/ / 5' LIBRARY BUREAU OF RAILWAY ECONOMICS WASHINGTON, 0. C. - i# V -r -•usr" j w^r ^ $ 7 *T "2_ ( j <*? THE FORT FOLIO. BY OLIVER OLDSCHOOL, ESQ. Various; that the mind Of desultory man, studious of change, And pleas'd with novelty, may be indulged.—Cowper. for the port folio. RAILWAYS AND CANALS. A new method of transferring boats of burden, loaded carriages, fyc. from one level to another, applicable to Canals and Rail Roads: also, a new Method of sup¬ plying any level of a. Canal with water drawn from a feeder situated at any considerable depth below such level; in two parts. By S. H. Long, Maj. U. S. Log.; a member of the Lyceum of Nat. Hist. N. Y.; the Amer. Phil. Soc., the Acad. Nat. Sciences, and the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, &c. It is the design of this essay, to give a general view of the means employed for the accomplishment of the objects above stated; accordingly, all details, in relation to mechanical principles, parts of machinery, and modes of application, will be avoided, except such as may be deemed essential to a de¬ velopment of the mechanical principles involved in the me¬ thods proposed, so far as the latter may have any claim to novelty and originality. A particular description of the pro¬ jects alluded to, embracing numerous details of the character first intimated, but too minute and diversified, perhaps, for insertion in a scientific journal, has been prepared and is intended as the specification of a patent hereafter to be secured. Before we enter upon these topics, it may be proper to notice some of the methods that have been devised for simi¬ lar purposes, to which those under consideration, are of afktl, 1825.—no. 276 24 266 Long cyi Railways and Canals. course, in some respects, a-rtalq^ous. A reference of this na¬ ture, will, at least, facilitate researches into the character and comparative merits of l%th\ The method of transition by means of inclined planes, is said to have been first introduced into the British dominions by Mr. Dukart, a Sardinian, previously to the year 1777. This engineer constructed three inclined planes of different lifts, upon a canal in Ireland. The Duke of Bridgewater's under-ground inclined plane, at Walkden Moor, is one of the most celebrated works of this kind. Its length is one hundred and fifty-one yards; its declivity, one in four. It is adapted to the transfer of a load¬ ed carriage weighing twenty-one tons. An inclined plane of great extent communicates with the Neath canal. The transfer of carriages, on this plane, is ef¬ fected by means of a steam-engine at its summit. On the Shropshire canal and its branches are several in¬ clined planes, constructed by the celebrated Mr. Reynolds, to whom the world is indebted for many valuable improve¬ ments in the mode of overcoming the difference of levels on canals and rail roads. The inclined planes, constructed by this gentleman, were of various lifts, from seventy-three to two hundred and seven feet perpendicular. In connexion with the Grand Trunk, Peake, and Lancas¬ ter canals, are several inclined planes, one of which, on the canal last mentioned, has a perpendicular rise of two hundred and twenty-two feet. The inclined planes that have been employed as a means of communication between different levels, both of canals and rail-roads, in Great-Britain, are exceedingly numerous. Ac¬ counts of them have been published in the new " Edinburgh Encyclopedia," Art. " navigation, inland;"—in " The Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland," Edin¬ burgh, 1824; and in various other works. Of the application of the inclined plane in France, we have an example on one of the branches of the Canal da Centre. The subject of inclined planes has been frequently dis¬ cussed by several writers, who have successively suggested methods, many of which have never been practicably ap¬ plied. In the class last alluded to, may be included the in¬ clined plane of Mr. Lamb, described in his " Treatise of Universal Navigation," London, 1791. Several modes of transition by inclined planes, invented by Mr. Fulton, and Long on Railways and Canals. 267 explained in his " Treatisqf on Canals," London, 1796. Tatham's " Method of passing vessels from one level to another by an Inclined Plane; Tatham's Inland Navigation, Philadelphia, 1799. Professor Renvvick's Inclined Plane, an account of which has been published in his Report to the Commissioners of the Delaware and Passaic canal, p. 11, et seq. 1S23. Scott's doubled railed Inclined Plane, described in the " Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland," before cited. In regard to the mode of transfer by means of a perpendi¬ cular lift, it is believed that there are but very few examples of its successful application. Numerous methods have been devised for this purpose, but, for the most part, they have either proved defective, or have never been satisfactorily tested. The methods deemed most worthy of attention, are the following: Dr. Anderson's Perpendicular Lift, of which we have a description in the supplement to Dobson's Encyclopedia— Art. Canals, is said to be the first ever invented as a substi¬ tute for locks of the ordinary construction. It does not ap¬ pear, however, that his plan has ever been subjected to the test of experiment. We are indebted to our ingenious countryman, Mr. Fulton, for several modifications of the perpendicular lift, published in the treatise before cited; none of which, however, has as yet been applied in the construction of canals. We are informed by Mr. Carson, of the West Point found¬ ry, "there are upon a canal in England, in the neighbour¬ hood of the city of Gloucester, several perpendicular lifts, at this moment in successful operation.—Vide Prof. Renvvick's Report, already cited, p. 8. "A perpendicular lift has been successfully applied by Forey, on the plans of Bossut and Solages, to the canal du Creusot in France." In allusion to this mode of transition, Navier, the editor of the papers of Gouthey, states, that " it is no longer to be doubted that there is a cheap, permanent, and easy method, of overcoming differences of level of from twenty-five to for¬ ty feet, upon small canals." A plan of a perpendicular lift, devised by Mr. Benjamin Dearborn, of Boston, Mass., has recently been published by Mr. J. L. Sullivan, in connexion with his report to the com¬ missioners of the Delaware and Hudson Canal, 1824, agreea- 36S Long on Railways and Canals. bly to which the transfer is .to be effected by means of a moveable lock, and stone counterweights. Several of the modes herein alluded to depend on the same general principle, viz. locks and counterweights, as the means of transition. The method intended as the principal subject of this essay, differs from those above noticed in the following respects, viz.—the manner of suspending the locks;—of bringing them into contact with the upper canal;—of supporting them in the situation just mentioned;—of regulating their movements, and overcoming their momentum;—of counteracting the buoyancy of the water in the lower canal, and forming a com¬ munication therewith; and of adjusting the range of the locks, in their passage from one level to another, in conformity to the extent of the lift. Part I. Ji new method of transferring boats of burden, loaded carriages, $c from one level to another; applicable to canals and rail-roads^x Both modes of transition, viz. by a vertical or perpendi¬ cular lift, and by an oblique lift or inclined plane, are here contemplated. A particular description of the former, how¬ ever, is all that is required on the present occasion; inasmuch as the effect in both is produced by the same combination of mechanical principles, though somewhat differently applied. Of the perpendicular lift. A view of the machinery to be employed for the purpose above mentioned, is exhibit¬ ed in Plate I. Fig. 1, 2, and 3, the several parts of which, together with the purposes for which they are employed, are the subject of the following: Description of machinery, and references to the drawings. Plate I. Fig. 1. is an oblique view, exhibiting the manner of the Perpendicular Lift. A, a part of the lower canal, terminated by a basin, sepa¬ rated into two equal parts by a pier placed longitudinally within it. Each apartment of the basin is to be of a size large enough to admit a lock, into which the boats of the canal may pass. The walls or outer sides of the basin, together with the pier above mentioned, must be adapted to the support of a part of the works above. B, a portion of the upper canal, terminated by a bulkhead situated directly above the interior extremity of the basin A, * A model of this may be seen at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. Long on Railways and Canals. 269 and furnished with two gateways, corresponding to the divi¬ sions 01 apartments of the basin below. Each gateway must be of such dimensions, and so adjusted by means of a rabbit or bevel, that one end of the lock before mentioned being ad¬ justed in a corresponding manner, may penetrate a little within it, testing upon the sill of the gateway, and impinging against its sides. The gateway may be furnished either with a single or folding gates, as may be deemed most proper,—the gate or gates being so arranged that, when opened, they will leave the gateway free from obstruction to the passage of a body equal in area to the gateway itself, or nearly so. Each of the gates must be furnished with a small gate or water-wicket. That part of the bulkhead, between the gateways, must also be furnished with a small gate, the use of which will hereafter be explained. Of che moveable locks, C & D. The transit or moveable locks must be of a form and dimensions adapted to the shape and size of the boats employed upon the canal, in such a man¬ ner as to admit the least possible quantity of water into the lock, along with the loaded boat. Hence the shape of the lock will be similar to that of the frustrum of an oblong py¬ ramid inverted. That end of the lock which is to come in contact with the bulkhead, as before intimated, must be furnished with a tongue extending along its sides and bottom, and adapted to the sides and bottom of the gateway, so that by the interposition of a suitable packing of leather between it and the gateway, they may be rendered impervious to water at their junction. The lock must be furnished with a gate at each end, shut¬ ting water tight into the lock. The gate may be made to slide vertically into the lock, or it may be furnished with hinges at the bottom, and be made to open outwardly of the lock, by- immersion to the bottom of the canal; or it may be appended to one side of the lock, and traverse horizontally on its hinges. Each lock-gate, in the ends of the locks pointing towards the bulkhead, must be furnished with a small gate or water- wicket, corresponding to those of the gates of the bulkhead. A frame-work adapted to the reception of at least two pulley-wheels, c c, for each lock, must be attached to the lock in such a manner that the whole weight of the lock and its contents, maintaining a horizontal posture, may be suspended by it, and bear equally upon the points of suspension. The frame-work for each pulley-wheel, may consist of two up- 270 Long on Railways and Canals. rights firmly attached to each side of the lock, and a bearer in which the .pulley-wheel may ply on an axle turning with it. In order to prevent the lock from warping, it will be proper to strengthen it by braces or stays of iron, passing from the tops of the uprights to the sides of the lock. The bearers d d d d must extend beyond the uprights far enough to rest upon the tops of the crane in a manner hereafter explain¬ ed. They must also be strapped and braced with iron, to prevent working or springing. The pulleys of each lock must be connected by a coupling rod of iron attached to their axles, in order to ensure a corres¬ pondence in their movements. It is contemplated to have the pulley-wheels five or six feet in diameter, and their peri¬ pheries cased with iron, and furnished with a groove or track for the reception of a large chain; or it may be preferable that the whole wheel be made of cast iron.* Of the main shaft and wheels, E E. The wheels of the main shaft c are of a construction similar to that of the pul¬ ley-wheels, and strongly connected by a coupling rod or shaft in the same manner. Their diameters may be considerably larger than those of the pulley-wheels, being equal to the ho¬ rizontal distance transversely from the pulley of one lock to the corresponding pulley of the other. Their distance from each other must be equal to that of the lock-pullies in each lock. The shaft c must be furnished with a drum or barrel, whose diameter is equal to about one-third part of that of the wheels. The drum must be firmly attached to the shaft, cased with iron on the outside, and adapted to the reception of the brakechain k, hereafter described. Of the windlass-wheels, F F, and their windlasses, Fig. 1. The windlasses f f, may either be shafts of timber, of suitable dimensions, or axles of iron furnished with drums of equal diameters, fitted for the reception of the lock-chains G G, hereafter described. The extent of the peripheries of the windlasses or axles, should be somewhat greater than the depth of the water in the canal, the buoyancy of which is to be completely overcome by the action of the wheels and windlasses. The distance between the drums of each shaft, or those parts of the windlasses on which the chains are to * In the construction of the locks and their appendages, particular re¬ gard must be paid to their weight, so that one may be as nearly as pos¬ sible an exact counterpoise of the other. Long on Railways and Canals. 271 wind, must be equal to that of the wheels of the main shaft. The windlass-wheels, F F, may be either of a circular or spi¬ ral form: the latter, however, is better adapted to the purpose for which they are intended. Their peripheries should be furnished with a groove for the reception of the bucket- chains, 11, and of small chains or cords suspending counter¬ poises, ii, hereafter to be noticed. The wheels should be attached to their windlasses at some point intermediate to the main wheels E E. Their circumferences should be equal or in some due proportion to the whole distance between the upper and lower canal.* Op the lock-chains G. Fig. 1.—These must be of suffi¬ cient strength to sustain the locks and their contents, what¬ ever may be their weight. Agreeably to the figure, each lock is sustained by four chains or parts of chains; hence the chain must be strong enough to support one-fourth part of each lock, and at the same lime overcome any inequalities of action that may occur in the transition of the locks, from one level to the other. The proof to which chain cables of iron, one inch in diame¬ ter are subjected, is their ability to resist an action equal to eighteen tons suspended:—hence, if an allowance be made of six tons for each chain, or twenty-four tons for each lock, for any inequalities of action that may occur, (and such an allowance seems even greater than the nature of the case requires,) the strength of chains applied, will be adequate to the support and transfer of forty-eight tons, in connexion with each lock. The length of the chains must be such that when either lock, C, is at the upper canal in a condition to communicate therewith, the other, D, may be immersed in the lower canal, resting on the bottom, the chains passing over the main, E E, under the lock-wheels c c c c, and being attached outwardly to the windlasses ff in the direc¬ tion of a tangent to their peripheries. An alternate succession of links and straps, the former being made square, or in the form of parallelograms, con¬ nected by the latter, which are to be of a width correspond¬ ing to the interior spread of the links, would be the form of * In situations where a very extensive lift is required—the wheel can¬ not be made large enough to have a circumference commensurate with the lift. In such cases the difficulty may be remedied by the interven¬ tion of pullies between the wheels and the bucket H. * 272 Long on Railways and Canals. construction best suited to the purpose. The links and straps of those parts of the chain which are intended to wind upon the windlasses, ought to be made somewhat shorter than those of other parts. The chains may be attached to the windlasses by means of staples or bolts. Of the tucket H, and its chain I I. Fig. 1st.—The bucket must, be of a form adapted to the space in which it is to move, and of a capacity to receive a quantity of water suf¬ ficient to act as a counterpoise to one loaded lock. Its appro¬ priate locality is a portion of the space between the lock- ways, as near as may be to a vertical line, passing from the bulkhead to the basin below;—so that it may alternately rest on the pier, and be suspended above it. It may there¬ fore be of a square or oblong form, according to the quantity of water it must receive.—Its capacity must be to that of one lock inversely, as the circumference of the windlass-wheel is to that of the windlass or drum, or as the height of the lift to the depth of water in the canal; or rather the weight of the bucket, added to that of the water it will contain, must be to those of the lock and its contents, in the ratio above mentioned. In case of the intervention of one or more puliies, between the windlass-wheels and the bucket, as intimated before, the same proportion obtains, except that instead of the circum¬ ference of the windlass-wheels, a multiple of its circumfer¬ ence. corresponding to the intervening pulley power, must be substituted. The bucket must be furnished with a small gate or valve in its bottom, through which its contents of water may be discharged at pleasure.—The water for replenishing the bucket is to be drawn by means of suitable gates and aque¬ ducts, partly from the space intervening between the gates of the locks and those of the bulk head, and partly from the upper canal itself, through the small gate situated in the bulk¬ head between the main gateways. The chains I I, by which the bucket is suspended, may be constructed after the manner of the ordinary draft-chain.— One end of each chain is to be attached to its appropriate windlass wheel upon which the chain is to ply, in the direction of a tangent to its periphery.—The other ends of the chain are to be united, and attached to the bucket in any appropri¬ ate manner, with the intervention of one or more puliies, or otherwise as the case may require. Long on Railways and Canals. 273 It will be proper to suspend from the outsides of the wind¬ lass-wheels, or the sides opposite to those from which the bucket is suspended, two small weights i i, serving as a coun¬ terpoise to the empty bucket, in order to preserve an equili¬ brium in those parts of the machinery. N. B. By lengthening or shortening the bucket chains, the range of the locks may be increased or diminished at pleasure. Of the hydraulic brake K.—A particular description of this part will be given in connexion with the reference to Fig. 3. The brake-chain K, in its construction, may be similar to the lock-chains, though of inferior strength. Its length should be such that it may reach from the main shaft or drum e, nearly to the bottom of the brake K. It must be attached to the shaft or drum, by means of a staple or otherwise, in such a manner that it may freely ply thereon in both directions. The drum or shaft may be furnished with two parallel flanges, just far enough apart to receive the chain, which in this case must coil or wind upon itself, in a manner to aid rather than thwart the purpose of the brake. The chain must be made to pass between two pullies L, situated at any con¬ venient distance above the brake, upon which the chain will act alternately, according to the direction in which it winds upon the main shaft. Of the vertical lock-crane.—Fig. 2. Plate I. exhibits an oblique view of the crane, the object of which is to sus¬ tain the lock when in contact with the bulkhead, in which position the lock communicates with the upper canal, the. former serving as a prolongation of the latter. The crane for each lock is to consist of four uprights, M M M M, furnished with oscillatory joints at their bottoms, and steps to receive the protruding ends of the lock-bearers, d, Fig. 1. at or near their tops, together with a trigger-shaft to regulate its movements, and other adjustments. The uprights are to be based upon the side walls and pier of the. lock-basin at the bottom of the lift, or, in cases where the lift is very extensive, upon steps attached to the side walls of the recess, or lock-pit, and corresponding steps resting upon the pier at such a depth below the upper level, that the length of the uprights may not exceed twenty feet. The uprights on each side of the lock, are to be connected april, 1825:—no. 276. 35 274 Long on Railways and Canals. by ties, m m, attached to the outside of the uprights, and con¬ fined by plug-work or slides so as to prevent any lateral movements of the crane.—Either of the two uprights oppo¬ site each other transversely of the lock, may be connected to the arms, o o, of the trigger-shaft N, by means of the con¬ necting rods n n. These several parts being thus connect¬ ed, constitute the lock-crane, the motions of which are regu¬ lated by the lever 0, of the trigger-shaft. Each lock being furnished with a crane of this description, may be supported at the upper level in the utmost safety for any length of time. N. B.—The uprights of the crane serve as guides to direct the move¬ ments, not onty of the locks, but of the bucket also. Kach lock is made to ascend and descend within the uprights of its own crane, while the bucket is to traverse the space between the cranes, and contiguous to the uprights nearest the bulkhead. Of the hydraulic brake, Fig. 3.—This machine may be regarded as a necessary appendage to any machinery em¬ ployed for the purposes herein considered, and is susceptible of various other applications.—Its principal object is, to coun¬ teract the momentum of a non-elastic body, whose velocity and weight may be subject to the controul of artificial means. —In the present case it is intended to regulate the move¬ ments of the locks, in their passage from one level to the other, and to save the machinery, &c. from the shocks to which they would otherwise be liable at the conclusion of every movement. The expedients heretofore adopted with a view to the accomplishment of this purpose, appear uni¬ formly objectionable, both in their nature, and in their appli¬ cation, for the following reasons: the principles involved in their mode of imparting resistance does not become active, till the moving body lias acquired a considerable velocity, or else, (as is always the case, when a spring or weight is employed as the medium of resistance) the opposing power is attended by a reaction, equal to the resistance that has been imparted to the moving body: consequently, the expedient in the former case is attended with no other result than that of limiting the maximum velocity, and in the latter, it leaves the machinery incumbered with a reacting force not easily obviated, while at the same time the practicability of adjust¬ ing a weight or spring in such a manner that its power of resistance may be precisely equal to the momentum against which it is to operate, is by no means admissible in case-1 Long on llailwuys and Canals. 2 75 where the extent of motion is to be limited.—In the applica¬ tion of the expedients alluded to, the following defect is pal¬ pable, viz. that the constant and careful attention of an expe¬ rienced manager is necessary during their operation, in order to prevent accidents that might prove fatal both to the machi¬ nery and the burdens transported. Various other objections might be urged, but these are deemed sufficient on the pre¬ sent occasion.—It is believed that but few, if any of them, are applicable to the machine under consideration. The hydraulic brake is susceptible of various modifications; but the form best suited to our present purpose, is that of the frustrum of a pyramid or cone, as represented in Fig. 3. which also exhibits a view of the internal structure of the brake.—Let K K represent a trunk, either square or circu¬ lar, and of the form above mentioned, being closed at the bottom, and rendered impervious to water and atmospheric air throughout, except at the top. It may be constructed either of wood or metal, but must be of a strength to resist an external pressure equal to one atmosphere. About one- third part of the distance between the two levels may be assumed as the appropriate length of the trunk. Its other di¬ mensions must vary according to the nature and amount of the momentum to be overcome. The piston P, is in all res¬ pects similar to the moveable piston of a common sucking pump. Its area must be equal, or nearly so, to a transverse section of the interior of the trunk at the smaller end.—The brake-chain k, has already been described. It is attached to the piston P, and serves to communicate the resistance of the brake to the main shaft e. N. It.—The trunk must be filled with water, or other liquid, which is to lie regarded as an essential appendage of the hydraulic brake. The principal upon which the hydraulic brake operates, is the resistance encountered by the piston in its passage through the liquid contained in the trunk. On the supposition that the trunk is equable, or of the same transverse area through¬ out, the resistance would be as the squares of the velocity with which the piston moves. But when the trunk is of a taper form, the ratio of the velocity to the resistance will be considerably greater. It is obvious, from the foregoing description, that the piston (which must be specifically heavier than the liquid with which 27b Long on Railways and Canals. the trunk is filled,) in its passage downward, will meet witli very little resistance, inasmuch as the valve will open and sutler the liquid to pass freely through it. But when its motion is reversed, the valve will be shut, and the super¬ incumbent liquid will be forced between the piston and sides of the trunk, creating a resistance proportionable to the space through which it is thus compelled to pass, as well as to the velocity with which both the liquid and piston move. But, as the piston ascends, this space gradually diminishes, and becomes extinct when the piston arrives at the top of the trunk, the whole area of which is now occupied by it. This, therefore, may be regarded as the point of maximum resist¬ ance, which will be equal to fifteen pounds upon every square inch of the piston, added to the weight of the superincumbent liquid. The minimum resistance of the brake will vary ac¬ cording to the following circumstances: viz. the velocity with which the piston moves in the largest part of the trunk,—the comparative magnitude of the space through which the liquid has to move in passing the piston,—or the difference between the areas of the piston and largest part of the trunk, also the area of the piston as in the case of maximum resistance.— The maximum and minimum resistance being determined, a mean resistance may be found, which, being multiplied into the distance through which the piston moves, will give the aggregate resistance of the brake.—But the aggregate resist¬ ance or action of the brake is sufficient to counteract a mo¬ mentum of equal force; accordingly, if the area of the piston, which is supposed to be equal to that of the smaller end of the trunk,—the velocity with which the piston moves in the largest part of the trunk, which is the point of its maximum velocity, as well as minimum resistance,—and the area of that part of the trunk last mentioned, be given, we have sufficient data to estimate the amount of momentum, or quantity of motion that may be overcome by the brake. The arrange¬ ment of the brake with respect to other parts of the machinery must be such, that when one of the locks is at the upper, and the other at the lower canal, the piston will be at or near the top of the trunk, and when both locks are at the centre of the lift, the piston will be at the bottom of the trunk. Manner of operation.—Suppose the lock C, (Plate I. Fig. 1.) at the upper canal B, resting upon its crane. Fig. 2. now to be regarded as constituting a part of Fig. 1. and the lock I), at the lower canal A, immersed in the basin.—The Long on Railways and Canals. 277 bucket II empty, D elevated to the top of its range, where it is in a situation to be replenished, and the piston P, of the hydraulic brake Fig. 3. raised to the top of the trunk. The several parts being thus arranged, and the locks C and D fdled with water, a loaded boat may be floated into each of them, and their gates be shut.—Let the bucket now be filled with water drawn partly from the space between the gates of the lock C, and the corresponding gate of the bulk-head, and partly from the upper canal, through appropriate aqueducts, until it preponderates and descends to the lower level, where it will rest on the pier of the basin. The descent of the bucket will cause the lock D to be raised out of the water of the basin, and at the same time relieve the lock-crane from the weight of the lock C.—Let the crane be withdrawn from beneath the bearers d d, by elevating the lever 0, of the trigger-shaft.—Draw from the lock D a small quantity of water through the wicket of the lock-gate, in order to give preponderancy to the lock C, which will now descend to the lower canal, while the lock D will ascend to the upper. While the locks are in the act of approaching each other, or, in other words, are moviDg towards the point of transit, at the centre of the lift, their motion will be gradually accel¬ erated, inasmuch as the piston of the brake is at the same time descending in the trunk, incapacitated for resistance. But when the locks are receding from each other, having passed the point of transit, their motion will be gradually re¬ tarded, for the piston will have descended through its course, and will now be moving in the opposite direction, its valve being closed, and the brake, consequently, in a condition for action. The resistance encountered by the piston will now be communicated to the main-shaft or drum e, and will gra¬ dually overcome the momentum of the locks. When the lock C shall have descended to the lower canal, the lock D will be high enough for its bearers to rest on the steps of its crane, which is in all respects like that of the lock C, and must be brought under the bearers for the support of the lock. Dis¬ charge the water from the bucket H, through the valve or gate in its bottom, and it will ascend to the top of its range, while the lock C will be immersed in the basin. Force the lock D home to the bulkhead of the upper canal, by depress¬ ing the lever 0, of the trigger-shaft, and secure it by means pf a trigger or stopper. Finally, throw open the gates com- 27S Long on Railways and Canals. municating with the upper and lower canals, and the boats may be floated into them and proceed on their voyage.'* Of the momentum and maximum velocity of the locks. —The momentum will be equal to that acquired by a body whose weight is equal to the difference of the weights of the two loaded locks ready to pass the lift, by falling through a space equal to the perpendicular height of the lift.—Hence the maximum velocity of such a body multiplied into its weight will give the momentum of the locks, which will be equal to the resistance required of the brake. The maximum velocity of the locks in their passage from one level to the other, will take place at a point midway,of the lift. It may be determined by the following proportion, viz. as the sum of the weights of the loaded locks is to the difference of their weights, so is the maximum velocity of a body acquired in falling through a space equal to one-half the height of the lift, to the maximum velocity of the locks, or as the vis inertia of the loaded locks is to the moving power, which is the difference of their weights, so is the maximum velocity of the moving power to the maximum velocity of the locks.—Hence the mean velocity, being equal to one half the maximum velocity, may be determined: and the height of the lift being divided by the mean velocity, will give the lime required to pass from one level to the other.t Finally,—having determined the aggregate resistance of which a hydraulic brake, of given or assumed dimensions, is capable, as also the momentum of locks of any given weight or magnitude,—we have a clue whereby to determine the area of a piston of sufficient size to counteract the momentum thus found,—as exemplified in the following proportion, viz. as the resistance of which the given brake is capable, is to the area of its piston, so is the resistance sufficient to coun¬ teract a given momentum, to the area of the piston required. Of the oblique lift, ok inclined plane.—A few re¬ marks under this head will suffice on this occasion. It is pro- * It is obvious that in the passage of the locks, some degree of prc- ponderancy will be given to the lowermost, the length of the lock-chains suspended with it being greater than that suspended with the uppermost, which will destroy the equilibrium of the moving apparatus. This incon¬ venience may be remedied either by balance-chains of suitable weight ap¬ pended to the bottom of the locks, or by a weight attached to the brake- chain, either of which may be so adjusted as to maintain an equilibrium suffi¬ ciently exact. f In the foregoing proposition no allowance is made for friction. Long on Railways and Canals. 279 posed to employ locks supported on carriages, and moving upon railways, in all respects similar to those devised and recommended by Prof. Renwick, except in the apparatus em¬ ployed in effecting their transition from one level to the other. This object is to be accomplished in a manner similar to that of the vertical lift already described, a single chain, with ap¬ propriate pulley-wheels, together with a windlass situated at the head of the plane transversely of the railways, being sub¬ stituted instead of two chains, &c. as employed on the occa¬ sion alluded to. The windlass-wheel is to be situated exteri¬ orly of the railway. The bucket is to move in a frame erected for its reception, at, or near, the bottom of the plane, and rising to a height equal to that of the lift. The bucket-chain must passover a pulley in the top of the frame just mention¬ ed, and ply upon the windlass-wheel at or near the nadir point. The brake may be situated in a well excavated for that purpose, between the railways, at any convenient dis¬ tance from the top of the plane. The brake-chain may pass over a pulley-wheel, situated between the railways near the head of the plane.—Or, two brakes may be employed, viz. one for each lock; to be located at the centre of the railways, in a situation so low that the carriages may freely pass over them. In this case their chains may be attached to any con¬ venient parts of the carriages, two pulleys being required for each chain, and situated at the top of its appropriate brake. The manner of operation is similar to that of the perpendicu¬ lar lift. Of the method as applied to railroads.—Instead of the lock, let two coffers be substituted, each of which will contain a quantity of water of sufficient weight to counterba¬ lance a loaded carriage of the heaviest burden admissible upon the road. Each coffer is to be furnished with a covering or platform, and railways corresponding to those of the railroad, alternately serving as continuations of the upper and lower railways, when brought into contact with them respectively. At the top of each coffer is an opening or orifice, through which it may be filled with water; and at the bottom a small gate or valve, by means of which any portion of this water may be discharged, in order to maintain an equilibrium be¬ tween the two loaded coffers, or give preponderancy to the uppermost. The water necessary to supply the coffers may be drawn from a feeder situated midway of the lift, or at any point above that elevation. For example, let us suppose the 2S0 Odes and Jlddresses to Great People. coffers brought to the point first indicated, which is the point of transit, and both filled with water at the same time. This being accomplished, let a small quantity be discharged from one, in order to give preponderancy to the other, and they will assume positions, the former at the upper level, and the latter at the lower. Place a loaded carriage upon the lower¬ most, and drain off its water till the uppermost preponderates, and the carriage will be transferred to the upper level or road. It is obvious, that in the descent of a carriage, when there is no ascending carriage to act as a counterpoise, a quantity of water, nearly equal in weight to the descending load, may be raised from the lower to the upper level.—Accordingly, in cases where an economical use of water becomes necessary, it will be proper to construct a reservoir at a convenient elevation above the transit point, into which any water that is to be discharged from the uppermost coffer may be receiv¬ ed and held in reserve for replenishing the coffers on other occasions. It will readily be perceived that in this application of the method, the windlass-bucket, and their appendages, and even the lock pulley-wheels may be dispensed with.—The former, because useless, in as much as there is no buoyancy of water at the lower level to be counteracted; and the latter are no longer necessary, since a single chain at, or near, each end of the coffer will be sufficient to sustain the load. (To be continued.) for the port folio. ODES AND ADDRESSES TO GREAT PEOPLE.* This is one of the wittiest and pleasantest little books that has been published since the "Rejected Addresses." It is written with great carelessness; many parts of it will scarcely be understood by the public; and in some instances the author himself would be to seek, we imagine, in explaining his meaning. In spite of these faults, the profusion of the wit, the gaiety which sparkles everywhere, and the good-nature and the truth which animates every page, must insure it a * Odes and Addresses to gTeat People. 12mo. Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy. 1825. THE PORT POLIO BY OLIVER OLDSCHOOL, ESQ. Various; that the mind Of desultory man, studious of change, And pleased with novelty, may be indulged.—Cowpeh. RAILWAYS AND CANALS. C Continued from, page 280.J Part II. A new method of supplying any level of a canal with water drawn from a feeder situated at any considerable depth below such level. The method recommended for this purpose is analogous to a plan for raising water in small quantities for irrigation and other purposes, of which we have an account in Hachette's Trait I. element aire des Machines. It differs, however, from it in the following particulars, viz. the adjustments of the buckets,—the manner of filling and emptying them,—the mode of regidating their move¬ ments,—the adaptation of the new method to a variety of circumstances, and especially the quantity of water that may be raised in a given time. In the location and construction of canals, a supply of wa¬ ter at their different levels, and especially at their summits, sufficient for lockage and other exigencies, is a principal de¬ sideratum. It often happens that such a supply can only be had at a considerable depth below the level, at which the canal in other respects may be practicable. It is accordingly my intention, in this part of the essay, to point out a method of appropriating a portion of the water thus situated to the supply of the canal. Description of machinery, and references to the drawing. Plate II. Fig. 1. exhibits a view of the machinery employ¬ ed for the purpose above mentioned. mat, 1825.—no. 277 45 354 Long on Railways and Canals. Let A represent the feeder, affording a supply of water, a portion of which is required to be raised to the reservoir or receiver F. The feeder must be furnished with one or more valves, a, by means of which its water may be discharged through the orifices r and s, the latter of which is to be larger than the former. Let B and C represent two buckets,—the former being intended to ply vertically, between the feeder and a point at a suitable distance below it, and the latter be¬ tween the end of the feeder and a point above, so high that the contents of the bucket may be discharged into the receiver F. The capacity of the preponderating bucket B must be somewhat larger than that of the elevating bucket C; but the weight of C, when empty, must be somewhat greater than that of D. Both buckets must be furnished with valves at their bot¬ toms, through which their contents of water may be dis¬ charged, the orifice of the valve b being a little smaller than that of the valve c. The stem or rod of the valve b, must protrude through the bottom of its bucket, while that of c must extend upwards, and be attached to a lever w, connected with the bucket, and acting in a manner to raise the valve. —v is a spout attached to the bucket C at its top, and pro¬ jecting a little way over the bucket B.—x is a plug or knob to receive the action of the lever in raising the valve c. Let E represent a hydraulic brake, differently modified from that described in Part I., and better adapted to the me¬ thod before us. Plate II. Fig. 2. represents a brake of the description alluded to. A A is the trunk, the internal cavity of which tapers from the centre to both extremities. B, a hollow or perforated piston, with two valve-seats, a and b, frontingeach other, and limiting the valve-chamber a b, which communicates laterally with the internal cavity of the trunk. —c, an inflexible piston rod attached to the elevating bucket C, Fig. 1, or to any other machinery, to be acted upon by the brake, and passing longitudinally through the piston,— alternately raising and depressing the latter, by means of the valve c acting alternately on the valve seats a and b. The operation of the brake will be considered in its appropriate place. D, Fig. 1. is a pulley-wheel of suitable size, over which the bucket-chain G is to pass, by means of which the preponde¬ rating bucket B may raise the elevating bucket C, when both are loaded, or the latter may elevate the former when both Long on Railways and Canals. 355 are empty. A drum or shaft, d, may be connected with the pulley-wheel D, upon which a brake-chain may be made to ply in the same manner as explained in Part I., of this essay; answering as a substitute for the brake just described. An additional pulley-wheel, upon the same axis, together with another set of buckets and other appropriate apparatus, may be applied in situations where a large supply of water is afford¬ ed; the whole to be adjusted in such a manner, that when one set of buckets is at the outer extremities of their range, the other may be at the inner. In certain cases, hereafter to be noticed, it will be neces¬ sary to apply a pulley-wheel to one or other of the buckets, in order that the range of each may conform to the distance through which they are respectively to move. Whenever the nature of the case requires an arrangement of this sort, the capacity of the bucket to which the pulley-wheel is at¬ tached must be proportionably larger than that of the other. Manner of Operation. Suppose the buckets to be situated at the feeder A, in the act of being filled, the valve a, of the feeder, is raised and supported on the step n, of the bucket B, by means of its rod or stem. The orifices r and s will communicate with their respective buckets, viz. the former with B, and the latter with C. But the orifice at s being larger than that at r, the bucket C will be filled sooner than its antagonist B; and as the water will still continue to flow through both orifices, the surplus thrown into C will be conveyed, through the spout'v, into the bucket B, till the latter preponderates. The valve a will immediately close of its own accord, and the buckets be transferred to the outer extremes of their range. On their arrival thither, both their valves b and e will be opened— the former by means of its rod impinging against an obstacle placed at the bottom of the range for that purpose; and the latter, by means of its lever w, impinging against the plug x. The buckets now discharge the water, viz. the uppermost C into the reservoir F, and the lowermost B into the waste- way below it. But the orifice of the valve c being larger than that of b, the wqfer of C will be discharged sooner than that of B, and must remain stationary till the latter is empty, when, in consequence of its superior weight, it will descend 35b Long on llailways and Canals. to the feeder, and both will again be in a situation to be filled. N. B. The buckets must be furnished with guiders to direct them in their course, otherwise they would be liable to oscillation, which would prove a serious inconvenience. The movements of the buckets will be regulated bv the hydraulic brake, the agency of which, in this application, will be similar in its results to that of the brake first described. Its manner of operation is somewhat different, as will appear from the following ex¬ planation:— Suppose the trunk A A filled with water, and the piston occupying a position at or near its top. Let the rod C be forced downward and the vaive c will pass from the seat a to the seat b, and close the orifice in the lower part of the piston. As the rod C continues to descend, it will force the piston B downward in the trunk, while the liquid that occu¬ pied the space below the piston will be driven past its sides and through the valve chamber and upper orifice of the pis¬ ton, and be made to occupy that portion of the trunk through which the piston may have descended. On the ascent of the rod 0, the operation will be reversed. Instead of the pulley-wheel and axle, a wheel and windlass, or drum of different diameters, may be substituted, by means of which the application of the method \yill conform to a greater variety of circumstances. Agreeably to this modifi¬ cation, each bucket must be furnished with a chain, to be wound either upon the wheel or drum, according as the range of its particular bucket is greater or less than that of the other. By this means the machinery for raising water may be made to accommodate itself to the nature of its locality, in such a man¬ ner as to produce the greatest possible results. In adjusting the parts of machinery agreeably to the plan here suggested, the following rules of calculation must be observed:—Let the diameters of the wheel and drum be to each other inversely, as the distances through which their respective buckets are to move;—and let the capacities of the buckets be to each other in the same proportion. Moreover, the quantity of wa¬ ter that may be raised by either of the modes herein pointed out, will be to the whole quantity supplied by the feeder, as the range of the preponderating bucket is to the whole range or lift nearly. It is apparent that the machinery treated of in this part of the essay, constitutes a self-regulating machine. It is also Long on Railways and Canals. 3.57 obvious that the hydraulic brake is essential to its successful operation. Without this appendage, the shock to which the machinery would be liable at the conclusion of every movement of the buckets, would render the method highly objectiona¬ ble, if not altogether impracticable; whereas, by the agency of the brake, the loaded buckets may be conveyed from the feeder to the points where they are to dischar-ge their water, in a manner both safe and expeditious. In their passage to the centre of their respective ranges, their motion will be gradually accelerated, and thence, to the completion of their courses, their motion will be gradually retarded. In reference to the method first considered, as well as to the present, it may¬ be asserted, that when the machinery is adjusted -with pre¬ cision, the burdens, together with the apparatus employed their conveyance, may be reduced from a state of motion to that of rest. Observations relative to Canal Boats, applicable to the method explained in Part I. The suggestions to be offered under this head are, for the most part, mere repetitions of opinions that have been advanced by others. They are repeated here, because, as it is believed, they have not received that attention to which they are en¬ titled As it has been ascertained that a boat of twenty-five tons burden is best suited to the draft of a single horse, it is pro¬ posed to employ boats of this size. The weight of such a boat, constructed in the usual manner, may be estimated at about three and a-half tons, which, added to the burden it¬ self, will make twenty-eight tons. As the loaded boat will not occupy more than about three-fourths of the cavity of the locks, one-third part of the weight just mentioned, may be added for the weight of the water that will remain in the lock with the boat, making the entire weight of the contents of the lock equal to about thirty-eight tons, or 1368 cubic feet of water. The weight of the lock and its appendages may be estimated at about six tons, making an aggregate of forty-four tons, acting in connexion with each lock. Should the transfer of so heavy a weight be attended with too great a risk or inconvenience, it may be obviated by adopt¬ ing the following expedient:—Instead of a single boat ol twenty-five tons burden, let two, three, or more boats of Smaller size, be substituted, amounting, in the aggregate, to the 358 Long on Railways and Canals. same tonnage. These may be towed along the canal in con¬ junction, by one horse, and may be passed separately through the lift in a lock of moderate size. Or should it be found more convenient to employ a single boat of the burden pro¬ posed, let it be constituted of two or three distinct sections respectively, of equal burden, and separated from each other by transverse partitions or bulkheads. The sections may be confined together by means of bars or bolts in a manner to be easily separated on arriving at the lift, and united again after passing it. Remarks on the comparative practicability of the per¬ pendicular and oblique lifts. The difficulty of sustaining the enormous burdens to which, moveable locks are necessarily subjected, in the transfer of loaded canal boats of the ordinary size, may be regarded as the most formidable objection that can be urged against their adoption. Whatever the mode of transition, the machinery employed to effect it must be adjusted in a manner to obvi¬ ate this difficulty, which can only be accomplished by en¬ larging, as much as possible, the surfaces upon which the load is to lie supported. Upon this principle, therefore, we shall found the comparison between the oblique and perpendicular lifts. In regard to the inclined plane, it is manifest, that the sur¬ face upon which the whole weight or load is sustained, con¬ sists of the several lines of contact between the rails of the plane and the peripheries of the wheels that support the load. Hence, upon the supposition that a moveable lock is support¬ ed upon eight wheels, and that the width of the rail-track is four inches, we have a surface upon which the weight of the loaded lock must be supported, equal only to a single line, thirty-two inches in length. Now, if the whole weight of the loaded lock and its carriage be equal to sixty tons, one- fourth of which we may suppose to be sustained by the lock- chains, we have a weight of forty-five tons, supported by a bearing surface equal to that above stated. This implies an action too violent for the hardest metal employed in the con¬ struction of railways and their carriages to resist, without bruising or breaking. But, however plausible it may appear in theory, to introduce a multiplicity of wheels for the trans¬ portation of a heavy load upon railways, it is believed that a number greater than four cannot be employed with any ad¬ vantage, unless jt be admitted, contrary to innumerable ex- Long on Railways and Canals. 359 amples, in direct opposition to such a doctrine, that an in¬ clined plane, perfectly straight, free from twi#t, and equally supported at every point, may be constructed. This being true, instead of a line thirty-two inches long, our bearing surface will be reduced to half that magnitude, and conse¬ quently the liability to bruising, &c. will be increased in the same proportion. In confirmation of the opinion just advanced, we may ad¬ vert to conclusions drawn from long experience in the use of railroads, viz. that carriages of one ton burden are better adapted to railways than those of a larger size; the wear and tear of the latter being much greater than those of the former. These objections, added to the expense of constructing rails sufficiently large to answer the purpose, and the difficulty of laying secure and permanent foundations for the plane, in¬ duce a preference in favour of the perpendicular lift, which is incomparably less objectionable in these respects. Agreea¬ bly to this mode of transition, each lock is to be sustained by two wheels, five or six feet in diameter, with chain tracks of any suitable width, for example, five or six inches broad. Accordingly, the bearing surface upon which the lock will be supported, is equal to one-half the circumference of the two wheels, or the circumference of one wheel multiplied by the width of the chain-track or groove, which will give for the bearing surface, an area of about six square feet, suscep¬ tible of enlargement or diminution, as the nature of the case may require. The other surfaces upon which the locks are supported while in motion, are proportionably large, while a uniformity of action prevails in all parts of the lift at the same time. The action upon the axles of the wheels, being similar in both modes of transfer, has not been considered in the contrast here given. Very little doubt is entertained that the machinery of the perpendicular lift will be less expensive, and more durable, in all respects, than that of the inclined plane, while the for¬ mer is believed to possess equal facilities for strength and construction with the latter. Concluding Remarks. In regard to the inventions described in this paper, no par¬ ticular mode of construction is insisted on;—this may be de¬ termined and varied according to circumstances, in a manner adapted to the purpose for which the machinery may be re- 360 Memoirs of John Templar Shuhrick. quired. The combination of mechanical principles displayed in both methods herein explained,—the conformation and ar¬ rangement of the several parts of machinery employed in the transfer of loaded boats, &c. and in supplying any level of a canal with water derived from a feeder situated at any con¬ siderable depth below such level, and especially the discovery of the hydraulic brake, together with its application to these and other purposes, are claimed as new and original. for the port folio. MEMOIRS OF JOHN TEMPLAR SHUBRICK. The following particulars, respecting a gallant officer who fell in the recent war with Great Britain, are derived from anonymous communications in a literary journal, formerly published in Philadelphia. They appear to be entitled to full confidence; and the high character of the individual is es¬ tablished on the most authentic basis. John Templar Shubrick was born on the eleventh day of September, 178S, in South Carolina. He was educated partly at grammar-schools in Charleston, and afterwards at a private seminary in Dedham, Mass. He read law in the office of William Drayton, Esq. of Charleston. His legal studies were subsequently relinquished for a midshipman's warrant in the navy, which he obtained in 1806. It was said of him that, although his career was so early and so unfortunately closed, he saw more service, and was in a greater number of engagements, than any officer of his age. He received a lesson on the importance of being always prepared for action, in the affair of the Chesapeake. On that occasion a man, standing by his side, was struck by a cannon-ball in the face, and our young midshipman was covered with gore; yet, amidst the horrors of his situation, infinitely more terrible than any com¬ bat, he displayed so much coolness and intrepidity, that all who saw him predicted the eminence which he ultimately at¬ tained.