6,^m5 VY eULTURE CAVY CULTURE YY A lunk nf Prartiral Suatrurttoua mi llie of (f^utn^a jptgs Copyrlglited 1920, by E. MJcliael* ILLIISTKATED PuHtlished by E. Micliaels^ 2J^<>T KiamoHtl St , Philadelphia. Pa. I CONTENTS Pa^e CHAPTER I Characteristics afid History 5 CHAPTER II Use of Guinea Pigs^ Scientific Use, Food Valtie^ Fur Vatue, As Pets and as a Hobby y CHAPTER III Hojise, Hutch and Pen Constritcticn, Bui/difig the Guinea Pig House^ Inside Construction Hutches, Pens i j CHAPTER IV Feedings Watering 2^ CHAPTER V Distinguishing the Sex jj CHAPTER VI Breeding^ Line-Breeding^ In-Breeding,^ C^oss- Breeding 75 CHAPTER VII Varieties y i CHAPTER VIII Clea^mig 5 / CHAPTER IX Heating and Ventilating jj CHAPTER X Diseases — Sanitary Suggestions ^^ CHAPTER XI Don* ts lor Beginners 6^ CHAPTER XII Mai ketiviji. Soliciting Orders, Shippir(^ . . . .66 CHAPTER XIII Proji table Raising of Guinea Pigs 6g )C1,A5J^9B9:? 2 '^cB -7 \<:^'^{} OS ILLUSTRATIONS Page Broken Colored English Cavy ------ - 4 Chart Naming Parts of Guinea Pig 6 While Abyssinian Cavy 12 Elevation Plan of Guinea Pig Housj 15 Floor Plan of Guinea Pig House 17 An Ideal Gu nea Pig House * ^ - ^ 18 Goveinment Hutches . - - 19 Government Sectional Stack Hutches 20 1 llustrating Shoe Box Hutch Construct'on 21 Three Story Hutch .--.-* 22 Sliding Draw Hutch . . - . . 23 Open Run Pens - . - ^ . - 25 Construction of Tier Pens - ' - 27 White English Cavies * ' 32 Outside view of a Caviary * " " ' 33 Hutches Made from Packing oxes 34 Line Breeding Chart 37 Self Colored Cream English Cavies 42 Self Colored Red English Cavy 44 Cream Abyssinian Cavy - - - - 47 White Peruvian Cavy 48 A Happy Family - - - - ' 50 Carrier for Moving Cavies - - . . 52 Ready for Market - - . - - 54 Shipping Hutch - - ^ - - . 67 English Broken Colored Guinea Pig 68 Winter view at a New England Caviary 72 CHAPTER I (EliarartrrtiilirB mxh l^iatury Guinea pigs are a small domesticated animal belonging to the rabbit and squirrel families. They resemble somewhat a small-sized rabbit in shape, though they lack the long ears sc characteristic of that rodent. They are a well-built animal, plump of body, with short, round ears, short legs, small feet and a fine silky fur of a bright variety of colors. Guinea pigs are especially conspicuous in having only the rudimentary formation of a tail. Instead of five toes on each foot, common to so many mammals, guinea pigs have but four on the front and three on the hind foot. Figure 5 is a chart naming the parts of a guinea pig. They are quick in action, harmless and become quite tame and afi^ectionate. When full-grown they vary from a pound and a half to three pounds in weight, which size is usualK" attained v^^hen about 18 months old. Their average life is about four years, although some have been known to live longer. Guinea pigs are native to South America. In their native state they were of no great economic value, except occasional!}- as food for the Indians. The Spaniards, on exploring the South American country about the Northern Andes in the early sixteenth century, found these little animals domesti- cate 1 in the homes of the natives. Attracted by their beauti- ful array of colors, the Spaniards, on returning to Europe, took some v.'ith them. Here they increased in size and beautv in the process of domestication. Our Peruvian and Abyssinian strains of guinea pigs are a development attained after their importation into Europe. Guinea pigs were brought into Kortli America either by settlers from Europe or by traders from ^oulh America. ■ In their wild state guinea pigs resemble very little our domesticate 1 species. They are of a brownish-gray color and smaller in size. The wild guinea p'g breeds only twice a year. having from one to two young to a litter. (jiiinea ])ig is the incorrect name of these rodents, their name being cavy, an abbreviation of their species name, cavia cobaya. The origin of the name by which tney are commonly known, "Guinea Pig," is a conundrum to the fancy. Some claim this name is the evolution of their remarkable resem- blance to a small-sized pig, and the fact that in England, dur- ing the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, cavies sold for about a guinea (English coin) each. It is possible that in the every-day conversation of that time they became known as the pig that sold for a guinea, or, as we now know them, the guinea ])ig. ^i^ooutiBR NOSE, Chart iinniiiig parts of n Giiin<>n Pig We have no statements or publications on this subject that have been preserved from that period, undoubtedly because guinea pigs were not of sufficient importance, conse- quently there is no absolute certainty as to the authenticity of the ab<')ve. However, this appears to explain best why so .attractive an animal should have such an unapi)lying name. In the following treatise we shall use the name guinea pig and cavy indiscriminately, CHAPTER TI llarB flf (Suiura ptya Guinea pig's have three fundamental uses: — Science, food, and for fur. To these may be added a fourth and fifth use, when the fancy is considered, use as pets and for exhibitions on the show bench. Most of these uses, however, can at pres- ent hardly be termed as such, due to the enormous quantities required for the first-named use, leaving very few, if any, guinea pigs to be had for any other purpose. The need of gtiinea pigs in research and experimental work w^as the orig- inal use which started the present large demand. So great has been this demand, that for years a sufficient supply has not l)een available. For centuries a second use was known, the palatability of these little animals having classed them as a favorite dish. The fur value of the guinea pig is a growth of the present time, although considerable difiiculty is being had by those develop- ing it, due to the care required to set the guinea pig's hair. It is to be hoped that in time sufficient quantities of these much-needed animals may be bred, so that not only may our laboratories be adequately supplied, but also some may be had to develop these two possibilities which now^ otTer such a ])romising future. S>rtnittftr Hs? Undou1)tedly more guinea pigs are bred and sold for experimentation m laboratories than for all other purposes combined, even including those that are bred as a hobby and as pets. The demand for this use has increased so rapidly that many institutions were compelled to establish special departments for the purpose of locating and keeping an avail- able supply, so as to avoid hindrance and delay in conducting their vvork. Their principal use in the laboratory is the means ()f i)reparing, testing and standardizing the different antitoxins after the serum has been extracted from the cow or horse. The serum is seldom taken from the g-uinea p\g. In case the guinea pii^ is not killed by the injection, as often happens, he is usually :,;iffocated in large ^as machines as a precaution to prevent such stock from becoming' mixed with those that are n(^rmal. Often used guinea pigs are resold to other institutions who can make use of such stock to demonstrate to students: also for other vivisection wOrk; - Used guinea pigs. -will live, thrive and multiply just the same as normal stock, very little; if any, difference being distinguishable between them and, the normal strain until they are again tested. It is for this reason so much care should be taken by breeders, beginners, or, >n fact, any one purchasing guinea pigs. Small and iulrelicLt)le in:/.ilutions sometimes'ofifer'such stock for sale at very induc- i;.g figures and in this way spread worthless stock iibo.ut;:the country. \ ' • ' • ; ;.: ■, .; The size comiuonly required for the testing of diphtheria. typhoid fever, etc., antitoxin, is a specimen weighing about 2^0 grammes (8 1-3 ounces). ' A l-arger guinea pig is required for use in the testing of tetaiius antitoxin (used for tetanus caused by bullet and powder Wounds), oiie weighing approximately i'rom />30 to 360 grammes (11 to 12 ounces). The testing, preparing arid standardizing of antitoxin is not the only medicinal use for guinea pig's. Thousancs are used every year in theWasserman blood test for syphilis. For this puri)ose a large guinea pig is needed, one having a considerable amount- of-'blood. Cjuinea p-igs are also used in hereditary experiments, numerous research experiments ; in \ivisection, etc. ; in fact, their uses in the medical field are increasing rapidly. "^^^^-'^ W;'- v:. "; With the high prices offered for young guinea pigs by laboratories, the excellent food value of this anhnal has been greatly neglc^cted in this' cbtintry. Italy is the most advanced in the use of guinea pigs as food. There guinea pigs are conr sidered a great delicacy arid most peasants keep a number of them, similarly as- chickens ^are kept in .Vrnerica. And v/hy shouldn't they? The guinea pig is one of the cleanest -of animals. He will eat no foul or spciici food; only the best 8 ■"' ■ ' '■ '■■■ will satisfy him. In South America considerable numbers are also raised for food, especially by the natives. Guinea pig's are most tender and palatable when about four months old. When guinea pigs are raised for food the testicles of the male should be removed when about a month old, similarly as done in steers, as ;this improves not only the growth of the young boar, but also its meat value. The testicles may be removed by rapidly making an incision between •the lobes, disconnecting the nerves about each and forcing them out of the incision. Balsam of fur should be applied to the wound to stop the flow of blood an 1 aid in its healing. The method usually employed of dressing and preparing the food is that which originated with the Peruvians. The ani- mal is killed by dislocating its neck, after w^hich it goes through about the same processes as a suckling pig in preparation for cooking. Its throat is cut, it is hung up for a few m.nutes to bleed, and is then scalded in water, not too hot at first. The hair is removed, the skin scraped with a knife, the viscera taken out, and the carcass washed in tepid water. It is then ready for the cook. The Peruvians usually roasted the animals, but the number of possible ways of cooking them is unl mited. At the present time quite a few guinea pigs are served in our large hotels under the names of French dishes. 3Fur lalite With the gradual decrease in the available amount of raw fur due to the advancing strides of civilization, pushing back our fur animals more and more each year, also to the growing- demand for raw fur, manufacturers have naturally sought sub- stitutes so as to reduce the high cost of raw material. The guinea pig's pelt is one of the possibilities now under consid- eration. Its soft, silky texture makes it of unusual value, but unfortunately considerable difficulty is had in curing and tanning this skin. The continual persistence shown by the men interested in this phase of the guinea pig industry is grad- ually overcoming this difficulty, until at the present time several very good formulae have been devised to cure and tan the skin. The guinea pig should be killed and skinned in cold weather, as the hair is not fit to cure under other conditions. The carcass may be used for food, serving as a byproduct to the fur breeder. Immediately after the guinea pig is skinned the fleshy si-;e of the skin should be completely covered with salt or else the skin should be placed in a salt solution. It should then be placed to one side and not disturbed for at least twelve hours until thoroughly cured. When cured, all the fat and flesh should be scraped off and the bloody matter and other i:)articles aihering to the skin removed in warm water, using sal-soda to cut the grease and blood. The skin should be wrung out and left to dry, keeping the skin soft and moist, while the lur is drying. The skin is now ready for tanning. Alum is usually used to tan most skins, but, due to the peculiar concit'on of the guinea pig's hair, a 30 per cent solution of formaldehyde will be found much better. The skin should be al'owed to remain in this solution for twelve hours. When taken from the solution it should be stretched on a board as light'y as possible, with the,fur side to the board. As the skin turns white, sane pr.per it off, after which it should be manip- ulated wi^h the ban's, pounding ,and pulling, so as to make it soft. Qjive oil may be applied to the skin after it is tanned, so as to keep it soft and flexible. Th.e Peruvian variety, or cross between the Peruvian and English variety, is the best to rais^^ for this purpose, due to the J^etter quality of the fur. The fur'raised guinea pigs should gradually be accustomed to cold weather until they become ncclimated to the low temperature, as this wdll lengthen and improve the quality of the fur. • - ,In years to come the stability of the guinea pig industry will not depend entirely on the profits made by breeding for experimental use, but largely on the sale of the fur and meat of this animal. It is not meant by this that the laboratory demand will decrease; on the contrary, it will increase; but the fur and meat demand will also increase and much more rapidly than the laboratory demand, in consideration that it is now an undevelo{)ed resource. 10 As ]prtii au^ ail a T^nlibif The heavy demand for guinea pigs for experimentation b.as drawn heavily on the surpkis formerly found in many pet stores, and as a consequence has greatly retarded the selling of guinea pigs as pets. A guinea pig makes an ideal and interesting pel, heing harmless and amusing. They do not bite nor scratch, conse- quently young children may play with them with even more safety than they can with a cat or dog, for cats frequently scratch and dogs sometimes bite. They are not a common, ordinary pet, being more of a novelty, and as a consetiuence demand very good prices. Guinea pigs as a hobby was started and developed mostly in England. The Englishman is without doubt a true lover of animals. He has developed as a hobby nearly all of our d(Mnestic animals. By careful experimental breeding, mostly for the recreation he thereby attained after his day's work, the Englishman developed the numerous varieties of guinea ])igs now known; also perfected the guinea pig to his present graceful shape of body, the noble pose and bearing of his head and shoulders and the grandeur of his glossy, silky coat of fur. It must not be overlooked, however, the rapid strides which our American fanciers are making. Today thousands of Americans breed solely for the pleasure they derive in per- fecting their stock in competition with each other at the show bench. The American fanciers are gradually developing sev- eral new shades of the self-colored guinea pig. among which is the chocolate and the steel blue agoutis. They also have shown many remarkable specimens at their exhibitions. There are several very good associations which are en- couraging this work, the United Cavy Breeders' Association being devoted solely to the guinea pig, while the National l)ree''ers' and Fanciers' Association is devoted to encourage all of the small domestic animals. 11 ■u, cs 03 < 12 CHAPTER III i^nusi*, i^utrb auiJ T^nx (Euuatruriinu Time, labor and capital are the assets which guinea pi.i^' raisers and novices must have in order to solve their housing" and hutch-constructing problems. While it is quite true that guinea pigs will thrive and multiply in almost any kind of wooden enclosure, still, one would hardly expect to keep this enclosure in the open without some sort of protection against the elements. Of the three assets, all people have at least one to their credit — that of time; most people have the second — ^the ability to work, while a favored few possess the third — capital. For these favored few most of the housing problems are eliminated, for with capital at their command and the suggestions given in this chapter they may readily procure labor to construct for them a serviceable guinea pig house and equip same with adaptable pens. Unfortunately, however, many beginners lack the third asset and must depend more on thrift and will to attain their goal. This should not discourage the small beginner, for while he must necessarily have more patience and persistence at the start, later, when results are attained, he will find himself well rewarded for his efforts and patience. The small beginner who is fortunate enough to have a spare room or dry cellar need only construct the wooden en- closures known as the pen or the hutch, since the stanch walls and tight roof of the dwelling house afford sufficient protection against the elements. Those having an outhouse already constructed or a bari which may be utilized need go only to the expense of fitting same for protection against strong winds and other climatic conditions. This may be accomplished in the case of the out- house by lining the insic'e either with a heavy paper or tliin boards. When a barn is used it is best to partition a part o;V and make this as comfortable as possible. This divided pnrt 13 should be sufficiently large to accommodate the number ot guinea pigs to be housed without overcrowding or causing stagnated atifiosphere. Not that it should be overly large, for the closer guinea pigs are kept, especially in the winter months, the more comfortable they will be. Imlbtug till* dintiipa pig l^unsc The location of the prospective guinea pig house, while not essentially important, nevertheless is of sufficient value to be given some discussion, since a favorable location in- creases the comfort of the stock and also saves considerable fuel when artificial heat is used. The site preferred is one having a southern exposure, since this assures the guinea pigs the w^arming rays of the winter sun, while one having some natural protection from the north will break the cold winter winds before striking the house. A house constructed with a cellar is best for guinea pig raising, since the cellar eliminates most of the ground damp- ness so dangerous to guinea pigs. This dampness is usually found on ground floors. In part of the cellar the furnace may be kept, should artificial heating be installed, while the balance may be used to store roots for winter feeding. ., The house should be built of wood — 'the foundation, of course, of stone. It should be inner-lined with boards or strong paper, leaving from two to three inches of air space between the main construction and the lining. Some city laws ])rohibit the construction of frame buildings, which necessi- tates a brick, concrete or metallic structure. ' When such buildings are used it is especially essential that they be lined on the inside with wood, s*in€-e the brick, concrete or metallic construction s^causes a lowering of the temperature which can only be counteracted, when not lined, by an excessive waste of artificial heat. For the outer construction of a frame building hemlock is undoubtedly the most durable and cheapest lumber- that may l)e used, while for inside work North Carolina pine or cy|)ress is both inexpensive and will answer the purpose. 14 Fisur** <> l<)le vut ion I'ltiiisi of lln- Itlfeat Guinea Pi^ Hous** 15 Figures 6 and 7 will give the general plans of a guinea l)ig house, and figure "■ rht finishec' .ippearance. Of course, many variations and possihly improvements may be added to the Ideas as suggested by these plans, but for general pur- poses they cover all that is required to insure the health and welfare of the stock to be housed. 3ln5tlif (UiinBt I uc timt After building the new guinea pig house, repairing the old outhouse, dividing the barn, or making comfortable the spare room or cellar, as may have been the task, the construction of the enclosures in which the guinea pigs are to be kept must receive our next consideration. There are two types of enclo- sures now in common use- — namely, the hutch and the pen. The hutch is the detachable guinea pig enclosure, while the pen is the permanent quarters built in or attached to the build- ing. The only practical difference between the two types is that one is immovable, while the other may be moved at will from one l)uilding to anc^ther. In size both the pen and hutch should vary according to the number of guinea pigs to be k^pt in each, allowing a square foot of floor space for each breeding guinea pig. For example, a pen or hutch in which four guinea pigs are to be kept should have four square feet of floor space, the dimensions of which may be two feet by two feet or one foot by four feet, while a pen to accommodate nine breeding guinea pigs should have nine square feet of floor space, the dimensions of which may be four and a half feet by two or three by three. This allow- ance of floor space is sufticient for the permanent quarters of t'he breeders as well as their young up until their weaning age. The hutches or pens should be kept at least eig'hteen inches above the floor, while in the case where a cellar is use.l or a room having no cellar or room under it, the enclosures should be at least three feet off the floor. Some raisers allow the guinea pigs to run on the floor, using the foot boards to separate one group from another. While it is true they will not jump over the low partitions, still they are exposed, on the floor, to a certain amount of damp- 16 Fisjnre 7 Fioni plnii of the Ial n«l J'tack**!! Hutches These hutches are very similar to the last described style, with the exception they are constructed so as to be stacked one on top of th" other. They may be held together by hooks or by holes aj d pxiiS, the upper hutch having small, round pieces of wood fastened in its bottom, which sets, when in place, into holes bored in the top of the lower hutch. (Fig. 10) 20 riG. I riG.2 no. 3 IFIG. 4 Illuslrniiiiii Shoe Box Hulcli ronslructioti (Tuui, Slirrr anit IFmir ^tnrij liutrhfa By tiering hutches one on top of the other many more may be got into a house. Furthermore, when distributed about the sides of the cavy house they make a very attractive appearance. The two, three or four-story hutch resembles very much a bookshelf, with doors occupying the entire front of each apartment and attached by hinges either to the top or l)ottom of the apartment. (See Fig. llj The two-story has Fi^. 11 TJire«» Slory Hutch two apartments in which the guinea pigs may be kept, the three-story has three apartments, etc. In a later part of this chai)ter is given the detailed construction of a four-story pen, which differs only from the hutch in that the former is attached to the building and cannot be moved unless taken down in parts. Mi^auiiirj Hfittrlirs Long runs built two to three feet off the floor, with sides about a foot high, either of mesh wire or wood, make the best weaning pens for guinea pigs. The size of the hutches should be proportionate to the number of guinea pigs it is to accommodate. These hutches may als() be built in tiers if 22 more convenient to the raiser. The most essential require- ment about this style of hutch is that they be long, so that the youn^- may have plenty of room to run in. Running and playing always encourage the growth of the youngsters and he.p to keep them in a good, healthy condition. Pig. 12 — Sliding Draw Hutch #lt^t^ll Iraut liittrlt This style of hutch was developed undoubtedly in an cndeavcM- to simj)lify the cleaning of the hutches. It resem- l)les very much the tier hutches, only that the lloors of the apartments, instead of being fastened to the hutch, are mov- able, while in the front of each apartment a wire screen frame is fastened to the sliding floor in order to jjrevent the guinea pigs from jumjjing out. This greatly simplifies the cleaning out of the hutches, 2^ since after removino^ the guinea pi^'s, the draw may be taken out. the Htter and dirt scraped ofif and then replaced. Should the hutch be kept in a place where it is possible for cats or dogs to injure the stock, it is advisable to have doors on the front of the hutch. (Fig. 12.) It is not advisable to use this style of hutch for breeding purposes, since every time the draw is moved the breeding sows are jarred. This is liable to cause premature or still- i)irth. It is better to use this type of hutch as weaning pens. The pen type of enclosure is used more extensively by large raisers where the expense of construction is a consid- eration. Pens also have the advantage of being easier to clean and the stock may more quickly be fed in same. There are two styles of pens mostly in use, the open run pen and the tier pen. Tier pens are more widely used by guinea pig raisers than any other kind of enclosure, although the open run style is also largely used, especially by laborator- ies, which hold a reserve stock for experimentation. These are practically the cheapest enclosures that can be 1)uilt for guinea pigs. They are also especially handy for feed- ing, since the attendant has no doors to open or close when feeding. Figure 13 is an illustration of this style of pens. It is an arrangement of two decks, of five runs each, the floor of the upper being about 4 feet above that of the lower. The space between the decks is open and the w^alls of the runs are made of boards a foot wide. Each run is 5 feet long and from 20 inches to 2 feet in width. Ten runs are shown in the figure, but the number may be multiplied or the size modified to suit the space available. Tier pens are similar to tier or story hutches, with the exception of being fastened to the building, or if not fastened 24 being so cumbersome and unwieldy that they could not be moved without being taken apart. While the bulkiness of these pens is a disadvantage in case they are to be moved, nevertheless their advantages lie in the cheapness and readi- ness wnth which they may be built. Since this style of enclosure is so widely used, w^e are c'escribing beloW' in detail the construction of a set of eight pens. Additional sections may be built by repeating the same ccHistruction on the sides or by cutting the lengths of lumber so as to build all of the sections at one time. If hutches are to l)e built instead of pens, there must be double uprights be- tween each section, so as to allow for the separating of each section, and the boards must all be cut to fit a single section. FJo i:?- -0|>en Run Pens iptatl dauatrurttnu of Strr Pnta Material re(iuired to construct a two-sectional pen with fotu" apartments in each: Three boards, 14 feet long, 12 inches wide, 1 inch thick. Seven boards, 18 feet long, 12 inches wide, 1 inch thick. One board, 9 feet long, 12 inches wide, 1 inch thick. Eight strips, 12 feet long, 2 inches wide, 1 inch thick, l)l;ined. 25 Three stri])s, 18 feet long', 2 inches wide, 1 inch thick, phmed. Four strii)S, 10 feet lon^-, 2 inches wide, 1 inch thick, pkmed. Fifty-four running feet of 18-inch wire. Eight pairs of hinges. Fight turn 1)uckles, nails, staples, etc. (Euustrurtinu nf S^rantf Cut the three 14-foot boards in half, making six 7-foot boards. Cut three of the 18-foot, 12-inch wide boards in half, making six 9-foot boards. Cut the remaining 18-foot, 12-inch wide boards into 4 feet, 4)/2-inch lengths, making sixteen boards 4 feet, 4^ inches in length, and four pieces of waste 6 inches in length. Cut the four 10-foot, 2-inch wide strips into twenty 2-foot lengths. Cut 18 feet of the 54 feet of 18-inch wire in half, making 'M^ feet of 9-inch wire. Cut the 'M] feet of 9-inch wire into eight pieces 4//^ feet by 9 inches. Aasrmbltnij nf IFrcimr Lay two of the 7-foot boards on the door, with lengths together, cleat them together with hve of the 2-foot lengths (cleats marked by letter A in cross section, Fig. 14). The first cleat should be 10 inches from one end and the rest 16 inches apart. Repeat this with tw^o more of the 7-foot boards, cleat- ing on the opposite side. Join the remaining 7-foot boards together, cleating on both sices. These 7-foot lengths are the uprights of the pens (marked B in the cross section and eleva- tion). The two which are cleated on only one side are the end u])rights. The one cleated on both sides is the middle upright. The uprights are now held in position, the end from which the first cleat is ten inches away being i)laced to the lloor. The sixteen 4-foot, 4)^-inch lengths are now nailed to the upper side of the lower four cleats, thereby joining i.he uprights together and forming a sort of shelf-like arrangement. 26 rosnsEnn ^i|^p'V'.\x)AA;'v^Cg »-3i - IZ B <0 iBw |'7;i;niiu>.v >,S^^-^>;'-'-^^j^^ Fi". 1 4 — ^{"oiistruciion of Tier Pens 27 Two 9-foot boards are nailed to the top, forming a cover- ing for the uppermost apartments. The remaining four 9-foot boards are nailed to the back of this shelf-like arrangement, each board being flush with the bottom of the floor recently placed in position. This gives a 6-inch space at the back of each apartment for ventilation (marked in cross section). Fasten over each of these ventilation openings, with staples, one of the 4^-foot by 9-inch pieces of wire. (EnuBtrurting Ihr imirB Cut the eight 12-foot long, 2-inch wide strips into sixteen lengths 4j/2 feet long and sixteen lengths 1>2 feet long. By cutting a 12-foot strip three times, two of the 4yj-foot lengths and two of the l^^-foot lengths may be had. Join two 4^2-foot lengths and two lJ/2-foot lengths in a rectangular form, square at each corner, the longest lengths parallel and the shortest parallel. The lengths may be Joined together by halving the corners or by using angle irons or corrugated joint fasteners. Cut the 36 feet of 18-inch wire into strips 4>< feet in length, fastening one by staples to each of the rectangular frames. It may be necessary to trim some of the wire off so that it will set within the outer edges of the rectangular frame. 3Ftmabtug Cut two of the 18-foot long, 2-inch wide strips in half. making four 9-foot strips. Cut the remaining 18-foot strips into 17-inch lengths. These lengths are used as facing for the shelf frame recently finished. The four 9-foot strips are nailed horizontally on the front, as shown in drawing (marked C in elevation) ; the 17- inch lengths are nailed vertically (marked D in elevation ). To complete the pens all that is now necessary is to fasten the doors t(~» the shelf frame with hinges, screw on the tlnim') Inickles and nail on the bottom board (marked 1( in elevatior. ). 28 :~ CHAE^TER IV Guinea pig;s are vegetarians and thrive on beets, carrots, cabbag:e, lettuce, celery, corn husk (green or dry),. cauliflower and all kinds of grasses such as plantain leaf, wild carrot- clover, lawn grass, meadow g-rass, dandelion, fall grass or U'ild millet; in fact, most any kind of vegetable growth that is not of too starchy a composition. Starchy foods do not agree with guinea pigs; in fact, most guinea pigs refuse such food when other is available. F'or this reason all food of sweet nature must be omitted from their diet, corn in any form, als(v potatoes or potato parings, etc. Grass is the best food that can be obtained for guinea pigs: it is also the least expensive, the only expense being that of gathering. In the early spring, young dandelion can be se- cured, the other grasses following in their season during the summer, ending in the fall with wild millet. Bran and oats should be fed once a day, either separate or mixed. Bran is good for mothers which are nursing young*, as it is a great milk producer. It is also very fattening. Oats make the guinea pigs strong and' thrifty, as they are a pro- ducer of muscles. During the winter roots must be depended on for our food, and on what green food can be obtained, such as lettuce, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, etc. Hay should always lie fed, especially when feeding an amount of green food, so as to* balance the ration of dry food with wet. The balance of ration requ'red In the feeding of guinea pigs may be described as the proport'onal amount of dry food fed with w^et food so as t<» produce a fluid in their digestive system, which wiH readily be absorbed and taken into the blood. The proportion of drv to wet required may vary according to the location, environ- ment and with the different seasons. It is very evident that \n warmer climates the proportion of wet food to dry would be greater than in cooler climates: similarly in the summer 29 the proportion of wet to dry would be greater than in whiter. Many breeuers in summer even go so far as to feed nothing' but grass to their stock, and with good results. When this balance of ration is broken, that is, too much wet food and not sufficient dry, indigestion, diarrhoea and bowel trouble usually result. Those who may be in doubt and find their stock inclined to diarrhoea will always find it much safer to feed an overamount of hay rather than insufficient. Clover hay is the best that can be obtained for guinea pigs, although there is considerable waste with clover from dust. A good, clean, mixed hay is usually as good and is much more saving. Guinea pigs should be fed at least twice a day and prefer- ably three times. During the summer season for their morn- ing meal feed grass ; at noon grains, and in the evening another feed of grass and a little hay. During the winter season, in the morning feed roots and greens, at noon grains and in the evening more roots and greens, also plenty of hay. Mangel beets, also known as mangel-wurzels and cow beets, are a very nourishing and inexpensive root for winter food. Carrots are very valuable for guinea pigs, especially as a blood tonic, but should never be fed exclusively as the wet food. The overfeeding of carrots sometimes results in the overabundance of blood, followed by the rushing of the blood to the head and vertigo. The guinea pigs will always thrive better when given a variety of wet food in preference to any single root or green food. For example, beets, hay and grains alone would not be as nutritious nor beneficial as beets, car- rots, cabbage, hay and grains. Similarly, when feeding grass in the summer a variety of grasses is always preferable. Even some of our most detested weeds — such as wild carrot, plantain leaf, ragweed, lambs' quarters, ragged sailor, etc. — mixed with the grass prove not only beneficial, but also of great medicinal value to weak or rundown stock. In changing from roots to grass, care should be taken that not too much grass be fed all at once, or diarrhoea and other bowel trouble may result. The grass should be fed grad- 30 ually, one handful the first day to a pen, along with the other food ; two handsful the second, three the third day, etc., until the guinea pigs finally become accustomed to their sum- mer food. maturing Guinea pigs will thrive well with or without water. If no water is given, the attendant should feed plenty of roots and green foods, from which the necessary moisture may be had. When water is used, the attendant should carefully clean the containers each time before fresh water is placed in them. Giving guinea pigs water has many disadvantages, and when it can be avoided it usually is. Quite naturally it neces- sitates considerable extra work. It makes the pens damp and dirty, unless they are cleaned quite frequently, whereas they should be dry and clean. Dampness is very injurious to guinea pigs. By examining the sole of a guinea pig's foot, it will be noticed that only a very thin skin protects the flesh. If the litter on which the guinea pig walks is damp, the chill caused by the dampness is quickly transmitted through the thin covering of the guinea pig's foot into his body. This con- dition is very similar to that of a person who walks about all day with wet feet. The guinea pig's feet are undoubtedly wet after standing on the damp bedding any length of time. How many people can walk about all day with wet feet without taking a cold? Still, many raisers who neglect to overcome damjjness in their pens are surprised when their stock dies off with cold and pneumonia. A further disadvantage of giving water is that the guinea p!gs arc usually compelled to drink dirty water caused by others jumping into it and carrying the dirt on their feet. This, of course, may !)e remedied b}^ arranging a water trough which the guinea pigs cannot jump into. An earthenware plate, with c'l can or flower i)ot inverted in it, with holes through which the water may flow, makes a convenient container for water. Water, of course, also has its advantages. AVithout 'oubt it keej^s the stock more comfortable and contented dur- ing warm weather, which is very advantageous for their breed- ing. It proc'uces a bright, shining gloss on their coat, which J1 is valuable m e.xhibitmg. It supplies the stock with mauy minerals which are dissolved hi it, and which otherwise must i)e artihcially supplied. Many raisers who do not water their i^iiinea pii^"s and fail to supply the lacking- auinerals often com- plain of the older guinea! 'pigs eating their young. This is caused by the guinea pig craving for the lacking constituents wliich under uonuai conditions may be had from the water. The blood, muscle and bone construction of the young offer a means of securing these constituents to which they turn in their barbaric craving. When water is supplied a small piece of rock salt, kept in a corner of the pen, is good for the guinea 1'igs. A pairof White Ku^lisli Cavies bred in the Muuny 8(ate ol (Jallforuia 32 CHAPTER V SiBttuguiBhiiui ll|r Bex On receiving: a shipment of guinea pig's place them in dry quarters and feed moderately. Should the shipment consist of more than one male, divide the females into as many groups as you have males, keeping one male with each lot. Two or more breeding males should never he left together for the reason they will tight. This causes a disturbance in the breeding pen which is very detrimental to' their breeding. The male guinea pig or boar, as he is knovv.i to guinea pig raisers, may be distinguished from the females by his superi- ority and frequent growling. OntKido viVu'of « w-pJI f-€nisij n tried Cfi^inty f*nd Us pvnrrif. 5, which repre- sents three-fourths the blood of the original boar and one^ fourth the blood of the original sow. When the original sow is of greater perfection than the male, naturally the breeder wants as much of her strain in 37 the young" as possible. By mating- the best boar of Group No. )> to the original sow, Group No. 4 will be produced, which contains three-fourths the blood of the original sow and one- fourth the blood of the original boar. Mate the sows from Group No. 4 together with the boars from Group No. 5, or vice versa, and you will have Group No. 7, which represents exactly half the blood of the original pair. This is the first advanced step in perfecting a strain by line- breeding. Now mate the sow from Group No. 5 back to original boar No. 2 and produce Group No. 8, which is seven-eighths- the blood of the original boar No. 2. A boar from Group No. -i- mated back to the original sow No. 1 produces group No. 6, that is seven-eighths the blood of the original sow, and one- eighth the blood of the original boar. Now select the best boar from Group No. 8 and the sows from Group No. 6 and produce Group No. 11, which contains one-half the blood of each of the original pair. This is the second advanced step and the seventh mating in securing: com- plete breeding of a new strain. Our object in line-breeding is to produce a line of stock that is virtually the same as either the sow or the boar as desired. To accomplish this select a boar from Group No. 6 and mate him to the sow of Group No. 4 and produce Group No. 9, which is thirteen-sixteenths the blood of the original sow No. 1 and three-sixteenths the blood of the original boar. Again select a boar from Group No. 9 and a sow from Group No. 11, which will produce Group No. 14, which is twenty-one thirty-seconds the blood of -the original sow. Now mate a boar from Group No. 13, which is thirteen- sixteenth the blood of the original boar No. 2, to the sows of r,roup Xo. 10, which are five-sixteenths the blood of the orig- inal boar, and produce Group No. 17, which is nine-sixteenths the blood of the said boar, while in No. 16 we have the new strain and in Group No. 18 the strain of our original boar. Remember that the dotted line represents the sow selec- tion and the solid line the boar selection. 3ln-^ rf rliittg Care should [)e taken to avoid the mating" of brother to sister, commonly known as in-breeding, as this is liable to 38 deg-enerate tlie quality and vitality ot tlie stock. The breedin^^ males should be changed about once a year, as the fusing of new blood into a herd is most advantageous, for nor only does it raise the quality of the young, but also stimulates the breeding. In-breeding is occasionally used by fanciers to obtain certain desired specimens. A novice, however, should never attempt this method, for it requires constant vigilance on the part of the breeder in watching for the first signs of deteriora- tion and the correct cross-breeding when such deterioration in 'the yoimg is noticed. Cross-breeding is the mating of certain desired boars with unrelated sows. It is the most widely used method of breed- ing, whether the raiser is breeding to produce certain desired specimens or if just for commercial purposes. Ninety-tive per cent, of all commercial-bred guinea pigs arc cross-bred, the raiser selecting strong, thrifty boars usually without regard to color or shape, to mate with unrelated sows. Of course, when the raiser is breeding for desired strains, selection of the si)ecimens to be bred is very important. For example, suppose the raiser is endeavoring to produce a strain ^li good red stock, but has no such stock to breed from. By selecting a boar having red markings and mating with a sow tilso marked with red, the first litter should contain at least ^)ne youngster which is mostly red. By mating this youngster when he is of the proper age with a guinea pig as near all red lack," fof they resemble more of a faded, slatey black than they do a blue. There is, how^ever, the rudi'nlentar}^ making of a blue in these slatey blacks, which, when once perfected, undoubtedly will far surpass all of the self colors for beauty and popularity. Butrb ilairkrb This variety is undoubtedly the most popular of the marked English cavies. It resembles the markings of the Dutch rabbit. Its color is either black and white, red and 43 white or any other self-color marked with white. The solid colors must be typical of the parts they cover and be distinct- ively separated from the white. There should be a distinct line of separation between each and both the solid colors and white should be free from foreig;n hairs. The hind portions of the Dutch should be of the solid color, except the tips of the hind feet, which are white. A circle of white or saddle, as- it is known, should extend around the middle of the body and under the jaw. The front feet are white. The ears and a patch covering both sides of the face and jowls are marked with the solid color, with a blaze of white running- down the midcle of the face over the nose, join- ing' with the white under the jaw. Self Colored Keel English Cavy The Dutch marked variety is by no uTeans easy to perfect' (o the standards, but despite this the fanciers of today give considerable of their time and space to this variety- 44 As with the Dutch-marked guniea pile's tlie IlinialayaiV; follow the markings of the Himalayan rabbit. The entire body of the Himalayan guinea pig" is white without any bliic': hairs mixed in it. The nose, ears and feet are a ceep l)lack. The patch of black over the nOvSe should be fairly large, cover- ing the entire nose and extend half way up the face of the guinea pig. The Himalayans are considerably easier t(^ pro- duce than the Dutch-marked, the main points being t(^ have the black markings of good color and in c'istinct piitche:.. (JnrtniBr^S'hrU Tortoise-shell cavies are of two .colors — l)lack and red— ^ the colors being in equal patches distributed over the bo'y. The patches of black must be distinctively separated from the patches of red with no intermixing hairs of cither red 1:1 the black or black in the redv 3ortutHP au& Hhttp Tortoise-and-white, or the tri-colored envy, as they r;re frequently referred to, is one of the prettiest of our broken- colored cavies. Resembling the tortoise-shell cavy, it i'5 marked by evenly-sized patches, in this case, however. l)eing <)i three colors— red, black and white. There are thousands of three-colored guinea pigs about, even among the Utility stock, but the tortoise-and-white must have the j^atches equpJ in size as near as possible in order to ap])roacIi tlie standard cf perfectioiiv Arnault The agouti tavies resemljle more the wild specimens of guinea pigs; despite this they are in great deman 1 Ijy the fancier and usually bring high prices. There are three differ- ent colored agoutis- — the gray or silver agouti, the golden agouti and the steel blue agouti. The silver agouti is covered evenly over the l^ody. head and legs with gray hairs intermixed with lighl cream ones, The stomach is of a solid color, a grayish color blenc'ing oil- toward a cream. 4.^ The golden agouti is covered with brownish hairs, inter- mixed with red ones, giving the cavy a brownish golden hue. The stomach is a deep red color. The steel blue agouti is the latest perfection in the agouti group. The fur of this variety, instead of being a mixture of gray and cream, or brown and red hairs, is of a light blue and white with the stomach coat of grayish l)lue. The steel blue is the rarest of all the different varieties and without doubt the most beautiful. The brindle-colored cavy is the result of crossing between reds and blacks. They were developed and perfected in Eng- land, where they still retain considerable popularity. This Variety, however, has never attracted much attention of fan- ciers in America and is rarely seen or heard of. The coat of the brindle cavy is intermixed with red and black hairs. It should not have any distinct patches. Abifastntans The Abyssinians or rosette variety differs from the Eng'- lish in having a ruffled coat of fur and being slightly larger. Correctly the Abyssinian is no larger than the English cavy, but the ruffled coat g'ives them this optional illusion. The !)ody and head of the Abyssinian are covered with a number of rosettes or circular bunch of hair. The more rosettes on a specimen the better is its quality. The standards of this breed give sixty points to the coat, rosettes and the quality of the fur, while only twenty to shape and size. In some as many as fifteen rosettes are to be found on a single animal. In caring for the Abyssinian cavy the hair is brushed toward the head and each of the rosettes shaped up with a small brush. The Abyssinian may be bred in almost all the colors and markings as the English cavy — in fact, whenever a variety found in the English class is desired it may usually be pro- duced by breeding an English sow of the desired variety with an Abyssinian boar as near the ccdor markings desired as })()ssiblc, then 1)y a selection of the young and a process of line 46 and cross-breeding;' the variety cesired can invariably be pro- duced. The self-colors, h(,wcver, are the most popular. Outside hutches are the liest for this s]:)ecies, since the cold develops the ruffled hair of this varietv. , <^»?*^li WJ,it lV« ^k* c >K ■ niiK C>« ' The Peruvians are the loni^-haired \ariety and are brt-d exclusively for exhil)ition or as pets. It is by rio means the easiest cavy to raise,' since consideral)le patience and ex])eri- ence are recpiired in the care of the coat, 't he texture an i ;>ilk:- ness of the hair are the desired characteristics of this breed — in fact, out of the hundred points of perfection. fifty-!ivc are c e- voted to the leni^lh and (juality of the hair. It is fre(|Uently dif- ficult to distini^'uish the head from the hin:'(|u irters of the I V'rri- vian, since the hair Sj)reads over the head and face tlie same as it does o\-er all tb.e other ])arts of the bo. y. ( )f course, thg Peru\-ian. with iis .^reat coat of hair, is apparentl.x- murh laig":] 47 than citlier the Kngiish or the Ahyssiiih'in. It is bred m cohji'S cbovit the same as the Abyssinian. AVIiite I'eruvian Cnvy The i'enuian cannot withstand much cLampnes,^. l)ecaitse its coal a])pears to al)S()r1) moisture, which endang'ers itS" heahli, conse(]uently indoor hutches should only be used- Straw cu': in (i-inch lenoths and free froni chaff and dust makes 48 the best bedding", much better than sawdust or hay, since the latter works into the long hair and becomes tangled. When the hair reaches the length of six or seven inches it should be put up in "crimpers," such as women use in their hair, or plaited, to protect the coat from- injury. The hair may be taken down at times, brushed well and put up again. Stock intended for exhibition should be kept in individual hutches, since if kept together they are liable to nibble each other's coat and destroy their value. While breeding the coats should be clipped, as the long hair not only annoys the breeders and becomes matted, but also interferes with the various duties they have to perform. The Peruvian silkie is a combination of the Peruvian and the English. Its head and face are covered with the smooth, short hair of the English cavy, while its body is covered with the long hair of the Peruvian. The same care and attention required by the Peruvian apply to this variety. The Peru- vian silkie resembles more of a guinea pig than the Peruvian, since it has a visible head instead of being just a mass of haif spreading in all directions. 49 ss ■d s 50 CHAPTER VIII tflraiiiuu r7uinea pigs will never thrive on a wet or damj) lloor (^r on damp bedding. For this reason sawdust, shavings, ground cork, chaff or the sweepings from a hayloft should alwavs he kept in the pens as bedding. When sawdust or shavings nre used, care must be taken not to use any made from unseasoned hardwood, as sows in profit often eat their bedding in tlie great hunger wdiich ahvays accompanies that C(>nd.iti.)n. Should they eat the sawdust shavings from unse;isoi!ed hardwood, the terpines and acids contained on the wo(k1 are liable to act on the stomach and intestines. Premature birth, sickness and sometimes death result. A\'hen cleaning the hutches all guinea pigs should be re- moved, as they crowd each other in the corners through excite- ment when the litter is removed. This is liable to cause injury to sows al)OUt to have young or to 1)a])ies in the pen. As it is always advisable to handle ]>reeding guinea i)igs as little as possil)le, a very good contrivance for removing them may be made from an ordinary box al)out half the size of the pen, the one end of the box being constructed as a door. Fig- ure 16 shows construction. The box is ]daced in breeding ])en about to be cleaned out, the door raised to allow the guinea pigs to pass through and lowered when the last has entered the box. A small amount of food may be ])laced in the box to attract the guinea pigs into it. The l)ox is then taken from the pen, the litter removed, pen disinfected, fresh bedding placed in and guinea pigs replaced by raising door of box after it has once more been carefully placed in the freshly bedded pen. During all this operation the guinea ])igs have not been handled once nor unnecessarily excited. After all damp litter has been removed and before fresh bedding is placed in the pen, a 20', solution of creolin should be sprayed into every part so as to thoroughly disinfect the 51 I)en. Once each month the floor should be whitewashed with lime so as to absorb all moisture that may have saturated the wood. The whitewashing of the sides is also very healthful and beneficial. Pens should be cleaned at least once every week when guinea pigs are not being watered. When water is kept before them it is necessary to clean every other day. Figure 16 Carrier for MoTin^ Guinea Pi^s 52 CHAPTER IX iiraliug anb Mrnlilaltng Many beginners believe because guinea pigs are native to a tropical climate they will perish in a cold temperature. Guinea pigs will thrive in a cold temperature as well as a warm, providing it is not variable and is free from drafts and dampness. They cannot stand drafts, dampness or an extreme variation in temperature. Many raisers have been known to keep their stock all winter without artificial heat and have good results. Raising guinea pigs without heat in the winter months requires careful attention since they are much more susceptible to draft and damps than those raised with artificial heat. A small box or hover kept in the breeding pen under these conditions is a great protection to the guinea pigs. The hover may be made from a soap box, by knocking out the front and tacking burlap or cloth in its place. The l)urlap should be cut at the bottom into strips so that the guinea pigs may readily go under the box when it is too cold in the pen. Most raisers prefer artificial heat since the breeding is somewhat better. A temperature betwen 65° and 80° is best for the guinea pig to thrive in. Care should be taken to pre- vent a sudden drop in the temperature, as may be caused by the fire going out. This will invariably cause colds among the guinea pigs. A constant supply of good, fresh air should always circu- late through the guinea pig house. Since foul air ascends, ven- tilation holes should l)e made in the side of the house near the roof, so as to carry the foul air out. In cold weather, should the guinea pigs be accustomed to artificial heat, the fresh air that enters should be heated. This is most conveniently done by having the heater placed near the window or space through which the fresh air is to enter. 53 fO. Hi 54 CHAPTER X The general hardiness of the guniea pig' and his unusual vilahty have been the phenomena of the pet stock world for years. For such a small animal to live, thrive and multiply as rapidly as he does without being subject to frequent and nu- merous diseases is really remarkable. Most animals which multiply rapidly are either delicate or else the victims of nu- merous diseases. The guinea pig, however, has proven thai he can live and thrive in almost any locality, either in the warm, liot climate or in the cold; he can survive hunger and starva- tion — in fact, he can even stand a certain amount of abuse. There is a limit, however, to everything, and the guinea pig has his breaking point, despite his remarkable hardiness. All living beings, whether animal or human, no matter how hardy they may be, will succumb to sickness if continually neglected, if kept with or near diseased animals or if kept under unfavorable conditions. No human nor animal could lie or stand for hours in a draft without taking a cold, nor can a guinea pig; no human being can walk about for days or even a day with wet feet, nor can a guinea pig; live, sleep and eat on sloppy, wet bedding, nor can any person endure sudden changes of temperature such as going out in the open during cold weather in the same clothes he wore while in a heated house, nor can a guinea pig stand such sudden changes of temperature. Under such abuse certain diseases are- bound to develop among guinea pigs. Frexjuently the nm'ice in the guinea pig industry will unwittingly commit some of these abuses. There- fore he should acquaint himself with all the possible diseases liable to injure his stock and the causes of each. Since an ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure it is better to avoid those conditions which are harmful rather than try to remedy that which was caused by neglect. It must be remembered that these infections are rare; in fact, 55 some of them are very seldom heard of. Nevertheless, this chapter will describe every disease known to the guinea pig industry. A sick guinea pig shows his condition by his dull actions, rough coat, clouded eyes and sluggish movements. His entire attitude is that of being "played out." A heavy throbbing usually appears at the haunches as though each breath was costing him great effort. Until recently this throbbing, or pumping, as it is more commonly knov/n, was considered a cer- tain sign of pneumonia. More recent investigations show that it is liable to be present in almost any disease and indicates only low vitality and weakness. This throbbing or pumping is the ])ulse of the guinea pig. The increasing of the throbs, but with larger intervals between each, indicates slower heart action. This is usually followed by death within a short time unless some stimulant is used in a final effort to save the guinea pig. The most effective stimulant for a dying guinea pig is a s()luti(Mi of one drop of nux vomica and a pinch of salt mixed in a fourth of a glass of water. Inject ten drops under the skin on the underside of the guinea pig below the heart, at hour intervals with an injection needle. With a revival of vitality discontinue this and use only the treatment required for the Specific disease. A sick guinea pig should always be separated from the rest of the stock and special feed dishes used for his quarters. Caused by dampness, drafts or a sudden drop in the tem- perature. The guinea pigs affected lose their appetite, breathe with difficulty, hunch up in a corner and throb very heavy at the sides. Mucus usually appears about the nose. Guinea pig often sneezes and makes a wheezing noise. Treatment: Re- move the guinea pig affected to separate quarters, preferably to a place that can be kept very warm. Prepare a solution of one part of creosote, two parts of creoline and seven parts of water. This solution should be evaporated over a stove in the new (juarters. Creoline is a germicide and creosote a lung remedy. 56 The creoline does n(^t cure, but prevents the further develop- ment of the disease. Prepare a second sokition of one drop of nux vomica, three drops of aconite, one teaspoonful of spirits of nitre, half tea- sponful of sugar and one-half glass of water. Give each in- fected guinea pig one teaspoonful of this solution morning and night. Nux vomica is a strychnine compound ; its purpose in treating pneumonia cases is to keep up the heart action. Spirits of nitre reduces the blood pressure and resulting fevers. Aconite acts directly on the disease in the lungs. Rub the chest of the guinea pig with camphorated oil and wrap same with a small piece of llannel. Keep the sick guinea pig well nourished while under this treatment ; when signs of improvement show% discontinue the vapor treatment and remove the guinea pig to a place where plenty of sunshine may be had. Continue with the nux vomica and nitre until the guinea pig is fully recovered. Pneu- monia for years has been considered incurable. However, by following the above directions carefully, a fair percentage of cases may be saved. Subf rruloiitB Caused by a neglected cold or continued exposure in damj) and unfit quarters. Symptoms very similar to colds and i)neu- monia with exception that a dry cough may usually be heard. Guinea pig wastes away slowly. Often lingers for two or three weeks. Disease is incurable; best to dispose of infected guinea pig so as to prevent others contracting it. Prrmaturr Itrtha Premature or still-birth is caused by the jarring, drop- ping or unnecessary handling of a sow about to have young. A sudden scare, such as a dog or cat would cause by jumping in front of the breeding pen, or a continual disturbance as would l)e caused l)y several males fighting, is also liable to cause a sow to have young prematurely. Beginners are often bothered at first with this trouble for the reason the average beginner treats his stock on receiving them more as pets than animals of reproduction. To avoid premature births, disturlj 57 the breeding' stock as little as possible. Don't allow visitors to handle them, and keep them well fed. A sow which gives birth prematurely often becomes sick and dies. The sickness is caused by one of three ailments — caked breast, pneumonia or peritonitis. The caked breast is seldom fatal if taken in time. Rub the breast with warm camphorated oil several times a day and open the nipple as soon as possible by gently pressing with a downward motion. Keep the milk flowing until nature provides for its drying up. This may most conveniently be done by moving the sow to a. pen with a number of youngsters in. The youngsters will nurse indiscriminately. Pneumonia often strikes a sow in the weak, after-condition caused by premature birth, especially if she is kept in unfavorable quarters. Peritonitis is caused by internal injury in giving birth. If the young are unusually large they will sometimes tear the birth passage. Gangrene and peritonitis will then set in and death usually results. Guinea pig lice are of a light g'reenish yellow color and have pointed heads which they stick in the animal they live on. Poultry, dog lice, etc., will also carry to guinea pigs if the guinea pigs are in the proximity of the lousy animal. Bare spots are caused by the rotting of the hair near the skin by the acid action of the nit or agg of the louse, while the mangy appearance of a guinea pig is invariably caused by the g'uinea pig scratching and digging itself in an attempt to ease the irritation caused by the Ijites of the lice. Lousy guinea pigs or those with bare spots should be dusted with a good insect powder, the powder being well rubbed into the skin, starting about the neck and working down the back, sides and stomach of the guinea pig. Should the powder be applied haphazardly the lice will work their way into the head and face of the guinea pig while being dusted. If the guinea pigs are kept in warm quarters, where there is no danger of their taking cold, they may l)e washed with a. creoline or carbolic solution (a teaspoonful of the former to 58 a quart of water, a teaspoonful of the latter to two (juarts of water). A very good preventive measure against lice is to mix some insect powder in the bedding whenever fresh bedding is placed in the hutch. Figures A to G show the action of the nit on the liair of the guinea pig; figure B showing the stump of the hair, figure C a partly rotted hair and figure D a hair with the nit attached. Figin-e E snows the louse itself. These drawings are, of course, greatly magnified. ' JParalyfitB Paralysis is seldom a disease, but the result of an injury of the spine. The injured guinea pig drags its hind leg.'?. Within a week the bowels and kidneys become afi:'ected l)y this dragging and death sets in. Guinep. pigs will usually crowd in a corner when disturbed and when large and small guinea pigs are mixed together in a pen. the large ones juii)|) on the small ones in their fright and efifort to get as far away from the source of the disturbance as possible. A number of small guinea pigs are injured this way. Bfopping guinea ])igs from high hutches may also injure their spine. Pressure on the spine will cauise paralysis. In g"ivini^ birth to young, a sow may be itnable t(^ pass them all. The 59 unborn young invariably cause pressure on the spine and paralysis. This is one of the worst forms of paj-alysis and causes great suffering to the sow. If there is no possibility of aiding the sow to give birth to her young, she should be chloroformed to end her suffering. There is another form of paralysis more of rheumatic origin. This forms is seldom fatal if taken in time. The guinea pig "hobbles" more than drags its hind legs. Rub the legs aft'ected with a good rheumatic liniment. iianltopa Caused by improper feeding, such as an excessive amount of green feed or insufficient dry feed. It may also be caused by a sudden change of feed. This often happens in the spring when raisers are changing to grass from the winter ration. Diarrhoea may also be caused by moldy or sour food. The sick guinea pig should be removed and fed only on hay and grains for several days. Bismuth and laudanum remedies are the most effective treatment. F(^r the former mix one part of powdered charcoal, two ])arts of powdered chalk and seven parts of bismuth-subnitrate. Rub this mixture on the inside of the patient's mouth three or four times a day until the bowels become more regular. To administer the laudanum remedy first give the sick guinea pig five drops of castor oil and ten drops of olive oil. Half hour later give him four drops of laudanum. Repeat after twelve hours if the disease is not checked. Never try the laudanum remedy on a youngster or a guinea pig with low \'itality, as the castor oil has the effect of increasing the bowel movement to clean out the po'son In the bowels. This natur- ally is weakening and often kills the guinea pig if his vitality is not strong enough to withstand it. There are two different forms of this disease. \A'ith one the guinea pig walks or runs in a circle shaking its head. This is seldom fatal, although the aft'ected animals are of little value. 60 Since they are worthless both for experimental purposes and for exhibition. Injury in birth is usually the cause of this form of staggers. Very little, if anything, is known of the second form of staggers; in fact, the author of this publication has only seen one case of it and heard of another in ten years. The affected guinea pig jumps forward, running until he hits the side of the hutch, when he falls over and stretches out his legs, twitch- ing them as though in his death struggles. Frequently they die while in this condition, although about three-fourths of them survive. These spells of unconsciousness continue at intervals. Cause and remedy unknown. Brrttgn Vertigo is another of the rare diseases and is very seldom, if ever, fatal. The guinea pig afifected holds its head to one side and invariably is blind in the eye toward W'hich the head leans. The infection is caused by injury to the upper spine or by a rush of blood to the head. At times such stock will be accepted for lal)oratory experimenting, although they are worthless for exhi])ition. Caused usually by the overfeeding ot acid foods. Such as cabbage, salad, etc. When such greens are fed plenty of hay should also be kept in the hutches. Among youngsters it is sometimes caused l)y the lack of exercise. This infection sel- dom appears in matured guinea pigs, luit more among young- sters. The guinea pig becomes wet under the lower jaw due to an excretion from the stomach very similar to the slobbering of a l^aby. r^lix i)owdered charcoal in the grains, also rub some in and al)out the mouth of the patient. At the same give the guinea pig some castor oil. A large guinea pig should have about a teaspoonful while the small ones only several drops. "rot-bellied" guinea pig is another form of indigestion. Instead of slob1)ering at the mouth gas forms on the stomach, the stoniach swelling U]) until it is nearly double its normal size. The al)()ve Ireaiment also a])])lies to this form of indiges' tion. , : f^ 61 Caused by fighting between the guinea pigs, especially the males, ov by a rat, cat or dog bite. Wash the wound with lukewarm water. Clip the hair about it with scissors, after which apply tincture of iodine to the entire wound and the skin about it. Apply healing salve and bind the injured part up with clean gauze. Keep the guinea pig separate,! so that the others won't disturb the wound while healingf. lEgp uJrnulilr Caused either by a cold or by irritation from the prick of the end of a piece of straw or hay. Wash the eye with a sokt- tion of boracic acid. W^hile this trouble is not serious and never fatal, it may, if not properly attended to, leave the guinea pig blind in the infected eye. (ilubrrruUiBts nf tltp (ilau^ii This is one of the most fatal diseases among guinea pigs. It is a lingering disease and if not checked in its earlier stages is always fatal. Until recent years it was known as ciphtheria, undoubtedly because the infection usually strikes the victim in the glands of the throat. Investigation and research on this disease show the germs to be of tubercular nature. The disease may first be noticed by a swelling of the gland starting about the size of a pea. This grows until it often reaches the size of a walnut before breaking, when it gives off corruption and blood. The sore left will heal up, but within a month or two another gland will start swelling, sometimes two and three at a time. As the disease progresses the glands become affected all over the body. This swelling and breaking of the glands keep up until all the strength and energy of the victim are destroyed. Frequently the guinea i)ig will last as long as a year before dying. The disease is caused by a neglected cold settling in the glands, by heredity or by contact of other guinea pigs with the corruption from an infected gland. In its earlv stages, the guinea pig may sometimes l)e saved by lancing the gland just before breaking, cleaning out the corruption and painting the wound with tincture of iodine. 62 It IS not advisable to breed a guinea pig* which once showed symptoms of this disease because of the possibility of it spreaaing through heredity. Guinea pigs which are cured of this disease may be sold for experimental work. Usually caused by gnawing wood, fighting with other guinea pigs, by a fall or sudden contact with some hard. sub- Stance. While broken teeth is not a disease, it is frequently the cause of many diseases, since the guinea pig is unable to prop- erly masticate its food. Indigestion and bowel trouble may be direct result, while the animal is exposed to the attack of most any disease as a result of the privation wdiich they naturally undergo with ])roken teeth. Feed the guinea pig with food that is easily digestible. It is advisable to sell ^*U'ch stf)ck when in condition for experimental work, since naturally they are of considerable extra care. This may be caused by the still-birth of the young (pre- mature birth) or by the lack of constituents required by their system. The instinct of a guinea pig, and, in fact, most of the lower grades of animal life, is to devour all young that are immattu-e at birth. Sometimes the breeding stock develop cannibalistic traits through this instinct and extend their eating t(^ the live young as well as the dead. Usually this is caused by the lack of either salt, lime or potash in their system. They devour the young in order to satisfy their craving for these salts. The blood con- tains a two per cent. S(dution of salt, while lime iS required by the l)one construction of the body and potash for the muscles. A certain amount of these minerals are furnished from the food, l)Ut cit times the food \v\U lack sufficient of these required constituents. Wlien the guinea pigs are Watered the salt may be. sup' plied by keeping a piece oi rocksalt in the hutch. The guinea 63 pigs will gnaw on the salt whenever they desire any. If the guinea pigs are not watered it is hardly advisable to use rock- salt, as this will cause too great a dryness in their mouth. Suf- ficient salt may then be had from stale bread, since bread con- tains a certain per cent, of salt. Should the hutches be whitewashed on the inside regu- larly the guinea pig will obtain sufficient lime by gnawing it off the walls. Potash may be supplied by occasionally mixing a little clean wood ash in their grains. If the stock still persists in eating live young, more severe steps should be taken by dipping the partly-eaten young in some offensive but not injurious substance, such as creosote or tincture of iron, and removing all other foodstuffs from the hutch. The nasty burning taste of these substances often breaks the habit. Do not allow anyone to spit on the floor of the guii'sea pig house. Shovild the excretion contain the germs of any dis- eases they are liable to carry to the guinea pigs -after the excre- tion has dried. Sprinkle the floor with a creoline solution (a teas])()onful of creoline to a quart of water) before sweeping the lloor of cavy house. Remove all sick guinea pigs to another building. Quarantine for at least two weeks all newly-purchased stock before moving them into the guinea pig house. Disinfect and whitewash the inside of hutches and i)ens regularly. Keep the grain bins out of the cavy house and away from all other animals. Scour and clean the feed and water dishes every day. Have a set of feed and water dishes for each pen and don't change the dishes from one pen to another when feeding. Avoid scattering dust as much as possible when clean'ng (Hit the hutches or pens. If you have sick guinea pigs under (|uarantine always feed them last. Scour your hands thoroughly before attending to any of }'oiir other guinea pigs. 64 CHAPTER XI , - '.^ Snut'H iEinv Irgtum rfi DON'T feed musty bay. DON'T allow green food to rot in the pens. , , / DON'T feed frozen or rotten beets,, carrots or apples. DON'T feed starchy food— such as potatoes, cracked corn, corn meal, molassed alfalfa, etc. . . ■.' DON'T feed g^rass wet from rains or, dew. DON'T allow short cut grass to heat in the pens. DON'T feed an overamount qf gneen fe)od if you are supply- ing water. DON'T think you can overfeed your, guinea pigs. DON'T keep guinea pigs on the flpor. DON'T mate less than three females to oni^niale. DON'T keep two or more breeding boars in one pen. DON'T handle sows heavy with young. " DON'T allow yom- stock to chill in the winter by exposing them to a variable temperature. DON'T keep the guinea pigs in a draft' or in a damp place. DON'T inbreed your guinea pigs. ' ■ ' DON'T forget that you can care for k large 'itumber of guinea pigs as readily as a, few. 65 «>f> CHAPTER XII ■ — . Ularkrttng When the young guinea pigs have reached the required age for shipping, the problem of reaHzing on the production, while not the most important phase of the industry, neverthe- less should receive careful consideration. A shipper can hardly expect to haphazardly crate his production, deliver them to an express station and thereby realize to the best advantage. First, he must endeavor to locate a market where he may expect the best returns, preferably a market in his own neigh1)orhood; although a distant market may be advantag- eous, should the increased price warrant paying the delivery charges, or should the delivery charges be paid by the receiver. To many, this advice is hardly necessary, but the amateur busi- ness man may find some value in our few suggestions. \\'hen soliciting orders from any institution, or, in fact, from any business house, success in obtaining same depends largely on neatness and plain, legible writing. A good, pulling letter, one that is not too long, but strong and concise, is of great value. A long, roundabout letter, asking numerous questions of an irrelevant nature, often meets the fate of falling into the waste-paper basket without a reply; for it must be rememlK^red that the institutions to which you write have more than your individual letter to attend to and cannot afford to spend several hours reading and replying to same. Some raisers may, of course, write to several hundred institutions at one time. l)Ut those foolish few run great risk of being floodet*! with orders and losing the good will of those they cannot fill. /V return stamp enclosed with your letter greatly increases the possibility of a reply, as the receiver of such a letter usually feels under o1)ligation of making a reply, even if only to say they are not in need of a supply at the time of writing. Tile failure to secure an order at the first writing should 66 not discourage, l)Ut rather stir up your ability to still greater efforts. Write again and again, at several weeks' intervals, for eventually you will reach the time when an order will arrive in reply to your appeal. ^» PIgtire 17*-Slilpping Hutch &ht^t:ptng Ciuinea pigs are shipped by express. The l)<)xes in which they are sent should be about ten or twelves inches in height, with ventilation holes in the top and on the sides. In summer one-inch mesh wire may be used as a covering for the craters containing large guinea pigs, a smaller mesh wire being used tor small guinea pigs. The regular screen door wire is vary adaptable for this purpose. In winter the ventilation spaces should be decreased in size: light wooden slats may be used to cover the crates, allowing from )4 to J^ inch between the slats ^iccordiu!.:" to the size of the stock. 67 Not too many i^Tiinea pig's should be crowded in a box, thinking that expressage may be saved by doing so, as it is j)ossible that some may arrive dead. From twelve to eighteen guinea pigs, according to size and the time of year, are suffi- cient for a box about 2)4 feet long by 12 inches wide, 8 inches high. Bedding should be used in the crates such as sawdust. chaff, etc., so as to absorb all moisture and keep the guinea pigs dry and clean. For food use hay, the amcnmt depcn 'ing on the distance of the shipment and the time of year, also roots, such as carrots, apples, beets, etc., from which they may obtain their moisture, and some stale bread, oats, etc. Water is not necessary or advisable, as it is liable to be spilled over the guinea pigs in transit. A shi])ment should never be sent on a Saturday, especially a;short distance delivery, for they usually remain at the freight station over Sunday and are not delivered until the following Monday. While lying over they are often neglected, and English Bi-ol.eii Coloi'«*(l Ciiiin**)! Pi;^ other boxes, crates, etc., are sometimes piled on them, whir'i otter, suffcxatcs the guinea nigs. They are also expose^^ 't > and li'ible to be destroyed b}' rats, which usually infest freight stations. (i8 CHAPTER XIII Shr Jpnifttablr Uaiatug uf (Eutura ^iyfi The discovery that ,i^"uinea pig's were of inclispeiisal)le value in experimental and research work, that cultures of bacteria were practically the same on human beings and guinea p g's, immediately created a demand for the utility guinea pig which has been unrelinquishing in its call for more and more stock. As this tield of investig^ation has been perfected, and as the many new uses for which guinea pigs are available has beeii found, the; demand tias steadily increased until it is now nation- wdde. And still all this is only the grov/th of comparatively a few years, the industry still being in its infancy. The prospecis for the future are most encouraging, for not only are increas- mgly large numbers being used every day for scientific pur- poses, but the uses of these animals for food and fur purposes has greatly increased because of the scarcit\' and prevailing high prices of these commodities. Ah a ^rriTaitnn Any one desiring an easy, pleasant and interesting way of making money can find no better opportunity than the raising of guinea pigs. The time required is short, a few hours each da}^ devoted to these little animals being sufficient to care for three or four hundred, while the pleasure derived froin the hours so spent is more than sufficient to repay the efforts, not considering" the financial returns, wdiich are by no means insignificant. Boys and girls, women, the aged, and the w'eak and infirm do very well in raising these little animals, as no specially hard or la])orious work is required. Bo3's and girls naturally dike pets and take great interest in them. The care of ■'sevet'al pens of guinea pigs not only r.ffords them lots of pleasure and amusement, but also provides them with ample spending money. AVhat better prospects could parents desire? It must be remembered that idleness encourages bad habits, especially in young, when habits so 69 learned become fixed in the future man or woman. The habit of gentleness to animals, interest in nature, and ability to provide for one's self are certainly commendable traits in anyone. It should not be understood that the raising of guinea pigs is merely a child's pastime. By no means is it such. Today in different parts of the country are large guinea pig farms, or caviaries as they are frequently called, where raisers make a business of breeding nothing but guinea pigs and growing their food. And still the production of these farms and the numbers that are bred by small raisers are by no means sufficient to meet the demand. The capital needed is small, as one may begin in a small way and gradually increase his plant imtil the desired size is reached. Cam rnat at l^utsiitg The inexpensive food which guinea pigs eat, and the small amount of time required to care for them makes the cost of keeping very low. Many breeders estimate that the young may be raised to a salable age (about three months old) for a cost of about ten cents each. In summer this cost is even lower, as all the food necessary may be had for the time spent in collecting. Even the breeder who finds it necessary to buy all he feeds can raise these little animals for a maximum cost of fifteen cents each, and certainly with all the waste trimmings of cabbage, celery, lettuce, grass, etc., to be found both summer and winter on the farm and about the city market houses, not many breeders should be compelled to buy much. Often the young may be sold before three months old; for example, when used for diphtheria, typhoid fever, etc., antitoxin work; in such cases the cost of raising would be still further reduced. iSrmarkablr ProUftrupfifi Since guinea pigs breed about five times a year and have trom one to seven young at a birth, the reproductive ability of these little animals is very large. A female will raise from twelve to tifteen young a year. 70 With a start of five or six females one could reasonably expect at the end of the first year about seventy young born., while many of the young from the first several litters will themselves have young, so remarkable is their generation of offsprings. Thus at a very conservative estimate one may reasonably expect about one hundred offsprings at the end of the first year, which should be worth from $75.00 to $125.0(1 according to their size. Imagine now^ what profits may be expected from fifty to one hundred breeders, which number may very readily be cared for by anyone in their spare time. lEaaii to iSat«P Don't think because of the vast amount of detail covered by this book that guinea pigs are difficult to raise. Decidedly, such is not the case. In the foregoing chapters of this book every phase pertaining to the guinea pig industry was ex- plained thoroughly, altho most of this would hardly be needed for the average raiser. For example nine raisers out of every ten never line-breed or in-breed their guinea pigs. They invariably keep an unrelated male with three to eight females. As you know after reading this book, they are following the method of cross-breeding, usually, however they don't even know this. The average guinea pig raiser hardly knows what diseases are, among his stock. True, he knows they will take cold if left in damp, wet pens or in a draft, but as for knowin.^ about the possible infections discribed in this book he undoubt- edly would ridicule and doubt your words if told of them. Most of these diseases are rare infections, in fact some of them have only been heard of several times. The object of this book was to cover everything pertaining to the guinea pig industry, altho in presenting such detail to one unfamiliar with guinea pigs it might give them the impression of being a very difficult task to undertake. iMaktu5 llip BXm-t Selecting good stock is more important than any othei move you may make towards starting in this profitable indus- try. Secure a good, reliable source of supply and order there 7! from. We have pointed out in a previous chapter the require- ments exacted for the utility guinea pig. Remember these and order accordingly. Don't buy guinea pig^ from unreliable sources just because they are cheap. Cheap usually represents cheap quality. Very often these unreliable sources offer poor, inbred or degen- erate stock, sometimes even going so far as to ofTer used guinea pigs, making the prices low and tempting so as to un- load this worthless stock. While the breeding of guinea pigs is undoubtedly the most profitable undertaking of the present day, the beginner must start with a good foundation, for one could hardly expect success from worthless stock. Follow carefully the instructions as stated in this book; remember the above advice and you may rest assured that 3'our foundation for a successful undertaking is well laid. Winter vie^v at a Ne^v" England Caviary CitflJidirti rwui. 30IO W. I»i«ii>bln St.. Phil*. 72 LitJKHKl vjr 002 836 420 9 A9m5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 836 420 9