SPECIAL REPORT of Railroad Commissioner John W. Thomas. To His Excellency, James 0. Davidson, Governor of Wisconsin. Sir;—Since my report submitted to your predecessor, De¬ cember 2d, 1905, of the investigation made by this department with a view to ascertaining the correctness of the reports of gross earnings made to the State Treasurer by the several railway companies operating in Wisconsin which were used as a basis for taxation, this department has extended the investi¬ gation to cover the years 1894, 1895 and 1896 on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, the Chicago & Northwestern, and the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha. We were unable to find any vouchers or records for this period on the remainder of the roads operating in Wisconsin on which discriminations and other irregularities had been heretofore reported. On the C., .M. & St. P. Ry. for the years 1891,1895 and 1896, there has been found in the form of commissions, relief vouchers issued to agents or refunds to shippers, wrong¬ fully deducted from gross earnings, the sum of Car mileage, credit balance not reported Switching charges collected, not reported Rentals of tracks and terminals, not reported $126,315 13 66,991 .36 281,058 37 210,956 44 Total $1,015,351 30 Od the C, & N. W. Ry. for the years 189), 1895 and 1896, there has been found in the form of relief vouchers issued to agents or refunds to shippers, the sum of 8'113, 591 96 Car mileage, credit balance not reported 1,12'B 31 Switching charges collected, not reported * Rentals of tracks and terminals, not reported * Total 8218,015 30 On the 0., St. P., M, & O. Ry. for the years 1891, 1895 and 1896, there has been found in the form of commissions or refunds to shippers, wrongfully deducted from gross earnings the sum of " ... 369,362 18 Car mileage, credit balance not reported 22, 110 62 Switching charges collected, not reported 16,909 13 Rentals of tracks aud terminals, not reported 18,921 73 Total 8156,337 26 Total on the three before mentioned companies 81,119,703 86 Total amount reported to your predecessor on December 2d, 1905 10,828,138 62 Making a grand total of 812,218,14-2 48 This amount at 1 per cent, would make a tax of 489,925 70 * Was uQable to get any records of the same. This completes the work on the large roads for the period from 1903 back to 1894, inclusive. Back of 1894, we find the records and vouchers have practically ail been destroyed and reliable statistics are not available. We believe tiiat tlie work would be so unsatisfactory tiiat the expense of making the investiga¬ tion would be unwarranted. The investigation of the passenger refunds on the several roads above reported has not been completed. When it has been, a full and concise report will be made to you as provided in chapter 431, laws of 1903. In the report to Governor LaFollette, dated March 23, 1905, attention was called to the fact that one of the large roads in this state had paid a large amount in commissions which had been deducted from gross earnings before tliis road made its report to the stockholders, but before reporting to the state treasurer, these commissions had been replaced in the gross earnings and taxes paid on the same. From this fact it would appear that these commissions must liave been illegal under the laws of the state of Wisconsin and must have been paid in the form of discriminations between shippers. The extent of such discriminations has neyer been inquired into and the de¬ partment is ready, if you think pro])er, to take up this work for any year advisal)le with a view of ascertaining the extent of the practice of covering up discriminations in the form of commissions. This department is now engaged in making an investigation as to tlie extent of discriminations made between shippers in violation of the laws of the state for the year 1905, and will report the facts as soon as ascertained. RECAPITULATION. AMOUNTS WRONGFULLY DEDUCTED FRO.M GROSS EARNINGS BEFORE REPORTED FOR TAXES. Commissions and repayments to shipp^rs Commissions and repayments on passenger traffic Expense of operating hotels Expense of operating sleeping cars By refunds to skippers from Kansas City and Omaha to Chicago, on freight which never entered the state and no part of which was credited to the state AMOUNTS NOT REPORTED FOR TAXES THAT ARE A PART OF GROSS EARNINGS. Car mileage,—Credit balance 31,070,856 11 Switching charges collected 2,314,309 02 Storage, demurrage and miscellaneous 165,304 09 Rentals of tracks and terminals 905,684 48 Total $12,248,142 48 Respectfully submitted, JOHN W, THOMAS, Railroad Commissioner. Madison, Wisconsin, July 6, 1906. 36,856,988 75 872,661 70 1,600 96 13,728 91 47,008 46