documents room JPIO 001D nCD 00WO-0CPM0WTJ 000QJP 0MOITS 0 0 [F EE W § CE A [P 0 AS WPA JXCHNICAL SERI ES Public Activities Circular No. 21 Education Circular No. 7 Jj£DERAL WORKS AGENCY ^QRK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Division of Community Service Programs Washington, D. C. A29SI * August lu, 19^1 A2981 FOBEWORD This circular provides a suggested operating technique for the establishment and operation of Child Development Group Units in Defense Areas in connection vdth the Family Life Education Program, Local conditions and special requirements may necessitate minor changes, but in general, procedure should be in accordance with the outline herein presented, ITothing in this circular is to be construed as affecting or modifying in any way administrative procedures of the Work Projects Administration, Howard 0, Hunter Commissioner of Work Projects A2981 Education Circular No, 7 Sections 1, 2 CHILD DEVELOPMENT GROUP UNITS IN DEFENSE AREAS Section 1, General A supplementary educational activity is suggested to provide for the educational care of young children in areas where dislocated populations are concentrated because of defense preparations and where educational facilities are not available for young children. These activities shall be designated as Child Development Group Units in Defense Areas and shall operate as a supplement to the present Nursery School Program under the same plan of sponsorship, though the present Nursery School Program should not be curtailed to provide Child Development Group Units, It must be understood that Child Development Group Units are a temporary emergency service. Child Development Group Units may be organized (l) in areas adjacent to army camps, naval bases, aviation fields, and in any other area whore families of enlisted men are concentrated; and (2) in areas where industrial workers are at work on some specific project directly related to defense preparations. Being part of the Education Program, Child Development Group Units shall be sponsored in accordance with the regulations governing sponsorship of all other Education Program activities. Section 2, Objectives Child Development Group Units shall be operated as a supplement to the WPA nursery schools, for the following purposes: A, To provide for the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of young children in areas where dislocations of population have occurred because of defense preparations, B, To assist parents in recognizing and meeting the nutritional, physical, educational, and social needs of young children of enlisted men and industrial workers in areas where defense preparations axe going on and where such assis¬ tance is not otherwise available, C» To contribute to total national defense by providing protection for young children of enlisted men and industrial workers in defense industries during a period of family stress and by insuring to them the opportunity for experiences in x^hich democratic ways of living can be learned. A2981 Education Circular No. 7 Sections 3, 4 Section 3. Supervision As a supplement to nursery schools, Child Development Group Units Shall "bo supervised in the same manner and by the same person as the nursery schools. When the number of Child Development Group Units in any given State makes it necessary to provide an assistant for the State supervisor of nursery schools, such an assistant should present the same qualifications as those required for other assistants to the State supervisor of nursery schools in accordance with section 23, "Education Projects •— Educa¬ tional Supervision and Personnel Requirements," of Operating Procedure No, G—5. Section 4. Pro.iect Personnel All project personnel, except volunteer assistants and assistants furnished by the National Youth Administration, shall be assigned in accordance with the provisions of Operating Procedure No, 9. The same care should bo observed in selecting workers for the Child Development Group Units in Defense Areas as for the nursery schools, A. Staff There should be the equivalent of one teacher or assistant for every 10 children enrolled, with a minimum of one teacher for each group. Where the staff includes two or more teachers, one teacher should be designated as in charge of the group. The teacher in charge of the group should be pro¬ vided by the Work Projects Administration. Provision should bo for cooking to be done, for health care to be given, for janitorial services, and for assis¬ tance to the teacher, and so far as possible this should be supplied through local_contribution — either by volunteer service or by contributing funds, B. Qualifications of Teachers Persons assigned as teachers should present the qualifications set forth for "Teacher (Nursery School Education)" in accor¬ dance with the provisions of Appendix A of Operating Procedure No. E-9. C. Qualifications of Assistants Assistants shall be selected from persons volunteering their services for this purpose and from those offered by the National Youth Administration. So far as possible it is desirable that the volunteer assistants should be parents of children enrolled in the Child Develop¬ ment Group Units. Preference shall be given to persons who have had training and/or experience in working with young children either in the field of educa¬ tion, social work, or public health. Persons selected should give evidence of good physical health, NYA helpers, both boys and girls, may be used in the Child Development Group Units under the same conditions as those pertaining to nursery schools. (See Technical Scries, Education Circular No, 3, "Scope and Activities of the Nursery School Program," section 5.) A2981 Education Circular No. 7 Section 4 Page 2 D. Training In-service training shall he provided, and assistants as well as teachers shall he expected to avail themselves of all training oppor¬ tunities. There should he an understanding to this effect with persons volun¬ teering to servo as assistants before final selection is made. Training pro¬ vided will vary from State to State and probably from place to place and should bo worked out through a study of the particular needs cf the members of the staff and available local facilities. In-service training of workers in Child Development Group Units is the direct responsibility of the State technical supervisor of nursery schools, but it should be planned in cooperation with established educational institutions and any services available from those or other agencies should be utilized to provide as rich a training as possible. In cere 5—year-old children are enrolled in the Child Development Group Units special attention should be given in training to provide for the needs of that age level. A2981 Education Circular No, ? Section 5 Section 5, Physical Facilities and Materials Provision shall ha made for physical facilities, food, and similar items as follows: A, Housing Child Development Group Units shall be housed in buildings which are publicly owned or which have been leased by or officially loaned to the sponsoring agency* Under these conditions they may be housed in privately owned buildings if these are provided with adequate facilities, with the under¬ standing that the program is at all times under the control and supervision of the sponsoring agency. All buildings used for Child Development Group Units shall be inspected and certified as safe by the WPA Safety Division and all necessary fire precautions shall be taken. Pood Food shall be provided in sufficient amounts to insure adequate diet for all children. Menus shall be prepared under the direction of the State technical supervisor, checked by her, and approved by a competent nutritionist. Surplus commodities may be used when the children enrolled are eligible for receiving such commodities. It is expected that as high a percentage of the food costs as possible will be provided through local contribution, C, Sponsor's Contribution Sponsor's contribution shall include space, heat, light, janitorial service, health service, some assistance to the teacher, fuel for cooking, play equipment and other equipment needed, provision for laundering of bedding, towels, and wash cloths, and such other services as may be needed, D« Fees Fees may be charged in accordance with the ability of the various families to pay. It is pointed out that a sliding scale of fees provides for varying income levels. The amount of the fees to bo charged shall be determined by the sponsor, the Work Projects Administration, and a recognized social service agency and shall be in accordance with fees charged for normal services of similar nature carried on by other agencies in the State, All fees shall be collected and disbursed by the sponsoring agency or by the person or agency designated by the sponsor to represent him in performing this function. All fees collected shall be used for carrying on the project. In setting foes, care should be taken that the policy established is in accord, with and in no way conflicts with that of any local or State social service agency. A2981 Education Circular No. 7 Section 6, rage 1 Section 6. Pro.iect Operation The following regulations and require¬ ments shall govern the operation of tho Child Development Groups Units in De¬ fense Areas: A. Enrollment Children from the families of enlisted men actively engaged in defense activities and living in concentrated areas, or from tho families of industrial workers concentrated for tho express purpose cf work on some specific project directly rela-ted to defense operations arc eligible for enrollment in Child Development Group Units provided no other similar provision in the community is available for their care. Children normally eligible for enrollment in UP A nursery schools, as specified in Technical Series, Education Circular No. 3,* may also bo enrolled in Child Development Group Units if living in the immediate vicinity. These groups, like nursery schools, shall be estab¬ lished only when there is an assured enrollment of not less than 25 children; no group shall continue to operate when the average daily attendance falls below 20 for a period of 30 consecutive days except in cases in which such decrease in attendance is caused by protracted epidemic illness in the community. The selection of children not in defense areas shall be determined by the sponsor, Work Projects Administration, and some recognised social service agency, or by some agency or group agreed upon by the above-mentioned groups to represent them in this respect. B. Age Range Child Development Group Units, like the nursery schools, are designed for the age range 2 to 4 years inclusive. They may include 5-year- old children (a) when and if there has been no provision for 5-year-olds made by the regular public school system serving the area within the 12 months prior to the concentration of population giving rise to the need for a Child Develop¬ ment Group Units; (b) when and if there is no provision made by the regular public school system which can include children in the concentrated area. At no time should the number of 5—year—old children enrolled exceed 50 percent of the total enrollment. C. Length of Dav Child Development Group Units shall operate on an all-day schedule. The day should bo not loss than 6 hours, and should include morning play, noonday meal, and afternoon rest. The hours may be extended to meet local needs. D» Health Care Health care shall be the same as that required for nursery schools. It shall include provision for physical examination, vaccina^- tion ana immunization, and such daily health inspection as is necessary to detect symptoms of illness endangering either tho child's own health or that of others. E, Standards of Operation It is recognized that there will bo variation in standards of operation among Child Development Group Units. Nevertheless, they should be maintained only where tho minimum conditions of plant equipment and playground, safety, and staff services are met at the beginning of the program and where there is indisputable evidence of continuous effort toward improvement. * Technical Series, Education Circular No. 3, "Scope and A-ctivities of the Nursery School Program." 12981 Education Circular No, 7 Section 6, Page 2 P. Parent. Education Parent education shall "be considered as integral a part of every Child Development Group Unit as is the case in nursery schools.