/ 1 Valuation Order No. 15 -» -» ^ - * *» » * * ^ 4 ORDER, INSTRUCTIONS AND FORM pertaining to PRIVILEGES GIVEN AND LEASES MADE BY STEAM RAILROADS TO BE FILED WITH THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION by COMMON CARRIERS MARCH 8, 1915 washington government printing office 1916 Valuation Order No. 15 ORDER, INSTRUCTIONS AND FORM PERTAINING TO PRIVILEGES GIVEN AND LEASES MADE BY STEAM RAILROADS TO BE FILED WITH THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION BY COMMON CARRIERS MARCH 8, 1915 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 Valuation Order No. 15. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. ORDER. At a General Session of the INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, held at its office in Washington, D. C., on the 8th day of March, A. D. 1915. LEASES. The subject of privileges given and leases made by steam railroads, being under consideration: It is ordered, That every common carrier owning or operating a steam railroad, whose property is to be valued by the Commission under the valuation act of March 1, 1913, and every receiver or oper¬ ating trustee of any such carrier shall prepare and file in the office of the Commission at Washington, D. C., on or before the date fixed by the director of valuation, of which not less than 90 days notice shall be given, complete and detailed statements and schedule in duplicate as follows, viz: 1. A summary statement showing the total amounts received from other carriers for use of common carrier property except equipment, segregated as follows: (a) For the right to use tracks and other operating facilities. (b) For the right to place facilities upon and use the right of way and other common carrier lands. (e) Any amounts received which do not fall under subdivisions (a) and (b). 2. A summary statement showing the total amount received from other carriers for use of noncarrier lands, but without the segregation required in paragraph 1. 3. A summary statement showing the total amount received from other than carriers for use of common carrier property, showing separately: (a) Amounts received account of land leases classified upon the basis of the use of the land, and also upon the basis of the ownership of the improvements thereon. (b) Amounts received for privileges granted otherwise than by land leases, some examples of which are contained in primary account 133 of the classification of operating revenue. 85079—15 3 4 VALUATION ORDER NO. 15. 4. A summary statement showing the total amount received from other than carriers for use of noncarrier property, classified in similar manner to the statement required by paragraph 3. The statements required by paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 will cover the fiscal year ending June 30 next preceding the date fixed by the Commission as that of which the carrier's property shall be valued, and shall show opposite each item, the Interstate Commerce Com¬ mission classification account or accounts to which the amounts received were credited. 5. A schedule, on a form like the form hereto attached, D. V. No. 307, and made a part of this order, showing as of the date of notice from the director, all leases of lands claimed by the carrier to be "owned or used" for its purposes as a common carrier, excepting however: (a) Leases of land lying wholly or partly within the usual width of right of way between station grounds not exceeding 50 feet on either side of center line of roadbed occupied by main line track or tracks. (b) Leases of lands lying wholly within station grounds, no por¬ tion of which is more than 100 feet distant from the center line of roadbed occupied by main line track or tracks. (c) Leases of lands, other than those mentioned in paragraphs 6 and 7, for grain elevators, warehouses, coal sheds, cold-storage houses, building-material yards, oil-distributing plants, loading and unloading platforms, where the leased lands are located within the main line right of way or station grounds of the carrier, and are used princi¬ pally for the handling of freight transported by the carrier. (d) Leases or permits covering grade, undergrade, and overgrade crossings of the carrier's right of way, such as irrigation and drainage ditches, pipe lines, sewers, poles and wires, highways, public and private, etc. (e) Leases for cultivation and grazing purposes. (f) Leases covering encroachments made for the purpose of pro¬ tecting the title of the carrier in cases where the improvements are only partly located upon the property of the carrier. 6. All leases of lands, regardless of location of property leased, for such purposes as foundry, saloon, hotel, flour or grist mill and retail store shall be scheduled. 7. All leases of lands at terminals shall be scheduled, excepting such as are covered by subdivision (d). The schedule will be accompanied by a list of the terminals as classified by the carrier. The schedule shall include the lease number, date of lease, name of lessee, purpose for which leased, and location. If within station ground give name of station, and if between stations give names of VALUATION ORDER NO. 15. 5 stations, adding in each case such other information as will aid the field representatives of the Commission in identifying the property. The schedule shall also show area of property leased, term of lease, cancellation right reserved by carrier, amount of annual rental, character of improvements, ownership of improvements, and esti¬ mated value of improvements. The term "Privileges" and "Leases" as used in this order are intended to cover any and all contracts, agreements, and under¬ standings, written or unwritten, whereby or under which the property is used. No order will be issued at this time requiring the carrier to furnish maps for identification of leased property, but carriers will be expected to furnish such information of this character as may be necessary for the work of the division of valuation under arrange¬ ments to be made in each case by the representatives of the Commis¬ sion and the carrier. By the Commission: [seal.] George B. McGinty, Secretary. <- 17* D. V. Form No. 307. Owner Operating Company... State INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DIVISION OF VALUATION LEASES AND PRIVILEGES Sheet No. of sheets (this form). Date Compiled e , 19 Compiled by Correct Title LEASE NO. (1) DATE OF LEASE. (2) NAME OF LESSEE. (3) PURPOSE FOR WHICH LEASED. w LOCATION. It at a station, give name oi station; if between stations, give names oi stations. (5) AREA. Acres. (6) Sq. Ft. (7) TERM OF LEASE. (8) CANCELLATION PRIVILEGE. (9) ANNUAL RENTAL. (10) CHARACTER OP IMPROVEMENTS. (") OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. (12) ESTIMATED VALUE OF IMPROVE¬ MENTS. (13) -H" A' l" 2" 1&' H' 2A" 1&' 86979—15. (To follow page 5.) INSTRUCTIONS TO CARRIERS.—All data to be typewritten, using black record ribbon and carbon paper beneath, with carbon lace next to back of sheet. Form approved February 13, 1915.