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TABLE 1. - Permissible noise exposure Duration per day, h Noise level , dBA 8 90 6 4 3 2 92 95 97 100 1-1/2 102 1 105 3/4 1/2 107 110 115 Recognizing that noise-induced hearing loss is a major health hazard in mining, the Bureau initiated a research program to address this problem. The first paper in this publication is a general overview of the program; one paper discusses hear- ing protectors. Other papers address selected noise control techniques for specific classes of mining and processing equipment . The Bureau handbook.^ distributed at this seminar includes a discussion of the major mining machinery noise prob- lems by machine type, currently availa- ble noise control technologies with cost estimates for their implementation, and noise control technologies in process of development. The handbook also in- cludes comprehensive lists of commer- cially available noise control products and materials suppliers, a bibliography, and case histories. ^Bartholomae, R. C, and R, P. Parker. Mining Machinery Noise Control Guide- lines, 1983. BuMines Handbook, 1983, 87 pp.; single copies are available from section of Publications, Bureau of Mines, 4800 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15 213. APPENDIX A: FEDERAL NOISE REGULATIONS The Federal government regulates the noise exposure of mine workers under the. Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-164). This act, which supersedes the previous Federal Coal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1969, covers surface and underground operations of metal and nonmetal mines as well as coal mines. These regulations are found in a government publication called the Code of Federal Regulations (Title 30, Chapter 1). The sections of 30 CFR 1.1 that pertain to noise are: Subchapter N Part 55 Section 55.5 Metal and Nonmetal Open Pit Mines 56.5 Sand, Gravel, and Crushed Stone Operators 57.5 Metal and Nonmetal Underground Mines Subchapter O Part 70 Subpart F Noise Standard for Underground Coal Mines Part 71 Subpart D Noise Standard for Surface Work Areas of Underground Coal Mines and Surface Coal Mines Only one of the three sections in Subchapter N has been reproduced; the others are identical. Sections of Subchapter O relating to noise are reproduced in their entirety. Physical Agents 55.5-11 through 55.5-49 [Reserved] 55.5-50 Mandatory, (a) No employee shall be permitted an exposure to noise in excess of that specified in the table below. Noise level measurements shall be made using a sound level meter meeting specifica- tions for type 2 meters contained in Ameri- can National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard SI. 4-1971, "General Purpose Sound Level Meters,'' approved April 27, 1971, which is hereby incorporated by refer- ence and made a part hereof, or by a dosi- meter with similar accuracy. This publica- tion may be obtained from the American National Standards Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018, or may be examined in any Metal and Nonme- tal Mine Health and Safety District or Sub- district Office of the Mine Safety and Health Administration. Permissible Noise Exposures Duration per day. hours Sound level. dBA. slow of exposure response 8 90 6 92 4 95 3 97 2 100 1 '; 1 1 , 102 105 110 1 t or less 1 15 No exposure shall exceed 115 dBA. Impact or impulsive noises shall not exceed 140 dB, peak sound pressure level. Note. When the daily noise exposut a is composed of two or more periods of noise exposure at different levels, their combined effect shall be considered rather than the individual effect of each. If the sum (C/r,)* (C 2 /r 2 )4 (CJT n ) c-xceeds unity, then the mixed exposure shall be considered to exceed the permissi- ble exposure. C n indicates the total time of exposure at a specified noise level, and T n indicates the total time of exposure permit- ted at that level. Interpolation between tab- ulated values may be determined by the fol- lowing formula: log T- 6.322-0.0602 SL Where T is the time in hours and SL is the sound level in dBA. (b) When employees' exposure exceeds that listed in the above table, feasible ad- ministrative or engineering controls shall be utilized. If such controls fail to reduce expo- sure to within permissible levels, personal protection equipment shall be provided and used to reduce sound levels to within the levels of the table. [34 FR 12504, July 31, 1969. as amended at 35 FR 3661, Feb. 25, 1970; 35 FR 18588, Dec. 8, 1970; 39 FR 24316, July 1, 1974; 39 FR 28433, Aug. 7, 1974; 41 FR 23612. June 10, 1976; 43 FR 54066, Nov. 17, 1978; 44 FR 36385, June 22, 1979] Subpart F — Noise Standard Authority: Sections 101 and 206, 83 Stat. 745 and 765; 30 U.S.C. 801 and 846. Source: 36 FR 12739, July 7, 1971, unless otherwise noted. § 70.500 Definitions. As used in this Subpart F, the term: (a) "dBA" means noise level in deci- bels, relative to a reference level of 20 micro pascals, as measured by the use of an A-weighting and slow metering characteristic as specified in American National Standards Institute (ANSI), "Specification for Sound Level Meters," Sl.4-1971 (Type S2A). (b) "Noise exposure" means a period of time during which the noise level is 90 or more dBA; (c) "Multiple noise exposure" means the daily noise exposure is composed of two or more different noise levels; (d) "Noise level" is the average dBA during a noise exposure; and, (e) "Qualified person" means, as the context requires, an individual deemed qualified by the Secretary and desig- nated by the operator to make tests and examinations required by this Act. (f) "Personal noise dosimeter" means equipment worn by an individu- al, which performs noise level mea- surements along with exposure time measurements. The circuitry of the in- strument is such that it automatically performs the computation of the mul- tiple noise exposure specified in § 70.502. [35 FR 5544, Apr. 3. 1970. as amended at 43 FR 40761. Sept. 12. 19^8] § 70.501 Requirements. Every operator of an underground coal mine shall maintain the noise levels during each shift to which each miner in the active workings of the mine is exposed at or below the per- missible noise levels set forth in Table I of this subpart. Example: If a noise is recorded to be 110 dBA then exposure shall not exceed 30 min- utes during an 8-hour shift. § 70.502 Computation of multiple noise ex- posure. The standard will be considered to have been violated in the case of mul- tiple noise exposure where such expo- sure totals exceed one as computed by adding the total time of exposure at each specified level (Ci, C 2 , C 3 etc.) di- vided by the total time of exposure permitted at that level (T„ T 3 , T 3 ). Thus, [C,/T,] + [C a /T 2 ] + [C,/T 3 ] must not exceed 1. Example I: Exposure of 2 hours at 92 dBA and 1 hour at 100 dBA during an 8-hour shift. Total minutes of noise exposure at dBA level/Total minutes of permissible noise exposure at dBA level [120 min./360 min. + 60 min./120 min.] = y 8 + Vfe = % + 3/ 6 = 5 / 6 The sum of the fractions does not exceed one; hence the exposure for the shift would not violate the standard. Example II: Exposure of 3 hours at 95 dBA and 1 hour at 100 dBA during an 8 hour shift. % + i/ 2 = % + % = s/ 4 The sum of the fractions exceeds one; hence the exposure for the shift would vio- late the standard. § 70.503 Noise exposure measurements; general. Every coal mine operator shall take accurate readings of the noise levels to which each miner in the active work- ings of the mine is exposed during the performance of the duties to which he is normally assigned. [36 FR 12739. July '., 1971, as amended at 43 FR 40761. Sept 12. 1978] § 70.504 Noise exposure measurements; by whom done. The noise exposure measurements required by this Subpart F shall be taken by, or as directed by, a person who has mec the minimum require- ments set forth in § 70.504-1, and has been certified by the Assistant Secre- tary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health, Mine Safety and Health Ad- ministration as qualified to take noise exposure measurements as prescribed in this Subpart F. [36 FR 12739, July 7, 1971, as amended at 43 FR 12319, Mar 24, 1978; 43 FR 40761. Sept. 12. 1978; 43 FR 43458, Sept. 26. 1978] § 70.504-1 Persons qualified to measure noise levels; minimum requirements. The following persons shall be con- sidered qualified to take noise expo- sure measurements as prescribed in this Subpart F; (a) Any person who has been certi- fied by the Mine Safety and Health Administration as an instructor in noise measurement training programs; (b) Any person who has satisfactori- ly completed a noise training course conducted by the Mine Safety and Health Administration and has been certified by the Administration as a qualified person; and, (c) Any person who has satisfactori- ly completed a noise training course approved by the Mine Safety and Health Administration and has been certified by the Administration as a qualified person. [36 FR 12739, July 7, 1971. as amended at 43 FR 40761, Sept. 12, 1978] § 70.504-2 Certification of qualified per- sons by the Mine Safety and Health Administration. Upon a satisfactory showing that a person has met the minimum require- ments for taking noise exposure mea- surements set forth in § 70.504-1, the Mine Safety and Health Administra- tion shall certify that such person has the ability and capacity to conduct tests of the noise exposure in a coal mine and to report and certify the re- sults of such tests to the Secretary and the Secretary of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare. [36 FR 12739, July 7, 1971, as amended at 43 FR 40761, Sept. 12, 1978] § 70.505 Noise exposure measurement equipment. Noise exposure measurements shall be taken only with equipment which is approved by the Mine Safety and Health Administration as permissible electric face equipment under the pro- visions of Part 18 of this chapter and which in the case of sound level meters, meets American National Standards Institute (ANSI), "Specifi- cation for Sound Level Meters,' 1 SI. 4- 1971 (Type S2A), or in the case of per- sonal noise dosimeters, has been found to be acceptable by the Mine Safety and Health Administration. [43 FR 40761, Sept. 12, 1978] § 70.506 Noise exposure measurement pro- cedures; instrument setting; calibra- tion. (a) Noise exposure measurements made with sound level meters shall conform to the following: (1) Noise exposure measurements shall be made at locations where the noise it typical of that entering the ears of the miner whose exposure is under consideration. (2) Five measurements shall be made for each type of noise exposure pro- ducing operation to which the miner under consideration is exposed. (3) Each measurement shall be made by observing the A-scale readings for 30 seconds and recording the noise level. (4) The average of the five noise level measurements shall be consid- ered as the noise level measurement which is representative of the oper- ation. (5) Where different and distinct noise levels occur at various phases of an operation, noise exposure measure- ments shall be made in accordance with this section for each distinct phase. (6) The noise levels and the estimat- ed length of time the miner is exposed to each level during a normal work shift shall be reported for the oper- ation. (b) Noise exposure measurements made with personal noise dosimeters shall conform to the following: (1) For the miner whose noise expo- sure is under consideration, noise ex- posure measurements shall be made with the personal noise dosimeter mi- crophone located at the top of the shoulder, midway between the neck and the end of the shoulder with the microphone pointing in a vertical upward direction in accordance with the diagram shown below: Drawing Illustrating Proper Noise Dosimeter Microphone Placement Mid-Distance on Shoulder Blade / ! — --• — Grid of Microphone Microphone Cord Noise Dosimeter (2) To the extent practical, the per- sonal noise dosimeter instrument case and microphone cable shall be posi- tioned underneath exterior clothing so as to minimize potential safety prob- lems and damage to the instrument. The microphone shall not be covered by clothing. (3) The personal noise dosimeter shall be worn by the miner whose noise exposure is under consideration for an entire normal work shift and the accumulated per centum of the noise exposure shall be reported. (c) Noise exposure measurement in- struments specified in § 70.505 shall be set to operate with the A-weighted network and slow response. (d)(1) Sound level meters and per- sonal noise dosimeters used by an op- erator in fulfilling the requirements of this subpart shall be acoustically cali- brated in accordance with the manu- facturer's instructions before and after each shift on which the meter is used. (2) Sound level meters and personal noise dosimeters used by an author- ized representative of the Secretary shall be acoustically calibrated in ac- cordance with the manufacturer's instructions or by another equivalent procedure before and after each shift on which the meter is used. (3) Personal noise dosimeters shall be recalibrated annually, including, as a minimum, the following: (i) Visual inspection of the micro- phone for any foreign matter or damage, (ii) Comparison of the dosimeter, at 1000 Hz, with a laboratory type con- densor microphone of known sensitiv- ity, and (iii) Frequency response testing in a free or diffused field where the sound field is established using a laboratory type condensor microphone of known sensitivity. (4) A document containing the date of the annual recalibration of each personal noise dosimeter and the names of the individual and organiza- tion performing the calibration shall be kept on file at each mine office. (e)(1) Acoustical calibrators which are used to calibrate sound level meters and personal noise dosimeters shall be recalibrated once a year using a laboratory type condensor micro- phone of known sensitivity as deter- mined by a National Bureau of Stand- ards calibration. (2) A document containing the date of the annual calibration of each acoustical calibrator and the names of the indivdual and organization per- forming the calibration shall be on file at each mine office. [43 FR 40761. Sept. 12. 1978. as amended at 43 FR 50678. Oct 31. 1978] § 70.507 Initial noise exposure survey. On or before June 30, 1971, each op- erator shall: (a) Conduct, in accordance with this subpart, a survey of the noise levels to which each miner in the active work- ings of the mine is exposed during his normal work shift; and, (b) Report and certify to the Mine Safety and Health Administration, and the Department of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare, the results of such survey using the Coal Mine Noise Data Report, Figure 1. Reports shall be sent to: Division of Automatic Data Processing. Mining Enforcement and Safety Adminis- tration, Building 53, Denver Federal Center, Colo. 80225. [36 FR 12739. July 7. 1971, as amended at 43 FR 40762. Sept 12, 1978] § 70.508 Periodic noise exposure survey. (a) At intervals of at least every 6 months after June 30, 1971, but in no case shall the interval be less than 3 months, each operator shall conduct, in accordance with this subpart, peri- odic surveys of the noise levels to which each miner in the active work- ings of the mine is exposed and shall report and certify the results of such surveys to the Mine Safety and Health Administration, and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, using the Coal Mine Noise Data Report Form. Reports shall be sent to: Division of Automatic Data Processing, Mining Enforcement and Safety Adminis- tration, Building 53, Denver Federal Center. Colo. 80225. (b) Where no A-scale reading record- ed for any miner during an initial or periodic noise exposure survey exceeds 90 dBA, the operator shall not be re- quired to survey such miner during any subsequent periodic noise level survey required by this section: Pro- vided, however, That the name and job position of each such miner shall be reported in every periodic survey and the operator shall certify that such miner's job duties and noise ex- posure levels have not changed sub- stantially during the preceding 6- month period. [36 FR 12739. July 7, 1971. as amended fct 43 FR 40762. Sept. 12, 1978] § 70.509 Supplemental noise exposure survey; reports and certification. (a) Where the certified results of an initial noise exposure survey conduct- ed in accordance with § 70.507, or a pe- riodic noise exposure survey conducted in accordance with § 70.508, show that any miner in the active workings of the mine is exposed to a noise level in excess of the permissible noise level prescribed in Table I, the operator shall conduct a supplemental noise ex- posure survey with respect to each miner whose noise exposure exceeds this standard. This survey shall be conducted within 15 days following no- tification to the operator by the Mine Safety and Health Administration to conduct such survey. 10 (b) Supplemental noise exposure surveys shall be conducted by taking noise exposure measurements in ac- cordance with § 70.506, however, noise exposure measurements shall be taken during the entire period of each indi- vidual operation to which the miner under consideration is actually ex- posed during his normal work shift. (c) Each operator shall report and certify the results of each supplemen- tal noise level survey conducted in ac- cordance with this section to the Mine Safety and Health Administration and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare using the Coal Mine Noise Data Report Form to record noise level readings taken with respect to all operations during which such measurements were taken. (d) Supplemental noise exposure surveys shall, upon completion, be mailed to: Division of Automatic Data Processing, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Building 53, Denver Federal Center, Colo. 80225. [36 FR 12739, July 7, 1971, as amended at 43 FR 40762. Sept. 12, 1978] § 70.510 Violation of noise standard; notice of violation; action required by operator. (a) Where the results of a supple- mental noise exposure survey conduct- ed in accordance with § 70.509 show that any miner in the active workings of the mine is exposed to noise levels which exceed the permissible noise levels prescribed in Table I, the Secre- tary shall issue a notice to the opera- tor that he is in violation of this sub- part. (b) Upon receipt of a Notice of Viola- tion issued pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, the operator shall: (1) Institute promptly administra- tive and/or engineering controls neces- sary to assure compliance with the standard. Such controls may include protective devices other than those de- vices or systems which the Secretary or his authorized representative finds to be hazardous in such mine. (2) Within 60 days following the is- suance of any Notice of Violation of this subpart, submit for approval to a joint Mine Safety and Health Admin- istration-Health, Education, and Wel- fare committee, a plan for the admin- istration of a continuing, effective hearing conservation program to assure compliance with this subpart, including provision for: (i) Reducing environmental noise levels; (ii) Personal ear protective devices to be made available to the miners; (iii) Preemployment and periodic au- diograms. (3) Plans required under subpara- graph (2) of this paragraph shall be submitted to: Assistant Administrator. Coal Mine Health and Safety, Mine Safety and Health Ad- ministration, Department of Labor, 4015 Wilson Boulevard. Arlington. Va. 22203. Tablf I— Permissible Noise Exposures Duration per day {hours) 8 6 4 3 2 1 'a < or iess Noise level (dBA) 90 92 95 97 100 102 105 107 110 115 [35 FR 5544. Apr. 3. 1970. as amended at 43 FR 12319. Mar. 24. 1978: 43 FR 40762. Sept. 12. 1978] 11 Chapter I — Min* Safety and Health Admin. §70.510 (Submit one form for e.i. h miner) F gure 1 COAL MINE NO I St. DMA REPORT Date: / / mo . day yr . Company: Mine Name Mine I . D. Number : Section/Pit Number: Miners Name : Miners SSN: Occupa t ion Code : Initial Periodi, Supp 1 emen t UJ UJ to 85 — 80 g machine Shuttle car s Coal drill J i L j_ 40 80 120 160 OPERATING TIME, min 200 FIGURE 1. - Typical noise levels and operat- ing times per 8-h shift of underground coal min- ing machines. The Bureau's main research efforts have focused on reduction of mining noise at the source by identifying specific noise sources and developing abatement technol- ogy and methods. Because mining ma- chinery is expensive and much equipment now in use is not due to be replaced for many years , a large part of the research program has involved development of "retrofit" noise abatement techniques and materials that can be used to modify ex- isting machinery. However, long-term work increasingly will be concerned with factory integration of control measures and the design of quieter machines. In- creased emphasis will also be given to the development of new mining methods that will offer advantages in noise con- trol over the established methods in use today. Where possible, the Bureau seeks the advice and cooperation of both equipment manufacturers and operators experienced in using the equipment. Such cooperation is especially important in view of the high cost and limited availability of mining machinery. Cost sharing agree- ments with industry and the cooperation of mine operators are essential to the program. Over the past 5 yr at least 25 projects required the cooperation of over 100 mines for noise surveys , data collec- tion, and operational testing of Bureau developed or modified equipment. Technology and techniques that are de- veloped are applied to test machines pro- vided by mine operators or machinery man- ufacturers and evaluated under production conditions. Noise controls developed must be cost effective, must be readily adaptable to existing machines and opera- tions, and must not reduce machinery ef- ficiency or lower production levels. The Bureau has been actively conducting noise abatement research and development programs both in-house and through Bureau funded contract studies since the passage of the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safe- ty Act of 1969. This act was later amended by the 1977 act. Both acts cite the allowable noise exposure levels given in table 1 in the introduction to these proceedings. The research began in 1970 with an initial contract study of hearing protection in underground mines and an in-house project to develop a muffler jacket for a percussion drill. Through the mid-1970 1 s and late 1970' s, the re- search program grew substantially and consisted almost entirely of contract research until 1981 when the percentage of in-house work began to increase sig- nificantly. This increase in the in- house program was accompanied with over- all Federal budget reductions. The majority of the research done in the 1970' s consisted of noise surveys and analyses to determine what were the major 16 noise problems in both underground and surface mining, what the principal noise sources were for specific equipment and systems, and what remedial measures could be taken to alleviate the noise problem. In the late 1970' s the emphasis was on retrofit noise controls of existing equipment. These retrofit modifications were designed to be installed on equip- ment either at a minesite or at an equip- ment rebuild or overhaul facility. These early efforts resulted in two important accomplishments. First, they provided significant short-term and cost-effective noise control measures. Second, they es- tablished an equipment noise level data base on which to plan long-term design research to incorporate noise control technology into the design and manufac- ture of mining equipment. Thus, by 1981 the nature of the Bu- reau's noise control research had changed in a fundamental way. The emphasis now and in the coming years is on long-term basic research to develop and assure ade- quate noise control technology for future mining machinery concepts. Closely re- lated to this goal is the development of noise controls that can be incorporated into equipment when it is sent to rebuild shops for scheduled maintenance. This is very cost effective and the Bureau has had recent success in working with the private sector in this area. Simultaneous with this change to long- term research is an increase in the amount of work performed in-house. Since the late 1970' s the Bureau has steadily built in-house expertise and facilities to the point that research that was pre- viously performed on contract can now be accomplished in-house. During 1984, a noise test facility was constructed at the Bureau's Pittsburgh (PA) Research Center, which will allow the Bureau's technical staff to conduct equipment noise control research. In summary, from 1970 to the 1980' s, the noise control research program has changed from a contract program with goals of establishing the major noise problems and determining what could be done in the short term to provide immedi- ate relief, to a principally in-house program to perform long-term research that will provide permanent solutions. The in-house test facility constructed during 1984 will enable the Bureau to cost effectively evaluate engineering noise controls, to redesign equipment components , and to provide a technically sound basis for the Bureau-funded con- tract program to complement the in-house efforts. The success of any health-related re- search program is difficult to measure. Significant trends take many years to evaluate, and there are many parameters that affect the results. It is also dif- ficult to select a realistic measure with which to determine the results. Figure 2 illustrates one method of measuring the success of the Bureau's noise research in metal and nonmetal mines and mills . The figure is a summary plot of 88,498 Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) noise dosimeter readings that were taken in metal and nonmetal mines and mills since 1974. The plot of the percentage of dosimeter readings that represent noise levels greater than Federal regula- tions allow, shows a gradual decrease from 1975 through 1982. The noise dosimeter measures the cumu- lative noise exposure of workers over a working shift and thus records a noise dose reading. A meter reading of 1.00, or 100 pet, represents a dose equal to the maximum allowable noise exposure un- der current regulations and is referred to here as a threshold limit value (TLV) . A reading of over 100 pet means the work- er was overexposed, and a reading of less than 100 pet means the worker was exposed to less than the allowable maximum. The left-hand axis of the plot in fig- ure 2 shows the percent of samples that exceed the TLV in each year. The right- hand axis of the plot shows the geometric mean concentration in percent for each year. The two lines shown are simple linear regression lines depicting the general trend in exposure for all years. A log-probability plot of the dosimeter 17 80 .Overall trend for concentration KEY >TLV, pet Concentration, pet o CL 80 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 FIGURE 2. - Summary plot of MSHA noise dosimeter readings in metal and nonmetal mines and mills since 1974. data reveals that the concentrations recorded in percent follow a log-normal distribution, that is the plot looks like a straight line, thus the geometric mean and standard deviation are appropriate measures of central tendency and disper- sion. The research objectives of determining the major noise sources in the mining in- dustry, developing and evaluating retro- fit noise control treatments for mining equipment, and providing more accurate noise exposure measuring instrumentation, have largely been accomplished. Current program emphasis is on designing and de- veloping concepts that will result in in- herently quieter equipment and mining operations and on evaluating the actual noise attenuation provided by personal hearing protectors. The current program focus is on the following four major re- search areas: Coal Extraction . — This area of research will develop noise control technology for coal extraction equipment and will trans- fer this technology to equipment manufac- turers for incorporation into newly manu- factured equipment. Long-term projects on both continuous miners and longwall systems were initiated several years ago and have reached milestones for scheduled completion by 1987. These projects are of particular significance since together these mining techniques account for ap- proximately 70 pet of the U.S. coal pro- duction. Emphasis is on a systems ap- proach, so that noise reduction of the major noise sources of each machine is being accomplished. For the continuous miner, noise from the chain conveyor has 18 been successfully reduced and current work is concentrating on designing quiet- er cutting heads. In 1984, in-mine test- ing of a continuous miner that has a noise-controlled chain conveyor and cut- ting head will be conducted. In the longwall system, coal cutting was identi- fied as the major source of noise. New cutting drum designs are being developed and in-mine testing of a prototype should commence in 1985. Percussion Drills. — Percussion some drills of the expose their operators to highest levels of noise in the mining in- dustry, often to intolerable levels of Because there are over 60,000 in use in U.S. under- significance of this 120 dBA. percussion drills ground mines , the problem is clear. The Bureau's work on percussion drills is composed of three efforts: (1) jumbo mounted drills used principally for drilling blastholes in hard-rock mines and tunnels, (2) hand- held hard-rock drills, and (3) drill steel design concepts for attenuating noise generated and radiated by the drill steel. In 1984, these efforts will be in various stages of development from proto- type fabrication of the jumbo drill to final design formulation of a concen- trically enclosed drill steel. Mobile Equipment . — Noise control tech- niques have been developed for many of the mobile equipment types used in mining operations. To date, successful controls have been applied to personnel carriers , auger-type continuous miners , chain-type conveyor systems , and diesel-engine- powered vehicles including utility vehi- cles, dozers, front -end . loaders, and load-haul-dump machines. These programs will continue with less emphasis and with the principal research being conducted at the Bureau's noise test facility. Empha- sis in 1984 and the future will be di- rected to redesign efforts pertaining to specific equipment types. Hearing Protectors . — Although the use of hearing protectors is permitted by MSHA only when other means of noise con- trol are not available, these devices represent an important protective measure because of the high noise levels of some mining equipment such as percussion drills. The Bureau is establishing a capability to investigate methods of evaluating hearing protector performance that can be used in the field. Conven- tionally, the effectiveness of ear muffs is determined by a psychophysical labora- tory technique that measures the hearing threshold for a person wearing the ear muffs. However, there is some question as to whether this measurement is equiva- lent to a physical measurement of the noise attenuation provided by the same ear muffs. The final result of the protector pro- gram is to develop a method for evaluat- ing ear protector effectiveness that is simpler, less costly, and less time con- suming to perform than the conventional audiometric approach. The results will not only provide workers with the actual protection they can expect from wearing hearing protectors , but also will allow for realistic noise reduction goals to be established for the equipment and opera- tions that exhibit noise levels in excess of 115 dBA. 19 THE NOISE EXPOSURES OF MOBILE MACHINE OPERATORS IN U.S. SURFACE COAL MINES AND NOISE CONTROL TECHNIQUES By Roy C. Bartholomae 1 and William W. Aljoe 2 ABSTRACT The reduction of the noise exposure of operators of mobile surface mine equip- ment has been a primary objective of the Bureau of Mines. Approximately 25,000 mobile equipment operators in U.S. sur- face coal mines (45 pet of the operators) are overexposed to noise. These mobile machines include bulldozers , front-end loaders , haulers , shovels , draglines , trucks, scrapers, drills, and motor graders. Bull-dozers and front-end load- ers cause about two-thirds of the noise overexposures. The most cost-effective operator noise exposure control was de- termined to be acoustical cabs. INTRODUCTION Many mobile machines used in U.S. sur- face coal mines produce noise levels higher than those permitted by the Fed- eral Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 (Public Law 91-173) and the Federal Mine Safety and Health Amendments Act of 1977 (Public Law 95-164). Recognizing this problem, the Bureau sponsored proj- ects to identify and control noise levels from these machines. The first project was a census of the types and number of mobile machines in surface coal mines 0_).3 This project involved measurements of noise generated by mobile machines and an estimate of the total operator over- exposure (2^) . Cost-effective noise con- trol techniques were then developed and proven on bulldozers and front-end load- ers (3-6) . MACHINE CENSUS Results from a combination of question- naires and extrapolations show there were approximately 38,500 mobile machines in use at U.S. surface coal mines in 1977. Extrapolations were required because al- though a questionnaire was mailed to every mine address on Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and Bureau lists, not all mines responded. Two methods of extrapolation were used inde- pendently; one was based on production and the other was based on survey re- sponse rate. Both methods yielded com- parable results (1) . Table 1, which lists the machines in order of the number in use, shows that two types dominate. Heavy track dozers 1 Supervisory electrical engineer. 2 Mining engineer. Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. (>150 hp) are the most numerous, account- ing for more than 27 pet of all machines. They are followed by heavy wheel front- end loaders , which account for more than 16 pet. Together these two types account for over 43 pet of all machines used in surface coal mines. All types of dozers combined form nearly 30 pet of the total population, and all types of loaders form nearly 20 pet, together accounting for nearly one-half of all machines used in surface coal mines. Table 2 lists the predominant manufac- turers of each major machine category, the predominant models in use, and the percentage of these models in each cate- gory. For example, the table shows that ^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references preceding the appendix to this paper. 20 TABLE 1. - Ranking of machine types on basis of numbers in use Percent — Machine Rank Percent — Rank Of Cumu- Of Cumu- Machine total lative total lative i.: 27.3 27.3 Dozer, track, >150 hp. 10.. 3.0 90.9 Scraper. 2.. 16.4 43.7 Loader, wheel, >150 hp. 11.. 2.5 93.4 Loader, wheel, <150 hp. 3.. 14.6 58.3 Hauler. 12.. 1.7 95.1 Dozer, track, <150 hp. 4.. 7.6 65.9 Truck , highway . 13.. 1.3 96.4 Shovel and dragline, 5.. 7.5 73.4 Shovel and dragline, electric, <30 yd 3 . internal combustion 14.. 1.0 97.4 Shovel and dragline , power. electric >30 yd 3 . 6.. 4.0 77.4 Scraper, tandem. 15.. .8 98.2 Auger, coal, highwall. 7.. 3.8 81.2 Motor grader. 16.. .8 99 Loader, track. 8.. 3.4 84.6 Drill, blasthole, with- 17.. .5 99.5 Dozer, wheel. out cab. 18.. .3 99.8 Drill , coring , truck- 9.. 3.3 87.9 Drill, blasthole, with cab. mounted . TABLE 2. - Major machine models in use in U.S. surface coal mines, by portion of machine type population, percent Machine type and Model Machine type and Model Machine type and Model manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer Dozer: Shovel — Con. Scraper: Caterpillar. . . D9 47 800 4 Caterpillar. . . 637 18 D8 17 All 9 631 12 All TD25 71 11 All 3500 8 4 657 All 7 International . 55 All All 12 7 Dragline: All 8 T524 All 16 Al lis -Chalmers 25 Loader: 4600 13 All 5 Caterpillar. . . 988 18 4500 8 Blasthole drill: 992 19 All 25 Gardner-Denver RDC16 10 All 46 Bucyrus-Erie. . 88B 9 All 15 All 13 All 25 Bucyrus-Erie. . 50R 5 All 13 2400 13 All 14 International . All 6 All 18 Chicago Hauler: All 12 Pneumatic. . . . 650 9 All 32 All 9 All 13 Caterpillar. . . 773 10 Highway truck: All 13 All All 18 12 Ford FlOO F600 4 4 Inger soil-Rand Grader : All 11 International . All 10 All 28 Caterpillar. . . 12 28 All 8 600 4 16 22 Dart All 5 685 All 3 18 14 All 16 Shovel: 72 Bucyrus-Erie. . All 26 General Motors All 12 All 12 All 19 All 11 All 11 International . All All 10 8 NOTE. — All refers to all of the manufacturer's models in use. 21 Caterpillar dominates the dozer category: Caterpillar manufactures 71 pet of all dozers used in surface coal mines, 47 pet of which are Caterpillar model D9. Caterpillar also manufactures 46 pet of all front-end loaders used in surface coal mines, 18 pet of which are Caterpil- lar model 988. An obvious first step in reducing noise exposure is the use of operator cabs. Table 3 gives the percentages of machines that have cabs , the size of the mine in which the machine is operated, and whether the cab has any form of noise control (acoustical) treatment. As the table shows , 70 pet of all machines have cabs , nearly one-half of these machines with cabs have some kind of acoustical treatment, and there are more cabs in large mines than in small mines. In ad- dition, there are more acoustically treated cabs on newer machines than on older equipment; acoustically treated cabs came into significant use between 1969 and 1972. Mobile Equipment Noise and Operator Exposure A major objective of the research was the calculation of the noise exposure of operators of various machines (see refer- ence 2 for detailed discussion) . For this calculation, independent estimates were made of the average working noise level and the time of operation (see ap- pendix to this paper). The average work- ing noise level was defined as that con- stant noise level that, if present during the entire work cycle, would result in the same noise exposure, or dose, result- ing from fluctuating noise levels that actually occur. Computation of the aver- age working noise level requires the typical work cycle to be divided into a number of events , each of which can be defined in terms of a typical noise level and percentage of the work cycle; for example, for a dozer, the typical work cycle consists of dozing, transporting, and backing. It is equivalent to the level read from a noise dosimeter measuring noise over one work cycle. TABLE 3. - Machines with cabs, by mine size, percent Machine Large 1 Any cab Small^ All Acoustical cab Large Small * All 58 67 25 97 Dozer, track, >150 hp Loader, wheel, >150 hp Hauler Truck , highway Shovel and dragline , internal combus- tion power Scraper , tandem Motor grader Drill , bias thole Scraper Loader, wheel, <150 hp Shovel and dragline, electric: <30 yd 3 >30 yd 3 Dozer , track , 150 hp Auger , coal , highwall Loader , track Dozer , wheel Drill , coring , truck mounted Total machine population ^100,000-t/yr production. 2 <100,000-t/yr production 85 62 60 50 53 61 91 89 63 18 65 83 46 72 57 57 70 62 86 93 92 96 83 78 52 60 64 61 50 50 27 47 56 59 80 89 60 86 45 57 18 18 41 50 50 81 50 47 60 70 35 44 57 5 33 30 32 22 24 41 59 62 36 3 27 56 37 29 32 44 44 34 53 10 7 19 26 15 26 30 32 18 22 8 21 26 35 25 54 30 58 29 28 2 2 15 20 50 55 17 3 30 34 22 Data on machinery noise, work cycles, machine usage durations, and shift lengths were collected during visits to nine mines that included both large and small operations , located in the Appa- lachian, Midwestern, and Western regions. Data on the noise and work cycles of over 80 individual machines were obtained by direct measurement, and these data were supplemented by information extracted from interviews with mine personnel. Additional data were gathered from study reports made available by some mines , from the literature, and from a sample of records submitted by mine operators to one of the MSHA district offices. Operator exposures were evaluated on the basis of the most reliable data available. Where possible, noise data measured in this program were used. For machine types for which information was inadequate, estimates were based on data in the literature of the MSHA records. Daily exposure durations were taken di- rectly from the MSHA data. Table 4 shows the mean values and stan- dard deviations of the average working noise levels of the operators of various machines , daily operator exposure dura- tions, and the probabilities of operator over-exposure. A distinction is made to the extent allowed by available data be- tween machines with no cabs , conventional cabs, and acoustical cabs. The overexposure probabilities indicate the fractions of the total operator popu- lation that suffer overexposure according to the given criteria. These probabili- ties provide no information about how often (what fraction of the time) the ex- posure of the operator of a given machine exceeds the permissible limit. These overexposure probabilities are given for two criteria. The first cri- terion is a regulation specified in the Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969, which permits exposure to 90 dBA for a maximum of 8 h per day and prescribes a reduction by a factor of 2 in the permis- sible daily exposure duration time for each 5-dBA noise level increment above 90 dBA. The second, more stringent, criterion permits exposure to 85 dBA for a maximum of 8 h per day and again pre- scribes an exposure duration time reduc- tion by a factor of 2 for each 5-dBA in- crement above 85 dBA. As shown in table 4, operators of heavy track dozers without cabs are exposed to mean working noise levels of 103 dBA for a mean of 6 h per day. The last two col- umns of the table show that 96 pet of the opera-tors of dozers without cabs in sur- face coal mines are overexposed to noise, according to the current Federal regula- tions. If the 5-dBA reduced threshold criterion is adopted, 99 pet of the oper- ators are overexposed. The procedure for calculating the overexposure probability is given in reference 2. Table 4 also shows that when cabs — particularly cabs with noise control treatments — are used on any type of ma- chine, they decrease both working noise levels and the probability of overexpo- sure. For each of the various types of ma- chines used in U.S. surface coal mines, table 5 shows the total number of ma- chines in use (based on projections developed from the census data) , the average number of people operating each machine per day (based on the average number of daily shifts the machines are in use, according to the machine census), and the number of operators in all U.S. surface coal mines who may be expected to be overexposed (according to both the current criterion and the more stringent criterion) . The table also shows the percentages of the total number of opera- tors (approximately 56,200) who suffer overexposure. This table gives two important statis- tics. According to the present criteri- on, over 25,000 operators, or nearly 45 pet of all mobile machine operators in U.S. surface coal mines, are overexposed to noise. With the more stringent cri- terion, the number of operators over- exposed to noise increases to over 37,000, or more than 66 pet of the entire operator population. 23 TABLE 4. - Noise exposure of machine operators (Average working noise level based on reference 2 and verified mine data, except as otherwise noted; values are rounded to nearest 0.5 dBA) . Machine Cab 1 Average working noise, level, dBA Mean Standard deviation 3 Daily exposure duration, h 2 Mean Standard deviation- 5 Criterion Pres- ent 4 5-dBA-more stringent 5 Dozer, track: >150 hp <150 hp Dozer, wheel, Loader , wheel : >150 hp <150 hp , Loader, track., Hauler , Truck , highway , Scraper: Tandem , Single, Motor grader, Shovel and dragline: Electric: >30 yd 3 , <30 yd 3 , Internal combustion power , Drill: Bias thole , Coring, Auger. . . , N C A T N C A N C A T T T T N C A N C A N C A N C A T T 103 98.5 92.6 L 94 e 96 96.5 92 94.5 93.5 84.6 '97 L 91.5 88.5 e 85 e 92 91.5 85 e 96 95.5 91 e 96 '95.8 86.5 77.5 86 91 90 85 83 e 87 e,M95 1.5 3.0 4.5 L 3.5 e 5.0 2.0 6.0 1.5 5.0 4.5 e 3.0 e 4.0 4.5 e 5.0 e 7.0 7.0 .5 e 5.0 3.5 e 5.0 e 5.0 '4.0 5.0 6.5 4.0 6.5 2.0 5.0 3.0 e 5.0 e 5.0 6.3 5.6 5.8 5.1 5.3 5.8 5.9 5.6 5.1 5.1 5.4 4.1 3.0 2.3 2.6 3.1 3.7 1.2 6.7 38 20 7.2 .2 14 48 99 96 80 83 81 90 60 93 82 29 93 69 57 14 69 67 14 89 92 69 84 86 35 6.2 35 64 70 27 7.8 40 76 'includes literature data. L From literature, A, acoustical cab; C, nonacoustical cab; N, no cab; T, all e Estimated. 1 2 Rounded to nearest 0.1 h. 3 About 70 pet of all values may be expected to fall within low and above the mean. 4 85 dBA permissible for 8 h daily; a reduction factor of 2 exposure for each 5-dBA increase above 90 dBA. 5 85 dBA permissible for 8 h daily; a reduction factor of 2 exposure for each 5-dBA increase above 85 dBA. M Includes MSHA data, conditions . 1 standard deviation be- in the permissible daily in the permissible daily 24 TABLE 5. - Projected number of machines and overexposed operators in U.S. surface coal mines GO (Projected total number of operators — 56,226) Machine Cab 1 Number of ma- chines 2 Operators per machine per day, 2 average Overexposed operators Present criterion 3 No. pet 5-dBA-more-strin- gent criterion 4 No. pet Dozer, track: >150 hp <150 hp Dozer, wheel, Loader , wheel : >150 hp <150 hp , Loader, track., Hauler , Truck , highway , Scraper: Tandem , Single, Motor grader, Shovel and dragline : Electric: >30 yd 3 , <30 yd 3 Internal combustion Drill: Blasthole power Coring , Auger , Total or average, N C A T N C A N C A T T T T N C A N C A N C A T T T N C A T T 4,551 2,648 3,447 584 24 32 71 2,149 1,661 2,991 1,033 411 5,620 2,939 462 393 310 486 252 197 549 411 450 234 334 3,273 1,316 721 558 109 323 1.56 1.34 1.92 1.36 1.30 1.13 1.52 1.25 1.47 1.33 1.19 3.14 2.20 1.45 1.20 1.75 1.75 1.47 1.53 6,816 12.1 3,635 6.5 2,635 4.7 446 .8 25 <.l 40 .1 44 .1 2,163 3.8 1,265 2.2 240 .4 1,061 1.9 172 .3 1,965 3.5 95 .2 299 .5 237 .4 <.l 446 .8 238 .4 97 .2 405 .7 313 .6 59 .1 9 <.l 49 .1 1,803 3.2 316 .6 91 .2 2 <.l 22 <.l 237 .4 7,028 3,966 4,302 649 37 55 82 2,718 1,852 1,179 1,249 320 4,869 514 469 387 64 575 308 181 549 421 187 46 257 3,037 1,105 341 76 64 376 NAp 38,539 1.46 25,225 44.9 37,263 12.6 7.1 7.7 1.2 .1 .1 .1 4.8 3.3 2.1 2.2 .6 8.7 .9 .8 .7 .1 1.0 .5 .3 1.0 .7 .3 .1 .5 5.4 2.0 .6 .1 .1 .7 66.3 NAp Not applicable. A, acoustical cab; C, nonacoustical cab; N, no cab; T, all conditions. 2 Reference 1. 3 85 dBA permissible posure for each 5-dBA 4 85 dBA permissible posure for each 5-dBA for 8 h daily; a reduction factor of 2 in permissible daily ex- increase above 90 dBA. for 8 h daily; a reduction factor of 2 in permissible daily ex- increase above 85 dBA. 25 Table 5 also shows that all types of dozers together are responsible for over- exposure of over 13,600, or over 24 pet of all surface mine operators; that is, dozers contribute more than 50 pet of all noise overexposures. Loaders, in turn, overexpose more than 4,900 operators, or 8.6 pet of all surface mine operators, and they account for slightly less than 19 pet of all noise overexposures. The next most significant categories lag far behind dozers and loaders. They are haulers, which overexpose nearly 2,000 operators (3.5 pet of all opera- tors, 8 pet of all overexposed operators) and diesel-powered shovels and draglines, which overexpose about 1,800 operators (3.2 pet of all operators, 6 pet of all overexposed operators). Two facts should be noted, because they have a bearing on the over-exposures shown in table 5. Most of the overexpo- sure associated with haulers results from haulers being operated with open windows ; haulers whose noise is measured with their windows closed rarely present a noise overexposure problem. Similarly, the data base for shovels and draglines powered by internal combustion engines is biased toward older models because newer models tend to be much quieter. As a re- sult, the overexposures indicated for haulers and for shovels and draglines may be overestimated. NOISE CONTROLS The extent of operator overexposure, the types of mobile machines responsible for that overexposure, and the results of the first study, were published in a Bu- reau report ( 1_) . As a result of this study, the Bureau sponsored research to prove cost-effective retrofit noise con- trol technology for surface mobile equip- ment. Because bulldozers and front-end loaders are responsible for approximately two-thirds of the noise overexposure problem, they were chosen as representa- tive machines for this project. Descrip- tion of this project is prefaced by a general discussion of noise control techniques — the tools of noise control. Major Sources and Paths In general, the noise from any one source reaches the ear via several paths , both directly, by airborne paths, and in- directly, by reflections from various surfaces. In addition, sound in the form of vibration may travel along or through structures. In diesel-powered mining equipment , the engine is generally a major source of noise. Engine noise may come from the exhaust, the intake, and the casing (that is, the block and accessories attached to it) — as well as the cooling fan — often a significant noise source. The trans- mission, drive train, and hydraulic sys- tem also tend to be significant noise sources. Noise radiated from the various sources may reach the operator by propagating through the air, directly or by reflec- tions. In addition, vibrations produced by the engine and other mechanical com- ponents , as well as structural vibrations caused by sounds , tend to propagate along machine structures , thus causing these structures to radiate sound. The relative importance of the various noise sources and paths differs for dif- ferent machine types and models. How- ever, one fact is basic for all machines: Just as repair of small holes in a leak- ing roof is useless if large holes are left open, reducing the noise of lesser sources and paths has practically no ef- fect on a worker's exposure unless the contributions from the major sources and paths are reduced. In addition, it does not usually make sense to spend the money to quiet dominant sources and paths to the point where their contributions are far below those of the lesser sources and paths. Overquieting is both impractical and costly. 26 Noise Reduction of Diesel-Powered Equipment In general, the noise exposure of an operator of a given machine may be re- duced by blocking the paths of sound be- tween the important noise sources and the miner. Usually, for both practical and economical reasons , the primary noise sources cannot be modified or replaced with quieter ones (except relatively early in the development of new ma- chines). Generally then, the first solu- tion to a problem of mine machine noise is blocking the noise paths , both air- borne and structureborne. Cabs generally are the most cost effi- cient way to obstruct the radiation of sound from such sources as engines or transmissions. The effectiveness of such an enclosure increases with the mass of its walls, and effectiveness is greater if the cab is lined with some kind of acoustically absorptive material. If a full cab installation would present prob- lems of cooling or access, partial cabs or barriers may be used. They tend to be considerably less effective in noise re- duction than full cabs because they do not provide the operator with noise at- tenuation from all directions , which in- creases the operator exposure to both direct and reflected noise. In a partial cab, the noise the operator hears is not passing through it, but traveling around it. As a result, increasing the mass of the barrier (an effective way to reduce noise heard in full cabs), usually re- sults in little noise reduction in par- tial cabs. Mufflers obstruct the propagation of sound out of pipes or ducts, primarily by reflecting some of the sound back toward the source so that the reflected pressure waves almost cancel out the outgoing waves. It is important to match engine exhaust mufflers to the engine, so that they will be effective acoustically, yet not produce excessive backpressure. Muf- flers are commericially available for almost all pieces of equipment used in U.S. surface mines. One of the most overlooked ways to re- duce noise levels is machine maintenance. Table 4 shows a number of machine cate- gories , such as highway trucks , with standard deviations of 4 dBA or more. This is a significantly large variation between the noise of one machine and another in the same category. There could be several reasons , of course , but experience has shown that a major contri- bution is the state of repair of the in- dividual machine. Are the seals tight? Are all windows in place? Is the air conditioner working so the operator will not need to open the windows (letting in air and also noise)? Are the floormats in place? Proper maintenance of the machine is a must for successful noise control. RESULTS OF RETROFIT NOISE CONTROL PROGRAM The Bureau's surface mining noise con- trol research program has concentrated on retrofit acoustical cab treatments for bulldozers and front-end loaders. Models of both machine types were selected for these treatments , based on their overall popularity in the surface mining indus- try. The retrofitted dozers and front- end loaders were field tested in surface coal mines for a period of about 1.5 yr. In general, mine operators were satisfied with the durability and effectiveness of the noise control treatments. Detailed fabrication manuals , contain- ing photographs and illustrations that show how the noise control treatments were installed, have been prepared for both bulldozers (4) and front-end load- ers (6). Numerous Bureau-sponsored work- shops were held throughout the country to provide equipment users with a closer look at the retrofit process. Most of the workshop attendees found them bene- ficial, and many equipment users have since applied the noise control treat- ments to their own bulldozers and front- end loaders. 27 Bulldozers A breakdown of the 1977 bulldozer pop- ulation in U.S. surface mines (table 6) shows that the Caterpillar model D9 was by far the most popular model, comprising 47 pet of the population (1_) . For this reason, the Bureau treated two different varieties of D9 dozers , one with only a ROPS-FOPS structure 4 and one with a com- plete (but not acoustical) cab. To show that retrofit noise control treatments could also be applied successfully to another manufacturer's bulldozer, an In- ternational Harvester model TD-25C ma- chine (ROPS-FOPS only) was also treated. TABLE 6. - Total bulldozer population by machine model, U.S. surface mines, 1977, pet Caterpillar D9 47 Caterpillar D8 17 International Harvester TD-25.... 11 All others 25 Although the design details of the three machines were somewhat different, the same four basic treatments were used: (1) installing a muffler on the diesel engine exhaust, (2) sealing numerous holes in the floor and dashboard of the operator's station, (3) adding sound- absorbing materials under the ROPS-FOPS 4 ROPS, rollover protective structure; FOPS, falling object protective struc- ture. Modifications to ROPS-FOPS must be approved and performed by qualified peo- ple. Also, flame resistant materials should be used. structure and under the cover of the hydraulic tank, and (4) installing vibration-isolation materials between the engine and dashboard. In addition, wind- shields were installed on the two dozers that originally contained only ROPS-FOPS structures. These windshields were ex- tremely important because they blocked the direct path between the diesel engine (the largest single noise source on the machines) and the dozer operators. Seals were also installed around the doors of the cab-equipped D9 dozer. Table 7 summarizes the noise reductions achieved through the dozer retrofit treatments, the cost of the acoustical materials and hardware, and the labor hours needed to install them. Note that the operator noise levels after treatment (89-94 dBA) were low enough to permit 6 to 8 h of daily operating time without violating Federal noise regulations; before treatment , only 1 to 2 h of op- erating time were allowed. The effects of the individual treatments on the three machines in table 7 are described. Caterpillar D-9G With ROPS-Fops Only Figure 1 is a photograph of the treated dozer, and figure 2 shows the seven major components of the retrofit noise control package. Diagnostic tests of the un- treated dozer indicated that the wind- shield would be the single most effective noise control treatment, followed by the ROPS-FOPS canopy absorption and the en- gine exhaust muffler; therefore, these three treatments were installed first. TABLE 7. - Summary of results of bulldozer retrofit noise control treatments Caterpillar D-9G International Harvester TD- ROPS-FOPS only With cab 25C, ROPS-FOPS only Operator noise level, dBA: 105 94 11 $825 106 1 99-2 100 2 89- 1 9l 9-11 $725 88 102 91 11 $912 80 Cab doors open. 2 Cab doors closed. 28 FIGURE 1. - Caterpillar D-9G bulldozer (ROPS-FOPS only) with retrofit noise control treatments. Figure 3 shows how the operator noise level decreased as each of the seven treatments was added. The overall noise reduction was 11 dBA, but the reduction obtained through one treatment depended on the presence of the previous treat- ments. For example, the windshield alone would have reduced the noise by about 4 dBA, the canopy absorption alone would have reduced the noise by about 3 dBA, and the exhaust muffler alone would have reduced the noise by about 1.5 dBA. The remaining treatments would have had a negligible effect on operator noise if the windshield, canopy absorption, and muffler had not been installed; there- fore, these three treatments were by far the most important components of the retrofit package. Table 8 summarizes the material costs and labor hours associated with each component of the package. Caterpillar D-9G With Cab Figure 4 shows the six major components of the retrofit noise control package applied to the cab-equipped D-9G dozer. This machine already had a relatively new muffler, so none was installed; however, this would ordinarily have been included in the package. Since a windshield was already a part of the cab, the simpler cab wall seal treatment replaced the windshield treatment required for the D- 9G dozer with ROPS FOPS only. The in- terior walls of the cab were treated with the same sound-absorbing materials as the underside of the canopy. Note in table 7 that the operator noise level in the un- treated cab was higher when the doors were closed than when they were open; this occurred because the untreated doors tended to rattle in their sockets when 29 FOPS canopy absorption Seat seals Muffler Hydraulic valve cover and tank seal Dashboard seals V_ and vibration isolation Floormat and seals FIGURE 2. - Noise control treatments installed on Caterpillar D-9G bulldozer (ROPS-FOPS only). IVJO " 104 - tr < UJ 1- X 102 - - C9 *< co oa 100 - oc u o . r t- W - - < -i UJ — 98 - - 9k x o $ - CD - _l It ■+- 96 - c o Q. O E c o 1 — UJ "5 *3 « ■ Ul CD CO •~ <■ E a _l 94 - . fc O a> -O o T3 a. o to o a. §-2 - C i/> o ^ s Q =3 - o C o o a a> o w o * J3 6 c CD - o to 92 - a> CD — j to —1 cd to — I a> 1c to ■a . E 2 o !E a o 5 ai -= .- «o fc a CD - V) O 00 c 5 c 11 II II ~5 qn - jkj TREATMENT FIGURE 3. - Step-by-step noise reduction treatments of Caterpillar D-9G bulldozer. they were closed. After the door seals were added, however, the operator noise exposure level was lower when the doors were closed. Figure 5 shows how the operator noise level decreased as the treatments were added (11-dBA total reduction, cab doors closed) . As with the D-9G dozer with R0PS-F0PS only, the noise reduction at each stage of treatment depended on the presence of the previously installed treatments . Table 9 summarizes the ma- terial costs and labor hours associated with each component of the package. Note that the cost of a muffler (although not needed on this particular machine) is al- so included in table 9. TABLE 8. - Summary of material and labor costs for noise control package on Caterpillar D9G dozer with R0PS-F0PS only 1978 ma- terial costs 2 Labor 1 Treatment 1978 ma- terial costs 2 Labor ' Treatment Weld- er Me- chanic Weld- er Me- chanic $275 115 190 25 80 29 4 NAp 1 NAp 16 10 2 4 8 $55 80 5 NAp 4 2 8 FOPS canopy Exhaust muffler.... Hydraulic valve cover and tank 16 Dashboard seals-vi- Miscellaneous items Total 2 bration isolation. 825 40 66 Floormat and seals. NAp Not applicable. 'Estimated worker-hours. 2 Approximate. 30 TABLE 9. - Summary of material and labor costs for noise control package on Caterpillar D9G dozer with cab 1978 ma- terial costs 2 Labor 1 Treatment 1978 ma- terial costs 2 Labor ' Treatment Weld- er Me- chanic Weld- er Me- chanic FOPS canopy $150 75 80 105 95 4 2 2 4 NAp 8 22 8 12 16 Dashboard seals-vi- bration isolation. Miscellaneous items $25 5 2 2 4 2 Floormat and seals. Seat and hydraulic 535 190 16 NAp 72 2 Sound absorption on Grand total... 725 16 74 NAp Not applicable. 'Estimated worker-hours. Approximate, International Harvester TD-25C With ROPS-FOPS Only Figure 6 shows the major components of the retrofit noise control package for the TD-25C dozer. Since the manufacturer had already installed an exhaust muffler on this machine, none was needed; how- ever, a muffler would have to be in- stalled if none were present. Figure 7 shows how the operator noise level de- creased as the treatments were added (11- dBA total reduction) , and table 10 sum- marizes the material costs and labor hours associated with each component of the package. Comparison of tables 10 and 8 shows that the cost of the windshield was the FOPS canopy absorption Sound absorption on cab interior Seat and hydraulic valve seals Dashboard seals and vibration isolation Floormat and seals Cab wall seals FIGURE 4. - Noise control treatments on cab- equipped Caterpillar D-9G bulldozer. biggest difference between the retrofit packages for the International Harvester TD-25C and the Caterpillar D-9G with ROPS-FOPS structures. More materials and labor were needed for the TD-25C wind- shield because it was larger and more difficult to fabricate, but it provided more noise reduction (5 versus 4 dBA) than the D-9G windshield. As with the IVJU _ 98 _ 5 96 - - H - - g 94 - * < _ a X) -Q o y 86 a z c o 5L J3 D to OL O o a. tz o a. c o a. ° o - c c o o -- S-' 5 s.° s ^ o 84 ^ o o o t- "O oj' - o E c CO 82 c D o fl> o □ J3 *■ ° c a E ■° S c ° go 3 3 .2 °X> 80 CD s s 5 2 2 := S- o T ffl EATME N T FIGURE 5. - Step-by-step noise reduction treat- ments of cab equipped Caterpillar D-9G bulldozer. Note that because this dozer was already equipped with a relatively new muffler, the treatments do not include installation of a new muffler. How- ever, an effective muffler should be part of any noise control treatment if the machine has no muf- fler as the existing muffler is badly rusted. 31 TABLE 10. - Summary of material and labor costs for noise control package on International Harvester TD-25C bulldozer with ROPS-FOPS only 1978 ma- terial costs 2 Labor 1 Treatment 1978 ma- terial costs 2 Labor ' Treatment Weld- er Me- chanic Weld- er Me- chanic $537 182 43 8 1 NAp 53 8 2 Seat seals , hydrau- Total $150 0.5 FOPS canopy 7.5 912 400 9.5 NAp 70.5 Option: Dashboard 7 NAp Not applicable. 'Estimated worker-hours. 2 Approximate. other two bulldozers, the noise reduc- tions achieved with individual treatments on the TD-25C depended on the presence of the other treatments. The windshield and the ROPS-FOPS canopy absorption were the two most important treatments; the others would have been ineffective without them. The dashboard barrier was considered to be an optional treatment because its cost was high compared to the noise reduction resulting from its installation. Front End Loader (5-6) The front-end loader ranked second to the bulldozer as a "noise offender" in the surface mining industry (1_) . Although about 40 pet of the loaders identified during the 1977 census were equipped with factory-designed acoustical cabs ; the remaining 60 pet required some type of retrofit noise control treatment. The Bureau chose two of the most popular loader models for the retrofit program — a Caterpillar 988 and an International Har- vester H-400 B. Both machines had non- acoustical operator cabs ; this made the retrofit treatments easier to install than if they had equipped only with ROPS- FOPS structures. The treatments themselves were simi- lar to those installed on the cab equipped bulldozer: (1) exhaust muf- flers, (2) seals around openings in the cab walls, doors, seats, and floors, and ROPS canopy absorption Windshield Dashboard barrier Hydraulic box seals FIGURE 6. - Noise control treatments installed on International Harvester TD-25C bulldozer. < LL) H X a "- < g U < A or Q uJ — 9k x O o > 3 O 00 IUJ . - . 100 - . . 95 c o " ~ a - c a o S a a. a.-° 90 o o c "O c o a n a o -goo D a a> c w E - m a - e c m •o c = § ill D 4> - RR CO * S * = iS2 S " TREATMENT FIGURE 7. - Step-by-step noise reduction treat- ments of International Harvester TD-25C bulldozer. 32 (3) sound-absorbing materials on all the interior cab surfaces, including the can- opies. Table 11 summarizes the noise re- ductions, material costs, and labor hours associated with the retrofit treatments. As with the cab-equipped bulldozer, the noise levels in the untreated loader cabs were the same or greater when the doors were closed than when they were open, due to the doors rattling in their sockets. After treatment, however, the loader cabs were quieter when the doors were closed. Note also that the costs of installing exhaust mufflers are not included in table 11 because the loaders already had mufflers. If mufflers had not been pres- ent, they would have been essential com- ponents of the noise control packages. Figures 8 and 9 and table 12 describe the retrofit package on the Caterpillar 988 loader; figures 10 and 11 and table 13 do the same for the International H- 400 B. As with the bulldozer retrofit packages, the effectiveness of each suc- cessive noise control treatment depended on the presence of previous treatments. TABLE 11. - Summary of results of front-end loader retrofit noise control treatments Caterpillar 988 Int( srnational Harvester H-400 B Operator noise level, dBA: ^-^Ol 2 90- 1 91 2 11 $410 29 1,295 2 83- 1 87 . .dBA.. 2 12 1978 material costs . $580 19 Cab doors open. 2 Cab doors closed. 3 Not including exhaust muffler. TABLE 12. - Summary of material and labor costs for noise control package on Caterpillar 988 front-end loader Treatment 1978 ma- terial costs 2 Labor , 1 mechanic Treatment 1978 ma- terial costs 2 Labor, ' mechanic Canopy and rear cab wall sound absorption $58 200 39 50 7 8 3 6 Additional. sound ab- sorption on cab $63 5 Total 410 29 'Estimated worker-hours, 2 Approximate, TABLE 13. - Summary of material and labor costs for noise control package on International Harvester H-400B front-end loader Treatment 1978 ma- terial costs 2 Labor, ' mechanic Treatment 1978 ma- terial costs 2 Labor, ' mechanic $138 393 8 8 $49 3 Cab sound absorption.. 580 19 Estimated worker-hours, ■Approximate. 33 Canopy and rear cab wal sound absorption \^ Floormat \q Additional sound \k[U absorption on cab / interior Pedestal seals Cob wal! seals FIGURE 8. • Noise control treatments installed on Caterpillar 988 front-end loader. < UJ I- X e> tr a: tj P - uj G a. o x < x Jb uj < > UJ 3 O CO *J£ . 00 — 98 96 - - 94 92 o E •j; 90 _ c E o o o •4- O Q) o E . 88 86 84 o i- O c 0) c co a a) a. i— o CO XI o "D c a o Q. .— O CO XI o c §2 3 - «o - QD o CO CO co E Ll_ - TREATMENT FIGURE 9. - Step-by-step noise reduction treat- ments of Caterpillar 988 front-end loader. CONCLUSIONS The noise exposure of U.S. miners was evaluated. A 1977 cated that over 25,000 mobile erators (nearly 45 pet of mately 56,200 operators) were to noise according to the cr cified in the Federal Coal and Safety Act of 1969 and amendments of 197 7. 5 surface coal study indi- machine op- the approxi- overexposed iterion spe- Mine Health subsequent D It is estimated that for all surface mines (coal and metal and nonmetal) that over 50,000 mobile machine operators are overexposed to noise. Heavy track dozers were the largest contributors, responsible for 54 pet of the overexposure , and rubber-tired front- end loaders were second in importance , contributing to 19 pet of the overexpo- sure. On the basis of these results, the Bureau selected bulldozers and front-end loaders for which to develop and prove cost-effective retrofit noise control techniques. Durable cost-effective noise control techniques were proven and well documented, which, in general, provide over 10 dBA of noise reductions at typi- cal costs of $1,000 in materials and 100 h of labor. 34 Canopy absorption Cab wall sea: Cab door seals Floormat Cab wall absorption JD 94 _— < UJ 92 — h- X o 90 — or i* 3 88 cr -o 86 — UJ Q Q_ O X 84 — H 2 82 C 0) E •*- o CD o ♦- O 0) — VEL A ATH c UJ 80 *~ O CD __ -i o c "O E Q "*-^ c o Z 78 (1) o CD __ 3 W_ (0 ^ O "55 o •_ - CO 76 to o CD CO "5 u. — FIGURE 10.- Noise control treatments installed on International Harvester H-400 B front-end loader. TREATMENT FIGURE 11. - Step-by-step noise reduction treat- ments of International Harvester. 35 REFERENCES 1. Ungar, E. E. A Census of Mobile Machines Used in U.S. Surface Coal Mines (contract J0166057, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. and Woodward Associates, Inc.). BuMines OFR 77-78, 1977, 174 pp.; NTIS PB 284 112. 2. Ungar, E. E., D. W. Andersen, and M. N. Rubin. The Noise of Mobile Ma- chines Used in Surface Coal Mines : Operator Exposure, Source Diagnosis, Po- tential Noise Control Treatments (Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.). BuMines OFR 98-79, 1978, 117 pp.; NTIS PB 299 538. 3. Madden, R. , and M. Rubin. Noise Control of Large Truck Dozers Used in Surface Mining. Final report on BuMines contract J0177049 with Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc., April 1983, 58 pp.; avail- able upon request from R. C. Bartholomae, Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. 4. Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. Bulldozer Noise Control Manual. Report under BuMines contract J0177049, May 1980, 270 pp.; available upon request from R. C. Bartholomae, Pittsburgh Re- search Center, Bureau of Mines, Pitts- burgh, PA. 5. Dixon, N. R. , and A. R. Thompson. Noise Control of Rubber-Tired Front-End Loaders Used in Surface Mines. Final re- port on BuMines contract J0395028 with Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc., June 1983, 52 pp.; available upon request from R. C. Bartholomae, Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. 6. Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. Loader Noise Control Manual. Report un- der BuMines contract J0395028, June 1981, 130 pp.; available upon request from R. C. Bartholomae, Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. 36 APPENDIX A—CALCULATION OF AVERAGE WORKING NOISE LEVEL The average working noise level is a useful concept for characterizing the noise exposure contribution of a given machine that produces nonconstant noise levels. The average working noise level is defined as the constant noise level that results in the same noise dose as the actual nonconstant noise levels , for the period the machine is operating. For example, consider a machine that subjects its operator to a 90-dBA noise level while it idles and to a 95-dBA lev- el while it is used at full power; assume also that the machine operates at idle for 30 pet of the time it is in use and at full power 70 pet of the time. Note from table A-l that the permissible expo- sure duration for 90 dBA is 8 h and for 95 dBA, 4 h. Assuming a total of 7 h of use per day (7 x 0.30 = 2.10 h at 90 dBA and 7 x 0.70 = 4.90 h at 95 dBA), a total noise dose of 2.10/8 + 4.90/4 = 1.487 is obtained. The average working noise level in this case is that noise level level producing a noise dose of 1.487, if it is continuous for 7 h. The permitted exposure duration, T, in hours is related to the noise dose, D, and actual exposure duration, C, in hours as T = C/D. Thus, here the permitted duration, T, is 7/1.487 = 4.71 h. From the values indi- cated in table A-l , one may observe that the average working noise level is be- tween 92 and 95 dBA. The exact value of 93.8 dBA can be calculated from the equa- tion in the note to table A-l. The assumed value of the daily use time (taken above as 7 h) does not affect the value of the average working noise level. The effects of the assumed values of the daily use time cancel , because the same number is used in the dose evaluation calculation and in the determination of the corresponding permitted durations. TABLE A-l. - Permissible noise exposures Duration of exposure per day, h Noise level, dBA 90 92 95 97 100 Duration of exposure 1 .5... per day , h 1 .5... Noise level, dBA 102 105 110 115 NOTE. — Noise levels are measured with a sound level meter set to slow response. Exposure to continuous levels above 115 dBA is not permitted by law. Values between those tabulated may be obtained from log T = 6.322 - 0.602 SL, where T denotes the exposure duration, h, and SL is the sound level, dBA. 37 A REDUCED-NOISE AUGER MINER CUTTING HEAD By William W. Aljoe 1 and Mark R. Pettitt 2 ABSTRACT After extensive laboratory and in-mine tests, a cost-effective, mineworthy, reduced-noise auger miner cutting head was designed, fabricated, and field test- ed by Wyle Laboratories , under Bureau of Mines contract HO188065. Compared with standard auger cutting heads, the new heads reduced noise by 10 dBA at the jacksetter's position and 6 dBA at the operator's position. The reduced-noise heads were able to cut and load coal as effectively as the standard heads and are now being used successfully in several underground mines. Mine shops can easily modify the standard auger cutting heads to produce the reduced-noise design. INTRODUCTION Auger-type continuous miners are de- signed to extract coal from thin seams , approximately 26 to 50 in. in height. Figure 1 shows one model of auger miner, the Fairchild (Wilcox) Mark 21. 3 The two rotating augers at the front of the miner cut the coal and move it to the chain conveyor at the center of the machine. The conveyor carries the coal to the rear of the machine and dumps it onto a bridge conveyor system. The bridge conveyor connects with a panel conveyor (panline) , which removes the coal from the face area. Figure 2 describes the cutting pattern of the auger-type continuous miner. Note in figure 2 that the "anchor jack" is placed very close to the face before each arc-shaped cut is made. On the Mark 21 miner in figure 1, the hydraulic anchor jacks are emplaced remotely by the ma- chine operator. However, on the older Mark 20 auger miner shown in figure 2, the anchor jacks are simple mechanical posts , emplaced manually by workers called jacksetters. In addition, both models of auger miners require the pres- ence of timbermen and/or cleanup person- nel in the immediate face area. Because of their close proximity to the cutting heads, the jacksetters, timbermen, and cleanup personnel on auger mining sec- tions are exposed to more noise and dust than almost all other workers in under- ground coal mines. APPROACH TO AUGER MINER NOISE CONTROL Noise levels in a typical auger mining section during coal cutting are approxi- mately 106 to 108 dBA at the jacksetter's position and 102 dBA at the operator's position. 4 To comply with Federal noise fining engineer, Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. o ^Senior research engineer, Wyle Labora- tories, Huntsville, AL. ^Reference to specific products does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Mines. 4 Bobick, T. G., and D. A. Giardino. Noise Environment of the Underground Coal Mines. MESA IR 1034, 1976, 26 pp. regulations, operating time per shift would have to be limited to less than 45 min for the jacksetter and about 1-1/2 h for the operator. For this reason, MSHA and the Bureau of Mines have investigated ways to reduce the noise associated with auger mining systems. The three major noise sources on stan- dard auger miners are the cutting heads , the chain conveyor, and the hydraulic motors, in decreasing order of impor- tance. The cutting process is by far the dominant noise source at the jacksetter's position; cutting noise is approximately equal to the sum of conveyor noise and 38 FIGURE 1. - Fairchild (Wilcox) Mark 21 auger miner. Miner pivots on extended right pivot jack as it swings to right making cut /. Retracted left pivot jack swings forward toward cut 2 pivot point. Pivoting on extended left pivot jack, miner swings to left through cut 2. Retracted right pivot jack advances toward cut J pivot point. Again pivoting on extended right pivot jack, miner swings right, making cut 3. Retracted left pivot jack moves ahead toward cut 4 pivot point. FIGURE 2. - Cutting sequence of auger-type continuous miners. 39 motor noise at the machine operator's position. By installing noise control treatments on the chain conveyor and mo- tors of a Mark 20 auger miner, MSHA was able to reduce the noise level at the operator's position by 5 dBA (from 102 to 97 dBA). 5 Because cutting head noise was not addressed in this study, the Bureau contracted (HO188065) with Wyle Labora- tories for development of a reduced-noise auger miner cutting head. This paper summarizes the research conducted under contract H0188065.6 Four major steps were involved in the development of the reduced-noise auger cutting head: (1) defining the forces that excite the cutting head (i.e., coal-cutting forces); (2) defining the vibrational response characteristics of the standard head; (3) developing new cutting head designs based on steps 1 and 2; and (4) building several new cutting heads and testing them in an underground coal mine to verify their noise-reducing capabilities and overall operational per- formance compared to standard auger cut- ting heads. CUTTING HEAD EXCITATION (COAL CUTTING FORCES) Basic research in coal-cutting mechan- ics 7 showed that coal (and rock) resists the advance of a cutting bit in a manner analogous to a spring. The cutting force of the bit increases until the tensile stress in the coal initiates a localized brittle fracture. This fracture propa- gates out from the point of force appli- cation for a small distance. The bit continues to advance through fractured coal, meeting relatively little resist- ance until it again contacts unfractured coal, when the process is repeated. Figure 3 is a graph of coal cutting force versus time; it clearly shows the impulsive nature of the coal cutting process. Note that the initial impact force of the bit against the coal is no higher nor longer lasting than the subse- quent fracture events. Extensive labora- tory experiments showed that both the stress required to initiate fracture and the characteristic distance of fracture propagation are relatively independent of 5 Giardino, D. A., T. G. Bobick, and L. C. Marraccini . Noise Control of an Underground Continuous Miner, Auger-Type. MESA IR 1056, 1977, 57 pp. ^Ongoing BuMines contract; for inf. contact W. W. Aljoe, TPO, BuMines, Pitts- burgh, PA. cutting bit velocity. Thus, the peak force that initiates coal fracture and the total number of fracture events that occur in a given length of cut are statistical constants for a given type of coal, depth of cut, and bit configuration. Figure 4 is a plot of cutting force (power spectral density) versus frequen- cy, taken from the force-time history of figure 3. Note that the cutting force is relatively flat until the "cutoff fre- quency," after which it declines with frequency at a rate that is inversely proportional to the square of the fre- quency. The cutoff frequency is pri- marily a function of the coal type and the cutting bit velocity — the faster the cut, the higher the cutoff frequency. The standard auger miner produced a cut- off frequency of around 100 to 200 Hz; this was an important factor affecting the design of the reduced-noise cutting head. 7 Becker, R. S., and G. R. Anderson. An Investigation of the Mechanics and Noise Associated With Coal Cutting. Wyle Lab. Rep. TM 81-13, Nov. 1981, 107 pp.; avail- able upon request from M. R. Petti tt, Wyle Lab., Huntsville, AL. 40 ,000 -o 500 - O a: o 500 1 1 1 Peak force = 633 lb Mean cutting force = 309 1 b V Si i i i i i i i 25 50 75 100 125 TIME,ms FIGURE 3. - Coal-cutting force versus time. 50 175 200 20 40 100 200 400 1,000 2,000 4,000 10,000 FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 4. - Coal-cutting force (power spectral density) versus frequency. 41 CUTTING HEAD VIBRATION CHARACTERISTICS The standard auger cutting head (fig. 5) consists of three major structural elements — a cylindrical core surrounded by two spiral, cantilevered plates called helixes. (The "head casting" at the front of the auger contains both a cylin- drical core portion and two cantilevered helix portions.) When a simulated cut- ting force was applied to the cutting bits, it was found that the vibrational response of the helixes was much greater than the response of the core. There- fore, control of helix vibration was identified as the key to controlling cut- ting head noise. The mass, stiffness, and damping char- acteristics of the helix determine its Cutting helix Conveying helix ,. FIGURE 5. - Standard auger miner cutting head. I IOi — m — i — r~ i — n — r~m — i — i i i i — r~\ — rn — i i i i — r~\ i i i i i i i i i i In mine, 109.81 dB r -| 50l — i i i i i I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I L J 1 I I L J I I I I L 2.5 25 50 100 200 400 800 1,600 3,150 6,300 12,600 16 L 31.5 L63 L 125 k250 C 500 C 1,000 C 2,000 l>,000 C8 000 C 16,000 20 ^si 40 V *i ^-|I25SE2831 * K ' FIGURE 8. - Sand-filled auger, conservative version. A, Nonconveying side of helix; B, con- veying side of helix. capacity (helix height) to its lowest limit. The basic difference between the two versions was the auger core diameter; table 1 lists the other differences. Laboratory tests predicted that the reduced-noise augers would be capable of achieving noise reductions of 8 to 10 dBA. UNDERGROUND TESTS OF REDUCED-NOISE AUGERS The operational performance — noise re- duction, cutting and loading characteris- tics, and durability — of the two reduced- noise augers described in table 1 was evaluated by testing them in an under- ground coal mine for a 6-month period. The miners were initially very skeptical about the new auger designs, especially the cleanup capabilities of the aggres- sive (larger core) version. However, the miners were completely satisfied with the performance of both auger designs because they were almost identical to the stan- dard augers in terms of cutting, loading, and cleanup. More importantly, as shown in table 2, both auger designs resulted in signifi- cant noise reductions at both the jack- setter and the operator positions. 44 Because the jacksetter position was very close to the cutting heads, the initial (standard auger) noise level was higher (106 dBA) and the noise reduction was larger (8 to 10 dBA) than at the opera- tor's position. Conveyor and motor noise played an important role in the initial noise level at the operator's position (96 dBA by themselves); therefore, the addition of the reduced-noise augers re- sulted in a lesser noise reduction (6 dBA) but virtually eliminated cutting noise as a contributor to overall opera- tor noise. At the jacksetter' s position, cutting noise was reduced to the point where its contribution was almost equiva- lent to the sum of the remaining noise sources on the miner. TABLE 2. - Noise reductions produced by sand-filled, reduced-noise augers in underground tests, decibels (A-weighted) Jacksetter Operator Test condition Noise level Reduc- tion Noise level Reduc- tion Backgroundl. . . . Standard auger. Reduced-noise auger: Conservative. Aggressive. . . 93 106 97 96 NAp NAp 9 10 96 102 96 96^ NAp NAp 6 6 NAp - Not applicable. lAll motors and conveyors operating; conveyor empty; cutting heads spinning in air. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Although both reduced-noise auger de- signs resulted in substantial underground noise reductions, the conservative ver- sion was the design most readily accepted by mine operators. In practice, however, the best approach would be to install the helix-stiffening and sand-filling treat- ments without modifying the 6-1/2-in- diameter core of the standard auger. The major reasons for this recommendation are (1) the larger core does not increase helix stiffness nearly as much as the ad- dition of the stiff ener plates; and (2) fabrication of the large core is rather expensive and would be difficult to per- form in a typical mine rebuild shop. Instructions for converting a standard, two-helix auger into a sand-filled, single-helix, reduced-noise auger are now available upon request from the Bureau of Mines and/or MSHA. Although the overall diameter of the augers in the experimen- tal program was 28 in, the same procedure can be used to modify standard augers with diameters of 22 to 32 in. In the near future, the Bureau will publish a report containing these instructions in concise form, including all engineering drawings and data needed for modifica- tion. Additional information on the re- search program described in this paper is also available from the Bureau. 45 COAL CUTTING NOISE CONTROL By Mark R. Pettitt 1 and William W. Aljoe 2 ABSTRACT The results of a Bureau of Mines labor- atory investigation of coal cutting me- chanics and noise is presented. Some ba- sic theoretical aspects of coal cutting mechanics and noise generation are dis- cussed, and the results of the laboratory experiments are used to formulate analyt- ical models of the coal cutting forces and noise. It is concluded that by using deeper depths of cut, slower cutting speeds, and more efficient cutting tools, it is possible to reduce the level of coal cutting noise as well as provide benefits to other important areas of un- derground health and safety. In addition to these basic operational parameters, fundamental structural design criteria for reduced-noise coal mining machine cutting heads are also presented. INTRODUCTION In response to the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969, which es- tablished maximum noise permissible for mining Bureau has undertaken a search programs aimed contribution is smaller. to the overall noise level exposure levels personnel, the number of re- at reducing the noise associated with mining operations. One of the more serious noise problems in the coal mining industry is associated with the operation of continuous miners in underground coal production. A noise survey was conducted on a rep- resentative sample of continuous miners CO, 3 and a summary of these results is presented in figure 1. These data show that the vibration of the cutterhead and conveyor are the major continuous miner noise sources. The drive train and hy- draulic system, on the other hand, are secondary noise sources, because their Senior research engineer, Wyle Labora- tories, Hunts vi lie, AL. o "Mining engineer, Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. •^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. The problem addressed in this paper is the noise generated by underground coal cutting operations. The noise sources directly associated with the cutting of coal are diagramed in figure 2. The available experimental evidence indicates that coal fracture noise and face radi- ated noise generated during the operation of the typical continuous miner are well within present MSHA noise regulations (2^) . The order of importance of the re- maining coal cutting noise sources is primarily determined by the design and operation of the cutterhead. Several fundamental design and opera- tional concepts for low-noise coal cut- ting are presented in this paper. These concepts apply to any type of continuous miner that uses bits to break coal from the face. Understanding how the design concepts result in low-noise coal cutting requires a limited background in struc- tural dynamics. The "Background" section should provide the needed basics for the uninitiated reader. 46 BACKGROUND The fact that a structure will vibrate when struck and that the vibration even- tually stops is a matter of common exper- ience. Structural dynamics is the term used to describe the area of scientific study that seeks to mathematically de- scribe this common experience. The way in which a structure vibrates in response to an applied force is an inherent at- tribute of the structure. < GQ -a *» _l UJ > UJ _J LU OC 3 CO CO LU OC Q_ 3 O CO 105 100 - 95 90 85 - 80 75 y% /Conveyor ' only Cutting only Tull operation Allother sources- Average for Jeffrey Joy Lee Norse National Mine Service NOISE SOURCE FIGURE 1. - Contributions of major sources of noise for continuous miners. The response of a structure can be more easily examined in the frequency domain. Frequency is a period of oscillation or the rate at which specific action or event repeats itself. If an event or motion is repeated 20 times a second, the frequency of oscillation is said to be 20 Hz. A pure tone of music is a pressure variation in the air that strikes the ear at regular intervals. Any signal time history, such as the force time history in figure 3, can be thought of as the sum of an infinite number of single frequency signals. Each frequency has a specific amplitude and starting time relative to the other frequencies. To continue with the music or sound example: If the force signal of figure 3 were a noise signal, it could be exactly re-created by a very large number of whistlers. Each whistler would be assigned a specific tone or fre- quency to whistle, a specific loudness to whistle, and a specific time to start whistling. If done just right, the sum of all the whistlers' single frequency inputs would result in the specific noise time history desired. EXCITATION NOISE SOURCE MECHANISM CHARACTER OF NOISE Individual bits engage coal face X Cutting bit reaction loads initial impact force fluctuating cutting forces Cutting bit- coal interaction produces coal fracturing ^^ Coal fracture noise Cutting bit-coal interaction produces coal face vibration Face radiated noise Force transmitted to cutterhead Vibrational response of cutterhead Cutterhead radiated noise Vibrations transmitted to miner Vibrational response of miner components Miner radiated noise FIGURE 2. - Coal cutting noise sources. 47 ,000 -o 500 UJ o a: o U- 500 Peak force = 633 lb Mean cutting force = 309 I b ^ '■* W V 25 FIGURE 3. 50 150 75 100 125 TIME,ms Force time history of single auger bit cutting coal at 60 in/s. 175 200 N X CD 90 80 1 70 Q O o w UJ 85 uj o °- 40 30 20 1 M 40 1 ' I ' I ' I i I i 100 200 400 1,000 2,000 4,000 10,000 FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 4. - Force power spectral density of single auger bit cutting coal at 60 in/s. 48 Of course, the signal does not have to be noise. The signal can be force, ve- locity, displacement, or any measurable quantity. The frequency domain represen- tation of a time history simply describes the magnitude that each frequency compo- nent must have and the time at which the frequency must begin relative to the other frequencies. The force time his- tory of figure 3, therefore, is made up of the frequency domain force components of the magnitudes shown in figure 4. over a range of frequencies , the frequen- cy response characteristics of the struc- ture are, of course, more fully defined. Figure 5 shows the response characteris- tics at the free end of a beam fixed at one end (like a flagpole). The charac- teristics are determined by the specific configuration of the structure. Perhaps the greatest emphasis in structural dy- namics is the development of methods to predict the response characteristics of a structure. The vibratory response of a structure to an applied force is strongly dependent on the frequency at which the force is applied. The response characteristic of a structure at a specific frequency is found by measuring the motion caused by a unit force applied to the structure at that frequency. If measurements are made It is clear in figure 5 that the structural response to a unit force is much greater at some frequencies than at others. This phenomenon is an im- portant aspect of structural dynamics. It results from the combined effects of the distributed mass and stiffness of a structure. At these high-response o> O ZD U_ q: uj u_ en -z. < < UJ _l UJ o o < 250 FREQUENCY, Hz 500 FIGURE 5. - Structural response characteristics. 49 frequencies, the motion of the structure is limited only by its energy dissipation (damping) characteristics. The frequen- cies at which this occurs are called the "natural" frequencies, or resonances, of a structure. The response at the natural frequencies of a structure can easily be 100 times the response of the structure to the same force magnitude applied at a nonresonant frequency. When one pushes a child in a swing, one applies a periodic force at the first natural frequency of the swing. The energy dissipation mech- anism of the swing is primarily the wind drag against the body as it moves through the air. One final example is a flag- pole. One can cause the tip of the flag- pole to swing widely from side to side by pushing on the pole at a specific rate — the rate at which the pole natural- ly sways back and forth. The energy dissipation (damping) of the pole lim- its the peak deflection of the pole and causes the pole to come to rest after the periodic force is removed. All structures have an infinite number of natural frequencies. The frequencies at which these resonances occur is sole- ly a function of the structural con- figuration (mass, stiffness, and damping distribution) . That a vibrating structure cruses noise is another fact of common experience. Some of the energy of vibration is ex- pended moving air. The amount of energy transferred to the air from a vibrating structure is proportional to the average surface velocity of the structure. The proportionality is the efficiency at which the vibrating structure can pass energy to the surrounding air. It is often called the radiation efficiency. The radiation efficiency is a strong function of both frequency and structural configuration. It tends to be quite small at lower frequencies and rises to a constant maximum value as the frequency increases. NOISE CONTROL CONCEPTS Each noise control concept presented in this paper takes full advantage of the basic nature of the dynamic forces gener- ated during coal cutting to reduce coal cutting noise. Continuous mining ma- chines exploit the brittle fracture char- acteristics of the coal. When a cutting bit engages the coal face, the coal re- sists its advance in a manner analogous to a spring. The applied force increases until the stress in the coal initiates localized brittle fracture. The coal fracture propagates for some characteris- tic distance from the point of force ap- plication. The cutting bit continues to advance, meeting steadily decreasing re- sistance as it clears out the fractured coal. When the bit again contacts un- fractured coal, the process is repeated. A representative force time history (fig. 3) and force power spectral density (PSD) (fig. 4) of a rigidly mounted bit cutting coal clearly show the highly im- pulsive nature of the process. It is in- teresting to note that the impact force generated as the bit initially enters the coal is no more impulsive than the subse- quent individual fracture events. The extensive experimental program from which figures 3 and 4 were taken has shown that both the stress required to initiate fracture and the characteristic distance of fracture propagation are relatively independent of cutting bit velocity. Hence, for a given type of coal, depth of cut, and bit configuration, the peak force that initiates coal fracture and the total number of fracture events that occur in a prescribed length of cut are velocity independent. All continuous mining machines experi- ence this type of excitation. In the frequency domain, the cutting force PSD is flat until a cutoff frequency, after which it declines with frequency at a rate that is inversely proportional to the square of the frequency (see figure 4) . The cutoff frequency is primarily a function of the coal type and the cutting bit velocity. 50 The peak and mean cutting forces are a function of the material being cut, bit type, and depth of cut. While not exten- sive, cutting force data have been ob- tained for a variety of coal, shale, and rock types at several different depths of cut 0~6_) • Table 1 summarizes the gener- ally available data from both laboratory and in situ cutting tests. Recall the essential characteristics of coal cutting: First, coal resists ad- vance of the bit in a manner analogous to a spring. Second, localized brittle fracture occurs when the stress in the coal reaches a critical value. Third, the brittle fracture propagates for some characteristic distance from the point of force application. Fourth, bit velocity does not affect the first three charac- teristics. Of course, since real coal is not homogeneous , the above is only true in a very rough statistical sense. These characteristics are represented in the very simple but quite useful single- degree-of-freedom coal model illustrated in figure 6. Assuming a constant bit velocity, Vt>, the model results in a sawtooth cutting force, F c , time history. A more accurate model is achieved if, instead of allowing the spring to go discontinuously to zero when the cutting force equals the frac- ture force, Ff , a steadily decreasing cleanup force is provided until the next coal spring is encountered by the bit (F c =Ff-K'AX' , where K' is the spring con- stant after fracture and AX' is the dis- tance of the bit tip from the point of fracture) . The modified model produces the more triangular pulse shape seen in the actual cutting force time history. The model with experimentally determined constants, K c , K' , l c and Ff , can be used to evaluate certain cutterhead operation- al parameters and design concepts. TABLE 1. - Laboratory and in situ cutting force data Material Bit type Depth of cut , in Mean force, lbf Standard deviation, lbf Peak force, lbf Blue Creek coal, Pittsburgh No. 1 seam coal. Pittsburgh No. 2 seam coal, Illinois No. 6 seam coal, Illinois shale , Bruceton synthetic shale, Blue Creek shale, Sandstone, Plumb bob. • . .do.'. . . , . . .do. . . • , • • • QO •••••••• . . .do • • • QO ••••••••••••• . . .do . . .do, . . .do,, Wedge,, . . .do, Plumb bob Auger point attack Wedge type 1 Wedge type 2 Point attack 0.5 1 2 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 607 925 1,500 515 958 773 1,037 1,489 694 1,112 1,310 866 616 1,739 925 650 689 667 1,385 325 541 950 245 590 406 646 929 329 525 642 673 1,608 1,994 3,309 1,082 2,440 2,088 2,727 3,679 1,704 2,495 2,555 2,918 472 3,163 127 6,780 541 1,994 337 1,494 533 3,330 511 2,303 NA NA NA Not available, 51 Force, Fc Typical fracture event Fracture force, Ff Distance, X Fc Equivalent to spring with : $ K C = K C , Fc^Ff K c =0; F c >Ff Fracture length FIGURE 6. - Coal cutting force model. NOISE CONTROL BY REDUCING BIT VELOCITY The first principle of cutterhead de- sign and operation is: Keep the bit velocity as low as possible. The charac- teristic fracture length as described in the coal cutting model is independent of velocity. Therefore, the impulse time (or duration) of an individual fracture event is inversely proportional to the bit velocity. The typical impulse time determines the cutoff frequency of the force spectrum. The shorter the impulse time, the higher the cutoff frequency. Experiments with a wide range of coal, shale, and synthetic coals have shown that the one-third octave-band force lev- el decreases about 1.5 to 2 dB per band after the cutoff frequency (fig. 7). This is typical of the spectrum associ- ated with a triangular pulse shape. Slower cutting, therefore, lowers the high-frequency force levels by reducing the cutoff frequency. Several factors combine to make the low frequency (below 200 Hz) dynamic cutting forces of little importance as a source of harmful radiated noise. Below 200 Hz, most cutterhead and miner structures are generally in the stiffness-controlled region of their structural response. Hence, the magnitude of the structural vibration due to a given unit of force is not significantly amplified. The trans- fer of energy from the vibrating struc- ture to the air is also very inefficient in the frequency range below 200 Hz for the typical cutterhead, miner size, and configuration. Finally, the noise that is radiated below 200 Hz is not as damag- ing to the ear as the higher frequency noise. The A-weighting of noise spectra (fig. 8) is typically used to represent this fact. MSHA workplace noise regula- tions are written in terms of A-weighted noise. The bit velocity can be reduced while maintaining coal production by increasing the depth of cut and/or the number of bits per cutting line. The hypothetical characteristics given in table 2 and the following paragraph illustrate and ex- plain the noise control advantage of re- duced bit velocity. 52 100 200 400 800 1,600 3,150 6,300 12,600 Overall 125 1^250 1^500 U,000__L 2,000 1 4 i 000 k.^ 000 L 16,000 131.5 l 63 I 125 L250 L500 11,000 L 2,000 L 4,000 18,000 L 16,000 \M0 ^^80 \il60 ^s3!5 ^^630 ^^250^^500^4^000 x; ^(X)0 v; <20,000 FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 7. - Typical one-third octave band coal cutting force spectrum. TABLE 2. - Hypothetical drum characteristics Cutting diameter in. . Speed rpm. . Bits per cutting line Depth of cut (max.) in.. 40 60 1 1 B 40 30 ] 2 1 40 30 1 2 2 ^-start drum. 2 Doubles force level on the bit over the force level of a 1-in-deep cut. Assume a baseline or control cutter- head, A, with the characteristics listed in table 2. A comparable cutterhead, B, would have the same depth of cut as drum A but operate at one-half the bit veloc- ity. A cutterhead that must operate at twice the depth of cut of drum A to main- tain the same production would have to have the characteristics listed for drum C in table 2. The force spectrum act- ing on the bits of each drum type is drum type is postulated in figure 9. The force scale of the figure is arbitrary since it is the relative force magnitude of the three drums that is of interest. The dynamic force on each bit of drum B is 6 dB less than on each bit of drum A in the frequency region above the cutoff frequency of drum A. Reduced force on a cutting bit translates directly to re- duced miner structural vibration due to that bit. The total vibration of a con- tinuous mining machine is the sum of the vibration caused by each bit that is in contact with the coal. Since drum B has twice the number of bits as drum A, a 6- dBA reduction in the force on each bit would result in a 3-dBA overall struc- tural vibration and noise reduction. Drum C has the same number of bits as drum A. Drum C operates at one-half the cutting speed but twice the cutting depth to maintain the same production rate as 53 10 r DO "O O Ld (T O O -20 - -30 - 32 63 125 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 8,000 FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 8. - A-weighting of noise spectra. drum A. As noted in table 2, the cutting force magnitude of drum C is assumed to double with a doubling of cutting depth. This is actually somewhat conservative because data (table 1) often indicates only a 1.5-to 1.7-fold increase in force per doubling of cutting depth. The 3-dB force reduction (fig. 9) achieved above the cutoff frequency of drum A should re- sult in a 3-dBA reduction in coal cutting related noise. Reference 3 contains quantitative ex- perimental support for this analysis method. Coal cutting noise, as deter- mined in the laboratory, for a 1-in depth of cut and 96-in/s cutting speed averaged 101.5 dB as measured on a flat (non- A-weighted) scale. Coal cutting noise for a 1-in depth of cut and 16-in/s cutting speed averaged 88.2 dB, a 13. 3-dB reduction. Based on the cutting speed reduction, the model presented here pre- dicts a force reduction of 12 to 16 dB above the cutoff frequency of the 96-in/s cut. Again, because the A-weighting de- emphasizes the lower frequency force com- ponents , the force reduction should re- sult in a 12-to 16-dBA noise reduction. Although an overall noise reduction of around 3 dBA is not sufficient to solve all cutterhead noise problems , the reduc- tion can be achieved for very little cost. In addition, there is strong evi- dence that slower and/or deeper cutting produces less dust and also reduces the likelihood of spark ignitions of methane (7-9). 54 40 30 GO T3 LU O o Ll. 20 - -10 l,OUU 0,I3U o,ouu i<:,ouu L 2,000 V^iOOO C 8,000 L 16,000 ^so^^^otr^^oo^^^tr-^OOjOoo FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 9. - Estimated force spectra. NOISE CONTROL THROUGH CUTTERHEAD STRUCTURAL RESPONSE ALTERATION The dynamic forces at each bit-coal in- terface are reacted by the cutterhead structure. The resulting vibration of the cutterhead structure is generally the major coal cutting noise source. The second principle of cutterhead design is: Keep the frequency of the first struc- tural mode as high as possible. The third principle of cutterhead design is also related to the response characteris- tics of the cutterhead structure: Keep the structural damping as high as possi- ble. Because the excitation also passes through the cutterhead to the other miner components, these rules apply to all miner structures. The purpose of the rules is tq reduce the resonant response of the structures to the dynamic excita- tion of the coal cutting forces. Because the frequency spectrum of the cutting force decreases rapidly as the frequency increases , the coal cutting noise above about 2,000 Hz is generally below the level of concern. Indeed, noise below the 1,000-Hz band generally controls the overall level. The second design principle limits the structural response to the cutting forces primarily by eliminating structural resonances in the "problem" frequency range. Those structural resonances that cannot be eliminated from the band of concern should be well damped (design principle 3). Damping, of course, limits the mag- nitude of the structural response at the resonances. 55 NOISE CONTROL THROUGH ISOLATION OF RADIATING STRUCTURES FROM THE DYNAMIC CUTTING FORCES The dynamic cutting forces cause vibra- tion not only of the cutterhead but also of the other miner components. The vi- brations propagate throughout the mining machine. The fourth principle of cutter- head design is: Keep the higher frequen- cy dynamic cutting forces isolated from as much of the miner structure as possi- ble. As previously discussed, the higher frequency coal cutting forces cause the unacceptably high noise levels. The higher frequency coal cutting forces can, in principle, be isolated from the major radiating surfaces of the cutterhead and the miner. This has been demonstrated by both analysis and experiment. Two ana- lytical models have been developed under an ongoing Bureau contract (10) . The first model was capable only of evaluat- ing the feasibility of the concept. The second model allowed the detailed eval- uation of candidate isolated cutting tool designs. The analytical feasibility evaluation involves a rough approximation of the cutting force characteristics in combination with simple frequency domain force isolation mathematics. The peak forces seen in the force-time history of figure 3 produce the stress required to initiate brittle fracture of coal. The peak force, not the mean force, cuts the coal. Therefore, if coal cutting is to occur, the force-time his- tory at the tip of an isolated cutting tool should be very similar to that of a rigidly mounted tool. The force peaks must be reached. The initial loading rate of the bit tip at each fracture event may be somewhat smoothed by the softer response of the isolator. This effect is, however, limited by the number of fracture events that must occur in a given length of cut. Therefore, the force on the bit tip can be considered, in this rough analysis, to be independent of the response characteristics of the cutting tool. A simple single-degree-of-freedom iso- lated cutting tool is shown in figure 10. Assume that — The mining machine has sufficient power to maintain a constant cutting head velocity, V^ , regardless of the force generated at the bit-coal inter- face, F c . The cutting head structure is rigid compared to the isolator. The cutting bit and tool holder are rigid compared to the isolator. The isolator is massless. A frequency domain dynamic force bal- ance can be written to calculate the force transmissibility, T, of the iso- lator. Force transmissibility at any given frequency, co(w=w 2 ir f ) , is defined as the ratio of force at the base of the isolated cutting tool to the force at the tip. With the definition of symbols as in figure 10, the result is 1/2 T = (K 2 + oo 2 C 2 ) 2 (K 2 + w 2 (C 2 - mKj)) 2 + (w 3 mC) 2 This equation can be used to evaluate the gross feasibility of the isolated cutting tool. It also clearly demonstrates the concept and advantages of force isola- tion. Figure 11 gives the transmissibil- ity at various levels of damping over a range of frequency ratios, f/f n » where f is the exitation frequency and f n is the natural frequency of the isolated cutting tool. The isolated cutting tool simply allows the mass and acceleration of the tool to react a portion of the coal cutting force. 56 Tool driver vxmmm&>$m\ Isolated cutting tool Ki C M ! v h Vc M V C KEY Ki Isolator spring stiffner C Isolator damping coefficient Vh Velocity of cutting head Fh Force at cutting head Mass of isolated cutting tool Velocity of cutting tool tip Force at the cutting tool - coal interface FIGURE 10. - Single-degree=of-freedom iso- lated cutting tool. A mineworthy isolated cutting tool must have the following characteristics: 1. The highest natural frequency of the tool isolation system must be less than 170 Hz to assure that isolation oc- curs above 250 Hz. 2. Elastomeric isolator elements must not be allowed to deflect more than 10 pet of the isolator thickness under shale cutting force levels. 3. Cutting tool space constraints must not be violated. The first characteristic assures that the frequency region of force isolation begins before the problem frequency band. The second characteristic is required to extend the life of the elastomeric iso- lator elements. The third characteristic is an obvious requirement. It is most difficult to meet when the prototype reduced-noise cutter-head must fit on present machinery. >- m CO CO CO < h- I /2~ 2 3 4 ! FREQUENCY RATIO, f/f n FIGURE 11. - Typical transmissibility curves. For the purpose of rough feasibility calculations, assume a maximum allowed isolated cutting tool deflection, d m of 0.15 in, damping, £, of 8 pet and natural frequency, f n , of 170 Hz. Table 3 gives details on shale cutting force (5_) . The design values are the maximum force levels measured during the experimen- tation. Because the excitation of the isolated cutting tool is a continuous dynamic process, the peak deflection of the isolator will occur at the reso- nance frequency, co n . The transmissibil- ity equation and the equations defining co n (w n = /Kj/m) and £<£ = C/2 /K|m) can be used to help calculate the peak deflec- tion of the isolator at resonance. At resonance, the transmissibility equation reduces to _ .. 2/Kim 1 1 " C " 2C ' Using the design parameters given in ta- ble 3, the total equivalent peak static force, Fg, on the isolator at resonance is F E = (FB * CF * 1/2 ) + F m = 15,000 lbf. TABLE 3. - Shale cutting parameters for feasibility calculations 57 Parameter Peak force , F p lbf . . Mean force , F m lbf . . Standard deviation of resultant cutting force, a lbf.. Peak force to root-mean-square force ratio, CF Root-mean-square force in band of width (2z;f n ) centered at fn, F B lbf.. Equivalent static force, F E lbf.. 5 Assumed damping, 8 pet. 1 Average. Design f n Assumed resonant frequency, 170 Hz. 7,800 1,500 1,400 3.6 525 15,000 The isolated cutting tool mass, m, needed to meet the dynamic conditions assumed above can be calculated by m = m = m = (F E /d m ) , (2Tff n ) 2 (15, 000/0. 15) ? (2tt170) 2 0.09 lbf s 2 /in (33 lb) These simple calculations indicate that the isolated cutting tool concept is quite feasible and that the concept de- serves much more rigorous scrutiny. A more complex model has been developed to aid in the detailed design and evalua- tion of isolated cutting tools. The ana- lytical model includes rigid body cutting tool motion in all translational and ro- tational directions. Any number of iso- lators are allowed by the computer pro- gram that implements the model. The user simply tells the program where the elas- tic center of each isolator is located and supplies the stiffness and damping of the isolator in the coordinate directions best suited to the isolator. The program calculates the required global stiffness and damping vectors from the local iso- lator specific values. The total mass and the rotational inertia of the cutting tool can be approximated by the combina- tion of several simple geometric shapes to match the more complicated shape of the cutting tool. The program combines the known mass and rotational inertias of the simple shapes to obtain the total cutting tool mass and global coordinate system inertias. With these inputs, the program calculates the rigid body natural frequencies, the frequency domain cutting force transmissibility, and the displace- ment spectrum of the cutting tool. In addition to the frequency domain an- alysis, the program has time history analysis capability. A coal seam model that may include layers of rock can be defined. The basic coal and rock model are as previously described. The time history model maps the deflection of all points of interest through a full rota- tion of a cutterhead of specified cutting diameter, advance rate, and rotational speed. The program is a fast and effec- tive way of evaluating and optimizing the response characteristics of an isolated cutting tool design. The first experimental evidence that isolated cutting tools could cut coal and achieve significant isolation was ob- tained with a linear cutting apparatus (LCA). The LCA (fig. 12) was designed specifically for controlled coal cutting force measurements. An isolated cutting tool was built for mounting on the LCA (fig. 13). A rigid cutting tool was also built (fig. 14). Coal was cut at 60 in/s from opposite sides of the same coal sam- ple (fig. 15). One side was cut with the rigid tool and the other side with the isolated tool. Cuts were made on several blocks of coal in this manner. 58 60 _ durometer elastomer — 30 _ d urometer elastomer- tzzzzzzm m?' wm lb mass ELASTOMER SPRING CONSTANTS 9,075 lb/ in 4,500 lb/in 2,933 lb /in 675 Ib/i n — 480 lb/in z 5 lb/in FIGURE 12. - Linear cutting apparatus (LCA). FIGURE 13. - Isolated cutting tool for LCA tests. FIGURE 14. - Rigid cutting tool for LCA tests. FIGURE 15. - Typical coal sample for LCA tests. 59 2,500 KEY Rigid cutting bit Isolated cutting bit 20 40 60 80 100 TIME, s x I0 3 FIGURE 16. - Force time histories for LCA tests. 20 140 CD c/) ■z. < or l- -40 500 750 FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 17. - Isolator transmissibility for LCA tests. 1.000 60 Figure 16 gives the force time his- tories experienced at the cutting tool mount for both tools. The force trans- mitted to the mount by the isolated cut- ting tool is clearly smoother. Figure 17 gives the frequency domain results in the form of isolator effectiveness (force at base for isolated tool divided by the force at the base for the rigid tool) . The curve is rough because of the statis- tical differences between coal along each separate cutting line. The weight and particle size distribution of the coal cut by the isolated bit were not statis- tically different from those of the rig- idly mounted bit. These analytical and experimental results clearly demonstrate that coal cutting forces can be isolated. APPLICATION Recall the three basic coal cutting noise control concepts discussed in this paper: (1) reducing bit velocity, (2) altering the structural response of the cutting head, and (3) isolating the cut- ting head from dynamic cutting forces. The first concept, reducing bit velocity, can be applied to almost any continuous mining machine provided that other design changes (e.g., deeper cutting, bit mount- ing design, etc.) are made to maintain production levels. The second and third concepts have been applied in several recent and ongoing Bureau research pro- grams , as described in the following section. ALTERING THE STRUCTURAL RESPONSE OF THE CUTTING HEAD Auger Miner Cutting Head (11) The helix of the standard auger miner cutting head (fig. 18) is the primary coal cutting noise source of the auger mining system. Following the structural FIGURE 18. - Standard auger miner cutting head. 61 design precepts, the helix was stiffened and damped. The dual goals of achieving a high first natural frequency and high damping of the auger helix were obtained with a sand-filled, conical-helix stiff - ener. The stiffener can be seen on the prototype reduced-noise cutting head in figure 19. The cavity created by the stiffener and the helix was filled with sand and sealed. To further stiffen the helix, the core size was increased. This configuration achieved a fourfold in- crease in helix first natural frequency and a tenfold increase in helix damping at the resonances below 2,000 Hz. The full operational capability of the design was verified by a 6-month-long in-mine test at Mears Coal Co., Dixonville, PA. In-mine noise measurements, taken during the operational testing, demonstrated a 10-dBA noise reduction at the worker position nearest the cutterhead. Con- trolled laboratory cutting tests on syn- thetic coal verified the in-mine noise reduction results (fig. 20). Longwall Shearer Cutting Head (12) The longwall shearer cutting head is very similar to that of the auger miner in that the spiral, platelike helix is the primary coal cutting noise source of the mining system. Therefore, the long- wall shearer helix was stiffened and damped in the same manner as the auger cutterhead helix. Although, the first resonance of the helix was significantly increased, the damping technique only slightly increased the damping of the very massive longwall helix. Laboratory tests predicted a noise reduction of 4 dBA for the stiffening and damping proce- dure. Although significant, this noise reduction is not sufficient to eliminate coal cutting noise as a potential long- wall workplace hazard. The damping of the longwall shearer helix could possibly be doubled by the use of a different damping material, thus resulting in an additional 3-dBA re- duction in the noise radiated by the helix. Because of the helix configura- tion, the first resonance of the helix is probably near the practical maximum. If significantly larger noise reductions are to be achieved, therefore, it is evident that a radically different shearer head design is required. The helix of the traditional longwall shearer head performs two functions : It supports the cutting bits in the standard helical pattern, and it moves the cut coal to the conveyor. The dual function forces a configuration that is inherently highly resonant and lowly damped in the "problem" frequency range (200 to 2,000 Hz). As previously discussed, attempts to stiffen and damp the helix results in only moderate noise reductions. The ba- sic geometry limits the increase in stiffness and resonant frequency that can reasonably be achieved. Increases in damping are limited by both geometry and material properties. A new concept in bit lacing has been developed to eliminate the necessity of a continuous, two-function steel helix. In this lacing concept , called staged bit lacing, the bits are arranged in sets of cutting bit arrays. Each cutting bit array consists of several bits mounted on a single stand. The bits of each cutting array are set adjacent to each other. The individual stands have no natural frequencies within the range of interest. Each stand is very bulky (that is, all dimensional ratios approach unity) , which further reduces the efficiency at which the vibrational energy of the structure is passed to the air. The conveying function of the steel helix is performed by a helix of wear- resistant, high-density polyurethane . The material selected is sufficiently stiff to bridge the distance between the bit array stands but has extremely high damping. It will not support significant resonant vibration. The material has twice the wear resistance of wear- resistant steel; in fact, it is used as conveyor lining and at chute transfer points in many industries, including coal preparation plants. 62 FIGURE 19. - Reduce-noise auger miner cutting head. 63 110 < GO T3 100 LU > 90 LU _l UJ q: 80 3 if) ft QT 70 Q. Q •z. 3 60 O if) 50 i — i — i — i i i " i i i i i i i i i i i i — m — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — r~r Standard auger 105 dBA New design auger 94.5 dBA ':'^/^}'i'~^' :, ?:^'f , yj'.'^^'^ •■■".■"■"J t.j m J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l_L 25 50 100 200 400 800 1,600 3,150 6,300 12,600 31.5 ^63 Gas ^250 ksoo k 1,000 k 2,000 k 4,000 k8,ooo kj6,ooo Overall 40 \80 \I60 \3I5 \630 \ 1,250 \2,500\ 5,000\ I0,Q00\ 20,000 FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 20. - Noise from laboratory test of auger miner cutting head. This structurally altered shearer head (staged bit lacing and nonmetallic helix) has been fabricated and is now being tested at the Bureau's Pittsburgh (PA) Research Center. Extensive in-mine tests of the new shearer head design are also planned. Isolation of Coal-Cutting Forces (10) Figure 21 shows the basic design con- figuration of an isolated cutting head for a drum-type continuous miner. The "cutting-drum" actually consists of 12 separate 7-in-wide, 22-in-diameter rings. The rings are mounted side-by-side around a 7.5-in-diameter central drive shaft to form a cylindrical, drum-shaped cutting head. Three to five bit blocks can be mounted on the outer surface of each ring in either a standard scroll lacing pat- tern or, as shown in figure 21, in a side-by-side (staged) lacing pattern. The rings are mounted to the central drive shaft through elastomeric bushings and are separated from each other by 1/2- in air gaps. The bushings isolate the cutting head (and the remainder of the machine) from all coal cutting exitation forces above 140 Hz. Theoretically, this would render coal cutting noise insignif- icant when compared with noise from other sources on the miner (see figure 1) . This cutting head is now being fabricated for testing in an operating underground mine. 64 SECTION A SECTION B PLAN VIEW FIGURE 21. - Continuous miner cutting head with isolated cutting tools. CONCLUSION SIDE VIEW Investigations into the mechanics and noise associated with coal cutting have revealed three basic methods for reducing coal cutting noise. First, the cutting bit velocity should be kept as low as possible; second, the cutting head struc- ture should have a very high natural fre- quency and be highly damped; third, the coal cutting forces should be isolated from the remainder of the cutting head structure. The first method can be used on any type of coal cutting machine. The second method has been used successfully by the Bureau on an auger-type continuous miner and is now being tried on a long- wall shearer drum. The third method will soon be tested underground on a standard drum-type continuous miner. REFERENCES 1. Bobick, T. G. , and D. A. Giardino. Noise Environment of the Underground Coal Mine. MSHA Inf. Rep. 1034, 1976, 26 pp. 2. Becker, R. S., and J. E. Robertson. An Investigation of Continuous Miner Coal Cutting Noise. Wyle Lab. Tech. Memoran- dum TM 80-6, Sept. 1980, 73 pp.; availa- ble upon request from M. R. Pettitt, Wyle Lab., Huntsville, AL. 3. Becker, R. S., and G. R. Anderson II. An Investigation of the Mechanics and Noise Associated With Coal Cutting (contract J0177060, Wyle Lab). BuMines OFR 60-81, 1980, 275 pp.; NTIS PB 81- 215394. 4. Roepke, W. W. , and J. C. Church. Measuring In-Seam Coal Cutting Forces. Min. Eng. (N.Y.), v. 35, 1983, pp. 1281- 1286. 5. Becker, R. S., G. R. Anderson II, and T. E. Watts. An Investigation of the Mechanics and Noise Associated With In Situ Coal Cutting. Wyle Lab. Tech. Memorandum TM 81-13, Feb. 1981, 107 pp.; available upon request from M. R. Pet- titt, Wyle Lab., Huntsville, AL. 65 6. Anderson, G. R. II. Baseline Studies on the Feasibility of Detecting a Coal/ Shale Interface With a Self -Powered Sensitized Pick. Wyle Lab. Tech. Mem- orandum TM 81-3; available upon request from M. R. Pettitt, Wyle Lab., Hunts- ville, AL. 7. Black, S., B. V. Johnson, R. L. Schmidt, B. Banerjee. Effect of Contin- uous Miner Parameters on the Generation of Respirable Dust. Min. Congr. J., v. 64, No. 4, 1978, pp. 19-25. 8. Black, S., and J. Rounds. Deep Cutting Continuous Miner. Effect of Drum Rotational Speed and Depth of Cut on Air- borne Respirable Dust and Specific Energy (contract H0122039, Ingersoll-Rand Res., Inc.). BuMines OFR 154-77, 1977, 288 pp.; NTIS PB 274 345. 9. Roepke, W. W. , D. P. Lindroth, and T. A. Myren. Reduction of Dust and Ener- gy During Coal Cutting Using Point Attack Bits, With an Analysis of Rotary Cutting and Development of a New Cutting Concept. BuMines RI 8185, 1976, 53 pp. 10. Wyle Laboratories. Investigation and Control of Noise Generated During Coal Cutting. Ongoing BuMines contract S0387229; for inf., contact W. W. Aljoe, TPO, Pittsburgh Research Center, BuMines, Pittsburgh, PA. 11. Pettitt, M. R. Development of a Reduced-Noise Auger Miner Cutting Head. Final report on BuMines contract H0188065 with Wyle Lab., Mar. 1983; available upon request from W. W. Aljoe, Pittsburgh Research Center, BuMines, Pittsburgh, PA. 12. Wyle Laboratories. Noise Control of Longwall Mining Systems. Ongoing Bu- Mines contract J0188072; for inf., con- tact W. W. Aljoe, TPO, Pittsburgh Re- search Center, BuMines, Pittsburgh, PA. 66 MANTRIP NOISE CONTROLS By Roy C. Bartholomae 1 and Thomas G. Bobick 2 ABSTRACT The interior noise of an underground mine rail-operated personnel carrier (mantrip vehicle) was cost effectively reduced by replacing some standard com- ponents with acoustically treated com- ponents. The noise control features in- cluded a softer suspension, softer motor mounts , damped panels , sound-absorbing motor enclosures, and helical gears. Depending on operating conditions, the modified vehicle was 6 to 7.5 dBA quiet- er than an unquieted mantrip. The noise level in the mantrip interior was re- duced to approximately 85 dBA at an aver- age vehicle speed. These noise control features increased the overall mantrip cost by less than 5 pet. INTRODUCTION During a normal working shift, under- ground coal miners are exposed to a variety of noise sources , one of which is the rail personnel carrier, or mantrip vehicle, that transports them between the entrance and working sections of the mine. The interior noise level of most man- trips ranges between 90 and 100 dBA at typical operating speeds (6 to 14 mph) . Consequently, the mantrip vehicles con- tribute to the total daily noise dosage received by the workers. Although man- trips are less noisy and are used for shorter periods (30 to 60 min per shift) than other mining equipment, their cumulative contribution to noise exposure in mines is substantial because they af- fect a large number of workers. This paper describes a follow-on proj- ect of a previous retrofit program for an existing mantrip. This work extends and incorporates noise control treatments into the standard design of a new FMC 3 mantrip model, with the goal of achieving an interior sound level of 85 dBA or less 'Supervisory electrical engineer. ^Mining engineer. Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. 3 Reference to specific products does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Mines. at an average operating speed. A second goal was to design noise control treat- ments of general scope, so they could be incorporated into mantrips produced by other manufacturers. Untreated Mantrip Several kinds of mantrips are produced, primarily by five manufacturers. Most of the vehicles have closed tops and are trolley operated, but there are also some open-top and some battery-operated mod- els. Although drive trains and suspen- sion systems differ from one vehicle man- ufacturer to another, generally the basic structure of all mantrips is the same. The FMC model selected for this project has a closed top, is trolley operated, and has duplicate controls that allow operation from either end of the vehicle. The interior is divided into a middle (passenger) and two-end (operator) com- partments and is only accessible from one side of the vehicle (fig. 1). The vehicle body consists of a steel framework that supports the floor plates , sidewall panels, and roof panels. The chassis is suspended on two wheel sets, each consisting of flanged wheels on sol- id axles. The FMC suspension uses a trailing arm system. Each of the four suspension arms is pinned to the frame by a spherical bushing on one end and by a 67 FIGURE 1. - FMC model 2510 high-frame mantrip. coil spring-shock absorber combination on the other end. Two vertical guide plates restrain lateral arm movement. The drive system consists of electric motors, traction drive gear cases, and the axle wheel sets , usually with one motor per axle. The motors are located inside the passenger compartment next to the closed side of the vehicle. They are connected to the gear cases , which are outside the compartments, with a drive shaft through a hole on the sidewall. The drive train components are intercon- nected with universal joints. Service brakes are attached to the axle or to the gearbox output shaft. Depending on the model, the FMC man- trips transport 10 to 26 persons at a maximum speed of up to 17 mph. The man- trips are available in sizes ranging from 15 to 24 ft in length, 6 to 8 ft in width, and 2 to 4.5 ft in height above the rail. Noise Sources Noise from the mantrip is generated by the wheel-rail system, the drive mo- tor, and the drive train. It reaches the vehicle interior through airborne and structureborne paths. These noise sources are shown in figure 2. The primary wheel-rail noise is struc- tureborne. It is transmitted into the main structure through the suspension arm bushing and the spring (fig. 2A) . An- other contribution results from lateral or vertical impacts at the suspension arm guide. The rail itself contributes air- borne noise. The motor (fig. 2B) contributes both airborne and structureborne noise; the former is emitted by the motor compo- nents , while the latter is radiated by the vehicle panels. 68 Frame KEY -*» Airborne path •*- Structureborne path Bushing Passenger / nirrnnhnnp— ' microphone Operator \ microphone -* PLAN VIEW Observer Motor 1 A. Floor FIGURE 2. - Mantrip noise sources and paths. A, Wheel-rail; B, motor; C, drive chain. Drive train noise is produced primarily by gear teeth engagement forces. Air- borne noise is radiated from the gear reducer housing. Vibration that gener- ates structureborne noise is transmitted to the structure through the motor and through the suspension arm (fig. 2C) . Additional sources, such as intermit- tent impacts from loosely supported pan- els, are of secondary importance. They are not addressed in this paper because they can be eliminated through proper maintenance. Testing Procedures and Results The contributions of the major airborne and structureborne noise sources were de- termined by a series of baseline and diagnostic tests. The baseline tests were conducted in an underground coal mine; and, since the reverberation ef- fects of tunnels are negligible in the Passenger Operator microphone-^ microphone v s ELEVATION FIGURE 3. - Mantrip noise measurement locations. interior of closed-top mantrips, 4 the diagnostic tests were conducted in the manufacturer's assembly plant, where conditions were well controlled. The noise was measured in the middle compart- ment and in one end compartment (fig. 3) , referred to as passenger and operator compartments, respectively. Ideally, all tests should have been performed on mantrips of the same model. This was impossible, however, and the un- derground baseline tests and the above- ground diagnostic tests were performed on untreated FMC 2870 and an untreated FMC 2510 models, respectively. That is, for the noise source diagnosis and selection of treatments , it was assumed that the noise characteristics of most equal size and weight FMC mantrips are similar. Howevever, this assumption, which is dis- cussed further in a later section, had no impact on the final evaluation of the 4 Galaitsis, A. G., P. J. Remington, and M. M. Myles. Noise Control of a Mine Op- erated Rail Personnel Carrier. Volume I. Design and Performance of Noise Control Treatments (contract J01 66090, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.). BuMines OFR 133-78, 1977, 116 pp.; NTIS PB 289 711. 69 treatments, which were performed by di- rectly comparing the underground noise of two mantrips , one treated and one un- treated, of the same model. Typical underground noise spectra mea- sured in the operator and passenger com- partments of an FMC 2870 mantrip are shown in figure 4. It was observed that the mantrip noise increased with speed. Measurements taken between 8 and 14 mph showed that the A-weighted sound level increased by approximately 0.7 dBA per each 1-mph speed increase. The data shown in figure 4 were obtained at 10 mph, the average speed in the mine that purchased the treated mantrip. The aboveground diagnostic tests iden- tified different source contributions by suppressing certain other sources. Various methods were used, including temporary acoustical treatments, disen- gagement of drive train components , and artificially created operating condi- tions. For example, the wheel-rail noise was eliminated by operating the vehicle on jacks; similarly, the drive train noise was eliminated by disengaging the motor from the gear reducer. Addi- tional details on the diagnostic tests and the spectral composition of noise contributions are found in Ferrari and Galaitsis.^ The diagnostic tests were performed at 12.8 mph, a speed that could be main- tained constant for a sufficiently long period of time. At this speed, the con- tributions of the major noise sources at the passenger's compartment were as fol- lows, in decibels (A-weighted): Wheel-rail .... 94 Motor 88 Drive train. . . 83 The wheel-rail noise and the motor noise each exceeded the 85-dBA goal, and ^Ferrari, V., and A. Galaitsis. Inte- gration of Quieting Technology Into New Mantrip Vehicles (contract J01 99068, ESD Corp.). BuMines OFR 62-82, 1981, 164 pp.; NTIS PB 82-203241. ~~ ' 1 ' 1 Untreated underground 2,000 8,000 32,000 ONE-THIRD OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 4. - Typical mantrip noise in different compartments, at a 10-mph speed. therefore treatment of the associated noise sources and/or paths was mandatory. The drive train was also treated to lower noise reduction requirements for the wheel-rail and motor noise contribution. Acoustical Treatments Initially, the list of potential noise control treatments for the mantrip in- cluded resilient wheels, damped wheels, self -steering truck, 6 constrained layer damping, sound-absorbing panels, isolated suspension spring seat, isolated suspen- sion shock mount bushing, isolated sus- pension arm bushing, suspension arm guide plate isolation, resilient motor mounts, tightly sealed and sound-absorbing motor enclosures, helical gears, and constant- velocity U-joints. After a cost-benefit analysis, performed by the manufacturer, the following noise control treatments were selected for installation on an FMC 2450 mantrip: panel damping, soft spring seats , soft suspension arm bushings , sus- pension arm guide plate isolators , motor enclosures , motor mounts , and helical gears. 6 List, H. A., W. N. Caldwell, and P. Marcotte. Proposed Solutions to the Freight Car Truck Problems of Flange Wear and Truck Hunting. ASME paper 75- WA/RT-8, 1975, 7 pp. Scheffel, H. Self -Steering Wheelsets Will Reduce Wear and Permit Higher Speeds. Railw. Gaz . Int., v. 132, No. 12, 1976, pp. 453-456. 70 The composite loss factor of the stan- dard 1/8-in steel walls and ceiling of the untreated mantrip was between 0.003 and 0.02. Approximately 70 pet of these panels were replaced by damped NEXDAMP — II sheets , which resulted in a composite loss factor between 0.02 and 0.1.7 The NEXDAMP-II, manufactured by U.S. Steel, is a three-layer (steel- viscoelastomersteel) laminate available in various thicknesses. Sheets of 0.148- in-thick NEXDAMP-II, consisting of a 0.020-in viscoelastic layer sandwiched between two 0.064-in steel layers were selected for the current application. The suspension system modifications were designed to reduce the wheel-rail structureborne noise. The treatments consisted of resilient components intro- duced at the three contact areas between each suspension arm and the main struc- ture, that is, at the bushing, spring, . 'Work cited in footnote 5. and guide plates (fig. 5). Specifically, two 1/4-in rubber sleeves and two 3/8-in washer-shaped rubber seats (all 55- durometer) were used per spring; the standard metal bushing was replaced by a 2-1/8-in-ID, 3-1/2-in-OD, 55-durometer rubber bushing; strips of 1/4-in Linerite abrasion-resistant polymer backed by 3/8- in rubber were inserted between the sus- pension arm tip and its guide plates. In the standard configuration, the mo- tors, which are located in the passenger compartment, are safeguarded by partial metal covers. The motor airborne noise was reduced by replacing these covers with tight fitting ones and by lining the walls and ceiling of the resulting enclosure with sound-absorbing material (fig. 6). The sound-absorbing liner was 1-in-thick Owens Corning fiberglass type 705, attached to the enclosure walls by bendable-tip acoustical material fasten- ers. Proper ventilation was maintained through the sidewall opening (between the Rubber seat Rubber bushing Suspension arm Guide plate Steel liner Rubber sleeve Linerite Metal sleeve Rubber washer Rubber sheet SECTION A-A SECTION B-B SECTION C-C FIGURE 5. - Major features of modified suspension components. 71 I- in-thick fiberglass insulation on top and sides of motor compartment Rubber mount FIGURE 6. - Treatments for the reduction of motor noise. enclosure and the exterior of the vehi- cle) that accommodates the drive shaft. The motor structureborne noise was re- duced by attaching the motor to the frame with Barry Industries type G05-04 mounts. Finally, the drive train noise of the modified mantrip was reduced by re- placing the standard spur gears with helical gears. The basic materials for the var- ious treatments (NEXDAMP-II, Fiberglas, Linerite, etc.) are commercially availa- ble, but they required some cutting or shaping prior to installation. The only items that were specially made, but are now FMC stock items , were the suspension rubber bushings and the helical gears. Effectiveness of Noise Controls The effectiveness of the noise control treatments was determined by comparing the sound levels of a treated and an un- treated FMC 2450 mantrip, in the same underground mine under similar operating conditions. The results are summarized in figures 7 through 9. Figures 7 and 8 show typical time his- tories and noise spectra of the two vehicles at 10 mph. Both figures indi- cate that the selected treatments result- ed in a significant noise reduction. Figure 7 shows that the short-time- average noise level fluctuates even at a constant speed. This variation stems from uneven track conditions associated with rail joints, rail wear state, and track slope. The time traces correspond to simultaneous recordings in the two compartments during inbound runs . The two vehicles were tested at different times , but within the same day and over approximately the same track section. Typical noise spectra in both com- partments of the treated and untreated vehicles are compared in figure 8; they 72 00 m 90 TJ r» _l UJ > UJ 80 _1 Q 7* ZD fQ O en 100 Q UJ h- X 90 UJ Untreated Passenger Treated- i L 80 70 -Untreated Operator Treated ■ 10 30 20 TIME, s FIGURE 7. - Typical noise-time histories in passenger and operator compartments of untreat- ed and treated mantrips, at a 10-mph speed. KEY Passenger Operator • Untreated 91.5 dB(A) * Untreated 91 dB(A) ° Treated 84dB(A) * Treated 84dB(A) 40 iu " 31.5 125 500 2,000 8,000 32,000 % £ ONE-THIRD OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 8. - Typical noise spectra in treated and untreated mantrips, at a 10-mph speed. correspond to 4-s samples selected ran- domly from the 40-s-long traces of figure 7. The combined noise reduction from all treatments is maximum between 125 and 2,000 Hz, where the untreated vehicle noise is dominant. Figure 9 shows the vehicle noise depen- dence on speed. Multiple measurements were performed at each speed over differ- ent track sections to estimate the typi- cal data spread (shaded areas) resulting 00 LU > UJ _l Q 00 90 Z) 80 o CO 100 Q UJ K X o UJ 90 < FMC 2450 operator Untreated 1 r FMC 2450 passenger Untreated- Treated 8 10 12 14 VEHICLE SPEED, mph FIGURE 9. - Dependence of mantrip noise on speed. from uneven track conditions. The straight lines represent the fit of a least squares curve through each group of points, and they may be used to estimate the average noise within the range of measured speeds. Figures 4 and 8 also shed some light on the validity of the assumption that all FMC mantrips generate similar noise. Clearly, there is a general resemblance (major peak at 315 to 400 Hz) between the 73 traces of the untreated FMC 2870 (fig. 4) and FMC 2450 (fig. 8) models, correspond- ing to the same compartments. There are also noticeable differences (lack of 80- Hz peak for the operator of the model 2870); however, such differences are to be expected in view of the noise varia- tions recorded for a single mantrip (fig. 9); therefore, the general-similarity assumption made during the diagnostic stages of the study was justifiable. Prolonged observations during the un- derground measurements showed that the average operating speed in the mine that owned the treated vehicle was about 10 mph. Therefore, personal noise exposure from the treated mantrip should be de- scribed in terms of the 10-mph sound pressure levels. Figure 8 shows that at a vehicle speed of 10 mph, the sound lev- els inside the operator and passenger compartments were reduced from approxi- mately 91 dBA to 84 dBA. Clearly, the 85-dBA goal has been achieved only for FMC 2450 mantrips operated at an average speed of 10 mph or less ; typical noise levels for different average operating speeds may be obtained from figure 9. CONCLUSION The selected noise control treatments met the objective of an interior vehicle noise level of less than 85 dBA under average operating conditions. In the opinion of the workers using the vehicle, these treatments also improved the ve- hicle riding comfort; this benefit re- sulted primarily from the compliant bush- ings, which improved the isolation be- tween the vehicle body and the wheels. After 18 months of underground vehicle service, none of the treatments has shown signs of wear; therefore, their durabil- ity is satisfactory. According to the manufacturer, the modifications raised the cost of a new mantrip by 4.3 pet. The treatments can also be installed on most existing FMC models on a retrofit basis during equipment overhaul. 74 QUIETED PERCUSSION DRILLS By William W. Aljoe 1 ABSTRACT Percussion-type rock drills are common- ly used in both coal and metal-nonmetal mines; they produce extremely high noise levels (110 to 120 dBA) and have complex noise-generating mechanisms. Therefore, engineering noise controls for percus- sion drills have been very difficult to achieve. However, substantial progress has been made toward this goal through the use of retrofit techniques and per- cussion drill redesign. This paper pro- vides an overview of Bureau-sponsored re- search programs aimed at reducing the noise produced by percussion drills. INTRODUCTION Percussion-type rock drills, especially pneumatic drills, are the noisiest ma- chines used on a regular basis by the mining industry. Handheld and machine- mounted "jumbo" percussion drills are the most common means of drilling production bias tholes and roof bolt holes in under- ground metal and nonmetal mines. Hand- held "stoper" drills are also used in coal mines; although their use has de- creased in recent years , they are still used for "spot" bolting in roof fall areas and other mine locations where machine-mounted rotary roof bolters can- not reach. Typical noise levels of- un- muffled percussion drills range from 110 to 120 dBA at the operator's position, potentially resulting in exposures of more than 10 times the limits allowed un- der Federal regulations. For this rea- son, the Bureau of Mines has directed substantial research efforts toward the control of percussion drill noise. NOISE SOURCES AND ABATEMENT TECHNIQUES Hand-Held Drills Figure 1 shows the three most prominent noise sources on a typical pneumatic stoper drill: (1) drill steel vibration, (2) drill body vibration, and (3) air ex- haust. Although exhaust noise is often the dominant source, drill body and drill steel vibration frequently contribute Mining engineer, Pittsburgh Research greatly to the total drill noise level. Therefore, stoper drill noise has a wide spectral distribution, and all three noise sources shown in figure 1 must be controlled to achieve a substantial noise reduction. Because exhaust noise levels alone can be as high as 112 to 114 dBA (1_), 2 an ex- haust muffler is the first and most im- portant component of any noise control treatment for pneumatic drills. Mufflers for the hand-held pneumatic drills used in mining have usually taken one of two forms: (1) a canister, lined duct, or other chamber-type device attached to the drill exhaust port; or (2) a wraparound, jacket-type muffler that completely sur- rounds all or part of the drill body, including the exhaust port. The second type of muffler, if designed and con- structed properly, can reduce drill body noise as well as exhaust noise. However, both types of mufflers share a common problem — freezing. This occurs when moisture in the rapidly expanding, rapid- ly cooling exhaust air condenses and freezes on the inside surfaces of the muffler and drill body. After a short period of time, perhaps only a few min- utes, the ice buildup restricts the flow of exhaust air, and the resulting back pressure causes the drill to stall. 2 Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. 75 Drill steel FIGURE 1. - Noise sources of typical hand* held stoper drill. Numerous muffler designs for hand-held mining drills have been developed by equipment manufacturers , mining compa- nies , and government researchers . Many of these designs are reviewed in a recent Bureau-sponsored report by Dutta and Run- stadler (2^) and in various MSHA publica- tions (3) . Muffling schemes as simple as adding a section of rubber tire to the drill exhaust port have resulted in noise reductions as great as 9 dBA. However, the noise levels of these muffled drills were still unacceptably high (greater than 110 dBA). Therefore, as described later in this paper, the Bureau sponsored a research program to redesign the stan- dard hand-held mining drill for noise control purposes. Drill steel vibration alone produces noise levels of about 105 to 110 dBA at the operator's position ( 4-5 ) , mostly be- cause of transverse stress waves within the steel. In contrast to longitudinal stress waves, which effectively transmit percussive energy from the drill to the rock, transverse waves serve no useful purpose and merely generate noise. Ex- tensive tests have shown that trans- verse waves result mainly from off cen- ter (e.g., piston-to-steel) impacts, worn drill chucks, and bent drill steels. Better fitting, longer lasting drill components would obviously reduce the severity of drill steel (and drill body) noise but could not eliminate it because of the high-energy nature of the percus- sive process. Aside from drill manufac- turers' efforts to produce more effi- cient drill hardware, only a few studies have investigated methods to reduce drill steel and drill body noise. Visnapuu and Jensen (1_) developed a constrained-layer damping system for the drill steel, which consisted of a thin-walled tubular metal collar bonded to the drill steel by vis- coelastic material. This "sheathed" steel was prepared by slipping the metal tube over the steel and pouring the liq- uid viscoelastic filler into the annulus. A similar system was used by Summers and Murphy (6) to produce a 6-in-long isolation-damping collar for the end of the steel closest to the drill body. 76 Although drill steel coating and col- laring techniques such as those described can reduce noise, studies by Hawkes (4-5) showed that they can reduce the drilling rate significantly, are subject to abra- sion, and can move axially along the steel because of failure of the visco- elastic bond. However, Hawkes concluded that an independent "shroud tube" sur- rounding the steel would be able to suppress drill steel noise while avoid- ing these problems. The redesigned coal stoper discussed later in this paper uti- lized the "independent" shroud tube con- cept suggested by Hawkes. because air exhaust noise However, hydraulic drills "quiet," because drill s body vibration, and noi hole-flushing air combine ical noise levels of 11 the operator's position. Bureau is currently invest noise control techniques percussion drills. is nonexistent, are by no means teel vibration, se produced by to produce typ- to 113 dBA at Therefore, the igating various for hydraulic BUREAU-DEVELOPED NOISE-CONTROL TECHNIQUES FOR HAND-HELD DRILLS Stoper Retrofit Treatment s Machine-Mounted "Jumbo" Drills Figure 2 shows the major components of a typical jumbo drill rig, and figure 3 shows its noise-producing mechanisms. As with hand-held drills, the three major noise sources of pneumatic jumbo drills are the air exhaust, drill steel, and drill body, and the two most essential noise control treatments are an exhaust muffler and an enclosure around the drill steel. Exhaust muffling techniques for jumbo drills have included (1) piping it away from the operator through ductwork, (2) attaching a canister-type muffler to the exhaust port, and (3) placing the en- tire drifter inside an acoustical en- closure. To date, it appears that the acoustical enclosure technique has been the most effective because it reduces drill body noise as well as exhaust noise, and is the least susceptible to freezing. Drill steel coating, rubber collars, and shroud tubes have been used on jumbo drills to suppress drill steel noise; again, the shroud tube appears to be the most promising technique be- cause it is not physically coupled to the drill steel. Bureau-sponsored research on acoustical enclosures and shroud tubes for pneumatic jumbo drills is described in detail later in this paper. In recent years, hydraulically powered jumbo drills have become very popular in the mining industry. In terms of noise control, hydraulic drills have a distinct advantage over pneumatic drills Figure 4 shows the stoper drill retro- fit treatment developed by Summers and Murphy ( ,5_) . The wraparound, jacket-type muffler was made of a flexible sheet of polymer material. Poured-in urethane end caps held the jacket muffler in place and isolated it from drill body vibration. The drill steel was treated with the 6-in-long composite damping collar de- scribed earlier. In underground tests at the Bureau's Pittsburgh (PA) Research Center, an un- treated stoper (fig. 1) produced noise levels of about 115 dBA. Addition of the jacket muffler resulted in a 13-dBA noise reduction, and the drill steel collar produced an additional 2-dBA reduction. The quieted noise level of 100 dBA would permit about 2 h of operating time per shift (versus zero with the untreated stoper) without violating Federal noise regulations. The retrofit package in- creased the total drill weight by about 10 lb. Retrofitted stopers (jacket muffler only) were tested in 15 operating under- ground coal mines, and noise reductions of 7 to 8 dBA were consistently obtained. The 13-dBA experimental noise reduction was not achieved in the underground mine tests. The drill feed rate was not con- trolled nor the noise control treatments maintained as diligently as they were in the Bureau's experimental mine. Never- theless, the typical muffled noise lev- els (105 to 106 dBA) were low enough to 77 permit a doubling of the allowable oper- were about 15 to 50 pet slower than with ating time per shift. Unfortunately, an unmuffled stoper. drilling rates with the modified stoper Jumbo Drifter Steel Bit L / ^e=^ Feed ^ Centralizer 25 ft FIGURE 2. - Major components of jumbo drilling rig. Piston-striking bar impact Leakage air noise Air motor noise Body noise J"" Exhaust noise Bit-rock impact FIGURE 3. - Noise sources of jumbo-mounted drills. 78 FIGURE 4. - Stoper drill with retrofit noise control treatments. 79 Stoper Redesign Because the stoper retrofit noise con- trol treatments were only partially successful, the Bureau sought greater noise reductions and improved drilling performance through stoper redesign. The Bureau-sponsored redesign effort (2^) included the following four major steps: (1) redesign of the drill steel rota- tion mechanism and other drill parts, (2) development of a compact, effective muffler-enclosure device, (3) development of a shroud tube to attenuate drill steel noise, and (4) redesign of all drilling controls. The redesigned stoper was then field tested in several operating under- ground coal mines. Redesign of Drill Steel Rotation System and Internal Parts Standard stoper drills achieve drill steel rotation through a "rifle bar" ar- rangement (see figure 5) . The oscillat- ing piston strikes the drill steel on its backstroke, a fluted hole in the center of the piston rides over the similarly fluted rifle bar, thus causing the pis- ton, chuck, and drill steel to rotate. The pawl-and-ratchet ring at the back of Rock Bit Drill rod Chuck Shank Piston Air port Downstroke chamber Valve Collar Chuck driver nut Drill body Return-stroke chamber Exhaust port Rifle bar Compressed air Pawl, ratchet Compressed air Airleg FIGURE 5. - Components of typical stoper with rifle-bar rotation. the drill cylinder maintains drill steel rotation in only one direction. Because the piston stroke length and helical an- gles of fluting are all fixed for any given drill, the rotation torque is con- stant. The rotation speed is therefore dependent on the thrust level provided by the drill feed leg. The redesigned stoper (fig. 6) utilized an independent drill steel rotation sys- tem (i.e., a separate air motor and gear arrangement) that gave it several dis- tinct advantages over drills with rifle- bar rotation. First, drill performance was improved because the rotation speed was no longer dependent on thrust. That is, the poor penetration rates associated with over-rotation (not enough thrust) and drill stalling problems due to under- rotation (too much thrust) were elimi- nated. The piston was always able to travel through its full stroke , thus in- creasing drilling power, and rotation speed could be changed to suit differ- ent rock conditions without affecting the piston blow frequency. Second, the multiple internal impact points of the rifle-bar system were eliminated, thus reducing the high-frequency rattling noise produced by standard stoper drills. Third, the piston diameter was reduced, without sacrificing drilling power, by eliminating the need for the fluted hole in its center. This resulted in a smaller overall drill diameter and facilitated the subsequent addition of the muffler-enclosure device. The independent drill steel rotation system allowed several other beneficial internal design changes to be made. Be- cause the piston was no longer responsi- ble for rotation, it was redesigned to serve as the valve controlling the flow of . compressed air within the drill cylin- der. This "valveless" method of piston operation was inherently more efficient and problem-free than a valve system; in addition, the elimination of the stan- dard "flapper" and "kicker-port" valves negated another potential source of high- frequency noise. The annular clearance between the chuck and shank was reduced to 0.02 in, and the upset shoulder on 80 ^^ Baffle plate (ear- isodamp) Piston ^^^ Dust exhaust ^-/) Back head Deflector plate (ear-isodamp) Rotation air motor Exhaust shroud tube isolation sleeve ^^F // / / / / i i i t i =t Muffler outer layer (ear-isodamp) Muffler inner layer (aluminum) Front head (ear-isodamp) FIGURE 6. - Internal components of redesigned, "quiet" stoper. the standard drill steel was eliminated. These two design changes reduced the misalignment and rattling impacts occur- ring at the top of the drill body -and re- duced the severity of the transverse waves produced by offcenter shank-to- steel impacts. Muffler-Enclosure Device The new drill body design necessitated the development of the special muffler- enclosure device shown in figure 6. The inner part of the muffler-enclosure con- sisted of a series of ring-shaped, per- forated metal baffle plates around the drill body. The outer shell of the en- closure consisted of two layers — an inner aluminum layer and an outer layer made of EAR Isodamp 1002 3 polymer material. Dur- ing drilling, the exhaust air from the piston chamber and rotation motor moved upward through the perforated baffle ■^Reference to specific products does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Mines. plates and left the acoustical enclosure through an exhaust hole near the top of the drill. The muffler-enclosure attenuated both drill body noise and air exhaust noise, and the baffle plates vibrated to in- hibit ice buildup on the inner surfaces of the enclosure. A flexible deflector plate near the exhaust port of the pis- ton chamber directed the air toward the top of the drill and also helped reduce icing. In extended laboratory tests us- ing compressed air saturated with wa- ter vapor, icing problems were virtually nonexistent. Shroud Tube The shroud tube of the redesigned stoper drill was a simple steel tube de- signed to fit a 1-in hexagonal drill steel and 1-3/8- to 1-3/4-in drill bits. Its outer diameter was small enough to allow it to follow the drill bit into the hole, and its inner diameter was large enough to keep it from touching the drill 81 steel (1/16-in annular clearance). The tube was connected to the top of the drill body through a rubber sleeve (see figure 6) to provide isolation from drill body vibration. Redesign of Drilling Controls The drilling controls of the redesigned stoper had several unique, advantageous features. All controls were mounted on the feed leg such that the operator could stand 2-1/2 ft away from the machine (versus 1 ft on a conventional stoper) , thereby exposing him or her to less noise. Hammer, thrust, and rotation con- trols were located together for easy operation. During drilling, the operator first moved the primary drill throttle handle to a special "collaring" position. This supplied pressure to the feed leg and started a light hammering action without rotation. After the bit had made suffi- cient penetration to assure a straight hole, the operator moved the throttle to the "full on" position (hammer, feed, and rotation) . A separate control could be used to alter rotation speed as neces- sary, and a special valving spindle al- lowed automatic reduction of stalling torque under high feed leg pressure. When the hole was completed, the operator moved the throttle to a special "drill retract" position. In this position, the hammering action ceased, and the feed pressure decreased to allow the feed leg to collapse; however, rotation continued and the drill bit augered its way smooth- ly out of the hole. Underground Tests of Redesigned Stopers Six of the prototype quiet stopers were manufactured, and four were tested in operating underground coal mines. The average noise level of the "quiet" stop- ers was about 102 dBA in these mines, approximately a 15-dBA reduction versus standard stopers. Importantly, the re- designed drills were lighter and their penetration rates were faster than the stopers they replaced, thus increasing their acceptance by the miners. Freezing problems did not occur, and only minimal wear was noted when the drill parts were examined at the conclusion of the field tests. The success of the redesigned drill was demonstrated by the fact that three of the four test mines offered to buy the drills when they became commer- cially available. The only disadvantage of the redesigned stoper was that the shroud tube required removal and replace- ment during the drill steel changing process. Since this proved to be time- consuming, operators often drilled with- out the shroud tube, partially negating the effectiveness of the redesigned drill. However, noise levels without the shroud tube were still about 107 dBA, substantially lower than standard stopers or stopers with retrofit mufflers. Redesign of Hand-Held Hardrock Drill Because of the success of the rede- signed coal stoper, the Bureau has spon- sored a program (7) to redesign a hand- held drill suitable for use in hard-rock mines. The basic design features of the "quiet" hard-rock drill (fig. 7) are the same as those of the "quiet" coal stoper — independent rotation, valveless operation, muffler-enclosure, shroud tube, and redesigned controls. However, the size, shape, and stroke length of the piston of the quiet coal stoper had to be changed substantially to achieve the higher blow energy needed in the hard- rock version of the drill. Computer mod- eling of the drills' percussion cycles (piston positions, porting arrangements, air pressures, etc.) greatly facilitated this process. The quiet hand-held hard-rock drill differed from the quiet coal stoper in several other ways (compare figures 6 and 7). First, the outer cover of the hard- rock drill was made of cast aluminum rather than the aluminum-EAR composite; this reduced its weight and made it eas- ier to fabricate. Second, the ring- shaped baffle plates were eliminated in the hard-rock version of the drill because the flexible exhaust deflector alone was found to be sufficient to inhibit ice buildup. Third, the drill 82 Aluminum outer cover Front 1 exhaust Isolation mounts Replaceable chuck Independent rotation Valveless hammer Flexible liner to prevent ice buildup FIGURE 7. - Internal components of quiet hand-held hardrock drill. cylinder was mounted within the outer cover through rubber pads that isolated the cover from drill cylinder vibration. These design changes resulted in a power- ful, quiet, lightweight hard-rock drill. In addition, the "quiet" hard-rock drill had to be able to drill horizontal and angled production holes as well as vertical roof bolt holes. Therefore, the feed leg mounting mechanism and control arrangement of the coal stoper were rede- signed for this purpose. The hammer and drill cylinder designs were also modified slightly to improve drill startup while in the horizontal position. A fiberglass feed leg was utilized to reduce overall drill weight. A production-ready prototype of the redesigned, "quiet" hard-rock drill pro- duced noise levels of 104 dBA (with shroud tube) to 107 dBA (without shroud tube) when tested in an underground hard- rock mine. Both the hard-rock and the coal versions of the "quiet" hand-held drill are now commercially available through Technological Enterprises Inc. (TEI), Littleton, CO. TEI reports that the new drills cost about the same as standard (unmuffled) drills, and provide better drill control features. Other commercial drill manufacturers can obtain complete design details from the Bureau. NOISE CONTROL TECHNIQUES FOR JUMBO DRILLS As with hand-held percussion drills, the Bureau has investigated both retrofit and redesign measures for reducing jumbo drill noise. A potentially workable ret- rofit package was developed under Bureau contract (8) and is now being tested in- house to determine its long-term durabil- ity. The redesigned jumbo drill is now being field-tested by another contractor (9) . As with stoper drills , the two ma- jor components of the noise-controlled jumbo drills were (1) a muffler-enclosure to attenuate air exhaust and drill body noise and (2) a shroud tube to attenuate drill steel noise. Retrofit Treatments Figure 8 shows the retrofit muffler- enclosure on a drifter with rifle-bar rotation. The muffler-enclosure had to surround the drifter completely because 83 FIGURE 8. - Drifter within retrofit muffler-enclosure (cover open). there were three air exhaust ports at different locations around the drill body. The halves of this two-piece, box- like enclosure fit together snugly around a horizontal centerline. Its octagon- shaped profile was a compromise reached after considering the requirements of in- terior volume , exterior slimness , noise- attenuating properties, and light weight. Figure 8 shows that the top portion of the enclosure was hinged to the bottom portion to allow easy access to the drill. The schematic drawing of the muffler- enclosure (fig. 9) shows that the exhaust air exited the drill radially, struck the silicone rubber deflector at the top of the enclosure , and moved forward to es- cape through the front opening. Because the deflector was very flexible, it shook off any ice that began to form on it. After passing the deflector, the exhaust air entered the fiberglass-lined muffler section at the front of the enclosure. (This muffler section can also be seen in figure 8.) A perforated metal plate held the fiberglass in place and a thin layer of Kapton film prevented it from absorb- ing oil and water. The exhaust air then left the enclosure through the opening at its front end. The three major advan- tages of this muffler-enclosure design were (1) exhaust noise was directed away from the operator and absorbed; (2) the cold exhaust air cooled the coupling and shank at the front of the drifter; and (3) the warm drill components heated the exhaust air, thus inhibiting ice formation. Figure 10 shows the components of the shroud tube surrounding the drill steel. The outer diameter of the shroud tube was slightly smaller than the bit diameter, allowing the tube to enter the hole 84 Perforated plate muffler section Enclost Muffler section (fiberglass retained by perforated plate) - TTT -Exhaust airflow Tapered exhaust exit transition Z-bar clamp "Drill coupler , _/ Muffler section Enclosure Feed channel FIGURE 9. - Schematic view of retrofit drifter enclosure. Drifter enclosure Drill steel Plastic liner- Foam interlayer/ Steel tube. "Coupling cover 'Coupling FIGURE 10. • Schematic view of retrofit drill steel shroud tube. behind the bit. The inner polymer layer rode loosely on the drill steel, causing the tube to rotate slightly during opera- tion. The foam interlayer absorbed some of the vibration imparted to the polymer, and the steel outer layer protected the two inner layers from damage. Exhaust air from the muffler-enclosure traveled forward through the annulus between the steel and the shroud tube, escaping just behind the bit. Performance of the jumbo drill with and without the retrofit noise control treatments was evaluated first in the laboratory, then at an above-ground test site. Laboratory tests in a reverbera- tion room (fig. 8) showed that the sound power level of the treated drill was 19.3 dBA lower than that of the untreated drill. At the aboveground test site, noise reductions of 16.5 to 18.5 dBA were recorded at the operator's position (ta- ble 1). Diagnostic tests showed that the TABLE 1. - Acoustical performance of retrofit jumbo drill noise control treatments, A-weighted overall noise level, decibels Drill position Base- line Fully quieted Reduc- tion Drill position Base- line Fully quieted Reduc- tion ABOVEGROUND TESTS UNDERGROUND TESTS Collaring hole, 10 ft of steel.. Middle of hole, 5 to 6 ft of steel End of hole, 1 to 2 ft of steel... 108.5 107 105.5 92 88.5 88 16.5 18.5 17.5 Collaring hole, 10 ft of steel.. Middle of hole, 5 to 6 ft of steel End of hole, 1 to 2 ft of steel. .. 117.5 116 115.5 105 101 101.5 12.5 15 14 85 muffler-enclosure accounted for about 11 dBA of this reduction; the shroud tube and/or the rock mass surrounding the drill hole accounted for the remainder. Ice formation and damage to the noise control treatments were negligible. The retrofitted drill was then tested in an operating underground zinc mine. As shown in table 1 , noise levels at the operator's position were 12.5 to 15 dBA lower than with the untreated drill. One of the reasons for the more modest noise reductions in the underground tests was that the confined, reverberant under- ground environment set up reflections that partially negated the advantage of directing the exhaust air away from the operator. (Note also that the overall noise levels were much higher underground than aboveground . ) The noise levels of the treated drill show that it could have been operated for about 8 h per shift aboveground (88-92 dBA) and about 1-1/2 h underground (101-105 dBA) without violat- ing Federal noise regulations. The durability of the noise control treatments was evaluated by drilling ap- proximately 10,000 ft of hole in the un- derground zinc mine. Although only about 500 ft were drilled with the shroud tube 4 the muffler-enclosure was used during the entire test period. Overall, the compo- nents of the muffler-enclosure were quite durable; the outside was not damaged, the fiberglass baffles were in good condi- tion, the protective film had only two small holes, and the rubber exhaust de- flector showed no signs of wear. The only damaged acoustical component was the rubber seal at the drill air inlet , which came off when the bolts supporting the drill mounting bracket failed. This failure, however, was not the fault of the acoustical treatments themselves. Mine personnel reported very good oper- ator acceptance of the partially quieted 4 The mine did not possess the 10-ft- long drill steels for which the shroud tube was designed; by the time the appro- priate steels were obtained, the test pe- riod was almost completed. drill (muffler-enclosure only) during un- derground tests, despite the need to fix damaged drill parts and support brackets on several occasions. The presence of the muffler-enclosure did not interfere significantly with either the replacement of broken parts or routine drill mainte- nance. Operators generally agreed that the treated machine drilled just as fast or faster than the unmodified drills used at the mine. The Bureau is presently testing the fully quieted drill at its Pittsburgh (PA) Research Center to evaluate the dur- ability of the shroud tube in figure 10 and other similar shroud tube designs. The effect of the shroud tube on operator acceptance (e.g., the ability to observe a stoppage of drill steel rotation) is also being evaluated. Redesign of Jumbo Drill Although the retrofit muffler-enclosure described would be quite effective for most jumbo drills with rifle bar ro- tation, it would not be appropriate for drifters containing independent drill steel rotation motors. This is because independent rotation drills are usually somewhat larger than rifle bar drills, and would require larger, heavier muffler-enclosures. The problem of air exhaust from the rotation motor would also have to be addressed. Therefore, the Bureau sponsored a program to rede- sign an independent-rotation jumbo drill for the purpose of reducing noise. A prototype of the redesigned drill is shown in figure 11. In order to make a simple, compact muffler-enclosure for the drifter, the rotation motor was removed from the drifter body and relocated at the front end of the feed channel. This design change required the use of a specialized drill steel called a "kelly bar." The drifter supplied percussion to the rear end of the kelly bar while the new rota- tion mechanism (an air motor, belt drive, and gears) imparted rotation to its front end. A small muffler was placed on the 86 FIGURE 11. - Redesigned jumbo drill with collapsible shroud tube prior to drilling. exhaust hose of the rotation air motor to attenuate its noise. The modified drifter was then placed within a two-piece, boxlike enclosure made entirely of molded polymer material. The top half of the muf fler-enclosure fit snugly atop the bottom half , and could be removed for easy access to the drill. The drifter was mounted within the bot- tom half of the enclosure through rubber bushings that isolated the feed channel from drifter vibration. A shroud tube was also used on the re- designed jumbo drill to abate drill steel noise; however, its design was quite dif- ferent than that of the shroud tubes on the retrofitted jumbo drill and the rede- signed stoper. As shown in figures 11 and 12, the shroud tube on the redesigned jumbo drill was a collapsible steel coil of ~8-in diam. Unlike the shroud tube on the retrofitted jumbo drill, it did not touch the drill steel nor enter the hole during drilling. Instead, it was sus- pended firmly between the front portion of the drifter enclosure and the rear face of the kelly-bar rotation mechanism. The springlike shroud tube was completely extended at the start of the drilling (fig. 11), and collapsed as the drifter moved toward the face (fig. 12). Ex- haust air from the drifter moved forward through the shroud tube and a plunger- shaped rubber "stinger" (fig. 13) that was pressed against the rock face. The drifter exhaust air, hole-flushing air, and rock chips produced during drilling exited through the small gap between the stinger and the rock face. The stinger helped attenuate noise that would have otherwise have "escaped" from the collar of the hole. Initial testing of the redesigned jumbo drill was conducted in a surface rock quarry (figs. 11-13) and in a nonproduc- tion setting at the Colorado School of Mines experimental mine. Noise levels at the operator's position were about 96 dBA on the surface and about 100 dBA underground, a substantial reduction com- pared with 110 to 115 dBA of standard jumbo drills. The only significant prob- lems noted during these tests were (1) repeated failure of the air- and/or water-flushing tube (probably unrelated 87 FIGURE 12. - Redesigned jumbo drill with collapsible shroud tube at completion of drilling. FIGURE 13. - Plunger-shaped stinger and kelly-bar rotation system at front end of feed channel. 88 to the noise control treatments) and (2) inability to observe drill steel rotation. Before the redesigned jumbo drill is taken to an operating underground mine for further testing, it will be modified to facilitate longhole drilling, where numerous lengths of drill steel are used. With the present design, the shroud tube must be collapsed by hand in order to add drill steel, an awkward and somewhat dan- gerous process. The design modification will include an automatic drill steel changing apparatus that will improve both the productivity and safety of the rede- signed drill. Details of the drill steel changing mechanism and results of under- ground "production" tests will be docu- mented in future Bureau reports. CONCENTRIC DRILL STEELS be transmitted through different struc- tural members. 3. Miners should readily accept con- centric steels because (a) the drill steel changing process will be no more complex than the present process and (b) they will be able to observe drill steel rotation at all times. 4. Existing drills can be retrofitted easily to accept concentric steels. Construction of a prototype concentric drill steel is now underway, and field testing will begin in 1984. This first prototype has been designed to fit a pop- ular pneumatic drifter model; similar prototypes are now being designed for other pneumatic drifter models, a hydrau- lic drifter, and the "quiet" hand-held drills discussed earlier in this paper. Perhaps the most innovative technique for controlling drill steel noise is the concentric drill steel concept, now being investigated under Bureau contract (10) . The two basic components of the concen- tric steel are an inner "pulse transmis- sion rod" and an outer "torque tube." As their names imply, the inner rod trans- mits percussive energy to the bit but does not rotate, while the torque tube supplies rotation and acts as a shroud tube to attenuate noise produced by the inner rod. The torque tube is acousti- cally isolated from the inner rod by but- tonlike rubber inserts. The inner rod is solid, and hole-flushing air or water passes through the annulus between the rod and tube. The concentric drill steel has the fol- lowing distinct advantages over any other drill steel shrouding technique developed to date: 1. Drill steel life should increase because the inner pulse transmission rod is solid (no blow tube) and will not be exposed to the high torques and external scratching that usually initiate failure. 2. Less expensive steel alloys can be used because percussion and torque will IN-HOUSE BUREAU RESEARCH ON DRILLING NOISE During the past 2-yr, the Bureau's Pittsburgh (PA) Research Center (PRC) has acquired the equipment and facilities necessary to conduct extensive in-house research on percussion drill noise. Ini- tial tests are now being performed out- doors at PRC, using a concrete block as a drill medium, and underground at the Bu- reau's Lake Lynn Laboratory, an abandoned underground limestone mine. Detailed investigations of drilling noise will be conducted inside a reverberation build- ing that is now being constructed at PRC (completion scheduled for mid-1984). As in the past, Bureau research will focus on two basic areas — muffling of drill ex- haust noise and control of drill steel noise. Exhaust Mufflers In order to investigate the muffler freezing problem more closely, the Bureau has acquired (1) a three-boom jumbo rig, (2) two pneumatic drifters, (3) two of the "quiet" hand-held drills described earlier, (4) a portable air compressor, (5) a portable compressed air aftercooler and dryer, (6) a portable water injection 89 system, and (7) a complete, continuous airflow and water flow monitoring system. With the aid of these items , the Bureau will conduct controlled muffler freezing tests using a wide variety of drill and muffler designs. The noise-reducing cap- abilities and freezing characteristics of the various drill-muffler combinations will be documented and reported in subse- quent Bureau publications. Drill Steel Noise Controls The major in-house tool for investi- gating drill steel noise is a complete, portable hydraulic drilling system cently acquired by the Bureau. Because the hydraulic drifter produces no air exhaust noise, it is the ideal machine for this purpose. Initial investigations will focus on the durability, field- acceptability, and noise-reducing capa- bilities of "in-the-hole" shroud tubes similar to the tube on the retrofitted drifter described earlier. The front end cap of the hydraulic drifter has been modified to accept shroud tubes of various sizes and materials (plastics, metals, polymer materials, etc.). Con- centric drill steels and drill body en- closures for hydraulic drifters will also be evaluated using this machine. REFERENCES 1. Visnapuu, A., and J. W. Jensen. Noise Reduction of a Pneumatic Rock Drill. BuMines RI 8082, 1975, 23 pp. 6. Summers, C. R. , and J. N. Murphy. Noise Abatement of Pneumatic Rock Drill. BuMines RI 7998, 1974, 45 pp. 2. Dutta, P. K. , and P. W. Runstad- ler. Development of Commercial Quiet Rock Drills. Ongoing BuMines contract J0177125; for inf. contact W. W. Aljoe, TPO, BuMines, Pittsburgh, PA. 7. Creare Products, Inc. Develop- ment of Prototype Quiet Hard Rock Stop- er Drill. Ongoing BuMines contract HOI 13034; for inf. contact W. W. Aljoe, TPO, BuMines, Pittsburgh, PA. 3. U.S. Mine Safety and Health Admini- stration. Noise Control Abstracts. Com- piled by MSHA Health and Safety Technol- ogy Centers, Denver, CO, and Pittsburgh, PA, 1983, 45 pp. 4. Hawkes, I., and D. D. Wright. De- velopment of a Quiet Rock Drill. Volume 1: Evaluation of Design Concepts (con- tract J0155099, Ivor Hawkes Associates). BuMines OFR 70-78, 1977, 95 pp.; NTIS PB 283 774. 8. Dixon, N. R. , and M. N. Rubin. Development of a Prototype Retrofit Noise Control Treatment for Jumbo Drills (con- tract HO387006, Bolt, Beranek and Newman Inc.). BuMines OFR 111-83, 1982, 106 pp.; NTIS PB 83-218800. 9. Creare Products, Inc. Develop- ment of Noise Control Technology for Jumbo Drills. Ongoing BuMines contract HO395025; for inf. contact W. W. Aljoe, TPO, BuMines, Pittsburgh, PA. 5. Hawkes, I., D. D. Wright, and P. K. Dutta. Development of a Quiet Rock Drill. Volume 2: Sources of Drill Rod Noise (contract J0155099, Ivor Hawkes As- sociates). BuMines OFR 132-78, 1977, 77 pp.; NTIS PB 289 716. 10. Technological Enterprises, Inc. Development of Concentric Drill Steels for Noise Control of Percussion Drills. Ongoing BuMines contract JO338022; for inf. contact W. W. Aljoe, TPO, BuMines, Pittsburgh, PA. 90 CURRENT STATUS OF LOAD-HAUL-DUMP MACHINE NOISE CONTROL By Thomas G. Bobick 1 and Richard Madden 2 ABSTRACT This Bureau of Mines paper reviews the initial noise control research conducted on a load-haul-dump (LHD) machine with a 5-yd 3 bucket capacity. Additional noise control research has been conducted on five other vehicles — three 2-yd 3 - and two 8-yd 3 -capacity vehicles. This paper presents a description of the machines treated, a general discussion of the noise control treatments used, and a sum- mary of the acoustic and thermal perform- ance of the treatments. INTRODUCTION A 1975 Bureau study 3 identified load- haul-dump (LHD) machines as major con- tributors to the noise exposure of under- ground miners. Machines with no noise control treatments still produce sound levels on the order of 100 to 102 dBA. The high sound level coupled with long working times leads to a high noise expo- sure; machine operators are out of com- pliance with Federal noise regulations if they are exposed to these levels for more than 1.5 to 2 h. In an effort to reduce this exposure and bring these operators into compli- ance, the Bureau initiated a research and development program on noise control of LHD vehicles. The work has been con- ducted under three Bureau contracts : H0262013 by Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.; H0395076 by Eimco Mining Machinery International; and H0395041 by Lake Shore, Inc. Six machines, ranging in bucket size from 2 to 8 yd 3 , were quieted under these contracts. This paper pre- sents a description of the test machines, a general discussion of applicable noise control treatments , examples of the noise control treatments used, and a summary of the acoustic and thermal performance of the modifications. Information 4 is available that provides more detail on the treatments used on the test machines. MACHINE DESCRIPTION LHD vehicles are among the most wide- ly used machines in underground metal- nonmetal mining. These machines (figure ^Mining engineer, Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. 2 Manager, Mechanical Systems Analysis Dept. , Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc., Cambridge, MA. 3 Patterson, W. N., A. G. Galaitisis. Powered Underground Impact, Prediction, and Control (contract H0346046, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.). BuMines OFR 58-75, 1975, 227 pp.; NTIS PB 243 896. 4 Huggins, G. G., R. Madden, and B. S. Murray. Noise Control of an Under- ground Load-Haul-Dump Machine (contract H0262013, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.). G. G. Huggins, and Noise of Diesel- Mining Equipment: 1 shows an example) are low-profile diesel-powered loaders , with center ar- ticulation for short radius turns within the mine. Typically, the engine, torque BuMines OFR 125-78, 1977, 79 pp.; NTIS PB 288 854. Daniel, J. H., J. A. Burks, R. C. Bar- tholomae, R. Madden, and E. E. Unger (comps.). Noise Control of Diesel- Powered Underground Mining Machines, 1979. BuMines IC 8837, 1981, 29 pp. Walch, R. H., and G. L. Beech. Noise Control of Underground Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) Machines. Final report on BuMines contract H0395076 with Eimco Mining Ma- chinery International, 1984, 60 pp.; available from Thomas G. Bobick, Pitts- burgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. 91 FIGURE 1. - Typical load-haul-dump machine. converter, and transmission are on one side of the articulation pivot and the bucket is on the other side. Because the machine has the same tram capabilities in both forward and reverse, the operator sits on one side of the machine facing inward. Although the machines have many similarities, they do differ in bucket capacity, engine size, means of cooling the engine, and operator position. A comparison of the six machines considered in this program is presented in table 1. All six machines have planetary trans- missions that provide four speeds in both forward and reverse, and all but one are powered by air-cooled diesel engines. In four of the machines, the operator's seat is on the aft section, which contains the engine and transmission. Major differ- ences in the machines exist in bucket ca- pacity with corresponding differences in physical size and engine size. Although bucket and engine size differ by approxi- mately a factor of four, there is less difference in noise levels for the ma- chines prior to noise control treatment. ^> o- 1 QlaJ >_ o°-o tOE ?% < CD 105 95 85 75 65 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 ST-5A, 4th gear. ii x 1 " ii 912 D, 3d gear-^ i\ J -1 < m • x/^jUx/A V / ; _r //*V-«. N-t. < — LJ i > L'J ■ J\r Vl ^ _1 _l _l < - CC ■ i jn — Ld > n - *^wi KEY o Engine oil A Transmission oil 17 Fan inlet air, ambient 12 3 4 5 6 7 TIME, 102 min FIGURE 16. - Typical temperature data for the Wagner ST-2B machine. ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE A summary of the acoustic performance of the noise control modifications ap- plied to the six machines is presented in table 4, along with the various test conditions. The preferred measure of performance is actual working-shift noise dosimeter data. Table 4 presents dosime- ter data for three of the test vehicles. TABLE 4. - Effectiveness of noise control treatments, decibels (A-weighted) Wagner Wagner Eimco Wagner Wagner Eimco ST-2B ST-2D 912D ST-5A ST-8A 918 SHOP High idle: ' 97 - 97.5 NA 101 100-101 NA 99 90 - 90.5 NA 91 NA 94 90 MINE High idle: 98 98.5 NM NM 2 94.5-95 3 NM 93 - 95 88 91 - 92 92.5 90 -91 94 Operating: 4 101.5 4 101-102.5 NM NM NA NM 4 96.5- 98.5 4 95.5 5 NA 4 89- 91.5 NA NA NA Not available. NM New machine treated; underground data not obtained prior to treatment. 'Machine stationary, in neutral, maximum revolutions. 2 Data obtained with some, but not all, treatments removed. 3 After 1 yr all treatments removed; resulting noise level was 102 dBA. 4 Corresponding average noise levels based on dosimeter data, L0SHA. 5 Not yet placed into full-time production service. 106 Because three of the six vehicles were new units that were treated, no in-mine measurements were obtained for the un- treated condition of those machines. In- mine measurements, however, were obtained (maximum revolutions condition of all six The resulting noise level of the fully treated machines ranged from 88 to 95 dBA. Treated and untreated data were obtained for four for the high idle in neutral) test treated vehicles. vehicles; the noise reductions ranged from 4 to 10 dBA. An important point to keep in mind is that each 5 dBA reduction results in a doubling of the permitted operating time. Thus, reducing the oper- ator's full-shift noise exposure by 4 dBA results in a 75 pet increase in the per- mitted operating time, and a 10-dBA re- duction results in a quadrupling (300 pet increase) in the time a single operator may use the machine. CONCLUSIONS The Bureau's noise control program for load-haul-dump (LHD) machines has achieved a number of successes. The pri- mary noise sources have been defined and are generally the same for all machine types. Specific measurements have to be taken to determine the order of imple- menting the modification program. The larger units provide much more room than the smaller vehicles for installing the noise control treatments on existing equipment. The extra room facilitates lining the inner surfaces of the compart- ments with absorption material, and per- mits installation of vibration isolation mounts at the transmission. are properly maintained and are replaced or repaired when needed. Successful future noise control devel- opments will require close cooperation between the machine manufacturers and the mine operators. The manufacturers must be prepared to implement proven noise control treatments and modify designs that cause access or thermal problems. The mine operators , as the equipment users , can provide important feedback to the manufacturers on durability, inter- ference with maintenance requirements, and thermal performance of the noise con- trol treatments over the life of the machine . Most importantly, this research showed the importance of sealing all leaks, cracks, and holes in the operator com- partment. The acoustical effectiveness of well-designed, carefully installed treatments can be negated if all openings in the operator compartment are not thor- oughly sealed. Once noise-controlled LHD's are in use underground, it is im- portant that the acoustical modifications These research programs have shown that noise abatement of LHD machines has been successful. Regarding the two methods to incorporate noise control treatments — treating existing machines after they are in the mines or treating new vehicles as they are manufactured — the latter method is obviously the most efficient and cost effective over the life of the machine. 107 RETROFIT NOISE CONTROLS FOR CRUSHING AND SCREENING PLANTS By Terry L. Muldoon 1 and Thomas G. Bobick 2 ABSTRACT Crushing and screening equipment in the sand and gravel and crushed stone indus- tries generate excessive noise. Plant operators and cleanup personnel receive a full-shift exposure that ranges from three to four times the exposure allowed by Federal regulations. Noise is typi- cally generated by the impact of the product against the steel components of the plant. The impact forces cause the components to resonate and create air- borne noise. During a Bureau of Mines sponsored re- search program, retrofit noise control treatments were successfully installed and evaluated in a primary crushing plant and two secondary crushing and screening plants. A control booth was installed at the primary crushing plant ; the noise levels at the operator's location were reduced from 97 to 78 dBA. Noise levels measured at normal cleanup locations were reduced by 4 to 7 dBA (97.5-98 to 91-93.5 dBA) at one of the two secondary plants . This paper describes how to design, select, and install similar retrofit noise control treatments for crushing and screening plants. INTRODUCTION A 1981 Bureau of Mines study-* showed that the full-shift noise exposure of operators and cleanup personnel in crushing and screening plants were three to four times the exposure allowed by 30 CFR, Part 56, "Safety and Health Standards — Sand, Gravel, and Crushed Stone Operations." The study also iden- tified the following major noise sources as the chief contributors to the overex- posure problem. a. Screen feed chute. Typically, ma- terial enters the screen through a steel chute from a belt conveyor. The product discharged from the conveyor impacts the sides, wall, and bottom of the steel chute. 1 Manager, Mining Division, Engineering Systems Group, Foster-Miller, Inc., Walt- ham , MA . 2 Mining engineer, Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. 3 Pokora, R. J., and T. L. Muldoon. Demonstration of Noise Control Techniques for the Crushing and Screening of Non- metallic Minerals (contract J01 00038, Foster-Miller, Inc.). BuMines OFR 50-83, 1981, 187 pp.; NTIS PB 83-173039. b. Screen feedbox. Additionally, the product discharging from the screen feed chute impacts a steel screen feedbox that is an integral part of the screen. c. Screen. The normal screening medi- um is either punched steel plate or woven wire cloth. Some screens are furnished with steel side wings. High noise levels are generated by the impact of the prod- uct on both the deck and wing liners. d. Screen discharge. Typically, the oversize product from the top screen deck drops onto a steel discharge lip or di- rectly from the screen onto a steel plate in the crusher. The undersize product passes through the screening medium and impacts a discharge chute, transfer con- veyor, or another screen deck. e. Crusher feed hopper or chute. The feed to the crusher impacts a cylindrical or conical collection hopper that directs the feed into the crushing cavity. Often the feed to the crusher is sparse and the impacting product strikes the hopper in- dividually. A heavily fed (choke-fed) crusher has the opportunity for a bed of 108 material to build up and, tenuate the noise. therefore, at- f. Crusher feed plate. Most cone crushers are supplied with an abrasion- resistant metal feed plate. Product dropping into the crusher strikes the feed plate — particularly if the crusher is not choke fed. next comminution stage or to a stockpile. These sources are common to all crushing and screening plants and are accessible without major disassembly of the plant. The noise associated with each of these sources is generated by the impact of the product on the steel components of the plant, which then resonate, creating air- borne noise. g. Crusher feed cone. Typically, the feed cone is lined with manganese steel plate for wear. The product fed to the crusher strikes the feed cone. h. Crusher main frame. The shell sur- rounding the crushing cavity typically is impacted by product discharging from in- side the crusher. The shell acts as a radiator for all of the noise generated in the product reduction process from within the crusher itself. i. Crusher discharge. The product discharged from the crusher is typically transferred via another steel chute to a belt conveyor that transports it to the During the Bureau program, noise con- trol treatments were applied in two sec- ondary crushing and screening plants to — a. Minimize the impact forces. b. Enclose the source. At a primary crushing plant receiving run-of-mine product, a control booth was installed to enclose the plant operator. This paper describes how these treat- ments were applied, the costs associated with the treatments , and the noise reduc- tions achieved. PRIMARY CRUSHING PLANT NOISE CONTROL USING OPERATOR CONTROL BOOTH An extremely cost-effective noise con- trol treatment for stationary plant em- ployees is the construction of a control booth. A booth is not expensive to con- struct or purchase, can provide noise re- ductions of 15 to 25 dBA, requires little maintenance, and also helps protect the worker from the weather and other en- vironmental hazards such as dust. The construction or purchase of a booth is straightforward and quite a few have been installed by the industry. In many cases, however, they are not as effec- tive as they could be for the following reasons: a. The booth is not large enough. b. The booth does not have adequate air conditioning. c. The booth does not provide adequate field of view for the operator. d. The booth tight. is not acoustically e. The booth is not plant structure. isolated from the For a control booth to be effective, it not only has to reduce the noise, but al- so has to provide enough comfort so the operator will stay inside the booth dur- ing normal plant operation. An operator will not stay in a booth if it is too cramped, too hot, or does not provide adequate visibility. If a booth is to provide maximum noise reduction, it has to be acoustically tight. Even small leaks can reduce the noise reduction by 10 to 15 dBA. 109 Booth mounting is also critical. If the booth is mounted directly on the plant structure, the vibration from the plant, which is usually severe, will cause the booth structure to vibrate and radiate noise. If the booth has to be mounted on the structure, it should be mounted on correctly designed vibration isolators. A better alternative, if pos- sible, is to mount the booth on a sepa- rate structure that is not in contact with the plant. During the Bureau program, a booth was specified, purchased, and installed for the operator of a primary crushing plant. The plant uses a 16-ft by 42-in vibrat- ing feeder grizzly and a 32- by 42-in jaw crusher to process run-of-mine product from the quarry. The operator controlled this plant from an open catwalk over the crusher where noise levels averaged 97 dBA. FIGURE 1. - Operator control booth mounted on separate steel support structure. NOISE REDUCTION AND COST The 8- by 10-ft (figs. 1-2) booth was purchased for $4,919. It was mounted on a separate structure that was constructed by quarry personnel using 6-in I-beams. The air-conditioned booth reduced the noise levels at the operator's location to 78 dBA, a 19-dBA reduction. A total of 40 h of quarry labor were required to fabricate and install the support struc- ture at the plant and to install controls inside the booth. Details of the physi- cal characteristics of the booth, and oc- tave band sound pressure levels measured inside and outside the booth are included in the final report of the work cited in footnote 3. SECONDARY CRUSHING AND SCREENING PLANTS NOISE CONTROL USING RESILIENT MATERIALS TO MINIMIZE IMPACT FORCES Specific treatments at the two plants included At the two secondary plants addressed during this program, resilient materials were used to minimize the noise produced by the product impacting the plant compo- nents. The two plants included a. Resilient impact pads for the wall and bottom of the screen feed chute. b. Resilient liner for the screen feedbox. a. A secondary plant that used a 5- by 14-ft inclined double-deck screen, and a 4-1/4-ft cone crusher. b. A secondary plant that used a 5- by 14-ft horizontal double-deck screen, and a 5-ft cone crusher. c. Resilient screen decking. d. Resilient liners for the screen side wings. e. Resilient screen discharge lip. 110 FIGURE 2. - Primary crusher operator at his control station inside the booth. Ill f. Resilient liner for the crusher feed hopper. g. Resilient liner for the crusher feed cone. h. Resilient crusher feed plate. INSTALLATION OF IMPACT PADS ON WALL AND BOTTOM OF SCREEN FEED CHUTE Typically, screens receive product via a steel chute that is fed by a belt con- veyor. Product discharged from the con- veyor strikes the wall of the chute, re- bounds, and falls to the chute bottom where it discharges to the screen through the feedbox (fig. 3). Noise levels mea- sured near these chutes normally exceed 110 dBA with a coarse product feed. The recommended noise control treat- ments for screen feed chutes include a. A resilient impact pad installed on the chute wall. installed, they not only reduce noise, but also significantly increase chute life. The impact pad for the chute wall can be either bolted to the wall or suspended in the chute. Figure 4 shows a profiled surface pad installation. Holes are drilled or burned through the chute wall and the pad is bolted in place. The pad should be the full width of the chute and should extend above and below the impact area. Proper impact pad selection the following information: requires a. The type and processed. size of product being b. The velocity of the product — for the chute wall, the belt speed should be adequate; for the chute bottom, the height of the drop is required. c. The dimensions of the chute. b. A resilient impact pad or a product dead bed used in the chute bottom. These treatments absorb the force of the impact; if properly designed and d. The angle of product impact. The last item, angle of impact is partic- ularly critical. The life of resilient 9 Screen feed - chute wall s°7^ b ^•^^ Belt conveyor Dribble chute £3. Screen feedbox FIGURE 3. - Product feed path from the belt conveyor to the screen feedbox. FIGURE 4. - Installation of a profiled surface impact pad on the screen feed chute wall. 112 pads depends a great deal on the angle of product impact (fig. 5). At impact an- gles less than 70° the wear rate of a re- silient pad will be high. Above 70° the wear rate will be significantly better than steel. A profiled surface, shown in figure 4, can be used to increase the im- pact angle. The size, type, and speed of the prod- uct are used to determine the required pad thickness. Generally, the larger the product and the higher the velocity, the greater the thickness required to mini- mize crushing damage to the liner. An impact pad should also be bolted to the chute bottom as shown in figure 6. The boltholes in the pad should be coun- tersunk by the material manufacturer so the boltheads will be below the pad sur- face, as shown in figure 7. The chute bottom can also be protected by creating a dead bed, which is simply a buildup of product at the area of impact. A dead bed is also recommended in combi- nation with a resilient impact pad to Impact angle Resilient pad FIGURE 5. - Impact angle of product on resilient pad. improve the life of the pad and chute bottom. NOISE CONTROL TREATMENT OF SCREENS Typically, the product discharged from the feed chute impacts a steel feedbox that is an integral part of the screen. The product then passes over the screen- ing medium which is either punched steel plate or woven wire cloth. The product also impacts the steel side wings or the side-tension rails as it passes along the screen deck. At the discharge end of the screen, the product either passes over or falls onto a steel discharge lip, and then passes into the discharge chute. FIGURE 6. - Installation of a resilient impact pad on the bottom of the screen feed chute. mpact pad I //, Chute bottom FIGURE 7. - Fastening the impact pad to the bottom of feed chute with countersunk holes in the resilient material. 113 Noise levels measured beside screens han- dling coarse material often exceed 105 dBA. The recommended noise control treat- ments for screens include a. Resilient linings for the screen feedbox. b. Resilient screen decking. c. Resilient liners on the side wings or side-tension rails. d. Resilient liners lip and chute. on the discharge Most screens are provided with a blank metal panel at the feed end preceded by a feedbox that is often protected by metal wear plates where the product impacts the screen. The blank panel should be re- placed by a thicker, blank resilient pan- el. A resilient impact pad should be installed in the screen feedbox to in- crease the thickness of the area that is impacted by the product discharge from the feed chute (fig. 8). The screening medium should be replaced by a resilient deck. When ordering re- silient decking, it is important to spec- ify the following information: a. Type and size of product being screened. FIGURE 8. - Resilient feedbox with impact pad where feed from the chute strikes the feedbox. b. The efficiency of the existing screen deck. c. The exact dimensions of the exist- ing deck. d. The type of mounting — whether the deck is bolted to the screen frame, or if it is held by side-tension rails. e. Type, location, and dimensions of screen support members. f. Type and dimensions of holddown clamping. In selecting a resilient deck, it must be remembered that the use of a resilient cloth may reduce screening efficiency and throughput. This can be caused by the resilient deck having less open area and being thicker than the metal deck. It is also critical to specify exact dimensions because resilient materials are extremely difficult to modify-to-fit in the field. If the deck is bolted to the screen frame (figs. 9-10), nonperf orated areas should be specified over the deck support members. The nonperf orations will pre- vent accumulation of product between the deck and support members , which can cause excessive wear of the frame. Resilient liners should also be bolted to the screen side wings and discharge lip, as shown in figure 11. The side wing liners should be at least 1 in thick and high enough to protect the side wings from product impact. The discharge lip liner should be the same thickness as the deck. The resilient liners for the sides of the discharge lip (fig. 12) should be thicker than those on the side wings. This will help funnel the screen dis- charge and prevent product from being jammed between the screen and the screen discharge hopper. The discharge from a horizontal screen, which feeds a crusher directly by choking the feed down to the opening size of the crusher feed hopper, requires a resilient liner on both the sides and bottom of the 114 I J. f© ©* do *© °o°o °o° o o o © ^Q © o 3o o°o°. 3©°©®©° d © o o 4 • © o © © '0°0 0°0 [© o o 4 « » ©SO O^P a o © q o ' - I l I I e «ssr FIGURE 9. * Installation of a bolted resilient screen deck. FIGURE 10. - Bolted resilient deck with blank impact panel in the feedbox. Side wing ** Resilient tiner >■'*$ FIGURE 11. - Resilient liners bolted to the screen side wings and discharge lip. discharge chute (fig. 13). These liners are bolted in place with the boltheads countersunk in the resilient material. For screens installed using side- tension rails (fig. 14), the rails should also be equipped with resilient impact liners. The liners should be bolted or bonded to the rails. Trowel- or paint-on resilient coatings are not recommended because of their limited durability and effectiveness. In addition, screen support members require a resilient protective molding (bumper strip) to properly crown the deck and minimize wear (fig. 15). If a center 115 *^S^ FIGURE 12. - Resilient discharge lip with thick- er liners on the sides to funnel the screen discharge. FIGURE 13. - Resilient liner in a screen dis- charge chute directly feeding a crusher. clamping bar is used, a resilient molding for the bar should be used. Screen J-hook clamps should use a resilient block or ring to protect the nut and threads. The use of resilient screen decks can cause operating problems. As previously mentioned, screening efficiency may be decreased, which may require changes to the screen's throw amplitude, speed, and direction. In addition, the product FIGURE 14. - Resilient screen deck with re- siliently lined side-tension rails. tends to bounce more on a resilient deck, especially on an inclined screen receiv- ing coarse product. The higher bounce can create safety and feed distribution problems. To eliminate these problems, a drag curtain (fig. 16) should be installed over the feed chute discharge. The drag curtain should be made of heavy, abrasion-resistant, resil- ient material. It should be the full width of the screen and should extend to the end of the blank screen panel. Con- veyor belting is not recommended because it wears rapidly and does not have enough mass to retard the product flow. NOISE CONTROL TREATMENTS FOR A CONE CRUSHER A typical secondary crushing and screening plant uses a cone crusher to reduce oversized product from the screen. The oversized product is fed to the crusher feed cone from a steel hopper. High noise levels, typically over 110 dBA, are generated when the product im- pacts the steel crusher components. The recommended noise control treat- ments include*- 116 Resilient rings Side-tension rail / odd ocjo aDagaa qqq ' DDDDDQaaaaaaaga ' /ooDOOQGaacnaaQQa' /DDDDDDaaaaQaaaQ' /odd dod coo □qqqqq' Bumper strip FIGURE 15. » Installation of resilient screen deck using resilient side-tension rails, bumper strips, and blocks on the J-hook clamps. a. Resilient liners for a surge-type hopper, the feed cone hopper shell, and the feed cone. b. Resilient feed plate. c. Barrier curtain around the crusher main frame. Design of the liner for the crusher feed hopper requires the following information: a. Size and type of product. b. Drop height or velocity of the product at impact. c. Exact hopper dimensions. d. Angle of impact. The liner should cover all hopper sur- faces impacted by the product, not only during full-load operation, but also dur- ing screen startup and shutdown. It is also recommended that the liner (fig. 17) be suspended away from the hopper wall. This will reduce localized crushing forces on the liner and increase liner life. FIGURE 16. - Drag curtain installed on an in- clined screen. FIGURE 17. - Resilient liner installed in a crusher feed hopper. 117 FIGURE 18. - Installation of one-piece re- silient crusher feed cone liner. FIGURE 19. - Installation of resilient feed cone liner segments. Resilient liners are also recommended for the crusher feed shell and cone. Care has to be taken in sizing the liner thickness so the thickest liner possible can be used, and yet not cause interfer- ence with the material flow through the crusher. Ideally, the shell and cone liners should be a one-piece assembly (fig. 18). This one-piece assembly can be simply inserted over the existing shell and cone or replace the fabricated steel liner assembly. The lining can also be manufactured as segments for easier handling and attach- ing to the existing steel liners (fig. 19). This is not recommended, however, because of the possibility of a segment coming loose and passing through the crusher, which can cause significant dam- age. Another benefit of the full assem- bly, particularly on crushers without a rotating bowl, is that the liner can be rotated for more even wear. For cone crushers with a steel feed plate, the plate should be replaced by one manufactured with resilient material (fig. 20). The new feed plate should be cast by the material manufacturer using a mold that matches the steel one. It is recommended, however, that the resilient plate be manufactured thicker and larger in diameter than the steel one to prevent FIGURE 20. - Installation of a resilient crusher feed plate. 118 premature failure of the material located between the holddown bolts and the out- side diameter of the plate. Additional- ly, the resilient feed plate should be manufactured with an integral steel cen- tering plate to match the machined female fit of the feed distributor or the main shaft nut. Replacing the steel plate with a resilient one will not affect the unbalanced forces of the crusher. To control the noise radiating from the crushing zone and from product impacting the main frame liner, an acoustical bar- rier curtain should be installed around the crusher exterior (fig. 21). The cur- tain should be fabricated from leaded vinyl that has a layer of absorptive ma- terial on one side. The material should be purchased wide enough to extend from the adjustment ring to the base of the main frame flange. Grommets should be specified along the top edge of the cur- tain to provide easy installation on bolts that can be welded to the adjust- ment ring. By attaching the curtain to the adjustment ring and letting it hang free, the curtain will allow vertical Fillet weld bolt to ajustment ring -» Cut out for countershaft, as needed Cut out for hydraulic lines, as needed FIGURE 21. - Installation of a barrier cur- tain around the crusher main frame. movement when the crusher passes tramp iron and will not interfere with normal crusher servicing. An installed curtain is shown in figure 22. Figure 23 pro- vides octave band spectra of the noise measured at one of the cleanup locations near the crusher treated with the barrier curtain. Additional details regarding FIGURE 22. - Noise barrier curtain installed around the crusher main frame. 100 GO UJ > UJ rr CO CO LU rr CL o co 95 - KEY 3/24, baseline 3/26, crusher feed chute 4/9, crusher feed cone liners 7/21, curtain around crusher "250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 dBA OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 23. - Octave band analysis showing effect of the retrofit treatments, plant B, ground- level cleanup position, near crusher. 119 installing the noise control modifica- tions on the screen feed chute, screen decking, screen discharge, and the cone crusher are available from the Bureau. 4 NOISE REDUCTION AND COST Noise measured in the near-field of the vibrating screen at both secondary plants showed a reduction of 5 and 8 dBA (113 to 105 and 106 to 101 dBA) for the screen discharges and a reduction of 5 and 9 dBA (106 to 101 and 107 to 98 dBA) for the feed end of the screens. Crusher noise was reduced by 5 dBA (106 to 101 dBA) at one of the two secondary plants. The installation of the noise control treatments (resilient materials and bar- rier curtain) reduced the noise levels measured at the usual cleanup or mainte- nance locations by 4 to 7 dBA (97.5-98 to 93.5-91 dBA) at one of the two second- ary plants. Cleanup-maintenance location noise levels were not significantly re- duced in the second plant because of the rapid wear of the installed materials. secondary crushing and screening plants treated during this program were $15,500 (average) . Quarry labor required for in- stallation of the modifications averaged 67.5 worker-hours. At one of the two secondary plants, the retrofit noise control modifications dis- played excellent wear characteristics. The rapid wear of the materials at the second plant was due to improper materi- als being supplied and changing circuit conditions. 4 Pokora, R. J., T. G. Bobick, and T. L. Muldoon. Retrofit Noise Control Modifi- cations for Crushing and Screening Equip- ment in the Nonmetallic Mining Industry, An Applications Manual. BuMines IC 8975, 1984, 24 pp. The costs, in 1981 dollars, for the treatments described for the two 120 NOISE CONTROL IN COAL PREPARATION PLANTS By Thomas G. Bobick 1 and Matthew N. Rubin 2 ABSTRACT This paper presents the results of two recent Bureau of Mines sponsored programs related to noise control in coal prepara- tion plants. These programs were aimed at evaluating engineering controls for reducing the occupational noise exposure of plant workers. The first of these two programs evaluated the performance of various noise control techniques in an operating preparation plant. Four gen- eral categories of noise control treat- ments were selected, installed, and moni- tored over an extended period of time to evaluate their acoustic performance and durability. The four categories were re- silient screen decks, resilient impact pads, chute liners, and mass-loaded cur- tains. This program demonstrated that the treatments can be both effective (providing 5 to 10 dBA of noise reduc- tion) and durable (with effective service lives of 1 to 4 yr) . The second project focused on document- ing noise control treatments that can be incorporated into new coal preparation plants at the design stage. While some of the treatments considered were similar to those evaluated in the previous proj- ect, a number of additional techniques were also considered, such as equipment substitutions and changes in plant lay- out. Consideration of these techniques is possible for new plants because of the design flexibility provided during the planning stage of a new facility. INTRODUCTION The noise levels inside typical coal preparation plants often exceed 90 dBA, and occasionally exceed 100 dBA. 3 Be- cause preparation plant personnel can be exposed to these levels for appreciable portions of their work shifts, the noise exposures of these workers can often ex- ceed those permitted by current Fed- eral noise regulations.'* Recognizing the potential risk to the hearing of prepara- tion plant workers , the Bureau has spon- sored research into noise control tech- niques for coal preparation plants. 1 Mining engineer, Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. 2 Senior engineer, Bolt Beranek and New- man Inc., Cambridge, MA. 3 Ungar, E. E., G. E. Fax, W. N. Patter- son, and H. L. Fox. Coal Cleaning Plant Noise and Its Control (contract H01 33027, Bolt Beranek & Newman Inc.). BuMines OFR 44-74, 1974, 99 pp.; NTIS PB 235 852/AS. ^U.S. Congress. Federal Mine Safety and Health Amendments Act of 1977. Pub- lic Law 95-164, 91 Stat. 1317-1319. Much of the Bureau's early research has been directed toward noise control for existing plants , concentrating on identi- fying the major problems and evaluating retrofitable noise control treatments (such as resilient screen decks, impact pads , chute liners , and noise control curtains). This initial work produced a large amount of practical information on a variety of noise control treatments that can assist preparation plant opera- tors in reducing the noise levels in ex- isting plants. 5 ^Rubin, M. N. Demonstrating the Noise Control of a Coal Preparation Plant. Volume I. Initial Installation and Treatment Evaluation (contract H0155155, Bolt Beranak & Newman Inc.). BuMines OFR 104-79, 1977, 182 pp.; NTIS PB 299 963. . Demonstrating the Noise Con- trol of a Coal Preparation Plant. Volume II: Long Term Treatment Evaluation (con- tract H0155155, Bolt Beranek & Newman Inc.). BuMines OFR 143-83, 1982, 91 pp.; NTIS PB 83-237354. 121 More recently, the Bureau has investi- gated noise control techniques for new coal preparation plants. 6 New plants of- ten require a different noise control approach than do existing plants, because of advances in plant design; also more flexibility exists for equipment selec- tion and layout during the design stage. NOISE CONTROL FOR EXISTING FACILITIES This project (contract H0155155) ex- amined the benefits and limitations of a variety of noise control treatments and materials through in-plant tests. Al- though such tests do not permit the same degree of control and documentation as laboratory tests, it was felt that data obtained from actual use in commercially operating preparation plants would be more realistic, and thus more useful to the industry. PLANT DESCRIPTION The plant selected for this demonstra- tion project was the Consolidation Coal Co. Georgetown preparation plant. The Georgetown preparation plant was built in 1951 and was designed to pro- cess 1,650 tons of raw coal per hour. Although the plant was originally de- signed to clean both surface and under- ground coal, there was a distinct shift toward surface-mined coal during the course of this project. The plant was designed with three basic cleaning circuits: 1-1/2 by 7 in, 3/8 by 1-1/2 in, and by 3/8 in. As shown in figure 1, the raw coal entering the plant is first fed to a primary shaker screen where the oversized material is scalped off and crushed. The secondary sizing screens then separate the flow into the three size classifications. The large material from the top deck of the secondary screens is cleaned in two 6 Rubin, M. N., A. R. Thompson, R. K. Cleworth, and R. F. Olson. Noise Control Techniques for the Design of Coal Prepar- ation Plants (contract JO100018, Roberts & Schaefer Co. and Bolt Beranek & Newman Inc.). BuMines OFR 42-84, 1982, 135 pp.; NTIS PB 84-166180. McNally-Baum 7 jigs, and then sized and/or crushed before loadout. The middle size cut from the secondary screens is cleaned in two Chance sand flotation cones. The clean coal is then dewatered and sized on two clean coal desanding shakers and either sent to Wemco centrifuges for dry- ing (for the smaller material) or loaded out directly (for the larger material) . The fine coal from the secondary screens is cleaned on Deister tables and dried in Reineveld centrifuges before loadout. NOISE CONTROL STRATEGY The basic noise control strategy was to balance the need for operational data on a variety of commercially available mate- rials with the desire to provide a mea- sure of noise reduction in the demon- stration plant. After the demonstration plant was selected, a noise and opera- tional survey was conducted to (1) iden- tify the major noise sources within the plant, (2) determine the noise exposures of plant personnel, and (3) obtain opera- tional data on maintenance, access, and visual-monitoring requirements. Because the selection of equipment to be treated was based on worker exposure, as well as the need for performance data on a vari- ety of commercially available noise con- trol materials , plant areas were categor- ized as either type I (continuous), type II (partial) , or type III (limited) ac- cording to the exposure time of plant personnel. Those pieces of equipment located in type' I or II areas and having high sound levels were considered high priority sources in the selection of equipment for 'Reference to specific brand names does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Mines. 122 -From 1,500-ton raw coal bin Plus 7-in mesh McNally 1 1 1 1 1 Blending and mixing M*BWaa|riMHHBiB conveyor Flash dryers ^^^> ® FIGURE 1. - Flow chart of Georgetown preparation plant. Loading trocks and boding booms treatment. In general, this program con- centrated on treatments for screens, chutes , and dryers . NOISE CONTROL TREATMENTS The majority of the noise control treatments selected for use in the demon- stration plant fall into the following four categories: 1. Resilient screen decks. 2. Resilient impact pads. 3. Chute liners. 4. Mass-loaded vinyl curtains. Vibrating screens are probably the largest and most difficult to control noise source in coal preparation plants in general, and in this demonstration plant in particular. For the older, low- speed , crank-arm shakers , the primary noise generating mechanism is the impact of the material flow on the metal screen deck. In modern, high-speed, eccentric- weight screens, the noise generated by the drive mechanism can also be a major contributor. A number of manufacturers produce screen decks with a resilient (elasto- meric) top surface that is intended to reduce the impact noise generated by the material flowing over the deck. To eval- uate this feature, a variety of resilient screen decks were selected for testing. Because a redesign of the screen's drive mechanism was beyond the scope of this retrofit project, resilient screen deck- ing was the primary screen modification investigated. 123 Although the initial tests in the Georgetown plant verified that these re- silent decks were capable of reducing the coal-screen impact noise (fig. 2), sev- eral operational problems were also iden- tified. These were blinding (particular- ly for the thicker decks on the crank-arm shakers), and delamination of the resili- ent top surface of the elastomer-clad steel decks. To determine if these oper- ational problems were common to other plants, and if the newer resilient decks (which had come on the market during the monitoring period) had improved over those initially tested, supplementary screen deck tests were conducted in four other preparation plants. These supplementary screen deck tests were performed in conjunction with Hen- drick Mfg. Co. and Laubenstein Mfg. Co., two of the major screen manufacturers in the United States. Each company made arrangements for testing with two coal preparation plant operators , provided the screen decks to be tested, and arranged for one of its representatives to super- vise the installation and monitor the performance of the test decks. Each screen manufacturer provided rep- resentative samples of the two most common types of elastomer-clad decks produced at the time. For Hendrick, these included: (a) a 48-durometer Gates SBR rubber that was vulcanized to steel punch plate, and (b) a 40-durometer Lina- tex natural rubber cold-bonded to the steel base plate. Laubenstein' s decks were manufactured from an 80-durometer Tuffgard polyurethane that was cast onto a steel punch plate, and a 40-durometer 9 . 110 2 _1 CM 2 UJ E ° > V. CO LlI a 3* 100 lu co w 90 - > CO » P or m on. -o 80 I ft above steel screen deck ft above resilient, screen deck J < 31.5 125 500 2,000 8,000 OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 2. - Sound pressure levels measured over steel and resilient screen decks. Linatex natural rubber cold-bonded steel punch plate. to a In these supplementary screen deck tests, blinding was not found to be a significant factor in any of the four plants in which the tests were performed, and delamination was evident in only one of the four preparation plants. Although the service life of the screen decks varied significantly from one plant to the next, the urethane-cast-to-steel decks proved to be particularly durable, providing almost 2 yr of service in one plant and 1.5 yr in another. In fact, in the latter plant, the panels screened more than 1.5 million tons of coal, and lasted approximately five times longer than the original steel decks (fig. 3). The panels were eventually removed because of cracks in the steel backing rather than wear of the urethane coating. Resilient impact pads were installed in the Georgetown demonstration plant at the discharge of various belts, basket eleva- tors, screens, and chutes to reduce the noise generated when the material flow impacted the steel chute walls (fig. 4). The impact pads selected were primarily rubber or polyurethane compounds. Both flat and profiled (i.e., ribbed) configu- rations were used, depending upon the impact angle. o in O LU CO UJ UJ > rf UJ _l $ Q 3 LlI Li. 1— I UJ > (- LU < ^ _l 3 -i 1 1 1 r Urethane feed panel replaced with one with larger holes — I — ' — i — i — i — <- Urethane discharge panels from screen A installed on feed end of screen B Worn area on rubber feed panel, hole elongation "cp- All urethaneJ panels removed because of cracks in steel backing Slight hole elongation on new rubber feed panel 6 8 10 12 TIME, months of service 14 16 18 FIGURE 3. - Service history of test decks in plant D. 124 Rubber impact pad FIGURE 4. - Impact pad and chute liner installations. greater noise reduction potential than the rigid materials. Figure 5 illus- trates the noise reduction achieved with rubber chute liners in a closed chute. All of these materials, however, had only a limited effectiveness in open chutes because of the noise inherent in the material flow. The plastic tiles were found to be quite durable when subjected to smooth, sliding flows, but wore quick- ly when exposed to tumbling or impacting flows. The ceramic tiles, while more durable in tumbling flows, did show evi- dence of cracking over time. The rubber- lined chutes that handled 1-1/2- by 3/8-in-material also proved to be quite durable as long as the rubber was care- fully bonded to the chute walls. Experience at this demonstration plant indicated that these pads were not only effective in reducing the noise resulting from the impact of the material flow, but they could also be a cost-effective solu- tion. That is, when designed and in- stalled properly, the service life of these impact pads can sufficiently exceed that of the original steel plates, which would compensate for their higher initial cost. These tests also confirmed that impact angle and pad thickness are the primary design parameters that must be carefully chosen to achieve maximum per- formance from the pads. Because the noise generated by the continual impact of material flow on steel chute walls is a major noise prob- lem in many plants , including the demon- stration plant, several types of chute linings were selected for evaluation. Information was also sought on the ser- vice life of these materials since some are sold on the basis of extended service life (as compared with ordinary steel life) , in addition to their noise reduc- tion potential. The chute lining materials evaluated included ultrahigh molecular weight plas- tic and ceramic tiles, as well as sheet rubber. The materials were installed in both open and closed chutes. As expected, the resilient materials had a Finally, these tests also confirmed that simply installing covers on open-top chutes can be a very effective, yet rela- tively low cost, noise control treatment. It should be recognized, however, that this treatment can make visual monitor- ing more difficult and therefore must be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Flexible curtains installed on overhead tracks were used to enclose or sepa- rate noisy equipment that could not be treated effectively through other means. These curtains have a number of advan- tages over rigid enclosures (such as adaptability to dense, complicated equip- ment layouts and ease of opening or re- moval for access and maintenance) which are particularly desirable in coal preparation plants. Of concern in this evaluation was not only the noise reduc- tion potential, but how durable they were m*9 PKdd 80 OO.T3 o _L KEY Unlined steel chute, 103 dBA Rubber lined chute, 98 dBA I I L 31.5 125 500 2,000 OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY, Hz 8,000 FIGURE 5. - Sound pressure levels measured 6 in. from unlined and lined discharge chutes. 125 and whether their use imposed any sig- nificant operating restrictions on the plant. The curtains used in this project (pri- marily fiberglass reinforced, 3/4-lb/ft 2 , mass-loaded vinyl) proved to be both ef- fective from a noise control point of view, and very durable. The Velcro hook- and-loop closures were also found to be quite durable when sewn, rather than glued, on the curtains. Figure 6 illus- trates the noise reduction achieved by a typical installation. While the presence of the curtains did require that opera- tors open them to make visual inspec- tions, this was far easier than with rig- id enclosures. The curtains did not have a major impact on plant operation. id x o CM 00 ■o < CD LU CJ o LlI > LlI 60 -i 1 1 1 1 — Inside closed curtains (985dBA) Curtains open (95.5 dBA) Outside closed curtains (89.5 dBA) 31.5 125 500 2,000 8,000 OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 6. - Sound pressure levels measured at Wemco dryer curtains. NOISE CONTROL FOR NEW FACILITIES As indicated previously, new prepara- tion plants often require a different noise control approach than do existing facilities. This stems from advances in plant design, as well as the ability to make changes in equipment selection and layout during the design stage. While advances in coal preparation technology occur relatively slowly, the mix and type of equipment being used in new coal prep- aration plants is constantly evolving. Furthermore, it is sometimes possible, during the design stage of a new plant, to locate equipment and modify specifica- tions to compensate for the effect of noise control treatments. Although there are practical limits to such changes , this design flexibility can shift the balance when evaluating noise control al- ternatives. In existing plants, the cost of such modifications can be prohibitive and, therefore, limit the noise control options available. Considering the differences between noise control approaches for new and ex- isting preparation plants, the Bureau initiated a second project (contract J0100018) to study and document those noise control techniques that are suit- able for new preparation plants. Worker noise exposure can be minimized in new preparation plants by both care- ful plant layout and design, and treat- ment of individual equipment. Effective techniques during plant layout include isolation of high-noise areas, modifica- tion of personnel traffic patterns, and possibly even the selection of alterna- tive processes. Equipment treatment can include selection of low-noise models as well as retrofit treatment of standard equipment . PLANT LAYOUT AND DESIGN Isolation of noisy equipment can be im- portant for both mobile and stationary plant personnel. Ordinarily, the noise produced by equipment such as screens , chutes , crushers , and centrifuges propa- gates from floor to floor through open gratings , machinery wells , and stairways , thus keeping most of the plant at or above 90 dBA. The result is that super- visors , mechanics , and other mobile per- sonnel accumulate unnecessary noise dos- ages as they move about the plant. In addition, it is not uncommon to find shop areas located adjacent to high-noise equipment , such as vacuum pumps . In such cases , shop personnel may accumulate 126 noise dosages even though their own work in the shop may be relatively quiet. Providing the necessary isolation at the design stage through careful plant layout, partitioning off machinery wells and stairways, and floor-to-floor isola- tion (e.g. , through the use of concrete floors) is generally more cost effective than resorting to retrofit treatments af- ter the plant is operating to achieve the necessary noise reduction. Figure 7 il- lustrates one relatively simple method of isolating a main stairway and machinery well from a noisy screening floor. For equipment that will need to be en- closed, either individually or in groups, careful positioning along exterior walls (or preferably in a corner of the build- ing) can minimize the wall construction costs, as well as any interference with worker traffic patterns, lighting, pipe runs, etc. Positioning enclosed pieces of equipment along outside walls also simplifies ventilation design for the equipment and facilitates exterior vent- ing for blowers. Attended equipment and control panels should also be carefully located to minimize unnecessary noise ex- posure of personnel. For example, the relatively quiet flocculent mixing sta- tion located on the right side of figure 7 , which must be attended several hours per day, would be better located on a quieter floor, or placed in a corner to reduce the cost of isolating it from the screening noise. Remote monitoring of noisy equipment can also reduce unnecessary noise expo- sure of plant personnel. While video cameras have occasionally been used in some operations, and computer-controlled Elevator Machinery well Heavy media vessel rOverhead door Drain and rinse ^Secondary magnetic separator Qjg— — Flocculent mix tank Secondary magnetic separator Heavy media vessel FIGURE 7. - Sample floor plan of screening floor. 127 equipment monitoring is becoming more common, these systems can be relatively expensive. They are, however, not the only possibilities. One simple technique is to use enclosed, gallery-type observa- tion walkways to provide plant personnel with the desired visual access without exposing them to excessive equipment noise. Figure 8 shows, conceptually, what one of these galleries might look like. Ideally, the walkway would be linked to isolated stairways as described previously. Although noise is not normally a primary determinant in process design and equipment selection, some of these decisions will have a direct effect on the noise control requirements for the plant. For example, while the noise lev- el of process equipment often increases with the size, it is sometimes easier to isolate a few large pieces of equipment rather than many smaller units. The use of multiple pieces of equipment also tends to distribute the noise throughout the plant, which can make the design of some noise control treatments more complicated. In terms of how equipment selection can affect the plant noise control re- quirements , a good example is fines dewa- tering equipment because the noise varies FIGURE 8. - Schematic of gallery-type walkway. 128 significantly between specific types. Of the commonly used in-plant equipment , vacuum pumps for disk filters tend to be the noisiest, and are capable of produc- ing noise levels over 100 dBA in pump rooms; belt and filter presses can be some of the quietest equipment, capable of operating at less than 90 dBA at typi- cal operator positions. NOISE CONTROL OF INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT Although careful layout and design of a new plant can simplify and/or reduce the noise control requirements for individual equipment, generally it will still be necessary to specifically reduce the noise of some plant equipment. There are two basic alternatives for noise reduc- tion of plant equipment; (1) specify and purchase low-noise models , where avail- able, and (2) treat the standard equip- ment using retrofit treatments. There will also be instances when a combination of the two represents the most appropri- ate approach. Electric motors are probably the best example of equipment for which low-noise models are commercially available. While not the noisiest equipment in preparation plants, electric motors are used through- out the plant and can result in a sig- nificant noise problem, particularly when grouped together (such as on a pump floor) . The design features that are incorpor- ated into low-noise motors include low-noise fans (typically unidirectional fans), class F insulation that allows the motor to operate with less ventilation, better aerodynamic design of the housing and end frames , and better bearings for reduced mechanical noise. These features result in motors that are significantly quieter than standard designs; this is evidenced by comparing the sound spectra shown in figure 9 for comparable Westing- house 150-hp TEFC motors. Furthermore, some of the features that make a motor quiet also make it more efficient, and some manufacturers have incorporated these low-noise features into their line of energy-efficient mo- tors. For instance, GE's line of energy- efficient motors are approximately 3 pet higher in efficiency than its standard motors and produce sound levels compar- able to its low-noise motors. These mo- tors are about 25 pet more expensive than the standard units; depending upon hours of operation and power cost, they can have payback periods on the order of 1 to 4 yr. The noise control, therefore, can be obtained at no extra cost in the long run. Vacuum pumps are another example of equipment for which low-noise versions are commercially available. Currently, it is possible to purchase treated ver- o (O-l ° LlI -°, Q > =1 100 co O cc Q. Ill > Eu _i a x * - UJ 125 500 2,000 8,000 OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 9. - Comparison of octave band sound pressure levels for a TEFC Westinghouse 1,800- rpm, 150-hp standard motor versus quiet-line mo- tor (typical no-load sound pressure levels at 3 ft in a free field). o (Oj o < LlI CM CD- 1 O LULU H CO ow LU cr Q. 50 KEY Medium sized, 76 dBA Large sized, 75 dBA 31.5 125 500 2,000 8,000 OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 10. - Sound spectra for Siemens ELM0- F vacuum pump. (Adapted from Siemens AG data sheet E-726/1086-101.) 129 sions of the commonly used positive dis- placement, rotary-lobe pumps, as well as liquid-ring vacuum pumps that are inher- ently quieter than the positive dis- placement pumps because of basic design differences. Figure 10 shows the sound spectra that Siemens specifies for two of its typical liquid-ring pumps. Liquid- ring vacuum pumps, however, are more ex- pensive than positive displacement types , and require seal water with relatively low solids content and neutral pH. As discussed earlier, retrofit noise control treatments for preparation plant equipment have been the subject of Bureau investigations for some time. Work cited in footnotes 5 and 6 provide detailed discussions of a number of these treat- ments. Not only are these treatments ap- plicable to new preparation plants, many are also easier to incorporate into new plants because of the flexibility avail- able at the design stage. Resilient chute linings and impact pads are notable examples since the sizes, angles, and mounting configurations of the chutes can be optimized at the design stage to fa- cilitate the use of these materials. SUMMARY This paper, of course, discusses only a few of the wide variety of noise con- trol techniques available to preparation plant operators and designers. Many of the retrofit treatments that were field tested under early Bureau contracts proved to be both effective and durable. The design concepts studied more recently for new plants provide plant designers with techniques to minimize unnecessary noise exposure and thereby reduce the eventual noise control costs. While there are some plant areas that can benefit from additional research, the techniques and materials that are cur- rently available make it possible to achieve meaningful reductions in the noise exposures of personnel for both new and existing plants. 130 OVERVIEW OF BUREAU OF MINES HEARING PROTECTION RESEARCH By Gerald W. Redmond 1 and J. Alton Burks 2 ABSTRACT Hearing protective devices (HPD's) can be a useful adjunct in an overall program designed to control the noise exposure of miners. Performance data on HPD's ob- tained using standard laboratory measure- ments appear to overestimate the amount of protection from noise overexposure a working miner may receive from these de- vices. In order to more effectively evaluate hearing protector performance, the Bureau of Mines is investigating the basic parameters that influence the noise attenuating properties of HPD's. Initial phases of this research have focused on ear muff -type protectors. Alternative methods for the determination of total attenuation of ear muffs have been com- pared with the standard laboratory proce- dure and potential problem areas have been defined. Investigation of human physiological parameters that may affect the intrinsic noise level under a single earcup is being made to measure the abso- lute or baseline value that might be used as a reference level for the physical measurement of ear muff attenuation. INTRODUCTION Exposure to high levels of noise is recognized as a serious potential health hazard. Hearing loss due to noise over- exposure in industry is well documented. In addition to hearing loss, the litera- ture contains references of nonauditory effects of noise exposure that indicate general stress reactions, disturbance of sensory functions such as vision, and impairment of task performance and per- ception of speech. Included are reports of increased cardiovascular disease, gen- eral increases in various medical prob- lems and absenteeism, higher accident rates, etc., in noise — exposed workers when compared with groups of workers with less severe noise exposure. Consequent- ly, various criteria have been developed to eliminate or minimize the potential hazards of noise overexposure. Mining is a noisy industry. Mechanized operations provide the most severe noise exposures. In surface mining, jumbo rock drills typically produce noise levels in the range of 110 to 120 dBA, and bull- dozer operators are often exposed to Industrial hygienist. ^Physical scientist. Pittsburgh Research Center, Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. Bureau of levels that may exceed 100 dBA. In un- derground mining, hand-held percussion drills and automated mining machines, such as a continuous miner, produce noise levels often greater than 90 dBA. It is not unlikely then that a significant por- tion of miners are chronically exposed to levels of noise that may be considered harmful to hearing. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR 30) provides regulations for the assess- ment and control of noise exposure to miners in the mineral resource industry. Although minor differences in the regula- tions exist for various types of mining, the primary goal in each is to prevent permanent hearing loss in miners. An exposure level of 90 dBA of continuous noise is allowed for an 8-h shift, with 5-dBA increases in noise level allowed for a successive reduction of one half the allowable exposure time, up to a max- imum of 115 dBA for 15 min. Levels must be monitored to insure compliance. If overexposures are observed, they must be brought into compliance. Engineering and/or administrative control procedures are required to abate the overexposure. Engineering control involves the reduc- tion of noise by modification of the 131 source or by preventing noise generated by the source from reaching the worker. The noise pathway and/or the noise inten- sity can be reduced to acceptable levels in the worker's environment. This method is preferable since it places no burden on the worker to reduce the hazard. Usu- ally some time is required to install en- gineering controls on a piece of equip- ment, and unless the equipment is out of operation, overexposure can continue. Occasionally these controls, while reduc- ing the worker's exposure to noise do not entirely eliminate the problem and some degree of overexposure persists. In some instances, the technology to control a particular source of overexposure is not available. Administrative control involves re- structuring work patterns or product flow to reduce workers' risks of overexposure. For example, workers who are exposed to a high noise level may be shifted to a less noisy job for part of their working time to allow their total exposure to the health to be brought within acceptable limits. This control method is often difficult to implement. It can cause significantly higher production costs, require greater numbers of trained em- ployees for some tasks, and, if the con- tinuous noise level is greater than 115 dBA, it cannot be used. As a temporary measure until engineer- ing-administrative controls are in place, personal HPD's may be used. CFR 30, part 70, subpart F, paragraph 70.510 and part 71, subpart I, paragraph 71.805 require a "continuing, effective hearing conserva- tion program to assure compliance," which includes the availability of personal ear protective devices to miners. program designed to protect the worker's hearing when additional protection is needed or other methods of control are not feasible. Noise, or unwanted sound, of sufficient intensity can cause hearing damage when it enters the human ear. HPD's prevent the transmission of sound from the en- vironment to the ear by providing a barrier that does not permit the total sound intensity from passing through the protector. The most common types of personal hear- ing protectors are earplugs and ear muffs. Earplugs are made of pliant mate- rial and are intended to fit snugly into the outer ear canal. Ear muffs are cir- cumaural devices that enclose the entire external ear and prevent the passage of sound. Individual earcups enclose each ear and are held in place with pressure provided by a headband. Soft cushions filled with foam or fluid are intended to seal the space between the head and the ear muff. The ear muff is formed of rig- id, dense material for maximum protec- tion. The inside of the earcup is usual- ly filled with open-celled foam material to absorb high frequency sound that may resonate in the cavity of the muff. Variants of the basic types of pro- tectors include cotton wool, which is inserted into the ear canal; headsets, which generally contain communication equipment or filtering electronics to allow only selected sound to pass; semi- inserts, which rest on and occlude the entrance of the ear canal; and complete head enclosures. METHODS OF EVALUATING HPD's USE OF HEARING PROTECTIVE DEVICES Personal hearing protectors represent the least desirable means of controlling a worker's noise exposure. Hearing pro- tectors, like respirators, etc., impose a burden on the worker while the source of the environmental hazard has not been eliminated or altered. However, they can provide a useful adjunct in an overall ANSI S3. 19-1974 outlines standard pro- cedures for evaluating the attenuation (noise reduction) provided by HPD's. The real-ear method is used to measure the hearing threshold of a number of human subjects and then the measurement is repeated on the same subjects while they are wearing the HPD's. The difference in decibels between the unoccluded (no HPD worn) threshold and the subject's 132 threshold while wearing an HPD is the protector's attenuation capability. This is averaged for the various subjects and presented for each audiometric frequency. This laboratory method is the standard method most commonly used to measure the effectiveness of HPD's. A physical method is also described in ANSI S3. 19-1974, which uses a dummy head covered with simulated "human" skin made of a plastic material. A measurement mi- crophone is embedded in one ear. Hearing protectors are placed on the dummy head or into the ear canal of the dummy head, and a sound field is generated around the head. The difference, at the respective frequencies, between the measured inten- sity at some distance outside of the dummy head (and outside of the HPD) and that measured on the inside of the dummy ear is the attenuation of the HPD. LIMITATIONS TO THE USE OF HEARING PROTECTORS No HPD is a perfect attenuator that can eliminate all sound transmission. The effectiveness of an HPD to provide its measured attenuation depends on factors related to the manner in which sound en- ergy is transmitted through or around the HPD. Figure 1 presents the pathways by which sound can reach the ear while a person is wearing hearing protectors. These include (1) small air leaks in the seal between the hearing protector and the head surface, (2) transmission through the material of the HPD, (3) vi- bration of the HPD in response to the ex- ternal sound energy impinging upon it, and (4) bone conduction whereby sound is transmitted through the skull. Theoretical Protection Limits If the entrance to the ear canal could be occluded with a material impervious to sound, sound would still reach the inner ear through tissue and bone conduction of sound through the skull. This tends to provide a theoretical maximum amount of attenuation one could expect from an HPD. Although this limit has not been precise- ly determined, figure 2 illustrates the observed range of bone and tissue conduc- tion in individuals. The value varies by individual and frequency, but an average value of 50 dB below the open air conduc- tion level of hearing is often used as the maximum sound attenuation one could expect from a perfect HPD. i Practical Limits of Protection Certain design considerations tend to further limit the amount of attenuation that can be achieved by hearing protec- tors. These include size of protector and type of material used. Earplugs must be small enough to fit into the ear ca- nal. Ear muffs must be large enough to Bone and tissue Protector vibration 1 ' i r 1 Outer ear Middle ear Inner ear Material leaks , , Air leaks FIGURE 1. - Noise pathways to ear when individuals are wearing hearing protectors. 133 20 m 30 t5 z UJ I- 5 40 - 50 60 I ' ' ' ' I 1 ' — i i ■ • ■ Limitation set by ear muff vibration Limitation set by earplug vibration Range of bone and tissue conduction I i i l.ii.l I 100 200 500 1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 2. - Attenuation limits of hearing pro- tectors imposed by bone conduction and protector vibration. enclose the space around the ear, but must be made sufficiently small to accom- modate the dimensional characteristics of the human head and minimize irregulari- ties over which the acoustic seal takes place. Materials used to construct earplugs should be pliant enough to fit snugly into the ear canal and prevent leaks. Protector earcups on ear muffs should be made of rigid, dense material and the ear muff cushions should be made of soft, pliant material to provide an adequate seal around the ear. Also, the weight of the material used in making ear muffs is an important factor in comfort and fit. Figure 2 indicates limitations in at- tenuation due to earplug and ear muff vi- bration. The effectiveness of the HPD is significantly less at lower frequencies (below 1 kHz for plugs and below 500 Hz for muffs). In this frequency range the overall performance of the HPD is con- trolled by the transmission loss charac- teristics of the materials used in con- struction of the device. This limit, rather than bone conduction, determines the maximum attenuation one might expect from an HPD. Sound consisting of frequencies with a wavelength on the order of the size of the earcup of an ear muff can pass into the protector and resonate. The earcup acts as a Helmholtz resonator and the sound intensity can be amplified rather than reduced. Open-celled foam is gener- ally placed on the inside of the earcup to minimize this phenomenon. At best then, a good HPD can be ex- pected to provide a maximum average at- tenuation of 25 to 35 dB. As a rule, ear muffs offer greater attenuation at higher frequencies than earplugs (fig. 3). A combination of the two generally provides greater protection than each one individ- ually (fig. 4). Although the total pro- tection at any given frequency is not CO 10 20 < 30 50 *--- 1 ' ■ 1 ■ ' ' ■ 1 i Earplug i ' ' i . . i - >-- Ear muff i , . i .... i 125 250 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 8,000 FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 3. - Comparison of the attenuation of an ear muff and an earplug. 10 m 20 < 30 z UJ £ 40 50 i i — I — i — i — r— r Earplug and ear muff _! 100 200 500 1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 FREQUENCY, Hz FIGURE 4. - Mean attenuation of an earplug, an ear muff, and combination. 134 merely the simple sum of the individual attenuations, a rule of thumb estimates the average resultant attenuation of about 6 dB greater than the higher atten- uation of the individual HPD at most test frequencies. FIELD PERFORMANCE OF HPD's Laboratory measurements of real-ear attenuations provided by HPD's tend to approach those practical reductions in sound intensity that might be achieved. There is evidence to suggest that the ef- fectiveness of HPD's when worn under working conditions is not as great as measured in the laboratory. Thunder (1_), 3 in a comparison of a specific ear protector on "normal" and hearing im- paired subjects, indicated that the real- ear method as described in ANSI S3. 19- 1974 may overestimate the attenuation of HPD's used in a noisy environment. In a NIOSH-sponsored study, Edwards (2- 3^) indicated that for noise reduction by earplugs, noise attenuation levels mea- sured in the field were only 35 to 50 pet of the potential attenuation levels mea- sured in the laboratory. A study done by Holland (4^) compared the use of V51-R earplugs with attenua- tion of noise achieved by applying finger pressure on the tragi (the tragus is the fleshy protrusion at the front of the ex- ternal opening of the ear) to close off the ear canal; placing the fingers in the ear canal; and firmly pressing the palms of the hands over the external ear. The results indicated that the use of tragus pressure provided the most effective at- tenuation, palm pressure and fingers slightly less attenuation, and the ear- plug the least attenuation. Berger (5) compiled data shown in ta- ble 1 , which compares laboratory or manu- facturers data on the noise reduction rating with observed field measurement's of noise reduction for various HPD's. In all cases , the laboratory measurements indicate greater average attenuations than field measurements. These data were compiled from several sources and may reflect some variation because of mea- surement technique, differences in sample size, and other factors, but the trend is consistent. Air Leaks -^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this paper. It is apparent that noise reductions achieved in the field are much lower than those demonstrated in the laboratory. TABLE 1. - Comparison of laboratory- and field-measured noise reduction rating (5) , decibels Laboratory Field No. of measurements Earplugs : 29 17 15 23 14 16 26 23 22 23 23 25 20 13 6 3 2 2 3 7 15 12 11 11 20 14 152 291 V51-R 95 296 MSA Acuf it 13 56 Ear muffs: Safety Supply 258.... MSA MK IV 18 17 15 58 47 Welsh 4530 5 101 135 The primary cause for this is due to im- proper seal of the HPD, which allows air to leak between the HPD and skin. An 0.5-mm air leak can reduce the attenua- tion of a hearing protector by about 5 to 10 dB. Small leaks significantly reduce the low frequency attenuation of sound and as the leak becomes larger, attentua- tion is reduced at all frequencies (6) . Seal leaks are primarily caused by poor or improper fitting HPD's. Ear muffs worn over long hair, eyeglasses, or other objects provide less attenuation because of leakage caused by an incomplete seal. Nixon (7) reported that ear muffs worn over eyeglasses lose from 1 to 10 dB of attenuation at the individual frequen- cies. Ear muff cushions can become stiff and crack because of age, which also causes air leaks. Unless earplugs are seated properly in the ear canal, a tight seal does not occur between the earplug and the surface of the ear canal, thus causing air leakage and a reduction in attenuation. The headband on an ear muff or ear-canal-cap-type protector loses compliance after some usage. This re- duces the force placed upon the HPD, which in turn reduces the effectiveness of the seal and allows air leakage. When HPD's are worn in the field, body move- ment, jaw movement, etc., can create small air leaks in the seal. Thus , leakage of air around the protec- tor is the primary factor limiting the amount of noise reduction afforded by a HPD. Under laboratory conditions , those factors that allow air leakage can be adequately controlled. However, in the field the same control is not possible, and expected attenuations are rarely achieved. Comfort Comfort of fit is another factor to consider in evaluating an HPD. Tight- fitting earplugs or ear muffs can effec- tively reduce noise, but can become un- comfortable upon extended wear. Soft materials can be used for the plug con- struction or the ear seals of muffs, but in general these materials are not as effective in preventing the transmission of sound (material leaks). A compromise must usually be reached, which tends to reduce the potential effectiveness of the HPD. Speech Communication and Acoustic Cue s In many noisy environments , workers must be able to communicate and hear warning signals as well as other acoustic cues. HPD's can interfere with the abil- ity of workers to receive acoustic infor- mation necessary to perform their jobs safely. The effect on communication is varied. In a quiet environment, the use of HPD's can reduce the intelligibility of speech unless the speech sound is of sufficient intensity. At about 85 to 90 dBA, various sources indicate that HPD's may improve intelligibility of speech and other signals. This is due to a mutual reduction in the signal and noise, which prevents overloading of the hearing mech- anism and allows the ear to handle the signal more efficiently. Kerivan (8) re- ports that pitch discrimination in noise by workers in a submarine engine room was reduced by the use of earplugs. Spectral cues necessary for excellent performance was impaired to a greater degree (25 pet) by the use of ear muffs. Durkin (9) found that "for speakers talking at normal levels of 65 dBA or less , . . . hearing protectors signifi- cantly reduced speech intelligibility." In an in-flight evaluation of four aural protectors, Parker (10) reported that two problems associated with the use of earplugs were comfort and interference with cabin communication. Russell (11) reported impairment of localization (that ability to identify direction of sound) with the use of HPD's. Howell (12) investigated the effect of HPD's on speech communication. It was concluded that "when hearing protectors are worn by both talker and listener, the composite effect is an overall reduction in speech intelligibility." 136 Saperstein (13) suggested that roof talk (audible signals emanating from the roof in mining operations) could be dis- criminated equally well when wearing hearing protection as when not if the am- bient noise level was sufficiently high to warrant the use of HPD's. The above results are quoted for normal hearing. The effect observed for hearing impaired is uncertain. Additionally, the worker may perceive problems with HPD's, which will often affect acceptance of their use. PREVIOUS WORK Early efforts in the study of noise and hearing protection in underground coal mines was done under a Bureau of Mines contract (14) . Part of the research in- volved investigation of the ability of miners to understand speech of cowork- ers and hear roof talk signals with and without standard ear protectors. The findings indicated that below 90 dBA, discrimination of speech and roof talk signals were worse when hearing protec- tion was provided for both a group of normal hearing subjects and a group of subjects with a simulated hearing loss. At 90 dBA and higher, discrimination of roof talk in the two groups was compar- able or slightly better when hearing pro- tection was provided. In general, the conclusions drawn confirmed that the use of ear protectors in a noise environment of 90 dBA and above does not additionally impair discrimination of speech and roof talk signals. The results further indi- cated that hearing protection should only be used by miners if the sound level ex- ceeded 90 dBA. A discriminating ear muff was developed by the Bureau (9) to allow protection when noise exceeded 90 dBA, while improv- ing discrimination of speech and warning signals. An electrical system was incor- porated into the muff so that inputs hav- ing a sound pressure level of 83 dBA or less were passed unaffected to the ears of the wearer. Inputs greater than 83 dBA were progressively attenuated as the level increased to an upper limit of 90 dBA when the input level was 120 dBA. In tests performed at the Pennsylvania State University, discrimination scores of sub- jects were significantly improved below and above 90 dBA as compared with results of tests with normal protective devices. Field tests noted good protection while providing adequate communication in low- noise environments. Research conducted by Stewart (15-16) studied the noise attenuating properties of ear muffs worn by miners. The re- search effort was directed towards the study of the attenuating properties of ear muffs and development of a simple method to determine noise reductions pro- vided by HPD's in the field. Volume 1 of the report compared the measured attenuation of the standard psy- chophysical real-ear method to attenua- tion measured by a physical method that might be suitably adapted for field mea- surements. In the laboratory, this type of study permitted the control of several variables that may influence attenuation measurements in the field. The experi- ment was conducted using normal hearing human volunteers. Real-ear attenuations were measured for five different ear muffs using 12 subjects. With the same subjects, a physical measurement of at- tenuation was performed using calibrated microphones placed on the outside and inside of the earcup and measuring the incident sound field and the sound trans- mitted through and around the muff. The difference represented the attenuation of the muff. Test results indicated that average ear muff attenuation measured in the frequency range of 125 Hz to 2 kHz was comparable for both methods. Above 2 kHz, the difference in attenuation varied from 3 dB at the audiometric testing fre- quency of 3.15 kHz to about 7 dB at 6 and 8 kHz. For all subjects and all muffs, the differences were consistent with the physical measurement method, providing lower values at frequencies above 2 kHz. 137 A reason postulated for this observation was that at higher frequencies, the shorter wavelength allowed amplification associated with resonance of the open ex- ternal ear, which is eliminated by wear- ing of an ear muff. Volume 2 of the report discusses the application of the information obtained in the first phase of the study to the development of a laboratory procedure to measure physical attenuation as a pre- dictor of real-ear measurements of ear muffs. Dosimeters were modified to account for the observed differences between the physical and psychophysical measures pre- sented in earlier work. A system with linear response was used to measure the sound level outside an ear muff worn by a human subject, while a system incorporat- ing a "correction" filter to compensate for the average differences in the physi- cal and real-ear methods was used to mea- sure the inside muff noise levels. This method was moderately successful, but some apparently severe limitations were discovered in the adaptation of the method in the field. With reasonable control over the stimulus parameters and other experimental parameters , it was possible to use the physical measurement procedure to predict the psychophysical method of evaluation in the laboratory. However, positioning of the instrument on the subject was found to be important. Contact with the subject's body and mi- crophone cable movement resulted in re- cording of a high noise level under the muff. To provide an adequate signal-to- noise ratio, the stimulus sound pressure levels needed to be at least 100 dB in each one-third octave band of noise. Average attenuation brought the level of sound in the higher frequencies (2 to 8 kHz) inside the muff close to 65 dB. The measured noise floor under the muff was 57 dB. This difference in signal detec- tion is marginal. In the field, it is not common that sound pressure levels in the third octaves in the region above 2 kHz would exceed 100 dB. This would tend to invalidate the results. At lower frequencies where ear muff at- tenuation is much less, the needed sig- nal level for adequate high frequency re- sponse resulted in instrument overload. The conclusion was that these consider- ations would severely limit the applica- tion of the method to field use. CURRENT AND FUTURE BUREAU OF MINES INVESTIGATIONS OF HPD's With emphasis placed upon the use of HPD's as an adjunct to an adequate hear- ing conservation program in industry, it has become increasingly important to de- velop a simplified method of evaluating the performance of HPD's worn by miners in the field. The immediate objective of the Bureau study of personal HPD's is to investigate their attenuation characterisitics. Per- formance data obtained using a standard psychophysical method in the laboratory appears to overestimate the amount of protection against noise overexposure provided by HPD's when used by the worker in the field. In order to more accurate- ly measure the actual reduction of noise afforded the working miner by HPD's, basic parameters effecting the acoustic performance of HPD's are being investi- gated. Laboratory methods providing sig- nificant control of these parameters are being developed, which predict the at- tenuation of hearing protectors using standard methods of measurement. The ul- timate goal of the study will be to de- velop a laboratory procedure that can be adapted to measure the degree of protec- tion provided by HPD's in the field. The current study of hearing protec- tor performance characteristics will ini- tially evaluate work performed under Bureau contract JO188018, "Noise Attenu- ating Properties of Ear Muffs Worn by Miners." Limitations to the development of the method proposed under that study will be looked at more intensively. Alternative measurement techniques and 138 state-of-the-art signal and correlation analysis will be used to investigate the various parameters of limitations such as the measured noise floor under the muff. The causes of those limitations will be identified and assessment made of the de- gree to which those parameters affect the measurements and to what degree they can be controlled. 1. Identification of the parameters affecting the noise attenuation charac- teristics of HPD's. 2. Development of measurement methods to evaluate the parameters involved in hearing protector performance. 3. Evaluation of equipment needs. Alternative methods for determining attenuations in the field need to be pos- tulated and investigated. The procedure outlined by Stewart (16) is specific for ear muffs. It is desirable to devise a testing procedure that is generally applicable to all types of HPD's. Ear- plugs would be difficult to evaluate using Stewart's method. Therefore, seri- ous thought must be given to the appli- cation of this method and others to earplugs. The research can be expanded to provide a laboratory method of evaluation for HPD's that can accurately predict attenu- ations observed by the standard real-ear method. This has already been demon- strated for ear muffs. Upon development of a field method of evaluation of the attenuation character- istics of HPD's, it will be necessary to demonstrate the procedure in the field. Acquisition of field data is therefore anticipated as a future effort. 4. Assessment of the effect of the measurement method in altering the atten- uation characteristics of the hearing protector. 5. Quantification of the degree of protection from hearing loss afforded by the protective device. The research plan includes the follow- ing tasks: 1. Evaluate the limitations expressed in reference 16 — a. Quantify the noise floor gener- rated under an ear muff when worn. b. Evaluate if possible the physi- cal and physiological components of the noise floor. c. Determine what degree of con- trol can reasonably be anticipated over those parameters in attempting to lower that noise floor. The information gained in the program may additionally be used to provide de- sign criteria for hearing protectors used by miners that will provide adequate pro- tection under noisy conditions while not reducing miner safety. Status of Current Work The ultimate objective of the program is to develop a method for evaluat- ing hearing protector performance that might be adapted for use in the field. The initial phases of such a task is much more fundamental. Considerations currently being addressed include the following: d. Assess and attempt to minimize instrument effects in the measurement of attenuation. e. Evaluate level and spectral at- tributes necessary for making valid mea- surements that can be related to the standard psychophysical method of attenu- ation measurement. 2. Propose and investigate a method that is generally applicable to all types of HPD's. 3. Postulate and evaluate alternative methods of measurement of attenuation. 139 4. Develop a laboratory measurement procedure based on prior investigations of the parameters of measurement. 5. Demonstrate the measurement tech- nique under simulated conditions typical of work situations. 6. Field evaluate the method. To date, a literature review has been performed and pertinent articles se- lected. This task is continuing and will be updated as cogent information develops in the literature. Investigations have focused on the study of ear muff attenuation to main- tain continuity with previous contract work and because methods developed under that contract are more applicable to ear muffs. The most severe restriction im- posed by the research plan was the lack of a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio to make a suitable measurement of the atten- uation of an ear muff at high frequen- cies. This was attributed to a relative- ly high noise floor under the earcup of the muff when placed on the human head and sealed as tightly as possible. The first series of experiments was de- signed to confirm and quantify the pres- ence of a noise floor under an ear muff worn by a human subject. The experiments were conducted in a large anechoic cham- ber where the performance of hearing pro- tectors on human subjects could be accu- rately measured. Although the subject remained passive in the experiment (no human response was measured or necessary except for cooperation in remaining as quiet as possible during measurement pe- riods of the various levels at the fre- quencies of interest) , it was felt that certain characteristics of the human ear such as impedance, etc., could not easily or accurately be accounted for by use of things such as a dummy head. By using human ears these considerations could be neglected. A Knowles BT 4 series 1759 microphone was selected for measurement of the noise floor under the muff. This subminiature electret condenser microphone was se- lected because it had a reasonably flat frequency response in the frequency re- gion of interest for measurement (31.5 Hz to 8 kHz). Its dimensions were small so that it would not appreciably affect the volume under the earcup and its weight (0.28 g) would not appreciably add to the mass of the earcup. It could easily be attached to the entrance of the ear canal of the subject to measure the noise floor at that point. The microphone was cali- brated at 1 kHz and several other fre- quencies using an insert voltage tech- nique. A standard Bruel and Kjaer (B&K) type 4160 condenser microphone was used as reference. Initially, one subject was tested using one ear muff, the MSA Mark V. In order to evaluate the effect of some physio- gnomic and physical parameters that might influence the measurements , nine other volunteer subjects were recruited. These included three females , three bearded males , and three clean-shaven males . The Knowles microphone was taped to the sub- ject's neck just under the ear lobe with the microphone placed just outside the entrance of the ear canal and the leads firmly attached to the recessed area be- tween the jaw and the back of the neck. This arrangement allowed a firm seal of the ear muff over the lower portion of the ear. The right ear was used for all subjects. Coaxial wires were then at- tached to a 1617 B&K band pass filter and a 2606 B&K measuring amplifier outside of the anechoic chamber. The output of the measuring amplifier was then fed into a B&K model 2305 strip-chart recorder. The environmental levels of the noise in the chamber with the subject present were first determined. The muffs were then fitted tightly onto the subjects, and the noise floor determined at the frequencies of 31.5 Hz, 63 Hz, 125 Hz, 4 Use of manufacturer or brand names is for identification purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Mines. 140 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 KHz, 4 kHz, and 8 kHz, as before. The average measured noise floor ranged from 57.7 dB at 31.5 Hz dropping to 16.0 dB at 500 Hz and ris- ing slightly to 21.7 dB again at 8 kHz. The respective average environmental lev- els at these frequencies were 29.7, 16.1, and 21.7 dB. The same measurements were made with the subjects wearing glasses or by simu- lating a small air leak near the temple. Average values for the noise floor at 31.5 Hz, 500 Hz, and 8 kHz were 46.2, 16.0, and 21.7 dB. The data are currently being analyzed and the human physiological parameters that influence' the measurements are being identified. Preliminary analyses tend to attribute the presence of the noise floor to human respiration and pulse, but the magnitude and frequency characteriza- tion of these two parameters have not yet been determined. These factors appear to have a significant influence on the noise floor under the muff only at frequencies less than 500 Hz. The problems antici- pated in the investigation implied diffi- culties with inadequate signal-to-noise ratios at the higher frequencies for am- ple measurement. The procedure developed for the physical measurement of attenua- tion showed close agreement with the standard psychophysical measurement at frequencies below 500 Hz. Information from these initial studies require further analysis. Other experi- ments are being designed and conducted to further clarify the relationships and significance of the various parameters influencing the measurement of the at- tenuation of HPD's. These measurements are prudent and necessary for establish- ing baseline data for future investiga- tions into the performance of hearing protectors. REFERENCES 1. Thunder, T. D., and J. E. Lankford. Relative Ear Protector Performance in High Versus Low Sound Levels, J., Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc, v. 40, No. 12, Dec. 1979. ' 2. Edwards, R. G. , W. P. Hauser, N. A. Moiseev, A. B. Broderson, W. W. Green, and B. L. Lemper t. A Field Investigation of Noise Reduction Afforded by Insert- Type Hearing Protectors. HEW (NIOSH) Publ. 79-115, 1978, 43 pp. 3. Edwards, R. G., W. P. Hauser, N. A. Moiseev, A. B. Broderson, and W. W. Green. Effectiveness of Earplugs as Worn in the Workplace. Sound Vib. , v. 12, No. 1, Jan. 1978, pp. 12-10, 22. 4. Holland, H. H. , Jr. Attenuation Provided by Fingers, Palms, Tragi, and V51-R Ear Plugs. J. Acoust. Soc. Ameri- ca, v. 41, No. 6, June 1967, 15-45 pp. 5. Berger, E. H. Comparison of Labo- ratory Measured Noise Reduction Ratings , (NRR) With Those Measured in the Field. Pres. at OSHA Hearings on Noise in the Work Place, Dep. Labor Docket 329-37C, Standard 1910-95, Noise. 6. Olishifski, J. B., and E. R. Har- ford. Industrial Noise and Hearing Con- servation. National Safety Council (Chi- cago, IL), 1975, 1120 pp. 7. Nison, C. W. , and W. C. Knoblach. Hearing Protection of Earmuffs Worn Over Eyeglasses. Aerospace Med. Res. Lab. (Wright-Patterson AFB, OH) Rep. AMRL-TR- 74-61, June 1974, 31 pp. 8. Kerivan, J. E. The Effects of Ear- plugs and Earmuffs on Pitch Discrimina- tion in Noise. Naval Submarine Res. Lab. (Groton, CT) Interim Rep. NSMRL-888, Feb. 2, 1979, 15 pp. 9. Durkin, J. Effect of Electronic Hearing Protectors on Speech Intelligi- bility. BuMines RI 8358, 1979, 19 pp. 141 10. Parker, J. F., Jr. Protection Against Hearing Loss in General Aviation Operations, Phase 2. Final Rept. , con- tract NASW-2265, Sept. 1972. 11. Russel, G. , and W. Noble. Local- ization Response Certainty in Normal and Disrupted Listening Conditions; Toward a New Theory of Localization. J. Auditory Res., v. 16, No. 3, July 1976, pp. 143- 150. 12. Howell, K. , and A. M. Martin. In- vestigation of the Effects of Hearing Protectors on Vocal Communication in Noise. J. Sound Vib. , v. 41, No. 2, July 1975, pp. 181-196. 13. Saperstein, L. W. , and W. W. Kauf- man. Audible Warning Signals in Under- ground Coal Mines. Trans. Soc. Min. Eng. AIME, v. 258, No. 1, Mar. 1975, pp. 1-7. 14. Pennsylvania State University. Aspects of Noise Generation and Hearing Protection in Underground Coal Mines (grant GO122004). BuMines OFR 19-73, 1972, 158 pp. 15. Stewart, K. C, and E. J. Burgi. Noise Attenuating Properties of Earmuffs Worn by Miners. Volume 1: Comparison of Earmuff Attenuation as Measured by Psy- chophysical and Physical Methods (con- tract J0188018, Univ. PA). BuMines OFR 152(l)-83, 1980, 46 pp.; NTIS PB 83- 257063. 16. . Noise Attenuating Proper- ties of Earmuffs Worn by Miners. Volume 2: Development of a Laboratory Procedure for the Physical Measurement of Earmuff Attenuation (contract JO188018, Univ. PA). BuMines OFR 152(2)-83, 1980, 37 pp.; NTIS PB 83-257071. *U.S. GPO: 1984-705-020/5034 INT.-BU.OF MINES.PGH..P A. 27663 H**3 85 'V- to ^ t * *y8tei". ^ ^ ♦> ** * v ^-.c.*" J*^ K^°^ ^ s\:k-»-,\. .*?***&% ^ ^v!^%V >\sak^ >>!^.V ^ *bv" /^T*' A 'bF y ... ^ -•*■ ^ v ftNO ,^ '** 5 ^ ° * * * ^$* ^ & •fife*' ^ ** •* : > t ^>^ & % ^ * • °- c» *»•** ^ ^ ♦'TVT* A O *o.»* ,G V >* •2^%*°, A* *'^ ** f° <^°%^ A* \'^ ^ f° » o , ^ -J .• ,* r .A*°«ft J- *w •■ J ^<^ J ^v ,^ Ts , jP^. vyT 5 A A v .«■«*, 4< •* 4>* ^ ^"^ "«^\° A 40 ** :. < r". • •** .A "^» o« 0, 5l° V, ^OV" ,•. 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