PREFACE During the past five years relief in most states has been aoministered in part unoer the poor relief laws ano in part unoer emergency re¬ lief legislation. The rapio increase in legisla¬ tion of the latter type ano in the amount of funds 0 is8urseo through emergency agencies has given this emergency legislation a temporary importance which has tenoeo to overshadow the poor laws 0|- gesteo in this report. However, the poor relief laws here summarizeo are those upon which the states woulo have to rely if their provis ions for emergency relief were dis¬ continued and no steps were taken to enact fur¬ ther legislation in the general relief field. be¬ cause some states st ill retain the ir emergency re¬ lief systems the laws here oigesteo do not always provide a complete picture of the legislative ba¬ sis for relief to the resioual load (i.e., the re¬ lief loao not a ided bycategorical assistance aid to depenoent ch i lore n , bl i no assistance, old age assistance and veteran relief). Until 1931 the only provisions in the states for the care of the resioual rel ief load were con¬ tained in the poor laws. These laws often with relatively little change have been on the statute books of some of the states since colonial oays. In a few states the poor laws have been revised more nearly to meet present day needs. With the depression came emergency or unem¬ ployment relief. The practical effect of the en¬ actment of emergency legislation was to render the poor laws inoperative in a great many juris¬ dictions. The burden of unemployment was too great a loao to be adequately carried by local units operating under provisions of the poor laws. Moreover, it was undesirable to classify as pau¬ pers large numbers of people who neeoeo public charity through no fault of their own. the emergency relief legislation in most states is theoretically separate a no 0 i st i nct from the system of poor relief; ano the poor laws are still legally in effect. however, the present perioo is one of transition; some states have re¬ tained the emergency aspects of their program while others have mergeo their emergency organi¬ zations into permanent agencies, ano still others have reverteo to their older poor relief systems upon the liquidation of their emergency relief administrations. beca use of this transitory stage the digesting of these state poor laws has been exceedingly difficult. Local responsibility has always been a char¬ acteristic of the poor law. ithas been estimated that there are between thirteen and fourteen thou¬ sand administrative units responsible for grant¬ ing poor relief in the united States , a no the num¬ ber of persons engaged in this administration of course greatly exceeos the number of units. the administration of these laws is only a part-time function for a vast majority of these officials, who vary in type from local overseers of the poor and county commissi oners totra i n£0 social workers employed by county ano state welfare boaros. That only 7 states participate financially is further evidence that the ioea of local responsibility is firmly im8e00e0 in our poor relief system. in the presentation of the material, the cap¬ tions use 0 are for the most part self-explanatory. The column "Effect on Status" has been incluoeo to inoicate what, if any, rights of citizenship are affecteo by the receiving of poor relief. Under "Financial Provis ions" the column "Political Unit Financing Relief" shows what political unit is initially responsible for financing the relief granted. The column "Provis ions for Reimbursement" i nd icates towhat extent the unit with initial re¬ sponsibility may be reimbursed by another unit legally responsible. ThE third suboi v isi on "source of Funds" shows the unit and the source utilizeo by that unit to finance the relief granted. In making this o igest the compilers have fol¬ lowed as closely as possible the terminology useo in the particular statutes analyzed. Thisplan is followed because any attempt to gain uniformity woulo materially increase the possibility of error in interpretation. Prepared by Robert C. Lowe and Staff Legal Research Section Unoer the Supervision of a. Ross Eckler, Coordinator of Special Inquiries Division of Social Research Z) 1 j A State and Citat ion nature of Law Social Conditions Citizenship '■ r rocedure for Determining eligibility Type Of Relief work Requirement Effect on Status Administration Financial Provisions Acquisition L08S removal Direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibili ty political Unit Financing Relief Provisions For Reimbursement source of FUNDS ALABAMA Const.Sec.88;Code (l 928 ),Secs .2787— 2806(44),2033; code (1928 Supp. ),sec. 2806(31 ),6755s General Act6 (1932), p.273; general Acts (1935), NO. 332. Mandatory Poor persons unable to maintain themselves; relatives of sufficient ability liable for sup¬ port; idiot or insane person having no estate or person willing to become his guardian; per80n8 bringing others into state who are like¬ ly to become public charges, must post bono for support of such person; estate of pauper liable for amount of aid granted. for commitment to county home Pauper without sufficient means of support who by reason of sickness, infirmity, decrep1tude, old age, drunkenness, pregnancy or other cause is likely to become a public charge, either permanently or temporarily, or such person lives in a state of squalor likely to induce disease. no provision. Bona fioe resident of county for 6 months prior to application. \j no provision. Poor shall be pre¬ vented from moving from one county to another. if found in county where he has no settlement, pauper may be re¬ moved back to county where he has a set¬ tlement, but if sick or oisabled, must be provioed for until removed. Director of county department of public welfare 1nve6t1 gates application for ad¬ mission to and dis¬ charge from county ing care and treat¬ ment to indigents. in emergency indi¬ vidual may be re¬ ceived in poorhouse without formal exam¬ ination and certification. Care in almshouse 2/; iurial; hospitaliza¬ tion; medical care and treatment; ano outs 1de relief. 3/ >1 rector of county ioaro of Public wel- are may cause super¬ intendent of poor- 40use to employ inmates in labor >roviding county >hy6ician ha6 certi — " 1 ed that such work ■ ill not be injuri0u6 to the inmate. mj6t have paid poll 1ax for preceding year before entitleo to right to vote. County board of Public welfare. State Boaro of Public welfare. 4/ county with grants-in-aid from State. in administering funds State Depart¬ ment 8hall require as condition to granting aid that shall bear a fixed proportion of the total amount, to be determined by the State Department. County t General fund. Statei General funo. arizona rev.code (1928), 774 ( 5,12,28), 1160, 2932, 812-818. Rev.Code (1936 Supp.) 811, 1943, 1945, 1952. mandatory Indigent, sick, poor or disabled, or unable to pay his subsistence, care or medical attention no provision. No provision. no provision. no provision. Affidavit presented to Chairman or member of county boaro of supervisors by applicant or person knowing the fact6. care in poorhou6e, out-door relief, letting of care by contract, hospital¬ ization, surgical or medical care,burial. no provision. no provision. County Board of Supervisors or county board of public welfare. 5/ State 8oard of Public Welfare. county. If powers delegated to State Board, the county must reimburse the State for the care of it8 re8idents. county! Property tax. arkansas Crawford and Moses Digests 3495-6; 8155-8163. act6 (1935),act 26,321. Mandatory Poor, lame, blind, sick and other aged and infirm persons unable to support themselves, and have no sufficient estate of their own, and not removed from another county for purp06e of receiving relief. county not responsible for support of pauper, if he refuse or neglect to accept type of relief offered him. no provision. No provision. 6/ no pr0vi6i0n. no provision. 7/ it is the duty of every sheriff, coroner, constable and justice of the peace to inform the County Court of any paupers. if court 16 satisfied poor person is entitleo to relief, it must provide for such person. care in poorhouse. if no p00rh0u6e the care of paupers is let out to the lowest responsible bidder. Nursing, meoical aid and- 8urial expenses. Temporary relief, medical care, ano burial to non¬ resident paupers. Paupers may be employed if county Court deems it expedient. 8/ no prov181 on. County Court. no provision. couniy. 9/ no provision. county! General fund. CALIFORNIA Deering's Political code (193 1 ), 37,367, 4224, 4408(20); (1933 Supp. ), Deer¬ ing's codes ano General Lawss Act 5815; Stats.(1935), Ch.4I l(7),CH.652, 585. Mandatory Able-bodied indigent persons; incapacitated by age, disease or accident and not supported by no provision State: Three years continuous residence without receiving pub¬ lic or private relief, but time spent in public institution or on parole therefrom not counted. County: Resident one year preced¬ ing application for relief. 10/ Remaining away from State for un interrupted period of one year immediately preceding appli¬ cation except when called elsewhere for labor or other temporary purpose. county may incur expenses to remove non-residents to his county or state of legal settlement.1l/ Investigation of application by county board of Supervisors or through some designated agency care in poorhouse or on poor farm.12/ Hospitalization, burial . wjrk may be requir¬ ed of an able-bodieoi indigent as a condition of relief. State has power to establish the custody ano restraint of paupers for purpose of their ma intenance. County Board of Supervisors. 13/ State Department of social welfare has power to county. no provision. county! Property of poll tax. institutions. against property owned by recipient or later acquired. Board of Supervisors may establish policy as to the amount of property the liable for his support and may be sued for the same . examine and make reports on the activities of stat.e or county institutions or officers respon¬ sible for relief or maintenance of the poor, and supervises the keeping of poor¬ house rec0rd8. ■ 1. County must also relieve, support or employ paupers founo in the county not entitleo to settlement. 2. State is livided into 4 districts within 2 or more counties enjoin in establishing a joint poorhouse. 3. County governing booy or Director of county Department of Public welfare empowered with the approval of the State Board of Public welfare to make other or further provisions for care of the poor. 4. Acts as agent of Federal government and shall cooperate with it; ano may administer relief when necessary. 5. County Board of Supervisors mu6T, upon request, or demand by the State Board of Public Welfare, assign and delegate to the Board of Public Welfare all or any of their powers with respect to the care and maintenance of the indigent, sick, and dependent poor. This provision does not extend to the operation of county poorhouses, poor farms or hospitals. 6. no period specified but law states that every county shall relieve, maintain and support its own poor ano specifically provides that each county must care for indigent non-residents founo within the county. 7. Persons moving from one county to another for the purpose of shifting the charge to a county other than the one in which they last liveo, lose their right to relief. 6. if pauper pr0test6, he may not be employeo until doctor'8 certificate is obtained. 9. State Department of Public Welfare created, to have charge and control over the administration of unemployable persons in distress, and to cooperate with Federal Government (unemployable person defined ass one who is physically or mentally incapable of making a living at available employment). 10. if no such county residence then county where applicant last resided one year within 3 years preceding application is liable, if no such one year's residence, then the county in which he spent the longest period ouring the preceding 3 years is liable. Any county may give emergency relief to non-residents. 11. By agreement between counties, indigent persons may be provideo for in the county where found at the expense of the county where he has a settlement; State Department of Social Welfare determines responsibility for care in cases of oispute between counties. 12. The letting out of paupers to private individuals or institutions is prohibited. 13. City Common Councils may establish and operate poorhouses and supervise the same. ( Administration Settlement Nature of Procedure For Direct Supervisory Political Unit Provisions For State ano Citation Law Social Conditions Citizenship Acquisition l086 removal Determining Type Of Relief ■ork Requirement Effect On Status resp0n8ibility respons1b1l1ty Financing Reimbursement Source of Fund* A Eliqibility Rel1ef COLORADO fcoMP.LAwe (1921), Manoatory [very poor per60n unable to earn a livelihood No provision. Continuous residence in State one no prov181 on. if person becomes All applicants wjst Such relief as case no prov181 on■ No per80n shall be County Departmen State Depart¬ counties, no prov161 on• coin ty 1 525, 921, 7204, due to bodily infirmities, idiocy, lunacy, or year immediately preceding becomini chargeable in county before any relief is may require; burial; deemed to have gained of Public Wel¬ ment of Public municipal!ties. General fund; 7528, 8710, 8676, other unavoidable cause who does not have legally chargeable, during which year where he ha8 no granted be register¬ care in poorhouse, residence for the fare 2/ and City Welfare. 3/ 5 mill tax levy 8900-0919, 8907(3, liable relative6 within the county able or applicant must have been phy61cally settlement, then ed in "record of where established; urpose of voting or counc1l8. for erection 47),9032; (1932 SUPP), willing to support him. amount pa 10 as aid pre8ent in the state for 350 days, county commissioners county poor", by care in infirmary, olo office while ano operation to comp. Laws {1921), recoverable from property or recipient; legally ano mu8t have been self-support 1 no where founo mu6t complaint to county outdoor relief and cept at public of poorhou6e- 524,8712,8910-8911; .1 able relatives, or sufficient ability must during such period or the husband, notify county com¬ commissioners; aid burial in cities of expense at any poor- cl tl EBi laws (1933),Ch.37j 8upp0rt poor person, or pay penalty of $20 per wife or minor child of a self- missioners wher£ granteo after inves¬ first cla8s. i0u8e or other Property tax. 10(9),ch. 143; laws (onth for support. supporting person, unle88 appl1 can he ha6 a settlement tigation of appli¬ a6ylum. of Extraordinary has been a bona fide resident or requesting removal cant by county Session (1933-34), the husband, wife or minor child ano payment of all superintendent of Ch. 15, 16),Laws or a bona fide resident of the expense. poor and application (1935,2nd Sp.sess. ), State for 3 years preceding charge approved by county s.b. 1. ability, during which time 6uch commissioners. resioent was physically present in the State for 30 months. Residence in county 6 months preceding chargeability. \j CONNECTICUT Gen.Stats. (1930), Mandatory "ersons without sufficient estate for support no prov161 on. Foreigners only by vote of inhab¬ no prov1s1 on. Removal to town of appl1 cat ion for a 10 care in poorhouse or no provision. inmates of alms- Selectmen of State Public Wel¬ town. t0wn6 providing county and state 1693-1725, 1882, and without capable legally obligated relatives; itants or by majority vote of settlement upon made by poor person in poorfarm, medical i0u6e6 shall not town who may fare council relief to paupers General fund. 1907-1911, 1914, poor person afflicted with tuberculosis; no selectmen ano justice of peace ano order of justice of to selectmen of town care ano h06pi tal 1- vote at school meet¬ entrust direct investigates and settled in other 2628,- 2630, 6277; inhabitants. Inhabitants of other peace. foreigners of his settlement, zation. Temporary ing of 6urrounoing respons 1b 1l 1 ty studies adm 1n18— towns or to State (1935 Supp.), Ch. at public expen8e shall be deemed a pauper; town States or territories by 4 years or inhab1tant6 of acting as 0verseer6 outdoor relief to district unles6 paupers shall be 05, 86, 87, 98. shall be reimbursed for amount of aid granted if continuous self-supporting resi¬ other state6 in need of the poor, who per60ns in need of resioent of district or more aojoin- relief and may reimbursed by town the estate of deceaseo pauper is sufficient. oence in town or one year if owner during first year of makes investigation. partial support, prior to becoming 1ng towns may i6sue orders of settlement or by of $500 worth of real estate, or resioence may be burial. 3/ Needy inmate. correcting State as case may be. as for foreigners - inhabitants of sent back to resi¬ persons who have no ing institutions. abuse6 subject to other t0wn6 by 4 years self-sup¬ dence or whence they settlement in a town appeal to porting resioence or as for came ■ shall be provided governor, and foreigners. 4/ marriage shall not temporary relief and cooperate and effect the settlement of either burial by the state, aovise with person. or by town where commissioner of found until removed. Welfare in carrying out his duties. delaware county. 6/ County; Laws (1931 ),CH. 189, manda tory Any person withlegal resioence in State unable no prov18 ion. Legal residence in State. no prov18 ion. no provision. britten application Care in State Wel¬ Person shall be 'auper6 shall not State Old Age no provi6ion. State shall reim¬ 250; laws (1925), to obtain employment or unable to work who has setting forth fact8 fare Home, temporary assigneo, if able, enjoy right to vote. Welfare Commis¬ burse county to the 'roperty tax.7/ CH.106,sec. 9(V 11 ); no property or income sufficient to provide the of case attested to outside relief, to such work as will 3aupers who marry sion. extent of one-half income tax and Laws (I935),Ch. 12, necessities of life, no permanent place of abode, by 2 creditable wit¬ medical and surgical tend to encourage are discharged from the amount expenoeo funds, derived Ch .124; Cons t . of and no relatives or friends to care for him; nesses and verified treatment, and interest them. State Belfare Homes. by the county. from fines for Delaware, Art. v, indigent sick; if hu8band or wife de8ert8 the under oath; aid hospital1za t1 on, owning or Sec. 2. other, property of de8erting spouse liable for granted or rejected burial. operating expenses of other, if of sufficient ability; by written order of gambling device8 relatives liable for 6upp0rt; if found to have any member of the in New Castle property they shall be liable for expen6e8 State Old Age Wel¬ county in incurred; in8ane, vicious, and th06e with crimi¬ fare commission or addition. nal records not admitted to infirmary. by order of the com¬ state; mission when in ses¬ General sion after oiligent Revenue fund. inquiry into facts. FLORIDA County, City, Comp.Laws (1927), Mandatory in >00r, needy ano 1 no 1 gent pers0n6; infirm and no prov161 on. no general provision. counties no provision. no provision. no general provision. no general no provision. <0 provision. Board of County State Board of county,city or no provision. 2153,2267,2373,2375, counties insane; in countie8 of over 155,000 who by between 9,700 and 10,500 - one in c01ntie6 between provision. 8/ Commissioners, Social Welfare.9/ town . Town; 2904,2905,2985,3000, over 155,000; reason of age, infirmity or misfortune have year in county ano 2 years in 9,700 ano 10,500 aid County Welfare General fund and (1934 Supp.),2276 optional claim8 upon the aid ano sympathy of 80ciety. State. Counties of 155,000 ano granted in discre¬ boards in coun¬ property taxes. (1-23),2903; laws el6ewhere. over - one year re81dence in tion of county board ties having popu- \0/ (1935),Ch.17477. county . of Charities upon .ation of over order approved by 155,000, City or majori ty of board. town council, county board of Charities in counties having population of 9,700 to 10,500. 1. non-residents who fall sick must be assisted and if they die must be buried. 2. with permission of state department t»0 or more counties may unite and form a oistrict department of public welfare; said county department shall mean the department of health and charity of the city and county of denver. 3. The State department must administer or supervise all forms of public assistance .including general home relief, outdoor and indoor care for persons in need; supervise county welfare departments; act as agent for Federal government in welfare matters. 4. Temporary relief granted to non-re6idents. 5. contracting for care of paupers specifically prohibited. 6. Cost apportioned according to number of inmates from each county. 7. Kent and Sussex counties are authorized to appropriate $15,000 and $18,000 respectively for hospitalization cost6. 8. All counties having a population of between 50,000 and 55,000 ano having an assessed valuation of more than $32,500,000 are authorized to issue and sell bonos for the purpose of instituting ano eQuiping a poor farm and are authorized to care for the indigent sick, maintain a county hospital ano to bury paupers. Counties having a population between 9,700 ano 10,500 are authorized to create a county charit* fund to grant cash allowances not to exceed $5,000 in any one year, ano a "physician's fund" to provide for the indigent sick. all counties having a population of over 155,000 are authorized to furnish temporary relief, bury the indigent dea0 and pr0vi0e hospitalization for the indigent 61ck. 9. Any of the agencies having direct responsibility may delegate this responsibility to the State Board of social Welfare or any of its agents. 10. Counties 9,700 - i0,500t Property tax sum not to exceed $5,000 annually for cash allowances or $6,000 annually for "physician's fund". Counties 50,000 - 55,000; ao valorem tax not to exceed one mill for county relief; authorized to issue bonds not to exceed $200,000 for erecting poorhouse. bond6 to be retired by one mill property tax. Counties 150,000 and over; Property tax not to exceed 3 mills. Settlement Administration Financial Provisions Procedure For Direct Supervisory Political Unit state and citation nature of Social Conditions cltizenship Acquisition l0s6 Removal Determining Type of Relief Work Requirement Effect on Status Responsibility re8p0n6ibility Financing Provisions For source of fund8 Law Eligibility Relief Reimbursement QC0W6IA Laws (|922),p.I80; Optional Poor persons unable to maintain themselves by no provision. no pr0vi6i0n. no provision. no pr0vi8i0n. Application to Com¬ care in p00rh0u8e Oroinary or Oversees Exempt from County Oroinary Division of Pub¬ County. per80n removed from County: code (1933), 23«701, labor without sufficient mean8, not subject to missioner of Poor or or poor farm, direct of Poor may require military duty. or Commissioner lic Welfare of one county to Property tax for 23: 2101-2106, 2201- law6 relating to lunatics, deaf and dums.ioiots the Ordinary for relief in home6, all paupers in coun¬ of Poor where State Board of another shall be support of poor 2203, 86: 209, 92: or blind. Father, mother, or child of indigent hearing by ordinary burial. Counties of ty to labor, who appointed. j/ control of cared for by person 3715, 99: 101-107, must support pauper if able; county may 6ue with lea8t possible 150,000 may unite are able to work on eleemosynary so doinq, or county 25 per cent of 23 : 2301-2310, Const. financially liable per60n6 for amount of a1d delay. with cities or chari¬ poor farm. institutions. of hi 6 residence State tax f.or a sec. 6. 2-5402, granted. table organizations re 1mbur8e8 county year; ano laws (1935), no.214. in county in main¬ general fund. taining institutions or to contract for care of paupers. idaho code (1932),30:706, Hanoatory Applicant must be sick, indigent, and in desti¬ no provision. State, one year, county, 6 months. no provision. no provision. written application care in p00rh0u6e, inmate6 of poor- For purpose of Board of County <0 provision. County. no provision. coun fy : 30:2802(8), 30:2901- tute circumstances so that he would suffer 1/ made by indigent or poor farm, hospital¬ house or county voting no person commi681 oners. General fund.aJ 30:2910, 30:3301-30: unless aided by county. applicant must declare third person if indi¬ ization, medical hospital who are 8hall be deemed to 3302, 33:402, laws all property, real ano personal, owned by him in gent is ill to pro¬ care, care by capable ano able to have gaineo or lost (1935), Chs. 15, 16. his application. bate judge, clerk of work must be pro¬ a residence while boaro of county com¬ outdoor relief. vided employment. kept at any alms¬ missioners, or any house at public justice of peace in expen8e. precinct who must 1 immediately inves¬ tigate ano, if sat¬ isfied, must certify to Board of County Commissioners which is eligible, in case Board of County Com¬ missioners 18 not in 6essi0n, officer to whom application is made may grant reliei (for immediate hece661t1e6 of the applicant) 3/ illinois county (under Smith-Huro Rev.Stat. ■anoatory Poor person unable to earn livelihood due to no provision. County or town; resioent for 12 no provision. Pauper may be removei Application made to care in the poor- Shall be suitably no pauper shall by >tate Department County; town¬ towns reimburse Towns: (1935),CH. 23: 5F, booily infirmity, idiocy, lunacy or other un¬ months immediately preceding time to town or city of overseer of poor or house or poor farm; employed by over¬ virtue of abode in t0wn6hip system ); >f Public Welfare ship; cities counties for support General fund and 32,71, 1 54e; ch.34: avoidable cause, not supporteo by relatives; of becoming chargeable. legal settlement. County Bureau of contract care where seer of poor. county poorhouse, town supervisors over 500,000 of such poor belong¬ property tax. 25; ch.34: 67a-i, relatives of sufficient ability liable for sup¬ Public welfare ho p00rh0u6e e6ta8— asylum, or h06pital, a6 ex officio population. ing to town that are citie8 over 107a—s; Ch. 107: port, except only parent or child if indigency containing a sworn „ 1 shed; temporary be deemed a resident overseers of poor supported in county 500,000: 1-44; ch.127: 54; caused by intemperance or bad habits; feeble- 6tatement of his outdoor relief; or legal voter in or appointive p00rh0u8e. Bond issue and CH. 139 : 59(4); condition, and 4e0ical aid; emer¬ the town, city, towns re 1mburse town property tax. Laws (1935 2nd ex. ), poorhouse or poor farm. applicant must sub¬ gency care or removal village, election in towns of 4,000 caring for paupers count 1es: S.B. 6, 8, 9. mit to an examinatioi for sick non-res 1- district or precinct or over. having settlement in general fund and by overseer of poor oents; burial. in which institution County (not under other town. property tax. as to inability to is located. township system); support himself. overseers of poor. Cities over 500,000; over¬ seers of poor and County Bureau of Public welfare. 1. Laws (1935), No. 214 empowered county authority having charge of roads and revenues to create a county Board of Public Welfare in counties of 200,000 and over ano provide funds to such Boards from county treasury. The purpose of the Board is to administer all forms of public relief i-ncluding pauper relief and perform such welfare services that may be agreed upon with county and state officials; any two or more counties may combine their b0ar06 of public welfare. 2. Emergency relief to those without settlement. 3. Claims against county for poor relief not allowed unless bo certified. 4. county commissioners authorized to levy a poll tax not exceeding $2 on all per60n6 in county subject thereto and also an ad valorem tax not exceeding one-fourth of one per cent on all taxable property for erection ano maintenance of county hospital. state and cl tation Nature of Law Social Conditions Citizenship Settlement Procedure For Determining eligibility Type of Relief work Requirement Effect on Status Administration Financial Provisions Acquisition Loss Removal Direct Responsibility Supervisory RESP0N6IBILIty Political Unit Financing Relief Provisions For Reimbursement source of FUNDS INDIANA Balowin'6 Ino. Stat. (1934), sec. 13321- 13326, 13360; 13362-13364; nay (1935 Supp.), Ch. 84; laws (1935 i8t spec. Sess .), Ch.. 3. nan da tory Applicant in good health and where personal efforts fail to provide one or more of the following, light, adequate food, water, fuel, nece88ary clothing, nece68ary shelter, h0u8eh0lc necessities, poor and in oi6tres6 ano without frienos or money so that he is likely to 8uffer; relatives in t0wi6h1p of recipient liable for his support. no provision. Uninterrupted residence of one year in township; if supported by governmental agency during f1r6t 6 months of such re8idence, time our ino such 6 months which he is 60 supported, eliminated from the calculations. Acquisition of new settlement in state; wilful and uninterrupt¬ ed absence from t0wn6hip for one year. non-resident may be returneo to place of settlement upon complaint of over¬ seer of poor to justice of peace. appeal of such order allowed to Circuit Court of county. claim for relief made to overseer of poor, investigation made of applicant's family ano relatives care in county poor a6ylum, a poor farm; contract with chargeable institu¬ tions; temporary Required to labor as a condition precedent to grant of aid, if able- bodieo. refu6al by applicant to seek or accept work not to effect family or dependents right to relief. no provision. t0wn6hip trus¬ tees as ex officio over¬ seers of the poor. 2/ Department of Public Ielfare. County . townbhiP6 reimburses counties for amounts Towns: Property tax. County: poor relief bonds; general fund. and abili ty to work or as6ist upon the results of which aid 6hall be given or rejecteo. Appeal allowed to board of County Commissioners upon refu8al to grant relief by overseer. IQBA cooe (1935), 4005-4030, 5215, 5297-5347, 5362, 5771, 388, 6742. nan da tory Applicant has no property, exempt or otherwise, and unable because of physical or mental dis¬ abilities, to earn a living by labor; pregnant or suffering from some malady or deformity that can probably be improved or cureo by proper treatment; relatives liable for either total or partial support; needy pers0n6 of some means may be aioed if conducive to their interest ano in the public interest; property of deserting spouse or parent may beseized to support the granted may be recovered from the estate of relatives or pauper. No provision. continuous resioence in county for one year without being warned to depart. After having been warned to depart, settlement acquired by re8idence for one year after fil¬ ing affidavit stating person is no lonqer a pauper and intends to acquire a settlfment; but any or in institution 8upp0rte0 by public or private funds shall not acquire settlement unless settle¬ ment has been acquired before being so 8upp0rted. Removal from State for more than one year or acquisition of settlement in some other county or State. may be removed to State or county from which he came upon petition of said county to district or superior court of that county. Application to board of Supervisors, 0ver6eers of poor,or tru6tee6 of town¬ ship; application to tru6tee6 or over¬ seers of Poor must be approved or rejected by the Boaro of Supervisors Admission to county home only on written order of a trustee or member of boaro of Supervisors. Complaint made by resident of public Care in county home or county farm; ou t- ooor relief; cash allowance not exceeding $2 per week; medical attendance ano dental services; annual allowance not exceeding actual cost of maintenance; contract care by l0we6t responsible bidder; hospitaliza¬ tion; burial; temporary relief to non—resident6. Hay require able-bodied person to labor on streets or highways as a condition to granting relief. Period when supported in public or private institutions or when supported outside institution at public expense not to count in acquisition of settlement. township trus¬ tees or county 0ver8eers of Poor, County Board of Supervisors, city council. no prov161 on . county, f1r6t-class ci ties. countie6 granting another county shall be reimbursed for cost of such aid by county of pauper'6 settlement. county: poor or property tax not to exceed 1 1/2 millb. fl r6t-cla6s citie81 General fund. court charging poor person is in need of meoical treatment, aid granted or rejecteo after exam¬ ination and hearing by the court. kansas rev. stat8. (1923 ), 19, 2101, 19, 2105, 39, 301,39, 511, 48, 102,(1933 supp4 39 , 304-527, Laws (1935), Chs. 190, 191, 192. Nandatory Poor and indigent persons lawfully settled in county in need of relief who are unable to care for themselves; sick and in distress without frienos or money ano likely to suffer; afflicted W1th a malady or deformity that may be cured with proper care or treatment. no pr0vi6i0n. County: Residence of one year. Acquisition of new settlement in State, wil¬ ful absence from county of settlement for 6 months or more . Upon complaint by Overseers of Poor or Poor commis¬ sioner, any justice of peace may cause without settlement ano likely to become a public charge to be sent to place where such per60n belongs . Appeal allowed to probate court of county . Appli cation maoe to poor Commissioner who after investiga¬ tion and examination of application, application.writ ten order of poor com¬ missioner prerequi¬ site to adm 188 ion to poorhouse. Care in poorhouse or poor farm, contract care; outdoor relief; work r£lief;medical aid;hosp1tal1zation; relief to non-resi¬ dents. in counties of 60,000 - 75,000 care in county settlement of pub¬ lic welfare inst 1 tu- tions where esta8lished. •ork requireo on order of Board of County Commis¬ sioners by any able- booieo person. Paupers exempt from mili tary service. Poor Commis¬ sioner ano board of county Commissioners. no provision. county. no provision. County: Property tax 3/ and bono i8sue. kentucky Mandatory appli cant helpless and in extreme want ano so completely 0e8titute of property a6 to require assistance from the public. beggar8 may be sent to p00rh0u6e. no provision. no provision. no provision. no provision. county court in term time or county judge in vacation shall have power to order a poor per60n to be taken to the poor- house and supported. Care in poorhouse, medical aid, hospitalization, burial . commissioners of poorhouse may cause, by coercion, able-bodied inmates to labor. no provision. County Fiscal Courts. Department of ■elfare. county. no provision. County: General fund and property tax. Carroll's Stats. (1930), 3922-3933, 1840. Kentucky Act6 (1936 1st Spec.Sess.) h.b. i-x. 1. IF APPLICANT 18 OFFERED COMPENSATION FOR WORK TO BE PAID IN MONEY, HOUSE RENT, OR COMMODITIES, NO AID MAY BE FURNISHED UNLESS SUCH PERSON PERFORMS SUCH LABOR. TEMPORARY RELIEF MUST BE GRANTED TO ANY PERSON NOT INHABITED WHO IS SICK Of HOWEVER, IT 16 UNLAWFUL FOR ANY OVERSEER TO A 10 ANY ABLE-BODIED NON-RESIDENT OTHERWISE THAN BY SOME FORM OF LABOR. 2. TO COOPERATE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN GRANTING POOR RELIEF. 3. Property tax not to exceed i/2 mill, ano in certain counties not to exceed i hill for maintenance of poor. State ano citation nature of Law Social Conditions c1t1zen8h1p settlement Procedure For Determining Eligibility Type of Relief ■ork Requirement Effect on Status Administration Acquisition Loss Removal Dl rect Responsibility supervi 80ry resp0n8ibility Political Unit Financing Relief pr0vibi0n8 for Reimbursement source of funds LOIISIMIA gen .$tat8.( 1932), 0504 (12), 6470-6486, CIVIL CODE (1924), Ant. 46. Constitu¬ tion of (1921 ), Art. 8, sec. 2, 6. Mandatory Paupers residino in parish who are infirn, sick, and disabled; persons 50 years of aqe and over who are deformed or crippled from birth, who have never been convicted of any offense in the courts of the state, ano are in destitute ano necessitous circumstances. no prov181 on. no provision. no provision. no prov 181 on. no prov 161 on. Poor farm or poor home, assistance to charitable associa¬ tions, "measure8 deemed just and reasonable." j/ Burial. no provision. Inmates of charita¬ ble institutions not permi tted to register, vote, or holo office. pay¬ ment of poll tax a condition precedent to right to vote. parish! police jurie8. Clties, 25,000 to 100,0001 City Council. no prov181 on• >ari8h and cities ietween 25,000 ind 100,000. no provision. Parish: General fund or taxation. In parishes con¬ taining cittcb 25,000 to 100,000 ano in citie8 of 25,000 to 100,000 the interest from an "alms fund" which is formed from 10 per cent of fine8 and in criminal cases • maine REV.STAT6.(l930), P. 141, 324, 615- 624, 1132, 1706, 1737-1740; Laws (|93i ),Ch.I24;2i6; laws (1933 ),chs • 1, 23, 188, 223, 228; Laws (1935), Ch. 80, 91. Mandatory Settlers who on account of poverty need relief who are not 6upp0rted by legally obligated rela¬ tives. Kinoreo living within State liable for in unincorporated place8 ano needing relief shall be under care of adjoining t0wn6; persons able-bodied having no apparent means of support, ano living 1oly; persons without any settlement in state who need immediate relief. no ch1lo under 16 to be placeo in an alm8h0u8e, except in emergency. intemperate paupers committeo to house of correction. amount of relief granted may be recovered by town from estate of deceased recipient. no provision. ie8i0ent of town 5 years without jece1vino supplies, 0 1 rectly or 1 no 1rectly, as a pauper. By acquisition of new settle¬ ment or by 5 years absence from town with¬ out receiving pauper supplies from within State. Removal of pauper from town where founo upon request of overseers to town of settlement unless overseers of latter town file written objection. Appeal of order of removal allowed to judge of any municipal or police court. Pauper havino no leoal set¬ tlement in State may be conveyed to place where he belongs by order of any juoge ipac court upon com¬ plaint by overseer. State Department of Health and Belfare empowered to enter into reciprocal agreements with othei states providing for removals. no provision. Care in Almshouses 2/, work relief, contract care, one year binding for service, meoical care, burial;relief to non-re61 dents.3/ Overseers may cause poor persons to be employed. Certificate of intention to marry not to be issued to paupers. excluoed from enrollment in militia. pauper6 not allowed to vote; gain settlement while receiving or unincorporated place. town i Overseers of poor Plantations (having. more than 200 inhabitants and valuation of at least 8100,000): Assessors. State Department bf Health and ■elfare. town, PLANTAT1 ON r town of settlement must reimburse other t0wn8 furnishing relief to their paupers. state reimburses town or plantation for relief bupplieo to pauper6 iaving no settlement in State. town: General funo. Plantation: General fund. State: General fund. 1. Entire support only to utterly destitute ano helpless. 2. two or more towns may unite to maintain a home eor poor and infirm. 3. State paupers cared for by town at expense of State. Settlement adm ini strati on Financial Provisions State and Citation Nature of law Social Conditions ClTi2enship Acquisition loss Removal Procedure for Determining eligibility Type of Relief work Requirement Effect on Status Direct Responsibili ty Supervisory Responsibility Political Unit Financing Relief Provisions For Reimbursement source of fund6 MARYLAND Flack's Code of Pub¬ lic Local Laws (1930), ART. It 1-5; Mandatory except in Baltimore, County Welfare Boards designate what poor shall receive relief. provision 18 made, in addition, for reception in the almshouse of disorderly no provision except in Anne Arundel no provision except in anne Arundel county recipient of out- pension must be resioent for one no provision. no provi6ion except county welfare Boaro of Garrett in most counties a member or members of the county wel- for all counties ex¬ cept Baltimore, garrett, and wicomico The County welfare Board or the Over¬ seers of the alms- no provision. County Welfare Boards. Board of State a i 0 and Charities. county. no prov181 on. County: General Property 211-214; 240-241. ART. V: 1-20; 38,223; ART. VIt 1-15, 425; ART. VII: 1-5; ART /villi 7-34,133; ART. IXt l-ll; ART. X: 1-7; ART.XI: 1-20, 656, 657; ART. XI 1 I 463—4; ART. XIII: 63—84,234; ART. XIV: 1-26,74; 230; ART. XV: 1-31; ART- XVI: 241-266, 228-230; 239-240; ART. XVI 1: 1-14,848; ART. XVIII: 1-24, 315-316; ART. XIX: 1-8, 143; ART. XX: ■icomico vagrants, beggars, and dissolute persons with Recipients of out-pensions in Anne Arundel County, must not be freeholders and not able to earn livelihood, and not 1ntemperate.rec1p1ents of emergency relief in baltimore county must be unemployed, destitute, or indigent. requires out-pensions to be natural¬ ized citizens of U.S. Applicant must be citizen of Prince George county before receiving out-pension. cation. In Baltimore County must be resident of county. remove to State, county, or town •here they reside paupers who come into or are moved into county for purpose of charg¬ ing county. nate what poor are to be admitted to the almshouse. in counties providing for the reception of disorderly grants, commitment justice of the peace. In Cecil county the justice of the peace may nary poor may be receiveo. out- pen8i0ns are grant¬ ed by the County provisions for the establishment of almshouses or county homes. in most coun¬ ties the almshouse may be let out for operation. Fourteen counties (Anne Arundel, Calvert, caroline, carroll, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, harforo, Howard, Prince Georges, Queen Anne, Somerset, St.IIarys) are empowered to provide out-pensions. work of those who are able. 1-25; Art. XXII: 1-28; Art. XXIII: 1-2, 23; Art. XXIV: 1-6; LAWS (1931 ), CH 478; LAWS (1933), CH . 403; LAW6 (1935),CM. 207, CH. 586. according to their own proceoure. Somerset, Charles Counties provide for special exami¬ nations or for peti tons signed by a designated number County only. County aid fund in Montgomery to be used at the discre¬ tion of the Supervi¬ sor of county aid, also ant 1 toxin may be provideo persons Baltimore County emergency relief is extendeo only upon unanimous consent of county welfare Board. Outdoor relief and medical care pro- video in Charles county. Burial provided only ties. Medical care and hospitalization in Anne Arundel, Charles, Frederick and Howard counties. Baltimore county emergency relief is restricted to foodstuffs. BALTIMORE CITY Baltimore City Code (1927),Art. 18,sec. 7, 11-18, 143; Charter and Public Local Laws of Baltimore City (1927), sec. 103- 114, code of local Public Laws (1930), Art. 4, Sec. 865, 103-114, Laws (19351 CM. 586. manda tory Sick, disabled, destitute, and homeless persons no provision. no provision. no provision. no provision. Department of Wel- hospitalization and Supervisors (Department of welfare) shall prescribe an0 direct employment No provision. Department of State: City. no provi61 on. city: person as the dictates of humanity or particular circumstance render proper and necessary. •hat persons are proper charges for the city, but no public money may be paid until depart¬ ment has determined and certifieo in writing that person for municipal aid. Persons committeo to city jail for drunk¬ enness or disorderly conduct may be transferred to almshouse. care in almshouse,or care in private institutions under Aid and chari ti es. supported by his friends or relatives and lives idle without employment shall be deemeo a pauper. when no aoequate accommodation in almshouse or private institution or in cases of emergency, temporary relief, burial. almshouse or other places. NATURE OF LA* MASSACHUSETTS GEN • LA*6 (1932), 18, (7, 8), CH. 40,(5), CH. 51,(1), 116, 117, 12 122; CONST. HOLES OF AMEN Persons, poor and State who are in neeo r I TUT I ON FROM NEOI PERATE PARENT8 OR QU FOR SUPPORT, THOSE L MAY BE SUED IF THEY OF LIFE IN8URANCE PO DISQUALIFY; TOWN MAY GRANTED FROM ESTATE 0 IF ESTATE IS NOT ADM I M THE ENTIRE ESTA Conditions GENT LAWFULLY SETTLED IN CHILDREN 8UFFERINQ EOT OF DISSOLUTE OR INTEM- ANS; RELATIVES LIABLE ng in State and capable IL TO SUPPORT; 0WNER6HIP CIES UP TO $3000 DOES NOT ECOVER AMOUNT OF AID DECEA8ED RECIPIENT, AND ISTERED WITHIN 30 DAYS MAI MICHIGAN COMPILED LAWS (1929), 1945; 8208-8309; (1935 SUPP.), 8255, CONSTITUTION 1908s ART. 111(2) Persons who have no II6E, WHO ARE UNABI MENTAL DI6AI TH08E WHO HI SUPPORT WILL BE CO PERSON AND TO THE ARE NOT RELIEV OBLIGATEO RELATIVE OR SEVERALLY LlABL BE SUED FOR AMOUNT SPOUSE OR MOTHER D THE PROPERTY, REAL MAY BE 8EIZED TO persons. Amount , EXEMPT OR OTHER- OF PHYSICAL OR TO EARN A LIVELIHOOD, OR MEANS AND TO WHOM RELIEF AND DUCIVE TO THE WELFARE OF SUCH EST INTERESTS OF THE PUBLIC; D OR MAINTAINED BY LEGALLY- . Relatives either jointly FOR SUPPORT. RELATIVES MAY OF AID GRAN TED; IF EITHER SERTS THE OTHER OR CHILDREN, OR PERSONAL OF SUCH PERSON EXPENSES OF SUCH OESERTED ID PAID MAV BE RECOVERED FROM PROPERTY OF RECIPIENT. NO PROVISION Five consecutive years SUPPORTING RESIDENCE I One year as « CONTINUOUS RESIDENT T OF ANY TOWNSHIP, r WITHOUT RECEIVING FAILURE TO RESIDE IN TOWN OF SETTLEMENT FOR 5 CONSECU¬ TIVE YEARS. I PROVISION. Board of Public Welfare where per¬ son HAS BECOME CHARGEABLE MAY HAVE PERSON REMOVED TO TOWN OF HIS SETTLE¬ MENT. Person CHARGEABLE TO A TOWN WHERE HE HA6 SETTLEMENT AND HE SUBSEQUENTLY ACQUIRES SETTLEMENT OUT OF THE STATE MAY BE REMOVEO thereto. Paupers NOT SETTLED IN ANY TOWN MAY BE REMOVED by State to State Infirmary or to State or place WHERE PERSON BELONGS. ■ SYSTEM! IF POOR PERSON HAS SETTLEMENT IN ANOTHER TOWNSHIP OR CITY OF SAME COUNTY, THE SUPERVISOR OF POOR OF TOWNSHIP OR 0irector of Poor of CITY WHERE PAUPER IS FOUND MUST NOTIFI SUPERVISOR OR DIREC¬ TOR OF TOWNSHIP OR CITY OF SETTLEMENT WHO MUST (I ) CONTES ALLEGATION OF SETTLEMENT WITHIN 10 DAYS, OR (2) REIMBURSE COUNTY WHERE FOUNO FOR SUPPORT, OR (3) ORDER REMOVAL OF PAUPCR TO PLACE OF SETTLEMENT. County system: Superintendents of POOR OF COUNTY WHERE PAUPER IS FOUNO MU6T WITHIN 10 DAYS GIVE NOTICE TO SUPERINTENDENTS OF COUNTY WHERE HE HAS A SETTLEMENT WHO MUST (I) DENY LIABILITY WITHIN 10 DAYS; OR (2) ORDER REMOVAL; OR (3) REIMBURSE COUN¬ TY WHERE FOUND FOR SUPPORT. IN CASE SUPERINTENDENTS OF COUNTY CHARGEABLE 00 NOT DENY WITHIN 10 DAYS, OR IN CASE THEY AUTHORIZE RELIEF, SUPERINTEND¬ ENTS OF COUNTIES WHERE FOUNO MAY ORDER REMOVAL TO COUNTY OF SETTLE¬ MENT. Superintend¬ ents of POOR OF COUNTY "HERE PAUPER IS FOUND MUST TRANS¬ PORT him to State WHERE HE BELONGS. Procedure For Determining Eligibility BOARD 0 FARE MU IMMEDIA AND REL RESPECT PROVIDE E COMFORT EF IN THEIR VE T0WN6 TO PER60NB APPLYING FOR AID AND FOUNO IN NEED. IF PERSON HAS NO SETTLEMENT, SUCH EFFECT MU 8ENT TO THE DE ment of Public FARE WHICH MUS EXAMINE THE CA AND ORDER SUCH AS IT DEEMS EX ENT . Application to COUNTY SUPERINTEND¬ ENT OF POOR, SUPER¬ VISOR OF POOR OF TOWNSHIP, OR DIREC¬ TOR OF POOR OF CITY, WHO MUST MAKE INQUIRY ANO MUST IF PERMANENT RELIEF AND SUPPORT IS REQUIRED, BY WRITTEN ORDER CAUSE APPLI¬ CANT TO BE MOVED TO COUNTY INFIRMARY, OR, IF CIRCUMSTANCE! REQUIRE, MUST GRANT TEMPORARY OR PARTIAL SUPPORT. Type of Relief OIRECT RELIEF; BURIAL; TEMPOR CAL ATT UNDER 2 AGE PLA RESPECT OR ^U HOSPI NON- 6 J/; PERM A TEMPO SUPPO OUTS HOSP SPEC OUTS INF II TIONS, TEW RELIEF TO SETTLERS. 8UPP0RT 2/ work Requirement May BE REQUIRED TO OFFICI SHALL CER 6UI TABLE MUST WORK FOR FOOD Superintendents of poor may provide for EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONS PLACED IT COUNTY INFIRMARIE Recipient does not i or lose resi¬ dence WHILE KEPT AT ALMSHOUSE OR :R A8YLUM AT PUBLIC EXPENSE. Child born in place USED FOR POOR SHALL NOT GAIN SETTLEMENT THEREBY. Effect on Status Paupers not entitled RIGHT TO VOTE. Settlement can not BE ACQUIRED WHILE RECEIVING PUBLIC RELIEF. fftTY: Director of Poor. 3/ TOWNSHI PS Supervisors. 3/ County: Superintendents of Poor. Administration Towns Boards of Public Welfare. States Department Public Welfare Director OF THE DIVISION Aid and Relief. Supervisory Responsibili ti State Department of Public Welfare. State welfare Commission. Political Unit FINANCING Relief Financial Provisions Provisions For Reimbursement Source of f\jnd6 County, townshii TOWN OF SETTLEMENT REIMBURSES OTHER TOWNS WHICH PROVIDE FOR I T6 PAUPERS. State reimburses T0WN6 WHICH PROVIDE FOR PAUPERS HAVING NO SETTLEMENT. TOWNS General Revenue fund. STATES General Revenue funo. Reimbursement by POLI TI CAL UNI T Wl PAUPER 18 SETTLED TO POLI TICAL UNI T WHERE PAUPER IS PROVIDED COUNTY! Special poor LEVY BASED ON E6TIMATES OF EXPENSES SUBMITTED TO BOARDS OF SUPERVISORS BY SUPERINTENDENTS OF POOR. 4/ TOWNSHIPs Yearly assess¬ ment BY VOTE OF NHABITANTS. Cl TY: GENERAL PROPERTY OR LOAN T BE REPAID BY TAX. 1. Care in State Infirmary for persons having no legal settlement in State. 2. Counties may join in erecting an infirmary. 3. County Board of Supervisors oecioes whether or not olo distinction between city, township, and county poor shall be maintained. 4. Cost of establishment of joint infirmary shall be borne by each county in proportion to the assessed valuation of said county; special tax not to EXCErO one mill. MINNESOTA Mason's S'ats. (1927), ch. ii sec. 2067; ch. 25, SEC. 4448; (1934 Supp.), ch. laws (1935), ch. ch. 187; ch state ano cltat ion is .359} MISSISSIPPI Miss. Code (1930), Ch. 144, Sec. 214, 215; constitution, art. 12, sec. 241- 243. Poor person who for any reason is unable to earn a livelihood, not supported by relatives; no i gent res i dents who are afflicted with a malady, deformity, or ailment of a nature which probably be remedied by proper care; persons settled in another town or county if sick, rm, or otherwise oisableo 60 as to render removal unsafe or inhuman and who is in immedi¬ ate need of relief; relatives liable for support; ndigency caused by bad conduct or intemper— ;, relatives other than parents or children are not liable; political unit furnishing relief lien on property or estate of recipient for amount of aid granted. Social Conditions Person unable to support himself; legally- obligated relatives must support paupcr. no provi 6 i on• One year'6 continuous resioence in county or, if one year's continu¬ ous resioence in state, then settlement in county where person longest resided during such year. If one year'6 residence in State, but not in any county, settlement is, under township system, in town, city or village in which person longest resioed during such year, under county system, settle¬ ment is in county in which person longest resioed during such year. Acquisition of new settlement within State or in another State, wilful ab8ence for period of 30 days from State. When no settlement in county, town, city or village and person has a settle¬ ment in State, he may be warned to depart by respective Board and, if unable to depart or refuses to, may be compelled by sheriff,constable or marshall. iers of the Board of Supervisors of county where pauper 6 found, may by order directed to constable have paupet removed to county settlement. Procedure for Determining Eligibility county system; Application to County Board. Local system; Application to town board or city or village council. application made to any member of board of Supervisors, who examines into right of support of any pauper discovered l» district and reporti to Board of Supervi¬ sors for action; provided that, any member may cause pauper to be received in county home in case of emergency. Type of Relief care in p00rh0u6e j/ workhouse, poor farm, temporary out¬ side relief in kino up to annual maximum of $200; medical care, hospitaliza¬ tion, burial, other forms deemed proper by county board. contract for care of aged and oecrepit, temporary relief to non-residents, burial, meoical attention, care in county poorhouse, such other relief as deemed necessary except cash relief. Employment pp in poor f workhouses• care in county home; contract for care ia return for pauper's work or services with consent of pauper providing ' pauper shall not be entitled to relief unless he abides by disposi- on made of him by board; pajper chil¬ dren or orphans (enticed to sui t- a8le individuals, inizat ions or asylums; temporary ioor relief, burial, relief to those not entitled to settlement, medical care. ■ork Requirement Board of s s0r6 may c super inten county hom employ such paupe be able to such way a deea as may work, in t may Effect on Status Time spent of hospitai h0u6e, or other public and each month during which county ef was received shall be excluoeo oetermini time of f required for settlement. dence All persons must pay a poll tax not exceeding $3 per year; all pers0n6 who have not paid all taxe6 which are legally required of him may not vote. Administration County syste County Board as supervisors of poor, or over¬ seer of poor appointed by them. 2/ Local system; Town Boaros or city or councils as superintendent of poor. 3/ Counties ovei 75.000 popul ion and 5.000 Board of Poor Commi ssi oner) appointed by chairman of county board with approva district cou judge. County Board of Supervisors. Supervisory Responsi b i l i ty state board of Control ano Charities has general powers of invest'gat 10 no provision. >oli tical unit Financing Relief Financial Provisio Provi sions For Reimbursement county, town, village, city oepenoing on system adopteo. t of county: all Poor tax on er property, bonos t6 Countie6 over for 75,000 popula¬ 1 ef tion and 5,000 sq.mile6: Must not levy a poor tax over 3 mills. Town, city, or village: Property tax of 1 to 5 mills on each dollar, if more than 1 mill 18 needed, 75 per cent of excess shall be pa 10 by county. county relieving settled in county caf recover all charges. 4/ Source of Funds County: Poor ta> Counties having a joint population of not less than 10,000 by concurrent Mandatory that overseer be appointed in counties having a poorhouse, opi Village council of any village having a population of more than 8,000 ma resolution may unite in ma onal in other counties. establish a public char i t' 1 DISTRICT POORHOUSES A bureau for providing poor relief there ia f BOARD OF DIREC TORS CONSISTING ,r" CHAIRMAN OF C i boaros of part i c 4. ifcjnicipal authorities of every city. town, and village must bury all strangers founo dead within their limits and such c s shall be re pa 10 by the county. state and Citation Nature of Law Social Conditions Citizenship Settlement Procedure For Determining Eligibility Type of relief Work Requirement Effect on Status Admini strati on Financial Provisions Acquisition l0s8 Removal Direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility Political Unit Financing rel1ef Provisions For Reimbursement Source of Funds MISSOURI rev.Stat. (1929), SEC. 12938-12966. const. art. will, sec. 2. mandatory Cities of first-class: Indigent, sick, depend¬ no provision. no pr0vi8i0n. no provision. Cities of first- Cities of first- no person while kept in any poorhouse at public expense shall be entitled to vote. clties of first- County: Board of County Visitors where established. citie6 of first- class. county . No provision. citie8 of first- ent who are unable to support themselves with the exception of the insane and those suffering from contagious, infections and transm1681ble diseases, and those cared for in county poor- houses. County: Aged, infirm, lame, blind or sick per¬ sons who are unable to support themselves, and no other persons required by law ano able to support them. no provision. County: Resided in county 12 months next preceding time of any order being made. class: Application by on behalf of applicant to Social Welfare Board, immeoiate inquiry into state ano circumstances of the applicant. County: The county court of each coun¬ ty, on knowledge of uuoges thereof, or on information of any justice of peace of county where poor person resides, shall from as often ano long as necessary, provide relief to such person. class; Temporary outdoor relief; work relief; burial; rehab 1 li tat ion. county: care in poor house; burial expen6e8; relief to nonresidents; support and care let out by contract class: Able-bodied male required to perform work to value of aid; female applicant or female member of applicants family shall be employed, if possible. County; Superintend¬ ent may cause per¬ sons in poorhouse, who are able to la80r, to 00 60 by reasonable ano humane coercion. class; Social Welfare Board. County: County Court. class: General fund, 00nati0n6 and gift8. county: General fund. MONTANA rev. code (1921), 325-335, 2295, 4521- 4531; (1927 SUPP.), 540, 4465 ( 5) (6); Laws (1931), ch . 91, 100; law6 (1933), Ch. 19, 43, 44, 50. Laws (1933 Ex.), Ch. 19. Mandatory Applicant without means, unable to earn a live¬ lihood due to bodily infirmity, idiocy, lunacy, or other cause, and not supported by legally- obligated relatives; inoigent sick and infirm; relatives liable for support; but if indigency caused by intemperance or other vice, the parent and child only are liable. no provision. One year's resioence in county immediately preceding application. no provision. if resident of some other county, the board must cause him to be removed to county of residence- Application to member of 80ar0 of county commissioners who may make an order for temporary relief, but perma¬ nent relief given after investigation of application. Contract care; meoical attention ano hospitalization; care in poor farm and workhouse; burial; temporary relief, meoical care and burial to non¬ residents; work relief. May be required in workhouses or on poor farm and able- bodied male persons must when required, be worked out at prevailing wage rate, on all unbudgeteo governmental work as may be designated by board. to be eligible to vote upon tax questions, voter's name must have appeared on the last preceoing assessment roll. Boaro of County Commissioners. State Board of Chari ties and Reform. county . no provision. County: Per capita tax not exceeding $2; property tax not exceed¬ ing 3/5 \% of assessed valuation. All other funds except school and bond sinking fund and may be resorted to in emergency. nebraska Mandatory Applicant a poor person unable to earn livelihooi supported by legally-obligated relatives in county. Legally-liable relatives forfeit not to exceed J10 per week to county upon failure to support. Relatives of 2nd a"o 3rd degrees liable for support, provided in case of intemperance or liable. Children unoer 16 and pregnant women must not be a0mitted to poorhouse. county has granted. no provision. Continuous resioence of i year in county or 6 month's residence in residence in state. Acquiring new settlement in another State or voluntary and uninterrupted absence from State for one year with intent to abandon residence in Nebraska. County of settlement shall be notified by county where pauper is found ano requested to remove pauper. Pauper belonging to another State may be provid¬ ed with transporta¬ tion to that State. no provision. Contract care by householders, care in poorhouse _[/, and/or poor farm j/; direct relief; necessaries of life; care in county hospital, where established; burial; temporary relief ano burial to non- settlers; temporary aid for residents of other States. If strong and able- bodied, pauper may be required to do county work or labor as a condit1 on preceoent to relief. Time during receipt of relief and spent in any public or private charitable or penal institution excludeo in deter¬ mining settlement for poor relief. Paupers exempt from Ml litary service and payment of poll tax. County Boards of Supervisors, who may create a State Department of Public Welfare has general county. County of legal settlement must reimburse other count 1e6 for money expended prior to pauper's removal. County: General fund, property tax not to exceed 4 mills in counties of 9,000 or less ano 3 mills in other counties; tax not to for erection and operation of poorhouse; inheritance taxes collected before march 2, 1937; additional 1/2 mill property tax during 1935 and 1936. Comp.Stats.(1929), Ch. 55s101, sec. 66:104, 68:107, 68:119, 68:123, 71:2701, 77:1802; (1935 Supp.), Ch . 68, sec8. 77:1801, 1820; Appendix iii (o), sec. 26:1901 . of Public Welfare powers re all public charity organizations. Officers distributing out¬ door relief must furnish Depart¬ ment reports, when required. i. Establishment oiscretionary with county Board. In counties where none established, county board may contract for care in poorhouse of nearby county. State and Citation Nature of lab social conditions Citizenship Settlement Procedure For Determining eligibility type of Relief work Requirement Effect on Status Administration Acquisition loss Removal dlrect Responsibility supe rvi80ry Political UNIt Financing Relief Provisions For Reimbursement Source of Funds M NEVADA Comp. Labs (1929), Secs. 5137-5147; (1934 supp. ), Secs- 5143, 5144; Labs (1935), Ch. 138. Mandatory - for settlers. Optional - for non- settlers after notice county of settlement. Poor persons lawfully resident and unable to earn livelihood due to bodily infirmity, idiocy, lunacy, or other cause; persons incapacitated by disease or accident who are not supporteo by institutions; legally-liable relatives forfeit $30 per month to county commissioners upon failure to support. relatives of 1st and 2nd degrees liable, provided in cases of intemper¬ ance or other bad conduct, only parent And/or child liable. grandparents liable for only l/2 the amount of support in any case. no provision. Three years residence in State and 6 months in county. no provision. ■here pauper 6ettle0 in one county applies for aio in another county, it is the duty of former county to remove pauper immediately upon receiving notice from latter county. Application to Board of County Commis¬ sioners. Contract care; care provideo by agents of county board;care in workhouse j/ ano/ or poor farm j/; temporary relief to those settled in another county; board, nur6ing,medi¬ cal care ano burial to nonresident sick. Apprenticeship of minors with respect¬ able householder of the county. In workhouses and ot poor farms, in dis¬ cretion of Board of county commissioners no provision. Board of County COMM1661 oners. State Board of Relief, work Planning, and Pension Control supervises the admini strat ion of poor relief. county. county of settlement reimburses county where pauper may be found for temporary aid. County: General funo. neb HAMPSHIRE labs (1926), chs. 23, 105-108; laws (1931), Ch. 91; labs (1933 ), Ch. 79, 137, 142; laws (1935), Ch. 20. Mandatory town - Poor person unable to support himself. Relatives liable if able to support. Bages of pauper may be appropriated for family's support. No provision. Town - Five consecutive years domicile in town. 2/ Town - Abandon¬ ment of oomicile Town - Overseers of town may cause pau¬ per who applies to them to be returned to his home at expense of the town. County - Pauper who has not resided in county 3 months at time of first relief may be removed by County Commissioners or by Superior Court order to county which relieved him Blthin year or to county in which he last resided one year within the last f 1 ve . latter county State - Attorney- General or secretary of State Board of •elfare and Relief, with approval of Attorney-General, authorizeo to enter into reciprocal agreements blth other States regard¬ ing interstate transportation of indigents. no provision. town - care in poor farm 3/; binding out to labor for not exceeding 1 year; Pauper may be bound out or employed in poor farm or in workhouse. Non- res ioents may be required to work as reimbursement for transportation. 1 no person shall have a home for a settlement while assisted as a pauper. town - no pauper receiving relief within 90 days of town meeting entitled to vote in towns. Emergency Relief 4/ voting rights not affected by receipt of unemployment relief while Federal funds available. town - Overseers of the Poor. County - Board of county Commissioners. Director of Relief super¬ vises all poor relief until 6/30/37. 4/ Towns. towns - towns reim¬ bursed by countv for all expendi ture6 made for paupers not settled in town; town supporting pauper reimbursed by town of legal settlement. county - Counties providing relief to paupers chargeable to another county are reimbursed by latter county. Emergency Relief 4/ Town: town General fund. County: assistance as a consecut 1 ve years.(settle¬ ment not lost by m 1 li tary service or temporary absence). house; burial. County - County may contract with towns for support of county pauper6 in same manner as town paupers supported; care in county poor farm; binoing out; burial . Smergency Relief 4/ Couniy General Emergency Relief:4/ State General dlrect or work relief State reimburses counties, ci ties and towns up to 500* of amount expenoeo for direct relief until june 30, 1937. 1. Establishment optional with Boards or County Commissioners. 2. County liable for paupers for whose support no person or town is liable. 3. Establishment optional with towns. 4. This lab. passed March 30. 1935. bill terminate June 30. 1937 unless sooner altered by the Legislature. Towns are not subject to the provisions of the Act except by local option. state and citation Nature of Lam Social Conditions Citizenship Procedure For Determining eligibility Type of Relief ■ork Requirement Effect on Status Administration l088 Removal Direct Responsibility supervi 80ry responsibility Political Unit Financing Relief Provisions For Reimbursement Source of Funds JCHSCY lams (1924), ch. 132; (1925-1930 supp.), 161-124 to 161-221; lams (1931), chs. 373, 392, 393; lams (1933), ch. 233. mandatory Lemally obligated relatives may be compelled to support applicant. Uninterrupted residence of 5 years in any county or municipality of the State. Time spent in any charitable or correctional insti tut ion excluded. Acquisition of new settlement or one year's cont inuous absence from State. Overseer (local system) or Superin¬ tendent (county 6y8tem ) removes pauper from munici¬ pal! ty giving aio to municipality of legal settlement. Former municipality pays expense of removal. county Adjuster, upon application of Superintendent of ■elfare (county system) or Overseer (local system), rem0ve8 pauper to State to mhich he is properly remov¬ able or to county of settlement. Removal by Superin¬ tendent (county system) or by Over¬ seer (local system) to place mhence pauper came, pro¬ vided pauper has no settlement in any county or fn any other State. County Systemi ■ork provided in welfare houses. 11 me spent in any charitable institu¬ tion not included in computation of period required for settlement. Paupers disenfran¬ chised. County System: County System: county sy6tem1 county sy8temi county! General fund municipali ty 1 General fund. Application by poor person or hib repre¬ sentative to county melfare board; inves¬ tigation by Superin¬ tendent of welfare; subsequent mritten order by Superin¬ tendent, approved by County boaro. Deter¬ mination of Superin¬ tendent 6ubject to appeal to court pF Domestic Relations or court of Common plea8. care in county lel— fare-h0u8e or con¬ tract for care in welfare-house of another county;ca8h allowance not to ex¬ ceed $200, if more adequate than relief in county welfare- house; contract for relief by relatives not obligateo by law; medical care and hospitalization in any public or private hospital; temporary outdoor relief to nonres1dent6 pending removal;burial. Local System: Care in municipal,county or district 2/ alms¬ house; contract with relat 1 ves not legal¬ ly liable for sup¬ port; temporary care for nonresidents in almshouse or welfare- house pending removal;permanent care in private home; burial; medical care and hospitalization. County Welfare Board, appointed by Board of Free¬ holders, has charge of relief and settlement of poor. Super¬ intendent of ■elfare, appoint¬ ed by Welfare Boaro, adminis¬ ters relief sub¬ ject to Board's approval. LOCAL System: Overseers of poor. • tate Department pF Institutions and Agencies must approve plans for county welfare- houses and has power of inspec¬ tion over all poor institutions. various activi¬ ties of County Boards of welfare 6ubject to inspection of County Boards of Freeholders. Local System: County . Local System: municipali tie6. countie8 reimbursed from e8tate of deceased paupcr. Local System: no provi8ion. Application by pau¬ per or his repre¬ sentative to Over¬ seer of Poor; subsequent investi¬ gation and determi¬ nation by Overseer, subject to appeal by britten petition to Court of Domestic Relations or Court of Common Pleas. Court of Common pleas must approve care in private home. NCI ICXICO stat8. (1929), secs 101-101, 101-102; lams (1935), ch.86. Optional dcservinq indigent persons mho are objects of charity. no provision. Folloms voting lams: 1 year in State and 90 day6 in county. no provision. no provision. no prov181 on• no provision. no provision. no prov161 on. City: City Coun¬ cil or other city governing boaro. County: Boards of County Com¬ missioners or county branch offices of State Relief and Securi ty Authority if established. State Relief and Security Author- 1 ty. county, city. no provision. County: Property tax not to exceed 1/2 mill. City: Property tax not to exceed 1/2 mill. 1. Two OR MORE COUNTIES NAY UNITE TO TORN A DISTRICT FOR ALMSHOUSE CARE. 2. COUNTY SYSTEM MAY BE ADOPTED BY POPULAR VOTE OR BY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARO OF FREEHOLDERS. OF THE COUNTY. state and citation Nature of social c0n0iti0n6 Settlement Procedure for OetermiVai ng eligibility Type of Relief work Requirement Effect on status Administration Financial Provisions citizen8hip Acquisition Loss Removal Direct Supervisory Responsibility Political Unit Financing Relief Provisions for Reimbursement Source of Funds NCI YORK Cahill's Lass (1930), Ch. 49 1/2, secs. 1-99; 125; 128; 138; 154; Ch. 16. sec. 15t. cam ill's LAS6 (1931-1935 supp.), Ch. 49 1/2; Oreater N.Y. charter (ash) 5th eottion, Ch.ij. Mandatory Person in need of relief and care shich he is unable to provide for himself. relat1ve8 of a recipient of public relief or of a person liable to become in need of public relief are, if of sufficient ability, responsible for the support of such person. step-parents are in like manner responsible for the support of minor stepchil¬ dren. a public welfare official may bring action against a person oi8covereo to have real or personal property, or against his estate, if or was liable, receiveo relief and care during the preceoing 10 years, and is entitled to re¬ cover up to the value of such property, the cost of such relief. no provision. Local System: Every person of full settlement con¬ tinues until person gain6 a like settlement Local System: Application for relief made by poor person to Commis¬ sioner of County Public Welfare Dis¬ trict or public welfare officials of the several towns or cities; subse¬ quent investigation made by officials to determine que8ti0ns of eligibility ano liability of the pol 1tical subdivi¬ sions for the care; aid granted accordingly. Home relief and medi cal care; insti tu- tional care of an aoult; relief ano inmates of public h0me6 and public farms must be suit¬ ably employed, if no per80n shall gain or lobe a residence for purpose of registering and voting wmile kept at any almshouse,or other asylum, or institution, wholly or partly supported at public expense or by chari ty. County System:2/ commissioner of Public Welfare of county public welfare district Local System: 2/ 3/ Public Welfare Officer of city or town welfare district. State: Superintendent of state and alien poor. 4/ ptate board of Social Welfare. County System: 2/ State reimburses pub¬ lic welfare di6trict for the expen6es of County System: age who 18 a resident ano inhabit¬ ant of a town or city continuously for one year,without receiving pub¬ lic 6upp0rt or relief. Except in a county public welfare 016- trict where c08t of County. Local System: 2/ county property tax. 5/ State and alien and care of all poor having less than 60 0ay6 res 1 oence, 1 no1 ans, and alien poor persons. Welfare 01 strict of settle¬ ment must reii0urse welfare district granting temporary aid. Upon refusal latter district may recover from former in supreme court proceedings. Local System: county reimburses ci ties ano towns for care of paupers having no settlement in 6ai0 city or town. City, or Town County System: Settlement in county public welfare district acquircd by settlement in a town or city thereof. Exceptions: Following persons must resioe in town 5 years in order to gain settlement; tubercular resi¬ dents of franklin, greene, ulster, Essex, Orange, Rockland and Sullivan countie6; Inmates of National Soldiers' Home at Bath, N.Y; Residents of towns in Steuben county; members of veterans' admin¬ istration Facility in Ontario county . city or town,or moves from this State ano re¬ mains therefrom for one year. charge0 on 6uch dis¬ trict as a whole, when a person cared for where he 16 found by a town or city within a county public welfare dis¬ trict. has a settle¬ ment in 80me other town or city in some public welfare dis¬ trict, he may be re- moveo to town or city of his settle¬ ment. County System: settlement in some other welfare dis¬ trict, he mu6t be removed to the pub¬ lic welfare district of his settlement by oroer of county judge. then a per¬ son not having a settlement within State is cared for or any pu8lic wel¬ fare district. State Department of Social Welfare may remove him to State or county where frien06 will support him by the order of county judge. State pays expense of removal. who is cared for away from his parents, for defec¬ tive or physically handicapped children, ano for children born out of wedlock; hospitalization; burial expenses not to exceed $75. care of State poor by contract with any public home in state) care in county or city homes and poor farms, where establ18he0. j/ pronounced by attenoinq physician, able to work. State. 4/ State: General fund. NORTH CAROLINA Optional no provision. Continuous residence in county for one year. Persons coming into State gain a settlement after residing in State continuously for 3 years unless at time of Ml oration person was able to main¬ tain himself. Settlement lost by acquir¬ ing new one. upon complaint made the boaro of commis¬ sioners, before a justice of the peace thai any person has come into the county wo is liable to become chargeable thereto, the justice hy his warrant shall cause such poor per¬ son to be removed to the county where me was last legally settled. Expense of removal pa 10 by county of settlement Care in County Home or District Hospital Home 6/; support of or relatives 1/j temporary support pending removal; man *6 dependents absent on scrvice; hospitalization in public or private hospital by contract not to exceed 30 years in 54 counties no provision. voters must produce a poll tax receipt or take oath as to payment, but no per¬ son who has been exempted by the commissioners where¬ in he resides on account of infi rmi ty or poverty is re¬ quired to proouce such receipt or take such oath; provided exemption granted on or before may 1st of the year in which county Boaro of commissioners, who appoint Superintendent of county home and boaro of Trustees of District Hospi tal-Home. boaro of chari ti es ano Public Welfare.^ County. no provision. 1335 to 1344, 5942. pauper's estate. District Home: admit such persons as in the opinion of the Superintendent of Public Welfare, need institutional care. tax; 54 counties may levy additional taxes for purpose of financing c0st8. 1. Establishment optional sith county and city public welfare districts. 2. County Boards of Supervisors may, by resolution abolish distinction between county, city and town, poor, making care of all poor a county charge. 3. The City of Greater New York has its own Department of Public Belfare and a Commissioner of Public Charities bho is executive of said Department. Said Commissioner has jurisdiction of and enforces rules and regulations for all asylums, almshouses and other institutions belonging to the City. He has all authority concerning the care of infirm and destitute per60n6 but has no power to dispense outdoor relief for paupers- 4. This officer has control of all State paupers for which none of thl counties, cities, or tosns are responsible. 5. Albany county, by 2/3 vote, until April i, 1940, m«y use funds from motor fuel ano vehicle taxes. 6. two or more adjacent counties may unite to establish district h06pital-home. 7. County Commissioner may not h>re out paupers at auction or by amy other kind of contract. 8. Reports of superintendents of county home6 annually submitted to said Boaro. MOUTH DAKOTA COMP. LAW (1913), SEC. 7, 2496 to 2529, 2531-2544j (1913-1925 SUPP.), TO COUP. LAW8I 2529, 2530; LAWS (1929), CH. 107; » (1933), CH8. 97, 9B; LAWS (1935), i. 119, 120, 123, 221 . Relatives must ma i; . conditions i pauper if able. No provision. One year's continuous residence county or, if one year's residence State, then settlement 16 im county where he longest res i dec ing year. acqu 18 i t i on of new settlement in State; voluntary year or more. Local Systemi if ship may ce of order e coun- r may 0 the township ot that of leg dence, over poor of apply to ju the peace f of removal expen6e of ty. Such or be appealed district co county syst pauper beco chargeable likely to b chargeable county othe that of leg dence, coun mi6si oners where paupi found may b court which mine8 count settlement 0r0er8 remo that county 0 contribution support from county. such oroer may be appealed to the supreme court. Procedure For Determining county sy6temi Application to board of county commissioners, referred, for investigation and report, to county 0ver6eer of poor. Local Systemi \J Application to over¬ seer of poor; subse¬ quent invest iga t Type of Relief care in poor asylum and poor farm 2/; hospitalization; medical care and supplie8; temporary outdoor aid (local 8ystem not to exceed $25 without approval of county commis¬ sioners); burial not to exceed $25 (local system); not to exceeo $50 (county system); temporary aid for nonresidents pending removal; permanent relief to nonresident6 who cannot be removed thru phy8ical condi¬ tion or lack of legal settlement; work-relief to able- bodied nonresidents. work requirement rt shall be made nd work for cant, and refus- 0 accept work ! a bar to relief. work may be provided for poorhou6es and on poor farms. Effect on Status State has power of custody and restrain paupers. Time during receipt of county and/or state and/or Federal aid discounted in determining settlement. Administration :ial Provisions County System: County commissioners. Local Systemi Supervisor of township who is ex officio over¬ seer of Poor in township. county board of Public Welfare. Supervisory Responsibility Financing Relief county. Local System; Township. Provisions For Reimbursement County Systemi County of settlement shall reimburse other counties for expenditures made in connection with relief of their pauper6. Local System; Counties reimburse townships 75Jt of l id granted. source of fund6 County Systemi county poor relief fund into wh i ch ib pa i 0 that proportion of tax receipts which poor relief iati0n6 bear to total appropri at i0n6. is insuf¬ ficient, then tran6fer to poor Relief Fund from other fund except sinking and interest funds, and if necessary addi¬ tional appropria on. if appro- ii at ions for poor relief cause county deficit, appro- hat i 0n8 to make > defici t th not to be in¬ cluded in app priat ions subject to tax levy ii tati0n6. Local Systemi Township; General fund. County; General fund. 1. Cities of 5,000 or more may, by popular vote, adopt the county system. 2. Establishment optional; determined by popular vote. CODE (1934), SEC6. 2548, 3127, 3138-1, 3140 TO 3149, 341 I TO 3414, 3476 TO 3496, 4021 TO 4CQ5, 4089 TO 4096, 5625-2 mandatory as county infirmary: paupers who 00 not have re6i- to inst itu- oence requirements, have become permanently 018- onal care. abled or whose condition prevents their be i no Optional as careo for elsewhere except in county infirmary; to outdoor no insane or epileptic person may be received. relief. county and/or city officers have lien, with power of sale, on all property of inmate.person contracted out to a physician or another for medical care must have contracts renewed each year, ano contracts may be annulled for qood cause . Towns: Persons in condition requiring relief. no specific provision as to liability of rela¬ tives for support of indigent but municipal officers must make every reasonable effort to obtain aid from relatives and organizations before granting public aid; township off icial8 have lien with power of sale, over property of pauper. no provision. County: Continuous residence for 12 c0n6ecutive months without ief of any nature. Local Unit: Person having settle¬ ment in county gain8 a settlement a town by res ioence of 3 con- iutive months without relief of kind therein. settlement County: Ihen pauper has legal settlement some other county the superintendent or trustees of the county infirmary,the Board of County Com¬ missioners or the City Director of Public safety noti- > the trustees of the infirmary or the municipal officials shall remove. nqu If by t0wn8hif or proper county: Care by con¬ tract in private home not to exceed i year; care in county infii vary or 0i6trict home; medical treat- vent by contract wl i c i an 8 j temporary care pending removal ounty of settle¬ ment. Towni Relief in own and temporary relief pending remov- h08pitalizati on and medical care; burial; care in free public h06pi tal \J\ care in municipal ef in towns located in count i :re there 16 nc county infirmary. ■ork Requirement Public Relief: The / recii requireo labor, relief REASONA perform 0 value of •e public park, public hiqhwa' or othei proper contrac coun" Effect on Status no provision. aoministration OlRECT RESP0N6 i b i l i County: County commi6810ner6• Local Units: t0wn6hip trustees or council of mun i c i pali ty . City overseer of poor supervises ano commitments must be approved by Director of Public Safety. Supervisory resp0n6ib ili t> No provision. . provi6i0n6 Political Unit Financing Relief Town Relief: Towns. County Infira Provisions For Reimbursement Townshi p, county of legal set reimburses city or cou giving rel paupers. and cities county for settlers inf i rmary . reimburse and cities of persons no townshi settlemen" county 8e1 or whose se auper's ement reimburse care of county counties 0wnship6 for care having or city no Source of Funds Township: Township and city property tax levy 2/and bond issues during 1935 and 1936. County: County property tax levy. 2/ , ano for irial of persons iving no settlement : State. 1. Township trustees or council of municipality may contract with charitable corporation for erection of such hospital. 2. County, township or city property taxes for all purposes must not exceed limitation of 10 mills. State ano Citation Nature of Law Social Conditions Settlement procedure For Determining eligibility Type of Relief Work Requirement Effect on Status Administration Financial Provisions Citizenship Acquisition loss Removal Dlrect Responsibility Supervisory Responsibilit\ Political Unit Financing Relief Provisions For Reimbursement source of fund6 OKLAHOMA stats. (1931 ), sec. 7542-7597; 5643. laws (1935), Ch. 24, Arts. 17, 18, 19. initiative Petition No. 149, (1935). Mandatory as to institu¬ tional care ano burial. Optional as to direct relief state aid: Person over 21 who has resided continuously in county 6 months. No provision. if the pers0n6 seek 1ng relief have no settlement in the county, or the overseers are in doubt as to where the settlement of such person is, or if there is a poor person in the county that 16 likely to become a public charge, the overseer may file a complaint in the county court of county where such person is found to a8ccrtain the settlement of such person. if settlement is in State but outside county or if found to be outside state, the court shall issue an order for pauper's removal to his proper place of settlement. General Poor Reliefi General Poor Relief: Superintendent of poor farm shall have authority to such asylum, who are able to do so, to labor upon sa id farm. no per80n while kept in a poorhouse or a6ylum at public expense, except Federal and Confed¬ erate ex-soldiers allowed to vote. General Poor State Aid: General Poor State Aid: General Relief: persons who actually need assistance. State Aid: Destitute unemployable persons. Bona fide citizens of state. Complaint or application made by or on behalf of any poor person to the overseers of the poor, who Temporary relief to nonres1dent8 pending ascertainment of their legal settle¬ ment; care in county asylum _[/; care in county poor farm in counties of 33,940 to 33,950; poor persons contracted out in countie8 where there is no poor house; oirect care; burial ex¬ penses; hospitaliza¬ tion; cash allowance to paupers and parents of defective chiloren unable to provide for 8uch chiloren. State Aid: fooo, clothing, fuel, meoical ano surgical necessities Relief: Overseers of the poor. State Aid: County Welfare Board. State Board of Public welfare. Relief: County . State Aid: State. State allocates money to supplement funds appropriated by county excise boards of the various counties, sa1d allocation to be according to needs of said respective counties as determined by state board of Public Welfare. 2/ County special tax of not to exceed 1/2 mill for poor farm; bond issue8. State Aid: of relief to be granted; appeal allowed to district court of the county. State: General fund.3/ Erection optional with county commissioners. In case Federal funds are made available, qualifications shall be made to conform to Federal requirements. Available until June 30, 1937; in order to participate in this fund, county must levy an ao valorem tax of 8/10 mill to match State funos. Settlement Financial Provisions State and Citation Nature of law Social Conditions Citizenship Acquisition Loss removal Procedure For Determining rvpe of Relief work Requirement Effect on Status Direct resp0n6ibili ty Supervisory responsibility Political Unit Financing Relief Provisions For Reimbursement Source of Funds 0AC80H Coot (1930), Secs■ 18-906, 27-1401 to 27-1408, 27-1501; Laws (1931 ), Cm.198; Laws (1933), Cm. 442, Sec. 5; Laws (1935 Sp. SessJ (X.%55. Mandatory Poor person who has no legally-obligated rela¬ tives in county who can support his or will support him. Obligated relatives, who refuse to support, pay forfeit of $30 per month to no provision. re81 dent of county and 3 years self-supporting residence in state with intent to make it home and without having acquired a resi¬ dence in another state. Acquisition of re6i0ence in another State by living there continuously for one year 6ubbe- dence in this state. where pauper 16 not lawful resident of State, he may be transported, by county court where found, to State in which he is a re8ident. where pauper re8i0ed in another county with¬ in State one year prior to becoming a public charge, he may be removed to that county at it8 expense by county where found. Application to county court or county relief committee. MAY REQUIRE EITHER BY CONTRACT OR THROUGH AGENTS OF COUNTY COURT; CARE IN WORKHOUSES _l/, AND COUNTY HOSPITAL8 j/, OR POOR FARM; BURIAL; residents of another county. Required in workhou 6e S■ no provision. County Relief committees. County courts and county relief committee6 cooperate with State Relief committee . State Relief committee supervises expenditures of funds for all types of relief in counties ex¬ cept those for county in6titu- t1ons. County . County of resioence reimburses other counties 8upplying relief to thei r paupers. State shall reimburse not les8 than 1/2 of total c06t of all f0rm8 of relief in counties including institu¬ tional care of needy persons. State; State oleomargarine tax, public a66i stance fund. county; General fund. PENNSYLVANIA puroon's penn. Stat.(1936), Title 62-1 to 62-1520; 71-594. Mandatory Poor person is one unable to maintain himself or those dependent upon him. The real estate and pcrsonal estate of any pauper shall be liable for the expen6e6 of his support, ma 1ntenance,and burial incurred by any poor 01 strict; county has claim on £6tate for such support. relatives of every poor person shall, at their own charge if of sufficient ability relieve such poor per60n at such rate as court of quarter sessions 8hall direct. Children between 2 ano 16 years may not be kept in poorhouse longer than 60 0ay6. "Public charge" means a person to whom poor relief from public fun06 is necessary for his no provision. Coming to poor district to estab¬ lish a permanent abode there ano continuous residence therein for one year. a settlement is lost only by acquiring a new one . in case any per80n shall have no set¬ tlement in the dis¬ trict wherein he ha8 become, or 18 likely to become, a public charge, it shall be the duty of the di¬ rectors, to notify directors of the district of his set¬ tlement of the facts notified 00 not arrangements for his proper 6upp0rt, the directors furnishing such relief may apply to court of quarter sessions of their county, by petition, asking for a citation to the negligent directors said Court to show cau6e why they should not receive pauper. thi8 court shall hear ca8e ano determine whether the pauper 8h0ul0 be rece 1 veo or not . di8trict of settle¬ ment pays cost of removal . 1 t shall be the duty of directors of every district,from time to time, to provide for every per60n wlthin dis¬ trict who shall apply to them for relief where such directors are 6atisfied upon investigation that such relief is nec¬ essary. Director of poor or court may poorhouse, but such commitment is sub¬ ject to approval of Board of Directors. Outdoor relief; care in the district poorhouse or in poorhouse of adjoin¬ ing dlstrict;burial expenses not to exceed $75; hospitalization; children over 2 ano under 16 years committed to charge of director of poor may be placed in family or institu¬ tional home6; care of indigent dumb and blind in special private associations temporary relief and burial of non- settlers. vagrants required to work on roads, in poorhouses, work¬ house or jail; work shall be 8uitable to their health and capaci ty . Directors of poor may be declared 8y court legal guardians of pauper and his property, Directors of the poor, county commissi oners acting as directors of the poor 2/, guard iani of the poor, managers, over¬ seers of the poor, and Directors of a home for the Destitute of the county of westmoreland. 3/ City Directors of Public Welfare. Directors of pooh or other persons having charge of the poor in the several districts makes reports to the Department of Welfare. Alms¬ houses open at all times to inspection by State Department of welfare and said Department must inspect said institut ions at least once a vear. Plans for almshouses must be submitted to said Department. Poor Districts.3/ w dlstrict of settle¬ ment pays for care of pauper from date of notice glven by district granting care . Poor District; Property tax not to exceed 10 mill8. Erectiow optional with county court. There are 425 poor districts (ranoinq in size from small townships to large counties). Districts are administered by county commissioners in 22 counties, by elected directors of the poor in 27, and sy appointeo directors in i. 15 counties have municipal or inter-municipal districts and 2 have other forms of organizati Each county i6 maoe a poor district, with the exception of the following; Philadelphia, Allegheny, Carbon, Fulton, Cameron, Luzerne, Centre, Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, Susquehanna, Wayne, Lackawanna, Union, Snyder, ano Juniata. Aojacent poor districts may be consolidated, by popular vote or by oroer of court < sessions upon application of the 2 count ie6 involveo. lycoming county legally a county unit but not actually. any county, by popular vote, may adopt the county unit sy8tem. A /' / State and Ci tation Nature or las Social Conditions Settlement Procedure For Determining Eligibility Type of Relief ■ork Requirement Effect on status Administration Financial Provisions Cltizen8hip Acquisition Loss Removal Direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibili ty political unit Financing Relief Provisions For Reimbursement Source or Amos RHOOt ISLAND Constitution, Art. 2, Sec. 4: Den. Lass (1923), Secs. I5CB- i564j Acts and Resolves (l925). Cm. 664, Acts and Resolves (1925-1926), Cm. 842, Public Lass (1929), CM. 1382, Labs (1930), CM. 1580; Acts (1934), CM. 2114, Public Lass (1935), CM. 2250. Mandatory no prov181 on . Any person 21 years or more having resided in any t0sn in state con¬ tinuously for 5 years or more and not having receiveo aid through public or private agency. every per60n of 21 years of age, having an estate of inheritance or free¬ hold, in tosn shere he may dsell ano have his home, or the yearly income or $20 over and above any encumbrance thereon, and taking profits and rent6 therefrom for 3 year8 successively, bhether he live thereupon or not, gains a settlement. every person over 21 years of age having real property borth $200 over ano above encum¬ brances bho pays taxes on 8ame for 5 successive years, gains 6ettle— and has his home. Removal from torn for a continuous period of 5 years succeeding the period of time bhen he gained his residence in said torn. if any per80n shall res 1de in any torn in the State not being legally set¬ tled therein, and shall become, or be likely to become, torn, any one of the Directors of public aid may make com¬ plaint thereof to the torn council. upon such complaint torn council may inquire, either by oath of 6uch person, or 0therri6e, in rhat torn he bas last legally 8et- tleo, ano upon the best information they can obtain, may judge and oetermine to rhat torn he labfully belongs, bhich being done, the torn council shall make an order tor the removal of such per¬ son to such tobw. torn to hhich pauper removed may appeal case to county Superior Court. Application made to and aid granted by Director of Public Aid rith the advice ano consent of the torn councils \/ of the several torn6 . care in rorkhouse 2/ and poor farm 2/, temporary relief, burial expenses, care in State infirmary • no pauper shall be enti tled to register or vote. Tornj Directors of public Aid, RITH C0N8ENT of torn council. PROVIDENCEl City council State Infirmary; Director of Public Welfare. Director of Public Welfare. torn; citie6 of Providence, State supports State Infirmary. All 8um8 paid by State or torn for support recoverable from kindred liable; if there be no such kindred, torn of legal settlement responsible. torn br cityi General fund. Statei General fund. 6upp0rt. aid shall see that per80n6 in rork¬ house are suitably employed. south CAROLINA Code (1932), Secs. 3848-3856, 4966- 4977. Mandatory 'er80n6 in di8tre88 and in need Or immediate care. Citizen or South carolina or any other State. Three successive years residence in any county, during bhich time, per80n has maintained himself ano fam 1 ly . no provision. the 0verseer6 of the poor or any city or county may 8en0 a britten notification! relating to any per¬ son actually become chargeable thereto, to one or more of city or county bhere his residence is supposed to be, requesting them to remove him. if 6uch removal is not effected, the over¬ seers requesting the removal may cause removed to county supposed settlement and may sue latter county for expenses incurred. Overseers of poor provide relief. Care and medical aid in p00rh0u6e and farm 3/, temporary relief and burial expen6e8 for non¬ residents; care for poor by cities of Charleston and Columbia, apprentice¬ ship of children under 14. inmates of the p00rh0u6e bho are able are required to rork. Every elector offering to vote must give proof of the fact he has paid his poll tax. County Board of comm1661 oners acting a6 over¬ seers of the poor. Aiken County, Committee appointeo by governor has charge of poor- Charleston and Columbia, Cl ty authori tie6 coun ty Commissioners make annual report to court of general sessions. County. Charleston and Columbia, county of settlement re 1 mbur8e6 county supplying support for cost of 3 m0nth6 aid, removal, and burial. County, General fund. Charleston and city. Columb1 a, General ruND. 1. City Council or city or Providence may prescribe the node in wiich ano extent to bhich Direct! 2. Erection optional nith town councils. 3. Counties in same juoicial district may combine roR purpose or grantino relict or this nature. State and Citation nature of lab Social Conditions citizen8hip Settlement Procedure For Determining Eligibility Type of Relief work Requirement Effect on Status Administration Financial Provisions Acquisition Loss Removal Direct re6p0n6ibility Supervisory Responsibility Political Unit Financing Relief Provisions For Reimbursement source of funds SOUTH DAKOTA COMP.LABS (1929), SEC. 191; 6749; 7694; 10039-10066. LABS (1931), CH.251 . LAB* (1933), CM.199. LABS (1939), CM. 80; CM. 98. Mandatory It is the outy of the father, the mother, and the children, of any poor person bho is unable to maintain hin8elf by born, to maintain such person to the extent of their ability. poor person bho is a county charge, of nature year8, 60un0 mind, bho bill probably be benefitted, is qiven cash allobance. nonresident bho is lying SO that he 18 likely to suffer is a1 deo. County has claim against person granted assist¬ ance for the value of such assistance, or against mis Property or estate. No provision. every male person and unmarried female over the age of 21 years, bho reside8 in state one year and county 90 days gains a legal set¬ tlement in such county. Legal settlement 8hall be lost by acquiring a neb one in State; or by silful absence for period of 30 days from State. Persons coming into State bho are public charqe8 or are lia¬ ble to become public charges, may be pre¬ vented from securing a legal settlement, by service of notice upon such person to depart from the county. Poor per- legal settlement and bho are likely to become a public charge may, upon complaint of county commissioner, be removed to place bhere such person belongs, if it can be conveniently done. county removing pauper pays cost of removal It is the outy of the county commis¬ sioners or the coun¬ ty board of publ1c belfare, on any complaint made to them om behalf of the poor, to examine into the grounds of such complaint, and if such poor 18 in to see that they are properly cared for. it is discretionary bith the board to require the approval of said application, by tobn board, or governing body of tobn, or city bhere— in applicant re6i0es Appeal to county circuit court. care in a poor- house j/ or poor farm; contracts for care of poor in counties having no p00rh0u6e6; ca6h all0bance8; temporary care, and burial expenses not to exceed $75 for non¬ residents and other pers0n6; care in county hospital. _l/ in all cases bhere the applicant for as8i6tance is in good health and able-bodied, the t08n6hip board or governing board of tobn or city respectively, is authorized to require an appli¬ cant to perform labor or other services of a public nature, before giving approval for an application. no provision. Board of County Commissioners; county belfare b0ar06 shall havi general charge of the adminis¬ tration of relief funds mao! available by the State Department and if 80 desig¬ nated by the Board of County comm18si0ner8, 1t may act a8 agent of 8uch commission in the administra¬ tion of county poor funds. State Public ■elfare Commis¬ sion supervises county belfare boards. county. County of settlement reimburses county qranting aid for cost of burial. qemeral County property tax on all taxable property 2/; not to exceed $500 for erecting poor- h0ube8 . Emergency Relief: State Relief fund. 3/ TEMME55EE IILLIAM'S TENN. CODE (1934), SEC. 1071; 2027; 4792-4833. handatory no provision. no provision. Resident of county one year next preceding application. no provision. no provision. The commissioners 6hall examine all per80n6 bho make application for adm 1881 on into the poor asylum, and may aotjit or reject any applicant as they may think right; but any applicant bho 16 rejected may appeal to the county court, in bhich case he 6hall be examined and aomitted or excluoed in the 016cret1 on of the court. Direct relief; care in county poor a6ylum 4/; burial expenses; care by contract bith any person, not to exceei one year; medical treatment; hospitalization 5/ by contract bith any reputable hospital; apprentice¬ ship of children under 18. The commissioners of the poor 8hall have pober to prescribe the manner in bhich the 1nmates 8hall labor, if any of them are able to labor. support of poor may employ person, subject to supervi¬ sion of county commissioners. Paying poll tax a conoition precedent to the exercise of right to vote, and county court may exempt from borking on public roads and from paying poll tax any person unable to make a support, bhenever it 6eem6 just or right. Commissioner of the Poor appoint¬ ed by the County Court. County Court. County. no pr0vi8i0n. County; general fund. 1. Erection optional »itm county connissioners. Too or uore counties nay unite to establish. 2. Mot to exceed 2 mills tor all county purposes; provideo county may levy tax not to exceed 5 mills ir electors 80 obsignate by popular vote. 3. $300,000 appropriated each fiscal year from proceeds of beer and bine revenue. (act expire8 6/30/37) (expended for "relief of poor" in manner oirecteo by governor.) 4. county c0urt8 may unite in e8tabli8mment of joint homes, hospitals, almshouses and poor farms. 9. Municipalities nay lease a hospital for 5 years, and county quarterly courts may establish county tuberculosis hospitals. Settlement Administration Financial Provisions Proceoure For Direct Supervisory political unit Provisions For State and Citation Nature or Social Conditions Citizenship acqu 1 6 1 t 1 on LOSS Removal Determining Type of Relief ■ork Requirement Effect on Status re8p0n8ibility Responsibility Financing Re 1 mbursement Source of Funds law Eligibility Relief TEXAS Support (form not Vernon's Texas Stats Mandatory Applicants,, paupers who are unable to support No provision. Bona fide inhabitants or county no pr0vi8i0n. Court or County no provision. Paupers supported court of County No provision. County. no pro v1 61 on • County: (1928), Art. 158, them6elve8. relatives Or paupers liable rOR not le68 than 6 months and op the Commissioners shall specified); medical by the county not comm1861 oners• General fund. 718-725, 2351» support either partial or entire, in county State not less than one year. issue all not 1ce8, care and burial; allowed to vote »n bond issue (5% 2954; 4006; 4427; citations, writ6 care in county State. County taxable value 4438; 4487-4494. actual per capita costs. ano pr0ce86 as may poorhouse \j, poor paupers shall not of county )for be necessary for the farm _l/, and be maintained or e8tabli shment proper execution of hospital j/. permitted to work of poor houses the powers and upon any of the and farms. \J dutie8 as are State experiment prescribed by law. 8tati0n8 or farms. UTAH Rev.Stats.(I933), Mandatory Person who is indigent, sick, disabled or No provi8ion. Any adult person residing in State By acquiring a no provision. it IS the duty of Such care, main¬ no provision. no lawful settle¬ Boards or County no provision. County. no pr0vi8i0n. county property sec. 15-6-74, othprw1se dependent. every person who 16 un¬ one year ano continuously residing new settlement the county commis¬ tenance ano relief ment can be Commissioners or tax not exceed¬ 19-5—45, 19-5-55 to able to earn a livelihood in consequence op any in any county for 4 m0nth6 during or by absence sioners upon com¬ as may be required; acquired by any a commissioner ing one mill on 19-5-66, 91-0-1 . bodily inpirmity or unavoidable causes mu8t be the year. a minor, without set¬ for 4 months or plaint being made care in p00rh0u6e indigent person of the Poor, the dollar; supported by relatives ir relatives are op 8uf- tlement in State, gain6 settlement more from county to 1t that any and poor farm 2/ or while a recipient appointed by proceeds placed riCIENT ABILITY; IP RELATIVES REPUSE TO 8UPP0RT, by re6idence in county one year. in which such person is in dis¬ hospital 2/, medical of charity. saio Board. in the "poor they shall reimburse the county not to exceed settlement was tress, to examine fund". $20 per month. Ir a per60n becomes pauper prom gained. into such case ano temporary care for intemperance or other bad conduct he shall not grant such aio a6 non-settlers. be entitled to the support prom any relative the case may require Admission to county hospital or infir¬ mary mu6t be ap¬ proved by commis¬ sioners. VERMONT Public Laws (1933), Manoa tory Upon death or a property owner who ha$ been No provision. Resided in State one year and in no pr0vi8i0n. 0ver6eer or town Suitably relieveo, The overseer of pers0n6 who have Overseers of No pr0vi6i0n. towns or oores. State reimburses the town or gore: sec.3918-3929; assisted, the amount expended rOR such assist¬ town 3 years. an inmate op a chargeable for 0ver8eer of poor. 6upp0rted and poor may bind out receiveo public the poor of the town or gore for general fund. 3935-3980; laws ance may be recovered. person IS poor and in hospital, home for aged women or support may remove employed, in the to labor or employ assistance for 2 towns; supervi¬ expen6es in caring State: (1935), No. 76; 77; need op assistance por himselp or pamily. a other charitable institutions in pauper6 to said poorhouse 3/ or in in the poorhouse years shall not be sors of unorgan¬ for paupeps not a General fund. 119. ca6hier Or a national bank or a treasurer Or a State, shall not, by reason or town. Selectmen or such manner as town any person not allowed to reg 16ter ized towns ano charge on any local 8aving6 bank or a treasurer op a savings bank being an inmate, gain residence in town granting sup¬ directs, or other¬ pursuing a lawful gores, acting unit. Town furnish- and trust company shall, when requested, purn161 town where such institution is port may remove wise at discretion business and in the request of the overseers of the ing support may 0ver6eer 1npormat1 on relative to deposit op located. pauper to town prom need of assistance; overseer of the poor. recover from town and set to work poor. of settlement. Kindreo liable roR the support or paupers, ir Attorney-General care for nonresi¬ 6uch minor children Recovery doubled or suppicient ability or in proportion to authorized to enter dents and transients as are chargeable upon neglect of abili tv . into reciprocal to his town. town to reimburse agreements for within 60 day3 removal op inter¬ after notice. state poor. VIRGINIA county. 6/ Code (1930), Secs. Mandatory Person is unable to maintain him&elr or unable No provision. Resided in coimty for one year or no provision. on complaint of any on application by or care in the county All persons kept Paupers excluded County: District State Board of Locality of settle¬ County: 1731, 1904, 2730, to maintain his ramily, and pamily is unable to 12 consecutive month6 without qualified poor in behalf or a poor poorhouse 5/ or at the place of trom registering Overseers of the Public citie6. ment reimburses Property tax 2794 to 2813; maintain 1t8elf. relief. Interstate migrants must relief officer that per60n or his family district home 6/ general reception or voting at any Poor and County Welfare. 9/ locality furnishing levy. Cooc (1932 supp.), reside in State 3 years, unless any person has come such person shall be where one exists, or for the poor who election. superintendent aid for care and Cl tyi sec. 2773 (36). at time or entry migrant able to into such county, granted assistance where none exist8, are able to work, of Poor; or the removal or burial General fund. Code (1934 Supp.), maintain him6elf. city or town and has by the 0ver6eer of some 8uitable place shall be made to superintendent Sec. i902n; 2723; not established the poor or other as may be provioed do so. of public welfari Constitution, legal settlement ano qualified poor 8y County Board of in counties that Art. 23. is likely to become relief officer as Supervisors; care have adopteo the a charge thereto, the case may be, of at place of resi¬ pauper shall be re¬ the oistrict,county, dence when it would pu8lic welfare. moved to the county, town, or city in be injudicious that City: city or town or which said pauper family or person be Superintendent other State wherein resioes. Appeal removed to place of of Public he was last legally allowed to circuit general reception; ■elfare. 8/ settleo, unless he court of county or burial; medical care; temporary care be removed without of city. for nonresidents. danger to his life. 1. Establishment optional with court or county commissioners and 2 or more counties may unite in establishing. In counties where none established, commissioners or counties in which there is no city or 10,000 population or more may contract with incorporated society, municipality or adjacent county roR care or indigents- 2. Erection optional with county commissioners. 3. Erection and discontinuance optional with town, towns not having a poorhouse, may contract por care in poorhouse or adjoining town. 4. Any number or towns may unite eor purpose or supporting poor. 5. Establishment optional with county board or supervisors. 6. Two or more counties ano/or two or more cities may unite to establish a joint district poor home. 7. County boards or public welfare may be abolished at anytime by the county boards or supervisors. 8. Administrative responsibility varies according to city charter. City councils or cities or the 1st class can create bureau or agency; public welpare departments specipically provided in some charters. 24 cities are distinct governmental units. 9. Board or Poor Commissioners submits reports to 6Aid Board. State ano Citation Nature of lar Social Conditions clti2enship Settlement Procedure For Determining eligibilitv Type of Relief ■ork Requirement Effect on Status Administration Financial Provisions Acquisition Loss Removal Oirect Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility Poli tical Unit Financing Relief Provisions For Reimbursement source of f\JN06 ■ashington Remington's Rev. Stats. (1933 ),Sec8. 9981-9992. Lars (1935), Ch. 176. Mandatory Every poor person rho shall be unable to earn a livelihood in consequence of bodily infirmity, idiocy, lunacy, or other cau6e are paupers. Relatives of paupers liable for support, if of county has been served on any nonresident pauper such person 6hall not be entitled to relief from such county, unless the county commissioners shall deem it absolutely necessary. no provision. Resident of county for 6 months immediately preceding oate of application. no provision. If it shall appear to satisfaction of the Board that a pauper has not been a resioent of county 6 months, they shall remove him from their county to county where he has a residence; or have constable on such pauper requiring him to depart forthwith from the county. Application to the Board of County Commissioners for such maintenance. Residents: Such relief as the case may require; care in workhouse. j/ Nonresidents: meoical aid, and burial expenses. no provision. no provision. Board of County- commissioners.2/ Department of Public Relfare, through the Director of the Division of Relief. county. city. County: General fund. City: general fund. ■est VIRGINIA Code (1932), Secs. 46, 593-615; (1933 SUPP.), SEC. 592; lars (1935), CH. 9. Mandatory The relatives of any pauper, who are of suffi¬ cient ability shall be responsible for the sup¬ port of 6uch pauper and to pay the expense6 of burial in the following orderi children; father; brothers, ano si8ter8; mother. the county court of the county in which the pauper is aided may proceed, by motion in the circuit court, against any person liable in law for his support, and such person shall be required to pay the amount of aio given, or if not f1 nan— no provision. resideo in county for one year continuously; interstate migrants must have resided in state 3 years unless they entered state self- support ing . no provision. On complaint of an overseer for any district, before a justice thereof,that any person has come into the county who is likely to become a public charge on such county, such justice may cause him to be removed to county where in his last legal residence was, or if he migrated from another State and has no legal settle¬ ment, to be removeo to such other state, unless so sick and so oisabled, it would endanger his li fe . On application by or on behalf of any person who is unable to maintain himself or on behalf of the family of any person when he is unable to maintain it ano the family is unable to maintain itself, if he or they have a legal settlement in the county they shall be provided for under the order and direction of the overseer of the district in which such legal settle¬ ment may be. county court may change or rescind any order of the overseer of the poor, ano grant assistance although overseer has refused to do so. Person to be assisted shall be kept at the place of general reception, but in a county where there is a he shall not be kept at the expen6e of the county at any all poor persons kept at place of general reception, who are able to work, shall be required to perform moderate labor as may be suited to their sex, age and no person who is a pauper shall be entitled to the any election held in the State. Overseers of the poor or in lieu thereof in counties having a population of 100,000 or more, two investigators of the poor, appointeo by county court. Superintendent of infirmary, appointed by county court, has charge of infirmary. County court. County. County of legal residence reimburses for care, burial and/or removal. county: general fund. which would be equitable to both part 1e8. such infirmary, except in case of emergency or neces8ity, ano then only as long as emergency la6ts; hospitalization ano medical care in private or public institutions; burial expen6e6; education of chil¬ dren kept in place of general recept ion. 1. Erection optional with county commissioners. 2. Incorporated cities or towns having charter provisions re relief or poor, care for own paupers. 3. Erection of infirmary and rorkhouse optional rith county court. Tro or more counties may jointly establish an infirmary and/or rorkhouse. State ano Citation II SCONS IN Stat. (1933), Sees. 46.18 to 46.21, 49.01 to 49.18 la08 (1935), Ch. 315; CM. 350; Cm. 416; CM. 430; CM. 453; CM. 527. Manoatory as to non¬ residents and res i0ent8• Optional as to County Home and Hospital. . Conditions Residents: All poor ano indigent persons when they stand in need of relief and support; ownership of a home or an equity in a home in which he lives or a cash or loan value not in excess of $300 in a policy of insurance shall not be a bar, ano no applicant for relief shall be required to assign such equity or insurance policy as a condition for receiving relief; any person who by stands in need 0 of receiving property, the au coll son of unemployment or sick! relief. if any person at ' c support is the owner of iorities may sue for ano person and such estate. relatives of poor person shall support such person when finan¬ cially able to do so, or relatives may be required to partially support the poor person if unable to assume the whole burden. Nonresidents: Any person not having a legal settlement who is taken sick, lame or 18 other¬ wise disabled, or from any other cause shall be in neeo of relief as a poor person and d0e8 not have money or property. Citizenship no provision. One year in any county, town, llage or city in the state, but no residence of a person in any town, city or village while sup¬ ported therein as a pauper or while employed on a fe0eral works Progress Administration project operate to give such a person tlement therein. i inmate of any home, asyi tut ion for the care of ageo, neglected or indigent me spent by any person, i 1si0ing or employeo on an' reservation over which the ias no jurisdiction, shall no ncluded as part of the year to acquire a legal lly Every settlement when once leg. acquired shal continue unti lost or defea by acquiring i one in thit State or by voluntary and errupteo lega ich tlement been gained for one year or upwaro. The county or municipal judge of either the county in which he was found, or where he has legal settle¬ ment shall issue an oroer directing the poor person to return to the of i- 6ettlement unless it shall clearly appear that 8uch removal would be against his best interests. \J Place of settlement liable for expense of removal. Proceoure For determining eligibility Sworn statement as to legal settlement town board, city council, or village board shall provide such assistance as it deems necessary. r appears Whenever to the satisfaction of any juoge of any court of record by a signed petition by any off icer8 charge0 with care of poor in any town. village or city that any person is wl thout 8uffi cient means of support ano necessary care ano is by reason of sickness, infirmity, decrepituoe, old age, drunkenness or pregnancy, likely to become a public charge, either permanently or temporarily, or that such person lives in a state of indigence, squalor or filth, likely to produce disease, such juoqe may commit such person to the county home of his county. 2/ in counties of less than 250,000 the 80ar06 of trustees of county institu¬ tions subject to the approval of the State Board of Control, make rules and governing admission In counties of 250,000 or more, the boards of trustees of county inst i tut ions makes all i for admission. Type of Relief Relief (form unspecified); temporary b0ar0, maintenance, nursing, medical aio and burial expenses for nonresidents; care in county home 2/; medical, dental, or surgical care in county hospital 2/; temporary aio to poor school children to f 11 sh 1 books, school sup¬ plies ano clothing; hospitalization of diseased paupers in any county having a population of 500,000 or more; emergency medical relief ano hospitalization by munici pal i ties, except in counties having 250,000 or more. work Requirement Effect on Status Every person of school age maintain¬ ed as a public charge shall for school purp0se6 be deemed a re8ident of the school district in which he resioes. Administration Financial Provisions Direct Supervisory political Unit Provisions For Responsibility responsibility Financing Reimbursement source of Fu«6 Rel1ef Local System: 3/ in countie8 of Local System: Local System: Local System: town boaro; less than Town, village or County reimburses Town, Village village tru8tee6 250,000 the State ci ty. municipalities for or city: or city common Board of control County System: care of pauper6 General fund. council. has supervision County. having no settlement County System: County System: 3/ of county in any municipality. County: direct Relief: institutions. the municipality or General fund. Counties of less county of legal than 250.000: settlement reimburses Board of Trustees municipality or of county insti¬ county granting aid. tutions (elected by the County Board of Supervi¬ sors) and superintendents of the county insti tut ions, under the super¬ vision of the State Board of Control. counties of 250.000 or more: manager of county institutions, subject to the control of the boaro of Trustees of county insti¬ tutions. County Poor Homes Board of trustees of county insti¬ tution ano super¬ intendent of the home, under super¬ vision of board of Control (counties of less than 250,000), or manager of county institu¬ tions (counties of 250,000 or more) County Hospitals: board of trustees of county insti¬ tutions. Superintendent of under supervision of the State Board of Control (counties of less than 250,000) or manager of county institutions (counties of 250,000 or more). The State reserves the Establishment optional County Board of any county may, ght to deal with neighboring states on a reciprocity basis re settlement and support of paupers. th County 8oard of Commissioners; care by contract in institution of adjacent county if none erected. resolution of the majority of all supervisors entitled to a seat in said board, abolish all c i st incti on between county ( State and Citation Nature of Law social conditions Citizenship Settlement Procedure For oe te rm1n1ng Eli gi eility Type of relief work Requirement Effect on Status Administration Financial Provisions Acquisition Loss Removal Direct Responsibility Supervisory Responsibility political Unit Financing Relief Provisions For Rei mbursement Source of funds WYOMING Rev. Stats. (1931 ), Sec. 29-1201 to 29-1212; Laws (1935), CH.m. Optional as to direct relief and care in poor- house. \J Mandatory as to care of nonresidents. Any poor person; or person not having money or property to pay hi8 expenses. At death of pauper who was in possession of property not exceeding $100 in value, the county board ha8 p066e680ry lien on such property with power of sale. No provision. Resident of county for period of 90 days immediately preceding application. No provision. county in which pauper found must request county of h18 permanent residence to remove pauper and to pay expenses of removal. Application made to County Board of Public ielfare (where e8tabl 1 6he0 ) or Board of County commi361 oners, wh1ch agencies decide form of relief to be grantee if any. neces8ary mainte¬ nance of poor by provioing 8uch relief as the case may require; hospitalization, and decent burial for nonresidents; care in workhouse jJ or poorhouse \J\ care by contract in state hospitals; care in Laramie county hospital. no provision. no provision. County Board of 'ublic Welfare, where established >y vote of county commi681 oners; Board of County commi881 oner8 x6ewhere. State Department of Public Welfare county. County of legal re8i0ence must reimburse county granting temporary aid. County: General fund. ALASKA Comp. Laws (1933), sec. 1771-1778; 1791-1814. Mandatory as to care in Pioneers home Optional as to Temporary Relief. Care in Pioneers Homei Every worthy person. No provision. Care in Pioneers Home: Resident Absent from Territory 12 c0n8ecut1ve month6 and left Territory without definite inten¬ tion of returning no provision. Care in Pioneers care in p10neer6 no provision. No provi 61 on ■ 'ioneer6 Home: no pro v1 s1 on • terri tory. governor ha6 power to reimburse hospitals ano phy81 c 1 an6 for expense6 incurred in caring for indigents. Terri toryi general fund. 0e8titute and in need of a10 in c0n6equence of physical disability or other cause, and whose support 18 not imposed by law upon any relative. Temporary Reliefi Every person without means of Territory continuously for more than 5 years immediately preceding application. Temporary Relief: No provision. Home: Application tor admission made to board of Trus¬ tees of saio home; applicant admitted if found to be in need of care sub¬ ject to conditions, limi tations and penalties pre¬ scribed by rules and regulations of the Board. Temporary Relief: Territory, through the governor and his advisory boaros in each judicial district, may sup¬ port indigents who are not otherwise careo for. Homei Direct temporary relief not to exceed $30 per month; medical attendance ano h06pitalization; burial expense8• iOARO OF trustee8. Temporary Relief: Governor through in advi80ry board in each judicial >1 strict. 2/ who 16 unable to earn a livelihood in consequence of immaturity, 6ickne68 or physical infirmity, not supported by legally oslioateo relatives; melatives liable for support, if they are of sufficient ability and upon failure to support, must reimburse territory not to exceed $30 per month; if indigency cau6ep by vice or intemper¬ ance, only parents and children liable for support; amount of aid plus 8jt interest is preferred claim against estate of recipient; e6kim08 or 1no 1 ans aided by any federal agency not eligible. district of columbia d.c. code (1929)i Title 8i Ch. i (l-io,ll). ch. 7 (158), Ch. 110; 231, 235, TITLE 20I 1211—1212, 381-89. Mandatory Applicant, infirm ano needy. no provision. Legal residence. no provision. no provision. 3/ Aid disbursed under rules ano regula- tions set up by Board of Public Welfare . Care in Municipal Lodging House; hospitalization and meoical care; cremation and burial of ashes. no provision. no provision. ioard of Public Ielfare. d. C. Commis¬ sioners . District of columbia. no provi 61 on • District of columbia: General funo. HAWAI1 rev. Laws (1935), SECS. 2833 (ll), 3021 (35), 4536. Optional per60ns without means of subsistence for the support of whom no person or other agency 18 liable. Adult children of any person who is indigent ano incapable of self-support liable for 6upp0rt of pauper, if of sufficient no provision. no provision. no pr0vi8i0n. no provision. County or City Supervisors shall make proper provi¬ sion for the care of indigents. Such care as 16 proper; burial. no provision. no provision. City of Honolulu Board of Supervi sors . County: Boaro of Supervisors. no provision. county and City no provision. County: General fund. City of Honolulu: General fund. 1. Erection of poorhouse mandatory in Laramie County; optional with county commissioners in other counties. 2. District juoqes may from time to time expend money for relief of sick and unfortunate in dire need, which money has been appropriated by legislature. 3. Board of Public welfare given power to provide for the transportation of nonresidents to their respective place of residence.