[DOC. NO. xxyni.] SECOND REPOKT FROM THE COMMITTEE ON RAIL ROAD COmECTIOAS. [Doc. No. 28.] 3 REPORT. The Committee on Rail Road Connections, to whom was re¬ committed their reporS" of the 19th of Jnne, have had the sub¬ ject-matter again under consideration; and having ascertained from the proper authorities of the Government of the Confederate States that that Government did not consider that it had the power or authority to make the proposed connections, and there¬ fore declined to undertake to do so, in view of the importance of the Avork, in their opinion, in the present emergency, have determined again to report the ordinance previously proposed by them, with certain amendments, which, they tins», will remove all previous difhculties, and which they therefore earnestly re¬ commend for the adoption of the Convention.. The committee ha^m had under farther consideration the proposition to connect the other rail roads terminating in the city of Richmond; and, although they requested the attendance be¬ fore them of the proper officers of all said companies, all save one failed to attend; and, not being able to procure any definite information as to the best mode or probable cost of making this connection, they are unable to make any further report on that subject at this time. 1'he committee, according to order, have also had under con¬ sideration a resolution submitted to them to inquire what action, if any, was necessary and proper on the part of the Convention to authorize the construction of rail roads in this State for mili¬ tary purposes by the Confederate authorities, and report that they consider it inexpedient and improper on the part of the Convention to grant any such authority, especially* as under the emergency which has arisen, and the acknowledged necessity ihr the connections proposed in a previous part of this report, the Confederate authorities disclaim any power to make any such constructions, even if such privilege were granted them. The committee therefore ask to be discharged from the further consideration of that subject. 1 ■ - ^ EDMUND T. MORRIS, On behalf of the Committee.