-f-^3 H BIBLIOGRAPHY ON FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION W. P. A, Technical Series Public Activities Circular No. 17 Education Circular Number 4 April 4, 1941 FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Division of Community Service Programs Washington, D. C. A2334 DOCUMENTS ROOM * A2334 FOREWORD This bibliography refers to hooks and current pamphlet material on family relationships, various aspects of home- making, child care and training, the family's relation to the community, nursery schools—their organization and op¬ eration, teacher education, general adult education, etc. Reference is also made to useful bibliographies. The bibliography should be u^jful to workers in any phase of the Family Life Education Program for frequent reference as well as for use in connection with teacher education conferences. Additional copies may be reproduced in each state. Howard C. Hunter Acting Commissioner Work Projects Administration A2334 TABLE 0 F COH IEUI S Page PART ONE. GENERAL ADULT EDUCATION - • 1 I. BOOKS 1 A. Principles, Philosophy, and Methods of Adult Education 1 XI. PAMPHLETS AND BULLETINS 2 PART TWO. FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS AND HOMEMAKING EDUCATION 5 I. BOOKS 5 A. Philosophy of Family Life Education, Family Relation¬ ships and Guidance 5 B. Technical Aspects of Homemaking Education 7 II. PAMPHLETS AND BULLETINS 8 III. FICTION WITH IMPLICATIONS FOR PARENT EDUCATION AND HOMEMAKING EDUCATION 12 PART TERSE. GUIDANCE OF CHILDREN 14 A. Play Activities and Materials 14 B. Food 14 C. Health 15 D. Music 15 E. Art 16 F. Literature and Language 16 G. Natur® 17 H. Social Sciences .....17 I. General Information on Child Development 17 J. Parent Relationships ,18 K. Preventing and Handling Behavior Difficulties 18 A2334 Page PART POUR. NURSERY SCHOOLS AND PROCEDURES IN THEM 20 I. BOOKS 20 II. PAMPHLETS AND BULLETINS 20 PART FIVE. TEACHER TRAINING SUGGESTIONS 22 PART SIX. COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS 24 PART SEVEN. BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND LISTS OF SOURCES OF MATERIAL 25 I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 25 II. SOURCES FROM WHICH FREE AND INEXPENSIVE MATERIAL MAY BE SECURED 26 -1- A2334 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION Part One GENERAL ADULT EDUCATION I. BOOKS Principles. Philosophies. and. Methods of Adult Education 1. Bowman, LeRoy. How to Lead a Discussion. New York, Woman's rf'ress, 1934. 35 cents. Paper. 2. Bryson, Lyman. Adult Education. Chicago, American Book Company, 1936. $2. 3. Cartwright, Morse Adams. Ten Years of Adult Education. New York, Ifecmillan Company, 1935. $2. 4. Ely, Mary. Adult Education in Action. New York, American Association for Adult Education, 1936. $2.75. 5. Why Forums? New York, American Association for Adult Education, 1937. 6. Englehardt and Englehardt. Planning the Community School. New York, American Book Company. 1940. 7. Fansler, Thomas. Discussion Methods for Adult Groups. New York, American Association for Adult Education, 1934. $1.50. 8. Hill, Frank Ernest. Listen and Learn—Adult Education on the Air. New York, American Association for Adult Education, 1937. 9. Kotinsky, Ruth. Adult Education Councils. New York, American Association for Adult Education, 1940. 10. McClusky, Howard Y. Mobilizing the Community for Adult Education. Ann Arbor, Mich., University Press, University of Michigan. 11. Washburne, Carl^ton. A Living Philosophy of Education. New York, John Day Company, 1940. $3.30. A2334 — 2 — II. PAMPHLETS AND BULLETINS* American Association for Adult Education, New York City. 12. Adam, T. R. Motion Pictures in Adult Education. 1940. 75 cents. 13. Bryson, Lyman. A State Plan for Adult Education. 1934. 40 cents. 14. Elexner, Jennie. Readers Advisory Service. 1934. 50 cents. 15. Hudson, Robert B. and Walker, John 0, A Plan for Living. 1934. 16. Johnson, Alvin. Deliver Us from Dogma. 1934. $1.50. 17. Ozanne, Jacques. Regional Surveys in Adult Education. 1934. 50 cents. American Book Company, 88 Lexington Avenue, New York City. 18. America's Town Meeting of the Air Series. Pamphlets on radio forums. 1936. 10 cents. American Education Press, Inc., 580 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Modern Problems Booklets. (Series of unbiased texts containing important social and political questions of the day. 15 cents per copy.) Some titles are: 19. The Depression—What Can We Do about It? 20. Crime-Prevalence, Causes, and Costs. 21. Who Pays for War? American Library Association, 520 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. 22. The Status of Married Women. Bulletin V—.32, No. 6, June 1938. Foreign Policy Association, 8 West Fortieth Street, New York City. Headline Books. Providing unbiased background information on important international problems of the day. Booklets 25 cents each. Some titles are: 23. Battles without Bullets—Economic Warfare. 24. The Good Neighbors—Study of the Two Americas. Teachers are urged to keep themselves informed on the current issues of pamphlets and bulletins from the various professional organizations. A2334 -3— Public Affairs Committee, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City. Public Affairs Pamphlets. Series of popular summaries of public affairs. 10 cents per copy. Some titles are; Cooperatives in the United States—a Balance Sheet. Toward a Healthy America, U. S. Office of Education, Federal Security Agency, Washington, D. C. Studebaker, John. The American Way. 1935. Studebaker, John and Williams, C. S. Education for Damocracy. Public Affairs Forums. Bulletin No. 17. Copies purchasable from U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 10 cents. U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D, C. Venereal Disease Menace. (For adults.) Large selection of pamphlets on all phases of health. University of Chicago Fress, Chicago. Unit Lesson on Current Adult Problems. Educational Research Project No. 15. 15 cents. Work Projects Administration, 1734 New York Avenue, NW., Washington, D.C. (Publications of particular assistance to teachers.) Aids to Teachers of Literacy. Naturalization end Elementary Subjects for Adults. WFA Technical Series, Education Circular No. 5. January 1938. 33. Conferences for the Education of Teachers. WPA Technical Series, Education Circular No. 6. 1938. 34. Bibliograuhy for Teachers of Adult Education. WPA Technical Series, Education Circular No, 7, August 1933. 35. A Selected Bibliography r>f Free and In?;-'"ensive Materials on Negro Education. WFA Technical Series, Education Circular No. 9, Revised. October 1938. 36. Preparation of Reading Materials for Adult Education in the Foundation Fields. WFA Technical Series, Education Circular No. 10. December 1938. 25. 260 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32, Work Projects Administration—continued Graded Word List for the Preparation of Reading Materials for Adult Education in the Foundation Fields. WPA Technical Series, Education Circular No. 10, Supplement No, 1, May 1939. A Bibliography of lists of Free and Inexpensive Aids for Teachers of Adults. WPA Technical Series, Community Service Circular Number 3, Education Program No. 1. June 1940. Handbook for Use in the In-Service Education of Teachers. WPA Technical Series, Community Service Circular Ne, 5, Education Circular No. 2. July 1940, -5- A2334 Part Two FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS ANT) HOKEMAXING EDUCATION I. 3PONS A, Philosophy of Family Life Education. Family Relationships and. Guidance 1. Anderson, Harold Homer. Children in the Family. With an introduction by George D. Stoddard. New York, D. Appleton-Century Company, 1937. 253 p. $2, 2. Arlitt, Ada Hart. Adolescent Psychology. New York, American Book Company, 1933. $2.25. 3. Ayerill, Lawrence A. Adolescence: A Study in Teen Years. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1936. $2.25. 4. Baruch, Dorothy. Parents and Children Go to School. New York. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1940. 5. Brooks, Lee and Evelyn. Adventuring in Adoption. Chapel Hill, N.C., University Press, 1939. 6. Carrier, Blanche. Church Education for Family Life. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1936. $2. 7. Cunningham, B. V. Family Behavior. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1936. 8. Davis, Allison and Dollard, John. Children of Bondage. Washington, D. C. American Council on Education, 1940. $2.25 (Problem of Adolescent Negroes). 9. Dennis, Lemo T, Living Together in the Family. Washington, D. C., American Home Economics Association, 1934. $1.10, 10. Elliot, Grace L. Understanding the Adolescent Girl. New York, Henry Holt, 1930. $1.25. 11. Fisher, Dorothy C. and Gruenberg, S. M, Our Children. New York, "Viking Press, 1933. $2.75. A2334 6~ 12. Folsom, Joseph. Plan for Marriage, New York, Harper and Brothers, 1938. $3. 13. Norman, H. J. Cur Movie-Made Children. New York. Macmillan Company, 1933. $2,50. 14. Goodrich, Lawrence H. Living with Others. Chicago, American Book Company, 1939. $1. 15. Groves, Ernest R. The American Family. Chicago, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1934, $3. 16. The Family and Its Social Functions, Chicago, J. B. Lippin¬ cott Company, 1940. $3.30 17. Groves, Gladys H. and Ross, Robert A, The Married Woman; A Practical Guide to Happy Marriage: Theory and Practical Experience. New York, Greenberg Publisher, Inc., 1936. 18. Gruenberg, Benjamin C. Parents and Sex Education. Revised Edition. New York, Viking Press, 1932, $1, 19. Gruenberg, Sidonie. We, the Parents. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1939. $2.50 20. Harris, Florence LaGanke. Every Woman's Complete Guide to Homemaking. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1936. 21. Hart, Hornell Norris and. Ella B, Personality and the Family. New York, D, C. Heath and Company, 1935. $2o80. 22. Levy, John and Monroe, Ruth. The Happy Family. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1938. $2.75. 23. Morgan, John J. B. Keeping a Sound Mind. New York, Macmillan Company, 1935. $2.50. 24. National Education Association, Educational Policies Commission. Learning the Ways of Democracy, Washington, D. C,, National Education Association, 1940. $1. 25. Prentice, Carol S. An Adopted Child Looks at Adoption. New York, D. Appleton-Century Company, 1940. $2. 26. Rockwood, Lemo Dennis and Steel, Marion H. Pictures of Family Life, Washington, Dc C., American Home Economics Association, 1935. $1.40. 27. Salt, U, M, B, New Horizons for the Family. New York, Macmillan Company, 1939. $4. A2334 -7- 28. Stilley, Laura and Robertson, M. S. Our Family Reader. New Orleans, Thomas J. Moran's Sons, 1938. 80p. Illus. 28 cents per copy in quantity lots, exclusive of postage. 29. Stone, Abraham and Hannah M. The Marriage Manual. A Practical Guidebook to Sex and Marriage. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1935. $2.50 30. Taylor, Eatherine Whiteside. Do Adolescents Need Parents? Commission on Human Relations, Progressive Education Asso¬ ciation. New York, D. Appleton-Century Company. 1938. 31. Wunsch, W. Robert and Albers, Edna (Editors). Thicker Than Water. Commission on Human Relations, Progressive Education Association. New York, D. Appleton-Century Company, 1938 32. Zachry, Caroline B. Emotion snd Conduct in Adolescence. New York, D. Appleton-Century Company, 1940. B• Technical Aspects of Homemaking Education 33. Baxter, Laura; Justin, Margaret M; end Rust, Lucile. Sharing Home Life. Chicago, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1940. $1.68 34. Bennett, Harry. More for Your Money. New York City, Chemical Publishing Company of New York, Inc., 1937. $2.75. 35. Bigelow, Howard E. Family Finance. Chicago, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1936. $3. 36. Blair, Emily Newell. The Creation of a Home. New York, Farrar and Rinehart, Inc., 1930. $2.50. 37. Hess, Eatherine P. Textile Fibres and Their Use. Chicago, J. B. Lippincott Company. Revised Edition, 1S36. $2.40. 38. Hopkins, Marguerite. Dress Design and Selection. New York, Macmillan Company, 1935. $1.75. 39. Lowenberg, Miriam E. Your Child's Food. New York, Whittlesey House, 1939. $2.50. 40. Macdonald, Elizabeth and Forrester. Homemaking: A Profession for Men and Women. Boston, Marshall Jones Company, 1927. 41. Minter, David C. Modern Home Crafts. New York, Hopkins and Son, 1936. $5. A2334 - 8 - 42. National Health Council, Editor. National Health Service: A Series of Twenty Volumes. New York, Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1937. Single volumes 35 cents. Any three volumes $1, 43. Pollard, Belle. Adult Education in Horoeinaking. New York. John Wiley and Son. 1939. $2.50. 44. Rose, Mary S. Feeding the Family. New York, Maomillan Company, 1930. $5. (College Edition $3.75.) 45. Sansum, W. D.; Hare, R. A.; and Bouden. Ruth. The Normal Diet and Healthful Living. New York, Macmillan Company, 1936. $2. 46. Shultz, Gladys D. and Schenk, Beulah. The House That Runs Itself, New York, John Company, 1929. $2.50. 47. Spears, Ruth Wyeth. Home Decorating with Fabric and Thread. New York, M. 3arrows and Company, 1940. $2.50. 48. Wood, Mildred W.; Lindquist, R. M„• and Studley, L, A. Managing the Home. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1932. $2. II. PAMPHLETS AND BULLETINS 49. American Association of University Women., Washington, D. C, The American Family in a Changing Society—A Course of Eight Units. 1937--1938. 25 cents per set, American Medical Association, Chicago. (Pamphlets by Thurman B. Rice) 50. The Story of Life—for Boys and Girls Te,n Years Old. 51. In Training—for Boys of High School Age, 52. How Life Goes On and On—for Girls of High School Age. 53. The Age of Romance—for Both Sexes of College or Older. 54. The Venereal Diseases—for Both Sexes of College or Older. 25 cents each. Five for $1 in set3 or assorted. 55. Arizona State Department of Vocational Education. Teaching Child Guidance to Spanish Speaking Parents. Imogens J. Myrland. Phoenix, Arizona. The Department. October 1936. 46 p. 20 cents per copy plus 4-§- cents postage outside of the State. Mimeographed. A2334 -9- Children's Bureau, U. S. Department of Labor, Washington, D. C. 56. The Child from One to Six. Publication No. 30. 15 cents. 57. Guiding the Adolescent. D, A. Thorn. Publication No. 225. 10 cents. 58. Handbook for Recreation Leaders. Ella Gardener. Publication No. 231. 15 cents. Note: Single copies free to parents and leaders; additional copies purchasable from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, L. C., at prices listed. Horace Mann School, Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, 59. Children and Money. 1935. 50 cents. 60. Parents and the Latch String. 1935. 50 cents. Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas. 61. Applying Nursery School Methods of Child Training in the Home. "Bulletin No. 2. 1932. McCall Corporation, New York City. 62. Dressmaking Made Easy. 1937. 25 cents. 63. Myers, Garry C. Training the Toddler in Safety. Greenberg Publisher, Inc., New York, 1936. 35 cents. National Committee for Mental Hygiene, New York City. 64. Morale: The Mental Hygiene of Unemployment, George K. Pratt. 1933. 25 cents. National Congress of Parents and Teachers, Chicago. 65. Our Homes. Edited by Ada Hart Arlitt, 1936. 224p. Cloth. 50 cents; paper, 25 cents. 66. Parent Education Third Yearbook. Edited vy Ada Hart Arlitt. 1932. 288p. $1. 67. Parent Education Eourth Yearbook, Edited by Ada Hart Arlitt. 1934. 268p. $1. 68. Pettengill, Frances S. The Philosojjhy of the Parent Teacher Movement, 1938, Free from state offices of Parent Teacher Associations. Study Courses offered in outline form through the Parent- Teacher Magazine: 1937-38. 69. The Child in School—a course under the direction of Ada Hart Arlitt. 1937-38. 70. ^he Young Child in the Family—a course offered under the direction of Dr. Esther McGinnis. 1937-38, Study Course offered in outline form through the Parent-Teacher Magazine: 1938-39. 71. Ihe Family in a Democracy. A2334 -10- Oklahoma State College of Agriculture, Extension Division, Stillwater, Oklahoma. 72. Strayer, Faith. The Wholesome Child. Circular No. 294, General Series No. 226. 1935. 73. The Wholesome Child's Home. Circular No. 298, General Series No. 291. Pennsylvania State Department of Public Instruction, Harrisburg. 74. Parent Education: A Manual of Suggestions to Aid School Authori¬ ties in Developing a Program of Parent-Pupil-Teacher Relation¬ ships. Pennsylvania Curriculum Studies, Bulletin No. 86. 1935. Prosser and Palmer. Eife Adjustment Series: 75. Selecting an Occupation 76. Getting a Job. 77. Keeping Physically Fit. 78. A Health Program. 79. Taking a Look at Yourself, McKnight and McKnight, Bloomington, Illinois. 80. Salzman, Eleanor. Learning to be Good Parents. Boston, Manthome and Burock, 1937. 25 cents. 81. The Spool Cotton Company, New York. The Learn How Book. (Book No, 58.) State College of Agriculture, Extension Service, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 82. Child Rearing and Family Life Pamphlets. 6 cents each. United States Office of Education, Vocational Education Division, Federal Security Agency, Washington, D. C. Consumer Buying in the Educational Program for Homemaking— 83. Suggestions for Teachers of Homemaking in Secondary School and Adult Classes. Vocational Education Bulletin N?. 182, Home Economics Series No. 19. 1935. 20 cents. 84. The Home Project in Homemaking Education—Place, Function and Value of the Home Project in the Vocational Program. Federal Board for Vocational Education Bulletin No. 170, Home Economics Series No. 16. 1933. 15 cents. 85. The Teaching of Art Related to the Home—Suggestions for Content and Method in Related Art Instruction in the Vocational Program in Home Economics. Federal Board for Vocational Education Bulletin No. 156, Home Economics Series No. 13. 1931. 15 cents. Note: Copies of above publications purchasable from the Superin¬ tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D, C., at prices listed. A2334 -11- United States Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. 86. Healthy, Happy Womanhood. A pamphlet for Adolescent Girls and Young Women. V. C. Bulletin Ho. 60. 5 cents. 87. The Problem of Sex Education in Schools. Y. C. Bulletin No. 7. 5 cents. 88. The Wonderful Story of Life: Parent's talks with children 6 to 10 years of age regarding life and its aproduction. Y. D. Bul¬ letin No. 59. 10 cents. Note: Single copies free. Additional copies purchasable from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at prices listed. 89. University of Iowa, Iowa Child Welfare Research. Station, Iowa City, Iowa. Child Welfare pamphlets relating to various aspects of child rearing and family life. 5 cents each or 3 cents each for 10 or more. Work Projects Administration, Education Section, 1734 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, D. C, Various addresses and reprints of articles on the subject of family life education, as follows: Coordination of Agencies in Carrying on WPA Nursery Schools, by Grace Langdon, Specialist, Nursery Schools, Parent Education and Homemaking Education, WPA, Washington, D. C. General Statement on WPA Nursery Schools. An address by Grace Langdon, Specialist in Family Life Education, before the Coopera¬ tive Education Association at Alexandria, Virginia, October 1938. Home as the Place for Learning Democratic Living. Peprint of Grace Langdon's article. Progressive Education, April 1940. Learning for Civilized Living. Reprint of Grace Langdon's article, Parent-Teacher Magazine, February 1939. Off Main Travelled Roads in Education, by Grace Langdon and Parent Education in the WPA Education Pro ram, by Grace Langdon and Isabel J. Robinson. Reprints from Parent Education, May 1937 and December 1937. Parent Education in the Emergency Program. An address by Grace Langdon, before the National Council of Parent Education Biennial Conference, Detroit, Michigan, February 1939. Progress Report on Family Life Education—with introduction covering all activities of the Education Section—1933 to 1940. Nursery Schools Plus. Article; concerning WPA nursery schools, by Grace Langdon and Isabel J. Robinson. Reprint from School Life, November 1940. 90. 91. 92. 97. 94. 95. 96. 97. A2334 -12- FICTION VITH IMPLICATIONS FOR PARENT EDUCATION AND HOMEMAKING EDUCATION 98. Aldrich, Eess Streeter. A Lantern in Her Hand. New York, D. Appleton-Century Company, 1928. 99. Anonymous. Log Cabin Lady, an anonymous autobiography. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1922. 1^9. Deeping, Warwick. Sorrel and Son. New York, Grosset'.and Dunlap, 1926. Story of the companionship between a father and son after the mother has deserted them. They become great friends and under¬ stand each other, showing just what it means for a father to know his son. 101. Field, Rachel L. Time Out of Mind. New York, Macmillan Company, 1935. Decline of shipbuilding on the Maine Coast and the effect upon the disintegration of the leading family. 102. Fisher, Dorothy Canfield. Her Son's Wife. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1926. The trials of a mother whose son marries against her wishes and continues to live with her. The daughter- in-law becomes an invalid in her escape from the mother. The family is, however, brought to an understanding by the grand¬ daughter. 103. Seasoned Timber. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1939. 104. Flint, Margaret. The Old Ashburn Place. New York, Dodd, Mead and Company, 1936. A prize-winning novel showing complete under¬ standing of New England farm life in its various phases. 105. Gallagher, Eleanor Garrigue. The Adopted Child. New York, Reynal and Hitchcock, 1936. 106. Galsworthy, John. Maid in Waiting. New York^-. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1931. An old aristocratic family whose members are in trouble financially and otherwise are held together by a modern young girl. Portrays a large family group from many walks of life as, soldier, sailor, parish priest, and museum worker. 107- Green, Paul. This Body the Earth. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1935. A study of tenancy of the "poor whites" in the South. 108. Ise, Hohn. Sod and Stubble: Story of a Kansas Homestead. New York, Wilson-Erikson Company, 1936. While this is a story of a family, it is also a phase of the social and economic adventure of set¬ tling and developing the American world. 109. Johnson, Josephine Winslow. Now in November. New Y0rk, Simon and Schuster, 1935. Story of a Missouri farm family in the depres¬ sion with individual problems. A2334 - 13 - 110. Kroll, Harry Harrison. I Was a Sharecropper. Hew York, Bobbs- Merrill Company, 1937. Autobiographical novel of the author's realistic experiences. 111. Laurence, Josephine. If I Have Hour Apples. New York, Frederick A. Stokes Company. 1935. Bad management of family resources; buying on the installment plan. 112. Lynd, R. S. and Helen M. Middletown in Transition. New York,Karcourt, Brace and Company, 1937. 113. Marks, Percy. A Tree Grown Straight. New York, Frederick A. Stokes Conroany, 1936. 114. Morehouse, Kathleen. Rain on the Just. New York, Lee Furman, 1936. Story of Western Carolina. 115. O'Donnell, Edwin P. Green Margins-. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1936. Unusual story of people of mixed racts on low Mississippi delta. 116. Ripley, Thomas Emerson. A Vermont Boyhood. Navr Yore, D. Appleton- Oentury Company, 1937. Sta.nds.rde of an old American family and characterizations of the members of the family. 117. Roe, Wellington. The Tree Falls South. New York, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1937. * 118. Ross, Leonard The Education of Kyma.n Kaplan. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1937. $2. An interesting stud;/ in adult e&u- o cation. 119. Sinclair, Upton. Co-Op: A Novel of Living Together. New York, Farrar and P.inehart, Inc., 1936. Development of the first self- help exchange in California. 120. Thomas, Dorothy. The Home Place. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1936. All members of a scattered family go back to the farm. Many personality problems develop under one roof. 121.. Weygandt, Cornelius. The Blue Hills. New York, Henry Holt, 1936. Early Life'' in Pennsylvania. " A2334 -14- Part Three GUIDANCE 0? CHILDREN A, Play Activities and Materials 1. Alschuler, Rose and Others, Two to Six* New York, William Morrow, and company, 1933. $2.50. 2. Association fcr Childhood 3d.uca.tion. Toys—What—When. A leaflet for parents. Washington, D. C,, Association for Childhood Education, 10 cents. 3. Chicago Work Projects Administration. Salvage. Chicago, Work Projects Administration, Education Division, 1937. Mimeographed. 4. Garrison, Charlotte, Permanent Play Materials for Young Children. New York, Charles Scribner:s Sons, 1926;. $1,25 5. Hansen, Rowna. Some Educational Activities for the Young Child in the Home. Office of Education Pamphlet No. 51. Washington, D.C Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, 1934, 5 cents, 6. Kawin, Ethel. The Wise Choice of Toys. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, (Pevised Edition) 1938, $1.50, 7. Tilson, Agnes. Homemade Toys and Play Equipment, St. Paul, Minn¬ esota, The Farmer's Wife, 1933, 23p. Illustrated. 10 cents. B. Food Bureau of Home Economics, U. S, Department of Agriculture, Washingto. 8, D. C, Food for Children. Bureau of Home Economics in cooperation with Washington Child Research Center. Farmer's Bulletin No. 1674, 5 cents. 9, Menus and Recipes for Lunches at School, Contains section on nursery school meals. Miscellaneous Publication No. 246. 10 cents, 10, Milk for the Family. Bureau of Home Economics in cooperation wii the Bureau of Dairy Industry. Farmer's Bulletin No, 1705. 1933. 5 cents. Note: Above publications purchasable from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at prices listed. 11. Foods Rich in Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, ahd G, Washington, D, C., Bureau of Home Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1935. 6 p. Mimeographed A2334 -15- 12. Georgia Work Projects Administration, Atlanta, Ga. Pood for Parents and Children. 1940, Mimeographed. 13. Lowenberg, Miriam E, Your Child's Food. New York, Whittlesey House, 1339. $2.50. 14. National Canners Association, 1739 H Street, NW., Washington, D. C. Booklets on canned goods and their uses. Some titles are: Everyday Recipes for Canned Goods Summertime Recipes for Canned Goods 15. Rose, Mary S„ Feeding the Family. New York, Macmillan Company, 1940. $3.75 (Fourth Edition) C. Healoh Children's Bureau, U. S. Department of Labor, Washington, D. C. 16. Why Sleep? Folder No. 11, 17. Why Drink Milk? Folder No. 3. 18. Keeping the Well Baby Well. Folder No. 9. 19. Kenyon, Josephine. Healthy Babies Are Hapoy Babies. Boston, Little Brown and Company, 1934. D. Music 20. California State Department of Education, Los Angeles. Music for the Young Child. 1939. 21. Coleman, Satis and Thorn, Alice. Singing Time—Songs for Nursery and School. New York, John Day Company, 1929. $2.50. 22. The Little Singing Time, New York, John Day Company, 1940. $1.50. 23. MacCarteney, Laura Pendleton. Songs for the Nusrsery School. Cincinnati, Ohio, The Willis Music Company. $1.50. 24. Robinson, Ethel. School Rhythms. Chicago, Clayton F, Suramy Company, 1923. $1.25. 25. Thorn, Alice, Music for Young Children. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1929. $1.25. 26. 'Williams, Harold M. Musical Guidance of Young Children, Iowa City. Iowa, University of Iowa, 1933. (Child We fare Pamphlet No. 39) A2334 -16- E. Art 27. Association for Childhood Education, Washington, D. C. Art for Today's Child. 1935. 28. Cole, Natalie Robinson. The Arts in the Classroom. New York, John Bay Company, 1940. 29. Mathias, Margaret E. The Beginnings of Art in the Public Schools. New York, Charles Scribner1s Sons, 1924. $1.25, 30. Perrine, Van Bearing, Let the Child Braw, New York Frederick A, Stokes Company, 1936. 31. Shaw, Ruth E. Einger Painting. New York, Little, Brown and Company, 1934. 32. Viola, Wilhelm. Child Art and Franz Cizck. New York, Reynal and Hitchcock. 1936. F. Literature and language 33. Balgleish, Alice. First Experiences with Literature. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932. 34. Fisher, Mary S. Language Patterns of Pre-School Children. New York, Teachers College, Columbia Univarsiuy, Bureau of Publications, 1934. 35. Hooper, John. Poetry in the New Curriculum. Brattleboro, Vt., Stephen Da.y Press, 1932. 36. McCarthy, Borothea A, The Language Development of the Pre-School Child. Minneapolis, Minn., University Press, University of Minnesota, 1930, 37. Mearnes, Hughes. Creative Power, New York, Doubleday, Boran and Company. A2334 -17- G-. Nature 38. Association for Childhood Education, Science Committee. Science and the Young Child. Washington, D. C., Association for Childhood Education. 35 cents. 39. Boettiger, Elizabeth E. Children's Play Indoors and Out. New York, E. P. Dutton and Company, 1938. 40. Comstock, Anna B. Handbook of Nature Sjjudy for Teachers and Parents. Ithaca, N. Y., Comstock Publishing Company, (22d Edition) 1931. 41. Garrison, Charlotte. Science Experiences for little Children. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1939. $1.50. H. Social Sofences 42. Reed, Mary M. ana Wright, Lulu E. Beginnings of the Social Sciences. New York. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932. 43. Stevens, Bertha. Child and Universe. New York, John Bay Company, 1931. I. General Information on Child Development 44. Aldrich, Charles Anderson and Margaret M. Babies Are Human Beings. New York, Macmillan Company, 1939. $1.75. 45. Alschuler, Rose and Others. Two to Six. New York, William Morrow.and company, 1933. $2.50. 46. Gesell, Arnold and Others. The First Five Years of Life. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1940, $3.50. 47. Jersild, Arthur T. Child Psychology. New York, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1940 (Revised and Enlarged) 48. Keliher, Alice V. Life and Growth. New York, D. Appleton-Century Company, 1938. $1.20. 49; Meek, Lois Hayden. Your Child's Development and Guidance—Told in Pic¬ tures. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company. 1940. $2. 50. Rand, Winifred; Sweeney, Mary E.; and Vincent, E. Lee. Growth and Development of the Young Child. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1934. A2334 -18 51. Reynolds, Martha May. Children from Seed to Saplings. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1939. $2.50. 52. Tenney, Horace Kent, Let's Talk about Your Baby. Minneapolis, Minn., University Press, University of Minnesota, 1940. $1. 53. Wagoner, Lovisa. The Development of Learning in the Young Child. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1933, J. Parent Relationships 54. Anderson, Harold Homer. Children in the Family'—with an introduction by George D. Stoddard. New York, D. Aopleton-Century Company, 1937. 253p. $2. 55. Baruch, Dorothy, Parents and Children Go to School. New York, Scott Forsman Company, 1939. $3. 56. Brill, Alice and Youtz, May P. Your Child and His Parents. New York, D. Appleton-Century Company, 1932. $2.50. K, Preventing and Handling Behavior Difficulties 57. Anderson, John E. Happy Childhood. New York, D. Appleton-Century Company, 1933. $3.50. 58. Fedder, Ruth. A Girl Grows Up. New York, Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1939. $1.75. 59. Foster, Josephine. Busy Childhood. New York, D. Appleton-Century Company, 1933. $2.25. 60. Langdon, Grace. Home Guidance for Young Children: A Parentfe' Handbook. New York, John Day Company, 1931. $2.75. 61. Parents' Magazine. The Mother's Encyclopedia. (Compiled and edited by the editors of Parents' Magazine.) New York, Reynal and Hitchcock, 1934. 62. Richmond, Winifred. Adolescent Boy—A Book for Parents and Teachers, New York, Farrar and Rinehart, Inc., 1933. $2.50. 63. ^Adolescent Girl. New York, Macmillan Company, 1925. $1.25, A2334 - 19 - 64. Richmond, Winifred. An Introduction to Sex Education. New York, I'arrar and Rinehart, Inc., 1934. $2. 65. Personality? Its Development and Hygiene. An Outline of Modern Approaches to the Study of Human Nature. New York, Earrar and Rinehart, Inc., 1937. 66. Schweinitz, Karl de. Growing Up. New York, Macmillan Company, 1928. $1.75. 67- Sherman, Mandel. Mental Hygiene and Education. New York, Longmans Green Company, 1934. $2.25. 68. South Carolina Work Projects Administration, Columbia, S»C*Nursery School Education—Behavior Problems. 1937. 69. Strain, Prances Bruce. Being Born. New York, p. Appleton-Century Company, 193G. $1.50. 70. New Patterns in Sex Teaching. New York, D. Aopleton-Century Company, 1934. $2.50. 71. -Waring, Ethel M. and Wilker, Marguerite. Behavior of Young Children. Part 1—Eating and Sleeping Behavior Book. $1. Part 2—Dressing, Toileting, Washing. $1. Part 3—Children with Materials and Other Children. $1.25. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1929-32. A2334 - 20 - Part Pour NURSERY SCHOOLS AND PROCEDURES IN THEM I. BOOKS 1. Andrus. Ruth and Associates. Curriculum Guides for Teachers of Children from Two to Six Years of Age. New York, Reynal and Hitchcock, 1936. 2. Baruch, Dorothy. Parents and Children Go to School. New York, Scott Foreman Company, 1939. $3. 3. Brown, Francis. The Sociology of Childhood. New York, Prentice- Ea'll, Inc., 1940. $2.25. 4. Forest, Use. The School for the Child from Two to Eight. New York Ginn and Company, 1935. 5. Johnson, Harriet. Children in the Nursery School. New York, John Day Company, 1928. School Begins at Two' A Book for Teachers and Parents. New York, New Republic, 1936. 7. Updegraff, Ruth and Others. Practice in Pre-School Education. Iowa City, Iowa, University of Iowa, 1938. 8. Wagoner, Lovisa. Ohservation of Young Children. New York, McGraw- Hill Book Company, 1935. II. PAMPHLETS AND BULLETINS Association for Childhood Education, Washington, D. C. 9. Suggested Procedure for the Establishment of Kindergartens. 2-page circular. 10. What to Look for in a Kindergarten, 1-oage circular. 11. Why Do I Send My Child to Kindergarten? 2-page circular 12. What is a Nursery School? 24-oage bulletin. 35 cents. Irradiated Evaporated Milk Institute, Chicago. Distributors of: 13. More Milk, Smaller Bills. 14. A Safer World for Babies. 15. Should Children Eat? by Paul deKruif (Reprint). 16. More Milk in Your Meals. 17. More Food for Your Money, by Eva S. Banks. (Reprint). 18. Miscellaneous Recipes. 19. Story of Irradiated Evaporated Milk. 20. Feeding a Family at Low Cost. A2334 -21- Irradiated Evaporated Milk Institute—continued, 21. Safe and Unsafe Economy, by Lucy Gillett and Eva S. Banks. (Reprint) 22. How to Feed Children in Nursery Schools, by Mary Sweeny and Dorothy Curts Buck, Prepared by Merrill-Palmer School, Detroit, Michigan, 23. How to Feed Young Children in the Home, by Mary E. Sweeny and Dorothy Curts Buck, Frepared by Merrill-Palmer School, Detroit, Michigan, National Advisory Committee on Nursery Schools. (Bulletins) 24. Administration and Program, Bulletin Ne, I. 1934. 10 cents. 25. Housing and Equipment. Bulletin No. II. 1934. 10 cents. 26. Nursery School Equipment—Supplement to Bulletin No. II. Bulletin No. V. 1936. 25 cents. Note; Above listed bulletins published by the national advisory Committee on Nursery Schools are distributed by the Association for Childhood Education, 1201 Sixteenth Street, NW., Washington, D. C. National Association for Nursery Education, Distribution Center, W. 514 East Hall, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. 27. Essentials of Nursery Education. Pamphlet. 28. How to Start Publicity for Nursery School Education in Your Community, 25 cents. 29. A Series of mimeographed leaflets on various phases of nursery edacation. 30. Some Ways of Distinguishing a Good Nursery School. 31. The Spool Cotton Company, Educational Bureau, 350 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Stitch in Time—-A monthly news bulletin. U, S, Office of Education, Federal Security Agency, Washington, D, C. 32 Housing and Equipping the Washington Child Research Center. Mary D. Davis and Christine Heining. August 1930. Pamphlet No. 13. 5 cents. 33. Legislation Concerning Early Childhood Education. W. W. Keesecker and Mary D. Davis. 1935. Pamphlet No. 62, 5 cents. 34. Nursery Schools: Their Development and Current Practices in the Uniteci States, Mary D, Davis and Rowna Hansen. Bulletin No. 9, 1932, 15 cents, 35. Young Children in European Countries. Mary D. Davis. Bulletin No. 2, 1932. 15 cents. Note: Above listed publications purchasable from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., at prices listed. A2334 -22- Part Five TEACHES TRAINING SUGGESTIQMS 1. Andrus, Ruth and Associates. Curriculum Guides for Teachers of Children from Two to Six. New York, Reynal and Hitchcock, 1936. 2. -Bain, Winifred. Parents Look at Modern Education, New York, D. Appleton-Century Company, 1935. 3. Baruch, Dorothy. Parents and Children Go to School. New York, Scott, Foresman Company, 1932. $3, 4. Blatz, William E; Mi Hi champ, Dorothy; and Pletcher, Margaret. Nursery Education Theory and Practice. New York, William Morrow and Company. 1935. 5. Davis, Mary D. and. Hansen, Rowna, Nursery Schools, Their Development and Current Practices in the United States. Washington, D. C., United States Office of Education. (Bulletin No. 9, 1932). 6. Porest, Ilse. The School for the Child from Two to Eight. Boston, Cinn and Company, 1935, 7. Foster, Josephine and Mattson, Marian. Nursery School Education. New York, D. Appleton-Century Company. 1939. 8. Gruenberg, Sidonie M. We, The Parents. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1939. $2.50. 9. Johnson, Harriet M. Children in the Nursery School. New York, John Day Company, 1938. 10. Langdon, Grace. Home Guidance for Young Children—A Parents' Handbook. New York, John Day Company, 1931. $2.75. 11. National Society for the Study of Education. Pre-School and Parental Education. Chapter VIII, Twenty-eighth Year Book. Bloomington, 111., Public School Publishing Company, 1929. 12. Owen, Grace. Nursery School Education, New York, E, P. Button and Company, 1920 (Revised Edition) 13. Updegraff, Ruth and Others. Practices in Pre-School Education. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1938. A2334 -23' 14. Wagoner, Lovisa. The Development of Le rning in the Young Child. Dew York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1933. 15. Observation of Young Children. How York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1935. 16. White House Conference on Child Health and Protection, 1930. Committee on the Infant and Preschool Child. The Young Child in the Home: A Survey of 3,000 American Families. Hew York, D. Appleton-Century Company, 1936. 17. —Nursery Education: A Survey of Day Nurseries and Private Kindergartens in the United States. New York, D. Appleton- Century Company, 1931. A2334 -24— Part Six COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS 1. Chambers, M. M. , and Bell, Harold. How to Make a Community Survey. Washington, D. C., American Council on Education, January 1939. 25 cents. 2. Colcord, Joanna, ^our Community. New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 1939. 3. Englehardt, and Englehardt. Planning the Community School. New York, American Book Company, 1940. A2334 -25- Part Seven BTBT.T PARAPH IE S AND LISTS OP SOURCES OP MATEfJAl I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 1. American Association of University Women, Washington, P. C. Publications—A Catalog of Guidance and Reference Materials for Study Groups, Branch Meetings, Open Eorums, and Community Activities. American Home Economics Association, Washington, D. C. 2. Annotated List of Some Simplified Materials in Parent Education. 1938. 25 cents. 3. List of Publications of American Home Economics Association, April 1940. (Revised list will be available about February 1941) 4. Selected References on Education for Family Life. 1938. 25 cents. Printed. 5. Family Life Education Service, Annotated lists, news, sources of material, reference lists for teachers. Six issues annually, between September and May. Yearly subscription $1. Association for Childhood Education, Washington, D. C. 6. List of Recommended Publications of the Association for Childhood Education. 7. General Information and Latest List of Publications. Bureau of Home Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 8. List of Printed Publications on Foods and Nutrition, Textiles and Clothing, Household Euying, Kitchen Planning, etc, 9. List of Home Economics Charts. Child Study Association of America, New York City. 10. A Parent's Bookshelf. (Latest edition) 11. List of Publications. National Association for Nursery Education, W. 514 East Hall, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. 12. Nursery School Education, Compiled by Dorothy Bradbury and Ester Leech Skeels. 40^. National Congress of Parents and Teachers, Chicago. 13. Annual Announcement of Publications of Congress Parent-Teacher Associations. A2334 - 26 14. U. S. Office of Education, federal Security Agency, Washington, D. C. Good References on Child Development: Infancy through Adolescence, Mary D. Davis and Ellen Lombard. Bibliography No. 45. Single copies free. 15. U. S. Government Publications for Barents and Leaders in Parent Education. Ellen Lombard and Julia Frere. Bibliography No. 60, Single copies free. 16. Work Projects Administration, 1734 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C A Bibliography of Lists of free ana Inexpensive Aids for Teachers of Adults. WPA Technical Series, Community Service Circular Number 3, Education Program No. 1. June 1S40. SOURCES MOM WHICH FREE AND INEXPENSIVE MATERIAL MAY BE SECURED American Association of University Women, 1634 Eye Street, NW. , Washington, D. C. American National Red Cross, 17th and E Streets, NW. , Washington, D. C. American Social Hygiene Association, 50 West 50th Street, New York City. Association for Childhood Education, 1201 Sixteenth Street, NW. , Washington, D. C. Child Study Association of America, Inc., 221 West 57th Street, New Y0rk City, Cornell University, College of Home Economics, Ithaca, New York. Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund, 848 North Dearborn Street, Chicago. Iowa Child Welfare Research Station, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Ames, Iowa. Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, Manhattan, Kansas. Maternity Center Association, 370 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Merrill-Palmer School, 71 East Ferry Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. National Child Welfare Association, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City. National Congress of Barents and Teachers, 600 South Michigan Blvd., Chicago. National Tuberculosis Association, 50 West 50th Street, New York City. A2334 -2 7- United ■States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Home Economics, Washington D. C. United States Office of Education, Federal Security Agency, Washington, D. C. United States Department of Labor, Children's Bureau, Washington, D. C. United States Public Health Service, Washington, D. C. University of Minnesota, Institute of Child Welfare, Minneapolis, Minn. University of Wisconsin, Department of Agriculture, Madison, Wise. Wc:."k Projects Administration, 1734 Hew York Avenue, NW. , Washington, D. C.