STATEMENT SHOWING LAND GEANTS MADE BY CONGRESS TO AID IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS, WAGON ROADS, CANALS AND INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS TOGETHER WITH DATA RELATIVE THERETO COMPILED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 Department of the Interior, General Land Office, Washington, D. C., November 27, 1907. The honorable the Secretary of the Interior. Sir : I have" the honor to submit herewith a tabulated statement show¬ ing the land grants made by Congress in aid of railroads, wagon roads, canals, and river improvements, with data relative thereto, compiled from the records of this Office. As great care has been exercised in its preparation, it is believed tó be as accurate as it is possible to make it from the data available, and its approval is recommended. Very respectfully, R. A. BALLINGER, / Commissions ¡\ Approved November 27, 1907. FRANK PIERCE, Acting Secretary. 23718—08 1 2 % STATEMENT SHOWING LAND GRANTS MADE BY CONGRESS TO AID IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS, WAGON ROADS, CANALS, AND INTERNAL 10 Date of grant. Sept. 20,1850 Sept. 20,1850 Sept. 20,1850 June 10,1852 June 10.1852 Feb. 9,1853 July 28,1866 May 15,1856 May 15,1856 May 15,1856 May 15,1856 11 155 May 17 Route of road. From the southern terminus of the Illinois and Michigan Canal to a point at or near the junc¬ tion of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, with a branch of the same to Chicago, on Lake Michigan, and another via Galena to Dubüque, in the State of Iowa. From the mouth of the Ohio River to the city of Mobile. .do. From Hannibal to Saint Joseph. From Saint Louis to such point on the western boundary of the State as may be designated by the authorities of the State. Located via Springfield. From a point on the Mississippi River opposite the mouth of the Ohio River, in the State of Missouri, via Little Rock, to the Texas bound¬ ary near Fulton, in Arkansas, with branches from Little Rock to the Mississippi River and to Fort Smith, in Arkansas. .do. From Burlington, on the Mississippi River, to a point on the Missouri River near the mouth of the Platte River. From Davenport, via Iowa City and Fort Des Moines, to Council Bluffs. From Lyons City northwesterly to a point of intersection with the Iowa Central Air Line R. R., near Maquoketa, thence on said line, running as near as practicable to the 42d par¬ allel, across the State to the Missouri River. From Dubuque to a point on the Missouri River near Sioux City, with a branch from the mouth of the Tete Des Morts to the nearest point on said road. From the Saint Johns River, at Jacksonville, to the waters of Escambia Bay, at or near Pensacola. Extent of grant in place. Even sections within miles of road. .do. .do. .do. Odd sections within 5 miles of lands granted by act of 1853. Odd sections within 6 miles of road. \ .do. .do. .do. Extent of indemnity limits. Fifteen miles on each side of road. Even sections. Same. State elected to take indemnity from odd sections. Same. Odd sections as above. ' -do- Even sections within 15 miles of road. Fifteen miles on each side of road. States elected to take odd sections. Odd sections within 20 miles of road. Fifteen miles on each side of road. Extended to 20 miles by act of June 2, 1864. Fifteen miles on each side of road. See act June 2, 1864, extending limits to 20 miles. Grantee. State of Illinois . State of Mississippi, so far as road is in said State. State of Alabama, so far as road is in said State. State of Missouri. States of Missouri and Arkansas, respectively. do State of Iowa. do .do. Fifteen miles on each side of road. .do. .do. State of Florida. Grantee of State. Illinois Central R. R. Co Mobile and Ohio R. R. Co... Hannibal and Saint J oseph R. R. Co. Pacific lt. R. Co. Cairo and Fulton R. R. Co. Little Rock and Fort Smith Rwy. Co. Memphis and Little Rock It. R. Co. Burlington and Missouri River R. R. Co. Mississippi and Missouri R. R. Co. Iowa Central Air Line R. R. Dubuque and Pacific R. R. Co. Florida, Atlantic and Gulf Central R. R. Co. Pensacola and Georgia R. R. Co. Subdivisions of grant and present owners. Illinois Central R. R. Co. Mobile and Ohio R. R. Co. .do. Ilannibal and Saint Joseph R. R. Co. From Pacific, Mo., to State line, to the Saint Louis and San Francisco Rwy. Co. From Saint Louis to Pacific, Mo., to the Missouri Pacific Rwy. Co. From mouth of Ohio River, in Missouri, to Texas boundary at Texarkana, Ark., to Cairo and Fulton R. R. Co., now Saint Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Rwy. Co. From Little Rock to Fort Smith, Ark., to Little Rock and Fort Smith Rwy. Co. From Little Rock to Mississippi River, opposite Memphis, Tenn., to Memphis and Little Rock R. R. Co. No subdivision. Present owner, Chicago, Bur¬ lington and Quincy R. R. Co. No subdivision. Present owner, Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Rwy. Co. Grant west of Cedar Rapids granted to the Ce¬ dar Rapids and Missouri River R. R. Co. Lands now owned by Iowa R. R. Land Co. Road operated by Chicago and Northwestern Rwy. Co. Dubuque to range 36 W. to Dubuque and Sioux City R. R. Co. Range 36 W. to Sioux City, to the Iowa Falls and Sioux City R. R. Co. Entire road operated by Illinois Central R. R. Co Tete Des Morts Branch, to the Dubuque, Belle- vue and Mississippi R. R. Co. Branch now operated by Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Rwy. Co. Jackson vile to Lake City Lake City to Pensacola. This portion of the grant was again divided in 1881, the portion extending from the Apalachicola River to Pensacola being conferred by the State upon the Pensacola and Atlantic R. R. Co. The road, and, presumably, the grant from Jack¬ sonville to the Apalachicola River, is now owned by the Florida Rwy. and Navigation Co. Additional legislation affecting but not increasing grant. Date of act. Aug. 2,1852 Mar. 3,1849 Aug. 2,1852 Feb. 18,1859 Mar. 3,1849 Aug. 2,1852 •Feb. 18,1859 June 5,1862 Mar.. 3,1869 May 6,1870 Apr. 10,1869 Mar. 8,1870 June 2,1864 July 1,1864 Mar. 3,1865 Mar. 3,1865 Feb. 10,1866 June 2,1864 Mar. 3,1865 Jan. 31,1873 June 15,1878 J une 2,1864 Mar. 3,1865 June 2,1864 Mar. 3,1865 Mar. 2,1868 422 Object of act. For protection of settlers along line of road.. Granting right of way For protection of settlers along line of road. Confirming transfer from State to company and extending time for completion of road. Granting right of way For protection of settlers. Confirming transfer and extending time for com¬ pletion. Extending time for completion of road. Extending time for completion of first 20 miles. ? .... 1 Extending time and providing that lands shall I be sold to settlers at a price not exceeding I $2.50 per acre. t J Repealing proviso to act of Apr. 10,1869. Increasing indemnity limits to 20 miles and ex¬ tending right of selection to even sections. Authorizing change in location of road; no change in location of grant. Extending time for completion. do do Authorizing relocation of uncompleted portion of road, and providing that grant be taken along new location within 20 miles. Extending time for completion Confirming adjustment made by General Land Office. * Directing restoration of vacant lands falling outside 20-mile limits of grant as relocated under act of June 2, 1864. Releasing State from obligation to construct road east of Cedar Rapids; authorizing relo¬ cation of uncompleted portion west of that point, so as to connect with the Iowa branch of the Union Pacific R. R., (the eastern terminus of which was at Council Bluffs), and extending right of selection to even sections within 15 miles of original line, and to all lands within 20 miles of now line. For construction of this act, see Cedar Rapids and Missouri River R. R. Co. v. Herring (110 U. S., 27). Extending time for completion. Authorizing relocation of road west of Fort Dodge; not to change location of grant. Extending time for completion. do Note.—Notwithstanding the division made by the State, this grant was, after full considera¬ tion, treated as a single grant, and the lands certified accordingly. 3 IMPROVEMENTS, TOGETHER WITH DATA RELATIVE THERETO, COMPIEED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE., Date of definite location. Feb. 14,1852. Nov. 18,1851, from Alabama line to Tibby Creek. Jan. 31,1853, from Tibby Creek to Tennessee State line. Aug. 28, 1849, from Chestang's boundary to Mississippi State line. Map filed under act of Mar. 3, 1849. July 10, 1852, from Chestang's boundary to south boundary of Mobile. June 10,1853 Jan. 3, 1854. Nov. 25,1853. Aug. 11,1855, in Arkansas. Feb. 16,1857, in Missouri.. Aug. 13,1855. Aug. 18, 1855. Apr. 7, 1857. Apr. 1,1857, under act of 1856.. Jan. 11,1870, relocation under act ' of 1864. June 15,1857, under act of 185G Dec. 19,1867, relocation under act of 1864. Oct. 11,1856. Aug. 17,1857 Aug. 17, 1857, from Lake City to Toll cihfl cepa May 10,1858, from Tallahassee to Pensacola. Date and extent of withdrawal. Sept. 20, 1850. All lands within limits. Sept. 20, 1850. 4.11 lands within limits. None. Indian lands. Sept. 20, 1850. limits. June 11, 1852. limits. All lands within All lands within June 11, 1852. All lands within limits. May 19,1853, under act of 1853... June 13,1867, Arkansas; May 17, 1870, Missouri, under act of 1866. May 19, 1853, act 1853; Mar. 14, 1868, act 1866. May 19, 1853, act 1853; Mar. 14, 1868, act 1866. May 10, 18§6; June 16, 1864; and June 7^"" 5. All lands within limi: May 10, 1856; June 16, 1864; and June 7, 1865. All lands within 20 miles of original location. May 10,1856; June 16,1864; June 7, 1865; and June 12, 1875. All lands within 15miles of original and 2£ miles of new location. May 10, 1856; Oct. 20, 1856; Oct. 22,1856; and June 16,1864. All lands within limits. May 17, 1856; May 23, 1856. AU lands within limits. Date of restoration of indemnity lands. * Aug. and Sept., 1852. Sept., 1853. Sept:, 1853. Grant adjusted in 1854. Aug. and Sept., 1854. Aug. 15,1887. Mar. 21,1883. Withdrawal never revoked; but little or no vacant lands within limits of grant. Dec. 15,1887. Sept. 9,1879. Dec. 15,1887. May 22, 1891. Dec. 15,1887. Jan. 17, 1888, from Jacksonville to Apalachicola River. Aug. 15, 1887, from Apalachicola River to Pensacola. Manner of restoration. Public notice, by order of Com¬ missioner of General Land Office. .do. .do. By order of Commissioner of General Land Office. See notice No. 517. By order of Secretary of the Inte¬ rior. By order of Commissioner of General Land Office. Condition of grant. Adjusted and closed. -do. Practically adjusted, but not closed. Adjusted and closed. Practically adjusted, but not closed. By order of Secretary of Interior. By order of Commissioner of General Land Office, issued in accordance with act of June 15, 1878. By order of Secretary of the Inte¬ rior. .do. .do. .do. .do. Adjusted and closed. .do. Practically adjusted, but not closed. Adjusted and closed. .do. .do. Estimated area of grant in acres. 2,595,133.00 737,130.29 419,528.44 778,550.04 1,159,080.33 Mo. 500,384.44 Ark. 1,946,112.00 1,052,082. 51 838,400.00 1,046,062. 73 1,228,526.96 1,025,795.67 1,207,145.51 1,315,496..?2 H Number of acres certified or pat¬ ented to June 30, 1907. J! 2,595,133.00 »737,130.29 » 419,528. 44 611,323.35 1,161,284.51 65,120.31 1,325,195.46 1,052,082. 51 184,657.33 389,990.11 & 644,747.17 b 1,166,836.63 & 1,239,464.08 1,308,620.88 tiß ©t3 o © ,© o © O *""< «t g.§ O Ö 3? : 707.73 206 241 165.16 131 279.98 317. 75 274.2 326.58 10.78 394.5 g i ® e¡ E.Z ® o C'Q s © © 3 ® ë c3 'Ö'Ö §1 OX) «7? ¿■O §■ $.2g§ 73 ftM © None. None. None. Nóne. None. None. None. 279.98 None. None. 271.6 2.6 326.58 10.78 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. Remarks. From Cairo to East Dubuque and from Centraba to Chicago, 111. (See opinion of Attorney-General, Mar. 10,1852, rela¬ tive to extent of grant and location of Chicago branch, 5 Opin., 518.) From Mobile, Ala., to Cairo, 111. Entire road held to be sub¬ ject to obligations of grant, although grant of lands is con¬ fined to States of Alabama and Mississippi. (See opinions of Attorney-General, Aug. 17, 1852, 5 Opin., 603; and Nov. 21,1871,13 Opin., 536.) a In the adjustment of this grant the road was treated as an entirety and without reference to the State line. Hence Alabama has had approved to her more and Mississippi less than they would appear to be entitled to in proportion to the length of the road in the respective States. From Hannibal to Saint Joseph, Mo. The mileage here given covers the road from Saint Louis to Springfield only, the portion between Springfield and the State line being reported as a part of Atlantic and Pacific R. R. From Bird's Point, Mo., opposite mouth of Ohio River, via Little Rock, to Texarkana, Ark. Little Rock and Fort Smith R. R., from Argenta, opposite Little Rock, to Fort Smith, Ark. Memphis and Little Rock R. R., from Argenta to Mississippi River, opposite Memphis, Tenn. From Burlington to East Plattsmouth, Iowa. From Davenport to Council Bluffs, Iowa. (See decision of Supreme Court in case of GrinneÚ v. R. R. Co., 103 U. S., 739.) From Cedar Rapids to Council Bluffs, Iowa. Lyons branch, from Lyons to Clinton, Iowa. Main line, from Dubuque to Sioux City, Iowa. Tete Des Morts Branch, from the mouth of Tete Des Morts River to the main line near Dubuque. & Includes 35,685.49 acres of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R. R., 109,756.85 acres of the Cedar Rapids and Mis¬ souri River R. R., and 77,535.22 acres of the Dubuque and Sioux City R. R. situated in the old Des Moines River grant of August 8,1846, which should be deducted from the fore¬ going amounts. (Wolcott v. Des Moines Co., 5 Wall., 631.) Completed from Jacksonville to Lake City, 59 miles, and from thence to Quincy, 130 miles additional, within time pre¬ scribed by granting act. . Completed from Quincy to Apalachicola River, 20 miles, in 1873, and thence to Pensa¬ cola, 161 miles, in 1883. Adjusted as one grant. 19023? 4 STATEMENT SHOWING LAND GRANTS MADE BY CONGRESS TO A Date of grant. tn and Nashville R. R. Co. No subdivision. Present owner, Mobile and Montgomery Rwy. Co. No subdivision, of the State. Present owner, the grantee From Gadsden, through Chattooga Valley, to Georgia State line. No company claiming grant is known to General Land Office. From Gadsden, through Wills and Lookout Valleys, to Wauhatchie, Tenn. Present owner, the Alabama and Chattanooga R. R. Co. No subdivision. Present owner, the Alabama and Chattanooga R. R. Co. No subdivision. Present owner, the grantee of the State. No subdivision. Present owner, the South and North Alabama R. R. Co. No subdivision. Present owner, the Selma, Rome and Dalton R. R. Co. No subdivision. Present owner, Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon R. R. Co. Sept. 29,1890 Mar. 3,1903 Mar. 4,1907 Apr. 10,1869 Sept. 29,1890 *Apr. 10,1869 Sept. 29,1890 Mar. 3,1903 Feb. 24,1905 Mar. 4,1907 Mar. 3,1857 Mar. 3,1871 May 23,1872 Sept. 29,1890 16 496 1222 1408 45 Forfeiting uncompleted portion of grant Providing for an exchange of lands between settlers and the company or its vendees. do Reviving grant and extending time for comple¬ tion of road. Forfeiting entire grant. .do. 496 1222 813 1408 Forfeiting grant between Troy and Mobile, Ala. Providing for an exchange of lands between the company, or its vendees, and settlers. — do — do - — Amending act of June 3,1856, as to name of com-. pany. Reviving grant and extending time for comple¬ tion of road. Confirming to State lands theretofore certified, and granting right of way. Forfeiting grant between Jacksonville and Gadsden, Ala. Note.—The act of March 3, 1865, provided that this company should receive lands for only 20 miles of road, viz, 200 sections; and that said lands should not be selected east of the line between ranges 26 and 27 west or south of the line between townships 47 and 48 north. .do. No subdivision. Present owner, Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon R. R. Co. No subdivision. Present owner, Ontonagon and Brûlé River R. R. Co. + No subdivisions. Present owner Chicago and Northwestern Rwy. Co. .do. Lansing to Traverse Bay, owned by the Jack¬ son, Lansing and Saginaw R. R. Co. From Amboy to Lansing, owned by Northern Cen¬ tral Michigan R. R. Co. No subdivision. No change in ownership. June 18,1864 June 18,1864 May 20,1868 Apr. 20,1871 Mar. 2,1889 Mar. 2,1889 July 5,1862 May 20,1868 May 23,1872 July 3,1866 Mar. 2,1867 Mar. 3,1871 Sept. 29,1890 Mar. 3,1865 1008 1008 620 Extending time for completion of road Explaining act extending time for completion ox road. Extending time for completion of road. Authorizing resurvey and new location of that part of the line between Marquette and On¬ tonagon. No change in location of grant. Forfaiting grant between L'Anse and Ontona¬ gon, Mich. Forfeiting uncompleted portion of grant Authorizing State to relocate road so as to reach State line at mouth of Menominee River; to surrender lands received along original loca¬ tion and select other lands along new location. Extending time for completion Authorizing relocation of road. Change of road not to change location of grant. Reviving grant extending time for completion, and providing that no lands shall be applied to construction of road south of Owosso until road north of that point has been completed and lands patented. Extending time for completion. .1 Authorizing company to change northern ter¬ minus of its road to the Straits of Mackinaw; change in location of road not to change loca¬ tion of grant. Forfeiting grant between Jonesville and Amboy, Mich. Extending time for completion 5 Y IMPROVEMENTS, TOGETHER WITH DATA RELATIVE THERETO, COMPILED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE—Continued. Date of definite location. Sept. 22, 1857, from Fernandina to Waldo, and thence to Cedar Keys. Dec. 14, 1860, from Waldo to Tampa. Aug. 13,1856 Sept. 18, 1856. Jan. 18,1859. Sept. 20, 1858. Nov. 29, 1858. June 1, 1858. May 30, 1866, from Decatur to Calera. July 26, 1871, from Montgomery to Calera. Mar. 27, 1858 Dec. 17, 1857. Date and extent of withdrawal. May 17, 1856; July 8, 1856; and Sept. 6, 1856. Sept. 6, 1856; Apr. 25, 1857; and Mar. 16,1881.. All lands within limits. June 9, 1856. All lands within limits. May 17, 1856; February 13, 1857. All lands within limits. . June 19, 1856; Feb. 13, 1857. All lands within 15-mile limits. June 19, 1856; Feb. 13, 1857. All lands within 15-mile limits. June 19, 1856; Feb. 13, 1857; and Jan. 7, 1869. All lands within 15-mile limits. June 19, 1856, and Feb. 13, 1857. All lands within 15-mile limits. May 30, 1856, under act of June 3, 1856. No withdrawal under act of 1865. Selections made within limits of Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon grant. Date of restoration of indemnity lands. Aug. 15, 1887. Dec. 15, 1887.. Dec. 15, 1887.. Aug. 15, 1887. No withdrawal of indemnity lands has been recognized since the war of 1861. Aug. 15, 1887. Aug. 15, 1887.. Dec. 15, 1887. Dec. 15, 1887. Jan.14, 1859. Nov. 30, 1857 Nov. 30, 1857, under act of 1856. Jan. 11, 1865. Relocation under joint resolution of 1862. Oct. 23, 1858. Dec. 2, 1857, from Grand Rapids to Traverse Bay; May 22, 1866, from Fort Wayne, Ind., to Grand Rapids, Mich. May 30, 1856; Apr. 28, 1865. All lands within limits. May 30, 1856. All lands within limits. May 30, 1856.......: Jan. 16, 1865; May 26, 1865. All lands in limits. May 30, 1856. All lands within limits. May 30, 1856, all lands within 15 miles from Grand Rapids north; Oct. 23, 1866, all lands within 20 miles within State of Michigan. Sept. 12, 1879, of lands with¬ drawn under act of 1856 not covered by grant of 1865. Manner of restoration. By order of Secretary óf the Interior. .do. By order of Secretary of the Interior. .do. .do. .do. Aug. 15, 1887. June 15, 1868. June 15, 1868. Dec. 15, 1887. Dec. 15, 1887. Dec. 15, 1887. .do. By order of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. do Condition of grant. Practically adjusted, but not closed. Adjusted and closed. do Practically adjusted, but not closed. Not earned. -Practically adjusted, but jiot closed. Adjusted and closed. Practically adjusted, but not closed. .do. Adjusted and closed. Practically adjusted, but not closed. Adjusted and closed. Estimated area of grant in acres. 1,034,279.72 147,942.81 439,972.58 96,033.12 832,693.62 302,181.16 594,689.60 508,620.33 By order of the Secretary of the Interior. .do. .do.- Practically adjusted, but not closed. .do. .do. 305,929.59 35,679.79 Number of acres certified or pat¬ ented to J une 30, 1907. 721,613.8 166,691.08 399,022.84 67,784.96 None. 653,808.57 302,181.16 445,438. 43 458,555.82 128,301.05 305,929.59 34,227.08 680,033.37 1,053,138.67 954,373.83 518,065.36 125.2 237.65 70. 44. 119. 36.5 223.6 183. O « £ ll ° Ö fH.S O Ö © rrî 85. 70. 44. 119. None. None. 183. " 45.26 None. a ® © a ►> ® * -'Ö'Ö xi Not adjusted. Estimated area of grant, in acres. 37,467. 44 589,290.83 . 1,268,404. C 1,288,208.90 560,605:87 699,220.90 409,499.81 139,113.22 3,770,533.32 Number of acres certified or pat¬ ented to June 30, 1907. 37,467. 44 512,887.03 1,115.38 976,866136 1,288,208.90 546,446.20 463,746. 78 f 170.66 39. 243.9 190. 199,101.51 139,113. 22 3,249,181.44 T) • CJ "O O) CD ¿2 22 •Ö . S U c £ ° S §2 Ü® 2.1 2 S «♦H +* c a O* co "S o S %'i ® +■* g® 140.05 None. None. O R-O pj ® CJ 3 ® S cô'O'Ô . 2sl1 cd «73 02 O cá R Ä'R O O S Phí-I O ¡S None. 39. 243.9 94. 113.5 113.5 170. None. 693.80 456.19 None. 96. None. None. 20. 60. None. 39. 243.9 None. None. None. 150. 237. 61 None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. Remarks. 5.37 With the exception of 60 miles lying between Port Huron and Flint these roads appear to have been constructed without reference to the land grant. (See Rogers vs. Port Huron and Lake Michigan R. R. Co., 45 Mich., 460.) The lands certified to the State were conveyed by the governor to the Port Huron and Lake Michigan R. R. Co. May 30, 1873, to aid in building the 60 miles of road above referred to. From Ludington to Flint. From Madison to Portage. From Portage to Tomah. From Tomah to Hudson. The company appears to have abandoned and taken up the road between Tomah and Warrens, 12 miles, and in lieu thereof to have constructed a road from Warrens to Camp Douglass Hudson to Superior City. Branch from point on main line in Sec. 35, T. 40 N., R. 12 W., to Bayfield. Road as constructed extends from Fond du Lac, via Apple- ton, to Michigan State line near the mouth of the Menomi¬ nee River. Located line, for and along which company received its lands, extends from Fond du Lac, via Apple- ton, northerly to Michigan State line in town. 41 N., range 14 E., about 167 miles. Completed from Texas State line to Shreveport, 20 miles, and from Delta, La., opposite Vicksburg, Miss., to Mon¬ roe, La., 74 miles, within time required, and from Monroe to Shreveport after that time. The mileage here given refers only to the road from New Orleans to Brashear City, now Morgan City, the grant for the remainder having been declared forfeited. The lands certified under this grant were reconveyed to the United States by the governor of Louisiana February 24, 1888, the grant not having been earned. None. From Jackson, via Meridian, to Alabama State line. 150. Located line extends from Brandon to Mississippi City. Constructed by Stillwater and Saint Paul R. R. Co. From Stillwater to junction with Saint Paul and Duluth R. R. at White Bear. From Stillwater to Saint Paul. Constructed by Saint Paul, Stillwater and Taylor's Falls R. R. Co. For full history of construction of two roads above men¬ tioned see letter from Commissioner of General Land Office to Secretary of the Interior, dated Feb. 6, 1886. From Saint Paul to Breckinridge. Saint Paul, Minneapolis, and Manitoba Rwy., from Minne¬ apolis to Watab. Completed from Minneapolis to Sauk Rapids within time required. Saint Paul and Northern Pacific R. R., from Watab to Brainerd.- .Saint Vincent extension, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Mani¬ toba Rwy., from East Saint Cloud to Saint Vincent, with a branch from Saint Vincent to the international bound¬ ary. Completed from East Saint Cloud to Melrose, 35 miles, and from a point in Sec. 35, T. 135 N., R. 46 W., to a point in Sec. 7, T. 154 N., R. 47 W.r 105 miles, within time required. Last bracketed roads adjusted as one grant. 8 STATEMENT SHOWING LAND GRANTS MADE BY CONGRESS TO AID IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS, WAGON ROADS, CANALS, AND INTERNAL Date oí grant. Route of road. Extent of grant in place. Extent of indemnity limits. Grantee. Grantee of State. Subdivisions of grant and pres.ent owners. Additional legislation affecting but not increasing grant. Date of act. Object of act. 37 37 a 38 38a 40 40a 41 41a Mar. 3,1857 May 12,1864 Mar. 3,1857 Mar. 3,1865 Mar. 3,1857 Mar. 3,1865 Mar. 3,1857 Mar. 3,1865 July 1,1862 July 2,1864 195 From Saint Paul and from Saint Anthony, via Minneapolis, to a convenient point of junction west of the Mississippi River, and thence to the southern boundary of the State. do Odd sections within 6 miles of road. Ten miles. Fifteen miles on each side of road. Odd sections. Twenty miles. State of Minnesota. Southern Minnesota and Minnesota Valley R. R. Co. No subdivision. Present owner, Saint Paul and Sioux City R. R. Co. -do. .do. From Minneapolis, via Faribault, to the north line of the State of Iowa. do From Winona, via Saint Peter, to a point on the Big Sioux River. .do. From La Crescent, via Target Lake, up the Root River Valley to a connection with the Winona and Saint Peter R. R. do From a point on the one hundredth meridian of longitude west from Greenwich, between the south margin of the valley of the Republican River and the north margin of the valley of the Platte River, in the Territory of Nebraska, to the western boundary of Nevada Territory; also from a point on western boundary of Iowa to the one hundredth meridian aforesaid. do Odd sections within 6 miles of road. Odd sections within 10 miles of road. Odd sections within6 miles of road. Odd sections within 10 miles of road. Odd sections within 6 miles of road. Odd sections within miles of road. Odd sections within 10 miles on each side of road. Odd sections within 20 miles on each side of road. Fifteen miles on each side of road. Odd sections. Twenty miles on each side of road. Odd sections. Fifteen miles on each side of road. Odd sections. Twenty miles on each side of road. Odd sections. Fifteen miles on each side of road. Odd sections. Twenty miles on each side of road. Odd sections. do. do. do. do. Minneapolis and Cedar Val¬ ley R. R. Co. do... No subdivisions. Present owner, Minnesota Central R. R. Co. July 13, Sept. 29,1890 July 13,1866 14 97 Provides for certification of lands and regulates selection of indemnity; also extends time for completion of road. Forfeiting grant between Saint Anthony, via Minneapolis, and Shakopee, Minn. Provides for certification of lands and regulates selection of indemnity. Winona and Saint Peter R. R. Co. No subdivision. Present owner, Winona and Saint Peter R. R. Co. .do. .do. .do. Southern Minnesota R. R. Co. Operated by the Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Rwy. Co. July 13, Jan. 13,1873 July 13,1866 14 17 97 409 Provides for certification of lands and regulates selection of indemnity. Extending time for completion. Provides for certification of lands and regulates selection of indemnity. .do. No indemnity. Union Pacific R. R. Co. No subdivision. Union Pacific R. R. Co. .do. .do. J uly 3, : July 26. Apr. 10, 1866 1869 May 6,1870 June 20,1874 May 7,1878 20 79 Authorized company to locate and construct its road from Omaha westward by the best and most practicable route without reference to the initial point on the one hundredth meridian previously provided by law. Grants right of way through military reserva¬ tion and authorizes the President to set apart lands for depot purposes. Provides for the protection of the interests of the United States in the Union Pacific R. R. Co. for a common terminus of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific roads at or near Ogden. Fixes the point of junction of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific R. R. companies. Amends sec. 15, act July 2, 1864, and provides for a penalty for a refusal of the company or any officer or agent thereof to use and operate the Pacific railroads as a continuous line, and a mode of enforcing said penalty. Provides for a sinking fund, etc. 9 IMPROVEMENTS, TOGETHER WITH DATA RELATIVE THERETO, COMPILED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE—Continued. Date of definite location. Feb. 20/1858, from Saint Paul and Minneapolis to Sec. 31, T. 107, R. 31. June 28, 1865, from Sec. 31, T. 107, R. 31, to Sec. 30, T. 104, R. 39. July 7, 1866, from Sec. 30, T. 104, R. 39, to southern boundary of State. Jan. 25,1858. July 29, 1858, Winona to range 31. Aug. 3, 1864, ranges 32 to 37, in- • Aug. 10, 1864, and July 10,1875. elusive. Date and extent of withdrawal. Mar. 7, 1857; June 22, 1857; Mar. 21, 1858; and July 7, 1864. Aug. 10,1865. Oct. 10, 1869. Mar. 7, 1857; June 22, 1857; Mar. 25,1858; and Dec. 6,1867. Mar. 7, 1857; June 22, 1857; Mar. 25, 1858; and July 10, 1865. Feb. 23, 1867, range 38... Sept. 10, 1868, ranges 39 to 43, in¬ clusive. Sept. 1, 1873* range 42 to Big Sioux River, in Dakota. Feb.- 20, 1858. First 100 miles west of Omaha, Oct. 24, 1864. First 100 mile's west of Omaha, Nov. 4, 1864- 100 miles west of Oinaha to Salt Lake, J une 25, 1865. Second 100 miles west of Omaha, Jan. 19,1866. ' Second 100 miles west of Omaha, J une 29, 1866. Third 100 miles west of Omaha, July 23,1866. Third 100 miles west of Omaha, Mar. 30, 1867. Fourth 100 miles west of Omaha, Mar. 14, 1867. Fourth 100 miles west of Omaha, Jan. 6, 1868. Fifth 100 miles west of Omaha, Jan. 6, 1868. Sixth 100 miles west of Omaha, Jan. 6, 1868. Seventh 100 miles west of Omaha, J uly 2,1868. Eighth 100 miles west of Omaha, Oct.-21, 1868. Ninth 100 miles west of Omaha, Oct. 21, 1868. Tenth 100 miles west of Omaha, Apr. 28, 1869. Eleventh 100 miles west of Omaha, Apr. 28, 1869. Aug. 15, 1867. Aug. 15, 1867, and Apr. 24, Sept. 2, 1874. Mar. 7, 1857; June 22, 1857; Mar. 30, 1858; and July 10, 1865. Dec. 16, 1863; Dec. 22, 1863; Dec. 16, 1864; and Dec. 19, 1864. Dec. 18, 1867, and Dec. 28,1867. Feb. 6, 1866. Aug. 21, 1866. None. June 26,1867, and Apr. 21,1871. June 26, 1867. Nov. 6, 1869; Dec. 21, 1870; Apr. 21,1871, and Nov. 8,1873. Nov. 6, 1869; Dec. 21, 1870; Nov. 8, 1873; Aug. 9, 1870; Apr. 17, 1871; and May 11, 1872. Nov. 6, 1879; Nov. 8,* 1873; Aug. 9, 1870; Apr. 17, 1871; and May 11, 1872. Aug. 9,1870, and Apr. 17,1871. Do. Do. Aug. 9, 1870; Apr. 17, 1871; May 15, 1869; Apr. 6, 1870; Apr. 22, 1872; and Oct. 16, 1873. Do. Date of restoration of indemnity lands. May 22, 1891. Withdrawal not revoked, but no known vacant lands in limits. May 22, 1891. .do. No right of indemnity. Manner of restoration. By order of the Secretary of the Interior. By order of the Secretary of the Interior. .do. Condition of grant. Practically adjusted, but not closed. .do. Practically adjusted, but not closed. .do. Not adjusted. Estimated area of grant, in acres. 1,126,578.55 533,705.71 1,551,289.50 382,161.77 12,119,671.63 Number of acres certified or pat¬ ented to June 30, 1907. 1,126,578.55 179,734. 29 1,680,974.92 1,967.45 11,323,343.56 190. 25. 323.22 76.5 1,038.6 : ©"O © 3 o t S None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. None. Remarks. Denver Pacific Rwy., from Denver, Colo., to junction with Union Pacific Rwy., at Cheyenne, Wyo. This road received no bonds. Kansas Pacific Rwy., from Missouri State line, near Kansas City, to Denver, Colo. (See opinion of Attorney-General, Feb. 25,1882, relative to construction.) This company received bonds for 393.9425 miles of road only, that being the length of the road constructed by the com¬ pany from the State line to Fort Riley, together with the length of "the most direct and practicable route for a rail¬ road" line from Fort Riley up the Republican River to a connection with the Union Pacific R. R. at the 100th me¬ ridian, according to the survey made during the summer of 1868, under the direction of the Department of the Inte¬ rior, by Brevet Maj. C. W. Howell, Captain of Engineers, U. S. Army, and approved by the President Oct. 30, 1868. Western Pacific R. R., from Sacramento to San José Cal Company received bonds for 123.16 miles. Central Pacific R. R., from Sacramento, Cal., to junction with Union Pacific Rwy., in Sec. 1, T. 6 N., R. 2 W., near Ogden, Utah. (See No. 41.) The road between the 690.3ths mile (promontory) and the junction with the Union Pacific, 47.2 miles, was constructed by the Union Pacific R. R. Co., and purchased by the Cen¬ tral Pacific R. R. Co. (See joint resolution, April 10, 1869.) Company received bonds for 737.5 miles. From Atchison to 100th mile-post near Waterville, Kans. Company received bonds for 100 miles. From Sioux City, Iowa, to Fremont, Nebr. Company re¬ ceived bonds for 101.77 miles. 12 STATEMENT SHOWING LAND GRANTS MADE BY CONGRESS TO AID IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS, WAGON-ROADS, CANALS, AND INTERNAL Chronological number. Additional legislation affecting but not increasing grant. Date of grant. c¿ 3 CO CD t>0 <53 Ph Route of road. Extent of grant in place. Extent of indemnity limits. Grantee. Grantee of State. Subdivisions of grant and present owners. Date of act. M CD 3 oá GO ó ai P* Object of act. 46 Mar. 3,1863 12 772 From city of Leavenworth, by way of the town of Lawrence, and via the Ohio City crossing of the Osage River to the southern line of the State in the direction of Galveston Bay, in Texas, with a branch from Lawrence by the valley of the Wakarusa River to a point on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe R. R. where said road intersects the Neosho River. Twenty miles on each side of road and branch. Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston R. R. Co. No subdivision. Southern Kansas Rwy. Co July 1,1864 13 339 Authorized change of branch line to run from Lawrence to Emporia. Authorized company to relocate portion of its road. Declared forfeiture of all unearned and unpat¬ ented lands. tions in width on each side of road and the branch. Apr. 19,1871 July 24,1876 17 19 5 101 47 Mar. 3,1863 12 772 From the city of Atchison via Topeka, the cap¬ ital of the State, to the western line of the State, in the direction of Fort Union and Santa Fe, N. Mex. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe R. R. Co. No subdivisions. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe R. R. Co. i ' tions in width on each side of road. road. 48 Mar. 3,1863 12 772 Branch of above road from point where same crosses the Neosho River, down the Neosho Valley to the point where the L., L. and G. R. R. enters said valley. From Emporia via Council Grove to a point near Fort Riley on the Branch Union Pacific R. R. From at or near Fort Riley, Kans., down the valley of the Neosho to the southern line of Kansas. No subdivision. Missouri, Kansas and Texas Rwy. Co. 48« July 1,1864 13 339 Southern Branch, which, by change of name, be¬ came the Missouri, Kan¬ sas and Texas Rwy. Co. 48ft July 26,1866 and even sections. 49 May 5,1864 13 66 From Portage City, Berlin, Doty's Island or Twenty miles on each side of road. Portage, Winnebago and Superior R. R. Co. 14 36ft • Authorizing location of road so as to cover points named in granting act, etc. Extending time for completion of road. Authorizing company to straighten line of their road. Forfeiting grant between Ashland and Superior City, Wis. Fond du Lac, as the State may determine, in a northwestern direction to Bayfield, thence to Superior or Lake Superior. on each side of road. sin Central R. R. Co. Road constructed only from Portage via Stevens' Point to Ashland. Apr, 9,1874 Mar. 3,1875 18 18 28 511 Sept. 29,1890 26 496 50 May 5,1864 13 64 From St. Paul, Minn., to the head of Lake Supe¬ rior. Lake Superior and Missis¬ sippi R. R. Co. July 13,1866 July 13,1866 14 93 Authorizing company to make up deficiency of land within 30 miles of the west line of road. Provides for certification of lands. Paul and Duluth R. R. Co. 14 97 51 May 12,1864 13 72 From Sioux City, Iowa, to south line of State of Sioux City and Saint Paul R. R. Co. No subdivisions. SiouxCity and Saint Paul R. R. Co. Sept. 29,1890 26 496 Forfeiting grant between Le Mars and Sioux City, Iowa. Minnesota. miles on each side of road. 52 May 12,1864 13 72 From a point at or near the foot of Main street, McGregor Western R. R. Co.; McGregor and Sioux City R.R.Co.; McGregor and Missouri River R. R. Co.; Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Rwy Co. Construction of road as follows: McGregor to Calmar, by McGregor Western Co.; Calmar to Algona, by McGregor and Missouri River Co.; Algona to Sheldon, by Chicago, Milwau¬ kee and Saint Paul Co. The latter company is the present owner. South McGregor, in said State, in a westerly direction until it shall intersect the said road running from Sioux City to the Minnesota State line. 53 July 2,1864 13 356 From Missouri River, south of the mouth of the Burlington and Missouri River R. R. Co. No subdivision. Present owners, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy R. R. Co. Mar. 3,1865 July 26,1806 Apr. 10,1869 May 6,1870 13 504 Authorizing company to issue bonds Granting right of way through military reserva¬ tion. Authorizing company to assign its right to a company to be organized under the laws of Nebraska. Authorizing change of route and connection with Union Pacific R. R. Co. Platte River, to some point, not further west than the 100th meridian of west longitude, to connect with the Union Pacific R. R. ten sections per mile on each side of road. 14 16 16 367 54 118 13 IMPROVEMENTS, TOGETHER WITH DATA RELATIVE THERETO, COMPILED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE—Continued. Date of definite location. ■» Date and extent of withdrawal. Date of restoration of indemnity lands. Manner of restoration. Condition of grant. Estimated area of grant in acres. Number of aeres certified or pat¬ ented to June 30, 1907. Length of road in miles. Miles of road completed within time prescribed. Miles of road completed after time prescribed. Miles of road uncom¬ pleted at date entire road should have been completed. ! Miles of road uncom- ! 1 pleted Sept. 29,1890. Remarks. Lawrence to north boundary of Osage ceded lands, Nov. 28, 1866; from thence to south boundary of State, Jan. 2,1868. Apr. 30, 1863; Apr. 30, 1867; Jan. 2, 1868. Sept. 6, 1877 By orders of Secretary "of the Interior and General Land Office under act July 24, 1876. Practically adjusted, but not closed. 485,545.69 a 249,446.13 142.8 142.8 None. None. None. The mileage here given covers the road from Lawrence to the southern boundary of Kansas only, as the main line be¬ tween Leavenworth and Lawrence and the Wakarusa Val¬ ley Branch were never located nor constructed, and the grant therefor has been forfeited. a Includes 186,936.72 acres of the "Osage Ceded Reserva¬ tion," which are to be deducted from the above amount un¬ der the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Railroad v. The United States (92 U. S., 733). Atchison to Emporia, Oct. 19, 1868. Lmporia to Wichita, Sept. 3, 1869. Wichita to Fort Dodge, Jan. 30, 1871. NTewton to 27, 23, 5 W., Sept. 23, 1871. Mouth of Pawnee Creek to west line of R. 27 W., Apr. 19, 1872. iec. 15, 29, 27 W. to Colorado line, June 29, 1872. Apr. 20, 1863, and Dec. 30, 1868 Apr. 30, 1863, and Oct. 23, 1869. Oct. 17, 1883 By order of the Secretary of the Interior. 2,885,496.43 i 2,944,788.14 469.35 469.35 None. None. None. From Atchison, Kans., to western boundary of State near town of Cooiidge. Feb. 6, 1871, Feb. 25, 1871, and Feb. 27, 1871. Sept. 28, 1871. May 10, 1872. July 19,1872, and Apr. 13, 1882. I unction City to north bound¬ ary Osage Ceded lands, Feb. 19, 1867. ^orth boundary of Osage Ceded 'ands to south boundary of State, Jan. 8, 1868. Apr. 30,1863, and Mar. 9, 1867.... Jan. 21, 1868. Aug. 17, 1887 : 1,121,784.18 6 976,593.22 180.5 180.5 None. None. None. From Fort Riley to southern boundary of Kansas. From the southern boundary of Kansas, through the Indian Territory to the Red River, near Preston, Tex. This road through Indian Territory was not constructed under the company's grant of July 26, 1866, but under the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th sections of the act of July 25, 1866 (14 Stats., 236), granting lands for the Kansas and Neosho Valley R. R. Co., which act also makes a grant in said Territory when the Indian title is extinguished, provided the lands become part of the public domain. & Includes 270,970.78 acres in the "Osage Ceded Reserva¬ tion," which should be deducted under decision cited innote «. 155.35 155. 35 None. None. None. •íov^'10,1869 Dec. 10, 1869, and Feb. 2, 1870. Twenty miles on each side of road. Aug. 15,1887 1,232,562.24 838,227.69 341. 248. 9 93 84 Completed from Portage via Stevens' Point to Ashland, 257 miles, of which all but 9 miles, between Sec. 21, T. 41 N., R. 1 W., and Sec. 11, T. 42 N., R. 2 W., was completed within the time required. Not constructed from Ashland to Superior City. lopt. 25,1866 May 26, 1864, and Nov. 2, 1866. All lands within limits. Aug. 15, 1887 934,835.92 860,973.62 154.42 154.42 None. Noiîe. None. From Saint Paul to Duluth. Twenty-three and a half miles of this road,.extending from Northern Pacific Junction to Duluth is owned and operated jointly with the Northern Pacific Rwy. Co. uly 17, 1867 Aug. 26, 1867 279,437.16 c 322, 412. 81 83.16 56.25 None. 26.91 26.91 Completed from Minnesota boundary to a connection with Iowa Falls and Sioux City (Illinois Central) R. R. at Lemars. In the matter of the adjustment of this grant see decisions of the Secretary of the Interior. (6 L. D., 47, 54, and 162.) c Excess certified recovered in suit. 'rom McGregor to 12, 95 N., 35 Sept. 12, 1864; Oct. 1, 1864; Oct. 24, 1864; Feb. 4, 1869; Mar. 15, 1870. Dec. 15, 1887 Practically adjusted, but not closed. 1,285,150.83 326,216.10 251. 251. None. Completed from South McGregor via Calmar to a connec¬ tion with the Sioux City and Saint Paul R. R. at Sheldon, in O'Brien County. See opinion of Attorney General (13 Opinions, 445), holding that road is not land grant between McGregor and Cal¬ mar. See, also, opinion of Attorney-General relative to deviation of constructed road from line of definite loca¬ tion. (16 Opinions, 457.) W., Aug. 30, 1864; from that point to 18, 96, 38, Jan. 27,1869; from thence to Sheldon, Sept. 2, 1869. une 22, 1865 Feb. 3,1866, Mar. 20,1866, Mar. 24, 1860, and Dec. 11,1871. 2,361,984.00 d 2,374,090.77 . 190.75 190.75 None. None. From Plattsmouth to Kearney Junction, Nebr. This grant is one of quantity, i. e., ten sections per mile on each side of the road, and is not confined to lateral limits (U. S. v. B. M. R. R. R. Co., 98 U. S., 334). The General Land Office holds that the company is entitled to lands for 184.53 miles, that being the length of its road. (See Commissioner's report to Department of Feb. 13, 1901. Case 8—7746.) d Excess paid for by company. 14 STATEMENT SHOWING LAND GRANTS MADE BY CONGRESS TO AID IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS, WAGON-ROADS, CANALS, AND INTERNAL Date of grant. 54 July 2,1864 Route of road. 365 j From point on Lake Superior, in Minnesota or Wisconsin, thence westerly by most eligible ! route to point at or near Portland, O reg. See joint resolution of May 31, 1870, changing route so as to authorize construction of main line via valley of Columbia River to Puget Sound and branch line across Cascade Moun¬ tain. Extent of grant in place. Odd sections to amount of ten sections per mile on each side of road in State and twenty in Territories. Extent of indemnity limits. Thirty miles in States and 50 miles in Territories on each side of road. Grantee. Northern Pacific R. R. Co. Grantee of State. Subdivisions of grant and present owners. No subdivision. Present owners, Northern Pacific Rwy. Co. Additional legislation affecting but not increasing grant. Date of act. May 7,1866 July 1,18G8 Mar. 1,1869 Apr. 10,1869 May 31,1870 July 15,1870 Sept. 29,1890 1,1890 1,1898 Oct. July Mar. 2, j Mar. 2,1901 May 17,1906 30 Object of act. Extending time for commencing and completing road. do Authorizing company to issue bonds, etc. Authorizing company to extend branch line from Portland, Oreg., to Puget Sound, etc. Authorizing issue of mortgage bonds, changing location of main and branch line, extending indemnity limits, etc. Proviso in general appropriation act requiring company to pay costs of surveys, etc. Forfeiting grant between Wallula, Wash., and Portland, Oreg. For relief of settlers on second indemnity lands. Provides for the adjustment of conflicting claims of settlers and the company. Authorizing the company to relinquish lands in the Mount Ranier Park and Pacific Forest Reserve and select an equal quantity elsewhere. Extending the provisions of the act of 1898. Extending the provisions of the acts of 1898 and 1901. 15 IMPROVEMENTS, TOGETHER WITH DATA RELATIVE THERETO, COMPILED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE—Continued. Date of definite location. General route: Mouth of Montreal River, Wisconsin, to Red River of the North, Minnesota, Aug. 13,1870. Eastern boundary of Wash¬ ington Territory, via valley of Columbia River, to inter- s national boundary, Aug. 13, 1870. Through Minnesota, Oct. 2, 1870. Red River of the North to the mouth of the Walla Walla River, Washington, Feb. 21, 1872. Lake Pend d'Oreille, Idaho, to Tacoma, Washington (branch), Aug. 20, 1873. < Mouth of Snake River to Ta¬ coma, Nov. 24, 1876. Twin Wells to Tacoma, June 11, 1879. Definite location: junction with Lake Superior and Mississippi Railroad to Red River of the North at Fargo, Dak., Nov. 20, 1871. Fargo to Bismarck, Dak., May 26, 1873. Kalama to Tenino, Sept. 13, 1873. Tenino to Tacoma, May 14, 1874. Bismarck to Little Missouri River, July 20, 1880. Little Missouri River to mouth of Glendive Creek, Oct. 25, 1880. Wallula to Spokane Falls, Oct. 4, 1880. Glendive Creek to Tongue River, J une 25,1881. Tongue River to eastern boundary of Crow Reserve, J une 25,1881. Through Crow Reserve June 27, 1881. Spokane Falls, Wash., to Lake Pend d'Oreille, Idaho, Aug. 30, 1881. Last crossing of Yellowstone River (western boundary of Crow Reserve) to Little Blackfoot River, July 6, 1882. Little Blackfoot River to southern boundary of Flat¬ head Reserve, July 6, 1882. Junction with Lake Superior and Mississippi R. R. in Minnesota to T. 47 N., R. 2 W., Wisconsin, July 6, 1882. Portland, Oregon, to Ka¬ lama, Wash., Sept. 22,1882. Lake Pend d'Oreille, Idaho, to mouth of Missoula River, Montana, Dec. 12, 1882. Through Flathead Reserve to mouth of Missoula River, J une 8,1883. Initial point at Ashland, Wis., west 50 miles, Nov. 24, 1884. Yakima to Ain s worth, June 29, 1883. Yakima to Yakima River near Swauk Creek, May 24,1884. Tacoma to South Prairie, Mar. 26, 1884. South Prairie to Eagle Gorge, Sept. 3, 1884. Yakima River near Swauk Creek to near Eagle Gorge, Dec. 8, 1884. Date and extent of withdrawal. Sept. 15, 1870. Sept. 20,1870; Nov. 21,1870; Feb. 10,1872; Feb. 14,1872; Sept. 20, 1870; Feb. 9, 1872, and Feb. 14, 1872. Nov. 7, 1870. Mar. 30,1872; Apr. 22,1872; Apr. 15,1872; Oct. 28, 1876; Mar. 30, 1872, and Apr. 15, 1872. Oct. 6,1873, and Nov. 1, 1873. None.- July 3, 1879. Dec. 12,1871. June 11,1873. Jan. 21, 1874. Nov. 12, 1874, and June 30, 1875. Aug. 23 1880. Nov. 29, 1880, and Sept. 29, 1883. Nov. 13,1880; Nov. 17,1880; Nov. 18, 1880; Aug. 16, 1881, and Nov. 29, 1880. Sept. 29, 1883. Oct. 8, 1883. Nov. 14, 1883; June 8, 1883, and June 9, 1883. June 9, 1884, and Jan. 7, 1888. June 8,1883, and June 9, 1883. July 30,1883, and July 31, 1883. Jan. 5, 1883; June 18, 1883; Oct./ 11, 1883; 'Jan. 5, 1883; June 22, 1883, and Oct. 20, 1883. Jan. 30,1888. Sept. 1, 1884; Feb. 20, 1885, and Jan. 7,1888. Sept. 25,1884, and Jan. 7,1888. Feb. 3, 1887. Jan. 6,1885; Jan. 8,1885, and Jan. 8,1885. Jan. 6,1885; Jan. 8,1885, and Jan. 8, 1885. Nov. 28,1884, and Dec. 1, 1884. Nov. 28,1884, and Dec. 1, 1884. Jan. 7, 1888. Date of restoration of indemnity lands. Aug. 15,1887. Manner of restoration. By order of the Secretary of the Interior. Condition of grant. Not adjusted. Estimated area of grant in acres. 43,159,428.04 Number of acres certified or pat¬ ented to June 30, 1907. 30,472,439.07 78.50 237. 375.98 780. 90. 511.10 36.30 2,108.88 153.93 'ö • © "C a» ©,£} o œ ©.£ s! e.§ «w O tí 0 S? 228. 196.4 1,353.381,578.38 153.93 153.93 •ö . Or-< íj¡M S £ 'S O p¡ © © ^ ® <•* £ £ oS'O'O o ' 03 O H < i < 78.50 78.50 9. 9. 179.58 179.58 780. 780. 90. 90.- 180. 405. 36.30 36.30 2 225. 225. Remarks. Main line: Wisconsin. Minnesota. North Dakota. Montana. Idaho. Washington. Oregon. Cascade Branch, Washington. Main line as finally located and constructed extends from Ashland, Wis., to Wallula Junction, Wash., 1,741.48 miles, and from Portland, Oreg., to Tacoma, Wash.. 142.40 miles. Completed from Northern Pacific Junction, Minn., to Bis¬ marck, N. Dak., 424.4 miles, and from Kalama to Tacoma, Wash,, 106.1 miles. Road still uncompleted between Wallula Junction, Wash., and Portland, Oreg. Company uses road of Oregon Rwy. and Navigation Co. between said points. 16 STATEMENT SHOWING LAND GRANTS MADE BY CONGRESS TO AID IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS, WAGON-ROADS, CANALS, AND INTERNAL 55 57 58 59 Date of grant. July 4,1866 July 4,1 July 23,1866 July 25,1866 July 25,1866 14 14 14 14 87 87 210 Route of road. From Houston, Minn., to western boundary of State. From Hastings, Minn., to western boundary of -State. From Elwood, Kans., westwardly, via Marys- ville to junction with Union Pacific R. R. Co. From junction with Central Pacific R. R. Co. in the Sacramento Valley, California, to north boundary of State. From Portland, Oreg., to south boundary of Oregon, to connect with California and Oregon R. R. Extent of grant in place. Odd sections to amount of five sections per mile on each side of road. .do. Odd sections within 10 miles of line of road. Odd sections to amount of ten sections per mile on each side of road. .do. Extent of indemnity limits. Twenty miles on each side of road. .do. .do. Thirty miles on each side of road. . .do. Grantee. Minnesota. .do. State of Kansas for use and benefit of Saint Joseph and Denver City R. R. Co. California and Oregon R. R. Co. Oregon Central R. R. Co., a company designated by legislature of Oregon. Grantee of State. Southern Minnesota R. R. Co. Hastings, Minn., and Red River of the North R. R. Co. Subdivisions of grant and present owners. No subdivisions. Present owners, Southern Minnesota Rwy. Extension Co. No subdivision. Present owners, Hastings and Dakota R. R. Co. It is understood that the charter of this company has been annulled by decision of Supreme Court of Minnesota. (See 21 L. D., 312.) No subdivision. Present owner of lands not known to General Land Office. No subdivision. Present owners, Central Pa¬ cific Rwy. Co. No subdivision. Present owners, Oregon and California R. R. Co. Additional legislation affecting but not increasing grant. Date of act. July 13,1866 Sept. 29,1890 July 13,1866 None. June 25,1868 Apr. 10,1869 June 25,1868 Apr. 10,1869 Object of act. 97 Providing for certification of lands, etc.. i 496 Forfeiting grant between Houston and Rochés- ter, Minn. 47 Providing for certification of lands, etc. Extending time for completion of road Providing for sale of lands to actual settlers, etc. Extending time for completion of road Providing for salé of lands to actual settlers, etc. 17 S IMPROVEMENTS, TOGETHER WITH DATA RELATIVE THERETO, COMPILED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE—Continued. Bate of definite location. General route: Houston to western bound¬ ary of State, Aug. 11, 1866. Definite location: Sec. 21, T. 104, R. 37, to See. 20, T. 119, R. 46, Dec. 10,1866. Sec. 21, T. 104, R. 37, tó Sec. 2, T. 103, R. 18, Dec. 10, 1866. Sec. 2, T. 103, R. 18, to Sec. 22, T. 104, R. 8, Feb. 11, 1867. Houston to Sec. 22, T. 104, R. 8, Feb. 11, 1867. Sec. 4, T. 104, R. 39, to west line of State, May 4,1871. General route July 11, 1866. Definite location June 26, 1867. March 28,1870. General route: Roseville to Salt Creek, Sept. 13,1867. Definite location: Chico to Sesma, Sept. 6,1871... Sesma to north line of T. 46 N., R. 5 W., M. D. M., Aug. 7,1871. North line of T. 46 N., R. 5 W., M. D. M., to northern boundary of California, Aug. 30,-1884. Constructed road: Junction with C. P. R. R., to Chico, Sept. —, 1871. Chico to 97mile post, Jan. 29, 1874. 97-& mile post to U7T60- mile post, Feb. 9,1876. 117T6jy mile post to Sec. 35, T. 32 N., R. 5 W., M. D. M., May 7,1878. East Portland to Jefferson, in 10 S., 3 W., Jan. 29,1870. Jefferson to 27 S., 6 W. (2 maps), Mar. 26, 1870. 27 S., 6 W., to Sec. 30, 30 S., 5 W., Jan. 7,1871. Sec. 19, 27 S., 5 W., to station 1208 in Sec. 5, 30 S.,5W., and show¬ ing amended line from station 1154, in Sec. 28, 29 S., 5 W., to station 1320x50, Sec. 6,30 S., 5 W. Apr. 8, 1882, returned to secre¬ tary with report, and received back June 2, 1883. Station 1320x50, Sec. 6,30 S., 5 W., to station 2376x50; T. 31 S., 7 W., Apr. 6, Í882; other notes same as preceding. Station 2376x50 to Sec. 33, 34 S., 6 W., Aug. 24, 1882, same notes as above. 33, 34 S., 6 W., to 21, 36 S., 3 W., June 6, 1883. 21, 36 S., 3 W., to south line of 32, 37 S., 1 W., July 3, 1883. South line of 32, 37 S., 1 W., to east line of 25, 39 S., 1 E., Sept. 6,1883. 25, 39 S., 1 E., to north line of 30, 40 S., 2 E., Aug. 2, 1883. 30, 40 S., 2 E., to southern bound¬ ary of State, in Sec. 13, T. 41 S., R. 1 E., Aug. 18, 1884. Date and extent of withdrawal. Aug. 23, 1866 Apr. 26, 1867. Apr. 26, 1867. Apr. 26, 1867. Apr. 26, 1867. May 17, 1871. All lands within limits. July 12, 1866; Apr. 22, 1868. All lands in limits of grant. Apr. 8,1870. Oct. 29, 1867. Oct. 6, 1871. Aug. 25, 1871. Feb. 9, 1885. Apr. 8, 1871. Oct. 6,1871. Feb. 25,1876. June 10,1878. - Jan. 31, 1870 Apr. 7, 1870, and July 12,1870. Mar. 31,1871. July 5, 1883. July 5, 1883. July 5, 1883. July 5, 1883. Sept. 3, 1883. Oct. 27, 1883. Oct. 27, 1883. Dec 19, 1884. Date of restoration of indemnity lands. May 22, 1891. .do. Dec. 15, 1887. Aug. 15, 1887.. Aug. 15, 1887.. Manner of restoration. By order of the Secretary of the Interior. .do. .do. .do. -do. Condition of grant. Practically adjusted, but not closed. .do. .do. .do. .do. Estimated area of grant in acres. 1,571,259.11 1,250,528.78 1,350,381.03 3,266,728.55 3,821,901.80 Number of acres certified or pat¬ ented to June 30, 1907. 457,597.45 377,696.15 462,933.24 3,154,793.8 2,765,677.10 .2 -d 279.37 202.1 226. 360. 5-d o P<"S Is ° S O Ö >»3 Q) is 149.35 74. 226. 197. £.2 eí 73 P< c»fl) ® ® is cör-H ä2+s <*-! í ü; cd «di ■2« s » ® os a o o S 128.1 None. 152. 163. 430.02 128.1 None. 152. 163. None. None. None. None. None. Remarks. Completed from Houston to Winnebago City within time required, and from thence to Airlie on western boundary of State after that time. Road owned and operated by Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Rwy. Co. (See opin¬ ion of Attorney-General, Nov. 29, 1879, 16 Opin., 397, rela¬ tive to failure to construct upon line of original location.) Extends from Hastings to Ortonville on western boundary of State. Completed from Hastings to Glencoe withih time required. Road owned and operated by Chicago, Milwaukee, and Saint Paul Rwy. Co. Extends from Elwood, Kans., to junction with Burlington and Missouri River R. R. at Hastings, Nebr. Road owned and operated by Saint Joseph and Grand Island R. R. Co. (See decision of Supreme Court in case of Van Wyck v. Knevals, 106 U. S., 360.) From junction with Central Pacific R. R. at Roseville, Cal., to junction with Oregon and California R. R. at Oregon State line. Completed from Roseville to Redding within time required. But 192 miles have been accepted by president. Extends from Portland, Oreg., to junction with California and Oregon R. R. at California State line. Completed from Portland to Roseburg within time required. Road between Ashland and State line, 49 miles, has not been accepted by president. 23718—08 3 18 STATEMENT SHOWING LAND GRANTS MADE BY CONGRESS TO AID IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS, WAGON-ROADS, CANALS, AND INTERNAL Date of grant. Route of road. Extent of grant in place. Extent of indemnity limits. Grantee. Grantee of State. Subdivisions of grant and present owners. Additional legislation affecting but not increasing grant. Date of act. . Object of act. July 27,1866 From States of Missouri and Arkansas to the Pacific Coast, with branch from Canadian River, eastwardly, to western boundary of Arkansas, at or near Van Buren. Odd sections to the amount of 20 sections per mile on each side of road through Territo¬ ries and 10 sections per mile through States. 30 miles in States and 50 miles in Territories on each side of road. Atlantic and Pacific R. R. Co. In Missouri grant is owned by Saint Louis and San Francisco R.JEt. Co.; balance is owned by the Santa Fé Pacifie R. R. Co. Apr. 21,1871 July 6,1886 Mar. 3,1897 June 27,1902 Apr. 8,1904 Authorizing company to mortgage its road Forfeiting grant opposite uncompleted road. ' Defines rights of purchasers under mortgages authorized by act of Apr. 20, 1871. Authorizes Santa Fé Pacific Co to sell or lease its railroad property and franchises, etc. Relief of small-holding settlers in New Mexico. July 27,1866 From connection with Atlantic and Pacific R. R. Co. near eastern boundary of California to San Francisco. do. .do. Southern Pacific R. R. Co. No subdivision. Present owner, original gran¬ tee. July 25,1868 June 28,1870 Sept. 29,1890 15 187 16 26 62 63 May 4,1870 Mar. 3,1871 94 From Portland to Astoria, and from a suitable point of junction near Forest Grove to the Yamhill River, near McMinnville. From a point at or near Tehachapa Pass, vi^, Los Angeles, Cal., to the Texas Pacific R. R. at or near the Colorado River. Twenty miles on each side of road. Odd sections. Odd sections within 20 miles on each side of road. Twenty-five miles on each side of road. Thirty miles on each side of road. Oregon Central R. R. Co. Southern Pacific R. R. Co. No subdivision. Present owner, Oregon and California R. R. Co. Jan. 31,1885 23 No subdivision, tee. Present owner, original gran- 382 496 Extending time for completion of road Authorizing company to construct road and re¬ ceive patents along the designated route indi¬ cated by map filed in General Land Office Jan. 3, 1867. Forfeits grant between Alcalde and Tres Pinos, Cal. 296 Declaring forfeiture of all lands coterminous with uncompleted portions of road and not within grant for completed portion. 19 IMPROVEMENTS. TOGETHER WITH DATA RELATIVE THERETO, COMPILED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE—Continued. Date of definite location. Springfield, Mo., to west line of State, Dec. 17, 1866. Missouri State line to Kingfisher Creek, Indian Territory, Dec. 2, ■ 1871. Van Buren, Ark., to Canadian River, Indian Territory (branch), Dec. 2,1871. Point last named to junction with main line (branch), Feb. 7,1872. Kingfisher Creek to eastern boundary of New Mexico, Feb. 7, 1872. Through New Mexico, Mar. 12, 1872. Through Arizona, March 12, 1872. San Francisco to San Miguel Mis¬ sion, Mar. 12, 1872. Western line Los Angeles County to T. 7 N., R. 7 E., S. B. M., Mar. 12,1872. San Miguel Mission to western line Los Angeles County, Aug. 15,1872. T. 7 N., R. 7 E., S. B. M. to Colo¬ rado River, August 15, 1872. General route: San Francisco to the Colo¬ rado River, Jan. 3,1867. Constructed road: San José to Gilroy, Aug. 7, 1871. From Gilroy southward, 20 miles, Oct. 26, 1871. From Goshen to NW. i Sec. 30, T. 21 S., R. 25 E., M. D. M., Oct. 3, 1872. NW. i Sec. 30, 21 S., 25 E., M. D. M., to NW. J Sec. 2, 25 S., 25 E., M. D. M., Aug. 11, 1873. NW. i Sec. 2, 25 E., M. D. M., to NE. i Sec. 9, 28 S., 26 E., M. D. M., Oct. 27, 1874. NE. i Sec. 9, 28 S., 26 E., M. D. M., to NE. J Sec. 5, 30 S., 29 E., M. D. M., Aug. 26, 1875. NE. i Sec. 5, 30 S., 29 E., M. D. M., to SE. i Sec. 33, 30 S., 31 E., M. D. M., June 19, 1876. Goshen to NE. J Sec. 2,19 S., 20 E., M. D. M., Jan. 27, 1877. NE. i Sec. 2, 19 S., 20 E., M. D. M., to NW.i Sec. 11, 20 S., 17 E., M. D. M., Feb. 22, 1877. Sec. 33, 30 S., 31 E., M. D. M., to Mojave, Feb. 17,1878. May 17, 1871, from Portland to McMinnville, and from Forest Grove to Caster February 2,1872, from Caster Creek to Astoria. General route: Tehachapa Pass, via Los An¬ geles, to the Texas Paeific R. R., at or near the Colo¬ rado River, Apr. 3, 1871. Constructed road: NW. i Sec. 3, T. 2 N., R. 15 W., S. B. M., to NE. I Sec. 27, 1 S., 9 W., S. B. M., May 11, 1874. NE. i Sec. 27, 1 S., 9 W., S. B. M., to SW. £ Sec. 4, T. 3 S., R. 1 W., S. B. M., Nov. 15, 1875. SW. I Sec. 4, T. 3 S., R. 1 W., S. B. M., to SW. £ Sec. 24, T. 5 S., R. 7 E., S. B. M., July 24, 1876. NW. i Sec. 3, T. 2 N., R. 15 W., S. B. M., to NE. £ Sec. 17, T. 11 N., R. 12 W., S. B. M., Mar. 6, 1877. SW. £ Sec. 24, T. 5 S., R. 7 E., S. B. M., to SE. £ Sec. 26, T. 16 S., R. 22 E., S. B. M., Jan. 31, 1878. Date and extent of withdrawal. Feb. 14,1867, and Apr. 30, 1867.... None. Mar. 3, 1872. None. None. May 8, 1872. May 17, 1872. Apr. 22, 1872. Apr. 22, 1872. Nov. 23, 1874. Nov. 23, 1874. Mar. 22, 1867 Sept. 12, 1871. Dec. 13,1871. Aug. 30, 1873. Do. Nov. 27, 1874. Oct. 26, 1875. Aug. 8, 9, 1876. Mar. 13, 1877. Do. June 13,1878. July 14,1871... Apr. 24, 1872, all lands within limits. Apr. 21,1871 Sept. 17,18~4. Dec. 20, 1875. Aug. 19,1876. Mar. 27, 1877. Apr. 9, 1878. Date of restoration of indemnity lands. Aug. 13, 1887. Aug. 15,1887.. Aug. 15, 1887. -V Manner of restoration. By order of Secretary of the In¬ terior. .do. By order of the Secretary of the Interior, issued under forfeit¬ ing act. By order of the Secretary of the Interior. Condition of grant. Not adjusted. .do Practically adjusted, but not closed. Not adjusted. Estimated area of grant in acres. 14,539,804.6 4,968,096.10 397,602.16 4,044,050.54 Number of acres certified or pat¬ ented to June 30, 1907.- 2,744,790.0 3,213,228.53 128,618.13 1,258,437.96 I 355 200 416 383 2,129. 5. 295. 300. 556. 346.97 ©,c as 00 3 © E «W ° Ö i'£ 232. 346.97 50. 167. 383. 600. 2,004. 240. OP® © ö-0 Ö © © Ö« > »'3'° o *0 M £■0 £ g S C « H O O 319. 200. 416. 383. 686. 5. 295. 300. 324. 97. None. 269 200 249 1,404. 5. 295. 300. 84. 97. None. Remarks. Main line. Missouri. Indian Territory. Texas. New Mexico. Arizona. California. Branch from Van Buren, Ark., to main line in valley of Cana¬ dian River. Arkansas. Indian Territory. The mileage here given is that of said road as originally lo¬ cated from Springfield, Mo., to San Francisco, Cal., and from Van Buren, Ark., to main line. Road was com¬ pleted from Springfield,,Mo., to Vinita, Ind. Ter., within time required; from Vinita 50 miles westwardly, and from Isleta, N. Méx., to the Colorado River after that time. (See forfeiting act, July 6, 1886; also decision of Depart¬ ment, 4 L. D., 458.) Mileage here given covers road .from San José, Cal., to Needles, on the Colorado River. Company is not assert¬ ing any claim to grant between San José and San Fran¬ cisco. Road completed from San José to Tres Pinos, 50 miles, and from Huron to Mojave, 182 miles, within time required, and from Mojave to the Colorado River after that time. Uncompleted from Tres Pinos to Huron. Department has accepted road as constructed from Mojave to Needles, Cal. Map showing constructed road east of Mojave filed in Department Jan. 7,1885. See 25 L. D., 223. Completed from Portland, via Forest Grove, to McMinn¬ ville within time required. Grant for remainder of road forfeited. From Mojave, Cal., via Los Angeles, to Colorado River at Yuma. 20 STATEMENT SHOWING LAND GRANTS MADE BY CONGRESS TO AID IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS, WAGON-ROADS, CANALS, AND INTERNAL Date of grant, Route of road. Extent of grant in place. Extent of indemnity limits. Grantee. Grantee of State. Subdivisions of grant and present owners. Additional legislation affecting but not increasing grant. Date of act. Object of act. Mar. 3,1871 16 573 From New Orleans to Baton Rouge, and thence by way of Alexandria to connect with the Texas Pacific Railroad at the eastern termi¬ nus. Odd sections within 20 miles on each side of road. Thirty miles on each side -of road. New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Vicksburg R. R. No subdivisions. New Orleans Pacific R. R. Feb. 8,1887 Apr. 14,1896 391 ; Confirms grant of Mar. 3,1871, for N.O., B. R. & V. R. R. Co. to New Orleans. Pacific Company,' lying west of Mississippi River and between White Castle and Shreveport, forfeits all east of river and between New Orleans and White Castle, and protects actual settlers. For relief of settlers on lands in indemnity limits. Note.—The act of June 22, 1874 (18 Stat., 194), provides for the relinquishment by railroad companies in favor of settlers of lands granted to them, with right of selection in lieu of lands relinquished. Note.—The act of Sept. 29, 1890 (26 Stat., 496), forfeited all railroad grants opposite unconstructed roads. FORFEITED RYAIIFRO.AJI) GRyA]>TTS. June 29,1854 June 3,1856 June 3,1856 June 3,1886 Aug. 11,1856 Aug. 11,1856 Mar. 3,1857 July 4,1866 July 4,1866 July 13,1866 July 25,1866 Mar. 2,1867 Mar. 3,1871 June 3,1856 June 3,1856 14 236 573 From southern line of Territory between ranges 9 and 17 via Saint Paul to eastern line of Ter¬ ritory in direction of Lake Superior. From Elyton to Beards Bluff From Memphis, Term., to Stevenson, Ala From New Orleans to Mississippi State line in direction of Jackson. From Tuscaloosa to the Mobile and Ohio R. R. From Mobile to New Orleans From the Chattahoochee River to Mobile, with branch from Èufaula to Montgomery. From Pilot Knob to southern boundary of Mis¬ souri. From southern terminus of above road to Helena, Ark. From Folsom to Plaeerville, Cal From eastern terminus of Union Pacific R. R. on a line between Kansas and Missouri, southwardly, through eastern tier of counties of Kansas to a junction with a railroad in course of construction at or near Preston, in Texas. From Stockton to Copperopolis, Cal From at or near Marshall, Tex., to El Paso; thence by the most direct and practicable route to San Diego, Cal. From Ontonagon, Mich., to the Wisconsin State line. From near Gadsden to some point on the Ala¬ bama and Mississippi State line in the direction of the Mobile and Ohio R. R. Odd sections within miles of road. .do. .do. .do . Same. Even sections. do Same. Odd sections. Odd sections within 10 miles. .do. Ten sections per mile on each side of road. Same. Odd sections Five sections per mile on each side of road. Twenty sections per mile on each side in Terri¬ tories and ten in State of California. Odd sections within 6 miles of road. .do . Fifteen miles on each side of road. .do . .do . .do. .do. .do. .do . Territory of Minnesota. Estate of Alabama. Minnesota and Northwest¬ ern R. R. Co. /None, so far as known to t General Land Office. State of Louisiana. State of Mississippi States of Alabama, Missis¬ sippi, and Louisiana, re¬ spectively. State of Alabama Twenty miles on each State of Missouri, side of road. do . None.. Twenty miles on each side of road. Twenty miles on each side of road. Fifty miles on each side of road in Territories and thirty in State of California. Odd sections within 15 miles of road. .do. State of Arkansas. Plaeerville and Sacra¬ mento Valley R. R. Co. State of Kansas Stockton and Copperopoli s R. R. Co. Texas Pacific R. R. Co State of Michigan. State of Alabama. .do . .do. Saint Louis and Iron Mountain R. R. Co. State never availed itself of this grant. Kansas and Neosho Val¬ ley R. R. Co. Ontonagon and Brule River R. R. Co. Coosa and Chattooga R. R. Co. No subdivisions. Present owner of road, Kan¬ sas City, Fort Scott and Gulf R. R. Co. Marshall, Tex., to El Paso, Tex., Texas and Pa¬ cific Rwy Co. Texas and Pacific Rwy, Co. assigned grant from El Paso to Colorado River to the Southern Pacific R. R. companies of New Mexico and Arizona, respectively, and from Colorado River to San Diego to Los Angeles and San Diego R. R. Co. (See Senate Ex.Doc. No. 27, 48th Cong., first session.) No subdivision. No change of ownership known to this office. From Gadsden through Chattooga Valley to Georgia State line. No company claiming grant is known to General Land Office. Aug. 4,1854 July 10,1886 July 10,1886 July 10,1886 July 19,1886 June 28,1884 None Apr. 15,1874 Mar. 3,1877 June 15,1874 May 2,1872 June 22,1874 Feb." 28,1885 Mar. 2,1889 Sept. 29,1890 10 575 1008 496 Repealing granting act. Declaring forfeiture of grant. do : .do. .do. .do. Declaring forfeiture of grant. Repealing sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of granting act, securing rights of settlers and releasing company from obligations. Declaring forfeiture of grant. Changing name of company to "The Texas and Paeifie Railway Company," authorizing issue of bonds and extending time for comple¬ tion. Relative to mortgage. Declaring grant forfeited to the United States, and restoring lands to public domain. Forfeiting grant opposite unconstructed portion of road. Declaring forfeiture of grant. 21 IMPROVEMENTS, TOGETHER WITH DATA RELATIVE THERETO, CO' "PILED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE—Continued. Date of definite location. Date and extent of withdrawal. Date of restoration of indemnity lands. Manner of restoration. Condition of grant. Estimated area Of grant in acres. Number of acres certified or pat¬ ented to June 30,1907. Length of road in miles. Miles of road completed within time prescribed. Miles of road completed after time prescribed. Miles of road uncom¬ pleted at date entire road should have been completed. Miles of road uncom¬ pleted Sept. 29, 1890. Remarks. General route: Baton Rouge to Shreveport, Nov. 11, 1871. New Orleans to Baton Rouge, Feb. 13, 1873. Definite location Oct. 27, 1881, Nov. 17, 1882. Nov. 29,1871 Mar. 27,1873. Oct. 15,1883 Oct. 15,1883-.. Aug. 15,1887 By order of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. By order of the Secretary of the Interior. Practically adjusted, but not closed. 2,746,954.22 1,001,017.33 260. None. • 260. 260. None. Mileage here given covers road from White Castle to Shreve¬ port. Company waived and surrendered all its claim to the grant between White Castle and New Orleans, and Congress subsequently declared same forfeited. FORFEITED RAILROAD GTEAISiTS. None. None. None. None. Apr. 23,1870. None. June 26,1867. June 27,1868. Oct. 18,1867. General route: El Paso, Tex., to San Diego, Cal., Sept. 2, 1871. Nov. 30,1857. Sept. 20,1858. July 15, 1854. All lands within supposed limits. June 19, 1856. All lands within supposed limits. June 16, 1856. All lands within supposed limits. Aug. 15, 1856. All lands within supposed limits. Apr. 21, 1857. All lands within supposed limits. Apr. 28, 1870. All lands within limits. None. June 26, 1871, and Aug. 29, 1867. All lands within 20 miles. June 12, 1869, and Oct. 19, 1869. All lands within 20 miles of road. June 3, 1871, and Oct. 26, 1867. All lands within 20 miles oí road. Sept. 27, 1871, Nov. 16, 1871, and Nov. 22, 1871. Granted limits only. May 30, 1856. limits. All lands within June 19, 1856, Feh. 13, 1857. All lands within 15-mile limits. Oct. 9,1854. Feb. 19, 1858. As to lands along Memphis road. July 27,1857. None. None. Mar. 24,1885. Apr. 27,1874.. Dec. 28,1878. July 9, 1874. Indemnity lands not with¬ drawn. Granted lands re¬ stored Mar. 17 and Apr. 4, 1885. June 15,1868.. No withdrawal of indemnity lands has been recognized since the war of 1861. By order of Commissioner of General Land Office. .do. By order of Commissioner of General Land Office under forfeiting act. By order of the. Secretary of the Interior. By order of Commissioner of General Land Office under forfeiting act. By order of Commissioner of the General Land Office. 526.94 97.84 160. 1,483. 75. 37.5 20. None. None. 77.84 None. 20. None. 77.84 778. 75. 37.5 None. 55. 37.5 See decision of Supreme Court of United States in case o 2 Rice vs. Railroad Co. (1 Black, 360), sustaining repealing act. Withdrawal for Ely ton and Beards Bluff road ignored since war of 1861. W ithdrawal ignored since war of 1861. Road in Indian Territory built by Missouri, Kansas and Texas Rwy. Co. (see road No. 46). This company re¬ ceived patents for 21,341.77 acres of land, all of which was reconveyed to the United States Apr. 26, 1877, under act of Mar. 3, 1877, except 526.94 acres, for which it paid into the United States Treasury 11,498.80, the amount realized from the sale of said 526.94 acres. Completed road extends from Marshall, Tex., to junction with the Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio R. R. at Sierra Blanca, about 90 miles east of El Paso. No portion of the road in any land-grant State or Territory has been completed. From Gadsden to Georgia State line. 22 STATEMENT SHOWING LAND GRANTS MADE BY CONGRESS TO AID IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS, WAGON ROADS, CANALS, AND INTERNAL WAGON ROADS. Date of grant. Route of road. Extent of grant in place.. Extent of indemnity limits. Grantee. Grantee of State. Subdivisions of grant and present owners. Additional legislation affecting but not increasing grant. Date of act. Object of act. Feb. 28,1823 Mar. 2,1827 Mar. 2,1827 Mar. 3,1863 Mar. 3,1863 June 20,1864 June 20,1864 June 25,1864 July 2,1864 Dec. 26,1866 July 4,1866 July 5,1866 Feb. 25,1867 Mar. 3,1869 727 797 From the lower rapids of the Miami of Lake Erie to the western boundary of the Connecticut Western Reserve. F,rom Columbus to Sandusky. From Lake Michigan via Indianapolis to some convenient point on the Ohio River. From Fort Wilkins, Copper Harbor, Mich., to Green Bay, Wis. Quantity equal to 1 mile on each side of road. One-half of quantity equal to two sections on west side of road. One section per mile.... Even sections for 3 miles in width on each side of road .do. .do. From Saginaw to the Straits of Mackinaw.. From Grand Rapids to the Straits of Mackinaw. From Wausau to Lake Superior Odd sections for 3 miles in width on each side of road. do .do. From Eugene City, Oregon, to the eastern bound¬ ary of said State. do .do. From Corvallis to Yaquina Bay . From Albany, Oregon, to the eastern boundary of said State. From Dalles City to Fort Boisé.. From Coos Bay to Roseburg Three sections per mile to be selected within limit of 6 miles on each side of road. Three sections per mile to be selected within six miles on each side of said road. Odd sections for 3 miles in width on each side of road. do One dollar and twenty-five cents per acre (net pro¬ ceeds) of lands previously sold by United States. None. Fifteen miles on each side of road. Odd and even sections. .do. Indemnity to be selected from lands nearest road. do Six miles on each side of road. Odd sections. No indemnity clause Granting right of indem¬ nity. O dd sections with¬ in 6 miles. Ten miles on each side of road. Odd sections. Six miles on each side of road. Odd sections. State of Ohio. General Land Office dealt entirely with State in adjustment. .do. .do. State of Indiana. State of Michigan (so far as road is in said State). State of Wisconsin (so far as road is in said State). State of .Michigan General Land Office dealt entirely with State in adjustment, and not in¬ formed of grantee of State. In the adjustment of this grant the State alone was recognized the General Land Office not being ad¬ vised as to the company (if any) upon which the grant was conferred by the State. do No subdivisions. So far as the General Land Office is informed the State is the present owner. .do. do State of Wisconsin. State of Oregon State never availed itself of benefit of thi§ grant. .do. .do. Oregon Central Military Road Co. No subdivisions. Present owner, California and Oregon Land Co. Dec. 12,1811 Apr. 16,1816 July 7,1838 Apr. 17,1828 Mar. 2,1831 June 28,1834 June 8,1868 May 6,1870 Apr. 24,1872 June 8,1868 May 6,1870 Apr. 24,1872 Mar. 3, : 338 Authorizing President of United States to ap¬ point three commissioners to explore, survey, and mark out most eligible route. Authorizing President of United States to alter location of road. Ceding to State of Ohio all right or title of United States in said road. Authorizing State to select, in lieu of lands grant¬ ed by act of 1827, forty-five sections to be lo¬ cated in the Delaware land district. Confirming selections theretofore made of lands for construction of said road. Authorizing correction of erroneous selections of land granted to State. Extending time for completion do. do... .do. .do. .do. .do. State of Oregon. .do . .do. .do. Corvallis and Yaquina Bay Wagon Road Co. Willamette Valley and Cas¬ cade Mountain Wagon Road Co. Dalles Military Road Co.. Coos Bay Wagon Road Co. No subdivision. No change of ownership.. No subdivisions. No change of ownership.. None. July 15,1870 16 363 Authorizing change in location. .do. .do. None. None. Note.—The act of July 1,1902 (32 Stat., 733), extends the provisions of the act of June 22,1874 (18 Stat., 194), to wagon-road grants. See note under "Railroad grants.' 23 IMPROVEMENTS, TOGETHER WITH DATA RELATIVE THERETO, COMPILED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE—Continued. VV A G OAs ROADS. Date of definite location. Date and extent of withdrawal. Date of restoration of indemnity lands. Manner of restoration. Condition of grant. Estimated area of grant, in acres. Number of acres certified or pat¬ ented to June 30, 1907. Length of road in miles. Miles of road completed within time prescribed. Miles of road completed after time prescribed. Miles of road uncom¬ pleted at date entire road should have been completed. Miles of road uncom¬ pleted Sept. 30, 1890. Remarks. Extends from Perrysburgh to Crogansville. In addition to lands certified under grant $10,206.41 was paid to the State in lieu of lands previously sold. No information as to construction of road can be found in General Land Office. 80,773.54 80,773.54 1_No information as to construction of this road can be found on files of General Land Office. 170,580.24 170,580.24 Not do. known. Oct. 7, 1864.... Oct. 27, 1864 Indemnity lands never with¬ drawn. 221,013.35 221,013.35 125 125 None. None. None. Extends from Wisconsin State line, near Lac Desert to Copper Harbor, Mich. v Oct. 28, 1864 Nov. 7, 1864 302,930.96 302,930.96 158 158 None. None. None. Extends from Fort Howard, Wis., to Michigan State line, near Lac Desert. Feb. 28, 1870 Granted limits, Aug. 2, 1865, and May 18, 1870. Indemnity limits, May 5, 1871; June 25,1879; and July 22,1879. Aug. 15, 1887 By order of the Secretary of the Interior. 845,536.30 582,191.61 420 420 None. None. None. Extends from Eugene City, Oreg., to eastern boundary of State in Town. 30 S., range 46 E. Mar. 3,1868 Apr. 13, 1868 Practically adjusted, but not closed. 90,240.00 81,113.22 47 47 None. None. None. From Corvallis to Yaquina Bay. May 20, 1868; Nov. 2, 1870; Jan. June 18,1868; June 2,1871; July 10, 1874; and June 19, 1883. 861,504.00 861,511.86 448.7 448.7 None. None. None. From Albany via Camp Harney to Snake River (eastern boundary of State), at mouth of Mal¬ heur River. 30, 1871; and July 10,1871. Nov. 1, 1869 Dec. 14, 1871 Aug. 15, 1887 Practically adjusted, but not closed. 556,832.67 539,907.40 357 357 None. None. None. From The Dalles via Canyon City to the Snake River, near the mouth of the Owyhee River. Nov. 23, 1870 Mar. 31,1871....- Aug. 13, 1888 99,819.35 105,240.11 62 62 None. None. None. From Roseburg to Coos Bay. 24 STATEMENT SHOWING LAND GRANTS MADE BY CONGRESS TO AID IÑ CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS, WAGON-ROADS, CANALS, AND INTERNAL C A N .A IT GRANT,8. Date of grant. Object of grant. Extent of grant. Grantee. Grantee of State and present owner. Mar. 2,1827 May 29,1830 Feb. 27,1841 Aug. 29,1842 Mar. 3,1845 May 9,1848 Mar. 2,1827 June 30,1834 Aug. 31,1852 Mar. 2,1827 Aug. 29,1842 Aug. 3,1854 May 24,1828 Apr. 2,1830 Aug. 31,1852 Mar.' 2,1855 May 24,1828 June 18,1838 Aug. 26,1852 Mar. 3,1865 July 3,1866 Apr. 10,1866 July 3,1866 236 416 414 542 731 219 236 716 143 234 542 344 305 393 143 634 305 245 35 519 To aid in opening a canal to unite at navigable points the waters of the Wabash River with those of Lake Erie. .do. Same as above, but relating to that part of canal between Tippecanoe Creek and Terre Haute. In aid of that part of canal covered by act of 1827 To aid in extending and completing the Wabash and Erie Canal from Terre Haute to the Ohio River at Evansville. For entire length of canal as above described To aid in opening a canal to unite at navigable points the waters of the Wabash River with those of Lake Erie (so far as the same-is in the State of Ohio). .do. .do. To aid in opening a canal to unite the waters of the Illinois River with those of Lake Michigan. do .do. To aid in extending the Miami Canal from Dayton to the Maumee River at the mouth of the Auglaize River. do .do. .do. Sec. 5. To aid in the construction of canals in the State of Ohio To aid in opening a canal to unite the waters of Lake Michigan, at Milwaukee, with those of Rock River, between the point of intersection with said river, of the line dividing townships seven and eight, and the Lake Koshkonong. To aid in construction of a ship-canal around the falls of the St. Mary's River.. To aid in construction of breakwater and harbor and ship-canal through any public lands upon the neck of land known as "The Portage." .do. To aid in construction of breakwater and harbor and ship-canal to connect the waters of Green Bay with those of Lake Michigan. To aid in the construction of a ship-canal to connect the waters of Lake Superior with the lake known as Lac La Belle. A quantity of lands equal to one-half of five sections in width on each side of canal.. Granting 29,528.78 acres to be selected in- lieu of a like quantity theretofore disposed of by the United States. Quantity equal to one-half of five sections in width on each side of canal between points named, with right to select other lands n lieu of those disposed of by the United States. Authorizing selection of 24,219.14 acres in lieu of lands covered by Miami Indian Reser¬ vation. One moiety of the lands remaining unsold in a strip 5 miles in width on each side of canal, together with one moiety of all other unappropriated lands in the Vinceimes land district. Authorizing State to select a quantity of land which, together with the land already received, will make the full amount equal to one-half of five sections in width on each side of canal. A quantity of land equal to one-half of five sections in width on each side of canal... Authorizing State of Ohio to select a quantity of lands equal to the quantity of lands included in above grant previously sold by the United States. Section 3, authorizing adjustment upon the principles which governed the adjust¬ ment of the grant to Indiana under the act of May 19,1848. Quantity of land equal to one-half of five sections in width on each side of canal Authorizing State to select 5,760 acres in lieu of certain lands previously disposed of by the United States. Authorizing State to select balance of land due, the quantity to be ascertained upon the principles which governed the grant to the State of Indiana, under act of May 9, 1848. Quantity equal to one-half of five sections in width on each side of said canal Authorizing State to select other lands in lieu of lands sold by the United States. Section 3, authorizing adjustment upon the principles which governed the adjust¬ ment of the grant to Indiana under the act of May 19, 1848. Confirming selections made by State. Five hundred thousand acres, to be selected from lands subject to private entry All unappropriated lands in sections designated by odd numbers, within the breadth of five full sections, taken in north and south or east and west tiers on each side of canal. Seven hundred and fifty thousand acres, to be selected from public lands in the State of Michigan, subject to private entry. Two hundred thousand acres, to be selected from public lands in odd sections, sub¬ ject to private entry, nearest the location of the eanal. Two hundred thousand acres in addition to land granted by act of 1865—150,000 acres to be selected from odd, and 50,000 from even sections in upper peninsula of Michigan, to which right of pre-emption or homestead has not attached. Two hundred thousand acres, to be selected from public lands in odd sections, sub¬ ject to private entry, nearest the location of the canal. One hundred thousand acres, to be selected from the odd-numbered sections nearest the location of the canal to which the right of pre-emption or homestead has not attached. State of Indiana. do General Land Office dealt entirely with State in adjustment of grant. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. State of Indiana. State of Ohio, by joint resolution of State of Indiana approved Feb. 1, 1834. State of Ohio do State of Illinois. General Land Office dealt entirely with State in adjustment of grant. .do. .do. State of Ohio. General Land Office dealt entirely with State in adjustment of grant. .do. Territory and State of Wisconsin. Grant to vest in State when admitted into the Union. State of Michigan. .do. Milwaukee and Rock River Canal Co. General Land Office dealt entirely with adjustment of grant Portage Lake and Lake Superior Ship-Canal Co., now the Lake Superior Ship- Canal Railway and Iron Co. do State of Wisconsin. State of Michigan.. .do. Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Ship-Canal and Harbor Co. Lac La Belle Harbor Improvement Co. 25 IMPROVEMENTS, TOGETHER WITH DATA RELATIVE THERETO, COMPILED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE—Continued. oVlsr^X, GEANTS. Additional legislation affecting but not increasing grant. Date of act. Mar. 26,1824 Mar. 26,1824 May 24,1828 Mar. 2,1855 Mar. .30,1822 Mar. 2,1833 Mar. 2,1833 Mar. 3,1847 May 29,1848 July 1,1864 None. Apr. 10,1869 Mar. 2,1871 Mar. 27,1872 Mar. 3,1873 Mar. 1,1872 Mar. 7,1874 None. 47 305 634 659 662 178 233 413 55 599 44 627 Object. Authorizing State to locate canal to connect the navigation of the rivers. Wabash and Miami of Lake Erie, and granting right of way 90 feet in width on each side of canal. Authorizing State to locate canal to connect the navigation of the rivers Wabash and Miami of Lake Erie, and granting right of way 90 feet in width on each side of canal. Section 4, authorizing State of Indiana to relinquish and convey grant to State of Ohio. Confirming selections made for benefit of canal Authorizing State to survey and locate canal, , and granting right of way 90 feet in width on each side of same. Authorizing State to use lands granted by act of 1827, for purpose of con¬ structing a railroad instead of a canal, and extending time for completion. Extending time for completion. Providing that liabilities incurred by Territory shall be paid and discharged by State, and that even-numbered sections along line of canal shall be sold at the same minimum price as other public lands of the United States. do Providing that the lands sold by the State should be charged to her 5 per cent fund, at the rate of $1.25 per acre. Extending time for completion. do „ do.. do Extending time for completion. do Date and extent of withdrawal. None.. June 17,1833. All lands within 5 miles of the Miami (Maumee) River. Aug. 27, 1836. All lands within 5 miles on each side of canal. None. Sept. 28, 1828. Five miles on each side of Auglaize River from its head to its mouth. None :. July 3, 1838, and Sept. 11, 1838. lands within probable limits. All None. May 26, 1865. All lands in odd-num¬ bered sections in upper peninsula west of range 21 W. and north of town. 40 N. None. July 14, 1866. All odd-numbered sec¬ tions in upper peninsula of Michigan west of range 15 W. Date of restoration of surplus lands. Not known. Grant has long been treated as satisfied and closed. .do. Jan. 6, 1845. Apr. 20, 1840. All lands outside fixed limits, and even sections within those limits, the latter at $2.50 per aere. See Proc. 290. June 15, 1868. See notice No. 727. Dec. 22,-1874; Mar. 7, 1879. June 5, 1871. Notice No. 752. Number of acres certified in satisfaction of grant. 1,480,408.87 265,815.45 324,282.74 438,301.32 499,997.12 138,995.99 750,143.03 400,081.15 199,630.98 100,011.67 Remarks. The length of the canal from the Ohio State line to Evansville, Ind., as shown by the official maps on file in the General Land Office, is as follows: ~ From the Ohio State line to Terre Haute 225 miles. From Terre Haute to Evansville 144 miles. Total - 369 miles. A map showing the location of the canal from the Ohio State line to the mouth of Tippecanoe Creek appears to have been filed in the General Land Office, with letter from D. Burr, president of Board of Commissioners, dated Oct. 9, 1829, but this map can not now be found in the files of the office. The map now on file showing the location of the canal from the Ohio State line to Terre Haute was received in the Gen¬ eral Land Office with letter from Hon. Thomas H. Blake, dated Dec. 26, 1848. The map showing the location of the canal from Terre Haute to Evansville was received in the General Land Office with letter from James H. Whitcomb, Esq., dated Dec. 29, 1845. Jn the final adjustment of the grant under the act of 1848, which act the General Land Office appears to have construed as applying only to that part of the canal which lies between the Ohio State line and Terre Haute, the State was allowed five sections per mile for each mile of canal between said points. In addition it "was held that as the act of 1824 reserved a strip 90 feet in width on each side of the canal in perpetuity, the State lost the fee to that extent as to any of the alternate sections covered by the.grant of 1827, and was entitled to other lands in lieu of the strip thus reserved. See letter from Commissioner of General Land Office to Secretary of the Interior of Feb. 23,1850, Mis. Record 28, N. S., p. 344. With reference to the right of way granted by the act of 1824, diligent search in the records of the General Land Office fails to show that any reservation of such right of way was ever made. See opinion of Attorney-General, Jan. 16, 1879 (16 Opinions, p. 250), holding that the grant of 90 feet on each side of the canal is a grant not of the land but of an easement therein, and that the purchaser or grantee of the Government took the title subject to such easement, unless the same was excepted out of the patent. See also opinion of Attorney-General, Nov. 15,1849 (5 Opinions, p. 179), that State was entitled to lands for navigable feeders, and letter of Commissioner of General Land Office to Hon. Thos. H. Blake, Nov. 24,1849 (Mis. Ree. 27. N. S., p. 208), holding that there were no "navigable feeders" within the meaning of that termas used by the Attorney- General. Under the act of 1845, extending the grant from Terre Haute to Evansville, the State appears to have been allowed to select one moiety of the unappropriated lands within a strip 5 miles in width on each side of the canal, and, in addi¬ tion, one moiety of all the unappropriated lands in the Vincennes district. See letter of Commissioner General Land Office to Secretary of the Interior, Mar. 16, 1852. The length of the canal from the Indiana State line to Perrysburgh is 91 miles. Map thereof was filed in the General Land Office with letter from the governor of Ohio dated June 11,1834. The grant was adjusted upon the principle which governed the adjustment of the grant to Indiana for the Wabash and Erie Canal, between the Ohio State line and Terre Haute. See letter from Commissioner General Land Office to Sec- - -retary of the Interior dated Dec. 6, 1850, Mis. Ree., N. S., vol. 30, p. 528; Secretary's reply of Dec. 10, 1850, and aet of Aug. 31,1852. [Length of canal from Illinois River, near Peru, to Lake Michigan at Chicago is 101.35 miles. Map of canal filed in Gen¬ eral Land Office, with letter from governor of Illinois, dated Dec. 25, 1829. Grant adjusted upon the principle which governed the adjustment of the grant to the State of Indiana for the Wabash and Erie Canal between the Ohio State line and Terre Haute. See act of Aug. 3,1854, and letter of Commissioner [ of General Land Office to governor of Illinois, under date of Aug. 24, 1854, vol. 40, Mis. Ree., p. 456. Length of canal from Dayton to the Maumee River at Defiance (mouth of Auglaize River) is 127.63 miles. Map filed in General Land Office with letter from Samuel F órrer, Engineer, dated May 10, 1832. In the adjustment of this grant the State was allowed to select a quantity equal to one-half of the area of the lands within 5 miles of the canal, amounting to 377,967.57 acres. See letter from Commissioner General Land Office to Sec¬ retary of the Interior under date of May 17,1851 (Misc. Ree., N. S., vol. 32, p. 182), and Secretary's reply of June 17, 1851. In addition to the quantity in place the State selected 60,333.75 acres, which selections were confirmed by the act of Mar. 2, 1855. Map of canal filed in General Land Office, with letter from governor of Territory, dated May 16,1839. The State having failed to construct the canal, the lands were treated as having reverted to the United States. The State, however, having sold 125,431.82 acres, the lands thus sold were charged to her 5 per cent fund, at the rate of $2.50 per acre; the remaining lands, amounting to 13,564.17 acres, were charged to the Internal Improvement grant of Sept. 4, 1841. See Opinions of Attorney-General, July 24, 1852 (5 Opin., 574), and Sept. 18, 1854 (6 Opin., 732). The joint resolution of July 1,1864, however, provided that the lands sold by the State should be charged to her 5 per cent fund, at the rate of $1.25 per acre, and that the State should be credited with the amount legally applied towards the cost of selling the lands and constructing the canal. Act of 1865, 199,999.88 acres. Act of 1866, 200,081.27 acres. Map of canal filed in General Land Office May 1, 1865. Length of canal is about 2.25 miles. For a full statement rela¬ tive to the grants for this canal, see letter from Commissioner General Land Office to Secretary of the Interior dated June 9, 1886, Annual Report General Land Office, 1886, p. 318. Map showing the location of canal was filed in General Land Office, May 2,1867, with letter from the governor of Wis¬ consin dated Apr. 29, 1867. Mar. 10,1883, Hon. Philctus Sawyer filed a second map showing a relocation of canal. Length of canal, according to map of 1867, is about 1.44 miles; according to map of 1873, about 1.39.miles. Length of canal, about seven-eighths of a mile. 23718—08 4 26 STATEMENT SHOWING LAND GRANTS MADE BY CONGRESS TO AID RIVER I M ER OVE M EN IN CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADS, WAGON-ROADS, CANALS, AND INTERNAL TYRANTS. Dato of grant. May 23,1828 Aug. 8,1846 Aug. 3,1854 Mar. 3,1855 Aug. 8,1846 July 12,1862 83 345 724 77 543 Object of grant. To aid in the improvement of the Muscle Shoals and Colbert Shoals in the Ten¬ nessee River and such other parts of said river within the State of Alabama as the legislature of said State may direct; and in certain event to aid in the improvement of the Coosa, Cahawba, and Black Warrior Rivers. To aid in improving the navigation of the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers in the Ter¬ ritory of Wisconsin, and of constructing the canal to unite the said rivers at or near "The Portage." do .. . -do The improvement of the navigation of the Des Moines R.iver Extended grant from Raccoon Fork to north boundary of State, for improve¬ ment of the river, and to aid in the construction of a railroad along the river bank. "Extent of grant. Four hundred thousand acres of reliilquished lands in the counties of Madison, Mor¬ gan, Limestone, Lawrence, Franklin, and Lauderdale, in the State of Alabama. A quantity of land equal to one-half of three sections in width on each side of the Fox River and the lakes through which it passes, from its mouth to the point where the Portage Canal enters the same, and on each side of said canal, from one stream to the other. Authorizing adjustment upon the principles which governed the adjustment of the grant to Indiana under the act of May 9, 1848. , Declaring that it was the intention of the act of Aug. 3, 1854, to give to the State a quantity of land equal, mile for mile of its improvements, to that granted to Indiana under act of May 9, 1848. An equal moiety of alternate sections of land in a strip 5 miles in width on each side of the river. Odd sections within 5 miles of river. Grantee. State of Alabama. Territory of Wisconsin; to become the property lof the State of Wisconsin when admitted into the Union. State of Iowa. do Grantee óf State and present owner. General Land Office dealt entirely with.State in adjustment of grant. Fox and Wisconsin Improvement Company. General Land Office dealt entirely with State in adjustment of grant Des Moines Navigation and R. R. Co., now Des Moines Valley R. R. Co. 27 IMPROVEMENTS, TOGETHER WITH DATA RELATIVE THERETO, COMPILED FROM THE RECORDS OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE—Continued. v* V RIVER IÍPR OV EMENT GRANTS. Additional legislation affecting but not increasing grant. Number of acres certified Date and extent of withdrawals. Date of restoration of surplus lands. Remarks. Date of act. j Statute.