United States Circuit Court. ? . - • * ■ DISTRICT OF NEW HAMPSHIRE!. THE MERCANTILE TRUST COMPANY, vs. THE PORTLAND & OGDENSBURG R. R. CO. Et Als. IN EQUITY. To the Hon. Judges of the United States Circuit Court:— Nathan Webb, Weston F. Milliken and Horatio N. Jose, all being parties to the above cause and trustees under the mortgage from the Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad Com¬ pany dated November 1st, a.d. 1871, respectfully represent unto your Honors as follows:— That there exist upon the freight grounds^ office grounds and shop grounds of the Portland & Ogdensburg Rail¬ road Company, all situated in Portland and Deering in the State of Maine, and all being part of the terminal facili¬ ties of the railroad of said corporation, and all in the pos¬ session of the Receiver, certain mortgages having priority over all mortgages given to secure bonds of said corporation, the principal sum of which said underlying mortgages is thirteen thousand eight hundred (18,800) dollars; that the Receiver is now authorized to pay the interest coming due 2 upon the debts secured by said mortgages, but is not author¬ ized to pay an}r part of the principal thereof; that parts of said principal are overdue and other parts are coming due, and it may become necessary to pay part or the whole of said debts, in order to avoid foreclosure of said mortgages, expenses of litigation and other expenses which might arise from an attempt to enforce the collection of said prin¬ cipal sum or any part thereof; that for the purpose of obtain¬ ing funds for the construction of that portion of the railway of said corporation, extending from Scott's Mills to the east¬ ern line of the state of Vermont, said corporation borrowed upon its notes the money necessary therefor, and secured said notes by a pledge of its bonds covered by the mortgage of November 1, a.d. 1871, to the amount of one hundred eight thousand (108,000) dollars, and further pledged for the payment of said notes the net earnings coming to said corporation by virtue of said extension ; that the balance of said notes remaining unpaid, is twenty-six thousand seven hundred ninety-seven dollars and two cents ('$26,797.02), tvith interest from the 10th day of June in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and eighty-four; that the bonds se¬ curing said notes are of much greater value than the amount of said notes and interest; and that it would be to the detri¬ ment of the corporation and of the holders of other bonds secured by said mortgage of November 1, a.d. 1871, to per¬ mit the sale of the bonds so pledged, or of any part there¬ of, or to permit proceedings in any way for the purpose of realizing the security aforesaid. And petitioners further represent, that the Receiver to the first day of January in the year of our Lord eighteen hun¬ dred eighty-five, has received from sundry accounts which were due the Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad Company at 3 the time when said Receiver took possession, the sum of twenty-three thousand three hundred seven dollars and thirty-five cents ($23,307.35) ; and from the net earnings of said railroad ninety-three thousand six hundred ninety-nine dollars and four cents ($93,699.04), making the total receipts from said net earnings and from said accounts, one hundred seventeen thousand six dollars and thirty-nine cents ($117,- 006.39) ; that said Receiver has paid for traffic balances and pay-rolls due from said Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad Company, twenty thousand five hundred three dollars and eighty-five cents ($20,503.85), leaving net receipts of ninety- six thousand five hundred two dollars and fifty-four cents ($96,502.54), which sum was equitably and justly ap¬ plicable to the payment, first, of the current liabilities for supplies and labor existing at the time when said Receiver took possession, and second, of the coupons secured by the prior mortgage dated November 1, a.d. 1870; that the whole amount of such current liabilities for supplies and labor is approximately thirty-nine thousand (39,000) dollars; that the whole amount of coupons past due se¬ cured by said first mortgage, including scrip represent, ing said past due coupons, is eighty-one thousand five dollars and seventy cents ($81,005.70) and interest thereon ; that the net earnings and balances due the Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad Company, which have come as aforesaid into the hands of the Receiver, less the deduc¬ tions made as aforesaid, with what net earnings have come into the hands of the Receiver since said first day of Jan¬ uary, were nearly sufficient, if not applied to other purposes, to have paid all said current liabilities, past due coupons, scrip for said past due coupons and interest thereon; that said current liabilities are of the class of liabilities which, according to the practice of the Equity courts in cases like 4 the present, are paid from the net earnings coming into the hands of the Receiver; that said current liabilities in this case ought equitably and justly be paid from such net earn¬ ings ; that your petitioners apprehend, unless the coupons in arrears and scrip representing coupons in arrears, secured by said mortgage of November 1, a.d. 1870, are soon paid, and unless other coupons hereafter coming due, secured by the same mortgage, are paid soon after they respectively come due, the holders of said coupons and of the bonds to which they were or are attached, will proceed to foreclose the mort¬ gage securing the same; that it is essential for the interests of the holders of the bonds secured by the mortgage to peti¬ tioners, that such foreclosure should not be permitted, and important that it should not be attempted ; and that it is for the interest of said holders of said bonds secured by the mortgage to complainants, that said current liabilities and said coupons in arrears and coupons hereafter coming due, se¬ cured by the mortgage aforesaid dated November 1, a.d. 1870, should not be allowed to accumulate, but should be paid as fast as the same can well be paid, with due regard to the safe and economical operation of the railroad involved in this proceeding and to the payment of liabilities incurred, and which may be incurred by the Receiver and interest thereon. And your petitioners further show unto your Honors, that in pursuance of the decrees heretofore entered in this cause, and in accordance with the necessities of the railroad of the defendant corporation, and in order to make the same safe and the operation thereof economical, the Receiver has ap¬ plied large portions of said net earnings and of said sums collected from accounts due said Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad Company, to the amount in all of about forty-six 5 thousand (-16,000) dollars, to the permanent improvement of said railroad ; and that said Portland & Ogdensburg Pail- road Company, during the year previous to the appointment of said Receiver, expended upon the permanent improvement of said railroad the sum of about forty-three thousand one hundred twenty dollars and fifty-one cents ($43,120.51) ; which said sums of forty-six thousand (46,000) dollars and forty-three thousand one hundred twenty dollars and fifty- one cents ($43,120.51) have been honestly and prudently ex¬ pended upon said improvements, so that the security of all the holders of bonds covered by the several mortgages given by said Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad Company, has been enhanced by the amount of said expenditures; but that said sums so expended by said Receiver and by said Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad Company for the improvement of said railroad, have been diverted to such improvements from the payment of coupons secured by said mortgage of November 1st, a.d. 1870, and of current liabilities existing at the time when said Receiver was appointed, incurred for labor, supplies and materials in and about the management of said railroad, which ought equitably to have been paid from said sums of forty-six thousand (46,000) dollars and forty- three thousand one hundred twenty dollars and fifty-one cents ($43,120.51). And your petitioners further represent that of the issue of two hundred thousand (200,000) dollars of Receiver's certifi¬ cates authorized by this Court to be sold, certificates to the amount of one hundred ninety thousand (190,000) dollars have been sold and no more; that the Receiver will require the remaining ten thousand (10,000) dollars of said certifi¬ cates and the proceeds thereof, for the purposes authorized in the previous orders of this court; but that the sale of 6 fifty thousand (50,000) dollars of similar certificates, in ad¬ dition to said two hundred thousand (200,000) dollars of Receiver's certificates already authorized, ought to be autho¬ rized and the proceeds thereof applied to make good and re¬ place, so far as the same will go, the balance of the net earn¬ ings and collections from accounts due said Portland & Qg- densburg Railroad Company, which have been paid as afore¬ said by said compan}^ and by said Receiver for the permanent improvement of said railroad. And for the reasons aforesaid petitioners represent to your Honors, that it is just and equitable and for the interest of all the parties to this cause, including especially petitioners and the holders of the bonds secured by the mortgage to your petitioners, that the Receiver should be authorized to provide from the net earnings and from the sale of said fifty thousand (50,000) dollars of certificates for the payment of all the va¬ rious matters hereinbefore set out, including portions of the principal of notes secured by underlying mortgages, the interest and portions of the principal of said notes given for the pur¬ pose of constructing said extension from Scott's Mills to the east line of the State of Vermont, current liabilities, coupons past due, scrip representing coupons past due and coupons hereafter coming due, secured by said mortgage of Novem¬ ber 1st, a.d. 18T0, and interest on all the same. And your petitioners further represent that on the 27th day of March, a.d. 1885, said petitioners filed in the case of Weston F. Milliken et al. v. the Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad Company et als., pending in the Supreme Judicial Court for the county of Cumberland, State of Maine, their petition, setting out to said court the matters aforesaid and praying for the order hereinafter set out; that the parties in 7 said cause were your petitioners, and also Philip Henry Brown and Thomas H. Haskell, who with said Webb are the sole trus¬ tees under the mortgage dated November 1st, a.d. 1870, and were made parties to said cause as such trustees, Philip Henry Brown and Luke P. Poland, who are the sole surviving trustees under the mortgage dated January 1st, a.d. 1875, and who were made parties as such trustees, Daniel Roberts of Burlington in the State of Vermont, who was and still is the owner of bonds to the principal amount of fifteen thou¬ sand (15,000) dollars and coupons attached thereto, secured by said mortgage dated January 1st, a.d. 1875, the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company, which was and still is the owner of thirty-five thousand five hundred (35,500) dollars of bonds and of the coupons attached thereto, secured by the mortgage of November 1st, a.d. 1870, the First National Bank of Portland, which was and still is the owner of coupons and scrip to the amount of over twenty-four thousand (24,- 000) dollars, secured by said mortgage of November 1st, a.d. 1870 ; and the City of Portland, which was and still is owner of bonds to the amount of thirteen hundred fifty thousand (1,350,000) dollars and of the coupons attached thereto, secured by the mortgage of November 1st, a.d. 1871, was made party to said cause, so far as concerned said petition ; that notice upon said petition was ordered and given to all said parties, including said City of Portland, returnable on the first Tuesday of April, a.d. 1885; that on said first Tuesday of April, a.d. 1885, all said parties except said Daniel Roberts, Thomas H. Haskell, Philip Henry Brown and Luke P. Poland, appeared and were heard upon the sub¬ ject matter of said petition ; that at said hearing none of the parties who appeared as aforesaid, objected to the enter¬ ing of the order hereinafter set out; that the Maine Savings Bank was and still is the owner of all the certificates, to wit: 8 one hundred ninety thousand (190,000) dollars of certifi¬ cates, already issued by said Receiver, and consented to said order; and that, thereupon, said court, upon full considera¬ tion of the matter, entered an order authorizing the Receiver to issue and sell the additional fifty thousand (50,000) dollars of certificates as aforesaid, and to pay said current liabili¬ ties, coupons and .other matters, which order was duly passed and signed by Hon. C. W. Walton, justice of said court, and filed in said cause on the day of , A.D. 1885, and a duly certified copy of which order is attached hereto. And your petitioners further represent unto your Honors that said order, and all matters therein authorized to be done, were equitable and just, and for the interests of all parties concerned in the said railroad or its appurtenances. Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honors to concur in or approve said order, or make the same the order of this Court. And as in duty bound will ever pray. Solicitor. United States Circuit Court. NEW HAMPSHIRE! DISTRICT. MAY TERM, 1885. THE MERCANTILE TRUST COMPANY, vs. THE PORTLAND & OGDENSBURG R. R. CO. Et Als. IN EQUITY. Weston F. Milliken, Nathan Webb and Horatio N. Jose, parties to this cause and trustees under the mortgage dated November 1st, a.d. 1871, said Jose having been made a party defendant, as successor in said trust of Samuel E. Spring, filed their petition 011 the 15th day of April, a.d. 1885, pray¬ ing for the matters herein ordered, notice upon which peti¬ tion was duly ordered and served upon all the other parties to this cause. And thereupon, after hearing the parties and their proofs, it is ordered, adjudged aiul'decreed bv the Court: 10 First. That the decree tiled herein on the 21st day of «/ April, 1881, confirming the appointment of Samnel J. Ander¬ son, Receiver, be amended in that part thereof which relates to the pay-rolls and salaries authorized to be paid by the Receiver, by striking out the words "schedule B," and the words " current liabilities," and inserting in lieu thereof, the words " schedule A," and the words " pay-roll, traffic balances and incidental mortgage notes and liens." Second. That whereas it appears that the Receiver has not yet disposed of all the two hundred thousand (200,000) dollars of certificates, the sale of which has been heretofore authorized, It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that the pro¬ ceeds of the balance of said two hundred thousand (200,000) dollars of certificates when sold, shall be applied as hereto¬ fore ordered. And whereas it appears that the Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad Company and said Receiver have applied to the im¬ provement of the railroad and its appurtenances, large amounts of the net earnings which ought equitably to have been ap¬ plied to or been retained for the payment of current labor and supply bills, and coupons secured by the mortgage dated November 1st, A.i). 1870, and which said amounts are consid¬ erably in excess of fifty thousand (50,000) dollars; # It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed b}^ the Court that the Receiver sell at not less than par fifty thousand (50,000) dollars of ccrtilicates, being the balance of the two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) dollars Receiver's 11 certificates referred to in said order filed April 21st, a.d. 1884; and apply the net proceeds thereof as hereinafter set out. And it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court, that the Receiver apply the whole of the net proceeds of said fifty thousand (50,000) dollars of Receiver's certif¬ icates, and also so much of the net earnings which have come or will come into his hands, as in his judgment he does not need and probably will not need for other authorized expenditures, to payment of the following liabilities in the order hereinafter named, to wit: First. To the payment of the current liabilities for labor and supplies, and those relating to the management and nec¬ essary improvement of the railroad existing at the time the Receiver was appointed, which liabilities are shown upon the copy of schedule hereto attached and made a part of this de¬ cree, marked '* schedule of current liabilities," and signed as approved May 2d, a.d. 1885, by W. L. Putnam, B. D. Ver- rill, J. H. Drummond, J. W. Symonds and C. F. Libby, solic¬ itors, so far only as the Receiver shall determine that they are justly owing. Second. To the payment of coupons secured by the mort¬ gage dated the first day of November, a.d. 1870, and scrip issued as representing such coupons, with interest on said coupons and scrip, in the order in which the same have here¬ tofore, or may hereafter come due; provided however, that the coupons which fell due the first day of July, a.d. 1884, and interest thereon shall be entitled to priority in time of payment over all other coupons and scrip, and interest thereon. 12 Third. To the payment of the whole or part of the prin¬ cipal of any mortgage note described in schedule "A," en¬ titled "pay-roll, traffic balances and incidental mortgage notes and liens," referred to in said order filed April 21st, A.D. 1884, the whole principal of which mortgage notes is thirteen thousand eight hundred (13,800) dollars, and which mortgage notes are secured upon freight grounds, shop grounds and office grounds within the city of Portland and town of Deering; and to the payment of anjr part of the principal or interest of notes amounting to twenty-six thou¬ sand seven hundred ninety-seven dollars and two cents ($26,797.02), with interest from the first day of June, A.D. 1884, issued for the purpose of obtaining funds for the con¬ struction of that portion of the railway of said company extending from Scott's Mills to the eastern line of the State of Vermont, and secured by a pledge of bonds secured by the mortgage of the first day of November, A.D. 1871, to the amount of one hundred eight thousand (108,000) dollars, and by a pledge of the net earnings coming by virtue of said ex¬ tension ; but the Receiver shall not pay any part of .the notes of either class, unless and except so far as the Receiver shall be of the opinion, that such payment may be necessary for the purpose of preventing foreclosure of said mortgages or sale of said bonds pledged as collateral as aforesaid, and that it is for the interest of all concerned to pay the same. Provided, further, that the Receiver shall pay no part of the principal or interest of said notes, issued for obtaining funds for the construction of that portion of said railway from Scott's Mills to the eastern line of the State of Ver- inont, unless said Receiver shall be satisfied that the amount to be paid is not required, and will probably not be required, 13 for any other purpose to which he is authorized to apply the same by this or any other order which has been or which may be issued in this cause. (Signed), Le Baron B. Colt, U. S. Circuit Judge. (Signed), William L. Putnam, " Charles F. Libby, Solicitors. A copy. Attest: William H. Hackett, Clerk. SCHEDULE OF CURRENT LIABILITIES. Current Liabilities of Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad Company, for Supplies and Labor at Time of Appointment of Receiver. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. CORRECT AMOUNT. NAME OF CREDITOR. NATURE OF ACCOUNT. TIME OF ACCOUNT. APRIL 1ST, 1884. George R. Kimball Carrying mails Jan., Feb., Mar., 1884 $117.00 M. E Jones Ties Aug., 1883 to Apr., 1884* 113.09 W. A. Russell Lumber December, 18S3 ' 252.06 0. P. Mattocks Wood Sept. and Oct., 1883 215.15 E. Corey A Co Iron and Steel July, 1883 to Apr.. 1884* 166.69 H. L. Davis Stationery Aug., 1883 to Apr.. 1884* 318.37 Emery, Waterliouse A Co Hardware May, 1883 to Apr., 1884* 1,075.49 Quinn A Co Repairs of Locomotive Jan.. Feb., Mar., 1884 181.45 Aug. P. Fuller A Co Oil Jan., Feb.. Mar., 1884 ..122.04 J. J. Gerrish A Co Oil, Waste, Etc May, 1883 to Apr., 1884 891.65 Portland Co Repairs on Rolling Stock May, 1883 to Apr.. 1884* 2,222.38 Rand. Avery A Co Ticket Printing Jan., Feb., Mar., 1884 84.98 Woodbury A Latham Ties February, 18S4 46.40 AVm. Mann Copy Books and Paper Jan. and Mar., 1884 57.57 Wm. M. Marks Printing Sept., 1883 to Apr., 1884 142 25 James A. Marcus A Co Oil January, 1884 165.77 E. J. Brooks A Co Car Locks and Seals January, 18S4 41.00 C H. O'Brion Coal March. 1884 41.30 Tibbetts A Hastings Wood January, 1884 21.00 Portland Publishing Co ..Advertising July, Aug. and Sept, 1883 76.93 A. A P. B. Young Ties and Posts Aug., 1883 to Apr., 1884* 49.60 E. L. Stanwood A Co Taint Jan., 1883 to Apr., 1884 130.24 Hutchins A Gordon Wood May, 1883 432.87 W. F. Phillips A Co Paint.. July, 1883 2.50 A. J. Small Advertising Feb., 1883 to July, 1883 28.00 Portland Stove Foundry Co Car Stove December, 1883 45.00 Estate of J. B. Brown Rent and Gravel April, 1884*. 917.67 Moses Bigelow & Co Varnish September, 1883 183.60 Fryeburg Water Co Water for locomotives Oct., 1883 to Apr., 1884 74.36 H. B. Cotton Wood and ties Aug., 1883 to Apr., 1884 613.32 H. M. Burt Advertising July, Aug. and Sept.. 1883 50.00 Portland Stone Ware Co Cement pipe and brick Jan., 1883 to Apr.. 1884 171.29 F. & C. B. Nash Stoves and pipe Ian., 1883 to Dec., 1883.. 37.01 Cleveland & Marston Gas fitting . Oct. and Nov., 1883 13.35 Ryan & Kelsey Rope December, 1883 18.99 •John Souther & Co Steam shovel supplies Jan. and Mar., 1881 49.75 Portland Star Match Co Ties November, 1883 31.25 Lyman Burbank Wood May, 1883 150.18 Shirley & Cousins Ties September, 1883 10.00 Westinghouse Air Brake Co Packing January, 1884 25.00 Phoenix Steel Wire Brush & Broom Co.. .Track brushes January, 1884 120.00 J. & E. R. Barbour Rubber. March, 1884 103.07 Sherburne & Co Wheels Feb. 1st, 1883 to April, 1884* 795 32 N. R. Flint Hammer handles March, 1883 7.50 S. H. & A. R. Doten Lumber Sept., 1883 to April, 1884 46.97 G. W. M. Pitman Ties Oct., Nov. and Dec., 1883 109.75 Borne Scrymser & Co Oil December. 1883 17.64 Porter & Fuller ... Advertising August, 1883..: 15.00 John Conley & Son ..Oil Dec.. 18s3 and Mar., 1S84 64.91 Pondiclierry Co Drying and pressing clothing. .March, 1883 7.00 Forest Mills Co Drying and pressing clothing. .March, 1883 16 37 Loring, Short & Co.. Stationery August, 1883 29.75 Lyman, Son & Co Tackle and fall, etc December, 1883 .44.70 Lewiston Journal Advertising Jan., 1883 and Jan., 1884 10.00 G. E. & L. P. Crockett Ties September, 1883 ..179.25 Underbill, Osborne & Co Train lamps September. 1883. 27-75 Valentine & Co Varnish Oct. and December, 1883 224.99 Alden, Lillie & Watson Waste January, 1884 84.59 Cape Elizabeth Sentinel Advertising. January. 1884 10.00 Portland Water Co Lumber November, 1883 104.31 O. M. & D. W. Nash Stoves, etc June, 1883 to Jan., 1884 216.49 ♦Running account, with payments made from time to time. Cri CORRECT AMOUNT NAME OF CREDITOR. NATURE OF ACCOUNT. TIME OF ACCOUNT. APRIL 1ST, 1884. J. W. Deering Southern pine ...Feb. and Mar., 1884 $29.82 C. M. & H. T. Plummer Repairs March, 1884 4.60 Farist Steel Co Car springs February, 1884 93.20 Eames Vacuum Brake Co Diaphragms, etc March, 1884 75.00 Granular Metal Co Car bearings March, 1884 100.97 John Gulliver Labor on buildings May, 1882 to Jan., 1883* 690.08 G. Abbott & Son Ties March, 1884 20.00 Allston Car Wheel Co Car wheels February, 1884 480.00 Joshua Silsby Plank February, 1884 198.12 James S. Libby Crib work and pile driving June, 1882 to Dec., 1883* 5,000.00 Elias Hersey Repairs to roof March, 1883 1.00 S. D. Merrill & Co Plumbing Jan., 1883 to Dec., 1883 44.81 Spencer Rogers Carpenter work April and June, 1883 123.32 Marrett, Bailey & Co Station furnishings March, 1884 49.50 Gilbert Soule Lumber September, 1883 9.94 State Publishing Co Advertising Dec., 1883 and Jan., 1884 24.25 W. H. Scott Work on gutters, etc Jan., 1884 to April, 1884 158.62 Littlefield & Wilson Planing February. 1884 6.40 Rufus Deering & Co Lumber March, 1884 49.83 John Anderson Advertising exp March, 1884 18.33 J. P. Gabrielson Locks and keys Sept. 1883 to April, 1884 8.05 Portland Evening Express Advertising Ian., Feb. and March, 1884 7.00 L. C. Cummings & Co ..Lime and cement Oct. and Nov., 1883 159.50 A. E. Stevens & Co Iron and steel Dec., 1883 to April, 1884* 199.63 Eastern Argus Advertising Sept., 1883, to Jan., 1884 57.29 Noyes Mnfg. Co Gas regulator July, 1883 30.00 Hancock Inspirator Co Repairs to inspirator February, 1884 9.50 Charles M. Gore Lubrifuge November, 1883 31.25 N. M. Perkins & Co Lead pipe August, 1883 77 Loring, Short & Harmon , Stationery Feb. and March, 1884 94.35 Wason Mnfg. Co Bell cord hangers July, 1883 7-60 L. Crockett Repairs to injector February, 1884 4.30 R. Lewis & Co Spruce sheathing August, 1883 46.25 Oriental Powder Mills Powder and fuse January,1884 4.50 A. & P. B. Young Ties — September, 1883 10.50 Portland & Rochester R. R Repair bill August, 1883, 8.76 Curtis & Soule Ice Aug.. 1883 to April, 1884 14.40 O. M. & D. W. Nash Oilcans March, 1884 5.00 Milliken's Express Carting baggage July, 1882 to Sept., 1883 31.00 Eastern Argus Advertising March, 1884 8.40 Portland Publishing Co Advertising. Dec., 1883 and Jan., 1884 27.37 W. Tolman Agent's balance March, 1884 271.94 J^. E. Henry Plank May, 1883 1.73 $19,838.79 notes payable:. DATE OF ACCOUNT FOR AMOUNT TO WHOM GIVEN. ON ACCOUNT OF. • WHICH NOTES WERE ISSUED. OF NOTES. Shepard & Morse Lumber Co Lumber October, 1883 $563.07 Estate of Tobias Lord Lumber, ties and wood May, July and Aug , 1883* 1.843.24 Rufus Deering & Co Lumber Dec. 1, 1883 to Mar., 1884* 1,562.35 J. Hobson A Sous Ties October, 1883 135.37 E. Corey Solicitors. William L. Putnam, ) A copy. Attest: (Signed) William H. Hackett, Clerk. [indorsed.] Mercantile Trust Company vs. Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad Company et als. District of New Hampshire. Final Decree. Filed May 12, 1885. William H. Hackett, Clerk of Circuit Court, U. S., District of New Hampshire. A copy. Attest: (Signed) William H. Hackett, Clerk. w i . «, ' ; J 1 ; *»• , r j. O. d.r« S" <* •