Glass Book: 'B^s ' , / TWO LECTURES ON THE PRESENT AMERICAN AVAR. BY MOUNTAGUE BERNARD, B.C.L., CHICHELE PROFESSOR OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND DIPLOMACY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. NO r EMBER, M D CCC LXI. J. H. AM) J AS. PARKER. -*c> LECTUKE I. T^HE present war in America may be regarded from two ])oints of view — one external, the other internal. As foreigners, we may inquire how it affects, or may affect hereafter, the rights and obligations — I must not here add, the interests — of our own and other foreign comitries, and their established relations with the United States. This is the point of view proper to an English or Ereneh statesman ; this inquiry, up to a certain point, it has already been the duty of the chief European governments to make ; and it will be necessary for them to pursue it further, unless the course of events should take a different turn. So great and massive a structure as the American Commonwealth, though seated on a remote continent, and separated from ours by its tra- ditional policy of isolation as well as by an immense ocean, cannot fall asunder without sending a wave to break upon the shores of Europe, nor without raising a cloud of (piestions troublesome enough to exact from those who have to deal with them much circumspection and care. On the other hand, we may in imagination place ourselves within that circle of fire which is con- suming the gains of a most industrious, and the splendid hopes of a most restless, and ambitious people. In America itself, and among Americans, the revolution, should it run its course, will give rise to some (piestions strictly international, and to others of a class commonly handled by international jurists, though more properly belonging to public or constitutional law. The nature B 2 6 entitled to treat both the contending parties as bel- lif/crents — that is, as armed with the exceptional rights, and subject to the conventional restraints, which inter- national law bestows and imposes on independent powers at war with one another. This principle, we all know, has been acted on by the British and French Governments, and is in full operation. 8eco7idly, that when a revolted province or colony has succeeded in establishing its independence, and has ac- quired an organization sufficient for the discharge of ordinary international duties, foreign nations are entitled to recognise it as independent, though unacknowledged as such by the parent State. The time has not come, and perhaps may not come at all, for the practical ap- plication of this principle to the so-called Confederate States ; but the consideration of it, under existing cir- cumstances, can hardly be deemed premature. I Avill advert hereafter to the additions and qualifica- tions with which these propositions have been sometimes encumbered. They are true as they stand, without ad- dition or qualification. You will observe that these are two distinct proposi- tions, each applying to a distinct state of circumstances. The recognition of belligerency is quite distinct from that of independence. The one is provisional, the other definitive. The one concedes the exercise of certain limited privileges, which must expire with the termina- tion of the war ; the other acknowledges the recipient as entitled to all the ordinary rights, and subject to the responsibilities, which belong to a sovereign member of the family of nations. Each consists in applying to cer- tain facts certain considerations of equity and conveni- ence; but the facts are different, and the considerations, though nearly allied, are not the same. Lastly, the one iiiny, or may not, be followed by the other. A revolted })roviiice may be recognised as a belligerent, and yet may never achieve independence ; or may be recognised as independent by powers which never accorded to it belligerent rights while the contest was undecided. I. If we ask on what principle it is that this ])ro- visional recognition, which undoubtedly conveys some material advantages, may be granted to the rebel without just offence to the sovereign, we shall find the question variously answered. According to some, it is due as of right to any body of people enabled by their numbers and organization to carry on regular warfare. Don Jose Maria de Pando, an able Spanish publicist, who was born in Peru, and was for a time in the public service of that Eepublic after the battle of Ayacucho, is, naturally enough, of this opinion''. Others insist wholly on rea- sons of humanity and convenience. Both grounds are put, neatly and forcibly, in a well-known despatch of Mr. Canning's, written in answer to the remonstrances of the Turkish Government during the Greek war : — " The character of belligerency is not so much a principle as a fact ; a certain degree of force and consistency acquired by any mass of population engaged in war entitles that popu- lation to be treated as a belligerent, and even if their title were questionable, renders it tiie interest, well understood, of all civilized nations so to treat them. For what is the alter- native ? A power or community (whichever it may be called) which is at war with another, and which covers the sea with its cruisers, must either be acknowledged as a belligerent or treated as a pirate. The description of ' rebel,' under Avhich alone the Porte was willing to consider the Greeks, was not one which could constitute a rule for the conduct of foreign '' Pando, Elementos del Dcrcclio Inter nacional, p. 587, cd. 1852. s nations, except either on a presumption that foreign nations have a right to take cognizance of the internal disturbances of the Turkish dominions, (a right which, if admitted, some nations might exercise in favour of the Greek side of the quarrel,) or on the pretension that in a dispute between a sovereign and a portion of his subjects all foreign Govern- ments are bound by an overruling obligation to make common cause with the sovereign. If these two equally untenable pro- positions were rejected, (as they necessarily must have been by the British Government,) there remained but the single option between belligerent and pirate. But what monstrous conse- quences would follow from treating as pirates a population of millions of souls, to whom by that very treatment the right would be conveyed, and on whom, according to the natural law of self-defence, the obligation would be imposed of making terrible reprisals ! Humanity required that a contest, marked in its outset by disgusting barbarities, should be brought within the regulated limits of civilized war." Let me try to make this a little clearer. By " belli- gerent rights" we mean in this discussion the rights of war as they affect bystanders or neutrals. The rights which usage and opinion permit to e?iemies as against each other, bystanders have it not in their power either to concede or to deny. We cannot admit, any more than we can reject, the claim of the Southerners to have their soldiers or privateersmen who may fall into the enemy's hands treated as prisoners of war, however clearly to our minds prudence and humanity are in its favour. But it rests with us to determine whether we will allow our merchantmen to be visited and searched at sea by Southern cruisers or privateers for despatches or contraband, and whether we would recognise (were such a thing to become possible) a blockade of a Northern port by a Southern squadron. It might not be abso- lutely impossible for us, if we chose, to refuse these pri- 9 vilegcs to the South, without treating the Southern pri- vateers as pirates. But what would be tlie consequence ? Clearly this, that we must either refuse them to the North also, or nmst become really, though not actively, participants in the war. To submit to the visit of a Northern cruiser and resist a Southern one — to re- cognise the blockade of New Orleaus, uot being pre- pared also to recognise a blockade of New York — would be tantamount to becoming the allies of the North and the enemies of the South. In a word, we must quarrel with either one or both — an alternative which we are certainly at liberty to decline. The right to accord this qualified and provisional recognition is the direct consequence, and necessary safeguard, of the right to be neutral in a strife in which we have no concern. The same argument may be put, slightly varied, in the form of an ai'f/iimentum ad hominem. Since without belligerents there can be no war, and without war there can be no rights of war, it is clear that a Government which, in dealing with foreign nations, denies to its adversaries the belHgerent character, renounces ijjsofacfo the privileges of that character for itself. Snch a govern- ment, then, confines itself, as against foreigners, to snch rights only as it could enforce in time of peace. Although, therefore, in the exercise of those rights it may close (un- less restrained by treaty) any of its own ports to foreign trade, subject to the conscqnences of its conduct in that respect, it cannot assume the belligerent right of blockaded Neither can it search, arrest, or detain any foreign vessel on the hiGfh seas. " These two operations differ in their pi'actical effect on foreign commerce. The British Parliament took llie first course in 1775, by passing the American Prohibitory Act. The Spanish Govern- 10 In truth, a refusal of these privileges, which are esta- blished because they have come to be considered iiidis- raeut, iu 1822, attempted to prohibit all intercourse with the ports of Spanish America, but it was resisted (very justly under the circumstances) by England, and denounced by the United States as "an outrage on the rights of neutral nations ;" and to combine the proMUtion (which assumed that these ports were actually subject to Spain) with a hlocTcacle (which assumed the reverse) was affirmed by the latter Government to be absurd. Very lately it has insisted, against that of the Two Sicilies, that a nation cannot blockade its own ports. Mr. Lincoln's Proclamation of April 19, 1861, announced a blockade of all the ports in seven States, (afterwards extended to nine,) " in pursuance" — I take these words from the New York Herald — "of the laws of the United States and the law of nations." The Government of "Washington cannot be acquitted, I think, of having pushed to an extravagant length, in this war, the doc- trine of a helium mixtum, on whicli, in 1858, the Neapolitan Prize Commission condemned tlie " Cagliari." Little need be said, how- ever, on this head. A sovereign may undoubtedly declare, ex- pressly or virtually, that a state of war exists between himself and his revolted subjects, without foregoing his claim to their allegiance. After such a declaration, unless there were strong reason to consider it illusory, foreign nations would, as a matter of course, concede to him, and to his antagonists, the exercise of ordinary belligerent rights — as they might have done without a declaration, upon simjile proof of the existence of a war. If he should afterwards, during the contest, hang his prisoners, while treating captured property as prize, his conduct would not only be barbarous and unwise, but it would throw doubt upon the honajlxles of his declaration, and might raise questions as to the legal effect of sentences pronounced in his prize-courts. If, on the other hand, he should persist in treating his measures of hos- tility as mere measures of repression or restriction — as exertions of civil authority, and not as acts of war — (sending his captures, as in that case he must, before courts of municipal, not of inter- national law) — he would thereby preclude himself, as against foreigners, from claiming belligerent rights ; and the question might arise whether foi'cigncrs were bound to submit to restric- tions excluding tliem from ports and places not in his possession. 11 pcnsablc for the effectual prosecution of hostilities, would never be tolerated by any Power strong enough to resent it. No Government with arms in its hands, whatever its character or origin, would tamely submit to see its blockades set at nought, and its plans frustrated by the conveyance to the enemy, under the very guns of its own fleet, of despatches, troops, and munitions of war. Such a refusal would speedily be followed by hostile collisions on every sea, and the refusing nation would soon find itself engaged, against its will, in irregular warfare with those against whom it had no cause of quarrel. These considerations shew conclusively that for the concession of belhgerent rights there is but one neces- sary, as there is but one sufficient, justification — the ex- istence of war. Wherever the state of war exists, be the parties waging it who or what they may, it is the right of all those who are not concerned in it to allow, while keeping themselves aloof, to both sides indiffer- ently all the privileges which are accorded to belligerent sovereign states by the law of nations. I say, wherever war exists. What, then, is meant by war? Like many terms of international law, it is in- capable of precise definition. Publicists, from Grotius downwards, have supplied us with attempts more or less unsuccessful. It is clear, however, that it involves the notions, first, of a contest in which violence is em- ployed ; secondly, of independent sovereignty in each belligerent, or of an amount of force and organization, on But whiclievcr course lie may tliink fit to adopt, tlie riglits aud obligations of foreign nations, in all transactions which may arise out of the contest, must be either such as belong to a state of peace, or such as belong to a state of war. International law, strictly speaking, knows nothing of " mixed" wars. 12 both sides, sufficient to adiiiit of a sustained struggle. A street riot is not a war, nor a sedition suppressed before it gains head, though a petty repubUc which musters only a few companies of militia may carry < n as regular a war as the Emperor of all the Russias. Every one would say that there was an insurrection at Vienna in 1848, and a civil war in Hungary in 1849. It would be trifling with language to dignify by that name the rebellion of which Massachusetts was the scene in 1786, and it would be equally trifling with language to withhold it from the present contest in America'^ But the amount of force and organization which will satisfy the word cannot be measured by any definite standard or expressed in precise terms. The clearest authorities on this subject ai"e American authorities. I shall refer hereafter to the course pur- sued by the United States in the contest between Spain and her American colonies ; it is enough here to say that the Government of Washington declared itself neutral, and the courts of law steadily pushed this de- claration to its legitimate consequences. Thus it was decided again and again that captures made by Spanish- American cruisers were to be regarded as lawful, unless the capturing vessel had been fitted out in a port of the United States, and in violation of their neutrality^. " All ^ It has lately been decided, after argument, by a Prize Court iu the Uuited States, that a state of war exists which justifies the coufiscatiou of a British ship captured in the attempt to run a blockade. The absurd idea of attempting to collect duties at sea, which would have immediately involved the Union in a war with England and France, has been tacitly abandoned. It is astonishing that it should ever have found its way into an Act of Congress. *■ The " Santissima Trinidad," Wheaton's Reiwrts, vii. 283; the United States v. Palmer, lb. iii. 610 ; the " Divina Pastora," 13 captures made by each," said ]\Ir. Justice Story, in the case of the " Sautissiiua Trinidad," " must be considered as having the same vaUdity, and all the immunities which may be claimed by public ships in our ports under lb. iv. o2 ; the '' Nuustra Seuora de la Caridad," lb. 502 ; the "Estrella," lb. 307; the "Alired,"' Dallisous H., iii. ; Talbot V. Jauson, Dal!,, iii. 133. See also Whcaton's Elements, (by Lawrence.) p. 32. lu supporting the clanii of Paul Joues's representatives against Denmark, Mr. AVheatou argued that Denmark was not only entitled, but bound to accord belligerent rights iu 1779 to the United States, which she had not then recognised, and therefore to make compeusatiou for prizes which had been carried into her ports, and by her restored to their British owners. And this ground was sustained, I believe, by Mr. Adams, when Secretary of State, and a few years ago by the present United States' Secretary at War, Mr. Cameron, in a re- port to the Senate — {Speech of the Hon. Elisha li. Potter, in the Senate of Rhode Island, upon the Resolution in Support of the Union; Providence, 1861). As Mr. Potter's speech was made in introducing a resolution which pledged the State of Rhode Island " and its entire resources" to the President of the United Stati.s, tor the preservation of the Union, I may be permitted to make two further quotations from it. " Texas declared herself independent of Mexico in March, 1830, and within six mouths after her flag appeared in New York city ; and when the Mexican JNIinister remonstrated, our Government answered that in the previous civil wars between Spain and her colonies ' it had never been held necessary, as a preliminary to the extension of the rights of hospitality to either, that the chances of war should be balanced, and the probability of eventual success determined. For this purpose it had been deemed sufficient that tlie party bad actually declared its independence, and at the time was actually maintaining it." ..." When civil war breaks the bonds of society and of government, or at least suspends their force and eflect, it gives birth in the nation to two independent parties, who regard each other as enemies, and acknowledge no co»nmon judge. It is of necessity, therefore, that these two parties should be considered by foreign states as two distinct and independent nations." — Extract front Report of Committee of United States' House of Representatives on Forei during a civil war, by constitutional authority, of the laws by which civil rights are ordinarily guaranteed, does not, of course, fall under the category of illegal acts ; and citizens, or domiciled foreigners, whose persons or property might be affected by it, could not, as a general rule, make any claims against the Govern- ment on that account: whether commorant foreigners could justly urge such a claim, would depend on the circumstances of the case, and on considerations which cannot here be followed into detail. Prima facie, a person going to or remaining in a country which is in that unhappy condition, svibmits himself to oil those mea- sures of the sovereign authority which the public safety may seem to require. A violation of the law, by an officer not constitution- ally authorized to suspend it, does of course fall within the cate- gory of illegal acts, however pressing may be the emergency; but the subsequent ratification of such an act, by the authority which could have suspended the law, might be justly held, against foreigners as well as against citizens, to operate by relation, and to bar ^U claims which would have been barred had the act been originally legal. These are the general principles applicable to such cases. The facts are, that two British subjects, both of whom appear to have been domiciled in the United States, have, on reasonable grounds of suspicion, been arrested and confined without a legal warrant, and not in a legal prison, and subsequently released ; w^hile in an- other case the officer who had the prisoner in charge refused, under an order from the President, obedience to a writ of liabeas corpus. If these acts are not illegal, the British Government has no right to interfere ; if in the opinion of the British Government 57 they are clearly illegal, it is warranted in interfering. Nor does the plea of necessity hold good, for the President (having now a stronger case than Jefferson had in 1807) might have obtained from Congress, under proper limitations, the power to do wha he is now doing at his own arbitrary will. But interference where no substantial injustice appears to have been done, can have no other object than to guard against injustice in future ; the prudence and propriety of it are to be tested by reference to that object; and, unless the illegality be reasonably clear, there sliould be no interference at all. Whether the President of the United States is constitutionally authorized to arrest without a legal warrant, and to suspend prac- tically in individual cases the privilege of the writ of haheas coqnis, is a question which cannot be discussed here. The ailirmative has been maintained in an elaborate and very able opinion, pub- lished in the National Intelligencer, and said to be the composi- tion of an eminent jurist, and to have the approval of Mr. Binuey, a lawyer of the highest reputation, and the doyen, I believe, of the American bar. It is contended in this opinion, — 1. That the power to suspend the writ is not by the Constitution (Art. I, s. ix, 2.) given exclusively to Congress, either expressly or by implication. 2. That this power, together with that of suspending all the other legal guarantees of civil liberty, is incident to the power of declaring martial law. 3. That the power to declare martial law, (which is but the will and pleasure of the holder of the sword,) — or to substitute martial for civil law, even without an express declaration, (which is a formal, public, deliberate, act, involving a distinct responsibility,) — and to do this with reference, not to a particular district, but to particular persons, whether citizens or strangers, whenever he thinks that rebellion or invasion render it expedient for the public safety, belongs to the President ; and that it is conveyed to him by the general grant of the " executive power." The exercise of it re- quires, therefore, no mandate or ratification by Congress, although the abuse of it would be a ground of impeachment. It is natural that these amazing propositions should be in- credible to English lawyers, bred up in a free country, where tho power of suspending the common right to a haheas corpus belongs exclusively to Parliament, and that of declaring martiul law has not belonged to tho Sovereign since the Petition of llight. They ' 58 may, however, though incompatible with our ideas of civil liberty, be consistent with the Constitution of the United States. To me they do not appear to be consistent with it. The first article of the Constitution, in which alone the suspensive power is men- tioned, relates, as it seems to me, exclusively to the legislative authority, and touches the acts of the executive only in their con- nexion with that authority. This has always been assumed by writers on the Constitution, from Story {On tlie Constitution, § 1342; his "doubt" refers to the question of eccigency) to Curtis {History of the Constitution, ii. 359). They have never, as far as I know, been broached iu America before — for the decision in " Luther v. Borden" (Howard's Rep. vii. 1), which relates to a declaration of martial law by the legislature of a State, is irre- levant — and they have against them, I believe, the opinion of Chief Justice Marshall, one of the ablest lawyers who ever lived, as \A ell as that of the present Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who has declared that he deems tlie poiut not open to dispute. Tet since the question, as affecting American citizens, is certainly considered an open question in the United States, we should per- haps have done wisely, if, whatever our own views of it might be, we had forborne (as we well might) to treat the acts whose cha- racter depends on it as clearly illegal. LECTURE II. A FTER all that has been written within the last twelve months upon the Constitution of the United States, and the right, or the crime, of secession, I hardly know whether it be not an affront to any number of edu- cated people to assume that there is any part of the subject which they are not perfectly acquainted with, or on which they have not made u\) their minds, as far as men will take the pains to do so respecting a matter in which they have no particular concern. Some points, however, there are which might, as it seems to me, be placed in a clearer light without wandering far from the confines of my own province, or entering into dis- cussions with which you are already familiar and which allow a boundless scope to differences of opinion. At the first approach to this subject, we encounter a fact which at once invites and discourages further progress, — I mean the fact that the disagreement which exists at present about the nature and obligations of the Federal Constitution has existed, not only for twelve whole months, but for nearly eighty years, — in a word, ever since there has been a Federal Constitution. There has always been a Federalist party in the United States, and an anti-Federalist party, differing from each other partly on the question of policy, whether it was a good or bad thing to strengthen the central authority and draw tighter the tics which bound the States together, but i)artly also on the question of constitutional law, what was the actual 60 ' stringency of those ties, and what the extent and limits of that authority ^ ? This fact, I say, is at the same time a dissuasive and an inducement to proceed. For whilst on the one hand it proclaims that the question is still open, and invites everybody who pleases to try his hand at a solution, on the other it suggests a suspicion that there is something in it which is practically insoluble, — some difficulty which legal maxims and conceptions will not exactly fit, which there is no key to unlock, and on which logic fatigues itself in vain. Let us try to find out, if we can do no more, how far the question admits of being stated in precise terms, and argued on grounds solid enough to support an argument. The Confederate States say that under existing cir- cumstances they had a right to secede ; that the Consti- tution was a " pact" or league, to which the States were parties ; that the pact had been substantially broken ; and that they were therefore entitled to rescind it. The States which remain in the Union say that there is not, and cannot be, any right to secede under any circumstances whatever ; and that the Constitution is not a pact, but a law ; and they add that, supposing it to be a pact, the pact is not broken. A right to secede, as the words are here used by the * See the notes to Story's Commentaries on tJie Constitution, i. 288, 289 : — " Por forty years one great party has received the Constitution as a federative compact among the States, and the other great party not as such a compact, but as in the main national and popular." — {Dane's A2Jpendix, cited by Story, I. c.) That the Constitution is a federative compact was asserted by tlie Legislature of Kentucky in 1797 and 1798, by that of Virginia in 1798, by G-eorgia in 1825, by Virginia in 1829, by South Carolina in 1827 and 1833, by North Carolina in 1837. See also Eawle's View of the Constitution of the United States, (1825). The word Federalist is used iu the text in its original sense. 61 South, docs not mean a legal riglit. A legal riglit is a claim created and secured by positive law ; but, by the Southern hypothesis, there is no positive law to which the States of the Union are subject: they cannot therefore, strictly speaking, have any legal rights against each other. A right here means u claim agreeable to received maxims, to legal analogies, and to the general sense of justice. It is only to these maxims and analogies, and to this gene- ral sense, that the South can appeal ; the tenor and history of the instrument called the Constitution fur- nishing them, according to their reading of it, with a minor premiss. In the opinion of the North the States are subject to a law, and have legal rights against each other. But no State has or can have, by law, a right to release itself at its own will from the operation of the law, which in that case would be no law at all. The correctness of this view depends upon the Northern reading of the Constitution. In determining which of these two views is right, or is nearer to the truth than the other, there are two things to be considered — the Constitution itself, and its history. If this were merely or primarily a question of interpre- tation, the history of the Constitution would be im])ort- ant only as supplying a commentary on the text and throwing light on its obscure places. But the question, whether a particular act be an agreement or a law, is not merely, nor })rimarily, a question of interpretation. We have to ask, in the first place, on what authority the act reposes ; by whom, and with what intention, it was done. The history of the Constitution, therefore, in this inquiry, takes precedence of the Constitution itself in the order of importance as well as in the order of time. The establishment of the Constitution, according to the N^orth, was an act done by the whole body of the American people, exercising a sovereign authority vested in that collective body ; the Constitution itself was in- tended to operate as a law, and, so established, became binding as a law on all Americans, and upon all the par- ticular and subordinate societies into which they were grouped, and which were called States ^. According to the South, it was an act done by the thirteen States as sovereign and independent States, none of which had authority to impose a law upon the rest, and which collectively had no authority over any ^ Story, i. 281 : — " The Constitution was neither made nor rati- fied by the States as sovereignties or political communities. . . . The doctrine that the States are parties is a gratuitous assump- tion. In the language of a most distinguished statesman, (Mr. Webster,) ' the Constitution itself, in its very front, refutes that. It declares that it is ordained and established by the People of the United States. So far from saying that it is establislied by tbe governments of the several States, it does not even say that it is established by the people of the several States ; but it pro- nounces that it is established by the people of the United States in the aggregate. Doubtless the people of tbe several States, taken collectively, constitute the people of the United States. But it is in their collective capacity, it is as all the people of the United States, that they establish the Constitution." So also Mr. Motley: — "The Constitution was not drawn up by the States, it was not promulgated in the name of the States, it was not ratified by the States. The States never acceded to it, and possess no power to secede from it. It was ' ordained and established' over the States by a power superior to the States — by the people of the whole land in their aggregate capacity, act- ing through conventions of delegates expressly chosen for the purpose within each State, independently of the State govern- ments, after the project had been framed." — Causes of the Civil War in America, by J. L. Motley. See also Lieber's Lectures on the Constitution of the United States, New York, 1861. 63 one of theiu ; and it was intended to operate as a bare contract between them. The parties to the contract own- ing no common superior, even in the collective body, retained each an independent right to construe its terms, to judge whether they were duly observed, and to rescind it if they were not °. That the States were sovereign and independent at the time when the Constitution was ratified, is admitted generally, but not universally. Let us examine this point a little. The North American colonies, immediately before tlieir separation from Great Britain, were a group of commu- nities, independent of one another, but united by the tie of a common allegiance, and forming part of one empire. A citizen of Massachusetts Bay had a right, if he pleased, to trade with Virginia, or to take up his resi- dence there, subject to no restrictions from colonial legis- lation. The mere severance of the tie of allegiance was not enough in itself to convert them into sovereign States. A handful of villages, a cluster of townships, ten square miles, or twenty, or a hundred, of wood and water or of populous and fruitful plain, do not become a State sim- ply because they are left masterless by revolution or by the fortune of war. No community is a State which has not acquired an organization and a Government ad- equate for the discharge of international duties; — for the perfect performance of them I do not say, but for the performance of them in a real and substantial sense. The colonies were torn gradually away from the mass of ■= Resolutions of Legislature of Virginia, 1829 : — "There is no common arbiter to construe the Constitution of the United States : the Constitution being a federative compact between sovereign States, each State has a riglit to construe the Constitution for itself." See also note (a), p. GO. 64 the empire, clinging long after the commencement of the war to the hope of a reunion ; they were very im- perfectly organized, and animated by nothing like a dis- tinct sense of national unity, either in the separate parts or in the whole ; they were divided by a thousand petty jealousies and jarring interests, which multiplied and gained strength after the Declaration of Indepen- dence, as well as by their separate institutions and habits of local self-government ; and held together by the ne- cessity for a common resistance to a powerful enemy. There was a time when they were neither subject' nor sovereign, neither one State nor many, and when it was a matter of uncertainty what their destiny in this re- spect would be. The Unionist influences were weak, the Separatist influences were strong; and the war, which bound them together in their infancy, lasted long enough to leave them a Confederacy, but not long enough to make them a Republic — or, what some thought the only resource against anarchy and impotence, a kingdom. These conflicting tendencies are plainly to be seen in the Continental Congress which first met on the 5th of Sept. 1774, rude and imperfect in form, provisional in its functions, and with no powers whatever beyond that of recommendation and advice. The members of the Congress styled themselves " the delegates appointed by the good people of these colonies ;" but they were in fact, as their first act proved, the delegates of the colonies rather than of the people. As soon as they met, the question arose how they were to vote. Was an equal voice to be given to colonies so unequal in wealth and population, and therefore in their contributions to the common cause? On the other hand, how could there be an apportionment, in the absence of any evidence by which these inequalities could be ascertained ? " The 65 opinion was advanced," says Mr. Cuitis ^, " that the co- lonial governments were at an end, that all Aniciica was thrown into one mass, and was in a state of natnr(% and consequently that the people ought to be considered as represented in Congress according to their number, by the delegations actually present." These delegations, however, varied in their numbers, not according to any principle, but by accident or arbitrary choice, each colony having sent (as within certain limits they continued to do under the Confederation, and as was done in the assemblies of the Dutch United Provinces) as many deputies as it pleased. It was resolved at last that each colony should have one vote, but it was added that this course was adopted because Congress had not and could not procure the proper materials for ascertaining the importance of each colony. This decision may be said to have fixed, to some extent, the future form of the American commonwealth. The first transition period of the Revolution ended with the publication of the "Declaration of Independence," July 4, 1776. The Declaration, " that these United Colo- nies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States," was adopted by the votes of all the colonies in Congress, the delegates having previously sought and obtained from their constituents authority to agree to the resolution upon wdiicli the declaration was founded. The title of " United States" succeeded from that time, in ordinary use, that of " United Colonies," and in the September following was expressly substituted for it, in commissions and other public instruments, by authority of Congress. Previously, however, on the 24tli of June, it had been resolved " that all persons abiding within ^ History of the American Constitution, i. 13.' F 66 any of the United Colonies, and deriving protection from the laws of the same, owed allegiance to the said laws, and were members of such colony ;" and as early as May 10 a recommendation had been issued that the. several colonies should establish governments for them- selves, the time having come when the exercise of every kind of authority under the Crown ought to be suppressed. Pursuing this advice, seven of the thirteen colonies esta- blished their constitutions in the year 1776, two in 1777, one in 1778. Two (Connecticut and Rhode Island) long continued their old form of charter government. These separate governments were therefore in full operation for some time before the States were formally united by any federal tie. On the same day on which the com- mittee of Congress for preparing the Declaration of In- dependence was appointed, another committee, consisting of one member from each colony, was directed to pre- pare and digest Articles of Confederation. A draft of these Articles was presented by the committee on the twelfth of July, underwent much discussion, and was finally submitted for consideration to the legislatures of the several States, with a request that, if they approved of the instrument, they would authorize their delegates to ratify it in Congress. It was ratified accordingly by eight States on July 9, 1778; by three others be- fore the close of the year : Delaware and Maryland, discontented about the apportionment of the north- western territory, and always slow and unwilling ad- herents to the revolutionary cause, ratified it respec- tively in 1779 and 1781. I have dwelt a little upon these transactions because they arc material as shewing the position occupied by the States and State Governments during what I may call the second transition period — the interval between the 67 Declaration of Independence and the final adoption of the Articles of Confederation. "We have here, on the one hand, thirteen Governments, bonnd together by no legal or formal union, and each exercising all the powers of an independent Government, except that it had no transactions with foreign States ; co-operating with each other by means of an assembly of delegates, owning no obedience to that assembly, but receiving from it recom- mendations and advice, and acquiescing tacitly in the exercise by it of a slender and precarious authority, un- defined and unrecognised by law, such as springs up naturally during revolutions. The most remarkable ex- emplification of this is the conclusion of the treaties with France. For every important public act of Con- gress each colony gave special powers to its delegates, — as for the Declaration of Independence, the ratification of the Articles of Confederation, and the appointment of plenipotentiaries to conclude these treaties. But it is re- markable that, though made between the French King and the Thirteen States nominatlm, they were never ratified by the States and never presented to them for ratification. The general opinion of American lawyers is, or lately was, that at some point of time not precisely ascertain- able, before the adoption of the Articles, the States had become severally sovereign and independent. Techni- cally they certainly were so ; and they were so substan- tially, subject to the qualification which arises from the fact that there never had been a time when they were not in co-operation with each other, and never an in- stance in which they had singly had any transaction with foreign Powers. But that the States at the time of ratifying the Arti- cles considered themselves absolutely sovereign and ab- r 2 68 solutely independent, the strongest proof is to be found in tlie Articles themselves. The States are everything in this instrument, and the people nothing. The " good people of these colonies" — the "American people" — have now entirely vanished, and State sovereignty is written with jealous care in every line. " The style of this Confederacy," it begins, " is the United States OF America." The States enter into a "firm league of friendship" for limited purposes ; the States reserve individually their " sovereignty, freedom, and independ- ence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States in Congress assembled." They agreed indeed with each other not to exercise singly some of the most important powers which belong to sovereignty; they agreed to entrust this mass of powers to the United States in Congress assembled, that is, to a body of delegates in which each State had an equal voice with the rest ; they pledged themselves that their union should be perpetual. But it was an agreement without sanctions, and with no machinery provided for enforcing it ; an agreement to which the States only were parties, in which they only were mentioned, and which could be carried into eff'ect only by their voluntary co-operation. A Confederation is nothing else than a perpetual alli- ance, whereby each allied State, without recognising in any higher authority a right to interpose between itself and its own subjects, submits itself, as regards the ex- ercise of some portion, greater or less, of its sovereign powers, to the control of the collective body ; it is a partnership for an indefinite period, in which each part- ner binds himself for the common advantage of the firm. An apportionment is made of the powers of sovereignty. Some are surrendered or restricted — all the rest retained. 69 But the collective body does not acquire any sovereign rights over the subjects or citizens of the confederate States ; created by the contract of alliance, it operates only on the parties to the contract, the States themselves. The Confederation failed, and it is material to observe why. It failed, not because the apportionment had been badly made ; not because the powers and attributes lodged in the collective body were too few or too limited in their range ; but because they existed only on paper, and the body ostensibly clothed with them was, as Washington said, a shadow for want of ability to enforce them. It failed because, the power of coercion being wholly wanting, there was not in the States themselves that generous sense of a common obligation, that cogent sense of a conmion interest, which could alone supply its place. The debts contracted by Congress they would not pay ; the treaties concluded by it they would not perform ; and there were no means of compelling them to do either. Hence discord, impotence, discredit, and premature decay. The remedy invented by the framers of the Constitution was proportioned with great exact- ness to the disease. The apportionment of powers was left in the main unaltered, the attributes of Congress under the Confederation and under the Constitution were (with some not very important exceptions) the same". What Avas done was to make them real and efiective in the only possible way, by making them operate directly on the people of the States instead of on the States themselves. This, however, gave them a force and character entirely new. The dead semblance of a government became full of life as soon as it was armed with authority to raise its own taxes, employ its ' See Articles of Confederation, Arts. 6, 9 : Constitution, Art. i. S3. 8—10 ; Art. iii. s. 3; Art. iv. ss. 3, 4j and Art. v. 70 own officers, levy and maintain its own army. These new authorities, again, called for an executive to wield them, and demanded, besides, a radical change in the composition of the Legislature whose decrees they were created to enforce. The principle of delegation, of as- signing equal votes to communities immensely differing in population and resources, must be abolished wholly or partially — for that is essentially federal, and, within the sphere over which the powers of the central Legislature were to extend, the federal principle had been virtually destroyed. Thus on the ruins of that old Congress, which was a mere Federal Diet, arose a House of Re- presentatives which was a Parliament, a Senate in which the features of Parliament and Diet were combined, and a President who stood at the head, not merely of a Con- federation, but of a people. Yet, vast as this revolution was, it was confined, as has been said, to a limited part of the wide field over which the ordinary powers of government extend. Within that limit the States were, as the French say, " effaced," and reduced to little more than so many geographical divisions. But outside of it they remained what they were before. They were left, as before, in the possession of all the powers of government except those expressly vested in the Union, and in the exercise of these powers they remained as independent of President and Congress as if neither President nor Congress existed. When a Federal tax is to be collected, or a sentence of a Federal Court ex- ecuted, in Ohio, the authorities of the Union act as ab- solutely as if there were no such State as Ohio. If the law of descent or of partnership is to be changed in Ohio, or if Ohio chooses to remodel its whole statute- book, or change its whole form of government, (keep- ing within the bounds of republicanism,) then Ohio 71 acts as if there were no such thing as the Union. Thus over every American citizen, over every square yard of American soil, there are two distinct Govern- ments, two distinct sets of powers and authorities, work- ing simultaneously and quite independently of each other. And it is demonstrably certain that the whole American people is not sovereign, in the true sense of the word, over a single citizen of New York. !For the powers of sovereignty, in the contemplation of law, are illimitable, that is, are bounded by no legal restraint ; the British Parliament, which is the depositary of the legis- lative powers attached to the national sovereignty in Great Britain, is not legally restrained, as ]Mr. Austin rightly says, from abolishing the Church Establishment in Eng- land or the Presbyterian Establishment in Scotland ; and an Act abolishing either would be valid as a law, though a clear violation of the Articles and Act of Union ^ The Taxing Acts, against which America rebelled, were per- fectly legal ] an Act abolishing the constitutions of New Zealand and New South Wales, and reducing them to the position of Crown colonies, would be perfectly legal. But the powers exercisable by the American people under the Constitution, and through their legislative organ, the Congress, are subject to legal restraints of the most stringent character, and an Act passed in excess of them would be not merely a piece of oppres- sion or tyranny, — for the most flagrant oppression and tyranny may be perfectly legal, — but it would be an illegal act. It would be no law at all ; it would be declared waste paper by the Supreme Court ; and an attempt by the President to enforce it would be no bet- ter than a riot. And the aggregate American pco})le has not, and never had, any legislative power at all, ^ Austin's Province of Jurisprudence determined, 222, ed. 1861. 72 except under the Constitution. If, then, it is true that the United States are a nation because their constitution within certain Hmits is national, I do not see how we can avoid saying that they are a confederation because beyond those hniits it is federal ^. g Catching at the word " supreme" in Art. vi. s. 2, people some- times argue that because the Constitution, which defines tlie relation between the Union and the States, is declared to be supreme, therefore the Union is supreme ; or that the Union is supreme generally because it is so whilst acting pursuant to the Constitution — that is, witliin the circle traced out for it by the Constitution. The power of amendment, Art. v., to which Mr. Austin has referred, p. 223, is also sometimes insisted on for the same purpose. By that Article amendments are to be made by a Convention called by Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, or on the application of two-thirds of the States, and the amendments are to be valid when ratified by the Legislatures in three-fourths of the States, or by Conven- tions in three-fourths thereof. This Article, whicli was proposed by Madison, is in fact one of the clearest evidences of the com- posite character, at once national and federal, of the Constitution. The effect of it is this, that each State submits itself to legislation by the aggregate American people (yet not by a simple majority of them) jointly ivith three-fourths of the States as States. But it does not submit, — on the contrary, it carefully guards itself from submitting, to the will of a majority of the American people, or to the will of a majority of the body of States, or to both together. The conclusion, therefore, which Mr. Austin deduces from this Article, that "the sovereignty of each of the States, and also of the larger State arising from the Federal Union, resides" — he is careful not to say, in the American people, but — " in the States' Governments as forming one aggregate body," must be read with caution. It is sometimes asked whether, in the event of a collision be- tween the Union and a single State, the latter is not bound to give way. It would be impossible to frame a proposition more directly contrary to the Constitution. The party bound to give way is the party which is in the wrong ; the only criterion of that is the Constitution itself", and the only authorized interpreters of 73 The Constitution of the United States is thus, from beginning to end, a compromise. It holds in combination two principles, nicely, jealously, and elaborately balanced against one another ; it is, in fact, the compound result of two clashing influences which w^re simultaneously at work upon it at every stage of its construction, and there is hardly any part of it which does not shew visible marks of the forces by which it was beaten into shape. The proceedings of the National Convention, by which it was framed, shew this very clearly. As soon as that body was organized, two parties formed themselves within it, — a national and a federal party. The national party, which supported in the main every proposition tending to promote amalgamation and increase the powers of the central Government, consisted of the larger and more populous States ; the federal party, wdiich fought the battle of State independence, of the smaller and less populous. The first desired a radical change ; the second wished to perpetuate, with some modifications, the existing system. And the first (in curious contrast to the present state of affairs) was headed by Virginia and North Carolina, the second by New York. " On the one side," sa_ys the historian of the Constitution, " we find a strong determination, the result of an apparent necessity, to establish a Government in which the demo- cratic majority of the whole people of the United States the Constitution are the Judges, not the Legislature, of the United States. In "The Bank of Augusta r. Earle," Peters' Iieports,ii.n\. (1839,) it was decided that the rules of international comity apply to the States inter se, the Chief Justice declaring that " they are sove- reign States." " This is the first time," said Judge M'^Kinlay, who dissented from the judgment, " since the adoption of the Constitu- tion that any federal court has directly or indirectly attributed national power to any of the States of the Union." 74 should be the ruhng power, and in which, so far as State influence was to be felt at all, it should be felt only in proportion to the relative numbers of the people com- posing each separate community." The States which were animated by this determination were Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Massa- chusetts, Georgia ; South Carolina and Georgia acting with Virginia, though inferior in population to New Jersey and New York''. On the other hand, a compact minority insisted that the States, which were sovereign and independent political societies, could neither law- fully nor safely abdicate that position ; and they steadily refused to place themselves " at the mercy of great com- munities, whose policy might overshadow and whose power might destroy them." This minority consisted of New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Connecticut, and Delaware. Rhode Island would have nothing to do with the Convention, and was never represented in it, her people deeming any approach towards centralization dangerous to their peculiar commercial interests and to their grand scheme for paying their debts in depreciated paper money. New Hampshire sent no delegates till the most important debates were over. The first division took place on a resolution, which in- volved the whole question at issue, " that a national Government ought to be established, consisting of a supreme legislative, executive, and judiciary." The dis- tribution of votes on this and on subsequent occasions was not uniform, but the line by which the two camps were divided may be traced, roughly and irregularly, from first to last. I cannot attempt here to examine the ^ South Carolina voted, however, with New Jersey for electing the House of Eepresentatives by the States, instead of by the people directly, aud New York against it. 75 debates in detail ; but it will be enough for our purpose to take one or two salient points, such as the constitution of the Senate and the peculiar functions of the judiciary. The greatest and most momentous of all the debates in Convention tm'ned on the questions by whom — whether by the people or the States — the two branches of the central Legislature should be elected, and whether the representation accorded to the several States in each branch, or in either, should be equal, or proportioned to their population. " Neither party," we are told, was at first willing to adopt the suggestion " that the two ideas, instead of being opposed, ought to be combined, and that in one branch the people should be represented and in the other the States. The consequence was that the proportionate rule of suffrage for the first branch was es- tablished by a majority of one State only, and the Con- vention passed on, with a fixed and formidable majority wholly dissatisfied, to consider what rule should be ap- plied to the Senate '." " Two courses only remained. The basis of representation in the Senate must either be found in the numbers of people inhabiting the States, creating an unequal representation, or the people of each State, regarded as one, and as equal with the people of exerj other State, must be represented by the same number of voices and votes. The former was the plan insisted on by the friends and advocates of the ' national' system ; the latter was the great object on which the minority now rallied all their strength. " The debate was not long protracted ; but it was marked with an energy, a firmness, and a warmth, on both sides, which reveal the nature of the peril then hanging over the ' Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Sontli Carolina, and Georgia were against equality of suffrage in tlio House of Representatives ; New York, New Jersey, and Delaware in favour of it. 76 unformed institutions, whose existence now blesses the people of America. As the delegations of the States approached the decision of this critical question, the result of a separation became apparent ; and with it phantoms of coming dissension and strife, of foreign alliances and adverse combinations, loomed in the future. Reason and argument became power- less to persuade. Patriotism for a moment lost its sway over men who would at any time have died for their common country. Not mutterings only, but threats even, were heard of an appeal to some foreign ally, by the smaller States, if the larger ones should dare to dissolve the confederacy by insistmg on an unjust scheme of government. " Ellsworth, of Connecticut, in behalf of the minority, offered to accept the proportional representation for the first branch, if the equality of the States were admitted in the second, thus making the government partly national and partly federal. It would be vain, he said, to attempt any other than this middle ground. jNIassachusetts was the only Eastern State that would listen to a proposition for excluding the States, as equal political societies, from an equal voice in both branches. The others would risk every consequence, rather than part with so dear a right. An attempt to deprive them of it was at once cutting the body of America in two. "At this moment, foreseeing the probability of an equal division of the States represented in the Convention, one of the New Jersey members proposed that the President should write to the executive of New Hampshire, to request the attendance of the deputies who had been chosen to represent that State, and who had not yet taken seats. Two States only voted for this motion, and the discussion proceeded. Madison, Wilson, and King, with great earnestness, resisted the compromise proposed by Ellsworth, and when the vote was finally taken, five States were found to be in favour of an equal representation in the Senate, five were opposed to it, and the vote of Georgia was divided." — [Curtis, pp. 140, 141.) The final expedient adopted to escape a dead-lock was a double compromise. The minority made a fur- 77 tlier bid, wliicli was accepted. The House of Repre- sentatives was to have the exclusive power of origi- nating money-bills. With this addition the Ellsworth pi'oposal was adopted, the larger States reluctantly giving way. The question very early arose, how the two autho- lities which I have described as co-existinc; throuohout the United States, — the authority of the several States and that of the Union, — could be kept from clashing with each other. Governor Randolph's plan, which was first brought forward, and formed the basis of the Con- stitution, contained a clause authorizing the use of force against a recalcitrant State; but Mr. Madison justly observed that this would be practically very like a decla- ration of w^ar, and would probably be considered by the party attacked as a dissolution of all its constitutional engagements : — words which may now be considered prophetic J. The readiest and most natural way w^as to subordinate the one authority to the other, by giving the Legislature or the Executive of the Union a negative on the acts of the States. Such a neo:ative mioht be general, or it might be confined to such acts as, in the opinion of the person or persons invested with it, were at variance w^ith the Constitution. The Eng- lish Crown, as we know, exercises a general power of disallowing at its pleasure the Acts of colonial legis- latures ; and there were some eminent men (Mr. Madi- son himself among the number) who wished to see such a power given to the American Senate ''. This would have made the Government of the Union really supreme, not only within its own limited sphere of action, but gene- rally, over the Governments of the States. But it was not done. The Convention did indeed, in the first instance, > Curtis, ii. 62. " Ibid., ii. 51. 78 adopt in committee a resolution that Congress should be empowered " to negative all laws passed by the several States contravening, in the opinion of the na- tional Legislature, the Articles of Union, or any treaties subsisting under the authority of the Union." But even this was ultimately struck out, and replaced by two substitutes, — by a harmless declaration, proposed by a vehement State -rights man, Luther Martin of Maryland, that " the Constitution, the laws of the United States made in pursua?ice thereof, and treaties made under the same authority," should be the " su- preme law of the land," — and by those remarkable pro- visions which vested in the Federal Courts the power to declare void any Act, whether of Congress or of a State Legislature, which the judges might deem con- trary to the Constitution ; to arrest, as it were, with one hand encroachments of the States upon the Union, and with the other encroachments of the Union upon the States \ Such in its general character being the Constitution of the United States, how was it enacted ? I will enumerate briefly the successive steps. The first was a resolution of the Federal Congress, introduced by the delegates from Massachusetts, and passed in February, 1783, which declared it expedient " that a Convention of delegates appointed by the several States should be held for the purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation, and reporting to Congress, and to the several Legislatures, such alterations therein as should, when agreed to by Congress and confirmed by the States, render the Federal Constitution adequate to the exigencies of go- vernment and the preservation of the Union." A Con- vention was to frame a draft, Congress to adopt, and ' Art. vi. 79 the States to confirm it. This resolution exactly tallied with the provision made by the 13th of the Articles of Confederation, except that that article says nothing about a preliminary Convention. The Convention met, framed and adopted, after long debate, a draft Consti- tution, and reported it to Congress "". By Congress it was transmitted to the State Legislatures, " in order to be submitted to a Convention of delegates chosen in each State by the people thereof." And it was thus ratified accordingly. The reasons for this method of proceeding were simple and intelligible, and very agree- able to the temper of the American mind. The State Legislatures were indeed, in every State, the actual depositaries of political power ; but it might well be doubted whether they were authorized to transfer that power, or any portion of it, to a body external to the State, or to subject for ever the people of their own com- munity to the acts of a Legislature in which they would have perhaps an inconsiderable share. The practice of acting by conventions or committees, chosen spontane- ously and irregularly, had been familiar in every State from the very beginning of the Revolution ; and it would occur at once to every American as the proper and legitimate way of obtaining the assent of the com- munity to any large alteration in their political condition. The act was one which required the assent of the sove- reign power in each State, and the sovereign power re- sided in the people, the functions of the Legislature being limited and defined by law. But a resort to the ™ There is a tradition that Washington, when about to sign it, rose from his seat, and, holding the pen in his hand, said, " Sliould the States reject this excellent Constitution, the probability is that the opportunity will never again ofier to cancel another iu peace. The next will be drawn in blood." — Cwtis, ii. 487. 80 people as the source of sovereign power within a parti- cular community does not destroy or suspend the sepa- rate existence of the community itself; nor is its identity drowned or lost because other communities are doing the same thing, for the same object, at the same time. And that the mode of proceeding did not (as has been very often contended by very high authorities) convert the ratification from a federal into a national act, in other words, from an act done by each community, separately and independently, into an act done by the American people in their collective capacity, wall be clear if we consider what those words mean. To up- hold the latter view is really to maintain that the rati- fication by a majority of the whole American people would have bound the minority, as a majority of all the French people elected Louis Napoleon Emperor, and as a majority of all the Savoyards are reckoned to have approved the annexation of Savoy ; that the people of the Eastern States, if they had all voted against it, could have been compelled to accept it as a law by the unani- mous votes of the people of the Southern States ; that this was the light in which the act was regarded at the time ; in a word, that the question submitted to the Convention of New York was not whether the State of New York should agree to the Union, though that was the only question which a majority in New^ York was competent to determine. Propositions evidently absurd and historically untrue. On the contrary, we know as a matter of fact that one main purpose for which Conventions were resorted to was to provide for the very possible contingency that some of the States might reject (as North Carolina and Rhode Island did) the new Union, and to enable those which adopted it to coalesce without them. "This 81 could only be clone," says j\Ir. Curtis, " by presenting it for ratification to the people of each State, who pos- sessed authority to vrithdraw the State Government from the Confederation, and to enter into any new re- lations with the people of such other States as might also withdraw from the old and accept the new system." I should not have dwelt on this point had not the oppo- site view been maintained, not only by an admirable his- torian like Mr. Motley, but by great American lawyers, like AA\4)ster and Story. But it is not in America alone that great lawyers sometimes suffer themselves to use words without attaching to them a distinct meaning. Let me wind up this review with a short quotation from Mr. Madison, to whom, next to Hamilton, the American Constitution is due, written at the time when he w^as the coadjutor, as well as the friend of Hamilton, and a few weeks after he had been supporting, in Con- vention, measures which would have made the Union still stricter than it is, — the general veto, for instance, and the principle of proportionate representation in the Senate : — " The proposed Constitution, even when tested by the rules laid down by its antagonists, is in strictness neither a na- tional nor a federal Constitution, but a composition of both. In its foundation it is federal, not national ; in the sources from which the ordinary powers of the Government are drawn, it is joartly federal and partly national ; in the ope- ration of these powers it is national, not federal ; in the extent of them, again, it is federal, not national ; and finally, in the authoritative mode of introducing amend- ments, it is neither wholly federal nor wholly national." — Federalist, Xo. xxxix. " " This number contains a very clear and succinct view of the whole subject. See also Madison's Letter to Mr. Everett, August, 1830— Story, i. 375. G 82 I have travelled through details which I fear have been tedious to you, because it is impossible to form any clear ideas on this subject without attention to details. There has seldom indeed been a controversy in which conclusions of fact have been so freely built on mere words, or large conclusions of law on phrases having no precise legal signification. I think also that we may now understand how it is that the disputants have generally failed to close with each other, and how a Constitution framed with a wise and laborious solici- tude to reconcile conflicting tendencies, and compose practical differences, but with no pedantic anxiety about abstract principles, has furnished inexhaustible matter for argument to those whose eyes have been fixed on different sides of the shield. A constitutional lawyer is always on dangerous ground when he has to deal with cases arising out of rebellion or revolution. The .one attacks, the other overthrows, the law on which he is used to rely. His clue fails him, his lamp goes out, in that troubled atmosphere ; and he has a constant temptation to stray in search of other guides, and to confound morality with law. And an English lawyer would certainly fall into error who should overlook the essential difference between the constitu- tion of his own country and that of the United States. The will of Parliament, it has been sometimes said, is the British Constitution. The English Government (by which I mean the legislative and executive powers combined) cannot act illegally; the Government of the United States can ; and, in the view of law as well as in that of morality, there is a wide difference between armed resistance to a Government acting legally, and armed resistance to a Government acting illegally. In the present case, however, it is not even pretended that 83 Mr. Lincoln's Government, at the time when tliis war began, had been guilty of any illegal act ; the resistance to it was therefore clearly treasonable by the law of the United States, and it matters not a jot, from this point of view, whether the criminals were a handful of rioters, or the Legislature and people of a State. The Union, within the sphere assigned to it by law, is supreme ; the maintenance of Federal fortresses and the collection of Federal duties belong to that sphere ; the State of South Carolina in relation to these things was but a province, and her Legislature a mere provincial assem- bly ; and the levying of war for the purpose of attacking those forts or resisting the collection of those duties was clearly and undoubtedly treason. If Mr. Lincoln could catch Mr. Jefferson Davis, he would be warranted by law in hanging him, — as the English Government would have been warranted in hanging Washington in 177G, Secession is here a word without legal meaning; it is merely a popular euphemism for that which the law calls treason. A man may prefer the name of seccder to that of rebel, but he can no more alter by doing so the character of his crime than a thief who should deny having stolen a purse, and candidly admit that he had taken it. This is all that the Constitution has to say on the subject. It is both national and federal, as we have seen, in relation to the same persons, but not in relation to the same transactions or object-matter. Considered with reference to its object, it is exclusively national or exclusively federal. Here it puts on its national, and puts off its federal, character. If you appeal to it as a national Constitution, this is its answer : if you appeal to it as a federal Constitution, it is silent. The only course therefore which is open to the Con- G 2 84 federates is to decline its jurisdiction altogether. Ac- cordingly tliey allege, in a confused way, that they have a right to throw it overboard, as a broken contract. Here we are out of the range of positive law. The question has become a question of morality, although light may be shed on it by legal maxims and legal analogies. Here the semi-federal character of the Constitution, and its early history, resume their importance, and the seces- sion (to use an indifferent word) comes before us, not stripped, like a criminal at the bar, of all that would be irrelevant to the legal issue of guilt or innocence, but coloured by its causes and motives, and surrounded by every qualifying circumstance by which it may be either aggravated or excused. The discussion has been pur- sued on both sides with great warmth and some in- genuity. What is the result ? The Southern argument, if you try to take hold of it, crumbles in your hands. " A compact broken in any part," they say, " is broken altogether." As a principle of law, that is not univer- sally true. " In the absence of any recognised arbiter, each party to a contract is judge of his own obligations under it." This proposition is either absurd or tautolo- gous ; absurd, if it means that each party is sole judge, (since, every obligation conferring correlative rights and the obligations themselves being interwoven, there must necessarily be as many judges as there are parties) ; tautologous, if it means anything else. " The Constitu- tion is a pact, not a law." The distinction between a law made by a people for itself, and a pact constituting and expressly declaring itself to be a law, is one which exists only in the mind ; and if the Constitution be in any sense a pact, it is one which is in form and substance indissoluble, and has not only imposed obligations on the contracting parties, but has essentially altered their 85 relative sfafus. "The Constitution lias been broken." Tlie only approach to a distinct allegation on this head is contained in the Report of the General Assembly of Virginia, and relates to the laws made in many of the Northern States concerning the surrender of fugitive slaves. These laws are certainly repugnant, if not to the letter of the Constitution, to its spirit". Tliey amount to a refusal on the part of the States to assist in any way the execution of the Federal law on the subject, and, in some instances at least p, they make the recovery of a fugitive so difficult and dangerous a proceeding as to be virtually impossible. Whether they are an actual violation of tlie Constitution may be a question ; they certainly run to the extre ne verge of it. Apart from this, the South insists on no tangible complaint, and produces, as far as I can discover, no intelligible justi- fication. The Northern argument turns chiefly on tlie difference between pact and law. And it would probably be suc- cessful if this question were to be discussed before a bench of jurists or in a school of metaphvsicians. But we arc here infer apices juris. And to whom are they addressed, these subtle and fine-drawn distinctions — this nice dissection of words and analysis of ideas — these dipqnisitions on points which men have disputed for nearly a century without convincing one another? They are addressed to a cluster of semi-independent communities, some of which can trace back their sepa- rate history to a period long before the Revolution, whilst others, having successively formed themselves on territory acquired by the Union, h;,ve been ;idiniltcd ° Art. iv. s. 2. P This applies to r^Iaiue, YernioDt, Massacliusctts, Connecticut, and AViiScoasin. 86 into it on a footing of complete equality with the original States. These communities, differing many of them as widely as possible from their old associates in manners, laws, and interests, and jealous at all times of the least encroachment on their dignity or freedom, have been bound to the North and West by a tie essen- tially national in its character, yet slender and at best imperfect. Each, to its own citizens, is and has always been the immediate, though not the only, object of those feelings, and source of those benefits, which men ex- perience towards and receive from their country — has given them security of life and property, government, liberty, and by far the largest part of the laws under which they live — and has expected from them correspond- ing duties in return. The people of these communities, inhabiting a country larger than France and Germany, assert (whether rightly or wrongly, we in England can hardly take on ourselves to determine,) that the Union has ceased to be advantageous to them, and ceased to be just towards them ; that their interests are systematically sacrificed, and their laws and institutions attacked and endangered ; and they pour out against it a flood of complaints and reproaches as vehement to the full as those which formed the preamble to the Declaration of Inde- pendence, and not much more vague. And the scene of all this is a country which has treasured the right of revolt as the charter of its own freedom, and regarded the exercise of it as restrained only by motives of pru- dence, and needing no public justification except out of " a decent respect for the opinions of mankind ;" a country — the only one in the world — which has macb the theory of a social compact the basis of its insti- tutions ; whicli was the first to pronuilgate formally the doctrine that " all just governments derive their 87 power from the consent of the governed," and has never ceased to apphiud every apphcation of that doctrine abroad, nor to teach and proclaim it at home. I know, of conrse, that the Union as well as the States — nay, in some respects more justly and more strongly — can appeal to its history and its laws, to the benefits it has conferred, the prospects it opens, the interests it has cherished, the attachment it has inspired. I know what moral ties are woven by these benefits and by this long and intimate association. And the powerful motives which forbid the North to ac- quiesce patiently in a revolt that would make New Orleans the seat of a foreign power, and line with foreign fortifications the southern shores of Chesapeake Bay, are not perhaps sufficiently appreciated in England ; though, in a quarrel which arose mainly from the resist- ance, or apprehended resistance, of the North to the extension of the area of slavery, English sympathies have generally enlisted themselves, as was natural, on the Northern side. If those sympathies have in any degree been alienated, it is not for me to inquire why, or by whose fault, this has happened. But I think we may now see that the two principles balanced against each other in the Auierican Constitution have in fact repre- sented two classes of interests, two bodies of sentiment, two sets of traditions and institutions, two allegiances "^ ; that these diverse influences, the compromise between them having at length been rudely broken, arc now at strife with one another; and that Englishmen are not to blame if that which the North calls a wicked re- bellion is to them simply a civil war. Suffer me, in conclusion, to add a few words on a sub- '' I do not use the word in its strict sense, though some States (1 know not liovv many) liave treason-laws of their own. ject with which these events have a direct connexion — the uses and imperfections of the federal principle of government. Federalism is an expedient for enabling a number of distinct societies to enjoy the chief advan- tages of a true national unity without submitting them- selves to its ordinary conditions ; to possess the security, the external strength, the majesty and influence, of a great nation, without making those sacrifices which the pro- cess of fusion, be it quick and violent, or imperceptible and slow, necessarily entails. It assumes the existence of common interests large and permanent enough to form the basis of an organic union, yet not powerful enough in themselves, or not armed with sufficient force, to subdue in the separate communities (as is at present being done in Italy) the love of independence, and the particular interest which each has, or thinks it has, in retaining the exclusive control of its own affairs. Such a state of things may arise from the gradual disintegra- tion of a great monarchy, or of a great republic ; or from a revolution cutting the link of a common alle- giance; or by simple aggregation. The theory is most engaging, and it has been hailed again and again as an invaluable discovery in political science ; but in practice it has rarely or never achieved all that was expected from it. There have been jars and dissensions, torpor and para- lysis ; foreign influence and intrigue have crept in on every side, and the machinery has failed to work well for want of sufficient motive power. It is because the German Confederation is unable to stir hand or foot that poli- ticians hold it so valuable to the tranquillity of Europe. In truth, though built to last for ever, these edifices have generally seemed adapted only for a period of transition ; they have had the air of temporary arrange- ments, even when expressly and solemnly declared to be 89 perpetual. Nor is this difficult to account for. In poli- tics there is nothing so hard to preserve as a balance of power. Political power is a force which does not stand still ; it waxes or it wanes. Thus the eiditeenth ccnturv was spent in adjusting and re-adjusting a supposed balance among the great monarchies of Europe ; and we all know how I^lackstone's elegant theory of the British Constitution has been destroyed by the inevit- able growth of the House of Conunons. In a federal system the common government is balanced, by the help of arrangements more or less artificial, against the particular governments. But it can rarely hold its own against them at the outset, and the disproportion has a natural tendency to grow^ The interests and feelings which they re})rescnt, if smaller, are busier and more active, multiply faster, and lie closer to the individual citizen, than those impersonated by the central govern- ment ; they command more influence and attachment; and if the force they arc armed with is less, they arc better able to use it. Where this tendency has been reversed or held in check, it has commonly been by the aggrandisement of some member of the confederacy, some Province of Holland or Canton of Berne, which, by establishing a hegemony, has made the central go- vernment in a manner its own ; by the necessity for sustained resistance to external dangers ; or by the rise of some common interest or sentiment (usually some form of ambition) powerful enough to overmaster the crowd of separate interests, its rivals. With these risks and disadvantages, the federal prin- cii)le has done great service, and all that can be objected "■ There are some good observations on tlie probability that tlie States of the Union would encroach on the Federal Govcru- nient, FedcraUnt, xvii., xlv., xlvi. 90 to it is, that it has fallen short of its aims. It is still a favourite with many political thinkers, and it is pro- bably destined to revive in untried forms hereafter. It was not entirely, perhaps, from a settled conviction of its expediency for Italy, nor as an experiment in poli- tical science, that a great potentate lately proposed the establishment of an Italian Confederation. But the project of a federal union among some of our own colonies, and even of connecting the mother country herself with her colonies in a relation substantially federal, has been often discussed amongst us, and pro- bably not for the last time. The formation in America itself of a cluster of clusters, a system of composite governments united by a federal alliance, is one of the possible results of this war. The American Constitution, which is a semi-federal system engrafted on an older and purely federal one, is undoubtedly the most beautiful and carefully wrought structure of its kind which the world has ever seen. It was constructed under the pressure of great practical evils, for which it appeared to offer the only adequate remedy — not by speculative theorists, but by men of eminent abilities, extensive political knowledge, and strong, practical good sense. No one, I think, can now read the collection of papers published in 1788 and 1789 under the title of the " Federalist," for the purpose of winning over the reluctant State of New York, without conceiving the highest admiration for the two chief writers in it, who were likewise the chief authors of the Constitution — especially Alexander Hamilton. I know no finer model of political writing than some of these papers, from which De Tocqneville's view of the Constitution is mainly taken. The Constitution itself has hitherto answered, very fairly, the expectations formed 91 of it ; and De Tocqueville observes that, intricate as is the relation which it estabhshcs between the power of the Union and that of the States, he never met with an American who had any difficulty in saying how it woidd practically work in any particular case. American writers and orators have exhausted upon it, we know, even their copious stores of panegyric ; not even our own (which Hamilton thought the best in the world) lias received from its admirers such extravagant praise. It would admit, they affirmed, — and this in their eyes was its greatest merit, — an unbounded expansion of ter- ritory, an indefinite multiplication of new States : the able historian of the Constitution, writing three years ago, declares that there is no imaginable variety of race, climate, situation, occupation, and hereditary customs, vv'hich might not submit happily to its light control and find a suitable place within so elastic and comprehensive a system. Yet this extension has proved to be a real danger. The separate interests of the States have mul- tiplied, and that jealousy of the central power which calls itself by the name of Democracy has almost from the very first been the most active and powerful element in American politics. Jefferson long ago looked forward to the disruption ; in his view it was fast becoming a mere question of time. He was ready, in 1803, when some anticipated from the acquisition of Louisiana a fu- ture division of the Union into an Atlantic and a Missis- sippi confederacy, to say gaily, " Let them part by all means if it is for their hap])iness to do so. It is but the elder and the younger son differing. God bless them both, and keep them in union if it be for their good, but sepa- rate them if it be better." But his fears were thoroughly aroused in 1820, when at the time of the Missouri con- troversy he saw a principle of poHtical discord becoming 92 coincident, as he thought, with a particular geographical line, that hue coinciding eastwards with the Potomac. He thought that destined to be fatal^ What he antici- ^ In 1798 he writes to a friend who had said "that it was not unwise now to estimate the separate mass of Virginia and North Carolina with a view to their separate existence," — " It is true," he answers, "that we are completely under the saddle of Massachusetts and Connecticut, and that they ride us very hard, cruelly insulting our feelings, as well as exhausting our strength and subsistence. Their natural friends, the three other eastern States, join them from a sort of family pride, and they have the art to divide certain other parts of the Union so as to make use of them to govern the whole. . . . But if on a temporary superiority of one party, the other is to resort to a scission of the Union, no federal Govern- ment can ever exist. If to rid ourselves of the present rule of Massachusetts and Connecticut we break the Union, will the evil stop there ? Suppose the New England States cut oif, will our natures be changed? Are we not men still, to the south of that, and with all the passions of men ? Immediately we shall see a Pennsylvania and a Virginia party arise in the residuary con- federacy, and the public mind will be animated by the same party- spirit. "What a game, too, will the one party have in their hands by eternally threatening the other that, unless they do so and so, they will join their northern neighbours. If we reduce our Union to Virginia and North Carolina, immediately the conflict will be established between the representatives of these two States, and they will end by breaking into their simple units. Seeing, therefore, that an association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations down to a town meeting or a vestry; seeing that we must have somebody to quarrel with, I had rather keep our New England associates for that purpose than see our bickerings transferred to others. They are circum- scribed within such narrow limits, and their population is so full, that their numbers will ever be in the minority, and they are marked like the Jews with such a perversity of character as to constitute from that circumstance the natural division of our parties. . . . Better keep together as we are, haul off from Europe as soon as we can, and from all attachments to any portions of it, and if they shew their power just sufficiently to hoop us together, 93 pated has actually occuiTed. In 1S26 Georgia, on no greater provocation than a petty quarrel about her deal- it will be the liapijiest situation iu which wo can exist." — Letter to Mr. Taylor, Jcjfcrsons Memoirs and Correspondence, iii. 399. In August, 1803, when the cession of Louisiana was under dis- cussion, he wrote to Mr. Breckenridge : — " These federalists see in this acquisition the formation of a new confederacy embracing all the waters of the IMississippi on both sides of it, and a separa- tion of its eastern waters from us. These combinations depend on so many circumstances which we cannot foresee, that I place little reliance on them. We have seldom seen neighbourhood produce affection among nations. The reverse is almost the universal truth. Besides, if it should become the great interest of those nations to separate from this, if their happiness should depend on it so strongly as to induce them to go through that convulsion, why should the Atlantic States dread it? But espe- cially why should we, their present inhabitants, take side in such a question ? When I view the Atlantic States procuring for those on the eastern waters of the Mississippi friendly instead of hostile neighbours on its western waters, I do not view it as an Englishman would the procuring future blessings for the French nation, with which he has no relations of blood or affection. The future inhabitants of the Atlantic and Mississippi States will be our sons. AVe leave them in distinct but bordering establishments. We think we see their happiness in their union, and we wish it. Events may prove it otherwise. Why should we take part with our Atlantic rather* than our Mississippi descendants ? It is the elder and the younger son differing. God bless them both, and keep them in union if it be for their good, but separate them if it be better."— 7&. 521. But in 1820 : — "Although I had laid down, as a law to myself, never to write, talk, or even think of politics, to know^ nothing of public affairs, and therefore had ceased to read newspapers, yet this Missouri question aroused and filled me with alarm. The old schism of federal and republican threatened nothing because it existed in every State, and united them together by the fratcrnism of party. But the coincidence of a marked principle, moral and political, with a geographical line, once conceived, I feared would never more be obliterated from the mind, that it would be recur- ring on every occasion, and renewing irritations until it woidd 94 iiigs with the Indian tribes, threatened secession and a Southern confederacy, and South Carohna in 1831 went to the very verge of revolt in resistance to the protective tariff, and partly attained her ends. The tariff and slavery have come by degrees to divide North from South by an inveterate antagonism of interest and opinion ; and the line of demarcation is the line of the Potomac. And now the disruption has come; and neither the sentiment of an enlarged patriotism, nor the pride with which every American has been accustomed to look back to the past and forward to the future of his country, nor that thick overgrowth of public and private interests which has gradually covered every stone and pillar of the Union and seemed to knit it firmly together, nor those obscure but certain evils which must attend its fall, have been sufficient to prevent the catastrophe. Whether that Union which extended from the Gulf of Mexico to the banks of the St. Lawrence can in any form be cemented again, we have yet to see. " Near friends falling out," Jefferson has said, " never reunite cordially." Mr. Seward, indeed, has told all the Powers of Europe, officially and authoritatively, to dismiss from their minds the possibility of a separation ; the great American Commonwealth, he declares, will stand here- after, as it has stood hitherto, " an object of human kindle such mutual and mortal hatred as to render separation pre- ferable to eternal discord. I have ever been amongst the sanguine in believing that our Union would be of long duration. I now doubt it much, and see the event at no great distance, and the direct consequence of this question, not by the line which has been so confidently counted on, — the laws of nature control this, — but by the Potomac, Ohio, and Missouri, or more probably the Mississippi upwards to our northern boundary. My only comfort and confidence is that I shall not live to see this." — Letter to Mr. Short, iv. 329. 95 wonder and liiinian affection." I know not liow this may be, but I think we may be sure that a Union ce- mented in blood cannot and will not be the old Union. A constitution " ordauicd and established," not eighty years ago, " to insure domestic tranquillity" and " es- tablish justice," cannot survive untarnished, if it survive at all, a civil war in which one-third of the American people have been arrayed against the other two, and which has already led to something very like a military dictatorship — to the destruction of the freedom of the press, to arbitrary arrests, to the suspension of the right of habeas corpus and of trial by jury \ Like the feet of the great image, it was made of iron and clay ; the iron has not mingled with the clay, and it " is partly strong and partly broken." All Souls' College, Nov. 8, 18G1. * See Note B at the end of Lecture I. |hiittcb bi) li^tssrs. |1nrbr, Conunurhef, (Djtforb. LRBAp'26 771^