BF 1999 .H9 1922a Copy 1 Spiritism The Hidden Secret in Einstein's Theory of Relativity CLARA E. SPEIGHT-HUMBERSTON 23 LIGHT SHINETH NOT SAVE AS MALE AND FEMALE GojpgbtN CQEtftiGHT DEEOSffi in CLARA E. SPEIGHT-HUMBERSTON Spiritism The Hidden Secret in Einstein's Theory of Relativity BY CLARA E. SPEIGHT-HUMBKRSTON Author of THE SPHERICAL BACTERIA CELL, THE CONSTRUCTOR OF THE EARTH AND HER LIFE THROUGH THE RADIO-ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION OF ELECTRO-MAGNETIC PARTICLES" 'THE ORIGIN OF THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS AND OF CELL-LIFE". With Illustrative Plates V s 4 ^y * COPYRIGHTED BY C. E. SPEIGHT-HITMBERSTON AND DR. GEO. G. SWART. DEC 21 72 C1A690646 PREFACE The question has been asked the writer again and again, "What induced you to take up this work of investigation into the origin of cell-life?" Were you always interested in tracing out the begin- ning of things, or did something occur in your life that influenced you to take up such an unusual line of work; a line of work so external to the position of the woman as a wife and a mother? The answer to this inquiry can only be found in the "quickening" of intelligent "life," after a period of thirty- five years, during which time the woman was in no manner whatever attracted towards the investigation of life and its significance. To become personal, — I may say I was associated with my late husband in his political career and for some years my time was too much occupied with the affairs of that time to admit of any other thought. The quickening of the mind, at a definite time of life may be traced to a resurrection of some part of the physical organisation, that had been sup- porting a field of latent energy, which could not come into spiritual expression before a certain age of the life-form — thus "time" as a fourth dimensional control of light took on its active condition and forced the woman out of her pathway, into a new domain of thought. Perhaps conditions might be viewed from a standpoint of the influence of names on the life of a child. There has been considerable investigation by scientific men along this line, and the fact proven, that certain names were generally borne by men of good character and right thinking. The name of my father — Speight — is said to signify, "a bird swift of wing," and to substantiate the claim of name-influence, I must say my father was very much in- terested in bird-life. He had collected some very fine specimens, and presented to me the finest case he possessed, a few years after my marriage. 3 This case of birds was the means of my taking up the work of preparing charts for the furtherance of Nature Study in the schools of Canada. A number of political friends of my husband (ministers of the Government) called to see Mr. Humberston during an attack of Grippe, and seeing this case of birds questioned me concerning their habits and use in the scheme of life. Whoever coined my father's name, was acquainted with the astrological system of Ancient Egypt, because the Khu, represented by a crested bird, signified the greatest speed of light through space. That is the space areas of a solid in its most perfect chemical development, was carried through space at a definite rate of speed in the form of a bird. We have also the ancients using the action of the bird enclosed in a given space, flapping its wings, and through this action, assisting all other creatures to move and live and have their being, through definite space areas expressing dimensions of light as a form of gravitational energy. Einstein's theory of Relativity is founded on this law of weight as a condition of light — light possessing both weight and mass. When the work of preparation of the various charts had been finished, an uncontrollable desire to find the significance of life, entered into the heart of the worker and after a few month's search through the works of Darwin, Spencer, Weismann, Dawson, Hugo De Vries, Lodge, Ram- say, Rutherford and various authorities on bacteriology, the clue was obtained to the direction in which the search must be conducted in order to find an explanation of the origin of cell-life. Certain discoveries of the fixation of numbers and their multiples characterising every reaction undertaken by the scientific investigator under direct experimentation, caused the writer to seek out the Professors at the University, and lay before each, the import of those numbers. The result of this attempt to interest the scientist engaged in isolated investigation of nature's phenomena was startling in the extreme. The physicist did not know anything about chem- istry, or bacteriology, or biology, or geology, or palaeontol- ogy, nor zoology. Why did the woman bother herself with such work? From the physicist she was directed to the Bacteriologist. The significance of numbers in bacterial growth, was, "ah" rather perplexing, but nothing very pe- culiar, as all things were numbered. Know any thing about the earth's testimony relating to life and numbers? Such an unwarranted question. The professor of bacteriology was not supposed to know anything, outside of his special line of research. He was, in fact, wounded in his innate sensibility, that he should even be suspected of being in- terested in anything a woman could find interest in. To the chemist, she was next directed. This gentle- man was the late Dr. Ellis. He was very much impressed with the statements made respecting the testimony of the earth's depositions, and its life, to a fixed grouping of units, which were found in every division of science. He offered to assist further research by the woman in any way he could, but he was a chemist — and confined to that branch of investigation. What could he do in any other field — He was helpless, as every other professor outside of his specialty. Professor Ellis declared this, "If what you deduce from your discoveries are true, and your points are well put and sustained, the first with us should be the last and the last should be the first." He offered to assist in any manner possible, through chemistry, but outside of that domain he was helpless. Some weeks afterwards, a paper on the chemical combinations, was sent to him, and the woman call- ed a few days afterwards, in order to ascertain if there was anything worthwhile, in those papers. As she entered the Dr's. office, she was met with a cordial handshake. At once the question was asked "Oh Doctor is there any use of further search in the work I have undertaken?. Was my paper nonsense to you? Pointing to bis desk, he said "There is your answer" and on the desk lay the paper which had been sent to him. He said "Whenever I have a few minutes to spare I am at work on your paper. If you can devote your time to this work, I think you will make something out of it that will be of great benefit to science. But I must warn you, it will be a very arduous task for a woman. Even among men, there is little sympathy in success. You will have to walk alone in the way you have chosen. If you can do this, I do not fear a failure for you. . You have my best wishes for success, and still greater my sym- pathy for the trials that lie before you." These words of Professor Ellis, were more to me than any "gentlemanly" treatment accorded me by those interested in research work. The reception of incredulity, ' I have met with at the hands of a few, had little effect, because I knew just how confined were the limits of their knowledge . Their ears were dull of hearing, and their eyes dim of sight. They were walking as a man that staggers, — that staggers and has not yet drunk of the wine. If the same conditions as exist in the world of scientific research, existed in the world of commerce and manufacture, each manufacturer would be making but one part of amachine and there would be found no man who could assemble the parts, and give to the world a whole machine. What is to be the outcome of all this? The result is that Einstein, or any specialist, can prove his point from his own position, and one outside of that domain is in no position to recognize the nature of the "truth" he is claiming to demonstrate, whether this truth is the whole truth or only a part of the whole. Today, is the day of the battle of intellects, for control of the world for the next two or three centuries. It is the "war in heaven," come down to the earth. Who will win? Clara E. Speight-Humberston, 62 Indian Trail Toronto Ont., Canada. 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I should be wanting in gratitude if I failed to acknowledge the debt I owe to Dr. John Macdonald and Dr. H. B. Anderson, lecturers in Toronto University, for the assistance accorded me at the beginning of my search for the significance of life, as a chemical process of nature. Dr. Macdonald gave me some of the finest literature he possessed relating to bacterial growths. I was, thus directed to the study of cell-life, where the cell material is purely nuclear matter. Dr. Anderson gave me free access to his laboratory, and provided me with all the material necessary for the cultivation of different bacterial growths, whose peculiar configurations in squares, cubits, circles and triangles, seen under the microscope, prove the mathematical control of space areas in the production of form itself. To begin a search rightly, is half the battle, and so I regard these gentlemen as specially deserving of my deepest gratitude and appreciation. INTRODUCTION Hugo De Vries, Professor of Botany in the University of Amsterdam, says in his work, "Species and Varieties — Their origin by Mutations," "The probabilities are greatly in favour of our finding out the cause of evolution by a close scrutiny of what really occurs in nature. A persistent study of the physiological factors of this evolution is the chief con- dition of success. To this study, field observations may contribute, as well as direct experiments, microscopical investigations, as well as extended pedigree-cultures. "The co-operation of many workers is required to cover the field. Somewhere, no doubt, the desired principle lies hidden, but until it is discovered all methods must be tried. A very slight indication may change forever the whole aspect of the problem." It was through "field observations" that the writer's interest in scientific research was first awakened. Having undertaken the preparation of material for the furtherance of Nature Study in the schools of Canada, such as "Birds of Canada in Relation to Agriculture" (published 1908), "The Wild Animals of Canada," "The Wild Flowers of Canada," and Fishes of our Canadian Waters," at the request of the Minister of Education of the Provincial Gov- ernment, in the form of Pictorial Charts, a very careful study of the classification of the different forms of life was necessary. The evidence of fixed numbers and their multiples in determining the division and sub-division of the different forms of life, forced the conclusion that only by regarding science indivisible in all its branches, can its great truths be rendered discoverable. The wonderful achievements of specialization had been kept too separate. The new knowledge of matter afforded by electro-chemical analysis, and by experiments with sub- stances of the radium group, proved that the same kind of rays were being emitted by all forms of matter. 8 The electrical constitution of matter appeared to hold the key to the solution of the laws that governed the group- ing of material forms, in fixed numbers and multiples of those numbers. The present conception of Evolution places the origin of life as "spontaneous" and in sterilized waters (condensing on a molten mass), a condition which is today declared im- possible. The electrical constitution of matter forces the recog- nition that motion is life, and the control of motion deter- mines the length of time the material form shall live. The declaration that life originated from a single cell caused a very close study of phenomena attending the growth of the most infinitesimal cell, Bacteria. Microscopical investigation evidenced the presence of external forces, as well as internal, because of the orientation and placement of the different kinds of bacteria cells in definite configurations. During February 1906, the writer published "The Spherical Bacteria Cell, the Constructor of the Earth and her Life, Through the Radio-active Construction of Electro- Magnetic Particles." Of necessity the work was much abbreviated. A more complete elucidation of the relationship evi- denced as existing between electric energy and cell-multip- lication was promised as soon as the material gathered together, could be arranged and classified according to the ascension of life on the earth. Recognizing the weakness of "The Unknown" the work was published with much fear and trembling, but the consideration and appreciation with which it was received by many scientific workers encouraged a deeper interest and a greater endeavor in following up. the clue to the Origin of Material Form. A still greater encouragement was derived through reading "Electrons, the Nature and Properties of Negative Electricity," by Sir Oliver Lodge. On page 151 he says speaking of an hypothesis based on the electric view of matter: "Were it less hypothetical a further account would be given, but an extremely recent paper by the same great Physicist (J. J. Thomson) has tended to reduce the whole subject to a state of exaggerated uncertainty, since he gives reasons, which appear to be sound ones, in the Physiological Magazine for June, 1906, for assuming that only one active electron is contained in a hydrogen atom, and that all other elements contain a number of electrons comparable to their atomic weight, reckoned on the basis that hydrogen equals one. This is an extraordinary and unexpected result, and at first sight appears very unlikely, since the ordinary chemical assumption of a unit atomic weight for hydrogen has always been known to be a pure convention, made for convenience alone, and not likely to correspond with any- thing in nature. I do not suppose that anyone imagined that it would even provisionally be found to have a physical and rational basis." In the superficial work already referred to were given many examples in which the hydrogen atom, as a unit weight or number, appeared to build up atoms of the various elements after the same number in grouping of figures, that were found to characterise the divisions and subdivisions of various forms of living things. It was also shown that bacteria cells group together and multiply after the same manner as this unit weight of the hydrogen atom grouped in numbers which made up the formulae of many chemical substances. Attention was also drawn to the dimensions of the Great Pyramid, and the presence of the same group numbers apparently providing a basis for the relationship of dimen- sions characterising this building. When Professor Thomson confirmed the unit weight of the atom of hydrogen as reported by Sir Oliver Lodge, a still greater encouragement was felt by the writer, to take 10 up the work of "A New Evolution," founded upon the group numbers characterising the atomic weights of the chemical elements. The declaration by Sir Oliver Lodge that the unit weight of the hydrogen atom had been proven a fact, and the assertion made that such a condition had never even been dreamed of by the physicist or chemist, opened up the whole field of chemistry for exploitation by the person who will enter the field as a biologist, in search for the origin of material form. Others might use the term "Origin of Life," but motion is life, and control of motion everlasting life. The scientist has declared were the constitution of water understood the mystery of life would be solved. Such an assertion caused the writer to investigate the movements of bacteria cells, cells that reduce solids to liq- uids and causes liquids to become solids. The invention of the ultramicroscope revolutionised the idea of a sharp line of separation between the organic and inorganic world of form. Under this wonderful instrument the hardest metals, when in solution, execute the same kinds of motion as de- scribed by the bacteriologist as characterising bacterial life. Dr. ZsigmOndy has stated that it is impossible to keep water free from ultramicroscopical dust particles for any extended length of time. That no matter how thoroughly water is distilled, in a very short time dust particles make their appearance. The thought was at once suggested, Are those dust-particles, groups of primordial weights of gravity bound under crystallisation, in maintaining the e£rth, as crystals and the heaven as water-water above the firmament? Of these dust particles, Professor Zsigmondy says they do not move about but appear stationary. Now distilled water is obtained by artificial evaporation, and the activities represented in the product do not appear to become "static" or balanced until these dust particles make their appearance. u The movements attending the growth and development of bacteria cells prove their origin in the decomposition and reconstruction of the molecular energies that constitute the atomic growth of water. The bacteriologist warns the student against ascribing, as a true movement of the spherical cell, the so-called Brown- ian Movement, which is characteristic of any particle sus- pended in a liquid. This mysterious Brownian movement is said to hold the secret of life and its origin. The bacteriologist has failed to notice the fact that there is no movement possible in the jelly as a culture med- ium, until after the spherical cell has been placed in the jelly, and its power of reducing the solid to a liquid brought about this vibratory motion called the Brownian movement. Now what explanation is possible through the law of gravitation, of this Brownian movement? The jelly, or the liquid, is an expression of space occupation, under unit equilibrium between solids, liquids, and gases, the gases in the hollow water globules maintaining their space areas internally and also externally between the globules. The entrance of a foreign substance acts as a gravitational dis- turbance, and the space areas of the globules, maintained by internal and external pressure is disturbed by a force of pressure, and the interior pressure is forced to move to the external space area of the globule and the external units of the space area must move to the interior. The electron now being accepted as the unit of matter must maintain its "mass" as a gravitational bondage, and in order to do this it must force that mass to express itself in the form of light, "burning" as it were the substance that has found entrance into the jelly or water. Thus the space area of the spher- ical form-cell is the disturber of spherical space areas, and the length of its diameter, the disturber of the "rigidity" expressed in the jelly or water globules. A pressure causes combustion, and the spherical surface area must disinteg- rate in line with its own space dimensions, as the jelly 12 or water represented all that space could hold, in that con- dition. All activity must now be viewed as space controlling rigidity, or equilibrium, and any entrance of the most in- finitesimal particle, must be forced to redistribute its mass under burning of the space areas of the light pressure of the sun. Space is filled with the pressure of the speed of light, in what ever form matter is expressed, and space areas con- trol and force their transpositions through the atoms of matter, and this in the gravitational weight fixed in the "mass as latent" energy in the constitution of the electron. In 1914, "The Origin of the Chemical Elements and of Cell-life" was published, and copies sent to the various centres of research, throughout the Old and New world. When the copies reached Germany an order for a num- ber was cabled to New York. Professor Zsigmondy, in acknowledging the receipt of his copy expressed his surprise and admiration for the attempt that had been made to prove the origin of man as a product of the individualisation of the members of the solar system. Such an attempt, he declared, had never been made by any scientist, and while he had to disagree with many consequent deductions, as would the other scientists, he declared the work was worthy of a large sale because of its originality. Since that time (1914- April), every proposition that was not in accordance with science, has been established as correct, and more especially by the theory of relativity, set up by Professor Einstein. The work was undertaken because of a belief that the discovery of the mystery of life would be found in the phen- omena attending radioactive distribution of energy. The beginning of the search was directed by the implied science expressed in the story of Genesis, where light was the first expression as a reaction of movement. The history of ancient science and religion has been the field for investigation, relating to the influence of the light of the hosts of the heavens on the earth and its life. After sixteen years of diligent investigation into the 13 significance of light, and its reactions we have found the key to ancient science upon which was founded a belief in eternal life. This key must unlock the door that now bars the way to control of life itself. The scientist has for some time looked upon radium as possessing some very peculiar power, but not understanding its origin and reaction through pressure in definite space,geometrical peculiarities, has been unable to make the use of it that will be made in future. The great mistake that has been made is the acceptance of the creation of the earth and the heaven, as a work finish- ed, and made instead of "finished to make." All that had been necessary to individualise the members of the solar system as space occupants under definite areas, must be continued unceasingly in order that each member of space occupation be not pushed out of its place. The earth is a leech, and does not release any form of activity from its confines, unless the "push" of the inner core forces that activity in another direction. Does the child in the mother's womb conceive of any life without those confines? Yet he is forced from that place, and behold, the possibilities that lie before him. The earth is the Womb of Mother Moon, and the Sun the father or great centre from which arises the continual food that should make the new-born babe a "radiant" creature. This food as radiant matter must push the creature from the earth, as long as he looks upon death as the pen- alty of life. The mind can only be fed through the avenues of light or electricity, in the form of the units of matter, and just as he thinks in his hearth, so is he. As long as the man fails to discover the significance of light, so long will he be forced into the grave. The brain has been the centre of "push" since the atom with its inner core possessed an individuality. This brain, or inner core, has collected about itself groups of atoms that finally brought forth the human body. 14 Shall not the brain of this human push atoms together that will give him control of life? Can he be less a builder than the infinitesimal atom from which he sprang? As it has been radiant matter that has fed life-giving forces throughout the length of time, will not this radant matter yield up to him the secret of the food? So far the intelligence in man has been that represented in the constitution of the shell of the atom, or the wall of the cell, a mere response to the call of filling the cavity left by the demand for energy, by the brain and a response from the brain as a mere organ of locomotion. The brain of the man of today is confined within a crystalline box, and this as a "container," has forced man to maintain its crystal dimensions of "thought." He views life as but a mere reproduction of automatic movements without control through a higher power, and without a future, because of the past. All is ended at the time of death as far as the crystal is concerned, he teaches; but if the cry- stal is but the custodian of the future because of the past, what then? The latest word from the world of Science, is an ac- knowledgement of a possible rearrangement of all scientific deductions. Professor Einstein, a member of the Zionist Movement, for the restoration of the Jews to Palestine, has founded a theory of Relativity, on the "Planes of distortion" governing crystal formations. Minerals possess a constitution result- ing from chemical attractions alone and an arrangement of their parts, under physical influences, which has resulted in rigidity and an absence of all tendency to change. Einstein has founded his theory of relativity on a sys- tem of rigidity in relation to a moving body. Where did he obtain this idea of rigidity? Is it not implied in the conditions existing when darkness was upon the face of the deep? The necessary power to break down this force of rigid- ity, would be an expression of a division of universal energy 15 into two extremes — light the extreme of darkness. The light produced would be representative of half of the uni- versal space areas changing conditions of darkness into light. Radium is one of the greatest expressions of energy under a condition of light distribution, that man has any knowledge of. Its parent, uranium is said to hold a life value of nine thousand million years — that is the "time" expressed in its atomic changes under disintegration, or transmutation into a condition of rigidity. The physicist tells us that all the radioactive elements break down into lead — and calls such work the destruction of radioactivity. This is contrary to the law of constancy of energy through- out the Universe. Now Einstein would say (if he Was speak- ing to his High Priest) all the Radioactive elements, are maintained in their "time" of activity through the metal rigidity of lead, as its time of activity in the form of the radio- active elements. One could net exist without the other. Action and reaction must be equal — when the whole truth is told. The metallic body in the earth, is maintaining the ex- pression of light in the hosts of the heavens, through the internal gravity of the earth's electronic masses — in the form of latent energy. The story of Genesis makes this plain, when the key is found to the significance of the word "Light," and spirit. We claim it was utterly impossible for the Hebrew to understand the significance and the wonderful science involved in the few verses of this explanation of the origin of man and of the solar systems, until radium had been discovered and its wonderful properties made plain to the world of science. The significance of ancient symbology had been lost, for many centuries and only the relation of the dimensions of the cube, through its long diagonal to the geometrical peculiarities of space areas (and these expressed in the various forms of the crystals of the earth) made possible 16 the discovery of the limit of light rays, this limit fixed in the rigidity of the metallic body of lead in the earth with its opposite expression in the form of light in the planets. Therefore the light of the sun's rays acts through space areas, as the space areas of a universal group, that cannot be filled, — because it is the "space of division," and the "veil" between. Every pressure of a light ray makes in the earth a definite weight of gravity — the mass of the electron, and so the crystals in the earth are custodians of the weight of light, bound for a time, and the earth, as a force of repulsion can exert no greater energy than the pressure of light causes the disintegration of its internal space areas. The sun cannot send forth any greater expression of light than the earth provides the oil for its burning, in its mass of the electron. The one takes on activity as the other becomes "at rest." As above so below is only true because all space expresses the pressure under bondage of the speed of light at the rate of 186000 miles a second. The significance of crystal symbology used in the Hebrew scriptures was lost to the people until the physicist discovered the haloes in mica depositions. The physicist proved that these haloes originated through the disintegra- tion of uranium, whose life-time was nine thousand thousand, thousand years, as the scriptures express numbers. This is one thousand cubed through the square of three — the square root expressing the disintegration of atomic masses as a force of light dispersion. It is now sufficient to know how many alpha particles are sent out per century by the zircon crystal at the centre of the halo, when simple division will give the age of the mica. The numbers obtained vary between twenty mil- lion and four hundred million. The two different numbers would yield no information to the scientist if he was not forced to recognise the time of the raemanation atom — the dispersion force of matter through light carrying its own metallic rigidity, because raemanation deposits a solid film. The twenty million 17 year time is just maintaining the repetition of the "space of division" in universal space areas from the earth to the sun,and all this necessary so that each member of the solar system remain within the boundaries of its space occupation, through its internal gravitational relation to the surface area of the planetary body involved in filling that space. Einstein's theory of Relativity is demonstrated on the relation of the difference between a straight line, and its diagonal, allowing for the number of "times" this straight line has changed position from a perpendicular to horizontal and vice versa. The uranium atom being the custodian of dimensions of light within a fixed boundary in space, under units of rigidity, the diagonal of its cube in the form of a crystal in the earth will make a unit length of pressure expressed as a rigid measure of diameter, which must come under control of the cube law, or groups of three under the square. The number of times the right angle has been forced to "rotate,' or express a circular orbit, will raise this squared three to a fourth dimension making 6561, the limit of rigidity. This will find, in the uranium cubic diagonal (divided equally) a fixed group of 3,1415, which the Hebrew found was, as a whole number the value of "Alhim," or Elohim — 31415. If the crystal is the custodian of the metallic rigidity of light — the light of the radioactive elements, the light of the crystal of zircon, must yield to man, a series of numbers that will show him the pathway from death unto life. This must come through a knowledge of the atomic boundary of the metal zirconium, whose weight is 90, as a group number of units. The elements associated with zirconium in its deposi- tion in the earth must also yield to man the gravitational weight as mass of electrons, that are involved in bringing life to the dead earth. Is it possible to construct a building, in the form of a triangular prism whose core measure will express the atomic 18 group of zircon, as a radiant expression of matter, light- life— and its encasement by dimensions which express the atomic groups of the elements found in association with the deposition of mica in the earth? This wonderful portrayal of the earth and the heaven as interlocked bodies of darkness, and light is involved in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, whose miss- ing top expresses the space area of the "time" of the day and of the night, of the universal "unit space of division." 19 PLATES E. F. G. Plate (E) Plate tP) Slate (0) 20 PLATES E. F. G. Figures on plate E, present the principal zones of the cubic system, and shows the position of the poles of the faces of the cube, the octahedron, and the rhombic dodecahedron. Figures on plate F show the Principal Poles of Cubic System in Octant of Sphere. These two drawings represent the fundamental principles of crystal growths. As the crystals weie formed along definite lines, so the earth, and every form of life was an expression of transmutation of the crystal into life — the "stone made flesh." The outlines on Plate (E) show the diagonal lines upon which the foundations of the earth were laid, according to the late Sir. Wm. Dawson, as two great circles forming from points along the North East to S.W. and from N.W. to S.E. The horizontal and perpendicular lines, cut the other two into equal parts, and that the same forces produced the fossil forms of the sponges can be proven by these oblique lines and right angles. Anyone can prove this, in the works written by Dawson, on "The Dawn Animal," or Eozoon Canadense. The lines on Plate (F) describe the equal division of the equilateral triangle, into three parts, and also how these three become four. The plans of the Great Pyramid are all laid on these lines, but there is a provision made for the difference in length of the diameter of a circle and the side of a square not because of those positions, but the diagonal of a square inscribed within a circle possesses the same length as the diameter of the circle. This is the cause of "shortening" in- volved in the Maxwell-Lorentz experiments. The diagonal of the square is dependent on the square side for its maintain- ance and must reproduce this length of the side in order to maintain its own reproduction. 21 The directions along which the crystals of the earth are found growing are absolute proof of the origin of geo- metrical peculiarities of space, and the surface area within the drawing on Plate (G), proves the law of gravitation to be correct under every test. The earth proclaims the wisdom of God and the firm- ament showeth forth his Glory, or Light. This Light a mathematical expression of spirit individuality in man. The outlines on Plate (G) have been copied from the cover of a book, published more than fifty years ago, re- counting the adventures of a trip through Egypt. These lines except the inner circle were found on the walls of some temple, but their significance have never been sus- pected, unless by the author of the Theory of Relativity. The internal circle whose diameter is estimated as 2 inches provides a surface area of 3.1415 the pi of our proportion between diameter and circumference. This diameter is made to fill a circular, flat, area, and as it is forced to express itself in the form of light travelling at its rate of speed, it straightens out and comes under the force of light dispersion, and so its square is 2.2214 a hundredth part of the group number of raemanation, a formation due to the disintegration of the radium atom of 226, whose equal division yields the number 113, the value of the sound of the word "man" as expressed in the Kaballah, where 3.1415 is obtained by dividing the diagonal of the cube of uranium made a whole number into two equal parts (20612) and this by nine raised to the fourth power making 6561, produce 3.1415 as the eternal "food" of light in the sun. The number 3.1415 is made a whole number by mul- tiplication of ten raised to the fouith power, and so we ob- tain 31415 the number value of the Hebrew word "Alhim," or Elohim, or God — the Hebrew looking upon the sign of the Name as the Name itself, and so bringing death (or maintaining it) to man. The outside square of 25 square inches represents the 22 "sacred" cubit of 25 inches, declared by the Pyramidalists, to be an inspired length, given by God; and that as long as the Nations held this length as their standard number, so long would they remain a free people. The total area of all the enclosed lines is 100 square inches. What does this signify? Is it not valuable information for the physicist and astronomer in these days when men are seeking, in every way, to gain control of life? Explanatory Note Why is Spiritism the hidden secret in Einstein's Theory of Relativity? This question is answered in the declaration, "Light shineth not save as male and female," to be found repeated continually in the Kaballah and the "Zohar"; this work Zohar signifying "Light," as a mathematical proportion of 6561 to 20612. These number groups would yield us little significance if their origin remained a secret in the world of nature; in the world where energy is constant, and knows neither in- crease nor diminution. Matter, as we know it, must yield us an explanation of the phenomena which permitted the men of ancient times to fix those numbers as the repetition and maintenance of proportions within the space areas of light and matter, as a system of energy expressing the constancy of all that had been involved in the individualisation of the earth and the hosts of the heaven, through the constitution of space itself. What space areas were involved in the formation of the earth's primeval rocks? Whatever is found there will evi- dence the distribution of energy as a repeating "constancy" in some form. For the benefit of the reader who is not acquainted with names of the smallest particles of matter, we may say for many years the atom was considered the smallest division of material particles. Since the discovery of radium we have the electron now taken as the unit of 23 matter and the atom accepted as a system of electronic vibrations, filling a definite space area. The unit atom of hydrogen fills a unit space area and as there are about one hundred different kinds of atoms (according to their space occupation) we find the ancients ascribing to the unit atom a position of greatest contraction, whose oppo- site expression of expansion occupies a space area of one inch. This space area is found in the snowflake, the larg- est possessing a diameter of one inch. In the seven elements that laid the foundation rocks of the earth were forever fixed the "extreme" of number group- ing through space areas, the atomic weights of those seven elements being expressions of definite grouping of electrons, within space areas, where the crystals of the earth material occupied the most confined or condensed areas in which matter could be bound as custodians of an opposite expres- sion of expansion in the form of light travelling at the rate of 186000 miles a second, or the pressure that would be in- volved in the stoppage of that speed of movement. The crystal is, therefore, a product of this pressure bound within the space area occupied by the crystal particle. These crystals in the form of a solution, constitute the physical formation of the human body, and the solution, itself; is a product of shifting of degrees of pressure, through the rise and fall of temperature. Temperature is a result of the transmutation of the condition of contraction and expan- sion, or systems of reversal of space occupation between the crystal and its opposite condition as an expression of light, or between the non-radioactive elements and the radio- active elements. One is impossible without the other. Space is the custodian of living forms, the forms are but products of "time," and time an expression of reversal of speed where the electrons are changing their orbital paths. Because of this, Einstein has made "speed of light in vacuo" the crux of his theory. In the human physiology, the only one of the seven elements which laid the foundation rocks of the earth, that is 24 wanting is that of alumina, and the atomic weight of alum- inium is 27, or the cube of 3. This atomic grouping as numbers of electrons occupy- ing space in some condition should yield us a key to the solution of how the non-radioactive elements are being transmuted into the radioactive ones and thus explain the origin of the mathematical proportion of 6561 to 20612, of the Hebrew Kaballah. We are using the science upon which the Hebrew scriptures were founded in order to prove their significance in the declaration of a time when death should be swallowed up in life. Today the physicist has proven the actual number of electrons that occupy the unit space as a unit atom, and the number contained in the non-radioactive unit is 1850 and 1836 in the radioactive unit space area. In the atom of aluminium are, therefore, 49950 elect- rons, which must be redistributed in the form of light, when transmuted into radioactive expression, as the greatest expansion of the crystal into light. In this expansion the atom as a non-radioactive group shortens its mass, and this can only be effected by the earth crystal parting with its extra gravitational mass, which is a force of "suspension" of movement itself. All crystals must express light in a condition of suspended change, so that gravitation can be little else than "time," and time a keeper of boundaries of light pressure or movement, cutting and changing the direc- tion of movement of light at its speed of 186000 miles per second. As the atom of aluminium is not found in the physical body as a chemical substance, we must look for it in some other form, and that form as a space area that can not react except as such. How would the analyst find any record of aluminium as a space substance? We know, however, that protoplasm is filled with spaces, and those spaces possess very definite forms, which in the mass of slime characteris- ing the growth of the moneron are found as solid substances in bacterial growths, especially in what are termed "in- 25 volution forms," which appear as distorted masses of pro- toplasmic growths. These distorted forms, are just what might be expected, under conditions which Einstein has taken to explain gravitation and throw the searcher after truth off the right road, in his endeavour to interpret law in the world of nature and also of spirit itself. We know it is impossible for bacteria to form in- volution growths, until the pabulum has been built up into cells, lying in a sort of slime, or thin jelly. The law of "shortening," under transmutation of the crystal into light or radioactive expansion, forces the cells to "double in" on their internal space contraction, but this contraction forces an expansion in'the jelly, that extends throughout the mass and the mass breaks up into parts, in the form of dis- torted space areas. Einstein calls these distortions "geom- etrical peculiarities;" such could not exist in space and not also produce like solids in the earth's waters of life. We are not, now, dealing with the old conception of atoms in the form of bullets, or glass marbles, but groupings of electrons that are forever changing their conditions of expression of energy. Electrons are units of matter; matter as time of suspension of light; time of suspension passed, makes elec- trons the organs of locomotion of every planetary body in space, and makes space itself the custodian of everlasting life. The earth as the centre of a three dimensional equalisa- tion of length, breadth and height, expresses this equalisa- tion under the cube of 3, and so of the group electrons in the atom of aluminium. As this number 3, is made the keeper of the earth's unit space area, it must come under the reconstruction of gravitational reactions, and so we have this number squared in 9. As a fourth dimensional unit group this number 9 must be raised to the fourth power and we have the Hebrew number 6561 as the group space keeper of the* fourth di- mension of space itself, and all the geometrical peculiarities 26 in space must be based on this fixation of the earth's cube of three in 27. The limit of expansion in earth solids must be found in its metallic rigidity, and this group cannot be greater than the number of electrons making up the seven elements which laid the foundation rocks of the earth. This number was 237, with its unit of light in the midst of the sun, making 238 the limit of resistance to change of space areas through- out the universe of space. The earth being the cube con- trol centre, yields the total expansion of this group of 238 which must be treated as a cube side. The diagonal is 412- 24, whose equal division yields 206.12, the hundredth part of the Hebrew number 20612, that must eternally provide for the reproduction of the proportion of 6561 to 20612. The group number 27 yields a square root of 5; this is paired in ten and thus affords a clue to the origin of the ten "Sephiroth." Ten squared under the law, and this working through the group 206.12 makes 20612 the number always yielding "the seed after its kind." The two numbers 3 and 5 unite in making 8 the whole value in time changes. This again forces the cube of 3 (27) to maintain groups of 8 times 27 and so 216, as a paired space keeper where 108 makes this group the space keeper of the earth, and of the heaven, but in the earth's mass it has its earth weight of gravity, that forever resists the space occupation of its light expression in any form of solids. If this is true we must find in protoplasmic activity an evi- dence of this force of resistance to occupation by a solid of the space of aluminium. We will find, later in this work, a description of the transformation of living phenomena in the form of vegetable growths to that of real living animal bodies, when the right food is afforded the work of transformation. It will be noted that conditions of space alone explain the work of transformation. The first thing that is seen is the forma- tion of granules; thus the solids are forced to occupy their space limits. Then these granules are forced apart in de- 27 finite directions, and as the granules are forced to move there are formed flat organs, which express equal distribution of the compressed material in the form of expansion, the first only possible through the assertion of the space keeper, aluminium, and its transmutation of the crystal's space expansion into substance under a three dimensional law — the compressed material of the granules being equalised in the expanded "flap" or film distribution under the radio- active assertion of the atom of raemanation. We have this proven in the square root of the number of electrons in the atom of aluminium, which is 223 in the non- radioactive group and 220 in the radioactive. The move- ments expressed as the "pulsating vacuole" can now be understood as the actions produced by the reversal of the orbital paths of the electrons, making time a fourth dimensional unit with the earth's three dimensional space occupant. The atom of raemanation possesses a group number of 222, so that we have in the phenomena attending the pul- sating vacuole, nothing less than the transmutation of earth life to that of a radioactive energy, and eventually the earth's three dimensional unit group will become a fourth dimen- sional radiant system, and the declaration "He hath set his tabernacle in the midst of the Sun," will be fulfilled, when the circle of the earth will provide a seat for the Creator of Life, but not the creation that must be followed by death. "He sitteth on the Circle of the Earth" was not written by a man not versed in the proportion cf 6561 to 20612. The Circle of the earth is the square of 3.1415, as the proportion of 6561 to 20612 provides a never ending 3.1415 as a unit group in the extreme rigidity of 237 units that laid the foundation rocks of the earth. As a three grouped value we have 79 in each, and this is the one hundredth part of the diameter of the earth num- ber in miles. This unit group of 3.1415 fixed as the extreme^of rigid- ity when the earth's mass was individualised as a non- 25 radioactive centre, would force the earth's mass to tear asunder when the radioactive assertion made temperature become a gravitational force of distortion in space instead of in the solids of the crystals. The distortion in space caused the elevation of the mountains, in the second history of the earth's life. How is the third history of the earth to be ushered in when radioactive "solids" must assert their space distortion values of 3.1415? This length must be shortened in some manner or else the earth's mass must become blazing electricity. This number 3.1415 was a cube value. What form can be produced that will yield this cubic area but occupy a different space form? We find it in a four sided pyramid whose length, breadth and height is 3.095. Have we any evidence of this knowledge being in pos- session of the ancients, and does the Hebrew Scriptures speak of it? We declare it is proven in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, and also in the Names of the generations of Adam, found in the fifth chapter of Genesis, Also "Light shine th hot save as male and female." (Adam and Eve). In the Hebrew Kaballah, the story of the Garden of Eden, (whose symbology is not understood outside of the explanation found in the Kaballah, or Zohar) is founded upon a knowledge of the constitution of the radioactive elements, and the flaming sword placed Eastward to keep the way of the Tree of Life expresses the never dying flame of the radium units. In the assertion that the man was driven from the Garden, we have very good grounds for looking to the chemistry of the atom of aluminium for an explanation of how man was driven forth. Einstein with his fourth dimensional unit founded on the value of a unit of time, equal to a unit of each of the three dimensionals, is actually expressing the phenomena involved in this story, and more wonderful still, nature's resistance to change of its fixed space areas, reveals the origin of this story itself; an origin founded upon the fixation of 29 the three and four space areas, under the group weight of carbon and the group weight of oxygen, whose numbers are 12 and 16. While describing the wonders of the metal, aluminium an authority says, "We used to hear a great deal about "blow holes" in steel, but they are now almost a thing of the past, since aluminium has come into use as a "scavenger" or deoxidizer. Owing to the strong affinity between oxygen and aluminium, a small amount of aluminium when added to the steel in the furnace results in the elimination of the gas. The "blow holes" of other days were due to the pre- sence of this gas in the metal when it came from the fur- nace. One of the most important uses of aluminium in steel making is in quieting "wild heats." These "wild heats" used to be practically uncontrollable, resulting in great danger to workmen. When steel is poured from the furnace into the ladle the gases retained in the molten metal agitate it and cause it to boil; thus making holes in the metal when cooled. To avoid this a workman stands at the side of the ingot mold, arid from time to time throws small pieces of alumin- ium into the molten mass. The effect upon the angry metal is almost instantaneous. The gases rush to the aluminium and seem to exhaust themselves by consuming it. The boiling and agitation ceases so quickly that one is reminded of the proverbial effect of "pouring oil on the troubled waters," The combustibility of aluminium is something terrific." Now, what do these phenomena tell of nature's control in fixed space areas? Steel is made by decarbonizing iron. When the small amount of carbon is forced from its natural position, the "space areas" of the iron group weights are disarranged, and the carbon space is transformed into a fourth dimensional space "time" and so produces oxygen, as a weight of four groups of four or four squared. The question here arises, is this weight, an expression of "ozone" and ozone a radioactive condition of oxygen? 30 Eight groups of the atomic weight of iron, yield 448, a group equal to one atom of radium and one of raeman- ation, and in the presence of the "blow holes" we have the space keeper of aluminium in three cubed; in the "wild heat" we have the assertion of the terrific energy bound in the radium atom. If this was all known to the ancients, we have the story of the Garden of Eden, founded on the physical constitution of man, made in the likeness and image of his Creator who made Light, as 6561 to 20612 the fundamental space redis- tributor of all that was in space. Man was driven from the Garden because of his radium origin, and he can only return to that position in the chemistry of matter in space when he understands his origin and becomes conscious of his spiritual existence, as his first existence. Water is taken as the unit weight in bulk, a pint weigh- ing one pound. A 12 inch cube of water weighs 62 lbs. This number is a paired 31, the cube of 3.1415. A 12 inch cube of aluminium weighs 162 lbs. or as the ancients write it 100,60 and 2. Thus 100 yields a square root of 10 the Hebrew Sephiroth. 162 is a paired 81, the square of 3(9) and this squared cr 3 raised to the fourth power. This number (3) cubed yields 27 the group number of alum- inium. 31 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE Luke 22: 1-47. Albert Einstein is the son of German-Jewish parents. He was born in 1879 in the town of Ulm, Wurtemberg, Germany. He attended the Gymnasium in Munich until his sixteenth year. After leaving school at Munich, he accompanied his parents to Milan, whence he proceeded to Switzerland six months later to continue his studies. From 1896 to 1900 Albert Einstein studied mathe- matics and physics at the Technical High School in Zurich, as he intended becoming a secondary school teacher. For some time afterwards he was a private tutor, and having meanwhile become naturalised, he obtained a post as en- gineer in the Swiss Patent Office in 1902, which position he occupied until 1909. The main ideas involved in the most important of Einstein's theories date back to this period. Amongst these may be mentioned; The Special Theory of Relativity, Inertia of Energy, Theory of the Brownian Movement, and the Quantum-Law of the Emission and Absorption of Light. During the interval 1909 to 1911 he occupied the post of Professor Extraordinarius at the University of Zurich, afterwards being appointed to the University of Prague, Bohemia, where he remained until 1912. In the latter year he accepted a similar chair at the Polytechnikum, Zurich and continued his activities there until the year of the out- break of the War-1914, when he was called to the Prussian Academy of Science, Berlin, as successor to Van't Hoff. Professor Einstein was able to devote himself freely to his studies when the Kaiser Wilhelm Academy for Research at Berlin was opened, where he was able to work out his theories undisturbed by other duties. At Berlin Professor Einstein received, and receives a salary of $4,500 and has nothing to do but sit and think. This he continued to do all through the five years of war and revolution as quietly and persistently as Kant at Konigsberg during the wars and revolution of a century before. 32 Professor Einstein refused to sign the manifesto of the German men of science denying all the charges against Germany, and at the time of the armistice he signed an ap- peal in favour of the revolution. He is an ardent Zionist — a Hebrew scholar,and has promised to aid the Hebrew Uni- versity which is to be founded at Jerusalem." Let us look back over the past centuries and note the origin of the revolutions in scientific thought and education. — To go no further back than the founder of our present astronomical system — the Copernicum System, we find the author a monk in the Roman Catholic church. According to the hypothesis of the ancient Egyptians, Mercury and Venus revolved round the sun, which itself, with Mars and Jupiter and Saturn, moved round the earth. Apollonius of Perga chose the sun as the common centre of all the planetary motions, but held that, like the moon, it turned round about the earth. The principal Pythagorean philosophers, on the other hand, regarded the sun as the centre of the universe about which the earth performed a circuit. Nicetas, Heraclides and others assigned a central position to the earth, but supposed it to have a motion of rotation round its axis, which produced the phenomena of the rising and setting of the stars, and the alterations of day and night. Philolaus removed the earth from the centre of his system, and conceived it to have not only an axial rotation, but also an independent annual revolution round the sun. From these various explanations of the phenomena of the earth and the heaven, Copernicus obtained the material for the erection of his astronomical system as we have it today taught in our schools and Universities. The book published by Copernicus, explaining his system was dedicat- ed to the Pope, (Paul III) in order, as he says, that he might not be accused of seeking to shun the judgment of enlighten- ed men and that the authority of his Holiness, if he approved of it, might protect him from the baleful tooth of calumny. The next revolution made in the world of science, was 33 caused by Galileo, 1564-1642. He was so much devoted to the Church that he desired to become a monk, but his father wished him to become a physician, and persuaded him to give up his inclination to enter the Church. It is said, "Galileo at an early period of his life, seems to have adopted the Copernicum system, as an explanation of the movements of the members of the solar system but did not avow his opinions for fear of ridicule, rather than of persecution." Galileo did not assert his own views until the invention of the telescope placed in his hands the means of proving the possession of a secret knowledge of the parts the planets played as centres of distribution of energy throughout the confines of the solar system. All former fables connected with the agency of light in directing the affairs of mankind, were thrown aside, and, the influence of the sun causing the light of the moon, through reflection of sun-light from the earth, was accepted and has not yet been questioned — but Einstein's theory of relativity has not yet been worked out in its application of the phenomena involved in the deposition of the earth's rock foundations. Sir Isaac Newton, the next "disturber" of the "peace" in the world of science was born the year Galileo died. His parents were poor — his father dying before he was born. His mother married a second time, and lost her second hus- band when her son was in his fifteenth year. Showing little inclination for hard work, his mother's brother, rector of the next parish, seeing the boy's love for mechanical and mathematical problems, urged the necessity for sending the boy where he could develop the talent he possessed, and he entered Trinity College in June 5, and matriculated in July. In a small book, bearing on the seventh page the date of January 1663-4 there are several articles on "angular" sections, and the squaring of curves and "crooked" lines that may be squared, and the extraction of all kinds of roots, particularly those in affected powers, prove Newton to have 34 been the first man to correctly interpret the mathematical origin of light waves, producing an "ash," the chemical elements that laid the foundations of the earth. The principal books obtainable at this time, were con- trolled by the church cr nearly all, so that the contents could have treated of little else than the origin of the world and an explanation of the various phenomena as the work of the Great Spirit. The next innovator, of the field of "rest," was Mendel, a monk, but his work lay for thirty-five years in the custody of the University, to which he sent the results of his experi- ments into the phenomena of life, before any public notice was accorded him. We have the Hebrew demonstrating his whole world of origin through the "exertion of creation," and we have Men- del taking up the same line of work "exertion of creation" in his process of crossing varieties of plant-life. The scientific researcher, knows, today, that when he understands the laws involved in this "exertion of creation" he will soon possess control of life, or give up the attempt to obtain it. He will KNOW. In the selection, by Mendel, of the wild pea, as a plant possessing all the properties that appeared necessary for the test of his experimental conception of the significance of begetting life, we have something that points to the possession, by the Church, of a secret knowledge, nothing less than this four dimensional space peculiarity of Einstein. The common pea chosen by Mendel was a hardy annual. Its flowers may be purple, or red or white; the plants may be tall or dwarf; the ripe seeds may be yellow or green; round or wrinkled. The tall plant is about six feet in height, and the dwarf about the one sixth part of this height. In these charac- teristics of this plant, we have involved the mathematics of "extremes," in dimensions, and these proportions are those between 3.1415 and 19, the group three dimensional unit of the Great Pyramid's cube. 35 The colours of the flowers, are directly those of the violet rays in purple — those rays being formed under union of the red rays of the sun and blue of the moon, the blue expressing the second colour band of the hydrogen atom in the solar spectrum. The white flowers express the "neu- trality," of the fourth dimensional space keeper of unit press- ure of light. In the colour of the seeds, yellow or green, we have again, the assertion of the helium colour (yellow), and the green of chlorophane, the colour of the fluorine atom (19). In the form of the seeds, round or wrinkled, we have a wonderful expression of the "fullness" of time in the spher- ical form, and the "shortened" group 3.1415 to 3.095. Einstein places great stress on this process of shortening, or "wrinkling," and calls it a "warp" in space. The latest wonder produced in the form of a clock which keeps absolute time (at least what is called absolute) is the work of Father O'Leary, Professor of physics and astronomy in the Jesuit University of Dublin. This clock is regulated every minute by a free swinging pendulum, entirely detached from the clock-works. The Professor wanted a seismograph, (an instrument to record earthquakes) of a greater accuracy than any then in use. So he invented a siesmograph for himself. For the seismo- graph he wanted a clock and one more accurate than any in use. His first natural step was to look about for some- thing (not a clock) that he could take as an absolutely ac- curate measure of time. He found only two things — and so far as science knows there are only two — the movement of the heavenly bodies in the sky (as for instance the revolution of the earth), and the oscillations of a free swinging pen- dulum. Now why did the Professor regulate his clock every minute? Light travels or exerts a pressure in certain angular directions, of 186000 miles a second, and in sixty seconds there must be computed a pressure of sixty times this speed, and we find its fourth root number to be 57, and so three 36 groups of 19, this proportion of the tall and dwarf pea. Light can only redistribute its directions of pressure through the cell life of the earth — that is the earth must transmute the four dimensional space time into its three dimensional space areas, or its earth's mass would be torn asunder, by light released and allowed to travel in a straight line. The swing of a pendulum records the process of "short- ening" the cubic sides into a four sided equilateral triangle, with a square base, making a fifth side, the four triangles "resting" or receiving their space areas under the law of "squaring." Man, is without any conception of the sig- nificance of "oscillation"; when he comes to understand the awful consequences of equilibrium, through the assertion of the earth's control of the length of light waves, when the earth's foundations were laid, he will KNOW the time must come when the elements must melt, or become fused, once more, as they were fused when the metals were formed in the earth, and the new earth and new heaven usher in the con- trol of the radium units instead of the non-radioactive unit of hydrogen. We are told, the best time keeping clocks vary 416 seconds in a year, and this number registers the light speed, which gives a fourth root of 93 and so three groups of 31, the number 3.1415 cubed. The earth is the cause of what man calls "loss" of time. It is maintaining its time space, until it has built up a new "City" of light, whose four walls are four square, and constructed from the white stone of the earth's solar spectrum, brought down from the heaven to the earth. The very clocks cry out the control of the number 3.1415 being shortened to 3.095. This number must yield its liberation through its own square root made a whole number by increase of ten raised to the fourth power : This yields a square root of 176. and so a paired group of 88 } the new number of the new life, as we find given in the Kab- allah. When the name of "Alhim," or "Elohim" as a Creator 37 was given the number value of 31415, what shall be the father of the new value of 3095? Is it a human father? Is it the WOMAN'S body made to divide her own life in the millions of deaths of the mother in giving birth to her child? Is this the work of "shortening" this spirit life that could only live under the perfection of the lav/ that brought it forth? A Greek myth (so called in ignorance of the. science involved), says Zeus (signifying rushing sound; or division, or release of energy) cut the body of the woman into two parts, mixing the blood of her head with the earth but keeping her body in heaven. What does this signify? The body of the woman, was left in the Garden of Eden, and the earth man was driven forth; separated from the radium life because he possessed the power to disarrange the equilibrium of light, if he was permitted to act as a repro- ducer of life — as the created life of the light of the sun. The man has but the power to break down, the "house" of the "Name." The woman must rebuild, in order to possess a house. Light shine th not save as male and female, but this only implies the control of the light that made man in the like- ness and image of "US." The flaming sword placed at the East of the Garden of Eden, is the flame of radium itself, and no man may enter there when the "blood of Abel" crying out from the ground, registers this cry in the pendulum swing of the clock as a ticker cfT of the seconds, minutes, hours, that speak forth the time of the day and of the night. The command "Let there be Light," as 20612 to 6561, will speak forth the com- mand "Light" is no more followed by darkness, as the time- keeper of the light of the day and the darkness of the night., and the city shall have no need of the sun for the Glory of God hath entered therein and the Lamb shall be the Light thereof. Is there any evidence of this shortening of "time" to- day in temperature as times of cold and heat? We are 38 told the ice around the Poles is melting, at the rate of almost a mile in a year (South Pole), and the shrinking of the glac- iers of Alaska, Switzerland, and Himalaya, bear witness to the truth. Some hidden force is at work, making the clim- ates of the cold place warmer, and yet no man knows why. Now the scientist has discovered a new force in the ex- plosion of the hydrogen atom. He is bound to transmute this atom into helium; of course he may blow up the earth, but He has not the slightest conception of what this atom represents — the "gate-keeper" between blazing electricity, and "quiet" rest. This hydrogen atom can only be forced to explode by the group units of the fourth root of the sun's radium energy bound in the metal rigidity of the earth's gravitational mass in the electron by changing its space area from a three to a four dimensional length. Man is thus attempting to overcome the equilibrium of the solar system and he does not know that he is trying to do such a thing. Einstein's theory of relativity in which he endeavours to show man he cannot know anything about the reality of the conditions in the lights of the heavens, only plunges him in deeper obscurity, when he takers on his own right to up- set, if he can. the equilibrium of law itself. The complexity involved in the theory of relativity dis- appears when the origin of the value of the Name, "Alhim" is traced to its source. Advertisement of its overthrow of Galileo, Newton, Euclid. One of the great admirers of Einstein, thus commences his laudation of this author's intellect; A Reader of the morning paper in a street car; Time: The Present — The Reader looking over his paper; Here's something queer — a whole page taken with a new discovery in physics — Eclipse Observation Confirm Einstein's Theory of Relativity." Anything about it in your paper, is asked of a neighbour engaged in reading his paper. Yes. Here's a cartoon on it by McCutcheon. Reader: Must be something to it then. McCutcheon 39 always knows what's news, (reads on with audible frag- ments) "Most sensational discovery in the history of science" "Greatest achievement of the human intellect" "Upsets Galileo, Newton, and Euclid" — "Revolution in philosophy and theology." Reader (continuing, "Parallel lines meet" — a "man run- ning with the speed of light never grows old" — "gravitation due to a warp in space" — "length of a measuring stick depends upon direction of its motion" — "mass is latent energy" — "time as a fourth dimension" — why the man is crazy, isn't he? Answer: — "Well, definitions of insanity are so uncertain that it is not safe to say who is crazy. But it seems there is method in his madness — otherwise how could he have hit upon the exact extent of the sun's attraction on light? Reader picks up his paper and reads aloud," Postulate 1. Every law of nature which holds good with respect to a co-ordinate system K must also hold good for any other system K 1 , provided that K and K 1 , are in uniform move- ment of translation. The writer opens his first chapter in expressing the wonderment of the world attracted to the photographs taken during the eclipse of the sun on May the 29, 1919, in Brazil. When these photograph films were laid over films taken before the eclipse it was found that the star- images about the darkened disk of the sun did not exactly coincide with the images when the sun was not in their midst. Measured by a micrometer the displacement of the stars from their ordinary positions was found to be 1.60 seconds of arc on the African plates and 1.98 seconds of arc on the Brazilian plates. Average these two observations and you get 1.79. This is extremely close to the 1.73 pre- dicted by Einstein of Berlin, and twice as large as the de- flection calculated according to Newton's law of gravitation, which would be .87 of a second. We are told, when the announcement of this result was given at a meeting of the Royal Society of London on November 6 all eyes were turned toward Sir Oliver Lodge, 40 for last February he had been rash enough to express the hope, if not the prediction, that the results of the eclipse expedition would support Newton rather than Einstein. But instead of taking part in the discussion Sir Oliver got up and walked out. It was suspected he was "mad" as the vulgar would put it, because the starlight would not follow his preferred path. But he put a stop to any such rumors by a letter to The Times in which he explains that his de- parture was due to the imperative necessity of catching his train. Sir Joseph Thomson, President of the Royal Society, in making the announcement said, — If his theory is right, it makes us take an entirely new view of gravitation. If it is sustained that Einstein's reasoning holds good — and it has sustained two very severe tests in connection with the perihelion of Mercury and the present eclipse — then it is the result of the highest achievements of human thought. The weak point in the theory is the great difficulty in ex- pressing it. It would seem that no one could understand the new law of gravitation without a thorough knowledge of the theory of invariants and of calculus of variations." Why, do we ask, did Einstein choose such a necessary acquaintance with the theory of invariants and of calculus of variations? Why are there only twelve men in the world who can understand this theory? We charge a deliberate attempt to overthrow, the teachings of Christianity, by the Jew. This will be noted further on. The theory is thus demonstrated. How can anybody tell, by mere observation whether the train he is sitting in is moving, or the train on a nearby track? Every person who has travelled on a train is probably acquainted with this peculiarity. He is at once convinced of the truth of this phenomenon, and so accepts whatever Einstein says without further thought; Why he knows — in this way — as much as Einstein — how simple to become a great man. Einstein declares anybody moving at a less speed than 41 light is not executing what is at the source of motion — to put it simply. Let us put it more simply, and we will at once go to the root of the authority that made possible this theory of Relativity — the authority of all that is involved in ancient religions — the Hebrew as well as the Hindu or Egyptian. We are all familiar with the old-time way of churning — the dog on the treadmill — before electricity was made the slave of man, before man took hold of this speed of light and harnessed it for his use. The platform of the treadmill is placed on a slant angle ; if this were not so, the dog could not make it move. The weight of the dog must be according to the size of the churn, and cream to be churned represents weight also. The dog is walking as fast as he can, up an inclined plane, but he is not advancing in space, he is, as it were, marking time, as an automobile does when skidding. No matter how many revolutions the wheels are making the machine does not advance — the power is expressed just the same. This is just the law of distribution of energy throughout space. Further, we have proof that the ancients so regarded it and the same is repeated in the books of the Hebrew. This is why Einstein had to use his knowledge of the theory of invariants and of the calculus of variations. If a man holds in his hand two stones, and drops them at once on this moving platform, they cannot hit the same point on the platform. What forces the length of the distances between the points of contact? We choose this simple illustration be- cause the inclined plane is the direction in space, from which Einstein is calculating his deviations of a straight line, because it is not possible for a straight line to exist without its associated "mate." In other words "Light shineth not save as male and female." This is the proof of Einstein's crime. "He, who would invert the laws of Nature, sins against the Eternal Cause." What conditions exist in Germany today? This is 42 what the public Press says. "German science and all that it means to world scientific progress is in grave danger. In another ten years German scientific endeavour will be little more than a tradition if immediate steps are not taken to salvage what remains from complete destruction. Scientists who have devoted the best years of their lives to research work in their particular fields, can no longer find a publisher willing to publish their books, owing to the tremendous expense and risk involved. Before the war the world owed forty per cent of the entire output of scientific publications to Germany. Not only books, but scientific journals, upon which the inter- national medical profession, mathematicians and political economists depended for information and inspiration, have ceased to be published, and German scientists, on the other hand are deprived of similar stimulation owing to the depreciation of the mark whereby a subscription to a for- eign scientific journal would, in many cases, take the greater part of a month's salary. In the year 1914 foreign journals to the number of 6,000 were to be found in thirty of the leading universities of Germany. Today, 5,000 of these have been stricken from the list. The description of further loss of communication with the rest of the world, shows Germany to be a "beseiged city," round ajbout from which there is no escape in view. What is to be the end thereof? The structure of space according to the General Theory of Relativity. Einstein says, — "There is hardly a simpler law in phy- sics than that according to which light is propagated in empty space. Every child in school knows, or thinks he knows, that this propagation of light takes place in straight lines with a velocity of 186,000 miles a second. At all events we know with great exactness that this velocity is the same for all colours, because if this were not the case, the minimum of emission would not be observed simultaneously for different colours during the eclipse of 43 a fixed star by its dark neighbour. By means of similar considerations based on observations of double stars, the Dutch astronomer De Sitter was also able to show that the velocity of propagation of light cannot depend on the velocity of motion of the body emitting the light. The assumption that this velocity of propagation is dependent on the direction "in space" is in itself improbable. In short let us assume that the simple law of the con- stancy of the velocity of light (in vacuum) is true. Who would imagine that this simple law has plunged the con- scientiously thoughtful physicist into the greatest intellec- tual difficulties?" The only possible way for the physicist to find out in a very simple manner, (close at hand, and not afar off amongst the fixed stars as to whether the constancy of light speed is true because of the minimum of emission) the real consti- tution of the structure of space is through the phenomena attending experiments with the vacuum tube. In the phenomena attending experiments with the vacuum tube, we have direct proof of the source of the knowledge demon- strated in the theory of Relativity, and why Einstein chose such a difficult system under which to explain his, apparent- ly new theories. The actual newness lies in the manner of demonstration — truths but only truths of part of the whole truth. Let us investigate the phenomena of the vacuum tube. After the air is exhausted from the tube, the electric current is turned on, and we must remember the electrons forming the current are now accepted as the units of matter, so that all the phenomena arising in the vacuum tube are due to matter, and matter in the form of light and darkness. This is something that has not been noted, in order to ex- plain the constancy of light speed as material energies. The first thing observed in the tube, is the appearance of all the colours of the rainbow — or of the aurora. This appearance proves that "space" is conserving the group units of matter that produce the colours of the^solar spec- trum; that those colours are the keepers of space areas, as 44 the "cause" of all after effects. These colours express the equilibrium of vibrational wave lengths of light in position maintaining colour as the limit of the primal units of light waves. All further groupings must arise under dissociation of these wave lengths, and we have this also proven in the white light that fills the tube in the disappearance of the colours. This white light is cut up into disks like pennies seen edgeways, and so the dark lines cutting the light ex- press the dark lines in the solar spectrum of the sun and stars. Soon a dark shadow is seen coming of! like a shell from the cathode and pushing the light before it. A second and much darker shell fellows the first, and pushes the light from the tube, and darkness fills the tube. But just as the darkness reaches the extremity of the tube space, a phos- phorescent light appears at the side of the tube, and we have "grown" the rays of the radium class of elements. In this experiment we have only the repetition of individualisation of the atomic constitution of the non-radioactive and radio- active elements — nothing less nor nothing more than the "reversal" of the colours of the solar spectrum through the three dimensional space areas of the earth maintaining the individualisation of the colours of the aurora as a work of manipulation of the sun's light, a four space keeper in the helium group weight; the earth's three dimensional control building, or forcing the vibrational rates of the light of the sun, moon, and stars unit atoms to unite in producing the atomic grouping of the four primary atoms, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen — the four the keepers of the four space area of sunlight, — the four space actually depend- ing on the earth's form building to maintain its space area. All cell life is maintained and developed under the four primary atoms, but it is the earth's use of the material of sunlight that keeps the space areas of that sun's distribu- tion of light, heat and energy. Just here, we would draw attention to the advantage of the use of the words "space areas/' as three and four, instead of three and four dimensions, as we have the unit atomic grouping under those conditions, and so do not 45 confuse by using expressions unfamiliar to the ordinary reader. In the vacuum tube experiments, hydrogen and also moisture are found in the tube, and their growth from the transformation of electrons into matter has not been com- mented upon. For many years the physicists have endeav- oured to find an atom with a group weight of three, as the gap between hydrogen (1), and helium (4) is too great — there should be a group of three. There are the three hydrogen atoms expressing three different rates of vibrations, one belonging to the sun's vibrational rate; one to the moon, and one to the stars, but these cannot form an indivisible group of three, but must resist association in grouping that is not founded upon the radioactive constitution of matter. In the radioactive elements we have expression of three different kinds of light movement., in the a-, b-, and X-rays, the a- particles being accepted as three groups of helium atoms, yielding a value of twelve atoms, so that we have the carbon atom of the earth as a weight of three a- particles in the radium class of matter — this fact gives us the key to the "translation" of the earth's material life to the lights of the stars — the basis of all Greek mythological stories. Just here we also find an explanation of the movement of light at a speed of 186,000 miles per second in vacuo. The condition of a vacuum produced by man's manipulation of space areas, only records the amount of resistance to change of the earth's magnetic fields to any foreign force entering and transforming the constitution of space in the fields — or the force of earth-gravity. Einstein, in his theory of Relativity, in using the action of distortion to express gravitation, (disagrees with Newton) proves his claim through the distortion of orbital paths of the planets. The earth's force of resistance to change of occupants in its space areas is equal to a movement of light at the rate of 186,000 miles per second — that is, the elements that formed the material of the "dry earth" were deposited by light, as its "ashes" in the earth and these "ash weights" are quickened in the form of rad- 46 iant energy in the solar spectrum, so that any analysis of light movement must be expressed in action and reaction under Newton's law of gravitation. How, then does Ein- stein fail to recognise this simplicity? Did he fail to recog- nise it? If he did the system of mathematics employed in the Kaballah will show him the truth. Under the law of gravitation, light disperses under the inverse square of the distance principle, and if earth mater- ial controls or maintains the space resistance to change of atomic groupings that entered into the individualisation of each member of the solar system this group number 186,000 must yield a mass that must be distributed under the law of dispersion through its square root, which is 431. This group must also transpose its space area with the "quickened" or light constitution in the solar spectrum, and this through the united hydrogen and helium groups, whose nuclei are found in the nucleus of every atom of matter in the earth and in the atoms of the solar spectrum. This yields a group of 5, and paired in ten; the number must be raised to the fourth power and so we have a group 4310000, whose square root is 2076. This must be distributed through the three and four space areas of sun and earth, and we find twelve groups of 173. This group must be viewed as providing divisions of ten squared, or 1.73 and this is the exact number "prophesied" by Einstein in the bending of the light rays of the stars when coming into the gravita- tional field of the sun. Now where did Einstein obtain his number if not through a knowledge of the origin of this speed of light. He has chosen this speed as the basis of his whole demonstration of the theory of relativity, and when we have 2076, ten groups of 207, the number given by the Hebrew to his "En Soph" who fills all space, we must assume that Einstein has given to the world a system of "DISTORTION" of the truth. But we have been given the promise of knowing the truth in the latter days, and this truth is to set man free from the power of death. Also we are told, the way shall be made so plain that the wayfaring man though a fool, shall not err therein. • 47 Again, — in this number 2076 we have an explanation of the declaration by the physicist that the radioactive elements break down into the metal of lead, whose atomic weight is 207, and in the group of 2076, we have the cause of the earth's assertion of control in the metal of lead. This fact draws attention to the claim of the Hebrews that their father Abraham was a man of Saturn. The ancients explained the origin of metals in the earth to be occasioned by the polar angle of the planets, Mercury making quick- silver; Venus, copper; Mars, iron,; Jupiter, tin; and Saturn, lead, while the sun and the moon caused the deposition of gold and silver. We can see the scientific value of this as- sertion, because all material in the earth has been formed by the resistance of the earth, through its gravitational fields, to a change in its mass, first deposited and individualised, as a member of the solar system. All atomic weights of the metals can be obtained through this group number of the En Soph, 207, and we shall prove this number to be the foundation of all ancient science and religion. We quote again from Einstein, — According to the gen- eral theory of relativity, the geometrical properties of space are not independent, but they are determined by matter. Thus we can draw conclusions about the geometrical structure of the universe only if we base our considerations on the state of the matter as being something that is known." From this declaration by Einstein, we must find in space areas everything that is in the earth and planets. The geometrical structure of the universe must be such as to continually reproduce the geometrical forms that were produced and fixed space areas, under atomic groupings of matter which individualised the seven chemical elements entering into the foundation rocks of the earth, as crystals and into the light of the solar spectrum as expressions of light movements — the light of the radiant elements, whose speed is 186,000 miles per second is maintained through the earth's resistance to change of its mass through its atomic space areas. The prediction of a displacement of the light of the 48 stars in the gravitational field of the sun. of 1.73 by Einstein, should have been 1.79 if he had understood the whole system of space areas, connecting the non-radioactive and radio- active elements. The "exertion" of creation is nothing less than the "resurrection" of the inanimate or earth crystal into light and energy, through the constitution of the mole- cular expansion of gases under a fixed temperature — the different temperatures, producing the "distortion" in grav- itational assertion of lengths through the diagonal line of the square instead of through the square side. The dis- placement of the light of the stars on the photograph plates yielded an average of 1.79 and this is the correct number because the groups of hydrogen and helium (5) sets up this group number as the space keeper of the area necessary for the reversal of the primal units of colour in the spectrum of hydrogen, through the four space area of the sun's unit group. The physicist tells us the nucleus of hydrogen and the nucleus of helium are present in the nucleus of every atom; thus the nuclei of these atoms do not represent the whole mass of the atoms, but each forces the mass of the atom to build, through association with other atoms, definite forms and geometrical patterns according to their space areas. This group of 5 builds through squaring, and so we have 25 each in a four space distributor, making 100 a group which provides a square root of 10, for further transpositions. This number 10 explains the significance of the "ten Intel- ligences" emanating from the Hebrew En Soph — this symbol of "exertion of creation." The speed of light in vacuo at the rate of 186000 miles, becomes the keeper of space areas throughout the universe, in some form, if the earth's force of gravity is actually light waves bound in the form of the seven chemical elements constituting its foundation rocks. The atomic weights of these elements total 237, just one atom less than the atomic weight of uranium (238), and three greater than 234, the second atomic weight of uran- ium. The physicist says this uranium atom possesses two group numbers 234 and 238, but that the group 234 is of 49 very short life and so 238 may be taken as the actual value. This is where the mistake is made in the world of physics. The group number 234 is a representative of the carbon world in the two constitutions of non-radioactive and radio- active elements as 9 groups of 26; this number being the basis of the hydro-carbyl system brought out by the Ger- man chemist, Dr. Lowig in his "Physiological Chemistry." The atom of uranium is accepted as the parent of the radio- active elements, but this atom is in the form of a metallic body, and so expresses the limit of the earth's group of unit atoms as a gravitational space area of the metal in the solids of the earth. This group weight of uranium holds the key to the explanation of how the radioactive elements break down into lead. In fact the radioactive elements do not break down into lead, but instead of such an assertion, we should rec- ognise the metal group weight of lead to express the limit of a metallic body as a gravitational weight of light, coming under the control of earth gravity. If the radium elements could break down into lead, all universal light would become bound in rigidity — or metallic assertion of mass. Why then do we find uranium the parent of the radio- active elements, if lead is the limit of the metallic gravita- tional rigidity? This question brings us to the secret of Einstein's geometrical peculiarity of space itself. Before we take up this explanation of the position of the lead group in the earth as the metal space keeper of earth's gravitational bondage of light waves in the form of their "ashes" or the seven elements making up the founda- tion rocks of the earth, we must prove, through Einstein's theory of relativity, the position and action throughout space of this speed of light in vacuo at the rate of 186000 miles a second of time. In this wonderful speed of light, we have time made a control of the light of the day and of the darkness of the night; the time of the day involved in the expression of light in maintaining the colours of the solar spectrum in the sun through the force of repulsion of 50 earth gravitation, and the darkness of night in the act of attraction, or control of mass or "ashes" of the light waves bound in the earth's rock foundations. Action and re- action must be equal according to Newton's law and not withstanding Einstein to the contrary. To illustrate the simplicity of law throughout the Un- iverse expressed through space areas we need only to point to the fact that this speed of light acting as a force of inertia, or as Einstien puts it, "mass is latent energy," is expressed in space as motion at rest. Now this is the very root of all Einstein's complicated demonstration of his theory of rel- ativity, and through this he is presenting a one sided ex- planation of the law of gravitation. If mass is latent energy, gravitation is also energy in the form of light moving at the speed of 186000 miles a second, and in this terrific speed shortening its material part exactly as Einstein declares, but this shortening de- fines the dimensions of the crystals that laid the foundations of the earth. Therefore there is no possible difference be- tween the speed of light and the pressure bound in the atoms of earth matter — these atoms being nothing less than "mass as latent energy." The shortening process occurs in the provision of space areas at a right angle to the movement. Because of time individualising the mass or dimensions of the earth as a member of the solar system, the earth's material could never become less nor increased. — The seven elements which laid the foundation rocks, were represented in space through all the changes in space areas that could ever take place amongst the members of the solar system. Further — the dimensions of the space areas were fixed for all time, under a fixed temperature, equalised throughout the earth's surface areas. Temperature is constant, as a whole, but is very differ- ent in different parts of the earth. From the appearance of the geological stratas of the first history of the earth's time of individualisation (or during the time that light pressure was equal to a speed of 186000 miles) equal temperature 51 appears probable all over the earth. A change, or reversal of the colours of the solar spectrum (colour a distributer of light speed) caused a change or division of the plobe's tem- perature and some parts became warmer and some cooler. A rise in temperature caused increased expansion of the gases in space areas on one hand and a contraction on the other hand, so that space itself became "distorted" in its gravitational distribution of energy through the vibrational action of light. The earth's dimensions held the space areas under its crystal deposition, as latent energy, and no more energy expressed through light than what had been cut up and bound in the earth's rocks. This division of temper- ature causing expansion of gases caused the elevation of the mountains — the same opposite expression ' of contraction caused the depression of the earth into valleys. In space there were also deposited, these lines of elevation and de- pression, through the earth's action in its gravitational fields. Are there any gravitational fields throughout the solar system that are not produced by the change in the division of the temperature of the earth? Einstein says geometrical peculiarities of space are dependent on matter. Is it not proven, through this action, the reversal of the colours of the solar spectrum, the cause of high and low pressure governing our climate conditions. The ancients gave to the earth the credit of providing everything that was necessary for the continuation of the life of the gods as well as the evolution of man, from earth to heaven, and back to earth making that earth a new earth and the heaven a new heaven. All the work of the earth, because that earth was made from the "ashes" of the spirit's movement on the "face of the deep." What did this "deep" represent? If all the material in the earth were stretched throughout space in the form of light as matter — or matter as light in a condition of suspended change, all space would be darkened, because the light of the planets would be forced to take on a resting condition. The speed of light itseli would be held in a condition, expressed as marking time — 52 like the dog on the treadmill cessation of motion would not be possible, but change in occupation of space areas would be impossible. Motion would be simply "relative," yet universal energy would still be maintained. Simple is it not? If, as Einstein says, geometrical peculiarities of space are dependent on matter, we have an explanation of gravita- tional fields throughout space, changing their centres of gravity or shift in the earth's boundaries. That is, all the atoms making up the earth's dimensions stretched out into space would force every atom in every other member of the solar system to change its position, and to build within the boundaries of those planets the same forms of life that evolved, as the primal cell groups, when the earth's rock foundations were being laid. Cell-life was begun when the spirit movement made a "firmament" in the midst of the waters; cell plasson substance solidified the crystals into rocks, and forced the same crystal weights in the form of sodium, magnesium, aluminium, silicon, potassium, cal- cium and iron, tc build cell-life in the waters, so that there never was a time when life did not exist. This is why the continuity of life is a fact — this is why we are told "He hath set his tabernacle in the midst of the sun." The col- ours of the solar spectrum are the "rainbow" set in the heavens as a covenant between man and God, that water should not again overwhelm the earth. Those colours are electrically expressive of the electrical solution of the metal- lic body, and their action as individual electric charges must "melt the elements" with fervent heat, and the new life be constructed on the values of the radiocative elements, and not on those of the non-radioactive elements forming rocks and stones. The heart of stone shall be taken away and a heart of "flesh" (the word made flesh), shall be put in its place. How can the heart of stone, practically speaking, be made flesh, as the "word was made flesh and dwelt among men?" It is actually a work of gravitational dissociation 53 of the time limit, making the day and the night a result of the flesh turning to stone, or crystallisation of the tissues. The work can and must be performed through the atomic difference between the group numbers of lead and uranium in its lesser weight of 234, a difference of 27, and this the atomic group weight of aluminium, one of the seven elements that entered into the foundation of the earth's rocks. We do not find this element in the physical make up of the human body, and it is the only one of the seven that is not found there. It must be present in the body as a space area in some form and we assume it is the gaseous matter filling the space areas of the "vacuoles" or air cells. This number, 27 is the cube of 3, and we believe the space areas of aluminium maintain the square of the unit group forever reproduced through the uranium parentage of the radium class of the elements. This space area "made flesh" instead of the rock of the earth, secures to man an everlasting life and explains the significance of the second story of Genesis so often quoted by those trying to find a change of creation not agreeing with the first explanation of the creation of mankind. In the second chapter of Genesis we read "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he created "to make" (proper rendition). And God blessed the seventh day "(seventh light for he called the light day)" and sanctified it; because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created "to make." These are the generations of the heavens and the earth, when they were created, in the day (light) that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew; for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and* there was not a man to till the ground. 54 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul." A difference is made in the name of the creator of man, who breathed into his nostrils the breath of life — not a breath that could be stilled in death. This breath must be maintained in space areas within the man's body as a universal space area that nothing could enter except through the space areas of the food of the soul. Wherever the He- brew obtained his knowledge given as it is given in this story of Genesis, it was founded upon a knowledge of the three and four space areas under gravitational distribution of light bound in the atoms of matter. In order that the space area of aluminium (clay) should be the foundation layer for the life of the stone made flesh, the force of crystallisation must be "burned" or transformed into electricity or electrons, the units of matter. There must be in the heavens, a great space where no star has ever been seen to shine, because the stars are all connected with the earth's mass as a solid-metal weight of gravity. Where, or is there such a place, where no stars have ever been observed? We say yes. We find it where the North is, as "He stretcheth out the North over the "empty place," and hangeth the earth upon nothing." This "nothing" or non-existent, expresses the environment of the En Soph, who is described as Ayin, nothing, non-exist- ent, before he made the exertion of creation. The earth must repulse this filling of the empty place from its mass and as the colours of the solar spectrum are the limit of the earth's force of attraction and repulsion, it can only force in space an expression of the aurora, as its gravitational fields of "LIGHT," as an indivisible mass, not subjected to separation into parts, and thus brought under the exertion of creation. This empty place, consti- tutes the dimensions of the space areas amongst the atoms of the earth — nothing can enter there and so all atoms float 55 in space, and the terrific forces of the radium elements exhaust their excess of energy throughout these spaces, carrying the atoms along paths maintaining the "byways" not trod by man. We will have to find a proof of this wonderful provision for the time when the heart of stone shall become a heart of flesh, and henceforth the man emancipated from the power of death, through crystallisation. We shall have to find this under the theory of relativity, set forth by Einstein, because he has had it all worked out from the measurements or number values of words (the word made flesh) in the secrets of the Kaballah. He may use the expression — fourth dimension, and also a three dimension, but the ancients used the expression, three and four space areas, and chemistry, through the atomic weights of the non-radioactive elements binding the dimensions of light waves, until the "time of the end" de- clare the truth of number values, and make everlasting life on the earth a fact, through the atomic weights of the radium elements. THE GRAVITATIONAL FIELD.-(Einstein). We have just quoted the second story of Genesis, where it is stated that all things were created before they were planted in the earth, and we find this condition a necessity, under Einstein's theory of relativity. He says, — "If we pick up a stone and then let it go, why does it fall to the ground? The usual answer to this question is: "Because it is attracted to the earth." Modern physics formulates the answer rather differ- ently for the following reason. As a result of the more careful study of electromagnetic phenomena, we have come to regard action at a distance as a process impossible with- out the intervention of some intermediary medium. If, for instance a magnet attracts a piece of iron, we cannot be content to regard this as meaning that the magnet acts directly on the iron through the intermediate* empty space, but we are constrained to imagine — after the manner cf 56 Farady— that the magnet always calls into being something physically real in the space around it, that something being a "magnetic field." In its turn this magnetic field operates on the piece of iron, so that the latter strives to move towards the magnet. We shall not discuss here the justification for this incidental conception, which is indeed a somewhat arbitrary one. We shall only mention that with its aid electromagentic phenomena can be theoretically represent- ed much more satisfactorily than without it, and this applies particularly to the transmission of electromagnetic waves. The effects of gravitation also are regarded in an analo- gous manner. The action of the earth on the stone takes place indirectly. The earth produces in its surroundings a gravitational field, which acts on the stone and produces its motion of fall. As we know from experience, the inten- sity of the action on a body diminishes according to a quite definite law, as we proceed farther and farther away from the earth. From our point of view this means: The law governing the properties of a gravitational field in space must be a perfectly definite one, in order correctly to rep- resent the diminution of gravitational action with the dis- tance from operative bodies. It is something like this: The body (the earth) produces a field in its immediate neigh- bourhood directly; the intensity and direction of the field at points further removed from the body are thence deter- mined by the law which governs the properties in space of the gravitational fields themselves. In contrast to electric and magnetic fields, the gravita- tional field exhibits a most remarkable property, which is of fundamental importance for which follows. Bodies which are moving under the sole influence of a gravitational field receives an acceleration, which does not in the least depend either on the material or on the physical state of the body. For instance, a piece of lead and a piece of wood fall in exactly the same manner in a gravitational field (in vacuo) when they start off from rest or with the same initial vel- ocity." If we explain the constitution of a magnetic field ac- 57 cording to the requirements of the theory of relativity, and more especially the creation under the law of gravitation, we shall prove the latter a necessity to the first, when ALL the truth has been told. In the first place, we would not know anything about a magnetic field had we never been acquainted with the metal body-iron. This body is the only metal found in the depositions that formed the earth's foundation rocks — therefore it must, in its atomic weight express the limit of the repulsion force of the earth — through gravity— of the sun's four space area, fixed in the helium atom — the atom formed or trans- muted during the disintegration of the radium atom. Iron with an atomic weight of (56) fixes that group weight as the internal gravitational body separating the two great sys- tems founded on the cube and square, or upon the division of space into three space areas and four space areas. Ein- stein says the geometrical peculiarity of space is dependent upon matter — therefore the fixed atomic groups binding light waves in the seven elements that laid the foundation rocks of the earth, must fix in space geometrical peculiar- ities that will for all time govern the constitution of a magnetic field, no matter where it is found. The magnetic field in space,- must in turn react on the earth's chemical associations, and we must find in the natural depositions proof of the constitution of a magnetic field. Electromagnetic waves can only express the energy expressed in the deposition of the "ashes" called "iron deposits." Iron is not found native in the earth, except through meteoric origin or a secondary action. The earth is a three dimensional centre, and its force of gravity is involved in its cubic powers. Height, length. and breadth, were fixed for all time, as three equal expres- sions of energy, and the metal body expressing the extreme in rigidity — the magnetic field must express the dimensions where rigidity is transmuted into the greatest speed of light movement on one hand and the repulsion or resistance of 58 the earth to a greater occupation of its space areas than that of a three space area. In this position we have demon- strated the significance of the "break down" of the radio- active elements into the metal body, and so we have the magnetic field a place where the earth atoms called the non-radioactive, transmute their light bondage into radio- active energies. Thus the earth actually changes signs in the magnetic field, through the constitution of the atomic group of iron, 8 atoms of iron yield 448 which are equal to one atom of radium and one of raemanations. In former times the atomic weight of iron was given as 28, and we can find the reason if we recognise that body to represent the "reversal" of the kind of light waves, that belong to the day (light) and to the night (magnetism, or darkness through the inertia of the "mass of a body," renewing its "latent" energy, the time of the night being taken up with this work, or radioactive and non-radioactive expressions. In the magnetic field, founded upon the rigidity of an earth gravitational system binding the speed of light, in its crystal depositions, we must find this speed of light in vacuo (186000) miles coming up against this force of rigid- ity, and the result could only be a redistribution of this energy through a perpendicular line., just as though a great wall met the onrush of a great body of water, released by a broken dam. At this place of meeting that which con- stitutes the "Pole" of the Ecliptic, in atomic minutae, be- came a slave to the repulsion forces of the earth. Under the law of gravitation — action and reaction must be equal — the reaction of this great speed of light (radium energy) was to split up its energy in the form of a rotating movement, and the rise in a perpendicular line, brought forth a great spiral movement amongst the members of the solar system, and in the waters of the earth, where this reaction of light speed was forced to distiibute its units., and thus was produced the tiny "hal f twist" of the "Dawn Animal" portrayed by the late Sir William Dawson. This animal as a fossil, is a testimony of the earth to the truth in the last "kind of light" (days). 59 In this work of the metal body, we have proven the creation of the cell body to be a result of gravitational dis- tribution of the speed of light, bound in the form of a circle, or corpuscle — the corpuscle expressing the cube value of. a fixed atomic group, as its surface area and the circle ex- pressing the square of this fixed group. We claim, Einstein is founding his theory of relativity on the law of squaring, cubing and fourth dimension of this fixed unit group, a group formed in the constitution of a magnetic field, for- ever fixing the geometrical peculiarities of space. The total units involved in the seven elements which laid the foundations of the earth were 237, and there could not be a greater group than this number, in the constitution of a magnetic field. In this number, a forced- redistribution of electrons were brought about— and it represented the meeting place of the "High Priest" with his En Soph, or God in the Hebrew system of mathematics. Einstein says, "As we know from experience, the in- tensity of the action on a body diminishes according to a definite law, as we proceed farther and farther away from the earth. Our point of view is this: The law governing the properties of the gravitational field in space must be a perfectly definite one, in order correctly to represent the diminution of gravitational action with the distance from operative bodies." We would go further and apply Newton's law "Action and reaction must be equal, but this reaction must take place under four different conditions — reproduction of latent energy; reproduction of light as latent energy in action; reproduction of gravitational field of light, reversing its movement — that is a centre wherein the electrons disperse their mass under internal disruption; in other words a group of electrons dissociating through its square root. The fourth production is a condition of what the Hebrew calls "Ayin," or empty space where neither matter nor electricity can enter. We have proof of something constituting space areas in which the aviator in a flying machine finds himself powerless to control the movements of his machine. The 60 aviator speaks of this as getting into an air pocket, but he is in the air at all times, and so cannot call this an air pocket. As Einstein says the geometrical peculiarity of space is dependent on matter, we must find four different conditions continually reproduced in the distribution of energy pro- ducing light, heat and energy, and something that is neither one of the three. In the dissociation or disintegration of the radium atom, we have expressed four phenomena, three in the A-; B-. and X-rays and a fourth something, that is not a ray of light — but is a space keeper of some kind. In the a-particles we have a group of 12, composed of three groups of four each; these a- particles are scarcely to be called helium atoms, but are very closely associated with that atom. In the B- corpuscles we have particles travelling with the speed of light, and so these B- corpuscles express the unit system of matter and light changing space areas as their means of travelling. In other words the space oc- cupied by matter and the space occupied by light, express transmutation of vacuum and its reaction. From this conception, a vacuum (a unit of pressure equal to the speed of light at 186000 miles per second) must force a solid as its opposite value the solid may be in the condition of rigidity., that which gives the metal its body, consequently, the atoms of the earth, free at hand must give to man the group numbers expressing the movement of light, in the form of an ash or the seven elements that laid the foundation rocks of the earth. These elements, as solid crystals, are redistributed under the form of gases, in hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, and the consti- tution of a gaseous body can only demonstrate the occupa- tion of space areas under equalisation of expansion of light matter, in the form of the non-radioactive and radioactive constitution — that is the crystal must expand to the di- mensions of its gaseous condition, wherein light as active and mass as latent energy will fill a definite space area re- producing light, heat and energy, and a fourth condition, perfectly neutral, or else all material would become blazing electricity, or inert crystals. 61 Any explanation that has been given of attraction of gravitation has been very limited indeed, because man has not recognised the value of atomic weights as custodians of space areas, although it is apparent Einstein understands the real significance of attraction of gravitation. Before the physicist recognised the electron as the unit of matter, it would have been difficult to prove this knowledge by Einstein, through his wisdom books. Nov/ we know the number of electrons making up the unit atom and it is not necessary to view the atom in the light of possessing a de- finite form — as long as the number of electrons constituting the system of electronic movements find space occupation, they may take on various positions, geometrical peculiar- ity — as Einstein calls it. How then, can we explain attraction of gravitation, as it has never yet been explained, and find this explanation the key to ancient science? We claim, the Hebrew had lost the significance of num- bers in the system of mathematics demonstrated in the Kaballah, until the discovery of radium, and the working out of the different forms of expression of energy in radium disintegration. This atom, breaking down from within its own electronic groupings, and from the disintegration of its electrons, producing the group weights of two other atoms, those of helium and raemanation — raemanation also reproducing helium, as its source of production, gave the Hebrew a clue to the science hidden in the secret numbers of the Kaballah. This is proven by taking the value of these three atoms, which yield 452, whose fourth part is 113, and this number is the one used by the Kaballah as the value of the "sound" of the word man. A further proof of the group weights of the radium energies, being the foundation of the number values of words, through the condition of the non-radioactive ele- ments in the earth, being expressed in the form of light and colour in the solar spectrum, is found in the use of squares, cubes, spheres and circles, in Hebrew symbols. The square within the circle is one of the ntost import- 62 ant symbol, of ancient use. We are told by some writers, the circle within the square was the key symbol, but the Hebrew never used the "hidden" symbol — certain words were not to be pronounced, and we find the reason in the vibrational action of light, causing the growth of cell-life itself. The square within the circle was the key to an explan- ation of the law of attraction — that is this square was the "just" measure fulfilling the Law. A square within a circle, the corners meeting the cir- cumference, possesses through its diagonal length (length from corner to corner) the diameter length of the circle, so that this diagonal becomes a diameter of a circle, but along an inclined line. Draw a perpendicular and a hori- zontal diameter of the circle and the diagonal of the square is cut equally, and there are eight divisions on the face of the square and circle. These eight divisions express the "in- ner division" of square and circle. Every mathematician knows a square can only act through its diagonal. It is a law of mechanics. If a per- pendicular moving force meets a horizontal moving force, the result of their meeting is the formation of a diagonal line the diagonal length being equally produced by the two lines at a right angle. The earth being a three dimensional keeper of space areas, the diagonal of the square must build through its own square root's growth. This length must be squared, and its side length — the two added and we have the cube individualised through its long diagonal. The circle, is thus "devoured" or transmuted into the cube- form, but the cube must also reproduce, in the light of the solar spectrum, its spherical space areas. We, therefore, come to the necessity of a definite space occupant, in the form of a cube, a sphere and because of these two, all the geometrical peculiarities that space could produce through electronic movements in the form of light travelling at the speed of 186000 miles a second. In this action of the diagonal line of a square within a circle, forcing the dimensions of the cube, we have an ex- 63 planation of the "force of attraction, where Einstein says "the magnetic field operates on the piece of iron so that tha latter strives to move towards the magnet." We have a more lucid Explanation of attraction of gravity of the earth, where we recognise geometrical space areas to control move- ments, through the force of repulsion, alone. The earth must repulse from its space areas, any action of light move- ment at a greater speed than 186000 miles, or else suffer de- struction of mass. The drawing of the iron to the magnet expresses a force of repulsion, by the internal assertion of the electrons within the iron rigidity. Its position in space is only possible under gravitational formation of space areas, and the mag- net only expresses the "field" of the space areas of the radioactive bodies, where this space allows the "atoms to float " or what we might call assertion of "vacuo" in the form of rigidity — or light in a condition of "suspended change. If the metal body fills a definite space or spaces in the form of rigidity, which produces the combustion of material producing the colours of the solar spectrum, we must find the field of this force of rigidity in such dimensions as would be produced through the diagonals of a cube, because those lines govern "attraction of gravitation," and this force belongs to the three dimensional earth control of "filling areas, whether in the water of the sea or land on earth. Electrical distribution of matter must explain cell-life in sea and on land, through the redistribution of a magnetic field in space, no matter what constitute those dimensions. Atomic groups are fixed, and their expression through the distribution of sunlight, taken up by the earth is nothing less than transmutation of radium energy into a position of relative motion — the dog on the treadmill, expressing the confined system of distribution of energy. We have iron the metal attacted by a magnet, as Einstein puts it, but we would view the rigidity of the metal body to have been expressed in parts on the earth, in the form of the deposition of iron ores (oxides) thus the 64 rigidity of the metallic form would exist in vacuo, or else heat could not produce a metallic body. The group weight of iron being 56, we treat this number as a cube-side and find the two diagonals to be 79 and 97, a reversal in figures. The number 97 must disintegrate under the four space keeper of light, in the form of light, and so we find the number 3.1415 to be the fourth root of this number 97 and its decimals. The cube of this number is 31 and we start with surprise when we are told this number 31 is thevalue of the Hebrew letters IHVI, the figures being 10, 5, 6, 10. The number 207 is the value of the En Soph who divided himself or expressed himself through ten in- telligences like "rays" emanating from a luminary, the Kaballah says. Now where do we find this "luminous" body but in the light speed of 186000 miles? What atom fixes the limit of light speed in the form of a metallic rigidity? This speed must be controlled by the cube law, and so we must find some atomic group in the form of a metal body, through which this group of 31 can redistribute the energy of gravitation, through light as well as rigidity of a metallic body. We have the atom of uranium as the limit of light expression, yielding matter for the production of the radioactive elements. That is uranium is the limit of the earth's reaction under the law of gravitation. But the earth must maintain its work of redistribution of the colours of the solar spectrum, because it has those colours fixed in the beautiful, precious stones — all the colours of the rain- bow testifying to the "New Jerusalem" come down from heaven to make a fitting place for the dwelling of the Most High — yes, even for the man when he takes on the likeness and image of his creator — This creator the Hebrew expresses under the name of the En Soph, whose number value is 207. The value of the IHVI (31 as 3.1415 cubed) is the med- ium through which the En Soph works, and so we have the addition of 31 to 207 yielding 238. the group number of the atom of uranium the parent of radium whose atomic group 65 weight must express the value of two systems, and so 113, the number of the "sound" of the word, man. In the length of the diagonal of the square of the group number of iron we have 79, and this acting through the 10 squared, as luminous rays, yields 179, whose unit value would be 1.79 as a keeper of space areas, along the paths of light. Is it any wonder this truth was spoken forth on the photograph c plates, showing the bending of the light rays of the stars, in the gravitational field of the sun during an eclipse? Einstein "predicted" a distortion of 1.73 but he was making the calculation through a knowledge of only the distortion force of the orbit of Mercury, although he does not say how he obtained his figures. From all this, the physicist has yet to learn the cause of eclipses. He has yet to learn, this phenomenon arises under assertion of reproduction of the mass of the earth, as "latent energy" in maintaining the space areas of its gravitational fields in the rigidity of the metal "VACUO" even in the light of the sun, moon, and stars. The earth must eternally reconstruct the "veil" between the directions along which light has forced a pathway throughout space marking off space areas as definitely as we find different kinds of earth material on its surface. If there was not a veil of separation continually reproduced in the distribution of light, as a form of gravitational energy, what would pre- vent all matter from becoming blazing electricity?Where do we find proof of this veil reproduction connected with the movement of light speed? We find it in the atom of Raemanation, always accom- panying the disintegration of radium, the radium atom pos- sessing a most terrific force. The atom of raemanation forms a sort of thin film, of a solid character, and so light is bound or geared down in its movements, under the law of dispersion as the inverse square of the distance of the mass involved, or to be redistributed. This knowledge of the reproduction of the "veil be- tween" is involved in the description of the building of the tabernacle under instruction of Moses the % name derived 66 from the Egyptian "Thoth-mosis," signifying a "child of Te-hu-ti-mes — the god of the moon. The Hebrew signifi- cance is given as the "life drawn from the waters," and the waters are those of the Moon. Many Hebrews believe the face in the moon is that of Moses. Because of this film deposition as a solid, we must have a mathematical system producing surface areas under this law of film dispersion. In the long diagonal of the cube of iron, 97 we have the earth metal rigidity along a diagonal line, in space. But at the extremity of this transmutation of the rigid into vacuo, we must have an expression of the "Intelligence as ten rays emanating from the body of this filling of universal space." Newton explained the law of gravitation as instantaneous throughout space and the explanation of En Soph is involved in an all space movement. Thus under the ten squared, we would have 100 plus 97 and so 197, the atomic weight of gold. But those numbers are only obtained through the cube value of iron, we must find its values as a surface area. The diameter of the sphere will be 56, the surface area 4136 multiplied by 3.1415, the unit of the cubed being 31. the value of IHVI. This number 3.1415 is the relation of a diameter to its circum- ference. It is very evident, there can be no spherical form nor any circle, that does not owe its being to this number 3.1415. Some mathematician may exclaim; you are not just correct in this estimation, because, the correct number is a little greater, generally given as 3.1416. That is just where the mathematician is wrong, and he makes his cir- cumference greater than the speed of light can fill, and so his house tumbles to the ground. The surface area of the sphere of iron is 12998, whose square root yields six groups of 19. In this wonderful fact we have reproduced the square of 3.141 plus ten,, as a foundation for the growth or encasement of the colours of the solar spectrum, through the association of the atom of calcium (base of lime in sea water, a product of cell-life) and fluorine. Many of the precious stones are associated with fluor spar, and its description by the chemist proves 67 it to be of phosphorescent origin — that origin being de- pendent on the radioactive elements. This spherical sur- face area of iron, encases the space areas of a "vacuo," and all material distribution is dependent upon the metallic rigidity of the iron atom, through its surface area, and its diameter, making 22, or a paired 11, the basis of all com- binations along a horizontal line of 11 on a rise of 7 — the seven a union of the helium space and the three space area of the earth's three hydrogen atoms, possessing three different rates of vibrations. When we find that gold has its origin in the light and metal constitution of iron, we should look for a proof in nature of the union of the cube and the sphere in the for- mation of gold, as it is found in the earth, because gold must express the metal body of iron in its radioactive char- acter. We do find free gold in the form of a cube with rounded corners. The earth declares the Glory of God. Man can twist and distort the truth, but he cannot cover the testimony of the earth from sight. All this knowledge is involved in the book of Daniel, and told in the image of gold made by Nebuchadnazzer — the man who conquered the king of Jerusalem, and took "part" of the vessels of the house of God to his own place. Nebuchadnezzar also ordered that some of the most learned of the men should also be brought into his kingdom, those skilled in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and under- standing science, so that they might teach this to the people. Daniel says, "I knew the numbers of the book," and proves that a knowledge of numbers was considered the extreme of wisdom. Because of the secrets told to Nebuchadnezzar of the control of iron in the foundation of all metallic bodies, he had an image made of pure gold. The people were com- manded to concentrate their thoughts on this image — not to worship it, but to draw gold forming influences in the king's city. This was nothing less than the use of suggestion as a power to bring forth what was desired. The Jew is the most psychic creature of all creatures* It was this 68 kind of person that was sought as a "King," one who would give to the Jews the wealth of the world. The suggestion involved in Einstein's theory of rela- tivity — matter giving to space its geometrical peculiarity- promises a fulfilment of the prophecies given to Abraham and his seed, all the best of the world in the last days (last kind of light). Thus the "roads or pathways the Jews were to tread would lead them into the recovery of all they had lost. We had the Kaiser claiming to be an instrument in the hands of God to conquer the world, and teach the people the sciences promulgated by the German Intellectuals. We have Nebuchadnezzar taken as a personage, rep- resented in the Kaiser and the pact between Germany and Russia today, point strongly to an attempt on the part of the two nations, to fulfil this prophecy. Nebuchadnezzar is forced to take on the number of the beast (666) or an earth three space area of the atomic boundaries of raemanation — that is he must be set back to the point of reversal of values of the cube of the pi in 31, the value of the Hebrew letters IHVI. We are told these letters are connected with the twelve constellation, through which the sun is said to pass in one year's revolution. This king is promised a complete restoration to his throne and government of the world. The Hebrews have only found the key to all the claims of the Jews and their records of rewards, since the wonders of radium have been demonstrated, and now we have Ein- stein giving the explanation of a fourth dimension as a period of time, that is to fulfil the promises set forth by the Jews so that the people should live in a manner that would bring those things to pass. The Gentiles have taken the Hebrew Bible as a work of men inspired by God, and translated the Hebrew's plan of world control in the latter days, as conditions that were only to be attained by man through submission to the teach- ings of the priest. One writer, in criticising the work of 69 the Kaballah declares there is not one reference in the book to a spiritual existence, as the Gentiles teach. The late William Gladstone, in his attempts to uphold the claim of inspiration by the writers of the Old Testament, declared all mythology was taken from the characters of the Old Testament, and not the Old Testa- ment built on the mythological personages. His oppon- ents demonstrated very clearly the same source of knoweldge to have provided material for both Bible and mythology. The trouble was, mythology was not understood, because no one then knew anything about radium and its light, heat and energy as automatic reproduction. All mythological characters expressed forces of nature under the distribution of gravitational light energy. In olden days the astrologer searched the heavens for signs of earth conditions. This knowledge has been lost, but it may now be in possession of the Hebrew. If the Kaiser can make his people believe he is the type of Nebuchadnezzar — the king who possessed sufficient wealth to make a golden image on the dimensions of a square area equal to the number of degrees in a circle of the heaven he will be able to prove the possibility of his restoration to power to be fulfilled in seven years. Seven years from the close of the last awful war will be up in 1925, and that is the year prophesied by Tol- stoy, before peace would be given to the world. Before that time, he declared the streets should run with blood. War and revolution over the whole world. How do condi- tions point today? Why has Russia and Germany signed the pact they have? Is the Russian revolutionist and the German revolu- tionist laying plans for a world wide war? The outlook is not very promising, to say the least. If we take the group weights of iron ores, in association with oxygen, as we find them in the earth, we have a four associated group yielding a value of 582, and so six groups of 97, the long diagonal of the cube of iron, and also the unit length of 3.1415 as the space keeper of the vacuo of the re- action of rigidity of the metal body. 97 is the fourth power 70 of 3.1415 and this as a diameter, becomes less than what man has ever dreamed it could become, and this demon- strated by Einstein in his theory of relativity, a theory little questioned by the world of science because no man has understood the origin of the living cell. If the long diagonal of the iron cube maintains the reproduction of the fourth dimensional value of pi, 3.1415, the body or image explained by Daniel, was not only a dream, but a scientific warning given so that mankind in the latter days should heed its significance. The head was of gold; the breast of silver, his belly and his thighs of fine brass; his legs of iron; his feet of clay and iron. This same group number is found in the earth as ores of iron — they must be also expressed under dissociation of the metal rigidity, in the form of radium energy, the food of the brain of man. The number value is 444 equal to two atoms of raemanation. Einstein endeavours to disprove Newton's law of grav- itation by proving the "shortening" of all matter with the speed of light. He has not told that this shortening process is the result of the trans- mutation of the non-radioactive elements into the radio- active. He explains the necessity of a law of gravitation which will account for the gradual lessening of this influence with the distance from operative bodies. That there should be so many different explanations required to prove the unity of nature, is only possible because of the attempt to confuse. This explanation is found involved in the internal measure of distortion caused by the surface area of a sphere reacting through its fourth root or fourth dimensional value. The surface area of the sphere of iron yields five groups of 19 the fluorine group, as its square root and this becomes an internal group when united with its 3.1415 when this number is acting as a fixed unit length. All surface areas must reverse their transformations through this number, and so the space areas of the sphere, become expanded, according to the thickness of the film body. 71 Einstein declares gravitation acts as a distortion in space, but he does not say it is so only when the "exertion of creation" takes place. We have a tiny animal, called the hydra, turning itself inside out, in the act of digestion — as man calls it. What does he know of the real significance of digestion? The distortion of a spherical body, from the area of a flat disk, is forced to come under the dimensions of a fixed diameter, and so its extremities are "fluted." In the dimensions of a sphere, its surface area is equal to four circles, with the same diameter. If the sphere is cut into four parts, its parts are concave, and the difference, or transformation of the concave into the flat disk, causes a wrinkled surface. The real cause must be looked for in the law of "short ening" mass or matter moving with the speed of light- That speed is dependent on a definite filling of space areas, and the material must be thrown off or condensed, so that the observer views the action from a wrong standpoint. Light speed depends on the earth's custodianship of com- pression, and light can travel no faster than is expressed as pressure in vacuo, in a definite space area. That this is the correct explanation of speed as an expression of pressure we need only turn to note the spec- trum of the carbon atom, and find, in the radium disinteg- ration, a solution of the mysterious "fluted" spectrum of carbon. Before we can find this solution we must find the origin of the number 3.1415, and the cause of it shortening its length, instead of increasing it as man would do. The carbon atomic group is 12, and it forms a series of association with hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, called the hydro-carbyl system. Dr. Lowig gives the values of the chemical formulae, which we give in num- bers as 25, 26, 78, a total of 129, and this three groups of 43. Now this 43 expresses the total group values of the four primary atoms, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxy- gen, and it is also the number, as 43 seconds of arc, of a 72 planet's deviation on its orbital advancement. In the unit atom is a group of 1850 electrons — that is in the non-radioac- tive atoms, the radioactive units only possessing 1836. That is the radioactive reverse in pairing through ten squar- ed, and so only expresses matter and light as travelling at the highest possible speed. In the spectrum of the atoms we have to do with their constitution as electrons, as the units of matter, so that we must find the number of electrons in a unit atom. As 1850 we have a square root of 43, leaving one active electron, as the earth's encasement of light. Its weight of gravity is fixed in the 1849 inactive electrons, and the space areas of this mass as latent energy, explains and proves the earth to control all expression of gravitation throughout the solar system. Einstein claims to have been the first to recognize mass as latent energy — the discovery of the existence of only one active electron in the hydrogen's group, and the persons who gave the clue to the unit weight of hydrogen, are the ones who made possible a return of knowledge of the sig- nificance of hidden numbers in the Kaballah. In the disintegration of radium, are continually re- produced three groups of the helium weight (12), and we claim these groups are carbon atoms relieved of their excess material travelling with the corpuscles, at the speed of light. In this instance, carbon is not influenced by the gravitational mass as latent energy, because there is no part of matter that is not transforming its space occupation. The carbon group (12) squared yields 144, and this forced to transform space areas through 3.1415, thus building a spherical body, yields 452, and this four groups of 113, the Hebrew number for the sound of the word man. As a paired value we have 226, the radium group weight. We claim, therefore, that carbon, building as a vacuo space builder, or film dispersing energy, builds up the radium atom, and radium and carbon are transmuted space areas. This is proven in the spectrum of carbon. The spectrum of carbon given by the ordinary electric 73 arc is thus described by E. W. Maunder, F.R.A.S. "Three bright bands reveal themselves; the first of a delicate citron tint, the second full emerald green, and the third of a rich blue, each band beginning boldly and sharply on the side towards the red, and fading away gradually on the side to- wards the violet. More light, more dispersion, and a narrower slit break up each of the three bands, into a succession of flutings — that is to say narrower bands, bright and sharp on the red- ward side, fading towards the violet; and reveal also two similar bands of flutings beyond the three chief bands, one in the orange-red, the other in the violet. And these flutings again can be broken up into a succession of bright lines with a most rhythmical arrangement of brightness and position. This beautiful spectrum was first measured and des- cribed by Swan, and so it is often called the "Swan" spec- trum. For there has long been a controversy as to its true origin; whether it is due to carbon itself, or to some com- pound of carbon and if the latter, with what other element the carbon is combined. Carbon, itself, gives a line spec- trum and the idea that the "Swan," is due to simple carbon is now abandoned by many, but there are still two views re- specting it, one that it is the spectrum of a hydrc-carbon- acetyline, the other that it is due to carbon mon-oxide. But it is the "Swan" spectrum, considered by many astronomers as that of the hydrocarbons, that is of chief interest in astronomy. It is found in two classes of objects vastly different from each other; in the one it is seen in pos- itive as bright bands, in the other, in negative as dark ab- sorption flutings. The former class is that of Comets. As early as 1864, Donati was able to examine the spectrum of a comet, and to ascertain that it showed three bright bands, thus proving that it shone, not by mere reflection of sunlight but by rad- iance of its own. The identification of the bands fell to Huggins who showed that they correspond to the three brightest of the beautiful "Swan" spectrum. 74 The second cjass of objects is that of the Red Stars. Their broad dark bands, sharply defined on the redward side and fading off towards the violet, were shown by Secchi, Vogel and Duner to be due to the reversal of the "Swan' 4 spectrum. The Red Stars give the typical cometry spec- trum reversed; so far as these bands are concerned, comets yield us what we should perceive if we could see a Red Star under conditions such as give us the spectrum of the Sun's chromosphere in an eclipse." The spectrum of the carbon atom in its various aspects, must for all time, explain the cause of eclipses, and prove the transmutation of earth material into radiant energy. The carbon group, under the law of gravitation, as a mass involved, must square in producing 144; this must pass through the unit transformation by means of the pi 3.1415 making a spherical body whose surface area is equal in group weights to a paired radium atomic group (452). Thus the carbon growth, under redistribution of its units, must form many different expressions of light, the colours alone being observed by man. In the convex sur- face, its dispersion under a film deposition will cause the "flutings" described by Maunder. In the three bands of colour, the first, a delicate citron tint, we have involved the helium and hydrogen association the nuclei of these atoms being present in the nucleus of all atoms. In the spectrum of the elements we have expressed their space areas filled by light travelling at the rate of pres- sure redistributed within these areas. The second band of full emerald green shows the pre- sence of the iron space vacuo, as the nucleus of a 3 and 4 space area, through three distributions or three systems, making 63, the group weight of copper, or the light of the angle of the planet Venus. Only the nucleus of the atoms are involved in the spectrum colours, because it is the mass as "latent energy" that is being forced to express itself in the form of light pressure equal to its speed on release. The third band, as that of a rich blue, gives the result of the presence of sulphur and copper, in their nuclei. 75 Sulphur (32) is also equal to two groups of oxygen, and where space vacuos are concerned, gravitational influence cannot control, except through transmutation into radium energies. Many astronomers consider the "Swan" spectrum to be due to the presence of hydrocarbons, and when we know this system is founded on three groups of atomic associa- tion, given by Lowig as equal to groups 25, 26, 78, we have a total of 129, and so three groups of 43, the group of Ein- stein's unit deviation of a planet on its orbital advancement. This is the real significance of the phenomena, and the presence of the Swan spectrum in comets and its reversal in the Red Stars, prove the origin of Einstein's information demonstrated in his theory of relativity. The reversal of the numbers 79 and 97 in the diagonals of the iron cube, is used by the Hebrews in their expression of the number value of the name "Moses," the life drawn from water. Before entering this phase of the system of numbers involved in Hebrew mathematics, we must note the sig- nificance of the group weight of carbon in the world of Hebrew chemistry. In the carbon weight (12) raised to a fourth power we have the number 20736, or one hundred groups of 207, the lead group. It is very evident, what the physicists have proven in their declaration that the radium elements break down into lead, is the transmutation of carbon, as a four space keeper of the helium atom in the form of "latent energy," the condition of mass. demonstrated by Einstein. Thus every atomic constitution must possess three and four different forms, and man has only recognised one or two so far. The three space areas must change position of sign in a nine space area and this raised to a fourth power yields 6561 as a group that must force a distribution of light as so many unit atoms possessing some relation to internal trans- formations. As the earth holds control of the metal rigidity as a gravitational space distortion (under change of tem- 76 perature the temperature a radioactive activity) the uran- ium atom must yield a group weight for this number 6561 to distribute as the equalisation of units between radioactive and nonradioactive elements. As the earth controls cube values we treat the group of uranium (238) increased by 10 ra : sed to the fourth power as a cube side, and obtain for the diagonal of the cube, the number 41224, whose half division yields 20612 that must be redistributed under equal division by 6561. This yields the number 3.1415, this wonderful space keeper and government of radio- active expression of energy. This number, 41224, stands as condemnation for all time, against Einstein who has kept secret the knowledge that will yield to man control of life itself. The Greek knew all about it, for he uses Jupiter as the god Zeus, who was to give to the Greek all that was prom- ised to the Hebrew and the Egyptian. Jupiter was the god of the air — he was the spirit of disintegration of stone weights. Therefore we have a definite cubic area in the stone carved not by human hands, but by the heavens, breaking up the metallic weights in the last stage of the old conditions of things. The metallic bondage made the heart a heart of stone., the stone breaking down the image of iron, gold and silver, takes the place of a weight of momentum, and the heart is made flesh, through the value of 3.1415 made a whole number through the intelligence in man recognizing the truth of his origin. The dimensions of the Rosetta Stone, as near as can be estimated, is based on the claim of weight, under a definite number of cubic inches, and this number is involved in the Hebrew claim 31415, the number value of the name "Alhim," or God. The Hebrew lost the significance of this number until radium was fully analysed and its proper- ties in self transmutation into helium and raemanation, re- vealed the great secret of the En Soph, whose number is 207. The number of cubic inches in the Rosetta Stone, yields a square root of 87, as near as can be estimated, and this must express the weight of stone or space area of "mass or 77 latent energy" that is reproducing all that the Greek claimed as the forerunner of the Christ — for that is the claim of the Greek in his conquest of Egypt. Egyptian claim to the protection of the gods was based on the occupa- tion of a definite space area (expressed in the pyramid of each King) by mass, as a form of latent energy, that would become his dwelling place after death — in the kingdom of light. This mass would maintain a position for him just as securely as man buys a piece of ground on which to build his house. Einstein's En Soph's division through exertion of crea- tion, into ten intelligences, filled all space— and therefore the units of these parts acted throughout space under various forms. Newton's law of gravitation was also instantaneous throughout space, and, although he knew nothing about radium, he formulated laws that are necessary for the pro- duction of radium and radium must reproduce, through dis- integration of its internal solids, the "space" areas expressed in its internal solid particles. These particles are the B- corpuscles which travel at the speed of light; but light can- not always express its energy in straight lines, it must ex- press some of it as does the dog on the treadmill, within closed areas; and so we have the closed areas of the three helium groups or a- particles, the x-rays, and something that is not a ray. This "something" is mass or latent energy, maintaining the space area of the earth's unit of gravity, and it is this measure of "mass, as latent energy" that causes eclipses. It is nothing less than the overlapping, called "absorption lines" by the physicist, when he explains the phenomena of spectrum analysis. In the square root of the cubic inches in the Rosetta Stone — 87, we have exactly the number that would be found as the displacement of the stars, 87 seconds of arc under calculation by Newton's law of gravitation. This law must give three divisions becuase of the earth's three dimensional control, and so 29 as a unit group. But there are two sys- tems, three in each latent energy, and active movement, and so six times 29 yields 1.74, a unit closer than Einstein's 78 prediction. The displacement must occur under the trans- mutation of the nuclei of hydrogen and helium, five units of light transmuted into "darkness," and this darkness, a repression of light travelling 186000 miles per second. This would require an additional group of five and so make up the deflection of 1.79 the exact number. All darkness, or absorption work can only occur through the active electrons constituting the nucleus of the atom, taking on a resting condition or as the physicist explains, the radium elements breaking down into lead. The break down is nothing less than the radiant energy taking on the rigidity of the metallic body. If the disintegration of rad- ium is nothing less than the transmutation of its metallic rigidity into activity, it would not absorb external substance, as we view substance. We must ask, is there any expres- sion of energy possible except it is an expression of the "break" down of rigidity in the metallic body? Does this view not scientifically explain the secret knowledge involved in the image made of gold, silver, iron, brass and clay of Nebuchadnezzar? The image he dreamed of being broken in pieces by the "stone" not made by hands. This stone, we claim is being gradually formed through the transmutation of the space areas of aluminium (27), as the number three cubed. It cannot be made a whole solid weight in the dimensions of 31415 cubic inches until radium, changes that mass of "spirit ' earth into an heavenly spiritual expression. Then it MUST come. That this is the true science involved in the knowledge of Daniel, who declared he knew the numbers of the book, we have proven in the group weight of gold, silver, iron, and clay, a total of four groups, (97) the number 3.1415 raised to the fourth power. 97 is also the long diagonal of the cube of iron, and iron is not found in the earth except in association with oxygen and oxygen is almost pure silicon, or silicon is almost pure oxygen. Silicon has a weight of (28), and the space area of this atom is only one unit more than clay. If the clay space is held as a vacuo in the flesh of. the body, it is the space that will provide the material 79 for the "New-Life, when that space "comes down from heav- en" to take on the form of flesh. If the group 31415 is given in the Kaballah as the value of the name Alhim, or God, we have the Jew claiming the privilege, or sole right of possession of this life — the life made flesh under the Light of radium — whose b-particles travel at the speed of pressure bound up in the division of the earth and the heaven, throughout space. Now we can have some idea of the origin of the terrific energy expressed in the disintegration of the radium atom. It involves the pressure that was necessary to divide the mass of the uni- verse into separating energies, and the non-radioactive elements were only forms or weights of bondage, of the press- ure expressed in the division of all that filled space — express- ed in the Kaballah as "exertion of creation." Each radium atom is but the energy released by the break down of rigid- ity controlling expansion of all matter, as latent energy, throughout space. The ancient assertion "as above so below," must now take on a new significance and that sig- nificance proves for all time the truth of Newton's law of gravitation. If it is possible, to find an explanation of distribution of all energy throughout space through the "exertion of creation" by the Hebrew En Soph, is it not equally possible to explain the origin of the earth and of man, under definite group numbers? Every letter of the Hebrew alphabet, has a figure value, so that if we had the Old Testament written in figures in- stead of letters, we would have a mathematical description of space dimensions and the geometrical forms occupying those dimensions whether the geometrical forms brought forth man or flower. If definite group numbers actually expressed space occupants, under the speed of light, either bound or other- wise, could not the same information be built in the dimen- sions governing the form of a temple, or a pyramid? The Jews built an Ark, whose number of cubic inches yield the number of miles from the earth to the sun. The ao tabernacle built under the plans laid out in harmony with the necessary "space" house of a life drawn from waters (Moses), with all its different parts, and the curtains and "veil" separating light, into various proportions, is nothing less than a symbol of the sea and land and the life repre- senting the continual reproduction of those necessary space areas. This is what Josephus tells us, and he was the accredited authority of the Jews. This knowledge has been lost, and now is found because the light of radium is now traced to its everlasting source. In the early history of Egypt, the study of astronomy was the greatest pursuit of man. The reason for this has never been understood. Now v/hen we can photograph the light of the stars, and find the deflection of their position through the earth's pushing its gravitational field into the space area of the sun, man should soon know what sort of disturbance to look for on the earth. The earth must re- ceive into its confines — yea its internal space areas, just the amount of absorption the sun's field is forced to produce. The Egyptians considered any building on the earth erected by man, out of harmony in dimensions with those transferrable between earth and heaven, to be an unforgivable crime. If man changed the positions of mater- ial from one place to another on the earth surface, it must be done in accordance with the law of occupation of space areas. Altars might be of various forms, but a definite space area must be expressed in the building of those altars, tem- ples or pyramids. We are told by Josephus that Seth was a man of as- tronomy and went in to Egypt, where he caused two pillars to be built, one of stone and one of brick, in case the pro- phecy of a coming flood might be found to be true. That in these buildings he placed all necessary knowledge of as- tronomy for mankind, to preserve life upon the earth. If this was done in case of a flood only, what was done in case of a second calamity, when the elements shall melt with fervent heat." What is the heat, but that of electricity — 81 that of radium, when its three groups of a-particles must take the place of a three space area, under shift of a unit atom forcing the nuclei of hydrogen and helium to unite in nine transformations through six positions, as space dimen- sions, when a group of 270 will build the space of aluminium, in the solid as a stone — the stone formed without hands, be- cause the electricity of hydrogen and helium, are not a grav- itational measure of the earth's space areas but of the heav- ens. In this group 270 are expressed ten group weights of the atom of aluminium — or clay "in the hands of the potter," GEOMETRICAL SPACE PECULIARITIES. Enstein says "The non-mathematician is seized by a mysterious shuddering when he hears of "four-dimensional" things, by a feeling not unlike that awakened by thoughts of the occult. And yet there is no more common-place statement than that the world in which we live is a four- dimensional space time continuum. Space is a three-dimensional continuum. By this we mean that it is possible to describe the position of a point by means of three numbers (co-ordinates) x,y.z, and that there is an indenfiite number of points in the neighbourhood of this one, the position of which can be described by co- ordinates such as x^y^z 1 . which may be as near as we choose to the respective values of the co-ordinates x,y,z. of the first point. In virtue of the latter property we speak of a "continuum," and owing to the fact that there are three co-ordinates we speak of it as being "three-dimensional." Similarly, the world of physical phenomena which was briefly called "world" by Minkowski is naturally four- dimensional in the space time sense. For it is composed of individual events, each of which is described by four numbers, namely, three space co-ordinates x,y,z, and a time co-ordinate t. The "world" is in this sense also a contin- uum: for to every event there are as many "neighbouring" events (realised or at least thinkable) as we care to choose the co-ordinates x 1 y 1 z 1 t 1 of which differ by an indefin- 82 itely small amount from those of the event x,y,z,t,originally considered. That we have not been accustomed to regard the world in this sense as a four dimensional continuum is due to the fact that in physics before the advent of the theory of relativity, time played a different and more in- dependent role, as compared with the space of co-ordinates. It is for this reason that we have been in the habit of treating time as an independent continuum. The four dimensional mode of consideration of the "world" is natural on the theory of relativity, since accord- ing to this theory time is robbed of its independence. But the discovery of Minkowski, which was of import- ance for the formal development of the theory of relativity, does not lie here. It is to be found rather in the fact of his recognition that the four-dimensional space-time continuum of the theory of relativity, in its most essential formal pro- perties, shows a pronounced relationship to the three di- mensional continuum of Euclidean geometrical space. Under these conditions, the natural satisfying the demands of the (special) theory of relativity assumes mathematical forms, in which the time co-ordinate plays exactly the same role as the three-space co-ordinates. Formally, these four co-ordinates correspond exactly to the three space co-ordin- ates in Euclidean geometry. It must be clear even to the non-mathematician that, as a consequence of this purely formal addition to our know- ledge the theory perforce gained clearness in no mean mea- sure." In the above explanation, by Einstein of the transfor- mation of a three space dimension, into a four dimensional time space, we have a proof of possession of the drawing of geometrical forms demonstrated on plate (G). This drawing was found on a clay tablet, dug up from the ruins of an Egyptian temple. The interior circle was not included in the drawing; that surface area expressing the value of the Divine Name could not be "contained" in space. We recall the refusal of the Jew to pronounce the name 83 of "Eiohim," declaring anyone who did not pronounce it correctly brought condemnation to his soul. Now what does this signify, when the "sound" of the word man is given the value of 113, the half atomic group of the atom of rad- ium? If we dig into the root of Einstein's theory of relativity, connected with a fourth dimensional time space/ we have that space representing the unit force of gravitation, as a universal space in which is confined a definite amount of pressure, marking time as the dog on the treadmill. In a foot note to one of the dissertations on "experience and relativity" he says "The general theory of relativity renders it likely that the electrical mass of an electron are held to- gether by gravitational forces." It is to the time-bondage of this gravitational force, that Einstein connects three and four dimensional geometric- al forms, in common with Euclidean geometry. In the number of electrons, taking the position of electronic masses, or matter in a condition of latent energy, we have the origin of Einstein's 43 seconds of arc in the deviation of a planet on its orbital advancement; also his gravitational "distor- tion" in space geometrical peculiarities. The proof of this he demonstrates in the "shortening" of lengths travelling at the speed of light IN A STRAIGHT LINE. Apparently, not one of the intellectual minds of the world has been keen enough to grasp the cause of the shortening of lengths, in travelling in straight lines. Light does not always travel in straight lines, but it can express the same amount of distribution of energy by travelling in a confined space area like the dog on the treadmill. If we allow the earth to take the position of the dog on the treadmill, we will have provision for all distribution of energy in the muscular activity of the cell life on the surface of the earth — that cell- life taking up the pressure of sunlight, through its four space areas, as time-keepers of light, alone, as far as Jhe earth is concerned, because the earth, through its gravitational fields "in the midst of the sun" breaks down the ridigity of the metal weight, fixing the limit of the uranium parent of 84 radium. This metal rigidity must renew itself, or all substance would become blazing electricity. Electronic masses of the electron, as a gravitational force, finds its law of squaring in the square of 43, making 1849, the num- ber of electrons in the earth's hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen atoms analysed through radioactive sources, do not yield this number 1849, as their gravitational mass, but there are only 1836 electrons making up the con- stitution of atoms when examined through radioactive means. In this we have proven the "shortening" of the lengths of the hydrogen's grouping, to the extent of 14 electrons. When we obtain the explanation of this phenom- enon we will have the key to Einstein's theory of relativity — hidden under the dimensions of the "spirit" of darkness — as mass in the form of latent energy. This number 1836, yields the key to the hidden science of the Kaballa. It is noticed, the number 1836 is a mathe- matical displacement of space occupants, because the space occupied by the 1849 electrons, under the earth's three di- mensional boundaries, are displaced and only 1836 are found to occupy the unit atomic space. It is very strange that no man has applied the law of angular lengths, as a solution to this apparent contradiction. When the physicist is examining matter under radioactive conditions, he is work- ing in the space areas "in the midst of the sun," bound in the crystals of the earth. The earth's angle tips its equator- ial line, from a perfect horizontal position, and no examin- ation of anything on the earth can evade this influence of gravitational bondage in the electronic mass of the electron. Thus the space areas of sunlight — through the nucleus of hydrogen and helium (1-4). when examined under radium influences, must be calculated through the group number five, squared in twenty-five, through a four dimensional space area; yielding one hundred as the system through which the hydrogen units control earth angularity as a group of 1849 electrons and the angularity of the Pole of the Ecliptic, through the 1836 electrons of radioactive origin. The number 18, is that of water, and it must absorb and 85 "digest" the one hundred atoms "within its midst," and also provide a pair (36), as a space area wherein can be reversed the condition of the mass as latent energy, with expression of activity in straight lines in the light of the solar spectrum. The solar spectrum — must, therefore, be encased within every atomic mass, in the form of latent energy, that can be forced to give place to the same amount of activity as ex- pressed in light travelling at its rate of speed, in the unit corpuscle of radium disintegration, the b-particles. These particles, travelling with the speed of light, must possess the universal space areas of a unit sphere, whose surface area expresses the cube of the unit universal space length of light movement. Therefore we will set up a common sense hypothesis, whereby (1) a body to be able to travel with the speed of light, must possess a surface area whose space occupation, will express the cube of the length of the unit of light in three different conditions, x,y,z, and maintain the occupa- tion of its space area for t, time, thus making a fourth- dimensional space in the time-limit of its attached gravita- tional electronic mass — as latent energy. We find this quantity of latent energy, in the forces that cause the group- ing of the three a-particles, as helium atoms, in a condition of a four dimensional space occupant, each group consisting of four atomic space areas — those of the space of radium energy — not of the hydrogen units of the earth, the differ- ence of 14 electrons, laying the foundation for all that is expressed in the disintegration of the radium group elec- trons — this latent space keeper, building through universal unit speed of light carrying its own transmutation forces. Thus the truth of the declaration of "The Kingdom of God is within you," and further the declaration of man's origin as such as to give to him, eventually, the image of his creator. We shall now turn to the explanation of the science involved in the Hebrew Kaballah, and prove it in this draw- ing, with ten different geometrical space areas. We will also be able to prove this system of circles and 86 squares, and "distorted" square in the oblique parallelogram, to provide the difference in length shortened in Einstein's theory of relativity. The question has been asked again and again by stu- dents of ancient systems of religion, why does every explana- tion of the origin of man, be attached to an explanation of the origin of the world? The late Sir William Dawson, writing his experiences in investigating the testimony of geology as to the time of the appearance of life on the earth, asks why this fact is neces- sary. What had the appearance of cell-life on the earth to do with the individualisation of light, in fixed dimensions through the surface area of the members of the solar system, we ask, and find the answer in the control, by the earth, of mass, as latent energy, of the resting time of 13 electrons. Einstein says "The general theory of relativity renders it likely that the electrical masses of an electron are held together by gravitational forces." Then he explains grav- itation as an act of "distortion," and we find this distortion involved in the parallelogram along an oblique angle, as the square pressed together from corner to corner. The surface area of this distorted square is not any less than a perfect square but it provides two diameter lengths, (3), and (3.38) that controls lengths and their shortening from a transmutation of the non-radioactive elements, as earth atoms, into radioactive elements, or lengths along a direct right angle. Thus we have, the right angle and the diagonal of its square, the key to Einstein's theory of relativity. It is noted the difference between the two diameters is .38, or a paired 19, and this made a whole number, brings up the number of the fluorine atom, but as a length involving both diagonal and square side there must be two groups in this number 19; so we look at it as ten plus nine, working out two distinct systems, separating space areas, yet holding them indivisible under this distorted square. Under the law of gravitation the number 10 will build and maintain light speed at the rate of 186,000 miles per second in the lights of the sun, and planets, as one extremity, the other 87 extremity in the centre of the earth, where the internal gravitational pressure can only be the one hundredth part of the other, and this only through its square root, placing internal gravitational energy as a fourth root of the di- mensional surface area of a body as an occupant of space. Because of this, the gravitational action must be from centre to centre, just as has been followed in the past — the cause of any failure on the part of Newton's law being ignorance of the associated diagonal and straight line — one being im- possible without the other — the two expressing earth and heaven "lengths," (23 and 20). The external space area occupied by the square, stand- ing on its corners, encloses nine geometrical forms, the space area Of the square being (25) square inches. The internal square is two inches on the side, and in a space of 25 square inches there are 6.25 of these squares, or 625 when united with the one hundred as the extremity in the light of the sun. Now this number 625, is a provision for the number 5 cubed (125) and this through five trans- formations, from internal to surface area, as a fourth root value. In other words all the enclosed geometrical lines must act and react throughout their own dimensions. We have therefore in this drawing, the disintegration of the radium atom exemplified under a strict mathematical sys- tem, showing the uranium group of 234 to be the diagonal of the square of the long diameter of the distorted square in the form of the oblique parallelogram. This parallelogram is the fourth space area, within the square of 25, and its surface area yields (5.06), and in its light value would be (506) and so a paired (253). Now this number must yield eleven divisions, because it expresses the values of four space areas under earth gravitational con- trol of a three space "time." The group (5) is the encase- ment, and the paired earth and heaven (3 plus 3) makes five and six, a group of eleven equal divisions' and we have the number (23) the length that must shorten or change posi- tions with the straight line of the square side, as (20). In this wonderful drawing we have all that is necessary 88 to prove the correctness of Newton's law of Gravitation* and also to prove the radium atom to express the foundation of everlasting life — as an earth life transmuted into condi- tions of chemistry, making continuous life possible on the earth. The amount of surface area, expressed in the ten differ- ent enclosed areas, total (100), and the surface area of the circle within the square of two on the side is exactly 3.1415 the relation of the diameter to the circumference. Again, the lengths of diameters and square sides, taken under their cubic and surface area of a sphere, total 450 cubic inches, and as there are ten different positions, the equality will force 450 cubes of ten on the side, and this is exactly the number of cubes, of ten on the side, that are found in the dimensions of Noah's Ark. The dimensions are given in "cubits." The origin of this word is traced to Syria, and it signified "the measure of justice;" the "mother measure," and, most peculiar, "that which was before light." In this we have the same infor- mation as involved in the Hebrew En Soph, which filled all space and in his exertion of creation, acted through ten in- telligences, emanating from himself like rays from a lumin- ary. The ancient cubit, and the length used in the pyramid dimensions, is the division of (207) the number of En Soph, into ten parts, making 20.7 the "sacred cubit" of ancient science. No matter what the length of the cubit of the Hebrew may be found to be, it will express this length "shortened" in favour of that nation. Now we can turn to the Kaballah and see what use is made there of the number 31415 — which is expressed in the "inner" circle as 3.1415 or a unit part by 10 raised to the fourth power — the fourth dimensional "time" of Einstein. The author of the "Source of Measures" (Gerald Mas- sie) says, "The foundation of the Kaballah and of all its wisdom books is made to rest upon the ten Sephiroth.". In the Kaballah there are three kinds of Light, the same as in Occultism: 69 (1) the Abstract and Absolute Light, which is darkness; (2) The Light of the Manifested-Unmanifested, called by some the Logos; and (3) The Latter Light reflected in the Elohim, collectively — who, in their turn, shed it on the objective Universe. But in the Kaballah the three Lights are described as: (1) The clear and penetrating, that of Jehovah; (2) reflected light; and (3) light in the abstract. This Light abstractly taken, (in a metaphysical or symbolical sense) is Alhim (Elohim, God) while the clear penetrating Light is Jehovah. The light of Alhim belongs to the world in general, in its Allness and general fulness, but the light of Jehovah is that pertaining to the chiefest pro- duction, man, whom this light penetrated to and made. To the fulness of the world in general with its chiefest content, man, the term Elohim— Jehovah applies. In ex- tracts from the Sohar, the Rev. Dr. Cassell (a Kabalist), to prove that the Kaballah sets forth the doctrine of the Trinity, among other things says, "Jehovah is Elohim (Al- him) By three steps God (Alhim) and Jehovah become the same, and though separated, each and together they are of the same One." Mr. Ralston Skinner quotes thus from the Kaballah. "The prince Al-Chazari (in the Book Al-Chazari, by Jeh- uda-ha-Levi) says to the Rabbi, "I wish now that thou wouldst impart to me some of the chiefest or leading prin- ciples of Natural Philosophy, which, as thou sayest, were in former times worked out by them (the ancient wise ones) :" to which the Rabbi makes answer: "To such principles ap- pertains the Number of Creation of our race-father Abra- ham (that is Abram and Abraham, or numbers 41224 and 41252). He then says that this book of numbers treats of teaching the "Alhim-ness and One-ness through (DBRIM" viz., the numbers of the word "Words." That is it teaches the use of the ratio 31415 to One, through 41224, which last, in the description of the Ark of the Covenant, was divided into two parts by the two tables of stone, on which these DBRIM, or 41224, were written or engraved —or 20612x2. He then comments on these three subordinated used words 90 and takes care as to one of them to make the comment, "and Alhim (31415 to One) said let there be light (20612 to 6561)." The Rabbi further commenting on these says "It teach- es the Alhim-ness (31415) and One-ness (the diameter to Alhim), through words (DBRIM-4 1224), by which on the one side there is infinite expression in heterogeneous crea- tions, and on the other a final harmonic tendency to One- ness "(which as every one knows, is the mathematical func- tion of pi of the schools, which measures, weighs, and num- bers the stars of heaven, and yet resolves them back into the final One-ness of the Universe), through Words. Their final accord perfects itself in that One-ness that ordains them. The Rabbi, in stating certain Hebrew words leaves the jod or i, out of one of the words, whereas he afterwards restores it again. If we take the values of those subordinate words, we find them to be 340, 340, and 346, together the total is 1026, and the division of the general word into these has been to produce these numbers — which by T'mura may be changed in various ways, for various purposes." Before we proceed to quote further from the mathe- matics of the Kaballah, we must note the origin of the num- bers attached to the name of Alhim, God. Referring to the drawing (Plate G) of geometrical squar- es, circles and "distorted" square, we find the second square, and the third circle to possess the same length as diameter and square side. But the third equal length is expressed in the lesser diameter of the distorted square, so that there are involved six equal lengths, within the fifth circle. The diagonal of the second square takes on the equal length of the diameter of the fifth circle, but along a diagonal line. Thus a horizontal and perpendicular line cutting the diag- onal, will produce eight divisions, and we have every di- mension involved in this system of geometrical lines, cut equally into eight parts even extending to the points of the outside square standing on its corners. There will be eigh divisions, and eight only, that must enter into the control 91 and formation of all space areas. Because of this, the earth is the control centre of gravitational mass, and its unit group is centered in the hydrogen atom in 1849 inactive electrons. There are ten enclosed outlines, so there will be eighty parts in this division of eight, where light is expressing a pressure of 186C00 miles a second. This pressure can only be expressed under confined orbits ; and we have the explana- tion of the origin of vegetable and animal life in the sea. The peculiarity of the long diameter of the distorted square (3.38) is reproduced in the square of three on a side (3 being the short diameter of the distorted square) whose equal area as a circle, forms a diameter of 3.38 so that the two will control the redistribution of light pressure under the centre space area of 3.1415. In the earth, the number 3.38 will become (under rad- ium) a whole number and this forming a cube will produce a diagonal length of 478, and a paired 239, which is greater than the limit of the uranium group of 238. Therefore an explosion takes place, and the cell (in the form of a seed as a metal weight) begins the life of cells, controlled and developed in the waters of the earth, through the radium light of the sun. as "Alhim." In the number 80, as unit values we have a paired group of calcium, the foundation of limestone; also of bromine as a gravitational molecular field, and this element is found in seaweeds and the waters of the ocean. Dr. E. Bade, in the Scientific American says, — "Won- derful as it seems chemistry can create plants. Even though they have no life, the marvel of it remains. Such a man- made plant, while not possessing the vital spark of life, is susceptible to chemical and physical stimuli, and its develop- ment is hindered by poisons. Just like the living plant, these artificial plants are able to heal wounds caused in the course of growth. Various kinds of plant-like structures can easily be produced with chemicals, if one part of water-glass (silicate of soda) and six parts of water are used as the liquid; we may 92 use seeds made by mixing 15 parts of copper sulphate, 5 parts of ferrous sulphate, 5 parts of calcium sulphate and 5 parts of water. These must be dried after making the seeds about the size of a pea. These will produce green moss- like structures." If we analyse the group weights of the atoms involved in this process we find the key of life to be held in the copper sulphate, whose group is 95 and so five groups of 19, the fluorine number. This number is the diameter length of 59, and this number express the combination of calcium (40) and fluorine, and it is the height of the first pyramid course in the middle of the North side, united with the earth rock in a height of 31 inches and 31 is the value of the Hebrew letters IHVI, whose value is pi, 3.1415 cubed. The explanation given of the origin of the Bardic al- phabet, involves a charge against the Hebrews, or any per- son looking upon the "sign" of the Divine Name (31415) as the Name itself. We are told the Kaballah was not written until the thirteenth century, because its secrets were kept amongst the priesthood and only given out orally. A charge is made that the system of mathematics shown in the Kaballah was purposely hidden so that the Jews should, alone, be able to read the signs of planetary phenomena and know what part of the earth would be safe for man. The question arises, "did the High Priest always know about radium and how to make the "clouds" arise at will? The charge of the Bards that a false conception of God brought death to the God-man (Jehovah, even the man Jehovah— man made in the likeness and image of Alhim, 31415 and 113 to 355 (radium) ) is also implied in the story of Gain and Abel, this story no doubt relating to the life of the man founded on the constitution of radioactive matter— matter that would maintain the reproduction of a gravitational field in line with Einstein's theory of relativ- ity, where material must reproduce the energy that will ef- fect the redistribution of the elements of the earth through solution of the rigidity of the metallic body. When this 93 solution becomes "loaded" with too many crystals — the man must die. We are told the reason of the acceptance of the offering of Abel's to be more pleasing to God than that of Cain's was because Abel's offering was the first of the flock, and the fat thereof. This mention of "fat" explains the secret hidden in this story. Fat is made from carbon, and this material or the atomic weight of the carbon atom, is taken as the foundation of the name or man as the "Adam-KDM. In the Kaballah is stated "The ten is the first Divine Man- ifestation which contains every possible power of exact ex- pression of proportion — the sacred Jod. By this Kaballah we are taught that these Sephiroth" (note the ten geometric- al figures) were the numbers or emanations of the heavenly Light (20612 to 6561) they were the ten Words, DBRIM, 41224, the light of which they were the flux was the heavenly man, the Adam-KDM (144-144) : and the Light, by the New Testament or Covenant (41224) created God: just as by the Old Testament God (Alhim, 31415) creates Light (20612 to 6561)." In this declaration we have direct proof of the fact that the Hebrews looked upon God as an expression of the rad- ium light — that is they only recognised the expression of his power, as the great thing to be desired. As this expres- sion came in the form of light: — and if that light was carrying with it as its material part the rigidity of gold, and the precious stone in the diamond, then we know the Jew's choice has not changed. We demand to know of these people why they have ever refused to enter into the cultivation of the land, as do other peoples. They are not, as a people found where hard work is required to be done. When we know that temper- ature controls distortion of space areas, and that now Ein- stein claims distortion of space to be gravitational effects, we know the Jews will not do hard work because it will raise the temperature of their bodies and bring them into sub- jection to the same reactions of law (that are working out a new heaven and a new earth) as the Gentiles are subjected 94 to. The Jews took on circumscision in order to separate them from gravitational reactions of life, through the at- mosphere they breathed, of other peoples. This may ap- pear very improbable, but Einstein proves it so in his theory of relativity. Any removal of a part of the body, separates that body from the universal unit gravitational "mass" or a definite proportion of latent energy. Any material put into the body is an excess, any part taken away leaves a vacant place, and this vacant place cuts off in space, the regular order of movements, and the act of circumscision is just as effective as an act of vaccination. The Jew set up an order of life that was to be followed until the time of the end — the end of the earth's second history, where its first chemical elements were all deposited under a regular temperature throughout the earth. When the space areas of the lights of the planets, worked down into the earth's through the helium nucleus in the earth's atoms in the in- ternal gravitational masses, those space areas belonged to the spaces of light executing their greatest expansion under molecular activity, and this expansion, expressed in the earth's internal gravitational fields, forced the elevation of the mountains, and the sinking of the valleys. The re- action, in space caused the distortion claimed by Einstein to be the real force of a gravitational action. He is hiding the fact that this action was a secondary expression, through an internal mass, as latent energy, becoming active. At this time the extreme end of light in the colours of the solar spectrum, were reversing their positions, and this could not be accomplished except through the medium of Polar action, because the colours of the solar spectrum express the earth's mass as latent energy in the form of radiocative energies. The latent condition of radioactive substances must produce the colours of the solar spectrum — the colours arising through the speed of light being confined to definite space areas — that speed not expressed in straight lines, but in curvature; The curvature of space areas has been made much of in various problems, and it must express the man- ner of distribution of energy in the second history of the 95 earth's changes. Light cannot be changed in its gravita- tional speed; it can only be "geared down," or forced to "shorten its mass," as Einstein claims. The shortening of the mass does not reduce the amount of energy expressed in the speed, and there is no way for man to find an evidence of this shortening through reaction under analysis by man, because it is an earth's resistance to change in the dimen- sions of its space areas. The distortion must come through the entrance into the earth's gravitational fields of the rad- ium energies, and this could only come through disturbance of molecular activities. Radium, as an internal system of atomic disintegration — and this disintegration nothing less than a change in position of rigidity of a metal body (the straight line of 20 forcing its angle of 23) is not affected by any known means; because its units represent universal space division of all material substances. This is why man cannot break down the atoms of matter. They express groupings of universal units, where mass, as latent energy takes the place of the atoms when man attempts to break them down. It is just here, under the Lorentz-Maxwell theory that Einstein obtained the foundation for his system of "distortion" of the truth. We will quote his own words on this matter, and show how clever the professor was to found his system of relativity on the Englishman's demonstration of law. He says ' "To what extent is the special theory of relativity supported by experience"? This question is not easily answered for the reason already mentioned in con- nection with the fundamental experiment of Fitzeau. The special theory of relativity has crystallised cut from the Maxwell-Lorentz theory, of electromagnetic phenomena. Thus all facts of experience which support the electromag- netic theory also support the theory of relativity. As being of particular importance, I mention here the fact that the theory of relativity enables us to predict the effects produced on the light reaching us from the stars. These results are obtained in an exceedingly simple manner, and the effects indicated, which are due to the relative motion of the earth with reference to the fixed stars are found to be in accord 96 with experience. We refer to the yearly movement of the apparent position of the fixed stars resulting from the motion of the earth round the sun (aberration), and to the influence of the radial components of the relative motions of the fixed stars with respect to the earth on the colour of the light reaching us, from them. The latter effect man- ifests itself in a slight displacement of the spectral lines of the light transmitted to us from a fixed star, as compared with the position of the same spectral lines when they are produced by a terrestial source of light (Dopper principle). The experimental arguments in favour of the Maxwell- Lorentz theory, which are at the same time arguments in favour of the THEORY of RELATIVITY, are too numerous to be set forth here. In reality they limit the theoretical possibilities to such an extent, that no other theory than that of Maxwell and Lorentz has been able to hold its own when tested by experience. But there are two classes of experimental facts hitherto obtained which can be represented in the Maxwell-Lorexitz theory only by the introduction of an auxiliary hypothesis, which in itself — that is without making use of the theory of relativity — appears extraneous. It is known that cathode rays and the so-called B-rays emitted by radioactive substances consist of negatively electrified particles (electrons) of very small inertia and large velocity. By examining the deflection of these rays under the influence of electric and magnetic fields we can study the law of motion of these particles very exactly. In the theoretical treatment of these electrons, we are faced with the difficulty that electromagnetic theory of itself is unable to give an account cf their nature. For since electrical masses of one sign repel each other, the neg- ative electrical masses constituting the electron would neces- sarily be scattered under the influence of their mutual re- pulsions, unless there are forces of another kind operating between them, the nature of which has hitherto remained obscure to us. (Foot note to this. The general theory of relativity renders it likely that the masses of an electron are 97 held together by gravitational forces). If we now assume that the relative distance between the electrical masses con- stituting the electron remain unchanged during the motion of the electron, (rigid connection in the sense of classical mechanics) we arrive at a law of motion of the electron which does not agree with experience. Guided by purely formal points of view, H. A. Lorentz was the first to introduce the hypothesis, that the particles constituting the electron ex- perience a contraction in the direction of motion in conse- quence of that motoin." ' Einstein, it is observed, draws at- tention to the motion of the earth relative to the fixed stars, — "and to the influence of the radial components of the relative motions of the fixed stars with respect to the earth on the COLOUR of the light reaching us from them. When Einstein tells us this effect manifests itself in a slight displacement of the spectral line of the light trans- mitted to us from a fixed star, as compared with the position of the same spectral lines when they are produced by a ter- restrial source of light, we have a proof that this displace- ment's a result of the earth's gravitational lines of curva- ture of its surface, resisting any change in its mass as an occupant of space itself, as a member of the solar system. We are told in the Bible the earth was pushed out of its place, but a time will come when it will return to its first position — that it will be "raised up" at the last days (kind of light), and we have this declaration, in the Bible coming from a knowledge of the fourth dimension theory of Einstein. We shall prove this through the force of repulsion in like signs of the electrons, and also in the constitution of the "molecule," under the equal expansion of gases under equal temperature. Why do electrical masses of one sign repel each other? Why is another force operating between these masses neces- sary to hold them from being scattered throughout space, and form lost to mass? Einstein gives us the clue to the source of this knowledge in the difference of the light in the stars, and of light pro- duced on earth, by man while examining the spectrum of 98 colours of the chemical elements of the earth in their con- stitution in the midst of the sun. The masses of an electron, expresses its weight of grav- ity, and as the earth's weight of gravity, is an excess of three units by the increased length of the diagonal line to a straight side, we have the change of sign of electrical masses only possible through these masses as latent energy transmuted into radium energies, through colour, as the weight of latent energy of the radioactive elements. Colour is like the dog on the treadmill, forcing the revolution of the platform on which he walks, at a definite angle in space. In colour the radioactive and the non-radioactive elements transmute their "light into darkness" and their darkness into light, the three dimensional control of the earth going over into the fourth dimensional "space keeper in time." The cause of eclipses, is therefore, proven to be caused by the change of signs of electrical masses of one sign meeting, and rearrang- ing positions along a perpendicular line and a horizontal line through equal distribution, of light over equal areas in equal periods of time — according to Keplar's Third Law. In this we have the whole "planetary system" of the atom involved, and in this meeting place the light of the sun; the darkness of the moon, and the angle of the earth's equatorial line maintained. The forces of another kind operating between the electrical masses of like signs, are the internal dimension of pi, 3.1415, fixing the diameter, and its surface area as a space occupant, in the B-corpuscles of radium dissociation. The limit of the lengths of light waves are fixed throughout space, and light as a darkened mass, must produce that darkness from within its own space areas, or it would become blazing electricity. The space area of the "universal" units cuts and divides the speed of light under the bondage of pressure. There has been great mystery respecting the consti- tution of the molecule. We know its laws in space occupa- tion, but why these laws, has never found a solution, because man has not dreamed of the mass of the hydrogen atom in 1849 inactive electrons, being an expression of the space 99 occupation of the material of "cold" light. The hot light is found in radioactive expression, but this expression must also reproduce the space areas of the "cold" light, and we have it associated with radium in its phosphorescent rays, that will photograph objects through wood, or any earth material. The molecule, explained as a force of expansion in gases under temperature, equally expressed, filling equal spaces, is a proof of the meeting place of the "extreme" limit of transmutation of mass, as the absence of heat, and the extreme limit of the same mass expressing its greatest con- dition of heat-expansion and contraction, equalising space areas. The result of the expression of the extremity of heat in the radioactive constitution of the masses of the electrons of the earth's gravitational fields, caused intense evaporation, and there being no reaction possible by the earth, itself, the result was the formation of the glacial periods. It is very evident these glacial deposits, brought into the earth's waters great stores of radium energies, and their gradual melting must provide great stores of rad- ium for the transformation of earth-life into a life that will live as a radiant distribution of energy. This reaction must have changed the constitution of the earth's atmosphere, and we have it proven in the greater amount of carbon that existed in the atmosphere thousands of years ago, and the present amount. Carbon must be the medium through which all trans- mutations of space occupation change their areas, because the attraction of gravitation cut and fixed the space areas of three and four dimensions, as already explained, in the three helium groups in radium disintegration, and the car- bon group-indivisible — in the non-radioactive constitu- tions. This great outpouring of heat is repeated continually in the change of magnitude of the light of the stars. Maun- ders thus describes these phenomena, — "As the places of stars is not fixed, so neither are their brightnesses, and some change their brightness quickly, even as seen by the 100 naked eye. The ancient Greeks divided all stars visible to the naked eye into six classes, according to their bright- ness, the brightest stars being said to be of the first magni- tude, and so on, Algol is usually classed as a star of the second magnitude and for two days and a half it retains its brightness unchanged. Then it begins to fade, atijd for four and a half hours its brightness declines, until two-thirds of it has gone. No further change takes place for about twenty minutes, after which the light begins to increase again, and in another four and a half hours it is as bright as ever, to go through the same changes again after another interval of two days and a half." Let us analyse the "time" as a fourth dimensional unit with the earth's three dimensional space areas and find in the stars, an expression of energy, because of the rigidity fixed in geometrical space areas. In two and a half days light has travelled a distance that yields a fourth root of 448, equal to the number of atoms in the radium group (226) and raemanation (222), In this we have Algol, the keeper of the equal division of live days into two parts, the light of that star binding in the earth the pair cubed (8) times the atom of iron (56). In the "time" of four and a half hours, light will express a motion of a number of miles whose fourth root is 234, the lesser group weight of uranium, so that this star is the time keeper of the united heaven and earth light and darkness under the atomic weight of the radium elements — or the limit of the division of light waves, in the atom of lead through the space area of aluminium (27), these two groups, 27 and 207 yielding 234 the uranium group. In the time of twenty minutes light will travel a dis- tance yielding a fourth root of 122, and this is two groups of 61 whose five transformations (through hydrogen and helium (5) yield 305, the atomic group number of the atoms of gold and silver 197-108 the metals of the sun and moon. Cannot the man of astronomy, now be enabled to read the message engraved in the heavens by the positions of the stars; those positions outlined by the ancients in the form 101 of animal lives. Is it impossible that those very outlines express the redistribution, through the geometrical space forms, of the transformation of the earth's three dimensional cubic formations, of the masses of the electron, latent in the earth, as radioactive energies, and active in the heavens as dynamic expression of pressure? Algol is a double star, but, unlike those stars that we know under that name, the companion is dark, but is nearly as large as its sun, and is very close to it, moving around it in a little less than three days. At one point of its orbit it comes between Algol and the Earth and Algol suffers an eclipse, from our point of view. Does Algol suffer an eclipse or does both stars "close" their eyes for a second of "time'? Algol signifies the "Demon Star," and is in the constell- ation Perseus. The story of Perseus will explain the relation between this star and the earth. Perseus is used by the Greeks for the following mytho- logical story. Perseus was a son of Danae (Moon fairy) and Zeus (Jupiter, or rushing sound — wind — or released energy). When Perseus had grown to manhood Polydectes, the wicked king of Seriphus, cast his eye on Danae; and that he might rid himself of the son, he exacted from him a promise that he would bring him the head of the Gorgon Medusa. Now the dreadful Gorgons dwelt with their sisters the Graeae (three Gray Women— the gray color the extreme end of the solar spectrum), by the great ocean, far away in the west. Guided by Hermes (Mercury) and Athene (wife of Jupiter), Perseus came to the Graeae. They were three hags, who had but one eye "(zircon light)," and one tooth between them, which they handed one to the other, (the tooth, the angle of 23, in the molecular fields of light), Perseus stole the eye and tooth, and would not restore them till the Graeae had guided him to the Nymphs, from whom he received the winged sandals (radioactive speed of light) the wallet and the cap of invisibility. (Wallet, gold as rad- ium G in the form of color, and the cap, the eclipse or place 102 where the solar colours reverse) . These he put on, and being armed by Hermes (Mercury), with a scimitar (divider of light waves), came upon the Gorgons as they slept and cut off Medusa's head, while with averted eyes he looked at her image on his brazen shield lest he should be turned to stone. (This proves the knowledge of the transformation of stone into metal, and vice versa, the redistributor of nature's forces being forced to reproduce whatever produced the form, being redistributed. All images must be maintained as geometrical space areas.) The Gorgons represented the earth's three dimensional control of gravitational weight in matter producing form. Perseus put the Gorgon's head in his wallet and fled. (Wallet — Radioactive elements in metal weight.) Coming to Ethiopia (darkness) he married Andromeda (constellation), whom he had delivered from a sea monster. (The space areas of gases — molecular dimen- sions involved in the uranium atom.) With her he returned to Seriphus in time to rescue his mother and Dictys from Polydectes, whom he turned to stone with all his court, by showing them the head of Medusa. (Light reflection, or assertion of change of direction of speed, explained by Ein- stein as a "warp" in space.) The Island itself was turned to stone, and was still and lonely ever after. (Coral forma- tions.) The very frogs of Seriphus were dumb, ever after- wards. (Noise or combustion in atomic groupings of rad- ium no longer made active by the sun's excess of 239 over 238. Perseus then gave the head of Medusa to Athene, who put it on her shield, and with Danae and Andromeda he hastened to Argos, to see his grandfather Acrisius, once more. But he fearing the oracle, had gone to Larissa in Thessaly. Thither his grandson followed him, but at some games given by Teutamais (MOON), king of Larissa, he threw a quoit (magnet), which lighted on his grandfather's foot and caused his death. Ashamed to return to Argos, Perseus gave his kingdom to Megapenthes, and received from him, Tiryns in return. There he reigned and founded Midea and the famed Mycenae, and became the ancestor of the Persides, amongst whom were Eurystheus and Her- acles. 103 The legend of Perseus was a favourite one with the Greeks in poetry and art. Sophocles and Europides had each several dramas on the subject, and sculptor and painter vied with each other in depicting the rescue of Andromeda from the sea-monster. The story was localised in many places. Italy claimed that the Ark with Danae and Perseus had drifted to the Latin coast. The Persian kings were said to have sprung from a son of Perseus; and according to Paus- anias Damascenus, Perseus taught the Persians to worship fire, and founded the Magian priesthood." Does this not prove the work of the Magians to have been nothing less than the use of the radium elements, just as the man of today is using it to demonstrate the wonders of light, as automatically produced? What was black magic, but the use of the energies of the constitution of that which is produced in the vacuum tube — when darkness fills the tube. No one has yet used these energies, although they are much greater than the light movements within the tube. The tale of the rescue of Andromeda by Perseus from the sea-beast is akin to that of Heracles and Hesione. Both have been interpreted, of the sun slaying the darkness, Andromeda or Hesione being the moon whom the darkness is about to devour. According to one version Heracles res- cued Hesione from the sea-beast by leaping into its mouth, from which he came forth after three days spent in the belly of the beast. This points to a connection with the Semitic story of Jonah and the fish. Greek sculptures of Andro- meda's monster were the models for Jonah's fish in early Christian art,and on a rock at Joppa they showed the chains that had bound Andromeda, and the bones of the sea-beast. Tarsus in Silicia was said to have been founded by Perseus, who appears on coins of the city, as well as on coins of Pon- tus and Cappadocia. The sea-beast may be traced to the number 666, which expressed the crystal forming weights of the light when the foundations of the earth were fixed in the seven elements 104 totalling 237. The value of the number, 111 is thus main- tained through the six lights of creation, but the waters of the flood, expressed the "dry earth" turning to water — that is water was formed through solution of the metal oxides of iron. Thus the hydrous crystals were a later formation than the anhydrous. The beast was after this confined to the waters, forcing its way up onto the land, that is the water formed under solution must also reproduce its oppo- site weight in the earth as a movement equal to the light bound in the crystal. In this we have the origin of the pseu- dopoedia of the foraminifera explained and all that evolved from it. Crystal automatic orientation is directed from above the earth, in the turning of earth into water, and that earth stretching out to assert its former space areas as de- finite pressure of light waves. Einstein claims we can only understand the nature of things through examination of those things as we have them in the earth. That geometrical peculiarities of space are dependent on matter, so that we must find an explanation of the changes of light in the stars, because of the changes of the light connected with radium as the offspring of the uranium atom. The physicist says it is possible to divide radium light into two conditions, called uranium, and uranium X. Uranium will possess all brightness, but uranium X will possess no radioactive ap- pearance. But in the course of a few hours, radium X be- comes radioactive also. We have the same cause operating in the cause of star "magnitudes." What is it but the as- sertion of the internal gravitational fields of the star, chang- ing sign with its fourth root values on its surface area? This is the basis of Einsteins' "fourth-dimension," but he does not explain the simplicity of creative laws, which must continually repeat the process of creation in order to con- tinue to exist as a part of universal existence. Creation did not stop, when the members of the solar system were in- dividualised, but the process of individualisation must be eternally repeated in order to main the individuality. The light of the stars, each star a center of gravitational distribution of energy (because constancy of enfergy through- 105 out the universe is a law that cannot be evaded) must allow pathways for the speed of light to express its movements of 186000 miles a second, within its boundaries, and so time is made a keeper of light distribution. The diameter of the star., is expressed square root times 3.1415 the square of its diameter on its surface, as a spherical surface, and every surface area of any member of the solar system is outlined by the dimension of its diameter — the diameter fixed through the rigidity of a metal body expressing the energy of the radium elements. Thus the diameter maintains the rigidity of light travelling in straight lines under the form of mass as latent energy, and this condition — latent energy — expresses the terrific force bound in the ashes of light — these ashes the universal space keeper, of the separating powers between earth and heaven. The power necessary to divide all that was into two conditions, earth and heaven, required the force expressed in the radium unit atom, and this power is equal to a life-time of 1,728,000,000 years. Time was made by the separation of all that was into two expressions, one of light and one of darkness — the time of the day and of the night. The time of mass as latent energy, controls the time of the night; its expression as light controls the time of the day, and the atomic weights of matter, are nothing less than weights of mass, and the mass of the earth — is fixed through the square of its diameter multiplied by 3.1415, the solid space area of the circle within the square whose surface area is 4 square. It is very evident why Einstein uses the square root so often in demonstrating his theory of relativity; that he has taken such a complicated system in order to set up a new God — the God of geometry. He has refused to recognise the Creator's directing hand and necessary unity with man. Einstein is taking advantage of the scientific manner of demonstrating action and reaction to be an ex- planation without the necessity of recognition of a first Cause. He finds everything a self contained system, ap- parently depending on nothing outside of itself. The salt crystals in drying out from a solution, travel to their position along a direct right angle, and Tyndal says, after the same 106 manner of building as we see the builders of the Great Pyramid of Egypt laid down the construction courses of that wonderful edifice. But Tyndall, nor any other in- vestigator, did not recognise that no man could build in stone, the proportions of the missing top. These were space areas, that keep the way to the the tree of light, and of life, The Hebrew says "A flaming sword was placed in the East of the Garden of Eden to keep the way to the tree of life." What was this sword, but light travelling at the rate of 186000 miles a second — the light of the B-corpuscles of radium disintegration. The diameter of the corpuscle, was forcing the surface area of the corpuscle to unite with its diameter in asserting the fourth dimensional conditions of matter and so of life. The surface area of the corpuscle can only be the cube of pi, 3.1415, so that this number multiplied by the diameter, 3.1415 brings up the fourth power value, which is 97, and this the long diagonal of the cube of the iron atom. In this we have the metallic rigidity of iron the unit diameter division of all planetary bodies. Is this not the key to the science of the Hebrew, who made Saturn the planet of Abraham, and lead its metallic rigidity. Lead has an atomic weight of 207, and this number is the value of En Soph, the great space filler who became creative through ten intelligences — the ten intelligences, as a gravitational molecular space keeper, outlined in the ten forms presented in this drawing, with its central surface area in the form of a circle, providing 3.1415 as its bound surface area? We are told that space cannot confine the En Soph, but he can fill all space. What science have we in this declaration? We see in the magnitude of the stars, the waxing and waning of light — No man has yet dreamed of its significance. What is it but the expression of change of position of exter- nal with internal and vice versa, of assertion of times of activity and times of rest? If times of rest did not main- tain the time of life of mass, as latent energy, all matter would be forced to take on a condition of blazing electricity, 107 something expressing a greater force than is ever found out- side of "explosion." The outpouring of light, at definite periods of time, in the stars, and in sun-spots, express the provision of a safety-valve for protection of planetary bod- ies. The earth possesses the same protection in itis vol- canoes — its Geysers, whirlwinds and earthquakes. Earth- quakes are most frequent in December, and no man knows why. We find an explanation of their origin in the break down of the definite degrees of curvature, in the colours of the solar spectrum expressing their time-life under the rig- idity of the metal atomic space keeper — making white light record its rule in the ice and snows of winter. Did the Hebrew know this we ask, and we say, yes, because we read in Job — the preparation for the time of battle and of war, when the light of radium must come up for distribution through the colours of the solar spectrum when asserting their time of rigidity or straight lines that are now curved. Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow; hast thou seen the treasures of the hail that I have prepared against the time of battle and of war. What war? When the elements shall melt with fervent heat. It is got to come — it is no declaration by a scientist, but by the men who were given a God-mind in their physical body, under the measure- ments of the mind of the Creator. Action and reaction must be equal, according to the measure of matter itself. We declare this knowledge of ancient times is involved in this drawing and further, that it lies at the foundation of all Hebrew literature. We prove through the geometrical figure of the dis- torted square, that the radium energies were taken as the place of division between man and the Most High God, of the Hebrew — who ever made his God a geometrical figure. We have already given the length of the long diameter of this distorted square, to form the sides of a cube, through a whole number, that yields a diagonal of the square of a paired 239, a greater group than space areas can confine. Therefore an explosive action takes place — an outpouring of light in straight lines from a centre, and we have the origin 108 of the nine lights that emanated from the Sephiroth when he assumed the form of the Crown. In this expression of explosive force, we have an explanation of the origin of posi- tive atoms of electricity. These atoms express the bound- aries or the meeting place where 1850 electrons are bound in an indivisible mass, through the bondage of the two lengths 23 and 20 making 43 the expression of deviation, that must provide a way for the transposition of internal gravitation to external expression and vice versa. In the length of the diagonal, 478, a paired 239, we have 11 groups of 43, leaving a group of 5, equal to one hydrogen space area and one helium space area, the two to go over into the ten squared values through the number of electrons in the radioactive atom, being 1836, or 18 pairing itself on the reversal of its position over the one hundred. This yields a group of 1111, and we cannot pass this without noting the length of the entrance passage in the Great Pyramid, which is 1110 to a place where it begins the ascending passage, the inclined plane of the angle of 26 degrees. This angle of 26 degrees divides the number of se- conds in a circle of 360 degrees, into 23 groups so tha tthere is this group for each unit in the length of 23, whose straight line is 20. The square root of 1111, is 33, and this number is the width of the corner stones of the pyramid, the only stones of that width. Further, the long diagonal of a cube of 338 is 585, and so 5 groups of 117, the half group weight of uranium (234). The short diagonal is 478. The total of the two diagonals is 1063, and this is the side of a paired square, which Fetrie says, marks the di- mensions of the wonderful "basalt" pavement to the East of the pyramid. Petrie says this pavement is a wonder- fully perfect piece of work. It is laid over a pavement of the finest limestone. To gain a significance of this use of basalt we must learn how it originated. Basalt is described as an igneous rock of greenish black 109 color, and composed of feldspar, augite, titaniferous iron, and frequently olivine. Titanium is a rare and extremely hard metal, allied to tin. In this chemistry involved in the formation of basalt, we have the information that limestone was the product of light as calcium in the earth, bound in definite atomic weights its expression under shortening its length, bringing forth fluoride of calcium, the material of the white tissues in the human body. These two chemical bodies, with a weight of (59) is also given as the divided height of the first pyramid course in the middle of the North side of the pyramid, where the earth rock rises up into the first pyramid height course of 90 inches to the extent of 31 inches, and this number is pi, 3.1415 (the surface area of the inner circle of this drawing) cubed. In the titanium body we have the origin of tin, and this metal has an atomic weight of 119, the half of uranium 238, so that it is very evident it is impossible to find uranium without its two atomic weights, 234 and 238, the 234 being the metallic rigidity, the 238 being the unit of dissociation of sunlight, fixed in the curvature of light as colour — the colours set in the sky, as control of all forces of dissociation. Tin was the metal of Jupiter, the god of the air, and Jupiter was Zeus of the Greeks, this name signifying "rush- ing wind" or rushing, causing sound. In this name Zeus, we have the explosive energy re- leasing the pent up forces of light, under curvature, in the form of colour. We must, again draw attention to this number 119, attached to Jupiter, whose symbol was a flint pebble. In the King's chamber, the coffer's space area demonstrates the science involved in the life of Moses, (or of Mercury, or of the Greek Ganymedes, founded on the rela- tion of 113, as a diameter to its circumference cf 355) written in the Kaballah. The coffer is raised by insertion of a flint pebble between it and the floor, so that water would flow out of the box as an ever "flowing" stream. This is the sign of Aquarius, and in this sign shall all be made anew. In this no sign man shall come into a knowledge of that which con- stitutes an everlasting life. In order to prove the information contained in the posi- tion of the coffer — this coffer removed from the centre of the room (as all forms in geometrical space areas) the student of ancient systems of geometry, would not require to exer- cise much intelligence in order to find an explanation of ancient science, after radium and its wonderful powers of transmutation were thoroughly explained. That it was at all possible to keep secret the symbology used in keeping this knowledge within the custody of the priesthood, is unlikely, because the priests, in turn, endeav- oured to keep what knowledge each possessed in order to excel in his teaching. One of the most terrible denounciations against man, found in the Bible for concealing the truth, is found in the twenty-ninth chapter of Isaiah. It is almost impossible but to look upon this chapter, as though written for a time when a man would endeavour to hide the truth, from the world and yet give it in such a manner as to let his own people throughout the world know what to do in order to take advantage of this hidden knowledge, to the detriment of his fellow men, but not of his "people." Look into the history of the discovery of the X-rays by Becquerel. It was the "blackness" of night, that gave the secret away. Bequerel was about to take a photograph of a uranium rock, and just as he was about to expose the plate in the camera, a storm came up and he rolled up the affair in the black cloth, and laid it aside until the next day. When he was about to try another exposure, he thought he had better see if the plate had been spoiled, and if not he could use one again under similar conditions. When the plate was developed, he found an exact photograph of the stone. He was astounded — why light was required to produce a photograph — yet here was one produced under cover of dark- ness. Of a truth "The Light shineth through darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not." Nor is light yet com- prehended, by the wise ones of the earth. ill At once was begun a search for the presence of these rays in other rare earths, and the wife of a French chemist, Madam Curie, discovered the radium rays in pitchblende, the material placed at her disposal for examination by some- one interested in such investigations. The very inanimate earth spoke forth the secret of life, and for almost twenty-five years man has groped in the dark, because he would not put any faith in an explanation of the wisdom of his Creator. Now a great wall has been raised between God and man — the learned of the world have risen up and separated light from darkness, as he desires in his heart. He hath separated the light from the darkness in such a manner as to make the man stagger as though he were drunk, yet he hath not tasted of the wine — no, he has not even that space of exhileration, in which to forget his misery. Isaiah, in speaking of Ariel, the city where David dwelt (the city of Light) says, "And thou shalt be brought down, and shalt speak dut of the ground, and thy speech shall be low out of the dust, and thy voice shall be as one that hath a familiar spirit, out of the ground, and thy speech shall whisper out of the dust." (This is most certainly an explanation of the wide spread interest taken in spiritualism and proves a knowledge of what it involves. According to Einstein, is the appearance of a conscious spirit or a spirit entity possible, in the earth ? When a body ceases to maintain an open pathway to and from the source of all light, from the sun to the earth, can a return be made along a pathway closed by death ? The medium may force a return of the cut off material through his or her own path- way, but that manner of appearance comes through the conscious or light rays of the medium, and the spirits of the dead are not conscious of any such action. One might as well say, a person eating fish must swim in order to digest it — (the fish has left its source of life through digestion and must in turn, cease to express anything but space areas of condensed light of the solar spectrum). "Moreover the multitude of thy strangers shall be 112 like small dust and the multitude of the terrible ones shall be as chaff that passeth away yea it shall be at an instant suddenly. Thou shalt be visited by the Lord of hosts with thunder, and with earth quake, and great noise, and with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire. And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel, even all that fight against her and her munition, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision. It shall even be as when a hungry man dreameth, and behold he eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty; or as when a thirsty man dreameth and behold, he drinketh; but he waketh. and, behold he is faint, and his soul has appetite; so shall the multitude of all the nations be, that fight against mount Zion. Stay yourselves and wonder: take your pleasures and riot; they are drunken but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes; the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this I pray you; and he saith, I cannot, for it is sealed. And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this I pray thee; and he saith, I am not learned. Wherefore the Lord said, ''For as much as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precept of men. Therefore behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among these people, even a marvellous work and a wonder; for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid. Woe unto him that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us and who knoweth us? 113 Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay; for shall the work say of him that made it "He made me not; or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding." Where did Isaiah obtain such a description of condi- tions on the earth in these days. One would think he was writing from London or New York. The followers of evolution, writing books, and putting forth all endeavour to prove man's descent from the lower animals — and not from God. So keen is the investigation of the significance of her- edity, that man is going to the uttermost parts of the earth to prove his origin from an ape. Hunting for his image in the thing that possesses instinct but not reason. Is it any wonder the ground crieth forth, through the blood of Abel in the form of the light that was turned to darkness because Cain offered the "fruit of the ground," as his consciousness of origin. Is it any wonder that man still insists he will find in the ground, the remains of an animal that will prove him a beast? The Number of the beast and of the man was 666, but the new number — the number of the man who should come into a consciousness of his origin from God, that number is 888. This is the number of the "distortion" of gravitation — the distortion expressing the "shortening of the time" or else no man would be found alive on the earth; The distorted square in the centre of this drawing, provides in its diagonals a length of 478, through ten raised to the fourth power, and this again through ten transformations and in this number 1780. are held 111 groups of 43, this deviation of a planet on its orbital advancement. This drawing is cut into eight equal parts, and so we have 888 as the number of the new man, when he turns his eyes towards the heavens in order to find an explanation of the origin of forms in the earth. We are told in the scriptures that God did not create man in such a manner that he would have to die, but that he called death to him thinking it to be his friend. What a proof we have of this assertion in the position taken by the 114 scientists of today. We are impelled to copy the report of an interview with one who is represented as one of the world's greatest anatomists, physiologists, pathologists, anthropologists, and also a most philosophical biologist. Professor Arthur Keith is reported in the London Journal of the American Medical Association to thus air his views, — "We hope some day to know what life is, but at present are so ignorant of its mechanism that we cannot say. The desire for the extension of the span of human life is a form of madness, and if people only think of the conditions of life they would never entertain the idea. Old age is not a disease, but part of the essential machinery of nature for running human life. What nature requires is to keep life going. Nature aims at the species, not at the individual. Nature has built our bodies in such a way that we should have short lives. The whole system is built up on a period of short existence. In trying to extend the span of life you are right up against nature's basic law. Her whole idea is to use young and vigorous lives and kill off the old. Civ- ilisation has tended to extend the span of human life. An- imals like the gorilla and anthropoid apes that are nearest to man, are old at forty. The aborigines of Australia and Patagonia were old at sixty. Human life is longer now. Experience points to the fact that life might be extend- ed by at least another decade. But is it desirable? What we want now is young healthy people. What we need is to extend the period of their vigorous life. This necessity is now being generally recognised, and it is the rational view. I will give you two similies which I think will appeal to the general public. Regard life as a restaurant and nature as the manager. People rush in at midday to lunch. It is crowded; there are no seats. Why? Because some people who have finished their meal are lounging about and occupying seats. The manager says, "I must make regulations. I must limit them to half an hour to make room for others. Nature in the same way has put a limit to the life of man. 115 Another similie: "You know the principle of the con- tinuous performance at the cinema. You pay your money and see the show round. You are then supposed to come out, but some will stay. The second time you see the show you will be bored : the third time you go mad, and the fourth time you may commit suicide. Human life is something like that. People crave after human immortality. They have never thought what it means." These views, from a recognised "healthy, normal mind.' viewing his ancestor in the ape, could not be different. However his acknowledgment of complete ignorance re- garding its mechanism, robs the article of any possible importance to the man who looks for his origin in the radiancy of the Light of His countenance. We have only to add the declaration of one of the most noted Medical doctors of England, who, during the meeting of the Medical Association acknowledged the pressing neces- sity of a right, under government license, to hold a post mortem over every one after death, as eighty per cent of the diagonoses of disease by the physician of today, was incorrect. This is the most awful acknowledgment of the loss of wisdom by man, that he has been forced to make before the world, in the annals of time. Surely the writer of the following words was speaking for these days in which we live. "Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder; for the widsom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid." (Isa. 29-14). 116 Geometrical Space Areas— explain the origin of Cell -Life. PLATE G. The late Sir William Dawson was one of the greatest opponents of the deductions set forth by Haeckel and his followers. It is not scientific truth geometrically expressed, (except under distortion?) when Darwin is credited with founding the present accepted teachings of the theory of evolution. All that Darwin set forth was the influence of environment, through domestication, of wild fowls on their future offsprings, his work varying very little from Mendel's. The difference lay in Darwin making his experiments on animal life, instead of vegetable. Haeckel at once set to work to prove the origin of man, under a haphazard law, of spontaneous generation of life under conditions that could not occur again. In this he is, apparently, followed by Einstein, who rushed into notoriety, by taking the work of Maxwell and Lorentz, as the founda- tion of his theory of relativity-taking advantage of the Gentile's proof of, what Einstein's calls a "warp" in space. That is Maxwell and Lorentz found it necessary to allow for the curvature produced by turning the arm of the in- strument across a right angle, therefore bringing into recognition the relation between the square and its dia- gonal. This is nothing new, as classical mechanics must recognize the result of the meeting of two moving lines of force, along a perpendicular and horizontal movement; when meeting they must produce the diagonal, and each is involved in this slant line — the unit slant to the perpen- dicular or horizontal being as 23 to 20 in universal space areas. We must find this proof in the electronic constitution of the two kinds of atoms, radioactive and non-radioactive. Einstein says: "The general theory of relativity renders it likely that the electrical masses of the electron are held together by gravitational forces." In this he gives the key J 17 to the origin of his theory. He thus makes dimensions of "space" areas the control of all distribution of energy, and through the universal space areas of 23 and 20 (his 43 seconds of arc as a planetary unit deviation on its orbital advancement) all phenomena must find an explanation. We find a difference in the number of electrons making up the atom of radioactive substances, and the substances called non-radioactive. The former possesses only 1836 electrons in its group number, while the non-radioactive elements, possess 1850 (Rutherford). There is but one active electron in this group of 1850 leaving 1849, as the gravitational mass of the atom, where mass is recognized as "latent energy", and the masses of an electron bound or held together by gravitational force. There is a difference, therefore of 13 electrons in these two systems of the elements, but as the space areas of "masses of the electron" must be equal in dimensions, no matter what their geometrical forms, the law of gravitation holds good under every test, when the test is understood in its reactions. The laws of Keplar prove this. He was forced to discard the idea of circular orbits, and view the orbits of planetary movements, under the expression of an ellipse. The ellipse is caused by the difference in length of this "universal" unit space area of 23 and 20, the excess of 3, laying the foundation of all molecular association and dissociation. (Molecular activity expresses the vibrations of light move- ments). Keplar found motion in an ellipse, instead of motion in a circle, to account for all astronomical phenomena, the sun in every case occupying one of the foci. And though the planet did not move at a uniform speed in the ellipse, yet its motion was governed by a uniform law, for the straight line joining the planet to the sun, the "radius vector," passed over equal areas of space in equal periods of time. The Third Law of Keplar connects all the planets to- gether. It was known that the outer planets not only Lake longer to revolve around the Sun than the inner, but 118 that their actual motion in space is slower, and Keplar found that this actual speed of motion is inversely as the square root of its distance from the Sun; or, if the square of the speed of a planet be multiplied by its distance from the sun, we get the same result in each case. This is usually expressed by saying that the cube of the distance is pro- portional to the square of the time of revolution. Thus the varying rate of motion of each planet in its orbit, is not only subject to a single law, but the very different speeds of the different planets are also all subject to a law that is the same for all." (Maunder. F. R. A. S.). Einstein does away with time, by using it as a part or one with the three dimensional unit cube. This sets up two systems, a three and a four, but each must be founded upon the same "unit space" area. The cube dimensions of space must be redistributed through the "square root" therefore the cube takes the position of "mass or latent energy" and this must be dis- tributed through the force of dispersion of light energy. In simpler words, the three dimension, or cube of the unit space areas, and the fourth dimensions of the same equal space areas, build through the two systems — the cube of 3.1415 yielding 31.004 and the fourth power of 3.1415 yielding 97, and decimal. The two unite in building the earth's crystals under the gravity of the earth's excess of mass in thirteen electrons, in the non-radioactive, but the radioactive must distribute this latent energy, through the unit space areas, under the square root of the "mass in- volved," that of the whole atom (1850 electrons). Thus the 13 are forced to pair, and so make 26, the foundation of both non-radioactive development in space combina- tions, and also radioactive space areas. The square of the units of the cube (3) is 9 and nine times 26 is 234 the atomic group of uranium (lesser weight as a universal space unit) the parent. of the radioactive elements. Lowig, the German chemist, in his Physiological Chemis- try, gives the formulae of three groups, of atoms-carbon (24) and hydrogen (2) making 26 this ninth part of uranium. 119 His second group is equal to a value of 25 atoms, and the third, one of nitrogen and four of oxygen, equal to (78) a total of (129). But this is three groups of (43), and forty three is the value of the union of the four primary atoms hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, so that Keplar's law is proven in the three group chemical elements, from which all cell life is developed. The mass of the atom of hydrogen (1849) as a gravitational measure, provides a square root of 43 and it is this provision that makes the earth a control of all gravitational expression throughout planetary bodies, through the colours of the solar spectrum. Einstein explains gravitation as an act of distortion, but he does not explain how that distortion came about. In the first history of the earth's individualisation, as a member of the solar system, wherein all matter was being centered under gravitational law, (the squaring and cubing producing diameters and surface areas, equal throughout space areas). the non-radioactive elements were deposited in the con- densation of the water globule as crystals the film of the water globule providing the material for the formation of the crystal; the hollow space within the water globule fixed the space area of a gaseous body as a measure of expansion wherein no solid substance could enter. In the earth and its atmosphere were forever deposited the unit space area of a solid and the unit space area of a gaseous body, as units of attraction and repulsion of gravitation, under the constitution of the non-radioactive elements. The radioactive elements as unit space disturbers were fixed in the movement that caused the water globule to give up its surface material (film) for the formation of the crystal, and as light was the product of this dissociation, light became a measure of displacement, and when travel- ling in a straight line, must move at its greatest speed, because of its origin in the production of a ''vacuum," when the water film was forced to separate from its gaseous body, or expansion unit area in the form of a sphere. It is the earth control, of unit space areas as electronic mass that forces light to travel at the rate of 120 186000 miles a second as a "division force" that separ- ated the first mass into an heaven and an earth, when darkness was upon the face of the deep. The speed of light can be expressed in the form of pressure through gravity, in the mass of the electron, and the slower motions of the planets farthest from the sun, is such because these planets, are custodians of definite weights of mass— or latent energy, that is their movements express diagonal lines instead of square sides, but the same energy is being redistributed according to unit universal space areas. As light is the expression of the radiocative elements, carrying its own "oil" in the measure of the three a-particles, as three groups of helium a weight of 12, we have this weight nothing less than the earth's atom of carbon,but this helium atom owes its origin to the unit universal space areas, where gravity is expressed in holding the three helium atoms as an indivisible group. Associated with the 12 helium atoms, are three other expressions of energy in the form of B-corpuscles which travel at the rate of the speed of light, and these corpuscles express the transmutation of the cube and the fourth power of unit space areas. The cube of the unit diameter (3.1415) actually defines the surface area of a sphere, where pi is the diameter, so that this group 3.1415 is a space keeper — a sort of "breath of life", through which all matter is equally distributed over equal spaces in equal time. In the third expression of energy under radium dissocia- tion we have the x-rays, and these are phosphorescent sub- stances, traceable to the cube value of 3.1415 which is 31, the atomic group weight of the atom of phosphorus. What is phosphorus, but the gravitational space keeper of inter- nal dimensions in the square of the unit group 3.1415, and as a diameter its square produces a circumference of 9.89 The square root of the fourth power of 3.1415 (97.8) is also this number 9.89 and so the two come up for occu- pation of the same values in unit space areas, and we have phosphorus the earth material transformed into radioactive space areas, but the phosphorus is nothing less than non- 121 radioactive material as "mass" or latent energy. This is also an expression of "oil" for the consumption of light, and this is proven in the reproduction of something that is not a ray of light — but can be viewed as the "veil" between the gravitational fields of the three and four dimensional space areas. Now we can analyse this drawing (Plate G) and find it actually the geometrical dimensions upon which is founded the life of the earth and the light of the stars. The atom of uranium, with its greatest group (238) presents the limit of bondage of light travelling at 186000 miles, because that bondage is fixed in the cube of pi, under earth gravitational control of mass of the electron. This control is centered in a fourth dimensional expression of rigidity, under pressure equal to a movement of 186000 miles and rigidity in any earth atom is that of the metal body. As the earth's line is 23 to 20 of light, we have this number 23 expressed nine tines as its limit of squaring under light dispersion. The earth's atoms cannot disperse their mass — the sun dimensional control must do this. This yields nine groups of 23 which gives us the atomic group of lead (207) — but this metal rigidity is centered in the cube of 3.1415 so that we have 31, and 207 maintaining the rigidity of 238 the uranium atomic group. Therefore all distribution of energy must pass through this group of 207, the number of the Hebrew En Soph as the "Elohim under exertion of creation. "Elohim is given the number 31415, and so is 3.1415 raised to a whole number by 10 raised to the fourth power. This ten is encased as the "nuclei" of the hydrogen and helium atoms in the nucleus of every atom, and so the group of 5 paired in 10, becomes the divided heaven, in the number 20, equal to 23 along a slant line. Thus the light environment of the stars is encased in the earth's atoms, and all non-radio- active elements act the part of "oil" for the lamps of the heavenly bodies. These ten parts must rearrange the earth's geometrical space areas but must build upon a strict mathematical 122 division of mass in the electron because the electron is the unit of matter, and light and matter are inseparable, through the association of the "spirit movement" on the waters of the earth, when the command was given "Let there be light." Now what was involved in that command? Was it not the power that "created" the heaven and the earth, by the separation of the darkness "on the face of the deep" into two expressions of substance, one defining the time of light (day) the second defining the time of mass as gravitational force implanted in the earth, as the custodian of the "hosts of the heaven," and also their expressions of time of darkness (radioactive as colour) and also what is now called "eclipses." The areas of space were defined through the "time" of measures of mass in the constitution of the electron, and this control through the infinitesimal water globule, pro- duced the first condition of slime or a jelly as colloidal conditions of matter. The atom of raemanation, must be viewed as the founder of the colloid under assertion of the square side, as equal area within its confines to a circle of 3.1415, so that the two expressing union under slant and straight lines, took on the work of distributing light over equal areas in equal time. We have this proven in the formation of mica. The reaction of the gravitational earth mass — as elec- tronic mass, forced light to eternally reproduce itself within the areas of this square, and to do this, through a diameter rigidity. This covered its circle dimension as a film de- position, and the eternal reproduction of 3.1415 was assured, Thus, this measure of light, and substance must forever spread out in a form of a flat disk, and so keep the space areas of a film, even though the film produces the surface area of a sphere, which it does in 3.1415 cubed. Einstein has used this "spherical" body to prove his theory of relativity — that the circumference may not always express the same dimensions that it may be forced to lessen, through some pressure acting at the centre of the flat disk. The edges of the circle or within the rim, will thus be 123 wrinkled, and we have this known and demonstrated in the "flutings" as ornaments of the temple or tabernacle, which was overlaid inside and out with "gold". This statement has been questioned as impossible, but the Hebrew was describing the "dwelling place of the Most High" in his own creation — man by his "exertion of creation,"where gold was in the form of radium G with a value of 206, and. this the value of the Hebrew word "Dabar" signifying "ten standard" measures. It is very evident that time is fixed in the dimensions of the distribution of the film, under raemanation (222), and the distribution of this film area, under all the different geometrical forms, controls the time of the day and of the night. Thus the film deposition became first measured and fixed through the earth's mass, in the form of water, and all redistribution of energy must come through the space areas of the diameter and the surface area of the water globule. From this origin, cell-life began as a water globule, and the amount of life on the earth was, for all time, determined, and space areas also measured off. This is exactly in line with ancient science. Today we view the constitution of the water globule as the product of molecular aggregate, yet if the aggregate is without signi- ficance, of what use is phraseology? The film of the hollow water globule, formed the first degrees of solids as crystals — ultramicroscopie — and those crystals were fused into greater dimensions, and so all cry- stals arose under transformation of the surface area of the sphere and its diameter, the internal drawing the external to the center left "empty" by the movement of the diameter towards the exterior position as a fourth dimensional time in spreading out equal areas, in length, breadth, and height. The origin of cell-life is no longer a mystery and, this origin is proven in the radium light bound in mica]deposit- ions. These "eyes" are nothing less than, the "eye of Osiris," the life of water bound in crystal for a time "until the end." All ancient phraseology has been without signi- ficance to man, and as mere hallucination of childish people, 124 because no man knew the diameter squared in producing a circumference, and resurrected its own dead (latent energy, or masses of the electron) through this dead being forced to take on its radiocative constitution. The action is demonstrated in the markings called "pleochroic haloes, found in mica depositions. In the study of the Face of M ether Earth, as shown by G. Bresch, there are revealed so many prodigies of force, of stability, and of rapid change that the layman is bewildered. What he sees in these wonders express the "repetition" as systems of repetition, of what millions of years has taken to produce; yet these millions of years are all egaged in the repetition of the time of the light of day and the time of the darkness of night. It is because of this fact that Einstein can take time as a fourth dimensional unit, and connect it with the three dimensions of earth control. If there ever was a condition when substance did not exist, how could one possess any intelligence, as a material creature? We are told God created the heaven and the earth — two conditions, and the story of Genesis was written by the "hand" of Moses, the Law-giver. In this declaration by the Hebrew we have the science implied that the life of Moses — the life "saved" or "drawn" from the water, was a chemical expression of distribution of energy under the theory of relativity — every distribution of material in his body was a record of "Divine" chemistry in the waters of the earth. Because of this, this life of Moses must have deposited in the earth the atomic weights of the radioactive elements, supporting the reproduction of the "pleochroic" haloes found in mica, because life on earth was only possible through the dispersion force of light, and this light must be able to reproduce itself, as the earth could not reproduce what was not made active by the sun's pressure, as radium rigidity, or metallic rigidity. Every atomic system is only maintained by the continual revolution of its electrons as radioactive in the sun, and as space keepers in earth. The force of dispersion under the pressure of light is 125 always active but it is the length and direction of movement that resurrects that which is latent. The circle within the square, which contains a space area of 3.1415 is latent in expression —space is filled and there is no "want," but when this amount of substance as mass, is forced to express itself in straight lines, it becomes an expression of light, and so of radiant energy, and its resurrection is assured. These pleochroic haloes in mica are records of the en- casement of the three and four dimensional reproduction of pi, 3.1415, acting through the differences of the two; each resurrects the other's-mass and latent energy is made active — the light reproducing its mass and so its own "oil" and the light never goes out. Let us have the description of these haloes and ascertain what the physicists make of them. "Radioactive substances," says Bresch, "are descendants for the most part of one and the same metal, uranium. The uranium atom explodes, throws off helium (alpha rays) electrons (beta rays), and gamma rays, which resemble x-rays, and changes into another atom which decomposes in its turn. Each radioactive atom has, as a distinctive characteristic, besides its chemical properties, a probable length of life. When this is at an end the explosion of the atom takes place. Among radioactive substances, some live a very long average life; uranium lives nine thousand million years; others disappear almost as soon as they are born, such as radium A which lives on the average three minutes. In a rock that originally contained a certain amount of uranium will be found, now, by reason of the explosion of a certain number of its atoms, its whole series of descendants in proportions depending on the length of life of each. There will also be found helium, the constant product of the destruction of radioactive matter. It will be easily understood that the quantity of helium accumulated in a rock depends on the importance of the primitive rock of uranium and on the time during which 126 this stock has been decomposing; that is to say on the age of the rock. This method of determining geologic age has been used by Strutt. Another method has led Sir John Joly, professor at Dublin University to interesting conclusions about the earth's age. Certain micas have long been observed under the microscope, owing to their dark circular spots, with a little crystal of zircon in the centre, included in the rock at the moment of its formation. The origin of these spots, or "pleochroic haloes" had never been explained. Strutt recognized the fact that the crystal of zircon is radioactive; it sends out alpha rays, helium which, acting on the mica as they act on glass, produce the halo seen through the microscope. We may go even further. The alpha rays coming from the through a certain thickness of the crystal, then stop. Their action is not felt beyond this point. The haloes thus are due to prolonged action of the rays emitted by the zircon. Zircon is only slightly radioactive; experience shows that several years may elapse between two consecutive ex- plosions. And the effect of a single particle is excessively feeble; the palest haloes must indicate an accumulation of unimaginably weak effects, dating from extremely distant epochs. In fact the haloes are not observed in recent rocks. Biotite is an ancient mica that has recorded and preserved the effects of the alpha rays; we see the halo in the same way that we know of the existence of stars, invisible to the eye, through the accumulation of their luminous effects on the photographic plates. The recent experiments of Joly and Rutherford were made on brown mica from County Carlow. The haloes are due to elements of the uranium family. By exposing a sheet of mica to the action of a powerful source of alpha rays (radium emanations) there is produced in a short time a spot resembling the natural halo seen under the microscope. The quantity of emanation used gives the number of 127 alpha rays that have acted, and consequently that of the alpha particles emitted by the mica since its formation. This is in the neighbourhood of two hundred million years. It is now sufficient to know how many alpha rays are sent out per century by the zircon crystal at the centre of the halo, when simple division will give the age of the mica. The numbers obtained vary between twenty and four hundred millions of years. The agreement with the num- bers given by Strutt's method, noted above, is satisfactory." In order to read the message of the "haloes" in mica, we must view mica as the equal distribution of matter, under Keplar's third law, looking on the haloes, as "planets" maintaining their distribution of light under their surface areas expressing the square of their diameters, as lengths of rigidity, and their surface areas as dimensions acting through pi, 3.1415 cubed. It is known that the outer planets not only take longer to revolve round the sun than the inner, but that their actual motion in space is slower, and Keplar found that this actual speed of motion is inversely as the square of its distance from the sun; or if the square of the speed of a planet be multiplied by its distance from the Sun, we get the same result in each case. This is usually expressed by saying that the cube of the distance is proportional to the square of the time of revolution. Thus the varying rate of motion of each planet in its orbit is not only subject to a single law, but the very different speeds of the different planets are also all subject to a law that is the same for all. This law maintains the equal distribution of electrons, over equal areas in equal periods of time and so Einstein makes time a fourth dimension, and this a unit equal to each of the three dimensions of earth — length, breadth, and height. This is more simply put, by viewing the speed of light, acting under two conditions, latent and active. Latent becomes expressed in mass of electron fixing a definite time of gravitational "pressure of light" or light marking time ,ike the dog on the treadmill. The dog not advancing an inch 128 out of its position, yet walking as fast as it can, and ex- pressing all the energies of a normal dog, in the act of walking. These haloes are "dogs" maintaining the space areas of the universal unit space — the veil that separates the king- doms of the earth and the heaven. "The rock that originally contained a certain amount of uranium will be found now, by reason of the explosion of a certain number of its atoms to show its whole series of descendants in proportions depending on the length of life of each. There will also be found helium, the constant product of the destruction of the radioactive matter, says the physicist. According to Einstein, the length of the life of each member expresses a definite space area, where in light is travelling at its speed of 186000. The presence of helium, proves the transmutation of the mass of the electron into the light of the haloes, and this work of transmutation of the mass of the electron as static or latent gravitational force, involves all the systems of angular forms that main- tained "darkness" on the face of the deep. In this terrific expression of rigidity, was involved the active against the latent, so that the force to be separated into the earth and heaven was a universal expression of two systems of move- ments — pressure from a centre to an external space area and an equal pressure from the external to the internal centers. This division was equal to a "time" movement of light or of the same value as pressure (latent) or gravita- tional inertia, and so nine thousand million years, expressed the equal force of light under suspension for a time. From this conception of the theory of relativity, the haloes were formed when the spirit moved on the face of the deep, and said let, 20612 to 6561 be — and the expression or reaction of the spirit force, "Alhim" as 3.1415. In the haloes we would have expressed the geometrical lines drawn on Plate (G), the centre circle, in its surface area making 3.1415 continually reproduce itself as a system of trans- mutation of the earth's hydrogen atoms into units of the radioactive character, where the gravitational mass of the 129 earth's atom with its slant line of 23, was being transmuted into radioactive units whose difference in weight is a group of 13 electrons. This surface area of the flat disc is bound within the helium group of four, and the square side must act through the diagonal, and so unite the length of the diameter of the circle (2) with the diagonal of the square 2.8 and that of the cube 3.4, making three distinct lengths in one change. As the drawing possesses ten outlines these lengths will become awhole number under ten increased, and we have the weight of silicon and a paired weight of ammonia, the product of decomposition of animal matter, as three atoms of hydrogen and one of nitrogen. What do these three atoms of hydrogen express but the universal space unit, which must maintain the life of the universe in order that all may live. Without going further into the chemistry involved in uranium's rock formation and the substances found in connection with zircon, we may just draw attention to the material composing the rock itself. There can be no greater decomposition than has been deposited as "ashes" of light, so that the series of changes only express the dispersion forces of light acting from the slant line of Mercury, as the "little sun" buried in the earth — the "eye" of Osiris that is never closed. In the number 28 we have the group of silicon, and zircon is a silicate of zirconium — the metal body possessing a group weight of 90 atoms. The value of silicon and zirconium is 118, and the earth hydrogen atom transmuted into the radioactive expression of its solar position, yields 119, the weight of tin, and the half weight of uranium. The geolo- gist tells us the hydrous silicates have resulted from the anhydrous forms. The anyhydrous forms must now be viewed as hydrogen in its expression as a radioactive unit, in the solar spectrum. This division of anhydrous and hydrous, is no longer to be explained as a change of a secondary action, but the anhydrous constitution will be looked upon as the product of a radioactive energy — that is the latent energy of the earth's extra mass, changed into 130 light speed. There cannot be one without the other — but the separation of groups may be extended from one system to another. The silicates of zircon are grouped into two systems (1) the aluminous, including the zeolites and (2) the magnesium, embracing talc, chlorite, serpentine and their allies. We claim that aluminium is the space keeper of the vacuoles of the human body and it is through these vacuoles (and cilia as equal values in threads) that the ''space" life of man is maintained. The first group being connected with aluminium (27) proves it a cube of the three dimensional earth space; and its second group in magnesium proves it a union by three times four, and this paired. Right here we have the explanation of the significance of the number of "chromos- omes" in the division of an embryotic cell. In man there are always 24, but in a short time there are only twelve left, and the physiologist says the other twelve atrophy. The physicist says the radiocative units are destroyed; but not so — the earth must maintain its space areas right into the midst of the sun and so the radioactive units are nothing less than the gravitational mass of the earth made "light", and the space made light in the sun must reproduce its latent mass at the extreme end, in the earth's mass. In the chemical formula of serpentine, we have one atom of silicon (28) two of oxygen (32) or four squared in each of two systems; one atom of magnesium (24) and one of oxygen (16) as the pair cubed in each of two systems; and one water weight (18) or three squared in each of two systems; and here we have an explanation of the con- stitution of water, the hollow space maintaining the surface area of pi 3.1415 squared in each of the two systems radioactive and non-radioactive expressions of matter. In magnesium we have a group of 24, and so 12 in each system, but the systems are maintained through the in- terior gravitational speed of light in the sun extending into the centre of the earth, and forcing its opposite units to take on a condition of activity — which will first have to 131 express the "latent" condition of radioactive matter in the form of colour, and the colours in the solar spectrum are reproduced and their opposite expression in the earth causes "explosion," because the earth cube in color produces a paired group of 239, one unit greater than uranium 238, and so the uranium rock must explode in the production of the haloes of zircon so that the sun's gravitational mass can be found as the dark lines cutting the solar spectrum. The universe is an indivisible whole, and man is a product of the same nature as the construction of a halo in mica." Serpentine rock is so called because of its twisted appearance, and it is now very evident the significance implied in the "Serpent" of ancient science and religion. The total value of the chemistry of serpentine is 118, exactly the same value as one atom of zirconium and one of silicon, so that it is the product of the transformation of the circle into the cube through pi under its fourth dimensional energies, maintaining the four space areas by transmuting the material of the three dimensional earth matter and this under expression of magnetism — or rotating electricity. We claim, all the elements found in connection with uranium in the rock express the boundaries enclosing light speed in the sun, and its equality through pressure in space, and all fixed as "geometrical peculiarities bound in the crystals that laid the foundations of the earth, and dis- torted in space under change of temperature through radioactive influences. If we cube the lesser number of uranium (234) we obtain a fourth root of 59, whose diameter is 19, the fluorine atom, and 59 the crystal-fluor spar, possessing all the colours of the rainbow. The white part or calcium could not be formed in the earth as a reversal of the colours of the solar spectrum without those colours being reproduced in the different varieties of fluor spar. Let us turn to analyse the number of years involved in the life of the uranium atom, as a solar time and find the significance of time under Einstein's theory of rela- tivity. The fourth root of this number is 321, or three 132 groups of 107 — the number uniting with ten squared to produce 207 the number of the Hebrew En Soph, which is also the slant line of 23 through nine transmutations. This is why the En Soph is given this value. As an exertion of creation, the earth's slant is forced to become "straight" that is light is relieved of its gravitational earth mass, by its own expression of exertion. Thus Einstein says a body shortens when travelling with the speed of light. Light cannot travel any faster than the pressure released in the movement. This number 107 must control a diameter length and produce a surface area whose square root is 189 and so nine groups of 21, thus shortening this length of 23. Einstein may not be able to tell how matter is transmuted into lengths and then shortened but the phenomena in the vacuum tube explains it, when the white light in the tube is cut by black lines like pennies seen edgeways. The shortening only expresses the boundaries of surface tension, when internal gravitation cuts off further expansion, and forces the maintenance of the universal space area, of this 107, instead of 111 the half of raemanation. In this decrease we have the helium group number and the three space keeper uniting to make 7 instead of the 5 and 6 in 11. This number 11 is said to represent the female, and 7 the male, but the female, was the Mother Earth, in the beginning; now she is the "Heaven mother" raised to the throne of her father. This is beautifully pictured on the walls of an Egyptian temple, where we read the life history of the Queen Hatasu. Her history tells of her marriage to her brother and a half- brother. When she became a widow, one of two great obelisks were thrown down, only the one left standing. It is said she put on the garments of a man at the command of the great God Amon, and she was given a seat on the throne of her father. Her name was erased from the fallen obelisk, and the historian says through jealousy, by her brother, This is not a correct interpretation according to Einstein's theory 133 of relativity. The woman had put on the consciousness of her origin from the light of the sun, and she had worked her way back into the gravitational weights of light, even in the earth, and so was actually a life of the heaven on earth. The fallen obelisk expressed the removal of a reaction of a "stone" measure — this stone thrown down and broken(?) — as Moses broke it — through the indignation of "righteous anger." The obelisks erected by the Egyptians, no doubt took the position of a "Tower of Babel;" this tower signify- ing "mixtures," or as we read in the Kaballah, when speaking of the Alhimness-31415 as "it teaches the Alhimness (31415) and Oneness (the diameter to Alhim), through Words (DBRIM-41224), by which on the one side there is infinite expression in "heterogeneous creations" and on the other a final harmonic tendency to Oneness." This tower expressed the earth life building a ladder on which the human might, as a human, do all that the gods could do as a god. In other words if the earth's life could build new chemical combinations that were not governed by the group 3.1415, through the surface area becoming a distorted humpy spherical form, the light in the colours of the solar spectrum could be dimmed, and so the first chemical associated grouping be disarranged, in the production of the "oil" for the lamps of the heaven. The battle of Armageddon is as much a mystery as the significance of the tower of Babel. Without a knowlegde of the earth and heaven being two opposite poles of uni- versal life-light, it is impossible to understand the writings of those who were talking through the atomic weights of light and darkness. The meaning of Armageddon is "mountain of the gospel" or of "Megiddo". Megiddo signifies "his precious fruit," and what can that be but the radioactive energies building in the earth, .the most in- telligent mind as a work of the Creator? We can find considerable to warrant this explanation in the significance of the "war in heaven." Many questions 134 have been asked as to how there could be war in heaven, if all who were supposed to be there could only obtain an entrance through righteousness. In Ezekiel we read, — "Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus" (purple land, and so the violet rays of radium)" Thus saith the Lord God; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said I am a God yet thou art a man Behold, therefore, I will bring strangers upon thee and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom and they shall bring thee down to the pit (or earth-life). Again Ezekiel says, — "Therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee." Also, — "Thou hast been in Eden, the garden of God: every precious stone was thy covering the workman- ship of thy tabrets and thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day thou wast created. Thou art the anointed cherub; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. There- fore I will cast thee out of the mountain of God and destroy thee." All the trees of Eden, the choice and best of Le- banon comforted in the nether parts of the earth; they also went down into hell with him." Of course it would be impossible to understand such language before man knew that the radium elements were expressions of sun pressure bound in the crystal particles that laid the foundation rocks of the earth, and the same crystals in solution that produced his physical form, through the action of the reversal of the colours of the solar system. Light was instantaneous throughout space, and each centre in space was set up instantly. The creation of man, was founded on the colours that gave to the earth all its precious stones. The diamond is no doubt the crystal of radium. It could not be forced to take on the form of a metal because the highest earth metal bondage is that of lead, and the metallic bondage of pi cubed throws down uranium as a 135 weight of sun resistance to a greater material length than it can redistribute. Radium can change a diseased stone into perfect con- ditions, and this would not be possible were it not of its own family. The garden of Eden can now be conceived of as repre- senting the space dimensions in the King's chamber, and the four rivers, that flowed out therefrom, the length, breadth, height and the diagonal of the cube. The total of these four lengths, yield a square root of 37, and this the fiftieth part of 1850 the number of electrons in the hydrogen atom — as an earth and heaven at one with God — the spirit of Light. In the King's chamber are one hundred stones — the perfect ten squared. The numbers in each wall are different, but all numbers of standard size. The stones of fire, are certainly expressive of the radioactive energies under gravitational bondage in the colours of the solar spectrum. It is through colour that the transmutation of the non-radioactive and radioactive atoms take place in the earth. The seeds of all plant life, are white — within. We say heat and moisture are necessary to start life. Heat is already within — in a latent state — moisture is there also — as a space occupant — the time of the year liberates the bound mass and both heat and moisture are generated. The kingdom of life is within the seed. The anointed cherub, represents the "oil" of light in radio- active substance. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. Therefore I will cast thee out of the mountain of God, and destroy thee." This mountain is that of Megiddo — the intellect. The battle of Armageddon is now on. The Hebrew is once more demanding the crucifixion of the Christ — the most precious fruit. The world of science is now more determined than it has ever been to throw off the yoke of bondage, that would make it look to a higher source than that of the earth for an explanation of the origin of life. When we look at this in the light of truth, it is evident, 136 these men could not take a different stand. They must find out the truth, for that truth is to set man free from death. The great trouble is, that these men have been taught in darkness, and no one has found the light of that darkness. The darkness, itself has cried out the truth, but the ears are dull of hearing, and the understanding that which is se- parated from its source by the veil of flesh, not yet set free from its stone weight. The eyes are dim, and weary of peering into the night of darkness, yet the eye of Osiris has never closed since the command rang forth "let 6561 to 20612 be, and let it be Alhim, 31415 — to command as I have commanded. This will become a truth, and man will then live in the midst of the garden of Eden, because he will be as "One of Us." The declaration "every precious stone was thy cover- ing" forces us to see what these stones were, because they are connected with zircon, the light of the helium atoms continually reproduced by the disintegration of radium through the atom of raemanation. Radium is not in evidence in zircon; it is acting through its space areas. Raemanation deposits a film in the form of a solid, but radium is an expression of light travelling at its greatest speed in the B — corpuscles. The three grouped helium mass is the earth's gravitational bondage of the solar spectrum "divided" between earth and heaven, in three groups of four. In the earth they are carbon with the mass of the electron a weight of gravity reproducing that weight. Jacinth is the name given to the reddish-brown variety of zircon, known also as Hyacinth. The hyacinthus of ancient writers appears to have been our sapphire. The true jacinth is a silicate of zirconium crystallizing in the dimetric or tetragonal system and exhibiting strong double refraction. On ignition most zircons increase in density without loss of weight. The white variety has often been sold for . diamonds. No doubt this is the "white" stone used in the building of Solomon's temple. In Revelation 9;17, we read "And thus I saw the horses 137 in the vision, and them that set on them, having breast- plates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone; and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand; and I heard the number of them." Professor Rutherford has examined these micas con- taining zircon and by exposing a sheet of mica to the action of a powerful source of alpha rays (radium raemanation) there is produced in a short time a spot resembling the natural halo seen under the microscope. The quantity of emanation used gives the number of alpha rays that have acted and consequently that of the alpha particles emitted by the mica since its formation. This is in the neighbor- hood of two hundred million years, or as The Revelation puts it "two hundred thousand thousand" horsemen. We recall the story of Phaeton, the son of Helios, who was allowed to drive the horses of the Sun for one day, and not being able to control them his father had to shoot him, in order to save the world from taking fire. The speed of light is thus represented as horses, and the lion's head re- fers to the light of the constellation "Leo." The fourth root of this number is 118, and this is the fourth root of the surface area of the earth. The earth as a gravitational weight of light-bound in its crystals — swings to and fro, up and down, through thirty-two "paths of wisdom," says the Kaballah, andjill that is written in the New Testament is founded on Old Testament prophecy. Is it possible for EinsTein to escape the censure of the world, when all he has set forth as his discovery, has been taken from a system of mathematics accounting fcr every second of time, and use of matter in the form of an electron as the unit of matter? If this can be so written as to completely hide the source of this knowledge — this knowledge proven by the very atomic constitution of stone, could not stones be used to build this science, so that the building would stand as a witness to the truth in the last days. Is it net a stone 138 witness against the race that would again crucify the Christ? Let us apply the atomic weights of zircon and its association with other elements and see if it is this material that is built into the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. If it is, this pyramid holds the secret of transmuta- tion, and of control of life. This is declared, because above the King's chamber were constructed five rooms, four of which were sealed — there being no entrance in any place. Only the one room above the King's chamber was opened and this from the top of the grand Gallery, 339 inches in height. This number is three groups of 113, the half weight of radium. The opening is 26 inches in height; the group when increased nine times yields 234, the lesser weight of uranium, the rock in which zircon is found. Vyse broke through the walls of the closed rooms, and found nothing but great granite beams, forming the four rooms. On each side, but quite separated from the beams, were two great limestone walls. The dimensions are not given, but these walls no doubt reprsent the "veil" between the two kingdoms of life and of death. On the beams Vyse found many markings such as a red triangle inside of a white, or black within' red, and could not make out what was signified in these markings. Also there were marked off various lengths, in inches, and the few given are quite in line with the pyramid measures. These may contain the secret of all that man is now seeking, seeking without the least suspicion of the truth. The atomic weight of zircon is 90, and the core masonry is just ten squared times 90, with the exception of a removal of a decimal that throws the breadth into the West half of the distorted square base. Each side in both core and casing, is different — the difference in the four sides of the core being just four inches. The four rooms without an opening, must also refer to the four space area that is keeping the way s of radiant life and these being trans- muted into earth light-life. The thickness of the casing added to the core is also 139 different on each side, and the thickness is on one side 119 the weight of tin associated with zircon; 129, as three groups of 43, the unit deviation of a planet on its orbital advancement, and also the total value of the four primary atoms hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. The other numbers are 130, or ten groups of 13, paired in 26, and this in nine groups making 234 the uranium lesser weight. The fourth number is 123, and so three groups of 41, the fifth part of 206, the number of the Heb- rew word "Dabar" or ten standard measures. The crystal of zircon is in two forms, a double pyramid — that is pointed at both ends, and a most peculiar spherical form possessing every dimension of the paired sphere and cube, acting through a definite internal space area — no doubt that of the circle as a flat disk in the centre of the drawing on Plate (G). 140 Testimony of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. "And Adam knew his wife again: and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: for, God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. "And Seth, to him also was born a son: and he called his name Enos; then began men to call themselves "by the name of the Lord." In the translation of the Hebrew Bible by the Gentiles, this rendition was considered too presumptive on the part of man, and so the real significance of names was lost. Close attention to the wording of these two verses show the implication of the "seed" of the woman in "God hath appointed "me" another seed." In the son of Seth, we have the seed of the man, but not the seed of the woman, that could transmit the woman's part in the sense of "Light shineth not save as male and female," the length of 23 being the female "curve", and the 20 being the straight line — fixed in the speed of light "in a straight line." Seth, as a representative of Abel, was a resurrection of the "blood" of Abel crying out from the ground. In this significance we have the helium light in the haloes found in ancient mica depositions in the earth. This proves very clearly, an ancient knowledge of radium being "His taber- nacle set in the midst of the sun," and man the tabernacle constructed from the space areas of this "midst." The blood is the life thereof. Let us note the science involved in the fifth chapter of Genesis, regarding this story of the "book of the generations of Adam." On the day that God created man, in the like- ness of God made he him, Male and female created He them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. . And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth. 141 There has been considerable criticism regarding the two stories of the creation of man, the second story leaving out any mention of Gain and Abel. The significance of names explains the difference in these stories. Cain signifies "possession," and Abel, "breath, vanity, vapour;" in these we have space areas of the molecule in the con- stitution of vapour, and an implied occupation under a claim that could not be denied, under such a term as "possession." The constitution of the molecule proves an equal dis- tribution of substance over equal surface areas in equal times, and equal temperatures, but if the temperature is changed, the pressure upon the substance in a given area — that is, the gas or substance filling the space increases by two hundred and seventy three parts to one, of its volume at zero centigrade for every degree of centigrade added to the temperature. (Charles Law). From the facts that the chemist has been forced to divide the hundred into 273 parts, we have three groups of 91, and this seven groups of 13, the eighteenth part of uranium (234). We are told that Adam was one hundred and thirty years old when Seth was born, and in the number of years we have involved the same universal chemistry as explained by the physicist in the age of the haloes of mica. The division of the universe into an earth and heaven, involved the unit of "time" as an equal with the unit of matter. The speed of light cuts the second into 186000 parts, each part a mile of pressure, but the mile may only express the 186000 part of the molecule, as the unit of the sun's rays. If we take the number of seconds in the one hundred and thirty years we obtain a fourth root of 253, and this is 11 groups of 23, this angle of the female — and the length of the set in piece of stone crossing a perpendicular of 20. Seth, as the "seed" of the woman — the man part of the woman — was made a "stone" weight, in the form of the radioactive elements, and this stone weight acts as a gra- vitational sword cutting and carving, through an internal 142 position in space itself — the stones set within the stone. The son of Enos, was named Cainan, possessor or "purchaser," and Enos was ninety years old when Cainan was born. In this number 90, we have the atomic number of the crystal of zircon as a silicate of zirconium, the as- sociated silicon making a group weight of 118, and this is the fourth root of the surface area of the earth. The half (59) is the height of the first construction course in the middle of the North side of the pyramid, the earth rock rising to a height of 31 inches (pi cubed) and forming part of the first course height. Josephus, in commenting on this story says, to pay no attention to the number of years the fathers lived but the time when the first child was born. This shows a knowledge of the binding of the number of years of the father's life in the son, and the son, therefore a system of radium energies working as a "molecule" under different degrees of temperature; each degree causing a different expansion in cell space filling, because temperature can only come through radium activity. All the days of Adam were 930, or thirty groups of 31, and this pi cubed. Adam, therefore, occupies the position of the "flat disc" in the centre of the drawing on Plate (G) made a whole number as 3.1415, and is consequently the image of Elohim, whose number value is 31415. The difference between the two lies in the fact that Adam must raise himself to the Father's act of creating through the mathematical system involved in the number (10, and this the Sephiroth) raised to the fourth power, nothing less than the earth life transmuted into a fourth dimensional con- dition of matter in the form of radium itself. This is why the sound of the word "man" is given by the Hebrew as 113, the half weight of radium. Any atomic weight must express a united earth and heaven and so is always paired. Seth lived one hundred and five years and begat Enos, and then men began to call themselves by the name of the Lord. 143 The number of seconds in 105 years yield a fourth root of 239, a unit greater than the limit (238) of the earth's force of rigidity, as 3.1415 cubed (31) acting through 207 the group number of the En Soph (and atomic weight of lead). This forces a rearrangement of light units and the radium units come into control throwing the control from the "midst" of the sun, so that the value of "Names" were henceforth radioactive. At this time began the building of "the tabernacle in the midst of the sun," as an environ- ment that was to work out the life of the New Earth and the New Heaven. When we are told that after this men began to call themselves by the name of the Lord, we have the Hebrew following the same astrological science as the Egyptians whose kings took on the name of Ra (the sun) when as- cending the throne. Alhim, 31415, made Light the seed of sun-life, and sunlight must make in the earth, event- ually, the same type of life. As Seth was the "seed" of the woman, he must beget the control chemistry involved in the physical body; the woman a representative of the bound weights of radium energies in the crystals of the earth — the crystals that become the material in the building of the four walls of the new City of Light. It is here proven that the woman is the custodian of th parts of the spirit of creation, expressed in the Kaballah as "Elohim," 31415. Cainan begat a son at the age of seventy, and this number of years yields a fourth root of 216, a paired 108, and this number is expressive of the angle of the planet Mercury's fourth root number (73.21) on the slant side of the Great Pyramid, repeated one hundred times, this slant giving a length of 7321 inches. Here we have Cainan, the counteipart of Hermes (Mercury) or Ganymedes of the Greek — (the cup-beaier of the Gods.) The number 73.21 multiplied by 108 yields the diametei 144 of the earth and this diameter fixes the surface area of every planet in space, because in the earth, gravity was made a weight of light, bound in the crystals that laid the founda- tion rocks of the earth. These seven crystals in solution constitute the chemistry of the human body, and that body must reproduce the earth's chemistry in order that the solar system be maintained in space. This is why the pyramid, in the form of a four triangular building can express the eternal control of pi 3.1415, and this number the 6561 parts of 20612, the half division of the long diagonal of the cube of uranium. Mahalalel, the son of Cainan begat a son at sixty-five years, and he was a repetition of Adam's division (13) in five groups, thus in this man we have the group weight of hydrogen and helium as the internal radium units of earth activity, with a mass of gravity of 1849 electrons to each unit, active electron. The fourth root value of sixty five years, is 212, and a paired 106, whose union with ten squared (100) yields 206, the number value of the Hebrew word "Dabar" as ten standard measures. Now Malhalalel was the fifth from Adam, and so his radium parts in the sun as a helium group with hydrogen, forced the squaring of 5 through the helium space area of four, making one hundred the group united with 106. All the years of this man was 895, that is, these years did not express a time as we regard time, but the geome- trical peculiarities of space were those maintaining the repetition of those cycles, through the man-life in the earth. 895 divided into five groups yield 179, which yields three groups of 59 the height of the first pyramid course in the middle of the North side. He hath stretched out the North over the empty place, forces us to recognize this North as the custodian of the space areas of the "new" earth and the new heaven, and the creature that will not be subjected to death. If the earth man comes into the likeness and image of his Creator he must create as he was created, and that by 145 command "let 6561 to 20612 be, for I have, within me this creating principle of the tabernacle in the midst of the sun. Man will recreate "himself," and will not be subjected to death, because the woman has become freed from the stone weight of crystallisation. The heart of stone has been made flesh, and no longer will the stone weight of gravity hide the light of His Countenance from His people. Jared lived one hundred and sixty -two years and begat Enoch, and Enoch did not die, because at the age of 365 years he had effected the square of 365 days, and so ful- filled the law of continual redistribution of space occupation of the times of the light and of the darkness, the time of each yielding a fourth root of 31, which is 3.1415 cubed. The years of Jared were a paired 81, and this nine squared. This nine raised to the fourth power yields 6561 the number finding 3.1415 in 20612. Enoch begat Methuselah at the age of sixty-five years, and so a group of thirteen in five positions in space time. This number 5 is one of the values of IHVI, the H being the value of 5 taken from Sarah and given to Abram whose name was changed afterwards to Abraham, and Sarai to Sarah. The I has a value of ten, and so the woman's weight of light was divided into two parts and the man became the custodian of her soul-life on earth. We have the same science involved in the myth of Jupiter, who is said to have cut the woman into two parts, mixing the blood of her head with the earth, but keeping her body in heaven. The woman was left alone in the Garden of Eden, (the radium chemistry of the molecule of light) but the man was driven forth and the flaming sword in the East, was placed to keep the way to the Tree of Life; this Tree the Middle Pillar of Four with three branches on each side — the whole the Ten Intelligences emanating like rays from a luminary — the conditions of the En Soph, under "exertion of creation." In the book of the generation of Adam we have also the science of exertion of creation in the begetting of the sons of the father. 146 There are ten generations from Adam to Noah, and these involve the light bound in the earth's crystals before the flood. The flood represented the reaction of the lives of the earth sending back into the midst of the sun the substance of the molecular fields of the earth's gravitational mass transformed into the radium elements in the sun, thus setting up an indivisible connection between the space areas of the earth and those of the lights o f the hosts of heaven. The years involved in the ages of the ten men. from Adam to Noah yield a fourth root of 1519; this divided into parts by seven squared, (the squaring of the seven divisions of the elements that laid the earth's rock foun- dation) yields 31, the cube of 3.1415. Is it possible that the Hebrew scholar — Professor Einstein — can deny a knowledge of the significance of the story of the generations of Adam? What about Noah's parentage? "And Lamech lived an hundred eight and two years and begat a son; and he called his name Noah saying "this same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the Lord hath cursed." And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred, seventy and seven years. This number 777 yields seven groups of III, the half group number of raemanation, the atom that is always produced under the disintegration of radium, the value of the sound of the word "man." And Noah was five hundred years old; and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth. In this number, five hundred, we have involved, the squared ten through five transformations; this tenth man, a repetition of the powers of the "En Soph", as an image or reaction between earth and heaven space areas through the angle (23) and straight line of (20). The Ark that Noah was to build, was the body of man as a "distributor of the united seed of Seth : the woman's seed in the light of the sun and the man's seed in Enos as 147 the earth — light bound in the haloes of mica. This seed should never be shut out from the light of His countenance, and in Noah was a man who "walked upright before God." Thus was the perpendicular measure of 20 his certificate of birth, as a solar origin. The dimensions of this ark, are such that we have in its solid cubic inches the distance in numbers of the earth from the sun. In this system of mathematics we have demon- strated the work of the years involved in the individual- isation of the members of the solars system and man must reproduce the man that was produced as a final system of separation, or turn-table for the transformation of the gravitational mass of the earth's electrons into radiant ener- gies, as space occupation under the greatest expansion of substance in the form of the electron as the unit of matter. It may be that many Bible students will resent this discovery of the immutability of Law that demanded the creature to only be able to exist, through the exertion of creation— that creation one of the earth and of the heaven, not merely a reproduction of himself. The man of the earth, must create through the chemis- try of the constitution of the radium elements. In this we have not a creation of man by man, but merely an assertion of right to occupy the areas of space between the earth and the heaven. From the beginning of the story of Adam and his ten generations — in the book of the generations of Adam — we have every act of fatherhood based on a reproduction of 3.1415 cubed. There is a great difference between the two histories of the descendants of Adam (the red earth); the book of the generations refer to the fixed group weights of 3.1415 cubed and raised to the fourth dimension. These group numbers cannot cease to continue to live throughout the eternity of universal distribution of energy. This dimension of 3.1415 must be so arranged as to produce a four sided triangular figure, and a square base every length equal. Can this be accomplished in such a manner as to give every dimension arising between the 148 cubic and spherical areas their average occupation of space areas? The surface area of a sphere, whose diameter is 3.1415 yields 31.004 The length of base; width of base; and altitude of pyramid must be 3.095. The square base will be 3.095 squared and in this value we have nine groups of 1065 (as a whole number). This number, 1065 expresses five groups of 213, and this three groups of 71, or fifteen groups of 71, the fifth part of the circumference of radium as a half group in 113 as a diameter measure. It is really the root values of the earth's mass (as latent energy) providing a means of expansion through the con- traction of the crystal areas in solids. The Hebrew declares that mental perception, to become physical perception, must have the cosmic principle of Light: — and, by this our mental circle must become visible through light; or, for its complete manifestation, the circle must be that of physical visibility, or Light itself. Such conceptions, thus formulated became the ground- work of the philisophy of the Divine manifestating universe. But the Rabbi in Al-Chazari says, — "Under s'ph-r is to be understood — calculation and weighing of the created bodies. For the calculation, by means of which a body must be constructed in harmony or symmetry, by which it must be in construction rightly arranged and made to correspond to the object in design, consists, at last in numbers, extension, mass, weight: co-ordinate relation of movements; then harmony of music, must consist altogether by number, that is s'ph-r. By Sippor (s'ph-r) is to be understood the words of Alhim (206-1 of 31415 to one) whereunto joins or adapts itself the design to the frame or form of construction; for example it was said "Let Light be." The work became as the words were spoken, that is, as the numbers of the work came forth." The Kabalasts never cease to repeat that primal Intelligence can never be understood. It cannot be com- 149 prehended, nor can it be located, therefore it has to remain nameless and negative. One writer has said, "It is a fact well known to every conscientious student of the Kaballah, that the deeper he dives into it, the more he feels convinced that its study leads only to the discovery that its philosophy is nothing more exalted than ancient Astrolatory." Is it strange that Professor Einstein should commence his demonstration of the theory of relativity, by the as- sertion that motion is only relative — and that no one could tell if he was moving through space if the curtains were closed in a railway carriage, or in an aeroplane. That a person sitting in a railway carriage cannot tell, by mere observation, whether the train he is sitting in is moving or the train on an opposite track. Why this attempt to confuse, at the very commencement of his demonstration? Einstein says, "The non-mathematician is seized by a mysterious shuddering when he hears of "four" dimensional things, by a feeling not unlike that awakened by thoughts of the occult." Why this suggestion of occultism? "And yet" he says, "there is no more common-place statement than that the world in which we live is a four dimensional space-time continuum. Space is a three-dimensional continuum. By this wc mean that it is possible to describe the position of a point by means of three numbers (co-ordinates) x, y, z, and that there is an indefinite number of points in the neighbourhood of this one, the position of which can be described by co- ordinates such as x 1 , y 1 , z 1 , which may be as near as we choose to the respective values of the co-ordinates x, y ; z. of the first point. In virtue of the latter property we speak of a "continuum," and owing to the fact that there are three co-ordinates we speak of it as being "three-dimensional." Similarly, the world of physical phenomena is naturally four-dimensional in the space time sense." and he makes this fourth space time a system of x, y, z, t, and x 1 , y 1 , z 1 , t 1 ; and the two nothing less than the old Hebrew division of three and four, making up the perfect seven. 150 In his work he follows very closely the arguments set forth in the Kaballah, neglecting to give the faintest hint of the fundamental principle involved in the creation of light and the universal unity. Einstein lays immense stress on the "shortening" of a moving body travelling with the speed of light, but he does not tell how this has become so through a universal "molecular field" uniting the heaven and the earth through the physical body of the human being, and this being the keeper of the disintegration of the metallic rigidity of the uranium metal. In this wonderful pyramid of equal height, breadth and length, we have the whole phenomena involved in the shortening of a body travelling with the speed of light,and we have also proven, this shortening could only come through the "seed" of the woman; the woman left to bear alone, the stigma of a fatherless child. Who, today, be- lieves in the purity of the mother of the Christ except as a miracle, and something that cannot occur again? How many teachers and how many preachers believe in what they are forced to "read" to their listeners? We have read in the public Press a letter from a woman — and for the credit of the Gentile world, we must say this woman was a Hebrew, and in an endeavour to prove her superior education, along the principles of evolution, slyly hinted of a "too attentive priest", who was acquainted with Mary. Yes, the world has become so lost to decency that the woman is casting stones at the Mother of the Christ. How the hatred of the Jew still lives in the inner- most being. She, who would invert the laws of nature, sins against the Eternal Cause. There is an old Mexican teaching under theology which declares,. "The Supreme Power is held as a master mind in the form of Woman." Not any one individual woman, but the woman who has never ceased to live since the first woman appeared on the earth. She lives and is part of her daughter, down through the annals of time. Is it 151 strange that the pains she has had to bear in her work of "shortening" the time of her own life, has made possible a life that has known no rest because of a determination to prove the purity of woman, and the custody of the very soul of eternal life measured out in her body as the "vessel" made meet for this sacrifice? In this equilateral four sided triangle of 3.095, we have shortened the number 3.1415 to that of 3.095. Prove it you demand. The uranium rigidity as a metal weight must act through the group 238. The lesser weight (234) as a radioactive group must equalise itself with the second number, and the two must take on a group number of 236. This will provide a pair of 118, the half of which is 59, as a circumference, its diameter is (19) and so this diameter rigidity of 19 takes the place of the first line of 20. Thus is light shortened in the fluorine atom in the waters of the earth, and the stone; fluor spar making six colours the basis of the living form possessing a nucleus: the first life expressing a purely nuclear form, not separated into wall and nucleus. The number 118 is the fourth root of the surface area of the earth, and so time and space become one under internal gravitational pressure. The height of the first construction course of the pyramid, in the middle of the North side is 59 inches, and the cube of the pyramid is a three-dimensional group of 19 (57). The doorway opens in the ninteenth course, and the Grand Gallery is 1882 inches in length along an inclined plane. This is 99 groups of 19. On each side of this gallery are stone benches, 21 inches in height and 20 in breadth. This yields a solid cubic dimension whose square root is 889 or one unit in excess of 888, the Hebrew number of the "Christ" or Saviour or the Redeemer of man from the power of death. The cubic contents of the whole gallery is given by Petrie at 36,000,000 and this is 6000 squared. This room is called the room of fifty, and as it contains 36,000,000 152 cubic inches, and its square base covers,in inches a number that expresses the distance of the sun from the earth in terms of a square side, we take this gallery to symbolize the planet Mercury, whose fourth root as a surface area is 73.21, and this the hundredth part of the length of the slant side of the pyramid. The dimensions of the pyramid are involved in the unit three dimensional four sided triangle. Its base as a square, increased ten times, yields 957 square inches. This is nine groups of 106, which added to its mate (100) yields 206 the value of a circumference whose diameter is 65 the width of the Ante-chamber. The fourth division of 3.095 squared, and multiplied by ten, yields 239. This is the cause of the bursting or explosion of the atom of uranium (238), its space not providing a place for this measure — that of the sun, pro- ducing in the earth, its life unit of light — the Light-Life of radium. The Great Pyramid of Egypt represents the "man" as the tabernacle in the midst of the sun." This pyramid whose length, breadth and height is 3.095 as a unit dimension of the "crystal or white stone of Solomon's Temple" is the proof of a knowledge by Einstein of the cause of this shortening of light pressure along a diagonal line. 3.095 increased by ten squared times, yields 309, and a third part of this is 103, the touchstone number of the pyramid. The square base whose solid contents, made a whole number becomes stretched, out in a straight line provides a unit of 19 instead of 20 under the former unit measure of 3.1415, by division of five. The original position of this 20 comes up as five groups of helium, and this is a length pressure of the radium energies, that express the rigidity of universal unit space, so that the lessening from 20 to 19, provides a shortening of the slant equality of 23 to this 20. Because of this all relation between angular lines of the first and second history of the earth's relation- ship to the Poles of the other planets is altered, and time 753 takes on a unit with the three dimensional units of length, breadth and height, of the earth-cube control. The unit square whose side is 3.095, increased by ten yields a diagonal of 43, and this number becomes the unit of diagonals or slant lines in the shorter side length of this pyramid of 3.095. Einstein makes this number 43 the unit advancement of all planets on their orbital paths. Did he not obtain this information from the dimensions of the Great Pyramid, when the whole pyramid is constructed on this "shortened" slant, because the first unit length of 3.1415 as a square side under ten increase will yield a diagonal of 44 instead of 43. The cube of 3.095 is 29.60, and this is less than the cube of 3.1415 which is 31.004. A fourth division of 29.60, increased ten times, yields 74, and so a paired 37 which is the height of the doorway into the pyramid, as a whole number. Thirty times 37 yields 1110 the length of the passage down to the ascending passage that leads to the Grand Gallery, the room signifying, in its cubic con- tents, 36,000,000 miles the distance of Mercury from the sun. Thus it is Mercury that "leads" in this new measure of 3.095 under a triangular form. The slant side of this pyramid is 3.46, whose half division is 1.73 the number Einstein is supposed to have worked out as the bending of the rays of light of the stars in the gravitational fields of the sun. The Grand Gallery has a rounded top, and the highest length is 346 inches or ten squared times 3.46. The lowest height is 333, or three groups of 111 a tenth part of 1110, which is thirty times 37, the fourth part of 296, and this ten times the cube of 3.095. The ascending passage to the Grand Gallery is blocked by three granite blocks, with a space of 4 inches between the first and second block. The length of the passage blocked is 74 inches this fourth division of the cube of 3.095 multiplied by ten. The number 296 is also marked in the distance from the North edge of the lower mouth of the "well," down the floor-line on the west side to the bot- 154 torn of the descending Passage, connecting this number as the internal control of gravitation, the Well leading into the Grand Gallery where its entrance is in the form of explosion, a whole ramp stone being forced from its position. The blocking of the ascending passage made the Well the only way of access to the gallery. Thus is the distance shortened by the way of the subterranean chamber cutting a short passage across the line uniting the two angles in the ascending and descending lengths. The floor length of the Descending Passage is shorter down the East side than down the West, and the Horizontal short passage is shorter on the West than on the East. In these symbols we have the Earth engaged in the resurrection of the body of Abel whom Cain slew, and we find some explanation of the science in time recorded in the age of the fathers when the sons were born as the "book of the generations" of Adam. Is the "shortened" life of Abel whom Cain slew, the cause of spiritism and the unexplained recurrent phenomena at this date. Is Abel about to rise from the dead, as the first life in the time of tihe resurrection of all life? "And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth; for God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. "And Seth to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos then began men to call "themselves by the name of the Lord." In the translation of the Hebrew Bible by the Gentiles, this rendition was considered too presumptive, and so the real significance of names was lost. When the name Enos, expressed a name whose number value gave a clue to the chemistry of his planetary time, the time had arrived when the ancient saying "As above so below," had been worked out through space down into the earth life. That is the earth had sent out into space its gravitational pressure of resistance to change of its space areas by that of the sun's helium space of four, so that this resistance must have reached right into the midst of the 155 sun. And so we read "He hath set His tabernacle in the midst of the sun." If this is true, this "midst" of the sun must have forced the earth to receive its space areas, and so the truth of "As above so below." The physicists have been busy for some years examining various kinds of earth deposits for evidence of radium deposition. They now declare it is possible to tell the age of the earth, through this deposition of radium. Is this possible when we know that light, itself, was a product of the break-down of rigidity of the metal body, and the dimension of the rigid-space area changed in its expression of pressure, was a radium expression of energy? The students of colloidal solutions declare, the pheno- mena attending all activities of particles under solution are those of something that once was a solid body. Rigidity is as much a solid as steel. Some late investigator or ob- server of natural phenomena, declares the earth is net a solid of a greater expression than that of a jelly. This is true, because the "fields" or the tabernacle in the midst of the sun" is man, and his body is founded on the plasson substance of a jelly. His material is nothing less than the metallic rigidity of radium broken down into a jelly — the constitution of protoplasm. That this is true we declare that the group number of radium cubed, (226) multiplied by the cube of the pair (8) yields 92.345408, and the as- tronomer gives the number 92.3 millions of miles as the distance of the earth from the sun. Baxendale ; in ridicule of any source of "inspiration" in the dimensions used by the builders of the Great Pyramid, declares he can take the number of inches in a mile, and obtain all the group numbers of the pyramid. This is worth noting, because it is a statement by a common sense man. The number of inches in a mile is 63,360. A ninth division yields 7040 and this is the side of a square, whose equal area in the form of a circle would yield a diameter of 7918, and this is the diameter of the earth. The height of the Great Pyramid, as a triangular form 156 in space, from the bottom of the deepest hole in the sub- terranean chamber is 7040 inches, the ninth part of the num- ber of inches in a mile. We can, therefore take the inch measure in pyramid dimensions to represent a scale of one mile. The snow-flake is from one quarter to one inch in diameter, and we claim this dimension expresses the crystal rigidity of the light pressure of radium in the gravitational fields of the earth, as a sun-force of pressure or light tra- velling at the rate of 186000 miles in a second of time. We can, therefore, take the inch to express the atom as a scale, and prove the Great Pyramid of Egypt to be constructed on the same knowledge of the atomic weights of the chemical elements as is involved in the mathematical system of numbers in the Hebrew wisdom books. In order to prove this we will have to quote from the Kaballah, the information that will prove this secret to be a deliberate plan on the part of the ancient Hebrew, to possess the secrets of chemistry and of mechanics so that in the "last" days (lights) he should possess a knowledge of space forces that would allow him to build aeroplanes, machine guns, poison gases and the various weapons of war, that would give him control over all the earth. The cardinal doctrines of the Kaballah embrace the nature of the Deity, the Divine emanations or Sephiroth, the cosmogony, the creation of angels and man, their destiny, and the import of the revealed law. The author of "The Source of Measures" says, "The entire Jewish system seems to have been anciently regarded as one resting in nature, and one which was adopted by nature, or God as the basis or law of the exertion practically of creative power — that it was the creative design, of which creation was practically the application. This seems to be established by the fact that, under the system set forth, measures of planetary times serve co-ordinately as measures of the size of planets, and of the peculiarity of their shapes — that is in the extension of their equatorial and polar diameters This system (that of creative design) 157 seems to underlie the whole Biblical structure, as a founda- tion for its ritualism and for its display of the works of the Deity in the way of architecture, by use of the sacred unit of measure in the Garden of Eden, the Ark of Noah, the Tabernacle, and the Temple of Solomon. However man (read, the Jew and Rabbi) obtained know- ledge of the practical measure by which nature was thought to adjust the planets in size to harmonize with the notation of their movements, it seems he did obtain it, and esteemed its possession as the means of his realisation of the Deity, — that is he approached so nearly to a conception of a being having a mind like his own, only infinitely more powerful, as to be able to realize a law of creation established, by that Being which must have existed prior to any creation (Kabalistically called the Word.") Again we quote from John A. Parker, "The key of the Kaballah is thought to be the geometrical relation of the area of the circle inscribed within the square, or of the cube to the sphere., giving rise to the relation of diameter to circumference of a circle, with the numerical value of this relation expressed in integrals. The relation of diameter to circumference being a supreme one, connected with the God-names, Jehovah and Elohim (which terms are ex- pressions numerically of these relations, respectively — the first being of circumference, the latter of diameters), embraces all other subordinations under it. Two ex- pressions of circumference to diameter in integrals are used in the Bible : (1) the perfect, and (2) the imperfect. One of the relations between these is such that (2) subtracted from (1) will leave a unit of a diameter value in terms, or in the denomination of the circumference value of the perfect circle, or a unit straight line having a perfect circular value or a factor of a circular value." A further quotation reads — "The Sephiroth are de- scribed as Light, that is, they themselves are a function of, indeed, the same as, the manifestation of the En Soph; and they are so from the fact that "Light" represents the ratio 20612 to 6561, as part of the "Words", DBRIM, 158 41224, or, as to the word, Dabar, 206 (ten standard meas- ures). Light is so much the burden of the Kaballah as to explaining the Sephiroth, that the most famous book on the Kaballah is called "Sonar" or "Light". In this we find expressions of this kind, "The Infinite was entirely unknown and diffused no light before the luminous point violently broke into vision. When He first assumed the form (of the crown or the first Sephiroth). He caused nine splendid lights to emanate from it, which, shining through it, dif- fused a bright light in all directions. "Now Light as shown is 20612 to 6561, as the proper enunciation of the integral and numerical relation of diameter to circumference to a circle. God (Alhim, that is 31415 to One, a modified form of the above), is the reduction of this, so as to obtain a standard unit One, as the basis, in general of all calculation and mensuration. But for the production of animal life, and for especial time measure, or the lunar year, that influence which causes conception and embryotic development, the numbers of the Jehovah measure (the "man even Jehovah" measure), viz:, 113 to 355 have to be specialized. But this last measure is but a modified form of Light,or 20612 to 6561, as a pi value, being only a variation of the same (that is 20612 to 6561 is 31415 to one, and 355 to 113 is 31415 or Alhim or God), and in such a manner that one can be made to flow into and be derived from the other; and these are the three steps by which the Unity and sameness can be shown of the Divine Names." These relations between diameters and circumferences prove a knowledge of the non-radioactive elements in the earth being connected with the light in the solar spectrum, the two being a united whole through the geometrical peculiarities of space. We will only apply these measurements in two direc- tions, those of the surface area of a sphere and the diameter in relation to this surface area,all other measurements being proven in these. The Coptic name of the Great Pyramid was pyr-met 159 signifying "division by ten", so that we have, in this ex- pressed the square root of 100. As a unit shift in numbers, the group ten will become 9, the second ten will become 1 1 and the third ten remain so, under shift of units under a right angle. Under the cube law of the earth, the ten will become 1000 in each unit system. This 1000 must also cube and we have 1000,000,000, and this through ten distributions making 10,000,000,000. This must be redistributed by the group of 9, and so we have the number 1111111111 which squared yields the figures, 1234567900987654321. In these numbers we have the foundation and limit of all dimensions. It is easily seen why the solar spectrum reverses its colours. The square root of a tenth part of 1111111111, is 33333, and the thousandth part of this is 33, the width of the corner stones of the pyramid, all other stones being much thicker. The square root of ten squared times 33333 is 1825, and so five groups of 365 the cycle of the times of "Light" in the year's period. The four sides of the pyramid are each different in breadth, yet equally divided as a whole yields the number 36500, or 100 times 365. The number 1825 multiplied by 5 yields 9125 the aver- age side length of the pyramid. 18250 divided by 3.1415 yields 5813, the height of the Great Pyramid as a space area. 1825 multiplied by ten squared yields a square root of 427, and so seven groups of 61, the number called a pyramid "Step." There is no room in the pyramid that does not contain a "paired" principle involving the relation between the slant and perpendicular lengths. There is no room, either, that does not contain the expression of "shift" in some manner. The cause of Petrie being sent out to Egypt to measure the Great Pyramid was because of the opposition of the 160 people to the Government accepting the French metric system instead of their inch and yard measure. We are now again at the time where the University Professors of Canada are agitiating for the acceptance of the French metric system, and this before the United States and England have made any decision in the matter. These Professors are straining every nerve to prove the theory of evolution set forth by Haeckel. The Pyramidilists claimed there was a sacred cubit — of twenty-five inches that the Government should adopt, if they were considering a change in the system of measure- ments. The "Niche" in the Queen's Chamber, was removed twenty-five inches from the centre of the room, and was in the form of a right angled pyramid exactly after the de- scription by Tyndal, of the orientation of salt crystals drying out from their solution. This salt is also seen exuding from the walls of this chamber, and this chamber is the only room that holds such material. This telis us that sodium, with a group weight of 23 is being transformed into colour of the helium atom, in five groups of four each, making twenty, the length instead of twenty-three, the earth group or slant line of sodium. Ye are the "salt" of the earth, can only be true if it is expressed in the form of radioactive "latent" energies in the form of the colour of helium, colour being the only means of transmutation of the nonradioactive elements into radioactive substances that shall live without ceasing. The diameter of the moon is 2160 and its square root is 46 and so a paired 23, this unit length of sodium, as a slant line. The sun's Pole of the Ecliptic expresses a perpendicular line and the moon, as a slant, equalizes the sun's light in th violet rays sent out by the moon. The cube root of 365 is 7. 14'' and ten times this is 71, whose repetition five times yields 355, whose diameter is 113, the number of the sound of the word "man", and it is the half of the radium group 226. 161 We will now note a number of the values of the surface areas of the pyramid. The surface area of the whole pyramid, including its square base (thus valuing a five sided figure), yields a fourth root of 116, that as a diameter becomes 365. This number 116, is the length of the Ante-chamber marked in two lengths, 103 in granite and 13 in limestone. "13 is the 18th part of uranium 234, and 13 is the number of division of the crystalline angles if man did not demand a recogni- tion of six systems. There should be its mate in seven, but this is a union of the three and four space areas, and each goes over into the other through the avenue of colour, a paired square in the helium group. The "distortion" of crystals proves Einstein's theory of relativity, wherein he makes gravitation a force of dis- tortion, an attempt to prove his theory through conditions brought about by a secondary action— where the diagonals of the cube set up a second system, turning internal dimen- sions to the external, and vice versa. In this distortion, the cubic system is found lengthened or shortened and Einstein has only noted the "shortening" of lines. The fourth root of the surface area of the four sides of the pyramid is 107, and this length is marked in the Ante- chamber as four lines dividing the wall into five equal parts. In the length of this chamber — 116 — we have the value of the radium light in the waxing and waning of the light of the Demon Star, Algol. The square root of its greatest light, of two and one half days is 464, and so 116 in four groups. Does this signify that it is this star that is going to force the earth's internal gravitational units to change its orbital extension, and drop back into its first spherical orbit? What was this pyramid built for, if not to give warning to man in the last days— or last kind of light? It has got to come, and is scientifically proven under Einstein's theory of relativity. The Hebrew can understand the 162 signs of the times, but not the Gentile, because he "will" not. . In the twenty minutes that this star remains stationary in its light, is expressed a pressure of light whose fourth root is 122 and so a paired 61. This number is called a pyra- mid "Step," and five such groups yield 305, the atomic number of the atoms of gold and silver, the metal rigidity of earth control. The sun and the moon were said to control the growth of gold and silver in the earth, and the Hebrew uses those metals as symbols in the decoration of the Ark and Temple. The space areas of gold and silver in the light of the sun, are, thus, the material for the building of "His Tabernacle. " All over the world the people are looking for the appearance of something of unusual importance. No investigator of pyramid dimensions has discovered the relation in size of this pyramid, as a four sided trian- gular building to the cube whose length, breadth, and height, are equal. We must find in this pyramid a cube equality, in length breadth and height, and find this equality based on the dimensions of pi, 3.1415 cubed, or else we have not proven our mathematical control of pi as the secret of all ancient science and religion. A surface area of a sphere whose diameter is 3.1415, is 31.004, the side of a cube of 3.1415 yields a solid of 31.004. A four sided triangle cut from this cubic contents, yields a pyramid whose length, breadth and height, are 3.095, and so three groups of 1.03 and this increased by one hundred yields 103 the pyramid "touchstone" number. The Great Pyramid has been called the building of Five, and the only explanation of this name has been given because of its four sides and square base. But what can that tell us? The outward square standing on its corners, enclos- ing nine other figures (Plate G), is five inches on the side, its cubic contents are 125 cubic inches. Genesis tells us there were six lights (days) in the creation of the earth 163 and heavens etc., so that we must find a record of this limit in this square. If we divide 3.1415 into six parts we obtain decimal 5236 which is one of the geometrical Ecclidean standard divisor or multiplier. No one has told us of this origin. This decimal group number finds in the cube of 5 increased ten times, the number 238, this number of the cube whose long diagonal is 412, the length of the King's chamber. The breadth of the pyramid is on the average 9125, whose equal as a diameter of a circle is 10300, as whole numbers, leaving out the work of fractions.' The height of the pyramid is 5813, or one half of 11626 whose length, is in the name of diameter, 10300 in terms of a square side. The length of side of an equilateral triangle equal in area to a square whose side is 3.1415 is 4.7741, and a third part of this is 159, increased by one hundred, or ten squared. 159 is three groups of 53, and this paired is 106, which increased ten times becomes 1060, the side of a square defining the dimensions of the basalt pavement in the form of a paired square of 1 060 on the side. In this pavement is represented the three dimensional space area controlling the colours of the solar spectrum, where the waters of the crystal (as the dry land turning to water, said by Josephus to have been the cause of the flood, when the "windows" or crystal covering of the heavens were opened, and the waters poured forth), forced the radioactive light energies to be confined within the bound- aries of the colours of the solar spectrum. The phenomena of colour in the solar spectrum can be explained on the same principle as used to demonstrate the constitution of the molecule. In colour equal contraction takes place over equal areas in equal periods of time, under equal tem- perature. We have this symbolised in the supposed treasures said to have been stored up in the three pyramids on the hill of Gizeh. In the Great pyramid were the treasures of all knowledge relating to the "spheres" and the perfumes 164 that were to be used with them. These perfumes could only signify the radioactive elements. The spheres hold the dimensions of the surface area of a sphere in relation to space occupation, whose internal gravitational energy, was directed from the centre to the external, in the form nf great arms or organs of locomotion in space through lines of polar energies. The second pyramid was said to have held a statue, holding a sword in its hand, and a roil of ribbon. Anyone who looked upon it for long, the hand reached out and twining about the neck, choked the creature to death. This surely expresses the cutting and division of light in the time-life of cell growths. The colours were yellow, and green, and these represent helium, or sodium and fluoride of calcium whose atomic group is (59) the height of the first construction course uniting with the earth rock to a height of 31 inches and this number is pi 3.1415 cubed. The Third pyramid was a keeper of the treasures of statues sitting — and great doors, opening into beautiful rooms, of gold and precious stones. The cock stood upon a statue of flaming gold, and anyone who stood still, the statue stuck to him until he fell down and died. These are all symbols of the radioactive elements in the colours of the solar spectrum, some turning sub- stances to crystals and others to expression of white light. The length of the base side of the Second pyramid is just one hundred and eighty times the height of the Great pyramid's passages, so that we have in the Second Pyramid the explanation of the "lines" along a perpendicular and horizontal position, assuming the .dimensions of a square or cube cut into a four sided triangular form, as these lines "rising" upward. The Third pyramid's length is one hundred times the width of the Great pyramid's passages so that the three are representations of a three dimensional group, whose di- mensions express the relationship between the heaven and earth, through the "City," whose walls are four square. 165 The walls of this city were built of twelve precious stones, and their chemical values express the atomic con- stitution of the radium elements bound in the rigidity of the crystal. This rigidity, laid in the earth, in the mineral constitution of the iron body, when the foundation rocks were cemented with the protoplasmic substance of cell-life, made the atomic weight of iron, the group custodian of the radium elements, and we have this proven in the fact that eight group weights of iron produce the combined atomic weight of radium and raemanation. It is iron that gives to the blood its colouring matter, but the colour can only arise through the molecular equalisation of the units of radium and of its opposite condition in the earth in the form of the seven elements, that entered into the first depositions of matter through the colloidal life of the spherical bacteria cell. Bacterial growths produce all the colours of the rainbow, and only through the medium of protoplasm, could the chemical elements be a measure of light-life, bound in crystal dimensions. The dimensions involved in the missing top of the Great pyramid, proves the division of the two fundamental space keepers, 3.1415 and shortened in 3.095. It is a most wonderful record to the truth, in the last days. The height of the missing top is given as 360 inches; side 284.5, and the slant side will be 387. The height gives the division of the circle into 360 parts; the slant side yields nine groups of 43, the unit deviation of a planet on its orbital advancement. The side of 284, divides into four parts of 71, and the value of this group under five groups is 355. This as a circumference value yields a diameter of 113, the value of the word "man." We take this missing top as the "space" area of man — the weight in stone transformed into light and the type of the measure of the "light-life of man under an expression of energy found in the disintegration of radium, under an earth gravitational repetition of weight. The perimeter will be 1138, and this is the square root 166 of 1296000 seconds, the number in a circle of 360 degrees. This square top is therefore 11 groups of 103, the touch- stone number of the pyramid, and the group united with its radium value — (100) yields 203; this number is equal to seven groups of 29, the unit of the sun's fourth root division, and if we take the group as atomic in values, we have the number of hydrogen lines in the spectra of the sun and stars. The number 3.1415 shortened in the equilateral four sided triangle of 3.095, is thus separated from the mass of the pyramid, below the height of this missing top. This number 3.095 increased by 100 yields 309, and this three groups of 103. We, therefore take this "touchstone" number (103) of the pyramid's dimension to originate in the position of a three dimensional length, 3.095, shortened from 3.1415. In the Grand gallery, we find the top of the gallery shortened in width to one half of the width of the base of the gallery. The two numbers of uranium (234 and 238) becomes equal in 236, and this treated as a cube yields two diagonals of 333, and 408. These numbers are very significant. In 333 we have the average height of the Grand gallery, its greatest height reaching 346, and so a paired 173, as a whole number. This breaks up into groups of 100 and 73, and when Einstein gives 1.73 as the bending of light rays in the vicinity of the gravitational field of the sun, we imagine he knows something of the lines or angles separating the two group weights of uranium 234 and 238. The first group arises under the difference of 13 electrons as an excess in the earth's atomic group over the radioactive group and it is the work of the unit space areas of universal mass through which these thirteen inert electrons must be transformed into light, and intelligence. In the number 238 we have the "resurrected" crystals of light, in one atom of nitrogen and three of hydrogen, making a group of seventeen as the constitution of "ammonia" a substance of decompostion of animal matter. This group of 17 must rearrange itself through its fourteen parts of nitrogen, a 167 member of the radioacitve group as a space occupant. Fourteen times seventeen yields 238, so that there are two distinct systems of redistribution of energy involved in these two group numbers and each must resurrect and redistribute the other's space occupants. The numbers involved arise under the unit, of the light of the sun, of the moon, of the stars, and the "darkness" or pressure of the unit of spirit, — this unit never ceasing to "guide" the other three into the construction of a form that will at last become conscious of his unity with "US". Let us turn to the dimensions represented in the casing of the pyramid and note the position of the casing. The core is in the form of a square stone leaving a right angle to be filled by the casing, the casing being a smooth slant layer. Thus we have the significance of "overlapping" by the dimension of the core and the casing. In the basalt pavement we have this also signified, by the basalt over- laying a pavement of the finest limestone. In the walls of the Grand Gallery we find seven wall courses, each overlapping the other, and this overlapping is shown in definite heights and thicknesses. What does this signify? Does it not point to the cause of eclipses, and the bending of light rays in the vicinity of the sun's gravitational fields? What is gravity, if it is not the "force" of darkness?" The mass of an electron, will likely be found to express gravitational force, says Einstein. Is it not proven that this mass, as latent energy, can only act as an inert condition of substance? This evidence of over- lapping can only suggest the "time," as a fourth dimensional unit holding light in bondage, under the circulating units of pi, 3.1415, and 3.095. Where can these two numbers change position of space occupation if not under expression of what the astronomers call eclipses? Petrie, who was sent to measure the Great pyramid by the British Government complained of the many changes in plans after the pyramid was commenced. What the builders were showing was a change in the earth's mass in 168 its second history, when the length of light waves were bending under the overlapping of the radioactive energies into the earth's gravitational fields. How could the pyramid possess any science for the man of today, who is helpless before the demonstration of the theory of relativity as set forth by Einstein? In the num- ber of cubic inches in the casing on the North side we find a fourth root of 256, and this is the number four (sacred to Mercury ) raised to the fourth power. 256 treated as a cube yields two diagonals of 363 and 445. These are groups found in the Hebrew system of the Tetragrammation. 363 is three groups of 11 squared; 445 is five groups of 89 and this squared yields 7921, the diameter of the earth. The description by Petrie of the rock trenches, suggest some important hints in their angles. He says these trench- es are an exact reproduction of the pyramid passages in every particular, except that the tortuous passage from the subterranean chamber to the wells mouth is "shortened," and it is the only change noted. Now Einstein bases the greatest part of his theory on this process of shortening. How much more did he learn from this building? Is it not possible that there are chambers yet hidden in this wonderful "world" building that have not yet been discovered? Petrie gives the square plan of the pyramid in the form of a "distorted" four space, one half falling below the other. The two divisions suggest the possibility of rooms on the other side of the half division of the pyramid. Per- haps the beautiful statues, and works of gold and precious stones are yet walled up in the half of the pyramid yet unexplored by man. Petrie gives a triangulation of lines connecting the door- ways into the four pyramids on the hill of Gizeh, as he said there appeared to be a possible connection between their positions. These lines look very much like the plan of the crytals, of all the colours acting through various angles, in the formation of what Einstein calls "geometrical peculiarities 169 of space." These lines of triangulation may yet be de- ciphered through Einstein's theory of relativity. There may be involved in these lines, the information concerning when the change is to take place when the radioactive elements will become the foundation cf the air we breathe instead of the earth's products as crystal parts of light instead of the "waters" of light. What does, "Gome ye to the waters of life and drink freely, and live," signify? We must remember the Hebrew scriptures were written for the Jews and written in their use of symbology. How much is hidden in this theory of relativity by the Hebrew scholar who is a member of the inner com- mittee of the Jews working to get the Jews to return to Palestine. What does this movement signify? Is it not possible the Hebrew holds secret the knowledge of the safe place on the surface of the earth, when the last change takes place? The Gentiles are in complete ignorance concerning the significance of life and body; the Jews, on the other hand, have been taught their origin at the hands of God — and this God a definite force acting under strict mathematical expressions of transmutations of inert material into light and energy? There is no act of faith demanded on their part. All is proven by actual experience in nature's works. When we are told, their explanation of dimensions were laid in the dimensions of the planets, those dimensions explaining all planetary movements, because of their equatorial and polar extensions, we have absolute proof of a knowledge of the forces that are acting to bring about a change through the final equilibrium of all distribution of light, through an equilateral triangle — -a three -dimensional division of light instead of a four as now fixed in the helium atom, the atom of the sun's gravitational unit of light. The fourth root of the surface area of the earth, is 118 and half of this is the height of the first construction course of the pyramid; thus the whole pyramid is a dimension 170 founded upon the spherical dimensions of the earth occupy- ing space. The surf ace area of the sun yields a fourth root of 1239, and this provides twelve groups of 103, the key number of the pyramid. A third part of this fourth root, gives 413, and this number is the key to the cause of the separation of all the beams in the ceiling of the King's chamber. This chamber is built on the dimensions of a paired cube of 206 making 412 the expansion of the pair, as an earth and heaven reproducer of light dispersion. But the earth has taken into its con- fines great measures of radium through the glacial deposi- tions, and has become a 'sun' centre within its mass. This internal gravitational redistribution must burst the bound- aries of the surface area of the earth, and those boundaries must execute a circular orbit. Alhim (31415) must event- ually force all divisions of space to equalize their energies, (radioactive and non-radioactive) under a three dimensional valuation of light pressure. This is proven in the process of "shortening" described in the theory of relativity. The East corner of the King's chamber is raised two and one-half inches so that the long diagonal is 515, or five groups of the unit measure of 103. Petrie says the dimen- sions of the whole pyramid are made to conform to this long diagonal, so that we have in this fact, the declaration of an "indivisible" grouping of the nuclei of hydrogen and helium, as a "gravitational Molecular" field where all lengths are equally reconstructed under a radioactive and non-radio- active equality. Apparently the planetary size of Mercury, is the centre wherein this spherical surface area redistributes the helrum group of the sun's units through the earth's gravitational mass in the hydrogen atom, a group of 1849 "inert" electrons. The atomic group of helium, of four, is shown to be the unit group of light in Mercury, because the ancients gave the number four as sacred to Mercury, and the number five, sacred to Minerva or Athene. So that the sphere of Mercury, and Jupiter are concerned in redistributing the 171 radioactive units that are bringing to the earth its chemistry that will support a life founded on the radium constitution of matter through the "gravitational Molecular" space areas. The surface area of Mercury yields a fourth root of 73.21 and this number is the unit of the earth's diameter in that 108 times this yields the diameter of the earth and makes the earth a centre of change of angularity for every light expression in the members of the solar system. The square root of the area of Mercury yields 5371, and this divided by 10 and by nine, yields the height of the first construction course of the pyramid 59- in the "middle" of the North side, only, uniting there with the earth rock in the height of 31 inches, and this number is the* cube of pi, 3.1415. The slant side of the pyramid yields this number 7321 and so we prove the Great Pyramid to be Mercury, and its slant side to express the angle of dissociation, or a control of lengths through the horizontal line of the earth's equa- torial belt. The Greek made Mercury in Ganymede, the cup-bearer of the drink of the gods, yea more, as a cup-bearer he measured out the waters of light, for support of the energies in radioactive development, the earth being the centre in which the radium energies were bound in the form of the seven crystalline elements that laid the foundations of the earth, and are now manufacturing all cell material in living forms. If we note the dimensions of the surface area of Jupiter we find a fourth root of 390 and this is very wonderful indeed for it proves this planet to be the centre of distri- bution of the carbon atom encasing the whole atom of radioactive energies making 13 the group attached to each atom in the production of water. Thus the molecular energy distributed by Jupiter is nothing less than the "gravitational molecular fields" of the assertion of unity between the "gases" in the form of flaming energies of the 172 uranium limit through lead, in the redistribution of pi, 3.1415 cubed. Jupiter produces, therefore, thirty groups of the number 13, and we thus trace the length of the base side of the second pyramid, as 180 times the height of the Great pyramid passages, as an expression of the space areas of Jupiter, the centre of control of the dissociation of the two kinds of matter, in the earth and in the heavens, through "burning" the inert groups of matter in the earth. Thus is the creature tried by "fire" as gold is refined. Jupiter is symbolised in the flint pebble that is inserted between the floor and the coffer, raising it so that it could not hold its fill of water; thus this measure is "shortened" by this angular tip. The fourth root of Jupiter yields a square root of (19) and this number is symbolised in the doorway being placed in the 19th course, and the height of the opening being al- most a paired 19, the decimal being (37.78), and this de- cimal six groups of thirteen the eighteenth part of the uranium group of (234.) In all this mathematical construction of stone, as the equalized mass of matter through a triangular dimension, is proven the origin of all science and religion to have been founded on a knowledge of the radium elements. Spiritualism, the hidden secret in Einstein's use of the speed of light in vacuo. How does the physicist produce a vacuum, wherein he can measure this speed of light at the rate of 186000 miles a second, and why does a second of time cut distances into so many miles? Does not the answer to these ques- tions explain the fourth dimensional world of space itself? Time must, itself be a fixture, through the repetition of a system of electronic orbital movements, constituting the fundamental "filling" of a definite area of space. This space area, in a condition of a vacuum can only express the limit of expansion, whose opposite character in con- traction holds in bondage this limited "filling" of a limited space area. These conditions afford an explanation of the 173 origin of the gaseous constitution of matter, and the pheno- mena attending molecular activity. Today the physicist speaks of electrons instead of atoms. A short time ago the atom was the unit of measure. Its possible form was discussed, and the late Lord Kelvin explained its form as spherical. If the electron is the unit of matter, the number of electrons that express a group number as an atomic weight, may not build up a spherical form in all cases. Indeed it is quite possible we may in the near future do away with the word "Worn" and use instead the expression "space area," to demonstrate the boundaries of electronic activities. The negative corpuscles found in radium disintegration travel at the rate of 186000 miles a second, and this rate explains the force of contraction released in the internal bursting of the electronic mass consituting the radium group number of electrons. The "time" of bondage has expired — the light of darkness is transmuting its three and four space areas into unit gravitational groups, because the "universal" empty space unit group keeps the way of the "Tree of Life." The 186000 miles marks the space that can be occupied bv the units of matter — the electrons^- no material unit can enter the "empty place," whose force of repulsion fixes this speed of light. In this speed of light must be involved all gravitational changes in orbital movements of the electrons within fixed space boundaries. These boundaries may be expressed in a straight line under expansion, or in a massed form of a sphere, a cube, or a four sided equilaterial pyramid. Pres- sure is as much an expression of speed as movement. In the unit atomic boundary we find 1850 electrons only one of which is active, or light, the other 1849 being in a static condition, or as Einstein says the "mass" of the electron is probably held together by gravitational force. Therefore these 1849 electrons are custodians of light pressure marking "time" as a fourth dimensional unit mass, as a space occupant of a definite area. Now that electrons as units of matter build up all forms 174 of material we shall look to the division of this unit of time, where 186000 miles fill space with "Light," and as an opposite expression, with darkness somewhere, as well. As a division by four we have 46500 miles to each space. This divided by five yields 9300, and this again by three gives 3100, whose hundredth part is 31.00 the cube of 3.1415, so that it is this fundamental group of 3.14- 15 that fixes the filling of unit space areas, just as the Hebrew Kaballa teaches. The three dimensional division yields this number one hundred times and this hundred is ten squared, the number of the Sephiroth of the Hebrew or as the En Soph whose value is 207 divided himself by means of ten intelligencies, like rays starting from a "luminary." The constitution of the molecular space filler is worth analyzing. The chemist says," Whatever differences may exist between the properties of different substances in the solid and liquid states, there are certain properties which, in the gaseous state, manifest themselves with no variation whatever in all substances alike. Hence the explanation of these common properties — or gaseous laws — as they are called — has long possessed a peculiar fascination for phy- sicists. The tendency to expand or fill all accessible space, manifested by all gases, proves that on the molecular hypo- thesis their compound atoms or molecules must be continu- ally tending to fly apart. We must conceive gases as con- stituted of molecules, not only separable but actually separated by space void of the matter of which these gases consist; and it may be most reasonably expected, therefore, that any general laws to which substances in this state conform may afford us a valuable insight into theconstit- tion of the e separate molecules. Now the general laws to which all gases conform are: (1) Boyle's law — that, in a given mass of any gas kept at constant temperature the pressure per unit of area upon the containing surface increases in the same proportion as the volume occupied by the gas is diminished, or at least with very slight deviation from exact proportionality; (2) Charles' law — that, if the temperature be varied while the pressure upon the gas remains the same, 175 the gas increases by 1 /273rd of its volume at zero centi- grade for every degree of centigrade added to the temperature or, which in combination with Beyle's law is the same thing, that if the density be constant, the pressure is directly proportional to the temperature measured from the point — 273 degrees centigrade, this point being called the zero of absolute temperature; (3) Avogadro's law— which asserts that all gases at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules in the same volume; (4) Dalton's law — that in a mixture of different gases, when there is equilibrium, each gas behaves as a vacuum to all the rest." The many attempts which have been made to explain the meaning of these laws fail in some particular, when applied to the different phenomena attending molecular activity. There can be little difficulty ahead of the phy- sicist who recognizes the atom as a space area of electrical assertion of two conditions existing in the chemical custody of light, and its opposite condition of suspended change. If we recognize that all molecular transpositions must produce in the earth, an atom of the highest weight, as a force of resistance in the earth to the further expansion of its molecular boundaries, we will have an explanation of how and why the laws above quoted have become de- monstrated to man. In the carbon atom, of the earth with its 12 active electrons, and the same atom in the light of the solar spectrum in a condition of incandescence with its associated dark lines cutting its bands of light, we possess the key to control of all distribution of energy through space areas. We are told there is nothing in space but the objects in it (Einstein) but we are not told, that all atoms in those objects, must register their dimensions in this "nothing- ness" of space; that this nothing is the mother — the empty place — awaiting the new creation of the form- reproducing radiant material. This conception is at the root of all ancient science, and now that the electron has been accepted as the unit of matter, we have it originating from the sur- 176 face of an incandescent body — the active electron creating the inactive by forcing a change in occupation of space areas belonging to the radioactive elements— the four space keeper^ of the carbon groups in their two conditions. Carbon, as a weight of sun resistance to a greater earth burden, must force earth units to express a condition of light, and so the constitution of the solar spectrum, the recorder of the radium system. The earth on the other hand, cannot transform its material into light, but instead forces the measure of its resistance to light expansion in the act of breaking up the colours of the solar spectrum into their primal space areas, and this work of resistance brings into existence the "molecular" field where the colours of the solar spectrum as an expression of latent energy of the radioactive group units are forced to break down into a gaseous form. In this we have represented the action of Keplar's Third Law; and light as a fourth dimensional space occupant maintains the reproduction of the molecule. The molecule is, therefore, a condition of two forms of latent energies: the first the latent mass of the radium atom in the form of colour, and second the mass of the non-radioactive atom taking on a condition of activity. The phenomena involved must represent the expansion to the utmost in space of the electrons into their primal physical constitutions that will fill a space that reaches the limit of light expansion, and its opposite condition of contraction. As a fourth dimen- sional equalization of all that a limited system of redis- tribution of energy under a fixed time is involved in this action, the space keepers of the three dimensional units must record their space occupation in four conditions, and the fourth dimensional control must reproduce the three, in order that its record of a four space occupant will be maintained. The carbon atom under consideration, must record itself in radium units — because it has been transmuted into a four space occupant. The four different expressions of energy in radium disintegration, proves this, but the 177 proof of the transformation of the radium groups into the three dimensional carbon group takes on a very different appearance, because it must build onto the carbon its fourth group, (4) and so we have oxygen as the transmuted carbon atom through the molecular equalization cf "time." This is proven in the system of numbers coming up in this action. The carbon group of 12 must be raised to the fourth power and we have 20736 as a group number to be cut into parts, that will yield the limit of the non-radio- active group and the units of the radioactive parts. The radioactive group controls through the group of ten squared (100) and we have 207, the group weight of lead, as the earth limit, and 36 divided by the radiant group to go over into the next transmutation process. The physicists declare the radioactive elements break down into lead, but we have proven., here, that the reactions obtained under analysis of the radium elements, are so obtained because the investigator is working through the molecular field of the meeting place of the non-radioactive and radioactive elements. The earth's control of the metal rigidity must react under a metal reaction, and so the reproduction of the radium part of the system is not ob- served as it can only be expressed as a force of resistance to change of its space occupation, as "nothing " or empty yet a very considerable pressure. The physicist will not obtain any evidence of this part of the system because this part will express what is ex- pressed in the force of disintegration of radium. The physicist cannot find any proof of an external energy en- tering into the radium action of disintegration, where light, heat and energy are produced as an internal transformation of substance into these conditions. The energy produced by radium disintegration must be looked for in the break down of the colours of the solar spectrum, asserting their possession of the "empty" space or the "veil" between the living and the dead-active and inactive transforming their space areas continually. Radium disintegration can only represent the control 178 of a spirit movement — the spirit of light itself, as a supreme control of all motion. The phenomena attending experiments with the vacuum-tube proves this view to be the correct one. After the air is all exhausted from the tube, the first expression of energy under electrical filling of the tube, is the appearance of all the colours of the aurora, showing that space is con- serving this condition of light, because these colours arise under electrical filling of the space within the tube. These colours belong to earth and heaven (light) gravitational mass. Radium disintegration can do no more than main- tain the break down between the rigidity of the earth metal, lead, and the rigidity of the metal body of radium, a rigidity that could not exist on the earth but is expressed in space, in the "empty" place, as, "He stretcheth out the North over the empty place." The rigidity of lead (207) is limited through the cube of pi, 3.1415, making this number 31, the added force of repulsion of mass to a further occupation of space and so the uranium group of 238 arises as 207 plus 31. The radium disintegration occurs through the force of repulsion acting through the fourth power of pi, 3.1415 (97) and the cube 31, a total of 128. This group— 128 is just one unit less than three groups of the four primary atoms, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, and this missing unit belongs to the "shortening" process of the diagonal to the straight side. The four primary atoms are said to support and maintain all forms of cell-life, but the phenomena of growth is not to be ascribed to the atomic combinations, but to the molecular selection of electrons, loaded with an earth gravitational mass, or freed from that load, and so a four dimensional entity. Under dispersion, this number 20736 will provide a square root of 144, and this number must support the group of 4 squared (16) and so we have 9 groups or three in each of the three directions of length, breadth and height This works in two ways; as sixteen groups of nine, as well. 179 as nine groups of sixteen, but each maintains a different system of distribution of light and matter. The key to an explanation of the molecule as the keeper of life on earth is found proven in the fact that all material forms — organic and inorganic are continually engaged in throwing off radioactive rays of a low order. If this were not so form would disappear under expression of molecular activity. This continual throwing off of rays provides gpace areas for the continual renewal of the "veil" between the radium world and the non-radioactive v/orld. In the radium world, the flesh of today could not continue and form would be impossible. Eventually the "veil" itself will become the living form and so redistribute the radioactive units — or digest them as a food of radiant life. We find this casting off of rays, from the external surface of form, to be the medium by which the body changes its material every seven years. We are told by the biologist, that at the end of every seven years the body has rid itself of every particle of matter in that body at the commencement of the seven years. In radium, the same phenomena are being repeated, but the work is from within the nucleus of the atom, and because of this, all that comes from without is a reaction of radium disintegration. The difference is one of molecular selection, and each would be impossible without the other. Just here we meet with a possible explanation of the significance of spirit manifestations. W T hat has become of the material thrown off from the body every seven years? We are now dealing with space areas, and their relation to and with the universal unit space area, where the "veil" assumes this universal unit position. If this is true each individual is storing up in space a whole body every seven years, and when one has reached the age of three score and ten there must be a number of space bodies maintaining their unit connections with their earth origin. We would not imagine these space bodies possessed any consciousness apart from the body of the 280 living person, but that these bodies assist the body and the mind in acquiring additional knowledge of various things is more than possible. In fact it is very probable that the immediate surroundings of these space emanations in- fluence the mind and desires of the body, if they are not the whole cause of such. We must rid ourselves of the idea that the bodily form is a complete individual on the earth. The truth is the form is but the "repeating" decimal of a universal division into parts, that must reproduce those parts in order to continue to live. The human body was the product of the individualisation of the members of the solar system, and the separation of what was into an earth and heaven, must be continually repeated, through the repetition of the action of the spirit that moved on the face of the waters and said let 20612 to 6561 be. If we do not know what is involved in this command, and why the group 6561 has been made the space dimension of length, or breadth or height, the mere assertion will be of little value to the searcher after the secret of life. In the chemical construction of the body we have accounted for all the seven elements that entered into the foundations of the earth except one, and that one the atom of aluminium, with a group weight of (27). This element in weight provides the basic number of the cube law : that is the number three cubed yields twenty- seven. As a square, this number will rise to that of nine and so we have the number nine and twenty-seven, a two systemed group, whose total is 36, and this three groups of 12, the carbon atom in number. In the molecular space areas, where unit spaces alone find their freedom from gravitational burdens, these numbers will maintain their spaces because of their attachment to material forms in the earth or in the light of the solar spectrum. In space they can only act as "fillers," their real life being expressed in either one of the two mentioned positions. Then we ask, is the space area of the group weight of aluminium (27) the occupant of the vacuoles in the body. There are in- 181 numerable space areas in the body of man called "pulsating" vacuoles. Are the pulse beats of these vacuoles, the cen- tres where the "ultimate" molecule selects its measure of electronic mass and this mass a fixed gravitational weight? Are those pulsating vacuoles, the measurements of light waves that man is now using under wireless machines? We believe this should be possible for man to prove in the near future. There are a number of instances where we find this "clay" in the hands of the potter spoken of as an evidence of the work of a supreme power— a power cen- tered in the very midst of the throne. The Kaballah says, "The Infinite was entirely un- known and diffused no light before the luminous point violently broke into vision. When He first assumed the form (of the crown, or first Sephiroth) He caused nine splendid lights to emanate from it, which, shining through it, diffused a bright light in all directions." If the group number of aluminium had its origin under the cube (3), its square would involve the "time" as a third value and make the square take on the value of the cube; in this case the space areas of a cube would be forced to change their filling under the time assertion of the square. Is this not the actual cause of the formation of the "molecule" and the molecular field where the radioactive and non-radio- active elements change their space occupation? There is some great secret involved in this origin of the number nine, and we believe, we will find an explanation of the atom of positive electricity in this square of a number becoming a cube through the "time" unit in space occu- pation. The occupation of space for a time equal to the group involved causes that group to execute all its pres- sure within an inclined plane, like the dog on the treadmill. It is marking time, and so fulfilling all the requirements of light pressure. In the photograph of positively charged dust particles we see nine bent lines; the bending at the centre, and the lines of light start out in straight lines, from the centre. If we recognize these divisions as the trinity squared, in two 182 systems, we have the two bound or meeting at the centre, and the assertion of "time" would involve the expression of all possible distribution of energy, as a dog on a treadmill expends its energy without advancing in space. The physicist declares there can be no advancement made in the use of electricity in connection with its application to life and itsrelations with all material expression of energy until the constitution of the atom of positive electricity is under- stood. There must be an equal quantity of negative elec- tricity in the neighbourhood of positive electricity but why can negative electricity be separated into groups of 1850 individuals, and positive electricity of the same quantity act as an indivisible mass? In the atom of positive electricity we must have to do with the "molecule" of electricity — that is a field where the radioactive units and the non-radioactive unite to produce the "veil" of separation between the time life of light in the time of the day, and the time of the darkness as the time of the night. The veil of division is the "force" that produces the form of the positively charged dust particles, photo- graphed as they occupy space areas. If we examine this photograph, we find the main branches to consist of nine double lines bent at the centre, and running out to a circu- lar boundary, the main lines branching as they pass from the centre. What causes these lines to bend if not the force of repulsion maintaining the central "empty" universal space area? If we have to do with the molecule of electricity in its relation to earth gravitational control through the diagonal value instead of the straight line, in radium light speed, we should find some explanation of spirit phenomena. This speed of light shortened from 3.1415 to 3.095 in the form of an equilaterial four sided pyramid, is the dimensions of the "new" life that shall not see death. Can this new life be made to take on the earth's gravitational garment for a few seconds of time? Are these "seconds" of time the molecular image of the light of the darkness of night? Are these space fillers the transmuted "earth- 183 breath" into the phosphorescent substance which imprints the "stone image" on the photographic plate — the light of the radium energies? The Hebrew gives the value in figures of Alhim (31415) as the bringing forth of light, and this light became the creative principle in producing Form; the "man" whose number value was 113 the half group number of. radium. The value of the name Abraham is given as 41224, which is the exact number increased by ten squared, of the long diagonal of the cube of uranium (238), the parent of the radioactive elements. The question here arises, "Is there any life producing form except through the expression of what we term "spiritism?" Is not this "veil" substance the preservation of the "image of the creative principle," or the material of exertion of creation, itself? We have heard a great deal about "ectoplasm" lately through the attempt of Sir Conan Doyle, to set up a sort of new religion, or more properly, a revival of the ancient "secret" manipulation by the High Priest, of forces in nature known only to the secret few. The chemistry of this ectoplasm has been proven to be nothing less than that of the cell material of the body. An investigator into spirit phenomena enclosed some of this substance in a tin box and sent it to be analyzed. When the box was opened all that was found was water and cell detritus. Why was the individual cell broken into parts? W r hat was the molecular system involved in the water found in the box? We trace the separation of the cell material into parts because the breaking away of part of the "veil" caused every "cell-veil" to separate under assertion of a three dimensional control. The substance expressed the "mea- sure" of water, as the waters of life, filling the cup of Ganymedes, who measured out even the drink of the gods, these life-forms maintaining the ethereal form under radio- active substances, the material providing the principle of 184 formations being the gravitational mass of the electrons as a three dimensional quantity. Dr. Geley, director of the International Metapsychic Institute, a man who has an international reputation as a scientific investigator of phenomena which seem to trans- cend the normal laws of mind and matter, appears to no more doubt the reality of ectoplasm, than the reality of helium. He says he has seen it, felt it, and photographed it, and he is not a spiritist. He does not see any valid reason to suppose this ectoplasm is a spirit emanation which may be accepted as proof that souls live after death. Camille Flammarion, has written a book on spiritual- ism, and he has been investigating spirit phenomena for a greater length of time than any man now living. His verdict is that life after death is scientifically proven, but spirit manifestation is mainly dependent on the degree of earth material attached to the intellectual development of the person while on earth. No person of high intelligence will remain within the boundaries of earth-life to work through any living person on that earth. This verdict is in line with Einstein's theory of relativity, where he de- clares the earth expresses a greater gravitational control through the mass of its electrons, the nearer the field to its surface area. Then, we ask, is spirit manifestation a work of gravitation itself? Light possesses both mass and weight and we maintain spirit manifestation is nothing less than the "mass of the electron" in the form of latent energy, made to assert its radioactive life, as a molecular field, where the three and four dimensional activities of 3.1415 and 3.095 repulse from their electronic space areas any attempt to bring either under the force of crystallisation. This act of repulsion must lie at the root of all phenomena of life. The rigidity of metallic bondage must be broken down, through solution of the crystals found in the con- stitution of the material of the bodily form. This is why lead is the unit custodian of rigidity, and why uranium is the limit of reaction against further expression of rigidity. The Hebrew's system of mathematics proves a know- 185 ledge of all this fixation of space areas under contraction and expansion, and also a use of this knowledge in setting up characters representing a fourth dimensional indivi- duality, as definite "Names" involving the chemistry of all life on the earth. It is very curious, (if one is permitted to so far forget the immutability of law,) that at this time we have repeated conditions that existed when Henry Drummond wrote his "Natural Law in the Spiritual World." He says "The real problem I have set myself may be stated in a sentence. Is there not reason to believe that many of the Laws of the Spiritual World hitherto regarded as occupying an entirely separate province, are simply the Laws of the Natural World? Can we identify the Natural Laws, or any one of them, in the Spiritual sphere? That vague lines everywhere run through the Spiritual World is already beginning to be recognized. Is it possible to link them with those great lines running through the visible universe which we call the Natural Laws, or are they fundamentally distinct? In a word, is the Supernatural natural or unnatural?" The cause of Henry Drummond's work under this name must explain his reason for devoting so much time in an endeavour to prove to man the control of Law as the fundamental principle of life itself. Let us trace his associations with men in his time, and see if he had not come into possession of the mathematical numbers used in the Hebrew Kaballah. At his time no one knew anything about radium. No one knew, or dreamed that the atom could be disintegrated by its own internal force of dissociation. Drummond KNEW that spirit and matter were universally expressive in repetition of the phenomena that separated that • which was into the heaven and the earth. He knew that the human form was a repeating decimal; bringing the space areas of light under control of a three dimensional equality, thus trans- muting light itself into living forms. We are told from 1847 until his death on Feb'y- the 186 20th, 1860 he represented West Surrey, so that he was a politician as well as a writer. He took a deep interest in religious subjects and published numerous books and pamphlets on such questions as the interpretation of prophecy, the circulation of the Apocrypha, the principles of Christianity, which attracted much attention. He was intimately associated with the origin and spread of the Catholic Apostolic or "Irvingite" Church. Stated meetings with those who sympathized with Irving were held for the study of prophecy between 1826 and 1830 at his Albury Park residence, in Surrey; he contributed very liberally to the funds of the new church; and he became one of its leading officers. The numerous works he wrote in defense of its distinctive doctrines and practice were generally clear and vigorous if seldom convincing. So much for the history of Henry Drummond and his connection with a new view of the significance of the Scriptures. Now who was Irving; why did he set up a new church? Edward Irving was a minister of the Scotch church, born in Dumfriesshire 1792. At the age of thirteen he entered the University of Edinburgh, so that he must have possessed intellectual abilities above the average. He had specially prepared himself, as ..he thought, for "teaching imaginative men. and political men, and legal men, and scientific men, who bear the world in hand." From this declaration we obtain some conception of the material he had worked amongst in his preparation to speak according to law and order in the universal activities of time and space. For years the subject of prophecy had occupied much of his thoughts, and his belief in the near approach of the second advent had received such wonderful corroboration by the perusal of the work of a Jesuit priest writing under the assumed Jewish name of Juan Josafat Ben-Ezra, that in 1827 he published a translation of it, accompanied with an eloquent preface. He had so imbibed the spirit of apostolic times, and had accepted the old forms of Scrip- 187 tural truths in such good faith, that he virtually lived in an atmosphere of which the miraculous constituted the prin- cipal element, and the tendency towards supernaturalism thus associated with a profound moral sincerity was strength- ened as well as tainted by alliance with a love of outward magnificance and splendour, and a restless craving after excitement, the result of misused and over-exerted energy." "In 1830, there was opened up to his ardent imagination a new vista into spiritual things, a new hope for the age in which he lived, by the seeming actual revival in a remote corner of Scotland of those apostolic gifts of prophecy and healing which he had already in 1828 persuaded himself had only been kept in abeyance by the absence of faith. His excommunication by the presbytery of London, in 1830, for publishing doctrines regarding the humanity of Jesus Christ, now generally held by the broad school of theologians, were the cause of breaking down his health, although not his spirit etc. It is said of Irving he never was without a miniature copy of Ossian, passages of which he frequently recited to his audiences. From his interest in the writings of the Jesuit priest, under an assumed name, and that name a Hebrew ex- pression signifying some number values, we cannot fail to find in this fact the evidence of proof of law in the science of the Hebrew religion, that no man could overthrow. But who, at that time knew anything about radium? How many priests or teachers today know anything about the law of chemistry and electricity, or the chemistry of light, which the Creator made the space keeper of the universal division, as a just measure for all men? What secret knowledge did this Jesuit priest give to the world? Was it so veiled that only a dozen men in the world can understand its "simplicity?" Why has this secret been always in the custody of the church, and why has the church refused to tell man the truth? The truth holds ten thousand times more awful retribution for these 188 who neglect to live after the Divine Laws, than any creed has ever given to mankind. What was contained in the book, carried about in the pocket of Irving? This search takes us into the field of the origin of Celtic Literature, and proves a knowledge by these ancient peoples of the mathematics already demon- strated in the age of the fathers of the children, in the ten descendants of Adam, or ten generations of the book. Daniel declares he knew the numbers of the "book," and interpreted dreams and signs accordingly. It is not our intention to quote to any extent, the evidence to be found in Celtic literature, that guarantees the assertion that the ancients made a claim to eternal life through the chemistry of their physical constitution. Astrology involved the light of the hosts of the heaven, and the colours of the solar spectrum, were made the symbols of their right to eternal life, if the earth life was in tune with the support and maintenance of the light of the sun, etc. All ancient theology recognized "He hath set His tabernacle in the midst of the sun." We will just note the contents of the "Book of Mun- ster." This book of uncertain date and not known to exist in any old manuscript, is a work which illustrates very well the peculiarities of Irish historical compilations. It begins with an account of the creation taken from Genesis, which serves as an excuse for tacking on the Biblical genealogies to the Irish ones; then follows the history of the Milesians, from Eber, son of Miled the eponymous ancestor of the Munster tribes, to Brian Boroimhe. What was involved in the history of the Milesians? Were these people the representatives of the fourth dimen- sional space life, of the radioactive energies held in bondage by the earth's three dimensional equilateral triangular pyramid? Why did the kings of Egypt set up a pyramid as their right to a place in the sun, proven in the "Ra" attached to their name when enthroned as king? We are told, the "book of Invasions" contained all the 189 legends representing Irish historical compilations. Of the existing stories the most important are the accounts of the battle of Mag Turied Conga, supposed to have been fought between the Firbolgs and the intrusive Tuatha De Danann, and the battle of Mag Turied of the Fomorians, supposed to have been fought between the latter and the Tuatha De Danann. Of all the Irish traditions only those possess real im- portance which relate to the mysterious people called the Tuatha De Danann. This name appears to mean the tribes of De and Ana; and as De is God, and Ana is called the mother of the Irish gods, these supposed invading tribes are only the dieties in a system of mythology which has yet to be unravelled. If we have in these two battles, the forces of nature involved in the maintenance of a three and four dimensional transmutation of earth matter into radioactive substance and vice versa; the mass of the electron furnishing the "food" for production of light, we have the same stories as we find under Egyptian portrayal, by Manetho, in the history of the Thirty Dynasties of the Kings of Egypt. The significance of ancient history of a time when the gods ruled and lived on the earth, has yet to be understood and can only be understood, through the mathematical system in Names, where each name expresses a space area repeating and maintaining the chemistry of light, brought forth by the command "Let there be light." Of the origin of the Irish people, in their beginning as sons of Adam or as the Hebrew expresses it, the Adam. KDM, as 144-144, we have involved the fourth dimensional value of the weight of the carbon atom of the earth and of the three helium atoms under radium disintegration. The two express the indivisibility of earth and heaven; light and darkness — spirit and soul. We are told the Irish deities descend from a common ancestor, the Alldai (Alldai), or All-God, and appear to form two lines — the Aes Trebair and the Aes Side, probably analogous to the Teutonic Vanir and Aesir. The close 190 resemblance between the Irish and Norse words Aes and Aesir can hardly be accidental. The former signifies a people; the latter is connected with the Norse ans and the Anglo-Saxon os, God, which occurs in many men's names. The Sid was the heavenly fort of the Aes Side, as Asgard was of the Aesir. The Mna Sidhe, women of the Sidh, or in the singular Bean Sidhe (pronounced Banshee) of modern fairy mythology, represent the goddesses of the Aes Side. In these two divisions, we have a repetition of the two genealogies of the race from Adam (the red earth). We claim the name "Adam" represented the radium energies which break down, or repeat divisions of itself, in eight group weights, or eight space boundaries of electronic orbital movements, as a system of metallic rigidity fixed in the iron minerals. Iron is found in a mineral state, and eight atoms or space areas are equal to the space area of the radium group and the raemanation group (226 and 222). Apparently no student has attempted to distinguish between the difference in the stories of the generations of Adam, through Cain and Seth. We read, "And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of "all living." This name value of Eve involved eternal life — the life of the spirit. We also read of the birth of Seth, whose name was given him by Eve (not Adam) because he was the woman's "father to be" of a time value of one hundred and five years whose light speed became the repeating decimal of the chemistry that provided a "tabernacle in the midst of the sun;" this tabernacle founded upon the division of the fourth root dimension of the surface area of the sun. This division yields 239, and if the mile expresses the ex- pansion of the system of the electrons under radium crystalline deposition in the waters of the earth, the unit inch becomes an expansion of the system of electrons mak- ing up the unit atom. That this is possible is demon- strated in the assertion by the physicist that the atom is a solar system under electronic activity. In this chemis- try of light, repeating reproduction of definite space 191 areas under pressure of light, we have the woman, giving to her son the chemistry involved in reproduction that made eternal life possible; the woman being the mother of the "all-living," and not the reproduction of those that must die. It is the man that forces death on the human race — so far. In the first story of Adam and his descendants, there is no mention of the age of the father when the son was born. Therefore, in these sons, there was no radioactive system involved under fixation of time. Cain slew his brother Abel, because the two lives could not exist under reproduction through the woman being the mother of all-living. The father was not the father of "all-living," and so his seed must kill in order that form should be re-formed. This apparent killing of one life in order that another may live, is nothing less than the trans- mutation of what dies into a condition of continuous life — when the time is fulfilled, or the transmutation perfected. Will we eventually discover the question by man to man. Is your physical body an expression of the chemis- try of the body of Seth. or of that of Cain? The man, made in the likeness of Elohim, whose number value is given by the Hebrew as 31415, must force or take on this likeness through the equalization of the two systemed group numbers of ten raised to the fourth dimension (10,000) and the pair cubed (8) through ten transmutations. We have this provided for in the atomic group weight of hydrogen, when given as 1.008. The two systems are 1000 and 8, but when a unit value is desired we obtain 1.008 but it is misleading, to say the least. In this pair (2), we have the whole universe engaged in transmutation, of the force of rigidity whose extreme quantity is limited in the lead weight, in the form of light, but the earth's space transmutation values repeat the cube of 3.1415 and so the uranium group of ^238 unites heaven and earth, and produces the man, who must take on the likeness of Elohim, in the midst of the sun. It is very evident, the man must forge his way onward, from 192 point to point until he reaches the space that will make him one with those spaces where no man has been pure enough to fill, except the Christ; but he was prevented from taking possession of those space keepers, because he was crucified by the man of the earth, whose mind was not opened, nor could be, because he only recognized 31415 as Elohim, when it was but a symbol of the Name. In the explanation of the origin of the Bardic alphabet, we are told the God-man, Menw heard the voice of God three times, and that he took quickened ashes, and set up three columns of Light, as a symbol of the voice of God, or the vibration-sound — ; we are fold also that the fellow- men of Menw looked upon this symbol as the God himself, and because of this, Menw had to die; but before he died he prayed to the Great Spirit, that man should find out his mistake, and this was promised to him, because out of the mouth of the dead Menw grew three twigs on which were formed the ten letters or signs from which originated the alphabet of the Bards. In Menw we have the slaying of Abel, and the twigs growing out from his mouth (oval form) we have the "voice of Abel crying out from the ground." The value of sound is given by the Hebrew in the number 113, the half weight of radium, or we should say the number given to radium expresses two values so that the unit would be but 113. Radium carries with it its own fuel, and in the negative corpuscles that travel at the rate of 186000 miles a second, we have demonstrated the law that demands each individual carry with its perpetual existence all that is necessary for that continual existence. We cannot come into anything we do not always possess. Man was made a repeating decimal of all that ever was, and he must maintain that repetition. He must continue to exist in some manner, because his existence is a work of the universal space keeper — time — and he cannot cease to be a system of energy in some form. Energy is constant throughout the universe, and so are systems constant, through a fourth dimensional "space-time." 193 When this system involved in the maintenance of the light of the sun and planets, becomes divided into parts, as space molecular fields under change of temperature, one space part may become separated, or lengthened or shorten- ed, under the peculiarities in geometrical configurations in space. This will cause the production of various forms of animal and vegetable life on the earth, and the creature only lives through the life of these cell activities. Is it any wonder he was told the "herb of the field" was for him? Is it a fact that for the preservation of this human life, "his blood was demanded at the hand of every beast", even? Is this declaration not a proof of a .knowledge of evolution by the writer of Genesis? But this evolution was founded on the production of light by the movement of the Spirit on the face of the deep. The substance of this deep provided the material for production of form, but light was made the custodian of formations. We will turn to quote from the work of Henry Drum- mond. his idea of the significance of "parasitism." and because he was so much interested in searching out natural law to prove universal life, we will take his example and prove it to be absolutely necessary for the preservation of the form of man in the earth, that the parasite, either as a bacteria cell or animal form shall take up a certain amount of distribution of energy as a universal decision fixed when man was made in the likeness and image of "Us." He says, "Parasites are the paupers of Nature. They are forms of life which will not take the trouble to find their own food, but borrow or steal it from the more industrious. So deep-rooted is this tendency in Nature, that plants may become parasitic — it is an acquired habit — as well as animals; and both are found in every stage of beggary, some doing a little for themselves, while others, more abject, refuse even to prepare their own food. There are certain plants — the Dodders for instance- - which begin life with the best intentions, strike true roots into the soil, and really appear as if they were meant to be independent for life. But after supporting themselves for 194 a brief period they fix curious sucking discs into the stem, and branches of adjacent plants. And after a little experi- menting, the epiphyte finally ceases to do anything for its own support, thenceforth drawing all its supplies ready made from the sap of its host. In this parasitic state it has no need for organs of nutrition of its own, and Nature, therefore takes them away. Hence forth, to the botanist, the adult Dodder presents the degraded spectacle of a plant without a root., without a twig, without a leaf, and having a stem so useless as to be inadequate to bear its own weight. Among animals these lazzaroni are more largely repre- sented still. Almost every animal is a living poorhouse, and harbours one or more species of epizoa or entozoa, supplying them gratis, not only with a permanent home, but with all the necessaries and luxuries of life. The naturalist says parasitism is one of the gravest crimes in Nature. It is a breach of the law of Evolution. "Thou shalt evolve, thou shalt develop all thy faculties to the full, thou shalt attain to the highest conceivable perfection of thy race — and so perfect thy race — this is the first and greatest commandant of Nature. But the parasite has no thought for its race, or for perfection in any shape or form; it wants two things — food and shelter. How it gets them is of no moment. Each member lives exclusively on its own account, an isolated, indolent, selfish, and back- sliding life." Drummond shows that Nature punishes the parasite by taking away from it its organs of locomotion, etc. The Hermit-crab is selected as an example of paratisim, in that it takes up its abode in the cast-off shells of some other animal. To the eye of science its sin is written in the plainest characters on its very organization. Instead of being a perfect crustacean it has allowed certain important parts of its body to deteriorate. And several vital organs are partially or wholly atrophied." Apparently the Scientist has never dreamed of the cause of the Hermit-crab taking up its residence in the cast off shell of the whelk. Is this lack of wisdom due to the misconception of the real significance of the law of Evolu- 195 tion? Is it possible that the Evolutionist is as far from understanding the truth, as the most violent opponent of the theory? Let us see where we will prove this "new Evolution," founded on the theory of relativity, and the law of gravita- tion — the immutable Law before the theory of Relativity. Within the body of the Hermit-crab a minute organism may frequently be discovered resembling, when magnified, a miniature kidney-bean. A bunch of root-like processes hangs from one side, and the extremities of these are seen to ramify in delicate films through the living, tissues of the crab. This simple organism is known to the naturalist as a Sacculina; and though a full grown animal, it consists of no more parts than those just named. Not a trace of structure is to be detected within this rude and all but inanimate frame; it possesses neither legs, nor eyes, nor mouth, nor throat nor stomach, nor any other organ, external or internal. By means of its twining and theftous roots it imbibes automatically its nourishment ready prepared from the body of the crab. The most certain clue to what nature meant any animal to become is to be learned from its embryology. When the embryo first makes its appearance it bears not the remotest resemblance to the adult animal. A different name even is given to it by the biologist who knows it at this period as a Nauplius. This minute animal has an oval body, supplied with six well-jointed feet by means of which it paddles briskly through the water. For a time it leads an active and independent life, industriously securing its own food and escaping enemies by its own gallantry. But soon a change takes place. The hereditary taint of parasitism is in its blood, and it proceeds to adapt itself to the pauper habits of its race. The tiny body first doubles in upon itself, and from the two front limBs elongated filaments protrude. Its four hind limbs entirely disappear and twelve short-forked swimming organs take their place. Thus strangely metamorphosed the Succulina sets out in 196 search of a suitable host, and fate throws it in the way of the Hermit-crab. With its two filamentary processes — which afterwards develop into root-like organs — it penetrates the body; the sac-like form is gradually assumed; the whole of the swimming feet drop off, — they will never be needed again, — and the animal settles down for the rest of its life as a parasite. One reason which makes a zoologist certain that the Sacculina is a degenerate type is, that in almost all other instances of animals which begin life inthe Nauplius- form, — and there are several — theNauplius develops through higher and higher stages, and arrives finally at the high perfection displayed by the shrimp, lobster, crab, and other crustaceans. But instead of rising to its oppor- tunities, the Sacculine Nauplius having reached a certain point turned back etc Now that we have the electrons accepted as the units of matter, and light a gravitational form of distribution of energy, we must seek some other explanation of the origin of parasitism than the one now afforded by the present view of the evolutionist. If we could view the origin of the human form on the earth through the avenues of vibrations : — sound, — and view this transmutation of one system of animal life into a greater; the greater having also to maintain the first under a form of solution, or gaseous electricity in order that it may advance; and if we were viewing all this from space, as a space life we would find that man was living off his host — and that Host the great Spirit in whom we live and move and have our Being. In order to understand the significance of this life of Sacculine Nauplius, we must understand the chemistry that causes the reversal of the colours of the solar spectrum. In these phenomena we have the working of the great Law of evolution as that which is making certain the taking on by man of the likeness and image of his Creator. This work of "taking-on" must involve definite dimensions of space areas, and when the life-form has filled these space areas, it cannot go outside of the dimensions involved in the solution 197 of the rigidity of the metal group electrons of lead. The parasite is a growth of internal gravitational transmutation. We only view it as we see it and cannot see it in its con- ditions of "solution" or molecular constitution of expansion as a fourth dimensional occupant of space. Form in the earth can only be a result of geometrical space peculiarities passing from the fields of the sun down through space, and through the earth to be caught by the gravitational mass of the electrons and "halted" until a redistribution is effected under the force of magnetism or rotating electricity. This halting forces recognition of time, and the terrific speed of the radioactive constitution of light is forced to "mark time" like the dog on the treadmill. Light moving in a straight line, is forced to change the direction of the paths oi* the electrons, and the cell dimension becomes the boun- daries of molecular energies. The atom maintains the space areas of the electrons, or space areas control atomic weights. Atoms build up molecules, and molecules express the greatest expansion of substance as a gaseous constitu- tion of electricity. The molecular constitution is fixed through the cube of 3.1415 an 4 d the fourth power of 3.1415 meeting, and the two systems must effect an equilibrium oi mass involved under the attraction of gravitation. The law of repulsion acts under assertion of light maintaining its length of speed, in a given distance, whether it be massed in the boundaries of a circle whose surface area is 3.1415 or a straight line of 3.1415. The straight line expresses repulsion; the massed surface, attraction of gravitation. There cannot be one without the other. The atom of positive electricity becomes the mass of attraction under radioactive expression, and negative electricity, repulsion of gravitation under non-radioactive distribution of energy. The form of the Nauplius, in the oval body with six well-jointed feet evidences the system of transmutation of the six "lights" or days of creation, as a time keeper of expansion of molecular life in the waters of the earth as a gravitational. field of the light of the sun being repulsed by the earth from its three dimensional space areas. 198 . The tiny body is seen to "double in upon itself," and in this action as a phenomenon of life itself, we have a proof of the significance of the "shortening" of a body whether it moves with the speed of light, or that this speed is forced to confine its movements within a prescribed boundary. We claim this doubling process is the cause of eclipses, and it is scarcely too much to suggest that this is known to the author of the theory of relativity, because we find in the mathematics of the Kaballah, a system of numbers whose doubling is made a character of the whole; the reversal of the numbers being used one over the other. The projection from the two front limbs of elongated filaments, prove the influence of assertion of light moving in a straight line, as part of the negative corpuscles found in radium disintegration. The whole process expresses the transmutation of the "mass" of the electron into radioactive conditions. The four hind limbs disappear, because the three dimensional control supports an equal division of the helium group (4), as a squared value, the four p oviding a square root of two. In the appearance of twelve "forked-like" swrrming organs, we have the assertion of the movement of thf three helium groups in the radium disintegration; the whole body being forced to express a definite "halting" in dimensions of the molecular field of radium energies. The form becomes a mere sack, without organs of any kind. This is because it takes on a condition of a mercury barometer. It becomes a centre of distribution of energy under the dimensions of a surface area, where 3.1415 is cubed. In this we have a beautiful illustration of the science involved in the myth of Mercury, as a man of the earth-god-life measuring out the drink of the gods. These gods belonged to the radium energies, and radium could not be reproduced without earth gravitational custody of the mass of the electron, as a keeper of space areas under control of time as a fourth dimensional equality with the three. The further description of this parasite, where we find its sack-like processes (two in number, thus supporting the 199 double-house of life) penetrating the body of the Hermit- crab, and extending its filaments throughout the body of its host, affords an evidence of the process of transmutation of the system of its origin into a two-fold activity, and we can only view this phenomenon as a work of keeping empty, the space body that is awaiting the occupation of a form of life that will not be subjected to death. The bacteriologist describes "Involution forms" which appear in certain bacterial cultures, as degenerate con- ditions, because he does not know that the molecular field in space areas forces a transmutation of the non-radioactive elements into radium energies, but the first must also reproduce all that it has passed through, and so we have the "distorted" involution forms. Einstein declares, that gravitation is a form of distortion, and geometrical space areas are distorted because of gravitational action. This distortion proves the truth of gravitation itself, because it resulted from increase of temperature through the trans- mutation of the non-radioactive elements into radioactive expression, where light filled a confined space equal to its former movement in a straight line. This is why Einstein lays so much stress on light travelling in a straight line in vacuo. The life of the parasite will go further to prove the eternity of life than any other conditions known to the biologist. Revelations of the microscope. — Dr. Heitzmann writing in the Scientific American Sept. 1st, 187 7 , says: "Haeckel's view, viz. : that there is a marked difference between forms devoid of a nucleus, termed by him "eytodes," and those with nuclei, termed, "cells," must be considered to be untenable." Dr. Heitzmann makes a very interesting declaration when he says, "If we place some black earth and green blades of grass in some Croton water, in a soup-dish and allow this infusion to stand undisturbed in a light room at ordinary temperature, we shall always succeed in raising "new" organisms. Strange to say, but it is a fact, that if 200 we mix together some inorganic material, earth and water, with organized bodies, apparently destined to decay, there will sprout up a remarkably rich generation both of plants and animals. To explain the fact is quite difficult. Some observers believe that the decaying particles of vegetables themselves change into new organisms under favourable circumstances; while others, and doubtless, the majority, are of the opinion that there are floating in the air millions of invisible germs of plants and animals, which on finding a favourable soil for development, begin to grow and prosper. Certainly the development of infusoria does not take place if the air be prevented from reaching the infusion." Why did no infusoria develop when the air was ex- cluded from the culture media? Do we not find an answer to that question in Einstein's theory of relativity, founded on light travelling at its rate of speed? We claim light only travels as space areas change geometrical forms, and that this being so the material of the "stopper" in its space areas only repeated the molecular origin of this material. It could not shut out the movement, through pressure of light as an occupant of all space. Heitzmann also says, "It is very remarkable that I succeeded in raising almost identical forms of living or- ganisms on mixing together the same material several thousands miles away from New York, viz., Vienna. There is a slight difference, however, important enough to be mentioned. In Vienna I never saw an amoeba without a distinct lump in its interior, the nucleus; while in New York the more common occurrences are amoeba without nuclei. As these animalcules are identical in every other respect both in Vienna and in New York, this fact disproves the opinion of many histologists that the nucleus is something essential to the so-called "unicellular" organism." In the differences between the forms of the amoeba in Vienna and in New York we have proof of the critical nature of internal gravitational activity. The nucleus in the situation of Vienna on the earth's surface, indicates the influence of temperature in separating the cell into an 201 internal and external wall. In New York the condition of the earth's crust, where so many mineral deposits are found (North America), the metallic rigidity under radioactive reaction would hardly develop a distinct centre. Why does black earth and a form of decaying growth produce animal and plant life. Again we have to find this answer in the space areas belonging to the crystals forming the earthy material. Every crystal possesses its opposite weight in the form of light in the solar spectrum, and a dis- turbance of these space areas by addition of water, changes the conditions in the three and four dimensional fields constituting water and its primal growths in the crystal particles. Heitzmann says in the first or second day we do not see any organism in the infusion, unless such were present on the torn grass. About the third day we see a number of very minute granules, just perceptible to the highest powers of the microscope; these granules are yellowish, shining and motionless. One day afterwards, beside such small granules, there are seen very many somewhat larger ones, which in their interior show a central hole, inclosed on all sides by a yellowish, shining substance. That this is the case can be proved by adding a drop of water, whereupon the granules turn and always present the same aspect. The cavities in the interior of the shining lumps, apparently filled with some fluid, differ in their refracting power from the surrounding mass; they show a slight rosy colour and bear the name of "vacuoles" in histology. A vacuole is the first sign of differentiation within the lump, though the latter is still immovable. One day later we see, besides the forms already described, somewhat larger round granu- les with several vacuoles, like a sieve; the differentiation between the two substances within the lump — the yellowish, shining, and the colorless, rosy refracting one— has ap- parently advanced. On the fourth or fifth day we have before us a certain number of small living plants and animalcules. Among these let us choose a lump, which, looked at with magnifying power of about five hundred, 202 has already shown us wonderful changes of shape after a few minutes rest, due perhaps to the shock of the transport from the plate to the slide. Such a minute transparent corpuscle, floating in the water of the infusion, constantly changes its outlines, by throwing out offshoots or pro- cesses, mostly in the form of hyaline flaps. We are sure we have an amoeba before us. Under the microscope we recognize in the nucleated amoeba a shining lump, viz., the nucleus; around this a small light seam, not uniform during the motion of the lump; and minute yellowish or grayish granules, scattered throughout the transparent mass. The floating amoeba throws out offshoots in all directions, and retracts them again; it therefore changes its shape, but does not move away. Presently we observe, by careful handling of the screw of the microscope, that one of the processes reaches the surface of the covering glass or of the slide, and at the next moment the floating ceases and creeping begins. The amoeba protrudes, on one side of its body a hyaline flap, while on the opposite side an apparent accumulation of the granules takes place; shortly afterward the granules are again uniformly distributed, and the whole lump is dragged toward the point of the protruded hyaline flap. Let us now adjust the immersion-lens. We recognize in the centre of the body the apparently solid or vacuolized rounded nucleus, and this surrounded by a narrow, trans- parent seam. The latter is traversed by very delicate, slender, conical grayish threads, of which the thicker ends emanate from the nucleus and the points are attached to the nearest granules, scattered in the body of the amoeba. Many of these granules are connected with each other by slender threads, and are thus in direct communication with the denser stratum circumscribing the amoeba. In this way a delicate network is formed with nodules, represented by the nucleus and the granules. Whenever a hyaline flap is being protruded, there appears on the opposite side of the body aD approximation of the granules to each other, and a perceptible enlargement of the same; in the protruded flap 203 itself the granules, on the contrary, become smaller and separate from each other until all structure disappears from our view, and the flap presents a homogeneous mass. After having reached a certain size the flap again presents the above-mentioned structure, and the granules float to- wards the protruded point, and drag with them the nucleus, which, itself never shows active change of shape or motion. The locomotion of the amoeba is thus accomplished. At the next moment the same spectacle is seen again and again, perhaps for an hour, until the movements become slower, and at last we have before us an immovable round body when the amoeba is dead. During the movements of the amoeba, vacuoles not unfrequently make their appearance within the body. Every vacuole appears to be lined by a thin shining continu- ous layer, analogous to the layer which surrounds the whole body. Sometimes floating granules can be observed within the vacuole, which, by turning round, change their places and now and then throw out delicate threads; occasionally some of these threads reach the wall of the vacuole then the latter suddenly disappears and the network is re-established. Such changes in vacuoles are frequently observed in the body of another infusion animalcule, the shooting cyclidium, and also of human colorless blood-corpuscles. By adding a drop of distilled water to the preparation we succeed in making the amoeba swell up, whereupon most of the granules, apparently torn apart, jump about very actively in the interior of the body. By adding a drop of glycerine, on the contrary, the amoeba is suddenly con- tracted, and forms a small, almost homogeneous mass. If we substitute water for the glycerine, the amoeba always changes into a granular globule, in which the original structure is again plainly visible, though the globule is motionless and apparently dead." The changes in the infusion just described allow the conclusion that living matter appears at first in the form of a small granule only; gradually through differentiation becomes a vacuolized body, in which it forms a network, and 204 is at last arranged as a network; the latter state being that of common protoplasm." In this beautiful description of the transmutation of the dead earth into animal life through the principles of decay in the torn grass blades we have nothing less than the assertion of space areas through the dissociation of the molecular "sets" of vibrations representing the molecular fields in the space areas of colour. The green colour of the grass was the "life thereof," and no doubt expressed the break down of fluorine, which produces the green colour in plant life. We call it chlorophyll in plant life and chloro- phane in fluor spar, but the color is an assertion of the position of the hydrogen lines as carriers of radioactive energies. In the first appearances of granules, only, we have the expression of the law of gravitation, where the three and four dimensional space solids lay the foundation of all that comes afterwards; but these granules are products of pressure, the mass marking time within closed boundaries. In space the same amount of energy is being expressed in straight lines, and eventually we have the processes or off- shoots transmuting "space" into material organs of straight lines. Is it not possible that there is no possible locomotion except through the process of "space" shortening and lengthening? All locomotion will be due to equalization of distribution of light over equal areas in equal periods of time and under production of equal temperature? If this is true, and surface tension expresses distribution of energy under space geometrical peculiarities, does the earth act the part of the dog on the treadmill, and thus run the churn of the solar system? What will the theory of relativity represent in this line of argument? The amoeba is viewed, today, by the biologist, as an expression of eternal life. It is declared that no amoeba has actually ceased to exist since the first creature came into existence because it divides equally, and thus reproduces equal space areas. Is there any death in matter? Should we not now view life as a result of geometrical space lines 205 working out a form that will eventually react as "space" life and so escape this "spherical" equilibrium, as cen- tralized weights, which means staticity, or death. When the descendants of the atom of uranium pass through all their time transmutations we are told the atom explodes. But this is no more than the mother cell in bacteria goes through. The cell takes on the appearance of a heaped up energy. The whole mass breaks, up into a number of "daughter" cells and we are told the mother loses herself in the number of daughter cells. This affords us a key to the "sacrifice" of the mother's body, so that the "numbers" of the radioactive elements shall become reacting values or "Names" as the Hebrew hides his know- ledge in a system of mathematics. The description of the vacuoles show plainly the chemistry of the radium substance, and the yellowish or gray color, evidences the color of helium and of the last colour of the solar spectrum-gray. Color is the expression of latent energy of radioactive substances, under the same conditions as the dog expending its energy on the treadmill. The angles of crystals which produce all the beautiful colors of the priceless gems, express the custody involved in at- traction of gravitation, maintaining the reproduction of light speed within confined boundaries. The beautiful colors of the flowers are nothing but a solution of this rigidity as the metal weight of lead, the metal dissolved under individual assertion of the unit groups of 3.1415 and this shortened in 3.095 Do the vacuoles express the atom of aluminium (clay) in a condition of radioactive constitution? If so it is only through the vacuoles that the form of man is to become a "space" life. The vacuoles in the interior of the "lump" forces this lump to remain "motionless" because it is a "space time" form and so a fourth dimensional centre of life itself. It reproduces the "time" space of the empty place, and the occupant of that space unit must take on the likeness and the "image of Us" when time is no more. We can now 206 understand the significance of the life of the Parasite. It is not to be viewed as a parasite any longer, but as a system of energy marking time. It does not possess the power to move about because it expresses the time that is required to transmute earth material (earth gravity as 1849 inactive electrons) into radioactive energies that will find within its own internal organization all that is required to maintain life for all transmutation of space areas from a four to a three dimensional expansion and vice versa. We note the statement that the nucleus never changes its position — that it does not move, but that various pro- cesses as organs of locomotion are formed as off-shoots of the body. In this we have the evidence of the nucleus possessing the space area that repulses all excess in dimen- sions from that space; it is a universal keeper of the unit groups in space areas. All movements, however, come through this act of repulsion as one of pressure. The very presence of the earth's gravitational fields are found in the size of the processes, which are broader at the body con- nection, and pointed at the end. The force of gravitation grows less in accordance with distance from the earth. This is because systems of energy are founded upon the transmutation of rigidity into units of oscillation; the units of oscillations produce physical forms, that must repulse from their space areas groups of units that would break up their space boundaries. The Hebrew takes the dimensions of the planetary bodies, as a space keeper, and the boundaries, under surface areas, become expressed in straight lines, through the rigidity expressed in the diameter, founded upon the division of the units in the metal body of lead, as already demonstrated. Sir Earnst Rutherford has declared the atom to be built on the same plan as the solar system, so that in viewing the phenomena of cell life we are viewing what takes place within the interior of the planets. The astronomer measures distances from centre to centre of planetary bodies in order to explain the law of 207 gravitation. If light is a gravitational distribution of energy it reaches right into the centre of every member of the solar system, through the force of pressure maintaining the triangular dimensions of the length 3.095. This number is a very critical group control in lengths and breadths. As expressing a pyramid whose length, breadth and height is 3.095, it provides a slant side of 346, or a paired 173. Under a division by ten squared, v/e have 1.73 as the amount of bending of light rays as a control group transforming that which was into that which must be. But this does not express the dimensions of the first unit in 3.1415 and so we find the planet Mercury made the custodian of re- pulsing from its surface area this group length of 3.095 because the sun is reproducing 3.1415 and Mercury is a custodian of the "process of doubling" on itself. Mercury is in the position of the "parasite," sending out its delicate fibres in the form of light pressure, and so the ancients made it the cup. bearer of the gods. These Gods must be fed on the new measure of 3.095, and Mercury "sucks" its light from the sun. and so is the "little sun" as the ancients represented it. If Mercury is the centre of redistribution of light under the group 3.095 it must possess a molecular field where this group is united with 3.1415, making the cube of each total 61.014. These two groups are therefore expressions of a two and fro movement; the group 3.1415, belongs to the radium limit, and thus registers temperature under rise and fall, the fall resulting from equalisation of units in the union of the two. The ancients ascribed to Mercury, the formation of quicksilver in the earth, and we can understand why this metal is used in the barometer. The earth must maintain gravitational mass of electrons, and so the two kinds of matter, radioactive and no-radio- active register their reactions in the metal rigidity of quicksilver. The ancient history of Mercury says, "Mercury as an astrological Planet is still more occult and mysterious than Venus. It is identical with the Mazdean Mithra, the Genius, or God, established between the sun and the moon 208 the perpetual companion of the "Sun'' of Wisdom. Pau- sanias, shows him as having an altar in common with Jupiter. He has wings to his feet to express his attendance on the sun. He was the leader and evocator of Souls, the great Magician and the Hierophant. Virgil depicts him as taking his wand to evoke from Orcus the souls plunged therein. He is the Golden-colored Mercury whom the Hierophants forbade to name. He is symbolized in Grecian mythology by one of the "dogs" (vigilance) which watch over the celestial flock ("radioactive energy, as light producing all law"), or Hermes Anubis, or again Agatho- daemon. He is the Argus watching over the earth, mis- taken by the latter for the sun, itself. When we read of the Hierophant forbidding to name the Golden-colored Mercury, we know it was the custodian of 3.1415 and 3.095 doubling on each other, the one repro- ducing the other and vice versa, through the law of gra- vitation, as repulsion and attraction. This doubling explains the bending of light rays, and also explains the darkness of the moon's time, in a manner not yet dreamed of. The total of the cubes of the two numbers is 61, and this is called a pyramid "Step", as a length of the stride of Vishnu through the universe. The electron being the unit of matter, any change in space dimensions acts like water being forced through a tube already full no matter what the length of the tube may be. The amount forced into the tube must be equally forced out of the extreme end, so that this number 61. as an advance or new association of units, must produce the same group at the extreme end of the solar spectrum. In this we have an explanation of how Einstein declares there will be found a change in position of the hydrogen lines at the end of the solar spectrum. It is very evident group lengths of 3.095 are less than one of 3.1415 and the difference will be the amount forcing the "doubling" in the act of equalising the two. The value of five groups of 61 is 305, and this number is the value of the group weights of silver and gold (108 209 and 197). These two numbers must break up into parts under union, and we will have in gold, 100 and also 97. 97 is the long diagonal of the cube number of iron (56); 79 is the length of the diagonal of the square of 56, and we have right here the cause of the reversal of the colors of the solar spectrum in the shortening of the length of 3.1415 into 3.095. We also have an explanation of why Mercury was the leader of the gods, and why the orbit of this planet advances in excess of the other planets. The statement that a thing is so does not explain the cause, and can be of little use to man in his endeavour to read Nature's Law in the Spiritual world as well as the Natural. In the animal cell we find the nucleus and the nucleolus, and now we can view each as centres controlling the two group units 3.1415 and 3.095; we will now understand why the Egyptians spoke of the "Double House of life," and why the shadow always accompanied the form. This shadow is the representative of the union of the two into one, the sacrifice of the individual in order that the two maintain reversal of all that is in the heaven, with that within the earth. As above so below, is thus proven correct. In the number 108 we have 100 and 8; eight as the cube keeper of the pair, and 100 affording the square root of ten. In reversal the ten will have to be cubed making 1000, the cube of the pair reproduces the 8 and we have the two systems founded upon 1008 whose unit value would be 1.008 the group number of the hydrogen atom as the chemist declares to day. But this weight is misleading, to say the least. Why 108 times the diameter of the earth produces the diameter of the sun is now very evident, when this number controls the reversal of the colors of the solar spectrum. It is in color that distances are maintained throughout space. The fourth root of the surface area of Mercury is 73.21 and 108 times this yields the diameter of the earth. Mer- cury as the little sun which the earth mistakes for the sun itself, is explained in this order of reversal in the diagonals of the iron metallic rigidity. Is this why Nebuchadnezzar 210 dreamed of the stone hewn out of the mountain (height) without hands that fell on the image made of gold, silver, brass, iron and clay? Would it be possible to more cleverly hide the chemis- try of light under symbolism than has been accomplished in the books of the Hebrew? The Golden-coloured Mercury represents gold in its fourth dimensional expression — that of light. The Hebrew gave it the value of 206 and called it Dabar, we call it radium (G) the first radioactive element with an atomic weight of 206, the rest of the series adding to their group weights in the numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. 8. The ancients ascribed to the sun the formation of gold in the earth, and some of the ancient Mexicans, fought to tl>e death in order to keep this deposition of radium crystal (radium could only be bound as latent energy in the form of the diamond — it could not be bound in a metallic body — space areas would not provide a greater rigidity, for radium than a crystal, the lengths of the light waves, only being subservient to earth gravitational force to that extent) from being taken from where it was deposited, as the mummi- fied life of the gods. Let us examine the diameter of the sun, as diameters express rigidity of light under the greatest expansion matter can be forced to assume) (3.1155 times diameter) conse- quently, all lengths of rigidity, or mass, can only be redis- tributed through 3.1415 times this length of rigidity. In space, it is very evident, the lines of force or pressure must be in the form of space geometrical peculiarities (Einstein) because the lines of pressure must be passing through each other at various angles and curvatures. The diameter of the sun is given as 866400. As a length of eight divisions, the perpendicular and horizontal cutting circles and squares into four parts, and the two diagonals, these four into eight, the sun as the centre of light distribution of the "day", must send out these divi- sional parts as a whole. This yields 108300, or 100 groups of 1083. The moon's diameter is this number paired 211 (2160, the astronomer says). The diameter of the earth is 7.32 times this number. Mercury's diameter is three times this number less than a tenth part taken from the diameter of the moon — 216 5 leaving Mercury 3033. The diameter of Venus is given as 7700, and 7 times 1083 yields 7581, but Venus is the custodian of the earth's unit rigidity in the iron metal, and the total of its atomic family (seven in number) is 237 — Half of this number must be given to Venus as its radioactive unit group and we have 119, (with unit shift) added to 7581, totalling 7700. The ancient secret wisdom, always speaks of the "seven" Lords, and we trace these seven to the "Lords" that divided the light movement into parts that were de- posited in the earth, through the break down of the film of the water globule, the first condition of the earth's mass resulting from break down of the uranium rigidity (but expressed in the earth as lead 20^) when light was a result of the movement of the spirit of God. Thus in this great globe of water, were forever fixed the space areas of diame- ter and spherical surface areas, and all future condensation of water globules had to be effected through the medium of a "plasson" substance, and cell-life — even colloidal life is accounted for. It is said light corners through Venus, who receives a triple supply, and gives one-third to the earth. Therefore the two are called "Twin-sisters, but the spirit of the Earth is subservient to that of Venus. The wise men represent the two globes one over the other under the double cross. It is said "All antiquity, ever since the birth of astronomy and also of astrology, represented Venus in its astronomical tables as a globe poised over a cross, and the earth as a globe under a cross." Now that we have found the key to the Hebrew secret system of mathematics — this % key nothing less than the mass of every planetary body to express the bondage of light, or electricity in the form of electrons as the units of matter; these electrons making up the atomic weights of the chemical elements, deposited in the earth in the foVan of ash, or crystals, and in the heavens in the form 212 of colour (solar spectrum) and in the form of colour expressing the radium energies, as mass of the electrons, we have a proof that the ancients knew all about radium as the off- spring of uranium. The Globe over the cross would signify light bound in the surface area of a sphere through two equal values of the division of the sun's diameter, acting through the three and four space areas (7); the Globe under the cross would express the "underworld" of light through the surface area of the sphere — that is of the earth's surface area. This surface area yields a fourth root of 118 r and through a shift of one atom — inch or mile — we have 119, the number added to Venus, and the half atomic group of uranium (238). We read a great deal in Egyptian theology about the "double" house of life. We have a picture showing the birth of a king's son, and as the child is handed to the nurse by the "priest," a shadow child is seen as a reproduc- tion of the first in every detail. What is it, but the Light of radium bound in the form of the flesh — the flesh nothing less than a product of the gearing down of this substance of material expression in the form of light heat and energy, when examined in a vacuum. The earth must provide the gravitational bondage of three atoms in excess of the material— light, and so we have sodium (23) bound to 20, as five groups of the helium atom, maintaining the unity of heaven and earth, life. Modern writers view this double house, or double sign as an expression of the earth falling into generation. But another explanation is possible and we have it in the presentation of the cross, as the means through which the earth and all its life is to be redeemed from the power of death. This is the true explanation of the work of the second history of the earth's gravitational fields being space areas of distortion, through the increase of temperature in the radioactive group weights coming down into the earth's three dimensional fields, making the carbon atom, a group of 12, distribute the three groups of helium (4) 213 That this is true we have only to point to the story of the fall of Lucifer, the morning star, into darkness, or gravitational bondage of the earth's three dimensional formations. Carbon is a black substance and so we have Lucifer taking on the character of blackness, or the Prince of Darkness. The Kaballah uses the number 12 (carbon) squared as 144 — 144, and in this we have the fourth power of carbon, yielding 20736, and this the number of lead under 100 or ten squared transmutations. The same science is involved in every ancient theology — the key has been lost and only found, when Radium was discovered and all its energies analyzed and proven. Jupiter is closely associated with the earth and Venus, and the Greeks took that planet as their Zeus (signifying rushing wind, or a sound made by blowing through a pipe). The diameter of Jupiter is given as 86500, a tenth part of the diameter of the sun, less 140. But it is evident this diameter is a five division length and we have 17300 as a fifth part. This group is made up of 10 raised to the fifth power, 10000, with a secondary group of 7300 — this being ten squared times 73, the fourth root of the surface area of Mercury, and the unit of the earth's diameter (108.3 x 73) This is why the Greeks chose Jupiter as their God who was to save them from the power of death, through the unit length of light (20 as five groups of helium-4). The number 4 was sacred to Mercury, and when we see this number signified the helium unit of the radium energies as its time of * 'latent energy (or mass), we recognize a very simple solution of all astronomical phenomena. But to return to the sun, and trace the reason of Mercury's advancement and its custody of the helium light wave — and this in the form of a curvature of its sur- face area. The fourth root of the sun is 1239, and the square root of this number is 35, or five groups of 7. Here we are brought down to the unit groups of 4, 5, and 7 in Mercury and the sun. The earth must enter into the orbital ad- 214 vancement of Mercury, because of its three dimension exchanges with the four space area of helium. The fourth root of the earth's surface area is 118 — a paired 59, that as a circumference ("He sitteth on the circle of the Earth)" yields a diameter of 19, and this three groups of 6, the unit remaining providing the unit of shift from one unit group to another. Now we have the numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, a total of 22, as a four divisional unity. Is it strange if we find this value of 22 repeated three times in the difference of pi, 3.1415 raised to the third power (31 as IHVI) and the fourth power yielding 97, the difference 66, or six groups of 11. Does this explain the waxing and waning of sun-spots every 11 years? The number 97 is the length of the long diagonal of the iron atomic group and 8 groups of (56) total 448, and this is equal to one atom of radium and one of raemanation — the two atoms that are never separated. It is said Newton's law of gravitation would only account for an advancement of Mercury's orbit to the extent of 532 seconds of arc in a century while its advance- ment was 574, or 42 seconds greater than could be ac- counted for. But the astronomer did not know anything about radium being the space keeper of areas. The division of 532 by 7 and 4, yields 19, the diameter value of 59, the half of the fourth root of the surface area of the earth. The number 574 is divided in 287, and this again divided by 7 yields 41. This group yields the great secret of the position held by Mercury in ancient science. He was made the "cup-bearer of the gods." He measured to them the "water of life." The unit deviation of a planet on its orbit of 43 seconds of arc ("discovered") by Einstein, is composed of the numbers 23 and 20. Mercury as a cus- todian of five groups of helium, was measuring the water of life through the radium measure, and through the shifting of but one unit instead of three, making 21 and 20, 41, the limit of deviation of the planets orbital advancement, in the time of the new heaven arid the new earth. We read "Unless the time had been shortened, no life 215 would be left on the earth." What does this signify? Daniel speaks of a "a time, times and half a time," and in this expression is hidden "the numbers of the book," as Daniel declared he knew the numbers of the book. The time of the earth is expressed through the diameter of 59 (19), and this as a unit, a pair, and a half division totals 66, the difference between the three and four dimen- sions of pi, 3.1415. It is very evident that the earth could not withstand a redistribution of its mass because of the change of tempera- ture bringing about the distortion of its space areas, which were all laid out under an equal temperature, or when the water globules were all forming colloidal spheres, lamella, hollow cylinders, and foam-walls, and providing the slime that fixed the seven chemical elements in rocks of granite and limestone. The space areas of spheres, squares, cubes, and rings, were custodians of radioactive energies bound in definite areas but when these energies began to act under assertion of internal gravitational groupings of the space areas of radioactive energies the distortion of space occurred, the mountains were raised and valleys lowered, just to the extent of the unity of 23 and 20, making 43 express an indivisible "advancement" in orbital formations. How easy it is to take up the second phase of the earth's history, and so of the solar system, and prove the law of gravitation wanting in some respects. The law is not wanting in any respect nor can it be, when pi 3.1415 is squared in producing the circumference, and every surface area constructed on 3.1415 times the square of its diameter. Einstein says the hydrogen lines will be found displaced towards the red end of the solar spectrum. This proves the origin of all his demonstration of the theory of relativity. The transformation of the four space areas into the three dimensions of the earth's unit group making 21 and 20 take the place of 43, and so 21 and 20 in one instance and 22 and 19 in the other, explains the cause of this displacement. The earth is to pass back into its first position, and this cannot take place unless the relation between the mass of 216 radium light (colour) is changed in position in the solar spectrum. The number 19 is the atomic weight of fluorine, and its union with light in the form of calcium (20 x 2 =40) yields 59, whose diameter is 19. We recall this number 59 is the half of 118, the fourth root of the surface area of the earth. Fluorspar (fluoride of calcium) contains all the colours of the rainbow, and so the Bow set in the heaven, was a sign the earth should not again be destroyed by water, because the difference between the three and fourth power of 3.1415 (66) divided into three groups (22 plus 19) united with the division of the earth's gravitational fields, and man was made a custodian of this combination (fluoride of calcium) it being the material of which the white tissues of the body are formed. This is the ''white stone," the material used in the building of the Temple of Solomon, this temple ex- pressing the body of the man, whose number 113, expresses the radium atom as the value of the sound of the word "man". The dimensions of this temple, as 60 cubits (20.7 inches to each cubit) long, thirty high and twenty broad, yields the numbers in diagonals of the floor of 79, as eight groups in 632 when increased by ten. 79 is the third part of 237. The long diagonal of the house under the same system is ten groups of 70, and the two total 149, the height of the ante-chamber of the Great Pyramid, the chamber being the "core dimension" of the whole pyramid. What has the Hebrew hidden from the world, and why has he done this. Is it to give to him the knowledge of where to hide on the surface of the earth when the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Why is the Jew the most psychic of all creatures? Is he still looking for the "medium" who will be able to direct him to this place of safety? Does the spac'e expression of aluminum provide a way for the materialisation of supposed departed spirits? Just here we arrive at a very momentous proposition. What material in the human body must provide the sub- 217 stance for this ectoplasm which forms the body of spirit manifestation? If it is true that ectoplasm is a material substance that can be seen and handled and analyzed, how does it arise? Is it possible it is developed from the material found in the ductless glands that we hear so much about now? The glands that are believed by some scientists to hold the secret of energy, and that quality which we call personality, are ductless. That is, they seem to have no channels for giving off secretions, other than the blood. Berman says in his book on these glands, "Originally a gland meant something in the body which was seen to make something else, generally a juice or liquid mixture of some sort. A classical example of this is the salivary gland elaborating saliva. The microscope has shown us that every gland is a chemical factory in which these cells are the workers. Thus the sweat glands of the skin secrete the perspiration, the lachrymal glands of the eye, the tears. It was soon found that the cells of the more familiar, like the sweat or tear glands, resembled the cells of the more mysterious structures named the thyroid, in the neck, or adrenal in the abdomen, of which the function was unknown. What has hitherto prevented the classification of the latter as glands was the fact that they possessed no visible pathways for the removal of their secretions. So now they are set apart as ductless glands, the glands without ducts, as contrasted with the glands normally equipped with ducts. Since, too, they were observed to have an exceedingly rich supply of blood, the blood presented itself as the only conceivable mode of egress for the secretions packed within the cells. So they were called the blood or vascular glands." There are the thyroid, located in the neck, which is said to regulate the speed of living, the pressure of energy, the rapid fluctuations of bodily motive power. T ne pituit- ary gland is a ball of tissue about the size of a pea, and is located at the base of the brain, behind the root of the nose. It controls the consumption of energy, and is the gland of continuous effort. The adrenals are glands of combat and preparedness, and regulate emergency energy. In- fancy is said to be the period of thymus dominance and in 218 adolescence and maturity the several main glands have a contest for control, and the life of the individual is largely determined by the dominance that obtains. In senility, there is general deficiency in all the endrocine organs. The experiments of many European surgeons, like those of Steinach, seem to prove some foundation for the general assumption that life forces are controlled from these glands. An Englishman recently had new glands put in, and looked half of his age on recovery, but died in a few months. With all this recent examination of the constitution of the ductless glands, and experiments with transplanta- tions, apparently no man has thought of these centres as products of "time" as a fourth dimensional unit speed of light, where the gravitational "unit mass" of the earth's three dimensional cubic solids are transmuted into radio- active energies. That the blood shows such evidence of richness, we should gain fresh grounds to view the ductless glands as the centres from which life receives renewed or transmuted material under the transmutation of eight group weights of the iron space areas into group units of radium and raemanation; the eight group weights of iron providing a group of 448, which is equal to one group of radium, (226) and one of raemanation (222), and this number 222 being but one unit less than the square root of the number of electrons in the atom of aluminium which we claim is the space keeper of the earth's unit of momentum. The biologist describes the nucleus of the cell (note explanation of transmutation of vegetable into animal forms) as showing no evidence of motion in any form; but all movements appear to arise from that centre. Does this not point to the nucleus as the internal space keeper itself? If we pay strict attention to the wording of the Heb- rew's explanation of the origin of man we read, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." The two values 23 and 20 being reversible, made man 219 male and female, and all ancient works speak of this con- dition. When the man was individualized as two creatures one expressing the radioactive control of transmutation, and the other the custodian of "time" as the vessel of the Lord, the man did not lose his responsibility of maintaining his first relationship towards his creator as the image; the male and female in one. Was this condition centred in the material of the ductless glands? Man can not reproduce his kind, because in such an act he would have to reproduce a universe. He has the power to occupy two space areas, but in the occupation he must use his powers of transmutation of the solid into the radiant expression as a space occupant. The surface area of a circle within a square of four, yields 3.1415 as a massed area, but this same amount of substance expressed in a straight line, or as light travelling in a straight line must break down conditions existing in various spaces. The only way in which the disarranged spaces can reassert their dimension is to take control of the disturber and force it to "pass out" of the space limits of the whole system involved in the disarrangement. If aluminium is the space keeper, in cell growths and transmutations of earth material into radiant energies, it is very possible spirit manifestations can only come through the disintegration of the "seed of life" itself. The universal unit space, as the abode of "Him" cannot be occupied by mortal substance, that is any earth substance because the earth is a centre of control of definite gravitational masses and we do not imagine any material of the earth could control the power that said "Let there be 6561 to 20612. Is the medium using the space geometrical peculiarities of Einstein 43 seconds of arc as the variation of the orbital advancement of the atom itself. Can the atom move except under the separation of the electrons into non- radioactive and radioactive energies? Will gland transplantations be of any use unless the recipient is treated with electrical food, and oils to allow the body to distribute what it has received, from a foreign body? There can be no vacuum in space or in any form occupying 220 space. Where does the material part of the body go when the foreign substance is forced into it. Is it not the work of the body to force this material out of its confines that produces the appearance of youth. Are the phenomena attending gland transplantations, the phenomena which brings back to the individual his youthful appearance, not founded upon the same principle of "disturbance" of space areas under control of time as are brought about through the decarbonizing of iron, in the production of steel? The use of glandular material must interfere with the occupation of the colouring matter of the blood (iron origin), and we claim it is colour that maintains radioactive energy in a state of latency. Let us note a recent article on the cause of cancer, that most terrible scourge of the human race, a scourge that destroys more life in Canada (outside the Province of Quebec) than even the dread tuberculosis. The late Dr. Forbes Ross, the well known surgeon and cancer expert, devoted ten years to the study of cell physiology in special relation to the physiology of cells in cancer before he claimed that cancer is caused by a defic- iency of potassium "salts" in the body. He also claimed, if this deficiency is remedied, cancer, even in advanced stages, will retrograde. He presented to the medical pro- fession a full account of his researches, commencing with the growing body cell, and worked up to the crowning point of his experiments when he took a woman suffering from far advanced ulcerated and inoperable cancer of the womb, and by administering certain of the assimiliable forms of potassium "salts" definitely cured her in two months. Since then, in England, such eminent medical men as Dr. Robert Bell, Dr. John Shaw, Dr. E. B. Foote, Sir James Paget, and many other eminent men of their profes- sion have realised, in their own practice, what invaluable truth reposed in Dr. Forbes Ross' discovery. The human body consists of cells, and certain variety of cells form large combinations, which are called tissues. Those cells which cover the skin and certain internal organs are called epithelia, and the other cells that are situated beneath the epithelia 221 lining and that connect the various tissues are termed connective tissue. Normally, the arrangement of different tissues and the boundary line between them is quite de- finite. In the early stages of cancer such definite arrange- ment is lost, because the epithelial cells which form the outer lining of the skin begin to grow down into the under- lying layer of connective tissue. In the case of beginning cancer both kinds of tissue are intermixed, the epithelium penetrating downward into the connecting tissue." In this description of the prevalence of cancer and the cause, we have, again a repetition of the cause of blow holes in steel by the forced displacement of the three dimensional space keeper in the carbon atom, found associated with iron. When aluminium is dropped into the molten steel, we are told the oxygen rushes towards it and consumes it. In other words the aluminium is dissolved as sugar in water, What is involved in solution? Does not the contracted space areas in the metal body of aluminium, take on their condition as the greatest degree of expansion in a space maintaining the molecular constitution of the "ultimate" molecule? What chemical substance is required to produce con- nective tissue? This answer reveals the very secret of life as a repeating light producer. Fluoride of calcium is found in connective tissue — the white tissues of the body — and we have this material spoken of as the building of Solomon's Temple — the white stone whose foundations were fixed in the foundation rocks of the earth. Fluoride of calcium possesses an atomic weight of 59, and we have already demonstrated its place in the scheme of the body of man. When the epithelial lining (no doubt the system expressing the film disposition under raemana- tion, as an equal distribution of energy under a three dimen- sional control) sends forth threads down into the connective tissue system, we have expressed the entrance of the unit of time, making a fourth dimensional system take the place of the three dimensional earth control. It can only arise 222 as an assertion of the molecular equality of light vibrations where the non-radioactive and radioactive elements change electrical sign — a system of transmutation of the carbon space area into that of oxygen, and oxygen a fourth dimen- sional expression of carbon, under assertion of the unit of "time." We would draw attention to a case of cancer (or so pronounced by the medical profession) treated by Dr. G. G. Swart of 876 King St. W., Kitchener, Ont., and his assistant, Levi Houser. Dr. Swart has been a life student of nature and its laws. After forty years of investigation into the phenomena attending the various diseases attacking the body of man, he has developed a system of treatment, that has been most successful in curing the majority of the ailments of mankind. His treatment consists of massaging the spine with oils (olive oil being the principal one used) and then applying the violet ray along the spine. In fact the whole body is treated in some cases. The position of the violet ray in nature has been proven as the following article shows "The rays of the sun work chemical changes in the blood of human beings and animals, according to the evidence of a series of experiments which have been carried on at the College of Physicians and Surgeons connected with Columbia University. The effect of the sun in killing bacteria is well known and its beneficial effect on health also is well known, but it is said that the direct chemical action of the sun on the blood has not been previously shown. Some portion of the ultra- violet rays, which produce photographic and other chemical effects are believed to pass through the skin, operating powerfully on the blood circulating in the capillaries. The direct chemical action of the sun was established in the course of a study of sunlight on children afflicted with rickets etc Again we have this proof of the entrance of the con- stitution of the radium energies in changing conditions affecting the life of mankind. If the violet rays from the sun act on the blood in the 223 capillaries, is the action not one of the transmutation of a three space "carbon" energy into one of a four space through the unit of time? We are told children are affected with rickets more frequently in winter than in summer. Why? Because the ice of winter expresses the three dimensional control of the radium unit in the waters of the earth. The spherical water globule must repulse from its space area, that force which would "melt" it into light, this melting expressing the "molten" condition of a metal. Rickets might be termed the "wild heat" in steel agitation. Dr. Swart (Dr. of Therapy and Naturalogist) treated a man who had suffered many years, from that which the medical men had pronounced, cancer. The treatment for two months consisted of massage with oils and application of the violet ray. When the edges of the sore began to tighten or draw away from the good flesh., a plaster was applied and in a few days the cancer fell away, and in the midst of it was found a part of a dog's tooth. The man when showed the apparent piece of bone exclaimed "why that must be the tooth of a dog that bit me when I was only six years old. He was now seventy five years of age. He said he had been bitten while walking along the road, by a dog following a team drawing a load of lumber. The dog would not let go his hold until the driver hit it over the head with the handle of an axe. Presumably the blow broke off a part of the tooth, which remained in the flesh. This would appear impossible, but when we remember the enamel of teeth is fluoride of calcium, the impossibility disappears, because this chemical substance is strictly the same as a piece of glass and not subject to decay. The most startling result was the falling away of the appearance of age, the gentleman looking thirty years younger. He also walked as a man of forty instead of seventy five. There is no explanation of this change except because of assertion of the space areas of calcium that had been bound inactive, for a time of sixty nine years. This time, when set free, asserted its expansion, and so the 224 appearance of youth. Dr. Swart has effected some wonder- ful cures in such cases as effects of spinal meningitis, goitre, pneumonia, and partial paralysis. He cured a lady who had become hopeless of the cure of cancer of the liver, and this with his treatment without the knife — using nature's remedies, which are free to all who grasp the wonders of creative laws. Gravitation, acting as a force of distortion in space must also act as a solid, and so we have abnormal growth out of the body as well as in the body. Occupation of space areas must yield the key to solution of control of life. Spirit manifestation is an outward growth. That the spirit manifestation can only last for a very short time proves the work to be a part of the medium's own energy, and this work something that cannot be controlled, because time as a fourth dimensional unit with the earth's three, makes equalisation of distribution of energy a universal power, that no individual can control. Life to be continual must be universal; it cannot be a life developed under the individualization of the members of the solar system, but must be a life of the universe, whose parts are expressed under the various solar systems that fill space. It must, in short, be a space life of space where time does not fix a boundary wherein the breadth of life is of the earth, or the dust of the earth made alive. The dust reproduces itself, and death ensues. The man must take on the likeness and intelligence of his Creator and so force the resurrection of this dust into radiant expression of energy. He must search for control of space areas in the pul- sating vacuoles and learn to feed on that which does not support crystallisation. Life is in the hands of the "Potter" and that workman only can mould a likeness and image of anything by the use of clay, or alumina. Did the Hebrew write this about the clay in the hands of the potter, to eive to the searcher after control of life a key to the truth? Has he lost the significance of this, or 225 will he find it. Has he found it in the 43 seconds of arc, as the grouping of ozone, whose atomic weight is the same as oxygen (16) but in groups of 4 instead of eight, and these united with the resistance of alumina to change of gravity under change of temperature? The two 27 and 16 total 43. Has this number 43 as groups of 20 and 23 anything to do with the origin of the division of the circle into 1296000 seconds of arc? Is it concerned in the "shortening" process of matter travelling with the speed of light? Can light so travel except under release of space gravity? As the sun is the custodian of the greatest space area directly acting on the earth, we find its fourth root as a surface area to be 1239. This number squared with allowance for centres of reversal, yields 1296000 the number of seconds in a circle of 360 degrees. The diameter of the sun divided into 8 parts increased by ten squared yields 1083, the half diameter of the moon. The moon is nothing less than the "mass involved" as the latent energy of the radioactive elements, maintaining their earth mass of gravity in the time of the darkness of the moon. The moon's mass records the time as a fourth dimensional period of "rest" or the space area whose bound- aries provide the material for change of the orbital paths of electrons that maintain the reproduction of light within the centre of the sun. It is space areas that fix positions of all planetary bodies. The darkness of the moon express- es the "doubling in" of light pressure — and the cause of eclipses must be looked upon with the new lens of Einstein who has written out his theory of relativity, which is nothing less than the Hebrew's declaration "Light shineth not save as male and female," or as a dimension of the Pole of the Ecliptic whose straight line of 20, expresses in the earth an angle whose length is 23. What is spirit manifestation but a reversal of the command "Let the waters bring forth the living thing that hath life?" The waters found in the analysis of ectoplasm are the waters of death. What numbers of dead must follow this reversal of the use of the energies of life, and of ever- 226 lasting life at that. Man cannot make use of his powers without a reaction of this use. How many persons have been stricken with instantaneous death through the forced production of ectoplasm. Life cannot be increased in the space areas of the earth. Every appearance of spiritism must rob the living of its fourth dimensional unit of time. Principles involved in the transmutation of Zinc into Copper. The transmutation of zinc into copper through a pro- cess, using the galvanic battery as an electrical generator, the current flowing through two carbon plates placed in a separate jar in which is held a solution of gray granite for the first process and a solution of red granite for the second process, proves the transposition of the two systems in- volved in the atomic weights of zinc and copper. No man has explained the real significance of an elec- trical current. We do not know, yet, what electricity actually expresses in the realm of nature. We will not know until we recognize the part that space areas occupy in the production of material particles on the earth, and their opposite conditions in the nature of incandescence. During the month of April and the first week in May, 1920, the process of transmutation of zinc into copper was demonstrated in the home of Mr. Tallifero, 18 Angier Place, Atlanta, Georgia. The procedure occupied about seven weeks, and the final success was witnessed by Mr. Oehler Whatley, and brother (these two gentlemen being in the employment of the Western Electric Company) besides other members of the Tallifero family. Mr. Whatley. advised the submittal of the process to the Western Electric Go. for commercial consideration. This was done and the demand was made that the process be verified before a recognised authority in the world of chemistry. The request led to the writer's application to the Scientific Research Council at Ottawa for supervision of the process. 227 The applicant was directed to repeat the process before the Professor of chemistry in the Mining Department of Toronto University. Three attempts were made to do this, without success. It was not until the final test was to be made of the third attempt that the worker's attention was drawn to the presence of various gases used by the students in their experimental studies, and the cause of the failures was then apparent. The occupation of the space areas of the at- mosphere in the room by gases that were in themselves, solvents of metals, prevented the transformation of the space areas belonging to the metal units of zinc and copper, hence the failure. The same process was repeated each time in the base- ment of the worker's home without any failure. The want of the testimony of the professor of chemistry to the value of the process, has made further progress impossible. Now the writer is only anxious to place before the thinkers of the world the simplicity of the laws of nature — laws that are apparently, not yet dreamed of in the world of science. In the first place we must recognise that no action can take place in transmutation except through the square root of the number of electrons involved in the atomic weights of the metals. Light disperses under the inverse square of the distance, and no material particle can exist except it has grown through the process of attraction and repulsion of gravitation — the recorder of the movement of vibratory oscillations. The atomic weight of zinc is 65 and of copper 63, apparently two very distinct systems of numbers. In zinc we have five groups of 13 the eighteenth part of the atomic weight of uranium's second number (234). In copper we have 3 squared times seven, and seven a group of three plus four. Now we trace copper as the keeper of rigidity of the space areas of aluminium, as a radioactive space under a condition of latent energy. Radium, or the radioactive elements can be nothing less than the latent 228 energy of the unit of universal systems of light. The atom of radium is bound within definite boundaries and it must confine its speed of light within these boundaries; it must consume its own "smoke" and reproduce what produced it in its origin in order to continue to exist. This is a law of nature. Nothing can escape it, but man does not see all the activities that are taking place in space. It is the unseen that produces all that is seen by man. For instance; the nucleus of the cell does not move, yet all movements proceed from that centre. Why? Because it is space areas that force change of occupation of material. One cannot see space as a moving thing yet it must maintain all transmutations of substance from one condition to that of another. Copper provides a space area whose parts under the unit group of three, squared in 9, and this through the three and four space areas, forces a continual rejection of any other grouping to the occupation of these spaces. The weight of zinc, in 65, shows a radioactive space keeper, and when we recognise the radioactive dependence on the non- radioactive for food, or the non-radioactive elements as "time" keepers of light and darkness, we will begin to possess some conception of what electricity may turn out to be. In non-radioactive conditions we have expressed the greatest condensation that matter can be forced to take on, and its opposite condition is expressed in light as the greatest expansion. Neither can exist apart from each other, and each must change their atomic groupings through the agency of color. In the gray granite we have the extremes of black and white — all that are found in the different colours when something is removed from the white or black origin. In the red granite we have all the colours involved in the white and black under equalisation of distribution cf substance over equal areas under equal temperature and equal time. In the use of the two carbon plates immersed in a solution of granite by aqua regia (soft water added in 229 proportion of two ounces to half pint of water) we provide each system (zinc and copper) with a carbon centre, through which all the transmutations between the three and four space areas can take place. In these carbon plates, the Adam KDM 144-144 provides the resistance to change under a group of 20736, which the Hebrew takes in a hundredth part as his value of the name En Soph (207). We have, therefore, in the carbon plates nothing less than the space areas of lead, as centres of latent energy where the group 3.1415 cubes itself in 31, and provides the light in the darkness (phosphorus) which we see as bubbles in the solutions in the battery as well as the granite solution. The carbon plates are connected with the plates of zinc and copper in the battery solution, and for six days the whole is left to ferment under the actions of the current. After six days the carbon plate attached to the copper plate is removed and a piece of zinc put in its place; this is allowed to work for six days. Both zinc and carbon are removed and the first solution being the one obtained from the gray granite, has now conditioned the battery solution with its space areas in relation to the spacekeeper of the square root of aluminium (5 and this through 6 plus 7 and so 13.) A new or second process is set up. The solution of red granite by aqua regia is used and the two carbon plates immersed therein. This is left for a period of six days. The carbon plate attached to the copper is removed and a piece of zinc inserted. After six days working (water being kept in the sulphate of copper solution in the battery so that a current can continue to flow)the carbon and zinc are removed from the solution of red granite, and the solution is allowed to settle. The clear liquid is poured off and allowed to stand for twenty four hours, when a piece ol iron or silver dipped in the clear liquid will immediately be coated with pure copper, yet no appearance of any particles can be seen in the clear liquid that is depositing the copper. What is the cause of the phenomena? It is nothing but assertion of the space keepers of the atom of aluminium in 230 forcing its own primal unit group (3) to force from its radioactive conditions all electronic groupings that would force its spaces to become a carrier of anything outside of the primal command let 6561 to 2G612 be. This transparent liquid was used for three days, and did not appear to lose in the least its power to deposit metallic copper. In this process of transmutation of zinc into copper, we have even the nature of electricity explained. The unseen in space is the great principle of distribution of energy. Locomotion of electric charge can be only change of conditions which exist outside or else internal from the material worked with. The external surface area of the copper wire develops the electricity sent from dynamo to user. The interior of the wire does not carry the current, it must be space itself repulsing from its aluminium centres the energy forced from the central station. Is the phenomenon explained in the assertion "Light shineth not save as male and female? Is it the eternal registration of the two lengths, 23 and 20, the angle and the straight line? Is not every form of energy found in nature an ex- pression of maintainance of fixed space areas throughout the universe? Can the angle of 23 occupy the space of 20 except it transmute all that gave to it its angle of 23? Is it not a clear work of "conception" itself? What about the transplantation of glands in the Englishman who only lived nine months after the opera- tion? Was his death caused by the "birth" of a child in space areas, and this child a space life deprived of its earth time period? Man cannot reproduce himself, or kind; if this was possible he would have to reproduce a universe through "time". He can only force a change in space areas from angle to straight line, whatever the system under such angularity may involve. If latent energy, expresses radioactive energies held in bondage for a fixed time, does the Sphinx represent this 231 keeper of the space of alumina — the clay in the hands of the potter, that must be passed through the fire before it becomes a vessel fit for use? Does the Sphinx cover a secret entrance to the Great Pyramid, that will reveal to mankind all that he is now searching for. Yea, will it yield to him all that the Hebrew thought to hide in the secret symbology of the "Name" of his gods and wise men? Does the Great Pyramid still guard the wonderful treasures described in ancient books, whose descriptions caused the Arabs to break into the building from the North side. There are rooms in the great body of the Sphinx, and these rooms have been looked upon as part of a temple service. Are there still more secrets to discover in this wonderful building, and will it show man how to escape the awful conditions that must come when the rigidity of that force which produced the great glacial systems is expressed in the form of lighting and thunder? This expression ushers in the "Light of the waters of Life", instead of the waters of darkness, or the custodians of the surface area of the water globule transformed into the explosive force of the uranium units? '.32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 501269 5 %