REPORT OF I'm OF A SECTION OF THE RIVER DELAWARE, FROM ONE MILE BELOW CHESTER, TO RICHMOND, ABOVE PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE COUNCILS BT DJIVID M'CLURE. <1 PUBLISHED BY OBDEB OF COUNCILS. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED BY LYDIA R. BAILEY, NO. 10, NORTH STREET. 1820. REPORT OF THE SURFEr OF A SECTION OF THE RIVER DELAWARE. THE duty which the Councils of Philadelphia hare assigned me, in the survey of a section of the river Dela¬ ware, I have completed ; and it is my consolation to know, and my privilege to assert, that I have not been faithless in the discharge of the important trust committed to me. As some accompanying remarks, with the draught of the survey, may be expected, I will endeavour to give them in as brief a detail as the natui-e of the case will admit. To give a formal account, in this Report, of the methods adopted in the prosecution of the survey, is deemed unne¬ cessary J and such information would only he interesting to professional men. A history, however, of the plans and methods pursued, has been laid before a few respect¬ able and professional gentlemen j by whom the correctness thereof was duly investigated, and from whom those cer¬ tificates, which are respectfully submitted to the Councils at the close of this Report, were obtained. It may not be amiss, however, to state, that every at¬ tention was bestowed, to secure accuracy in the work, and to render the survey as full and as perfect as possible. 4 A sloop and eight men were employed ; a liberal supply of the best mathematical instruments procured ; and the adoption of each plan, to suit the various cases in the survey, was determined witli much deliberation. To secure accuracy in the work, no toils were spared. In many places, especially where there was splatterdock, water-grass, or soft mud, hardships and fatigues were endured of no common nature. All the islands, sand-bars, banks, whether natural or artificial, waterdock, commonly called splatterdock, and the mud, to the low-water mark, were faithfully taken. These various items are designated on the chart by appropriate colours and suitable explana¬ tions. The necessity of exhibiting the low water mark, water- dock edge, and banks, will at once be obvious, when we consider the very different aspects which the river exhi¬ bits in the different stages of the tide, particularly on long flats. The coves on the Jersey side, below Gloucester, and above Thompson's Point, present so different an ap¬ pearance at high and low water, that they would scarcely be taken for the same places. The banks always exhibit the high water mark ; and the edge of the mud or splatterdock, the low water mark. All the houses that are conspicuous from the water are also laid down, together with the wharves, wrecks of vessels, including the frigates Augusta and Marlin, and the buoys. The direction of the current when in its strength, toge¬ ther with its velocity, is marked in all those places where it was deemed most important. The compass exhibits the magnetic bearing of every two points. The true north, with the angle, containing the variation of the compass, two degrees forty-five mi¬ nutes west, obtained by an observation taken for the oc¬ casion, is marked in its proper place. 5 The ship channel and sloop channels are marked with appi'opriate dotted lines. The depth of water is reduced, and exhibited as taken at low water. The nature of the bottom is carefully laid down, particularly where the places are important. Large beds of muscles were found in several places ; the most remarkable of which is that on the flats between Woodbury dam and Mantua creek, where they are so numerous that they seem to lie in con¬ tact with each other. Tiie soundings taken on the shoals are numerous. The ordinary and general soundings are exhibited at short distances apart, and nearly at right angles across the river. The rise of the tide above low water was obtained by means of a machine invented for the occasion, and which was found admirably well calculated to answer the pur¬ pose. It consisted of an upright piece of wood, notched on each side like the teeth of a saw, into which a spring, made fast to a floating board, takes hold. The notches reversed, and boards appropriated to each, will accurately exhibit the high and low water mark. A more full de¬ scription is given in the Appendix. The plan of the survey was drawn by means of an in¬ vention which had been deA'ised, not long previous, for such purposes. By this instrument, great accuracy and facility were attained in the draught. As this instrument may be of essential service to surveyors and others in plotting or draughting,» it may be acceptable to such to have a description of the same, with the pri\'ilege of a free use thereof. (See Appendix.) Considerable changes have taken place in the river, since the last twelve or fifteen years. The island called Gibbet island, formerly opposite the mouth of Schuylkill, is entirely swept away ; the fragments thereof seem to be scattered down the river, and to have formed a consider¬ able flat. 6 Bush island, formerly situated opposite Red Bank, has shared the same fate : the ground on which it stood, and for some distance below it, is considerably irregular and uneven. At both ends of Chester island, the flats seem to be increasing rapidly. It is remarkable, that where a narrow channel is found existing between an island and the main shore, the pas¬ sage which opens up the river is shoaling, while the depth of water increases down the channel. This is the case in the passage between Shivers' island and the Jerseys, be¬ tween Monnis island and the Jerseys, between Tinnicum island and Pennsylvania, between Hog Island and Penn¬ sylvania, between League island and Pennsylvania, be¬ tween Wind Mill island and the Jerseys, between Petty's island and the Jerseys. This circumstance seems univer¬ sal, and consequently admits of a philosophical investiga¬ tion : it is deemed improper to enter upon it in this place. A caution naturally presents itself to those who may attempt passing through an inside channel from below, without a knowledge of tlie same. The depth of water which first presents itself may seem to intimate a channel of more than sufficient depth j and the unwary may be led on to a considerable distance, and almost to the upper end of the channel, before they find themselves entrapped by the shoal water. A considerable change has also taken place between Hog island and the Pennsylvania shore. Formerly, there existed a considerable channel in that place ; and it is well known, that during the revolutionary war a large British ship passed up that channel, and attacked the fort in the rear. At present, it can be forded at low water. Tlie soldiers often desert, and ford this channel, a little below the fort, at low water. Between Maiden island, particularly towards the north end and tlie Pennsylvania side, a considerable change has taken place. * 7 That interesting part of our navigable v^aters, a little below foi-t Mifflin, and known by the name of the Bar, is subject to many changes. On taking the survey, it was found that the lower buoy was not situated in the most eligible place, owing to a change that had occurred dur¬ ing the preceding two or three months. The lower buoy is now removed considerably further up, so that the two buoys are very near each other. It was also found that a considerable shoal had formed between the north end of Tinnicum and the Pennsylvania shore, not exceeding two or three feet deep at low water, on which several small vessels grounded while we were surveying in that vicinity, A communication of the ex¬ istence of this shoal was immediately made, and a rough draft of the same forwarded to Joseph S, Lewis, Esq. chair¬ man of the committee appointed to superintend the survey, who reported the same to the proper authority. The buoys were accordingly directed to be placed in a proper posi¬ tion to designate the shoal, which has since been done. This channel should be navigated with great caution, on account of the irregularity of the ground, and the ra¬ pid cross current which prevails during the flood tide. The pier opposite fort Mifflin, formerly called Davis' pier, now known by the name of Gaines' fort, was sunk in the year \777, in eighteen feet at low water. To this pier is attributed the formation of a long bar, which ex¬ tends upwards of a mile down the river, and has proved very injurious to our navigation. The water seems to be undermining this pier very ra¬ pidly 5 and, unless something be speedily done, it will inevitably be thrown over into the river. In the year 1813, under the direction of the master warden of this port, ten or twelve shallop loads of stone were thrown around this pier, for the purpose of preserving its safety, for which fears were then entei-tained. 8 At one of the corners towards tlie Jersey shore, there are now, at low water, twenty-eight feet j which is neces¬ sarily from eight to ten feet below the foundation of the pier. The soundings around the pier are exhibited in the map. Between the upper end of League island and the Penn¬ sylvania shore, the bed of the channel is entirely exposed at low water. A considerable change has also taken place in tlie shoal or bar which exists at the north end of Wind Mill island. In the year 1777", a map was published by Mr. Scull, the then city surveyor, in which this bar is represented to be joined to the Jersey shore, at the point a little above Cooper's ferry. One proposition it is of importance to notice ,• and that is, that wherever the water is impeded in its motion, and brought into a state of rest, or made to form what is call¬ ed an eddy or counter current, there the sediment will be deposited, and the place become shoal. This will be the case where wharves, piers, or wrecks, exist; or where a creek, sending its waters across the channel, checks the velocity of the ebb tide on the shore below it ; or where a creek, taking in the water on a flood, checks the velo¬ city of the flood tide above. Hence it is, that at the mouth of creeks we generally find flats. It is remarkable that the Jersey shore has almost all the flats. This may readily be accounted for, from the circumstance of the soil being more fragile and sandy, and less tenacious, than the Pennsylvania shore. Any obstruction in the river, has a tendency to change its direction ; and it is worthy of notice, that the current on the ebb is so directed by the piers below the fort, known by the name of the Boom piers, that it seems to take an oblique course immediately between the two buoys designating that part of the bar where the channel exists. 9 It is probable, tliat if an improvement be made on tbese piers, by presenting an oblique side to the current, it may have the happy effect of throwing a larger quantity of water across the river, and thereby deepening the chan¬ nel on the bar. There is no doubt that the ebb tide gives the river its particular character and direction, since much more water passes down than up the river. It is on this account chiefly, that so great an inequality exists between the times of the ebbing and flowing of the tides ; the former being about seven, the latter only five hours. Bold banks are most exposed to the fury of a violent current j while flats, especially when covered with grass, subdue the rage of a current almost into a calm. The winds have a tendency not only to give the current velocity, but also direction. Many artificial banks have been prostrated, by a strong wind directing the current against them. The banks of Hog island sometimes suffer much from the north-east gales. At the north-east end of this island, we found the pro¬ prietors engaged in making a new hank, in the rear of one which, in consequence of its being a little prominent, had frequently been almost prostrated before the north¬ east gales 5 and which was now deemed insufficient to stand those gales any longer. The old bank was surveyed, and the new one laid down. It would be an important improvement to these banks, to build them with a considerable declivity on the river side, so that the violence of the waves and current would thereby be much broken. At the upper end of Hog island, in consequence of the vast accumulation of ground recently made, the proprie¬ tors were erecting hanks that will enclose at least fifty acres, and on the same place over which large sloops for¬ merly sailed, at high water. As these new banks were 2 10 nearly completed, they were surveyed, and no attention paid to tlie old ones, as they will hereafter fall entirely within the boundaries of the island, and may perhaps soon be obliterated. The small shoal that exists between Tinnicum island and the Jersey shores nearly opposite to Mr. Lodge's dwelling, was formed from a pilot boat which was sunk a number of years ago. ' The remains of the British frigate Augusta, whose his¬ tory is well known, lie at present in about six feet depth, at low water. The sand and mud have accumulated around her for some distance, and formed a considerable shoal, in which she is nearly buried. While We were surveying in the vicinity of that place,, tliree or four eighteen pound¬ ers were grappled up from the wreck, by men whose sub¬ sistence depends on that business. The cannons are per¬ fectly free from rust, .and are supposed to be in as good condition as they ever were, after having lain in the water upwards of forty years. More than ordinary attention was bestowed on that part of the survey which is immediately within the vicinity of the contemplated bridge. Tbe direction of the ciu'rent, its tendency to produce an effect, its velocity in ebbing and flowing, the depth and nature of the bottom, were taken with scrupulous exactness. The ebbing and flowing of the tides make first in this place, as is usually the case in the shoaler channels. The velocity of the current in this channel is much in¬ ferior to that of tlie western channel ; and, as a vertical section of tlie latter, in the narrowest place, is more than three times as great as the former, it must of necessity convey the great mass of water in the ebbing and flowing of the tides. The eastern channel has throughout a depth of twelve feet at low water, and in the narrowest part has a breadth 11 of four hundred and fifty feet, commanding a depth of ten feet at low water. This channel may be navigated, at high water, by our ships drawing fourteen feet. Our pilots are generally ignorant of the nature of this channel 5 and on extraordi¬ nary occasions only would they be induced to prefer it, especially as it terminates above that part of the city where the shipping generally lies. Sloops often use this channel to an advantage 5 and, in contrary winds, and near high water, can tack more than three-fourths of the distance from shore to shore. A ves¬ sel coming up to Philadelphia, with the wind from the west, and the tide ebbing, may pass up this channel, and arrive at the city, when such arrival could not be effected by the western channel. Similar advantages are afforded to a vessel descending the river. Vessels bound above the city from below, may take this channel as the more direct course ; and, should there be an ebb tide, they will have less current to encounter than in the western channel. Vessels descending the river will have similar advantages. A strong westerly wind drives the great mass of ice into this channel, and relieves the western side. A con¬ trary wind produces a contrary effect. Each channel has been used by turns, as they have been thus cleared of ice. The water, on the ebb, coming out of Cooper's creek, throws the current over near the flats on the south end of Petty's island, and has a direct tendency to check the water from flowing freely down this eastern channel. The ordinary rise of the tide is about five feet : but it is very variable, on many accounts. A strong easterly wind has been known to raise the tide three feet above the ordinary height ; while a strong westerly wind has been known to depress it three feet below the ordinary low water. A long drought will sensibly depress tlie tide, while heavy rains will not fail to raise it. 12 The moon also has her influence on the tides ; and the effect produced depends upon a combination of circum¬ stances. The highest elevation, and lowest depression, of tides, are pi'oduced, when, at the same juncture, there occur the time of the equinox, the moon in conjunction or opposition to the sun, and she near her perigee. A reverse position in the heavens will produce a reverse effect. The tide rises most rapidly on the first of the flood. In the short period of one hour and a half, the tide will be more than one half up. Annexed is a table, exhibiting the rise of the tide for every half hour, to tfie nearest inch, the fractional parts being rejected : ' The itíhole rise The rise for of the tide. each half hour. hours. /'■ in. ft. in. n 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 H 3 2 0 11 2 3 11 0 9 H 4 7 0 8 3 5 1 0 6 3è 5 5 0 4 4 5 8 0 O H 5 10 p 2 5 5 11 0 1 It is very remarkable that the tide rises in the ratio of ten inches for tlie first half hour, nine inches for the se¬ cond, eight inches for tiie tliird, and so on, in an arith¬ metical decrease, to unity. Tfiis simple ratio can be easily remembered, and from it tlie proportional rise of the tide may be readily calculated for any half hour, after the manner illustrated in tlie next page. 13 The following table exhibits the fall of the tide for every half hour, to the nearest inch : The ivhoîe fall The fall for of the tide. each half hour. hours. ft- in. ft- in. Oi 0 8 Q 8 1 1 4 0 8 lè 1 11 0 7 2 2 6 0 7 n 3 0 0 6 3 3 . 6 0 6 H 3 11 0 5 4 4 4 0 5 4 8 0 4 5 5 0 0 4 H 5 3 0 3 6 5 6 0 3 H 5 8 0 2 7 5 9 0 1 As the whole fall of the tide requires much longer time than the rise, it will necessarily be less rapid in falling than in rising. There appears, however, a considerable analogy in their ratios. The proportional fall of the tide for any half hour required, may be found by assuming 14 for the first, 13 for the second, 12 for the third, and so on, in a decreasing arithmetical progression, to unity : for example, let it he required the proportional fall of the tide for one hour and a half, that is for three half hours ; 14, 13, and 12, added, will be 39 j and the sum of 14,13, and 12, &c. to unity, is 105 j therefore, as 39 is to 105, is the proportion required nearly one-third, which is agreeable to the table. 14 From the above table, it will be apparent, that the tide, in the short period of about two hours and one quarter, will be half down. The above observations were taken at a time when it was calm, and the tide about an ordinary height. A strong wind or freshet will necessarily affect the ratios of the rising and falling of the tide herein exhibited ; yet, notwithstanding, the proportions will nearly hold good in all cases. The effect of a freshet on the channel is twofold,—that arising from an increased velocity of water, and from an increased quantity of sediment, which it invariably brings down. The effect of ice is most to be dreaded, when there are united with a freshet a high tide and strong winds. The tide originates in the ocean, and is principally the effect of the moon's attraction. The sun's attraction has a partial effect, producing a change on the principal effect. No motion is produced in the waters in the middle of the ocean, except a perpendicular one, equivalent to the rise of the tide. Were the globe a mass of water, there would be no horizontal motion occasioned by the tide. Some writers, and of reputation too, have however in¬ timated the contrary, and given us to understand, that the whole ocean, under the influence of the tide, has a horizontal motion. Dr. Young, in particular, mentions, that <' the tide, entering the Atlantic, appears to advance northwards at the rate of five hundred miles an hour, corresponding to a depth of about three miles, so as to reach Sierra Leone at the eighth hour after the moon's southing." Dr. Young and others surely do not mean what they appear to intimate. We lament, to say the least of it, that their expressions are unfortunate, and too much cal¬ culated to lead inquiring minds astray. 15 The horizontal motion of the sea, near the land, and up bays and rivers, is not the immediate and primary ef¬ fect of the moon or sun's influence ; but arises from the circumstance, that the abutments (to use a figure) of the great arch of the elevated water being too weak near the shore, by reason of shoalness, to sustain the pressure, a horizontal motion is produced, the eflect of which is felt at great distances, up channels, bays, and rivers. The momentum which the waters thus receive, is not an absolute motion of the whole mass of water ; but some¬ thing like the impulses of the air, or like that motion which is produced on throwing a stone in the water. The high water at Cape May is about six hours reach¬ ing Philadelphia, a distance of about a hundred and twenty miles. Now, if this tide he the effect of an absolute hori¬ zontal motion of the whole mass of water, then the tide must move at the rate of twenty miles per hour, which far exceeds the true velocity. It is near low water at Phila¬ delphia, when it is high water at Cape May ; and vice versa. The tide has been very justly compared to a wave, the top of which is at the Cape, and the bottom near Phila¬ delphia. A vessel leaving Cape May in the early flood, and arriving in Philadelphia within eleven hours, will bring the flood tide the whole distance with her. But, in descending the river, the tide will be anticipated one hour in about the distance of every twenty miles. The momentum, as explained above, which the tide has on entering a river, is the whole body of water multiplied into its celerity ; and if this momentum be not powerfully diminished by friction, it will have a tendency to press with considerable force as the river narrows and shoals, thereby making up in velocity what it loses in space : the . effect of which will be, that the water will have sufficient power to ascend the river considerably above its natural level. 16 if Philadelphia be supposed to be a hundred feet above the level of Cape May, the angle of ascent will in that case not exceed half a minute of a degree, which very gradual declivity the tide would not require much force to surmount. We can scarcely suppose that the high water mark at Philadelphia, so many miles from the ocean, is not above the level of the high water mark at Cape May. Were fifteen or twenty miles faithfully levelled, it would fully establish the truth. The more irregular the river is, and the more shoals and islands in it, the greater will be the friction, and consequently the less will be the force of the water to ascend above the level. If a trough be made, and placed in a position a little elevated, with the one end in water, it will be found, on producing a wave, that the water will ascend in tlie trough, and rise considerably above its level, especially if the sides of the trough be converging to each other from the water. It is probable that a declivity of the river is an addi¬ tional cause to that already stated, for the inequality in the times of the ebbing and flowing of the tides. A log, set afloat in the middle of the current, on the first of the ebb, will never return on the flood to the same place, unless it descend twenty miles, and have a current equally strong on the flood. If the log descend twenty miles, it will anticipate the flood one hour, and conse¬ quently will only have six hours in descending ; and if the current be equally strong on the flood, the log in re¬ turning will gain one hour, which will make its whole time on the flood six hours, equal to the time on the ebb, and therefore it will be brought precisely back to the place whence it started. If the log descend more than twenty miles, it will, on the flood, return and pass above the place left. For example, if we suppose it to descend forty miles below 17 Pliiladelpliia, it will anticipate the flood two hours, and therefore will only be five hours in descending ; and the flood, having the same velocity, will bring it back in flve hours, and gain on the flood two hours ; in which time, at the same rate, it will ascend sixteen miles above Phila¬ delphia, from which place it was supposed to start on the first of the ebb. It seems a paradox to say, that the farther down the river the log descends on the ebb, the farther up the river it will ascend on the flood: but the fact has been made very obvious. We cannot, however, reverse the proposition, and say, that the least distance the log will descend on the ebb, the farther it will be below the place on the close of the flood. There must therefore be a point, to which, if the log de¬ scend, it will, on the close of the flood, be the farthest distance possible below the place left, supposing, as be¬ fore, the strength of the ebb and flood tides to be equal. To ascertain this point, the following solution is pro¬ posed 5 and, by its plainness, is accommodated to those Avho may not be much versed in the mathematics : 11 = number of minutes difference of tide in 1 mile, = 3 minutes. a — number of minutes the tide ebbs. b — number of minutes the tide flows. oc = distance carried down by the ebb. a—11X — time in descending with the ebb. y = the distance hrought up on the flood. X : a—n x : : y •. a y—n x y r the time coming X fup on the flood. Again, b+n y= also the time coming up on the flood. Therefore, a v—n x y X And y = b X a—2 nx 18 IX Consequently, íc—• —— is a maximum. a—2 n X The fluxion of which is x—6 ax ^ a—2nx • • • • X—4 anxa;-f4 x^ x—6 ax=0 4 n® x^—4 anx = b a— x^—a X b a— n 4 a?®—a X b a 11 ^ 4 4 Ö ■}" 1 3C = —— -— /-r— =10.838966, the distance sought. Aà Tí À Tí ^ O CL So that the distance sought will be 10 miles 1476 yards, and will be 6h. 27' 29" in descending. The log on the flood will return 9 miles 281 yards in 5h. 27' 29", which is 1 mile 1195 yards below the place left, the greatest distance possible, supposing both tides of equal strength. The tide falls considerably towards the close of the flood, and before the current begins to run down in the middle of the river. It was found, on repeated trials, to vary from six to twelve inches in its fall, and to be from thirty minutes to one hour and a half in falling. The wind from the southward prolongs the time of its falling, and produces the greatest fall j but the wind from the north¬ ward produces the contrary effect. This circumstance induced a suspicion, that the water towards the bottom of the river descended, while it was running up on the top. Not that the sinking must neces¬ sarily depend on the water descending the river ; for the tide, like a wave, may continue to run up, and rise, until its apex has passed, and then produce a consequent sink¬ ing, without a particle of water descending the river. 19 However, to ascertain the truth, a long cylindrical piece of wood was procured, and loaded at one end, by putting lead into a cavity formed for the purpose, until it was made to sink in a perpendicular position, so as to leave only about three feet out of water. Now it is evident, that if this pole be placed in the cur¬ rent, it will show, by its inclination, whether the top or bottom of the river has the greater velocity 5 for, if the rod incline forward, according to the direction of the cur¬ rent, it is an evidence that the water towards the surface has the greatest velocity ; but if it incline backward, it shows that the swiftest current is towards the bottom : if it retain a perpendicular position, the current in that case must either have an equal velocity from the top to the bottom, or have the least one near the middle, while to¬ wards the surface and bottom the velocities must either be equal, or so adjusted by different celerities, as to keep the pole in that position. In this way, several trials were madej and it was found, that both on the ebb and flood tide, the pole in¬ clined at the top up the river, indicating thereby that the bottom had the greater velocity on the ebb, and the top the greater on the flood. On the ebb, the pole, as an evidence of this, moved faster than the boat which was • left to float down after it, but on the flood it was found to move slower. It was truly remarkable, that, near the close of the flood tide, the pole first became stationary, and shortly afterwards began to descend the river, while on the sur¬ face every thing was drifting up. These facts fully esta¬ blished the point which first induced the experiment to be made. • « To make a more complete investigation of the different velocities of the river, from the surface to the bottom, the following plan was pursued. A large boat was procured, and anchored in the middle of the river, nearly opposite 20 Walnut street 5 at the stern of which was fixed the trian¬ gular instrument ABC, (See Fig. 1.) whose sides were about four feet in length. The side B C was graduated in degrees and quarters, about A as a centre, and numbered from B to C. Through the centre A, a bolt was fixed, by which the instrument was suspended, and over which a line, fastened to a nine pound ball, W, was passed. To this bolt also was suspended the weight R, by which the side A B was brought into a perpendicular position, when in use. The line to which the weight W was fastened, was marked by loops, tied at every five feet apart. Thus prepared, the velocity of the tide was taken on the surface, in the usual way, for every fifteen minutes, during the whole of the flood and ebb ; and also the an¬ gles, which the string A W made with the perpendicular line A R, taken from the graduated side B C, at the ob¬ lique distance of every five feet from the surface of the water to the bottom. From these oblique distances and angles, the perpendi¬ cular depths were calculated j and from this depth the corresponding angles were proportioned for every five feet. To illustrate which, the following is an example : 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 8 12 16 20 23 26 29 31 33 34 35 36 37 5 9.8 14.4 18.8 23 27 30.6 34.3 37.7 41.5 45.1 48.5 51.9 8. 12 16 21 25 28 31 34 35 36 The first line exhibits the oblique depths of every five feet ; the second, the angles which were found to corres¬ pond to the same ; the third, the perpendicular depth, cal¬ culated for each angle and oblique depth ; and the fourth is the angle under Avhich the line A W will make with the perpendicular line A R, corresponding to the nearest de¬ gree, proportioned for every five feet perpendicular depth. For example : to the perpemlicular depth of 18.8 feet, the corresponding degree is 20, and to 23 feet 23 degrees ; 21 therefore, 21 is the nearest proportional degree for a per¬ pendicular depth of 20 feet. The following table is the result of an experiment on the flood tide, taken on the 8th June, 1820, two days he- fore the new moon. The first column shows the times at which the observations were made ; the second, the velo¬ city of the current at those times, exhibiting its rate per hour, in statute miles and hundredths ; the remaining co¬ lumns, the different angles, corresponding to every five feet perpendicular depth, marked on the top : Time. Jiate of current. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 3 Slack water. H 0.25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 H 0.75 3 5 8 11 13 15 17 19 20 21 H 1.15 5 8 11 14 18 23 28 29 29 29 9 1.87 9 14 20 27 33 37 41 44 46 48 H 2.17 11 16 22 29 37 45 50 54 56 57 H 2.20 12 17 23 30 38 45 50 55 57 58 2.23 12 19 27 35 42 48 51 55 57 58 10 2.32 12 20 29 37 45 52 56 59 61 61 10^ 2.40 13 20 28 36 44 51 54 57 59 59 lOè . 2.40 13 20 28 36 44 51 54 57 59 59 ICI 2.37 13 20 28 36 44 50 53 56 57 57 11 2.37 13 20 28 36 44 49 51 53 55 55 Iii 2.27 12 17 23 29 37 45 50 52 54 54 lié 2.25 10 15 21 27 33 38 41 43 45 45 iif 1.78 8 12 16 21 25 28 31 34 35 36 12 1.60 6 9 12 15 17 20 23 25 26 27 m 1.15 3 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 12è 0.75 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 12f 0.32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 Slack water. 0 0 1 I 2 2 3 3 4 5 At 1 o'clock, it was slack water; at which time, the angles were made down the river. 22 The following was taken on the ebb tidei the same day : Time. ßate of current. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 14 0.42 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lè 1.12 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 i| 1.50 6 9 12 15 19 23 27 31 34 37 2 1.60 7 11 15 20 25 31 37 42 45 48 24 2.00 10 16 23 30 38 45 48 50 52 53 2è 2.32 12 20 29 39 49 57 62 64 65 66 2| 2.37 12 20 29 39 49 57 62 64 65 66 3 2.25 13 21 30 40 51 58 63 65 67 68 34 2.25 13 21 30 40 51 58 63 65 67 68 H 2.25 13 21 30 40 51 58 63 65 67 68 H 2.37 14 22 31 41 51 58 63 65 67 68 4 2.32 13 22 31 40 49 56 60 62 64 65 44 2.30 13 22 31 40 48 54 57 59 61 62 H 2.30 13 22 31 40 48 54 57 59 60 61 4| 2.26 13 22 31 39 47 52 56 58 59 60 S 2.25 13 21 30 38 45 49 54 57 58 59 54 2.25 12 20 29 37 45 49 53 55 57 58 H 2.25 12" 20 29 37 45 49 53 55 56 57 5| 2.00 12 20 29 37 45 49 53 55 56 57 6 2.00 11 19 27 36 45 49 52 53 54 55 64 2.00 11 18 27 36 45 49 52 53 54 55 2.00 10 17 26 35 45 49 51 53 54 55 6| 2.00 10 16 24 32 40 47 49 50 51 51 7 1.75 8 14 20 25 28 31 36 38 41 43 7i 1.00 4 6 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 ' 2 .0.27 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 7 35' Slack water. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ri 0.50 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 At 7 o'clock and 45 minutes, it was flood tide. From these tables, the velocity of the water may be calcidated for the depth of every five feet, on the princi¬ ples of the inclined plane, in which we have the size and density of the ball, and the angle under which it was kept ill equilibrio. The rope by wliich the ball was suspended was one-sixtli of an inch in diameter, for which an allow¬ ance must be made. These tables will be found of essen¬ tial service, in pursuing various investigations that may be made on the tides. 23 Another method, to obtain the different velocities of the current, was devised, equally accurate, while, at the same time, it was simple, and less incumbered witli calculations. It nearly agrees with the calculations resulting from tlie first experiment. Let A (Fig. 2.) represent the stern of the large boat, which was anchored near tlie same place whei-e the first experiment was made; B, a board about four feet in length, sharpened at both ends ; A B, the log line, fastened to the end of the hoard, by which the different velocities of the tide were obtained ; D, a nine pound ball, immediately over which was fixed a cross-square to hold the water, the pieces of which were made of thin stuff, about one foot long and four inches broad, and the upper edges bevelled, so as to lessen the resistance while drawing it in. The line C D, by which the ball was suspended, had loops fastened at every ten feet, so that, by means of a hole in the middle of the hoard B C, and a stick to pass through those loops and rest on the board, the hall was readily suspended at every ten feet from the surface of the water to the bottom. A loop was also fixed immediately over the cross-square, so that the ball, when suspended by it, was not more than eight or ten inches under water. In this last position, the rate of the surface of the water was taken ; and, by lowering the ball from one loop to another, the velocity of the current was obtained for the depth of every ten feet. An allowance must be made for the resistance of the board, and of the rope, which was one-sixth of an inch in dia¬ meter. It is evident, that when the velocity exhibited in the ta¬ bles, at any depth, is greater than that on the surface, the true velocity will be something more. But when less, the true velocity will be less. As the ball and cross-square present a large proportion of resisting suiface, the true velocities cannot differ much from the tables. 24 The following table is the result of an experiment, taken on the 1st of July, 1820, one day before the last quarter of the moon, and on the ebb tide, for every half hour. The first column shows the time ; the second, the rate on the surface ; and the remaining columns, the rate for every ten feet depth, all of which are given in statute miles and hundredths : Time. Haie of current. 10 20 30 40 50 H Slack water. 7i 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.05 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.85 1.95 1.95 H 2.12 2.25 2.40 2.50 2.40 2.30 8Î 2.65 2.50 2.40 2.30 2.40 2.45 H 2.50 2.48 2.46 2.45 2.45 2.45 H 2.62 2.55 2.50 2.45 2.35 2.30 loi 2.40 2.40 2.42 2.42 2.35 2.30 10§ 2.25 2.35 2.45 2.40 2.36 2.32 Ui 2.25 2.40 2.52 2.39 2.28 2.15 113 2.12 2.20 2.36 2.34 2.31 2.25 123 2.12 2.14 2.15 2.17 2.09 2.08 12| 2.00 2.15 2.18 2.20 2.14 2.09 U 1.87 1.87 1.90 2.00 1.82 1.75 H 0.85 0.88 0.92 1.05 0.83 0.78 2 Slack water. On inspecting the above table, it will be found, that, at 6 o'clock and 45 minutes, it was slack water on the sur¬ face, at which time the velocities for the différent depths were not taken. At the second hour, the tide has the greatest velocity ; and, after diminishing its velocity, during the third hour, it again increases for a short time. This occurred in both experiments, which may be seen on comparing the tables. At 7\, 7|, and 8i, the velocity towards the hpttom was the greatest j at 8|, 91, and 9|, the velocity towards the top was the greatest ; and during the remaining times, the middle of tlie river had the greatest velocity. It has 25 been observed, that the top of the pole, on the few trials that were made on the ebh, uniformly pointed up the river. It will he found, on inspecting the table, that a pole about thirty feet long will always retain that posi¬ tion, except about one hour and a half from the second hour of the ebb, about which time a trial with the pole had been omitted. The following was taken on the flood, the same day : Time Rate of 10 20 30 40 • 50 current n 1.43 1.40 1.35 1.28 1.25 1.25 3 2.89 2.86 2.80 2.75 2.70 2.70 H 2.87 3.00 2.82 2.76 2.62 2.60 4 3.00 2.95 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.80 4i 3.00 2.85 2.82 2.80 2.76 2.75 5 2.75 2.68 2.50 2.48 2.42 2.40 ^2 2.37 2.29 2.27 2.25 2.20 2.20 6 1.77 1.90 1.95 1.72 1.67 1.60 H 1.50 1.40 1.35 1.32 1.28 1.25 H 1.00 0.85 0.80 0.78 0.75 0.55 Des'ç. 7 0.75 0.62 0.35 0.12 Stat'y 0.15 n Slack water. 0.10 0.23 0.28 0.35 0.37 On inspecting the above table, it will be found, that at the second hour, tlie tide has its greatest velocity, and that almost uniformly the surface of the water has the greatest velocity. Towards the close of the flood, the velocities were taken for every quarter of an hour, as it was then important to ascertain minutely every change. At 7 o'clock, at the depth of forty feet, the board was stationary ; and, at the depth of fifty feet, the tide was descending the river. At 71, it was slack on the top, while the board descended the river, with the different velocities annexed to the different depths. 4 26 It is probable that the tide begins to run down at the bottom at least half an hour before the top. At 7 o'clock, at the depth of fifty feet, the board was drawn down the river, when at the same time the top liad the velocity of three quarters of a mile per hour up the river: from which it will be evident, that the current towards the bottom, at that timç, must have had a considerable velocity, such as to communicate to the ball and cross-square a sufficient force to overcome the resistance near the surface. The velocity with which the board left the boat, for the first twenty or thirty feet after the ball had been lowered forty or fifty feet, was very remarkable. As nearly as could be estimated, it moved at the rate of from fifteen to twenty miles per hour. A considerable length of stray line (as it is termed) was allowed the board, so that it should have full time to acquire the proper and uniform velocity of the current. From these experiments, many results, of practical importance, may be deduced. It is apparent, from the table, that a small vessel will drift faster on the flood than a large one, and slower on the ebb. From the first experiment, it appears, that the velocity of the whole ebb was sufficient to have drifted the dis¬ tance of 12.47 miles, supposing no anticipation of the tide down the river, and on the flood 8.15 miles, which makes the distance on the ebb in a greater proportion to the flood than their periods of ebbing and flowing, seven and five hours. In the second experiment, the reverse of this is found to be the case. This difference arises either from the irregularity of the sun and moon's influence, or from tiie effects of wind or freshets, which increase the velocity, and prolong the ebb tides. How¬ ever, in forming an estimate, we have reason to con¬ clude that their mean velocities will be about equal, and their distances in proportion to their times of ebbing % 27 and flowing, agreeably to the supposition made in the solution of the proposition respecting tlie descent of the log. From this proposition, and the velocities of the tides thus considered, it may he inferred that the whole of the upper water brought down the river during twelve hours, would he sufficient to ñll a space included in a section of the river 1 mile 1195 yards in length. ■ The contents of this space may he found, hy taking the sum of all the soundings exhibited in the draught, in one line across the river, and dividing the same hy the number of soundings, for the mean depth ; this being multiplied by the hreadth of the river, will give the area of a vertical section in that place. A number of these sections near Philadelphia Avere calculated, and the mean was found to contain 51,000 superficial feet, Avhich, mul¬ tiplied hy 1 mile 1195 yards, or, wliich is nearly equal to the same, by 9,000 feet, will give 459,000,000, the contents of the space required, in solid feet. Each solid foot contains about gallons, from wliich the contents are found to be 3,442,000,000 gallons, equal to 54,000,000 hogsheads. The greatest velocity of the current is generally about the deepest part of the river. In shoal water, it is greatly diminished by the friction of the bottom, particularly when it is rough and uneven. Those places have an increased velocity on the ebb, wher-e the vertical sections are less than those farther up the river 1 but wliere the vertical sections are greater, there will be a diminution of velocity, except there be a creek or river some short distance above, whose waters will suffice to fill the proportional increase of that sec¬ tion. 28 The following list exhibits some of the most important sections in the survey :— ' , ßet- From Richmontl to Petty's island, 2,550 feet, mean depth 14 feet, area of section - 35,700 In the same line from Petty's island to Jersey, 1,500 feet, mean depth 14.3 feet, area of section .... 21,450 Whole area, from Richmond to Jersey, - 57,150 From Pennsylvania to Jersey, crossing to the south of Petty's island, 4,500 feet, mean depth 12.5 feet, area of section - - 56,250 From Cooper's Point to Nagle's wharf, at the mouth of Cohocksink creek, 3,000 feet, mean depth 20 feet, area of section - - 60,000 In the eastern channel, the smallest section is from a point a little above Cooper's ferry to the bar, 1,300 feet, mean depth 7 feet, area of section - - - - 9,100 From Walnut street wharf to the island, 900 feet, mean depth 30.5 feet, area of section - 27,450 In the same line from the island to Jersey, 2,100 feet, mean depth 9 feet, area of section - 18,900 Whole area, from Walnut street to Jersey, - 46,350 The section in the eastern channel, from the south end of the island to Jersey, 1,680 feet, mean depth 13.3 feet, area of section - 22,344 From the Pennsylvania to the Jersey shore, about half a mile below Kaign's Point, 3,300 feet, mean depth 15.2 feet, area of section - 50,160 From the wharf at Greenwich Point to Jersey, 2,250 feet, mean depth 21 feet, area of sec¬ tion - - - - - 47,250 29 feet. From a point about half a mile below the wind- . mill, in the Cove, to League island, 4,500 feet, mean depth 17.5 feet, area of section - 78,750 From the south end of League island to Jersey, 4,200 feet, mean depth 14.8 feet, area of sec-, tion ..... 62,160 From Fort Mifflin to Jersey, 5,100 feet, mean depth 13.8 feet, area of section - - 70,380 From Mud island, across the channel on the bar, to Jersey, 4,800 feet, mean depth 15.8 feet, area of section - - - 75,840 From the Jersey to the Pennsylvania shore, in a line with the north end of Maiden island, 4,800 feet, mean depth 14.4 feet, area of sec¬ tion ..... 69,120 From the Jersey to the Pennsylvania shore, in a line with the south end of Tinnicum island, 5,700 feet, mean depth 16.4 feet, area of sec¬ tion - - - - . 93,480 From Chester to Jersey, 6,600 feet, mean depth 17.6 feet, area of section - - 116,160 From the north end of Schiver's island to the Pennsylvania shore, 5,400 feet, mean depth 24.6 feet, area of section - - 132,840 From the north end of Schiver's island to Jer¬ sey, 1,500 feet, mean depth 4 feet, ai'ea of section - - - - - 6,000 Area of whole section, from the Jersey to the Pennsylvania shore, . . . 138,840 The narrowest part of the river, between Windmill island and Pennsylvania, is the line drawn at right an¬ gles to Smith's wharf on the island. The section across 30 fi'om Walnut street will be nearly the smallest in this part of the river 5 hut in the eastern channel, the smallest sec¬ tion is a little above Cooper's ferry to the bar, which is less than a third of the smallest section in the western channel, as has been stated in a former part of the Report. The section in the eastern cliannel, opposite Walnut street, is more than double the smallest section in that channel. From a view of the foregoing list of sections, it is evi¬ dent that at Walnut street, and at Greenwich Point, the velocity of the current must be greatly increased ; and in the Cove below Gloucester and the Windmill, much de¬ creased. The water flowing out of Timber creek is much less than the proportional increase of that section. The sections, upon the wliole, are gradually increasing down the river. The last section in the list contains tip- wards of double the area of ihe first. Their distance apart is about twenty-tbree miles. In this distance, there are a number of creeks entering the river j to accommo¬ date the waters of which, an increase in the bed of tlie river is necessary ; otlierwise, a considerable increase in the velocity of the current would be the result. On tlie Pennsylvania side, are Cohocksink and Hol¬ lander's creeks, Scliuylkill river, Derby, Crum, Ridley, and Chester, creeks. On the Jersey side, are Cooper's, Newton, Timber, Manto, Clemell, and Popo, creeks. Tliese afford a much greater body of water to the Dela¬ ware, than is afforded at any other part of the river within the same distance. The cfianges that take place in the river are a subject of primary importance. To it, attention has been direct¬ ed, from first to last. It is obvious, that tliese changes are effected by the water, either directly or indirectly, under the influence of its velocity and direction. On tliis subject, much has been written ; and it is bum- lily conceived tfiat important materials are here afforded, for the further investigation and improvement of this \ 31 much-neglected, though important, branch of natural phi¬ losophy. It is true, that all that cawbe expected is to establish general principles. To pretend to bring this subject to so great a perfection as to be able to anticipate precisely all the changes that will take place, would be¬ tray as much presumption and ignorance as is displayed in our almanacs, where we are informed of the state of the weatlier for many months to come. It is possible, that the freshet of one day may be pro¬ ducing and carrying on certain effects, which a strong wind, or body of ice, may, in a few days afterward, avert, and produce a contrary impression. Taking into consideration, therefore, the constant changes of the winds, of the rise of tides, of the uncer¬ tainty of freshets, of ice, and of local obstructions which are sometimes thrown in the channel, it would be impos¬ sible to foretel precisely what changes may take place. It is well known that variations have occurred, very con¬ trary to the expectations of judicious persons. Yet, notwithstanding the subject will admit of much profitable investigation, and although we may not he led fully to anticipate what changes may hereafter occur, yet we may advance so far in improvement, as to be able to calculate, with some degree of certainty, what would take place under certain circumstances. Such land-marks were preserved, in the survey, as were likely to prove serviceable in ascertaining the changes that may result in the course of time. It would be highly advisable, that, every few years, the changes, at least for the most important parts of the river, be ascertained and reported. Such inspection would not be attended witli ^ much expense, and would be highly profitable. Thus I have rapidly glanced over such subjects as ap¬ peared to have a direct claim to my attention, in the sur ¬ vey of the river. Much more might be added, parties- 32 larly in such speculative inquiries as might have a prac¬ tical bearing on the improvement of our navigable waters. This, however, is reserved for more mature deliberation. I cannot close this subject, without expressing the various sensations experienced on meeting the remains of those ships of war, some of which had been employed by our enemies, during our ever memorable revolution, in opposing our liberty and independence ; while others were employed by our worthy forefathers, and made the ho¬ noured instruments by which they asserted our rights, and freed us from bondage. Here lie the Augusta and Marlin, perishing in our waters in disgrace, their memory only retained as tro¬ phies of victory. There lies the memorable frigate Alli¬ ance : she maintained her post, in the struggle for free¬ dom, when all the rest of our ships were swallowed up in the contest. Her decks once bore the bold, intrepid Paul Jones, under whose command she often rode victorious. Worn out in service, her remains now repose near thê western banks of Petty's island, now the soil of liberty and freedom. Nor shall she lie forgotten, while the vic¬ tories won are worth the recollection, or this pen lives to record her memory. DAVID M'CLURE. Jwly 4, 1820. APPENDIX. THE following is a list of the soundings, in feet, at low water, at some of the most important parts of the river, taken at right angles across from shore to shore. They are obtained from the map, at certain equal dis¬ tances apart ; so that the relative situation of each depth is readily found, by dividing a line into one part more than the number of soundings, and annexing to each point of division the depth in the order exhibited in each Une. From Richmond to Petty's island, 10,15, 10, 9, 18,19, 20, 21, 20, 15, 11, 14, 12. In the direction of Richmond, from Petty's island to Jersey, 12, 16, 20, 24, 22, 14, 8. From the east point of Petty's island to Jersey, 19, 38, 23, 16, 18, 10. Across the mouth of Cooper's creek, from west to east, 1, 3, 5, 8, 5. From the wharf at the Glass-House to Petty's island, 16, 28, 33, 32, 25, 22, 21, 14. From the south point of Petty's island to Pennsylvania, 4, 12, 18, 25, 34, 38, 26, 12, 3. From the south point of Petty's island to Jersey, 1, 3, 5, 7, 20, 22, 21, 18, 15, 12, 11, 8, 10. From Nagle's wharf, at the mouth of Cohocksink creek, to Cooper's Point, 29, 40, 34, 26, 20, 18, 18, 16, 16, 18, 19, 19,13, 14, 11. 5 '34 In the direction of Callowhill street, from Pennsylvania to Jersey, 37, 46, 44, 33, 22, 17, 11, 6, 4—^bar—2, 8, 10, 12, 10, 6, 5. In the direction of High street, from Pennsylvania to Jersey, 42, 42, 37, 28, 10, 2, li—bar—li, 2, 5, 7, 11, 12, 12, 11, 7, 7, 7, 4. In the direction of Walnut street, from Windmill island to Jersey, 2, 5, 9, 11, 12, 12, 12, 9, 8, 10, 9. From the first wharf above Pine street to the wharf on Windmill island, 43, 44, 39, 29, 18. From the south end of Windmill island to Pennsylvania, 12, 32, 35, 20, 19, 20. From the south end of Windmill island to Jersey, 6, 10, 14, 16, 16, 18, 18, 18, 10. From Kaign's Point to the piers at M'Leod's rope- walks, 8, 18, 24, 26, 24, 14—bar—13, 19, 27, 28, 26,24, 22, 17, 13, 10, 10. From Jersey to Pennsylvania, at a point about half way between Kaign's and Gloucester Points, 13, 22, 31, 28, 32, 21, 19, 17—bar—17, 17, 19, 22, 24, 20, 16, 12. From the wharf at the Point to Jersey, 23, 25, 29, >33, 27, 26, 25, 23, 14, 6, 4. From Gloucester wharf to Pennsylvania, 9,14, 18, 24, 26, 33, 38, 31, 25, 17, 5. From the north end of League island to the Windmill, Jersey, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 12, 12, 13—shoal called the Horse Shoe—20, 29, 36, 30, 18, 15, 13, 9, 7, 5. From a white house on League island, commonly called Buttermilk Tavern, to a point two hundred yards below Eagle Point, 6, 11, 19, 22, 23, 26, 25, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 29, 29, 28, 19, 10, 5, 4. From the south end of League island to Jersey, 1, 3, 7, 12, 15, 19, 24, 24, 29, 37, 25, 24, 21, 18, 15, 10, 8, 1— bar—4, 11, 21, 19. Across the mouth of Schuylkill, from east to west, 10, 15, 20, 28, 30, 23, 15, lO. I 35 Schuylkill brings out over the flats from 8 to 10 feet. From Red Bank, near the Telegraph, towards the old Lazaretto, 10, 22, 12, 2—^bar—1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 26, 28, 29, 29, 28, 23, 22, 18, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, -3, 3, 3, 2. From the first pier below the fort, to Davis's pier, or fort Gaines, 23, 23, 26, 29, 30, 29, 31, 27, 24, 24. From fort Gaines to Jersey, 3, 4, 6, 9, 14, 14, Î3, 11, 10, 10, 14, 19, 20, 14, 7, 3, 1. From Boom or Diamond piers to Jersey, 42, 33, 30, 31, 29, 25, 23, 16, 8, 5—bar—4, 5, 4, 4, 14, 13, 12, 17, 19, 20, 16, 10, 7, 0—bar—0, 2, 1, 1. From a point near the middle of Hog island to Jersey, 9, 18, 23, 28, 28, 26, 24, 17, 11, 8, 12, 14, 31, 29, 16, 14, 11,13,12,9,9,7,6,4,3. From the south point of Hog island to Jersey, 6, 7, 8, 12, 15, 15, 11, 11, 9, 6, 4—bar—4, 14, 19, 24, 28, 33, 30, 28, 27, 21, 23, 24, 24, 22. * From the north point of Maiden island to Billingsport wharf, Jersey, 2, 6, 7, 9, 13, 23, 30, 34, 30, 28, 26, 23, 22, 21, 18, 10. From the north point of Maiden island to Martin's bar, 2, 8, 11, 13, 12, 15, 16, 7. From the north point of Tinnicum island to Pennsyl¬ vania, 1, 3, 7, 12, 12, 14, 12, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 11, 13, 12. From the north Point of Tinnicum island to Jersey, 9, 18, 28, 29, 32, 37, 37, 40, 42, 41, 35, 18, 6. From the mouth of Clemell creek to Tinnicum island, 3, 6, 10, 16, 18, 20, 29, 29, 30, 30, 29, 29, 21, 20, 15, 9. From the wharf at Thompson's Point to Tinnicum island, 5, 8, 14, 20, 20, 23, 26, 29, 29, 29, 30, 31, 31, 28, 17. From the north end of Monnis's island to Jersey, 1, 2, 4, 5, 4, 3. From the south end of Tinnicum island to Jersey, 4, 14, 20, 24, 2Ô, 29, 28, 26, 26, 24, 22, 18, 19, 17, 9. / 36 From the Lazaretto wharf to Tinnicum island, 20, 11, —a shoal—16, 16, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 19, 15, 13, 8. From the south point of Tinnicum island to Pennsyl¬ vania, 11, 23, 26, 25, 25, 22, 19, 11. From the north end of Chester island to Jersey, 6, 15, 20, 18, 9, 2. From the north end of Chester island to Pennsylvania, 1, 4, 10, 19, 26, SO, 33, 18—Slower end of thè bar from Tinnicum—24, 26, 20, 10, 5. From the south point of Chester island to Jersey, 10, 17, 20, 19, 15, 13, 10, 9, 6. From the north wharf at Chester to the south point of Chester island, 20, 21, 25, 27, 29, 31, 31, 31, 28, 25, 23, 21, 19, 18, 15, 12, 4, 4, 3, 7, 10, 7, 8. From Pennsylvania to Jersey, half way between Ches¬ ter and Schiver's island, 8, 19, 23, 28, 29, 22, 17, 12, 13, 16, 14, 8, 13, 13, 15, 17, 10, 4, 1. From the north point of Schiver's island to Jersey, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4. ' From the north point of Schiver's island to Pennsylva¬ nia, 18, 20, 20, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 30, 27, 23, 20, 15, 11. Across the bar, below fort Mifflin, there is, in the deep¬ est part of the channel, about 12 feet. The channel is narrow, and liable to many changes. The following are the soundings, taken at low water, on the 29th of July, 1820, four days after the full moon, at the end of all the principal wharves in Philadelphia, beginning at Kensington, and descending the river. feet. feet. 1 Seguiu's wharf, 16 5 Warder's wharf, 19 2 Saxton's do. 16 6 Walter's do. 19 3 Nagie's do. 16 7 Bubble's do. 13 4 Stiles's do. 16 8 Hains's do. 6 37 feet. 9 Randolph's wharf, 25 10 Britton's do. 26 11 Callowhill St. do. 28 12 Katz's do. 30 ■ 13 West's do. 30 14 Vine St. upper do. 19 15 Flintham's do. do. 30 16 Flintham's lower do. 12 17 Smith's wharf, 36 18 Race St. do. 42 19 Warder's do. 37 20 Pratt's do. 19 21 Hodge's do. 22 22 Smith's do. 20 23 Sumerl's do. 25 24 Arch St. wood do. 40 25 Perot's wharf, 20 t 26 Girard's do. 42 27 Fish Market do. 22 28 Market St. do. low¬ er side, 20 29 Chestnut St. wood wharf, 36 30 Chestnut St. wharf, lower side, 12 31 Gardner's wharf, 20 32 Walnut St. upper and lower side, 6 33 Ross's wharf, 20 34 Morton's do. 18 35 Morris's do. 20 36 Hamilton's do. 20 37 Drawbridge wood wharf, 26 §8 Wall's wharf, 2? /«ei- 39 Spruce St. do. R. Wain's, 19 40 Sims's wharf, 31 41 Pine St. wharf, 7 42 Willing & Francis' upper wharf, 25 43 Willing & Francis' lower wharf, 15 44 Cuthbert's wharf, 14 45 Clapier's do. 15 46 W. W"aln's do. 32 47 Penrose's do. 27 48 Almond St. wood wharf, 20 49 Ogleby's wharf, 18 50 Huddle's do. 8 51 Alberson's do. 14 52 Catherine St. do. 20 53 Queen St. do. up¬ per side, 18 54 Queen St. do. low¬ er side, 12 55 Christian St. wh. 17 56 Delevau's do. 15 57 Ware's do. 15 58 Berton's do. 15 59 Humphreys' do. 14 60 Prime St. do. 6 61 Navy yard do. up¬ per side 14 62 Navy yard do. lower side, n The end of Smith's wharf, on the island, is at the low water mark. 38 The wharf, nearly oppo¬ site Pine St. on the island, is 10 feet above tlie low water mark. Humphreys' wharf, on the island, is 15 feet above the low water mark. The lower wharf, on the island, is 12 feet above the low water mark. The wharves from Callowhill street to Chestnut street have the deepest water. Tliis may be accounted for, from the circumstance, that the water, descending the channel east of Petty's island, spends its whole force against the wharves in that vicinity. Shortly after the water leaves Chestnut street wharf, it takes a direction over towards the south end of Windmill island, leaving the wharves in Southwark considerably to the west of the bed of the river, and consequently in shoaler water. The bar, opposite Philadelphia, and at the north end ' of Windmill island, has undergone one of tlie greatest changes, during the last year, that was ever known. On the 16th of January last, a storm from the east broke up the icy fetters in the river. On the 17th, the wind blew strong from the southward ; and the tide rose higher than it had done for a considerable time previous, inundated many of the wharves, and covered them with drifting ice. Shortly after the flood had set in, a large body of ice was collected on the bar, nearly opposite Arch street, to the height of nearly twenty feet, in the short period of about ten or fifteen minutes, and continued there a number of days. Thei'e can be no doubt that this bed of ice was instrumental, in connexion with the drifting ice, in pro¬ ducing the great change that followed. The wreck lying on the east side of the island, last year, was on a line with the south edge of the wiiarf; since which, it has been removed in a line with the nortii 39 edge of the wharf. It is highly probable that this change of position has promoted the change of the bar in that vicinity. The bar, a short time since, was surveyed, in order to ascertain the precise change that has taken place since last year. The draught in tiie Plate, at A, represents the state of the bar, on the 4th of October, 1819; and at B, its state agreeably to the recent survey, taken on the 20th of July, 1820. From the inspection of these, it will be obvious that the channel of last year is now converted into a bar, and the bars of last year into channels. On the ebb tide, particularly towards the close, the tide runs with considerable strength across the bar towards the Jersey shore. This was also found to be the case on tlie bar north of Davis's pier, opposite fort Mifflin. Bescrijjtion of the machine by which the rise and fall of the tide were ascertained, ' Let A be an upright post, to be driven firmly into the ground, in a suitable depth of water ; B, the lower float board ; C, the upper float board ; n, the springs. As the tide rises, the float board C will also rise, and the springs n n continue to pass over the notches, until the water has at¬ tained its height ; at which posi¬ tion the float board C will remain, being prevented fi-om falling with the tide by the springs n n. 40 In like manner, the float board B will continue to de¬ scend until low water, where it will be retained by the springs n 11 on the top of it, and prevented from rising with the tide. A rod, as at D, duly marked, and passed tlu-ough a hole from the upper float board, so as to rest on the lower float board, will designate the height of the tide above low water. If this machine be left in the water, it will exhibit the highest and lowest tide during the year, or for any length of time. Description of the Plotting Table. This instrument is similar to the common draft board, both as regards its frame, and the plan of fixing the pa¬ per for drawing. It may be made either square or ob¬ long, and of any size, to suit the extent of the draught, and the degree of accuracy required. Round the frame, (Fig. 3) are graduated the degrees and quarters of a cir¬ cle whose centi'e is in the middle of the instrument. A strip of narrow paper may be glued round the frame, to receive the marks of the degrees and quarters. But strips of brass or box-wood, let into the frame, for the gradu¬ ated degrees, would be much more durable, though they are not so easily marked. This instrument may be made portable, by placing hinges on the two upper sides of the opposite corners, and on the inside of tlie remaining cor¬ ners of the frame ; and having the board for the paper composed of pieces. In proceeding with the application, the instrument will be sufficiently explained. To draw a line parallel to a given line. (Fig. 4.) Let a 6 be a given line, to which it is required to draw an- otlier, parallel thereto. Lay the edge of the rule m on 41 the line a h, and at the same time press the piece n against the side B D. Move the rule m, and the piece n, in that position, and it will give the parallel direction for any line towards C and D. If the parallel be required towards A, let the piece n be placed against A C, while the edge of the rule m covers the line ah: then move the rule, as before, for the parallel position of any line towards A. Hence it is obvious, that the instrument will answer the purpose of an accurate parallel rule. To draw lines at right angles. (Fig. 5.) Press n against B D, and at the same time let the edge of the rule m cut 90 on B D and A C. Draw one of the lines in that posi¬ tion, or in any other, by moving the rule as a b. Place n against C D, and at the same time let the edge of the rule cut 0 on A B and C D. Draw the other line in that or any other position as c d, and it will be at right angles to the former line. To draw any angle. (Fig. 6.) Suppose 32 degrees be required. Place the rule in 0 on A B and C D, and draw a line there, or in any parallel position, as a b. Let the rule m be placed at 32 in A B, and at 32 in C D, the edge of which will be 32 degrees, with the former line drawn from 0 to 0, making the angular point in the cen¬ tre, from which the degrees are all drawn. If the angle is to be made in another place, as with the line a b, move the rule in that parallel position. If a 6 be near D, the piece n must be against C D ; but if a & be near the corner A, the piece n must be against A B, the reason of which is obvious. To draw any other angle, in any part of the table, will be readily understood from this example. From these three problems, it is evident that all the cases of trigonometry may be readily projected and re¬ solved. 6 42 To plot a survetj. (Fig. 3.) For example ch. lin ks. 1. N. 50° E. 9 60 2. S. 32° E. 16 38 3. S. 41° W. 6 SO 4. West 8 43 5. N. 79° W. 10 92 6. N. 5° E. 11 25 7. S. 83° E. 6 48 It is scarcely necessary to say, that a line drawn from o on A B to 0 on C D, or any parallel to the same, will represent a meridian | that a line from 90 on B D to 90 on A C, will represent the east and west line ; that the top represents the north, the bottom the south, the right the east, and the left the west. The point of the first station may be assumed any where on the paper, so that, on protracting the field, there may not be a side thrown beyond the paper, in some of the subsequent courses. Let A be the point from which the field is protracted. Let the edge of the rule m be placed on 50 near the corner B, and 50 near the corner C ; the piece n, at the same time, against the side A C. Move the rule to the suitable position A, the assumed point, and draw the line A B, on which set off, from any scale of eqqal parts, 9.60. Place the edge of the rule vi on 32 in A B, nearer the corner A, and 32 in C D nearer D. The piece n, at the same time against A B. Move the rule, until the edge thereof is in tlie point B j and draw B C equal to 16.38. Let the edge of the rule be placed in 41 near C, and 41 near B ; the piece n against C D. Bring the edge of the rule to tlie point C, and draw C D equal to 6.30. Again, let the edge of the rule be put on 90 in B D and A C, and the piece n either against A 0 or B D. Bring the edge of the rule to the point D, and draw D E equal to 8.43. In like manner proceed \yith the sides E F, F G, and G A. 43 To ascertain the contents of a survey. (,Fig. 3.) For example, the field just protracted. The whole principle consists in throwing the figure into a triangle, which this instrument is capable of doing with great facility and accuracy. Assume any side for a base line, which, when produced, shall not fall within any part of the figure, as A B neces¬ sarily would. Take B C, which produce indefinitely to¬ wards X and y. Lay the edge of the rule m on the point B and G, and the piece n against the side A C. Move the rule in that positionne the point A; mark the point of intersection of the edge pf the rule, and the hase line B C in a. Place the edge of the rule in F and a, and move the rule in that position to the point G. Mark the point b, and place a circle round it for distinction, as the apex F is now arrived at a point whose distance is the greatest from the hase line. So also proceed to reduce the parallel position of the points C and E to D, and mark on the base line the point of intersection d; and, with the paral¬ lel position F and d, reduce, E to e. Then will the field be reduced to the triangle F b e. The length of the hase e b being ascertained by the compasses, and multiplied by half the perpendicular, will give the area. The demonstration of which is as follows. The triangle a A G is equal to the triangle A B a, being constituted on the same base A a, and between the parallel lines A a and G B. So also the triangle 6 F a is equal to the tri¬ angle G F a, being constituted on the same base F a, and between the parallel lines G b and F a. Therefore the triangle F 6 a is equal to the figure F G A B a F. In like manner may the triangle F e C he proved to be equal to the figure C D E F C. And consequently tlie triangle 6 F e is equal to the whole figure A B C D E F G A. In as¬ suming a side for the base, it is best to take that side which would throw the survey in a triangle nearest the equilateral form. The hase of this triangle was found to 44 be 26 chains 8 links; and the perpendicular, 21 chains 35 links ; from which the area was found to he 28 acres, 2 roods, 1.744 perches;—by calculation, 28 acres, 2 roods, 2 perches, differing about one-fourth of a perch. Tlie size of the instrument by which the river was pro¬ jected, was nearly three feet square ; and so constructed as to admit the paper (which, when prepared for the map, was nearly thirteen feet long) to he drawn forward as the draughting progressed. On the utility and superiority of this invention, I deem it unnecessary to make any remarks. MY grateful acknowledgments are due to those gentle¬ men who kindly promoted the interest of the different experiments made on the river, and for the assistance which they so cheerfully afforded on that occasion. A report having been industriously circulated, last win¬ ter, that gross inaccuracies existed in the soundings of that part of my survey between Windmill island and the Jersey, and near the site of a certain contemplated bridge, I feel it a duty to myself and the public, to testify against such misrepresentations. To satisfy the public, to whom I am accountable for the faithful discharge of a public trust, I present for their perusal the following certificates, which first show that I was duly qualified for the work which I was called to perform ; and secondly, that I have been faithful, and am correct in that part of my survey which has been shamefully contradicted, by certain per¬ sons, excited by interested motives. David M'Clui'e, Esq. of this city, has shown to me a draught and description of his survey of the river Dela¬ ware. He has also explained the method used by him to 45 take the soundings, and to describe the shores, islands, flats, and bars in the river. All which appear to have been performed upon strict geometrical principles, in such way as ought to ensure accuracy in the work. Samuel Hains, City Surveyor. Philad. Jan. 8, 1820. I have also heard from Mr. M'Clure an explanation of the methods adopted in making the survey of the river Delaware, and concur with Mr. Hains in the opinion ex¬ pressed above. R. M. Patterson, Professor of Mathematics in the Univ. of Fenn. I also have examined Mr. M'Clure's draught j and, although I do not profess to be versed in such matters, am inclined to think it has been executed with diligence and success, and may be rendered useful. Frederick Beasley, Provost of the Univ. of Penn. The following is from Captain James Josiah, master warden, and Joseph S. Lewis, Esq. Philad. Feb. 15, 1820. Some doubts having been suggested, respecting the accuracy of Mr. M'Clure's survey of the river Delaware, the subscribers this day proceeded to sound the river, from Windmill island towards Camden, on a line, as nearly as they could ascertain it, of the contemplated bridge. 46 The ice on the east end of the island was standing; and they took a boat, and passed over it, commencing sound¬ ing about one hundred feet from the east side of the island, and found, at about every hundred feet, the following soundings,—-the tide being about an ordinary high water ; 8, 9, Hi, 15è, 17, 17^, 18, 17è, 17i, 17,14è, 12, Mè, 12è, 14i.^ James Josiah, Joseph S. Lewis. The above soundings, being reduced to low water, by allowing the ordinary rise of five feet, will give six inches more than that exhibited in my chart. We, the subscribers, do certify, that, on the 3d of Au¬ gust, 1820, we accompanied David M'Clure, Esq. on an examination of the channel between Windmill island and the Jersey, at low water ; that we had the satisfaction, on sounding the said channel, to compare the same with the original draught, which was before us; and can declare, that we are fully of the conviction, that it is substantially correct, and corresponds to the low water mark at which it was taken. We found, throughout the whole channel, in its various parts, uniformly one foot more than is exhibited in Mr. M'Clure's chart, owing, as may be inferred, to the low, water being one foot higher than it was at the time the soundings were taken for the chart. We found, throughout the channel, a depth of thirteen feet, the narrowest part of which, as near as could be es¬ timated, was four hundred and fifty feet, commanding a a depth of eleven feet. 47 To prevent any mistakes, the line by which the sound¬ ings were taken, was carefully measured, before we com¬ menced the inspection. Francis Troubat, wllliam G. Whïte, James West, wieeiam Tremper, wiieiam E. Tucker. Report of the Committee, on the subject of the Survey of the River Delaware. The Committee appointed by tlie Select and Common Councils, to have a survey of the river Delaware made, from Petty's island to one mile south of Chester, beg leave to report to Councils, that they proceeded in the execution of the trust committed to them, by employing Mr. David M'Clure as surveyor, and competent hands as assistants, who commenced the survey on the 26th day of June last, and finished the same on the 9th day of October last j that the surveyor has made a Report, and a di'aught of the survey, which the Committee believe is entirely accurate, and which they herewith submit to Councils as part of their Report. All which is respectfully submitted. Joseph S. Lewis, J. W. Thompson, Stephen Girarh, John M'Ceintock. Philadelphia, February 10, 1820. INDEX. An account of the changes that have taken place in the river Delaware, ■ - - . - 5 Some remarks 'upon the inside channels, • - - . 6 Some account of the bar below Fort Mifflin, and of Davis's Pier, or Fort Gaines, - - - - - - - 7 Bemarks on the manner in which sediment is collected, and shoal water produced, - • . . . . . 8 General observations on the current, - - - - - 8 Remarks on the banks of Hog Island; - - - . • - 9 An account of the channel east of Windmill island, . . 10 The highest and lowest tiaes, when produced, - - 12 The rise and fall of the tide, for every half hour, - - - 12 The effects of a freshet, - - - . - - 14 General remarks on the theory of the tides, - - - 14 Tides supposed to ascend above their level, - - - IS The distance floating matter is carried down by the current, at the close of the ebb and flood, - - - - - 17 Remarks on the fall of the tide, towards the close of the flood, 18 An experiment to find whether the surface or bottom of the river has the greater velocity, - - - - - 19 An experiment to find the different velocities, fi'om the surface to the bottom, - - - . . - 19 Tables exhibiting the different rates of the current, for every half hour, with the different velocities, from top to bottom, 24 A calculation for the quantity of upper water brought down the river every twelve hours, - ..... 27 Remarks on the different velocities of the current, - • 27 Different vertical sections of the river, - - - - - 28 Bemarks on the changes of the river, - - - - - 50 The soundings for the most remarkable places, - - - 33 Depth of water at the end of the principal wharves at Fhilad. 36 .^n account of the bar, opposite the city, ... 38 Description of the tide machine, - - - - - - 39 Description of the Plotting Table, - .... 40 Certificates, - - - - - . 44 Report of the Committee to Councils, - - - - 47