s. s^> *31 la-.szj ction T. CHECK TEE ADDITION AND THE POSTING. 27. Sort all cards from File 17 by OCCUPANCY into the following groups: Occupancy After Sorting Placu in File No. Owner Occupied 24 Tenant & Vacant 25 CHECK THE SORTING OE THE CARDS. Count the cards for Owner Occupied Units and post on line 150 of Single Family column of Section S. Place the cards in Files 24 and 25 as indicated above. 13543 - 23 - 28. Sort all cards from file 25 (All Tenant and Vacant, Single Family Units) "by FURNITURE into the following groups: Furniture Hot Included in Rent Furniture Included in Rent No Report on Furniture CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 147, 148 and 145 of Single Family column of Section R. CHECK THE , COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 146 (Total Reports on Furniture) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 147 and 148. 29. Sort all cards from File 25 (All Tenant and Vacant Single Family Units) by OCCUPANCY, into the following groups: Occupancy After Posting Place in File Number Tenant Occupied Units 26 Vacant Units 27 CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 151 and 152 of the Single Family column of Section S. CHECK THE COUNTING AND POSTING. The total of the entries on lines 150 to 152 must check with the entry on line 98. Place the cards in Files 26 and 27 as indicated above. 30. Sort all the cards from File 27 (Vacant Single Family Units) by NUMBER OF ROOMS, into the following groups: 1 Room 2 Rooms 3 Rooms 4 Rooms 5 Rooms 6 Rooms 7 Rooms 8 Rooms or More No Report on Rooms CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 137 to 144 and 136 of the Single Family column of Section Q,. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The total of entries on lines 136 to 144 must check with the entry on line 152. Return the cards to File 27 13543 - 24 - (Vacant Single Family Units) when this tabulation is completed. 31. Sort all cards from File 24 (All Owner Occupied, Single Family Units) by Monthly Rent into the following groups: A. $4.99 and less B. 5.00 to $9.99 C. 10.00 to 14.99 D. 15.00 to 19.99 E. 20.00 to 24.99 F. 25.00 to 29.99 G. 30.00 to 39.99 H. 40.00 to 49.99 I. 50.00 to 74.99 J. 75.00 to 99.99 E. 100.00 to 149.99 L. 150.00 and More X. No Report on Rent As an additional check on the coding of the cards, check the cards in each Monthly Rent group to verify the fact that the Monthly Rent and the code agree. If errors in coding are located they should be corrected. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 173 to 184 and 172 of Single Family column of Section U. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The total of the entries on lines 172 to 184 must check with the entry on line 150. After this tabulation is completed, place the cards for Owner Occupied, Single Family Units, in File 28. (Owner Occupied Units.) 32. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraph 31 with all cards from File 26 (All Tenant Occupied, Single Family Units). Post tho results on linos 185 to 197 of Single Family column of Section V. The total of the entries on lines 185 to 197 must check with the entries on line 151. After this tabulation is completed, place the cards for Tenant Occupied, Single Family Units, in File 29. (Tenant Occupied Units.) 33. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraph 31 with all cards from File 27 (All Vacant Single Family Units). Post the results on lines 198 to 210 of Single Family column of Section W. The total of the e itries on lines 198 to 210 must check with the entry 13543 - 25 - or. line 152. After this tabulation is completed, place the cards for Vacant, Single Family Units, in File 30. (Vacant Units.) 34. The entries for Monthly Rent, All Units section, (lines 156 and 160 to 171 of Section T) are obtained by adding the corresponding entries in Sections U, V. and W. of the Block Tabulation. The entry for line 157 is obtained by adding the entries on lines 160 to 171. The total of the entries on lines 156 and 157 must check with the entry on line 98. After this tabulation is completed the cards for Single Family Units will have been placed in the following files by Occupancy: 35. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraphs 22 to 34 with each of the remaining Type of Structure groups of cards (Files 18 to 21) and post the results on lines 98 to 210 of the proper column of the Block Tabulation. This procedure must be carried through separately for each of the Type of Structure groups. After the tabulation of" all Type of Structure groups has been completed, the cards for all units will have been placed in Files 28 to 30 by Occupancy. The entries for Total column of lines 98 to 210, except lines 109, 110, 117, 126, 149, 153, 155, and 159 are obtained by adding the corresponding entries in all of the Typo of Structure columns. 36. Withdraw all the cards from Files 28 to 30, keeping each group separate. Count the cards in each group and post on line 224 for Owner and Tenant, Files 28 and 29, and on line 211 for Vacant cards, File 30. CHECK THE COUNTING- AID THE POSTING. The entry on line 211 must check with the entry in the Total column on line 152. The entry on line 224 of the Tenant column must check with the entry on line 151 of the Total column. The entry on line 224 of the Owner column must check with the entr;' Occupancy File Number Owner Occupied Tenant Occupied Vacant 28 29 30 13543 - 26 - on line 150 in the Tota.l column. 37. Sort all cards from File 30 (All Vacant Units) "by DURATION OF VACANCY into the following groups: J • Less than 1 Month K. 1 Month L. 2 Months M. 3-5 Months N. 6-8 Months 0. 9-11 Months P. 1 Year - 1 Year, 11 Months Q,- 2 Years - 2 Years, 11 Month: R. 3 Years or More X. No Report on Duration As an additional check on the coding of the cards, check the cards in each Duration group to verify the fact that the Duration and the code agree. If errors in coding are located they should "be corrected. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 214 to 222 and 212 of Section X. The entry for line 213 (Total Reports on Duration) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 214 to 222. The total of the entries on lines 212 and 213 must check with the entry on line 211. This completes the tabula¬ tions for Vacant Units. The cards should be returned to File 30. 38. Sort all cards from File 23 (All Q?mer Occupied Units) by DURATION OF OCCUPANCY into the following groups: A. Less than 6 Months B. 6 Months - 11 Months C. 1 Year - 1 Year, 11 Months D. 2 Years - 2 Years, 11 Months S. 3 Years - 4 Years, 11 Months F. 5 Years - 9 Years, 11 Months G. 10 Years - 19 Years, II Months H. 20 Years or More X. No Report on Duration As an additional chock on the coding of the cards, check the co^ds in each Duration of Occupancy group to verify the fact that the Duration and the code agree. If errors in coding are located they should be 13543 - 27 - corrected. Count the cards in each group and post on lines £27 to 234 and 225 of Owner column of Section Y. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 226 (Total Reports on Duration) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 227 to 234. The total of the entries on lines 225 and 226 must check with the entry on line 224. 39. Sort all cards from File 28 (All Owner Occupied Units) into the two following groups, on the basis of completeness of report of Total Number of Persons in Unit:: Total Number of Persons Reported Total Number of Persons Not Reported CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 237 and 236 of Owner column of Section Z. CHECK TEE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The total of the entries on line 236 and 237 must check with the entry on line 224. Using the adding machine, if possible, obtain a total of the Total Number of persons in Unit for all cords for Owner Occupied Units reporting this item. Post this total on line 238 of the Owner column. CHECK THE ADDITION AND THE POSTING. When this tabulation is completed return cards to File 28. 40. Sort all cards from File 28 (All Owner Occupied Units), into the two following groups; on the basis of NUMBER AND AGE OF ALL PERSONS. Number and Age of Persons Reported Number and Age of Persons Not Reported This sort will differ from the one indicated in paragraph 39 in that a unit for which Total Number of Persons was reported would be included as a complete report in paragrapn 39, even though the Number of Persons by Age Group was not reported. For the sort indicated immediately above, it is necessary for the Age of Persons to be reported, as well as the Total Number of Persons. CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 241 and 240 of Owner column of 13543 - 28 - Section AA. The total of the entries on lines 240 and 241 must check with the entry on line 224. By using a tally sheet, obtain the Number of Per¬ sons in each age group from the cards on which Number and Age is completely reported. Enter these totals on lines 243 to 249 of Owner column. Obtain a total of the Total Persons in Unit on all cards reporting Number and Age of Persons; using an adding machine, if possible. Enter this total on line 242 of Owner column. The total of the entries on lines 243 to 249 must check with the entry on line 242. 41. Sort all cards from Pile 28 (All Owner Occupied Units) on which Number and Age of Persons is reported by whether or not children are present in the unit. If an entry other than zero appears, on "Under 1 Year", "1 - 4 Years", "5 - 9 Years", "10 - 14 Years" lines of NUMBER AND AG-E OP ALL PERSONS section of the card and the Age of Persons section is properly filled out on the card, the card should be counted as "With Children 14 Years or Less". Enter the number of such cards on line 250 of Owner column. 42. Sort all cards from Pile 28 (All Owner Occupied Units) by RACE OF HOUSEHOLD into the following groups: 1. White 2. Negro 3. Other X. No Report on Race CHECK THE SORTING OF TEE CARDS. Count the cards in each group ana post on lines 254 to 256 and 252 of Owner column. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for lino 253 (Total Reports on Race) is obtained by adding the entries on 254 to 256. The total of the entries on lines 252 and 253 must check with the entry on line 224. 45. Sort all cards from Rile 28 (All Owner Occupied Units) by NUMBER. OP ROOMERS, into the following groups: 13543 - 29 - Units with no Roomers Units with 1 Roomor Units with 2 Roomers Units with 3 or 4 Roomers Units with 11 Roomers or More No Report on Roomers CHECK TEE SORTING- OF THE CARDS. Check the cards in each group and post on linos 260 to 265 and 258 of Owner column of Section CC. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 259 (Total Reports on Roomers) is obtained "by adding the entries on lines 260 to 265. The total of the en¬ tries on lines 258 and 259 must check with the entry on line 224. 44. Sort all cards from File 28 (All Owner Occupied Units) "by EXTRA FAMILIES into the following groups: Units with Extra Families Units with No Extra Families, or Units with No Report on Extra Families CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards for Units with Extra Families and post on line 267 of Owner column. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Add the number of Extra Families on all cards for Units with Extra Families and post this total on line 268 of the Owner column. On a form similar tc the one indicated "below, tally each Extra Family reported on the cards for Units with Extra Families by Number of Persons in Extra Families groups. Number of Extra Families with 1 Person 2 Persons 3 Persons 4 Persons or More No Report on Persons 13543 - 30 - It should bo observed' that a card with two Extra Families should have two Number of Persons entries, and a card with three Extra Families should have three Number of Persons entries, etc. Obtain a total of the tallies and post on lines 270 to 273 and 269 of the Owner column. The total of en¬ tries on lines 269 to 273 must check with the entry on line 268. This completes the tabulations on the Block Tabulation for Owner Occupied Units. These cards should be returned to File 28. 45. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraphs 38 to 44, with all cards from File 29, (All Tenant Occupied Units). Post the results on lines 224 to 273 of Tenant column. The entry on line 224 of Tenant column must check with the entry on line 151 of Total column. This completes the tabulation on Block Tabulation for Tenant Occupied Units and these cards should be returned to File 29. The entries for lines 224 to 273 of Total column are obtained by adding the corresponding entries in Owner and Tenant column. 46. The entries for the following lines are obtained in the manner indicated. Each of these entries must "ds carefully checked. The indicated figures should be computed for each of the columns. 15 59 72 78 109 100 117 126 149 153 154 155 223 235 251 257 266 82 159 239 13543 - 31 - LIME LINE fo Business Units Vacant) 14 fo Major Repairs & Unfit for Use) 57/58 fo Built 1919 or Before) 66/67/68/69/70/71 f With Mortgage or Land. Contract) 76 f Without at least 1 Toilet & 1 Bath) 104/105/106/107/103 fa With No Running Water) 106/108 fo With No Central Heat) 115/116 fo With 1.51 or More Persons per Room) 124/125 fo With Furnishings Included) 148 fo - Owner) 150 f - Tenant) 151 f - Vacant) 152 f - Vacant - 6 Months or More) 218/219/220/221/222 f - Occupied Less than 5 Years) 227-223-229-230-231 f - With Children) 250 fo — Negro and Other) 255/256 f - With 3 Roomers or More) 263/264/265 Average Value of Property) 81 Average Rent Per Unit) 158 Average Persons Per Unit) 238 13543 - 32 - 47. Aft er the tabulation for a block is completed, withdraw all cards from File 28 (Owner Occupied), File 29 (Tenant Occupied), and File 30 (Vacant). Combine these cards into one group, also, withdraw all cards from File X (Under Construction). Place a rubber band around the cards for Units Under Construction and place these cards on the bottom of the pile of cards for Units Not Under Construction. Enter your name and. the data opposite "Block Tabulation" on the Block Face Card and attach the Face Card to the Forms A, B and C and return the forms and the Block Tabulation Sheet to the file. 48. The Forms A, B and C and the Block Tabulation Sheet for a block will be withdrawn from the "Ready for Block Tabulation Inspection" file and routed to the Block Tabulation Inspector. The Inspector should examine the Block Tabulation for any apparent discrepancy in editing or coding. If anj- such errors are located, the cards involved must be scrutinized and if corrections are required, the Supervisor should be consulted, who will make the necessary corrections. The Block Tabulation must be adjusted for these corrections. T7hile corrections of this type may be made at this point, the entries on the card must not be altered after the tabulation of Table 1 to 14 has been started. The Block Tabulation Inspector should enter his name and the date opposite "Block Tabulation Inspection" on the Block'Face Card and return the forms and the Block Tabulation Sheet to the Filing Division. 49. After the tabulations of Block Tabulations for all blocks in the area are completed, it may be desirable to secure data for areas larger than the blocks but smaller than the area as a whole. These areas might be census tracts, economic areas, or areas set up for any slum clearance, civic improvement, or other purpose. 13543 - 33 - To obtain the data for these areas, sort the Block Tabulations into groups on the basis of the areas. Prepare a Block Tabulation for each of these areas and enter the proper designations in the headings. Obtain the entries for lines 1 to 273 (except percents and averages) by adding the corresponding entries on the Block Tabulation for all blocks in the area. These entries must be very carefully checked. The percent and average figures for the area should be computed in the manner indicated in paragraph 46. In a similar manner a Block Tabulation of the Area as a whole may be prepared by summarizing the data on the Tabulations for Areas, if the selected areas cover the full region included in Tables 1 to 14. 13543 TABULATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR DWELLING SURVEY PART II Tables for Units Under Construction and Tables fof Structure Data Prepared by: Office of Statistical Coordinator, PERA Division of Economics and Statistics, PEA June 1, 1935 13543 TABULATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR DWELLING- SURVEY PART II Tables for Units Under Construction and Tables for Structure Data. Tables 1 to 6 Introduction After the Block Tabulation has been completed for all of the blocks in the area covered by the survey, the tables covering the area as a whole should be prepared. / Part II has to do with structure data. Table 1 deals with Structures Under Construction, while Tables 2 to.6 cover the data on all Structures Not Under Construction. Re-read the introductory section of Part I Tabulation Instructions carefully. A subdivision of the work is possible at. certain points. For instance, the fact that the Single Family Detached cards predominate in most cities makes it possible to divide the operations in Table 3, by assigning one group of people to the work of sorting and counting the cards of that type of structure and another group to the work of sorting and counting the cards in all the other categories. The same is true in the case of Tables 4 and 5. This suggestion may also be followed at any point where the sorting and counting is based on Type of Structure. At various points in these instructions there is introduced a device which should help in locating errors which become evident only after a sort and count is completed. By placing rubber bands around groups of cards 7/hich have been sorted into particular cate¬ gories and counted, it is usually possible to check the count and discover errors which show up in the final total without making a 13543 - 2 - complete recount. Once a correct total is achieved the rubber bands will - be removed from the cards as indicated in the instructions relating to the next operation. During the tabulation of the Block Tabulation it has been repeat¬ edly suggested that the coding and editing should be rechecked and if this work has been done accurately there will be no remaining errors. However, in the event that there are still errors in either editing or coding the following method should be followed. One rule that must be followed explicitly is that no change in the editing or cod¬ ing of any card can be made after tabulation of Tables 1 to 16 has started. If such an error is located, copy onto a duplicate card, with black ink, all of the data appearing on the card, this includes the edited data, as well as the original entries, used in the tabulations. Indicate on the duplicate card with red ink the change in editing or coding which should be made. The only red entries on the card will be changes in editing or coding. Mark this duplicate card "Duplicate" and draw diagonal red lines in both directions on the duplicate. Enter a "D" in red on the original card to the right of "II This Dwelling Unit", to indicate to subsequent tabulators that a duplicate card has been prepared. No change in editing or coding should be made on the original card. These cards for which duplicate cards have been pre¬ pared should be restored to the tabulation and included in all subse¬ quent tabulations. The duplicate cards must not be included in any of the tabulations. Note:- Pages 3 to 8 on the General Piling System have been removed from this section and are now included in "Instructions to Filing Section". 13543 - 3 - Preparati0x1 of Piling Cards for use During Tabulation of Tables 1 to 16 Before tabulation of Tables 1 to 16 is started, a set of file cards should be made up with the designations indicated below. A Piling Division should be set up and all cards should be retained in this division except those on which actual tabulation work is being carried forward. Piling Cards for Use Puring Tabulation of Tables 1 to 6 File by CONDITION for All Cards. X. Under Construction 0. Not Under Construction (All other Conditions). File by TYPE OP STRUCTURE for All Cards*. White & Yellow Cards Yellow White Cards Cards Structures and Dwelling Units Other Structures Units Pile Pile File TYPE OP STRUCTURE 1 I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 la 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 11a 12a 13a 14a 15a Single Family Detached Single Family Attached Two Family, Side by Side Two Family, Two Decker Three Family, Three Decker Four Family, Double 2 Decker Apartment, 5 to 9 Units Apartment, 10 to 19 Units Apartment, 20 to 39 Units Apartment, 40 Units or More Business with Residential Other Non-Converted Partially Converted Completely Converted No Report on Type * Indicates that cards for Under Construction Units are to be omitted. 13543 - 4 - Working File by VALUE OF ENTIRE PROPERTY for white cards* for Owners of Type of Structure group. Working File "by CONDITIONS for all white cards*, by Type of'Structure Occupancy - Encumbrance groups. File Code Value File Condition 16 A $499 or less 32 Good Condition 17 B 500 to $999 33 Minor Repairs 18 C 1,000 to 1,499 34 Major Repairs 19 D 1,500 to 1,999 35 Unfit for Use 20 E 2,000 to 2,499 36 No Report on Condition 21 F 2,500 to 2,599 22 G 3,000 to 3,999 23 H 4,000 to 4,999 24 I 5,000 to 5,999 25 J 6,000 to 7,999 26 K 8,000 to 9,999 27 L 10,000 to 14,999 28 M 15,000 to 19,999 29 i: 20,000 to 29,999 30 0 30,000 or More 31 X No Report on Value File by TYPE OF STRUCTURE, by OCCUPANCY, by ENCUMBRANCE for all white cards* Owner Non-Owner Owner Oc- Owner Owner Occupied Occupied cupied Mort- Occupied Occupied File File gaged File Free of No Report . Encumbrance on Encum- TYPE OF STRUCTURE File brance File lb lc Id le If Single Family Detached 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f Single Family Attached 3b 3c 3d 3e 5f Two Family Side by Side 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f Two Family Two Decker 5b 5c 5d 5c 5f Three Family 3 Docker 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f Four Family Dbl.2 Docker 7c 7d 7e 7f Apr. ,5 to "9 Units 8c 3d 8e 8f Apr., 10 to 19 Units 9c 3d 9e 9f Apr., 20 to 39 Units 10 c lOd lOe lOf Apr., 40 Units or More 110 lid lie llf Business with Residential 12 c 12d I2e 12f Other Non-converted 13 c 13d 13e 13f Partially Converted 14c 14d 14e 14f Completely Converted 15 c 15d 15e 15f No Report on Type * Indicates that cards for Under Construction Units are to be omitted. 13543 - 5 - Cumulative File by TYPE OF STRUCTURE, "by CONDITION for all white cards*. Good Minor Major Unfit No Report Condition Repairs Repairs for Use on Condition File File File File File TYPE OF STRUCTURE lg Ih li lj Ik Single Family Detached 2g 2h 2i 2j 2k Single Familt Attached 3g 3h 3i 3j 3k Two Family Side "by Side 4g 4h 4i 4j 4k Two Family Two Decker 5g 5h 5i 5j 5k Three Family Three Decker 6g 6h 6i 6j 6k Four Family Double 2 Decker Vg 7h 7i Vj 7k Apartment, 5 to 9 Units 8g 8h 8i 8j 8k Apartment, 10 to 19 Units 9g 9h 9i 9j 9k Apartment, 20 to 39 Units 10g lOh lOi 10j 10k Apartment, 40 Units or More Hg llh Hi llj Ilk Business with Residential 12g 12h 12i I2j 12k Other Ron-Converted 13g 13h 13i 13 j 13k Partially Converted 14j 14h 14i 14j 14k Completely Converted 15g 15h 15i 15 j 15k No Report on Type Filing Cards for Use During the Tabulation of Tables 7 to 16 File by TYPE OF STRUCTURE for all cards*. Owner Tenant.. Occupied Occupied Vacant File File File TYPE OF STRUCTURE 0-1 T—1 V-l Single Family Detached 0-2 T-2 V—2 Single Family Attached 0-3 T—3 V-3 Two Family Side by Side 0-4 T—4 V—4 Two Family Two Decker 0-5 T-5 V-5 Three Family Three Decker 0-6 T-6 V-6 Four Family Double Two Decker 0-7 T-7 V—7 Apartment, 5 to 9 Units 0-8 T-8 V-8 Apartment, 10 to 19 Units 0-9 T-9 V-9 Apartment, 20 to 39 Units 0-10 T—10 V-10 Apartment, 40 Units or More 0-11 T-ll V-ll Business with Residential 0-12 T—12 V-12 Other Non-Convertod 0-13 T-13 V-13 Partially Converted 0-14 T-14 V—14 Completely Converted 0-15 T—15 V-15 No Report on Type * Indicates that cards for Under Construction Units are to "be omitted. 13543 6 - Working File by PERSONS PER ROOM for all cards* , by Type of Structure group. Owner Tenant Occupied Occupied Code File File Symbol PERSONS PER ROOM 0-16 T-16 A .50 or Less 0-17 T-17 B .51 to .75 0-18 T-18 C .76 to 1.00 0-19 T-19 D 1.01 to 1.50 0-20 T-20 E 1.51 to 2.00 0-21 T-21 F 2.01 or More 0-22 T—22 X No Report on Persons per Room Working File "by CONDITION for all cards*, by Type of Structure group. Owner Tenant Occupied Occupied Vacant File' File File CONDITION 0-23 T-23 V-23 Q-ood Condition 0-24 T-24 V-24 Minor Repairs 0-25 T—25 V-25 Major Repairs 0-26 T-26 V-26 Unfit for Use 0-27 T—27 V-27 No Report on Condition Cumulative File by NUMBER OF PERSONS IN UNIT,:for all cards*. Owner Tenant Occupied Occupied File File NUMBER OF PERSONS IN UNIT 0-28 T-28 1 Person 0-29 T-29 2 Persons 0-30 T-30 3 Persons 0-31 T-31 4 Persons 0-32 T-32 5 Persons 0-33 T-33 6 Persons 0-34 T—34 7 Persons 0-35 T-35 8 Persons 0-36 T—56 9 Persons 0-37 T-37 10 Persons 0-38 T—38 11 Persons 0-39 T-39 No Roport on ^Indicates that cards for Under Construction Units are to "be omitted. 13543 - 7 - Cumulative File by PLUM3ING EQUIPMENT for all cards*. Owner Tenant Occupied Occupied Vacant Code Pile Pile File Symbol PLUMBING EQUIPMENT 0-40 T—40 V-40 A. At least 2 Toilets and 2 Bathing Units 0-41 '1-41 V—41 B. At least 2 Toilets and 1 Bathing Unit 0-42 T—42 V-42 C. One Toilet and at least 1 Bathing Unit 0-43 T—43 V-43 D. At least 1 toilet but less than 1 bath 0-44 T—44 V-44 E. Shared Toilet and Running Water 0-45 T—45 V-45 P. Shared Toilet but No Running Water 0-46 T—46 V-46 &• No Toilet but with Rumning Water 0-47 T—47 V-47 H. No Toilet and no Running Water 0-48 T—48 V-48 I. No Report on Plumbing Cumulative Pile by MONTHLY RENT GROUP for all cards*. Owner Tenant Occupied Occupied Vacant Code Pile Pile Pile Symbol MONTHLY RENT 0-49 T-49 V-49 A. $4.99 and less 0-50 T-50 V-50 B. 5.00 to $9.99 0-51 T-51 V-51 C. 10.00 to 14.39 0-52 T-52 V-52 D. 15.00 to 19.99 0-53 T-53 V-53 E. 20.00 to 24.99 0-54 T-54 V-54 P. 25.00 to 29.99 0-55 T—55 V-55 30.00 to 39.99 0-56 T—56 V-56 H. 40.00 to 49.99 0-57 T-57 V-57 I. 50.00 to 74.99 0-58 T-58 V-58 J. 75.00 to 99.99 0-59 T—59 V-59 K. 100.00 to 149.99 0-60 T—60 T-60 L. 150.00 and more 0-61 T—61 T-61 X. No Report on Rent Working Pile by NUMBER OP ROOMS IN UNIT for ail cards* by Monthly Rent groui Owner Tenant Vacant Occupied Occupied Pile File File NUMBER OP ROOMS 0—62 T-62 V-62 1 Room 0-63 T—63 V-63 2 Rooms 0-64 T-64 V-64 3 Rooms 0-65 T-65 V-65 4 Rooms 0—66 T-66 V-66 5 Rooms 0-67 T-57 V-67 6 Rooms 0-68 T-68 V-68 7 Rooms 0-69 T-69 V-69 8 Rooms i or More 0-70 T-70 V-70 No Report on Rooms * Indicates that cards for Under Construction Units are to be omitted. # This file should also be used by Race in preparation of Table 16 if Table 16 is posted, (See Table 10, paragraph 14, Parts III or IV, of the Tabu¬ lation Instructions). 13543 - 8 - Cumulative File "by CONDITION for all cards*. Owner Tenant Occupied Occupied Vacant File Pile Pile CONDITION 0-71 T—71 V-71 Good Condition 0-72 T—72 V-72 Minor Repairs 0-73 T-73 V-73 Major Repairs 0-74 T-74 V-74 Unfit for Use 0-75 T-75 V-75 No Report on Condition Working Pile "by PERSONS PER ROOM for all cards*, "by Condition group. Owner Tenant Occupied Occupied Code Pile Pile Symbol PERSONS PER ROOM 0-76 T-76 0-77 T—77 0-78 T—78 0-79 T—79 0-80 T-80 0-81 T—81 0-82 T-82 Cumulative Pile by PERSONS PER ROOM, A. .50 or less B. .51 to .75 C. .76 to 1.00 D. 1.01 to 1.50 E. 1.51 to 2.00 P. 2.01 or More X. No Report on Persons Per Room for all cards*. Owner Tenant Occupied Occupied Code Pile Pile Symbol PERSONS PER ROOM 0-83 T-83 A. .50 or less 0-84 T—84 B. .51 to .75 0-85 T—85 C. .76 to 1.00 0-86 T-86 D. 1.01 to 1.50 0-87 T-87 E. 1.51 to 2.00 C-88 T-88 F. 2.01 or More 0-89 T—89 X. No Report on Persons *Indicates that cards for Under Construction Units are to be omitted. 13543 - 9 - Filing System for Cards for Under Construction and Structure Data By examining Section D of the Block Tabulation for each block in the area, the cards for Structures Under Construction are located and placed in File X. All of the white and yellow cards for Structures Not Under Construction are placed in File 0. The cards from File X are used in the tabulation of Table 1 only and are not used in any of the remaining tables for the area. After Table 1 is completed all cards from File 0 (white and yellow cards Not Under Construction) are sorted by Type of Structure into File 1 to 15 indicated below. After this sort is completed the cards for each Type of Structure group should be sorted by color of cards and placed in File 1 to 15 and 1-a to 15~a as indicated below FILE NUMBER FOR CARDS NOT UNDER CONSTRUCTION WHITE & YELLOW YELLOW CARDS CARDS WHITE TYPE OF STRUCTURE Structures And DWELLING CARDS Dwelling Units UNITS STRUCTURES Single Family Detached 1 1 la Single Family Attached 2 2 2a Two Family, Side by Side 3 3 3 a Two Family, Two Decker 4 4 4a Three Family, Three Decker 5 5 5a Four Family, Double Two Decker 6 6 6a Apartment, 5 to 9 Units 7 7 7a Apartment, 10 to 19 Units 8 8 8a Apartment, 20 to 39 Units 9 9 9a Apartment, 40 Units or More 10 10 10a Business with Residential 11 11 11a Other Non-Converted 12 12 12a Partially Converted 13 13 13a Completely Converted 14 14 14a No Report on Type 15 15 15a Cards from File 13~a and 14-a (Covertod Structures) will be routed into tabulation of Table 2 and returned to the file in the same order. The cards from File 1-a to 15-a will be routed by Type of Structure into tabu¬ lation of Table 3 and returned to the file in the same order. 13543 - 10 - Each separate Type of Structure group of structure cards from File 1-a to 6-a only, are routed into the following files during the process of tabulating Table 4. The work on each separate Type of Structure should be completed before starting on the next Type. Type of Structure Owner Occupied Non-Owner Occupied Single Family Detached lb lc Single Family Attached 2b 2c Two Family Side by Side 3b 3c Two Family Two Decker 4b 4c Three Family Three Decker 5b 5c Four Family Double Two Decker 6b 6c The cards are withdrawn from the "b" file for each Type, of Structure and sorted by Value of Entire Property into the working file as indicated below. Value of Entire Property. File Number A. $499 or less 16 P. 500 to $999 17 C. 1,000 to 1,499 18 D. 1,500 to 1,999 19 E. 2,000 to 2,499 20 F. 2,500 to 2,999 21 3,000 to 3,999 22 H. 4,000 to 4,999 23 I. 5,000 to 5,999 24 J. 6,000 to 7,999 25 K. 8,000 to 9,999 26 L. 10,000 to 14,999 27 M. 15,000 to 19,999 28 N. 20,000 to 29,999 29 0. 30,000 or More 50 X. No Report on Value 31 13543 - 11 - In each case the cards for a particular Type of Structure group (Single Family Detached to Four Family Double Two Decker) are placed in the file indicated above and during the process of tabulation are removed and ac¬ cumulated in the files indicated below by Typo and Encumbrance. Owner Occupied Owner Occupied Owner Occupied Mortgaged or Free of No Report on Type of Structure Land Contract Encumbrance Encumbrance Single Family Detached Id le If Single Family Attached 2d 2e 2f Two Family Side by Side 3d 3e 3f Two Family Two Decker 4d 4e 4f Three Family Three Decker 5d 5e 5f Four Family Double Two Docker 64 6e 6f Cards from Files 7a to 15a (Apartments to Completely Converted) are not used on Table 4; these cards are sorted by Occupancy and the Owner cords sorted by Encumbrance into the files indicated below: Owner- Owner- Owner-occupicd Occupied, Occupied, Non-owner Mortgaged or Free of No Report on Type of Structure Occupied Land Contract Encumbrance Encumbrance Single Family Detached lc Id le If Single Family Attached 2c 2d 2e 2f Two Family Side by Side 3c 3d 3o 3f Two Family Two Decker 4c 4d 4o 4f Thrco Family Three Decker 5c 5d 5e 5f Four Family Double 2 Decker 6c 6d 6e 6f Apartment f 5 to 9 Units 7c 7d 7e 7f Apartment, 10 to IS Units 8c 8d 8e 8f Apartment, 20 to 39 Units 9c 9d 9o 9f Apartment, 40 Units or Mere 10 c 10d lOe lOf Business with Dwelling Units 11c lid lie llf Other Non-cor.verted 12c 12d 12e 12f Partially Converted 13c 13d 13c 13f Completely Converted 14c 14d 14Q 14f No Report on Type 15c 15A 15 e 15f In the process of tabulating Table 5 the cards for a particular Tyie of Structure - Occupancy - Encumbrance group are withdrawn, one group at a time; sorted by Condition and placed in the files indicated below: 13543 - 12 - Condition Good Condition 32 Minor Repairs 33 Ma.jor Repairs 34 Unfit for Use 35 No Report or Condition 36 Each separate Condition group is then sorted and tabulated "by Year Built and at the completion of the tabulation is routed into the cumu¬ lative files indicated below: Good Minor Major Unfit ho Report Typo of Structure Condition Repairs Repairs for Use on Condition Single Pamily Detached lg lh li lj lk Single Pamily Attached 2g 2h 2i 2j 2k Two Pamily Side by Side 3g 3h 3i 3j 3k Two Pamily Two Decker 4g 4h 4i 4j 4k Three Pamily Three Decker 5g 5h 5i 5j 5k Pour Pamily Double Two Decker 6g 6h 6i 6j 6k Apartment, 5 to 9 Units ?g 7h 7i Vj 7k Apartment, 10 to 19 Units 8g 8h 8i 8j 8k Apartment, 20 to 39 Units 9g 9h 9i 9j 9k Apartment, 40 Units or More 10g lOh lOi 10j 10k Business with Residential llg llh Hi Hj Ilk Other Non-converted 12g 12h 12i 12 j 12k Partially Converted log 13h 13i 13j 13k Completely Converted 14g 14h 14i 14 j 14k No Report on Type 15g 15h 15 i 15 j 15k In the process of tabulating Table 6 the cards are withdrawn from the Piles lg to lk (S'ngle Pamily Detached, by Condition) one group at a time and tabulated by Exterior Material. After tabulation for a group is completed it is returned to the file from which it was withdrawn. This procedure is carried through for each Type - Condition group of cards. After Table 6 is completed the cards for each Type of Structure are withdrawn from the files (Pile 1, lg to lk in the case of Single Pamily Detached), sorted by Occupancy and placed in the files indicated below by Type of Structure and Occupancy. 13543 13 FILE NUMBERS FOR AIL I7JHLLINL UNIT CARDS (WHITE AND YELLOW) NOT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Owner Tenant Vacau Occupied Occupied Units Type of Structure Units Units - Single Family Detached 0-1 T-l 7-1 Single Family Attached 0-2 T-2 7-2 Two Family, Side by Side 0-3 T-3 7-3 Two Family, Two Decker 0-4 T-4 V-4 Three Family, Three Decker 0-5 T-5 7-5 Four Family, Dcuble Two Decker 0-6 T-6 7-6 Apartment, 5 to 9 Units 0-7 T-7 7-7 Apartment, 10 to 19 Units 0-8 1-8 7-8 Apartment, 20 to 39 Units 0-9 g_o 7-9 Apartment, 40 Units or More 0-10 T-10 7-10 Business with Residential 0-11 T-ll 7-11 Other Non-Converted 0-12 T-12 7-12 Partially Converted 0-13 T-l 3 V-13 Completely Converted 0-14 T-l 4 7-14 No Report on Type C-15 T-l 5 7-15 After this sort is completed and checked tne cards may be routed into the tabulations indicated in Parts III, 17 and 7 of the Tabulation Instructions. It is possible for three different groups to work in the tabulations of these throe sections. To assist in the checking of the tables, a copy of the Check Sheet which is headed "Check Sheet A, Structure Lata" should be used. PRELIMINARY SORT 1. The Forres B and C and the Block Tabulations for all blocks to be tabulated as an area will be withdrawn from the Filing Section a few blocks at a time and routed to the Sorters. The Sorter should enter his name and the data opposite "In General Tabulation" on the Block Face Card for each block, and then examine Section B of the Block Tabulation for the block; whenever this section indicates that Residential Structures are under construction, withdraw the white and yellow cards for Structures Under Construction. If the Checking process has been carried forward properly there will be no occupied units in Structures Under Construction, Place all white and yellow ca,rds for Structures Under Construction in File X and pla.ee all white and yellow cards for Structures Not Under Construction in File 0. Return the Block Face Cards and the Block 13543 - 14 - Tabulation Sheets to the Piling Section. 2. Sort all cards from Pile 0 (white and yellow cards, not under construction) by TYPE Op STRUCTURE into the following groups: Type of Structure After Sorting Place in Pile Single Family Detached 1 Single Family Attached 2 2 Family Side "by Side 3 2 Family 2 Decker 4 3 Family 3 Decker 5 4 Family Double 2 Decker 6 Apartment, 5 to 9 Units 7 Apartment, 10 to 19 Units 8 Apartment, 20 to 39 Units 9 Apartment, 40 Units or More 10 Business with Dwelling Units 11 Other Don-Converted 12 Partially Converted 13 Completely^ Converted 14 Do Report on Type 15 CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Flace the cards in separate groups by TYPE CF STRUCTURE in Files 1 to 15 as indicated above. 3. Withdraw all cards from File 1 (Single Family Detached, Not Under Construction). Sort these cards into the two following groups; Group After Sorting Place in File No. Structure (white) Cards < 1-a Other Dwelling Unit (yellow) Cards 1 CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Place the cards in the file with File 1 (yellow cards) irmediately back of File 1-a (white cards). 4. Carry through the sorting indicated in paragraph 3 with each of the Type of Structure groups of cards for Structures ana Units not Under Construction (Files 2 to 15). After the. sorting is completed and checked, the cards should be returned to file with the yellow cards for each Type of Structure placed in the file immediately back of the white cards for the same Type of Structure. 13543 - 15 - TABLE I 1. This Table presents a "breakdown of Structures Under Construc¬ tion by Type of Structure; and of Dwelling Units Under Construction by Type of Structure, by Number of Rooms in Unit, by Monthly Rent. There is only one section to this Table. 3. Withdraw all cards from File X (wnite and yellow card> , under construction). Sort these cards by TYPE OF STRUCTURE into the following groups: Single Family Detached Single Family Attached 2 Family £>i&e by Side 3 Family 2 Decker 3 Family 3 Decker ; 4 Family Double 2 Decker Apartment, 5 to 9 Units Apartment, 10 to 19 Units Apartment, 20 to 39 Units Apartment, 40 Units or More Business with Dwelling Units Other Non-Converted Partially Converted Completely Converted No Report on Type CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and enter the results in the proper Type of Structure columns of Line 2 of Table 1. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. After this tabulation is completed, the cards for Under Construction Units should be held by Type of Structure group and routed to the tabulations indicated below. 3. Sort all cards for Single Family Detached Units Under Construc¬ tion by color of card into the following groups: White Cards (Structures) Yellow Cards (Other Dwelling Units) CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the white cards only amid post on Line 1 of Single Family Detached Column of Table 1. CHECK THE COUNTING 13543 - 16 - AND THE POSTING, After this tabulation is completed, those cards should be routed to the process indicated below, 4, Sort all cards for Single Family Detached Units, Under Construc¬ tion by NUMBER OP ROOMS IN UNIT into the following groups: 1 Room 2 Rooms 3 Rooms 4 Rooms 5 Rooms 6 Rooms 7 Rooms 8 Rooms or More No report on Rooms CHECK THE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and enter the results on Lines 5 to 12 and 3 of Column 1 (Single Family Detached) of Table: 1. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for Line 4 (Total Reports on Rooms) is obtained by adding the entries on Lines 5 to 12. The total of the entries on Lines 3 and 4 must check with the emry on Line 2. After this tabulation is comnleted, the cards should be routed to the * process indicated below. 5. Sort all cards for Single Family Detached Units, Under Construc¬ tion by MONTHLY RENT into the following groups: A. $4.99 and Less B. $5.00 to $9.99 C. $10.00 to $14.99 D. $15.00 to $19.99 E. $20.00 to $24.99 F. $25.00 to $29.99 G. $30.00 to $39.99 H. $40.00 to $49.99 I. $50.00 to $74.99 J. $75.00 to $99.99 K. $100.00 to $149.99 L. $150.00 or More X. No Report on Rent CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on Lines 15 to 26 and 13 of Single Family Detached Column of Table 1. 13543 - 17 - The entry for Line 14 (Total Reports on Rent) is obtained by adding the entries on Lines 15 to 26. 'The total of the entries on Lines 13 and 14 must check with the entry on Line 2. After this tabulation is completed, a rubber band should be placed around these cards and they should be routed into Rile X (Units Under Construction), 6, Carry through the procedure indicated in Paragraphs 3 to 5 with each of the remaining Type of Structure groups of Units Under Construction, Post the results on Lines 1 and 3 to 25 of the proper Type of Structure column of Table 1, After the tabulation of any Type of Struetun" group of Units Under Construction is completed a rubber band should be placed around the cards and they should bo routed into File X (Units Under Con¬ struction) . 7, Obtain the entries for Column 7A (Apartment-Total) by adding the corresponding entries in Columns 73, 7C, 7D and 7E. (Apartment by Size Group columns.) These entries must be very carefully checked, 8, In a manner similar to that indicated in Paragraph 7 obtain the entries for Total Structures All Types column by adding the entries in Columns X, 1 to 7A, and 8 to 11 (Excluding the Apartment by Size Group columns). These entries must be very carefully checked. This completes tabulation of Table 1. This is the only tabulation in which cards for Units Under Construction are to be used. TA3LE 2 1. This ta. le presents a breakdown of Partially Converted and Completely Converted structures by TYPE OR CONVERSION and by YEAR CON¬ VERTED. There is only one section to this table. 2. Withdraw all cards from Rile 13a (Partially Converted, White 13543 - 18 - Cards, Wot Under Construction). Sort these cards "by TYPE OF CONVERSION into the following groups: Original Type 1. Single Family Detached or 2. Single Family Attached 1. Single Family Detached or 2. Single Family Attached 1. Single Family Detached or 2. Single Family Attached 1. Single Family Detached or 2# Single Family Attached 1. Single Family Detached or 2. Single Family Attached Other than Type 1 or 2 Other than Type 1 or 2 Number of Units 3 or More 1 2 3 or More Any Number Any Number Business Units None None Yes Yes Yes None Yes CHECK THE SORTING- OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on line 1 of the proper column of Table 2. CHECK THE COUNTING AID THE POSTING. After this tabulation is completed the cards should be held by TYPE OF CONVERSION and routed to the process indicated below. 3. Sort all cards for Partially Converted structures, Converted from Single Family to Structures with 2 Dwelling Units, No Business Units, By Year Converted into the following groups: A. 1935 B. 1930 - 1934 C. 1925 - 1929 D. 1920 - 1924 S. 1915 - 1919 F. 1905 - 1914 G. 1395 - 1904 H. 1885 - 1894 I. 1860 - 1884 J. 1859 or Before X. No Report on Year Converted CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 4- to 13 and 2 of Single Family Converted to 2 Dwelling Units, No Business Units column of Table 2. The entry for line 3 (Total Reports on Year Converted) is obtained by adding the corresponding entries on lines 13543 - 19 - 4 to 13. The total of the entries on lines 2 and 3 must check with the entry on line 1. After tnis tabulation is completed these cards should have a rubber band placed around them and returned to Pile 13a (10. Par¬ tially Converted Structures). 4. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraph 3 with each of the remaining TYPE OP CONVERSION groups of Partially Converted Structures. Post the results on lines 2 to 13 of the proper columns of Table 2. After the tabulation for any TYPE OP CONVERSION group is comoleted the cards should have a rubber band placed around them and returned to Pile 13a. 5. Obtain the entry for the Total Converted Structures column by adding the corresponding entries in each of the TYPE OP CONVERSION columns. The entries in the Total column, must be checked by checking the total of lines 4 to 13 with line 3 and the total of lines 2 and 3 with line 1. Enter the figure from line of the Total Converted Structures column of Table 2 into line 1 of column 10 (Partially Converted) of Check Sheet A. After this tabulation is completed all of the cards for Partially Converted Structures, Not Under Construction should bo returned to Pile 13a. 6. Carry tl rough the procedure indicated in paragraph 2 to 5 with all cards in Pile 14a (Completely Converted Structures Not Under Construc¬ tion). The results of this tabulation should be entered on linos 14 to 26 of Table 2 and the figure from line 14 of Total Converted Structures column of Table 2 should be entered into line 1 of column 11 (Completely Converted) of Check Sheet A. This completes the tabulation of Table 2. TABLE 5 1. This table presents a breakdown of structures by Type of Struc¬ ture, by Number of Stories, Basement, Garage, and by Single Year Built grouns for 1920 to 1935. There is one section to this table. 15543 - 20 - 2» Withdraw all cards from File la (Single Fanily Detached Structures). Count the cards in this group and post on line 1 of the Single Family Detached column of Table 3. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Enter this figure into lino 2 of Single Family Detached column of Check Sheet A. 3. Sort all cards from File la (Single Family Detached Structures) by NUMBER OF STORIES into the following groups: 1 Story 1-g- Stories 2 Stories 2y Stories 3 or 3-g Stories 4 or 4-f Stories 5 to Stories 10 Stories or More No Report on Stories CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post in lines 4 to 11 and 2 of Single Family Detached column ox Table 3. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 3 (Total Reports on Stories) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 4 to 11. The total of the entries on lines 2 and 3 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed the cards from File la (Single Family Detach¬ ed structures) should be routed to the process indicated below. 4. Sort all cards from File la (Single Family Detached Structures) hy BASEMENT into the following groups: No Basement With Basement No Report on Basement CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 14, 15, and 12 of Single Family Detached column of Table 3. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 13 (Total Reports on Basement) is obtained by adding the entries on linos 14 and 15. The total 13543 - 21 - of the entries on lines 12 and 13 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed the cards from File la (Single Family Detached Structures) should be routed to the orocess indicated below. « 5. Sort all cards from File la (Single Family Detached Structures) by GARAGE into the following groups: No Garage With Garage No Report on Garage CHF'GK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 18, 19, and 16 of Single Family Detached column of Table 3. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 17 (Total Reports on Garage) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 18 and 19. The total of the entries on lines 16 and 17 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed the cards from File la (Sing', 1 Family Detached structures) should be routed to tnc urocess indicated below. 6. Sort all cards from File la (Single Family Detached structures) by YEAR BUILT into th; following groups: A. 1935 B. 1930 - 1934 C. 1925 - 1929 D. 1920 - 1924 All other Year Built Groups Sort the cards in Year Built groups A, B, C, and D into Single Year Built groups. This sort will yield all structures built 1920 to 1935 by Single Year Built groups. CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each of the Single Year Built groups 1920 to 1935 end post on lines 21 to 36 of Single Family Dotached column of Table 3. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for lino 20 (Total Built 1920-1935) is obtained by adding the entries on linos 21 to 36. After this tabulation is completed all cards from File la should be re-assembled into one group and returned to File la (Single Family Detached structures). 13543 - 22 - 7. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraphs 2 to 6 with each of the remaining TYPE OF STRUCTURE groups of Structure cards (Files 2a to 15a). After the tabulation is' completed for any TYPE OF STRUCTURE group the cards should he returned to the file from which it was obtained (2a to 15a), 8, The entries for column 7A (Apartment - Total) are obtained by adding the corresponding entires in columns 7S to 7E (Apartment by Size Groups columns). In a similar manner the entries for the Total structures column is obtained by adding the corresponding entries in columns X, 1 to 7A, 8 to 11 (columns 73 to 7E are omitted from this total). These entries must be very carefully checked. The figures from line 1 of Table 3 (by Type of Structure) should be entered into line 2 of Check Sheet A. The figures from line 21 (by Year Built) should be entered into line 5 of Check Sheet A. The sum of the figures on lines 22 to 26 should be entered into line 7 of Check Sheet A, the sum of the figures on lines 27 to 31 should be entered into line 9 of Chock Sheet A, and the sum of the figures on lines 32 to 36 should be entered into line 11 of Check Shoot A. This completes the tabulation of tablo 3. TABLE 4 1. Table'4 presents Owner Occupied Structures by Type (for Single Family, 2 Family, 3 Family, and 4 Family Structures) by Value of Property, by Condition, Number of Rooms in Structure, and Encumbrance. There are two pages to Table 4 and separate forms are available for each of these pages. 2. Withdraw all cards from File la (Single Family Detached Struc¬ tures). Sort these cards by OCCUPANCY into the following groups: 13543 - 23 - Occupancy After Sorting Place in File Owner Occupied lb Non-Owner Occupied (Tenant and Vacant) lc CHECK THE SORTING 0? THE CARDS. Place in files as noted above. 3. Withdraw all cards from File lb (Single Family Detached, Owner Occupied Structures). Sort by VALUE OF ENTIRE PROPERTY into the following- groups : Value of Entire Property After Posting Place in File No. A. $499 or - less 16 B. 500 to 999 17 C. 1,000 to 1,499 18 D. 1,500 to 1,999 19 E. 2,000 to 2,499 20 F. 2,500 to 2,399 21 C-. 3,000 to 3,999 22 H. 4,000 to 4,999 23 I. 5,000 to 5,999 24 J • 6,000 to 7,999 25 K. 8,000 to 9,999 26 L. 10,000 to 14,999 27 M. 15,000 to 19,999 28 N. 20,000 to 29,999 29 0. 30,000 or more 30 X» No Report on Value 31 CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on line 1 of the proper value group columns of Table 4. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for the Total column of line 1 is obtained by adding the corresponding entries in all of the value group columns. Enter the figure from line 1 of total column of Table 4 into line 25 of Single Family Detached column of Check Sheet A. After this tabulation is com¬ pleted the cards for Single Family Detached, Owner Occupied Structures by Value group should be placed in Files IS to 31 as noted above. 4. Withdraw all cards from File 16 (Single Family Detached, Owner Occupied Structures, $499 or Loss, Code A.) Sort these cards by CONDITION into the following groups: 13543 - 24 - G-ocd Condition Minor Repairs Major Repairs Unfit for Use No Report on Condition CHECK THE SORTING- OE THE GAPES. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 4 to 7 and 2 of the $4-99 or Less column of Table 4. CHECK THE COUNT¬ ING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 3 (Total Reports on Condition) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 4 to 7. The total of the entries on lines 2 and 3 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabula¬ tion is completed the cards from Pile 16 (Single Family Detached, Owner Occupied Structures, $499 or Less, Code A) should be routed to the process indicated below. 5. Sort the cards from File 16 (Single Family Detached, Owner Occupied Structures, $499 or Less, Code A) by NUMBER OF ROOMS IN STRUCTURE, which is the same as Number of Rooms in Unit for Singie Family Structures# The groups into which the cards should be sortod arc: 1 Room 2 Rooms 3 Rooms 4 Rooms 5 Rooms 6 Rooms 7 Rooms 8 Rooms or More X No Report on Rooms CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post in lines 10 to 17 and 8 of $499 .and Loss column of Tablo 4. CHECK TEE COUNTING ADD THE POSTING. The entry for line 9 (Total Reports on Rooms) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 10 to 17. The total of the entries on linos 8 and 9 must check with the entry on line 1. These cards From Filo 16 (Single Family Detached, Owner Occupied Structures, $499 or Less, Code A) should bo routed to the process indicated below. 13543 - 25 - 6. Sort the cards from File 16 (Single Family Detached, Owner Occupied Structures, $493 or Less, Code A) "by ENCUMBRANCE into the follow¬ ing groups. CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 20, 21 and 18 of the $499 or Less column of Table 4, Obtain the entry for line 19 (Total Reports on Encumbrance) by adding the entries on lines 20 and 21. The total of the entries on lines 18 and 19 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed place rubber bands around each group of cards and place the cards in Files Id, le, and If as indicated above. 7. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraphs 2 to 6 for each of the remaining Value of Entire Property groups of structures of cards (Files 17 to 3l). At the completion of tabulation for each Value group place rubber bands around the cards and place in Files Id to If by Encumbrance, as indicated in paragraph 5. 8. The entries for lines 1 to 21 of the Total Owner Occupied Structure column of Table 4 are obtained by adding the corresponding entries in all Value of Property columns of the table. These entries must be carefully checked. Enter the figures from lines 2 to 7 (by Con¬ dition) of the Total Owner Occupied Structures column of Table 4 into lines 27, 29, 31, 33, 35 and 37 of the Single Family Detached column of Check Sheet A. Enter the figures from lines 13, 20 and 21 (by Encumbrance) of the Total Owner Occupied Structures column of Table 4 into lines 39, 41 and 43 of the Single Family Detached column of Check Sheet A. Group After Posting Place in File Mortgaged or Land Contract Free of Encumbrance Ho Report on Encumbrance Id le If 13543 - 26 - 9. Withdraw all cards from File 2a (Single Family Attached Struc¬ tures). Sort these cards by Occupancy as indicated in paragraph 2. Sort the cards for Owner Occupied Structures (File 2b) by Value of Property and post on line 22 of Table 4 and place in Files 16 to 31 as indicated in paragraph 3 above. Tabulate the cards from Files 16 to 31 (Single Family Attached Structures by Value Group) by Condition, Number of Rooms in Unit, and Encumbrance, as indicated in paragraphs 4 to 6 above and post results on lines 22 to 42 of Table 4. After the tabulation for any Value group is completed the cards should be placed in Files 2d, 2e, and 2f by Encumbrance in a manner similar to that indicated in paragraph 6 above. Obtain the entries for the Total Owner Occupied Structures column of lines 22 to 42 of Table 4 and enter the proper figures into Check Sheet A, as indicated in paragraph 8 above. 10. In the manner indicated in paragraphs 2 to 8 withdraw all cards from File 3a (Two Family Side by Side Structures). Sort by Occupancy and tabulate by Value, Condition, Rooms, and Encumbrance and post in the Two Family Side by Side Structure section of Table 4. It should be ob¬ served that the Number of Rooms used in this tabulation is Number of Rooms in Structure which is coded at the right of "I. ENTIRE STRUCTURE" on the card. This procedure should be carried through separately for the cards from Pile 3a (Two Eamily Side by Side Structures); 4a (Two Family Two Decker); 5a (Three Family Three Decker); and 6a (Four Family Double Two Decker). The Number of Rooms in Structure groups which should be used in these tabulations arc indicated belo?/. 13543 - 27 - Uumber of Rooms in Structure Groups Two Family Side by Side and Two Family Two Decker Three Family Three Decker Four Family Double Two Decker 2-3 Rooms 4-5 Rooms 6-7 Rooms 8-9 Rooms 10-11 Rooms 12-13 Rooms 14—15 Rooms 16 Rooms or More 3-5 Rooms 6-8 Rooms 9-11 Rooms 12-14 Rooms 15-17 Rooms 18-20 Rooms 21-23 Rooms 24 Rooms or More 4-7 Rooms 8-11 Rooms 12-15 Rooms 16-19 Rooms 20-23 Rooms 24-27 Rooms 28-31 Rooms 32 Rooms or More 11. Withdraw all cards from File 7a (Apartment, 5 to 9 Unit Struc¬ tures) . Sort these cards by Occupancy and sort the cards for Owner Occupied Units by Encumbrance into the following groups: First Sort Second Sort After Sorting by Occupancy by Encumbrance Place in File Mo. Non-owner Occupied - 7c (Mortgaged or Land Contract 7d Owner Occupied (No Encumbrance 7e (No Reuort on Encumbrance 7f CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Place the cards in Files 7c to 7f as indicated above. 12. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraph 11 above with cards from Files 8a to 15a. Sort the cards by Occupancy and En¬ cumbrance and place the cards in the files indicated below. Type of Structure Occupied Owner- Non-owner Owner-Occupied Occupied, Mortgaged or Land Contract Owner- Occupied, Eree of No Report on Encumbrance Encumbrance Single Family Detached lc Id le If Single Family Attached 2c 2d 2e 2f Two Family Side by Side 3c 3d 3e 3f Two Family Two Decker 4c 4d 4e 4f Three Family Three Decker 5c 5d 5e 5f Four Family Double Two Decker 6c bd 6e of Apartment, 5 to 9 Units 7c 7d 7e 7f Apartment, 10 to 19 Units 8 c. 8d 8o 8f Apartment, 20 to 39 Units 9c 9d 9e 9f Apartment, 40 Units or More 10c lOd lOe lOf 13543 - 28 - Owner- Owner- Non-owner Owner-Occupied Occupied, Occupied, Type of Structure Occupied Mortgaged or Free of No Report on Land Contract Encumbrance Encumbrance Business with Dwelling Units 11c lid lie llf Other Non-converted 12c 12d 12e 12f Partially Converted 13c 13d 13e 13f Completely Converted 14c 14d 14e 14f No Report on Type 15c 15d 15e 15f TABLE 5 1. Table 5 presents Structures by Type of Structure, by Owner Occupancy, by Debt status of Owner, by Condition of Structure, by Year Built. There are 6 sections to Table 5 which are: Table 5A, Total All Structures Table 5B, Non-Owner Occupied Structures Table 5C, Owner Occupied Structures Table. 5D, Owner Occupied Structures - Mortgaged Table 5E, Owner Occupied Structures - Free of Encumbrances Table 5F, Owner Occupied Structures - No Report on Encumbrances The proper headings should be entered at the top of "Table 5 , " f orms. 2. Withdraw all cards from File lc (Non-owner Occupied, Single Family Detached Structures). Remove the rubber bands and sort these cards by CONDITION into the following groups: Condition After Posting Place in File No, C-ood Condition 32 Minor Repairs 33 Major Repairs 34 Unfit for Use 35 No Report on Condition 35 CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 25, 37, 49, 61, and 13 of Single Family Detached column of Table 5B. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 1 13543 - 29 - (Total) is obtained "by adding the entries on linos 13 , 25 , 37 , 49, and 61. After this tabulation is completed place these cards in Files 32 to 36 by Condition as indicated above. 3. Withdraw oil cards from File 32 (Non-ovmer Occupied, Single Family Detached Structures, Good Condition). Sort these cards by Year Built into the following groups: A. 1935 3. 1930-1934 C. 1925-1929 D. 1920-1924 E. 1915-1919 F. 1905-1914 G-. 1895-3,904 H. 1835-1894 I. 1860-1884 J. 1859 or Before X. No Report on Year Built. CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 27 to 36 and 26 of Single Family Detached column of Tabic 53. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The total of the entries on lines 26 to 36 must check with the entry on line 25. After this tabulation is completed place rubber bands around the cards .and place them in File lg (Single Family Detached Structures, Good Condition). 4. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraph 3 with all cards from Files 33 to 36 (Non-Owner Occupied, Single Family Detached Structures by Condition). This tabulation must be carried through sepa¬ rately for each Condition group. The results of the tabulation by Year Built should be posted in tho Single Family Detached column of Table 5B on lines as indicated in the diagram below. After the tabulation is com¬ pleted, rubber bands should be placed around each group of cards and they should be placed in Files lg to lk as indicated in the diagram. 13543 - 30 - Condition Group of Non-owner Occupied Single Family Detached Structures Good Condition Minor Repairs Major Repairs Unfit for Use No Report on Condition File from which Cards are Secured 32 33 34 35 35 Tabulate by Year Built Group and Fost in Table 5B on Lines: 26-36 38-48 50-60 62-72 14-24 After Tabulation Place Cards in Pile . lg lh li lj lk 5. In the manner indicated in paragraphs 2 and 5 above tabulate all cards from Piles 2c to 15c (Non-owner occupied Structures by Type of Struc¬ ture) by Condition by Year Built. This tabulation must be carried through separately for each Type of Structure group. In the process of the tabula¬ tion the cards for any Type of Structure will be sorted by Condition and placed in Piles 32 to 36. After the tabulation by Year Built is completed the cards will be placed in files by Type of Structure and Condition as indicated below, with rubber bands around each group of cards. Type of Structure Good Minor Major Unfit No Report Condition Repairs Repairs for Use on Condition Single Family Detached lg lh li lj lk Single Family Attached 2g 2h 2i 2j 2k Two Family Side by Side 3g 5h 3i 3j 3k Two Family Two Decker 4g 4h 4i 4j 4k Three Family Three Decker 5g 5h 5i 5j 5k Four Family Double 2 Decker 6g 6h 6i 6j 6k Apartment, 5 to 9 Units 7g 7h 7i 7 j 7k Apartment, 10 to 19 Units 8g 8h 8i 8j 8k Apartment, 20 to 39 Units 9g 9h 9i 9j 9k Apartment, 40 Units or More 10g lOh lOi 10j 10k Business with Residential llg llh Hi Hj Ilk Other Non-converted 12g 12h 12 i 12 j 12k Partially Converted 13g 13h 13i 13 j 13k Completely Converted 14g 14h 14i 14j 14k No Report on Type 15g 15h 15i 15.j 15k 6. Obtain the entries for TOTAL STRUCTURES ALL CONDITION sectii (lines 1 to 12) of Table 5B by adding the corresponding entries in each of the Condition groups of the table. The total of the: entries on lines 2 to 12 must check with the entry on line 1. The entries for column 7A (Apartment - Total) of Table 5B are obtained by adding the 13543 - 31 - corresponding entries in columns 7B to 7E (Apartment by Size Group columns). In a similar manner tho entries for Total Structures column are obtained by adding the corresponding entries in columns X, 1 to 7A, 8'-to 11 (columns 7B to 7E are omitted from this total). These totals must be carefully checked. This completes the tabulation of Table 53. 7. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraphs 2 to 6 with all cards from Piles Id to 15d (Owner Occupied, Mortgaged Struc¬ tures by Type of Structure). Post the results on Table 5D (Owner Occu¬ pied Structures, Mortgaged). After the tabulation is completed the cards will have been placed in Piles lg - Ik to 15g - 15k as indicated in paragraph 5 with rubber bands around each group of cards. 8. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraphs 2 to 6 with all cards from Piles le to 15e (Owner Occupied, Pree of Encumbrance by Type of Structure). Post the results on Table 5E (Owner Occupied, Free of Encumbrance). After the tabulation is completed the cards will have been placed in Piles lg-lh to 15g - 15k as indicated in paragraph 5 with rubber hands around each group of cards. 9. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraphs 2 to 6 with all cards from Piles If to 15f (Owner Occupied, No Report on En¬ cumbrance by Type of Structure). Post the results on Table 5F (Owner Occupied Structures, Ho Report on Encumbrance). After the tabulation is completed the cards will have been placed in Piles lg - lk to 15g - 15k as indicated in paragraph 5 with rubber bands around each group of cards. 10. After the tabulations indicated above are completed, all Struc¬ ture cards (white cards) will have been placed in Files lg - lk to 15g - 15k by Type of Structure, by Condition, with rubber bands around each Occupancy - Debt Status group. 13543 -sa¬ il# Obtain, the entries for Table 5C (Owner Occupied - Total) by adding the corresponding entries on Tables 5D, 5E, and 5F. These totals must be very carefully checked. In a similar manner obtain the entries for Table 5A (All Structures) by adding the corresponding entries on Table 53 and 5C. Enter the figures from line 1 of Table 5A (by Type of Structure) into line 3 of Check Sheet A where they must check with the corresponding entries from previous tables. Enter the figures from lines 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Table 5A (Type of Structure by Year Built) into lines 6, 8, 10 and 12 of Check Sheet A where they must check with the corre¬ sponding entries from Table 3. Enter the figures from lines 1, 13, 25, 37, 49 and 61 of Table 5A (Condition by Type of Structure) into lines 13, 15, 17, 19, 21 and 23 of Check Sheet A. Enter the figures from lines 1, 13, 25, 37, 49(for Single Family Detached to Four Family, Double Two Decker) and 61 of Table 5C (Owner Occupied Structures by Type of Structure) into lines 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 and 38 of Check Sheet A where they must check with the corresponding entries from Table 4. Enter the figures from line 1 to Table 5D (Owner Occupied, Mortgaged Structures by T^ype for Single Family Detached to Four Family, Double Two Decker) into line 42 of Check Sheet A where they must check with the corresponding entries from Table 4. Enter the figures from line 1 of Table 5E (Owner Occupied Structures, Free of Mortgage by Type for Single Family Detached to Four Family Double Two Decker) into line 44 of Check Sheet A where they must check with the corresponding entries from Table 4. Enter the figure from line 1 of Table 5F (Owner Occupied Structures, No Report on Debt Status by Type for Single Family Detached to Four Family Double Two Decker) into line 40 of Check Sheet A, where they must check with the cor¬ responding entries from Table 4. This completes the tabulation of Table 5. 13543 - 33 - If, after entries into Check Sheet A are made, it is found necessary to re-tabulate any section of Table 5, it will be found that Occupancy- Debt Status group are segregated by rubber bands in each Type-Condition and the previous sort can be easily re-established. TABLE 6. 1. Table 6 presents a breakdown of structures by Type of Structure, by Condition, by Exterior Material. There is one section to this table. 2. Withdraw all cards from Eile 1-g (Single Family Detached Struc¬ tures, Good Condition). Remove the rubber band and sort these cards by EXTERIOR MATERIAL into the following groups: Wood Brick Stone Stucco Other No Report on Material CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on. lines 20 to 24 and 18 of Single Family Detached column of Table 4. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 19 (Total Reports on Material) by eliding the entries on lines 20 to 24. Obtain the entry for line 17 (Total) by adding the entries on lines 18 and 19. Enter the figure from line 17 of the Single Family Detached column of Table 6 into line 18 of the Single Family Detached column of Check Sheet A where it must check uith the entry from the previous table. After this tabulation is completed those cards should be returned to File 1-g (Single Family Detached Structures, Good Condition). 3. Withdraw all cards from File 1-h (Single Family Detached Struc¬ tures, Minor Repairs), tabulate by EXTERIOR MATERIAL as indicated in para¬ graph 2 above, and enter the results in lines 25 to 32 of the Single Family 13543 - 34 - Detached column of Table 4. Enter the figure from line 25 into line 20, Single Family Detached column of Check Sheet A. After this tabulation is completed these cards should be returned to File 1-h (Single Family De¬ tached, Minor Repairs). 4. Withdraw all cards from File 1-i (Single Family Detached Struc¬ tures, Major Repairs), tabulate by EXTERIOR MATERIAL as indicated in para¬ graph 2 above, and enter the results in lines 33 to 40 of the Single Family Detached column of Table 4. Enter the figure from line 33 into line 22, Single Family Detached column of Check Sheet A. After this tabulation is completed these cards should be returned to File 1-i (Single Family De¬ tached, Major Repairs). 5. Withdraw all cards from File 1-j (Single Family Detached Struc¬ tures, Unfit for Use) tabulate by EXTERIOR MATERIAL as indicated in para¬ graph 2 above, and enter the results in lines 41 to 48 of the Single Family Detached column of Table 4. Enter the figure from line 41 into line 24, Single Family Detached column of Check Sheet A. After this tabulation is completed these cards should be returned to File 1-j (Single Family De¬ tached, Unfit for Use). 6. Withdraw all cards from File 1-k (Single Family Detached Struc¬ tures, No Report on Condition), tabulate by EXTERIOR MATERIAL as indicated in paragraph 2 above, and enter the results in lines 9 to 16 of the Single Family Detached column of Table 4. Enter the figure from lint. 3 into line 16, Single Family Detached column of Check Sheet A. After this tabulation is completed these cards should be returned to File 1-k (Single Family Detached, No Report on Condition). 7. The entries for the Total section (Lines 1 to 8) of the Single Family Detached column of Table 6 are obtained by adding the corresponding entries in each of the Condition sections of the table. The figure from 13543 - 35 - lino 1 should also "bo entered on line 4 and lino 14 of the Single Family Detached column of Cheek Sheet A, Make certain that the figures from lines 1, 9, 17, 25, 33 and 41 (by Condition) have been entered into lines 4, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 of Single Family Detached column of Check Sheet A, These entries must check with the entries from previous tables. 8.■ Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraphs 2 to 7 for each of the remaining Types of Structure groups of structure cards from Files (2g-2k to 15g-15k), and tabulate by EXTERIOR MATERIAL. After the tabulation is completed the cards will be returned into Files g to k under the proper Type of Structure file. The results of the tabulation should be entered into the proper Type of Structure column of Table 6 and the proper figures entered into lines 4, 14, 16, 13, 20, 22 and 24 of the proper columns of Check Sheet A. 9. Obtain the entries for column 7A (Apartment - Total) by adding the corresponding entries in columns 733, 7C, 7D and 7E (Apartment by Size Group Columns). Obtain the entries for Total column by adding the corresponding entries in Columns X, i to 7A, 8 to 11 (columns 7S to 7E, should be excluded from this total). All of those additions must be care¬ fully checked. This completes the tabulation of Table 6. SPECIAL SORT FOR TABLES 7 to 14 1. After Table 6 is completed all cards should be withdrawn from File 1 (Single Family Detached, yellow cards) and Files 1-g to 1-k (Single Family Detached, white cards, by Condition). These cards should be combined into one group and sorted by OCCUFANCY into the following groups: Occupancy After Sorting Pla.ce in File Number Owner Occupied 0-1 Tenant Occupied T-l Vacant V-l 13543 - 36 - CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Place the cards for Single Family De¬ tached Units in Files 0-1, T-l and V-l as indicated above. 2. In the manner indicated in paragraph 1 above, withdraw all cards from Files 2 to 15, (Yellow Cards by 'Type of Structure) and Files 2g - 2k to 15g - 15k, (iThite Cards by Type of Structure, by Condition); sort these cards by OCCUPANCY, check the sorting and place them in files by Occupancy, as indicated below. This sort must be carried through separately for each Type of Structure group. After this sort is completed, all cards for Units Not Under Construction will have been sorted into File 0-1 to 15, T-l to T-15 and V-l to V-15, as indicated below. Owner Occupied Units Tenant Occupied Units Vacant Units Type of Structure Single Family Detached Single Family Attached Two Family, Side by Side Two Family, Two Decker Three Family, Three Decker Four Family, Double Two Decker Apartment, 5 to 9 Units Apartment, 10 to 19 Units Apartment, 20 to 39 Units Apartment, 40 Units or More Business with Residential Other Non-Converted ■^artially Converted Completely Converted No Report on Type 0-1 0-2 0-3 C-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-10 0-11 0-12 0-13 0-14 0-15 T-9 T-10 T-ll T-12 T-13 T-14 T-15 T-l T-2 T-3 T-4 T-5 T-6 T-7 T-8 V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 13543 TABULATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR DWELLING SURVEY PART III Tables for Owner Occupied Units Table 7-B to Table 14 I Prepared by: Office of Statistical Coordinator, PERA Division of Economics and Statistics, FHA June 1, 1935 13543 TABULATION INSTRUCTIONS FOE DWELLING- SURVEY PAET III Tables for Owner Occupied Units Table 7-3 to Table 14 Introduction Part III presents the Tabulation Instructions for Table 7 3 to Table 11 B, 13 B and Owner Section of Tables 12 and 14 and is based on the cards for Owner Occupied Dwelling Units only. This tabulation should be carried forward after work has been completed on the Block Tabulation (Part I) and on the Structure Tables 1 to 6, (Part II). The cards at this point are to be found in files by Occupancy and under Occupancy by Type of Structure, as noted at the end of Part II Tabulation Instructions. Before proceeding with the tabulation of this part, re-read carefully the intro¬ ductory sections of Parts I and II. It is not necessary to com¬ plete the work on this section before proceeding with the tabula¬ tion of Parts IV and V. Filing System for Cards for Owner Occupied Units - After the sort indicated on the last page of Part II of Tabulation Instructions is completed the cards for Owner Occupied Units will be in the following files by Type of Structure. Type of Structure File Number Two Family, Side by Side Two Family, Two Decker Three Family, Three Decker Four Family, Double Two Decker Single Family Detached Single Family Attached 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 13543 - 2 - Apartment, 5 to 9 Units 0-7 Apartment, 10 to 19 Units 0-8 Apartment, 20 to 39 Units 0-9 Apartment, 40 Units or More 0-10 business with Residential 0-11 Other Non-Converted 0-12 Partially Converted 0-13 Completely Converted 0-14 No Report on Type 0-15 Each separate Type of Structure group will "be routed into the following file during the process of tabulating Table 7-B. In each case the cards for a particular Type of Structure will be placed in this file and during the process of tabulation will be removed from the file and placed back into File 0-1 to 0-15 by Type of Structure. Number of Persons per Room File Number A. .50 or Less 0-16 B. i51 to .75 0-17 C. .76 to 1.00 0-18 D. 1.01 to 1.50 0-19 E. 1.51 to 2.00 0-20 F. 2.01 or More 0-21 X. No Report.on Persons per Room 0-22 After the tabulation of Table 7-B is completed the cards for each Type of Structure will be routed into the following files during the process of tabulating Table 8-B. In each case the cards for a particular Type of Structure will be placed In this file and during the process of tabulation will be removed from the file and placed back into File 0-1 to 0-15 by Type of Struc¬ ture. Condition of Structure File Number Good Condition 0-23 Minor Repairs 0-24 Major Repairs 0-25 Unfit for Use 0-26 No Report on Condition 0-27 13543 - 3 - During the process of the first tabulation cf Table 9-B the cards for each Type of Structure will be sorted by Number of Persons in Unit and routed into the following file. The cards will be held in this file until all cards for Owner Occupied Units are in the files. Number of Persons in Dwelling Units Pile Number 1 Person 0-28 2 Persons 0-29 3 Persons , 0-30 4 Persons 0-31 5 Persons 0-32 6 Persons 0-33 7 Persons 0-34 8 Persons 0-35 9 Persons 0-36 10 Persons 0-37 11 Persons or More 0-38 No Report on Persons 0-39 During the process of tabulating Table 9-B the cards for each Number cf Persons in Unit group will be withdrawn from Piles 0-28 to 0-39 indicated above; sorted by Plumbing Equipment and routed into the following files by Plumbing Equipment, The cards will be held in these files until all cards for Owner Occupied Units are arranged in the order indicated. Plumbing Equipment Pile Number A. At least 2 Toilets & 2 Bathing Units 0-40 3. At least 2 Toilets & 1 Bathing Unit 0-41 C. One Toilet and at least 1 Bathing Unit 0-42 D. At least 1 Toilet out less than 1 Bath 0-43 E. Shared Toilet and Running Water 0-44 F. Shared Toilet but no Running Water 0-45 G. No Toilet but with Running Water 0-46 13543 4 E. No Toilet and no Running Water 0-47 X. No Report on Plumbing 0-48 During the process of tabulating Tabic 10-3 the cards for each Plumbing Equipment group will be withdrawn from the files indicated above and returned to the following files by Monthly Rent group. The cards will be cumulated in these files until all cards for Owner Occupied Units are arranged by Monthly Rent group. Monthly Rent Pile Number A. $ 4.99 and Less 0-49 B. 5.00 to 9.99 0-50 C. 10.00 to 14.99 0-51 D. 15.00 to 19.99 0-52 E. 20.00 to 24.99 0-53 F. 25.00 to 29.99 0-54 G. 30.00 to 39.99 0-55 E. 40.00 to 49.99 0-56 I. 50.00 to 74.99 0-57 J. 75.00 to 99.99 0-58 K. 100.00 to 149.99 0-59 L. 150.00 or More 0-60 X. No Report on Rent 0-61 During the process of tabulating the remainder of Table 10-3 the cards for each Monthly Rent group will be withdrawn from the file and returned to the file in the same order. In the process of tabulating Table 11-3 the cards for each Monthly Rent group indicated above will be withdrawn from the file and placed in the file by Number of Rooms as indicated below. Number of Rooms in Unit Pile Number 1 Room 0-62 2 Rooms 0-63 3 Rooms 0-64 4 Rooms 0-65 5 Rooms 0-66 6 Rooms 0—67 7 Rooms 0—68 8 Rooms or More 0-69 No Report on Rooms 0-70 13543 - 5 - The cards for each Monthly Rent - Room group will be tabulated on Table 11-E. After this tabulation is completed the cards will be placed in the file indicated below and cumulated until cards for all Owner Occupied Units are arranged by Condition of Structure, Condition of Structure Hie Number Good Condition 0-71 Minor Repairs 0-72 Major Repairs 0-73 Unfit for Use 0-74 ilo Report on Condition 0-75 The cards for each Condition group will be withdrawn from the file, sorted by Persons per Room and placed in Pile 0-76 to 0-82 indicated below. While in this order the cards for each Condition - Number of Persons per Room group will be tabulated on Table 13-E. This file (0-76 to 0-82) is a working file and will be used for a particular Condition group only. After the tabulation of a particular Condition - Number of Persons per Room group is completed, the cards will be routed into the per¬ manent file (0-83 to 0-39) by Number of Persons per Room. The cards from the permanent file will be routed into tabulation of Table 14 by Number of Persons per Room and returned to the file in this same order. Number of Persons Per Room Working Pile Permanent Pile A. ,50 or Less 0-76 0-83 3. .51 to .75 0-77 0-84 C. .76 to 1.00 0-78 0-85 D. 1.01 to 1.50 0-79 0-86 S. 1.51 to 2.00 0-80 0-87 P. 2.01 or More 0-81 0-88 X. No Report on Persons Per Room 0-82 0-89 13543 - 6 - After the tables for all dwelling units have been completed as indicated in Part VI, the cards should be sorted and filed by- blocks. A Check Sheet should be prepared to assist in the cross-checking of entries on the Table. This Check Sheet will be headed: "Check Sheet B, Owner Occupied Units." Enter the proper headings at the top of a Check Sheet , 11 form. 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Owner Occupied Dwelling Units by Type, by Dumber of Persons Per Room, by Number of Children in the Unit. There is one section to this Table which is "Table 7-B, Owner Occupied Units." The proper headings for this Table 2. Withdraw all cards from File 0-1, (Singles Family Detached, Owner), Sort these cards by NUMBER OF PERSONS PER ROOM into the following groups: Persons Per Room Croup After Posting Place in File Number X. No Report on Persons Per Room 0-22 CHECK THE SORTING OF TEE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post in lines 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57 and 9 of Single Family De¬ tached column of Table 7-B. CHECK THE COUNTING AND POSTING. The Single Family Detached, Owner cards should be kept separate by Person Per Room groups and placed in File 0-16 to 0-22 as noted above. TABLE 7-3 should be placed at the top of a "Table 7 " form. A. .50 or less B. .51 to .75 C. .76 to 1.00 D. 1.01 to 1.50 E. 1.51 to 2.00 F. 2.01 or More 0-16 0-17 0-13 0-19 0-20 0-21 15543 - 7 - 7 B - 2 3. Withdraw all cards from File 0-16 (Single Family Detached, Owner, .50 or Less Persons Per Room - Code A). Sort these groups "by Number of Children in the unit. This Number of Children item is determined by adding all persons on the "Under 1 Year", "1 to 4 Years", "5 to 9 Years", and "10 to 14 Years" lines of the NUMBER. AND AGE OF ALL PERSONS section of the card. When .the age of persons in the dwelling unit is reported, but "0" is entered in all of the age groups indicated above, the unit is counted as "No Children". If the ago of persons is not reported the unit is counted as "No Report On Children". The groups into which the cards are to be sorted are:: No Children 1 Child 2 Children 3 or 4 Children 5 Children or More No Report on Children CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 20 to 24 and 18 of Single Family Detached column of Table 7-B. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 19 (Total Reports on Children) by adding the entries in lines 20 to 24. The total of the entries on lines 18 and 19 must check with the entry on line 17. If this addition fails to check it will be necessary to re-check the tabulation. Place rubber bands around each of the separate Number of Children groups and return the cards to File 0-1 (Single Family Detached, Owner). 4. Withdraw all cards from File 0-17 (Single Family Detached, Owner, .51 to .75 Persons Per Room - Code B). Tabulate by Number of Children groups in the manner indicated in paragraph 3 above. 13543 - 8 - 7 B - 3 Post results on lines 26 to 32 of Single Family Detached column and return the cards to File 0-1 (Single Family Detached, Owner). 5. Withdraw all cards from File 0-13 (Single Family Detached, Owner, .76 to 1.00 Persons Per Room - Code C). Tabulate "by Dumber of Children groups in the manner indicated in paragraph 3 above. Post results on lines 34 to 40 of Single Family Detached column and return the cards to File 0-1 (Single Family Detached, Owner). 6. Withdraw all cards from File 0-19 (Single Family Detached, Owner, 1.01 to 1.50 Persons Per Room - Code D)« Tabulate by Dumber of Children groups in the manner indicated in paragraph 3 above. Post results on line 42 to 48 tof Single Family Detached column and return the cards to File 0-1 (Single Family Detached, Owner). 7. Withdraw all cards from File 0-20 (Single Family Detached, Owner, 1.51 to 2.00 Persons Per Room - Code 3). Tabulate by Dumber of Children groups in the manner indicated in paragraph 3 above. Post results on line 50 to 56 of Single Family Detached column and return the cards to File 0-1 (Single Family Detached, Owner). 8. Withdraw all cards from File 0-21 (Single Family Detached, Owner, 2.01 or more Persons Per Room - Code F). Tabulate by Dumber of Children groups in the manner indicated in paragraph 3 above. Post results on lines 58 to 64 of Single Family Detached column and return the cards to File 0-1 (Single Family Detached, Owner). 9. Withdraw all cards from File 0-22 (Single Family Detached, Owner, Do Report on Persons Per Room - Code X). Tabulate by Dumber of Children groups in the manner indicated in paragraph 3 above. Post results on lines 10 to 16 of Single Family Detached column and return the cards to File 0-1 (Single Family Detached, Owner). 13543 - 9 - 10. Obtain the entries for lines 1 to 8 (Number of Children groups for Total - All Persons Per Boom Group section) of the Single Family Detached column by adding the corresponding entries in each of the Persons Per Boom Group sections. The total of the entries on lines 4 to 8 must check with the entry on line 3, and the total of the entries on lines 2 and 3 must check with the entry on line 1. After this process is completed all cards for Single Family Detached, Owner Units will have been returned to File 0-1; and Files 0-16 to 0-22 will be vacant. 11. In the manner indicated in paragraphs 2 to 10, withdraw the cards for each of the remaining Owner Occupied Type of Struc¬ ture groups from Files 0-2 to 0-15; sort each Type of Structure group by Persons Per Room; place cards in Files 0-16 to 0-22; tabulate by Number of Children; and. enter results in the proper column of Table 7-3. This tabulation must be carried forward separately for each Type of Structure group. After tabulation for any type is completed the cards should be returned to Files 0-2 to 0-15. 12. Obtain the entries for column 7A (Apartment - Total) by adding the corresponding entries in columns 73, 7C, 7D, and 7E (Apartment by Size Groups columns). The Total Reports on Children entry for each Person Per Room group must check with the total of the Number of Children groups and the Total Reports on Children plus No Report on Children must check with the total in each Per¬ sons Per Room group. 13543 — 10 — 13» In a manner similar to that indicated in paragraph 12 obtain the entries for Total All Units column by adding the entri in columns X, 1 to 6, 7A, 8 to 11 (columns 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E must be omitted from this total). These entries should be checked in a manner similar to that indicated in paragraph 12. 14. Enter the figures from line 1 of Table 7B by Type of Structure into lines 1, 2 and 4 to 18 of Table 7 column of Check Sheet I, obtain the entry for line 3 of Check Sheet B by adding the entries on lines 4 to 10 and 15 to 18. Also enter the figure from lines 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, and 57 of Total column into lines 19 and 21 to 26 of Table 7 column of Check Sheet B. The entry for line 20 of Check Sheet B should be obtained by adding the entries on lines 21 to 26. The sum of entries on lines 19 and 20 should check with the entry on line 1 of the Check Sheet. Also enter fig-ores from lines 2 to 8 of Total All Units column into lines 27 to 33 of Table 7 column of Check Sheet 3. This completes the tabulation of Table 7-3. After this tabulation has been completed all of the cards for Owner units will have been restored to Biles 0-1 to 0-15 by Type of Structure. If any sections of this table fail to check it will be found that the cards in each Type of Structure file are in groups by Number of Children segregated by rubber bands, and it will be possible to reestablish any desired file. TABLE 8-3 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Owner Occupied Dwell¬ ing Units by Type, by Condition, by Duration of Occupancy. There 13543 - 11 - 83 is on? section to this table which is: "Table 8-3, Owner Occupied Units". The proper headings for this Table should be placed at the top of "Table 3 _____ , " form. 2. Withdraw all cards from File 0-1 (Single Family Detached, Owner). Remove the rubber bands and sort these cards by CONDITION into the following groups: Condition After Posting Place in File Number . .. .. .. —7 .!>■* ■ .... i... ■ ■ . Good Condition 0-23 Minor Repairs 0-24 Major Repairs 0-25 Unfit for Use 0-26 No Report on Condition 0-27 CHECK TEC SORTING- OF TEE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 23, 34, 45, 56 and 12 of the Single Family Detached column of Table 8-3. CHECK THE COUNTING AND TEE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 1 by adding the entries on lines 12, 23, 34, 45, and 56. Enter the figure from line 1 of the Single Family Detached column into line 4 of the Table 8 column of Check Sheet E where it must check with the corresponding entry from the previous Table. The cards for Single Family Detached, Owrrer Units should now be returned to the file where they should be placed in File 0-23 to 0-27 as noted above. 3. Withdraw all cards from File 0-23 (Single Family Detached, Owner, Good Condition). Sort these Cc?rds by DURATION OF OCCUPANCY into the following groups: A. Less than 6 months 3. 6 months - 11 months C. 1 year - 1 year, 11 months D. 2 years - 2 years, 11 months E. 3 years - 4 years, 11 months E. 5 /ears - 5 years, 11 months G. 10 years - 19 years, 11 months H. 20 years or more. X. No report on Duration 13543 - 12 - 8 B CHECK THE SORTING OE THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 26 to 33 and 24 of Single Family Detached column of Tahle 8-B. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 25 (Total Reports on Duration) by adding the entries in lines 26 to 33. The total of the entries on lines 24 and 25 must check with the entry on line 23. If this addition fails to check, it will be necessary to re-check the tabulation. Place rubber bands around each of the separate duration of occupancy groups and return all of the., cards to File 0-1 (Single Family Detached, Owner). 4. Withdraw all cards from File 0-24 (Single Family Detached, Owner, Minor Repairs). Tabulate by duration of occupancy groups in the manner indicated in paragraph 3 above and enter results on lines 35 to 44 of the Single Family Detached column. Return the cards to File 0-1 (Single Family Detached, Owner). 5. Withdraw all cards from File 0-25 (Single Family Detached, Owner, Major Repairs). Tabulate by duration of occupancy in the manner indicated in paragraph 3 and enter results on lines 46 to 55 of the Single Family Detached column. Return cards to File 0-1 (Single Family Detached, Owner). 6. Withdraw all cards from File 0-26 (Single Family Detached, Owner, Unfit for Use). Tabulate by duration of occupancy in the same manner as indicated in paragraph 3 and enter results on lines 57 to 66 of the Single Family Detached column. Return cards to File 0-1 (Single Family Detached, Owner). 7. Withdraw all cards from File 0-27 (Single Family Detached, Owner, No Report on Condition). Tabulate by duration of occupancy in the same manner as indicated in paragraph 3 and enter results on lines 13 to 22 of the Single Family Detached column of Table 3-B. Return cards to File 0-1 (Single Family Detached, Owner). 13543 - 13 - '83 8. Obtain the entries for lines 2 to 11 by adding the correspond¬ ing entries in each of the condition groups. The total of the entries on lines 4 to 11 must check with the entry on line 3 and tne total of the entries on lines 2 and 3 must check with the entry on line 1. After this process is completed all cards for Single Family Detached, Owner Units will have been returned to File 0-1; and Files 0-23 to 0-27 will be vacant. 9. In the manner indicated in paragraph 2 to 8, withdraw the cards for each of the remaining type of structure groups from the files (0-2 to 0-15), sort eacn Type of Structure group by CONDITION, place cards in Files 0-23 to 0-27, tabulate by duration of occupancy; enter results in the proper columns of Table 8-3; and return the cards to File 0-2 to 0-15. This tabulation must be carried forward separately for each type of struc¬ ture group. 10. Obtain the entries for Column 7-A (Aoartment - Total) by adding the corresponding unfri, s in Columns 7-3, 7-9, 7-D, and 7-3 (Apartment by Size Groups columns). Dnter thu figure from line 1 column 7-A (Apartment- Total) into lino 10 of the Table 3 column of Chucu Sheet 3 where it must check with corresponding entry from the previous table. The Total Reports on Duration entry for each condition group must check with the total of the Duration of Occupancy groups, and the Total Reports on Duration plus No Report on Duration must check with the Total All Units in oach condi¬ tion group. 11. In a manner similar to that indicated in paragraph 10 obtain the entries for Total All Units column by adding the entries in each of the type of structure columns (excluding the Apartment by Size Group columns). Enter the figure from line 1 of the Total column of Table 8-3 into lino 1 of Check Sheet 3 v/ncre it must check with corresponding entry from previous table. Obtain entry for line 3 of Chock Sheet B by adding lines 4 to 10 and- 15 to 18. The sum of entries on lines 2 and 3 must 13543 - 14 - 8 B check with line 1 of the Check Sheet. These, entries should be checked in a manner similar to that indicated in paragraph 10. 12. Enter the figures from lines 12, 23, 34, 45 and 56 (by Condi¬ tion) of Total column of Table 8-B into lines 34 and 36 to 39 of Table 8 column of Check Sheet B. The entry for line 35 of Check Sheet B should be obtained by adding the entries on lines 36 to 39, The sum of the entries on lines 34 and 35 should check with the entry on line 1 of the Check Sheet. Also enter figures from lines 2 to 11 (by Duration of Occu¬ pancy) of Total column of Table 8-B into lines 40 to 49 of Table 8 column of Check Sheet B. This completes the tabulation of Table 8-3. If any sections of this table fail to check it will be found 'that the cards in each type of struc¬ ture file are in groups by Condition, segregated by rubber bands, and it will be possible to reestablish any desired filo. TA3LS 9-3 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Owner Occupied Dwelling Units by Number of Persons in Unit, by Type of Structure, Heating Equipment, Lighting Equipment, Cooking Equipment, Refrigeration Equip¬ ment, Number of Roomers, Persons Per Room, and Plumbing Equipment. There is one section to this table which is "Table 9-3, Owner Occupied Units." The proper heading should be placed at the top of a "Table 9 , " form. 2. Withdraw all cards from File 0-1 (Single Family Detached, Owner.) Remove the rubber bands and sort these cards by NUMBER OF PERSONS IN UNIT into the following groups: 13543 15 - 9 B Number of Persons in Unit After Posting Place in Pile Number 1 Person 2 Persons 3 Persons 4 Persons 0-28 0-29 0-30 0-31 0-32 0-33 0-34 0-35 0-36 0-37 0-38 0-39 5 Persons 6 Persons 7 Persons 8 Persons 9 Persons 10 Persons 11 Persons or More X. No Report on Persons CHECK THE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post in the proper column of line 4 (Single Family Detached) of Table 9-B. Obtain the total Number of Persons in Units with 11 or more persons and enter in the right hand column of this line. This entry is obtained by adding the number of persons reported on all cards with 11 or more persons. CHECK TBS COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for Total Number of Units column by adding the entries in each of the Number of Persons in Unit columns, do not include the entry from column Total- Number of Persons in Units with 11 or more Persons in this total. Enter this figure also onto line 4 (Single Family Detached) of Table 9 column of Check Sheet B, where it must check with the corresponding entry from previous tables. Single Family Detached Owner Unit cards should now be returned to the file where they should be placed in Files 0-28 to 0-39, by NUMBER OF PERSONS IN UNIT, as noted above, with rubber bands around each separate group. 3. In the manner Indicated in paragraph 2, withdraw cards from each of the remaining groups from the files (0-2 to 0-15); sort each group by NUMBER OF PERSONS IN UNIT; tabulate; enter results on the proper line of Table 9-B, and transcribe total to Check Sheet B. Then place cards in Files 0-28 to 0-39 with rubber bands around each group. After 13543 - 16 - 9 B After this process is completed, all of the cards for Owner Units will have been tabulated by NUMBER OF PERSONS IF UNIT and filed by NUMBERS OF PERSONS IN UNIT in files 0-29 to 0-39. 4. Obtain the entries for line 10 (Apartment - Total) by adding the entries on lines 11 to 14; also obtain the entries for line 3 by adding the entries on lines 4 to 10, and 15 to 18; also obtain the entries for line 1 by adding the entries on lines 2 and 3. The entries for Total Number of Units column for lines 1, 3 and 10 are obtained by adding the entries in all of the Number of Persons in Unit columns. Enter the figures on lines 1, 3 and 10 of Total All Units column into lines 1, 3 and 10 of Table 9 column of Check Sheet B, where they must check with the corresponding entries from previous tables. 5. Withdraw all cards from File 0-28 (One Person Unit, Owner). Remove the rubber bands and sort these cards by HEATING EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Central Steam or Hot Water 2. Central Warm Air 3. Other Installed 4. None Installed X. No Report on Heating CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 21 to 24 and 19 of One Person column of Table 9-B. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 20 (Total Reports on Heating) by adding the entries on lines 21 to 24-. The total of the entries on lines 19 and 20 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed the cards from File 0-28 (One Person Units, Owner) should be routed to the tabulation indicated below. 6. Sort all cards from File 0-28 (One Person Units, Owner) by LIGHTING EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Electric 2. Gas 3. Other X. No Report on Lighting 13543 - 17 - CHECK TEE SORTING OF THE CARES. Count the cards in each group and post in lines 27 to 29 and 25 of the One Person column of Table 9-3. CHECK TEE COUNTING AND THE. POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 26 (Total Re¬ ports on Lighting) by adding the entries on lines 27 to 29. The total of the entries on lines 25 and 26 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed the cards from File 0-28 (One Person Units, Owner) should be routed to the tabulation indicated below. 7. Sort all cards from File 0-28 (One Person Units, Owner) by COOKING EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Electric 2. Gas 3. Other Installed 4. None Installed X. No Report on Cooking CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARES. Count the cards in each group and post ■i' in lines 32 ko 35 and 30 of the One Person column of Table 9-B. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 31 (Total Reports on Cooking) by adding the entries on lines 32 to 35. The total of the entries on lines 30 and 31 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed the cards from File 0-28 (One Person Units, Owner) should be routed to the tabulation indicated below. 8. Sort all cards from File 0-28 (One Person Units, Owner) by REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Electric 2. . Gas 3. Ice 4. No lie X. No Report on Refrigeration CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARES. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 38 to 41 and 36 of the One Person column of Table 9-3. The entry for line 37 (Total Reports on Refrigeration) is obtained by adding 13543 - 18 - the entries on lines 38 to 41. The totals of the entries on lines 36 and 37 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is comjjleted, the cards from File 0-28 (One Person Units, Owner) should he routed to the tabulation indicated "below. 9. Sort all cards from File 0-28 (One Person Units, Owner) by NUMBER CF ROOMERS into the following groups: Ho Roomers 1 Roomer 0 Roomers 3 Roomers 4 Roomers 5 Roomers 6 Roomers 7 Roomers 8 Roomers 9 Roomers 10 Roomers 11 Roomers or More Ho Report on Roomers CHECK PES SORTING- OF TEE CARPS. Count the cards in each group and post in lines 44 to 56 and 4-2 of the One Person column of Table 9-3. The entry for line 43 (Total Reports on Roomers) is obtained by ad¬ ding the entries on lines 44 to 55. The total of the entries on lines 42 and 43 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed the cards from File 0-28 (One Person Units, Owner) should be routed to the tabulation indicated below. 10. Sort the cards from File 0-28 (One Person Units, Owner) by PLUMBING EQUIPMENT into the following groups: Plumbing Equipment After Posting Place in File No. A. At least 2 Toilets and 2 Bathing Units 0-40 B. At least 2 Toilets and 1 Bathing Unit 0-41 C. 1 Toilet and at least 1 Bathing Unit 0-42 3. At least 1 Toilet but less than 1 Bathing Unit 0-43 E. Shared Toilet and Running Water 0-44 P. Shared Toilet but no Running Water 0-45 G. Ho Toilet but with Running Water 0-46 H. Ho Toilet and No Running Water 0-47 X. Ho Report on Plumbing 0-48 13543 9 B - 19 - CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARES. Count the cards in each group and post in lines 65 to 73 and 64 of the One Person column of Table 9-B. The entry for line 65 (Total Reports on Plumbing) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 66 to 73. The total of the entries on lines 64 and 65 must check with the entries on line 1. These Plumbing Equipment groups of One Person Units, Owner cards should now have rubber bands placed around each separate group, and the cards should be placed in Files 0-40 to 0-48 as noted above. 11. In the manner indicated in paragraphs 5 to 10, withdraw the cards for each of the remaining Number of Persons in Unit groups from Files 0-29 to 0-39; tabulate each group by HEATING EQUIPMENT, LIGHTING EQUIPMENT, COOKING EQUIPMENT, REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT, NUMBER OF ROOMERS, and PLUMBING EQUIPMENT. After the tabulation by PLUMBING EQUIPMENT for a particular Number of Persons in Unit group is completed rubber bands should be placed around each of the separate Plumbing Equipment groups and the cards placed in Files 0-40 to 0-48 as indicated in paragraph 10. In tabulating the 11 Persons or More Owner units, it is necessary to obtain the total of the Number of Persons in Units in each tabulation, in addition to the count of the cards in the group. The Number of Persons in Units with 11 or More Persons is entered in the column at the extreme right of the table. 12. The entries for Total Number of Units column are ob¬ tained by adding the corresponding entries in all of the Number of Persons in Unit columns of the table. These entries must be care¬ fully checked. Lines 56 to 63 (Number of Persons Per Room), of 13543 - 20 - 9 3 this table will he derived from the- NUMBER OF PERSONS section of Table 11 3-1, and need not be tabulated from the Persons Per Room code given on the cards. 13. Enter the figures from line 1, Table 9-3, by IRJlvlHEE. OF PERSONS IN UNIT into lines 98 to 109 and 96 of Table 9 column of Check Sheet 3. To obtain the entry for lino 97 of Check Sheet 3, add lines 98 to 108. Also enter figures from lines 19 to 41 (by Heating, Lighting, Cooking and Refrigeration Equipment) of Total All Units column of Table 9-3 into lines 73 to 95 of Table 9 column Check Sheet 3. Also enter figures from lines 42 to 46 and line 55 (by Number of Roomers) of Total All Units column of Table 9-B into lines 50 to 54 and 57 of Table 9 column of Check Sheet 3. The total of entries on lines 47 and 48 of Table 9-3 should be entered into line 55 of Check Sheet 3, and the total of entries on lines 49 to 54 of Table 9-3 should be entered into line 55 of Check Sheet 3. Also enter figures from lines 64 to 73 of Total All Units column of Table 9-3 into lines 63 to 72 of Table 9 column of Check Sheet 3. This completes the tabulation of Table 9-3. After this tabulation is completed, the cards for Owner Units will have been filed by Plumbing Equipment groups in Piles 0-40 to 0-48. If, after the entry of the figures into Check Sheet 3, it is found necessary to retabulate any section of 9-3, it will be found that the sepanate Number of Persons groups are segregated with each Plumbing Equipment file by rubber bands, and that the pre¬ vious file can be easily re-established. 13543 — 21 " TABLE 10-3 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Ovmer Occupied Dwelling Units by Monthly Rent Group, by Plumbing Equipment, Heat¬ ing Equipment, Lighting Equipment, Cooking Equipment, Refrigeration Equipment, Year Built Group, Number of Roomers and Race of Household. There is one section of this table which is lfTable 10-B,, Owner Occupied Units". The proper headings should be placed at the top of a "Table 10__ , " form. 2. Withdraw all cards from Pile 0-40 (At Least Two Toilets And Two Bathing Units, Owner). Sort these cards by MONTHLY EENT into the following groups: Monthly Rent Grout) After Posting Place A. $ 4.99 and less 0-49 3. $ 5.00 to 9.99 0-50 C. $ 10.00 to 14.99 0-51 3. $ 15.00 to 19.99 0^52 E. $ 20.00 to 24.99 0-53 E. $ 25.00 to 29.99 0-54 G. $ 30.00 to 39.99 0-55 H. $ 40.00 to 49.99 0-56 I. $ 50.00 to 74.99 0-57 J. $ 75.00 to 99.99 0-53 K. $ 100.00 to 149.99 0-59 L. $ 150.00 and over 0-60 X. No reuort on rent 0-61 CHECK THE SORTING OE THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post in the proper Monthly Rent column of line 4 (^t Least Two Toilets and Two Bathing Units) of Table 10-B, CHECK THE COUNTING AIE) THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for Total All Units column by adding the corresponding entries in all of the Monthly Rent columns. Snter the figure from line 4 of Total All Units column of Table 10-B into line 65 of Table 10 column of Check Sheet 3, where it must check with 13543 - 22 10 3 the corresponding entry from the previous table. Place a rubber band around each of the separate Monthly Rent groups of At Least Two Toilet and Two Bathing Units, Owner cards and place in Piles 0-49 to 0-61 by Rent Groups. 3. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraph 2 on each of the remaining Plumbing Equipment groups of owner cards (files 0-41 to 0-48). The result should be posted into lines 2 and 5 to 11 of Table 10-3 and the figures from Total All Units column should be entered on line 66 to 72 and 63 of Table 10 column, of Check Sheet 3. After this tabulation is completed the cards will have been sorted by Monthly Rent groups and placed in Piles 0-49 to 0-61. The entries for line 3 are obtained by adding the corresponding entries on lines 4 to 11. 'The entries for lino 1 are obtained by adding the entries on lines 2 amid 3. The entries from lines 1 and 3 Total All Units column should be entered on lines 1 and 64 of Check Sheet 3 where they should check with the entries from previous tables. 4. Withdraw all cards from File 0-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less Code A, Owner)* Remove the rubber bands from the cards. Sort these cards by KEATING EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Central Steam or Hot Water 2. Central Warm Air 3. Other Installed 4. None Installed X. No report on Heating CHECK TEE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 14 to 17 and 12 of Column A ($4,99 and less) of Table 10-3. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 13 13543 - 23 - 10 3 (Total Reports on Heating) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 14 to 17. The total of the entries on lines 12 and 13 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed tho cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 5. Sort all cards from File 0-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Owner) by LIGHTING EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Electric 2. Gas 3. Other X. No Report on Lighting CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CAPES. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 20 to 22 and 18 of Column A* ($4.99 and less) of Table 10—B. CHECK TEE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 19 (Total Reports on Lighting) by adding the1 entries on linos 20 to 22. The totals of the entries on lines 18 and 19 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 6. Sort all cards from File 0-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and less - Code A, Owner) by COOKING EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Electric 2. Gas 3. Other installed 4. None installed X. No report on cooking CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and enter the results on lines 25 to 28 and 23 of column A ($4.99 and less) of Table 10-3. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 24 (Total Reports on Cooking) is obtained by adding the entries in lines 25 to 28. The total of the entries on line 23 and 24 must 13543 - 24 - 10 B check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 7. Sort all cards from Pile 0-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Owner) by REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Electric 2. Gas 3. Ice 4. None X. No report on refrigera.tion CHECK THE SORTING OE THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 31 to 34 and 29 of column A ($4.99 and Less). CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 30 (Total Reports on Refrigeration) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 31 to 34. The total of the entries on lines 29 and 30 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 3. Sort all cards from File 0-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code- A, Owner) by YEAR BUILT, into the following groups: A. 1935 E. 1930 - 1934 C. 1925 - 1929 D. 1920 - 1924 E. 1915 - 1919 F. 1905 - 1914 G. 1895 - 1904 E. 1835 - 1G94 I. 1860 - 1884 J. 1359 or before X. No report on year built CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 37 to 46 and 35 of column A ($4.99 and less) of Table 10-B. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for lino 36 (Total Re¬ ports on Year Built) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 37 to 46. 13543 - 25 - 10 B The total of the entries on lines 35 and 36 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation is completed, the cards should "be routed to the process indicated "below. 9. Sort the cards from File 0-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and less - Code A, Owner) "by NUMBER OF BOOMERS into the following groups: No Roomers 1 Roomer 2 Roomers 3 or 4 Roomers 5 to 10 Roomers 11 Roomers or more No report on roomers CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARES. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 49 to 54 and 47 of column A ($4.99 and less) of Table 10-3. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 48 (Total Reports on Roomers) is obtained "by adding the entries on lines 49 to 54. The total of the entries on lines 47 and 48 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 10. Sort all cards from File 0-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Owner) by RACE OF HOUSEHOLD into the following groups: 1. White 2. Negro 3. Other Race, X. No Report on Race CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in ea.ch group and post on lines 57 to 59 and 55 of column A ($4.99 and less) of Table 10-3. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 56 (Total reports on Race) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 57 to 59. The total of the entries on lines 55 and 56 must check 13543 - 26 - 10 £ with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed the cards for Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Owner should be returned to File 0-49. 11. In the manner indicated in paragraphs 4 to 10 with¬ draw the cards for each of the remaining Monthly Rent groups from the file (0-50 to 0-61); tabulate each Monthly Rent group by KEAT¬ ING EQUIPMENT, LIGHTING EQUIPMENT, COOKING EQUIPMENT, REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT, YEAR. BUILT, ROOMERS AND RACE, ,1fter the tabulation for each Monthly Rent group is completed the cards should be returned to the proper file (0-50 to 0-61). 12. Obtain the entries for Total All Units column by adding * the entries in all of the Monthly Rent group columns. These addi¬ tions must be carefully checked. Enter the figures from line 1 Column X and Columns A to L by Monthly Rent into lines 110 and 112 to 123 of Table 10 column of Check Sheet 3. Obtain the entry for line 111, Check Sheet E, by adding lines 112 to 123. Enter the figures from lines 12 to 34 (by Heating, Lighting, Cooking, and Re¬ frigeration Equipment) of Total All Units column of Table 10-B into line 73 to 95 of Table 10 column of Check Sheet B. Also enter figures from lines 47 to 54 (by Number of Roomers) of Total All Units column into lines 50 to 57 of Table 10 column of Check Sheet B. These entries in Table 10 column of Check Sheet B must check with the corre¬ sponding entries for previous table. This completes the tabulation of Table 10-B. 13. After Table 103 (Owner Occupied Units) and Table IOC (Tenant Occupied Units) are completed, add the entries from the Total column of xabies 10B and IOC for line 56 (Total Reports on 13543 - 27 - 10 3 Race) for line 58 (Negro), and for line 59 (Other Race). If the total for Negro or for Other Race is two hundred or more, and if the total in either case represents 10$ or more of Total Reports on Race it will he necessary to tabulate Table 16 for the area. When the area has qualified for the Table 16 tabulation as indicated above, this table should be prepared at this point in the tabulation procedure as explained in Part VII of the Tabulation Instructions. After Table 16 is completed the cards should be routed into Table 11. When Negro or Other Race does not account for two hundred or more units or does not represent 10$ or more of Total Units the Table 16 tabulation is not required and the cards can be routed immediately into Table 11. TABLE 11-B 1, This Table presents a breakdown of Owner Occupied Units by Monthly Rent Group, by Number of Rooms in Unit, by Type of Struc¬ ture, Number of Persons, Furniture, Duration of Occupancy, Number of Children, Extra Families and Condition. There are seven pages to this Table which are: Table 11B-1 Table 113-2 Table 113-3 Table 113-4 Table 113-5 Table 113-6 Table 113-7 Owner occupied units Owner occupied units Owner occupied units Owner occupied units Owner occupied units Owner occupied units Owner occupied units Total, No report on Rent Rent of $4.59 or less, $5.00 to $9.99 Rent of $10.00 to $14.99, $15.00 to $19.99 Rent of $20.00 to $24.99, $25.00 to $29.99 Rent of $30.00 to $39.99, $40.00 to $49.99 Rent of $50.00 to $74.99, $75.00 to $99.99 Rent of $100.00 to $149.99, $150.00 or more Enter the proper headings for these seven pages of Table 11-3 on a set of "Table 11 , , , J1 forms. In addition the proper Monthly Rent groups should be entered in the column headings of the "Monthly Rent of " space. 13543 -sa¬ il B 2. Withdraw all cards from Bile 0-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 or less - Code A). Sort tnese cards by NUMBER 0"51 ROOMS III UNIT into the following groups: Number of Rooms After Posting Place in Rile No* 1 Room 0-62 2 Rooms 0-63 3 Rooms 0-64 4 Rooms 0—65 5 Rooms 0-66 6 Rooms 0-67 7 Rooms 0-68 8 Rooms or more 0-69 X.No renort on rooms 0-70 CHECK THE SORTING OR THE CARDS. Count the cards in ea.ch group and post on Line 1 in the proper Number of Rooms column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less - Code A. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Ob¬ tain the entry for Total column by adding the entries in the Number of Rooms columns. Enter the figure from Total column of line 1 into line 112 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet 3, where it must check with the corresponding entry for the previous Table. The cards for Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less - Code A, Owner, should now be returned to the file where they should be- placed in Piles 0-62 to 0-70 by Number of Rooms as noted above. 3. Witndraw all cards from File 0-62 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Owner). Sort these cards by TYPE OF STRUC¬ TURE into the following groups: 1. Single Family Detached 2. Single Family Attached 2-. 2 Family Side by Side 4. 2 Family 2 Decker 5. 3 Family 3 Decker 6. 4 Family Double 2 Decker 7. Apartment, 5 to 9 Units Apartment, 10 to 19 Units Apartment, 20 to 39 Units Apa,rtment, 40 Units or More 8. Business with ^welling Units 13543 - 29 - 11 3 9. Other Nan-Converted 10. Partially Converted 11. Completely Converted CHECK THE SORTING 0? THE CARDS. Count tho cards in each group and post on lines 4 to 9, 11 to 18, and 2 of One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 and less section of Table 113-2. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for lino 10 (Apartment-Total) is ob¬ tained by adding the entries on lines 11 to 14. The entry for line 3 (Total Reports on Type) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 4 to 10 and 15 to 18. The total of the entries on lines 2 and 3 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 4. Sort all cards from Pile 0-62 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Owner) by NUMBER OP PERSONS IN UNIT into the following groups: 1 Person 2 Persons 3 Persons 4 Persons 5 Persons 6 Persons 7 Persons 8 Persons 9 Persons 10 Persons 11 Persons or More X. No Report on Persons CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 21 to 31 and 19 of One Room Column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less Section of Table 113-2. The total of the number of persons in the 11 Persons or More Group should be entered on Line 32. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry 13543 - 30 - 11 B for Line 20 "by adding the cntri -s on Lines 21 to 31. Lo not in¬ clude the entry iron line 32 in this total. The total of the entries on lines 19 and 20 nust check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should "be routed to the jJrocess indicated "below. 5. There is no tabulation of FURNISHINGS INCLUDED IN RENT for Owner Occupied units and lines 33 to 36 of Table 113 should be left blank. 6. Sort all cards from File 0-62 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Loss - Code A, Owner) by DURATION OF OCCUPANCY into the following groups: A. Less than 6 months B. 6 months - 11 months C. 1 year - 1 yea.r, 11 months D. 2 years - 2 years, 11 months 3. 3 years - 4 years, 11 months ?. 5 years - 3 years, 11 months G. 10 years - 19 years, 11 months H. 20 years or more X. !To report on Duration CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on linos 39 to 4b and 37 of One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Loss Section of Table 11B-2. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 38 (Total Reports on Duration) is ob¬ tained by adding the entries on lines 39 to 45. The total of the entries on linos 37 and 38 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this soction is completed, the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 7. Sort all cards from File 0-62 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Owner) by NUMBER OF CHILDREN IN THE. UNIT. 13543 -Si¬ ll 3 This Humbcr of Childron iten is determined "by adding all persons in the "Under 1 year", "1 to 4 years", "5 to 9 years", and "10 to 14 years" sections of NUMBER AMD AGE OF ALL PERSONS section of the card. When the age of the poisons in the dwelling unit is reported, but "0" is entered in all of the age groups indicated above, the. unit is counted as "No Children". If the age of persons is not reported, the unit is counted as "No Report on Children". The groups into which the cards are to bo sorted are: No Children 1 Child 2 Children 3 or 4 Qhildren 5 Children or More No Report on Children CHECK THE SORTING OF TEE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on linos 49 to 53 and 47 of One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less Section of Table UB-2. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 48 (Total Reports on Children) is ob¬ tained by adding the entries on lines 49 to 53. The total of the entries on lines 47 and 48 must check with the entry on line 1. When this tabulation is completed, all cards from File 0-62 (One Room, Rent of $4.99 and Loss - Code A, Owner) should be routed to the process indicated below. 8. Sort all cards from File 0-62 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Owner) by NUMBER OF EXTRA FAMILIES into the following groups: No Extra Families 1 Extra Family 2 or More Extra Families X. No Report on Extra Families 13543 52 - 11 3 CHECK THE SORTING OE THE CARTS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 56 to 56 and 54 of One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less Section of Table 1115-2. CHECK THE COUNTING ANT TEE POSTING. The entry for line 55 (Total Reports on Extra Families) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 56 to 58. The total of the entries on lines 54 and 55 must check with the entry on line 1. Prepare a Tally Sheet and enter on it the Number of Persons in Extra Families from the cards with 1 Extra Family and with 2 or More Extra Families. It should be observed that there should be 2 entries in NUMBER OF PERSONS IN EXTRA FAMILIES section of the card for units having 2 Extra Families in the unit. In such cases each of these entries should be entered separately in the Tally. The Number of Persons groups into which the Extra Families should be tallied are: Extra Families of 1 Person Extra Families of 2 Persons Extra Families of 3 Persons Extra Families of 4 Persons Extra Families of 5 Persons Or More Extra Families With No Report On Persons CHECK THE TALLYING 0? THE CARTS. Post the results of the Tally on lines 60 to 65 of One Room column, of Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less section of Table 11E-2. CHECK THE POSTING. The entry for line 59 (Total Number of Extra. Families) is obtained by adding the entries in lines 60 to 65. After this tabulation is completed, the cards from File 0-62 (One Room, Monthly Ftont of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Owner) should be routed to the process indicated below. 9. Sort all cards from File 0-62 (One Room, Monthly P.ent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Owner) by CONDITION into the following groups: 13543 - 33 - 11 R Condition After Posting Place in Pile No* Good Condition Minor Repairs Major Repairs Unfit for Use No Report on Condition 0-71 0-72 0-73 0-74 0-75 CHECK TEE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 68 to 71 and 66 of One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less Section of Table 113-2. CHECK TEE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 67 (Total Reports on Condition) is ob¬ tained by adding the entries on lines 68 to 71. The total of the entries on lines 66 and 67 must check with the entry on line 1. Place a rubber band around each of the Condition groups of One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Owner cards and place in Files 0-71 to 0-75 as indicated above® 10. Carry through the procedure indicated in Paragraphs 2 to 9 on each of the Number of Rooms groups of Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less - Code A, Owner cards (Piles 0-63 to 0-70). The results should be posted into the proper Number of Rooms column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less Section of Table 11B-2. After the tabulation for any Number of Rooms group is completed, rubber bands should be placed around Condition groups of cards and the cards placed in Piles 0-71 to 0-75 by Condition. The entries for Total column for Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less Section should be obtained by adding the correspond¬ ing entries in the Number of Rooms group columns. 11. In the manner indicated in Paragraph 1 to 10 withdraw the cards for each of the remaining Monthly Rent .groups from the Pile 0-49 to 0-61. Sort the cards for each Rerrt group by Number of Rooms 13543 - 34 - 11 B and place in Files 0-62 to 0-70. Enter the results in the proper sections of Table 113. This tabulation must be carried thru separately for each of the Monthly Rent groups and the cards for the group routed out of Files 0-62 to C-70 before the tabulation of the next group is started. After the tabulation of any Number of Rooms - Monthly Rent group is completed, the card should have rubber bands placed around them and they should be placed in Files 0-71 to 0-75 by Condition group. 12. The entries for the Total section of Table 11E-1 are obtained by adding the corresponding entries from the various Monthly Rent Group sections of Table 11B-1 to 113-7. These entries must be very carefully checked. Enter the figures from lines 1 to 18 (by Type of Structure) of Total column of Total Owner Occupied units sec¬ tion of Table 113-1 into lines 1 to 18 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet B. Enter the figures from lines 19 to 32 (by Number of Persons) of this same column into lines 96 to 109 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet 3). Enter the figures from lines 37 to 46 (by Duration of Occu¬ pancy) of this same column into lines 40 to 49 to Table 11 column of Check Sheet 3. Enter figures from lines 47 to 53 (by Number of Chil¬ dren) of this sane column into lines 27 to 33 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet 3. Enter the figures from lines 54 to 53 (by Number of Extra Families) of this same column into lines 58 to 62 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet 3. Enter the figures from lines 66 to 71 (by Condition) of this same column into lines 34 to 39 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet 3. To obtain the entry for line 111 (Total Reports on Rent) of Check Sheet 3 add the entries on lines 112 to 123. These entries into Check Sheet B must check with the corresponding entries from previous tables. 13543 - 35 - 11 B While all cards for Owner Occupied Units will have "been routed into Files 0-71 to 0-75 "by Condition, if, after entry on Check Sheet B, it is found necessary to retabulate any section of Table HE, it will be found that the Number of Rooms - Monthly Rent Group cards in each Condition file are segregated by rubber bands and the previous files can be reestablished with ease. TABLE 12 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Dwelling Units by Occupancy, by Condition, by Plumbing Equipment and Number of Children. There is only one page to this Table and the data for Owner Occupied Units are entered on lines 30 to 37 of the "Owner Occupied Units" sec¬ tion of the Table. 2. Withdraw all cards from File 0-71 (Good Condition, Owner). Remove the rubber bands from the cards. Sort these cards by PLUMBING EQUIPMENT into the following groups:: A. At Least 2 Toilets and 2 Bathing Units B. At Least 2 Toilets and 1 Bathing Unit C. 1 Toilet and at least 1 Bathing Unit D. At Least 1 Toilet but less than 1 Bathing Unit E. Shared Toilet -and Running Water P. Shared Toilet but no Running Water G. No Toilet but with Running Water H. No Toilet and No Running Water X. No Report on Plumbing CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARES. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 23 to 30 and 21 of column 1 (Good Condition) of Owner Occupied section of Table 12. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 22 (Total Reports on Plumbing) by adding the entries on lines 23 to 30. Obtain the entry for line 20 (Total All Units) by adding the entries on lines 21 and 22. Enter the figure 13543 - 36 - 12 B from line 20 (Total All Units) of column 1 (Good Condition) of Owner Occupied section of Table 12 into line 36 of Table 12 column of Check Sheet B where it must check with the corresponding entry from previous tables. After this tabulation is completed the cards from file 0-71 (Good Condition, Owner) should be routed to the tabu¬ lation indicated below. 3. Sort all cards from file 0-71 (Good Condition, Owner) by NUMBER Of CHILDREN IN THE UNIT. This NUMBER Of CHILDREN item is determined by adding all persons in the "Persons Under 1 Year," "1 to 4 Years," "5 to 9 Years," and "10 to 14 Years" groups of NUMBER AND AGE Of ALL PERSONS section of the card. When persons by age group is re¬ ported but "0" is entered at each one of the age groups indicated above the unit is counted as "No Children." If the age of persons is report¬ ed the unit is counted as "No Report on Children." The groups into which the cards aro to be sorted are: No Children 1 Child 2 Children 3 or 4 Children 5 Children or More No Report on Children CHECK TEE SORTING OF TEE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 33 to 37 ana 31 of column. 1 (Good Condition) of Owner Occupied section of Table 12. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 32 (Total Reports on Children) by adding the entries on lines 33 to 37. The total of the entries on lines 51 and 32 must check with the entry on line 20. After this tabulation is completed these cards should be returned to Pile 0-71 (Good Con¬ dition, Owner). 13543 - 37 - 12 B 4. In the manner indicated in paragraphs 2 and 3, withdraw the cards for each of the remaining Condition groups from the File (0-72 to 0-75): Tabulate each Condition Croup separately by Plumb¬ ing Equipment and Number of Children. Post the results in the proper columns of lines 20 to 37 of Owner Occupied section of Table 12 and return the cards to Piles 0-72 to 0-75 by Condition. Obtain the en¬ tries for Total column by adding the corresponding entries in all groups columns. The entries in this Total column must be carefully checked. Enter the figure from line 20 cf the Total column of Owner Occupied section -of Table 12 into line 1 of Table 12 column of Check Sheet B; enter figures from lines 21 to 30 of Total column into lines 63 to 72 of Table 12 column of Check Sheet B; enter figures from lines 31 to 37 of Total column into lines 27 to 33 of Table 12 column of Check Sheet B. To obtain the entry for line 35 Total Reports on Condition, add lines 36 to 39 on the Check Sheet. All of these entries into Check Sheet B must check with the corresponding entries from previous tables. TABLE 13-3 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Owner Occupied Dwelling Units by Condition, by Number of Persons Per Room, by Number of Roomers and by Number of Persons in each Age group. There is one sec¬ tion to this Table which is "Table 13-3, Owner Occupied Units". Enter the proper headings at the top of a "Table 13 , " form. 2. Withdraw all cards from Pile 0-71 (Good Condition, Owner). Sort these cards by NUMBER 0? PERSONS PER ROOM into the following groups: 13543 38 - 13 3 Number of Persons Per Room After posting Place in Pile No A. .50 or less 3. .51 to .75 C. .76 to 1.00 P. 1.01 to 1.50 E, 1.51 to 2.00 P. 2.01 or more X. No report on Persons Por Roon 0-76 0-77 0-78 0-79 0-80 0-81 0-82 CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and enter the results on lines 22 to 27 and 20 of Total Number of Dwell¬ ing Units column of Table 13-B. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 21 (Total Reports on Persons Per Room) by- adding the entries on lines 22 to 27. Obtain the entry for line 19 by adding the entries on lines 20 and 21. Enter the figure fron line 19 (in Good Condition) of Total Number of Dwelling Units column of Table 13-3 into line 36 of Table 13 column of Check Sheet 3, where it must check with the corresponding entry fron previous tables. The cards for Good Condition, Owner Units should now be placed in File 0-76 to 0-82 by Number of Persons Por B.oon. Per Room - Code A, Good Condition, Owner). Sort these cards by NUMBER OF ROOMERS into the following groups: CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and enter the res^ilts on Line 22 of the proper column of Number of Roomers section of Table 133. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The total 3. Withdraw all cards from File 0-76 (.50 or Less Persons No Roomers 1 Roomer 2 Roomers 3 or 4 Roomers 5 to 10 Roomers 11 Roomers or More No Renort on Roomers 13543 - 39 - 13 3 of the entries in Number of Roomers columns must check with the entry in Total Number of Dwelling Units column. After this tabulation is completed, the cards in Rile 0-76 should te routed to the tabulation indicated below. 4. Sort all cards from File 0-76 (.50 or Less Persons Per Room - Code A, Good Condition, Owner) by completeness of reports on FUMRER AND AGE OF ALL PERSONS. The groups into which the cards should be sorted are: Reports on Age of Persons (Cards on which number and age of all persons is completely reported.) No Reports on Age of Persons (Cards on which number and age of all persons is not completely reported.) CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and enter the results on Line 22 of Number of Units section in the center of Table 13 B. CHECK TEE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The total of the entries of these 2 columns must check with the entry in Total Number of Dwelling Units column. Using only the cards with complete reports on number and age of persons enter the number of persons in each age group on a tally sheet, similar to the form shown below. OCCUPANCY _ TALLY SHEET for cards on which the number and age of all persons is completely reported. CONDITION GROUP ... PERSONS PER ROOM CODE Persons Under 1 Year Persons 1 to 4 Years Persons 5 to 9 Years Persons 10 to 14 Years ■ Persons 15 to 19 Years Persons 20 to 64 Years Persons 65 Years and Over 13543 - 40 - After the cards have been entered total each Column of the tally sheet and enter the results on Line 22 in the proper columns of Number of Persons by Age Group section of Table 133, Obtain a total of the total number of persons in unit from the cards, It will bo most con¬ venient to obtain this total on an adding machine. Check this total with the sium of the persons by age group entries. After this tabula¬ tion is completed, the 'cards from File 0-76 should have a rubber band placed around them and they should be placed in File 0-83 (.50 or Less Persons Per Room). 5. Withdraw all cards from File 0-77 (.51 to .75 Persons Per Room - Code B, Good Condition, Owner). Tabulate by Number of Roomers and by Persons by Age Group as indicated in Paragraphs 3 and 4 above, and enter the results in the proper columns of'1 Line 23 of Table 13B. After this tabulation is completed, these cards should have a rubber band placed around them and they should be placed in File 0-84 (.51 to .75 Persons Per Room). 6. Withdraw all cards from File 0-78 (.76 to 1.00 Persons Per Room - Code C, Good Condition, Owner). Tabulate by Number of Roomers and by Persons by Age Group as indicated in Paragraph 3 and 4 above, and enter the results in the proper columns of Line 24 of Table 133. After this tabulation is completed, these cards should have a lubber band placed around then and they should be placed in File 0-85 (.76 to 1.00 Persons Per Room). 7. Withdraw all cards from File 0-79 (1.01 to 1.50 Persons Per Room - Code D, Good Condition, Owner). Tabulate by Number of Roomers and by Persons by Age Group as indicated in Paragraph 3 and 13543 - 41 - 4 above, and enter the results in the proper columns of Line 25 of Table 13B, After this tabulation is completed, these cards should have a rub¬ ber band placed around them and they should be placed in Pile 0-36 (1.01 to 1.50 Persons Per Poom), 8. Withdraw all cards from Pile 0-80 (1.51 to 2.00 Persons Per Room - Code E, Good Condition, Owner). Tabulate by Number of Room¬ ers and by Persons by Age Group as indicated in Paragraph 3 and 4 above, and enter the results in the proper columns of Line 26 of Table 13B. After this tabulation is completed, these cards should have a rubber band placed around them and they should be placed in Pile 0-87 (1.51 to 2,00 Persons Per Room). 9. Withdraw all cards from Pile 0-81 (2.01 Persons Per Room or More - Code P, Good Condition, Owner). Tabulate by Number of Roomers and by Persons by Age Group as indicated in Paragraph 3 and 4 above, and enter the results in the proper columns of Line 27 of Table 13B. After this tabulation is completed, these cards should have a rubber band placed around them and they should be placed in Pile 0-88 (2.01 Persons Per Room or More). 10. Withdraw all cards from File 0-82 (No Report on Persons Per Room - Code X, Good Condition, Owner). Tabulate by Number of Roomers and by Persons by Age Group as indicated in Paragraph 3 and 4 above, and enter the results in the proper columns of Line 20 of Table 13B. After this tabulation is completed, these cards should have a rubber band placed around them and they should be placed in Pile 0-89 (No Report on Persons Per Room), 13543 15 3 11. Obtain the entries for line 21 of each of the columns "by adding the corresponding entries on Lines 22 to .27. Obtain the entries for Line 19 "by adding the corresponding entries on Lines 20 and 21. 12. In the manner indicated in Paragraphs 2 to 11 withdraw the cards from 0-72 to 0-75 (Owner Occupied Units "by Condition). Sort each of these Condition groups "by NUM3ER OP PERSONS PER ROOM; place cards in Piles 0-76 to 0-82. Then tabulate each Number of Persons Per Room - Condition group by Number of Roomers and by Age of all Persons and enter the results on the proper lines of Table 13E. This tabulation should be carried thru separately for each Condition group. After the tabulation of any group is completed, the cards should have a rubber band placed around then and they should be placed into Piles 0-83 to 0-89 (Owner Occupied Units by Number of Persons Per Room). 13. The entries for Lines 1 to 9 (Total section by Number of Persons Per Room) are obtained by adding the corresponding entries in each of the Condition sections of the table. The total of the entries on lines 4 to 9 must check with the entry on line 3 and the total of the entries on lines 2 and 3 must check with the entry on line 1. Enter the figure from line 1 of Total Number of Dwelling Units column, of Table 133 into line 1 of Table 13 column of Check Sheet 3. Also enter the figures from lines 2 to 9 of Total Number of Dwelling Units column of Table 13B into lines 19 to 2b of Table 13 column of Check Sheet E. If not already done, enter the figures from lines 10, 19, 23, 37 and 46 of Total Number of Dwelling Units column of Table 133 into Lines 34 and 36 to 39 of Table 13 column of Check Sheet B. The entry for line 35 of Check Sheet 3 is obtained by adding the entries on lines 36 to 39. Also enter the figures from Line 1 of Number of 13543 - 43 - 13 S Roomers columns of Tabic 13B into Linos 50 and 52 to 57 of Table 13 column of Check Shoot B, obtain the entry for line 51 by adding the entries on lines 52 to 57. Those entries into Check Sheet 3 must check with the corresponding entries from previous tables. While all cards for Owner Occupied units will have been routed into Files 0-83 to 0-89 by PERSONS PER ROOM, if after entry on Chock Sheet 3, it is found necessary to retabulate any section of Table 133, it will be found that the Condition groups of cards in each Person per Room file are segregated by rubber bands and the previous files can be reestab¬ lished with ease. TABLE 14 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Dwelling Units by Occu¬ pancy, by Number of Persons Per Room, by Dumber of Extra Families. There is only one page to this Table and the data for Owner Occupied Units are presented on linos 7 to 12. 2. Withdraw all cards from File 0-83 (.50 or Less Persons Per Room - Code A, Owner). Remove the rubber bands from the cards. Sort these cards by NUMBER OF EXTRA FAMILIES into the following groups: No Extra Families 1 Extra Family 2 or more Extra Families No report on Extra Families CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 10 to 12 and 8 of Column A (.50 or Less), of Table 14. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 9 (Total Reports on Extra Families) is obtained by adding the entries of lines 10 to 12. The entry for lino 7 is obtained by adding the entries on lines 8 and 9. Enter the figure from line 7 of Column A (.50 or Less) of Table 14 into line 21 of Table 14 column of Checv Sheet E where it must check-with the 13543 - 44 - 14 corresponding entry from previous tables. After this tabulation is com¬ pleted return the cards to Pile 0-83 (.50 or Less Persons Per Room - Code A, Owner). 3. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraph 2 with each of the other Number of Persons Per Room, Owner groups of cards (Files 0-84 to 0-89). Enter the results in lines 7 to 12 of the proper columns of Table 14 and also enter the proper figures into Check Sheet 3. To obtain the entry for line 20 of Chock Sheet B add the entries on lines 21 to 25. After the tabulation of any Number of Persons Per Room group is completed the cards should be returned to the proper file (0-84 to 0-69). 4. The entries for Total column are. obtained by adding the corresponding entries in all of the Number of Persons Per Room columns. These figures must be very carefully checked. Enter the figures from lines 7 and 8 to 12 of Total column of Table 14 into lines 1 and 58 to 62 of Table 14 column of Check Sheet 3 where they must check with the corresponding entries for previous tables. 5. The cards for Owner Occupied Units should be held in file 0-83 to 0-89 (by Persons per Room) until all dwelling unit tables are completed as explained in Part VI. Then they should be sorted and filed by blocks. 13543 TABULATION INSTRUCTIONS POP DWELLING- SURVEY PART IV \ Tables for Tenant Occupied Units " Table 7-0 to Table 14 Prepared by: Office of Statistical Coordinator, FE2A Division of Economics and Statistics, PHA June 1, 1335 TABULATION INSTHUCTIONS FOE D7/ELLING SURVEY FAEI IV Tables For Tenant Occupied Units Table 7-0 to Table 14 Introduction Part IV presents the Tabulation Instructions for Table 7-C to Table 11-C, 1Z-C and the Tenant Section of Tables 12 and 14 and is based on the cards for Tenant Occupied Dwelling Units only. This tabulation should be .carried forward after work has been completed on the Block Tabulation, (Part I), and on the Structure Tables 1 to 6, (Part II).. The cards at this point are to be found in files by Occupancy and under Occupancy by Type of Structure as noted at the end of Part II, Tabulation Instructions. Before proceeding with the taDulation of this part re-read carefully the introductory section of Part I and II. It is not necessary to complete the work on Part IV before proceeding with this tabulation. Filing System "or Ca^us for Tenant Occupied Units After the sort indicated on the last nagc o^ Part II of Tabu¬ lation Instructions is comoletcd the cards for Tenant Occupied Units will be in the following files by Type of Structure. Type of Structure File Number Single Family Detached T-l Single Family Attached T-2 Two Family, Side by Side T-3 Two Family, Two Decker T-4 Throe Family, Three Decker T-5 Four Family, Double Two Decker T-6 Apartment, 5 to 9 Units 1-7 Apartment, 10 to 19 Units T-8 13543 - 2 - Type of Structure File Number Apartment, 20 to 39 Units T-9 Apartment, 40 Units or More 1-10 Business with Residential T-ll Other Non-Converted T-12 Partially Converted 1-13 Completely Converted T-14 No Report on Type T-15 Each separate Type of Structure group will he routed into the following files during the process of tabulating Table 7-C. In each case the cards for a particular Type of Structure will be placed in this file and during the process of tabulation will be removed from the file and placed back into Rile T-l to T-15 by Type of Structure. Number of Persons per Room Rile Number A. .50 or Less T-l 6 B • .51 to .75 T-^7 C. .75 to 1.00 T-l 8 D, 1.01 to 1.50 T-19 S. 1.53. to 2.00 T-20 F 2.01 or More T-21 X. No revert on Persors ner Room T-22 After the tabulation of Table 7-C is completed the cards for each Type of Structure will be routed into tho following files dur¬ ing the process of tabulating Table 3-C. In each case the cards for a particular Type of Structure will be placed in this file and dur¬ ing the process of tabulation will be removed from the file and placed back into File T-l to T-15 by Type of Structure. Condition ox Structure File Number Good Condition T-23 Miner P.epairs T-24 Major P.epairs T-25 Unfit for Use T-25 No Report on Condition T-27 13543 - 3 - Daring the jirDcr.es of the first tribulation of Table 9-C the cards for each Type of Structure will be sorted by Dumber of Per¬ sons in Unit and routed into the following file. The cards will be held, in this file until all cards for Tenant Occupied Units are in the files. Number of Persons in Dwelling Units Pile Number 1 Person T-2S 2 Persons T-29 3 Persons T-30 4 Persons T-31 5 Persons T-32 6 Persons T-33 7 Persons T-34 8 Persons T-35 9 Persons • T-36 10 Persons T-37 11 Persons or More T-38 No Report on Persons T-59 During the process of tabulating Table 9-C the cards for each Number of Persons in Unit group will be withdrawn from Piles T-28 to T-39 indicated above; sorted by Plumbing Equipment and routed into the following files by Plumbing Equipment. The cards will be held in these files until all cards for Tenant Occupied Units are arranged in the order indicated. Plumbing Equipment Pile Number A. At least 2 Toilets & 2 Bathing Units T-40 B. At least 2 Toilets & 1 Bathing Unit T-41 G. One Toilet and at least 1 Bathing Unit T-4-2 D. At least 1 Toilet but loss than 1 Bath T-43 E. Shared Toilet and Running Rater T-44 P. Shared Toilet but no Running Water T-45 G. No Toilet but with Running Water T-46 13543 - 4 - PlumeIng Pguirment Pile Number H. No Toilet and no Sunning Water T-47 X. IIo Report on Plumbing T-48 During the process of tabulating Table 10-C the cards for each Plumbing Equipment group will be withdrawn from the files indi¬ cated above and returned to the following files by Monthly Pent group. The cards will be cumulated in these files until all cards for Tenant Occupied Units are arranged by Monthly Rent group. Monthly Rent Pile Number A. $4.99 and Less T-49 3. 5.00 to 9.99 T-50 C. 10.00 to 14.99 T-51 D. 15.00 to 19.99 T-52 S. 20.00 to 24.99 T-53 P. 25.00 to 29.99 T-54 Cr. 30.00 to 39.99 T-55 E. 40.00 to 49.99 1-56 I. 50.00 to 74.99 T-57 J. 75.00 to 99.99 T-58 K. 100.00 to 149.99 T-59 L. 150.00 or More T-6.0 X. No Report on Sent T-51 During the process of tabulating the remainder of Table 10-C the cards for each Monthly Pent group will be withdrawn from the file and returned to the file in the same order. In the process of tabulating Table li-C the cards for each Monthly Pent group indi¬ cated above will be withdrawn from the file and placed in the file by Number of Scorns as indicated below. Number of Rooms in Unit Pile Number 1 Room T-62 2 Rooms T-63 3 Rooms T-64 4 Rooms T-65 5 Rooms T-6S 6 Rooms T-67 - 5 - Jvuri■'-!r of Rooms in Unit rile Number 7 Rooms T-68 8 Rooms or More T-6S No Report on Rooms T-70 ^he cards for each Monthly Rent - Room group wil] he tabulated on Table 11-C. After this tabulation is completed the cards v/ill be placed in the file indicated below a.nd cumulated until cards for all Tenant Occupied Units are arranged by Condition of Structure. Condition of Structure File Number G-ood Condition 1-71 Minor Repairs T-72 Major Repairs T-73 Unfit for Use T-74 No Report on Condition T-75 The cards for each Condition group vtill bo withdrawn from the file, sorted by Persons per Room and placed in File T-76 to T-82 in¬ dicated below.. While in this order the cards for each Condition - Number of Persons per Room group will be tabulated on Table 13-C. This file (T-76 to T-82) is a working file and will be used for a particular Condition group only. After the tabulation of a partic¬ ular Condition - Number of Persons per Room group is completed, the cards will be routed into the permanent fixe (T-83 to T-89) by Number of Persons per Room. The cards from the pfermanent file will be routed into tabulation of Table 14 by Number of Persons per Room and returned to the file in this same order. Number of Persons Per Room Working Pile Permanent Pile A, .50 or less T-76 T-S3 3. .51 to .75 T-77 T-S4 C. .76 to 1.00 T-78 T-85 D. 1.01 to 1.50 T-79 T-86 E. 1.51 to 2.00 T-80 T-R7 13543 - 6 - Number of Persona Per Room Wording Nile Permanent File P. 2.01 or More T-81 T-88 X. No Report on Persons per Room 1-82 T-89 After the tables for all dwelling units have been completed as indicated in Part VI, the cards should be sorted and filed by blocks. A check Sheet should be prepared to assist in the cross-checking of entries on the Table. This Check Sheet will be headed: "Check Sheet C, Tenant Occupied Units." Enter the proper headings at the top of a Check Sheet , " form. TABLE 7-C 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Tenant Occupied Dwelling Units by Type, by Number of Persons per Room, by Number of Children in the Unit. There is one section to this Table which is "Table 7-C, Tenant Occupied Units." The proper headings for this Table should be placed at the top of a "Table 7 , " form. 2. Withdraw all cards from File T-l, (Single Family Detached, Tenant). Sort these cards by NUMBER OF PERSONS PER ROOM into the following groups: Persons Per Room Group After Posting Place in File Number A. .50 or less T-l6 33. .51 to .75 T-17 C. .75 to 1.00 T-18 D. 1.01 to 1.50 T-19 E. 1.51 to 2.00 T-20 F. 2.01 or more T-21 X. No Report on Persons Per Room T-22 CHECK TEE SORTING 0? THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post in lines 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57 and 9 of Single Family Detached column, of Table 7-C. CHECK THE COUNTING AND POSTING. The Single Family De¬ tached, Tenant cards should be kept separate by person per room groups 13543 ' 7-C - 7 - and placed in Pile T-16 to T-22 as noted above. 3. Withdraw all cards from Pile T-16 (Single Family Detached, Tenant, .50 or Less Persons Per Room - Code A). Sort these groups by Number of Children in the Unit. This Number of Children item is deter¬ mined by. adding all persons on the "Under 1 Year", "1 to 4 Years", "5 to 9 Years", and "10 to 14 Years" lines of the NUMBER OP ACE OP ALL PERSONS section of the card. When the age of persons in the dwelling unit is reported, but "0" is entered in all of the age groups indicated above, the unit is counted as "No Children." If the age of persons is not reported the unit is counted as "No Report On Children". The groups into which cards are to be sorted, are: No Children 1 Child 2 Children 3 or 4 Children 5 Children or More No Report On Children. CHECK THE SORTING- OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 20 to 24 and 18 of Single Family Detached column of Table 7-C. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 19 (Total Reports on Children) by adding the entries in lines 20 to 24. The total of the entries on lines 18 and 19 must check with the entry on line 17. If this addition fails to check it will be necessary to rechcck the tabulation. Place rubber bands around each of the separate Number of Children groups and return the cards to File T-l (Single Family Detached, Tenant). 4. Withdraw all cards from File T-17 (Single Family Detached, Tenant, .51 to .75 Persons Per Room - Code S). Tabulate by Number of Children groups in the same manner indicated in paragraph 3 above. Post results on lines 26 to 32 of the Single Family Detached column 13543 7-C - 8 - and return the cards to File T-l (Single Family Detached, Tenant). 5. Withdraw all cards from File T-13 (Single Family Detached, Tenant, .76 to 1.00 Persons per Room - Code C). Tabulate "by Number of Children groups in the same manner as indicated in paragraph 3 above. Post results on lines 34 to 40 of tne Single Family Detached column and return the cards to File T-l (Single Family Detached, Tenant). 6. Withdraw all cards from File T-19 (Single Family Detached, Tenant, 1.01 to 1.50 Persons Per Room - Code D). Tabulate by Number of Children groups in the same manner as indicated in paragraph 3 above. Post results on Line 42 to 48 of the Single Family Detached column and return the cards to File T-l (Single Family Dete.ched, Tenant). 7. Withdraw all cards from File T--20 (Single Family Detached, Tenant, 1.51 to 2.00 Persons Per Room - Code E). Tabulate by Number of Children groups in the same manner as indicated in paragraph 3 above. Post results on line 50 to 56 of the Single Family Detached column and return the cards to File T-l (Single Family Detached, Tenant). 8. Withdraw all cards from File T-21 (Single Family Detached, Tenant, 2.01 or more Persons Per Room - ^ode F). Tabulate by Number of Children groups in the same manner as indicated in paragraph 3 above. Post results on lines 58 to 64 of the Single Family Detached column and return the cards to File T-l (Single Family Detached, Tenant). 9. Withdraw all cards from File T-22 (Single Family Detached, Tenant, No Report on Persons per Room - Code X). Tabulate by Number of Children groups in the same manner as indicated in paragraph 3 above. Post results on lines 10 to 16 of the Single Family Detached column and return the cards to File T-l (Single Family Detached, Tenant). 13543 - 9 - 7-C 10. Obtain the entries for lines 1 to 8 (Number of Children grouus for Total - All persons per Room Group section) of Single Family Detached column by adding the corresponding entries in each of the Persons per Room Group sections. The total of the entries on lines 4 to 8 must check with the entry on line 3, and the total of the entries on lines 2 and 3 must check with the entry on line 1. After this process is completed, all cards for Single Family Detached, Owner Units will have been returned to File T-l; and Files T-16 to T-S2 will be vacant. 11. In the manner indicated in paragraphs 2 to 10, withdraw the cards for each of the remaining Tenant Occupied Type of Structure groups from Files T-2 to T—15; sort each Type of Structure Group by Persons Per Room; place cards in Files T-16 to T-22; tabulate by NUMBER OF CHILDREN: and enter results in the proper column of Table 7-C. This tabulation must be car¬ ried. forward separately for each Type of Structure group. After tabulation for any type is completed the hards should be returned to Files T-2 to T-15. 12. Obtain the entries for column 7A (Apartment - Total) by adding the corresponding entries in columns 7B, 7C, 7D, and 7E (Apartment by Size Groups columns). The Total Reports on Children entry for each Persons Per Room Group must check with the total of the Number of Children groups and the Total Reports on Children plus No Report on Children must check with the total in each Persons Per Room group. 13. In a manner similar to that indicated in paragraph 12 obtain the entries for Total All Units column by adding the entries in columns X, 1 to 6, 7A, 8 to 11 (columns 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E must be omitted from this total). These entries should be checked in a manner similar to that in¬ dicated in paragraph 12. 13543 7-C - 10 - 14. Enter the figures from line 1 of Table 7-C by Type of Struc¬ ture into lines 1, 2, and 4 to 18 of Table 7 column of Check Sheet C, and obtain the entry for Line 3 of check sheet C by adding the entries on lines 4 to 10 and 15 to 18. Also enter the figures from lines 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, and 57 of Total column into lines 19 and 21 to 26 of Table 7 column of Check Sheet C. The entry for line 20 of Check Sheet C should be obtained by adding the entries on lines 21 to 26. The sum of entries on lines 19 and 20 should check with the entry on line 1 of the Check Sheet. Also enter figures from lines 2 to 8 of Total All Units column into lines 27 to 33 of Table 7 column of Check 1 Sheet C. This completes the tabulation of Table 7-C. After this tabu¬ lation has been completed all of the cards for Owner Units will have been restored to Eiles T-l to T-15 by Type of Structure. If, any section: of this table fail to check it will be found that the cards in each Type of Structure Eile are in groups by Number of Children segregated by rubber bands, and it will be possible to reestablish any desired file. TABLE 8-0 1. This table presents a breakdown of Tenant Occupied Dwelling Units by Type, by Condition, by Duration of Occupancy. There is one section to this table which is: "Table 8-C, Tenant Occupied Units". The proper headings for this Table should be placed at the top of "Table 8 , " form. 2. Withdraw all cards from File T-l (Single Family Detached, Tenant). Remove the rubber bands and sort theso cards by CONDITION into the following groups: 13543 11 - Table 5-C (Cont'd) Condition After Posting Place in file Number Good Condition Minor Repairs Major Repairs Unfit for Use T-23 T-24 T-25 T-26 T-27 No Renort on Condition CHECK THE SORTING- OE THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 23, 34, 45, 56 and 12 of the Single Family Detached column of Table 8-C. CHECK THE COUNTING ANT THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 1 by adding the entries on lines 12, 23, 34, 45 and 56. Enter the figure from line 1 of Single Family Detached column into line 4 of the Table S column of Check Sheet C where it must check with the corresponding entry from the previous Table. The cards for Single Family Detached, Tenant Units should now be returned to the file where they should be placed in File T-25 to T-27 as noted above. 3. Withdraw all cards from File T-23 (Single Family Detached, Tenant, Good Condition). Sort these cards by DURATION OF OCCUPANCY into the following groups: CHECK TEE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 26 to 33 and 24 of Single Family Detached column of Table 8-C. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 25 (Total Reports en Duration) by adding the entries in lines 26 to 33. The total of the entries on lines 24 and 25 must check with A. Less than 6 months B. 6 months - 11 months C. 1 year - 1 year, 11 months D. 2 years - 2 years, 11 months S. 3 years - 4 years, 11 months F. 5 years - 9 years, 11 mouths G. 10 years - IS years, 11 months F. 20 years or more X. No Report on Duration 13543 8-C - 12 - the entry on line 23. If this addition fails to check, it will "be necessary to re-check the tabulation. Place rubber bands around each of the separate Duration of Occupanpy groups and return all of the cards to Pile 1-1 (Single Family Detached, Tenant). 4. Withdraw all cards from File T-24. (Single Family Detached, Tenant, Minor Repairs). Tabulate by Duration of Occupancy groups in the same manner as indicated in paragraph 3 above and enter results on lines 35 to 44 of the Single Family Detached column. Return the cards to Pile 1-1 (Single Family Detached, Tenant). 5. Withdraw all cards from Pile T-25 (Single Family Detached, Tenant, Major Repairs). Tabulate by Duration of Occupancy in the same manner as indicated in paragraph 3 and enter results on lines 46 to 55 of the Single Family Detached column. Return cards to File 1-1 (Single Family Detached, Tenant). 6. Withdraw all cards from File T_g6 (Single Family Deta.ch.ed, Tenant, Unfit for Use). Tabulate by Duration of Occupancy in the same manner as indicated in paragraph 3 and enter results on lines 57 to 66 of the Single Family Detached column.. Return cards to File T-l (Single Family Detached, Tenant). 7. Withdraw all cards from File 1-37 (Single Family Detached, Tenant, Do Report on Condition). Tabulate by Duration of Occupancy in the same manner as indicated in paragraph 3 and enter results on lines 13 to 22 of the Single Family Detached column of Table 3-C. Return cards to File T-l (Single Family Detached, Tenant). 8. Obtain the entries for lines 2 to 11 by adding the corres¬ ponding entries in each of the Condition groups. The total of the en- trios on lines 4 to 11 must check with the entry on line 3 and the 13543 - .13 - e-c total of the entries on lines 2 and 3 must check with the entry on line 1. After this process is completed all cards for Single Family Detached, Tenant Units will have been returned to File 1-1; and Files T-23 to T.-27 will be vacant. 9. In the manner indicated in paragraph 2 to 3, withdraw the cards for each of the remaining TYPE OF STRUCTURE groups from the file (T-2 to T-15), sort each Type of Structure Groups by CONDITION, place cards in Files T-23 to T-27, tabulate by Duration of Occupancy; enter results in the proper columns of Table 8-C; and return the cards to File T-2 to T-15. This tabulation must be carried forward separately for each Type of Structure group. 10. Obtain the entries for Column 7-A (Apartment - Total) by adding the corresponding entries in Columns 7-B, 7-0, 7-D and 7-E, (Apartment by Sice Groups Columns). Enter the figure from line 1 column 7-A (Apartment - Total) into line 10 of the table 3 column of Check Sheet C where it must check with the corresponding entry on the previous table. The total Reports on Duration entry for each Condition group must check with trie total of the Duration of Occupancy groups, and the Total Reports on Duration plus No Report on Duration must check with the Total All Units in each Condition group. 11. In a manner similar to that indicated in paragraph 10, obtain the entries for Total All Units column by adding the entries in each of the Type of Structure columns (excluding the Apartment by Size Group columns). Enter the figure from line 1 of the Total column of Table 30 into line 1 of Check Sheet C where it must check with corresponding entry from previous table. Obtain entry for line 3 of Check Sheet C "by t 13543 8-C 354 . - 14 - adding lines 4 to 10 and 15 to 18. The sum of entries on lines 2 and 3 must check with line 1 of the Check Sheet. These entries should "be checked in a manner similar to that indicated in paragraph 10. 12. Enter the figures from lines 12, 23, 34, 45 and 56 (by Condition) of Total column of Table 8-C into lines 34 and 36 to 39 of Table 8 column of Check Sheet C. The entry for line 35 of Check Sheet C should, be obtained by adding the entries on lines 36 to 39. The sum of the entries on line 34 and 35 should check with the entry on line 1 of the Check Sheet. Also enter figures from lines 2 to 11 (by Duration of Occupancy) of Total column of Table 8-C into lines 40 to .49 of Table 8 column of Check Sheet C. This completes the tabulation of Table 8-C. If any sections of this table fail to check it will be found, that the cards in each Type of Structure file are in groups by Condition, segregated by rubber bands, and it will be possible to reestablish any desired file. TABLE 9-C 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Tenant Occupied Dwelling Units by Dumber of Persons in Unit, by Type of Structure, Heating Equipment, Lighting Equipment, Cooking Equipment, Refrigeration Equip¬ ment, Dumber of Roomers, Persons Per Room, and Plumbing Equipment. There is one section to this table which is "Table 9-C, Tenant Occupied Units." The proper heading should be placed at the top of a "Table 9 , "form. 2. Withdraw all cards from Pile T-l (Single Family Detached, Tenant).. 13543 - 15 - 9-C Remove the rubber "bards and sort these cards "by NUMBER; OF PERSONS II UNIT into the following groups: CHECK THE SORTING- OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post in the proper columns of line 4 (Single Family Detached) of Table 9-C. Obtain the total lumber of Persons in Unit with 11 or more persons and enter in the right hand column of this line. This entry is obtained by adding the number of persons reported on all cards with 11 or more persons. CHECK THE COUNTING AID THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for Total Number of Units column by adding the entries in each of the Number of Persons in Unit columns, and do not include the entry from column Total Number of Persons in Unit with 11 or more Persons in this total. Enter this figure also onto line 4 (Single Family Detached) of Table 9 column of Check Sheet C, where it must check with the corresponding entry from previous tables. Single Family Detached Tenant Unit cards should now be returned to the file where they should be placed in Files T-28 to T-3S, by NUMBER OF PERSONS IN UNIT, as noted above, with rubber bands around each separate group. 3. In the manner indicated in paragraph 2, withdraw cards from each of the remaining Type of Structure groups from the files (T-2 to Number of Persons in Unit After Posting Place in File Number: 1 Person 2 Persons 3 Persons 4 Persons 5 Persons 6 Persons 7 Persons 8 Persons 5 Persons 10 Persons T-28 T-29 T-30 T-31 T-32 T-33 T-34 T-35 T-36 T-37 T-33 T-39 11 Persons or More X. No Report on Persons 13543 - 16 - T-15); sort each Type ox Structure group by NUM3KR OP PERSONS IN UNIT; tabulate; enter results on the proper line of Table 9-C, and transcribe total to Check Sheet C. Then place cards in Piles T-28 to T-39 with rubber bands around each Type of Structure - Number of Persons group. After this process is completed, all of the cards for Tenant Units will have been Tabulated by NUMBER OF PERSONS III UNIT and filed by NUMBER OF PERSONS IN UNIT in files T-28 to T-39. 4. Obtain the entries for line 10 (Apartment - Total) by add¬ ing the entries on lines 11 to 14; also obtain the entries for line 3 by adding the entries on lines 4 to 10, and 15 to 18; also obtain the entries for line 1 by adding the entries on lines 2 and 3. The entries for Total Number of Units column for lines 1, 3 and 10 are obtained by adding the entries in all ox the Number of Persons in Unit, columns. Enter the figures on lines 1, 3 and 10 of Total All Units column into linos 1, 3 and 10 of Table 9 column of Chock Sheet C, where they must check with the corresponding entries from previous tables. 5. Withdraw all cards from File T-28 (One Person Unit, Tenant). Remove the rubber bands and sort these cards by HEATING EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Central Steam or Hot Water 2. Central Warm Air 3. Other Installed 4. None Installed X. No report on Heating CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 21 to 24 and 19 of One Person column of Table 9-C. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 20 13543 - 17 - 9-C (Total Reports on Heating) "by adding the entries on lines 21 to 24. The total of the entries on lines 19 and 20 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed the cards from File T-28 (One Person Units, Tenant) should be routed to the tabulation indicated below. 6. Sort all cards from File T-28 (One Person Units, Tenant) by LIGHTING EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Electric 2. Gas 3. Other X. Ho Report on Lighting CHECK TEE SORTING OF THE CARES. Count the cards in each gro "p and t post in lines 27 to 29 and 25 of the One Person column of Table 9-C. CHECK THE COURTING ARE THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 26 (Total Reports on Lighting) by adding the entries on lines 27 to 29. The total of the entries on lines 25 and 26 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed the cards from File T-28 (One Person Units, Tenant) should be routed to the tabulation indicated below. 7. Sort all cards from file T-28 (One Person Units, Tenant) by COOKING EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Electric 2. Gas 3. Other Installed 4. None Installed X. No Report on Cooking CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post in lines 32 to 35 and 30 of the One Person column of Table 9-C. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 31 (Total Reports on Cooking) by adding the entries on lines 32 to 35. 13543 - 18 - 9-C The total of the entries on lines 30 anc1. 31 must chccK with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed the cards from file T-28 (One Person Units, Tenant) should "be routed to the tabulation indicated below. 8. Sort all cards from Pile T-28 (One Person Units, Ten¬ ant) by REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Electric 2. Gas 3. Ice 4. None X. No Report on Refrigeration CHECK THE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on linos 38 to 41 and 36 o.f the One Person column of Table 9-C. The entry for line 37 (Total Reports on Refrigeration) is ob¬ tained by adding the entries on lines 3o to 41. The totals of the entries on lines 36 and 37 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed, the cards from Pile T-28 (One Person Units, Tenant) should be routed to the tabulation indicated below. 9. Sort all cards from Pile T-28 (One Person Units, Tenant) by NUMBER OP ROOMERS into tne following groups: No Roomers 1 Roomer 2 Roomers 5 Roomers 4 Roomers 5 Roomers 6 Roomers 7 Roomers 8 Roomers 9 Roomers 10 Roomers 11 Roomers or More No Report on Roomers CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARES. Gount the cards in each group and 13543 - 19 - post in linos 44 to 55 and 42 of the One Person column of Table 9-C. The entry for line 43 (Total Reports on Roomers) is ob¬ tained by adding the entries on linos 44 to 55# The total of the entries on lines 42 and 43 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed the cards from Pile T-28 (One Person Units, Tenant) should be routed to the tabulation indicated below. 10. Sort the cards from File T-28 (One Person Units, Tenant) by PLUMBING- EQUIPMENT into the following groups: Plumbing Equipment After Posting Place in File No. A. At least 2 Toilets and 2 Bathing Units T-40 B. At least 2 Toilets and 1 Bathing Unit T—41 C. One Toilet and at least 1 Bathing Unit T-42 D. At least 1 Toilet but less than 1 Bathing Unit T-43 E. Shared Toilet and Running Water T-44 F. Shared Toilet but no Running Water T-45 G. No. Toilet but .vith Running Water T-46 H. No Toilet and No Running Water T-47 X. No Report on Plumbing T-48 CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post in lines 66 to 73 and 64 of the One Person column of Table 9-C. The entry for line 65 (Total Reports on Plumbing) is obtained by add¬ ing the entries on lines 65 to 73. The total of the entries on lines 64 and 65 must check with the entries on line 1. These Plumbing Equipment groups of One Person Units, Tenant cards should now have rubber bands placed around each separate group, and the cards should be placed in Files T-40 to T-43 as noted above. 11. In the manner indicated in paragraphs 5 to 10, withdraw the cards for each of the remaining Number of Persons in Unit groups from Filos T-29 to T-39; tabulate each group by HEATING- EQUIPMENT, LIGHTING 13543 - 20 - 9—C EQUIPMENT, COOKING EQUIPMENT, REFRIGERATIOil EQUIPMENT, NUMBER OP ROOMERS, and PLUMBING EQUIPMENT. After the tabulation by PLUMBING EQUIPMENT for a particular Number of Persons in Unit group is completed rubber bands should be placed around each of the separate Plumbing Equipment groups and the cards placed, in Piles T-40 to T-43, as indicated in paragraph 10. In tabu¬ lating the 11 Persons or More, Tenant units, it is necessary to obtain the total of the Number of Persons in Units in each tabu¬ lation, in addition to the count of the cards in the group. The Number of Persons in Units with 11 or More Persons is entered in the column at the extreme right of the table. 12. The entries for Total Number of Units column are ob¬ tained by adding the corresponding entries in all of the Number of Persons in Unit columns of the table. These entries must be carefully checked. Lines 55 to 63 (Number of Persons Per Room), of this table will be derived from tne NUMBER OF PERSONS section of Table 11 C-l, and need not be tabulated from the Persons ?r Room code given on the cards. 13. Enter the figures from line 1, Table 9-C, by NUMBER OF PERSONS IN UNIT into lines 98 to 109 and 96 of Table 9 column of Check Sheet C, To obtain the entry for line 97 of Chock Sheet C add lines 98 to 108. Also enter figures from lines 19 to 41 (by Heating, Lighting, Cooking and Refrigeration Equipment) of Total All Units column of Table S-G into lines 73 to 95 of Table 9 col¬ umn Check Sheet C. Also enter figures from lines 42 to 46 and line 55 (by Number of Roomers) of Total All Units column of Table 13543 - 21 - 9-C 9-C into lines 50 to 54 and 57 of Table 9 column of Chock; Sheet C. The total of entries on lines 47 and 48 of Table 9-C should bo entered into line 55 of Check Sheet C and the total of entries on line 49 to 54 of Table 9-C should be entered into line 56 of Check Sheet C. Also enber figures from lines 64 to 73 of Total All Units column of Table 9-C into lines 63 to 72 of Table 9 column of Check Sheet C. This completes the tabulation of Table 9-C. After this tabulation is completed, the cards for Tenant Units will have been filed by Plumbing Equipment groups in Files T-40 to T-48. If, after the entry of the figures into Check Sheet C, it is found necessary to retabulato any section of Table 9-C, it will be found that the separate Number of Persons groups are segregated 'within each Plumb¬ ing Equipment file by rubber bands, aiJ that the previous file can be easily re-established. TABLE 1Q-C 1. This Tabl° presents a breakdown of Tenant Occupied Dwelling Units by Monthly Rent Group, by Plumbing Equipment, Heating Equip¬ ment, Lighting Equipment, Cooking Equipment, Refrigeration Equip¬ ment, Year Built Group, Dumber of Roomers and Race of Household. There is one section to this table which is "Table 10-C, Tenant Oc¬ cupied Units". The proper headings should be placed at the top of a "Table 10_ . " form. 2. Withdraw all cards from File T-40 (At Least Two Toilets And Two Bathing Units, Tenant). Sort those cards by MONTHLY RENT into the following groups: 13543 - 22 - 1Q-C Monthly Rent Group After Posting Place in File ho. A. $ 4.99 and less T-49 3. $ 5.00 to 9.99 T-50 C. $ 10.00 to 14.99 T-51 0. $ 15.00 to 19.99 1-52 E. $ 20.00 to 24.99 T-53 F. $ 25.00 to 29.99 T-54 G. $ 30.00 to 39.99 T-55 H. $ 40.00 to 49.99 T-55 1. $ 50.00 to 74.99 T-57 J. $ 75.00 to 99.99 T-58 2. $100.00 to 149.99 T-59 L. $150.00 and over T-60 X. No report on rent T-61 CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post in the proper Monthly Rent column of line 4 (At Least Two Toilets and Two Bathing Units) of Table 10-C. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for Total All Units column by adding the corresponding entries in all of the Monthly Rent Columns. Enter the figure from line 4 of Total All Units column of Table 10-c into line 65 of Table 10 column of Check Sheet C, where it must check with the corresponding entry from the previous table. Place a rubber band around each of the separate Monthly Rent groups of At Least Two Toilet and Two Bathing Units, Tenant cards and place in Files T-49 to T-61 by Rent Groups. 3. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraph 2 on each of the remaining Plumbing Equipment groups of Tenant cards (files T-Al to T-48). The result should be posted into line, 2 and 5 to 11 of Table 10-C and the figures from Total All Units column should be entered on line 6b to 72 and 63 of Table 10 column, of Check Sheet C. After this tabulation is completed the cards will have been sorted by Monthly Rent groups and placed in Files T-49 to 13543 - 23 - 10-C T-61. The entries for line 3 are obtained by adding the corre¬ sponding entries on lines 4 to 11. The entries for line 1 are obtained by adding the entries on lines 2 and 3. The entries from lines 1 and 3 Total All Units column should be entered on lines 1 and 64 of Check Sheet C where they should check with the entries from previous tables. 4. Withdraw all cards from File T-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less, - Code A Tenant). Remove the rubber bands from the cards. Sort these cards by HEATING- EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Central Steam or Hot Water 2. Central Warm Air 3. Other Installed 4. None Installed X. No report oh Heating CHECK THE SORTING- OF THE CARLS. Count the cards in each group and post on linos 14 to 17 -and 12 of Column A. ($4.99 and less) of Table 10-C. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for lino 13 (Total Reports on Heating) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 14 to 17. The total of the entries on linos 12 and 13 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is com¬ pleted the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 5. -Sort all cards from File T-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less, - Code A Tenant) by LIGHTING EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Electric 2. Gas 3. Other X. No Report on Lighting CHECK TEE SORTING OF THE CARES. Count the cards in such, group and post on lines 20 to 22 and 18 of Column A. ($4.99 and less) of Table 13543 - 24 - 10-C 10-C. CHE IK TEE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 19 (Total Reports on Lighting) "by adding the entries on lines 20 to 22. 'The totals of the entries on lines 18 and 19 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed the cards should he routed to the process indicated "below. 6. Sort all cards from Pile T-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and less, - Code A, Tenant) by COOKING EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Electric 2. Gas 3. Other installed 4. None installed X. No report on cooking CHECK THE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and entor the results on lines 25 to 28 and. 23 of column A ($4.99 and less) of Table 10-C. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 24 (Total Reports on Cooking) is obtained by adding the en¬ tries in lines 25 to 28. The total of the entries on line 23 and 24 must check with the- entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should be routed to the process in¬ dicated below. 7. Sort all cards from Pile T-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less, - Code A, Tenant) by REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT into the follow¬ ing groups: 1. Electric 2. Gas 3. Ice 4. None X. No report on refrigeration CHECK THE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 31 to 34 and 29 of column A ($4.99 and less). CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line oO (Total Reports on 13543 - 25 - 10-C Refrigeration) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 31 to 34. The total of the entries on lines 29 and 30 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 8. Sort all cards from File T-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less, - Code A, Tenant) by YEAR BUILT, into the following groups: A. 1935 3. 1930 - 1934 C. 1925 - 1929 D. 1920 - 1924 E. 1915 - 1919 F. 1905 - 1914 G. 1895 - 1904 H. 1885 - 1894 I. 1860 - 1884 J. 1659 or before X. No report on year built CHECK THE SORTING OF TEE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post" on lines 37 to 46 and 35 of column A ($4.99 and less) of Table 10-C. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 35 (Total Reports on Year Built) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 37 to 46.. The total of the entries on lines 35 and 36 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation is completed, the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 9. Sort the cards from File T-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less, - Code A, Tenant) by NUMBER OF ROOMERS into the following groups: No Roomers 1 Roomer 2 Roomers 3 or 4 Roomers 5 to 10 Roomers 11 Roomers or more No report on roomers CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each groxp? and post on lines 49 to 54 and 47 of column A (4.99 and less) of Table 13543 - 26 - 10-C. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 48 (Total Reports on Roomers) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 49 to 54. The total of the entries on lines 47 and 48 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this sec¬ tion is comoletea, the cards should be routed to the process in¬ dicated below. 10. ' Sort all cards from File T-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less, - Code A," Tenant) by RACE OF HOUSEHOLD into the following groups: 1. White 2. Negro 3. Other Pia.ce X. No Report on Race CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group ana post on lines 57 to 59 and. 55 of column A ($4.99 and less) of Table 10-C. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 56 (Total Reports on Race) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 57 to 59. The total of the entries on lines 55 and 56 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed the cards for Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less, - Code A, Tenant should have rubber bands placed around each Race group and should, be re¬ turned to File T-^9. 11. In the manner indicated in paragraphs 4 to 10 withdraw the cards for each of the remaining Monthly Rent groups from the file (T-50 to T-6l); tabulate each Monthly Rent group by HEATING EQUIPMENT, LIGHTING EQUIPMENT, COOKING EQUIPMENT, REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT, YEAR BUILT, ROOMERS AID RACE. After the tabulation for each Monthly Rent group is completed the cards should be returned 13543 _ 27 - 10-C to the proper file (T-50 to T-Cl) with rubber bauds arounu each Race group. 12. Obtain tho entries for Total All Units column by adding the entries in all of the Monthly Rent group columns. These additions must- be carefully checked. Enter the figures from line 1 column X and col¬ umns A to L of Table 10-C by Monthly Rent into lines 110 and 112 to 123 of Table 10 column of Check Sheet C. Obtain the entry for line 111 Check Sheet C by adding linos 112 to 123. Enter the figures from lines 12 to 34 (by Heating, Lighting, Cooking, and Refrigeration Equipment) of Total All Units column of Table 10-C into line 73 to 95 of Table 10 column of Check Sheet C. Also enter figures from lines 47 to 54 (by Number of Roomers) of Total All Units cohunn into lines 50 to 57 of Table 10 column of Check Sheet C. These entries in Table 10 column of Check Sheet C must check with the corresponding entries for previous table. This completes the tabulation of Tabic 10-C. 13. After Toblo 105 (Owner Occupied Units) and Table IOC (Tenant Occupied Units) are completed, add the entries from the Total column of Tables 105 and IOC for line 56 (Total Reports on Race), for line 58 (Negro), and for line 59 (Other Race). If the total for Negro or for Other Race is two hundred or more, and if the total in either case represents 10$ or more of Total Reports on Ra.ce it will be necessary to tabulate Table 16 for the area. When the area has qualified for the Table 16 tabulation as indicated above, this table should be prepared at this point in the tabulation pro¬ cedure as explained in Part VII of the Tabulation Instructions. After • Table 16 is completed the cards should be routed into Table 11. When Negro or Other Race does not account for two hundred or more units or does not represent 10$ or more of Total Units the Table 16 tabulation 13543 - 28 - 10-C is not required and the cards can be routed immediately into Table 11. TABLE 11-0 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Tenant Occupied Units by Monthly Rent Group, by Number of Rooms in Unit, by Type of Struc¬ ture, Number of Persons, Furniture, Duration of Occupancy, Number of Children, Extra Families and Condition. There are seven pages to this Table which are: 'able 11C-1 !able 11C-2 !able 110-3 !able 11C-4 :able 11C-5 ]able 11C-6 ?able 11C-7 Tenant occupied units; Total, No report on Rent Tenant occupied units; Rent of $4.99 or less, $5.00 to $9.99 Tenant occupied units; Rent of $10.00 to $14.99, $15.00 to $19.99 Tenant occupied units; Rent of $20.00 to $24.99, $25.00 to $29.39 Tenant occupied units; Rent of $30.00 to $39.99, $40.00 to $49,99 Tenant occupied units; Rent of $50.00 to $74.99, $75.00 to $99.99 Tenant occupied units; Rent of $100.00 to $149.99, $150.00 or more Enter', the proper headings for these seven pages of Table 11-C on a set of "Table 11 , , , " forms. In addition the proper Monthly Rent groups should be entered in the column headings of the "Monthly Rent of " space. 2. Withdraw all cards from File T-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 or less - Code A). Remove the rubber bauds and sort these cards by NUMBER OF ROOMS IN UNIT into the following groups: Number of Rooms After Posting Piace in Pile No. 1 Room T-62 2 Rooms T-63 3 Rooms T-64 4 Rooms T-55 5 Rooms T-66 5 Rooms T-67 7 Rooms T-53 8 Rooms or more T-59 X . No'reuort on rooms T-70 CHECK THE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on line 1 in the- proper Number of Rooms column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 13543 - 29 - 11-C or Less -- Code A. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for Total column by adding the entries in the Number of Rooms columns. Enter the figure from Total column of line 1 into line 112. of Table 11 column of Chock Sheet C, where it must check with the cor¬ responding entry for the previous Table. The cards for Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less - Code A, Tenant, should now be returned to the file where they should be placed in Files T-62 to T-70 by Number of Rooms .as noted above. 3. Withdraw all cards from File T-62 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Tenant). Sort these cards by TYPE OF STRUCTURE into the following groups: 1. Single Family Detached 2. Single Family Attached 3. 2 Family Side by Side 4. 2 Family 2 Decker 5. 3 Family 3 Decker 6. 4 Family Double 2 Decker 7. Apartment, 5 to 9 Units Apartment, 10 to 19 Units Apartment, 20 to 59 Units Apartment, 40 Units or More 8. Business with Dwelling Units 9. Other Non-Converted 10. Partially Converted 11. Completely Converted CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and most on lines 4 to 9, 11 to 18, and 2 of One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 and less section of Table 11C-2. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POST¬ ING. The entry for line 10 (Apartment-Total) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 11 to 14. The entry for line 3 (Total Reports on Type) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 4 to 10 and 15 to 18. The total of the entries on lines 2 and 3 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 13543 - 30 - li-C 4. Sort all cards from File T-62 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Tenant) by NUMBER OF PERSONS IN UNIT into the follow¬ ing groups: 1 Person 2 Persons 3 Persons 4 Persons 5 Persons 6 Persons 7 Persons 8 Persons 9 Persons 10 Persons 11 Persons or More X. No Report on Persons CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 21 to 31 and 19 of One Room Column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less Section of Table 11C-2. The total of the number of persons in the 11 Persons or More Group should be entered on Line 32. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE'POSTING. Obtain the entry for Line 20 by adding the entries on Lines 21 to 31. Do not include the entry from line 32 in this total. The total of the entries on lines 19 and 20 must check with the entry on 'line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 5. Sort all cards from File T-62 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Tenant) by FURNITURE INCLUDED IN RENT into the following groups: Furniture Included in Rent Furniture not Included in Rent No Report on Furniture CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 35 to 36 and 33 of the One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 and less section of Table 11C-2. CHECK THE COUNTING AND POSTING. The 13543 - 31 - 11-C entry for line 34 (Total Report on Furniture) is obtained "by adding the entries on lines 35 and 36. The total of the entries on lines 33 and 34 must check with the entry on line 1. After tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should 'be routed to the process indicated "below. 6. Sort all cards from File T-S2 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Tenant) by DURATION OF OCCUPANCY into the following groups: A. Less than 6 months B. 6 months - 11 months C. 1 year - 1 year, 11 months D. 2 years - 2 years, 11 months E. 3 years - 4 years, 11 months F. 5 years - 9 years, 11 months G. 10 years - 19 years, 11 months H. 20 years or more K. No report on Duration CHECK TEE SORTING- OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 39 to 46 and 37 of One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Loss Section of Table 11C-2. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 38 (Total Reports on Duration) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 39 to 46. The total cf the entries on lines 37 and 38 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 7. Sort all cards from File T-62 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Tenant) by NUMBER OF CHILDREN IN THE UNIT. This Number of Children item is determined by adding all persons in the "Under 1 year", "1 to 4 years", "5 to 9 years", and "10 to 14 years" sections of NUMBER AND AGS OF ALL PERSONS section of the card. When the ago of the persons in the dwelling unit is reported, but "0" is entered in all of the age groups indicated above, the unit is counted as "No Children". If the age of persons is not reported, the unit is counted as "No Report 13543 - 32 - 11-C on Children". The groups into which the carls .3,re to be sorted are: Ho Children 1 Child 2 Children 3 or 4 Children 5 Children or More Ho Report on Children CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 49 to 53 and 47 of One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less Section of Tabic 11C-2. CHECK THE. COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 48 (Total Reports 0x1 Children) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 49 to 53. The total of the entries on lines 47 and 48 must check with the entry on line 1. When this tabulation is completed, all cards from File T-62 (One Room, Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Tenant) should be routed to the process indicated below. 8. Sort all cards from File T-S2 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Tenant) by NUMBER OF EXTRA FACT LIES into the following groups: No Extra Families 1 Extra Family 2 or Mere Extra Families X. No Report on Extra Families CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 5c to 58 and 54 of One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less Section of Table 11C-2. CHECK TEE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 55 (Total Reports on Extra Families) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 56 to 58. Tire total of the entries on lines 54 and 55 must check with the entry on line 1. Prepare a Tally Sheet and enter on it the Number of Persons in Extra Families from the cards with 1 Extra Family and with 2 or more Extra Families. It should be observed that there should be 2 entries in NUMBER •OF PERSONS IN EXTRA FAMILIES section of ohe card for units liaving 2 Extra 13543 - 33 - 11-0 Families in the unit. In such cases each of these entries should he entered separately in the Tally. The Number of Persons grcuos into which the Extra Families should he tallied are; Extra Families of 1 Person Extra Families of 2 Persons Extra Families of 3 Persons Extra Families of 4 Persons Extra Families of 5 Persons or More Extra Families With No Report on Persons CHECK THE TALLYING- OF THE CARDS. Post ths results of the Tally on lines 60 to 65 of One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less section of Tahle 11C-2. CHECK THE POSTING-. The entry for line 59 (Total Number of Extra Families) is obtained by adding the entries in line 60 to 65. After this tabulation is completed, the cards frcm File 1-62 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Tenant) should be routed to the process indicated below. 9. Sort fill cards from File T-G2 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code- A, Tenant) by CONDITION into the following groups: Condition After Posting Place in File No. Good Condition T-71 Minor Repairs T-72 Major Repairs T-73 Unfit for Use T-74 No Report on Condition T-75 CHECK THE SORTING OF THS CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 68 to 71 and 66 of One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less Section of Table 11C-2. CHECK THS COUNTING AID THE POSTING. The entry for line 67 (Total Reports on Condition) is obtained by adding the entries or, lines 68 to 71. The total of the entries on lines 66 and 67 must check with the entry on line 1. Place a rubber band around each of the Condition groups of 0ns Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Tenant cards and place in Files T-71 to m-75 as indicated above. 13543 - 34 - 11-C 10. Garry through the procelure indicated in Paragraph 2 to 9 on each of the Number of Rooms groups of Monthly Pent of $4.99 or Less - Code A, Tenant cards (Files T-63 to 1-70). The results should be posted into the proper Number of Rooms column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less \ Section of Table 11C-2. After the tabulation for any Number of Rooms group is completed, rubber bands should be placed around Condition groups of cards and the cards placed in Files T-71 to T-75 by Condition. The entries for Total column for Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Loss Section should be obtained by adding the corresponding entries in the Number of Rooms group columns. 11. In the manner indicated in Paragraphs 1 to 10 withdraw the cards for each of the remaining Monthly Rent groups from the File T-49 to 1-61. Sort the cards for each Rent group by Number of Rooms and place in Files T-62 to T-70. Enter the results in the proper sections of Table 11C. This tabulation must be carried thru separately for each of the Monthly Rent Group and the cards for tne group routed out of Files T-62 to T-70 before the tabulation of the next group is started. After the tabulation of any Number of Rooms - Monthly Rent group is completed, the card should have rubber bands placed around them and they should be placed in Files T-71 to T-75 by CONDITION group. 12. The entries for the Total, section of Table 11C-1 are obtained by adding the corresponding entries from the various Monthly Rent Group sections of Table 11C-1 to 11C-7. These entries must be very carefully checked... Enter the figures from lines 2 to 18 (by Type of Structure) of Total column of Total Tenant Occupied ■units section of Table HC-i into lines 1 to 13 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet C. Enter the figures from lines 19 to 32 (by Number of Persons) of this same column into lines 96 to 108 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet C. Enter the figures from 13543 _ 35 - lines 37 to 46 ("by Duration of Occupancy) of this same column into lines 40 to 43 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet C. Enter figures from lines 47 to 53 ("by Number of Children) of this same column into lines 27 to 33 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet C. Enter the figures from lines 54 to 58 (by Number of Extra Eamilies) of this same column into lines 58 to 62 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet C. Enter the figures from lines 66 to 71 (by Condition) of this same column into lines 34 to 39 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet C. To obtain the entry for line 111 of Check Sheet C add the entries on lines 112 to 123. These entries into Check Sheet C must check with the corresponding entries from previous tables. 7ifh.ile all cards for Tenant Occupied Units will have been routed into Eiles T-71 to T-75 by Condition, if after entry on Check Sheet C it is found necessary to retabulate any section of Table 11C, it will be found that the Number of Rooms - Monthly Rent Group cards in each Condition file are segregated by rubber bands and the previous files can be reestab¬ lished with ease. TABLE 12 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Dwelling Units by Occupancy, by Condition, by Plumbing Equipment and Number of Children. There is only one page to this Table and the data for Tenant Occupied Units are entered on lines 20 to 37 of the "Tenant Occupied Units" section of the Table. 2. YJithdraw all cards from File T-71 (Good Condition, Tenant). Remove the rubber bands from the cards. Sort these cards by PLUMBING EQUIPMENT into the following groups: A. At Least 2 Toilets and 2 Bathing Units B. At Least 2 Toilets ana 1 Pathing Unit C. 1 Toilet and at least 1 Bathing Unit D. At Least 1 Toilet but less than 1 Bathing Unit 13543 _ 36 - E. Sharpd Toilet and Running W iter F. Shared Toilet hut no Running Water G. No Toilet hut with Running Water H. No Toilet and No Running Water X. No Report on Plumbing CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and r>ost on lines 23 to 30 and 21 of column 1 (Good Condition) of Tenant Occupied section of Tahle 12. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 22 (Total Reoorts on Plumbing) by adding the entries in lines 23 to 30. Obtain the entry for line 20 (Total All Units) by adding the entries on lines 21 and 22. Enter the figure from line 20 (Total All Units) of column 1 (Good Condition) of Tenant Occupied section of Table 12 into line 36 of Table 12 column of Check Sheet C where it must check with the corresponding entry from previous tables. .After this tabulation is completed the cards from Pile T-71 (Good Condition, Tenant) should be routed to the tabulation indicated below. 3. Sort all cards from File T-71 (Good Condition, Tenant) by NUMBER OF CHILDREN IN THE UNIT . This NUMBER OF CHILDREN item is deter¬ mined by adding all persons in the "Persons Under 1 Year," "1 to 4 Years," "5 to 9 Years," and "10 to 14 Years" groups of NUMBER AND AGE OE ALL PERSONS section of the card. When persons by age group is reported but "0" is entered at each one of the age groups indicated above the unit is counted as "No Children." If the age of persons is reported, the unit is count-ed as "No Report on Children." The groups into which the cards are to be sorted are: No Children 1 Child. 2 Children 5 or 4 Children 5 Children or "..lore No Report on Children CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in 'each group and post on lines 33 to 37 and 31 of column 1 (Guod Condition) of Tenant Occupied 13543 - 37 - 12 section of Table 12. CBECK TES COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 32 (Total Reports on Children) by adding the entries on lines 33 to 37. The total of the entries on lines 31 and 32 must check with the entry on line 20. .After this tabulation is completed these cards should be returned to Rile T--71 (Good Condition, Tenant). 4. In the manner indicated in paragraphs 2 and 3, withdraw the cards for each of the remaining Condition groups from the File (T--72 to T-75): Tabulate each Condition Group separately by PLUMBING EQUIPMENT and NUMBER. OF CHILDREN. Post the results in the proper columns of lines 20 to 37 of Tenant Occupied section of Table 12 and return the cards to Files T-72 to T-75 by Condition. Obtain the entries for Total column by adding the corresponding entries in all groups columns. The entries in the Total column must be carefully checked. Enter the figures from line 20 of the Total column of Tenant Occupied section of Table 12 into line 1 of Table 12 column of Check Sheet C; enter figures from lines 21 to 30 of Total column into lines 63 to 72 of Table 12 column of Check Sneet C; enter figures from lines 31 to 37 of Total column into lines 27 to 33 of Table 12 column of Check Sheet C. To obtain the entry for lino 35 Total Reports on Condition, add lines 36 to 39 on the Check Sheet. All of these entries into Check Sheet C must check with the corresponding entries from previous tables. TABLE 13-C 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Tenant Occupied Dwelling Units by Condition, by Number of Persons Per Room, by Number of Roomers and by Number of Persons in each age group. There is ona section to this Table which is "Table 13-C, Tenant Occupied Units". Enter the proper 13543 - 33 - 13 C headings at the top of a "Table 13 , " form. 2. Withdraw all cards from File T-71 (Good Condition, Tenant). Sort these ca^as by NUMBER OF PERSONS PER ROOM into the following groups: Number of Persons Per F.oom After Posting Place in File No. A. .50 or less T-76 B. .51 to .75 T-77 C. .76 to 1.00 T-78 D. 1.01 to 1.50 T-79 E. 1.51 to 2.00 T-80 F. 2.01 or more T-81 X. No report on Persons T-32 Per Room CHECK TIE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and enter the results on lines 22 to 27 and 20 of Total Number of Dwelling Units column of Table 13-C. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 21 (Total Reports on Persons Per Room) by adding the entries on lines 22 to 27. Obtain the entry for line 19 by adding the entries on lines 20 and 21. Enter the figure from line 19 (in Good Condition) of Total Number of Dwelling Units column of Table 13--C into line 36 of Table 13 column of Check Sheet C, where it must check with the corresponding entry from previous tables. The cards for Good Condition, Tenant Units should now be placed in Pile T-76 to T-82 by Number of Persons Per Room. 3. Withdraw all cards from Pile T-76 (.50 or less Persons Per Room - Cede A, Good Condition, Tenant). Sort these cards by NUMBER OP ROOMERS into the following groups: No Roomers 1 Hoomrr 2 Roomers 3 or 5 Roomers 5 to 10 Roomers 11 Roomers or More No Report on Roomers 13543 - 39 - 13G CHECK THE SORTING CP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and enter the results on Line 22 of the proper column of Number of Roomers section of Table 13C. CHECK THE COUNTIKS AND THE POSTING. The total of the entries in Number of Roomers columns must check with the entry in Total Number of Dwelling Units column. After this tabulation is completed, the cards in Pile T-7G should be routed to the tabulation indicated below. 4. Sort all cards from Pile T-76 (.50 or Less Persons Per Room- Code A, Good Condition, Tenant) by completeness of reports on NUMBER ADD AGE OP ALL PERSONS. The groups into which the cards should bo sorted are: Reports on Age of Persons (Cards on which number and age of all persons is completely reported.) No Reports on Ago of Persons (Cards on which number and ago of all persons is not ccnroletcly reported.) CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and enter the results on Line 22 of Number of Units section in the center of Table 13-C. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The total of the entries of these 2 columns must check with the entry in Total Number of Dwelling Units column. Using on the cards with complete reports on number and age of persons enter the number of persons in each age group on a tally sheet similar to the form shown below. 13543 - 40 - 13C OCCUPANCY TALLY SHEET for cards on which the number and age of all persons is completely reported. CONDITION GROUP PERSONS PER ROOM CODE _ Persons — Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons under 1 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 14 15 to 19 20 to 64 65 Years 1 Year Years Years Years Years Years and Over After the cards have "been entered, total each column of the tally sheet and enter the results on line 22 in the proper columns of Number of Persons "by Age Group section of Table 13-C. Obtain a total of the total number of persons in unit from thy cards. It will be most con¬ venient to obtain this total on an adding machine. Check this total with the sum of the persons by age group entries. After this tabula¬ tion is completed, the cards from Pile T-75 should have a rubber band placed around them and tney should be placed in Pile 1-33 (.50 or less Persons per Room). 5. Withdraw all cards from Pile T-77 (.51 to .75 Persons Per Room -Code B, Good Condition, Tenant). Tabulate by Number of Roomers and by Persons by Age Group as indicated in Paragraph 3 and 4 above, and enter the results in the proper columns of Line 23 of Table 13-C. After this tabulation is completed, these cards should have a rubber band placed around them and they should be placed in File T-o4 (.51 to .75 41 Persons Per Room). 13543 - 41 - 13C 6. Withdrew all cards from File T-7P (.76 to 1.00 Persons Per F.oom - Code C, flood Condition, Tenant). Tabulate by Number of Roomers and by Persons by Age Group as indicated in Paragraph 3 and 4 above, and enter the results in the proper columns of Line 24 of Table 13C. lifter this tabulation is completed, these cards should have a rubber band placed around them and they should he placed in File T-85 (.76 to 1.00 Persons Per F.oom). 7. Withdraw all cards from File T-79 (1.01 to 1.50 Persons Per Room - Code E, Good Condition, Tenant). Tabulate by Number of Roomers and by Persons by Age Group as indicated in Paragraph 3 and 4 above, and enter the results in the proper columns of Line 25 of Table 13C. After this tabulation is completed, these cards should have a rubber bard placed around them and they should be placed in File T-8S (1.01 to 1.50 Persons Per Room). 8. Withdraw all cards from File T-80 (1.51 to 2.00 Persons Fer Room - Code E, Good Condition, Tenant). Tabulate by Number of Roomers and by Persons by Age Group as indicated in Paragraph 3 and 4 above, and enter the results in the proper columns of Line 25 of Table 13C. After this tabulation is completed, these cards should have a rubber band placed around them and they should be piaced in File T-87 (1.51 to 2.00 Persons Per Room). 9. Withdraw all cards from File T-81 (2.01 Persons Per Room or More - Corle F, Condition, Tenant). Tabulate by Number of Roomers and by Persons by Age Group as indicated in Paragraph 3 and 4 abo\ef and enter the results in the proper columns of Line 27 of Table 13C. After this tabulation is completed, these cards should have a rubber band placed around them and they should be placed in File T-88 (2.01 13543 _ 42 - 13C Persons Per Room or More). 10. Withdraw all cards from Pile T--82 (No Report on Persons Per Room - Code X, Good Condition, Tenant). Tabulate "by Number of Roomers and by Persons by Age G^oup as indicated in Paragraph 3 and 4 above, and enter the results in the proper columns of Line 20 of Table 13C. After this tabulation is completed, .those cards snould have a rubber band placed around them and they should be placed in Pile T-89 (No Report on Persons Per Room). 11. Obtain the entries for Line 21 of each of the columns by adding the corresponding entries on Lines 22 to 27. Obtain the entries for Line 19 by adding the corresponding entries on Lines 20 and 21. 12. In the manner indicated in Paragraphs 2 to 11 withdraw the cards from T-72 to T-7'5 (Tenant Occupied Units by Condition). Sort each of these Condition groups by Number of Persons Per Room; place cards in Piles T-75 to 1-82. Then tabulate each Number of Persons per Room - Condition group by Number of Roomers and by Age of all Persons and enter the results on the proper lines of 'Table 13C. This tabulation should be carried thru separately for each Condition group. After the tabulation of any group is completed, the cards should have a rubber band placed around them and they should be placed into Piles T-83 to T-39 (Tenant Occupied Units by Number of Persons Per Room). 13. The entries for Lines 1 to 9 (Total section by Number of Persons Per Room) are obtained by adding the corresponding entries in each of the Condition sections of the table. The total of the 13543 It7 ^ C\J entries on lines 4 to 9 must check with the entry on line 3 and the total of the entries on lines 2 and 3 must check with the entry on line 1. 3nter the figure from line 1 of Total Number of Dwelling Units column, of Table 13G into line 1 of Table 13 column of Check Sheet C. Also enter the figures from lines 2 to 9 of Total Dumber of Dwelling Units column of Table 13C into lines 19 to 25 of Table 13 column of Check Sheet C. If not already dona enter the figures from lines 10, 19, 23, 37 and 46 of Total Number of Dwelling Units column of Table 13C into Lines 34 acid 36 to 39 of Table 13 column of Check Sheet 0. The entry for line 35 of Check Sheet C is obtained by adding the entries on lines 36 to 39. Also enter the figures from Line 1 of Number of Roomers columns of Table 15C into lines 50 and 52 to 57 of Tabic 13 column of Check Sheet C. Obtain the entry for line 51 by adding the entries on lines 52 to £7. These entries into Check Sheet C must chock with the corresponding entries from previous table. While all cards for Owner Occupied, units will have been routed into Files T-S3' to T-89 by Persons Fer Room, if after entry on Check Sheet C, it is found neces¬ sary to re-tabulate any section of Table 130, it will be found that the Condition groups of cards in each Person Per Room file are segregated by rubber bands and the previous files can be reestablished with ease. 13543 - 44 - TAI ITS 3 4 1. Tnis Table presents a breakdown of Dwelling Units "by Occupancy, by Number of Persons Per Room, by Number of Extra Families. There is only one page to this Table and the data for Tenant Occupied Units are presented on lines 13 to IS. 2. Withdraw all cards from File T--83 (.50 or Less Persons Per Room - Code A, Tenant). Remove the rubber bands from the cards. Sort these cards by Number of Extra Families into the following groups: No Extra Families 1 Extra Family 2 or more Extra Families No Report on Extra Families CHECK THE SORTING- CF THE CAFES. Count the cards in each group .and post on lines 15 to 18 and 14 of Column A (.50 or Less) of Table 14. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 15 (Total Reports on Extra Families) is obtained by adding bhe entries of lines 15 to 18. The entry for lino 13 is obtained by adding the entries on lines 14 and 15. Enter the figure from line 13 of Column A (.50 or Less) of Table 14 into line 21 of Table 14 column of Check Sheet C where it must check with the corresponding entry from previous tables. After this tabulation is com¬ pleted return the cards to File T-83 (.50 or Less Persons Per Room - Code A, Tenant). 3. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraph 2 with each of the other Number of Persons Per Room, Tenant groups of cards (Files T-84 to T-8S). Enter the results in lines 13 to 18 of the proper columns of Table 14 and also enter the proper figure§ into Check Sheet C. To obtain the entry for line 20 of Check Sheet C add the entries on lines 21 to 26. After tht tabulation of any Number of Persons Per Room group is complc-ted the cards should ^e returned to the proper 15543 - 45 - 14 file (1-04 to 1-89). 4. The entries for Total column, are obtained by adding the corres¬ ponding entries in all of the Number of Persons Per Poom columns. These figures must be very carefully checked. Enter the figures from lines 13 and 14 to 18 of Total column of Table 14 into lines 1 and 53 to 62 of Table 14 column of Check Sheet G where they must check with the corres¬ ponding entries from previous tables. 5. The cards for Tenant Occupied Units should be held in file T-83 to T-89 (by Persons per Room) until all dwelling unit tables are completed as explained ir Part VI. Then they should be sorted and filed by blocks. oOo TABULATION INSTRUCTIONS FOP D77FLLIDC- SURVEY PART V Tables for Vacant Units Tables 8-1', 12, 10-D, and 11-D Prepared by: Office of Statistical Coordinator, FEDA Division of Economics and Statistics, FHA June 1, 1935 TA3"JLATI0N INSTRUCTIONS F^P DWFLLIUO SURVDY PART V Tables For Vacant Units Tables 8-0, 1G-D, "ll-^~and 15 Introdustion Part V presents the Tabulation Instructions for Tables 8-D and the Vacant Unit section of Table 12, 10-D, and 11-D and is based on the cards for Vacant Dwelling Units only. Tnis tabulation should be carried for¬ ward after work has been completed in the Block Tabulation, (Part i), and on Structure Tables 1 to 6, (Part II). The cards for units under construction must not be included in these tabulations. The cards at this point are to be found in files by Occupancy and under Occupancy by Type of Structure as noted at the end of'Part II, Tabulation Instructions. Before proceeding with the tabulation of this part re-read the introduc¬ tory section of Parts I and II. The work of posting these tabulations may be carried on simultaneously with the work of tabulation on Parts IV and V. Filing System for Cards for Vacant Units It should be observed that the tabulation for Vacant Units differs from the ta.bula.tion for Owner Occupied and for Tenant Occupied Units. There is no tabulation of Table 7, 9, 13 or 14 for Vacant Units. Be¬ cause of the tabulation of Duration of Vacancy, rather than tho Duration of Occupancy, a special form is provided for Table 8-D and for Table 11-D. The tabulation of several sections of Table 10, 11 and 12 which appear on Owner and Tenant Tables are omitted from Tables for Vacant Units. In addition, in the interest of economy, the tabulation procedure for Vacant Units has been enanged from that usod for Owner and Tenant Occuoied Units in the following manner: After Tablo 8-D has been completed the cards aro 13543 - 2 - routed to File V—71 to V-75 By Condition, instead of being routed to Files Y-l to V-l 5 By Typo; Table 12 is tabulated immediately after Table 8-D and tLe cards are routed to Files V-40 to V-43 By Plumbing Equipment instead of V-71 to V-75 By Condition. The tabulation of Table 10-D and 11-D is very similar to that used on Owner and Tenant Tables. After the. sort indicated on the last page of Part II of Tabulation Instructions is completed the cards for Vacant Units will be in the fol¬ lowing files by Type of Structure. Type of Structure File Number Single Family Detached V-l Single Family Attached V-2 Two Family, Side by Side 7-3 Two Family, Two Docher V—4 Three Family, Three Decker V—5 Four Family, Double Two Decker 7-6 Apartment, 5 to 9 Units V- 7 Apartment, 10 to 19 Units 7-8 Apartment, 20 to 39 Units V—9 Apartment, 40 Units or More V-10 Business with Residential V-ll Other Non-Converted V-l 2 Partially Converted V-l 3 Completely Converted V-l 4 No Report on Type V-15 The cards for each Typo of Structure group will be withdrawn from the file, sorted by Condition and placed, in Files V-23 to V-27 as indi¬ cated below. While in this order the cards for each Type of Structure - Condition group will be tabulated on Table 3-D. This File (V-23 to V-27) is a working file and will be used for a particular Type of Structure group only. After the tabulation of any Type of Structure - Condition group is completed, the cards will be routed into cumulative File (V-71 to V-75) by Condition as indicated below. Condition of Structure Working File Cumulative i Good Condition V-2? V-71 Minor Repairs V—24 V—72 Major Repairs V—25 V—73 13543 - 3 - Condition of Structure forking File Cumulative File Unfit for Use V-26 V-74 No Report on Condition 7-27 V-75 During tho process of tabulating tne Vacant Unit sections of Tabic 12, the cards for each Condition group will oc withdrawn from Files V-71 to V-75 indicated above, sorted by Plumbing Equipment and routed into Files V-40 to V-48 by Plumbing Equipment as indicated below. The cards will be held in tnese files until all cards for Vacant Units are arranged in the order indicated: Plumbing Equipment File Dumber A. At least 2 Toilets & 2 Bathing Units V-40 B. At least 2 Toilets & 1 Bathing Unit V-41 C. One Toilet ana at least 1 Bathing Unit V-42 D. At least 1 Toilet but less than 1 Bath Y-43 E. Shared Toilet and Running Water V-44 F. Shared Toilet but no Running Water V—45 G. No Toilet but with Running Water V-46 H. No Toilet and no Running Water V-47 X. Do Report on Plumbing V-48 During the process of tabulating Table 10-D the cards for each Plumbing Equipment group will be withdrawn from the files indicated above and returned to the following files by Monthly Rent group. The cards will be cumulated in these files until all cards for Vacant Units are arranged by Monthly Rent group. Monthly Rent Fll-e Number A. $4.99 and loss V—49 3. 5.00 to 9.99 V-50 C. 10.00 to 14.99 7-51 D. 15.00 to 19.99 V—53 Jh# 20.00 to 24.99 V—53 F. 25.00 to 29.99 V-54 Gr« 30.00 to 39.99 V-55 H. 40.00 to 49.99 V-56 I. 50.00 to 74.99 V—57 J. 75.00 to 99.99 7-53 K. 100.00 to 149.99 7-59 L. 150.00 or More V-SO X. No Reoort on Rent V-Sl During the process of tabulating the remainder of Table 10-D the cards 13543 - 4 - for each Monthly Rent group will "be withdrawn from the file and returned to the file in the same order. In the process of tabulating 1'able 11-R the cards for each Monthly lient group indicated above will bo withdrawn from the file and placed in the file by Number of Rooms as indicated b elow > Number of Rooms in Unit Eilo Numbor 1 Room 7-62 2 Rooms V-S3 3 Rooms V-64 4 Rooms 7-65 5 Rooms 7-66 6 Rooms 7-67 7 Rooms 7-58 8 Rooms or More 7-59 No Report on Rooms 7-70 The cards for each Monthly Rent - Room group will be tabulated on Table 11-D, After this tabulation is complete the. cards will be re¬ turned to Riles 7-49 to 7-61 by Monthly Rent group. After the tabula¬ tion of all of the tables for Owner Occupied, Tenant Occupied and Vacant Units is completed, the cards should be re-sorted by Block Num¬ ber and by Structure Number within the slock. After the tables for all dwelling units have been completed as indicated in Part VI, the cards should be sorted and filed by blocks. A Check Sheet should be prepared to assist in the cross-checking of entries on the Table. A special form has been prepared for thes purpose. This form is headed: "Check Sheet D, Vacant Units". TABLE 8-D 1, This Table presents a breakdown of Vacant Dwelling Units by Type, by Condition, by Duration of Vacancy. There is one Section to this Table which is "Table 3-D, Vacant Units". A special form is pro¬ vided for this Table. 13543 Table 8-3 (Cont'd) - 5 - 8-3-2 2. Withdraw all cards Iron File V-l (Single Fanily Detached, Vacant). Sc^t these carls by Condition into the following groups: Condition. forking File Number Cumulative- File Number Good Condition V-23 V—71 Minor Repairs 7-24 7-72 Major Repairs 7-25 7-73 Unfit for Use V- 26 V—74 Do Report on Condition V-27 V—75 CHECK THE SORTING 0? THE CAPDS. Count the cards in each group and post on linos 25, 37, 4-9, 51 and 13 of Single Family Detached column of Table 8-3. CHECK THE C01JNTIB& AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 1 by aching the entries on lines 13, 25, 37, 49 and 61. 'The cards for Single Family Detached, Vacant Units, should now be placed in File V-23 to V—27 by Condition, as noted above. 3. Withdraw all cards from File V-23 ingle Family Detached, Vacant, Good Condition). Sort these cards by Duration oi1 Vacancy into the following groups: J. Less than 1 Month K. 1 Mor.t.n Lc 2 Months M. 3-5 Months N. 6-8 Months 0. 9-11 Months P. 1 Year - 1 year, 11 months Q-. 2 Years - 2 Years, 11 Montns R. 3 Years or More X. No Report on Deration CHECK THE. SORTING OF THE CARDS • Count the cards in each group and post on lines 28 to 35 and 25 of Single Family Detached column of Table 8-S. CHECK THE COUNTING ADD THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 27 (Total Reports on Duration) by adding the entries on lines 28 to 36. The total of the entries en lines 26 and 27 must check with the entry on line 25. If this addition fails tc chock it will be necessary to re-check the tabulation. Pla.ce rubber bauds around each of the separate Duration of Vacancy groups and place the cards in File 13543 Table 3-D (cont'd) - 6 - V—71 (Uood Condition, Vacant). 4. Withdraw all cords iyom Pile 7-2/ (Single Family Detached, Va¬ cant, Minor .Repairs). Tabulate by Duration of Vacancy groups in the man¬ ner indicated in paragraph 3 above, and enter results cn lines 33 to 48 of Single Family Detached column of Table 8-D. Place rubber bauds around each of tne separate Duration cf Vacancy groups end place the carls in File V-72 (Minor Repairs, Vacant). 5. Withdraw all cards from File V-25 (Single Family Detached, Vacant, Major Repairs). Tabulate by Duration of Vacancy groups in the manner indicated in paragraph 3 above, and enter results on linos 50 to 60 of Single Family Detached column of Table 8-D, Place rubber bands around each of the separate Duration of Vacancy groups and place the cards in File 7-73 (Maj~r Repairs, Vacant). 6. Withdraw all cards from File. V-25 (Single Family Detached, Va¬ cant, Unfit for Use). Tabulate by Duration of Vacancy groups in the man¬ ner indicated in paragraph 3 above, and enter results on lines 62 to 72 of Single Family Detached column of Table 8-D. Place rubber bands around each of the separate Duration of Vacancy groups and place the cards in File 7-74 (Unfit for Use, Vacant). 7. Withdraw all cards from File 7-27 (Single Family Detached, Va¬ cant, Do Report on Condition). Tabulate by Duration of Vacancy groups in the manner indicated in paragraph 5 above, and enter results on lines 14 to 24 of Single Family Detached column of Table 3-D, Place rubber bands around each of the separate Duration cf Vacancy groups and place the cards in File V-75 (Uo Report on Condition, Vac-ant). 8. Obtain the entries for lines 2 to 12 by adding the corresponding entries in each of the Condition groups. The total of the entries on lines 4 to 12 nusi; crock with the entry on line 3 (Total Reports on Dur¬ ation) and the total of the entries on lines 2 and 3 must check with the 13543 ~ 7 - 8D entries on line 1. 'Enter th"> figure from lino 1 of Single Fcanily De¬ tached Column into line 4 rf Table 8 column of Check Sheet D. After this process is complete all cards fox' Single Family Detached, Vacant units will have been routed through Files 7-23 to V-27 and placed in Files 71 to 75 by Condition. 9. Carry thro'igh the procedure indicated in paragraphs 2 to 8 with each of the remaining Type of Structure gruuus of cards for Vacant Units (V-2 to Y-15). This tabulation must bo carried forward separately for each Type of Structure group. Sort each group by Condition and place cards in Files 7-23 to 7-27. Tabulate by Duration of Vacancy, enter the results in the proper columns of Table 8-D and place the cards in Files V-71 to V—75 by Condition. 10. Obtain the entries for Column 7-A (Apartment - Total) by adding the corresponding entries in columns 7-3 to 7-E (Apartment by Sice Croups Columns). The Total Reuorts on Duration entry for each Condition group must check with the total of the Duration of Vacancy entries in that group, and the Total All Units entry in each Condition group must check with the total of Do Report on Duration entry end Total Reports on Dur¬ ation entry. 11. Obtain the entries fcr the Total column by adding the corres¬ ponding entries in column X, 1 to 7-A, 3 to 11. (The. Apartment by Size Groups columns must be omitted from this total.) Those entries in the Total column must be checked in the manner indicated in paragraph 10. Enter the figures from tne various columns (by Type of Structure) of line 1 of Table 3-D into lines 1, 2, and 4 to 13 of Table 8 column of Check Sheet D. The entry for line 3 of Chock Sheet D is obtained by adding the entries on linos 4 to 10 and 15 to 18. Enter the figures iron linos 13, 25, 37, 49 ancl 61 (by Condition) ~f Total column, into lines 1.9 and 13543 8D 21 to 24 of Table 8 column of Check Sheet D. The entry for line 20 of Check Sheet D is obtained by adding the entries on lines 21 to 24. Enter the figures from lines 2 to 12 (by Duration of Vacancy) of Total column, into lines 25 to 35 of Table 8 column of Check Sheet D. If, after the completion of tabulation, it is found necessary to retabulate any section of the table, it will be found that although the cards have been routed into Files V-71 by Condition, the various types of Structure- Duration of Vacancy groups are segregated by rubber bands and the pre¬ vious sort can be re-established, with ease. TiiDL2__12 1. This Table presents a breakdown of dwelling units by Occupancy, by Condition, by Plumbing Equipment. There is only 1 page of this table and the data for the Vacant Units are entered on lines 1 to 11 of the "Vacant Units" section of the table. 2. Withdraw the cards from File 7-71 (Good Condition, Vacant); remove the rubber bands from the cards. Sort these cards by PLUMBING EQUIPMENT into the following groups: Plumbing Equipment After Posting Place in File Number A. At Least 2 Toilets and 2 Lathing Units 7-40 B. At Least 2 Toilets and 1 Bathing Unit 7-41 0. 1 Toilet and at Least 1 Bathing Unit V-42 D. At Least 1 Toilet but Less than 1 Bath 7-43 E. Shared Toilet and Sunning Water V-44 F. Shared Toilet but No Sunning Water 7-45 G. No Toilet but With Sunning Water 7-46 H. No Toilet and No Sunning Water V-4-7 X. No Report on Plumbing V-48 CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count tho cards in each group and post on lines 4 to 11 and 2 of column 1 (Good Condition) of tne Vacant Units section of Table 12. CHECK TEE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the 13543 - 9 - 8I> entry for line 3 (Total Reports on Plumbing) "by adding the entries on lines 4 to 11. Obtain the entry for line 1 (Total All Units) by adding the entries on lines 2 and 3. Enter the figures from line 1 (Total All Units) of Column 1 (Good Condition) of the Vacant section of Table 12 into line 21 of Table 12 column of Check Sheet D where it must check with the corresponding entries from previous tables. After this tabula¬ tion is completed rubber bands should be placed around each Plumbing Equipment group for Good Condition, Vacant Units, and the cards should be placed in files V-40 to V-48 as noted above. 3. In the manner indicated in paragraph 2, withdraw the cards for each of the remaining condition groups from the Pile (V-72 to V-75). Tabulate each Condition group separately by plumbing equipment. Fost the results in the proper columns of lines 1 to 11 of Vacant Units section of Table 12, enter the proper totals on Check Sheet D, and place the cards in Piles V-40 to V-43 by plumoing equipment groups. To obtain the cAtry for line 20 of Chock Sheet D, add the entries on lines 21 to 24. Obtain the entries for Total column by adding the corresponding entries in all group columns. The entries in this Total column must be carefully checked. Enter the figures from line 1 of the Total column of Vacant Units section of Table 12 into line 1 of Table 12 column of Check Sheet E; enter figures from lines 2 to 11 of Total column into lines 36 to 45 of taolo 12 column of Chock Sheet I). If, after the completion of tabulation, it is found necessary to re tabulate any section of the table, it will be found that although the cards have been routed into files V-40 to V-43 (by Plumbing Equipment), the various Plumbing Equipment - Condition groups are segregated by rubber bands and the previous sort can be re-established. 13543 - 10 - TAIL]]J 0-D 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Vacant Dwelling Units by- Monthly Rent Group, by Plumbing Equipment, Ileati-ng Equipment, Lighting Equipment, Cooking Equipment, Refrigeration Equipment, Year Built Group. There is one section of this table which is "Table*10-E, Vacant Units." The proper headings should be placed at the top of a "Table 10 , " form. 2. Withdraw all cards from Pile V-40 (At Least Two Toilets .And Two Bathing Units, Vacant). Sort these cards by MONTHLY RENT into the fol¬ lowing groups: Monthly Rent Group After Posting Place in Pile No. A. $ 4.99 and less V-49 B. $ 5.00 to 9.99 V-50 C. $ 10.00 to 14.99 V-51 D. $ 15.00 to 19.99 V-52 E. $ 20.00 to 24.99 V-53 F. $ 25.00 to 29.99 V-E4 G. $ 30.00 to 39.99 V-55 H. $ 40.00 to 49.99 V-56 I. $ 50.00 to ?4.99 V-57 J. $ 75.00 to 99.99 V-58 K. $100,00 to 149.99 V-59 L. $150.00 and over V-60 X. No report on rent V-61 CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each gro\ip and post in the proper monthly rent column of line 4 (At Least Two Toilets and Two Bathing Units) of Table 10-D. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for Total All Units column by adding the corresponding entries in all of the monthly rent columns. Enter the figure from line 4 of Total All Units column of Table 10-D into line 38 of Table 10 column of Check Sheet D, where it must check with the corresponding entry from the previous table. Place a rubber band around, each of the separate monthly rent groups of At Least Two Toilets ana Two Bathing Units, 13543 - 11 - 10D Tenant cards and place in Tiles V--49 to 7-61 "by Runt groups. 3. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraph 2 on each of the remaining Plumbing Equipment groups of Vacant cards (Piles 7-4-1 to 7-48). The result should be posted into lines 2 and 5 to 11 of Table 10-D, The entries for line 3 are obtained by adding the corresponding entries on lines 4 to 11. The entries for line 1 are obtained by aiding the entries on lines 2 and 3. The figures from lines 5 to 11, 2 and 3 of Table 10-D of the Total A1! Units column should be entered on lines 39 to 45, 36 and 37 of Table 10 column of Check Sheet D. These entries in the Table 10 column of Check Sheet D must check with the corresponding entries from the previous table. After this tabulation is completed the cards' will have been sorted by Monthly Rent groups and placed in Piles 7-49 to 7-61. 4. Withdraw all cards from i'ile 7-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less-Code A, 7acant). Remove the rubber bands from the card.s. Sort these cards by SEATING- EQUIPMENT into bhe following groups: 1. Central Steam or Hot Water 2. Central Warm Air 3. Other Installed. 4. None Installed X. No Report on Heating CHECK THE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 14 to 17 and 12 of Column A ($4.99 and Less) of Table 10-D. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 13 (Total Reports on Heating) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 14 to 17, The total of the entries on lines 12 and 13 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 13543 - 12 - 10 2 5 . Scrt all ccrds from File V-49 (Monthly E-mt of $4.99 and Less- Codo A, Vacant) "by LIGHTING EQUIPMENT into the following group?: 1« Electric 2. Gas 3. Other X. No Report on Lighting CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARLS. Count the cards in each grcup and post on lines 20 to 22 and 18 cf Column. A. ($4.95 and less) of Table 10-D. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 19 (Total Reports on Lighting) by adding the entries on lines 20 to 22. The totals of the entries on lines 18 and 19 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 6. Sort all cards from Rile V--4S (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and less - Code A, Vacant) by COOKING EQUIPMENT into tno following groups: 1. Electric 2. Gas 3. Other installed 4. None installed X. No report on cooking CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CAPES. Count the cards in each group and enter the results on lines 25 and 28 and 25 of column A ($4.99 and less) of Table 10-D. CHECK TEE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 24 (Total Reports or. Cooking) is obtained by adding the entries in lines .25 to 26. The total of the entries on line 23 and 24 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 7. Sort all cards from File V-iS (Monthly Rent of $4.99 end Less - Code A, Vacant) by REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT into the following groups: 1. Electric. 2. Gas 3. Ice 4. None X. No report on refrigeration 13543 - 13 - 10-D CHECK THE SORTING 05' UHE CARDS, Count the cards in each group and post on lines 31 to 34 and 29 of column A ($4.99 and less). CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 30 (Total Reports on Refrigeration) is obtained ty adding the entries on lines 31 to 34. The total of the entries on lines 29 and 30 must checK with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed, the ca,rds should be routed to the process indicated below. 8. Sort all cards from Eire V-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Vacant) by YEAR BUILT, into the following groups: A. 1935 B. 1930 - 1934 C. 1925 - 1929 D. 1920 - 1924 E. 1915 - 1919 F. 1905 - 1914 G. 1895 - 1904 H. 1885 - 1894 I. 1860 - 1884 J. 1359 or before X. No report on year built CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on linos 37 to 46 and 35 of column A ($4.99 and less) of Table 10-D. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 36 (Total Reports on Year Built) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 37 to 46. The total of the entries on lines 35 and. 36 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation is completed, the cards for (Monthly rent of $4.99 and Less - Code A, Vacant) should be returned to File V-49. 9. The last two sections of Table 10-D will be blank as there would be no possible entries for Number of Roomers or Race of Household in the Vacant Units tabulation. 10. In the manner indicated in paragraphs 4 to 9, withdraw the cards for each of the remaining monthly rent groups from the file (V-50 13545 - 14 - 10D to V—61); tabulate each MONTHLY BENT group by HEATING EQUIPMENT, LIGHTING EQUIPMENT, COOKING EQUIPMENT, REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT, YEAR BUILT. After the tabulation for each monthly rent group is completed the cards should be returned to the proper file (V-50 to V~6l). 11. Obtain the entries for Total All Units column by adding the entries in all of the Monthly Rent group columns. These additions must be carefully checked. Enter the figures from line 1 of Table 10-D by monthly rent into lines 46 and 48 to 59 of Table 10 column of Check Sheet D. The entry for line 47 of Check Sheet I) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 48 to 59. This completes the tabulation of Table 10-D. If, after the completion of tabulation, it is found necessary to retabulate any section of the table, the sort can easily be re-worked from the Rent file. TABLE 11-D 1. This table presents a breakdown of Vacant Units by Monthly Rent group, by Number of Rooms in Unit, by Type of Structure, Furni¬ ture, Duration of Vacancy, and Condition. There are seven pages to this Table which arc: Total, Do Report on Rent Rent of $4.99 or less, $5.00 to $9.99 Srnt of $10.00 to $14.99, $15.00 to $19.99 Rent of $20.00 to $34.99, $35.00 to $29.99 S.unt of $30.00 to $39.99, $40.CO to $49.99 Rent of $50.00 to $74.39, S75,C0 to $99.99 Rent cf $100.00 to $149.99, $150*00 or More Enter the proper -headings for these seven pages of Table 11-D on a set of "Table 11 , Vacant Units " forms. In addition the Table 11D-1 Vacant v.ni t s Table 11D-2 Vacant uni t s Table 11D-3 Vacant una t s Table 11D—4 Vacant units Table- 11D-5 Vacant units Table 11D-6 Vacant units Table 11D-7 Vacant uni t s proper Monthly Rent groups should be entered in the column headings of the "Monthly Rent of . " space. 2» Withdraw all cards from File V—19 (M&ntLly Rent of $4.29 cr Less-Code A). Sort these cards by NUM2ER OF ROOMS IN UNIT into the following groups:: Number of Roomo After Posting Place in File No. 1 Room 7-62 2 Rooms 7-63 3 P.ooms V-64 4 Rooms V-65 5 Rooms V-66 6 Rooms 7-67 7 £ O 13 CO V-63 8 Rooms or More V-69 X. , No Report Cn Rooms V-70 CHICK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on line 1 in the proper Number of Rooms column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less. CHECK THE COUNTING AID THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for Total column by adding the entries in tho Number of Rooms columns. Enter the figure from To tad column of line 1 into line 48 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet D, where it must check with the corresponding entry for the previous Table. The cards for Monthly Rent of $1.99 cr loss - Code A, Vacant should new be returned to the file where they should be placed in Files 7-62 to V-70 by Trumuer of Rooms s.s noted above. 3. Withdraw ail cards from File V-62 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less-Code A, Vacant^. Sort these cards by TVPE OF STRUCTURE into the following groups;: 1. Single Family Detank, 8 2. Single Family AttabhsJ 3. 2 Family Side by Side 4. 2 Family 2 Decker 5. 3 Family 3 Decker 6. 4 Family Double 2 Decker 7. Apartment; 5 to 9 Units Apartment, 10 to IS Units Apartment, 20 to 39 Units Apartment, ^0 Units or More 13543 - 16 - 11-D , 8. Business with Duelling Units 9. 0 the r IIon-C onver tod 10. Partially Converted 11. Completely Converted CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 4 to 9, 11 to 18, and 2 of One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Loss section of Table 11D-2. CHECK TEE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for lino 10 (Apartment - Total) is obtained by- adding the entries on lines 11 to 14. The entry for line 3 (Total Reports on Type) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 4 to 10 and 15 to 18. The Total of the entries on lines 2 and 3 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 4. Sort ail cards from File Y-62 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less-Code A, Vacant by FURNITURE INCLUDED IE RENT into the following groups: Furniture Included in Rent Furniture not Included in Rent No Report on Furniture CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Count the cards In each group and post on lines 21 to 22 and 19 of the One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.59 and Less section of Table 11D-2. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 20 (Total Reports on Furniture) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 21 and 22. The total of the entries on lines 19 and 20 must check with the entry on line 1. After tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 5. Sort all cards from File Y-62 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less-Code A, Vacant) by DURATION OF VACANCY into the following groups: 13543 - 17 - 11-D J. Loss than 1 Month K. 1 Month L. 2 Months M. 3-5 Months H. 6-8 Months 0. 9-11 Months P. 1 Yean - 1 Year, 11 Months Q,. 2 Years - 2 Years, 11 Months P. 3 Years or More X. Ho Report on Duration CHECK TIIE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 25 to 33 arid 23 of One Room column, of Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less section of Tahle 11D-2. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for line 24 (Total Reports on Duration) is obtained "by adding the entries on lines 25 to 33. The total of the entries on linos 23 and 24 must check with the entry on line 1. After the tabulation of this section is completed, the cards should be routed to the process indicated below. 6. Sort all cards from Pile V-62 (One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less-Code A, Vacant) by CONDITION into the following groups: CHECK THE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 36 to 39 and 34 of One Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 and Less section of Table 11D-2. CHECK THE COUNTING AND' TIE POSTING. The entry for line 35 (Total Reports on Condition) is obtained by adding the entries on lines 36 to 39. The total of the entries on lines 34 and 35 must check with the entry on line 1. Place a rubber band around each of the Condition groups of One Room, Monthly Rent of $4.39 and Less-Codo A, Vacant cards and place in Piles V—71 to Condition After Posting Place in Pile No Good Condition Minor Repairs Major Repairs Unfit for Use V—71 V-72 V-73 V—7 4 V—75 No Reoort on Condition 13543 - 18 - 11-D V-75 as indicated above. 7. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraph 2 to 6 on each of the Number of P.ooms groups of Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less, Vacant cards (Piles V-63 to V-70). The results should "be posted into the proper Number of Room column of Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less section of Table 11D-2. After the tabulation for any Number of Rooms group is completed, rubber bands should be placed around Condition groups of cards and the cards placed in Files V-71 to V-75 by Condi¬ tion. The entries for Total column for Monthly Rent of $4.99 or Less section should be obtained by adding the corresponding entries in the Number of Rooms group columns. 8. In the manner indicated in paragraphs 1 to 10 withdraw the cards for each of the remaining Monthly Rent groups from files V-49 to V—61. Sort the cards for each rent group by Number of Rooms and place in Files V-52 to V-70. Enter the results in the proper sections of Table 11D. This tabulation must be carried thru separately for each of the Monthly Rent group and the cards for the group routed out of Files V-62 to V-70 before the tabulation of the next group is started. After the tabulation of any Number of Rooms - Monthly Rent group is completed, the card should have rubber bands placed around, them and they should be placed in Files V-71 to V-75 by Condition groups. S. The entries for the Total section of Table 11D-1 are obtained by adding the corresponding entries from the various Monthly Rent group sections of Table 11D-1 to 11D-7. These entries must be very carefully checked. Enter the figures from lines 2 to 18 (by Type of Structure) of Total coUamn of Total Vacant units section of Table 11D-1 into lines 2 to 18 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet D. Enter -"-he figures from 13543 - 19 - 11-3 lines 23 to 33 (by Duration of Vacancy) of this same column into lines 25 to 35 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet D. Enter the figures from lines 34 to 39 ("by Condition) of this same column into lines 19 to 24 of Table 11 column of Check Sheet D. These entries into Chock Sheet D must- check with the corresponding entries from previous tables. 10. While all cards for Vacant Units will have been routed into Files V-71 to V-75 by Condition, if after entry on Check Sheet D it is found necessary to retabulate any section of Table 113, it will be found that the Number of Rooms - Monthly Rent Group cards in each Condition file are segregated by rubber bands and the previous files ecu be reestablished with ease. 11. The cards for Vacant Units should be held in files V—71 to V-75 (by Condition) until all dwelling unit tables are completed as explained in Part VI. Then they should be sorted and filed by blocks. 13543 TABULATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR DWELLING- SURVEY PART VI Duplicate Care's; Derived Sections of Tables 9-B, 9-C, 16-B, and. 16-C Derived TaUle 15; Ta"bles for All Occupancy Groups. Prepared "by: Office of Statistical Coordinator, PERA Division of Economics and Statistics, PHA June 1, 1935 13543 TABULATION INSTRUCTIONS POR DUELLING 5UR7LY PART VI Duplicate cards; Derived Sections of Table 9-33, 9-C, 16-B and 16-C and Derived TableJL.5', and Tables for All Occupancy Groups. Introduction Part VI presents instructions for correction of tables from duplicate cards which have "been prepared, as explained in Part II. This section also explains the method of deriving Number of Persons per Room section of Tables 3-3, 9-C; and 16-B and 16-C when these tables are posted as explained in paragraph 13 of Table 10; and the method of deriving the Number of Persons per Room by Number of Rooms jind by Monthly Rent for Table 15. This is following by a detailed method of preparing Tables 7-A to 11-A, 13-A. 16-A and the Total sec¬ tions of Tables 12, 14 and 15. In conclusion, after the completion of all tabulation for Tables 1 to 16, the method of recasting all cards for final filing by blocks is outlined. Preparation of Revised Tables. As explained in the Introductory section of Tabulation Instruc¬ tions (Part II) duplicate cards are prepared for all cards on v ich editing or coding errors have been discovered during tabulation of Tables 1 to 14 and 16. After all tables for Owner Occupied Units, Tenant Occupied Units, and Vacant Units have been completed and checked, and before beginning work on tables for All Dwelling Units, a set of tables should be prepared on which the entries have been ad¬ justed for the corrections indicated on the duplicate cards. To make these adjustments, place the proper heading on a new set of table forms 13543 - 2 - for TaMes 1 to 5 and for Tables 7 to 14 and 16 for Owner, Tenant, and Vacant Units. Mark REVISED at the top of each of these tables. Before starting to make adjustments, check through all duplicate cards to verify the fact that there are not two duplicate cards for any one dwelling unit. Treating each of the duplicate cards separately, enter a "-I" with red pencil in each entry space of the REVISED Tables -which will be reduced by the change in the card. Enter a "❖1" in each space which will be increased by the change. Be sure that all sub-totals, group totals, line totals and grand totals which will be affect I are marked properly. CHECK THE ENTRY OE INDICATED CHANCES. Obtain a ne.t total of the "-1" and l'*l" figures in each entry space. In computing this total, the total of number of »~1» entries should be subtracted from the total of the "+1" entries, if the " - " entries exceed the " +• " entries for any entry space, the result should have a " - " sign before it. Check the tables in the manner indicated in the tabulation instructions. The entry in a "Total" space or line must check with the total of the entries on the lines for groups making up the total. Ror any page of the tables on which no revi¬ sions are indicated on the REVISED Tables, mark the corresponding original table NO REVISION; mark all other original tables on which revisions are indicated ORIGINAL. In making these adjustments NEVER CHANGE ENTRIES ON THE ORIGINAL TABLES. The list presented be¬ low indicates the tables which must be changed because of changes in the entries on any of the cards. 13543 Adjust the figures given on the original tables for the revi¬ sions indicated on the REVISED Tables and enter results, in ink, on the REVISED Tables. Cheek all of these final figures to see that the tables balance to column, group and grand totals. In the "Group of Cards" column below, indicates that cards for Units Under Construction are to be omitted. These cards will be used only on Table 1. Item Group of Cards Tables to be Changed Type of Structure All white cards* 3, 4, 5 (Owner-Occupied 4 (white cards (Type 1 to 6 All cards* 8, 11 Cards* for Occupied Units ?, 9 White cards* for Type 10 or 11 2 Original Type White cards* for Type 10 or 11 2 Year Converted White cards* for Type 10 or 11 2 i Exterior Materials All white cards* 6 Stories All white cards* 3 Basement All white cards* 3 Year Built All white cards* 3, 5 All cards* 10 Garage All white cards* 3 Condition All white cards* 5, 6 Owner Occupied white cards* Type 1 to 6 4 All cards* 8, 11, 12 13543 «o 4 — Item Value of entire Property Encumbrance Occupancy Duration of Occupancy Duration of Vacancy Monthly Rent Furniture in Rent Rooms in Unit ^ Plumbing Equipment Heating Lighting Cooking Refrigeration Total Persons (2) Number and Age of, . Persons ^ ' Group of Cards Tables to be Changed Cards* for Occupied Units 13 Cards* for Negro and Other Race 16 (when posted) Owner Occupied, white cards*, Type 1 to 6 All white cards* Owner Occupied, white cards* Type 1 to 6 All white cards* All cards* Cards* for Negro and Other Race Cards* for Occupied Units 4 5 4, 5 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 16 (when posted) 8, 11 Cards* for Vacant Units 8D, 11D All cards* 10, 11 Cards* for Negro and Other Race 16 (when posted) Cards* for Tenant and Vacant Units 11 All Cards* Cards* for Negro and Other Race All Cards* Cards* for Occupied Units All Cards* Cards* for Occupied Units 11 16 (when posted) 10, 12 9 10 9 Cards* for Occupied Units 9, 11 Cards* for Negro and Other Race 16 (when posted) Cards* for Occupied Units 13 13543 - 5 - Item Group of Cards Tables to be Changed Race of Household Cards* for Occupied Units 10 Cards* for Negro and Other Race 15 (when posted) Roomers Cards* for Occupied Units 9, 10, 13 Extra Families - No. of Cards* for Occupied Units 11, 14 Extra Families - No. of Cards* for Occupied Units 11 Persons in Persons per Room Cards* for Occupied Units 7, 13, 14 Children Cards* for Occupied Units 7, 11, 12 ^Any change in Rooms in Unit might change persons per Room code, which will affect Tables 7, 13, 14. ^or Type of Structure, 1 to 6, the Total Rooms in Structure would be changed affecting Table 4. (?) v Any change in Total Persons might change Persons per Room which will affect Tables 7, 13, 14. (3) Any change in Age of Persons might change Number of Children which will affect Table 7, 11 and 12. Derived Sections of Tables Instructions for Table 9-33, 9-C, 16-B, 16-C and 15 After all Tables for Owner Occupied, Tenant Occupied, and Vacant Units have been posted and checked and after revised tables have been prepared as explained previously in this part of the Tabula¬ tion Instruction.?, it will be found that certain sections are missing and are to be derived according to the following instructions. These derived sections should be based on tables marked REVISED or NO REVISION, not on tables marked ORIGINAL. The Persons per Room section of Table 93 and 9C have not been entered. The Persons per Room sec¬ tion by Number of Rooms on Table 163 and 16G, and the Persons 13543 - 6 - per Room section by Number of Persons on Table 163 and 16C must be entered when these tables are posted; also the entire Table 15 for Owner Occupied and Tenant Occupied Units must be prepared for Persons per Room by Number of Rooms and by Monthly Rent. Charts have been prepared illustrating how the code symbols are to be related to each entry and also how the derived sections of the tables are to be filled in. Follow these charts carefully. Code symbols have been used to designate the entry and to indicate where it is to be placed. The chart corresponding "to the section of the table from which the entry is to be obtained assigns a code symbol to each space in which a re¬ lated entry appears. If similar symbols appear on the chart, the entries which they represent arc to be added together. The chart corresponding to the section of the table to be derived assigns a code symbol to every space into which an entry is to be placed. Thus the entry on one table is transferred to the proper space on the de¬ rived table by the use of these symbols. TABLE 9 IB Persons Per Room Section as Obtained from Table 11-3-1 1. In accordance with the note, paragraph 12 of the Posting Instructions for Table 93 the entries are to be obtained from Table 11-3-1 Total section of the table. Obtain this section of Table 11-3. Using Chart I, observe how the code symbols for Persons per Room apply to each entry in the Number of Persons section of Table 11-R-l of the Number cf Persons Section of Tablo 11-B-l and 11-C-l for Total division of CHART I the Table, and Table 15 showing the method in which the code for Persons per Room applies to each entry by Number of Persons. Tablo 1 Number of Dwelling Units by: 11 Lino No. 16 Lino No. Total No Rcpt. 1 cn Rooms Room 2 Rooms 3 Rooms b Rooms 5 Rooms 6 Rooms 7 Rooms 8 Rooms or More No Report on Persons 19 16 x(o) x(o) x(o) x(0) x(o) x(o) x(o) x(o) x(0) Total Reports on Persons 20 17 * NUMBER 1 Person 21 18 x(l) 0(1) A(l) A(l) A(l) A(l) A (l) A(l) A(l) OF 2 Persons 22 19 X(2) E(2) 0(2) B(2) A(2) A(2) A (2) A (2) A (2) UNITS 3 Persons 23 20 x(3) F(3) 3(3) C(3) B(3) 3(3) A(3) A(3) A(3) BY b Persons 2b 21 xdO F (b) E(d) D (b) C (b) C ao B (b) 3(14-) A (b) NUMBER 5 Persons 25 22 x(5) F(5) F(5) E(5) 3(5) c(5) 0(5) 3(5) E(5) OF 6 Porsuns 26 23 x(6) F(6) F(6) E(6) r/6) 3(6) c(6) 3(6) 3(6) PERSONS 7 Persons 27 2b x(7) F(7) F(7) F(7) E(7) 3(7) 3(7) 3(7) 3(7) 8 Persons 28 25 X(8) F(8) F(8) F(8) E(8) E(8) 3(8) 3(8) C (8) 9 Persons 29 26 x(9) F(9) F(9) F(9) F(9) E(9) 3(9) 3(9) 3(9) 10 Persons 30 27 X(10) F(10) F(10) F(10) E(10) E(10) E(10) 3(10) 3(10) 11 Persons 31 28 x(ll) F(ll) F(ll) F(ll) F(ll) F(ll) E(ll) E(ll) 3(11) or more Note - • Add horizontally all entries'represented by similar code symbols. CHART II Section of Table 9B and C showing the method, by which the entries from the Number of Persons section of Table ll-B-l and 11-C-l, Total section are to bo Transferred to the Persons per Room section of Table 93 and C. Table Total X. Number of Dwelling 9 16 No.of Rep. 12 3 ij. 5 6 7 • 8 9 10 11 Per. Units by: Line Line on Units Per. Pers. Pers. Pers, Pers. Pers. Pers. Pers. Pers. Pers. or More No. No. Persons X.No Report on Persons per Room 56 h5 X(0) X(l) X(2) X(3) X(l>) X(5) X(6) X(7) X(8) X(9) X(lO) X(ll) Total Reports on NUMBER Persons per Room 57 L6 OF UNITS A. .50 or less 58 hi BY NUMBER B. .51 to ..75 59 h% OF PERSONS c. .76 to 1.00 60 k9 PER ROOM D. 1.01 to 1.50 61 50 E. 1.51 to 2.00 62 51 F. 2.01 or More 63 52 A(l) A(2) A(3) A(U) . B(2) 3(3) B(L.) B(5) B(6) ' c(1) C(2) c(3) c(b) c(5) c(6) 6(7) c(8) D(3) D&) D(5) D(6) D(7) D(8) D(9) D(IO) D(II) E(2) E(U) E(5) E(6) E(7) E(8) E(9) E(lO) E(ll) F(3) F(1+) F(5) F(6) F(7) F(8) F(9) F(lO) F(ll) 1 CD J Total Rent section. On Chart II it should also he noted ho v.- the code is to he entered into the Persons per Room section of Table 93, The number portion of the code symbol is used to designate the Number of Persons line on Table 11 from which the entry is to be obtained and also the Number of Persons column of Table 9B into which it is to be entered. 2. As an example of how Chart I is developed; 4 persons in 4 rooms is 1 person per room, since this falls in the .76 to 1.00 Persons per Room group which is coded C, and since the code was determined by using 4 persons, it is entered as C(4). To relate this to Chart II locate the code C line (.76 to 1.00 Persons per Room) and the corresponding entry is found in the 4 Persons column. If, as in this case, any other combination of 4 persons with another number of rooms falls in the same code group (4 persons in 5 rooms is .80 Persons per Room), it must be added to the first entry from Chart I to obtain the total, which becomes the entry in Chart II. 3. In this manner the entry in the Persons per Room section of Table 93 for .50 or less Persons per Room - Code A, (line 58), in the 1 Person column is designated A(l). This A(l) is obtained from the 1 Person line (line 21), of Table 11-3-1, Total section by adding the entries from 2 Rooms to 8 Rooms or More columns, which also are designated A(l). Similarly the entry for the 2 Persons column on this line (designated A(2) ) is obtained by adding the entries on the 2 Persons line (line 23), 4 Rooms to 8 Rooms or More columns, which also are designated A(2). 4. In posting it is best to start at the right side of the Total section of Table 11-B-l, 1 Person line, (line 21) and add similar code groups horizontally to the left to obtain the totals for posting the entries in the 1 Person column of the Persons per Room section of Table 93. In this manner the sum of the A(l) entries on line 21, Table 11-B-l is posted to the A(l) entry of line 58 One Person column of Table 9B. The C(l) entry on line 21, Table 11-B-l is posted to the C-l entry of line 60, One Person column of Table 9B, and the X(l) entry on line 21, Table 11-3-1 is posted to the X(l) entry of line 56, One Person column, Table 9B. Continuing in this manner add the similar codes on line 22 of Table 11-3-1 and post to the 2 Person column of the Fersons per Room section of Table 9B, and so on until the posting is completed. 5. After all of the entries have been made on the Persons per Room section of Table 9B from Table 11-3-1, obtain the entries for each column of lint 57 (Total Reports on Persons per Room) by add¬ ing the entries on lines 58 to 63. The total of the entries on lines 56 and 57 should check with the entry on line 1. The entries for the Total Number of Units column are obtained by adding the corresponding entries in all of the Number of Persons in Unit columns of the Table. These entries should be carefully checked. It should be noted that there will be no entry in the Total Number of Persons in Units with 11 or More Persons column in this section of .the table. Enter the figures from lines 56 to 63 (by Persons per Room) of the Total Number of Units column of Table 9B into lines 19 to 25 of the. Table 9 column 13543 - 11 - of Check Sheet B. These entries need not check exactly with the entries from the previous tables because of the method "by which they were obtained, "but the work should "be very carefully checked to assure accuracy. This completes the tabulation of Table 9B. TABLE 9C Porsons per Room Section as Obtained from Table 11-C-l To obtain the entries for Table 9C, Tenant Occupied Units, follow the same procedure outlined in the instructions for obtaining the Persons per Room entries for Table 9B, Owner Occupied Units. Instead of using Table 11-B-l, Total section, for Owner Occupied Units, and posting the entries to Tables 9B, use Table 11-C-l, Total section, for Tenant Occupied Units and post the entries to Table 9C. Use Chart I and Chart II as outlined in the instructions for Table 9B. The Check Sheet.entries should be made into Check Sheet C from Table 9C in the same manner as indicated in Table 9B instructions. TA3LE 15 Derived From Table 11-3-1 to 7 and Table 11-C-l to 7 This Table presents a breakdown of Occupied Dwelling Units by Occivpancy, by Persons per Room, by Number of Rooms, and Monthly Rent groups. There is only one page to this table, and the data for Owner Occupied units are entered on lines 26 to 50, and the data for Tenant Occupied units are posted on lines 51 to 75. 2. The Number of Rooms entries, lines 27 to 36 of the Owner Occupied section of Table 15 by Persons per Room are derived from the 13543 - 13 - Total section of Table 11-E-l. Obtain this section of Table 11-B. Using Chart III observe how the code symbols for Persons per Room apply to each entry in the Number of Persons section of Tabl. 11-R-l of the Total Rent section. On Chart IV it should also be noted how the entry is to be made in the Number of Rooms section of Table 15, linos 27 to 36. The number portion of the code symbol is used to designate the Number of Rooms column of Table 11 from which the entry is to be obtained and also the Number of Rooms line of Table 15 into which it is to be entered. As an example of how Chart III is developed; 5 persons in 5 rooms is one person per room, since this falls in the .76 to 1.00 Person per Room group which is code C, and since the code is determined bv using 5 rooms it is entered as C(5). To relate this to Chart IV, locate the code C column (.76 to 1.00 Persons per Room) and the corresponding entry will bo found on the 5 rooms line. If, as in this case, any other combi¬ nation of 5 rooms with any other number of persons falls in the same code group (4 Persons in 5 Rooms is .80 persons per Rom), they must be added to the first entry from Chart III to obtain the total, which becomes the entry in Chant IV. Thus, it is necessary to add to¬ gether similar codes with the same Number of Rooms designation to ob¬ tain the entry to be posted according to Chart IV into Table 15. The .method indicated below should be followed; Starting in the 1 Room column the entry from line 21 of Table 11 is designated C(l). This entry is related to the One Room line, line 29, in the code C (.76 to 1.00 Persons per Room) column of Table 15. The next entry from the Number of Persons Section of Table 11-B-l and 11-C-l Total division of the Table, CHART III Showing the method in which the code for Persons per Room applies to each entry by Number of Rooms. Table Number of Dwelling Units by: 11 Line No. 16 Line T\T_ uO • Total No.Rept. on Rooms 1 Room' 2 Rooms 3 Rooms k Rooms 5 Rooms 6 Rooms 7 Rooms 8 Rooms or Fore No Report on Persons 19 16 x(o) X(l) X(2) x(3) Xdl) x(5) X(6) x(7) X(8) Total Reports on Persons 20 17 , NUMBER 1 Person 21 18 x(o) C(1) A(2) A(3) A(k) A(5) A (6) A (7) A(8) OF 2 Persons 22 19 x(o) E(l) c (2) B(3) A(b) A(5) A(6) A (7) acs) UNITS 3 Persons 23 20 x(0) F(l) D(2) c(3) B(k) B(5) A(6) A (7) A(8) BY I4 Persons 2)4 21 x(0) F(l) E(2) B(3) 0(h) c(5) B (6 ) B(7) A(8) number 5 Persons 25 22 x(0) F(l) F (2) E(3) d (h) c(5) c(6) B(7) B(3) OF 6 Persons 26 23 x(0) F(D F(2) E(3) V(k) D(5) c(6) 0(7) B(8) PERSONS 7 Persons 27 2k x(0) F (l) F (2 ) F(3) E(4) D(9) d(6) c(7) 0(8) 8 Persons 28 25 x(0) F(l) F (2) F(3) EdO E(5) D(6) D(7) 0(8) 9 Persons 29 26 x(o) F(l) F (2) F(3) f(10 E(5) d(6) E(7) d(8) 10 Persons 30 27 x(0) F (l) F (2) F(3) F(10 E(5) e(6) E(7) D(8) 11 Persons 31 28 X(0) F(l) F (2) F(3) F(ix) F(5) E(6) E(7) D(8) or More Note - Add vertically all entries represented by similar code symbols. CHART IV Section of Table 15 showing the method by which the entries from the Number of Persons Section of Table 11-3-1 and 11-C-l, Total'Section are to be transferred to the Number of Rooms Section of Table 15 Line Ho, X. Ho Rep. A B C D E F Oimer Tenant TOTAL on Persons .50 or .51 to .76 to 1.01 to 1.51 "to 2.00 Sect. Sect. per Room Less .75 1.0C 1.50 2.00 or More No Report on Rooms 27 52 x(o) Total Report on Rooms 28 53 1 Room 29 5h X(l) c(D E(l) F(l) 2 Rooms 30 55 X(2) A(2) c (2) D(2) E(2) F(2) 3 Rooms 31 56 X(3) A (3) B(3) c(3) B(3) E(3) F(3) 4 Rooms 32 57 x(i+) A (h) B(4) C&) D(U) E(lp) F(i|) 5 Rooms 33 58 x(5) A(5) B(5) c(5) D(5) E(5) F(5) 6 Rooms 3>; 59 x(6) A(6) B(6) c(6) D(6) E(6) F(6) 7 Rooms 35 60 x(7) A (7) B(7) c(7) D(7) E(7) F(7) 8 Rooms or More 36 61 X(8) A(8) B(8) C(8) D(8) 13543 - 15 - One Room column, line 22 of Table 11 is designated. E(l). This entry is related to the One Room lino, line 29, in the code E (1.51 to 2.00 Persons Per Room) column of Table 15. The next entry in the One Room column, line 23, is designated E(l), also the remaining entries in the One Room column of Table 11 are designated P(l). To obtain the P(l) entry for the One Room lino of column F of Table 15 it is necessary to add all of the F(l) entries and post as indicated. The last entry in the One Room column, line 19, of Table 11 is designated X(l). This entry is placed on the One Room line, line 29, in the code X. No Report on Persons per Room column of Table 15. Con¬ tinue on, following the same procedure in each Number of Rooms column Table 11, adding the entries with a similar code designation and. posting to the proper Number of Rooms, line, and Persons per Room column of Table 15. 3. After all of the entries have been made from Table 11 to Table 15 as indicated by Chart IV, obtain the entries for line 28, (Total Reports on Rooms), by adding the entries from linos 29 to 36. The entry for line 26 is obtained by adding the entries on lines 27 and 28. The entry on line 26 X. No Report on Persons per Room column of Table 15, must check with the entry from the Rurnbor of Per¬ sons per R^om section, X. No Report on Persons par Room line, lino 56 of the Total Number of Units column of Table S3. The entries on Total Number of Owner Occupied Units line, line 26 of the X. No Report on Persons per Room column and the A (.50 or Less) to F (2.00 or More) columns must check with the entries on lines 56 and 58 to 63 from the 13543 - 16 - Number of Persons per Room section of the Total Number of Units column of Table 9B. The entries for the Total column of Table 15 lines 26 to 36 are obtained by adding the corresponding entries in all of the Number of Persons per Room columns. The entries in the Total column, lines 27 and 29 to 36, must check with the entries on line 1 (Total Number of Dwelling Units) No Heport on Rooms column to 3 Rooms or More column of the Total section of Table 11-5-1. 4. The Monthly Rent group entries, lines 37 to 50, are derived from the Rent group sections of Table 11-B-l to 7. Obtain all pages of Table 11-3. Starting with page 11-3-1 obtain Chart V and note how the code symbols for Persons per Room apply to the Number of Persons section of the No Report on Rent section of this table. There is no chart used to relate these codes to Table 15 as all similar code symbols must be added together to obtain the entries for the Persons per Room columns. Chart V has been marked off to aid in distinguishing the entries to be added together. Thus, all entries designated code A on Chart V for the No Report on Rent group are added together ana are posted on the No Report on Rent line, line 37, column A (.50 or less, Persons per Room). Similarly, all of the items designated code B are added together and posted on line 37 (No Report on Rent) in column B (.51 to .75, Persons per Room). Continue in the same manner adding each code group and posting on the No Report on Rent line in the proper Persons per Room section of Table 15. 5. Repeat the procedure indicated in paragraph 4 for each Monthly Rent group of Table 11-B, posting to the proper Monthly Rent line and in the proper Persons per Room column of Table 15. After all CHART V Number of Persons Section of Table 11-B and 11-C for any Rent Group Division of the Table showing the method in which the code for Persons per Rooms applies to each entry. Number of Dwelling Units by: Line No. TOTAL No Rep. on Rooms 1 Room 2 Rooms 3 Rooms h Rooms 5 Rooms 6 Rooms 7 Rooms 8 Rooms or More No Report on Persons 19 X X X X X X X X X Total Rep. on Persons 20 NUMBER 1 Person 21 X C \ A A A A A ft iL A \ \ . OF UNITS BY NUMBER OF PERSONS 2 Persons 22 X E \ C ^ B \ A A A A A 3 Persons 23 X D \ B B \ A A A h Persons 2h X F I E ^ \c c c \ B I B A 5 Persons 25 X F F e \ D C C B B 6 Persons 26 X F F E \ D D c C B 7 Persons 27 X F F F 1 E D D C C 8 Persons 28 X F F F 1 E E D D C 9 Persons 29 X F F F F E D D D 10 Persons 30 X F F F F E E D D 11 Persons 31 X F F F F F E E D or More 13543 - 18 - Rent groups have "been so treated and entered to Table 15, obtain the entries for line 38, Total Reports on Rent, by adding the entries from lines 39 to 50. The sum of the entries on lines 37 and 38 must check with the entry on line 25 in each column. The entries for the Total column are obtained by adding the corresponding entries on each line from line 37 to 50. The entries in the Total column on lines 37 and 39 to 50 must check with the entries on line 1 (Total Number of Dwelling Units) for each Monthly Rent column (columns X to L) of Table 10-B, 6. The data for the Tenant Occupied section of the table, lines 51 to 75, are obtained in the same manner as indicated in paragraphs 2 to 5 with the exception that Table 11-C-l to 7 are used to obtain the data and the entries should be checked against Table 90 instead of Table 9B, and against Table 10-C instead of Table 10-B. TABLE 16B Persons per Room Sections as Derived from the Number of Persons Section of Table 163 1. When Table 16 has qualified for posting as explained in paragraph 13 of Part III or IV of the Tabulation Instructions, and has been posted in accordance with the Tabulation Instructions, Part VII, then it is necessary to derive the Persons per Room section by Number of Rooms, lines 36 to 43, from the Number of Persons section of this same table from lines 16 to 28, Use Chart III wi th the set of line numbers designated for Table 16. Apply the code symbols to each line and column as illustrated on this Chart. Since this Chart has been used in the derivation of Table 15 any information as to how it is worked out can be obtained by reference to posting instructions for 13543 - 19 - that table. 2. In the process of posting start in the One Room column. The entry on line 18 of this column designated C(l) is entered into line 40 (.76 to 1.00, Persons per Room - Code C) of the same column. The entry on line 19 of this column designated E(l) of the One Room column is entered on line 42 (1.51 to 2.00, Persons per Room - Code E) of the same column. The entries in the One Room column from lines 20 to 28 designated E(l) must be added together and the total entered into line 43 (2.01 or more Persons per Room - Code E) of the same column. The entry on line 16, designated X(l) of the One Room column is entered to line 36 (No Report on Persons per Room - Code X) of the same column. Continuing in this manner add all similar code symbols in each Number of Rooms column and post to the proper code line of the Persons per Room section by Number of Rooms in the same column. The entries for line 37, Total Reports on Persons per Room, are obtained by adding the entries on lines 38 to 43. The sum of the entries on lines 36 and 37 must check with the entry on line 1 of this table. The entries for the Total column are obtained by adding the corresponding entries from each Number of Rooms column. 3. In the same manner indicated, in obtaining the Persons per Room section of Tafble 9B turn to Cha.rts I and II. Apply Chart I to the Number of Persons section of Table 18 using the line numbers designated for Table 16. Following the same general procedure as used in Table 9 relate these entries to Chart II, using the line numbers designated for Table 16 and post to the proper line of the Persons per Room section by 13543 — 20 — Number of Persons (lines 45 and 47 to 52) of Table 16, This procedure is to add all similar code symbols from right to left to obtain the entry and post to the proper column and code designation of Table IS. Refer to instructions for deriving the Persons per Room section of Table 9 for details. 4. The entries for line 46 (Total Reports on Persons per Room) are obtained by addingcthe entries on lines 46 to 52. The entry for line 44 is obtained by adding the entries on lines 45 and 46. The entries for the Total column are obtained by adding the corresponding entries from each Number of Persons column. The entries in the Total column on lines 45 to 52 must check with the entries in the Total column on lines 36 to 43. The entries on line 44 from the X. No Report on Persons column and each Number of Persons column must check with the entries on lines 16 and 16 to 28 of Table 16-B. TABLE 16-C The entries for the Persons per Room by Number of Rooms and Per¬ sons per Room by Number of Persons sections for Table 16-C arc obtained in identically the same manner as outlined for Table 16-B, obtaining all data from and checking all entries to Table 16-C. TABLES EOR ALL OCCUPANCY CROUPS The tabulation of Tables 7-A to 11-A, 13-A, 16-A and Total All Units sections of Tables 12, 14, and 15 as well as the derived sec¬ tions of Tables 9B, 90, 15, 163, and 16C should be based on the tables marked REVISED or NO REVISION, not on tables marked ORIGINAL. In preparing these Total All Units tables it will be found most con¬ venient to use an adding machine and to employ the following procedure. 13543 - 21 - In obtaining entries for Table 7-A, place Table 7-C on top of Table 7-! so that only the "Total" column of Table 7-5 is visible at the left. In the same manner place- the blank Table 7-A form on top of Table 7-C so that only the "Total" column of Table 7-C is visible at the left. Place a ruler or straight edge immediately below line 1 of Table 7-5, 7-C and 7-A. Add the entries in "Total" column of Tables 7-B and 7-C, and post in corresponding space of Table 7-A. Pollow through this same procedure with entries on all lines of "Total" column. Chock the group totals, and grand total with the items included in the total. Move the sheets to the left until the second column of Table 7-5 and 7-C are visible and carry through those operations with the entries in this column. Continue in this manner until Table 7-A is completed. Check the entries in "Total" column with the total of the entries in the other columns on the tables. A similar procedure can be followed on each of the tables. TABLP 7A 1. This Table presents a breakdown of all Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Structure, by Number of Persons per Hoom, by Number of Children in the Unit. There is one section to this Table, which is "Table 7-A, All Occupied Units". The proper headings for this Table should be placed at the top of a "Table 7 , form. 2. The entries for Tables 7-A are obtained by adding the corre¬ sponding entries on Table 7-B (Owner Occupied Units) and Table 7-C 13543 22 - (Tenant Occupied Units). After these entries are obtained t;ey should be carefully checked in the following manner: In each Per¬ son per Room group the Total Reports on Children entry must check with the total of the Number of Children groups; in each Person per Room group the total of No Report on Children, plus the Total Re¬ ports on Children must check with the Total All Units; each entry in Total - All Persons Per Room groups section must check with the total of the corresponding entries in each of the Person per Room sections; the entries in column 7-A (Apartment - Total) must check with the total of the entries in columns 7-3, 7-C, 7-D and 7-E (Apartment by Size Group Columns); the entries in the total column must check with the total of the entri es in columns X, 1 to 7-A, 8 to 11. TABLE 8-A 1. This Table presents a breakdown of all Occupied Dwelling Units by Type of Structure, by Condition, by Duration of Occupancy. There is one section to this Table which is "Table 8-A, All Occupied Units". The proper headings for this Table should be placed at the top of "Table 8 , " form. 2. The entries for Table 8-A are obtained by adding the corre¬ sponding entries on Table 8-3 (Owner Occupied Units) and Table 8-C (Tenant Occupied Units). It should be observed that the entries on Table 8~D (Vacant Units) are not to be included in the Totals for Table 8-A. After these entries are obtained, they should be care¬ fully checked in the following manner. In each Condition Group the 13543 - 23 - Total Reports on Duration entry oust check with the total of the entries for the Duration Groups; in each Condition group the total of No Report on Duration plus the total Reports on Duration nust check with Total All Units; the entries in column 7-A (Apartment - Total) must check with the total of the entries on columns 7-3, 7-C, 7-D and 7-3 (Apartment by Size Group Columns); the entries in the total column must check with the total of the entries in columns X, 1 to 7-A, 8 to 11. TABLE 9-A 1. 'This Table presents a breakdown of all Occupied Dwelling Units by Number of Persons in Unit, by Type of Structure, Heating Equipment, Lighting Equipment, Cooking Equipment, Refrigerating Equip¬ ment, Number of Roomers and Extra Families.' There is one section to this Table which is "Table 9-A All Occupied Units". The proper head¬ ings for this Table should be placed at the top of a "Table 9 , " form, 2. The entries for Table 9-A are obtained by adding the corresponding entries on Table 9-B (Owner Occupied Units) and Table 9-C (Tenant Occupied Units). After these entries are obtain* d, they should be carefully checked in the following manner: In each section the Total Reports on the Item must check with the total of the groups in the section; in each section the No Report on the Item plus Total Reports on the Item must check with the entry on Line 1; the entry in Total Number of Units Column must check with the Total of the en¬ tries in Column X (No Report on Persons) plus 1 Person to 11 Persons or More columns. 13543 - 24 - TABLE 10-A 1. This Table presents a breakdown of all Dwelling Units by - Monthly Rent Group by Plumbing Equipment, Heating Equipment, Light¬ ing Equipment, Cooking Equipment, Refrigerating Equipment, Year Built, Number of Roomers and Race of Household. There is one sec¬ tion to this Table which is "Table 10-A, All Dwelling Units". The proper headings for this table should be placed at the top of "Table 10 , " form. 2. The entries for Lines 1 to 46 of Table 10-A are obtained by adding the corresponding entries on Table 10-B (Owner Occupied Units), Table 10-C (Tenant Occupied Units) and Table 10-D (Vacant Units). Tho entries for Lines 47 to 59 of Table 10-A are obtained by adding the corresponding entries on Table 10-B (Owner Occupied Units) and Table 10-C (Tenant Occupied Units). After these entries are obtained, they should be carefully checked in the following manner: In each section of the Table the entries for Total Reports on the Item must check with the entries for the Groups in the Item; in each section of the Table except Number of Roomers section and Race of Household section the total of No Reports on the Item plus total Reports on the Item must check with the entries on Line 1; the entries in Total All Units column must check with the total of the entries in Column X and A to L (Monthly Rent Group Columns). TABLE 11-A 1. This Table presents a breakdown of all Dwelling Units by Monthly Rent Group, by Number of Rooms, by Type of Structure, Number 13543 - 25 - of Persons, Furniture, Duration, Number of Children, Extra Families and Condition. There are seven pages to this Table which are:: Table 11A-1 Table 11A-2 Table 11A-3 Table 11A-4 Table 11A-5 Table 11A-6 Table 11A-7 All units All units All units All units All units All units All units Total, No report on rent Pent of $4.99 or less, $5.00 to $9.99 Rent of $10.00 to $14.99, $15.00 to $19.99 Rent of $20.00 to $24.99, $25.00 to $29.99 Rent of $30.00 to $39.99, $40.00 o $49.99 Rent of $50.00 to $74.99, $75.00 ta $99.99 Rent of $100.00 to $149.99, $150.00 or more Enter the proper headings for the Table at the top of a "Table 11 , , , " forms. 2. The entries for Lines 1 to 13 (By Type of Structure) of each of the pages of Table 11-A are obtained by adding the corresponding entries on the corresponding pages of Table 11-B (Owner Occupied Units), Table 11-C (Tenant Occupied Units) and Table 11-D (Vacant Units). The entries for Lines 19 to 32 (By Number of Persons), Lines 37 to 45 (By Duration of Occupancy), Lines 47 to 53 (By Number of Children), Lines 54 to 58 (By Number of Extra Families), Lines 59 to 55 (Extra Families by Number of Persons) are obtained by adding the corresponding entries on the corresponding pages of Table 11-B and 11-C. The entries for Lines 33 to 36 (by Furniture) are obtained by adding the entries on Lines 33 to 36 of Table 11-C (Tenant Occupied Units) and Lints 19 to 22 of Table 11-D (Vacant Units) of the correspond¬ ing pages of these Tables. The entries for Lines 65 to 71 of Table 11-A are obtained by adding the entries on Lines 66 to 71 of the correspond¬ ing pages of Table 11-B and 11-C and the entries on Lines 34 to 39 of the corresponding pages of Table 11-D. After these entries are obtained, they should be carefully checked in the following manner: In each sec¬ tion of the Table the total Reports on the Item must check with the total of the entries for the item. In each section of each page the entries 13543 - 26 - in the Total column must check with the total of the entries in No Report on Rooms and One Room to Sight Rooms or More columns. The entries in total All Rent Groups section of Table 11 A-l must check with the total of the corresponding entries in each of the Rent Group sections on Pages 1 to 7 of Table 11-A. TABLE 12 1. This Ta.ble presents a breakdown of all Swelling Units by Occupancy, by Condition, by Plumbing Equipment ana Number of Children. There is only one section to this Table which is "Table 12". The entries for total All Swelling Units appear in the left section of Lines 1 to 19 of the Table. 2. The entries for Lines 1 to 11 (by Plumbing Equipment) section of All Swelling Units section of Table 12 are obtained by adding the corresponding entries on Lines 1 to 11 of Vacant Units, Owner Occupied Units and Tenant Occupied Units sections of the Table. The entries for Line 12 (Total All Occupied Units) and Lines 13 to 19 (Number of Children in Unit) of All Swelling Units section of the Table are obtained by adding the corresponding entries on Line 20 and 31 to 37 of Owner Occupied Units and Tenant Occupied Units sections of the Table. After these entries are obtained, they should be carefully checked in the following manner: The total of the entries on Lines 4 to 11 must check with the entry on Line 3 (Total Reports on Plumbing ) in each column of the All Dwelling Units section of the Table. The total of the entries on Lines 2 and 3 must check with the entry on Line 1 (Total All Units) in each column of All Dwelling Units section. 13543 - 27 - The total of the entries on Lines 15 to 19 must check with the entry on Line 14 (Total Reports on Children) in each column of All Dwelling Units section of the Table. The total of the entries on Lines 13 and 14 must check with the entry on Line 12 (Total All Occupied Units) in each column of All Dwelling Units section of the Table. The entries in total column must check with the total of the entries in Column X, 1 to 4 (by Condition) on Lines 1 to 19 of All Dwelling Units section of the Table. TABLE 13-A 1. This Table presents a breakdown of all Occupied Dwelling Units by Condition, by Number of Persons Per Room, by Number of Roomers and by Number of Persons by Age. There is one section to this Table which is "Table 13-A, All Occupied Dwelling Units". The proper headings for this Table should be placed at the top of a "Table 13 , " form. 2. The entries for Table 13-A are obtained by adding the cor¬ responding entries on Table 13-B (Owner Occupied Units) and Table 13-C (Tenant Occupied Units). After these entries are obtained, they should be carefully checked in the following manner: In each Condition group the total Reports on Persons Per Room entry must check with the total of the Persons Per Room entries. In each Condition group the total of No Report on Persons Per Room find total reports on Persons Per Room must chock with the entry on Total Line. Each entry in total Number of Units — all Conditions section must check with the total of the corresponding entries in each of the Condition sections. On each line the total Number of Dwelling Units entry must check with 13543 - 28 - the total of entries in No Report on Roomers, No Roomers, One Roomer, to 11 Roomers or More columns. On each line the total Number of Dwelling Units entry must check with the total of Number of Units with No Report on Age of Persons plus Number of Units — total Reports on Age of Persons entries. On each line the total Persons entry must check with the total of the Persons by Age G-roup entries. TABLE 14 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Occupied Dwelling Units by Occupancy, by Number of Persons Per Room, by Number of Extra Families. There is only one section to this Table which is "Table 14" and the data for all Occupied Units appears on Lines 1 to 6 of the Table. 2. The entries for total - all Occupied Units section (Lines 1 to 6) of Table 14 are obtained by adding corresponding entries in all Owner Occupied Units section (Lines 7 to 12) and the corresponding entries in all Tenant Occupied Units section (Lines 13 to 18). After these entries are obtained, they should bo carefully checked in the following manner: In each column entry of Line 3 (Total Reports on Extra Families) must check with the total of the entries on Linos 4 to 6. In each column the entry on Line 1 (Total) must check with the total of the entries on Lines 2 and 3. On each line the entry in total column must check with the total of the entries in Columns X, and A to P (Persons Per Room) columns. TABLE 15 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Occupied Dwelling Units 13543 - 29 - "by Occupancy, "by Number.' of Persons per Room, "by Rooms and Monthly Rent groups. There is one section to this table which is Table 15 and the data for All Occupied Units appears on lines 1 to 25 of the Table, 2. The entries for the Total, All Occupied Units Section, lines 1 to 25 of Table 15, are obtained by adding the corresponding entries in the All Owner Occupied Units section (lines 26 to 50) and the corresponding entries in All Tenant Occupied Units section (lines 51 to 75), After these entries are obtained they should be carefully checked in the following manner: In each column the sum of the entries on lines 2 and 3 and the sum of the entries on lines 12 and 13 must check with the entries on line 1. In each column the sum of the entries on lines 4 to 11 must check with the entry on line 3 and the sum of the entries on lines 14 to 25 must check with the entry on line 13. On each line the entry in the Total column must check with the total of the entries in columns X, and A to P (Persons per Room) columns. TABLE 16-A 1. This Table presents a breakdown of All Occupied Dwelling Units by Occupancy, by Race, by Number of Rooms, by Monthly Rent, Number of Persons in Unit, Condition, and Number of Persons per Room; and by Number of Persons in Unit, by Number of Persons per Room. There is one section to this table for each Race group posted which is "Table 16-A, All Occupied Units". The proper heading for this Table should be placed at the top of a "Table 16 , " form. 13543 - 30 - 2. The entries for Table 16-A are obtained by adding the corresponding entries on Table 16-B (Owner Occupied Units) and Table 16-C (Tenant Occupied Units). After these entries are obtained they should should be carefully checked in the following manner: The entry on line 1 must check with the sum of the entry on line 2 and 3, and the sum of the entries on line 16 and 17, and the sum of the entries on line 30 and 31, and the sum of the entries on line 35 and 36. The entry on line 44 must check with the sum of the entries on lines 45 and 46. The entry *n line 3 must check with the sum of the entries on line 4 to 15 in each column. T'he entry on line 17 must check with the sum o^ the entries on lines 18 to 28 in each column. The entry on line 31 must check with the sum of the entries on lines 32 to 35. The entry on line 37 must chock with the snm of the entries on lines 33 to 43 in each column. The entry in the Total column of each line must check with the total of the entries in each Number of Rooms column, on lines 1 to 43. The entry in the Total Number of Units column on each line (44 to 52) must check with the total of the entries in each Number of Persons in the Unit column. Resort All Cards by Blocks 1. After all of the tables have been completed, withdraw all cards for Owner Occupied Units from Pile 0-83 to 0-89 (by Persons per Room); withdraw all cards for Tenant Occupied Units from file T-83 to T-89 (by Persons per Room); withdraw all cards for VacauJ Units from Pile V-71 to V-75 (by Condition);' withdraw all cards for Units Under Construction from Pile X. Combine all of these cards into one group. Sort the cards by Enumeration District and by Block Number. 13543 - 31 - CHECK THE- SORTING OF THE CARDS. Sort the cards for each block by Structure Number. When there is more than one card for a structure place the white card first in the pile and the yellow cards for the same structure immediately after the white card. CHECK THE SORTING OE THE CARDS. Withdraw the Block Pace Cards for the blocks ncluded in the area from the Filing Division. Count the Form E and Form C cards for each block and check with the entries on the Elock Face Cards. The sorter should enter his name and the date opposite "Tabulation Completed" on the Elock Face Card. The Block Face Card should be attached to the Forms B and 0 for the block with a rubber band and returned to the Filing Division. 13543 TABULATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR DWELLING SURVEY PANT VII Tables for Occupied Units by Raco of Occupants Tables 16-B and 16-C Prepared by: Office of Statistical Coordinator, FERA. Division of Economics and Statistics, FHA June 1, 1935 13543 TABULATION INSTRUCTIONS FOB. DWELLING SURVEY PART VII Tables 16-B and 16-C This Table presents a "breakdown of Occupied Dwelling Units by Occupancy, "by Dumber of Rooms, by Monthly Rent groups, Dumber of Persons in Unit, Condition of Structure, and Number of Persons per Room; and by Number of Persons in Unit by Number of Persons per Room for each Color and Race group of importance in the area. As indicated in paragraph 13 of Table 10 of these instructions, these tables are to be prepared for each Racial group other than white, which occupied 200 or more dwelling units and which accounted for 10$ or more of the total occupied dwelling units in the area. For each Racial group there are three sections of this table which are: Table 16-A All Occupied Units Table 16-B Owner Occupied Units Table 16-C Tenant Occupied Units The proper headings, including designation of Racial group should be placed at the top of a Table 16 , , " form. When the tests indicated in paragraph 13 of Tables 10-B of Part III and 10-C of Part IV show that a Race group in the area qualifies for the tabulation of Table 16, this table should be set up immediately after Table 10-B and Table 10-C are completed. When the indicated test shows that no Racial group qualifies for the special tabulation, this table need not be tabu¬ lated. It should be observed that it is possible for Negro Occupied Dwelling Units to qualify for this tabulation, or for Other Race Dwelling Units to qualify for tabulation, or for both groups to qualify. When both groups qualify, two separate sets of Table 16 should be prepared. 13543 - 2 - Table 16 should never be prepared for dwelling units with White occupancy. When a Racial group does qualify for the tabulation, the general procedure indicated below should be followed for that particular Racial group. Withdraw all cards from each Monthly Sent group file separately and re¬ establish the sort by color or race. This should be easy to do since the race sort used on Tables 10-B and 10-C were by this grouping and may have been separated by rubber bands to preserve the groups. The groups which should be re-established are: White Negro ^ Other Race No Report on Race CHECK THE SORTING OF THE CARDS. Return the cards separated by rubber bands to the Monthly Rent group file from which they were withdrawn. TABLE 16-B 1. This Table presents a breakdown of Owner Occupied Dwelling Units by Race, by Number of Rooms, by Monthly Rent group, Number of Persons in Units, Condition of Structure, and Number of Persons per Room; and by Number of Persons in Unit, by Number of Persons per Room. Por conven¬ ience of presentation the following procedure assumes that the tabula¬ tion is to be prepared for Negro Units and the entries are to be made on the form prepared for Table 16-B, Owner Occupied Units, Negro. 2. Withdraw all cards from Pile 0-49 (Monthly Rent of $4.59 and less - Code A, Owner) and select the negro group of cards, returning the other cards to the file. 13543 - 3 - 3. Sort all Negro Owner Occupied Units from Pile 0-49 "by NUMBER OF ROOMS IN UNIT into the following groups: CHECK THE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on line 4 in the proper Number of Rooms column of Table 16-B. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. The entry for the Total column is obtained by adding the corresponding entries in the Number of Rooms column. The entry on line 4 of the Total column of Table 16-B must check with the entry on line 58 (Negro) of the A. $4.99 and less column of Table 10-B. After this tabulation is completed, place rubber bands around the cards and pla.ce them in files 0-62 to 0-70 by Number of Rooms, as indicated above. 4. In the manner indicated in paragraphs 2 and 3, select the group of Negro cards from each of the remaining Monthly Rent groups, files 0-50 to 0-61. Sort each Monthly Rent group by Number of Rooms; tabulate, enter the results on the proper line of Table 16-B, obtain the entry for the Total column and check against the entry on line 58 (Negro) for the proper Monthly Rent group column of Table 10-B. At the completion of tabulation Number of Rooms After Posting Flace in Pile Number: 1 Room 2 Rooms 3 Rooms 4 Rooms 5 Rooms 6 Rooms 7 Rooms 8 Rooms or More X No Report on Rooms 0-62 0-63 0-64 0-65 0-66 0-67 0-68 0-69 0-70 18543 _ 4 - of each Monthly Rent group, place ruboer hands around the cards by Number of Rooms group and place in files 0-62 to 0-70, by Number of Rooms. Be sure that the entry in the Total column for each Monthly Rent group checks with the entry in each Monthly Rent column, line 58, Negro, on Table 10-B, before proceeding with the next tabulation. If any entry fails to check, the sort may be established in Monthly Rent groups by withdrawing the cards from the Number of Rooms, Riles 0-62 to 0-70, where the Monthly Rent groups have been retained by use of rubber bands. 5. Withdraw all cards from Rile 0-62 (Negro, 1 Room, Owner). * Remove the rubber bands and sort these cards by NUMBER OR PERSONS in unit, into the following groups: 1 Person 2 Persons 3 Persons 4 Persons 5 Persons 6 Persons 7 Persons 8 Persons 9 Persons 10 Persons 11 Persons or More X No Report on Persons CHECK THE SORTING OP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines IS to 28 and 16 of One Room column of Table 1S-B. The total of the Number of Persons in the 11 Persons or More group should be entered on line 29. CHECK TEE COUNTING AND THE POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 17 (Total Reports on Person) by adding the entries on lines 18 to 28. The total of the entries on lines 16 and 17 must check with the entry on 13543 lino 1. Aftor the tabulation of this section is completed the cards should he routed to the process indicated below. Sort all cards from File 0-62 (Negro, One Room, Owne^) by CONDITION into the following groups: Good Condition Minor Repairs Major Repairs Unfit for Use No Report on Condition CHECK THE SORTING CP THE CARDS. Count the cards in each group and post on lines 32 to 35 and 30 of One Room column of Table 16-B. CHECK THE COUNTING AND THE. POSTING. Obtain the entry for line 31 (Total Reports on Condition) by adding the corresponding entries on lines 32 to 35. The total of the entries on lines 30 and 31 must check with the entry on line 1. After this tabulation is completed these cards should be returned to Pile 0-62. 7. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraphs 5 and 6 with all cards from Piles 0-63 to 0-70 (Negro, Owner, by Number of Rooms). This tabulation must be carried through separately for each Number of Rooms group. After the tabulation for any group is completed the cards should be returned to Piles 0-63 to 0-70. The entries for Total All Units column of lines 16 to 35 of Table 16-B are obtained by adding the correspondence entries in the Dumber of Rooms column. The total of the entries in lines 18 to 28 of Total All Units column must check with the entry in line 17 (Total Reports on Persons). The entries in lines 32 to 35 of Total All Units column 13543 - 6 - must check with the entry in line 31 (Total Reports on Condition). The total of the entries in lines 16 and 17, and the total of the entries in lines 30 and 31 must check with the entry in line 1. 8. After the tabulation indicated above is completed the cards for Negro Units should be withdrawn from Riles 0-62 to 0-70 (Negro, Owner, by Number of Rooms). These cards should be combined into one group and sorted by Monthly Rent into the following groups. Monthly Rent Group After Sorting Place in Rile -To_. A. $ 4.99 and Less 0-49 B. 5.00 to $9.99 0-50 C. 10.00 to 14.99 . 0-51 D. 15.00 to 19.99 0-52 E. 20.00 to 24.99 0-53 P. 25.00 to 29.99 0-54 G. 30.00 to 39.99 0-55 H. 40.00 to 49.99 0-56 I. 50.00 to 74.99 0-57 J. 75.00 to 99.99 0-58 K. 100.00 to 149.99 0-59 L. 150.00 and Over 0-60 X. No Report on Rent 0-61 CHECK THE SORTING OR THE CARES. Return the cards to Riles 0-49 to 0-61 by Monthly Rent group as indicated above. If the tabulation of Table 16 is required for both Negro and for Other Race, the cards for Other Race should be withdrawn from Riles 0-49 to 0-61 at this point and tabulated on a different Table 16-3 form. 9. The entries for lines 36 to 43 (Persons per Room by Number of Rooms) and lines 44 to 52 (Persons per Room by Number of Persons) are not to be obtained at this point but will be derived in the manner indicated in Part VI, Derived Sections of Tables, Instructions for 13543 - 7 - Table 16-B after the other tabulations for Owner Occupied and Tenant Occupied Units have been completed. TABLE 16-0 This table presents a breakdown of Tenant Occupied dwelling units by Race, by Number of Rooms, by Monthly Rent group, Number of Persons in Unit, Condition of Structure, and Number of Persons per Room; and by Number of Persons in Unit, by Number of Persons per Room. Por convenience of presentation the following procedure assumes theft the tabulation is to be prepared for Negro units and the entries are to he made on the form prepared for Table 16—C, Tenant Occupied units, Negro. Carry through the procedure indicated in paragraphs 2 to 8 of the tabulation instructions for Table 16-B with the cards from Pile T-49 to T-61 (Tenant Occupied units by Monthly Rent groups). In the process of this tabulation the cards should be sorted into Piles 'T-62 to 1-70 by Number of Rooms and the results of the tab¬ ulation should be posted on Table 16-C. After the tabulation is completed the cards should be re-sorted as indicated in paragraph 8 of the tabulation instructions for Table 16-B and should be re¬ turned to Piles T-49 to T-61. The entries for lines 36 to 43 (Persons per Room by Number of Rooms) and lines 44 to 52 (Persons per Room by Number of Persons) are not to be obtained at this point in the tabulation but will be derived later in the manner indicated in Part VI, Derived Sections of Tables, Instructions for Table 16-C, after the other tabulations for Owner Occupied and Tenant Occupied units have been completed.