MR. CABELL'S RESOLUTION. D%3j] Resolved, That the best interests of the state requiring the immediate resumption and vigorous prosecution of the suspended public works, having for their object a line of commercial intercourse uniting the navigable waters of the Ohio with the tide water of James river, the committee of Roads and Inland Navigation be instructed to prepare and report a suitable charter of incorporation, with a view to the completion of the enterprize through the instrumentality of a joint stock company, with provisions in the charter that the connection aforesaid shall be by a line of canals or rail-roads, from the tide water of James river, to a proper point of termination on the Kanawha river, and by an improvement for steam boat navigation from such point of junction on the Kanawha, to its confluence with the Ohio river; that the capital of the company shall be adequate to the execution of the works in the best and most workmanlike manner; that three-fifths of said capital shall be raised by private subscription; and two-fifths shall be subscribed by the state; and that the exist¬ ing improvements already executed, and held by the state, on the line of the James and Kanawha rivers, shall be trans¬ ferred to the company at their just value, to be ascertained in some mode to be provided in the charter, and shall be received in part payment of the state's subscription to the stock of said company.