BaIvXIMORK & Ohio R. R. SUMMER TOURS 1905 MnL.*'^^ CIT frI0 ss3aoNOD do Aayyan u mME^^iiioB: SUMMER TOURS 1905 Issued by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. Passenger Department May, 1905. ^'U INDEX. FAQE. Abcnakis Spriiiiis, P. Q 9 Adams (Berkshire Hills). Mass 17 Adirondack Mountains, N. Y 9-12 Alderson, "W. Va 12 Alexandria Bay (Thousand Islands), K Y 77 All Round Muskoka Lakes 53 Amagansett (Long Island), N. Y 42 Arkville (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Asbury Park, N. J 55 Ashby, Va 60 Asheville, N. C 12 Assembly Point (Lake George), N. Y 39 Atlantic City, N. J 18-14 Atlantic Highlands, N. J 55 Auburn, N. Y 14 Avon, N. J 55 Bala (Muskoka Lakes), Ont 58 Bald Mountain (Adirondacks), N. Y 10 Baldwin (Lake George), N. Y 39 Bangor, Me 30-31 Bantam (Litchfield Hills), Ct 41 Bar Harbor, Me 14-15 Barnstable, Mass 56 Barrie, Ont 35 Bases for Constructing Through Fares 8 Bath, Me 15 Bear Run, Pa 15 Beaumaris (Muskoka Lakes), Ont 53 Beaver River (Adirondacks), K Y 9-10 Bedford Springs, Pa 16 Belfast, Me 30-31 Belgrade, Me 16 Belmar (Ocean Beach), N. J 55 Benniuiiton. Vt 16 Berkeley Springs, W. Va 17 Berkshire Hills, Mass 17 Berkshire (Berkshire Hills), Mass 17 Berlin, Md 14 Berryville, Va 60 Bethlehem (White Mountains), N. H 18 Beverly, W. Va 18 Big Indian (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Big Moose (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Block Island, R. 1 18 Bloomville (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Bloomfield, Md 14 Blue Hill, Me 30-31, 67-68 Blue Mountain, Md 19 INDEX— Continued. PAGE. Blue Mountain Lake, N. Y 10 Blue Ridge Station, Pa 19 Bolton (Lake George), N. Y 39 Boston, Mass 19 Boston, Mass, Feeding Forms (for use only in connec- tion with extension forms) 20-22 Boyce, Va 60 Brandon (Lake Dun more), Vt 22 Bretton Woods (White Mountains), N H 23 Brewster, Mass 56 Bridgehampton (Long Island), N. Y 42 Brodhead's Bridge (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Brooklin, Me 30-31, 67-68 Brown's Station (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Buena Vista Springs, Md 22 Burks Falls, Ont 35 Burlington, Vt 22 Buzzard's Bay, Mass 56 Caldwell (See Lake George) 38-39 Cambridge Springs, Pa 23 Camden, Me 30-31 Canaan (Berkshire Hills), N. Y 17 Cape May, N. J 28-24 Cape Vincent, N. Y 24 Capon Springs, W. Va 24 Castine, Me 30-31, 67-68 Catskill Mountain Resorts 24-26 Catskill, N. Y 24 Cazenovia, N. Y *■ 27 Centre Moriches (Long Island), N. Y 42 Chatham, Mass 56 Chautauqua Lake, N. Y 27 Cheshire (Berkshire Hills), Mass 17 Chichester (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Chicoutimi, P. Q 70-71 Childwold Station (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Clayton, N.Y 77 Clearwater (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Cleverdale (Lake George), N. Y 39 Clifton Springs, N. Y 27 Cobourg, Out 28 Collingwood, Ont 35 Cottage City (Martha's Vineyard), Mass 28 Dark Harbor (see Islesboro), Me 67-68 DaviB, W. Va 28-29 Deer Isle, Me 30-31, 67-68 Deer Park, Md 39 Durbin, W. Va 30 INDEX— Continued. lii PAOB. Eagle Bay (Adirondacks), N. Y 10 Eagle's Mere, Pa 31 Eastliam, JIass 56 Easthamptou (Long Island), N. Y 42 Easton, Md 14 Eastpoit, Me 31 Edgewood (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Eggleston Springs, Va 31 Elkins, W. Va 32 Elkton, Va 60 EllenvilUv N. Y 32 Ellsworth, Me 30-31 Essex, N. Y 32 Fabyans (White Mountains), N. H 32 Fairview (Adirondacks), N. Y 10 Falmouth, Mass 56 Ferndale, N. Y 33 Fleischinann's (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Forestport (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Fourteen Mile Island (Lake George), N. Y 39 Front Royal, Va 60 Fulton Chain (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Geneva, N. Y 33 Georges Mills, N. H 33 Gettysburg, Pa 33 Glenfield, N. Y 84 Glen Summit Springs, Pa 84 Gloucester, Mass 34 Goderich, Ont 84 Good Ground (Long Island), N. Y 42 Gorman, Md 34 Grand Gorge (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Grand Hotel Station (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Gravenhurst, Ont 35 Great Barrington (Berkshire Hills), Mass 17 Green Island (Lake George), N. Y 39 Greenport (Long Island), N. Y 42 Gregory (Muskoka Lakes), Ont 58 Hague (Lake George), N. Y 89 Haine's Corners (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Halcottville (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Halifax, N. S 35-36 Hanover, N.H. (See Norwich, Vt.) 61 Harper's Ferry, W. Va 37 Harwich, Mass 56 Hawleyville (Litchfield Hills), Ct 41 INDEX— Continued. PAGE. Hidifield, Ta 37 Ilighlantls of Navesink, N. J 55 Iliusdale (Berkshire Hills), Mass 17 Hobart iCalskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Houne lai^a ( Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Horseshoe (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Hoi Sprinys, N. C 37 Hot Spriius, Va 37 Huletts (Lake Gior^e), N. Y 39 Hundred Islands (Lake George), N. Y 39 Hunter (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Huntsville, Ont 35 Hyanuis, Mass 56 Instructions to Agents 1-3 Islesboro (Dark Harbor), Me 67-68 Ithaca, N. Y 37 Jamesport (Long Island), N. Y 42 JamestOAvn (Chautauqua Lake), N. Y 27 Jonesport, Me 67-68 Jordan's White Sulphur Springs, Va 38 Judd Haven (Muskoka Lakes), Ont 63 Kattskill (Lake George), N. Y 39 Kaaterskill (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Kennebunkport, Me 38 Kingston, N. Y 25 Kirkham, Md 14 Lake (Litchtield Hills), Ct 41 Lake Clear (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Lake George (Lake George), N. Y 38-39 La Grange, NY 38 Lake Hopatcong, N. J 39 Lake Kushaqua (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Lake Placid (Adirondacks), N. Y 10 Lake Sunapee, K H 40 Lake Toxaway, N. C 40 Lakewood (Chautauqua Lake), N. Y 27 Lanesville (Catskill Mountains^, N. Y 25-26 Laurel House Station (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Lawrenceville (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25 Lee (Berkshire Hills), Mass 17 Leeds (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25 Lenox (l^erkshire Hills), Mass 17 Lenox Dale (Berkshire Hills), Mass 17 Liberty, N. Y 40 Lincolnton, N. C. 41 Litchtield (Litchfield Hills), Ct 41 .Litchfield Hills, Ct. 41 IND EX— Conti7iu6d. PAQK. Littleton (White Mountains), N. H 42 Long Branch, N. J 55 Long Lake (West) (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Loon Lake Station (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Luray Caverns, Va 42 Luray Station, Va 43 McDauiels, IMd 14 Mackinac Island, Mich 43-44 ISIagnolia, IVIass 44 Manasquan, N. J 55 Manchester, Mass 44 Maplewood (White Mountains), N. H 43 IVIarblehead, Mass 44 Mardela Springs, Md 14 Marion, Mass 56 Marion (Lake George), N. Y 89 Markleton, Pa 45 Mattapoisett, Mass 56 Mattituck (Long Island), N. Y 42 Midland, Ont 35 Millbridge, Me 67-68 Montauk (Long Island), N. Y 42 Mont Chateau Hotel, W. Va 52 Montpelier, Vt 45 Montreal, Canada 46-51 Monument Beach, Mass 56 Moore's Mills, N. Y 58 Morris (Litchfield Hills. Ct 41 Mountain L;)ke Park, Md 52 Movements of Steamer Lines 82-93 Mt. Kiueo House (Moosehead Lake), Me 45 Mt. Pleasant (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 :\It. Upton, N. Y 58 Murray Bay, P. Q '71 Muskoka Lakes, Out 58 Muskoka Wharf, Out 35 Nantasket Beach, Mass 53 Nantucket, Mass 54 Narragansett Pier, R. 1 54 Natural Bridge Station, Va 54 Natural Bridge Hotel, Va 55 New Bedford, Mass 56 New Lenox (Berkshire Hills), Mass 17 Newport, R. 1 56 New Preston (Litchfield Hills), Ct 41 Niagara Falls, N. Y 56-59 North Bay, Ont 35 North Adams (Berkshire Hills), Mass. 17 INDEX— Continued. PAGE. Northeast Harbor, Me 30-31, 67-68 Noithfield, Mass 60 North Hatley, P. Q 60 Norwich, Vt. (Hanover, N. H.) 61 Oakland, Md 61 Ocean Beach (See Belmar), N. J 55 Ocean City, Md 68-63 Ocean City, N. J 62 Ocean Grove, N. J 55 Ogdeusburg, N. Y 63 Ohio Pyle, Pa 63 Old Orchard, Me 63 Old Point Comfort, Va 64-65 Olive Branch (Catskill Mountains), N. Y. 25-26 Onset Junction, Mass 56 Orkney Springs, Va 65 Orleans, Mass 56 Ostervill, Mass 65 Ottavpa, Canada 66 Otter Lake (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Owen Sound, Ont 35 Oyster Bay, N. Y ; 42 Palenville (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25 Patchogue (Long Island), N. Y 42 Paul Smith's Station (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Pearl Point (Lake George), N. Y 39 Penetaug, Ont 35 Pen-Mar, Md 66 Pha?nicia (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Pine Hill (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Pittsfield (Berkshire Hills), Mass 17 Plymouth, Mass 56 Point Pleasant, N. J 55 Poland Spring House, Me 68 Port Carling (Muskoka Lakes), Ontario 53 Port Cockburu (Muskoka Lakes), Ontario 53 Port Sandfield (Muskoka Lakes), Ontario 53 Portland, Me. 66-67 Profile House (White Mountains), N. H 68 Poughkeepsie, N. Y 68 Provincetown, Mass 56 Quebec, P. Q 69-70 Quogue (Long Island), N. Y 42 Rainbow Lake (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Raquette Lake (Adirondacks), N. Y 10 Rawley Springs, Va 71 Rehoboth Beach, Del 71-72 INDEX— Continued PAGB. Richfield Springs, N. Y 72 Riveihead (Long Island), N. Y 42 Rockland, Me 67-68, 72 Rockport, Mass 73 Rogers Rock (Lake George), N. Y 39 Romford (Litchtield Hills), Ct 41 Rondaxe (Adirondacks), K Y 10 Rosseau (Maskoka Lakes), Ont 53 Roxbury (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Roxbury (Litchtield Hills), Ct 41 Roxbury Falls (Litchfield Hills), Ct 41 Royal Muskoka (Muskoka Lakes), Ont 53 Royal Oak, Md 14 Ruthcrfordtou, N. C 73 Rye Beach, N H 73 Sabbath Day Point (Lake George), N. Y 39 St. James (Long Island), N. Y 42 St. John, N. B. 74 St. Michaels, Md 14 Sag Harbor (Long Island), N. Y 42 Salisbury, Md 14 Sandwich, Mass 56 Saranac Inn Station (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Saranac Lake (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-12 Saratoga Springs, N. Y 74 Scarboro Beach, Me 74 Seabright, N. J 55 Sea Gilt, N. J 55 Sea Isle City, N. J 75 Searsport, Me 30-31 Sedgwick, Me 30-31, 67-68 Shandaken (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Sheldon's (Lake George), N. Y 39 Shenandoah, Va 60 Shepaug (Litchfield Hills), Ct 41 Shepherdstown, W. Va 60 Shinnecock Hills (Long Island), N. Y 43 Shokau (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Silver Bay (Lake George), N. Y 39 Skensowane (Adirondacks), N. Y 10 Somerset, Pa 75 Southampton (Long Island), N. Y 42 South Cairo (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25 South Dennis, Mass 56 Southern Pines, N. C 76 Southwest Harbor, Me 30-31, 67-68 South Yarmouth, Mass 56 Spring Lake, N. J 55 Stamford (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Steamer Lines— Movements of 82-93 viii INDEX— Concluded. PAGE. Stockbridge (Berkshire Hills), Mass 17 Stop-over Privileges 4-7 Summit Hill (Switchback), Pa 76 Switchback (see Summit Hill), Pa 76 Tanuersville (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 Thousand Islands, N. Y 77 Toronto, Ont 78 Tremont, Mass 56 Trout Pavillion (Lake George), N. Y 39 Tupper Lake Junction ( Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 Uncas Road (Adirondacks), N. Y 10 Virginia Beach, Va 78 Washington (Litchfield Hills), Ct 41 Watch Hill, R. 1 78-79 Watkins Glen, N. Y 78 Webster Springs, W. Va 79 Weirs (Lake Winnipesaukee), N. H 79 Wellfleet, Mass 56 Wenaumet, Mass 56 Wernersville, Pa 79 West Barnstable, Mass 56 West Pittsfield (Berkshire Hills), Mass 17 Westhampton (Long Island), N. Y 42 West Hurley (Catskill Mountains), N. Y 25-26 White Lake (Adirondacks), N. Y 9-10 White Mountains, N. H. : Bethlehem 18 Bretton Woods 23 Fabyaus 32 Littleton 42 Maplewood 43 Profile House 68 White Post, Va 60 White Sulphur Springs, W. Va 80 Windsor, Vt 80 Woodington (Muskoka Lakes), Ont 53 Wood's Hole, Mass 56 Yarmouth, Mass 56 Yarmouth, N. S 80 Yoho (Muskoka Lakes), Ont 53 York Beach, Me 80 York Harbor, Me 81 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. t^~ Fares from Philadelphia marked thus I are for basing purposes only. 1. Except when otherwise noted, tickets herein described are sold from May 1st to September 30th, inclusive, and are good for return trip until October 8lst, 1905, inclusive, and should be so limited with an " L" punch. 2. Children under live years of age, when accompanied by parent or guardian will be carried free; five years of age and under twelve, half fare ; twelve years of age and over, full fare. Agents should add sufficient to make fares end in "0" or "5." 3. Baggage to the extent of one liundred and fifty (150) pounds will be checked free on Full Fare Summer Excursion Tickets, and seventy-five (75) pounds on Half Fare (Children's) Excursion Tickets. 4. When fares from stations are routed " via Uniontown," "via Cumberland," etc., agents will, in issuing tickets, endorse with pen across the face of the B. & O. coupons, "via Union- town." " via Camherlaud," etc., as the case may be. 5. Transfers between stations are not included in excursion tickets except where specially noted, or transfer coupon is printed in ticket. 6. Purchasers of Summer Excursion Tickets secure all the privileges accorded to passengers holding other First Class Tickets. 7. These routes embrace, in addition to those owned and operated by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, many other railway, stage, and steamboat lines; but while this Com- pany issues tickets for passage over other lines in addition to its own, it acts only as agent for the sale, and is not responsible for the carriage of passenger or baggage beyond its own system of roads, such tickets being subject to use in accordance with the rules of the respective companies over which they read. 8. Holders of tickets reading via Lehigh Valley R. R. to Geneva, N. Y., and points beyond, will be furnished free side trip from Burdett to Watkius, N. Y., and return, either on going or return trip, upon application to agent Lehigh Valley R. R. at Burdett, N. Y., and presentation of summer excursion tickets reading to territory described. 9. Holders of tickets reading via Lehigh Valley R. R. to points beyond Rocliester Junction will be furnished free side trip from Rochester Junction to Rochester, N. Y., and return, either ou going or return trip, upon application to Agent of the Lehigh Valley R.R. at Rochester Junction, N.Y., and presenta- tion of summer excursion tickets reading to territory described. 1 SUMMER TOURS 1905 10. Tickets reading via New York Central & Hudson River R. R. between Cauandaigua and Niagara Falls will be accepted for passage either via Lockport or via Buflalo. 11. Tickets reading between Niagara Falls and Clayton, via Lewiston and New York Central & Hudson River H. R., will be accepted for passage via New York Central & Hudson River R. R. and Syracuse 12. Tickets reading via New York Central & Hudson River or West Shore R. R.'s will be accepted for passage on Hudson River Day Line or People's Liue Steamers between New York and Albany in either direction, without extra charge. To avail themselves of this privilege, north-bound passengers via Hudson River Day Line will be required to have their rail tickets exchanged by purser on steamer. North- bound passengers via People's Line will be required to have their tickets exchanged at Company's office. Pier 32, North River. South-bound passengers, if via New York Central & Hudson River R. R., either by conductor before arrival at Albany, or at Depot Ticket Office in that city. If via West Shore R. R., exchange must be made by conductor before reaching Voorheesville. 13. Tickets reading via Hudson River Day Line or People's Line Steamers will be accepted for passage on New York Central & Hudson River or West Shore Railroads between New York and Albany only, on imyment of $1.10 additional if via Day Line, or $1.60 additional if via People's Line. 14. Tickets reading via Hudson River Day Line Steamers will be accepted for passage on People's Line Steamers. 15. Tickets reading via Hudson River Day Liue Steamers between New York and Albany will be accepted for passage on Citizens' Line Steamers between New York and Troy. 16. Passengers holding through tickets via either Dela- ware & Hudson R. R. or Champlain Transportation Co. may use them via rail or lake between Fort Ticonderoga and Plattsburg, or Bluflf Point (Hotel Champlain) and intermediate points, at their option. Passengers desiring to pass through Lake George may do so on payment of |1.50 to purser on boat. Tickets will be honored on Lake George rail branches without extra charge. 17. Tickets reading between New York and Boston via Fall River Line and Fall River, will be accepted on steamers between New York and Newport and by conductors of the New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. between Newport and Boston. 18. Tickets between Boston and New York reading via Fall River or Providence Lines are accepted via either line without exchange. Passengers holding tickets via the Fall River or Providence Lines desiring to travel via the Norwich Line should have their tickets exchanged in New York or Boston. 2 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD 19. Tickets reading over the Mount Washington Rail- way are usually not available before July 1st, or after September 30th. 20. On the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Go's Steam- ers, meals and berths are included in the fare on west- bound tickets between Montreal and Toronto, but are not included on east-bound tickets. On all other divisions of this line, meals and berths extra. 21. The coupons of tickets reading optional via Grand Trunk Railway System or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co.'s Steamers between Toronto and Kingston; Kingston or Brockville and Prescott ; Brockville or Prescott and Montreal ; and Montreal and Quebec, or via Toronto and Canadian Pacific R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co.'s Steamer, are valid either via rail or tlie Richelieu & Ontario Naviga- tion Co.'s Steamers. 23. Tickets reading via Canadian Pacific Railway be- tween Toronto and Montreal will be accepted for passage via Ottawa and Caledonia Springs, or via Ottawa and Lachute, or via Smith's Falls and direct line. 23. Asheville, N. C, tickets may be validated at Biltmore or Hot Springs, N. C. and Hot Springs, N. C, tickets may be validated at Hot Springs or Asheville, N. C. 24. Tickets via Merchants & Miners Transportation Co. include meals and state-room berth. Berths should be secured in advance. When reserving accommodations number of persons and sex should be given. 25. Passengers holding tickets reading via Merchants & Miners Transportation Company, Baltimore to Boston or Providence (May 1st to September 30th), can spend an entire day (on going trip) at Old Point Comfort or Virginia Beach ; transportation from Newport News or Norfolk to either resort and return, at the courtesy of the Merchants & Miners Transportation Company. 26. In case application for fare is made to agents at stations from which no fare is quoted herein, advise this office promptly, stating the form number and destination of ticket for which fare is desired ; and in case tickets are re- quired, make requisiton on J. E. Beatty, Ticket Supply Clerk, Canulen Station, Baltimore. Note. — Movement of boat lines for season of 1905 will be found on pages 82-93. SUMMER TOURS 1905 STOP-OVER PRIVILEGES ON SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS. Note.— It should be understood that the stop-over privileges ex- tended by the several lines (as noted below) require passengers to take such trains or boats as make stops regularly at the desired stopping-place. Atlantic City R. R.— No stop-over privileges. Baltimore & Ohio R. R.— Stop-over allowed at Philadelphia, Balti- more, Washington, Deer Park, Mountain Lake Park and Oakland only, on notice to conductor, and deposit of ticket with depot ticket agent. Stop-over not allowed at other points. Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic R'y.— No stop-overs allowed. Baltimore Steam Packet Co. (Bay Line.)— Stop-over allowed at Old Point Comfort on notice to purser. Bangor & Aroostook R. R.— Stop-over allowed at any station on no- tice to conductor, except on tickets limited to continuous passage. Bath & Hammondsport R. R.— No stop-over allowed. Boston & Albany R. R.— Stop-over allowed for 10 days on notice to conductor. Boston & Maine R. R.— Stop-over for 10 days allowed at any station, on notice to conductor, except at stations between Ware, Concord (Mass.), Wilmington, Stoneham, Salem (Mass.), Marblehead or Bead- ing and Boston and on tickets limited to continuous passage. Boston & Maine R. R. (Fitchburg Division.)- Stop-over allowed on notice to conductor. Bridgeport Line.— See New England Navigation Co. Canada Atlantic R'y.— Stop-over allowed on notice to conductor. Canadian Pacific R'y.— Stop-over allowed on notice to conductor. Catskill Mountain R'y.- Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to conductor. Central R. R. of New Jersey —Stop-over allowed on notice to con- ductor except between Elizabeth and New York and between Wilkes- barre and Scranton. Central Vermont R'y.— Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to conductor except on tickets limited to continuous passage. Champlain Transportation Co.— Stop-over allowed on notice to pui'ser. Chautauqua Steamboat Co.— No stop-over privileges. Chesapeake & Ohio R'y.— Stop-over allowed on notice to conductor, "except between Washington and Orange and Lexington and Louis- ville. Chesapeake Steamship Company (Chesapeake Line).— Stop-over allowed at Old Point Comfort on notice to purser. Citizens' Line Steamers.— Steamers make no intermediate landings. Cumberland Valley R. R.— Stop-over allowed at any principal station on notice to conductor. Day Line Steamers.— Stop-over allowed on notice to purser. Delaware & Hudson Co.— Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to conductor. Delaware, Lackawana & Western R. R.— Stop-over allowed at any sta- tion on notice to conductor. Dominion Atlantic R'y.— Stop-over allowed on notice to conductor. 4 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD Eagles Mere R. R.— Stop over allo\ve(l at any station on notice to conductor. Eastern Steamship Co. On Bangor, International and Kennebec Divisions, stop-overs are allowed at any landing on notice to purser. The steamers on the Portland Division make no intermediate land- ings. Erie R. R.— Stop-over allowed at Cambridge Springs, Jamestown, Lakewood, Niagara Falls, or at any station east tliereof, on notice to conductor. Fall River Line.— See Old Colony Steamboat Co. Grand Trunk Ry.- Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to fouductor. intercolonial Ry.— Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to conductor, except on tickets limited to continuous passage. Lake George Steamboat Co.— Stop-over allowed on notice to purser. Lehigti Valley R. R.— Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to conductor. Long Island R. R.— Stop-over allowed on notice to conductor. Maine Central R. R.— Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to conductor, except on excursion tickets limited to continuous passage in eacli direction. Maganetewan River & Lakes Steamboat Co.— Stop-over allowed on notice to purser. Maine Steamship Co.— Steamers make no intermediate landings. Maryland. Delaware & Virginia R'y.— No stop-overs allowed. Merchants & Miners Transportation Co.— Stop-over allowed at New- port News or Norfolk from 8 to 12 hours. Montauk Steamboat Co.— Stop-over allowed at Shelter Island in either direction. Montpelier & Wells River R. R.— Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to conductor. Mt. Washington Ry.— No intermediate stops. Miiskoka Navigation Co.— Stop-over allowed. Narragansett Pier R. R.— No stop-over allowed. New Bedford. Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket Steamboat Line.— One stop- over In each direction allowed on notice to purser. New Haven Line.— See New England Navigation Co. Newport & Wickford R. R. and Steamboat Line.— Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to conductor. New York Central & Hudson River R. R.— Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to conductor, except on tickets limited to continu- ous passage. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R.— East of New London and Willimantic — One stop-over allowed on notice to conductor, except on tickets limited to continuous passage. West of New London and Willimantic— Stop-over on each division allowed on notice to con- ductor, except on tickets limited to continuous passage. N«w York & Ottawa R. R.— Stop-over allowed. New York, Ontario & Western Ry.— Stop-over allowed on notice to conductor. Niagara Navigation Co.— Stop-over allowed on notice to purser. Norfolk & Southern R. R.— No stop over privileges. Norfolk & Washington (D. C.) Steamboat Co.— Stop-over allowed on notice to purser. Norfolk & Western Ry.— Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to conductor. SUMMER TOURS 1905 Northern Steamship Co.— Stop-over allowed at any regular landing port on notice to purser. Norwich Line.— See New England Navigation Co. Old Colony Steamboat Co. Fall River Line— Upon application at purser's office, stoi)-over of Ave (5) days will be permitted at Newport in eitlier direction on through unlimited tickets when used on steamers touching at Newport. New Bedford Line— Steamers make no intermediate landings. New England Navigation Co. Bridgeport Line.— Steamers make no intermediate landings. New Haven Line.— Steamers make no intermediate landings. New London— Block Island Line.— Stop-over allowed at Watch Hill, K. I., on notice to purser. Norwich Line.— Steamers make no intermediate landings. Providence Line.— Upon application at purser's olllce, stop-over of nve (5) days will be permitted at Newport, K. I , ou tln-ougU unlimited tickets when used on steamers touchiug at Newport. Otis Railway.— No intermediate stops. Pennsylvania R. R.— Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to conductor. People's Line Steamers.— Steamers make no intermediate landings. Philadelphia & Reading Ry.— Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to conductor, except on the Atlantic City Line. Phillips & Rangely R. R.— Stop-over allowed at any station on notice to conductor. Plant Line.— Steamers make no intermediate landings between Boston and Jialifax. On tickets to points beyond Halifax stop-over is allowed at Halifax, Hawkesbury and Charlottetown, provided passengers travel between Canadian ports on S. S. Halifax sailing under liritish flag. Portland, Mount Desert & IVIachias Steamboat Line.— Stop-over allowed at any landing on notice to purser, except on tickets limited to continuous passage in each direction. Providence Line.— See New England Navigation Co. Queen Anne's R. R.— See Maryland. Delawai-e & Vii-ginia il'y. Quebec Central R'y.— Stop-over allowed on notice to conductor. Quebec & Lake St. John R'y.— Stop-over allowed on notice to con- ductor. Raquette Lake Transportation Co.— Stop-over allowed at any landing on notice to purser. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co.— Stop-over allowed on notice to purser. I^asseu^ers takmg K. i: O. N. (.o.'s boat at Clayton or Krou- tenac are not allovxed lo btop at Alexandria Uay ; those wlio desire to stop at Alexanaria Bay should take Thousand island S. 11. Co'S steamer. Rideau Lakes Navigation Co.— Stoi)-over allowed on notice to purser, Rutland R. R. -Stop-over allowed at any station ou notice to couiUiciur. Schroon Lake Steamboat Line.— stop-over allowed on notice to captain. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co. (.Limited.)— Stop-over allowed at all lauaiiigs. Southern R'y.— Stop-over allowed at Greensboro, Wilkesboro and Mt. .Viry, N . C, and iutenuediate statious ; Salisbury, N. C. and Moi ris- town, Tenn., and intermediate stations: AsUevjUe and Murphy, 6 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD N. C, and intermediate stations ; Aslieville, N. C.,and Spartansburg, S. C, and intermediate stations; Cliarlotte, N. C, and Gainesville, Ga., and intermediate stations; Bristol and ^forristovvn, Tenn., and intermediate stations; Charlotte, Taylorsvi le or Winston-Salem. N. C, and intermediate stations ; also at Huntsville, 'i'uscunibia and Stevenson, Ala. : vnstell, KloviUaifor Indian Sl)rin^'s), Litlua Springs, Dalton, llockmart and Tallapoosa, Ga. ; Ore Hill and Haeigli, N. C; Columbii and Whitestone. S. C. ; Athens, Chattanooga, Knoxvllle, McDonald, Mineral I'ark, Oliver Springs and Tncker Springs, T nn. ; Buffalo Junction (for Murtalo Lithia Springs^, Charlottesville, Chase City, Clarksville, Danville, Lynchburg, Norfolk, Keysvllle and Jef- fress (for Cliase City), and Richmond, Va. Steamer "Mary Powell."— No stop-over privileges. Steamers on Moosehead Lake.— No stop-over privileges. Steamers on Rangeley Lakes.- Stop overs allowed at any regular lauding. St. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain R. R.— Stop-over for 10 days allr wed at any stati until June 1st. Baltimore and Olilo K.I? to Pliiladelphla. I'liilaiU'li.liia .S: Iteadiuf,' K'y to Houncl Brook. Central li. I{. of New Jersey to New York. New York Tentral & Hudson Kiver R. K to Saranac Lake. Delaware & Hudson Co to Baldwin. Lake George Steamers to Lake George. Delaware & Hudson Co to ^i"oy. New York Central & Hudson River K. K to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Pliiladelphia & Reading R'y to Plnladelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. EXCURSION 901. [Reverse of preceding excursion.] THROUGH FARES FOR EXCURSIONS 900 AND 901. tPhlladelphla. Pa *^?§5 Baltimore, Md i^t^ Washington, D. C 28.85 SARANAC LAKE, N. Y. EXCURSION 902. ^ _^._ . , . , Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Round Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New \ ork. New Y'ork Central & Hudson River R. R to Saranac Lake. Delaware & Hudson Co to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to New York, Central K. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. EXCURSION 903. [Reverse of preceding excursion.] THROUGH FARES FOR EXCURSIONS 902 AND 903. tPhlladelphla, Pa *„! • «= Baltimore, Md o„ot Washington, D. C 27. -i^ SARANAC LAKE, N. Y. EXCURSION 1675 i^~ Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R !° E^^^'h ^iP^lf^t Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. K. of New Jersey to New \ ork. People's Line Steamers to Albany. Delaware & Hudson Co to Lake George. T nirp Gpm-we Steamers to Baldwin. Dl^aVlre&HS^Co •• ... -to Ft.Ticonderoga. Delaware & Hudson Co. or Champlam Trans. Co. .to Plattsbui g. Delaware & Hudson Co to Saranac Lake. Delaware & Hudson Co to Albany. People's Line Steamers 5° ^ ^"^ i ^ ■„,. CentralR. R. of New Jersey !° SSM^^^i^Ai^fo^' Philadelphia & Reading R. R to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARES. tPhlladelphla. Pa ^nl'k.^ Baltimore, Md oo Sr Washington, D. C ^•*o'^ SARANAC LAKE, N. Y. EXCURSION 1544. ^^ Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R • S^ ?!^"^^®R?.!in1;; Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Biook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Day Line Steaniei-s to Albany. Delaware & Hudson Co to Lake George. Lake George Steamers to gf lj?."lnv,„^^„„ Delaware & Hudson Co ^ ;.• • • P If li''?,"'}^'^^^*- Delaware & Hudson Co. or Champlain Trans. Co.. to Plattsbui g. Delaware & H udson Co to fearanac Lake. Delaware & Hudson Co to Albany. Day Line Steamers i° ?! ® ^^ ^ i^ A^v Central R. R. of New Jersey *° S?m"<1 ^^??}- Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Pli'la'^elph a Baltimore & Ohio R. R to staitmg point. 11 SUMMER TOURS 1905 THE ADIRONDACKS, N. Y.— Concluded. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa ^^95 Baltimore. Md 2? -95 Washington, D. C 24.05 SARANAC LAKE, N. Y. EXCURSION 1676. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Heading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. K. of New Jersey to New York. People's Line Steamers to Albany. Delaware & Hudson Co to Saranac Lake. Retui-ning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $16.06 Haltimore,Md 20.05 Washington. D. C 22.05 SARANAC LAKE N. Y. EXCURSION 1532. Return limit— Six months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. K. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Troy. Delaware & Hudson Co to Saranac Lake. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhlladelphia, Pa $1 8 . 76 Baltimore, Md 22.75 Washington, D. C 24.75 ALDERSON, W. VA. EXCURSION 1659. JP#"Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Kenova. Chesapeake & Ohio R'y to Alderson. Returning, same route. THROUGH FAHKS. Gallipolis Ohio. $10.00 I Point Pleasant ... W. Va. $9.55 Mas .n City W. Va. 10.16 Wheeling W.Va. 1H.45 Parkersburg W.Va. 12.70 | Williamstown . . . . W.Va. 13.20 ASHEVILLE, N. C. EXCURSION 1429. Transit limits— Thirty days in each direction. Return limit— Six months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer to So. Ky. Depot. Southern Railway to Asheville. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. $22.00 Morgaiitown W.Va. $30.45 30.45 Newark Del. 24.40 26. .50 Ne« York N. Y. 3O.00 30.46 Parkersburg W.Va. 30 45 HO. 45 Philadelphia Pa. 26.«i0 27.10 Pittsburg Pa. 30.45 30.46 Uniontown Pa. 30.46 30.45 Wasliinafton Pa. 30.45 24.10 Wheeling W.Va. 30.45 30.45 Wilmmgton Del. 25.00 30.45 Baltimore Md. Bellaire Ohio. Chester Pa. Clarksburg W. Va. Connellsville Pa. Cumberland Md. Fairmont W. Va. Grafton W. Va. Hagerstown Md. Johnstown Pa. McKeesport Pa. 12 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. EXCURSION 715. Ueturii limit— Six months from date of sale. Transfer through Philadelphia not included. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Atlantic Citv H. K to Atlantic City. Returning, same route. THKOUGH FAKES. Annapolis Md. $ 7.25 Baltimore Md. 6.00 Braddock Pa. 18.00 Butler Pa. 18.60 Chester Pa. 2.50 Clarksburg W. Va. 18.65 Confluence Pa. 15.70 Connellsville Pa. 17.35 Cumberland Md. 13.70 Deer Park Md. 15.00 Fairmont W. Va. 18.65 Foxburg Pa. 18.60 Frederick Md. 9.00 Grafton W.Va. 17-80 Harper's Ferry. ... W.Va. 9.35 Hyndman Pa. 13.70 Johnstown Pa. 14.70 Keyser W.Va. 14.65 McKeesport Pa. Meversdale Pa. Morgan town W. Va. Mouudsville W.Va. Mountain Lake Park, Md. Mt. Pleasant Pa. Newark Del. Oakland Md. Parkersburg W.Va Piedmont W.Va. Pittsburg Pa. Rock wood Pa. Somerset Pa . TTniontown Pa. Washington D. C. West Newton Pa. Wilmington Del. $18.00 14.70 19.10 21.30 15.15 17.65 3.60 15.25 21.;»(l 1.1..S5 18.00 14.70 14.70 17.80 8.00 18.00 3.00 EXCURSION 330. Return limit— Fifteen days, including date of sale. Transfer through Philadelpliia not included. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Atlantic City R. R to Atlantic City. Returning, same route. THKOUGl[ FARES. Chester, Pa $2 . 25 Newark, liel 3.35 Wilmington, Del 2.75 i^"If transfer of passenger through Philadelphia is desired, agents will sell transfer check, Form T-23, at rate of 15 cents in either direction; and if transfer of baggage is desired, sell transfer tag, Form T-8, at rate of 25 cents in either direction. For transfer of both passenger and baggage through Philadelphia, see Excur- sion 294. EXCURSION 294. Return limit— Six mouths from date of sale. Transfer through Philadelphia included. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Transfer to AC. R.R. Pier. Atlantic City R. R to Atlantic City. Returning, same route. Annapolis Md. Baltimore Md. Bellaire Ohio. Braddock Pa. Butler Pa. Charlestown W.Va. Chester Pa. Connellsville Pa. Cumberland Md. Foxburg Pa. Frederick Md. Hagerstowu Md. Hyiidman Pa. JotiDstown Pa. THROUGH FARES. $7.75 I McKeesnort Pa. $18.50 6.5<» Marietta Ohio. 22.80 22.05 Martinsburg W.Va. 9.90 18.50 Mt. Pleasant Pa. 18.15 19.10 Newark Del. 4.10 9.85 i Pitt.-burg Pa. 18.50 3.011 I Slieiianiloah .let.... W.Va. 9.65 17.85 I'niontown Pa. 18.30 14.20 ! Washington D. C. 8.50 19.10 Washington Pa. 19.80 9.50 Wheeling W.Va. 21.75 9.20 i Wilmington Del. 3.50 14.20 Winchester Va. 10.80 15.20 13 SUMMER TOURS 1905 ATLANTIC City, N. J.— concluded. EXCURSION 294. Eeturn limit— Fifteen days, including date of sale. Transfer through Philadelphia included. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Transfer to A.C. R.R. Pier. Atlantic City R. R to Atlantic City. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Chester Pa. $2.75 1 Newark Del. $ 3.85 Hagerstown Md. 8.95 [ Wilmington Del. 3.25 Martinsburg W. Va. 9.70 I Winchester Va. 10.55 ^P~ Excursion 294 is printed to include transfer of passenger only through Philadelphia, but in selling this form, agents at stations named will furnish two (2) baggage transfer tags, Form T-8, with each ticket, as the fares quoted Include transfer of passenger and baggage through Philadelphia in both directions. 1^" One transfer tag. Form T-8, should be attached to baggage by Baggage Agent at selling jioint: the other tag to be retained by passenger until ready to leave Atlantic City, when it should be presented to Baggage Agent of the Atlantic City R. R., to be attached to baggage for return trip. AUBURN, N. Y. EXCURSION 1318. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadeli^hia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Auburn. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $12.80 Baltimore, Md 15 .45 Washington, D. C 17.45 BALTIMORE, CHESAPEAKE & ATLANTIC RAILWAY RESORTS. EXCURSION 1562. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Baltimore, Cliesapeake & Atlantic Railway to destination. Returning, same route. FARES FROM WASHINGTON, D. C. Berlin Md. $5.00 Mardela Springs Md. $5.00 Bloomfleld Md. 4.25 , Royal Oak Md. 4.10 Easton Md. 4.35 I Salisbury Md. 5.00 Kirkham Md. 4.20 St. Michaels Md. 3.95 McDaniels Md. 3.85 1^~ If transfer of baggage through Baltimore is desired, issue transfer tag. Form T-45, at rate of 25 cents each. BAR HARBOR, ME. EXCURSION 1539 OR SPECIAL EXCURSION 515. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine B. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Bar Harbor. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. 1^^ Special Excursion 515 is good for continuous passage only, east of Portland, and the fares for same are $2.50 less than the fares tor the regular excursion as quoted below. THROUGH FARES. From tPhiladelphia Pa. Baltimore Md. Washington D. C. 14 lil Lines. Sound Lines. Going Rail. Returning Sound, or vice versa. $28.00 32.00 34.00 $26.00 30.00 32.00 $27.00 31.00 33.00 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD Bar Harbor, Me.— Concluded. EXCURSION 1813. IJaltimore & Oliio R. K to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Hound J5rook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New Yorl<. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Wiiiiniantlc. New York. New Haven & Hartford R. R to Worcester. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Bar Harbor. Returning, same route. (Good for continuous i)assage only east of New York.) THROUGH FARES. tPhlladelphia, Pa $25 .50 Baltimore, Md 29.50 Washington, D. C 31.50 XCURSION 1767. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Eastern Steamsliip Co to Bar Harbor. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH PARES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Returning sound. or vice versa. tPhiladelphia Pa. $21.50 $19.50 $20.50 Baltimore Md. 25.60 23.50 24.50 Washington D. C. 27-50 25.50 26.50 EXCURSION 38. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland. Portland, Mt. Desert & Machias Steamboat Co to Bar Harbor. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forma to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Retumingr sound. or vice versa. tPhiladelphia Pa. $23.00 $21.00 $22.00 Baltimore Md. 27.00 25.00 26.00 Washington D. C. 29.00 27.00 28.00 BATH, ME. EXCURSION 1955. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Bath. Returning, same route. (Good for continuous passage east of Boston.) To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail. From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Returning sound. or vice versa. tPhiladelphia Pa. $19.50 $17.50 $18.50 Baltimore Md. 23.50 21.50 22.50 Washington D. C. 25.50 23.50 24.50 BEAR RUN, PA. EXCURSION 1533. THROUGH FARES. Braddock, Pa $2.70 McKeesport, Pa 2.70 Pittsburg, Pa 3.00 15 SUMMER TOURS 1905 BEDFORD SPRINGS. PA. EXCURSION 1507. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Hyndman. Pennsylvania R. R to Bedford. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore Md. $ 9.55 Bellaire Ohio. 10.25 Berkeley Springs. .W. Va. 4.30 Chester Pa. 10.25 Clarksburg W. Va. 6 . 85 Connellsville Pa. 5 . 55 Everson Pa. 6.80 Falrmout., W. Va. 6.80 Frederick Md. 6.80 Grafton W. Va. 6.95 Harper's Ferry. . . . W. Va. 5.70 Johnstown Pa. 5.05 McKeesport — Pa. 6.65 Manuingtou W. Va. 7.50 X Via Fairmont. Martinsburg W. Va. xMorgantovvn W. Va. *Morgautown W. Va. Mt. Pleasant Pa. New York N. Y. Oakland Md. Parkersburg W. Va. Philadelphia Pa. Pittsburg Pa. Uniontown Pa. Washington D. C. Washington Pa. Wheeling W. Va. Wilmington Del. * Via Uniontown. $ 4.95 7.25 7.85 6.05 13.85 4.00 10.05 10.25 6.65 6.00 7.95 7.85 9.90 10.25 1^~ Excursion 1512, reading to Bedford Springs and return via Cumberland, may be sold at above fares. On account of a half-mile transfer through Cumberland, for which no provision is made, agents will sell tickets via Hyndman unless tickets via Cumberland are requested by passenger. Baggage should be checked via Hynd- man only. BELGRADE, MC. EXCURSION 1955. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland Maine Central R. R to Belgrade Beturning, same route. (Good for continuous passage east of Boston.) To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. From THROOGH FARES. Going Rail. Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Returning Sound, or vice versa. I Philadelphia Pa. Baltimore Md. Washington D. C. $21.40 $19.40 $20.40 25.40 23.40 24.40 27.40 25.40 26.40 BENNINGTON, VT. EXCURSION 1768. Baltimore & Ohio R. R *° P"^f n^H^w' Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New \ ork. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to 1 roy. Boston & Maine R. R to White Creek. HutlandB. R to Bennington. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. 1 Philadelphia. Pa ^.'1- Baltimore, Md }nJ-- Washington. D. C 17. /o 16 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD BERKELEY SPRINGS, W. VA. EXCURSION 1693, 1713 OR 1714. Baltimore & Ohio It. R to Berkeley Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Annapolis Md Baltimore Aid Bellalre Ohio Braddock Pa Butler Pa Gallery Pa xCharlestowu W. \'a Cherry Hun W. Va. Chester Pa Chicora Pa- Clarion J unction . . . . Pa, Clarksburg W. Va Connellsville — Pa xCumberland Md, Deer Park Md, Fairmont W. Va, Foxburg Pa. Frederick Md, Grafton W. Va. Hagerstown Md. xHarper's Kerry . . W. Va. Johnstown Pa Kane Pa. Keyser W. Va. * Via Fairmont. . $ 6.00 6.75 . 10.85 8.05 . 10.20 9.05 •2.95 1.05 9.-.^5 , 10.75 . 12.40 , 7.45 6.15 '2.95 4.40 7.45 , 11.40 2.95 6.55 3.00 2.75 6.20 14.70 3.40 t Via Uniontown. Knox Pa. Marienvllle Pa, Marietta Ohio, McKeesport Pa, xMartinsburg W. Va *Morganto\vn W. Va, t Morgan town W. Va Mountain Lake ParkMd Mt. Pleasant Pa, New York N. Y, Oakland Md. Parkersburg W. Va Parkers Landing Pa, Philadeliihia Pa. Piedmont W. Va. Pittsburg Pa. Rock w ood Pa. xShenaiiduah Jct..W. Va. Washin^iton D. C. W'asliiiigtun Pa. Wheeling \V. Va. Williamstown — W.Va. Wilmington Del. 'tVinchester V a. X Use Form $12.05 , 13.45 , 11.55 7. 90 . 1.75 8.45 7.85 4.50 , 6.65 . 13.76 4.65 10.66 , 11.30 9.75 3.60 8.45 4.40 2.40 4.16 9 45 10.60 11.56 8.76 3.60 LI. 1=^°° In additou to the season tickets for which fares are quoted above, special tickets, Excursion 1700, will be sold from the follow- ing stations to Berkeley Springs, w. Va., and return, for use going on train No. 55 on Fridays, and ou all trains on Saturdays and Sun- days of each week, good to return on any train leaving Berkeley Springs on the following Monday. THROUGH FARBS. Baltimore, Md $4.00 Washington, D. C 3.60 BERKSHIRE HILLS, MASS. EXCURSION 981. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading Ry to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New I'ork. New Y'ork, New Haven & Hartford R. R to destination. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Destination. Great Barrington ... Mass Lee Mass. Lenox Mass. Lenox Dale Mass. New Lenox Mass. Pittsheid Mass. Stockbridge Mass. t Philadelphia. $8.60 9.40 9.50 9.. 50 9.70 9.70 9.10 Baltimore. $12.60 13.40 13.50 13.50 13.70 13.70 13.10 Washington. $14.60 15.40 15.60 15.50 15.70 15. 70 15.10 EXCURSION 1836. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philidelpliia& Reading R'y to Bound Urook. Central R. K. of New Jersey to New Vork. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Chatham. Boston & Albany R. R to destination. Returning, same route. Destination. Adams Mass. Berkshire Mass. Canaan N. Y. Cheshire Mass. Hinsdale Mass. North Adams Mass. Pittsfleld Mass. West Piitsfleld Mass. THROUGH FARES. 1 Philadelphia. $10.40 io.oi> 9.00 10 20 10.15 10. ()0 9.70 9.55 Baltimore. $14.41) 14.00 13 00 14.20 14.15 14 60 13.70 13.55 Washington. $16.40 16.00 15.01) 16.20 16.15 16.60 15.70 16.55 17 SUMMER TOURS 1905 BETHLEHEM (WHITE MOUNTAINS). N. H. EXCURSION 1280. |^P~ Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of N. J to New York. New York. New Haven & Hartford R. R to Springfield. Boston & Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R'y to Brattleboro. Boston & Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R'y to White River Jet. Boston & Maine R. R to Bethleliem. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $20. 20 Baltimore, Md 24.20 Washington, D. C 26.20 BEVERLY, W. VA. EXCURSION 1444. Return limit— Three (3) months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Cumberland. West Virginia Central & Pittsburg R'y to Beverly. Returning, same route. Baltimore Md. Cherry Run W. Va. Connellsville Pa. Dawson Pa. Frederick Md. Hagerstown Md. Harper's P'erry W. Va. THROUGH FARES. $12.50 7.40 8.50 8.70 9.75 9.75 8.65 Johnstown Pa. $ 8.55 McKeesport Pa. 10.20 Martinsburg W. Va. 7 .90 Pittsburg Pa. 10.80 Unioutown Pa. 8.95 Washington D. C. 10.90 Washington Pa. 12.20 EXCURSION 1550. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Belington. West Virginia Central & Pittsburg R'y to Beverly. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Clarksburg W. Va. $3.45 ■"Connellsville Pa. 6 . 25 ♦Dawson Pa. 6.35 Fairmont W. Va. 3.40 Gratton W. Va. 2.55 ♦McKeesport Pa. 7.95 Parkersburg W. Va. $6 . 70 *Pittsburg Pa. 8.65 Uniontown Pa. 5.70 Washington Pa. 7.80 Wheeling W. Va. 6.60 * Via Uniontown. BLOCK ISLAND, R. I. EXCURSION 144. ^~ Not on sale until June 25th. Return limit— September 10th. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. Montauk Steamboat Co to Block Island. Returning, same route. tPhiladelphia, Pa $ 8.00 Baltimore. Md 12.00 Washington, D. C 14.00 EXCURSION 742. j^" Not on sale until July 1st. Return limit— September 5th. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. Norwich Line to New London. New England Navigation Co., (New London— Block Island Line) to Block Island. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. t Philadelphia. Pa $ 8.00 Baltimore, Md 12 .00 Washington. D. C 14.00 18 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD BLUE MOUNTAIN, MD. EXCURSION 93. t^S^ Not on sale until June 15th. naltlmore & Ohio K. R to Ilajierstown. Transfer to W. M. R. U. Depot. Western Maryland R. R to Rlue Mountain. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARE. Washington, DC $4.15 BLUE RIDGE STATION, PA. EXCURSION 93. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Hagerstown. Transfer to W. M. R. R. Depot. Western Maryland R. R to Blue Ridge Station. Returning, same route. THROUOin FARE. Washington, D. C $4.25 BOSTON, MASS. EXCURSION 99. Return limit— Six months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Transfer to M. & M. T. Co.'s Wharf. Merchants & Miners Transportation Co — to Boston. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES Charlestowu W. Va. $28.00 ( Philadelphia Pa. $30.00 Chester Pa. 29.50 Pittsburg Pa. 34.70 Connellsvllle Pa. 32.40 T'liiontown Pa. 32.80 Cumberland Md. 28.70 Wasliington D. C. 28.00 Grafton W. Va. 32.80 Washington Pa. 36.10 .Tohnstown Pa. 32. 4i^ ' Wheeling W. Va. 3«.75 Marietta Ohio. 37.80 Wilmington Del. 29.00 Parkersburg W. Va. 36.90 EXCURSION 57. Return limit-Six months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Transfer to M. & M. T. Co.'s Wharf. Merchants & Miners Transportation Co — to Boston. New York. New Haven & Hartford R. R ... .to Fall River. Old Colonv S. B. Co. (Fall River Line) to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. EXCURSION 105. Return limit— Six months from date of sale. [Reverse of preceding excursion.] THROUGH FARES FOR EXCURSIONS 57 .\ND 105. Chester. Pa .$23.80 Connellsvllle, Pa 31.20 Cumberland, Md 27 .50 Grafton, W. Va 31 .60 Johnstown, Pa 31.25 Marietta, Ohio 36.60 Parkersburg, W. Va 35.70 Pittsburg, Pa 33.00 Uniontown, Pa 3 1 . 60 Washington, Pa 34.90 Washington. D. C 25.80 Wheeling, W. Va 35.55 Wilmington, Del 23.80 t^~Fares Include transfer of passenger and ordinary baggage through Baltimore, also meals and stateroom berth on Merchants & Miners Transportation Company's steamers. 19 SUMMER TOURS 1905 FEEDING FORMS TO AND FROM BOSTON, MASS. These forms have been prepared for use in connection with ex- tension tickets of lialtimore & Ohio R. R. issue, reading from Boston to destination and return to Boston, thus making comi)lete round trip tickets from point of sale. They are not for tale except m connection with the extension tickets from Boston. GOING AND RETURNING SAME ROUTE. BOSTON, MASS. EXCURSION 497 OR 911. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound lirook. Central R. K. of New Jersey to New \ork. Old Colony S. B. Co (Fall River Line) to Fall River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Boston. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 498. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New lork. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Springtleld. Boston & Albany R. R to Boston. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 499 OR 1542. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New London. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. K to Boston. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 926. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New \ ork. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Hartford. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Boston. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 927. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to AVillimantic. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Boston. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 92S. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia . Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central B. R. of New Jersey to New York. New England Nav. Co. (Norwich Line) to New London. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Boston. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 930. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New England Nav. Co. (Providence Line) to Providence. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Boston. Returning, same route. GOING ROUTES. TO BOSTON, MASS. EXCURSION 932. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bouml Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New \ork. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New London. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Boston. EXCURSION 933. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York. New Haven & Hartford R. B to WUlimantic. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Boston. 20 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD Feeding Forms to and from Boston, Mass. Continued. EXCURSION 934. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelplila. Pliiladel pliia & Reading R'.V to Rounrl Mrook. Central li. It. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Hartford. New York, New Haven & Hai'tford R. R to Boston. EXCURSION 93S. Baltimore & Oblo R. R to Philadelphia. PhiladeliJhia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York. New Haven & Hartford R. R to Springfield. Boston & Albany R. R to Boston. EXCURSION 936. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony S. B. Co. (Fall River Line) to Fall River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Boston. EXCURSION 937. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of Ne w Jersey to New York. New EuiTland Nav. Co. (Providence Line) to Providence. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Boston. EXCURSION 939. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia A: Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New England Nav. Co. (Norwich Line) to New London. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Boston. RETURNING ROUTES. FROM BOSTON. MASS. EXCURSION 941. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New London. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to I'hiladelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. EXCURSION 942 New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Willimantlc. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. EXCURSION 943. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Hartford. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersev to Bound Brook. PhiladeliAia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. EXCURSION 944. Boston & Albanv R. R to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. EXCURSION 945. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Fall River. Old Colony '^. B. Co. (Fall River Line) to New York. Central H. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore &Ohlo R. R to starting point. 21 SUMMER TOURS 1905 FEEDING FORMS TO AND FROM BOSTON, MASS. Concluded. EXCURSION 946. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Providence. New England Nav. Co. (Providence Line) to New York. Central K. R. of New Jersey to Bound Flrook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. EXCURSION 948. New York. New Haven & Hartford R. R to New London. New England Nav. Co. (Norwich Line) to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Round Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. BRANDON (Lake Dunmore), VT. EXCURSION 1768. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. K. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Troy. Boston & Maine R. R to White Creek. Rutland R. R to Brandon. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhlladelphla, Pa $15. 10 Baltimore, Md 19.10 Washington, D. C 21.10 BUENA VISTA SPRINGS, MD. EXCURSION 93. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Hagerstowu. Transfer to Western Maryland R. H. Depot. Western Maryland R. R to Buena Vista Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARE. Washington $4.25 BURLINGTON, VT. ]^" Not on sale until June 1st. EXCURSION 1768, Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Br.(Ok. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River B. R to Troy. Boston & Maine R. R to White Creek. Rutland R. R to Burlington. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhlladelphla $17.60 Baltimore. Md 21.60 Washington. D. C 23.60 EXCURSION 1263 OR 1834. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Springfield. Boston & Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R'y to Brattleboro. Boston & Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R'y to Burlington. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhlladelphla, Pa $17 . 60 Baltimore, Md 21.60 Washington, D. C 23.60 22 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD BRETTON WOODS ^WHITE MOUNTAINS\ N. H. EXCURSION 1280. 8:^^ Not on sale until June 1st. Baltiinure & Ohio H. R Pliiltulelplila. PUiladelpliia & UeartiuK R'y to liouud Brook. Central K. U. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford H. \i to Springfleld. Boston & Maine U. 11 to Soiitli Vernon. Central Vermont ll'y to l!r;itriel)oro. Boston & Maine H. K to Windsor. Central Vermont R'y to White River Jet. Boston & Maine li. li to Bretton Woods. Returning, same route. THKOUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $19.50 Baltimore, Md '23.50 Washington, D. C 25.50 CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS, PA. EXCURSION 139. Return limit— Three months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pittsburg. Transfer to P. & L. E. Depot. Pittsburg & Lake Erie R. R to Youngstown. Erie R. R to Cambridge Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore Md. $20.00 Cameron W. Va. 9.40 Clarksburg W. Va. 12.40 Connellsville Pa. 8.85 Fairmont W^ Va. $11.10 Manniugton W. Va. 10.70 Washington D. C. 20.00 Weston W. Va. 13.40 CAPE MAY, N. J. EXCURSION 1296 Return limit— Six months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Atlantic City R. R to Cape May. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore Md. *Bellaire Ohio. Braddock Pa. Butler Pa. *Charlestown W. Va. Chester Pa. Clarksburg W^. Va. Confluence Pa. Connellsville Pa. Cumberland Md. Fairmont W. Va. Foxburg Pa. Frederick Md. Grafton W. Va. *Hagerstowu Md. Harper's Ferry. . . W. Va. Hyndman Pa. Johnstown Pa. Keyser W. Va. McKeesport Pa. i 6.25 *Marietta Ohio. 22.30 *Martlnsburg W. Va. 18.25 Meyersdale Pa. 18.85 Morgantown W. Va. 10.10 MoundsYille W. Va. 2.75 Mt. Pleasant Pa. 18.90 Newark Del. 15 . 95 Parkersburg W. Va. 17.00 Piedmont W. Va. 13.95 Pittsburg Pa. 1S.90 Rockwood Pa. 18.85 *Shenandoah Jct..W. Va. 9.25 Somerset. . . Pa. 18.05 Uniontown Pa. 9.45 Washington D. C. 9.60 *Washiugton Fa. 13.95 West Newton Pa. 14.95 , *Whee]inK W. Va. 14.90 I Wilmington Del. 18.25 I * Winchester Va. $23.05 10.15 14.95 19.35 21.55 17.90 3.85 22.15 15.10 18.25 14.95 9.90 14.95 18.05 8.25 20.05 18.25 22.00 3.25 11.05 EXCURSION 331. Return limit— Fifteen days including date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelplila. Atlantic City R. R to Cape May. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Chester Pa. *Hagerstown Md. ♦Martinsburg W. Va. $2.50 Newark Del. $ 3.60 9.20 Wilmington Del. 3.00 9.95 *Winchester Va. 10.80 23 SUMMER TOURS 1905 Cape May, N. j .— Conciudea. From points marked *, free transfer of passenger and baggage through Philadelphia, in both directions, will be allowed on season and 15-day tickets, and agents will furnish purchasers, free of charge, two (2) passenger transfer checks of Form T-'i3 and two (2) baggage transfer tags of Form T-8. One transfer tag, of Form T-8. should be attached to baggage by Baggage Agent at selling point, the other tag to be retained by passenger until ready to leave Cape May, when it should be presented to Baggage Agent of Atlantic City R. K., to be attached to baggage for return trip. Agents will advise purchasers that transfer checks of Form T-23 will be honored by the Union Transfer Company for transfer of passenger between Baltimore & Ohio K. R. Depot and Atlantic City R. R. Pier. From points not marked *, fares do not include transfer of passenger or baggage througli Philadelphia. If this service is desired, agents will sell transfer checks of Form T-23, for transfer of passenger, at rate of 15 cents in either direction, and transfer tags of Form T-8, for transfer of baggage, at rate of 25 cents in either direction. CAPE VINCENT, N. Y. EXCURSION 1527- Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of Ne w Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Cape Vincent. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphla, Pa $18.00 Baltimore, Md 22.00 Washington, D. C 24 .00 CAPON SPRINGS, W. VA. EXCURSION 376. ^r° Not on sale until May 31st. Return limit— October 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Capon Road. Stage (16 miles) to Capon Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. New York N. Y. $19.30 Parkersburg W. Va. 19.60 Baltimore Md. $11.30 Bellaii'e Ohio. 19.75 Charlestown W. Va. 7. 00 Chester Pa. 14.80 Cumberland Md. 11.35 Frederick Md. 8.55 Grafton W. Va. 15.45 Hagerstown Md. 8.60 Harper's Ferry — W. Va. 7 • 50 Philadelphia Pa. 15.30 Pittsburg Pa. 17.40 Washington D. C. 9.70 Wheeling W. Va. 19.40 Wilmington Del. 14.30 Winchester Va. 5.90 CATSKILL MOUNTAINS, N. Y. CATSKILL, N. Y. EXCURSION 1560. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Catskill. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $ 7.76 Baltimore, Md 11 .75 Washington, D. C 13.75 EXCURSION 1500. 1^" Not on sale until May 15th. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Day Line Steamers to Catskill. Returning, same route. tPhiladelphia, Pa $ 6.75 Baltimore, Md 10.75 Washington, D. C 13.00 24 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD Catskill Mountains, N. Y.-Continued. KINGSTON, N. Y. EXCURSION 1560. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Phlladeiiiliia & IJeadiug R'y to Hotind IJrook. Central R. H. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Kingston. Returning, same route. THROUGH FAKES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $ 7.25 Baltimore, Md 11.25 Washington, D. C 13.25 CATSKILL MOUNTAINS, N. Y. EXCURSION 1560 IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 887. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelpliia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. ot New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Catskill. Catskill Mountain R'y to destination. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. DESTINATION. tPhiladelphia. Baltimore. Washington. Lawrenceville $9.35 $18.35 $15.35 Leeds 8.55 12.55 14.56 Palenville 9.75 13.75 16.75 South Cairo 8.96 12.95 14.95 I^~ Via Catskill Evening Line (Excursion 195(i in connection with Excursion SS7), $1.50 less than all rail fares. ^pW Via Day Line Steamers (Excursion 1500 In connection with Excursion 887), $1.00 less than all rail fares. EXCURSION 1560 IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 1502. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central H. R. of New Jersey to New York. West Shore R. R to Kingston. Ulster & Delaware R. R to destination. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. DESTINATION. tPhiladelphia. Baltimore. Washington. Arkville $10.00 $14.00 $16.00 Big Indian 9.30 13.30 15.30 Bloomville 12.30 16.30 18.30 Brodheads Bridge 8.20 12.20 14.20 Brown's Station 8.05 12.05 14.05 Chichester 8.85 12.85 14.85 Edgewood 9.25 13.25 15.25 Fleischman's 9.75 13.75 16.75 Grand Gorge 11.05 15.05 17.05 Grand Hotel Station 9.60 13.60 15.60 Haine's Corners 9.50 13.50 15.50 Halcottville 10.30 14.30 16.30 Hobart 1175 15.75 1775 Hunter 9.50 13.50 15.50 Kaaterskill 9.50 13.50 15.60 Lanesville 905 13.05 15.05 Laurel House Station 9.50 13.60 16.50 Mount Pleasant 8.65 12.65 14.66 Olive Branch 7.85 11.85 13.85 Phoenicia 8.76 12.75 14.75 Pine Hill 9 55 13.55 16.55 Roxbury 10.65 14.65 16.66 Shaudaken 9.06 13.05 15.05 Shokan 8.25 12.25 14.26 Stamford 11.55 15.65 17.55 Tannersville 9.60 13.60 15.60 WestHurley 7.65 11.65 13.65 26 SUMMER TOURS 1905 CaTSKILL Mountains, N. Y.— Concluded. EXCURSION 1335 IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 1502. iS^ Not on sale until May 15th. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Day Line Steamers to Kingston Point. Ulster & Delaware R. K to destination. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. DtSTiNATioN. 'Philadelphia. Baltimore. Wasliingtou. Arkville $9.20 $13. 20 '$1.5.20 Big Indian 8.50 12.50 14.50 lUoomville 11.45 15.45 17.45 Brodheads Bridge 7.40 11.40 13.40 Brown's Station 7.20 11.20 13.20 Chichester 8.05 12.05 14.05 Edgewood 8.40 12.40 14.40 Pleischmau's 8.95 12.95 14.95 Urand Gorge. 10.20 14.20 16.20 Grand Hotel Station 8.75 12.75 14.75 Maine's Corners 8.95 12.95 14.95 Halcottville 9.50 13.50 15.50 Hobart 10.95 14.95 16.95 Hunter 8.85 12.85 14.85 Kaaterskill 9.10 13.10 15.10 Lanesville 8.25 12.25 14.25 Laurel House Station 9.10 13.10 15.10 Mount Pleasant 7.80 11.80 13.80 Olive Branch 7.05 11.05 13.05 Piioenicia 7.95 11.95 13.95 Pine Hill 8.65 12.65 14.65 Roxburv 9.85 13.85 15.85 Shandaken 8.25 12.25 14.25 Shokau 7.45 1145 13.45 Stamford 10.75 14.75 16.75 Tannersvllle 8.85 12.85 14.85 West Hurlev 6.85 10.85 13.00 EXCURSION 750 IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 1502. t^^' Not on sale until May 27th. Baltimore & Oliio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. K. of New Jersey to New Vork. Steamer " Mary Powell" .. to Kingston. Ulster & Delaware R. R to destination. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. DESTINATION. I Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washington Arkville $ 8.25 $12.25 $14.25 Big Indian 755 11.55 13.55 Mloomville 10.55 14.55 16.55 Brodheads Bridge 6.45 10. 60 13.00 Brown's Station 6.30 10.60 13.00 Chichester 7.00 11.10 13.10 Edgewood 7.50 11.50 13.50 Pleischman's 8.00 12.00 14.00 Grand Gorge 9.30 13.30 15.30 Grand Hotel Station 7.85 11.85 13.85 Haiue's Corners 7.75 11.75 13.75 Halcottville 8.55 12.55 14.55 Hobart 10.00 14.00 16.00 Hunter 7.75 11.75 13.75 Kaaterskill 7.75 11.75 13.75 Lanesville 7.30 11.30 13.30 Laurel House Station 7 75 11.75 13.75 Mount Pleasant 6.90 10.90 13.00 Olive Branch 6.10 10.60 13.00 Phoenicia 7.00 11.00 13.00 Pine Hill 7.80 11.80 13.80 Roxbury 8.90 12.90 14.90 Shandaken 7.30 11.30 13.30 Shokan 6.50 10.60 13.00 Stamford 9.80 13.80 15 80 Tannersvllle 7.75 11.75 13.75 West Hurley 5.90 10.60 13.00 26 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD CAZENOVIA, N. Y. EXCURSION 1318. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Phlladelplila. Philadelphia & Readinj? R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Cazenovla. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhlladelphla. Pa $12.36 Baltimore, Md 14.35 Washington. D. C 16.35 CHAUTAUQUA LAKE, N. Y. 1^~ Not on sale until June 1st. EXCURSION 1549. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'v to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Buffalo. Pennsylvania R. R to May villa. Chautauqua Steamboat Co to any point on the lake. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $17 .00 Baltimore, Md 18.00 Washington, D. G 20.00 EXCURSION 1563. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Heading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New Vork. Erie R. R to Lakewood or Jamestown. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $22.00 Baltimore, Md 26.00 Washington, D. C 28.00 EXCURSION 83, Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pittsburg. Transfer to P. & L. E. Depot. Pittsburg & Lake Erie R. R to Youngstown. Erie R. R to Lakewood or Jamestown. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 1591. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pittsburg. Transfer to P. & L. E. Depot. Pittsburg & Lake Erie R. R to Youngstown. Brie R. R to Lakewood or Jamestown. Chautauqua Steamboat Company to any point on the Lake. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore Md. $20.00 *Fairmont W. Va. $13.10 Braddock Pa. 8.30 *Grafton W. Va. 14.00 ♦Clarksburg W. Va. 14.40 McKeesport Pa. 8.40 Connellsville Pa. 10.65 Uniontown Pa. 10.85 Cumberland Md. 14.00 Washington D. C. 20.00 *Vla Uniontown. CLIFTON SPRINGS, N. Y. EXCURSION 1318. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'v to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R ". to Clifton Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH F.\RES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $13.40 Baltimore, Md 14.40 Washington, D, C-., 16.40 27 SUMMER TOURS 1905 COBOURG, ONT. ^~ Not on sale until June 1st. EXCURSION 1518, Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Retlilehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Rochester. Rochester Railway to City Line. Rochester & Irondequoit R'y to Summer ville. Lake Ontario & Baj' of Quinte Steamboat Co to Cobourg. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhlladelphia, Pa $19.00 Baltimore, Md 20.35 Washington, D. C 22.35 EXCURSION 244. Extension from Niagara Falls. Grand Trunk R'y to Cobourg. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with Summer Excursion tickets, passing through or terminating at Niagara Falls. Fare from Niagara Falls $6.20 EXCURSION 1677. Extension from Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Grand Trunk R'y to Cobourg. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with Summer Excursion tickets, passing through or terminating at Niagara Falls. Fare from Niagara Falls $5.75 COTTAGE CITY (MARTHA'S VINEYARD), MASS. EXCURSION 625, Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Fall River Line to Fall River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New Bedford. New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard & Nan. S. B. Line. to Cottage City. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 1952. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony S. B. Co. (New Bedford Line) to New Bedford. New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard & Nan. S. B. Line.. to Cottage City. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES FOR EXCURSIONS 625 AND 1952. tPhlladelphia, Pa $11 . 25 Baltimore, Md 15 . 25 Washington, D. C 17.25 DAVIS, W. VA. Return limit— Three months from date of sale. EXCURSION 1444 OR 1842. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Cumberland. West Virginia Central & Pittsburg R'y to Davis. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore Md. $11.05 Martinsburg W.Va. $ 6.45 Cherry Run W.Va. 5.95 New York N.Y. 19.05 Connellsville Pa. 7.05 Philadelphia Pa. 15.05 Frederick Md. 8 30 Pittsburg Pa. 9.35 Hagerstown Md. 8.30 Unlontown Pa. 7.50 Harper's Ferry.... W. Va. 7.20 i AFashington D. C. 9.45 Johnstown Pa. 7.10 Wilmington Del. 14.05 McKeesport Pa. 8.75 28 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD Davis, W. Va.— Continued. EXCURSION 1282 OR 1835. Baltimore & Ohio H. R to Bellngton. West Virginia Central & I'ittsbnrt? R'y to Davis. Ketnrulns, same route. TIIUOUCII FAKES. Clarksburg W. Va. *Connellsville Pa. Fairmont W. Va. Grafton W.Va. *McKeesport Pa. $4.90 7.70 4.85 4.00 9.40 *Vla Unlontown Parkersl)urg W.Va. $ 8.15 ♦Pittsburi,^ Pa. 10.00 ITiiiontown Pa. 7.15 Wheeling W.Va. 7-95 DEER PARK, MD. EXCURSION 1690, 1713 OR 1714. Baltimore & Ohio R. K to Deer Park. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARE? .Pa. W.Va. W.Va. TMcKeesport Pa. Mannington W.Va. *Marien ville Pa. tMarienville Pa. IMariotta Ohio. M;utnisi)urg W.Va. Ma^on City W.Va Mi'Versdale . MorKuntown >[ouuilsville *Mt. Pleasant Pa. JMt. Pleasant Pa. Newark Del. •"New Martinsville, W.Va. N<'\v York N. Y. Parkersliurg W.Va. •Parker Pa. tParker Pa. Philadelphia Pa. xPieamont W.Va. *Pittsburg Pa. tPittsburg Pa. Point Pleasant .... W.Va. Pomeroy Ohio. Ravenswood W.Va. Relay Md. Rockwood Pa. Romney W.Va. *Scott Haven Pa. tScott Haven Pa. Shenandoah Jet . . W.Va. -Sistersville W.Va. Somerset Pa. ^St. Marv's W.Va. list. Mary's W.Va. Strasburg Junction. . Va. ♦ITuiontown Pa. t Union town Pa. Wasliington D. C. ^WasliiULiton Pa, " Weston W.Va. * West Newton Pa. JWest Newton Pa. Wheeling W.Va. II Williamstown W.Va. Wilmington Del. Winchester Va. § Via Wheeling. II Via Parkersburg. i Via Morgantown. ° Via New Martinsville. $ 9.65 9.00 0.45 3.80 4.40 .95 7.55 7.75 6.00 4.70 9.65 9. 90 9.10 9.35 5.05 6.30 4.50 1'2.50 10.20 10.45 11.85 12.10 3. 05 5.60 5.85 2.60 5.90 6.10 10.85 11.10 3.05 6.85 10. 70 2.70 6.85 5.80 10.45 11.65 2.70 5.70 14.15 14.40 11.95 1.35 11.50 11.75 7.35 Annapolis JId. Baltimore ISfd. Bellaire Ohio. Belington W.Va. Berkeley Springs. . W.Va. xBlooraington W.Va. *Braddock Pa. tBraddock Pa. Brunswick Md. Buckhannou W.Va. *Butler Pa. tliutler Pa. *Callerv Pa. tCallery Pa. Cameron W.Va. Charlestown W.Va. Cherry Run W.Va. Chester Pa. *Chicora Pa. iChicora Pa. *Clarion Junction Pa. iClarion Junction Pa. Clarksburg W.Va. ♦Counellsville Pa. tConnellsville Pa. xCumberland Md. *Everson Pa. t Rverson Pa. *Foxburg Pa. JFoxburg Pa. Fairmont W.Va. Frederick Md. Galli polls Ohio. xGraf ton W.Va. Hagerstown Md. Harper's Ferry — W.Va. Havre de Grace Md. Huntington W.Va. *Hyudman Pa. Jolinstown Pa. *Kane Pa. ifKane Pa. Keuova W.Va. *Keyser W.Va. *Knox Pa. + Knox Pa. *McKeesport Pa. * Via Cumberland llVia Clarksburg. xUse Form L 1. I^"In addition to the season tickets for which fares are quoted herein, Excursion 1697, will be sold from the following stations to Deer Park, Md., and return, good going on Train Nos. 1 and 3 on Fridays and on all trains on Satunlays and Sundays of each week, good to return on any tlirough train to and including No. 12, leaving Deer Park on the following Monday. THROUGH FARES. Philadelphia , Pa $8 . 00 Baltimore, Md 5 .00 Washington, D. C 5.00 29 ; 7.56 3.75 12.90 13.15 7. 20 5.05 9.35 3.40 4.05 5.70 6.10 6.30 11.40 6.10 17.00 6.30 10.75 11.00 13.00 1.10 7.95 8.15 9.95 9.35 8.20 8.70 8.90 3.10 6.80 7.05 5.50 6.50 4.25 7.15 8.00 8.40 6.05 5.35 8.00 7.45 4.05 6.60 6.85 6.15 7.20 12.00 7.40 SUMMER TOURS 1905 DURBIN, W. VA. EXCURSION 1444. Return limit— Three months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Cumberland. West Virginia Central & Pittsburg R'y to Durbin. Returning, same route. Baltimore Md. Connellsville Pa. Frederick Md. Hagerstown Md . Harper's Ferry.. .W. Va. Johnstown Pa. THROUGH FARES. $14.10 10.10 11.35 11.3.5 10.25 10.15 Martlnsburg W. Va. $9.50 New York N. Y. 22.10 Philadelphia Pa. 18.10 Pittsburg Pa. 12.40 Uniontown Pa. 10.55 Washington D. C. 12.50 McKeesport Pa. 11.80 Wilmington Del. 17.10 EXCURSION 1835. Return limit— Three months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Belington. West Virginia Central & Pittsburg R'y to Durbin. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Clarksburg W. Va. $5.15 *Connellsville Pa. 7.95 Fairmont W. Va. 5.10 Grafton W. Va. 4.2& *McKeeport Pa. 9.65 Parkersburg W. Va. $ 8.40 *Pittsburg Pa. 10.25 TTniontown Pa. 7.40 Wheeling W. Va. 8.20 * Via Uniontown. RESORTS REACHED VIA EASTERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. EXCURSION 1767. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Eastern Steamship Co to destination. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. To Boston and Return via Rail Lines in Botti Directions. THROUGH FAKES. DESTINATION. tPhlladelphia. Baltimore. Washington. Bangor Me. $20.50 $24.50 $26.50 Belfast Me. 19.50 23.50 25.50 Blue Hill Me. 21.00 25.00 27.00 Brooklin Me. 2050 24.50 26.50 Camden Me. 18.70 22.70 24.70 Castine Me. 20.25 24.25 26.25 Deer Tsle Me. 20.00 24.00 26.00 Ellsworth Me. 22.00 26.00 28.00 Northeast Harbor Me. 21.10 25.10 27.10 Searsport Me. 19.70 23.70 25.70 Sedgwick Me. 20.50 24.50 2650 Southwest Harbor Me. 21.00 25.00 27.00 To Boston and Return via Sound Lines in Botli Directions. THROUGH FARES. DESTINATION. tl'hiladelphia. Baltimore. Washington. Bangor Me. $18.50 $22.50 $24.50 Belfast Me. 17.50 21.50 23.50 Blvie Bill Me. 19.00 23.00 25.00 Brooklin Me. 18. .50 22. .50 24.50 Camden Me. 16.70 20.70 22.70 Castine Me. 18.25 22.25 24.25 Deer Isle Me. 18.00 22.00 24.00 Ellsworth Me. 20.00 24.00 26.00 Northeast Harbor Me. 19.10 23.10 25.10 Searsport Me. 17.70 21.70 23.70 Sedgwick Me. 18.50 22.50 24.50 Southwest Harbor Me. 19 . 00 23 . 00 25 . 00 30 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD RESORTS REACHED VIA EASTERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY.— ^'oucludod. To Boston via Rail Lines, Returning via Sound Lines, or vice versa. TIIKOUGII FAKES. DESTINATION. tPliiladelpliia. IJaltiiuore. Washington. liangor Me. $19.50 $'.23.50 $25. ,50 boltabt Me. 18.50 'J'l.bO 21.50 IJlue Hill .Me. 'iO.OO 21.00 2G.00 Brooklin Me. 19.50 2:5.50 25. ,50 Canideu Me. 17.70 21. 7o 23.70 Castine Me. 19 25 23.25 25.25 Deer isle Me. 19. OO 23.00 25.00 Ellsworth Me. 21.00 25.00 27.00 Northeast Harbor Me. 20. lo 24.10 26.10 Searsport Me. 18.70 22. 70 24.70 SedjiWick Me. 19. 50 23. 60 25.50 Southwest Harbor Me. 20.00 24.00 26.00 EASTPORT, ME. EXCURSION 1767 Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Eastern Steamship Co to Eastport. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Returning Sound, tPhiladelphia Pa. $22.50 $20.50 $21.50 Baltimore Md. 26.50 24. 50 25.50 Washington D.C. 28.50 26.50 27.50 EAGLES MERE PA. EXCURSION 1548. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Halls. Willianisport & North Branch R. R to Sonestown. Eagles Mere R. R to Eagles Mere. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $ 9.20 Balthiiore, Md 10.75 Washington, D.C 12.75 t^g^ Baggage will be checked through and delivered to any hotel or cottage at Eagles Mere upon the payment of 50 cents for each piece at point of checking. This amount covei's transportation from Sonestown and delivery to any hotel or cottage at Eagles Mere, and agents will use baggage tag Form T-42. If the baggage tag is not paid for, agents will check to Sonestown only. EGGLESTON SPRINGS, VA. EXCURSION 1588 Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Keuova. Norfolk & Western R'y to Eggleston Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Gallipolis Ohio. $13.30 Point Pleasant W.Va. $13.00 Huntington W.Va. 11.35 ! Sistersville W.Va. 18.00 Mason City W.Va. 13.60; Wheeling W.Va. 19.90 Parkersburg W.Va. 16.15 | Williamstown W.Va. 16.65 31 SUMMER TOURS 1905 ELKINS, W. VA. Return limit— Three niontlis from date of sale. EXCURSION 1444 OR 1S41 Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Cumljerland. West Virginia Central & Pittsburg R'y to Elkins. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore Md. $12.25 i Martinsburg W.Va. $ 7.65 Cherrv Run W.Va. 7.15, New York N.Y. 20.25 Connellsville Pa. 8.25 Philadelphia Pa. 16.25 Frederick Md. 9.50 Pittsburg Pa. 10.55 Hagerstowu Md. 9.50 Uuioutown Pa. 8.70 Harper's Ferry W.Va. 8.40 Washington D.C. 10.65 Johnstown Pa. 8.30 Wilmington Del. 15.25 McKeesport Pa. 9.95 EXCURSION 1281 OR 1835 Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Belington. West Virginia Central & Pittsburg R'y .to Elkins. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Clarksburg W.Va $3.30 , Parkersburg W.Va. $6.55 ♦Connellsville Pa. 6.10 ! *Plttsburg Pa. 8.40 Fairmont W.Va. 3.25 i Uniontown Pa. 6.55 Grafton W.Va. 2.40 Wheeling W.Va. 6.35 ♦McKeesport Pa. 7.80 ♦Via Uniontown. ELLENVILLE, N. Y. EXCURSION 1S61. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Ontario & Western R'y to Ellenville. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $ 8.10 Baltimore, Md 12.10 Washington, D. C 14.10 ESSEX, N. Y. EXCURSION 1815. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading K'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Peoples Line Steamers to Albany. Delaware & Hudson Co to Essex. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $15 .30 Baltimore, Md 19.30 Washington, D. C 21.30 FABYANS (WHITE MOUNTAINS), N. H. EXCURSION 1280. US^ Not on sale until June Ist. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Springfield. Boston & Maine K. R to South \'ernon. Central Vermont U'y to Brattleboro. Boston & Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R'y to White River Jet. Boston & Maine R. R to Fabyans. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $19.50 Baltimore, Md 23. 50 Washington, D. C 25.50 32 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD FERNDALE, N. Y. EXCURSION 1561. Baltimore & Oliio H. K to Pliiladelplila. Philadelphia cV- Headiufi ll'y to Round Hrook. Central K. U. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Ontario & Western K'y to Ferndale. Returning, same route. TIIKOUGII FAUES. I Philadelphia, Pa $8.75 Raltiiuore, Md 12.75 Washington, D. C 14.75 GENEVA, IN. Y. EXCURSION 1318. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Plilladelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Geneva. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $12.85 Baltimore, Md 14.40 Washington, D. C 16.40 GEORGES MILLS, N. H. i^"Not on sale until June Ist. EXCURSION 1816. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Lake Sunapee. Sunapee Lake Steamer to Georges Mills. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Rail Lines. Sound Lines. tPhiladelphia, Pa $19.80 $17.80 Baltimore, Md 23.80 21.80 Washington, D. C 25 . 80 23 . 80 Going Rail, Returning Sound, or vice versa. $18.80 22.80 24.80 GETTYSBURG, PA. Return limit— Six months from date of sale. EXCURSION 93 OR 64 1. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Hagerstown. Transfer to W. M. R. R. Depot. Western Maryland R. R to Gettysburg. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARKS. Harper's Ferry, W. Va $3.40 Washington, D. C 5.40 EXCURSION 192 OR 1125. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Cherry Run Western Maryland R. R to Gettysburg. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Bellaire Ohio $13.95 Clarksburg W. Va. 10.50 Connellsville Pa. 9.25 Cumberland Md. 5.55 Fairmont W. Va. 10.50 Grafton W. Va. 9.60 Johnstown Pa. 8.85 McKeesport Pa. 10.95 Meyersdale Pa. Mount Pleasant Pa. Parkersburg W. Va. Pittsburg Pa. Rockwood Pa. Uuiontown Pa. Washington Pa. Wheeling W. Va. i 7.00 9.70 13.75 11.55 7.50 9.65 12.65 13.60 EXCURSION 160. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadeliihia. Baltimore & Ohio R. It to Washington. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Ilagerstown. Western Maryland R. R to (iettysburg. Philadelphia & Heading R'y to Allentown. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Fare from New York $11 .50 33 SUMMER TOURS 1905] GLENFIELD, N. Y. EXCURSION 1527. Baltimore & Ohio R. K to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Glenfleld. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $15.60 Baltimore, Md 19. 60 Washington, D. C 21 .60 GLOUCESTER, MASS. EXCURSION 1531. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Gloucester. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, Rail Lines. Sound Lines. ^='"L?'"s so"nd, From tPhiladelphia Pa. $15.45 $13.45 Baltimore Md. 19.45 1745 Washington ..D.C. 21.45 19.45 ' vice versa. $14.45 18.45 20.45 GLEN SUMMIT SPRINGS, PA. EXCURSION 1318. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Keading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to tileu Summit Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $ 5-75 Baltimore, Md 9.75 Washington, D. C 11.75 GODERICH, ONT. EXCURSION 244. Extension from Niagara Falls. N Y. Grand Trunk R'y to Goderich. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with tickets passing through or terminating at Niagara Falls. Fare from Niagara Falls $7.70 GORMAN, MD. EXCURSION 1444. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Cumberland. West Virginia Central & Pittsburg R'y to Gorman. Returning, same route. Baltimore Md. Cherry Run W. Va. Connellsville Pa. Frederick Md. Hagerstown Md. Harper's Ferry . . . W. Va. Johnstown Pa. McKeesport Pa. THROUGH FARES. $10.10 5.00 6.10 7.35 7.35 6.25 6.15 7.80 Martinsburg W. Va. $ 5.50 New York N. Y. 18.10 Philadelphia Pa. 14. 10 Pittsburg Pa. 8.40 Union town Pa. 6.55 Washington D.C. 8.50 Wilmington Del. 13.10 34 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY RESORTS. EXCURSION 244. Extension from Niagara Falls. N.Y. Grand Trunk Hallway to destination. Keturninii, same route. EXCURSION 1677. Extension from Niagara Falls, N. Y. New York Central & Hudson If iver It. K to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Grand Trunk R'y to destination. Returning, same route. Sold In connection with summer exctirsiou tickets passing through or terminating at Niagara Falls. FAKES FROM NIAGARA FALLS. Harrie Ont. $5.50 I Midland Ont. $7.00 Rurks Falls Ont. 9.20 Muskoka Wharf Ont. 6.80 Collingwood Ont. 7.00 I North Itav Ont. 11.40 Gravenhurst Ont. 6.80 I Owen Sound Ont. 8..S5 Huutsville Ont. 8.20 | Penetaug Ont. 7.00 HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. EXCURSION 1 178 Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Plant Line to Halifax. Ueturning. same route to Roston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Goint; Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. KeturningSound, i^r vica versa. tPhlladelphia Pa. $26.00 $24.00 $2.'S.00 Haltiniore Md. 30.00 28.00 29.00 Washington B.C. 32.00 30,00 31.00 EXCURSION 32. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston Plant Line to Halifax. Dominion Atlantic R'y to Bigby. Steamer " Prince Rupert" to St.'.Iohn. Eastern Steamship Co to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Returning Sound, or vice versa. tPhlladelphia Pa. $30. .50 $28.50 $29.50 Baltimore Md. 34.50 .32. .50 33.50 Washington B.C. 36. ,50 34.50 35,50 EXCURSION 32. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Plant liine to Halifax. Bomlnlon Atlantic R'y to Yarmouth. Dominion Atlantic Steamship Co to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Returning Sound, or vice versa. tPhiladelpliia Pa, $29.50 $27. .50 $28. .50 Baltimore Md. 33,50 31.50 32.50 Washington B.C. 35,. 50 33.50 34.50 35 SUMMER TOURS 1905 $20.00 $27.00 $28.00 33.00 31.00 32.00 35.00 33.00 34.00 Halifax, nova Scotia.— concluded. EXCURSION 1809 Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Dominion Atlantic Steamship Co to Yarmouth. Dominion Atlantic K'y to Halifax. Returning, same route to Boston. To he sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Returning sound, or vice versa. tPhiladelphia Pa. $28 . 00 $26 . 00 $27 . 00 Baltimore Md. 32.00 30.00 31.00 Washington D. C. 34.00 32.00 33.00 EXCURSION 32. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Dominion Atlantic Steamship Co to Yarmouth. Dominion Atlantic R'y to Halifax. Plant Line to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Returning Sound or vice versa. tPhiladelphia Pa. Baltimore Md. Washington D. C. EXCURSION 1810. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Dominion A tlantic Steamship Co to Yarmouth. Dominion Atlantic Ry to Halifax. Dominion Atlantic Ry to Digby. Steamer " Prince Rupert " to St. John. Eastern Steamship Co to Boston, EXCURSION 1811. [Reverse of preceding excursion.] To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES FOR EXCURSIONS 1810 AND 1811. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Re""-ning or vice versa. tPhiladelphia Pa. $31. .50 $29.50 $30.50 Baltimore Md. 35.50 33. .50 34.50 Washington D. C. 37.50 35.50 36.50 EXCURSION 1344. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R — to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Vanceboro. Canadian Pacific R'y to St. .John. Intercolonial R'y to Halifax. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Returning sound, or vice versa. tPhiladelphia Pa. $40.00 $38 00 $39.00 Baltimore Md. 44.00 42.00 43.00 Washington D. C. 46.00 44.00 45.00 For tickets limited to continuous passage east of Boston, tlie fare will be $4.00 less than shown above. Agents will use Form Ex. 1344, endorsing coupons east of Boston " Continuous passage." 36 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD HARPER'S FERRY, W. VA. EXCURSION 1695, 1713 OR 1714. Baltimore & Oliio R. R to Harper's Ferry. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore Md. $3.80 I New York N. Y. $11.80 Chester Pa. 7.30 Washington D. C. 2.25 Philadelphia Pa. 7.80 1 "Wilmington Del. 6.80 HIGHFIELD, PA. EXCURSION 93. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Hagerstown. Transfer to W. M. R. K. Depot. Western Maryland R. R to Highfleld. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARK. Washington, D. C $4.23 HOT SPRINGS, VA. EXCURSION 277. Return limit— Six months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer to C. & O. Ky. Depot. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry to Hot Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH Baltimore Md. $14.00 Bellaire Ohio. 27.45 Braddock Pa. 24.70 Chfster Pa. 17.50 Clarksburg W. Va. 24.05 Counellsville Pa. 22.80 Cumherland Md. 19.10 Fairmont W. Va. 24.05 Frederick Md. 15 . 30 Grafton W. Va. 23. 10 Hagerstown Md. 16.10 Harper's Ferry — W. Va. 15.20 Johnstown Pa. 22.85 t FARES. Keyser W. Va. $20.05 Martinsburg W. Va. 15.95 McKeesport Pa. 24.50 Newark Del. 16.40 New York N. Y. 22.00 Parkersburg W. Va. 27.30 Philadelphia Pa. 18.00 Pittsburg Pa. 25.10 Uuiontown Pa. 23.20 Washington Pa. 26.15 Wheeling W. Va. 27.15 AVilmington Del. 17 .00 Winchester Va. 16.80 HOT SPRINGS, N. C. EXCURSION S3 OR 1429. Transit limit— Thirty days in each direction. Return limit— Six months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer to So. Ry. Depot. Southern R'y to Hot Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH Baltimore ild. $23.50 i Bellaire Ohio. 30.45 ! Chester Pa. 27 .00 Clarksburg W. Va. 30.45 Counellsville Pa. 30.45 Cumberland Md. 28.60 Fairmont W. Va. 30.45 Grafton W. Va. 30.45 Johnstown Pa. 30.45 FARES. McKeesport Pa. $30.45 New York N. Y. 31.50 Parkersburg W. Va. 30.45 Philadelphia Pa. 27.50 Pittsburg Pa. 30.45 IJniontown Pa. 30.45 Washnigton Pa. 30.45 Wheeling W. Va. 30.45 Wilmington Del. 26.50 ITHACA, N. Y. EXCURSION 1318. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Ithaca. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $10.95 Baltimore, Md 13.35 Washington, p. C . . , , , _ 15 . 35 37 SUMMER TOURS 1905 JORDAN'S WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, VA. EXCURSION 307. J^~Not on sale until June 15tli. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Stephenson's. Stage 11/2 miles to Jordan's White Sulphur Spring Returning, same route. THKOUGH FARES. Baltimore Md. $ 6.15 Bellaire Ohio. 14.60 Charlestown W. Va. 1 .85 Chester Pa. 9.60 Cumberland Md. 6.20 Frederick Md. 3 .40 Grafton W. Va. 10. 30 Hagerstown Md. 3.45 Harper's Ferry ...W. Va. 2.35 Johnstown Pa. $10.00 New York N. Y. 13.60 Parkershin-g W. Va. 14.45 Philadelphia Pa. 9.60 Pittsburg Pa. 12.25 Washini^ton D. C. 4.55 Wheellni,' W. Va. 14.25 Wilmington Del. 9.15 Winchester Va. 1 .25 KENNEBUNKPORT, ME. it^^Not on sale until June 1st. EXCURSION 1450. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Keunebunkport. Returning, same roiite to Boston. (Good for continuous passage only east of Boston.) To be sold In connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Returning Sound, or vice versa. tPhiladelphia Pa. $17.90 $15.90 $16.90 Baltimore Md. 21.90 19.90 20.90 Washington D. C. 23.90 2190 22.90 LA GRANGE, N. Y. EXCURSION 1668. ItS^Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio K. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Dutchess Jet. Newburg, Dutchess & Connecticut R. R to La Grange. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $ 6.90 Baltimore, Md 10.90 Washington, D. C 13.00 LAKE GEORGE, N. Y. LAKE GEORGE (CALDWELL), N. Y. EXCURSION 1839. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'v to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New J ersey to New York. People's Line to Albany. Delaware & Hudson Co to Lake George. Returning, same route. THROUGH PARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $11.20 Baltimore, Md 15 . 20 Washington, D. C 17.20 38 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD Lake George, N. y.-CoucIikIoci. EXCURSION 1532 lialtliiiore .V Oliio K. H to Phlladelpliia. rhilail(Mpliia \- lipadiiig ll'y to Boiincl Rrook. CiMitial U. H. of Xfw .lorsey to New York. New York Central & Hudson K. R to Ti-oy. Delaware & Hudson Co to Lake George. Returning, same route. TIIUOUGH FARES. tPhlladelphla, Pa $13 . 70 Baltimore. Md 1 7 70 Washington, D. C 19.70 EXCURSION 1532. IW Not on sale until May 15th. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia and Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central H. R. of New Jersey to New York. Day Line Steamers to Albany. Delaware & Hudson Co to Lake George. Returning, same route. THUOUGH FARES. +Philadelphia. Pa $11.70 Baltimore, Md 15.70 Washington, D. C 17.70 EXCURSION 1941. Extension from Lake George. p^~ Not on sale until June 1st. Lake George Steamboat Co to destination. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with Summer Excursion Tickets terminating at Lake George. FARES FROM LAKE GEORGE. Assembly Point, N. Y., and return $ .50 Baldwin^ N. Y., and return 2.85 Bolton, N. Y., and return 1 .00 Cleverdale, N. Y., and return 70 Fourteen-Mile Island, N. Y.. and return 1 .00 Green Island, N. Y. (Sagamore Hotel), and return . . . 1.00 Hague, N. Y., and return 2.50 Hulett's, N. Y., and return 1.60 Hundred Islands and return 1.00 Kattskill, N. Y., and return 70 Marion, N. Y., and return 80 Pearl Point, N. Y., and return 1.00 Roger's Kock, N. Y., and return 2.85 Sabbath Day Point. N. Y., and return 2 . 10 Sheldon's N. Y., and return 70 Silver Bav, N. Y.. and return 2.40 Trout Pavilion, N. Y., and return 70 LAKE HOPATCONG, N. J. EXCURSION 1177. [Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Lake Hopatcoug. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. +Philadelphia, Pa $ 4.60 Baltimore, Md 8 . GO Washington, D. C 10.60 39 SUMMER TOURS 190S LAKE SUNAPEE, N. H. EXCURSIONS 1531 AND 1450. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine K. K to Lake Sunapee. Keturuiujj, same I'oute. To be sold in connection witli feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. 1^" Excursion 1450 is good for continuous passage only east of Boston and the fai-es for same are $ .50 less than the fares for reg- ular excursion as quoted below. THROUGH FARES. Goinjj Rail. Kail Lines. From tPhiladelpliia, Pa. $19.00 $17.00 $18.00 Baltimore, Md. 23.00 21.00 22.00 Washington, D. C. 25.00 23.00 24.00 EXCURSION 1454. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Springfield. Boston & Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R'y to Brattleboro. Boston & Maine R. R to Lake Sunapee Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $15.40 Baltimore, Md 19.40 Washington, D. C 21.40 LAKE TOXAWAY, N. C. EXCURSION 1614. Transit limit— Thirty days In each direction. Return limit— Six months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer to So. R'y depot. Southern Railway to Hendersonville. Transylvania R. R to Lake Toxaway. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore Md. $25.90 Meyersdale Pa. $32.50 Bellaire Ohio. 34.10: Morgautown W. Va. 34.10 Cameron W. Va. 34.10 j Moundsville W. Va. 34.10 Charlestown W. Va. 27-60 ; Mt. Pleasant Pa. 34.10 Chester Pa. 29.40 Newark Del. 28.30 Clarksburg W. Va. 34.10 New York N. Y. 33.90 Connellsville Pa. 34.10 Parkersburg W. Va. 34.10 Cumberland Md. 31.00; Plilladelphia Pa. 29.90 Fairmont W. Va. 34.10 Piedmont W. Va. 32.15 Frederick Md. 27-20 Pittsburg Pa. 34.10 Grafton W. Va. 34.10 Rockwood Pa. 32.95 Hagerstown .....Md. 28.00 Somerset Pa. 33.30 Harper's Ferry W. Va. 27-10 Uniontown Pa. 34.10 .Johnstown Pa. 34.10 Keyser W. Va. 31 .95 McKeesport Pa. 34.10 Martinsburg W. Va. 27.85 Waslihigtou Pa. 34.10 Wheeling W. Va. 34.10 Wilmington Del. 28.90 Winchester Va. 28.70 LIBERTY, N. Y. EXCURSION 1561. Return limit— Six months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New Y'ork. New York, Ontario & Western R'y to Liberty. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $ 8.80 Baltimore, Md 12 . 80 Washington, D. C 14.80 40 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD LINCOLNTON, N. C. EXCURSION 1476. Transit limit— Fifteen days in eacli direction. Return limit— Six months from date of sale. naltimore & Ohio U. R to Washington. Transfer to Wash. So. R'y Depot Washington Southern R'y and Kiclimond, U ,,,.,, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad r^ tticnmonu. Seaboard Air Line to Lincoluton. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 356. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Transfer to Bay Line Wharf. Bav Line to Portsmouth. Seaboard Air Line to Liucolnton. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 357. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer to N. & W. Stmbt. Co.'s Wharf. Norfolk & Washington Stmbt. Co to Portsmouth. Seaboard Air Line to Liucolnton. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. ♦Baltimore Md. Bellaire Ohio. Cameron W. Va. Charlestown W. Va. Chester Pa. Clarksburg W. Va. Counellsville Pa. Cumberland Md. Fairmont W. Va. Frederick Md. Grafton W. Va. Hagerstown Md. Harper's Ferry — W. Va. Johnstown Pa. Keyser W. Va. Martinsburg W. Va. McKeesport Pa. $19.75 30.45 30.45 21.45 23.25 29.80 28.55 24.85 29.80 21.05 28.95 21.85 20.95 28.60 25.80 21.70 30.30 * Via Washington. Meyersdale Pa. Moundsville "W. Va. Mt. Pleasant Pa. Newark Del. New York N. Y. Par kersljurg W. Va. Pliiladelpliia Pa. Piedmont W. Va. Pittsburg Pa. Rockwood Pa. Somerset Pa. LTuiontowu Pa. Washington Pa. Wheeling W. Va. Wilmington ... Del. Winchester Va. $26.35 30.45 29.00 22.15 27. 75 80.45 23.75 26.00 30.45 26.80 27.15 29.00 30.45 30.45 22.76 22.55 LITCHFIELD HILLS, CT. EXCURSION 981. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Phlladelpliia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New Y^ork, New Haven & Hartford R. R to destination. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Destination. t Philadelphia. Bantam Ct. $ 7. 95 Hawleyville Ct. 6.80 Lake Ct. 7.95 Lltchfleld Ct. 8.05 Morris Ct. 7.80 New Preston Ct. 7.00 Romford Ct. 7.70 Roxbury Ct. 7.25 Roxbury Falls Ct. 7.10 Shepaug Ct. 6.95 Washington Ct. 7.55 altimore. Washington $11.95 $13.95 10.80 12.80 11.95 13.95 12.05 14.05 11.80 13.80 11.60 13.60 11.70 13.70 11.25 13.25 11.10 13.10 10.95 12.95 11.55 13.56 41 SUMMER TOURS 1905 LITTLETON (WHITE MOUNTAINS*, N. H. EXCURSION 1280. 1^" Not ou sale uutil June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio K. R to Plilladelpliia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Bi-ook. Central K. K. of New Jersev to New York. New Vork, New Haveu & Hartford R. R to ypringfleld. Boston & Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central V^erniont R'y to Brattleboro. Boston & Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R'y to White River Jet. Boston & Maine R. R to Littleton. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $18.85 Baltimore, Md ' 22.85 Washington, D. C 24.85 LONG ISLAND RAILROAD RESORTS. EXCURSION 106. Baltimore & Oliio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brooli. Central R. R. of New J ersey to New York. '^'''f^^^^s^i^ ^''::L''T''.'!!^:.?::\^o Long island City. Long Island R. R to destination. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Destination. t Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washington Amagansett N. Y. $9.30 $13.30 $15.30 Bridgehampton N. Y. 8.80 12.80 14.80 Centre Moriches N. Y. 7.40 11. 40 13.40 Easthampton N. Y. 9.15 13.15 15.15 Good Ground N. Y. 8.20 12.20 14.20 Greenport N. Y. 8.80 12.80 14.80 Jamesport N. Y. 8.00 12.00 14. (X) Mattituck N. Y. 8.20 12.20 14.20 Montauk N. Y. 9.85 13.85 15.85 Oyster Bay N. Y. 5.70 . 10.60 13.00 Patchogue N. Y. 6.80 10.80 13.00 Quogue N.Y. 7.95 11.95 13.95 Riverhead N.Y'. 7.75 11-.-75 13.75 Sag Harbor N.Y. 9.05 13.05 15.05 St. James N.Y. 6.55 10.60 13.00 Shinnecock Hills N.Y. 8.35 12.35 14.35 Southampton N.Y. 8.55 12.65 14.55 Westhampton N.Y. 7.80 11.80 13.80 LURAY STATION, VA. EXCURSION 1817 OR 1833. Return limit - Six months from date of sale. Baltimore c& Ohio R. R to Shenandoah Junct. Norfolk & Western R'y to Luray Station. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore Md. $ 7.35 i Martinsburg W. Va. $ 3.70 Bellaire Ohio. 15 20 McKeesport Pa. 12.25 Braddock Pa. 12.45 Chester Pa. 10.85 Clarksburg W. Va. 11.80 Connells ville Pa. 10 . 50 Cumberland Md. 6.80 Frederick Md. 4.60 Fairmont W. Va. 11.75 Grafton W. Va. 10.90 Harper's Ferry — W. Va. 3.55 Johnstown Pa. 10.60 Meyersdale Pa. 8.30 New York N.Y. 15.10 Parkersbui-g W. Va. 15 .05 Philadelphia Pa. 11.35 Piedmont W. Va. 7.95 Pittsburg Pa. 12.85 Uniontown Pa. 10.95 Washington D. C. 5.75 Wheeling W. Va. 14.90 Wilmington Del. 10.35 LURAY CAVERNS, VA. EXCURSION 202. Return limit— Six months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoah Junct. Norfolk & Western R'y to Luray Station. Hack Transfer to Luray Caverns Luray Caverns Co Admission to Caverns. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Add to Luray Station fare $1.35 42 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD MAPLEWOOD (WHITE MOUNTAINS), N. H. EXCURSION 1280 |^~ Not ou sale uutil June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio H. H to rhiladelpliia. Philadelphia & IJeadinjj ll'y to Mouud llrook. Central U. R. ot New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haveu & Hartford U. U to SiiriiiKdeld. Boston & Maine U. K to Soutli Suruon. Central Vermont R'y to Hrattleljoro. Boston \- Maine K. U to Windsor. Central Vermont ll'y to White River Jet. Boston \- Maine R. R to Maplewood. Returning', same route. THROUGH FAKES. IPhiladelphia, Pa $20.00 Baltimore, Md 24.00 Washington, D. C 20.00 MACKINAC ISLAND, MICH. EXCURSION 1553. i^i^Not on sale until June 21st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. 'Lehigh Valley R. R to Buffalo. Transfer to Nor. S. S. Co.'s Wharf. Northern Steamship Co to Mackinac Island. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 1554. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Cleveland. Transfer to Nor. S. S. Co.'s Wharf. Northern Steamship Co to Mackinac Island. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 1555. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pittsburg. Transfer to P. & L. E. R. R. Depot. Pittsburg & Lake Erie R. R to Youngstown. Erie R. R to Cleveland. Transfer to Nor. S. S. Co.'s Wharf. Northern Steamship Co to Mackinac Island. Returning, same route. THROUGH FAKBS. Baltimore, Md $31 .70 Chester. Pa 31.70 Newark, Del 31.70 Philadelphia, Pa .. 31.70 Washington, D. C 31.70 Wilmington, Del 31.70 1^^ Meals and berth on steamer not included. EXCURSION 1556. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Buffalo. Transfer to Nor. S. S. Co.'s Wharf. Northern Steamship Co to Mackinac Island. Northern Steamship Co to Cleveland. Transfer to B. & O. R. R. Depot. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. EXCURSION 1557. [Reverse of preceding excursion.] EXCURSION 1558. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Buffalo. Transfer to Nor. S. S. Co.'s Wharf. Northern Steamship Co to Mackinac Island. Northern Steamship Co to Cleveland. Transfer to Erie R. R. Depot. Erie R. R to Y'oungstowu. Pittsburg & Lake Erie R. R to Pittsburg. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. 43 SUMMER TOURS 1905 Mackinac island, MicH.-conciuaeci. EXCURSION 1659. [Reverse of prececliug excursion.] THROUGH FARES. Baltimore, Md $33.95 Chester, Pa 33.95 Newark, Del 33.95 Philaaelphia, Pa 33.95 Washington, D. C 33.95 Wilmington, Del 33.95 I^^Meals and berth on steamer not included. MAGNOLIA, MASS. 1^" Not on sale until June 1st. EXCURSION 1531. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Magnolia Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. iiet""?ing sound, or vice versa. tPhiladelphia Pa. $15.25 $13.25 $14.25 Baltimore Md. 19.25 17-25 18.25 Washington D.G. 21.25 19.25 20.25 MANCHESTER, MASS. EXCURSION 1531. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to IMancliester- Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection witli feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines, '^^^^r'vke^^sa"'^' ^Philadelphia Pa. $15.15 $13.15 $14.15 Baltimore Md. 19.15 17.15 18.15 Washington D.C. 21.15 19.15 20.15 MARBLEHEAD, MASS. EXCURSION 1531. Extension from Boston? Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Marbleliead. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines, '^or'vke^vlrsa"''' tPhiladelph.ia Pa. $14.70 $12.70 $13.70 Baltimore Md. 18.70 16.70 17.70 Washington D.C. 20.70 18.70 19.70 44 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD MT. KINEO HOUSE iMOOSEHEAD LAKE, ME. EXCURSION 32. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Bostou & Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Dover and Foxcrof t or Oldtovvn. Bangor & Aroostook R. R to Greenville. Coburn Steamboat Co to Mt. Kineo House. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FAKES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Ketuming sound, or vice "ersa. tPhiladelphia Pa. $29.50 $27.50 $28.50 Baltimore Md. 33.50 31.50 32.50 Washington D. C. 35.50 33.50 34.50 EXCURSION 1822, IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 32. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Willimantic. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Worcester. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Dover and Foxcroft or Oldtown. Bangor & Aristook R. R to Greenville. Coburn Steamboat Co to Mt. Kineo House. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $29.00 Baltimore, Md 33.00 Washington, D. C 35.00 MARKLETON, PA. EXCURSION 1463. Return limit— Three mouths from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Markleton. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore, Md $9.95 McKeesport, Pa 3.15 Philadelphia, Pa 13.95 Pittsburg, Pa 3.75 Washington, Pa 5.15 Washington, D. C 8.35 MONTPELIER, VT. EXCURSION 1263. US?" Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimere & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersev to New York. New York, New Haven & Hai-tford R. R to Springfield. Boston & Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R'y to Brattleboro. Boston & Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R'y to Montpelier. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $17 . 60 Baltimore, Md 21.60 Washington, D. C 23 .60 45 SUMMER TOURS 1905 MONTREAL, CANADA. EXCURSION 1521, IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 889. Baltimore & Oliio R. R to Pliiladelpliia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Montreal. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $22.25 Baltimore, Md ^^X? Washington, D. C 28.25 EXCURSION 1524. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 889. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of N ew Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Troy. Delaware & Hudson Co to Fort Ticonderoga. Del. & Hudson Co. or Champlain Trans. Co. . . .to Plattshurg or Hotel Champlain. Delaware & Hudson Co to Rouse's Point. Grand Trunk R'y to Montreal New York Central & Hudson River R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Bro9k. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARBS. tPhiladelphia, Pa ^oo RR Baltimore, Md i?i)l]^ Washington, D. C 30.00 EXCURSION 1522. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 889. t^~ Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New lork. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Troy. Delaware & Hudson Co to Lake George. Lake George Steamers to Baldwin. Delaware & Hudson Co to Fort Ticonderoga. Champlain Trans. Co. or Del. & Hudson Co to Plattsburg or Hotel Champlain. Delaware & Hudson Co to Rouse's Point. Grand Trunk R'y to Montreal. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARBS. tPhiladelphia, Pa *oq' ^n Baltimore, Md „,=); Washington, D. C 31.50 EXCURSION 1521. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 890. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Montreal. Grand Trunk R'y to Rouse s Point. Delaware & Hudson Co to Plattsburg or Hotel Champlam. Del. & Hudson Co. or Champlain Trans. Co to Fort Ticonderoga. Delaware & Hudson Co to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THR'OUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa ^HiHR Baltimore, Md o?.'>;J; Washington, D. C 30.00 40 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD Montreal, Canada.— Contiuuea. EXCURSION 1521, IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 1523. t^~ Not ou sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio K. K to PliiladeUjliia. Pliilailelpliia & Heading- R'y to Ilouml lirook. Central 1{. 11. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson Kiver 11. H to Montreal. Grand Trunk U'y to House's Point. Delaware & Hudson Co to I'lattsliur;^ or Hotel Chaniplain. Cliamplain Trans. Co. or Del. & Hudson Co to Fort Ticonderoga Delaware & Hudson Co to Baldwin. Lake George Steamers to Lake George. Delaware & Hudson Co to Troy. New York Central A; Hudson Kiver U. K to New York. Central It. H. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. PliiladelpLiia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FAKES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $25.60 Baltimore. Md '29 .60 Washington, D. C 31.50 EXCURSION 1524. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 890. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Philadelpliia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. K. of New Jersey to New Y'ork. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Troy. Delaware & Hudson Co to Fort Tifonderoga Del. \- Hudson Co. or Champlain Trans. Co. I'lattsburg or Hotel Champlain. Delaware & Hudson Co to Rouse's Point. Grand Trunk R'y to Montreal. Returning, same route. THliOUGH FAKES. tPhiladelphia. Pa $22.25 Baltimore, Md 26.25 Washington, D. C 28.25 EXCURSION 1524. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 1523. |S^ Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New Y^ork. New Y'ork Central i: Hutlson River R. R to Troy. Delaware & Hudson Co to Fort Ticouderoga. Del. & Hudson Co. or Champlain Trans. Co. . . .to Plattsburg or Hotel Chamiilain. Delaware & Hudson Co to Rouse's Poiiit. Grand Trunk R'y to Montreal. Grand Trunk R'y to Rouse's Point. Delaware & Hudson Co to Plattsburg or Hotel Champlain. Champlain Ti-ans. Co. or Del. & Hudson Co to Fort Ticouderoga. Delaware & Hudson Co to Baldwin. Lake George Steamers to Lake George. Delaware & Hudson Co to Troy. New I'ork Central & Hudson River R. R to New Y'ork. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FA1!ES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $25.60 Baltimore, Md 29.60 Washington, D. C 31.50 47 SUMMER TOURS 1905 MONTREAL, Canada.— Continued. EXCURSION 1522. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 890. IW" Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Troy. Delaware & Hudson Co to Lake George. Lake Georse Steamers to Baldwin. Delaware & Hudson Co to Fort Ticonderoga. Champlain Trans. Co. or Del. & Hudson Co to Plattsburg or Hotel Champlain. Delaware & Hudson Co to Rouse's Point. Grand Trunk Ry to Montreal. Grand Trunk Ry to Rouse's Point. Delaware & Hudson Co to Plattsburg or Hotel Champlain. Del. & Hudson Co. or Champlain Trans. Co — to Fort Ticonderoga. Delaware & Hudson Co to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia ct Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARES. tPhlladelphia, Pa $25 .50 Baltimore, Md 29.50 Washington, D. C 31.50 EXCURSION 1097 AND 628. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 73. 1^~ Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pliiladelphla. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Kingston. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Prescott. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Montreal. Grand Trunk K'v to Rouse's Point. Delaware & Hudson R. R to Plattsburg or Hotel Champlain. Champlain Trans. Co. or Del. & Hudson Co to Fort Ticonderoga. Delaware & Hudson Co to Albany. Day Line Steamers to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphla, Pa $31 .90 Baltimore, Md 35.45 Washington, D. C 37-45 EXCURSIONS 172 AND 628. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 73. iW" Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Burrtette. Stage to Watkins. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Geneva. Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Kingston. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Prescott. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Montreal. Grand Trunk R'y to Rouse's Point. Delaware & Hudson Co to Plattsburg or Hotel Champlain. Champlain Trans. Co. or Del. & Hudson Co to Fort Ticonderoga. Delaware & Hudson Co to Albany. Day Line Steamers to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. 48 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD Montreal, Canada.— Continued. THKOUGH FARES. tPhlladelphla, Pa $31 .00 Baltimore, Md 35 . 45 Washington, D. C 37. 15 EXCURSIONS 1097 AND 628. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 443. 1^" Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson l{iver R. K to Lewlston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Kingston. Grand Trunk R'v or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Prescott. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to ISLoutreal. Grand Trunk R'y to Rouse's Point. Delaware & Hudson Co to Plattsburg or Hotel Champlain. Champlain Trans. Co., or Del. & Hudson Co. . . .to Fort Ticonderoga. Delaware \- Hudson Co to Baldwin. Lake George Steamers to Lake George. Delaware \- Hudson Co to Albany. Day Line Steamers to New York. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARES. tPhlladelphia, Pa $32. 95 Baltimore, Md 36.50 Washington, D. C 38.50 EXCURSIONS 172 AND 628. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 443. i^W" Not on sale until .Tune 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley B. R to Burdette. Stage to Watkins. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Geneva. Lehigh Vallev R. It to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. GraiJd Trunk R'v or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Kingston. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Prescott. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu &- Ontario Navigation Co to Montreal. Grand Trunk R'y to Rouse's Point. Delaware & Hudson Co to Plattsburg or Hotel Champlain. Champlain Trans. Co., or Del. c& Hudson Co. . . .to Fort Ticonderoga Delaware & Hudson Co to Baldwin. Lake George Steamers to Lake George. Delaware & Hudson Co to Albany. Day Line Steamers to New York. Central K. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARES. tPhlladelphia, Pa $32.95 Baltimore, Md 36.50 Washington, D. C 38.50 49 SUMMER TOURS 1905 MONTREAL, Canada.— Continued. EXCURSIONS 1097 AND 628. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 890. 'i;S°" Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia* Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. B to Lewlston. Niagara Navigation Co ... to Toronto. Grand Trunk R'y of Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Kingston. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Prescott. Grand Trunk R'v or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Montreal. Grand Trunk R'y to Rouse's Point. Delaware & Hudson Co to Plattsburg or Hotel Champlam. Del. & Hudson Co., or Chamj^lain Trans. Co. . . .to Fort Ticonderoga. Delaware & Hudson Co to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia A: Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $33.05 Baltimore, Md 36.60 Washington, D. C 38.60 EXCURSIONS 172 AND 628. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 890. C^^ Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Burdette. Stage to Watkins. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Geneva. Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Grand Trunk R'v or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Kingston. Grand Trunk R'v or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Prescott. Grand Trunk R'v or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Montreal. Grand Trunk R'y to Rouse's Point. Delaware & Hudson Co to Plattsburg or Hotel Champlain. Del. & Hudson Co., or Champlain Trans. Co Fort Ticonderoga. Delaware & Hudson Co to Troy. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THUOUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa *2^'95 Baltimore, Md ^5^-^X Washington, D. C 38.60 EXCURSIONS 1097 AND 628. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 889. 15^^ Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelpliia & Heading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R . . .. to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Grand Trunk R'v or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Kingston. Grand Trunk R'v or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Prescott. Grand Trunk R'v or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Montreal. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to New \ ork. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARKS. tPhiladelphia, Pa ^f?^" 5^ Baltimore, Md i^-^9. Washington. D. C 38.60 50 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD MONTREAL, Canada —Concluded. EXCURSIONS 172 AND 628. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 889. ^W Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio H. K to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading ll'y to Rethlehem. Lehigh Valley U. R to lUirdette. Stage to Watkins. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Geneva. Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Kingston. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Prescott. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Montreal. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New .Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelplna, Pa $33.05 Baltimore, Md 36.60 Washington, D. C 38.60 EXCURSIONS 1097 AND 628. IN CON NECTION WITH EXCURSION 1525. ty Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Kingston. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Prescott. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Montreal. Grand Trunk R'y to North Stratford. Maine Central R. R to Fabyans. Maine Central R. R to Intervale Junction. Boston & Maine R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines (see Boston feeding forms). to New York. Central R. R of New .Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARES. via Sound. via Rail. tPhiladelphla Pa. $36.70 $37.70 Baltimore Md. 40. '25 41.25 Washington D. C. 42. '25 43. -25 EXCURSIONS 172 AND 628. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 1525. C^P" Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Burdette. Stage to Watkins. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to G ene va. Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navitration Co to Toronto. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Kingston. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Prescott. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Montreal. Grand Trunk R'y to North Stratford. Maine Central R. R to Fabyans. Maine Central R. R to Intervale Junction. Boston \- Maine R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines(see Boston feedingforms). to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadeltihia \- Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARES. via Sound. via Rail. tPhiladelphla Pa. $36.70 $37.70 Baltimore Md. 40.25 41.25 Washington D. C. 42.25 43.26 51 SUMMER TOURS 1905 MONT CHATEAU HOTEL, W. VA. EXCURSION 1837. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Morgantown. Mont Cliateau Hotel Go's Stage Liue (7 miles). to Mont Chateau Hotel. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. ♦Baltimore Mcl.$14.60 xBaltimore Mel. 15.15 Bellaire Ohio. 5.93 Braddock Pa. 5.20 ♦Chester Pa. 18.10 xChester Pa. 18.65 Clarksburg W. Va. 3.80 (^onnellsville Pa. 3.30 ♦Cumberland Md. 6.90 xCumberlaud — Md. 7.50 Fah-jnont AV. Va. '2.50 Grafton W. Va. 3.40 *Via Uniontown. Baggage should be checked to Morgantown, W. Va. only. MOUNTAIN LAKE PARK, MD. EXCURSION 1691, 1713 OR 1714. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Mountain Lake Park. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Johnstown Pa. $6.75 McKeesport Pa. 5.00 Parkersburg W. Va. 7.05 ♦Philadelphia Pa. 18.60 xPhiladelphla Pa. 19.15 Pittsburg Pa. 6.60 Uniontown Pa. 2.75 * Washington D. C. 13.00 x Washington D. C. 13.55 Wheeling W. Va. 5.65 ♦Wilmington Del. 17.60 xWilniington Del. 18.15 X Via Fairmont. Annapolis Md.$ 9.80 Baltimore Md. 9.15 Bellaire O. 6.30 tButler Pa. 9.75 Berkeley Springs.. W. Va. 4.50 xBloomington W. Va. 1.15 Brunswick Md. 6.15 tBraddock Pa. 7.70 Buckhannon W. Va. 4 . 55 iCallery Pa. 9.20 Cameron W. Va. 4.90 Charlestown W. Va. 6.40 Cherry Run W. Va. 4.65 Chester Pa. 1 2 .65 tChicora Pa. 10.30 Clarion J ct Pa. 11 . 95 Clarksburg W. Va. 2.95 gClaysville Pa. 6.85 tConnells ville Pa. 5 . 75 xCumbei-laud Md. 2.70 tDawson Pa. 5 . 95 tEverson Pa. 6.00 Fairmont W. Va. 2.90 tFoxburg Pa. 10.95 Frederick Md. 7.00 Gallipolis O. 10.55 xGrafton W. Va. 2.70 Hagerstown Md. 7 .00 Harper's Ferry.... W. Va. 5.90 Havre de Grace Md. 10. 60 Huntington W. Va. 11.50 Hyndman Pa. 2.70 Johnstown Pa. 6.80 + Kaue Pa. 14.25 Keedysville Md. 6 55 Kenova W, Va. 11.85 xKeyser W. Va. 1.55 tKnox Pa. 1 1 . 60 Mannington W. Va. 3.60 fMcKeesport Pa. 7.45 Marietta O. 7-05 Martinsburg W. Va. 5.20 o Via New M.utinsville. • Via Clark shiirtr, ; \"ia Cmnlierlan.l. II Via Parkersl.urff. * Via Fairmont. s^ Ma Wlieeliii};. t Via Connellsville and I-'airmunt, or via Cuniherland. x Use Form I. 1. I^"Iu addition to the season tickets for which fares are quoted above, special tickets. Excursion 1698, will be sold from the follow- ing stations to Mountain I-ake Park, ]Md., and return, good going on trains Nos. 1 and 3 on Fridays, and on all trains on Saturdays of each week, good to return on any through train to and including No. 12, leaving Mountain Lake Park on the following Monday. THROUGH FARES. Plilladelphia, Pa $8. 00 Baltimore, Md 5.00 Washington, D. C 5.00 52 tMarienville Pa.$13.00 Mason City W. Va. 9.20 Meyersdale Pa. 3.55 Morgantown W. Va. 3.90 Moundsville W. Va. 5.55 IMt. Pleasant Pa. 6.25 Newark Del. 11.56 INew Martinsville. . W. Va. 5.96 New York N. Y. 17.15 I Parker Pa. 10.85 Parkersburg W. Va. 6.15 Paw Paw W. Va. 3.00 Peunsboro W. Va. 4.60 Philadelphia Pa. 13.15 xPiedmont W. Va. 1.25 I Pittsburg Pa. 8.05 Pomeroy Ohio. 9.20 Point Pleasant W. Va. 9.80 Ravenswood W. Va. 8.05 Rockwood Pa. 4.00 Romney W. Va. 3.25 list. Mary's W. Va. 7.85 gSt. Mary's W. Va. 7.00 tScottHaven Pa. 6.95 Shenandoah Jct...W. Va. 5.60 Sir John's Run W. Va. 4.05 °Sistersville W. Va. 6.35 Sniithfleld Pa. 4.80 Somerset Pa. 4.40 Springfield W. Va. 2.90 Strasburg Jet Va. 8.50 i Uniontown Pa. 6 . 20 ♦Uniontown Pa. 5.20 Washington D. C. 8.15 § Washington Pa. 7. 30 West Newton Pa. 6.75 Weston W. Va. 3.90 Wheeling W. Va. 6.00 Wilmington Del. 12.15 II Willlamstown W. Va. 705 Winchester Va. 7.50 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD MOORE'S MILLS, N. Y. EXCURSION 1668. |^"Not on sale until June 1st. Haltimore & Ohio 11. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Heading R'y to Bound Brook. Central K. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Dutchess Jet. Newburg, Dutchess & Connecticut R. R to Moore's Mills. Returning, same route. THUOUGH FAKES. tPhiladelphia, Pa ... $ 7. 1 5 Baltimore, Md 11.16 Washington, D. C 13.15 MT. UPTON, N. Y. EXCURSION 1S61 Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, Ontario & Western R'y to Mt. Upton. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $12.4.5 Baltimore, Md 16. -45 Washington, D. C 18.45 MUSKOKA LAKES, ONT. EXCURSION 1838. Extension from Niagara Falls. N. Y. Grand Trunk R'y to Muskoka Wharf. Muskoka Navigation Co to destination. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 1517. Extension from Niagara Falls, N. Y. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewistou. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Grand Trunk R'y to Muskoka AVharf. Muskoka Navigation Co to destination. Returning, same route. Sold In connection with Summer Excursion Tickets passing through or terminating at Niagara Falls. FARES FROM NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. All round Muskoka Lakes. .$9.80 ! Port Cockburn $9.30 Bala 8.30 Port Sandtleld 8.80 Beaumaris 8.00 Gregory 8.50 Judd Haven 8.80 Port Carling 8.30 Royal Muskoka 8.80 Rosseau 8.80 Woodington 8.50 Yoho 9.10 NANTASKET BEACH, MASS EXCURSION 1046. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony S. B. Co. (Fall River Line) to Fall River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Nantasket Beach. New York, New Haven A: Hartford R. R to Boston. New York, New Haven \- Hartford R. R to Fall River. Old Colony S. B. Co. (Fall River Line) to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia \- Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. EXCURSION 1047. [Reverse of preceding excursion.] THROUGH F.\RES FOR EXCURSIONS 1046 and 1047. tPhiladelphia, Pa $12 .60 Baltimore, Md 16.60 Washington, D. C 18.60 63 SUMMER TOURS 1905 NANTUCKET, MASS. EXCURSION 666. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony S. B. Co. (Fall River Line) to Fall River. New York, New Haven & Hartford K. R to New Bedford. New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket Steamboat Line to Nantucket. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 1942. Baltimore & Ohio U. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New England Nav. Co (New Bedford Line) to New Bedford. New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Steamboat Line to Nantucket. Returning, same route. THRODGH FARES lOR EXCURSIONS 666 and 1942. tPhiladelphia, Pa $12.25 Baltimore, Md 16.25 Washington, D. C 18.25 NARRAGANSETT PIER, R. I. EXCURSION 1943. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New England Nav. Co. (Norwich Line) to New London. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Kingston. Narragansett Pier R. R to Nan-agansett Pier. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $ 9.00 Baltimore, Md 13 .00 Washington, D. C 15.00 EXCURSION 627. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New London. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Kingston, Narragansett Pier R. R to Narragansett Pier. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $11 . 15 Baltimore, Md 16.15 Washington, D. C 17.15 NATURAL BRIDGE STATION, VA. EXCURSION 1817. Return limit— Six months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to iShenaudoah Junction. Norfolk & Western R'y to Natural Bridge Station. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore Md. $11.90 McKeesport Pa. $17.05 Bellaire Ohio. 20.00 Martinsburg W. Va. 8.50 Braddock Pa. 17.25 Newark Del. 14.30 Chester Pa. 15.40 I New York N. Y. 19.90 Clarksburg W. Va. 16.60 Parkersburg W. Va. 19.85 Connellsville Pa. 15.30 Philadelphia Pa. 15.90 Cumberland Md. 11.60 Pittsburg Pa. 17.65 Fairmont W. Va. 16.55 Uniontown Pa. 15.76 Frederick Md. 9.40 | Washington D. C, 9.90 Grafton W. Va. 16.70 Wheeling W. Va. 19.70 Harper's Ferry.... W. Va. 8.35 Wilmington Del. 14.90 Johnstown Pa. 15.40 | 64 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD NATURAL BRIDGE HOTEL, VA. EXCURSION 266. Return limit— Six moutlis from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Slieuauaoah .1 unction. Norfolk cV Western R'y to Natural Rridse Station. Stage ('2 miles) to Natural Rridge Hotel. Returning, same route. THROUGH FAHES. Add fare to Natural Rridge Station $1 .00 NEW JERSEY COAST RESORTS. EXCURSION 1177. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading li'y to Round Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to destination. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. From Baltimore ...Md. Braddock Pa. Chester Pa. . Clarksb'g ..W.Va.20 Connellsville.Pa. 19 Cumberland .Md. ir>, Fairmont.. W.Va.l:.'0 Frederick.... Md. 11 Grafton ...\y.Va.|iy Hagerstown .Md. 11 Keyser — W. Va. 1(5 Martinsb'g.W.Va'll McKeesport .Pa. '20 Morgant'u vv. Va.iiM, Newark Del.' .5 Parkersb'g. W.Va 23 tPhiladelphia.l'a i. Piedmont .W.V^a. 16 Pittsburg Pa. 20 Union town. . .Pa. 19 Washington. D.C. 10 Wheeling.. W.Va. 2:! Wilmington .Del. 5 Winchester. . . Va. 12 .00 8.00 ,0020.00 .50* 4.50 .6520.65 .4019.40 .71) 1.5.70 ,0(1 11. UO 11. .so 19 H) 19. .2011.2011 .65 16.6.-, K; .9011.9011. .00 20.00:20. .1021.10121. .60' 5.60 6. .9028.9023. .00 4.00i 4, ,85 16.85|16, .0020.0020, .8019.80|l9 ,0010.0010 .7523.75 23, .00! 5.00! 5, ,8012.8012, 031-5 1 I7I • a =« S ^ ■3P5,.SfZ m !M bi"^ += i-s 3> > ^ \d, i-s P 5 si a) an 43 i^ S^ s ■3^ 03 1-5 20 11 65,16. 11 -015. 65!20. OOill. 8019. 2011. i5|16. 00,11. 00'20. 10|21, 60 5. 90,23. OOt 4. 8516. 00,20. 8019. 00 10 7523. ,00 8, 0020. ,50! 4. 65'20. 4019. 7015. 65120. 0011. 80 10. 2011. 6516. 9011. 00!20. 1021. 601 5. 9023. .001 4. ,85 16. 0020. ,8019. .0010. .75,23. OOl 5, ,80il2, 00 8.00! 8. 0020.0020. 50 4.50 4. 65 20.6520. 40 19.40 19. 70,15.701.5. 65!20.6520. 0011.0011. 8010.8019. 2011.2011. 65 16.65,lti. 9011.9011. 00120.00:20. 10121. 10.21. 601 5.6O: 5. 9023.90!23. 00 4.00 4. ,8516.85:16. 0020.0020. 8019.8019. OOjlO.OOlO ,7523.75,23, .00 5.00 5, 8012.80,13. oo| 8.00 0020.00 60| 4.60 65i20.65 .4019.40 .7015.70 ,65120.65 00,11.00 ,8010.80 ,2011.20 65,16.65 9011.90 00120.00 10|21.10, ,60 .5.60 9023.90 ,00| 4.00; .85|16.85: .0020.00 19.80 10.00, 23.75 5.00 13.80, 8.00 8. 20.0020. 4.50 4. 20.6520. 19.4019. 15.701.5. 20.65i20. 11.0011. 10.80 10. 11.2011. 16.6516. 11.9011. 20.00:20. 21.1021. 6.60 5. 23.9023. 4.00 4. 16.85 16. 20.0020. 19.8019. 10.00,10. 23.7523. 5.00 5. 13.8013. CO 00; 8.00 00,20.00 50 4.50 65J20.65 40,19.40 701.5.70 6520.65 0011.00 8019.80 2011.20 16.65 11.90 20.00 21.10 60 .9023.90 4.00 16.85 20.00 19.80 10.00 23.75 5.00 13.80 ♦Agents at Baltimore and Washington will use Excursion 570, 1456 or 1177. l^F"Excursion 570, 1177 or 1 45G may be sold from Baltimore, Md., Chester, Pa., Frederick, Md., Hagerstown, Md., Martlnsburg, AV. Va., Newark, Del., Washington, D. C, Wilmington, Del., and Winchester, Va., to these resorts, limited to 16 days, including date of sale, at fares 50 cents less than those shown above. 55 SUMMER TOURS 1905 NEW YORK, NEW HAVEN &, HARTFORD RAILROAD RESORTS-VIA Old COLONY STEAMBOAT CO. (FALL River Line). EXCURSION 91 1 . Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bouud Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony Steamboat Co ("Fall River Line) to Fall River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to destination. Returning, same route. t Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washington, $11.70 $15.70 $17.70 12.60 16.60 18.60 11.35 15.35 17.35 13.00 17. 00 19.00 13.00 17.00 19.00 11.50 15.50 17.60 112.30 16.30 18.30 12.00 16.00 18.00 11.25 15.25 17.25 11.25 15.25 17.25 11.36 15.35 17.35 10.25 14.25 16.25 11.30 15.30 17.30 12.80 16.80 18.80 11.00 15.00 17.00 14.00 18.00 20.00 11.35 15.35 17.35 12.20 16.20 18.20 12.00 16.00 18.00 11.25 15.25 17.25 13.40 17.40 19.40 11.00 15.00 17. 00 11.60 15.60 17.60 11.70 15.70 17.70 11.90 15.90 17.90 THROUGH FARKS. Destination. Barnstable Mass. Brewster Mass. Buzzard's Bay Mass. Chatham Mass. Eastham Mass. Falmouth Mass. Harwich Mass. Hyannis Mass. Marion Mass. Mattapoisett Mass. Monument Beach — Mass. New Bedford Mass. Onset Junction Mass. Orleans Mass. Plymouth Mass. Provincetown Mass. Sandwich Mass. South Dennis Mass. South Yarmouth Mass. Tremont Mass. Wellfleet Mass. Wenaumet Mass. West Barnstable Mass. Woods Hole Mass. Yarmouth Mass. NEWPORT, R. I. EXCURSION 621. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony S. B. C. (Fall River Line) to Fall River. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Newport. Old Colony S. B. Co. (Fall River Line) to New l^ork. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelpliia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARB.S. tPhiladelphia, Pa $10.50 Baltimore, Md 14.50 Washington, D. C 16.50 EXCURSION 624. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Old Colony S. B. Co. ( Fall River Line to Newport. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $10.00 Baltimore, Md 14.00 Washington, D. C 16.00 NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. EXCURSION 1193 OR 1318. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh "Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $17.00 Baltimore, Md 18.00 Washington, D. C 20.00 56 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD Niagara Falls, N. Y.-Continued. EXCURSION 172. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 173. Haltiniore & Ohio K. U to Pliiladelpliia. Pliilailelphla & l^eadiny K'y to (•tlileheiii. Leliis,'li Valley K. R to IJiu-detto. g;^j^j^g ; to Watkins. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Geneva. Lehigli Valley K. K to Niagara Falls. Returning, same route. THROtJGn FAHES. tPhiladelpliia, Pa ^loRn Baltimore, Md i^/XX Washington, D. C 20. uo EXCURSION 172. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 1272. Baltiin.iro & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelpliia & Reading;- R'y to Bethlehem. Lehiuh \allevR. R to Biirdette. g^j^o-e '. to Watkins. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Geneva. Lehigh Vallev R. R : to Niagara Falls. Lehigh ValleV R. R to Bethlehem. Philadelpliia & Reading K'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Oliio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa Hln^ Baltimore, Md A^^n Washington, D. C M.OO EXCURSION 1097. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 173. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Vallev R. R to Niagara Falls. Leliigh Valley R. R to Geneva. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Watkins. gj^ire to Burdette. Leiriglivaiiey R.' U.'.'.'.'.'. to Bethlehem.. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FAKES. tPhiladelphia, Pa HI'9.^ Baltimore, Md l^Y^ Washington, D. C 20.00 EXCURSION 1097. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 829. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Vallev R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River K. R to New \ oj-k. Central R. R. of New Jersev to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting pomt. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa *nSiS Baltimore, Md H^fS Washington, D. C 25.80 57 SUMMER TOURS 1905 Niagara Falls, N. y.— continued, EXCURSION 172, IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 829. Baltimore & Oliio R. K to Plilladelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Burdette. Stage to Watkins. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Geneva. Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $20.25 Baltimore,Md 23.80 Washington, D. C 25.80 EXCURSION 1097. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 496. (^^ Not on sale until May 15th. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R ., to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Albany. Day Line Steamers to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting pomt. THROUGH FARBS. tPhiladelphia, Pa $19.90 Baltimore, Md 23 .45 Washington, D. C 25.45 EXCURSION 172. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 496. ^i~ Not on sale until May 15th. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'v to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R '. to Burdette. Stage to Watkins. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Co to Geneva. Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Albany. Day Line Steamers to New Y^ork. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Pliiladelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $19.90 Baltimore, Md 23.46 Washington. D. C 25.45 EXCURSION 1097. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION I44S. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niatiara Navigation Co to Toronto. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Clayton. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Albany. Day Line Steamers to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARBS. tPhilad elphia. Pa $25 . 25 Baltimore, Md 28 . 80 Washington, D. C 30.80 58 BALTIMORE * OHIO RAILROAD NIAGARA Falls, N. Y.— Concluded. EXCURSION 172. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 1445. Baltimore & Ohio K. U to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Keadiuy R"y to Bethlehem. Lehigh \'allev K. R to Burdette. Stage to Watklns. Seueca I, ako Steam Navigation Co to Geneva. Lehigh Valley K. U to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Kichelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Clayton. New York Central & Hudson River R.H to Albany. Day Line Steamers to New York. Central R. R. of New .1 ersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FAKES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $25 .25 Baltimore, Md 28 . 80 Washington, D. C 30.80 EXCURSION 1527 OR 1584. Baltimore & Ohio K. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Heading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Niagara Falls. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $21.00 Baltimore, Md 25 .00 Washington, D. C 27.00 EXCURSION 1583. Jgg- Not on sale until May 15th. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Day Line Steamers to Albany. New Y'ork Central & Hudson River R. R to Niagara Falls. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia. Pa $19.50 Baltimore, Md 23.50 Washington, D. C 25.60 EXCURSION 408. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pittsburg. Transfer to P. & L. E. Depot. Pittsburg & Lake Erie R. R to Youngstown. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R'y to Buffalo. New l''ork Central & Hudson River R. R to Niagara Falls. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 1499. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pittsburg. Buffalo. Rochester & Pittsburg R'y to Buffalo. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Niagara Falls. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore Md. $20.00 *Grafton W. Va. $18.00 Braddock Pa. 12.30 McKeesport Pa. 12.40 *Clarksburg W. Va. 18.40 Morgantown W. Va. 16.10 Connellsville Pa. 14.65 Uniontown Pa. 14.85 Cumberland Md. 18.00 Washington D. C. 20.00 *Fairmont W. V^a. 17.10 *Via Uniontown. SUMMER TOURS 1905 NORFOLK &. WESTERN RAILWAY RESORTS. EXCURSION 1817. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Shenandoah Jet. Norfolk & Western R'y to destination. Returning, same route. From ,5 03 Annapolis Md.!$ 5.75 Baltimore Md. 5.70 Chester Pa. 9.20 Clarksburg ....W. Va 10.15 Connellsville Pa.' 8.85 Cumberland Md. 5.15 Frederick Md. 2.95 Grafton W. Va. 9.25 Keyser W. Va. 6.10 Martinsburg ..W. Va.: 2.05 New York N. Y. 14.70 Parkersburg . . W. Va. 14.40 Philadelphia Pa. 9.70 Piedmont W. Va. 6.:i0 Pittsburg Pa. 11.20 Uniontown Pa. 9.30 Washington D. C.\ 4.10 Wheeling W. Va. ! 13.25 Wilmington Del.! 8.70 $ 5.15 5.10 8.60 9.55 8.25 4.55 2.35 8.65 5.50 1.45 13.10 12.80 9.10 5.70 10.60 8.70 3.50 12.65 8.10 $5.55 5.50 9.00 9.95 8.65 4.95 2.75 9.05 5.90 1.85 13.50 13.20 9.50 6.10 $8.60 8.55 12.05 13.00 11.70 8.00 5.80 12.10 8.95 4.90 16..55 16.35 12..55 9.15 11.00 14.05 9.10 ' 12.15 3.90 1 6.95 13.05 16.10 8.50 11.65 $ 5.85 6.05 9.r.5 10..50 9.20 5.50 3.30 9.60 6.45 2 40 14.05 13.75 10.05 6.65 11..55 9.65 4.20 13.60 9.05 $8.35 8.30 11.80 12.75 11.45 1 7.75 5.. 55 $4.45 4.50 8.00 8.95 7.65 3.95 1.75 11.85 8.05 8.70 4.90 4.65 .85 16 30 12.50 16.00 13.20 12.30 8.50 8.90 5.10 13.80 10.00 11.90 8.10 6.70 2.90 15.85 12.05 11.30 7.50 $5.75 5.70 9.20 10.15 8.85 5.15 2.95 9.35 6.10 2.05 13.70 13.40 9.70 6.30 11.20 9.30 4.10 J3.25 8.70 ♦Agents at Baltimore and Washington will use the following forms: Berryville, Va., Ex. 1818; Boyce, Va., Ex. 1819; Blkton, Va., Ex. 1820; Front Royal, Va., Ex. 1821. NORTHFIELD, MASS. EXCURSION 84. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New Y'ork. New England Nav.. Co. (Norwich Line) to New London. Central Vermont R'y to Northfleld. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $10.75 Baltimore, Md 14.75 Washington, D. C 16.75 NORTH HATLEY, P. Q. EXCURSION 1280. I^g" Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Centi'al R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Springfield. Boston & Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R'y to Brattleboro. Boston & Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R'y to White River Jet. Boston & Maine R. R to North Hatley. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $21.90 Baltimore, Md 25.90 Washington, D. C 27.90 60 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD NORWICH, VT. (HANOVER EXCURS{ON 1280. '■{37"' Not ou sale until June Baltimore & Oliio K. K Philadelphia & Reading K'y Central U. K. of New Jersey New York, New Haven and Hartford K. K — Boston & Maine H. K Central N'erniont U'y Boston & Maine H. K Central Vermont U'y Boston & Maine 11. R Returning, same route. THROUGH FAKES. tPliiladelpliia, Pa Baltimore, Md Washington, D. C OAKLAND, MD. EXCURSIONS 1692, 1713 OR 1714. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Oalilaud. Returning, same route. THUOUGH FAURS. . N. H.) 1st. to Philadelphia. to Bound Brook. to New York. to Springfield. to South Vernon. to Brattleboro. to Windsor. to w lute River Jet. to Norwich. $15.55 19.55 21.55 Aimapolis Md. Baltimore Md. Belington W. Va. Bellalre Ohio . Berkeley Springs W.Va. xBloomington W. Va. ♦Braddock Pa. tBraddock Pa. Brunswick Md. Buckhannon W. Va. *Butler Pa. tButler Pa. *Callery Pa. tCallery Pa. Cameron W. Va. Charlestown W. Va. Cherry Run W. Va. Chester Pa. ♦Chicora Pa. :|:Chicora Pa. *Clarlon Junction — Pa. tClarion Junction — Pa. Clarksburg W. Va. ♦Connellsville Pa. iConnellsville Pa. xCumberland Md. *Everson Pa. tEversou Pa. Fairmont W. Va. *Foxburg Pa. JFoxburg Pa. Frederick Md. Gallipolis Ohio. xGrafton W. Va. Hagerstown Md. Harper's Ferry.. W. Va. Havre de Grace — Md. Huntington W . Va. Hyndman Pa Johnstown Pa. *Kane Pa. + Kane Pa. Kenova w. Va. xKeyser W.Va. •Knox Pa. JKnox Pa. ♦McKeesport Pa. " Via New Martinsville. * Via Morgantown. $ 9.90 9.25 S.tiO 6.25 4.65 1.30 7.55 7.80 6.25 4.45 9.65 9.90 9.10 9.35 4.80 6.50 4 .75 12.75 10.20 10.45 11.85 12.10 2.80 6.60 5.85 2.70 6 85 6.10 2.80 10.85 11.10 7.10 10.45 2.65 7.10 6.00 10.70 11.40 2.70 5.90 14.15 14.40 11.75 1.70 11.50 11.75 iMcKeesport Pa. $ 7.60 Maniiington W. Va. 3.50 *Marienville Pa. 12.90 Marietta Ohio. 6.95 JMarienville Pa. 13.15 Martinsburg W.Va. 5.30 Mason City W.Va. 9.10 Meyersdale Pa. 3.65 Mo'rgHUtown — W.Va. 380 Moundsville . .. .W.Va. 5.45 *Mt. I'leasaut Pa. 6.10 JMt. Pleasant Pa. 6.35 INew Martinsv'e..W.Va. 5.85 New York N. 1". 17.25 Newark Del. 11.65 Parkersburg W.Va. 6.05 *Parkers Landing — Pa. 10.75 Parkers Landing .... Pa. 11 .00 Philadelphia Pa. 13.25 xPiedmont W.Va. 1.40 *Pittsburg Pa. 7. 90 JPittsburg Pa. 8.15 Point Pleasant . . VV. Va. 9.70 Pomeroy Ohio. 9.10 Ravens wood — W. Va. 7.95 Rockwood Pa. 4.00 Romnev W.Va. 3.35 *Seott Haven Pa. 6.80 JScott Haven Pa. 7.05 Shenandoah Jet. W. Va. 5.75 Somerset Pa. 4.50 "Sistersville W. Va. 6.25 °St. Mary's W.Va. 6.95 list. Mary's W.Va. 7.75 Strasburg Jet Va. 8.60 *Uniontown Pa. 5.10 JUniontown Pa. 6.30 Washington D. C. 8.25 gWashington Pa. 7.20 *West Newton Pa. 6.60 t West Newton Pa. 6.85 Weston W.Va. 3.80 Wheeling W.Va. 5.90 Wilmington Del. 12.25 II Wimamstown...W. Va. 6.95 Winchester Va. 7.60 7.30 II V^ia Parkersburg. + Via Cumberland. •i Via Clarksburg. « Via Wheeling. X Use Form L 1. t^~ In addition to the season tickets for which fares are quoted special tickets. Excursion 1699, will l)e sold from the following sta- tions to Oakland, Md., and return, good going on trains Nos. 1 and 3 on Fridays, and on all trains on Saturday and Sunday of each week, good to return on any through train to and including No. 12, leaving Oakland on tlie following Monday. THKOUGH FAKBS. Philadelphia, Pa $8.00 Baltimore, Md 5.00 Washington, D. C 5.00 61 SUMMER TOURS 1905 OCEAN CITY, N. J. EXCURSION 200. Eeturn limit— Six months from date of sale. Baltimore & Oliio R. R to Philaflelphia. Atlantic City R. R to Ocean City. Returning, same route. THROUGH Baltimore Md. $ 6.25 *Bellau-e Ohio. 22.30 Braddock Va. 18.25 Butler Pa. 18.85 *Charlestown W. Va. 10.10 Chester Pa. 2.75 ClarksburK W. Va. 18.90 Confluence Pa. 15.95 Connellsville Pa. 17.60 Cumberland Md. 13.95 Fairmont W. Va. 18.90 Foxburg Pa. 18.85 Frederick Md. 9.25 Grafton W. Va. 18.05 ♦Hagerstown Md. 9.45 Harpers Ferry... W. Va. 9.60 Hyndman Pa. 13.95 Johnstown Pa. 14.95 McKeesport Pa. 18.25 FA UES. *Marietta Ohio. *Martiusbur g W. Va. Meyersdale Pa. Mt. Pleasant Pa. Morgan town — W. Va. Moundsville W. Va. Newark Del. Parkersburg — W. Va. Pittsburg Pa. Rockwood Pa. *Shenandoah Jet. W. Va. Somerset Pa. Uniontown Pa. Washington D. C. ♦Washington Pa. West Newton Pa. ♦Wheeling W. Va. Wilmington Del. Winchester Va. $23.05 10.15 14.95 17.90 19.35 21.55 3.85 22.15 18.25 14.95 9.90 14.95 18.05 8.25 20.06 18.25 22.00 3.26 11.05 EXCURSION 347, Return limit— Fifteen days from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Atlantic City R. R to Ocean City. Returning, same route. Chester,Pa $2.50 ♦Hagerstown, Md 9.20 ♦Martinsburg, W. Va 9.95 Newark, Del 3.60 Wilmington, Del 3.00 ♦Winchester, Va 10.80 ^P" From points marked ♦ free transfer of passenger and bag- gage through Philadelphia, in both directions, will be allowed on season and 15-day tickets, and agents will furnish purcliasers, free of charge, two (2) passenger transfer checks of Form T-23, and two (2) baggage transfer tags of Form T-8. One transfer tag, of Form T-8, should be attached to Ijaggage by Baggage Agent at selling point ; the other tag to be retained by passenger until ready to leave Ocean City, when it should be presented to Baggage Agent of Atlantic City R. R. to be attached to baggage for return trip. Agents will advise purchasers tliat transfer checks of Form T-23 will be lionored by the Union Transfer Company for transfer of passenger between Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Depot and Atlantic City R. R. Pier. 1^" From points not marked * fares do not include transfer of Ijassenger or baggage through Philadelphia. If this service is desired, agents will sell transfer checks of Form T-23 for transfer of passenger at rate of 15 cents in either direction, and transfer tags of Form T-8 for transfer of baggage at rate of 25 cents in either direction. OCEAN CITY, MD. EXCURSION 822. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic R'y to Ocean City. Returning, same route. Bellaire Ohio. Braddock Pa. Clarksburg W. Va. Connellsville Pa. Cumberland Md. Fairmont W. Va. Frederick Md. Grafton W. Va. Hagerstown Md. THROUGH FAKES. $19.05 16.30 15.65 14.40 10.70 15.65 6.00 14.80 7.50 Harper's Ferry — W. Va. Johnstown Pa. McKeesport Pa. Parkersburg W. Va. Piedmont W. Va. Pittsburg Pa. Unioniown Pa. AVashhigton D. C. Wheeling W. Va. 5 6.80 14.45 16.10 18.90 11.85 16 70 14.80 5.00 18.75 I^" If transfer of baggage through Baltimore is desired, issue transfer tag. Form T-45, at rate of 25 cents each. BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD Ocean City, Md.— concluded, SPECIAL EXCURSION 822-10. Keturu limit— Eleven days, including date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio U. li to Baltimore. Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic K'y to Ocean City. Ifeturiiing, same route. TllUOlIliU FAKE. Washington, 1). C $4.10 J:^^ If transfer of baggage through Baltimore is desired, issue transfer tag. Form T-45, at rate of 25 cents each. EXCURSION 1116. I^r- To be sokl on Saturdays only, good for return passage to and including tlie following Monday. Baltimore & Ohio K. K to Baltimore. Baltimore, Chesapealce & Atlantic H'y to Ocean City. Returning, same route. THROUeill FARE. Washington, D. C $3.60 ^~ If transfer of baggage through Baltimore is desired, Issue transfer tag. Form T-45. at rate of 25 cents each. OGDENSBURG, N. Y. EXCURSION 1527. Baltimore & Ohio K. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New\ork. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Ogdensburg. Returning, same route. THKOUGH F.\RES. tPhiladelphia, Pa '^^.^■^f Baltimore,Md '-^f-QS Washington, D. C 24 95 8S" Via Day Line Steamers and Albany, Excursion 122, $2.25 less than all-rail fares. Not on sale until May 15th. ISr Via People's Line Steamers and Albany, Excursion 122 $2.75 less than all-rail fares. ^~ Via Citizens' Line Steamers and Troy, Excursion 122, $3.25, less than all-rail fares. OHIO PYLE, PA. EXCURSION 1694 OR 1714. Maltimore & Oliio R. R to Ohio Pyle. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARKS. Braddock Pa. $2.70 Connellsville Pa. .90 Cumberland Md. 3.05 Hvndmau Pa. 2.70 Meyersdale Pa. $2.10 Mt. Pleasant Pa. 1.55 Pittsburg Pa. 3.00 Roekwood Pa. 1.45 Johnstown Pa. 2.85 [Somerset Pa. 1.95 McKeesport Pa. 2.70 ! Uniontown Pa. 1.50 OLD ORCHARD, ME. l^"Not on sale until June 1st. EXCURSION 1450. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to OKI Orchard. Returning, same route to Boston. (Good for continuous passage only east of Boston.) To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. ^ . (joing Kail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. ""T^HMZ"^' tPhiladelphia :...Pa. $18.00 $16.00 ^Xi^S, Baltimore Md. 22.00 'Jo.oo 21.00 Washington D.C. 24.00 22.00 23.00 63 SUMMER TOURS 1905 OLD POINT COMFORT, VA. EXCURSION ass- Return limit— Three months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer to N. & W. S. B. Co.'s Wharf. Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co to Old Point Comfort. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 414. Return limit— Three months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Transfer to Ches. S. S. Co.'s Wharf. Chesapeake Steamship Co to Old Point Comfort. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 564. Return limit— Three months from date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Transfer to B. S. P. Co.'s Wharf. Baltimore Steam Packet Co to Old Point Comfort. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES FOR EXCURSIONS 855, 414 AND 564. ♦Baltimore Md. $ 6.00 Bellah-e Ohio. 25.00 *Charlestown W.Va. 9.00 Chester Pa. 9.90 Clarksburg W.Va. 21.50 Connellsville Pa. 19.70 Cumberland Md. 14.10 Fairmont W.Va. '21.50 Frederick Md. 8.40 Grafton W.Va. 20.20 Hagerstown Md. 9.60 Johnstown Pa. 19.80 Keyser W.Va. 15.50 McKeesport Pa. 21.00 *Via Washington *Martinsburg W.Va. Moundsville W.Va. Mt. Pleasant Pa. Newark Del. New York N. Y. Parkersburg W.Va. Philadelphia Pa. Piedmont W.Va. Pittsburg Pa. Uniontown Pa. Washington Pa. Wheeling W. Va. Wilmington Del. * Winchester Va. and N. & W. S. B. Co. $ 9.50 25.00 20.40 8.40 15.60 25.00 10.60 15.80 21.00 20.30 23.00 25.00 9.10 10.40 t^~ In addition to the above, tickets of same forms, limited to eleven days Including date of sale, may be sold from points and at fares given below. THROUGH FARES. Chester Pa. $ 8.50 Newark Del. 7-40 New York N.Y. 13.00 Philadelphia Pa. $9 . 00 Wilmington Del. 8.00 EXCURSION 31. Return limit— Eleven days, including date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer to N. & W. S. B. Co.'s Wharf. Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co to Old Point Comfort. Old Dominion S. S. Co to New York. Central K. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. EXCURSION 1173. Return limit— Eleven days, including date of sale. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Transfer to B. S. P. Co.'s Wharf. Baltimore Steam Packet Co to Old Point Comfort. Old Dominion S. S. Co to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. 64 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD OLD POINT COMFORT, VA.— Conclurted. EXCURSION 1175. Return limit— Eleven days, including date of sale. Raltimore & Ohio K. R to Baltimore. Transfer to Clies. S. S. Co.'s Wharf. Chesapeal•" Kevser W. Va. $11.50 Parkersburg W. Va. 18.80 Piedmont W. Va. 11.70 Pittsburg Pa. 16.60 Wheeling W. Va. 18 .60 Hagerstown Md. 7.65 Winchester Va. 5.10 Harper's Ferry — W. Va. 6.70 EXCURSION 289. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer to So. R'y Depot. southern Railway to Mount Jackson. aitage (12 miles) to Orkney Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore Md. $10.95 New York N. Y. $18.95 Chester Pa. 14.45 Philadelphia Pa. 14.95 Newark Del. 13.35 Wilmington Del. 13.95 EXCURSION 32. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Harrisonburg. Southern Railway to Mount Jackson. Stage (12 miles) to Orkney Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Lexington, Va $7.45 Staunton, Va 5.66 OSTERVILLE, MASS. EXCURSION 1949. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Pliiladelphia. Philadelnhia & Reading R'v to Bound Brook. Central H. U. of New Jersev to New York. Old Colony S. B. Co. (Fall River Line) to Ii'all River. New York. New Haven & Hartford R. R to West Rarnstable. Stage to Osterville. Returning same route. THROUGH F.4.RES. I Philadelphia, Pa $12 85 Baltimore, Md 16.86 Washington, D. C 18.85 66 SUMMER TOURS 1905 OTTAWA, CANADA. i^^ Not on sale until June 1st. EXCURSION 1336. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia <& Reading R'j- to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Montreal. Canadian Pacific R'y to Ottawa. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARKS. tPhiladelphla, Pa $22.95 Baltimore, Md 26.95 Washington, D. C 28.95 EXCURSION 32. Extension from Montreal. Canadian Paoifle R'y to Ottawa. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any ticket passing through or termi- nating at Montreal. Fare $5.00 PEN-MAR, MD, EXCURSION 93 ^P^ Not on sale until June 15th. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Hagerstown. Transfer to W. M. R. R. Depot. Western Maryland R. R to Pen-Mar. Returning, same route. THROUGH FAKE. Washington, D. C $4.20 PORTLAND, ME. EXCURSION 1822. J^~Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Willimantic. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Worcester. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland. Returning, same route. tPhiladelphla, Pa $18.65 Baltimore, Md 22.65 Washington, D. C 24.65 For tickets limited to continuous passage east of New York, the rate will be $ .40 less than quoted above. Agents will issue tickets of Form Ex. 1822, endorsing face of coupons east of New York " Con- tinuous passage." EXCURSION 85. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Maine Steamship Co to Portland. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. ^"State-rooms and meals extra. tPhiladelphla, Pa $14.00 Baltimore, Md 18 .00 Washington, D. C • 20.00 66 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD PORTLAND, Me.— Concluded. EXCURSION 1450. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine H. li to Portland. Keturniujj, same route to Boston. ((iood for coutiuuous passage only east of Boston.) To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. TH HOUGH FAKES. Going Rail, From Kail Lines. Sou ad Lines. i^«'"f'!'"es°""''' or vice versa. tPliiladelphia Pa. Baltimore ISId. Washington D. C. EXCURSION 1767, Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Eastern Steamship Co to Portland. Keturuing, same route to Boston. To be sold In connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. R""rning sound. $19.00 $17.00 $18.00 'iS.OO 21.00 22.00 26.00 23.00 24.00 ce versa. $16.00 $14.00 $15.00 20.00 18.00 19.00 22.00 20.00 21.00 tPhiladelphia Pa. Baltimore Md. Washington D. C. PORTLAND, MT. DESERT AND MACHIAS STEAMBOAT CO. RESORTS. EXCURSION 38. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine H. R to Portland. Portland, Mt. Desert & Machias Steamboat Co to destination. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. To Boston and Return via Rail Lines in Both Directions. THROUGH FAKES. DESTINATION. tPhlladelpliia Baltimore. Washington. Blue Hill Me. $22.00 $26.00 $28.00 Broolilin Me. 22.00 26.00 28.00 Castine Me. 21.00 2.5.00 27.00 Deer Isle Me. 21.50 25.50 27-50 Islesboro( Dark Harbor) Me. 20.50 24.50 26. .50 Jonesport Me. 24.00 28.00 30.00 Millbridge Me. 24.00 28.00 30.00 Northeast Harbor Me. 22.80 26.80 28.80 Rockland Me. 20.00 24.00 26.00 Sedgwick Me. 21.50 25.50 2750 Southwest Harbor Me. 22. .50 26.50 28. .50 To Boston and Return via Sound Lines in Botli Directions. THROUGH FARES. DESTINATION. tPhiladelphia Baltimore. Washington. Blue Hill Me. $20.00 $24.00 $20.00 Brooklin Me. 20.00 24.00 26.00 Castine Me. 19.00 23.00 25.00 Deerlsle Me. 19.50 23.60 25.50 Islesboro (Dark Harbor) Me. 18.50 22.60 24.50 Jonesport Me. 22.00 26.00 28.00 Millbridge Me. 22.00 26.00 28.00 Northeast Harbor Me. 20.80 24.80 26.80 Rockland Me. 18.00 22.00 24.00 Sedgwick Me. 19.-50 23.50 25.50 Southwest Harbor Me. 20.50 24.50 26.50 67 SUMMER TOURS 1905 PORTLAND, MT. DESERT AND MACHIAS STEAMBOAT CO. Resorts— Conciudeci. To Boston via Rail Lines, Returning via Sound Lines, or vice versa. THROUGH FARES. DESTINATION. tPliiladelpliia. Baltimore. Washington. Blue Hill Me. $21.00 $2.5.00 $'27.00 Brooklin Me. '21.00 25.00 27.00 Castine Me. 20.00 '24.00 26.00 Deer Isle Me. 20.50 24.50 26.50 Islesboro (Dark Harbor) Me. 19.50 '23.50 25.50 Jonesport Me. 23.00 '2700 29.00 Millbridge - Me. '23.00 '27-00 29.00 Northeast Harbor Me. 21.80 '25.80 27.80 Rockland Me. 19.00 '23.00 25.00 Sedgwick Me. 20.50 '24.50 '26.50 Southwest Harbor Me. 21.50 25.50 27-50 POLAND SPRING HOUSE, ME. EXCURSION 32. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. 1^" Not on sale until June 1st. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Danville Junction. Stage (5 miles) to Poland Spring House. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARBS. Going Rail. From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Returning sound or vice versa. tPliiladelphia Pa. $21. .50 $19.50 $'20.50 Baltimore Md. 25.50 23.50 '24. 50 Washington D. C. 27.50 25.60 26.50 POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. EXCURSION 1C27. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Heading R'y to Bound Brook. Central K. H. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Poughkeepsie. Returning same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelpliia, Pa $ 6.90 Baltimore, Md 10.90 Washington, D. C 13.00 PROFILE HOUSE (WHITE MOUNTAINS), N. H. EXCURSION 1280 ^^~ Not on sale until June 1st. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound lirook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to SpringHeld. Boston & Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R'y to Brattleboro. Boston & Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R'y to '^ hite River Jet. Boston & Maine R. R to Profile House. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $21.00 Baltimore, Md 25.00 Washington, D. C 27.00 68 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD QUEBEC, P. Q. I^F" Not ou sale until June 3 at. EXCURSION 131. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 134. Baltimore & Ohio R. K to Philarlelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Hound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Day Line Steamers to Albany. Delaware & Hudson Co to Rouse's Point. Grand Trunk R'y to Montreal. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co to Quebec. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co to Montreal. Grand Trunk R'y to St. John's. Central Vermont R'y to Windsor. Boston & >[aine R. R to Brattlehoro. Central Vermont R'y to South Vernon. Boston & Maine R. R to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $28 .00 Baltimore. Md 32.00 Washington, D. C 34.00 EXCURSION 132. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 116. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to Sprhigfleld. Boston & Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R'y to Brattleboro. Boston & Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R'y to White River Jet. Boston & Maine R. R to Sherbrooke. Grand Trunk R'y to Quebec. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $27.00 Baltimore, Md 31.00 Washington, D. C 33.00 EXCURSION 1097 AND 142. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 116. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem. Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co to Kingston. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co to Prescott. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co to Montreal. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co to Quebec. Gi-and Trunk R'y to Slierbrooke. Boston & Maine R. R to White River Jet. Central Vermont R'y to Windsor. Boston & Maine R. R to Brattlelaoro. Central Vermont R'y to South Vernon. Boston & Maine R. R to Springfield. New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $37.90 Baltimore, Md 41.45 Washington, D. C 43 .45 69 SUMMER TOURS 1905 Quebec, p. Q.— concluded. EXCURSION 175. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 189. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York. New Haven & Hartford R. R to Springfleld. Boston & Maine R. R to South Vernon. Central Vermont R'y to Brattleboro. Boston & Maine R. R to Windsor. Central Vermont R'y to White River Jet. Boston & Maine R. R to Sherbrooke. Quebec Central R'y to Quebec. Returning, same route. THROUGH FAHBS. tPhiladelphia, Pa $27 . 00 Baltimore, Md 31 . 00 Washington, D. C 33.00 EXCURSION 1097 AND 142. IN CONNECTION WITH EXCURSION 117. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bethlehem, Lehigh Valley R. R to Niagara Falls. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Lewiston. Niagara Navigation Co to Toronto. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co to Kingston. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co to Prescott. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co to Montreal. Grand Ti-unk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co to Quebec. Quebec Central R'y to Dudswell Junction. Maine Central R. R to Intervale Junction. Boston & Maine R. R to Boston. Rail or Sound Lines. (See Boston feeding forms.) to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia and Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point. THROUGH FAKES. Via Sound. Via Rail. tPhiladelphia, Pa $40.90 $41.90 Baltimore, Md 44.45 45.45 Washington, D. C 46.45 47.46 EXCURSION 1015, Extension from Montreal. Grand Trunk R'y or Richelieu & Ontario Navi- gation Co to Quebec. Retui'ning, same route. EXCURSION 32. Extension from IVIontreal. Canadian Paciflc R'y to Quebec. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any excursion ticket passing through or terminating at Montreal. Fare $5 . 85 CHICOUTIMI, P. Q. EXCURSION 32. Extension from Quebec. J^~ Not on sale until June 1st. Quebec & Lake St. John R'y to Roberval. Quebec & Lake St. John R'y to Chicoutiml. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Quebec. Sold in connection with any excursion ticket passing through oi terminating at Quebec. Fare (meals and berth extras $10.00 70 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD CHICOUTIMI, p. Q. -Concluded. EXCURSION 32. Extension from Quebec. Quebec & Lake St. John R'y to lloberval. Quebec & Lake St. John R'y to Chicoutiini. Heturuing, same route. Sold in connection with any excursion ticket i)assing through or terminating at Quebec. Fare $9.00 MURRAY BAY, P. Q. EXCURSION 32. Extension from Quebec. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co to Murray Bay. Returning, same route. Sold in connection witli any excursion ticket passing tlirough or terminating at Quebec. Fare uneals and berth extra) $4.00 RAWLEY SPRINGS, VA. 1^^ Not on sale until June 1st. EXCURSION 556. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Washington. Transfer to So. R'y Depot. Southern Railway to Harrisonburg. Stage (11 miles) to Rawley Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore Md. $13.25 New York N. Y. $'21.25 Chester Pa. 16.75 Philadelphia Pa. 17.25 Newark Del. 15. G5 Wilmington Del. 16.25 EXCURSION 557. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Strasburg Junction. Southern Railway to Harrisonburg. Stage (11 miles) to Rawley Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Bellaire Ohio. $21.30 ! Keyser W. Va. $13.85 Charlestown W. Va. S.55 Parkersburg W. V^a. 21.15 Clarksburg W. Va. 17.90 Piedmont W. Va. 14.05 Cumberland Md. 12.90 Pittsburg Pa. 18.95 Frederick Md. 10.10 Rockwood Pa. 14.85 Grafton W. Va. 17.00 Wheeling W. Va. 20.95 Hagerstown Md. 9.65 Winchester Va. 7-45 Harper's Ferry AV. Va. 9.05 EXCURSION 1806. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Harrisonburg. Stage (11 miles) to Rawley Springs. Returning, same route. Lexington, Va $7.10 Staunton, Va 5.30 REHOBOTH BEACH, DEL. 1^" Not on sale until further notice. EXCURSION 42. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Maryland, Delaware & Virginia R'y to Rehoboth Beach. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Bellaire Ohio. $19.05 Johnstown Pa. $14.45 Clarksburg W. Va. 15.65 McKeesport Pa. 16.10 Connellsville Pa. 14.40 Parkersburg W. Va. 18.90 Cumberland Md. 10.70 .Pittsburg Pa. 16.70 Frederick Md. 6.00 ' Uuioutowu Pa. 14.80 Grafton W. Va. 14.80 Wasliiugton D. C. 5.00 Harper's Ferry.... W. Va. 6.80 Wheeling W. Va. 18.75 ^" If transfer of baggage through Baltimore is desired, issue transfer tag. Form T-45, at rate of 26 cents. 71 SUMMER TOURS 1905 REHOBOTH BEACH, DEL. -Concluded. SPECIAL EXCURSION 42-10. Return limit— Eleven days, including date of sale. Baltimoz'e «& Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Maryland, Delawai'e &- Virginia R'y to Rehoboth Beach. Returning, same route. THKOUGH FARE. Washington, D. C $4.10 I^" If transfer of baggage through Baltimore is desired, issue transfer tag. Form T-45, at rate of 25 cents. EXCURSION 1946. JHW To be sold on Saturdays only, good for return passage to and including following Monday. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Baltimore. Maryland, Delaware & Virginia R'y to Rehoboth Beach. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARK. Washington, D. C $3.60 1^" If transfer of baggage through Baltimore is desired, issue transfer tag. Form T-45, at rate of '25 cents each. RICHFIELD SPRINGS, N. Y. EXCURSION 1944. Baltimoi'e & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New .lersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Utica. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R to Richfleld Springs. Returning, same route. EXCURSION 1538. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to IJound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R to Richfleld Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES FOR BXCURSIONS 1944 AND 1538. tPhlladelphia, Pa $14.75 Baltimore, Md 18.75 Washington, D. C 20.75 ROCKLAND, ME. EXCURSION 1539. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Portland. Maine Central R. R to Rockland. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going: Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Returning sound. or vice versa. +Philadelphia Pa. $22.00 $20.00 $21.00 Baltimore Md. 26.00 24.00 25.00 Washington D.C. 28.00 26.00 27.00 EXCURSION 1534 OR 1767. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Eastern Steamship Co to Rockland. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Keiurning soimd, or vice versa. tPhlladelphia Pa. $18.50 $16.50 $17.50 Baltimore Md. 22.50 20.50 21.50 Washington D.C. 24.50 22.50 23.50 72 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD ROCKPORT, MASS. EXCURSION IS31 Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine 15. K to ilockport. IJeturniuK, same ronte to Uoston. To be sold in connection witli feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, From Kail Lines. Sound Lines, ''^^o";"^"^,! """''■ tPhiladelpliia Pa. $15.70 $13.70 $14.70 Baltimore Md. 1!).70 17.70 18.70 Washington D.C. 21.70 19.70 20.70 RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. Transit limit— Fifteen days in each direction, Return limit— Six months from date of sale. EXCURSION 1476 Baltimore & Ohio H. K to Washington. Transfer to W ash. So. K'y Depot, Washington Southern K'y and Kichmond, Fred- ericlcsDurg & Potomac R. R to Richmond. Seaboard Air Line to Rutherfordton Returning, same route. EXCURSION 356. Baltimore & Ohio R. U to Baltimore. Transfer to B. S. P. Go's Wht. Baltimore Steam Packet Co to Portsmouth. Seaboard Aii- Line to Rutherfordton. Returning same route. EXCURSION 357. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. to Washington. Transfer to N. ,& W. S. B. Co.'s Wharf. Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co to Portsmouth. Seaboard Air Line to Rutherfordton. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. ♦Baltimore Md. $22.00 Meyersdale Pa. $28.60 Bfllau-e Ohio. 30.4.5 Moundsville W.Va. 30. -15 Camt-ron W.Va. 30.45 Mt. Pleasant Pa. 3045 Charl.stown W.Va. 23.70 Newark Del. 24.40 Chester Pa. 25. .50 New York N. Y. 30.00 Clarksburg W.Va. 30.45 Parkersburg W.Va. 30.45 Connellsville Pa. 30.45 Philadelphia Pa. 20.00 Cumberland Md. 27.10 Piedmont W.Va. 28. 2o Fairmont W.Va. 30.45 Pittsburg Pa. 30. 4d Frederick Md. 23.30 Rockwood Pa. 29.05 Grafton W.Va. 30.45 Somerset Pa. 29.40 Hagerstown Md. 24.10 Uniontown Pa. 30.45 Harper's Ferry ...W.Va. 23.20 Washington Pa. 3n.45 Johnstown Pa. 30 45; Wheeling W^Va. 30 45 Keys-r W.Va. 28.05 Wilmington Del. 25.00 Martinsburg W.Va. 23.95 Winchester Va. 24.80 McKeesport Pa. 30.45 ♦Via Washington. RYE BEACH, N. H. ]^°Not on sale until June 1st. EXCURSION 779. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to North Hampton. Stage (4 miles) to Rye Beach. Returning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES, Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. '^^J"' •*e^.«sa°''' tPhiladelphia Pa. Baltimore Md. Washington D. C. i^" Baggage should be checked to North Hampton, N. H., only. 73 $17.35 $15.35 $16.35 21.35 19.. 15 20.35 23.35 21.35 22.35 SUMMER TOURS 1905 ST. JOHN, N. B. EXCURSION 1767. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Eastern Steamship Co to St. John. Keturning, same route to Boston. To be sold in connection witli feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THROUGH FARES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Ret''™i"g sound, or vice versa. tPliiladelphia Pa. $23.00 $21.00 $22.00 Baltimore Md. 27-00 25.00 20.00 Washington D. C. 29.00 27.00 28.00 SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. EXCURSION 541 OR 1532. Baltimore & Ohio R. H to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Troy. Delaware & Hudson Co to Saratoga Springs. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $11 .85 Baltimore, Md 15.85 Washington, D. C 17.85 ^~ Via Day Line Steamers and Albany (Excursion 546 or 1532), $2.00 less than all-rail fares. Not on sale until May 15th. ;^~ Via People's Line Steamers and Albany (Excursion 1532 or 1823), $2.50 less than all-rail fares. ^^ Via Citizens Line Steamers and Troy (Excursion 1532) $3.35 less than all-rail fares. EXCURSION 1078. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to Philadelphia. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Bound Brook. Central R. R. of New Jersey to New York. New York Central & Hudson River R. R to Troy. Delaware & Hudson Co to Saratoga Springs. Delaware & Hudson Co to Albany. Day Line Steamers to New York. Central R. R. of New Jersey to Bound Brook. Philadelphia & Reading R'y to Philadelphia. Baltimore & Ohio R. R to starting point, THROUGH FARES. tPhiladelphia, Pa $11.35 Baltimore, Md 15.35 Washington, D. C 17.35 EXCURSION 32. Extension from Aibany, N. Y. Delaware & Hudson Co to Saratoga Springs. Returning, same route. Sold in connection with any excursion ticket passing through Albany. Fare $2.34 SCARBORO BEACH, ME. ^^ Not on sale until June 1st. EXCURSION 1450. Extension from Boston. Route beyond Boston. Boston & Maine R. R to Scarboro Beach. Returning, same route to Boston. (Good for continuous passage only east of Boston.) To be sold in connection with feeding forms to Boston and return. See Boston feeding forms. THr.OUGH FARES. Going Rail, From Rail Lines. Sound Lines. Returning sound. or vice versa. tPhiladelphia Pa. Baltimore Md. Washington D. C. $18.25 $16.25 $17.25 22.25 20.25 21.25 24.25 22.25 23.26 74 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD SEA ISLE CITY, N. J. EXCURSION 1298. Return limit— Six inontlis from date of sale. Ilaltimore & Ohio R. R to Plilladelphla. Atlantic City U. R to bea Isle City. Returning, same route. THROUGH FARES. Baltimore Md.$ 6.25 *Hellaire O. Vi.30 Rraddocli Pa. 18.'i.'> Butler Pa. 18. «5 *Ctiarlestown W. Va. 10.10 Chester Pa. 'i.7.5 Clarksbu rg W. Va. l« . 90 Confluence Pa. 1 5 .95 Connells ville Pa. 17 .«0 Curaherland Md. 13.9.5 Fairmont W. Va. 18.90 Foxi)urir Pa. 18.85 Fredei-ick M d. 9. 25 Grafton W. Va. 18.05 ♦Hatrerstown Md. 9.45 Harpers Ferry.... W. Va. 9.60 Hvndman Pa. 13.95 Johnstown Pa. 14.95 McKeesport Pa. 18.25 Marietta Ohio. ♦Martiusljurg W. Va. Meyersdale Pa. Mr,.' Pleasant Pa. Morf ville with all trains of the Pennsylvania Kailroad ; at Point Chautau- qua with trains of the Jamestown, Chautauqua & Lake Erie K'y, giving direct connection with tiie l^ake Shore and Michigan Southern R'y, and New York, Chicago & St. Louis R. R.; at Lakewood and Jamestown with all trains on the Erie R. R.; also at Jamestown with the Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley & Pittsburg Railroad. CHESAPEAKE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Chesapeake Line. Steamers "Atlanta " and "Augusta " leave Baltimore from Piers 18 and 19, Light Street, daily, except Sunday, at 6.30 p. m., arriving at Old Point Comfort at«.6o a. m. and at Norfolk 700 a. m., con- necting with rail lines for all Southern summer resorts. - L-ave Norfolk daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 p.m.; Old Point Comfort at 7.00 p. m., arrive Baltimore at 7.00 a. m. Meals, 75 cents ; state-rooms, $1.00, $2.00, $2.60, $3.00. 82 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD CITIZENS' LINE STEAMERS. Troy Night Boats. The "Saratoga" and "City ot Troy" coninience running,' as soon as uavit^atiou on the Hvulson Klver opens, and cnase in De- cember, plyint? between New York (Pier 1(5. North liiver, second pier above Christ oplier Street); Steamboat Square, Albany, and foot of Ferrv Street, Troy. Leave New York dally, except Saturday, at COO p. m., arriving at Troy daily, except Sunday, at u.OO a. m. Leave Trov daily, except Saturday, at 7.30 p. ni. or on arrival of evening trains from the North ; arrive at New York 7 oo a. m. Land at Albany, going north, on Monday (Sunday night trip) only, 5.30 a. ni., and going south, on Sunday (Sunday ni-ht trip) only, at 8.30 p. m. l^assenger capacity, 3.50. Meals served on European plan. Dining rooms on iiinin deck aft. Berths in cabin, 5 I cents. State-rooms $1.00, $2.00, $J.OO and $5.00. COBURN STEAIVIBOAT COMPANY. Steamers on Mooseliead Lalon Fort Ticonderoga and Platts- burtr, landiim at lilutl Toint, t'liir lla\ en lor Cat I inlic Summer School, Port Iveiit, Hurliii^^tou, Kssex, Wfstport, Port Henry and Larraljee's. Leave Plattsl)Wi-K 7-t»0 a. m. Leave Fort 'I'ieonderoya on arrival of trains, al)out 1.00 p.m. Trip occupies tlve hours. Passent^er capacity. 1,.")()U. Dinner, $1.00; breaivfast antl supi)er, To cents each. The " Cliateautiay " runs daily, except Sunday, during the entire season of navigation (April to December), between Essex, Cedar Beach, Hnrlington, Port Kent, Plutl Point, Plattsburg and the Islands, touching at Valcour, Grand Isle and St. Albau's Bay. Leaves Burlington, June to Octobei', 9.00 a. m.; arrives 4.45 p. m. Trip occupies tlve hours. Passenger caparity, 1 ,500. The morning trams from Montreal luive no l)oat connection through Lake Champlain. Take trains leaving Montreal U.30 or 8.10 p. m. and lodge on board steamer " Vermont " at Plattsburg. LAKE GEORGE STEAMERS. Lake George Steamboat Co. The "Sagamore" (new) will commence running about June 1st and cease about October 1st. Will leave Lake George on arrival of train from Troy, Albany aud Saratoga. 9.40 a. m., daily, except Sun- day, landing at Assembly Point, Cleverdale, Hockhurst, Trout Pavilion, Kattskill, Marion, Bolton, Green Island, Fourteen Mile Island, Pearl Point, Hulett's, Sabbath-Day P>.int, Silver Bay, Hague and Koger's Kock, reaching Baldwin about 12.30 p. m. Keturniiig, leave Baldwin on arrival of train from Lake Champlain 1.00 p.m., making above landings; arrive Lake George about 4.30 p. m., con- necting with train for the South. The " Horicon " will be brought out about June 19th, and vrill run until September IGth. Will leave Lake George at 4.20 p. m., on arrival of New York train, making above landings. Arrive Baldwin 7.40 p. m. Returns in morning, leaving at 7.20. Beaches Lake George at 10.10 a.m. to connect with train leaving at that hour. Meals sei'ved on steamers, American plan, dinner, $1.00; breakfast or supper. 50 cents. The "Mohican" (propeller) is in service from May 1st to October 31st, and has a carrying capacity of 200 persons. This steamer will make all landings for Lake George to Paradise Bay, including such wharves at which the larger boats cannot land. During months of May and October this steamer will run between Baldwin and Lake George. The steamers " Sagamore " and " Mohican " will make Sunday trips during July and August; the '"Sagamore" wdl run from Lake George to Roger's Rock, making all landings on signal, returning in afternoon to Lake George, connecting with excursion train for Glen Falls, Sandy Hill, Fort Edward, Saratoga, Troy and Albany. The "Mohican" will run from Lake George to Paradise Bay, making all landings on signal, returning in evening to Lake George, connecting with trair. for all points on the Delaware & Hudson Co. LAKE ONTARIO AND BAY OF QUINTE STEAMBOAT COMPANY, LTD. Commencing Mav 29th, steamers will leave Summerville, N. Y. (Port of Rochester), at 9 00 a. m., and will arrive at Cobourg at 1.30 p.m., and Port Hope, Out., at 2.30 p.m., daily, except Sunday. Returning, will arrive at Summerville, N. Y. (Port of Rochester), from Port Hope and Cobourg, Ont., each week day, at 7.45 p. m. The daily service between above-mentioned points will begin on Monday, June 19th, and continue until Saturday, September 2nd, after w"hlch date, and until September 30th, the service will be daily, except Suudav. Steamers will leave Summerville, N. Y. (Port of Rochester), for Bay of Quinte and Thousand Island points at 8.30 p. m., daily, except Sunday, commencing June 24th and continuing until August 2st 31st St. : Commencing May 29th, the steamer leaving Pier 20. East River, New York at 3.00 p. m. ; (Satur- days from .luly 1st to Sei^tember 9th, inclusive, at 2.00 ji. m.), will stop at the foot of East 31st Street at 3.30 p. ni. ; (Saturdays from July 1st to September 9th, inclusive, at 2.30 p. m.) Steamer leaving Bridgeport at 8.00 a. m., will stop at the loot of East 31st Street, New Y'ork, at 11.00 a. m. Sunday Service is operated from June 25th to September 10th, inclusive, oil the following schedule: From Bridgeport: Steamers leave at 9.00 a. m. from Fairfield Avenue Wharf, and 12.00 night from Naugatuck Wharf; due New York, Pier 20, East River, at 12.30 p. m. and 4.00 a. m. From New York: Steamer leaves Pier 20, East River, at 5.00 p. m. ; due Bridgeport at 8.30 p. m. Stop at the Foot of East 31st St. : Steamer leaving Bridge- port at 9.00 a. m. will stop at the foot of East 31st Street, New York, at 12.00 noon ; returning, will stop there at 5.30 p. m. Meals a la carte. New Haven Line. Steamers "Richard Pecl< " and "City of Lawrence." This line Is operated throughout the entii'e year. Service from New York: Steamer leaves Pier 20, East River, foot of Peck Slip, week days only at 4.00 p. ni.; due New Haven 9.00 p. m. Service from New Haven ; Steamer leaves Belle Dock, New Haven, at 2.15 a. m. daily, except Mondays ; due Pier 20, Bast Kiver, New Y'ork, at 7.15 a. m. Double Service is operated from July 3rd to September 4th, inclusive, on the following schedule : From New York; Steamers leave Pier 20, East River, week days only at 2.45 p. iii. and J 2.00 night ; due New Haven at 7.30 p. m. and 6.00 a. m From New Haven: Steamers leave Belle Dock, New Haven, week days only, at 10.00 a. m. and 12.45 night ; due New York, Pier 20, East River, at 4 15 p. m. and 6.00 a. m. Stop at Foot of Bast 31st St.: Steamer leaving New Y^ork at 2.45 p. m. will stop at the foot of East 31st street at 3.00 p. m., while steamer leaving New Haven at 10.00 a. m. will stop at the foot of East 3 1st Street at 3 45 p. m. Sunday service is operated from June 25tli to September 10th, inclusive, on the following schedule : From New York: Steamer leaves Pier 20, East River, at 9.30 a. m. ; foot of East 31st Street 10.00 a. m. ; due New Haven 2.30 p. m. Fkom New Haven: Steamer leaves Belle Dock, New Haven, at 4.30 p. m. ; due New York, foot of East 31st Street, at 8.45 p. m.. Pier 20, East River, at 9.15 p. m. Connection is Made at New Haven for points on the Hart- ford, Shore Line, Air Line, Berkshire and Naugatuck Divisions of the New Y'ork, New Haven & Hartford R. R. Fares via this line do not include rooms and meals. State rooms are $1.00. $l..50 mid .$2.00. First-class tickets entitle holders to berths iu sleeping saloons without extra charge. Meals served a la carte. For state-room i eservatlons, address Mr. E. F. De Young, Agent, Pier 20. East River, New York. Remittances should accompany ap- plications, which must embody the address of the writer, in order to insure pi oper attention and ackuowletlgment. For detailed information re?;ai-ding the New Haven Line service, address the General Passenger Agent, P. O. Box 452, New York City. 87 SUMMER TOURS 1905 NEW ENGLAND NAVIGATION COMPANY-Continued. New London— Block Island Line. Steamer " Block Island." Service vis this line is opeiaterl fj-oni July 1st to September 5th, inclusive, between Norwich, New Loudon, Watch Hill and Block Island. Wekk Day Skrvtcb: Steamer leaves Norwich 8.30 a. m.. New London 9.^0 a. m.. Watch Hill I0..'i.5 a. m. ; due dock Island 12.30 ]). ra. ; retuining, leaves Block Island 2.1.5 p. m.. Watch Hill 3.30 p. m., New London 5.00 p m. ; due Norwich 6.15 p. m. Sunday Skrvice: Steamer leaves Norwich 9.15 a. m.. New Lon- don 10.40 a. m., oi- on arrival of New York. New Haven & Hartford B. K. train from New York and intermediate points. Watch Hill 11.40 a ni. ; due Block Island 1.00 p. m. ; returniuii, steamer leaves Block Island 2.45 p. m , Watch Hill 4.00 p. m.; due New London 5.30 p. m. Connection is Made at New London for points on the Central Vermont R'y, Boston & Albany R. R. and the New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. ; also with steamers of the Norwich Line for New York. For detailed information regarding service via the New London- Block Island Line, address the General Passenger Agent, P. O. Box 452, New York City. Norwich Line. Steamers "City of Lowell" and "Chester W. Chapln." Service via this line is operated throughout the entire year. Service from New York : Steamers leave Pier 40, North River, foot of Clarkson Street, week days only at 6.00 p. m., connecting at New London with trains for Boston, Worcester, Fitchburg and the North, and with steamers for Fishers Island, Watch Hill and Block Island. Service from the East : Steamboat train leaves Boston about 6.50 p. in., Worcester 8.00 p. m. Steamers leave New London at 11.00 p. m. ; due New York 7.00 a. m. Sunday- Service from New London: On Sundays, from July 9th to September 10th, inclusive, the Steamer "City of Worcester" will leave New London at 11.00 p. m. ; due New York 7.00 a. m. Direct connection is also made at New London with the Central Vermont R'y to and from all jioints North. Fares via this line do not include rooms and meals. State-rooms are $1.00, $1..")0 and .$2.o0 each, according to location, and with few exceptions, accommodate two persons. First-class tickets entitle holders to berths in sleeping saloons without extra charge. Meals served a la carte. For state-room reservations, address W. B. Southwick, Ticket Agent, Pier 40, North River, New York. Remittances should accom- pany applications, which must embody the address of the writer, in order to insure iiroi'er attention and acknowledgment. For detailed information regarding the Norwjch Line service, address the General Passenger Agent, P. O. Box 452, New York City. Providence Line. Steamers "Providence" and "Plymouth." This line is operated from June 5th to September .SOth, inclusive. An Orchestra is C8.rried on each steamer. Service from Nenv York : Steamers leave Pier 18, North River, foot of Murray Street, week days only at 6.00 )). m. ; due Providence 5.00 a. m., connecting with express train due Boston at about 7.30 a. m. Service from the East : Express train leaves Boston daily, exceiat Saturdays, at about ().20 p. m. ; due Fox Point Wharf, Provi- dence, at about 7.35 p. m. Steamers leave Providence daily, except Saturdays, at 7.45 p. m., running direct to New York (excei)t on Sun- day ni«hts, when the Westward steamer stops at Newport, leaving there at 10.00 p. m.) ; due New York at 7.00 a. m. During the iierlod of Providence Line service the Westward Sun- day night steamer from Providence stops at Newport en-route from Providence to New York, while the Fall River Line steamer runs direct from Fall Itlver to New York. There is no Providence Line steamer from Providence on Saturdays. .88 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD NEW ENGLAND NAVIGATION CO Concluded. Fares via this line do not iiicludo rooms and meals. State-rooms are $I.(M) and .$J.oa earli, accord nii? to locatio' .and. witli lew ex- ceptions. acci>mmo late two persons. Ffiilor rooms furnished witti wide Ijeds are $."> 00 eacli. l-'irst class tickets entitle liolders to beitlis in sleepint; saloons without extra charge. M^als served a la c rte. For state room reservations, address R. S. Peters, Ticket Anent, Pier li). Nortti Hivcr. New Vork. Kemittances should accompany applications, whicli must •■mi)0dy tlie address of the v\ riter, in order to insure oroper tte tion and a loiowledH'ment. Kor detiiled iuforniation reifardiuf; the Providence Line service, address the General Passeni^er Agent. P. O. Pox J5'2, New York City. NEW LONDON STEAMBOAT COMPANY. See New England Navigation Co. NIAGARA NAVIGATION COMPANY. Steamers "Cliicora," "Corona," "Cliippewa" and "Ongiara," sailing lietween Lewiston, N. Y., Queenston, Niagara-on-the-Lake, and Toronto, Canada, week davs. First trip of season 190.5, May 1.5th; last trip of season, October 14th. Direct connections at Lewiston witli New York Central & Hudson Uiver K. li. and Gorge Road Electric; at Queenston with Niagara Falls Park & Hiver R'y (electric^; Niagara-ou-the-I,ake with Michigan Central Railroad; at Toronto at same wtiarf with the Rielielieu \- Ontario Navigation Co.'s steamers for Thousand Islands, Montreal and points east, and with Canadian Pacific R'y and (irand Trunk system. Steamers leave Toronto 7.30. 9.00. 11.00 a. m., '2.00, 3.45 and 5.15 p. m. Steamers leave Niagara River points on arrival of trains of the several roads connecting therewith. NORFOLK & WASHINGTON (D. C.) STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The new palace steamers " Newport News," " Wasliington " and " Norfolk " are in daily service tjetweeu AVashington, D. C Fortress Monroe and Norfolk. Steamers will leave ^Vashington at 6.30 p. m.; arrive at Fortress Monroe 7.00 a. m.. Norfolk 8.0U a. m., and Ports- mouth 8.15 a.m. Leave Norfolk 6.00 p.m., Fortress Monroe 7. 00 p.m. Arrive Washington 7.00 a. m., making close connection with trains for all trains for all points north, east and west. NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Steamsliip " Northland " leaves Buffalo, Wednesdays 8.00 p. m (Central time) ; Cleveland, Thursdavs 8.00 a. m. ; Detroit, Thursdays 3.30 p. m.; Mackinac Island, Fridavs 11.30 a. m. ; Harbor Springs, Fridays 4.15 p. m. ; ISiilwaukee, Saturdays 7.15 a. m., arrivmg Chicago, Saturdays 1.00 p. m. ; returning, leaves Chicago, Saturdays 4.00 13. m. ; Milwaukee, Saturdays 9.45 p. m. ; Harbor Springs. Sun- days 12.15 p. m.; Mackinac Island, Sundays 5.30 p. m. ; Detroit, Mondavs 12.30 p. m. ; Clevelaiul, Mondays 8.30 p. m., arriving Buffalo", Tuesdays 7.30 a. m. (Central time). Steamship •' Nortliwest " leaves Buffalo, Saturdays S.OO p. m. (Central time); Cleveland. Sundavs 8.00 a. m. ; Detroit, Sundays 3.30 p. ni. : Mackinac Island, Mondays 11.30 a. m. ; Sault Ste Marie, Mondays 6.00 p. m. ; Houghton and Hancock, Tuesdays 9.00 a. m., arriving Duluth. Tuesdavs 8.00 p. m. ; returning, leaves Duluth, Tuesdays 11.30 p. m. ; Houarhton and Hancock. Wednesdays 12.00 noon: Marquette, Wednesdays 7.00 p. m. ; Sault Ste Marie, Thurs- days 9.00 a. m. ; Mackinac Island, Thursdavs 5.30 p. m. ; Detroit, Fridavs 12.30 p. m. ; Cleveland, Fridays 8.30 p. m., arriving Buffalo, Saturdays 7.30 a. m. (Central time). NORWICH LINE. See New England Navigation Co. OLD COLONY STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Fall River Line. Steamers "Priscilla" and "Puritan." This line is otierated throughout tlie entire year. Music is a permanent feature of this line, an orchestra being carried on each steamer. Service fhom New York : Steamers leave Pier 19, Nortli River, foot of Warren Street, week days at 5 30 p. m.. due Newport 2.45 a. m ; leave Newport 3.45 a. m., due Fall River 5.00 a. m., connecting with express trains due Boston at about 7.00 a. m. and 8.00 a. m, 89 SUMMER TOURS 1905 OLD COLONY STEAMBOAT CO. -Concluded. Service from the East: Express train leaves South Station, Boston, at 6.00 p. m., due Fall River 7 20 p. m. Steamers leave Fall River 7.40 p. m., due Newport 9.00 p. m. ; leave Newport 9.15 p. m., due New Yoi-k 7.00 a. m. Sunday Tkips will be operated on the same schedule as on week days, from May 7th to October 'iOth. inclusive. During the period of Providence Line service (June 5th to Sep- tember 30th), the Westward Sunday niglit steamer stops at Newport en-route from Providence to New York, while the Fall River Line steamer runs direct Fall Hiver to New York. Connecting Trains between Fall Kiver and Providence, Taunton, Middleboro, LJrocto , New Hedtord, Plymouth, Cape Cod and other points on th« New York, New Haven"& Hartford R. K. run direct from and to the steamboat wharf. Connection is made at New Bed- ford with steamers for Martha's Vineyard (Cottage City, Vineyard Haven and Edt?artown), and Nantucket. Fares via this line do not inckide rooms and meals. State-rooms are $1.00 and $-2.00 each, according to location, and. with few ex- ceptions, accommodate two jjerson. Parlor rooms furnished with wide beds are $5.00 each. First-class tickets entitle holders to berths in sleeping saloons without extra charge. Meals a la carte. For state-room reservations, address E. S. Peters, Ticket Agent, Pier 19, North River, New York. Remittances should accompany applications which must embody the address of the writer, in order to insure proper attention and acknowledgment. For detailed information regarding Fall River Line service, ad- dress the General Passenger Agent, P. O. Box 452, New York City. New Bedford Line. Steamers "Maine" and "New Hampshire." Passenger service via this line is operated from June 23rd to October 1st, inclusive. Service from New York : Steamers leave Pier 40, North River, foot of Clarkson Street, week days only, at 0.00 p. m., due New Bed- ford at 6.00 a. m. Service from New Bedford : Steamers leave week days (except Saturdays) and Sundays at 7.00 p. m., due New York at 7.00 a. in. Connection is made at New Bedford with New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. trains for Tremont. South Wareham, Ware- ham, Onset Junction, Marion, Mattapoisett, Buzzards Bay, Woods Hole and Cape Cod Points ; also with steamers for Martha's Vineyard ((Cottage City, Vineyard Haven and Edgartown) and Nantucket. Fares via this lin^- do not include rooms and meals. State-rooms vary in price from $1.00 to $5.00 each, according to location, and, with few exceptions, accommodate two persons. First-class ticke's entitle holders to berths in sleeping saloons without extra charge. Meals served a la carte. For state-room reservations, address W. B. Southwick, Ticket Agent, Pier 40, North River, New York. Remittances sliould accom- pany applications, which must embod\ the addi ess of the writer. In order to insure proper attention and acknowledgment. For detailed information regarding the New Bedford Line ser- vice, address the General Passenger Agent, P. O. Box 452, New York City. PEOPLE'S LINE STEAMERS. Albany Night Boats. The "C. W. Morse" and "Adirondack" run daily, except Sun- days, from April 1st to December 1st, between New York and Albany, making no intermediate stops. Sundays included during June, July, August and Septeml)er. Leave Pier 32. North River (foot of Canal Street), 6.00 p. m., daily, except Sundays. Sundays included during June, July, August and September. Arrive at Albany 6.00 a. m. Leave Albany, except Sundays, at 8.00 p. m. ; airive in New York 7.00 a. m. Passenger capacity, 1-iOO. Meals on European plan. State-rooms, $1 .oo, $'2.00, $3.00 and $5.00. Private baths. $1.00. Bertlis in cabin, 50 cents. Steamers equipped with powerful searchlights, showing points of interest. 90 BALTinORE & OHIO RAILROAD PORTLAND, MT. DESERT & MACHIAS STEAM- BOAT COMPANY. The steamer "Frank Jones" will, this season, run from and to Portland, touoliiiii,' at Kocklaiul, Islesboro (Dark Harbor), Castlne, Deer Tsle, Sedgwick (stii^re lor liliie Hill). IJrooklin, Southwest Har- bor, Nortlit-ast llarlmr, Hnr Harbor, MillbridKe and Jonesport, and will leavi' rortland everv 'I'wesday and Friday at 11 p. ni., or on arrival of train UniviuK liustouat 7.00 p.m., and will leave llocklaud every Wednesday and Sutiirdav at 5.15 a. m. Returninj;-, w ill leave .lonesport every Monday and Thursday at 5.00 a. m., via above landinj^s. and Har Harbor at 8.40 a. m.; due at Rockland at 4.30 p. m. and at Portland at 11.15 p. m., connecting? at Bar Harbor and Rockland with express trains of the Maine Central R. R. for Portland and Boston, and at Portland connectinfj with the early morning trains tor Boston and the west. PROVIDENCE LINE. See New England Navigation Co. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. St. Lawrence Line. The steamship "Campana," 1,700 tons, sails from Montreal on Monday, Mav 8th, and every alternate Monday thereafter, at 2.00 p. m. : from Quebec, at noon the day following, during the season of navigation, for Pictou, N. S., calling at Gaspe, Perce, Grand River, Suninierside and Charlottetown, P. E. I. Returning, will leave Pictou, N. S., for Montreal every alternate Monday at noon, on arrival of trains from Halifax and St. John. N.B.. calling' at Charlottetown, Summerside, Grand River, Perce, Gaspe and Quebec. RAQUETTE LAKE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Steamers on Blue Mountain, Raquette, Utowanaand Eagle Lakes commence running May loth and cease November 1st. connecting with Raquette Lake R'y (N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R.) at Raquette Lake Station. RICHELIEU & ONTARIO NAVIGATION COMPANY. Toronto & Montreal Line. Passing through the Thousand Islands and Rapids of the St. Law- rence During June steamers leave Toronto at 3.00 p. m., Montreal at 2.15 p. m. daily, except Sunday. On and after July 1st and until September 9th leave Toronto and Montreal daily. Sundays excepted. From September 11th to l(5th dailv. except Sunday, and from Sep- tember 18th to 3i)th, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. From July 1st to September 10th, inclusive, steamers leave Kingston and Clayton daily for Montreal. Montreal & Quebec Line. The large double-tier steamers, on opening navigation, leave Montreal at 7.00 p. m., and Quebec for Montreal at 5.30 p. m. (Sun- days excepted during spring and autumn months only.) Quebec & Saguenay Line. Large double-tier steamers, leaving Quebec May 1st to June 13th, ou Tuesdays and Saturdays. From June IGth to July 6th. inclusive, leaves Quebec Tuesdays, Wednesdays, l^ridays and Saturdays. From July 7th to September 9th, inclusive, daily. From September 12th until September 23rd, Inclusive, leaves Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. September 26th to November 14th, Tues- days and Saturdays only. Side Lines. Montreal to Laprairie, Longueil, Boucherville, Contrecoeur, Chambly, Three Rivers, and up the Richelieu, Yamaska and St. Fran- cis Rivers. To secure state-rooms, write or telegraph H. F. Chaffee, 3 King Street, East, Toronto, Out.; w. F. Cloney, 5 International Block, Niagara Falls, N. Y.; J. F. Dolan, 128 St. James Street, Montreal, P. Q., or E. C. W^urtele, Quebec, P. Q. 91 SUMMER TOURS 1905 RIDEAU LAKES NAVIGATION COMPANY. From May 1st to November 1st steamers leave Kingston Mon- days and Thursdavs at 6.00 a. m., arriving at Ottawa Tuesdays and Fridays at 8.00 a. m. ; leave Ottawa Tuesdays and Fridays at 3 00 p. m., "arrive at Kingston Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7.00 p m. From Julv 2nd to September 8th steamers leave Clavton Tuesdays, Wednesdavs and Fridays at 9.00 p. m., and Sundays" at 6.00 p. m. ; Kingston, "Mondays, We"dnesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6.00 a. m. ; Smith's Falls 8.30 p. m., arriving Ottawa Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Fridays at 8.00 a. m. ; returning, leave Ottawa Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 3.00 p. m. ; Smith's Falls, Tuesdays, Wed- nesdaj's, Fiidays and Saturdays at 6.00 a. m. ; Kingston, H.30 p. m. ; arrive Clayton 8.30 p. m. The Saturday boat leaving Kingston at 6.00 a. m. only goes as far as Smith's Falls. SCHROON LAKE STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamers on Schroon Lake commence running about June 15th, and cease operations about September 15th, connecting with trains of the Adii-ondack Branch of the D. & H. Co. by stage from Riverside Station, passing through Pottersville. SENECA LAKE STEAMERS. Seneca Lake Steam Navigation Company, Limited. Two steamers will ply between Watkins and Geneva, stopping at Glenora, North Hecto"r, Starkey, Lodl, Highlands, Ovid, Willard and Dresden. Trip occupies three and a-half hours. Passenger capacity, 600. Leaving from and arriving at Watkins in connection with Northern Central Railway and Lehigh Valley Railroad, and at Geneva with New York Central & Hudson River and Lehigh Valley Railroads. SHELTER ISLAND FERRY. The boats between Greenport and Shelter Island run from June 1st to October 1st, in connection with all Long Island K, R. trains to and from Greenport, stopping at both Mahausett and Shelter Island Heights. STEAMER "block ISLAND." See New England Navigation Co. STEAMER "MARY POWELL." The "Mary Powell" is in service May 15th, and ceases trips about October 10th. Leave New York, except Sundays, from Desbrosses Street, at 3.10 p. m. Saturdays. 1.45 p. m.; West Forty- second Street, 3.30 p.m., Saturdays 2.00 p.m.: 129th Street 3.50 p. m. Saturdays 2.20 p. m.; arriving at Cranston's 6.00 p. m., West Point 6.10 p. m., Cornwall 6.30 p. m., Newburg 6.45 p. m.. New Hamburg 7.15 p. m., Poughkeepsie 7.45 p. m., Rondout and Kingston 8.45 p. m. On Saturdays the steamer arrives at the above landings au hour and a half earlier. Going south leave Kingston and Rondout 6.00 a. m., Poughkeepsie 7 a. m., Newburg 8.00 a. m., Cornwall 8.15 a. m.. West Point 8.35 a. m., Cranston 8.40 a. m.. arriving in New Y'ork 11.20 a. m. Passenger capacity 1,800. Meals at all hours a la carte. Concerts will be given both morning and afternoon. STEAMER "WATCH HILL." Stonington and Watch Hill Ferry. Steamer will ply between Stonington and Watch Hill, commenc- ing about June 20th and continuing until about September 15th, connecting with "Shore Line trains to and from New York, Bos- ton, Providence, Worcester, etc. 92 BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD ST. LAWRENCE RIVER STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamers leave Cupe Viucent 10.0t» a. iii. and l.'M p. m.; arrive Kingston I'i.OO noon and 7.00 p. ni. Leave Kingston 5.00 a. ni. and 2.00 p.m.; arrive Cape Vincent 7.00 a. ni. and 4.00 p.m. (Connec- tion is made at Cape N'incent witli tlie New Vorls; Central & Hudson River Railroad, and at Kingston with the Grand Trunk Railway, Canadian Pacific Railway and other transi)ortation lines. THOUSAND ISLAND STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The steamers of this company perform almost hourly service be- tween Clayton and Alexandria" Bay, from about April 1st until November 1st, calling at all principal resorts in the Thousand Island i-esjion, namely: Clayton, Frontenac, Murray Isle, Orenell's, Thousand Island Park, Fine View Park, St. Lawrence Park, I'oint Vivian, Edgewood Park, Alexandria Ray and Westminster Park. Immediate connection is made at the railroad dock at Clayton with all the incoming and outgoing trains of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad. 93 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CALL ON OR ADDRESS ANY OF THE FOLLOWING REPRESENTATIVES : NEW YORK, 434 Broadway— LYMAN Mccarty, Assistant General Passenger Agent. E. D. AIN^LIE, Ticket Agent. 1300 Broadway— y. K. FLANAGAN, Ticket Agent. 6 Astor House — A. J. OESTERLA, Ticket Agent. BOSTON, MASS., 360 Washington Street— JAMBS B. SCOTT, New England Passenger Agent. E. E. BAEKEY, Ticket Agent. PHILADELPHIA, PA., 834 Chestnut Street— BERNARD ASHBY, District Passenger Agent. C. D. GLADDING, Ticket Agent. Depot — W. W. BAEKEY, Ticket Agent. BALTIMORE, MD., N. W. Cor. Charles and Saratoga Streets—. G. W. SQUIGGINS, City Passenger Agent. G. D. CRAWFORD, Ticket Agent. Camden Station — E. R. JONES. Ticket Agent. Mt. Royal Station— CHAS. COCKEY, Ticket Agent. WASHINGTON, D. C, New York Avenue and Fifteenth Street— S. B. HEGE, District Passenger Agent. H. H. HOWSER, Ticket Agent. 619 Pennsylvania Avenue W. V. FISKE, Ticket Agent. Depot— S E. EASTBURN, Ticket Agent. NORFOLK, VA., 10 Granby Street, Atlantic Hotel— ARTHUR G. LEWIS, Southern Passenger Agent. PinSBURG, PA., 315 Park Building— J. P. TAGGART, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 403-5-7 Fifth Avenue— W. A. PRESTON, Ticket Agent. Depot— S. J. HUTCHISON. Ticket Agent. HARPER'S FERRY, W. VA.- C. E. DUDROW, Traveling Passenger Agent. CONNELLSVILLE, PA.- C. W. ALLEN, Traveling Passenger Agent. PARKERSBURG, W. VA.- J. McC. MARTIN. Traveling Passenger Agent. WHEELING, W. VA.— T. C. BURKE, Traveling Passenger Agent. CHESTER, PA.— J. B. WINTERS, Ticket Agent. WILMINGTON, DEL.- H. A. MILLER, Traveling Passenger Agent. D. B. MARTIN, C. W. BASSETT, Manager Passenger Traffic, General Passenger Agent, Bautimore, Md. Baltimore, Md, 94 BAI.TIMORB & Ohio R. R. SUMMER TOURS 1905 8flLTIM0Rfi:^&QHlQRR', X Ado3 fSTa" 9QT d