it H * t * A MOST TR.VE IREL ATION O F A Wonderful 1 Vi&ory it pleafed 1 GOD | To give thofc two Worthy Commanders ff Sir R o b k K t ? and > Stuart. « SilWULIAMi 2 Againft the Rebells, being under command % if of Sir Philem 0 Neale,Wherein aooo of his mea Were flain,and bat or of oar Scottifh Souldiers. Likjwifr many more ef tie ReieBt Jltine , *#d tie Cd/?r# e/Knosklinfh takgn by the Scots. j > Prefcntcd by a worthy Gentleman to the Parliament; and by them commanded to be P rioted. Henry Elfyuge Cltr. Pari. Printed by R. Oulton. and G. Dsxter for Iosbph House ot t, c/in.D. 1641. wMmmmmmmmmmmmn 23 V* w, ; -iv >1 'i TiiUM A *" tl/ir lvi A r jt : o :«t> < : I > i 5 TJ* ■V\G1 tena. tbi! ''. ii :j'r iitifcisbnoVT' A| S ( O D $ t twfcnbrar.'toD :n oV/ >wi siorlj avig oT $ r ii a a o i i2 .T > A -•: <■' 9 V.- bfl£ M A I J .1 I lis • rnrnco 'is!.. •■ anise! .-Ibda/l arbflnie^A J «K i i Ooosnbio: V; 0 wjYi^K 1 ;0 O * i( 3£if3 I ft aififi 31DW 2ul r • • •«, , % >•' •>'•>* v'.;>'.r.«5 n;- •■ : "V , , O • ' A . ■> , td bjsr.-tel? .r ■- *4 ■ ■ t cii ;•. dLrifi ->> -i> •> 'Kj? 'r> -*v* ■*> ' -/> ■\i* *■-■- VI 0 •f ioi ?vsti*.v . . a **• aW.v.O yd bairih'J s- V. V c o n -1 •? i a \ ¥• ' • m .a. 4 :■ .v-r^fi'v'i'K vvv•;yvvvV'H yvb '&U-HvK'vv •VJ* «"V FROM E E had a Meffenger came from the Arcrrv-with newes of the taking of Kukckhnch Caftie , 18. miles from Dublin, which was a very ftrong C a- fi . 1 vvhich Mr. flunkct was chiefe C trmander of the reft .that" were wwfeiuvwh iftbocfmirtQthc la ft, bur when they faw • our me® fo vio>knrr not tearing to come upbn the j wails af the Caftle, then alt the Women cryed for Quarter.whkn was grai .edtrhena , but the men fired the ftay roo&ns* aboiirrheir own eares, Co our meimlaft went inland put all to the fword, but the women were usfcwi, except 7. that would cot have Quarrer, weehaa 2©'. m^n ioft? Lieutorsanc Coloneli Kukcihot to ftis back, who will hardly efcap.e itvFifr)f ofthe enemie ..kitted, and fome Commanders rafc®^ upon the taking of that Caftlc Lord TrymiUpfts/ Caftle^one ofthe Lords of the P^whoare &ebdh; was left by chofe that kept it, lune 17. The £arle of Cajtlebavcn, Sir Nicholas wk&A)and histwo fonmes > and Sir Ldyfoum •A % ■ i 04> »vere called to the Kings Bench, from thence com¬ mitted clofe Prifooers,as Traytors,but the Earlc fai- nedhimfelfe ficke,and went not,and ftill remaines in the She iffes hands. . < June18. One %»Jfell, and one Akcbhould were hanged, both able men in eftate, their fault I know not, That night wee had fome Cattell ftolnc by the Rebells, within two miles of us. June 20. One Captaine a captaine of the Fire-locks, was buried chis day, which is a great lofle unto us, being a valiant man: This day the Lords had notice that the Rebells would come neere us, out of F fide, and South weftward. Thefame night 700. foot,and twoTroops ofHorfe went that way, under the command of Coloncll fen, and fo burnt all the way as they went 14. miles out-right, and none tooppofe them, abont Fourty or Fifty Villages and Townes, but all the men run to thc Mountaiues and VVoods, and tooke their cattell with them;for I beleeve they had notice of out Ar¬ mies comming . This day fome came from 2>*#«k/ki?, that brought- word that Captaine Vaughan,Governor of the Town, had pillaged a protected houfe within two miles of the Towne,having notice of fome defigne this man had had, to bring the Rebells to take k, hce being familiar withour Armic, and prote&ed by Sip He my Tuchburnebut as God would have it,our Army miftrufted him,and upon thatjCaptaine^/MgW went as his ufua! 1 courfe was to this mans houfe, but gave order to Captaine Caciegan, to bring fome forces af¬ ter (5) ter him . fo Faugh An tooke on him nothing, but called the man out, and rid about the fields in the meane time,Captaine Cadogan enttcd the honfe, and found there 300. men,moft of them armed, put them all to the fword. and found Letters from Sir Vhdtm O to with him to flop the Poft from Tradah to D«Wa/ke,and withall writ to him, that he would be with him upon 5onday night, with 12009. men, to take Dundalke.and found with the man a Proteffion from Sir Phelim O , the man they hare prifoned ,and two Priefts more. S U N D A Y night they looked for Sir Phelim O. male and had prepared themfelves for his comming but hee came not that night, likewife wee had fome Cattle ftolne from us by the Rebells, this they doe alwaies when our Armies bee abroad thinking that will turnethem backe. The Parliament doth fet here,the Bifhop of Kilfa- norah, made a brave fpeech, againft Papifts, and to have the Law in force againft them, and they not to fit in 'Parliament at all,the Houfe of Commons, drew up an Order to that purpofe, all that fate tooke the oath of Supremacy and now they are about to make an Aft,againft alljefuites and Priefts,and all Papifts to be in force here as it is in , that night our Army that went out the Day beforejeame home ve¬ ry well, and brought fome Pillage with them about loo.Cowes, many fheepe,and fome Horfe, burnt 4o Townes, and Villages alfo. That day a Pro¬ clamation was Proclaimed,that no Souldiers fhould Pillage them that come to the Market, neither cut nor mow graffe or Corne, without a Warrant from Jaftices Vt to luftices or there Collonei as they had done, both robbed and Pillaged, cut graffe, green Corne, and ipoyled all that Coroe-neere them, but now if they doe fo,they arc to be executed by Merciall Law,ihe proveft Martiall of the City hath a Strait command to looke to the bufineffe and to execute the of¬ fenders. From Knoefargus, Manroehath made a- nother expedition towards the Newry^ but none at the Re bells ftaid. But Sir Robert Stuart and Sir WiU ham Stuart hath given Sir Tbelim'sOneale a great de¬ feats, and hath,certainly killed aecr two Thoufand hard by which the lofTe onely of 6 or 7 men the manner otic was thus •• Sir Pbehnt Oneale came with ten Thoufand Men of purpofe to be revenged on Sir Robert Stuart for feverall affronts before that time done him,but before he came to the fordof Fin two Englifb LWen Prifoners with Sir Pbelim cfca- ped and advercifed, Sir Robert Stuart of Sir Phelims intention of comming chat wav, who marched to Rapboe with 3500, Horfe and Foote, aqdfent400. Horfe tocheFord, aodlaid'^coo. Mufquieceersin Ambufh hard by the Ford, and then Sir Robert Stu- ^rfenca hundred poore Men with40. Cowes the which when Sir P.hdtmOneale favv he fent over iiqo Men to purfue them, but the poox;e Menas plotted before haod,feing thefe 11 ooriVjen approaching ran aw$yi and left the Cowes behind them, whereupon Sir i htlim nop.Men ran in diforder to purfue them whereupon Sir Robert Stuarts Horfe feiug tbw hi di order, fell upon them and they fled coward the Ford , when the two-thoufand Mufqui erects upon their their retreat3purfuedouc and charged them and kil¬ led every man of them, and having gotten their Col- lours,Sir Robert and Sir William Stuart marched with thofe Collours towards Sir Phe Urns Army the reft ofthem3 which Sir Phelim at firft thought it had beene his owne men3 but at length finding ico- therwife5 Sir Rhehm and his Men ran away5 and they hadthemin purfute fornine miles fo it h thought they killed more in perfiJit at that time^then before this was done within ten dayes. F J N I S. * • - Vt —f ^ ^ ^ * '• -n: ■■!: '• ■ ' : . : isniH •? • ' ;:<> • : j;rt lv ^ k> i ti • ••'v/" '>• [ ; ir. '•♦£ v ■ Umi. v 3.. ;• : ;i; . . v. .Vas > : ? i: "UseD '.vo.;i * . J :,. ;^iO '' J i i If: 3£ ^ : 2 IJ il W tc: 5f! 11 > ; : j • ' ' rr. t ' > ' i t ... . ' , c :'i, ,v^ t ,, : irnU' 4 " { jj- ■ - -■ *' :;!' n Oflifl I i OttliilJ.J V ilj. 01ote i uuti?c jfcJhuq ni rtooifol-Iii prfj * - .. /• • irnir . ;;c- ... ?*■[$ i ♦ iL wmm