pillar atio <25?ounu of TREATISE xicaB SHEWING That the ROMAN CHVRCH falfly claims to be CHURCH, and the PILLAR of TRUTH, mentioned by S. Taul in his Firft Epiftle to Timothy, Qmp. III. Vcrf. 15; Which is explained.in Thrjee: Parts. Imprimatur. >%> JO. BATTELT. LONDON, Printed for EUcharh €&tCt»elI, at the Rofe and Crorn in S. Paul's Church-Yard. MDCLXXXVIL T- • -T 3 ' f . - % t'V' , 7v"t ' r . ■ . ; . .dp*,.*!-' -i' 11 V, V ;n> - ii »'V-v fc • ' K * . V ■ ; I A- Bkr ' V' rW 9 L > TO THE READER. AMONG all the places of Scripture, which they of the Church of Rome are wont to alledgefor a proof of their pretended Infallibility, I find none whereon they more rely, than thai of S. Paul Timothy i III. 15. That thou may'ft know how thou oughteft to behave thy felf in the houfe of God, which is the CHURCH of the living God, the PILLAR AND GROUND OF THE TRUTH. Which place, fay the Rhemifts, pincheth the Hereticks wonderfully, and fo it ever did : and therefore they oppofe themfelves dire&ly againft the very letter and confelfed fenfe of the fame. 1 have thought it therefore worth my pains, to {how how unjujl this accifation is; by opening the plain and evident meaning, the literal and confeffed fenfe of thofe words: whereby it will appear that we are far from being Hereticks; and that they, not we, are pinched^ this place ; and that there is no ground at all in it for their Jnfallibility ; nor for their vain flour/(hes, that the very Name of CHURCH terrifies us, and makes us pale with fear ( as Campian infolently vapoured (a), ) and that we not Wly fear, but al- {a) Rath III. together abhor the word CATHOLIQUE, fo as to leave it clean out of our Bibles, as the fore-named Rhemifts (f) 00; Preface to mofi fenfe (ly mifreprefent us. For as I have proved, in the following Book, tbat we, not they are the true C AT HO LIQV E S, fo there is A 2 nothing x BOOK 7£ 3 To the Reader, nothing further from truth> (I have likewife Jhorvn ) than that the Apofile herefpeaks, with any particular refpeff, to the Church of Rome. Which is fo far from fir iking any terror into us, when it appropriates to it felf the name of C HV RC H\ that we look upon the pretence to be as ridi¬ culous , as the proof is, they give us of it. Which is the fole Authority of afalfe S. Ambrofe his Commentaries up- on this place; who thusgloffes: All the World being God's, yet the Church only is his Houfe : the Reftor ( or Ru¬ ler) whereof at this time is DAMASUS. Where the (>) Anm. in Rhemifts (c) defire us to note, How clear a cafe it was i Tim.111.15. that the Pope of Rome, was not the Governor on¬ ly of one particular See, but of Chrift's whole Houfe, which is the Univerfal Church, &c. And further im¬ prove this conceit, in thefe words, The Church which is the Houfe of God, whole Re£tor {faith S. Ambrofe ) in his time was Damafus, and now Gregory the thirteenth; and in the Apoftles timeS .Peter, is the Pillar of Truth, the eftablifhment of Verity : and therefore it cannot err. And truly it is worth our noting how clear a Cafe it is, that they were forely pinched ( to ufe their own word again ) for want of proofs ; when they betook themfelves to fuch as this. For it is hard to think that Men of their education ( whom we will not defpife, as they do the Hereticks, a little (f)Mmt. in before (d), as mod ignorant of the Word of God, not a Tim. 1.7. knowing the very Principles of Divinity ) (hould not know that S. Ambrofe was not the Author of thofe Com- mentaries : they being acknowledged by the great eft Men in their Church to be fpurious Brats of fome other Writer. (£) Annah Baronius (e) for inflame faith, The Expofirion of Am- J' *tMi brofe, upon all Paul1 s Epiftles, began to be wanting in 3 • the time of Caffiodorus: but being plainly loft, it is ap¬ parent, the work of another Author, was foifted in its room* And their other great Cardinal, Bellarmine, con- Met m \ To the Reader. ) ^ feffes ** wuch in fever alplaces ; but in one more fully (f)> de ^ where he ajfoils an Objection of Chemnitius ( who follow %«J ing the rule of the Civil Law (g), [ the witnefs which : m\ any Man produces for himfelf, he is bound to leceive^ ^^- w«rit againft himfelf J quotes this Book, as Bellarmine oft hadtmtur mi- done, in a Cafe of Marriage ) by this Anfrver, That the Au- contra ttlviiif thor of thefe Commentaries is not S. Ambrofe, as learned pft Men know: and more than thatr whofbever was the Mrt Author, lie was none, ex celebratis patribus, of the famous Ifki or eminent Fathers- And indeed there is great reafonfor {j&h what thefe, and many others of that Church,J ay; as I might JOVWI fho)v out of the Commentaries thernfelves, which contradict Wfi Ij the very words of the true S. Ambrofe. ifirlltri But fuppofe he had been the Author, or thefe the Work Mil of fome celebrated Writer, it is a clear cafe ( and I deflre it At): maybe noted) that thefe Rhemift Annotators were not fo lie in knowing as they would be efleemed, or not fo confcientious WW as they ought to have been ; when they gather from thefe ore it(V words that Damafus was Ruler over more than his own See, even over the Univerfal Church, as S. Peter, they fay, •difttii was in the Apojlles times, For