MANCHESTER VITAL RECORDS VITAL RECORDS OF 4 \ MANCHESTER MASSACHUSETTS TO THE END OF THE YEAR I 849 PUBLISHED BY THE ESSEX INSTITUTE SALEM, MASS. 1903 ^1H \o VX-b NEWCOMB& GAUSS Printers Salem, Massachusetts EXPLANATIONS The following records of births, marriages and deaths include all entries to be found in the books of record kept by the town clerks ; in the church records ; in the returns made to the Salem Quarterly Court ; in the cemetery inscriptions ; and in several private records found in family Bibles. These records are print- ed in a condensed form in which every essential particular has been preserved. All duplication of the town clerk's record has been eliminated, but differences in entry and other explanatory matter appear in brackets. The copy of the original records made for the town in 1886, by William A. Stone, town clerk, has been used only when it has supplied entries now missing in the original. Parentheses are used when they occur in the original record ; also to show the difference in the spelling of a name in the same entry and to indicate the maiden name of a wife . When places other than Manchester and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. Marriages and intentions of marriage are printed under the names of both parties. Double-dating is used in the months of January, February and March, prior to 1752, whenever it appears in the original and also whenever from the sequence of entry in the original the date may be easily determined. In all records the original spelling of names is followed and in the alphabetical ar- rangement the various forms should be examined, as items about the same family may be found under different spellings. MANCHESTER The first settlers gave the name of " Jeofferyes Creeke " to this tract of land which at that time was a part of Salem. The name Manchester appears in the Colonial Records under the date of May 14, 1645, when " It is ordered, y*^ Jefifryes Creeke shalbe called Manchester." June 18, 1645, both branches of the Great and General Court concurred in the following : **att y® request of y* inhabitants of Jeofferyes Creeke, this Courte doth graunt y' y® said Jeofferyes Creeke hence fo''ward shall be called Manchester." The population of Manchester at different periods was as follows : 1765* 732. 1800,1082. 1840,1355. 1776,949- 1810,1137. 1850,1638. 1790, 965. 1820, 1201. 1900, 2522. 1830, 1236. ABBREVIATIONS a. — age. abt. — about. h. — born. bef. — before. bp. — baptized, c. R. — church record. ch. — child. chn. — children. Co. — county. CT. R. — court record, Essex Co, Quarterly Court. d, — daughter ; day ; died. Dea. — deacon. diip. — duplicate entry. G. R. — gravestone record, Old Cemetery. h. — husband. inf. — infant. int. — intention of marriage. jr. — junior. m. — male ; married ; month. p. R. I. — Bible record, now in the possession of the Manchester Public Library and presented by Mrs. Hooper Allen. p. R. 2. — Bible record now in the possession of William H, Allen. p. R.3. — Record furnished by Joseph A. Torrey. p. R. <^.— Bible record now in the possession of William J. Johnson. tec. — recorded. s. — son. sr. — senior. T. c. — town copy of records made in 1886 by William A. Stone, town clerk. t/vm. — unmarried. w. — wife, week. wid. — widow. widr. — widower. y. — year. MANCHESTER BIRTHS TO THE END OF THE YEAR 1 849. ABBOT, Nath[aniel] Porter, s. Nathaniel and Phebe, Oct. 24, 1785- Nehemiah, s. Nathaniel and Phebe, Nov. 4, 1788. Phebe, d. Nathaniel and Phebe, Oct. 19, 1795. Sarah Kimbell, d. Nathaniel and Phebe, Sept. 29, 1791. ADAMS, Franklin Dexter, s. twin, Samuel and Pricilla, Sept. 23, 1841. John Quincy, s. Samuel, trader, and Elizabeth G., Feb. 20, 1848. Priscilla Brown, d. twin, Samuel and Pricilla, Sept. 23, 1841. AHHEAY[RS] (see also Ayers), Nathaniell, s. Thomas, Feb. 23, 1697-8. AHHEIRE (see also Ayers), John, s. Thomas and Mary, May 2, 1702. Martha, d. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 16, 1699-700. Peter, s. Thomas and Mary, Apr. 21, 1704. AIRES (see also Ayers), Israel, s. wid. Lucy, bp. June 3, 1780. c. R. AIRS (see also Ayers), Benjamin, s. Thomas, bp. Jan. 2, 1 731-2. c. R. Benjamin, s. Tho[mas], bp. Dec. 19, 1736. c. r. John, s. Tho[ma]s, bp. Feb. 18, i738[-9]. c. r. Joseph, s. Tho[mas], bp. July 10, 1743. c. r. Lydia, d. Tho[ma]s, bp. Dec. 29, 1734. c. r, Martha, d. Lydia, bp. June 7, 1724. c. r. Martha, d. Tho[mas], bp. May 18, 1729. c. r. Peter, s. Thomas, bp. Oct. 23, 1726. c. r. Sam[ue]ll, s. Tho[ma]s, bp. Aug. 2, 1741. c. r. ALIN (see also Allen), Martha, d. Onesiferas and Martha, Apr. 16, 1670. Mary, d. Onesiferas and Martha, May 17, 1672. Onesiferas, s. Onesiferas and Martha, July 13, 1674. Rachel, d. Samuell and Sarah, Feb. 19, 1677. William, s. Onesiferas and Martha, Mar. 7, 1677. 7 8 MANCHESTER BIRTHS ALLEN (see also Alin, AUin), Aaron, s, Malachi and Ruth, Aug. 28, 1765. Aaron, s. Jeremiah [2d. c. r.] and Abigail, May 30, 1773. Aaron, s. Aaron and Sally, Sept. 4, 1799. Abby, d. William H., cabinet maker, and Abby, Jan. i, 1847. Abby Smith, d. Samuel, Feb. 9, 1837. Abigail, d. Benjamin and Remember, Aug. 22, 1735. Abigail, d, Jerimiah, jr. and Eunice, July 23, 1753. Abigail, d. William and Abigail, May 23, 1755. Abigail Maria, d. Thomas and Abigail, Oct. 16, 181 2. Abigel, d. Bart[holome]w and Abgil, Aug. 19, 1731. Abner, s. Azariah and Sarah, Oct. 9, 1767. Abner, s. Abner and Lydia, Aug. 24, 1792. Abraham, s. Thomas and Abigail, Sept. 16, 1825. Abraham, s. Abigail, bp. July 6, 1834. c. r. Abrous, s. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Sarah, Dec. 27, 1724. Almina Rebecca, d. Jacob A. and Prudence, Mar. 2, 1836. Ambros, s. Ambros and Hannah, Oct. 25, 1767. Ambrous, s. Ambrous and Mary, Mar, 17, 1746-7. Amos, S.Jacob and Sarah, June 8, 1761. Amos, s. Isaac and Rebeckah, Aug. 18, 1792. Andrew, s. Benjamin and Remember, Apr. 15, 1743. Andrew, s. Andrew and Elis[abe]th, Aug. 26, 1768. Andrew, s. Andrew and Elizabeth, Mar. 21, 1771. Anice, d. Isaac and Rebeckah, Dec. 25, 1785. Ann Maria, d. Thomas L. and Lavina, Aug. 28, 182 1. Anna, d. Azarias and Lydia, bp. Dec. 29, 1745. c. r. Anna, d. Samuel, jr. and Hannah, Sept. 28, 1750. Anna, d. Joseph and Anna, bp. Jan. 7, 1753. c. R. Anna, d. Samuel, jr. and Hannah, Sept. 18, 1757. Anna, d. John, jr. and Anna, Dec. 31, 1758. Anna, d. Bartholomew and Jane, Jan. 18, 1764. Anna, d. Will[ia]m, jr. and Anna, bp. Feb. i or 2, 1778. c. R. Anna, d. Jonathan and Anna, at Hopkentown, July 30, 1790. Anne [Anna. c. r.], d. Malachi and Ruth, May 4, 1775. Anne [Anna. c. r.], d. VVill[ia]m, jr. and Anne [Anna. c. R.] July 10, 1779. Anne, d. Nathaniel and Anne, Nov. 9, 1788. Annes, d. Capt. Jacob and Elezebeth, Jan. 12, 1776. Annis, d. Josiah and Mary, July 9, 1751. Annis, d. John and Lydia, May i, 1757. Annis, d. Capt. Jacob and Elezebeth, May 3, 1774. Arthur, s. Daniel and Nancy, at Hopkinton, July 29, 1793. Arthur, s. Richard and Polly, Oct. 2, 1805. Asa, s. William and Abigail, July 4, 1766. Augusta, d. twin, Samuel, Sept. 4, 1839. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 9 Allen, Augustus Prince, s. Richard and Polly, June 2, 1813. Azariah, s. Azariah and Sarah, May 12, 1763. Azariah, s. Abner and Lydia, Aug. 25, 1796. Bartholomew, s. twin, Benjamin and Remember, Jan. 15,1 737-8. Bartholomew, s. Bartholomew and Jane, Aug. 19, 1769. Batte [Betty, c. R.],d. Malachi and Persiler, [Jun. 4. t. c], [torn. bp. May 11, 1747. c. R.] Benjamin, s. Elisha and Hanah, Dec. 3, 1748. Benjamin, s. Ezekiel and Sarah, July 23, 175 [torn. bp. 1751. c. R.]. Benjamin, s. Bartholomew and Jene [Jane. c. R.] Sept. 19, 1767. Benjamin, s. John, 3d and Sally, Jan. 29, 1803. Benjamin L., s. Luther, cabinet maker, and Jennett, July 20, 1845. Benj[ami]n Leach, s. John, 2d and Ruth, Mar. 8, 1803. Benjamin Marsters,s. Nath[a]n[iel] Marsters and Elezebeth, Apr. I, 1804. Ben[jamin] Mastus, s. Samuel, 3d and Sarah, May i, 1753. Bethiah, d. Jacob and Sarah, Feb. 5, 1755. Bethiah, d. Nathaniel, bp. May 23, 1803. c. r. Betsey, d. [Dea. c. R.] John and Lydia, Jan. 9, 1767. Betsey, d. Stephen and Betsey, Dec. 23, 1788. Betty, d. Andrew and Elizabeth, Apr. 16, 1773. Billy, s. William and Anne, Sept, 11, 1785. Caroline, d. Simeon, bp. Aug. — , 1810. c. r. Caroline, d. Azariah and Sally, P^eb. 17, 1829. Caroline Frances, d. James and Lydia, Apr. 9, 1825. Caroline Mann, d. Luther Allen and Jannett, June 3, 1842. Charlota, d. William and Anne, May 11, 1787. Charlotte, Eliza, d. [Dea. c. r.] Enoch and Eliza, Apr. 13, 1831. Charlotte Procter, d. William and Harriet, Mar. 8, 1826. Charles, s. Abner and Lydia, May 26, 1801. Daniel, s. Jeremiah, jr. and Eunice, Mar. 15, 1758. Daniel, s. Jona[than], 3d [jr. c. r.] and Sarah, July 16, 1768. Daniel, s. Will[iam] and Abigail, bp. Aug. 9, 1772. c. r. Daniel, s. Malachia and Ruth, June 17, 1781. Daniel, s. Jonathan and Anna, Apr. 16, 1787. Daniel, s. Jonathan and Anna, bp. May 31, 1789. c. R. Daniel, s. twin, John and Hannah, May 27, 1796. Daniel, s. Capt. John, bp. June 26, 1803. c. R. Darkes, d. Sam[ue]ll, 3d and Hannah, July 31, 1740. t. c. David, s. Jonathan, jr. and Priscilla, bp. Sept. 16, 1753. c. R. David, s. John, sr. and Lydia, Feb. 10, 1755. David, s. Jonathan, 3d, bp. June 30, 1765. c. R. David, s. Jonathan, jr. and Sarah, Feb. 7, 1772. David, s. John, jr. and Ruth, Aug. 30, 1774. David, s. David and Elezebeth, June 8, 1780. lO MANCHESTER BIRTHS Allen, David, s. Nathaniel and Anna, Feb. 12, 1805. David Brainard, s. Israel and Maria, June 3, 1842. David Goldsmith, s. Thomas and Abigail, July 8, 1821. Davied, s. Jonathan, jr. and Presila, Oct. 25, 1736. Delia Frances, d. James G. and Hannah, July 15, 1836. Ede, d. Sam[ue]ll [jr. c. r.] and Sarah, Dec. 11, 1761. Edward, s. Azariah and Lydia, bp. Oct. 2, 1748. c. r. Edward Farnham, s. John Perry and Ruth, Jan. 30. 1827. Edward Lee, s. Abner and Betsey, June 25, 1828. Edward Pitman, s. William and Harriet, Sept. 8, 1830. Elbridge, s. Stephen and Nancy, April 5, 1835. Elezebeth, d. [Capt. c. r.] John, jr. and Ruth, Feb. 21, 1782. Elezebeth, d. Isaac and Rebeckah, Oct. 14, 1783. Elezebeth, d. Nathaniel Marsters and Elezebeth, Jan. 22, 1793. Elezebeth, d. Nathan and Elezebeth, Feb. 25, 1801. Elezebeth, d. Hooper and Sally, Jan. 2, 1805. Elisabeth, d. Josiah and Mary, bp. Oct. 27, 1754. c. r. Elisabeth, d. Ambrose and Mary, bp. Aug. 10, 1755. c. r. El[i]sebeth, d. Joseph and Sarah, Feb. 24, 17 18. Elisha, s. Elisha and Hannah, July 3, 1740. Elisha, s. Elisha and Hannah, June 26, 1752. EHsha, s. Jonathan, jr. and Sarah, Mar. 28, 1770. Elisha, s. Jeremiah, jr. and Abigail, Oct. 14, 1771. Eliza, d. Jonathan and Anna, at Hopkentown, Mar. i, 1798. Eliza, d. Abner and Betsey, Oct. 6, 1823. Eliza, d. Eliza (and William Swift), Aug. 6, 1842. Eliza Abby, d. Joseph and Mehitable, July 27, 1833. Eliza Ann, d. David and Polly, Feb. 25, 1813. Eliza Frances, d. John Perry and Ruth, Sept 25, 1820. Elizabeth, d. David and Mary, Oct. 16, 1734. Elizabeth, d. Ambrose and Mary, Aug. 4, 1756. Elizabeth, d. James and Mary, June 7, 1769. Elizabeth, d. Jacob and Elizabeth, Aug. 24, 1772. Elizebeth, d. David and Elizebeth, Jan. 6, 1778. Elizabeth, d. Aaron and Sally, Dec. 28, 1808. Elizabeth, d. Samuel, Aug. 6, 1829. Elizabeth, d. Lucy, bp. July 3, 1835. c. R, Elizabeth Girdler, d. John W. and Joanna, Nov. 20, 1S14. Elizabeth Knight, d. Samuel P. and Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 1838. Elizabeth Peabody, d. twin, Joseph and Mehitable, Apr. 2, 1843. Emily Perry, d. twin, Joseph and Mehitable, Apr. 2, 1843. Emoline, d. Stephen and Nancy, June 28, 1838. Enoch, s. Nathan and Elizabeth, May 24, 1797. Ethan, s. [Capt. c. r.] John, jr. and Ruth, Aug. 30, 1777. Eunice, d. Benja[min] and Remember, Mar. 13, 1740. Eunice, d. Jeremiah, jr. and Eunice, Apr. 27, 1751. MANCHESTER BIRTHS I I Allen, Eunise, d. Jeremiah and Lydia, Nov. 27, 1734. Evelina, d. William and Hannah, Dec. i, 1797. Ezekeil, s. Ezekiel and Mary, Nov. 3, 1792. Ezekeil, s. Ezekeil and Sarah, June 22, 1749. Ezra,, s. twin, Benjamin and Remember, Jan. 15, 1737-8. Ezra, s. Ezra and Lucy, Apr. 24, 1766. Forster, s. Nathan and Elezebeth, Apr. 26, 1803. Frederic, s. Luther and Jennett, Sept. 28, 1836. George, s. Stephen and Nancy, June 20, 1833. George Forster, s. Nathan, jr. and Lucy, Sept. 10, 1826. George Franklin, s. William and Harriet, Oct. 21, 1840. George Harrison, s. Jacob A. and Prudence, June 21, 1840. George Washington, s. Azariah and Sally, July 11, 1831. Hannah, d. Samuel and Sarah, Apr. 29, 1721. Hannah, d. Elisha and Hannah, Jan. 13, 174 1-2. Hannah, d. Ambrose and Hannah, Aug. 17, 1770. Hannah, d. John and Hannah, July 3, 1784. Hannah, d. William, jr. and Hannah, Sept. 19, 1791. Hannah, d. twin, Nathanil and Anne, Sept. 21, 1792. Hannah, d. Nathaniel and Anna, Mar. 22, 1803. Hannah Leach, d.James G., mariner, and Hannah L., Dec. 29, 1846. Hannah Lee, d. Isaac and Harriet, May i, 1837. Hannah Palmer, d. Thomas and Abigail, Sept. 13, 181 7. Hariat, d. Hooper and Sally, Aug. 29, 1800. Harriet Eliza, d. Isaac and Harriet, Sept. i, 1838. Harriet Parsons, d. Henry P., cabinet maker, and Mary E., May 28, 1846. Harriot, d. Nathaniel and Anna, Dec. 22, 1806. Harriot Lee, d. W[illia]m, jr. and Harriot, Mar. 28, 1816. Hennery, s. Jonatha[n], jr. and Priscilla, Nov. 30, 1749. Hennery, s. Jonathan, jr. and Prisilla, June 3, 1755. Henry, s. Lucy, bp. July 3, 1835. c. R. Henry Obed, s. Enos G. and Lydia Ann, Nov. i, 1837. Henry [P., in pencil], s. Richard and Polly, Nov. 15, 1807. Hitte Ann, d. Daniel and Mehetable, Mar. 4, 1827. Holten, s. Jonathan and Anna, at Hopkentown, Jan. i, 1799. Hooper, s. William and Abigail, Jan. 4, 1763. [Jan. 2. p. R. i.] Hooper, s. Hooper and Sally, Dec. 25, 1791. Horatio Leach, s. James G., mariner, and Hannah, Aug. 24, 1844. Ireny, d. Richard and Polly, Aug. 10, 1803. Isaac, s. Jacob and Sarah [Lee. g. r.], Feb. 6, 1758. Isaac, s. Azariah and Sarah, Nov. 17, 1777. Isaac, s. Isaac and Rebeckah, Feb. 28, 1788. Isaac, s. Abner and Lydia, Oct. 15, 1798. Isaac, s. John, 2d and Ruth, Nov. 11, 1805. Isaac Austin, s. Jacob A. and Prudence, Aug. 14, 1842. 12 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Allen, Isaac Franklin, s. Azariah and Sally, Dec. 27, 1836. Isaac Patten, s. Isaac S., cabinet maker, and Alice J., Nov. 2, 1847. Israel, s. Nathan and Elizabeth, Aug. 14, 181 2. Israel Forster, s. Israel and Maria, Dec. 24, 1836. Jacob, s. Jonathan [and Mary (Pierce), g. r.], June 13, 1721. [J]acob, s. Josiah and Mary, Mar. 22, 1747-8. Jacob, s. Jacob and Sarah, Apr. 23, 1749. Jacob, s. Capt. Jacob and Elizebeth, Aug. 4, 1777. Jacob, s. Capt. Jacob and Elezebeth, Apr. 7, 1781. Jacob, s. Isaac and Rebeckah, Aug. 20, 1789. Jacob, s. Nathan and Elizabeth, Sept. 11, 1808. Jacob Horace, d. Joseph and Mchitable, Nov. 6, 1834. James, s. Josiah and Mary, bp. Oct. 19, 1746. c. R. James, s. Jeremiah, jr. and Unice, bp. Dec. 7, 1755. C. R. James, s. John and Hannah, Sept. 8, 1786. James Girdler, s. James and Lydia, May 26, 1813. Jenny, d. Bartholomew and Jane, July 4, 1761. Jeremiah, s. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Sarah, Apr. 16, 1727. Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah and Ledah, Apr. 16, 1728. Jeremiah, s. twin, Samuel, jr. and Hannah, bp. Feb. 2, 1752. c. R. Jerimiah, s. Jerimiah, jr. and Eunice, Apr. 6, 1749. Jerusha, d. Ambrose and Mary, Jan. 15, 1753. Joah, d. Stephen and Betsey, Mar. 15, 1794. Joann Laing, d. Luther and Jennett, Nov. 24, 1834. Joanna, d. John and Lydia, Sept. 29, 1760. Joanna Girdler, d. John W. and Joanna, June 30, 18 10. John, s. Jonnathan and Mary, Aug. 4, 1723. John, s. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Sarah, July 30, 1733. John, s. John and Lydia, Aug. 26, 1746. t. c. John, s. William and Abigail, Aug. 5, 1757. John, s. John, jr. and Ruth, Sept. 13, 1769. John, s. John, jr. and Ruth, Jan. 5, 1771. John, s. Azariah and Sarah, Jan. i, 1776. John, s. Nehemiah and Ruth, Feb. 14, 1777. John, s. John, 3d and Hannah, Aug. 5, 1781. John, s. David and Betsey, bp. Sept. 9, 1787. c. R. John, s. Daniel and Nancy, at Hopkinton, N. H,, Feb. 3, 1796. John, s. John, 3d and Sally, Apr. 28, 1801. John, s. Isaac and Harriet, bp. July 3, 1844. c. R. John Abner, s. Abner and Betsey, Dec. 14, 1821. John Cheever, s. Joseph and Mary, Mar. 24, 181 7. John Henry, s. Samuel and Mary, Mar. i, 1826. John Perry, s. Nathan and Elezebeth, Apr. 12, 1795. John Perry, s. John Perry and Ruth, Feb. 11, 1823. John Prince, s. Richard and Polly, Oct. 2, 1805. ' MANCHESTER BIRTHS I 3 Allen, Jonathan, s. Jonathan, jr. and Priscilla, Mar. i6, 1742. Jonathan, s. Jonathan, 3d and Sarah, Oct. 23, 1766. Jonathan Hasham, s. Ezekiel and Sarah, bp. Aug. 5, 1753. ^- ^• Jonathan Marsters, s. Jonathan and Anna, Feb. 5, 1809. Jonathan Prince, s. Richard and Polly, Sept. 13, 1799. John Rodgers, s. Stephen and Nancy, Aug. 31, 1829. John Woodberry Girdler, s. John VVoodbery and Joanna, Feb. 12, 1813. Joseph, s. Sam[ue]ll, 3d and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1738. t. c. Joseph, s. Jonathan and Anna, Dec. 16, 1789. Joseph, s. Joseph and Mary, Dec. 30, 18 14. Josephene, d. Azariah, marriner, and Sarah, July 15, 1848. Josiah, s. josiah and Rebecca, Aug. 23, 1763. Laura Matilda, d. Simeon, bp. July 19, 1807. c. R. Ledah, d. Jeremiah and Lidah, June 8, 1730. Lewis Edward, s. James and Lydia, Sept. 19, 1819. Lois, d. Azariah and Lydia, bp. Oct. 29, 1749. c. r. Louisa, d. twin, Samuel, Sept. 4, 1839. Louisa Frances, d. Stephen and Nancy, Oct. 18, 1840. Lucretia Ann, d. Stephen B., cabinet maker, and Sabra Ann, b. Beverly, Jan. i, 1849. Lucy, d. Jacob and Sarah, Nov. 3, 1751. Lucy, d. Ezra and Lucy, bp. Sept. 11, 1763. c. R. Lucy, d. Malachi and Ruth, bp. Nov. 10, 1776. c. r. [b. Nov. 5. p. R. 2.] Lucy, d. Malachi and Ruth, Apr. 28, 1783. Lucy, d. Isaac and Rebeckah, June 27, 1797. Lucy, d. Isaac, bp. Mar. — , 1810. c. r. Lucy Dean, d. Stephen and Nancy, Oct. 4, 1842. Lucy Goldsmith, d. Thomas and Abigail, Dec. 28, 181 3. Lucy Story, d. Aaron and Sally, Jan. i, 1797. Luther, s. Nathaniel and Anna, Feb. 2, 1809. Luther Franklin, s. Luther and Jennett, July 15, 1834. Lydia, d. John, sr. and Lydia, Dec. 5, 1750. Lydia, d. .Aziriah and Lydia, bp. Sept. 2, 1753. c. r. Lydia, d. William and Abig[ail], Sept. 20, 17 [60. t. c] Lydia, d. Azarias and Sarah, Oct. 20, 1769. Lydia, d, William and Abigail, Aug. 14, 1770. Lydia, d. [Capt. c. R.] John, jr. and Ruth, Jan. 7, 1780. Lydia, d. David and Elezebeth, July 12, 1782. Lydia, d. Nathaniel Marsters and Elezebeth, Dec. 18, 1801. Lydia Girdler, s. James and Lydia, May 26, 18 16. Lydia Lee, d. Abner and Betsey, May 2, 1825. Mahala, d. William and Sally, June 19, 1796. Malachi, s. Malachi and Prisilah, Mar. 10, 1740-41. Malachi, s. Malachi and Ruth, bp. Oct. 31, 1762. c. r. 14 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Allen, Malica, s. Malica and Ruth, Mar. 4, 1764. Mallaca, s. Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 25, 17 18. Margret, d. Josiah and Rebecca, Sept. 19, 1767. Maria Perry, d. Israel and Maria, June 25, 1835. Mark, s. Jonathan, jr., bp. Apr. 3, 1774. c. R. Marke, s. Jonath[a]n, jr. and Sarah, Feb. 9, 1777. Mary, d. Jonathan and Mary, July 18, 1730. Mary, d. Samuel, jr. [merchant, c. r.] and Hannah, Mar. 12, 1745-6. Mary, d. Nathan and Elezebeth, Oct. 6, 1805 [1806. dup.]. Mary, d. David and Polly, Oct. 9, 18 10. Mary, d. Samuel P., cabinet maker, and Elizabeth, Feb. 12, 1845. Mary Brown, d. Israel, farmer, and Mariah, July 25, 1848. Mary Girdler, d. Samuel and Mary, Mar. 2, 1817. Mary Thorndike, d. Samuel, at Beverly, Jan. 26, 1830. Mary Venning, d. John A., clerk in store, and Mary A., of St. Louis, Mo., Oct. II, 1845. Mehetable, d. Nathan and Elezebeth, May 30, 1799. Mehitable Goldsmith, d. Thomas and Abigail, May 26, 18 19. Michael, s. Samuel, jr. and Hann[a]h, Aug. 18, 1742. Milo Lewis, s. Jacob A. and Prudence, June 21, 1838. MoUey, d. Dea. John and Lydia, bp. June 19, 1763. c. R. Molly, d. Ambrose and Mary, Apr. 6, 1751. Molly, d. Jonathan, jr. and Priscilla, Sept. 29, 1759. Molly, d. Azarias and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1771. Molly, d. James and Mary, Sept. 23, 1771. Molly, d. twin, Jonath[a]n, jr. and Sarah, Feb. 20, 1779. Moses, s. Jeremiah, jr. and Abigail, May 25, 1770. Nabby, d. Will[ia]m and Nabby, bp. Oct. 27, 1776. c. R. Nabby, d. Jonathan and Anna, at Hopkentown [N. H.], Aug. 18, 1794. Naby, d. William, jr. and Anne, July 10, 1783. Naby, d. David and Elez[abe]th, Oct. 20, 1784. Nancy, d. John and Hannah, Nov. 17, 1788. Nancy, d, twin, John and Hannah, May 27, 1796, Nancy, d. Capt. John, bp. June 26, 1803. c. r. Nancy Maria, d. Stephen and Nancy, June 21, 1831. Nancy Wise, d. Daniel, bp. May 6, 18 10. c. r. Nansey, d. Stephen and Betsey, Jan. 9, 1791- Nathan, s. Jacob and Mary, July 25, 1768. Nathan, s. Nathan and Elezebeth, Jan. 13, 1794- Nathan, s. Nathan, jr. and Lucy, June 28, 1824. Nathan, s. Isreal, farmer, and Mariah, June 17, 1845. Nat[haniel], s. Elisha and [H]annah, Aug. 5, 1756. Nathaniel, Oct. 31, 1759.G. r. Nathaniel, s. Capt. Jeremiah and Eunice, bp. Sept. 18, 1763. c. r. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 15 Allen, Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Anne, Aug. 15, 1790. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel Marster and Elezebeth, May 14, 1795. Nathaniel, s. Luther and Jennett, Oct. 13, 1839. Nathaniel Marsturs, s. Sam[ue]ll and Sarah, Nov. 3, 1767. Neamiah, s. Stephen and Elisibeth, Oct. 22, 1741. Nehemiah, s. Benjamen and Abbigel, Feb. 15, 17 17. Nehemiah, s. John and Lydia, bp. Nov. 13, 1748. c. R. Nehemiah, s. John, sr. and Lydia, Nov. 24, 1753. Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah and Ruth, Oct. 8, 1775. Oliver, s. Jeremiah, jr. and Eunice, May 3, 1760. Oliver, s. Andrew and Elizabeth, Aug. 10, 1769. Pachance, d. Elisha and Hannah, Feb. 8, 1743-4. Patte, d. Elisha and Hannah, May 11, 1754. Pattey, d. Azariah and Sarah, June 8, 1765. Patty, d. Capt. Jacob and Elezebeth, Apr. 6, 1779. Persilar, d. Malik and Persilah, June 8, 1743. Persiler, d. Jonathan [jr. c. r.] and Persiler, Nov. 6, 174 [torn. bp. 1747. c. R.]. Phanny [bp. Fanny, c. R.], d. John and Hannah, Jan. 28, 1794. Polly, d. William, jr. and Anne, July 5, 1781. Polly, d. Richard and Polly, Sept. 11, 1801. Priscilla, d. Malachi and Ruth, Oct. 5, 1772. Priscillia, d. William, jr. and Hannah, Dec. 6, 1795. R. Clarence, s. Stephen, farmer, and Nancy, Feb. 17, 1847. Rachel, d. Jonathan, jr., and Presselah, Jan. 8, 1738-9. Rachel, d. Benja[min] and Remember, Sept. 18, 1746. Rachel, d. Bartholomew and Jene [Jane. c. r.], Sept. i, 1765. Rachel, d. Jonathan, jr., bp. Sept. 2, 1781. c. R. Rebecah, d. Dea. John and Elizabeth (Hilton) Tewksbury, Oct. 6, 1758. G. R. Rebecca, d. Josiah, jr. and Rebecca, Jan. 27, 175S. Rebeckah, d. Isaac and Rebeckah, Feb. 24, 1780. Reyanna Prince, d. Samuel P. and Elizabeth, July 15, 1842. Reyanna Prince, d. Samuel P., cabinet maker, and Elizabeth, Dec. 31, 1849. Richard, s. Azariah and Sarah, Apr. 8, 1774. Richard, s. Richard and Polly, Sept. 27, 1797. Richard, s. Lucy, bp. July 3, 1835. c. R. Ruth, d. Samuel, 3d and Sarah, July 25, 1755. Ruth, d. [Dea. c. r.] John and Lydia, Oct. 8, 1759. Ruth, d. Malachi and Ruth, Aug. 26, 1769 [July 25. p. r. 2. J. Ruth, d. John, jr. and Ruth, June 18, 1772. Ruth, d. Nehemiah and Ruth, June 13, 1779. Ruth, d. David and Elezebeth, Sept. 15, 1794. Ruth, d. John, jr. and Ruth, Sept. 4, 1798. Ruth Leach, d. John Perry and Ruth, May 15, 1831. l6 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Allen, Ruthelia Leach, d. John P. and Ruth, Oct. i8, 1840. Ruthy Ann, d. Aaron and Sally, Apr. 18, 18 13. Sally, d. twin, Nathanil and Anne, Sept. 21, 1792. Sally, d. Nathaniel and Anne, Apr. 14, i 794. Sally, d. Hooper and Sally [Sarah, p. r. i.], Apr. 17, 1794. Sally, d. Aaron and Sally, Nov. 4. 1801. Salome, d. J[o]na[than], bp. Apr. i, 1810. c. R. Samuel, s. Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 4, 1722-23. Sam[ue]l, s. Sam[uejll, 3d and Hannah, at Newbury, June i, 1737- Samuel, s. Ambrous and Mary, May 9, 1749- Samuel, s. Samuel, 3d and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1757. Samuel, s. William and Abigail, Sept. 10, 1768. Samuel, s. John and Hannah, Mar. 20, 1791. Samuel, s. Nathaniel Marsters and Elezebeth, Feb. 7, 1799. Samuel, s. Samuel, farmer, and Abigail, Apr. 21, 1844. Samuel Edwin, s. Samuel and Mary, Nov. 16, 1821. Samuel P., s. Samuel P.,cabinet maker, and Elizabeth, Apr.22,1 847. Samuel Prince, s. Richard and Polly, Oct. 19, 18 11. Samuline, d. Samuel and Nabby, Jan. 4, 1842. Sarah, d. Benjamen and Abigel, Mar. 11, 1719-20 Sarah, d. Bart[holome]w and Abgil, Feb. 4, 1732-3- Sarah, d. Elisha and Hann[ah], Oct. 11, 1746. Sarah, d. Jacob and Sarah, [torn] 14, [torn. bp. Nov. 23, 1746. c. R.]. Sarah, d. Azarias and Sarah, Dec. 26, 1761. Sarah, d. twin, Jonath[a]n, jr. and Sarah, Feb. 20, 1779. Sarah, d. Isaac and Rebeckah, Oct. 16, 1781. Sarah, d. Nathaniel Marstus and Elezebeth, Feb. 22, 1791. Sarah, d. Hooper and Sarah, Apr. 17, 1794. Sarah, Russel, d. Azariah and Sally, June 27, 1825. Sarah Marsters, d. Samuel, at Beverly, Dec. 5, 1832. Semion, s. Malachi and Ruth, Dec. 27, 1778. [S]haloma, d. Jonathan and Anna, at Hopkentown [N. H.], Aug. 27, 1792. Simeon, s. Malachi and Priscilla [Sarah, c. r.J, July 12, 1750. Simeon, s. Malachi and Ruth, bp. Jan. 3, 1779. c. R. Solomon Driver, s. Richard and Bethiah, Apr. i, 1826. Susan, d. Lucy, bp. July 3, 1835. c. R. Susan, d. Samuel, farmer, and Abby, Sept. 6. 1847. Susan Dodge, d. Henry P., cabinet maker, and Mary E., Dec. 22, 1847. Stephen, s. Stephen and Betsey, May 13, i797- Stephen Baker, s. Stephen and Nancy, July 7, 1828. Susan Marsters, d. Enoch and Susan, at Salem, Mar. 22, 1825. Susannah, d. William and Anne, Aug. 16, 1789. MANCHESTER BIRTHS I 7 Allen, Susannah, d. Stephen and Betsey, Mar. i6, 1803. Thomas, s. Samuel, jr. [3d. c. R.] and[H]annah,"[torn] ne 7, 1744 [bp. June. c. r.]. Thomas, s. Josiah and Rebecca, Oct. 24, 1765. Thomas, s. Thomas and Abigail, Oct. 23, 1815. Thomas Lee, s. William, jr. and Anne, June 13, 1791. William, s. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Sarah, June 9, 1731. William, s. William and Abigail, Dec. 3, 1752. William, s. Malachi and Ruth, Dec. 4, 1766 [Dec. 3. p. R. 2.]. William, s. Nath[anie]ll and Anne, Apr. 11, 1787. William, s. Nathaniel, bp. July 18, 1802. c. r. WiUiam, s. Aaron and Sally, Sept. 21, 1803. William Henry, s. Nathaniel and Anna, June 4, 1812. William Henry, s. W[illia]m, jr. and Hariot, July 14, 18 18. William Henry, s. Azariah and Sally, July 31, 1842. William Hervey, s. William Harvey, farmer, and Susan, b. Ham- ilton, Dec. 5, 1848. Woodbury, s. William and Sally, Oct. 11, 1802. Zadock, s. Samuel, jr. and Hannah, Feb. 23, 1748-9. Zerubbabel, s. twin, Samuel, jr. and Hannah, bp. Feb. 2, 1752. C. R. , s. Josiah, Oct. 19 [torn. abt. 1748.]. , ch. Hooper and Sarah, Aug. 20, 1790. p. r. i. -, chn. twins, Hooper and Sarah, Oct. 10. 1798. P. r. i. — , s. Stephen, carpenter, and Nancy, Dec. i, 1844. ALLIN (see also Allen), Abigail, d. Sam [ue] 11, bp. Apr. 24, 1737. c. R. Abigail, d. Jer[emiah] and Lydia, bp. Aug. 2, 1741. c. R. Abigal, d. Samuell, jr. and Abigail, June 10, 1690. Abigail, d. Benjaman and Abigail, May 30, 1705. Abigail, d. Benjaman and Abigail, Nov. 19, 17 10. Abner, s. Azariah, bp. May 22, 1743. c. R. Alice, d. Samuell and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1674. Amos, s. John and Elizabeth, May 26, 171 1. Amos, s. Margaret, bp. Apr. 21, 1734. c. r. Andrew, s. Benjamin, bp. May 20, 1733. c. R. Arrabellah, d. Onesiferas and Martha, Oct. i, 1686. Azariah, s. Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 9, 17 14. Azariah, s. Azariah and Lydia, bp. Jan. i, 1737 [-8]. c. R. Bartholmue, s. Benjaman and Abial, July 26, 1708. Benjaman, s. Benjaman and Abigail, Sept. 13, 1706. Benjamen, s. Joseph and Cathorn, July 15, 1702. Benjamin, s. Samuell and Sarah, June 4, 1681. Cathorn, d. Joseph and Sarah, Dec. 27, 1713. Caroline Elizabeth, d. Stephen and Nancy, May 28, 1827. Danneell, s. Samuell, jr. and Abigail, Aug. i, 1701. Daved, s. Jonathan and Mary, May 25, 171 1. 1 8 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Allin, Elisabeth, d. Samuell and Sarah, Mar. i8, 1679. Elisha, s. Benjamin and Abigail, May 25, 1711. Elizabeth, d. John and Elisabeth, May 18, 1699. Elizabeth, " an orphan child of 5 or 6 years old of John Allin, late of Salem, taken by Deacon Allin as his own," bp. Sept. 26, 1725. c. R. Euness, d. John and Alee, July 2, 17 10. Hannah, d. Samuell, jr. and Abigail, May 22, 1695. Hannah, d. John and Elizabeth, Mar. 18, 1701. Isaac, s. Tho[ma]s, bp. [at Gloucester?], June 20, 1731. c. r. Isaac, s. Azariah and Lydia, bp. May 24, 1741. c. R. Isack, s. Joseph and Cathorn, May 30, 1709. Jacob, s. John and Elisabeth, Mar. 13, 1696-97. Jacob, s. Josiah and Margaret, bp. Dec. 18, 1726. c. r. Jam[e]s, s. John and Elizabeth, Aug. 26, 1708. James, s. James and Mary, Aug. 24, 1774. Jeramiah, s. Samuell and Abigail, June 26, 1704. Jerusee, d. Samuell and Abigll, Jan. 24, 171 2. Jerusha, d. Sam[ue]ll and Sarah, bp. Aug. 24, 1729. c. R. John, s. Samuell and Sarah, Feb. 12, 1666. John, s. Onesiferas and Martha, May 17, 1679. John, s. John and Elisabeth, Nov. 9, 1690. Jonathan, s. Samuell and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1684. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Mary, Mar. 24, 17 13. Josef, s. Samuell and Sar[a]h, June 26, 1672. Joseph, s. Joseph and Cathorn, Aug. 12, 1697. Joseph, s. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 3, 1727. c. r. Joseph, s. Jonathan, bp. July 6, 1729. c. r. Joseph, s. Benjamin, bp. Aug. 16, 1730. c. r. Joseph, s. Joseph, bp. [at Gloucester?], Aug. 10, 1735. c. r. Josiah, S.John and Elizabeth, Apr. 28, 1703. Josiah, s. Margaret, bp. June 27, 1725. c. R. Josiah, s. Margarett, bp. Aug. 30, 1730. c. R. Lidiah, d. Benjamon and Abigail, Feb. 23, 1712-13. Luke, s. Jonathan, bp. June 12, 1726. c. r. Lydia, d. Azariah and Lydia, bp. Oct. 28, 1739. C. R. Malachi, s. Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 19, 17 16. Malachi, s. Mal[achi] and Priscilla, bp. Mar. 15, i74o[-4i.] c. R. Margaret, d. Josiah and Margaret, bp. Sept. 22, 1728. c. r. Martha, d. William and Sarah, Oct. 23, 1702. Martha, d. Samuell and Abigell, Jan. 26, 1706-7. Mary, d. William and Sarah, Sept. 27, 1704. Mary, d. Tho[ma]s, bp. Sept. 10, 1738. c. R. Michal, s. Sam[ue]ll, bp. Aug. 22, 1742. c. R. Mirriam, d. Jonathan and Mary, Aug. 27, 17 10. Moses, s. Joseph and Sarah, Oct. 7, 17 15. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 1 9 Allin, Persillah, d. Joseph and Cathom, Apr. lo, 1707. Priscilla, d. Mal[ach]i and Pricilla, bp. June 12, 1743. c. r. Rachill, d. Samuell, jr. and Abigail, Oct. i, 1698. Richard, s. Onesiferas and Martha, Dec. 10, 1684. Robbert, s. Joseph and Cathurn, May 8, 1705. Samuell, s. Samuell and Sarah, Aug. 4, 1663. Samuell, s. Samuell, jr. and .Abigail, Oct. 7, 1692. Samuell, s. Joseph and Cathorn, Jan. 23, 1698. Sarah, d. Samuell and Sarah, Mar. 12, 1668. Sarah, d. Samuell, jr. and Abegall, July 14, 1687. Sarah, d. John and Elizabeth, June 23, 1691. Sarah, d. John and Elizabeth, Sept. 28, 1706. Sarah, d. William and Sarah, May 25, 1707. Sarah, " ye wife of Joseph was baptised and of her Sarah Knol- ton," Dec. 8, 1717. c. r. Sarah, d. Sam[ue]l, jr. and Sarah, bp. May 31, 1719. c. R. Stephen, s. Benjaman and Abigail, Oct. 22, 17 14. Unice, d. John, bp. Mar. 10, 17 16 [-17]. c. R. William, s. Samuell and Sarah, Mar. 18, 1670. William, s. Joseph and Cathorn, May 21, 17 11. ANDREAS (see also Andrews), Anna, d. Benja[min] and Lucy, bp. July 3, 1763. c. R. Betsey, d. Aaron, bp. Sept. 3, 1784. c. r. Lydia, d. Jeremiah and Lydia, bp. June 16, 1754. c. r. Molley, d. Jeremiah and Lydia, bp. Nov. 9, 1755. C. r. ANDREWS (see also Andreas, Andros, Androse, Androws), Abi- gail, d. John and Mary, Apr. 10, 1830. Amanda Louisa, d. Joseph, farmer, and Mary, Aug. 28, 1847. Charles, s. John C, jr., shoe manufacturer, and Mary, July 28, 1843. Charles Gerry, s. Oilman D., cabinet maker, b. Essex, and Lucy Ann, b. Hamilton, Oct. 11, 1849. Ezekiel, s. Benjamin and Luce, July 25, 1754. Genet, d. Asa L., painter, and Genet, Apr. 27, 1845. George Edward, s. John and Nancy, Jan. 7, 1837. Isabelle, d. Isaac, laborer, and Christiana, Dec. 24, 1847. James Hunter, s. James L., cabinet maker, and Elizabeth, Sept. 7, 1847. John James, s. John, Mar. 13, 1841. Joseph, s. Joseph and Margaret, bp. July 11, 1784. c. r, Joseph Francis, s. Joseph R., farmer, and Mary, b. Gloucester, Dec. 31, 1849. Lydia, d. Jerimiah and Lydia, Sept. 4, 1752. Mary Eliza, d. John C, labourer, and Mary, Dec. 30, 1846. Mary Low, d. Asa L., cabinet maker, and Genet, Apr. 29, 1847. 20 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Andrews, Matilda, d. John and Mary, Oct. 28, 1838. Orin Wait, s. James M., cabinet maker, and Elizabeth, Aug. 10, 1844. Samuel James, s, John and Nancy Jan. 18, 1831. William Albert, s. Asa and Jessie, Mar. 16, 1843. ANDROS (see also Andrews), [torn] tty [bp. Betty, c. r.] d. Benjamin and Lucey, July 25, 1758. [L]ucey, d. Benjamin and Lucey, May 23, 1756. Molly, d. Benja[min] and Lucey, Aug. i, 1760. Molly, d. Jeremiah and Lydia, No\. 4, 1760. ANDROSE (see also Andrews), Assaker [bp. Issachar. c. r.], s. Joseph and Margret, Oct. 6, 1789. Israel [bp.Israel Ober. c.r.], s.Joseph and Margret, Sept. 27, 1786. John Craft, s. John and Nancy, March i, 1807. Joseph, s. Joseph and Margret, Sept. 15, 1782. Ruth, d. Joseph and Margret, June 29, 1784. Thomas Lee, s. Patty, Apr. 5, 1808. William, s. John and Nancy, Nov. 17, i Si 3. ANDROWS (see also Andrews), William, s. John, of Jebacco, bp. July 25, 1725. c. R. ANABLE (see also Annable), Elizabeth S., d. John, cabinet maker, and Hannah, Dec. 16, 1S46. ANIBAL (see also Annable) , Alfred, s. Daniel and Eunice, Feb. 22, 1814. Joanna, d. Daniel and Eunice, Apr. 11, 181 1. ANNABLE (see also Anable, Anibal, Annibal), Charles, s. John and Hannah, June 19, 1841. Charlotte, d. Daniel [and Eunice, in pencil], bp.May 23, 1824. c. R. Elizabeth Girdler Allen, d. Alfred and Augusta E., Apr. 21, 1840, Lucius, s. John and Hannah, Jan. 31, 1838. ANNIBAL (see also Annable), John, s. Daniel (Anibal) and Eu- nice, June 16, 1807. AUSTIN, Elizabeth Dodge, d. Samuel and Lucy, July 12, 1837. AVERIL, Rachel, d. Benjamin and Mary, bp. [at Gloucester?], Sept. I, 1728. c. R. AYER (see also Ayers), Lydia, d. Peter and Sarah, bp. Sept. 25, 1757. c. R. Sarah, d. Peter and Sarah, bp. Nov. 26, 1752. c. R. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 21 AYERS (see also Ahheayrs, Ahheire, Aires, Airs, Ayer, Ayhaire, Ayres, Heyer), Anna, d. John, 2d and Anna, Feb. 10, 1S06. Anna, d. John, 2d, bp. Mar. — , 18 10. c. r. CaroHne Winchester, d. Peter and Elizabeth, Jan. 21, 1829. David Allen, s. Samuel and Eliza, Oct. 5, 1841. Eliza Ann, d. Samuel and Eliza, Aug. 21, 1833. Elizabeth, d. John, 2d and Anna, May 16, 181 2. Elizabeth Lee, d. Peter and Elizabeth, Nov. 12, 1832. Ellen Melissa, d. Samuel and Eliza, Dec. 13, 1837. George Cross, s. Jacob, cabinet maker, and Rebecca H., Oct. 11, 1848. Harriot, d. Thomas and Jane, Jan. 17, 18 10. Isaac [bp. Isaac Allen, c. r.], s. John and Patty, Sept. 6, 1804. Jacob, s. Jacob and Lucy, Apr. 23, 1774. Jacob, s. Thomas and Jane, Jan. 2, 1820. Jacob Everett, s. Jacob, cabinet maker, and Rebecca H., Oct. 2, 1845. John, s. Peter and Sarah, July i, 1764. John, s. Samuel and Lydia, Nov. 20, 1778. John, s. John and Patty, Jan. 19, 1793. John William, s. John jr. and Anna, Sept. 2, 1803. Joseph, s. John, 2d and Anna, Jan. 26, 1814. Josephine, d. Peter and Elizabeth, July 20, 1841. Lydia, d. Samuel and Lydia, Oct. 4, 1783. Lydia, d. John and Patty, June 8, 1798. Mary Jane, d. Thomas and Jane, Sept. 27, 1808. Mary Leach, d. Samuel and Eliza, Apr. 9, 1835. Niram [bp. Iram. c. R.], s. twin, John and Patty, May 28, iSoo. Patty, d. John and Patty, Aug. 26, 1788. Patty, d. John and Patty, bp. Nov. 8, 1789. c. R. Perlinia, d. Thomas and Jane, Sept. 3, 181 3. Peter, s. John and Patty, Apr. 9, 1795. Sally, d. John and Patty, Apr. 12, 1792. Samuel, s. Samuel and Lydia, Oct. 10, 1776. Samuel, s. Thomas and Jane, Apr. 9, 181 2. Samuel, s. Samuel, mariner, and Eliza, at Newport, Feb. 17, 1844. Tho[ma]s, s. Tho[ma]s, jr. and Lydia, June 28, 1725. Thomas, s. Samuel and Lydia, Apr. i, 1786. Victoria, d. Peter and Elizabeth, July 25, 1837. William, s. twin, John and Patty, May 28, 1800. AYHAIRE (see also Ayers), Kathren, d. Thomas and Mary, Mar. 22, 1695-6. Mary, d. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 22, 1690. Thomas, s. Thomas and Mary, Sept. i, 1693. AYRES (see also Ayers), Jacob, s. Thomas and Lydia, Feb. 26, 1744- 22 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Ayres, Joanna, d. John, bp. Sept. 5, 1802. c. r. Lydia, d. Peter and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1751. Molly, d. Jacob and Lucey, Oct. 13, 1769. Patte, d. Peter and Sarah, July 26, 1755. Peter, s. Peter and Sarah, Aug. 10, 1760. Thomas, s. Peter and Sarah, Mar. 31, 1750. BABCOCK (see also Badcock, Badkok), Aaron, s. George and Hannah, Aug. 20, 1807. Alphonso, s. John and Mary, July 15, 1840. Elkannan, s. John, 2d, fisherman, and Mary, July 23, 1844. Fanny, d. Thomas, bp. July 15, 18 10. c. R. George, s. George and Hannah, June 30, 1805. Hannah Edwards, d. William and Ede, Sept. 5, 1805. John, s. John and Lois, July 17, 1776. John Francis, s. John and Mary, Aug. 22, 1835. Mary, d. Mary, bp. July 22, 18 10. c. R. Mary, d. Mary, bp. July 6, 1828. c. r. Mary Ann, d. William and Mary, July 25, 181 7. Samuel, s. George and Hannah, Apr. 16, 18 10. William Sturgis, s. William and Mary, Sept. 23, 1825. , s. John, fisherman, and Mary, Feb. 12, 1847. BADCOCK (see also Babcock), Aaron, s. Joseph and Lydia, Sept. 15, 1785. Azariah, s. William and Ede, Jan. 17, 1800. Darkes, d. John and Darkes, Jan. 11, 1799. David, s. John and Lois, bp. Feb. 9, 1777. c. r. George, s. Joseph and Lydia, Mar. 11, 1783. Issachar, s. Thomas and Molly, Sept. 3, 1789. Jenny, d. John and Jane, June 7, 1757. Joanna, d. Will[ia]m and Mary, Apr. 18, 1769. John, s. John and Jane, Oct. 17, 1752. John, s. John and Lois, bp. Nov. 20, 1774. c. R. John, s. Joseph and Lydia, June 17, 1781. John, s. George and Hannah, Jan. 20, 1804. Joseph, s. John and Jane, April 13, 1751. Joseph, s. Joseph and Lydia, Oct. 12, 1772. Joseph, s. Joseph, jr. and Darkes, Dec. 4, 1794. Joseph Marsters, s. Thomas and Mary, Nov. 26, 1781. Lydia, d. William, jr. and Lydia, Sept. 28, 1773. Lydia, d. William and Ede, June 2, 1S03. Nancy, d. John and Darkes, Nov. i, 1801. Nicholas, s. John and Jane, Dec. 30, 1754. Phanny, d. Thomas and Molly, May 25, 1794. Ruth, d. Thomas and Mary, Mar. 3, 1780. SaJley, d. William, jr. and Mary, Dec. i, 1758. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 23 Badcock, Samuel, s. Joseph and Lydia, Oct. 18, 1775. Thomas, s. Thomas and Mary, May 11, 1778. William, s. Will[ia]m, jr. and Lydia, Dec. 4, 1771. William, s. Thomas and Mary, Mar. 25, 1784. William, s. William and Ede, Oct. 7, 1796. BADKOK (see also Babcock,), Elizabeth, d. William, jr. and Mary, July 12, 1755. Mary, d. William, jr. and Mary, Nov. 15, 1746. Thomas, s. William, jr. and Mary, Apr. 5, 1752. William, s. William, jr. and Mary, Jan. 28, 1748-9. BAER (see also Bare), Rachel [bp. Bear. c. r.], d. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, Jan. 21, 1 741-2. BAILEY (see also Bayley), Jane Elizabeth, d. Charles and Jane, Nov. 2, 1832. Nath[anie]l, s. Anna, bp. July 22, 1810. c. R. BAKER, Anna, d. Joseph and Anna, Aug. 24, 1799. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Jemimah, at Ipswich, Aug. 31, 1783. Esther, d. Joseph and Anna, Mar. 10, 1806. Eunice Craft, d. Joseph and Anna, Aug. 18, 181 2. George Whitefied, s. Ira and Mary, Mar. i, 1841. Ira, d. Joseph and Anna, June 9, 1803. John, s. John and Elizabeth, Aug. 31, 1771. Levina, d. Joseph and Anna, Dec. 21, 1800. Mary Agusta, d. Ira and Mary, Sept. 3, 1830. Rachel Allen, d. Ira and Mary, Nov. 17, 1835. BALCHAR (see also Belcher), Abigal, d. Joseph and Mary, Jan. 28, 1739-40. BALCHER (see also Belcher), James, s. Joseph and Mary, Mar. 18, 1741-2. BARE (see also Baer, Bear), Anna, d. wid. Sarah, bp. Dec. i, 1776. c. R. Betsey, d. Samuel and Betsey, at Hamilton, Dec. 7, 1794. Elezebeth, d. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, Dec. 6, 1744. Jerusha, d. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, June 21, 1730. John, s. Samuell and Sarah, Nov. 19, 1775. Sam[ue]l, s. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, Sept. 18, 174 [torn. bp. 1746. c. R.]. Samuel, s. wid. Sarah, bp. Dec. i, 1776. c. r. Samuel, s. Samuel and Betsey, Oct. 30, 1796. BARTLETT, Charles Augustus, s. , [of] Marblehead, bp* Aug. 20, 1826. c. r. 24 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Bartlett, John, s. Caleb and Eleanor, Oct. i6, 1770. John Devereux, s. , [of] Marblehead, bp. Aug. 20, 1826. c. BATCHELDER (see also Batchelor, Batchelour), James, s. James and Hannah, bp. Aug. 14, 1763. c. R. BATCHELOR (see also Batchelder), Lydia, d. James and Han- nah, bp. Aug. 19, 1759. c. R. BATCHELOUR (see also Batchelder), Elisabeth, d. James, bp. Sept. 6, 1755. c. R. Sarah, d. James, bp. Aug. 14, 1757. c. R. BAYLEY (see also Bailey), Elizabeth, d. John and Hannah, May II, 1769. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel (Baley) and Anna, Mar. 12, 1803. Patty, d. John (Bailey) and Hannah, May 17, 1772. BEAN, Betty, d. Robert and Elisabeth, bp. Jan. 25, 1756. c. r. Robert, s. Robert and Elizabeth, Jan. 18, 1758. BEAR (see also Bare), Anna, d. Samuel and Sarah, Oct. 24, 1772. Anne, d. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, Aug. 23, 1736. Hannah, d. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, Aug. 17, 1732. Mary, d. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, Aug. 21, 1728. Samuel, s. Samuel and Sarah, Jan. 12, 1770. BELCHER (see also Balchar, Balcher), Elezabeth, d. John and Abigail, May 15, 1790. Jane, d. Joseph, bp. Mar. 21, 1741 [-2]. c. r. John, s. Joseph and Elisabeth, bp. Oct. 16, 1763. c. R. Joseph, s. Joseph and Mary, Dec. 8, 1737. Joseph, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Nov. 15, 1759. Mary, d. Joseph and Mary [" who had her former child baptized att Jebacco." c. r.], June 6, 1733. Nabby, d. John and Abigail, Sept. 5, 1792. Ruth, d. Joseph and Mary, Sept. 26, 1735. Stephen, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Sept. 15, 1761. BENET (see also Bennett), Alee, d. Aron and Hanna, April 5, 1679. Aron, s. Aron and Hannah, Mar. 25, 1677. Elisabeth, d. Aron and Hanna, June 13, 1680. Hannah, d. Aron and Hanna, Mar. 25, 1665. Jane, d. Aron and Hanna, Jan. 15, 1675. Mary, d. Aron and Hanna, Jan. 31, 1685. Mary, d. Aron and Ann, Oct. 22, 1707. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 25 BENNET (see also Bennett), Aaron, s. Aaron, jr. and Bethiah, Mar. 20, 1736-7. Aaron, s. Samuell and Elezebeth, Nov. 14, 1775. Abigail, d. Aron and Ann, June 15, 17 13. Anna Woodbery, d. David and Nabby, Feb. 27, 1809. Anne, d. Sam[ue]ll and Elezebeth, Aug. 7, 1779. Aron, s. Aron and Ann, July 6, 1705. Aveline, d. David and Nabby, Feb. 21, 1815. Benja [niin], s. Aaron, jr. and Bethiah, Aug. i, 1739. Bethire, d. Sammuel, bp. Dec. 23, 1792. c. R. David, s. David and Anne, Oct. 4, 1776. David, s. David and Nabby, Mar. 2, 181 1. Elizabeth, d. Samuell and Elezebeth, Sept. 18, 1777. Isarel, s. Samuel and Elezebeth, Mar. 15, 1795. John, s. Samuell and Elezebeth, July 20, 1774. Lusee, d. Aron and Ann, June 2, 1709. Lydia, d. Samuel and Elezebeth, June 21, 1786. Mosess, s. Aron and Ann, Feb. 25, 17 14-15, Nabby, d. David and Nabby, Aug. 9, 1807. Nancey, d. Sam[ue]ll and Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 11, 1781. c. R. Samuel, s. Samuel and Elezebeth, May 30, 1784. Samuel, s. David and Nabby, Apr. 29, 18 13. Tirza, d. Sam[ue]ll, bp. Feb. 14, 1790. c. r. William, s. Aron and Ann, May i, 1703. William, s. Aaron, jr. and Bethiah, July 2, 1735. BENNETT (see also Benet, Bennet, Bennit), Ames, s. Moses and Rachel, Feb. 25, 1750. Anna, d. Aaron and Bethiah, Sept. 9, 1744. Anna, d. Moses and Anna, Nov. 25, 1764. Aron Lee, s. Da\'id and Nabby, Mar. 27, 1817. Benjamin Franklin, s. twin, David and Abigail, Feb. 26, 1821. Bethiah, d. Aaron and Bethiah, Nov. 2, 1740. David, s. Aaron and Bethiah, Jan. 28, 1752. David Franklin, s. Aaron, cabinet maker, and Louisa, Feb. 16, 1846. Elizabeth, d. Aron, jr. and Ann, Aug. 8, 1701. George Girdler, s. David and Abigail, Mar. 17, 1825. Isaac, s. Moses (Bennet) and Anna, Jan. 13, 1773. Joanna, d. Moses and Rachel, Mar. 16, 1757. John, s. Aaron and Bethiah, Aug. 14, 1749. John Girdler, s. David and Nabby, Aug. 18, 18 19. Lucey, d. Moses and Rachel, Apr. 11, 1741. Lydia Lee, d. twin, David and Abigail, Feb. 26, 1821. Martha, d. Benja [min] and Martha, Sept. 16, 177 1. Mary, d. Moses and Rachel, May 26, 1752. Moses, s. Moses and Rachel, Dec. 26, 1739. [Dec. 25. dup.] 26 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Bennet, Moses, s. Moses and Anna, Oct. 23, 1770. Patty, d. Moses and Anna, Nov. 8, 1766. Rachel, d. Moses and Rachel, Nov. 28, 1747. Ruth, d. Moses and Rachel, Nov. 28, 1742. Samuel, s. Aaron and Bethiah, Dec. 9, 1746. BENNIT (see also Bennett), Ann, d. Aaron, jr., bp. May 2, 1742. c, R. Benjaman, s. Aaron, bp. Mar, 22, I7[i8]-i9. c. R. Elizabeth, vi^id., " the first child that was born in Manch[este]r," b. 1644. c. R. BIGGS (see also Bigs), Benja[min] Bresson, s. Robert and Ruth, Sept. 22, 1757. BIGS (see also Biggs), Elizabeth, d. Robart and Ruth, May 27, 1755- BIGWOOD, John James, s. John, cabinet maker, b. Frome, Eng- land, and Susan, Sept. 15, 1849. BINGHAM, Aurelia T., d. Delucena L. and Deborah, Oct. 4, 1800. Charles Gurden, s. Henry T., cabinet maker, and Mary J., Mar. 5. 1847. Debby, d. Delucene Lathrop and Deborah, May 23, 1793. Delucena Lathrop, s. Delucena Lathrop and Deborah, Feb. 5, 1789. Delucena Lathrop, 3d, s. Delucena L., jr. and Mary, Nov. 7, 1814. Elizabeth Ann Forster, d. Luther and Elizabeth, May 5, 1829. Elizabeth Sewal, d. Delucena L. and Deborah, Oct. 4, 1819. Harriett Frances, d. Henry T., cabinet maker, and Mary Jane, Feb. 26, 1845. Henry, s. Delucena L., bp. May 12, 1805. c. r. Henry Lee Tuck, s. Duluny L. and Deberah, May 8, 1805. Henry Tuck, s. Henry T. and Mary Jane, March 9, 1839. Lucinda, d. Delucena L. and Deborah, Aug. 3, 1798. Lucretia Huntington, d. Delusen L. and Deborah, July 14, i795- Luther, s. Deluceny L. and Deborah, Aug. 11, 1803. Mary L., d. Delucena L. and Deborah, Mar. 18, 1790. Rufus Lathrop, s. Delucene Lathrop and Deborah, Nov. 10, 179 1. Rufus Lathrop, s. Henry T. and Mary Jane, Feb. 21, 1841. William T., s. Delucena L. and Deborah, Apr. 8, 1797. BIRCH (see also Burch), Sarah, d. James, *' in full communion with the New North in Boston," bp. Jan. i, 1726 [-7]. c.r. BISHAP (see Bishop), Anna, d. John and Eliabeth, Apr. i, 1736. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 27 BISHOP (see Bishap, Bishup), Annah, d. John and Annah, Oct. 5. 1695. Elisabeth, d. John and Elisibeth, Jan. 15, 1739-40. Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Lidya, Sept. 6, 1676. Elizabeth, d. John, bp. Nov. 19, 1738. c. R. Hanna, d. Thomas and Lidiah, Mar. 14, 166 1. Jemima, d. John, bp. May 12, 17 17. c. R. John, s. Thomas and Lidya, Oct. 17, 1667. John, s. John and Annah, Nov. 22, 1703. Joseph, s. Thomas and Lidia, Feb. 27, 167 1. Lidia, d. Thomas and Lidia, Mar. i, 1673. Lidiah, d. John and Annah, Aug. 8, 1701. Mary, d. Thomas and Lidiah, Aug. 5, 1664. Mary, d. John and Annah, July 24, 1706. Prudence, d. John and Annah, May 21, 1712-13. Rachill, d. [John] and Annah, Dec. 13, 1698. Rebaca, d. Thomas and Lidia, June 19, 1678. Richard, s. Thomas and Lidia, Dec. 25, 1669. Richard, s. John and Elesab[e]th, Aug. 9, 1732. Sarah, d. John and Annah, Sept. 15, 1708. Thomas, s. Thomas and Lidya, Apr. 7, 1680. BISHUP (see also Bishop), Elezebeth, d. John and Anne, July 10, 1720. Jeminah, d. John and Anne, June 17, 17 15. John, s. John and Elesebath, Sept. 13, 1730. Rec[h]erd, s. John and Anne, Sept. 22, 1717. BLANCHARD, Ann Southa, d. Thomas, cabinet maker, and Eliza L., Dec. 9, 1843. BOARDMAN, Charles Currier, s. Samuel O. and Henrietta, Oct. 23, 1831. BORROUGHS, William, s. George, of Ipswich, bp. Oct. 21, 1722. c. R. BRAY, Aaron, s. Aaron and Hannah, Apr. 9, 1773. Aaron, s. Aaron and Hannah, May 15, 1774. Hannah, d. Aaron and Hannah, Mar. 26, 1771. Mark, s. Aaron and Hanah, Nov. 17, 1775. Naby, d. Mr. , bp. June i, 1777. c. r. BRIDGES, Louisa Elizabeth, d. Joshua, cabinet maker, and Ann, Jan. 18, 1845. BROWN, Alexander VV., s. Bailey C, tailor, and Francis, Jan. 2, 1847. Andrew, s. William and Elezebeth, Aug. 9, 1775. 28 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Brown, Andrew, s. Andrew and Hannah, Jan. i8, 1808. Ann Maria, d. Perley and Betsey, May 22, 1831. Arrilia, d. William and Elezebeth, Nov. 6, 1795. Asa, s. William and Elezebeth, May 26, 1789. Betsey Tappan, d. Perley and Betsey, May 8, 1829. Caroline, d. Perley and Betsey, Aug. 11, 1836. Charlotte Eliza, d. Andrew and Mary Ann, July 23, 1838. David Tappan, s. Andrew, jr. and Sarah T., Feb. 24, 1843. Eben, s. Jonathan and Mary, Mar. 11, 1773. Elez[abe]th, d. [Lieut, c. r.] Jonathan and Mary [Polly, c. R.], Mar. 1 1, 1780. Elezebeth, d. William and Elezebeth, June 17, 1783. Elizabeth, d. James and Lydia, Sept. 27, 1771. Elizebeth, d. Jonathan and Mary, July 6, 1778. Hannah Abba, d. Andrew and Mary Ann, June 28, 1836. James, s. James and Lydia, Feb. 26, 1776. James, s. James and Sally, Oct. 10, 1805. John Andrew, s. Andrew and Mary Ann, Oct. 6, 1834. John Edwards, s. William and Elizebeth, June 30, 1791. John Milton, s. John, carpenter, and Sarah G. [C. dup.], July 30, 1843. John William, s. Andrew and Hannah, June 16, 18 10. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 27, 1770. Lydia, d. James and Lydia, Oct. 20, 1773. Lydia, d. James and Sally, Sept. 25, 181 1. Martha Tappan, d. Perley and Betsey, Feb. 12, 1839. Mary, d. Jonathan and Mary, Aug. 21, 1768. Mary Ann, d. Andrew and Mary Ann, Aug. 25, 1833. Mary E., d. Sally Roberts, Nov. 10, 1846. Mary Frances, d. John W., carpenter, and Sarah C, b. Tamworth, N. H., Aug. 27, 1848. Mary Isabella, d. George A., cabinet maker, and Mary G., Nov. 24, 1846. Nabby, d. Will[ia]m and Elez[abe]th, Apr. 7, 1778. Naby, d. James and Lydia, Jan. 29, 1778. Perley, s. Perley and Betsey, Feb. 23, 1833. Sally, d. James and Sally, July 13, 1807. Sarah Augusta, d. John W., carpenter, and Sarah C, Jan. 5, 1845. Sarah T., d. Andrew, carpenter, and Sarah F., Nov. 12, 1844. Shalome, d. William and Elezebeth, Apr. 30, 1785. Sophia, d. Will[ia]m and Elezebeth, Aug. 15, 1793. William, s. William and Elezebeth, July 5, 1787. William Batchelder, s. Robert and Sally, at Beverly, Dec. 22,1814. William H., s. Andrew,house carpenter, and Sarah F.,May 17,1846. BURCH (see also Birch), Sarah, d. Jam[e]s and Sarah, Feb. 9, 1727-8. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 29 BURGES (see also Burgess), Abial, s. Abial and Jenny, July 21, 1786. Amasa, s. Amasa and Jane, July 25, 1805. Andrew Leach, s. Abial and Jenny, at Capepersue [Cape Por- poise], Oct. 22, 1788. Aurelia, d. David and Mary, Feb. 13, 1821. Betsey, d. Abial and Jenne, June 10, 1798. Caroline Eliza, d. David and Mary, Feb. 13, 181 9. Caroline Story, d. Andrew L. and Marian, Feb. 3, 181 2. Dolly, d. Abial and Jeny, at Cappersue [Cape Porpoise,] Apr. 19, 1794. Dority, d. Abial and Jenne, Dec. 10, 1783. James, s. David and Mary, at Yarmouth, Mar. 17, 1792. Jehannah, d. David and Mary, May 26, 1797. Joanna, d. Capt. Abiel, bp. Sept. 9, 1804. c. R, Joshua, s. David and Mary, at Capepersue [Cape Porpoise], Mar. 18, 1788. Mary, d. Abial and Jeny, at Capersue [Cape Porpoise], June 13, 1790. Mary Lathrop, d. David, jr. and Mary, Apr 11, 181 4. Patty, d. Abial and Jenny, Feb. 14, 1800. BURGESS (see also Burges), Deborah Lathrop, d. Deborah L. and Abiel, Dec. 25, 18 14. BURLOPH, Jeremiah, s. Thomas, of Jebacco, bp. Sept. 19, 1725. c. R. BURNAM (see also Burnham), Benjamin, s. Benjamin, bp. [at Ipswich], June 5, 1737. c. R. BURNHAM (see also Burnam), Abby Dane, d. Arba, cabinet maker, and Abigail Dane, May 21, 1844. Addison, s. Sargent and Hannah, July 21, 1819. Albert Francis, s. Francis and Mary, Oct. 2, 1839. Edward Everett, s. Arba and Abigail, July 21, 1839. Esther, d. Frederic, cabinet maker, b. Essex, and Louisa, Dec. 27, 1849. Francis Hart, s. John F. and Mehitable, Mar. 15, 1838. George P., s. Arba, cabinetmaker, and Abigail, Apr. 21, 1846. Louisa, d. Frederick, cabinet maker, and Louisa, Dec. 29, 1843. Mary Elizabeth, d. William and Mary, Jan. 2, 1814. Mary Elizabeth, d. Arba and Abigail, Mar. 19, 1842. Phebe Foster, d. Addison P., storekeeper, b. Essex, and Phebe, b. Essex, Sept. 15, 1848. Susan Story, d. Addison P. and Phebe, Dec. 8, 1841. William Goldsmith, s. William and Mary, Nov. 14, 1811. 30 MANCHESTER BIRTHS BUTLER (see also Buttler), Francis, s. Daniel and Rhoda, Dec. 24, 1839. Martha Ann, d. George C, cabinet maker, b. Gloucester, and Martha G., b. Boston, at Gloucester, Aug. 10, 1849. BUTTLER (see also Butler), Hannah, d. Ralf, bp. at Jebacco, July 18, 1725. c. R. CAMELL (see also Cammel), John, s. John and Susannah, at Gloucester, Oct. 5, 1774. CAMMEL (see also Camell), Susanah, d. John and Susannah, at Gloucester, Oct. 23, 1772. CAMP, Abiel, s. Joseph and Betsey, Oct. 18, 1793. Darkes, d. William and Susannah, Oct. 11, 1797. George, s. William and Jane, Nov. 22, 1787. Isaac, s. William and Susannah, Feb. 21, 1793. James, s. William and Susanna, Nov. 11, 1798. Joseph, s. William and Jane, Mar. 8, 1770. Joseph, s. Joseph and-. Be,taey,.Nov.^i 2, 129,1' Robert, s. Joseph and Betsey, June 11, 1798. William, s. William and Jane, Sept. 9, 1769. William, s. William, jr. and Susannah, at Gloucester, Aug. 21, 1795- [torn]ey, d. Joseph and Betsey, Jan. 26, 1796. CARTER, Abby Lee, d. Nathan and Adeline, June 21, 1833. Adeline, d. Nathan and Adeline, Nov. 29, 1830. Benja[min], s. Obed, bp. Sept. 11, 1768. c. r. Benjamin, s. Obed and Eunice, Sept. 9, 1769. Benj[ami]n, s. Benja[min] and Sarah, Feb. 6, 1790. Benjamin, s. Nathan, mariner, and Adeline, June 3, 1846. Betsey, d. Nathan and Nabby, Aug. 20, 1803. Caroline Frances, d. Nathan and Adeline, Nov. 14, 1841. David, s. Samuel and Sarah, bp. Sept. i, 1754. c. r. David, s. Benja[min] and Sarah, Jan. 30, 1 793. David, s. Benjamin and Salley, Nov. 12, 1799. Elizabeth, d. Sam[ue]ll and Ester, bp. Sept. 30, 1733. c. r. Elizabeth, d. Obed and Eunice, May 14, 1776. Elizabeth Ann, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, Feb. 25, 1837. Esther, d. Sam[ue]ll and Esther, bp. June 7, 1741. c. r. Esther, d. Samuel and Esther, June 10, 1743. Eunice, d. Obed and Eunice, Feb. 15, 1771. Eunice, d. [Capt. c. r.] Benja[min] and Sally, Jan. 26, 1803. Ezekiel Cheever, s. [Capt. c. r.] Benja[min] and Sally, Jan. 29, 1805. Hanah, d. John and Hanah, Nov. 21, 1727. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 3 1 Carter, James, s. Nathan and Nabby, Oct. ii, 1813. James Kimball, s. Samuel and Nabby, Jan. 25, 1793. John, s. Samuel and Esther, bp. Sept. 27, 1747. c. r. John, s. John and Ruth, bp. Feb. 22, 1778. c. r. John, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Sept. 23, 1795. John, s. Nathan and Nabby, Feb. 5, 1809. John, s. John and Mary, Apr. 3, 1S43. John W[illia]m, s. John, marriner, and Susan B., Dec. 26, 1845. Kelly Page, s. John, mariner, and Susan B., Aug. 20, 1848. Mary, d. Samuel and Esther, June 26, 1737. Mary Burges, d. John and Mary, Dec. 30, 1839. Mary Eliza, d. Benjamin and Sally, Jan. 17, 181 2. Mary Helen, d. Nathan and Adeline, Oct. 25, 1835. Nabby, d. Obed and Eunice, Nov. 10, 1778. Nabby, d. Nathan and Nabby, Feb. 15, 1797. Nathan, s. Sam[ue]ll and Sarah, bp. Feb. 4, 1753. c. R. Nathan, s. Obed and Eunice, Nov. 15, 1773 [Nov. 13. dup.]. Nathan, s. Nathan and Naby, Feb. 12, 1799. Nathan Augustus, s. Nathan and Adeline, Feb. 10, 1827. Obed, s. Samuel and Esther, Mar. 24, 1736. Obed, s. Obed and Eunice, Mar. 24, 1764. Obed, s. Nathan and Nabby, Aug. 12, 1800. Obed, s. Mary, bp. Oct. 28, 1831. c. r. Obed, s. Nathan and Adeline, Nov. 13, 1837. Rachel, d. Obed, bp. Dec. 16, 1781. c. r. Rachel, d. Obed, jr. and Rachel, Aug. 12, 1790. Ruth, d. John and Ruth, Aug. 19, 1773. Sally, d. Benjamin and Sally, Oct. 22, 1797. Samuel, s. Samuel and Hester, bp. Mar. 11, 1743-4. c. R. Samuel, s. Obed and Eunice, Jan. 18, 1766. Samuel, s. Nathan and Nabby, Feb. 2, 1807. Samuel Lee, s. Samuel and Elizabeth, Dec. 11, 1841. Sam[ue]ll, s. Sam[ue]ll and Esther, bp. Sept. 23, 1739. c. R. Sarah, d. Sam[ue]ll and Sarah, bp. Feb. 8, 1756. c. r. Sarah, d. Nathan and Nabby, Dec. 4, 1804. Sarah A., d. David, marriner, and Ruth Ann, Sept. 2, 1845. Susan, d. [Capt. c. r.] Benjamin and Sally, Aug. 25, 1808. CATEN (see also Gotten), John, s. Leonard (Coten) and Hanah, Dec. 24, 1727. CHASE, Mary Augusta, d. Joseph, cabinet maker, and Charlotte, Apr. 19, 1848. CHEEVER (see also Chever), Anna, d. Ames and Anna, bp. Apr. 8, 1722. c. R. Augustus, s. Jacob and Hannah, Jan. 19, 1823. 32 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Cheever, Charles Augus[tus] , s. Samuel and Nancy, Sept. 5, 1827. Elizabeth Allen, d. Sam[ue]l and Nancy, Aug. 12, 1820. Ezekiel, s. Ames and Sarah, bp. Mar. 29, 1741. c. r. Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel and Susannah, Sept. 8, 1771. Hannah, d. Jacob and Hannah, July 19, 1828. Henry Allen, s. Sam[ue]l and Fanny, June 27, 181 6. Jacob, s. Ezekeil and Susannah, Apr. 28, 1785. Jacob, s. John and Sally, Dec. 20, 1791. Jacob, s. Jacob and Nancy, June 27, 181 3. Jacob, s. Jacob and Hannah, May 6, 1819. John, s. Ames and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1739. c. R. John, s. John (Chever) and Sarah, May 6, 1785. John, s. Jacob and Hannah, Sept. i, 181 7. John Henry, s. John and Elizabeth, Sept. 13, 1841. Joseph, s. Ames and Anna, bp. Dec. 11, 1720. c. r. Mary Butler, d. Jacob and Betsey, Sept. 11, 1840. Mary Frances, d. Samuel and Nancy, Sept. 21, 1831. Mary Saunders, d. Ames and Sarah, Mar. i, 1754. Molly, d. John and Sally, June 19, 1790. Nancy, d. Jacob and Nancy, Mar. 5, 1815. Priscilla Crafts, d. Samuel and Nancy, Mar. 21, 1824. Rufus, s. Jacob and Hannah, Jan. 21, 1821. Ruth, d. Ames and Anna, bp. July 5, 17 19. c. R. Samuel, s. Ames and Sarah, bp. Nov. 4, 1744. c. R. Samuel, s. Ames and Sarah, Mar. 12, 1756. Samuel, s. Samuel and Priscilla, June 5, 1814. Sarah, d. Ezekiel and Susannah, Sept. i, 1773. Sarah, d. John and Sarah, Nov. 18, 1787. Susan Butler, d. Jacob and Nancy, Mar. 5, 181 7. Thomas, s. Ames and Sarah, bp. Jan. 16, i736[-7]. c. R. William Hassam, s. Samuel and Nancy, Feb. 10, 1822. William Morse, s. Jacob and Betsy, June 3, 1832. , d. John, jr., mariner, and Elizabeth, at Newport, , 1844. CHEVER (see also Cheever), Ames, s. Ames and Anne, June 24, 1723- Anna, d. Rev. Ames and Anna, Jan. 26, 1726-7. Josiah, s. Rev. Ames and Mary, Jan. 24, 1734-5. Samuel, s. Ames and Annah, Aug. 29, 171 7. CHOAT, Jeremiah, s. Thomas, jr., bp. at Jebacco, July 18, 1725. c. R. CLARENDON, Edward Hudson, s. Addison and Eliza, Mar. 31, 1842. James Addison, s. Addison and Eliza, Oct. 30, 1839. Sarah Parsons, d. Addison, cabinet maker, and Eliza B., June 25, 1847. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 33 CLARK (see also Clerk), Anna, d. Benjamin and Anna, Oct. 5, 1770. Charles Leach, s. Benjamin and Anne, Oct. 21, 1766. Margret, d. Edmund and Margret, Feb. 22, 1749-50. Mehitable, d. Edmund and Margret, Jan. i, 1753. William, s. Benjamin and Anna, Aug. 17, 1768. CLEAVES, Joanna, d. William and Joann[a], bp. June 17, 1753. c. R. Mary, d. William and Joanna, bp. Sept. 2, 1759. c. R. Patty, d. William and Joanna, bp. Oct. 18, 1761. c. R. William, s. Will[ia]m and Joanna, bp. Jan. 30, 1757. c. r. CLEMMONS (see also demons), Levi, s. Ephraim and Nancy, Aug. 27, 1814. CLEMONS (see also Clemmons), Ephraim, s. Gershom and Mary, at Rochester, N. H., Jan. 10, 1784. CLERK (see also Clark), Edmond, s. Edmond and Margaret, Jan. 10, 1746. Frances, d. Edmond and Margret, Aug. 3, 1744. Sam[ue]ll, s. Edmonde and Margaret, Feb. 28, 1747-8. COBB, James, s. Sam[ue]ll, "in full Communion att Middle- boro," bp. July 14, 1723. c. r. COLBEY (see also Colby), David, s. David and Rachel, July 26, 1797- Nathaniel, s. Maj. David and Rachel, Oct. 17, 1802. COLBY (see also Colbey), Caroline Frances, d. David, jr. and Hannah, May 18, 1841. Charles Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Maria, Mar. 30, 1840. Charlotte, d. David, jr. and Sally, July 6, 1832. David, s. David, jr. and Sally, Sept. 7, 1837. Eliza, d. David, jr. and Sally, Mar. 10, 1827. Eliza Tappan, d. Nathaniel and Maria, Jan. 8, 1838. Hannah Lee, d. David, jr. and Sally, July 6, 1834. John Lee, s. David, Esq. and Rachel, Apr. 12, 181 7. Laura L., d. Col. David and Rachel, Mar. 13, 1810. Mary Emma, d. John L., physician, b. Dunbarton, N. H., and Mary Ann, b. Boston, Apr. 16, 1849. Nancy, d. Col. David and Rachel, Nov. 16, 181 1. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel, cabinet maker, and Maria T., June 25, 1843. Sally, d. David, Esq. and Rachel, July 26, 181 3. Samuel Stone, s. David, jr. and Sally, Nov. 7, 1824. 34 MANCHESTER BIRTHS COLE (see also Coles), Jeremiah, s. Solomon and Mary, Apr. ii, 1760. Mary, d. Solomon and Mary, bp. May 22, 1757. c. r. Rachel, d. John and Ann, Mar. 26, 1770. COLES (see also Cole), Ann Lucey, d. John and Ann, Apr. 7, 1772. COLLENY (see also CoUony), Betsey, d. James and Elezebeth, Aug. 12, 1794. COLLIT, Hannah, d. Margaret, bp. Sept. 19, 1742. c. r. COLLONY (see also CoUeny, Colony), Hannah, d. Mrs. Hannah, bp. July 2, 1775. c. R. Lydia, d. Mrs. Hannah, bp. July 2, 1775. c. r. Nancy, d. Mrs. Hannah, bp. July 2, 1775. c. R. Nancy, d. Thomas and Hannah, bp. Sept. — , 1777. c. R. COLONY (see also Collony), Hannah, d. Thomas and Hannah, Sept. r, 1769. James, s. Thomas and Hannah, Oct. 19, 1771. CONANT, Mercy, d. Jonathan, bp. [at Beverly], Aug. 21, 1726. c. R. CORNING, Sarah, d. Samuel and Mary, Feb. 27, 17 19. COTEN (see also Cotton), Benjamen, s. Lenord and Hanah, Aug. 31, 1734. COTTON (see also Caten, Coten), John, s. Leonard, bp. Dec. 24,^ 1727. c. R. COURSER, Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Lucey, Nov. 29, 1771. COY, Elizabeth, d. Briget, bp. June 29, 17 18. c. r. John, s. Matthew and Breget, May 19, 17 17. Mary, d. Briget, bp. June 29, 1718. c. R. Sarah, d. Matthew and Briget, Oct. 8, 1719. CRAFT (see also Crafts), Aaron, s. Benja[min] and Anne, Mar, 26, 1783. Aaron, s. William and Deborah, Jan. 27, 1803. Abigail, d. Benja[min] and Anna, bp. Aug. 27, 1780. c. R. Anna, d. Benjamin and Anna, Sept. 24, 1763. Anna, d. Francis and Ester, Aug. 21, 1776. Anna, d. Eleazer and Anna, Feb. 15, 1802. Azariah Woodbury, s. Eleazer and Anna, Mar. 28, 1797. Benjamin, s. Benja[min] and Anna, Aug. 26, 1761. Benjamin, s. W[i]li]ni, bp. May 30, 1802. c. r. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 35 Craft, Bethia Forster, d. David and Anna, Apr. 9, 1802. David, s. Eleazer and Elizabeth, Oct. 5, 1771. David, s. William and Deborah, Jan. 20, 1800. Deborah, d. Will[ia]m and Deborah, June 13, 1790. Eleazer, s. Eleazer and Elizabeth, Sept. 17, 1769. Eleazer, s. Eleazer and Anna, Mar. 13, 1795. Elezebeth, d. Benja[min] and Anne, June 29, 1774. Elezebeth, d. Benja[min] and Anne, Aug. 12, 1776. Esther, d. Francis and Ester, Sept. 17, 1780. Eunice, d. Francis and Easter, Jan. 25, 1779. Frances, d. Francis and Easter, Dec. 9, 1782. Francis, s. Francis and Joanna, Sept. 20, 1774. Isaac Bresson, s. William and Deborah, Sept. 26, 1797. Joanna, d. Francis and Joanna, Jan. 20, 1765. John, s. Eleazer and Anna, May 14, 1799. John Orsment, s. Francis and Joanna, Sept. 8, 1767. Lucy, d. Benja[min] and Anne, Apr. 24, 1778. Martha, d. [Maj. or Col. c. r.] Eleazer and Elizabeth, Sept. 26, 1778. Mary, d. Benjamin and Anna, Dec. 17, 1767. Mary, d. Benjamin and Anna, Feb. 13, 1772. Nabby, d. Eleazer and Elisabeth, Nov. 12, 1767. Nancy, d. David and Anna, Apr. 22, 1799. Preston, s. W[illia]m, bp. Mar. 28, 1805. c. R. Pricilla, d. David and Pricilla, July 15, 1794. Rebbecca, d. Benja[min] and Anna, Feb. 7, 1770. Ruth, d. Francis [Frank, c. R.] and Joanna, Aug. 28, 1770. Samuel, s. Francis and Joanna, Sept. 16, 1772. Sarah, d. Eleazar and Elizabeth, Sept. 8, 1773. Walter, s. Eleazer and Elizabeth, Aug. 21, 1776. William, s. Benjamin and Anna, Aug. 20, 1765. William, s. Will[ia]m and Deborah, Dec. 13, 1791. William, s. William, bp. May 30, 1802. c. R. CRAFTS (see also Craft), Aaron Walter, s. Aaron and Henrietta, Nov. 12, 1834. Anna, d. W[illia]m, bp. Aug. — , 18 10. c. R. Benjamin Frankhn, s. Aaron, bp. June — , 1836. c. r. Charlotte Eliza, d. Isaac P. and Lydia, Aug. 30, 1831. Daniel Low, s. John and Nancy, Aug. 29, 1829. David, s. David and Elizabeth, Apr. 18, 1810. David Milton, s. David and Elizabeth, Feb. 12, 1825. Deborah Preston, d. twin, William, jr. and Abigail, Aug. 9, 1834. Eleazer, s. David and Elizabeth, Oct. 6, 1822. Eliza Ann, d. Aaron and Henrietta, Sept. 5, 1832. Elizabeth, d. David and Anna, July 3, 1806. Franklin La Fayette, s. John and Nancy, Feb. 5, 1831. 36 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Crafts, George Washington, s. David and Elizabeth, Mar. 25, 1819. Henrietta Osborn, d. Aaron and Henrietta, Jan. 3, 1829. Isaac Preston, jr., s. Isaac P. and Lydia, Dec. 21, 1836. Isaac Preston, s. WilHam, jr. and Abigail, Sept. 22, 1838. Israel, s. William and Deb[o]rah, May 17, 181 5. Joanna Girdler, d. David and Elizabeth, Nov. 8, 1811. John Stevens, s. David and Elizabeth, Apr. 16, 181 7. Martha Lee, d. David and Elizabeth, May 17, 1813. Mary Augusta, d. David and Elizabeth, Dec. 10, 1820. Nancy Low, d. John and Nancy, Aug. 5, 1825. Samuel Osborn,^s. Aaron and Henrietta, July 30, 1837. Susan Story, d. John and Nancy, Dec. 8, 182 1. Walter Venning, s. David and Elizabeth, June 14, 1827. William, s. twin, William, jr. and Abigail, Aug. 9, 1834. William Lee, s. Isaac P. and Lydia, June i, 1834. CROMBIE (see also Crumbey, Crumble, Crumby), Charles Edward, s. John and Hannah, bp. June 7, 1827. c. r. Charles Hill, s. John and Hannah, June 27, 1829. Charles Perry, s. Samuel B., veneer sawer, and Mary E., b. Bever- ly, Nov. 25, 1848. Charlotte Louisa, d. John H., cabinet maker, and Louisa, b. at Salem, July 22, 1849. Charlotte Sargent, d. John and Hannah, Feb. 8, 1837. Enoch, s. Samuel B., fisherman, and Elizabeth, Nov. 15, 1846. Hannah, d. John and Hannah, Mar. 31, 1839. Harriet Hill, d. John and Hannah, May 9, 1832. John Henry, s. John and Hannah, Oct. 28, 1820. Josephine, d. Enoch W., mariner, and Abby I., b. Gloucester, Oct. 19, 1848. CROME, Benja[min], s. Benj[ami]nand Elezebeth, Nov. 4, 1789. Elezebeth, d. Benj[ami]n and Elezebeth, May 15, 1792. CROOS (see also Cross), Elizebeth, d. George, jr. and Elizebeth, Dec. 2, 1739. CROS (see also Cross), Elezebeth, d. George and Elezabeth, Oct. 5, 1741. CROSE (see also Cross), George, s. twin, George jr., and Eleze- beth, Oct. 14, 1788. George, s. George, 3d and Lucy, Mar. 21, 1793. John, s. twin, George, jr. and Elezebeth, Oct. 14, 1788. Rebeckah, d. George and Luce, July 13, 1775. Rebeckah, d. George and Lucy, Jan. 10, 1797. MA^XHESTER BIRTHS 37 CROSS (see also Croos, Cros, Crose), Adeline, d. George and Lucy, Feb. 8, 1 804. Benjamin, s. George, jr. and Polly, Jan. 16, 1797. Benjamin Easty, s. George and Mary, Sept. 8, 1772. Charles Oliver, s. William, fisherman, and Eunice, Jan. 5, 1847. Elizabeth, d. George, jr. and Lucey, Nov. 4, 1767. George, s. George, sr. and Mary, Feb. 6, 1768. George, s. George, jr. and Lucey, Aug. 20, 1769. George, s. George, jr. and Lucey, Feb. 20, 1771. George William, s. William and Mehitable, Nov. i, 1839. Gorge, s. Gorge, jr. and Elisabeth, Apr. 3, 1747. Jacob, s. George and Mary, bp. July 11, 1784. c. R. John, s. George and Mary, bp. Feb. 19, 1775. c. R. Lucey, d. twin, George and Lucey, Dec. 19, 1772. Lydia, d. Gorge, jr. and Elisabeth, Nov. 31, 1745. Lydia, d. George and Lucy, Jan. 2, 1800. Mary, d. George and Jane, Mar. 22, 1708-9. Mary, d. George and Lucy, Feb. 4, 18 10. Mehitable Dean, d. WiUiam and Mehitable, Sept. 23, 1837. Molley, d. George and Molley, bp. Mar. 30, 1777. c. R. Nancy, d. wid. Lucy, bp. July 27, 1777. c. R. Nancy, d. George, jr. and Lucy, July 29, 1779. Nancy, d. George and Lucy, June 24, 1805. Oliver, s. George and Lucy, Feb. 11, 1801. Rebecca, d. George, jr. and Lucy, July — , 1776. Rebecca, d. George, jr. and Rebecca, Jan. 5, 1809. Samuel Perry, s. twin, George and Lucey, Dec. 19, 1772. Stephen, s. Jane, bp. Mar. 30, 1729, a. 13 y. c. r. Stephen, s. George, sr. and Mary, Apr. 11, 1770. William, s. George and Lucy, Sept. 21, 181 1. CROW (see also Crowell), Benjaman, s. Sam[ue]l and Sarah, bp. Mar. 8, 17 23 [-4]. c. R. Elizabeth, d. Sarah, bp. Aug. 21, 1726. c. R. Hannah, d. Sarah, bp. Nov. 5, 1721. c. R. Margarett, d. Sarah, bp. Feb. 3, i7i6[-i7]. c. R. Samuel, s. Sim[ue]ll, bp. Mar. 5, 1 731-2. c. r. Sarah, d. Sarah, bp. Nov. 30, 17 18. c. R. CROWEL (see also Crowell), Margret, d. Samuell and Sarah, May 10, 1716. CROWELL (see also Crow, Crowel), Abigail, d. Samuell and Sarah, July 12, 1 7 10. Albert GaUitan, s. Ariel P. and Joann, June 22, 1831. Alphonso Mason, s. Ariel P. and Joann, June 19, 1838. Ambrose, s. Benjamin and Jerusha, Feb. 8, 1800. 38 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Crowell, Andrew Jackson, s. Ariel P. and Joann, Feb. 18, 1835 Andrew Jackson, s. John, bp. July 3, 1835. c. r. Ariel P., s. Benjamin and Jerusha, Feb. 14, 1797. Ariel Parish, s. Ariel P. and Joann, Apr. 24, 1833. Benjamen, s. Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 2, 1723-4. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Margret, May 24, 1749. Benja[min], s. Benja[min] and Jerusha, Nov. 14, 1780. Charles G., s. Charles, painter, and Sarah, Oct. 25, 1846. Daniel Webster, s. Samuel and Susan, June 19, 1837. Emily Ann, d. Samuel and Susan, Oct. 29, 1826. Joann Day, d. Ariel P. and Joann, Oct. 26, 1828. John, s. John and Margret, Aug. i, 1688. Lydia, d. Benjamin and Margret, Jan. 10, 1750-51. Lydia, d. Benja[min] and Jerusha, Aug. 3, 1778. Mary, d. Samuell and Sarah, Oct. 7, 17 13. Miriam, d. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Miriam, Aug. 6, 1734. Samuel, s. Binjamin and Jerusha, May 22, 1795. Samuel, s. Samuel and Susan, July 22, 1839. Samuel Franklin, s. Samuel and Susan, Jan. 8, 1835. Samuell, s. John and Margret, Nov. 7, 1686. Samuell, s. Samuell and Sarah, May 6, 1708. Sam[ue]ll, s. Sam[ue]ll (Croweel), jr. and Merrim, Mar. i, 1731-2. Susan Elizabeth, d. Samuel and Susan, July 22, 1832. Theodore Howard, s. Samuel and Susan, July 22, 1843. CRUMBEY (see also Crombie), Helen Elizabeth, d. Samuel B., fisherman, and Mary E., Aug. 2, 1844. CRUMBIE (see also Crombie), Edmond Woodberry, s. Benjamin (Crombie) and Betsy, Dec. 30, 1807. Susan, d. Benja[min] and Betsy, June 25, 1809. Thomas, s. Benjamin and Betsy, Feb. 10, 1812. CRUMBY (see also Crombie), Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Betsey, Aug. 12, 1816. Benjamin s. Samuel B. and Mary E., Oct. 16, 1842. Burley Smith, s. Benjamin and Betsey, Sept. 4, 1823. Edmund Woodbury, s. Benja[min] and Betsey, Dec. 30, 1805. Eliza Ann, d. Benjamin (Crumbie), jr. and Betsy, Oct. 8, 181 4. Elizabeth Hilton, d. Benjamin and Betsey, Jan. 10, 1830. Enoch West, s. Benjamin and Betsey, Sept. 4, 1819. Hannah Hilton, d. Benja[min] and Elezebeth, Nov. 14, 1797. John, s. Benjamin and Elezebeth, Jan. 13, 1796. John Bare, s. Benja[min] and Betsey, May 12, 1802. John Beare, s. Benjamin and Betsey, Aug. 28, 1833. Martha Porter, d. Benjamin and Betsey, Dec. 8, 1836. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 39 Crumby, Mary Rogers, d. Benjamin and Betsey, Sept. 9, 1831. Samuel Augusta, s. Samuel B. and Mary E., Sept, 20, 1839. Samuel Bear, s. Benjamin and Betsey, May 6, 1818. Sarah Mills, d. Benjamin and Betsey, Jan. 23, 1826. CURRIER, Annis, d. Daniel and Annis, Oct. 8, 1819. Daniel, s. Daniel and Annis, Sept. 16, 1805. Mary, d. Daniel and Annis, Oct. 14, 1813. Nabby, d. Daniel and Annis, Oct. 7, 1808. Samuel, s. Daniel and Annis, .\ug. 14, 181 7. [Aug. 15. dup.] CURTIS, James, s. John, bp. [at Gloucester?], Mar. 7. i735[-6]. c. R. DAIE (see also Day), Manuell, s. Manuell and Hannah, Sept. I, 1698. DANFORD (see also Danforth), Aaron Lee, s. Stephen and Lydia, May 12, 1809. Anna, d. Stephen and Lucey, Oct. 28, 1766. James, s. Stephen and Lydia, Aug. 8, 1814. Jeremiah, s. Stephen and Lucy, Dec. i, 1778. Jeremiah, jr., s. Jeremiah and Lydia, Sept. 12, 1809. John, s. Stephen and Lucy, Feb. 16, 1759. John, s. Stephen and Lydia, Oct. 3, 1806. Lucey, d. Stephen and Lucey, July 7, 1764. Lydia, d. Stephen and Lucey, Feb. 13, 1774. Lydia, d. Jeremiah and Lydia, Mar. 29, 1804. Lydia, d. Stephen and Lydia, Feb. 24, 181 2. Mary, d. Jeremiah and Lydia, July 22, 1807. Molly, d. Stephen and Lucey, Sept. 15, 1761. Nathaniel, s. Stephen and Lucey, Sept. 3, 1776. Nathaniel, s. Stephen and Lydia, Apr. 5, 1802. Nathaniel, s. Stephen and Lydia, July 24, 1804. Patty, d. Stephen and Lucey, May 3, 1769. Stephen, s. Stephen and Lucey, Oct. 7, 1771. [Oct. 5. dup.] Stephen, s. Stephen and Lydia, Sept. 25, 1799. DANFORTH (see also Danford), Abigail Hooper, d. wid. Lydia, bp. June 30, 1822. c. r. Charles, s. Jeremiah and Mary Ann, Feb. 11, 1841. Edward, s. Jeremiah and Mary Ann, Sept. 17, 1842. George Girdler, s. Stephen and Lydia, Apr. 19, 1818. Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah and Sally, May 15, 1833. JohnCheever, s. Jerre, cabinetmaker, and Mary Ann, Oct. 12, 184 7. Mary, d. Jerrymiah, cabinet maker, and Mary Ann, May 24, 1845. William, s. Jeremiah, cabinet maker, and Mary Ann, July 20, 1849. William Henry, s. Stephen and Lydia, Dec. 24, 1820. 40 MANCHESTER BIRTHS DANIELL (see also Daniels), Annah, d. William and Mary, June 17, 1711. Mary, d. William and Mary, Sept. 8, 1708. DANIELS (see also Daniell, Denals), Nabby, d. Asa and Nabby, May 14, 1795. Prisalah, d. Asa and Nabby, July 4, 1797. DAVICE (see also Davis), Anna, d. John and Anna, at Glo[u]- cester, Mar. 4, 1798. John, s. John and Anna, at Glo[u]cester, Mar. 12, 1796. DAVIS (see also Davice), Bethia, d. James and Mary, bp. at Glochester, Aug. i, 1725. c. r. Hannah, d. Ebenezer, bp. at Glochester, Apr. 14, 1723. c. r. Samuel, s. Samuel, bp. [at Gloucester?], June 2, 1728. c. r. Sarah, d. Samuel Davis, of Glocester, and Mary Stone, Aug. 20, 1764. DAVISON (see also Davisson), Daniel, s. Daniel and Rebecca, at Ipswich, Mar. 7, 175 1-2. Richard, s. Daniel and [wid. c. r.] Rebecca, Aug. 6, 1756. DAVISSON (see also Davison), Josiah Lee, s. Daniel and Re- becca, Aug. 6, 1754. DAY (see also Daie, Daye, Dayie), Abigail, d. Richard, bp. Feb. 29, i735[-6]. c. R. Abigail, d. twin, Joseph and Rachel, Feb. 15, 1778. Alonzo, s. Isaac S., cabinet maker, b. Gloucester, and Eliza Ann, b. Beverly, May 9, 1849. Andrew, s. Richard and Abigal, Mar. 7, 1730-31. Benjamin, s. John and Anna, Sept. 14, 1757. Charles H., s. Isaac S., cabinet maker, and Eliza A., Dec. 2, 1846. Dabbroah, d. Richard and Abigail, Aug. 31, 1741. Elesebat[h], d. Richard and Abigel, Feb. 12, 1733-4. Elisabeth, d. Joseph and Rachal, Dec. 12, 1766. Hanah, d. John and Hanah, Oct. 25, 1727. Hannah, d. John, jr. and Anna, bp. Nov. 23, 1746. c. r. Hannah, d. John, jr. and Anna, Feb. 16, 1748-9. Isaac Franklin, s. Isaac S. and Eliza Ann, Jan. 11, 1841. Joanna, d. Joseph, jr. and Anna, Oct. i, 1801. John, s. John and Hannah, May 13, 1721. John, s. John [jr. c. r.] and x\nna, Dec. 19, 1751. Joseph, s. Richard and Abigal, Oct. 9, 1737. Joseph, s. Joseph and Rachel, Jan. 31, 1769. Joseph, s. Joseph and Rachel, Oct. 30, 1773. Joseph, s. Joseph, jr. and Anna, May i, 1799. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 4 1 Day, Lidiah, d. Emaniell and Hanna, June i6, 1688. Lydia, d. John and Hannah, bp. May 23, 173 1. c. r. Mary, d. twin, Joseph and Rachel, Feb. 15, 1778. Phillip, s. Isaac S., cabinet maker, and Eliza Ann, Jan. i, 1846. Rachel, d. Joseph and Rachel, Dec. 13, 1771. Recherd, s. John and Hannah, Feb. 25, 1723-4. Richard, s. Manuell and Hannah, Aug. 14, 1701. Roger, d. Richard, bp. Nov. 14, 1732. c. r. Sarah, d. John and Hanah, Jan. 9, 1728-9. Sarah, d. John and Anna, Oct. 4, 1754. Soloman, s. Richard and Abigail, Sept. 23, 1739. Solomon, s. Solomon and Abigail, Oct. 29, 1767. Susanna, d. John and Hannah, Dec. 4, 1733. Timothy, s. Richard and Abigail, bp. Oct. 28, 1745. c. r. , s. Isaac S., cabinet maker, and Eliza Ann, May 27, 1844. DAYE (see also Day), Hannah, d. Manuell and Hannah, Mar. 29, 1693. John, s. Emaniell and Hana, Mar. 22, 1686. Joseph, s. Manuell and Hannah, Feb. 15, 1689-90. DAYIE (see also Day), Elizabeth, d. Manuell and Hannah, Apr. 28, 1705. DECKER, Ella Florenc[e], d. JefTord M., innholder, and Harriet, Dec. 31, 1846. Harriet Freelove, d. Jefford M., cabinet maker, and Harriet, Apr. 8, 1845. Harriet Louise, d. William, cabinet maker, and Louisa, Oct. 31, 1843. John Marshall, s. Jefford M. and Harriet, May 3, 1841. Leonard B. [Berkeley, c. r.], s. William, cabinet maker, and Louisa, Mar. 30, 1847. Samuel Emerson, s. Jefferd M. and Harriet, Feb. 9, 1843. William Henry, s. W[illia]m and Louisa, Apr. 11, 1842. DENALS (see also Daniels), Rachel, d. Sarah, bp. [at Glouces- ter?] June 2, 1728. c. r. DENNESS (see also Dennis), Henrietta, d. Richard, cabinet maker, and Henrietta, Aug. 30, 1843. DENNIS (see also Denness, Denniss), Charles Frederic, s. Rich- ard C. and Henriettee, Aug. 30, 1836. Henrietta Story, d. Richard C. and Henrietta, Aug. 29, 1843. Henry Storey, s. Richard C. and Henriettee, Nov. 2, 1832. John Jones, s. Richard C, cabinet maker, and Heniritta, at New- port, Dec. 19, 1846. 42 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Dennis, Leonard Griffin, s. Richard C. and Henrietta, Mar. 3,1840. Mary Dodge, d. Richard C. and Henrietta, Nov. 5, 1841. Sarah Tappan, d. Richard C. and Henrietta, Sept. 7, 1838. DENNISS (see also Dennis), , s. Richard C, cabinet maker, and Henrietta, Dec. 30, 1844. BODGE, Ame, d. Jabez and Marje, Feb. 26, 1 720-1. Anna, d. Jabez and Margery, Apr. 27, 1730. Anna, d. Moses and Sarah, July 5, 1767. Bethiah, d. Jesse and Bethiah, Nov. 13, 1768. Cassandana Cleaves, d. Ephraim and Lucy, bp. Aug. 28, 1844. c. R. Charlotte, d. William and Mehitable, Mar. 23, 1839. Cyrus, s. John and Susannah, June 4, 181 4. Cyrus, s. Cyrus, cabinet maker, and Julia, Dec. 20, 1847. Deborah, d. Jabez and Margery, Aug. 26, 1725. Emma Dale, d. Ephraim P., cordwainer, and Lucy M., May i, 1844. Ezekel, s. Jabez, Apr. 21, 1723. George Addison, s. W[illia]m and Mehitable, Nov. 15, 1843. Harriet Allen, d. J. S., cabinet maker, and Harriet P., Mar. 3, 1848. Jesse, s. Jesse and Bethiah, Apr. 3, 1773. John, s. Moses and Sarah, Sept. 8, 1772. Joseph, s. Moses and Sarah, bp. Nov. 8, 1762. c. R. Levi Walker, s. Levi, farmer, and Metilda [at Newport], Apr. 10, 1847. Lydia Ferson, d. William and Mehitable, Apr. 9, 1841. Moses, s. Moses and Sarah, bp. Dec. 23, 1764. c. R. Moses, s. Moses and Sarah, July 12, 1770. Nabby, d. Jesse and Bethiah, Feb. 5, 1771. Polly, d. John and Susannah, Dec. 25, 1807. Sarah, d. Moses and [Sarah], July 2, 1761. Sarah, d. Noah and Joanna, July 17, 1774. Susan Fellows, d. John and Susannah, June 13, r8io. William Alden, s. William and Mehitable, Oct. 10, 1837. , d. William, inn keeper, and Mehitable, Nov. 14, 1843. , d. twin, William, trader, and Mahitable, Feb. 2, 1848. , s. twin, William, trader, and Mahitable, Feb. 2, 1848. DONAHUE, see Dunaho. DONALD, Daniel, s. Michiel, labourer, and Jane, Apr. 30, 1846. DONAWAY (see also Donnaway), Mary, d. Timothy and Sarah, Dec. 26, 1760. Timothy, s. Timothy and Sarah, Dec. i, 1755. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 43 DONNAWAY (see also Donaway), Anna, d. Timothy and Sarah, bp. May 28, 1763. c. R. DOTY, EUetta Izora, d. John F., cabinet maker, b. Montville, Me., and Betsy Ann, b. Northport, Me., Oct. 19, 1849. Freeman Augery, s. John F., cabinet maker, b. Montville, Me., and Betsy Ann, b. Northport, Me., July 25, 1848. DOW, Abigail Carter, d. Thomas and Nabby, Sept. 7, 18 18. Albert Smith, s. Thomas and Nabby, Nov. 21, 1822. Bula Bradford, d. Jacob and Anne, Oct. 10, 1790. Charles, s. Thomas, jr., cabinet maker, and Ina, b. Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept. 22, 1849. Edward, s. Thomas and Nabby, Oct. 13, 1829. George Edward, s. Thomas, cabinet maker, and Ina, Nov. 17, 1846. Hipsebeth, d. Jeremiah and Lois, Nov. 11, i76[7]. Jacob, s. Jeremiah and Lois, Feb. 9, 1766. Jacob, s. Will[ia]m, bp. Dec. 22, 1793. c. R. Jacob Hilton, s. William and Hannah, Dec. 28, 1793. Jacob Hilton, s. Thomas and Nabby, Oct. 18, 1826. James, s. Jacob and Anne, Feb. 21, 1792. James, s. James and Eliza, Oct. 10, 1820. Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah and Lowis, June 27, 1751. John, s. Jeremiah and Lois, July 17, 1764. John, s. William and Hannah, Aug. 23, 1796. Josiah Hassam, s. Jacob H. and Sally, May 12, 1829. Lowis, d. Jeremiah and Lowis, Jan. 31, 1753. Margret Hilton, d. Will[ia]m and Hannah, Oct. 2, 17S7. Mary Frances, d. Thomas and Nabby, Jan. 9, 1834. Patty, d. Jeremiah and Lowis, May 26, 1769. Salley, d. Jeremiah and Lois, bp. Dec. — , 1758. c. R. Sally, d. Jacob and Anna, Sept. 14, 1797. Samuel, s. Jeremiah and Lydia, July i, 1789. Seward, s. Jeremiah and Lowis, May 12, 1762. Stilson Hassam, s. Jacob H. and Sally, Jan. 10, 1S31. Stilson Hilton, s. William and Hannah, Sept. 14, 1799. Susan, d. James, jr. and Susan, Feb. 20, 1843. Thomas, s. Will[ia]m and Hannah, Jan. 29, 1791. Thomas, s. Thomas and Nabby, July 4, 1820. Willard, s. Jacob and Anna, Oct. 24, 1795. William, s. Jeremiah, bp. Sept. 22, 1754. c. R. William, s. Jeremiah and Lowis, May 28, 1760. Will[ia]m, s, Will[ia]m and Hannah, Jan. 27, 1785. , d. Mr. , "Smith," bp. Sept. 12, 1756. c. r. DOWNING, Antony, s. Antony and Elisabeth, bp. Nov. 23, 1766. c. R. 44 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Downing, Beersheba Esty, d. Samuel and Mary, Oct. 9, 1757. Molly, d. Samuel and Mary, Apr. 15, 1753. Richard, s. Samuel and Mary, Aug. 31, 1755. DOWNS, Benjamin, s. Zepheniah and Molly, at Ipswich, Feb. 16, 1789. DRIVER, Andrew, s. Solomon and Meriam, Nov. 30, 1773. Andrew, s. Andrew and Rachel, Dec. 10, 1797. Anna, d. John and Anna, Apr. 15, 1744. Anna, d. Samuel and Anna, Aug. 2, 181 1. Anor, d. John and Anor, bp. May 13, 1744. c. R. Apphia, d. Nehemiah and Apphia, May 27, 1795. Bethiah, d. Solomon and Marium, Sept. 20, 1784. Daniel, s. John and Elizebeth, Apr. 9, 1776. Daniel, s. John and Elezebeth, Jan. 18, 1799. David, s. Andrew and Rachel, Dec. 30, 1801. Elezebeth, d. John and Elezebeth, Aug. 5, 1793. Elizabeth, d. John and Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1772. George N., s. Samuel, labourer, and Louisa, June 7, 1845. Hannah, d. Solomon and Hannah, Aug. 31, 1748. Hannah, d. Solomon and Mereiam, Mar. 7, 1776. Hannah, d. Solomon and Marium, Aug. 5, 1779. Jacob, s. Samuel and Bethiah, Apr, 22, 1776. James, s. John and Elezebeth, Jan. 12, 1795. John, s. John and Anna, Sept. n, 1742. John, s. Solomon and Hannah, Sept. 12, 1746. John, s. John and Elizabeth, June 7, 1768. John, s. Solomon and Marium, Apr. 21, 1782. John Hooper, s. Andrew and Rachel, Mar. i, 1810. Joseph Day, s. Andrew and Rachel, Oct. 30, 1803. Louisa, d. Samuel and Louisa, July 13, 1837. Maria, d. Andrew and Rachel, Oct. 27, 181 1. Meriam, d. Solomon and Meriam, Aug. 25, 1771. Nabby, d. Andrew and Rachel, May 20, 1808. Nehemiah, s. John and Elizabeth, May 23, 1770. Rachel, d. Andrew and Rachel, Feb. 21, 1806. Samuel, s. Solomon and Hannah, bp. Feb. 25, 1749-50. c. r. Samuel, s. Samuel and Bethiah, Sept. 19, 1773. Samuel, s. Sam[ue]ll, bp. Oct. 22, 1775. c. r. Samuel, s. Solomon and Marium, Feb. 16, 1787. Samuel, s. Samuel and Anna, Feb. 13, 1805. Samuel, s. Samuel and Anna, Dec. 16, 1806. Samuel, s. Samuel and Louisa, Dec. 4, 1839. Samuel, s. Samuel and Louisa, July 3, 1842. Solomon, s. Solomon and Hannah, Mar. 20, 1744-5. Solomon, s. Solomon and Meriam, Sept. 6, 1769. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 45 Driver, Solomon, s. Solomon and Merium, July 21, 1789. William, s. Solomon and Jehoden [Hodiah. c. r.], Apr. 28, 1738. DUNAHO, John, s. Catherine, July 26, 1790. EASCCOAT (see also Escot), Mary, d. Sarah, bp. Apr. 21, 1723. c. R. EASKOOT (see also Escot), Anna, d. John and Christian, Nov. 26, 1757. John, s. John and Christian, Mar. 10, 176 [torn]. Mary Ann, d. Philip and Anna, Sept. 28, 1808. Phellep, s. John and Sarah, Aug. 28, 171S. Philip, s. Philip and Annis, Dec. 28, 1795. Sabry, d. Philip and Anna, Apr. 20, 1809. EASKOTT (see also Escot), Philip, s. John and Chrestian, Aug. 21, 1765. EASTY (see also Esty), EUsabeth, d. Joseph and Elisabeth, bp. Sept. 2, 1753. ^' R- Elizabeth, d. BenjaLmin] and Elizabeth, Jan. 8, 1761. John, s. Catarine, bp. June 17, 1722. c. R. John, s. Joseph and Elisabeth, May 6, 1749. Joseph, s. Katharine, bp. June 5, 1720. c. r. Joseph, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Sept. 10, 1751. Mary, d. Catarine, bp. Feb. 23, 1728 [-9]. c. r. Matthew, s. Joseph and EHsabeth, bp. Dec. 9, 1750. c. r. EATON, Edward Payson, s. John L., furniture dealer, and Mary A., May 12, 1843. John Leach, s. John Lee and Mary A., Nov. 8, 1837. Mary Abby, d. John L. and Mary A., Nov. i, 1836. Mary Ann, d. Ithamer and Jane, Feb. 20, 1806. Richard Trask, s. John L. and Mary A., Apr. 29, 1841. EDWARDS, Aaron, s. William and Elezebeth, Feb. 23, 1800. Abigail, d. Samuel and Seeth, June 16, 18 14. Abigal, d. John and Abigal, Aug. 26, 1728. Abigal, d. Capt. Daniel and Elizabeth, Aug. 31, 1760. Anna, d. John and Hannah, Jan. 23, 1765. Anna, d. [Capt. c. r.] Daniel and Elizabeth, Mar. 10, 1766. Anna, d. Samuel and Seeth, Aug. 12, 1807. Anne, d. John and Abgil, June 26, 1730. Azariah, s. John and Hannah, July 5, 1779. Azariah, s. Azariah and Nabby, Oct. 20, 1802. Betsey, d. WiUiam, 2d and Elezebeth, Aug. 30, 1803. Daniel, s. John and Abigial, Aug. 19, 1732. Daniel, s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Dec. 28, 1762. 46 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Edwards, Daniel, s. William and Ruth, Sept. 29, 1793. David, s. John, jr. and Judath, Feb. i, 1802. Ede, d. John and Hannah, Oct. 4, 1773. Elezebeth, d. John, Mar. 11, 17 — [1745-6. c. R.] Elezebeth, d. William and Elezebeth, Aug. 30, 1803. Elezebeth, d. William and Elezebeth, Oct. 2, 1805. Elisha, s. William, 2d and Elezebeth, Aug. 29, 1801. Elizabeth, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, June 30, 1758. Elizabeth, d. John, jr. and Elizabeth, Sept. 12, 1759. Elizabeth Allen, d. Samuel and Sarah J., May 10, 1830. Forster, s. John, jr. and Bethiah, Dec. 16, 1793. Hannah, d. John, jr. and Hannah, Nov. 13, 1762. Hannah, d. Daniel and Elizabeth, Oct. 5, 1770. Hannah, d. William and Ruth, Aug. 28, 1801. Hardy Phippen, s. Samuel and Seath, Dec. 11, 1804. Hariot^d. William (Edward) and Ruth, Nov. 6, 1804. John, s. John and Abgial, Aug. 16, 1734. John, s. John, jr. and Hanah, Feb. 5, 1770. John, s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 1772. John, s. John, jr. and Judath, Mar. i, 1800. John Girdler, s. Samuel and Seth, Jan. 14, 1799. Joseph, s, Daniel and Elizabeth, Aug. 31, 1764. Joseph, s. William and Ruth, May 6, 1798. Joseph Stone, s. Samuel and Seathe, Aug. 17, 1801. Judath, d. John, jr. and Judath, June 18, 1798. Lucy Jane, d. Samuel and Sarah J., Dec. 18, 1833. Lydia, d. Samuel and Seath, Dec. 11, 1804. Marsters, s. William and Ruth, Sept. 17, 1805. Mary, d. John and Abigal, June 26, 1737. Mary Elizabeth, d. Samuel and Seeth, July 16, 181 1. Naby, d. John and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1777. Orsman, s. Azariah and Nabby, June 13, 1805. Ruth, d. John, bp. June 22, 1740. c. R. Ruth, d. John and Hannah, Oct. 8, 1768. Ruth, d. William and Ruth, Aug. 11, 1796. Samuel, s. John and Abigail, May 30, 1748. Samuel, s. Samuel and Lydia, Aug. 20, 1771. Samuel, s. Samuel and Seeth, Aug. 25, 1796. Samuel Adams, s. Samuel and Sarah J., Nov. 24, 1828. Sarah, d. John and Hannah, Jan. 21, 1767. Sarah Augusta, d. Samuel and Sarah J., Mar. i, 1824. William, s. John and Abig[el], Apr. 20 [1743- c. R.] William, s. [Capt. c. R.] Daniel and Elizabeth, Apr. 14, 1768. William, s. John and Hannah, May 19, 1775. William, s. William and Ruth, May 23, 1791. Woodberry, s. William and Ruth, Dec. 9, 1808. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 47 ELLINWOOD, Bial, s. Ralph, bp. [at Beverly ?] Aug. 2 1 , 1 7 26. c. r. Daniel, s. Ralph, bp. at Beverly, July 12, 1724. c. R. ELLIOT (see also Elliott), Eliz[abeth], d. WiUiam and Sarah, bp. Apr. 14, 1782. c. R. Molley, d. Will[ia]m and Sarah, bp. Sept. 9, 1787. c. R. Thomas, s. \\'ill[ia]m and Sarah, bp. Oct. 24, 1784. , d. Andrew, cabinet maker, b. Beverly, and Eliza Jane, b. Beverly, Dec. 30, 1849. ELLIOTT (see also Elliot), Anna, d. twin, William, of Beverly, bp. Mar. 23, 1794. c. R. Nabby, d. twin, William, of Beverly, bp. Mar. 23, 1794. c. R. Sarah, d. Will[ia]m and Sarah, bp. Aug. 25, 1776. c. R. ELWELL, William Henry, s. Henry, cabinet maker, and Eliza- beth Ann, Dec. 13, 1S44. EMERSON, Charlotte, d. Rev. S. M. and Charlotte, bp. Sept. 20, 1S27. C. R. Charlotte Louisa, d. Rev. Samuel M. and Charlotte, Jan. 17, 1829. Edward Bulkley, s. Rev. Samuel M. and Charlotte, Nov. 5, 1823. Mary Abby, d. Rev. Samuel M. and Charlotte, Sept. 24, 1831. EMONS, Mary, d. Daniel and Abigail, bp. [at Gloucester?] Sept. I, 1728. c. R. EPES, Benja[min] s. Benjamin and Anne, July 3, 1782. Dciniel, s. Benja[min] and Anne, at Glocester, July 5, 1779. Nancey, d. Benja[min] and Anne, Jan. 28, 1781. Nathaniel, s. Ben)a[min] and Anne, June 3, 1784. ESCOT (see also Easccoat, Easkoot Easkott, Eskote,), Alias, d. John and Sarah, Feb. 21, 1727. John, s. John and Sarah, May 15, 1732. Margret, d. John and Sarah, June 10, 1729. Sarah, d. John and Sarah, Apr. 29, 1720. ESKOTE (see also Escot), Mary, d. John and Sarah, Apr. 16, 1723. Mary, d. John (Esty) and Cathorn, Oct. 26, 1724. Ruth, d. John and Sarah, Mar. 17, 1725. ESTY (see also Easty), Bathsheba, d. Caterine, bp. Dec. 20, 1730. c. R. Benjamin, s. Catarine, bp. Sept. 16, 1733. c. R. Mary, d. Catharine, bp. Oct. 4, 1724. c. r. FARRACE (see also Farrice), Thomas, s. Thomas (Farice) and Molly, Mar. 7, 1792. 48 MANCHESTER BIRTHS FARRICE (see also Farrace), John Killam, s. Thomas "and Polly, June 2, 1794. Polly, d. Thomas and Polly, Jan, i, 1797. FARROW, Abby Frances, d. Abradatusand Sarah M.,Mar.26,i84i. Benjamin Thaxter, s. Abradatus and Sarah, Mar. 8, 1839. Lucy Ann Perry, d. Abradatus and Sarah M., at West Cambridge, May 25, 1830. Susan Leach, d. Abradatus and Sarah, Mar. 27, 1836. FELKER, Charles Edward, s. John C, cabinet maker," and Caro- line F., Aug. 30, 1846. Frank Howard, s. John C, carver, b. Amesbury, and Caroline F., Aug. 5, 1848. John C, s. John C, cabinet maker, and CaroUne F., July 3, 1844. FERGUSON (see also Forgison), Elizabeth Ann, d. Stephen and Mary, Dec. 19, 1839. Martha Ann, d. Stephen, cabinet maker, and Mary E.,Jan.i3,i845. Mary, d. Stephen and Patty, Aug. 27, 181 1. Mary Elizabeth, d. Stephen and Mary, Sept. 22, 1842. Patty, d. Stephen and Patty, Jan. 18, 1810. Rufus Putnam, s. Stephen and Mary, Dec. 9, 1837. Stephen, s. Stephen and Patty, May 18, 1808. Stephen Augustus, s. Stephen and Mary, Aug. 22, 1836. William, s. Stephen and Patty, Feb. 27, 1806. FERRIS, Cornelia Matilda, d. Almond F., cabinet maker, and Siloma Matilda, Mar. 25, 1845. Lucy Salome, d. Almon F., cabinet maker, and Salome M., May 23, 1847. FINSON, Hannah, d. Margaret Collet, Apr. 28, 1740. FITZ, Eunice Augusta, d. William, cabinet maker, and Eunice C, May 22, 1845. FLINT, Addison Reed, s. Edward, cabinet maker, and Rebecca, Apr. II, 1848. FLOWERS, Amos Knowlton, s. William and Eunice, May 8, 1834 Anne, d. John Gallaway and Hannah, Nov. 5, 1792. Bartholomew, s. Bartholmew and Abigail, Aug. 26, 1770. Hannah, d. John and Hannah, Jan. 2, 1796. John, s. John and Hannah, July 19, 1794. John Gallaway, s. Bartholomew and Abigail, Oct. 16, 1769. John Hooker, s. William K., mariner, and Eunice, Jan. 23, 1844. Margret, d. John and Hannah, Nov. 18, 1799. Nabby, d. John and Hannah, Jan. 2, 1798. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 49 Flowers, William, s. William and Marcy, June 30, 1804. William, s. W[illia]m, bp. May 6, 181 o. c. r. William Hooker, s. William and Eunice, Aug. 10, 1837. FORGISON (see also Ferguson), Alles, d. Stephen and Patty, Aug. 18, 1802. FORSTER (see also Foster), Benja[min], s. Israeli and Anna, May 28, 1745. Bethiah, d. Samuel and Bethiah, Oct. 28, 1769. Charlotte Eliza, d. Israel and Hannah, July 19, 18 10. Daniel, s. John and Mary, bp. Apr, 28, 1745. c. r. Daniel, s. Capt. John and Mary, bp. May 17, 1747. c. r. Debby, d. Benjamin and Debby, Feb. 2, 1801. Emily Maria, d. Israel and Hannah, May 4, 1820. Evoline, d. Israel and Hannah, May 17, 18 12. Hannah Lee, d. Israel and Hannah, Jan. 17, 1805. Joanna, d. Capt. Aaron, of Chebacco, bp. Dec. 3, 1768. c. r, Mary Ann, d. Israel and Hannah, Feb. i, 1807. Sally, d. Benjamin and Debby, Nov. 19, 1798. Samuel, s. Samuel (Foster) and Bethiah, May 26, 1772. FORSTOR (see also Foster), Danil, s. Israeli and Anna, Aug. 15, 1742. FOSS, Charles Edwin, s. Leonard, cabinet maker, b. Salisbury, and Caroline, July 22, 1849. FOSTER (see also Forster, Forstor, Fostter), Abigal, d. Jacob and Abigal, July 28, 1729. Anna, d. John and Margaret, bp. Dec. 8, 17 17. c. r. Anne, d. Zebulon and Anne [Anna. c. r.], Apr. 17, 1750. Benjamin, s. Samuel and Bethiah, Mar. 27, 1766. Betsey, d. Samuel and Bethiah, Jan. 15, 1768. Danniel, s. John and Margret, Feb. 27, 1717. Elesabath, d. Isarel and An[n]e, Jan. i, 1733-4. Elizabeth, d. John, bp. May 22, 1743. c. r. Emme, d. John and Margaret, bp. Dec. 8, 171 7. c. r. Hannah, d. John and Margaret, bp. Dec. 8, 171 7. c. r. Hannah, d. Jacob and Abigal, Nov. 20, 1732. Isaral, s. Isaral and Anne, May 8, 1731. Israel, s. John and Margaret, bp. Dec. 8, 1717. c. r. Jacob, s. John and Margaret, bp. Dec. 8, 171 7. c. r. Jacob, s. Isarel and Anne, May 2, 1737. John, s. John and Margaret, bp. Dec. 8, 1717. c. r. John, s. John, jr. and Mary, Jan. 26, 1733-4. Joseph, s. John, jr. and Mary, Feb. 27, 1737-8. Margerit, d. Israel and Anne, May 8, 1726. 50 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Foster, Mary, d. John, jr. and Mary, Mar. 9, 1735-6. Mehetable, d. Jacob, "who we fear lost att sea," bp. Aug. 25, 1734. c. R. Sam[ue]ll, s. Iserell and Anna, Feb. 10, 1740. Sarah, d. Jacob and Abigil, June 2, 1731. Timothy, s. John and Mary, bp. Apr. 13, 1740. c. r. FOSTTER (see also Foster), Anne, d. Israel (Foster) and Anne, July 19, 1728. FOWLER, Frederic Augustus, s. Stephen and Susan, Sept. 20, 1842. John, s. Jacob and Anna, July 6, 1801. Polly, d. Jacob, bp. May 6, 1810. c. r. FRIEND, Daniel, s. Daniel and Lucy, Dec. 26, 1814. Daniel, s. Daniel and Lucy, Aug. 17, 181 7. Daniel, s. Daniel W., carpenter, and Louisa H., Mar. 13, 1845. John Knight, s. Daniel and Lucy, May 23, 1819. Lucy Ann, d. Daniel and Lucy, July 15, 1813. Susan Hannah, d. Daniel and Lucy, Dec. 18, 1820. GALAWA[Y] (see also Gallowway), Abigail, d. John and Abigail, bp. Nov. 4, 1744. c. R. Jane, d. John and Abigal, June 25, 1734. GALAY, Bamley, s. John and Abigal, Aug. 8, 1739. John, s. John and Abigal, Jan. 26, 1736-7. GALLOWWAY (see also Galaway), William, s. John and Abigail, bp. May 2, 1742. c. r. GATON, Bridget, d. John, engine tender, and Hannah, Oct. 31, 1847. GENTLEE (see also Jentlee), James, s. Thomas and Mary, bp. Jan. 23, 1785. c. r. John, s. Mary, bp. Aug. 25, 1776. C. R. Richard, s. Thomas, bp. Nov. i, 1778. c. r. Samuel Downing, s. Thomas and Molly, Dec. 23, 1773. Thomas, s. Thomas and Molly, Sept. 27, 1770, GIDDINGS, Abigail, d. Joseph, " who had renewed Covenant att ye Hamblet," bp. May 15, 1740. c. r. Prudence, d. Joseph, bp. Aug. 15, 1742. c. r. GILBERT, John Addison, s. John, carpenter, and Mary C, Oct. II, 1847. Prissalah, d. Thomas and Prisallah, Feb. 4, 1795. Thomas Rogers, s. John and Susannah, at Glocester, Sept. 20,1 768. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 5 1 GILES, Amasa, s. Mary Jane Ayers, July ii, 1828. Anna Allen, d. Matthew and Harriet, Apr. 5, 1841. Eliza, d. Matthew and Harriet, Oct. 22, 1832. Harriet Allen, d. Matthew and Harriet, Aug. 23, 1834. John James, s. Matthew and Harriet, July 20, 1836. Mary D., d. Matthew, cabinet maker, and Harriet, Jan. 21, 1846. Sarah Webster, d. Matthew and Harriet, Aug. 10, 1839. William Darius, s. Matthew, cabinet maker, and Harriet, July 22, 1843. GILSON» Amelia Frances, d. Isaac C. and Harriet, Jan. 16, 1842. Charles Edward, s. Richard and Mary Frances, Sept. 16, 1842. Elizabeth Ann Pillsbury, d. Richard C., cabinet maker, b. Rox- bury, and Mary Francis, b. Chester, N. H., Nov. 23, 1848. Harriet Cunningham, d. Isaac C. [cabinet maker, dup.], and Harriet, Aug. 23, 1843. Joseph W., s. Isaac C, cabinet maker, and Harriet M., June 26, 1845. Mary Frances, d. Richard, cabinet maker, and Mary Frances, Oct. 8, 1846. Thomas Frederic, s. Isaac C, Aug. 30, 1839. GIRDLER, Amos Hilton, s. William and Peggy, May 20, 181 7. Benjamin IngersoU, s. John and Abigail, Aug. 28, 181 1. David Craft, s. John and Abigail, June 29, 1814. Elezebeth, d. George and Lydia, Oct. 25, 1781. Elezebeth, d. John and Joanna, May 14, 1788. George, s. George and Lydia, Sept. 10, 1789. George, s. WiUiam, jr. and Nathalie, Aug. 19, 1839. Hannah, d. William and Peggey, Sept. 7, 1801. James, s. George and Lydia, Nov. 29, 1793. James, s. William and Nathalie, Oct. 20, 1841. Joanna, d. John and Joanna, Oct. 20, 1784. John, S.John and Joanna, Nov. 25, 1780. John, s. George and Lydia, Jan. 10, 1797. John, s. John, bp. Sept. 2, 18 10. c. r. John, s. William and Peggy, Nov. 11, 18 14. John Stevens, s. John and Abigail, Apr. 5, 1808. Lucy Ann Lee, d. George, jr. and Annis, Mar. 9, 1814. Lydia, d. George and Lydia, Aug. 27, 1778. Lydia, d. John and Joanna, July 30, 1790. Lydia, d. William and Peggy, Aug. 31, 1806. Mary Elizabeth, d. William and Peggy, Sept. 7, 1812. Mary Elizabeth, d. William, jr., mariner, and Nathaly, Apr. 4, 1844. Nabby, d. George and Lydia, Aug. 31, 1787. Peggey, d. William and Peggey, Mar. 23, 1804. 52 MANCHESTER BIRTHS GiRDLER, Policy, d. John and Joanna, June i6, 1792. Polly Allen, d. John and Betsey, July 2, 1S33. Rebekah, d. George and Lydia, Dec. 21, 1783. Sally Lee, d. George and Elizabeth, Aug. 7, 18 14. Thomas Norwood, s. John and Abigail, bp. June 20, 1822. c. r. William, s. George and Lydia, Oct. 21, 1776. William, s. Wilham and Peggy, Dec. 27, 1808. William Guyler, s. William, jr. and Nathalie, June 23, 1837. William Savage, s. John and Abigail, bp. June 20, 1822. c. r. GLAS, Joane, d. Richard and Elisabeth, Nov. 13, 1686. Mary, d. Richard and Elisabeth, Oct. 27, 1684. Richard, s. Richard and Elisabeth, Mar. 15, 1687. GLOVER, Fanny, d. John and Fanny, bp. Sept. 16, 1777. c. r. Lydia, d. John and Lydia, at Salem, Nov. 19, 1803. William, s. Benjamin, bp. [at Salem?], Aug. 18, 1734. c. r. GOARDEN (see also Gordon), Frances (Gorden) and Elezebeth, at Beverly, Feb. 2, 1779. GODSOE, Elizabeth Allen, d. William, cabinet maker, b. Kittery, Me., and Lydia, Mar. 25, 1849. John W., s. John, cabinet maker, and Mary Ann, Aug. 19, 1844. Julia Frances, d. John and Mary Ann, Jan. 5, 1838. , d. John, cabinet maker, May 26, 1844. GOLDSMITH, Abigail, d. Jefferd and Abigail, Jan. 29, 1781. Abigail Hooper, d. David and Elizabeth, Aug. 30, 18 16. Abraham, s. Nehemiah and Elizabeth, Nov. 12, 181 1. Albert Henry, s. Nathan B. and Charlotte, Sept. 26, 1837. Andrew, s. Jefferd and Abigail, Oct. 23, 1782. Anna Hooper, d. Nehemiah and Elizabeth, Jan. 27, 1814. Augusta Kitfield, d. Edward K. and Judith, Mar. 25, 1829. Betsey West, d. Nehemiah and Betsey, Mar. 20, 1820. Charles, s. Nathan B. and Charlotte, Oct. 31, 1835. Charlotte Augusta, d. Nathan B. and Charlotte, Feb. i, 1830. Cordelia Elger, d. Zacheus and Olive, July i, 1829. David, s. Jefferd and Abigail, Oct. 4, 1786. Edward, s. Nehemiah and Elizabeth, Sept. to, 1803. Edward Kitfield, s. Edward Kitfield and Judith, Dec. 29, 1826. Elizabeth, d. Nehemiah and Elizabeth, July 19, 1805. Elizabeth, d. David and Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 18 14. Emily Story, d. Zacheus and Olive, Apr. 5, 1827. Gilman, s. Nathan [ship carpenter, dup.] and Charlotte, Sept. 17, 1843. Haimah, d. Jefferd and Abigail, Oct. 13, 17S4. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 53 Goldsmith, Harriet Putnam, d. Nathan, ship carpenter, and Charlotee, Oct. 28, 1846. Henry Oilman, s. Zacheus and Olive, Jan. 28, iSii. John, s. Jefferd and Abigail, July 9, 1795. John Titcomb, s. Nathan and Charlotte, Oct. 13, 1841. Louisa Greely, d. Zacheus and Olive, July 20, 1822. Lucy, d. Jefferd and Lucy, at Ipswich, Aug. 8, 1773. Lucy Ann, d. Nathan B. and Charlotte, Oct. 4, 1839. Lucy Story, d. Nehemiah and Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1816. Mahitable, d. Gifford [Jefferd. c. r.] and Abigail, Apr. 6, 1799. Martha Procter, d. Nathan B. and Charlotte, Dec. 29, 1S31. Martha Titcomb, d. Zacheus and Olive, May 10, 1820. Mary, d. Jefferd and Abigail, Dec. 22, 178S. Mary, d, Samuel and Miriam, Nov. 18, 1814. Mary Hanson, d. Nehemiah and Betsey, Sept. 18, 1822. Nathan, s. Zacheus and Olive, at Wilmington, Feb. 8, 1809. Nathan, s. Nathan B. and Charlotte, Oct. 5, 1833. Nehemiah, s. Jefferd and Lucy, July 13, 1778. Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah and Elezebeth, Jan. 15, 1802. Nehemiah, s, Nehemiah and Elizabeth, Sept. 19, 1808. Olive, d. Zacheus and Olive, Apr. 17, 181 3. Rachel, d. Jefferd and Abigail, May 19, 1793. Sarah, d. Jefferd and Abigail, Dec. 4, 1790. Seth, s. Jefferd and Lucy, at Ipswich, Aug. 25, 1775. Seth, s. Nehemiah and Elizabeth, Feb. 19, 1810. GOODHUE Sam[uel], s. John, bp. at Jebacco, July 18, 1725. c. r. GOODRICH, Benjamin Crafts, s. Samuel and Deborah, July 24, 1835- David Augustus, s. David and Abigail, Oct. 26, 1839. Deborah Crafts, d. Samuel and Deborah, Sept. 14, 1833. George William, s. Samuel and Deborah, Sept. 27, 1837. Hannah Lendall, d. Israel, mariner, and Joanna, at Newport, June 15, 1843. Lydia Lee, d. Samuel, mariner, and Deborah, at Newport, Aug. 8, 1843. Samuel, s. Samuel and Deborah, Nov. 18, 183 1. GOODRn)GE, Benjamin Crafts, s. Samuel, mariner, and Deborah, Oct. 15, 1847. David Crafts, s. Samuel and Deborah, Mar. 12, 1841. Isaac Preston, s. David, shoemaker, and Abigail, at Newport, Nov. 25, 1846. Isaac Preston, s. David, shoemaker and fisherman, b. Beverly, and Abigail, Aug. 15, 1848. Israel D., s. Israel D., shoemaker and fisherman, b. Beverly, and Joanna, July 23, 1S48. 54 MANCHESTER BIRTHS GooDRiDGE, Joseph Lendall, s. David, mariner, and Abigail, June 28, 1844. Nathalie Girdler, d. David and Abigail, Jan. 11, 1841. , ch. Israel, shoemaker, and Joanna, at Newport, Aug. 26, 1846. GOODWIN, Susanna B., d. Thomas, farmer, and Mary Jane, Oct. 18, 1845. , d. Thomas, teamster, and Mary Jane, July 19, 1844. GORDEN (see also Gordon), Betty, d. Frances and Elezebeth, Mar. 8, 1783. GORDON (see also Goarden, Gorden), Francis, s. Francis and Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 19, 1780. c. R. GOULD, Elizabeth Porter, d. John A., teacher, b. Topsfield, and Elizabeth C., June 8, 1848. John Leach, s. John A., school teacher, and Elizabeth C., Jan. 7, 1847. Susan Cheever, d. John A., teacher, b. Topsfield, and Elizabeth C, June 27, 1849. GRANT, Elizabeth, d. John and Lucey, Sept. 11, 1768. Frances, s. Thom[a]sand Elezebeth, June 6, 1788. Jacob, s. , bp. June 3, 1793. c. r. John, s. John and Lucey, Aug. 31, 1765. John [Thomas, c. R.], s. Thom[a]s and Elez[abe]th, Aug. 16, 1783. Joseph, s. John and Lucey, Apr. 3, 1770. Joseph, s. Thom[a]s and Elez[abe]th, Aug. 4, 1786. Lucey Knowlton, d. John and Lucey, June 2, 1767. Thomas, s. John and Lucy, bp. July 31, 1774- c. r. Thomas, s. Thomas and Elezebeth, Nov. 5, 1781. Thomas, s. Thomas and Ehzab[eth], bp. Aug. 17, 1783. c. r. William Knight, s. John and Lucy, bp. Nov. 12, i775- c. R. GREDLEE (see also Gridly), John, s. John (Greedlee) and Anne, Nov. 25, 1720. GREEDLE (see also Gridly), Sarah, d. John and Anne, Oct. 13, 1718. GREENMAN, Loring W., s. G. W., railroad contractor, and Eliza, of New York, at Newport, May 26, 1846. GRIDLY (see alsoGredlee, Greedle), Sarah, d. John and Joan- nah, bp. Apr. 26, 17 19. c. R. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 55 GROSVENOR, David, s. Dr., bp. May 6, 1810. c. r. David Augustus, s. David A. and Sally, Jan. 31, 181 1. Ebenezer, s. David A. and Sally, June 21, 18 13. Rufus Lathrop, s. Horace H. and Aurelia, July 30, 181 9. Sally, d. Dr., bp. Apr. 23, 1S09. c. R. Sally Eliza, d. David A. and Sally, Feb. 2, 1809. HALE, William, s. William and Ruth, Dec. 2, 18 10. HALL, Andrew, s. George and Nabby, Oct. 22, 1791. Christiana, d. David and Christiana, May 30, 1827. David, s. George and Lydia, Nov. 15, 1802. George, s. George and Nabby, Apr. 22, 1782. George Washington, s. David and Christiana, June 10, 1838. Jehannah, d. George and Nabby, Aug. 8, 1788. Lydia, d. David and Christiana, Aug. 28, 1829. Mary, d. George and Naby, June 26, 1780. Naby, d. George and Naby, Aug. 12, 1778. Patty, d. George and Nabby, June 14, 1784. HANSON, Benjamin Millet, s. Luther C, cabinet maker, b. Jack- son, N. H., and Emily E., June 20, 1848. HARRIMAN, Patty, d. Thomas and Martha, Dec. 3, 1767. HARRIS (see also Harriss), John Henry, s. John F. and Susan P., Feb. 5, 1840. Ruth Ann, d. John F., cabinet maker, and Susan P., Mar. 27,1 848. Susan Hannah, d. John F. and Susan P., Dec. 20, 1840. HARRISS (see also Harris), Caroline M., d. John, cabinet maker, and Susan P., Jan. 3, 1846. , d. John F., cabinet maker, and Susan P., Jan. 19, 1844. HARSHAM (see also Hassam), Anna, d. Jonathan and Mary, Aug. 12, 1735. Benja[min], s. Joseph and Abial, May 17, 1729. Elizabeth, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, May 9, 1771. Jacob, s. Jonathan and Mary, Feb. 5, 1736-7. John, s. Jonathan and Mary, Mar. 27, 1744-5. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Mary, Mar. 5, 1729-30. Jonathan, s. William and Elezebeth, May 23, 1784. Josiah, s. Josiah and Sarah, Nov. 26, 1766. Ledah, d. John and Elesebeth, Sept. 11, 1730. Lydia, d. Jonathan (Horsham) and Mary, May ii, 1739. Mary, d. Jonathan and Mary, Aug. 13, 1733. Molley, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, Nov. 7, 1774. Orreley, d. Josiah and Sally, May 11, 1800. Samu[e111, s. Jonathan and Mary, June 24, 1741. 56 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Harsham, Sarah, d. Josiah and Sarah, June 7, 1765. Susanah, d. Joseph and Abial, July 29, 1733. Su[s]aner, d. Joseph and Bial, Oct. 27, 1734. Willam, s. John and Elesabath, Dec. 7, 1731. William, s. Jonathan [sr. c. R.] and Mary, Aug. 11, 1752. HARSHEM (see also Hassam), Joseph, s. Jonathan and Mary, Jan. 25, 1747-8. HARSKAL (see also Haskell), Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel, bp. Oct. 2, 1774. c. R. HARSKALL (see also Haskell), Anniss, d. Joseph, bp. Aug. 22, 1773. c. R. Daniel, s. Nathaniel and Betsey, bp. Mar. 30, 1777. c. r. Joseph, s. Nathaniel and Betsey, June 20, 1779. c. r. Nabby, d. Nathaniel and Betty, bp. Oct. 10, 1784. c. r. Sam[ue]l, s. Joseph and Betty, bp. Sept. 25, 1774. c. r. Samuel, s. Nathaniel and Betsey, bp. June 20, 1779. c. r. HARSREL (see also Haskell), Simeon, s. Joseph and Betsey, May 27, 1776. HARSKELL (see also Haskell), Anna, d. Nathanael (Haskell) and Elizabeth, Aug. 23, 1770. David, s. John and Eunice, Oct. 25, 1754. Joseph, s. Joseph and Betty, Oct. 20, 1767. Rebeckah, d. Benja[min] (Haskell) and Sarah, May 9, 1779. [ me. T. c.js, s. John and Eunice, Nov. 25, 1756. HARSKILL (see also Haskell), Joseph, s. Benja[min] and Han- nah, Apr. 15, 1744. HARSKOL (see also Haskell), John, s. John (Haskol) and Ame, April 20, 1722. HART, Charles, s. twin, Thomas and Mary Jane, Dec. 17, 1840. Jacob, s. Thomas and Harriet, Feb. 2, 1843. John, s. twin, Thomas and Mary Jane, Dec. 17, 1840. HARTLEY, , s. George R., cabinet maker, and Harriet, May 16, 1847. HASCAL (see .also Haskell), S.John, (from Beverly), bp. Oct. 7, 1722. c. R. HASCOLL (see also Haskell), William, s. Robbert and Mary, Nov. 4, 1713. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 57 HASHAM (see also Hassam), Betsey, d. Will[ia]m (Harsham) and Elezebeth, Oct. ii, 1786. Betsey, d. Josiah and Sally, Aug. 13, 1794. Hanath, d. William and Sarath, May 26, i7[o]9. Jeramiah, s. Jo[hn], bp. Apr. 17, 1737. c. R. Jonathan, s. Ezekiel and Sarah, July 29, 1753. Joseph, s. William and Sarath, Jan. i, 1699. Josiah, s. Josiah and Sally, Aug. 19, 1797. Lydia, d. Joseph and Elezebeth, Feb. 19, 1780. Nancey, d. Will[ia]m and Elezebeth, Nov. 10, 1788. Sally, d. Josiah and Sally, Aug. 18, 1791. Samiull, s. WiUiam, sr. and Sarath, Oct. 22, 1706. Sarah, d. Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 25, 1727. Sarah, d. Joseph and Elezebeth, Mar. i, 1788. William, s. WiUiam and Sarath, Dec. 9, 1711-12. Will[ia]m, s. William and Elezebeth, May 4, 1781. William, s. Will[ia]m and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 25, 1784. C. R. HASKALL (see also Haskell), Betty, d. Nathaniel and Elizabeth, Nov. 30, 1765. HASKEL (see also Haskell), Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Sarah, June 9, 1772. Lydia, d. Nathaniel (Haskell) and Elizabeth, Sept. 14, 1772. HASKELL (see also Harskal, Harskall, Harskel, Harskell, Harskill, Harskol, Hascal, Hascoll, Haskall, Haskel, Haskoll), Betty, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, Nov. 25, 177 1. Betty, d. Benja[min] and Sarah, Sept. 22, 1774. EHzabeth, d. Simeon and Elizabeth, May 17, 1806. Ehzabeth, d. Simeon and Elizabeth, Feb. 23, 1808. Frances, s. Augustus and Lucy Jane, July 30, 1839. Francis Augustus, s. Augustus and Lucy Jane, Aug. 29, 1842. George Henry, s, Henry, livery stable proprietor, and Elizabeth H., March 18, 1848. Hannah, d. Nathaniel and Elizabeth, Jan. i, 1768. Harriet Abby, d. Henry, stable keeper, and Elizabeth H., Nov. 18, 1846. Jerimiah, s. John and Eunice, Dec. 14, 1753. John, s. John and Eunice, July 13, 1751. John G., s. John G., cordwainer, and Mary, at Newport, Apr. 30, 1846. John Girdler, s. Simien and Elizabeth, Mar. 3, i8i6. Joseph, s. Simeon and Elizabeth, July 5, 181 1. Lizzie Mariah, d. Henry, innholder, b. Gloucester, and Elizabeth H., b. Gloucester, Mar. 7, 1849. Lydia, d. John and Eunice, Dec. 6, 1749. 58 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Haskell, Mary Elizabeth Lee, d. John G., shoemaker and farmer, and Mary, b. Cape Elizabeth, Me., Nov. 15, 1848. Mary Davis, d. Augustus, cabinet maker, b- Beverly, and Leanora D., b. Gloucester, Dec. 23, 1848. Molly, d. Benja[min] and Sarah, Mar. 8, 1777. Priscilla, d. Joseph and Betty, Oct. 16, 1769. Robert, s. Benja[min] and Sarah, Sept. 11, 1783. Simeon, s. Simeon and Elizabeth, Mar. 8, 1809. Stephen Stanley, s. Augustus, cabinet maker, and Leonora, June 28, 1847. HASKOLL (see also Haskell), Benja[min], s. Benja[min] and Hannah, May i, 1742. Nathanel, s. Benja[min] and Hannah, June 29, 1740. HASSAM (see also Harsham, Harshem, Hasham, Hassum, Hor sam, Horsham, Horsom, Horsome, Horsum, Hossom), Eliza beth, d. Jonathan and Sally, Jan. 17, 1819. Elizabeth, d. Jonathan and Sally, Sept. 8, 1827. Henry, s. Jonathan and Sally, July 11, 1822. John, s- Jonathan and Sally, Sept. 4, 1809. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Sally, Sept. 3, 1817, Sally, d. Jonathan and Sally, May 25, 181 1. Samuel, s. Jonathan and Sally, Apr. 17, 1820. William, s. Jonathan and Sally, July 26, 18 13. HASSUM, John, s. John and Jane, Sept. 26, 171 7. HELTON (see also Hilton), Samuel, s. Will[i]am and Margret, May 16, 1 7 13. HENDERSON, Caroline Elizabeth, d. Isaac L. and Paulina, Apr. 24, 1843. George Francis, s. Isaac L. and Paulina, Feb. 8, 1837. Isaac Lewis, s. Isaac L. and Paulina, June 17, 1833. Lydia Ann, d. Isaac L. and Paulina, Apr. 11, 1835. Mary Jane, d. Isaac L. and Paulina, Feb. 12, 1841. Paulina Augusta, d. Isaac L. and Paulina, Dec. 24, 1838. HERICK (see also Herrick), Asa, s. Asa, of Concord, N. H., bp. Aug. 30, 1806. c. R. HERIDAN, Betsey, d. Thomas and Temparance, Mar. 24, 1802. HERRICK (see also Herick), Anna, d. Dea. Jonathan and Mary, bp. Oct. 16, 1748. c. R. Anna, d. Jonathan, jr. and Rachel, Oct. 20, 1767. Asa, s. [Dea. c. r.] Jonathan and Mary, Nov. 16, 1754. Asa, s. Jonathan, jr. and Rachiel, Mar. 19, 1777. [1776. c. R.] MANCHESTER BIRTHS 59 Herrick, Daniel, s. [Dea. c. r.] Jonathan and Mary, Jan. 22, 1750-51- David, s. Jonathan, jr. and Rachel, Apr. 15, 1774. Ester [Esther, c. r.], d. Jonathan and Mary, June 20, 1743. Henry, s. Jonathan, jr. and Rachel, Apr. 21, 1766. John, s. John and Rachel, Feb. 4, 1750. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Mary, July 6, 1736. Jonathan, s. Jonathan, jr. and Rachel, Mar. 31, 1760. Mary, d. Jonathan and Mary, July 22, 1734. Mary, d. John and Rachel, bp. Apr. 17, 1748. c. R. Molly, d. Jonathan, jr. and Rachel, Jan. 9, 1770. Priscilla, d. Jonathan, jr. and Rachel, Dec. 13, 1763. Rachel, d. Jonathan, jr. and Rachel, May 7, 1762. Rachel, d. Jonathan, jr. and Rachel, Feb. 10, 1772. Rachil, d. John and [Rachel, c. r.], Nov. 27, [1747. c. r.] Robert, s. John and Rachel, bp. Apr. 20, 1746. [1747?] c. r. Sarah, d. Jonathan and Mary, June 7, 1746. HEYER (see also Ayers), Edward, s. William and Abigail, Feb. II, 1712-13. HIBBERD (see also Hibbert), Ebenezer, s. Jeremiah, bp. July 16, 1 721. c. r. Jerimiah, s. Jerimiah and Elizabeth, Feb. 9, 1739-40. HIBBERT (see also Hibberd, Hibbird, Hiberd, Hibert, Hiboerd), Elizab[e]th, d. Jeremiah, jr. and Elizab[ejth, July 19, 1736. Mary, d. Jeremiah, jr. and Elizabeth, May 4, 1734. HIBBIRD (see also Hibbert), Benjaman, s. Jer[emia]h, bp. July 3, 1720. c. R. Samuell, s. Jeremiah, bp. Oct. 21, 1722. c. r. HIBERD (see also Hibbert), Jemima, d. Jeremiah and Hanah, Oct. 18, 1726. Joseph, s. Jeremiah (Heberd) and Hannah, Dec. 22, 1723. Joseph, s. Joseph and Lois, Apr. 23, 1751. Lois, d. Joseph and Lois, Jan. 23, 1747. Nehemiah, s. Joseph and Lois, May 5, 1749. HIBERT (see also Hibbert), Hannah, d. Jeremiah and Hannah, May 9, 1725. HIBOERD (see also Hibbert), Benja[min], s. Jeremiah and Hanah, May 11, 1728. HILDRETH (see also Hildrith), Daniel, s. Daniel and Nancy, Dec. 3, 1839. George Edwin, s. Daniel, cabinet maker, and Nancy, Dec. 5, 1S44. 6o MANCHESTER BIRTHS HiLDRETH, Ruth Augustia, d. Benjamin W., cabinet maker, and Almira, b. Lyme, N. H., Sept. 4, 1849. Stephen Gage, s. Daniel, cabinet maker, and Nancy, Nov. 3, 1847. HILDRITH (see also Hildreth), Benjamin Watkins, s. Nathaniel and Ruth, June 23, 18 12. Charles Edwin, s. Daniel and Nancy, Nov. i, 1842. John Darling, s. Nathaniel and Ruth, Apr. 3, 1810. Mary Ann, d. Nathaniel and Ruth, Sept. 6, 1807. Ruth, d. Nathaniel and Ruth, June 28, 1806. HILL, Adaline, d. Amos and Anna, Dec. 3, 18 14. Amos, s. [Capt. c. r.] John and Sarah, Mar. 2, 1780. Amos, s. Amos and Nancy, Jan. 20, 181 7. Anna, d. Amos, bp. Aug. — , 18 10. c. r. Benjamin, s, John and Mary, Jan. i, 1746-7. Benjamin, s. John and Sarah, Jan. 30, 1770. Benjamin, s. Charles and Margaret, Aug. 25, 1773. Benjamin, jr., s. Benjamin and Hannah, Sept. 16, 1809. p. r. 4. Betsey, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Oct. 28, 1805. p. r. 4. Charles, s. Charles and Margarett, Aug. 28, 1768. Charles, s. Charles and Margarett, May 13, 1771. David, s. Thomas and Mary, July 13, 1729. Debby, d. John and Molly, July 7, 1799. Elisabeth, d. John and Mary, Aug. 2, 1749. Elsey Ann, d. Eliot A., cabinet maker, b. Concord, N. H., and Helen M., b. Beverly, Aug. 13, 1849. Emmeline, s. Benjamin and Hannah, Jan. 20, 1821. p. r. 4. Hannah, d. John and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1777. Hannah, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Nov. 18, 1800. Harriet, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Sept. 10, 18 14. p. r. 4. Helen Augusta, d. Eliot, cabinet maker, and Helen Mariah, Feb. 27, 1848. Hennery, s. John and Sarah, Feb. 12, 1776. Henry, s. Amos and Anna, Mar. 30, 181 3. Isaac Preston, s. Amos and Nancy, Nov. 3, 18 19. Isaac William, s. Isaac P., cabinet maker, and Caroline, Oct. 22, 1846. Jane Eliza, d. Amos and Anna, July 29, 181 1. John, s. John, jr. and Mary, May 12, 1742. John, s. John and Sarah, Dec. 9, 1767. John, s. Benjamin and Hannah, May 26, 181 7. p. r. 4. Jonathan, s. Thomas and Mary, Feb. i, 1724-5. Jonathan Lull, s. Benjamin, jr. and Mary Eliza, Sept. 4, 1838. Joseph, s. John and Maryem, Jan. 7, 1723-4. Joseph, s. John, bp. Jan. 15, i726[-7]. c. r. Joseph, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Apr. 4, 1747. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 6 1 Hill, Margaret, d. Margaret, bp. Nov. 6, 1768. c. r. Mark, s. Roger and Lydia, Feb. 22, 1735-6. Mary, d. John and Mary, Sept. 11, 1744. Molley, d. John and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1766. Nancy, d. Amos and Anna, Aug. 15, 1805. Polly, d. John and Molly, June 7, 1797. Roger, s. Roger and Lydia, Sept. 8, 1733. Sally, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Sept. 16, 1807. p. r. 4. Sarah, d. John and Miriam, Feb. 27, 1726-7. Sarah, d. John and Sarah, Jan. 20, 1774. William Collins, s. Capt. Benja[min], bp. July 11, 1779. c. r. HILLTON (see also Hilton), Ames, s. Stilson and Hannah, Dec. 27, 1738. Hannah, d. Stilson and Hannah, Jan. 6, 1735-6. Jam[e]s, s. Willam and Mary, June 27, 1737. John, s. Joshua and Miram, Dec. 29, 1734. Miriam, d. Benj[amin] and Miriam, Dec. 19, 1738. Richard, s. William and Mary, Sept. i, 1739. Sam[ue]ll, s. Stilson and Hannah, Oct. 7, 1741. Thomas, s. Stilson and Hannah, July 15, 1733. William, s. Joshua and Miram, Apr. 14, 1733. HILTON (see also Helton, Hillton), Abigail Ober, d. Amos and Hannah, May 5, 181 6. Amos, s. Amos and Elezebeth, Oct. 26, 1741. Amos, s. Amos and Apphia, at Beverly, Apr. 6, 1764. Amos, s. Amos and Mary, June 30, 1767. Amos, s. Amos and Nabby, Mar. 26, 1786. Amos, s. Amos and Hannah, Apr. 27, 181 2. Anna, d. William and Marah, Dec. 12, 1741. Apphia, d. Amos and Apphia, May 24, 1775. Benjamen, s. Will[i]n and Margret, Aug. 27, 171 7. Benjamin, s. Benja[min] and Miriam, Feb. 6, 1743-4. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Jude [Judith, c. r.], Dec. 26, 1771. Betty, d. Stilson and Loiss, Dec. 16, 1776. Betty, d. Stilson, jr. and Lois, bp. Aug. 15, 1779. c. r. Charleta, d. Nathaniel, jr. and Patty, July 20, 1798. Daniel, s. Stilson, bp. Oct. 11, 1741. c. r. Ehsabeth, d. Benja[min] and Miriam [wid. Benjamin, c. r,], June 6, 1747. Elisabeth, d. Will[ia]m and Mary, of Broad-Bay, bp. Aug. 12, 1750. c. R. Elizabeth, d. Nathaniel and Martha, Aug. 25, 1769. Elizabeth, d. Amos and Apphia, Apr. 15, 1770. Hannah, d. Stilson and Margrett, Mar. 8, 1761. Hannah, d. Amos and Apphia, May 14, 1778. 62 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Hilton, Hannah, d. Stilson, jr. and Lois, May 28, 1793. Hannah Leach, d. Amos and Hannah, Apr. 2, 1809. Israel Ober, s. Amos and Nabby, June 27, 1793. Jacob, s. Stilson and Margret, Aug. 12, 1753. Joseph, s. Amos and Apphia, at Beverly, July i, 1767. Joseph, s. Amos and Nabby, Aug. 30, 1791. Lois, d. Stilsson, jr. and Loes, May 14, 1781. Margaret, d. Stilson and Margaret, July 27, 1763. Margret, d. Benja[minj and Miriam, July 11, 1740. Margret, d. Stilson and Margret, Jan. i, 174S-9. Margret, d. Stilson and Margret, July 22, 1755. Margret, d. Stilson, jr. and Lois, Sept. 26, 1788. Mary, d. William (Hillton) and Mary, Aug. 26, 1732. Mary, d. Stilson and Margaret, bp. July 24, 1757. c. r. Molly, d. Amos and Mary, Feb. 17, 1764. Molly, d. Stilson, jr., and Loes, Sept. 4, 1784. Nabby, d. Amos and Nabby, Feb. 8, 1788 Nathan, s. Amos and Apphia Nov. 16, 1773, Nathanel Rogers, s. Nathanel and Martha, Feb. 17, 1774. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Martha, Aug. 23, 1768. Nethenill, s. Amos and Elezebeth, July 8, 1744. Patty, d. Nathaniel and Patty, bp. July 2, 1781. c. r. Patty, d. Nathaniel and Marthew, June 26, 1782. Patty, d. Nathaniel and Marthew, Aug. 8, 1787. Samuel, s. Samuel and Jude [Judith, c. R.], Mar. 19, 1762. Sarah, d. Stilson, jr. and Loes, Nov. 3, 1791. Stilson, s. Stilson and Margret, Mar. 1750-51. [S]usannah, d. Thomas and [S]usannah, Aug. 3, 1757. Susannah, d. Nathaniel and Marthew, June 4, 1791. Thomas, s. Stilson and Margarett, Apr. 27, 1759. Thomas, s. Amos and Mary, Nov. 8, 1765. Thomas, s. Nathaniel [Thomas, c. r.] and Mathew, Apr. i, 1777. Thomas, s. Nathaniel and Marthew, Aug. 22, 1784. Willam, s. Willam and Mary, Dec. 29, 1734. William, s. Amos and Apphia, June i, 1783. HOLM (see also Holms), Jacob, s. Jacob P., mariner, and Jane B., Oct. 10, 1847. Jane Eliza, d. Jacob P. and Jane B., June 7, 1842. William Ropes, s. Jacob P., mariner, b. Copenhagen, Denmark, and Jane B., Oct. 7, 1849. HOLMES, Nathaniel, s. Robert and Anne, at Newburyport, Sept. II, 1767. Robert, s. Robert and Anne, at Jebacco, July 28, 1762. Thomas, s. Robert and Anne, at Jebacco, Jan. 13, 1766. William, s. Robert and Anne, at Jebacco, Aug. 22, 1764. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 63 HOLMS (see also Holm), Jacob F. H., s. Jacob P., mariner, and Jane B., Dec. 20, 1S44. HOOKER, Anna, d. John and Eunice, Feb. 17, 1773. HOOLE, Sarah, d. Thomas and Allice, Sept. i, 1754. HOOPER (see also Hoopper, Hoopur, Hupper), Abigail, d. Wil- liam and Abigail, bp. Nov. 18, 1733. c. R. Abigail, d. Andrew, jr. and Hannah, Aug. 8, 1755. Abigail, d. Edward and Marj-, Aug. 30, 1772. Abigail, d. Will[ia]m, bp. July 4, 1779. c. R. Abigail, d. Joseph, bp. Sept. 23, 182 1. c. r. Abigail, d. Willam, jr. and Ledah, Nov. 10, 1733. Andrew, s. Andrew and Myram, Aug. 4, 1730. Andrew, s. Edward and Mary, Dec. 27, 1761. Andrew, s. William, bp. July 6, 1777. c. r. Andrew, s. Jonathan and Abigail, Apr. 10, 1809. Anna, d. Jacob and Anna, Nov. 13, 1752. Anna, d. Jacob and Anna, Jan. 2, 1758, Anne, d. Jacob [jr. c. r.] and Molley [Mary. c. r.], Sept. 14, 1774. Asa, s. Lydia, wid. Will[iam], bp. Apr. 13, 1740. c. r. Betsey, d. Israel and Bett>', Jan. 10, 1794. Betty, d. William and Abigail, Nov. 20, 1768. Charles, s. William and Sally, Feb. 4, 1838. Daniel, s. Andrew and Miriam, bp. June 23, 1745. c. r. Daniel, s. Edward and Mary, bp. Feb. 12, 1775. c. r. David, s. Androw and Mariam, May 28, 1745. David, s. David and Rachel, Aug. 15, 1769. Edward, s. Andrew and Miriam, Oct. 25, 1735. Edward, s. Edward and Mary, Nov. 21, 1759. Edward, s. Nathaniel and Polly, Sept. 7, 1792. Edward Augustus, s. Andrew and Harriet, Sept. 11, 1836. Edward Payson, s. William, farmer, and Sally C, Jan. 5, 1845. Eleazor, s. Joseph and Nabbey, Feb. 21, 1793. Eliza Haskell, d. Andrew and Harriet, Nov. 12, 1838. Elizabeth, d. Jacob and Anna, June 9, 1754. Elizabeth, d. John and Jane, July 24, 18 14. Elizabeth Smith, d. Joseph, bp. Aug. 29, 1824. c. r. Enos, s. Andrew and Miriam, bp. Nov. 4, 1750. c. r. Evoline Forster, d. Joseph and Lucy, Oct. 22, 1816. Franklin Kelly, s. William, farmer, and Sally, Feb. 2, 1849. George, s. John and Jane, Apr. 11, 181 2. Hannah, d. Andrew, jr. and Hannah, Apr. 21, 1753. Harriet, d. John and Jane, Oct. 30, 181 7. Harry Northey, s. William, jr. and Sally, July 16, 1799. 64 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Hooper, Israel, s. Edward and Mary, Sept. 14, 1770. Jacob, s. Abigail, bp. Feb. 25, i72i[-2]. c. r. Jacob, s. Jacob and Anna, Jan. 27, 1749-50. Jacob, s. Joseph and Nabby, Jan. 2, 1791. John, s. William, bp. Feb. 19, 1775. c. r. John, s. John and Jane, June 14, 1799. John, s. John and Jane, Oct. 4, 1823. Jonathan, s. William and Abigail, Jan. 16, 1773. Joseph, s. [Lieut, c. r.] Jacob and Anna, June 5, 1761. Joseph, s. Joseph and Naby, Apr. 24, 1786. Joseph Storey, s. Joseph and Lucy, Mar. 15, 1827. Juda, d. William and Abigail, bp. Nov. 21, 1725. c. r. Lucy Story, d, Joseph and Lucy, Jan. 15, 1819. Lydia, d. William, jr. and Lydia, Feb. 28, 1731-2. Mariam, d. And row and Ma [Miriam, c. r.], Nov. 16, [1747. c. R.]. Mary, d. Andrew and Merim, Oct. 18, 1732. Mary Jane, d. John and Jane, Dec. 2, 1809. Miriam, d. David and Lucy, bp. Sept. 13, 1782. c. r. Molley, d. Will[ia]m and Abigail, bp. July 22, 1781. c. r. Molly, d. Edward and Mary, Apr. 10, 1766. Nabby, d. Joseph and Nabby, Oct. 5, 1788. Nabby, d. Jonathan, bp. June 30, 1805. c. r. Naby, d. Jonathan and Naby, Mar. 15, 1796. Nathanael, s. Edward and Mary, Apr. 20, 1768. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Polly, Jan. 7, 1796. Nehemiah, s. David and Rachel, Sept. 3, 1772. Patty, d. Edward and Mary, Mar. 27, 1764. Polly, d. Nathaniel and Polly, Oct. 11, 1797. Rachel, d. Andrew and Miriam, Mar. 3, 1737-8. Rachel, d. David and Rachel, bp. June 26, 1774. c. r. Sally, d. William, jr. and Sally, Mar. 14, 1796. Samuel Stone, s. John and Jane, Apr. 12, 1803. Samuel Stone, s. William and Sally, Feb. 22, 1842. Thomas, s. Jacob and Anne, Feb. 14, 1756. Willam, s. Willam, jr. and Lydia, Jan. 25, 1735-6. William, s. Andrew and Miriam, bp. Nov. 2, 1740. c. R. William, s. Androw and Mariam, Oct. 22, 1742. William, s. William and Abigail, Jan. 20, 1771. William, s. [Capt. c. R.] John and Jane, Aug. 6, 1805. William Henry, s. William and Sally, Apr. 9, 1837. William Northy, s. William and Sally, Oct. 16, 1809. HOOPPER (see also Hooper), Sarah, d. William and Abblgel, Aug. 3, 171 7. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 65 HOOPUR (see also Hooper), Asase, s. twin, William, jr. and Lydia, Feb. 19, 1737-8. Sarah, d. twin, William, jr. and Lydia, Feb. 19, 1737-8. HORSAM (see also Hassam), Elizabeth, d. John, bp. Apr. 26, 1 74 1, c. R. HORSHAM (see also Hassam), Elezebeth, d. Joseph and Abial, Nov. 18, 1741. Sam[ue]ll, s. John, jr. and Lydia Knights, Feb. 19, 1739-40. HORSOM (see also Hassam), John, s. William and Sarah, Dec. 7, 1692. Josiah, s. John and Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 20, 1742 [-3]. c. r. Samuel, s. William and Sarah, Aug. 13, 1688. Samuel, s. John and Eliz[abe]th, bp. June 17, 1739- c. r. Sarah, d. William and Sarah, Mar. 28, 1695. William, s. William and Sarah, Feb. i, 1685. HORSOME (see also Hassam), James, s. Jona[than] and Mary, bp. June 26, 1743. c. R. Unice, d. John and Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 12, 1733. c. r. HORSUM (see also Hassam), Benjamen, s. William and Sarah, Oct. 2, 1697. Hannah, d. John and Eliz[abeth], bp. Apr. 30, 1738. c. r. HOSSOM (see also Hassam), Mary, d. John and Jane, Sept. 17, 1714. HOSSUM, Elazabeth, d. William and Sarah, Oct. 11, 1704. Jacob, s. William and Sarah, Sept. 3, 1709. Jonathan, s. William and Sarah, Aug. 17, 1702. Mary, d. William, jr. and [Sarah], Apr. 15, 1707. HOVEY, Isaac, s. Edmund and Margarett, Oct. 24, 1763. Nathaniel, s. Edmund and Margarett, Jan. 25, 1761. Roger, s. Edmund and Margret, at Mansfield, Feb. 20, 1759. Sarah, d. Edmund and Margrett, Oct. 22, 1766. HOYT, Milton Claudius, s. Claudius B., cabinet maker, and Elizabeth A. F., Aug. 26, 1S47. William Burgess, s. William, cabinet maker, and Deborah B., Dec. 3> 1843. HULL,"Jams, s. Walter and Ann, Aug. 27, 17 10. HUNT, William Leach, s. William and Elizabeth, June 4, 1838. , S.William, carpenter, and Eliza, Mar. 31, 1S44. 66 MANCHESTER BIRTHS HUPPER (see also Hooper), Preselah, d. Willam and Abigel, Mar. 24, 1719-20. JAMIESON, Robert William, s. Robert, cabinet maker, b. Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Harriet Elizabeth, b. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Jan. 17, 1849. JENTLEE (see also Gentlee), Mary, d. Thomas and Mary, Sept. 4, 1768. JEWET (see also Jewett), Hannah, d. Benj[amin] and Hannah, bp. Dec. 27, 1 741. c. R. JEWETT (see also Jewet), Daniel, s. Benja[min] and Hannah, Feb. 24, 1743-4. Ebenezer, s. Benja[min] and Hannah, Aug. 28, 1747. Ella Mariah, d. Alfred VV., cabinet maker, b. Rowley, and Abi- gail, b. Parsonsfield, N. H., Dec. 24, 1849. Hannah, d. Benja[min] and Hannah, Feb. i, 1749-50. Horace Wason, s. Alfred, cabinet maker, and Abigail, Oct. 8, 1 847. Orin W., s. Alfred W., cabinet maker, and Abigail, Feb. 18, 1845. JOANES (see also Jones), Mary, d. William, bp. June 29, 1729. c. R. JOANS (see also Jones), Benja[min], s. Benjamin and Mary, June 10, 1769. Benj[ami]n, s. Benj[ami]n and Sally, June 14, 1801. Mary, d. Will[iam], bp. Oct. 2, 1726. c. r. Mary, d. William and Mary, June 20, 1730. Sally, d. Benjamin and Sally, Aug. 15, 1797. Sally, d. Benjamin and Sally, Feb. 24, 1799. William, s. William, bp. Sept. 27, 1724. c. r. JOHNSON, Caroline Allen, d. Charles and Mary, Feb. 19, 1833. Charles Augustus, s. Charles and Mary, Aug. 13, 1823. Edward Allen, s. Charles and Mary, Dec. 4, 1827. George Henry, s. Charles and Mary, Jan. 9, 1835. Irene Parsons, d. Charles and Mary, Mar. 16, 1837. Issabella, d. Charles and Mary, Mar. 9, 1843. Lucy, d. Betsy, wid. Rev. , bp. Mar. 22, 1778. c. r. Mary Prince, d. Charles and Mary, Dec. 26, 1830. Richard Allen, s. Charles and Mary, June 6, 1839. William J., s. William, cabinetmaker, and Emeline, Jan. 23, 1847. JOINT (see also Joynt), Lydia, d. Crispin and Lydia, bp. Sept. 14, 1766. c. r. JOMS (see also Jones), Ephram, s. Ephram and Mary, Nov. 8, 1688. Thomas, s. Ephram and Mary, June 26, 1694. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 67" JONES (see also Joanes, Joans, Joms, Jons), Amos, s. John and Abigail, Mar. 5, 1754. David, s, David and Mary, Aug. 4, 1762. Elizabeth, d. John and Abigail [of Wenham. c. r.], Apr. 28, 1750* John Bennet, s. Thomas and Susanna, bp. Aug. 8, 1756. c. r. Joseph, s. Will[ia]m and Sarah, bp. Dec. 16, 1722. c. r. JONS (see also Jones), Anna, d. Ephram and Mary, Aug. 6, 1699.. Frances, s. Ephram and Mary, July 5, 1682. Mary, d. Ephram and Mary, July i 7, 1685. Sarah, d. Will[i]am and Sarah, Sept. 4, 1721. William, s. Ephram and Mary, Oct. 28, 1691. JOYNT (see also Joint), Betsey, d. Cristipher and Jerusha, Sept. 30, 1769. William, s. Crispin and Lydia, Feb. 27, 1764. JUMPER (see also Jumpper), Anna, d. Edward and Anna, Jan. 3i> 1756. Annes, d. Ezekeil and Annes, July 15, 1789. Edward, s. Edward and Anna, Sept. 3, 1754. Elezebeth, d. Ezekeil and Annice, Apr. 25, 1792. Ezekeil, s. Ezekeil and Annice, Aug. 22, 1790. JUMPPER (see also Jumper), Elizabeth, d. Edward and Anna, at Glocester, Nov. 5, 1757. Ezekiel, s. Edward and Anna, at Glocester, Aug. 30, 1766. John, s. Edward and Anna, at Glocester, Aug. 20, 1756. RALHAM (see also Kilham), Anne, d. William and Anne, Oct. 18, 1787. Hannah, d. Will[ia]m (Kelham) and Anne, Oct. 17, 1791. RALLAHAM (see also Kellaham), Hannah, d. William and Anna, Dec. 12, 1800. William, s. WiUiam (Kalhaham) and Anna, Apr. 12, 1804. RALLY, James, s. Sarah, bp. Feb. 22, i74o[-4i]. c. r. RELHAM (see also Kilham), Anna, d. Will[ia]m and Anna, bp. May 25, 1788. c. R. Caroline, d. Daniel and Rachel, Dec. 17, 1834. Daniel, s. William and Anna, Mar. 26, 1809. Daniel, s. Daniel and Rachel, Sept. 11, 1837. Mary Kinsman, d. Daniel and Rachel, Aug. 4, 1842. William, s. Will[ia]m (Kalham) and Anne, Oct. 8, 1789. RELLAHAM (see also Kallaham), Lucy, d. William and Anna, Oct. 26, 1806. W[illia]m, s. W[illia]m, bp. Apr. 15, 1804. c. R. RENNELLY, Stephen, s. Michial, laborer, and Ann, Jan. 2, 1848. 68 MANCHESTER BIRTHS KIDFIELD (see also Kitfi eld), Asa, s. Edward and Lydia, Aug. 30, 1764. KILHAM (see also Kalham, Kelham, Killam, Killum), Augustus Martin, s. Francis A. P., carpenter, b. Boxford, and Mary Elizabeth, Jan. 2, 1849. Geo[rge] Lewis, s. Mary and (Nehemiah Goldsmith, jr.) at Almshouse, Mar. 7, 1843. Mary Eliza, d. Joseph and Eunice, Nov. 10, 1830. Molly, d. Joseph and Hannah, Nov. 2, 1798. Sally, d. Joseph and Hannah, Aug. 22, 1800. Samuel, s. Joseph (Killam) and Hannah, Mar. 31, 1805. KILLAM (see also Kilham), Hannah, d. Joseph and Hannah, Oct. II, 1794. John, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Aug. 4, 1772. Joseph, s. Joseph and Hannah, May 8, 1803. Molly, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, Sept. 22, 1770. Richard, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Mar. 18, 1774. KILLEY, James, s. James and Margar[et], Dec. 22, i76[o. t. c] Margaret, d. James and Margaret, bp. Oct. 19, 1766. c. r. Samuel, s. James and Margaret, bp. Sept. 2, 1764. c. r. KILLICH, , s. James and [tornjary 27, 1740-41. KILLUM (see also Kilham), John, s. Joseph and Elisebath, Dec. 10, 1775- Joseph, s. Joseph and Lucy, Jan. 14, 1768. Judith, d. Joseph and Lucy, Apr. 6, 1766. Lucy, d. Joseph and Lucy, Feb. 11, 1764. Samuel, s. Joseph and Lucy, Oct. 30, 1761. KIMBAL (see also Kimball), R , ch. Richard, bp. at Wen- ham, Aug. 9, 1 74 1, c. R. KIMBALL (see also Kimbal), Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Joanna, Apr. 30, 1773. Ebenezer Raymond, s. Benja[min] and Joanna, Mar. 5, 1759. Elizabeth, d. Benjamin and Joanne, Mar. 21, 1756. Joann Eliza, d. Dean N., fisherman, and Joann, Aug. 26, 1846. Joanna, d. Dean N. and Joanna, Oct. 9, 1841. John, s. Benja[min] and Joanna, Oct. 22, 1760. Katharine, d. Benja[min] and Joanna, Aug. 6, 1762. Oliver, s. Benjamin and Joanna, May 16, 1757. Polly, d. Benjamin and Joanna, Aug. 17, 1769. Raymond, s. Benjamin and Joanna, Aug. 24, 1771. Samuel, s. Benja[min] and Joanna, bp. Feb. 12, 1775. c. r. William, s. Benjamin and Joanna, Feb. 2, 1764. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 69 KINSMAN, Caroline Elizabeth, d. W[illia]m Henry, cabinet maker, b. Watertown, and Mehitable, Sept. 7, 1848. Eben, s. Samuel and Rachel, Oct. 4, 1818. Eliza Augusta, d. Samuel and Rachel, Apr. 21, 1825. George Franklin, s. Samuel and Rachel, Apr. 19, 1828. Mary, d. Samuel and Rachel, May 8, 1813. Obed Carter, s. Samuel and Rachel, Mar. 25, 1817. Rachel, d. Samuel and Rachel, June 16, 181 1. Samuel, s. Samuel and Rachel, Apr. 12, 1S15. KITFEILD (see also Kitfield), Aaron, s. William and Salley, Sept. 3, 1791. Annis, d. William and Salley, June 5, 1794. Asa, s. William and Sally, Oct. 20, 1784. Asa, s. Edward and Elezebeth, Oct. 20, 17S9. Benja[min], s. William (Kitfild) and Sally, Aug. 29, 1787. Elezebeth, d. Edward and Elezebeth, Mar. 6, 1779. Jacob, s. Edward and Elez[abe]th, Nov. 12, 1781. Jemima, d. Edward and Lydia, Sept. 12, 1759. Lydia, d. Edward and Elez[ebe]th, June 21, 1786. Molly, d. Edward and Lydia, June 20, 1776. Sally, d. William and Sally, Sept. 19, 17S2. William, s. Will[ia]m and Sally, Oct. 18, 1780. William Gale, s. Edward and Lydia, Feb. 3, 1757. KITFIELD (see also Kidfield, Kitfeild, Kuitfield, Kuitveal), Aaron, s. William and Sally, Oct. 6, 1796. Asa Edward, s. Asa and Elizabeth, Apr. 19, 1826. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Lydia, Nov. 4, 181 7. Betty, d. Edward and Lydia, June 8, 1771. Edward, s. Edward [ jr. c. r.] and Elizab[eth], Nov. 29, 1777. Edward, s. Jacob and Anna, June 2, 1809. Elizabeth, d. Asa and Elizabeth, Nov. 21, 181 3. Elizabeth Ann, d. Thomas H. and Anna, Jan. 27, 1826. Emily Augusta, d. Asa and Elizabeth, Aug. 12, 1828. George Hooper, s. Thomas and Harriet, Sept. 26, 1841. Hariot, d. Benjamin and Lydia, July 23. 1821. Harriet Eliza, d. Thomas H., cabinet maker, and Harriet C., Dec. 16, 1849. Henry, s. Asa and Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 181 6. Jacob, s. Jacob and Anna, Aug. 16, 1S07. Josephine C, d. Thomas, cabinet maker, and Harriet, Feb. 8, 1847. Lydia Augusta, d. Benjamin K., jr., cabinet maker, and Ester M., May 16, 1844. Lydia Hooper, d. Asa and Elizabeth, Nov. 30, 1830. Mary .Abigail, d. Asa and Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1823. 70 MANCHESTER BIRTHS KiTFiELD, Nabby, d. Edward and Lydia, Aug. 13, 1762. Nancy Norwood, d. Asa and Elizabeth, May 7, 1820. Sarah, d. Edward and Lydia, Aug. 30, 1767. Thomas Hooper, s. Asa and Elizab[eth], Mar. 19, 1818. Thomas Hooper, s. Thomas H. and Anna, Dec. 23, 1823. William, s. Benjamin and Lydia, May 22, 18 19. William H., s. Jacob and Anna, Sept. 29, 1813. g. r. William Kellaham, s. Jacob and Anna, Oct. i, 181 1. , d. Henry, bookbinder, and Lucy Ann, May i, 1849. KNEAL, Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Molly, July 30, 1803. KNIGHT (see also Knights), Abigail, d. Joseph and Lucy, May 22, 1748. Andrew, s. Joseph, jr., bp. Feb. 3, 1771. c. r. Ann Amelia, d. James and Mariann, Mar. 31, 1830. Benjaman, s. John and Liddiah, Mar. 31, 1709. Charles Augustus, s. John and Lydia, June 12, 1833. Edward, s. John and Lydia, Nov. 29, 1824. Elizab[eth], d. John and Susanna, bp. June 12, 1785. c. r. Elizabeth, d. Lydia, bp. July 6, 1828. c. r. Francis, s. Joseph and Lucy, Feb. 22, 1746-7. George Washington, s. John and Lydia, Feb. 22, 182 1 Harriot, d. John and Lydia, Jan. 23, 18 14. Henry, s. John and Lydia, Nov. 15, 181 1. Henry Lee, s. Henry and Martha L., June 27, 1836. Henry Perkins, s. John and Harriet, Aug. 12, 1842. Henry Perkins, s. John, jr., tanner, and Harriet, May 14, 1844. Israel Forster, s. James and Mariann, July 22, 1828. James Forster, s. James and Mariann, Nov. 9, 1834. Joann Augusta, d. Henry and Martha, Sept. 24, 1842. John, s. John and Elizabeth, at Beverly, June 11, 1682. John, s. John and Lydia, Apr. 22, 1707. John, s. Joseph and Lucy, Nov. 15, 1753. John, jr., s. John and Lydia, Jan. 29, 1810. John Constant, s. John, jr. and Hariet, Mar. 26, 1838. Lidia, d. John and Lidia, Nov. 20, 171 7. Lucretia Burnham, d. Lucretia, bp. July 6, 1828. c. r. Lucy, d. Joseph and Lucy, Mar. i, i74[i743-4. c. r.]. Joseph, s. John and Liddiah, Dec. 10, 1711. Joseph, s. Joseph and Lucy, Nov. 30, i 74i' Lydia, d. Francis and Lydia, May 24, 1769. Lydia, d. John and Lydia, Nov. 6, 1808. Martha Crafts, d. Henry and Martha L., Sept. 13, 1838. Mary C, d. John, jr., tanner, and Harriet, Mar. i, 1846. Mary Cleaveland, d. John, tanner and currier, and Harriet, Aug. 25, 1847. MANXHESTER BIRTHS 7 1 Knight, Priscilla, d. Henry and Martha, Mar. 4, 1840. Samuel, s. John and Lydia, Oct. 23, 1818. Samuel, s. John, jr. and Hariet, Sept. 2, 1840. Susanna, d. Joseph and Lucy, Apr. 8, 1751. Thomas, s. Joseph [jr. c. r.] and Susannah, July 17, 1768. Thomas Ward, s. Thomas and Lucretia, Apr. 27, 1826. William O., s. William H., cabinet maker, b. Norfolk, Va., and Nancy P., b. Gloucester, Nov. 25, 1848. KNIGHTS (see also Knight), Amos, s. John and Susannah, Mar. 6, 1791. Anne, d. John and Susannah, Nov. 22, 1795. Elezebeth, d. John and Susannah, Oct. 16, 1789. James, s. John and Susannah, Mar. 10, 1794. Joseph, s. " wife of William, who renewed Covenant att Sqwam," bp. Sept. 22, 1734. c. R. Joseph, s. Joseph, jr. and Susanna, July 24, 1764. John, s. John and Susannah, Dec. 16, 1780. Lucy, d. John and Susannah, May 28, 1786. Policy, d. John and Susannah, Sept. 30, 1792. Samuel, s. John and Susannah, Apr. 12, 1799. Susannah, d. John and Susannah, Apr. 22, 1782. Thomas, s. John and Susannah, Dec. 13, 1797. William, s. Joseph and Lucey, Mar. 10, 1756. William, s. John and Susannah, Nov. 20, 1783. KNITFIELD, see Kuitfield. KNITVEAL, see Kuitveal. KNOLTEN (see also Knowlton), Ezekel, s. Ezekel and Amme, Dec. 2, 1726. John, s. Ezekel and Amme, Nov. 29, 1730. Mary, d. John, jr. and Elesebeth, Dec. 17, 1726. Robert, s. Robert and Lydia, Apr. 22, 1733. Sarah, d. Robert and Lydia, Mar. ii, 1726-7. KNOLTON (see also Knowlton), Andrah, s. John and Abigel, Mar. 5, 1720-1. Deborah, d. Ezekiell and Sarah, Oct. 29, 1699. Elezebeth, d. John, jr. and Elezebeth, Aug. 28, 1720. Ezekiel, s. John and Mary, Nov. 27, 1756. John, s. John and Abigail, Aug. 3, 1699. Joseph, s. John and Abigail, Dec. 28, 1791. Levi, s. Ezekiel and Elizabeth, Oct. 7, 1777. Molley, d. Ezekiell and Elizebeth, Oct. 31, 1775. Pruedance, d. John and Abbigel, Apr. 13, 17 18. Rachal, d. Robert (Knolten) and Lydia, Feb. 26, 1730-31. Robburd, s. Ezekiell and Sarah, July 17, 1701. 72 MANCHESTER BIRTHS KNOWLLTON (see also Knowlton), Ezekiell, s. Ezekiell and Sarah, Feb. 7, 1702-3. KNOWLTEN (see also Knowlton), Anne, d. Ezekiel (Knowlton) and Ame, June 25, 1732. Elisabeth, d. Ezekel and Ame, Mar. 14, 1733-4. KNOWLTON (see also Knolten, Knolton, KnowUton, Knowlten, Nolten), Abigail, d. John and Abigail, May 2, 1705. Anna, d. John, jr. and Elizebeth, June 11, 1725. Anna, d. Robert (Knolten) and Lydia, Sept. 22, 1729. Benjamin Marsters, s. Benjamin M. and Lucinda, Aug. 12, 1820. Churchill, s. John and Abigail, Mar. 5, 1707-8. Delucena Bingham, s. Benjamin M. and Lucinda, Dec. 11, 1830. Elizabeth, d. Ezekiel and Elizabeth, Oct. 9, 1770. Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel and Emme, bp. Dec. 4, 1726. c. r. Ezekiel, s. Robert and Lydia, Apr. i, 1740. Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel and Elisabeth, May 9, 1768. Hannah, d. Capt. John and Abigail, Mar. 13, 1723-4. Henry Bingham, s. Benjamin M. and Lucinda, Nov. 26, 1826. John, s. John, jr. and Elizebeth, June 17, 1723. John, s. Robert and Lydia, July 22, 1742. John, s, John and Mary, Aug. 12, 1754. John, s. Ezekiel (Knolton) and Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1773. John Dane, s. Joseph and Lucretia, Oct. 29, 1822. Lusee, d. John and Abigail, Feb. 28, 1 714-15. Lydia, d. John and Elizabeth, bp. Oct. 8, 1721. c. r. Lydya, d. Rob[e]rt and Lydia, July 24, 1725. Marcus Aurelius, s. Sargent,cabinet maker,and Agatha, Jan.8,1845. Margrit, d. Ezekel and Ame, Nov. 5, 1735. Mary, d. John and Elizabeth, bp. Feb. 19, 1726 [-7]. c. r. Mary, d. Ezekiel and Susanna, bp. Nov. 30, 1729. c. R. Mary, d. Robert and Lydia, Apr. 2, 1735. Mary L. [Lucinda. dup.], d. Benjamin M. and Lucinda, July 3, 1822. Miriam, d. John and Abigail, Sept. 7, 1711. Patty, d. Joseph and Marthew [Martha, c. r.], Jan. 18, 1778. Robert, s. John and Mary, bp. Feb. — , 1759. c. r. Robert, s. Ezekiel and Elizabeth, Apr. 4, 1765. Samuel, s. Benjamin M. and Lucinda, June 5, 1S32. Sarah, d. Ezekiell and Sarah, Oct. 24, 1704. Sarah, see Allin, Sarah. Sarah, d. Ezekiel and Elizabeth, Apr. 15, 1763. Sarah, d. Benjamin M. and Lucinda, Sept. 15, 1824. Sargent, s. Caleb and Anna, Oct. 5, 1808. Unice, d. John and Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 24, 1727 [-8]. c. r. , d. Sargent, cabinet maker, and Agatha, Feb. 11, 1847. MANCHESTER BIRTHS J 2) KUITFIELD (see also Kitfield), Elizabeth, d. Edward and Eliza- beth, bp. Mar. 7, 1779. ^"- ^• Lydia, d. Edward and Elizabeth, bp. June 25, 1786. c. r. Thomas Hooper, s. Edward and Eliza, bp. Nov. 9, 1783. c. R. KUITVEAL (see also Kitfield), Edward, s. Edward and Lydia, July 28, 1 75 1. Jemima Davis, d. Edward and Lydia, Jan. 8, 1754. Lydia, d. Edward and Lydia, Aug. 19, 1749. LAKEMAN (see also Lakmen), Nathan, s. Nathan and Mary, Aug. 4, 1S04. LAKMEN (see also Lakeman),Isaac Harding, s. Nathan and Mary, Dec. 30, 1801. LAMBERT, John, s. John and Elezebeth, Feb. 8, 1793. LARCOM, Thomas, s. Thomas and Hannah, Feb. 16, 1694-95. LARKIN, George, see Woodberry, George C. LEACH (see also Lech, Leech), Aaron Allen, s. Benjamin, 3d and Lucy, Jan. 26, 1S36. Abel, s. John,bp. Dec. 30, 1739. c. r. Abgil, d. John and Abgil, Oct. 14, 1730. Abigail, d. Richard, bp. May 15, 1726. c. R. Albert Lord, s. Daniel, farmer, and Mary H. [Deborah, dup.], at Newport, June 25, 1843. Amme, d. [Capt. c. r.] Ezekeil and Susannah, Jan. 12, 1787. Andrew, s. Benja[min] and Amey [Emme. c. R.], Sept. 2, 1757. Andrew, s. [Capt. c. r.] Joseph and Elezebeth, Aug. 14, 1782. Andrew, s. Ezekeil and Susannah, June 17, 1783. Andrew, s. Benjamin, 3d and Betsy, Apr. 5, 181 5. Ann, d. Roburt and Hannah, May 23, 1696. Anna, d. Paul and Rebecca, Oct. 27, 1736. Anna, d. Joseph and Miriam, Sept. 4, 1740. Anna, d. Anna, bp. July 27, 1761. c. R. Anna, d. Capt. Jo and Elizabeth, bp. Dec. 31, 17S6. c. r. Benjamen, s. Samuell and Hannah, Feb. 14, 1691. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Emme, Dec. 16, 1750. Benja[min], s. [Capt. c. R.] Ezekeil and Susannah, Aug. 28, 1785. Benja[min], s. Benj[ami]n and Sarah, Dec. 11, 1785, Benjamin Butler, s. Benjamin, jr. and Susanna, Nov. 8, 181 5. Benjamin Hilton, s. Paul, jr. and Miriam, bp. Jan. 27, 1765. c. R. Betty, d. [Capt. c, r.] Joseph and Elezebeth, Apr. 17, 1784. Charl[e]s, s. Robburd and Hannah, Oct. 7, 1702. Charl[e]s, s. Joseph and Pashents, Aug. 10, 1726. Charles, s. Paul and Rebecca, bp. Aug. 23, 1741. c. r. 74 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Leach, Charles, s. Paul, jr. and Miriam, bp. May 17, 1767. c. r. Charles, s. Daniel, bp. Oct. 6, 1805. c. r. Charles Henry, s. [Capt. c. r.] Charles and Evoline, Oct. 10, 1833- Charlotte Elizabeth, d. Daniel and Deborah, July 25, 1836. Daniel, s. Paul and Rebecca, bp. July 16, 1 738. c. r. Daniel, s. Paul, sr. and Sarah, bp. June 10, 1759. c. R. Daniel, s. Paul and Sarah, bp. Apr. 12, 1761. c. r. Daniel, s. Paul and Miriam, bp. Jan. 9, 1763. c. r. Daniel, s. Daniel and Deborah, Mar. 10, 1822. David, s. Ezekeil and Susannah, Mar. 30, 1791. Edward Harrison, s. Daniel and Deborah, Nov. 12, 1840. Elesabath, d. Joseph and Pashant, July 25, 1731. Elisabeth, d. Paul and Lydia, bp. Jan. 24, 1748. c. r. Elizabeth, d. Samuell and Hannah, Dec. 23, 17 13. Elizabeth, d. Benjamin and Elizabeth, June 4, 1774. Elizabeth, d. Benjamin, 3d and Betsy, Aug. 28, 1813. Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Hannah, Aug. 29, 1818. Elizabeth, d. Benjamin, jr. and Susan, Jan. 7, 1825. Emily Frances, d. Daniel and Deborah, Feb. 28, 1832. Emmy, d. Thomas and Hannah, Dec. 8, 181 2. Eunice, d. Daniel and Eunice, Apr. 24, 1784. Eveline Tuck, d. Charles, mariner, and Sophia B., June 26, 1849. Ezekeil, s. Ezekeil and Susannah, Oct. 12, 1777. Ezekiel, s. Benja[min] and Emme, Feb. 2, 1755. Ezekiel, s. Thomas and Hannah, July i, 1809. George Augustus, s. Daniel and Deborah, June 21, 1825. George Norton, s. Daniel and Eunice, July 23, 1801. Hannah, d. Paul and Lydia, Apr. 29, 1745. Hannah, d. Ezekeil and Susannah, Mar. 26, 1789. Hannah, d. Thomas and Han[n]ah, Aug. 23, 1810. Helen Augusta, d. Daniel and Deborah, May 25, 1838. Henry Clay, s. Benjamin, 3d and Lucy, Oct. 9, 1832. Jane Forster, d. Thomas and Mary Jane, Oct. 8, 1843. Jenney, d. Andrew and Jenny, Nov. 13, 1779. Jerusha, d. Joseph and Hannah, bp. Feb. 4, 1776. c. r. John, s. Robbert, jr. and Mary, Oct. i, 1708. John, s. Joseph and Miriam, Nov. 19, 1744. John, s. Joseph, jr. and Jerusha, Aug. 14, 1772. John, s. Joseph and Elezebeth, at Ipswich, Nov. 27, 1778. John, s. Benja[min] and Sarah, May 12, 1788. John, s. Benjamin, jr. and Susan, June 24, 18 13. Joseph, s. Patience, bp. Mar. 11, i72i[-2]. c. r. Joseph, s. Paul and Lydia, Apr. 15, 1743. Joseph, s. Joseph and Miriam, Oct. 31, 1747. Joseph, s. Joseph and Mirium, Mar. 4, 1750. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 75 Leach, Joseph, s. Joseph and Jerushe, Nov. 14, 1767. Joseph, s. Joseph and Elezebeth, July 27, 1776. Leuse, d. Joseph and Miriam, Oct. 17, 1737. Lewis, s. Benj[amin] and Lucy, Dec. 13, 1S39. Lydia, d. Joseph and Miriam, Nov. i, 1753. Lydia, d. Joseph and Jerusha, bp. Sept. 25, 1774- c. R. Mary, d. Robert and Elezebeth, July 11, 1723- Mary, d. John, bp. Feb. 13, 173 1-2. c. R. Mary Abby, d. Daniel, jr., cabinet maker, and Mary Abby, Mar. 9, 1847. Mary Augusta, d. Thomas and Hannah, Nov. 5, 1820. Mary Hill, d. Daniel and Deborah, Dec. 22, 1829. Mary Jane, d. Thomas, mariner, and Mary Jane, Oct. 8, 1843. Mary Jane, d. Thomas, marriner, and Mary Jane, July 7, 1845. MoUey, d. Daniel and Molly, bp.*\ug. 3, 1755. c. R. Molly, d. Paul, jr. and Meriam, Apr. 19, 1761. Molly, d. Daniel and Eunice, Sept. 13, 1786. Normon, s. Samuell and Hannah, Dec. 27, 1709. Orry, d. [Capt. c. R.] Joseph and Elezebeth, Dec. 19, 1788. Pashonce, d. Joseph and Pashonce, Nov. 2, 1728. Paul, s. Robburd and Hannah, May 11, 1698. Paul, s. Paul and Rebecca, bp. July 16, 1738. c. R. [P]aul, s. Paul, jr. and Meriam, Jan. 22, 1759. Permela, d. Daniel and Eunice, Aug. 22, 1793. Persillah, d. Samuell and Hannah, May 13, 171 2. Rebecca, d. Paul and Rebecca, bp. July 16, 1738. c. R. Rebecca, d. Paul, jr. and Meriam, June 28, 1757. Rebecca, d. Samuel and Rebecca, Sept. 5, 1757- Rebeckah, d. Daniel and Eunice, Aug. 21, 17 88. Richard, s. Richard and Abigail, Oct. 9, 1735. Richard, s. Benjamin and Salley, Sept. 18, 1798. Richard, s. Benjamin, 3d and Lucy, Dec. 31, 1830. Robert, s. Jo[hn] Leach, bp. Mar. 27, 1737. c. R. Robert, s. Paul [sr. c. R.] and Sarah, Aug. 12, 1763. Ruth, d. Benjamin and Emme, Feb. 22, 1752. Ruth, d. Benja[min] and Elezebeth, Apr. 17, 1778. Samuel, s. Richard and Abigail, Oct. 19, 1731. Samuel, s. Joseph, jr. and Jerusha, Sept. 2, 1770. Samuel, s. Benjamin, 3d and Lucy, Aug. 29, 1837. Samuel Allen, s. Paul, sr. and Sarah, bp. June 17, 1753. c. R. Samuell, s. Samuell and Hannah, Nov. 20, 1706. Sam[ue]ll, s. [Capt. c. r.] Joseph and Elezebeth, Dec. 5, 1780. Sarah, d. Robbert and Elizabeth, Mar. 10, 17 15. Sarah, d. Paul [sr. c. R.] and Sarah, Mar. i, 1757. Sarah, d. Benja[min] and Sarah, Aug. 24, 1789. Sarah, d. Benjamin, jr. and Susan, Apr. 16, 1821, 76 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Leach, Susan, d. Thomas and Hannah, Apr. lo, 1814. Susan, d. Benjamin, jr. and Susan, Feb. 6, 1819. Susan Caroline, d. Daniel and Deborah, Mar. 12, 1834. Susannah, d. Ezekeil and Susannah, Apr. 13, 1781. Thomas, s. Ezekeil and Susannah, Sept. 4, 1779. Thomas, s. Thomas and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1S07. William, s. Thomas and Hannah, May 31, 1S17. William Tuck, s. Charles and EvoHne, Sept. 2, 1836. LEATHERER, Richard, s. Richard and Susannah, June 18, i690» LEATHERS, Annah, d..t\vin, Richard and Susannah, Oct. 5,1692 Rebeckah, d. twin, Richard and Susannah, Oct. 5, 1692. LECH (see also Leach), Catron, d. Samuel and Arabelah, Oct. i,, 1680. Elesabeth, d. Robart and Hanah, Mar, 8, 1692. Hanah, d. Robart and Hanah, Nov. 18, 1685. Hannah, d. Samuell and Hanah, Aug. 26, 1686. John, s. Robart and Hannah, Jan. 15, 1687. Joseph, s. Robart and Hanah, June 4, 1694. Mary, d. Robart and Hanah, Mar. iS, 1690. Pernelapah, d. Samuell and Arabela, Sept. 26, 1678. Richard, s. Samuell and Hannah, May 6, 1690. Robart, s. Robart and Sarah, Feb. 28, 1682. Samuell, s. Samuell and Arabelah, May 8, 1681. Sarah, d. Robart and Sarah, June 11, 1680. LEE (see also Ley), Aaron, s. Nath[aniel] and Elesebath, Feb 8, 1728-9. Aaron, s. Aaron and Lydia, Jan. 10, 175 1-2. Aaron, s. Aaron and Sarah, bp. Aug. 30, 1783. c. R. Aaron, s. Nathaniel and Susanna, Sept. 19, 1793. Abby Ann, d. Jacob and Abigail, Nov. 9, 1827. Abgel, d. Edward and Hanah, Feb. 10, 1727-8. Abial, s. [Dea. c. r.] Benja[min] and Mary, June 27, 1748. Abigail, d. Edward and Eunice, Jan. 14, 1772. Abigail, d. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Mary, Dec. 26, 1733. Abraham, s. Isaac, jr. and Judith, July 16, 1828. Adda Ehzabeth, d. Andrew, cabinet maker, and Jane Elizabeth,. Nov. 20, 1848. Adeliade H., d. Henry F., cabinet maker,' and Hannah L., June 7, 1844. Adehne Eliza, d. James and Nancy, Nov. 7, 1S42. Adeliza T., d. Andrew and Fanny, Dec. 5, 1S26. Allen, s. Nathan and Bula, May i, 1S13. Alvira Hilton, d. Henry F. and Hannah, May 2, 1842. MANCHESTER BIRTHS ']'] Lee, Amas, s. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, Jan. 5, 1732-3. Amos, s. Edward and Hannah, Dec. 11, 1736. Amos, s. Edward and Eunice, Oct. 22, 1769. Amos, s. Amos and Mercy, Dec. 4, 1791. Andrew, s. Sam[ue]l, jr., bp. June 23, 1723. c. R. Andrew, s. Isaac and Rachal, June 16, 1766. Andrew, s. John and Elezebeth, Sept. i, 1790. Andrew, s. Winthrop and Lucy, Apr. 19, 1795. Andrew, s. Andrew and Fanny, Dec. 15, 1829. Andrew, s. John and Sarah E., July 14, 1841. Androw, s. John, 4th and Abgail, May 5, 1744. Ann, d. Nat[hanie]l and Elizabeth, bp. May 2, 1731. c. R. Anna, d. Nat[hanie]ll and Elezebeth, June i, 1741. Anna, d. Benjamin, jr. and Abigail, Feb. 3, 1757. Anna, d. Thomas, j[r]. and Anna, Sept. 29, 1757. Anna, d. Solomon and Sarah, Jan. 27, 1763. Anna Fisk, d. Henry and Hannah, Oct. 4, 1796. Anne, d. Thomas and Rose, June 27, 1730. Anne, d. Joseph and Anne, June 14, 1780. Annes, d. Winthrop and Lucy, May 11, 1790. Annie Stone, d. Ariel P., jr., cabinet maker, and Eliza T., Dec. 31, 1848. Annis, d. John, 3d and Joanna, Oct. 10, 1743. Annise, d. Capt. Isaac and Rachel, bp. June 21, 1778. c. r. Ariel, s. Israel and Margret, Feb. 6, 1796. Ariel Parish, s. Ariel P. and Ann, June 22, 1S25. Asa, s. Nehemiah and Sarah, May 19, 1769. Azarias, s. Jacob and Mary, Aug. 29, 1758. Bathire, d. Edward and Hanah, June 24, 1731. Benja[min], s. Benja[min] and Mary, Feb. 17, 173 1-2. Benjamin, s. Benja[min], jr. and Abigail, Apr. 10, 1759. Ben[jamin], s. Nehemiah and Sarah, Feb. 12, 1768. Benja[min], s. Joseph and Anne, Aug. 21, 1786. Bethiah, d. Nathaniel and Susannah, May 5, 1803. Betty, d. Jacob and Eunice, July 29, 1752. Bety, d. [Capt. c. r.] John, jr. and Joanne, July 28, 1749. Bula Ann, d. Nathan and Bula, Jan. 25, 1815. Charles Edward, s. James and Nancy, Nov. i, 1836. Charles Henry,|s. David and Clarrissa, Oct. 27, 1838. Claracey, d. Nathan and Elezebeth, Sept. 15, 1804. Clarinda, d. Nathaniel and Susanna, Oct. 23, 18 13. Clarrissa, d. David and Clarrissa, Aug. 4, 1835. Daborah, d. Sam[ue]ll, 3d and Daborah, May 4, 1738. Dabrow, d. Dea. Benja[min] and Mary, Mar. 20, 1745-6. Daniel, s. [Dea. c. r.] Benja[min] and Mary, July 5, 1750. Daniel Webster, s. Isaac, jr. and Judith, Nov. 16, 1832. 78 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Lee, David, s. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Mary, Oct. 29, 1728. David, s. [Capt. c. r.] John and [Joanna, c. r.], 24 [bp. Sept. 27, 1747- c. R.]. David, s. [Dea. c. r.] Benjamin and Mary, Aug. 28, 1753. David, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Oct. 10, 1775. David, s. Isaac, jr. and Rachel, Feb. 21, 1798. David, s. William and Elezebeth, May 24, 1802. David, s. John, 2d and Sarah, June 8, 1830. David Augustus, s. David and Clarrissa, Oct. 29, 1833. David Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Susanna, June 11, 1 8 1 o. Deborah, d. James and Deborah, July i, 1772. Debroah, d. Benja[min] and Mary, Dec. 17, 1733. Downing, s. John and Mary, May i, 1726. Downing, s. Downing and Hannah, June i, 1757. Downing, s. Downing, jr. and EUaner, Jan. 8, 1778. Ebenezer, s. Benja[min] and Mary, Mar. 8, 1743-4. Ebenezer, s. Nathan, bp. Oct. 20, 1765. c. r. Ebenezer Raymund, s. [Capt. c. R.] Samuel and Mary, July 26^ 1751. Edward, s. Edward and Hanah, Nov. 29, 1729. Edward, s. Jacob and Mary, Sept. 4, 1754. Edward, s. Edward and Eunice, Sept. 14, 1754. Edward, s. Amos and Mercy, Sept. 6, 1795. Edward, s. Solomon and Jemimah, Nov. 10, 1795. Edward, s. Josiah and Anna, July 4, 1796. Edward, s. Josiah, bp. Sept. 25, 1803. c. r. Edward, s. Winthrop and Janey, Nov. 29, 1805. Elener, d. Downing and Elener, July r4, 1783. Elesebath, d. Nath[aniel] and Elesebat[h], Aug. 28, 1723. Elesebat[h] , d. Edward and Hanah, Sept. 29, 1726. Elezebeth, d. John, jr. and Mari, July 24, 1717. Elezebeth, d. Thomas and Elezebeth, Dec. 15, 1720. Elezebeth, d. Edward and Eunice, June 6, 1774- Elezebeth, d. Joseph and Anne [Abigail, c. r.], June 12, 1784, Elezebeth, d. John [2d. c. r.] and Elezebeth, Oct. 28, 1787. Elezebeth, d. Isaac, jr. and Rachel, Aug. 24, 1793. Elezebeth, d. Nathan and Elezebeth, June 28, 1797. Elezebeth, d. William and Elezebeth, Mar. i, 1800. Elisabeth, d. Aaron and Lydia, bp. Aug. 3, 1760. c. r. EHza, d. William and Elezebeth, Sept. 20, 1803. Eliza Ann, d. Isaac, jr. and Judith, Sept. 11, 1818. Elizabeth, d. Samuell and Rebeckah, Aug. 17, 17 10. Elizabeth, d. Downing and Hannah, June 9, 1754. Elizabeth, d. Aaron and Lydia, June 8, 1762. Elizabeth, d. Solomon and Sarah, Nov. 10, 1766. Elizabeth, d. Jacob and Elizabeth, July 6, 1809. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 79 Lee, Elizabeth, d. Andrew and Fanny, bp. June 30, 1822. c. r. Elizabeth Ann, d. Ariel P. and Ann, Nov. 8, 1827. Emily Augusta, d. Edward and Mary, July 16, 1837. Euines, d. Edward and Hannah, Feb. 7, 1734-5. Euneis, d. Jacob and Unice, bp. Nov. 4, 1746. c. r. Eunice, d. Edward and Eunice, Sept. 14, 1752. Eunice, d. William and Eunice, Sept. 6, 1794. Ezekiel, s. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Mary, July 5, 1724. Ezekiel, s. Nehemiah and Sarah, May 12, 1773. Ezra, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Jan. 25, 1769. Fanna, d. Capt. John and Joanna, bp. Oct. 19, 1755. ^- R- Fanny, d. Andrew and Fanny, bp. June 29, 1823. c. r. Fanny, d. John and Sarah E., Jan. g, 1843. Fanny Elizabeth, d. John, farmer, and Sarah E., Oct. 9, 1846. George, s. Nathan and Bula, Sept. 30, 1809. George, s. David, fisherman, and Clarisa, Dec. 8, 1847. George Everett, s. Isaac, jr. and Judith, Mar. 22, 1836. George Girdler, s. Downing, jr. and Elener, Sept. 16, 1780. George Waterman, s. Benj[amin] and Lydia, bp. Nov. 12, 1826. c. R. Hanah, d. John and Sarah, Aug. 13, 1695. Hannah, d. Edward and Hannah, Mar. 21, 1725. Hannah, d. Richard and Hannah, June 18, 1744. Hannah, d. Jacob and Eunice, Apr. 19, 1749. Hannah, d. Downing and Hannah, Jan. 18, 1750. Hannah, d. Edward and Eunice, Mar. 15, 1763. Harmah, d. Wintroph and Lucy, Dec. 26, 1792. Hannah, ^. Henry and Hannah, Mar. 6, 1793. Hannah, d. Downing and Elenor, May 30, 1794. Harde, s. Downing and Elener, Aug. i, 1792. Hariot Putman, d. Henry and Hannah, Mar. 20, 1795. Harriot, d. Isaac, jr. and Judith, Aug. 18, 18 16. Henrietta, d. Henry and Hannah, Oct. 13, 1803. Henry, s. Thomas, bp. Oct. 16, 1726. c. r. Henry, s. [Capt. c. r.] Samuel and Lydia, Oct. 28, 1766. Henry, s. Nathaniel and Susannah, Mar. 28, 1801. Henry, s. Josiah and Anna, Sept. 17, 1803. Henry Franklin, s. Henry and Hannah, Dec, 23, 1807. Hipsey [Hephzibah. c. r.], d. Danil and Hannah, Nov. 28, 1776. Isaac, s. Isaac and Rachel, Oct. 11, 1761. Isaac, s. Isaac, jr. and Rachel, Nov. 11, 1790. Isaac, 3d, s. Isaac, jr. and Judith, Nov. 16, 1825. Isaack, s. Edward and Hannah, Dec. 12, 1738. Israel, s. Nathan and Sarah, Nov. 10, 1763. Israel, s. Israel and Margret, Nov. 5, 1789. 8o MANCHESTER BIRTHS Lee, Isral Elliott, s. James and Nancy, July 24, 1832. Jacob, s. Samuell [jr.] and Mary, Jan. 28, 171 7. Jacob, s. Edward, Jan. 19, 172 1-2. Jacob, s. Nat[hanie]ll and Elezebeth, Jan. 16, 1737. Jacob, s. [Jacob andUnice. c. r.] [June 22. t. c] [bp. July 27, 1747. c. R.]. Jacob, s. Capt. Sam[ue]ll and Lydia, bp. Feb. 27, 1763. c. r. Jacob, s. Isaac and Rachel, June i, 1771. Jacob, s. Abiel and Sarah, bp. Dec. 13, 1772. c. r. Jacob, s. [Capt. c. r.] Isaac and Rachal, Nov. 27, 1780. Jacob, s. twin, Nathan and Elezebeth, Jan. 6, 1800. Jacob, s. Jacob and Betsey, Dec. i, 1803. Jam[e]s, s. twin, Natha[nie]ll and Elesabeth, Feb. 3, 1734-5. James, s. Aaron and Lydia, Nov. 11, 1766. James, s. [Capt. c. r.] Downing and Elener, at Glocester, Mar. II, 178S. James, s. Nathaniel and Susannah, July 30, 1798. James Henry, s. James and Nancy, Aug. 17, 1828. Jane, d. Winthrop, bp. Dec. 2, 1804. c. r. Jeney, d. Winthrop and Jeney, Mar, 26, 1804. Jeremiah, s. Samuel and Mary, Apr. 16, 1721. Jeremiah, s. Richard and Hannah, May 23, 1742. Jeremiah Allen, s. Edward and Eunice, Nov. 17, 1756. Jerimiah, s. Aaron and Lydia, July 25, 1753. Joanna, d. John, bp. Apr. 21, 1734. c. r. Joanna, d. John, 3d and Joanna, Nov. i, 1739. John, s. John and Sarah, Sept. 17, 1685. John, s. Samuell and Mary, Feb. 12, 17 15-16. John, s. John and Mary, Apr. 21, 17 19. John, s. John, 3d and Joanna, May 16, 1738. John, s. John, 4th and Abgail, Dec. 17, 1741- John, s. Downing and Hannah, Apr. 12, 1761. John, s. Isaac and Rachel, July 20, i773- John, s. Nathanell and [wid. c. r.] Sarah, May 16, 1775. John, s. John, jr. and Elezebeth, Dec. 3, 1782. John, s. Isaac, jr. and Rachel, Sept. 25, 1795. John, s. Josiah and Anna, Oct. 20, 1798. John, s. John and Sally, May 27, 1800. John, s. Josiah, bp. Sept. 25, 1803. c. r. John, s. William and Elizabeth, Sept. 26, 1810. John, s. Andrew and Fanny, Dec. 6, 1813. John, s. David and Clarrissa, Oct. 28, 1836. John Edward, s. Edward and Mary, May 6, 1833. John Quincy Adams, s. John, 2d and Sarah, Feb. 25, 1825. John Richard, s. John, cordwainer, and Sarah Elizabeth, Mar. 6, 1845. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 8 1 Lee, Johnnathan, s. Samuel sr. and Rebackah, June 15, 1718. Jonathan, s. Jacob and Mary, bp. Aug. 21, 1757. c. R. Joseph, s. Joseph and Eliza[beth], June 15, 1752. Joseph, s. Joseph and Anna, bp. Apr. 8, 1792. c. r. Joseph Lendall, s. Nicholas T. and Sarah, Nov. 9, 1829. Josiah, s. Samuell and Rebeckah, Oct. 24, 1706. Josiah, s. Samuel, bp. Apr. 6, 1735. c. R. Josiah, s. Edward and Hannah, Nov. 8, 1740. Josiah, s. Edward and Eunice, June 14, 1759. Josiah, s. Josiah and Anna, Sept. 23, 1784. Josiah, s. Josiah and Anna, Sept. 9, 1786. Ledya, d. Nath[aniel] and Elezebeth, Apr. 24, 1726. Lidiah, d. Samuell and Rebekah, Apr. 19, 1699. Lois, d. Nathan and Sarah, bp. Aug. 14, 1774. c. r. Lois Hibbert, d. Henry and Hannah, Jan. 21, 1799. Loisa Ingersol, bp. Apr. i, 18 10. c. r. Louisa, d. Lydia, bp. July 6, 1828. c. R. Louisa Allen, d. Joseph and Lydia, Dec. i, 1822. Lucey, d. Nathan and Sarah, Feb. 4, 1773. Lucy, d. Capt. John, Esq., bp. Aug. 21, 1757. c. R. Lucy, d. [Maj. c. R.] John, Esq. and Joanna, Apr. 28, 1759. Lucy, d. Winthrop and Lucy, Sept. 13, 1785. Lucy, d. Thomas and Ruth, Dec. 20, 1795. Luse, d. Edward and Hannah, Feb. 12, 1732-3. Lydia, d. Aaron and Lydia, Feb. 29, 17.S6. Lydia, d. Solomon and Sarah, Mar. 12, 1761. Lydia, d. [Capt. c. r.] Samuel and Lydia, Aug. 9, 1764. Lydia, d. Edward and Eunice, May 26, 1765. Lydia, d. Aaron, jr. and Sarah, Aug. 30, 1784. Lydia, d. Henry and Hannah, Oct. 15, 1790. Lydia, d. Nathaniel and Susannah, Dec. 5, 1795. Lydia, d. Solomon and Jemimah, Oct. 19, 1799. Lydia, d. Amos and Mercy, Mar. 2, 1800. Mahala, d. Isaac, jr. and Rachal, Aug. i, 1800. Malachi, s. Nathan and Sarah, Aug. i, 177 1. Marey, d. Benja[min] and Mary, Nov. 4, 1741. Margret, d. Israel and Margret, Aug. 24, 1793. Marietta, d. Henry F., " planing and sawing," and Hannah L., June 3, 1846. Martha, d. John, jr. and Martha, Jan. 12, 1710-11. Martha, d. Capt. John and Joanna, bp. Sept. 23, 1753. c. r. Mary, d. Samuell and Rebeckah, Oct. 20, 1695. Mary, d. Samuell and Mary, May 14, 17 13. Mary, d. John, jr. and Mary, Apr. 15, 17 14. Mary, d. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Mary, Feb. 28, 1719-20. Mary, d. Josiah and Mary, June 28, 1730. 82 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Lee, Mary, d. John, 3d and Joanna, Oct. 20, 1741. Mary, d. Sam[ue]l, jr. and Mary, June 10, 1744. Mary, d. Richard and Hannah, bp. Jan. 8, 1748-9. c. r. Mary, d. Sol[omon] and Sarah, bp. Jan. 28, 1776. c. R. Mary, d. Henry and Hannah, July 12, 1800. Mary Abigail, d. Ariel P. and Ann, June 30, 1830. Mary Ann, d. Edward and Mary, Feb. 26, 1831. Mary Benson, d. Henry F., planer and sawer, and Mary A., b. Benson, Vt., Apr. 14, 1849. Mary Frances, d. John, farmer, and Sarah Elizabeth, b. Water- town, Nov. 19, 1848. Mary Russell, d. Isaac, jr. and Judith, Oct. 10, 1823. Mehitable, d. James and Nancy, Sept. 29, 1830. Mercy Thorn, d. Amos and Mercy, Sept. 4, 1793. MoUey, d. Downing and Hannah, Oct. 3, 1765. Molly, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Sept. 23, 1770. Molly, d. Joseph and Anne, Nov. 30, 1788. Nabbe, d. Capt. John and [Jo. t. c.Janna, July 23, 1751. Nabby, d. Nathanael and Sarah, Sept. 12, 1770. Nabby, d. Ebenezer and Mary, July 24, 1773. Nabby, d. Solomon and Sarah, bp. May 14, 1774. c. r. Nabby, d. wid. Sarah, bp. Nov. 20, 1774. c. r. Nabby, d. Joseph and Anne, May 10, 1782. Nabby, d. Amos and Mercy, Sept. 8, 1797. Nancy, d. Israel and Margret, Feb. 15, 1800. Nancy Hill, d. James and Nancy, May 11, 1824. Nathan, s. Benj[amin] and Mary, Jan. 22, 1736-7. Nathan, s. Nathan and Sarah, July 11, 1762. Nathan, s. Nathan and Sarah, June 14, 1767. Nathan, s. Nathan and Elezebeth, Nov. 10, 1787. Nathanael, s. Capt. Samuel and Lydia, May 15, 1771. Nathaneil, s. Nath[anie]ll and Elizebeth, July 21, 1724. Nathaniel, s. John, 3d and Abigail, June 30, 1746. Nathaniel, s. twin, Aaron and Lydia, Dec. 27, 1764. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel, jr. and Sarah, May 5, 1773. Nathaniel, s. wid. Sarah, bp. Nov. 20, 1774. c. R. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Susannah, Jan. 21, 1790. Nathaniel, s. Priscilla Stone, Oct. 19, 1845. Nathaniell, s. Samuell and Rebeckah, Oct. 3, 1703. Natha[nie]ll, s. twin, Natha[nie]ll and Elesabeth, Feb. 3, 1734-5- Nehemiah, s. Benja[min] and Mary, Apr. 10, 1739. Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah and Sarah, May 6, 1765. Nehemiah, s. Nathaniel and Susanna, Sept. 5, 1805. Nicholas Thorndike, s. Nicholas T. and Sarah, Feb. 19, 1828. Olive, d. Nathaniel and Susanna, Aug. 20, 1S07. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 83 Lee, Oliver, s. Nathan and Sarah, Nov. i, 1768. OHver, s. Nathan and Sarah, Feb. 13, 1770. Parmelia, d. Jacob, bp. Nov. 4, 1S05. c. r. Patty, d. Solomon and Sarah, July 21, 1772. Peggey, d. Israel and Margret, Jan. n, 1798. Permela, d. Jacob and Elezebeth, Oct. 16, 1805. Polly, d. Downing and Elener, Mar. 20, 1790. Polly, d. Isaac, jr. and Rachal, May 11, 1803. Rachel, d. Tho[nia]s, bp. Apr. i, 1739. c. R. Rachel, d. Solomon and Sarah, Nov. 3, 1764. Rachel, d. Isaac and Rachel, Oct. 5, 17 68. Rachel, d. [Capt. c. r.] Isaac and Rachel, Feb. 10, 1776. Rachel, d. Isaac, jr. and Rachel, Dec. 5, 1787. Rebacker, d. Josiah and Mary, Jan. 21, 173 1-2. Rebaker, d. Nat[hanie]ll and Elezebeth, Nov. 20, 1738. Rebeca, d. twin, Aaron and Lydia, Dec. 27, 1764. Rebecca, d. Josiah, bp. Jan. 23, 173 1-2. c. r. Rebecca, d. Capt. Sam[ue]l and Mary, bp. Apr. 10, 1748. c. r. Rebecca, d. Samuel, jr. and Mary, Apr. 8, 1749. Rebecca, d. [Capt. c. r.] Samuel Lee, jr. and Mary, Aug. 6, 1 750. Rebecca, d. Nehemiah and Sarah, Jan. 21, 1771. Rebecca, d. Aaron and Lydia, Oct. 5, 1773. Rebeckah, d. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Mary, Sept. 16, 1725. Recherd, s. John and Mary, Mar. 10, 1720. Richard, s. Downing and Hannah, bp. Feb. 5, 1764. c. R. Richard, s. Downing and Hannah, July i, 1768. Richard, s. John, jr. and Elezebeth, Sept, 3, 1784. Rose, d. Thomas and Rose, bp. Nov. 12, 1727. c. R. Ruth, d. Samuell and Rebeckah, Dec. 10, 1697. Ruth, d. twin, Thomas, bp. Aug. 23, 1724. c. R. Ruth, d. Jesiah and Mary, Sept. 13, 1726. Ruth, d. Daniel and Hannah, Sept. 11, 1774. Ruth, d. Thomas and Ruth, Aug. 26, 1791. Ruth, d. Thomas and Ruth, Feb. 15, 1793. Ruth Raimond, d. Capt. Sam[ue]ll, bp. July 29, 1753. c. R. Ruthe, d. Downen [Downing, c. r.] and Hannah, Sept. 7, 1748. Sally, d. twin, Nathan and Elezebeth, Jan. 6, 1800. Sally, d. William and Elezebeth, Aug. 28, 1805. Sally Stone, d. Ariel P. and Ann, June 21, 1838. Samuel, s. Samuell and Mary, Oct. 21, 17 14. Samuel, s. Capt. Samuel and Lydia, bp. Oct. 5, 1760. c. r. Samuel, s. Capt. Samuel and Lydia, bp. Jan. 17, 1762. c. R. Samuel, s. Nehemiah and Sarah, Sept. i, 1766. Samuel, s. Sol[omon] and Sarah, bp. Jan. 28, 1776. c. R. Samuel, s. Solomon, jr. and Jemimah, Sept. 26, 1792. Samuel, s. William and Elezebeth, Feb. 10, 1798. 84 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Lee, Samuell, s. Hennery and Mary, Aug. i6, 1667. Samuell, s. John and Sarah, Dec. 18, 1687. Samuell, s. Samuell and Rebeckah, Feb. 24, 1693-4. Sam[ue]ll, s. Sam[ue]ll, 3d and Daborah, Dec. 20, 1739. Sam[ue]ll, s. Capt. Samuel, bp. Apr. 8, 1768. c. r. Sarah, d. John and Sarah, Dec. 7, 1691. Sarah, d. Edward and Hannah, Apr. 21, 1723. Sarah, d. Josiah, bp. Jan. 29, i737[-8]- c. r. Sarah, d. Solomon and Sara[h], Aug. 8, 1757. Sarah, d. Nathan and Sarah, bp. June 14, 1767. c. r. Sarah, d. Edward and Eunice, June 18, 1767. Sarah, d. Nehemiah and Sarah, bp. Apr. 2, 1775. c. r. Sarah, d. Solomon, jr. and Jamimah, Sept. 18, 1786. Sarah Jane, d. John, 2d and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1832. Seaweard, s. John and Mary, May 21, 1724. Solomon, s. Thomas and Rose, Jan. 16, 1733-4. Solomon, s. Solomon and Sarah, Jan. 22, 1759. Solomon, s. Solomon jr. and Jemimah, July 8, 1782. Susan, d. James and Nancy, Apr. 24, 1827. Susan, d. Nancy, bp. July 3, 1835. c. r. Susan Emily, d. Isaac, jr. and Judith, Nov. 19, 1829. Susanah, d. Richard and Hannah, at Salem, Apr. 4, 1747. Susanna, d. Benja[min] and Mary, Jan. 14, 1734-5. Susannah, d. Nathneil and Susannah, Aug. 24, 1791. Thomas, s. John and Sarah, Oct. 14, 1693. Thomas, s. Thomas and Elezebeth, Aug. 27, 17 18. Thomas, s. twin, Thomas, bp. Aug. 23, 1724. c. r. Thomas, s. Thomas and Rose, Mar. 16, 1 731-2. [Mar. 17. g. r.] Thomas, s. Solomon and Sarah, May 16, 1768. Thomas, s. Thomas and Ruth, Mar. i, 1798. Thomas, s. William and Elizabeth, Feb. 24, 1808. Unice, d. Edward and Unice, bp. July 7, 1754. c. r. William, s. Tho[mas] and Rose, Oct. 29, 1728. William, s. Nat [hanie] land Eliz[abe]th, bp. Mar. 18, i7[32-]33- C. R. William, s. Solomon and Sarah, June 2, 1770. William, s. Solomon, jr. and Jamimah, Oct. 27, 1784. William, s. Downing and Elener, Oct. 30, 1784. William, s. Josiah and Anna, July 11, 1789. William, s. Solomon, jr. and Jamimah, Sept. 2, 1790. William, s. William and Elezebeth, June 9, 1796. William, s. William and Elizabeth, July 21, 181 2. William King, s. James, fisherman, and Nancy P., June 6, 1844. William Raymond, s. John and Joanna, July 30, 1745. Winthrop, s. Winthrop and Lucy, Sept. 24, 1787. Winthrope, s. Isaac and Rachel, Dec. 13, 1763. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 85 LEECH (see also Leach), Benjamen, s. Rec[h]erd and Abbigel, Jan. 13, 171S. Benjamin, s. Recherd and Abbigel, Jan. 2, 1723-4. Elesebeth, d. Robert, jr. and Elesebeth, Mar. 7, 1718. Elizebeth, d. Recherd and Abbigel, Apr. 25, 171 7. Hannah, d. Samuel and Hannah, Sept. 10, 17 19. Hannah, d. Joseph and Patiance, May 9, 1720. Hannah, d. Recc[h]erd and Abigel, Dec. 13, 1720. Mary, d. Robert and Elezebeth, June 5, 1723. Rachel, d. Joseph and Pashents, Oct. 28, 1717. LENDALL (see also Lendell, Lendoll, Lindall, Lyndal, Lyndall), Abigail, d. Joseph and Abigail, May 30, 1819. Amos, s. John, jr. and Anne, July 29, 1788. Amos, s. Amos and Sally, Sept. 10, 1830. Ann Tewksbury, d. Amos and Sophia, Nov. 14, 181 6. Anne, d. John, jr. and Anne, Nov. 5, 1786. Aurelia Brown, d. Amos and Sophia, at N. Port, June 7, 1S22. Charles Augustus, s. Amos and Sally, Mar. i, 1838. David Henry, s. Amos and Sally, Aug. 7, 1833. George Addison, s. Amos and Sarah, May 30, 1842. Hannah, d. John (Lendal) and Anne, Aug. 19, 1794. Hannah, d. John, bp. Sept. 4, 1803. c. R. Jacob, s. John, jr. and Anne, Oct. 10, 17S4. Jacob, s. John, jr. and Anna, bp. Sept. 10, 1786. c. R. Jacob, s. John and Anna, Aug. 14, 1803. Joann, d. Joseph and Abigail, Dec. 11, 1823. John, s. John, jr. and Anne, Aug. 17, 1783. John, s. John, jr. and Anna, bp. Sept. 10, 1786. c. R. John, s. Amos and Sophia, at N. Port, Oct. 17, 1824. Joseph, s. twin, John and Anne, Feb. 22, 1791. Samuel Nelson, s. Amos and Sally, Mar. 3, 1836. Sarah, d. twin, John and Anne, Feb. 22, 1791. Sarah Tewksbury, d. Amos and Sophia, at N. Port, Oct. 19, 1819. Sophia Brown, d. Amos and Sophia, Dec. 4, 18 14. Thomas, s. John and Anna, May 24, 1797. Thomas, s. Amos, farmer, and Sarah, Mar. 29, 1845. LENDELL (see also Lendall), Judith, d. John and Eunice, bp. Sept. 26, 1762. c. R. LENDOLL (see also Lendall), Abigail, d. Joseph (Lendall) and Nabby, May 31, 1819. LEVERETT, John Franklin, s. John S., carpenter, and Mary Jane, Feb. 10, 1845. Mary Louisa, d. John S., cabinet maker, and Mary J., Apr. 23, 1846. 86 MANCHESTER BIRTHS LEY (see also Lee), Abigail, d. John and Sarah, Apr. ii, 1703. Benjamen, s. John and Sarah, Dec. 19, 1705. Edward, s. John and Sarah, Feb. 19, 1698-9. Joseph, s. John and Sarah, June 21, 1697. Joseph, s. John and Sarah, Mar. 30, 1701. LINDALL (see also Lendall), David, s. John and Anna, Feb. 4, 1800. Mary, d. John (Lendall) and Eunice, Aug. 20, 1773. LITTELFEILD (see also Littlefield), Emme, d. Sebely and Emme, Dec. 20, 1735. Mary, d. Sebely and Emme, Aug. 3, 1737. Nathanel, s. Sebely and Emme, Dec. 19, 1738. Seuesannah, d. Sebely and Emme, Aug. 3, 1740. LITTLE, Mary Sargent, d. John, cabinet maker, b. Salsbury, N. H., and Mary P., b. Jackson, N. H., Nov. 7, 1849. LITTLEFEILD (see also Littlefield), Joisah, s. Emme, bp. Apr. 28, 1734. c. R. LITTLEFIELD (see also Littelfeild, Littlefeild) , Abigail, d. Elia- hab and Rachell, Jan. 21, 1712. Elihab, s. Elihab and Rachil, of Wel[l]s, Oct. 23, 1697. Siblee, s. Eliab and Rachill, Jan. 6, 1710-11. Sibly, s. Sibly and Neme [Emme. c. r.], Sept. 18, 1742. LONG, Elsey Obear, d. Isaac and Anna, of Beverly, at Beverly, May 4, 1802. Helen Maria, d. John Cleaveland and Elsey, at Beverly, May 14, 1825. John Cleaveland, s. Isaac and Susannah, of Hopkinton, N. H., at Hopkinton, Oct. 6, 1794. Mary Abba, d. Rufus W. and Mary B., Oct. 16, 1834. Rufus Danforth, s. Rufus W. and Mary B., July 12, 1829. LORD, Auther A., s. Frederic A., cabinet maker, and Mary Ann, Dec. 18, 1844. Mary Abby, d. Frederic, cabinet maker, and Mary Ann, Dec. 24, 1847. LOTHROP, John, s. John and Ruth Ann, at Augusta, Me., Jan. 18, 1840. LOW, Daniel, S.Daniel, jr. and Annes, Jan. 28, 1798. EHza, d. Daniel and Annes, July i, 1S02. Eliza Everett, d. Dea. Albert E. and Elizabeth, Oct. 17, 1836. Francis, s. Francis and Mary, Sept. 26, iSoS. Francis, s. Capt., bp. Apr. 23, 1S09. c. r. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 87 Low, John, s. Stephen and Elisabeth, bp. July 6, 1760. c. r. John, s. Francis and Mary, Jan. 31, iSio. Judith, d. Stephen, bp. Mar. 30, 1755. c. r. Julia Augusta, d. Albert E. and Elizabeth, Aug. 21, 1840. Nancey, d. Daniel and Annes, June 23, 1794. Orraley, d. Daniel and Annice, Feb. 23, 1800. Sally, d. Daniel, jr. and Annice, Sept. 5, 1796. Stephen, s. Stephen and Elisabeth, bp. Apr. 16, 1758. c. r. LUCAS (see also Lucus), S , d. Moses B., mariner, and Mary B., Feb. 4, 1847. LUCUS (see also Lucas), Moses B., s. Moses B., marriner, and Mary, July 11, 1845. LUFFKIN (see also Lufkin), Anna, d. David and Anna, bp. Aug. 25, 1754. c. R. Jeremiah, s. David, bp. Aug. 23, 1752. c. r. LUFKIN (see also Luff kin), Charles Franklin, s. Ezra, cabinet maker, and Judeth, June 10, 1846. Charles Franklin, s. Ezra, cabinet maker, b. Gloucester, and Ju- deth L., b. Gloucester, Aug. 28, 1848. Ezra Sumner, s. Ezra and Judith, Dec. 3, 1838. George Ezra, s. Ezra and Judith, Apr. 17, 1843, Lucy Boyd, d. Ezra and Judith, July 17, 1834. LULL, Benjamin, s. Jonathan and Rebeckah, Sept. 7, 1818. Benja[min] Haskell, s. Rebbecca, bp. Sept. 7, 1828. c. r. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Rebekah, Aug. 29, 1804. Mary Eliza, d. Jonathan and Rebeckah, Mar. 20, 18 14. \ Nancy Norwood, d. William and Maria, Jan. 6, 1838. Rebecca, d. Jonathan, bp. Aug. — , 18 10. c. r. William, s. Jonathan and Rebekah, Dec. 2, 1809. LUND, , s. James, railroad contractor, and Sarah A., May 17, 1847. LTNDAL (see also Lendall), Eunice, d. John and Eunice, July 25. 1755- Hannah, d. John and Eunice, Mar. 21, 1770. Jacob, s. John (Lyndall) and Eunice, May 12, 1764. LYNDALL (see also Lendall), Amos, s. John and Eunice, Nov. 15, 1766. John, s. John and Eunice, Oct. 17, 1759. Judah [Judith, c. r.], d. John and Eunice, Sept. 8, 1762. Sarah, d. John and Eunice, May 2, 1757. 88 MANCHESTER BIRTHS LYNN, Emily Pillsbury, d. William and Betsy, Apr. 17, 1827. Lewis Pilsbury, s. William, cabinet maker, and Elizabeth Ann, Oct. I, 1844. William Cleaveland, s. William and Betsy, Dec. 24, 1837. McCARTENY (see also McCartney), James Henry, s. James, farmer, and Lucy, May 12, 1846. McCartney (see alsoMcCarteny), James, s. James and Mary, bp. Sept. 10, 1786. c. R. James, s. James and Mary, Sept. 3, 17S7. James, s. James (Cartney) and Mary, Aug. i, 1789. Mary, d. James and Mary, Mar. 12, 1784. Mary, d. James, bp. Mar. 30, 1794. c. r. Mary Abby, d. William, cabinet varnisher, and Abigail, Apr. 21, 1847. Mary Ashton, d. William and Betsy, Aug. 30, 18 19. William, s. James and Mary, Sept. 26, 1791. William, s. William and Betsy, Jan. 10, 181 7. Mclaughlin (see also McLawlin), Michal, s. Laurence and Jenny, May 31, 1773. McLAWLIN (see also McLaughlin), Molley, d. Larrance and Janey, Jan. 16, 1777. Molly, d. Larance (McLaughlin) and Jean, Nov. 13, 1779. MACKSELLRIX, William, s. Neal, bp. [at Gloucester?], Aug. 10, 1735. c. R. McMURPHE, see Murphe. MANEN (see also Maning), Joseph, s. Joseph, bp. Aug. 19, 1792. c. R. MANING (see also Manen), Bets [Betsey, c. r.], d. Joseph and Prissellah, Sept. 12, 1789. Joseph, s. Joseph and Percillah, Aug. 9, 1792. Nabby, d. Joseph and Prissellah, May 12, 1785. Prissal, d. Joseph and Prissillah, June 6, 1787. MANN, Abbey S., d. John W., cordwainer, and Eliza S., Apr. 25, 1845. Charles Hooper Trask, s. John W. and Elizabeth, Aug. 10, 1S41. David Crafts, s. John W. and Elizabeth, Nov. 21, 1835. Elezeazer Hooper, s. John W. and Elizabeth, Mar. 25, 1831. Eliza Evoline, d. John W. [shoe manufacturer, dup.] and Eliza- beth, May 2, 1843. James Tayler, s. William and Mary E., Feb. 7, 1824. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 89 Mann, Jannet Laing, d. Wilfiam and Mary, Apr. 17, 1809. John, s. William and Mary, at Woodford, Co. of Essex, Eng., Apr. 24, 1803. John William, s. John W. and Elizabeth, at Salem, Jan. 13, 1827. Mary, d. William and Mary E., Nov. 17, 181 8. Robert Cogswell, s. John W. and Elizabeth, Aug. 9, 1S33. Samuel S., s. John and Eliza, bp. Aug, 29, 1830. c. R. Samuel Smith, s. John W. and Elizabeth, at Salem, Apr. 8, 1S28. Samuel Trenchard, s. WiUiam and Mary, Jan. 22, 1814. Sarah Woodbury, d. William and Mary E., Mar. 24, 1827. Susannah Oakendon, d. William and Mary E., Dec. 24, 1820. William, s. William and Mary, at Gloucester, Sept. 14, 181 1. MANNING, see Maning. MANSFEILD, Nathaniel, s. Thomas, bp. at Jebacco, July 18, 1725. c. R. MARBLE, Emily Leach, d. George W. and Lydia, Mar. 4, 1S29. MARSTERS (see also Marsteyrs, Marstisters, Marsturs, Marstus, Marstyrs, Masters, Mastes, Masturs, Mastus), Abraham, s. Abraham, jr. and Sarah, Dec. 26, 1755. Andrew, s. Nathaniel and Hannah, Mar. 7, 1735. Andrew, s. Andrew and Elizabeth, at Portsm[outh], N. H., Feb. 4, 1779- Andrew, s. Andrew and Susannah, Aug. 29, 1807. Andrew, s. Andrew and Susanna, Sept. 7, 1814. Andrew, s. Andrew and Lydia, Aug. 17, 1838. Assena, d. Andrew and Susanna, Mar. 18, 1813. Caroline, d. Issachar and Hannah, May 7, 1821. Elezebeth, d. Nathannel and Hannah, June 23, 17 18. Hannah, d. Natthanel and Hannah, May 8, 171 7. Hannah, d. Andrew and Susanna, Oct. 8, 1808. Hannah Lee, d. Issachar and Hannah, June 4, 1815. Loisa Lee, d. Issachar and Hannah, May 5, 1818. Molly [Mary. c. r.], d. Joseph and Mary, Jan. 2, 1757. Nathanel, s. Nathanel and Hanna, Dec. 16, 17 19. Samuel, s. Nathanel and Hannah, Jan. 16, 1723-4. Susannah, d. Andrew and Susannah, Mar. 11, 1805. MARSTEYRS (see also Marsters), Nathaniel, s. Jonathan and Mary, bp. June 10, 1759. c. r. MARSTISTERS (see also Marsters), Mary, d. Abraham, jr. and Sarah, Apr. 14, 1754. MARSTON, Lucy, d. Col. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Feb. 4, 1748. Winslow, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Oct. 3, 1749. 90 MANCHESTER BIRTHS MARSTURS (see also Marsters), Anna, d. Andrew and Anna, Dec. 19, 1755. Nathaniel, s. Andrew and Anna, Oct. 6, 1757. MARSTUS (see also Marsters), Deborah, d. Abraham, bp. Feb. 2, i728[-9]. c. R. Ezekiel, s. Abraham, bp. Mar. 15, i7[29-]30. c. r. John, s. John, bp. June 22, 1735. c. r. MARSTYRS (see also Marsters), Ezekiel, s. Abraham and Sarah, bp. Mar. 19, 1758. c. r. John, s. Abrah[am], jr. and Sarah, bp. Jan. 20, 1760. c. r. MARTEN (see also Martin), George Page, s. George Page and Elezebeth, Mar, 7, 1798. Nath[anie]ll, s. Nathaniel and Sarah, Aug. 2, 1789. MARTIN (see also Marten), Allen, s. George and Eliza[beth], June 27, 1800. Frederic, s. Geo[rge] and Sally, Nov. 30, 1843. Frederic William, s. Geo[rge] P. and Sally, , 1842, Frederick William, s. George, mariner, and Sally, Sept. 30, 1843. George Carter, s. George P. and Sally, Aug. 21, 1837. George Henry, s. George P. and Sally, Jan. 30, 1833. Juliet, d. George P. and Sally, Oct. 30, 1 839. Mary Elizabeth, d. George P. and Sally, Sept. 25, 1825. Sarah Ann, d. George P. and Sally, Dec. 23, 1830. Thomas L., s. George, seaman, and Sarah, Oct. 31, 1845. , d. George, fisherman, and Sally, Oct. 10, 1847. MASTERS (see also Marsters), Harriot Allen, d. Hannah, bp. July 6, 1828. c. R. Henrietta L., d. Hannah, bp. June 19, 1831. c. r. Issachar Woodbury, s. Hannah, July 21, 1833. c. r. MASTES (see also Marsters), Hannah, d. Nathanel and Elisebeth, Feb. I, 1740. MASTURS (see also Marsters) , Abrhan, s. Abrham and Deb[o] rah, Nov. 5, 1726. Benja[min], s. Natha[nie]ll and Hannah, Aug. 22, 1731. Ruth, d. Nath[a]neil and Hanah, Nov. 6, 1725. Ruth, d. Natha[nie]ll and Hanah, Sept. 4, 1729. Sarah, d. Nathaneil and Hanah, Nov. 26, 1727. MASTUS (see also Marsters), Abigail, d. Nat[haniel] and Han- nah, bp. Dec. 10, 1721. c. r. Abigail, d. Abram and Abigail, Dec. 17, 1694. Abram, s. Abram and Abigail, Sept. 28, 1703. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 9 1 Mastus, Anne, d. Samuell and Ann, May 3, 1702. Elizabeth, d. Abram and Abigail, Dec. 2, 171 1. Elizabeth, d. twin, Nat[h3niel] and Hannah, bp. Oct. 14, 1722. c.r. Elizabeth, d. Abraham, bp. Mar. 14, 1735 [-6]. c. R. Elizabeth, d. Nat[haniel] and Han[nah], bp. Mar. 6, i736[-7].c.k. Hannah, d. Abram and Abigail, May 15, 1699. Hannah, d. Joseph and Mary, July 26, 1755. John, s. Abram and Abigail, Feb. 6, 170S-9. John Coffin Jones, s. Isacharand Hannah, bp. Mar. 27, 1824. c. R. Jonathan, s. Abraham, bp. July 28, 1734. c. R. Joseph, s. Nat[hanie]l, bp. Dec. 24, 1732. c. r. Lidiah, d. Abram and Abigail, July 17, 1701. Lucy, d. John, bp. July 17, 1737. c. r. Lydia, d. twin, John, bp. July 20, 1740. c. r. Mary, d. Abraham, bp. Dec. 5, 1731. c. r. Moses, s. Abraham and Deborah, bp. Dec. 25, 1737. c. R. Nathaniel, s. Abra[ha]m, bp. Apr. 4, 1742. c. r. Nathaniell, s. Abram and Abigail, Mar. 23, 1692. Rachel, d. twin, John, bp. July 20, 1740. c. r. Rebecca, d. Abigail, wid., bp. June 16, 17 17. c. r. Rebeckah, d. Samuell and Ann, May 31, 1704. Ruth, d. Abram and Abigail, Mar. 22, 1697. Ruth, d. Samuell and Ann, Oct. 14, 1699. Ruth, d. twin, Samuell and Ann, Sept. 28, 1706. Ruth, d. t^vin, Nat[haniel] and Hannah, bp. Oct. 14, 1722. c. r. Samuell, s. twin, Samuel and Ann, Sept. 28, 1706. Sarah, d. Abram and Abigail, May 20, 1705. Sarah, d. Abra[ham] and Deb[orah], bp. May 18, 1740. c. r. MAY, Abigail Preston, d. Isaac and Pamela, Jan. 25, 1829. Anne, d. Moses and Abigail, Dec. 25, 1776. Clarinda, d. Isaac and Pamela, Sept. 6, 1825. Elezebeth, d. Moses and Abigail, Dec. 19, 1780. Hannah, d. Moses and Abigail, Aug. 29, 1770. Henry, s. Israel and Emey, Oct. 31, 1773. Hetey, d. Jonathan and Lydia, Aug. 21, 1802. Isaac, s. Moses and Sarah, Nov. 28, 1791. Israel, s. Israel and Amey, Aug. 31, 1770. Israel, s. Israel and Amey, Dec. 6, 1771. Jonathan, s. Israel and Emey, Nov. 6, 1767. Lydia, d. Jonathan and Lydia, Apr. 19, 1800. Mary Elizabeth, d. Isaac and Pamela, Sept. 28, 1823. Mehettabel, d. Israel and Emme, bp. Aug. 26, 1781. c. r. Moses, s. Moses and Abigail, June 12, 1768. Moses, s. Moses and Sarah, Aug. 24, 1789. Nabby, d. Moses and Abigail, Aug. 9, 1762. 92 MANCHESTER BIRTHS May, Patty, d. Israel and Amme, bp. Nov. ii, 1781. c. R. Permela, d. Isaac and Permela, Nov. 18, 1815. Rebecca Frances, d. Isaac and Pamela, Dec. 11, 1833. Samuel, s. Moses, and Abigail, Sept. 12, 1772. Samuel, s. Moses and Sarah, Jan. 22, 1795. Sarah, d. Moses and Abigail, Mar. 22, 1764. Sarah, d. Moses and Abigail, Mar. 9, 1766, Sarah Ann, d. Isaac and Pamela, Jan. 28, 182 1. MILLER, Almira, d. Simeon F. and Mary, Sept. 5, 1S08. Anne, d. Isaac and Anne, Aug. 4, 1 790. Caroline Perkins, d. John and Lydia, Jan. 29, 1827. Elizab[eth], d. Anna, bp. July 16, 1780. c. r. Emily Frances, d. John and Lydia, Oct. 26, 1836. Frederick, s. Semion Frederick and Polly, Feb. 11, 1805. Fredrick [Simeon Fredrick, c. R.], s. Symeon and Anna, Dec. 11, 1777. Isaac, s. Isaac and Anne, Sept. 6, 1792. John Simeon, s. John and Lydia, Nov. 4, 1840. Mary Russel, d. Simeon F. and Mary, Feb. 5, 18 14. Mehitable, d. John and Lydia, Apr. 24, 1831. Ruth, d. Simeon and Anna, bp. Oct. 26, 1783. c. R. Ruth, d. Simeon and Anna, bp. Mar. 13, 1785. c. R. Simeon, s. Simeon F. and Polly, Jan. 10, 181 7. William, s. Simeon and Anna, bp. June 2, 1782. c. R. MILLET (see also Milht), Benjamin, s. Benj[amin] R. and Eliza, Apr. 16, 1827. Emily Ehza, d. Benjamin R. and Eliza, June 9, 1824. MILLIT (see also Millet), Jemima, d. Mories, bp. [at Glouces- ter?], Aug. 10, 1735. c. R. Samuell, s. Nathaniel and Elizabath, bp. Aug. 28, 1726. c. r. MINOT, Charles Freeman, s. John S., cabinet maker, and Mary C, Oct. 4, 1846. George Sullivan, s. John S., cabinet maker, b. Franklin, N. H., and Mary C, b. Milford, N. H., Oct. 17, 1849. MONIES, Lucy Maria, d. Michael and Lucy, at Salem, Feb. 12, 1827. Mary Elizabeth, d. Michael and Lucy, Mar, 3, 1832. Sarah Jane, d. Michael and Lucy, Oct. 24, 1842. Susan Hannah, d. Michael and Lucy, Oct. 27, 1839. MORGAN (see also Morgen, Morgin), Amos, s. John and Bethiah, Apr. 5, 1760. Andrew, s. Samuell and Jane, bp. May 17, 1724. c. r. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 93 MoRG.\N, Anna, d. Sam[ue]ll, bp. Dec. 3, 1727. c. r. Anne, d. Israel and Sarah, Dec. 16, 17S1. Annis, d. John and Bethiah, Feb. 27, 1763. Augusta, d. John and Patty, Oct. 2, 1808. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Eunice, Aug. 25, 1774. Benjamin, s. Israel and Salley, Oct. 4, 1786. Benjamin, s. Benjamain and Hannah, Aug. 30, 1805. Benjamin Franklin, s. Benjamin and Susan, Aug. 5, 1830. Benjamin Lull, s. Joseph M., cabinet maker, and Sarah Ann, Sept. 7, 1847. Bethia, d. Edward and Patty, Sept. 27, 1797. Bethiah, d. John and Bethiah, May 18, 1757. Betsey, d. Israel and Sally, June 17, 1795. Charles, s. Issachar, seaman, and Sally, May 11, 1845. Charlotte Augustia, d. John, fisherman and cabinet maker, and Lucinda, b. Gloucester, Nov. 3, 1848. Charlotte Susan, d. Nath[anie]l H. and Lucretia, Mar. 13, 1842. Christiana, d. Israel and Lydia, at Virginia, May 18, 1808. Christiana Boyd, d. Israel, jr. and Christiana, Nov. 30, 1828. Daniel, s. Daniel and Lois, Oct. 28, 1768. Daniel, 3d, s. Daniel and Elez[abe]th, Nov. 11, 1792. Daniel Webster, s. Benjamin and Susan, Jan. 20, 1837. David, s. Benja[min] and Anna, bp. Dec. 7, 1766. c. r. David, s. David and Polly, Apr. 11, 1801. David, s. David, bp. June 12, 1803. c. r. Edmond Crombie, s. Benjamin, jr., fisherman, and Susan, Dec. 19, 1846. Edward, s. Daniel and Louis, Sept. 9, 1770. Edward, s. Edward and Patty, Sept. 22, 1799. Edward Everett, s. Isaac [A. dup.] and Lydia, at Newport, Nov. 16, 1843. Elezebelh, d. Daniel and Elezebeth, Oct. 2, 1794. Eliza Ann, d. Samuel and Precella, June 27, 18 12, Eliza Jane, d. Benj[amin] and Susan, Aug. 9, 1841. Elizabeth, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Aug. 8, 18 10. Emily Augusta, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Sept. 28, 1827. George Henry, s. Nathaniel H. and Lucritia, July 24, 1838. Hannah, d. John and Bethiah, Mar. 3, 1766. Hannah, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Nov. 2, 1808. Harriet Atwood, d. Isaac and Lydia, June 3, 1838. Harriet Atwood, d. twin, Isaac and Lydia, Sept. 9, 1840. Helen Maria, d. Issachar and Sally, June 24, 1837. Henry, s. John and Bethiah, Aug. 24, 1773. Henry Clay, s. Isreal, jr., fisherman, and Christina, Sept. 8, 1844. Isaac Andrew, s. Isaac and Saloma, Sept. 15, 1807. Isaac Harrison, s. twin, Isaac and Lydia, Sept. 9, 1840. 94 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Morgan, Isaac Newton, s. Israel, jr. and Christiana, Aug. 19, 1832. Israel, s. Israel and Anne [Anna. c. r.], Nov. 17, 1755. Israel, s. Israel and Sally [Sarah, c. r.], Nov. 22, 1779. Israel, jr., s. Israel and Lydia, Aug. 11, 1807. Israel, s. Israel, jr. and Christiana, Dec. 4, 1830. Issachar, s. Issachar and Sally, Sept. 18, 1833. Issachar Marsters, s. Benja[min] and Hannah, Jan. 6, 1807. Jacob, s. Israel and Sally [Sarah, c. r.], Dec. 8, 1791. Jacob Bowling, s. Israel, jr. and Christiana, Aug. 25, 1834. Jacob Lee, s. Benjamin [Samuel, c. r.] and Eunice, Dec. 23,17 70. "James, s. John and Bethiah, Dec. 10, 1761. Jane, or Jenny, d. Benja[min] and Anna, bp. Aug. 27, 1764. c. r. Jane, d. David, bp. June 12, 1803. c. r. Jeny, d. David and Molly, Aug. 12, 1798. Jenny, see Jane. John, s. twin, Samuel and Lydia, bp. July 6, 1746. c. r. John, s. John, jr. and Lydia, Feb. 14, 1780. John, s. John O. and Patty, June 7, 181 3. John E., s. John, seaman, and Lucinda, Nov. 13^ 1845. John Orsment, s. Israel and Sarah, Feb. 5, 1784. John William, s. Isaac A. and Lydia, May 4, 1842. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Molly, Jan. 6, i793- Jonathan, s. wid. Molly, bp. July 11, 1802. c. r. Joseph Allen, s. Issachar and Sally, Aug. 4, 1842. Joseph Edward, s. Joseph M., cabinet maker, and Sarah Ann, Apr. 24, 1849. Joseph Marsters, s. Benjamin and Hannah, Oct. 19, 181 7. Lewis, s. Benjamin and Susan, Aug. 20, 1839. Louis, d. Daniel and Louis, Oct. 16, 1772. Louisa, d. Salome, bp. Sept. 7, 1828. c. r. Lucinda Maria, d. John and Lucinda, Nov. 22, 1839. Lucretia, d. David, bp. May 12, 1805. c. r. Lucria, d. David and Polly, Jan. 16, 1805. Lucy, d. Benjamin and Anna, bp. Sept. 13, 1761. c. r. Lydia, d. Samuel and Lydia, Feb. 13, 1748. Lydia Girdler, d. Isaac and Lydia, Apr. 28, 1833. Margaret, d. Sam[ue]ll and Hannah, bp. Jan. 13, i739[-4o].c. r. Margaret, d. John and Bethiar, bp. Jan. 3, 1768. c. R. Margaret, d. John, bp. May 19, 1776. c. R. Martha, d.twin, Sam[ue]lland Hannah, bp.Mar. 8, i740[-4i] c. R. Martha, d. John O. and Patty, Jan. 30, 181 1. Martha Ann, d. Israel, jr. and Christiana, June 30, 1838. Martha Frances, d. John and Sarah Ann, Nov. 29, 1841. Martha Kimbal, d. Benjamin, jr., mariner, and Susan, Sept.20,1844. Mary, d. twin, Sam[ue]ll and Hannah, bp. Mar. 8, i74o[-4i]. c. R. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 95 Morgan, Mary Elizabeth, d. Isaac and Saloma, Sept. 9, 1S14. Mary Frances, d. Israel, jr. and Christiana, July 9, 1836. Mary Jane, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Jan. 26, 1820. Mary Louisa, d. Isaac and Lydia, Jan. i, 1836. Molly, d. Samuel and Sarah, bp. Feb. 8, 1756. c. r. Nancy, d. Jacob and Nancy, Aug. 28, 1802. Nancy, d. John O. and Martha, Oct. 12, 181 8. Nathaniel, s. John and Martha, Nov. 23, 18 15. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel H. and Lucritia, June 11, 1840. Nicholas, s. Samuel and Lydia [Sarah, c. r.], July 3, 1758. Olivia Alden Taylor, d. Israel and Christana, Dec. 22, 1840. Olivia Alden Taylor, d. Israel and Christiana, Nov. 13, 1842. Patte, d. Samuel and Lydia [Sarah, c. r.], Feb. 8, 1753. Patty, d. Daniel and Louis, Sept. 5, 1775. Patty, d. Edward and Patty, Feb. i, 1802. Permelia M., d. Joseph M., cabinet maker, and Sarah Ann, June 29, 1845. Polley, d. David and Policy, Sept. 30, 1796. Polly, d. David, bp. June 12, 1803. c. r. Priscilla, d. Samuel and Priscilla, at Marblehead, Oct. 10, 181 6. Richard Leach, s. Benja[min], bp. Dec. — , 1758. c. r. Saloma, d. Isaac and Saloma, Oct. 26, 1809. Samuel, s. John and Bethiah, Dec. 22, 1770. Samuel, s. Israel and Sarah, Aug. 22, 1788. Samuel, s. Samuel and Priscilla, Sept. 5, 1S19. Samuel, s. Benjamin and Hannah, Sept. 15, 1823. Samuel, s. Samuel, cabinet maker, and Mary F., b. Essex, Apr. 12, 1849. Samuell, s. Sam[ue]ll and Jane, bp. July 19, 1724. c. r. Sam[ue]ll, s. Sam[ue]ll, bp. Feb. 8, 17 [29-] 30. c. r. Sarah, d. Samuel and Sarah, bp. Aug, 5, 1753. c. r. Sarah Elizabeth, d. Issachar and Sally, Nov. 20, 1839. Sarah Parsons, d. John H. and Sarah Ann, Nov. 7, 1842. Susannah, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Sept. 7, 1815. Thomas, s. Benjamin and Hannah, Oct. 7, 1S12. Thomas Crombie, s. Benjamin, jr., cabinet maker and mariner, and Susan, Mar. 22, 1849. William, s. Samuel and Lydia, Mar. 25, 1746. William, s. Benjamin and Hannah, Nov. 16, 1821. WiHiam Brown, s. Salome, bp. Sept. 7, 1828. c. R. MORGEN (see also Morgan), Daniel, s. Samuel and Hannah, Mar. 31, 1745. Hannah, d. Sam[uel] and Hannah, Mar. 10, 1743-4. Israel, s. Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 17, 1733-4. Jacob, s. Samuel and Hannah, Dec. 16, 1735. 96 MANCHESTER BIRTHS MoRGEN, Jacob, s. John and Bethiah, Oct. 27, 1755. Jeney [Jane. c. r.], d. Samuel and Hannah, Aug. 18, 1738. [John. c. R.],s. Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 9, 1732-3. John, s. John and Bethiah, Nov. 7, 1754. Luscy, d. Sam[ue]ll and Jane, Dec. 25, 1725. Margret, d. Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 9, 1742 [-3]. Sarah, d. Samuel and Hannah, Mar. 4, 1736-7. MORGIN (see also Morgan), Isaac, s. Daniel and Lois, July 15, 1777. Sarah, d. Isarel and Sarah, Nov. 3, 1776. MORSE, Abigail, d. Andrew and Jenne, at Beverly, July i, 1757. Alice Willmonton, d. Hillard and Ann, Apr. 2, 1836. Alias, d. Samuel and Joaima, Sept. 12, 1808. Andrew, s. Will[iam], bp. Aug. 25, 1771. c. r. Andrew, s. W. and Elisabeth, bp. Jan. 17, 1773. c. r. Andrew, s. Samuel and Joanna, Aug. 4, 1803. Ann Elizabeth, d. Hillard and Ann, Aug. 27, 1833. Annice, or Annis, d. Samuel and Hannah, bp. Sept. 4, 1757. c. r. Annis, d. Will[iam] and Elisabeth, bp. Sept. 4, 1763. c. r. Annis, d. William and Elizabeth, Nov. 30, 1766. Benjamin Girdler, s. Joseph [H. dup.], shoe manufacturer, and Mary, Aug. 17, 1843. Benjamin Poland, s. David and Lydia, May 24, 1815. Benjamin Poland, s. James, shoemaker and fisherman, and Harriet, b. Salem, Aug. 5, 1849. Betsey, d. William, jr. and Betsey, Oct. 30, 1794. Caroline, d. Hillard and Ann, Nov. 10, 1829. Charles Henry, s. Hillard and Ann, May 20, 1841. Christian, d. David and Molly (Mors), May 7, 1772. Christian, d. William and EHsabeth, bp. Feb. 23, 1777. c. r. David, s. David and MoUey, June 22, 1768. David, s. David and Lydia, May 16, 1798. David H., s. James, seaman, and Harriet, at New Port, July 16, 1845. Elisabeth, d. Will[ia]m and Elisabeth, bp. June 10, 1759. c. r. Elizabeth, d. Will[ia]m and Elizabeth, Nov. 9, 1757. Elizabeth Bickford, d. James and Harriet, July 21, 1841. Fanna, d. Will[ia]m, bp. July 22, 1781. c. r. Coram, s. Samuel and Joanna, Oct. 8, 1816. Hannah, d. Samuel and Hannah, bp. Sept. 25, 1752. c. r. Harriet Ellen, d. James and Harriet, Sept. 21, 1839. Harriot Ann, d. William and Betsey, June 24, 18 13. Hillard, s. Samuel and Joanna, Oct. 18, 1805. Hillard Andrew, s. Hillard and Ann, Sept. i, 1831. James, s. David and Lydia, Oct. 3, 181 2. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 97 MoRGEN, James Henry, s. James, marriner, and Harriet P., at Newport, Jan. 13, 1844. Jenne, d. Andrew and Jenne, Dec. 23, 1763. Joanna, d. Andrew and Jenne, at Beverly, Apr. 17, 1760. Joannah, d. Samuel and Joannah, Nov. 23, 1793. John, s. William and Elizabeth, Oct. 17, 1756. John, s. David and Lydia, July 31, 1805. John EUet, s. James, shoemaker and fisherman, and Harriet, b. Salem, Jan. 4, 1848. Joseph, s. William and Betsy, Dec. 25, 1807. Joseph Haskell, s. Joseph H. and Mary, Aug. 17, 1840. Louisa Willmonton, d. Hillard, marriner, and Ann, Jan. 14, 1844. Lydia, d. David and Lydia, July 25, 1800. Mark, s. David and Molly, June 4, 1770. Mark, s. David and Lydia, Aug. 25, 1807. Mary, d. David and Lydia, Aug. 24, 18 10. Mary Augusta, d. James, shoemaker, and Harriet, at Newport, Nov. 20, 1846. Mary B., d. Joseph H., seaman, and Mary E., at Newport, Oct. 17, 1845. Molly, d. Will[ia]m and Elizabeth, Mar. 4, 1760. Molly Leach, d. David and Mary, May 19, 1765. Patty, d. David and Mary, Mar. 19, 1764. Prissalah, d. William, jr. and Betsey, Aug. 31, 1799. Rachel, d. Samuel and Joanna, Aug. 18, 1797. Ruth, d. Will[iam] and Elisabeth, bp. Dec. 4, 1774. c. R. Samuel, s. Samuel and Joanna, Aug. 12, 1795. Sam[ue]ll, s. William, bp. Sept. 24, 1769. c. r. William, s. William and Elisabeth, Apr. 5, 1765. William, s. William, jr. and Betsey, Dec. 18, 1802. William, s. William and Mary, Sept. 19, 1834. William, s. Mary, bp. Aug. 7, 1836. c. R. William Henry, s. Samuel and Joanna, Sept. 6, 18 10. William Henry, s. Hillard and Ann, Nov. 30, 1838. , s. Joseph H,, mariner, and Mary E., Aug. 31, 1847. MURPHE [McMurphe. c. r.], Molle, d. Thomas and Mary, Mar. 3. 1754- MURRAY (see also Murry), Elizabeth, d. John and Lydia, Nov. 22, 1813. Hardy Phippin, s. John and Mary, July 27, 1842. John Edwards, s. John and Mary, Jan. 29, 1833. Joseph Phippen, s. John and Mary, Apr. 30, 1837. Lydia, d. John and Lydia, Apr. 2, 1809. Lydia Crowell, d. John and Mary, Nov. 5, 1839. 98 MANCHESTER BIRTHS MURRY (see also Murray), James Allen, s. John, cabinet maker, and Mary E., Apr. 27, 1848. John, s. John and Lydia, Oct. 20, 1804. Lydia C, d. John, cabinet maker, and Mary E., Mar. 28, 1845. NICCOALSS, Mary, d. PhiUip and Ann, Feb. 13, 1713-14. NOLTEN (see also Knowlton), Amme, d. Ezekel (Knolten) and Amme, Aug. 8, 1728. NORTEN (see also Norton), Asarias, s. Shadrack and Elezebeth, July 24, 1721. NORTON (see also Norten), Azariah, s. Azariah and Abigill, Sept. 10, 1744. Azariah, s. Azariah and Eunice, Sept. 18, 1768. Elezebeth, d. Azariah and Abigal, Apr. 27, 1 74 [i 746. c. R.]. Eunice, d. Azariah and Eunice, Nov. 16, 1766. George, s. Azariah and [wid. c. r.] Eunice, Feb. 17, 1778. Joseph, s. Shadrack and E[l]izabeth, Apr. 20, 17 15. Joseph, s. Azariah and Abigail, bp. Sept. 14, 1740. c. R. Mary, d. Joseph and Mirriam, Nov. 25, 17 10. Mary, d. Shadrack and Elizabeth, Mar. 5, 17 11- 12. Naby, d. [Capt. c. r.] Azariah and Eunice, July 17, 1776. NORWOOD, Betsey, d. Dr. David and Elezebeth, at Topsfield, Dec. 21, 1779. David, s. [Dr. c. r.] David and Elezebeth, Dec. 25, 1785. Nancy, d. David and Elezebeth, Mar. 17, 1792. Soppia, d. [Dr. c. r.] David and Elezebeth, May 7, 1788. Thomas, s. David and Elezebeth, Apr. 6, 1 790. William, s. [Dr. c. R.] David and Elezebeth, Feb. 21, 1784. OBER, Abigail, d. Benjamin and Anna, Apr. 7, 1753. Andrew Woodbury, s. Benja[min] [jr. c. R.] and Elezebeth, Nov. 11, 1782. Anna, d. Benja[min], jr. and Elisabeth, bp. Oct. 15, 1780. c. r. Anna, d. Samuel and Molly, Sept. 9, 1794. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Anne, Apr. 3, 1754. Benja[min], s. Benja[min], [jr. c. r.] and Elezebeth, July 17, 1778. Betsey, d. Benjamin, jr. and Elezebeth, May 22, 1785. Charlotta, d. Benja[min], jr. and Elezebeth, Dec. 20, 1794. Daniel, s. Benjamin and Anna, Oct. 10, 1757. Daniel, s. Benjamin, jr. and Elezebeth, Apr. 26, 1787. Hitty, d. Samuel and Molly, Mar. 18, 1789. Israel, s. [Capt. c. r.] Israel Foster and Nabby, May 19, 1781. Israel, s. Benja[min], jr. and Elezebeth, July 6, 1790. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 99 Ober, Israel Foster, s. Benja[min] and Anna, Dec. i8, 1755. Issachar, s. Benjamin and Anna, Mar. 25, 1758. Issachar, s. Benj[ami]n, jr. and Elezebeth, Apr. 29, 17S9. Issacher, s. Benjamin and Anna, Nov. 17, 1768. Jenny, d. Benja[min] and Anna, bp. Mar. 31, 1771. c. R. Margrett, d. Benjamin and Anna, Jan. 21, 1765. Molly, d. Samuel and Molly, June 12, 1791. Molly, d. Benj[ami]n, jr. and Elezebeth, Dec. 13, 1792. Nabby, d. Benjamin and Anna, Nov. 9, 1760. Nabby, d. Benjamin, jr. and Elezebeth, Dec. 17, 1796. Peter, s. Benja[min] and Anna, bp. Nov. 30, 1772. c. r. Priscilla, d. Benjamin and Anna, Feb. 14, 1767. Prudence, d. Jacob, bp. Nov. — , 1773. c. r. Samuel, s. Benjamin and Anna, Aug. 10, 1762. Samuel, s. Samuel and Molly, Oct. 20, 1787. OB[blotted]AN, James, " Printis of " Capt. Jacob Allen, Apr. 13, , [rec. abt. 1779.]. ORSBORN (see also Osborn), Ann Mariah, d. Oliver, mariner, and Ann, Aug. 26, 1847. Horace M., s. William, seaman, and Nancy, at Black Cove, New- port, Sept. 19, 1845. ORSMENT (see also Osment), Anna, d. Benja[min] and Elisa- beth, bp. Oct. 5, 1760. c. R. Anna, d. John and Margret, Sept. 7, 1775. Anne, d. John and Annah, Apr. 5, 1722. Asa, s. Benjamin and Jane, Oct. 31, 1768. Benja[min], s. Benja[min] and Elisabeth, bp. May 28, 1758. c. R. Benja[min], s. Benja[min], bp. Dec. 20, 1762. c. R. Benjamin, s. Benja[min] and Jane, Jan. 23, 1765. Betty, d. Benjamin and Betty [Elizabeth, c. R.], May 18, 1745. Betty, d. John and Margaret, bp. Sept. 25, 1774. c. R. Bill, s. Benjamin and Jane, Jan. 18, 1767. Elizabeth, or Betty, d. John and Margarett, June 15, 1773. John, s. John and Annah, Feb. 28, 17 18-19. John*, s. Benjamin and Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 11, 1743-4. c. R. John, s. John and Hannah, bp. Mar. 31, 1745. c. R. [John. c. R.], s. Benjamin and Betty, May 29, 1747. John, s. [Capt. c. r.] John and Margret, Feb. 6, 1777. John, s. John and Anna, Nov. 7, 1801. Kezia, d. John and Anna, Oct. 24, 181 4. Ledeah, d. John and Annah, Nov. 27, 1727. Lucey, d. John and Margarett, June 7, 1771. Lucy, d. John and Margaret, bp. Sept. 25, 1774. c. r. •"Orsment or Orsman." lOO MANCHESTER BIRTHS Orsment, Lydia, d. Benja[min] and Elizabeth, May 27, 1752. Peggy, d. John and Anna, Apr. 13, 181 2. Sally, d. John and Anna, Feb. i, 1806. Samuel, s. Benjamin and Jane, Apr. 7, 1771. Sarah, d. Benj[ami]n and Ehsabeth, Apr. 21, 1755. Washington, s. John and Anna, Jan. 5, 1809. William Andreas, s. Benjamin and Elisabeth, bp. May 7, 1 749. c. r. William Andreas, s. Benj[amin], bp. June 17, 1750. c. r. OSBORN (see also Orsborn), Ann Maria, d. Oliver and Ann, Sept. I, 1839. Asa William, s. Asa and Lydia, June 14, 1828. Elizabeth Choate, d. Asa and Lydia, Feb. 22, 1834. Emehne Putnam, d. WilHam and Nancy, July 30, 1841. Emily Augusta, d. Asa and Lydia, June 16, 1831. Evaline, d. Asa and Lydia, Aug. 22, 1825, Harriet Newhall, d. W[illia]m and Nancy, Apr. 23, 1843. Juha Frances, d. William and Nancy, May 24, 1839. Lydia Ann, d. Asa and Lydia, Nov. 9, 1823. Rebecca Leach, d. William and Nancy, Nov. 9, 1832. OSMENT (see also Orsment), Joanna, d. John, jr. and Hannah, Feb. 16, 1742-3. OWEN, Mary, d. John and Mary, Mar. 11, 1687. O[torn], Jacob, s. Jacob and Prudence, bp. Nov. 10, 1771. c. r. PAARS (see also Pearce), Maryam, d. Recherd (Pars) and Sarah, July 18, 1722. PARASH, Philomela, d. Rev. Ariel and Hannah, July 15, 1793. PARKER, Edward Everett, s. Wiseman B. and Sarah W., Jan. 19, 1837. George William, s. Wiseman B. and Sarah W., Mar. 24, 1835. PARSONS (see also Persons), Charles Gushing, s. Tyler and Irene, Aug. 3, 1828. Gharlotte Annabl[e], d. Samuel F. and Sophia, Sept. 13, 1S39. Eliza Bailey, d. Tyler, mariner, and Irene, May 2, 1843. Elizabeth Ann, d. Gharles, baker, and Elizabeth, Mar. 13, 1844. George Albert, s. Sam[ue]l F. and Sophia, Apr. 20, 1842. Harriet Elford, d. Tyler and Irene, May 4, 1826. Lucy, d. Eliezer, bp. [at Gloucester?], June 2, 172S. c. R. Lydia Augusta, d. Charles, laborer, and Elizabeth, July 13, 1S47. Mary Jane, d. Tyler and Jane, Aug. 11, 1S08. Samuel Austin, s. Samuel F. and Sophia, Oct. 28, 1834. Samuel Forster, s. Tyler and Jane, May 8, 1S03. Tyler Franklin, s. Tyler and Irene, Mar. 14, 1825. Tylor, s. Tylor and Jenny, Jan. 17, iSoi. MANCHESTER BIRTHS lOI PEABODY, Elizabeth, d. John C, cabinet maker, b. Bradford, and Joanna D., Sept. 20, 1849. PEARCE (see also Paars, Pears, Peircce, Peirce, Perce, Pierce), Anna, d. John and Anna, Sept. 9, 1755. Anna, d, John and Abial, Feb. 10, 1773. John, s. John and Anna, Sept. 5, 1752. Mary, d. Elisabeth, Dec. 2, 1739. Merriam, d. John and Mary, Aug. 6, 1693. Richard, s. John and Mary, June 25, 1698. Samuel, s. John and Anna, Sept. 7, 1769. Sarah, d. Rec[h]erd and Sarah, Sept. 21, 1717. Sarah, d. John and Anna, Jan. 22, 1761. Thomas, s. John and Mary, May 23, 1691. William, s. Abial (Perce), Sept. 15, 1789. PEARRY (see also Perry), Libberty, s. Robert (Peary) and Mary, Dec. 15, 1775. PEARS (see also Pearce), Elesebeth, d. Rec[h]erd and Sarah, Oct. 17, 1719. PEART (see also Pert), Amandy, d. WiUiam and Nancy, June 10, 1S19, Charles William Ferguson, s. Jacob and Stattira, Aug. 16, 1S39. Dorinda, d. Israel and Eunice, Feb. 27, 1814. Edwin, s. Jacob and Statira, Jan. 27, 1826. Eliza, d. Israel and Eunice, Jan. 23, 18 12. Emeline, d. Jacob and Statira, Sept. 17, 181 9. Emily Augusta, d. James S., cabinet maker, and Lydia Ann, b. Gloucester, Feb. 15, 1849. Eunice, d. Israel and Eunice, June 22, 1806. Hannah, d. Samuel and Abigail, Dec. 27, 1807. Jacob, s. Jacob and Stattira, June 23, 1815. Jacob, s. Jacob and Statira, Aug. 30, 1822. James, s. Samuel and Abigail, Apr. 9, 1814. James Nelson, s. James S., cabinet maker, and Lydia Ann, July 27, 1844. Louisa, d. William and Nancy, Apr. 17, 1808. Lucretia, d. William and Nancy, Mar. 4, 1810. Lydia Ann, d. James and Lydia Ann, Mar. 28, 1839. Mary, d. Israel and Eunice, Dec. 13, 1807. Nabby, d. Samuel and Abigail, Apr. 5, 1809. Nancy, d. William and Nancy, Jan. 5, 1806. Orissa, d. William and Nancy, July 24, 181 2. Orissa, d. William and Nancy, May 7, 18 17. Peggy, d. Samuel and Abigail, Jan. 7, 18 13. I02 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Peart, Sally, d. Samuel and Abigail, June 17, 1806. Samuel, s, Richard and Hannah, June 27, 1773. Samuel L., s. James S., cabinet maker, and Lydia A., Dec. 24, 1845. Stattiria, d. Jacob and Stattiria, Mar. 4, 181 3. William, s. Richard and Hannah, Feb. 5, 1775. William Bennet, s. William and Nancy, Aug. 3, 1814. , s. James, cabinet maker, and Lydia Ann, June 30, 1844. PEIRCCE (see also Pearce), David, s. John (Peirce) and Abial, May 10, 1778. PEIRCE (see also Pearce), John, s. John and Anna, bp. Sept. 24, 1749. c. R. PERCE (see also Pearce), Elizabeth, d. Francis and Liddiah, Apr. 22, 1700. Miriam, bp. May 28, 1738, a. 16 y. c. R. Nathaniel, s. John and Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 26, 1722. c. R. PERRY (see also Pearry), Anise, d. Joseph and Elisabeth, bp. Aug. I, 1762. c. R. Anise, d. Joseph and Elisabeth, bp. July 15, 1764. c. r. Anna, d. Jacob and Anne, Oct. 10, 1795. Annis, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, July i, 1765. Elizabeth, d. John and Elizabeth, Nov. 10, 1768. Hannah, d. Samuel and Hannah, Dec. 2, 1769. Jacob, s. Jacob and Anna, Dec. 25, 1793. Jacob [Forster. c. r.], s. John and Elizabeth, June 15, 1765. Jacob Forster, s. Jacob and Anna, Jan. 22, 1799. John, s. John and Elezebeth, Dec. 19, 1739. John, s. John and Elizabeth, Nov. 26, 1763. John, s. Jacob and Anna, Sept. 14, 1792. John, s. Jacob and Anna, Dec. 21, 1796. Joseph, s. John and Elizabeth, June 26, 1743. Joseph, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, June 20, 1770. Leuse, d. John and Elezebeth, Mar. 14, 1735-6. Margarett, d. Robert and Mary, Aug. 30, 1772. Mary, d. Robert and Mary, Oct. 28, 1768. Mehitable, d. John and Elizabeth, June 20, 1767. Patty, d. Robert and Mary, Jan. 6, 1771- Rachal, d. Robbert and Mary, Nov. 20, 1777. Robert, s. John and Elizabeth, Mar. 4, i745- Robert, s. Robert and Mary, Jan. 5, 1774- Samuel, s. John and Elizabeth, Dec. 16, 1747. Samuel, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, May 28, 1773. Sarah, d. Sam[ue]ll and Hannah, Dec. 23, 1771- MANCHESTER BIRTHS IO3 Perry, Susanna, d. Joseph and Elisab[eth], bp. Mar. 29, 1767. C. R. William, s. Robert and Mary, July 15, 1780. PERSONS (see also Parsons), Betsey Forster, d. Tyler and Jenny, June 17, 1799. William, s. William Persons, of Glocester, and Amy Stone, Aug. 26, 1763. PERT (see also Peart), Bartholomew, s. Richard and Hannah, Mar. 13, 1767. Daniel, s. Samuel and Nabby, May 17, 1803. Hannah, d. Richard and Hannah, Mar. 2, 1764. Harriet, d. Statira, bp. June 26, 1831. c. r. Israel, s. Richard and Hannah, Dec. 21, 1768. Israel, s. Richard and Hannah, July 5, 1781. Jacob, s. Richard and Hannah, Aug. 25, 1786. Jany [Jane. c. r.], d. Richard and Hannah, Feb. 12, 1779. Margret, d. Richard and Hannah, Aug. i, 1777. Patty, d. Richard and Hannah, July 30, 1771. Richard, s. Richard and Hannah, Apr. 10, 1765. Ruth, d. Richard and Hannah, July 10, 1783. Samuel, s. Samuel and Nabby, Aug. 30, 1799. William, s. Samuel and Nabby, Feb. 15, 1801. PETERS (see also Petters), Liddiah, d. Richard and Ruth, Aug. 21, 1715- Rec[h]erd, s. Rec[h]erd and Rueth, June 8, 17 18. Ruth, d. Richard and Ruth, Feb. 19, 1711-12. William, s. Richard and Ruth, Oct. 21, 17 13. PETMAN (see also Pitman), Elezebeth, d. Thomas and Sarah, June 4, 1718. Mary, d. Joseph and Anne, , 17 18. Thomas, s. Thomas and Sarah, Apr. 19, 1720. PETTERS (see also Peters), Mark, s. Rec[h]erd and Ruth, Sept. 4, 1720. PHILLIPS, George Everett, s. Henry L., cabinet maker, b. Lynn, and Mary Frances, b. Gloucester, Feb. 18, 1849. PICKERING, Charles W., s. Winthrop, farmer, b. Beverly, and Mary, Feb. i, 1849. PIERCE (see also Pearce), Albert Everett, s. Joseph, cabinet maker, and Martha S., Aug. 16, 1844. Ann Augusta, d. Joseph and Martha S., May 12, 1842. John, s. John and Abial, Nov. 6, 1775. I04 MANCHESTER BIRTHS PITMAN (see also Petman), Benjaman, s. Jams and Elisabeth, Jan. 17, 1706-7. Elisabeth, d. James and Mary, May 6, 1688. Elizabeth, d. Thomas and Sarah, May 27, 1704. James, s. James and IMary, Sept. 25, 1681. Jam[e]s, s. Thomas and Sarah, June 12, 1709. Joseph, s. Jams and Mary, Sept. 28, 1695. Joseph, s. Thomas and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1714. Joseph, s. Joseph and Ann, July 12, 17 16. Mark, s. Mark and Sarah, July 3, 1697. Marke, s. James and Mary, Feb. 10, 1676. Martha, d. Mark and Sarah, May 18, 1705. Mary, d. James and Mary, Sept. 5, 16S4. Mary, d. Mark and Sary, Dec. 16, 1699. Sarah, d. James and Mary, Sept. 18, 1679. Sarah, d. Mark and Sarah, Sept. 29, 1702. Thomas, s. James and Mary, Apr. 6, 1682. Thomas, s. Thomas and Sarah, Nov. 27, 1701. William, s. Thomas and Sarah, Apr. i, 171 2. POLAND (see also Porland, Powland), Ezra, s. Thomas and Jo- anna [Anna. c. r.], Sept. 4, 1763. Joanna, d. Thomas and Joanna, Aug. 4, 1766. John, s. Thomas and Judah, at Ipswich, May 19, 1752. John, s. John and Lydia, Aug. 27, 1776. Mary, d. Thomas and Joanna, Feb. 22, 1769. Nehemiah, s. Thomas and Joanna [Anna. c. R.], Sept. 25, 1761. Seward, s. Thomas and Joanna, Nov. i, 1759. Thomas, s. Thomas and Joanna, Sept. 12, 1757. PORLAND (see also Poland), Benja[min], s. John and Lydia, bp. Aug. 27, 1780. c. R. John, s. John, bp. Sept. — , 1775. c. r. Thomas, s. Thomas and Joanna, bp. Sept. 4, 1774- c. R. William, s. Thomas and Joanna, bp. Apr. 19, 1778. c. r. PORTER, Lucy, d. Willard and Lucy, June 22, 1806. POTTER, Benja[min], s. Mrs. Anna, bp. July 15, 1810. c. r. Dudley, s. Mrs. Anna, bp. July 15, 18 10. c. R. Elizabeth, d. Mrs. Anna, bp. July 15, 1810. c. R. Henry, s. Mrs. Anna, bp. July 15, 18 10. c. R. Loisa, d. Mrs. Anna, bp. July 15, 18 10. C. R. Mary Ann, d. Mrs. Anna, bp. July 15, 1810. c. R. William H., s. Mrs. Anna, bp. July 15, 1810. c. R. POWLAND (see also Poland), Lydia, d. John and Lydia, Mar. 13' 1774- MANCHESTER BIRTHS IO5 PRESON (see also Presson), Benja[min], s. Benja[min] and Mary, Dec. 28, 1730. Benja[min], s. Benja[min] and Mary, July 28, 1732. Daved, s. Daved and Annah, Oct. 31, 1720. Mary, d. Benj[amin] and Mary, Jan. 23, 1724-5. Mishaell, s. Daved and Mary, Dec. 25, 17 13. Ruth, d. Benja[min] and Mary, July 11, 1728. Ruth, d. Benj[amin] and Mary, June 25, 1729. PRESSEN (see also Presson), John, s. David and Mary, Nov. 27, 1710. Mary, d. David and Mary, Aug. 11, 1707. PRESSON (see also Preson, Pressen, Preston), Anne, d. Isaac and Deborah, Oct. 23, 1777. Betsey, d. Nathan and Elezebeth, Apr. 23, 1784, Betsy, d. Isaac, jr. and Betsy, Jan. 2, 18 15. Betty, d. Nehemiah and Hannah, Dec. 5, 1774. David, s. Isaac, bp. Aug. 21, 1774. c. R. David, s. Isaac and Deborah, Jan. 16, 1780. Deborah, d. Isaac and Deborah, Sept, 17, 1768. Eleanor, d. Mrs. Hannah, bp. Aug. 4, 1782. c. R. Elener, d. Nehemiah and Hannah, July 30, 1782. Elisabeth, d. wid. Elisab[eth],bp. July 13, 1788. c. R. Elizabeth, d. twin, Anna, bp. Aug. 11, 1734. c. R. Hannah, d. Anna, bp. Aug. 13, 1727. c. R. Hannah, d. Nehemiah and Hanah, Mar. 20, 1777. Hetty, d. Isaac and Deborah, Mar. 9, 1782. Isaac, s. David and Anna, bp. Oct. 31, 1725. c. R. Isaac, s. Isaac and Margrett, July 25, 1748. Isaac, s. Isaac and Margaret, bp. Sept. 9, 1750. c. R. Isaac, s. Isaac and Deborah, Sept. 17, 1772. Isaac, s. Isaac, jr. and Nabby, Dec. 6, 1793. John, s. David and Ruth, Apr. 4, 1769. Margarett, d. Isaac and Deborah, Aug. 27, 1770. Mary, d. Anna, bp. Apr. 19, 1724. c. R. Mary, d. Mary, " who renewed her covenant att M[arble]head," bp. Jan. 29, 1724-5- c. R. Molly, d. Isaac and Deborah [Mary c. R.], Aug. 27, 1775. Nabby, d. Isaac and Nabby, Aug, 25, 1795. Nathan, s. Nathan and Elezebeth, at Beverly, Aug. 28, 1786. Roger, s. twin, Anna, bp. Aug. 11, 1734, c. R. Sarah, d. Anna, bp. Aug. 11, 1723. c. R. Solomon, s, Anna, bp, June 6, 1731. c. R. William, s. Nehemiah and Hannah, Sept. 5, 1779. I06 MANCHESTER BIRTHS PRESTON (see also Presson), Abigail, d. Isaac, bp. Oct. 3, 1802. c. R. Isaac, s. Isaac, bp. Oct. 3, 1802. c. r. John Simonds, s. William, mason, and Eliza, Dec. 26, 1847. William Henry, s. W[illia]mand Elizabeth, Sept. 17, 1841. PRICE, Charlotte Ann, d. Joseph, cabinet maker, b. Tamworth, N. H., and Nancy, b. Lynn, Dec. 3, 1848. Luis, s. Joseph, cabinet maker, and Abigail S., Jmie 3, 1844. Mary Elizabeth, d. Joseph, cabinet maker, and Nancy, Oct. 8, 1845. William Porter, s. Joseph and Abigail, Sept. 20, 1841. PRINCE, Ambros, s. Jonathan and Molly, Oct. 27, 1777. Betsey, d. Samuel and Betsey, July 26, 1801. Jenne, d. Jonathan and Jenne, Oct. 14, 1797. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Molly, Aug. i, 1773. Maria, d. Samuel and Betsey, June 3, 1804. Molly, d. Jonathan and Molly, Sept. 4, 1779. Samuel, s. Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 2, 1774. Samuel, s. Samuel and Betsey, July 21, 1799. PROCTER (see also Proctor), Anna, d. Isaac and Lucy, Aug. 27, 1760. Anna, d. Frances and Nabby, May 5, 1800. Arial, s. Frances and Nabby, Sept. 22, 1797. Chariot Allen, d. John and Lucy, at Manchester, N. H., Feb. 18, 1808. Daniel Edwards, s. Frances and Nabby, Aug. 13, 1788. Elezebeth, d. Frances and Nabby, Jan. 4, 1793. Frances, s. Frances and Nabby, Dec. 24, 1789. Isaac, s. Frances and Nabby, June 5, 1785. Israel, s. Franceis and Nabby, Feb. 4, 1796. Lucy, d. Frances and Nabby, July 29, 1794. Nabby, d. Frances and Nabby, Mar. 20, 1791. Nathanael, s. Isaac and Lucy, Sept. 26, 1770. , ch. George, cabinet maker, and Caroline, , 1844. PROCTOR (see also Procter), Hannah, d. John and Hannah, bpo Mar. 7, 1784. c. R. John, s. John and Hannah, bp. July 13, 1788. c. R. Nabby, d. Frances and Nabby, Dec. 10, 1786. PULSIFER, John, s. Richard and Mary, Sept. 10, 1770. Richard, s. Richard and Mary, July 5, 1766. Sarah, d. Richard and Mary, May 4, 176S. QUIMBEY (see also Quimby), Sally, d. Sam[ue]ll and Sarah, July 17, 1784. MANCHESTER BIRTHS IO7 QUIMBY (see also Quimbey), Azariah, s. Samuel and Sarah, Nov. 23, 1787. QUINER, Betty, d. Abraham and Elizibeth, June 16, 1783. Molley, d. Abraham and Elezebeth, Mar. i, 1779. RANDALL, Abraham, s. Rev. Abraham and Hannah, Jan. 19, 1S04. Hannah, d. Rev. Abraham and Hannah, June 28, 1805. Jonathan, s. Abraham, bp. Jan. 17, 1808. c. R. REED, Dana E., s. Eben R., veneer sawer, b. Hollis, and Maha- la, Sept. 28, 1848. RENALS, James, s. Eleksha and Mary, Jan. 15, 1687. RICHARDS, Anna, d. John and Betsey, Oct. 12, 1799. Betsey, d. John and Betsey, Sept. 12, 1797. Elizabeth Ann, d. John and Hannah, Nov. 5, 1831. Hannah Leach, d. John and Hannah, June i, 1834. John, s. John and Anna, Mar. 24, 1806. Lydia, d. John and Betsey, Sept. 7, 1803. RICHARDSON, Asa, s. Asa and Elizabeth, Nov. 4, 1810. Edward, s. Asa and Elizabeth, Aug. 31, 181 2. [Aug. 30. dup.] Edward Franklin, s. Nathan, blacksmith, and Caroline, Nov. 23, 1848. Elizabeth, d. Asa, jr. and Betsey, Jan. 25, 1S36. Harriet Augusta, d. Asa, jr. and Betsey, Mar. 26, 1838. Henry Butler, s. Nathan, blacksmith, and Mary E., Mar. 22, 1S45. Isaac Preston, s. Asa, jr. and Betsey, July 12, 1840. Lydia, d. Asa and Betsey, July 23, 1820. Mary, d. Asa and Elizabeth, Jan. 13, 181 5. [Jan. 25. dup.] Mary Kimball, d. Asa, jr., blacksmith, and Betsy, Aug. 18, 1849. Nathan, s. Asa and Betsey, June 4, 181 8. ROBBERTS (see also Roberts), Annis, d. Wi]l[ia]m and Mercy, June 14, 1777. Joanna, d. Will[ia]m and Marthew [Mercy, c. R.], Apr. 6, 1782. Mercy, d. Will[ia]m (Roberts) and Mathaw [Mercy, c. r.], Dec. II, 1788. William, s. William and Mercy [Mary. c. R.], Dec. 23, 1779. ROBERDS (see also Roberts), Oliver, s. Andrew, bp. Oct. 7, 1792. c. R. ROBERTS (see also Robberts, Roberds), Abigail, d. William and Mercy, bp. Aug. 29, 1784. c. R. Andrew, s. Andrew and Molley, bp. Sept. 20, 1789. c. r. I08 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Roberts, Andrew, s. Andrew, jr. and Eunice, Mar. ii, 1810. Anna, d. Jonathan and Hannah, bp. Apr. 28, 1754. c. r. Annis, d. Will[ia]m and Mercy, bp. Nov. 7, 1779. c. r. Aurelia, d. William Cross and Mehitable, Jan. 9, 1842. Eunice, d. Andrew, jr. and Eunice, May 5, 1806. Evoline Osborn, d. Andrew and Mary Ann, June 20, 1842. Hannah, d. Andrew, jr. and Eunice, Nov. 23, 1808. Harriet, d. Andrew and Eunice, Oct. 31, 18 16. Hitte, d. Andrew and Eunice, Jan. 14, 18 14. Johanna, d. Hannah, bp. Nov. 29, 1741. c. R. Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Hannah, bp. Oct. 7, 1744. C. R. Lesey, d. Andrew and Molley, bp. Sept. 20, 1789. c. r. Louisa, d. Andrew and Eunice, Mar. i, 1816. Martha Ann, d. Peter W., labourer, and Sarah, at Newport, Feb. 24, 1846. Martha Morgan, d. Andrew, shoemaker, and Mary, at Black Cove, Newport, Jan. 28, 1847. Mary, d. Hannah, bp. Nov. 29, 1741. c. R. Mary, d. Jonathan, bp. Nov. 17, 1751. c. r. Mary Ann, d. Andrew and Eunice, Jan. 31, 1823. Miriam, d. Hannah, bp. Nov. 29, 1741. c. r. Molley, d. Andrew and Molley, bp. Sept. 20, 1789. c. r. Nathaniel, s. Nat[haniel] and Hannah, bp. Jan. 20, 1 741 [-2]. c. R. Olive Norton, d. Andrew and Mary, June 22, 1838. Oliver, s. Andrew and Eunice, Feb. 8, 1821. Priscilla, d. Andrew and Molley, bp. Sept. 20, 1789. c. r. William, s. Jonathan, of Beverley, bp. Apr. 5, 1747. c. R. William, s. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 3, 1749. c. r. ROBINSON, David Ingersol, s. John, cordwainer, and Sarah L., Oct. 6, 1S44. ROLLINS, James, s. John and Elizabeth, at Georgetown, Md., July 31, 1789. ROSS, Joseph Wheaton, s. Horace, cabinet maker, b. Ipswich, and Sarah Mariah, b. Nova Scotia, Aug. 17, 1849. ROWE, Ann Maria, d. Abram and Olive, Sept. 2, 1837. Eliza Oilman, d. Abram and Olive, Sept. 11, 1842. Franklin A,, s. Abram, cabinet maker, and Olive M., Feb. 6, 1846. George Abram, s. Abram and Olive, Sept. 19, 1835. Olive Burnham, d. Abram and Olive, Mar. 4, 1840. Theadore Constant, s. Abram, cabinet maker, b. Gloucester, and Olive M., Aug. 15, 1849. , d. Abram, cabinet maker, and Olive, Mar. 10, 1844. RUSELL (see also Russell), Elezebeth, d. Isaac and Elezebeth, Mar. 15, 1796. MANCHESTER BIRTHS I 09 RUSSEL (see also Russell), Abigail Hooper, d. William and Nabby, July 3, 181 7. Caroline, d. William, jr. and Nabby, Sept. 20, 1814. Isaac, s. William and Juda, Apr. — , 18 10. Isaac Lee, s. Isaac, bp. Sept. 19, 1802. c. r. Mary, d. William and Juda, Jan. i, 1S08. William, s. William and Abigail, Aug. 11, 1824. RUSSELL (see also Rusell, Russel), Hannah, d. William and Judath, Nov. 5, 1799. Isaac, s. Isaac and Betsey, May 14, 179S. Joseph, s. Will[ia]m and Judath, Jan. 9, 1791. Judath, d. William and Judath, Mar. 23, 1793. Lucy, d. William and Judath, Jan. 22, 1802. Sally, d. William and Judath, Mar. 8, 1805. Will[ia]m, s. Will[ia]m and Judath, Feb. 10, 1789. William, s. James, tanner, b. Tipparary Co., Ire., and Hannah, b. Co. of Cork, Ire., Aug. 22, 1849. RUST, Ann Eliza, d. William C. and Eliza, June 24, 1833. Charles Henry, s. William C. and Eliza, Apr. 24, 1836. Charlotte Babson, d. William C. and Eliza, Aug. 10, 1839. David Lee, s. William C. and Eliza, Aug. 22, 1831. George Franklin, s. William C. and Eliza, Mar. 2, 1830. WilHam Choate, s. William C. and Eliza, June 21, 1828. SAFFORD, Frank Cummins, s. Samuel H., cabinet maker, b. Newbury, and Lucretia B., July 21, 1849. Henry A., s. Samuel H., cabinet maker, and Lucretia B., Apr. 13, 1846. SAIRS (seealsoSears), William, S.William, bp. Apr. 23, 1738. c. r. SAMPLE (see also Samples), Elizabeth, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, Nov. 14, 1755. Mary, d. Sam[ue]ll and Elizabeth, May 10, 1758. Samuel, s. wid. Elisabeth, bp. May 18, 1766. c. r. SAMPLES (see also Sample), Jenny, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, Mar. 4, 176 [1760. c. R.]. SANBORN, Eliza Ann, d. Nathan [ie]l P. and Sophia, Feb. 27, 1843. John H., s. Nathaniel P., farmer, and Sopha, May 11, 1845. Mary Allen, d. N. P. and Sophia, Jan. 27, 1841. Nathaniel P., s. Nathaniel P., farmer, and Abby H., Aug. i, 1847. Phillemore R., s. Nathaniel P., farmer, b. Andover, N. H., and Abigail H., Jan. 28, 1849. I lO MANCHESTER BIRTHS SARLS (see also Searls), Sarah, d. Benj[amin] and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1736. SAVAGE, Georgianna Elizabeth, d, Sarah W. Tuck, Aug. 19, 1831. SEARL (see also Searls), Elizabeth, d. Benj[amin] and Sarah, bp. Sept. 7, 1740. c. R. SEARLS (see also Saris, Searl, Serls), Benjamin, s. Benj[amin] and Sarah, bp. Mar. 11, i738[-9]. c. R. Judith, d. Benja[min] and Sarah, Jan. 11, 1747. Lucy, d. Benjamin, bp. Oct. 7, 1733. c. R. Luse, d. Benjaman and Sarah, Aug. 30, 1740. SEARS (see also Sairs, Seeares, Seirs), Antony, s. William and Sarah, bp. Feb. 10, 1744-5. c. R. WiUiam, s. William, jr. and Sarah, Apr. 20, 1738. SEEARES (see also Sears), John, s. William (Seares) and Sarah, June 15, 1742. SEIRS (see also Sears), Elizabeth,- d. William and Charity, bp. Nov. 23, 1735. c. R. Sarah, d. Will[iam], bp. July 13, 1740. c. R. SERLS (see also Searls), Judith, d. Benja[min] and Sarah, Jan. II, 1746-7. SEVERANCE, Eveline Matilda, d. Benjamin W., cabinet maker, b. Lewis, N. Y., and Lucy R., b. VVenham, Mar 4, 1849. SEWAL (see also Sewall), Jonathan Mitchell, s. Stephen and Nabby, bp. Apr. 11, 1779. c. r. SEWALL (see also Sewal), Stephen, s. Stephen and Nabby, bp. Mar. 8, 1778. c. r. SHEPARD (see also Sheppard), Mariah L., d. Samuel, uphol- ster [er], and Ann M., Oct. 24, 1845. SHEPPARD (see also Shepard), Anna, d. Samuel, upholsterer, and Ann Mariah, June 17, 1847. David Alden, s. Samuel and Ann Maria, Feb. 25, 1840. Franklin Henry, s. Samuel, upholster [er], b. Dublin, Ire., and Anna Mariah, b. Dublin, Ire., July 26, 1849. Samuel Arsis Darlington, s. Sam[ue]l and Ann Maria, July 16, 1842. SIBLY, Ann, d. John and Rachel, July 20, 1677. John, s. John and Rachell, July 20, 1677. Rachel, d. John and Rachell, Aug. 20, 1675. MANCHESTER BIRTHS I I I SIMONDS (see also Symonds), Aveline Abigail, d. Capt. and Abigail, bp. July 3, 1825. c. r. Granville, s. Abram and Harriet, Jan. 19, 1842. Granville, s. Abram, carpenter, and Harriet, Oct. 23, 1845. Harriet Hooper, d. Abram, carpenter, and Harriet, June 2, 1843. John Andrew, s. Andrew and Nabby, July 3, 1822. John Andrew, s. Capt. and Abigail, bp. July 3, 1825. c. R. Olivia Augusta, d. Capt. and Abigail, bp. July 3, 1825. c. R. SIMONS (see also Symonds), xA.ndrew, s. Andrew and Naby, July 24, 1797. John, s. Andrew and Nabby, Dec. 15, 1800. Rachal, d. Andrew and Ruth, Aug. ii, 1775. William Brown, s. Andrew and Nabby, June i, 1805. SINNIT, Molly, d. John and Mary, Sept. 16, 1758. William, s. John and Mary, June 18, 1756. SLADE, James Manson, s. Thomas W[iUia]m, turner, b. Ports- mouth, N. H., and Susan L., b. Gloucester, Oct. 24, 1848. SMITH, Augustus Allen, s. Augustus W. and Lydia, July 17, 1839. Augustus Williston, s. Burley and Mary, July 27, 1804. Augustus Williston, s. Burly and Mary, Apr. 6, 1806. Azariah, s. Richard and Sarah, July 26, 178S. Burley, s. Augustus W., wood and lumber dealer, and Lydia, Dec. 29, 1843. Clarace, d. Stephen and Nabby, Sept. 14, 1801. Elizabeth, d. Stephen and Nabby, Aug. 26, 1806. Emma Frances, d. Ellingwood and Sally, Apr. 2, 1833. Frederic Winn, s. Ellingwood and Sally, July 7, 1837. Hannah, d. John Carn and Anne, Sept. 9, 1789. Harriet Knight, d. Augustus W. and Lydia K., Apr. 2, 1830. Henry Clarence, s. Ellingwood, cabinet maker, b. Beverly, and Caroline S., b. Ipswich, Jan. 4, 1849. Isaac Procter, s. Burley and Mary, Apr. 25, 1802. Jane Burges, d. Stephen and Abigail, Feb. 28, 181 2. John Ellingwood, s. Ellingwood and Sally, Aug. 2, 1831. Lydia Lee, d. Augustus W. and Lydia K., Oct. 5, 1831. Marten, s. John Carn and Anne, at Pasmay Quady, July 12, 1785. Martha Lee, d. Stephen and Abigail, Jan. 4, 1809. Mary C, d. Burley and Mary, Oct. 19, 1800. Mary Proctor, d. Augustus W. and Lydia K., Jan. 5, 1828. Nabby, d. Benjamin and Nabby, at Gloucester, Aug. 14, 1798. Rachal Lee, d. Steven and Nabby, Sept. 7, 1804. Richard, s. Richard and Sarah, July 9, 1786. Salley, d. Richard and Sarah, bp. Sept. 26, 1784. c. r. 112 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Smith, Samuel, s. Stephen and Nabby, at Salem, Feb. ii, 1799. Samuel Sitnig, s. John Carne and Anne, at Pnobskut Bay, May 29, 1787. STACY, Augustus Morrison, s. Benjamin K. and Harriet, Mar. 5, 1840. Frederic, s. Benj[amin] K. and Harriet, June 14, 1842. STANDLEY (see also Stanley), Ezra, s. Ezra, mason, and Rachel, Apr. 17, 1846. George Washington, s. Paul and Mahala, Apr. 27, 1830. Mahala, d. Paul and Mahala, Oct. 17, 1828. Martha, d. Ezra, mason, b. Beverly, and Rachel Ann, b. Glou- cester, Mar. 14, 1849. Otis M., s. Paul, cabinet maker, and Statira, May 5, 1846, STANLEY (see also Standley, Stanly), Edwin, s. Paul, cabinet maker, and Statira, May 26, 1844. Paul, 2d, s. Ezra, mason, and Rachel Ann, Nov. 8, 1847. , s. Paul, cabinet maker, and Stattira, Feb. 16, 1848. STANLY (see also Stanley), Lewis Milton, s. Paul and Statiria, Sept. 17, 1842. STAN WOOD, Betsey, d. Marke and Betsey, at Ipswich, Oct. 7, 1794. Jobe, s. Jobe and Lydia, at Glocester, July 7, 1788. STEPHENS (see also Stevens), Gedion, s. Moses and Jenny, May 27, 1802. Gideon G., s. G. and Mehitab[le], bp. Feb. 27, 1831. c. r. Moses, s. Moses and Jenny, July 7, 1800. Polly, d. Bartholomu and Polly, June 19, 1799. Sarah, d. Silvester, bp. Oct. 28, 1781. c. r. STEVENS (see also Stephens), Christopher, s. Capt., bp. Oct. — 1775. c. R. Elizabeth, d. Char[le]s and Elizabeth, Dec. 24, 1711. Elizabeth, d. Charl[e]s and Elizabeth, Oct. 3, 17 15. Gideon, s. Gideon and Hannah, Apr. 10, 1840. Gideon Gould, s. Gideon and Mehitable, Dec. 25, 1825. Hannah, d. Gideon and Hannah, July 24, 1837. Maston, s. Charl[e]s and Elizabeth, Feb. 14, 17 13. Samuell, s. Samuell and Anna, bp. at Glochester, Aug. i, 1 725. c. r- STILES (see also Styles), Betsey, d. Pheneis and Betsey, Mar. 20, 1794. Clarry, d. Phenius and Betsey, Aug. 4, 1799. John Sanders, s. Pheneus and Betsey, Jan. 8, 1802. Marke, s. Pheneis and Betsey, Sept. 18, 1797. MANCHESTER BIRTHS I I 3 STONE, Abigail, d. Samuell and Byall, Apr. 19, 1705. Abraham, s. William and Anna, Oct. 27, 1768. Abraham, s. Abraham and Elezebeth, Apr. 26, 1794. Adelaide Augusta, d. Samuel P., cabinet maker, and Hannah, Mar. 10, 1S45. Anna, d. Samuel and P^lezebeth, June 23, 1797. Anne, d. Will[ia]m and Mary, May 13, 1784. Bethyah, d. Samuell and Byall, June 28, 1712. Betsey, d. Samuel and Elezebeth, Mar. 5, 1795. Betsey, d. Abraham and Elezebeth, Aug. 27, 1796. Charles Henry, s. William and Mary, Oct. 10, 1S42. Elezebeth, d. Samuel and Ruth, Mar. 19, 17 18-19. Elizabeth Burnham Morgan, d. Samuel P. and Hannah, Apr. 22, 1837. Elizabeth Hooper, d. William and Aphia, Sept. 13, 1S29. Emily, d. Henry and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1838. Ester, d. Samuell and Byall, June 10, 1709. Hannah, d. Henry and Hannah, July 23, 1834. Henry, s. Henry and Hannah, Aug. 30, 1832. Jeney, d. Will[ia]m and Mary, Feb. 4, 1779. John, S.William and Anna, Jan. 22, 1772. John, s. Abraham and Betsey, Feb. 2, 1799. John William, s. John and Sally, Oct. 29, 1842. Joseph, s. William, bp. Sept. 20, 1772. c. r. Joseph, s. Henry and Hannah, Mar. 20, 1836. Joseph Phippen, s. Will[ia]m and Mary, Dec. 2, 1781. Louisa, d. Henry and Hannah, Nov. 10, 1830. Margret, d. Will[ia]m and Mary, Apr. 14, 1777. Mary, d. Samuel and Ruth, at Falmouth, in Casco Bay, Aug. 30, 1738. Mary, d. Mary Ann, Dec. — , 1835. Mary Ann, d. Abraham and Elizabeth, Apr. 29, 1808. Mary Elizabeth, d. William and Mary, Feb. 4, 1841. ISlary H., d. Henry, stone cutter, and Hannah, Mar. 12, 1847. Mary Jane, d. John and Sally, Dec. i, 1840. Nabby, d. Samuel and Elezebeth, Sept. 22, 1799. Nancy P., d. John, seaman, and Sally M., Sept. 25, 1845. Oliver, s. Henry and Hannah, Feb. 17, 1842. Phebe, d. Henry and Hannah, Jan. 26, 1841. Ruth, d. Samuel and Ruth, Jan. 29, 1720-21. Sally, d. Samuel and Elezebeth, Feb. 14, 1802. Samuel, s. William and Anna, Nov. 15, 1766. Samuel, s. Abraham and Elezebeth, Apr. 21, 1803. Samuel, s. William and Aphia, July 16, 1826. Samuel Phippen Nelson, s. Samuel P. and Hannah, Apr. 29, 1839. Samuell, s. Sam[ue]l and Ruth, bp. Aug. 23, 1724. c. R. 114 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Stone, Sarah, d. Mary, bp. Sept. 26, 1762. c. r. Sarah Elizabeth, d. John and Sally, July 6, 1S3S. Susan Francis, d. Henry, stone cutter, and Hannah, Apr. 16, 1845. Thomas B., s. Samuel, cabinetmaker, and Hannah, May 30, 1848. William, s. Samuel and Ruth, at Falmouth, in Casco Bay, Jan. 29, 1735-6- William, s. William and Anna, bp. Mar. 20, 1763. c. r. William, s. William and Anna, Oct. i, 1764. William, s, Sam[ue]ll and Elezebeth, Jan. 30, 1793. WiUiam, s. Abraham and Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1806. William Abram, s. William and Mary Elizabeth, Feb. 18, 1839. me, d. Samuel and Ruth, at Falmouth, in Casco Bay, [No] vember 17, 1731. n, d. Samuel and Ruth, at Falmouth, in Casco Bay, Mar. 3, 1729-30. , s. William, jr., bp. Jan. 6, 1771. c. R. , d. Henry, stone mason, and Hannah, Jan. 31, 1844. STORER (see also Story), Eunice, d. Nathan and Eunice, Nov. 5. ^71- Lucy, d. Nehemiah and Mary, Dec. 11, 1768. Nathan, s. Nathan and Eunice, Aug. 27, 1769. STOREY (see also Story), Eunice, d. Nathan, bp. Jan. 7, 1776. c. R. Lucy, d. Nehemiah and Lucy, bp. Sept. — , 1775. c. R. Nathan, s. Nathan and Eunice, bp. Sept. 27, 1772. c. R. Sarah, d. Nehemiah and Lucy, bp. Sept. — , 1775. c. r. STORY (see also Storer, Storey), Andrew Jackson, s. Stephen and Maria, May 18, 1829. Arthur, s. Henry and Hannah, May 9, 1801. Bethyah, d. Nehemiah and Lucy, Dec. 25, 1775. Chales, s. Henry and Hannah, Feb. 18, 1788. Charles, s. Henry and Hannah, Nov. 22, 1786. Charles, s. Arthur and Ann, Apr. 23, 1834. Charles, s. Charles R., apothecary, and Abby C, b. Marblehead, Apr. 29, 1849. Charles Dexter, s. Stephen and Maria, Nov. 24, 1822. Charles Robinson, s. Asa and Eliza F., Apr. 29, 1824. Charlotte Emerson, d. Stephen and Maria, July 12, 1841. David, s. [Capt. c. R.] Henry and Hannah, July 29, 1785. David, s. Arthur and Ann, Apr. 24, 1826. Eliza Farnham, d. Arthur and Ann, Apr. 29, 1830. Eliza Lovejoy, d. Asa and Eliza F., Apr. 11, 1842. Franklin, s. Asa and Eliza F., Dec. i, 1S26. George, s. Henry and Hannah, Jan. 21, 1790. MANCHESTER BIRTHS I I 5 Story, George, s. Henry and Hannah, June 18, 1793. George, s. Arthur and Ann, vSept. 22, 1S32. George Hillman, s. Stephen and Maria, Jan. 20, 1839. George Leach, s. Asa and Eliza F., Apr. 30, 1833. George Leach, s. Dr. Asa and Eliza, bp. July 3, 1835. c. R. Hannah, d. Hennery and Hannah, Feb. 29, 1784. Harriet Maria, d. twin, Stephen and Maria, Feb. 28, 1827. Hennery, s. Hennery and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1779. Henrietta, d. Henry and Lucretia, June 13, 181 5. Henry, s. Henry and Hannah, June 24, 1791. Henry, s. Stephen and Maria, Aug. 18, 1820. Henry, s. Arthur and Ann, Jan. 30, 1825. Jacob Farnham, s. Asa and Eliza F., Aug. 22, 1836. John, s. Seth and Persillah, Jan. 24, 1793. John Long, s. Stephen and Maria, Dec. 9, 1824. Larkin Woodbury, s. Arthur and Ann, Apr. 29, 1839. Lucey, d. Nehemiah, jr. and Lucey, Sept. 5, 1771. Lucretia Bingham, d. Arthur and Ann, Aug. 5, 1823. Lucy, d. Henry and Hannah, Aug. 22, 1795. Martha Robinson, d. Asa and Eliza F., Nov. 6, 1834. Mary, d. Nehemiah and Mary, Oct. 17, 1766. Mary, d. Nathan and Eunice, Sept. 22, 1773. Mary Purkens, d. Stephen and Maria, at Essex, July 10, 181 8. Mehitable Hillman, d. Stephen and Maria, May 18, 1831. Molly, d. Seth and Persilah, Feb. 8, 1791. Nehemiah, s. [Capt. c. R.] Nehemiah and Lucy, Feb. 20, 1779. Priscilla, d. Nehemiah and Mary, Apr. 20, 1770. Ruth, d. Solomon, bp. Feb. 24, i733[-4].c. r. Sally, d. Henry and Hannah, July 2, 1797. Sarah, d. Nehemiah and Lucy, Aug. 29, 1773. Sarah Augusta, d. Stephen and Maria, Oct. 20, 1835. Seth, s. Seth and Persillah, Sept. 5, 1789. Seth, s. Seth and Persillah, July 29, 1795. William Stephen, s. twin, Stephen and Maria, Feb. 28, 1827. STYLES (see also Stiles), Clarissa, d. Phineas, bp. June 17, 1005. c. R. SYMMONDS (see also Symonds), Abraham, s. Jacob (Symmons) and Mary, July 11, 1773. SYMONDS (see Simonds, Simons, Symmonds, Symons), Andrew, s. Andrew and Ruth, Mar. 12, 1773. Eunice, d. Andrew and Ruth, Oct. 10, 1764. P^unice, d. Andrew and Ruth, bp. Aug. 3, 1766. c. R. Molly, d. Andrew and Ruth, Jan. 17, 1771. Nabby, d. Andrew and Ruth, Nov. 30, 1765. Il6 MANCHESTER BIRTHS SvMONDs, Ruth, d. Andrew and Ruth, Sept. 25, 1768. WiUiam, s. Andrew and Nabby, June 15, 1S04. SYMONS (see also Symonds), Abraham, s. Andrew and Nabby, Jan. 29, 181 1. Elizabeth, d. Andrew and Nabby, Sept. 15, 1808. Ghoram, s. Andrew and Nabby, May 24, 1S13. TAILOR (see also Taylor), Mitchel, s. Mathew, bp. Oct. 30, 1737. c. R. TALOUR (see also Taylor), Margaret, d. Mathew, bp. Apr. 7, 1734. c. R. TAPAN (see also Tappan), Betsey, d. Ebenezer and Betsey, May 10, 1804. TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), Amos, s. Benjamin and Sally, Jan. 30, 1821. Benjamin West, s. Henry S., cabinet maker, and Elizabeth, b. Beverly, Nov. 15, 1848. Bethiah Forster, d. twin, Israel F. and Deborah, July 19, 1S37. Betsey, d. Ebenezer and Betsey, Oct. 26, 1800. Charles, s. Ebenezer, jr. and Sally H., July 17, 1824. David, s. Eben[eze]r, jr. and Sally, Apr. 26, 1817. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer, jr. and Sally, Sept. 11, 1815. Elizabeth, d. Benjamin and Sally, Aug. 26, 181 8. Elizabeth Forster, d. Ebenezer, jr. and Sally, Dec. 10, 1S37. Emily Weston, d. Samuel, cabinet maker, and Nancy, Jan. 2, 1844. George Hooper, s. Ebenezer, jr. and Sally H., Nov. 10, 1833. Henry Story, s. Benjamin and Sally, Feb. 18, 181 6. Isral Forster, s. Ebenezer and Betsey, Nov. 28, 1797. James Marshall, s. Samuel F. and Nancy, July 23, 1835. Jane Forster, d. twin, Israel F. and Deborah, July 19, 1837. Lewis, s. Eben[eze]r, jr. and Sally, Aug. 14, 1819. Lewis, s. Ebenezer, jr. and Sally H., June 25, 1831. Maria, d. Eben[e]z[e]r and Betsy, Aug. 10, 1808. Mary Smith, d. Samuel F. and Nancy, Aug. 2, 1833. Sally Forster, d. Eben[e]z[er] and Betsy, July 10, 1806. Sally Hooper, d. Ebenezer, jr. and Sally H., Apr. 8, 1828. Samuel Forster, s. Ebenezer and Betsy, July 18, 1795. Samuel Forster, s. Samuel F. and Nancy, June 29, 1831. Sarah Frances, d. Samuel F. and Nancy, Dec. 9, 1839. William Henry, s. Ebenezer, jr. and Sally H., Oct. 30, 1821. TAPPEN (see also Tappan), Benjamin, s. Ebenezer and Betsey, Sept. 29, 1793. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer (Tappan) and Betsey, Mar. 8, 1792. MANCHESTER BIRTHS II7 TARRANT, Abigail, d. Jo., bp. Feb. 4, 17 [3 2-] 33- c. r. ' Abigail, d. John and Abigail, bp. May 14, 1738. c. r. Jacob, s. Abigail, bp. July 11, 1736. c. r. Jacob, s. John and Abigail, bp. Feb. 27, i742[-3]. c. R. John, s. Abigail, bp. Nov. 22, 1730. c. r. Robert, s. John and Abigail, bp. July 14, 1734. c. r. TARRIN (see also Tarring), Abigail, d. John and Abigail, at Marvellhead, Apr. 10, 1689. Annis, d. John and Abigail, at Marvelhead, Sept. 24, 16S7. John, s. John and Abigail, Jan. 19, 1692-93. Mary, d. John and Abigail, at Marvellhead, July 27, 1690. Robert, s. John (Tarring) and Abagil, July 14, 1734. TARRING (see also Tarrin), Abagail, d. John and Abagail, May 13, 1738. Farmery, s. Will[ia]m and [wid. c. R.] Abigail, Mar, 11, 1776. Jacob, s. John (Tarrin) and Abigal, July 4, 1736. Jacob, s. John and Abgail, Feb. 22, 1742-3. John, s. John and Abgil, Nov. 21, 1730. John, s. William and Abigail, Aug. 12, 1771. Mary, d. John and Abigel, July 20, 1740. William, s. John and Abigal, Oct. g, [174. t. c. ; 1746. c. r.]. William, s. William and Abigail, June 8, 1773. TATE, Rebeckah, d. George and Anne, in the North River in Duches County, June 11, 1779. TAUDY, William, s. Richard and Rachel, of Little River, bp. Aug. 8, 1725. c. R. TAYLOR (see also Tailor, Talour), Charles W., s. John M., cabi- net maker, and Ann H., Mar. 26, 1845. Henry, s. Mathew, " whose parents have been att communion with the Irish Church," bp. Dec. 10, 1732. c. R. John Matthias, s. John M. and Ann, Sept. 4, 1841. Joseph, s. Mathew, bp. Dec. 14, 1735. ^'- R- Levi Francis, s. John M., cabinet maker, b. Endland, and Ann H., Oct. 15, 1848. Mary Hooper, d. George, cabinet maker, and Aurelia, Nov. 29, 1844. Nancy H., d. John, cabinet maker, and Ann, Jan. 11, 1847. TENNEY, Hellen Percis, d. David, butcher, b. Londonderry, N. H., and Jane H., b. Warner, N. H., Aug. 16, 1848. TEWKESBURY (see also Tewksbury), Betty, d. Thomas and Anne, Nov. 14, 1787. Il8 MANCHESTER BIRTHS TEWKSBURY (see also Tewkesbury, Tewxbury, Tuksbury, Tux- bury), Anne, d. Thomas (Tewkesbury) and Anne, Jan. i8, 1786. Jacob, s. Jacob, jr. and Rebeckah, Aug. 14, 1796. John, s. John and Sarah, Oct. 29, 1779. Sarah, d. John and EHzabeth, Jan. 20, 1768. Sarah, d. John (Tuxksbury) and Sarah, July 17, 1781. TEWXBURY (see also Tewksbury), Anna, d. Thomas and Rebec- ca, Dec. II, 1735- Anne, d. John and Elizabeth, June 27, 1761. Elisabeth, d. John and Elisabeth, Mar. i, 1749-50. Emme, d. Thomas and Rebecca, Sept. 14, 1739. Hannah, d. Jacob and Hannah, Jan. 11, 1758. Jacob, s. Jacob and Hannah, Aug. 14, 1761. John, s. John and Elizabeth, Nov. 11, 1753. Lois, d. John and Elizabeth, Aug. 19, 1755. Rebecca, d. John and Elizabeth, Oct. 6, 1758. [Sarah, t. c], d. Thomas and Rebecca, Feb. 24, 1737-8. Sarah, d. John and Elizabeth, Dec. 26, 1764. Sarah, d. John and Elizabeth, Jan. 21, 1768. Sarah, d. John and Sarah, bp. May 16, 1778. c. r. Thomas, s. John and Elizabeth, Feb. 25, 1763. THOMPSON (see also Thomson, Tompson, Tomson), Aaron Lee, s. Benjamin and Lydia, Feb. 12, 1829. AngeHne, d. Benjamin and Lydia, April 20, 1835. Anna, d. David and Martha, bp. Oct. 23, 1763. c. R. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Lydia, July 25, 1824. Benjamin Franklin, s. Benjamin, jr., cabinet maker, and Lydia Mariah, b. Wells, Me., Oct. 9, 1848. David, s. David, bp. Aug. 11, 1765. c. R. George Washington, s. Benjamin and Lydia, May 13, 1826. James, s. Benja[min] and Ruth, Oct. 23, 1807. James Augustus, s. Benjamin and Lydia, Aug. 3, 1831. Joseph Marsters, s. Benja[min] and Ruth, Dec. 21, 1801. Lydia Maria, d. Benjamin and Lydia, June 10, 1832. Mary, d. Benja[min] and Ruth, Dec. 15, 181 3. Mary Clyne, d. Benjamin and Lydia, Aug. 6, 1827. Ruth, d. Benja[min] and Ruth, Jan. 8, 1804. William Babcock, s. Benja[min] and Ruth, Nov. 6, 18 10. THOMSON (see also Thompson), John Goodwin, s. Benja[min] and Elizabeth, bp. Dec. 5, 1784. c. r. THORNDICK, Nicolas, s. Herbert, bp. [at Beverly?] Oct. 7, 1733. c. R. MANCHESTER BIRTHS IIQ THURSTON, John Rogers, s. Rev. , [Jan. 2. g. r. ; 1810. c. R.]. Thomas Peabody, s. Rev. , June 27, 1S16. g. r. TINK, Charles Hooper, s. Richard and Abigial, bp. Dec. 5, 1824. c. r. Charles Hooper, see Trask. Lucy Moria, d. Richard and I.ucy, Nov. 2, 1813. Richard Trask, s. Richard and Lucy, Nov. 6, 181 1. TIPPEN, Anna, d. Thomas, bp. Mar. 30, 1746. c. r. TOMPSON (see also Thompson), Mary, d. Sam[ue]ll, bp. at Jebacco, July 18, 1725. c. R. Sam[ue]ll, s. Rev. Mr. , " late of Little River, who d. 7 m. before," bp. at Jebacco, July 18, 1725. c. R. TOMSON (see also Thompson), Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Ruth, Dec. 14, 1799. Gemimeh, d. John and Sarah, Apr. 4, 1708, Hannah, d. Benjamin and Elezebeth, May 20, 1786. Mary, d. John, Sept. 8, 17 13. TOPPAN (see also Tappan), Amos, s. Rev. Benja[min] and Eliz- [abe]th. Mar. 15, 1768. [B]enjamin, s. Rev. Benjamin and Elisabeth, [torn] er 21, 1747. [bp. Oct. 25. c. R.] Benjamin, s. Ebenezer, bp. Nov. 14, 1802. c. R. Betsey, d. Ebenezer, bp. Nov. 14, 1802. c. R. Betsey, d. Ebenezer, bp. May 13, 1804. c. R. Betty, d. Rev. Benja[min] and Eliza[beth], June 22, 1764. David, s. Rev. Benja[min] and Elizabeth, Apr. 21, 1753. Ebenezer, s. Rev. Benjamin and Elizabeth [" born on Thursday about 5 in the morning." c. r.], July 16, 1761. Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer, bp. Nov. 14, 1802. c. r. Israel Forster, s. Ebenezer, bp. Nov. 14, 1802. c. R. Maria, d. Ebenezer, bp. Aug. 14, 1808. c. R. Martha, d. Rev. Benja[min] and Eliza[beth], Feb. 9, 1766. Mary, d. Rev. Benja[min] and Elizabeth, INLay 19, 1751. Michael, s. Rev. Benjamin and Elizabeth, Mar. i, 1763. Nabby, d. Rev. Benja[min] and Elizabeth, Apr. 29, 1757. Samuel, s. Rev. Benja[min] and Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1749. Samuel, s. Rev. Benja[min] and Elizabeth [b. " a Little after Six in the morning, c. r.]. May 7, 1759. Wigglesworth, s. Rev. Benja[min] and Elizibeth, Jan. 7, 1755. TRASK, Charles Hooper ["Tink(alias) Trask"], s. Richard and Abigail, Sept. 4, 1824. Hannah, d. Moses and Mary, Apr. 10, 1755. Moses, s. Moses, bp. Dec. 8, 1754. c. r. I20 MANCHESTER BIRTHS TREAD WELL, Frances, d. Tho[ma]s and Frances [M. dup.], Mar. 7, 1843. Frances Olivia, d. Thomas and Frances M., Jan. 10, 1837. Laura Ann, d. Thomas and Frances, Aug. 13, 1839. OHvia Augusta, d. Samuel and Miriam, Mar. 12, 1840. Samuel Augustus, s. Samuel and Olivia, Mar. 25, 1838. Thomas S., s. Thomas, cabinet maker, and Frances M., Sept. 15, 1845. TRICKER, Israeli, s. Mark and Mary, Aug. 7, 1693. Mary, d. Mark and Mary, Apr. 15, 1697. Ruth [Tucker?], d. Marke and Mary, Nov. 4, 1685. TROFATTER (see also Trophatter), Hannah, d. Samuel and Molley, June 8, 1799. Robbert, s. Samuel and Molly, Mar. 21, 1798. TROPHATTER (see also Trofatter), Molly, d. Samuel and Mary, Apr. I, 1796. Molly, d. Samuel and Molly, Feb. 28 1797. TUCK, Abigal, d. John and Sarah, Aug. 22, 1736. Adahne, d. W[illia]m, Esq., bp. Aug. — , 1810. c. R. Addison, s. John and Rachel, June 3, 181 2. Anna, d. John, bp. July 4, 1742. c. R. Anna, d. John and Sarah, Feb. 22, 1745. Benja[min], s. John and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1743. Benja[min], s. John and Sarah, bp. June 10, 1764. c. r. Benjamin, s. John and Betsey, Sept. 17, 1801. Benjamin Franklin, s. John and Rebbecca, May 30, 1834. Betsey, d. John, jr. and Betsey, Dec. 2, 1798. Deborah Lee, d. William and Mary, July 14, 1770. Easter, d. John and Easter, May 10, 1774. Eben, s. [Capt. c. r.] William and Elezebeth, Oct. 12, 1785. Ebenezer, s. John and Sarah, bp. July 15, 1753. c. r. Ebenezer, s. Capt. Samuel, bp. Sept. 2, 18 10. c. r. Elezebeth, d. [Capt. c. r.] William, Esq. and Elezebeth, Mar. 5, 1787. Elisabeth, d. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, bp. Feb. 10, 1744-5. <-"• ^• Eliza, d. Samuel and Bethia, June 29, 1800. Eliza Allen, d. Samuel L. and Harriet, Apr. 26, 1826. Eliza Ann, d, Harriet, bp. July 3, 1835. c. R. Elizabeth, d. John and Sarah, Mar. 16, 1737-8. Eliz[abeth], d. John and Esther, bp. Oct. 31, 1784. c. r. Evelina, d. WiUiam, Esq. and Molly, Aug. 2, 1809. Hannah, d. John and Sarah, June 30, 1749. Hennery, s. [Capt. c. r.] Will[ia]m and Elezebeth, Apr. 21, 1783. MANCHESTER BIRTHS 121 Tuck, Jacob, s. [Capt. c. r.] William and Maiy, Jan. 3, 1773- Jacob, s. Capt. Will[ia]m and Mary, bp. Feb. 11, 1776. c. R. Jacob, s. William, Esq. and ^Nlolly, July — , 180S. [bp. July 24. c.R.] James, s. Will[ia]m, Esq. and Elezebeth, May 26, 1791. Jere, s. Capt. William and Eliz[abe]th, Nov. 16, 1781. Joanna Ora, d. Samuel and Bethia, Aug. 26, 1S05. John, s. John and Sarah, June 20, 1747. John, s. John and Esther, Mar. 19, 1773. John, s. John, jr. and Betsey, Aug. 27, 1796. John Adisen, s. Rebecca, bp. July 14, 1833. c. r. Joseph, s. John and Sarah, bp. June 2, 1751. c. R. Levy, s. Will[ia]m and Elezebeth, Mar. 13, i793- Lydia, d. William, Esq. and Lydia, Sept. 10, 1802. Mary, d. Ebenezer and [wid. c. R.] Elizabeth, Nov. 10, 1747. Mary, d. Will[ia]m and Mary, bp. Sept. 11, i774- <-'• R- Mary, d. William, Esq. and Elezebeth, Oct. 3, 1789. Mary Ann, d. John and Rachel, Mar. 8, 1810. Mary Lee, d. Samuel and Bethiah, Dec. i, 1801. Molley, d. John and Ester, Mar. 15, 1777. Rachel, d. John and Sarah, July 10, 1755. Rebbecca Widger, d. John and Rebbecca, May 26, 1824. Rebecca Widger, d. Rebecca, bp. July 6, 1828. c. R. Richard, s. Capt. William and Elezebeth, Mar. 25, 1780. Ruth, d. John and Sarah, Oct. 10, 1740. Salley, d. John, jr. and Esther, Jan. 22, 1779. Samuel, s. John and Esther, bp. May 18, 1783. c. R. Samuel, s. Samuel and Bethia, Mar. 8, 1797. Samuel Lee, s. William and Mary, Oct. 25, 1768. Samuel Widger, s. John and Rebbecca, Aug. 22, 1831. Sam[uel] Widger, s. Rebecca, bp. July 14, 1S33, c. r. Sarah, d. John and Sarah, May i, 1735. Sewall, s. William and Mary, Oct. 11, 17 71. Warring, s. Samuel and Bethia, Dec. i, 1798. William, s. John and Sarah, Sept. 15, 1757. William, s. William and Mary, Apr. 10, 1764. William, s. William and Mary, Apr. 15, 1766. Will[iam], s. William, bp. Sept. ri, 1768. c. R. William, s. John, jr. and Easter, May 21, 1781. Worrin, s. [Capt. c. r.] William and Mary, Apr. 25, i777- TUCKER, Abigaile, d. Benja[min] and Catharine, Nov. 4, 1775. Benjamin, s. Benja[min] and Katharine, July 31, 1773. Betty, d. Benja[min] and Cattarine, Jan. 24, 1777. Martha, d. Benja[min] and Katharine, Sept. 22, 1771. TUKSBURY (see also Tewksbury), Sarah, d. Tho[ma]s (Tukes- bury) and Rebecker, Oct. 12, 1724. 122 MANCHESTER BIRTHS TUXBURY (see also Tewksbury), Jacob, s. Thomas and Reb[e]cker, June 2, 1734. John, s. Thomas and Reb[e]cker, May 25, 1728. Mary, d. Thomas and Rebacker, Mar. 10, 1725-6. Rebacker, d. Thomas and Rebacker, July 14, 1732. Thomas, s. Thomas and Rebecker, Sept. 23, 1730. VAREL, Susanna, d. Susanna, bp. [at Gloucester?], Sept. 10, 1738. c. R. VENARD, Martha Jane, d. Edward [Edward B. S. dup.], cabinet maker, and Louisa, Nov. 28, 1843. VICKREY, William Brawdon, s. Samuel, bp. July 21, 1793. c. r. WALDIN, Tabitha, d. Edward, bp. at Wenham, Aug. 9, 1741. c. R. WALLIS, Mary, d. John, bp. Jan. 15, 1720-21. c. R. WARREN (see also VVarrin, Woren, Worren, Worrin), Mary, d. Robert and Mary, Dec. 8 [torn. abt. 1748.]. WARRIN (see also Warren), Hannah, d. Robbert and Elizabeth, Oct. 31, 1714. Mary, d. Rob[er]t and Mary, bp. Dec. 6, 1741. c. R. Richard, s. Robbert and Elizabeth, Dec. 31, 1709. Ruth, d. Robbert and Elizabeth, Oct. 26, 17 12. Sarah, d. Robbert and Elizabeth, Oct. i, 1707. Sarah, d. Mary, bp. Oct. 20, 1728. c. R. WATSON, Loisetta, d. John H., cabinet maker, and Emily, Aug. 27, 1846. Mary Brown, d. John Horace, cabinet maker, b. Boston, and Emily P., Feb. 21, 1849. WEBB, John Charles, s. John C. and Lucy Ann, Aug. 15, 1841. William Abbott, s. John C., cabinet maker, b. Beverly, and Lucy Ann, b. Essex, Jan. 31, 1849. WEBBER (see also Weber), Abigail, d. John and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 10, 1731. c. R. Benjamin, s. John, bp. May 25, 1729. c. u. Elizabeth, d. John, bp. Nov. 2, 1735. c. R. Hennery, s. Trenance and Prudance, Aug. 30, 1734. Jacob, s. Trenance and Prudence, bp. Feb. 26, 1737 [-8]. c. r. John, s. John, jr. and Mary, Apr. 5, 1736. Margaret, d. twin, John and Mary, bp. June 17, i 739. c. R. Mary, d. twin, John and Mary, bp. June 17, 1739. c. R. Ruth, d. Richard and Mary, bp. Sept. 7, 1777. c. R. Sam[ue]ll, s. Trenance and Prudence, bp. July iS, 1736. c. R. MANCHESTER BIRTHS I 23 Webber, Sarah, d. Trenance (Weebber) and Prudance, May 16, 1733- William, s. John, " who had renewed Baptismal Vow att Beverly," bp. Jan. I, i726[-7]. c. r. WEBER (see also Webber), Benja[min], s. John (Weeber) and Elesebath, May 15, 17 28. WilHam, s. John and Elesebath, Dec. 28, 172S. WELCH, Abigail, d. John and Elizabeth, Aug. 3, 18 10. Ehzabeth, d. John and Elizabeth, July i, 1S07. John, s. John and Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 181 3. WELLS, Charles Lee, s. Samuel and Jane, July 19, 1829. Edward Van Buren, s. Samuel and Jane, Sept. 4, 1836. Harriet Atwood, d. Samuel, mariner, and Jane, Sept. 8, 1S43. Mariah S., d. Samuel, seaman, and Jane, Feb. 25, 1S46. Mary Jane, d. Samuel and Jane, Aug. 10, 1834. Nancy Stacy, d. Samuel and Jane, at Gloucester, July 30, 1S38. Samuel, s. Thomas and Mary, at Beverly, Dec. 22, 179S. Samuel, s. Samuel and Jane, July 16, 1S27. Winthrop Lee, s. Samuel and Jane, Nov. 12, 1830. WEST, Betsey, d. J., bp. Apr. i, iSio. c. R. Betty, d. John and Rhode, Feb. 3, 1793. Charles Edward, s. Edward S.,mariner, and Mary A.,Nov. 22, 1844. Charles Edward, s. Edward S., shoemaker, b. Beverly, and Mary A., Nov. 23, 1849. George Frederic, s. Isaac, grocer, and Nancy N., Feb. 3, 1848. Hellen N. [Norwood, c. r.], d. Isaac S., grocer, and Nancy N., June 15, 1843. Isaac Smith, s. Isaac S. and Nancy N., May 27, 1840. Joseph Smith, s. Edward and Mary A., Oct. 31, 1842. Mary Smith, d. Edward S., shoemaker, b. Beverly, and Mary A., May 8, 1847. WHEATON, Helen, d. William, cabinet maker, and Sarah, Mar. 17, 1848. Joseph Benjamin, s. Joseph and Mary Ann, June 8, 1830. Sarah Augusta (should be Augusta E.), d. William, cabinetmaker, and Sarah A., May 14, 1844. Sarah E., d. William, cabinetmaker, and Sarah A., Mar. 2, 1846. WHEELOR, Phillip Melvin, s. Phillip C, butcher, b. Sutten, N. H., and Ruth, b. Bradford, N. H., Nov. 16, 1848. WHIPPLE (see also Wipple), Elizabeth, d. [Dr. c. R.] Joseph and Eunice, Dec. 12, 1759. Eunice, d. [Dr. c. r.] Joseph and Eunice, Jan. 18, 1774. 124 MANCHESTER BIRTHS Whipple, Increase, s. [Dr. c. r.] Joseph and Eunice, Apr. 20, 1768. John, s. Joseph and Eunice, Mar. 9, 1764. Priscilla, d. Joseph and Eunice, June 2, 177 1. [Sa]rah, d. [Dr. c. r.] Joseph and Euni[ce], Dec. 30, 1761. WiUiam, s. Joseph and Eunice, Oct. 17, 1758. WilHam, 2d, s. [Dr. c. R.] Joseph and Eunice, Apr. i, 1766. WHITNEY, Ann Mariah, d. Sarah Ann, May 3, 1845. Betsey, d. Elnathan and Lucy, Aug. 21, 17S6. Ehiiira, d. Hezekiah, teamster, and Sarah B., Mar. 23, 1845. Lydia, d. Elnathan (Witney) and Lucy, Aug. 9, 1788. Polly, d. Elnathan and Lucy, Dec. 27, 1784. WIDGER, Charles Henry, s. Samuel and Lucy, Aug. 2, 1837. Jacob, s. Joseph and Rebecca, Feb. 12, 1801. Louisa, d. Samuel and Lucy, July 7, 1822. Lucy Jane, d. Samuel and Lucy, Jan. 29, 1820. Lydia A., d. Lucy, bp. Apr. 3, 1834. c. R. Mary Eliza[beth], d. Lucy, bp. Aug. 19, 1827. c. R. Rebecca, d. Joseph and Rebecca, Jan. 12, 1799. Samuel, s. Joseph and Rebecca, Nov. 5, 1796. Samuel Augustus, s. Samuel and Lucy, May 17, 1835. Thomas, s. Joseph and Rebecca, Aug. 12, 1802. WINSLOW, Mercy, d. Nat[haniel], bp. June 26, 1720. c. R. WILLAMS (see also Williams), Mary, d. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 15, 1721. Samuell, s. Danniell and Alee, Nov. 20, 1695. Sarah, d. Samuel and Mary, Sept. 15, 172 1. WILLIAM (see also Williams), Alice, d. Sarah, bp. Apr. 26, 1 730. c. R. MoUey, d. William and Sarah, bp. May 9, 1774. c, R. WILLIAMS (see also Willams, William), Abigail, d. Nathaniel, bp. Mar. 10, 1722 [-3]. c. r. Abigail, d. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, bp. Feb. 9, 1728 [-9, a. 6 y. c.r.]. Abigail, d. Daniell and Alee, Nov. 7, 1700. Abraham, s. Sarah, bp. Feb. 8, 1735 [-6]. c. r. Benjamin, s. Dan[iel] and Sarah, bp. Feb. 5, 1743. c. R. Betty, d. Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 27, 1780. c. R. Daniel, s. Daniel and Sarah, bp. Sept. 30, 1733. c. r. Daniell, s. Daniell and Alee, July 13, 1708. Deborah, d. Daniel, bp. at Beverly, July 12, 1724. c. r. Elizabeth, d. Danniell and Alee, July 30, 1705. Elizabeth, d. John and Elizabeth, Mar. 11, 1706-7. Elizabeth, d. William and Sahah, Mar. 25, 1763. MANCHESTER BIRTHS I 25 Williams, Joseph, s. Jo, bp. Oct. 5, 1788. c. r. Mary, d. John and Elizabeth, Apr. 3, 1709. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel, bp. Mar. 10, 17 22 [-3]. c. R. Nathaniel, s. Daniel, bp. Apr. 13, 1746. c. r. Priscilla, d. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, bp. Feb. 9, i728[-9]. c. R. Rebecca, d. Nathaniel, bp. Mar. 10, 172 2 [-3]. c. R. Ruth, d. Daniell and Alee, June 13, 17 10. Samuel, s. Sam[ue]ll, bp. June 20, 1731. c. R. Samuell, s. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, bp. Feb. 9, 1 728[-9, a. 13 y. c. r.]. Sarah, d. Daniell and Alee, May 19, 1703. Sarah, d. Dan[iel] and Sarah, bp. Aug. 24, 1740. c. r. Sarah, d. William and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1758. Thomas, s. John and Mary, Dec. 21, 1791. WILLMONTON (see also Wilmington), Ann Maria Allen, d. Jacob and Eliza Ann, Mar. 30, 1837. Charles Francis, s. Samuel and Sally, July 28, 1836. Charlotte Eliza, d. Jacob and Eliza Ann, Apr. 12, 1839. George, s. Jacob and Eliza x^nn, Dec. i, 1835. Jacob, s. Charles and Sally, Feb. 15, 181 2. James Munroe, s. Thomas, fisherman, and Louisa, Nov. 6, 1847. Lydia Ann, d. Charles and Sally, May 29, 1820. Lydia Hooker, d. Samuel (Wilmonton) and Sally, Nov. — , 1S40. Mary Elizabeth, d. Charles and Sally, Apr. 10, 1815. Samuel, s. Samuel, cabinet maker, and Sarah, July 16, 1845. Sarah Elizabeth, d. Sam[ue]l and Sally, Sept. 22, 1842. Thomas, s. Charles and Sally, Mar. 26, 181 7. WILMINGTON (see also Willmonton), Charles, s. Charles and Sarah, Apr. 25, 1S06. Sally, d. Charles and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1809. Samuel, s. Charles and Sarah, May 15, 1807. WIPPLE (see also Whipple), Mary, d. Dr. Joseph (Whipple) and Eunice, Nov. 22, 1777. WOODBARY (see also Woodbury), Abbigel, d. Joseph and Ruth, June 5, 1 7 18. John, s. John and Sarah, Feb. 27, 1723-4. Joseph, s. Joseph and Elezebeth, Jan. 7, 1723-4. Samuel, s. Joseph and Ruth, Sept. 19, 1720. WOODBERRY (see also Woodbury), Aaron, s. Azariah and Anna, Apr. 4, 1768. Abigail, d. Elisha, bp. [at PJeverly?], Oct. 7, 1733. c. r. Andrew, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 3, 1726. c. r. Andrew, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 7, 1731. C. R. Benjamin, s. Jacob and Betsy, July 27, 1806. 126 MANCHESTER BIRTHS WoODBERRY, Betty, d. Joseph, jr. and Dorothy, bp. Mar. 23, 1755. c. R. CaroUne Ingersoll, d. Larkm and Louisa, July 10, 1823. Ehzabeth, d. Benj[amin] and Ehzabeth, bp. July 17, 1726. c. R. Elizabeth, d. Joseph, bp. Oct. 20, 1734. c. r. Elizabeth, d. Andrew and Elizabeth, Sept. 23, 1756. George Canning [changed to George Larkin by Act of Legisla- ture in 183S], s. Larkin and Louisa, Aug. 23, 1827. Jacob, s. Jacob (Woodbery) and Betsy, Apr. i, 1804. Juda, d. William, bp. [at Beverly?] May 6, 1733. •-'• i^- Samuel, s. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, Sept. 3, 1773. WOODBERY (see also Woodbury), Abigail, d. Joseph and Elisa- beth, July 4, 1692. Annah, d. Joseph and Ehzabeth, Sept. 5, 1703. Benjamen, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, June 21, 1705. Elissabeth, d. twin, Joseph and Elisabeth, May 22, 1690. Hannah, d. Joseph and Elisabeth, Aug. 31, 1694. Jacob, s. Jacob, bp. Sept. 23, 1804. c. r. John, s. Joseph and Ehzabeth, Apr. 4, 1701. Jose[p]h, s. twin, Joseph and Elisabeth, May 22, 1690. Ruth, d. Joseph and Ruth, July 6, 17 16. [R]uth, d. Samuel and Sarah, Apr. 28, 1746. Samuell, s. Joseph and Elisabeth, Apr. 15, 1697. Sarah, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, Aug. 27, 1688. Sarah, d. John and Sarah, Apr. 19, 1725. WOODBUREY (see also Woodbury), Molley, d. Sam[ue]ll and Molley [Mary c. R.], Mar. 22, 1776. WOODBURY (see also Woodbary, Woodberry, Woodbery, Wood- burey, Woodby), Agness,d. David and Betsey, Nov. 17, 1799. Andrew, s. Joseph and Elesebath, Mar. 28, 1725-6. Asa, s. Jacob and Betsey, Nov. 15, 1801. Asa Franklin, s. Asa and Anna, Jan. 20, 1834. Benjamin Lewis, s. Jacob, mariner, and Saloma, Sept. 21, 1848. Charlata, d. David and Betsey, at Hamelton, Aug. 27, 1797. Daniel, s. Andrew, jr. and Lydia, July 4, 1788. Daniel, s. Andrew, 2d and Lydia, bp. Dec. 6, 1789. C. R. Elezebeth, d. John and Sarah, Apr. 6, 1726. Hanah, d. Joseph and Elesebath, Apr. 27, 1729. Isaac Morgan, s. Jacob, fisherman, and Saloma, at Newport, July 14, 1846. Jacob Augustus, s. Jacob and Saloma, Dec. 7, 1835. Jeremiah, s. John and Sarah, Sept. 23, 1727. Lydia, d. Andrew, jr. and Lydia, at Ipswich, Apr. 11, 1785. Lydia, d. Andrew, 2d and Lydia, bp. Dec. 6, 1789. c. r. MANCHESTER BIRTHS I 2/ Woodbury, Merior, d. David and Betsey, Aug. 20, 1801. Samuell, s. Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 12, 174S. Sarah, d. Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 9, 175 1. Sarah, d. Andrew, jr. and Lydia, Oct, 27, 1792. William Morgan, s. Jacob and Saloma, May 12, 1841. WOODBY (see also Woodbury), John, s. Joanna, bp. Oct. 10, 1773. c. R. WOREN(see also Warrenj, Mary, d. Robert and Elezebeth, June 31. 1719- WORREN (see also Warren), Eunice, d. Robert (Woren) and Elezebeth, Dec. 26, 1722. WORRIN (see also Warren), Abbigel, d. Robert and Elezebeth, Mar. 25, 1717. Elizabeth, d. Robbert and Elizabeth, Oct. 22, 1705. Robburd, s. Robbord and Elizabeth, Oct. 14, 1703. Sarah, d. Robburd and Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 1701. YOUNG, Mary, d. Charles and Abigail, Aug. 12, 181 2. 128 MANCHESTER BIRTHS NEGROES. Black, Dille, d. Dille "belonging to Sam[ue]ll Lee, jr.," Apr. 6, 1739- Black, Flowhear, ch. Dille, "belonging to Sam[ue]ll Lee, jr.," July i6, 1736. Black, Mengo, ch. "Sam[ue]ll Lee, jr. black weanch Dille," Oct. 21, 1734. Black, Seser, s. " of Sam[ue]ll Lee, jr. Black wench Caled Delle," Oct. 10, 1731-2. George, s. Greace and Rachel, Oct. 7, 1793. Judath, d. Greeas and Rachal, May 16, 1790. Pela, " a Negro Garl Belonging to Mrs. Sarah Cheever," June 12, 1793- Philis, " a Negro Servant child offered by Rob[er]t Herrick and his wife," bp. Oct. 11, 1741. c. R. PhiUis, d. Taff, "Samuel Lee, jr. Negor woman," Apr. i, 1747. Thomas, s. Main and MoUey, bp. Sept. 27, 1767. c. R. Tone, s. Taff, Dec. 18, 174S. Tytas, "a Molato boy Belonging to the Wid[o]w Sarah Cheever," Oct. 19, 1788. Violet, servant of Mrs. Collins, bp. Aug. 13, 1775. c, r. Zip, " a Molato garl." " Now [1737 ?] belonging to John Foster^ sr." in Boston, Dec. 25, 1728. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES TO THE KND OF THE YEAR 1S49. ABBOT (see also Abbott), James, and Rebeckah Woodbury [of Hamilton, int.], Dec. 2, 1805. c. r.* Nehemiah, and Abigail Smith, Jan. 13, 181 8. c. r.* Nehemiah, and Lois Hilton, Oct. 4, 1S29.* Philenia S., of Shapligh, Me. and Alfred J. Otis, int. Feb. 26, 1843. ABBOTT (see also Abbot), Abigail S., and Joseph Price, June 14, I 84 1. T. c* Lois, wid., a. 63 y., d. Stilson and Lois Hilton, and Benjamin Crombie, widr., a. 55 y., fisherman, s. Benjamin and Betsy, Jan. 5, 1845.* ADAMS, Charles, of Beverly, and Appha Driver, June 4, 1805. c. R. Elizabeth, wid., a. 35 y., d. Horatio and Tamson Headi, and Isaac Parsons, widr., a. 43 y., tanner, s. Isaac and Judith, July 9, 1844.* Huldah, of Boston, and Ambrose Crowell, int. June 19, 1831. Samuel, widr., a. 39 y., merchant, s. John and Mary, and Eliza- beth G. Felton, a. 21 y., dressmaker, d. James and Sally, Mar. II, 1847.* AHERN, Johanah, and Daniel Lynch, int. Apr. 10, 1847. AIRS (see also Ayers), Jacob, and Lucy Byles of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 11, 1768.* Katharine, and John Easty, May 20, 17 19. c. r. AKERMAN, Joseph, and Evoline A. [Abigail, int.] Simonds, Mar. 18, 1838.* ALDRICH, Elizabeth [L. int.], and Oilman Goldsmith, Feb. 9, 1836.* William, of Salem, and Elizabeth [L. int.] Morgan, Apr. 7, 1831.* *Iiitention also recorded, 129 130 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES ALLEN (see also Allin), Aaron, and Lucy Story, Dec. 3, 1789.* Aaron, and Mrs. Sally Craft, int. Sept. 21, 1795. Abby, Mrs., "alias Abigail," relict of the late Dea. Enoch and Washington Heald (sometimes written Hale), of Carmel, Me. Oct. 16, 1843. T. c* Aber, and Lydia Lee, Mar. 30, 1790.* Abigail, and Jacob Foster, [Nov. c. R.] 21, 1727.* Abigail, and Jeremiah Allen, of Glocester, Mar. 20, 1760.* Abner, jr., and Betsy Tuck, Oct. 19, 181 8. c. R.* Ambros, and Hannah Lee, Dec. 24, 1767.* Ambrose, and Mary Bear[Bary. int.], Feb. 27, 1745-6.* Andrew, and Elizabeth Killem of Wenham, int. Dec. 20, 1766. Ann, and John Lee, 2d, int. Oct. 7, 1821. Ann, and Auther Storey, Sept. 19, 1S22.* Anna, and Moses Bennett, Dec. 7, 1762.* Anna, and Jacob Lee, Mar. 6, 1770.* Anna, and Joseph Day, jr., Aug. 12, 1798.* Anna, and Samuel Driver, Dec. 9, 1800.* Anna, and Asa Procter of Londonderry, N. H., Feb. 14, 1819. c. R.* Annis, Mrs., and Asa Herrick, Jan. 29, 1778.* Annis, and Daniel Low [jr. int.], Aug. 19, 1792.* Annis, and Isaac Gallop [of Beverly, int.], Oct. 7, 1807. c. R.* Arthur S., and Laura A. Roberts of Rockport, int. Oct. 10, 1S46. Azariah, and Lydia Hooper, Jan. 15, 1735-6.* Azariah, and Sarah Russel, Sept. 14, 1824.* Azarias, and Sarah Leach, int. Dec. 27, 1760. Bartho[lomew], and Abigail Creesy of Salem, at Beverly, Nov. 13, 1729.* Bartholomew, and Jane Morgan, Mar. 18, 1760.* Benjamin, Dea., and Mrs. Sarah Tuck of Beverly, at Beverly, Dec. 8, 1720. Benj[amin], jr., and Abig[ai]ll Hill of Beverly, int. Sept. 11, 1726. Benjamin L., and Hannah L. Forster, Aug. 24, 1824.* Bethiah, and Samuel Driver, Dec. i, 1772.* Betsey, and Thomas Welles, Mar. 22, 1807. c. R.* Betty, Mrs., and Thomas Stephens of Marblehead, Mar. 9, 17S6.* Caroline, a. xg y., d. Azariah and Sally, and Nathan Richardson, widr., a. 30 y., blacksmith, s. Asa and Betsy, June 25, 1S48.* Caroline [A. int.], and George Procter, Dec. 15, 1835.* Caroline E., a. 20 y., d. Stephen and Nancy, and Rufus C. Gault, a. 23 y., overseer on railroad, s. John and Polly, of " N. Y.," Dec. 27, 1847.* * Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I3I Allen, Caroline F., and John C. Falker, Aug. 6, 1S43. t. C. Charlotte, and Umpherey Procter, int. Jan. 25, 1S06. Charlotte P., a. 2 1 y., d. William and Harriet P., and Jonathan S. Dodge, a. 25 v., cabinet maker, b. Hamilton, s, James and Hannah, of Hamilton, Apr. 20, 1847.* Daniel [2d. int.], and Mehitable Allen, Dec. 23, 1824.* David, and Mary Hibard, Jan. 11, 1732-3.* David, and Mrs. Elez[ebe]th Edwards, Mar. 6, 1777.* David, and Polly Leach, May 19, 1805. c. k.* David, and Molly Hassam, Apr. 15, 1817, c. R.* David, and Susan \V. Storey, July 20, 1828.* Ede, Mrs., and Robert Knowlton of Hopkentown, Nov. 23, 1780.* Edward P., and Ann E. Knight, int. Aug. 19, 1S49. Elezebeth, and Thomas Lee, Nov. 28, 17 17. Elez[ebeth], Mrs., and William Hasham, May 15, 1780.* Elez[ebe]th, and Nathan Lee, May 22, 1787.* Elezebeth, and Daniel Morgan, int. Nov. 26, 1791. Elez[ebejth, and George Marten, June 16, 1797.* Elisabeth, and Stephen Crosse [Crose. int.], Feb. 15, 1738-9.* Elisha, and Hannah Leach, Oct. 24, 1738.* Eliza Ann, and Samuel Ayers, Nov. 11, 1832.* Eliza Ann, of Beverly, and Isaac S. Day, int. Dec. 16, 1S38. Eliza F., a. 26 y., d. John Perry and Ruth, and Charles Lee, a. 29 y., cabinet maker, s. Nathan and Beulah, Nov. 13, 1846.* Elizabeth, and Samuel Sample of INIarbelhead, Jan. 16, 1755.* Elizabeth, and Joseph Haskell, Dec. 11, 1766.* Elizabeth, and William Harsham, int. July 22, 1775. Elizabeth, and Asa Richardson, May 29, 1809.* Elizabeth, and John Peabody of Bradford, Jan. 14, 1840.* Elizabeth, a. 20 y., d. Samuel and Abigail, and Henry Woodbury, a. 23 y., shoemaker, s. Daniel and Jane, Dec. 19, 1848.* Eliza[beth] B., and Capt. Josiah Obear of Beverly, int. Dec. 12, 1824. Elizabeth C, and William Young of Gloucester [widr. c. R.], Apr. 20, 1842. T. c* F21iz[abe]th E., and Varnum Dunto [Dunton int.], of Vienna, N. Y., Sept. 21, 181 7. c. R.* Elizebeth, and Rob[er]t Leach, jr., Feb. 3, 1725-6.* Enoch [of Salem, int.], and Susan Marsters, June 10, 1824.* Enoch, and Eliza Peabody of Bradford, int. Nov. 8, 1828. Enoch, and Abigail W. Rodgers, June 17, 1834.* Enos G., and Lydia A. [Ann. int.] Carter, Apr. 14, 1836.* Eunice, and Edward Lee, Feb. 10, 175 1-2.* Eunice, and Obed Carter, Dec. 18, 1760.* *Intention also recorded. 132 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Allen, Eunise, and King Calf, Feb. 21, 1733 [-4. c. r.].* Ezekeil, and Mary [Polly, int.] Procter, Aug. 25, 1791.* Ezekiel, and Sarah Harsham, Apr. 19, 1749.* Ezra, and Lucey Bennett, Dec. 23, 1760.* Fanny, and Samuel Chever, Sept. 3, 1815. c. r.* Forster, and Sally Dodge, Dec. 2, 1824.* Hannah, and [Capt. int.] Ezekiel Leach, June 24, 1793. c. R.* Hannah, and Andrew Brown, Dec. 16, 1804. c. r.* Hannah, and David Colby, jr., June 14. 1840.* Hannah P., and John C. Knowlton of Gloucester, Mar. 19, 1838. Harriet, and Samuel L. Tuck [jr. int.], Mar. 29, 1825.* Harriet [N. int.], and Matthew [Mathew. int.] Giles, May 31, 1831.* Henry P., and Mary Elizabeth Potter of Hamilton, int. Aug. 24, 1844. Hettey A., a. 21 y., d. Daniel and Mehitable, and Henry S.Chase, a. 22 y., cabinet maker, b. Salem, s. Theophilos and Ehza, Sept. 24, 1848.* Hooper, and Sally Kitfeild, Dec. 18, 1788.* Irene, and Tyler Parsons, jr., Apr. 14, 1824.* Isaac, and Mrs. Rebeckah Tewksbury, Mar. 30, 1779.* Isaac, and Mrs. Mary Walls of Beverly, int. Jan. 10, 1808. Isaac, 2d, and Mary Burnham, Feb. 28, 1833.* Isaac, 2d, and Harriet Osborne of Salem, int. June 26, 1836. Israel, and Maria Driver, Sept. 25, 1834.* Jacob, and Mary Tarring, int. Oct. 13, 1765. Jacob [jr. int.], and Elizabeth Norton, May 3, 1772.* Jacob, and Sally Batcheller [Batchelder, of Beverley, int.], Aug. 3, 1807. c. R.* Jacob, and Hannah Marsters, Nov. 17, 1831.* James, and Mary Jerewah, Dec. 13, 1767.* James, and Anna Lee, Nov. 6, 1803. c. R.* James, and Lydia Girdler, Mar. 26, 181 2. c. r.* James G., and Hannah Leach, June 18, 1835.* Jane, and Laurance McLaughlin, Aug. 31, 1772.* Jeremiah, and Lidia Tuck of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 14, 1727.* Jeremiah, and Eunice Gardner, June 17, 1748.* Jeremiah, of Glocester, and Abigail Allen, Mar. 20, 1760.* Jerusha, and Benjamin Crowell, Aug. 17, 1775.* JoannG., and [Capt. c. r.] Ezra Perkins of Essex, Oct. 27, 1831.* Joanna, Mrs., and John Stevens Girdler, Dec. 7, 1779.* Joanna, and Enos Merril, Mar. 23, 181 7. c. r.* John, and [wid. int.] Margaratt Hillton, Dec. 8, 1727.* John, and Lydia Orsment, at Wenham, May 26, 1745.* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I 33 Allen, John, jr., and Sarah Rust [Ringe. dup.] of Gloucester, int. Nov. 27, 1756. John, and [Mrs. int.] Ruth Lee, Apr. 19, 1768.* John [3d. int.], and Mrs. Hannah Edwards, Nov. 2, 1779.* John, Dea., and Mrs. Elezebeth Pitman, Oct. 12, 1780.* John [2d. int.], and Ruth Leach, Dec. 26, 1797.* John Arthur, of St. Louis, Mo., and Mary Augusta Crafts, Feb. 29, 1844. T. c* John P. [Perry, int.], and Ruth Allen, Nov. 28, 1816. c. R.* John W., Capt. [3d. int.], and Joanna Girdler, Oct. 12, 1805. c. R.* John W., jr., and Susan A.[H. int.] Leach, July 17, 1837.* Jonathan, jr., and Prisilla Lunt of Ipswich, Dec. 24, 1734.* Jona[than] [jr. int.], and Sara Dodge of Beverly, at Beverly, May 29, 1764.* Jonathan, 3d, of Hopkinton, and Anne Edwards, Dec. 26, 1786.* Jonathan, of Sadgwick, and "Mr." Loes Morgan, int. Dec. 6, 1794. Joseph, and Anna Edwards, Mar. 3, 1752.* Joseph, and Mary Chever, Mar. 24, 181 4. c. R.* Joseph [Capt. c. r.], and [wid. c. r.] Mehitable Allen, July 4, 1832.* Josiah, and Margret Hilton, Nov. 12, 1724.* Josiah, and Mary Foster [Mary Warren, int.], at Wenham, Apr. 25i I744-* Josiah, jr., and Rebecca Tewxbury, Nov. 14, 1754-* Lois, and Daniel Morgain, Dec. 31, 1767.* Lucy, and Nehemiah Story [jr. int.], Apr. 7, 1771.* Lucy, and George Towzit of Marblehead, Sept. 13, 1772.* Lucy, and James Austin of Lynn, Nov. 26, 1829.* Lucy G., and John Clark of Gloucester, int. Sept. 28, 1828. Lucy [S. int],and [Capt. int. ] Benjamin Leach, 3d, Jan. 7, 1830.* Lucy T. [S. int.], and Nathan Allen, jr., Feb. 8, 181 7. c. R.* Luther, and Jannett L. Mann, Aug. 30, 1829.* Lydia, and Will[i]am Hooper, jr., Nov. 12, 1730.* Lydia, and Aaron Lee, Apr. 3, 1751.* Lydia [Mrs. int.], and Samuel Allen, sr., Aug. 21, 1764.* Lydia, and James Brown, Dec. 11, 1770.* Lydia, and Samuel Edwards, Dec. 27, 1770.* Lydia, and George Hall, Sept. 16, 1802. c. r.* Lydia, and Thomas Low, of Ipswich, Oct. 22, 1810. c. R.* Lydia [Mrs. int.], and [Capt. int.] Samuel Allen, Feb. 16, 1834.* Lydia G., and Andrew Marsters, Sept. 6, 1837.* Malachi, and Priscilla Hooper, Feb. 28, 1739-40. Malachi, and Ruth Edwards, Jan. 12, 1762.* ♦Intention also recorded. 134 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Allen, Margaret, and Stillson Hillton, July 23, 1747.* Mary [wid. int.], and Josiah Lee, Apr. 25, 1737.* Mary, and Jacob Lee, Sept. 6, 1753.* Mary, and Burley Smith, Oct. 24, 1799.* Mary, and Charles Johnson, June 25, 1823.* Mary, and Obed Carter, 2d [jr. int.], Nov. 17, 1825.* Mary, and Joseph Killham, Nov. — , 1826. c. R.* Mary, and Simeon Haskell, jr., Dec. 16, 1831.* Mary Ann, and Jeremiah Danforth, Nov. 3, 1838.* Mary G., and George A. Brown of Boston, Jan. 16, 1840.* Matilda, of Beverly, and Samuel Clement, Sept. 27, 1835. Mehitable, and Daniel Allin [2d. int.], Dec. 23, 1824.* Mehitable [wid. c. r.], and [Capt. c. r.] Joseph Allen, July 4, 1832.* Mehita[ble] [G. int.], and Coram [Gorham. int.] Parsons, jr. of Gloucester, July 23, 1836. c. R.* Miram, and Andrew Hooper, Nov. 4, 1729.* MoUey, and Jonathan Prince, Nov. 17, 1772.* Molly, and Joseph Perry of Portland, Dec. 3, 1801. c. r.* Nabby [D. int.], and Winslow Dunton [of Stow, int.], Apr. 3, 1 81 7. c. R.* Nancy, and James Knowlton of Hamilton, June 14, 1813. c. r.* Nancy, and Capt. Abiel Burgis, jr., July 15, 1818. c. R.* Nancy W., and John B. Lord of Ipswich, Oct. 7, 1817. c. R.* Nathan, and Elizebeth Perry, July 5, 1792.* Nathan, jr., and Lucy T. [S. int.] Allen, Feb. 8, 181 7. c. R.* Nathaniel, and Joanna Thorndike of Beverly, at Beverly, Apr. 19, 1768.* Nath[anie]l, jr., and Anna Miller of Beverly, Jan. 19, 181 2. c. R.* Nathaniel Marsters, and Elezebeth Lee, Dec. 10, 1789.* Nath[anie]ll, and Anne Dodge, Nov. 12, 1786.* Nehemiah, and Elizabeth Perse, int. July 23, 1738. Nehemiah, and Ruth Allen, Dec. 8, 1774.* Patty, and John Ayers, int. Sept. i, 1787. Persillah, and David Craft, Nov. 29, 1792.* Polly, and Daniel Appleton of Beverly, int. Nov. 6, 18 14. Priscilla, and Andrew Lee, Dec. 25, 1765.* Rachel [" still living in 1835 ^^ ^- H." int.], and Jonathan Her- rick, jr., Jan. 5, 1758.* Rachel, Mrs., and Isaac Lee, jr., Dec. 18, 1783.* Rebecah, and W[illia]m Tuck [2d. int.], Apr. 28, 1805. c. R.* Rebeckah, and Nickolus Woodbury, Dec. 28, 1785.* Richard, and Polly Prince, Dec. 6, 1796.* Richard, Capt., and Bethiah Driver, Sept.18,1823. [Sept. 8. c. r.]* *Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I 35 Allen-, Richard [Capt. int.], and Rebecca Girdler, Dec. 2 2,1833.* Rose, of Gloucester, and Thomas Lee, at Gloucester, Jan. 13 1726.* Ruth, and Nehemiah Allen, Dec. 8, 1774-* Ruth, and Thomas Lee, Apr. 21, 1791.* Ruth, and John Cheever, Apr. 13, 1802. c. R.* Ruth, and John P. [Perry, int.] Allen, Nov. 28, 1816. c. R.* Ruth Ann, and John H. Lothrop of Augusta, Me., Aug. 20, 1839.* Samuel, jr., and Sarah Tuck of Beverly, at Beverly, May i, 17 17. Samuel, sr., and [Mrs. int.] Lydia Allen, Aug. 21, 1764.* Samuel, and Mary Girdler, May 21, 181 6. c. R.* Samuel [Capt. int.], and [Mrs. int.] Lydia Allen, Feb. 16, 1834.* Samuel P., and Elizabeth Knight, June 2, 1837.* Sarah, and James Killoch of Glocester, Dec. 7, 1738.* Sarah, and John Hill, Mar. 12, 1765.* Sarah ["Misrs." int.], and Nathaniel Lee, Apr. 21, 1768.* Sarah E., a. 21 y., d. Joseph and Mary, and Jeremiah R. Lord, a. 24 y., cabinet maker, b. Ipswich, s. Joseph and Mary, of Ipswich, Apr. 25, 1847.* Sarah F., Mrs., see Tappan. Sarah [J. int.], and Samuel Edwards, Jan. 8, 1823.* Simeon, and Hannah Brown, Dec. 30, 1772.* Simeon, and Betsey [Elezebeth. int.] Brown, Oct. 13, 1803. c. R.* Stephen, and Elizabeth Lee, July 14, 1737.* Stephen, jr., and Betsey [Elezebeth. int.] Baker, Dec. 25, 1787.* Stephen, and Nancy Cross, Apr. 5, 1827.* Stephen B., a. 20 y., cabinet maker, s. Stephen and Nancy, and Sabra Ann Cross, a. 16 y., b. Beverly, d. Stephen and Chris- tiana, of Beverly, Nov. 23, 1848.* Susan, and Samuel Crowell, Nov. 20, 1825.* Susan M., a. 21 y., d. Enoch and Susan, and Moses P. Greenleaf of West Newton, a. 28 y., doctor, b. Haverhill, s. Samuel E. and Sarah, of Haverhill, Oct. 8, 1846.* Susannah, Mrs., and John Knights, Nov. 11, 1779.* Thomas, and Abigail Goldsmith, Mar. 31, 181 1. Thomas [L. int.], and Levina Baker, Oct. 15, 1820.* Thomas L. [Capt. int.], and Ann Baker, Jan. 3, 1830.* Thom[a]s Lee, and Mary Hill, Aug. 24, 181 7. c. R.* William, and Abigail Hooper, Nov. 7, 1751.* William, jr., and Ame Lee of Gloucester, int. July 7, 1776. Will[ia]m [3d. int.], and Hannah Edwards, Nov. 9, 1789.* William, and Sally Edwards, Mar. 29, 1795.* William, jr., and Mary Hunt of Salem, int. Jan. 29, 1804. William, jr., and Harriot P. Lee, Mar. 19, 181 5. c. r.* •Intention also recorded. 136 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Allen, William Harvey, and Susan Poland of Hamilton, int. Apr. 12, 1845. William Henry, and Abby D. Pickard of Beverly, int. Dec. 29, 1845. Woodbury, and Sally F. Tappan, Mar. 4, 1828.* ALLEY, Samuel, 3d, and Sarah Marstus, Feb. 20, 1750-51.* ALLIN (see also Allen), Hannah, and Edward Lee, July 11, 1721. Jacob, and Sarah Lee, Jan. 3, 1743-4. c. r. John, and AUice Bennet, at Beverly, Nov. 15, 1705. Joseph, and Caturn Leach, Oct. 28, 1696. Joseph, and Sarah Knolton, at Beverly, Jan. 20, 17 12-13. Samuel, and Abigail Williams, at Marblehead, Mar. 17, 1686. Sarah, and Samuel Crow, at Beverly, Nov. i, 1707. William, and Sarah Walker, Nov. 19, 1700. ANDREWS (see also Androse, Androus), Benjamin, of Ipswich, and Luse Lee, Sept. 6, 1753.* Betsey, and Billy Knolton, both of Wenham, Jan. 19, 1804. c. r. David, of Gloucester, and Rachel Morse, Nov. 7, 1818. c. r.* Frances [H. int. ; M. c. r.], of Ipswich, and Thomas Treadwell, Dec. 3, 1835.* Isaac M., and Christiana B. Morgan, int. Sept. 20, 1845. James M., and Elizabeth Stone, Sept. 28, 1842. t. c* John, and Lucy Craft, Aug. 21, 1806. c. r.* John [Johnathan. int.], jr., of Gloucester, and Joanna Morse, Jan. 23, 1812. c. R.* John, and Nancy Rowe, Jan. 3, 18 13. c. k.* Louisa Ann, of Gloucester, and Thomas Willmonton, Dec. 5, 1839.* Lucy M., a. 23 y., d. Abner and Hannah, of Essex, and James McCarteny, a. 20 y., s. William and Elizabeth, Aug. 3, 1845.* Sally M., and John Stone, Dec. 5, 1837.* ANDROSE (see also Andrews), Joseph, of Ipswich, and Mrs. Margret Ober, Oct. 25, 1781.* Lydia [Andrews, int.], and Nicholas Badcock, Jan. 18, 1776.* ANDROUS (see also Andrews), Jerimiah, of Ipswich, and Lydia Knowlton, Mar. 19, 1750-51.* ANIBAL (see also Annable), Sophia [Annable. c. R.],and Samuel F. Parson, Oct. 28, 1832.* ANNABLE (see also Anibal), Elizabeth, and Edmund Clark of Glocester, int. Mar. 22, 1755. Joann E., and John H. Driver, May 24, 1840.* Margarett, of Ipswich, and John Orsment, int. June 23, 1770. •Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I 37 APPLETON, Daniel, of Beverly, and Polly Allen, int. Nov. 6, 1814. ARBUCKLE, Ina, a. 18 y., d. John and Margaret A., and Thomas Dow, jr., a. 26 y., fisherman, s. Thomas and Elizabeth, July 22, 1846.* ARES (see also Ayers), Katharine, and John Esty, May 20, 1719. CT. R. ASHBEE, John, and Abigail Warren, Apr. 3, 1738.* AUSTIN, James, of Lynn, and Lucy Allen, Nov. 26, 1S29.* John, and Dorothy Woodbury, Feb. 14, 1760.* AVERY, Abigail [Nabby. int.], of Wenham, and Samuel Carter, at Wenham, May 30, 1790.* AYERS (see also Airs, Ares, Ayres), Eliza Ann, and Henry B. Knowlton, int. Oct. 19, 1848. Elizabeth, and Samuel Carter, Mar. i, 1835.* Harriet, and William Herrick of Beverly, Oct. 22, 1829.* Isaac, and Elizabeth D. Silver, int. Oct. 7, 1848, Jacob, and Rebbecca H. Cross, Dec. 30, 1841. t. c* John, and Patty Allen, int. Sept. i, 1787. Lydia, and Mathew Seroca, May 18, 1784.* Lydia, and Joseph Lee, jr., Jan. 15, 1822.* Martha, and William Ireland, int. May 5, 1753. Martha, and Benjamin Lee, May 20, 1827.* Mary, and Benja[min] Cole of Beverely, Dec. 22, 1731.* Mary Jane, and Thomas Hart of Beverly, Mar. 15, 1836.* Paulina [Perline. int.], and Isaac L. Henderson of Salem, Oct. 25, 1832.* Peter, and Sarah Beveridge, Mar. 22, 1748-9.* Peter, and Elizabeth Lee, Nov. 23, 1827.* Polly ["Mrses" Molly, int.], and Jonathan Morgan of Gloces- ter, Sept. 9, 1792.* Sally, and Thomas Holmes of Essex, Nov. 23, 1820.* Sally, and Joseph C. Wallis of Beverly, Aug. 18, 1835.* Samuel, and Nabby Brown, int. Dec. 15, 1799. Samuel, and Eliza Ann Allen, Nov. 11, 1832.* Thomas, and Leddiah Marsters, Nov. 22, 1722. Thomas, and Jenny Stevens, int. Apr. 19, 1807. AYRES (see also Ayers), John, and Anna Miller, Nov. 26, 1802. c. R.* Martha, and William Ireland, Oct. 4, 1753.* Samuel, and Lydia Leach, May 8, 1775.* *Intention also recorded. 138 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES AYSTON, Mary, Mrs. [Asten. int.], and James McCartney, June 5, 1783.* BABCOCK (see also Badcock, Badcok, Badkuk), Dean N., see Kimball. Fanny, and Andrew Lee, July 21, 1813. c. r.* George, and Hannah Dean, Apr. 11, 1803. c. r.* George, jr., and Martha Dodge of Wenham, int. Jan. 13, 1828. Hannah, and Benjamin Morgan, Aug. 29, 1805.* John, and Mary Cross, Nov. 20, 1828.* Joseph, and Mary Edwards, Jan. 4, 181 8. c. R.* Lydia, and Abraham Dodge of Wenham, Oct. 21, 1830.* Mary, and Warren Lowe of Essex, Dec. — , 1826. c. r. Mary, and Edward Lee, June 20, 1830.* Thomas, Capt., and Elizabeth Lee, Jan. 17, 1808. c. r.* William, and Ede Edwards, int. Dec. 19, 1795. William, and Mary Burges, int. July 8, 181 1. William, and Lydia Murray, int. Aug. 22, 181 9. BACHELDER (see also Batchelder), Andrew P., of Danvers, and Bethiah Lee, Aug. 2, 1829.* BACON, Sam[ue]l, and Lucy Lufkin of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Nov. 27, 1777.* Sarah Ann, of Boston, and George G. Danforth, int. Oct. 23, 1842. BADCOCK (see also Babcock), Anna, and Ezra Wocdbury of Beverely, int. Aug. 26, 173 [9]. Darkes, and John Badcock, int. Mar. 3, 1798. Elezebeth, Mrs., and Thomas Grant, Oct. 14, 1777.* Hanah, and Jonathan Roberds, jr. of Beverly, int. Oct. 27, 1734. Jenny [Jane, int.], and Benjamin Orsment, Mar. 11, 1762.* Jenny, and John Dow, Dec. 29, 1785.* Joanna, and Sammuel Morse of Beverly, Sept. 5, 1793. c. r.* John, and Jane Morse of Beverly, Feb. 28, 1750-51.* John, and Louis Dow, Nov. 7, 1773.* John, and Darkes Badcock, int. Mar. 3, 1798. Joseph [jr. int.], and Dorkas Gardner, Apr. 6, 1794. c. R.* Joseph Marsters, and Susannah Okes of Glocester, int. Nov. 27, 1802. Lydia, Mrs., and Jeremiah Dow, jr.. May 14, 1779.* Lydia, and Jacob Hooper, Nov. 23, 1796.* Lydia, and William Tuck, Esq., Jan. 2, [iSoi. int.]* Mary, and Robert Perry, Jan. 28, 1768.* Miriam, and Richard Coy, int. Oct. 23, 1737. Miriam, and Benja[min] Hilton, Jan. 9, 1737 [-8. c. r.].* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 39 Badcock, Nicholas, and Lydia Androse [Andrews, int.], Jan. 18, 1776.* Nicholus, and Betsey May, int. Apr. 19, 1800. Ruth, and Benjamin Thomson, Aug. 30, 1799.* Sally, Mrs., and William Kitfield, Dec. 23, 1779.* Sarah, and James Patch of Beverly, June 15, 1743. c. r.* Thomas, jr., and Molly Cheever, May 25, 1799.* William [jr. int.], and Mary Escot of Beverly, at Beverly, Feb. 28, 1745-* Will[ia]m, and Lydia Kitfield, Dec. 6, 1770.* BADCOK (see also Babcock), Joseph, and Lydia Cross, Mar. 5, 1 772.* Molley, and Daniel Leach, Aug. 7, 1754.* Thomas, and Mary Marsters, int. Dec. 3, 1774. BADKUK (see also Babcock), Elizabeth, and William Morse of Beverly, May 16, 1756.* BAILEY (see also Baley), Elisha Kendell, and Emily Augustia Morgan, int. Jan. 23, 1848. BAKER, Ann, and [Capt. int.] Thomas L. Allen, Jan. 3, 1830.* Anna, of Glocester, and Thomas Lee, jr., int. Oct. i, 1756. Bethiah, and Samuel Tuck, May 10, 1796.* Betsey [Elezebeth. int.], and Stephen Allen, jr., Dec. 25, 1787.* Esther, and Joseph Cogswell of Ipswich, Nov. tS, 1827.* Eunice [C. int.], and William F. Fitz, Dec. 14, 1833.* Harriet C, and Thomas H. Kitfield, Dec. 5, 1839.* Ira, and Mary Lee, Apr. 5, 1829. John, and Elizabeth Smith of Ipswich, Dec. 2, 1770.* John, and Sarah Cross of Haverhill, June 23, 1772. Joseph, and Anna Craft, at Hamilton, Mar. 21, 1799.* Levina [Lavina. int.], and Thomas [L. int.] Allen, Oct. 15, 1820. Lucretia, and Gideon Woodwell [jr. int.], of Newbury, Jan. 6, 1822.* Polly, and Andrew Wood[b]ury Ober, Apr. 7, 1805. c. r.* BALEY (see also Bailey), Nathaniel, and Nancy Davis, Sept. 13, 1802. c. R.* BARE (see also Bear), Anne, and John Richards, June n, 1793. C. R.* Betsey, and Benjamin Crumby, May 5, 1799.* Sam[ue]ll, and Mary Bishop, Jan. 25, 1727-8. Sam[ue]ll, and " Mrss." Betsey Woodbury of Ipswich, int. Oct. 27, 1793- ♦Intention also recorded. 140 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES BARKER, Mary A., of Stratham, N. H., and James L. Wiggin, int. May 19, 1839. BARTLETT, Caleb, and Eleanor [Nelly, int.] Haize, Dec. 11, 1769.* Edward, of Beverly, and Abigail Peart, int. Feb. 15, 1835. Eliza A., of Beverly, a. 19 y., d. John and Sarah, and James T. Eldridge of Beverly, a. 25 y., shoemaker, s. West and Anna, Dec. 9, 1847. BASEE, Sarah, and Mark Pitman, Oct. 29, 1696, BATCHELDER (see also Bachelder, Batcheller), Abigail, and John Knolton, Dec. 20, 1697. BATCHELLER (see also Batchelder), Sally [of Beverly, int.], and Jacob Allen, Aug. 3, 1807. c. r.* BAYIER, Daniel, and Mahala Lee, int. Aug. 22, 18 19. BEAN (see also Been), Betsey, and Benjamin Leach, at Hamil- ton, Mar. 21, 1799.* BEAR (see also Bare), Anna, and Andrew Marsturs, Apr. 3, I755-* Betsy, and Benjamin Crumby, June 10, 1813. c. r.* Mary [Bary. int.], and Ambrose Allen, Feb, 27, 1745-6.* Rachel, and Joseph Day, int. Feb. 4, 1764. Samuel, and Sarah Mills, Apr. 6, 1769.* BEEN (see also Bean), Robart, and Elizabeth Cross, Sept. 3, 1754-* BELCHER (see also Belsher), Elizabeth, and Anthony De Myng, int. Feb. 2, 1766. Jane, and Yom-VVill [William, int.] Camp, Feb. 12, 1762.* John, and Nabby May, Jan. 8, 1790.* Joseph, jr., of Cheba[cco] [of Ipswich, int.], and Mary Cross, at Ipswich, Dec. 8, 1730.* Joseph, and Elizabeth Tuck, Mar. 8, 1759.* Ruth, and Daniel Rust of Ipswich, Nov. 10, 1763.* BELLINGS, Lucy, of Sagewick, and Bartholumu Flowers, jr., int. Feb. 25,1792. BELSHER (see also Belcher), Mary, and Thomas Murphe, Oct. 3. 1750-* Mary, and John Sinnit of Marblehead, Jan. 27, 1755.* *Intenticn also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I4I BENET (see also Bennett), Elezebeth, and Nathanel Lee, Nov. 28, 1721. BENNET (see also Bennett), Aaron, Capt., and Mrs. Abigail Geardner, vvid,, of Glocester, int. Feb. 21, 1735-6. Allice, and John AUin, at Beverly, Nov. 15, 1705. Amos, and Eliz[abe]th Oakes of Danvers, at Danvers, Dec. 29, 1776.* Anne, and Isaac Miller, Sept. 6, 1789.* Aron, and Ann Pickworth, Nov. 20, 1700. Aron [Aaron, jr. int.], and Bathia Ston [Bathier Stone, int.], June 27, 1 734-* Elezebeth, and William Edwards, 2d, Aug. 15, 1799.* Elisabeth, and Robburd Warrin, Dec. 11, 1700. Lucy, and Benja[min] Searls of Marbelhead, Jan. 4, 1732-3. Mary, and Will[ia]m Joanes, Feb. 22, 1725-6.* Mary, and Jonathan Hasham, Aug. 10, 1727.* Moses, and Rachel Rust of Lpswich, at Essex, Feb. 15, 1739.* Nancy, and William Peart, Mar. 21, 1804.* Patty, and Edward Morgan, int. Aug. 29, 1794. Rachel, and Edward Renouf of Marblehead, May 7, 1772.* William, and Lydia Whittmgton of Beverly, at Ipswich, Aug. 26, 1729.* BENNETT (see also Benet, Bennet, Bennit), Aaron, a. 28 y., cabinet maker, s. David and Abigail, and Louisa Widger, a. 24 y., d. Samuel and Lucy, Apr. 14, 1845.* Anne, and Azariah Woodberry of Beverly, Sept. 16, 1765.* Benj[ami]n, and ["Misrs." int.] Martha Burnham of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Apr. 7, 176S.* Bethiah, and Samuel Forster, Apr. 14, 1763.* David, and Anna [Anne, int.] Woodbury of Beverly, Oct. 19, I775-* David, and Nabby Girdler, Mar. 29, 1S07. c. r.* David, and Elizabeth Lee [d. Andrew, c. R.], May 18, 1840.* Evoline, and ObedC. Kinsman [widr. c. r.], Aug. 18, 1842. t. c* Hannah [wid. int.], and John Edwards, jr., Dec. 17, 1761.* Lucey, and Ezra Allen, Dec. 23, 1760.* Lydia L., a. 23 y., d. David and Abigail, and William S. L. Goes of Boston, a. 24 y., piano forte maker, b. Worcester, s. Wil- liam and Jemima, of Worcester, Jan. 5, 1845.* Molly, and Jacob Symmons, Sept. 17, 1772.* Moses, and Anna .Allen, Dec. 7, 1762.* Samuel, and Elisabeth Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Sept. 9, I773-* *Intention also recorded. 142 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES BENNIT (see also Bennett), Elizabeth, and Rebburt Warrin, Dec. 1 1, 1700. William, and Hannah Woodberry, at Beverly, Jan. 18, 1760.* BEVERIDGE, Sarah, and Peter Ayers, Mar. 22, 1748-9.* BEXBY, Lydia, of Boston, and Will[ia]m Kimball, int. Dec. 23, 1785. BIGWOOD, John, a. 22 y., cabinet maker, s. Thomas and Eliza- beth, and Susan Lee, a. 19 y,, tailoress, d. James and Nancy, June II, 1846.* BILLINGS, see Bellings. BINGHAM, Aurela T., and Horace H. Grosvenor, Jan. 7, 1S19. c. R.* Carohne, a. 20 y., b. Providence, R. I., d. William T. and Mehit- ble, and Isaac P. Hill, a. 27 y., cabinet maker, s. Amos and Nancy, Dec. 4, 1845.* Deborah L., and Abiel Burgis [jr. int.], I\Iar. — , 1811. c. R.* Delucena L., jr., and Mary Burgis, Nov.. 12,. 1S.13. c. r.* Delucena L., jr., and Emeline Peart, Sept. 22, 1842. t. c* Delucena Lathrop, and Deborah Lee Tuck, Jan. 31, 1788.* Eliza S., and Thomas S. Blanchard of Concord, N. H., int. Apr. 26, 1839. Elizabeth Ann P'oster, a. 17 y., d. Luther and Elizabeth, and Claudius B. Hoyt, a. 23 y., cabinet maker, b. Rockport, s. John M. and Sarah, of Rockport, June 11, 1846.* Henry T., and Mary Jane Norris, Oct. 22, 1838.* Loisa H., a. 23 y., d. Delucena L. and Louisa, and Daniel W. Friend, a. 27 y., s. Daniel and Lucy, Aug. 5, 1844.* Lucretia H. [Huntington, int.], and [Capt. int.] Henry Story [jr. int.]. May 6, 1813. c. R.* Luncinda, and Benja[min] M. [Masters, int.] Knowlton, Oct. 18, 1 818. c. r.* Luther, and Elizabeth Crafts, Feb. 19, 1829.* Mary L., and Timothy Carlton of Andover, int. Jan. 31, 1S13. Mary L., and David Burgis, jr., May 30, 1813. c. r.* Sarah H., a. 26 y., d. D. L. and Louisa, and Charles Crowell, a. 30 y., cabinet maker, s. Joseph and Mary, of Hopkinton, N. H., Oct. 20, 1845.* BISHOP (see also Bishup, Bushop), Annah, and G[e]org[e] Wallase, Apr. 30, 171 7. [17 18. c. R.] Elisabeth, and John Williams of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. i, 1705. John [jr. int.], and Elizabeth Hooper, Dec. 9, 1729.* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 43 Bishop, Lydia, and Rob[er]t Knowlton, Dec. 24, 1724.* Mary, and Sani[ue]ll Bare, Jan. 25, 1727-8.* Prudan[c]e, and Ternance Weeber, June 28, 1731.* Rachel, and Solloman Grover, Nov. 17, 17 18. ex. r. Richard, of Monson [of Brimfield. int.], and Rachel Lee, Feb. 2, 1764.* BISHUP (see also Bishop), Rachel, and Sollomon Driver [of Glochester. c. r.], Nov. 17, 17 18.* BLAISDELL, see Blazedell. BLANCHARD, Charles P., of Concord, N. H., and Lucretia Bur- ges, Dec. 23, 1835.* Thomas S., of Concord, N. H., and Eliza S. Bingham, int. Apr. 26, 1S39. Thomas S., and Amelia S. Gilson, int. June 23, 1849. BLAZEDELL, Jonathan, of Newbury Port, and Mrs. Ruhannah Burnham, July 8, 1784.* BOARDMAN, Samuel O., and Henrietta Lee, Oct. i, 1828.* BOHONON, John E., and [wid. c. r.] Eliza [EHzabeth. int.] Easkoot, Apr. 9, 1835.* BOND, Levina, Mrs., and Joseph Reed of Cambridge, Mar. 26, 1778.* BOOTMAN, Benjamen, of Beverley, and Anne Hooper, int. Nov. 17, 1793- BOSKON, Ann, Mrs., and John Coles, at Hampton Falls, N. H., Oct. 31, 1769. BOYDE, Mary E., of Essex, and Edward A. Johnson, int. Oct. 7, 1848. BOYLES, Mary, and Samuel Woodberry, Feb. 7, 1771.* BOYNTON (see also Byenton), Alonzo C, of Salem, and Mary Ann Morgan, int. Nov. 24, 1833. Enoch, and xAbigail Tarring, int. Jan. 15, 1771. BRADFORD, Jane, and Roberd Leech, Mar. 13, 171 7. BRADSTREET, see Broadstreet. BRAY, Eliza [beth], of Gloucester, and Joseph Procter of Derry, N. H., Jan. S, 1843. x. c. Josiah C, of Gloucester, and Augusta Morgan, Nov. 9, 1828.* Lucinda, of Gloucester, and John Morgan, int. Nov. 25, 1838. *Intention also recorded. 144 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES BROADSTREET, Ezekeil, of Glocester, and Lydia Joint, Dec. 20, 1789.* BROWN, Abigail, " Misrs," of Wenham, and Solomon Day, int. Jan. II, 1766. Andrew, and Esther Craft, July 10, 1800.* Andrew, and Hannah Allen, Dec. 16, 1804. c. r.* Andrew, jr., and Mary Ann Tuck, Oct. 25, 1832.* Andrew, jr. [widr. c. R.], and Sarah F. Tappan, Apr. 24, 1842. T. c* [" Mrs. Sarah F. Allen, formerly Tappan." c. R.] Bailey C, and Frances Cogswell of Gloucester, int. Oct. 8, 1846. Betsey [Elezebeth. int.], and Simeon Allen, Oct. 13, 1803. c. r.* Dorcas [Darkes. int.], of Gloucester, and John Cristie, at Glou- cester, Oct. 21, 1795.* Eliza P., a. 20 y., d. Perly and Betsy, and Ariel Lee, a. 23 y., cabinet maker, s. Ariel P. and Ann, Apr. 30, 1848. Eliza T., and Ariel Lee, jr., int. Apr. 5, 1848. George A., of Boston, and Mary G. Allen, Jan. 16, 1840.* Hannah, and Simeon Allen, Dec. 30, 1772.* Ivory [of Wells, int.], and Rachel Driver, Nov. 28, 1833.* Jacob, widr., of Ipswich, a. 59 y., farmer, s. Daniel and Levial, and Hannah E. Comens, divorced, of Boston, a. 35 y., d. Jonathan and Betsey Eaton, June 16, 1S45. James, and Lydia Allen, Dec. 11, 1770.* James, and Sarah Story of Ipswich, int. Nov. 4, 1797. John VV., and Sarah C. Oilman, May 22, 1842. T. c* Jonathan, and [Mrs. int.] Mary Tuck, at Gloucester, Nov. 19, 1767.* Lydia, and Bartholomu Flowers of Sagwick, int. May 15, 1798. Nabby, and Andrew Simons, Oct. 18, 1796. Nabby, and Samuel Ayers, int. Dec. 15, 1799. Perley, and Betsey Tappan, Sept. 12, 1827.* Polly, of Gloucester [of Salem, int.], and Joseph Gardner, Dec. 21, 1802. c. R.* Saloma, and Isaac Morgan, Sept. 4, 1803. c. r.* Sophia, and Amos Lendall, Mar. i, 18 14. c. R.* VVilHam, and Elizabeth Edwards, Dec. 23, 1773.* SURGES (see also Burgess), Abial, and Mrs. Jenny Leach, June 12, 1783.* Caroline [E. int.], and John Taylor of Concord, N. H., Oct. 23, 1838.* Deborah L., and Oilman C. Crowell, Nov. 14, 1833. James, and Anna Richards, Feb. i, 1821.* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I45 BuRGES, Lucretia, and Charles P. Blanchard of Concord, N. H., Dec. 23, 1835.* Lydia, and Jeremiah Danforth, Sept. 24, 1803, c. r.* Mary, and WiUiam Babcock, int. July 8, 181 1. Mary [L., wid. c. R.], and [Capt. int.] Joseph Hooper, Oct. 22, 1827.* Mary L., and John Carter, Sept. 24, 1833.* [Sept. 22. c. r.] BURGESS (see also Burges, Burgis), Aurilia, and George Taylor, June 8, 1843. T. c* Deborah L., and Oilman C. Crowell, int. Oct. 6, 1833. Joann, and John F. Burnham of Essex, July 27, 1833.* BURGIS (see also Burgess), Abiel [jr. int.], and Deborah L. Bingham, Mar. — , 181 1. c. R.* Abiel, jr., Capt., and Nancy Allen, July 15, 1818. c. R.* Andrew L., and Miriam Story, Mar. 28, 181 1. c. r.* Betsy, and William Edwards, June 29, 1818. c. R.* David, Capt., and Lydia Danford, July 20, 181 2. c. R.* David, jr., and Mary L. Bingham, May 30, 1813. c. r.* Mariam, and Sam[ue]l M. WiUiams, Nov. 4, 181 7. c. R. Mary, and Delucena L. Bingham, jr., Nov. 12, 1813. c. r.* BURNAM (see also Burnham), Ehzabeth, of Glocester, and Joseph Leach, 3d, int. Aug. 21, 1774. BURNHAM (see also Burnam), Aaron L., and Louisa K. Burn- ham of Essex, Sept. 27, 1829. c. r. Arba, and Abigail D. Patch, Sept. 8, 1837.* Austin, of Essex, a. 25 y., shoemaker, s. Nimrod and Susan, and Nancy L. Crafts, a. 23 y., d. John and Nancy, Dec. 17, 1848.* Clarrissa, and David Lee [2d. int.], Feb. 3, 1833.* Eliza Jane, of Essex, and Jonathan W. Lufkin, int. Sept. 18, 1847. Frederic, and Louisa Goldsmith, Nov. 23, 1841. t. c* Hannah, and John B. Crumby, Nov. 12, 1829.* John F., of Essex, and Joann Burges, July 27, 1833.* John F., of Essex, and Mehitable Gale of Salem, Dec. i, 1836'. Louisa K., of Essex, and Aaron L. Burnham, Sept. 27, 1829. c. R. Lucretia, of Essex, and Thomas Knight, int. Mar. 20, 1825. Margret, of Ipswich, and Amos Lee, int. July i, 1804. Martha [" Misrs." int.], of Ipswich, and Benj[ami]n Bennett, at Ipswich, Apr. 7, 1768.* Mary, and Isaac Allen, 2d, Feb. 28, 1833.* Mary E., and Morris Younger of Gloucester, int. Nov. 24, 1833. Mary Elizabeth, of Essex, and George W. Tucker, int. Oct. 4, *Intent:on also recorded. J 46 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES BuRNHAM, Moses, 2d, of Essex, and Elizabeth Morgan, Nov. 22, 1829.* Moses [jr. int.], of Essex, and Susan [Susanna, c. R.] Morgan, Dec. 17, 1835.* Nathan [jr. int.], of Essex, and Mary Jane Hooper, Apr. 19, 1832.* Ruhamah, Mrs., and Jonathan Blazedell of Newbury Port, July 8, 1784.* •Sam[ue]l, of Ipswich, and [wid. int.] Hannah Hooper, at Ipswich, Aug. 29, 1765.* Susan L., of Gloucester, and Thomas W. Slade, int. Apr. 5, 1848. William, 5 th, of Ipswich, and Mary Goldsmith, int. Sept. 14, 181 1. BUSHOP (see also Bishop), William, and Nabby [Abigail, int.] Camp, Nov. 10, 1791.* BUTLER, Mary Elizabeth, of Gloucester, a. 18 y., tailoress, d. Daniel and Rhoda, of Gloucester, and Nathan Richardson, a. 26 y., blacksmith, s. Asa and Betsy, Oct. 31, 1844.* Sarah, of Ipswich, and John Cheever, at Ipswich, June 15, 1769.* Susanna, of Ipswich, and Ezekiel Cheever, at Ipswich, Dec. 6, 1770.* BYENTON (see also Boynton), Hannah, and Joseph Killem, Apr. 24, 1793. c. R.* Joseph, of Glocester, and Mrs. Hannah Morse, int. May 29, 1 784. BYER, Mahala L., wid., a. 44 y., d. Isaac and Rachel Lee, and John Dexter, widr., of Danvers, a. 68 y., merchant, b. Mai- den, s. William and Rebeca, Oct. 22, 1844.* BYLES, Lucy, of Beverly, and Jacob Airs, at Beverly, Jan. 11, 1768.* CAILLETEAU, Sybella, of Boston, and John Lee [jr. int.], at Boston, Nov. 4, 1765.* CALADO, Peter, and Ruth Story of Ipswich, int. Sept. 3, 1815. CALBE, David [of Hopkenton. int.], and Rachel Lee, Sept. 30, 1796.* CALDWELL, Ebenezer, of Augusta, Me., and Clarissa Smith, July 13, 1825.* Hannah, and William Clark of Boston, Aug. 8, 1848.* CALF, King, and Eunise Allen, Feb. 21, 1733 [-4. c. r.]* CAMEL (see also Camell), John, and Polly Tuck, int. July 19, 1800. ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 147 CAMELL (see also Camel), Susannah, and Abraham Quiner [jr. int.], Mar. 4, 1792.* CAMP (see also Campe), Nabby [Abigail, int.], and William Eushop, Nov. 10, 1 79 1.* Nabby, and Patrack Obrian, int. Dec. 27, 1788. (Banns forbid- den by Patrick Obryen, Jan. i, 1789.) Will[ia]m, jr., and Abial Peirce, int. Dec. 30, 1790. Yom — Will [William, int.], and Jane Belcher, Feb. 12, 1762.* CAMPE (see also Camp), Joseph, and Betty [Elezebeth. int.] Joynt, Sept. 25, 1791.* CAPRON, Phila, and John Lee, Feb. 26, 1837.* CARLTON, Timothy, of Andover, and Mary L. Bingham, int. Jan. 31. 1813. CARRELL, Susanah, Mrs., and John Lee, Dec. 10, 1775.* CARTER, Adeline, a. 17 y., d. Nathan, jr. and Adeline, and Sam- uel Rogers, a. 22 y., varnisher, s. Samuel W. and Mary G., Dec. 9, 1847.* Benj[ami]n, and Sarah Dodge, July 23, 1789.* Benjamin, and Sally Davice, Dec. 7, 1796.* David [Capt. int.], widr. [of Rio Janeiro, int.], a. 44 y., mariner, s. Benjamin and Sarah, and Ruth Ann Lathrop, wid., a. 31 y., d. Aaron and Sarah Allen, Nov. 8, 1844.* Elezebeth, and William Lee, Dec. 3, 1795.* Eliza, and Theophilus [S. int.] Chase of Lynn, Oct. 29, 1822.* Elizebeth, and Benja[min] Woodbery, Nov. 15, 1725.* Esther, and John Tuck, jr., July 4, 1771.* Eunice, and William Lee, Apr. 13, 1794. c. R.* Eunice, and Bickford L. Rand of Topsfield, Jan. 23, 1823.* Ezekiel, and Martha Morgan, Aug. 8, 1830.* Hannah, and Sam[ue]ll Morgen, May 18, 1732. James, and Mrs. Mary Carter, Sept. 10, 1838.* John, and Hannah Foster, Dec. 15, 1726.* John, and Ruth Ober of Wenham, at Wenham, Mar. 28, 1773.* John, and Mary L. Burges, Sept. 24, 1833.* [Sept. 22. c. R.] John, widr., a. 35 y., mariner, s. Nathan and Naby, and Susen B. Cheever, a. 28 y., d. Jacob and Nancy, Oct. 4, 1844.* Jude, of Gloucester, and Samuel Hilton, int. Apr. 29, 1761. Lydia A. [Ann. int.], and Enos G. Allen, Apr. 14, 1836.* Mary, and Josiah Lee, Dec. 7, 1725.* Mary, and Will[iam] Collins of Marbl[e]h[ea]d, Sept. 26, 1760.* ""Intention also recorded. 148 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Carter, Mary, Mrs., and James Carter, Sept, 10, 1838.* Nabby, and Capt. John Tuck, Sept. 13, 1804. c. R.* Nabby, and Thomas Dow, Sept. 10, 1816. c. r.* Nathan, and [Mrs. int.] Nabby Lee, Dec. 3, 1795.* Nathan, jr., and Adeline Cross, Sept. 18, 1822.* Obed, and Eunice Allen, Dec. 18, 1760.* Obed, jr., and Rachel Lee, Feb. 8, 1787.* Obed [sr. int. ], and Ruth Simons, Sept. 13, 1804. c. R. Obed, 2d [jr. int.], and Mary Allen, Nov. 17, 1825.* Rachel, and Samuel Kinsman of Danvers, Jan. 27, 181 1. c. R.* Sally, and Oliver Herrick of Beverly, int. Aug. i, 18 19. Sam[ue]l, and Ester Ston[e], Nov. 16, 1732. Samuel, and Sarah Sears, Apr. 16, 1752.* Samuel, and Martha Donnel of Topsfield, int. Mar. 19, 1774. Samuel, and Abigail [Nabby. int.] Avery of Wenham, at Wenham, May 30, 1790.* Samuel, and Elizabeth Ayers, Mar. i, 1835.* Sarah, and Henery Federick, Mar. 29, 1776.* Sarah, and George P. Martin, May 8, 1823.* Susan, and Trueman Herrick of Newburyport, Nov. 18, 1827.* CASTSTEIRS, Phelep, and Anne Roberts, int. May 28, 1791. CHAPMAN, Caroline S., of Ipswich, and Ellingwood Smith, int. May 21, 1839. CHASE, Daniel, of Pepperrelbourough, and [Mrs. int.] Betsey Tappan, Dec. 18, 1788.* Henry S., a. 22 y., cabinet maker, b. Salem, s. Theophilos ami Eliza, of Salem, and Hettey A. Allen, a. 2 1 y., d. Daniel and Mehitable, Sept. 24, 1848.* John Wingate, of Portsmouth, and Mrs. Nabby Toppen, June 18, 1782.* Joseph S., and Charlotte A. Goldsmith, int. Nov. 13, 1847. Theophilus [S. int.], of Lynn, and Eliza Carter,^Oct. 29, 1822.* CHEEVER (see also Chever), Ames, Rev., and Mrs. Sarah Choate of Cheba[cco] [of Ipswich, int.], at Ipswich, Apr. 5, 1736.* Ames, sr., and Mrs. Sarah Davis of Glocester, int. Apr. 28, 1753. Elizabeth, wid., a. 56 y., d. John and Elizabeth Lee, and [Capt. int.] Joseph Hooper, widr., a 57 y., merchant, s. Joseph and Abigail, Dec. 10, 1844.* Ezekiel, and Susanna Butler of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Dec. 6, 1770.* Henry A., and Frances R. Goodrich of Ipswich, int. Dec. 3, 1839. Jacob, and Betsey Preston, Sept. 12, 183 1.* Jacob, jr., and Elizabeth C. Lee, int. Sept. 29, 1843. *Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 49 Cheever, John, and Sarah Butler of Ipswich, at Ipswich, June 15, 1769.* John, and Ruth Allen, Apr. 13, 1802. c. R.* John, jr., and Elizabeth Lee, Mar. 29, 1807. c. r.* John, 3d, and Elizabeth F, Tap pan, Dec. 25, 1840.* Molly, and Thomas Badcock, jr., May 25, 1799.* Nancv, and Samuel Cheever, int. Sept. 12, 1819. Priscilla C, a. 25 y., d. Samuel and Nancy, and Elhanan W. Hutchens, a. 25 y., cabinet maker, s. John A. and Cath- erine H., May 14, 1848.* Ruth, Mrs., and Isaac Mansfield, int. Sept. 9, 1744- Sally, and Cunningham [Kennison. int.] Davice, Nov. 19, 1795.* Sally, and Capt. Jonathan Hassam, Oct. 22, 1808.* Samuel, and Nancy Cheever, int. Sept. 12, 181 9. Samuel, jr., and Susan Hannah Friend, Sept. 17, 1840.* Sarah, and Joseph Knight, jr., int. Nov. 27, 1773. Susen B., a. 28 y., d. Jacob and Nancy, and John Carter, widr., a. 35 y., mariner, s. Nathan and Naby, Oct. 4, 1844.* CHEVER (see also Cheever), Jacob [Capt. int.], and Nancy Hassam, Nov. 26, 1812. c. r.* Jacob, and Hannah [Hannah Hilton, int.] Crumby, May 11, 1817. c. R.* Mary, and Joseph Allen, Mar. 24, 1S14. c. R.* Samuel, and Priscilla Crafts, Aug. 29, 181 3. c. R.* Samuel, and Fanny Allen, Sept. 3, 1815. c. r.* Susan, and Benjamin Leach, jr., Feb. 18, 181 1. c. R.* , Rev., and Mary Sandres of Boston, int. Oct. 18, 1733. CHILD, Charles [Caleb, int.], of Marblehead, and Lydia Cross, Apr. I, 181S. c. R.* CHOAT (see also Choate), Eliza, and John Cross of London- derry [N. H. c. R.], Apr. 5, 1826.* Samuel, of Ipswich, and Abigail Day, int. Feb. 21, 1761. CHOATE (see also Choat), Eunice, of Ipswich, and Nathan Story, at Ipswich, Nov. 22, 1768.* Mary C, of Essex, and Obed C. Kinsman, int. Nov. 2, 1845. Sarah, Mrs., of Cheba[cco] [of Ipswich, int.], at Ipswich, and Rev. Ames Cheever, Apr. 5, 1736.* CHUTE, Hannah [" Mrses." int.], of Rowley [of Byfield. int.], and Rev. Ariel Parish, at Rowley, July 17, 1792.* CIER (see also Sears), Ruben, of Rumford, and Susanna Day, int. Sept. 21, T754. ♦Intention also recorded. 150 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES CLARK (see also Clerk), Edmund, of Gloucester, and Elisabeth Pierce, at Gloucester, Nov. 24, 1718. Edmund, jr., of Gloucester, and Margarret Collet, at Gloucester, Oct. 21, 1743. Edmund, of Glocester, and Elizabeth Annable, int. Mar. 22, 1755. Edmund, and Lucy Clint of Ipswich, int. May 7, 1768. John, of Gloucester, and Lucy G. Allen, int. Sept. 28, 1828. Samuel, and Anna Forster, May i, 1770.* William, of Boston, and Hannah Caldwell, Aug. 8, 1848.* CLEAVELAND, Mary C, of Topsfield, d. of the late Hon. Nehemiah, and Rev. Oliver A. Taylor, Nov. 8, 1843. t. c* CLEAVES, Andrew, of Beverly, and Sally Peart, int. Dec. 28, 1833- Benjamin, of Beverly, and Harriet [Ann. int.] Wheaton, Feb. 11, 1835-* Mary, and Capt. Francis Low, July 10, 1808. c. R.* CLEMENT, Samuel, and Matilda Allen of Beverly, Sept. 27, 1835. CLEMMONS, Ephraim, and Nabby Hall, Apr. 29, 18 10. c. r.* CLERK (see also Clark), Benjamin [of Gloucester, int.], and Anna Leach, Oct. 24, 1765.* CLINT, Lucy, of Ipswich, and Edmund Clark, int. May 7, 1768. COALBY (see also Colby), Nathaniel, of Hopkinton, and Han- nah Lee, Jan. 20, 1787.* COBURN, see Coleborne. COES, Julia, E., a. 21 y., b. Kennebunkport, Me., d. Benjamin and Mary, of Kennebunkport, Me., and Cyrus Dodge, a. 32 y., cabinet maker, s. John and Susan, Dec. 20, 1846.* William S. L., of Boston, a. 24 y., pianoforte maker, b. Worces- ter, s. William and Jemima, of Worcester, and Lydia L. Bennet, a. 23 y., d. David and Abigail, Jan. 5, 1845.* COGSWELL, Frances, of Gloucester, and Bailey C. Brown, int. Oct. 8, 1846. Hannah [Mrs. int.], of Ipswich, and John Proctor, at Ipswich, May 31, 1781.* James, and Lydia G. Follensbee of Georgetown, int. Oct. 2, 1847. Joseph, of Ipswich, and Esther Baker, Nov. 18, 1827.* *Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 15I COLBY (see also Coalby), David jr., and Sally Stone, Dec. 8, 1S23.* David, jr., and Hannah Allen, June 14, 1840.* Laura L., and Stephen Larcom of Beverly, Nov. 2, 1842. t. c* Nathaniel [jr. int.], and Maria Tappan, Nov. 29, 1832.* Sally, and VVilliam Hooper, May 14, 1835.* COLE, Benja[min], of Beverely, and Mary Ayers, Dec. 22, 1731.* Charity, and VVilliam Sears [jr. int.], Jan. 7, 1734-5-* Elisabeth, of Beverly, and William Sears, at Beverly, Mar. 25, 1723.* COLEBORNE, Ebenezer [Coburn. int.], of Woodstock, and Barsheba Haskol, Oct. 29, 1730.* COLES, John, and Mrs. Ann Boshon, at Hampton Falls, Oct. 31, 1769. COLLENEY (see also Collony), Thomas, and Hannah Leach, Dec. I, 1768.* COLLET, Margarret, and Edmund Clark, jr., of Gloucester, at Gloucester, Oct. 21, 1743. COLLINS, Will[iam], of Marbl[e]h[ea]d, and Mary Carter, Sept. 26, 1760.* COLLONY (see also Colleney), James [jr. int.], and Betsy [Elezebeth. int.] Driver, July 4, 1793. c. R.* COMENS, Hannah E., divorced, of Boston, a. 35 y., d. Jonathan and Betsey Eaton, and Jacob Brown, widr., of Ipswich, a. 59 y., farmer, s. Daniel and Levial, June 16, 1845. COOK, William, of Beverly, a. 24 y., b. Beverly, s. Moses, of Beverly, and Mary Eliza Kilham, a. 17 y., d. Joseph and Eunice, Dec. 9, 1847.* COURSER, Jona[than], and Lucy Foster of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Jan. 17, 1 77 1.* COY (see also Coye), John, and Sarah Knight, at Beverly, Nov. 22, 1705. Rich[ard], and Sarah Littlefield, Nov. 2, 1724.* Richard, and Miriam Badcock, int. Oct. 23, 1737. COYE (see also Coy), Richard, and Catherine Easty [Karthon Esti. int.], Feb. 16, 1743-4. c. R.* Sarah [Coy. int.], and William Seears [Sears, jr. int.], Dec. 29, 1736.* *Intention also recorded. 152 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES CRAFT (see also Crafts), Anna, and Joseph Baker, at Hamilton, Mar. 21, 1799.* Anne, and Jacob Perry, Dec. 25, 1790.* Benjamin, and Anna Lee, Dec. 18, 1760.* Benjamin, jr., and Elezebeth Eastey, int. F'eb. 27, 1790. David, and Persillah Allen, Nov. 29, 1792.* David, and Anne Forster, Dec. 22, 1796.* Eleazar, and [" Misrs." int.] Elizabeth Sample, Jan. 6, 1767.* Eleazer, and [" Messes." int.] Anna Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Dec. 12, 1793.* Elizabeth, and John Welch, Apr. 17, 1806. c. R.* Esther, and Andrew Brown, July 10, 1800.* Francis, and Joanna Orsment, Mar. 22, 1764.* Francis, and Esther Herrick, June 15, 1775.* John Orsment, and Susanna Lowe of Ipswich, at Ipswich, July 18, 1793.* Lucy, and John Andrews, Aug. 21, 1806. c. R.* Nabby, and Joseph Hooper, May 17, 1785.* Patty, and John Lee, Feb. 8, 1798.* Rebeckah, and Jacob Tewksbury, jr., Apr. 9, 1795.* Sally, Mrs., and Aaron Allen, int. Sept. 21, 1795. Samuel, and Darkes Stannard, int. Dec. 21, 1799. William, and Deborah Bresson, Jan. 22, 1789.* CRAFTS (see also Craft), Aaron, and Henrietta Osborn of Bev- erly, Mar. 12, 1828.* Aaron, widr., a. 42 y., fisherman, s. William and D[e]borah, and Caroline Crumby, wid., a. 31 y., d. William and Abigail Rus- sell, Nov. 6, 1845.* Ann, and Asa Woodburry, Jan. 9, 1833.* Bethiah [F. int.], and John G. Edwards, Dec. 20, 1824.* David, Capt., and Elizabeth Girdler, June 4, 1809.* Deborah, and Samuel Goodrich, Dec. 3, 1829.* Elizabeth, and Luther Bingham, Feb. 19, 1829.* Isaac P., and Lydia Lee, Apr. 30, 1826.* Joan [Joann. int.] G., and John Price, Apr. 12, 1832.* Martha L., and Henry Knight, Oct. 30, 1834.* Mary Augusta, and John Arthur Allen of St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 29, 1844. T. c* Nancy, and Dr. John M. Grosvenor of Methuen, int. Apr. 30, 1820. Nancy L., a. 23 y., d. John and Nancy, and Austin Burnham of Essex, a. 25 y., shoemaker, s. Nimrod and Susan, Dec. 17, 1848.* Priscilla, and Samuel Chever, Aug. 29, 18 13. c. R.* *Inlention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I 53 Crafts, Susan S., a. 26 y., d. John and Nancy, and Hermon Story of Essex, a. 29 y., carpenter, s. Ephriam and Hannah, Dec. 19, 1S47.* William [jr. int.], and Abigail Lendall, sr., Apr. 24, 1833,* CREESY, Abigail, of Salem, and Bartho[lomew] Allen, at Bev- erly, Nov. 13, 1729.* CRISTIE, John, and Dorcas [Darkes. int.] Brown of Gloucester, at Gloucester, Oct. 21, 1795.* CROMBAY (see also Crombie), John, and Hannah Hill, Nov. 28^ 1819. p. R. 4.* CROMBIE (see also Crombay, Crumby), Benjamin, widr., a. 55 y., fisherman, s. Benjamin and Betsey, and Lois Abbott, wid., a. 63 y., d. Stilson and Lois Hilton, Jan. 5, 1845.* Enoch W., a. 28 y., fisherman, s. Benjamin and Betsy, and Abby J. Pralfrey, a., 17 y., d. John and Mary, Dec. 24, 1847.* CROMMY, Benj[ami]n [Cromell. int.], and Elezebeth Hilton, June 30, 1789.* CROS (see also Cross), Abigail, and John Galloway, Sept. 10, I733-* CROSE (see also Cross), Elez[ebe]th, and Simon Wyatt of Wen- ham, Oct. 16, 1783.* George, and Elizabath Lee, Feb. 11, 1735-6.* (jeorge [jr., int.], and Elezebeth Hilton, Sept. 7, 1788.* George, jr., and Lucy Dean, int. Sept. 3, 1791. George, jr., and Polly Hilton, Apr. 19, 1796.* Judath, of New Salsbury, N. H., and John Edwards, jr., int. Jan. 24, 1796. Lucy, and Will[ia]m Wait [Wiett. int] of Wenham, Sept. 22, 1791.* Stephen, and Hannah May, May 23, 1791.* CROSS (see alsoCros, Grose, Crosse), Adeline, and Nathan Car- ter, jr., Sept. iS, 1822.* Elizabeth, and Robart Been, Sept. 3, 1754.* Elizabeth, and Joseph Perry, Nov. 12, 1761.* Elizabeth, of Beverly, and Samuel B. Crumby, int. June 9, 1839. George, and Mary Pearce, Jan. 14, 1766.* George, and Lucy Perry, July 13, 1767.* George, 2d, and Rebeckah Leach, 2d, int. Nov. 29, 1807. John, of Londonderry [N. H. c. R.], and Eliza Choat, Apr. 5, 1S26.* *Intention also recorded. 154 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Cross, Lucretia, of Beverly, and Nathaniel H. Morgan, Nov. 31,. 1837.* Lucy, and Samuel G. Widget, May 9, 181 9. c. r.* Lydia, and Joseph Badcok, Mar. 5, 1772.* Lydia, and Charles [Caleb int.] Child of Marblehead, Apr. i, 1S18. c. R.* Mahala, and James Hildreth of Hopkinton, N. H., int. Feb. 20, 1815. Mary, and Joseph Belcher, jr. of Cheba[cco] [of Ipswich, int.],. at Ipswich, Dec. 8, 1730.* Mary [wid. c. r.], and Rufus Nourse of Beverly, Dec. 13, 1825.* Mary, and John Babcock, Nov. 20, 1828.* Nancy, and Stephen Allen, Apr. 5, 1827.* Rebbecca H., and Jacob Ayers, Dec. 30, 1841. T. c* Sabra Ann, a. 16 y., b. Beverly, d. Stephen and Christiana, of Bev- erly, and Stephen B. Allen, a. 2oy., cabinetmaker, s. Stephen and Nancy, Nov. 23, 1848.* Sarah, and Josiah Harsham, Jan. 2, 1764.* Sarah, of Haverhill, and John Baker, June 23, 1772. Stephea, and Christiana Easkoot, Mar. 14, 181 7. c. r.* William, and Mehitable Roberts, Nov. 26, 1834.* William, widr., a. ^;^ y., seaman, s. George and Lucy, and Eunice Kilham, wid., a. 38 y., d. Andrew and Eunice Roberts, Apr. 21, 1845.* CROSSE (see also Cross), Stephen [Crose. int.], and Elisabeth Allen, Feb. 15, 1738-9.* CROW (see also Crowell), Samuel, and Sarah Allin, at Beverly, Nov. I, 1707. CROWAL (see also Crowell), Mary, and Johon [John. jr. int.] Wabbar, Dec. 3, 1733.* CROWEL (see also Crowell), Lydia, and John Murry, Jan. 2, 1S03. c. R.* CROWELL (see also Crow, Crowal, Crovvel), Ambrose, and Hul- dah Adams of Boston, int. June 19, 1831. Ariel Parish, Capt., and Joan [Joanna, int.] Day, Sept. 14, 1824. c. R.* Benjamin, and Margaret Haskell, at Wenham, May 2, 1745.* Benjamin, and Jerusha Allen, Aug. 17, 1775.* Charles, a. 30 y., cabinet maker, s. Joseph and Mary, of Hopkin- ton, N. H., and Sarah H. Bingham, a. 26 y., d. D, L. and Louisa, Oct. 20, 1845.* Deborah L. [Mrs. int.], and William L. Hoyt, Aug. 25, 1840.* *Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I 5 5 Crowell, Oilman C, and Deborah L. Burges, Nov. 14, 1833. Joan D., a. 20 y., d. Ariel P. and Joan, and John C. Peabody, a. 23 y., cabinet maker, b. Bradford, s. John and Elizabeth, of Bradford, Oct. 29, 1848.* Miriam, and Joseph Leach, Feb. i, 1736-7.* Nathaniel, and Esther S. Day of VVeare, N. H., int. Oct. 12, 1828. Samuel, and Susan Allen, Nov. 20, 1825.* Samuel, Capt., and Mrs. Mary Abigail Eaton, int. Sept. 11, 1848. Sam[ue]ll [jr. int.], and Miriam Hill, Jan. 21, 1730-31.* CRUMBY (see also Crombie), Benjamin, and Betsey Bare, May S> I799-* Benjamin, and Betsy Bear, June 10, 1813. c. R.* Caroline, wid., a. 31 y., d. William and Abigail Russell, and Aaron Crafts, widr., a. 42 y., fisherman, s. William and D[e]borah, Nov. 6, 1845.* Eliza A. [Ann. int.], and Jacob Wilmington, Sept. i, 1833.* Hannah [Hannah Hilton, int.], and Jacob Chever, May 11, iSi7» c. R.* Hannah [B. int.], and Gideon Stevens, Nov. 10, 1833.* John B., and Hannah Burnham, Nov. 12, 1829.* Patty, and Nathaniel Hilton [jr. int.], Nov. 9, 1797.* Samuel B., and Elizabeth Cross of Beverly, int. June 9, 1839. Susan, and Benjamin Morgan [jr. int.], Nov. 22, 1829.* Thomas W., and Caroline Russell, Oct. 14, 1838.* CURTIS, Rachel Ann, a. 20 y., tailoress, d. Benjamin and Dorcas,, and Ezra Stanley, a. 28 y., mason, s. Paul and Mahala, Sept. 22, 1844.* DALEN, Elezebeth [Dolan. int.], and Joseph Woodbary, June 28, 1723.* DAME, Carroll A., a. 23 y., farmer, b. New Field, Me., s. Nathan and Sally, of Parkman, Me., and Ann H. Smith, a. 25 y., d. adopted, Israel and Eunice Peart, Apr. 13, 1845.* DANE, Worren C, and Sarah M. Tenny of Exeter, N. H., int. June 13, 1844. DANFORD (see also Danforth), Anne, and Will[ia]m Kelham, Dec. 28, 1786.* Betsey, and John Richards, Nov. 24, 1796.* Lucy, and Winthrop Lee, Jan. 13, 1785.* Lydia, and Capt. David Burgis, July 20, 181 2. c. R.* Stephen, and Lucey Leach, Oct. 19, 1760.* Stephen, and Lydia Girdler, Dec. 4, 1798.* *Intention also recorded. 156 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES DANFORTH (see also Danford) , George G., and Sarah Ann Bacon of Boston, int. Oct. 23, 1842. Jeremiah, and Lydia Burges, Sept. 24, 1803, c. R.* Jeremiah, and Sarah Hassam, May 24, 1832.* Jeremiah, and Mary Ann Allen, Nov. 3, 1838. * Lydia, and George W. Marble, Sept. 3, 1824.* Lydia [Mrs. c. r.], and Jacob Groce of Beverly, Dec. i, 1829.* Lydia, and Obed C. Kinsman, Oct. 4, 1840.* Mary B., and Rufus W. Long, Sept. 5, 1826.* Stephen, jr., a. 49 y., cabinet maker, s. Stephen and Lydia, and Rebecca Miller, wid., a. 50 y., d. John and Mary Charles, Sept. 3, 1848.* DANIELS, Asa, and Nabby Lee, Nov. 9, 1794.* Priscilla, and Abraham Stone [jr. int.], Oct. 27, 181 6. c. r,* DAVICE (see also Davis), Cunningham [Kennison. int.], and Sally Cheevcr, Nov. 19, 1795.* John, and Anna Stone, int. Sept. 30, 1804. Sally, and Benjamin Carter, Dec. 7, 1796.* DAVIS (see also Davice), Nancy, and Nathaniel Baley, Sept. 13, 1802. c. R.* Samuel, of Glocester, and Mary Stone, int. May 16, 1760. Sarah, Mrs., of Glocester, and Ames Cheever, sr., int. Apr. 28, 1753- DAVISSON, William, and Martha Mastus of Beverly, Feb. 21, I754-* DAY, Abigail, and Samuel Choate of Ipswich, int. Feb. 21, 1761. Andrew, and Christan West of Beverly, at Beverly, Sept. 11, 1753.* Anna, and Richard Obear, 3d, of Beverly, int. June 9, 181 6. Betsey, and John Tuck, jr., Dec. 3, 1795.* Elezebeth, and John Driver, int. Apr. 15, 1791. Elizabeth, and John Edwards, jr., Apr. 25, 1758.* Elizabeth H., of Gloucester, a 24 y., tailoress, d. David and Olive, and Henry Haskell, widr., a. 28 y., stable keeper, s. Asa and Caroline, Apr. 29, 1846.* Esther S., of Weare, N. H., and Nathaniel Crowell, int. Oct. 12, 1828. Hannah, and Josiah Sanford of Gloucester, at Gloucester, Nov. 19, 1719.* Isaac S., and Eliza Ann Allen of Beverly, int. Dec. 16, 1838. Joan [Joanna, int.], and Capt. Ariel Parish Crowell, Sept. 14, 1824. c. R.* •Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I 57 Day, John, and Hannah Lee, Apr. 13, 17 19. c. r. John [sr. int.], and EHzabeth Hanson, at Wenham, Nov. 20, 1744.* John [jr. int.], and Anna Driver, Feb. 27, 1745-6.* John, and Esther Stone, Mar. 7, 1776.* Joseph, and Rachel Bear, int. Feb. 4, 1764. Joseph, jr., and Anna Allen, Aug. 12, 1798.* Joseph, and Mary Simmens, Feb. 18, 1800.* Judith [R. int.], of Ipswich [of Gloucester, c. r.], and Edward K. Goldsmith, Nov. 24, 1825.* Moses H., and Eliza L. Jarvis of West Cambridge, int. Sept. 17, 1847. Rachel, Mrs., and Andrew Driver, Sept. 30, 1796.* Richard, and Abigail Hill of Beverly, int. Oct. 13, 1728, Richard, and [wid. int.] Hannah Hilton, Jan. 7, 1762.* Solomon, and " Misrs." Abigail Brown of Wenham, int. Jan. 11, 1766. Susanna, and Ruben Cier of Rumford, int. Sept. 21, 1754. Thomas, of Glocester, and Mary Webber, Feb. 19, 1745-6.* DEAN, Hannah, and George Babcock, Apr. 11, 1803. c. R.* Lucy, and George Grose, jr., int. Sept. 3, 1791. Mary, and John Edwards, int. June 3, 18 [10. t. c.]* DECKER, Freelove H., a. 28 y., b. Wiscasset, Me., d. John M. and Theodocia, of Wiscasset, and Ebenezer H. Hunter, a. 27 y., cabinet maker, b. Bowdoinhamond, s. Hartley and Mar- garet, of Bowdoinhamond, Feb. 11, 1849.* Jefford M., and Harriet Lee, Sept. 2, 1838.* Robert M., a. 21 y., cabinet maker, s. John M. andThedocia, and Lydia A. Orsborn, a. 21 y., dressmaker, d. Asa and Lydia T., July 13, 1845.* William, and Louisa L. Marsters, June 16, 1839.* DEGARR, Sarah, and William Williams, Oct. 12, 1760.* DE MYNG, Anthony, and Elizabeth Belcher, int. Feb. 2, 1766. DENNIS, Frances, of Gloucester, and Henry L. Phillips, int. Nov. 5, ^847. Lucy, and Richard Tink, Feb. 3, 181 1. c. r.* Richard [C. int.], and Henrietta Storey, May 8, 1832.* DERR[I]G, John, and Christian Stansin, int. Sept. 19, 1849. DE SILVER, Francis [Francisco, int.], and Anna Tuck, Mar. 14, 1771.* *Intention also recorded. 158 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES DESMOND, Bartholomew, and Catherine Hamblin, int. Feb. 7, 1846. DEXTER, John, of Ipswich, and [wid. int.] Sally Hooper, Jan. 25, 1816. c. R.* John, widr., of Danvers, a. 68 y., merchant, b. Maiden, s. William and Rebeca, of Maiden, and Mahala L. Byer, wid., a. 44 y., d. Isaac and Rachel Lee, Oct. 22, 1844.* DODGE, Abigail, of Beverly, and Benjamin Lee, jr., Apr. 8, 1756.* Abraham, of VVenham, and Lydia Babcock, Oct. 21, 1830.* Anne, and Nath[anie]ll Allen, Nov. 12, 1786.* Cyrus, a. 32 y., cabinet maker, s. John and Susan, and Julia E. Coes, a. 21 y., b. Kennebunkport, Me., d. Benjamin and Mary, of Kennebunkport, Me., Dec. 20, 1846.* Jacob, of Wenham, and wid. Saloma Morgan [sr. int.], Aug. 25, 1829.* Jerusha [" Misrs." int.], and Joseph Leach [jr. int.], Jan, 15, 1767.* Jonathan S., a. 25 y., cabinet maker, b. Hamilton, s. James and Hannah, of Hamilton, and Charlotte P. Allen, a. 21 y., d. WilHam and Harriet P., Apr. 20, 1847.* Marcy Thorn, Mrs., of Wenham, and Amos Lee, int. Mar. 26, 1 791. Martha, of Wenham, and George Babcock, jr., int. Jan. 13, 1828. Sally, and Forster Allen, Dec. 2, 1824.* Sara, of Beverly, and Jona[than] Allen [jr. int.], at Beverly, May 29, 1764.* Sarah, of Wenham, and Aaron Lee [jr. int.], at Wenham, Feb. 16, I775-* Sarah, and Benj[ami]n Carter, July 23, 1789.* DON AWAY (see also Donoway), Anne, and Jacob Fowler, Apr. 27, 1788.* DONNEL, Martha, of Topsfield, and Samuel Carter, int. Mar. 19, 1774- DONOWAY (see also Donaway), Timothy, and Sarah Woodbery, Jan. 23, 1755.* DOTY, John F., and Betsey M. Herrick of Salem, int. Sept. 3, 1847. DOW, Abigail C, and William McCartney, jr., Dec. 14, 1840,* Betsey, and Samuel Youlin of Gloucester, June 16, 1841. t. c* Bula B. [Bradford, int.], and Nathan Lee [jr. int.], Sept. 29, 1809. c. R.* Jacob, and Anne Easkoot, May 19, 1788.* •Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I 59 Dow, Jacob H., and Sally Hassam, Jan. 18, 181 9. c. R.* James, and Eliza Roberts of Beverly, int. Jan. 3, 1819. Jeremiah, jr., and Anna Easkot, int. May 18, 1777. (Banns for- bidden by Christan Easkoat, mother of Anna Easkot.) Jeremiah, jr., and Mrs. Lydia Badcock, May 14, 1779.* John, and Jenny Badcock, Dec, 29, 1785.* Louis, and John Badcock, Nov. 7, 1773.* Thomas, and Nabby Carter, Sept. 10, 1816. c. R.* Thomas, jr., a. 26 y., fisherman, s. Thomas and Elizabeth, and Ina Arbuckle, a. 18 y., d. John and Margaret A., July 22, 1846.* William, and Mrs. Hannah Hilton, July 17, 1783.* DOWN (see also Downs), Zepheniah, of Ipswich, and Polly Downs, Oct. 16, 1788.* DOWNEN (see also Downing), Samuel, and Mary Esty, July 16, 1752.* DOWNING (see also Downen), Mary [jr. int.], and Thomas Gentlee, Dec. 25, 1767.* DOWNS (see also Down), Polly, and Zepheniah Down of Ipswich, Oct. 16, 1788.* Ruth, and Robert Hart, May 10, 1796.* DREW, Joanna H., of Somersworth, and Henry Tuck, int. Dec. 28, 1806. Lucinda, and Elias Walden of Salem, int. Apr. 10, 1832. Lucinda, and George Plumer of Salem, int. June i, 1836. DRIVER, Andrew, and Mrs. Rachel Day, Sept. 30, 1796.* Anna, and John Day [jr. int.], Feb. 27, 1745-6.* Anna, and Hillard Morse, Aug. 19, 1829.* Aphia, and William Stone, Nov. 10, 1822.* Appha, and Charles Adams of Beverly, June 4, 1805. c. R. Bethiah, and Aaron Lee, Jan. i, 1801.* Bethiah, and Capt. Richard Allen, Sept. 18, 1823.* [Sept. 8. c. r.] Betsey [Elezebeth. int.], and James Collony [jr. int.], July 4, 1793. c. R.* Hannah, and Samuel Perry, Dec. i, 1768.* John, and Anna Osment, Jan. 6, 1 741-2. c. R. John, and Elisabeth Leach, Jan. 4, 1768.* John, and Elezebeth Day, int. Apr. 15, 1791. John, and Sally Hill, int. Apr. 3, 1820. John H., and Joann E. Annable, May 24, 1840.* Joseph D., and Adelia Low of Gloucester, int. Sept. 7, 1834. •Intention also recorded. l6o MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Driver, Maria, and Israel Allen, Sept. 25, 1834.* Nehemiah [in pencil], and Appha [Apphia. int.] Hilton, July 4, 1793. c. R.* Rachel, and John Herrick, at Wenham, Nov. 20, 1744.* Rachel, and Ivory Brown [of Wells, int.], Nov. 28, 1833.* Samuel, and Bethiah Allen, Dec. i, 1772.* Samuel, and Anna Allen, Dec. 9, 1800.* Samuel, and Louisa Roberts, Mar. 3, 1836.* Sollomon [of Glochester. c. r.], and Rachel Bishup, Nov. 17, 1718.* Soloman, and Hodiah Haskol [Jehoden Haskel. int.], Jan. i, 1735-6.* Solomon, jr., and Hannah Allen, int. Dec. 11, 1742. Solomon, and Meriam Hooper, Dec. i, 1768.* DUFFY, Catherine, and Edward Gallaghar, int. Aug. 5, 1846. DUNTO, Varnum [Dunton. int.], of Vienna, N. Y., and Eliz[a- be]th E. Allen, Sept. 21, 181 7. c. R.* DUNTON, Winslow [of Stow, int.], and Nabby [D. int.] Allen, Apr. 3, 181 7. c. R.* DURGEE, John, of Gloucester, and Mary Lee, int. Dec. 12, 17 13. DUTEY, James, of Gloucester, a. 30 y., ship carpenter, s. John and Judith, and Nancy Hoyt of Gloucester, a. 25 y., dress- maker, d. Charles and Fanny, May 10, 1846. DWINELL, see Donnel. DYER, Sam [ue] 11 [of Gloster. int.], and Anna Joans, Oct. 15, 1726.* [Oct. 25. c. R.] EARLE, Sophia, and Nathaniel P. Sanborn, int. Mar. 16, 1840. EASECOOT (see also Easkoot), Sarah [Escot. int.], and Thomas Finson, Mar. 19, 1 741-2. c. r.* EASKOOT (see also Easecoot, Easkot, Eastkoot, Escot), Allice, and Thomas Hoole, of Glocester, Nov. 15, 1753.* Anne, and Jacob Dow, May 19, 1788.* Annis, and Moses May, Feb. i, 1816. c. R.* Christiana, and Stephen Cross, Mar. 14, 1817. c. R.* Eliza, and Benjamin Jones, Feb. 14, 1830. Eliza [Elizabeth, int. ; wid. c. R.], and John E. Bohonon, Apr. 9, 1835.* *Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES l6l Easkoot, John, and Christian Mors of Beverly, at Beverly, Dec.26, I753-* John, and Elizabeth Russell, Aug. 30, 1812. c, r.* Mary Ann K., and William H. Little of Danvers, int. Nov. 27, 1836. Sabra, and Allen Lee, Dec. 26, 1837.* EASKOT (see also Easkoot), Anna, and Jeremiah Dow, jr., int. May 18, 1777. (Banns forbidden by Christian Easkoat, mother of Anna Easkoat.) EASTCOOT (see also Easkoot), Philip, and Annis Mors of Bev- erly, at Beverly, Feb. 5, 1789.* EASTEY (see also Easty), Elezebeth, and Benjamin Craft, jr., int. Feb. 27, 1790. EASTMAN, Abiel, of Salem, and Mary Kinsman, Apr. 20, 1835.* EASTY (see also Eastey), Benjamin, and Elizabeth Pears, Jan. 7, 1757.* Catharine [Karthon Esti. int.], and Richard Coye, Feb. 16, 1743-4. C.R.* Elizabeth, and James Ward, int. June 26, 1756. John, and Katharine Airs, May 20, 17 19. c. R. Mary, and Samuel Downen, July 16, 1752.* EATON, Harriet, and Hezekiah Knowlton of Beverly, July — , 1838.* Ithamer, and Jane Prince, May 21, 1S05. c. R.* John L., and Mary A. [Abigail, int.] Trask, Jan. 6, 1836.* Mary Abigail, Mrs., and Capt. Samuel Crowell, int. Sept. 11, 1848. EDWARDS, Abigail, Mrs., and [Capt. int.] Isra[e]l Foster Ober, Jan. 25, 1780.* Abigail, and John Ranks of East Tomastown, Me., Aug. i, 1837.* Ann, and William [H. int.] Hills [of Boston, int.], Dec. i, 1831.* Anna, and Ezekiel Upton of Reading, Aug. 19, 1741. c. R.* Anna, and Joseph Allen, Mar. 3, 1752.* Anne, Mrs., and Josiah Lee, Dec. 25, 1783.* Anne, and Jonathan Allen, 3d of Hopkinton, Dec. 26, 1786.* Azariah, and Nabby Smith of Beverly, int. Aug. 28, 1801. Benjamin, of Wenham, and Abigail Foster, at Wenham, Apr. 25, 1744.* Daniel, and Elizabeth Marstus, Dec. 19, 1754.* Ede, and William Babcock, int. Dec. 19, 1795. Elez[ebeth], Mrs., and David Allen, Mar. 6, 1777.* Elezebeth [Mrs. int.], and Andrew Woodbury, Nov. 4, 1790.* *Intention also recorded. 1 62 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Edwards, Elisabeth, and Nathaniel Harskell, Nov. 29, 1763.* Elizabeth, and William Brown, Dec. 23, i773-* Hannah, Mrs., and John Allen [3d. int.], Nov. 2, 1779.* Hannah, and Will[ia]m Allen [3d. int.], Nov. 9, 1789.* John, and Abigail Hooper, Nov. 9, 1727.* John, jr., and Elizabeth Day, Apr. 25, 1758.* John, jr., and [wid. int.] Hannah Bennett, Dec. 17, 1761.* John, jr., and Bethiah Forster, Mar. 20, 1792.* John, jr., and Judath Crose of New Salsbury, N. H., int. Jan. 24, ^796- ^ ^ John, 3d [Capt. int.], and Sally Norwood, May 27, 1800.* John, and Mary Dean, int. June 3, i8[io. T. c.]* John G., and Bethiah [F. int.] Crafts, Dec. 20, 1824.* Mary, and Edward Hooper, Dec. 11, 1759.* Mary, and Joseph Babcock, Jan. 4, 1818. c. R.* Mary [E. int.], and John Murray, Nov. 21, 1832.* Ruth, and Malachi Allen, Jan. 12, 1762.* Ruth, and William Edwards, Mar. 30, 1790.* Sally, and William Allen, Mar. 29, i795-* Samuel, and Lydia Allen, Dec. 27, 1770.* Samuel, and Sarah [J. int.] Allen, Jan. 8, 1823.* Samuell, and Seth Phippeny, int. Nov. 15, 1794. Sarah A., and William E. Wheaton, Mar. 18, 1844. T. c* William, and Ruth Edwards, Mar. 30, 1790.* William, 2d, and Elezebeth Bennet, Aug, 15, i799-* William, and Betsey Burgis, June 29, 1818. c. r.* ELDRIDGE, Elizabeth, of Beverly, and Henry S. Tappan, int. Nov. 23, 1846. James T., of Beverly, a. 25 y., shoemaker, s. West and Anna, and Eliza A. Bartlett of Beverly, a. 19 y., d. John and Sarah, Dec. 9, 1847. ELIOT (see also Elliot), Elizabeth, and Lt. Thomas Lee, Dec. 3, 1771.* ELLERY, David H., of Gloucester, and Sally Goldsmith, June 26, 1836.* ELLET (see also Elliot), William, and Sarah Lee, Feb. 8, 1776.* ELLIOT (see also Eliot, Ellet), Anna, and John Glidden, both of Beverly, Feb. i, 1816. c. r. Hannah, of Beverly, and David Thissel, Feb. 28, 181 5. c. R. Nabby, and John W. Young, both of Beverly, Apr. 8, 181 2. c. R. ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 63 ELWELL, Henry, jr., and Elizabeth A. P. Lynn, July 30, 1843. T. C* EPES, Benj[ami]n, of Brown [field], Co. Yorke, and Mrs. Anne Marsters, May 30, 1778. ESCOT (see also Easkoot), John, and Sarah Hacker, Dec. 6, 17 16. Mary, of Beverly, and William Badcock [jr. int], at Beverly, Feb. 28, 1745.* FALKER, John C, and Caroline F. Allen, Aug. 6, 1843. t. c* FARNHAM, EHza B., of West Newbury, and Dr. Asa Story, int. Mar. 16, 1823. FARRICE, Thomas, and Polly Kilham, Sept. 15, 1789.* FARROW, Sarah E., and John Lee, Aug. 4, 1840.* FEDERICK, Henery, and Sarah Carter, Mar. 29, 1776.* FEDRECKS, Sarah, and Nath[anie]ll Marten, Dec. 11, 1787.* FELTON, Elizabeth G., a. 2 1 y., dressmaker, d. James and Sally, and Samuel Adams, widr., a. 39 y., merchant, s. John and Mary, Mar. 11, 1847.* FERGERSON (see also Ferguson), Stephen [Ferguson, of Sedg- wick, int.], and Patty Peart, Sept. 10, 1801. c. r.* FERGUSON (see also Fergerson), Statiria, and Jacob Peart, Nov. 8, 1812. c. R.* Stephen, and Mary [E. c. R.] Mann, Jan. 4, 1835. FIELDER, Samuel, of Beverly, and Harriet R. Tuck, Feb. 3, 1833-* FINSON, Thomas, and Sarah Easecoot [Escot. int.]. Mar. 19, 1741-2. c. R.* FISK, John, Capt., of Salem, and Mrs. Marthew Hibbert, Feb. II, 1783.* FITTS, Robert Berkley, of Boston, a. 24 y., agent and proprietor of a newspaper, b. Leverett, s. Rufus B. and Lucy, of Put- ney, Vt., and Harriet A. Marsters, a. 22 y., d. Issachar and Hannah, of Salem, Dec. 31, 1846.* FITZ, William F,, and Eunice [C. int.] Baker, Dec. 14, 1833.* FLINT, Edward, a. 26 y., cabinet maker, s Willerd and Mary, and Rebecca W. Tuck, a. 21 y., tailoress, d. John and Rebecca, Dec. 23, 1845.* ♦Intention also recorded. 164 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES FLOW[E]RS, Bartholomew, and [" Misrs." int.] Abigail Gallo- way, Dec. 24, 1766.* Bartholomu, of Sagwick, and Lydia Brown, int. May 15, 1798. Bartholumu, jr., and Lucy Bellings of Sagewick, int. Feb. 25, 1792. John Gallaway, and Hannah Pert, Dec. 9, 1792.* Rhoda, unci David Harden "of Sedgwick of Hancock [Co.], Mass.," .nt. Aug. 29, 1797. William, and Mercy Knowlton, Apr. 19, 1798. William [jr. int.], and Eunice Morgan, Nov. 24, 1831,* William [H. int.], of Salem, and Mary Goldsmith, Nov. 20, 1834.* FOLLENSBEE, Lydia G., of Georgetown, and James Cogswell, int. Oct. 2, 1847. FORSTER (see also Foster), Anna, and Samuel Clark, May i, 1770.* Anne, and David Craft, Dec. 22, 1796.* Bethiah, and John Edwards, jr., Mar. 20, 1792.* Betsey, and Eben Tappen, int. Mar. 5, 1791. Charlotte E., and Ezekiel W. Leach, June 23, 1835.* Deborah, and Israel F. Tappan, July 17, 1822.* Elizabeth, and John Perry, Apr. 15, 1762.* Elizabeth, and Thomas Inguls of Lynn, July 8, 1762.* Hannah L., and Benjamin L. Allen, Aug. 24, 1824.* Israel, and Hannah Lee of Andover, int. Aug. 8, 1802. Israel, Capt., and Hannah Storey, May 18, 1806. c. R.* Jenny, and Tyler Persons, int. July 6, 1798. John, and Mary Norton, Apr. 26, 1733. John, jr., Capt. and " Misrs." Abigail Ives of Salem, int. May 4, 1766. Mary Ann, and [Capt. int.] James Knight, Sept. 7, 1826.* Sally [Sally Tappan. c.R.], and [Capt. c. R.] George N. Leach, Nov. 29, 1832.* Samuel, and Bethiah Bennett, Apr. 14, 1763.* FORSTOR (see also Foster), Anna, and William Gall, int. May 18, 1746. FOSS, Leonard C, a. 2 1 y., cabinet maker, b. Salisbury, s. Isaac and Ann, of Salisbury, and Caroline Marsters, a. 23 y., d. Isa- char and Hannah, of Salem, Nov. 28, 1844,* Ruth, of Beverly, a. 20 y., b. Strafford, N. H., d. Enoch and Ruth, of Strafford, N. H., and OUver Roberts, a. 26 y., fisherman and cordwainer, s. Andrew and Eunice, Nov. 18, 1847.* •Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 65 FOSTER (see also Forster, Forstor), Abigail, and Benjamin Ed- wards of Wenham, at Wenham, Apr. 25, 1744.* Abigail, see also Woodberry, Abigail. Anna, and Israel Morgen, Nov. 28, 1754.* Anne, and Benja[min] Ober of Whenham, Sept. 20, 1750.* Benjamin, and Debby Smith of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 2, 1797.* Daniel, and Lydia Mayfield of Salem, June 18, 1740. t. c. Emme, and Ezek[ie]l Knowlton, Dec. 2, 1725.* Hannah, and John Carter, Dec. 15, 1726.* Hannah, and Andrew Hooper, jr., Nov. 5, 1751.* Israel, and Anna Woodberry, at Ipswich, Nov. 2, 1724.* Israel, and Jane Stone, Jan. 15, 1750-51.* Jacob, and Abigail Allen, [Nov. c. R.] 21, 1727.* Joseph, of Beverly, and Elizabeth Hilton, int. Mar. 24, 1765. Julia A., of Gloucester, and Joseph S. Hooper, int. Oct. 23, 1849. Lucy, of Ipswich, and Jona[than] Courser, at Ipswich, Jan. 17, 1771.* Margaret, and Isaac Bresson, Oct. 20, 1747. Mary [Mary Warren, int.], and Josiah Allen, at Wenham, Apr. 25, 1744.* Rebeckah, and Thomas Tuxbary, Dec. 27, 1722.* Zebulun, of Ipswich, and Ann Nolton, Apr. 23, 1750.* FOULER (see also Fowler), Mary, of Ipswich, and John Knight, jr., int. Mar. 8, 1729-30. FOWLER (see also Fouler), Abraham, and [Mrs. c. r.] Martha Lee, Aug. 22, 1841. t. c* Jacob, and Anne Donaway, Apr. 27, 1788.* FRIEND, Daniel, and Lucy Knight, Nov. 12, 181 1. c. R.* Daniel W., a. 27 y., carpenter, s. Daniel and Lucy, and Loisa H. Bingham, a. 23 y., d. Delucena L. and Louisa, Aug. 5, 1844.* Daniel W., and Hannah M. Haskell of Gloucester, int. Dec. 8, 1847. Lucy A. [Ann. int.], and Edward Staton of Gloucester, Dec. 30, 1830. c. R.* Susan Hannah, and Samuel Cheever, jr., Sept. 17, 1840.* FULLER, Sarah, and David Lee, both of Brandon, Vt., Feb. 11, 1836. T. c. GALE, Mehitable, of Salem, and John F. Burnham of Essex, Dec. I, 1836. GALL, William, and Anna Forstor, int. May 18, 1746. *InteDtion also recorded. 1 66 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES GALLAGHAR, Edward, and Catherine Duffy, int. Aug. 5, 1846. GALLAWAY (see also Galloway), Jane [Jenny, int.], and An- drew Morse of Beverly, Jan. 12, 1758.* GALLOP, Isaac [of Beverly, int.], and Annis Allen, Oct. 7, 1807. c. R.* GALLOWAY (see also Gallaway), Abigail [" Misrs. " int.],>nd Bartholomew Flow[e]rs, Dec. 24, 1766.* John, and Abigail Cros, Sept. 10, 1733.* GARDNER (see also Geardner), Dorkas, and Joseph Badcock [jr. int.], Apr. 6, 1794. c. R.* Eunice, and Jeremiah Allen, June 17, 1748.* Joseph, and Polly Brown of Gloucester [of Salem, int.], Dec. 21, 1802. c. R.* Polly, and Bartholomew Stephens, Oct. 28, 1796.* GEARDNER (see also Gardner), Abigail, Mrs., wid., of Glocester, and Capt. Aaron Bennet, int. Feb. 21, 1735-6. GEARING, Jane [Jane Garish, int.], of Gloucester, and Andrew Morgan, at Gloucester, Oct. i, 1747.* GENTLEE, Thomas, and Mary Downing [jr. int.], Dec. 25, 1767.* Thomas P., and Abigail Mears of Essex, int. Apr. 17, 1842. GIDDENS (see also Giddings), Aaron, of Ipswich, and Mrs. Lucy Procter, Oct. 12, 1780.* Abigail, of Ipswich, and John Smith, Dec. 27, 1810. GIDDINGS (see also Giddens, Gidens), Joseph, and Prudence Knowlton, at Ipswich, Jan. 9, 1737. GIDENS (see also Giddings), Joseph, of Ipswich, and Prudance Knowlton, int. Dec. 25, 1737. GILBERT (see also Gilboard), Abigail, of Gloucester, and William Hooper, at Gloucester, Dec. 11, 1766.* John Goldsmith, a. 25 y., carpenter, b. Gloucester, s. Samuel P. and Sally, of Gloucester, and Mary Cline Thompson, a. 20 y., d. Benjamin and Lydia, Sept. 11, 1847.* Samuel P., of Gloucester, and Sally Goldsmith, Feb. 10, 18 15. c. R.* Thomas, and Priscilla Harskel [Haskell, int.], Dec. 12, 1793. c. R.* GILBOARD (see also GiiJbert), Hannah, of Gloucester, and Joseph Knight, jr., int. July 8, 1775. *Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 6/ GILES, Matthew [Mathew. int.], and Harriet [N. int.] Allen, May 31, 1831.* GILMAN, Sarah C, and John W. Brown, May 22, 1842. T. c* GILSON, Amelia S., and Thomas S. Blanchard, int. June 23, 1849. Richard C, and Mary Frances Lynn, July 25, 1841. t. c* GIRDLER, Amos H., and Clarinda May, Mar. 20, 1844. t. c* Annis [Mrs. c. R.], and Thomas Perkins of Topsfield, Aug. 18, 1840.* Eleaner, Mrs., and Downing Lee, jr., Apr. 18, 1777.* Elez[ebe]th, Mrs., and John Lee, jr., Sept. 12, 1782.* Elizabeth, and Simeon Haskell, Sept. 5, 1802. c. R.* Elizabeth, and Capt. David Crafts, June 4, 1809.* Elizabeth, and William Russell, Oct. 4, 1835.* George, and Lydia Lee, Feb. 15, 1776.* George, Capt., and Betsey Russell, int. Dec. 15, 181 1. George [jr. int.], and Annis Lee, Mar. 29, 181 2. c. R.* Joanna, and Capt. John W. Allen [3d. int.], Oct. 12, 1805. c. R.* John, Capt., and Abagail Ingersoll, Oct. 9, 1805. c. R.* John [Capt. c. R.], and Elizabeth Stone, Apr. 24, 1831.* John, 2d, and Ann M. Johnson of Bradford, int. Jan. 3, 1846. John S., and Mary E. Patch, Oct. — , 1838.* John Stevens, and Mrs. Joanna Allen, Dec. 7, 1779.* Lucy [Ann L. int.], and George B. Tucker of Lynn, Nov. 26, 1834.* Lydia, and Stephen Danford, Dec, 4, 179S.* Lydia, and James Allen, Mar. 26, 181 2. c. R.* Lydia, and Isaac Morgan, Oct. 21, 1830.* Mary, and Samuel Allen, May 21, 1816. c. R.* Mary [E. int.], and Joseph [H. int.] Morse, Oct. 31, 1833.* Nabby, and David Bennett, Mar. 29, 1807. c. R.* Peggy, and William Morse, jr., int. Apr. 19, 1829. Rebecca, and [Capt. int.] Richard Allen, Dec. 22, 1833.* William, and Peggy Hilton, Jan. 16, 1801.* GLIDDEN, John, and Anna Elliot, both of Beverly, Feb. i, 1816. C. R. GLOVER, John, and Lydia Hassam [Harsham. int.], Sept. 16, 1802. C. R.* Lydia, and David Lee, Nov. 4, 1S23.* GODSOE, William, and Lydia Richardson, May 30, 1841. T. c* *Intention also recorded. 1 68 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES GOLDSMITH, Abigail, and Thomas Allen, Mar. 31, 1811. Abigail [Abigail M. Allen, int. and c. r.], and Merrit Lennan, Dec. 14, 1833.* [Dec. 8. c. r.] Abigail H., and Nathaniel P. Sanborn, int. Oct. 17, 1846. Abram, and Emily K. Gorden of Salem, int. Feb. 24, 1849. Ann [H. int.], and Alfred Whitney of Boston, Dec. i, 1836.* Betsy W., and John B. Hanson [of Lynn. c. r.], Oct. 12, 1841. T. c* Charlotte A., and Joseph S. Chase, int. Nov. 13, 1847. David, and Elizabeth Stone, Dec. 2, 1813. c. r.* Edward K., and Judith [R. int.] Day of Ipswich [of Glou- cester, c. R.], Nov. 24, 1825.* Eliza, and Benjamin R. Millett, Jan. 13, 1824.* Elizabeth, of Andover, and Jacob Lee, int. Sept. 22, 1802. Emily S., a. 21 y., d. Zacheus and Olive, and Larkin Woodbury, widr., a. 54 y., cabinet maker, b. Beverly, s. Asa and Anna, Nov. 4, 1848.* Oilman H., and Elizabeth [L. int.] Aldrich, Feb. 9, 1836.* JefTerd, and Mrs. Abigail Morgan of Glocester, int. Mar. 19, 1780. John, and Susan R. Knight of Gloucester, int. Nov. 23, 1822. Louisa, and Frederic Burnham, Nov, 23, 1841. t. c* Lucy, and John West, July 20, 1820. Martha, and William Weeks of Lynn [of Salem, int.], Jan. 3, 1836.* Mary, and William Burnham, 5th of Ipswich, int. Sept. 14, 1811. Mary, and William [H. int.] Flowers of Salem, Nov. 20, 1834.* Mehitable, a. 45 y., d. Gifford and Abigail, and Ariel Parish Lee, widr., a. 48 y., fisherman, s. Israel and Margaret, Oct. 17, 1844.* Nathan [B. int.], and Charlotte [A. int.J'Procter, Oct. 14, 1827.* Nehemiah, and Elizabeth Kitfield, May '7, 1801.* Nehemiah, and Betsy West, June 14, 181 8. c. r.* Olive M. [Maria, int.], and Abram [Abraham, int.] Row, Dec. 2, 1832.* Sally, and Samuel P. Gilbert of Gloucester, Feb. 10, 1815. c. R.* Sally, and David H. Ellery of Gloucester, June 26, 1836.* GOOALLE (see also Goodale), Ezekel, and Leedde Lee, Dec. 11, 1718. GOODALE (see also Gooalle), Lydia, and Benja[min] Presson, May 6, 1737.* GOODEN (see also Goodwin), Sarah, of Gloster, and Eppharam Jons, July 6, 1721. *Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 69 GOODHUE, John N., Rev., of Rowley, and Emily Leach, May 5, 1836.* GOODRICH, David, of Beverly, and Marcy Roberts, int. Dec. 31, 1809. David, and Abigail Lendall, int. Apr. 8, 1838. Frances R., of Ipswich, and Henry A. Cheever, int. Dec. 3, 1839. George W., and Mary [Eliza, int.] Morse, Nov. 5, 1836. *[Nov. 6. c. R.] Joann, and Dean N. Kimball [formerly Babcock. c. r.], Nov. 8, 1840.* Samuel, and Deborah Crafts, Dec. 3, 1829.* GOODRIDGE, Israel D., and Joann Lendall, Apr. 30, 1843. t. c* GOODWIN (see also Gooden), Thomas, and Mary Jane Morgan, Jan. I, 1842. T. c* GORDEN, Elez[abe]th, Mrs., and Benj[ami]n Thompson of Mar- blehead, Apr. i, 1784.* Emily K., of Salem, and Abram Goldsmith, int. Feb. 24, 1849. GOTT, Daniel, of Gloucester, and Racheal Littlefield, at Glouces- ter, Dec. 22, 1726.* GOULD, John A., a. 26 y., teacher, b. Topsfield, s. John and Mary, of Topsfield, and Elizabeth C. Leach, a. 20 y., d. Benjamin and Susan, Oct. 5, 1845.* GOVER, Robert, and Elizabeth Hibbert, Oct. 25, 1763.* GO WING, Nancy, of Boston, and Isaiah Knowls, int. Oct. 22, 1847. GRANDSHAW, Rebecca, and Simeon F. Miller, Dec. 17, 1837.* GRANT, John of Marblehead, and Lucy Knight, int. Apr. 28, 1764. Thomas, and Mrs. Elezebeth Badcock, Oct. 14, 1777.* GREENLEAF, Moses P., of West Newton, a. 28 y., doctor, b. Haverhill, s. Samuel E. and Sarah, of Haverhill, and Susan M. Allen, a. 21 y., d. Enoch and Susan, Oct. 8, 1846.* Polly, of Gloucester, and Nath[anie]l Hooper, at Gloucester, Dec. I, 1791.* GRIGGS, Eleanor, of Salem, and Samuel Hilton, at Beverly, Apr. 12, 1733.* GROCE, Jacob, of Beverly, and [Mrs. c. r.] Lydia Danforth, Dec. I, 1829.* *Intention also recorded. 170 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES GROSVENOR, Horace H., and Aurela T. Bingham, Jan. 7, 181 9. C. R.* John M., Dr., of Methuen, and Nancy Crafts, int. Apr. 30, 1820. GROVER, Abigail, and WiUiam Pew, int. Feb. 15, 1767. SoUoman, and Rachel Bishop, Nov. 17, 17 18. ex. r. GROVES, Thankful, of Beverly, and Ellas Smith, at Beverly, Feb. 26, 1765.* GRUSH, Nathan W., of Beverly, and Anna T. Lendall, Nov. 9, 1834.* GUALT, Rufus C, a. 23 y., overseer on railroad, s. John and Polly, of " N. Y.," and Caroline E. Allen, a. 20 y., d. Stephen and Nancy, Dec. 27, 1847.* HACKER, Sarah, and John Escot, Dec. 6, 17 16. HAIZE, Eleanor [Nelly, int.], and Caleb Bartlett, Dec. 1 1 , 1 769.* HALE, William, of Newbury, and Ruth Pert [Peart, int.], Sept. 1 1, 1809. c. R.* HALL, David [Hale. c. r.], and Christiana Morse, Dec. 23, 1825.* George, and Mrs. Abigail Morse, Oct. 13, 1777.* George, and Lydia Allen, Sept. 16, 1802. c. r.* Nabby, and Ephraim Clemmons, Apr. 29, 18 10. c. R.* HAMBLIN, Catherine, and Bartholomew Desmond, int. Feb. 7, 1846. HAMILTON, Nathaniel, and Mary Peirce, at Marblehead, Apr. 10, 1695. HANSON, Elizabeth, and John Day [sr. int.], at Wenham, Nov. 20, I744-* John B. [of Lynn. c. r.], and Betsy W. Goldsmith, Oct. 12, 1841. T. C* Lucy A., a. 22 y., b. Jackson, N. H., d. Joseph and Ann, of Dan- vers, and Daniel Leach, jr., widr., a, 26 y., cabinet maker, s. Daniel and Deborah, May 27, 1849.* Luther Calvin, and Emily E. Millet of Salem, int. Aug. 21, 1847. Mary Pinkham, a. 27 y., b. Bartlet, N. H., d. Isaac and Abigail, of Bartlet, N. H., and John Little, a. 30 y., cabinet maker, b. Salisbury, N. H., s. Francis and Polly, of Lancaster, N. H., Oct. 31, 1844.* Paul, of Washington Plantation, Maine, and Mary West, Feb. 29, 1813. c. R.* Tobias, of Salem, and Margaret Peart, Mar. 18, 1833.* *Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I7I HARDEN, David, " of Sedgwick of Hancock, Mass.," and Rhoda Flowers, int. Aug. 29, 1797. Elener, and John Lee, jr., int. Sept. 8, 1804. HARRIS, Dorothy, of Salem [of Beverly, int. ], and Joseph Wood- bery [jr. int.], Feb. 5, i754-* John F., and Susan P. Kinsman of Hamilton, Aug. 5, 1838. HARSCOL (see also Haskell), Emmy [Ame. int.], and Sibly Littelfeeld, June 12, 1733.* HARSHAM (see also Hassam), Elizabeth, and George Rapall of Marblehead, int. Feb. 17, 1764. John, and Elizabeth Knolten, Nov. 6, 1729.* Jonathan, jr., and Elisabeth Knowlton, int. Dec. 2, 1752. Joseph, and Eliza[beth] Tewxbury, Mar. 13, 1770.* Josiah, and Sarah Cross, Jan. 2, 1764.* Lydia, and Crispin Joynt, Jan. 8, 1761.* Sarah, and Natha[nie]ll Waldon of VVenham, May 14, 1735. Sarah, and Ezekiel Allen, Apr. 19, 1749.* Sarah, and Benja[min] Harskell, Jan. 2, 1772.* William, and Elizabeth Allen, int. July 22, 1775. HARSKEL (see also Haskell), Priscilla [Haskell, int.], and Thomas Gilbert, Dec. 12, 1793. c. R.* HARSKELL (see also Haskell), Benja[min], and Sarah Harsham, Jan. 2, 1772.* Nathaniel, and Elisabeth Edwards, Nov. 29, 1763.* HART, Robert, and Ruth Downs, May 10, 1796.* Ruth, and Joseph Hovey of Londonderry, N. H., Dec. 31, 1806. C. R.* Thomas, of Beverly, and Mary Jane Ayers, Mar. 15, 1836.* HARTLEY, George, a. 3 1 y., cabinet maker, s. Samuel and Lydia, and Harriet Kitfield, a. 24 y., d. Benjamin and Lydia, May 14, 1846.* HASCOL (see also Haskell), Miriam, and Joshua Hilton, May i, 1732.* HASCOLL (see also Haskell), Robbert, and Mary Leach, Dec. 4, 1712. HASHAM (see also Hassam), Jonathan, and Mary Bennet, Aug. 10, 1727.* Joseph, and Abial Stone, Oct. 4, 1727.* *Intention also recorded. 172 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Hasham, Josiah, and Sally May, Dec. 3, 1789.* Sarah, and Benj[ami]n Joans, Sept. 10, 1795.* William, and Mrs. Elez[ebe]th Allen, May 15, 1780.* HASKALL (see also Haskell), John, and Eunice Low, of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Feb. 19, 1748.* HASKEEL (see also Haskell), Emme, and Richard Leach, Dec. II, 1751.* HASKEL (see also Haskell), Augustus, and Lucy Jane Widger, Feb. 27, 1839.* HASKELL (see also Harscol, Harskel, Harskell, Hascol, Hascoll, Haskall, Haskeel, Haskel, Haskol, Haskoll), Augustus, and Leonora Pulsifer of Gloucester, int. Oct. 30, 1846. Benja[min], of Beverly, and Hannah Marsturs, Nov. 30, 1738.* Betty, and Jacob Woodberry, of Beverly, int. July 18, 1801. Elizabeth, of Portsmouth, N. H., and Andrew Marsters, Nov. 4, 1778. Esther, of Gloucester, and Samuel Stone [jr. int.], at Gloucester, Dec. 17, 1751.* Hannah M., of Gloucester, and Daniel W. Friend, int. Dec. 8, 1847. Henry, widr., a. 28 y., stable keeper, s. Ada and Caroline, and Elizabeth H. Day, of Gloucester, a. 24 y., tailoress, d. David and Olive, Apr. 29, 1846.* John G., and Mary Lee, of Cape Ehzabeth, Me., int. Apr. 10, 1845. Joseph, and Ehzabeth Allen, Dec. 11, 1766.* Margaret, and Benjamin Crowell, at Wenham, May 2, 1745.* Rebeckah, and Jonathan Lull, Dec. 12, 1803. c. r.* Simeon, and Elizabeth Girdler, Sept. 5, 1802. c. R.* Simeon, jr., and Mary Allen, Dec. 16, 1831.* HASKOL (see also Haskell), Ame, and Sibble Litelfeald, int. Feb. II, 1732-3. Barsheba, and Ebenezer Coleborne [Coburn. int.], of Woodstock, Oct. 29, 1730.* Hodiah [Jehoden Haskel. int.], and Soloman Dr[i]ver, Jan, i, 1735-6.* HASKOLL (see also Haskell) , Betsy, and William Morse [jr. int.], of Beverly, at Beverly, June i, 1794.* HASSAM (see also Harsham, Hasham, Horssum, Horsum, Hos- sum), Betsey, and Benjamin Leach [3d. int.], Nov. 4, 1810. c. R.* •Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I 73 Has>am, Elizabeth, and Capt. William Tuck, Nov. 13, 1831.* John, of Boston, and Abigail Hilton, May 15, 1836.* Jonathan, Capt., and Sally Cheever, Oct. 22, 1808.* Lydia [Harsham. int.], and John Glover, Sept. 16, 1802. c. R.* Molly, and David Allen, Apr. 15, 181 7. c. R.* Nancy, and [Capt. int.] Jacob Chever, Nov. 26, 181 2. c. R.* Sally, and Jacob H. Dow, Jan. 18, 1819. c. R.* Sarah, and Jeremiah Danforth, May 24, 1832.* HAYES, see Haize. HAZELTINE, William, of Beverly, and [Mrs. int.] Deborough Lee, Dec. 21, 1788.* HEALD, Washington, " sometimes written Hale," of Carmel, Me., and Mrs. Abby, " alias " Abigail Allen, *' relict of the late " Dea. Enoch, Oct. 16, 1843. t. c* HEBERD (see also Hibbert), Jeremiah, and Hannah Leach, Sept. 28, 1719. CT. R. HELTON (see also Hilton), Elezebeth, and John Knolton, int. Oct. 18, 1719. T. c. Mary, and Samuel Woodbary, int. Oct. 18, 1719. t. c. HENDER, John, and Abbigel Willams, Oct. 25, 1722. HENDERSON, Isaac L., of Salem, and Paulina [Perline. int.] Ayers, Oct. 25, 1832.* HERRICK, Abigail, of Gloucester, and Jacob Lee, int. Jan. 7, 1827. Asa, and Mrs. Annis Allen, Jan. 29, 1778.* Asa, of Concord, N. H., and Nabby Hilton, Feb. 22, 1803. c. R.* Betsey M., of Salem, and John F. Doty, int. Sept. 3, 1847. Esther, and Francis Craft, June 15, 1775.* John, and Rachel Driver, at Wenham, Nov. 20, 1744.* Jonathan, jr.,and Rachel Allen [" still livingin 1835"], Jan. 5, 1758-* Mary, and John Knowlton, May — , 1753.* Oliver, of Beverly, and Sally Carter, int. Aug. i, 18 19. Sary [Sarah, int.], of Beverly, and Samuel Lee, at Beverly, Mar. 4, 1724.* Trueman, of Newburyport, and Susan Carter, Nov. 18, 1827.* William, of Beverly, and Harriet Ayers, Oct. 22, 1829.* HIBARD (see also Hibbert), Joseph, and Lois Ingerson, int. Oct. 14, 1744. _ Mary, and David Allen, Jan. 11, 1732-3.* ♦Intention also recorded. 174 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES HIBBARD (see also Hibbert), Eunice, of Gloucester, and Jacob Lee, at Gloucester, Apr. 29, 1745.* Hannah, of Salem, and Henry Lee, Aug. 10, 1788. t. c* HIBBERT (see also Heberd, Hibard, Hibbard, Hibbird, Hiberd, Hibert), Elizabeth, and Robert Gover, Oct. 25, 1763.* Jeremiah, of Marblehead, and Mrs. Patty Lee, Oct. 3, 1776.* Marthew, Mrs., and Capt. John Fisk of Salem, Feb. 11, 1783,* HIBBIRD (see also Hibbert), Hannah, and Richard Lee, Aug. 18, 1741. c. R.* HIBERD (see also Hibbert), Jeremiah, and Hannah Leach, Sept. 28, 1719. c. R. HIBERT (see also Hibbert), Jeremiah, jr., and Elesabeth Will[i]ams, int. Nov. 18, 1733. HILDRETH, Benjamin W., and Almire Tallman of Lowell, int. Oct. 28, 1848. Daniel L., and Nancy [O. int.] Morgan, Aug. 10, 1838.* James, of Hopkinton, N. H., and Mahala Cross, int. Feb. 20, 1815. John D., and Lydia A. Wheeler of Lowell, int. Sept. 21, 1847. Nathaniel, and Ruth Miller, Sept. 26, 1805. c. R.* HILL, Abigail, of Beverly, and Richard Day, int. Oct. 13, 1728. Abig[ai]ll, of Beverly, and Benj[amin] Allen, jr., int. Sept. 11, 1726. Adaline A., of Boston, a. 29 y., d. Amos and Nancy, and William B. King of Boston, a. 30 y., bookkeeper, b. Boston, s. Aphollas and Sarah, of Boston, Aug. i, 1844.* Amos, and Anna Preston [Bresson, int.], Aug. 19, 1803. c. r.* Benjamin, and Hannah Hill, Feb. 11, 1800.* Benjamin, jr., and Mary E. [Eliza, int.] Lull, Sept. 5, 1837.* Charles, and Margrett Hilton, Mar. 29, 1765.* Deborah, and Samuel Lee [3d. int.], June 30, 1737.* Deborah, and Daniel Leach, May 17, 1821.* Eliot A., jr., and Helen M. Long, int. Oct. 27, 1847. Elizabeth, and Nathaniel Rogers of Wenham, Oct. 10, 1752.* Emeline, and William Johnson, May 26, 1841. T. c* Hannah, and Benjamin Hill, Feb. 11, 1800.* Hannah, and John Crombay, Nov. 28, 1819. p. R. 4.* Isaac P., a. 27 y., cabinet maker, s. Amos and Nancy, and Caro- line Bingham, a. 20 y., b. Providence, R. L, d. William T. and Mehitable, Dec. 4, 1845.* John, and Mary Presson, May 21, 1741. c, R.* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 75 Hill, John, and Sarah Allen, Mar. 12, 1765.* John, and Molly Presson, Jan. 5, 1795.* Joseph, and Elisebeth Hillton, July 16, 1746.* Mary, and Moses Trask of Gloucester, Nov. 9, 1753.* Mary, and Thom[a]s Lee Allen, Aug. 24, 181 7. c. r.* Miriam, and Sam[ue]ll Crowell [jr. int.], Jan. 21, 1730-31.* Molly, and Jonathan Neal [of Beverly, int.], Sept. 19, 1802. c. r.* Roger, and Lydia Peeters, Dec. 14, 1732.* Sally, and John Driver, int. Apr. 3, 1820. Thomas, and Anna Wallas, int. May 9, 1736. HILLIER, Daniel W., and Hester A. Williams of Readfield, int. Apr. 21, 1835. HILLS, WiUiam [H., of Boston, int.], and Ann Edwards, Dec. i, 1831.* HILLTON (see also Hilton), Amos, and Elezebeth Lee, int. Apr. 6, 1740. Elisebeth, and Joseph Hill, July 16, 1746.* Margaratt [wid. int.], and John Allen, Dec. 8, 1727.* Stillson, and Margaret Allen, July 23, 1747.* HILTON (see also Helton, Hillton), Abigail, and John Hassam of Boston, May 15, 1836.* Amos, and EHzabeth Lee, July 17, 1740. c. r. Amos, and Mary Lee, Aug. 5, 1762.* Amos, and Nabby Ober, Dec. 15, 1785.* Amos, and Hannah Leach, July 3, 1808. c. r.* Appha [Apphia. int.], and Nehemiah [in pencil] Driver, July 4, 1793. c. r.* Benja[min], and Miriam Badcock, Jan. 9, 1737 [-8. c. r.].* Benjamin, and Judith Searl, Jan. 20, 1767.* Elezebeth, and George Grose [jr. int.], Sept. 7, 1788.* Elezebeth, and Benj[ami]n Grommy [Gromell. int.], June 30 1789.* Elisabeth, and John Tukesbery, May 14, 1749.* Elizabeth, and Joseph Foster of Beverly, int. Mar. 24, 1765. Elizabeth, of Beverly, and Joseph Russell, int. Mar. 13, 18 14. Hannah, and Jacob Tewxbury, Jan. 24, 1757.* Hannah [wid. int.], and Richard Day, Jan. 7, 1762.* Hannah, Mrs., and William Dow, July 17, 1783.* Hannah, and George Norton, int. Feb. 8, 1798. Hannah, and John Richards, Nov. 10, 1830.* Joshua, and Miriam Hascol, May i, 1732.* Lois, and Nehemiah Abbot, Oct. 4, 1829.* ♦Intention also recorded. 176 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Hilton, Margaret, and Josiah Allen, Nov. 12, 1724.* Margrett, and Charles Hill, Mar. 29, 1765.* Miriam, and Paul Leach, jr.. May 27, 1756.* Miriam, and John Morse of Beverly, Aug. i, 1771.* Nabby, and Asa Herrickof Concord, N. H., Feb. 22, 1803. c. R.* Nathaniel [jr. int.], and Patty Crumby, Nov. 9, 1797.* Patty, and Capt. Joseph Porter, Oct. 31, 1805. c. r.* Patty, and John O. [Orsment. int.] Morgan, Nov. 28, 1805. c. R,* Peggy, and William Girdler, Jan. 16, 1801.* Polly, and Temothey Starns, int. Jan. 27, 1793. Polly, and George Crose, jr., Apr. 19, 1796.* Samuel, and Eleanor Griggs of Salem, at Beverly, Apr. 12, 1733.* Samuel, and Jude Carter of Gloucester, int. Apr. 29, 1761. Stilson, and Lois Tewxbury, Jan. 25, 1774.* Susannah, Mrs., and Ezekeil Leach, Sept. 26, 1776.* Susannah, and Jacob Morgan, Dec. 27, 18 15. c. R.* Thomas, and Susanna Lee, Dec. 9, 1755.* Will[i]am, and Mary Lee, Dec. i, 1731.* HOLLAND, Elisabeth [wid. int.], and [Capt. int.] William Webb of Glocester, Apr. 21, 1763.* HOLM, Jacob P., and Jane B. Smith, Dec. 7, 1840.* HOLMES, Robert, of Ipswich, and Anna Tewxbary, at Essex, Apr. 30, 1761.* Thomas, of Essex, and Sally Ayers, Nov. 23, 1820.* HOOKER, Eunice, and Israel Pert, int. Dec. 10, 1803. John, and Eunice Lee, Oct. i, 1772.* Lydia [of Wenham. int.], and Israel Morgan, jr., May 25, 1799.* HOOLE, Thomas, of Glocester, and Allice Easkoot, Nov. 15, I753-* HOOPER (see also Hoopper), Abby C, a. 24 y., b. Marblehead, d. Jacob and Deliverance, and Charles R. Story of Salem, a. 22 y., apothecary, d. Asa and Eliza, Oct. 8, 1846.* Abigail, and John Ed[w]ards, Nov. 9, 1727.* Abigail, and William Allen, Nov. 7, 175 1.* Abigail [Mrs. Nabby. int.], and Jonathan Hooper, June 23, I795-* Abigail, and Charles Young, May 24, 1812. c. R.* Abigail, and Capt. Richard Tink, Nov. 2, 1823.* Abigail, and Benjamin Knowlton of Beverly, int. Mar. 12, 1826 Andrew, and Miram Allen, Nov. 4, 1729.* *Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I 77 Hooper, Andrew, jr., and Hannah Foster, Nov. 5, 1751.* Andrew, and Harriet [Ann. int.] Morse, Nov. 10, 1835.* Anne, and Benjamen Bootman of Beverley, int. Nov. 17, 1793. Betsy, and Jacob Hooper, Sept. 8, 1813. c. R.* David, and Rachel Storer [Story, int.], Dec. i, 1768.* Edward, and Mary Edwards, Dec. 11, 1759.* Elezebeth, Mrs., and Edward Kitfeild, Dec. 21, 1775.* Elezebeth, and Samuel Stone, Dec. 8, 17S9.* Elisabeth, and John Bishop, jr., int. Oct. 19, 1729. Elizabeth, and John Bishop [jr. int.], Dec. 9, 1729.* Elizabeth, and Edward Kitfeild, Dec. 21, 1775.* Evoline F., and Samuel S. Hooper, Sept. 24, 1835.* Hannah [wid. int.], and Sam[ue]l Burnham of Ipswich, at Ips- wich, Aug. 29, 1765.* Harriet, and Abram Simonds, Nov. 6, 1838.* Jacob, and Anna Lee, Apr. 16, 1747.* Jacob, and Mary Obear of Beverly, at Beverly, Dec. 23, 1773.* Jacob, and Lydia Badcock, Nov. 23, 1796.* Jacob, and Betsy Hooper, Sept. 8, 181 3. c. r.* John, and Jenny Stone, May 9, 1798.* John [Capt. c. r.], and Nancy Webber of Gloucester, Mar. 14, 1829. Jonathan, and Abigail [Mrs. Nabby. int.] Hooper, June 23, 1795.* Joseph, and Nabby Craft, May 17, 1785.* Joseph, Capt., and Lucy Story, Nov. 25, 1813. c. R.* Joseph [Capt. int.], and [wid. c. R,] Mary [L. c. R.] Burges, Oct. 22, 1827.* Joseph [Capt. int.], widr., a. 57 y., merchant, s. Joseph and Abigail, and Elizabeth Cheever, wid., a. 56 y., d. John and Elizabeth Lee, Dec. 10, 1844.* Joseph S., and Julia A. Foster of Gloucester, int. Oct. 23, 1849. Juday, and John Ronels, int. July 25, 1747. Lydia, and Azariah Allen, Jan. 15, 1735-6.* Lydia, and Paul Leach, July 20, 1742. c. R.* Lydia, and Edward Kiduval of Glocester, int. Oct. 9, 1748. Mary, and Joseph Marstus, July 4, 1754.* Mary, and David Morgan, int. Sept. 28, 1791. Mary Jane, and Nathan Burnham [jr. int.] of Essex, Apr. 19, 1832.* Meriam, and Solomon Driver, Dec. i, 1768.* Nabby, and Stephen Smith, int. Sept. 22, 1798. Nabby, and William Russel [jr. int.], Nov. 14, 1813. c. R.* Nancy, of Gloucester, and Maj. Burley Smith, at Essex, Jan. i, 1842. T. c* *InteDtion also recorded. 178 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Hooper, Nath[anie]l, and Polly Greenleaf of Gloucester, at Gloucester, Dec. i, 1791.* Polly, and John Thomas, May 20, 1804. c. R.* Priscilla, and Malachi Allen, Feb. 28, -1739-40. Rachel, and Isaac Lee, Nov. 20, 1760.* Sally, and Ebenezer Tappan, jr., Nov. 30, 18 14. c. R.* Sally [wid. int.], and John Dexter of Ipswich, Jan. 25, 1816. c. R.* Samuel S., and Lydia Richards, Apr. 13, 1826.* Samuel S., and Evoline F. Hooper, Sept. 24, 1835.* Sarah, and [Benj]amin Saris, Jan. 15, 1735-6.* Sarah, and Solomon Lee, July 8, 1756.* Will[i]am, jr., and Lydia Allen, Nov. 12, 1730.* William, and Abigail Gilbert of Gloucester, at Gloucester, Dec. 1 1, 1766.* William, and Sally Northey, int. June 6, 1795. William, and Sally Colby, May 14, 1835.* HOOPPER (see also Hooper), Israel, and Betsey Kitfeild, Nov. 29, 1792.* [Nov. 20. c. R.] HORSSUM (see also Hassam), Sarah, and Rec [ha] rd Peace, Apr. 4, 1 7 17. [Apr. 9. CT. R.] HORSUM (see also Hassam), Sarah, and William Jons, Dec. 29, 1720. HORTEN, Edward M., and Hannah T. Spakesfield of Reading, int. Apr. 10, 1847. HOSKINS, Elisabeth, of Beverly, and Robert Leach, jr., at Bever- ly, Jan. 21, 1713-14. HOSSAM (see also Hassam), Jonathan, Capt., and Mrs. Mary Smith of Roxbury, int. Dec. 22, 1848. BOSTON, Marthe, of Glocester, and John Rolings, Apr. 4, 1787. HOVEY, Edmond, and Margrett Knowlton, May 16, 1758.* Joseph, of Londonderry, N. H., and Ruth Hart, Dec. 31, 1806. c. R.* HOYT, Claudius B., a. 23 y., cabinet maker, b. Rockport, s. John M. and Sarah, of Rockport, and Elizabeth Ann Foster Bingham, a. 17 y., d. Luther and Elizabeth, June 11, 1846.* Nancy, of Gloucester, a. 25 y., dressmaker, d. Charles and Fanny, and James Dutey of Gloucester, a. 30 y., ship carpenter, s. John and Judith, May 10, 1846. William L., and [Mrs. int.] Deborah L. Crowell, Aug. 25, 1840.* •Intention also recorded MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I 79 HUGGINS, Sam[ue]l, of Wakefield, N. H., and Sally Leach Wyatt of Wenham, July 3, 181 7. c. r. HUGHES, Mary Ann, of Ipswich, and Samuel Treadwell, int. May 12, 1839. HULL, Walter, and Anna Pitman, at Beverly, Dec. 15, 1709. HUNT, Hannah, of Newbury, and Andrew Leach, Aug. 25, 1840.* Mary, of Salem, and William Allen, jr., int. Jan. 29, 1804. William, and Eliza [Elizabeth, int.] H. Leach, Sept. 7, 1837.* HUNTER, Ebenezer H., a. 27 y., cabinet maker, b. Bowdoin- hamond, s. Hartley and Margaret, of Bowdoinhamond, and Freelove H. Decker, a. 28 y., b. Wiscasset, Me., d. John M. and Theodocia, of Wiscasset, Feb. 11, 1849.* HUTCHENS, Elhanan W., a. 25 y., cabinet maker, s. John A. and Catherine H., and Priscilla C. Cheever, a. 25 y., d. Samuel and Nancy, May 14, 1848.* INGERSOLL, Abagail, and Capt. John Girdler, Oct. 9, 1805. c. r.* Mary, and W[illia]m Savage of Boston, Dec. 7, 1806. c. R.* INGERSON, Lois, and Joseph Hibard, int. Oct. 14, 1744. INGULS, Thomas, of Lynn, and EHzabeth Forster, July 8, 1762.* IRELAND, William, and Martha Ayers, Oct. 4, 1753.* IVES, Abigail, " Misrs," of Salem, and Capt. John Forster, jr., int. May 4, 1766. JAMES, Hepzibah, and Nathaniel Millit of Glocester, Mar. 24, 1756.* JAR VIS, Eliza L., of West Cambridge, and Moses H. Day, int. Sept. 17, 1847. JEMERSON, Martan, of Northport [Me. int.], and Susannah Martain, Mar. 21, 1799.* JEREWAH, Mary, and James Allen, Dec. 13, 1767.* JOANES (see also Jones), Will[ia]m, and MaryBennet, Feb. 22, 1725-6.* JOANS (see also Jones), Anna, and Sam[u]ll Dyer [of Gloster. int.], Oct. 15, 1726. [Oct. 25. c. R.] Benj[ami]n, and Sarah Hasham, Sept. 10, 1795.* ♦Intention also recorded. l8o MANCHESTER MARRIAGES JOHNSON, Ann M., of Bradford, and John Girdler, 2d, int. Jan. 3, 1846. Charles, and Mary Allen, June 25, 1823.* Daniel, Rev., of Harvard [Co. of Worcester, int.], and Betsey Lee, May i, 1770.* Edward A., and Mary E. Boyde of Essex, int. Oct. 7, 1848. Sarah, of Newburyport, and Capt. John Lee, 2d, int. Mar. 16, 1823. William, and Emeline Hill, May 26, 1841. t. c* William, and Mary A. Taylor of Montpelier, Vt., int. Aug. 19, 1849. JOINT (see also Joynt), Lydia, and Ezekeil Broadstreet of Glocester, Dec. 20, 1789.* JONES (see also Joanes, Joans, Jons), Abigail, of Ipswich, and Joseph Jones, Nov. 21, 1746.* Benja[min], and Mary Sinnett, Sept. 29, 1768.* Benjamin, and Eliza Easkoot, Feb. 14, 1830. David, and Mary Leach, Oct. 30, 1760.* Hannah, of Ipswich, and William Jones, at Essex, Dec. 7, 1745. Joseph, and Abigail Jones of Ipswich, Nov. 21, 1746.* Sally, and John Welch of Danvers, int. Nov. 18, 1848. William, and Hannah Jones of Ipswich, at Essex, Dec. 17, 1745. William, and Anna Lufkin, at Gloucester, Jan. 17, 1767. JONS (see also Jones), Eppharam, and Sarah Gooden of Gloster, July 6, 1 721. William, and Sarah Horsum, Dec. 27, 1720. JOYNT (see also Joint), Betty [Elezebeth. int.], and Joseph Campe, Sept. 25, 1791.* Crispin, and Lydia Harsham, Jan. 8, 1761.* Crispin, and Jerusha Leach, Dec. 27, 1768.* JUMPER, Edward [jr. int] of Glocester, and Anna [Anne, int.] Knowlton, Nov. 20, 1753.* Ezekeil, and Annice Perry, Apr. 19, 1789.* KASEY, Catherine, and Cornelius Sullivan, int. Dec. 31, 1846. KELHAM (see also Kilham), Hannah, and Nathaniel D. Si- monds of Salem, May 22, 1827.* Hannah [Lucy. int. and c. R.],and [Capt. int.] John [D. int.] Si^ monds of Salem, Dec. 16, 1834.* Will[ia]m, and Anne Danford, Dec. 28, 1786.* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES lOI KELLAHAM, Anna, and Jacob Kitfield, Oct. 27, 1805. c. r.* KELLY, Sarah, and Paul Leach, Jan. 15, 1750-51.* KENT, Abigail, of Beverly, and Mark Morse, int. Nov. 20, 1831. KIDUVAL (see also Kitfield), Edward, of Glocester, and Lydia Hooper, int. Oct. 9, 1748. KILHAM (see also Kelham, Killam, Killem, Killham, Killum), Daniel, and Rachel [C. int.] Kinsman, Dec, 8, 1833.* [Dec. II. c. R.] Eunice, wid., a. ;i8 y., d. Andrew and Eunice Roberts, 'and Wil- liam Cross, widr., a. 33 y., seaman, s. George and Lucy, Apr. 21, 1845.* Hannah [a, 63 y. c. r.], and John West [a. 83 y. c. r.], Sept. 9, 1830.* Mary Eliza, a. 17 y., d. Joseph and Eunice, and William Cook of Beverly, a. 24 y,, b. Beverly, s. Moses, of Beverly, Dec. 9, 1S47. Polly, and Thomas Farrice, Sept. 15, 1789.* Samuel, and Martha Rowe of Gloucester, Dec. 30, 1830.* Sarah, of Wenham, and Abel Lee, at Wenham, Jan. 2, 1772,* KILLAM (see also Kilham), Francis A. P., a. 24 y., carpenter, b. Boxford, s. Samuel and Lois, of Boxford, and Mary E. Mar- tin, a. 20 y., d. George P. and Sally, Nov. 18, 1847. Joseph, and Eliz[abe]th Tarr, Jan. 18, 1770.* Judath, and William Russell, int. Oct. 25, 1788. KILLAY, James, and Margarett Morgan, Aug. 14, 1760.* KILLEM (see also Kilham), Elizabeth, of Wenham, and Andrew Allen, int. Dec. 20, 1766. Joseph, and Hannah Byenton, Apr. 24, 1793. c. R.* KILLHAM (see also Kilham), Joseph, and Mary Allen, Nov. — , 1826. c. R.* Joseph, and Eunice Roberts, Oct. 5, 1830.* KILLOCH, James, of Glocester, and Sarah Allen, Dec. 7, 1738.* KILLUM (see also Kilham), Abigail, and Abram Mastus, May 18, 1691. Ann, and Samuell Mastus, Dec. 25, 1698. Elizabeth, and Thomas Mullet of Marblehead, at Marblehead, Mar. II, 1773.* Joseph, and Lucey Searls, Jan. 8, 1761.* *Intention also recorded. l82 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES KIMBALL, Dean N. [formerly Babcock. c. r.], and Joann Good- rich, Nov. 8, 1840.* Will[ia]m, and Lydia Bexby of Boston, int. Dec. 23, 1785. KING, William B., of Boston, a. 30 y., bookkeeper, b. Boston, s. Aphollas and Sarah, of Boston, and Adaline A. Hill of Bos- ton, a. 29 y., d. Amos and Nancy, Aug. i, 1844.* KINSMAN, Eliza A., a. 2 1 y., d. Samuel and Rachel, and John C. Wells, a. 31 y., cabinet maker, b. Sanbornton, N. H., s. Enoch and Catharine, of Amesbury, Dec. 17, 1846.* Lydia, of Ipswich, and Francis Knight, at Ipswich, Jan. 21, 1768.* Mary, and Abiel Eastman of Salem, Apr. 20, 1835.* Obed C, and Lydia Danforth, Oct. 4, 1840.* Obed C. [widr. c. r.], and Evoline Bennett, Aug. 18, 1842. t. c* Obed C, and Mary C. Choate of Essex, int. Nov. 2, 1845. Oliver, of Beverly, and Ruth Thompson, int. May 28, 1826. Rachel [C. int.], and Daniel Kilham, Dec. 8, 1833.* [Dec. 1 1. c. R.] Samuel, of Danvers, and Rachel Carter, Jan. 27, 181 1. c. r.* Susan P., of Hamilton, and John F. Harris, int. Aug. 5, 1838. William H., a. 24 y., cabinet maker, s. W[illia]m and Hannah, and Mehitable H. Miller, a. 1 7 y., d. John and Lydia, May 25, 1848.* KITCHENS, Sarah, Mrs., and Richard Smith, Sept. 27, 1781.* KITFEILD (see also Kitfield), Betsey, and Israel Hoopper, Nov. 29, 1792.* [Nov. 20. c. R.] Jemimah, Mrs., and Solomon Lee, Oct. 31, 1781.* Sally, and Hooper Allen, Dec. 18, 1788.* William, and Mrs. Sally Badcock, Dec. 23, 1779.* KITFIELD, (see also Kiduval, Kitfeild, Kitfild), Anna [wid. c. R.], and Thomas H. Kitfield, May 13, 1823.* Asa, and Elizabeth Lee, Nov. 8, 181 2. c. r.* Benjamin, jr., and Esther M. P. Miller, int. June 7, 1843. Edward, and Mrs. Elezebeth Hooper, Dec. 21, 1775.* Elizabeth, and Nehemiah Goldsmith, May 7, 1801.* Elizabeth, and Albert E. Low, Dec. 2, 1834.* Harriet, a. 24 y., d. Benjamin and Lydia, and George Hartley, a. 31 y., cabinet maker, s. Samuel and Lydia, May 14, 1846.* Jacob, and Anna Kellaham, Oct. 27, 1805. c. R.* Lydia, and Will[ia]m Badcock, Dec. 6, 1770.* Lydia, and Benjamin Kitfild of Sedgwick, int. Apr. 7, 181 1. Mary Abby, a. 22 y., s. Asa and Eliza, and Daniel Leach, jr., a. 23 y., cabinet maker, s. Daniel and Deborah, Dec. 2, 1845.* •Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 83 KiTFiELD, Nancy N., and Isaac S. West, int. June 9, 1S39. Thomas H., and [wid. c. R.] Anna Kitfield, May 13, 1823.* Thomas H., and Harriet C. Baker, Dec. 5, 1839.* KITFILD (see also Kitfield), Benjamin, of Sedgwick, and Lydia Kitfield, int. Apr. 7, 181 1. KNAPP, Harriet, of Salem, and James Morse, int. Nov. 25, 1838' KNIGHT (see also Knights), .Abigail, and William Tarring, Dec. 2, 1770.* Ann E., and Edward F. Allen, int. Aug. 19, 1849, Anna, and William Stone, Dec. 27, 18 18.* c. R. Daniel, and Martha Patshall, int. May 19, 1734. Elizabeth, and Samuel P. Allen, June 2, 1837.* Francis, and Lydia Kinsman of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Jan. 21, 176S.* Henry, and Martha L. Crafts, Oct. 30, 1834.* James [Capt. int.], and Mary Ann Forster, Sept. 7, 1826.* John, jr., and Mary Fouler of Ipswich, int. Mar. 8, 1729-30. John, Capt., and Lydia Lee, June 12, 1808. c. r.* John, jr., and Harriet Perkins of Salem, int. Apr. 6, 1837. Joseph, jr., and Sarah Cheever, int. Nov. 27, 1773. Joseph, jr., and Hannah Gilboard of Gloucester, int. July 8, 1775. Lucy, and John Grant of Marblehead, int. Apr. 28, 1764. Lucy, and Daniel Friend, Nov. 12, 181 1. c. R.* Lydia, and .Augustus W. Smith, July 27, 1827.* [Aug. 27. c. R.] Rebekah, and Paul Leach, Mar. 2, 1725-6.* Ruth, and Samuel Sto[n]e, May 16, 17 17. Sarah, and John Coy, at Beverly, Nov. 22, 1705. Susan R., of Gloucester, and John Goldsmith, int. Nov, 23, 1822. Thomas, and Lucretia Burnham of Essex, int. Mar. 20, 1825. KNIGHTS (see also Knight), John, and Mrs. Susannah Allen, Nov. 1 1, 1779.* Joseph [Knight, int.], and Lucy Knowlton, Feb. 26, 1739-40.* William, and Hannah York of Gloucester, at Gloucester, Mar. 18, 1729.* KNOLTEN (see also Knowlton), Elizabeth, and John Harsham, Nov. 6, 1729.* Ezekel, and Susanah Morgin of Beverly, int. Sept. 29, 1728, KNOLTON (see also Knowlton), Andrew, and Abbagal Stone of, Beverly, int. Oct. 31, 1741. Billy, and Betsey Andrews, both of Wenham, Jan. 19, 1804. c. r. •Intention also recorded. 184 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Knolton, Ezekiell, and Sarah Leach, Jan. 29, 1698-99. John, and Abigail Batchelder, Dec. 20, 1697. John, and Elezebeth Helton, int. Oct. 18, 17 19. Sarah, and Joseph AUin, at Beverly, Jan. 20, 17 12-13. KNOWLS, Isaiah, and Nancy Gowing of Boston, int. Oct. 22, 1847. KNOWLTON (see also Knolten, Knolton, Nolton), Abagail, and Solomon Parsons of Gloucester, int. Jan. 14, 1730. Abigail, and Solomon Parsons, of Gloucester, at Ipswich, Apr. 7, 1730.* Anna, and David Lufkins of Ipswich, int. Aug. 9, 1747. Anna [Anne, int.], and Edward Jumper [jr. int.], of Glocester, Nov. 20, 1753.* Barney S., widr., a. 37 y., farmer, b. Gloucester, s. Barnett and Betsey, of Gloucester, and Mary Peart, wid., a. 37 y., b. Newport, R. I., d. Joseph and Mary Denwick of Newport, R. I., Mar. 10, 1849.* Benjamin, of Beverly, and Abigail Hooper, int. Mar. 12, 1826. Benja[min] M. [Marsters. int.], and Luncinda Bingham, Oct. 18, 1818. c. R.* Caleb, and Rachel Lee, May 14, 1809. c. r.* Deborah, and Abraham Marsters, Dec. 22, 1725.* Elisabeth, and Jonathan Harsham, jr., int. Dec. 2, 1752. Elizabeth, and Nathaniel Lee, Feb. 17, 1756.* Emme, and Benjamin Leach, May 28, 1749.* Ezek[ie]l, and Emme Foster, Dec. 2, 1725.* Ezekiel, and Elizabeth Woodberry, Feb. 2, 1762.* Henry B., and Eliza Ann Ayers, int. Oct. 19, 1848. Hezekiah, of Beverly, and Harriet Eaton, July — , 1838.* James, of Hamilton, and Nancy Allen, June 14, 181 3. c. r.* Jeremiah, of Ipswich, and Mrs. Anne Peirce, Mar. 12, 1778.* John, and Mary Herrick, May — , 1753.* John C, of Gloucester, and Hannah P. Allen, Mar. 19, 1838. Joseph, and Martha Wheeler of Gloucester, int. Mar. 24, 1775. Joseph, and Lucretia H. Story, int. Dec. 26, 1819. Lucy, and Joseph Knights [Knight, int.], Feb. 26, 1739-40.* Lucy, of Wenham, and John Orsment, atWenham, Mar. 31, 1768.* Lydia, and Jerimiah Androus of Ipswich, Mar. 19, 1750-51.* Margrett, and Edmond Hovey, May 16, 1758.* Mary, and Solomon Lafkin of Ipswich [of Gloucester, int.], Feb 20, 1745-6.* Mary, and Jonathan Marsturs, June 14, 1756.* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 85 Knowlton, Mary A., wid., a. 33 y., b. Benson, Vt., d. Ira and Sally Benson of Brandon, Vt., and Henry F. Lee, widr., a. 39 y., cabinet maker, s. Henry and Hannah, Mar. 28, 1847.* Mercy, and William Flowers, Apr. 19, 1798. Prudence, and Joseph Giddings, at Ipswich, Jan. 9, 1737. Rachel, and Aaron Low of Ipswich, Feb. i, 1753.* Rob[er]t, and Lydia Bishop, Dec. 24, 1724.* Robert, of Hopkentown, and Mrs. Ede Allen, Nov. 23, 1780.* • Sarah, and Abraham Marstus, jr., Apr. 14, 1754-* Sarah, Mrs., and Benj[ami]n Leach, Apr. 15, 1784.* LAFKIN (see also Lufkin), Solomon, of Ipswich [of Gloucester, int.], and Mary Knowlton, Feb. 20, 1745-6.* LAKEMAN, Mary, of Salem, and James McCartney, int. July i, 1815. LAMSON, John B., of Salem, and Lucy [A. c. r.] Smith, Feb. 28, 1828.* LARCOM, Stephen, of Beverly, and Laura L. Colby, Nov. 2, 1842. T. C* LATHROP, Ruth Ann, wid., a. 31 y., d. Aaron and Sarah Allen, and [Capt. int.] David Carter, widr. [of Rio Jeneiro. int.], a. 44 y., mariner, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Nov. 8, 1844.* LEACH (see also Leech), Andrew, and Mrs. Jenny Sampels, Mar. 2, 1779-* Andrew, and Hannah Hunt of Newbury, Aug. 25, 1840.* Anna, and Joseph Pitman, at Beverly, Dec. 16, 17 15. Anna, and Benjamin Clerk [of Gloucester. int.], Oct. 24, 1765.* Benjamin, and Emme Knowlton, May 28, 1749-* Benjamin, and Elizabeth Sample, Dec. 12, 1773.* Benj[ami]n, and Mrs. Sarah Knowlton, Apr. 15, 1784.* Benjamin, and Betsey Bean, at Hamilton, Mar. 21, 1799.* Benjamin [3d. int.], and Betsey Hassam, Nov. 4, 1810. c. R.* Benja[min], jr., and Susan Chever, Feb. 18, 181 1. c. R.* Benjamin, 3d [Capt. int.], and Lucy [S. int.] Allen, Jan. 7, 1830.* Caturn, and Joseph Allin, Oct. 28, 1696. Charles [Capt. c. r.], and Evoline [Aveline. int.] Tuck, July 4, 1831.* Charles [Capt. int.], widr., a. 42 y., mariner, s. Daniel and Eu- nice, and Sophia [B. int.] Lendall, a. 33 y., d. Amos and So- phia, Feb. 24, 1848.* Daniel, and Molley Badcok, Aug. 7, 1754.* Daniel, and Mrs. Eunice Norton, Apr. 22, 17S3.* ♦Intention also recorded. 1 86 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Leach, Daniel, and Deborah Hill, May 17, 1821.* Daniel, jr., a. 23 y., cabinet maker, s. Daniel and Deborah, and Mary Abby Kitfield, a. 22 y., s. Asa and Eliza, Dec. 2, 1845.* Daniel, jr., widr., a. 26 y., cabinet maker, s. Daniel and Deborah, and Lucy A. Hanson, a. 22 y., b. Jackson, N. H., d. Joseph and Ann, of Danvers, May 27, 1849.* Elisabeth, and John Driver, Jan. 4, 1768.* Eliza [Elizabeth, int.] H., and William Hunt, Sept. 7, 1837.* Elizabeth C, a. 20 y., d. Benjamin and Susan, and John A. Gould, a. 26 y., teacher, b. Topsfield, s. John and Mary, of Tops- field, Oct. 5, 1845.* Emily, and Rev. John N. Goodhue of Rowley, May 5, 1836.* Ezekeil, and Mrs. Susannah Hilton, Sept. 26, 1776.* Ezekiel [Capt. int.], and Hannah Allen, June 24, 1793.C. R.* Ezekiel W., and Charlotte E. Forster, June 23, 1835.* Eunice, and Andrew Roberts of Beverly, Dec. 26, 1805. c. r.* George N. [Capt. c. r.], and Sally Forster [Sally Tappan. c. r.], Nov. 29, 1832.* Hannah, and Samuell Leach, June 27, 1705. Hannah, and Jeremiah Hiberd, Sept. 28, 17 19. C. R. Hannah, and Elisha Allen, Oct. 24, 1738.* Hannah, and John Orsment [jr. int.], Aug. 8, 1739.* Hannah, and Thomas Colleney, Dec. i, 1768.* Hannah, and Amos Hilton, July 3, 1808. c. R.* Hannah, and James G. Allen, June 18, 1835.* Jenny, Mrs., and Abial Burges, June 12, 1783.* Jenny, and Jonathan Prince, Jan. 17, 1797.* Jerusha, and Crispin Joynt, Dec. 27, 1768.* John, and Abgiel Stone, Nov. 13, 1729.* Joseph, and Patience Littlefield, at Beverly, Dec. 16, 17 15. Joseph, and Miriam Crowell, Feb. i, 1736-7.* Joseph [jr. int.], and [" Misrs." int.] Jerusha Dodge, Jan. 15 1767.* Joseph, 3d, and Ehzabeth Burnam of Glocester, int. Aug. 21,17 74* Joseph [2d. int.], and Hannah Perry, Feb. 5, 1775.* Lucey, and Stephen Danford, Oct. 19, 1760.* Lydia, and Samuel Ayers, May 8, 1775.* Mary, and Robbert Hascoll, Dec. 4, 171 2. Mary, and David Jones, Oct. 30, 1760.* Mary Augusta, and Sumner Sargent, int. Dec. 31, 1837. Molly [wid. Mary, int.], and David Morse of Beverly, Mar. 17, 1763.* Molly [Mrs. int.], and Joseph Williams, of Beverly, Nov. — , 1784.* Nancy, and Jacob Morgan, int. July 18, 1801. ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 87 Leach, Pamelia, and Isaac May, Jan. 11, 18 14. c. r.* Paul, and Rebekah Knight, Mar. 2, 1725-6.* Paul, and Lydia Hooper, July 20, 1742. c. R.* Paul, and Sarah Kelly, Jan. 15, 1750-51.* Paul, jr., and Miriam Hilton, May 27, 1756.* Polly, and David Allen, May 19, 1805. c. R.* Rebeckah, 2d, and George Cross, 2d, int. Nov. 29, 1S07. Richard, and Abigail VVoodberry [Abigail Forster. t. c], at Bev- erly, Nov. 24, 1 7 15. Richard, and Emme Haskeell, Dec. 11, 1751.* Richard, and Sarah Morgan, Mar. 2, 1758.* Robert, and Mary Robinson of Salem, Mar. 15, 1705. T. c. Robert, jr., and Elisabeth Hoskins of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 21, 1713-14- Rob[er]t, jr., and Elizebeth Allen, Feb. 3, 1725-6.* Ruth, and John Allen [2d. int.], Dec. 26, 1797.* Samuell, and Hannah Leach, June 27, 1705. Samuell, and Rebecca[Elizabeth. int.] Lee, Feb. 4, 1756.* Sarah, and Ezekiell Knolton, Jan. 29, 1698-99. Sarah, and Azarias Allen, int. Dec. 27, 1760. Susan A. [H. int.], and John W. Allen, jr., July 17, 1837.* Susannah, and Andrew Marsters, int. July 19, 1800. Thomas, and Hannah Norton, Nov. 11, 1804. c. R,* Thomas, and Mary Jane Parsons, Sept. 28, 1831.* LEAVITT, Hannah, of Ham [p] ton, N. H., and Rev. Abraham Randall, int. Jan. 9, 1803, LEE, Aaron, and Lydia Allen, Apr. 3, 1751.* Aaron [jr. int.], and Sarah Dodge of Wenham, at Wenham, Feb. 16, 1775.* Aaron, and Bethiah Driver, Jan. i, 1801.* Abel, and Sarah Kilham of Wenham, at Wenham, Jan. 2, 1772.* Abgil [Abgiel. int.], and John Terren [Tarring, int.], Jan. i, 1729-30.* Abigail [Nabby. int.], Mrs., and Stephen Sewell of Marblehead, Mar. 30, 1777.* Allen, and Sabra Easkoot, Dec. 26, 1837.* Ame, of Gloucester, and William Allen, jr., int. July 7, 1776. Amos, and Mrs. Marcy Thorn Dodge of Wenham, int. Mar. 26, 1791. Amos, and Margret Burnham of Ipswich, int. July i, 1804. Andrew, and Priscilla Allen, Dec. 25, 1765.* Andrew, and Fanny Babcock, July 21, 1813. c. R.* Ann, and John M. Taylor, July 4, 1841. t. c* *Intention also recorded. 1 88 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Lee, Anna, and Jacob Hooper, Apr. i6, 1747.* Anna, and Benjamin Craft, Dec. 18, 1760.* Anna, and Francis Norwood of Gloucester, int. Apr. 10, 1762. Anna, of Beverly, and Joseph Lee, at Beverly, Dec. 9, 1776. Anna, and James Allen, Nov. 6, 1803. c. r.* Anne, Mrs., and Thomas Tewksbury, Nov. 27, 1783.* Annis [" Misrs." int.], [and John Pulling, jr. int.] of Boston, Jan. 14, 1768.* Annis, and George Girdler [jr. int.], Mar. 29, 181 2, c. R.* Ariel [jr. int.], a. 23 y., cabinet maker, s. Ariel P. and Ann, and Eliza P. [T. int.] Brown, a. 20 y., d. Perly and Betsy, Apr. 30, 1848.* Ariel P., and Ann Stone, Dec. 11, 1821.* Ariel Parish, widr., a. 48 y., fisherman, s. Israel and Margaret, and Mehitable Goldsmith, a. 45 y., d. Gifford and Abigail, Oct. 17, 1844.* Benja[min], and Mary Stevens of Andover, int. Jan. 3, 1 730-1. Benjamin, jr., and Abigail Dodge of Beverly, Apr. 8, 1756.* Benjamin, and Martha Ayers, May 20, 1827.* Bethiah, and John Morgen, Dec. 5, 1753.* Bethiah, and Andrew P. Batchelder of Danvers, Aug. 2, 1829.* Betsey, and Rev. Daniel Johnson of Harvard [Co. of Worcester. int.], May i, 1770.* Charles, a. 29 y., cabinet maker, s. Nathan and Beulah, and Eliza F. Allen, a. 26 y., d. John Perry and Ruth, Nov. 13, 1846.* Clarinda [Clarandia. int.], and Thomas [B. int.] Morgan, Nov. 21, 1837.* Daniel, and Hannah Rogers of Wenham, at Wenham, Dec. 16, 1773.* David, and Lydia Glover, Nov. 4, 1823.* David [2d. int.], and Clarrissa Burnham, Feb. 3, 1833.* David, and Sarah Fuller, both of Brandon, Vt., Feb. 11, 1836. t. c. Deborah, Mrs., and James Lee, at Hamton, Jan. 28, 1757. Deborah [" Misrs." int.], and Isaac Bresson, May 25, 1767.* Deborah ['* Mress." int.], and Rev. Thomas Worcester of New Salsbury, N. H., Mar. 11, 1792.* Deborough, and William Hazeltine of Beverly, Dec. 21, 17S8.* Downing, and Hannah Stone, Dec. 24, 1747.* Downing, jr., and Mrs. Eleaner Girdler, Apr. iS, 1777.* Downing, jr., and Betsey Miller, int. June 28, 1800. Ebenezer, and Mary Thorndike of Wenham, at Wenham, Mar. 29, 1768.* Edward, and Hannah All[in], July ii, 1721. Edward, and Eunice Allen, Feb. 10, 175 1-2. •Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 89 Lee, Edward, and Mary Babcock, June 20, 1830.* Elezebeth, and Amos Hillton, int. Apr. 6, 1 740. Elezebeth, Mrs., of Salem, and Capt. William Tuck, int. Apr. 30, 1779. Elez[ebe]th, Mrs., and Nathan Pressonof Beverly, May 22, 1783.* Elezebeth, and Nathaniel Marsters Allen, Dec. 10, 1789.* Elezebeth, and Isaac Russell, int. Aug. 20, 1794. Elisabeth, and George Grose, Feb. 11, 1735-6.* Elisabeth, and Nathaneel [Nathaniell. int.] Marsturs, Oct. 30, 1738-9.* Eliza, and William G. Rust, Feb. 21, 1828.* Elizabeth, and Stephen Allen, July 14, 1737.* Elizabeth, and Amos Hilton, July 17, 1740. c. R. Elizabeth, and John Gheever, jr.. Mar. 29, 1807. c. r.* Elizabeth, and Gapt. Thomas Babcock, Jan. 17, 1808. c. r.* Elizabeth, and Asa Kitfield, Nov. 8, 181 2. c. R.* Elizabeth, and Peter Avers, Nov. 23, 1827.* Elizabeth [d. Andrew, c. R.], and David Bennett, May 18, 1840.* Elizabeth G., and Jacob Gheever, jr., int. Sept. 29, 1843. Eunice, and John Lundol, Nov. 5, 1753.* Eunice, and John Hooker, Oct. i, 1772.* Eunice, and Benjamin Stickney of Beverly, int. Nov. 9, 18 19. Hannah, and John Day, Apr. 13, 1719. c. R. Hannah, and Ambros Allen, Dec. 24, 1767.* Hannah, and Nehemiah Bresson of Beverly, May 15, 1774.* Hannah, and Nathaniel Goalby of Hopkinton, Jan. 20, 1787.* Hannah, of Andover, and Israel Forster, int. Aug. 8, 1802. Hannah, and Issachar Marsters, July 19, 181 2. c. R.* Hannah, and Benjamin Stacy, jr., of Gloucester, June 22, 1823.* Harriet, and Jefford M. Decker, Sept. 2, 1838.* Harriot P., and William Allen, jr.. Mar. 19, 1815. c. R.* Henriette, and Samuel O. Boardman, Oct. i, 1828.* Henry, and Hannah Hibbard of Salem, Aug. 10, 1788. t. c* Henry F., and [Mrs. c. r.] Hannah L. Richards, Aug. 19, 1841. T. c* Henry F., widr., a. 39 y., cabinet maker, s. Henry and Hannah, and Mary A. Knowlton, wid., a. 33 y., b. Benson, Vt., d. Ira and Sally Benson of Brandon, Vt., Mar. 28, 1847.* Isaac, and Rachel Hooper, Nov. 20, 1760.* Isaac, jr., and Mrs. Rachel Allen, Dec. 18, 1783.* Isaac, jr., and Judith Russell, June 12, 1814. c. R.* Israel, and Margaret Bresson, May 19, 1789.* Jacob, and Eunice Hibbard of Gloucester, at Gloucester, Apr. 29> I745-* *Iiitention also recorded. I90 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Lee, Jacob, and Mary Allen,. Sept. 6, 1753.* Jacob, and Anna Allen, Mar. 6, 1770.* Jacob, and Elizabeth Goldsmith of Andover, int. Sept. 22, 1802. Jacob, and Abigail Herrick of Gloucester, int. Jan. 7, 1827. James, and Mrs. Deborah Lee, at Hamton, Jan. 28, 1757. James P., and Nancy P. Lee, Sept. 16, 1823.* Jane, and Samuel Wells, May 20, 1824.* Joanna, and John Tarring, jr., int. Aug. 22, 1752. John, and Martha Mitchell, Nov. 25, 1709. John, 3d, and Joanna Raymond of Beverly, at Beverly, June 16, 1737.* John, 4th, and Abigail Woodbury, int. Mar. 2, 1739-40. John, and Abigail Woodberry, Oct. 16, 1740. c. r. John [jr. int.], and Sybella Cailleteau of Boston, at Boston, Nov. 4, 1765-* John, and Mrs. Susanah Carrell, Dec. 10, 1775.* John, jr., and Mrs. Elez[ebe]th Girdler, Sept. 12, 1782.* John, and Patty Craft, Feb. 8, 1798.* John, and Sally Morgan, Aug. 20, 1799.* John, jr., and Elener Harden, int. Sept 8, 1804. John, 2d, and Ann Allen, int. Oct. 7, 1821. John, 2d, Capt., and Sarah Johnson of Newburyport, int. Mar. 16, 1823. John, and Phila Capron, Feb. 26, 1837.* John, and Sarah E. Farrow, Aug. 4, 1840.* Joseph, and Anna Lee of Beverly, at Beverly, Dec. 9, 1776. Joseph, and Polly Sinnet, int. Jan. 7, 1797. Joseph, and Lydia Seroca, int. June 29, 1797. Joseph, jr., and Lydia Ayers, Jan. 15, 1822.* Josiah, and Mary Carter, Dec. 7, 1725.* Josiah, and [wid. int.] Mary Allen, Apr. 25, 1737.* Josiah, and Mrs. Anne Edwards, Dec. 25, 1783.* Leedde, and Ezekel Gooalle, Dec. 11, 1718. Louisa A., and Edward B. S. Vennard, Oct. 24, 1841. T. c* Louisa T., and Larkin Woodberry, Nov. 5, 1822.* Lucy, Mrs., and Marston Watson, Mar. 30, 1779.* Lucy, and Willard Porter, int. Oct. 14, i8o[4. t. c.]* Luse, and Benjamin Andrews of Ipswich, Sept. 6, 1753.* Lydia, and Samuel Masters, at Wenham, May 7, 1745.* Lydia, and George Girdler, Feb. 15, 1776.* Lydia, Mrs., and John Morgan, jr., Feb. 25, 1778.* Lydia, and Aber Allen, Mar. 30, 1790.* Lydia, and Capt. John Knight, June 12, 1808. c. r.* Lydia, and Benjamin Thompson, jr., Oct. 23, 1823.* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I9I Lee, Lydia, and Isaac P. Crafts, Apr. 30, 1826.* Mahala, and Daniel Bayier, int. Aug. 22, 181 9. Margaret, and Levi Tuck, Jan. 11, 1818. c. r.* Martha [Mrs. c. R.], and Abraham Fowler, Aug, 22, 184 1. t. c* Mary, and John West of Beverly, at Beverly, June i, 1675. Mary, of Gloucester, and John Durgee, int. Dec. 12, 17 13. Mary, and Will [i] am Hilton, Dec. i, 1731.* Mary, and Amos Hilton, Aug. 5, 1762.* Mary, and William Tuck of Beverly, Nov. 24, 1763.* Mary [3d, wid, int.], and Nehemiah Story of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Jan. 7, 1766.* Mary, and Ira Baker, Apr. 5, 1829. Mary, of Cape Elizabeth, Me., and John G. Haskell, int. Apr. 10, 1845. Nabby, and Asa Daniels, Nov. 9, 1794.* Nabby [Mrs. int.], and Nathan Carter, Dec. 3, 1795.* Nancy F., and Jonathan D. Phillips of Linn, Mar. 4, 1819. c. r.* Nancy P., and James P. Lee, Sept. 16, 1823.* Nathan, and Sarah Searls, Dec. 18, 1760.* Nathan, and Elez[ebe]th Allen, May 22, 1787.* Nathan [jr. int.], and Bula B. [Bradford, int.] Dow, Sept. 29, 1809. c. R.* Nathanel, and Elezebeth Benet, Nov. 28, 1721. Nathaniel, and Elizabeth Knowlton, Feb. 17, 1756.* Nathaniel, and ["Misrs." int.] Sarah Allen, Apr. 21, 1768.* Nath[anie]l, and Susanna Poland of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Dec. 18, 1788.* Nehemiah, and Sarah Tewxbury, Nov. 24, 1763.* Nicholas T., and Sarah Lendall, both of Danvers, Apr. 22, 1827. Olive, and Moses Ruthford of Essex, June 7, 1829. Patty. Mrs., and Jeremiah Hibbert of Marblehead, Oct. 3, 1776.* Rachel, and Richard Bishop of Monson [of Brimfield. int.], Feb. 2, 1764.* Rachel, and Obed Carter, jr., Feb. 8, 1787.* Rachel, and David Calbe [of Hopkenton. int.], Sept. 30, 1796.* Rachel, and Caleb Knowlton, May 14, 1809. c. r.* Rebecca [Elizabeth, int.], and Samuell Leach, Feb. 4, 1756.* Richard, and Hannah Hibbird, Aug. 18, 1741. c. r.* Ruth, and Samuel Parsons of Gloucester, int. Nov. 28, 17 13. Ruth, and Seward Lee, int. Feb. 24, 1743-4. Ruth [Mrs. int.], and John Allen, Apr. 19, 1768.* Ru'h, see Raymond, Ruth. Sally, Mrs., and Moses Sargent of Hopkentown, int. Dec. 4, 1790. *Intention also recorded. 192 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Lee, Sally, and Charles Wilminton, Nov. 28, 1805. c. r.* Sally, and EUingwood Smith, May 14, 1830.* [May 12. c. R.] Samuel, and Sary [Sarah, int.] Herrick of Beverly, at Beverly, Mar. 4, 1724.* Samuel [3d. int.], and DebcrahHill, June 30, 1737.* Samuel, Capt., and Lydia Marsters, Oct. 25, 1759.* Samuell, and Rebeckah Mastus, Feb. 8, 1692. Samuell, and Mary Tarrin, Oct. 8, 17 12. Sam[ue]ll, jr., and Mary Raymond, int. June 26, 1743. Sarah, and Jacob Allin, Jan. 3, 1743-4. c. r. Sarah, and William Ellet, Feb. 8, 1776.* Seward, and Ruth Lee, int. Feb. 24, 1743-4. Solomon, and Sarah Hooper, July 8, 1756.* Solomon, and Mary Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 7, 1776.* Solomon, and Mrs. Jemimah Kitfeild, Oct. 31, 1781.* Solomon, and Rebecca Tewksbury, Nov. i, 1830.* Susan, a. 19 y., tailoress, d. I James and Nancy, and John Big- wood, a. 22 y., cabinet maker, s. Thomas and Elizabeth, June II, 1846.* Susanna, and Thomas Hilton, Dec. 9, 1755.* Thomas, and Elezebeth Allen, Nov. 28, 171 7. Thomas, and Rose Allen of Gloucester, at Gloucester, Jan. 13, 1726.* Thomas, jr., and Anna Baker of Glocester, int. Oct. i, 1756. Thomas, Lt., and Elizabeth Ehot, Dec. 3, 1771.* Thomas, and Ruth Allen, Apr. 21, 1791.* William, and Eunice Carter, Apr. 13, 1794. c. r.* William, and Elezebeth Carter, Dec. 3, 1795.* Winthrop, and Lucy Danford, Jan. 13, 1785.* Winthrop, and Janny Morgan, Feb. 18, 1803. c. r.* LEECH (see also Leach), Roberd, and Jane Bradford, Mar. 13, 17 17 [-18. CT. R.] Samuel, and Mary March, Feb. 11, 1723-4. LENDALL (see also Lundol), Abigail, sr., and William Crafts, Apr. 24, 1833.* Abigail, and David Goodrich, int. Apr. 8, 1838. Amos, and Sophia Brown, Mar. i, 1814. c. r.* Amos, and Sally Osborn [Sarah Orsman. int.], Aug. i, 1831.* Anna T., and Nathan W. Grush of Beverly, Nov. 9, 1834.* Joann, and Israel D. Goodridge, Apr. 30, 1843. '^'' c-* John, jr., and Mrs. Anne Tewksbury, Nov. 12, 1782.* Joseph, and Abigail Preston, July 7, 18 16. c. r.* •Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 93 Lendall, Sarah, Mrs., and John Tewxbury, May 15, 1777.* Sarah, and Nicholas T. Lee, both of Danvers, Apr. 22, 1827. Sophia [B. int.], a. 33 y., d. Amos and Sophia, and [Capt. int.] Charles Leach, widr., a. 42 y., mariner, s. Daniel and Eu- nice, Feb. 24, 1848.* LENNAN, Merrit, and Abigail Goldsmith [Abigail M. Allen, int. and c. R.], Dec. 14, 1833.* [Dec. 8. c. R.] LITTELFEELD (see also Littlefield), Sibly, and Emmy [Ame. int.] Harscol, June 12, 1733.* LITTLE, John, a. 30 y., cabinet maker, b. Salisbury, N. H., s. Francis and Polly, of Lancaster, N. H., and Mary Pinkham Hanson, a. 27 y., b. Bartlet, N. H., d. Isaac and Abigail, of Bartlet, N. H., Oct. 31, 1844.* William H., of Danvers, and Mary Ann K. Easkoot, int. Nov. 27, 1836. LITTLEFIELD (see also Littelfeeld), Elihab, and Rachil Siblee, Oct. 29, 1696. Lydia M., of Wells, Me., and Benjamin Thompson, jr., int. Nov. 13, 1847. Patience, and Joseph Leach, at Beverly, Dec. 16, 17 15. Racheal, and Daniel Gott of Gloucester, at Gloucester, Dec. 22, 1726.* Sarah, and Rich[ard] Coy, Nov. 2, 1724.* LOFTY, Prudence, and Jacob Ober, Dec. 25, 1770.* William [jr. int.], and Mary Wilkins, Dec. 25, 1768.* LONG, Helen M., and Eliot A. Hill, jr., int. Oct. 27, 1847. John C, and Elsey Obear of Beverly, int. Dec. 15, 1822. Robert, and Mary Tuxbery, July 15, 1723.* Rufus W., and Mary B. Danforth, Sept. 5, 1826.* LORD, Jeremiah R., a. 24 y., cabinet maker, b. Ipswich, s. Joseph and Mary, of Ipswich, and Sarah E. Allen, a. 2 1 y., d. Joseph and Mary, Apr. 25, 1847.* John B., of Ipswich, and Nancy W. Allen, Oct. 7, 181 7. c. R.* LOTHROP, John H., of Augusta, Me., and Ruth Ann Allen, Aug. 20, 1839.* LOVETT, Ebenezer, of Beverly, and Mrs. Mary Perry, int. Nov. 8, 1818. LOVICE, Aaron, and Lydia Woodberry of Beverly, int. Dec. 3, 1774- ♦Intention also recorded. 194 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES LOW (see also Lowe), Aaron, of Ipswich, and Rachel Knowlton, Feb. I, 1 753-* Adelia, of Gloucester, and Joseph D. Driver, int. Sept. 7, 1834. Albert E., and EUzabith Kitfield, Dec. 2, 1834.* Daniel [jr. int.], and Annis Allen, Aug. 19, 1792.* Eunice, of Ipswich, and John Haskall, at Ipswich, Feb. 19, 1748.* Francis, Capt., and Mary Cleaves, July 10, 1808. c. r.* Thomas, of Ipswich, and Lydia Allen, Oct. 22, 1810. c. r.* LOWE (see also Low), Susanna, of Ipswich, and John Orsment Craft, at Ipswich, July 18, 1793.* Warren, of Essex, and Mary Babcock, Dec. — , 1826. c. R. LUFKIN (see also Lafkin, Lufkins), Anna, and William Jones, at Gloucester, Jan. 17, 1767. Jonathan W., and Eliza Jane Burnham of Essex, int. Sept. 18, 1847. Lucy, of Ipswich, and Sam[ue]l Bacon, at Ipswich, Nov. 2 7, 1777.* LUFKINS (see also Lufkin), David, of Ipswich, and Anna Knowl- ton, int. Aug. 9, 1747. LULL. Benjamin H., and Mary Elizabeth May, int. July 12, 1844. " Not married, he d. at sea on passage from West Indies." Jonathan, and Rebeckah Haskell, Dec. 12, 1803. c. R.* Mary E. [Eliza, int.], and Benjamin Hill, jr., Sept. 5, 1837.* William, and Maria Prince, Apr. 7, 1833.* LUNDOL (see also Lendall), John, and Eunice Lee, Nov. 15, I753-* LUNT, Prisilla, of Ipswich, and Jonathan Allen, jr., Dec. 24, 1734.* LYNCH, Ann, and James Quinn, both from Ireland, int. Jan. 20, 1847. Daniel, and Johanah Ahem, int. Apr. 10, 1847. LYNN, Elizabeth A. P., and Henry Elwell, jr., July 30, 1843. T. c* Emily P., a. 18 y., tailoress, d. William and Elizabeth, and John H. Watson, a. 24 y., cabinet maker, s. John and Mary, Mar. 9, 1845.* Mary Frances, and Richard C. Gilson, July 25, 1841. t. c* LYONS, Ellen, and Edmond McCarty, int. Sept. 28, 1846. McCARTENY (see also McCartney), James, a. 20 y., s. William and Elizabeth, and Lucy M. Andrews, a. 23 y.,d. Abner and Hannah, of Essex, Aug. 3, 1845.* •Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES I 95 McCartney (see also McCarteny), James, and Mrs. Mary Ayston [Asten. int.], June 5, 17 S3.* James, and Mary Lakeman of Salem, int. July i, 1815. Mary A., and Edward S. West, Dec. 20, 1841. T. c* William, and Elizabeth Morgan, Dec. 12, 181 5. c. R.* William, jr., and Abigail C. Dow, Dec. 14, 1840.* McCARTY, Edmond, and Ellen Lyons, int. Sept. 28, 1846. Mclaughlin, Laurance, and Jane Allen, Aug. 31, 1772.* MAHONEY, Ellen, and William Smith (Irish), int. Sept. i, 1849. MALLON, William [S. Malone. c. r.], of Boston, and Hitty Ann Marshall, June 3, 1835.* MANN, Jannett L., and Luther Allen, Aug. 30, 1829.* John W., of Salem, and Elizabeth Smith, Sept. 29, 1825,* Mary [E. c. R.], and Stephen Ferguson, Jan. 4, 1835. MANNING, Joseph, and Persillah Ober, Dec. 16, 1784.* Priscilla, and Samuel Morgan, Oct. 15, 181 1. c. R.* MANSFIELD, Isaac, and Mrs. Ruth Cheever, int. Sept. 9, 1744. MARBLE, George W., and Lydia Danforth, Sept. 3, 1824.* MARCH, Elezebeth, Mrs., and Rev. Benj [amin] Toppan, int. Oct. 5' 1746. Mary, and Samuel Leech, F(§b. 11, 1723-4. MARSHALL, Eleanor B., of Salem, and Issachar Marsters, int. Apr. 17, 1836. Hitty Ann, and William Mallon [William S. Malone. c. r.] of Boston, June 3, 1835.* Lucy, wid., of Beverly, and Capt. Andrew Marsters, int. July 29, 1821. Mary F. [Foster, int.], a. 22 y,, d. Abraham and Lydia, and Samuel Morgan, a. 24 y., cabinet maker, s. Benj [a] m [in] and Han- nah, Jan. 14, 1847.* MARSTERS (see also Marsturs, Marstus, Masters, Mastewes, Mastus), Abig[ai]ll, and Dan[ie]ll Will[ia]ms, Nov, 5, 1724.* Abraham, and Deborah KnowI[to]n, Dec. 22, 1725.* Andrew, and Elizabeth Haskell of Portsmouth, N, H., Nov. 4, 1778. Andrew, and Susannah Leach, int. July 19, 1800. Andrew, Capt., and wid. Lucy Marshall of Beverly, int. July 29, 1821. *Intention also recorded. 196 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Marsters, Andrew, and Lydia G. Allen, Sept. 6, 1837.* Anne, Mrs., and Benj[ami]n Epes of Brown[field], Co. Yorke, May 30, 1778.* Caroline, a. 23 y., d. Isachar and Hannah, of Salem, and Leon rd C. Foss, a. 2 1 y., cabinet maker, b. Salisbury, s. Isaac and Ann, of Salisbury, Nov. 28, 1844.* Hannah, and Jacob Allen, Nov. 17, 1831.* Hannah L., and Joseph Wood of Lynn, June 13, 1835.* Harriet A., a. 22 y., d. Issachar and Hannah, of Salem, and Robert Berkley Fitts of Boston, a. 24 y., agent and proprie- tor of a newspaper, b. Leverett, s. Rufus B. and Lucy, of Putney, Vt., Dec. 31, 1846.* Issachar, and Hannah Lee, July 19, 181 2. c. R.* Issachar, and Eleanor B. Marshall of Salem, int. Apr. 17, 1836. Leddiah, and Thomas Ayers, Nov. 22, 1722. Louisa L., and William Decker, June 16, 1839.* Lucy, Mrs., and Rev. Otis Wing of Gloucester, int. Oct. 9, 1836. Lydia, and Capt, Samuel Lee, Oct. 25, 1759.* Mary, and Thomas Badcok, int. Dec. 3, 1774. Ruth, and John Tewxbury, June n, 1772.* Susan, and Enoch Allen [of Salem, int.], June 10, 1824.* MARSTON, Patience, and Elkanah [Elhanah. int.] Watson of Plymouth, Nov. 7, 1754.* MARSTURS (see also Marsters), Abigail, and Azeriah Norton, Oct. 25, 1739. Andrew, and Anna Bear, Apr. 3, 1755.* Haimah, and Benja[min] Haskell of Beverly, Nov. 30, 1738. Jonathan, and Mary Knowlton, June 14, 1756.* Nathaneel [Nathaniell. int.], and Elisabeth Lee, Oct. 30,1 738-9.* MARSTUS (see also Marsters), Abraham, jr., and Sarah Knowl- ton, Apr. 14, 1 754-* Elizabeth, and Daniel Edwards, Dec. 19, 1754.* Joseph, and Mary Hooper, July 4, 1754.* Sar[a]h, and Daniel Willams, jr.. Mar. 14, 1729.* Sarah, and Samuel Alley, 3d, Feb. 20, 1750-51.* MARTAIN (see also Martin), Susannah, and Marfan Jemersonof Northport [Me. int.]. Mar. 21, 1799.* MARTEN (see also Martin), George, and Elez[ebe]th Allen, June 16, 1797. Nath[anie]ll, and Sarah Fedrecks, Dec. 11, 1787.* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 97 MARTIN (see also Martain, Marten), Albert A. [Capt. int.], of Salem, and Mary C. Smith, Oct. 19, 1841. t. c* George P., and Sarah Carter, May 8, 1823.* Mary E., a. 20 y., d. George P. and Sally, and Francis A. P. Kil- 1am, a. 24 y., carpenter, b. Boxford, s. Samuel and Lois, of Boxford, Nov. 18, 1847. MASTERS (see also Marsters), Nathaniel, and Hannah Wood- berry, at Beverly, Nov. 24, 17 15. Samuel, and Lydia Lee, at VVenham, May 7, 1745.* MASTEWES (see also Marsters), Ann, and Pillip Niccolahs, Dec. 2, 1712. MASTUS (see also Marsters), Abram, and Abigail Killum, May 18, 1691. Elizabeth [Marsturs. int.], and Ebenezer Tuck, Nov. 22, 1742. c. R.* Martha, of Beverly, and William Davisson, Feb. 21, 1754.* Nathaniell, and Hannah VVoodbery, Nov. 24, 1715. Rebeckah, and Samuell Lee, Feb. 8, 1692. Samuell, and Ann Killum, Dec. 25, 169S. MAY, Betsey, and Nicholus Badcock, int. Apr. 19, 1800. Clarinda, and Amos H. Girdler, Mar. 20, 1S44. x. c* Hannah, and Stephen Grose, May 23, 1791.* Isaac, and Pamelia Leach, Jan. 11, 1814. c. R.* Israel, and Emey Tewxbury, Apr. 16, 1767.* Jonathan, and Lydia Stanord, Mar. 19, 1795.* Joseph, and Patty May, Jan. 13, 1804. c. R.* Lydia, and Samuel Pert [Peart, int.], May 6, 1823.* Mary Elizabeth, and Benjamin H. Lull, int. July 12, 1844. " Not married ; he died at sea on passage from West Indies." Mehitable, and Gideon Stevens, Apr. 9, 1824.* Moses, and Abigail Tuck, Jan. 14, 1762.* Moses [jr. int.], and Sarah Peirce, May 4, 1789.* Moses, and Annis Easkoot, Feb. i, 18 16. c. r.* Nabby, and John Belcher, Jan. 8, 1790.* Patty, and Joseph May, Jan. 13, 1804. c. R.* Sally, and Josiah Hasham, Dec. 3, 1789.* Sarah Ann, and Joseph M. Morgan, Oct. 27, 1842. t. c* MAYFIELD, Lydia, of Salem, and Daniel Foster, June 18, 1740. T. c. MEARS, Abigail, of Essex, and Thomas Gentlee, int. Apr. 17, 1842. ♦Intention also recorded. 198 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES MERRIL, Enos, and Joanna Allen, Mar. 23, 181 7. c. r.* MILLER, Anna, and John Ayers, Nov. 26, 1802. c. r.* Anna, of Beverly, and Nath[anie]l Allen, jr., Jan. 19, 1812. c. R.* Betsey, and Downing Lee, jr., June 28, 1800. Esther M. P., and Benjamin Kitfield, jr., int. June 7, 1843. Isaac, and Anne Bennet, Sept. 6, 1789.* Lydia Ann, and James S. Peart, Dec. 5, 1838.* Mehitable H., a. 17 y., d. John and Lydia, and William H. Kinsman, a. 24 y., cabinet maker, s. W[illia]m and Hannah, May 25, 1848.* Rebecca, wid., a. 50 y., d. John and Mary Charles, and Stephen Danforth, jr., a. 49 y., cabinet maker, s. Stephen and Lydia, Sept. 3, 1848.* Ruth, and Nathaniel Hildreth, Sept. 26, 1805. c. r.* Simeon F., and Rebecca Grandshaw, Dec. 17, 1837.* Simion [Simion Fedreck. int.], and Polly Russel, Nov. 28, 1802. c. r.* MILLET (see also MilUt), Benjamin R., and Eliza Goldsmith, Jan. 13, 1824.* Emily E., of Salem, and Luther Calvin Hanson, int. Aug. 21, 1847. MILLIT (see also Millet), Nathaniel, of Glocester, and Hepzibah James, Mar. 24, 1756.* MILLS, Sarah, and Samuel Bear, Apr. 6, 1769.* MITCHELL, Martha, and John Lee, Nov. 25, 1709. MONIES, Michael [D. c. r.], of Salem, and Lucy Russel, June 20, 1825.* MORGAIN (see also Morgan), Daniel, and Lois Allen, Dec. 31, 1767.* Israel, and Sarah Orsment, Feb. 23, 1775.* MORGAN (see also Morgain, Morgen, Morgin), Abigail, Mrs., of Glocester, and Jefferd Goldsmith, int. Mar. 19, 1780. Andrew, and Jane Gearing [Jane Carish. int.] of Gloucester, at Gloucester, Oct. i, 1747.* Anna, and Benja[min] Morgan, Oct. 27, 1746.* Anna, and John Orsment, int. June 17, 1800. Augusta, and Josiah Bray of Gloucester [of Beverly, c. R.], Nov. 9, 1828.* Benja[min], and Anna Morgan, Oct. 27, 1746.* *Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 1 99 Morgan, Benjamin, and Hannah Babcock, Aug. 29, 1805.* Benjamin [jr. int.], and Susan Crumby, Nov. 22, 1829.* Christiana B., and Isaac M. Andrews, int. Sept. 20, 1845. Daniel, and Elezebeth Allen, int. Nov. 26, 1791. David, and Mary Hooper, int. Sept. 28, 1791. David, and Elsey Wallis of Beverly, int. Sept. 24, 1826. Edward, and Patty Bennet, int. Aug. 29, 1794. Elizabeth, and William McCartney, Dec. 12, 1815. c. R.* Elizabeth, and Moses Burnham, 2d of Essex, Nov. 22, 1829.* Elizabeth [L. int.], and William Aldrichof Salem, Apr. 7, 1831.* Emily Augustia, and Elisha Kendell Bailey, int. Jan. 23, 1848. Eunice, and William Flowers [jr. int.], Nov. 24, 1831.* Hannah, and Richard Pert of Beverly, May 19, 1763.* Hannah, and Samuel Stone, Jan. 8, 1837.* Isaac, and Saloma Brown, Sept. 4, 1803. c. r.* Isaac, and Lydia Girdler, Oct. 21, 1830.* Israel, jr., and Lydia Hooker [of Wenham. int.], May 25, 1799.* Israel F., a. 18 v., cabinet furniture rubber, s. Israel, jr. and Christiana, and Mary S. G. Sheppard, a. 15 y., b. Dublin, Ireland, d. Samuel and Anna, Nov. 6, 1848.* Issachar, and Sally Wilmonton, Dec. 30, 1830. [Nov. 28. c. r.] Jacob, and Nancy Leach, int. July 18, 1801. Jacob, and Susannah Hilton, Dec. 27, 181 5. c. r.* Jane, and Bartholomew Allen, Mar. 18, 1760.* Janny, and Winthrop Lee, Feb. 18, 1803. c. r.* John, jr., and Mrs. Lydia Lee, Feb. 25, 1778.* John, and Lucinda Bray of Gloucester, int. Nov. 25, 1838. John H., and Sarah Ann Parsons, Oct. 22, 1842. t. c. John O. [Orsment. int.], and Patty Hilton, Nov. 28, 1805. c.R.* Jonathan, of Glocester, and Polly [" Mrses." Molly, int.] Ayers, Sept. 9, 1792.* Joseph M., and Sarah Ann May, Oct. 27, 1842. t. c* Loes, *' Mr.", and Jonathan Allen of Sadgwick, int. Dec. 6, 1794. Lydia, and William T. Trask of Beverly, June 29, 1S18. c. r.* Margarett, and James Killay, Aug. 14, 1760.* Martha, and Ezekiel Carter, Aug. 8, 1830.* Mary Ann, and Alonzo C. Boynton of Salem, int. Nov. 24, 1833. Mary Jane, and Thomas Goodwin, Jan. i, 1842. t. c* Molly, and Isaac Ober of Beverly, June 12, 1815. c. R.* Nancy [A., of Salem, int.], and William Osborn [jr. int.]. Mar. 13, 1832.* Nancy [O. int.], and Daniel L. Hildreth, Aug. 10, 1838.* Nathaniel H., and Lucretia Cross of Beverly, Nov. 31, 1837.* •Intention also recorded. 200 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Morgan, Polly [Molly, int.], and W[illia]m Tuck, Esq., July 22, 1807. c. R.* Sally, and John Lee, Aug. 20, 1799.* Sally, and Samuel Wilmonton [Willmington. c. r.] , Nov. 21,1831.* Saloma, and Jacob Woodberry, Aug. 16, 1829.* Saloma [sr. int.], wid., and Jacob Dodge of Wenham, Aug. 25, 1829.* Samuel, and Priscilla Manning, Oct. 15, 181 1. c. R.* Samuel, a. 24 y., cabinet maker, s. Benj[a]m[in] and Hannah, and Mary F, [Foster, int.] Marshall, a. 22 y., d. Abraham and Lydia, Jan. 14, 1847.* Sarah, and Richard Leach, Mar. 2, 1758.* Susan [Susanna, c. r.], and Moses Burnham [jr. int.] of Essex, Dec. 17, 1835.* Thomas [B. int.], and Clarinda [Clarandia. int.] Lee, Nov. 21, 1837.* MORGEN (see also Morgan), Israel, and Anna Foster, Nov. 28, 1754.* John, and Bethiah Lee, Dec. 5, 1753.* Sam[ue]ll, and Hannah Carter, May 18, 1732. MORGIN (see also Morgan), Susannah, of Beverly, and Ezekel Knolten, int. Sept. 29, 1728. MORS (see also Morse), Annis, of Beverly, and Philip Eastcoot, at Beverly, Feb. t;, 1789.* Christian, of Beverly, and John Easkoot, at Beverly, Dec. 26, I753-* MORSE (see also Mors, Mose), Abigail, Mrs,, and George Hall, Oct. 13, 1777.* Alice, and Charles Wilmonton, Nov. 15, 1829.* Andrew, of Beverly, and Jane [Jenny, int.] Callaway, Jan. 12, 1758.* Betsy, and Isaac Preston [jr. int.], Dec. 20, 1814. c. r.* Christiana, and David Hall [Hale. c. r.], Dec. 23, 1825.* David, of Beverly, and Molly [wid. Mary, int.] Leach, Mar. 17, 1763.* David, and Lydia Poland, Jan. 18, 1798.* Fanny, of Beverly, and W[illia]m Ober, Nov. 20, 1806. c. R.* Goram, and Lydia Ann Willmonton, Dec. 20, 1841. T. c* Hannah, Mrs., and Joseph Byenton of Glocester, int. May 29, 1784. Harriet [Ann. int.], and Andrew Hooper, Nov. 10, 1835.* Hillard, and Anna Driver, Aug. 19, 1829.* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 20I Morse, James, and Harriet Knapp of Salem, int. Nov. 25, 1838, Jane, of Beverly, and John Badcock, Feb. 28, 1750-51.* Jenne, and Bill Orsment of Beverly, int. Mar. 4, 1804. Joanna, and John [Jonathan, int.] Andrews, jr. of Gloucester, Jan. 23, 18 1 2. c. R.* John, of Beverly, and Miriam Hilton, Aug. i, 1771.* Joseph [H. int.], and Mary [E. int.] Girdler, Oct. 31, 1833.* Lydia, and William Woodbury of Reading, Aug. 30, 1824.* Mark, and Abigail Kent of Beverly, int. Nov. 20, 1831. Mary [Eliza, int.], and George W. Goodrich, Nov. 5, 1836.* [Nov. 6. c. R.] Molly, Mrs., of Beverly, and Andrew Roberts, June 26, 1783.* Rachel, and David Andrews of Gloucester, Nov. 7, 181 8. c. R.* Sammuel, of Beverly, and Joanna Badcock, Sept. 5, 1793. c. R.* William, of Beverly, and Elizabeth Badkuk, May 16, 1756.* William [jr. int.], of Beverly, and Betsy Haskoll, at Beverly, June I, 1794.* William, of Beverly, and Mary Roberts, at Beverly, Jan. 19, 1798.* William, jr., and Peggy Girdler, int. Apr. 19, 1829. MOSE (see also Morse), Samuel [Moss, int.], of Beverly, and Hannah Pears, Nov. 29, 1749.* MULLET, Thomas, of Marblehead, and Elizabeth Killum, at Marblehead, Mar. 11, 1773.* MUNSEY, Benkley, widr., of Gloucester, a. 38 y., farmer, s. George and;Hannah, and Mariam B.Prescott, wid., of Glouces- ter, a. 35 y., d. William and Jemima Munsey, Aug. 21, 1844. William, and Mary A. Sargeant, both of Gloucester, int. Nov. 29, 1827. MURPHE, Thomas, and Mary Belsher, Oct. 3, 1750.* MURRAY (see also Murry), John, and Mary [E. int.] Edwards, Nov. 21, 1832.* Lydia, and William Babcock, int. Aug. 22, 1819. MURRY (see also Murray), John, and Lydia Crowel, Jan. 2, 1803. c. R.* NEAL, Jonathan [of Beverly, int.], and Molly Hill, Sept. 19, 1802. c. R.* NICCOLAHS, Pillip, and Ann Mastewes, Dec. 2, 1712. NOLTON (see also Knowlton), Ann, and Zebulun Foster of Ipswich, Apr. 23, 1750.* NORRIS, Mary Jane, and Henry T. Bingham, Oct. 22, 1838.* ♦Intention also recorded. 202 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES NORTEN (see also Norton), Mary, and Robert Warrin, Feb. 8, 1727-8. NORTHEY, Sally, and William Hooper, int. June 6, 1795. NORTON (see also Norten), Azeriah, and Abigail Marsturs, Oct. 25, 1739. Elizabeth, and John Woodbridge of Newbury, at Newbury, Feb. 24, 1706. Elizabeth, and Robert Warrin, Nov. 8, 1742. c. R.* Elizabeth, and Jacob Allen [jr. int.], May 3, 1772.* Eunice, Mrs., and Daniel Leach, Apr. 22, 1783.* [Eunice, " Mrss." int.], and Benjamin Ober [sr. int.], Sept. 17, 1793. c. R.* George, and Hannah Hilton, Mar. 15, 1798.* Hannah, and Thomas Leach, Nov. n, 1804. c. R.* Mary, and John Forster, Apr. 26, 1733. Nabby, and Isaac Presson, June 27, 1793. c. R.* Shadrack, and Elizabeth Woodbery, Dec. 25, 1709. NORWOOD, Betsey, and Samuel Prince, Jan. 16, 1799.* Francis, of Gloucester, and Anna Lee, int. Apr. 10, 1762. Sally, and [Capt. int.] John Edwards, 3d. May 27, 1800.* NOURSE, Eufus, of Beverly, and [wid. c. r.] Mary Cross, Dec. 13, 1825.* OAKES (see also Okes), Eliz[abe]th, of Danvers, and Amos Bennet, at Danvers, Dec. 29, 1776.* OBEAR (see also Ober), Elsey, of Beverly, and John C. Long, int. Dec. 15, 1822. Josiah, Capt., of Beverly, and Eliza[beth] B. Allen, int. Dec. 12, 1824. Mary, of Beverly, and Jacob Hooper, at Beverly, Dec. 23, 1773.* Richard, 3d, of Beverly, and Anna Day, int. June 9, 181 6. OBER (see also Obear), Abigail, Mrs., and Frances Procter, int. June 17, 1784. Andrew Wood[b]ury, and Polly Baker, Apr. 7, 1805. c. R.* Anna, and Peter Spence, int. Dec. 28, 1771. Benja[min], of Wenham, and Anne Foster, Sept. 20, 1750.* Benja[min], jr., and Mrs. Elezebeth Woodbury, Oct. 23, 1777.* Benjamin [sr. int.], and [" Mrss." Eunice, int.] Norton, Sept. 17, 1793. c. R.* Betsy, and Zebulun Woodbury, both of Beverly, June iS, 181 6. c. R. *Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 203 Ober, Isaac, of Beverly, and Molly Morgan, June 12, 181 5. c. R.* Isra[e]l Foster [Capt. int.], and Mrs. Abigail Edwards, Jan. 25, 1780.* Jacob, and Prudence Lofty, Dec. 25, 1770.* Margret, Mrs., and Joseph Androse of Ipswich, Oct. 25, 1781.* Nabby, and Amos Hilton, Dec. 15, 1785.* Nancy, and John W. Young, both of Beverly, Mar. 30, 1819. c. R. Persillah, and Joseph Manning, Dec. 16, 1784.* Ruth, of Wenham, and John Carter, at Wenham, Mar. 28, 1773.* Sam[ue]ll, and Molly Rea of Beverly, Mar. 6, 1785.* W[illia]m, and Fanny Morse of Beverly, Nov. 20, 1806. c. R.* OBRIAN, Patrack, and Nabby Camp, int. Dec. 27, 1788. (Banns forbidden by Patrick Obryen, Jan. i, 1789.) OKES (see also Oakes), Susannah, of Glocester, and Joseph Marsters Badcock, int. Nov. 27, 1802. ORSBORN (see also Osborn), Lydia A., a. 21 y., dressmaker, d. Asa and Lydia T., and Robert M. Decker, a. 21 y., cabinet maker, s. John M. and Thedocia, July 13, 1845.* ORSMENT (see also Osment), Benjamin, and Jenny [Jane, int.] Badcock, Mar. 11, 1762.* Bill, of Beverly, and Jenne Morse, int. Mar. 4, 1804. Joanna, and Francis Craft, Mar. 22, 1764.* John [jr. int.], and Hannah Leach, Aug. 8, 1739.* John, and Lucy Knowlton of Wenham, at Wenham, Mar. 31, 1768.* John, and Margarett Annable of Ipswich, int. June 23, 1770. John, and Anna Morgan, int. June 17, 1800. Lydia, and John Allen, at Wenham, May 26, 1745.* Lydia, and John Poland, Dec. 19, 1773.* Margret [Mrs. int.], and Barnet Woodbury of Ipswich, Dec. 15, 1785.* Sarah, and Israel Morgain, Feb. 23, 1775.* OSBORN (see also Orsborn, Osborne), Asa [jr. int.], of Beverly, and Lydia Tuck, Jan. 30, 1823.* Henrietta, of Beverly, and Aaron Crafts, Mar. 12, 1828.* Oliver, of Beverly, and Ann [Mrs. Anna, int.] Woodbury, Nov. 22, 1838.* Sally [Sarah Orsman. int.], and Amos Lendall, Aug. i, 1831.* William [jr. int.], and Nancy [A. int.] Morgan [of Salem, int.]. Mar. 13, 1832.* *Intention also recorded. 204 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES OSBORNE (see also Osborn), Harriet, of Salem, and Isaac Allen, 2d, int. June 26, 1836. OSGOOD, Daniel, and Betsey A. Wells, Sept. 23, 1832.* OSMENT (see also Orsment), Anna [Osmand. int.], and John Driver, Jan. 6, 1 741-2, c. R.* OTIS, Alfred J., and Philenia S. Abbot of Shapligh, Me., int. Feb. 26, 1843. OWENS, John, of Marblehead, and Mary Tucksbury, at Marble- head, June 13, 1687. PADISON, Sally, and Abraham Warner, Nov. 13, 1785.* PALFREY (see Pralfrey) PARISH, Ariel, Rev., and ["Mrses." int.] Hannah Chute of Rowley [of Byfield. int.], at Rowley, July 17, 1792.* PARKER, Wiseman B., and Sarah W. Tuck, Dec. 4, 1834. PARSON (see also Parsons), Samuel F., and Sophia Anibal [An- nable. c. R.], Oct. 28, 1832.* PARSONS (see also Parson, Persons), Charles L., of Gloucester, and Elizabeth [A. int.] Standley, Dec. 14, 1840.* Charles L., widr., a. 25 y., baker, s. Lemuel C. and Elizabeth, and Keziah Peart, d. Jacob and Statira, Oct. 4, 1844.* Goram [Gorham. int.], jr., of Gloucester, and Mehita[ble] [G. int.] 'Allen, July 23, 1836. c. R.* Isaac, widr., a. 43 y., tanner, s. Isaac and Judith, and Elizabeth Adams, wid., a. 35 y., d. Horatio and Tamson Headi, July 9, 1844.* Lucy A., of Gloucester, a. 22 y., d. Isaac and Lucy, and Winthrop L. Parsons of Gloucester, a. 25 y., "no trade," s. Miah and Caroline, Dec. 8, 1845. Mary Jane, and Thomas Leach, Sept. 28, 1831.* Samuel, of Gloucester, and Ruth Lee, int. Nov. 28, 17 13. Sarah Ann, and John H. Morgan, Oct. 22, 1842. t. c. Solomon, of Gloucester, and Abigail Knowlton, at Ipswich, Apr. 7, 1730.* Stephen Somes, of Gloucester, and Priscilla Stone, int. May 28, 1846. (Marriage forbidden by Overseers of the Poor of the town of Gloucester.) Tyler, jr., and Irene Allen, Apr. 14, 1824.* Tyler, and Cyntha Sharlotte Tirril of Boston, int. Feb. 5, 1837. Winthrop L., of Gloucester, a. 25 y., "no trade," s. Miah and Caroline, and Lucy A. Parsons of Gloucester, a. 22 y., d. Isaac and Lucy, Dec. 8, 1845. ♦Intention also recorded MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 205 PARY (see also Perry), John, of Marbelhead, and Elizabeth Worring, Feb. 3, 1731-2.* PATCH, Abigail D., and Arba Burnham, Sept. 8, 1837.* James, of Beverly, and Sarah Badcock, June 15, 1743. c. r.* Mary E., and John S. Girdler, Oct. — , 1838.* PATSHALL, Martha, and Daniel Knight, int. May 19, 1734. PEABODY, Eliza, of Bradford, and Enoch Allen, Nov. 8, 1828. John, of Bradford, and Elizabeth Allen, Jan. 14, 1840.* John C, a. 23 y., cabinet maker, b. Bradford, s. John and Eliza- beth, of Bradford, and Joan D. Crowell, a. 20 y., d. Ariel P. and Joan, Oct. 29, 1848.* PEACE (see also Pearce), Rec[ha]rd, and Sarah Horssum, i\pr. 4, 1 71 7. [Apr. 9. CT. R.] PEARCE (see also Peace, Pears, Peirce, Perse, Pierce), John, and Anna Presson, Oct. 20, 1747.* John, and Abihail Poland of Beverly, Nov. 27, 1772.* Mary, and David Presson of Beverly, at Beverly, Apr. 21, 1707. Mary, and George Cross, Jan. 14, 1766.* PEARS (sea also Pearce), Elizabeth, and Benjamin Easty, Jan. 1, I757-* Hannah, and Samuel Mose [Moss, int.] of Beverly, Nov. 29, 1749.* Sarah [Perase. int.], and John Tuck, June 18, 1734.* PEART (see also Pert), Abigail, and Edward Bartlett of Beverly, int. Feb. 15, 1835. Amanda M., and Peter W. Ray, both of Boston, Dec. 21, 1840. Emeline, and Delucena L. Bingham, jr., Sept. 22, 1842. t. c* Jacob, and Statiria Ferguson, Nov. 8, 181 2. c. R.* James S., and Lydia Ann Miller, Dec. 5, 1838.* Keziah, d. Jacob and Statira, and Charles L. Parsons, widr., a. 25 y., baker, s. Lemuel C. and Elizabeth, Oct. 4, 1844.* Louisa, and Azariah Woodberry of Beverly, int. Jan. 2, 1831. Margaret, and Tobias Hanson of Salem, Mar. 18, 1833.* Mary, wid., a. 37 y., b. Newport, R. L, d. Joseph and Mary Den- wick of Newport, R. L, and Barney S. Knowlton, widr., a. 37 y., farmer, b. Gloucester, s. Barnett and Betsy, of Glou- cester, Mar. 10, 1849.* Mary A., a. 17 y., b. Providence, R. L, d. Daniel and Mary, and Hiram Wagoner, a. 21 y., blacksmith, b. Lenox, N. Y., s. Henry and Mary A. W., of Lenox, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1847.* *Intention also recorded. 206 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Peart, Patty, and Stephen Fergerson [Ferguson, of Sedgwick. int.], Sept. lo, 1801. c. r.* Sally, and Andrew Cleaves of Beverly, int. Dec. 28, 1833. Statiria, and Paul Stanley, June 28, 1842. t. c* William, and Nancy Bennet, Mar. 21, 1804.* PEETERS, Lydia, and Roger Hill, Dec. 14, 1732.* PEIRCE (see also Pearce), Abial, and Will[ia]m Camp, jr., int. Dec. 30, 1790. Anne, Mrs., and Jeremiah Knowlton of Ipswich, Mar. 12, 1778.* Mary, and Nathaniel Hamilton, at Marblehead, Apr. 10, 1695. Sarah, and Moses May [jr. int.], May 4, 1789.* PERKINS, Ezra [Capt. c. r.], of Essex, and Joann G. Allen, Oct. 27, 1831.* Harriet, of Salem, and John Knight, jr., int. Apr. 6, 1837. Thomas, of Topsfield, and [Mrs. c. R.] Annis Girdler, Aug. 18, 1840.* PERRY (see also Pary), Annice, -and Ezekeil Jumper, Apr. 19, 1789.* Elizebeth, and Nathan Allen, July 5, 1792.* Hannah, and Joseph Leach [2d. int.], Feb. 5, 1775.* Jacob, and Anne Craft, Dec. 25, 1790.* John, and EHzabeth Forster, Apr. 15, 1762.* Joseph, and Elizabeth Cross, Nov. 12, 1761.* Joseph, and Betsy Bresson, Dec. 10, 1793. c. R.* Joseph, of Portland, and Molly Allen, Dec. 3, 1801. c. R.* Lucy, and George Cross, July 13, 1767.* Mary, and Samuel Trophatter, May 10, 1796.* Mary, Mrs., and Ebenezer Lovett of Beverly, int. Nov. 8, 18 18. Robert, and Mary Badcock, Jan. 28, 1768.* Samuel, and Hannah Driver, Dec. i, 1768.* PERSE (see also Pearce), Elizabeth, and Nehemiah Allen, int. July 23, 1738. PERSONS (see also Parsons), Tyler, and Jenny Forster, int. July 6, 1798. PERT (see also Peart), Hannah, and John Gallaway Flowers, Dec. 9, 1792.* Israel, and Eunice Hooker, int. Dec. 10, 1803. Jenny, and Moses Stephens, Nov. 14, 1798.* Richard, of Beverly, and Hannah Morgan, May 19, 1763.* Ruth [Peart, int.], and William Hale of Newbury, Sept. 11, 1S09. c. R.* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 207 Pert, Samuel, and Abigail Smith of Glocester, int. Nov. 25, 1797. Samuel [Peart, int.], and Lydia May, May 6, 1823.* PETERS, see Peeters. PEW, William, and Abigail Grover, int. Feb. 15, 1767. PHILLIPS, Henry L., and Frances Dennis of Gloucester, int. Nov. 5>i847- Jonathan D., of Linn, and Nancy F. Lee, Mar. 4, 1819. c. R.* PHIPENY, Elezebeth, and Abraham Stone, int. Aug. 19, 1791. PHIPPEN, Mary, and William Stone, Sept. 28, 1775.* PHIPPENY, Seth, and Samuell Edwards, int. Nov. 15, 1794. PICKARD, Abby D., of Beverly, and William Henry Allen, int. Dec. 29, 1845. PICKERING, Wlnthrop of Gloucester, a. 22 y., b. Gloucester, s. F^lisha and Mary, of Gloucester, and Mary Russell of Bev- erly, a. 17 y., b. Beverly, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, of Bev- erly, Sept. 6, 1848. PICKWORTH, Ann, and Aron Bennet, Nov. 20, 1700. PIERCE (see also Pearce), Elisabeth, and Edmund Clark of (iloucester, at Gloucester, Nov. 24, 17 18. PITMAN, Anna [Ann. dup.], and Walter Hull, at Beverly, Dec. 15, 1709. Elezebeth, Mrs., and Dea. John Allen, Oct. 12, 1780.* Jam[e]s, and Elizabeth Stocker, Apr. 27, 1704. Joseph, and Anna Leach, at Beverly, Dec. 16, 17 15. Mark, and Sarah Basee, Oct. 29, i6g6. PITTEE, David C., and Sarah J. Webber of Beverly, int. Nov. 4, 1848. PLUMER, George, of Salem, and Lucinda Drew, int. June i, 1836. POLAND, Abigail, of Beverly, and John Pearce, Nov. 27, 1772.* John, and Lydia Orsment, Dec. 19, 1773.* Lydia, and David Morse, Jan. 18, 1798.* Nath[anie]ll [jr. int.], of Ipswich, and Abigail Tarring, Jan. 24, 1786.* Susan, of Hamilton, and William Harvey Allen, int. Apr. 12, 1845. Susanna, of Ipswich, and Nath[anie]l Lee, at Ipswich, Dec. 18, 1788.* Thomas, of Ipswich, and Joanna Tallen [Tarring, int.], at Essex, Jan. 20, 1757.* •Intention also recorded. 208 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES PORTER, Joseph, Capt., and Patty Hilton, Oct. 31, 1805. c. r.* Joshua [Dr. int.], '.of North Brookfield, and Martha L. Smith, May 6, 1835.* Willard, and Lucy Lee, int. Oct. 14, i8o[4. x. c] POTTER, Mary Ehzabeth, of Hamilton, and Henry P. Allen, int. Aug. 24, 1844. PRALFREY, Abby J., a. 17 y., d. John and Mary, and Enoch W. Crombie, a. 28 y., fisherman, s. Benjamin and Betsey, Dec. 24, 1847.* PRASSON (see also Presson), Sarah, and Samuel Woodbery, int. Jan. 22, 1743-4- PRBSCOTT, Mariam B., wid., of Gloucester, a. 35 y., d. William and Jemima Munsey, and Benkley Munsey, widr., of Glouces- ter, a. 38 y., farmer, s. George and Hannah, Aug. 21, 1844. PRESON (see also Presson), Benjamin, and Mary Woodbary, Apr. 15. 1723-* PRESSON (see also Prasson, Preson, Preston), Anna, and John Pearce, Oct. 20, 1747.* Benja[min], and Lydia Goodale, May 6, 1737.* Betsy, and Joseph Perry, Dec. 10, 1793. c. r.* David, of Beverly, and Mary Pearce, at Beverly, Apr. 21, 1707. David, of Beverly, and Ruth Tuck, Dec. 19, 1765.* Deborah, and William Craft, Jan. 22, 1789.* Isaac, and Margaret Foster, Oct. 20, 1747. Isaac, and [" Misrs." int.] Deborah Lee, May 25, 1767.* Isaac, and Nabby Norton, June 27, 1793. c. r.* Margret, and Israel Lee, May 19, 1789.* Mary, and Samuel Williams, Dec. 16, 1720. Mary, and John Hill, May 21, 1741. c. R.* Molly, and John Hill, Jan. 5, 1795.* Nathan, of Beverly, and Mrs. Elez[ebe]th Lee, May 22, 1783.* Nehemiah, of Beverly, and Hannah Lee, May 15, 1774.* PRESTON (see also Presson), Abigail, and Joseph Lendall, July 7, 1816. c. R.* Anna [Presson. int.], and Amos Hill, Aug. 19, 1803. c. R.* Betsey, and Jacob (Jheever, Sept. 12, 1831.* Betsey, and Asa Richardson, jr., July 16, 1835.* Isaac [jr. int.], and Betsy Morse, Dec. 20, 1814. c. R.* William, and Eliza [B. int.] Simonds, Dec. 29, 1833.* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 209 PRICE, John, and Joan [Joann. int.] G. Crafts, Apr. 12, 1832.* Joseph, and Abigail S. Abbott, June 14, 1841. t. c* Joseph, and Mrs. Nancy Rust of Lynn, int. Dec. 21, 1844. PRINCE, Jane, and Ithamer Eaton, May 21, 1805. c. r.* Jonathan, and Molley Allen, Nov. 17, 1772.* Jonathan, and Jenny Leach, Jan. 17, 1797.* Maria, and WiUiam Lull, Apr. 7, 1833.* Polly, and Richard Allen, Dec. 6, 1796.* Samuel, and Betsey Norwood, Jan. 16, 1799.* PROCTER (see also Proctor), Asa, of Londonderry, N. H., and Anna Allen, Feb. 14, 1819. c. r.* Charlotte [A. int.], and Nathan [B. int.] Goldsmith, Oct. 14, 1827.* Frances, and Mrs. Abigail Ober, int. June 17, 1784. George, and Caroline [A. int.] Allen, Dec. 15, 1835.* Joseph, of Derry, N. H., and Eliza[beth] Bray of Gloucester, Jan. 8, 1843. T. c. Lucy, Mrs., and Aaron Giddens of Ipswich, Oct. 12, 1780.* Lucy Ann, of Essex, and John C. Webb, Mar. 31, 1840.* Mary [Polly, int.], and Ezekeil Allen, Aug. 25, 1791.* Umpherey, and Charlotte Allen, int. Jan. 25, 1806. PROCTOR (see also Procter), John, and [Mrs. int.] Hannah Cogswell of Ipswich, at Ipswich, May 31, 1781.* PULLING, John [jr. int.], of Boston, and [" Mrs." int.] Annis Lee, Jan. 14, 1768.* PULSIFER, Leonora, of Gloucester, and Augustus Haskell, int. Oct. 30, 1846. QUINER, Abraham [jr. int.], and Susannah Camell, Mar. 4, 1 792.* QUINN, James, and Ann Lynch, both from Ireland, int. Jan. 20, 1847- RAND, Bickford L., of Topsfield, and Eunice Carter, Jan. 23, 1823.* RANDALL, Abraham, Rev., and Hannah Leavitt of Ham [p] ton, N. H., int. Jan, 9, 1803. RANKS, John, jr., of East Tomastown, Me., and Abigail Edwards, Aug. I, 1837.* RAP ALL, George, of Marblehead, and Elizabeth Harsham, int Feb. 17, 1764. ♦Intention also recorded. 2IO MANCHESTER MARRIAGES RAY (see also Rea), Peter W., and Amanda M. Peart, both of Boston, Dec. 21, 1840. RAYMOND, Joanna, of Beverly, and John Lea, 3d, at Beverly, June 16, 1737.* Mary, and Sam[ue]ll Lee, jr., int. June 26, 1743. Ruth [Ruth Lee. int.] , and Sewell Tuck of Beverly, May 21, 1772.* REA (see also Ray), Molly, of Beverly, and Sam[ue]ll Ober, Mar. 6, 1785.* REED, Eben R., a. 23 y., sawer, s. James and Bethiah, and Mahala Standley, a. 18 y., d. Paul and Mahala, June 20, 1847.* Joseph, of Cambridge, and Mrs. Levina Bond, Mar. 26, 1778.* RENOUF, Edward, of Marblehead, and Rachel Bennet, May 7, 1772.* RICHARDS, Anna, and James Burges, Feb. i, 182 1.* Betsy, and Thomas Williams, int. Dec. 31, 1819. Hannah L. [Mrs. c. r.], and Henry F. Lee, Aug. 19, 1841. t. c* John, and Anne Bare, June 11, 1793. c. r. John, and Betsey Danford, Nov. 24, 1796.* John, and Hannah Hilton, Nov. 10, 1830.* Lydia, and Samuel S. Hooper, Apr. 13, 1826.* RICHARDSON, Asa, and Elizabeth Allen, May 29, 1809.* Asa, jr., and Betsey Preston, July 16, 1835.* Lydia, and William Godsoe, May 30, 1841. t. c* Nathan, a. 26 y., blacksmith, s. Asa and Betsy, and Mary Eliza- beth Butler of Gloucester, a. 18 y., tailoress, d. Daniel and Rhoda, of Gloucester, Oct. 31, 1844.* Nathan, widr., a. 30 y., blacksmith, s. Asa and Betsy, and Caro- line Allen, a. 19 y., d. Azariah and Sally, June 25, 1848.* Ruben, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and Mary Samples, Dec. 10, 1793. c. R. RINGE, Sarah, of Glocester, and John Allen, jr., int. Nov. 27, 1756. ROBASON (see also Robinson), Mary, and Robbert Leach, Mar. 15.1704-5- ROBBINS, Luther, and Sarah Robinson of Gloucester, int. Nov. 26, 1811. ROBERDS (see also Roberts), Jonathan, jr., of Beverely, and Hanah Badcock, int. Oct. 27, 1734. * Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 211 ROBERTS (see also Roberds), Andrew, and Mrs. Molly Morse of Beverly, June 26, 1783.* Andrew, of Beverly, and Eunice Leach, Dec. 26, 1805. c. R.* Andrew, and Mary Ann Ward of Beverly, Nov. 9, 1836.* Anne, and Phelep Caststeirs, int. May 28, 1791. Eliza, of Beverly, and James Dow, int. Jan. 3, 18 19. Eunice, and Joseph Killham, Oct. 5, 1830.* Hannah, and Henry Stone [of Gloucester, int.]. May 23, 1830 * Laura A., of Rockport, and Arthur S. Allen, int. Oct. 10, 1846.. Louisa, and Samuel Driver, Mar. 3, 1836.* Marcy, and David Goodrich of Beverly, int. Dec. 31, 1809. Mary, and William Morse of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 19, 1798.* Mehitable, and William Cross, Nov. 26, 1834.* Oliver, a. 26 y., fisherman and cordwainer, s. Andrew and Eu- nice, and Ruth Foss of Beverly, a. 20 y., b. Strafford, N. H., d. Enoch and Ruth, of Strafiford, N. H., Nov. 18, 1847.* William, and Mercy Stanley of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 11, 1776.* W[illia]m, and Lucy Sanderson of Beverly, Feb. 27, 1806. c. R.* ROBINSON (see also Robason, Robison), Mary, of Salem, and Robert Leach, Mar. 15, 1705. t. c. Sarah, of Gloucester, and Luther Robbins, int. Nov. 26, 1811. ROBISON (see also Robinson), John, of Salam, and Vilet Kahall, int. July 6, 1798. RODGERS (see also Rogers), Abigail W., and Enoch Allen, June 17, 1834.* ROGERS (see also Rodgers), Hannah, of Wenham, and Daniel Lee, at Wenham, Dec. 16, 1773.* Nathaniel, of Wenham, and Elizabeth Hill, Oct. 10, 1752.* Samuel, a. 22 y., varnisher, s. Samuel W. and Mary G., and Ad- ehne Carter, a. 17 y., d. Nathan, jr. and Adeline, Dec. 9, 1847.* ROLINGS, John, and Marthe Hoston of Glocester, Apr. 4, 1787 RONELS, John, and Juday Hooper, int. July 25, 1747. ROPES, Martha R., of Boston, and Charles H. Trask, int. Sept. 18, 1849. ROSS, Horace, a. 27 y., cabinet maker, b. Ipswich, s. Ephram and Elizabeth, of Ipswich, and Sarah M. Wheaton, a. 26 y., b. Cape Breton, d. Joseph and Mary Ann, of Arrow- shot, C. B., May 6, 1845.* •Intention also recorded. 212 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES ROW (see also Rowe), Abram [Abraham, int.], and Olive M. [Maria int.] Goldsmith, Dec, 2, 1832.* ROWE (see also Row), Martha, of Gloucester, and Samuel Kil- ham, Dec. 30, 1830.* Nancy, and John Andrews, Jan. 3, 181 3. c. r.* RUNNELS (see Ronels). RUSSEL (see also Russell), Betsey, and Capt. George Girdler, int. Dec. 15, 1811. Joseph, and Elizabeth Hilton of Beverly, int. Mar. 13, 18 14. Lucy, and Michael [D. c. R.] Monies of Salem, June 20, 1825.* Polly, and Simion [Simion Fedreck. int.] Miller, Nov. 28, 1802. c. R.* Sarah, and Azariah Allen, Sept. 14, 1824.* William [jr. int.], and Nabby Hooper, Nov. 14, 1813. c. r.* RUSSELL (see also Russel), Carohne, and Thomas W. Crumby, Oct. 14, 1838.* Elizabeth, and John Easkoot, Aug. 30, 1812. c. r.* Isaac, and Elezebeth Lee, int. Aug. 20, 1794. Judith, and Isaac Lee, jr., June 12, 18 14. c. r.* Mary, of Beverly, a. 17 y., b. Beverly, d. Joseph and Elizabeth, of Beverly, and Winthrop Pickering of Gloucester, a. 22 y., yeoman, b. Gloucester, s. Elisha and Mary, of Gloucester, Sept. 6, 1848. William, and Judath Killam, int. Oct. 25, 1788. William, and Elizabeth Girdler, Oct. 4, 1835.* RUST, Daniel, of Ipswich, and Ruth Belcher, Nov. 10, 1763.* Nancy, Mrs., of Lynn, and Joseph Price, int. Dec. 21, 1844. Rachel, of Ipswich, and Moses Bennet, at Essex, Feb. 15, 1739.* Sarah, of Gloucester, and John Allen, jr., int. Nov. 27, 1756. William C, and Eliza Lee, Feb. 21, 1828.* RUTHFORD, Moses, of Essex, and Olive Lee, June 7, 1829. SAFFORD, Samuel H., a. 24 y., cabinet maker, b. Newbury, s. Samuel and Mary of Newbury, and Lucretia B. Story, a. 2 1 y., d. Arthur and Anne, Nov. 28, 1844.* SAMPELS (see also Sample), Jenny, Mrs., and Andrew Leach, Mar. 2, 1779.* SAMPLE (see also Sampels, Samples), Elizabeth ["Misrs." int.], and Eliazar Craft, Jan. 6, 1767.* Elizabeth, and Benjamin Leach, Dec. 12, 1773.* Samuel, of Marblehead, and Elizabeth Allen, Jan. 16, 1755.* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 21 3 SAMPLES (see also Sample), Mary, and Ruben Richardson of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Dec. 10, 1793. c. R.* SANBORN, Nathaniel P., and Sophia Earle, int. Mar. 16, 1840. Nathaniel P., and Abigail H. Goldsmith, int. Oct. 17, 1846. SANDERSON, Lucy, of Beverly, and W[illia]m Roberts, Feb. 27, 1806. C. R.* SANDRES, Mary, of Boston, and Rev. Mr. Chever, int. Oct. 18, 1733- SANFORD, Josiah, of Gloucester, and Hannah Day, at Glou- cester, Nov. 19, 1 7 19.* SARGEANT (see also Sargent), Mary A., and William Munsey, both of Gloucester, int. Nov. 29, 1827. SARGENT (see also Sargeant), Moses, of Hopkentown, and Mrs. Sally Lee, int. Dec. 4, 1790. Sumner, of Boston, and Mary Augusta Leach, int. Dec. 31, 1837. SARLS (see also Searls), Benj[amin], and Sarah Hooper, Jan. 15, 1735-6.* SAVAGE, W[illia]m, of Boston, and Mary Ingersoll, Dec. 7, 1806. c. R.* SEARL (see also Searls), Judith, and Benjamin Hilton, Jan. 20, 1767.* SEARLS (see also Saris, Searl), Benja[min], of Marbelhead, and Lucy Bennet, Jan. 4, 1732-3. Lucey, and Joseph Killum, Jan. 8, 1761.* Sarah, and Nathan Lee, Dec. 18, 1760.* SEARS (see also Cier, Seears), Sarah, and Samuel Carter, Apr. 16, 1752.* William, and Elisabeth Cole of Beverly, at Beverly, Mar. 25, 1723.* William [jr. int.], and Charity Cole, Jan. 7, 1734-5.* SEEARS (see also Sears), William [Sears, jr. int.], and Sarah Coye [Coy. int.], Dec. 29, 1736.* SEROCA, Lydia, and Joseph Lee, int. June 29, 1797. Mathew, and Lydia Ayers, May 18, 1784.* SEWELL, Stephen, of Marblehead, and Mrs. Abigail [Nabby. int.] Lee, Mar. 30, 1777.* ♦Intention also recorded. 214 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES SHEPPARD, Mary S. G., a. 15 y., b. Dublin, Ireland, d. Samuel and Anna, and Israel F. Morgan, a. 18 y., cabinet furniture rubber, s. Israel jr. and Christiana, Nov. 6, 1848.* SIBLEE, Rachil, and Elihab Litdefield, Oct. 29, 1696. SILVER, Elizabeth D., and Isaac Ayers, int. Oct. 7, 1848. SIMMENS (see also Simonds), Mary, and Joseph Day, Feb. 18, 1800.* SIMONDS (see also Simmens, Simons, Symmons, Symons), Abram, and Harriet Hooper, Nov. 6, 1838.* Eliza [B. int.], and William Preston, Dec. 29, 1833.* Evoline A. [Abigail, int.], and Joseph Akerman, Mar. 18, 1838.* John [D., Capt. int.], of Salem, and Hannah [Lucy. int. and c. R.] Kelham, Dec. 16, 1834.* Nathaniel D., of Salem, and Hannah Kelham, May 22, 1827.* Oliva A., and Samuel Treadwell, June 14, 1837.* SIMONS (see also Simonds), Andrew, and Nabby Brown, Oct. 18, 1796.* Ruth, and Obed Carter [sr. int.], Sept. 13, 1804. c. r.* SINNET (see also Sinnett, Sinnit), Polly, and Joseph Lee, int. Jan. 7, 1797. SINNETT (see also Sinnet), Mary, and Benja[min] Jones, Sept. 29, 1768.* SINNIT (see also Sinnet), John, of Marblehead, and Mary Belsher, Jan. 27, 1755.* SLADE, Thomas W., and Susan L. Burnham of Gloucester, int. Apr. 5, 1848. SMITH, Abigail, of Glocester, and Samuel Pert, int. Nov. 25, 1797. Abigail, and Nehemiah Abbot, Jan. 13, 181 8. c. r.* Ann H., a. 25 y., d. adopted, Israel and Eunice Peart, and Carroll A. Dame, a. 23 y., farmer, b. New Field, Me., s. Nathan and Sally, of Parkman, Me., Apr. 13, 1845.* Augustus W., and Lydia Knight, July 27, 1827.* [Aug. 27. c. R.] Burley, and Mary Allen, Oct. 24, 1799.* Burley, Maj., and Nancy Hooper of Gloucester, at Essex, Jan. i, 1842. T. c* Clarissa, and Ebenezer Caldwell of Augusta, Me., July 13, 1825.* Debby, of Beverly, and Benjamin Foster, at Beverly, Nov. 2, 1797.* Elias, and Thankful Groves of Beverly, at Beverly, Feb. 26, 1765.* •Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 215 Smith, Elizabeth, of Ipswich, and John Baker, Dec. 2, 1770.* Elizabeth, and John W. Mann of Salem, Sept. 29, 1825.* Ellingwood, and Sally Lee, May 14, 1830.* [May 12. c. R.] Ellingvvood, and Caroline S. Chapman of Ipswich, int. May 21, 1839. Oilman, and Mary Stinson of Dunbarton, N. H., int. Apr. 17, 1808. Jane B,, and Jacob P. Holm, Dec. 7, 1840.* John, and Abigail Giddens of Ipswich, Dec. 27, 18 10. Lucy [A. c. R.], and John B. Lamson of Salem, Feb. 28, 1828.* Martha L., and [Dr. int.] Joshua Porter of North Brookfield, May 6, 1835.* Mary, Mrs., of Roxbury, and Capt. Jonathan Hossam, int. Dec. 22, 1848. Mary C, and [Capt. int.] Albert A. Martin of Salem, Oct. 19, 1 84 1. T. c* Nabby, of Beverly, and Azariah Edwards, int. Aug. 28, 1801. Nancy, of Beverly, and Capt. Samuel F. Tappan, int. Dec. 2, 1827. Rachel L., and [Dr. int.] Simeon E. Strong of Heath, Mar. 29, 1833.* Richard, and Mrs. Sarah Kitchens, Sept. 27, 1781.* Stephen, and Nabby Hooper, int. Sept. 22, 1798. William, and Ellen Mahoney (Irish), int. Sept. i, 1849. SPAKESIFELD, Hannah T., of Reading, and Edward M. Horten, int. Apr. 10, 1847. SPENCE, Peter, and Anna Ober, int. Dec. 28, 1771. STACY, Benjamin, jr., of Gloucester, and Hannah Lee, June 22, 1823.* STANDLEY (see also Stanley), Elizabeth [A. int.], and Charles L. Parsons of Gloucester, Dec. 14, 1840.* Mahala, a. 18 y., d. Paul and Mahala, and Eben R. Reed, a. 23 y., sawer, s. James and Bethiah, June 20, 1847.* STANLEY (see also Standley), Ezra, a. 28 y., mason, s. Paul and Mahala, and Rachel Ann Curtis, a. 20 y., tailoress, d. Benja- min and Dorcas, Sept. 22, 1844.* Mercy, of Beverly, and William Roberts, at Beverly, Jan. 11, 1776.* Paul, and Statiria Peart, June 28, 1842. t. c* STANNARD, Darkes, and Samuel Craft, int. Dec. 21, 1799. STANORD, Lydia, and Jonathan May, Mar. 19, 1795.* STANSIN, Christian, and John Derr[i]g, int. Sept. 19, 1849. ♦Intention also recorded. 2l6 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES STARNS, Temothey, and Polly Hilton, int. Jan. 27, 1793. STATON, Edward, of Gloucester, and Lucy A. [Ann. int.] Friend, Dec. 30, 1830. c. R.* STEPHEN (see also Stevens), Moses, and Jenny Pert, Nov. 14, 1798.* STEPHENS (see also Stevens), Bartholomew, and Polly Gardner, Oct. 28, 1796.* Thomas, of Marblehead, and Mrs. Betty Allen, Mar. 9, 1786.* STEVENS (see also Stephen, Stephens) , Gideon, and Mehitable May, Apr. 9, 1824.* Gideon, and Hannah [B. int.] Crumby, Nov. 10, 1833.* Jenny, and Thomas Ayers, int. Apr. 19, 1807. Mary, of Andover, and Benja[min] Lee, int. Jan. 3, 1 730-1. STICKNEY, Benjamin, of Beverly, and Eunice Lee, int. Nov. 9, 1819. STINSON, Mary, of Dunbarton, N. H., and Gilman Smith, int. Apr. 17, 1808, STOCKER, EHzabeth, and Jam[e]s Pitman, Apr. 27, 1704. STON (see also Stone), Bathia [Bathier Stone, int.], and Aron Bennet [Aaron, jr. int.], June 27, 1734.* STONE (see also Ston), Abbagal, of Beverly, and Andrew Knol- ton, int. Oct. 31, 1741. Abgiel, and John Leach, Nov. 13, 1729.* Abial, and Joseph Hasham, Oct. 4, 1727.* Abraham, and Elezebeth Phipeny, int. Aug. 19, 1791. Abraham [jr. int.], and Priscilla Daniels, Oct. 27, 1816. c. R.* Ann, and Ariel P. Lee, Dec. 11, 1821.* Anna, and John Davice, int. Sept. 30, 1804. Elizabeth, and David Goldsmith, Dec, 2, 1813. c. R.* Elizabeth, and [Capt. c. r.] John Girdler, Apr. 24, 183 1.* Elizabeth, and James M. Andrews, Sept. 28, 1842. t. c* Ester, and Sam[ue]ll Carter, Nov. 16, 1732. Esther, and John Day, Mar. 7, 1776.* Hannah, and Downing Lee, Dec. 24, 1747.* Henry [of Gloucester, int.], and Hannah Roberts, May 23, 1830.* Jane, and Israel Foster, Jan. 15, i75o-5r.* Jenny, and John Hooper, May 9, 1798.* John, and Sally M. Andrews, Dec. 5, 1837.* Mary, and Samuel Davis of Glocester, int. May 16, 1760. ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 217 Stone, Priscilla, and Stephen Somes Parsons of Gloucester, int. May 28, 1846. (Marriage forbidden by Overseers of the Poor of the town of Gloucester.) Sally, and David Colby, jr., Dec. 8, 1823.* Samuel, and Ruth Knigh[t], May 16, 1717. Samuel [jr. int.], and Esther Haskell of Gloucester, at Glouces- ter, Dec. 17, 1 75 1.* Samuel, and Elezebeth Hooper, Dec. 8, 1789.* Samuel, and Hannah Morgan, Jan. 8, 1837.* William, and Anna Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Sept. 24, 1761.* William, and Mary Phippen, Sept. 28, 1775.* William, and Anna Knight, Dec. 27, 181 8. c. R.* William, and Aphia Driver, Nov. 10, 1822.* William, and Mary E. Wilmington, Jan. 15, 1838.* STORER (see also Story), Rachel [Story, int.], and David Hooper, Dec. i, 1768.* STOREY (see also Story), Auther, and Ann Allen, Sept. 19, 1822.* Hannah, and Capt. Israel Forster, May iS, 1806. c. R.* Henrietta, and Richard [C. int.] Dennis, May 8, 1832.* Susan W., and David Allen, July 20, 1828.* STORY (see also Storer, Storey), Asa, Dr., and Eliza B. Farnham of West Newbury, int. Mar. 16, 1823. Charles R., of Salem, a. 22 y., apothecary, s. Asa and Eliza, and Abby C. Hooper, a. 24 y., b. Marblehead, d. Jacob and De- liverance, Oct. 8, 1846.* Hannah, and [Capt. int.] Nehemiah Story, Tune 26, 1S03. c. R.* Hennery, and Mrs. Hannah Tewksbury, July 16, 1778.* Henry [jr., Capt. int.], and Lucretia H. [Huntington, int.] Bingham, May 6, 1813. c, R.* Hermon, of Essex, a. 29 y., carpenter, s. Ephriam and Hannah, and Susan S. Crafts, a. 26 y., d. John and Nancy, Dec. 19, 1847.* Lucretia B., a. 21 y., d. Arthur and Ann, and Samuel H. Safford, a. 24 y., cabinet maker, b. Newbury, s. Samuel and Mary, of Newbury, Nov. 28, 1844.* Lucretia H., and Joseph Knowlton, int. Dec. 26, 1819. Lucy, Mrs., and Elnathan Witney, Mar. 7, 1784.* Lucy, and Aaron Allen, Dec. 3, 1789.* Lucy, and Capt. Joseph Hooper, Nov. 25, 1813. c. R.* Miriam, and Andrew L. Burgis, Mar. 28, 1811. c. R.* ♦Intention also recorded. 2l8 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Story, Nathan, and Eunice Choate of Ipswich, at Ipswich, Nov. 22, 1768.* Nehemiah, of Ipswich, and [wid. int.] Mary Lee [3d. int.], at Ipswich, Jan. 7, 1766.* Nehemiah [jr. int.], and Lucy Allen, Apr. 7, 1771.* Nehemiah [Capt. int.], and Hannah Story, June 26, 1803. c. R.* Ruth, of Ipswich, and Peter Calado, int. Sept. 3, 181 5. Sally, and Benjamin Tappan, Apr. 4, 18 16. c. R.* Sarah, of Ipswich, and James Brown, int. Nov. 4, 1797. Stephen [jr. int.], of Ipswich, and Maria Tuck, June 8, 181 7. c. R.* STRONG, Simeon E. [Dr. int.], of Heath, and Rachel L.Smith, Mar. 29, 1833.* SULLIVIN, Cornelius, and Catherine Kasey, int. Dec. 31, 1846. SYMMONS (see also Simonds), Jacob, and Molly Bennett, Sept. 17, 1772.* SYMONS (see also Simonds), Rachel, and Capt. John Tuck, int. Jan. I, 1809. TALLEN (see also Tarring), Joanna [Tarring, int.], and Thomas Poland of Ipswich, at Essex, Jan. 20, 1757.* TALLMAN, Almire, of Lowell, and Benjamin W. Hildreth, int. Oct. 28, 1848. TAPPAN (see also Tappen, Toppan, Toppen), Benjamin, and Sally Story, Apr. 4, 181 6. c. R.* Betsey [Mrs. int.], and Daniel Chase of Pepperrelbourough, Dec. 18, 1788.* Betsey, and Perley Brown, Sept. 12, 1827.* Ebenezer, jr., and Sally Hooper, Nov. 30, 1814. c. r.* Elizabeth F., and John Cheever, 3d, Dec. 25, 1840.* Henry S., and Elizabeth Eldridge, of Beverly, int. Nov, 23, 1846. Israel F., and Deborah Forster, July 17, 1822.* Maria, and Nathaniel Colby [jr. int.], Nov. 29, 1832.* Sally F., and Woodbury Allen, Mar. 4, 1828.* Samuel F., Capt., and Nancy Smith of Beverly, int. Dec. 2, 1827. Sarah F., and Andrew Brown, jr. [widr. c. R.], Apr. 24, 1842. t. c* [Mrs. Sarah F. Allen, formerly Tappan. c. r.] TAPPEN (see also Tappan), Eben, and Betsey Forster, int. Mar. s, 1791- TARR, Eliz[abe]th, and Joseph Killam, Jan. 18, 1770.* TARRIN (see also Tarring), Mary, and Samuell Lee, Oct. 8, 1712. •Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 219 TARRING (see also Tallen, Tarrin, Terren), Abigail, and Enoch Boynton, int. Jan. 15, 1771. Abigail, and Nath[anie]ll Poland [jr. int.] of Ipswich, Jan. 24, 1786.* John, jr., and Joannn Lee, int. Aug. 22, 1752. Mary, and Jacob Allen, int. Oct. 13, 1765. William, and Abigail Knight, Dec. 2, 1770.* TAYLOR, George, and Auriha Burgess, June 8, 1843. t. c* John, of Concord, N. H., and Caroline [E. int.] Burges, Oct. 23, 1838.* John M., and Ann Lee, July 4, 1841. t. c* Mary A., of Montpelier, Vt., and William Johnson, int. Aug. 19, 1849. Oliver A., Rev., and Mary Cleaveland of Topsfield, d. the late Hon. Nehemiah, Nov. 8, 1843. t. c* TENNEY, David, a. 22 y., butcher, b. Londondary, s. , of Londondary, and Jane H. Wheeler, a. 18 y., b. Warner, Vt., d. Plummer and Sally, Oct. 24, 1847. TENNY, Sarah M., of Exeter, N. H., and Worren C. Dane, int. June 13, 1844. TERREN (see also Tarring), John [Tarring, int.], and Abgil [Abgiel. int.] Lee, Jan. i, 1729-30.* TEWKSBURY (see also Tewxbary, Tewxbury, Tucksbury, Tukes- bery, Tuxbary, Tuxbery), Anne, Mrs., and John Lendall, jr., Nov. 12, 1782.* Hannah, Mrs., and Hennery Story, July 16, 1778.* Jacob, jr., and Rebeckah Craft, Apr. 9, 1795.* Rebecca, and Solomon Lee, Nov. i, 1S30.* Rebeckah, Mrs., and Isaac Allen, Mar. 30, 1779.* Thomas, and Mrs. Anne Lee, Nov. 27, 1783.* TEWXBARY (see also Tewksbury), Anna, and Robert Holmes of Ipswich, at Essex, Apr. 30, 1761.* TEWXBURY (see also Tewksbury), Eliza [beth], and Joseph Harsham, Mar. 13, 1770.* Emey, and Israel May, Apr. 16, 1767.* Jacob, and Hannah Hilton, Jan. 24, 1757.* John, and Ruth Marsters, June 11, 1772.* John, and Mrs. Sarah Lendall, May 15, 1777.* Lois, and Stilson Hilton, Jan. 25, 1774.* Rebecca, and Josiah Allen, jr., Nov. 14, 1754.* Sarah, and Nehemiah Lee, Nov. 24, 1763.* *Intention also recorded. 220 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES THISELL (see also Thissel), Paul, and Bethiah LovetWoodbury, both of Beverly, Sept. 5, 1793. THISSEL (see also Thisell), David, and Hannah Elliot of Bever- ly, Feb. 28, 1815. c. R. THOMAS, John, and Polly Hooper, May 20, 1804. c. r.* THOMPSON (see also Thomson), Benj[anii]n, of Marblehead, and Mrs. Elez[abe]th Gorden, Apr. i, 1784.* Benjamin, jr., and Lydia Lee, Oct. 23, 1823.* Benjamin, jr., and Lydia M. Littlefield of Wells, Me., int. Nov. 13, 1847. Mary Cline, a. 20 y., d. Benjamin and Lydia, and John Goldsmith Gilbert, a. 25 y., carpenter, b. Gloucester, s. Samuel P. and Sally, of Gloucester, Sept. 11, 1847.* Ruth, and Oliver Kinsman of Beverly, int. May 28, 1826. THOMSON (see also Thompson), Benjamin, and Ruth Badcock, Aug. 30, 1799.* THONDIKE, Joanna, of Beverly, and Nathaniel Allen, at Beverly, Apr. 19, 1768.* Mary, of Wenham, and Ebenezer Lee, at Wenham, Mar. 29, 1768.* TINK, Richard, and Lucy Dennis, Feb. 3, 1811. c. r. Richard, Capt., and Abigail Hooper, Nov. 2, 1823.* TIRRIL, Cyntha Sharlotte, of Boston, and Tyler Parsons, int. Feb. 5, 1837. TOPPAN (see also Tappan), Benj[amin], Rev., and Mrs. Eleze- beth March, int. Oct. 5, 1746. TOPPEN (see also Tappan), Nabby, Mrs., and John Wingate Chase of Portsmouth, June 18, 1782.* TOWZIT, George, of Marblehead, and Lucy Allen, Sept. 13,1772.* TRASK, Charles H., and Martha R. Ropes of Boston, int. Sept. 18, 1849. Mary A. [Abigail, int.], and John L. Eaton, Jan. 6, 1836.* Moses, of Gloucester, and Mary Hill, Nov. 9, 1753.* William T., of Beverly, and Lydia Morgan, June 29, 18 18. c. r.* TREADWELL, Samuel, and Oliva A. Simonds, June 14, 1837.* Samuell, and Mary Ann Hughes of Ipswich, int. May 12, 1839. Thomas, and Frances [H. int. ; M. c. R.] Andrews of Ipswich, Dec. 3, 1835.* TROPHATTER, Samuel, and Mary Perry, May 10, 1796.* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 221 TROUT, Abraham, and Anna Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Oct. 2, 1789.* TUCK, Abigail, and Moses May, Jan. 14, 1762.* Anna, and Francis [Francisco, int.] De Silver, Mar. 14, 1771.* Betsy, and Abner Allen, jr., Oct. 19, 1818. c. r.* Deborah Lee, and Delucena Lathrop Bingham, Jan. 31, 1788.* Ebenezer, and Elizabeth Mastus [Marsturs. int.], Nov. 22, 1742. c. R.* Elizabeth, and Andrew Woodbery, Nov. 18, 1754.* Elizabeth, and Joseph Belcher, Mar. 8, 1759.* Evoline [Aveline. int.], and [Capt. c. R.] Charles Leach, July 4, 1831.* Harriet R., and Samuel Fielder of Beverly, Feb. 3, 1833.* Henry, and Joanna H. Drew of Somersworth, int. Dec. 28, 1806. John, and Sarah Pears [Perase. int.], June 18, 1734.* John, jr., and Esther Carter, July 4, 1771.* John, jr., and Betsey Day, Dec. 3, 1795.* John [jr. int.], Capt., and Nabby Carter, Sept. 13, 1804. c. r.* John, Capt., and Rachel Symons, int. Jan. i, 1809. John, and Rebecca Widger, Jan. 17, 1822.* Levi, and Margaret Lee, Jan. 11, 181 8. c. r. * Lidia, of Beverly, and Jeremiah Allen, at Beverly, Nov. 14, 1727.* Lydia, and Asa Osborn [jr. int.], of Beverly, Jan. 30, 1823.* Maria, and Stephen Story [jr. int.], of Ipswich, June 8, 181 7. c. r.* Mary [Mrs. int.], and Jonathan Brown, at Gloucester, Nov. 19, 1767.* Mary Ann, and Andrew Brown, jr., Oct. 25, 1832.* Polly, and John Camel, int. July 19, 1800. Rebecca W., a. 2 1 y., tailoress, d. John and Rebecca, and Ed- ward Flint, a. 26 y., cabinet maker, s. Willerd and Mary, Dec. 23, 1845.* Ruth, and David Presson of Beverly, Dec. 19, 1765.* Samuel, and Bethiah Baker, May 10, 1796.* Samuel L. [jr. int.], and Harriet Allen, Mar. 29, 1S25.* Sarah, of Beverly, and Samuel Allen, jr., at Beverly, May i, 171 7. Sarah, Mrs., of Beverly, and Dea. Benjamin Allen, at Beverly, Dec. 8, 1720. Sarah W., and Wiseman B. Parker, Dec. 4, 1834.* Sewell, of Beverly, and Ruth Raymond [Ruth Lee. int.], May 21, 1772.* William, of Beverly, and Mary Lee, Nov. 24, 1763.* William, Capt., and Mrs. Elizabeth Lee of Salem, int. Apr. 30, 1779- *Intention also recorded. 222 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES Tuck, William, Esq., and Lydia Badcock, Jan. 2, [i8oi. int.]* W[illia]m [2d. int.], and Rebecah Allen, Apr. 28, 1805. c. r.* W[illia]m, Esq., and Polly [Molly, int.] Morgan, July 22, 1807. c. R.* William, Capt., and Elizabeth Hassam, Nov. 13, 1831.* TUCKER, George B., of Lynn, and Lucy [Ann L. int.] Girdler, Nov. 26, 1834.* George W., and Mary Elizabeth Burnham of Essex, int. Oct. 4, 1849. TUCKSBURY (see also Tewksbury), Mary, and John Owens of Marblehead, at Marblehead, June 13, 1687. TUKESBERY (see also Tewksbury), John, and Elisabeth Hilton May 14, 1749.* TUXBARY (see also Tewksbury), Thomas, and Rebeckah Fos- ter, Dec. 27, 1722.* TUXBERY (see also Tewksbury), Mary, and Robert Long, July 15, 1723.* UPTON, Ezekiel, of Reading, and Anna Edwards, Aug. 19, i 74 i. c. R.* VENNARD, Edward B. S., and Louisa A. Lee, Oct. 24, 1 841 . x. c* WABBAR (see also Webber), Johon [John, jr. int.], and Mary Crowal, Dec. 3, 1733.* WAGONER, Hiram, a. 21 y., blacksmith, b. Lennox, N. Y., s. Henry and Mary A. W., of Lenox, N. Y., and Mary A. Peart, a. 17 y., b. Providence, R. L, d. Daniel and Mary, Apr. 5, 1847.* WATT, Will[ia]m [Wiett. int.], of Wenham, and Lucy Grose, Sept. 22, 1791.* WALDEN, Ellas, of Salem, and Lucinda Drew, int. Apr. 10, 1832. WALDRON, Natha[nie]ll, of Wenham, and Sarah Harsham, May 14, 1735- WALKER, Sarah, and William Allin, Nov. 19, 1700. WALLACE (see also Wallis), Hannah, of Beverly, and Isaac P. Smith, int. Apr. 23, 1826. WALLAS (see also Wallis), Anna, and Thomas Hill, int. May 9, 1736. WALLASE (see also Wallis), G[e]org[e], and Annah [Bishop, c. t. R.], Apr. 30, 1717. [1718. c. R.] ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 223 WALLIS (see also Wallace, Wallas, Wallase), Elsey, of Beverly, and Uavid Morgan, int. Sept. 24, 1826. Joseph C, of Beverly, and Sally Ayers, Aug. 18, 1835.* WALLS, Mary, Mrs., of Beverley, and Isaac Allen, int. Jan. 10, 1S08. WARD, James, and Elizabeth Easty, int. June 26, 1756. Mary Ann, of Beverly, and Andrew Roberts, Nov. 9, 1836.* WARNER, Abraham, and Sally Padison, Nov. 13, 1785.* WARREN, (see also Warrin, Worring), Abigail, and John Ashbee, Apr. 3, 1738-* Mary, and Samuel Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Jan. 27, 1763.* Mary, see Foster, Mary. WARRIN (see also Warren), Rebburt, and Elizabeth Bennit, Dec. 1 1, 1700. Robert, and Mary Norten, Feb. 8, 1727-8. Robert, and Elizabeth Norton, Nov. 8, 1742. c. r.* WATSON, Elkanah [Elhanah. int.], of Plymouth, and Patience Marston, Nov. 7, 1754.* John H., a. 24 y., cabinet maker, s. John and Mary, and Emily P. Lynn, a. 18 y., tailoress, d. William and Pllizabeth, Mar. 9, 1845.* Marston, and Mrs. Lucy Lee, Mar. 30, 1779.* WEBB, John C, and Lucy Ann Procter of Essex, Mar. 31, 1840.* William [Capt. int.], of Glocester, and [wid. int.] Elizabeth Holland, Apr. 21, 1763.* WEBBER (see also Wabbar, Weebber, Weeber), Mary, and Thomas Day of Glocester, Feb. 19, 1745-6.* Nancy, of Gloucester, and [Capt. c. r.] John Hooper, Mar. 14, 1829. Sarah J., of Beverly, and David C. Pittee, int. Nov. 4, 1848. WEEBBER (see also Webber), Andrew, and Johana Weebber of Ipswich, int. Dec. 12, 1736. Johana, of Ipswich, and Andrew Weebber, int. Dec. 12, 1736. WEEBER (see also Webber), Ternance, and Prudan[c]e Bishop, June 28, 1 73 1.* WEEKS, William, of Lynn [of Salem, int.], and Martha Gold- smith, Jan. 3, 1836.* WELCH, John, and Elizabeth Craft, Apr. 17, 1806. c. r* John, of Danvers, and Sally Jones, int. Nov. 18, 1848. •Intention also recorded. 2 24 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES WELLES (see also Wells), Thomas, and Betsey Allen, Mar. 22, 1807. C. R.* WELLS (see also Welles), Betsey A., and Daniel Osgood, Sept. 23, 1832.* John C, a. 31 y., cabinet maker, b. Sanborn ton, N. H., s. Enoch and Catharine, of Amesbury, and Eliza A. Kinsman, a. 21 y., d. Samuel and Rachel, Dec. 17, 1846.* Samuel, and Jane Lee, May 20, 1824.* WEST, Betsy, and Nehemiah Goldsmith, June 14, 1818, c. r.* Christan, of Beverly, and Andrew Day, at Beverly, Sept. 11, I753-* Edward S., and Mary A. McCartney, Dec. 20, 1841. t. c* Elizabeth, and Joseph Woodbery, Dec. 19, 1687. Isaac S., and Nancy N. Kitfield, int. June 9, 1839. John, of Beverly, and Mary Lee, at Beverly, June i, 1675. John, and Lucy Goldsmith, July 20, 1820. John [a. 83 y. c. r.], and Hannah Kilham [a. 63 y. c. r.], Sept. 9, 1830.* Mary, and Paul Hanson of Washington Plantation, Me., Feb. 29, 1813. c. R.* WHEATON, Harriet [Ann. int.], and Benjamin Cleaves of Beverly, Feb. II, 1S35.* Sarah M., a. 26 y., b. Cape Breton, d. Joseph and Mary Ann, of Arrowshot, C. B., and Horace Ross, a. 27 y., cabinet maker, b. Ipswich, s. Ephram and Elizabeth, of Ipswich, May 6, 1845.* William E., and Sarah A. Edwards, Mar. 18, 1844. t. c* WHEELER, Jane H., a. 18 y., b. Warner, Vt., d. Plummer and Sally, and David Tenney, a. 22 y., butcher, b. Londondary, s. , of Londondary, Oct. 24, 1847. Lydia A., of Lowell, and John D. Hildreth, int. Sept. 21, 1847. Martha, of Gloucestere, and Joseph Knowlton, int. Mar. 24, 1775. WHITNEY (see also Witney), Alfred, of Boston, and Ann [H. int.] Goldsmith, Dec. i, 1836.* WHITTINGTON, Lydia, of Beverly, and William Bennet, at Ip- swich, Aug. 26, 1729.* WIDGER, Louisa, a. 24 y., d. Samuel and Lucy, and Aaron Ben- nett, a. 28 y., cabinet maker, s. David and Abigail, Apr. 14, 1845-* *Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 225 VViDGER, Lucy Jane, and Augustus Haskel, Feb. 27, 1839.* Rebecca, and John Tuck, Jan. 17, 1822.* Samuel G., and Lucy Cross, May 9, 18 19. c. R.* WIGGIN, James L., and Mary A. Barker of Stratham, N. H., int. May 19, 1S39. WILKINS, Mary, and William Lofty [jr. int.], Dec. 25, 1768.* WILLAMS (see also Williams), Abbigel, and John Render, Oct. 25, 1722. Daniel, jr., and Sar[a]h Marstus, Mar. 14, 1729.* WILLIAMS (see also Willams), Abigail, and Samuel Allin, at Marblehead, Mar. 17, 1686. Dan[ie]ll, and Abig[aijll Marsters, Nov. 5, 1724.* Elesabeth, and Jeremiah Hibert, jr., int. Nov. 18, 1733. Hester A., of Readfield, and Daniel W. Hillier, int. Apr. 21, 1835. John, of Beverly, and Elisabeth Bishop, at Beverly, Nov. i, 1705. Joseph, of Beverly, and [Mrs. int.] Molly Leach, Nov. — , 1784.* Samuel, and Mary Bresson, Dec. 16, 1720. Sam[ue]l M., and Mariam Burgis, Nov. 4, 181 7. c. R. Thomas, and Betsy Richards, int. Dec. 31, 1819. William, and Sarah Degarr, Oct. 12, 1760.* WILLMONTON (see also Wilmonton), Lydia Ann, and Coram Morse, Dec. 20, 1841. t. c* Thomas, and Louisa Ann Andrews of Gloucester, Dec. 5, 1839.* WILMINGTON (see also Wilminton), Jacob, and Eliza A. [Ann. int.] Crumby, Sept. i, 1833.* Mary E., and William Stone, Jan. 15, 1838.* WILMINTON (see also Wilmington), Charles, and Sally Lee, Nov. 28, 1805. C. R.* WILMONTON (see also Willmonton), Charles, and Alice Morse, Nov. 15, 1829.* Sally, and Issachar Morgan, Dec. 30, 1830. [Nov. 28. c. r.] Samuel [Willmington. c. R.],and Sally Morgan, Nov. 21, 1831.* WING, Otis, Rev., of Gloucester, and Mrs. Lucy Marsters, int. Oct. 9, 1836. WITNEY (see also Whitney), Elnathan, and Mrs. Lucy Story, Mar. 7, 1784.* WOOD, Joseph, of Lynn, and Hannah L. Marsters, June 13, 1835.* •Intention also recorded. 226 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES WOODBARY (see also Woodbury), Joseph, and Elezebeth Dalan [Dolan. int.], June 28, 1723.* Mary, and Benjamen Preson, Apr. 15, 1723.* Samuel, and Mary Helton, int. Oct. 18, 1719. t. c. WOODBERRY (see also Woodbury), Abigail [Abigail Forster. T. c], and Richard Leach, at Beverly, Nov. 24, 17 15. Abigail, and John Lee [4th int.], Oct. 16, 1740. c. R.* Anna, and Israel Forster, at Ipswich, Nov. 2, 1724.* Anna, of Beverly, and William Stone, at Beverly, Sept. 24, 1761.* Anna, of Beverly, and Abraham Trout, at Beverly, Oct. 2, 1789.* Anna ["Messes." int.], of Beverly, and Eleazer Craft, at Beverly, Dec. 12, 1793.* Azariah, of Beverly, and Anne Bennett, Sept. 16, 1765.* Azariah, of Beverly, and Louisa Peart, int. Jan. 2, 1831. Elisabeth, of Beverly, and Samuel Bennett, at Beverly, Sept. 9, I773-* Elizabeth, and Ezekiel Knowlton, Feb. 2, 1762.* Hannah, and Nathaniel Masters, at Beverly, Nov. 24, 1715. Hannah, and WilUam Bennit, at Beverly, Jan. 18, 1760.* Jacob, of Beverly, and Betty Haskell, int. July 18, 1801. Jacob, and Saloma Morgan, Aug. 16, 1829.* James, of Beverly, and Abigail Worten, at Beverly, Nov. 24, 1752.* Larkin, and Louisa T. Lee, Nov. 5, 1822.* Lydia, of Beverly, and Aaron Lovice, int. Dec. 3, 1774. Mary, of Beverly, and Solomon Lee, at Beverly, Nov. 7, 1776.* Samuel, of Beverly, and Mary Warrin, at Beverly, Jan. 27, 1763.* Samuel, and Mary Boyles, Feb. 7, 1771.* WOODBERY (see also Woodbury), Andrew, and Elizabeth Tuck, Nov. 18, 1754.* Benja[min], and Elizebeth Carter, Nov. 15, 1725.* Elizabeth, and Shadrack Norton, Dec. 25, 1709. Hannah, and Nathaniell Mastus, Nov. 24, 17 15. Joseph, and Elizabeth West, Dec. 19, 1687. Joseph [jr. int.], and Dorothy Harris of Salem [of Beverly, int.], Feb. 5, 1 754-* Sam[ue]ll, and Sarah Prasson, int. Jan. 22, 1743-4. Sarah, and Timothy Donoway, Jan. 23, 1755.* WOODBRIDGE, John, of Newbury, and Elizabeth Norton, at New- bury, Feb. 24, 1706. WOODBURRY (see also Woodbury) , Asa, and Ann Crafts, Jan. 9, 1833.* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER MARRIAGES 2 2/ WOODBURY (see also Woodbary, Woodberry, Woodbery, \Voodburry.) Andrew, and [Mrs. int.] Elezebeth Edwards, Nov. 4, 1790.* Ann [Anna, Mrs. int.], and Oliver Osborn of Beverly, Nov. 22, 1838.* Anna [Anne. int. ], of Beverly, and David Bennett, Oct. 19, 1775.* Barnet, of Ipswich, and [Mrs. int.] Margaret Orsment, Dec. 15, 1785.* Bethiah Lovet, and Paul Thisell, both of Beverly, Sept. 5, 1793. Betsey, " Mrss.," of Ipswich, and Sam[ue]ll Bare, int. Oct. 27,, 1793- Dorothy, and John Austin, Feb. 14, 1760.* Elezebeth, Mrs., and Benja[min] Ober, jr., Oct. 23, 1777.* Ezra, of Beverely, and Anna Badcock, int. Aug. 26, 173 [9]. Henry, a. 23 y., shoemaker, s. Daniel and Jane, and Elizabeth Allen, a. 20 y., d. Samuel and Abigail, Dec. 19, 1848.* Larkin, widr., a. 54 y., cabinet maker, b. Beverly, s. Asa and Anna, of Beverly, and Emily S. Ck)ldsmith, a. 2 1 y., d. Zacheus and Olive, Nov. 4, 1848.* Nickolus, and Rebeckah Allen, Dec. 28, 1785.* Rebeckah [of Hamilton, int.], and James Abbot, Dec. 2, 1805. c. R.* William, of Reading, and Lydia Morse, Aug. 30, 1824.* Zebulun, and Betsy Ober, both of Beverly, June 18, 1816. c. r. WOOD WELL, Gideon [jr. int.], of Newbury, and Lucretia Baker,, Jan. 6, 1822.* WORCESTER, Thomas, Rev., of New Salsbury, N. H., and [" Mress." int.] Deborah Lee, Mar. 11, 1792.* WORRING (see also Warren), Elizabeth, and John Pary of Marbel- head, Feb. 3, i 731-2.* WORTEN, Abigail, and James Woodberry of Beverly, at Beverly, Nov. 24, 1752.* WYATT, Sally Leach, of Wenham, and Sam[ue]l Huggins of Wakefield, N. H., July 3, 181 7. c. r. Simon, of Wenham, and Elez[ebe]th Crose, Oct. 16, 1783.* YORK, Hannah, of Gloucester, and William Knights, at Glouces- ter, Mar. 18, 1729.* YOULIN, Samuel, of Gloucester, and Betsey Dow, June 16, 1841. T. c* ♦Intention also recorded. 2 28 MANCHESTER MARRIAGES YOUNG, Charles, and Abigail Hooper, May 24, 1812. c. r.* John W., and Nabby Elliot, both of Beverly, Apr. 8, 181 2. c. R. John W., and Nancy Ober, both of Beverly, Mar. 30, 18 19. c. r. WiUiam [widr. c. R.], of Gloucester, and Elizabeth C. Allen, Apr. 20, 1842. T. c* YOUNGER, Morris, of Gloucester, and Mary E. Burnham, int. Nov. 24, 1833. NEGROES. Bristol, and Violet, "Capt. John Forster's," Feb. 5, 1762.* Cahale, Violet, and John Roberson of Salem, Aug. 9, 1798. Cheever, Dina, and Seaser Conaway of Ipswich, int. Nov. 1 1, 1804. Clarke, Rachal, and Greace, Sept. 5, 1788.* Conaway, Seaser, of Ipswich, and Dina Cheever, int. Nov. 1 1, 1804. Dilla [Dele, int.], and Stephen " Sarvents to Sam[ue]ll Lee, jr.," Mar. 6, 1734.* [i733-4- c. r.] Greace, and Rachal Clarke, Sept. 5, 1788.* Lee, Rachel, and Parker Lemons of Essex, Dec. 8, 1822.* Lemons, Parker, of Essex, and Rachel Lee, Dec. 8, 1822.* Phelis, and Seser, " Belonging to Capt. Sam[ue]ll Lee," Apr. 9, 1778* Roberson, John, of Salem, and Violet Cahale, Aug. 9, 1798. Seser, and Philes, " Belonging to Capt. Sam[ue]l Lee," Apr. 9, 1778.* Stephen, and Dilla [Dele, int.], ''Sarvents to Sam[ue]l Lee, jr.," Mar. 6, i734-* [i733-4- c R.] Violet, and Bristol, " Capt. John Forster's," Feb. 5, 1762,* ♦Intention also recorded. MANCHESTER DEATHS TO THE END OF THE YEAR I 849, ABBOT (see also Abbott), James, Jan. 15, 1841. t. c. [fever, Jan. 5, a. 65 y. c. R.] Nathaniel, Feb. 19, 1805. [a. 46 y. c. r.] Phebe, Mar. 26, 181 7. c. r. Rebecca, w. James, Aug. 6, 1806, a. 49 y. c. r. , wid., old age, July 22, 1830, a. 73 y. c. R. ABBOTT (see also Abbot), Nehemiah, Aug. i, 1843. t. c. [Aug. 2, a. 54 y. c. R.] ADAMS, Priscilla, d. Samuel and [Priscilla. c. r.]. May 25, 1841. T. c. [May 26, a. 5 y. c. r.] AIR (see also Ayers), Thomas, lost at sea, Mar. — , 1767, a. 17 y. c. R. AIRES (see also Ayers), Peter, sr., , 1777, a. 45 y. ''or more." c. r. ALLEN, Aaron, at sea, Dec. — , 1824. c. r. Aaron, s. Malichi and Ruth, Mar. 31, 1839, a. 73 y. Abigel, w. [Dea. g. r.] Benjamen, Mar. 30, 1720. [Mar. 31, in her 42d y. G. R.] Abner, s. wid. Lydia, Dec. 2, 1760, a. 18 y. c. r. Abner, fever, Mar. 16, 1830, a. 63 y. c. r. Abram [Abraham. G. R.], Dec. 8, 1843, ^- 18 y- t. c. Ambrose, " lost, the Fore part of this year, a coming from Lis- bon," [1756], a. 30 y. c. R. Amos, " lost Last spring, coming fr[om] Virginia," [1754-] c. R. Amos, lost at sea. Mar. — , 1770, a. 15 or 16 y. c. r. Amos, "It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," , 1777. c. R. Andrew, s. Andrew and Elizabeth, Sept. 26, 1769. [a. i y. c. r.] Ann Maria, d. Thomas L. and [Lavinia B. g. r.], July 12, 1834. [consumption, July 13, a. 13 y. c. R.] Anna, d. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Hannah, Oct. — , 1750, a. i m. c. R. Anna, d. Joseph and Anna, Jan. 11, 1753, a. "a few days." c. R. Anna, d. Barthol[omew] and Jane, Nov. — , 1765, a. 2 y. c. R. (229) 230 MANCHESTER DEATHS Allen, Anna, d. William, jr. and Anna, , 1778, a. i y. c. R. Anna, w. Nathaniel [Nathan, old age. c. R.],Oct. 17, 1S35. [Oct. 16, G. R. ; a. 68 y. c. R. and g. r.] Anna, w. Jonathan, Oct. 7, 1840, a. 73 y. t. c. [Oct. 11. c. r.] Anne, d. Nathaniel and Anne, May 12, 1795. Annis, d. Capt. Jacob and Elezebeth, Sept. 24, 1775. [a. 17 or 18 m. c. R.] Annis, Feb. 12, 1783, a. 31 y. c. R. Arabella, Apr. 16, 1748. c. R. Asa, s. William and Abigail, Dec. 23, 1767. [a, 2 y. c. R.] Azariah, lost at sea, Nov. or Dec. — , 1752. c. R. Azariah, " It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," , 1777. c. R. Bartholomew, lost at sea, Mar. — , 1770, a. 30 y. " or more." c. R. Benja[min], Apr. 22, 1747, in his 66th y. g. r. Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Member, lost at sea, " the Beginning of this year," 1748. c. r. Benja[min], Nov. 30, 1760, a. 56 y. c. R. Benja[min], lost at sea. Mar. — , 1767, a. 16 or 17 y. c. r. Benja[min] Marsters, " lost the First Fare Last Spring," [1774], a. 20 " odd " y. c. R. Bethiah, w. Capt. Richard, cancer, July 12, 1833. [July 14, a. 48 y. c. R.] Betsy [Elizabeth, c. r.], wid. David, Dec. 13, 1832. [old age, Dec. 15, a. 74 y. c. R.] Betsy, w. Abner, Dec. 26, 1832. ["sudden," Dec. 28, a. 35 y. c. R.] Betsy, b. Hamilton, wid. Stephen, d. Ebenezer and Gemima Baker, heart complaint [at Crowney Cove. c. R.] , Feb. 4, 1846, a. 75 y. II m. 9 d. Betsy, w. Nathaniel M., d. Aaron and Lydia Lee, old age, Feb. 28, 1847, a. 84 y. 8 m. 8 d. Calvin, s. Daniel, " Supposed in a fit," Oct. — , 1832. [" pauper, found dead on Beach," Oct. 13, a. 30 y. c. r.] [Charlotte P. g. r.], d. Thom[as], Sept. — , 1825, a. 4 w. c. r. [Sept. 8. G. R.] Daniel, Feb. 9, [1783?]. p. r. 2. Daniel, Sept. 14, 1807, a. 22 y. c. r, Daniel, at sea, Dec. — , 1824. c. r. Daniel, "obstruction," Aug. 8, 1830, a. 34 y. c. r. David, s. Jonathan, jr. and Priscilla, Nov. 8 or 9, [abt. 1752], a. 16 y. c. r. David, s. Jonath[an], 3d, Sept. — , 1765, a. 2 or 3 m. c. r. David, s. Dea. John and Lydia, May 15, 1794. David, palpitation of heart, "very suddenly," Nov. 17, 1823, a. 40 y. c. r. MANCHESTER DEATHS 23 1 Allen, David Driver, Aug. 22, 1839. Delia, d. Capt. Samuel and Polly, Dec 22, 1832. [scarlet fever, Dec. 23, a. 5 y. c. r.] Edmund, inf. s. Azar[iah] and Lydia, Oct. 7, 1748. [Edward F. g. r.], s. Thomas, Nov. — , 1826, a. 4 y. c. R. [Nov. 29, a. 3 y. o. R.] Elezebeth, wid., Aug. 24, 1794- Elisabeth, d. Josiah and Mary, Dec. 5, 1754, a. 2 m. c. R. Elisha, Aug. i, 1780, a. 69 y. 2 m. 7 d. Eliza, influenza, Mar. 2, 1826, a. 20 y. c. R. Eliza P., w. [Dea. c. r.] Enoch, " in Bradford, while on a visit to her Parents," July 16, 1833. [consumption, a. 30 y. c. R.] Elizabeth, d. Hooper and Sarah, Feb. 28, 1826. p. r. i. Elizabeth G., d. John W. and Joanna, Dec. 19, 1833. [affection of the bowels, Dec. 23, a. 19 y. c. r.] Enoch, Dea., s. Nathan and EUzabeth, slow fever [consumption. c. R.], July 18, 1842, a. 45 y. t. c. [July 8. c. R.] Ezekiel, lost at sea, Nov. or Dec. — , 1752- c. R. Ezekiel, Aug. 20, 1794, a. 45 y. i m. 17 d. G. R. Ezra, lost at sea, Mar. — , 1767, a. 25 or 26 y. c. r. Forster, s. Dea. Nathan and Elizabeth, Mar. 21, 1839, a 36 y. Frances, d. James and Lydia, Dec. 30, 1833. [fever, a. 5 y. c. R.] Hannah, d. Elisha and Hannah, Oct. 24, 1757, a. 17 y. c. r.] Hannah, wid. Elisha, Oct. 5, 6 or 7, 1785, a. 66 y. c. R. Hannah, d. Nathaniel and Anne, Oct. 4, 1793. Hannah, w. Capt. John, July 25, 1819, a. 56 y. G. R. Hannah Leach, d. James and Hannah, Jan. 28, 1839. Hannah Leach, d. James G. and Hannah, croup, Nov. 10, 1847, a. 10 m. 10 d. Hannah Lee, d. B. L., June 10, 1826, a. 14 m. g. r. Harriet P., w. William, d. Henry and Hannah, lung fever. May 16, 1844, a. 49 y. I m. 26 d. Harriot, d. William, quinsy, Nov. 21, 1824, a. 16 m. c. r. Hooper, s. Hooper and Sally, Sept. 30, 1811. [1810. c. r.] Hooper, Nov. 12, 181 5, a. 54 y. [in pencil] c. r. [Nov. ii. p. R. I.] Henry, s. Jonathan, jr. and Priscilla, Nov. 13, 1752, a. "near" 3 y. c. R. Henry, s. Jonathan, jr. and Priscilla, July 30, 1757, a. 2 y. c. R. Isaac, s. Azariah and Lydia, Jan. 12, 1753, a. 12 y. c. R. Isaac, at Sumatra, Jan. 5, 1803, a. 26 y. c. R. Isaac, seconds. Abner, Dec. 8, 1833. [fever, Dec. 10, a. 35 y. c. R.] Isaac [s. Jacob and Sarah (Lee), "a soldier of the Revolution." G. R.] Sept. 26, 1 84 1. T. c. [a. 88 y. c. R.] Isrea'l F., s. Israel and Mariah, lock jaw, June 27, 1846, a. 9 y. 6 m. 3 d. 232 MANCHESTER DEATHS Allen, Jacob, lost at sea, Mar. — , 1770, a. 14, 15 or 16 y. c. r. Jacob, s. Capt. Jacob and Elezebeth, Aug. 21, 1777. Jacob, Capt, "at sea lately," [rec. bet. Oct. and Nov.], 1780, a. 34 or 35 y. C. R. Jacob [s. Jonathan and Mary (Pierce), "a soldier of the Revolu- tion." G. R.], Mar. 23, 1805, a. 84 y. c. r. Jacob, Aug. I, 181 2. c. R. Jacob, s. Dea. Nathan and Elizabeth [consumption, c. R.], Mar. ^> 1835. [Mar. 3, a. 28 y. c. R. ; a. 27 y. 5 m. G. r.] James, Capt., at sea, July 2, 1833. [Master, fever, a. 50 y. c. R.] Jane, d. Bart[holomew], Oct. 22, 1774, a. 14 y. c. R. Jeremiah, sr., July 15, 1777, a. 73 y. 19 d. John, s. John, jr. and Ruth, Dec. 16, 1769. [a. 3 m. c. R.] John, s. John, jr. and Ruth, Mar. 23, 1771. [a. 3 m. c. r.] John, " It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," , 1777. C.R. John. Dea., Feb. "last," 1788, a. 75 or 76 y. c. r. John, s. Daniel, Feb. 6, 1813. c. r. John [jr. G. R.], s. [Capt. c. r.] John, 2d and Ruth, June 6, 1814. [" on the Beach," a. 13 y. in pencil, c. r. ; a. 13 y. 14 d., " killed by a stroke of casualty." g. r.] John, Capt., consumption, Oct. 22, 1822, a. 65 y. c. r. [Oct. 20. G. R.] John, Capt., s. Azariah and Sarah, [mortification, c. r], Aug. 26, 1834. [Aug. 27, a. 59 y. G. R. ; a. 55 y. c. R.] JohnH. [Henry, c. R.],unm., jeweler, s. Samuel and Mary, drowned [in Boston harbor, c. R.], June 2, 1849, ^- 23 y. 3 m. i d. John W., m., mariner, s. John and Hannah, consumption, Aug. 4, 1847, ^- 66 y. Jonath[an], sr., Dec. 4, 1768, a. 87 or 88 y. c. r. Jonathan, widr., carpenter, s. Jonathan and Sarah D., " a fall and old age," Dec. 5, 1849, a. 84 y. i m. 12 d. Joseph, lost at sea, Nov. or Dec. — , 1752. c. r. Joseph, s. [Capt. dup.] Joseph, Feb. 7, 1824, a. 9 y. c. r. Josiah, sr., " We hear [was] slain by the Indians Last Spring," [1758]. c. R. Josiah, Nov. — , 1 781, a. 50 y. c. r. Lavinia, w. Thomas, consump[tion], Oct. 18, 1828, a. 28 y. c. r. [Lavinia B., w. Thomas L., Oct. 16. g. r.] Lucey, d. Ezra and Lucy, Sept. — , 1765, a. 2 y. c. R. Lucy, Sept. 12, [1777?]. p. R. 2. Lucy, d. Nathan, jr., quinsy, Apr. 27, 1824, a. 18 m. c. R. Lydia, d. William and Abigail, Sept. i, 1765. [a. 5 y. c. r.] Lydia, w. [Dea. c. r.] John, Nov. 6, 1777, a. 49 y. 11 m. 6 d. Lydia, w. Jeremiah, sr., Jan. 26, 1782, a. 76 y. i m. 14 d. [a. 75 y. c. r.] MANCHESTER DEATHS 233 Allen, Mahala, consumption, Oct. 12, 1825, a. 30 y. c. r. Malachi, lost at sea, Nov, or Dec. — , 1752. c. r. Malachi, s. Malachi and Ruth, Oct. 16, 1762. Malachi, s. Malachi and Ruth, Oct. — , 1763, a. i y. c. R. Malachi, June 17, 1786. p. r. 2. Mal[achi],(receivednewsof his death), , 1787, a. 23 y. c. R. Malachi, old age, " the oldest Male in the place," Dec. 1 1, 1829, a. 89 y. c. R. [Dec. 9. g. r. and p. r. ; a. 89 y. 9 m. p. r.] Malack, s. Johnnathan and Mary, Sept. 6, 17 17. Margaret, wid., Nov. — , 1763, a. 88 or 89 y. c. r. Margaret, d. Josiah and Becca, Feb. — , 1773, a. 6 y. c. R. Mariah P., d. Israel and Mariah, consumption, Dec. 25, 1849, a. 14 y. 6 m. Mary, wid. Ambros[e], May 9, 1799. Mary [Tarring, wid. Jacob, b. July 20, 1740. G. R.], Aug. 18, 1815, a. 76 y. [in pencil], c. R. Mary, wid., appoplexy, Sept. 27, 1825, a. 77 y. c. R. Mary, w. Capt. Joseph, Mar. 27, 1832. [brain fever, a. 41 y. c. R.] Mary Augusta, w. John A. [of St. Louis, c. R.], d. David and Elizabeth Crafts, chronic diarrhea, Nov. 9, 1845, ^- 25 y- n m, [a. 24 y. c. r.] Molley, d. Jonathan, jr., Oct. "last," 1764, a. 5 y. c. R. Molly [Mary Foster Wells, b. 1760. g. r.], wid. Isaac, consump- tion, Feb. I, 1843, a. 82 y, t. c. Nabby, d. William and Nabby, Aug. 29, 1774, a. 19 y. c. R. Nabby, Mrs., May 18, 1812.C. R. Nancy, d. John and Hannah, Mar. 19, 1794. Nancy, d. Nathan, jr., quincy, Apr. 28, 1824, a. 4 y. c. R. Nathan, s. Nathan, jr., quinsy, Apr. 22, 1824, a. 5 y. c. R. Nathan [jr. g. r.], fever. Nov. 10, 1826, a. 33 y. c. R. [b. Jan. 15, 1791 ; d. Nov. 9, 1826. G. R.] Nathan, Dea., July 19, 1837, a. 69 y. [consumption, July 21, a. 68 y. c. R.] Nathan, s. Nathan and Lucy, June 12, 1841, a. 17 y. t. c. [June II. G. R.] Nathan, s. Isreal and Mariah, canker in the bowels, Aug. 9, 1846, a. 2 y. 2 m. 6 d. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel M[a]rs[ters] and Elizabeth, Sept. 7, 1814. Nathaniel, jr., at sea, Dec. 25, 182 1, a 31 y. G. R. Nathaniel, s. Luther and Janette, Oct. 21, 1840. t. c. [bowel com- plaint, Sept. 20, a. I y. c. r.] Nathaniel [" or ' Sailmaker,' a Soldier of the revolution and with Washington at Trenton, c. R.], Sept. 10, 1843, a. 83 y. t. c. [Aug. 26. c. R.] Natt, s. Elisha and Hannah, Dec. — , 1757, a. i y. c. R. 234 MANCHESTER DEATHS Allen, Nehemiah, s. John, Jan. 20, 1749-50, a. 15 m. c. r. Oliver, s. Capt. Jeremiah and Eunice, Feb. — , 1765, a. 5 y. c. r. Patience, d. Elisha and Hannah, Oct. — , 1757, a. 14 y. c. r. Patty, d. Elisha, Apr. — , 1778, a. 24 y. c. r. Patty, unm., d. Jacob and Elizabeth, scrofula, Sept. 16, 1844, a. 65 y. 5 m. 4 d. Polly, w. David, Aug. 3, 18 14. Polly, w. Capt. Richard, May 24, 1S20, a. 40 y. 8 m. 20 d. G. R. Polly, w. Capt. Samuel [consumption, c. r.]. Mar. 13, 1833, a. abt. 40 y. [Mar. 16. c. R.] Priscilla, w. Malachi, Nov. 7, 1752, a. 32 or 33 y. c. R. Rebecah, w. Isaac, Sept. 10, 1S07, a. 48 y. c. r. Rebecca, vvid., Jan. — , 1821. c. R. [a. 75 y. in pencil, dup.] Rebecca, wid. Richard, d. George and Lydia Girdler, lung fever, Apr. 18, 1845, a. 62 y. 2 m. 29 d. [a. 61 y. 4 m. g. r.] Remember, wid. Benja[min], Sept. — , 1763, a. 61 or 62 y. c. r. Reyanna P., d. Samuel P. and Elizabeth, throat distemper, Apr. II, 1847, a. 4 y. 8 m. 27 d. Richard, jr., s. Richard, Aug. 5, 1832. [consumption, at Hospital in Charlestown, a. 35 y. c. r.] Richard, Capt., [chronic . c. r.]. Mar. 13, 1837. [Mar. 15, a. 60 y, c. R. ; a. 63 y. g. r.] Ruth, d. Dea. and Lydia, Nov. — , 1759, ^- ^ I'l^- c. R. Ruth, d. Samuel, jr. and Sarah, Nov. 14, 1772. Ruth, Oct. 13, 1843. T. c. [relict of Capt. John, a. 66 y. g. r.] [Ruth Edwards, g. r.], w. Malachi, Sept. 21, 1823, a. 83 y. c. R. [Sept. 19. g. r.] Ruth Leach, d. John Perry and Ruth, June i, 1839, ^- ^ y. Sally, d. Nath[anie]ll and Anne, Sept. 20, 1793. Sally, d. Hooper and Sally, June 11, 181 2. [June 17. c. r. ; June 10, 1812. p. R. I.] Sally [w. Capt. William, dup.], dysentery, Oct. 15, 1827, a. 65 y. c. R. Sally, w. Forster, d. John and Susan Dodge, May 24, 1838. [a. 34 y- G. R.] Sammy, s. Samuel, jr., Mar. — , 1781, a. 23 or 23 y. c. R. Samuel, s. William and Abigail, Sept. 22, 1769. [a. i y. c. R.] Samuel, May — , 1781, a. 89 y. c. r. Samuel, sr., Dec. 12, 1814, a. 92 y. Samuel, Capt., July 3, 1843, 3- 52 y- t. c. Sara, wid. [Azariah. G. R.], " the oldest person in town," old age, Apr. 19, 1831, a. 94 y. c. r. [Apr. 18. G. R.] Sarah, d. Benjamen and Abigel, Apr. 9, 1720. Sarah, wid. Dea. Benjamin, " very suddenly at Salem," Sept. 25, 1749. c. R. MANCHESTER DEATHS 235 Allen, Sarah, w. John, 2d, Nov. 20, 1757, a. 21 y. c. r. Sarah, wid., Dec. — , 1763, a. 85 y. c. r. Sarah, Mar. — , 1764, a. 70 y. c. r. Sarah [Lee, b. Apr. 21, 1723. g. r.], w. Jacob, July — , 1765. c. R. Sarah, wid. Ezekiel, sr., Sept. 12, 1803, a. 76 y. Sarah, wid. Samuel, Feb. 27, 1815, a. 87 y. 3 m. [Feb. 26. c. r.] Simeon [" at Pheladelfia." p. r. 2.], Sept. — , 181 6. c. r. Stephen, sr., Dec. 9, 1798, a. abt. 84 y. Stephen [" drowned at sea." c. r.], Sept. 2, 1805. [a. 41 y. G. R.] Susan, w. Enoch, b. May 11, 1805, d. Nov. 4, 1826. G. r. Susannah, d. Will[ia]m, jr. and Anne, Mar. 8, 1792. Thomas, lost at sea. Mar. — , 1770, a. 21 or 22 y. c. R. Thomas, lost at sea, , 1787, a. 21, 22 or 23 y. c. r. Thomas, Oct. 23, 1845, '^' ^3 )'• *^- ^' Thomas, m., b. Liverpool, Eng., s. Thomas and Hannah, fever, Oct. 23, 1846, a. 62 y. 7 m. 5 d. William, s. Nathaniel and Anne, Sept. 10, 1794. W[illia]m, s. Nathaniel, Dec. 31, 1804, a. 4 y. c. r. William, Capt., dysente[r]y, Oct. 24, 1827, a. 77 y. c. R. William Henry, s. Nathaniel and Anna, Mar. 24, 18 14. Zerubbabel, s. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Hanna[h], Feb. 21, 1752, a. 3 w. c. R. , twin chn. Sam[ue]ll, 3d and Sarah, Jan. "beginning," 1752, a. " a few days." c. r. , s. Elisha and Hannah, June — , 1753, a. 11 m. c. r. , ch. " Merchant," Aug. 24, 1759, a. 2 y. c. r. , w. Jonathan, sr., , 1762. c. r. , ch. Will[iam], Nov. — , 1773, a. 2 y. c. R. , ch. Jonathan, jr., Aug. — , 1775, ^' ^7 ^'^- <-"• i"^- , ch. Jacob, Mar. 19, 1776, a. 2 y. c. R. , ch. Malachi and Ruth, Sept. — , 1777, a. "few" m. c. R. , ch. Malachi and Ruth, Feb. 9, 1783, a. 20 m. c. r. , ch. Andrew, May 13 or 14, 1785, a. 2 y. c. R. , ch. David and Elizab[eth], Sept. 29, i 789, a. 2 y. c. R. , ch. Hooper and Sarah, May 20, 1790. p. R. i. , ch. twin, Hooper and Sarah, Oct. 17, i 798. p. R. i. , ch. twin, Hooper and Sarah, Oct. 28, i 798. p. R. i. , ch. Daniel, Oct. 12, 1806, a. 4 m. c. R. , ch. Aaron, Feb. 11, 1808. c. R. , ch. Daniel, Apr. i, 1808. c. R. , ch. Daniel, July 31, 1810. c. R. , ch. Dea. Nathan, , 18 10. c. r. , ch. Richard, Aug. 23, 1815. c. R. , ch. Capt. Richard, scalled, May — , 1821. c. R. [a. i y. in pencil, dup.] , w. Malachi, Sept. 19, 1823, a. 8;^ y. 3 m. p. r. 2. 236 MANCHESTER DEATHS Allen, , Mrs., " burned to death," Jan. 28, 1825, a. 50 y. C. R. [w. Daniel, " burned in a fit." dup.] , S.William, jr., lungfe[ver], Feb. 15, 1825, a. 4 w. c. r. , Benj[amin], " obstruction," June 12, 1827, a. 18 m. c. r. , d. Woodbury, Dec. 28, 182S, a. 6 w. c. r. , d. Dea. E., surg[ical] operat[ion], Mar. 12, 1830, a. 4 w. c. R. , inf. ch. [Dea. c. r.] Enoch and Eliza, " soon after it was born," [in Bradford, c. R.], July 16, 1833. , inf. ch. Samuel P. and Elizabeth, Sept. 6, 1839. , ch. Samuel and Elizabeth, Sept. — , 1840, a. 3 w. c. R. , s. Stephen and Nancy, disease of the heart, Dec. 2,, 1844, a. I d. , inf. ch. still born, Henry P. and Elizabeth, [rec. Jan. 2, 1846.] , s. still born, William H. and Susan, Aug. 2, 1847. ANDREAS (see also Andrews), Benja[min], "lost in Nov. last in way Home from the West Indies, with Capt. Joseph For- ster of Salem," [1764]. c. r. MoUey, d. Jeremy, Sept. i or 2, 1773, a, 18 y. c. r. ANDREWS (see also Andreas), Ezekiel, Aug.27,1802, a. 48 y. c. Ro. , two inf. chn. Mrs., Aug. 2, 1811. c. R. , Mrs., [of] Newport, Aug. 4, 181 1. c. R. , ch. , fits, Aug. — , 1837, a. 9 m. c. R. , inf. ch. Hannah L., Mar. 31, 1839. , ch. John, jr., throat distemper, Oct. 30, 1 841, a. 3 y. c. r. ANIBAL (see also Annable), Charlotte, d. Daniel and Eunice, typhus fever, Oct. 10, 1838. [a. 18 y. 6 m. g. r.J ANNABAL (see also Annable), , ch. Daniel, , 18 10. c. R. ANNABLE (see also Anibal, Annabal), Daniel, ['• with the gravil in the chest." c. r.], July 4, 1840. t. c. [a. 53 y. g. r.] AYER (see also Ayers), John, " lost, the Fore part of this year, a coming from Lisbon," [1756], a. 14 or 16 y. c. R. Patty, d. Peter and Sarah, May 1 1, 1761, a. 6 y. c. R. Sarah, d. Peter and Sarah, Sept. 14, 1754, a. 2 y. c. r. AYERS (see also Air, Aires, Ayer, Ayres, Hairs), Anne, d. John and Anne, Aug. 29, 1832. [consumption, a. 25 y. c. R.] Dayid A., s. Samuel and Eliza, scarlet fever, July 15, 1845, a. 5 y. 9 m. 10 d. Isaac, at sea, May — , 1821. c. r. [a. iS y. in pencil, dup.] Jane, w. Th[oma]s, d. Richard and Hannah Peart, dysentary,. Sept. 7, 1848, a. 69 y. 6 m. 25 d. MANCHESTER DEATHS 237 Ayers, John, fever, Feb. 27, 1822, a. 21 y. c. R. John, at sea, July 22, 1830, a. 51 y. c. R. John, m., mariner, s. Peter and Sarah, disease of the heart, May 28, 1844, a. 78 y. 10 m. 27 d. Lydia, wid., Feb. 18, 1834. [Feb. 20, a. 83 y. c. r.] Patty, housewife, wid. John, d. Azariah and Sarah Allen, old age, Apr. 14, 1S49, a. 8;^ y. 10 m. 6 d. [a. 85 y. c. R.] Samuel, m., mariner, s. Thomas and Janey, dysentery, Sept. 27, 1844, a. 32 y. 5 m. 18 d. [Sept. 24, a. 32 y. 5 m. 1 1 d. G. r.] Thomas, s. Samuel and Lydia, fever, " on the Western Bank East of Halifax," May i, 1844, a. 58 y. i m. t. c. William, consumption, Oct. 27, 1827, a. 30 y. c. R. , ch. Mr., , 1 8 10. c. r. , ch. [William, dup.], Sept. 10, 1824, a. i y. 8 m. c. r. , ch. Mr., Nov. — , 1826, a. 2 y. c. r. , s. Peter and Elizabeth, May 16, 1836. [consumption, May 15, a. 2 1-2 y. c. R.] AYRES (see also Ayers), Jacob, " frozen to^death on Cape Cod," Feb. 22, 1802, a. 28 y. c. R. Joanna, d. John, Aug. 19, 1803, a. 13 1-2 m. c. R. Thomas, Nov. 6 or 7, 1776, a. 83, 84 or 85 y. c. R- , " Relict" Thomas (Aires), May — , 1777, a. 80 y. c. r. BABCOCK (see also Badcock), Betsey, Jan. 25, 1804. c. r. Dorcas, w. John, consumption, July 14, 1825, a. 50 y. c. r. Edy, vv. W[illia]m, "suddenly," Feb. 5, 1812. c. R. Hannah, b. Hamilton, w. Ceorge, s. Nathaniel and Mary Dean, consumption, Apr. 4, 1845, a. 65 y. 6 m. 9 d. John, s. Joseph and Lydia, Mar. 9, 1795. Joseph, jr., Mar. 11, 1794. Joseph, at sea, Oct. — , 1804, a. 25 y. c. R. Joseph, old age, Mar. 18, 1830, a. 84 y. c. R. Lois, wid., intemperance, Jan. 7, 1828, a. 75 y. c. r. Lydia, w. Joseph, Oct. 5, 18 14, a. 70 y. [a. 74 y. in pencil, c. R.] Mary, fever, July 19, 1828, a. 1 1 y. c. r. Mary, wid. Joseph, " found dead in bed," Mar. 16, 1834, a. " abt." 84 y. [Mar. 17, a. 87 y. c. R.] Mary Ehzabeth, d. John and Mary, Dec. 9, 1832. [Mary F., Dec. II, a. 3 y. c. R.] Orlendo, s. John and Mary, bowel complaint, Oct. 7, 1847, a. 7 m. [Sept. 30. c. R.] Thomas, jr., at sea, Feb. — , i8ii. c. r. Thomas, Mar. — , 181 7. c. R. VVil[lia]m, Capt., July 14, 1826, a. 40 y. c. r. [July 12, a. 42 y. G. R.] Zebediah, s. George and Hannah, Feb. 20, 1836, a. " abt." 14 y. 238 MANCHESTER DEATHS Babcock, , ch. W[illia]m, July 13, 1806, a. i y. c. R. , ch. W[illia]m, Apr. 15, 181 3. c. R. , ch. Geo[rge], Oct. 22, 18 14. c. r. , ch. Geo[rge], drowned, Sept. 19, 181 7. c. r. , Capt., "murdered by a pirate at sea," Dec. — , 1823. c. K. [a. 45 y. dup.] BADCOCK (see also Babcock), Aaron, s. Joseph and Lydia, Sept.. 23, 1785- John, " near Louisbourg," [1759], a. 29 y. c. r. Joseph, s. William, sr., Mar. 20, 1748-9, a. 15 y. c. r. Miriam, w. " old " Mr., Oct. 15, 1761. c. r. Nicola[s], " It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," ,. 1777. c. R. Will[iam], sr., Nov. 19 or 20, 1765, a. 75 or 76 y. c. r. William, jr., " abroad," [1778], a. " abt " 30 y. c. R. William, Sept. 18, 19 or 20, 1784, a. 61 y. c. R. , ch. John and Jane, Sept. 15, 1759, a. 4 m. c. R. , two chn. Thomas, Aug. — $-1-788, a-, "few-weeks." c. R. BAILEY (see also Baley), Patty, d. John and Hannah, May 29, 1772. PoUey, Sept. — , 1775, a. 15 or 16 y. c. r. , ch. , infl[amation] of bowels, June 22, 1831, a. 20 m. c. R. BAKER, Anna [Anne. c. R.], wid. Joseph [consumption, c. R.], Sept. 15, 1832. [Sept. II, a. 55 y. c. R. ; Sept. 10, a. 56 y. G. R.] Eben, s. Robert and Bethiah [parahtic. c. r.], Oct. 11, 1837.. [Oct. 14, a. 50 y. c. R. ; a, 54 y. g. r.] Elizabeth, w. John, Sept. 7, 1771, a. 17 y. 9 m. John, s. John and Elizabeth, Sept. 5, 1771. John, June 8, 1809. [May — . c. r. ; a. 63 y. g. r.] Joseph, " very sudden," fit, Oct. i, 1829, a. 63 y. c. r. [Sept. 29. G. R.] Robert, s. Robert and Bethia, July 10, 1838. Sarah, wid.. Mar. 25, 1816, a. 54 y. [in pencil], c. R. [w. John, a. 65 y. G. R.J , wid., old age, Dec. 18, 1823, a. 81 y. c. r. [Dec. 17. g. r.] BALEY (see also Bailey), Nathaniel, at sea, Dec. 22, 1803. c. r. BARE (see also Bear), Mary, wid., July 31, 1782, a. 75 y. 11 m. 29 d. Samuel, at New York, Aug. — , 1776, a. 31 or 32 y. c. R. Samuel, at sea, June — , 1796. , inf. ch. Jerusha, Dec. — , 1758, a. " few days." c. R. , wid., July 31, 1782, a. 76 y. c. r. MANCHESTER DEATHS 239 BARRE, Sara, wid., insane, old age, "pauper". May 17, 1831, a. 85 y. c. R. BARTLET, John, s. Caleb and Eleanor, Feb. 3, 1772. [Feb. 2, a. 17 m. c. R.] BATCHELOR, , ch. , Dec. "last," 1761, a. i w. c. r. BEAN, Robert, " We hear[\vas] slain by the Indians Last Spring," [1758.] c. R. BEAR (see also Bare), Hannah, Mrs., Mar. "latter end," 1750, a. 85 y. c. R. Sam[ue]l, at sea, Jan. — , 1827, a. 28 y. c. R. , Capt., " died abroad since [Rev.] Benja[min] Toppan came to this town," [rec. in i'j6^.yj:. r. BELCHER, Joseph, "lost in 1763 in ye Fall of ye year." c. R. BENNET (see also Bennett), Aaron, Capt., "suddenly," Feb. 13, 1753. a- 75 y- c- R- Aaron, " at sea in the West Indies, in Nov. or October last," [1760], a. 23 y. c. R. Aaron, Oct. 20, 1780, a. 75 y. 3 m. 14 d. [Oct. 19, in his 77th y. G. R.] Aaron, s. Samuel and Elizabeth, Feb. i, 1794. Abigail, d. Aron and Ann, Jan. 25, 17 14. Ann Woodberry, d. David and Abigail [consumption, c. R.], Mar. ID, 1835, a. 25 y. 5 m. [Mar. 12, a. 26 y. c. R.] Benja[min], at Philadelphia, Feb. — , 1777, a. " toward" 30 y. c. R. Bethiah [wid. c. R.], w. Aaron, Jan. 24, 1788, in her 75th y. David, drowned, May 4, 1776, a. 24, 25 or 26. c. r. David, hypocondria, May — ,1826, a. 50 y. c. R. [Elizabeth. G. r.], d. David and Elizabeth, July 22, 1841, a. 3 d. c. R. John, drowned, , 1772. c. R. John, s. Sam[ue]ll and Elezebeth, Sept. 3, 1774. [Sept. 14, a. 2 m. c. R.] Moses, "this year near Isle of Orleans," [1759], a. 30-40 y. C. R. Rachel, wid., Nov. 8, 1787, a. 76 y. c. r. William, " at sea in the West Indies, in Nov. or October last," [1760], a. 25 y. c. R. BENNETT (see also Bennet), David, s. David and Abigail, ty- phus fever, Nov. 13, . [Nov. 12, 1842. c. R. ; a. 31 y. T. C] Elizabeth, w. David [d. Andrew Lee. c. r.], Sept. 8, 1841. t. c. [Sept. 9, a. 22 y. c. r.] 240 MANCHESTER DEATHS Bennett, Moses, " lost the First Fare Last Spring," [1774], a. 30 "or more " y. c. R. Samuel, in W[est] Indies, Aug. 12, 1803, a. 19 y. c. R. , ch. David and Elizabeth [grand ch. Andrew Lee. c. r.], Aug. 23, 1841, a. 3 m. T. c. BIGGS, Robert, "died abroad since [Rev.] Benja[min] Toppan came to this town," [rec. in 1763.] c. r. , wid., Nov. — , 1770, a. 43 or 44 y. c. R. BINGHAM, Deborah L., w. [wid. c. r.] Dea. D. L., d. William Tuck, Esq., Sept. 18, 1840. t. c. [a. 70 y. c. r. ; a. 69 y. G. r.] Delucena L., Dea. ["sudden." c. r.], "at the time of his death he was Town Clerk and Justice of the peace," Oct. 24, 1837, ^- 73 y- [Oct. 26. c. R. ; Oct. 25. g. r.] Delucena L., s. Delucena L. and Deborah L., consumption, Oct. 7, 1842, a. 53 y. T. c. [a. 54 y. c. r.] Mary, w. D[elucena] L., jr., Nov. 27, 18 14, a. 24 y. [in pencil]. c. R. Rufus Lathrop, s. Delucena L. and Deborah, Dec. 8, 18 10. BISHOP, George, at sea, July — , 1821. c. r. [a. 22 y. in pencil. dup.] Jemima, Apr. 2, 1760, a. 44 y. c. R. BLANCHARD, Eliza [Elizabeth, c. r.] S., w. Tho[ma]s S., d. D. L. and Deborah Bingham, inflammation of the bowels, Sept. 6, 1848, a. 28 y. 11 m. 2 d. Lucretia, w. Charles P., d. David and Mary Burgess, "some inter- nal disease," June 30, 1844, a. 28 y. [" Member of Church in Concord, N. H." c. R.] , s. Thomas S. and Eliza S., inflammation, Sept. 5, 1848, a. 2 d. BOARDMAN, ,ch. Samuel O. and Henrietta, Sept. 19, 1838. BOHONON, John E., s. Maj. Stephen, of Salisbury, N. H., ["sudden." c. r.], Feb. 26, 1841, a. 52 y. t. c. [Feb. 26, 1842, a. 50 y. c. r.] BOLAND, Cornelius, b. Worcester, s. Cornious and Catherine, dysentary, Sept. 28, 1846, a. 11 m. 22 d. BRAY, Aaron, s. Aaron and Hannah, May 12, 1773. [a. 5 w. c. R.] Aaron, s. Aaron and Hannah, July 8, 1774. BROWN, Asa, " found dead in his bed," insane, Mar. 29, 1825, a. 35 y. c. r. MANCHESTER DEATHS 24 1 Brown, David Tappan, s. A., jr. and Sarah, scrofula, Apr. 10, 1S43. T. c. [a. 4 w. c. R.] Easter, w. Andrew, Mar. 8, 1S02. c. k. James, " It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," , 1777. c. R. Mary Ann, w. Andrew, jr., Jan. 24, 1841. t. c. [a. 31 y. c. R.] Perley, Sept. 29, 1840. t. c. [fever, Sept. 20, a. 38 y. c. r.] William, Jan. 20, 1813. c. r. , ch. Lt. Jonathan, Sept. — , 1778, a. 7 w. c. R. , ch. Andrew, Nov. 27, 1802, a. 2 y. c. r. , three d., triplets, Purley, Apr. 17, 1828, a. 4 d. c. R. BURGES (see also Burgess), Abiel, Capt., Mar. 31, 1833, a. " abt." 77 y. [Apr. i. c. r.] Deborah L., w. Abial [jr. c. R.], Oct. 21, 1815. [a. 22 y. in pencil, c. R.] Eliza Ann, d. [Capt. c. R.] David and Lydia, Sept. 6, 18 14. Mary, w. [Capt. c. R.] David, Feb. 16, 1812. [a. 52 y. 3 d. G. r.] BURGESS (see also Burges), Andrew L., Capt., lost at sea, Feb. — , 1815, a. 26 y. G. R. Anne, w. Capt. J., child bed, " her infant in the same grave," Jan. 18, 1827, a. 25 y. c. R. David, Capt., at sea, Dec. — , 1824. c. r. [a. 40 y. dup.] Jane, wid. Abiel, d. Eleazer and Elizabeth Crafts, old age, Feb. 14, 1 848, a. 87 y. 1 1 m. 1 7 d. [Feb. 2 1 . c. r.] Joan, consumption, Aug. 15, 1828, a. 28 y. c. R. Martha L., unm., d. Abiel and Jane, consumption, Mar. 28, 1847, a. 47 y. I m. 14 d. , ch. James, Nov. — , 1825, a. 3 d. c. r. BURNHAM, Loues, b. Essex, d. Ira and Lucy, dysentery, Oct. 13, 1848, a. 88 y. 2 m. 9 d. Mary E., d. Arba and Abigail, May 22, 1843, a. i y. 2 m. t. c. Mary Jane, d. Capt. John and Jane Hooper, Jan. 5, 1834, a. 24 y. I m. G. R. Sargent, Oct. 20, 1843, a. 69 y. t. c. , inf. ch. Abra and Abigail, Nov. 11, 1838. BUTLER, Jacob, , 1777, a. 17 or 18 y. c. r. BYER, Daniel [Boyer. c. r.], b. Amsterdam [1794. c. r.], Nov. 4, 1842, a. 48 y. T. c. [deranged, a. 40 y. c. r.] CALLAHAN, see Kallaham. CAMP, Catherine, d. John W[illia]m and Jane, old age, Feb. 11, 1846. 242 MANCHESTER DEATHS Camp, Elizabeth, Mrs., July 17, 1 815, [a. 51 y. in pencil], c. R. Isaac, S.William and Susannah, Oct. 7, 1793. James, Dec. — ,1810. c. r. Mary, "pauper," insane, Apr. 8, 1823, a. 60 y. c. R. W[illia]m, " native of Holland," Jan. 30, 1806, a. "supposed to be" abt. 86 y. c. r. , ch. Katherine, Aug. or Sept. — , 1787, a. 6 m. c. R. , "old" Mrs., Jan. 4, 181 5, [a. 80 y. in pencil], c. R. CARICO, , Mrs., May 27, 181 6. c. R. CARSTAIRS, Phillip, Dec. 4, 1804, a. 58 y. c. r. CARTER, Benja[min], Capt., at sea, July — , 181 1. c. r. Benjamin, s. Nathan and Adeline, lung fever, June 21, 1846, a. 18 d. David, " It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," , 1777. c. R. David, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Sept. 29, 1794. c. R. Esther, w. Samuel, Feb. 23, 1749-50, a. 34 or 35 y. c. R. Eunice, w. Obed, May 3, 1804, a. 63 y. c. r. John, Mar. 22, 1730, a. abt. 27 y. g. r. John, " It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," , 1777. c. R. John, s. Benjamin and Sarah, Oct. 6, 1794. John, s. John and Mary L., fits, June 3, 1844, a. i y. 2 m. Kelley Page, s. John and Susan B., consumption, Sept. 5, 1849, a. I y. 15 d. Martha, wid. Sam[ue]l, Dec. 24, 1789, a. 66 or 67 y. c. R. Mary, Mrs., disease of the heart, Apr. 20, 1843, a. 29 y. x. c. Mary Eliza, d. wid., fever, Nov. 10, 1824, a. 13 y. c. R. Nathan, lost at sea. Mar. or Apr. — , 1770, a. 17 or 18 y. c. r. Obed, Apr. 6, 18 14. [a. 77 y. in pencil, c. R.] Obed, s. Obed and Mary, Dec. 28, 1832. [canker, a. i 1-2 y. c. R.] Obed, at sea, Dec. — , 1837. c. R. Obed, m., farmer, mariner in early life, s. Obed and Eunice, old age, Feb. 4, 1848, a. 83 y. 4 m. 20 d. Ruth, w. Obed, Mar. 18, 1814. [Mar. 17, a. 71 y. in pencil, c. R.J Samuel, drowned, Dec. — , 1765, a. 20 y. c. r. Samuel, h. Elizabeth, " washed overboard by a heavy sea, from the Trubadour," Sept. 19, 1846, a. 36 y. c. R. Samuel Lee, s. Sam[ue]l and Elizabeth, lung fever, May 4, 1S42, a. 5 m. T. c. [a. 6 m. c. r.] Sam[ue]ll, Apr. 9, 1788, a. 82 or 83 y. c. r. Sarah, w. Samuel, Feb. 16, 1756, a. 38 y. c. r. Sarah, w. Benjamin, Oct. 13, 1794. , s. Nathan, measels. May 5, 1820, a. 13 m. c. r. , inf. ch. Nathan, jr., July 26, 1823, a. 3 w. c. R. MANCHESTER DEATHS 243 CHADBORN, Philip, s. Joseph and Mary Ann, May 18, 1841, a. 1 1 m. T. c. CHAPMAN, , ch. Joseph, July 20, 1841, a. 2 d. c. r. , inf. ch. Joseph, Sept. 2, 1841. x. c. , w. Joseph, Sept. 3, 1841. t. c. [Sept. 2, a. 22 y. c. r.] CHEEVER (see also Chever), Ames, sr., [Rev., b. Oct. 24, 1686, "minister of Manchester," 1716-1744. G. r.], Jan. 15, 1756, a. 70 y. c. R. Ames, Mar. 4, 1802, a. 79 y. c. R. Ezekiel, old age, July [17. G. R.], 1826, a. 85 y. c. R. Fanny, Mrs., w. Samuel, Mar. 6, 1819. Jacob, s. Jacob and Nancy, Aug. 23, 1814. Jacob, s. Ezekiel, May — , 181 7. [June 9, at Havanah. c. r.] John, old age, Dec. 25, 1821, a. 82 y. c. R. John, 2d [jr. G. R.], Nov. 22, 1841. x. c. [cansor, a. 56 y. c. R.] John, "lost on the Vesper in the fall of 1843, leaving a wife and one child." c. R. John, unm., s. Ezekiel and Susan, dysentery, Nov. 8, 1848, a. 68 y. [grands. Rev. Ames. c. R.] [Mary B. G. r.], d. Jacob and Betsy, July 15, 1S41, a. 15 m. c. r. [Aug. 19, a. 16 m. G. R.] Priscilla, w. Samuel, Feb. 4, 1815. [a. 19 y. in pencil, c. R.] Sally, w. John, Sept. 8, 1797. Sarah, July 22, 1774, a. 27 or 28 y. c. R. Sarah, " relick of the late " Rev. Ames, Oct. 27, 1807, a. 80 y. c. R. Thomas, Dec. 27, 1781, a. 45 y. c. R. William, " lost overbo[a]rd, at sea," , 1842, a. 20 y. c. r. , w. Ezek[iel], old age, [July 5. G, R.], 1826, a. 82 y. c. r. , d. Jacob, dropsy of head, Sept. 23, 1827, a. 2 1-2 y. c. R. , brother John, " lost on the Vesper in the fall of 1843." c. R. CHEVER (see also Cheever), Anna, d. Rev. Ames and Anna, Feb. 2, 1726-7. Anna, w. Rev. Ames, Feb. 14, 1726-7. Hannah, w. Jacob, burned, Dec. 8, 1829, a. 32 y. c. R. Mary, w. Rev. Ames, Feb. 3, 1734-5. Samuel, s. Ames and Annah, Sept. 16, 171 7. , wid., cancer, Dec. 5, 1824, a. 71 y. c. R. , d., Sam[ue]l, fits, July 4, 1829, a. 4 w. c. r. CLARK, Edmund, "about the beginning of June," 1752, a. 33 y» c. r. Margaret, wid. Edmund, Feb. 2, 1753, a. 37 y. c. r. Samuel, at New York, Aug. — , 1776, a. 27 or 28 y. c. r. 244 MANCHESTER DEATHS CLEAVELAND, Experience, b. Pomfret, Conn., wid.Nehemiah, d. Elisha and Tamerson Lord, buried in Topsfield, old age, Jan. 2 1, 1845, a. 80 y. I m. 4 d. ["member of Church in Tops- field, and mother-in-law to Rev. O. A. Taylor." c. R.] CLEMMONS (see also demons), , ch. Ephraim, Sept. 4, 1814. c. R. CLEMONDS (see also demons), Ephraim, drowned, Sept. 5, 1827, a. 50 y. c. R. CLEMONS (see also Clemmons,demonds), Abigail, wid. Ephraim, June 5, 1835. [consumption, June 7, a. 50 y. c. R.] Levi, s. Ephraim, Sept. 4, 18 14. COGSWELL, , d. still-born, James and Lydia, Feb. 14 1848. COLBY, Nancy, Oct. 19, 1841. t. c. [consumption, Oct. 22, a. 30 y. c. R.] Sally, w. David, jr., June 26, 1838, a. 37 y. G. R. , ch. Nathaniel and Mariah, dropsy, Sept. 16, 1840, a. 4 m. c. R. COLE, Mary, d. Solomon and Mary, Sept. — , 1759, a. 3 y. c. r. COLLONY, Hannah, Apr. — , 1770, a. 8 or 9 m. c. r. , three chn. Mr. and Mrs., Sept. — , 1775, a. 3 m. c. R. COY, Katherine, wid., Dec. 3, 1773. [a. 80 y. c. r.] Richard, Dec. 15, 1766, a. 86 y. c. R. CRAFT (see also Crafts), Aaron, s. Benj[ami]n and Anne, Apr. II, 1783. David [s. David and Elizabeth, g. r.], "obstruction," Oct. 27, 1823, a. 13 y. c. R. [Oct. 23, a. 13 y. 6 m. 5 d. G. r.] Deborah, d. Will[ia]m and Deborah, July 14, 1790. Eleazer, Sept. 20, 1793. Eleazer, at sea, Oct. 4, 1807, a. 38 y. c. r. Elezebeth, d. Benj[ami]n and Anne, Aug. 14, 1775. Eunice, d. Francis and Esther, Apr. 30, 1797. Frances, Jan. 28, 1794. Horatio, s. John and Nancy, May 5, 1836. [brain fever, May 7, a. 13 y. c. R.] Joanna, w. Francis, Nov. — , 1774, a. 30 y. c. r. Mary, d. Benja[min] and Anna, Aug, 20, 1770. [a. 2 or 3 y. c. R.] Preston, s. William and Deborah, ** Six days out from Havana," Mar. 4, 1834. [a. 25 y. c. R.] Priscilla, w. David, July 28, 1794. [" With a fever after that she was got to bed 14 Days," July 29. p. r. 2.] Priscilla, d. David and Elizabeth [consumption, c. R.], Sept. 11, [19. c. R.] 1833. [^' 18 y. 6 m. 9 d. G. r.] MANCHESTER DEATHS 245 Craft, Walter, s. Eleaz[e]r and Elez[abe]th, Dec, 8, 1777. , s. Benja[min], Aug. 14, 1775, a. 13 m. c. R. , ch. Francis, Sept. 25, 1775, a. i y. c. R. , ch. Maj., Dec. — , 1777, a. 13 or 14 m. c. R. , ch. Benja[min], Dec. 31, 1784, a. 3 w. c. R. , d. Benja[min] and Anna, Oct. — , 1787, a. 7 y. c. R. , inf. ch. Capt. David, Jan. 12, 1805. c. R. , at sea, Sept. — , 1825, a. 30 y. c. r. , inf. ch. Aaron and Henrietta, Sept. 2, 1S33. , inf. ch. Isaac and Lydia, Mar, 15, 1837. CRAFTS (see also Craft), Anna, w. Capt. David, Nov. 19, 1806, a. 34 y. 4 m. G. r. Anna, wid, [Eleazer. g, r.], Aug. 28, 1815, a. 44 y- [in pencil]. C, R, Benjamin, fever, Feb, 27, 1823, a, 85 y. c. r. Benjamin, fever, Aug. 6, 1827, a. 60 y. c. R. David [Capt. c.R.], m., farmer, mariner most of his life, s. Eleazer and Elizabeth, [" brother or half brother to Mrs. Abigail Smith." c. R.] bilious fever, Feb. 8, 1848, a. 76 y. 4 m. 2 d. Eleazer, Maj., Sept. 20, 1793, a, 50 y. g. r. Elizabeth, wid., old age, Mar. 16, 1824, a. 89 y. c. R. [relict of Maj. Eleazer, a. 89 y. 4 m. 19 d. G. r.] Esther, w. Francis, Jan. 31, 1820, a. 76 y. G. R. Francis, Jan. 28, 1794, a. 52 y. G. r. Francis, s. Francis, Dec. 5, 1810, [Oct. — . c. R.] George Eleazer, b. Salem, s. George W. and Elizabeth, burnt, Jan. 18, 1846, a. II m. 29 d, Henrietta, b. Beverly, w. Aaron, dropsy, July 3, 1844, a. 39 y. 7 m. 30 d. Isaac P., jr., s. Isaac P. and Lydia, Mar. 14, 1S37. [influenza, May 16, a. 3 m. c. R.] Isaac Preston, s. William and Abigail, drowned, June 19, 1844, a. 5 y. 8 m. 23 d. Nancy [unm., d. Eleazer and Anna. G. R.], very suddenly, Dec. 31, 1828, a. 27 y. c. r. [Dec. 29, a. 26 y. g, r.] Polly, d. Benja[min] and Anna, lung fever, Feb. 18, 1843, ^- 7^ y. T. c. [old age, Feb. 17, a. 75 y. c. R.] CROMBIE (see also Cromby, Crumble, Crumby), Charlotte, d, John and Hannah, fever, Oct. 3, 1848, a. 11 y. 8 m. 5 d. John B., at Matanzes, Aug. — , 1832. [fever, Sept. — , a. 30 y. c. r.] JohnB., jr., Oct. 27, 1832. , s. John, fits, June 9, 1827, a. 4 w. c. R. , d. Benj[amin], Dec. 17, 1S28, a. 6 w. c. R. , s. wid. Hannah, scar[let] fev[er], Oct. 22, 1832, a. 2 1-2 y. c. R. 246 MANCHESTER DEATHS CROMBY (see also Crombie), , ch. Mr., lung fever, May 15, 1822, a. 4 m. c. R. CROSE (see also Cross), Elez[ebet]h, w. George, jr., Aug. 12, 1789. [a. 19 y. c. R.] Hannah, wid. Stephen, Aug. 19, 1799. CROSS (see also Crose), Elizabeth, May 27, 1813. c. R. George, Nov. 9, 1752, a. 66 or 67 y. c. r. George, s. George, jr. and Lucey, Oct. 19, 1770. [a. 13 m. c. k.] George, at sea, Feb. — , 1777, a. 25 or 26 y. c. r. George, Nov. 13, 1802, a. 53 y. c. R. George, jr., in VV[est] Indies, Mar. — , 18 10. George, "drowned at Portsmouth," Jan. 29, 1824, a. 31 y. c. R. George, s. George and Lucy, May 11, 1835, a. " abt." 63 y. [in- temperance. May 12, a. 64 y. c. R.] Jane, July 5, 1761, a. 84 or 85 y. c. r. Lucy, wid., Dec. 19, 1809. Lucy, wid. George, Jan. 5, 1837. [Jan. 6, a. 67 y. c. r.] Mehitable, w. William, Jan. 19, 1842. t. c. [Jan. 18, a. 25 y. c. R.] Perry, s. Stephen and Lucretia, Oct. 7, 1840, a. 12 y. c. r. Rebecca, wid., consumption. Mar. 6, 1824, a. 40 y. c, R. , ch. George and Lucy, Mar. — , 1774, a. 2 y. C. R. , ch. George, Sept. — , 1775, a. 7 m. c. r. , ch. George, Sept. 19, 1779, a. 3 y. c. r. , ch. George and Mary, Sept. — , 1787, a. 3 y. c. R. , wid., Aug. I, 1 81 4. c. R. , s. William and Mehitable, June 29, 1836. [bowel com- plaint, June 30, a. I y. c. r.] CROWEL (see also Crowell), Benja[min], "We hear [was] slain by the Indians Last Spring," [1758.] c. r. Lydia, d. Benjamin, Dec. 13, 1756, a. 6 y. c. R. Margret, wid., Jan. 19, 1787, a. 74 y. c. r. Sam[ue]ll, sr., Apr. 20, 1754, a. 66 y. c. R. Sarah, "relict of" Sam[ue]ll, Apr. — , 1759, a. 72 y. c. R. , ch. Benj[amin] and Margaret, May 8 or 9, 1753, a. 2 m c. R. CROWELL (see alsoCrowel), Benjamin, Aug. 27, 1812. Oilman [C. G. R.], "whose parents live at Hopkinton, N. H.," Nov. 27, 1836. [throat distemper, Nov. 28, a. 30 y. c. r. ; a 25 y. 6 m. G. r.] Susan A., w. Samuel, d. Stephen and Betsy, fever, Mar. 5, 1847, a. 43 y. II m. 19 d. Theodore H., s. Samuel and Susan A., dysentery, Sept. 21, 1848, a. 5 y. 5 m. — — , wid., dysentery, Oct. 14, 1826, a. 75 y. c. R. MANCHESTER DEATHS 247 Crovvell, , d. Samuel, Feb. 25, 1S32. [lung fever, Feb. 12, a. 8 m. c. R. , s. Nathaniel and Esther, Dec. 2, 1833. [lung fever, Dec. 3, a. I 1-2 y. c. R.] CRUMBIE (see also Crombie), Benjamin, Jan. 20, 181 2. [Jan. 21. c. R.] CRUMBY (see also Crombie), Benjamin, s. Samuel B. and Eliza- beth, lung fever. Mar. 18, 1844, a. i y. 7 m. 2 d. t. c. Betsy [Sally, c. r.], b. Hamilton, d. John and Betsy Bear, w. Benjamin, dropsy in the chest, Feb. 28, 1844, a. 49 y. 2 m. 21 d. T. c. [Feb. 27. c. r.] Elizabeth, w. Benjamin, Mar. 13, 1798, a. 28 y. 6 m. 12 d. Martha Porter, Oct. 29, 1841, a. 5 y. t. c. [d. Benjamin and Betsy, a. 6 y. c. R.] Thomas, at sea. x. c. [yellow fever, Nov. — , 1841, a. 23 y. c. r.] DANFORD (see also Danforth), Lucy, wid., Sept. 26, 1804. [Sept. 15, a. 67 y. c. r.] Mathew, Feb. 11, 1764, a. 67 y. c. R. Nathaniel, s. Stephen and Lydia, May 10, 1802, a. i m. 5 d. Stephen, Nov. 16, 1756, a. i y. 8 m. c. r. Stephen, Apr. 27, 1791. , oh. Jere[miah], Jan. — , 1812. c. r. , ch. Jere[miah], Jan. 8, 1814. c. r. , ch. Jere[miah], Mar. 5, 18 15. c. r. DANFORTH (see also Danford), George [Girdler. g. R.],m., cab- inet maker, s. Stephen and Lucy, typhus fever, July 24, 1849, a. 31 y. 4 m. 7 d. [July 22. c. r. ; July 23. g. r.] Mary, d. Jeremiah and Mary Ann, fever, Sept. 9, 1846, a. i y. 3 m. 16 d. Sally, w. Jeremiah, d. Jonathan and Sally Hassam, Apr. 28, 1835. [consumption, May i, a. 25 y. c. R.] William, s. Stephen and Lydia [tipes fever, c. R.],Sept. 27, 1841, a. 20 y. 9 m. x. c. William, s. Jeremiah and Mary Ann, fever, July 29, 1849, a. 9 d. , inf. ch. Jeremiah, Sept. 12,. 1805. c. r. , d. Stephen, lung fev[er], Apr. 27, 1827, a. 5 y. c. R. DANIELS, , wid., "obstruction," Apr. 5, 1823, ^- 55 y* c. R. DAVIDSON, Daniel, " lost, the Fore part of this year, a coming from Lisbon," [1756], a. 30 y. c. R. DAVIS, Anna, w. John T., Mar. 18, 1S07, a. 23 y. c. R. DAVISON, Mary, w. William, Sept. 26, 1753, a. 24 y. c. r. 248 MANCHESTER DEATHS BAY, Abigail, w. Richard, May 19, 1760, a. 60 y. c. r. Alonzo, s. Isaac S. and Eliza Ann, May 16, 1849, ^- 6 d. Anna, housewife, wid. Joseph, d. Malicah and Ruth Allen, old age, Apr. 19, 1849, ^- 73 y- 6 m. 28 d. [Apr. 21. c. r.] Hannah, w. Richard, Oct. 2, 1767, a. 64 y. c. r. John, sr., Sept. 30, 1752, a. "more than " 60 y. c. R. John, " lost at Sea Last Spring, as is supposed," [1758.] c. r. Joseph, s. Joseph and Rachel, Aug. 19, 1770. [a. 2 y. c. R.] Joseph, " The oldest Man in Town," Feb. 17, 1829, a. 92 y. c. R. Mary, d. Joseph and Rachel, July 15, 1778. Moses H., "at his father's, Glou[cester],"Jan. 3, 1849, a. 30 y. c. r. Richard, Jan. 4, 1782, a. 80 or 81 y. c. r. Sarah, d. Anna, Feb. 7, 1770, a. 15 y. c. r. , ch. John, jr.. May 10, 1748. c. R. , wid., "suddenly," Sept. 22, 1831. c. r. , ch. still born, Isaac L. and EHza Ann, May 27, 1844. , s. Isaac S. and Eliza Ann, Jan. 7, 1846, a. 6 d. DECKER, Harriet L., d. William and Louisa, lung fever, Sept. II, 1845, a. I y. 10 m. II d. Howard, S.J. M. and Harriet, consumption, Dec. 2, 1848, a. 3 m. 17 d. John Marshall, s. Gefford M. and Harriet, croup, Sept. 25, 1845, a. 4 y, 4 m. 22 d. William H., s. William and Louisa [Lozia. c. R.], throat dis- temper, Sept. 8, 1842, a. 5 m. t. c. [a. 4 m. c. r.] William H., s. Wilham and Louisa, brain disease, Sept. 8, 1848, a. 3 m. 8 d. DEGARR, Lewis, "droun[e]dat Louisbourg," [1759], a. 22 or 23 y. c. R. Sarah, d. Mrs. Sarah Williams, Apr. 24, 1777, a. 19 y. c. r. DENNESS (see also Dennis), John J., s. Richard C. and Henri- etta, lung fever. May 2, 1846, a. i y. 4 m. 17 d. DENNIS (see also Denness), , inf. ch. Richard and Henrietta, Mar. 10, 1834. [Mar. 11, a. 2 w. c. r.] , inf. ch. Richard and Henrietta, Mar. 3, 1836. [throat distemper. Mar. 4, a. 9 m. c. r.] DODGE, Franklin Dexter, s. W[illia]m and Mehittable P., con - sumption, Aug. 18, 1848, a. 6 m. 18 d. Harriet A., d. J. S. and Charlotte P., dysentery, Sept. 19, 1848, a. 6 m. 16 d. John, consumption, Aug. 6, 1831, a. 25 y. c. R. Joseph, [youngest, c. r.] s. Moses and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1762. MANCHESTER DEATHS 249 Dodge, Mary, wid., d. Joseph and Elizabeth Hassam, dysentery, Sept. 15, 1S46, a. 71 y. 9 m. II d. Mary, unm., d. John and Susan [" Sister to the wife of the late Mr. Forster Allen." c. R.], consumption, Feb. 10, 1847, a. 39 y. I m. 14 d. Molly, Mrs., Sept. 15, 1846, a. 72 y. G. r. Moses, s. Moses and Sarah, July 27, 1766. [a. 2 y, c. R.] Moses, sr., "suddenly," May 4, 1776. [a. 37 y. c. R.] Moses, s. Moses and Sarah, Aug. 6, 1794. Susan, consumption. May 18, 1825, a. 14 y. c. R. , ch. Jesse, Aug. 19, 1775, a. 4 y. c. R. , wid., old age, Oct. 23, 1826, a. 84 y. c. r. DOMICAN, Peter, b. Dublin, Ire., s. Peter and Allen, brain fever, Aug. 23, 1847, a. 5 y. II m. 7 d. DONAHUE, Molly, Feb. 2, 1838. [Jan.—, a. 77 y. c. r.] DON AWAY (see also Donnaway), Tim[othy], drowned, , 1772. c. r. DONNAKIN, Peter (Irish), "Committed Suicide by cutting his throat," Aug. 17, 1843. t. c. DONNAWAY (see also Donaway), Sarah, wid., Feb. 20, 1769, a. 47 or 48 y. c. r. Timothy, lost at sea. Mar. — ,1767, a. 30 " odd " y. c. r. DOTY, Freeman Aben, s. John J. and Betsy M., diarrhoea, Sept. 9, 1848, a. I m. 14 d. DOUGLAS (see also Duglas), , wid., old age, Sept. 12, 1824, a. 73 y. c. R. DOW (see also Dowe), Anna, wid., consumption, Oct. — , 1821. c. R. [a. 74 y. in pencil, dup.] Billey, s. Mr., Aug. 9, 1759, a. 5 or 6 y. c. R. Billey, at New York, Aug. — , 1776, a. 18 or 19 y. c. R. Hannah, wid., at Beverly, May 25, 1838. Hephzibah, d. Mr., Aug. — , 1759, a. 5. or 6 y. c. R. Jane, Sept. 28, 1813. c. r. Jeremiah, Mar. 26, 1807, a. 78 y. c. R. John, s. wid., Hannah, Sept. 4, 1809. c. R. Lois, w. Jeremiah, Jan. 27, 1805, a. 75 y. c. R. Lydia, w. Jeremiah, July 16, 1807, a. 51 y. c. R. Patty, unm., domestic, d. Jerrymiah, old age. May i, 1849. Salley, d. Jeremiah and Hephz[ibah], Aug. 7, 1759, a. 6 m. c. R. Sally, d. wid. Hannah, Apr. 12, 1802, a. 5 y. c. R. 250 MANCHESTER DEATHS Dow, William, Oct. 19, 1832. [pauper, fits, Oct. 22, a. 45 y. c. R.] , d. Thomas and Abigail, Feb. 14, 1836. [scarlet fever, Jan. 15, a. 4 y. c. r.] DOWE (see also Dow), Willard, suicide, insane, May 3, 1823 a. 30 y. c. R. , s. Betsy, "illegitimate Pauper," May 12, 1825, a. 5 w. c. R. DOWNES (see aslo Downs), Michael, July 23, 1803, a. 73 y, c. r. DOWNS (see alsoDownes), , Mrs., Jan. 12, 1805, a. 73 y. c. r. DRISCO [Amasa. dup.], "a Stranger," fever, Oct. 28, 1822, a. 21 y. c. r. DRIV, John, s. Soloman (Drive), " Generall thoght Was Killed by ye Ingens Some time in November in Gedore Harbor at Cap Sabell In ye year 1742." DRIVER, Abagail, Aug. — ,1821. c. r. [a. 16 y. in pencil, dup.] Andrew, jr., Aug. 11, 18 15, [a. 18 y. in pencil], c. R. Andrew, Capt., "very sudden," Feb. 8, 1826, a. 53 y. c. r. Anna, May — , 1759, a. 14 y. c. R. Anna, wid. Samuel, lung fever, Jan. 29, 1849, ^- ^9 Y- ^ "''• ^9 d. [Jan. 28, a. 69 y. c. r. ; a. 60 y. 7 m. c. r.] Betty, wid., Aug. 24, 1781, a. 33 or 34 y. c. R. Billey, July 27, 1776, a. 39 y. c. R. Elizabeth, consumption, Mar. — ,1821. c. r. [a. 30 y. in pencil. dup.] Hannah, d. Solomon and Mariam, July 10, 1834. [consumption, July II, a. 55 y. c. R.] Jacob, s. Samuel and Bethia, Nov. 2, 1796, a. 20 y. ''and up- ward." James, at sea, July — , 182 1. c. r. [a. 24 y. in pencil, dup.] John, s. John Day's wife, " lost at Sea Last Spring as is sup- posed," [1758]. c. R. John, Capt., Jan. 19, 1811. c. r. [a. 28 y. 9 m. g. r.] John [asthma, c. r.], Aug. 10, 1832, a. 63 y. Miriam, wid., Nov. 3, 1833. [old age, Nov. 5, a. 86 y. c. r.] Miriam, d. Solomon and Miriam, Apr. 13, 1840, a. 68 y. t. c. [cancer, Apr. 14. c. R.] Rachel, w. Solomon, Sept. 21, 1732, in her 34th y. g. r. Sally, inflammation of the lungs, Mar. 5, 1843. t. c. [wid. John, a, 70 y. c. R.] Samuel, at sea, " buried at Stonington, Conn.," Feb. — , 181 1, a. 38 y. 6 m. G. R. Sam[ue]l, "drowned in Charles river," June 22, 1822, a. 34 y. c. R. MANCHESTER DEATHS 25I Driver, Samuel, s. Samuel and Louisa [Sally, c. r.], Sept. 10, 1 84 1. T. c. [a. 2 y. c. R.] Solomon, " died abroad since [Rev.] Benja[min] Toppan came to this town," [rec. in 1763.] c. r. Sol[omon], lost at sea, , 1787, a. 19 y. c. r. Solomon, old age, June 16, 1831, a. 85 y. c. R. Solomon, s. Solomon and Miriam, May 27, 1843. t. c. , ch. Sol[omon] and Miriam, Oct. — , 1777, a. 20 m. c. R. , two of this name, " it is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Col- son," , 1777. c. R. , ch. Samuel, May 9, 1805. c. R. , ch. Andrew, Sept. 2, 181 5. c. r. DUGLAS (see also Douglas), , Mr., May 20, 1813. c. r. DURGE, Mary, see Lee, Mary. EASCOT (see also Easkoot), , ch. Phillip, Sept.—, 1801. c. R. , ch. Philip, Sept. 6, 1802, a. 10 m. c. R. EASCOTT (see also Easkoot), John, "very suddenly," con- sumption, Nov. — , 1830, a. 35 y. c. R. EASKOOT (see also Eascot, Eascott, Eskott), Annice, w. Philip, Sept. 28, 1839. [^- 70 y- c. R-] Christian, wid., Dec. 25, 1784, a. 40 "odd " y. c. r. John, sr., June — , 1758, a. 73 y. c. r. John, " suddenly," Oct. 17, 177 1. [a. 39 y. c. r.] John, , 1777, a. 14 y. c. r. Sarah, wid.. May — , 1778, a. 87 or 88 y. c. r. ESKOTT (see also Easkoot), Phihp, widr., mariner, s. John and Christian, consumption, Jan. 3, 1845, a. 79 y. 4 m. 12 d. EASTY, Bathsheba, Jan. 12, 1757, a. 25 y. c. r. Benja[min], Feb. — , 1777, a. "toward" 40 y. c. r. Elizabeth, wid., June — , 1804, a. 84 y. c. r. John, "lost the First Fare Last Spring," [1774]? a. 20 "odd" y. c. R. Joseph, "lost Last spring, coming fr[om] Virginia," [i754-] C. R. Joseph, lost at sea. Mar. — , 1767, a. 15 or 16 y. c. r. EATEN (see also Eaton), Mary Ann, June 20, 182 1. c. r. [a. 15 y. G. R.] EATON (see also Eaten), Elizabeth C, d. Ithamar and Jane, Dec. 15, 1820, a. 3 y. o. r. 252 MANCHESTER DEATHS Eaton, Ithamer [consumption, c. r.], July 3, 1835. [July 4, a. 5 7 y. c. R.] Jane, wid. Ithamar [chronic . c. R.], June 6, 1837. [June 7, c. R. ; June 5, g. r.] John L., m., cabinet maker, s. Ithamer and Jane, consumption, Sept. 3, 1845, a. 32 y. 9 m. EDWARDS, Abigail, d. John, Aug. 27, 1748. c. r. Abigail, wid. John, sr., Feb. 4, 1804, a. 96 y. [Feb. 6. c. r.] Bethiah, w. John, jr., Nov. 17, 1794, a. 25 y. 20 d. G. r. Bethiah F., consumption, Aug. 31, 1826, a. 24 y. c. r. Daniel [Capt. c. R.], Dec. 9, 1772. [Dec. 12 or 13, a. 40 y. c. r.] Elizabeth, vv. John, jr., Aug. 28, 1760, a. 27 y. 6 m. 4 d. [Aug. 29. c. R.] Ehzabeth, d. William and Elizabeth, Sept. 21, 1805. [a. 2 y. c. r.] Hannah, w. John, Mar. 29, 1800, a. 61 y. 23 d. o. r. John, sr., Sept. 7, 1773. [Sept. 6, a. 69 y. c. R.] Lydia, d. Samuel and Seath, Dec. 15, 1833. [consumption, Dec. 16, a. 28 y. c. R.] Lydia, wid., Oct. 2, 1838, a. 87 y. 9 m. Sammy, " lost Last Spring coming from West Indies," [1772.] c. R. Samuel [hemor[rh]age, "sudden." c. r.], Sept. 27, 1832. [Sept. 28, a. 61 y. c. R.] Samuel, s. Sam[ue]l, at South America, June 29, 1833. [Mate, fever, a. 30 y. c. r.] William, drowned, Dec. — , 1765, a. 23 y. c. r. W[illia]m, Capt., Apr. 30, 18 12. c. R. , ch. John, jr., Sept. 13, 1806, a. i w. c. R. , ch. W[illiam], Sept. 29, 1807, a. 2 y. c. r. , d. Sam[ue]l, Aug. 28, 1827, a. 20 m. c. R. , d. Samuel and Sally, June 25, 1836. [throat distemper, June 26, a. 4 y. c. R.] ELLIOT, , d. still born, Andrew and Eliza T-, Apr. 19, 1846. EMERSON, Charlotte, d. Rev. Sam[ue]l and Charlotte, Sept. 24, 1827, a. 5 m. c. R. Charlotte (Buckley), w. [Rev. S. M.], at Williams Town, Apr. 6, 1848, a. 57 y. c. R. Samuel Moody, Rev., " His disorder was dropsy of the heart. He died very suddenly, sitting in his chair, his wife at his side. Mr. Emerson was the youngest son of the Rev. John Emerson, of Conway, Mass. His father's mother was daughter of the Rev. Sam. Moody, of York, Me. He was born at Conway,. Nov. 13, 1785 ; graduated at W[illiam]s College, Sept. 18 10; MANCHESTER DEATHS 253 was two years a preceptor of Westfield Academy ; was two years a tutor in his Alma Mater ; was licensed to preach, in June 1S15 ; was ordained at Chester, Mass., Feb., 1816 ; was installed at Manchester, Sept. the 12th, 182 1 ; was dismissed on account of ill health, Sept. 18th, 1839; was installed again, at Heath, Sept. the 15 th, 1840. His wife was a Miss Charlotte Bulkley, of Williamstown, Mass. Children : Eliza- beth, Charles Noble, Edward, Charlotte, Mary Abba," d. at Heath, Mass., July 20, 1841. c. R. , s. still born. Rev. S. M., Apr. — , 1825. c. R. Esty, see Easty. EULIN, Abial, w. , Nov. 11, 1832. [pauper, Nov. 15, a. 80 y. C. R.] FARLEY, Mary Ann, w. John E. W., Apr. 9, 1840, a. 25 y. t. c- [Eliza Ann, consumption, c, R.] FARROW, Sarah M., b. Watertown, w. Abradatus, d. Lemuel and Crrace Whitney, consumption, Mar. 12, 1845, ^- 45 Y- i ^^■ 2 d. [" formerly belonged to Church in Framingham." c. r.] , s. Abradatus, Mar. 4, 1835. [Mar. 5, a. i y. c. R.] FERGISON (see also Ferguson), Martha, consumption, May 5, 1830, a. 20 y. c. R. FERGUSON (see also Fergison), James, s. Stephen and Mary, fits, Sept. 6, 1847, ^- 4 rn. Martha, wid. [consumption, c. R.], Sept. i, 1840, a. 65 y. t. c. Martha Ann, d. Stephen and Mary, dysentery, Aug. 15, 1846, a. 1 y. 7 m. Mary Elizabeth, w. Stephen, d. William and Mary Mann, con- sumption, Nov. 28, 1847, a. 31 y. 2 m. [Nov. 24. c. r.] , ch. Stephen and Mary, Sept. 29, 1841. t. c. [Sept. 30, a. 2 y. c. R.] FERRIS, Salome M., b. Cavendish, Vt., w. Almond F., and d. Jacob and Lucy Allen, dropsy, June 22, 1847, a. 26 y. 3 m. 5d. FITZ, Eunice, housewife, w. W[illia]m, d. Joseph and Anna Baker, " sudden," Oct. 9, 1849, ^- 37 Y- ~ "^- 21 d. Harriet Ann, d. William and Eunice, Jan. 11, 1842, a. 4 ra. t. c. [dropsy in the head, Jan. 10, a. i y. c. r.] , inf. ch. William and Eunice, Oct. 24, 1834. , inf. ch. William and Eunice, Sept. 14, 1836. [bowel com- plaint, a. 5 m. c. R.] , inf. ch. William F. and Eunice, Oct. 15, 1838, a. 3 w. FLINT, Mary L., d. Edward and Rebeckah, cholera morbus, July 7, 1846, a. 2 m. 25 d. 254 MANCHESTER DEATHS FLOWERS, Abigail, rheum[atism] , Aug. 14, 1825, a. 30 y. c. r.. John, s. John and Hannah, Feb. 26, 1795. , inf. ch. W[illia]m, Dec. 17, 1801. c. R. , ch. [WilHaJm, Jan. 25, 1807, a. 3 w. c. R. , ch. W[illia]m, Mar. 16, 18 14. c. R. , d. William, jr. and Eunice, July 6, 1836. [throat distemper, July 7, a. 4 y. c. R.] , inf. ch. William, jr. and Eunic[e], Aug. 4, 1836. [consump- tion, Aug. 9, a. 8 m. c. R.] , ch, illegitimate, Marg[are]t, Oct. 3, 1836, a. i w. c. r. , ch. William, jr. and Eunice, Nov. 27, 1841. t. c. [Nov. 26, a. I y. c. r."1 FORSTER (see also Foster), Anna, wid., May "near the close," 1774, a. 73 y. c. r. Avehne, d. Maj. Israe[l] and Hannah, Nov. 11, 1813. Benjamin, m., merchant, s. Samuel and Bethiah, Oct. 14, 1847, a. 81 y. 7 m. 14 d. Daniel, s. wid. Ann, "died at Sea, the last Fall," [1757.] c. r. Daniel, " lost in Nov. last in way Home from the West Indies, with Capt. Joseph Forster of Salem," [1764.] c. r. Debby [Deborah, c. r.], w. Benjamin, Oct. 20, 1801. [Oct. 22, a. 26 y. c. r.] Hannah [L. G. r.], Mrs., w. Capt. Israel, d. Capt. John Lee of Andover, Sept. 21, 1805, i" her 24th year. [a. 33 y. G. R. ; a. 22 y. c. R.] Hannah [S. g. r.], w. [Maj. c. r.] Israel, Jan. 27, 1835. [a. 51 y. G. R, and c. R. ; Jan. 29. c. r.] John, Oct. — , 1763, a. 85 y. c. R. John, Capt., Dec. 19, 1766, a. 53 y. c. R. Sally, d. Samuel and Bethiah, Oct. 11, 1793, a. 11 y. 6 m. Samuel, Capt., Nov. 2, 1794, a. 54 y. 9 m. FOSTER (see also Forster), Bethiah, wid., old age. May 20, 1822, a. 82 y. c. R. [May iS, a. 83 y. g. r.] FOWLER, Ann, Mrs., Sept. 8, 1843, a. 81 y. t. c. Frederic, lung fever, Mar. 9, 1843, a. 6 m. T. c. Jacob, jr., at sea, , 1810. c. R. Jacob, widr., mariner, b. Salem, old age, Feb. 19, 1846, a. 87 y. FREDERICKS, Henry, at New York, Aug. — , 1776, a. 22, 23 or 24 y. c. R. FRIEND, Louisa H., b, Gloucester, N. G., w. Daniel W,, d. Delucena L. and Louisa Bingham, inflammation, Mar. 21, 1845, a. 23 y. 9 m, 24 d. [Mar. 22. c. R.] , ch. Daniel, June 17, 181 6. c. R. MANCHESTER DEATHS 255 GALLOWAY, , wid., July 6, 1777, a, 65, 66 or 67 y. c. r. GENTLEE, John Henry, unm., s. Thomas P. and Abigail, buried at Essex, fever, Mar. 14, 1847, a. 2 y. 16 m. 26 d. GIDDINGS, Joseph, Sept. "about ye middle," 1752, a. "more than " 30 y, c. r. , s. Joseph, Sept. "about ye middle," 1752, a. 3 y. c. r. GILBERT, Ester, June 18, 18 15. c. r. Priscilla, housewife, wid. Tho. [B. G. R.], d. Joseph and Betsy Haskell, Oct. 10, 1849, a. 79 y. 11 m. 25 d. GILSON, Joseph Warren, s. Isaac C. and Harriet M., lung fever. May 25, 1846, a. I y. 4 m. 17 d. Thomas Frederick, s. Isaac, Sept. 4, 1839. GIRDLER, Abigail, w. Capt. John [d. N. and E. Ingersoll. g. r.], consump[tion], Oct. i, 1829. c. R. [Oct. 9, a. 45 y. g. r.] Benjamin, s. William and Peggy, yellow fever, at Havanna, T. c. [ , 1842, a. 23 y. c. R.] George, Capt., apoplexy, Dec. 7, 1830, a. 73 y. c. r. James M., s. WiUiam, 2d and Nathely, scarlet fever, June 8, 1845, a. 3 y. I m. 22 d. Joanna, wid., Aug. 23, 1841, a. 81 y. t. c. [Aug. 30. g. r. and c. R. ; a. 80 y. c. r.] John, Mrs., " formerly Johnson, "at Bradford, " a few days before " Feb. 5, 1S47, a. 26 y. c. R. John Stephens, Capt. [" on the coast of Sumatra." G. r.], Jan. — , 1803. [Jan. 2, a. 44 y. c. r. ; Jan. 3, a. 42 y. g. r.] Lydia, Mrs., wid. Capt. George, Dec. 27, 18 10. c. r. Mary Elizabeth, w. John S. [d. Joseph Patch, dup.], Jan. 5, 1839, a. 27 y. g. r. Mary Elizabeth, d. William, 2d and Nathely, scarlet fever, June 13, 1845, a. I y. 2 m. 9 d. Peggy [unm. G. R.], consumption, Nov. 4, 1829, a. 20 y. c. R. [Nov. 2, a. 25 y. G. R.] William Guyler, s. William and Nathalie, Dec. 15, 1841. t. c. [throat distemper, a. 3 y. c. r.] , ch. Capt. George, consumption, June 20, 1824, a. 9 y. c. R. GLOVER, Lydia, w. John, Jan. 9, 1804, a. 24 y. c.r. , inf. ch. John, Oct. i, 1S02. c. r. GODSOE, John W[illia]m, s. John and Mary Ann, lung fever. May 16, 1S48, a. 3 y. 8 m. 27 d. Julia Frances, d. John and Mary Ann, Jan. 28, 1842. t. c. [throat complaint, Jan. 29, a. 4 y. c. R.] 256 MANCHESTER DEATHS GoDSOE, Mary Elizabeth, d. William and Lydia, consumption, Aug. 22, 1S46, a. 3 m. 21 d. , ch. Mr. and Mrs,, bowel complaint, , 1842, a. 5 y. c. r. GOLDSMITH, Abigail, wid. Jefford, d. Andrew and Abigail Hooper, old age, Dec. 4, 1848, a. 93 y. 3 m. 26 d. [Dec. 3. c. r.] Andrew, Aug. — , 181 7. c. r. Ann Mariah, b. Boston, d. Seth and Jane Mariah, croup, Dec. 3, 1845, a. 3 y. 2 m. 3 d. Charlottee A., housewife, b. Derry, N.H. [w. Nathan B. G. r.], d. John and Lucy Proctor, cholera, July 27, 1849, a. 41 y. 5 m. 9 d. [July 29. G. R.] David, fever, Apr. 17, 1822, a. 33 y. c. r. [Apr. 14, a. 35 y. g. r.] Edward Payson, s. Seth and Jane Maria, at Boston, Feb. 21, 1842, a. 3 y. 3 w. g. r. Elizabeth, w. Nehemiah, Feb. 9, 1818. [a. 38 y. 11 m. G. r.] Geofferd [b. Essex, 1746. g. r. ; old age. c. r.], Nov. 15, 1839, a. 92 y. [a. 93 y. c. r.] Hannah, consumption, Apr. 30, 1842, a. 55 y. c. R. Lucy, w. Jefferd, Feb. 18, 1779. [a. 30 y. c. r.] Mary Hanson, d. Nehemiah and Betsey ["suddenly." c. R.], Dec. 17, 1 84 1, a. 20 y. T. c. [unm., Dec. 18, a. 19 y. 3 m. G. r.] Nancy, b. Rockport, vv. Abram, d. Levi and Sarah Sanborn, Feb. 28, 1848. [a. 33 y. c. R.] Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah and Elizabeth, Oct. 4, 1802. , ch. Nehemiah, still born, Jan. 16, 1802. c. R. ' ch. Nehemiah, Sept. 26, 1803, a. 2 y. c. r. , w. Mr., of Andover, Dec. 14, 1805, a. 50 y. c. R. , ch. Maj., still born, Sept. — , 1825. c. r. , ch. Zach[ariah], measles, May — , 1826, a. 18 m. c. R. , s. Edward, dysentery, Oct. 21, 1827, a. 10 m. c. r. , s. Zech[a]r[iah], swelling on legs, Nov. 17, 1827, a. 9 y. c. R. , inf. ch. Nathan, Nov. 11, 1828, a. 9 m. c. r. , d. Nathan, Apr. 28, 1829, a. 3 m. c. r. GOODALE, Ezekel, Mar. 12, 1734, in his 39th y. g. r. GOODRICH, George W., at sea, Dec.—, 1837. c. r. , ch. David, Aug. 29, 1839. GOODRIDGE, Benjamin Crafts, s. Samuel and Deborah, " spine complaint or disease," Sept. 21, 1845, a. 10 y. 3 m. David, s. , drowned, Aug. 26, 1815. c. r. Hannah L., d. Israel D. and Joanna, throat distemper, Apr. 17, 1845, a. I y. 10 m. 2 d. Isaac P., s. David and Abigail, Oct. 25, 1847, a. 11 m. MANCHESTER DEATHS 257 GooDRiDGE, Joanna, wid., Sept. 15, 1840. t. c. [bowel complaint, Sept. 14, a. 55 y. c. r. ; w. Samuel, a. 58 y. 4 m. g, r.] Lydia Lee, d. Samuel and Deborah, consumption, Aug. 24, 1845, a. 2 y. 16 d. , ch. still born, Israel and Joanna, Aug. 26, 1846. GOULD, John L., s, John A. and Elizabeth C, brain disease, Sept. 2, 1848, a. I y. 8 m. GRANT, Billey, s. John, Aug. — , 1775, a. 3 y. c. r. John, at New York, Oct.—, 1776, a. S3> 34, 35 or 63 y. c. r. , ch. John and Lucy, Aug. — , 1774, a. i or 2 w. c. r. GREENLEAF, Moses, Dr., " long a beloved teacher among us," at West Newton, Jan. 24, 1848. c. r. GROSVENOR, Ebenezer, s. [Dr. c. r.] David A. and Sally, Jan. 19 [18. c. R.], 1814. [a. 7 m. G. R.] GRUSH, , inf. ch. Nathan W. and Anna, Sept. 30, 1835, a. 5 d. c. R. GWINN, "or Gwyn," Edward, lost at sea, Mar. — , 1770. c. R. HAIRS (see also Ayers), , Mrs., Mar. 17 or 18, 1790, a. " perhaps " 40 y. c. r. HALE, , ch. still born, , May — , 1826. c. r. HALL, Abigail, wid., old age, Feb. 25, 1835, a. 78 y. c. r. Andrew, s. George and Nabby, Dec. 15, 1794. David, " lost on the 'Vesper' in the fall of 1843, leaving wife and three children." c. r. Joanna, wid. George, Feb. 22, 1835, a. 75 y. Lydia, Mrs., w. George, June 2, 1809. c. r. , ch. Nabby, Sept. 15, 1807, a. 5 m. c. r. HARRIS, , inf. ch. John F. and Susan, Feb. 7, 1839. HARSHAM (see also Hassam), Anna, d. Jonathan and Mary, Sept. 23, 1735. William, s. Elisabeth, lost at sea, , 1748. c. r. HARSKALL (see also Haskell) , Joseph, , 1 7 7 7 , a. 30 "odd " y. c. R. Joseph, , 1788. c. R. , ch. Joseph, Oct. — , 1773, a. 9 w. c. r. HART, Charles, Jan. 31, 1840, [s. Thomas and M. J., dropsy on the brain, a. 2 y. c. R.] Charles, s. Thomas and Mary J., Jan. 31, 1849, a. 2 y. g. r. 258 MANCHESTER DEATHS HARTLEY, , ch. still born, George and Harriet, May 1 7, 1847. HASHAM (see also Hassam), Benjamin, "Last Winter begin- ing, drowned in way to Lisbon," [1749], a. 21 y. c. R. John, s. wid. Mary," drowned with Degarr" [at Louisbourg, 1759], a. 14 or 15 y. c. r. Jonathan, lost at sea, Nov. or Dec. — , 1752. c. r. Jonathan, Feb. 21, 1754, a. 51 y. c. r. Josiah, lost at sea, Mar. — , 1767, a. 25 y. c. r. Mary, wid.. May 13, 1762, a. 55 y. c. r. Samuel, s. Jonathan, Mar. 11, 1749-50, a. 9 y. c. r. HASKEL (see also Haskell), , Mr., Nov. 30, 1813. c. r. HASKELL (see also Harskall, Haskel, Haskile, Haskill), Eliza- beth, d. Simeon and Elizabeth, Mar. 8, 1807. [a. 10 m. c. R.] Elizabeth, d. Simeon and Elizabeth, May 3, 1808. Frances [d. Augustus and Lucy Jane. t. c], Sept. 14, 1840. [dis- entery, Sept. 13, a. 13 m. c. r.] Harriet Abby, unm., d. Henry and Elizabeth H., scrofula, Jan. 13, 1847, a. I m. 26 d. Joseph, s. Simeon, July 6, 1832. [lost at sea, a. 21 y, c. r.] Lucy J., Aug. 18, 1843, a. 23 y. 6 m. t. c. Simeon, m., mariner, s. Joseph and Betsy, typhus fever, Sept. 7, 1846, a. 70 y. 3 m. 12 d. HASKILE (see also Haskell), , wid., old age, Dec. 2, 1825, a. 85 y. c. R. HASKILL (see also Haskell), , ch. Mr., lung fever, May 5, 1822, a. 7 w. c. R. HASSAM (see also Harsham, Hasham), Betsy, w. William, Feb. 10, 1833. ["very sudden," Feb. 11, a. 77 y. c. r.] Elizabeth, w. Joseph [old age. c. r.], Oct. 27, 1839, a. 89 y. [Oct. 28. c. R. and g. r; a. 90 y. c. r. ; a. 89 y. G. r.] Joseph, old age, Sept. 22, 1831, a. 84 y. c. r. [a. 8;^ y. g. r.] [Josiah. dup.], at sea, Apr. — , 1827, a. 28 y. c. r. Josiah, drowned at Boston, Nov. 4, 1829, a. 65 y. c. r. Sally, w. [Capt. g. r.] Jonathan, d. John Cheever, consumption, Aug. 19, 1848, a. 60 y. 9 m. [a. 61 y. g. r.] Samuel, unm., cabinet maker, s. Jonathan and Sally, typhus fever ["member of the Park Street Church." c. r.], Jan. 17, 1847, ^- 26 y. 9 m. [Jan. 15. g. r.] Sarah, d. Joseph, Apr. 14, 1803, a. 15 y. c. r. William, 2d, s. Jonathan, Oct. 29, 1832. [fever, Oct. 20, a. 19 y. c. R.] William, Capt., Apr. 9, 1833. [Apr. 10, a. 80 y. c. r.] , ch. Capt. Jona[than], Sept. — , 182 1. c. r. [a. 14 m. in pencil, dup.] MANCHESTER DEATHS 259 HEBERT (see also Hibbert), Benja[min], s. Jeremiah and Han- nah, May 27, 1804, a. 76 y. 16 d. [May 28, a. 76 y. c. r.] HENDERSON, , ch. H. and P., Feb.—, 1841, a. 2 d. c. r. HERICK (see also Herrick), , d. Wi[llia]m, [of] Beverly, "sud[den]," Aug. 29, 1834, a. 6 w. c. R. HERRICK (see also Herick), Anna, d. Dea. Jonathan and Mary, Dec. 23, 1748, a. 10 m. c. r. Mary, d. John and Rachel, Feb. 15, 1749-50. c. r. Rachel, d. Jonathan, jr. and Rachel, Apr. 20, 1770. [a. 8 y. c. R.] HIBBERT (see also Hebert), Jeremiah, May 24, 1761,3. 22 y. c. r. HILDRETH, Daniel, m., cabinet maker, b. Hopkinton, N, H., s. James and Mahala, cholera, Aug. 20, 1848, a. 30 y. Ruth, d. Nathaniel [William c. R.] and Ruth, July 1 6, 1 806. [a. 3 w. c. R.] HILL, Benjamin [jr. G. r. ; Capt. c. R.], m., mariner, s, Benjamin and Mary, consumption, Nov. 28, 1844, a. 34 y. 2 m. 13 d. [a. 45 y. c. r. ; a. 35 y. 2 m. 14 d. p. r. 4 ; a. 35 y. o. r.] Benjamin [Capt. g. r.], m., mariner, s. Charles and Margaret, lung fever, Dec. 17, 1847, a. 74 y. 3 m. 21 d. [a. 74 y. 4 m. G. r.] Charles, " lost the First Fare Last Spring," [i 7 74], a. 30 <'odd " y. C. R. Harriet [unm., d. Benj[amin] and Hannah, g. r.], fever. Mar. 8, 1831, a. 15 y. c. R. [Mar. 7, a. 16 y. 6 m. G. R. ; a. 16 y. 5 m. 25 d. p. R. 4.] John, Capt., Nov. 29, 1781, a. 36, 37 or 38 y. c. r, Jonathan, "died abroad since [Rev.] Benja[min] Toppan came to this town," [rec. in 1763.] c. r. Joseph, drowned at sea, Feb. "fore part," 1749-50, a. 25 y. c. r. Margaret, wid., Oct. 14, 1804, a. 64 y. c. r. Margaret, d. Ambrose, July 25, 1836. [consumption, a. 64 y. c. R.] Mary [Molly, g. r.], wid., consumption, Oct. 6, 1827,3. 52 y. c. R. [Oct. 4, a. 51 y. 7 m. g. r.] Nancy [unm. g. r.], d. [Capt. g. r.] Amos and Anne [con- sumption, c. R.], Jan. 25, 1837. [Jan. 27, a. 28 y. c. R. ; Jan. 25, a. 30 y. G. R.] Nancy [Anna. c. r.] w. [Capt. g. r.] Amos, d. Isaac and Deb- orah Preston, disease in the head, June 13, 184 t, a. 66 y. 8 m. 13 d. [a. 68 y. c. r. ; a. 66 y. g. r.] Sally, wid., Dec. 12, 1806, a. 60 y. c. r. , , 1788. c. R. , ch. Amos, Oct. 25, 1803, a. 3 w. c. r. , ch. Amos, , 1 810. c. r. 26o MANCHESTER DEATHS HELTEN (see also Hilton), Sara, consumption, Dec. — , 1826, a. 40 y. c. R. HILTON (see also Hilten), Affa, wid., July 25,1815 [a. 75 y. in pencil], c. r. [Apphia, " consort of Capt. Amos," July 24, a. 76 y. G. R.] Ames, Capt., ** lost at sea coming from the West Indies, " , 1783. c. R. Ben[jarain], "lost Last Spring, coming from West Indies" [1772]. c. R. Hannah, consumption, July 20, 1828, a. 35 y. c. r. Jacob, s. Stilson, , 1781, a. 28 y. c. r. Joseph, s. Amos and Nabby, Feb. 11, 1792. Margaret, d. Stilson and Margret, Apr. 29, 1750, a. i y. c. r. Margaret, d. Stilson, June — , 1765, a. 2 y. c. r. Margaret, "an Idiot," consump[tion], Feb. 27, 1829, a. 40 y. c. R. Margret, d. Stilson and Margret, May — , 1759, a. 5 y. c. r. Margret, wid. Stilson, Sept. 7, 1799. Molley, d. Stilson, July — , 1759, a. 2 y. c. r. Molly, Jan. 22, 1807, a. 22 y. c. r. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Marthew, Oct. 7, 1768. Patty, d. Nathaniel and Marthew, Feb. 14, 1784. [1783, a. 20 m. c. R.] Patty, Oct. 30, 1839, a. 90 y. [wid., Oct. 31. c. r.] Stilson, Dec. 29, 1795, a. 70 y. 5 m. Stilson, old age, Mar. 8, 1829, a. 78 y. c. r. Susanna, wid., Oct. 17, 1805, a. 71 y. c. r. Thomas, s. Stilson, June — , 1771, a. 12 y. c. r. Thomas, s. Nath[anie]ll and Marthew, Apr. 7, 1777. Thomas, s. Nath[anie]ll and Martha, Apr. 3, 1778. [a. i y. c. r.] Thomas, s. Nathaniel and Marthew, Nov. 21, 1801. William, Lt., June 21, 1723, a. 45 y. G. r. , ch. Nath[aniel], Feb. 14, 1783, a. 20 m. c. r. , w. Stilson, old age, Apr. 17, 1825, a. 73 y. c. r. HOBBS, , apprentice to Mrs. Hill, Dec. — , 1775, a. 18 or 20 y. c. R. HOLLAND, Charlotte, May 16, 1840. t. c. [w. John, May 18, a. 2 1 y. c. R. ] , ch. John and Charlotte, Aug. 15, 1840. t. c. [consump- tion, a. 8 m. c. R.] HOLM, Jacob Fisk Hooper, s. Jacob P. and Jane B., influenza, Feb. 28, 1845, a. 2 m. 8 d. Jacob H., s. [Capt. c. r.J Jacob P. and Jane B., dysentery, at Ipswich, Sept. 4, 1848, a. 10 m. 17 d. MANCHESTER DEATHS 26 1 HOOLE, Thomas, " lost last spring, coming fr[om] Virginia," [1754]. C. R. HOOPER, Abigail, wid., Oct. 9, 1769, a. 87 y. [Oct. 12, 1768. C. R.] Abigail, d. Capt. Joseph, " measels, buried in one grave [with sister Lucy], May 3, 1826," a. 5 y. c. R. [d. Apr. 30, 1826. g. r.] [Abigail, g. r.], wid., old age, Feb. 22 [21. g. r.], 1827, a. 83 y. c. R. Andrew, Sept. 3 or 4, 1779, a. 73 y. c. r. Andrew, s. William, May 3, 1796, a. 19 y. Anna, d. Jacob and Anna, Jan. 18, 1755, a. 3 y. c. r. Anna, d. Lt. and Anna, July 28, 1759, a. 2 y. c. r. Anna, w. Lt. Jacob, Nov. 17, 1794, a. 64 y. 5 m. [a. 64 y. 4 m. 3 d. G. R.] Anna, d. Jacob, jr. and Molly, Dec. 25, 1794, a. 20 y. 3 m. [unm., a. 20 y. 3 m. 11 d. g. r.] Asa, May — , 1759, a. 18 y. c. R. Betsey, Mrs., " consort of " Capt. Jacob, of Marblehead, July 14, 1820, a. 26 y. G. R. Eleazer, at East Cambridge, Apr. 25, 1830, a. 57 y. g. r. Eliza S. [Smith, o. r.], ch. Capt. J., measles. May 14, 1826, a. 2 y. c. r. [May 15, a. 22 m. g. r.] Elizabeth, unm., tailoress, d. [Capt. g. r.] John and Jane, con- sumption, Aug. 14, 1849, a. 37 y. T7 d. [a. 35 y. g. r.] Enos, s. Andrew and Miriam, Nov. 23, 1750, a. 3 w. c. R. George, consumption, Nov. 10, 1828, a. 15 y. c. R. George, s. John and Jane, Nov. — , 1828, a. 17 y. G. R. Jacob, Feb. 17, 180 1. Jacob [Capt. c. r.], m., hatter, s. Joseph and Abigail [Mrs. Abi- gail Smith, c. R.], consumption. Mar. 8, 1846, a. 55 y. a ra. 6d. Jane, w. Capt. John, consump[tion], Sept. 13, 1828, a. soy.c. R. [Sept. II, a. 49 y. g. r.] John, at sea, Nov. — , 1821. c. r. [a. 35 y. dup.] John, Capt. [dispepsia. c. r.], July 2, 1837, a. 62 y. [July 4, a. 60 y. G. r.] Joseph, Oct. 21, 1794. Lucy, w. Capt. Jos[eph], consumption. May 8, 1827, a. 38 y. c. R. [May 5, a. 32 y. g. r.] Lucy S. [Story. G. r.], d. Capt. Joseph, measles, " buried in one grave [with sister Abigail] , May 3, 1826," [d. Apr. 29, 1826. G. R.], a. 7 y. c. R. Lydia, wid., July 20, 1808, a. 59 y. c. r. Lydia, w. Sam[ue]l [L. g. r.], consumption, May 23, 1829, a. 25 y. c. R. [May 21, a. 26 y. g. r.] 262 MANCHESTER DEATHS Hooper, Marium, wid. Andrew, June 25, 1798, a. 89 y, Mary L., w. Capt. Joseph [H. c. r.], d. Dulecena L. and Deborah Bingham, consumption, Apr. 27, 1844. T. c. [a. 54 y. c. r.] William, Jan. 20, 1755, a. 81 y. c. R. William [jr. g. r.], Capt., Sept. 4, 1809. [in his 39th y. g. r.] William, Capt., cholera morbus, Aug. 18, 1823, a. 82 y. [Aug. 17, a. 81 y. G. R.] , ch. Edward, Aug. 23, 1775, a. 6 m. c. R. , ch. Capt. Joseph, Sept. 13, 181 5. c. r. HOVEY, Edmund, Feb. " middle," 1767, a. 39 y. c. r. James, s. Edmund and Margaret, Sept. — , 1765, a. 2 m. c. r. HOYT, , d. William L. and Deborah, Aug. 11, 1847, ^' 4 d. HUNT, Lewis, s. William and Eliza, scarlet fever, at Boston, Nov. 12, 1848, a. 4 y. 8 m. INGERSOLL, Elizabeth, w. Capt. Nehemiah, Nov. 10, 1806, a. 64 y. c. r. Nehemiah, Capt., Jan. 7, 18 18, a. 85 y. g. b. IRELAND, William, " lost, the Fore part of this year, a coming from Lisbon," [1756], a. 30 y. c. R. , s. Mr. and Mrs., lung fever. May 22, 1840, a. 2 y. c. R. JACKSON, , Mrs., Jan. 14, 1844. t. c. JACOBS, Jacob, unm., mariner, b. Norway, mortification [rec. May 10, 1845], a. abt. 60 y. JEWETT, Hannah, d. Benjamin, Dec. 25, 1749, a. 8 y. c. r. JOANS (see also Jones), Sally, d. Benja[min] and Sally, Oct. 11, 1797- JOHNSON, Emeline, w. W[illia]m, d. Benj[amin] and Hannah Hill, consumption, Mar. 23, 1848, a. 27 y. 2 m. 3 d. [a. 36 y. c. r.] , s. Charles, Oct. 18, 1825, a. 4 d. c. r. JOINT (see also Joynt), Lydia, Jan. 26, 1768, a. 29 y. c. r. JONES (see also Joans), Abigail, wid., Aug. 25, 1762. c. r. Benjamin, " Lost at sea ; they Sailed from Salem for the Southern States but a violent Storm the next day after they Sailed overwhelmed and sunk them in a watry grave," Dec. — , 1834. [183s, a. 35 y. c. r.] Mary, Mrs., w. William, June 22, 1776, a. 95 or 96 y. c. R. Mary A., July 6, 1832. [childbed, a. 23 y. c. r.] Molly, Jan. 16, 181 3. c. r. MANCHESTER DEATHS 263 Jones, Samuel, drowned, Dec. — ,1765, a. 21 or 22 y. c. R. Sarah, wid., d. Josiah and Sarah Hassam, old age, Jan. 7, 1846, a. 80 y. 7 m. William, Aug. 22 or 23, 1782, a. 90 "odd" y. c. r. , d. Will[iam], jr., May — , 1767, a. 17 y. c. R. , ch. Benjamin, Dec. i, 1805, a. 7 w. c. r. , s. [Capt. M. A. c. r.], "left by" Mary A., Sept. 20, 1832. [a. 3 m. c. R.] JOYNT (see also Joint), Crispin, lost at sea, Mar. — , 1770, a. 30 " odd " y. c. R. JUMPER, Becca, Mar. 9 or 10, 1769, a. 8 or 9 y. c. r. Elezebeth, d. Ezekiel and Annice, Sept. 17, 1793. Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel and Annice, Mar. 26, 1792. EALLAHAM, William, s. William and Anna, Sept.6, 1799, a. 10 y. KELHAM (see also Kilham), Anna, wid. William, d. Stephen and Lucy Danforth, consumption, May 23, 1845, 2. 78 y. 7 m. 5 d. William, Dec. 10, 1843. t. c. KILHAM (see also Kelham, Killam, Killum), Mary, w. Joseph, consump[tion], Apr. 13, 1829, a. 21 y. c. r. KILLAM (see also Kilham), Elizabeth, w. Lt. Joseph, Jan. 18, i779> ^' 30 " odd " y. c. r. John, s. Joseph and Elizabeth, Mar. 9, 1774. [a. 2 y. c. r.] Joseph, fever, in France, Aug. 28, 1805. c. r. , ch. Mr., Sept. 24, 1775, a. 19 m. c. r. KILLUM (see also Kilham), Lucy, July — , 1 769, a. 28 or 30 y. c. r. Richard, s. Joseph and Elisabeth, Oct. 18, 1775. KIMBALL (see also Kimbell), Caty [Katharine, c. r,], d. Ben- ja[min] and Joannah, Aug. 24, 1787. [Aug. 14, a. 6y. c. R.] Joanna, d. Dean N. and Joanna, throat distemper, Mar. 16, 1845, a. 3 y. 5 m. 8 d. Raimond, s. C[apt]. and Joanna, June — , 1766, a. i y. c. r. KIMBELL (see also Kimball), Katherine, June "last" or July I, 1763, a. II m. c. R. Raimond, s. Capt. Benja[min] and Joanna, Sept. — , 1765, a. 7 y. c. R. KINSMAN, Eben [Ebenezer. c. r.], s. Samuel and Rachel, "fell through a scuttle and dislocated his neck," at N[ew] 0[rleans]. t. c. [Nov. — , 1841, a. 24 y. c. r.] Evoline, w. Obed C, d. David and Abigail Bennett, consumption, Oct. 23, 1844, a. 29 y. 8 m. 2 d. 264 MANCHESTER DEATHS Kinsman, Lydia, w. Obed C, Sept. 7, 1841. t. c. [Sept. 6, a. 30 y. c. R. ; " was Lydia Danforth," Sept. 8, a. 29 y. dup. c. r.] Samuel, m., yeoman, of Hamilton, s. William and Ester, May 3, 1845, ^- 59 y. 6 m. II d. , d. Samuel, Feb. 25, 1832. [a. 4 m. c. r.J , inf. ch. Obed C. and Lydia, Sept. 3, 1841.T. c. KITCHIN, Richard, lost at sea, Mar. — , 1767, a. 15 or 16 y. c. r. KITFEILD (see also Kitfield), Aaron, s. William and Sally, Jan. 4, 1792. KITFIELD (see also Kitfeild, Kuitfield), Asa, s. Edward and Elizabeth, Nov. 2, 1835. [consumption, Nov. 4, a. 50 y. c. R. ; Nov. I, a. 46 y. G. r.] Edward, s. Edward and Elizabeth, Jan. 20, 1795, a. 17 y. [a. 17 y. I m. 21 d. G. R.] Edward [Capt. g. r.], s. Edward and Lydia, " killed by a horse Tuning away with the Shase ; he died from the Fall," May 19, 1798, a. 47 y. [a. 46 y. 9 m. g. r.] Edward, s. Jacob and Anna [consump[tion]. c. R.], July 22, 1835. [a. 26 y. c. R. and G. r.] Elizabeth, w. [Capt. g. r.] Edwards, " killd by a horse runing away with the Shase ; she died from the Fall," May 24, 1798, a. 44 y. [May 23, a. 43 y. 11 m. g. r.] Elizabeth Ann, unm., d. Thomas H. and Ann, consumption, Nov. 17, 1846, a. 20 y. 9 m. 21 d. George H., s, Thomas H. and Harriet C, fever, May 20, 1847, a. 5 y. 24 d. Harriet Ann, d. Thomas H. and Harriet, dysentery, Aug. 29, 1846, a. I y. I m. 21 d. Jacob, June 18, 1814. [a. 33 y. g. r.] [Lydia. o. r.], wid. [Edward, g. r.], dysentery, July 16, 1825, a. 93 y. c. R. [a. 94 y. g. r.] Lydia, w. Benja[min], Aug. 11, 1841, a. 54 y. t. c. [July 10, a. 52 y. c. R.; a. 55 y. G. R.] Lydia Augusta, d. Benj[ami]n, jr. and Ester, dropsy in the head, Nov. 8, 1848, a. 4 y. 6 m. Nabby [Abigail. G. r.], unm., d. Edward and Lydia, consumption, Jan. 13, 1849, a. 86 y. 5 m. Sally, d. Benjamin and Lydia, Dec. 19, 1833,3. 80 y. [throat dis- temper, Dec. 21. c. R.] Sally, wid. William, d. William and Mary Babcock, old age, Oct. II, 1848, a. 82 y. lom. 6d. [" member of Church in Sedg- wick, Me." c. R.] Thomas, consumption. May 19, 1830, a. 40 y. c. R. William, July 31, 1838, a. abt. 90 y. MANCHESTER DEATHS 265 KiTFiELD, William, s. Benjamin and Lydia [tipes fever, c. r.], Sept. 23, 1 84 1, a. 22 y. t. c. [Sept. 24. c. r.] William H. s. Jacob and Anna, June 16, 1841, a. 29 1-2 y. T. c. [June 15. G. R.] , ch. Mrs. Anna, Oct. 6, 1814. c. R. , s. Thomas, *' sudden," July 18, 1829, a. 8 m. c. r. , inf. ch. Benj[amin], throat dis [temper], Dec. 21, 1833, a. 8 y. c. R. KNIGHT (see also Knights), Andrew, s. Joseph, jr. and Susannah, Feb. II, 1 77 1. Billey, s. Joseph, Aug. — , 1775, a. 19 y. c. r. Francis, July 21, 181 5, [a. 71 y. in pencil], c. R. Harriet, d. Capt. J., typ[hus] fever, Nov. 13, 1822, a. 9 y. c. R. Harriet, housewife, b. Salem, w. John, jr., d. James and Abigail Perkins, '• sudden," Oct. 20, 1849, a. 35 y. 2 m. 20 d. [Oct. 19. c. R.] Henry P., Dec. 15, 1843, &• 16 m. t. c. Israel Forster, s. [Capt. c. r.] James and Mary Ann, Sept. 28, 1829. [dysentery, Sept. 30, a. 1 1-2 y. c. r. ; a. 2 y. 3 m. G. R.] James [Capt. g. r.], m., s. John and Susanna, ulceration of stomach, Oct. 9, 1846, a 52 y. 7 m. John [Capt. dup.], s. John and Erne, Feb. 16, 1717-18. John, s. Capt. John and EHzabet[h], Aug. 8, 1744. John, May 18, 1803, a. 50 y. c. R. Joseph, s. Joseph, jr., Oct. " last" [1764], a. 3 m. c. r. Lucretia, Dec. 13, 1843, t. c. [Dec. 12, a. 45 y. g. R.] Lucy, Mrs., w. Joseph, Aug. 13, 1745, a. 62 y. c. R. Lydia, wid., Mar. 31, 1752, a. abt. 80 y. c. R. Mary Cleaveland, d. John, jr. and Harriet, croup, Apr. 17, 1846, a. I m. 16 d. Susanna [b. Oct. i, 1759. g. r.], wid. John [old age. c. r.], Oct. 23, 1834. [Oct. 25, a. 75 y. c. E.;Oct. 21. g. r.] Susannah, w. Joseph, jr., May 20, 1771, a. 33 y. [a. 30 y. C. R.] Susannah, Aug. 12, 1807, a. 25 y. c. r. Thomas, s. John and Susanna [intemperance, c. R.], Jan. 13, 1836. [Jan. 14, a. 37 y. c. R. ; Jan. 12, a. 38 y. g. r.] , ch. John, Aug. — , 1785. c. r. , ch. still born, John and Susa, Nov. — , 1788. c. R. , inf. ch. John, Feb. 12, 1802. c. R. , ch. John, Apr. 30, 1803, a. 4 y. c. R. KNIGHTS (see also Knight), Polley, d. John and Susannah, Sept. 25» 1793- KNITFIELD, see Kuitfield. 266 MANCHESTER DEATHS KNO[L]TON (see also Knowlton), John, s. Robert, June 29, 1748. c. R. [June 8. dup. c. r.] KNOWLTON (see also Knolton), Abigail, wid. Kiah, d. Edward and Mary Hooper, Feb. 16, 1845, a. 72 y. i ^' [w- Benja- min, a. 71 y. G. R.] Amme, wid., Jan. 7, 1788, a. 81 y. c. r. Anna, w. Caleb, Oct. 5, 1808. Benj[amin] M. [Capt., now Hon. c. r.], Jan. 2, 1844. t. c. [at Concord, N. H., a. abt. 55 y. c. r.] Benjamin M., s. Benjamin M. and Lucinda, insane, at McLean Asylum for the Insane at Charlestown, Aug. 3, 1844, a. 23 y. II m. 21 d. T. c. Ezekel, " it is Generally thought Sufred Ship Rack at Ilesables on Mar. 18, 1734-5 and has never been heard of to the Last day of April in the year 1736." Lucy, b. Rockport, w. Sargent, d. Thomas and Lydia Winright, inflamation, July 2, 1848, a. 36 y. i m. 15 d. Robert, Mar. 7, 1776, a. 75 y. c. r. , wid. Capt., Aug. 21, 1752, a. 70 y. c. R. , ch. Caleb, July 16, 1807, a. 2 y. c. r. , ch. Caleb, July 17, 1807, a. 7 w. c. r. , s. Joseph, lung fe[ver], Feb. 11, 1825, a. 3 m. c. r. KUITFIELD (see also Kitfield), Edward, "abroad," [1778], a. "toward" 50 y. c. r. LEACH (see also Leech), Aaron Allen, s. [Capt. c. r.] Benja- min, 3d and Lucy, Oct. 7, 1836. [bowel complaint, Oct. 10, a. 9 m. c. R.] Abel, s. wid. Ab., '• ye last year [1760] in Oct." c. r. Abigail, w. Richard, May "begining," 1751. c. r. Amma, wid. Benjamin, June 16, 181 1, a. 82 y. g. r. Amme [Amma, unm., d. Capt. Ezekiel and Susanna, g. r.], July 24, 1808, a. 21 1-2 y. c. R. Andrew, s. Richard, " of the Small pox in London the Last Feb- ruary," 1750. c. R. Andrew, drowned at sea, July 2, 1805, a. 22 y. c. r. Anna, d. Anna, Feb. — , 1765, a. 6 y. c. r. Anne, d. Joseph and Miriam, Oct. 2, 1749, ^- 9 7* c. R. Benjamin, s. Benjamin (d. Dec. 28, 1838), and grands. Richard, and great grands. Robert, " one of the first settlers of Man- chester," Dec. 20, 1 8 [38], a. 89 y. Betsy, w. Capt. Benj[amin] [old age. c. r.], May 19, 1832, a. 77 y. [May 17, a. 76 y. c. r.] Charles, " lost in Nov. last in way Home from the West Indies, with Capt. Joseph Forster of Salem" [1764]. c. r. MANCHESTER DEATHS 267 Leach, Charles, , 1788. c. r. Charles Edward, s. Dr. E. W. and Charlotte E., of Boston, Feb. 22, 1842, a. 9 m. G. R. Daniel, " We have reason to fear died in England Last Spring," [1757]. C.R. Daniel, s.'Paul and Sarah, June 17, 1759, a. "Few Days." c. r. Daniel, s. Paul and Sarah, " last Apr." [1761], a. 2 w. c. r. Daniel, drowned at Cape Ann, Mar. — , 1817. c. r. David, s. Ezekeil and Susannah, June 15, 1792. Elezebeth, w. Benja[min], Mar. 27, 1782, a. 26 y. 4 m. 13 d. [a. 27 y. G. r.] Elizabeth, Oct. 4, 17 13. EHzabeth H. [Hilton, g. r.], d. Thomas and Hannah [consump- tion, c. R.], Oct. 26, 1839, a. 20 y. [a. 21 y. c. R.] Emme, w. Richard, Nov. — , 1761, a. 79 y. c. R. Eveline T., w. Charles, d. William and Mary Tuck, consumption, July 10, 1847, a. 37 y. II m. 6 d. Ezekiel, Oct. 26, 1803, a. 26 y. c. r. Ezckiel, Capt., fever, Feb 28, 1822, a. 67 y. c. r. Ezekiel W., M. D., " on his passage from Savannah to Havre," Mar. 2, 1842, a. 32 y. g. r. George Norton, s. Thomas and Hannah, at Havanah, Jan. 2, 1834. [fever, Feb. 2, a. 18 y. c. r.] Hannah, Mrs., Oct. — , 1810. c. R. Hannah, wid. Capt. Ezekiel, Apr. 29, 1833. [consumption, Apr. 30, a. 83 y. c. R.] Hannah, wid. [Capt, g. r.] Thomas [cancer, c. r.], Oct. 21, 1836. [Oct. 23, a. 57 y. c. R. ; Oct. 20, a. 58 y. g. r.] Israel Forster, s. Dr. E. W. and Charlotte E., of Boston, Aug. 3, 1836, a. 4 m. G. R. Jerusha, w. Joseph, Sept. 28, 1774, a. 26 or 27 y. c. r. John, lost at sea. Mar. — , 1767, a. 22 or 23 y. c. R. John, s. Benj[ami]n and Sarah, [rec. between 1787 and 1792.] Joseph, s. Joseph, Oct. 27, 1749, ^- 2 y. c. r. Joseph, July 30 or 31, 1781, a. 89 or 90 y. c. R. Lydia, w. Paul, June 15, 1750, a. 35 or 36 y. c. r. Mary Abby, w. Daniel [jr. c. r.], 2d h., d. Asa and Elizabeth Kitfield, disease of the heart. Mar. 25, 1847, a. 23 y. 7 m. 6 d. [Mar. 23. c. R.] Molley, d. wid. Molley, Oct. 21, 1760, a. 5 or 6 y. c. R. Nathan Allen, s. B. and I-ucy, June i 2, 1841, a. 17 y. c. R. Paul, jr., Oct. 27, 1768, a. 30 "odd " y. c. R. Paul, Jan. 8, 1773, a. 74 y. c. r. Paul, s. wid. Miriam, , 1777, a. 20 y. " perhaps." c. R. Rebecca, old age, Jan. 9, 1830, a. 72 y. c. r. Rebeckah, w. Sam[ue]ll, May i, 1758, a. 20 y. c. r. 2fi8 MANCHESTER DEATHS Leach, Richard, jr., " lost at Sea Last Spring as is supposed," [1758]. c. R. Richard, Feb. — , 1765, a. 77 y. c. r. Robert, " at sea in the West Indies in Nov. or October last," [1760], a. 23 or 24 y. c. r. Ruth, d. wid. Ame [Emme. c. r.], June 13, 1770, a. 18 y. 4 m. [a. 19 y. c. R.] Sally, w. Benjamin, Sept. 18, 1798. Sally, w. George N., d. Benjamin and Deborah Foster, dropsy, May 14, 1847, a. 48 y. 5 m. 26 d. Samuel Allen, s. Paul and Sarah, Oct. "beg[inning]," 1754, a. 15 m. c. R. Sam[ue]ll, " We hear [was] slain by the Indians Last Spring," [1758]. c. R. Sarah, w. Benjamin, Sept. 18, 1798, a. 33 y. g. r. Sarah Maria, d. [Capt. c. r.] Benjamin, 3d and Lucy, Oct. 6, 1830. [a. 9 y. c. R.] Susan, w. Capt. Benj[amin], consumption, , 1829, a. 43 y. c. R. [June 7, a. 46 y. g. r.] Susannah, w. Ezekeil, Aug. 2, 1792, a. 33 y. Thom[a]s, Capt., fever, at sea, July 2, 1828, a. 50 y. c. r. William Hilton, s. Thomas and Hannah, at Charleston, S. C, Aug. 25, 1838, a. 21 y. G. R. , twin chn. Daniel and MoUey, Mar. 19, 1757. c. r. , ch. Benja[min], May — , 1787, a. " few days." c. r. , ch. Benja[min] and Salley, Nov. — , 1788, a. 6 m. c. R. , ch. Capt. Dan[ie]l, Nov. 28, 1827, a. 3 m. c. r. -, inf. ch. [Dr. c, r.] Ezekiel and Charlotte, Aug. 9, 1836. [consumption, Aug. 4, a. 5 m. c. r.] LEE (see also Ley), Aaron, June 19, 1806, a. 76y. [a. 77 y. c. r. and G. R.] Aaron, at sea, July — , 1821. c. R.[a. 26 y. in pencil, dup.] Amas, s. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, Jan. 23, 1732-3. Andrew, s. Isaac and Rachel, May 30, 1793. Andrew, old age and asthma, Sept. 3, 1824, a. 80 y. c. r. Andrew, Oct. 26, 1841, a. 51 y. t. c. [a. 46 y. c. r.] Anna, w. Joseph, Dec. 27, 1794. Anne, w. Josiah, Aug. 16, 1833. [chronic ,Aug. i7,a.70 y. c. r.] Annie, w. Arial P., b. June 23, 1797, d. Oct. 8, 1843. g. R. Annis, d. Isaac and Rachal, Apr. 14, 1779, a. 10 m. Azariah, s. Jacob and Mary, Sept. 17, 1759, a. 14 m. c. r. Becca, d. Capt. Samuel, Aug. 31, 1750, a. i m. c. r. Benjamin, Dea., Nov. 9, 1757, a. 52 y. c. r. Benja[min], s. Dea. Benjamin, Dec. 13, 1759, a. 28 y. c. r. Benjamin, June i, 1840 [consumption, c. r.], a. 53 y. t. c. MANCHESTER DEATHS 269 Lee, Bethiah, wid. Aaron, old age, July 19, 1844, a. 89 y. 5 m. 14 d. Betsey, wid., Dec. 6, 1839, a. 56 y. t. c. [consumption, a. 55 y. C. R.] Betty, d. Jacob, Nov. — , 1773, a. 22 y. c. r. Bula, w. Nathan, Apr. 23, 1833. [wid., consumption, a. 50 y. c. r.] Daborah, w. Sam[ue]ll, 3d, Dec. 23, 1739. David, Capt., s. Col. John and Joanna, Oct. 21, 1774, a. 27 y. 26 d. G. R. David, s. Joseph and Anne, Aug. 27, 1794. Downing, Feb. 8, 1783, a. 58 y. c. r. Ebenezer Raimond [Raymond, g. r.], s. Capt. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, Dec. 30, 1751, a. 5 m. c. r. Edward, lost at sea. Mar. — , 1770, a. 14 or 15 y. c. r. Edward, " lost the First Fare Last Spring," [1774], a. 18 or 20 y. c. R. Edward, Dec. 23, 1793, ^° ^^^ 65th y. Elezebeth, w. Solomon, Aug. 21, 1794. Elisabeth, w. Joseph, Aug. 13, 1759, a. 60 " odd y." c. r. Elisabeth, d. Aaron and Lydia, Sept. 3, 1760, a. i m. c. r. Elisabeth, wid., Feb. — , 1762, a. 61 or 62 y. c. r. Elizabeth, w. Thomas, May 9, 1725, a. 25 y. 4 m. g. r. Eunice, w. Jacob, Aug. 7, 1752, a. 27 or 28 y. c. r. Eunice, w. William, Sept. 17, 1794. Fanny, d. Andrew [and Fanny, g. r. ; scarlet fever, c. r.], Dec, 4, 1832. [Dec. 7, a. 9 y. c. r. ; Dec. 5, a. 9 y. 7 m. g. r.] Fanny [b. May 28, 1794. G. R.], w. Andrew, Jan 19, 1838. [a. 44 y. c. R.] Fanny, d. John and Sarah E., throat distemper, Aug. 31, 1845, ^• 2 y. 7 m. 22 d. Fanny Elizabeth, d. John and Sarah Elizabeth, whooping cough and lung fever, Jan, 7, 1848, a. i y. 2 m. 29 d. Hannah, wid., Mar. 19, 1792. Hannah, wid., old age, Nov. 6 [2. g. r.], 1827, a. 75 y. c. r. Hannah, housewife, b. Marblehead, wid. [Capt. g. r.] Henry, d. Joseph and Lois Hibbard, old age, Oct. 11, 1849, ^' ^7 X- 2 d. [a. 86 y. g. r.] Hannah L., w. Henry F., d. Amos and Hannah Hilton, mortifi- cation, June 7, 1846, a. 37 y. 2 m. 5 d. ["was a Richards." c. R.] Henry, at sea, Sept. — , 1821. c. r. [a. 20 y. in pencil, dup.] Henry [Capt. g. r.], Jan. 11, 1844, a. 77 y. t. c. [a. 77 y. 2 m. G. r.] Isaac, Capt., Mar. 14, 1806, a. 67 y. 3 m. [a. 67 y. 9 m. 23 d. G. R.] Isaac ["long and lingering sickness." c. r.], Aug. 9, 1840. t. c. [a. 79 y. G. R. ; a. 78 y. c. r.] 270 MANCHESTER DEATHS Lee, Israel, Oct. 10, 1802, a. 39 y. c. r. Jacob, s. Sam[ue]ll and Mary, "generly thought Sufered Shipwrack at Ilesabels on Mar. i8, 1734-5 and has never ben heard of to the Last of July insuing the date aforesaid." Jacob, " lost, the Fore part of this year, a coming from Lisbon," [1756], a. " towards " 20 y. c. r. Jacob, " We hear [was] slain by the Indians Last Spring" [1758]. c. R. Jacob, lost at sea. Mar. — , 1770, a. 23 or 24 y. c. r. Jacob, s. Capt. Isaac, July 7, 181 2. James, in Halafax Goal, July "last of," 1781, a. 46 y. and abt. 7 m.," as we Could not Learn ye Exact Day he Died, Sum Say ye Last of July and Sum Say in August." [a. 50 y. c. r.] James, s. Aaron and Lydia, July 10, "about Two a Clock in the afternoon by a suden Lurch of The Vesell as he was a handing the four sail in the year 1786," a. 19 y. 7 m. 29 d. Jemima, w. Solomon, consump[tion], July 6, 1830, a. 73 y. c. r. Jeremiah, s. Edward, lost at sea, Nov. — , 1774, a. 17 or 18 y. c. r. Jeremiah, s. Aaron and Lydia, Sept. 23, l8oo, a. 47 y. i m. 29 d. John, sr., s. Henery, Dec. 24, 1744. John, " lost at Sea Last Spring as is supposed" [1758]. c. r. John, sr., Feb. — , 1765, a. 80 y. c. r. John, Esq., at Marblehead, Aug. 24, 1789, a. 73 y. 6 m. 12 d. John, Capt., s. Downing and Hannah, Dec. 29, 1796. John, drowned at sea, Sept. 3, 1802. c. r. John, at sea. Mar. 8, 1805, a. 22 y. c. r. John, Capt., July 16, 1833, a. 60 y. [paraletic affection, July 17. c. r.] John, of Moultonborough, N. H., Oct. 23,1837. [Oct. 25, a. 22 y. c. r.] Johnnathan, s. Samuel, sr. and Rebackah, July i, 17 18. Jonathan, s. Jacob and Mary, Nov. 2, 1757, a. 3 m. c. r. Joseph, Oct. 8, 1774, a. 74 or 75 y. c. r. Joseph, " Grave digger, in a fit," Jan. 14, 1824, a. 73 y. c. R. Joseph, at sea, Sept. 16, 1846, a. 53 y. c. r. Josiah, " lost at Sea Last Spring as is supposed," [1758]. c. R. Josiah, s. Josiah and Anna, Aug. 16, 1786. [a. 2 y. c. R.] Josiah, s. Edward and Lydia, Apr. 25, 1836, a. abt. 76 y. [Apr. 27, a. 77 y. c. r.] Lucy, d. Capt. John, Esq. and Joanna, Sept. "first," 1757, a. "Few [torn]." c. r. Lydia, d, Capt. Samuel and [wid. c. r.] Lydia, Jan. 28, 1785 [1784. G. R.], a. 20 y. 5 m. 19 d. Lydia, w. Aaron, Jan. 15, 1800, a. 69 y. 7 m. 7 d. Lydia, wid., rheumatism, Jan. 26, 1831, a 78 y. c. r. Lydia, w. David, child bed, May 28, 1831, a. 30 y. c. r. MANCHESTER DEATHS 27 1 Lek, Marcy, w. Lt. Amos, Mar. 7, 1804, a. 33 y. c. r. Marrietta, d. Henry F. and Hannah L., mortification, June 9, 1846, a. 7 d. Martha, w. John, jr., Jan. 17, 1710-11. Mary, d. Samuell and Mary, Oct. 21, 17 13. Mary, " alus Durge," d. Sam[ue]ll and Rebacker, " in Norwich in Conecott," Dec. 15, 1732. Mary, w. Capt. Sam[uell], Nov. 11, 1753, ^- 3^ y- c. R. [Nov. 12, a. 30 y. 7 m, 16 d. G. r.] Mary, d. Justice [Samuel Lee, Esq. G. r.], ** Lost of Marble- head," Apr. [16. G. R.], 1758, a. 40 y. c. r. [a. 39 y. g. r.] Mary, wid., Jan. 20, 1767, a. 70 "odd y." c. r. Mary, w. Josiah, Jan. i, 1799, a. 92 y. g. r. Nabby, wid., Oct. — , 1784, a. 65 y. c. r. Nathanael, s. Capt. Samuel and Lydia, June 3, 1771. [a. 3 w. c. R.] Nathaniel, Oct. i, 1774, a. " Perhaps " 30 y. c. r. Nathaniel, Aug. 5, 1777, a. 42 y. 6 m. 2 d. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Susanna, July 22, 181 2, a. 21 y, 6 m. 19 d. [at sea, Aug. 23, 181 1. c. r.] Nathaniel, widr., mariner, s. Aaron and Lydia, old age, June 20, 1845, a. 79 y. 6 m. 6 d. Natha[nie]ll, s. Nathall and Elesabet[h], Dec. 13, 1734. Nehemiah, s. Nathaniel and Susanna, Mar. 28, 1806. [Mar. 29, a. 7 m. c. R.] Nicholas T., Sept. 27, 1838. Oliver, s. Nathan and Sarah, Apr. 26, 1769. [May — , a. 1-2 y. c. R.] Paraelia, consumption, July 5, 182 1. c. R. [a. 18 y. dup.] Peggey, d. Israel and Margret, Jan. [2. x. c], 1795. Priscilla, w. Andrew, May 12, 1808. [a. 65 y. c. r.] Rachael, wid. Capt. Isaac, Dec. 14, 1835, a. 97 y. 9 m. [Dec. 16, a. 98 y. c. R.] Rachel, d. Isaac and Rachel, July 22, 1770. [a. 2 y. c. r.] Rebacker, d. Sam[ue]ll, jr. and Mary, Sept. 11, 1728-9. Rebecca [b. Apr. 7, 1748. g. r.], inf. d. Capt. Sam[ue]ll [and Mary. G. r.], Apr. 16, 1748. c, r. [Apr. 15. g. r.] Rebecca, d. Aaron and Lydia, Jan. — , 1765, a. 10 or 12 d. c. r. Rebekah[?], w. Samuel, Esq., Nov. 5, 1723, a. abt. 48 y. g. r. Rebekah, d. [Lt. c. r.] Aaron and Lydia, Oct. 12, 1775, a. 2 y. 7 d. [Oct. 14. c. R.] Richard, s. Downing, Sept. — , 1765, a. 19 m. c. r. Rose, w. Lt. [Thomas, g. r.], Feb. 19,1769. [a. 75 or 76 y. c. r. ; a. 74 y. 7 m. c. r.] Ruth, d. Thomas and Ruth, July 18, 1792. Sally, w. John, 2d, Feb. 27, 1833. [consumption, Mar. — ,a. 30 y., buried at Newport, c. r.] 272 MANCHESTER DEATHS Lee, Samuel, s. Capt.Samuel and Lydia, Oct. 21, 1760, a. i m. c.r. Samuel, s. Capt. Sam[ue]ll, Apr. 13, 1768, a. 2 w. c. r. Samuel, Capt. [s. Samuel, Esq., late of Marblehead. g. r.], Dec. 20, 1779, a. 65 y. I m. 19 d. Sam[ue]l, "abroad," Dec. — , 1816. c. r. Samuel, s. James and Nancy, Sept. 30, 1840. t. c. Sam[ue]ll, Dea., Sept. 17, 1754, a. 88 y. c. r. [Sept. 7, 1755, a. 87 y. 6 d. G. r.] Sam[ue]ll, s. Capt. Samuel, May 8, 1759, a. 19 y. c. r. Sarah, w. John Lee, Jan. 14, 1687. Sarah, w. John, sr., Dec. 4, 1741. Sarah, d. wid. Mary, Nov. 4, 1749. c. r. Sarah, w. Sol[omon], Feb. 28, 1776, a. 38 y. c. r. Sarah, d. Solomon, jr. and Jemimah, Mar. 29, 1790. [a. 3 or 4 y. c. R.] Sarah, Mrs., Mar. — , 181 7. c. r. Solomon, sr., July 7, 1794. Solomon, Nov. — , 181 5 [a. 31 y. in pencil], c. r. Solomon, s. Solomon and Sarah, " he was in the war of the revo- lution and present at the taking of Burgoines army in 1777," Oct. 29, 1837, a. 79 y. [old age, Oct. 30, a. 82 y. c. r.] Sukey, Mrs., influenza. Mar. 19, 1826, a. 57 y. c. r. Thomas, jr., Dec. 20, 1760, a. 29 y. c. r. [Dec. 19. g. r.] Thomas, Lt., Aug. 18, 1775, a. 82 or 83 y. c. r. Thomas, "Gent." Aug. 25, 1775, a. 81 y. 10 m. g. r. William, "Last Winter begining, drowned in way to Lisbon," [1749], a. 17 y. c. r. William, s. Solomon, jr. and Jemimah, Aug. 21, 1786. [a. 3 or 4y. c. R.] William, s. William and Elizabeth, Nov. 15, 1810. [Dec. — . c. r.] William E., yellow fever, at New Orleans, Dec. 17, 1822, a. 33 y. c. R. William King, s. James and Nancy, consumption, Oct. 18, 1844, a. 4 m. 13 d. Winthrop, old age, Jan. 19, 1843, a. 81 y. t. c. [Jan. 20, a. 78 y. c. R.j , ch. illegitimate, Lucy, d. wid. Hannah, Sept. — , 1752, a. 2 m. c. R. , youngest ch. Capt. Sam[uel], , 1762. c. r. , ch. Isaac and Rachel, Aug. 18, 1775, a. 4 m. c. r. , ch. Sol[omon], Nov. i, 1776, a. 9 or 10 m. c. r. , wid. Lt. Thomas, Apr. 8, 1777, a. 47, 48 or 49 y. c. r. , ch. Isaac and Rachel, Aug. 17, 1786, a. " few days." c. r. , ch. Betty, d. Solomon, Jan. 18, 1787. c. r. , ch. Nathan, May 23, 1802, a. 2 w. c. r. , wid., Mar. 10, 181 5 [a. 91 y. in pencil], c. r. MANCHESTER DEATHS 2/3 Lee, , wid., mother Capt. Girdler, Aug. — , 1816 [a. 82 y. in pencil], c. R. , ch. Ariel, lung fever, Mar. 5, 1824, a. 3 w. c. r. , inf. [ch.] David, Oct. — , 1824, a. 8 w. c. R. , s. Isaac, [vv] hooping c[ough], Jan. 17, 1829, a. 6 m. c. R. , inf. ch. Ariel and Ann, July 18, 1836. [fits, a. i w. c. r.] LEECH (see also Leach), Elezebeth, d. Rec[h]erd, Apr. 3, 1718. LENDAL (see also Lendall), Amos, lost at sea, , 1 787, a. 2 1 y. c. R. , Mr., Oct. 17, 1 814 [a. 58 y. in pencil], c. r. LENDALL (see also Lendal, Lendell), Anna, d. John and Anna, Oct. 21, 1799. a. 13 y. Anna, wid. John, d. John and Elizabeth Tewksbury, old age, Oct. 28, 1845, a. 84 y. 3 m. 21 d. Eunice, wid.. May 31, 1808, a. 70 y. c. R. Hannah, consumption, Sept. 28, 1826, a. 28 y. c. r. Jacob, s. John and Anna, Dec. 29, 1802, a. 18 y. 2 m. 19 d. Joseph, at sea, Dec. — , 1824. c. r. Molly, unm., d. John and Eunice, fever, Nov. 25, 1846, a. 73 y. 3 m. 22 d. Thomas T., s. Amos and Sally, croup, June 6, 1846, a. i y. 2 m. 7d. , s. John, Sept. 22, 1805, a. 5 y. c. R. , w. Mr., inflam[mation] of brain, July 24, 1827, a. 36 y. C. R. LENDELL (see also Lendall), Jacob, "It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," , 1777. c. R. LENNAN, Abigail N., May 30, 1843. t. c. LEVERETT, John Franklin, s. John and Mary Jane, lung fever, May 15, 1845, a. 3 m. 5 d. LEWIS, George, at Almshouse, June 25, 1843. t. c. LEY (see also Lee), Joseph, July 13, 1699. LITTLE, , d. still born, John and Mary P., Sept. 14, 1847. LITTLEFIELD, Amme, wid., Nov. — , 1778, a. "not far from" 70 y. c. R. Emme, July — , 1784, a. abt. 50 y. c. r. LOFTY, Benj[amin], "lost Last Spring coming from West Indies" [1772]. c. r. 274 MANCHESTER DEATHS LONG, Mary Abby, unm., d. Rufus and Mary, scarlet fever, [" circumstances rendered it an affecting death to the par- ents." c. R.], May 25, 1847, a. i2y, 7 m. 9 d. [May 24. c. r.] Mary B., w. Rufus W., d. Jeremiah and Lydia Uanforth, consump- tion, Sept. 28, 1848, a. 41 y. 2 m. 4 d. — , ch. Rufus W. and Mary, Mar. 25, 1842, a. 3 w. c. r. LOTHROP, John, Jan. 14, 1842. x. c. [consumption, Jan. 15, a. 28 y. c. r.] LOW (see also Lowe), Francis, Capt., Aug. i, 1838, a. abt. 90 y. John, s. Francis, " Killed [" onboard theSch. Manchester." c. r.] by the bursting of a Swiveel in Glouc [ester] Harbor," July 18, 1832. [a. 23 y. c. r. ; a. 22 y. G. R.] Mary, w. Capt. Francis, Sept. 26, 1808, a. 70 y. G. R. Mary C, d. [Dea, c. r.] Albert E. and Elizabeth, lung fever, May 4, 1842, a. 5 w, x. c. [a. 2 m. c. r.] LOWE (see also Low), Thomas, " on board United States Frig- ate," Dec. — , 1824, a. 55 y. c. r. LUFKIN, Charles F., s. Ezra and Judeth, dysentery, Sept. 11, 1848, a. 2 y. 2 m. 26 d. David, s. David and Anna, Apr. — , 1759, a. 9 y. c. r, Ezra Lummus, s. Ezra and Judith, Apr. 7, 1840, a. 16 m. x. c. [lung fever, Apr. 5, a. 15 m. c. R.] Jeremiah, s. David and Anna, Apr. — , 1759, a. 7 y. c. r. , ch. Ezra [and Lucy. c. R.], Apr. 5, 1842. x. c. [Apr. 6, a. 13 m. c. R.] LULL, Benjamin, s. Jonathan and Rebecca, yellow fever, " on his passage home from St. Domingo (Port au Prince), seven days out; he was captain of the vessel," Oct. 30, 1844, a. 26 y. I m. 23 d. X. c. Jonathan, drowned at sea, Apr. 25, 1829, a. 25 y, c. r. Jonathan, " Lost at sea ; they Sailed from Salem for the Southern States but a violent Storm the next day after they Sailed overwhelmed and sunk them in a watry grave," Dec. — , 1834. [1835, a. 60 y. c. R.] , ch. Rebeka, , 18 10. c. r. LUNT, , "Abigail Lunt, of Newbury, buried a child here," Sept.—, 1759, a. 2 y. c. r. LYMAN [?], , " lost on the ' Vesper ' in the fall of 1843, leav- ing a wife and two children." c. r. ^ LYNDEN, Henry, widr., mariner, b. Charleston, S. C, consump- tion, Feb. 7, 1845, a. 75 y. I m. 21 d. MANCHESTER DEATHS 275 LYNN, Louis Pillsbury, s. William and Elizabeth A., consumption, Aug. 14, 1847, a. 2 y. 10 m. 14 d. LYONS, , inf. [ch.] , Dec. 15, 1823, a. 10 d. c. R. McCARTENY (see also McCartney), Elizabeth, w. William, d. Isrealand Sally Morgan, consumption, Sept. 15,1844, a. 49y. 2 m. 28 d. McCartney (see also McCarteny, McKartney), James, s. James and Mary, Nov. 19, 1788. [1787, a. 2 y. c. R.] Mary, d. James and Mary, Nov. 17, 1788. [1787, a. 4 y. c. R.] Mary, May 19, 1812. c. R. , ch. still born, James, May 5,1803. c. R. McKARTNEY, , wid., consumption, Jan. 16, 1826, a. 63 y. c. R. Mclaughlin, , ch. Mr., Oct. n, i775,a. 2y. c. r. , ch. Mr., Jan. "last," 1778, a. i y. c. R. MANN, Eliza Evoline, d. John W. and Eliza J., consumption, Aug. 24, 1844, a. I y. 3 m. 22 d. John W., printer, b. Salem, s. John W. and Eliza S., consumption, Apr. 3, 1845, a. 18 y. 2 m. 21 d. [Mary. g. R.],d. W[illia]m [and Mary. G. R.], Feb. 16, 1808. c.r. [a. 2 m. G. R.] Sarah [W. g. r.], d. William and Mary, consumption, July 18, 1846, a 19 y. 4 m. 6 d. William, caulker [native of Elgin, Scotland, c. r.], s. John and Jennett, b. Elgin, N. B., palsy, June 9, 1845, a. 60 y. 7 m. 16 d. [a. 68 y. G. r. ; a. 67 1-2 y. c. R.] MARBLE, Charles E., s. Benjamin and Emily [Emelia. c. R.] S., scrofula, July 18, 1842, a. 2 y. t. c. [July 10. c. R.] Lydia D., housewife, w. Geo[rge] W., d. Jeremiah and Lydia Danforth, consumption, Dec. 10, 1849, ^* 45 y- ^ ™' ^^ d. [" sister Mrs. Rufus Long." c. R.] , s. George VV., Mar. 6, 1825, a. 2 w. c. R. MARSHAL (see also Marshall), John, lost at sea. Mar. — , 1767, a. 26 or 27 y. c. R. MARSHALL (see also Marshal), Elisabeth, Sept. — , 1766, a. 35 or 36 y. c. R. James, s. James and Lucy, of Beverly, at New Orleans, Apr. — , 1834. 276 MANCHESTER DEATHS MARSTERS (see also Marstyres, Marstyrs), Andrew, s. Andrew and Susanna, Sept. 4, 1807. [Sept. 3, a. 5 d. c. r.] Andrew [Capt. c. r. and g. r.], s. Andrew and Betsey [consump- tion, July 3. c. r.], July 2, 1835. [a. 56 y. c. R. and G. r.] Assena, d. [Capt. c. r.] Andrew and Susanna, Aug. 24, 18 14. Betsy, wid. [" relict of " Capt. Andrew, g. r. ; old age. c. r.], May 6, 1832, a. 85 y. [May 5. g. r.] Elezebeth, d. Nathannel and Hannah, Aug. 2, 17 18. Hannah, wid. [relict of Nath[anie]l. g. r.], Jan. 4, 1771 [1776. G. r.], a. 77 y. 4 m. 4 d. Hannah, w. [Capt. G. R.] Issachar, d. [Capt. g. r.] Henry and Hannah Lee ["sudden." c. r.]. Mar. 4, 1834. [Mar. 5, a. 41 y. c. R. ; a. 40 y. 11 m. g. r.] Lydia, d. Nathanel and Betty, Feb. 26, 1773, a. 6 m. c. r. Nathaniel, Nov. 16, 1758, in his 47th y. g. r. Nathaniel, s. Andrew and Anna, Apr. 6, 1767, in his lothy. o. r. Ruth, wid. Nathannel, Apr. 5, 17 16. Sarah, Apr. 20, 1808, a. 70 y. c. r. Susan, w. Capt., Jan. 13, 181 7. c. r. , wid., Aug. 26, 1 81 7. c. R. MARSTON, Benjamin, Hon. Judge, Esq. [Col. g. r.]. May 22, 1754, in his 58th y., "and was interred the 26th Day." c. r. [a. 57 y. 3 m. G. r.] MARSTYRES (see also Marsters), Ann, Feb. 24, 1757, a. 55 or 56 y. c. R. Deborah, w. Abraham, Feb. " last," 1755, a. 56 y. c. r. Nathaniel, "died at C. Breton this year" [1758], a. 15 or 16 y. c. R. MARSTYRS (see also Marsters), Andrew, Capl., " About Noon," Nov. 27, 1780, a. 46 y. c. R. Elisabeth, July — , 1772, a, 36 y. c. R. Ezekiel, s. Abraham, drowned, Dec. 24, 1749. c. r. Hannah, d. Elisabeth Woodbury, Mar. 20, 1755, a. 13 y. c. R. Joseph, July 19 [1756. G. R.], a. 23 y. c. R. Nathaniel, s. Capt. Andrew, Mar. 20, 1767, a. 10 y. c. r. MARTIN, Charles F., s. George P. and Sally, consumption. Mar. 2, 1848, a. 3 m. 7 d. Frederic W[illia]m, s. Geo[rge] P. and Sally, scarlet fever, Nov. 16, 1842, a. I y. T. c. [Nov. 14, a. 10 m. c. r.] , s. [George, dup.], dropsy in head, Jan. — , 1825, a. 4 m. c. R. , s. George, lung fever, Dec. 17, 1829, a. 5 m. c. r. MANCHESTER DEATHS 277 MAY, Israel, s. Israel and Amey, Jan. 16, 1771. [a. 4 m. c. r.] Israel, Apr. 4, 1789, a. 46 y. c. r. Israel, s. Israel and Emme, Mar. 18, 1790, a. 16 or 17 y. c. r. Lydia, housewife, b. Gloucester, wid. Jonathan, d. Gardner, old age, Sept. 17, 1849, a. 86 y. 6 m. 3 d. [Sept. 9. c. r.] Marthy, wid., consumption, Dec. 18, 1823, a. 40 y. c. R. Moses, sr., June 12, 1789. [June 13, a. 50 y. c. r.] Moses, s. Moses, Dec. 26, 1794, a. 27 y. Pamela, d. Isaac and Pamelia, Aug. 4, 1838, a. 23 y. Sarah, d. Moses and Abigail, Oct. 26, 1765. , ch. Israel, Nov. 27, 1776, a. 9 or 10 ni. c. r. , ch. Edward, Aug. — , 1787, a. 3 y. c. R. , inf. ch. Joseph, Aug. 22, 1805. c. R. , wid., Dec. 14, 18 14 [a. 75 y. in pencil], c. r. MILLER, Almira, d. Simeon and Ruth, Aug. 16, 1834. [consump- tion, Aug. 17, a. 25 y. c. r.] Caroline [P. g. r.], unm., d. John and Lydia [D. G. R.], consump- tion, Mar. 16, 1847, a. 20 y. i m. 15 d. John, Mar. 26, 1842. ["suddenly," Mar. 24, a. 50 y. c. R.] Lydia [Easter, c. r.], w. John, Mar. 4, 1842. t. c. [Mar. 4, a. 46 y. c. r.] Mary, d. Simeon F., Nov. 2, 1832. [consumption, Nov. 3, a. 20 y. c. R.] Mary, w. Simeon [Samuel, c. r.], Aug. 14, 1833. [consumption, Aug. 15, a. 57 y. c. r.] Simeon, s. S. M., compl[aint] of bowels, Feb. 8, 1831, a. 13 y. c. R. Simeon F., m., mariner, s. Simeon and Anna, palsy, Aug. 19, 1846, a. 68 y. 8 m. 8 d. William, s. Simeon, Nov. or Dec. — , 1782, a. 5 or 6 m. c. r. William, " drowned at Sea," Jan. — , 1827, a. 23 y. c. r. , Jan. 7, 1 81 7. c. r. MORGAN, Amos, " lost the First Fare Last Spring" [1774], a. 13 or 14 y. c. R. Anna, wid. Israel, Apr. 15, 1761, a. abt. 30 y. c. r. Anna, wid. Benjamin, Mar. 23, 18 13. [Mar. 5. c. R.] Daniel, " It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson,"^ , 1777. c. R. David, s. Benja[min], Nov. 27,1806. [" drowned at sea," Nov. 26, a. 40 y. c. R.] Harriet Atwood, d. Isaac and Lydia, May 23, 1840, a. 2 y. t. c. [consumption, May 24. c. R.] Harriet Atwood, d. Isaac A. and Lydia, Aug. 23, i84i,a. i y. t. c. Helen Maria, d. Issachar, Nov. 17, 1840. t. c. [fits, Nov. 18, a. 3 y. c. R.] 278 MANCHESTER DEATHS Morgan, Henry Clay, s. Israel, jr. and Christiana, lung fever, Feb. 21, 1846, a. I y. 5 m. 13 d. Isaac, Capt., consumption, Mar. — , 1821. c. r. [a. 42 y. in pencil, dup.] Isaac H., s. Isaac and Lydia G., scarlet fever, May 26, 1845, a. 4 y. 8 m. 18 d. Israel, " We have reason to fear died in England Last Spring" [1757]. c. R. Israel, Nov. 19, 1835. [old age, a. 82 y. c. R.] Issachar, s. Issacher and Sally, " kicked by ahorse," mortification, Sept. 10, 1847, a. 13 y. II m. 12 d. Jacob, at sea, [at] West Indies, Oct. — , 181 6. c. r. James, '* It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," , 1777. c. R. John, at sea, Feb. 28, 1822, a. 39 y. c. r. John W., s. Isaac and Lydia G., scarlet fever, June 21, 1845, a. 3 y. I m. 18 d. Joseph E., s. Joseph M. and Sarah A., dropsy, Oct. 22, 1849, ^' 5 m. 29 d. Lydia G., d. Isaac A. and Lydia G., erysipelas. May 27, 1844, a. II y. 28 d. Mary, d. Samuel and Sarah, Aug. — , 1758, a. 3 y. c. r. Molly [M. G. R.], unm., spinner, b. Beverly, d. Jacob and Hannah, old age, Apr. 14, 1849, a- 73 y- 8 m. 9 d. [Apr. 13. 0. R. and c. R.] Nathaniel, " lost on the 'Vesper ' in the fall of 1843, leaving a wife and two children." c. R. Olivia A. T., d. Israel, jr. and Christiana, Dec. 6, 1841. t. c. [Nov. — , 1841, a. 13 m. c. r.] Patty, wid. John O. [consumption, c. r.], Nov. — , 1837. [Dec. 7, a. 55 y. c. R. ; Dec. 6, a. 50 y. g. r.] Richard Leach, s. Benja[min], Apr. — , 1760, a. 15 m. c. R. Samuel, jr., " lost at Sea Last Spring as is supposed" [1758]. c. R. Sarah P., Sept. 28, 1843, a. 9 m. t. c. , ch. John, Oct. — , 1768. c. r. , ch. Israel, May 25, 1802, a. 7 m. c. R. , at sea, July 25, 1803. c. R. , s. Benj[amin], Dec. 19, 1825, a. 3 m. c. r. , d. David, lung fever, June 25, 1829, ^' ^^ ^' c. R- , w. Israel, old age, May 23, 1830, a. 75 y. c. R. , s. Issachar, Feb. 27, 1833. [scarlet fever. Mar. 2, a. 13 m. c. R.] , inf. ch. Benjamin, jr., Nov. 10, 1833. [Nov. 14, a. i y. c. R.] , inf. ch. Issachar and Sally, Aug. 8, 1835. [Aug. 9, a. 5 w. C. R.] , inf. ch. Issachar and Sally, July 26, 1836. [a. i w. c. R.] MANCHESTER DEATHS 279 Morgan, , inf. ch. Benjamin, jr. and Susanna, Sept. 24, 1836. [a. 2 y. c. R.] , ch. Isaac and Lyda, July 30, 1841, a. 18 m. c. R. , ch. Issachar and Sally, Sept. 3, 1841. T. c. [a. 2 y. c. r.] , inf. ch. Issachar and Sally, Sept. 10, 1841. T. c. [a. 4 d. c. R.] , ch. , Aug. 6, 1842. c. R. MORS (see also Morse), Hannah, d. Sam[ue]ll and Hannah, Sept. 29, 1752, a. "a Week." c. r. , ch. still born, Samuel and Hannah, Sept. — , 1751. c. R. , ch. David, Oct. — , 1773. c. r. MORSE (see also Mors, Morss), Andrew, " lost in 1763 in ye Fall of ye year." c. r. Andrew, s. Samuel and Joanna, Oct. 2, 1805. [Sept. 30, a. 2 y. c. R.] Annice, d. William and Elisab[eth], Nov. — , 1764, a. 14 m. c. B. Annis, d. Samuel and Hannah, Jan. — , 1759, a. 15 or 16 y. c. R. Betsey, w. WiUiam, July 25, 1835. [a. 64 y. G. R.] Caroline, unm., shoe binder, d. Hillard and Ann, fever, Aug. 17, 1849, a. 19 y. I m. 7 d. [a. 17 y. 10 m. g. r.] David, Dec. " near the beginning," 1781, a. 38 " or more " y. c. r. David, Dec. 14, 1843. t. c. David, unm., s. David and Lydia, consumption, June 5, 1848, a. 50 y. 19 d. David H., s. James and Harriet, lung fever, Mar. 14, 1846, a. II m. 29 d. Hannah, wid., Apr. 26, 1803, a. 74 y. c. r. Hillard, " lost on the 'Vesper' in the fall of 1843, leaving a wife and five children." c. r. Jane, ch. Andrew and Jane, Jan. — , 1763, a. 7 m. c. R. John, "lost the First Fare Last Spring" [1774], a. 16 or 18 y. c. R. Lydia [Poland, b. Mar. 13, 1774. G. R.], w. David, consumption, Mar. 29, 1844, a. 70 y. 16 d. t. c. Mark, May 31, 1802, a. 30 y. c. R. Miriam, wid. John, Sept. 22, 1788, a. 72 or 73 y. c. R. Molly, wid.. Mar. 8, 1808, a. 75 y. c. R. Patty, " she was found dead in her lone house, supposed of a fit," Jan. 13, 1839. Polly, " suddenly," Aug. — , 1827, a. 62 y. c. R. Pricilla, w. William, fit, July 25, 1835, a. 60 y. c. r. Samuel, Feb. — , 1781, a. 40 "odd " y. c. r. Sam[ue]l, consumption, Aug. 7, 1825, a. 56 y. c. k. W[illia]m, of Beverly, Sept. 29, 1805, a. 73 y. c. R. 28o MANCHESTER DEATHS Morse, William, s. William and Betsy, Feb. 12, 1832. [lost at sea, Sept. — , 1 83 1, a. 29 y. c. r. ; Sept. 26. g. r.] William [Capt. G. R. ; consumption, c. r.], Sept. 4, 1841. t. c. [a. 77 y. c. R. ; a. 76 y. a r.] William Henry, s. Hillard and Alice [Ann. c. r.], Oct. 21, 1840. T. c. , ch. Sam[ue]ll and Hannah, "soon afterbirth," June — , 1753. c. R. , ch. Sam[ue]ll and Hannah, Sept. — , 1759, a. 3 w. c. r. , inf. ch. David, Sept. 17, 1802. c. r. MORSS (see also Morse), , ch. still born, Sam[uel] and Hannah, buried Apr. 6, 1750. c. r. MURPHE, , wid., Feb. 21, 1776, a. 68 y. c. r. MURRAY (see also Murry), Lydia C, d. John and Mary, scarlet fever, Oct. 11, 1842. t. c. [Oct. 13, a. 3 y. c. r.] , inf. ch. John and Mary, July 4, 1836. [throat distemper, July 5, a. I y. c. r.] -, d. still born, John and Mary, Apr. 28, 1848. MURRY (see also Murray), , ch. still born, John, Sept. 26, 1803. c. R. , inf. ch. John, Dec. 16, 1807. c. r. NEAL, Jonathan, "by a fall," Jan. 21, 1805, a. 29 y. c. r. Molly, June 2, 18 10. [Mrs., Dec. — . c. r.] NORTEN (see also Norton), Georg[e], s. Hennerreand Margret, May 1 , 1 7 1 7 . [a. 7 7 y. G. R.] NORTHEY, see Nothee. NORTON (see also Norten), Azariah, , 1788. c. r. Azzarias, at Jamaica, Apr. i, 1748. c. R. George, July 17, 1801, a. 25 y. 3 m. g. r. , Capt, , 1777, a. 30 " odd " y. c. r. NORWOOD, David, s. David and Elezebeth, Aug. 9, 1794. David, Dr., May 26, 1808. [a. 54 y. c. r.] Elizabeth, wid., Mar. 5, 1842, a. 86 y. [old age, a. 87 y. c. R.] John, "a stranger, native of Mount Desert," Nov. 5, 1802, a. 22 y. c. R. [a. 21 y. g. r.] Nancy, Aug. 26, 1816 [a. 24 y. in pencil], c. r. Polly, sister David, Sept. 4, 1794. Sophia, unm., d. David and Elizabeth, lung fever, Jan. 25, 1849, a. 60 y. 8 m. 8 d. NOTHEE, , wid., July 9, 181 7. c. r. MANCHESTER DEATHS 28 1 OBER, Abigail, d. Benjamin and Anna, Apr. 15, 1753. [a. "few days." c. k.] Anna, Apr. 6, 1772, a. 21 y. c. R. Benjamin, " Frozen to death on Cape Cod," Feb. 22, 1802, a. 24 y. c R. Benjamin, Nov. 27, 1 81 8, in his 93d y. G. R. Daniel, '' It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," , 1777. C. R. Eunice, wid., influenza, Dec. 31, 1831, a. 88 y. c. R. Hitty, d. Samuel and Molly, Nov. 19, 1795. [in her 7th y. G. R.] Israel, s. [Capt. c. r.] Israel Foster and Nabby, May 26, 1781. [a. "few days." c. R.] Issachar, s. Benj[ami]n, jr. and Elezabeth, May 2, 1789. Issacher, s. Benja[niin], Dec. — , 1764, a. 6 y. c. R. Molly, d. Samuel and Molly, Jan. 5, 1796. [in her 5th y. G. R.] Peter, s. Benj[amin] and Anna, Jan. — , 1773, a. 2 m. c. R. , eh. Mr., July — , 1769, a. i y. c. R. , ch. Mr., sr., Nov. — , 1771, a. 8 m. c. r. , ch. Jacob, [Feb.?] — , 1775, a. 14 m. c. R. ORSBORN (see also Osborn), Ann M., d. OUver and Anne, cholera morbus, Aug. 16, 1848, a. 1 1 m. 20 d. Ann Mariah, d. Oliver and Anna, throat distemper, June 6, 1845, a. 5 y. 7 m. 6 d. Asa, m., mariner, b. Beverly, s. Asa and Henretty, drowned [" while on a pleasant excursion with some Boston friends." c. R.], Aug. 23, 1849, a. 54 y. 7 d. [Aug. 24. c. R.] William, m., b. Beverly, s. William and Jane, lung fever, Apr. 16, 1848, a. 43 y. 3 m. 22 d. ORSMENT (see also Osman, Osmond), Anna, Mrs., June — , 1763, a. 82 y. c. R. Benja[min], jr., Oct. — , 1756, a. 16 y. c. R. Benja[min], ch. Benjamin and Elisabeth, Sept. — , 1759, ^- ^ Y- c. R. Elisabeth, w. Benja[min], Nov. 3, 1760, a. 41 or 42 y. c. R. Hannah, wid., July 6, 1777, a. 56 or 57 y. c. r. John, Feb. — , 1759, a. 67 y. c. r. William Andreas, s. Benj[amin] and Elisabeth, July 7, 1749, a. 2 m. c. R. William Andrews, s. Benjamin and Elisabeth, Dec. — , 1751, a. 18 m. c. R. , ch. Benja[min], June — , 1763, a. 2 y. c. R. , s. Benja[min], Apr. — , 1773, a. 2 y. c. R. , ch. John, Sept. — , 1775, a. 3 or 4 d. c. r. 282 MANCHESTER DEATHS OSBORN (see also Orsborn), Evoline [Orsment. c. r.], d. Asa and Lydia, lung fever, June 18, 1842, a. 16 y. 9 m. T. c. [June 19. c. R.] Oliver, m., mariner, b. Beverly, s. Asa and Henrietta, dysentery, Sept. 24, 1848, a. 36 y. 10 m. 28 d. , ch. William and Nancy, Oct. 26, 1837. [croup, Oct. 27, a. 3 y- c. R.] OSMAN (see also Orsment), , ch. John, Feb. 8, 1808. c. r. OSMOND (see also Orsment), Elizabeth C, d. Asa and Lydia, Jan. 24, 1838, a. 4 y. [croup, a. 4 y. c. R.] PALHAM, Eben, " Drownded the 24 Day of August by a Carless Axedent of James CoUeny by Runing on board the Schooner and Throwing him of the main boom, which 1 think was No Better than Murdere to that poor Sole ; he was a prentence to Aaron Lee in his nineteenth yeare" [ rec. abt. 1790]. PARISH, Ariel, Rev., " A. M.," May 20, 1794, in his 30th year. G. R. Philomela, d. Rev. Ariel and Hannah, July 28, 1793. [a. 13 d. g. r.] PARKER, George E., June 15, 1843, a. 6 y. 4 m. 28 d. t. c. PARSONS, Betsey [F. g. r.], d. Tyler [and Jane, g.r.], Dec. 11, 1805, a. 6 y. c. r. [a. 5 y. 6 m. 24 d. G. R.] Billy, s. Amme Stone, Jan. — , 1775, a. 12 y. c. R. Ehzabeth [Ehzabeth Ann. c. R.], b. Beverly, w. Charles L., d. Paul and Mahala Stanley, child bed fever. Mar. 20, 1844, a. 25 y. 6 m. 2 d. T. c. Harriet, unm., d. Tylor and Irene, consumption, Dec. 2, 1846, a. 20 y. 7 m. 28 d. Jane [Forster. g. r.], w. Tyler, d. Capt. Samuel Forster, Oct. 14, 1835. [Oct. 15. c. R. ; a. 59 y. g. r.] Lydia A., unm., d. Charles and Keziah, dropsy in the head, Dec. I, 1848, a. I y. 4 m. 26 d. Samuel F., s. Tyler and Jane, consumption, July 30, 1842, a. 39 T. c. [July 20, a. 42 y. c. r. ; July 29, a. 39 y. g. r.] Solomon, s. Tyler [and Jane. g. r.], Aug. i, 1807, a. i y. c. r. [a. I y. 10 d. G. R.] Tyler Franklin, unm., cabinet maker, s. Tyler and Irene A., con- sumption, May 23, 1845, a. 20 y. 2 m. 9 d. PATCH, Joseph, m., shoemaker, b. Ipswich, s. Samuel and Abigail, numb palsey, Feb. 14, 1845, a. 63 y. 5 m. 11 d. PEARCE (see also Peirce, Pierce), Sarah, grandd. Abiel, Aug. 9, 1834. MANCHESTER DEATHS 283 PEART (see also Pert), Abigail, Feb. 22, 1849, a. 76 y. G. R. Daniel [Smith, c. r.], m., baker, s. Samuel and Abigail, dropsey, Aug. 14, 1845, a. 42 y. I m. 28 d. Edwin, s. Jacob and Statiria, May 17, 1843, a. 17 y. 4 m. t. c. [Emeline. c. r. ; Harriet. G. r.], d. Jacob and Stattiia, Mar. 6, 1833. [a. 4 y. 7 m. o. R. ; Mar. 8, a. 4 y. c. r.] Israel, s. Richard and Hannah, June 22, 1778, a. 10 or 11 y. c. R. Lydia, housewife, w. Samuel, d. Jonathan and Lydia May, dropsy, Sept. 5, 1849, a. 49 y. 4 m. 17 d. [Sept. 9. g. r.] Mariah L., b. Beverly, d. Daniel and Mary, croup, Dec. 15, 1845, a. 3 y. I m. 6 d. Orissa, d. [Capt. c. r.] William and Nancy, Apr. 4, 1814. [a. 20 m. G. R.] William, Capt., Apr. — , 1842, a. 70 y. c. r. [Apr. 30, a. 67 y. G. R.] , ch. Ruth, Oct. 23, 1802. c. R. PEIRCE (see also Pearce), Anna, w. John, Jan. 29, 1795, a. 68 y. Joh[n], s. John and Anna, Feb. 17, 1749-50, a. 7 m. c. R. John, Jan. 4, 1766, a. 40 y. c. R. PERKINS, Caroline S. Burgess, w. J. C, d. Andrew and Miriam Burgess, at Salem, buried at Essex, Feb. 21, 1838, a. 26 y, G. R. PERRY, Anise, d. Joseph and Elisabeth, Jan. — , 1763, a. 7 m. c. R. Anna, d. Jacob and Anna, Oct. 28, 1795. Anna, wid., June 13, 1813. c. R. Elizabeth, wid. [John. g. r.], Apr. 24, 1806, a. 73 y. c. r. [Apr. 23, a. 72 y. G. R.] Jacob, s. Jacob and Anna, Mar. 23, 1794. John, Capt., Jan. — , 1782, a. "more than " 40 y. c. R. John, s. Jacob and Anna, Oct. 2, 1792. Joseph, " abroad" [1778], a. " toward " 40 y. c. R. Robert, " lately at sea," Nov. — , 1780, a. 35, 36 or 37 y. c. R. Sam[uel], " lost Last Spring coming from West Indies" [1772.] C. R. William H., of Gloucester, apoplexy, Jan. 17, 1843, a. 24 y. t. c. [Jan. 15, a. 20 y. c. R.] , Mr., Oct. 26, 1774, a. abt. 80 y. c. R. , d. Capt. John, Sept. — ,1778, a. 12 y. c. R. , Mrs., wid. John, Feb. — , 1781, a. 75, 76 or 77 y. c. r. , ch. Jo[hn] and Sarah Hovey, Oct. 22, 1788, a. 3 w. c. R. PERT (see also Peart), Eunice, consumption, Apr. 6, 1825, a. 20 y. c. R. 284 MANCHESTER DEATHS Pert [Jacob, g. r.], s. Jacob [and Statiria. g. r.], Aug. — ,i8i6. c. R. [Aug. 8, a. 13 m. 17 d. G. r.] Margret, d. Richard and Hannah, Aug. 31, 1794. Orrissa, d, WiUiam and Nancy [consumption, c. R.], Nov. 17, 1832. [Nov. 18, a. 15 y. c. R. ; a. 15 y. 6 m. o. r.] [Richard, dup.], apoplexy, Jan. 13, 1822, a. 80 y. c. r. Richard, consumption, Oct. 8, 1827, a. 60 y. c. R. Sam[ue]l, drowned, Nov. 2, 1814 [a. 38 y. in pencil], c. r. [Nov. 20, a. 40 y. G. R.] , w. W[illia]m, July — , 18 16. c. R. , inf. [ch.J Israel, consumption, Oct. 11, 1823, a. 11 m. C. R. , w. Israel, consumption, July 16, 1824, a. 40 y. c. r. PHILLIPS, George H., unm., s. Henry L. and Mary F., Mar. 17, 1849, ^- i^ d- PIERCE (see also Pearce), John, Oct. — , 1780, a. abt. 30 y. c. r. W[illiajm, at W[est] Indies, Dec. i6, 1807, a. 18 y. c. r. PITMAN, Sarah, wid., Oct. 26, 1759, a. "toward" 80 y. c. r. Thomas, Nov. 21, 1753, a. 70 "or more" y. c. r. , " It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," , i777- C. R. POLAND (see also Porland), , wid., fever, Sept. 12, 1827, a. 75 y- c. R. PORLAND (see also Poland), Thomas " or John," Apr. 27, 1783, a. 35 or 36 y. c. R. PORTER, Sarah P., b. Danvers, d. Edward and Mary, cholera, Sept. 6, 1848, a. 8 m. 6 d. , inf. ch. Willard, Jan. 8, 1805. c. r. PRESON (see also Presson), Benja[min], s. Benj[amin] and Mary, Feb. 27, 1729-30. Benj[amin], s. Benj[amin] and Mary, Aug. 8, 1732. Ruth, d. Benia[min] and Mary, July 30, 1728. PRESSON (see also Preson, Preston), David, sr., June — , 1763, a. 73 y. c. R. Isaac, " Last Winter begining, drowned in way to Lisbon" [1749], a. 25 y. c. R. Margaret, w. Isaac, Aug. 5, 1748. c. R. , Mrs., May 15, 1769, a. 76 y. c. R. , ch. Isaac and Deborah, Sept. — , 1774, a. i m. c. r. MANCHESTER DEATHS 285 PRESTON (see also Presson), David A., s. William and Eliza B., inflammation in the throat, Sept. 25, 1844, a. i y. 6 m. 4 d. William Henry, s. WiUiam and Eliza, Oct. 17, 1838. William Henry, s. William and Eliza, Sept. 2, 1840. t. c. [bowel complaint, a. i y. c. R.] PRICE, Abigail S., w. Joseph, d. Nehemiah and Abigail Abbott, inflamation, July 5, 1844, a. 25 y. 11 m. 9 d. Lewis, s. Joseph and Abigail S., lung fever, July 12, 1844, a. i m. 9d. PRINCE, Betsey, b. Topsfield, wid. Samuel, d. David and Eliza- beth Norwood, dysentery, Sept. 28, 1848, a. 69 y. 9 m. 7 d. Jane, dyspepsia, July 14, 1822, a. 24 y. c. R. [d. Ithamer and Jane Eaton, July 13, a. 25 y. G. r.] Molly, wid. Jonathan, Sept. 23,1811. ["suddenly," Sept. 24, c. r.] Samuel, Capt. [drowned at sea. c. r.], Jan. i, 1808. Samuel, of Boston, " being on a visit to his grandmother," Aug. I, 1835, ^- ^bt- 6 y. [inflammation of the head, July — , a. 7 y. c. R. ; WiUiam M., s. Samuel and Eliza, July 31, a. 7 y. G. R.] , ch, Molly, July — , 1778, a. i y. c. R. , Mr., Nov. or Dec. — , 1781, a. 35 or 36 y. c. r. , ch. wid. Betsey, June 16, 1808. c. r. PROCTER (see also Proctor), Anna, d. Isaac and Lucey, Sept. 3, 1768. Isaac, May 29, 1799, a. abt. 73 y. [Lucy. G. R.], wid., "at the farm," Dec. 15, 181 1. c. R. [relict of Isaac, Dec. 12, a. 86 y. g. r.] Nabby, d. Frances and Nabby, Sept. 11, 1787. [a. i y. c. r.] PROCTOR (see also Procter), Ariel, s. Frances and Nabby, May 4, 1798. Charlottee, housewife, w. Humphry, d. William and Anna, chol- era, July 30, 1849, a. 62 y. [July 31. g. r.] , s. Mr., Sept. — ,i775> a. 5 y. c. r. RICHARD (see also Richards), Betsey, wid., consumption, Sept. i, 1829, a. 60 y. c. R. RICHARDS (see also Richard), John, fever, at sea, July — , 1822, a. 54 y. c. R. John, s. John and Betsey, Dec. 23, 1834. [consumption, Dec. 25, a. 28 y. c. R.] , s. John and Hannah, Nov. 23, 1834. [canker, Nov. 24, a. 6 m. c. R.] 286 MANCHESTER DEATHS RICHARDSON, Betsy [Elizabeth, g. r.], w. Asa, d. David and Betsey Allen, cholera morbus, Sept. 5, 1848. [Sept. 4, a. 70 y. 8 m. G. R.] Mary E., b. Danvers, w. Nathan, d. Daniel and Rhoda Butler, consumption, buried in Gloucester, Sept. 17, 1845, a. 19 y. 5 m. 10 d. Mary Kimball, d. Asa and Betsy, lung fever, Dec. 11, 1849, ^• 3 m. 29 d. Molly, Mrs., d. Samuel and Elizabeth Samples [old age. c. r.], Feb. 19, 1 84 1, a. 83 y. t. c. ROBBERTS (see also Roberts), Andrew, consump[tion], Jan. 5, 1 83 1, a. 41 y. c. R. William, " drowned at sea," Oct. 18, 1824, a. 45 y. c. R. ROBERTS (see also Robberts), Jonathan, s. Jonathan, Jan. 29, 1748-9, a. 4 y. c. R. Jonathan, Feb. 25, 1786, a. 70 " odd " y. c. r. Marcy, July 28, 1838, a. 88 y. Mary, d. Janath[an], "of ye Throat Distemper," Jan. 15, 1748-9, a. 15 y. c. R. Oliver, pauper, s. William and Lucy, dysentery, Oct. 15, 1848. Thomas, 2d, " alias Widger," s. Sally, throat distemper, June 8, 1845. William, s. Jonathan, Mar. 21, 1749, a. 2 y. c. R. , ch. Will[ia]m, Oct. — , 1784, a. 8 w. c. R. , ch. Will[ia]m, July — , 1787, a. 7 or 8 m. c. R. , ch. Andrew, of Beverly, Oct. 7, 1805, a. 6 y. c. R. , ch. Andrew, of Beverly, Oct. 8, 1805, a. 2 y. c. R. , s. wid. Lucy, Apr. 9, 1825, a. 2 y. c. R. , inf. ch. Elizabeth, Sept. 6, 1839. ROGERS (see also Roggers), Nathaniel, Mar. 7, 1806, a. 82 y. c. R. ROGGERS (see also Rogers), Elizabeth, w. Nathaniel, Feb. 16, 1 801, a. 77 y. 6 m. ROIES, Mathew, , 1788. c. r. ROW, , s. Abraham and Olive, Oct. 21, 1834. [lung fever, a. I y. c. R.] RUSSEL (see also Russell), Judith [Judah. c. r.], w. William Dec. 16, 1834. [fever, Dec. 8, a. 68 y. c. R.] William, mariner, b. Gloucester, s. WiUiam and Ruth, consump- tion, Aug. 8, 1847, a. 81 y. i m. 16 d. [a. 80 y. c. r.] , wid., June 26, 1 814 [a. abt. 80 y. in pencil], c. r. MANCHESTER DEATHS 287 RUSSELL (see also Russel), Abigail [H. G. r.], unm., d. Wil- liam and Abigail, consumption, Mar. 2::, 1845, a. 27 y. 8 m. ^ 19 d. [Mar. 23. G. R.] Mary, quinsy, May 23, 1824, a. 15 y. c. R. William, m., mariner, s. William and Judith, Feb. 2, 1845, a. 55 y. II m. 20 d. [a. 54 y. c. r. ;a. 56 y. g. r.] , ch. Mr., canker, Jan 13, 1822, a. 6 m. c. r. SAFFORD, , s. still born, Samuel and Lucretia, Apr.13, [rec. in 1846]. SANBORN, John H., s. Nathaniel P. and Sophy, dropsy, June 1 1, 1845, a. I m. Sopha, of Berwick, Me.,w. Nathaniel P., throat distemper, buried at Gloucester, May 26, 1845, ^- 3° y. 6 m, 7 d. SEARL, Sarah, sr., Sept. — , 1760, a. 42 or 43 y. c. r. SENNET (see also Sinnet), Molly, "sudden, " Feb. 5, 1826, a. 60 y. c. R. SHELTON, Benj[amin], at sea. Mar. — , 182 i.e. r. [a. 26 y. in pencil, dup.] SHEPPARD, Ann Maria, d. Sam[ue]l and Ann M., croup, Nov. 29, 1842, a. 6 y. T. c. [a. 5 y. c. R.] SILVER, Frank, " lost Last Spring coming from West Indies" [1772]. c. R. SIMONDS (see also Symonds), Andrew, consumption, Apr. 2, 1825, a. 28 y. c. R. Granville, s. Abram [Abraham, c. R.] and Harriet, inflamation [of the] bowels, Sept. 17, 1842, a. 8 m. t. c. [a. 7 m. 16 d. G. R.] Harriet Hooper, d. Abram [Andrew, c. r.] and Harriet, July 26, 1840. T. c. [July 25. c. R. ; a. 5 m. 14 d. G. r.] John, s. Andrew and Abigail, consumption, Sept. 27, 1847, a. 24 y. 2 m. 3 d. SIMONS (see also Symonds), Abigail, Mrs., in Ohio, abt. June 21, 1845. ^- R- Andrew, " It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," , 1777. c. r. , ch. Andrew, Apr. 15, 1803, a. 2 1-2 m. c. R. SINNET (see also Sennet), John, " lost at Sea Last Spring as is supposed" [1758]. c. R. W[illia]m, June 25, 1814. c. r. 288 MANCHESTER DEATHS SMITH, Abigail, w. Stephen, d. Elezer and Elizabeth Crafts, erysipelas, Apr. 29, 1845, a. 77 y. 5 m. 17 d. [Abigail Crafts, b. Nov. 12, 1767, m. Joseph Hooper, May, — ,1785 ; m. Ste- phen Smith, Oct. — , 1797. G. R.] Augustus Williston, s. Burly and Mary, May 13, 1805, a. 9 m. 15 d. [a. I y. c. R.] Benjamin, widr., mariner, b. Nantucket, old age, May 24, 1847, a. 76 y. 5 m. 30 d. Mary, w. Maj. Burley, Aug. 16, 1832. [a, 67 y. c. r. ; Aug.14. dup.] Nabby, w. Benjamin, Jan. 14, 1835. [consumption, Jan. 16, a. 61 y. c. r.] Sally, w. Capt. Ellingwood, d. W[illia]m and Elizabeth Lee, Oct. 8, 1830. [Oct. 9, a. 33 y. G. r.J Samuel, s. Stephen and Abigail [chronic . c. R.],May 22, 1834. [May 24, a. 34 y. c. R.; a. 35 y. g. r.] , ch. Mr., Sept. — , 1784, a. i w. c. r. SPENCE, Peter, drowned, May 4, 1776, a. 27 y. c. r. STACY, Benjamin K., m., baker, b. Salem, s. Samuel and Han- nah, typhus fever, buried in Gloucester, Sept. 2, 1848, a. 35 y. 9 m. 5 d. Frederic, dropsy in the head, Apr. 26, 1843, ^- 10 m. 12 d. t. c. , inf. ch. Benjamin K. and Harriet, July 21, 1836. [whoop- ing cough, a. 6 m. c. r.] STANDLY (see also Stanley), Paul, "He Committed Suicide by discharging a gun, the contents of which passed through his heart," Aug. 15, 1832. [Aug. 16, a. 40 y. c. R.] STANLEY (see also Standly), Mahala, Aug. 9, 1843, a. 48 y. t. c. STANNARD, Job, Jan. 27, 1805, a. 17 y. c. r. Lydia, wid., May 10, 1802, a. 80 y. c. r. Molly, Dec. 24, 1803, a. 57 y. c. r. STARES, Anne, wid., old age, Jan. 10, 1831, a. 78 y. c. r. STEPHENS (see also Stevens), Hitty [Mehitable. g. r.], w. Gideon, consumption, June 13, 1831, a. 30 y. c. r. [June II, a. 28 y. 6 m. G. r.] , "and a boy at the VV[est] Indies," May i, 1803. c. r. STEVENS (see also Stephens), Elizabeth, d. Char [le]s and Eliz- abeth, Apr. 6, 1 712. Gideon, s. Gideon and Mehitable [consumption, c. r.], May 6, 1836. [May 8, a. 1 1 y. c. R. ; May 7, a. 10 y. 4 m. g. r.] Gideon, s. Gideon and Hannah, Dec. 25, 1840. t. c. [a. 18 m. c. R. ; Dec. 27, a. 8 m. 17 d. g. r.] , d. Gideon and Hannah, Feb. 25, 1836. [throat distemper, Feb. 26, a. 14 m. c. r.] MANCHESTER DEATHS 289 STONE, Abial, wid., Dec. 4, 1754, a. 84 y. c. r. Abigail, d. Samuel and Elizabeth, May 11, 1838, a. 39 y. Abraham, Capt., " Father and son in one vessel ; VV[est] Indies, disease of the climate," June — , 1825, a. 56 y. c. R. Abraham, mate, June — , 1825, a. 30 y. c. R. Aphia, wid., consump[tion], May 28, 1830, a. 35 y. c. R. Betsy, wid. Samuel, d. William and Abigail Hooper, bilious colic, June 5, 1848, a. 79 y. 6 m. 16 d. Emme, Nov. — , 1766, a. 35 y. c. r. Mary, wid. William, Nov. 3, 1836, a. 94 y. [old age, Nov. 5, a. 96 y. c. R.] Mary, d. Mary Ann, throat distemper, June 12, 1842, a. 7 y. t. C. [June 15, a. 5 y. c. r.] Samuel, sr., s. Nathaniel, Oct. 14, 1739. Samuel, Jan. 3, 1779, a. 87 or 88 y. c. r. Samuel, Oct. — , 1801, a. 35 y. Susan Francis, d. Henry and Hannah, " scald, fell into a kettle of water," Dec. 29, 1S47, a. 2 y. 8 m. 16 d. William, s. William, Nov. — , 1764, a. 2 y. c. R. William, Dec. 8, 1804, a. 67 y. [a. 68 y. c. R.] William, consumption, Feb. 5, 1830, a. 35 y. c. R. , s. Billey, Mar. — , 1773, a. 6 m. c. R. , w. William, Apr. — , 1774, a. 35 y. " perhaps." c. R. , ch. Billy, Apr. — , 1776, a. "few days." c. R. , w. Samuel, July 19, 1776, a. 75 y. c. r. , s. William, lung fe[ver], Feb. 10, 1825, a. 7 m. c. R. , inf. ch. Mary Ann, Feb. 14, 1834. [illegitimate, a. 3 w. C. R.] , Mrs., w. Abraham [rec. in 1839]. , inf. ch. Henry and Hannah, Jan. 16, 1844, a. 5 d. T. c. STOREY (see also Story), Charlotte Berkly, d. Stephen and Maria, July 30, 1838, a. 5 y. Eunice, d. Nathan and Eunice, Dec — , 1774, a. 3 y. c. R. Nathan, Capt, Sept. 19, 181 7. c. r. [a. 48 y. g. r.] ,d. , sr., Oct.—, 1771, a. 5 y. c. r. , ch. Stephen, Aug. 16, 1817. c. R. STORY (see also Storey), Abby, housewife, b. Marblehead, w. Charles R., d. Jacob and Deliverance Hooper, Apr. 29, 1849, a. 26 y. 6 m. 28 d. Charl[e]s, s. Henry and Hannah, July 22, 1787. [a. 8 m. c. R.] Charles, Capt., " from home," Oct. 25, 18 10. c. R. Charles, s. Arthur and Ann, Dec. 28, 1834. [inflammation of bowels, at S. Bay, Dec. 31, a. 7 y. c. R.] David, Aug. 8, 1807, a. 22 y. c. r. 290 MANCHESTER DEATHS Story, David, s. Arthur and Ann, Oct. 26, 1841. t. c. [a. 15 1-2 y. c, R.] Eveline Susan, d. Arthur, Oct. 11, 1832. [rash and scarlet fever, Oct. 15, a. 4 y. c. R.] George, s. Henry and Hannah, Mar. 29, 1790. [a. 3 m. c. r.] George, s. Henry and Hannah, Jan. 8, 1794. Hannah, wid. Maj. Henry, Jan. 14, 1835. [old age, Jan. 17, a. 76 y. c. R.] Henry, s. Henry and Hannah, " Drownded in the mill Pond," July 14, 1791. Henry, Maj., consumption, Oct. — , 1821. c. r. [Oct. 6, a. 68 y. G. R.] Henry, unm., s. Arthur and Ann, typhus fever, Aug. 21, 1846, a. 21 y. 7 m. Joannah, wid., consumption, Aug. 12, 1822, a. 54 y. c. r. [Aug. 10, a. 53 y. G. R.] Nehemiah, Capt., at sea, Nov. 19, 1803, a. 25 y. c. r. Seth, s. Seth and Persillah, Oct. 5, 1789. Seth, s. Seth and Persillah, Aug. 9, 1795. , s. Dr., June i, 1832. [throat distemper, a. 9 m. c. r.] SUMNER, William, s. Ezra Lufkin and Judith, May 13, 1838. SYMONDS (see also Simonds, Simons), Granville, s. Abram and Harriet, fits, June 5, 1848, a. 2 y. 7 m. 14 d. TAP AN (see alsoTappan), Betsey, d. Ebenezer and Betsey, July 26, 1803, a. 2 y. 9 m. [July 25, a. 3 y. c. r. July 29, g. r.] TAPPAN (see also Tapan, Tappen, Toppan), Amos, s. Rev. Ben- ja[min], , 182 1. c. R. Benjamin, s. Rev. Benja[min], at Northampton, , 1831. c. r. Betsey, w. Ebenezer, d. Samuel and Bethiah Forster, consumption, Apr. 2, 1845, a. 77 y. 2 m. 18 d. Charles, s. [Col. G. r.] Ebenezer and Sally [lung fever, c. R.], Feb. 3, 1825. [Feb. 5, a. 6 m. 17 d. g. r. ; a. 7 m. c. r.] David, s. Rev. Benja[min], Aug. 27, 1803. c. r. David, s. Ebenezer and Sally [H. g. r.], at Boston, Sept. 13, 1838. [a. 21 y. g. r.] David, b. Feb. 23, 1843, d. Apr. 10, 1843. g. r. Ebenezer, widr., merchant, s. [Rev. g. r.] Benjamin and Elizabeth, old age, May 16, 1849, a. 87 y. 10 m. ["the last of his father's family. He had record in Revolutionary War." c. R.] Elizabeth, wid. Rev. Benja[min], Sept. 26, 1807. [Sept. 24, a. 84 y. c. R. and g. r ] [Lewis, g, r.], s. Col. [Ebenjezer and Sally g. r.], measels, Apr. 27, 1826, a. 7 y. c. r. [Apr. 25, a. 6 y. 8 m. 11 d. g. r.] MANCHESTER DEATHS 29 1 Tappan, Martha, d. Rev. Benj[amin], b. Feb. 9, 1766, "the last of her father's family but one, Ebenezer Tappan, Esq.," at Augusta, Me., Feb. 18, 1849. c. r. Michael, s. Rev. Benja[min], Aug. 5, 1831. c. R. Samuel [s. Rev. Benjamin and Elizabeth. G. r.], Apr. 3, 1750, about four of ye Clock in ye morning," a. 7 1-2 m. c. R. Samuel, s. Rev. Benja[min], at Portsmouth, , 1806. c. r. Wigglesworth, s. Rev. Benja[min], , 1704. c. r. , s. Mrs. Aurela, of Portsmouth, July 29, 1807, a. i y. c. r. , ch. Benj[amin], Sept. — , 1821. c. R. [a. 14 m. in pencil. dup.] , d. Sam[ue]l, July 21, 1829, a. 4 m. c. r. TAPPEN (see also Tappan), Benjamin, Rev., May 6, 1790, in his 70th y. W[illia]m B., Rev., "the poet," s. Samuel, cholera spasm, at Grantville, June 19, 1849, a. 54 [?] y. c. r. TARRIN (see also Tarring), Abigail, Sept. 27, 1708, in her 20th y. Annis, Oct. 22, 1707, in her 21st y. John, Oct. 19, 171 1, in his 62d y. TARRING (see also Tarrin), Abigail, w. John, Sept. " last," 1759, a. 5 7 y. c. R. Billey, Oct. 23, 1775, a. 30 y. c. r. John, "lost Last spring, coming fr[om] Virginia," [1754]. c. r. John, July — , 1772, a. 80 y. c. r. Robert, "lost Last spring, coming fr[om] Virginia," [1754]. c. r. TAYLOR, John M., s. John M. and Ann, disentery, Sept. 17, 1842. T. c. [a. 4 m. c. R.] TEUXBURY (see also Tewksbury), Ruth, w. John, Sept. 15, 1793, a. 64 y. G. R. TEWKSBURY (see also Teuxbury, Tewxbury) , Elizabeth, w.[Dea. G. R.J John, Jan. 16, 1772. [in her 43d y. g. r.] Hannah, wid. [relict of Dea. Jacob. G. R.], old age, Jan. 20, 1825, a. 89 y. c. R. [Jan. 16, a. 90 y. (;. r.] Jacob, s. Jacob, jr. [3d. g. r.] and Rebeckah, July 16, 1801, a. 4 y.ii m. 2d. Jacob, Dea., Oct. 26, 181 2. [Oct. 2, a. 78 y. g. r.] Jacob, consumption, Dec. 18, 1821, a. 60 y. c. r. TEWXBURY (see also Tewksbury), John, Dea., Nov. 12, 1775, a. 47 y. c. R. Rebecca, wid., Oct. — , 1778, a. 78 or 79 y. c. r. Sarah, d. John and Elisab[eth], Sept. — , 1765, a. i y. c. r. Sarah, unm., d. John, Jan. 2, 1791, a. 21 y. n m. 12 d. G. r. , ch. John, June — , 1779, a. i y. c. R. 292 MANCHESTER DEATHS THOMAS, Polly, w. John, d. William Hooper, July 22, 1804, a. 23 y. 14 d. THOMPSON (see also Thomson), , ch. Mr., Feb, — , 1788, a. " few days." c. R. THOMSON (see also Thompson), James [consumption, dup.], Dec. 31, 1825, a. 43 y. c. r. , inf. ch. [Benjamin, dup.], July 26, 1823, a. 3 w. c. R. THURSTON, John R., Nov. 23, 1843. g. r. Mary, unm., d. Rev. James, Dec. 18, 181 7, a. 25 y. G. r. Thomas Peabody, s. Rev., Sept. 11, 181 6. c. r. TINK, Lucy, w. Capt. [Richard. G. r.], consumption. Mar. 17, 1823, a. 35 y. c. R. [Mar. 15, a. 32 y. G. R.] Lucy Moria, d. Richard and Lucy, Aug. 11, 1814. [Aug. 12. c. R.] TOPPAN (see also Tappan), ,s. still born, Benj[amin], Feb. — , 1825. c. R. TRASK, Hannah, Feb. — , 1775, a. 19 or 20 y. c. r. Mary, wid., Feb. — , 1775, a. 50 " odd " y. c. r. Moses, " lost, the Fore part of this year, a coming from Lisbon " [1756], a. 30 y. c. R. Richard [Capt. c. r.], m., mariner, b. Salem, s. Rebekah Tink, cholera, Aug. 5, 1846, a. 58 y. 21 d. , w, Israel, Feb. — , 1760. c. r. TREADWELL, Olivia A., w. Sam[ue]l, Apr. 3, 1838, a. 19 y. 6 m. G. R. , ch. Thomas [and Frances, c. r.], Apr. 9, 1842. t. c. [Apr. 10, a. 5 y. c. R.] TROPHATER (see also Trophatter), Mary, w. Samuel, Apr. 9, 1796. TROPHATTER (see also Trophater), Hannah, w. Samuel, June 28, 1794. Polly, d. Sam[ue]l and Mary, Sept. 21, 1796. TUCK, Benja[min], " lost in 1763 in ye Fall of ye year." c. r. Betsey, w. Capt. John, Dec. 17, 1802, a. 26 y. c. r. Ebenez[e]r, s. John, Apr. 17 or 18, 17 17, a. 36 y. c. R. Elezebeth, w. WiUiam, Esq, [d. Capt. Richard Lee, late of Salem. G. R.], Apr. I, 1793. [a. 42 y. 2 m. G. r.] Eliza A., d. Samuel and Harriet, May 29, 1843, a. 17 y. t. c. Elizabeth, d. [William, g. r.], Esq., May i, 181 2. c. R. [a. 25 y. G. R.] Elizabeth, w. William, d. Joseph and Elizabeth Hassam, consump- tion, Aug. 4, 1844, a. 72 y. 2 m. 26 d. MANCHESTER DEATHS 293 Tuck, Hannah, wid., Aug. 2, 1788, a. 60 y. c. r. Henry, Capt., at sea, Sept. 11, 1810. c. R. Jacob, s. [Capt. c. r.] William and Mary, June 6, i773- [a- 5 or 6 m. c. R.] John, Capt., at sea, Jan. 25, 1821. c. r. [a. 45 y. in pencil, dup.] John, s. John and Rebecca, Apr. 5, 1836. [throat distemper, Apr. 6, a. 6 m. c. R.] John Addison, s. John and Rebecca, Sept. 24, 1840. t. c. [con- sumption, Sept. 15, a. 5 m. c. r.] Levi, at sea, Nov. — , 1821. c. r. [a. 30 y. in pencil, dup.] Lydia, w. VV[illia]m, Esq., Feb. 17, 1804, a. 30 y. c. R. Mary, d. Esq., Dec. 29, 18 12. c. R. Mary, wid. W[illia]m, d. Israel and Mary, fever. Mar. 4, 1847, a. 77 y. 4 m. 21 d. Nabby, w. Capt. John, Aug. 10, 1808, a. 30 y. c. R. Polly [Mary. G. r.], w. Capt. [William, Esq., d. Capt. Samuel Lee. G. R.], Aug. 8, 1 7 7 8, a. 34 y. c. r. [a. 34 y- 59 d. g. r.] Rachel, wid., consumption, July — , 1821. c. R. Richard, s. Joseph and Sarah, (b. in Beverly), Feb. 6, 1727-8. Sally, Mrs., w. Capt. W[illia]m, Dec. 4, 1814 [a. 45 y. in pencil.] c. r. Sewall, d. William and Mary, Jan. 7, 1772. [a. 3 m. c. r.] Susannah, Apr. 12, 1802, a. 68 y. c. r. William, s. Will[iam] and Mary, Sept. — , 1765, a. 18 m. c. R. William, Esq., influenza, Mar. 5, 1826, a. 88 y. c. R. William, widr., s. William and Mary, old age, July 9, 1846, a. 81 y. 4 m. I d. , ch. Capt. Will[ia]m, July 23, 1776, a. 6 m. c. R. , ch. Capt. W[illia]m and Polley, July — , 1778, a. id. c. R. , inf. ch. John and Rebecca, Sept. 25, 1836. [a. 14 w. c. r.] TUCKER, , " It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," , 1777. c. R. UPTON, Anna, wid., June 17, 1753, a. 77 or 78 y. c. r. WALTON, Polly, Sept. 19, 1805, a. 19 y. c. r. WARREN, Elisab[eth], wid., June 6, 1775, a. 87 or 88 y. c. R. Robert, Nov. — , 1766, a. 97 or 98 y. c. R. , ch. still born, Mr., Dec. — , 1788. c. R. WATKINS, Elizabeth [wid. c. r.], w. And., d. Simeon and Ann Miller, consumption, Apr. 10, 1848, a. 67 y. 10 m. 30 d. WATSON, see Whatson. WEBBER, , " It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," , 1777. c. R. 294 MANCHESTER DEATHS WELLS, Eliza [Elizabeth, c. r.] A., w. John C, d. Samuel and Rachel Kinsman, consumption, Dec. 21, 1848, a. 23 y. 8 m. , inf. ch. Samuel, July 22, 1833. [sudden, a. 2 w. c. r.] WEST, Charles E., s. Edward S. and Mary, accident, July 29, 1845, a 8 m. 7 d. Hannah, w. John, Oct. 21, 1837. [Oct. 23, a. 67 y. c. R.] Hellen N., d. Isaac S. and Nancy N., dropsy in the head. May 16, 1847, a. 3 y. 1 1 m. I d. John, Jan. 8, 1842, a. 93 y. x. c. [old age, a, 94 y. c. r.] Lucy, w. John, consump[tion], July 4, 1828, a. 55 y. c. r. WHATSON, Mary B., d. Horace and Emily, lung fever, Dec. 15, 1849, a. 9 m. 25 d. WHEATON, John, at sea. t. c. [yellow fever, Nov. — , 1841, a. 21 y. c. R.] , at sea, July 22, 1830. c. R. WHIPPEL (see also Whipple), Eunice, wid., Dec. 16 or 17, 1782, a. 44 y. c. R. WHIPPLE (see also Whippel), Joseph, Dr., " It is supposed lost at sea with Capt. Colson," , 1777. c, r. Sarah [Sally, c. r.], d. Dr. Joseph and Eunice, Mar. 13, i78i.[a. 19 y. c. R.] , ch. Dr., Oct. — , 1758, a. "a few days." c r. WHITNEY, Ann Mariah, d. Hezakiah and Sarah, dropsy, Mar. 30, 1845, a. 8 d. Georg[e] Henry, s. Hezekiah and Sarah, consumption, Sept. 25, 1848, a. 19 d. WIAT, Mary, w. , of Beverly, June 26, 1807. c. r. WIDGER (see also Widgor), Joseph, at sea, Aug. 23, 181 1. c. r. Mary Elizabeth, d. Samuel, Nov. 4, 1832. [throat distemper, Nov. 5, a. 6 y. c. r.] Rebecca, wid., b. Marblehead, old age, Sept. 30, 1844, a. 82 y. II m. 25 d. Thomas, see Roberts, Thomas. , s. Capt., measles, May 12, 1826, a. 18 m. c. r. , d. Samuel, Nov. 2, 1832. [throat distemper, a. 2 y. c. R.] , inf. ch. Samuel and Lucy, Apr. 14, 1834. [lung fever, Apr. 15, a. I 1-2 y. c. r.] WIDGOR (see also Widger), , inf. ch. , Oct. 7, 1823, a. r hour. c. R. WIGGIN, Charles H., of Chelsea, Dec. 16, 1838. MANCHESTER DEATHS 295 WILKINS, Susanna, Nov. — , 1766, a. 36 y. c. r. WILLIAMS, Betsy, w. Capt. Thomas, childbed, Sept. 18, 1824, a. 28 y. c. R. Joseph, , 1788. c. R. Miriam, Mrs. [w. Capt. S. c. r. ; d. Nathan and Joanna Story. G. R.], consumption, Nov. 24, 1821. c. r. [Nov. 29, a. 27 y. G. r.] Sarah, w. WiUiam, Aug. — , 1779, a. 45 y. c. R. , inf. ch. [Capt. Thomas and] Betsy, Sept. 18, 1824, a. i hour. c. R. WILLMINGTON (see also Willmonton, Wilmonton), , s. Charles, canker, Sept. 12, 1833, a. 13 m. c. R. WILLMONTON (see also Willmington), Samuel, s. Samuel and Sarah, dropsy, Apr. 4, 1846, a. 8 m. 20 d. , ch. Thomas and Louisa [Betsey, c. R.], . t. c.[July — , 1841, a. I y. c. R.] WILMONTON (see also Willmington), Sarah Elizabeth, d. Sam- uel and Sally, Nov. 30, 1837, a. 4 1-2 y. [croup, Dec. 2, a. 2 1-2 y. c. R.] , inf. ch. Samuel and Sally, Sept. 10, 1833. , inf. ch. Jacob, Feb. 8, 1836. [scarlet fever, a. 2 y. c. R.] WOODBERRY (see also Woodbury), Asa, "Lost at sea; they Sailed from Salem for the Southern States but a violent Storm the next day after they sailed, overwhelmed and sunk them in a watry grave," Dec. — , 1834. [1835, a. 35 y. c. R.] Caroline, d. Larkin, " burned by her clothes taking fire," Apr. 6, 1831. [Apr. 8, a. 7 y. c. R.] WOODBERY (see also Woodbury), Elizabeth, w. Joseph, Oct. 27, 1 7 14, a. 51 y. G. R. Joseph, Oct. 14, 1 7 14, a. 52 y. o. r. WOODBRY (see also Woodbury), , ch. Larkin, Sept. 6, 1826, a. I y. c. r. WOODBURY (see also Woodberry, Woodbery, Woodbry), Ben- jamin, fever, at West Indies, Oct. i, 1829, a. 23 y. c. r. Betsy, wid., w. Jacob, July 24, 1837. [consumption, July 25, a. 63 y. c. R.] Elisab[eth], w. Andrew, Aug. 23 [22. g. r.], 1788, a. 69 or 70 y. c. R. [a. 71 y. G. R.] Joseph, Oct. — , 1758, a. 35 y. c. r. Joseph, May 28, 1761. c. r. Louisa, d. Larkin and Louisa, Jan. 30, 1835. [fever, Feb. i, a. 18 m. c. r.] 296 MANCHESTER DEATHS Woodbury, Louisa S., w. Larkin, d. Henry and Hannah Lee, consumption, Aug. 14, 1847, ^- 48 y. 6 m. 24 d. Merior, d. David and Betsey, May 25, 1802. [May 24, a. 9 m. c. R.] Molly, wid. Samuel, Mar. 10, 1835, a. 87 y. [Mar. 13. c. r.] Polly, Aug. 10, 1838. Ruth, Apr. 9, 1 788, a. 42 or 43 y. c. R. Sally, "a Pauper," fever, Feb. 19, 1822, a. 73 y. c. r. Samuel, "abroad" [1778], a. abt. 30 y. c. r. , ch. illegitimate, Hannah, d. Joseph, Apr. — , 1 751, a. 2 or 3 m. c. R. , w. Joseph, May 26, 1761. c. r. YOUNG, Abigail, wid., consumption, Dec. 9, 1830, a. 51 y. c. r. Charles, "abroad," Jan. — , 18 13. c. r. NEGROES. Aromena, servant of wid. Elisabeth Lee, Mar. — , 1758, a. 18 or 19 y. c. R. Chester, servant of John Lee, Esq., Apr. 21, 1771. Closs, " a coloured man, State pauper," consumption, Nov. 22, 1822, a. 70 y. c. r. Fi[torn]," Mr. Robert Herrick's Negro Girl," Apr. 5, 1748. c. R. Jack, servant of C[a]pt. Sam[ue]ll Lee, Dec. 21, 1749. c. R. Lee, Greece, Sept. 13, 1834. [Sept. 15, a. 72 y. c. r.] Porter, Sara, apoplexy, May 18, 1830, a. 57 y. c. r. Susanna, "Mr. Kimbell's Servant, Dec. — , 1773, a. 40 y. c. R. Taft, " slave of Mrs. Lydia Lee," Nov. i, 1803, a. 76 y. c. R. Violet, "Mrs. Cheever's," Feb. 2, 1772, a. 44 or 46 y. c. r. Zipp, "old Mr. Forster's servant," Oct. — , 1758, a. 30 y. c. R. , "A Colured Child," Dec. 20, 1821, a. 3 y. c. r.