.S7 P6 Copy 1 JUL 161900 PRICE 25 CENTS. COPYRIGHTED 1900, BY NORTHRUP 4. SON. NORTHRUP &, SON, PUBLISHERS, SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. 1. Up Black River. 2. Avery Beach Hotel. 3. Williams Transportation Line. Der- hammer's Military Band. 4. The Marsland. 5. Darius Cole. Williams Transportation Co. 6. Lakeside Resort. 7. A Day's Catch. 8. Forest Resort. Lake Front Resort. Alaska Cottage. 9. Out for a Photograph. 10. Maple Villa. Locust Beach. Sleepy Hollow. Lake Street. 11. Sleepy Hollow Ravine. 12. Tannery. Congregational Church. An- chor Fence Co. 13. Enjoyment and Labor for All. 14. J. C. Merson's Residence. Baptist Church. A. M. Prouty Residence. 15. Avery Beach at a Distance. 16. Prof. Prentice Residence. Out for a Sail on the "Starlight." Grand View. IT. Phoenix Street. Johnson's Boat House. Donahue's Boat House. Centre Street. 18. A Catch of Perch. Up Black River. 66330 CONTENTS. * i s 1 ? 19. Joshua Smith's Residence. Fruitland Hotel. Cartwright's Model Fruit Farm. 20. Life Saving Station at Drill. Sleepy Hollow. Power House. 21. Hotel Clifton. Villa Antoinette Re- sort. Opera House. 22. View from Cold Springs toward City. Plenty of Fruit for All. 23. Williams' Block. Variety Fruit Farm. Randall's Planing Mill. 24. The Nelson Cottage on the Bluff. 25. Along the Beach. First State Bank. Michigan Avenue. 26. River Scenes. 27. Scott Club Literary Building. Board- man Resort. S. Monroe's Residence. 28. View from Cold Springs. Riverside Park. 29. Vassar Resort. Midway Boat House. Fairlee Resort. 3'». Out for a Ride. 31. Hale Block. Monroe's Cottage. Hon. A. S. Dyckman's Residence. 32. Capt. Jas. Donahue's Residence. Storm at Sea. 20923 Willow Beach. Dewey's Resort. James Madill's Residence. 31. Resorters. 35. High School and Two Wards. 36. Broadway. Pierce & Williams' Basket Factory. Harbor View. 37. North Orchard Beach, St. Cloud. 38. Beauty Spots. 3!». Willow Beach. Methodist Church. Malbone Block. 40. Blood's Resort. 41. Hotel Columbus. Ryther's Annex. 42. Sturtevant's Resort. L. E. Parson's Residence. Aylworth's Farm. 43. Posing for a Picture. 44. Asires' Resort. \Villiams Street. 45. Snap Shots. 46. Crew at Station. Cold Springs Resort. Harbor View. 47. White Lodge Cottage. Sunset Beach Resort. 48. Experimental Farm. Old Peoples' Home. 49. Lake Shore Drive. Belvedere Beach Resort. 50. The Newcombe's Resort. L. S. Mon- roe's Residence. SOUTH HAVEN. ITUATED on the most favorable spot 011 the east shore of Lake Michigan, within 75 miles of Chicago and 80 miles of Milwaukee, has had for ten years a steady, natural growth, and its popularity is now becoming very pronounced. It is so easy to reach, having three large, fast and commodious steamers plying between Chicago and its port, besides it has two railroads, the Michigan Central and the South & Eastern, which do an immense busi- ness. The little city has steadily increased in population until now it can boast of five thousand permanent inhabitants, and a more congenial and accommodating class of people it will be hard to find. They are all willing and anxious to show the visitors the advantages of their modern city. South Haven does not pretend to be a manufacturing place, but it supports many enterpris- ing factories, such as the Basket Factory, which employs perhaps one hundred and fifty hands, a Tannery, the Michigan Anchor Fence Co., a Stove Factory, Planing Mills, and other factories in goodly numbers. On both sides of the harbor along the bluff are placed most of the resort hotels, all within easy reach of a bathing place; the beach along here has a gentle slope to the water's edge without rocks or pebbles. The lake bottom is of clean white sand without sink holes or any dangers to bathers, the water after June 1st being delightful for anyone to enjoy, and bath houses in number to accommodate all that come. The Black River flowing through the city, emptying into Lake Michigan, is one of the most beautiful of winding streams; it is a delight to board a launch at the dock or boat house, or take a row boat, of which there are many to rent at the numerous boat houses, and observe the superb scenery as you pass up stream. The first stop is Cold Springs Resort, situated on a hill overlooking the river three miles from the city. From here you proceed up stream past the most beautiful spots that nature can produce to Riverside Park, a miniature little village three miles farther, and the most distant navigable point on the river, where any kind of amusement can be found. The climate of South Haven is the most healthful in the State; there are few days of exces- sive heat in July and August, the atmosphere being cooled by the lake breeze. The evenings are delightful to rest, being cool and refreshing. For this reason South Haven is yearly attracting increased numbers to itself, who find plenty of accommodations in the commodious hotels of which the city abounds. As a fruit growing district it cannot be surpassed; the different soils of which it abounds is especially adapted to the different fruits. Peaches are the principal fruit product, there having been shipped in one season from this section upward of two million baskets, all good prices. The Literary Building is the handsomest of its kind in the State, being owned by an organ- ization of ladies, called the Scott Club. It has an antiquarian and literary society open to all; the reading rooms are open daily for the use of those who enjoy reading. The minds are not neglected, for our public schools are of the best. The city supports two weekly papers and one daily, all of which they are proud. Without a doubt South Haven has the most accommodating class of people, and most moderate prices for everything of any resort in existence. South Haven does here extend, through this little souvenir, to all a hearty welcome to visit one of nature's prettiest spots. Northrup & Son, Publishers, South Haven, Michigan. *.» ^^^^ • •"' ■ •nsr 10 12 15 18 20 21 22 24 25 28 29 34 36 37 39 41 42 43 t.jft. 44 46 '/» irw^; 49 50 THE RAPHAEL FASSETT LITHOGRAPH CO., CHICAGO. / '™™' ui- CONGRESS 016 090 897 fl