U• • n 18ooiet,' • ow • liad I. ta. ./� /�O PR I! TI,;" tty ua I 1. J. Gl1IJ7JN. Rt. R SECOND BISHOP OF VINCENNES • ...... I ••• , An ddre Dell I, Indl JI polls, Ind., J u 7th, I I IUD un I .rff in H Ho r, Bv RE E. UDRA, OF J EFFERSO. ILLE, I D. RI H REV. BIS OP DE L 2 he hod him l'U rumle. H ntlnu tIlt' .Impl(' e. 1. ,f hiM duti o pri t. Fív more v U1')4 1)(\. -, and now In for oft nntTy-tll v 1'�' h re t which e uld uly re eh nft r hasardou Il f Il l'Iv two month. -in th n ". r public f th \�ntù>d t t, mporath' ,Il' littl kn rn und thou h� f nt thnt tim amid th turru il of rench affi i . -and ln one f its n wly 0011 tituted t t In portion of it Immen ". stern terrítorv, Indiana1 th u . r of P r h d b III petitioned to reate new dloc . Rt. R \'. Dr. Brot, 01. o Bret n of fnmily whích had been drlv n awuy �·car.t before br the bloody Ill'. of the fi t rev luti n, o \'olunro�y xlle to Amen ,,,,hil nt Erumit burg de­ voting hi time to the prop ration of y ung m n to the ¡)ri thood, was named aB the ft t Bi hop of' íncennes, H had through ob díence IlCC pted th€' evident burden: but h telt it to one of un ual heavinc • and knowing it ould re ulr of him ex­ traordlnnev effi rts, b thou ht hin If of hi. old 11ot'" pr víneo of Brittany, of hi old natív city f R unes. H arrived there f(1r help when I, who peak to ¡OU 'al a Y�ry �'oung b y, but well do remember th commotion used all over tbc Catholic city wh n it know that the venerabl ml. onary Bi hop had returned looking for I tance. He went directly to the BI hop of Renn and besought him to point out and give him a pri t, hom he could at once Dl k his Vicar General and Coadjutor In the full meaning of the term, and Lst hlm In undertaking 80 t a work, Celes­ tine D Ln Hallanùierc wu d 19nated to him, and be d not h ¡tate, but at once accepted the b rden, and 88 nominated Vicar G Il raI. One year aften, rd, July I, 1886, he lett Renn accompan 'Ing Bishop Brute. That yeaf, ho erev r, lad not been spent idly. The extraordin� talents and remarkable enel'lY hieb had attracted attentfon to HaHandt re in the orld when 80 young, ere no brought Into full activity. Bear­ In in mind Oie n ture of th ork to be done, he now thought of everything to be prepared and looked to b foro proUedtng on long lourney, and 10 riOUl a k u th found ng of a dloceae In a wild new country f r dlatpt from all n",rB of clvlllzat\on and deSal nt ln ev ry une n ed for auch purpoee. lridlana and the tem half f DllnolJ allotUd to the n dl of Vin nn wu a real wUd n , thinly Inhabited. Th re ere only a a fe Imall to farme here and th In t: country, an In tb north m � of Indiana two tri of Indlanl. the Pot-toa ttam nd tamia ItUl remalnlns. Only a f Catbolt re to be found. Th to th Into conllftlft,o rovld Ilot only lth pn 3 5 6 him Ir onl ver mod t ívll CSf r 1 at fl t d I Il d, If v n which m d very J roplt1ows Jm th n bad only favored, Il would in a hort tim have ad vanced him 11 t th very front rank In hi", own country a míníater to hls King and th re-tl. ,for lor. oe(who 'ould dare y th ti a,,'a of human frailty and die tero taUon of the trong) ould have mode b po 'cr kno nana f It rar nd wid othe Riehcli u, Mazorin and one n rer hi own h me did befOre-De eo r­ biere, minister of Lou XVIII, a nei h­ hor and friend of biB famUy. "Vmlity oJ ('(mUiu and nU il 1:aniJy" .y the wl man, except adds the follower of Jesu Christ, to If) e God and rve him alone. To rve God 1 relp¡ more grandly than any potentate . God rev led thb to Oelesûn De la ailandiere In the hour of hi early u Q:J a man in the orld when he could be great. He became prí 1; hen honors followed him la the Church, it med tben (\ if Alml hty God ould allo � him only to help laying down the first: ton of he foundation of a Dloee , and then bid him to retire, He helpedl partHer of Bishop Bruta, in founding tb Di of Vtncennes! Ab! tbl i glory enough, honor enougb and meritorious indeed, for ever and ever. It wu the ill of God-who needs no ono, but III bave all do what he ch them to do, and do only 80 far be intends to be 7