^í)e ííorfolk anh iUeetern Bailroab €ompang TO €i)e Jiííclitg 3n0urance, ©met anö Safe Dcpoait sEompang, ®;ru0tee. 1>aied Maj/ 4^lh, 7887. Allen, Lane & Scott, Printers, 229-231 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia. €l)t0 líiírentwre, Made the fourth day of May, in the year 1881, between $l)e Norfolk otlb Koilroob ÖTotn^ pang, party of the first part, and QLl)C iFibrfitg SnBlXxance^ ®ru0t anb Safe ÎD^pooit ÔTompang, of Philadelphia, party of the second part. tol)erea6. The Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Railroad Company was formed under and pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, entitled "An act to authorize the formation of the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Railroad Company, approved June 17th, 1870." ^nb tol)^r^a0, The party of the first part is a railroad cor¬ poration organized under the laws of the State of Virginia, and has succeeded to the railroad and other property, and to the franchises, rights, and privileges of the Atlantic, Missis¬ sippi and Ohio Railroad Company, and now owns and holds the same, subject, however, to certain mortgages and incum¬ brances (hereinafter called " divisional securities "), not exceed¬ ing, in the aggregate, a nominal or par value of five millions of dollars. ^nb Ö3l)erea0, at a general meeting of the stockholders of the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company, duly called and held according to law, at the city of Norfolk, in the State of Virginia, on the third day of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, it was, mUr alia^ unanimously re¬ solved :— tol)erea0, It is necessary that this company, in order to comply with the terms of its organization, as recited in the 2 deed of conveyance from Matthew F. Pleasants, Esq., Master, to this company, dated the third day of May, 1881, and duly recorded, should create and issue its bonds amounting in the aggregate to 11,000,000, and secure the payment of the same by a mortgage upon its road, property, and franchises, to be known as the general mortgage. be it By the stockholders of such company in general meeting assembled, that for the pur¬ poses aforesaid, the board of directors are fully authorized and empowered, and are hereby given the consent of the stock¬ holders of the company, to create, issue, and negotiate from time to time certificates of loan or bonds of the company, coupon or otherwise, with or without deduction for taxes,with or without a sinking fund, in such sums, either Sterling or dollar bonds, at such times, in such series to mature at such date or dates, bearing such rate of interest not exceeding six per cent, per annum, in such form or forms, upon and containing such terms and conditions as the board of directors may deter¬ mine, provided such issue or issues shall not at any one time exceed in the aggregate eleven million (;^i 1,000,000) dollars : and the board of directors are fully authorized and empowered, and have and hereby are given the consent of the stockholders of this company, to execute, deliver, and acknowledge a deed of trust or mortgage, to be designated the general mortgage of all the line of road, property, and franchises of the company now possessed in such form, with such stipulations, to such trustee or trustees, by such officer or officers as the board of directors may deem proper, for the purpose of securing the payment of all such bonds to be from time to time issued, without preference, priority, or distinction as to lien or otherwise of any one over another, so that said deed of trust or mortgage shall be a continuing lien ; and each and all of said bonds that may from time to time be issued shall have the same right, lien, privilege, and security there- 3 under as though they had all been made, executed, and delivered simultaneously on the day of the date of said mortgage." At a meeting of the board of directors of the party of the first part, duly called and held subsequently to such meeting of the stockholders of the party of the first part, and on the same day, the following resolutions were adopted, that is to say :— tol)erea6^ It is necessary that this company in order to com¬ ply with the terms of its organization should create and issue its bonds amounting in the aggregate to 11,000,000, and se¬ cure the payment of the same by a mortgage of its road, prop¬ erty, and franchises, to be known as the general mortgage. Notö, it iô Kesotoeù, That in pursuance of and by virtue of the provisions of its charter, in pursuance of the resolution of the stockholders of the company passed this day, and all other (power) and authority in it vested, the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company, for the pur¬ poses aforesaid, shall make, execute, and deliver to the Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company of the city of Philadelphia, a deed of trust or mortgage of all the line of road, property, and franchises of the company, which mortgage shall be known as the general mortgage, and shall be and is hereby declared to be a continuing lien to secure the full and final payment of all the bonds which may from time to time be created, issued, and negotiated under the security of the same, so that, however, the total amount so created, issued, and negotiated shall not at any one time exceed in the aggre¬ gate eleven million (^11,000,000) dollars, that is to say, as well the eleven million (;^ 11,000,000) dollars of bonds, first issued as those which may be made and issued from time to time after payment of the whole or any portion thereof, or of 4 any subsequent issue or issues, but never to exceed at any one time eleven million ($11,000,000) dollars outstanding, said bonds to be either of the denomination of $1000 in gold coin of the United States or £200 Sterling lawful money of Great Britain, or of such other denominations as may be determined ; to be numbered consecutively from one upwards, and of such form, tenor, and effect as the company may by their board of directors determine, at the time of the issue thereof respective¬ ly, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, and the said deed of trust or mortgage shall be for the benefit and security of and in trust for the holders of the said bonds, without preference, priority, or distinction as to lien or otherwise, of any one over another, and so that each and all of the said bonds to be issued as aforesaid shall have the same right, lien, and privilege under and by the said mortgage, and shall be all equally secured thereby, with like effect as though they had all been made, executed, delivered, and negotiated simultaneously on the date of the said mortgage to secure the payment of the same ; " The Norfolk and Western Railroad Com¬ pany, in pursuance of said resolution, has issued or is about to issue a series of eleven thousand bonds for $1000 each to be known as the First Series," and for the purpose of securing the payment of all the bonds of the said series and all other series which may be issued from time to time by virtue of said resolutions, is about to execute and deliver to the Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company of Philadelphia, as trustee, a deed of trust or mortgage, as a general mortgage upon their railroad, franchises, and estates, real and personal, « Keôotoeïr, That the bonds of the first series to be issued under said deed of trust or mortgage, be forthwith, or from time to time, as may be necessary, created and issued and 5 delivered, and that the general form and substance of all the bonds of said first series shall be in general form and substance as follows :— (Form of General Mortgage-bond.) " UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. No. ;^iooo. State of Virginia. $ 11,000,000 General Mortgage Loan. " The Norfolk and Western Railroad Company acknowledges itself to be indebted to the Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company of Philadelphia, or bearer, in the principal sum of One Thousand Dollars, United States gold coin, which sum the railroad company promises to pay to the said trust company, or bearer, on the first day of May, one thous¬ and nine hundred and thirty-one, at the office or agency of the said railroad company in the city of Philadelphia, and also to pay, meanwhile, interest on said principal sum half-yearly, on the first days of May and November in each year, at the rate of six per cent, per annum, such interest to be paid on the presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons, and as they severally become due, in United States gold coin, at the office or agency of the said company in Philadelphia or New York. " This bond is one of a series of eleven thousand bonds, num¬ bered consecutively from i to 11,000, inclusive, all of like tenor, for ;^iooo each, and all equally secured by a mortgage or trust deed bearing even date therewith, made by the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company to the Fidelity In¬ surance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company, as trustee, securing 6 said eleven thousand bonds subject to the prior lien of cer¬ tain mortgages and securities, called divisional securities, not exceeding in the aggregate a nominal or par value of ;^5,ooo,- ooo. But it is provided that bonds secured by said mortgage to the amount of ^^5,137,000 shall be reserved in the hands of the trustee for the purpose of taking up said divisional securities : for which provision, and all other terms and con¬ ditions upon which this bond is issued, reference is hereby made to said mortgage. " The principal and interest of this bond are payable without deduction for any United States or State tax whatsoever which the said company is or may be required by law to retain therefrom, the said company hereby agreeing to pay the same. '^This bond shall pass by delivery or by transfer on the books of said railroad company ; but after a registration of ownership certified hereon by the treasurer or transfer agent of the said railroad company, no transfer, except on its books, shall be valid unless the last preceding transfer shall have been ta bearer, and transferability by delivery has been thereby re¬ stored; but this bond shall continue to be susceptible of suc¬ cessive registration to bearer, at the option of its holder, and the registry shall not restrain the negotiability of the coupons by delivery merely. " This bond shall not become valid until the certificate en¬ dorsed hereon shall have been signed by or on behalf of the trustee under said mortgage or trust deed. In Witness Whereof^ The Norfolk and Western Railroad Company has caused its corporate seal to be affixed, and this, bond to be signed by its president and secretary, the day of in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-one. Presidents Attest : Secretary, 7 (Form of Coupon.) ^30- On the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company will pay to the bearer at the Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Philadelphia, or at its agency in the city of New York, thirty dollars, in gold coin, being six months' interest on bond No. {Treas.y Ö31)^r^ci0^ the better to identify the said bonds as those entitled to the benefit of the security afforded by these pre¬ sents, each of them has endorsed upon it a certificate signed on behalf of the party of the second part in the following words—that is to say: Trustee's Certifcate. This bond is one of the series of bonds numbered consecutively from one to thousand inclusive, for ;^iooo each, issued under and secured by the mortgage or trust deed dated 1881, and made by the Norfolk and Western Railroad Com¬ pany to The Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Com¬ pany of Philadelphia, trustee. " The Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Trustee, By President^ tDf)erea0, each of the said bonds is to have attached to it, coupons (with an engraved facsimile of the signature of the treasurer of the first party affixed thereto, which fac-simile is hereby declared to be the true and genuine signature of such treasurer, and of the same force, validity, and effect as if made with his own hand) for each half-yearly installment of 8 interest to accrue thereon, payable at the option of the holders of the coupons, when and as they respectively become due, in the gold coin of the United States, in the city of Philadel¬ phia or New York, at the price named in each coupon. And at the said meeting of the board of directors, the form of this deed of trust or mortgage having been then and there submitted, a further resolution was adopted :— K^oolneö, That the deed of trust or mortgage, to be exe¬ cuted, acknowledged, and delivered by the president and Sec¬ retary of this company, in its behalf, as authorized and di¬ rected this day, shall be in the form now submitted, which form is hereby adopted and approved." it tüa0 fttttljer By the said board at such meeting :— That the president be and he hereby is au¬ thorized for and in behalf of this company, and as its act and deed, to affix its corporate seal to each of the said bonds and to such deed of trust or mortgage, and to sign the same as such president, and to cause the same to be duly attested by the secretary, and when so executed, to acknowl¬ edge and deliver the same and cause the said mortgage to be recorded. That if before the issue and negotiation of the entire issue of the said first series, it shall be found possible to negotiate like bonds bearing a less rate of interest, then that the bonds thereafter issued of said series shall specify instead of six per cent, such lower rate of interest as may hereafter be determined upon, both in the body of such bonds and the cou¬ pons thereunto attached." it íüa0 By the board at such meet¬ ing That bonds to the amount at par value of ;^5,i37,- ooo be executed and delivered to the Fidelity Insurance, 9 Trust and Safe Deposit Company, as trustee, to be held for the purpose of retiring the " Divisional Securities " now out¬ standing, as above mentioned, which shall be done from time to time in the manner provided in the General Mortgage, this day authorized and approved, it being understood that said bonds shall be set apart for said purposes, and shall be used for no other." it xodQ furtl)er ßesotoeö, By the said board at such meet¬ ing That the aggregate amount of all the bonds secured by such mortgage (inclusive of the bonds to be reserved to take up the divisional bonds now secured by mortgage upon certain divisions of the railroad of the company) shall at no time exceed the sum of eleven million 1,000,000) dollars, but may at all times including the bonds set apart to take up the divisional securities be equal to the sum of eleven million 11.000,000) dollars, and that after the payment and cancella¬ tion of the said bonds to be immediately issued hereunder or to be hereafter issued under such mortgage or of any portion thereof an equal amount of bonds may be made and issued by the company in lieu or substitution of any which may have been so paid or canceled, and any and all bonds so issued in lieu or substitution shall be entitled to all the security of this said mortgage or deed of trust which is given to the bonds first secured hereunder, it being intended that the whole amount of bonds to be secured by the said deed of trust or mortgage shall not exceed at any time eleven million (;gi 1,000,000) dollars, that they may at all times be kept up to that amount, and that such mortgage or deed of trust shall be a continuing security for such bonds as may hereafter be issued thereunder as well as for the series which it is now proposed to issue." And it was further That all the bonds intended to be secured by the said deed of trust or mortgage, as well the eleven thousand 10 bonds now authorized to be issued as those which may be made and issued from time to time after the payment of the whole of said eleven thousand bonds or any portion thereof shall from time to time be made, executed, and issued when and as authorized by resolution of the board of directors ; " tl3l)er^íl0^ The Norfolk and Western Railroad Company in pursuance of said resolution and of all and every legal power and authority in them vested propose to make, execute, issue, and negotiate from time to time bonds or obligations to be secured hereby as the board of directors of the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company may from time to time determine, not to exceed, however, at any one time in the aggregate eleven millions {$11,000,000) dollars. Notx), tl)erefore, tl)i0 Mnîicnimc mtnmBctl), that the party of the first part, in consideration of the premises and of the sum of one dollar lawful money of the United States of America to it paid by the party of the second part, at or before the enseal¬ ing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and for the purpose of securing the payment of the principal and interest of the said eleven thousand bonds, to be issued and negotiated as aforesaid, and also any and all bonds that may hereafter be issued in substitution or lieu thereof in pursuance of the provisions of this mortgage or deed of trust, according to the true intent and meaning of the said bonds and of the coupons annexed to the same respect¬ ively, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presents öotl) grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey, and confirm unto the party of the second part, and to its successors and assigns for ever, ali and aingttlar the main line of the railroad of the first party, formerly known as the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Railroad, extending from Norfolk, in the State of Virginia, to the State line at Bristol-Goodson, between the States of Virginia and Tennessee, and all branches thereof now con¬ structed, including the road-bed, superstructure, and right of II way of the said main line of railroad and of its said branches, and the real estate, rails, tracks, side tracks, bridges, buildings, depots, station-houses, shops, warehouses, struc¬ tures, erections, fixtures, and appurtenances of every kind and description thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertain¬ ing, including all lands acquired or designed for depots, warehouses, and structures at either terminus, as well as along the line of the said railroad and of its said branches, and all other property, real and personal, of every kind and description, of the first party, now owned and possessed by it, together with its franchises, rights, and privileges, and all of its tolls, earnings, and income, t0getl)er with all rolling stock and equipment of the said main line and of the said branches, whether such rolling stock and equipment be now owned and possessed or be hereafter acquired by the party of the first part, cAqo all of the estate, right, title, inter¬ est, property, possession, claim, and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the party of the first part of, in, and to the same and every part and parcel thereof with the appur¬ tenances. ttîlù to t)o[ö, all and singular, the above-mentioned and described premises, together with the appurtenances, unio and to the use of the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever (subject to the payment of the said division¬ al securities). 3n trust nrt)ertl)rle6S upon the trusts herein¬ after set forth and declared, for the equal benefit and security of all and every the person, persons, body and bodies corpo¬ rate, who shall respectively be, or at any time become, the holder or holders of the said eleven thousand bonds, and also any and all bonds that may hereafter be issued in substitution or lieu thereof, under the security of this deed of trust [of] (or) mortgage, or of such of them as shall be issued and ne¬ gotiated by the party of the first part, and be at any time out¬ standing, or of the coupons thereon respectively, without pref- and with the p<\rty of the second part, and to and with the re¬ spective person or persons, and corporation or corporations, who shall at any time become holders of the said bonds and coupons hereby secured or any of them, that the party of the first part, its successors and assigns, shall and will at any time» and from time to time hereafter upon request, make, do, exe" cute, and deliver all such further and other acts, deeds, and things as shall be reasonably devised or required to effectuate the intention of these presents, and to assure and confirm to the party of the second part or its successors, all and singular the property and estate, real and personal, hereinbefore de¬ scribed and hereby intended to be granted, and so as to render the same available, for the security and satisfaction of the said bonds and coupons according to the [ex](in)tent and purpose herein expressed. it Í0 further understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto, that the party of the second part may resign and be discharged from the trusts created by these presents, by giving notice to that effect, in writing, to the par¬ ty of the first part, at least three months before such resigna¬ tion shall take effect, and that in case of any such resignation, or if the party of the second part should cease to exist, or for any cause become partially or entirely unable, indepen¬ dently, to perform the trust created by these presents, or if otherwise, the trusteeship, under these presents, should, at any time during the continuance of these presents, be¬ come vacant, a successor or successors of the party of the second part may be appointed by the holders of a majority in interest of the said bonds hereby intended to be secured. 22 and at the time being outstanding, by an instrument in writ¬ ing to that effect, signed by them, or if it should prove imprac¬ ticable, after reasonable exertions, to appoint a successor or successors in that way, and such vacancy shall remain unfilled for the space of six months, that an application on behalf of the holders of all of said bonds hereby secured may be made on due notice to the party of the first part, by the holders of one- tenth of the bonds then outstanding, to any court of competent jurisdiction, to appoint such successor or successors, and the pro¬ visions aforesaid shall apply to such successor or successors, and he and they may resign and be discharged, and any vacancy thus or otherwise occurring in the said trusteeship, at any time during the continuance of the trusts by these presents created, may be filled in the way above provided, in reference to the appointment of a successor of the party of the second part. ®t33elftl).—it is hereby further covenanted and agreed that any successor or successors of the party of the second part or any other new trustee appointed as aforesaid shall immedi¬ ately upon his appointment, and without any further act, deed, or conveyance, become and be vested with all of the estate, trusts, rights, powers, and duties of the trustee in whose place he shall have been appointed, but nevertheless the respective parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns shall and will upon request make, execute, and deliver all such con¬ veyances and assurances, or other instruments as shall be ap¬ propriate, to vest in and confirm and assure to such new trustee such estate, trusts, rights, powers, and duties according to the intent above expressed. the party of the first part, for itself and its successors and assigns, doth hereby further covenant and agree with the second party and with the respective persons and bodies corporate who may at any time become holders of the said bonds or coupons hereby secured, or any or either of them, that ;^S,137,000 of the general mortgage bonds secured 23 hereby, shall be reserved and held by the trustee to be used and employed in acquiring by exchange, purchase, or otherwise the said divisional securities, and that none of the said bonds or their proceeds shall be used and employed for any other purpose (except as hereinafter provided) ; that all of the ^5,137,000 bonds, having been deposited with the second party, shall be held by it as the custodian of the same until they shall be required to be used for the pur¬ poses herein mentioned, when upon the order or direction of the party of the first part they shall, from time to time as so re¬ quired, be delivered to the latter or to whomsoever the latter may direct, upon there being deposited with the party of the second part the proceeds thereof received by the party of the first part or the divisional securities which shall be acquired by means of the same. That the said bonds shall be from time to time disposed of for cash or exchanged for such divisional securities. And such cash proceeds shall be employed in purchasing such divisional securities, at such rates and upon such terms as shall be prescribed or directed by the party of the first part, but so that as long as any of said divisional securities remain unacquired there shall always be left in the hands of the party of the second part of such bonds and of the unused cash proceeds of such of them as may have been sold for cash, an amount sufficient, taken together, to represent such divisional securities at the time being remaining unacquired, esti¬ mating the latter at par, and the said bonds at ninety-five per cent, of their par value, exclusive of any interest which may have accrued thereon. That all of the said divisional securities which may be acquired with the proceeds of any of the said bonds that may be sold for cash or by an exchange or other use of the said bonds, shall be deposited with the party of the second part, and it shall hold the same uncanceled, and without their lien being impaired, as an additional security for the pay- ment of the principal and interest of the said eleven thousand bonds or such of them as may be issued or negotiated as aforesaid, and all such divisional securities or bonds so acquired 24 and as acquired shall be stamped by the party of the second part held by the trustee under the deed of trust or mortgage dated April, [May 4th] 1881, of the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company to The Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Trustee, under and for the purposes of the thirteenth provision of said deed of trust or mortgage." But from time to time whenever all of the bonds secured by any one of the divisional mortgages or deeds of trust shall have been acquired the bonds secured by such divisional mortgage or deed of trust shall be canceled, and the lien of the same upon any portion of the said railroad and other property satisfied and discharged. It is understood, however, that in the mean time the cou¬ pons upon such divisional securities which shall be so ac¬ quired shall be canceled by the party of the second part and surrendered to the party of the first part from time to time as they become due, provided that at such time the ma¬ tured coupons upon such of the said eleven thousand bonds as shall have been issued by the party of the first part shall have been duly paid. And that if after all of the said divisional securities shall have been acquired and canceled, any surplus of the said ;^5,i37,ooo of bonds shall remain unissued, or any surplus of the proceeds of any of the said bonds which may have been sold, shall remain in the hands of the party of the second part, such surplus bonds shall be delivered to the party of the first part, and such surplus of proceeds shall be paid over to the party of the first part. iFourteentl),—St is further understood that pursuant to the authoritv conferred in the resolutions hereinbefore recited, the ✓ ' party of the first part shall have and has the right to issue as a portion of the First Series of bonds hereby secured, bonds in the form hereinbefore set forth, but at a less rate of interest than six per cent per annum, with appropriate coupons to be there¬ unto annexed, and also when and as any of the first or any subse¬ quent series of bonds may be paid or taken up and canceled, to issue, by way of substitution or in lieu thereof, from time to 25 time, under the security of this deed of trust or mortgage other bonds, of the party of the first part coupon or otherwise. Sterling or dollar bonds, in such series, to mature at such date or dates, bearing such rate of interest not exceeding six per cent, per annum, in such form or forms, upon and containing such conditions as the board of directors of the party of the first part may determine, provided the aggregate of all issues, under this deed of trust or mortgage, at any one time out¬ standing, shall not, including the bonds set apart to take up divisional securities, exceed the sum of ;^i 1,000,000 ; and the certificate of the trustee, upon any bond, of any series, of the gen¬ eral tenor hereinbefore mentioned, or in any other form or forms in which it may be from time to time determined by the board of directors of the party of the first part, to issue bonds, pursuant to the resolutions hereinbefore recited, under the security of the deed of trust or mortgage, that such bond is one of those issued under and secured by this deed of trust or mortgage, shall be conclusive evidence that it is one of those issued in accordance with the said resolutions, and is entitled to share in the security of this deed of trust or mortgage, whatever the rate of interest, the amount or form of such bond may be. it Í0 further understood and agreed by and between the parties to these presents, that in case the party of the second part or its successors shall, upon default made, take possession or make sale of the said premises, in pursuance of the provisions hereinbefore contained, it or they shall be entitled to receive or retain from the income and proceeds of the said premises, a reasonable remuneration for its or their services in the care and management of said premises. Si^teentl).—the party of the second part doth hereby accept the trust conferred upon it by these presents. 3n toitneso The party of the first part has caused its corporate seal, attested by its secretary, to be hereunto 26 affixed, and those presents to be signed by its president ; and the party of the second part, in evidence of its acceptance of the trust hereby created, has caused these presents to be signed by its president, and its corporate seal, attested by its secretary, to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written. Seal of I the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company, Attest : GEORGE F. TYLER, President. George R. W. Armes, Secretary. / Seal of the Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Attest : STEPHEN A. CALDWELL, President. R. Patterson, Secretary. Sealed and delivered in the presence of " upon" in page, The words " power " in seventeenth line third page, and thirteenth line twentieth interlined, and first "or" in twenty-first line eleventh page^ and the word " intent " in sev¬ enth line twenty-first page, writ¬ ten partly on erasures before ex* ecution. Jos. 1. Doran, John W. Brock. 27 ötate of birginia, \ ^ €üb of Norfolk, l I, L. B. Alien, notary public for the city of Norfolk, do certify that George F. Tyler, president of the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company, whose name is signed to the foregoing deed of trust or mortgage bearing date on the fourth day of May, in the year of our Lord 1881, has acknowledged the same before me, in my city aforesaid, and has further acknowledged and declared that he executed the same as president of the Norfolk and Western Rail¬ road Company, and for and on behalf of said company as its act and deed, having as such president signed his name thereto and affixed the corporate seal of said company ; and that he has caused the same to be duly attested by George R. W. Armes, the secretary of said company, all of which has been done by him under and pursuant to the authority con¬ ferred on him by the stockholders and board of directors of said Norfolk and Western Railroad Company. And I do further certify that George R. W. Armes, the secretary of the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company, whose name is also signed to the deed of trust or mortgage, bearing date the fourth day of May, A. D. 1881, as hereinbe¬ fore referred to, has also this day personally appeared before me in my said city, and has acknowledged the same, and has declared that by the direction of George F. Tyler, as president of the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company, and under and pursuant to the authority conferred by the stock¬ holders and board of directors of said company, he has duly attested the said deed of trust or mortgage of said Norfolk and Western Railroad Company, and has signed his name to said attestation. Given under my hand and official seal this fourth day of May, A. D. 1881. L. B. Allen, |?Notiry?iw?c!°'] Notary Public. 28 State of birgittia, Ob of Norfolk, I, L. B. Allen, notary public for the city of Norfolk, State aforesaid, do certify that Stephen A. Caldwell, presi¬ dent of the Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Com¬ pany, whose name is signed to the foregoing deed of trust or mortgage, bearing date on the fourth day of May, in the year of our Lord iSSi, has acknowledged the same before me, in my city aforesaid, and has further acknowledged and declared that he executed the same as president of the Fi¬ delity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company, and for and on behalf of said conrpany as its act and deed, having as such president signed his name thereto and affixed the cor¬ porate seal of said company ; and that he has caused the same to be duly attested by Robert Patterson, the secretary of said company, all of which has been done by him under and pursuant to the authority conferred on him by the board of directors of said 'jÇhe Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe De¬ posit Company. Given under my hand and official seal this fourth day of May, A. D. iSSi. r Seal of L. B. Allen,"] L Notary Public. J L. B. Allen, Notary Public. 5556 042 154674