Hi fznjs^.2,^1* I k /W' r / 2^- INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN TEE STATES SERIES II THE FEDERAX COURTS NO. 28 1 !l «' I THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES PROJECT WORE PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives Division of Professional and Service Projects Work Projects Administration The National Archives Cooperating Sponcer SERIES II. THE FEDERAL COURTS NO. 28. NM HAMPSHIRE Boston, Massachusetts The National Archives Project 1241 li PREFACE The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products of the work of the Survey of "federal Archives, which operated as a nation-wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1936 to June 30, 1937. It was continued in New Hampshire as a state project of that Administra¬ tion until October 1939. The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form a separate series number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within each series No. 1 is a general introduction to the field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No, 2, that for Arizona No, 3, that for Arkansas NO. etc. For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured), general des¬ cription of informational content, description of the system of filing or index¬ ing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volums, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), Location by room number or other identifying information,and finally, the number of the Form 58SA on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is nn file in the National Archives. When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda." In New Hampshire the work of the Survey was under the direction of Judge Edward K. Gould, Regional Director for Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, with Mrs, Ella C. Neman as his assistant, and with Mr. Charles H. Towers as super¬ visor in New Hampshire from its inception until June 30, 1937. From that date the New Hampshire project was under the supervision of Mr. Towers until April 8, 1938, and under that of Mr. Gerald 3. Scannel until his resignation in September. Mr. Thomas J. Eeane then took charge of the project, which continued in operation until October 1939. This inventory of the recox"ds of the Federal Courts in New Hampshire was prepared in the Manchester office and was edited be¬ fore final typing by Mr. Martin F. Claussen, Associate Editor-Writer in the Office of the Director of Research and Publications in The National Archives. It is reproduced in mimeographed foim through the facilities of the rational Archives Project of Massachusetts. Boston, Massachusetts June , 1941 John J. O'Brien Supervisor The National Archives Frojec in Massachusetts contents UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Concord Clerk's Ofi'ice • . Probation and Parole Officer Referee in Bankruptcy United States Commissioner Manchester United States Commissioner 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT INTRODUCTION In accordance with the Judiciary Act. of September 24, 1789 (1 Stat. 73) the United States District Court for New Hampshire was to be held at Exeter and Portsmouth. New Hampshire by the same act was made part of the Eastern Cir¬ cuit, and the Circuit Court was to be held at the same towns. By act of February 23, 1881 (21 Stat. 330) the seat at Exeter was changed to Concord; and by the Judiciary Act of March 3, 1811 (36 Stat. 1119), Littleton was added as a seat of the District Court, The act of February 20, 1926 (44 Stat. 8) finally designated Concord and Littleton as the two seats of the District Court. All cases in the State of New Hampshire involving the Federal Government are handled by this Court. The docket varies from 75 to 100 cases per year, the details of which are handled by an office staff of three persons (as of 1936). Reports are made as required to the Department of Justice in Washington, The records of the Clerk's office at Concord described below presumably include records of the pre-Federal period and records of the court when it was located at Exeter and Portsmouth. However, no judicial offices at Exeter, Little¬ ton, and Portsmouth seem to have been surveyed by the Survey of Federal Archives, and so the inventory beloxv may not be complete. Clerk of District Court, Concord 2 CONCORD CLERK'S OFFICE Post Office Bldg., North State St. 1. ADMIRALTY CASES, Dec. 1780, to date. Records showing personal history of persons involved, witnesses, testimony, and verdicts; and related correspondence. Filed numerically. (Ocassionally, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 31 ft., in 62 metal filing boxes. Torn, ink faded, brittle, dirty. Vault, 2d floor, N. door. (574) 2. BANKRUPTCY GA3SS, July 1, 1779, to date. Information regarding persons filing bankruptcy- petitions, investigations of these persons, testimony given, witnesses heard, decisions rendered, and correspondence with individuals seeking information on rules for filing bankruptcy petitions. Filed numerically. (Occasionally, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 111 ft., in 242 metal filing boxes. Brittle, dirty, ink faded. Vault, 2d floor, N. door. (572) 3. CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CASES, July 1, 1779, to date. Showing parties, witnesses, testimony, evidence, and decisions; also related correspond¬ ence. Filed numerically. (Ocasionally, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 182 ft., in 364 metal filing boxes. Torn, brittle, dirty. Vault, 2d floor, N. door. (570,571) 4-. GASES OF EQUITY, Dec. 1, 1812, to date. Records showing court decisions, witnesses, parties, testimony; also related correspondence. Filed numerically. (Ocassionally, official.) 10 x 15 folders., '51ft., 112 metal filing boxes. Ink faded, dirty. Vault, 2d floor, N, door. (573) 5. BANKRUPTCY PETITIONS, Oct. 1, 1841 - Apr. 1, 1932. Bankruptcy petitions and correspondence filed with them. (Rarely official.) 5 x 8 packages, 96 ft., in 232 metal containers, on wooden shelves. Dirty. 2d door left, top floor. (36o) Probation and Parole Officer, Concord PROBATION AND PAROLE OFFICER Post Office Bldg., North State St. The United States Probation Office, District of New Hampshire, was established on August 1, 1933, and had charge of Vermont District until January, 1935, when a new office was created for Vermont, where all re¬ cords pertaining to Vermont were transferred. No archives have been lost or destroyed, and monthly reports are sent to Washington. Probation and Parole Officer, Concord 3 6. VIOLATORS, Aug. 1, 1933, to date. Reports from prisons and state agencies concerning persons violating paroles. Ocassionally, oflicial. 10 x 12 folders, 3 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 5. (316) 7. TRANSFERS AND DEPORTATION, Aug. 1, 1935, to date. List of pa¬ roled and discharged persons or prisoners placed under jurisdiction of other States; and list of citizens sentenced to be deported. Daily, official. 10 x 15 folders, 3 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 5. (318) 8. FROBATIONAL RECORDS, Inactive, Aug. 1, 1933, to date. Records and lists of persons who have served their probationary period and are con¬ sidered honorably discharged. Ocasionally, official. 10 x 15 folders, 6 ft., in 3 drawers of steel filing case. R. 5. (312) 9. PROBATION RECORDS, Active, Jan. 1, 1934, to date. Records of per¬ sons serving sentence who will be discharged and placed on probation under jurisdiction of this office. Daily, official. 10 x 15 folders, 6 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 5. (313) 10. PAROLE RECORDS, Aug. 1, 1933, to date. Records of persons pa¬ roled from Federal prisons. Weekly, official, 10 x 15 folders, 3 ft., in draxver of steel filing case. R. 5. (311) 11. INVESTIGATIONS, Aug. 1, 1933, to date. Investigations of released prisoners by parole board; shows method taken, and suggestions for re¬ habilitation. Daily, official. 10 x 15 folders, 3 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 5. (310) 12. FOST INDEX, VISIBLE COUNTING FILE, Aug. 1, 1933, to date. Index to confidential activities of the probation officer. Filed alphabeti¬ cally. Daily, official. 8 x 10 index cards, 2 ft., in six steel index files. R. 5. (315) 13. MISCELLANEOUS, Aug. 1, 1935, to date. Newspaper clippings from many parts of the United States covering items of interest to this office; and correspondence regarding certain violators of paroles. Frequently, official. 10 x 15 folders, 3 ft., in steel filing case. R. 5. (317) 14. CORRESPONDENCE, CONFIDENTIAL, Aug. 1, 1933, to date. Correspon¬ dence with supervisors of prisons, with the Bureau of Prisons, the F.B.I., and with other persons and agencies regarding prisoners and work of the office. Daily, official. 10 x 15 folders, 6 ft., in two drawers of steel filing case. R. 5. (309) Referee in Bankruptcy, Concord 4 REFEREE IN BANKRUPTCY Post Office Bldg., North State St. The office of referee was established in New Hampshire on Sept. 1, 1898, was located in Franklin until the year 1932, when it was removed to Concord. Reports are sent to Washington semi- annually. So-called useless papers are destroyed from time to time. 15. EXAMINATION ORDERS, Apr. 1, 1932, to date. Court orders issued to investigators of persons petitioning for bankruptcy. Daily, offi¬ cial. 10 x 15 folders, 3 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 7, (373) 16. OATHS OF TRUSTEES, Apr. 1, 1932, to date. Records of oaths given to trustees. Daily, official, 10 x 15 folders, 3 ft,, in drawer of steel filing case. R. 7. (374) 17. DISCHARGE OF TRUSTEES, Apr. 1, 1932, to date. Record of dates when trustees were appointed and discharged in each bankruptcy case. Daily, official. 10 x 12 folders, 3 ft., in drawe£ of steel filing- case. R. 7. (375) 18. TRUSTEE APPROVALS, Apr. 1, 1932, to date. Court orders approving bankruptcy trustees. Daily, official, 10 x 15 folders, 3 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 7. (372) 19. CERTIFICATES CF RECORDS, Apr. 1, 1932, to date. Daily, official. 10 x 15 folders, 3 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 7. (371) 20. INDEX, Apr. 1, 1932, to date. Card index of bankruptcy cases, trustee appointments, first and last meeting notices, filed cases, etc. Daily, official. 12 x 18 cards, 15 ft,, in 12 drawers of steel filing case. R. 7. (369) 21. TRUSTEE BONDS, A.pr. 1, 1932, to date. Records of bonds furnished by trustees. Daily, official. 10 x 15 folders, 3 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 7. (368) 22. REFERENCE LEDGER ACCOUNT, Apr. 1, 1932, to date. Explanatory accounts of bankruptcy cases, used to make permanent records. Daily, official, 18 x 30 loose-leaf ledger sheets, 1 ft. 8 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 7. (367) 23. CANCELLED CHECKS, Apr. 1, 1932, to date. Checks that have been paid out for fees, investigations, etc. Daily, official. 8 x 10 envelopes, 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 7. (370) 24. BANKRUPTCY CASES, Closed, Apr. 1, 1932, to date. Records of closed cases. Daily, official. 6 x 10 envelopes, 3 ft., in two draxvers of steel case. R. 7. (363) Referee in Bankruptcy, Concord 5 25. MNKRUFTCY PETITIONS, Active, Feb. 1, 1934, to date. Bankruptcy petitions that haVe been pending more than eighteen months. Daily, official. 6 x 10 envelopes, 4 ft. 6 in., in steel filing cases. R. 7. (364,365) 26. CORRESPONDENCE, Apr. 1, 1932, to date. Correspondence pertaining to investigations, bonds, law violations, etc. Daily, official. 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft., 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 7. (362) UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER Phenix Bldg., 40 No. Main St. This office was established in 1789 to sit in pre-trial hearings on criminal charges and to issue warrants and receive affidavits. It was previously located in the Federal Building and at 77 No. Main St., in Concord. Though the jurisdiction of this office extends throughout the State, the major part of the business comes from the immediate vicinity, as there are two other Commissioner's offices located in the State, on in the northern and one in the southern sections. Location of records previous to 1927 is unknown. 27. WARRANTS AND AFFIDAVITS, Aug. 27, 1927, to date. Warrants and affidavits issued in criminal cases. Occasionally, official. 4x6 folded papers, 2 ft., in metal trays within steel filing drawers. SW. corner room, 2d floor. (991) 28. CRIMINAL DOCKET, Aug. 27, 1927, to date. Data on criminal cases, derived from Commissioner's hearings. Occasionally, official. 9 x 15 vols. (6), 6 in., in drawer of steel filing case. SW. corner room, 2d floor, (990) 29. CORRESPONDENCE, Aug. 27, 1927, to date. Correspondence with Wash¬ ington office, attorneys, and bondsmen, regarding fees and Other subjects Occasionally, official. 9 x 12 folders, l/2 in., in drawer of steel filing case. SW. corner room, 2d floor. (992) MANCHESTER UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER Amoskeag Bank Bldg., 875 Elm St. This office of the United States Commissioner, District of New Hampshire, was established on January 9, 1931. The records are kept in the private law office of Charles D. Barnard, and copies of them are sent*to the District Court of Concord. No archives have been lost or or destroyed; none are sent to Washington. 30. CRIMINAL CASE RECORD, Jan. 15, 1931, to date. Commissioner's record of proceedings in criminal cases. Daily, official. 9-J- x 14-g vols., 1 ft., in book case. R. 619. (97) 31. CASE RECORD FILE, Jan. 9, 1931, to date. Records of cases that hav* come before the Commissioner. Daily, official. 9b x 12 folders, —~ no