CLASSIFICATION OF TRAIN-MILES, LOCOMOTIVE-MILES AND CAR-MILES FOR STEAM ROADS PRESCRIBED BY THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 20 OF THE ACT TO REGULATE COMMERCE . ISSUE OP 1914 Effective on July 1, 19U WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFIC5E I9N D CLASSIFICATION OF TRAIN-MILES, LOCOMOTIVE-MILES AND CAR-MILES FOR STEAM ROADS PRESCRIBED BY THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 20 OF THE ACT TO REGULATE COMMERCE ISSUE OF 1914 Effective on July 1, 1014 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE I9I4 THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. James S. Harlan, of Illinois. JuDSON C. Clements, of Georgia. Edgar E. Clark, of Iowa. Charles C. AIcChord, of Kentucl-y. Balthasar H. Meyer, of Wisconsin. Henry C. Hall, of Colorado. Winthrop M. Daniels, of New Jersey. George B. McGinty, Secretary. 2 CONTENTS. Fsg«. Order of the Commiseion 6 Introductory letter 7 Traix-jiile Accocxts. Rulea and definitions 9 Transportation service; 801. Frei^t^train miles ID 802. Passenger-train miles 10 803. Mixed-train miles 10 804. Special-train miles 11 Work service: 805. Work-train miles 11 LoCOMOTIt E-MILE .A.CCOrXTS. Rules and definitions 12 Transportation service—Line: 811. Freight locomotive-miles 13 812. Passenger locomotive-miles 13 813. Mixed-train locomotive-miles 13 814. Special locomotive-miles 14 Transportation service—Switching; 815. Train switching locomotive-miles 14 816. Yard switching locomotive-miles 14 Work service: 817. Work service locomotive-miles 15 Car-jtile .icCOUXTS. Rules and definitions 16 Tranqiortation service: 821. Freight-train car-miles 10 822. Passenger-train car-miles 16 823. Mixed-train car-miles 17 824. Spedal-tiain car-miles 17 Work service: 825. Work service car-miles 17 ttsso*—14 3 ORDER. At a General Session of the INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, held at its office in Washington, D. C., on the 19th day of May, A. D. 1914. Tho subject of a Uniform System of Accounts to be. proscribed for and kept by carriers being under coitsideration. the following order was entered: It it ordered, That the Classification of Train-miles, Locomotive- miles, and Car-miles for Steam Roads and the text pertaining thereto, embodied in printed hum to be liereafter known as Issue of 1914, a copy of wliich is now before tliis Commission, be, and is hereby, approved; that a copy thereof duly authenticated by the Secretary of the Commission be filed in its archives, and a second copy thereof, in like maimer authenticated, in the officeof the Division of Carriers' Accounts; and that each of said copies so authenticated and filed shall be deemed an original record thereof. It is further ordered, That the said Classification with the text pertaiifing thereto be, and is hereby, prescribed for the of car¬ riers by rail (exclusive of electric railways) subject to tho provisions of the Act to Regulate Commerce as amended, in the keeping and recording of their accounts for train-miles, locomotive-miles, and car-miles; that each and every such carrier and each and every receiver or operating trustee of any such carrier bo required to keep all said accounts in conformity therewith: and that a copy of the said issue be sent to each and every such carrier and to each and ever}' receiver or operating trustee of any such carrier. It is further ordered. That in order to avoid destroying the basis of comparison with previous years, any such carrier or any receiver or operating trustee of any such carrier may, during the twelve months ending June 30, 1915, keep and maintain, in addition to the said accounts hereby prescribed, such portion or portions of its present mileage accounts as may be deemed desiralde by any such carrier or by any receiver or operating trustee thereof, for the. purpose of such comparison; or, during the same period, may maintain such group¬ ings of the accounts hereby prescribed as may be desired for that purpose. It is further ordered, That, unless otherwise ordered, any such car¬ rier or any receiver or operating trustee of any such carrier may keep any temporary or experimental mileage accounts the purpose 5 6 ORDEE. of which shall be to develop the efficiency of operations: Provided, however, That such temporary or experimental accounts shall not impair the integrity of any general or primary account hereby prescribed. li is further ordered, That July 1, 1914, be, and is hereby, fixed as the dale on which the said issue of the Classification of Train-miles, Locomotive-miles, and Car-miles shall become effective. By the Commission. [seal.] George B. McGinty, Secretary. INTRODUCTORY LETTER. Interstate Commerce Commission, Division of Carriers' Accounts, Washington, May 19, 1914- To Accounting Officers of Steam Railways; This Classification of Train-miles, Locomotive-miles, and Car-miles supersedes the Classification of Locomotive-miles, Car-miles, and Train-miles, First Issue, effective July 1, 1907. The rules and definitions in this classification have been consider¬ ably amplified for the purpose of securing more uniform accounting, and the importance of requiring all employees who are assigned to work in connection with accounting for such statistics to familiarize themselves thorouglily with these rules and definitions is called to the attention of accounting officers. It is provided that the miles of trains which are operated between terminals or stations to transport companj'freight shaU be included as transportation service miles whenever statistics of ton-miles are kept. In this classification have been included a number of accounting provisions which were contained in accounting cases in Accounting Bulletin Xo. 8. It will be the purpose in the next authoritative issue of accounting cases to exclude therefrom those cases which are now covered by the rules of this classification. In the preparation of the revision of the accounting rules contained in this and other classifications for steam roads, which are concur¬ rently issued, the Commission has had the cooperation of a subcom¬ mittee of the Standing Committee on Corporate, Fiscal, and General Accounts of the Association of American Railway Accounting Officers. In aU essential features the classification, as here issued, meets with the approval of the special committee of the American Railway Association, by which it has recently been reviewed. Fred W. Swenet, Chief Examiner of Accounts. 7 TEXT PERTAINING TO TRAIN-MILE ACCOUNTS. RULES AND DEFINITIONS. 1. A train is a unit of equipment, or a combination of units of equipment (exclusive of light locomotives), in condition for movement over tracks by self-contained motor equipment. A locomotive ia a self-propelled unit of equipment designed solely for moving other equipment. A light locomotive is a locomotive in condition for move¬ ment by its own motor equipment, uncoupled to cars, work equipment, or dead loco¬ motives. A motor car Ls a self-propelled unit of equipment designed to carry freight or passenger traffic, and is not to be considered a locomotive. 2. A train-mile is the movement of a train a distance of 1 mile. 3. In computing train-miles, fractions representing less than one-half mile shall be di-sretardod and other fractions considered as 1 mile. 4. Transportation service train-miles shall be based on the actual distance run between terminals and stations, and rhall be computed from the official time-tables or distance tables. 5. Work service train-miles shall be based on the actual distance run between terminals. WTien work trains are run between terminals and not ordered to work at some specified point or within specified working limits, the actual miles run shall be allowed to them, the same as to any other class of trains. When ordered to run to a certain point to work at that point or within specified working limits, tho actual miles made while under running orders shall Ire allowed, and in addition an arbitrary mileage of 6 miles per hour for the time working at the point or within the working limits named. In computing such arbitrary mileage, fractions representing less than one-half hour shall be disregarded and other fractions considered as one hour. Con¬ structive miles on the basis of 6 miles per hour shall be allowed trains run for the pur¬ pose of removing snow when the actual miles of such trains are less than the construc¬ tive miles. No record is required of work-train miles on new roads, road extensions, or portions of such roads or extensions, before the commencement of the regular operation of revenue service trains. 6. Each train and each section of a train run by a separate train crew shall be con¬ sidered a separate train, whether hauled by one or more locomotives either tho whole distance or a part of the distance between the train terminals. There shall be nothing added to this distance to cover running of locomotives from enginehousea to terminals, doubling hills, running for water, switching, or other work at way sta¬ tions, or for the service of helper or pusher locomotives or of extra locomotives on double-head or triple-head trains. 7. VSTien the carrier's trains, hauled by its locomotives and handled by its crews, are detoured over foreign roads, the miles shall be computed on the basis of the miles actually run, and classified by it in ils train-miles in accordance with the service performed. 8. Separate accounts of train-miles .shall be kept for trains hauled by locomotives and for trains moved by motor cars. 9 10 TBAIN-MILE ACCOUNTS. TEANSPOETATIOIT SERVICE. This account shall include the miles oí all revenue service trains, including trains which incidentally carry employees or company freight. It «hnll also include the miles of trains which are operated between terminals or stations to transport company freight, when the service is similar to that connected with the transportation of commercial freight and statistics of ton-miles are kept. The trains here referred to are those the locomotive and train expenses of operating which are includible in the locomotive and train expense accounts in general account Transportation—Rail line. 801. FREIGHT-TRAIN MILES. This account shall include mües run by all traiirs between terminals or sta¬ tions for the transportation of revenue and company freight, when statistics of ton-miles are kept for the freight thus transported; also miles run hy trains con¬ sisting of empty freight cars, and by trains consisting of a locomotive and caboose running light in connection \vith such service. Trains which regularly contain no passenger service equipment, but upon which passengers are transported in cabooses, or which contain occasionally a car devoted to passenger traffic, shall he classed as freight trains, as shall also trains temporarily using a passenger car in place of a caboose. Freight-train miles shall be subdivided as follows: Ordinary freioht-train miles.—Miles run hy. trains consisting of a loco¬ motive, ivith or without caboose, with other equipment. Light freight-train miles.—^MUes run by trains consisting of a locomotive !.;id caboose, running light in connection with freight-train service. Note.—Miles run by trains regularly for the transportation of freist, wMch trains also regularly contain one or more cars devoted exclusively to passenger traffic, shall be classed as mixed-train miles. 802. PASSENGER-TKAIN MILES. This account shall include miles run by revenue service trains to transport passengers, baggage, mail, milk, express, or any combination of these; also miles run by trains consisting of deadhead passenger equipment. When one or more cars other than regular passenger-train cars are hauled incidentally in a passenger train, the miles run by that train shall be considered as passenger-train miles. Note A.—Miles run by trains regularly for the transportation of passenger traffic,'which trains also regularly contain one or more cars devoted exclusively to freight traffic, shall be classed as mixed- train miles. Note D.—This account does not apply to trains run for the transportation of mal) or Tni}v upon the hasis of authorized tariffs at rates based upon weight. The miles of such trains shall be classed as freight-train miles. 803. MIXED-TRAIN MILES. This account shall include miles run by trains containing both freight-train cars moved in connection with freight traffic, and passenger-train cars moved in con¬ nection with passenger traffic. Note A.—The incidental omission of either freight or passenger cars from a regularly scheduled mixed train Rhall not change its class as a mixed train. Note B.—The miles of freight trains which only incidentally contain a car devoted to passenger- train transportation service shall be classed as freight-train miles, and the miles of passenger trains which only incidentally contain cars moved in connection with freight transportation shall be classed as passenger-train miles. TBAIN-MILE ACCOUNTS. 11 804. SPECIAL-TRAIN MILES. This account shall include miles run by revenue service trains which nre paid for either on the basis of a rate per train-mile or a lump sum for the train; such as circus and theatrical trains run under contracts calling for payment of specified amounts for transportation between designated stations, and chartered trains for the Federal or State Government carrying troops, munitions of war, camp outfits, etc. In case freight-train cars or passonger-train cars are used to complete a special trabi, the mileage made by that train shall still be considered as special-train miles. WOEK SEEVICE. 805. WORK-TRAIN MILES. This account shall include miles run by trains engaged in company service, such as official, inspection, and pay trains; inspection trains for railway commis¬ sioners for which no revenue is received ; trains ninning special with fire apparatus to save the carrier's property from destruction; trains run for transporting the carrier's employees to and from work when no transportation charge is made; wrecking trains; trains run for the purpose of ditching, filling embankments, and widening cuts; trains run for the purpose of removing snow; trains dis¬ tributing tics, rails, other track material, ballast, bridge material, and other material and supplies for maintenance or for additions and betterments; trainfl run for picking up and concentrating such material; and trains run for distribut¬ ing material and supplies for use in connection with operation. Note a.—The milee of trains running between terminals or stations tor the transportation of com¬ pany freight of which a record of ton-mües is kept, shall be included as freight-train miles or miaeJ- train miles, as may be appropriate. The expenses of operating such trains shall be included la the locomotive and train expense accounts in general account Transportation—Rail line. Note B.—The accounting for expenses of work-train service shall be in accordance with section i (c) of tiie general instructions of the classification of investment in road and equipment; section 3 (c) of the special instructions of the classification of operating expenses; or the texts of the several superintendence and general expense accounts in Operating Expenses, as may be appropriate. Note C.—No record isreriuired of the miles of construction trains on new roads or road exten¬ sions, or on portions of such roads or extensions, before the commencement of the regular operation of revenue service trains. TEXT PERTAINING TO LOCOMOTIYE-MILE ACCOUNTS. RULES AÎÎD DEFINITIONS. 1. A locomotive Í3 a self-propelled unit of equipment designed solely for moving other equipment. A locomotive-mile is a movement of a locomotive a distance of 1 mile, under its own power. 2. In computing locomotive-miles fractions representing less than one-half mile shall be disregarded, and other fractions considered as 1 mile, 3. All locomotive-miles made in hauling transportation service trains shall be based upon the actual distance run between terminals or stations, and shall be com¬ puted from the olBcial time-tables or distance tables as prescribed for train-miles. 4. Light-locomotive miles shall be based on the actual distance locomotives run, except that no liglit-locomoii\'e miles shall be allowed for terminal sendee where the distance in one direction is less than one-half mile. 5. Miles of locomotives in helper service shall be computed on the basis of actual distance run in such service. G. Train switching locomotive-miles shall be computed at the rate of G miles per hour for the time actually engaged in such service. In computing such arbitrary mileage fractions representing less than one-half hour shall be disregarded and other fractions considered as one hour. 7. Yard switching locomotive-miles shall be computed at the rate of 6 miles per hour for the time actually engaged in such service. In computing yard switching locomotive-miles, fractions representing less than one-half hour shall be disregarded, and other fractions considered as one hour. 8. Work-train locomotive-miles shall be computed according to the rules prescribed for work-train miles. Miles of work locomotives employed in switching at shops for shop purposes, spotting cars in gravel pits, working with pile drivers, etc., shall be computed upon the basis of 6 miles per hour for the actual time in the service. In computing the time engaged fractions representing less than one-half hour shall be disregarded and other fractions considered one hour. 9. The miles of new or generally repaired locomotives running light in breaking-in service shall not be included in the locomotive-mile accounts. 10. No record is required of the miles of locomotives in construction service on new roads or road extensions, or on portions of such roads or extensions, before the com¬ mencement of the regular operation of revenue service trains. 11. A «eparate record shall be kept for miles of steam locomotives and for miles of other locomotives. 12. Miles of motor cars shall not be classed as locomotive-miles. 12 LOCOMOTIVE-MILE ACCOUNTS. 13 TKAirSPOETATIOW SEEVICE—LIITE. This account shall include the miles run by locomotives moving transportation service trains, and also miles run light in connection with such service. 811. FREIGHT LOCOMOTIVE-MILES. This account shall include miles run by locomotives in freight-train service. Such miles shall be subdivided as follows; Principal freight locomottve-miles.—Miles run by locomotives principal to the train, between terminals or stations, with freight trains; also miles run by locomotives between terminals or stations, with cabooses, going to or returning from such service; and miles run in hauling the second cut of freight trains doubled over grades. Helper freight locomotive-miles.—Miles run by locomotives as helpers over the division or that portion covered by the run, or on important grades, including double-headers, triple-headers, and pushers, regardless of whether on the head end, in the middle, or on the rear of the train. Light freight locomotive-miles.—Miles run by locomotives light between terminals or stations in connection with freight-train service on account of unbalanced traffic; miles run light for hauling second cuts of trains doubled; miles run light between freight trains and next coaling station or water tank for coal or water; miles run light to pick up or assist freight trains between termi¬ nals; miles run light by grade helpers in returning from assisting freight trains as pushers or double-headers; and miles run light by locomotives coming from or going to enginehouses or turntables from freight-train service. Note.—No milas shall be allowed for light movements at terminals if the distance between engine, houses or turntables and freight-train terminals is less than one-half mile. 812. PASSENGER LOCOMOTIVE-MILES. This account shall include miles run by locomotives in passenger-train service. Such miles shall be subdivided as follows; PniNtupAL PASSENGER LOCOMOTIVE-MILES.—Miles ruu by locomotives princi¬ pal to the train between terminals or stations, with passenger trains. Helper passenger locdmotive-miles.—Miles run by locomotives as helpers over the division, or that portion covered by the run, or on important grades. Light passenger locomotive-miles.—Miles run by locomotives light be¬ tween terminals or stations on account of unbalanced traffic, in connection with paaeenger-train service; miles run light between passenger trains and next coal¬ ing station or water tank for coal or water; mües run light to pick up or assist a passenger train between terminals; miles run light by grade helpers in returning from assisting passenger trains as pushers or double-headers; and miles run light by locomotives coming from or going to enginehouses or turntables from passenger- train service. Note.—No miles shall be allowed for light movemeuts at terminals if the distance between englno- booaee or tumtableo and passenger-train terminals is Ices than one-half mile. 813. MIXED-TRAIN LOCOMOTIVE-MILES. This account shall include miles run by locomotives in mixed-train service. Such miles shall be subdivided as follows: Principal mixed locomotive-miles.—Miles run by locomotives principal to the train between terminals or stations, with mixed trains. Helper mixed locomottve-miles.—Miles run by locomotives as helpers over the division, or that portion covered by the run, or on important grades. Light mixed locomotivb-miles.—Miles run by locomotives light between terminals or stations on account of unbalanced traffic, in connection with mixed- train service; miles run Ug^t between mixed trains and next coaling station or 14 LOCOMOTIVE-MILE ACCOUNTS. water tank for coal or water; miles run light to pick up or assist a mixed train between terminals; miles run light by gi-ade helpers in returning from assisting mixed trains as pushers or double-headers; and miles run light by locomotives coming from or going to enginehouses or turntables from mixed-train service. Note.—No miles shall be allowed tor light movements atterminalsif the distance between engine- houses or turntables and mLxed-train terminals is less than one-half mile. 811. SPECIAL LOCOMOTIVE-MILES, This account shall include the actual miles run by locomotives in special-train sertdce. This account shall be subdhdded as follows: Principal special locomotive-miles.—Miles run by locomotives principal to the train between terminals or stations, with special trains. Helper special locomotive-miles.—Miles run by locomotives as helpers over the division, or that portion covered by the run, or on important grades. Light special locomotive-miles.—Miles run by locomotives light between terminals or stations on account of unbalanced traíBc, in connection with special- train service; miles run light between special trains and next coaling station or water tank for coal or water; miles run light to pick up or assist a special train between terminals; miles run light by grade helpers in returning from assisting special trains as pushers or double-headers; and miles run light by locomotives coming from or going to enginehouses or turntables from special-train servdce. Note.—No miles shall be allowed for light movemenls at terminals if the distance between engine- houses or turntables and special-train terminals is less than one-half mile. TlLâJiSPOETATIOM" SEEVICE—SWITCHING. 815. TRAIN SWITCHING LOCOMOTIVE-MILES. This account shall include miles allowed train locomotives for performing switching service at terminals and way stations. 816. YARD SWITCHING LOCOMOTIVE-MILES. This account shall include miles allowed yard locomotives while switching in yards where regular switching service is maintained; also miles of switching locomotives running light between terminals and yards where regular switching service is maintained in connection with switching service in such yards. This account shall be subdivided as follows: Yard switching locomotive-miles—Freight.—Miles allowed yard loco¬ motives in yards where regular switching service is maintained and in terminal switching and transfer service while engaged in switching cars in connection with the transportation of revenue freight; also miles allowed locomotives in such service while engaged incidentally in switching cars in connection with the transportation of company freight. Yard switching locomotive-miles—Passenger.—Miles allowed yard loco¬ motives while switching cars in connection with passenger-train service. Note—Where yurd switching is performed for both freight and passenger ser\dce by the same locomotive, or by locomotives assigned to one yard, a fair approximation of the mileage may be assigned to each service daily or monthly. WOEK SEEVICE. 817. WORK SERVICE LOCOMOTIVE-MILES. This account shall include the actual miles run by locomotives in work-train service as defined in the classification of work-train miles; also miles of locomo¬ tives engaged solely in shop or material yard switching service. Note A.—Miles ran by locomotives while engaged incidentally (in connection with regular yard switching sendee) in switching company material in company shop or material yards, or in switch¬ ing equipment for repairs between yards and shops, shall be included in account "Yard switching locomotivc-miles. " Note B.—Miles run by locomotives engaged in shop and material yard switching service, if oper¬ ated by shop employees, shall not be included in this account. TEXT PERTAINING TO CAR-MILE ACCOUNTS. KUIiES AND DEFINITIONS. 1. A car-mile is a movement of a unit of car equipment a distance of 1 mile. 2. In computing car-miles, fractions representing leas than one-half mile shall be disregarded, and other fractions considered as 1 mile. 3. Separate accoiints of car-mUee shall be kept for the cars in trains hauled by loco¬ motives and for the cars in traina moved by motor cars. The record of car-miles in trains moved by motor cars shall show separately the miles for motor cars and for cars not thus equipped. TRAHSPOETATIOF SERVICE. 821. FREIGHT-TRAIN CAR-MILES. This account shall include the actual miles run by freight and caboose cars in freight trains, or incidentally in passenger trains. Such car-miles shall be sub¬ divided as follows; Loaded (run by loaded freight cars). Empty (run by empty freight cars). Caboose (run by caboose cars). 822. PASSENGER-TRAIN CAR-MILES. This account shall include the actual miles run by passenger-train cars in passenger trains and miles run by such cars incidentally in freight trains This account shall include the miles of loaded cars and also of empty cars deadheaded in connection with the service, and shall be subdivided as follows: Passenger cars.—Miles run by all passenger cars, including combination passenger and ba^^ige, passenger and mail, and passenger and express, chair cars, club cars, and other cars in which passengers are carried at regular tariff fares without extra charge for space occupied. Sleeping, parlor, and observation cars.—Miles run by sleeping, parlor, observation, and other cars for which an extra fare is charged, directly or in¬ directly, for space occupied. Dining cars.—Miles run by all dining, café, and other cars devoted exclusively to the serving of meals or other refreshments. Otrer passenger-train cars.—Miles run by all baggage, combination bag¬ gage and express, and combinations of baggage, mail, postal, and express cars, and by all mail, postal, milk, express, and business cars. (This class includes no cars intended for the transportation of passengers.) 15 16 CAB-MILE ACCOUNTS. 823. MIXED-TRAIN CAR-MILES. This account shall include the actual miles run by cars in mi.ved trains, as defined in the classification of train-miles. This account shall be subdivided as follows: Freight cars—Loaded. Freight cars—Empty. Caboose cars. Passenger cars. Sleeping, parlor, and observation cars. Dining cars. Other passenger-train cars. 824. SPECIAL-TRAIN CAR-MILES. This account shall include miles run by cars in special trains, as defined in the classification of train-miles. This account shall be subdivided as follows: Freight cars—Loaded. Freight cars—Empty. Caboose cars. Passenger cars. Sleeping, parlor, and observation cars. Dining cars. Other passenger-train cars. WORK SERVICE. 825. WORK SERVICE CAR-MILES. This account shall include miles run by oars in work trains, except by equip¬ ment which is designed exclusively for work service, such as snow plows, flangers, derricks, pile drivers, wrecking cranes, tool cars, and camp outfits. ( For definition of work train see account No. 805.) O