leake Avenue, two thousand nine hun¬ dred and twenty (2,920) feet, more or less, to the wester¬ ly river comer of Napoleon Avenue and Leake Avenue; thence along the westerly line of the projection of Na¬ poleon Avenue, nine hundred (900) feet, more or less, to the Mississippi River; thence along the Mississippi River, three thousand and ninety (3,090) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Said property being bounded by the Mississippi River, easterly line of the pro¬ jection of Soniat Street, the river side of Leake Avenue, and the we:.terly line of the projection of Napoleon Ave¬ nue, and containing in superficial area, about sixty-two (62) acres. Which said land and premises, subject to the condi¬ tions, covenants and agreements hereinafter expressed, 30 have been appropriated, dedicated and set aside by the State of Louisiana, through its designated agency, the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, to the public use of the said Board and of the people of the State of Louisiana, for the construction of public warehouses, and of the appurtenances and appliances necessary for the proper maintenance, control and operation of the same. The said property so to remain mortgaged' and hy¬ pothecated, until the full and final payment of the bonds hereinbefore referred to and delivered, in principal and in¬ terest, the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Or¬ leans hereby binding itself not to sell, alienate, mortgage, or encumber the same to the prejudice of these presents. The said Board does further bind and obligate itself to maintain adequate insurance upon said warehouses, pay¬ able to the Trustee, as interest may appear, and in case of loss or destruction of the said buildings by fire, or from any other cause, to immediately, and without unreasonable delay, reuuild and restore the same, and place the same in as good condition as before such loss or destruction. And in case of failure on the part of said Board to rebuild the same, the Trustee shall have the power so to do. And the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans does declare, that it does consent, agree and stipulate, that in the event that the said bonds shall not be punctually paid at their maturity, or in the event of any default for sixty days in payment of any installment of in¬ terest thereon, it shall be lawful for, and it does hereby au¬ thorize said Trustee, of its motion, upon such default, or upon the written request of the holders of ten (10%) per cent, or more of the amount of the outstanding bonds, to cause all and singular the said hereinbefore described and herein mortgaged property to be seized and sold under executory process, without appraisement, to the highest bid¬ der, for cash. And the said Board does further consent, agree and stipulate that, in the event the said bonds shall not be punc¬ tually paid at maturity, or in the event of any default for 81 sixty days in the payment of any installment of interest thereon, the Trustee may, and upon the written request of the holders of ten (10%) per cent., or more, in amount of the bonds then outstanding shall, by notice in writing, deliv¬ ered to said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, declare the principal of all bonds then outstanding to be due and payable immediately, and upon any such dec¬ laration, the principal shall become, and be, due and paya¬ ble immediately, anything in said bonds, or this instrument, to the contrary notwithstanding. And the said Board does hereby, also, stipulate, cove¬ nant and agree, that in the event that the said bonds shall not be punctually paid at, or before, maturity, the said Trustee, of its own motion, may, or upon the written re¬ quest of the holders of ten (10%) per cent., or more, of the amount of outstanding bonds shall, by action, or suit, in any court of competent jurisdiction, apply for the foreclosure of the mortgage hereby affected, and for the appointment of a receiver to take possession of the mortgaged premises, and control and administer the same, for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of the bonds hereby authorized to be issued, and, as and when authorized by such court, to sell the same, and to apply, or cause to be applied, the pro¬ ceeds thereof, to the payment and satisfaction of said bonds, and of any accrued interest thereon. It is further stipulated, covenanted and agreed, that any receiver, or other person, appointed by the court pur¬ suant hereto, or any purchaser of the said premises at any executory, or judicial sale thereof, shall have the power to collect any and all fees and charges authorized by law, in respect of the said storage warehouses, and in respect of the storage and other facilities furnished therein, either before, or after, the sale of the same, pursuant to the decree of such court. The Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Or¬ leans does further stipulate, covenant and agree, for the further security of the said bondholders, that it will well and truly apply, or cause to be applied, the proceeds of said 32 bonds to, and for, the purpose herein prescribed, and to, and for, no other, or different purpose. It is further stipulated, covenanted and agreed, that in case of any sale of the said lands, premises and buildings, whether under executory process, or pursuant to judicial proceedings, the whole of the principal sum of the bonds herein secured, if not previously declared due, shall at once become due and payable, anything in said bonds, or in this instrument, to the contrary notwithstanding. And the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans does further stipulate, covenant and agree, that it will, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, execute all such further deeds, mortgages and assignments, for the better securing unto the said bondholders, and each of them, as shall, by the said bondholders, be reasonably desired, ad¬ vised and required, through the said Hibemia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee. All the provisions of Act 133, of the General Assem¬ bly of Louisiana, of 1910, adopted as an amendment to the Constitution of Louisiana, of 1898, as hereinbefore recited, and all of the provisions of said Article 322, of the Consti¬ tution of Louisiana, of 1913, and all of the provisions of this mortgage, shall constitute a contract between the holders of bonds delivered hereunder, the State of Louisiana and the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, and the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, as an agency of the State of Louisiana, thereunto duly au¬ thorized, does hereby pledge its full faith, credit and re¬ sources for the prompt and faithful performance of all the stipulations, conditions and obligations undertaken and im¬ posed upon it by this act of mortgage. That all the property under the control of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, both real and personal, movable and immovable, including the lands and premises hereinbefore described and set apart for the erection of warehouses thereon, and the said warehouses when erected, being dedicated to the public use of the people of the State of Louisiana, and held for the benefit of the 83 said State by its agents, the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, and being controlled by the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, as an agency of the said State, it is hereby expressly de¬ clared that the right exists in the said State, acting through its General Assembly, or otherwise, to protect its interest in the said property by providing for the payment of the said bonds by appropriation or otherwise, as the said State, through its duly constituted authorities, may elect. That the execution of this act of mortgage, and the issuance and delivery of the bonds therein described, does not exhaust the powers of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to acquire additional land, and to build additional warehouses on the lands acquired, or hereafter to be acquired, and to issue bonds to pay for the same, under Act 133, of the General Assembly of Louisiana, of 1910, and under Article 322, of the Constitution of Lou¬ isiana, of 1913, whenever the growing commerce of the Port of New Orleans may demand and require the same, and to secure the said additional bond issue by a specific pledge of the net receipts of the said additional warehouses and appur¬ tenances, by a first mortgage of the lands and buildings acquired and constructed with the proceeds of such addi¬ tional bonds ; provided, that any subsequent issue of bonds for the construction of such warehouses, under the authority of Act No. 133, of the General Assembly of Louisiana, of 1910, and of Article 322, of the Constitution of Louisiana, of 1913, shall be' subordinate to the issue of bonds hereby au¬ thorized, and to the mortgage lien hereby created, so far as the premises herein described are concerned. And the said appearer further declares, consents and stipulates, that the bonds hereinbefore described and deliv¬ ered are to be paid by preference out of the receipts of the warehouse or warehouses erected with the proceeds thereof, after payment of operating expenses, as defined by Article 322 of the Constitution of Louisiana, of 1913, and the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans does hereby pledge the said receipts of the said warehouse or warehouses. 1 84 and until the said warehouses have been completed, and the receipts therefrom, after the payment of operating ex¬ penses, are sufficient to pay the interest upon said bonds, and to create a fund for the payment of the principal there¬ of at maturity, and thereafter so far as the net receipts from the said warehouses, after the payment of operating ex¬ penses, may be insufficient to provide for the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds herein described and now delivered, the said bonds shall be payable out of the entire receipts and revenues of the Port of New Orleans, after the payment of operating expenses, and'after pro¬ viding for prior bonded obligations, in accordance with the terms of the contracts under which they were issued. And the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Or¬ leans hereby pledges, assigns, and specially and preferen¬ tially affects, the said revenues, to the full extent necessary, to secure the said indebtedness, in capital and interest. And the said appearer further declares that the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans now hereby makes a special deposit with the Hihemia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowl¬ edged, of the fund arising from the sale of the said bonds, and agrees to keep the said fund so upon deposit with the said Hibernia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, until the same shall be used for the purposes for which the said bonds were issued, sold and delivered, and the said Board of Com¬ missioners of the Port of New Orleans, so long as any of the said bonds may be outstanding, agrees to place on de¬ posit, on or before the first day of April, of every year, with the Hihemia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, to the credit of a special account, styled "Port Commission Serial Gold Bonds, Issue of 1914, Interest Fund,''' an amount equal to the annual interest on all bonds that may have been de¬ livered, and will always maintain in said fund, from said sources, a sum equal to one year's interest upon the said bonds outstanding, and it shall be the duty of the Hihemia Bank and Tmst Company, Trustee, to require said deposit to be made, and thereafter to transmit to the Treasurer 35 of the State of Louisiana, at least fifteen days in advance of interest dates, the amount necessary to pay maturing coupons. The Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Or¬ leans will also, during each and every year, from and after the first day of April, 1919, place on deposit with the said Hihernia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, to the credit of a special fund or account, styled "Port Commission Serial Gold Bonds, Issue of 1914, Redemption Fund," a yearly sum equal to the amount of bonds maturing in the following year, and it shall be the duty of the Hihernia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, to require said deposits to be made. The funds arising from the sale of the said bonds, and deposited with the said Hihernia Bank and Trust Com¬ pany, Trustee, shall not be withdrawn, except for the pur¬ poses for which the said bonds were issued, and upon the furnishing of satisfactory evidence to the Hihernia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, that the moneys proposed to be drawn out are intended for such purposes, and the Hi¬ hernia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, shall-endorse the evidence of its approval upon all checks or warrants drawn upon the said fund by the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. And the said Robert Godin Guerard acting in his said capacity hereby declares that the said property having been taken and acquired by the right of eminent domain exist¬ ing in said Board, that same has not been alienated, or en¬ cumbered, by the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans and is free from all liens, encumbrances and mortgages, and the said Hihernia Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, declares itself satisfied with said dec¬ laration holding the said Notary harmless in the premises and the said Robert Godin Guerard, President, hereby binds the said Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to procure, as soon as same can be made out S6 and certified to by the Recorder of Conveyances and Re¬ corder of Mortgages for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana, the necessary certificates to that effect, which will be attached to, and made a part of, this act of mortgage. Thus Done and Passed, at my office, in the City of New Orleans, on the day, month and year herein first above written', in the presence of Messrs and competent witnesses, who hereunto sign their names with the said appearers, and me. Notary, after reading of the whole. A true and correct copy. ROBERT G. GUERARD, President, Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. TILEY S. McCHESNEY, Asst. Secretary and Treasurer, Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. (seal.)