Class Book. SMITHSONIAN DEPOSIT THE ANNALS OF NE¥TO¥N, IN QUEENS COUNTY, NEW-YORK: / V CONTAINING jts listorg lim its toi Sttttent, TOGETHER WITH M/Nl INTERESTING FACTS CONCERNING THE ADJACENT TOWNS; ALSO, A .TICULAR ACCOUNT OF NUMEROUS LONG ISLAND FAMILIES NOW SPREAD OVER THIS AND VARIOUS OTHER •STATES OF THE UNION. By JAMES RIKEE, Jr. " The benefits of God are to be kept in fresh memory and propagated to posterity." Rev. WitLiAM Levericu. NEW-YORK : r0BLISHEB BY D. FANSHAW, 108 NASSAU-STREET, Printing Office, 35 Ann-street, corner of Noisau. 1852. ,1. r^ 1- ' zt-i ,. Entered according to Act of Congress, ill the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. by James Riker, Jr. in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Unit, d States for the Southern District of New- York. TO JOHN L. RIKER, ESU., €amntUax at fato, ESTEEMED BY HIS FELLOW-CITIZENS FOR ROFESSIONAL AND PRIVATE WORTH, EXHIBITED .'HROUGH MANY YEARS OF AN UNBLEMISHED LIFE ; €\)w f nluine IS, WITH THE author's COMPLIMENTS, RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED. PREFACE. Newtown, including the several islands known as Riker's, Berrien's, Luyster's, Yonker's Island, and the two Brothers, covers an area of twenty-six and a quar- ter square miles. Its valuable resources ; its contiguity and important relation to the city of New- York, as well as the pleasing character of its historic reminis- cences, are deemed sufficient to commend the follow- ing attempt to preserve its history. While the author, with much diffidence, submits his work to the public scrutiny, he asks leave to state that great pains have been taken to make the volume accurate and accepta- ble. In the collection and collation of his materials he has avoided that undue haste which is the too common error of ou¥ local annalists. During a period of seve- ral years he has made patient search in every quarter promising to yield him information ; but space will al- low only a brief summary of his authorities. The voluminous manuscript records in the State Department at Albany, and the lesser ones in the clerks' offices of Kings and Q-ueens counties, as well as those existing in the surrounding town offices, have been carefully examined. The library of the New- York Historical Society has afforded a fund of valuable in- formation, both in print and manuscript. The probate PREFACE records at New- York, Brooklyn, and Jamaica, and the baptismal and marriage registers of the Reformed Dutch churches of Brooklyn and Flatbush, and the collegiate Dutch churches of New- York, have opened to him a mine of early genealogical matter ; which species of inquiry has been further aided by a multi- tude of family records and papers, tombstones, &c. &c. The author bears grateful testimony to the uni- form courtesy with which his investigations, both in public and private sources, have been treated. The European history and the armorial devices of Dutch and French families are mainly drawn from a rare and voluminous foreign work, entitled " European Her- aldry," These facts are not given to foster family pride, but only for their historical value. Many individuals have evinced a friendly interest in his labors, by favoring him with communications, or in other respects aiding him in his inquiries. Among these are worthy of kindest mention the Hon. John M. Berrien, of Georgia ; Jos. H. Burroughs, Esq., Savan- nah, Geo. ; Hon. Jacob Brinkerhoff, Mansfield, Ohio ; Dr. John Brinckerhoff, Chicago, 111. ; A. D. Bache, Esq., Washington city ; Rev. Dr. Wm. M. Engles, and Asa I. Fish, Esq., Phila. ; Rev. Richard Webster, Mauch Chunk, Pa. ; the late Rev. Dr. Samuel Miller, Prest. Princeton College ; Rev. Dr. Ab'm Messier, Somerville, N. J. ; Rev. Garret C. Schanck, Pompton Plains, N. J. ; Rev. Jas. K. Campbell, North Branch, N. J. ; Rev. John Gardner, Harlingen, N. J. ; Judge Jas. S. Lawrence, Cream Ridge, N. J. ; Samuel F. Haven, Esq., Worces- ter, Mass. ; Rev. Abner Morse, Sherburne, Mass. ; Hon. Charles R. Alsop, Middletown, Ct. ; Watson E. Law- rence, Esq., New Haven, Ct. ; Hon. Wm. A. Sackett, and G. V. Sackett, Esq., Seneca co., N. Y. ; Rev. PREFACE. Arthur Burtis, Cherry Valley, N. Y. ; Rev. Garret J. Garretson, Lodi, N. Y. ; Gen. Peter S. Post, Florida, N. Y. ; Messrs. T. V. W. Brinkerhoff", and R. H. Brincker- hoff, Fishkill, N. Y. ; the late Benjamin F. Thompson, Esq., of Hempstead, L. I. ; Rev. Dr. R. 0. Currie, and Tunis G. Bergen, Esq., New Utrecht ; Rev. Dr. Thomas M. Strong, Flatbush ; Rev. Dr. Jacob Schoonmaker, Ja- maica; Rev. Dr. John Goldsmith, Rev. Geo. A. Shel- ton, John L. Riker, Esq., and Dr. Hursey Baylies, of Newtown ; Hon. Jeremiah Johnson, Brooklyn ; Rev. Dr. Thos. De Witt, Hon. Hamilton Fish, Hon. Luther Bradish, Hon. Robert H. Morris, Charles King, Prest. Columbia College, William Betts, Prof, of Law, Co- lumbia College, Lambert Suydam, Esq., the late Hon. John L. Lawrence, the late Gen. Peter Van Zandt, and Rev. John Alburtis, of New- York city ; the Rev. E. H. Gillett, and E. Ketchum, Esq., of Harlem. And the author cannot fail to acknowledge in special terms the very generous and valuable assistance rendered him by the Hon. James Savage, of Boston, and Syl- vester, Judd, Esq., of Northampton, Mass., in the search for and communication of many important facts. Like- wise to Dr. E. B. O'Callaghan, of Albany, and H. Onderdonk, Jr., Esq., of Jamaica, he is indebted for important aid, other than that afforded him by their printed works, the Hist, of New Netherland, and Revo- lutionary Incidents, which were also found of invalua- ble service. To these might be added the names of many kind friends, who have been very helpful, but room would fail were this list thus extended. With all these aids the compiler has been unable to observe at all times a uniform fulness of detail, owing mainly to a deficiency of records, and yet in part to the strange indifference of some to whom application for PREFACE. materials was made. And this in cases where their own family history was involved. Such, though per- haps insensible of it, have done theinselves an injury. In some instances family reminiscences have been ex- cluded because they were wholly traditionary, and found to be at variance with recorded facts. Hence, if the reader should find his family history as here given to conflict with some received tradition, let him not condemn too rashly ; records generally speak the truth, and facts are stubborn things. In matters of more re- cent date, based upon oral statements, notwithstanding the utmost care to secure accuracy, it can hardly be presumed that all errors have been avoided ; any such as may be detected by his readers, the author will es- teem it a high favor to be informed of Special pains have been taken to have the dates correct. While the author hopes that no apology is neces- sary for any peculiarity of his work, one feature of the revolutionary history may require a passing allusion. In treating of that period, the names of the prominent loyalists have not been suppressed ; and for several reasons. It would seriously detract from the value and interest of the narrative. Most of them were already in print, in the public journals of the Revolution, Force's Archives, Sabine's American Loyalists, &c. And more- over, none at this remote day need feel aggrieved, since we now look with discrimination on the opposers of our Revolution, distinguishing between the honest loy- alist and that baser sort whose motives were mercenary or hands prone to violence. Allusions in the following pages, to the present time, refer to the year 1851. In this ever-changing world often the truth of yesterday is falsified to-day. Hence, instances of death, change of residence, &c. PRE FACE during the passage of this work through the press, have made the language in several places not strictly appro- priate. Except these, and several mistakes, mostly ty- pographical, noticed in the Errata, the work is believ- ed to be a truthful and reliable record. James Riker, Jr. Harlem, New- York, Dec. 25^/i, 1851. GENERAL CONTENTS. T1B.ST PART. CIVIL AND CHURCH HISTORY. PAas. Chapter i^ From the discovery of New- York, to the decline of the Mespat colony, 1609 to 1650. . 13 Chapter II. From the founding of the village of Newtown, to the purchase of the town from the Indians, 1652 to 1656 26 Chapter III. From the Indian purchase, to the revolt of Long Island from the Dutch, 1657 to 1661. . 44 Chapter IV. From the conquest of the country by the English, to the erection of the first church in New- town, 1664 to 1671 65 Chapter V. From the arbitration of the boundary dis- pute, to the taking of a census, 1671 to 1683. . 86 Chapter VI. From the first general assembly, to the fall of Gov. Leisler and the foundation of the colo- nial government, 1683 to 1691 103 Chapter VII. From the erection of the fulling-mill, to Cornbury's persecution of the dissenters, 1691 to 1707 122 Chapter VIII. From the revival of the boundary dis- pute, to the troubles with the Fauconniers, 1706 to 1720 139 Chapter IX. From the building of the first Quaker meeting-house, to the final settlement of the boun- dary dispute, &c., 1720 to 1775 153 Chapter X. From the rise of the American Eevolution, to the subjugation of Newtown by the British troops, 1774 to 1776 173 GENERAL CONTENTS. Pack Chapter XI. From the formal submission of Queens county to the King, to the end of the war of Inde- pendence, 1776 to 1783. . . . . .196 Chapter XII. History of the Presbyterian, Dutch, Epis- copal, Quaker, Baptist, and Methodist churches. . 224 Conclusion, Eeviewing modern improvements and the present resources and prospects of the township. 257 *<,* For particular contents, see the head of each chapter. SZSCOZVB FAS.T. GENEALOGICAL HISTORY. Embracing the Biography and Lineage of numerous Persons and Families, for whose names, see the Index at the close of the volume. The plan of the Genealogies is given in the Explanations which precede them . 263 A.— The Mespat Patent, in Latin, 1642 413 B.— Presbyterian Church Members, 1708 to 1771. . 415 C— Dutch Church Contributors, 1731 415 D.— Dutch Church Pew-holders, 1736 416 E. — Communicants, Nov. 1, 1741 417 F.— List of Town Officers, 1652 to 1852. . . .418 G.— Freeliolders of Newtown, Dec. 4, 1666. , . .427 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN i" i r t |) a r t . ITS CIVIL AND CHURCH HISTORY. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. CHAPTEE I, ]l\![espat or Newtown in a primative state, — Its inhabitants, the prowling beast and the tawny Indian. — New- York discovered by the Dutch and called New-Neth- erland. — The West India Company establish trading posts here — Followed by efforts to coloniee the country. — Farmers begin to settle in Mcspat. — The Rev. Francis Doughty, a persecuted clergyman, removes here from New England ; obtains a patent, and plants a colony. — The settlement burnt by the Indians. — A peace made with the savages, and the planters return to their lands. — Mr. Doughty locates in New Amsterdam. — Several planters take out their patents. — Hendrick Harnienscn's plantation. — Rupture between Mr. Doughty and his asso- ciates. — Ends in a suit at law. — Mr. Doughty appeals. — Is imprisoned by Direc- tor Kieft. — Is refused the privilege of leaving the country. — Settles in Flushing. — Adversity still attends him. — He is finally permitted to leave New Netherland. — Ilis children. — His farm in possession of Dr. Adriaen Van der Donck, from whom Yonkers Island takes its name. — Decline of the Mespat colony. — Rich- ard Smith leaves it. — The venerable Roger Williams' account of this gentleman. A. D. 1609 to 1650. Scarce two centuries and a lialf have elapsed since Mespat,' ** by the Indian so called " was the undisputed domain of the red man. Those richly cultivated farms that now pay their annual tribute to the garner of the husbandman, then laj^ in all the wild grandeur of a primeval forest, whose lone recesses were only disturbed by the prowling beast, the peans of the bird of prey, or the stealthy tread of the Indian hunter. Where now graze the kine, the herd of graceful deer roved and fed in native pastures. Flocks of wild- fowl bathed in the streams across whose waters the timid beaver constructed its dams. Daylight was made vocal by hosts of plumed songsters, and the swamps echoed, through dismal glades, the nocturnal bowlings of rapacious wolves, as they pursued to death some ill-fated ' This, the Indian name for Newtown, is written Mespachtes by some of the earliest Dutch authorities, but it was usually shortened to Mespat, and in modern days corrupted to Maspeth, and confined to a small settlement near the head of Newtown Creek. 2 14 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. victim. In unison with the natural wildness, arose the rustic hamlet of the natives, a group of bark-clad wigwams, and their adjacent planting grounds. Here dwelt the untutored son of the forest, passing the period of his existence in the few and simple employments of savage life, the chief of which were the amusements of the game, or dance ; the graver pursuits of hunt- ing and fishing, or the fearful exploits of war. Such, in brief, was Mespat, and such its proprietors, ante- rior to the discovery of this country by Henry Hudson, who, in the year 1609, sailing under Dutch patronage, found and ex- plored the noble river that bears his name, and conveying to Europe the news of his important discovery, turned the atten- tion of Holland intently towards the fertile country beyond the great waters, that soon after received the name of New Neth- erland, from the land of its adoption. The Dutch nation fol- lowed up the discoveries of Hudson with the most successful results. The developements respecting this section of the New World, its character and resources, convinced the merchants in Holland of the great advantages to be derived from the estab- lishment of trading posts in New Netherland, whose abundance of valuable furs presented the most flattering prospects for com- merce, and the speedy accumulation of wealth. Less than five years had elapsed, therefore, when ships were fitted out, and despatched to this country, and a mart for Indian traffic plant- ed on the southern point of the Island of Manhattan, where several houses were erected, and a trade opened with the sur- rounding tribes of natives. The settlement soon took the name of New Amsterdam. But, in order more fully to reap the benefit of Hudson's discovery, a commercial organization, entitled the West India Company, was formed by the Holland merchants, for the pur- pose of establishing a closer intercourse with the New World, and to whom, by an act of incorporation, conferred by the States General of the Netherlands, in 1621, the trade to New Nether- land was exclusively conceded. Much profit attended this enterprise, and valuable cargoes of beaver and other skins were annually transported to Holland, to enrich the coffers of the Company. But as yet, no direct efforts had been made to co- lonize the country ; and, up to 1629 the population chiefly con- sisted of a few individuals in the employ of the Company, and ANNALSOFNEWTOWN. 15 connected witli the several trading posts. But, in the above year, the adoption, by the States General, of a charter of Free- doms and Exemptions, authorizing the members of the West India Company to establish "colonies," or manors, gave a stimulus to emigration from the Netherlands, and produced the colony of Eensselaerswyck, on the head waters of the Hudson, and others that were soon after founded by several directors of the Company, who assumed the title of patroon, holding in their particular seignories, an authority akin to that exercised by the feudal lords of the Middle Ages. But ten years served to illustrate that these establishments, patterned after European feudal polity, were suited neither to the speedy growth of the population of the country, nor to its social, civil, or commercial advancement. Through neglect and mal- administration on the part of the Company, its fertile territory lay a howling wilderness, and its vast resources un- developed. Made acquainted with this state of things, the States General took the matter in hand, in 1638, and by a proclamation, declared the monopoly of the country abolished, and the New Netherland to be open to all, whether Dutch or foreigners, for the purposes of trade, or the cultivation of the soil; making, however, those who should emigrate thither, subject to the authority of the West India Company, from whom every such person was entitled to receive as much land as he or his family could properly cultivate ; for which, after it should have been a specified term of years under tillage, he was obligated to pay the lawful tenth of its produce. But the encouragement thus given to emigrants was greatly extended in 1640, by the grant of a new and more liberal charter of freedoms and exemptions, providing, among other things, for the administration of civil government in New Netherland, and establishing the rights and privileges of the inhabitants upon a footing parallel with those enjoyed in Holland. This charter formed the basis of the municipal rights afterward en- joyed by the towns and villages of New Netherland. The enlarged agricultural and commercial advantages, as well as the religious and political freedom now promised to the inhabitants of New Netherland, had a benign effect upon its interests; and, as a consequence, gave an impulse to the work of emigration, both from the continent of Europe, and iO ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. also from New England, whose inhabitants, in considerable numbers, availed themselves of the privilege of a residence in the territories of the Dutch, whither, unfortunately, the spirit of religious intolerance — already enkindled in the land of the pilgrims — induced many to flee, and take up their abode. Remembering Holland, the refuge of themselves or kindred, when the fires of persecution drove them from their homes in Britain, and still in pursuit of the priceless gem of religious freedom, they naturally turned to the daughter province, to find all the sympathy and security enjoyed in the parent country. It was to the operation of such hallowed motives, that Mespat owed the first combined attempt to reclaim its soil from the wildness of nature. This section had already attracted the attention of colo- nists ; and individuals, both Dutch and English, were now en- tering, as pioneers, upon the work of converting its fertile lands to purposes of agriculture. At the head of the Kill of Mespat, or Newtown Creek, in a section called by the Dutch, 't Kreupel-bosch, now corrupted to Cripplebush, Hans Hans- sen, familiarly called Hans the Boore, obtained a plantation of 200 morgen, or 400 acres. Descending the stream, Richard Brutnell, a native of Bradford, England, was seated on the hook, or point, at the entrance, and east side of Canapaukah Creek, now the Dutch Kills, where he had a farm of near an hundred acres ; and, on the opposite side of the creek was the plantation of Tymen Jansen, who had been a ship-carpenter, in the employ of the West India Company ; next to whom, north- Avard, lay the land of Burger Jorissen, a respectable smith, from Silesia. Upon the northern border of Mespat, at what is now Fish's Point, Hendrick Harmensen, otherwise called Henry the Farmer, had a bouwery, or farm under cultivation. These were important beginnings ; but such single-handed eflbrts would have required a long period to convert the solitudes of the forest into arable fields and smiling gardens. They were, however, speedily seconded by a band of enterprising colo- nists from New England, the history of which is fraught with lively interest. Among those who, for conscience sake, had followed the pilgrims of the Mayflower, to the " stern and rock-bound coast " of Massachusetts, hoping there to enjoy freedom of speech and ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 17 action in matters of religious faith, was the Eev. Francis Doughty, a dissenting clergyman, who is stated to have been a member of the ancient and honorable family of Doughtys, or Doutys, of Esher, in Surry, and Boston, in Lincolnshire, Eng- land. He settled at Cohannet, now Taunton, but here he dis- covered that he had plunged "out of the frying-pan into the fire." Differing, in some of his sentiments, from Mr. Hooke, pastor of the church at that place, and his assistant, Street, a " controversie " unhappily arose between them. Doughty as- serted that, according to the Abrahamic covenant, all children of baptized parents, and so Abraham's children, ought to have been baptized, " and spake so in public, or to that effect, which was held a disturbance ; and the ministers spake to the magis- trate to order him out, the magistrate commanded the constable, who dragged Master Doughty out of the assembly." Their dispute being laid before Wilson, Mather, and other divines, assembled at Taunton, " Master Doughty was overruled, and the matter carried somewhat partially, as is reported." Dough- ty "was forced to go away from thence, with his wife and children," and he sought a refuge in the island of Aquetneck, now Rhode Island, in ISTarragansett Bay. Here he resolved, with certain of his friends residing at Taunton and other places, to remove to the Dutch territory, " in order to enjoy freedom of conscience," being " undone " in point of worldl}-- resources, though he was " a man of estate when he came to the country." Mr. Doughty, being empowered to act on behalf of his associates, made application to the authorities at JSTew Amster- dam for a tract of land, and a patent was immediately granted them for 13,332 acres at Mespat, which embraced nearly the whole of the present town of Newtown, as will be observed by a perusal of the instrument. We, Willem Kieft, Director-general, and Council of New Netherland, for and in behalf of the High and Mighty Lords, the Lords States General of the United Netherland Provinces, his Highness the Prince of Orange, as well as the Most Noble Lords, the Lords Directors of the General Privileged West India Company ; to all those who shall see these Letters, Make Known, that We have given and granted, as by these presents We do give and grant, nnto Francis Doughty, and associates, their heirs and assigns, in real, actual, and perpetual possession, all and every tiiat certain parcel of land situate on Long Island, in this province, with the pastures and whatever 18 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. eke it includes, containing, in auperfices, six thousand, six hundred and sixty- six Dutch acres, or thereabouts, comprehended within four right lines, each two thousand Dutch perches long, the first whereof extends from the east angle of Hans Hanssen's meadow,^ dividing, according to the creek, the marsh into two unequal parts, unto the plantation of Richard Brutnall, and thence proceeds towards the north-east, passing through the middle of the fresh marsh to tiie rivulet surrounding the lands of Henry the Farmer, and following the same even to its mouth ; the othsr line taking its origin from thence, bends towards the south-east, according to the main bank, going along the same unto the other creek, following the course of which from its mouth, until it attains the eastern extremity of the said marsh, (from whence the aforesaid creek arises,) thence turns again towards the south-east, until it has gained the length of two thousand Dutch perches ; the third line taking its rise from the end of the latter, tends towards the west, of an equal length with the others; finally, the fourth running from the last-mentioned point towards the north-west, terminates at the above-mentioned eastern angle of Hans Hanssen's meadow, at which angle a large stone is erected for the greater certainty of the boundaries. With power to establish in the aforesaid tract a town or towns ; to erect a church or churches; to exercise the Reformed Christian religion and Church discipline which they profess; also to administer of right, high, low, and middle jurisdiction, to decide civil suits, not exceeding fifty Dutch florins; to impose definitively, and without appeal, in criminal matters, fines to an equal amount; to pronounce the first sentence in other civil and criminal ac- tions of greater moment, and to execute the same, subject, however, to such execution being deferred, should an appeal be made to the supreme court of New Netherland ; Finally, to exercise all rights belonging to the aforesaid jurisdiction, with power, moreover, to nominate some of theirs, and to present them to the Director of New Netherland, that a sufficient number may be chosen from them for political and juridical government; together with the right of hunting, fowling, fishing, and of trading, according to the immunities granted, and to be granted, to the colonists of this province, without any ex- ception: — Wherefore the aforesaid F. Doughty and his associates, their heirs and assigns, shall be obligated, so long as they are in possession of the above- mentioned lands, to acknowledge the aforesaid Lords for their sovereign Lords and Patroons ; to pay, after the lapse of ten years, the tenth part of the produce of the land, whether cultivated with the plough, hoe, or otherwise ; orchards and kitchen-gardens, not exceeding one Dutch acre, excepted; Finally, to use no other standard than that of Holland ; and so as to avoid confusion, to use Dutch weights, the Dutch ell and all other Dutch measures. All which we promise, under the foregoing conditions, inviolably to preserve, and bind our 1 The farm of Ilans Hanssen has been already noticed as lying near Cripple- bush. It comprised 400 acres, or nearly two-thirds of a square mile, and from a careful examination of the patent and those adjoining, I think it must have covered a part, and perhaps the whole of the present settlement at the Bushwick Cross- roads. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 19 successors to the faithful observance of the same, by virtue of the commip- Kion and supreme .-luthority granted to us by the Most Mighty Prince of Orange, Governor of the United Belgic Provinces. In testimony whereof we have subscribed these presents with our own hand, and caused them to be countersigned by the Secretary of New Netherland, and the seal of New Netherland to be affixed thereto. Given at Fort Amsterdam, on the Island Manhattans, in New Netherland, in the year 1642, the 28th of March. WiLLEM KlEFT. By order of the Director and Council. CoRNELis Van Tieniioven, Secretary.^ Endowed with these ample powers, Mr. Doughty and his associates made immediate preparations to begin a settlement. Less than a year had elapsed, therefore, when a number of fami- lies were comfortably located along the most easterly branch of Mespat Kill, among whom stood high in point of means and respectability, Richard Smith, from Taunton, who was a native of Gloucestershire, England. Mr. Doughty officiated as pastor of the flock, and affairs were tending prosperously, when the sudden breaking out of a war with several Indian tribes gave an unexpected and fatal check to the settlement. This state of hostilities was begun by Director Kieft, who, upon a frivolous pretence of injury received from the natives, despatched two bodies of troops from Fort Amsterdam, at mid- night, February 25th, 1643, one of which fell upon the Indian settlement at Pavonia, on the Jersey shore, and the other upon those at Corlear's Hook, Manhattan Island. Both were fearfully successful, resulting in a horrid butchery of the sleeping In- dians. The natives at first thought it was their enemies, the terrible Mohawks, but they were soon undeceived, for only a few days after, the Dutch settlers near Flatlands, with the con- nivance of the Director, plundered those at Marreckawick, or Brooklyn, of a. large quantity of corn, killing two of the In- dians who attempted to defend their property. When the natives discovered Avho were the authors of these barbarities, they were inflamed to the utmost, and though hitherto the ' The Doughty patent is recorded iu Latin in the Secretary of State's Office at Albany. The above translation is, by Dr. O'Cailajrhan, but a copy of the original will be found in Appendix A. The MS. being written in small and obscure charac- ters, with many contractions, rendering the work of transcribing it both difficult and hazardous, a reference to the English translation was purposely avoided, during the process of copying, and the document made to explain itself by a collation of corresponding words and letters. 20 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. warm friends of tlie Dutch, they now became their implacable enemies. With fire-brand and scalping-knife they desolated the country around New Amsterdam, devoting property to destruction, and the inhabitants to a cruel death, save those who made a timely escape to the fort. Similar was the fate of the dwellers at Mespat. In an evil hour the savages broke in upon the settlement with merciless vengeance ; and some of the inhabitants, among whom was John Smith, fell victims to their fur3^' The remainder sought safety in flight, while the flame was applied to their dwellings, and they, with their contents, reduced to ashes ; their cattle and remaining property sharing no better fate. MesjDat presented but a few heaps of smoulder- ing ruins. How changed was the condition of these settlers as they sought refuge in New Amsterdam, whither the terror-stricken inhabitants from all quarters now resorted. Bereft of means for the present, and hope of the future, the prospect was shrouded in impenetrable gloom. But one precious boon was still theirs ; Mr. Doughty performed Divine service, and im- parted to them the consolations of their holy religion. This gentleman had been an equal sufferer with his flock, having lost nearly everything in the general calamity, but he was in a measure sustained by public contributions. The Director-general at length discovered his error, and made friendly overtures to the savages, to which they, having now satiated their desire for revenge, were willing to listen ; and to the joy of the sober people, a peace was concluded. There- 1 At a court of common pleas held at Jamaica May 12, 1703, Samuel Smith, aged about 67 years, and Elizabeth, wife of Nehemiah Smith, and formerly wife of William Ludlam, dec'd, of Southampton, L. 1. she being aged about 70 years, and botli residing at Jamaica, and persons " well known and worthy of good faith and credit," make deposition that "about sixty years ago, John Smith, fFather to these deponents, living at Taunton in Ply- mouth Colony, now under y*^ government of y*^ Massachusetts-bay, left his said habitation and went to Mashpatt JCills, in Queens county, on Nassau Island, then under y® government of y*^ Dutch, and was there killed by ye Indians. These deponents further say, that John Smith, eldest son of ye said John Smith, their ifather, and brother to these deponents, is now living at Hemsteed, in Queens county, on y'^ island abovesaid, in y'' colony of New-York, and further y^ deponents say not." Counly Clerk's Office, Ja- maica, L. I. Deeds, Lib. A, p. 1G6. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 21 upon some of the planters returned to their ruined habitations at Mespat, though not without fear of the wily savages. Mr. Doughty followed as soon as his total want of confidence in the existing peace and his destitute circumstances would allow. But, after abiding there half a year, he returned " at Thanksgiv- ing " to New Amsterdam, where he remained for several years, owning premises near the fort. In the church within Fort Amsterdam he statedl}^ preached to the English population. Meanwhile, as a better day seemed dawning, several of the residents without the lines of the Mespat patent, took occasion to secure government titles for their lands. On July 3d, 1643, Bur- ger Joris before spoken of, took out his "ground brief " or deed, as did Eichard Brutnell and Tymen Jansen the same month, their lands lying upon opposite sides of the creek at the Dutch Kills, the farm of the last named individual being purchased several years after by Joris Stevensen de Caper, the ancestor of the Van Alst family. Joris de Caper afterwards added to his estate a neighbouring plantation, which had been granted March 23d, 1647, to Jan Jansen from Ditmarsen in Lower Sax- ony, and from whom is descended the present family of Dit- mars. Burger Joris had, in 1642, rented his bouwery and stock, consisting of goats, &c. to Robert Evans and James Smith, but he subsequently resumed his farm, and erected there a tide mill prior to 1654, and the creek was thence denominated Bur- ger's Kill. Allusion has heretofore been made to Hendrick Harmensen, as engaged in the cultivation of a bouwery on the northern outskirts of the town, and who may be regarded as the first white man that turned a furrow in that section of the township. lie had erected a cabin, and obtained, in 1638, several heads of cattle, from a lot imported that year by the Director-general for the use of the colonists. But within a few years Harmensen died, and there is some reason to believe that he was slain in the Indian massacre of 1643. After his decease, his widow, Tryn Herxker, intermarried, in 1645, with Jeuriaen Fradell, a native of Moravia, and subsequently a deacon of the Dutch Church at New Amsterdam, who on September 5th of the above year, obtained a ground brief in his own name for the estate of Harmensen. It is therein designated as "a piece of land lying on Long Island, east of Hellegat, and next to the 22 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. great bend, (riglit over against three islands called tlie Three Brothers,) being the most westerly corner of the same land that lies easterly from the said bend ; and extends from the beach off next along a certain swamp, being west 216 rods, to a great fresh-water meadow ; along said meadow to a fresh-water creek, (which creek is the division betwixt the land of Mr. Doughty and this said parcel of land,) and runs further along the said creek, till to the aforesaid bend, and further along the river shore to the place of begining ; containing by measurement 69 morgens 183 feet : — to this land appurtains also 8 morgens of the aforesaid meadow ; also to this belongs a little island lying about west from the house." A good deal of interest attaches to the history of this bouwerj^, which was subsequently owned by the corporation of the Dutch church at Ncav Amsterdam ; but of this particular mention will be made hereafter.' The island, fr-om the manner in which it was obtained by Fradell, received the name of the Huwelicken, or married island. It was afterwards in possession of Burger Jorissen. Mespat slowly arose from the ashes ; but, alas, before it re- covered strength the settlement was doomed to experience another convulsion. This originated in a misunderstanding between Mr. Doughty and other principal patentees there. The former, regarding himself as vested by the Mespat patent with the powers and privileges of a patroon, assumed the right of disposing of land within the patent, and, it is alleged, re- quired of persons wishing to settle there, "a certain sum of money down for every morgen of land ; and then, moreover, a certain sum annually in shape of quit rent ; and sought also ' A tradition exists in the Riker family that their ancestor located, at a very early period, at what is now called the Poor Bowery, and obtained from the natives a large tract of land at that place — that having previously been an armourer in the Dutch service, lie was accustomed to forge toma- hawks for the Indians round about him ; but that on a certain occasion the savages under a sudden excitement, assaulted him, and one of them gave him a fatal blow, and terminated his life with one of the very instruments of death that he had made for him ; that after this his widow remarried, and the pro- perty was disposed of to the Dutch Church. This tradition, which doubtless has a foundation in truth, can relate to none other than Hendrick Harmensen, the original proprietor of the farm above mentioned. He was a progenitor of the Riker family, as his daughter Margaret married Abraham Rycken, their ancestor. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 23 to make a domain thereof, in opposition to the co-interested of the colonie." But it is clear that no such thing was contemplated by the patent. It conferred upon no one individual any exclusive ti- tle to the soil, but was a grant in common, and intended to be held in joint tenancy. It erected a town, and gave the settlers the town privileges of that day. Therefore, Mr. Doughty's claims were resisted by the other patentees, and a suit was en- tered before the court of New Amsterdam, by Kichard Smith and William Smith, who demanded that Mr. Doughty should be made to declare before the court who were associated Avith him. After some delay the trial ended in April, 1647, against the pretensions of Mr. Doughty. The Director and Council or- dered " that the co-partners should enter on their property, re- serving to Doughty the bouwery and lands which he had in possession." This decision the clergyman regarded as highly unjust, and in violation of the privileges guarantied him by the Mespat patent ; he, therefore, appealed from the sentence. This offended Kieft, who had previously cut off the right of appeal to the courts of Holland ; and telling Doughty that his judgment was final and absolute, the despotic governor fined the defenceless clergyman ten dollars, and locked him up for twenty -four hours in prison. Quite discouraged of finding liberty in New Netherland, he requested the Director-general that, "as he had lived and done duty a long time without suitable support, and as his land was now confiscated," he might be permitted to take ship for the West Indies, or the Netherlands ; but the Director, for obvious reasons, declined giving consent. Thus thwarted in ■ his wishes, Mr. Doughty, the same year, accepted a call from the people of Flushing, and settled there at a fixed salary of six hundred guilders ; where he remained a year or more, his ministrations being attended by Thomas Wandell, and perhaps other of the residents on Mespat Kill. But taking occasion in certain of his discourses to animadvert on the conduct of the government, it so roused the indignation of the famous Cap- tain John Underhill, who declared "that Mr. Doughty did preach against the present rulers, who were his masters," that he thereupon ordered the church doors to be shut against the minister, and he was denied access to the pulpit. This con- 24 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. tinued adversity induced Mr. Doughty again to request leave to depart the country, which was finally obtained ; but not until he had made a promise under his hand not to mention the ill-treatment he had experienced from Directors Kieft and Stuyvesant. Investing his son Francis with power to collect the salary due him from the people of Flushing, (part of which the latter afterwards got by recourse to law,) he took his de- parture for the " English Virginias" in 1648 or 1649. His bou- wery or farm on Flushing Bay, (now owned by Abraham and John I. Eapelye,) he had previously conferred on his daughter Mary, at her marriage, in 1645, with that distinguished "doctor of both laws," Adriaen Van der Donck, who obtained a patent for it May 17th, 1648. About three years after this date, Tho- mas Stevenson, an Englishman, living at Flushing, removed to this farm as a tenant for Van der Donck ; but after the departure of the latter to Holland, Stevenson got a patent from Stuyve- sant confirming these premises to himself. They passed through several hands; and in 1737 were bought by Abraham Eapelye, grandfather of the present occupants. The projection formed by the bay and creek long bore the name of "Stevens' Point." There originally belonged to this farm a singular wooded emi- nence, then containing twelve acres, lying in the Flushing mea- dows, and around Avhich the waters flowed at full tide. From the circumstance of Dr. Van der Donck being familiarly called the Yonker — a Dutch title for a gentleman — this piece of up land took the name of Yonker's Island, by which it is yet known to some.^ The colony of Mespat never recovered from the shock of ' It has been stated that the Rev. Mr. Doughty " was probably a Baptist, but afterwards turned Quaker." Now, his own dedarations in the dispute at Taunton show that he was not a Baptist; and it is equally improbable that he became a Quaker, since he left the country eight years before the first of that sect made their appearance here. O'Callaghan (Hist, N. Netherland, ii. 318) calls him a Presbyterian. He had sons Elias and Francis; the last of whom continued at Newtown many ^ears. Elias was a magistrate of Flushing, where he left posterity. He was regarded as an inhabitant of Newtown, and complimented by a gift of land, because his father had previously lived there. His sister ]\Iary, after the decease of Dr. Van der Donck in 1655, married Hugh O'Neale, Esq. with whom she removed to Maryland. This lady was born at " Heerastede;" but which of the several towns of this name, both in England and Holland, is intended, remains an uncertainty. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 25 savage warfare, and the no less fatal blows of intestine strife. It lost one of its leading citizens in tlie person of Richard Smith, the elder, who, with his family, sought a temporary re- sidence in New Amsterdam, but finally returned to an estate which he had in Rhode Island,' In 1619 there were "not many inhabitants ;" though a few of the patentees still dwelt there. In this year the reverses which it had sustained found their way to the ears of the States General in Holland, among other complaints preferred by the commonalty of New Ne- therland against the mal-administration in this colony. One of the deleo;ates who carried this remonstrance to Holland was Dr. Van der Donck, who had drawn up the paper, in which he made known the ill-usage experienced by his father-in-law, the Rev. Mr. Doughty. But though the aftairs of Mespat did not elicit much notice amid the weightier matters with which the remonstrance was burdened, yet was the latter so zealously presented and sustained by Van der Donck, that the States General actually ordered the recall of Stuyvesant; though they afterwards, for other considerations, thought fit to coun- termand it. And thus declined the ancient municipality of Mespat* whose origin had beamed with promise. Its territory seemed destined to remain the abode of untame beasts ; and the prospect of its speedy colonization vanished as a vision of the night. For years the hum of industry and the marks of civilization were confined to its marine borders, while the in- terior maintained all the grandeur of a wild unbroken wil- derness. ' Other particulars of Richard Smith and his descendants, usually called the " Bull Smiths," are given in Potter's History of Narragansett and Thomp- son's Long Island. In 1679 the Rev. Roger Williams, of Providence, ren- dered the following testimony to the worth of this pioneer of the Mespat colony. " Mr. Richard Smith, for his conscience to God, left fair possessions in Glostershire, and adventured, with his relations and estates, to N. England, and was a most acceptable inhabitant and prime leading man in Taunton, in Plymouth colony. For his conscience sake, many ditferences arising, he left Taunton and came to the Nahiggonsik country, where, by God's mercy, and the favor of the Nahiggonsik sachems, he broke the ice at his great charge and hazard, and put up in the thickest of the barbarians, the first English house amongst them He kept possession, coming and going, himself* children, and servants, and he had quiet possession of his housing, lands, and meadow ; and there, in his own house, with much serenity of soul and com- fort, he yielded up his spirit to God, the Father of Spirits, in peace." CHAPTER II. The village of Middelburg founded by colonists from New England. — Civil and re> lio-ious privileges granted them. — First choice of magistrates. — The "out-planta- tions.'" — Dominies Hook. — William Hallett arrives. — Peace interrupted by a war between England and Holland. — Rumor of a conspiracy of the Dutch and In- dians aorainst the English. — Great excitement at the English Kills — Flight of the inhabitants. — Middelburg also alarmed. — They seek protection from New Eng- land. — Their fears prove groundless. — Other sources of disquiet. — A convention — it remonstrates against the arbitrary acts of government. — Its prayer reject- ed. — Appeal to the States-General — English fleet preparing against New Ne- therland. — Middelburg proposes to cooperate. — Unexpected news of peace. — Meadows at Mespat Kill granted to Middelburg. — The Poor Bouvvery. — Dutch Settlers in that section. — Berrien's Island. — Luyster's Island. — Outbreak be- tween the Dutch and Indians. — Citizens of Middelburg involved in the difficul- ty. — Capture of Pieter de Schoorsteenveger. — A false alarm. — Religious opinions of the settlers. — Rev. John Moore. — Dissentions. — Rev. William Wickenden and William Hallett imprisoned for religion's sake. — Settlers on Mespat Kill found the village Aernhem. — A dispute arises about the meadows. — Stuyvesant re- fuses a patent to Middelburg. — They make a purchase of their lands from the Indians. — Names of the "Purchasers." 1652 to 1656. It was in tlie year 1652 that a goodly company of English- men arrived in this colony from New England, and obtained leave from Director Stuyvesant to plant a town within his ju- risdiction. The fertile lands of Mespat being yet, for the most part, unoccupied, offered a bright field for their enterprise. A locality well watered by springs, and having convenient fresh meadows, was selected in the interior, about midway between the Kill of Mespat and Ylissingen, (now Flushing,) the only English village for man}^ miles around, if we except the scat- tered tenements at Mespat Kill ; while Breukelen was the near- est Dutch village. Several of the new comers were direct from Greenwich, Stamford, Fairfield, and other villages along the Connecticut shore ; others are supposed to have recently arriv- ed from England; a few had been conspicuous in the promotion of settlements along Cape Cod and Massachusetts Bay. Of these was Lieutenant William Palmer, who had represented Yar- mouth in the general court in 1644, and as late as 1651, being much respected. Another was Mr. Henry Feeke, an early set- tler at Lynn, whence he removed with others in 1637, and joined in the settlement of Sandwich, one of his associates be- ing Jonathan Fish, who either accompanied or soon followed A N N A L S O F N E W T O \V N . 27 him to Mespat. Also among these first comers were Edward Jessup from Stamford, and Thomas Hazard from Boston, as were probably John Burroughes from Salem, and Eichard Betts from Ipswich, who appear as residents three or four years later. All these becamie men of note in the settlement. The new co- lonists were also joined by some respectable individuals from Heemstede, or Hempstead, but who had previously resided at Stamford, among whom were Eobert Coe, and Eichard Gilder- sleeve; and from the first named j^lace also, came the proposed pastor of the new settlement, the Eev. John Moore, of whose previous history nothing has been learned, except that he had been the " clergyman of the church of Heemstede." The hamlet was begun upon the street, whereon the Presby- terian church in the village of Newtown now stands, on both sides of which lots were laid out. And then resounded the axe in the forest; the noise of the saw and the hammer told the ar- rival of a people, unlike any those wilds had ever known before. A scene of life and activity ensued, and a group of cottages — foshioned after those of New England, of simple construction and roofed with thatch — arose to adorn the new settlement, to which the name of Middelburg was given, after a place of some note in the Netherlands, the capital of the province of Zealand, and remembered with gratitude as the asylum of many of the English puritans. Next to providing a shelter for their fami- lies, the new settlers broke up the fallow ground, committed their seed to the earth, and the summer of 1652 witnessed the ingathering of the first harvest in Middelburg, The privileges of the charter of 1640 were extended to the new villagers. Their lands were to be held without rent or tax for ten years, at the end of which term they would be re- quired to pay the tenth part of the produce. They were to enjoy the free exercise of the Protestant religion, and the choice of their own schepens, or magistrates ; making annually a double nomination of the best qualified persons in the town, from whom the Director-general and Council should select and confirm half in ofiice, whose authority extended to the collec- tion and disbursement of town revenues, and most other mat- ters affecting the peace and security of their municipality. They were to adjudge all suits arising in their district, except the sum in dispute exceeded one hundred guilders, in 28 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. which case an appeal could be made to the chief court, com- posed of the Director and Council, as could also be done in criminal cases, where the custom of Holland permitted it. In the case of such appeal, the magistrates were to enjoy a scat and voice in the higher court. The appointment of town offi- cers' other than schepens, to wit, a scout, or sheriff, a secre- tary, or clerk, to make and preserve a record of public transac- tions,^ and a court-messenger, or marshal to attend upon the court, execute the will and verdicts of the magistrates, and collect the rates or taxes to defray town charges, remained the prero- gative of the Director and council. But some of the English towns were permitted to choose these important functionaries, and Middelburg seems to have enjoyed that privilege. In a word, the civil and municipal rights guarantied to Middelburg were but a transcript of those conferred by patent, ten years before, on Mr. Doughty and his associates ; and their jurisdic- tion was essentially the same, embracing the seat of the Mespat colony, which obtained the name of the English Kills, to dis- tinguish it from the neighboring Dutch settlement along Bur- ger's creek, called the Dutch Kills. They were, moreover, promised a patent of incorporation ; and under these auspices the people of Middelburg convened in autumn to make their first selection of magistrates, and nominated Robert Coe, Rich- ard Gildersleeve, William Wood, Thomas Hazard, Edward Jessup, and William Herrick, from whom the Director and council, on November 11th, confirmed in that office Messrs. Coe, Gildersleeve and Hazard. Subsequently the choice of magistrates was made in the spring. ' For a list of town-officers, see Appendix F. ^ The public records of Newtown now in the clerk's office, begin in the year 1659, in which allusion is made to records of an earlier date, not now to be found. Thobe existing are very complete from the above year, and con- sist of seven manuscript books, some of them in a mutilated and perishing condition. Here are the minutes of the town court from 1659 to 1688; also the record of town proceedings, and, what is more valuable, the greater part of all the title-deeds for land within this town, from its settlement down to the American Revolution. Their loss could not be repaired, and there- fore it is respectfully recommended, that timely measures be taken to bind and index these interesting and valuable records, and secure them in a fire- proof safe, against the devouring element, by which Flushing and other towns in this state have been robbed of their early archives. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 29 The considerable extent of territory lying between the northeast boundary of Middelburg and the East river, com- prised, at this date, a small population of farmers, or planters, as they were then called, who were mostly Dutch, and had taken land from the government upon the terms prescribed by the charters of freedoms and exemptions, and for which they re- ceived individually a groundbrief, or deed, under the signature of the Director, and the seal of New Netherland, These farms were distinguished as "the out-plantations," and lay on the verge of the river ; extending from what is now called Fish's Point, on the north, around to Dominie's Hook, at the en- trance of Mespat Kill, which latter point took its name as early as 164:3, from its owner. Dominie Bogardus, the first minister of New Amsterdam, whose widow, Annetie Jans, on Nov. 26th, 1652, received a groundbrief for the same, then es- timated at 180 acres.' The out-plantations, which will attract a more particular notice hereafter, received a valuable accession to their population in the person of William Hallett, a native of Dorsetshire, England, who, on Dec. 1st, 1652, obtained a brief for 161 acres of land, which had previously been in possession of Jacques Bentyu, one of Director Van T willer's council. It was described as "a plot of ground at Hellegat upon Long Island, called Jacques' farm, and beginning at a great rock that lies in the meadow, goes upward southeast to the end of a very small swa"mp, two hundred and ten rods ; from thence northeast two hundred and thirty rods ; on the north it goes up to a running water, two hundred and ten rods; containing, in the whole, eighty morgen and three hundred rods." This tract is now in- cluded within the village of Astoria, which name (no credit to the restive, innovating spirit of the age) has been substituted for that of Hallett's Cove, the latter a time honored memorial of its ancient owner, some of whose posterity still occupy por- tions of the land held by their remote ancestor. The residents of the out-plantations were not a corporate community, bu^ continued for many years to be dependent for civil and reli- ' This tract was bought in 1697, by Capt. Peter Praa, through whom it descended to the Bennet family, who held it until a few years since, when it was purchased for Union College, Schenectady. Annetie Jans Bogardus was the owner of another patent, located at Hellgate, of which further notice will be taken presently. 3 30 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. gious advantages upon Flushing or New Amsterdam. Dis- putes at law arising in this district were usually taken to the last named place for trial. Scarcely were the people of Middelburg seated in their new homes, when the occurrence of untoward events placed them in very doubtful relations with their adopted government. Jealousies, of many years standing, existed between the latter and the English colonies of Connecticut and New Haven, re- specting the limits of New Netherland. Complaints of mutual aggression had passed between the respective governments, and now, while these regarded each other with feelings far from friendly, the news was received that war had broken out be- tween the mother countries England and Holland. Director Stuy vesant, in pursuance of instructions from his superiors, and from a sense of his own weakness when compared with his powerful neighbors of New England, whence he had abundant cause to apprehend evil, prudently agreed with the adjacent Indian tribes for assistance, in case his fears should be realized. This arrangement being rumored abroad, soon sped its way into the adjoining colonies, where it was currently reported, and fully accredited that the Dutch governor had formed a league with the Indians for the destruction of all the English. The report, in the meantime, flew like wildfire through the English towns on the west end of Long Island, which, though under the government of New Netherland, were made to be- lieve that they were to be included in the general slaughter. In haste a messenger arrives at Mespat Kill. It is their former neighbor, Richard Brutnell, sent by the people of Hempstead to apprise them of their imminent peril. He relates, minutely, the particulars of the bloody plot, as communicated to the peo- ple of Hempstead by an Indian chief: the substance of which was that the Director-general designed first to cut off the set- tlements of Hempstead and Middelburg, and then the other towns at his pleasure. Consternation immediately prevailed at Mespat, as the gloomy tidings were circulated from house to house ; and means were at once devised to elude the impending calamity. A removal, with all speed, was determined upon ; and Robert Brokham, with several of his neighbors, set out for Flushing, to engage Lambert Woodward to convey their goods, with themselves and famiUes, across the sound to Stam- ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 31 ford. They agreed to stop at Middelburg, and inform their countrymen there of the startling news from Hempstead. Ar- riving at the house of Lieutenant William Palmer, they re- hearsed to him what they had heard ; and thereupon most of the town were hastily called together, to whom the messengers repeated their sad story. Some of the villagers gave credit to the evil report ; others were incredulous. Mr. Coe, the magis- trate, " said he could not believe that the Dutch governor was BO base and vile as to hire the Indians to cut off the English." But Brokham earnestly debated the matter with the magis- trate; when the latter acknowledged, that being in company with the governor two days before, he told him that " if the English came against Jiim, he had spoken to Indians to help him against the English." This was admission enoagh for Brokham and his companions, who, strengthened in their fears, went on their way to Flushing, and succeeded in engaging the vessel. On April 29th, 1653, the terror-stricken company Bailed from the Kills for Stamford; to which place arriving, they gave free circulation to the story of their dangers and providential escape. If the people of Middelburg were at first slow to believe these ill-favored rumors, the credit which the New England authorities gave to them, the grave action thereupon, and the hostile attitude which the more western colonies were as- suming, soon served to dissipate their unbelief. The neigh- boring villages of Flushing and Hempstead were becoming disaffected, instigated and urged on by Captain John Under- bill, who now renounced the service of the Dutch, and hoist- ing the Parliament's colors, called upon the inhabitants "to abjure the iniquitous government of Peter Stuyvesant." To add to the terrible aspect of affairs, an armed force, under Captain William Dyre, of Rhode Island, was patrolling Long Island, for the avowed purpose of maintaining, even to " the effusion of blood," the authority of the Commonwealth of England. Overawed by these alarming circumstances, and impelled by motives of self-protection, the people of Middel- burg united with their English neighbors in seeking advice and assistance from New England. For this purpose they sent two deputies, Robert Coe and Edward Jessup, (and Hemp- stead a similar number,) to propound to "the honorable Corn- 32 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. missioners now assembled at Bostcn," certain questions wliich were agitating the public mind. They inquired whether, in case their subjection to Parliament were demanded " by com- mission from England," they could act any longer by the Dutch laws ; and if not, what should they do till another go- vernment be settled. If there be no reconciliation among the Dutch and English, how should they ensure their safety, " having so many enemies round about them." If they must now " fall off from the Dutch," they desired protection from New England, under the Parliament, upon reasonable terms. Needing supplies, they requested that they might procure corn and victuals from the main, for the use of the English only; and also solicited powder and shot, and the favor of ten or twenty men, with a commander — or at least the latter, to train the people, and go out with them if need be, and bear some sway in town affairs, to prevent division and confusion. For they feared that a party would be formed to cooperate with the " resolute fellows " under Dyre, who, it was apprehended, might fall upon the Dutch farms, and thus involve them in a state of actual hostihties. Declaring themselves "willing to cleave to New England," they proceeded to inquire whether the commissioners could empower some of their inhabitants to bear rule till further order could be taken ; and closed their memorial by begging their speedy assistance : for, say they, " our lives and estates lie at the stake, if the Lord, by some means, help us not." The sending of this delegation forcibly exhibits the intense excitement that reigned in Middelburg, and her sister towns. It does not appear to have elicited any special notice from the Commissioners of the United Colonies, who were warmly dis- cussing the necessity of hostile measures against the Dutch — New Haven and Connecticut loudly advocating such a course, while Massachusetts opposed it. This want of union averted, for the time being, the hostilities meditated against New Netherland. The cruel fears which had racked the imaginations of the Middelburg people now subsided ; but only to give promi- nence to other sources of public disquietude. Indians and freebooters, taking advantage of the late confusion, had com- mitted serious depredations on the Long Island settlers. The ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 33 latter could expect no help from tiie government; for there existed a general distrust — as well among the Dutch as Eng- lish — of its power and disposition to protect the inhabitants, either from external foes, or by a judicious administration of civil and criminal justice within its jurisdiction. Aroused by a sense of their losses and jDersonal insecurity, the English towns first called a meeting at Flushing, and then met the burgomasters of New Amsterdam in joint meeting, at the City Hall, on November 2oth, 1653. The delegates present from Middelburg were Kobert Coe and Thomas Hazard. The ob- ject of the convention was to devise some plan for their com- mon safety. They resolved, at the suggestion of the city delcr gates, to address the Directors of the West India Company; but wishing to have the opinions of the Dutch villages, an ad- journment to the 10th of December was carried. Stuyvesant reluctantly consented to the proposed meeting, and writs were issued to the several villages to elect their delegates, who, accord- ingly assembled at New Amsterdam on the last mentioned date — Middelburg sending the same deputies as before. Har- mony prevailed among them ; for their dangers and griev- ances were in common. On the second day of their meeting they agreed upon a remonstrance to the Director and Council, and the States General. It opened with an assurance of their unchanged loyalty toward the government of the Netherlands, and a hearty acknowledgment of the authority of the Lords Directors of the West India Company ; under whose jurisdic- tion they had voluntarily placed themselves, expecting to en- joy rights and privileges harmonizing in every respect with those allowed the inhabitants of the Netherlands, the parent State. Under such encouragements they had, with immense labor and expense, transformed a wilderness of woods into a few small villages and cultivated farms ; but for some time, fear and alarm had broken their spirits, and discouraged them in their labors and callings. Instead of liberty, an arbitrary government is rearing its head among them, and laws affecting the lives and property of the commonalty are enacted, without the knowledge or approbation of the latter. The complaints of the Indians that they have not been paid for their lands, and the murders they commit in retaliation, keep the inhabi- tants in constant apprehension that a new war may be com- Si ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. menced by them ; and yet, strange to tell, these murders are often passed over as the acts of far-distant savages. " On the promises of grants and general patents, of privileges and ex- emptions, various plantations have been made, at a great ex- pense of the inhabitants, through building houses, making fences, and tilling and cultivating the soil, especially by those of Middelburg and Midwout, with their dependencies ; besides several other places, who took up many single farms, and soli- cited the deeds of such lands, but were always put off" and dis- appointed, to their great loss. This creates a suspicion that some innovations are in contemplation, or that it is intended to introduce other conditions different from former stipulations." Other points of complaint there were, but in those above named the people of Middelburg were most interested. To this bill of complaint Stuyvesant, though displeased, deigned to send a long reply. He refused to recognise the de- legates from Flatbush, Brooklyn, and Flatlands, because those villages had no jurisdiction, and therefore were not entitled to send deputies; and as the convention had acted illegally, he was not at all bound to acknowledge its proceedings. He examined in order each point of complaint, denied that the rights of the petitioners were the same as those of Netherland, and branded the English delegates as the " instigators and leaders of these novelties," notwithstanding that they and their countrymen en- joyed greater privileges than the Exemptions allowed the Dutch settlers. Touching the complaints of Middelburg, and Midwout, (or Flatbush,) respecting their patents, he replied that the lands in those villages had been granted to individuals whose deeds would be furnished whenever they chose to de- mand them; but they should never be carried to them,' The delegates were not to be silenced by the sophistry of the Director-general. Feeling the responsibility of their posi- tion, they again called on him to consider their grievances, de- claring their intention in case of refusal, to appeal to his supe- riors in Holland. This excited the rage of Stuyvesant, and with threats, he abruptly ordered the assembly to disperse. True to their word the delegates forwarded their remonstrance to Hol- land. ' I presume these deeds were never applied for, as I have not met with a single one, either original or recorded. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 35 Stuy vesant was soon called to witness the evil of his impo- litic course. The colonies of Connecticut and New Haven had made such representations to the English government that a fleet was despatched for the reduction of the Manhattans, and on its arrival at Boston in the spring of 1654, New England im- mediately began to raise troops to aid the expedition. The Di- rector-general bestirred himself to meet the expected invaders, but found his strength paralized. " The occurrences of 1653 had seriously weaned men's aftcctions from the government, and oaths of allegiance were no longer considered binding." Some of the English villages openly discarded the authority of Stuy- vesant, and when the news arrived of the intended invasion, Middelburg proposed that the English should commence hostili- ties. At this crisis, when the enemy's fleet was about to sail from Boston, a vessel arrived there Avith the news of peace be- tween England and Holland. The intelligence reached the Manhattans on July 16th, in a ship which brought also the re- jection by the Directors at Amsterdam, of the remonstrance of the previous year. But though the grievances of the populace were thus abso- lutely contemned, their remonstrance was not devoid of effect upon the conduct of the Director-general, who found it prudent to conciliate the good will of the inhabitants. In the month of May, Counsellor De Sille and others were commissioned to visit several towns upon Long Island, which had solicited "the con- cession of some hayland," and allot to each inhabitant, if possi- ble, " twenty-live morgen of land, and eight morgen of inter- vale." The meadows lying along the east side of Mespat Kill were appropriated to Middelburg, the magistrates of which town were authorised by an order from Stuy vesant, to apportion the same to their inhabitants. A good number of groundbriefs were also issued to the owners of the outplantations, thus quieting one cause of complaint specified in the late remonstrance. Turn- ing to this section of the town we are made acquainted with an extensive farm then in progress, "in the occupation and tenure of the deacons and officers of the Dutch church " at New Am- sterdam ; and by them kept under cultivation for the benefit of the poor. From this circumstance it was called the Armen Bouwery or the Poor's Farm, whence comes the name of Poor 36 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN; Bowery, still applied to that section of tlie town.' It compris- ed the plantation formerly of Jeuriaen Fradell, with an addi- tional tract of land on the west, obtained of Director Stuyvesant, "with a view, if God the Lord blessed their cattle, to make a new plantation, or farm." These possessions (now included in the estates of T. B. Jackson, J. K. Herrick, S. Palmer, L. Kouwenhoven, and A. E. Luyster) were bounded on the west by the property of Abraham Eycken, a respectable plan- ter, who was descended from an ancient family in Lower Saxony. His farm, for which he obtained a groundbrief on Feb. 26th of this year, (1654,) is now owned by his descendant, John L. Riker, Esq. In this vicinity also was located Harck Siboutsen, formerly a ship-carpenter, a native of Languedoc, in the south of France, who joined Rycken on the west, where he had settled four years previously to taking out his patent, dated July 2d of this year. His farm now composes a part of that which was owned by the late Isaac Rapelye. Adjacent to him on the west side, lay a tract of woodland, belonging to the West India Company, beyond which, in the direction of " Newton's Point, or the Green Hook," now the property of Mr. Woolsey, was a succession of small plantations, owned by Jan Jacobsen Carpenel, otherwise called Jan van Haerlem, Adriaen Derickse Coon, Hendrick Jansen van Dueren, Lieven Jansen, and Simon Joost, These five lots, contained in strips of about fifty acres each, butted on the river or meadow, and extended back west-south-west some three hundred Dutch rods, to the " Great Swamp," also called Lubbert's Swamp, The briefs for these lots, which all bore date in 1653 or 1654, were afterwards bought up by Capt. Thomas Lawrence, who also obtained from Gov. Nicoll, Aug. 2od, 1665, a patent for the small island ad- joining, " commonly called the Round Island," and now known as Berrien's Island, which island, together with "a neck of land" included in the patent to Adriaen D. Coon, is now pos- sessed by Ezra N. Berrien. The Green Hook (now G. M. Woolsey 's) was patented to Jean Gerardy, Nov. 5th, 1653. On ' Some, unacquainted with this district, and ignorant of the origin of its name, have supposed it given with reference to the poverty of the soil. But in tliis sense tlie name is no way applicable, for the land here is exceed- ingly fertile, and not to be excelled by any on Long Island for productive- ness. ANNALS OFNEWTOWN. 37 the same date Teunis Craye took out a brief for the Polhemus estate, and another had been granted, three days previous, to Philip Gerardy for the farm of Dr. Ditmars. On March 7th, 165-i, Annetie Jans Bogardus, who already held a grant at Dominie's Hook, obtained a patent for 42 morgen 54 rod of land, lying adjacent to the Pot Cove, and which was included in the farms late in possession of 'Squire John Lawrence, and Major Richard Lawrence. With a view still further to enlarge the poor's farm, the deacons of the Dutch church, on June 3d, 1655, petitioned the government for the island near their bou- wery, called the "Huwelicken, or Burger Jorissen's Island," " for the purpose of driving thereon their hogs and cattle," but they Avere informed that it had been disposed of long before. The deacons succeeded in buying it, and thence it was called the Poor Bowery Island; but being afterwards purchased by the ancestor of the Luyster family, it took the name of Luys- ter's Island, by which it is still known.' But again the peace of the country was to be interrupted by Indian outrage : the fears set forth in the late remonstrance were to be realized. New Amsterdam, the metropolis, waa the first to feel the shock of savage warfare. Director Stuy ve- sant had just departed to chastise the Swedes for their en- croachments on the Delaware, when a horde of armed Indians, estimated at nineteen hundred, landed at New Amsterdam, early on the morning of Sept. 15th, 1655, and began to break into houses for plunder. The authorities hastily assembled, and held an audience with the chiefs, whom they persuaded to ' Burger Joris, whose name is closely identified with the enrly history of the town, was a native of Hersberg, in Silesia, and came to Rensselaerswyck in 1637, being by occupation a smith. There he lived for about five years, and then bought a vessel and became a trader on the Hudson, but he even- tually settled on his farm at the Dutch Kills, where he died in 1671, aged fifty-nine. He was evidently a man of character and ability, as he was re- peatedly called to assist in the civil government of the township. He mar- ried, in ] 639, Engeltie Mans, from Compst, in Sweden, and had sons, Joris, born 1647; Hermanns, born 1652; Claes, born 1657; Johannes, born 1661; and Elias, born 1664. These took the patronymic Burger, and in fact their father was sometimes called Mr. Burger. They settled in New-York, and from them the Burger family of that city have descended. Burger Joris' farm was sold to John Parcell, the progenitor of the Parcell family, and is now owned by Abraham and William Paynter. 38 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. retire with their warriors, without the walls ; but when night set in, the savages grew bolder, shot the Attorney-General with an arrow, and felled another to the ground with an axe. A great tumult now ensued, with cries of murder, and the sol- diers and armed citizens rushed from the fort, and fell upon the Indians, forcing them to take to their canoes, while the dead of both parties marked the scene of bloody encounter. The savages were inflamed to the utmost ; they burned Pavo- nia, then poured out their wrath on the settlers at Staten Island, and for three days the scalping knife and tomahawk descended in vengeance on the unprotected Dutch farmers, numbers of whom were slain, and others taken into captivity, while their bouweries were desolated by fire. Unfortunately for the peace of Middelburg, one of her chief citizens, Edward Jessup, together with Henry Newton, a resident at Mespat, and Thomas Newton, afterward, if not then, a landholder in Middel- burg, were all present at New Amsterdam on the night of the battle, and assisted in repulsing the savages. The latter swore vengeance against these three persons, and avowed their in- tention to send a formal demand for their surrender, though they professed to entertain no hostile feelings toward any other of the English settlers ; but the Dutch they threatened to extir- pate, and pick out of every town on Long Island. This alarm- ing intelligence being communicated to the people of Middel- burg by Lieut. Thomas Wheeler, of Westchester, several of the settlers near Mespat Kill, among whom were Joseph Fow- ler, Goodman Betts,' Samuel Toe, and his son-in-law William Reede, Joseph Safltbrd, and Thomas Reede, held a consultation, and despatched two of their number to lay the news before the Director and Council. As a consequence, the most lively apprehensions existed at Middelburg, and particularly among the Dutch settlers on the out-plantations who, from their exposed position became sub- ject to harrassing fears, lest in the stilly hour of midnight the savages should execute upon them the bloody threats which they had uttered. Nor were their fears altogether disappoint- ' Tlie title Goodman was at this period a familiar term of address among the English. For its origin see " Mather's Magnalia," i. 17. Mr. de- noted a higher degree of respect, and was seldom ajiplied to any but ministers, magistrates, or schoolmasters. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 39 ed. On a plantation of 150 acres, lying on tlie nortlieast side of Annetie Jans' farm, or Dominie's Hook, lived Pieter An- driessen de Schoorsteenveger, who had obtained a groundbrief, Oct. 19th, 1645. Three or four canoes of savages, prowling about Hellgate, surprised Pieter Andriessen and carried him away into captivity. This new outrage was not at all calculated to lull the anxiety of the settlers at the Dutch Kills, and the following incident, which occurred there soon after, more fully illustrates the melancholy state of feeling that existed. Joris de Caper, ancestor of the Van Alsts, was engaged threshing his grain, assisted by his father-in-law Harmen Hendricksen, and Teunis Jansen van Commel. On the night of Thursday, Nov. 4th, these three lay down in the garner to sleep, but were soon after disturbed by the hens cackling, upon which they lis- tened, and presently there came a loud knocking at the door, with cries of ho ! ho ! ho ! the unearthly yell of the savage, rend- ing the midnight air ! Greatly frightened, the three escaped from the barn, and each sought a place of security. Harmen ran across the farm toward the house of Schoorsteenveger, and, creeping up to the door, he heard a word in the Dutch lan- guage, whereupon he entered, found a fire blazing on the hearth, and the pretended Indians, who were no other than several Dutchmen from the Manhattans, preparing to spit the fowls. The miscreants endeavored to excuse themselves by alleging that hunger drove them to it, and begging Harmen to say nothing about it, promised to pay for the fowls on their return to the city. Thus the unsettled state of the country offered an occasion with the unprincipled to practice vile deeds and lay them at the door of the Indian. Aptly was this gloomy period called, in after years, "the troublesome time." The year 1656 was productive of events not less dangerous to the peace of the community, and perhaps more to be depri- cated than those just witnessed. To secure the public ordi- nances of religion, had been a primary object with the settlers at Middelburg, who could not' but attach value to those sacred institutions for which many of them had periled the ocean and wilderness. The people were partly Independents and partly Presbyterians. The latter were too few or too poor to support a minister, but the former enjoyed the services of the Eev. John Moore, who preached, but administered no sacraments. 40 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. For the public accommodation, and Avith the approbation and help of the Director-general, the ground lately occupied by the old Episcopal parsonage had been appropriated, and a build- ing erected thereon by the town, which served the double pur- pose of a church and a residence for the minister.' Now it occurred, during a temporary absence of Mr. Moore, that cer- tain individuals convened for religious worship, ignorant or regardless of the fact that such meetings had been declared ille- gal unless convoked by an authorized clergyman. On hearing what had transpired at Middelburg, the Dutch ministers in New Amsterdam, Johannes Megapolensis and Samuel Drisius, laid the matter before the Director and Council, stating " that they are informed by different persons residing at Middelburg, within the jurisdiction of this province, that since the departure, and in the absence of the Rev. Moore, before a minister of the gospel in that place, some inhabitants and unqualified persons did not hesitate to hold conventicles, and to act as ministers, from which nothing else can be expected but discord, confu- sion, and disorders in church and state, not only in that village, but even to a bad example to others in this province ; they so. licit therefore that your honors will provide against it by your authority, and that you will ajopoint during the absence of Mr. Moore, some other able person, who on Sunday may preserve suitable religious worship, by reading the Bible, and some edi- fying orthodox author." In reply, the Council, on Jan. 15th, remark that their former edicts provide a remedy against "conventicles," and "preach- ing of the gospel by unqualified persons ;" and request the reverend gentlemen to visit Middelburg, and with the advice of the magistrates and principal men, seek out " a person quali- fied to give desirable lectures." On the back of this the Coun- ' Thomas Reede wns the builder of this house, for whose payment Thomas Stevenson and otlier responsible citizens became the town's security. Many of my readers will recollect the old Episcopal parsonage which was standing a few years since on the spot now occupied by the residence of the Misses Palmer. There is reason to believe that this antiquated building was the identical one mentioned in the text. This is inferred from a known resemblance in their construction, and the fact that the late parsonage liouse bore all the marks of extreme age, and even anterior to the Revolution was 80 much in decay tiiat it was then debated whether to pull it down or repair it, the latter course being finally adopted. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 41 oil issued a flaming ordinance against conventicles and persons " who deign to explain the holy word of God without being enabled to by any political or ecclesiastical authority," thereby originating " many calamities, heresies, and schisms," It de- clared a heavy fine against those who should officiate at such assemblies, "either as preachers, readers, or singers," or who should even attend the same. We are not informed who were the individuals in Middelburg whose piety was thus called to endure the rebuke of the sectaries in church and government. It was the first violation of the rights of conscience in New Netherland, and the beginning of a series of intolerant mea- sures that fixed a lasting stain on the administration of Stuy- vesant. The troubles yet experienced from the savages were now so alarming as to require that the Dutch residents on or in the vicinity of Mespat Kill, should concentrate themselves for their mutual safety ; for not without great hazard could they remain on their bouweries or flirms. They therefore formed a village on "Smith's Island" at the English Kills, now known as Fur- man's or Maspeth Island. The Hon. Nicasins De Sille, one of the governor's council, to whom a patent for the island was granted March 27th, 1656, had the direction of the new settle- ment, to which was given the name of De Sille's native place, Aernhem, a strongly fortified and secure town on the Rhine, and capital of the province of Guelderland. Streets and lots were laid out, cottages erected, and improvements made; and the hamlet arose as if by magic. The month of April found the new villagers actively employed in mowing the adjacent meadows. But in so doing, they exceeded their limits, and trespassed on "the meadows which were previously given to the village of Middelburg." This was made known to the Council by Ro- bert Coe, one of the magistrates, who requested that a division line might be run between the hayland of the respective vil- lages ; in compliance with which a resolution was passed to send thither two commissaries to fix their boundaries. This was the germ of a protracted dispute respecting the meadows at Mes- pat Kills. The inhabitants of Middelburg now began to experience the disadvantage of having no town patent, none having yet 42 ANNALS OF NKWTOWN. been gi'antecl them, notwithstanding the complaints which this omission had years before produced. The reason or reasons which prompted Stuy vesant to deny them a patent cannot be positively affirmed, but it probably resulted in no small degree from his arbitrary nature, influenced by jealousy of the increas- ing number and strength of the English settlers. Middelburg had manifested but little attachment to his government, and considerable for that of New-England, but the Director did not perceive that this alienation was the result of his own fatal policy towards them. His procedure in relation to their patent was opposed to the spirit, if not the letter, of the charter of freedoms and exemptions, as well as to custom; for general patents had been granted to their neighbors composing the towns of Hempstead, Flushing, and Gravesend. The people of Middelburg rightly estimated the legal value of such an instru- ment, for with their bounds yet undetermined, they lay open to continual encroachment from the adjacent settlements, to which that of Rustdorp or Jamaica was also added this year. Failing, therefore, to secure a title for their lands from the nominal owners, they turned to the Indians, the genuine pro- prietors of the soil, to obtain one from them by an equitable purchase. Negotiations for that purpose were entered into with Rowerowestco and PomAvaukon, sachems claiming propriety in the Middelbvirg lands, who in consideration of the sum here- after specified, subscribed a deed on April 12th, 1656, in which they assigned their entire right in the said lands, except a tract of " upland lying under the hills southward from the town place now seated," which they reserved as hunting ground, conveying only the "grass for mowing, and feed and timber," but giving to the people of Middelburg the preemptive right to the said reservation whenever they should conclude to sell it. The bounderies set forth in this deed did not differ very materially from those of the Doughty patent. This purchase reflects honor upon the memory of the pio- neer settlers of Middelburg. Actuated by the same principles of justice towards the artless savage which has given the name of William Penn an eternal fame, they secured not only the good will of the red man, but also the comfortable reflection that their land title was of the best possible character, because derived from those whom the Great Spirit had constituted the ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 43 true proprietors of the soil. Each of the " purchasers " — as they continued to be called — gave according to his possessions at the rate of a shilling per acre, and most fortunately their names are preserved, together with the sums they respectively paid. The list is entitled "the Indian rate," and presents a nearly perfect list of the male residents of Middelburg in 1658, four years after the town was planted. Richard Gildersleeve, Robert Coe, .... John Moore, . . John Reeder, . . Thomas Reede, . Widow Stevens, . Samuel Wheeler, Ralph Hunt, . . John Layton, . . James Herod, . . Thomas Hazard, Paya, John Lauronson, . John Burroughes, Edward Jessup, . John Gray, . . . Hendrick Jansen, John Hicks, . , . James Way, . . Thomas Robinson, . Thomas Stevenson, John Coe, .... Nicholas Carter, William Palmer, John Furman, . . William Lawrence Henry Feeke, William Wood, . £ s. d. 2 10 4 2 1 10 15 10 5 10 1 10 1 10 4 5 10 10 2 12 1 1 10 2 6 10 2 1 James Stewart, . Thomas Paine, . . Thomas Lawrence, James Smith, . . Peter Meacock, . Edmund Strickland Thomas Newton, Elias Bayley, . . James Bradish, . Joseph Fowler, . Richard Betts, . Robert Pudington, William Herrick, Thomas Wandell, Samuel Toe, . . Thomas Reede,. . Richard Walker, Colesay, .... Richard Bullock, James Lauronson, . Brumme, .... Aaron, Brian Newton, Smith's Island, . . Thomas Greedy, . John Hobby, . . . Trafsaus, . . . £ 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _0 £68 .'. d. 12 6 10 10 10 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 13 4 13 4 16 8 2 2 16 4 CHAPTER III. Proposal to erect a grist-mill. — Dispute about the Town House. — Death of Rev. Mr. Moore. — Indian outrage at Mespat Kill. — Intemperance makes its appearance. — Its effect illustrated. — General good character of the founders of Middelburg. — Care to preserve sound morals. — Curious penalties for crime.— Elias Bayley, the marshal, becomes unpopular and loses his office. — Wolves trouble the inhabitants. — First schoolmaster in Middelburg. — Village of Aeruhem broken up. — Stuyve- Bant grants the meadovi's at Mespat Kill to Bushwick, which creates discontent. — Several regulations and changes instituted. — Tithes or tenths become due. — Town House repaired. — Plunders Neck purchased. — Call of Rev. William Lever- ich. — Political troubles. — Connecticut claims all Long Island. — Responded to by Middelburg and the other English towns. — Way preparing for open revolt. — Captain Coo corresponds with Connecticut. — Efforts to effect a combination against the Dutch. — James Christie arrested and taken to New Amsterdam. — Causes an uproar at Middelburg. — The people take up arms. — Christie's release demanded. — Excitement increases. — Curious letter to Stuyvesant. — Middelburg received under the jurisdiction of Connecticut. — Its name changed to Hastings. — Inhabitants sign a declaration of their allegiance to England. — Choose town officers in the name of the King. — Adopt the English laws. — Truce between Stuyvesant and the English towns. — Stuyvesant sends letters to Hastings. — Are referred to ('onnecticut Court. — Measures to settle the Indian reservation. — A third of Seller Neck bought. — Hellgate Neck purchased by William Hallett. — Hewlett's Island. 1657 to 1664. The acquisition of the native right to the soil appears to have given a new impulse to public enterprise. Though one flouring mill, owned by John Coe, was in operation at the mouth of the Horsebrook, Edward Jessup contemplated the erection of another on the stream emptying at Fish's Point, which bore the Indian name Sackhickneyah, but was " com- monly called Wessel's Creek," and afterwards from a person who lived at this date on the poor's bouwery "Lodowick's Brook." Upon this creek " Wessel's mill " had formerly stood, but was probably destroyed in the Indian troubles when the savages visited Mespat with the destructive fire- brand, and the out-plantations were even more obnoxious to their attacks. "The work being matter of charge and hazard," Mr. Jes- sup applied to the Council, January 15th, 1657, for " the liberty of the above-said creek, with a small tract of land, as your ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 45 honors see expedient for a work of that nature, with a piece of meadow if it be there to be found, and also that you would be pleased to order that none shall erect either mill or mills so near the mill that I intend to build, as may be a hindrance or prejudice to the said mill : she doing the work well and sufficiently, and dealing honestly, as is requested in the premises ; and likewise that the said creek may be free from engagements to any other. It is not my desire to be a hin- drance to any man, or any prejudice to my loving and res- pected friend Mr. Coe, but so far as I apprehend, as yet his mill is overwrought, and the country may well employ two mills, and both have work enough." It does not appear that this project was executed, or the request granted, and it is hardly to be supposed that the influential proprietors of the poor's bouwery would have given their assent to the monopoly of this stream, which formed the eastern bounds of their plantation. In fact, within a few years the deacons disposed of a part of their land for a mill seat, and a grist mill was erected where that of Mr. Jack- son now stands. The Eev. Mr. Moore having returned to Middelburg to resume his official duties, the inhabitants of the town, in effect- ing an agreement with him concerning his clerical services, gave him a title to the town-house under the hands of the clerk and one of the magistrates. This was done "in a publique meeting," but the measure was opposed by a number of individuals, who, perhaps, belonged to the Presbyterian party. They held that the building was town property, and at its erec- tion was intended to be kept for the use of the ministry succes- sively. A remonstrance was therefore got up and sent to the Director-general. It was written by John Burroughes, and read thus : To the Honorable Governor : Worthy Sir : We whose names are underwritten, desire to make our humble requests known in respect to the house builded here by tlie town of Middelburg for public use for a minister for continuance, vvhich some of the town hath given away to Mr. Moore for his own property, and his after him ; wherein we think we are wronged, and the town left destitute, if Mr. Moore please to leave us, or if he should die, for we know men are mortal ; then we are to seek both for minister and house to entertain him into ; 4 46 ANNALS OFNEWTOWN. therefore we do humbly entreat that your honor would be pleased to take it into consideration, and judge the equity of the thing, and the damage that may ensue. Thus leaving you to God and hi3 grace, we rest, John Bukroughes, Thomas Cornish, Jan. 22d, 1657. John Layton, Nicholas Carter, Robert Pudington, Samuel Toe. Francis Swaine, Stuyvesant gave a decision for the remonstrants. He could hardly credit that the house of the minister, built for a public use, had been disposed of as stated, and summoned the magistrates to render the reasons for this novel proceeding. They were also charged not to harm the bearer, John Layton. The allusion made in the above remonstrance to the com- mon mortality of our nature seemed prophetic as regarded Mr. Moore, for he was soon called to exchange his earthly tene- ment for a quiet repose in the " narrow house." He ceased from his labors, in September, 1657, leaving four sons to perpetuate his name, whose descendants are now wide spread and very numerous. Little of interest as connected with Middelburg, character- ized the year or two which immediately succeeded the death of Mr. Moore. One event, however, is worthy of record, as illustrating the perils of that period. This was the wanton murder of a Dutch family at Mespat Kills, on the night of AiTgust 26th, 1659. That day three Raritan Indians came to the house of Eldert Engelberts, a native of Eland, in East Friesland, who resided with his family in an isolated place at the Kills. While the savages were engaged by the fire " pick- ing and boiling pigeons," they became acquainted with the fact that there was seventy or eighty guilders' worth of wampum in the house. Avarice took possession of the savages, and that night they murdered Engelberts, his wife and two men living in the family, rifled the house, and escaped. Immediate effort was made by the Director-general to discover the mur- derers, but with what result is not known. But an enemy more insidious and fatal to the peace of the settlement, was lurking about its habitations. Intemperance had appeared to such an extent as to call for some restrictions upon the sale of spirituous liquors. On August 22d, 1659, the town court ordered that no inhabitant of the place should sell any liquors or strong drink by retail, after the first of the ensuing ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 47 September, witliout an order from the magistrates, upon pe- nalty of fifty guilders, or about nineteen dollars. The neces- sity that existed for wholesome regulations to check the mad- dening influence of ardent spirits, is shown by the follow- ing; a humiliating illustration of the abiding truth of the Divine declaration, " Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging." It occurred early in 1660, that Ellen Wall, who "tapped" li- quor at the English Kills had received an anchor of brandy- wine at the landing-place. While it lay there unguarded, two men, overpowered by the temptation to test its quality, broached the cask and not only drank themselves, but invited an acquaintance who lived hard by, to enjoy it with them. For the fourth time was the " porringer" filled, and with it the two in their boat left the landing, when they wer§ met by Joseph Fowler coming up the Kill, in his canoe ; observing the pot of liquor in the bottom of their canoe, he jocosely asked the men whether that liquor was for him. " Drink," replied one of them, " but you must hold down your head." Crime always seeks concealment. Merry over their exploit, and boasting that they " did draw four porringers full of Old Nelly's drink," the free use of her brandy- wine soon reached the ears of Ellen, who the next day fell into a sharp dispute about it with the wife of one of the offenders, which, shameful to tell, ended in a pitched battle between these female pugilists, in which Ellen was bruised and roughly handled, and the air was made to resound with their cries ; the disgraceful scene being wit- nessed by Mr. Fowler from his field, and by other neighbors. Ellen sued and recovered pay for her liquor, but the court also fined the women each six guilders, and ordered them for the future " to refrain such drunken bouts." Such broils were rare exceptions to the usual harmony which prevailed within the bounds of Middelburg. The good character of the inhabitants generally, is seen in the care which they took to preserve good morals, by excluding from their society such persons as were likely to endanger them. No individual could find a residence among them excej)t he were admitted by a popular vote. And instances occurred where persons were threatened to be turned out of the town for improper conduct. The town court was active and rigid in the imposition of penalties against the violators of law and 48 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. good order, and though the punishment inflicted was often mild, it was as humbhng in its effects as it was pecuhar in kind. This year, 1660, Capt. Coe "laid an indictment" against an individual for feloniously taking corn from his mill, and being convicted of the crime, the culprit was sentenced, besides making amends to Capt. Coe, "to walk from Mr. Doughty's house, with two rods under each arm, and the drum beating before him, iintil he comes to Mr. Jessup's house, and then he is to have his liberty," and further, " to refrain walking at unseasonable hours, for time to come, because it gives cause of suspicion." Other instances might be cited illustrative of the manner in which criminal jurisprudence was administered in those days, one of which was sitting in the stocks on the court days. Justice dispensed so publicly must have had a salutary effect upon the offender, or at least imposed a strong restraint upon others inclined to similar practices. The marshal of the town court at this day was Elias Bay ley, who had filled the office for a series of years, but like too many others clothed with a brief authority, he ventured upon an abuse of his powers, and, now found himself at a sore issue with the inhabitants. In 1655 Mr. Bayley was directed by the magistrates to execute a certain judgment against Thomas Stevenson. The marshal seized upon one of his yoke cattle, and deaf to the entreaties of Stevenson, who tendered him part of the mone}'', the balance of which Mr. Coe, the magis- trate, on being appealed to by Stevenson, kindly offered to advance, he proceeded to kill the ox. Mr. Stevenson made complaint to the Council, which decided May 8th, 1657, that Bayley should make reparation ; declaring it " contrary to divine and human laws " to deprive a man of his work-ox. This rashness, especially unbecoming in an officer of justice, served to render the marshal unpopular, and he was finally removed by a vote of the town, and Thomas Pettit, Sen. chosen in his stead. Bayley, however, continued to assert his right to the of&ce in defiance of the people, which so incensed the public mind against him, that on March 9th, 1660, the inhabitants " being generally met together for the choosing of magistrates and marshal," not a vote was cast for him. Ne- vertheless he still declared his intention to serve " in spite of the town," and it was only through an application of the ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 49 inhabitants to the Director-general, in which they complained of his " usurping the place of an attorney also, pleading any cause, which they suppose to be against the law of the land," that Bayley was set aside. But the honest inhabitants of Middelburg had other ills to contend with, in the wild animals that infested their forests ; the wolves proved especially annoying, failing not in their nightly prowlings to prey upon the flocks and herds. To check this evil, a bounty was offered for wolves killed within the town, and the inhabitants at the above meeting formed a subscription for this object. The Indians, from their pecu- liar habits, proved valuable agents in the destruction of these public enemies. After the demise of the Kev. John Moore, his bereaved family were left in the quiet possession of the town-house for four and a half years, during which period the town was destitute of the public means of grace. But the deficiency was now to be in part supplied by the services of a school- master, and it was expected that Mr. Doughty, who had married the widow of Mr. Moore, would surrender the premises to the use of the new teacher. To this he objected, which gave rise to the following interesting memorial pre- sented to the Director and Council. Whereas, God hath been pleased of late years to deprive us of Middel- burg, on Long Island, of the public means of grace and salvation, and also of the education of our children in schoolastic discipline, the way to true happiness : but yet God having in mercy at last provided for us a help meet for the discipline and education of our children, and, by the same person, help in the sabbath exercises, we therefore, who never gave, nor consented to the giving of tlie housing and lands built and fenced in, and also dedicated for the use of the public dispensation of God's word unto us, do humbly entreat your honorable lordship, that this our said schoolmaster, Richard Mills by nnme, may be by your lordship possessed of the said housing and lands, for his use and ours also, for our children's education and the sabbath exercise, tlie which God doth require, and we have need of for us and our children. As the housing now stands it is like to go all to wreck and ruin, the fences are falling down, the house and barn decaying and wanteth repair, and Francis Doughty doth not repair it, nor the town — as it stands be- tween him and them, we will not repair it, and by tliis means it is like to come to nothing in a short time, and so we, and your lordship also, shall be disap- pointed ; therefore our humble request to your lordship is, that this our 50 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. schoolmaster, and at present our soul's help in dispensing God's word to us and our children every Lord's day, may be settled in it, to enjoy it without any molestation from Francis Doughty, or any of his, for so long time as our God shall be pleased to continue him amongst us, or to provide another for us. Thus knowing that your lordship is as willing to further our souls' good as our bodies', we rest your lordship's humble petitioners. Thomas Hunt, Mary Ryder, Francis Swaine, John Barker, James Bradish, John Lauronson, James Lauronson, Thomas Cornish, Nicholas Carter, Samuel Toe. To this memorial was returned the following reply : These presents do require and order Francis Doughty, and whoever it may concern, to give and grant unto the present schoolmaster, Mr. Richard Mills, a quiet possession of the said house and land ; it being with our knowledge, consent and help, built for the public use of the ministry, and therefore may not, cannot be given and transported for a private heritage. But if he or his wife hath to demand any remainder of means or salary of her deceased husband, Mr. John Moore, late minister of the aforementioned town, it is ordered, and these presents do order the magistrates and inhabitants of the said town to give unto the heirs what is due them. Done in Amsterdam, in New Netherland, this 18th of February, 166L P. Stuyvesant. In compliance with this order, the premises were vacated, and Mr. Eichard Mills, the first schoolmaster of Middelburg, was inducted into the town-house, and entered upon the responsible duties of his vocation. This spring terminated the existence of the village of Aern- hem, on Smith's Island, It was broken up by order of the Direc- tor and Council, upon the ground that it might hinder the pro- gress of the new village of Bushwich, and the following year the tenantless cottages were removed upon the request of the magistrates of the new settlement, who feared they might be again occupied. Bush wick was planted in 1660, by a company of French, joined by a few Dutchmen, among whom was Joost Casperse, ancestor of the Springsteens, of Newtown. The succeeding year, upon invitation of the inhabitants, the Director-general visited the new village on the 14th of March, and conferred upon it the name of Boswyck, signifjnng a hamlet in the woods. The occasion was propitious, and the ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 51 people embrcaced it to request of the Director certain privileges, and the grant of a large tract of land adjoining, as pasturage for their cattle, the bounds of which were set forth as extending " from the east side of Smith's Island southward to the hills, and along said hills westward, to the heights of Merck's plan- tation, and from the said heights northerly, by Merck's plan- tation, to Bush wick, being a four cornered plot of land." ' Willing to favor the applicants, Stuyvesant gave them their request. This grant infringed largely upon the Middelburg purchase, and produced great dissatisfaction among the settlers, some of whom went to the Director with their complaint. Thomas Wandell stated, that having understood that the whole hay meadow situated in Mespat Kills, had been allowed to the inhabitants and farmers of the village of Bushwick to be distributed among them by lot, he would of course lose his meadow granted him in the year 1654, by the magistrates of Middelburg, under the Director's order, " and lying between Smith's Island and the lands of Eldert Engelberts, at the place where he was massacred by the savages." He prayed that he might retain his meadow, which he was permitted to do, upon proving his title. The current year seems to have been marked by no other event of general interest. During the spring of 1662 several votes were taken for the better regulation of the town. On March 13th " the town homelot and barn " were let to Thomas Roberts, upon condition of his repairing the barn and fences. Edward Jessup, Samuel Toe, John Layton and John Burroughes were empowered to levy a rate or tax of five stivers (about five cents !) on the acre, for the payment of the town debts. Thomas Lawrence, who had filled the office of town clerk for several 3''ears, was succeeded by John Bur- roughes, who in May was appointed clerk of the court also. And to guard against some actual or apprehended violation of the custom of the town, respecting the admission of new inhabitants, it was resolved, May 23d, "that the man coming into the town irregularly, at the call the best course shall be taken to remove him, being a man of an evil report." 1 Marcus de Suson, here referred to, had a plantation near Cripplebush. 52 ANNALSOFNEWTOWN. In accordance with the terms of the Freedoms and Exemp- tions established in 1640, the founders of Middelburg, had hitherto been free from all imposts or taxes to the general government. The prescribed term for such exemption had now expired, and Director Stuyvesant, ever attentive to the interests of his superiors, dispatched the following epistle to remind them that they would thenceforth be required to ren- der annually the tenth part of their harvest, or commute for the same, on such terms as should be mutually agreed upon. Loving Friends : — Whereas the time of ten years and also the freedom of tenths is expired, these presents do order the magistrates, and also all the inhabitants of the town of Middelburg, and all the other plantations in Mespat Kill, that none of them shall presume or undertake to remove their fruits or increase, as corn, maize, tobacco, &c. before they have agreed for the year about the tithes, with the Governor-genenil and Council, or their commissioners, upon forfeiture of fifty guilders. Done in Fort Amsterdam, in New Netherland, on the 3d of July, 1662. P. Stuvvesant. Upon the reception of this the inhabitants met on July 7th, and appointed Edward Jessup, Eichard Betts, and Francis Swaine, to wait upon the Director, and agree with him "for the tithes for the present year, both for town and kill." The toils of harvest being ended, attention was turned to making the much needed repairs upon the town-house, as was called the only public building in the village, and which hitherto had served, as occasion required, the several purposes of a church, school-house, and parsonage. James Lauronson was engaged September 18th, for the sum of one hundred guilders, or forty dollars, to underpin, with stone and mor- tar, the house and the leanto ; to lath and plaster both rooms, (the town furnishing lath and nails) ; to build an oven, repair the chimney, and do what was needful in the chamber, — all to be completed in six weeks. William Lawrence was also' employed to cover the roof with a good coat of thatch, for forty-two guilders, and Lauronson engaged to provide the thatch and deliver it at the town-house, for the additional sum of forty-five guilders. Payment was to be made these individuals, " after the value of wheat at six guilders a bushel." While this work was in progress, Eichard Betts, Samuel Toe, John Scudder, John Coe, Geotge Sergeant, John Denman ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 53 and Thomas Eeede purchased, Oct. 3d, 1662, of the Indian chiefs Womatupa, Wonoxe, and Powatahuman the neck of meadow-land " commonly called Plunder's Neck by the Eng- lish," lying on the south side of Long Island, and " bounded on the eas't side by the river Hohosboco, with a small brook on the west side running into the river before mentioned." This acquisition of salt meadow was found highly conducive to the success of the Middelburg farmers, because salt hay was necessary to the healthy growth and sustenance of their cattle, which " were subject to diseases when they were pastured on new ground, and fed on fresh hay only." The thorough fitting up of the town-house was probably with a view to the settlement of the Eev. William Leverich, who several months after is found occupying the building, and preaching the Gospel among the people of Middelburg. This learned and pious man graduated in 1625, at Cambridge, England, and eight years after came to New England, where he "labored in different places about twenty years, part of the time in instructing the Indians about Sandwich, for which purpose he acquired their language. In 1653, he re- moved to Oyster Bay, whence he spent about five years in propagating the gospel among the aborigines on the Island ; but settled, in 1658, as pastor of the church at Huntington, from which he removed with his sons Caleb and Eleazar to Middelburg, about the close of 1662, where his labors met with decided favor. Measures were taken to raise a salary for his support, and afterwards, " for his encoaragement among them," the town gave him two parcels of meadow, and as that was thought " not to be enough to supply his need," there were added twelve acres more at the east end of " Long Traines Meadow." The need of a more suitable place of worship was apparent, and on Jan. 9th, 1663, the town voted to build a ^ " meeting-house," but the execution of this design was inter- rupted by the extraordinary events which soon after transpired. The country was on the verge of revolution and civil war. Never, perhaps, was there an administration whose pro- ceedings, while aiming to promote good order, morality, and religion, tended to results more directly opposite, than that of the impolitic Stuyvesant. A course of austere legislation; fines and banishment for difference in religious faith and prac- 54 ANNALSOF NEWTOWN, tice ; injustice and violence to the savages, who in turn wreaked their revenge on the inoffensive settlers, all contributed to lessen the population and produce the deepest aversion to the government. Middelburg had not escaped the iron hand of this policy, as we have seen, and besides, several of the pur- chasers had been harshly dealt with. In 1661, Eichard Bul- lock was cast into prison for debt, but he managed to escape, and probably fled the province ; and five years before that, Thomas Greedy, a man of over seventy years, was, for a slight offence, banished the country. Such undue severity had a direct tendency to disgust and inflame the public mind — the English population were totally estranged, and held the go- vernment in utter detestation. Such was the dominant feeling in Middelburg, when Con- necticut received a charter from Charles II. confirming to that colony the "islands adjacent." By a wanton construction of the patent, Connecticut laid claim to Long Island, as one of the islands referred to. On October 27th, 1662, intelligence was sent to Middelburg and the surrounding English villages, that they were " annexed to the other side of the Sound." The long wished for deliverance offered, and the English towns hailed the event as affording a most opportune occasion to shake off the galling fetters of Dutch tyranny. Thus came the eventful year 1663, and though the design of a union with Connecticut was yet in embryo, Middelburg evinced a dispo- sition to assume the institutions of their English neighbors. On Jan. 9th, they appointed several citizens of trust, after the manner of the New England towns, to conduct their public affairs for the ensuing year. These were John Layton, Fran- _cis Swaine, William Blomfield, John Cochran, Samuel Toe, Eichard Betts, and Ealph Hunt, all or most of whom took an active part in the thrilling events which soon after transpired. The way was preparing for a political revolt; the tempest of opposition to the government which for long years had been gathering blackness, was about to pour forth its angry torrents. It was a season of peculiar trial to the Director of New Netherland, for to add to his sources of uneasiness, the red men were venting their cruelty upon the inhabitants of Esopus, on the Hudson. Stuyvesant resolved to despatch a military force to their assistance. He sent word to Middelburg, that on ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 55 June SOtli, lie would visit that village in person, or send liis depu- ties to obtain recruits for this service. But the application for aid was ill-timed, for when the recruiting officers, consisting of Lieutenants Couwenhoven and Stillwell, and Ensign Samuel Edsall, made their appearance, the magistrates and leading in- dividuals dissuaded the inhabitants from enlisting ; the period was critical, and the events to which they looked forward, might call forth the exercise of their undivided strength. The officers therefore left, having effected nothing. Notwithstanding this ripening spirit of insubordination, Middelburg yet kept up a show of allegiance, dictated rather by motives of policy, than any genuine feelings of attachment. In the month of July, Thomas Wandell and two other citizens waited upon the Director, and commuted for the tithes for the current year, the amount fixed upon being fifty schepels' of wheat and fifty of peas : upon condition that these and the tithes for the preceding year which yet remained unpaid, should be delivered within a suitable time, at the Company's store- house. It may be doubted, however, considering the anarchy which succeeded, whether the government obtained a particle of this revenue. Among those in Middelburg that warmly advocated an alliance with Connecticut, was Capt. John Coe, who in August addressed a letter on the subject- to the General Court, at Hartford, and dispatched it by James Christie. The latter delivered his message on the 22d of that month, (old stjde,) two hours after the court broke up, and Messrs. Talcott and Allyne returned an answer by the same person, expressing much regret that that being the case, they could not aid them according to their desire. They recommended an application to the court, at its meeting in autumn, when any memorial would be duly considered. "In the mean time," they add, " we suppose Stuy vesant dare not in the least offer any injury to any of you ; and after the meeting of the commissioners, at October court, they will the better know how to act towai'ds yourselves, or any of the towns about you. If there were a general concurrence in the desire of submitting to our govern- ment, we suppose it would much promote the end aimed at by you." Capt. Talcott also engaged Christie to visit the other ' A schepel was nearly three English pecks. 56 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. villages of Flushing, Hempstead, and Jamaica, "to try if tlie inhabitants were favorably inclined towards the governor of Hartford." Christie having returned to Middelburg, the absence of Director Stuyvesant, who had sailed for Boston, to meet the Commissioners in relation to their differences, afforded a favor- able occasion to visit the English towns, and accomplish the proposed union in favor of Connecticut. He accordingly pro- ceeded with two others to Gravesend, with "a simple commis- sion signed Coe," and a copy of Talcott's letter ; and the town being called together, Christie produced his letters and informed the assembled villagers that they were no longer subject to the Dutch government, but to that of Hartford. But the sheriff, Nicholas Stillwell, a friend to the administration, regarded this as rather a dubious fact. He accordingly arrested Christie's person and papers, and sent intelligence of the proceeding to the Council, who thereupon detached a sergeant and eight men to convey the prisoner to Fort Amsterdam. On the arrival of the soldiers at Gravesend, messengers were immediately dispatched to Middelburg, to announce the fate of Christie; for which reason the sergeant and his men left with their pri- soner, at two o'clock at night, and returned to the city. The arrest of their townsman, was heard with indignation at Middelburg, and John Coe and Edward Jessup, with five of the overseers of the town, immediately proceeded, by night, across to Westchester, and returned with Capt. Eichard Panton, a commissioned officer under Connecticut, and a company of men, "to beat arms against the Dutch." They were joined bj'' others in Middelburg, and the next day, Sept. 25th, proceeded to Gravesend, to the number, as was stated, of a hundred and fifty, mounted and on foot. Finding that Christie was beyond the reach of rescue, they determined to secure the person of the sheriff, whose house they surrounded about nine o'clock in the evening, shouting that they would have him, dead or alive, as he had been the instrument in apjDreheuding James Christie. They searched the house with lighted candles, but in vain ; the object of their pursuit had escaped amid the dark- ness, to the residence of his son-in-law. The mob then broached two anchors of brandy that lay in the cellar, and regaling them- selves, departed without fui'ther depredation. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 57 On the morrow Cliristie underwent a rigid examination before the Council. The same day Captains Coe and Panton, in the name of the town, despatched Richard Smith to New Amsterdam with a formal demand on the Attorney-general for his release, threatening, in case of a refusal, to " resent it as a breach of the peace, and act according to the nature of the case." The only reply which this elicited, was a circular letter to Middelburg and the other English villages, calling upon the people to seize any mutinous persons who might come into their town, or give information thereof to the Council, that the good inhabitants may continue in peace and unity, " as they have done, through God's blessing, hitherto." But the Council were alarmed, and at once despatched an account of this outbreak to the Director-general at Boston. The excitement in Middelburg was now at a high pitch, and in the exasperated state of the public mind it became a settled purpose to abjure and resist Dutch authority, and form a junction with Connecticut. But Stuyvesant had at least one English friend in Middelburg. This was John Lauronson, who wrote the following letter to the Director soon after his return, giving him a summary of the reigning disorders. Right Honorable, the Lord Stevesant : The cause of my presenting these few lines to your honor, is to let you understand what traitors there are in Middelburg. John Coe, Edward Jessup, Ralph Hunt, Richard Betts, Samuel Toe, John Layton, Francis _Swaine, went to Westchester in the night, and brought Panton, with a company of men, over, to beat arms against the Dutch, and have taken a copy of Panton's commission to kill and slay any that opposeth him. He beats up the drum under a color to train, and when the town is come together, then he plots against your honor. These seven men set almost the whole town against your honor ; they call private meetings, and there they conspire against you, and have put the town in an uproar. And Richard Betts said that he would spend his life and his estate in this cause, and John Layton abused your honor, and said that you are a devil, and a wooden leg rogue, and a picaroon, and rails against your honor that it is a shame to hear him. Edward Jessup hath been a traitor a long time ; he went to New Haven to see to put the town under them,' and I never knew of it, till they came for money as would go for his charges. If some come, be not » I know not to what occasion this alludes, except it be to the mission of Jessup and Coe to Boston in 1653, when they may have touched at New Haven to secure the favor of that colony. 58 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. taken with them, they will never be at rest, but always a doing of mischief. So, having no more to trouble your honor, I rest your true and faithful subject, John Lauronson. At the meeting of tlie general court of Connecticut in October, Capt. John Coe, deputed by Middelburg, and others from the several English towns, proceeded to Hartford and presented petitions to be received to the protection and privi- leges of that colony, seeing " it hath pleased the Highest Majesty to move the heart of the King's Majesty to grant unto your colony such enlargements as comprehends this whole Island, thereby opening a way for us (as we hope) from our present bondage, to such liberties and enlargements as we are informed your patent affords." Agreeably to their request the court declared that " as the lines of their patent extended to the adjoining islands, they accepted those towns under their jurisdiction." On the other hand, an embassy which Stuyve- sant had sent to confer with the general court touching their boundaries, returned without having effected anything, further than to satisfy themselves by seeing the delegates from the disaffected towns on the most intimate terms with the princi- pal men there, "that the doings of Eichard Mills at West- chester, of Coe, Panton and others on Long Island, were done and put into execution at their instigation." The deputies had informed the general court of the detention of Christie : — " A countryman of ours, for carrying a message to a neighbor plantation from some of yourselves, has been imprisoned for several weeks, and how long it will continue we know not." Hereupon the secretary of the court wrote to Stuy vesant, Oct. 22d, demanding the release of Christie. It now remained for Connecticut to follow up the recent act of annexation, and establish formally, her authority on the Island. For this purpose Capt. John Coe, of Middelburg, and Anthony Waters, of Jamaica, who were duly empowered, proceeded, in November, with about eighty men, horse and foot, through the English towns, informed the people that the country belonged to the King, removed the old magistrates and appointed others, who took the oath of fealty to Con- necticut. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 59 Micldelburg was now in allegiance to King Charles II. In the ardor of their loyalty they discarded the name by which the township from its settlement had been designated, and adopted that of Hastings, after a town in Sussex, England, distinguished in history as the scene of the famous victorj^ of William the Conqueror, by which that monarch obtained the throne of Britain. Encouraged by the prospective growth and prosperity of the settlement, the inhabitants gave them- selves early in the winter to matters of public convenience. All persons were required to make " good sufficient fence where their share is to do it," and that by the first day of the ensuing March, upon forfeit of " half a crown," for every rod of fence defective. Four individuals wei^e chosen fence viewers, which is the first notice we have of this not very distinguished, but highly necessary office. Two " common fields," each a single enclosure, in which the villagers proposed unitedly to plough and plant, were directed to be laid out, one on the north and the other on the south of the village lots, which matter was entrusted to four persons, one of whom was James Christie, who had obtained his liberation from the prison of Fort Amsterdam, under bonds.' 1 James Christie was a native of ScotlancI, and at this time was thirty-two years of age. He is first named in 1661, when he bought the dwelling house of Lieut. William Palmer deceased. He was still living at Newtown in 1665, but the following year his widow Sarah married Humphrey Clay. There is reason to believe that he was the ancestor of those families bear- ing the name of Christie in New-Yoi"k city and vicinity. Capt. Richard Panton, who acted so conspicuous a part in the late com- motions, had for years cherished feelings of hostility to the government, having, in 1656, suffered a brief imprisonment at New Amsterdam for an attempt to throw off the Dutch yoke at Westchester. After the conquest of the country by the English, he continued an influential man at Westchester, both in civil and church affairs, till his decease, in the beginning of the next century, at an advanced age. Richard Mills, the late schoolmaster of Middelburg, did much to forward the revolt at Westchester, of which place he had become a resident and the leading magistrate. Stuyvesant had him arrested, and he remained in prison for more than a month, but pleading with much importunity to be liberated, being " ancient and weakly," and intending in September to sail for Vii-- ginia, the Council, on June 18th, 1663, passed an order for his release, and he, some time after, left the province. 60 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. The people of Hastings were in the mean while not devoid of apprehensions. Stiiy vesant having consented to a j^ropo- sition of Connecticut, by which the jurisdiction of both pro- vinces over the English on the west end of Long Island, was suspended, these towns were left, by this arrangement, without a head to look to. They thereupon invited Capt. John Scott of Setauket, a person of great influence, to come and settle their government. On his arrival, Hastings, and four other towns entered into a combination, Jan. 4:th, 1664, to manage their own affairs irrespective of Connecticut, until a government should be established among them by his Majesty of England, who, they were told by Capt. Scott, had granted Long Island to the Duke of York. On the 4th of February'- ensuing, the inhabitants of Hastings met for the transaction of important business. They drew up and signed a compact, in which they set forth the grounds of their allegiance to England, with their determination to defend to any extremity the interests of their royal master. King Charles II. It ran as follows : To ALL Christian people in any parte of the world, knowe that we, the inhabitants of Hastings, otherwise called Middelburg, on Long Island, in the south parte of New England, doe declare that we are by our birthright privileges subjects of his Majesty, Charles the 2d. of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Kinge ; and within the discoverys of his Royal! prede- cessors are providentially seated ; and by right of the natives, have to the soyle an .absolute righte of inheritance in free socage, to us and our heyrs and assigns for ever, which right, interest and propryety, with his Majesty's Royalty of government we promise to maintalne against any usurpers what- soever, and will further and more particularly doe any thing whereby or wherewith our dread sovereigne and successors may be owned as absolute Emperor in poynt of civill judicature, as by establishinge an authority elected by the major parte of the freehoulders of this towne of Hastings aforesayd, yearly ; this very Island being bounded within the letters pattante granted by Kinge James, of glorious memory, the 18th year of liis reigne, to George, Duke of Buckingham, James, Duke of Lennox, which pattante was bounded between 40 and 48 north lattitude, with all Islands;' and within the sayd 1 This was tlie patent granted in 1620 to the Duke of Lennox, Fernando Gorges and othsrs, under the name of " The Council of Plymouth, in the county of Devon, for planting and governing New England, in America." From this company the Puritans of Plymouth colony obtained their patent in 1627. Two years later the company granted Long Island to Wilham Alexander, Earl of Stirling. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 61 lattitude wee say our just propryetys of soyle being invaded, and iiis Majes- ty's rights usurped by y" Hollanders ; to tiie great scandall of government and discouragement of liis Majesty's hopeful plantation, wliich we will for the futter defend as Englisiimen, just propryetors and Loyall subjects, with our lives and fortunes ; in witness whereunto we have set to our hands this 4th of February, 1663.' [1664, New Style.] All the inliabitants, with a few exceptions, attached their signatures to this high-toned instrument. '' James Way, Jona- than Hazard, William Lawrence, Samuel Moore, did not sub- scribe." The town proceeded to ballot for a president "for the ensuing year," and " Capt. John Scott, Esquire," received their unanimous vote for that ofiice. Town officers were elected in the name of "his Majesty, Charles 11." consisting of a clerk, constable and five townsmen. The latter were John Burroughes, Ealph Hunt, John Eamsden, Samuel Toe and John Layton. Eichard Betts and John Coe were appointed magistrates for the ensuing year, and deputies to a convention to be held at Hempstead on the 20th inst., " to embrace a body of laws already established in the Council of Connecticut, and to add others for the benefit and advantage of the inhabitants of this Island, in the respective plantations, and any other things whereby his Majesty's royalty and the inhabitants' rights and proprieties may be preserved and farther advanced." At this crisis, in order to prevent actual hostilities and "the effusion of blood," an agreement was entered into, on Feb. 24th, by Capt. Scott, as president of the English towns and Director Stuyvesant, to preserve friendship and free in- tercourse for a year or longer, until the dispute respecting Long Island should be finally determined by his Majesty of England and the States General of the Netherlands. But Scott's authority was brief. The general court of Connecticut, jea- ' Under the Dutch, the mode of reckoning time in this town was after the new style. Now the old style, which was in use among the English, was in- troduced, according to which the year was understood to commence on the 25th of March, and the month began ten (and on and after March 1st, 1700, eleven) days earlier than by the new style. In 1752, the new style was adopted in this province, by order of Parliament. That year began on Jan. 1st; and on Sept. 3d, following, the old style ended, the next day being considered the 14th, new style. In this work I adhere to the style in use for the time being, but in all cases begin the year with January. 5 62 ANNALS OFNEWTOWN. lous of liis proceedings on Long Island, sent a company of soldiers to arrest Lim, and lie was thrown into Hartford jail, and liarshly used. This caused dissatisfaction in the English villages, but Gov. Winthrop came over to the Island and in- duced the people to submit to Connecticut. Scott's magistrates were deposed, and others appointed. Prior to this, an account of the critical state of affairs had been transmitted to the Directors and States General, who in January, 1664, sent over a circular letter to the several dis- affected towns, in which, addressing them as their subjects, they commanded them to continue faithful, under penalty of incurring their utmost displeasure. On the reception of one of these letters at Hastings, accom- panied by another from Stuyvesant himself, the town met on May 5th, and agreed to refer them to " Connecticut Court," and by direction, James Bradish, the town clerk, immediately forwarded them with a suitable letter on behalf of the town, complaining of several unreasonable demands of the Dutch governor, and praying the court to take "some speedy course for their futter peace and comforte." ' This letter was probably laid before the general court by Capt. John Coe, who the same month took his seat in that body as a deputy from Hastings. During the sitting of said court, the Rev. William Leverich, Richard Betts, Samuel Toe, Caleb Leverich, Ralph Hunt, John Burroughes, John Ramsden, Nicholas Carter, Gershom Moore, and James Christie, made application and were admitted as freemen of Connecticut. The truce now subsisting, afforded the inhabitants of Hast- ings time to consult upon other and more local interests. " Upon several considerations, the town thought it good to settle the upland lying under the hills southward from the town place now seated." This was the tract reserved by the Indians in their deed to the town, which it was now deemed prudent to secure from the encroachment of their Dutch neighbors, by an actual possession of the premises. At a 1 This letter is printed in Bolton's Hist, of Westchester county, ii. 20, being supposed to I'efer to a portion of that county, but this is clearly a mistake. The original is preserved in the Secretary of State's office, Hartford. ANNALSOFNEWTOWN. 63 meeting of tlie inhabitants, on April 1st, it was resolved that such of the town-people as chose to locate there should each be allowed a six acre lot to build and plant upon, on condition that they should hold themselves as residents of the town, and Tpnj their share of the public charges. But they were to admit no stranger from any other town as an inhabitant with them, unless he had been duly received by a major vote of the peo- ple of Hastings. And whereas the whole town possessed a common interest in this tract, it was further resolved that all should contribute equally to its purchase from the Indian owners, except such as should decline to hold a right in it. Samuel Toe and Ralph Hunt were appointed to view the pre- mises, on the 3d instant, and lay off lots for such as were to locate there, among whom were James Gideons and Thomas Moore, who by a vote then taken, were received as inhabitants. At this time it was also in contemplation to buy from Ja- maica a part of the " South Sea Meadows," as they were termed, lying on the South Bay. This object was affected the succeed- ing fall, through a committee sent to Jamaica, to " agitate and agree " respecting the said purchase, who happily made a bar- gain for the third of a certain tract, called " Seller Neck," another third of which was sold about the same time to Brook- lyn. It lay east of and adjacent to Plunder's Neck, ah-eady the property of several inhabitants of Hastings. Another purchase, not less interesting, was that effected August 1st, of this year, by " William Hallett, Sen., of the town of Flushing," of a large tract of land, near Hallett's Cove, from Shawestcont and Erramohar, Indians residing at Shaw- copshee, upon Staten Island, by authority of Mattano, their sagamore, and in the presence of two Indians, Warchan and Kethcaneparan, and Eandell Hewitt, John Coe, Jonathan Rite, and Edward Fisher. It is described as " beginning at the first creek called Suns wick ; westward below Hellgate, upon Long Island, and from the mouth of the aforesaid creek, south to a markt tree fast by a great rock, and from that said markt tree southward, fifteen score rods, to another markt tree, which stands from another little rock a little westward, and from that markt tree east, right to the point of an island which belongs to the poor's bouwery, and from the point of the island belong- ing to the poor's bouwery round by the river through Hellgate 64 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. to the aforesaid creek westward where it began ; also an island whicli is commonly called Hewlett's Island, which island the aforesaid Hewlett did formerly live upon; as also all other islands within this tract of land aforementioned." On Dec, 6th, 1664, the sagamore, Mattano, ''chief of Staten Island and Nya6k," confirmed the above sale, and acknowledged to have received, in full payment for the land, "fifty-eight fathom of wampum, seven coats, one blanket, and four kettles." * This tract, called by the Indians " Sintsiuck," and embracing nearly the whole of " Hellgate Neck," was afterwards confirmed to Hallett by the English governors NicoU and Dongan, or "so much of the aforesaid Indian deed or purchase, as had not before been disposed of to others by groundbrief or patent." It therefore did not affect the several grants to individuals, lying within its limits.^ As Mr. Hallett no longer held himself amenable to the government of New Netherlands he could not have consulted Stuy vesant in making this purchase. This is evident also, from the fact, that on August 19tli, 1664, new style, Abraham Eycken, a planter on the north bounds of the town, obtained from the Director-general, (it being one of his last ofiicial acts,) a patent for Hewlett's Island, above named. It was so called from the ancestor of the Hewlett familj^, of Long Island, (probably Lewis Hewlett, a native of Bucking- ^ Recorded in Secretary of State's office, Albany, Deeds ii, 74, 75. " In 1667, William Hallett entered a suit against Capt. Thomas Law- rence, for the recovery of Berrien's Island, whicli the latter had obtained a patent for, but Hallett's claim was not admitted. The residents near this island may congratulate themselves on the failure of the late attempt to convert it into a Potter's Field for the city of New- York, which (in the words of a resolution of the Board of Health of Newtown, prohibiting public burials of the city of New-York, upon said island,) " would be a public nuisance, prejudicial to the health, and endangering the lives of the citizens of the said town." It can scarce be doubted, especially if it were managed a la mode Randell's Island ! Then add to this the conse- quent depreciation of property, while the pleasant water communication and avenues conducting thither, and adorned with country seats,would necessarily become the daily resort of sepulchral processions, and we discover additional propriety in the objections raised to the measure. Among the peculiar circumstances connected with this affiiir, the most ludicrous was an effort of a committee of the N. Y. Corporation, to show that Berrien's Island lay imiliinihe bounds of the county of Neiv-York ! See Document 6 of the N. Y. Board of Assist. Aid. for 1849. ANNALSOFNEWTOWN. 65 hamsliire, England,) who at an earlier day had been driven from it by the Indians, with the destruction of his house and property. Gov. Nicoll, recognizing the authority of the Dutch governor, to dispose of the island, confirmed it to Eycken, Dec. 24th, 1667, and it is yet owned by the descendants of the original patentee, and known as Biker's Island. CHAPTEE IV Conquest of New Netherland by the English. — Assembly at Hempstead. — Name of Hastings changed to Newtown. — Decision respecting the meadows on Mespat Kill. — Overseers and Constable and their duties. — First mihtia officers under the English. — Swine driven to the South Bay to prevent damage to corn crops. — An instance. — Rules concerning fences, fields and highways. — The town buy the Indian reservation. — The Indian deed. — Some conjectures as to what tribe of Indians inhabited Newtown. — Gov. NicoH's patent to the town. — Ja- maica paid for Seller Neck, and these meadows divided. — The town without a meeting-house or a pastor. — At a militia drill the people resolve to have a mi- nister if possible. — Nature of the militia service. — The constable's house burnt. — Precautionary measures. — Improvement of the public land. — Surveyors chosen. — Road laid out through Hempstead Swamp. — Several landholders there. — Sickness at the English Kills. — Scudder's Pond. — Regulations respecting the public land. — Encouragement to mechanics and tradesmen. — Rev. Mr. Leverich recalled to the town. — Smith's Island occupied by order of the Purchasers. — Bushwick complains to the Court of Sessions. — Suit carried to the Council. — Referred to the Assizes. — Decided in Bushwick's favor. — Arbitrary course of the Colonial Government. — Newtown and others petition for redress. — It effects but little. — Roads laid out at the Dutch and English Kills. — Ferry and bridge over Newtown Creek. — Accidents occur on the latter. — Ordered to be repaired. — The first church erected in Newtown. 1664 to 1671. King Charles II. having asserted a right to Long Island, the summer of 1664 witnessed the entire conquest of New Netherland by the English. His Majesty aiming at the total extinction of the Dutch power in North America, and having first purchased the claim of the Earl of Stirling in Long Island, executed an extensive grant of territory, including the whole of New Netherland, to his brother James, Duke of York and Albany, by letters patent, dated March 12tli, 1664. His High- ness, the Duke, thereupon despatched Col. Eichard Nicoll to take possession of his new dominions, who in the month of 66 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. August entered the harbor of New Amsterdam with a naval force, and demanding, received the surrender of the place, to which he gave the name of New- York. The whole of Long Island was now freely yielded up by Connecticut to NicoU, who held the commission of deputy governor. The distracted state to which the country had been reduced, under her late masters, rendered it necessary that the several portions of it should be properly organized under one system of civil government. With this intent Gov. Nicoll addressed a circular letter to the several towns,' directing the inhabitants to elect delegates to a convention to be held at Hempstead, on Feb. 28th, 1665, to settle the affairs of the province. This assembly met, and the town of Hastings was repre- sented by Eichard Betts and John Coe. The inhabitants of the out-plantations, who were yet a separate community, also voted for delegates to this assembly, uniting for this purpose, it is presumed, with the town of Flushing.' A code of laws, previously framed and agreeing with those then in practice in New England, save that they were less severe in matters of conscience and religion, were with sundry amendments, passed, and promulgated, and distinguished as the "Duke's Laws." A variety of concerns, affecting more or less the well being of the community, were acted upon. The province was erected into a shire, called after that in England, Yorkshire, which was subdivided into districts termed, re- spectively, the East, North, and West Eidings. Hastings was included in the West Eiding of Yorkshire, and the township was enlarged by the addition of the out -plantations, comprising the Poor Bowery, Hellgate-Neck, etc. The territory thus brought within the jurisdiction of the town was equal to about one-third of its previous area, and the township as thus consti- tuted received the name of " the New Towne," an appellation by which it had been previously known to some extent. That of Hastings was abandoned. As one object of the Hempstead convention was to deter- ^ Major Daniel Whitehead deposes, Jan. 10th, 1704, "that at the time of the coming of Coll. Nicoll, Esq. then Governor of the province of New- York, his father and he, then living at Mespatt Kills, (then not belonging to Newtown, they then being distinct from the town of Newtown,) chose depu- ties to send to the general meeting at Hempstead, as other towns did." ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 67 mine the limits of the several towns, the boundary between Newtown and Bushwick was considered on the 4th of March, when the latter town assumed the position of plaintiff, feeling herself aggrieved at the efforts of Newtown, to occupy the meadows at the English Kills and the upland lying south of them. After a hearing of their respective claims, the follow- ing decision was rendered : — "The meadow ground in question between Bushwick and New Towne, shall remain to the inha- bitants of the town of Bushwick, as properly, and of right belonging to them ; that is to say, the meadoio lying on the west side of the most ancient Dutch house^ situate on the east side of the head of Mespat Kills, and the inhabitants of New Towne are no way to molest the said town of Bushwick, in the peaceable en- joyment thereof. Touching the upland, the bounds specified in the Middelburg deed, will sufficiently regulate the same." This appears to have been a compromise of the question, the assembly conceding the meadows to Bushwick, but to Newtown the upland, as bounded in their Indian deed. So well pleased were the inhabitants of Bushwick with this de- cision, that they entered it in the Dutch language upon their records ; but strange to tell, two years later, resuming their old claim, they succeeded in obtaining a patent from Gov. Nicoll, which embraced both the meadows and the upland in question. The Duke's Laws, by which the province was now to be regulated, erected an overseers' court in the several towns, whose j urisdiction should extend to actions of debt or trespass under five pounds ; — a court of sessions to be held in each riding triennially, for the adjudication of all actions or cases from the value of five to twenty pounds, as well as actions of assault or battery, breach of the peace, or crime; — a court oi oyer and terminer^ when required, for the more speedy trial of capital offenders, who otherwise awaited the sitting of the court of assi?:e, which was to be held annually in the city of New-York, and was a court of equity and the supreme court of the pro- vince. In this court was vested the legislative power, but being composed of the governor, and the justices who received their appointment from him, the people were still in truth without a voice in the enactment of the public laws, a fact that was no sooner understood by them, than it created the utmost dissatisfaction. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. It will be acceptable to my readers, I presume, to learn some of the leading provisions of the legal code now intro- duced, and by which the affairs of Newtown continued to be regulated till 1683. It enjoined upon each town or parish to build a church sufficient to accommodate two hundred persons ; and each inhabitant was required to pay his proportion of the minister's salary agreed upon, yet they were to enjoy liberty of conscience, and neither to be imprisoned, fined, nor at all molested for differing in judgment in matters of religion, pro- vided they did not deny Christianity. For the orderly management of all town affairs, including the building and repairing the church, maintaining the minister, and providing for the poor, it was directed that eight of the most able men of each town or parish be appointed overseers^ who were required to be " men of good fame and life, chosen by the plurality of voices of the freeholders in each town, whereof four shall remain in their office two years successively, and four shall be changed for new ones every year ; which election shall preceed the election of constable in point of time, in regard the constable for the year ensuing is to be cho- sen out of that number which are dismist from their office of overseers." Before entering upon their office, they took the oath of allegiance, in the presence of the minister and the old overseers and constable, and then were presented by the said constable and overseers to the court of sessions next succeed- ing their election, and with the new constable took the oath of ofl&ce, which was usually done at the June sessions. They were authorized, together with the constable, to hold town courts weekly or monthly, as was required, where six with the constable, or seven in his absence, were a competent jury, and upon an equal division, the constable had the casting voice. They were to report twice a year to the sessions, "all such abominable sinnes " as came to their knowledge, and had not been punished, including prophane swearing, sabbath-break- ing, and drunkenness. They were frequently to admonish the inhabitants to instruct their children and servants in matters 1 In Sept. 1666, the court of assize ordered that the overseers in each town be reduced to four, and that they have the same authority that the eight possessed ; any two of them, with the constable, being empowered to hold town courta. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 69 of religion and the laws of the country, and to bring np their children and apprentices in some honest and lawful calling or employment. They made all assessments or rates, which usu- ally consisted of three, namely, the minister's rate, the town rate, and the country rate, the latter for the support of the general government. They also appointed from time to time, two persons to be inspectors of pipestaves, a common article of manufacture and export at that day ; and they were like- wise empowered to appoint a sealer of weights and mea- sures, and a public packer or inspector of meat and fish, bar- reled for exportation. Any one of the overseers might act as constable, if the latter was indisposed, or on any emergency, provided he carried with him the staif of the office. From among the overseers, the constable selected the jurors who attended the courts of session and assize. And in all mat- ters, such as the disposing, building upon, planting, and the like, of their lands and woods, granting of lots, election of officers, assessing of rates, &c. a majority of the overseers, with the consent of the constable, were empowered to ordain such "peculiar constitutions" as were necessary for the wel- fare of the town, provided they were not of a criminal nature, and the penalties did not exceed twenty shillings for one offence, and were not repugnant to the public laws, and were confirmed by the court of sessions. The constable was ordinarily chosen on the first or second day of April, yearly, by the major vote of the freeholders in the town, and was presented in person by the old constable and overseers to the next court of sessions ensuing, when he was sworn into office, the insignia of which was a staff about six foot long, with the king's arms on it. Thence he was re- quired to attend each sitting of the court of sessions, unless an overseer, bearing the staff, should supply his place, or he be excused by the justices on the bench; under a penalty of five pound for every day's absence. The constable was to whip and punish offenders, raise the hue and cry after murder- ers, manslayers, thieves, robbers, and burglars; and also appre- hend without warrant such as were overtaken with drink, swearing, or sabbath-breaking, and vagrant persons, or night- walkers, provided they be taken in the manner, either by the 70 ANNALSOF NEWTOWN. sight of the constable or by present information from others. He could command the help and assistance of any other per- son upon a penalty for their refusal ; and could, without war- rant, if the case was urgent, search any house or place suspected to be the receptacle of stolen goods, or the person of an offender. It was his business, where cases of debt or tresjDass under five pounds arose between neighbors, to nominate two indifferent persons as arbitrators He was to collect all fines and amerce- ments; and distrain for rates where they were refused to be paid. He, with the concurrence of two overseers, was to satisfy every person, either Christian or Indian, for the killing of wolves, to the value of an Indian coat for each wolf, to be paid out of the public rate; evidence being produced that the animal was killed on Long Island, and not elsewhere; and the constable and overseers were to cause the heads to be nailed over the door of the constable, there to remain, as also to cut off both the ears, in token that the head was bought and paid for. The constable was authorized to "famish the Indians with such quantity of powder and shot as may be thought necessary for their Idlling of wolves, and provisions ; and also may permit them to have their guns mended." * Actuated by a very proper desire to become acquainted with the laws by which they were in future to be governed, the people of Newtown, at their next meeting, held on March 15th, 1665, for the election of town officers, resolved to provide themselves with a "law book." This code instituted regula- tions for the embodiment and discipline of the militia, equally minute and curious, and which will be noticed hereafter. In keeping therewith. Gov. Nicoll, on the 21st of April, issued commissions to the of&cers of Newtown, constituting Thomas Lawrence, captain, Kalph Hunt, lieutenant, and Gershom Moore, ensign. Part of the advantage anticipated from the interest secured in the meadows at the south side of the island, was the privi- lege of driving thither the swine of the village, where in com- mon herds they might roam upon the beach, and subsist on the shell-fish that it afforded ; while the corn-fields would tlius 1 "A wolf killed by Peter, the Indian, the 9th of June, 1667." Newtown Records, A. 71. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 71 be preserved from tlieir depredations, whicli " in regard their fences were defective," had hitherto proved a great annoyance, and the cause of much litigation in the town court. Accord- ingly, "about the beginning of harvest," Caleb and Eleazar Leverich, with others of the inhabitants, drove their hogs thither, but those of William Blomfield, one of the company, could not be found at the time appointed, but were finally dis- covered in the corn of Francis Kitfield, employing themselves most assiduously. On inspection, it was found that the fence opposite Kitfield's corn " was no fence, but boughs and rotten sticks," yet it was supposed " that it might have kept out such swine that had not a taste of the corn." Damages were laid by Kitfield, at ten bushels of peas, and recovered. Similar events, which tended to set neighbors at variance, induced the overseers to adopt a set of rules "■ for the well- subsisting of the town concerning fences, fields, and highways," which, being approved by the court of assize, Sept. 12th, 1665, were entered upon the records of the town court. They provided that all fences of common fields should be kept up and in repair constantly, in winter as well as in summer ; and all other fences to be set up and completed by the first of March, yearly. Any person found guilty of letting down any bars or fence, or setting open any gate to the damage of his neighbor, should repair damages, and be punished or fined at the discretion of the court. Trees felled upon the highway were to be removed within forty-eight hours ; and owners of lots were to stub and clear the highway in front of their land to the width of eight rods, or where there were lots on both sides, to the middle of the street, "for a highway both for carts and cattle to pass." This was to be done by the last of April, in default of which, others were to be hired to do it at the expense of those so negligent. In the meantime, some progress having been made in the settlement of the Indian reservation, the inhabitants, in 1666, prepared to effect the purchase of this land from the Indians. At their desire, Capt. Eichard Betts went to New-York, on June 23d, and obtained the governor's licence for this purpose, and sixteen days after, the purchase deed was executed, and acknowledged by the chiefs before the governor, and head men of Newtown, and the Indian title to the territory -extinguished 72 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. for the sum of seventy-six pounds, nine shillings. The deed was as follows : — Know all men by these Presents, that We, Rowerowestco and Pom- waukon, do acknowledge and confess that we have firmly and jointly sold, alienated and made over all our lands from us, our heirs, executors, admi- nistrators and assigns, to the inhabitants of Newtowne, alias Middelburg, to them and their heirs for ever, as their own proper and free land or lands, im- munities, appurtenances, privileges and all whatsoever did unto the afore Sachems or Indians belong: from a small creek called by the Indians Cana- paukah, where Burger's mill stands ; from thence, going upon a straight line north-eastward to a certain creek called Sackhickneyah, where Wessel's mill stood: so bounded by the Bay side till it come to the mouth of Flushing creek, so commonly called : so running towards the south-east bounded by the creek side, till it extends itself to the south side of the hills upon the line: from thence running upon the line westward by the south side of the hills, till it meet with the south line which is extended from the west branch of Mespat Kills, called Quandoequareous, by a Dutchman's land, called Hans, the Boore : from thence to the mouth of Mespat Kills, by the Indians so called : these aforesaid bounds or tract of land with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, we, the aforesaid Indians have sold in the year one thousand, six hundred, fifty and six, unto the aforesaid inhabitants : only we reserved the privilege of a certain part of upland lying on the south side of the aforesaid town, for our use for hunting, and sold them only the grass for mowing and feed and timber , and have really and fully sold them and theirs for ever the feeding, mowing and timber of tlie foresaid land ; and were firmly bound and engaged in our bill of sale, never to sell or dispose of the said privileges which we had there reserved, to any other but to the inhabitants of Newtowne : — therefore, we the said Indians, according to our words and obligations, do here by these presents manifest ourselves to have received full satisf;iction of the foresaid inhabitants, for the privileges we then reserved in the foresaid tract of land, and do really and absolutely give them and their heirs for ever, as full right and title to all the privileges of the snid tract of land, as we can or may of any of our lands that we have or shall sell : denying ourselves of any interest therein, or any claims of any other whatso- ever of all the lands, appurtenances or privileges within the said bounds, we say, we have really sold as aforesaid to the inhabitants of Newtowne, as their own proper free lands: we say from us, our heirs, to them, their heirs, for- ever. Whereunto we have set to our hands, this 9th of July, 1666, and iH the 12th year of his Majesty's reign, PoMWAUKON, X his mark. Rowerowestco, X his mark. Signed, sealed, in the presence of us, John Pounds, John Napper, Armorehern, X his mark. Chawescome, X his mark. ANNALS OFNEW TOWN. 73 Recived of the inhabitants of Newtowne, full satisfoction for all the fore- said lands which herein is specified, we say received by us the 9th of July, 1666, the sum of fifty-five pounds for the first payment; the second and last payment, now paid, twenty-one pounds, nine shillings. PoMWAUKON X his mark. RowEROwESTCo X his mark. Recorded in the office of New-York, the 13th of July, 1666, by me, Matthias Nicoll, Secretary} Careful inquiry as to what tribe these chiefs belonged has resulted in a reasonable probability that they, as well as those who sold Hellgate Neck to William Hallett, were of the Ca- narsee tribe, a clan of reputed power, whose jurisdiction extended over the whole of King's county, the islands in Hellgate, and says Ocallaghan, some part of Newtown. The extinction of the Indian title to the soil forms an inte- resting epoch in the history of the town. The red man was no longer able to withstand the advance of civilization ; the country began to wear marks of human thrift that made it uncongenial with his ideas of wild solitude and savage life ; his hunting-grounds invaded, the deer and the beaver driven from their haunts, he must needs seek for himself a new home in the unbroken forests. It is probable that the most of them vacated the town at about the period of their last sale to the whites, though there is evidence that scattering ones re- mained for a number of years later, some of whom had their wigwams at Mespat Kills. But the memory of these has long since perished. Occasionally an exhumed relic reminds us that they once lived. The rude implements which they used in the pursuits of peace and the prosecution of war, are the only existing mementoes of the red men of NeAvtown. These consist chiefly of stone axes and arrowheads, and arrows of reed. The late Judge Furman, of Maspeth, had a handsome collection of them, procured in that neighborhood. Upon the property of Mr. Jackson, at the Poor Bowery, was an exten- sive deposit of burnt shells, the remains of their clam-roasts, from which Mr. Fish, former proprietor of the farm, is known to have carted scores if not hundreds of loads, to fertilize his land : and on the property of Mr. Kouwenhoven, adjoining, 1 Sec'y of State's Office, Albany, Deeds ii. 135; also entered in New- town Records, ii. 261. 74 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. there formerly existed a burial place, where, in nurabers, the remains of the red men sleep their last sleep, though every outward appearance of a sepulchre for the dead is now oblite- rated. Having thus extinguished the Indian title to all their lands, and received a full acquittal from the natives, the inhabitants the succeeding autumn, proceeded to secure the governor's letters patent for the township.' On the 6th of October, they appointed Thomas Lawrence, Ralph Hunt, and John Burroughes to get a draft of the bounds of the town,^ and obtain a patent, pro- mising to bear the expense according to their respective free- hold. On March 1st, 1667, the inhabitants made choice of several trusty citizens to be named as patentees in behalf of the whole town, and the same month the gentlemen entrusted with the business obtained the following instrument under the governor's signet. Richard Nicoll, Esq., Governor-General under his Royal Highness James, Duke of York and Albany, and of all his Territories in America; To all to whom these presents shall come, sendeih greeting : Whereas, there is a certain town in the West Riding of Yorkshire, upon Long Island, situated and lying on the north-west of the said island, commonly called and known by the name of New Towne, now in tlie tenure or occupation of several freeholders and inhabitants, who having heretofore made lawful purchase of the lands thereunto belonging, have likewise manured and improved a con- siderable part thereof, and settled a competent number of families thereupon; Now for a confirmation unto the said freeholders and inhabitants in their en- joyment and possession of the premises, Know ye, that by virtue of the commission and authority given unto me by his Royal Highness, I have ratified, and confirmed, and granted, and by these presents do ratify, confirm, and grant unto Capt. Richard Betts, Justice of the peace, Capt. Thomas Lawrence, Capt. John Coe, John Burroughes, Ralph Hunt, Daniel White- head, and Burger Joost, as patentees for and on the behalf of themselves and tlieir associates, the freeliolders and inhabitants of tlie said town, their heirs, successors and assigns, all that tract of land which already hath been, or that hereafter shall be purchased for and on the behalf of the said town, whether from the native Indian proprietors, or otherwise, within the bounds and limits hereafter set forth and exprest, vizt. — That is to say, to be bounded east by Flushing creek ; north by the Sound ; south by Jamaica line, which runs on 1 For a list of the freeholders at this period, see Appendix G. * An original draft of Newtown, drawn by John Burroughes, is extant, and is supposed to be the one referred to in the text. It is rudely drawn, and embraces plans of Seller and Plunder's Neck. The localities, Dominie's Hook, Hallett's Cove and Hewlett's Island are also noted. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 75 the south side of the hills ; and west by Mcspat Creek or Kills ; from the westerinost branch thereof to extend upon a south line to the south side of the hills ; from whence to run eastward along the said south side of the hills till it meet with the south line, which comes from the Iiead of Flushing creek aforementioned; all which said tract of land within the bounds and limits aforesaid, and all or any plantation thereupon, from henceforth are to belong and appurtain to the said town ; together with all havens, harbors, creeks, waters, rivers, lakes, fishing, hawking, hunting, and fowling, and all other profits, commodities, emoluments, hereditaments to the said land and premi- ses within the limits and bounds aforementioned and described, belonging or in any wise appurtaining ; and also one-third part of a certain neck of meadow ground called Seller Neck, as it is now laid out and described, lying within the limits of Jamaica, and to have free egress and regress, with liberty of cutting and felling of timber or trees for fencing, and as occasion serves, to make one or more highways through the upland belonging to Jamaica aforesaid, to pass to their said meadow at Seller Neck, or any other meadow to them appertaining at the soiith; to have and to hold all and singular the said lands, hereditaments and premises, with their and every of their appur- tenances, and of every part and parcel thereof, to the said patentees and tiieir associates, their heirs, successors and assigns, to the proper use and behoof of the said patentees and their associates, their heirs, successors and assigns, for ever ; Moreover, I do hereby ratify, confirm and grant unto the said pa- tentees and tlieir associates, their heirs, successors and assigns, all the privi- leges of a town in this government, and that the place of their present habi- tation shall continue and retain the name of New Towne, by which name and title it shall be distinguished in all bargains and sales, deeds, records and writings ; the said patentees and their associates, their heirs, successors and assigns, rendering and paying such duties and acknowledgments as now or hereafter shall be constituted and established by the laws of this government, under the obedience of his Royal Highness, his heirs and successors. Given under my hand and seal, at Fort James, in New-York, on the Island of Man- hattans, the 6th day of March, in the 19th year of the reign of our sovereign lord Charles the Second, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, and in the year of our Lord God, 1666. [1667 New Style.] RICHARD NICOLL. [seal.] Tliis spring also witnessed tlie payment of a debt due Ja- maica for the tliird of Seller ISTeck, a receipt for wliicli was obtained and deposited with the town records. Cotemporary with this, a partition of the said neck was effected by the three towns to which it belonged, and on the 3d of July following, the people of Newtown made an allotment of their portion to such of their number as were interested therein. Pursuant to a decision of the Hempstead assembly, passed 76 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Marcli 4tli, 1665, the town-house had been surrendered to Mrs. Dought}^, as relict of the Eev. John Moore, and the return of the Eev. William Leverich to Huntington, at about the same time, had left the township destitute of stated ministerial services, a state of things deeply regretted by the pious portion of the community. A militia drill was at hand, and on May 29th, 1667, the merry beat of the drum called the inhabitants to muster for parade, each equipped with musket or match- lock, and bandoleers after the fashion of those times. These occasions, in iNewtown, partook somewhat of the gravity that marked their occurrence in Kew England, where they were begun and ended with public prayer. Thus a " training day," then devoid the revelry that now characterizes it, was not an unbefitting occasion to discuss rehgious affairs. Indeed this preparation for their temporal security seemed to call to mind their souls' danger, while destitute of a spiritual leader. The subject was introduced, and resulted in the passage of a reso- lution to have a minister if they could procure one. But in the infancy of our country, preachers of the gospel were scarce, and not easily obtained, and whatever means were taken in the above instance, to carry out the wish of the people, failed, and they were left for about two years dependent upon such wholesome instruction as the pious fathers of the village were enabled to impart as they assembled in social meeting for praise and prayer. And when we consider that their piety had its birth in an age of trial, and was nurtured in the lap of persecution, it is not marvellous that in this wilderness home, even under adverse circumstances, the flame of Christian de- votion should continue to animate them, and exhibit itself in their eflbrts to secure the means of grace for themselves and offspring. May their descendants prize their religious privi- leges not the less. Having alluded to one of their martial exercises, it may be well in this connection to take a glance at their military system. The inhabitants were organized into a single company, under a captain, lieutenant and ensign, which officers were elected by the company and commissioned by the governor. They were required to be "persons of best quality, such as are most complaisant to their men, of great courage to all virtuous actions, and only fearful of infamy." ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 77 All male persons above the age of sixteen, except certain judicial and professional characters, including the minister, constable, and schoolmaster, were required to do military duty four days in the year at the company drill, and once at the general training of the riding. Each was required to provide himself with " a good serviceable gunn, allowed sufficient by his military officer, to be kept in constant readiness for present service, with a good sword, bandoleers, or home, a worme, a scowerer, a priming wire, shot bag, and charger ; one pound of good powder, four pounds of pistol bullets, or twenty-four bullets fitted to the gunn, four fathom of serviceable match for match-lock gunn, or four good flints fitted for a fire-lock gunn." At their trainings they were " instructed in the comely handling and ready use of their armes, in all postures of warre, to understand and attend all words of command." In addition to this was the service of " watching and warding, when they are thereunto required and warned by their officers," this spe- cies of service being called for by the peculiar dangers and alarms to which, as the inhabitants of a new country, they were exposed. Such, briefly, was the military service in Newtown at that early day, as enjoined by the laws of the province, for default of which fines were levied by the civil officers of the town, and applied to furnishing the company with halberds, or battle-axes, drums, and colors. Disorderly conduct upon parade, or upon watch or ward, was punishable by the com- missioned officers of the company, by " stocks, riding wooden horse, or other military ]3U.nishments ;" or they could turn the offender over to the civil authority. On one occasion, a com- plaint being made by Thomas Eoberts against Henry Jansen for breaking a drum, the town court pronounced this curious verdict: "The judgment of the court is that the defendant shall procure another drum rim as good as that was before it was broken ; and for his contempt for not appearing, that he pay all costs of court, and six shillings to Lieut. Moore and Thomas Eoberts, ybr_/ia:m^ another drumy During the present and the succeeding year, the settlers seem to have given increased attention to the cultivation and improvement of their lands. This summer eleven landholders, oil the north side of the village, enclosed their premises in a 6 78 ANNALS OF NEWTOWI?. single field, in wliicli tliey raised their usual crops. By tliis neighborly arrangement they secured great economy of labor in the construction of fences ; but as much depended upon the faithfulness with which each performed his part of the work, a formal agreement was first made, signed and recorded, by which each person was required to set up and maintain his share of the fence, under a penalty for neglect. Their agree- ment is dated Jan. 4, 1666-7, and undersigned by John Bur- roughes, Francis Doughty, Ealph Hunt, John Lauronson, James Lauronson, John Stevenson, Daniel Bloomfield, Eichard Osborn, John Keeder, Jonathan Hazard, and John Moore.* The main articles of produce to which the farmers of New- town gave their attention at this period, were wheat, peas, rye, Indian corn, and tobacco, the last being a staple commodity. Attention had also been given to the culture of fruit trees, and luxuriant orchards of apples, pears, and peaches, began to repay the toil of the husbandman, and to yield quite as abun- dantly as the orchards of Europe, whence these productions had been imported by the settlers.^ Plans being laid, the succeeding winter, by some of the inhabitants, for the occupation of more land, the town thought it expedient to resolve, in public meeting, Jan. 31st, 1668, " that whosoever shall now or hereafter take up land shall not build anywhere but on their homelots, without the town's consent." This measure was evidently designed to prevent the settlement ' On Dec. 10th, 1667, tlie town court authorized Richard Owen to impound the cattle, &c. that should be found in the common field, and to receive for his services 12 pence each for horses, 6 pence a head for neat cattle, and for swine 4 pence a piece. The following is an imperfect list of pound-keepers in Newtown village from that date up to the Revolution : — Henry Sawtell, appointed July 6th, 1669; Gershom Hazard, May 5th, 1699; Benjamin Se- verens, Feb. 4th, 1711, whose widow kept it after his death; Capt. Samuel Fish, Jr. April 6th, 1742 till 1757; James Wood, April 5th, 1757; Samuel Fish, Jr. April 4th, 1758, till 1767; Abraham Rapelye, 3d, April 5th, 1768; Abraham Riker, Jr. April 4tli, 1769; Samuel Morrell, April 3d, 1770; Bloodgood, April 2d, 1771; Samuel Wainwright, April 7th, 1772 till 1782; Elizabeth Wainwright, April 1st, 1783. ' The far-famed Newtown Pippin, which, " when perfectly matured, is con- sidered by some the finest apple in our country," was first cultivated in an orciiard near Newtown village by one of the Moore family. Last winter they sold in England at 5 cents each, or $20 a barrel, wholesale. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 79 from becoming scattered, that tHe inliabitants miglit be in a situation for united actioii ^ " any case of emergency ; and it was probably suggested by an alarming fire that occurred about this time on the premises of Ralph Hunt, the constable, by which his dwelling, barn^ out-houst-s, and all his effects were consumed, together with a quantity of coiv^''ta'J;. had been col lected of the inhabitants as public rates. ^ .T]ie discharge of a gun was understood to be the signal of alai-m when danger was near, and a fine of ten shillings was declarev"" against any one who should shoot off a gun after sunset, excepi": for the above object. The frequent taking up of land, rendered it necessary to appoint permanent surveyors, and at the before- named meeting, on January 1st, Ralph Hunt, Daniel White- head and John Burroughes were chosen to this office, and their fees were established at two pence an acre. The spring brought with it employment for these gentlemen. On the 23d of April a highway was laid out, running " about north-west and south-east," through Hempstead Swamp, and apportionments of woodland on either side of the way were made to Thomas Morrell, Gershom Moore, Henry Sawtell, Richard Fidoe, Tho- mas Pettit, Nathaniel Pettit, each ten acres, and to Jonathan Strickland six acres. Thus are we introduced to several of the earliest landholders in this section of the township, then a dense wilderness, but now including some of the best farms within the limits of the town. Amid their honest toil the husbandmen of Newtown were not exempt from the common discouragements and afflictions incident to our nature. This fall the families about the Eng- lish Kills were visited by a distressing sickness, which is supposed to have been fever and ague. A pond of stagnant water was suspected as a principal cause, and the attention of the town court being directed to it, the following order was issued on October 2d : — " Whereas there hath been com- plaint made to this court against John Scudder, Sen. by several of the inhabitants, for making a dam, which hath, and still doth stop the passage of the water, at or near to Fowler's Bridge or run, which is a great annoyance, and it is conceived a great cause of so much sickness among them ; the court doth there- fore order that the said John Scudder shall forthwith cut the said dam, whereby the said water may have free passage 80 A N N A L S O F N E W T OWN. through it ; under the penalty of five pounds sterling." _This pond long retained the name of ^ ^adder's Pond, and obtained notoriety in connection with the boundary quarrel between Newtown and Bush wick. It eventually went in possession of the Schenks, who owned a grist-mill there, only the ruins of which now raTiliK ; As the season Ivad again arrived for activity in the woods, to ply the rinffjvig axe, cut fuel, make clearings, erect fences, and prepare f r the approaching seed-time, the inhabitants were led to adopt, during the winter of 1668-9, several measures for the encouragement of labor. It was resolved that any in- habitant might take up and cultivate any of the common land in the woods for five years, provided he would then sow it with hay-seed, and throw it in common again. Liberty was given the inhabitants to fell timber for their use in any of the unfenced lands ; but to prevent an abuse of this j)rivilege they Avere prohibited from carting such wood or timber to the water side, "for strangers of another town," under a penalty of ten shillings per load. To ofier an inducement for some j^ersons to undertake the clearing of Juniper Swamp, it was agreed that any inhabitant might take and clear land there to the ex- tent of thirty rods wide through the breadth of the swamp, and it should be his own. It was moreover resolved that all the common meadow belonging to the town should be equallv laid out to the several purchasers, reserving, however, forty acres of Trains Meadow " for poor men which have no mea- dow." The liberty of cutting timber or fuel on the common land, to sell, was afterwards confined to such only as should plant "two acres of corn." And in 1676, it was found necessary for the preservation of the timber, to enact that none of it except firewood should be transported out of the town. Although agriculture was at this period the leading em- ployment of the inhabitants, yet they in most instances united Avith it some useful mechanical branch. That was an age when necessity largely developed social and domestic resources; when the well-regulated farm contained within its OAvn bounds the elements of a comfortable subsistence, and every neighbor- hood formed an independent community. But yet due encour- agement Avas given to honest craftsmen to settle among them. Such Avere gratuitously supplied Avith land for cultivation, and A N X A L S OF N E W T O W N , 81 received the usual privileges of citizens, though there was not unfrequently annexed this or a similar provision : " that he do work for the town's people as cheap as we can have it of other workmen." ' The benefit of attracting into their society skill- ful mechanics and men of useful professions, seems to have been duly appreciated, and such persons were preferred to any other. Hence, in 1674, when it was found expedient to with- hold the giving of any more land to strangers "till all the inhabitants have their proportions," this saving clause was made in their vote, " except it be to some useful tradesmen." Newtown was still destitute of a minister. During the summer of 1668 effort had been made to obtain some " able orthodox dominie " from New England, and the people declared themselves willing to provide "a comfortable maintenance, with other conveniencies." But this proving ineffectual, atten- tion was again directed to the Eev. William Leverich, and it was resolved, on Dec. 2d, of the last named year, to invite him to become their pastor, in case he was not under other engage- ments. At the desire of the town, several of the leading citi- zens, in conjunction with the constable and overseers, drew up and submitted proposals to Mr. Leverich, which he accepted. Preparatory to his removal to Newtown he purchased the residence of Jonathan Hazard, near that village, April 13th, 1669. Several days after he disposed of his estate in Hunt- ington, and soon entered upon his new charge, in connection with which he was destined to end his ministerial labors. This year was marked by a revival of the dispute between Newtown and Bushwick, respecting the meadows at Mespat Kills. The latter town, not content with the decision passed at Hempstead, had obtained a patent from Gov. NicoU, Oct. 25th, 1667, covering a large part of the meadows in contro- versy, together with some twelve hundred acres of upland within the Newtown patent. Newtown then resumed its origi- nal claim ; measures were taken to allot all the unappropriated meadow land in the township, and on March 11th, 1668, all the public interest in Smith's Island, derived "either by pur- ' These were the terms accompanying a gift of land in 1679, to Francis Combs, a cooper. He died in 1700, and his two sons, Francis and Thomas, afterwards removed to Hopewell, N. Jersey. His daughter Elizabeth mar- ried Robert Blackwell, au uncle of Col. Jacob Blackwell, of the Revolution, 82 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. cliase or patent," was given unto James Way and John Hart. These proceedings stirred up the ire of Bushwick, and at the opening of the court of sessions, at Gravesend, March 17th, 1669, the inhabitants entered a complaint, and petitioned for a settlement of their title. But that body declined to act, upon the gTOund that one of its members, Capt. Betts, was interested, and referred it to the governor, should the parties, whom the court earnestly advised to conclude among themselves a friendly agreement, fail of affecting that object. Meanwhile, to relieve the uncertainty of the dwellers on the disputed lands, who knew not in which township to regard themselves, the governor, in May, directed that Hendrick Smith, and others, residing there, should " attend the general training, and other military duties," in Bushwick, because "the military company of Newtown will be of a competent number without them, and those of Bushwick being far inferior in number." No agi'eemcnt taking place, the parties, pursuant to an order from the governor, presented their cause for trial before the council of the province, on the 28th of June, when Capt. Richard Betts, Capt. Thomas Lawrence and John Burroughes, appeared on behalf of Newtown. The counsel employed by Bushwick founded their claim on the order issued by Governor Stuyvesant, directing that Bushwick have the meadows "if not formally granted to others," and on the decision given in their favor at Hempstead. In defence, Newtown plead their Indian purchase, and its confirmation by Gov. Nicoll, to Avhich were added the depositions of Eobert Jackson and Richard Gildersleeve, Jr. that the meadow in dispute "was laid out a long while since for Newtown, before Bushwick was a town." Robert Coe, and Richard Gildersleeve, Sen. former magistrates of Newtown, also testified that they laid out the said meadow for Newtown, by virtue of an order received from Gov. Stuy- vesant. The evidence strongly favored the claim of Newtown, but the council, apparently unable to determine the question, referred it to the court of assize. In preparation for the further prosecution of this affair, Capt. James Hubbard, of Gravesend, was emploj'ed to make a survey of the disputed bounds, the draft of which is still pre- served, and purports to be a "description of Mispath Kills, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 83 soe farre as to point out y° setuation of y'' place, for som ffar- ther information of two houses formerly inhabited, y" one by Hance y^ Boore w*^^ were Hance Hansonn, j^ other called y*^ Poles house." The latter stood on or near the spot now occupied by the dwelling of Underhill Covert, and is presumed to have been the "ancient Dutch house" mentioned in the Hempstead decision. The subject came up for trial at the assizes, the supreme court of the colony, on Nov. 4th. Bushwick, the plaintiff, based her claim, as before, upon Stuy vesant's order, and the decision at Hempstead. In behalf of the defence, Mr. Eobert Coe, the high sheriff, deposed that the meadow was laid out for Newtown, and that they paid rates for it with their other land ; and Kichard Gildersleeve, Sen. testified that he, with Mr. Coe, aforesaid, had an order from Gov. Stuyvesant, to lay out the meadow in dispute for Newtown, and that his son paid part of the purchase thereof from the Indians. After a full hearing of the parties, the right of Newtown being plead by their own townsman, John Holden, the case was submitted to a jury of twelve, who gave in their decision in favor of the plaintiffs, the defendants to sustain the costs of suit ; and the court con- firmed the verdict. While these things were pending, the English towns were awaking to a sense of the great injustice which they were suf- fering, in being debarred the privileges of a representative government. In September, 1669, a convention was held at Jamaica, at which Lieut. John Ketcham attended on behalf of Newtown. The result was the presentation of petitions by the several English towns to the court of assize, the burden of which was their exclusion from a share in public legislation in the persons of their rciDresentatives. But nothing satisfactory resulted from this effort, though a few trifling concessions were made, which had the effect of soothing the public mind for the time being. At this period, the ill condition as well as the limited number of the public roads in the vicinity of the Dutch and English Kills, subjected the farmers to serious inconvenience. In pursuance of their petition, the town court, on March 8th, 1670, appointed Mr. Burger, Mr. Wandell, John Parcell, and Capt. Lawrence, to superintend the laying out of convenient 84 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. highways at the several kills, to be cleared by the last of this instant, March. They were moreover directed to observe that all fences be kept in good repair, and " to take care of all ways and fences to the poor's bowery, and Peter Cornelius his mill." * The court of sessions, which met in June following, directed the immediate execution of this order, and a report to ,be rendered. At this time there was " a ferriage at Mespat Kills, for the accommodation of strangers." It was kept by Humphrey Clay, of Bushwick. The creek was crossed above by a bridge on the old highway leading from Brooklyn to Newtown, and both the road and the bridge being sadly out of repair, causing not only inconvenience, but danger to life and limb, the sub- ject engaged the attention of the same court of sessions, who issued the following order : " Upon complaint of Ealph "Warner and divers others, concerning the insufficiency of a certain bridge by the Cripple- bush in the usual road betwixt Newtown and the Ferry, whereby great misfortunes have happened to several passen- gers, the court have thought fit and ordered that the constables and overseers of the several towns of Newtown, Brooklyn, and Bushwick, do appoint two persons out of each of their towns to view the said bridge ; and the town within whose bounds it shall be found to be, is forthwith to cause it to be repaired fit for travellers to go over without further danger ; and it is likewise ordered that the inhabitants of the respective towns aforementioned, do cause the roadway betwixt Newtown and Brooklyn to be cleared ; their several new fences having blocked up the usual old way, which causes many inhabitants, as well as strangers, to lose themselves in the woods." While attention was thus directed to the temporal comfort and prosperity of the people, their moral and religious im- provement was hindered, the town being destitute of a suitable house for public worship. The Eev. Mr. Leverich was strait- ' This mill stood on the site of that now of Mr. Jackson, and had been recently erected by the ancestor of the Luyster family, Pieter Cornelissen Luyster, who bought the ground upon which it stood, from the deacons of the Dutch church, at New-York, and obtained the governor's confirmation July 16th, 1668. He however sold the premises "by publique outcrye," in New- York city, June 11th, 1670, to Capt. Thomas Delavall. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 85 ened in his labors, and seems to have meditated a removal, for the people having met on Dec. 13th, to consider the state of their religious affairs, " voted that Mr. William Leverich shall continue at this town to preach the word and be our minister," and also appointed persons, with the constable and overseers, to " agree with Mr. Leverich for his maintenance." They further resolved, "that a rate of forty pounds shall be made, for the building a meeting-house, the one-half to be paid in corn, the other half in cattle." Arrangements were forth- with entered into for the erection of the first church edifice that graced the village of Newtown, which enterprize was among the chief concerns of 1671. It was built upon '' a small gore of land," appropriated for the purpose, by Ralph Hunt,' a respectable resident of the town ; and this church remained for about forty years, the site being now occupied by the large house at the south corner of the main street and the Ja- maica road, formerly known as the " Corner House," and re- cently owned by Peter Duryea. ' Ralph Hunt was a useful citizen, as the records abundantly prove. He served long as a town surveyor, and as an overseer ; and during the reOccu- pation by the Dutch, held the office of schepen, or magistrate. He died early in 1677, leaving sons Ralph, Edward, John, and Samuel, and daughters Ann and Mary — the former then the wife of Theophilus Phillips. Of the sons, Ralph and Samuel settled in Jamaica. John was a magistrate in Newtowrt for some years, and left a son Ralph, and perhaps others. Edward became a man of estate, and died in Newtown in 1716, having five sons, and as many daughters — to wit: Edward, born February 4th, 1684; Richard, Ralph, Tho- mas, Jonathan, Sarah, Martha, Elizabeth, Hannah, and Abigail. The two sons last named continued in Newtown, but Edward and Richard settled in Hunterdon county. New Jersey. Of some one branch of this family, early transferred from Long Island to New Jersey, was Oliver Hunt, the grand* father of Col. George W. Hunt, of White Pot. CHAPTER V. JJe^vtown requests Gov. Lovelace to ordain arbiters between them and Cushwiclt.—- Referred to the Sessions. — It affects nothing. — Tlie governor appoints arbitra- tors. — They render a decision which is confirmed. — The boundary. — Newtown demands pay for their land as the terms of compliance^ — War between England and Holland. — New-York recaptured by the Dutch. — Newtown makes obei- sance to the States General. — Magistrates chose^i. — Inhabitan'ts reluctantly swear allegiance. — The return of peace ends the Dutch rule. — English govern- ment restored. — Andross' proclamation sent to Newtown. — Mr. Burroughes, the town clerk, replies to it. — His letter gives offence. — The governor institutes an inquiry about it. — A town meeting. — 'Burroughes writes another letter. — ^^Court ■of Sessions report on the affair. — Burroughes arraigned -before the Council. — A harsh sentence iutiicted upon him. — Appearance of a new stct of Quakers at the English Kills. — Their irregularities. — A complaint against them, and verdict. — Thomas Case and two others brought before the Sessions. — Discharged under bonds to appear at the Assizes. — Mrs. Case interrupts the congregation at New- town while engaged in worship. — The Quakers tried at -the Assizes. — Another excitement. — Fear of hostilities from the Indians. — The church enclosed with palisades, and other precautions taken. — The cause of apprehension ceases. — A public Packer chosen. — Thomas Case goes down the Island preaching. — Is arrested, and impri^oned in New-York. — Death of Rev. Mr. Leverich. Steps taken to build a parsonage house, and to procure a minister. — Trains M-eadow and others divided. — Land appropriated for a parsonage farm. — Rev. Morgan Jones engaged to preach. — Finds difficulty in collecting his salary. — He re- moves to Staten island. — A chaisge m iShe mode of sustaining the mir.istry. — Sundry occurrences.^A census taken. 1671 to 1683. The boundary question was still in agitation between Busli- "wick and Newtown, and the latter town, anxious to have their limits permanently fixed, presented a request to the governor 'cind council to appoint some indifferent persons to view and ilay out the bounds between them and their neighbors of Bush- wick. The council referred the case to the court of sessions, before which the parties in dispute had a hearing in Bee. 1671. It resulted in the appointment of Capt. James Hubbard, Mr. Hichard Cornell, Capt. Elbert Elbertsz Stoothoff,^ and Capt. ' Capt. Elbert Elbertsz Stoothoff emigrated in 1637 from Nieukerken, settled at Flatlands, a»d there lived till the beginning of the next century. He was long a justice of the peace, and held other honorable offices. He was twice married, Jirsl, in 1645, to Aeltie Cornells, widow of Gerrit Wol- tTertse Van Couwenhoven; and secondly, in 1683, to Sara Roelofse. He was the common nneestor of all tkose aiixMig us now bearing the name of S^.oothoff, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. ST Jacques Cortelyou, to visit and review tlie lands in dispute and "endeavour a composure betwixt them." It was now iioped that parties would agree, but the summer of 1672 found them still at variance. They were willing to make some con- cession, and again the inhabitants laid several applications before the governor, who thereupon issued his commission, June 26th, to the gentlemen nominated by the court of ses- sions, and with them Thomas Delavall, Esq., and Mr. Matthias Nicoll, two members of the council, to take a careful observa- tion of the premises, advise with the respective parties, and do their "utmost to effect a conciliation. Those gentlemen (Elias Doughty, Esq. of Flushing, acting instead of Mr. Cornell,) immediately entered on their commission. Authorized depu- tations from the respective towns met them on the premises, and at length an agreement was effected. Bushwick conceded Smith's Island, and Newtown yielded the large tract of upland to the southward, mentioned in Bushwick patent. The com- missioners reported this gratifying result to Gov. Lovelace on the 28th of June, and his excellency was pleased to confirm the proceeding, as follows : — " All the valley or meadow ground on the westernmost side of the creek of Mcspat Kills, shall be and belong to the inhabitants of Boswyck, that is to say, from the mouth of the said creek to run throvigh and part the mea- dow ground or valley about the middle, so to go on in the western branch of the said creek, to a certain pond into which the creek runs, called Scudder's Pond, near whereunto the fence of Ilendrick Barent Smith now stands, and that Smith's Island, commonly so called, and all the valley or meadow ground on the east side of the creek adjoining or contiguous to the said island, shall be and remain to the inhabitants of Mespat Kills or Newtown, although expressly mentioned in the patent of Boswyck, for that it seems more properly to be within the limits of Newtown ; in consideration whereof, and in lieu of six hundred rod, mentioned in their patent, to run into the woods upon a south-east and by south line, as also for an enlargement of their bounds as to the upland, of which they have occasion, the inhabitants of Boswyck shall have and enjoy all the land whether upland or other, beginning from the fence aforementioned, near Scudder's Pond, to run upon a south south-east line till it comes to the hills ; that is to say, 88 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN all the land in the western side thereof, including the planta- tion, both u|3land and meadow ground, belonging to the said Hendrick Barent Smith, within the limits of their said town, or so much thereof as shall be within the line aforesaid, and that the said Hendrick be a member of said town," When the result became known to the people of Newtown, no little dissatisfaction was expressed at the terms of the com- promise. A meeting was held on the 23d of August, and a deputation appointed to wait upon the governor, and inform him that unless Bushwick should satisfy them for the expense incurred in the purchase of the land ceded to them by the committee, they were unwilling to yield it, but intended to hold possession " according as it was confirmed by Governor Nicoll." Early in the succeeding year, 1673, the startling news was received that England and Holland were again involved in a war. Orders arrived to Gov. Lovelace to put the pro- vince in a state of defence, but so inefl&cient were the means toade use of to fortify the city of New- York, that a Dutch squadron under Commodores Binckes and Evertsen, returning from a predatory visit to the West Indies, entered the harbor, and on July 30th captured the place with very little opposi- tion. Most suddenly and unexpectedly the inhabitants found themselves under their old masters. Capt. Anthony Colve was appointed governor by the naval commanders, and imme- diately began to reinstate the Dutch government. He issued his proclamation to the several towns to come and make their submission to the States General. Newtown prepared to obey "the order, and deputed Lieut, John Ketcham and John Burroughes, who on the 22d of August, new style, presented themselves before "the lords, commanders, and the noble military council," in the fort at New-York, bearing with them the English colors, and a constable's staff, in token of their submission, and at the same time petitioning for the uninterrupted enjoyment of their priv- ileges. In answer they were assured that they should be allowed the same immunities as were granted the inhabitants and subjects of the Dutch nation. They were directed to no- tify their town of " Middelburg " to nominate six persons, from whom the honorable court should select three for magistrates, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 89 and also to appoint two deputies to unite with others of " Eust- dorp, Heemstede, Vlissingen, and Oyster Bay," in the presenta- tion of three nominees for the office of scout, or sheriff, and three for that of secretary, which two latter officers were to have authority over these five named towns, now to be united in one jurisdiction for the better subserving of the ends of justice. The town complied with this order on August 24:th. The candidates for the magistracy were Gershom Moore, Eich- ard Betts, Jonathan Hazard, John Ketcham,' Ealph Hunt, and John Burroughes, of whom the court, on the 31st, confirmed Messrs. Betts, Hazard and Hunt, who were sworn into office on the 6th of September. In the meantime, Capt. William Knift, and some others, had been despatched to the towns and villages to administer the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants. On the last day of Auo-ust, they came to Newtown, which at that time numbered ninety-nine adult male residents, but only twenty -three could be found, the rest being absent. The former accepted the oath with due formality, while their names were written down by Capt, Knift's clerk. Directions were left with the magis- trates to administer it to the rest of the inhabitants, and forty- eight more were sworn on the 13th of September. Four Qua- kers scrupled to take the oath, but promised fealty. These were Samuel Scudder, John Way, John Scudder, Jun. and Nathaniel Pettit. Written instructions were soon after received from the new governor, for the guidance of the magistrates in the future go- vernment of the town, though in some minor concerns at least the people continued to dispense their affairs according to the ' ' Lieut. John Ketchara was the progenitor of a considerable family, now extinct in Newtown, but to be found in other places. He first appears at Ipswich, Mass. in 1648, but removed a few years after to Huntington, L. I., which town he represented in the Hempstead assembly, in 1665. Coming to Newtown in 1668, he was the next year elected constable, from which time he was much in public life and enjoyed a large share of popular confi- dence. He bought the purchase right of Edward Jessup in the Newtown lands, and owned the farms now of Geo. I. Rapelye and Benj. Moore, near Newtown village. He died in 1697. His sons were John, who con, tinued at Huntington; Philip, who remained in Newtown, and left issue; Lieut. Samuel, who also left a family in this town; Nathaniel, who removed to Westchester county; and Joseph, who settled at Christian;), in Delaware' ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. laws before in force. In fact the transient rule of tlie Dutcli afforded time to introduce but few legislative changes. On the 5th of May, 1674, in pursuance of an order from Gov. Colve, Newtown elected Capt. Eichard Betts, a gentleman of great popularity, to sit at Jamaica, with magistrates from the associ- ated towns, as a court of justice for the trial of civil or criminal causes, without the right of appeal, except they exceeded the sum or penalty of 240 florins. In the early part of this year a treaty of peace was con- cluded between England and Holland, which provided that this province should be restored to the English in exchange for Surinam ; and the new governor, Sir Edmund Andross, arriving at New- York, October Slst, received the surrender of the place, and by proclamation restored the English form of government. The Duke's laws were therein revived and con- firmed, together with such grants and privileges as had previ- ously been enjo3^ed under his Royal Highness ; all legal judicial proceedings during the late Dutch government were pronounced valid, while the inhabitants were secured in the possession of their lawful estates and property. An order was also issued on the 4th of November, reinstating in office for the period of six months, the magistrates, constables, and overseers who were serving when the Dutch came into power. The people of Newtown, on receiving a copy of this j)ro- clamation, resolved to send a reply to his excellenc}^ John Burroughes, the clerk, in performing this duty on the 16th of November, embraced the occasion to speak of the grievances they had endured by reason of the arbitrary course of the former English government. The court of assize shared the censure of Burroughes as with honest freedom he expressed the views and feelings of himself and townsmen. But Andross, who possessed a most irritable disposition, and was withal wholly averse to such freedom of speech, took umbrage at the plainness of Burroughes. He forthwith issued a warrant to Capt. Betts, residing at the English Kills, which after inform- ing him that he had received a paper from the clerk of New- town " wherein there are divers unbeseeming and reflecting expressions, particularly upon the authority |of the general court of assizes," proceeded to direct him " to make inquiry and examine into the matters of the said paper, whether it be ANNA19 or NEWTOWN* 9\ the act of the said town, or the contrivance of some particulay persons," and to make report to the next court of sessions, to be held at Gravesend,, on Dec. 17th. Capt. B'etts set about the investigation. A town-meeting was called Dec. 5th, and it being "-put to vote whether the town sent the address to the governor,- the town generally voted that it is their act : that is to &aj, the copy of the paper which came from the governor being read in the public meet- ing, voted that the town are willing to send an answer to the governor's proclamation, with thankfulness for his care towards us." Upon the strength of this somewhat enigmatical vote, Mr, Betts proceeded to prepare an excuse for his towns- men, while Burroughes, feeling himself as fully sustained, addressed another letter to Andross, on Dec. 8tli, similar in tone to the former. After the sitting of the court of sessions, both these letters were read before the members of the council, Jan. 8th, 1675, who thereupon directed that their author be summoned before them, together with the constable of Newtown, Jonathan Ha- zard, to whom a warrant was issued authorizing the arrest of Burroughes. On Jaa. 15th, Hazard, with the clerk in his custody, appeared before the governor and council. After some deliberation, "the constable was discharged, and the fault of the town passed by upon the favorable recommenda- tion of the court of sessions, at Gravesend, to whom Mr. Eichard Betts, a member of that court, had, in obedience to the governor's order, made report of the error of the town, and their acknowledgment thereof" But no plea availed for Burroughes. After a consideration of his case, it was ordered, " that he, the said John Burroughes be forthwith committed into the custody of the sheriff of this city, to remain in prison until some time on Monday next, then to be brought to the whipping-post, before the city hall, and being fastened there- unto, to stand an hour, with a paper on his breast setting forth the cause thereof to be for signing seditious letters in the name of the town of Newtown, against the government and court of assizes, and that he be rendered incapable of bearing any office or trust in the government, for the future." Monday, Jan. 18th arrived, and at eleven o'clock, Mr. Bur- roughes, then fifty-eight years of age, was brought from his 92 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. prison by Sheriff Gibbs, pursuant to Gov. Andross' warrant, and submitted to the humihating sentence aforesaid, exposed to the gaze of the populace, and in presence of the common council of the city, who had been requested to attend. As Burroughes' letters have not been discovered, it is difficult to comment justly upon this proceeding. He probably handled the court of assize with some severity, having himself had a personal rupture with that body some years before ; but if he was seeking to stir up sedition, it must be admitted that he took a very unusual and honest method to promulge his senti- ments and enlist partisans. But the truth is, Andross was "an arbitrary tyrant over the people committed to his care," and therefore determined to crush, by the imposition of galling penalties, every attempt on their part to make known their grievances or assert their just rights. The spring of this year was marked by the omission of the usual election for constable and overseers, and the old ones continued to serve till after the June sessions. The reason assigned at that court was, as recorded on the minutes, "noe new election, having not timel}^ notice." However, several regulations were made, in April, for the public convenience, namely, that swine should no longer run in the streets, and "that all the streets and lanes shall be fenced, and gates made convenient for travellers.' But the year 1675 was marred by events even more pain- ful than the indignity offered to their town-clerk. At the English Kills there resided several individuals holding the religious opinions of the Friends or Quakers, and who had without doubt received the articles of their faith from the lips 1 The farmers early adopted the practice of setting up gates on the public roads crossing their land, so as to exclude strange cattle, and prevent their own from straying. The privilege to do this was usually obtained by a town vote. The first instance I notice, was in 1664, when John Ramsden was permitted " to hang two gates in the highway that goeth to Stevens' Point across liis land, provided that he doth not damnify the highway, but that all as have occasion thereof have free passage to drive cattle or cart without damage." A like privilege was granted to others on sundry occa- sions, and these gates were maintained in most case«;, I believe, until within a few years, and in several instances are still kept up. It was accounted a serious breach of courtesy, if not a violation of the farmers' rights, for a per- son to pass these gates without closing them behind him. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 93 of the distinguislied George Fox during his recent visit to Long Island. Among them was Thomas Case who assumed the office of a preacher, and at his house at the Kills the faithful were wo-nt to convene for worship. He "set up a new sort of Quakerism," and labored with great zeal to pro- mulgate his views, not unfrequently continuing his meetings for many days in succession. But alas ! what extravagancies will men entertain. Inspired with a fancied holiness of his character and office, he "asserted that he was come to perfec- tion and could sin no more than Christ." Nay more, he de- clared himself to be God, but afterwards qualified it and said he was of God. And he maintained that when he should die, he would rise again the third day. Against the people, and often against particular individuals, he would denounce the judgments of the Lord. On one occasion he significantly remarked to John Woollstoncroftes, that he perceived a great smell of brimstone. To which the latter retorted, "he was afraid Case was going that way." One of his adherents claimed to have the gift of languages, and Case, on certain occasions, pretended to raise the dead. Among other vile principles they condemned marriage, and said it was of the devil, perverting that text of Scripture, " The children of the resurrection neither marry nor are given in marriage." Most strangely were the meetings at Case's house con- ducted ; some singing or making odd noises, and either mov- ing about "in a dancing quaking manner," or "lying like dogs, hogs and cows." Attracted by Case's preaching and novelties, both men and women were led to forsake their families and neglect their household duties. This soon caused trouble. William Smith complained to the town court. May 16th 1674, in substance, that his helpneet had become no longer such, by reason of her constant presence at these meet- ings. Upon which the court ordered, " that Thomas Case shall not entertain "William Smith's wife in his house unknown unto her husband, as he will answer the contrary." This public proceeding gave occasion for an audible expression of secretly cherished prejudices. William Albertus protested that "the Quakers should have no right in court." However illiberal such sentiments, it must be admitted that the fanati- cal conduct of Case and his sect was calculated to excite them. 7 94 ANNALS OFNEW TOWN. The conduct of the Quakers was at length declared to be a disturbance of the peace, a public scandal. Case and two of his adherents, Samuel Scudder and Samuel Furman were reported to the court of sessions, held at Gravesend, June 15th, 1675, whose action thereon is thus recorded. " The court hav- ing taken into consideration the miscarriages of Samuel Scud- der and Thomas Case, Quakers, by disturbing and seducing the people and inhabitants of this government, contrary to the peace of our sovereign lord, the king, do therefore order that they forthwith give security to the value of forty pounds each, before Mr. Justice Betts, for their good beha- viour and appearance at the assizes." Samuel Furman was bound over in the sum of twenty pounds, and charged "to go home about his occasions, and not to disturb the people." The excitement already produced was now heightened by the improper conduct of Mary, wife of Thomas Case. En- tering the church at Newtown on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 5th, she thus addressed Mr. Leverich, who was in the pulpit : " Come down thou whited wall, thou art one that feedest thyself and starvest the flock." She was led out of the meet- ing by Samuel Moore, the constable, and persuaded to be quiet, but this interruption of public worship was deemed too serious an offence to be passed by, and Mr. Moore pre- ferred a complaint against her at the assizes in October, at which time Case and Scudder were also arraigned for trial. The witnesses against them were Capt. John Coe, Thomas Wandell, David Jennings, John Woollstoncroftos, Jonathan Hazard, James Way and Thomas Morrell, the two latter being " half Quakers." To the charges brought against her, Mrs. Case could only reply that she " went in obedience to the Lord, to declare against Mr. Leverich's doctrine." But the divine agency in this affair being not so apparent to the court, she was lined five pounds. Samuel Scudder, when charged with having written a " scandalous letter " to Mr. Le- verich, acknowledged it, and was sentenced to pay a fine of six pounds or suffer two months' imprisonment, and then to be of good behaviour in the penalty of twenty pounds.* ' Samuel Scudder was the son of John Seudder, who was born in 1619, and came from London to New England in 1635, and thence to Mespat Kilb prior to 1660- He died near the close of that century. His sons were the ANNALS O F N K W T O W N . 95 Thomas Case was fined twenty pounds, and bound for liis good conduct till the next assizes under a penalty of forty pounds, " and in case of his pursuing his evil practices to the disturbance of the government, or be found amongst any con- course of those which do the like either at- home or abroad " he was to be imprisoned without bail or mainprize. But the year 1675 was not to pass without a third excite- ment among the inhabitants of Newtown. This was caused by the opening of an Indian war in New England which awakened painful apprehensions in the province of New- York, lest the Long Island Indians, influenced by King Philip, the shrewd and powerful sachem of the Wampanoags, and joining the hostile confederacy which this chief was exerting himself to effect among the eastern tribes for the destruction of the English settlements, might carry their savage warfare into the towns and villages of this province. Great alarm en- sued, and prudence demanded the immediate adoption of de- fensive measures. The council at New- York having issued a proclamation in which they endeavoured to allay the fears of the inhabitants by assuring them of the falsity of "the late reports of Indians' ill intents," advised each town on Long Island to prepare some place of security to which they might flee for safety, should the enemy make his appearance. The people of Newtown, who shared largely the pre- vailing alarms, assembled on October 2d. They selected the meeting-house as the most commodious and defensive posi- tion, and resolved to surround the building with a stockade at the distance of twelve feet from the wall, and to erect two flankers ; the work to be commenced on the eleventh instant and to be completed, "with all expedition," between that and the sixteenth of the month. Every man was to lend a hand said Samuel, and Joliii, the first of wliom married Phebe, daughter of Ed- mund Titus, of Westbury, L. I., and died in 1689. His son Samuel died an old man. Aug. 31st, 1764, having issue, Samuel, Mary, who married Peter Renne, Sarah, who died single, and Deborah, who married Daniel Denton of Elizabethtovvn, N. J. Samuel, last named, married twice, but died witiiout issue, Aug. 31st, 1771. John Scudder, son of John 1st, married in 1669, Joanna, daughter of Captain Richard Betts, and died in 1732, aged about 87, His son Jolin settled at Elizabethtown, N. J. where he died in 1739, leaving sons John, Thomas, Richard and Samuel, whose descendants there are highly respectable. 96 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. till the work of defence should be finished, and a fine of four shillings a day was to be imposed on each absentee. For further security a military watch was maintained in the village, which the same month was ordered by the gover- nor to be increased to a " double and strict watch " in the several towns, a report having reached New-York that the neighboring Indians were embodying in force, and designed the next moon to lay waste the settlements along the Connec- ticut shore as far west as Greenwich. The court of assize prohibited the promiscuous sale of spirituous liquor, powder and ball to the natives, and to prevent those of Long Island from crossing to the main and holding intercourse with the hostile Indians, it was further directed that all canoes on the north shore of Long Island, east of Hellgate, should be se- cured by the constables of the several towns on the island, and deposited near their blockhouses. Owing in some mea- sure to these precautions, the waves of savage warfare did not reach the shores of Long Island. The brave Philip, the mov- ing spirit in the New England war, and whose very name was a sound of terror to the colonists in this province as well as New England, was slain, after a fierce and lengthened struggle to avenge the wrongs which his countrymen had experienced from the whites, and to sweep off these invaders, who, he fore- saw, must eventually extend their ambitious sway over the en- tire dominions of the red men. The fall of this celebrated chieftain, and the dispersion and ruin of the hostile tribes, ter- minated the war, restored public tranquillity in the provinces, and quiet to the circles of Newtown, so late the scene of gloomy apprehension. The events just recited did not prevent a due attention to public concerns of a more pacific nature. At a meeting of the town court on March 29th, 1676, and in consequence of a recent requisition of the court of assize, Theophilus Phillips was chosen to the ofiice of packer^ to inspect all provisions put up in the township for exportation ; this being the first appointment of this kind in the town. At an annual town meeting, which took place on the day succeeding the last men- tioned date, James Way, of the English Kills, a professed Quaker, was elected to the office of overseer. This affords evidence that the staid and sober portion of that sect enjoyed. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 97 equally with otlier men, tlie confidence and respect of tlie community. It was only tlie wild fanatic wlio distracted so- ciety and set authority at defiance, that forfeited that respect. Of this class was the misguided Case, whom we last saw ar- raigned before a legal tribunal. The discipline then adminis- tered was but a temporary check to his zeal. He still held meetings at his house, to which those of his sect loved to re- sort. As an itinerant also he visited the neighboring towns, proclaiming his tenets and his warnings in the several villages. But while he preached at Matinnecock, in May, 1676, he was suddenly arrested by the constable of Oyster Bay, pursuant to an order from Gov. Andross. The charges made against him are thus expressed in the warrant for his arrest : he " doth continue his extravagant, illegal courses, to the great scandal and disturbance of this colony and government, and hath par- ticularly deluded and drawn away Ann, the wife of John Eogers, and Susannah, daughter of Henry Townsend; and notwithstanding the demand and endeavour of the husband and father, still deludes, deters and detains them from return- ing, and continuing to their duty ; and publicly from place to place, hath and utters many unfit gestures and words against the law of God and authority, to a general scandal and disturbance." Again the unfortunate Quaker was immured in a cell, at New- York, and even here he preached with unabated ardor to crowds who came to visit him. The court of assize consi- dering his case, ordered the last fine to be levied by execution, and offered him his liberty if he would give new security of the like sum of forty pounds, for his good behaviour. This he refused to do, and was recommitted to jail, where he lay several months longer, but remained firm in his contumacy. At a special court, held Jan. 12th, 1677, the following order was taken : " Whereas Thomas Case doth refuse to give securitv for his good behaviour, according to the order of the last general court of assizes ; it is ordered, that in regard thereof, and the great concourse of people resorting to him in prison, to the great disturbance of many of the neighborhood, he shall be so restrained as that no person shall be admitted to come to him as formerly, only the ofiicers to supply him with his necessary provision of meat, drink, &c." How Case was libe- 98 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. rated does not appear, and I leave him without farther com- ment upon his erratic course, or the stern necessity for the interposition of the civil authority. As for his sect, it spread even to New England, and into New Jersey, and was widely known as " Case's Crew." Writers of that day give a most unfavorable account of them, and they were disowned by the more consistent Quakers, to whom they proved a source of great annoyance and vexation.' The year upon which we have entered spread a mantle of gloom over the township. Their pastor, the Eev. William Leverich, died in the early part of 1677. Mr. Leverich ranked high among the divines of his day, as an indefatigable laborer in the cause of religious truth, to which he brought the highly important qualifications of an ardent piety and extensive learn- ing.* His loss was therefore deeply felt by the people of his charge, who convened a meeting on July 28th, to make pro- vision for the future sustaining of the public worship of God in their midst. After a formal vote to obtain a preacher of the gospel, it was resolved that a house should be built, "for the accommodation of a minister," upon land that had been " Thomas Case lived at Fairfield, Conn, in 1661, and having prior to that, married Mary, widow of Peter Meacock, of Newtown, he removed liither within two or three years. He survived his adversities, and died in 1692, on his farm, at the English Kills, now owned, I believe, by Edward Waters. Having no issue, he left a large estate to his n&phew, William Case, son of his brother William. John Case, a resident for a time at Mespat Kills, whence he removed to Simsbury, Conn, was probably another brother of Thomas. His said brother William died in 1727, having had issue William aforesaid, who died in 1716; Thomas, y/ho succeeded to his father's farm in Newtown, but I believe finally removed to Salem county, New Jersey; and daughters Mary, Meribah, Elizabe'h, Abigail, and Martha, to whom the father left all his title and interest in "Mtrtin's Vineyard." * An interesting relic of Mr. Leverich exists in the town clerk's office. It is a volume of between six and seven hundred pages, about one hundred of which are occupied by a running commentary on the first fourteen books of the Old Testament, written by his hand, but in part copied from the com- mentary of the learned Piscator. The book seems to have been originally intended by Mr. Leverich as an index to the subjects he should meet with in the course of his study, the pages being numbered and headed with a great variety of subjects, written in Latin and arranged alphabetically. But the design was not carried out, and after the decease of Mr. Leverich the book was given to the town for public records. ANNALSOFNEWTOWN. 99 appropriated the previous January "for a minister's lot," situated "between the bridge and Content Titus," the same being identical with the ground on which the building, late the town-house, now stands. Having in mind the controversy about the former town-house, they expressly declared that this house was "not to be anyways sold or given to any man." Yet, for any intimation that appears to the contrary, their pul- pit was vacant for several years, though an ineffectual attempt was made in 1678 to obtain the Eev. Jeremiah Peck, of Water- bury, Connecticut. The large extent of common land held by the purchasers, and those who had acquired purchase rights, had not been suffered to lie untouched and unproductive. From time to time, as there was need, these met and made grants of land to individual applicants, or authorised the making of new dividends or allotments among themselves, which dividends were always proportioned to the amount of the " purchase right " of each. But, as every one consulted his convenience as to the time of taking possession of and improving his quota of land, the first allotment appears not to have been wholly taken up till 1678. During this year a considerable distribu- tion was made. Early in the spring, the fresh meadow land lying on the west side of the village, and called Smith's Mea- dow, was laid off into lots and apportioned to nine or ten in- dividuals. Late in the season Trains Meadow, which hitherto had also lain in common, was divided into thirty one lots of various sizes, and distributed among the freeholders. And the same year fifty acres of land in Foster's Neck, on " the highway which goes to the salt meadows," were "sequestered and appropriated to and for the use of the minister of said town and his successors for ever." These surveys were per- formed by Jonathan Hazard and Theophilus Phillips, the town surveyors. But these several appropriations were un- equal to the increasing demand; and on Sept. 13th, 1679, it was resolved to have "a second division of the town's land." This allotment was made at the rate of two acres to a shil- ling purchase right. After a long and serious interruption of public religious worship, it was with great satisfaction that the services of Rev. Morgan Jones were obtained in the spring of 1680. 100 ANNALB OF NEWTOWN. After trial, it was resolved, in a town meeting, April 8d, to engage him for a year ; and tlie constable and overseers ac- cordingly entered into an agreement with him for the above term, to date from the tenth of the previous March, at the salary of fifty pounds; the town engaging "to fit the house up " for his residence, and fence the grounds about the same. Mr. Jones was the son of John Jones of Bassaleg, in Monmouthshire, England, who, there is cause to believe, was nearly related to Col. John Jones, one of the judges of Charles I, and brother-in-law to Oliver Cromwell. From following the plough, Morgan became a student at Jesus College, Oxford, where he was educated, and was by distinc- tion known as Senior Jones. He settled in the ministry at Llanmadock, in Grlamorganshire, Wales ; but, on the passage of -the act of uniformity in 1662, refusing to bend his conscience to its terms, he suffered ejectment from his parish, a noble tribute to his piety. The severer measures which followed, probably led Mr. Jones to take refuge in America. Here he met with a varied fortune. At one time he is found pursu- ing an humble vocation in New England, at another ofiiciating as chaplain under Major General Bennet in Virginia. While in the latter service he met with some curious adventures among the Tuscarora and Doeg Indians.' ' The following account of these adventures was written by Mr. Jones at the desire of his friend Dr. Lloyd, of Pennsylvania, and was afterwards published in England in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1740, and Owen's British Remains ; also in Rivington's N. Y. Gazette of October 25th, 1777. These presents may certify all persons whatsoever, that, in the year 1669, I being then an inhabitant in Virginia, and Chaplain to Major General Ben- net, Sir William Berkeley sent two ships to search the place which then wag called the Port Royal, but now South Carolina, which is sixty leagues to the southward of Cape Fair ; and I was sent with them to be their minister. Upon the 8th day of April we set out from Virginia, and arrived at the har- bor's mouth of Port Royal the 19th of the same month, where we waited for the rest of the fleet that was to come from Barbadoes and Bermuda with one Mr. West, vi'ho was to be deputy governor of the said place. As soon as the fleet came in, the small vessels that were with us went up the river to a place called the Oyster Point, for we durst not go up with the great ships because of the bar of sand that was before the harbor's mouth. After we were seated, I stayed there between seven and eight months, till Ihe 10th of November following; at which time being almost starved for want of provi- ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 101 The ministry of Mr. Jones at Newtown had continued one year, when trouble arose respecting the collection of his salary. This originated in a disrelish of the established law of the province, which, while securing to each town the privi- lege of choosing its own minister by a major vote, enjoined upon every inhabitant to contribute his proportion of the salary agreed upon between the minister and the town autho- rities. Many regarded this law as unjust, and not without reason. Here were individuals differing widely in their reli- gious creeds, and yet required so far to compromise their dif- ferences as to help sustain a clergyman whose preaching a portion could attend only with violence to their consciences. Others again, not understanding English, could derive little profit from a service in that tongue. Some, therefore, refused to pay the minister's tax, " as they were rated according to their possessions ;" and against these Mr. Jones, who had now left the town, having accepted a call from Staten Island, preferred a complaint through the consta- sions, I and five more took our flight from thence, and travelled through the wilderness till we came to the Tuscarora country, where the Tuscarora In- dians took us prisoners, because we told them we were bound for Roanoke, for they then had wars with the English at Roanoke ; and they carried us into their town that night and shut us in a house by ourselves, and the next day held a machcomoco, which, after it was over, their interpreter came to us, and told us that we must fit ourselves to die next morning. Whereupon being some- thing cast down, and speaking to this effect in the British tongue, " Have I escaped so many dangers, and must I now be knocked on the head like a dog?" an Indian came to me, who afterwards appeared to be a war-captain belonging to the Sachem of the Doegs, (whose original I found must needs be from the Welsh,) and took me up and told me, in the British tongue, I should not die ; and thereupon went to the Emperor of the Tuscaroras, and agreed for my ransom and the men that were with me, and paid it the next day. Afterwards they carried us to their town, and entertained us civilly for four months; and I did converse with them of many things in the British tongue, and did preach to them three times a week in the British tongue» and they would usually confer with me about any thing that was difficult to them ; and when we came from them, they showed themselves very civil and courteous to us. They are seated upon Pantigo river, not far from Cape Atros. This is a recital of my travels among the Doeg Indians. Morgan Jones, The son of John Jones, of Basleg, near Newport, in Monmouthshire. New-York, March 10, 1685-6. 102 ANNALS OP NEWTOWN. ble of Newtown, to the court of sessions, wliicli court directed that the law be duly enforced against the delinquents. The call for a system of free contribution for the sup- port of the ministry now became urgent, and the inhabitants assembled in town meeting December 17th, 1681, to consider this matter. The result did credit to their judgment, for by " a general vote " they declared in favor of sustaining the mi- nistry by "a free-will offering, what every man will give." This forms a point of interest in the progress of liberal senti- ments in this town, and the future arrangements with their clergymen were made upon the above basis. Several minor events of this date may be briefly noticed. At the town meeting above mentioned, Justice Betts and three other citizens were appointed " to examine concerning the town's rights and business, and see that there be an orderly record kept." And persons having " any writing that concerns any of the town's affairs " were requested immediately to hand in the same to Content Titus, the constable. On July 26th preceding, the " South Fresh Meadows " were allotted to twenty-four persons " concerned in those meadows," most of them being present. In August, 1682, an election of consta- ble took place, pursuant to an order of the court of sessions, directing " Brooklyn and Newtown to make a new choice ac- cording to law." During this year measures were taken to survey and estimate all the inhabitants' lands, to ascertain whether they had more or less than their due quantity. In ear- lier days the work of laying out land had often been loosely per- formed, both for want of skill in surveying, and because of the superabundance of territory. But by the increase of inhabitants the soil had now acquired a greater value, and it became im- portant to observe more precision in this matter, and to correct as far as possible the mistakes of former years. The growth of the town, in population, in flocks and herds, &c. is exhi- bited by a census taken the next year, 1683, from which it ap- pears that it then contained 90 male heads of families ; 1563 acres of land in occupation ; 109 horses ; 28 colts between one and four years old ; 107 oxen ; 340 cows ; 360 young cattle between one and four years ; 464 sheep ; and 100 swine. This shows commendable progress in the thirty or forty years which had intervened since the country was a wilderness. CHAPTEE YI. The people intent on political freedom. — Petition to the Duke of York. — A General Assembly convened. — Adopt a Charterof Liberties. — Legislative changes. — Town governinent remodelled. — Commissioners' Court erected. — Offices of Supervisor and Assessor instituted. — Rev. Mr. Jones returns to Newtown. — Efforts to settle the outbounds. — Gov. Dongan proposes to grant a new charter. — Revival of the boundary dispute. — The Governor and Council confirm the arbitration of 1672. — Newtown dissents. — The Governor offers to confirm their old patent. — It is agreed to. — Dongan's patent to Newtown. — It fi.xes the tenure of their lands, and secures the Purchasers' rights. — Tuder's patent. — The Rev. Mr. Jonea leaves the town. — Settlement with him. — His character. — Troubles with Flat- bush about limits. — Allotment of land along the south bounds. — Political discord in the province. — Dread of Popery. — News of the revolution in England — Capt. Jacob Leisler seizes the fort at New-York. — Newtown sympathizes with the Leisleriaus. — Help garrison the fort. — Committee of Safety chosen. — Sa- muel Edsall a member. — Leisler made Commander-in-chief. — Newtown elects new civil and military officers. — Leisler becomes Lieutenant-governor. — Mr. Ed- sall made one of his Council. — Newtown militia divided into two companies. — New officers chosen. — Burning of Schenectady. — Militia ordered from Queen's county to reinforce the Albanians. — Leisler's authority resisted. — I'roops march against the rebels in Queen's county. — Proclamation issued at Newtown. — Re- bels forced to fly. — Violent excitement among them. — They state their case to the King's secretary. — They prevail. — Arrival of Gov. Sloughter. — Execution of Leisler and Milborue. — Mr. Edsall and others imprisoned, but escape with their lives. — Permanency given to the Provincial Government. — Royal patents confirmed. — Surveyors of Highways originated. 1683 to 1691. The province of New- York liad long suffered grievances of a very serious character, arising from the undue authority vested in the chief magistrate of the colony, and the popular feeling upon this subject now exhibited itself in the form of a petition to the Duke of York, asking for such a modification of the government as would secure to the people a share in public legislation. His Eoyal Highness prudently assented, and Col. Thomas Dongan arrived at New- York in August, 1683, with a governor's commission and special instructions to convene a popular legislative assembly. The founders of Newtown brought with them to the wilds of America the essence of democracy. Deeply imbued with a spirit of independence, we behold them constantly struggling to inhale a purer liberty than the political atmosphere of either the Dutch or English administrations afforded. It was with 104 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. no ordinary sensations of delight therefore that they received the warrant of the high sheriff, dated Sept. 29th, authorizing them to join in electing deputies to the proposed assembly. The freeholders met on Oct. 1st, and appointed Capt. Eichard Betts, Samuel Moore, Eobert Blackwell, and Jonathan Hazard, to go to Gravesend the next day, and unite with committees from the several towns of the riding, in the choice of dele- gates to the said assembly, which was to convene at New- York on the 17th of the same month. The meeting of this legislature, which consisted of the governor and council, and seventeen members chosen by the people, marked an era of the triumph of popular rights in this colony of no mean estimate. Its transcendent act was the adoption of a " charter of liberties," which provided for the holding of a general assembly triennially, at least ; the mem- bers of which (Queen's county being entitled to two) were to be chosen by the major vote of the freeholders, so understood by the laws of England ; which body, with the concurrence of the governor and council, was to enact all public laws, and without its consent no tax, tallage, assessment, custom, loan, benevolence or imposition whatever, could be levied on any of his Majesty's subjects in the province. It moreover conced- ed in all cases the right of fair trial by a jury of twelve, and in addition to other wholesome specifications, provided that no person professing faith in God by Jesus Christ, should be in any way molested or called in question for any difference in opinion or matter of religious concernment, who did not actually disturb the civil peace of the province. Other changes which were thought necessary to the welfare of the country were instituted. The ridings were abolished, and the province divided into counties, Newtown being in- cluded in Queen's county, which still remains as then orga- nized. In these, full provision was made for sustaining the demands of justice ; the court of sessions was to meet twice a year, and the court of oyer and terminer annually. And in each town a primitive tribunal entitled the commissioners^ court, was ordered to be held on the first Wednesday in every month, "for the hearing and determining of small causes, and cases of debt and trespass, to the value of forty shillings or under ;" taking the place of the overseers' court. The form ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 105 of town government was further modified by the introduction of the office of assessor, and supervisor ; the latter to have the supervision of the public affairs and expenditures of the town. Of these, two of each continued to be annually chosen in New- town for some years after. The laws establishing these offices and the court of commissioners was passed on Nov. 1st. On the publication of these laws, the people of Newtown testified their high gratification by seasonable measures to carry them into efiect. On Jan. 15th, 1684, they elected Jonathan Hazard, Gershom Moore, and Samuel Moore, "com- missioners, to sit as a town court, to try all causes of diffe- rence between man and man, as shall come before them." Two days after, the commissioners appeared before Justice Elias Doughty, and took the oath of office, at which time also, Theophilus Phillips was chosen clerk of the court and mar- shal.' By a law passed Nov. 4th, 1685, the jurisdiction of this court was extended to causes of £5, or under, and to be in force seven years and no longer, but before the expiration of this period, the court of commissioners had ceased to exist. In the meantime the Kev. Jones having for a year " honest- performed his part " at Staten Island, had met with the same discouragements there which he experienced at Newtown. The French and Dutch inhabitants were averse to paying a minister whose language they could not understand. Some of them, as a pretext for non-payment, even tried to impugn Mr. Jones' character. They declared him a man of "ill-life and conver- sation." But this was rebutted by Justice Still well on behalf of the English. He had never heard of it ; Mr. Jones had been recommended by Sir Edmund Andross, and a majority » Theophilus Phillips had two brothers, Joseph and Daniel, residing in Newtown, and a sister who married Capt. Henry Mayle of the Island of Nevis, and afterwards of this town. They are supposed to have been grand- children of the Rev. George Phillips, first minister of Watertown, Mass. Mr. Phillips, first named, filled various public stations, and was town clerk for twelve years prior to his death, on Jan. 26th, 1689. He was a highly useful man. He was thrice married, and by his first wife, Anna, daughter of Ralph Hunt, had three sons, to wit, Theophilus, born May 15th, 1673 ; William, born June 28th, 1676, who in 1698 became a freeman of New-York; and Philip, born Dec. 27th, 1678, who, with Theophilus, removed to what is now I,awrence township, in Mercer county. New Jersey, of which place their descendants are now among the most respectable inhabitants. lOG ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. of the people were satisfied witli him. The court of sessions was appealed to, and ordered his salary to be collected. He now returned to Newtown, and agreed to accept " a free-will offering" for his services. On February 28th, 1684, the town resolved "that Mr. Morgan Jones shall be schoolmaster of our town, and will teach on the Sabbath day those that will come to hear him, allowing him for exercising on the Sabbath day Avhat every man will please." Meanwhile, though much had been effected through the industry of the inhabitants, towards the appropriation and improvement of their lands, about nine-tenths of the town- ship yet lay in common, and unproductive. Attention was directed to the outbounds adjoining the several Dutch towns, and particularly to "the land lying next to Bushwick and Bedford," as far south as the hills ; their claim to which they yet maintained, on the ground of their "purchase and patent." The most direct way to secure this valuable land seemed to be to place it under cultivation ; and the purchasers met on March od, 1684, and resolved to allow any of the inhabitants to locate there who were willing to do so. Several gentle- men, namely, Mr. Doughty, Edward and Thomas Stevenson, Samuel Moore, Eichard Betts, Jun. and Jeremiah Burroughs, were appointed " to look out for a place of settlement towards the outside of our bounds, next the Dutch," on the succeeding day. Four days after, the purchasers allotted twenty acres of land apiece to eight of their townsmen who were making pre- parations to settle upon the hills, adjoining the Dutch, on con- dition that they should make immediate improvement. And on the same date it was concluded to make another general division of land, in quantity half as much as the last dividend, or at the rate of one acre to a shilling purchase right. It was while the purchasers were putting forth efforts to promote the actual occupation of their outbounds, that they received an order from the council-chamber at New- York, re- quiring them to bring in their patent and Indian deeds, on the 21st of April, for examination preparatory to granting them a new charter; an object which Gov. Dongan, by virtue of royal instructions, proposed to effect in respect to all the towns, for the purpose of definitely fixing the amount of an- nual render, or quit rent, to be paid the government in acknoV- ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 107 ledgment for tlieir lands. A revival of the dispute respecting their boundaries being now inevitable, the purchasers appoint- ed nine of their number to sustain their rights, by legal pro- cess, or otherwise, against the neighboring^ towns, which was scarcely done when the council issued its order to the inhabi- tants of Newtown, Bushwick, and Brooklyn, severally to delegate a comnaittee of three, to effect an agreement as to ' the limits and bounds of their several townships, and to make a report thereon. Kewtown, on April 23d, appointed their committee, with full power to act, and also " to dispute our case as to the premises before the honorable governor and council, if need require ;" while another committee was chosen to wait upon Gov. Dongan, and confer respecting " the con- firmation of our patent to us and our heirs for ever." It is almost needless to remark that the interview of the three com- mittees found them widely at issue upon the subject of their boundaries, the Newtown men stoutly urging their right to all the land covered by their Indian deed, and confirmed to them by Gov. Nicoll's patent, which was of a prior date to those of both Brooklyn and Bushwick. Upon report of their difference to the governor, his excellency directed them to produce their evidences before the council, on April 28th, which was done ; and that body, after a consideration of the whole question, with the decisions of the several English governors, was pleased to approve the arbitration made in 1672. Disappointed with the issue of this investigation, Newtown dropped the subject of their new charter until the following year, when an inter- view was had with the governor, in the month of November, with reference to the confirmation of their patent, and the amount of quit rent to be stipulated. But again the matter of boundaries could not be evaded. The governor proposed (deputies from Bushwick and Brooklyn being also present) to grant a special commission to the judges to try the case before a jury half of Dutch and half English, Capt. J. Van Cortlandt to be foreman ; but the men from Bushwick declared themselves unauthorized to accept the proposition. No settlement of this vexed question being likely to occur, whereby the issuing of patents to the towns interested was stayed, and the government deprived of the emolument which attended the granting of these instruments ; the council, at a 108 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. subsequent meeting, with a view to evade the controversy, and by consent of deputies from the said two towns, ordered that the patents to Newtown and Bushwick should be drawn after the manner of their old patents, and dated the same day. It was about the beginning of the new year, 1686, when Newtown received a draft of the proposed confirmatory char- ter. On inspection it was found to require amendment, and it was not till the month of September following that the inha- bitants were fully agreed on the verbal construction of the in- strument. Their improved draft being allowed by the gover- nor and council, the new charter, engrossed on parchment, and having the governor's signature and the impress of the pro- vincial seal, was soon after received, and read as follows : Thomas Dongan, Captain-General, Governor and Vice-Admiral of New- York and its dependencies, under his Majesty James the Second, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, Supreme Lord and Proprietor of the colony and province of New- York and its dependencies in America, &c. To all to whom these Presents shall covciQ, greeting : Whereas the Honorable Richard Nicoll, Esq. formerly governor of this province, upon application to him made by tlie inhabitants of Newtown, on Long Island, in the year of our Lord sixteen hundred sixty-six, did grant unto them a liberty or licence under his hand, bearing date the three and twentieth day of June, in the same year, therein authoriz- ing and empowering them to make what purchase they should think fit of the lands situate between Mespat Kills and the head of Flushing creek, on Long Island, aforesaid, and which tract of land the said inhabitants long be- fore had been and then were settling and improving ; And whereas the inhabitants of Newtown, in pursuance of the said licence, in the same year, did, in due form of law, purchase of an'd from the Indian natives all the said tract of land situate between Mespat Kills and Flushing creek aforesaid, to- gether with all and singular the appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining, to hold unto the said inhabitants of Newtown, their heirs and assigns for ever, as in and by the said recited licence, and a certain deed or writing under the hand and seal of Pomwaukon, the Indian owner of the said tract of land and premises, bearing date the 9th day of July, in the said year of our Lord, sixteen hundred sixty-six ; And Whereas the said Richard Nicoll, upon farther application made to him by the said inhabi- tants of Newtown, in consideration of the premises, and for divers other good causes and valuable considerations, by virtue of the power and authority in him then being by force of his commission from and under his said Majes- ty, then his Royal Highness James, Duke of York and Albany, &c. did, in and by a certain patent under his hand and seal, 'bearing date the sixth day of March, sixteen hundred sixty-six, grant and assure to Capt. Richard ANNALS OP NEWTOWN. 109 Betts, Capt. Thomas Lawrence, Capt. John Coe, John Burroughes, Ralpli Hunt, Daniel Wliiteliead, and Burger Joost, as patentees for and on the be- half of themselves and their associates, the freeholders and inhabitants of Newtown aforesaid, their heirs, successors and assigns, all that the said tract of land herein mentioned to have been purchased from the Indian na- tives as aforesaid, bounded on the east by Flushing creek and a line to be drawn from the head thereof due south, extending to the south side of the hills ; on the north by the Sound ; on the west by the said Mespat creek or kills, and a line to be drawn from the most westerly branch thereof due south, extending unto the south side of the said hills; and on the south by a straight line to be drawn from the south point of the said west line, alongst the south side of the said hills, until it meets with the said east line fore- raentioned to extend from the head of Flushing creek as aforesaid, as also all that one third part of a certain neck of meadow called Seller Neck, situate, lying and being within the bounds of Jamaica, upon the south side of Long Island, as also liberty to cut what timber within the bounds of Jamaica afore- said they should have occasion for, for the fencing of the said neck, and to make and lay out to themselves what highway or highways they should think fit, for their free and convenient egress and regress, to or from the aforesaid neck or parcel of meadow, together with all and , singular the havens, har- bors, creeks, quarries, woods, meadows, pastures, marshes, waters, rivers, lakes, fishing, hawking, hunting, and fowling, profits, commodities, emolu- ments, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the said tract of land and pre- mises belonging or in anywise appertaining; To hold unto the said paten- tees and their associates, their heirs, successors, and assigns for ever, at and under such duties and acknowledgments as then were or thereafter should be established by the laws of this government under the obedience of his Royal Highness, his heirs and successors ; and further, in and by the said pa- tent the said Richard Nicoii did ratify, confirm and grant unto the said paten- tees, their associates, their heirs, successors and assigns, all the privileges belonging to any town within this government; and that the place of their habitation continue and retain the name of Newtown, by which name and style to be distinguished and known in all bargains, sales, deeds, records, and writings whatsoever, as in and by the said patent remaining upon record, re- lation being thereunto had, may more i^Uy and at large appear; And WHEREAS the said patentees and the present freeholders and inhabitants of the said town of Newtown, hereafter named, have, according to the custom and practice of this province, made several divisions, allotments, distinct set- tlements and improvements of several pieces and parcels of the above recited tract of land within the limits above recited, at their own proper cost and charge ; And whereas the present inhabitants and freeholders have made application unto me by William Lawrence, Joseph SackettJ" John Way, and Content Titus, persons deputed by them, for a more full and ample confir- mation of the above said tract or parcel of land and premises contained in the aforesaid patent ; Now, for a confirmation unto the present freeholders and inhabitants of the said town of Newtown, their heirs and assigns, in the quiet and peaceble possession and enjoyment of the aforesaid tract of land .8 110 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. and premises, Know te, that I, tlie said Thomas Dongan, in consideration of the premises, and for divers other good and lawful considerations, by virtue of the commission and authority in me now being, from and under his said Majesty, and power in me residing, 1 have ratified, confirmed and grant- ed, and by these presents do ratify, confirm and grant unto Captain Rich- ard Betts, Thomas Stevenson, Gershom Moore, Jonathan Hazard, Samuel Moore, Daniel Bloomfield, Caleb Leverich, Edward Stevenson, Joseph Sack- ett, Samuel Scudder, Robert Field, Sen. Thomas Wandell, John Ketcham, Thomas Pettit, John Way, Robert Field, Jun. Jonathan Strickland, John Smith, Josias Furman, Sen., George Wood, Sen. Nathan Fish, Edward Hunt, Jeremiah Burroughs, Richard Betts, Thomas Betts, John Scudder, Jun. Jo- nathan Stevenson, Thomas Case, John Albertus, James Way, Cornells Jan- sen, Abram Joris, John Coe, Samuel Fish, Joseph Burroughs, William Os- born, John Burroughs, Thomas Robinson, Jane Hays, Jacob Reeder, John Reeder, Richard Owen, Wouter Gysbertsen, John Pettit, Thomas Morrell, John Roberts, Isaac Swinton, Elias Doughty, Thomas Lawrence, William Lawrence, John Lawrence, William Hallett, Sen. William Hallett, Jun. Sa- muel Hallett, Hendrick Martensen, Robert Blackwell, John Parcell, William Parcell, Joris Stevensen, Thomas Parcell, Steven Jorissen, John Bockhout, Eno-eltie Burger, Thomas Skillman, John Woolistoncroftes, Jan Jansen Fyn, Jane Rider, Peter Bockhout, Johannes Lourensse, Richard Alsop, John Allene, John Denman, John Rosell, Hendrick Barent Sniith, Henry Mayle, Sen, Henry Mayle, Jun. Joseph Reed, John Reed, Joseph Phillips, Theophilus Phil- lips, Roelof Pietersen, Benjamin Severens, Gershom Hazard, Anthony Gleane,^ Jacob Leonardsen vander Grift, Luke Depaw, Francis Way, John Wilson, Nathaniel Pettit, Moses Pettit, John Furman, Stoffel Van Laer, Samuel Ketch- am, John Ramsden, Rynier Willemsen, Abraham Rycke, Jan Harcksen, Philip Ketcham, Benjamin Cornish, Francis Combs, Isaac Gray, Josias Fur- man, Jun. Henry 'Sawtell, Thomas Etherington, Content Titus, Lambert Woodward, Nathaniel Woodward, Joseph Reeder, Jeremiah Reeder, John ' Anthony Gleane had served in the time of Gov. Nicoll, as a drummer in the garrison at New-York. He bought a small estate in Newtown, married" Esther, widow of Samuel Sallis, and died here in or about 1691, aged 60 years. Many years later his house was still standing somewhere between the premises of Mr. Mack and Mr. Bretonniere. He left sons, William, Thomas and Anthony, the first of whom died in 1704, having served as town clerk, and as a church warden of the Jamaica parish. His two brothers removed to Flushing, where Antliony died. May lOth, 1734, leaving a large personal property as appears by the original inventory, now in possession of his great grandson, Mr. John Glean, of Saratoga, New-York. He left sons, William, born 1709, Anthony, born 1715, and James, born 1718, the first of whom remained on the paternal farm in Flushing till his death. The others settled in New-York, where the descendants of Anthony still reside. James died at Pittstown, New-York, aged 75 years, Aug. 15th, 1793. His son Anthony was a valiant soldier of the Revolution, and was in the service during the whole war, after which he settled upon a farm at Saratoga, in this state, sus- taining the reputation of a respectable and good man- He died in his 92d year, May 1st, 1842, leaving issue, John, Oliver and Hannah. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Ill Bull, John Fish, John Moore, Thomas Sforrell, Jun. the present freeholders and inhabitants of the s;iid town of Newtown, their heirs, successors and assigns for ever, all and singular the before recited tracts, neck and parcels of land and meadows mentioned and set forth limited and bounded as afore- said, by the afore recited patent, together with all and singular a certain neck or parcel of land called Plunder's Neck, situate likewise on the south side of Lqng Island, having on the east Jamaica limits, on the west a small brook, as also all and singular the houses, messuages, tenements, fencings, buildings, gar- dens, orchards, trees, woods, undervv'oods, pastures, feedings, common of pas- tures, meadows, marshes, lakes, ponds, creeks, harbors, rivers, rivulets, brooks, streams, easements, and highway or highways, as also all and singular the is- lands, mines, minerals, (royal mines only excepted) fishing, hawking, hunting, and fowling, and all other franchises, profits, commodities, emoluments, here- ditaments, and privileges whatever to the said tracts of land, meadow, and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining ; To have and to hold all and singular the said tracts of land and premises with their and every of their appurtenances to the several and respective uses following, and to and for no other use, intent and jiurposes whatsoever, that is to say, as for and concerning all and singular the several and respective parcels of land and meadow, (part of the granted premises,) in any wise taken up and appropriated by virtue of the said before recited deed or patent, before the day of the date hereof, unto the said Capt. Richard Betts, Thomas Stevenson, Gershom Moore, Jonathan Ha- zard, Samuel Moore, Daniel Bloomfield, Caleb Leverich, Edward Stevenson, Joseph Sackett, Samuel Scudder, Robert Field, Sen. Thomas Wandell, John Ketcham, Thomas Pettit, John Way, Robert Field, Jun. Jonathan Strickland, John Smith, Josias Furman, Sen. George Wood, Sen. Nathan Fish, Edward Hunt, Jeremiah Burroughs, Richard Betts, Thomas Betts, John Scudder, Jun. Jonathan Stevenson, Thomas Case, John Albertus, James Way, Cornells Jan- sen, Abram Joris, John Coe, Samuel Fish, Joseph Burroughs, William Osborn, John Burroughs, Thomas Robinson, Jane Hays, Jacob Reeder, John Reeder, Richard Owen, Wouter Gysbertsen, John Pettit, Thomas Morrell, John Ro- berts, Isaac Swinton, Elias Doughty, Thomas Lawrence, William Lawrence? John Lawrence, William Hallett, Sen. William Hallett, Jun. Samuel Hallett, Hendrick Martensen, Robert Blackwell, John Parcell, William Parcell, Joris Stevensen, Thomas Parcell, Steven Jorissen, John Boekhout, Engeltie Burger, Thomas Skillman, John Woollstoncroftes, Jan Jansen Fyn, Jane Rider, Peter Boekhout, Johannes Lourensse, Richard Alsop, John Allene, John Denman, John Resell,^ Hendrick Barent Smith, Henry Mayle, Sen. Henry Mayle, Jun. Joseph Reed, John Reed, Joseph Phillips, Theophilus Phillips, Roelof Pietersen, Benjamin Severens, Gershom Hazard, Anthony Gleane, Jacob Leonardsen vander Grift, Luke Depaw, Francis Way, John Wilson, Nathaniel Pettit, Moses Pettit, John Furman, StofFel Van Laer, Samuel Ketcham, John Ramsden, Rynier Willemsen, Abraham Rycke, Jan Harcksen, 1 Nathaniel Rosell, a son of John abore mentioned, settled at Hopewell, New Jersey, where his descendants remain ; the oldest male representative of the family, at present, is Major Nath. Beakes Rossell, U. S. A. 112 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Philip Ketcham, Benjamin Cornish, Francis Combs, Isaac Gray, Josias Fur- raan, Jun. Henry Sawtell, Thomas Etherington, Content Titus, Lambert Woodward, Nathaniel Woodward, Joseph Reeder, Jeremiah Reeder, John Bull, John Fish, John Moore, Thomas Morrell, Jun. the said several and re- spective present inhabitants and freeholders of the said town of Newtown, to their several respective uses and behoofs, and to the use and behoof of their several and respective heirs and assigns, for ever; and as for and con- cerning all and every such parcel or parcels, tract or tracts of land and mea- dow, remainder of the granted premises, not yet taken up or appropriated to any particular person or persons, by virtue of the before recited deed or patent, before the day of the date hereof, to the use and behoof of the said Capt. Richard Betts, Thomas Stevenson, Gershom Moore, Jonathan Hazard, Samuel Moore, Daniel Bloomfield, Caleb Leverich, Edward Stevenson, Joseph Sackett, Samuel Scudder, Robert Field, Sen. Thomas Wandell, John Ketcham, Thomas Pettit, John Way, Robert Field, Jun. Jonathan Strickland, John Smith, Josias Furman, Sen. George Wood, Sen. Nathan Fish, Edward Hunt, Jeremiah Burroughs, Richard Betts, Thomas Betts, John Scudder, Jun. Jona- than Stevenson, Thomas Case, John Albertus, James Way, Cornelis Jansen, Abram Joris, John Coe, Samuel Fish, Joseph Burroughs, William Osborn, John Burroughs, Thomas Robinson, Jane Hays, Jacob Reeder, John Reeder, Richard Owen, Wouter Gysbertsen, John Pettit, Thomas Morrell, John Ro- berts, their heirs and assigns, for ever, in proportion to their respective pur- chases thereof made as tenants in common, without any let, hindrance, or molestation, to be had or reser\'ed upon pretence of joint tenancy or survi- vorship, any thing herein contained to the contrary in anywise notwithstand- ing, and I do hereby ratify, confirm and grant unto the inhabitants and free- holders of the said town, all the privileges belonging to any town within this government, and I do also give and grant for and in behalf of his said Ma- jesty, his heirs and successors, free and lawful power, ability and authority, that they or any of them, any messuages, tenements, lands, meadows, feedings, pastures, woods, underwoods, rents, reversions, services, and other heredita- ments whatsoever, within the said Queen's county, which they hold of his said Majesty, his heirs and successors, unto the aforesaid freeholders and in- habitants of the town of Newtown, shall and may give, grant, sell, bargain, alien, enfeoff, and confirm, to be holden of his most sacred Majesty, his heirs and successors, in free and common socage, according to the tenure of East Gi-eenwich, in the county of Kent, in his Majesty's kingdom of England; yielding, rendering and paying therefore, yearly and every year from hence- forth, unto our sovereign lord the King, his heirs, successors and assigns, or his or their receiver, commissionated or empowered to receive the same, on the five and twentieth day of March, yearly, for ever, the chief, or quit rent of three pound four shillings, current money, of this province of New-York, in full of all rents, or former reserved rents, services, or acknowledgments and demands whatsoever.' In testimony whereof, I have caused these pre- ' This quit rent contiuued to be paid to the " King's collector, at New- York," till the close of the Revolution, after which the people of the state, being considered ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. IIS sents to be entered upon record in the secretary's office of this province, and the seal of the said province to be hereunto affixed, this 25th day of Novem- ber, Anno Dom. sixteen hundred eighty-six, and in the second year of his Majesty's reign. THOMAS DONGAN. [seal.] In this patent the boundaries are defined with a little more explicitness than in that of Gov. Nicoll. Bushwick having withdrawn her consent to have a patent of a date parallel with that of Newtown, procured one a year or more later, confirm- ing the arbitration of 1672. It gave strength to that decision, and had a manifest influence on the final determination of this controversy. As will be observed, this patent reserves to the forty-six individuals first named therein, being original purchasers of the township, or possessed of purchase rights, the exclusive control of the unappropriated land within the purchase lines ; the exercise of which right subsequently became a cause of dissatisfaction among the remaining inhabitants. In that sec- tion of the town formerly known as the out-plantations, very little vacant land remained, but this was government property. to have taken the place of the crown, a law was passed by the legislature, in 1786, providing for the collection of the arrears of quit rent, which had accrued on the numerous patents granted by the colonial governors. Newtown did not, however, avail herself of the terms of commutation proffered in the said act. It was not till the year 1815, that the arrearages which had been accumulating upon her patent since March 25th, 1783, were liquidated. In the above year, notice was given the town, that pursuant to a law of the state, passed Oct. 14th, 1814, authorizing the peremptory sale of such patents as yet remained subject to quit rent, the public land of Newtown would be set up for sale on a given day, by the comptroller, at Albany. Steps were immediately taken at a special meeting of the people of New- town, on August 19th, to arrest this measure, and cancel their arrears of quit rent. James Hedenberg, as the town's agent, proceeded to Albany, and obtained the postponement of the sale, and a few days after, to wit, on Nov. 22d, 1815, the same person paid into the hands of the comptroller, in three per cent, stock, the sum of $347 81 cents, and the town was released from all further demand on the score of quit rent. This exaction of the quit rent premises the validity of the early colonial patents, but this point is clearly admitted by the constitution of this state, which annuls all colonial grants and charter^ made subsequent to Oct. 14th, 1775, but affects none given previous to that date. The Newtown patents and Indian deed were all iu existence as late as 1756, when they were delivered into the keeping of Justice Philip Edsall. They and some other valuable papers, are not now to be found. In 1816, as appears by the town books, Thomas Cumberson and Thomas H. Betts were appointed " to go to Westchester in search of records belonging to this town," but I understand that this missiou was not performed. 114 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. The principal, if not the only tract, lay in Hellgate Neck, and was bounded on the south by the line of the Indian purchase, to the eastward by the poor's bouweries, to the westward by the lines of the patents belonging to the inhabitants of Mespat Kills, and to the north by the lands of William Hallett. On the 18th of March, 1686, John Tuder, of New- York, an at- torney-at-law, and subsequently recorder of the city, applied to the council for the above described land, which was grant- ed him, and a patent issued July 22d, following, reserving an annual quit rent of one bushel of winter wheat. Two years after, Mr. Tuder sold his patent to three of the inhabitants of Newtown ; it was subsequently divided, and is now in- cluded in the forms of the late Isaac Eapelye, Cornelius Purdy, and the heirs of Charles Eapelye, deceased. The Rev. Morgan Jones had again changed his ministerial relations. The people of Eastchester had long desired to have him, and, perhaps, had enjoyed his services for a few months in the fall and winter of 1683. They now offered liberal in- ducements, and he began to officiate there August 3d, 1685. The original agreement with him at Newtown never having been fulfilled, either as respected his salary or the fitting up of his residence, he applied to the governor and council for redress. A summons to the town authorities to appear and answer, was sufficient; they satisfied Mr. Jones, and on April 28th, 1686, he gave them receipts in full.^ Of his services in Newtown little is known beyond what has been related. His administration of baptism and the mar- riage vow is incidentally mentioned. He was a ready speaker, and of a conciliatory disposition, but different accounts are given of his character and qualifications. Dr. Calamy, in ^ These receipts are entered, by his own hand, in the town records, the last of which reads literatim as follows : Whereas, I, Morgan Jones, have officiated for some time as a minister, in Newtown, without any agreement for a certain salary with the town, upon y" promise of some particular persons of the towi^ to allow me some small pension of y"" own accord, I do hereby freele acquitt and discharge y'' town of Newtown of all salarys, moneys, goods, wares, land, or y'evcr I have claimed for such my ministry, reserving to myself the power of demanding and re- ceiving of ye particular persons, y** several summs y<^'> they promised me. In witness whereof, I have hereto sett my hand, this 28th Aprile, 1686. Morgan Jones. AKNALS OF NEWTOWN. 115 speaking of Mm wliile settled in Wales, intimates tliat lie wanted capacity, but was honest. But Dr. Mather in his Mag- nalia, sets him in a positively bad light, yet I attach but little importance to his statements about Mr. Jones, because they are not only improbable and puerile, but are given at second hand, and not on the personal knowledge of the doctor, whose credulity was equal to his learning. The history of Mr. Jones, so far as known, affords nothing positive against him; and it may be stated in his favor, that he enjoyed the acquaint- ance and confidence of Dr. Thomas Lloyd, of Pennsylvania, and his brother, Charles Lloyd, Esq. of Dolobran, Wales, who were his college mates at Oxford. In the meantime, the eff'orts of the last few years to pro- mote the settlement of the southern borders of the township, had stirred up the jealousies of the people of Flatbush, who claiming the land as far north as the hills, obtained a patent to that effect, ISTov. 12th, 1685. This embraced plantations made by inhabitants of Newtown. Over these, Flatbush began to extend authority, and in December of the present year, news came that the farmers there had met with serious interruption. Jonathan Hazard and Edward Stevenson were forthwith de- spatched to Flatbush, to demand "why they disturb our inhabitants;" and, if need be, inform the governor. Means were also taken to secure their borders, and to this end Mr. Philip Wells was engaged to run out the boundaries of the township, and the line of the Indian purchase on the north-west, which was accomplished in the spring of 1687, and the draft deposited in the town clerk's office. They next proceeded to lay out lots along the whole extent of their south bounds, extending back from said bounds sixty rods, and in breadth fifteen rods each ; to be given to every freeholder in the township who had paid " scot and lott," (or town charges,) for the last two years ; on condition that they should not sell the same to residents of other towns ; and that those lying to the westward of John Scudder's land (where Bushwick's claim began) be occupied immediately. The allotment was made on April 6th, 1687, in which the inhabitants of Hellgate Neck and vicinity shared, and these lots were for many years denominated the Draught Lots, or the Little Lots. Kesistance to these measures was expected, and Messrs. 116 ANKALS OF NEWTOWN. Kicliard Betts and Jonatlian Hazard were empowered to de- fend the township against any encroachments of the adjoining towns upon their " purchase and patent." But the people of Newtown, having thus entrenched themselves, the attacks of their neighbors seem to have been for several years suspend- ed. Indeed, paramount interests now demanded the public attention. The expectations of an enlightened liberty, awakened in 1683, had ended in fell disappointment, the course of events having fully proved that the advances then made towards a popular government were designed merely to conciliate public feeling. After the third annual assembly these popular bodies were expressly prohibited by the Duke of York, who, having ascended the throne of England, under the title of James II. disclosed his true character in his endeavors to establish an arbitrar}- government here, and introduce the Roman Catholic religion among the protestant inhabitants of New-York, by the appointment of papists to the principal offices of trust and influence. The state of things in Europe clothed these designs with terror. There the sword of persecution was unsheathed, England still bled under its stroke, and Lewis XIY. had but just revoked the edict of Nantes, whereby the protestants of France were again subjected to prison and the stake, or sought security in flight ; a considerable number of these exiled Hu- guenots seeking a home in this province. With these facts fresh in mind, and the victims of papal intolerance before their eyes, the intelligent people became greatly alarmed for the safety of their country and religion. Such was the gloomy posture of affairs at New-York, in-s 1689, when the public mind was suddenly and happily relieved by the news of the abdication of James 11. and the succession- of William and Mary, who were protestants, to the throne of England. The citizens of New-York, regarding with suspi- cion the minions of King James, who yet held the reins of the provincial government, and incited by a report, then current, that the catholics intended to rise and massacre the protes- tants, assembled in arms, on June 2d, seized the fort, and placing at their head Capt. Jacob Leisler, a respected merchant, and commander of one of the train bands, undertook the go- vernment of the province, in the name of King William. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 117 The coramimitj at Newtown, having experienced like fears with the populace at New-York, were no less rejoiced at the news of the revolution in England, and the fall of the unprincipled James; while, for the most part, they heartily acquiesced in the popular movements just mentioned. At a meeting of part of the inhabitants, held on June 11th, Capt. Eichard Betts and Lieut. Samuel Moore were delegated to a convention to be held in the city, with instructions " to act as they should see cause for the good and benefit of the country." The town further resolved, June 15th, to provide and main- tain two soldiers to strengthen the garrison at New- York. They also sent delegates to Jamaica, for the purpose of elect- ing two persons to represent the county in a committee of safety, which it was proposed to form for the direction of public affairs at this critical juncture. One of the members of said committee, chosen for Queen's, was "loyal Mr. Samuel Edsall," of Newtown, who was thus styled because of his warm attachment to the cause of the revolution, and the lead- ing part that he acted. The committee of safety, having convened at New-York on June 26th, appointed Capt. Leisler commander-in-chief of the province, and instituted such regulations as were deemed requisite to preserve the public peace and security, including sundry changes in the civil and military departments. Pur- suant to orders, the people of Newtown proceeded to a new election of town officers, Oct. 2d. Capt. Gershom Moore, Lieut. Samuel Moore, and Ensign Joseph Sackett, were re- elected to their respective ofl&ces in the militia ; Samuel Edsall was appointed justice of the peace; and Content Titus, Jona- than Hazard, and Jeremiah Burroughs, were chosen commis- sioners of the town court, of whom the last named was also appointed town clerk in the stead of Daniel Phillips. Ben- jamin Severens retained his place as constable, being at this time deputy sheriff of Queen's county. Delegates to a county committee for the choice of a sheriff, were also appointed, one of whom, John Coe, was chosen to fill that office, and was commissioned by Leisler, on Dec. 13th. In the beginning of winter, despatches were received from the royal government, in England, of such a nature as, in the opinion of the committee of safety, to warrant Capt. Leisler 118 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN, in assuming the title of lieutenant-governor, wliicli he accord- ingly did, and selected a council, who entered upon their office December 11th, and of which Mr. Edsall was the member for Queen's county. William and Mary were immediately pro- claimed king and queen at New-York, and in the several county towns, while the lieutenant-governor and council ex- erted their energies to establish the authority cf their new sovereign. This, however, was not so easy a task ; for while the bitter opposition of the friends of the late king threatened to rend the province in sunder, the inroads of the French, on the northern frontiers, were creating the most lively apprehensions. To meet this two-fold danger, Leisler sought to strengthen and increase the military force of the province. By his order the militia of Newtown, which, even in the spring of 1687, could muster " 125 men, armed with firelocks," was divided into two com- panies, of one of which the officers were Capt. Content Titus, Lieut. Jeremiah Burroughs, and Ensign Eobert Coe; and of the othfer, Capt. Samuel Moore, Lieut. Joseph Sackett, and Ensign Gershom Moore. These were commissioned by Leisler, and were instructed to exercise their companies in arms, and maintain good order and discipline ; the tactics then practised in the town being, as expressed in a late return, "distance, facings, doublings, counter-marchings, wheelings, and firings." Early in 1690, the alarming intelligence reached New- York of the burning of Schenectady, and the cruel massacre of its inhabitants by the French army and their Indian allies, on the night of Feb. 8th. And the people of Albany, apprehending a visit from the enemy, earnestly begged a reinforcement of troops for their protection. Sympathizing with his fellow- citizens in their peril, Gov, Leisler, on Feb. 16th, despatched Mr. Edsall to Newtown, with an order to Major Thomas Law- rence, who commanded all the forces of Queen's, to expedite the raising of fifty men in said county, for this service. As has been already hinted, Leisler and his coadjutors had experienced violent opposition from the friends of the late ad- ministration, who, though they pretended allegiance to Wil- liam and Mary, denied the legality of the proceedings by which Capt. Leisler had been elevated to the chief seat of power. Albany had shown the most formidable array of ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 119 opposition, but having yielded from apprehension of a worse evil, Queen's county seemed now to be the chief seat of dis- affection. Autumn of 1690, found the rebel party there, "without any provocation," mustering in arms, and avowing their intentions to maintain their rebellion by violence. To quell this faction Major Milborne was sent over to the island, October 28th, with a military force, and instructions to prose- cute the insurgents " with all violence and act of hostility," until they should be wholly subdued. At Newtown, the same day, a proclamation was issued, of which the following is a part: "Forasmuch as there are many seditious persons, who without any provocation have taken up arms, and appeared in a rebellious manner against his Majesty's authority, with- in this county, called Queens, upon Long Island, and under specious pretences have drawn aside, and caused certain num- bers of his Majesty's liege subjects to abet with them, contrary to their allegiance and bounden duty, and the peace of our lord the King, his crown and dignity, and the security and welfare of the good inhabitants thereof: — These are in his Majesty's name, to forbid, forewarn and advertise all persons within this province, that they in no wise aid succor, comfort, abet, consent to, or anywise adhere unto the said rebels, or any of their associates, but upon notice hereof that all such who have unadvisedly been herein concerned, do forthwith withdraw from them, and return to their allegiance and re- spective habitations, where they shall be preserved in their rights and properties, and peaceable enjoyment thereof; as they will answer the contrary at their utmost perils." Two days only had elapsed when news was received that "the rebels had been forced to fly by the forces sent to sup- press them." In order that none of them might escape, Mr. Edsall and Capt. Wilhams were despatched by water, with volunteer troops, to scour Flushing Bay and Long Island Sound, examine all vessels, land and search suspected houses, and seize the person and papers of those guilty of rebellion. In this highly excited state of public feeling both parties anxiously awaited 'news from England. Leisler and his friends expected the royal approval, while their opponents, as heartily wishing for their condemnation, made strenuous 120 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. efforts to accomplisli this object, by means of bigbly exagge- rated and false statements, wliicli were transmitted to England to bias the royal mind against tbe people's governor. The disaffected persons in the towns of Hempstead, Jamaica, Flush- ing, and Newtown, wrought up to the highest pitch of exas- peration, convened a meeting on Nov. 7th, and addressed a memorial to their Majesties' secretary, complaining in the most vehement terms of Leisler's proceedings, who they re- present as having taken to himself the " most wicked and poorest of the sons of men, the chiefest of whom were Jacob Milborne and Samuel Edsall. These two base villains, with their collected rabble, in a barbarous and inhuman manner came over from New- York to Long Island, and there did break open, plunder and destroy the houses and estates of their Majesties' subjects, in a most rude and barbarous man- ner, not regarding age or sex, stripping our wives and daugh- ters of their wearing apparel, carrying away all that was portable, shooting at and wounding divers poor Englishmen, (some deem£d mortal,) and then went so far as to sequester our estates, giving no reasons for so doing, other than that we would not accept commissions from the pretended lieutenant- governor; for which a hundred and four of us are driven from our estates, men of the chiefest and best estate on Long Island." Leisler had gone too far. Intending all for good, his zeal to restore order in the province, had led to an extremity of means, highly injudicious and fatal. His power now began to wane. Early in 1691, Major Ingoldesby arrived with soldiers from England, and demanded possession of the fort, but show- ing no orders, Leisler refused to surrender it. Ingoldesby besieged the fortress, and summoned the citizens to repair to his standard. He directed Capt. Samuel Moore of Newtown to publish his authority, and stand ready to aid him. On March 19th, Gov. Henry Sloughter arrived, and a well-meant but unfortunate delay on the part of Leisler to deliver up the fort, confirmed in the governor's mind the report of his ty- ranny and usurpation. The enemies of Leisler, though few in number, embodied the aristocracy, and their representations had weight. They obtained his commitment on a charge of high treason, and being, together with his son-in-law and ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 121 secretary, Jacob Milborne, in a summary manner tried and ad- judged guilty, both, were executed at New-York, on May IGtli, following. " So fell Capt. Leisler and Mr. Milborne," says a wri- ter of that day, " men of known integrity, honesty, and loyalty, and by a pretended course of law, contrary to all law condemn- ed, where their judges were, most of them, violent enemies of the happy revolution, and therefore resolved to revenge them- selves on these gentlemen, who were the most early and zea- lous instruments of it, and who had first expended great part of their estates, and then suffered martyrdom for King Wil- liam and Queen Mary, their religion and laws," Leisler's council and other adherents, among whom were Samuel Ed- sall and John Coe, were imprisoned, but escaped witb their lives. Mr. Edsall was tried and acquitted by the same court that convicted Leisler. The administration of Gov. Sloughter was distinguished for a re-construction of tlie government of New-York, laying its foundation upon a permanent basis, whicb continued unin- terrupted down to the American Kevolution. The governor possessed the executive power ; the legislative was vested in the governor, council, and general assembly, (the two former appointed by the king, and the latter composed of deputies, chosen by the freeholders of each, county,) whose sessions should be held annually, their acts being subject to the ap- proval of his Majesty. The first and only general assembly convened under Gov. Sloughter, met in the spring of 1691, Their efforts were exerted to restore and establish good go- vernment, and thougb they declared that all the laws con- sented to by the assemblies under James, Duke of York, with the liberties and privileges granted to the people, were null and void, not being ratified ; they nevertheless passed a law, on the Gth. of May, which, after mentioning the great damage which, had accrued to the province from the recent disorders, proceeded to confirm in the fullest manner, " all the charters, patents, and grants, made, given and granted, and well and truly executed, under the seal of this province, constituted and authorized by their late and present Majesties, the Kings of England, and registered in the secretary's office, unto the several and respective corporations or bodies politic of the cities, towns, and manors, and also to the several and respec- 122 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. tive freeliolders witliiii tliis province." Courts of common pleas and general sessions were organized in the several conn- ties, Tlie municipal or town government underwent a re- vision, and assumed more nearly its present form ; the com- missioners' court ceased, and its duties devolved upon the justices; the supervisors were reduced to one in each town,* and three surveyors of highways were added to the usual town officers. Newtown first chose the latter in 1700. CHAPTEE VII. Proposed to erect a fulling-mill. — Wolves. — Wolf Stream. — Wolf Swamp. — Nar- row Passage. — Three towns complain that Newtown is encroaching on their territory. — Parties summoned before the council. — A general survey agreed upon. — Newtown alarmed at the passage of a law for tjie introduction of Episcopacy. — They send to New England for a minister, and obtain the Rev. John Morse. — Steps taken to enlarge the Church. — A Bill passes the Assembly to except Newtown out of the above law, but the Governor refuses to sanction it. — Survey being completed, the boundary dispute engages the attention of the Council. — They refer the parties to the common law. — Newtown proceeds to occupy their west bounds. — Migrations to New Jersey. — A new parsonage house bought. — Ezekiel Lewis, schoolmaster. — Quit rent. — Steps to ordain the Rev. Mr. Morse. — A census taken. — Mr. Morse's death. — A new town-house built. — Rev. Robert Breck engaged to preach. — Dissatisfaction among the in- habitants of Heligate Neck respecting the common land. — Their bills before the Assembly are defeated. — Put a bill in chancery, but without success. — They petition the Governor and Council. — The case investigated. — Report. — The complaint dismissed as frivolous. — Mr. Breck disconcerted by the efforts of Lord Combury to establish the Church of England. — His oppressive acts. — The church at Newtown taken possession of by the Episcopal clergyman. — The people obliged to succumb. — Rev. John Hampton arrested for preaching at Newtown. — Trials endured by the Dissenters. 1691 to 1707. Measures were taken this year by two enterprizing citizens of the town, to erect a fulling-mill on the stream that empties at Fish's Point. The town favored the project, and passed the following, June 27th, 1691 : " Voted, that Thomas Ste- ' This office was abolished Oct. 18th, 1701, and the justices, or any five of them in each county, were empowered to audit its accounts, and appoint its treasurer; but on June 19th, 1703, the office of supervisor was revived by law, and has existed ever since. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN, 123 venson and Edward Stevenson sliall liave the stream or brook tliat is commonly called Lodowick Brook, as tlieir own right, to have and to hold to them and theirs for ever, with what convenience of land can be spared (not infringing the high- way) for the building of a fulling-mill, with which they are to do the town's work first, and as reasonable as other work- men do, and to keep the same in repair." Twenty years from this date, to wit, on Oct. 16th, 1711, Thomas Stevenson and John Stevenson (son of Edward) sold to Jesse Kip, at that time the proprietor of the grist-mill at Fish's Point, all their interest in the above premises. This fulling-mill remained for many years, but every vestige of it has now disappeared, though the locality still retains the name of the Fulling-mill Dam. This was one of the first fulling-mills erected in this province. The costliness of im- ported cloths had induced the practice of making domestic woollens, and the raising of sheep for that purpose. The de- predations of wolves offered, however, a serious impediment to the safe rearing of flocks, and though the inhabitants of this town were less annoyed by these midnight prowlers than their neighbors of the adjoining towns, they found it neces- sary, in February, 1692, to offer twenty shillings a head for every wolf killed within the limits of the town. By the aid of "wolf-pits," made near the haunts of these animals, many were entrapped and killed. Their destruction became neces- sary not only for the preservation of the stock and cattle, but even for the personal safety of the inhabitants, whom they would sometimes attack. It is related that one of the New- town farmers, going at the dusk of evening to turn loose his horses, was beset by a number of these animals from a neigh- boring swamp. Springing upon a stump, he lashed them lustily with the halters, and succeeded in driving them oif. At an early period, a run of water emptying into Trains Meadow, bore the name of Wolf Stream, doubtless because infested by these animals ; and the swamp from which it issued, lying on the east side of the Narrow Passage, still retains the name of Wolf Swamp. The " Narrow Passage that goes into Hellgate Neck," (a name early applied to the road leading across the swamp a little distance south of Middletown,) was, 124 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. according to tradition, originally a dam thrown up by the beavers/ The discontents which the continued efforts of Newtown, for the last five years, to occupy all the land within the lines of their Indian purchase had fomented in the adjoining towns, now broke forth in loud complaint, in which Bushwick, Brook- lyn and Flatbush participated, and the people of Newtown, having intimation that a combination of the above towns was being formed against them, resolved, on Dec. 13th, to raise and appropriate the sum of twenty pounds, for the defence of their patent, Thomas Betts and Edward Stevenson being at the same time chosen to conduct the business, and employ one or more lawyers to aid them. Two days after, a joint petition was presented to Gov. Fletcher, by the towns of Brooklyn, Bushwick, and Flatbush, complaining that the people of New- town "build houses on their outlands," and praying his ex- cellency in council, "to examine both their pretences, for an accommodation to save the charges in the law." Notice being given the purchasers of Newtown, all i^arties appeared before the governor and council, on Dec. 22d, and after an inspection of their several patents and pajoers, his excellency was of opinion, " that the controversy cannot be better decided th[m by a survey of their townships by the sworn surveyor, according to the meers and bounds of their several jDatents, beginning with the eldest patent, and that indifferent persons of note and integrity be present at the surveying of them, and that the several surveys be brought upon one plot or draft, to be decided and determined accord- ingly, by his excellency the governor and council ; which, if both parties will agree unto, the surveyor is ordered to have a warrant directed to him, for the doing thereof, at their equal charge." This proposal being finally acceded to by the several parties, a warrant was issued on Feb. 6th, 1693, to the sur- 1 The passer by this spot cannot fail to notice the stately chestnut stand- ing by the roadside, and casting its grateful shade over this ancient highway. This tree measures twenty-five feet in circumference at the base, and full fifteen at the distance of six feet above. Its majestic proportions indicate for it an existence coeval with the red man who, centuries ago, was undisputed lord of the then surrounding wilds. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 125 vejor general, wlio entered upon the work, in the execution of which two years elapsed. The year 1693 was signalized by the introduction of a theme far more engrossing to the religious community. This was the passage, Sept. 22d, of a law districting Queen's county and several others into ecclesiastical parishes, and providing for the annual election, in each such parish, of two church- wardens, and ten vestrymen, to superintend the affairs of the church, and endowed with power to call a minister, and, with the justices, to lay a yearly tax upon the inhabitants, for his support. The towns of Newtown, Jamaica, and Flushing, were constituted a single parish, whose inhabitants were re- quired to furnish the sum of sixty pounds annually, for the support of a clergyman, to reside at Jamaica. Although a direct reference to any denomination had been carefully avoided, the dissenters were not slow to fathom the designs of government, which aimed at nothing else than the establishment of the Church of England in this province. Much apprehension was therefore excited. Newtown regarded herself as particularly aggrieved, for, waving the too obvious intention to thrust upon them a religious establishment re- pugnant to their feelings, they had hitherto enjoyed the ex- clusive services of their own minister, living among them, and sustained by their free contributions. To be now subjected to an additional tax for the support of a clergyman, resident in another township, they regarded as burdensome and odi- ous. It being proposed to petition the assembly to repeal the obnoxious law, Messrs. Content Titus and Daniel Bloomfield were deputed, early in 1694, to attend a meeting, held at Ja- maica, for that object. Unhappily the congregation at this date was destitute of a minister, but means were at once concerted to procure one. " The town will call a minister to preach the gospel amongst us upon liking," was the expression of a meeting held on April 12th. A letter was prepared for Content Titus, who was sent to New England in quest of a clergyman, and during his ab- sence, in July, it was resolved that the minister, on his arrival, should be "entertained" at the house of Justice Samuel Ed- sall, until the town house or parsonage could be repaired and made ready for his reception. 9 126 AKKALS OF NEWTOWfT. The mission of Capt. Titus was snccessfuL He secured the services of Mr. John Morse, a youthful student of divinit}^, who removed to Newtown, and entered upon his work of im- parting religious instruction. He was the son of Ezra Morse, a worthy cooper of Dedham, Massachusetts^ where he was born, March 31st, 1674.* He graduated at Harvard College, in 1692. After trial, the town resolved, Sept. 15th, to retain him, and six persons were appointed to treat with him as to his settlement. A subscription was made for his support. It was also determined to enlarge the church, and Messrs. John Coe and Content Titus were empowered to employ mechanics and superintend the work till completed. Meanwhile, Queen's county had effected nothing to avert the grievances apprehended from the recent law for the set- tlement of a ministry. The people of Newtown, therefore, resolved, on Jan, 5th, 1695, to petition the next assembly, on their own account, " to repeal the act of vestryman and annual salary to be paid by the whole county for two minis- ters." Upon the meeting of that body, the subject was intro- duced by Capt. Filkin, a representative from King's county, in the form of a bill entitled, " A bill for exempting Newtown, in Queen's county, on the Island of Nassau, out of the pains, penalties, forfeitures, and demands in an act for settling a ministry, and raising a maintenance for them, in the city of New- York," &c. After a third reading, and the hearing of a report "about the minister of Newtown," prepared by a com- mittee of the house, the bill was passed on April 9th. But on its presentation to the governor, he refused to sanction it. This measure being thus defeated, the people of Newtown were left to anticipate the enforcement of the unjust act for the settlement of a ministry. In the meantime, preparation had been made for the trial of the boundary question before the council. Two able law- * The time of Mr. Morse's birth has been a matter of considerable disa- greement, but the above is the true date taken from the Dedham records, and kindly furnished me by Mr. D. P. Wight, of that place. The "Memorial of the Morses," by the Rev. Abner Morse, of Sherburne, Massachusetts, mis- states the time of his birth ; but the author, in a letter with which he has favored me, since the publication of the Memorial, acknowledges hia mis- take, and tho correctness of the Dedham register. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 127 yers, Emot and Nicoll, were employed by Newtown, the latter of which gentlemen informed the council, Jan. 31st. 1695, that the survey of the disputed boundaries was completed, and re- quested that a day might be appointed for the appearance of the inhabitants, with their several deeds and writings, in order to a decision of the controversy. A day was thereupon fixed, but when it came, the agents of Newtown alone appeared. At the second appointment, deputies from Brooklyn presented themselves, but the other towns kept aloof, having evidently changed their purpose to submit the decision to the council. The board proceeded, however, to an examination of the evi- dences, but finally adjourned the suit without coming to any conclusion. After a month's delay, the inhabitants of New- town again, on April 4th, besought the governor for a deter- mination of the dispute according to the evidence of title presented before him. His excellencj'' in council now replied, that as it was a matter of common right, cognizable at com- mon law, and which therefore could not be decided by himself and council, without the concurrence of all the parties, he should refer them to the common law. But as the Dutch towns had already declined a resort to law, on the plea of expense, the dispute remained where it was, and Newtown proceeded, unmolested, to secure their west line, by laying off lots along the same, from the end of the Little Lots northward, which were distributed to the seve- ral purchasers, and such as held purchase rights, with the pledge to defend any one of their citizens, settled or to settle upon their south and west bounds, who should be sued or otherwise molested by the neighboring towns. The increasing value of land probably stimulated the people of Newtown to action in this matter. At the same time it doubtless encou- raged an inclination, now beginning to be felt by the inhabi- tants, to migrate to New Jersey, where the cheapness of the land, as well as the freedom from taxation, offered peculiar advantages to the young and enterprizing. And from this period onward, that state received from Newtown valuable additions to its population. Amid other affairs, the people of Newtown were not in- sensible to the wants of their minister, who had evidently secured the good will of his congregation. It was resolved, 128 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. on April 17th, to build a new stone "parsonage house," on land to be bought for that purpose. But the committee, to whom this business was entrusted, found it more expedient to purchase, in the course of the summer, a house and lot, of twelve acres, from Samuel Coe, for the sum of seventy -five pounds, to pay which, they made sale of some of the common land. The town approved of this measure, and the premises were delivered unto Mr. Morse for his use, during his ministra- tions among them. This matter arranged, Mr. Ezekiel Lewis, subsequently a distinguished lawyer of Boston, and who had this year graduated at Harvard College, was engaged, Dec. 18th, to officiate for a twelve-month, as schoolmaster, for whose accommodation the town-house was to be put in a state of re- pair. These events bespeak for the inhabitants an intelligent enterprize, and for a year no event of note transpired to destroy the harmony of the community, or interrupt the orderly operation of their affairs. There was some talk of a revival of the boundary dispute, but nothing eventuated from it. The quit rent having for several years been suffered to fall in arrears, it called forth a sharp letter from the high sheriff, "in his Majesty's name," requiring the inhabitants to pay the King's dues, or he should "take such methods as would not be well pleasing to them." This was answered by a prompt payment. The Kev. Mr. Morse increased in favor with the people of his charge. It was now deemed proper that he should be regularly ordained in the ministerial office, that service yet remaining unperformed. The people assembled to consider the subject, on May 15th, 1697. After expressing their desire that Mr. Morse should "be ordained as the pastor and teacher of our church, according to the rule of the gospel," a com- mittee of fourteen persons was appointed to confer with him in relation thereto. Another want was favorably considered on that occasion. Never, on the Sabbath morning, had the sound of the church-goiog bell awakened the surrounding hills, nor its solemn peals turned the footsteps of devout wor- shipers toward the sanctuary. It was now resolved, "to buy a bell for the town of about ten pound price," a measure which there is reason to believe was executed. It is easy to fancy the agreeable effect produced when, for the first ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 129 time, it spoke from tlie belfry to the startled ears of the villagers. . The result of the conference had with Mr. Morse by the committee, in reference to his ordination, is thus piously stated in the town records under date of Wednesday, Sept. 9th : — " Whereas Mr. John Morse hath consented to be ordained to the work of the ministry, at the solicitation of those persons deputed by the town to treat with him about that affair; it is therefore voted and agreed that we do accept him as our minister^ to dispense to us in things spiritual, according to the mind of Christ and order of the gospel ; and we do and shall readily submit ourselves to him in the Lord, as such, and to all his ministerial dispensations and spiritual administrations amono; us, accordino- to the mind and will of God, as God shall assist and direct him." From these proceedings it may be inferred that Mr. Morse's ordination was duly performed, but it cannot be asserted as a fact, because no further reference to it is found. It is said that from the usages of those times he could not have been ordained without a church, but whether a church had been organized here at this date, does not clearly appear. It is worthy of note, that until the first action in reference to Mr, Morse's ordination, the word church does not occur in the town records, the church edifice being always called the meeting-house. In this instance it evidently refers to the people, and the last quotation from the records, express- ing their desire to submit themselves to Mr. Morse's "minis- terial dispensations and spiritual administrations," certainly bears the complexion of a church covenant. Few events are recorded of the two years which now succeeded. Threats of the neighboring towns to prosecute the boundary suit before the supreme court, gave rise to some measures for the defence of the township, but they were not called into requisition. In 1698 an estimate was made of the population of the town, which shows that it then contained 183 white inhabitants, of which 153 were heads of families. There were 93 negro slaves, being an increase of 44 within the last eleven years. After a ministry of from five to six years in Newtown, Mr. Morse, owing to the inadequacy of his support, contem- plated a removal to some other field of labor. Therefore, on 130 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Feb. 26tli 1700, lie disposed of an estate wlaieli lie owned in Hempstead Swamp, to Casper Joost Springsteen, of "West- chester.' Unwilling, however, to part with their pastor, to- wards whom a lively attachment existed, a meeting was con- vened, on July 4th, and a comimittee appointed to adopt means for the speedy collection of the money due him, "and also," says the record, "to discourse with Mr. John Morse, to see how his mind stands affected; and to know whether he will preach amongst ns till we can see if the sum demanded by him, can be gathered or not, and then to make a return to the town ; and moreover, to take care of the parsonage till further orders from the town." These efforts availed, upon the promise, it would seem, of making a more comfortable provision for him, for it was resolved, August 28th, to make- an addition to the parsonage farm, and to erect " a town-house of twentj'-four feet long and twenty feet wide, two stories high, completely finished, for the minister of the said town to live in, while minister of the town aforesaid, and to be set upon the toAvn lot, joined to the house that is there now standing." This building was completed in the course of several years, under the superintendence of Content Titus, Edward Hunt, and Peter Berrien, towards which these gen- tlemen advanced sums of money from their private funds. But Mr. Morse did not realize the benefit which the above ' Joost Casperse Springsteen, with his brother, Johannes, and their widowed mother, Geesie Jans, arrived at New Amsterdam, in 1652, from Groningen, and in 1660 tliey joined in the settlement of Bushwiek. From these have all the Springsteens of this country descended. Joost married, on June 10th, 1663, Catharine, daughter of Abraham Lothie, and widow of Peter Praa. He after- wards married a second wife, Magdalena Jansen, and was living in 1687. His son Casper married Maria, daughter of Derick Storm, and having lived awhile in Westchester, came to Newtown, in 1700, where he died May 21st, 1729, leaving issue, Joost, Derick, who settled in Kent county, on the Delaware, Abraham, David, and Gertrude the wife of William Miller. Joost was the father of Jacobus Springsteen, who gave the site for the White Pot school- house. David served as a deacon, and "kerkmeester" of the Dutch church, and died Oct. 14th, 1763, leaving, among other children, a son, David, born Sep. 1st, 1725, who inherited the paternal estate at Hempstead Swamp, (now occupied by Richard Spragg, Jun.) and married Barbara Bloom, of the Wall- about. He died May 29th, 1803. His only son, David, fell heir to a new house, erected by his father; and his son, Michael S. Springsteen, now occu- pies the same. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN, 131 measures were designed to confer, for he died, after a severe illness, in tlie montli of October, 1700. He left no family, and by will conferred liis estate upon Ms youngest brother, Seth Morse, of Dedham, for whom he had acted as guardian since the death of his father, in 1697. The town, sensible of their loss, immediately voted to obtain a minister forthwith, but there is no evidence that they were successful until the following year. On the 20th of March, 1701, a committee was appointed to write to New England for a supply for their pulpit, which resulted in securing the services of the Eev. Eobert Breck, a young but promising graduate of Harvard College, which institution he had left the year previous. He was born at Dorchester, Massachusetts, Dec. 7th, 1682, being the son of Capt. John Breclv, a very worthy citizen of that place. Mr. Breck zealously entered upon his labors in New- town, and it was voted to give him possession of the parson- age, or the income to be derived from the rent of it, whichever he should prefer. He continued here between two and three years. The previous year had given publicity to a dissatisfaction of certain inhabitants of Hellgate Neck, because they were excluded from a voice in the disposal of the common land of the town; a right which the original purchasers, their heirs or assigns, had hitherto continued exclusively to enjoy. A bill was accordingly brought before the Assembly, on the 30th of October, 1700, entitled "An Act for quieting, settling and confirming the legal rights and possessions of Thomas Lawrence, William Lawrence, Robert Burges, Ber- goon Bra-^aw, Hendrick Martensen, George Van Alst, John Lawrence" Andrew Van Alst, Johannes Van Alst, John Par- cell, and other ancient freeholders, possessors of land, and inhabitants of Hellgate Neck, within the bounds of Newtown, on Long Island, now called the Island of Nassau, and vacating *all under patents, privately obtained, of any of the said land, acrainst the just rights of the said freeholders, and other the inhabitants of Newtown, having rights." After a third read- ing, this bill was rejected, on the first of November. The same bill, or one with a similar title, was introduced to the assembly, Sept. 23d, 1701, and submitted to a committee which reported in favor, provided that nothing therein con- 132 AKNALS OF NEWTOWN. tained should be understood to affect the patents of the towns of Flatbush and Brooklyn, with which the people of Newtown were yet at issue. The bill accordingly passed the assembly, on the 14th of October, but it met with defeat in the council. Upon this second failure, a bill was filed in the court of chancer3\ The purchasers of Newtown took prompt measures to resist this procedure, and met, on Feb. 9th, 1702, the re- cord of which meeting states that Capt. Thomas Lawrence, and certain other persons, " have put a bill in chancery against several of the freeholders' patents within the township of New- town, and as is supposed, against the patent that includes the whole town, in order to destroy the said patents, and make them void, and of no effect ;" to prevent which, the town chose a committee of three, to employ counsel, and act in their de- fence. The means thus taken were successful, and the resi- dents of Hellgate Neck, not to be thwarted in their purpose, drew up the following petition, and presented it to the gover- nor and council, on the 11th of May, 1703. To his Excellency Edward Viscount Coeneury, her Mnjesty's Cfiptain General and Governor-in-chief of the province of New-York, and territories depending thereon, in America ; and Vice-Adniiral of the same, &c. in council. The humble petition of several of the freeholders and inhabitants of the town of Newtown, in Queen's county, on the Island of Nassau, sheweth ; That Richard Nicoll, Esq. in the year 1666, being governor general of this province under the Duke of York, granted unto Capt. Richard Betts, Capt. Thomas Lawrence, and others, as patentees for and on the behalf of them- selves and their associates, the freeholders and inhabitants of the said town, their heirs, successors, and assigns, a parcel of land then commonly called by the name of the town of Newtown; bounded, as in the said patent is more particularly expressed given to the said patentees and their associates, their heirs, successors, and assigns, for ever. That your excellency's peti- tioners, or those they claim under, being at and before the time of the grant- ing of the said patent, actually possessed of and entitled to houses, lands, tenements, and hereditaments within the bounds of the said patent, as well as several other persons, and thereby equally entitled with them to such lands which were then unpossessed and remained in common, hoped and behoved to have had the advantage of the said patent in common amongst the rest of tlie patentees; but so it is, may it please your excellency, that Samuel Moore, Thomas Stevenson, Joseph Sackett, Edward Hunt, and John Way, with several of the inhabitants of the said town, of their own heads, without any power or authority for their so doing, have from time to time, as they think fit, assembled and met together, and given away, sold, and disposed of ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 1^ great parts of the said town lands lying in common as aforesaid, without the consent of your excellency's petitioners, or without any allowance to thera for their right and interest therein, contrary to all justice and equity. Your excellency's petitioners therefore humbly pray, that your excellency in coun- cil will please to order the said persons to be summoned before your excel- lency, and require them to bring with them all such books, papers, or other things, as are in their, or either of their custody, possession, or power, relat- ing to the premises, in order that the same may be fully discovered, and that your excellency being particularly informed of the hardships your peti- tioners lie under, may grant them such redress, as in your wisdom you shall think fit. And your excellency's petitioners, as in duty bound, shall ever pray, &c. William Lawrence, Daniel Lawrence, John Lawrence, Jonathan Lawrence, John Van Alst, Syrach Titus, George Van Alst, Peter Lott, William Parcell, Teunis Titus,* John Parcell, William Post, Jacob Fyn, John Coe, RoELOF Pietersen, Jacobus Harcks, Thomas Skillman, John Hart, Cornelius Bries, Robert Coe, Andrew Van Alst, Jonathan Coe, Peter Peaa, David Coe. Pursuant to the prayer of the petitioners, the council sum- moned the clerk of Newtown to produce the books and papers of the town, which were given into the hands of three gentle- men of the council, to examine the same, and report "how far the said books and papers do make out the allegations con- tained in the petition." These gentlemen rendered a report, on Jan. 6th, 1704, upon which the council directed a second examination of the records to be made by a new committee, who in time gave in the annexed statement : ' Capt. Titus Syrachs de Vries, who was part owner of a grist-mill at New Utrecht in 1660, and died at Flatbush in 1690, was the father of Syrach and Teunis Titus. They were therefore not of the English family of Titus. Both were married, and Teunis removed to Mansfield, New Jer- sey. The ultimate history of Syrach is not ascertained. I believe he was a brother-in-law to Capt. Cornelius Luyster. His brother, Francis Titus, settled in Bushwick, married Antie Fontyn, widow of Maurits Covert, and was the ancestor of the Dutch family of Titus, (sometimes called Tetus,) quite numerous in the above town a few years since. 134 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. To his Excellency Edward Viscount Cornbury, Captain General, &c. in council : May it please your lordship; In obedience to your excellency's order in council of the 13th of January last past, we have inspected the books and papers of the town of Newtown, in Queens county, and examined the report made by Rip Van Dam, Gerard Beekman, and Caleb Heatlicote, Esquires, members of his Mnjesty's council for this province; and have carefully ex- amined the allegations of the petitioners and those petitioned against, by which we find, that before the granting of Col. Richard Nicoll's patent to the town of Newtown, a society of people had purchased and did occupy and enjoy a parcel of land commonly called and known by the name of the town of Middelburg, and that the said Col. Richard Nicoll, by liis patent bearing date the sixth day of March, one thousand, six hundred and sixty-six, did confirm to them the said purchase, and adjoin certain out-plantations, not any ways concerned in the purchasing the aforesaid tract of land, and made them all one township, without any distinct reservation of the properties of the said purchasers entire to themselves, notwithstanding which, the inhabitants of Middelburg (afterwards called Newtown) have acted distinct as to the sale and disposal of the lands purchased by them, or those under whom they claim, and have by tliemselves, at their own proper charges, maintained suits at law to defend the bounds and title to their said purchase, without any con- tribution from the out-plantations; and we do further find tiiat the Lawrences and Coes, and some few others of the petitioners, were original purchasers of the said town of Middelburg, and have had their proportionable share of the said purchase laid out to them ; and particularly, that the fother of Wil- liam Lawrence, one of the petitioners, hath transferred his right in the said purchase, to one George Wood, as appears by the books of the said town. That it appears to us that the matters complained of now by the petitioners, were stirred in Col. Dongan's time, who by iiis patent, dated the five-and- twentieth day of November, one thousand, six hundred and eighty-six, like- wise makes them one township, but reserves to the original purchasers of the town of Middelburg, their distinct right to the said lands, to them and their heirs only ; and we do further find that the books of the town of New- town have been very imperfectly kept, but that on the whole it does appear to us, that the said patent granted by the said Col. Dongan, was issued on mature consideration, and that ever since the granting thereof, the patentees have acted according to the settlement of the said patent, and that all parties have rested satisfied under the said grant, without any complaint made by them, until the exhibiting of the said petition. They do not seem to us to be guilty of the matters therein alledged against them, all which is neverthe- less most humbly submitted to your excellency, by, my lord, your excel- lency's most faithful and obedient servants. Sa. Sh. Broughton, Thomas Wenham, Matthew Ling. New-York, the 3d day of February, 1703-4. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 135 A final hearing of tlie parties being had before the council, on Feb. 10th, 1704, that body decided that the subject matter of the petition was frivolous, and it was therefore rejected, to the great satisfaction of the purchasers. But discords of a more serious import were abroad. The ministry of Mr. Breck occurred at an inauspicious period, when Governor Cornbury, in his impetuous zeal to extend the Church of England, gave sore trouble to the dissenting churches, by repeated acts of opposition and intolerance. These had hitherto enjoyed comparative quiet, owing to the fact, that for nine years, the act for the settlement of a ministry, passed in 1693, had lain dormant, "because," says one, "we had no Church of England minister to reap the benefit of it." But Lord Cornbury, in pursuance of special instructions from the Queen, instituted a new era in ecclesiastical affairs, and with a view to the speedy introduction of Episcopacy, he directed the before-named law to be put in force. Accordingly, on Jan. 12th, 1702-3, the first election of church officers took place in the Jamaica parish, consisting of two wardens and ten vestry- men. In this body, Newtown was represented in the persons of William Glean, churchwarden, and John Coe, Content Ti- tus, Joseph Sackett, and John Berrien, vestrymen. These gentlemen were all non-conformists, as was the case with the entire vestry.* Here was presented an anomaly ; dissenters set to watch the interests of Episcopacy. We must revert to the events of the previous year, to see how well they were prepared to discharge their trust. To escape a remarkable mortality with which the city of New- York was visited in the summer of 1702, Lord Cornbury and his council retired to Jamaica, and his excellency, through the politeness of the Presbyterian minister, the Kev. John Hubbard, took up his residence in the parsonage. As a poor return for this kindness, the governor ejected Mr. Hubbard from his pulpit, and placed there the Eev. John Bartow, an Episcopal clergyman of Westchester, and to the Episcopal party, Cornbury, on leaving the village, also resigned the * The other members of this first vestry were Nehemiah Smith, warden, and Hope Carpenter, Nathaniel Denton, Thomas Smith, William Bloodgood, Thomas Willett, and David Wrisht. 136 AlfNALS OF NEWTOWN. parsonage liouse. The effect of this base proceeding upon the minds of the community was most imbittering, and it was while all were yet keenly impressed with a sense of the in- jur}^ inflicted on their minister, that the parish officers entered upon their duties. The ministry act, both as originally under- stood, and as further explained by a vote of the assembly, in 1695, offered no impediment to the call and settlement of a dissenting protestant clergyman, and the vestry immediately invited Mr. Hubbard to officiate as parish minister. But he had not long enjoyed the station, when Cornbury arbitrarily interposed his authority, and on the 4th of July, 1704, in- ducted the Eev. William Urquhart in the parish, without the call and approbation of the vestry, and to him, by order of the governor, the church and parsonage were delivered up. Newtown, as comprised within the Jamaica parish, shared largely of these grievances. But Mr. Breck, says Dr. Allen, was a strong disputant, a strenuous asserter of the privileges of the churches, and an opponent of Episcopal claims. Unit- ing with his piet}^ a singular courage and resolution, he boldly asserted the principles of the non-conformists, notwithstanding the threatening and other ill-treatment which he experienced. Thus he sustained his ground several j^ears. But, whether or not he grew weary of strife, or, what is not improbable, was peremptorily silenced by the governor, he finally took his de- parture, and returned to Massachusetts.' And the Newtown church, which had been " lately repaired, by a tax levied on ' Mr. Breck was ordained Oct. 25th, 1704, over the church at Marlbo- rough and after a ministry of twenty-six years, he died, Jan. 6th, 1731, aged forty-eight. His wife was Elizabeth Wainvvright, of Haverhill, Massachusetts, whom he left a widow with four children, one of whom, Robert, was after- wards minister of Springfield. Mr. Breck was a man of vigorous talents, of quick perception, a tenacious memory, solid judgment and extensive learning. Of the Hebrew he was a perfect master. He was also well versed in philo- sophy, mathematics, antiquities, and history, and his extensive knowledge he was ever ready to impart to others. He was a close, methodical, orthodox preacher, as well as a prudent and faithful pastor. Though usually grave and meditative, he was yet at times cheerful, and in conversation entertaining. A perfect stranger to covetousness, he was " given to hospitality." Resigned, in severe pain, his end was peaceful. Such was the esteem in which he was held, that in his sickness, a day of public fasting was kept for him, and his death was commemorated by sermons in several churches. — Allen's Biogra- phical Dictionary. ANKALS OF NEWTOWN. 137 the inliabitants," was, tlirougli the favor of Lord Cornbury, given up to the Eev. Mr. Urquhart, soon after his induction in the Jamaica parish. The people of Newtown now discovered that it was vain to hope for the preservation of their rights under the mal- administration of the bigot Cornbmy. Sustained by the strong arm of government, the rites of the Church of England were ushered in upon them, and the burdensome tax imposed for its support. Their pulpit, occupied once a month by the rector of the established church, in performing the tour of his parish, was at other times vacant, except when the services of some dis- senting preacher were secured for the Sabbath. But Cornbury soon prohibited these from preaching within the bounds of his province, except by a special licence from himself; a requisi- tion wholly illegal, and with respect to dissenters, without pre- cedent in the colonies. We shall now observe the enforcement of this new rule. It was early in the year 1707, that Francis Makemie and John Hampton, two Presbyterian ministers, arrived in the province, from the south, on their way to New England. Mr. Hampton visited Newtown, and at the solicitation of the people, preached from their pulpit, on Sunday, Jan. 20th, giving no- tice that his associate, Makemie, would discourse in the same place, on the following Wednesday. The latter had remained in the city, to preach to a small band of Presbyterians, who^ having neither a pastor nor a church, were wont to assemble themselves, every Sundaj^, at a private house, for the worship of God. Mr. Makemie, having administered to the spiritual comfort of this little flock, proceeded, the next Tuesday, to New- town, for the purpose of meeting his appointment there, but had no sooner arrived at that village, than he and Mr. Hamp- ton were arrested by Thomas Cardale, the high sheriff, pursu- ant to Lord Cornbury's warrant, for preaching without a licence from his lordship, who had been informed that they had also "gone into Long Island, with intent there to spread their pernicious doctrine and principles, to the great disturbance of the church by law established, and the government of this province." As it was late when they were arrested, they remained prisoners upon parole, at the houses of two neighbors, for that 13S ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. niglit, and the next day, were led in triumph to Jamaica, and thence, on the day after, to New- York. In an interview which ensued with Lord Cornbury, he was rude and insulting, while they exhibited a courage and self-possession which conscious innocence alone could have inspired. . Mr. Makemie was well versed in law, and made a noble defence of their conduct, but Cornbury overruled all. The friendless clergymen were given into the custody of the sheriff of New- York, and after a con- finement of more than six weeks, Mr. Hampton was dis- charged, no evidence against him being offered to the grand jury ; but Mr. Makemie stood trial before the supreme court, on ^the 6th of June, and was honorably acquitted, though with heavy costs.' "If any," writes Livingston, just after, "want information concerning the sufferings of other dissenters, both in their per- sons, estates, and religious liberties, I recommend them to the body of inhabitants of Jamaica and Newtown." This was truly a period of much distress with the people of Newtown, whose oppressions were almost a counterpart of those endured by their puritan fathers and kindred when in Britain they felt the iron rod of ecclesiastical domination. This page in their history illustrates the disastrous consequences of entrusting the tender concerns of religion to the rude arm of secular power. Fatal day was it for Episcopacy w}ien she fell into the hands of such blind zealots as Lord Cornbury and his co- adjutors, who were indeed fitted to ruin, but not to benefit the cause of religion. And hence the inhabitants of Newtown learned to entertain the strongest aversion, if not a rancorous prejudice, to the surplice and the ritual. It should be a matter of devout thankfulness with the members of this highly re- spectable persuasion as it exists among us at the present day, that they are no longer encumbered by an unholy alliance with the civil government. .' The Rev. John Hampton, whose labor of love at Newtown was arrested so abruptly, emigrated to Maryland, in 1705, in company with Mr.- Makemie and the Rev. George Macnish, afterwards of Jamaica, Long Island. The same year, he united with these and three other clergymen, in organizing tlie Presbytery of Philadelphia, the first Presbyterial judicatory formed in America, and of this body Mr. Hampton continued to be an influential and highly efficient member. After a ten years' ministry to the church at Snow- hill, in Maryland, he was forced by ill health to resign his pastoral relation, in 1718, which event he sumved less than three years. CHAPTEE VIII. Boundary dispute. — Newtown seemingly victorious. — A riot on the border. — Re- ported to the Council.— Parties called before them. — Line to be run over.— Newtown patent is the oldest.— Preparation for defence.— Lord Cornbury insti- tutes a survey, and puts a new limit to Nev/town's claim. — They now object to a decision by the Council ; but Cornbury is determined to proceed. — Opinions of his Councillors taken. — The Governor postpones his judgment. — Murder of William Hallett and his family. — The murderers tried and executed Locality of this tragedy. — Bushwick seeks a new patent. — Cornbury resumes the dispute - and passes a decision. — He confirms Bushwick's patent. — He makes extravagant grants of land within the Newtown purchase lines. — Settlement of the Rev. Samuel Fumroy. — Expeditions to Canada. — Census of the town. — Boundary troubles. — The new patentees eject several inhabitants of Newtown. — The town takes up their defence. — Death of Capt. Betts, the last of the Purchasers. — A new mode of settlement proposed. — Bill before the Asseianbly. — Trouble in collecting taxes on the south bounds. — Mr. Pumroy joins the Presbytery of Phila- delphia, and his church becomes Presbyterian. — A new church edifice erected. — A bill for the settlement of the boundary question passes the Assembly, though stoutly opposed. — Defeated in the Council. — An agreement effected with Flat- bush. — The " Fauconniers." — Trustees censured ; their accounts examined. — Troubles with the Fauconniers continued ; but the issue involved in uncer- tainty. , 1706 to 1720. The last legal proceedings touching the controversy with the three Dutch towns, left the people of Newtown apparently the victors, and for more than ten years nought had transpired to lessen their advantage. On the contrary, holding to the " let- ter of their patent," and pursuing what seems to have been a favorite policy, they had kept the field and striven to preoc- cupy the lands in dispute. This so chafed and inflamed the feelings of their Dutch neighbors, that, in the spring of 1706, a party of the latter proceeded in a riotous manner to vent their wrath upon the dwellers on the disputed territory. News of this disturbance reached the ears of Gov. Cornbury, who, on April 18th, informed his council of "a riot committed lately in Queen's county, by some of the inhabitants of King's coun- ty, occasioned by the uncertainty of the bounds of Newtown, Flatbush, Brooklyn, and Bushwick ; " and his excellency un- derstanding that all parties were willing to submit their diffe- rences to that board for decision, the council directed that they be summoned to appear. But, on the meeting of the parties, the same month, the counsel for Bushwick stated that his 140 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. clients objected to a decision of tlie question by that board. At the same time, the trustees of Flatbush presented a peti- tion "setting forth that they claimed no right to the lands whereon the riot was committed ; but that the town of New- town, having encroached on their lands, prayed thereb}^, that the lines of the said town of Newtown, on which they are bounded, might be run in the presence of some of the honor- able board." Newtown agreeing to this, and also to abide the decision of the council, it was ordered that the surveyor general run the line between these two towns, in the presence of Col. Wenham and Mr. Phillipse, two members of the council. It was likewise ordered, "that for preventing fu- ture riots and unlawful disputes, the bounds of Newtown patent, which is of the oldest date, be esteemed to be within the limits of Queen's county, till the matter in controversy be determined, and that no waste be committed on the pre- mises, till the determination thereof." On the 6th of May ensuing, the people of Newtown vested Thomas Stevenson, Joseph Sackett, Sen. Eichard Alsop, and William Hallett, Jun. with ample power to act in their behalf against the three opposing towns, and to determine their disputes, " either by law, or compliance of themselves, or by arbitration, which shall be thought properest and shall be advised by their coun- sel learned in the law." Though on the point of an accommodation with Flatbush, it appears that nothing permanent was effected ; however, the dispute seemed now to transfer itself to the parts adjacent to Bushwick, where the people of Newtown were to encounter a more potent adversary. Gov. Cornbury, who had been dis- tinguished above all his predecessors, for the profuse prodi- gality with which he disposed of the public lands of the pro- vince, conceived the idea, that there was a tract of ungranted land lying between the Newtown and Bushwick patents. By his order, Peter Cortelyou set about the investigation of this fact, and made a survey of the disputed lands. Eunning the west line of Newtown patent from near the house of John Denman^ in a south-east direction, till it met the north-west ' The location of John Denman's house is uncertain, but it was probably that before referred to as "the Pole's house," which I have said stood on or ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 141 corner of Jamaica patent, lie thus left between Newtown and Bushwick some twelve linndred acres of land, wliicli would fall to the government, should the survey be confirmed. None of the inhabitants of Newtown were present at this survey, but both towns were now summoned before the gor vernor in council, and an examination made of their several surveys, patents, and evidences, though the counsel for New- town declared that they were not empowered to lay their cause before that body for adjudication. They were thereupon di- rected to obtain such power. But the case had now assumed a new and unforeseen aspect; the people of Newtown per- ceived the danger of submitting to a decision by the council, now so valuable a bait was presented, and they publicly re- solved, Dec. 27th, that they were "not willing to leave the abovesaid difference to that board." But Lord Cornbury, with views the opposite of those expressed by his predecessor, Fletcher, determined to proceed in the matter, notwithstand- ing the dissent of both the parties. Graham and Cortelyou, having explained their respective surveys to the council, were directed again to run out the lines of the two towns, in the pre- sence of Messrs. Beekman, Van Dam, Wenham, and Pliillipse, or any three of them. This having been done, his excellency declared his intention to decide the controversy between New- town and Bushwick, on a given day, and desired the gentle- men of the board to prepare to give their opinions thereon. On Sept. 10th, 1707, deputations from both towns attended, at the council-chamber, and the conflicting claims were argued by the respective attornies, at the conclusion of which. Lord Cornbury solicited the views of his council, which were given thus. Messrs. Phillipse, Beekman, and Van Dam, expressed the opinion "that the town of Bushwick have a good title to the lands in their patent, according to the boundaries thereof." On the contrary, Mr. Barberie urged " that the patent of Newtown, not on record, ought to subsist, and that the vacant land ought to be divided between the said towns." Differing from all these, Messrs. Mompesson and near the spot occupied by the dwelling of Underhill Covert. Denruan owned a farm of one hundred and seventy acres in this vicinity, which included the lands of Underhill Covert and Georire Debevoise. This form was .sold in 1717, by Denman's heirs, to Richard Hallett, and from him has descended to the present proprietors. 10 142 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Wenliam contended that the statute of Charles I. taking away the jurisdiction of the privy council over estates, made it clear "that the matter in dispute does not lie before this board," Amid these diverse views his excellency preferred to post- pone his decision, and stated that he would take a day to con- sider the case. But the subject not being immediately resumed, there oc- curred in the interim a shocking tragedy, which arrested and absorbed the attention both of the authorities and the inha- bitants at large. The ])articulars, as drawn partly from ac- counts written at the time, and partly from well accredited tradition, are these : — Upon property now forming the estate of Peter Marks, deceased, very near the present settlement of Middletown, there lived a thrifty farmer, William Hallett, Jun. who held a portion of the land which his paternal grandfather had purchased of the natives. Near neighbors there were few or none, but his domestic hearth was enlivened by the presence of five children and a fond wife, who was expected soon to add another to their store of conjugal comforts. In the family were two colored slaves, a man and a woman, the former an Indian. Incensed, as was said at the time, "be cause they were restrained from going abroad on the Sab- bath," the woman meditated revenge, and assured her hus- band that if he would only kill the whole family, then the farm and everything pertaining to it would become his own. He at last yielded to the wicked suggestion, and accom- plished the atrocious deed while his victims were asleep. It was on Saturday night, the 24th of January, 1708. Hoping to screen themselves from suspicion, they concluded to be the first to announce the tragedy, and with this intent the female fiend, the prime instigator of the deed, set out early the next morning for Hallett's Cove. Entering a house, her first ex- clamation was " Oh, dear ! they have killed master and missus and the children with an axe, and only Sam and I have escaped." The truth however was too palpable, and the guilty creature soon confessed who was the real murderer. Both were straightway arrested, and lodged in Jamaica jail. Tidings of the affair v/ere at once sent to Gov. Cornbur}^, who imuiedi- ately issued a special warrant to the judges, before whom, at Ja- maica, the prisoners were arraigned for trial, and being found ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 143 guilty, were executed on the plains east of tliat village, on Monday, Feb. 2d, in the presence of a large concourse of spec- tators. The woman was burnt at the stake ; her accomplice was hung in gibbets, and placed astride a sharp iron, in which condition he lived some time, and in a state of delirium which ensued, believing himself to be on horseback, would urge for- ward his supposed animal with the frightful impetuosity of a maniac, while the blood oozing from his lascerated flesh stream- ed from his feet to the ground. How rude the age which could inflict such tortures, however great the crime committed. A letter written in New-York, on Tuesday, Feb. 10th, fol- lowing, states that the criminals were "put to all the torment possible for a terror to others, of ever attempting the like wick- edness; several other families were designed for the slaugh- ter, had they succeeded in this without discovery ; on Saturday last, two negro men were also executed at Jamaica, as acces- sories to this barbarous murder, and several others are in custody ; our chief justices, judges, and attorney-general, are indefatigable in the discovery of this negro plot and bloody murder, and are still sitting at Jamaica in prosecution thereof." Mr. Hallett w^as the son of Capt. William Hallett, then one of his Majesty"'s justices of th-e peace. He was in the prime of life, and had served the town in various public capacities. The event which so prematurely terminated his life and those of his family, produced a strong sensation in the province, and a law Avas passed shortly after, making mention of the occur- rence, and entitled, " An Act for preventing the conspiracy of slaves." The dwelling Avhere the murder was committed is still remembered by many, it having remained until the be- ginning of the present century. It was built of brick, and stood in the hollow on the west side of the road, opposite the late residence of Mr. Marks, and within a few feet of the small house now erected there. The well which belonged to these premises still remains in use. With this spot the juveniles were wont to associate the idea of ghosts and hobgoblins ; it was noted as the scene of marvelous appearances, witnessed by the timid traveller at the dim mysterious hour of twilight, and was often pointed at by the passing schoolboy as "the haunted house," When the excitement which this sanguinary aflair had 144 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. produced in Newtown was somewhat alla3^ed, Gov. Cornburv, on April 23d, resumed tlie consideration of the dispute exist- ing between that town and Bushwick, with the intention of passing final judgment. The day previous, the inhabitants of the latter town had sent in a petition praying for a con- firmation of their patent. Lord Cornbury, after briefly advert- ing to the controversy, and the j^revious action of the board upon it, proceeded to state as his opinion, "that if the dis- pute in law between the said towns concerned the propriety of their lands, that then the law ought to determine it ; but the dispute now appearing to him to be of another nature, viz. whether Newtown patent not on record is good ; his excellency said that by what had appeared to him he has cause to believe that there has been some sinister practice used therein, which if allowed in this case, may prove of pernicious consequence in other cases ; and therefore is of opinion that the town of Bushwick ought to have a patent of confirmation according to the boundaries of their old patent." The " Newtown patent not on record," twice alluded to, referred, it is presumed, to the Indian deed of 1656. As Bush- wick based her claim primarily on Gov. Stuyvesant's order, in 1661, authorizing the occupation of the land in dispute, it is to be inferred that the "patent" above mentioned, was of a date antecedent to this. Yet our records afford no intimation that Newtown enjoyed a patent under the Dutch, nor any prior to that of Gov. Nicoll. Besides, it was a fact understood, that no patent was issued from the secretary's office without first being recorded.' Hence it is rendered nearly certain that the Indian deed of 1656, which was not recorded, is the docu- ment called a "patent" in the council minutes, perhaps an error of the recording clerk. It was to this deed that the peo- ple of Isewtown had uniformly referred as the legal proof of their right to the soil, from which, in equity, they derived a far better title than a charter from the Dutch government ' Mr. Berrien, on entering upon the oflice of town clerk, in 1704, find giving a receipt for tlie public boolis and papers received by him, enumerates " the Indian purchase," and " the old and new patent." This seems to esta- blish the point that Newtown had but tico patents, namely, those of Nicoll and Donn-an. These are recorded in the Secretary of State's Office, i. 105, and vi. 10, of original books of Englibh patents. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 145 could have conferred. As that deed was doubtless obtained without the consent of Stuyvesant, this, probably, is what Cornbury was pleased to call "some sinister practice." Pursuant to the governor's decision, a new patent was is- sued to the town of Bushwick, August 12th, 1708, confirming that of Gov. ISTicoll, but making no reserve of Smith's Island in favor of Xewtown, as was awarded by the arbitrators, and approved by the governors Lovelace and Dongan. But we have yet to behold the crowning act of Lord Cornbury re- garding this affair. He had trampled upon the religious rights of Newtown, and would now show them that their estates were equally at his merc}^. Not content with yielding to Bushwick all the territory she had claimed, and assuming the correctness of Cortelyou's survey, he determined to dispose of the twelve hundred acres of land thus left unappropriated, as a munificent gift to certain of his personal friends. On the 27th of September, be gave a patent for this tract to Mrs. Ann Bridges, widow of the late ckief justice of the province, John 'Bridges, doctor of laws; Kobert Milward, attorney at law, who, with Dr. Bridges, had accompanied Lord Cornbury to this country ; William Huddleston, Adrian Hoogland, Peter Praa,* Benjamin Aske, and "William Anderson. Eight days before, Cornbury had given to Elias Boudinot the triangular j)lot of land lying in the extreme southwest corner of New- town's claim, and cut off by the Bushwick patent. And on the 80th of the same month, he granted to William Bond, who had been in the employ of the council as a surveyor, the two small islands in the Sound known as the Brothers, which by the act of 1691, were made a portion of Queen's county. 1 Capt. Praa sold out his interest in the patent (two days after it was granted) to Charles Crommelin, of Nevv-Yorlc. The latter, and his father, Daniel Crommelin, were Huguenots, who had been dragooned out of FraKce for their religion. They became wealthy merchants in New-York, and were admitted to freeraanship in 1698. The elder Crommelin was a part owner of the Wawayanda patent in Orange county, wliere, in 1716, he made a set- tlement, calling it Greueourt, after a village in the circle of Grey, in Upper Saone, France. .He died in the city of New-York, aged seventy-nine years, March 22d, 1725, and his remains, with those of his son Charles, rest to- gether in Trinity Chureh yard. The latter married Hannah Sinchiir, in 1706, and died, aged sixty, in 1739. His descendants are of reputable standing among us at the present day. 146 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Thus summarily and by a most flagrant breacli of the pa- tented rights of Newtown, were consummated acts of the gross- est dishonesty, in behalf of persons of whom better things might have been expected, for most of the grantees were warm supporters of the Church of England, and several were vestry- men of Trinity Church. It was by such means as these that Cornbury sought to secure "friends of the mammon of un- righteousness," for he saw his impolitic administration about to expire. These were some of the last drops added to the chalice of his iniquity. So odious was he, that the provinces of New- York and New Jersey united in complaints to the Queen, and obtained his recall. In anticipation of his removal, the people began to breathe and the inhabitants of Newtown to enjoy with less restraint their religious privileges. Having been for a considerable period without a pastor, the people, in July, 1708, to the number of " some scores," drew up and signed an invitation to the Rev. Samuel Pumroy, of JSTorthampton, Mass. then on a visit to their town, " desiring him to take the care of them as a minister of Christ ; promising subjection to his doctrine and discipline, according to the rules of the gospel." Mr. Pumroy took the call into consideration, and at an appointed time gave a favorable reply. The following autumn, the congregation sent two of their number to New England, with whom he and his wife and child came to Newtown, where they arrived safely, on the 18th of Scpteml)er. Mr. Pumroy was the youngest son of Deacon Medad Pumroy, a distinguished citizen of Northampton, Mass. and a member of the general court of that colony. He married, in 1685, as his second wife, Abigail, daughter of Elder John Strong, and widow of the Pev. Nathaniel Chauncey, the only issue of which marriage was Samuel Pumroy, born at North- ampton, Sept. 16th, 1687. In 1705, at the age of eighteen, he graduated at Yale College, and on July 23d, 1707, married Lydia Taylor, of his native place. He was nearly allied to several noted divines of that day, being a half-brother to Rev. Nathaniel Chauncey, of Durham, whose sister Sarah, born in 1683, married the Rev. Samuel Whittlesey, of Wallingford, and was the mother of Rev. Chauncey Whittlesey, an eminent minister of New Haven. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 147 He soon enlisted tlie affections of his people, wlio at a meeting held Feb. 18th, 1709, resolved, "that Mr. Pumroy shall be settled in the town, and have the town housing, and all the lands and meadows that belong to the housing, for his use as long as he shall be our minister." For his further sup- port, a subscription list w^as drawn up early in the succeeding fall, to which over fifty persons subscribed such sums as they could afford. And ©n the 30th of November, 1709, "at the earnest request of the members in full communion, and the rest of the congregation," Mr. Pumroy was ordained a minis- ter of the gospel of Christ, and a pastor of the church at New- town. The ordination service was performed at Northampton, his native place, " before a great congTegation," by the Eev. Solomon Stoddard, of that town, the Eev. John Williams, of Deerfield, and the Eev. William Williams, of Hatfield. Aside from the foregoing, the year 1709, and the two which followed, afford but few notable occurrences. The continuance of Queen Anne's war, led to several requisitions upon Queen's county for troops to aid in expeditions to Cana- da. A number, chiefly apprentices and servants, were induced to enter this service, and suffered many hardships on the fron- tiers, but were not engaged in any military encounters. In 1711, a census of the town was taken, and showed the population to be 1003 souls, of whom 164 were negro slaves. Of the latter, 100 were above the age of sixteen years, namely, 52 men and 48 women. The white inhabitants were thus classified: — males, 190 over sixteen years, and 227 under that age ; and of females, 207 above sixteen, and 215 under. The vexatious controversy in which Newtown and the adjoining towns were involved, seemed as far as ever from adjustment. Newtown exhibited an unflinching purpose to contest the validity of Cornbury's grants, and had taken prompt measures to maintain to the letter the bounds of her Indian purchase, though she now found new opponents in the persons of the patentees, Ann Bridges and company. Assert- ing their ill-gotten rights, the latter entered suits against such of the inhabitants of Ne^vtown as were settled on their patent, and succeeded in ousting them. The town imdertook their defence, and on May 23d, 1712, deputed Judge John Coe and Eichard Alsop to appear at court, in New-York, in behalf of 148 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. the persons ejected ; wliicli gentlemen, together with Robert Field/ and Capt. Joseph Sackett, were also bj a vote then talcen, and hy an instrument in writing, dated on Oct, 23d succeeding, fully empowered to treat with the neighboring towns, and settle all differences as to boundaries. In 1713, they added to the above persons Thomas Stevenson, Joseph Sackett, Jun. and Peter Berrien, and levied a tax of a hundred pounds on the purchase lands, for the defence of the township, because, says the record, "the inhabitants of the towns of Flatbush, Brooklyn, and Bushwick, one Elias Boudinot, and ' The Fields, of Newtown, were of respectable English origin, and are believed, by those who have investigated the subject, to have sprung from the ancient family of De La Feld, or Delafield, after their removal to Eng- land, from the Vosges Mountains, in France, as stated in Burk's Landed Gentry. The first of the family in this town was Robert Field, whose father, Robert, was a patentee of Flushing, in 1645. As early as 1670, the younger Field was a landholder of Newtown, where he subsequently held tlie otiice of overseer. He died, April I3th, 1701, leaving four sons, Robert, Nathaniel, Elnatiiajn, and Ambrose, Robert, the person named in the text, married, in 1690, Phebe, widow of Samuel Scudder, He was a prominent member of the society of Friends, and owned tiie farm, now of the widow Vanderveer, near Newtown viUagc, which at his death, Jan. 28th, 1735, without issue, he left to his nephew, Robert Field. His brother, Elnathan, died aged, on Jan, 3d, 1754. He had issue, Robert, Benjamin, Elizabeth and Susannah, who became in succession the wives of John Sackett, Phebe who married John Coe, and Mary, wlio married Robert Coe, Benjamin owned the farm now of Col. Hunt, at White Pot, and had one son, the late Hezekiah Field. Ro- bert, the son of Elnathan, was born May 12th, 1698, inherited the farm of his uncle Robert, married Elizabeth Hicks, and died Sep. 19th, 1767, having had issue, Elnathan, Robert, Thomas, Benjamin, Jacob, Stephen, Whitehead, Abi- gail, who married Samuel Moore, and Deborah, who married successively Daniel Betts and Waters Smith. Of these sons, Elnathan and BenjainiJi re- moved to ]\Iiddletown, N. J. wiiere they left families. Whitehead had sons, Daniel and Austin. Jacob married Charity, daughter of Thomas White- head, and died in his 82d year, April 26th, 1815, His children were Mary, who married Samuel Blackweli, Elizabeth, Henry, and Jacob, whose widow survives. Stephen, the sixth son of Robert and Elizabeth, remained on the paternal farm, married Helena, daughter of Thomas Whitehead, and had issue, Frances, Deborah Smith, now the widow Van Dam, Sarah, who mar- ried Thomas Keeler, Waters, Hannah, now the widow of Jacob Field, Rich- ard, and Stephen. The latter, born Oct. 1st, 1774, married Sarah, daughter of Samuel Blackweli, and died April 15th, 1828, having issue, Abigail, Hellen, wife of Cornelius Luyster, Sarah Marin, now deceased, Robert M. of New- York cily, Stephen, and Cornelia, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 149 Ann Bridges, witli divers other people, have and are endeavor- ing to encroach upon the right of the purchase and general patent of said town of Newtown, by entering writs of eject- ment upon the people of said town, and by suing them in actions of trespass and otherwise." To provide further means for conducting the public suits, the above committee were em- powered to sell "the town-house and land adjoining to it." Subsequently, considerable public land, and finally all that re- mained unoccupied, was sold for the same object by order of the purchasers. The last survivor of the original purchasers, Capt. Eichard Betts, died on Nov. 18th, of this year, at the patriarchal age of a hundred years. None in the township had been so eminent as he, for commanding influence and valuable public services. His remains were interred on his own estate, at the English Kills, on the 20th, with a funeral service by Mr. Foyer, rector of the Jamaica Parish. It was now proposed to obtain the passage of a law pro- viding for the settlement of this tedious controversy. Pursu- ant to a petition of the justices and other freeholders of Queen's county, presented to the assembly, May 6th, 1714, a bill was introduced the next day, entitled "An Act for the ascertaining of the bounds of Queen's county." But this bill died in the hands of a committee, to whom on its second reading it was re- ferred, with power to send for persons, papers, and records ; they never reported. Meanwhile the dispute abated not in violence. There arose a difficulty in collecting taxes from residents on the contested lands. The freeholders of Newtown, on April 5th, 1715, voted to "bear the collector harmless" in gathering the rate from William Howard, widow Sarah Betts, Eichard Betts, and others, living on the tract claimed by Flatbush. The first of these having some years previous, seated himself in a log hut on the south side of the hills, had alread}?" experienced rough treatment from his Dutch neighbors, who, when he was preparing to raise a new house on the site of that now occu- pied by his aged descendant of the same name, came over in a body, and burnt his frame. Not discouraged, Howard pro- ceeded to erect another house. Now the trustees of Flatbush demanded taxes of him, and in default thereof, seized and held possession of his premises. The justices of Queen's 150 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. county interfered, and in turn were prosecuted by the trustees of Flatbush. Newtown voted to defend tlie justices, and re- pay the damage which they might sustain. Thus fuel was added to the flame of contention. Turn we now to more interesting events of this year. As a majority of the Newtown people were Congregationalists in sentiment, so had they always maintained an intercourse with the New England churches of that persuasion, and conducted their religious affairs mainly after the plan of those churches. And up to the coming of Mr. Pumroy, the settling of ministers, as well as all other ecclesiastical business, was transacted by the inhabitants in public town-meeting. And it is clear that at his settlement the church was Congregational. But a change in this respect was now instituted, to which several causes probably contributed. AVhile the abuses which had been witnessed and endured, resulting from the interference of the civil authority in matters ecclesiastical, tended to pro- duce disgust at the coalition of church and state, danger may also have been apprehended from the increase of Episcopal influence in the councils of the congregation. But it was per- haps more directly owing to the efforts of the Eev. George Macnish, a Scotch clergyman, then settled at Jamaica, that this church was led to yield their old form of church govern- ment, and adopt that of the Presbyterians. He was a leading member of the Presbytery of Philadelphia, and " through his influence," Mr. Pumroy was led to make an application, Sept. 23d, 1715, for admission to that body, then in session at New Castle, which is thus noticed in their minutes: — "The Eev. Mr. Samuel Pumroy, minister at Newtown, on Long Island, offered himself to be a member of this Presbytery, and was heartily and unanimously accepted, he promising subjection to the Presbytery in the Lord." From this date, therefore, this church, it is presumed, began to assume the characteristics of Presbyterianism, though some years elapsed before a session was constituted. Already was it contemplated to erect a new church, for in the lapse of years that built in 1671, had become much dilapidated. The site of the present edifice was selected, and Jonathan Fish, who owned the premises, presented a ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 151 deed/ May lOth, 1715, for a lot four rods square, to Robert Wilson, Thomas Hazard, James Eenne, and Silas Titus, as trustees on behalf of the " Dissenting Presbyterian congrega- tion of Newtown." Possession of the premises was received March 22d, 1716, and the erection of the church followed. But it appears that the building was not wholly completed, or at least was not furnished with a pulpit, till the year 1741. This was a smaller edifice, and of simpler architecture than the one now occupying its place, and was adorned with a spire, in which a small bell was suspended. It remained till the Revolution. The attempt to effect an arrangement of the boundary dis- pute by an act of assembly, was repeated in 1717. The inha- bitants of Newtown having resolved upon this course, at their instance, a bill was introduced in that body, October 8th, entitled " An Act for the better ascertaining the division line between King's and Queen's county, on the Island of Nassau." Remonstrances against this measure poured in from Flatbush, Brooklyn, Bushwick, and the proprietors of the patent granted to Ann Bridges and company. Moreover, effectually to frus- trate the object proposed by the above bill, they caused ano- ther to be introduced for uniting King's and Queen's counties, under the name of King George's county, which received a very favorable consideration. But the objections to the first bill were deemed insufficient, and the assembly, on Nov. 28th, passed it. And now there was hope of a settlement ; but it soon vanished, for on the presentation of the bill to Gov. Hunter, he refused to sanction it. In the interim, a reconciliation with Flatbush was hap- pily effected. On the 30th of October, Peter Striker, Daniel Polhemus, and Engelbert Lot, trustees of that town, and Joseph Sackett, Robert Field, and Richard Alsop, on behalf of Newtown, passed deeds, in which the division line of the said towns was declared to "begin at the north-west corner of the bounds of the town of Jamaica, in Queen's county ' Tliis deed is recorded in "Newtown Great Book of Records," p. 33. The site of the old church, which was on the opposite side of the street, is alluded to in the town records, under date of 1710, as "the meeting-house commons," .ind again, in 1726, as "a small gore of land whereon formerly stood the old Presbyterian meeting-house." 152 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. aforesaid, and tlience westerly, as the hills run, along the top thereof, so that the sonth side of the said hills shall be for ever accounted to be in the bounds of the town of Flatbush afore- said ; including all the lands now in the possession of William Howard, Claes Simonse, Simon Losee, Peter Lot, and Sarah Betts." The breach with Flatbush being healed, a special commit- tee was appointed, iu 1718, to treat with the trustees of Brook- lyn, but with what result is not known. However, the main difficulty was now with the " Fauconniers," as the patentees of 1708 were called, from Peter Fauconnier, Esq. an attendant of Lord Cornbury to this country, in 1702, 'and afterwards a New- York merchant, and receiver-general of the province, who, having in 1717 purchased Milward's interest in the pa- tent, had become a leading member of the company. Yet nothing decisive was done. The purchasers of Newtown expressed dissatisfaction with their heavy expenditures, and were disposed to censure the trustees for an extravagant use of the public money. On Aug. 26th, 1720, those living with- in the purchase lines met and appointed a new board of trus- tees, consisting of Joris Brinckerhoflf, Thomas Hazard, Nicho- las Berrien, Eobert Coe, Elnathan Field, and Josias Furman. These were instructed to examine the accounts of all the trus- tees for the last eight years, and allow or disallow the same ; and to make an assessment to cancel the debts contracted in behalf of the purchasers. For seven years after this date, there is trace of continued troubles with the Fauconniers ; it then ceases to be mentioned, and the final issue of the dispute with them is involved in doubt. The silence of the supreme court records, journals of the assembly, and council minutes, seems to indicate a more private mode of settlement. It may be that the rights of the patentees being acquired by the inha- bitants of Bushwick, the two interests became merged in one. Certain it is, the controversy now reassumed the form of a dis- pute "between the townshij) of Boswyck and the township of Newtown." Yet nothing worth noting was done for many years. CHAPTER IX. Social and personal enterprize awakened. — The Friends erect a Meeting-house. — Education advancing. — School-house built at Middletown. — Agriculture. — Pro- duce. — Mechanics. — Manufactures. — Trade. — Manners. — Dress. — Socialities — Dutch and Episcopal churches erected. — School-houses built at Berrien's Neck, White Pot, and the English Kills. — A new Town-House. — The learned profes- sions. — Physicians. — Grist-Mill built at Hallett's Cove. — Fatal casualties. — Sla- very. — Opening of the French war. — Battle of Lake George. — Exile of the French Neutrals ; one family arrives at Newtown. — A hurricane sweeps over the town. — Troops quarter here. — French officers on parole. — Abercronibie's Defeat. — Capture of Fort Frontenac. — Col. Isaac Corsa. — The 44th Regiment winters at Newtown. — Capt. Morse of this town has a command at the siege of Fort Niagara. — The next year is at the capture of Montreal. — End of the war. — Further account of the Neutrals. — Effects of the French war. — Classi- cal School opened at Hallett's Cove. — Teacher's card. — Boundary question re- vived. — A bill passes the Assembly appointing commissioners to settle it. — Their report. — The dispute ended. — Several carpenters remove to St. Croix. 1720 to 1775. The period between 1720 and 1755 was one of mucli social and personal enterprize, and the incident with which it is made up is nearly all directly illustrative of this fact. There was little to paralize honest effort and divert from useful pursuits. The " time of the Indian wars," long a fearful epoch in the town's history, now served but as a theme to beguile the win- tery evening ; no outward foes were dreaded, and a sense of public security in respect to civil and religious rights, pervaded the now well-regulated society. And industry had brought the means of successfully prosecuting many plans for private and public good. The Friends, or Quakers, who hitherto had held connection with the society at Flushing, having increased to a goodly number, resolved to erect a house of worship in the village of Kewtown. On Feb. 25th, 1720, Robert Field, a leading member of that persuasion, bought of Benjamin Moore about half an acre of ground, on the corner now occupied by the re- sidence of Robert Mack, which he conveyed, July 5th, 1722, to Joseph Rodman, Richard Betts, and Richard Hallett, " in trust for and in behalf of the people of God called Quakers," 154 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. and a meeting-house was immediately erected thereon, where the Friends long continued to hold their convocations. The subject of education was also exciting more attention, but by education must be understood those few and simple attainments which the mass of the people were wont to regard as a competency ; in most instances not extending beyond the ability to read, write, and cast plain accounts, and, in the case of girls, no further than " to read English in the Bible." These seemed sufficient for the exigencies of the time and place, and many of the honest yeomen were themselves without even these meagre acquirements. The village had occasionally en- joyed the services of a school-master, and the situation was now filled by Mr. George Eeynolds, who appears to have oc- cupied the town-house, as a vote was passed April 5th, 1720, to rent him these premises. Here, to the village school, re- sorted a troop of ruddy-faced urchins from the surrounding neighborhood, - but the families in distant parts of the town could hardly share its benefits. Feeling the deprivation to which their children were subject, several of these formed the bold design of starting another school, at what has since borne the name of Middletown, and associating, built a school-house upon a piece of ground appropriated for the purpose by Jo- seph Hallett. On the 20th of May, 1721, this gentleman exe- cuted a deed, admitting Samuel Hallett, Samuel Moore, Joseph Moore, Thomas Skillman, and Isaac Bragaw as joint owners with himself of the said premises, which he describes as " thirty foot long and twenty foot broad, in my lot lying next to George Brinckerhoif 's wood-land, for the use and benefit of a school- house, now erected and standing thereon by the roadside from Hallett's Cove to Newtown ; to be equally enjoyed by them and their heirs severally, and me and my heirs, for ever, hav- ing, all and every of us, our heirs, and every of them, the same equal share, right and title to the above said land and school-house, and full power and authority to send what num- ber of children we shall think fit." This was looked upon as a hazardous undertaking, and one which none, for many years, were found ready to incur the expense of imitating.' Indeed, 1 This house having been sold some years since, now forms the kitchen to the dwelling lately occupied by the widow Tiiton. An incident connected with it, which occurred about forty years ago, created quite a stir at the time. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 155 the advantages of education and intelligence were as jet too little understood to be valued, except so far as they seemed to bear on the promotion of business and the acquisition of wealth. The inhabitants were given to agriculture, and had pur- sued it so assiduously that in 1723, all the land in the town- ship had been taken up, except a few small parcels which were then directed to be sold to defray the expense of their public suits. jBut^ husbandry was then quite a different thing from what it now is. The art of cultivating the soil was but imper- fectly understood, and farming implements were few in number, rude and clumsy. Yet these disadvantages were counterba- lanced by the great fertility of the soil, which produced abun- dant crops many years in succession, without requiring manure. Wheat was the favorite article of culture, and received the most attention, but enough of rye, barley, corn, hemp, flax, and to- bacco, were raised for home consumption, besides a variety of fruits and vegetables, including that most valuable one, the potatoe, with which the first settlers were wholly unacquainted. But domestic fowls and hive bees, had been reared from the beginning of settlement. Much land was left for grazing and browsing, for the farmers also raised a considerable number of horses, cattle, and sheep, from breeds originally brought from New England and Holland. Such as lived convenient to the water, conveyed their produce to market in a canoe or peri- auger, one of which they usually owned. Produce brought low prices. In January, 1730, wheat sold in this tov/n at 3*. 3c?. per bushel; barley at 3s.; flax at 9d. per pound ; butter at I5. and wood 3s. 6d. a load. Common labor was worth about 35. a day, then considered a round price, but there were few laborers to be hired even at that rate. But though husbandry prevailed over every other occupa- This was the discovery by one of the school-boys, of a bag of gold to the value of $840, which had belonged to one John Keavns, who had taught school here during the Revolution. The money was taken possession of by the teacher, whose name was Neal, but the neighbors hearing of it, collected, and took him before William Leverich, Esq. by whose order the money was forced from him. Owing, Iiowever, to some irregularity in the proceeding, Neal prosecuted the several persons engaged in searching him, including the justice, and recovered damages for assault and battery; while N. Moore, as administrator of Kearns, sued and obtained the money. 156 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. tion, there seems to liave been no lack of mechanics. In 1662, the town thought itself fortunate in having two tailors, one carpenter, a cooper, a mason, and a blacksmith. Since that time, mechanics had multiplied, with the increase of popula- tion, and in addition to the above trades, there are found wheelwrights, woolcombers, butchers, saddlers, and weavers, the latter by far the most numerous. The government discouraged manufactures, and hence there were few if any in the town, beyond what the inhabitants had use for. Most families made coarse woollen cloth, and linen, for their own wear, which was woven by the itinerant weavers who came to their houses for that purpose ; for every flxmily had its own loom as well as spinning-wheels. Two, if not three grist-mills were in opera- tion, and in 1720, Eichard Alsop projected the erection of another, at the English Kills, on the small creek that separated •his farm on the east from that of William Case, but whether it was really built does not appear. At this day, the process of flour making differed from the present mode, in that the flour after being ground, was bolted by hand. Coe's mill was at this time provided with bolting-mills, separate from that which did the grinding. At a quite early day, William Hal- lett established a lime-yard at Hallett's Cove. In the same vicinity, on the north side of the Ridge, clay was dug, from which bricks were made, in considerable quantities, by the Halletts. In 1721, William Vallence set up a bark-miU and tannery in the village, adjoining the Horsebrook, A starch factory was also put in operation in the same place, and at the head of Flushing Bay, Joris Rapelje conducted an extensive brewery, being the " chief brewer of the town," Trade was principally by way of barter. This was con- venient and necessary as money was scarce. At an early dav, there was absolutely none, except wampum, or Indian shell money, which was the circulating currency. Therefore, nearly everything was paid for in produce, including wages and rates or taxes. In 1661, a person gives for a house and land "six hundred weight of tobacco, a thousand clapboards, and half a fat of strong beer," Another exchanges "a negro boy" for land. Even at the date under which I write, there was very little silver afloat, but its place was partially supplied by the paper bills of the province. As the wants of a family were ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 157 comparatively few, and these chiefly supplied by their indus- try, from the products of their own farm, there was but little occasion to patronize tlie store-keeper, and their few groceries were usually obtained in New-York, on market days. Hence the first notice of a merchant in Newtown is in 1722, Nathan- iel Hazard having opened a store ; but, probably for want of encouragement, he soon discontinued it, and removed to New- York, and subsequentl}'- to Philadelphia. The state of society in the township at this day was cha- racterized by an honest plainness. The toils of many yearg had brought comfort and plenty, but few luxuries. Their dwellings were now more spacious and of substantial build, and the days of thatched roofs were passing away. The furni- ture was such as necessity, not fancy, suggested. There were beds in abundance, and a good store of homespun linen and blankets ; there were durable oak tables, and chairs of the same material and strength ; and there were massive walnut wardrobes, of which some continue until now, and may for centuries to come. Floor-carpets were a superfluity almost if not quite unknown. The table was set with pewter platters and plain earthen ware. Some few could display china and even pieces of silver plate, but they were rare. And the sim- plicity of manners is shown in that until recently very few families used table-forks, but ate with their fingers. Tea was just beginning to be known among the more polished and wealthy. The popular dress was homespun linsey-woolsey, and the economy of the times appears in the fact that when a coat became the worse for wear, it was sent to the tailor's to be turned. A black or grey coat of the above material ; tight breeches and hose, the former made usually of leather and fastened with huge buckles at the knee ; a capacious beaver hat, and stout shoes ornamented with brass or silver-plated buckles ; — these, in the main, composed the usual dress suit of the more affluent farmer. But the major part of the inhabitants at that day were singularly plain in attire, in maimers, and in speech ; yet did they manifest for each other a degree of genu- ine friendship now rarely observable. For instance when one had cut his winter store of wood, his neighbors stood ready to aid with their teams in carting it home ;; or if he needed help in his harvesting, it was cheerfully given, and. as cheei fully 11 158 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. reciprocated wlien there was occasion. And the corn-husking, and the spinning-frolic, evinced the same neighborly feeling. At the latter, the wives and daughters attended with their wheels, and there was a merry hum of spindles and mingling of voices, till the flax or wool of the hostess was converted into thread. Ah ! by -gone doys of true social happiness ! A leading feature in the character of the inhabitants was their attachment to the ways of virtue and religion. A Ee- formed Dutch church had been organized, and in 1733, they began to erect a house of worship on the present location, which was given them for that purpose by Peter Berrien. The members of the Church of England emulating this lauda- ble example, applied to the town the same year for a building spot, whereupon a plot twenty rods square lying " between the town-house and the starch-house " was assigned them, and their church was erected two years after, being the ancient edifice still remaining. At this era, therefore, the village was adorned with four church edifices, where the respective con- gregations met on holy-day to render homage to their common benefactor. Their particular history must be reserved for a future chapter upon the ecclesiastical annals of the township. With this display of Christian effort, came other evidences of an increase of general intelligence ; education, the hand- maid of true religion, was advancing. In the year 1734, several individuals living in Hellgate Neck, combined and erected " a small house for a school to be kept in for the edu- cation of their children." It was located on the river road, near Berrien's Point, where John Lawrence had presented " one square rod of land " as a site for the building, and for which premises he, on Feb. 21th, 1735, gave a deed to his as- sociates, Joseph Moore, Thomas Lawrence, Cornelius Berrien, William Leverich, and Hendrick Wiltsee. A school-house, (of late used as a dwelling,) occupied the above spot until re- cently. This plan having now commended itself, became popular, and was followed, within a few years by similar efforts. The residents south of Newtown village took mea- Bures, in 1739, to build a school-house a little west of White Pot, on a plot of ground "twenty foot square" given by Ja- cobus Springsteen, who, on April 21st of the above year, exe- cuted a deed for the same to his " loving friends," Daniel Ste- "~~7 AKNALS OF NEWTOWN. 159 venson, Benjamin Coe, Gabriel Furman, Nowel Furman, David Springsteen, Ezekiel Furman, William Van Duyn, Jeromus Remsen, Jacob Skillman, Rem Remsen, Abraham Morrell, Joseph Furman, Edward Titus, and Dow Suydam, who were all farmers, residing thereabouts. A stone school-house was erected, which afterwards gave place to a wooden one, and that has in turn been supplanted by a third erection, being the present house. The people near the English Kills were not behind their neighbors in efforts to advance education. About this period they erected a school-house, near the residence of Richard Betts, where a new house has since been built, com- monly known as " the brook school-house." Jacob Reeder was the preceptor here for a long period ; a useful man in his day, and the town clerk for above thirty years. In the year 1740, another school-house was erected "near the bridge at New- town," the villagers being assisted by contributions from libe- ral persons in other parts of the town. At this date, therefore, five school-houses, located at various points, testified to the growing desire of the inhabitants to furnish the means of edu- cation for their ofispring. And how opportune and provi- dential a provision for those who, destined for the times that tried men's souls, required all the force of character which education imparts, to lead them to right action in matters vitally affecting their own and succeeding generations. The delapidated state of the town-house led to measures, in 1744, to build a new one, and on April 20th of that year, the inhabitants voted an appropriation for it ; at which time also, the old town-house was set up at public vendue, and struck off to Capt. Samuel Fish for one pound twelve shillings. The plan of the new building was also determined, and the trustees were directed to proceed in the erection, but it was not completed till 1747. It was rented, " reserving privilege for the town to meet in said house from time to time." It was a two story building, enclosed with shingles, instead of clap- boards, and stood upon ground adjoining the old town-house, which latter occupied the place of the present building.' ' On April 5th, 1803, the trustees of the town, N. Moore, and W- Leve- rich, were authorized to buy material for a new town-house in Newtown, and under their direction the building was finished, during the summer of 1805, and yet remains. It is now private property, having been sold on June 160 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Little to interest, marked the years wliicTi immediately ensued. The farmer, surrounded by ease and plenty, quietly pursued his vocation; his sons, if too ambitious and enter- prizing to follow the plough, went abroad to seek a more ex- tensive means of business. Others aimed at usefulness in the learned professions. Of lawyers, there were none in the town, and their services were seldom needed. There were always from the first settlement persons competent to transact busi- ness relating to the transfer of lands. Peter Berrien, who had died recently, had done great service in this respect, for which he was peculiarly fitted, being a scholar, a superior penman, a skillful surveyor, and equally conversant with the Dutch and English languages. Most of the deeds and many public writ- ings of that day are in his hand. The first minister of the gospel born in this town was the Kev. Samuel Sackett, whose ministry was spent in Weschester county. Of the physicians, up to this period, it is to be regretted that little can be said be- yond a mere mention of their names. The first noticed is James Clark, "surgeon," at Mespat Kills, in the Dutch adminis- tration. Between that and the close of the century, were, in succession. Dr. Folcks, Dr. John Greenfield, and Dr. Hazard. Since 1720, Doctors Evan Jones, Berrien, Hugh Eogers, Tho- mas Sackett, and Joseph Sackett, are found officiating in the best families. Dr. Jacob Ogden, of Jamaica, also practiced considerably in this town during his life. In 1753, Capt. Jacob Blackwell and Joseph Hallett put up a grist-mill upon Sunswick Creek, at Hallett's Cove, which was furnished with "two run of stones and bolting conveni- ences." Whether the bolting apparatus was driven by the mill wheel, or by hand, after the old manner, does not appear. As the dam necessarily obstructed the passage of boats on the creek, a canal (the course of which is still traceable,) was opened some distance above, across to the river, with a gate at either end, for the convenience of George Yan Alst, John McDonnaugh, and John Greenoak, to pass and repass with " canoe or periauger." In 1756, Capt. Blackwell became sole proprietor of the above mill, and some years later sold it to 12th, 1849, by virtue of an act of the legislature and a vote of tlie inhabitants of the town ; but a new town-hall and prison has been erected in the village during the present year. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 161 Hendrick Suydam, who conducted it during the Eevolution, and for many years after. ^ The year 1753 was attended with a melancholy disaster. On Jan. 27th, three children and a negro of John Parcell's were drowned coming from New- York. But a greater calamity happened in 1754. January of that year was unusually warm and pleasant until Monday the 21st, when about noon a violent gale set in from the north-west, and the temperature changed to piercing cold. Eight persons from Newtown, in a canoe and periauger, had gone a clamming in Jamaica Bay. Night closed in, but they returned not to relieve the anxiety of their farailiea and friends. The next morning the neighbors turned out, but owing to the great quantity of ice, were prevented from mak. ing a thorough search until Friday, when the joeriauger was discovered driven on an island of sedge. On approaching it, a most afflictive sight was presented ; there were the bodies of Samuel Leverich, Amos Eoberts, William Sallier, and Thomaa Sallier, congealed in death, the steersman sitting in an erect posture at the helm. The three former were men of families. The next Sabbath, the canoe was seen, but because of the ice could not be reached ; in which were supposed to be the lifeless bodies of the other persons missing, namely, a servant-man in the employ of John Way, and " three valuable negroes," two ' John Greenoak, the ancestor of that family, came to Newtown early in the last century, from England, and married (Mary Lawrence in 1717, who, after Mr. Greenoak's de.ath, became the wife of Joseph Hallelt, Esq. in 1728. His son, John Greenoak, located on the farm near Hallett's Cove, now owned by the Messrs. Higgins, carpet manufacturers. He married first, Jemima d.iugh. ter of Samuel Hallett, secondly, Elizabeth Fish, an aunt of the late Bishop Moore, and thirdly, Rebecca Clement, who survived him. He died in 1792, having four sons, John, Edward, Nathaniel, and Samuel, and three daughters, viz. Mary who married Ludiam Haire, Frances who married Mr. Dotten, and Sarah who married Melancton Lawrence. Samuel and Nathaniel Greenoak both died single. Edward succeeded to the paternal farm, married Sarah daughter of Richard Hallett, and had several children, of whom two survive, namely, David-Titus and Eliza. John Greenoak, last mentioned, acquired an estate at Hallett's Cove, now the residence of H. F. Blackwell. He married June 8th, 1775, Lydia, daughter of Robert Hallett, and died, aged 68 years, Auc. 22d, 1821, his widow surviving nine years. Their children were ElizO' beth, who married Chas. Welling; Sarah, who married Thos. Paynter; John; Phebe, widow of Jeromus I. Rapelyo ; Lydia, the wife of Thos. F. Fish, of Newburgh ; Deborah, who died single ; Matilda, married successively to Jas. Suydara and Rev. Wm. Cruickshank ; and Maria, who m. Thos. Lawrence. 162 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. of whom were slaves, one belonging to Jolin Way and the other to John Burroughs. The existence of slavery in this town, hitherto but incident- ally mentioned, demands a more direct notice. It originated in the scarcity and consequent high price of white labor. Its introduction was coeval with the planting of the town, and ex- tended not only to the negro but to the free-born Indian, brought hither from the South. None seemed to view it as wrong, and slaves were found even in the ministers' families. But while they were bought and sold as a chattel, and though several instances of bru,tality towards them are recorded, their lives were protected by law, and to the credit of our fathers be it said, they usually treated their slaves with much hu- manity. In infancy they were baptized, and at a suitable age were allowed to marry, the bans being regularly performed by a minister or magistrate, and often solemnized by a very respectable wedding. They were well fed and clothed, and ex- empted from labor on Sundays and holydays. Indeed, in a majority of cases they were taught, both by precept and ex- ample, to love the ways of virtue and religion. At almost every marriage a male or female slave was the immediate por- tion of the young folks on the commencement of house-keep- ing, and thus attachments, which had been formed in childhood, subsisted between master and slave, which tended greatly to favor the latter in his servitude. Under these circumstan- ces slavery had increased. At this date, 1755, according to returns made by the commanders of the two militia districts, Captains Jeromus Eapelje and Jacob Blackwell, the town con- tained 163 slaves above the age of fourteen years — that is, ninety-one males and seventy-two females. From the foregoing review of the characteristics of this time, we turn to consider that exciting drama, the French and Indian war, a seven years conflict between the Anglo-American colonies and the French of Canada ; in whose incidents and conse- quences Newtown was so far involved as to require some account of it to be given. The encroachments of the French upon our northern frontier led, in 1755, to the planning of several expe- ditions for their chastisement. Of two of these I will briefly speak, that against Nova Scotia, and that which under Maj. Gen. William Johnson was designed to reduce Crown Point, a for- ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 163 midable post of the enemy on Lake Ohamplain. In addition to the regular troops employed in the latter enterprize, this province furnished a regiment of eight hundred men, who were enlisted during the months of May and June in New- York city, " and in the towns adjacent." Hence it is supposed that Newtown contributed her quota toward this regiment, which, in command of Col. William Cockroft, of New- York, proceeded to join Gen. Johnson, who had taken post at the south end of Lake George. On Sept. 8th, Johnson was imex- pectedly attacked by a powerful French army, under Baron Dieskau, but they were repulsed and routed with heavy loss, Dieskau himself being wounded and captured. The New- York regiment acted with distinguished bravery, and lost several men in the engagement. News of the battle of Lake George was received at New- York with applause, and the in- habitants of Queen's county signified their approbation by sending a thousand sheep to the army. The design against Crown Point was suspended for the present, but the expedition which had proceeded to Nova Scotia, under Winslow and Monckton, was successfully prose- cuted. And of its stern consequences, the citizens of New- town were to have an impressive exhibition. The French in- habitants of that province were a simple, industrious and pious people, unalterably attached to their religion and king. When ceded to Great Britain, in 1713, they were permitted to hold their lands under a simple oath of allegiance, it being agreed that they should be exempt from bearing arms, and be regarded as neutrals. But now not only were they accused of secretly furnishing intelligence and supplies to the hostile French and Indians, but 300 of them actually joined the French forces at Fort Beau-sejoar, and those who had not taken up arms, refused to take the oath of allegiance. For this rebellion the British government resolved to inflict a severe chastisement, namely, to strip them of all their possessions ex- cept their money and household goods, and send them in exile to the English colonies. Accordingly, the forces of Winslow and Monckton seized and imprisoned the inhabitants to the number 1900, and laid waste their country to prevent their subsistence, devoting their farm-houses and villages to the flame. Many fled, terror-stricken, to the woods, either to die 164 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. from starvation, or avoid such a fate by a voluntary return and surrender to their conquerors. At the point of the bayo- net they were embarked in British transports, and turned a last look on their loved but now desolate homes. A hundred and fifty of them arrived at New- York, in May, 1756, to be distributed in the several towns in the province. Among these wretched exiles was one Seres Etben, who with his wife and eight children found an asylum in Newtown. The jus- tices took them in charge, and procured them board in the village, at the inn of Samuel Fish, Jun. better known as " the corner house," where they were sustained for a considerable time, at the public expense, strangers in a strange land, the objects of deep commiseration to the humane inhabitants, and the dejected victims of a cruel state policy. The justices were subsequently authorized to bind out as apprentices such of them as were of proper age. Thus did Newtown share the results of the opening cam- paign against the French. At the time the neutrals arrived, preparations were making for another, and Captains Williams and Potter were engaged in raising companies in the counties of Suffolk and Queen's. These repaired to the military posts near Lake George, but the season Avas spent in erecting or strengthening Fort William Henry, at the head of the above lake, and Fort Edward, on the Hudson. While the rude alarms of war were thus agitating the pro- vince, a destructive tornado swept over Newtown, as if nature vied with man in presenting a picture of utter devastation. It occurred on Saturday, July 4th, at about six o'clock, in the afternoon. Beginning near Hellgate, it ran south, straight across the entire island, some fifteen miles, its path, in breadth, not exceeding eighty rods. It made terrible havoc, destroy- ing nearly everything in its course. The largest oak and hickory trees were torn up by the roots, split into innumera- ble pieces, and many large limbs, of several hundred weight, carried the distance of nearly half a mile from the woods. Several houses were damaged, six barns destroyed, and up- wards of eighty acres of timber ruined. A grindstone near Capt. Eichard Langdon's, in Newtown, weighing over a hun- dred and fifty pounds, was removed, with its frame, twelve or fifteen feet, and thrown into his garden. Capt. Langdon's barn ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 165 was shattered to pieces, and even the heavy timbers carried to an incredible distance. Limbs of trees, leaves, shingles, &c. fell in showers, in some places, nearly a mile from the course of the wind ; two apple-trees, with a great quantity of earth sticking to their roots, were removed whole upwards of thirty rods. The tornado did not last to exceed half a minute, but the damage done by it was estimated at between two and three thousand pounds. No gale so violent had ever been known in this part of America. It was " a great harricain of wind," writes one of the people of Newtown. The winter succeeding the fruitless campaign of 1756, a detachment of the king's regulars was quartered at Newtown, and their presence was not agreeable to the people, who were " of divers opinions " as to the mode of billeting them. At the return of the season for military operations, these troops left the town, and probably formed a part of the force that soon after sailed from New- York, on an intended expedition against Louisburg, in the island of Cape Breton. At this date, the fate of war had thrown into our hands a considerable number of French officers, who were permitted to enjoy their liberty, within certain limits, on parole of honor. Several of them arrived at Jamaica, in August, 1757, under conduct of the sheriff of the county, and some were provided with board at Hinchman's tavern, while others were sent to Newtown, whither they and their baggage were conveyed by Benjamin Waters, the constable. The next month, those at Hinchman's were distributed in private families. Nathaniel Moore took two of them, with their baggage, to his residence, in Newtown, and Eichard Penfold and William Lawrence received each the same number into their houses. Others continued to come, and in this and the succeeding year the families of Cornelius Berrien, William Sackett, William Sackett, Jun. Joseph Law- rence, Thomas Hallett, Joseph Betts, and Andrew Eiker, were the abode of French officers, for a longer or shorter period. Their expenses were borne by the government, which allowed seven shillings a week for their board, embracing simply lodgings and victuals. Some of them whiled away their cap- tivity by hunting the game in which the township abounded, and which was little regarded by the inhabitants. The year 1758 was signalized by a grand but ill-fated at- 166 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. tempt of Gen. Abercrombie, witb sixteen thousand soldiers, to reduce Fort Ticonderoga, on Lake Champlain. Two hundred and ninety men from the several towns in Queen's county, were engaged in this expedition ; in the company of Capt. Eichard Hewlett, Ephraim Morse of Newtown, and Dow Ditmars of Jamaica, held commissions as first and second lieu- tenants. Abercrombie attacked the French fortress, on July 8th, but was repulsed with the loss of two thousand killed and wounded, including many of the New- York provincials. The dishonor of this defeat was in a measure retrieved by the suc- cess of Col. Bradstreet, who immediately after was detached with three thousand men, including all the New-York troops, against Fort Frontenac, (now Kingston,) on Lake Ontario. That fortress surrendered to Bradstreet, on Aug. 27th, the achievement being greatly facilitated by the daring and ala- crity of Col. Isaac Corsa,' of Queen's county, who had been recently promoted, having shown much activity in the three previous campaigns. He volunteered, with his Long Island men, to erect a battery on the night of the 26th, in the midst of the enemy's fire, which opened in the morning, cannonaded the fort, and forced a capitulation. The fortress was demo- lished, and the victors, laden with booty, returned, by way of Oswego, to the Oneida great carrying place, (now Rome,) where part of the New- York troops and others had remained to erect Fort Stanwix. With their aid the works were com- pleted by the end of November, and an important military post established. In this campaign, nearly every fifth man in the province had performed actual service. Owing to their severe duties and hardships very many lost their lives, and the New- York battalions reached their homes greatly broken down and reduced in numbers. The regular troops went into winter quarters; the 44th, or Gen. Abercrombie's regiment, Lieut. Col. Ayres, commandant, at Newtown. This num- bered not far from eight hundred men, and their presence ^ Col. Corsa was small of stature and juvenile in appearance, though an intrepid officer. In the Revolution he was a loyalist, and at its close resided some years at the English Kills, on the estate of his deceased brother-in-law, Walter Franklin, whose sister Sarah he had married. He died at Fhishing, in his 80th year, May 3d, 1807, beloved as a man and a Christian. His only child, Maria-Franklin, married John I. Staples, who is yet living. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 167 causing tlie inhabitants "heavy charges and unequal burdens," the assembly passed an act authorizing a tax upon the whole of Queen's county, for the relief of this town and Jamaica, where Col. Frazier's Highlanders were quartered. Among the important victories of 1759, the reduction of Fort Niagara, an ancient stronghold of the French, at the mouth of the Niagara river, deserves our particular notice, because there were there three hundred men from Queen's county, one third of whom were under the command of Ephraim Morse, of Newtown, who received a captain's com- mission, on April 30th of this year. His lieutenants were George Dunbar and Roelof Duryea, and exclusive of these three officers the company consisted of 97 men, the majority of whom were foreigners by birth. In March, the 44th regi- ment left their cantonment in Newtown, and embarked for Albany, whither Capt. Morse and his command followed about the middle of May. From there the whole army took up its march through the western forests, and being joined on the way by Sir William Johnson, with a large body of Indians, arrived at Fort Niagara. They invested the works on all sides, and though an accidental explosion killed Gen. Pri- deaux, the commander-in-chief, Johnson vigorously prose- cuted the siege, and forced the garrison to surrender, on July 25th, first defeating a large French force, which, under Gen, D' Aubrey, had hastened to its relief from the neighboring posts. But the victory was not gained without a severe loss ; the colonel of one of the New-York battalions was killed, and the commander of the other wounded, and of the privates in both, nine were killed and forty-two wounded. During the siege, Capt. Morse and his company did important service, working at night in the trenches, standing guard, &c. A few of his men were drafted with those left to garrison the fort, the rest of the provincials returned, and were discharged, on Nov. 10th, About six hundred prisoners were brought to New- York. The recent victories were the theme of general rejoicing, and were publicly celebrated at Jamaica, by the peo- ple of Queen's county, on Tuesday, the 6th of November. Capt, Morse held a command of a hundred and ten men in the campaign of 1760, and Roelof Duryea and Abraham Rem- sen were his lieutenants. They were present at the surrender 168 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. of Montreal, Sept. Stli of that year, wliicli event completed the conquest of Canada, The next year, a large armament, fitted out at New- York, subdued the French power in the West Indies, and thus terminated the old French war. The favorable issue of this struggle, and the return of fathers, bro- thers, and sons, to the bosom of their families and the pursuits of peace, must have awakened grateful sensations in the do- mestic circles of Newtown. But ah ! some there were, tenderly loved, long and fondly expected, who returned not. They went to rest on the battle plains of the north, their requium was the clangor of arms, or the moaning winds that swept those dense and dreary forests. The ultimate history of the French neutrals, who had been thrown upon the charities of the Newtown people, has not been ascertained. They had continued to experience the pub- lic sympathy ; and at the annual town meeting in 1758, the justices were authorized to "fix the place to build a house for the neutral French." But they drooped under their misfor- tunes, and; within a short period, death made several breaches in their number ; Doctor Thomas Sackett attending them dur- ing sickness. One of them, called " French John," was acci- dentally drowned June 28th, 1761. Of these neutrals in gene- ral, it is recorded that "after they had been dispersed in these provinces, they were watched with a jealous eye, and often suspected during the war of communicating intelligence to their friends. It was found difficult to assimilate them to our population ; their antipathy to our people, our religion, man- ners, and even our language, was unconquerable. Many of them pined away and died, some found opportunity to escape to France, and all who remained continued strangers and ex- iles among us, till death relieved their sufferings." The effects of the French war was, in some respects, very deleterious upon the habits and morals of this town. Not only did it excite a martial and a restive spirit in the minds of youth, but the influence exerted by the foreign soldiery and the French officers was most pernicious — the former exhibit- ing all the vices that usually prevail in a camp, the latter breathing the poisonous breath of infidelity. Wonder not, then, that horse-racing — a thing hitherto unknown in this town — was introduced, nor that the simple manners of the peo- ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 169 pie should liave been mucli perverted and corrupted. It can- not be questioned, however, that a new spirit of enterprize, and an increased thirst for knowledge, was awakened. An English and classical school was established at Hallett's Cove, under the patronage of the leading inhabitants there. The fol- lowing is the teacher's card, as published in the New- York Mercury of April 26th, 1762: TO THE PUBLIC. This is to give notice to all whom it may concern, That William Rudge, late of the city of Gloucester, in Old England, still continues his school at Hallett's Cove, where he teaches Writing in the diflerent hands. Arithmetic in its different branches, the Italian method of Book-keeping by way of Double Entry, Latin, and Greek. Those who choose to favor him may de- pend upon having proper care taken of their children, and he returns thanks to those who have already obliged him. The school is healthy and pleasantly situated, and at a very convenient distance from New-York, from whence there is an opportunity of sending letters and parcels, and of having remit- tances almost every day by the pettiaugers. Letters will be duly answered, directed to the said William Rudge, at Hallett's Cove. We, who have subscribed our names, being willing to continue the school- master, as we have hitherto found him a man of close application, sobriety, and capable of his office, are ready to take in boarders at j£l8 per annum. Jacob Blackwell, John Greenoak, Richard Berrien, Jacob Hallett, Jun. Samuel Hallett, Jun. Richard Penfold, Thomas Hallett, William Hallett, William Hallett, Jacob Hallett, Richard Hallett, John McDonnaugh. Jacob Rapelje, The yet unsettled question of boundary between the towns of Newtown and Bushwick now excited attention. While the limits of the said townships were controverted and unsettled, no private suit, involving the right to property located within the disputed tract, could be determined by a course of law in the ordinary courts of justice. Mainly upon this considera- tion, and through the influence of Bushwick, a bill was pre- sented to the assembly on Sept. 27th, 1764, to authorize cer- tain gentlemen, named therein, to agree upon and run out the division line of King's and Queen's county, so far as related to the townships of Bushwick and Newtown. A copy of the bill was sent to Philip Edsall, Esq. clerk of Newtown, who was di- rected to present the objections to its passage, if any existed. Mr. Edsall soon after acquainted the assembly that he had 170 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. many reasons to offer against the bill, and requested time to prepare them. This was given, and he again appeared in the assembly chamber on the 9th of October, with the documents deemed necessary to vindicate his assertion and the rights of his town. Deputies from Bushwick were also there. The two were widely at issue, but finally agreed to defer the matter till the next session of the assembly. Mr. Edsall, on his return, consulted with his colleague in the magistracy, Thomas Betts, Esq. and the two called the town together October 16th, " to fall upon measures to defend themselves against the unreason- able pretences of the people of Bushwick." A board of trus- tees was appointed to defend the town, consisting of Nathaniel Fish, Samuel Fish, Jun. James Way, Philip Edsall, Joseph Lawrence, and James Culver. The subject was resumed in the assembly during the fall of 1765, and again postponed. On Dec. 23d, 1767, Abraham Schenk, Esq. a member from King's county, who had presented the former bill, introduced another of similar import, which, after amendment, became a law on Jan. 13th, 1768. It was entitled, " An Act, authorizing certain persons therein named, to settle the line of division between the counties of King's and Queen's, as far as the townships of Bushwick and Newtown extend." The commissioners specified were the Hon. John Watts, William Nicoll, and William Nicoll, Jr. Esqrs. who were fully empowered to summon the parties in controversy before them, examine their evidences, and ascertain, agree upon, and run out the said division line, within a year from the passage of the bill, and thence within six months to cause a survey thereof to be recorded in the secretary's ofiice ; and which should for ever thereafter be deemed and taken as the division line between the said two towns, and the counties in which they were respectively located ; provided, moreover, that nothing contained in this act should be construed to affect any person's title, any more than if the said act had never passed. The above gentlemen fulfilled their commission within the specified time. Having reviewed the proceedings of former years, they approved and adopted the arbitration made in 1672. Their report, with a survey of the line, is still on file in the secretary of state's office. " William Nicoll, the elder, ANKALS OF NEWTOWN, 171 agreed to this report, but died before the execution thereof," It was as follows : Pursuant to an act of the governor, council, and general assembly, ap- pointing John Watts, William Nicoll, and William Nicoll, Jun. Esqrs. or the major part of them, or the survivors or survivor of them, commissioners to settle, run out, and ascertain a line of division between the counties of King's county and Queen's countj', as far as the townships of Bushwick and New- town extend: — we the said commissioners having called the parties before us, and duly heard and considered their several proofs and allegations, do adjudge and determine that the division line aforesaid shall be and begin at the mouth of Maspeth Kills or Creek, over against Dominie's Hook, in the deepest part of the creek, and so run along the same to the west side of Smith's Island, and so along the creek on the west side of that island, to and up a branch leading out of the creek to the pond or hole of water near the head of Mr. Schenk's mill-pond, and from thence easterly to a certain rock, commonly called the Arbitration Rock, and marked N. B., a little westward of the house of Mr. Joseph Woodward, [now of James Schoonmaker, dec.,] and from the said rock running south, twenty-seven degrees east, to a henp of stones with a stake in the middle, known by the name of the Arbitration Heap, and from thence in the same direct line up the hills or mountains until it meets the line of Flatbush, as the same is described by the survey and card hereunto annexed. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this tenth day of January, Anno Domini, 1769. Jno. Watts, [seal.] Sealed and delivered in the presence of us, W. NiCOLL. [SEAL.] W. WiCKHAM, John S. Roome, The survey was performed on Jan. 7th, by Francis Mars- chalk, and thus describes the boundaries: — "Beginning at a certain rock, commonly called the Arbitration Rock, marked N. B., said rock lies N. 16'' 3' W. 4 chains 50 Hnks from the northerly corner of the house formerly the house of Frederick Van Nanda, and now in possession of Moses Beegel/ running from said rock S. 27'^ E. 155 chains, to a noted heap of stones, with a stake in the middle, known by the name of Arbitration Heap, and from thence in the same direct line up to the hill or mountain until it meets the line of Flatbush." ' This house is that now occupied by Mrs. Onderdonk. Arbitration Rock has disappeared. It stood in the meadow lying opposite this house, on the other side of the road, and early in the present century was blown to pieces, and removed, by individuals who probably knew not its value as an ancient and important landmark. 172 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN, And thus ended a dispute which had continued for more than a century. The bitterness of feeling, and the expensive litigation tliat it occasioned, was scarce to be compensated for by any benefit that might accrue to either party. The result was not very unwelcome to the people of Newtown, who, years before, had expressed a willingness to accede to the arbitration of 1672. Their untiring efforts to settle the land probably gave them the advantage in the end.^ Several incidents of this period may be added. In 1768, the dwelling of widow Kapelje (now E. J. Woolsey's) was burnt. On Mar. 10th, 1770, Capt. Samuel Hallett's house, near the Cove, was destroyed by fire; loss, £1800. On Mar. 5th, 1772, snow fell two feet and a half deep, and was followed by three or four severe storms' This had scarce been equalled in the history of the town since 1740-1, a winter excessively cold, when snow fell, Dec. 16th, and lay till April. Extreme droughts occurred in 1761 and '62, a very wet season in 1763, and on July 3d, 1766, " the greatest rain that had been known in that age." Earthquakes were felt here Dec. 7th, 1737, Nov. 18th, 1755, and June 18th, 1773. The first was "attended with a very great noise," says Mr. Pumroy, who calls it " a great earthquake," but adds, " through the wonderful goodness of God to us, no great damage was done by it in this town." After the French war several young men, Avho were carpenters, removed from Newtown to Santa Cruz, in the West Indies, where they found a profitable business. Among these were Richard Gosline, Gilbert Woodward, Vernon Moore, and Wil- liam and Joseph Hallett, all of whom died in that island. A singular fatality attended the two latter, who were cousins, one being crushed by the fall of his house, " on the ever memorable 31st of August, 1772 ;" the other, Joseph, much respected in the island for his modesty and diligence in business, died Jan. 25th, 1775, from an accidental blow of a lever, received the day previous while working at a wind-mill. ' A re-survey of this partition line was made by Hendric-k Beegel, after the Revolution, and only a few years since was repeated, and nionunients erected, by the supervisors of the several towns, Mr. Debevoise being at that time the supervisor of Newtown. Guided in this work by the recollections of aged persons, one of whom had ass-isted at Beegel's survey, and having no knowledge of the survey of 1769, it remains to be seen how well they agree. CHAPTER X. Remote and immediate causes of the American Revolution. — The colonies forced into resistance. — First Continental Congress — Newtown adopts its recommenda- tions. — Appoint a committee of correspondence. — They pass a series of resolu- tions. — A portion of the inhabitants disown these measures. — Call to elect delegates to a Provincial Convention. — Whigs carry the election. — Bloodshed at Lexington. — Increasing opposition of Queen's county to liberty. — The chief loyalists summoned to appear before the Convention. — It is disregarded. — The Convention declares them put out of its protection, and lays the state of Queen's county before Congress. — Action of the latter thereupon. — Col. Heard marches through Newtown to disarm the Tories. — Carries several of their leaders to Philadelphia. — They are sent back and confined at New- York. — Lt. Col. Seers pursues the disaffected in Queen's county. — Gives an oath to leading Tories at Newtown. — Organization of the militia. — Officers' names. — Capt. Riker recruit- ing. — Militia provided with ammunition. — A fast day. — John Moore, Jun. " in- sults the United Colonies." — He is taken to New-York. — Soon discharged. — Declaration of Independence. — Militia called out to protect the stock. — New- town militia march to Brooklyn. — British land on the Island. — Gen. Woodhull engaged driving off the stock. — His perilous situation. — He is taken prisoner by the enemy. — Some of the troop captured. — Narrow escape of Garret Remsen. — British Light Horse enter Newtown. — Cruel fate of Jonathan Coe. — The Light Horse pursue Dr. Riker. — He escapes. — Tory animosity — Most of the British forces encamp in Newtown. — Cannonading at Hellgate. — Farmers plundered and Whigs seized. — Newtown militia return. — The officers in exile. — Anecdote. — Movements of the British troops. — They leave Newtown and pursue the American army. 1774 to 1776. The American Eevolution now opened, during which, for the space of seven years, Newtown was to be ravaged and made desolate by a scourge as dreadful as a visitation of fam- ine or pestilence. Her fertile territory a prey to hostile armies, but not the scene of battles, she nevertheless heard with anxi- ous interest every rumble from the fields afar, where freedom gained its triumphs. To the simple detail of her history du- ing this period let us proceed. The Revolutionary spirit was not the creature of a day, nor an impulse of mushroom growth. " Those principles and feelings," says an eminent statesman, "ought to be traced back for two hundred years, and sought in the history of the coun- try from the first plantations in America." The observation is 12 174 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. just, and the local causes wLicli in every part of tlie country con- tributed to awaken the spirit of bold resistance to the oppres- sions of England, are fairly represented in the annals of that community whose history we are reviewing. Their repeated endeavors to cast off the burdens imposed by their royally- constituted rulers, were but the first feeble throbbings of inde- pendence. These strengthened with every defeat, and every fresh indignity that they sustained. Thus was fostered, slowly and insensibly, but by a sure process, a tenacious regard for their rights, a watchful desire for their preservation, a jealousy of and a lessened afiection for the mother country, eminently calculated to prepare them to enter with spirit into the contro- versy with Great Britain that led to the war of Independence. The policy of England toward her American colonies, from the first, humiliating and oppressive, became, in the course of years, more and more crushing. Already the restrictions upon their manufactures and the control of their commerce poured a large revenue into her coffers, but this was too meager for greedy royalty, and it was resolved to enhance it by resorting to a system of taxation. This iniquitous policy, introduced in 1764, resulted in a series of parliamentary acts that sapped the prosperity of the colonies and created a general consternation. Some of these acts so effected navigation as nearly to destroy their lucrative trade with the West Indies. Duties were im- posed upon refined-sugar, tea, coffee, indigo, glass, paints, writing-paper, parchment, and many other articles of foreign produce imported by the colonists. Other laws passed, equally calculated to retrench the privileges and harass the feelings of the Americans. The excitement produced by these measures ■was immense ; every house-keeper deprecated the wanton in- crease in the price of articles of domestic consumption ; the merchant was sorely affected by the stagnation of trade, and the fatal blow given to commerce ; while the farmer, mechanic, and men of every profession, were involved in the general dis- aster, and beheld with indignation the baleful effect of Britain's assumed right to bind and tax them at her will. From north to south went forth the cry of injured justice, and petitions and remonstrances, almost numberless, were sent to the king and parliament, praying redress. These were unheeded, nay, spurn- ed ; and as a necessary report, a continental congress, composed ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 175 of delegates from the several provinces, was convened at Phila- delphia, Sept. 4th, 1774, to concert suitable measures of resist- ance to the oppressions of the mother country. This patriotic body entered into an association by which they pledged them- selves, in the name of the freemen they represented, not to im- port or consume tea, or any articles from the British possessions until the repeal of the revenue acts, and advised the appoint- ment of committees in the several counties and towns, to aid by mutual correspondence and otherwise, in carrying out the objects of the association.' This date found the people of Newtown split into two parties. It is difficult to say which of these was loudest in protestations of loyalty to King George III. whom all acknow- ledged as their rightful sovereign. Furthermore, few, if any, were found to deny the existence of the grievances before re- cited. But the widest difference of opinion prevailed as to the proper means of obtaining redress. The weaker party (re- spectable, nevertheless, both in number and character,) urged the most pacific measures, and condemned the formation of congresses and committees, as, not only illegal, but disrespect- ful toward their representatives, composing the general assem- bly of the province, in whom alone they reposed the business of vindicating the popular rights. But a majority of the inhabitants scouted at such modera- tion at a crisis which threatened their dearest liberties. In their view, forbearance had truly ceased to be a virtue, and hence, no sooner had the resolves of the congress been received at Newtown, than these hastened at the call of their supervisor, Jeromus Eemsen, Jun. to testify their approbation of, and to adopt their recommendations. On December 10th, a very large 1 The following incident shows the firmness and spirit with which even the matrons of Newtown espoused the cause of king or country. Mrs. Fish, mother of the Rev. Peter Fish, spending a social afternoon with her neighbor the wife of Capt. Jeromus Rapelje, at the tea table the good hostess had prepared to serve up a dish of her choicest tea, not acknowledging the right of congress to deprive her of her much loved beverage, But her guest, having opposite views, declined to take any tea, and on its being insisted upon, replied: — "Cousin Wyntie, I cannot do it, it's against my principles." Overcome by a sense of their unhappy position, both fell to weeping. Mrs. Fish swerved not from her purpose, though the two friends lived to drink tea together in more auspicious times. 176 ANNALS OF NEWTO"WN. number of respectable freeholders assembled in the town- house at Newtown. A series of " spirited and well-adapted resolves," passed a few days previous by their neighbors of Jamaica, were read by one of the gentlemen and unanimously responded to, after which they appointed the following persons to act as a committee of correspondence, and to observe that the association formed by congress be strictly adhered to with- in the limits of the town. The said persons were Jacob Black- well, Eichard Alsop, Esq, Daniel Kapelje, Esq, Philip Edsall, Thomas Lawrence, Daniel Lawrence, Jonathan Lawrence, Samuel Moore, William Furman, William Howard, Jeromus Remsen, Jun, Samuel Riker, John Alburtis, Abraham Brinck- erhoflf, James Way, Samuel Morrell, and Jonathan Coe, After some delay, occasioned by the small pox in Col. Blackwell's family, this committee met at Newtown, and adopted the fol- lowing : — QueerCs County, 29 apprehensive of violence to his remains, buried him in great haste. 184 ANNALS OP NEWTOWN. diate organization of the militia, under competent of&cera. Newtown consisted of two beats, the north and south. In the former a company was formed under Capt. Jonathan Law- rence, and in the latter another under Capt. Abraham Eemsen, the first containing 107, and the other 86 men, subject to bear arms/ The Newtown troop of light horse, consisting of 44 men, was commanded by Capt. Eichard Lawrence, and after- wards by his brother, Capt. Daniel Lawrence, who was now first lieutenant; Samuel Kiker was second lieutenant, Jona- than Coe, cornet, and Peter Kapelje, quarter-master. On the resignation of Capt. E. Lawrence, from infirmity, some time after, and his brother taking the command, Eiker and Coe were promoted one grade, and Thomas Betts succeeded to the cornetcy. Capt. Abraham Eiker, of the New- York conti- nental line, who, the previous fall, at the storming of Quebec, had held a command composed in part of Newtown men, was now busy raising a company, and several months of the spring and summer were consumed in completing it. Being very im- perfectly equipped, the Jamaica committee furnished them with thirty old muskets, which were put in order at Newtown, un- der the direction of Capt. Eiker. This company was attached to the regiment of Col. Eitzema, which formed a part of the brigade of Maj. Gen. Lord Stirling. The militia of Queen's county being destitute of ammunition, Capt. Jonathan Law- rence was furnished with 10,000 cartridges and 1000 flints, to be distributed among them. Newtown began to resound with the din of warlike preparation. While these military demonstrations were making, the town committee was doing its utmost to quell the turbulent spirits of the disaffected, and maintain the authority of con- gress. That body had appointed May 17th, as a general fast day, but when the whigs of Newtown sought in humility to ' The subaltern commissioned officers of the north heat company, were William Sackett, 1st lieut. William Lawrence, 2d lieut. and Jesse Warner, ensign ; but on the promotion of Capt. Jonathan Lawrence to a majority, on Aug. 10th, 1776, William Lawrence succeeded to the command of the com- pany. The subalterns in the south beat company, were Benjamin Coe, 1st lieut. Robert Furman, 2d lieut. and Benjamin North, ensign. Capt. Abraham Rem- sen was raised to the rank of major soon after, when Coe, Furman and North were each elevated one grade, and Jonah Hallett received the ensigncy. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 185 supplicate the favor of Heaven on their efforts for freedom, there was seen upon the premises of John Moore, Jun. one of the persons accused of taking a prominent stand with the loy- ahsts, a king's standard hoisted on a pole, as if in derision of the solemn occasion. Notice was taken of it, and complaints of this "fresh insult" to the United Colonies, were made to the town committee by Waters Smith, Esq. Capt. Nathaniel Woodward, and several other inhabitants. The committee waited upon Mr. Moore, on the 27th, and beheld for them- selves the verification of the charge ; the emblem of royalty still floated in the breeze. It was taken down, and secured, with the person of Moore, whom they examined, but obtain- ing no satisfaction, they ordered Capt. Abraham Kemsen to conduct him under guard to the convention at New- York. Moore was accordingly taken to the city a prisoner and pre- sented to the convention, together with the flag in question, and a letter from Capt. Lawrence setting forth his offence. On his examination Moore stated that a parcel of schoolboys, who went to school in Newtown, hoisted the colors on his field; he first saw them hoisted on a fast day, and the boys told him that they got the colors of a lad from New- York, now in Newtown, whose name is Moore ; that he order- ed them down on the fast day, but not afterwards ; as children put them up, he did not imagine that men would notice it ; that he had not signed the general association, nor was it offer- ed to him to sign. Being asked if he would defend the United Colonies by force of arms, he answered that he did not choose to fight, and never meant to, if he could avoid it, and would avoid it as long as he could. On a consideration of his case, the convention permitted him to go upon parole in the city, he promising to attend at the city hall from day to day, ready to obey their direction, and not to depart the city without leave. The next day, on his request, his parole was extended to his own house, and he returned home. The convention or- dered a letter of thanks to be signed by the president, and forwarded to the Newtown committee. The excitement which at this juncture pervaded all circles, was heightened by the news that the general congress at Phi- ladelphia, had, on the 4th of July, dissolved their connection with the mother country, renounced the authority of both king 186 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. and parliament, and declared the colonies Free and Independent States^ binding themselves, by a solemn compact, to defend their liberties with their lives, fortunes, and sacred honors. Copies of this important document were received, and read at the head of each company in Newtown. It was a scene of varied emotions and absorbing interest. Hitherto the cause of the colonies had been that of British subjects contending for the honor and preservation of the English constitution against a corrupt parliament. Now all kingly allegiance was renounced, and the contest was to be waged for an absolute independence of Great Britain. Wholly unprepared for so ultra a step, num- bers turned their backs upon liberty, while others clenched more firmly their muskets, ready to seal with their blood, if need be, their attachment to freedom's cause. That blood must soon flow was now evident, for the British troops had made a landing on Staten Island, and their nearer approach was expected. The convention, on July 20th, or- dered out one-fourth of the militia of Long Island, for the purpose of collecting the stock into convenient places, so as to be driven, when necessary, from the coast into the interior of the Island, to prevent its falling into the enemies' hands, and thus afford them supplies. Five days after, in compliance with this order, a quarter of the Newtown militia was drafted, under Capt. Benjamin Coe, of the south beat company ; the light horse with the foot, a circumstance which they did not relish, having been to the expense of equipping themselves as troopers. The company thus formed numbering forty-four men,' was attached to the regiment of Col. Josiah Smith, of Brookhaven, of which Capt. Abraham Eemsen, of Newtown, had been appointed major ; and forming part of Gen. Na- thaniel Woodhull's brigade, to whom the duty of protecting the stock on Long Island had been particularly assigned. Information that the enemy were reembarking, v^ith evi- dent intent to land on Long Island, induced the convention to order Col. Smith to march with his regiment and join the brigade of Gen. Greene, at Brooklyn, and these instructions were communicated to Col. Smith, on the 9th of August. The ' For their names see section 103 of Onderdonk'a Revolutionary Incidents, a valuable repository of facts pertaining to Long Island during the Revolution, and from which I have drawn largely in preparing this portion of my work. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 187 day following, one-half of the militia of King's and Queen's was directed immediately to be formed into one regiment, un- der command of Col. Jeromus Eemsen, of Newtown, and re- pair to the same place. Both of these orders were promptly executed, and the two regiments, which included within their ran.ks nearly all the Newtown militia, took up positions with- in the American lines, at Brooklyn, where they were employed in throwing up entrenchments and standing guard at the out- posts and ferries. The British forces had now landed at New Utrecht, and their assault upon our troops being hourly expected, (the issue of which seemed very dubious,) the convention, on August 24th, ordered the whole militia of Queen's county, with the troop of horse, to be called out, and all diligence to be used to prevent the stock from falling into the hands of the enemy ; that the captain of the King's county troop (Lambert Suydam) join them, and that the inhabitants of Queen's, not subject to militia duty, assist when ordered. Gen. Woodhull hastened to forward the execution of these orders, and early on the day of the disastrous battle of Long Island, (Aug, 27th,) with a command of less than a hundred men furnished him the day previous by Col. Potter, of Huntington, was scouring New- town, and collecting the cattle, three hundred head of which he took off the same day to Jamaica, whence they were driven eastward to the Hempstead plains. His party was reinforced during the day by forty militia of the regiment of Queen's, and fifty troopers from Newtown and King's county. His po- sition was now becoming critical. The American army were driven within their lines at Brooklyn, scouting parties of the enemy were not far distant, and his force was constantly di- minishing, because of the anxiety of the militia to reach their homes and protect or remove their families. He had expected that the regiments of Smith and Remsen would be detached to his aid, but this was now become impracticable, as the British troops had cut off his communication with the camp at Brooklyn. The next day, being the 28th, Woodhull ordered the rem- nant of his men, about ninety in number, to move off to the eastward with the stock, while he remained at Jamaica, in ex- pectation every moment of further orders from the convention, 188 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. for whicli he had despatched his brigade-major, Jonathan Law- rence. But alas ! he lingered too long. In the afternoon, no word arriving, he followed slowly on after his men, but halted during a heavy shower two miles east of Jamaica. The late Ma- jor Robert Moore, of Newtown, who was then a young man, and had been with Gen. Woodhull, was at the house of Mrs. Cebra, in Jamaica, keeping the females company during the shower, when a detachment of the 17th Light Dragoons, under Capt. Oliver Delancey, entered the village, amid thunder, lightning, and a violent rain, in pursuit of Woodhull's party. They reined up at Mrs. Cebra's to inquire for Col. Robinson, an ac- tive whig partizan. Moore came to the door, when, mistaking him for the colonel, they nearly cut off his hand with a sabre blow. On finding their prey had escaped, they hastened on eastward. At Carpenter's inn they took Gen. Woodhull pri- soner, cruelly wounding him with their swords. But the un- timely fate of this gallant officer is too well known for rehearsal here. Several of the citizens of Newtown, namely, Richard Bragaw, George Brinckerhoff, Abraham Devine, and Ludlam Haire, all of whom had been with Gen. Woodhull, driving stock, were also surprised and captured at Hinchman's tavern, Jamaica, and taken from thence to a British prison-ship, where they were urged to enlist, but, by bribing a friend to govern- ment, were released. Newtown was now open to the enemy, and many of the whig families, alarmed at their defenceless condition, fled in the utmost confusion, taking with them such of their effects as were of most value or could be gathered in the haste of the moment. A number of scattering troops had posted them- selves, the previous day, on the ridge of hills between New- town and Jamaica ; entered many houses, taking victuals and drink, but as yet had not plundered. About three o'clock in the afternoon of the 28th, and while it was raining, two High- land foot soldiers, armed with muskets, and conducted by James Marr, a Scotchman and loyalist living at Dry Harbor, approached the house of Jeromus Remsen, Sen. at Hempstead Swamp, (now James Weeden's,) who, with his family and his daughter, the wife of Barent Johnson, of Brooklyn, was sit- ting at the front door. They said they had come to search for rebels, and being told that there were none there, they replied ANNALS OP NEWTOWN, 189 with a profane epithet that tliere ivere rebels there, (alluding to Mrs. Johnson and her children,) and if they continued to harbor them, they would come again and plunder the house. All this while, Garret Kemsen, who was one of the troop, lay asleep with his uniform on, in an adjoining bed-room. Hav- ing been Avith Woodhull, driving stock, he had come in about eleven o'clock, overcome with fatigue, and had lain down to obtain some rest. His wife woke him after the Highlanders left, and warned him of his danger. Hastily putting on a great coat, he went out of the back door, escaped to Harlem, and was seven years in exile. Early the following morning, Aug. 29th, the British light dragoons, from Jamaica, entered the town. They overtook Lieut. Jonathan Coe and Hezekiah Field, of the troop, who the day before had returned from driving stock to White Pot, and were now starting to cross the Sound. They were pasS' ing through a field, probably to elude observation, and Lieut. Coe had thrown his epaulet fc in the bushes, but they were re- cognized ; the light horse leaped the fence and seized them. They were mounted behind their captors, and amid a profusion of insult and abuse, were carried to Flatbush jail, where the unfortunate Coe died of dysentery, having suffered much for want of food and attention. His body was thrown in a hole, and refused the rites of Christian burial, though his friends requested it for that purjDose. The light horse scoured the town, and while it was yet early, guided by one George Eapelye, a loyalist, came along the Poor Bowery, and halted at Jacobus Lent's (late Isaac Ra- pelye's,) to get some bread. Brandishing their naked swords, they declared that they were in pursuit of that d — d rebel, Doctor Eiker. The doctor had spent the night in visiting different sections of the town, tearing down Howe's proclama- tions, that none might be misled, and induced, at this critical juncture, to remain and accept British protection, instead of hasting to the support of the American arms. The females at Mr. Lent's were terrified at the ferocious appearance of the light horse, and observing the haste and greediness with which they broke and ate the dry bread, Balche, a colored bondwoman, innocently inquired of her mistress whether they would not eat them. They dashed on towards Hellgate, but the doctor 13 190 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. had escaped in a boat to Barn Island, and tlins eluded tliese demons in human form. The tories, in the excess of their triumph, assuming the character of informers against their whig neiglibors, made themselves greatly helpful to the invading foe. They were to be distinguished by a badge of loyalty which they wore ; a red ribbon tied around their hat, or a red flannel rag tucked under the hat-band. Estranged by the violence of party strife, and as if animated by the very author of evil, they vented their malice in open persecution of those with whom they had before lived in neighborly intercourse. On the night of Aug. 29th, the horses of Mrs. Johnson, before named, were taken out of her father's pasture, in Hempstead Swamj^. The next morning, Aert Van Duyn and his brothers passed the door, and Mrs. J. asked Aert what he had done with her horses, (for the blacks had told her that he took them.) He replied, that they were d — d rebel horses, and he had entered them into the British service. They were never recovered. That day, Abraham Eemsen, of Brooklyn, visited the house, and Mrs. Johnson, fearing to remain after the threats of Marr and the soldiers, embraced the occasion to return with him in the afternoon, to Brooklyn. At the Quaker meeting-house, near Maspeth, they met a portion of the British army, under Maj. Gen. Eobertson, coming from Brooklyn through Bedford and Cripplebush, on their way to Hellgate, to oppose Gen. Lee, reported to be landing there with an army. The troops drove before them large quantities of cattle, collected on the road, which they took to Newtown village. Here the army en- camped for the night on a tract of vacant land owned by Benjamin Betts, up the Dutch lane. But that first night of their presence was stained by excesses perpetrated by the sol- diery, for which Gen. Eobertson the next day issued the fol- lowing apology: — "Major Gen. Eobertson, responsible for the actions of those he commands, takes upon himself the respon- sibility of satisfying the people of the village for the depreda- tions committed last evening by part of the 1st brigade, who came for water. He hopes for the future his troops will ab- stain from a crime which disgraces even victory, and defeats the king's intention to protect and reclaim his American subjects," ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 101 Continuing his march to Hallett's Cove, and finding no enemy, Robertson took up bis quarters at William Lawrence's (late Whitfield's, and now S. A. Halsej's) for two weeks, and encamped his army of 10,000 men, in tents, on the hill and in Hallett's lot. The loyalists furnished wagons to transport the baggage and cannon towards Newtown or Hellgate, and other teams were impressed by the British, who kept pouring into the town, till, with the exception of two brigades of Hessians, left on the heights of Brooklyn, under Gen, De Heister, and one brigade of British, at Bedford, nearly the whole English army were in the town. In the neighborhood of the village, Lord Perc}^, who had commanded part of the right wing of the royal army in the late battle at Brooklyn, was encamped ; also. Gen. Grant, with the 4th brigade. Gen. Sir William Howe, Knight Baronet, commander-in-chief of the king's forces, had his quarters in the village, at the "Big House" of Samuel Eenne, now Bretonniere's. Here, on Sept. 8d, he wrote a letter to Lord Germain, in England, giving him a par- ticular account of the battle of Long Island, with returns of the killed and wounded of the royal army, and the prisoners and ordnance captured from the Americans. Howe had im- mediate command of the 23d regiment, or Royal Welsh Fusi- leers. The hill in the rear of his quarters was covered with his tents, and vestiges of an encampment yet remain. But another considerable portion of the army, consisting of the entire first division, took up its position in the vicinity of the Newtown Creek. It embraced the light infantry, un- der Brig. Gen. Leslie, the British reserve, under Lt. Gen. Earl CoruAvallis and Gen. A^aughan,' and the Hessian grenadiers, and chasseurs, under Col. Donop ; the whole commanded by Lt. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, K. B. whose quarters were at the house of Nathaniel Moore, (now S. B. Townsend's) on the road > The light infantry consisted of four battalions, under Majors Musgrave, Straubenzee, Maitland, and Johnstone. The British reserve included all the grenadiers of the array, (i. e. four battalions under Colonels Moncton, Mea- dows, Major March, and Major Stewart,) together with the 33d regiment, Cornwallis's, and the distinguished 42d, or Royal Highland regiment, Lt. Co!. Sterling, wliom I shall have occasion especially to notice hereafter. Major March encamped his batt^ilion on the farm of John Morrell, now owned by his grandson of the same name. 192 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. from Middletown to tlie Poor Bowery. Clinton'^s regiment was tlie 84tli, or Eoyal liigliland Emigrants. The East river now only separated between these hos- tile legions of Britain and the army of Washington. Two such combatants were not calculated to remain inactive in such close juxtaposition, longer than was required to recover from the confusion of the recent battle. Indeed no sooner had Gen. Kobertson made an encampment at Hellgate, and his can- non arrived, than a battery was erected on a point of land at Hallett's Cove, which opened on Sunday, Sept. 1st. at Horn's Hook, on New-York Island, and being returned in a spirited manner, an incessant firing was kept up on both sides the "w^hole day, during which the enemy threw above a hundred shells, killing one of our men and wounding several. Some of the American shot fell on the land of William Lawrence,, but it is not known what damage the British sustained. This cannonading continued for several days, by which the enemy was so emboldened that on Tuesday they crossed in considera- ble numbers to Blackwell's Island, but the shot from our bat- teries proving too warm for them^ they soon recrossed the river. In the meantime, squads of soldiers penetrated every bye- toad and visited each farm-house in search of plunder, and to secure the persons of the leading whigs. A band of these marauders from the encampment of Gen. Eobertson, dressed in uniform, but unarmed, entered the door-yard of Jacobus Eiker, (since Charles Eapelye's) for whom they inquired, but he was not at home. One of them then cried out that Lieut. Eiker was a d — d rebel, mistaking this for the residence of Lt. Samuel Eiker, who, as an active committeeman, had in- ciirred the hatred of the tories. Then they proceeded to kill the fowls, and toss them into a riding-chair that stood under a shed in the door-yard, and completing the load with a valua- ble fish-seine, milk-jDans, &c. they drew the whole off to the camp. While the soldiers were thus employed, an English surgeon was pacing back and forth in the room, who said to Mrs. E. " You see, I take nothing, madam." But after he was gone, they missed the silver buckles from a pair of high-heeled shoes that hung upon the cupboard. By and b}^, a party re- turned, and proceeded down into the cellar, where Mr. Eiker, who was now at home, quickly followed them, and seized one AXNALS OF NKWTOWN. 193 by the collar, sajdng, " Out of tliis, you liave no right here," at the same time warmly remonstrating with the sergeant, who was sitting leisurely on the cellar-door without. After a parley, the latter called the men out, and they left, Mr. E. then repaired to the 'camp, and was fortunate enough to re- cover his chaise and some other articles, but not the poultry. Thomas Cumberson was employed at his wood-pile, when a party of soldiers was observed approaching the house. His wife entreated him to come in to avoid difficulty. He, how- ever, preferred to continue his work, hoping that his san^j froid would save him. But not so, they seized him, with two of his horses, and stript the premises of every eatable, leaving his family destitute of bread. He was carried a little beyond Middletown, and put under guard in a hen-coop. From thence he was taken to Flatbush, but was released by order of Sir Henry Clinton, through the entreaties of Mrs, Cumberson, who in person applied to the general, at his quarters, at N. Moore's. Of course Mr. C. saw no more of his horses. Eichard Law- rence, who had been captain of the troop, was seized and incarcerated in the Provost jail, at New- York, where he was kept for a long time, contracting an illness which caused his /death. William Sackett was arrested and taken to the "cor- \ner house" in Newtown, but contriving to make the guard arunk, he slipt away, and was not again called upon. Benja- min Cornish was suspected of being a whig, (as in truth he was,) and this was accounted sufficient reason for robbing him of his cattle and stock. The Newtown militia had nearly all returned to the town. After the retreat to New- York from the battle of Long Island, Col, Smith's regiment was ordered to Horn's Hook, opposite Hallett's Cove, to await further orders, and Col, Eemsen was authorized to grant furloughs to his men to visit or remove their families from Long Island — none to carry arms with them. But owing to their impatience to get home and shield their families from abuse, their term of enlistment had no sooner expired (Aug. 31st,) than these regiments disbanded themselves, and nearly all crossed to Long Island, reaching their homes in time to save their property from confiscation. Personal safety compelled the officers to act otherwise, and thus their families remained exposed to the insolence of the 194 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. enemy, or effected tlieir escape as best tliey could, and rejoined tlieir Imsbands and fathers within the American lines. Capt. "William Lawrence, of the north beat militia, was an excep- tion. He was ill at his own house when the enemy took pos- session of the town. The loyalists insisted he was playing sick, and had him examined by a Hessian surgeon, who pro- nounced it no sham, exclaiming in reference to the false charge, " How much people lie in dis country." Capt. Coe, in distressed circumstances, followed the convention to Fish- kill, whence he proceeded to Warwick, in Orange county, and there resided with his family during the war. Daniel Law- rence, captain of the light horse, was also in exile seven years, and lived at Milford, Major Eemsen fled to Eockland county, Col. Eemsen and Dr. Eiker to New Jersey, and Major Jona- than Lawrence to Dutchess county. Col Blackwell had fled to New Jersey, and at the venerable stone house, in Eavenswood, then his residence, aTid now belonging to the Heyer estate, may still be seen the mark of the broad arrow /f\ branded upon the front door by the British, to denote that it was the property of a rebel, and as such, confiscated to the crown. Col. Blackwell returned under Howe's proclamation, but he suffered much indignity. Many other whigs, more or less noted, exchanged the comfort and all the endeared attach- ments of home, for penurj^ and a tedious exile. The British forces now prepared to remove from Newtown, Gen. Howe intending to make a demonstration against New- York. On the 15th of Sept. in the morning, three ships of war passed up the North river, to draw the attention of the Ame- ricans to that side, while the British first division under Clin- ton, embarked in flatboats, at the head of Newtown creek, and landed about noon at Kip's Bay, protected by the fire of two forty gun ships and three frigates. The same day, the Ameri- can army retreated to Harlem, and the enemy were in posses- sion of the city of New- York, to hold it for seven years. Soon after this movement, and in part execution of the plan to cut off the retreat of the American army. Gen. Eobertson's forces took up their march from Hellgate, passed around the Head of the Fly, to Flushing, and thence to Whitestone, preparatory to crossing to Westchester. His position at Hellgate was taken up by the Hessians, under Gen. De Heister. He and Gen. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 195 Clark were quartered at the liouse of William Lawrence. These Hessians made use of Jacobus Eiker's oven, (in whose house one of their number, Ensign De Sacken, aid-de-camp to Maj. Gen. De Bischausen, was billeted,) and there baked great quan- tities of bread for their men, being sometimes thus emjjlojed several days and nights in succession. The Hessians remained three Aveeks, when the hostile troops were again put in motion. On the 12th of October the guards, light infantry, and reserve, together with Col. Donop's corps of Hessian grenadiers and chasseurs, embarking in boats at Tur- tle Bay, on New- York Island, passed up the East river, and pressing through the dangerous navigation of Hellgate, enve- loped in a thick fog, landed on Throg's Neck at about nine o'clock in the morning. The same day the Hessians, under Gen. De Heister, embarked at Hellgate in flatboats and other craft, and proceeded to the same place, while the 1st, 2d, and 6th brigades crossed from Whitestone and joined the gathering forces. On the 28th of the same month occurred the battle of White Plains. Generals Clinton and Heister led on the royal forces, and met with a brave resistance from the Ameri- cans, under Gen. Washington. Several hundred fell of both parties, but neither could claim any decided advantage. But we must leave the hostile armies in their sanguinary career, and confine our attention to events more particularly connected with the territorial limits assigned us. CHAPTEE Xi. Queen's county petitions for a restoration to royal favor. — Granted. — It affords tio great protection. — Presbyterian church desecrated and finally demolished. — A deserter executed. — The Dutch church spared for a time. — Dominie Froeligh, being a Whig, is forced to flee. — The Episcopal church respected. — Friends dis- turbed while in silent meeting. — Camp fever prevails. — The militia reorganized. — Officers' names. — James Marr ; how he filled his pockets. — Officers of the Troop. — Their excursions. — Delancey's Brigade. — Refugee's occupy the farms of exiled Whigs. — Villany of the new-raised corps. — They rob William Furman. — Incident of Bergoon Van Alst. — Joseph Hallett's house robbed. — Vessels winter in Newtown Creek. — Notices of the Maryland Loyalists, and the Royal Highlanders. — Address to the latter on their leaving the town. — The reply. — They winter in Newtown afterwards. — Trouble Samuel Waldron. — One of them shot by Cor. Rapelye. — Precautions of the farmers. — Refugees steal cattle in Westchester. — Hessians. — Incidents of the hard winter. — Col. Willard. — Loss of the Huzza frigate. — British forces in Newtown.^-Visits from Whaleboatmen. — Highlanders and other troops in the town. — Notice of several Refugees of cha- racter. — Tho. Cumberson mortally wounds a robber. — Tho. Woodward kills a soldier. — A highway robbery. — Daring robbery at Dominie's Hook. — Petty thefts. — Martial law in force. — Severe trials of the farmers. — Their troubles end. — Joy of the Whigs at the prospect of Independence. — Alarm of the Loyal- ists. — Many of them retire to Nova Scotia. — Newtown evacuated by the Bri- tish troops. — Public rejoicing. — Town officers regularly chosen during the war.^^ — The first election after the Peace. — Physical and moral effects of the Revo- lution. 177G to 1783. Newtown witli its environs was now in tlie power of an inliuman foreign soldiery, its leading whig inhabitants were in prison or exile, and their property seized by the enemy, to be ravaged at their will. Under these adverse circumstances the remainder were constrained to join with the loyalists in a petition, now being circulated, that Queen's county might be restored to royal favor. Prudence indeed suggested that steps should be taken to conciliate the inflamed feelings of the royal troops, when they should return to winter quarters on the Island. Their brief stay had been marked with j)illage and devastation ; ' what would a winter residence effect, if nothing ' I cannot, perhaps, better illustrate this than by inserting the following, found among the Alsop papers. This, be it remembered, is but a single case : — ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 197 Sea and were done to secure their friendship ? Nearly thirteen hundred freeholders and inhabitants of the county signed the said pe- tition, setting forth their loyal disposition, and praying that Losses and Damage Richard Alsop, Esq. sustained by Ms Majesty's Land Forces, betioeen y' \sL and 24//i of Sept. A. D. 1776, vizt 8 Grown Cattle, worth £6 pr, ps. 7 oi a smaller size, at £4 10s. pr. ps. . 6 Calves, at £l 10s. pr. ps. ... 4 Horses, 2 at £15, and 2 at £12 pr. ps. 8 Large Hogs, at £2 10s. pr. ps. . 7 Shotes, at 16s. pr. ps. and 6 Pigs, at 6s. pr. ps Poultry, 1000 Rails, at 30s. pr. hundred, .... 180 Posts, at 50s. pr. hundred. Damage to a Riding Chair and 2 Wagons, . 10 bushels of Wheat, at 8s. pr. bushel, 30 ditto of Rye, at 5s. pr. bushel, . 12 loads of Straw, at 10s. pr. load, 6 tons of Clover and Timothy Hay, at £6 pr. ton, 20 bushels of Indian Corn, at 5s. pr. bushel, 20 bushels of Onions, at 5s. pr. bushel, . 40 bushels of Potatoes, at 4s. pr. bushel, . Boards and Garden Fence, . Fruit of sundry kinds, .... 6 Iron Pots, £3, and 1 Frying Pan, 9s, . 12 Pewter Plates, 24s. and 1 Dripping Pan, 20s. . 2 Large Knot Bowls, 30s. 4 Pails, iron hoop'd, 24s 2 Wash Tubs, 12s. 1 Lye Tub, 16s. 1 Table, 20s, 10 Bowls, Queen's ware, 7s. 6c?. 6 Drinking Glasses, 9s 1 pr. Stockings, 8s. 1 Woman's Cap, 12s. . 1 Handkerchief, 13s 4 Silver Tea-spoons, 20s. 1 Silver Table-spoon, 16s. 1 Hive of Bees, 20s. 1 Smoothing Iron, 4s. . 1 Wheat Sieve, 14s. 5 Bags, 15s. 1 Calico Gown, 30s. 1 Apron, 10s. 1 Blanket, 8s. 1 pr. Leather Breeches, 20s. 1 Great Coat, 16s. . 1 Petticoat, 20s. Sundry Children's Clothes, 20s. . 1 Large China Bowl, 10s. 3 Wood Axes, 20s. . Cabbages, 30s. Turnips, 40s £326 15 6 This list is valuable, as exhibiting the prices of produce and other articles at the opening of the war. It is computed in New-York provincial currency, a shilling, being as now, the eighth of a dollar, and a pound, two dollars and a half. — Compiler. £. J. d. 48 . 31 10 9 . 64 20 . 7 8 3 . 15 4 10 . 7 4 . 7 10 6 . 36 5 . 5 8 . 2 25 . 3 9 2 4 . 2 14 2 8 . 16 6 1 . 13 1 16 . 1 4 1 9 . 2 8 1 16 . 2 1 10 . 3 10 198 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. the county might be declared at the king's peace. It bore date Oct. 21st, and was presented to the commissioners for restoring peace to his Majesty's colonies, from whom it met with a very gracious reception. But the proffered protection much resembled that of the wolf to the lamb. All the ancient prejudices and inveterate hatred toward the Presbyterians were revived. Their uniform adhesion to the cause of liberty drew down upon them, as a religious sect, the particular virulence of the British and to- ries. The leading men of the Presbyterian congregation in Newtown had fled within the American lines, and public wor- ship was suspended in their sanctuary. Embracing the occa- sion to vent their hatred, a few young tories, shortly after the British got possession, went one night with a saw, and a rope taken from the well of Alexander Whaley, and actually sawed off the steeple of the church.' The edifice was then devoted to the purpose of a prison and guard-house, the pews being removed, and while thus used, an English soldier was con- fined there for desertion, and afterwards hung upon a pear- tree in a neighboring orchard, now owned by John Leverich. At length the building was demolished, and the siding, &c. used for making huts for the soldiers on Eenne's place. A pillar on which the pulpit had stood was converted into a horse-post at the town-house. Thus despoiled of their sanc- tuary, many of the Presbyterians, during the war, attended the Rev. Mr. Burnet's church, at Jamaica. The Dutch congregation were more favorably treated by the British and Hessian troops, and it was owing probably to 1 j)r, w****** 51**** J**** ]y£**** Q***** \y***** and D**** V** W*****, were the leaders in this transaction. Some years after the peace, a tall steeple in New-York required to be cut off and lowered. So critical an operation naturally elicited remark, and happened to become the subject of conversation, one evening, in a circle where the doctor was present. One of the company, Capt. Rutgers, venturing a joke at the expense of his medical friend, observed that he knew a person that could do the job in question. "Who is if?" asked another. "Why, Dr. M." was the reply. "But he is not a carpenter," returned the other. " No matter for that," said Capt. Rut- gers, " only give him a hand-saw and a well-rope, and he'll have it off while you are asleep." The joke was too keen to be relished by the doctor, whose face colored at the allusion, and he simply remarked of tlie act referred to, that some persons imputed it to him. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 199 the influence of certain Dutcli families, wlio were loyalists, that tlieir church escaped for a time their polluting hands. Service, however, was not very regularly performed. Domi- nie Froeligh, the pastor, had been an ardent whig, and in his public ministrations often prayed the Almighty to strike the fleets of our invaders with his bolts and sink their soldiers in the seas, so that they might never set hostile foot on our shores.* On the approach of the British, he fled from his resi- dence in Jamaica to Newtown, and lay concealed one night in the house of Mr. Eapelje, at Hellgate, who set him across to the Main. During the earlier part of the war. Do. Boelen ofiiciated in Newtown, and after him. Dominies Schoonmaker and Rubell occasionally preached, in making the tour of the county, and performed the ordinances of baptism and mar- riage as required. But at a later period in the war the British forgot their former lenity to the Dutch. Being in want of a powder magazine, they took possession of their church, and stored there a large quantity of gunpowder in barrels. While it was thus used, the family of the widow Wainwright, who kept the town-house, opposite, was in constant fear, and espe- cially when a thunder-storm occurred, lest the lightning should set the church on fire, and cause an explosion. The Episcopal church was seriously affected by the com- motions which immediately preceded the entrance of the ene- my. After the visit of Col. Heard, Mr. Bloomer administering the sacrament at Newtown, "had but four or five male com- municants, the rest having been driven off, or carried away prisoners." Independence being declared, Mr. B. was enjoined to omit the customary prayers for the king and royal family. Knowing the consequence of a refusal to do this, and in pros- pect of relief from the king's troops, who were at Staten Is- land, he closed his churches for five Sabbaths, when the expected relief came. Thence Mr. Bloomer officiated regu- larly, and the congregation was sustained by the attendance of British officers and prominent loyalists. The quiet demeanor and peaceful principles of the Quaker 1 It is a noteworthy fact, that a British fleet of 43 sail, five days out from Cork, and bound for Boston, with 2500 troops, met with a terrible storm, Feb. 18th, 1776, which dispersed the vessels, and forced them to seek the nearest ports. This delay was altogether favorable to the Americans. 200 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. could not shield him from insult. On one occasion, when the Friends were in meeting at Maspeth, the British soldiers amused themselves with firing several shots through the house, one of which came near kilHng Mrs. Sarah Betts. She had just taken her seat, when a ball whistled over her head and pierced the weatherboard on the opposite side of the house. The bullet-holes were long to be seen. Such were some of the indignities to which the good people of Newtown were subjected. Added to the wide-spread confusion and dis- tress which the enemy introduced, the camp fever broke out among the troops the first winter, and being communicated to the inhabitants, numbers of them died. Now that the British had possession of Long Island, it be- came necessary to guard agaitist predatory incursions of the Americans, to which the Island would be peculiarly exposed in the summer season, Avhen the English troops were absent upon service. The defence of the Island must necessarily depend in a good degree upon the militia, and they were therefore organized and placed under suitable regulations. In Newtown the following new ofiicers were chosen. In the north beat, George Rapelye, (son of John,) captain; Daniel Eapelye, (son of Abraham,) lieutenant; and Jeromus Kapelye, (son of Jeromus,) ensign. The south beat comjjany was com- manded by Capt. Dow Van Duyn, of Hempstead Swamp, one of whose subalterns was James Marr, before noticed, who after- wards succeeded Van Duyn in the command. Marr was a hot- brained loyalist, beyond which he had little to recommend him even to the British. At a later period of the war, the militia of Long Island were called out to aid in constructing fortifications at Brooklyn, and Marr commanded a detachment from Newtown. But not a few of the militia commuted with him for their time, and for a clever fee were permitted to stay at home, by which means the crafty Scotchman considerably increased the size of his purse. The commissioned officers of the Newtown light horse, under the British, were Cornelius Rapelye, (son of Daniel,) cap- tain ; Daniel Rapelye, (son of John,) lieutenant ; Daniel Lent, cornet ; and Cornelius Rapelye, (son of Jeromus,) quarter-mas- ter. The troop made occasional tours down the Island, dur- ing the war, to protect the inhabitants against the attacks ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 201 of tlie wlialeboatmen and otliers. One of these was in De- cember, 1777, when news having been received that 200. Americans from Connecticut had landed at Setauket, on a hostile visit, a considerable force was despatched to give them battle. Col. Hamilton, who commanded the militia of Queen's, proceeded thither from Newtown, at the head of the troop of horse, but the enemy had departed. These excursions proved a mere pastime with the young troopers, and the only victories of which they are known to have boasted were those achieved over the feathered gentry of the farmers' barn-yards. The officers of militia above named, (foot and horse,) were not in the end benefitted by their commissions, for having thereby become active partizans of royalty, they nearly all found it prudent to leave the country at the peace, though the most of them returned again. Not only was the militia of Long Island organized for its defence, but measures were taken immediately after the Island was captured by the British, to raise a brigade of provincials from among the numerous loyalists who had left their homes in New-York and New England, and taken refuge here, from the apprehended vengeance of the whigs. This brigade was commanded by Gen. Oliver Delancey, and its special duty was to defend the Island, apprehend or drive off all concealed rebels, and reestablish order and government. Fitting instru- ments, truly ! for they had the name of being preeminently lawless and notorious thieves. In the winter of 1777-8, they were stationed at Newtown, or the Head of the Fly, and then numbered over 600 men, in three battalions. Several of their officers were Newtown men, and at a certain time, the corps occupied the huts back of Bretonniere's. These huts were also used as a hospital for invalid soldiers. Newtown not only swarmed with troops, but she became the abode of many of the refugees who had fled to Long Is- land, as before stated. Being generally in destitute circum- stances, such as did not enlist in the military service found employment in other ways, as best they could. In autumn, 1778, they petitioned the king's commissioners for permission "to enclose and cultivate, for their OAvn benefit, portions of the cleared woodlands and other uncultivated land of persons not under protection of government, on Long Island, and to erect 202 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. temporary habitations thereon." The execution of this busi- ness, and the obtaining of signatures in Queen's county, was intrusted to Col. Moses Kirkland, an influential refugee from South Carolina, who, in October attended at the inn of Abra- ham Kapelye, the "corner house," in Newtown, to receive the names of the refugees.* The petition was granted, and the following spring permits were issued on their presenting a cer- tificate of character at the ofiice of police in New-York. In 1780 Philip J. Livingston, himself a refugee, and occupying the farm of Major Jonathan Lawrence, at Hell gate, was ap- pointed to answer applications of this nature. Large numbers of the refugees enlisted in the New-raised Corps, as were called the provincial forces, embodied by order of Sir William Howe " to suppress the unnatural rebellion." In not a few cases they proved themselves consummate vil- lains, ready for plunder and blood. An illustration or two may be adduced. One night a brace of refugees entered the house of William Furman, Sen. at the Head of the Fly, (late Abiathar Ehodes' residence,) who being an executor of Robert Coe's estate, was supposed to be in possession of a large sum of money. He was robbed of $1600, and badly beaten as he lay in bed (where he was ordered to remain) to force him to make farther disclosures. The villains then ab- sconded, while Mr. Furman, covered with blood, ran to a neighbors to spread the alarm, but the robbers escaped. They were detected at Brooklyn ferry, from the peculiarity of the coin. Mr. Furman appeared before the British authorities at New-York, and identified some of the pieces, yet none of the money was ever restored. After the peace, he was sued by ' Col. Kirkland is described as a stout, corpulent man, about five feet ten inches high, swarthy complexion, and then aged between fifty and sixty. He had been the owner of a plantation and some forty slaves, in the back country of South Carolina, but being proscribed for his active loyalty, he fled from his estate, and sailed for Boston. On the passage he was captured (Dec. 1775) by an American armed vessel, sent to Philadelphia, and lodged in prison, where he remained till the 7th of May succeeding, when he broke jail in the evening, and evading all pursuit, found safety among the king's forces. It is stated in Holt's Journal, that at the capture of a part of De- lancey's 1st battalion, which was taken near Savannah, Sept. 30th, 1779, through a daring stratagem of Col. White, of the Georgia line, Kirkland was found among the prisoners. His ultimate fate I have not learned. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 203 tlie heirs of Coe, and acquitted in tlie court of errors. At another time, a party of a new-raised corps, then occupying huts on John Bragaw's j^lace, visited the pig-pen of Bergoon Van Alst, at the Dutch Kills. Van Alst was aroused from his bed, for it was night, and repairing to the garret, fired upon them from the window. They returned a volley, and renewed their efforts to get the pigs out of the pen, but Van Alst, nothing daunted, fired again and again, drawing aside as he discharged his piece, and actually drove them off before they had secured the bacon. On another occasion, the house of Joseph Hallett was broken open by six persons, who car- ried off a purse of ten guineas, with a gold and a silver watch. This robbery was committed on the night of Oct. 15th, 1778. Thieves and burglars infested the township. The succeeding winter Newtown presented an unusually animated appearance. Fears being excited that Gen. Wash- ington meditated an attack upon New-York, Sir Henry Clin- ton took active measures to strengthen that place. For the preservation of the shipping, as well as the safety of the city, he directed all vessels intending to winter at New- York, and not in the service of government, to be removed to Newtown Creek. Here a great many craft found a secure harbor for the winter. In the township a large number of British troops were barracked. There was the 17th regiment of Light Dra- goons, the same that so inhumanly murdered Gen. Woodhull, and who, during the preceding summer, had'been engaged at the battle of Monmouth. The Maryland Loyalists, Lt. Col. Chalmers, lay at the Head of the Fly, and the •±2d regiment, or Eoyal Highlanders, Avere at Hempstead Swamp, their guard-house being at Capt. Van Duyn's, now D. S. Mills'. The Maryland Loyalists were encamped divers times in Newtown. On one occasion, two of their officers, Lieut. Levin Townsend and Adjutant James Henly, quartered at William Leverich's, (since Wm. Sackett's property.) The festivities which were indulged in during the winter months, and served to relieve the tedium of the camp, are thus warmly alluded to some years after, by the commanding ofiicer, then in Ireland, in a letter to a friend in America : — " I felt," he remarks, "great regret at leaving New-York, where I had enjoyed the pleasures of social friendship, amid a circle of worthy inhabi- 204 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN, tants — yes, I look back often with, heartfelt satisfaction, on the delightful scenes, the heightened joys that filled np every day, even in the severity of winter months, in the sweet village of Newtown, on Long Island, where we frequently had our quar- ters and cantonments. I hope I may be indulged this small tribute of grateful remembrance and affection for many agree- able families of that place ; to the Moorea^ of that neighbor- hood, I am particularly indebted, a family ancient and respect- able; to the charms of their company, to the hospitable attentions of their numerous connections, I owe many happy hours of festivity and innocent mirth. The Eev. Benjamin Moore had been long eminent in his pastoral functions, as a minister of the Episcopal church ; he is a clergyman of most amiable manners, humane, benevolent, affectionate; as much revered in private life as he is admired and distinguished in the pulpit. You will pardon this honest warmth of a suscep- tible heart. I could not omit this small tribute of gratitude for numerous proofs of affectionate esteem conferred on me by a worthy people." ' The Eoyal Highland Regiment, Lt. Col. Thomas Sterling, commandant, had seen long and arduous service in America, during the French and Indian war. Early in 1776, after re- cruiting in Scotland, it took ship at Cork for America, being composed of 1168 men, and wearing a red uniform faced with blue, with belted plaid and hose. They formed part of the reserve at the battle of Long Island, shared in the capture of Fort AVashington, and also in that of Fort Montgomery, and during the last campaign, 1778, accompanied the expedition of Maj. Gren. Gray, down the Sound, to annoy the settlements along the Connecticut shore. Part of the regiment helped to form a detachment which attacked Elizabethtown, in Febru- ary, 1779, of which enterprise Col. Sterling had the command. Being chosen soon after to go on a predatory expedition to Virginia, the Highlanders prepared to break up their winter encampment in Newtown. On the morning before this took 1 This regiment left New- York, Sept. 16th, 1783, in the transport ship Mcartha, for St. John, in the B.ay of Fundy, but being wreclied near Cape Sable, on the night of the 21st, more than half the corps perished in the waves. The particulars are fearfully depicted in the letter above quoted, as published in the New-York Museum of February, 1800. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 205 place, the principal inhabitants presented the following address to tlieir commander, April 28tb. " The inhabitants of Newtown beg leave to make their hearty and grateful acknowledgements to Col. Sterling and the ofiicers of the 42d regiment, for their very equitable, po- lite, and friendly conduct, during their winter stay among them. They will ever entertain an affectionate esteem and regard for them, and will never forget that they have been treated with all the justice and cordiality due to fellow-subjects and citizens. They at the same time request the favor of Col. Sterling to return their sincere thanks to the regiment in gen- eral, for their regular, orderly, and honorable behavior, so con- formable to the true character of gentlemen and soldiers. They part with the 42d regiment with regret, and wish them glory and success."* After embarkation, Col. Sterling indited the following re- ply, dated on board the Nestor transport, May 1st. " Gentlemen : — It gives me a very sensible pleasure to find the orderly and good behavior of the 42 d regiment, under my command, during their winter quarters in Newtown, has drawn so honorable an acknowledgement from the inhabitants of that district. It has ever been my wish and study to pro- tect the peaceable subject to the utmost of my power, at a time when the civil law, owing to this unhappy rebellion, is suspended from giving that protection so enviable and so much to be wished for, by every one who has tasted the sweets of it. I beg to assure the inhabitants of Newtown of every protec- tion in my power as a soldier, and of every good wish as a fellow-citizen, for their welfare and happiness." The above address of the inhabitants doubtless emanated from the loyalists, who, during this seven years' reign of ter- ror, had everything in their own way. And it is pitiful to observe among the names appended to the address, not a few who are known to have been undoubted whigs, at heart, and who could not utter a serious aspiration for the glory and suc- cess of their country's enemies, but in this, as in other in- stances, were forced into mortifying concessions to the wishes and movements of the tories. ' To this address 93 names were appended, for which, see Onderdonk's Revolutionary Incidents of Queen's Co. p. 135. 14 206 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. The Highlanders proceeded with the forces under Sir Geo. Collier and Gen. Matthews, to Virginia, spreading ruin where- ver they went, by burning houses, vessels, naval stores, and magazines of provisions. They then returned to New-York, satiated with "glorj'- and success," but toward the close of the same year again embarked with Gen. Clinton for South Caro- lina, shared in the reduction of that province, and returned to New-York the next summer. This regiment wintered in Newtown subsequently, and circumstances are related which show that they were given to the same lawless practices that disgraced the foreign troops in general. During one of their encampments at Hempstead Swamp, some of them were billeted in the house of Samuel Waldron, now the residence of Edward Tompkins, Esq. They were insolent and annoying in the highest degree. Whenever they had occasion to shoe their horses, they would, without ceremony, enter the blacksmith-shop, and make free use of the forge and iron, not allowing Mr. Waldron any compensa- tion for his serious interruptions and loss. They stole all of his cows but one, which was saved only by shutting it up in a bed-room in the house. Of course he got nothing for them. In one instance, the enclosure was broken open at night, and a cow taken. It was driven a short distance, killed, and the quarters carried to the camp. The next day Waldron traced them by the blood, and entered a complaint. "Point them out," said the officer, " and I will flog them." Waldron told him this was impossible, as he did not witness the deed, though the trail of blood made it evident that some of his men were the offenders. He requested pay for his cow, which the Scotchman refused, but offered him a dollar for the head, to feed his dog. Indignant at such villany, Waldron retraced his steps homeward, but was .followed by a servant, who threw down a dollar, and carried away the cow's head. It seems that these Highlanders were addicted to cow- stealing, but in another instance one of their number met with an awful retribution. At the time referred to, they lay in Trains Meadow, on the land of John Leverich, (where the widow of Eichard now lives,) and occupied huts back of the barn. Two of the soldiers, on a certain night, crossed the meadow, and entered the barn-yard of Cornelius Eapelye, (now ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 207 Purdy's,) for tlie purpose of stealing his cattle. Tliey were heard by the negroes, and they alarmed their master, who went out with his carbine, (for he commanded the troop of horse,) and ordered them off. To this they gave no heed, when Ea- pelye fired, but without effect, and hastened to the house to reload. With this, one of the S.cotchmen jumped over into the road, wliere the blacks, Sam and Fronce, were stationed, the latter armed with an old Queen Anne's piece. Sam im- mediately clenched him, and being the best fellow, began to force the soldier towards the house, a j^risoner, Fronce aiding by pushing him with the breech of his gun. At this moment, his accomplice ran to his rescue, and with an uplifted hatchet was about to split the skull of Fronce, when the latter turned, presented the muzzle of his gun to the Scotchman's breast, and fired. The ball pierced his heart, and he fell dead upon his face. The other was secured, and in the morning taken before the commanding officer, who justified Eapelye and his men, but expressed a wish that the survivor had been the victim, as he was a noted scamp, while the one shot had pre- viously sustained a good character. If this were so, what a lesson it conveys. The first indulgence of bad company may prove one's ruin.' Thus it will be seen that stern justice sometimes arrested these plunderers in the very act of their villany. The farmers indeed soon learned to be prepared for them. Each kept loaded guns in his house, often a number ; the utmost precau- tion was used to secure their out-buildings and barn-yards, and a watch placed at night over their crops approaching to matu- rity. An alarming sense of insecurity prevailed, for none knew at what unsuspecting hour of night a band of maraud, ing soldiery might steal upon them, to rob, perhaps to murder. Much of the crime perpetrated was justly chargeable upon the refugees. And their depredations were not always confined to midnight theft; occasionally they sallied forth upon a more open and daring expedition. On June 29th, 1779, a party of ^ The Royal Highlanders remained in America till the peace. In 1801 their regiment formed one of those that repulsed the Frencli on the shores of Aboukir, in Egypt, and covered the landing of the English army under Sir Ralph Abercrorabie. They were recently stationed in Bermuda, where their precision in militaiy tactics during parade excited special admiration. 208 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. them crossed, to Westcliester, and "witli the assistance of a guard ship below City Island, and without sustaining any injury, brought off 50 milch cows, 12 or 14 horses, and 150 sheep, which they drove to Jamaica Plains. On another occasion, as the owner of a fine meadow arose in the morning, she found 15 horses turned into it to graze, which had been stolen from the Main. We have beheld the proj^erty of exiled whigs given up to the use of refugees. Of course the British commanders did not hesitate to appropriate to the use of the army anything their premises afforded. In the fall of 1779, the Prince of Hesse's Infantry, Capt. Aldenberg, were quartered at John Morrell's, Dutch Kills, and another corps of Hessians near Ja- cobus Piker's. These last had orders to cut fuel on the wood- land of William Lawrence and Peter Rapelje, both of whom had been rebel officers. The season which succeeded was, from its inclemency, denominated the " hard winter." Snow covered the ground to a great depth, concealing the fences, and there was a beaten road from Lawrence's (now Woolsey's) Point, across the Sound to Westchester. Taking advantage of this easy communication, the British crossed to the Main, and made the farmers bring over their hay to Long Island. At this time Col. Abijah Willard, a commissary in the British service, quartered at J. Biker's, kept two men with a horse and sled employed during the winter cutting and drawing wood from the swamp of Major Jonathan Lawrence. He kept a prodi- gious fire burning in his room. Col. Willard was in person large and portly. He had been a man of some distinction in Lancaster, Mass. but having ac- cepted a seat in the council of that province by royal appoint- ment, it gave such offence to the people, that they assembled, seized Willard, and condemned him to Newgate prison, in Simsbury, as a traitor to his country, bat finally released him on his promise under oath not to sit or act in the said council. When the crisis came which put every man's sentiments to the test, Col. Willard clung to royalty, accepted a command in the British service, and proved himself an active partizan be- fore he came to Long Island. Here he held the post of com- missary, and drew large pay. He is represented as a gentle- man in manners and character, though fully imbued with that deep hatred against the anti-loyalists which his principles and ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 209 former treatment were calculated to produce. During the campaign of 1779, he accompanied, as a volunteer, an expedi- tion of the Associated Loyalists, which ravaged the shore of Connecticut, making incursions upon the villages of Norwalk, Green Farms, Mill River, &c. "occasioning," say they, "new troubles to our enemies." It may be added, that Col. Willard settled in New Brunswick, at the peace ; was a member of the council of that province, and died in 1789, aged 67. His family afterwards returned to Massachusetts. Among the incidents of 1780, may be mentioned the loss of the English frigate Huzza, which in attempting to pass Hellgate, late in the fall, bound for New England, with pay for the British army, struck the Pot Rock, and floating as far as Morris's Island, there filled and sunk in deep water, carry- ing down several of the crew, who were drowned.' This fall and winter Newtown, as usual, presented the scene of a military camp. The Royal Artillery, with their cannon and horses, were here, as they had also been in the previous year. So was the 33d regiment. Lord Cornwallis's. This regiment is known to have occupied huts on the land of John Bragaw, (now Wm, Gosman's,) near the Dutch Kills, and it was probably at this time ; for there is an order dated Dec. 20th, 1780, directing John Bragaw and five of his neighbors to cart the provisions of said regiment till further orders. Very likely, too, they were the grenadiers called Macaronis, from their neatness, who, according to Mr. Onderdonk, lay at the Kills. They are represented as large, noble looking fel- lows ; one of their captains, Hildebrand Oakes, was billetted ' Since the Revolution several attempts have been made to raise or searcli this vessel, under tlie impression that the military chest had not been re- moved. As far as disclosed, nothing has been recovered except fragments of the wreck, a few pieces of cannon, some cases of bottled wine spoiled by sea water, &c. A specimen of cannister-shi t taken up from the ruins is in possession of the compiler, who visited the spot during a recent attempt to explore the wreck. She lies in very deep water, has fallen to pieces, and is nearly imbedded in mud. It is said that this vessel lay anchored in Hal- lett's Cove one or two days before she attempted to pass the Gate, and that circumstances favored the belief that the money she contained was smuggled ashore during that time, and then the vessel j)urposely run upon the rocks to sink her and conceal the embezzlement. If this be true, much useless labor has been expended upon the wreck. 210 AKNALS OF NEWTOWN. i fi Mr, Bragaw's family, a portly, handsome man, wlio, after the war, returned to England, and became a distinguished officer in the British service. This regiment was destitute of the usual facings upon their coats, of which they had been deprived, as was said, for having lost their colors in an en- gagement. Their huts were fifty feet long and of a rectangular form, thus, j | being open at the south to admit the sun's rays, the roof thatched, and the three sides sodded up to the eaves, to keep off the north-west wind. The inner wall was of square hewn logs, and in the centre of the enclosure formed by the huts, the soldiers were wont to parade and perforin military evolutions. Those huts were also occupied for a time by the new-raised corps. The 87th regiment, grenadiers. Col. Sir Eyre Coote, K. B. which was encamped at Hellgate in the spring of 1780, lay the succeeding winter at Capt. Thomas Lawrence's, on Flush- ing Bay, now Daniel Lent's. This shore had to be closely guarded to prevent the approach of whaleboatmen, and other hostile vessels, from the north side of the Sound. The whaleboatmen were Americans, living on the Connecticut shore, (many of them refugees from Long Island,) who had commissions from the governors of New- York and Connecti- cut to cruise against British vessels in Long Island Sound. The number, boldness, and dexterity of these soon made them a formidable foe. Their boats were sharp at each end, of the lightest material, and exactly fitted to their employment. In- festing the bays and inlets, and always on the look-out, they would dart out of their lurking-places and board market-boats, and even cut off the detached vessels of a convoy. They ex- tended their visits to the shores of Long Island, for the jDurpose of carrying off British goods, or seizing the persons of noted loyalists, so as to exchange them for whig prisoners. But this species of warfare at length degenerated into downright robbery ; families living near the shore on Long Island, whether whig or loyalist, were indiscriminately plun- dered of their money and goods, and often cruelly treated to force them to tell where their treasure was secreted. As a de- fence against them, a British guard ship was usually stationed at or near Hiker's Island, and the Newtown shore was further secured by guards posted at Lawrence's Point and the Bowery ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 211 Bay. Notwithstanding this, the whaleboats would often ven- ture into Flusliing Bay at night. Twice they made fruitless visits to the premises of John Fish, who kept the mill, now Jackson's. Once they were driven oif by his son-in-law, Wil- liam Palmer, who fired upon them through the door. On another occasion they entered the house and demanded from Fish his money. He denied having any, upon which they tied the old man to a chair, placed the shovel in the fire, and were about to torture him into a confession, but before they had effected their purpose, an alarm was given to certain British officers quartered on the other side of the creek, when the robbers decamped and took to their boat. They were said to be refugees from Morrisania.' In June, 1781, two >vhale- boats, commanded by Blacker and Jones, appeared off Barn Island, but on seeing a signal given to Adjutant Dunn of the Royal Garrison Battalion, posted at Hellgate, they thought proper to steer off, which they did under a fire from several Hessian grenadiers belonging to Col. De Linsing's regiment du Corps, and a party of refugees on Barn Island. Newtown was visited by these depredators less frequently than the more easterly towns on the Island, as she was better protected against their approaches, by the presence of British troops. In the fall of 1781 the Royal Highland Regiment was quartered at Newtown, also the Associated Refugees or King's American Regiment, Col. Edmund Fanning, a corps of loyal refugees, as their title indicates.^ The Garrison of Pensacola wintered at the same place. The Royal Garrison Battalion, (composed, I believe, of invalid soldiers, unfit for field service,) having been transferred, in July, to Brooklyn fort, the Royal ' It was a common practice to bury money to save it. Mr. Fish buried part of his in the cellar. It was forgotten, and accidentallv discovered a few years since. Several years ago a pot of coin was found on the premises now of Mr. Kneeland, which was believed to have been buried during the Revolution by the Brinckerhoff's, who then resided there. ^ This corps of 460 men was raised in 1777, at an expense of over £2500, subscribed by New-York city, King's, Queen's, and Richmond counties. The late David Purdy, of Newtown, received an ensign's commis^^ion in this regi- ment, and afterwards arose to a captaincy. They were engaged at the battle of Rhode Island, Aug. 29th, 1778, when Ensign Purdy was wounded in the shoulder by a musket-ball. The next year they raviiged the shore of Con- necticut, as I have before noticed. 212 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Forresters, Lt. Col. Jolin Conolly, commandant, were stationed near Hellgate, where they passed the winter. One of their offi- cers, Lieut. Barry, died of a violent fever, in October, and was interred at Hallett's Cove, with the honors of war. A part of the British Legion lay at Hellgate this fall, and a division of the Queen's Eangers wintered on the farm of George Brincker- hoif, now William Bragaw's. Of the loyal refugees who took shelter in Newtown, it is but justice to say that some were most worthy men. Of this number was Dr. Samuel Cutler, a ph3^sician from New Eng- land, who had travelled extensively in Europe, in pursuit of knowledge, and had been a member of the faculty at Edin- burgh ■ Hospital. His learning, combined with great benevo- lence, acquired for him a considerable practice in Newtown during the war, at the close of which he returned to New England. Zacheus Cutler, a cousin of the former, was also a refugee in Newtown. His estate in New Hampshire had been confiscated to the cause of freedom. Being a merchant, he went to London before the peace, to purchase a stock of goods, with a view to establish himself in trade in the city of New- York, but he perished at sea on his returning voyage. Dr. Josiah Pomeroy, a proscribed refugee from Hatfield, Mass. also came to Newtown, and followed his profession of medi- cine. Another refugee of character boarding here, was Capt. James Cox, an Englishman, who had lived in Virginia. At the peace he went to Nova Scotia, and was the proprietor of a line of schooners which ran between Shelburn and New- York. He afterwards returned to the latter city, and died of yellow fever. Another refugee was Peter Fitzsimmons, a merchant, who, after the war, retired to St. John, New Bruns- wick. In the spring of 1782 he opened a tavern at the house of widow Betts, at Hallett's Cove, (now Grant Thorburn's,) which was announced in an advertisement in Eivington's Ga- zette. He informed the public that " he also has the ferry on the opposite side of Horn's Hook, and keeps horse-boats and small boats for passengers. Ferriage for man and horse, 25. horse and chair 4s. cattle 2s. passengers Is." This tavern, and another at the English Kills landing, called the Queen's Head, and "the corner house," at Newtown village, were much resorted to by the soldiery, refugees, and other loyalists. A striking instance of the manner in which the perpetrator ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 213 of crime is often "suddenly destroyed, and that witliout reme- dy^" occurred a little before the peace. Thomas Cimiberson' was awakened by a knocking at his door, by some persons who asked the way to Hallett's Cove. They then wanted to come in and get something to eat, but this he refused, as the hour was unseasonable. They left the door, uttering threats. Suspecting they might return again, Cumberson dressed him- self, and stood his loaded gun by the bed. In a short time, without notice, the door was forced open by a stone as large as a man could well manage. The robbers then rushed in upon him, and one cried out, "Now, you rascal, we've got you." He fired instantly, and lodged the load in the fellow's abdomen, and sung out as to a friend present, "Hand the other gun, or fire yourself." Thereupon all three decamped. The wounded man essayed to mount his horse, but failed. He however snapped his pistol at Cumberson, who had followed him out of doors and was looking on. Finally, he begged to be led into the house. Cumberson told him he had been in once. " Yes, to my sorrow," said the wounded man, throwing down his pistol, and falling on the ground. He at first refused to give the names of his associates ; but on being told by a British surgeon who had been sent for, that he had but a short time to live, he confessed all. His name was Michael Hagan, and he was about eighteen years of age. Three of them had deserted from the British camp at Flatbush, and come over to the English Kills, where they broke open the king's stables, (on the premises late of Judge Jones,) and stole three wagon- er's horses. His two accomplices, Docharty and Lyons, rode off to Hallett's Cove, where, stealing a boat, they crossed the river, and were never heard of afterwards. The next morn- ing the wagoners came in pursuit of their horses, and found ^ Thomas Cumberson (whose father emigrated from England) occupied the place owned of late by his son Thomas, though the house has been re- built since the Revolution. He married, in 1759, Elizabeth, the daughter of Ben- jamin Cornish, and died in 1784, aged 48. His children were Philetus, Jemima, Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Cornelius, Thomas, Benjamin, Catharine, and Jonah. Philetus entered the American naval service in the Revolution, was taken by the enemy, and carried to the West Indies. His fate remains a mystery. His brother Thomas, whose accurate memory supplied more than one page in these annals, was a rare example of good sense, integrity, and respectability in an humble sphere. He died March 31st, 1849, in his 74th year. 214 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. the one still tied to the door-yard fence. They proceeded to Hallett's Cove, where they recovered the others, and returned to their quarters. The wounded man having survived about eight hours, died in great agony, and was sewed up in a blanket of Mrs. Cumberson's, and buried north of the house, in the woods, by several soldiers who were sent for the purpose from a neighboring encampment. Other instances occurred where a similar retribution over- took the guilty. The barn of Thomas Woodward, a Avorthy inhabitant, who lived where Mr. Vietor now does, in Newtown village, was used by the enemy as a hospital for the sick sol- diery. On a winter's night Mr. Woodward was aroused by a noise among his ducks, at the rear of the house. Opening the back door, he could see no one, for the night was foggy. He however discharged his gun at a venture, expecting only to frighten the intruder, but the next morning a soldier was found dead a short distance from the house, with a duck under his coat. The soldiers were so exasperated at Woodward, that he continued to be in great fear for his life. It has been said that he was not called to account for this deed, but from the nature of the act, and the wrath excited, such an omission would have been extraordinary. Besides, I find him arraigned "a prisoner" before a court-martial, April 26th, 1782, though unfortunately the offence is not stated. He was favored in this case by the intercession of Serj. Major B. Rathbone, of the grenadiers, who had quartered at his house. The boldness of robbers rendered travelling by night par- ticularly dangerous. On the evening of Christmas, in 1782, a couple of young men, John Rapelye and William Garden, returning homeward with ladies in a sleigh, were stopped near Newtown village, somewhere between the residences of John Penfold and William Leverich, by two men supposed to be soldiers, and the gentlemen robbed of their money and a silver watch. Alarm was given, and a party went out in pursuit of the robbers, but they were not found. Capt. George Rapelye, father of one of the young men, offered a reward for their de- tection, but without success. Another robbery equally daring occurred on April 2d of the following year. As Jacob Bennet, who lived on the hill at Dominie's Hook, was rowing home- ward from market, his negro observed a strange boat on the ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 215 shore, a little way from the house, and said to his master, " There must be robbers at our house, let's scuttle the boat." It was no sooner said than done. As they drew near the house, the robbers (who had already tied up the aged father, and forced him to show his money,) came out, and ordered them to land, or they would be fired on. Disregarding the threat, Bennet put about for the Bushwick shore, and gave the alarm. The robbers now fled to their boat, to escape, but as they put off she filled. They then made for the meadows, and hid in the sedge £1000 they had taken, being the property of Mr. Bennet and his son-in-law, Capt. Geo. Hunter. The robbers were refugees, and one of them was taken up a day or two after, and lodged in the main guard. Capt. Hunter offered fifty guineas for the arrest of the others. Instances of petty theft, such as the following, were almost innumerable. Howard Furman had a heifer stolen and found her fifty yards off, with her hind quarters cut out, the rest being left. Aaron, his son, lost some ducks, but on complain- ing and pointing out the thief, he was punished! which was the extent of the satisfaction obtained in such cases. J. Rem- sen, who lived a mile and a half south of Newtown village, hearing some soldiers in his cow-yard, fired, and put shot into three of them. William Howard had his cows penned up be- fore his house, bars wedged, the front door open, and a person sitting up all night to watch, and yet they were stolen ! Sam- uel Waldron one night discovered some soldiers digging his potatoes. He went out with his gun, but no one was to be seen. Thereupon, to assure them that he was armed, he dis- charged his piece in the air, when up jumped the potatoe thieves from among the bushes, and scampered off at a speed that defied pursuit. When soldiers lay near, corn and pota- toes were often watched at night. In the woods of John Alburtis, near Newtown village, (now J. Penfold's,) the sol- diers had barrels sunk in the ground, for the reception of stolen articles, as has been supposed, though others are of opinion that they were water casks. Their dexterity in stealing eluded detection in most cases. Farmers were even forced to take in their rail-fences in winter, to save them from being stolen for fuel. Thus was Newtown a prey to depredation, alarm, and cru- 216 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. eltj, for the space of seven long years. The civil courts were suspended, and martial law prevailed, as crime emanated to a great extent from the soldiery. In other cases complaints of a civil or criminal nature were entered to the British authori- ties, at New- York. But as this was found to occasion the in- habitants serious inconvenience and delays. Gov. Robertson, in 1780, established a police on Long Island, having an ofl&ce at Jamaica, open weekly, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, for the administration of justice " on principles of equity." It was seldom, however, that justice, in its true sense, could be obtain- ed by the down-trodden and oppressed inhabitants. It is true, that for the encouragement of farmers to raise plentiful sup- plies of produce for his Majesty's service, the British generals Howe and Clinton had both, by proclamation, forbid all per- sons damaging or destroying fences, or taking away cattle, stock, or other produce, from their owners, under penalty of severe punishment, on complaint being made to the nearest commanding officer. Yet when complaints were entered against the soldiery, how seldom was the guilt of the offender esta- blished, in the estimation of the officer. Ever ready to screen their men, they winked at their crimes, insomuch that it became a by -word among them, " You are not punished for stealing, but for being found out." Still rarely was the loss of the farmer repaired. As a security against midnight marauding, the farmers were glad to have the British officers quarter in their houses, for they were usually attended by one or more soldiers as a safeguard, one of whom, during the day, constantly paraded with his loaded musket to and fro before the door. At night they slept in the kitchen, barn, or other parts of the premises, and protected them from robbers. And though an officer was entitled to one or more of the best rooms in the house, he usually paid well for his board, the customary price being 205. per week, and his rations, which latter helped to supply the table. And payment was in gold and silver. These conside- rations served to make their presence tolerable.' The billeting ' In addition to those already noticed, Gen. Warren was quartered in the house at the English Kills recently occupied by Hon. D. S. Jones; Maj. Humphreys at the town-house; Capt. Raymond at D. Van Duyn's; (now D. S. Mills,) Maj. Thomas Barclay, of the Loyal Americans, at Rich. Berrien's, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 217 of privates in the whig families was a great nuisance. The troops were accustomed, on the approach of winter, to strike their tents, and take shelter in huts, or else in neighboring farm-houses. The mode of billeting was as follows. The com- manding officer having obtained from the magistrates or other intelligent sources, a list of the inhabitants, together with in- formation as to how many persons each family could accom- modate, the soldiers, in squads of the proper number, usually from ten to twenty, were furnished with tickets directing them to the quarters assigned them. The first notice you had that your house would be wanted, was, " Well, madam, I've come to put a billet on your house." And it was of no use to ob- ject. The family was allowed one fireplace. The soldiers i generally selected the kitchen as their apartment. Then some fence or out-building was stript of its boards, and hammocks constructed around the room, commonly in three tiers, one above the other. And from this beginning the family became subject to a series of losses and annoyances which were hard to be borne and yet unsafe to murmur at. The effect was most pernicious upon the slaves, who either ran away or be- came less respectful to their owners, when they saw them lorded over by British officers. And it is pitiable to think, how, under the domination of these petty tyrants, the spirit of the man was crushed, and a feeling of inferiority, and a demeanor nearly allied to a crawling servility, substituted. For these officers expected the utmost condescension. In ad- dressing one, your head must be uncovered and your hat held under the arm. And if a farmer in passing should neglect to doff his beaver, he might depend on a caning, though the Britain would scarcely deign to notice him, much less return the civility. Oppressed, sometimes, beyond the power of en- durance, collisions would happen between the inhabitants and the officers. Once an altercation took place between Howard Furman and a Hessian officer. The latter called Furman a d — d rebel, and he retorted, when the Hessian drew his sword. (now Mrs. Denton's,) and at W. Leverich's, (now Wilcox's,) Trains Meadow. At the latter place, Col. Richmandt, a German, was also quartered. Lieut. Thompson, of one of the new-raised corps, was at J. Riker's ; Dr. Harper, sur- geon of the Garrison Battalion, at Joseph Burroughs', (now Jona. Randel's,) in 1780. 218 ANNAL8 OF NEWTOWN. Furman, who had done service in the French war, was not to be frightened, and picking up a stick of wood, at it they went. But the affray was happily checked, yet not till Furman had lost a forefinger by a stroke of the sword. In general, how- ever, the Hessians, of&cers as- well as soldiers, were much better disposed towards the inhabitants than the British, or new-raised corps, who were insolent, domineering, and blood- thirsty. Farmers were also subject to many severe regulations and burdens, imposed by the higher authorities. They were re- quired to furnish from year to year, for the use of the army, the greater portion of their hay, straw, rye, corn, oats, vege- tables, and fresh provisions, »nder pain of being imprisoned, and having their crops confiscated. And the haste with which they were sometimes obliged to thrash out and deliver their grain or straw at the forage magazine, was peculiarly embar- rassing. But it was for his Majesty's service; and to this every consideration of individual comfort or economy must yield unhesitatingly. In like manner, those who owned wood- land, were obliged to cut and deliver their share of fuel, and if they were unwilling, others were authorized to do it, and the owner was fortunate if he got paid for it. Such as de- clined to sell their wood were in danger of having it seized and confiscated.' And the farmer being thus forced to a delivery and sale of his produce, the commissary or bar- rack-master weighed or measured it, and then rendered pay- ment according to the prices fixed by the king's commissioners. K he demanded more, it was at the risk of losing the whole. Owing to the great and constant demand of the army, the necessaries of life often became exceedingly scarce and high. In the hard winter, when the magazines became nearly ex- hausted, wheat brought 265. a bushel, rye and corn 10s. and buckwheat 8s. Potatoes ran up to 18s. and half a guinea per bushel, butter to 8s. and 10s. per pound. Turkeys sold for half a guinea. Wheat flour, 80s. or $10 per hundred weight. Other eatables in proportion. But high prices were of but - Capt. Geo. Rapelye served as commissary of fuel from the earlier part of the war till its close, under whose directions immense quantities of timber was cut to supply the wood-yard at Newtown, whence it was carted to the encampments as required. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 219 little avail to tlie farmer, whose supplies had already perhaps been reduced by pilferers or foraging parties of the enemy to less tlian enough to meet the wants of his own family. Fur- thermore, the inhabitants were obliged, when called upon, to furnish teams to cart wood, or perform other public service, sometimes under pay, but often without receiving any compen- sation. And then it became necessary to obtain written per- mission to do this and do that The small craft in which the farmers were accustomed to send their produce to market, were required to have a pass from the commanding officer on Long Island, or the military colonel of the county. Neither were they permitted to sail after dark or before sunrise in the morn- ing, as the guard boats were directed to seize all such as did so. Neither could they purchase and carry home for family use any goods, wares, or provisions, without first obtaining a permit at the superintendent's office. New- York. It is not to be wondered at, that smarting under such indignities as have been enumerated, and oppressed with the conviction that the authors of them were subverting their liberties and spreading devastation and death over their beloved land, feelings of fixed and bitter enmity should have been engendered, which were only stifled from conscious impotence and want of power to resent them. But the period of their deliverance was now at hand. It is not within my province to detail the military opera- tions of the glorious Revolution, which resulted in the inde- pendence of the United States. The anguish, the sacrifices, the self-devotion, the brilliant achievements, are fresh in our memories, and engraven on the heart as with a pen of iron. Newtown had some faithful rej3resentatives in the council-hall, and in camp, and battle-field, who eagerly looked forward to the joyful termination of their toils and sufferings. One of these, a surgeon in the army, in reviewing the untoward oc- currences which had expelled him and his companion from their native town, thus consoles her by a letter. " The great Disposer of all events has wisely excluded our aspiring natures from sifting the designs of His providence, but has given us sufficient encouragement while in the line of duty, to rest our humble dependence thereon, assuring us that all things work together for good to them that believe. Let iis therefore be 220 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN, zealous in our endeavors to answer the great objects of our creation, and be resigned to the will of Heaven in all things ; and I make no doubt, when He has answered His divine pur- poses for which these trials have been sent, that we shall be again restored, and our property secured to us." Again, under brighter prospects, he writes — " I now begin to anticipate the pleasure of revisiting our native place in triumph, with credit and applause. Independence, gloriously obtained, will make ample restitution for all the toil and labor, the blood and trea- sure, that have been expended in the purchase." Such were the bright expectations that the Newtown whigs, both at home and in exile, began to cherish at the prospect of American Independence. On the other hand, that portion of the inhabitants who from honest motives but false views had been led to take a decided and active part in sup- port of royal authority, were sunk in the depths of despond- ency at the utter prostration of their hopes. And when, about the first of August, 1782, news arrived that Great Britain had virtually acknowledged our independence, it fell upon their ears like the knell of death. They were seized with conster- nation at an event which pronounced upon them the sentence of banishment. In their espousal of the British cause, some, with indiscreet zeal, had pursued an uncalled for severity to- ward their rebel neighbors, directly calculated to imbitter their feelings ; all had made themselves too conspicuous to hope to escape the retributive vengeance of the exasperated whigs, into whose hands the preponderance of power was now thrown by the reverse of fortune. Where would be their safety when the king's troops should have gone ? In this dilemma, num- bers of these individuals in Newtown set about the arrange- ment of their affairs, and prepared to leave the land of their birth and take up a residence in the British dominions, the province of Nova Scotia having been especially designated by the English government as a home for their loyal Ameri- can subjects. A brig, schooner, and other vessels received their effects, and bidding adieu to kindred and home, they embarked at New-York, passed down the Sound, and bent their course for the barren and inhospitable shores of Nova Scotia, whither thousands of loyalists from' this and other states retired the same year. The departure of the foreign ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 221 troops had been delayed tliat the embarkation of the loyalists might be first effected, and late in 1783 the king's army pre- pared to take its final leave. The troops in Newtown gradu- ally drew off towards Bushwick, making their last encamp- ment in the Cedar Lots on the road to the Penny Bridge, or Waterville, where the ground was left strewed with rubbish. The Hessian regiment de Knoblauch, Col. De Porbeck, had recently removed from Herrick's, in North Hempstead, and was encamped at the Fly, where they held a court-martial, in the month of August, to wind up the affairs of the regiment. They now took up their line of march, and proceeded through Newtown, their blue uniform, with white facings, and unique equipments, attracting the gaze of the inhabitants for the last time ; a people more deserving of pity than resentment, be- cause they had been basely sold into a service, of the demerits of which they were quite ignorant. On the evacuation of New-York, Nov. 25th, Jonathan Lawrence, Jun. and other young men of Newtown, rode down to that city, and joined the escort of Gen. Washington, on his taking possession of the town with the American army. It was a proud day for Newtown when her patriotic sons were permitted to return to her embrace from a tedious exile ; what inexpressible emotions were enkindled at that first re- cognition of long-separated friends. The warm grasp of the hand given in silence, the tear on the careworn cheek, alone told their mutual joy and gratitude. They met on freedom's soil; this gave it zest. Heartfelt were the rejoicings at the consummation of our liberty. On Monday, Dec. 8th, the whigs of Newtown joined with others from all parts of the county in celebrating the event at Jamaica. The day was observed with appropriate ceremonies ; it was pleasing to view the different expressions of joy and gratitude visible in every countenance. The residents of the Dutch Kills also celebrated the peace at the stone-house, then a tavern, late Abraham Rapelye's. Thirteen lamps, corresponding in num- ber to the states, illumined the room, and other preparations, in keeping with the occasion, testified to the universal joy that the event had inspired. It was indeed a season for mu- tual congratulation and thanks to the God of battles, who had crowned the American arms with ultimate success, and con- 15 222 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. ferrecl upon these States the blessings of civil and religio"us liberty. But observe and see, some of Newtown's most wor- thy citizens are not present to participate in these rejoicings. They occupy no place at the festive board, nor lend their voices to swell the loud huzza. In the pride of manhood, and with a devoted patriotism, they entered the conflict with the hostile legions of Britain. Where are they ? Hark ! from sickly dungeon, the camp, and the field of deadly strife, the answer comes back with a solemn cadence, " Here they per- ished." Noble hearts, sacrificed on freedom's altar, and yet no monumental stone testifies the exalted estimation and the undying gratitude which attaches to their memory ! Municipal government was maintained in Newtown (at least in form) during the whole period of the war, the annual election of town officers being regularly observed. On the 22d of Dec. 1783, the first town officers were chosen in the name of the people of the state of New-York. Samuel Eiker was elected supervisor; John Morrell and Joseph Gosline, trustees ; William Howard, John Gosline, William Lawrence, and Richard Bragaw, assessors; John Gosline, constable and collector ; Philip Edsall, town clerk ; &c. all to remain in office till the next annual meeting in April, As may be supposed, the town's finances had suffered, and the following year the old trustees were called to account respecting the moneys that had accrued during the war, from renting the town-house and land. It was also resolved that all contracts entered into by individuals while the British had possession should remain binding, and a committee was chosen to examine such as were of a public nature, and see them duly executed. By the adop- tion of wise and prudent measures adapted to the peculiar state of their affliirs, the people of Newtown sought to repair the ruin that on every side prevailed, and restore good order and prosperity to the township, happy in the reflection that they were a free people. Only years of toil and much expense could make good the damage inflicted on tlie premises of the whigs while in exile. Their dwellings and outhouses dilapidated, fences destroyed, and acres upon acres of valuable timber cut and removed. Biker's Island was stript of a grove of fine trees, not one then remaining. Few were fortunate enough to obtain any indem- ANNALS OF N K W T O W N . 228 nification for tlioir losses. The rarm of the late Judge Coe (now Abraham Wliitson's) was, from the year 1777 to 1783, in possession of the family of Lieut. Alex. Grant, of the 42d regiment, who was killed at the battle of Fort Montgomery. But as Grant fortunately left property in New- York, the state, in 1785, allowed Mr. Coe to tile a declaration against Grant's heirs, so that Coe was compensated for the waste and injury of his farm. Numerous prosecutions for trespass took phice and some of the inhabitants were fined for having by order of the British cut timber on tlicir neighbors' woodlands, not being permitted to plead the military order of the enemy in extenuation. This was obviousl}'- unjust. The only property in Newtown confiscated by the state was the farm of Capt. Dow Van Duyn. It was sold by the commissioners of for- feiture, in 178-1, to Thomas McFarran, a merchant of New- York, was afterwards bought by Dr. Isaac Ledj^ard, and is now the property of David S. Mills. But the demoralizing effect of the Revolutionary period was more to be deplored than the waste of property. Says one, religion was entirely down. Its movement was rather retrograde than otherwise, while a loose rein was given to passion. The Sabbath was desecrated ; that sacred day was often ushered in, not by the solemn peal of the church bell, but by the beat of the reveille, and the tramp of British rank and file. In the camp profimity and debauchery prevailed. A body of troops which in the summer before the evacuation occupied the rising ground east of A. Paynter's, at the Dutch Kills, were accustomed to drink a hogshead of rum every three days. The moral contagion spread, and many learned to imitate the dissipation to which they thus became familiar- ized. And then the malignancy of party feeling which ex- isted was most lamentable. AVcU was it that the active lo3'al- ists retired, for the long-smothered anger of the whigs burst forth like a volcanic eruption, and sent its torrents of popular indignation as burning lava over the land. It was not till the fury of the storm was spent that many of the objects of it ventured to return to the States. But the whigs could not easily forget the wrongs they endured in the day of their weakness, while the loyalists, chagrined and mortified at their defeat, cherished in their hearts much of their former ani- 224 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. mosity. This asperity of feeling was not confined to the arena of politics, but was "carried into private life, and produced grievous alienations among kindred, severing all the tender ties of friendship and neighborly kindness. The social and domestic circles of Newtown felt for years the blighting influ- ence of these deep-seated feuds ; indeed the alienations thus cherished only terminated in many instances at the grave, and died as the generation itself passed away. " Tantx molis erat Bomanam condere gentem." CHAPTER XII, Presbyterian Church. — Its Iiistory under the Reverend Samuel Pumroy, George Macnish, Simon Ilorton, Andrew Bay, James Lyon, Peter Fish, Elihu Pal- mer, Nathan Woodhull, Peter Fish, William Boardman, John Goldsmith. — Presbyterian Church organized at Astoria; Rev. Frederick G. Clark.— Re- formed Dutch Church. — Its ministers, Dominie Van Basten, Johannes H. Goetschius, Thomas Romeyn, Hermanns L. Boclen, Solomon Froeligh, Rynier Van Nest, Zachariah H. Kuypers, Jacob Schoonmaker, Garret J. Garretson, Thomas C. Strong. — Sister Church at Astoria ; Rev. A. H. Bishop. — EpiscorAi. Church. — Its rectors, Rev. William Urquhart, Thomas Poyer, Thomas Colgan, Samuel Seabury, Joshua Bloomer, William Hammel, Henry Van Dyke, Abra- ham L. Clarke, William E. Wyatt, Evan M. Johnson, George A. Shelton. — Sister Church at Astoria ; Rev. Samuel Seabury, John W. Brown, Tapping R. Chipman. — New Episcopal Churches at Maspeth and Ravenswood. — Notices of the Friends, Baptists, and Methodists. No candid mind can review the preceding history without discerning that the people of Newtown owed much of the pros- perity, social and public, which they enjoyed, to the conserva- tive influence of religious principles in their society. Religion and her institutions were dear to them, as, witness the concern manifested when unhallowed rulers endeavored to invade them. Piety had been nurtured with tender care, when, amid the hardships of a wilderness, they most needed its solace. It exerted a controling influence over the morals of the commu- nity in succeeding times ; gave a healthful tone to their public acts, and in all their checkered history is happily visible. If BO, it becomes important to take a view of the religious his- ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 225 torj of the town subsequent to tlie time when it ceased to be treated of in connection with the civil annals. HISTORY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. At the settlement of Mr. Pumroy his church comprised only eight members in full communion, but it was eminently increased and prospered under the ministry of that gentleman. After his union with the Presbytery of Philadelphia, Mr. Pumroy exerted himself in connection with other clerical brethren for the dissemination of Presbyterianism on Long Island, and when the growth of that denomination in this country required the formation of additional presbyteries, he united, in 1717, with Messrs. Macnish of Jamaica, and Phillips of Setauket, in organizing Long Island Presbytery ; the first association of the kind in this province, and to which all the Presbyterian churches of Westchester and New-York city, as well as Long Island, were for many years subject. As yet, however, the church at Newtown was destitute of that distinctive feature of Presbyterianism, the office of ruling elder ; and the sole charge of its spiritual concerns rested upon the pastor. This continued till 1724, when, at the suggestion of Mr Pumroy, three ruling elders were chosen, and of which he gives us the following account. " Whereas, some time ago the Rev. Mr. Samuel Pumroy, pastor of the church of Christ, in Newtown, did complain to the church, of his wanting some assistance in the business of governing thereof; there was by him nominated to the church and congregation Content Titus, James Renne, and Samuel Coe, to serve in the affairs relating to the church, as ruling elders ; and desired if there were any person or persons that had anj^thing to object against any of them, their taking upon them that office, and their subjec- tion to them as officers of authority in the business of govern- ment, that they would signify it to the said Mr. Pumroy, in some convenient time. This was repeated afterwards. After a considerable time, (nothing being objected,) Mr. Pumroy, upon the Lord's day, after the evening sermon, did rehearse the above declaration, and not one person opposing the mo- tion and purpose, did propose to the men in nomination whether they were freely willing to undertake the office. 226 AnrJALS OF NEWTOWN. They answered they were willing to do what service they were able to do for Christ in his church. Upon which, after prayer, they were solemnly appointed to the office of ruling elders, and did engage and promise to take care of this branch of the Lord's vine, as far as God should enable them. The members of the church were also required and exhorted to acknowledge them as men in authority, and to subject to them in their government in the Lord. This was done upon the 28th June, 1724.'" The session met for the first time on July 15th, and their earliest care was to admonish the wayward and encourage the faithful. On their recommendation the 22d of the same month was observed by the congregation as a day of public thanks- giving, " having been blest with a good and great harvest and a plentiful rain immediately after." Thence it continued ' The following is a list of the eld Content Titus. Samuel Coe. James Renne. Silas Titus. Cornelius Berrien. Philip Edsall. Samuel Fish. John Alburtis. Benjamin Coe. Jacob Palmer. Richard Bragaw. Jesse Leverich. Edward Howard. William Leverich. Charles Palmer. Adrian Van Sinderen. William Howard. Simeon Benjamin. Benjamin Howard. Jacob Palmer Leverich Andrew B. Ryerson. Samuel Leverich. Abel Sam mis. Thomas Divine. William Raiman. John L. Riker. Julius C. Wrio-ht. Chosen 1724. Serving, 1740. " 1742. " 1756. " 1767. The Flushing and Newtown Turnpike and Bridge Company, chartered May 21st, 1801, was the first within the limits of this town. In the course of several years they constructed a bridge over Flushing creek, (the first which crossed it,') and laid a turnpike thence to Newtown village. This was follow- ed by the Newtown and Bushwick Bridge Company, which continued the line of road to Williamsburgh. Since that period several other turnpikes have been constructed in various sections of the town. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 259 ing valuable purposes, even though, a railway should be laid through this town, for, in the progressive spirit of this age, the day is perhaps not far distant when the iron-horse will traverse the township, conveying its business-men and its products in a few brief minutes into the very centre of trade. The proximity of New-York city has ever operated favor- ably for the wealth and prosperity of this town. A distin- guished visitor in 1804, observed this effect as " abundantly conspicuous in the wealth of the farmers and in the beauty of the villas." Yet, at this date, there existed but few of those costly mansions that now adorn the township, and particu- larly the northern and western borders of it, the result chiefly of the taste and enterprise of New-York merchants. One of the first, if not the very first of these erected in the vicinity of Hellgate, was that built in 1792, by Mr. John Delafield, a distinguished merchant of New- York, who, in the preceding year, had purchased the Blackwell farm. This building, fash- ioned after the English style, was recently occupied by the " Sisters of the Sacred Heart," a catholic order, but it is now the residence of Mr. Brooks. At the beginning of the present century, the settlement at Hallett's Cove did not exceed half a dozen buildings. But the increase of population and business at this place, within a few years, has been quite remarkable. Its local advantages, both for residence and various business purposes, are indeed sufficient to ensure its growth, yet its prosperity must be greatly attribut- ed to the enterprise of certain leading inhabitants, whose untir- ing efforts to build it up are worthy of special praise. The vill- age was incorporated under the name of Astoria, April 12th, 1839, the charter providing that the corporation consist of five trustees, three assessors, a treasurer, collector and clerk ; with powers and privileges corresponding to those previously granted by charter to the village of Angelica, in this state. The erection of several imposing church edifices, the laying out of streets and avenues, adorned with many neat and even beautiful pri- vate residences, has greatly added to the convenience, attract- iveness and importance of the place. And consequently its population, which in 1840 was 750, has since tripled, and ac- cording to the last year's census was 2,250, within the charter- ed limits. The recent opening of several new streets, south 260 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. of the village, and the offer of desirable building lots upon moderate terras, must ensure a more rapid growth of this place during the years to come. In, or near the village are several floral gardens and nurseries, an extensive carpet factory, and other manufacturing establishments ; most of the manufactures of the town centring here, the principal exceptions being the essence and chocolate factory of Mr. Eey at Middle Village, the rope-walk of Mr. Murch at Newtown, and the iron foundry of A. D. Fisk near the English Kills, where are made the some- what celebrated metallic coflEins. For manufacturing purposes, so far as steam power can be applied, Astoria is unequalled in situation ; while to men of wealth seeking retired country re- sidences, in a pure atmosphere, amid a delightful scenery, and easy of access from their places of business, this village and that of Ravenswood, with their environs, offer some of the most inviting localities to be found around New- York. These villages are also furnished with good schools, while, in respect to the important matter of health, not only this vicinity, but the town at large, will compare favorably with any in this state. According to the last census, the number of deaths that occurred in the town during the twelve months next preceding the time of taking the census, was only seventeen^ less than one quarter per cent of the population ! a smaller ratio than was exhibited by any other town in the whole southern district of New- York, except Southold in Suffolk county. The bill of ordinary mortality being allowed to be proper data from which to judge of the salubrity of a place, the above result leaves this town with scarce a rival in this respect. Growth and enterprise are visible upon the whole surface of this township. The pleasant hamlets of Middle Village and Maspeth are of comparitively recent origin ; the former is no- ted as containing the first Methodist church erected on Long Island. Maspeth is classic ground, in times past the nursery of poetry and genius. Here, in a " sweetly rural calm retreat, isecure, secluded," was produced the clever poem of " Eural Hours." And here is another spot at which to linger for a mo- ment, the residence of the late Judge Jones. At an early day it was the abode of Joseph Sackett, Esq., a worthy judge of common pleas, who died at a venerable age twenty years be- fore the Revolution ; then of Walter Franklin, an opulent ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 261 New- York merchant, till his death in 1780, and after him Col. Isaac Corsa, renowned for his chivalry in the French war. And then the eminent statesman, Hon. De Witt Clinton, hav- ing married the daughter of Mr. Franklin, and niece of Col. Corsa, made this favored mansion his country residence for a considerable portion of his life, and here "planned for matur- ing the stupendous undertaking of uniting the waters of the Erie with the Ocean." I need not name other sterhng men who have honored Maspeth as their residence ; nor dwell upon the new interest imparted by the recent establish- ment here of the beautiful cemetery of Mount Olivet. Tliis locality has had its changes. Once it was a community of Quakers; now has this sect scarce a representative. Their meeting-house deserted by those who, half a century since, were wont to gather in pious concourse here, stands their only monument and a melancholy witness of earthly mutability. One cannot contemplate these and similar changes without deep interest. What a revolution has been produced in the customs of social and domestic life, by the abolition of slavery,^ the introduction of foreign fabrics and luxuries, of new implements, machinery and forms of industry, the disuse of the Dutch language, the spread of education- and intelli- * Slavery did not cease in this state till July 4th, 1827, though emancipation began soon after the Revolution. Most of the slaves hailed the event with joy, many of them deserting their homes in anticipation of it. Others preferred to stay with their masters. " I shall never forget," says Judge Furnian, "the quaint re- mark of two aged slaves, when my grandfather went to the kitchen and informed them that they were now both free and at liberty to go where they pleased. The poor old woman began to shed tears, while old Simon, who sat quietly smoking his pipe, began, ' Why Dinah, what are you crying about? Old massa wont turn us out doors; will you old massa?' ' Why Simon, you are now as free as I am, but if you both wish to continue with me, this shall be a home for you.' On which Simon, laughing and displaying his ivory, replied very significantly, ' Well, old massa, you have had de flour, I guess you must hab de bran too.' The old gentle- man could not help smiling, or crying, or perhaps both, as he left the kitchen." 2 The cause of education was much promoted after the Revolution by the erection of school-houses in various districts, and the establishment of academies of a higher grade at Newtown, the latter under the charge respectively of the Pres- byterian and Episcopal clergymen. Since 1814, when commissioners and inspec- tors of common schools were first chosen, and the town divided into school districts, it has enjoyed the advantages of the present excellent common-school system of this state. Mr. Charles Cook has served the town as superintendent of schools since 1844. 262 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. gence, the increased means of intercourse, the wonderful im- petus given to benevolent and religious as well as secular enter- prise, and the influx of inhabitants. The population of the town has been greatly augmented within a few years. At the first general census in 1790, the inhabitants numbered but 2,111, and for forty years thereafter the increase was only 499. But for the next twenty years, namely, from 1830 to 1850, the additional increase was 4,597; the population at the latter date amounting to 7,207, having more than doubled within fifteen years. In review of the past, truly marvelous does the progress appear, and with the inventive spirit of the present who can predict what the teeming future shall develop. But mere change is not improvement, though it oft usurps the name ; nor every novelty a real good, though so eagerly grasped at ; and while, in every sphere of life, progress should be the watch- word, we should not only be wary of rampant speculation, but deprecate innovation upon the wholesome customs of the olden time, where the motive is a love of novelty, or the demand of fashion, and the utility doubtful. The annals of our fathers teach us exemplary lessons of industry, simplicity, prudence, and piety ; let us emulate their good deeds and virtues, and our reward shall be ample, even an approving conscience, the respect of men, and Heaven's benediction. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Scconlr |3 art. ITS GENEALOGICAL HISTORY. EXPLANATIONS. In order to condense the matter embraced in the following genealogies, certain abbreviations have been used, namely, cli. for child or children. b. for horn. m. for married. unm. for unmarried. d. ibr died. dec. for deceased. dau. for daughter. a. for aged, JT. or yrs. for year or years. The genealogies are, for convenience, divided into sections, indicated by numbers. A section generally mentions, first, the parents; secondly, the names of the children, and who the daughters married; and thirdly, such of the sons and their descendants as require but brief notice. When several sons are thus treated of in the same section their names are usually put in italic letters, to denote the relationship. The other sons, if again mentioned, have each a numeral affixed to his name, indicating the section where he is further noticed. By attending to these numbers which point to the recur- rence of the name in a new section, and also those used in the latter to refer back again to the parent, the lineage can be readily traced either backward or forward. Many of the original Dutch settlers in this country were destitute of family or surnames, while others who had them, frequently neglected to use them, and instead adopted their patronymic, or, in other words, formed a sur- name of the christian name of the father, usually (but not always) adding to it either sen, se, s, sz, or z, all of which when thus used had the same mean- ing and signified son. Hence, for example, the name Joris Jansen was un- derstood to mean Joris the son of Jan, and Pieter Claesz, Pieter the son of Claes. The effect of this custom, after the ^econd generation, was to create confusion by producing as many surnames or patronymics in the several branches of a family as they had baptismal names. It was probably to cor- rect this evil and preserve the identity of fjimilies that the Dutch inhabitants, about the beginning of the eighteenth century, dropped this custom, and either resumed their proper surname, or adopted one, or else retained the pa- tronymic then in use by the family, as a permanent name for themselves and offspring. These remarks will serve to explain much of what follows. 266 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN Names have commonly been spelled as the persons themselves wrote them, 60 far as that could be ascertained, from their signatures, or other re- liable sources. This will exhibit the changes they have undergone. As Dutch christian names have in many cases been retained, a list of thos^ most used, is annexed, with their corresponding iilnglish. Adriaen, or Arien, Aeltie, Aert. Andries, Angeiiietie, Anuekeii, i Anuetie, or > Antie, ) Antony, or ) Teunis, $ Barent, Belitie, . Carel, Catrina, ^ CatrjDtie, f Trj-utie, or C Tryn, ) Christina, ) Christyntie, or / Styntie, j Christoffel. or ) Stoffei, S ' Claes, Claesie, J feminine ( of Claes. Comelie, Dirck, or ) Derick, ^ Elizabet, or } Betie, S * Engeltie, Eytie, Feirimetie, Gerardieiia. i Gerardientie, or /■ Dientie, ) Adrian. . Aleita. Arthur. Andrew. Agnes. I Ann, < Anne, or f Anna. Anthony. . Bernard. Isabella. . Charles. Catharine. Christiana. , Christopher Nicholas. Cornelius. Richard. Elizabeth. Angeline. Ida. Phebe. Diana. Geertie, . . . • Geesie, Gysbert, Hans, (abbreviation of Latin Johannes,) . Harck, Hendrick, Heyltie, or \ Hilletie, i ' ' Jacobus, . omina, or ) « Jacomyntie, ) Jan, Jannetie, or } Janneken, ^ Joost, Joris, Metie, or Machteltie Margrietie, or } Grietie, ^ Maria, or i Marritie, S Matthys, or \ Thys, ^ • Neeltie, (Nelly,) • Pieter, Pietertie, or ) fem. of Pieterneila, \ Pieter. Sara, ... Seytie, Willem or ? Wilhelmus, S Willemtie, or ) fem. of Wilhelmiua, ^ Willem. Gertrude. . Grace. Gilbert. the . John Hercules. . Henry. Hellen. . James. Jemima. . John. Jane. i George, or I Justus. . George. Matilda. . Margaret. Mary. . Matthias. Cornelia. . Peter. Sarah. Cynthia. William. THE EAPELYE FAMILY. This numerous and reputa- ble family is descended from tliat of de Eapalie, wliich, as early as the eleventh century possessed large estates in Bre- tagne, and ranked among the arriere-ban of the French nobi- lity. Some of its members were distinguished as military leaders in the crusades, others were ce- lebrated for political eminence and professional talent. But in the religious wars of the sixteenth century, being known as Protestants, they became the victims of Papal animosity and were scattered and expelled from France. The family subse- quently gained prominence in Switzerland and Belgium, where they acquired large possessions and continue to the present time. Their ancient coat of arras, above given, are intended to represent the noble birth and origin of the family, and their reputation for firmness and fidelit}^ 1. Joris Jansen de Eapalie, one of this proscribed Hugue- not race, " from Eochelle in France," was the common ances- tor of all the American ftimilies of this name.* He came to this country with other colonists in 1623, in the Unity, a ship of the West India Company, and settled at Fort Orange, now Albany, where he continued three years. In 1626 he removed to New Amsterdam, and resided there till after the birth of his youngest child. On June 16, 1637, he bought from the Indians * The practice which afterwards obtained, of writing the final syllable of this name with a j, was a Dutch perversion of the original orthography. Some assert that Joris Jansen de Rapalie, and Antony Jansen Van Salee, of Gravesend, were brothers, and their family name, Jansen. Our early records do not corroborate this statement, but go very far to disprove it. The whole seems to be a mere assumption from the occurrence of Jansen 268 ANNALS OP NEWTOWN. a tract of land computed at 835 acres, called Eennegaconck, now included within the town of Brooklyn, and comprehend- ing the lands occupied by the U, S. Marine Hospital. Here Mr. Eapalie finally located, and spent the remainder of his life. He was a leading citizen, acted a prominent part in the jjublic affairs of the colony, and served in the magistracy of Brook- lyn. He died soon after the close of the Dutch administration, his widow, Catalyntie, dau. of Joris Trico, surviving him many years. She was born in Paris, and died Sep. 11, 1689, a. 84. Their ch. as taken from the original family record preserved in the library of the New- York Historical Society, were as follow, to wit, Sara, b. June 9, 1625, m. successively to Hans Hansse Bergen and Tennis Gysberts Bogart ;* Marritie, b. Mar. 11, 1627, m. Michael Vandervoort; Jannetie, b. Aug. 18, 1629, m. Rem Vanderbeeck ; Judith, b. July 5, 1635, m. Pieter Van Nest; Jan, b. Aug. 28, 1637, m. but died in 1662 without sur- viving issue ; Jacob, b. May 28, 1639, who was killed by the Indians; Catalyntie, b. Mar. 28, 1641, m. Jeremias Westerhout; in their names ; which, however, proves not a family identity, but simply in- dicates that the father of each had borne the common name of Jan or John. It has also been set down as veritable history, that said Antony Jansen Van Salee was the progenitor of a large family of Johnsons upon Long Island and elsewhere., of which is Hon. Jeremiah Johnson of Brooklyn. This is an error. Gen. Johnson, as clearly appears from existing records, is a descend- ant, in the fourth generation, of Jan Barentsen van Driest, who came in 1657 from Zutphen in Guelderland, and settled at Gravesend. See an article on Antony Jansen van Salee in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle of Feb. 20, 1851. The valuable work on American Genealogy, by Holgate, contains very se- rious mistakes respecting the Johnson and Rapelye families, which only those acquainted with the ditficulties of genealogical investigation will know how to excuse. * This lady, say our early records, was " the first-born Christian daughter in New Netherland." In honor of this, the Dutch authorities presented her a tract of land at the Wallabout. This circumstance has probably given rise to the belief that she was born at the latter place, but the statement in the text (based upon the N. Y. Documentary Hist, iii, 60, and other records,) shows that her parents were living at Albany at the time of her birth ; nor did they settle at the Wallabout till more than twenty-five years after. Sara early became a church member in New- York, but united with the church at Brooklyn by cortificate in 1661. Shed. a. about 60. Her lineal descendants are numerous, and include the Polhemus family of Newtown, the Bergens of King's county, and a part of the Bogart family. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 269 Jeronimus,2 b. June 27, 1643 ; Annetie, b. Feb. 8, 1646, m. Marten Reyerse and Joost Fransz ; Elizabet, b. Mar. 28, 1648* m. Dirck liooglandt; and Daniel,^" b. Dec. 29, 1650. ^ 2. Jeronimus Rapalje became a man of some prominence a justice of the peace and a deacon of the Brooklyn church! He m. Anna, dau. of Teunis Denys, and had ch. Joris, b. Nov*. 5, 1668 ; Teunis,^ b. May 5, 1671 ; Jan.« b. Dec. 14, 1673 ; Fem- metie, b. Oct. 5, 1676, m. Jan Bennet ; Jacob, b. June 25, 1679 • Jeronimus, b. Mar. 31, 1682 ; Catalina, b. Mar. 25, 1685, m! Peter Dumond, of Raritan, N. J. Sarah, b. Nov. 4, 1687, m' Hans Bergen ; and Cornelius, b. Oct. 21, 1690. Of these JwL m. July 27, 1694, Nelly, dau. of Jan Couwenhoven, and d. at Cripplebush in 1697; issue Antie, b. 1696, who m. Johannes Lott. Jacob m. Sarah, dau. of Abm, Brinckerhoff, settled at Raritan, N. J. and had sons, Abraham, George, Jacob, and per- haps others. Cornelius m. Joanna, dau, of the Rev. Vincentius Antonides, resided in New- York, and left only female issue. His dau. Title, m. Hendrick Smith, and Catalina m. John De Graw. Jeronimus m. Hilletie, dau. of Hendrick Van Vechten and served twenty-five years as a trustee of the town of Brook, lyn ; occupying the ancestral farm at the Wallabout, which he sold to his son-in-law, Martin Schenck, in 1755. He d. Feb. 8 1762, and his widow, a. 91 yrs. July 10, 1775. They had ch. Antie, m. Martin Schenck, Catalina, m. Johannes Alstyne, Jannetie, m. Aris Remsen, m. Rem Remsen, and Jero- mus, who married Jane, daughter of Jacobus Lefferts, and d. 1754, having issue Jeromus, who d. childless, and Jane, who married Thorn. 3, Teunis Rapalje, son of Jeronimus,^ m. Sarah Van Vech- ten, and lived upon the farm in the town of Brooklyn, now owned by the heirs of Folkert Rapelye. He was a deacon of the Brooklyn church, and d. in 1723, a. 62. He had ch. Jer- omus, George,'' Derick, Teunis, Folkert,-^ Jane m. Remsen, and Sarah, who m. Jacobus Van Nuyse. Teunis was a blacksmith at Bushwick, and d. in 1734, leaving issue, Sarah, Ann, and Jane. Jerorims m. in 1719 Aeltie, dau. of Cornelius Van Arsdalen, and with his brother Derick, or Richard, settled near New Bruns- wick, N. J. Jeromus d. there in 1775. His ch. were Cornelius, Teunis, and Sarah. Richard d. during the Revolution, having by his wife Antie, sons George, and Jeromus. 18 270 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 4. George Eapalje, son of Teunis,^ m. Elizabetli dau. of Joris Eemsen, of Brooklyn, and died upon liis farm at Bedford in 1732 ; issue, Sarah, b. May 12, 1722, m. George Jansen ; George, b. June 14, 1724 ; Teunis, b. May 22, 1726 ; Rem b. Aug. 3, 1728 ; and Phebe, b. Oct. 9, 1731. Teunis m. Catharine Stockholm, Mar. 12, 1757, and had ch. Elizabeth, m. Jacob Ker- sliow ; Margaret, m. John Ditmars ; Catharine, m. Stimpson ; and Sarah, who m. John Sprainger. Rem m. Mar. 14, 1751, Ellen, dau. of Abel Hardenbrook, and amassed a fortune in mercantile pursuits in New- York. He d. at Pelham, West- chester CO., in 1805, in his 77th yr. He was the father of the late George Rapelje of New- York, distinguished for his wealth. The latter was b. in Ne^y-York, Aug. 9, 1771, educated at Columbia College, and m. July 19, 1798, Susan-Eliza, dau. of Bishop Provost. He published a book of travels in 1834. 5. Folkert Rapalje, son of Teunis,-^ was b. in 1719, m. Oct. 19, 1742, Matilda, dau. of Cornelius Polhemus, and remained on the paternal farm at Cripplebush. He had ch. Teunis ; Sarah, m. Charles Titus ; Cornelia, m. Johannes Eemsen ; and Ann, who m. Nicholas Wyckoff. Teunis m. Susan, dau. of Joseph Hege- man, and had issue, Folkert ; and Sarah, who m. the Hon. Jere- miah Johnson, of Brooklyn. Folkert, last named, had by his wife Agnes, dau, of Charles Debevoise, sons, Charles, John, Joseph, and Jeremiah- Johnson. 6« Jan Rapalje, son of Jeronimus,^ m. Annetie, dau. of Coert Van Voorhees, and was a farmer on a portion of the family estate in Brooklyn, which, at his death in 1733, he left to his eldest son, George.'^ He had other ch. Jeromus,^ and John, to the first of whom he gave a farm in Flushing, and to the lat- ter a share of his personal estate. John Eapalje (believed to be the same) m. Maria Van Dyke in 1737. 7. George Eapalje, son of Jan,^ m. Diana, dau. of Gerrit Middagh. He d. prior to 1764, and she in 1789, a. 91. Their ch. were John, Garret, Cornelia, m. Abraham Lott, and Anna, who m. Gerardus Duyckinck. Garret was b. at Brooklyn, May 31, 1730, and m. Hellen Denys, of New Utrecht. He was a New- York importing merchant, and finally removed to New Or- leans. He had ch. Isaac, Diana, m. John Fisher and Lemuel Sawyer, and Anna, who m. Jacob Wilkins and Charles Smith. t/oAn, elder son of George, was b. in 1727, m. June 29, 1748, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 271 Catrina, dau. of Rutgert Van Brunt, of New Utreclit, and arose to some importance, enjoying a seat in the Provincial Assem- bly, and sustaining a character highly upright and respectable. But adhering to the British cause in the Revolution, his valu- able lands, lying between Fulton-street and the navy yard, Brooklyn, were confiscated and sold by the state. At the peace, Mr. Rapalje, after petitioning in vain for a revision of his attainder, retired to England and was compensated for his losses by the British government. He d. at Kensington, in his 74th yr. Jan. 19, 1802. He had ch, John, who d. a ba- chelor in 1819, at Brooklyn ; and Jane, who m. in 1777, Lt. Col. Edward G. Lutwyche, of the British army. She d. at Brooklyn in 1783, a. 23 yrs. and her dau. Catharine Lutwyche, m. George Weltden, late of the city of London. 8. Jeromus Rapalje, son of Jan,^ inherited a farm at Flush- ing, as before stated, w^here he d. m 175-4. He was twice m. and left ch. John,9 Richard, Stephen, Ann, Ida, and Elizabeth. Richard m. Ann, dau. of Samuel Waldron, of Newtown, and d. in his 58th yr. Sep. 8, 1789, leaving no ch. Stephen^ his half brother, became a freeman of New- York in 1769, and a pros- perous merchant. In the Revolution he was an active friend of his country. He d. in New-York, Aug. 30, 1812, a. 65. 9. John Rapalje, son of Jeromus,^ was b. in 1722, and d. at Jamaica, at about the age of 50 years. He was m. twice, and by his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Abm. Brinckerhoflf, had ch, Catharine, m. Teunis Brinckerhoff, Jeromus, Abraham-Brinck- erhoflP, Aletta, m. James Debevoise, and Richard. The sons settled at Fishkill, N. Y. where some of their descendants re- main. Richard had issue Richard and Catharine. Abraham B. was the father of Abraham B. and William Rapalje. ot Onondaga co. N. Y. Stephen, surgeon in the navy, and Rich- ard, of Louisville, Ky. Jeromus had issue Sarah, John, of Fishkill, Abraham B. and Sylvanus Rapalje, Esq. of New-York. 10. Daniel Rapalje, the youngest child of Joris Jausen de Rapalie,^ was b. in the city of New- York, Dec. 29, 1650, and m. May 27, 1674, Sarah, dau. of Abraham Klock. He was a man of high respectability, and an elder of the Brooklyn church. He d. at Brooklyn Dec. 26, 1725, and his widow on Feb. 28, 1731, a. 79. Their ch. were Joris,^! Daniel, Catharine, m.- Joseph Van Cleef, Annetie, Mary, m. Elbert Hegeman, and ■^72 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Sarah, who m. Peter Lujster. Daniel, last named, was b. Mar. 5, 1691, and m. Oct 17, 1711, Aeltie, dau. of Johannes Cornell, at which time he lived in Brooklyn, but he afterwards removed to Newtown, and bought the farm on Flushing Bay, now oc- cupied by Mrs, Aletta Strong. He d. here Mar. 19, 1737, his wife having d. on May 20, 1736, a. 44. Their ch, were Daniel, Johannes, Joris, Lammetie, m. Hendrick Brinckerhoff, Sarah, m. Isaac Brinckerhoff, Margaret, m. Jacobus Lent, Aletta, Mary, Catharine, and Ann. Daniel Rapalje, the eldest son, bought the paternal farm in 1745, and became a leading man and a magis- trate of Newtown. He was twice married, and by his first wife, Ruth, dau. of Samuel Fish, whom he m. Nov. 11, 1737, had an only ch. Aletta, b. Oct. 10, 1753, who inherited all his estate and m. Simon Remsen, father of Mrs. Strong above- named. The aforesaid Johannes Rapalje, second son of Daniel and Aeltie, was the father of Major Daniel Rapalje, who was b. in 1748, m. Agnes, dau. of Johannes Bergen, and became a farmer at New Lots. On the opening of the Revolution he espoused the whig cause, served as a lieutenant of the Kings CO. troop of horse, and was in exile during the war. Mr. Ra- palje d. at New Lots in 1796. His ch. were John, Daniel, Simon, and Michael. John m. Charity, dau. of Abm. Van Sickelen, and had issue, Cornelia, wife of Stephen I. Lott, and Daniel L Simon Rapalje m. Hellen, dau, of Nich. Williamson ; issue, Williamson Rapalje, now occupying the old homestead of Ma- jor Rapalje at New Lots ; Daniel, who d. a young man, and Eliza, wife of Walter Bowne, of Flushing. Daniel Rapalje, son of Major Daniel, was b. Aug. 26, 1772, and for forty years past has been a resident of Newtown and proprietor of the mill on Flushing Creek, formerly owned by David Titus, and pre- viously for more than a century, by the Coe family. His wife is Rensie, dau. of Joost Wyckoff, and their ch. are Daniel-Luys- ter; Sarah-Luyster, m, to Benj, F, Willett; Agnes; Cathar- ine, wife of Rev. Gr. J. Garretson ; and John D. Rapalje. 11. Joris Rapelje, (as he wrote his name,) the son of Daniel,^" was b. at Brooklyn, Mar. 4, 1675, at which place he followed the business of a brewer, and held the office of " lieutenant of his Majesty's forces." He m. Agnes, dau. of Cornelius Berrien, of Newtown, to which town Mr. Rapelje removed about 1711, and bought the farm of his dec. brother-in-law, John Berrien, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 273 at the head of Flushing Bay, then comprising some 200 acres, but since cut up and divided, Mr. C. Hendrickson now occu- pies the house in which Joris Eapelje lived. He conducted a large brewer}^ here. He d. Jan. 19, 1741, and his widow Nov. 3. 1756, a. 81. Their ch. were Daniel ;i~ Cornelius ;i'^ Abraham ;i^ Jane, m. John Debevoise; John ;^'-^ Jacob ;~~ and Jeromus.^^ 12. Daniel Eapelje, the eldest son of Joris,^^ was b. Nov. 12, 1699, and m. Mary, dau. of Cornelius Luyster, who dying Sep. 80, 1782, a. SQ, he m. secondly. Eensie, widow of Peter G. Wyckoff, and dau. of Martin Schenck. She d. in her o8th yr. Sep. 26, 1760. After living at Ilellgate and in Flatlands, Mr.- Eapelje settled upon the fiirm in Newtown, now of Dow D. Eapelje, and was for many years an elder of the Dutch church. He d. Oct. 18, 1776. His ch. were George, b. Jan. 28, 1722 ; Sarah, b. Ap. 8, 172-4, m. Isaac Bogart ; Agnes, b. May 28, 1727, d. Aug. 22, 1740 ; Mary, b. Nov. 10, 1729, m. Isaac Bra- zier; Cornelius, b. Jan. 16, 1732; Martin,!^ b. May 23, 1784; Jane, b. Mar. 14, 1736, m. Hendrick Eiker ; Daniel, b. Aug. 81, 1738, d. Aug. 31, 1757 ; Nelly, b. July 4, 1740, m. Jeremiah Eemsen ; and Agnes, b. May 9, 1744, who d. Oct. 17, 1767. George became a farmer at New Lots, where he d. in 1779, leaving a son Daniel, who d. single, and dau. Mar}'-, wife of Elbert Snediker, and Phebe, wife of Martin Johnson. Cornelius m. May 25, 1756, Cornelia, dau. of John Wyckoff, of Newtown, and in 1758 bought the farm of his dec. father-in-law, being that now occupied by Cornelius Purdy. Capt. Eapelye, a ge- nerous neighbor and esteemed citizen, d. in his 51st yr. Feb. 9, 1782, but his widow survived till Jan. 26, 1824, when she d. in her 91st yr. Their ch. were Mary, b. Aug. 5, 1757, m. David Purd}^, and Adriana, b. Aug. 16, 1766, who ra. Jacobus Suy dam. 13. Martin Eapelye, son of Daniel,^- m. Jan. 28, 1763, Eli- zabeth, dau. of John Lequier, and OAvned the paternal farm, now that of Dow D. Eapelje. He d. Feb. 4, 1816, in his 82d yr. his wife having d. in her 49th yr. Sep. 18, 1791. His ch. who reached maturity were Elizabeth, b. May 22, 1766, m. Peter Cortelyou ; John, b. Dec. 16, 1768 ; Eensie, b. Jan. 7, 1771, ra. Daniel Lent and Bernard Eapelye ; Abraham, b. Feb. 17, 1774, did not marry ; Agnes, b. June 20, 1779, m. Nathan- iel Lawrence, and Daniel, b. Sep. 30, 1781, who d. single. John m. Mary, dau. of Daniel Lawrence, May 3, 1798, and d. in his 274 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 58th yr. Aug. 11, 1826, being the father of Martin Rapelye, of Harlem, and John L. Rapelye, of Astoria. 14. Cornelius Rapelje, second son of Joris,^^ was born in 1702, and m. Nov. 30, 1727, Aletta, dau. of Joris Brinckerhoflf. He owned and occupied the farm at Hellgate, late of Squire John Lawrence, and now of Edward J. Woolsey. He was for some years in the commission of the peace, and d. July 25, 1760. Mrs. Rapelje d. in her 85th yr. Jan. 22, 1790. Their ch. were Agnes, b. Oct. 5, 1728 ; George, b. Sep. 5, 1730 ; Daniel, b. Mar. 19, 1733 ; Abraham, b. Nov. 5, 1735 ; Corne- lius, b. June 9, 1738, (all of whom except Daniel d. unm.) Ann, b. Aug. 21, 1741, m. Col. Jeromus Remsen ; and Jane, who m. John Duryea, of Jamaica. 15. Abraham Rapelje, third son of Joris,^^ was b. May 19, 1705, and m. May 14, 1731, Anna, dau. of Joris Brinckerhoff. In 1737 he bought the farm near Fish's Point, now divided between his grandsons Abraham and John I. Rapelye, on which he resided till his death, Feb, 7, 1777, having served as a dea- con and elder of the Dutch church. Mrs, Rapelje d. a. 64, Oct. 8, 1776. Their ch. were thirteen in number, eleven of whom survived infancy, namely : George, ^^ b. Feb. 18, 1732 ; Abra- ham, b. Dec. 1, 1732 ; Anna, b. Feb. 12, 1738, m. George De- bevoise ; Agnes, b. Ap. 21, 1740, m. Martin Schenck ; Sarah, b, Ap. 3, 1742, m, Johannes Debevoise ; Jannetie, b. July 2, 1744, d. July 27, 1763 ; DanieV^ b. Mar. 24, 1746 ; Isaac/s ^^ Feb. 5, 1748 ; Aletta, b. June 2, 1750, m, Abraham Polhemus ; Jacob, b. Oct. 17, 1752 ; and Susannah, b. May 17, 1754, who d. of camp fever, Dec. 28, 1776. Abraham m. Jane, dau. of Elbert Luyster, but had no issue. He lived on the place owned by the late Aaron Furman, and d. of camp fever, Dec. 8, 1776. His widow d. in her 64th yr. Sep. 13, 1799. Jacob m. Maria, dau. of Dow Ditmars, of Jamaica, and d. in his 57th yr. Sep. 2, 1809. His only ch. that reached maturity was Susan, who m. the Rev. Gabriel Ludlow, now of Shannock, N. J. 16. George Rapelye, son of Abraham,i^ m. Oct. 18, 1753, Elizabeth, dau. of Roelof Schenck, of Cow Neck, at which place he settled. He d. in his 83rd yr. Jan. 12, 1815, and his widow on Nov, 5, same yr, also in her 83d yr. Their ch, were Susannah, b, Oct. 20, 1754, d. June 16, 1777 ; Anna, b, Sep. 7, 1756, m. Hendrick Brinckerhoflf ; Ehzabeth, b. July 21, 1759, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 275 m. John Luyster; Abraliam, b. Jan. 25, 1763 ; Jane, b. Mar. 3, 1765, ra. Joseph Hegeman ; Sarah, b. Feb. 3, 1767, m. George Onderdonk;* Roelof, b. Oct. 30, 1770 ; aad Jacob, b. Aug. 24, 1772, who m. Aletta Brinckerhoff, but d. without issue, Aug. 23, 1825. Roelof m. Phebe Snediker, and d. Ap. 22, 1823, leaving ch. Abraham ra. Maria, dau of Martin Schenck, and secondly Ida Monfort. He d. in his 63d yr. Feb. 23, 1826, and his son Cornelius now occupies his estate in North Hempstead. * The Onderdonk family is descended from Adriaen Onderdonk, a Dutch emigrant to New Castle, Del. His son Andries removed, with others of the family, to Long Island, and m. Nov. 11, 1683, Maria, dau. of Dirck Janse Van der Vliet; settled in the town of Jamaica; had issue, Adriaen and Andries, and dying soon after, his widow, in 1687, m. Jacob Vanderbilt. Adriaen b. 1684, m. Sarah Snediker and had issue, Andries, Gerrit, Abraliam, Adriaen, Isaac, Jacob, Elsie, Hendrick, Maria, John, and Sarah, most of whom settled in Rockland co. and N. Jersey, and left a numerous posterity. Andries On- derdonk, b. 1686, m. in 1706, Gertrude Lott, and d. in 1758; issue, 1 Maria m. Jacobus Monfort, 2 Catharine, m. Daniel Hegeman, 3 Andries, 4 Ger- trude, m. Jacobus Hegeman, 5 Annetie, 6 Dorothy, ni. Adrian Hegeman, 7 Sarah, m. Thomas Dodge, 8 Hendrick, 9 Adrian, 10 Peter. These were of the second generation born on Long Island. 3d Generation. Andries,'^ b. 1711, m. in 1732, Sarah Remsen, and removed to Tappan ; issue, 1 Andrew, 2 Aeltie, 3 Gertrude, m. Adrian Smith, 4 Phebe, m. Onder- donk, 5 Maria, m. John Riker, 6 Antie, m. John Gesner. Hendrick,' b. 1724, m. 1750, Phebe Tredwell; issue, 1 Benjamin, 2 Gertrude, m. Lambert Moore> 3 Phebe, 4 Andrew, m. Mary Magdalen Moore, 5 Sarah, m. D. R. Floyd Jones, 6 Henry, 7 Maria, 8 John, 9 Phebe, 10 William, 11 Samuel, 12. Ben- jamin. Adrian,^ b. 1726, m. 1755, Maria Uegemnn; issue, 1 Gertrude, m. Peter Luyster, 2 Sarah, 3 Sarah, m. Tliomas Thorne, 4 George, 5 Maria, m. Abm. Hoogland, 6 Joseph, 7 Lott, 8 Phebe, 9 Catharine, 10 Susannah, m. Dan Ma- ther, 11 Andrew. Peter,^° b. 1730, m. 1751, Elizabeth Schenck; issue, iMa- aria, m. Daniel Bogart, 2 Andrew, 3 Gertrude, m. Abm. Brinckerhoff, 4 Eliza- beth, 5 Minne, 6 Jane, 7 Catharine, m. Jacobus Hegeman, 8 Antie, 9 Peter. 4lh Generation. Andrew,^ b. 1734, at Tappan, m. Rider; issue, Sarah, ni. Cornelius Bogart. Henrij,'^ b. 1760, m. 1795, Sarah Van Kleek; issue, Henry-Livingston. John,« (Doctor) b. 1763, m, 1788, Deborah Ustick ; issue, 1 Henry-Ustick, 2 William, 3 Susannah, 4 Benjamiii-Treadwell, 5 Elizabeth, 6 Phoebe, 7 Mary. George,* b. 1761, m. 1796, Sarah Rapelye ; issue, 1 Catharine, m. Dow J. Dit-^ mars, 2 Jacob, 3 Maria-Hegeman, m. her cousin Henry Onderdonk, Jr. 4Elizabeth-Schenck, m. her cousin Horatio G. Onderdonk. Joseph,*^ b. 1766, m. 1789, Dorothy Monfort; issue, 1 Maria, m. Elbert Hegeman, 2 Catharine, m. Thomas Skill man, 3 Adrian, 4 George, 5 Andrew-Lott, 6 Elizabeth. 1 Ramy, Junior, 8 Andrew-Lott, 9 Horatio-Gates, 10 James-Monfort. Lott,^ 276 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 17. Daniel Kapelje, son of Abraham,^^ m. Dec. 11, 1772, Elizabetli, dau. of Abraham Polhemus, and resided on the place now of William Levericli. He d. in his -tSth yr. Jan. 19, 1794, and his widow Aug. 29, WU, in her 89th yr. Their ch. were Anna, b. Dec. 26, 1773, m. Jacob Eapelje; Margaret, b. Nov. 12, 1775, m. Abraham Snediker and Hendrick Suy- dam; Abraham, b. Dec. 14, 1777; Elizabeth, b. Dec. 11, 1780, m. Abraham Eemsen ; and Isaac, b. Dec. 23, 1782. The latter m. his cousin, Margaret, dau. of Jacob Polhemus, and for nearly half a century occupied the farm at the Poor Bowery, formerly in the Lent family, where he d. Oct. 20, 1850. His surviving ch. are Ann E. Gertrude, Jacob P. and Aletta V. His brother Abraham, m. Agnes, dau. of Martin Schenck, and resided at the Dutch Kills. He d. Feb. 1, 1837, his wife having d. in her 52d yr. Oct. 13, 1832. Their ch. were Daniel, Martin, Polhemus, Isaac, Agnes, Elizabeth, and Maria. b. 1768, m. 1794, Susannah Schenck; issue, I Catharine, m. Abni. Ditmars, 2 Abin.-Sehenek, m. Ann Tredvvell, 3 Maria, 4 Henry, 5 Andrew. Minne,^ b. 1764, m. first, 1794, Catharine Schenck; issue, 1 Elizabeth, m. Eldert AHen, 2 Peter, 3 A^ra.-Schenck, 4 Maria, ra. William Hoogland ; then m. Phebe Piatt, widow of Daniel Hegeman ; issue, 5 Catharine, m. Warren Mitchell, 6 Jane, m. Martin Schenck, 7 Matilda, m. Rev. Wm. R. Gordon. 5/^ Generation. Henry-Livingslon,h. 1196, m. 1817, Charlotte Foot; isswe, Henrj'-Livings- ton. Henry-Ustick, b. 1789, and elected Bishop of Penn. 1827, m. 1811, Elizabeth Carter; issue John-Henry, Anne C, Susan, Elizabeth, Mary, Jane M., Gertrude P., Hellen. William,^ b. 1790, m. 1814, Maria Holmes, issue, J. Remsen, William U., Maria H., Andrew, drowned 1843, Henry, and Catharine F. BenJa?nin-TreadweU,*h. 1792 and elected Bishop of New- York 1830, m. 1813, Eliza H. Moscrop; issue, Elizabeth C, Henry M., William H., John C, Benjamin A., and Hobart. Adrian,^ b. 1795, m. 1819, Ann Wyekoff; issue, Dorothy-Ann, Gertrude. Henry Onderdonk, Jr? b. 1804; principal of Union Hall Academy, Jamaica, and author of Revolutionary Incidents of Long Isl- and, m. 1828, his cousin, Maria Hegeman Onderdonk ; issue, Elizabeth, and Adrian. Horatio-Gates? b. 1808, m. 1830, his cousin Elizabeth Sciienck On- derdonk; issue, Sarah, Maria, Josephine-Dorothy, Anna, Catharine-Elizabeth, Andrew. James-Monforl,^" b. 1811, m. 1837, Jane Hegeman; issue, Joseph, John, Mariana, Dorothea, Cornelia. Henry,* b. 1802, m. 1839, widow Mary Webb; issue Mary-Matilda, Henrietta-Virginia. Peter,^ b. 1798, m. 1823, Eliza Hoogland; issue, Cornelia, Caroline, Benjamin, William, Peter. Abraham- Schenck,^ h. lS01,m. 1824, Phebe Remsen, issue; Sarah-Jane, Minne, and Margaretta. N. B. The plan of this genealogy, as will be seen, differs from that observed in other cases. On a little examination, however, it will appear quite simple. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 277 18. Isaac Rapelye, son of Abraliam,^^ m. Jane, dau. of Carel Debevoise, and lived on the paternal farm at Fish's Point, where he d. in his 89th yr. Dec. 20, 1836, Mrs. Rapelye hav- ing d. in her 63d yr. Aug. 30, 1816. Their ch. were Abraham,^ Charles, John I., Isaac, Anna, Ellen, Agnes, Jane and Eve. Of these Abraham and John I. occupy portions of the paternal farm. Isaac, late a physician at Brooklyn, is now dec. Charles b. Aug. 12, 1786, m. Catharine M. Pearsall, of N. Hempstead, who dying, he m, secondly, Lavinia, dau. of David Purdy. In 1830 he bought the farm previously owned by Daniel Riker, Esq. where he d. Jan. 6, 1834, his estate being now in the pos- session of his ch. namely, David P., Isaac C, Catharine M., and Lavinia P. Rapelye. 19. John Rapelye, fifth child of Joris,'^i was b. June 11, 1711, and m. Jan. 12, 1733, Maria, dau. of Abraham Lent. In 1743 he and his brother Jeromus bought the paternal estate, which they divided, John retaining the farm now occupied bv Robert Willett. He d. of consumption, Feb. 11, 1756. His widow d. a. 90 yrs. Nov. 21, 1800. Their ch. were George,2i b. Oct. 27, 1733 ; Anna Catrina, b. Aug. 10, 1736, m. Jacobus Riker ; Abraham,^" b. Nov. 21, 1739 ; and Daniel, b. Aug. 15, 1745. The latter m. in 1785, Ellen, dau. of William Livesay, and d. in New- York, Jan. 9, 1828 ; his wife having d. in 1815. Their ch. were John ; George, of New- York ; Harriet, the wife of John I. Staples ; Catharine ; and Ellen, wife of Gen. John Lloyd, of New-York. 20. Abraham Rapelye, son of John,!^ m. June 22, 1/64, Nelly, dau. of John Bragaw, and kept the inn at Newtown village, known as the " corner house." He d. a. 59, Nov. 2, 1798, and his widow in her 63d yr. Feb. 7, 1807. Their ch. were Jane, m. William Garden, afterwards Col. Garden, of York CO. N. B. ; Maria, m. Isaac Schenck ; John, Margaret, Abraham, Daniel, George, (all five of whom d. unm.) Isaac, d. an infant, Andrew b. Oct. 11, 1782, who left issue; and William-Garden b. July 4, 1785, now a resident of New-York. 31. George Rapelye, eldest son of John,i^ ni. May 19, 1756, Mary, dau. of Bernard Bloom, of Newtown. After the Revo- lution he settled at Communipau, and on Mar. 22, 1791, was accidentally drowned in coming to New-York. His remains were recovered, and buried at Communipau. His widow d. 278 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. June 4, 1819, a. 86, and was interred at Newtown. Their ch. were Jolin, b. Feb. 7, 1767 ; Bernard, b. Aug. 27, 1759 ; and George, b. Mar. 14, 1763. The latter m. Anne, dau. of Paul Vandervoort, and being knocked overboard by the boom of a vessel, was drowned in the East river, May 28, 1789, leaving issue two sons, George and Paul, the first of whom was also drowned at New- York several years after. Thus, by a singular fatality, a father, son, and grandson, each bearing the same name, met a watery grave. Paul Kapelye occupies the farm upon Newtown creek, formerly Thomas Alsop's. John m. Lemma Boice. He bought and occupied the farm of Capt. William Weyman, in Newtown, being that now divided between his son George I. Rapelye and son-in- law, Benjamin Moore. He d. a. 72, April 5, 1829, and his con- sort a, 68 yrs. Sept. 15, 1832. Their ch. are George I. ; Jacob, living in Brooklyn ; Jane, wife of Benjamin Moore ; and Mary. Bernard m. Nov. 23, 1783, Deborah, dau. of Joshua Gedney, at whose death he m. secondly Eensie, dau. of Martin Eapelye and widow of Daniel Lent. He d. a. 78, in 1837, having had by his first marriage two ch. who attained maturity, to wit, George-Bernard, now of New-York city, and Charles, dec. 33. Jacob Kapelje, sixth child of Joris,^^ was b. Mar. 18, 1714, and m. Catharine Lott, May 16, 1740. He resided at Hellgate, on the premises now owned by Mrs. Polhemus, and erected the stone- house yet standing on that farm. Mr. Eapelje was a leading man both in civil and church affairs. He was supervisor of Newtown for eighteen years in succession, and long served in the eldership of the Dutch church. At the opening of the Revolution, though all his brothers then living were loyalists, he warmly advocated the rights of his country, but did not live to witness its triumph. He d. May 18, 1776, and his widow on July 7th following, in her 56th yr. His ch. who reached adult years, were Agnes, b. Mar. 15, 1746, m. Martin Schenck ; Peter, b. Dec. 19, 1750; George, b. Feb. 10, 1753, d. a young man ; Sarah, b. Feb. 17, 1755, m. George Brinckerhoff ; Jacob, b. May 21, 1757; and Catharine, b. Jan.l8, 1760, m. Isaac Snediker. Peter was a whig, and quarter-master of Newtown troop of horse at the opening of the Revolution. He m. Dec. 29, 1791, Bregie, dau. of Dow Ditmars, and settled at New Lots, where he d, Ap. 25, 1802, having had issue Jacob, Peter, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 279 and Dow-Ditmars, the last of whom resides in Newtown, and the two former at New Lots. Jacob Rapelje, son of Jacob^ m. Ann, dau. of Daniel Rapelye. He lived upon the farm now occupied by his son, Peter Eapelje, in Hellgate Neck, where he d. in his 63d yr. Jan. 23, 1820. His widow still survives. Their eh. who reached maturity, were Catharine, b. Sep. 26, 1791 ; Elizabeth, b. May 9, 1793 ; Maria, b. Aug.l6, 1796; Daniel, b. Dec. 2, 1798, d. Nov. 1, 1828 ; Sarah- Ann, b. Mar. 2, 1801 ; Peter, b. June 28, 1805 ; Jacob, b. Ap. 20, 1807, d. en route for California, June 29,1849 ; George, b. Jan. 7, 1809 ; and Margaret, b. Aug. 27, 1815. 23. Jeromus Rapelje, the youngest child of Joris,^^ was b. Sep. 14, 1717, and m. Dec. 1, 1738, Wyntie, dau. of Abraham Lent. As before stated he bought the homestead, half of the paternal farm on Flushing Bay, his part including the lands now in the possession of Cornelius Hendrickson and the heirs of Col. Williams. He continued the brewery dur- ing his life, and his son Jeromus after him, but the build- ing has since been removed. He held a commission as captain of militia, was a resolute, energetic man, and a warm loyalist. He d. Jan. 15, 1776, and his widow Sep. 7, 1796, a. 80. Capt. Rapelje is said to have been a person of large and heavy frame, and his consort as remarkable for her di- minutiveness. Their ch. were George, b. Dec. 12, 1739 ; Abra- ham b. Dec. 10, 1741 ; Daniel, b. Nov. 27, 1743, d. Sep. 9, 1762 ; Jacobus, b. Feb. 15, 1746, and killed by the fall of a limb in the woods Nov. 27, 1767 ; Cornelius, b. Aug. 10, 1748 ; Jero- mus,2'i b. Aug. 23, 1751 ; and John, b. Mar. 9, 1755, and d. Sep. 9, 1776. George m. Nov. 23, 1764, his cousin, Aletta, dau. of Jacobus Lent, He d. in his 50th yr. Aug. 4, 1789, and his widow Dec. 23, 1810, in her 64th yr. They had issue Jeromus ; Margaret, m. David Springsteen ; Jacobus-Lent, living at New Lots ; and Daniel, who, with his brother Jeromus, removed to Canada. Abraham m. Dec. 6, 1767, Cynthia, dau. of Abraham Bogart, of Bushwick, and bought the farm of his father-in-law in that town, where he settled, and d. aged 39, Dec. 24, 1780, leaving two ch. Abraham, who m. Sarah, dau. of Peter Wyc- koflf, and Wyntie, who m. Henry Van Allen. . Cornelius m. Nov. 17, 1780, Maria dau. of his cousin Jacobus Riker, and was a man of exemplary life and an office-bearer in the Dutch 280 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. cliurch. He d. at Hallett's Cove, in his 80tli yr. Jan. 81, 1828, and liis pious and amiable widow July 24, 1832, in her 71st yr. Their eh. were Grace, b. Aug. 20, 1782, widow of John Trafford; Jeromus, b. May 27, 1788, d. Sep. 12, 1818; Jamcs-Eiker, b. Jan. 3, 1790, now of New- York city ; and George, b. Feb. 15, 1793, who d. in New-York, April 18, 1850. 24. Jeromus Eapelye, son of Capt. Jeromus,^^ m. Sep. 1, 1775, Heyltie, dau. of John Bragaw, who dying Mar. 28, 1788, in her 35th yr. he m. secondly Lanah, dau. of John Folk. He remained on the paternal farm till his mother's death, afterwards lived at Newtown, d. in his 80th yr. Mar. 10; 1831, and his widow on Oct. 13th succeeding, a. 63. His ch. by his first marriage were Jeromus I ; Jane, wife of Syl- vanus Morris ; John, of Hopewell, N. Y. ; and Wyntie-Lent, who m. first John Wiltsee, and is now the widow of John Storm. By his second marriage Jeromus had issue, Abra- ham, George, Hellen-Bragaw, and Joseph-Ford, all living. Jeromus I. Eapelye m. Ap.. 14, 1804, Phebe, dau. of John Greenoak, and d. in his 67th yr. Feb. 26, 1843. His ch. were Jerome, now of Astoria, and John-Greenoak, dec. In closing this genealogy it will be appropriate to add a remark written sixteen years ago, by a learned gentleman, concerning this family. He says " Their general character for honesty, hospitality, industry, sagacity, talent, and perse- verance, stands pre-eminent in the estimation of their fellow citizens ; indeed they seem, in a great measure, to have re- tained through the lapse of more than two centuries the characteristic gaiety, tact, and intelligence of their French origin, combined with the good sense, economy and neat- ness of their Dutch progenitors." THE LAWRENCE FAMILY. Altliougli extended and well written accounts of this family have already appeared in Thomp- son's Long Island and Hoi gate's American Genealogy, it is deem- ed indispensable that a memoir of the family be presented here, inasmuch as they have occupied a very important place in the history of this town. The follow- in o- is mainly drawn from the above sources, containing, how- ever, important amendments and additions. The first ancestor of this family, of which we have any knowledge, was Sir Robert Laurens, of Ashton Hall, m Lancastershire, England. It was this individual who accom- panied Richard Cc^ur de Lion in his famous expedition to Palestine, and who signalized himself in the memorable siege of St. Jean d'Acre, in 1191, by being the first to plant the banner of the cross on the battlements of that town, for which he received the honors of knighthood from King Richard, and also, at the same time, the coat of arms above represented. After this the family became eminent m England. In Faulk- ner's History of Chelsea, &c. he says, "The Lawrences were allied to all that was great and illustrious; cousins to ^le am-^ bitious Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, to the Earl of Warwick, to Lord Guilford Dudley, who expiated on he scaffold the short lived royalty of Lady Jane Gray ; to the brilliant Leicester, who set two queens at variance, and to Sir Philip Sidney, who refused a throne." A large number of the families bearing this name m the United States are descended from three brothers, John, Wil- liam and Thomas Lawrence, who emigrated from Grea St. Albans, in Hertfordshire, during the political troubles that led to the dethronement and death of Charles I. In corroboration of their descent from Sir Robert Laurens we find on the seals appended to some of their wills now on file at New-York, 282 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN, and on old plate still possessed by their descendants, the same coat of arms as were granted to that knight. John and William Lawrence were the first to emigrate. The former, then a youth of seventeen, with his said brother, aged twelve, and his sister Maria, a child of nine years, em- barked in the ship Planter, April, 1635, and landed in Massa- chusetts. Thence they subsequently came to this province. John was one of the six persons to whom the patent of Hemp- stead was granted by Gov. Kieft in 1644. In the following year he and his brother Williani, with several others, obtained the patent of Flushing, at which place John Lawrence estab- lished his residence, but soon after removed to New Amster- dam, where he held important public stations, both under the Dutch and English. He was appointed an alderman of New- York when the English government was first established in that city, in 1665 ; was afterwards mayor, and for a long term of years a member of the council. In 1692 he was appointed a judge of the supreme court, which office he held till his death in 1699. His will, on file in New- York, written in his own hand, states that he was then more than eighty years old. He had six ch. to wit, Joseph, John, Thomas, Susannah, Martha and Mary ; all of whom, except Thomas, married, but none left issue that reached maturity, save Mary, who m. William Whittingham, and was the mother of Mary, wife of Gov. Saltonstall, of Connecticut, a lady distinguished for her literary acquirements, and the gifts she bestowed upon Harvard and Yale Colleges. William Lawrence, the next younger brother of John Lawrence, also left Flushing, and resided for a season in Mid- delburg or Newtown, of which he was a purchaser in 1656, but he returned several years after to the first named town, and bought Lawrence's or Tew's Neck, where he continued to reside during life. His letters addressed to Stuy vesant and his council in 1662 and '3 are ably written, evincing his energy and decision of character, and are evidently the production of a man of superior mind and liberal education. He served in the magistracy under the Dutch ; while under the English he held both civil and military offices upon Long Island. Capt. Lawrence d. in 1680, a. 57, and the inventory of his estate on file in New- York shows that his sword, plate and other person- ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 283 als alone amounted to £4,432 sterling. He was twice married. By his first wife he left issue William, John, and Elizabeth, who m. in 1672 Thomas Stevenson, of Newtown. In 1664 he m. for his second wife Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Smith, Esq. patentee of Smithtown, by whom he had issue Mary, -- Thomas, Joseph, Richard, Samuel, Sarah, and James. After his decease his widow m. Sir Philip Carteret, governor of New Jersey. His eldest son, Major William Lawrence, d. at Flush- ing in 1719, leaving several sons, of whom the youngest, Stephen Lawrence, was the father of Leonard and grand-fa- ther of Gilbert Lawrence, now occupying the old family man- sion upon Lawrence's Neck. Joseph Lawrence, the fourth son of Capt. William Lawrence, was the father of Richard Law- rence, father of the late Effingham Lawrence who was b. Feb. 11, 1785, and removed to the city of London, where he d. May 17, 1806, leaving issue William E., John, Effingham, Edward- Billop, and Catharine-Mary, who, in 1816, m. Sir John T. Jones, Bart. His brother, Joseph Lawrence, b. Aug. 23, 1741, was a member of the New- York assembly in 1785, and was the father of the late Judge Effingham Lawrence, of Flushing, and of Henry Lawrence, the father of Hon. Cornelius W. Lawrence, of New- York. John Lawrence, the brother of Joseph, last named, was b, Feb. 22, 1732, and his son Effingham Lawrence, was the father of Watson E. Lawrence, Esq. of New Haven, and Judge Effingham»W. Lawrence, and the Hon. John W. Lawrence, of Flushing. For a fuller account of the poste- rity of Capt. William Lawrence, of Flushing, see the works cited at the beginning of this memoir. 1. Thomas Lawrence, the youngest of the three brothers first named in this article, not being mentioned among the passengers of the ship in which his brethren came to this country, is supposed to have joined them after their emi- gration hither. He lived awhile at Flushing, but in 1656 bought a house and lot in Newtown, to which place he removed and took part in buying the town lands from the Indians that same year. Afterwards, by purchase from the Dutch settlers, he became proprietor of a number of cultivated farms extending along the East River from Hellgate Cove to the Bowery Bay. On receiving the news of the Revolution in England of 1688, and the removal of Sir Edmund Andross 284 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. as governor of Massachusetts, the family of Thomas became decided actors in asserting the principles which had prompted his departure from England. Though advanced in years, Capt. Lawrence accepted the command of the forces of Queen's county, to which he was commissioned by Gov. Leisler, with the rank of major, Dec. 80, 1689. In Feb. following he was intrusted with the raising of troops in Queen's county to aid in defending Albany against the French, and again in July of the same year, he was commis- sioned to proceed to Southold with a military force, to protect his Majesty's subjects there against the apprehended attacks of French cruisers. Major Thomas Lawrence d. at Newtown in July, 1703. His descendants are very numerous, residing in Connecticut, New- York, New Jersey, and other states of the Union. He left a wid,ow, Mary, and live sons, to wit, Thomas, William, John, Daniel and Jonathan. His dau. Sarah m. Joseph Winslow and Charles Le Bross ; Elizabeth, another dau. m. John Saunders. Of the sons Thomas and Jonathan, and their descendants, an account is given in Bolton's History of West- chester. William was appointed one of the council of the pro- vince under Gov. Leisler ; an office which he subsequently held from 1702 to 1706, by a commission from Queen Anne, The sad fall of Leisler, involving the members of his council in its effects, Wm. Lawrence, with the rest of them., was seized and committed on a charge of high treason. John Lawrence, his uncle, who, from the caution of age, or a disapprobation of Leisler's proceedings, had never countenanced his eleva- tion, was appointed on the commission with Sir Thomas Robinson, Col. William Smith, and others, to try those poli- tical offenders. These proceedings do not appear, however, to have interrupted the mutual confidence and affection of the uncle and nephew. William Lawrence m. in 1676, Anna dau. of Samuel Edsall, Esq. and left a son, William. The latter owned the farm now of Geo. Kouwenhoven, m. May 26, 1727, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Hallett, and had issue William, Samuel, and John. He d. Dec. 11, 1731. 3. John Lawrence, son of Major Thomas Lawrence,^ was captain of the Newtown troop of horse in Leisler's time, with his brother Daniel as cornet ; and was soon after appointed high sheriff of the county, to which place he was also chosen ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 285 in 1698. Of all the brothers he alone permanently remained at Newtown. He m. Deborah, dau. of Richard Woodhull, one of the patentees of Brookhaven. He d. Dec. 17, 1729, and his widow Jan. 6, 1742 a. about 83. They left three sons, Thomas, John,3 and Nathaniel. Thomas m. Jan. 5, 1730, Deborah, dau, of Teunis Wiltsee, of Newtown, and removed to Westches- ter county, where he left sons, Thomas and Nathaniel. His brother Nathaniel^ who also left Newtown, m. on May 23, 1728, Susannah, dau. of Thomas Alsop, of the last named place, and had sons, Nathaniel, Richard, and John. 3. John Lawrence, son of Capt. John Lawrence,^ was b. at Newtown, Sep. 9, 1695, and m. Dec. 8, 1720, Patience, dau. of Joseph Sackett, Esq. He was a wealthy farmer, possessing great perseverance and intelligence, and served in the magis- tracy of the county for many years. He d. May 7, 1765, and his widow in her 72d yr. Oct. 24, 1772. Their ch. who reach- ed maturity were John, b. Sep. 22, 1721 ; Joseph,^ b. Mar. 21, 1723 ; Richard, b. June 20, 1725 ; Nathaniel, b. July 13, 1727 ; ■Wiiliam,5 b. July 27, 1729 ; Anna, b. Nov. 20, 1731, who m. William Sackett ; Thomas,^ b. Nov. 21, 1733 ; Samuel, b. Sep. 27, 1735 ; Jonathan,'' b. Oct. 4, 1737; and Daniel, b. Nov. 26, 1739. Of these, Nathaniel d. unm. a. 34, Oct. 24, 1761, at St. Eustatia, in the West Indies, where he was settled and success- fully engaged in trade. John became an eminent and wealthy merchant in New-York. He m. Catharine, dau. of the Hon. Philip Livingston, but had no issue by this marriage. He d. Aug. 5, 1764, in his 43d yr. being at the time alderman of the Dock ward. His funeral was attended by the different clergy, and the celebrated Whitefield, then in this country, pro- nounced his funeral sermon and seemed to be particularly affected himself, a friendship having long subsisted between them. His brother Richard m. Amy, dau. of Cornelius Ber- rien, but had no issue. In 1776 he held a commission as captain of the Newtown troop of horse, and falling into the hands of the royalists, was sent to the Provo', where he was for a long time confined, and there contracted a fatal illness. The devotedness to their cause which pervaded the body of whigs, is illustrated by the closing scene of this gentleman. The capture of Cornwallis occurred but a short time before his decease, and while languishing upon his sick bed, the news 19 286 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. of the capitulation was communicated to him. Assuring him- self of the truth, he declared his readiness to die, now that the ultimate triumph of his country was secured. His death took place at Newtown, Nov. 21, 1781, in his 57th yr. His brother Samuel was a man of great probity and imperturbable courage, united with much goodness of heart, but the early loss of his wife (Elizabeth, dau. of Jonathan and Letitia Hazard,) the death of his only child, and the confinement and bodily injury which he was subjected to during the possession of Long Island by the Britsh troops, probably tended to increase the peculiarities that strongly marked his character. These politi- cal injuries left in him a deep-rooted hostility towards the British government, which time had no effect in softening, and none of his prayers were more unfeigned, nor probably more frequent, than those for its overthrow. He was drown- ed in Hellgate, Aug. 22, 1810, a. 75. His brother, Col. Dayiiel Lawrence, also a zealous whig, was an exile from his home from 1776 to 1783 ; and served as a member of assembly from Queen's, by appointment of the convention of 1777, from that year till the termination of the war. He m. Miss Eve Van Horn, a lady of a highly respectable family in the city of New- York, and d. on his estate, at Lawrence's Point, Nov. 7, 1807, a. 68. His ch. were John, d. unm. ; Nathaniel, m. Agnes, dau. of Martin Rapelye ; Daniel, d. unm. ; Abraham ; Catha- rine, m. Elbert Luyster; Anna, m. Thomas Bloodgood, and Mary, who m. John M. RajDelye. 4. Joseph Lawrence, son of John Lawrence,^ m. Patience, dau. of Benjamin Moore, and aunt of the late Bishop Moore, of New-York', and was universally respected. He d. at New- town, Jan. 28, 1793, in his 70th yr. His son Kichard, b. Mar. 3, 1764, went to Edinburgh to complete his medical education, and after his return m, Mary, dau. of John Moore of Newtown, where he practised his profession. He d. without issue, July 26, 1804. His sister Anna, b. Nov, 27, 174:9, m. Samuel Riker, Esq. 5. William Lawrence, son of John Lawrence,^ m. May 14, 1752, Anna, dau. of Isaac Brinckerhofif ; after whose death he m. April 14, 1771, Mary, dau. of Charles Palmer. He was for many years a magistrate, and filled the station with useful- ness. On the capture of Long Island, in 1776, part of his ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 287 house in Newtown was made the head-quarters of the British and Hessian generals, and himself and family were subjected to many of the exactions and vexations which those who had rebel predilections experienced from the invaders. He d. in his 65th yr. Jan. 13, 1794. He had issue (with six that d. in childhood,) Dientie, b. Mar. 19, 1756, m. Abraham Lent ; John, b. July 5, 1758 ; Catharine, b, April 26, 1763, now widow of Cornelius Luyster; Richard, b. July 11, 1765; Isaac, b. Feb. 8, 1768 ; AViiliam, b. May 17, 1770 ; and Jane, b. Aug. 3, 1783, who m. Hendrick Suydam. William d. on his plantation in Demarara ; issue, James Van Horn Lawrence. Isaac was the late president of the U. S. Bank in New-York. As an exam- ple of unassuming wealth and a kind hearted liberal em- ployment of it, this gentleman stood eminent in the communi- ty. He was educated at Princeton, and was destined for the church, but a feebleness of constitution obliged him to adopt a more active life. Entering upon commerce in New-York he became one of our most prosperous merchants. In 1817 he was selected as president of the N. Y. branch of the late bank of the United States, which office he held till the expiration of its charter in 1836. He d. July 12, 1841, a. 74. His wife was Cornelia, dau. of the Rev. Abm. Beach, D. D and his oh. were William-Beach, now lieutenant-governor of Rhode Isl- and ; Cornelia A. m. James A, Ilillhouse ; Harriet, m. Dr. John A. Pool; Isaphene C, m. Dr. Benj. McVickar; Julia B. m. Thomas L. Wells ; Maria E. m. Rev. W. I. Kip ; and Hannah E. m. Henry Whitney. Eichard, usually styled Major Law- rence, m. his cousin, Sarah, dau. of Capt. Thos. Lawrence. He was an eminent merchant in New- York, but becoming blind, he retired to Newtown, and d. upon his farm at Hellgate, Sept. 21, 1816, a. 51. His ch. who reached maturity were Thomas, William, Peter-Manifold, dec, Ann-Eliza, wife of Lambert Suydam, Esq. ; Richard, dec., and Isaac. John Laivrence^ (familiarly called the commodore^ from his having served as an officer on board the American frigate Confederacy, Capt, Harding,) m. Elizabeth, widow of Nath. Lawrence, and dau. of Judge John Berrien ; and secondly Patience, dau. of Samuel Riker,"Esq. He d. in New- York, Aug. 29, 1817, a. 59, and she in her 73d, yr. Feb. 22, 1851. His ch. were Madison, Samuel-Riker, Louisa, m. John Campbell; Jane-Riker, m. 288 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Benj. F. Lee ; Julia, m. John P. Smith, and Patience, who m. Timothy G. Churchill. 6. Capt. Thomas Lawrence, son of John Lawrence,^ was appointed at about the age of twenty-five, to the command of the ship Tartar, of eighteen guns, and made several cruises in her from New-York during the old French war. His wife was Elizabeth, dau. of Nathaniel Fish, whom he m. Aug. 81, 1760. Possessed of wealth, he settled on a farm on the shore of Flushing Bay, previously owned by his father-in-law. He was appointed a judge in 1784, and was distinguished for great decision of character, and by all the punctilious observances which characterize the eleves of the old school. He d. Dec. 3, 1817, a, 84, His ch. who reached maturity were Nathaniel, b. July 11, 1761 ; Sarah, b. Sept. 20, 1765, m. Major Eichard Lawrence ; Thomas, b. Jan. 12, 1770 ; Mary, b. Aug. 15, 1773, m. Adrian Van Sinderen, Esq. ; Elizabeth, b. Sept. 16, 1775, m. John Wells, Esq. ; John T. b. Aug. 18, 1780 ; William, b. Feb. 11, 1788, d. unm. and Jane-Fish, b. Aug. 6, 1785, who d. unm. John T. m. Eliza, dau. of Simon Remsen. Thomas m. Maria, dau. of Rev. Nathan Woodhull. Nathaniel, after he had left Princeton college, and while under lawful age, entered the North Carolina line of the regular American army, as a lieute- nant. He was made prisoner by the enemy after behaving with great gallantry. In 1788 he was chosen from Queen's to the convention which ratified the constitution of the United States. He also held the of&ce of attorney -general of this state from Dec. 24, 1792 to Nov. 30, 1795 ; and represented Queen's county in the assembly in 1791, '2, '5 and '6. He d. at Hemp- stead, July 5, 1797, a. 86. His wife was Elizabeth, dau. of John Berrien, Esq. and his only ch. Margaret, is the wife of Rev. Philip Lindsley, D. D. president of Nashville Uni- versity. 7. Jonathan Lawrence, son of John Lawrence,^ having acquired wealth in mercantile pursuits in New- York, retired from business at about the age of thirty-four, and purchased a residence at Hellgate, which had belonged to his great-grand- father. Major Thos. Lawrence, and since comprising the farms of Squire John and Major Richard Lawrence. (See page 87.) On the opening of the Revolution Mr. Lawrence espoused with much zeal the cause of his oppressed country, and his A K N A L 8 OF K E W T W N . 289 efforts and tlie influence of his brotliers and relatives in New- town, essentially contributed to redeem tlie town from tlie ill- timed loyalty which distinguished most of the other portions of the county. In 1775 he was apjDointed a member of the provincial convention which met at New- York, and the next year he was again deputed to that body, and was afterwards elected to the convention which formed the first constitution of this state. On the adoption of the constitution and organiza- tion of the state government in 1777, Mr. Lawrence was ap- pointed one of the senators for the southern district, in which capacity he served during the remainder of the war, when not absent upon any other service. The various appointments and commissions executed by him during his connection with the legislature were of the most valuable character. At the peace he returned to his native town, much impoverished by the casualties of the war. He again commenced business in New- York, in a degree repaired his fortunes, and enjoyed the con- fidence and respect of his fellow-citizens till his death, Sept. 4, 1812, a. 75. A more full and interesting memoir of Mr. Law- rence is contained in Thompson's Long Island. He was twice m. first on Mar. 16, 1766, to Judith, dau. of Nath'l Fish, who d. a 18 yrs. Sept. 28, 1767 ; secondly, on Aug. 7, 1768, to Kuth, dau. of Andrew Eiker, who survived him, and d. a. nearly 72 yrs. Oct. 9, 1818. His ch. were Jonathan, b. June 20, 1767; Judith, b. June 27, 1769, m. John Ireland ; Margaret, b. Jan. 13, 1771 ; Samuel, b. May 23, 1773, who d. at his residence at Cayuta Lake, N. Y. Oct. 20, 1837, having been a representative both in the state assembly and in congress, and in 1816 a presidential elector ; Andrew, b. July 17, 1775, who, while in command of a merchant vessel, d. at Factory Island, one of the Isles de Los, on the coast of Africa, April 18, 1806 ; Eichard M. b. Jan. 12, 1778 ; Abraham-Riker, b. Dec. 18, 1780, late of the board of aldermen. New- York ; Joseph, b. May 5, 1783 ; John L. b. Oct. 2, 1785 ; and William-Thomas, b. May 7, 1788, now of Tompkins co. N. Y. late a member of congress, and formerly a judge of the county court; m. Margaret, dau. of Eembrandt F. MuUer. Jonathan, now dec. m. Elizabeth Eogers; issue, Henry W., William A., Jonathan, Eichard, Isabella, d. unm., Judith, d. young, Margaret, m. Barzillai Schlosson, and Adriana, who m, Wm. S. Whittemore. Joseph m. July 6, 290 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN, 1812, Mary, dau. of Capt. John Sackett, and d. at Blooming- burgh, N. Y. on his way to his family residence at Cayuta Lake, April 28, 1817. His widow and children reside at New- town, the latter being Andrew, Elizabeth A, m. Jas. Moore, Mary E. widow of Dr. J. P. Stryker, and Joseph A. John L. Lawrence, an ornament to the legal profession, was recently a member of the state senate, and at the time of his decease, July 24, 1849, was city comptroller. He m. in 1816, Sarah* Augusta, only dau. of Gen. John Smith of Mastic, L. I. and grand- daughter of the lamented Gen, Nath'l Woodhull ; issue, John S., Elizabeth, m. Alfred N. Lawrence ; Margaret, m. Jas. W. Walsh ; Sarah, Anna M., Eichard, d. unm., "William T., Charles W., Abraham E., Lydia, and Mary, dec. THE BEIKCKEEHOFF FAMILY. This respectable and extensive family is of Flemish extraction, and was anciently located in the city of Ghent, in the Netherlands, where its members are mentioned as free born citizens or patricians of that city, and among whom Andries Brinck- erhoff, senator and syndic in 1307, is particularly noticed in the annals of those times. From Ghent the fami- ly extended itself in the sixteenth century to Holland, Friesland, and Lower Saxony, probably compelled to make this remove by the galling severity of the Spanish government, which, during that century, forced into exile thousands of the inhabitants of Ghent and other places in Flanders. In the above-mentioned provinces the Brinckerhoflfs became established, and their descendants enjoy much distinction there at the present day. 1. Joris Dericksen BrinckerhofF, the ancestor of the entire American family, was from the county of Drent or Drenthe, in the United Provinces, and having lived some time at ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 201 Flushing, a sea-port in Zealand, emigrated to this country in 1638,* and with his wife Susannah, (whose maiden name was Dubbels,) settled in Brooklyn, where Mr. Brinckerhoff obtain- ed a grant of land by brief dated Mar. 23, 1640. He was a man of Avorth, and was an elder of the Brooklyn church at the time of his death, which happened Jan. 16, 1661. Ilis widow survived many yrs. His ch. were Derick, Hendrick, Abraham,-'' and Aeltie, who m.Wm. Van Couwenhoven. Berick was slain by the Indians and left no issue. Hendrick m. Claesie Boomgaert and settled on the eastern bank of the Hackensack river, in New Jersey, where he bought a tract of land June 17, 1685. He did not long survive his purchase. He left sons, Cornelius, Derick, and Jacobus, whose descendants, now con- siderably scattered, write their name Brinkerhoff ; omitting the letter c, which was dropped by this branch of the family many years ago, and is now also disused by a few others not of this branch. Of the three sons above-named, Cornelius, the eldest, settled at Communipau, and d. in 1770, leaving sons, Hendrick, and Hartman, who were ancestors to the B. families of Bergen. Derick and Jacobus bought the paternal estate. The former has descendants at Hackensack and Schraalenburgh. 2. Jacobus Brinckerhoff, like his grandfather Joris,^ was a person of character, and a member of the Dutch church. He d. in 1769 or '70. ]^y his wife Agnietie, he had issue Hen- drick, George,^ Jacob, and Maria, who m. Elias Houseman, Hendrick d. in 1760, having had five ch. namely, Jacobus, (grandfather of the Rev. James C Brinkerhoff,) Nicausie, (grandfather to the wife of Rev. Cor. T. Demarest, of English Neighborhood,) George, (grandfather of George, formerly she- riff of Bergen co.) Hendrick, and Ann, who m. Henry Ver- bryck. Jacob d. in 1771, having had issue Agnietie, m. Daniel Haring ; Lucas ; Nautie (Hannah) m. John Christie ; Jacobus, Hendrick, Albert, and George. Jacob, a son of Albert, now occupies the old homestead of the family on the Hackensack river, nearly two miles below the village of that name. 3. George Brinkerhoff, son of Jacobus,- was born near * The places of their residence in Europe, and date of emigration are de- rived from a MS. account of the family, compiled more than thirty years since by the late Is:iac Brinckerhoff, Esq. of Troy, who appears to have drawn hia information from authentic sources. 292 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Hackensack, Oct. 9, 1719, m. Martina Bogart, and prior to the Revolution removed to Adams co. Pa. His wife d. Feb. 5, 1782, a. 54, and lie at a very advanced age, Jan. 3, 1810. Tlieir ch. were James, Roelof, Henry, d. unrn., Gilbert, Jacob,^ Jobn, and George, the latter a clergyman of the Dutch church, and father of Hon. Geo. H. Brinkerhoff, of Niles, N. Y. John left descendants in Adams co. Pa. Oilhert also had issue. James d. in Niles, where two of his sons, George and James, now reside. Roelof di. at Owasco, N. Y. His ch. were David R. a member of the convention which revised the constitu- tion of this state in 1821, and who d. at Auburn, greatly respected ; George R. late of Owasco, a justice of the peace ; Henry R. a major-general of militia and member of assem- bly of this state, who removed to Huron co. Ohio, was elected to congress in 1843, but d. before taking his seat ; James R. d. unm. ; Martina, m. Col. JohnL. Hardenbergh, of Auburn ; Margaret, m. Richard Parsell ; and Hannah, who m. Dr. Josiah Bevier, late of Owasco. 4. Jacob Brinkerhoff, son of George,^ was b. Feb. 25, 1756, and m. Hannah Demarest, of Hackensack, Feb. 25, 1779. He served in the Revolutionary army. In 1793 he removed from Pennsylvania to Owasco, N. Y. where he d. Nov, 13, 1829. His widow d. April 1, 1840, a. 81. They had issue George J. ; Margaret, m. Peter Seborn ; David J. d. unm, ; Martina, m. Geo. Post ; Henry J. ; Isabella, m. John Decker ; James ; Jacob, dec. ; Peter ; Maria, d. unm. ; and John J, of Owasco, formerly member of assembly. Henry J. d. at Ply- mouth, Ohio, and was the father of Hon. Jacob Brinkerhoff, of Mansfield, in the above state, late a member of congress. 5. Abraham Jorisz 'Brinckerhoflf, son of Joris,^ was b. at Flushing, in Holland, in 1632, as we learn from the MS. account of the family before mentioned. He obtained a pa- tent for land at Flatbush, but located in Flatlands, where he served as an elder of the church, and was chosen a ma- gistrate in 1673. He had m. May 20, 1660, Aeltie, dau. of Jan Stryker and sister to the wife of Cor. J. Berrien ; and about the time that Mr. Berrien came to Newtown Mr. Brinckerhoflf removed hither also, having bought the large farm on Flushing meadow, now owned by W. T. Hendrick- son. Here he d. about 1714. His ch. were Joris,^ John^ ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 293 Derick,^! Garret, Ida, m. John Monfort ; Susannah, m. Martin li. Schenck; Sarah, m. successively, Jacob Rapelje and Ni- cholas Berrien ; Margaret m. Theodorus Van Wyck, and Lammetie, who m. Johannes Cornell. Oarret, b, 1681, set- tled on a farm in Flushing, given him by his father in 1711, but his descendants are not clearly traced, though they are believed to have located in Oyster Bay. John settled in Flush- ing, and d. in 1707. His son John, b. Mar. 15, 1703, resided near Newtown village, and d. Aug. 31, 1758. His ch. were (by his first wife Marritie Ryder,) John, b. July 15, 1728; Stephen, b. Mar. 6, 1731 ; Catharine, b. Feb. 6, 1734, m. Abra- ham Lent ; Elizabeth, b. July 23, 1741, m. John A. Briucker- hoff; and (by his second wife Anna, dau. of Abm. Lent,) Mary, b. Nov. 15, 1742, who m. Baldwin. I believe this entire family removed to New Hackensack. Stephen m. Maria Wal- dron in 1755, and d. in Dutchess co. between 1776 and '79 ; issue, John, Mary, and Aletta. 6. Joris Brinckerhoff, son of Abraham,^ was b. Mar. 1, 1664, and early joined the Flatlands church. He succeeded to the pa- ternal estate on Flushing Bay, and acquired several other farms which, by deeds dated Mar. 2, 1726, he distributed ^ong his sons. He d, Mar. 27, 1729. His wife, Annetie, dau, of Tennis Jansz Coevers,* d. June 11, 1750, a. nearly 85. Their ch. were Sarah, b. Dec. 18, 1691, m. Rem Adriaense; Susannah, b. Mar. 4, 1693 ; Abraham, b. Dec. 10, 1694 ; Teunis,^ b. Mar. 29, 1697 ; Isaac,8 b. April 26, 1699 ; Aeltie, b. April 13, 1704, m. Cor. Rapelje; Neeltie, b. July 22, 1706; Hendrick,^ b, Jan. 2, 1709; and Antie, b. Oct. 4, 1712, who m. Abm. Rapelje. Abraham had a farm now owned by Mrs. McMurray and others. He d. May 6, 1767, a. 72. His ch. were Abraham, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Abm. Brinckerhoff, but d. without issue * This was the common ancestor of the Covert family in this country. He emigrated in 1651 from Heemstede, in Holland, and settled at Bedford, L. I. subsequently serving as an elder in the Brooklyn church. He and his consort, Barbara Lucas, were both living in 1690. Their children (all church members, with possibly one exception,) were Hans, Lucas, Maurits, Marritie, who in. Jean MesuroUe, (whose father Jean, ancestor of the Meserole family, came from Picardy, France, in 1663 ;) Aeltie, m. Wm. Post ; Sarah, m. Arent Fredericks, and Annetie, who m. Joris Brinckerhoff. Each of the sons left issue, and their descendants are now numerous and scattered over several states of the Union. 294 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. in 1780, a. 53 ; Ann, m. Theodorus Polhemus ; Sarah, m. Johannes BrinckerhofF; Elizabeth, m. John Eapelje, and Mary, who m. William Bloodgood. 7. Tennis Brinckerhoff, son of Joris,*^ m. Elizabeth Ryder, Nov. 24, 1721, and occupied the farm now of Mr. Knecland, at Dutch Kills. He became an elder of the Dutch church in 1748, and for many years was a justice of the peace. He d. at the Kills, Jan. 16, 1784, in his 87th yr. his wife having d. in her 46th yr. Oct. 24th, 1745. His ch. were Elizabeth, b. May 10, 1724, m. John Fish ; and George, b. October 17, 1726, who ra. Dec. 18, 1746, Catharine, dan. of Elbert Herring and grand- daughter of Abraham Lent. He had issue, Elizabeth, b. Oct. 6, 1747, m. Simon Bloom ; Elbert, b. Jan. 4, 1751 ; Tunis, b. Dec. 27, 1757 ; and George, b. Jan. 18, 1765. Mr. Brincker- hoff owned the farm now of Samuel Waldron, but after the Revolution he removed to Hopewell, Dutchess co. and left this farm to his grandson George, son of Elbert, He d. Dec. 5, 1797, and his widow July 11, 1807, in her 79th yr. His sons Tunis and' George moved to Dutchess co. in 1783. Tunis m. Jane, dau. of John Bragaw, and d. Feb. 3, 1790, in his 33d 3». His descendants live in the town of La Grange, in the above county. Qeorge m. Jan. 9, 1785, Elizabeth, dau. of John Wiltsie, d. a. 69, July 8, 1834, and had issue, Marga- ret, Avho m. Isaac Adriance, and sons, Tunis and John, re- siding at Fishkill ; the former, who was b. May 12, 1791, and m. Sept. 28, 1814, Maria Van Wyck> is the father of T. Van Wyck Brinkerhoff of that place. This gentleman, whose praiseworthy efforts have done much to preserve the history of the B. family, is in possession of an antique writing desk, to which tradition ascribes a Holland origin, it being said to have been brought over by Joris Derickscn Brinckerhoff himself Elbert m. Antic Storm, and d. on the paternal form Jan. 23, 1780, a, 29, leaving issue George, and Catharine, now widow of Cor. R. Remsen. George m. Rebecca, dau. of Abm. Berrien, and d. June 26, 1808, a. 35, and his widow Oct. 6, 1843, a. 67. Their ch. were Mary B. b. Mar. 30, 1795, m. David Moore ; Ann S. b. Dec. 25, 1797, widow of James H. Kolyer; Catharine R. b. Oct. 15, 1798, m. Wm. L. Riker and Jeremiah Simonson; Grace B. b. Aug. 25, 1800, wife of Charles Cook; Pelatiah W. b. Sept. 22, 1802, wife of ANNALS OF NEWTOWN, 295 And. B. Ryerson ; and George-Borricn, b. June 29, 1806. The latter, Geo. B. Brinckerhoff, Esq. of Newtown, m. Sarali-Ann, dau. of Johannes Kolyer. 8. Isaac Brinckerhoff, son of Joris,*^ m. his cousin Diana, dau. of Derick Brinckerhoff. He occupied a farm conveyed to him by his father, Mar. 2, 1726, being that now owned by Wm. Bragaw, near the Narrow Passage. lie d. suddenly June 4, 1745, in his 47th yr. His widow d. Sept. 13, 1749. Their ch. were Anna, b. May 6, 1733, m. Wra. Lawrence ; Aeltie, b. June 18, 1735, m. Cor. Van Wyck ; Sarah, b. May 11, 1738, m. Thos. Carman, and George, b.^Oct. 18, 1739. The latter succeeded to the paternal farm and was thrice married ; first, to Susannah Fish, -vvho d. July 18, 1772, a. 30 ; secondly, to Sarah, dau. of Jacob Eapelje, who d. Mar. 17, 1787, a. 32 ; and thirdly, to Elizabeth, dau. of Charles Palmer, who survived him, and d. in her 96th yr. Mar. 16, 1847. Mr. Brinckerhoff was a well esteemed citizen, and was a whig during the Re- volution. British troops often encamped on his premises. He d. April 17, 1802, in his 63d yr. He had issue (by his first wife,) Susannah, m. John Storm, (and by his second wife,) Ca- tharine, m. Thomas Alsop, and Diana, who m. Jacob Storm. 9. Hendriek Brinckerhoff, son of Joris,'' m. Lammetie, dau. of Daniel Rapalje, and succeeded to the homestead on Flush- ing Bay, (now W. T. Hendriekson's,) where he resided till his death, in 1777, a. 68. He was a pious and exemplary man, an elder of the Dutch church at Newtown, and a magistrate for many years. His ch. were George, Daniel, ^° Abraham, Tunis, Jacob, d. unm. Johannes, Isaac, and Aeltie, who m. Richard Cooper. Oeorge, b. 1732, m. in 1753, Ida Monfort, and had is- sue, Hendriek, Lammetie, d. unm., and Abraham. The latter b. 1760, ra. in 1793, Hannah Laton, and d. Sept. 23, 1823 ; issue, George, David, Abraham, Henry, and Ida, who m. John Chapman. Abraham m. Sarah Onderdonk, and had eh. John, Isaac, Lammetie, Cornelius, who m. but had no issue, and Ann, who m. John Ludlum. John m. Rebecca Lott in 1791, and had issue, Margaret, b. 1792 ; Sarah, b. 1794 ; Abraham, b. 1798 ; John, b. 1803 ; Cornelius, b. 1806 ; Hendriek, b. 1808 ; Isaac, b. 1810 ; and Ann-Eliza, b. 1813 ; all living and married. Tunis m. Catharine, dau. of John Rapelye, and had ch. Hen- driek, John, Elizabeth, Ann, Aletta, Jacob, and James. Johannes 296 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. m. Sarali, dau. of Abraham Brinckerhoflf, settled at New Hackensack, in Dutchess co. and d. Nov. 23, 1764, in his 28th yr. His widow, a pious and excellent woman, returned to Newtown with her only child, Hendrick, and afterwards m. Elbert Adriance. Hendrick m. Elizabeth, dau. of Eem Hege- man, and had issue, Elbert A. now of New-York ; Sarah, m. Abm. Snediker ; Ida, m. Isaac T. Eeeves ; Eliza, m. David Hendrickson, and Aletta, who m. Jason Beebe. Isaac b. 1743, m. Annetie Bennet, and was a farmer at the Head of the Fly. He was constable of Newtown from 1775 till '80, and served as an elder in the Dutch church, Jamaica. He d. Dec. 6, 1815, a. 72, and his widow in her 75th yr. Dec. 11, 1820. They had ch. Annetie, b. Feb. 7, 1772, m. Jacob Brinckerhoff ; Aletta, b. Jan. 12, 1776, d. unm., and Hendrick, b. Sept. 15, 1780, who succeeded to the paternal farm, was also an elder of the Jamaica church, and d. Sept. 22, 1828. He had issue, (by his first wife Sarah Snediker,) Isaac, Elbert, and Anna, (and by a second wife Phebe Bloom,) Hendrick, Sarah-Maria, and Aletta- Magdalene. 10. Daniel Brinckerhoff, son of Hendrick,^ was b. Oct. 26, 1734, m. April 3, 1756, Ann Monfort, and d. Sept. 28, 1781. His widow d. Oct. 8, 1793, a. 61. Their ch. were Hendrick, b. June 19, 1757 ; Abraham, b. Mar. 27, 1760 ; Jacobus, b. June , 5, 1762, d. Dec. 4, '62 ; Sarah, b. Mar. 17, 1764, m. Wm. Baton ; Jacob, b. Aug. 27, 1766 ; Lammetie, b. Dec. 5, 1768, d. Oct. 15, '69 ; Daniel, b. Aug. 26, 1770 ; Peter, b. Jan. 21, 1774 ; and Aletta. b. Oct. 8, 1779, who m. Jacob Rapelye. Hendrich m. but d. without issue. Abraham I), m. in 1782, Gertrude, dau. of Peter Onderdonk, and secondly Deborah, dau. of .John Lawrence, a grandson of William, son of Major Thos. Law- rence, of Newtown. He d. Mar. 30, 1843, a. 83, having had ^ssue, (by his first wife,) Elizabeth, m. Griffin Sands ; Ann, m. John Wright ; Jane ; Daniel, now of Williamsburgh, L. I. ; Sarah, m. Derick Brinckerhoff: Gertrude; Peter d. young; Hendrick, d. unm. ; (and by his second marriage,) Aletta, and Charlotte who m. Styles P. York, Tarrytown. Jacob succeed- ed to the paternal farm at Manhassett, L. I. being that now owned by his only surviving child, Daniel. He m. in 1793, An- netie, 'dau. of Isaac Brinckerhoff, and d. July 28, 1841, in liis 75th yr. having been an elder of the Manhassett church. Daniel m. in 1792 Maria, dau. of John Luyster, and d. Sept. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 297 20, 1828, a. 58 ; issue, John, and Jane-Smith, who m. Nicholas Bennet. Peter resides at Lakeville, L I. ; no issue. 11. Derick BrinckerhofF, son of Abraham,^ was b. Mar. 16, 1677, m. in 1700, Aeltie, dau. of John Couwenhoven, and be- came a farmer in Flushing, where he enjoyed a commission as justice of the peace. He was connected with the Dutch church at Newtown, His wife d. in her 62d yr. Mar. 9, 1740, after which he again m. but had no further issue. He d. April 26, 1748. His ch. were Abraham,^^ John, Joris,^^ Jacob and Isaac, twins, Diana, m. Isaac Brinckerhofi" ; Aeltie, m. Wra. Hoog- land, and Susannah, who m. Cornelius Luyster. Of these sons, Abraham, John, Isaac and Jacob settled in Eombouts Precinct, now Fishkill, Dutchess co. on 1000 acres of land purchased of Madam Brett. Jb/m, styled colonel, m. Jane, dau. of Johannes Van Voorhees, and d. in 1785, a. 81. He gave his farm to his grandson, John B. Van Wyck, son of his dau. Aeltie, wife of Dr. Theodoras Van Wyck. He left another farm to his grand- son Adrian Brinckerhoff. Jacob m. Elizabeth, dau. of Abra- ham Lent, and d. at Fishkill, in 1758, a. 44, leaving issue Ann- Catharine, m. Johannes De Witt, and Derick. The latter m. Catharine Van Vlack and located at the Dutch Kills, His ch. were Elizabeth, m. Abm. Paynter ; Aaron ; Catharine, m. Eay- nor Willett ; and Jacob, now of New- York. Aaron was the father of Andrew Bragaw Brinckerhoff, of New-York, lumber dealer. Isaac^ b. Jan. 12, 1714, m, Feb. 28, 1737, Sarah, dau. of Daniel Rapalje. He d. on his farm at Fishkill, April 22, 1770. His widow d, in 1793, a. 74. Their ch. were Derick, and Aletta who m. Gen. Jacobus Swartwout. Derick, b. May 21, 1739, became a merchant in New-York city, and m. May 20, 1761, Rachel, dau. of Cor. Van Ranst. He was a member of the Dutch church, and at the Revolution, being a whig, fled to Fishkill, and d. Nov. 17, 1780. His ch. were Isaac, Cornelius, Jacobus, d. in infancy, John, Sarah, m. Gerrit H. Van Wagenen; Gertrude, d. unm. ; Catharine, who alone survives ; and Mary-Godby, who d. single. Of these, Isaac, b. Mar. 14, 1762, m. Sophia Quackenbush, and d. at Troy, Dec. 29, 1822, having had ten children, one of whom is Walter, of New- York city, and another, Isaac, is a surgeon in U. S. navy, Corne- lius, b. Mar, 5, 1770, m, Mary, dau. of Dr, Jos, Chapman, and 298 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. d. Mar. 10, 1813 ; his son, William C. now residing in New- York. John, b. Oct. 17, 1778, m. Gertrude, dan. of Abm. Schuyler, of Albany, where Mr. B. d. Mar. 10, 1835. His son, Dr. John BrinckerhofF, lives at Chicago, 111. 12. Joris BrinckerhofF, son of Derick,^^ was b. in 1705, and became a merchant in New- York. He joined the Dutch church in 1726, and subsequently served for ten years as a m.ember of the city council. He was twice married, and d. in 1768, a. 63, leaving ch. Derick, Abraham, and Lucretia, who m. Jacobus LefFerts. Derick^ b. 1729, a merchant, church-member, and alderman, m. in 1766, Catharine, dau. of Christopher Abeel, and d. at Fishkill, in 1775 ; issue, George, Elizabeth, m. Fash, and Catharine, who m. Harry Peters. Abraham, b. 1745, half brother of Derick, was a merchant, and m. Dec. 17, 1772, Dorothy, dau. of Peter Remsen ; he d. in Broadway, Mar. 7, 1823, in his 78th yr. His ch. were Peter, (several of Avhose children reside at Albany ;) Maria, m. John H. Remsen ; George ; Abraham, (whose family mostly reside at Free- hold, New Jersey ;) Lucretia L. m. John S. Schermerhorn ; James, and Jane. 13. Abraham BrinckerliofF, eldest son of Derick,^^ pre- deceased his father, but the date of his death is not ascertain- ed. By his wife, Femmetie, he had issue, Derick, John A., Abraham, d. without ch. ; Elizabeth, m. Abm. Brinckerhoff"; Aeltie, m. Abm. Adriance ; Diana, m. Rudolphus Swartwout, and Antie, who m. Abm. Lent. John A. m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Brinckerhoff, and d. in the Revolution ; issue, Phebe, m. James Humphrey ; Abraham ; Elizabeth, m. Smith ; George ; Isaac, d. unm., and Derick. The latter left sons, John, Abraham, Isaac, George, and William. Deride, entitled colonel, m. Aug. 27, 1747, Geertie WyckoflP, of Flatlands, and was an extensive miller at Fishkill. His ch. were Abraham, Jacob, and Phebe, who m. Col. Aaron Stockholm. Abraham m. Sarah Brett; issue, Gertrude, m. Gen. John Van Wyck ; Catharine, m. James Bailey ; and Derick, who m. twice and had issue Abraham, Robert, Sarah, Matthew, James, and Catharine. Jacob, son of Col. Derick, was b. June 7, 1754, m. Oct. 23, 1774, Dientie Van Wyck, and d. Aug. 12, 1818. His ch. were Gertrude, Aletta, Maria, Elizabeth, Derick, Hannah, Phebe, and Diana ; of whom Derick, b. Oct. 19, 1786, ra. Mar. 24, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 299 1813, Sarah, dau. of Abraham D. Brinckerhoff, and resides at Fishkill, having had issue Gertrude, Diana, Kichard-Henry, Sarah-Jane, Cordelia and xYbrahain. THE RIKER FAMILY We arc informed by writers on European genealogy, that the Hikers were originally a German family, located at a very remote period in Lower Saxony, where they enjoyed a state of allodial independence, at that day regarded as consti- tuting nobility. They there pos- sessed the estate or manor of Rycken, from which they took their name, then written von Rycken, indicating its territorial derivation. Subsequently the name suffered various changes, being found written de Rycke^ de Ryk, Rieclce, &c. and in America finally assuming its present form. Hans von Rycken, the lord of the above manor, and a valiant knight, Avith his cousin, Melchior von Rycken, who lived in Holland, took part in the first crusade to the Holy Land, in 1096, heading 800 crusaders in the army of Walter the Penniless. Melchior lived to return, but Hans perish- ed in that ill-fated expedition. The coat of arms first borne by the family are represented above, and are thus to be ex- plained ; the color of the shield (azure) is emblematic of the knighthood, the horns indicate physical strength, the golden stars a striving for glory, and the white roses are symbols of discretion and fidelity. But in the year 1225 the descendants of Hans von Rycken adopted as a new coat of arms the es- cutcheon of their fee-farm, Barrenhop, which name signifies in Low-Saxon a heap of bears, and hence there were bears' heads 300 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. in their arms and crest. Their posterity is now most numerous in Lower Saxony, Holstein and Hamburg. In time the descen- dants of Melchior von Rycken extended themselves from Hol- land to the region of the Ehine, and into Switzerland, and from these originated a branch of the family which became distin- guished in the city of Spire, to one of whom, a patrician of that city, the emperor, Lewis Fifth, in the year 1329, in consideration, as we are told, of the self-acquired honors and estates of his family, presented a new armorial device, the shield bearing crossed spears and a fish. This branch of the family wrote its name Richer^ by which as well as by its escutcheon, it continued to be distinguished. As regards the American portion of the Riker family, I am, with present information, disposed to believe them de- scended from a branch of the family of considerable wealth and importance at Amsterdam, where they had occupied places of public trust for two centuries, until the Spanish war occasioned a great reverse in their fortunes. In this war Capt. Jacob Simonsz de Rycke, a wealthy corn mer- chant of the above city, and a warm partizan of the Prince of Orange, distinguished himself by his military services. Jt has been conjectured that he was the grandfather of Abra- ham de Rycke, the head of the family in America, from the early occurrence of the name of Jacob in the family here,* and since tradition states that their ancestor was an early and zealous supporter of William of Nassau, when that prince took up arms in defence of Dutch liberty, and that the family, for several successive generations, during the long and sanguinary struggle with Spain, followed a military career. * Notices of the Riker family, contained in Knapp's Treasury of Know- ledge and Thompson's Long Island, state that the father of Abraham was named Gysberl, who locating early at the Poor Bowery, obtained a grant of land, &c. I have failed to tind a particle of documentary evidence in favor of this statement, which probably refers either to Hendrick Harmensen, the father-in-law of Abraham, (see pages 21, 22,) or to Abraham himself who afterwards settled there ; and though a Gysbert Riker appears among the early emigrants to New Netherland, our records warrant the belief that he was not the father of Abraham. If we may judge from that almost unerring guide among the Dutch at that day, the names of the elder grandsons, we may conclude with much confidence that the father of Abraham was named Jacob, who probably never came to America. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 301 But it remains for future research to remove the uncertainty which envelopes this era of the family history. When New Netherland invited the virtuous and the dar- ing to seek a home in her wilds, several of the Rikers joined the adventurers coming hither. These were Abraham, Grys- bert, Rynier, and Hendrick Rycken^ the last of whom came out a few years after the others, and was the ancestor of the Suydam family, his sons assuming that name. Gysbert owned land at the Wallabout, and is last named in 1640, and Rynier was an intelligent merchant in New Amsterdam, named as a ohurch member in 1649, and living in the Waal Slraat in 1665 ; but it is not known that either of these two left issue. In ad- dition to these, our records mention " Hendrick Rycken, skip- per, under God, of the ship Sphiera Munda," who, trading on this coast in 1658, was compelled by misfortune to touch at New Amsterdam, where he shipped a quantity of beavers and tobacco for the European market. There is no further notice of this skipper, and though possible, it is hardly to be suppos- ed that he afterwards abandoned the sea, took up a residence here, and was identical with the Suydam ancestor. 1. Abraham Rycken, or de Rycke, as his name is indiscri- minately written in our early records, was the progenitor of the present Riker families in New- York, New Jersey, and other parts of the Union ; his descendants, in the third gene- ration, having assumed the present mode of spelling the name. He is presumed to have emigrated in 1638, as he received in that year an allotment of land from Gov. Kieft, for Avliich he afterwQirds took out a patent, dated Aug. 8, 1640. This land was situated at the Wallabout, and now either joins, or is included within the farm of the Hon. Jeremiah Johnson. In 1642 Riker is found in New Amsterdam, where he continued to live many years upon premises of his own, on the Heeren Gracht, now Broad-street. He was probably engaged in trade, for it appears .that in 1656 he made a voyage to the Delaware river for the express purpose of purchasing beaver skins, then a leading article of traffic. The voyage proved an unlucky one, for, as they were ascending the Delaware at night, the bark stranded near the falls of that river. She was unloaded and after some time got afloat, during which operation the passengers abode in tents on shore. Riker visited Fort Casimir, near the present 20 302 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. New Castle, and returned, unable to get any peltry. He and his wife, Grietie, a dau. of Hendrick Harmensen, were members of the Dutch church, as appears by a list dated 1649, and most of their children were baptized in the church within Fort Amster- dam. In 1654 Riker obtained a grant of land at the Poor Bowery, to which he subsequently removed, afterwards adding to his domain the island known as Riker's Island. (See pages 36, 64, 65.) Having attained to more than three score years and ten, he d. in 1689, leaving his farm by will to his son Abraham.* His ch. were Ryck-Abramscn, the eldest, who adopted the name of Lent, (see Lent genealogy ;) Jacob, b. 1640, d. in infancy; Jacob, b. 1643; Hendrick, b. 1646, d. ^ young; Mary, b. 1649, m. Sibout H. Krankheyt, afterwards of the manor of Cortlandt ; John, b. 1651 ; Aletta, b. 1653, m. Capt. John Harmense, also of the manor of Cortlandt ; Abra- ham,2 b. 1655, and Hendrick, b. 1662. The latter also adopt- ed the name of Lent. John m. in 1691, Sarah Schouten, widow of Paulus Vanderbeeck, and their son Abraham, b. 1695, set- tled in Essex co. N. J. where his descendants are to be found. Jacob united with his brother Eyck and others in buying Ryck's Patent, in Westchester co. but sold his interest in 1715 to his nephew Hercules Lent. He was then living at " Upper Yonkers," and is said to have d. without issue. 2. Abraham Riker, son of Abraham,^ was b. in 1655, in New Amsterdam, and on Jan. 10, 1682, m. Grietie, dau. of Jan Gerrits Van Buytenhuysen, of New- York, by his intermarri- age with Tryntie, dau. of Jan Van Luyt, of Holland. He proved to be a man of intelligence, and inheriting the pater- nal estate, added considerably to the extent of his lands, his most important purchase being that of a third of the Tuder patent, on Nov. 2, 1688. (See page 114.) His estate he settled on his sons, Abraham and Andrew, Nov. 10, 1733, and hav- ing been for a number of years entirely blind, he suddenly re- covered his sight, and almost immediately expired, Aug. 20, *His will, dated Mar. 9, 1688-9, and the inventory of his personal estate, taken on April 5, succeeding, are recorded in the county clerk's office, Jamaica, in Deeds, liber A. page 36. An ancient copy of the will, and also the origi- nal Dutch patents to Riker for his said farm and island, are still in posses- sion of his descendant, John L. Riker, Esq. through whose kindness I have inspected thera. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 5503 17-16, in his 91st yr. A rude slab marks his grave in the family cemetery at the Poor Bowery.* Mrs. liiker d. Nov. 15, 1732, a. 71. Their ch. were Catharine, Margaret, Mary, Abraham,^ John,^ Hendrick,^ Andrew,^" and Jacob. Of the daughters, Mary m. Hasuelt Van Keuren, of Kingston. Margaret m. in succession Peter Braisted, Thomas Lynch, and Anthony Duane, father of the Hon, James Duane, afterwards mayor of New- York. She had no ch. and d. Jan. 8, 1775, in her 90th yr. An interesting obituary of this lady is contained in Riv- ington's N. Y. Gazette, of Jan. 12, '75. Jacoh^ the youngest son, b. in 1702, m. May 25, 1729, Catharine, dau. of Rev. Sam'l Pumroy, and settled in New- York, where for many years he conducted a bakery in Beekman-street. When that city be- came a prey to the enemy in the Revolution, he retired, first to Lono; Island and then to Rhinebeck, where he d. in 1778. His ch. who attained to adult years, were Lydia, b. 1732, ra. Capt. Isaac Sheldon; Abraham, b. 1734; Margaret, b. 1710, m. Capt. Abm. Riker; Catharine, b. 1742, m. successively Capt, Dennis Candy, and Cornelius Bradford ; and Elizabeth, who m. Capt. Geo. Collins. Abraham, the only son, pursued his fjxther's occupation, and m, Oct, 29, 1757, Sarah, dau, of Henry Rousby, a son of Christopher Rousby by his intermar- riage, in 1703, with Sarah, widow of the noted Capt, Wm. Kidd. Mr. Riker d. respected, during the Revolution. His widow, a lady of intelligence and exemphiry piety, (as was also her grand-mother, Sarah,) d. in 1802, a. 62. They left issue, Sarah, b. 1768, m. John Walgrove, ornamental painter, and father of Effingham W. Walgrove, of Dobb's Yqvvj, N. Y. ; Emma, b, 1772, m. AVm. Whitehead, Esq. late president of the Commercial Bank, of Perth Amboy ; and John, b. 1780, who removed to Philadelphia. 3. Abraham Riker, son of Abraham,^ was b. in 1691, m. Geesie, dau. of Johannes Van Alst, of the Dutch Kills, and located upon that part of his father's estate which included a * This yard was early appropriated by the Rikers and Lents, and in all subsequent sales of the farm on which it is located, it has been duly roserv- ed to those families. The late worthy owner of the farm, Mr. Isaac Rapelye, generously enlarged the ground by the gift of a strip of land adjoining. The premises now contain many graves of the departed ; may no ruthless hand ever disturb their gentle repose. 304 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. third of the Tuder patent. The tenement which he erected yet remains, and forms the centre room of the house standing on these premises, now owned by the heirs of Chas. Rapelye, dec. Mr. Riker took an active part in the erection of the first Dutch church built at Newtown, and was one of the trustees to whom the deed for the church plot was executed. Of this church he and his wife were members, and he, subsequently, at the time of his death, a ruling elder. He was a consistent christian, and noted for the uniform gentleness of his man- ners. His wife d. Oct. 20, 1758, and he Feb. 23, 1770, in his 79th yr. He had ten ch. to wit, Aletta, d. unm. Nov. 30, 1752, a. 33 ; Johannes, d. 1741:, a. 23 ; Margaret, m. John Bragaw ; Abraham, Peter, Grace, m. Richard Berrien ; Andrew,'' Joris, d. Feb. 8, 1753, a. 20 ; Jacobus,^ and Hendrick.*^ Abraham^ who d. Sep. 17, 1758, a. 33, is reputed to have possessed un- usual talents and a remarkable flow of humor and wit. He devoted a part of his life to teaching. Peter acquired consi- derable property in New- York as a ship-blacksmith, and was a gentleman highly respected. Being devoted to liberty, he spent the period of the Revolution within the American lines. For some years before his death he was an elder of the Brick church, now Dr. Spring's. He m. successively, Esther Brasher, and Jane, dau. of Daniel Bonnett, but left no issue. He d, during a temporary abode at the house of Jesse Leverich, Esq. Oct. 29, 1799, a. 72. Mrs. R. d. Jan. 25, 1808, a. 76. 4. Andrew Riker, son of Abraham,'^ was b. in 1730, re- moved to New- York, and wrought successfully at the anvil. He m. May 9, 1755, Elizabeth, dau. of Peter 0. WyckofP, of Flatlands. She d. Mar. 5, 1779, in her 48th yr. Two years after the peace of 1783 Mr. Riker bought the half of Riker's Island, erected a house there, and made it his residence, sub- sequently purchasing the other half of tlie Island. Here he d. in his 86th yr. Nov. 14, 1815, leaving the Island to his sons Abraham and Peter, who, with a dau. Elizabeth, who m. Henry Lent, were his only ch. Abraham,, b. May 10, 1756, was em- ployed during the Revolution as an artificer in the continental shops at Peekskill. Here he m. Mar. 9, 1779, Mary, dau. of John Delanoy. The latter part of his life was spent on Riker's Island, where he d. Jan. 28, 1843, and his wife Apr. 12, 1841, in her 82d yr. He had issue, Peter, d. unm. Nov. 10, 1829, a. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 305 49 ; Elizabeth, m. successively, Beuj. Welch and And. Van Horn ; John, d. unm. Feb. 14, 1823, a. 87 ; and Abraham. The latter, b. Nov. 30, 1789, m. Harriet, dau. of Thos. Dickerson, and d. in New-York, Mar. 14, 1823 ; issue, Harriet, Hannah, and William. Pet&\ b. May 25, 1760, m. May 19, 1782, jMary, dau. of Capt. Edward Kelly, who d. in the south seas while commanding a whaleman. Peter removed with his father to Riker's Island, where he lived nearlj'- sixty years. His Avife d. a. 64, May 25, 1827, and he on Feb. 5, 1851, in his 91st yr. being at the time, I believe, the oldest member of the Riker family. His ch. were Andrew, b. April 1, 1784, d. at Wil- liamsburgh, L. I. June, 15, 1851 ; Hannah, b. June 16, 1787, m. Jacob I. Mott, of Tarrytown, N. Y ; Edward, b. Sep. 4, 1789, a resident of New- York city ; Henrj^, b. Jan, 3, 1792, now of Newtown; Wm.-Charles, b. Aug, 22, 1795, d Aug. 11, 1837, without issue ; and Robert, b. Sept. 18, 1798, and living at Tarrytown, 5. Jacobus Riker, son of Abraham,'' was b, in 1736, and named after his uncle. Jacobus Van Alst. He remained on the paternal farm at Newtown, m. Feb. 20, 1761, Anna-Catrina, dau. of John Rapelje, dec. and after his father's death bought the homestead. May 1, 1770. In the Revolution Mr. R. de- sired to take no part, and only b}^ circumstances and influ- ences peculiarly adA'crse was he forced, like many others, to yield an apparent compliance with loyalist measures. But his observation and own bitter experience, during that reign of terror, had the effect of attaching him firmly to the republican party, with which, from the peace of 1783, he uniformly acted in exercising the right of suffrage. He was a man of considerable ingenuity, and thoroughly Dutch in lan- guage and habits. Living in the practice of useful industry, prudence, and strict integrity, he enjoyed the respect and con- fidence of his fellow-townsmen. Truly pious, he served several years in the eldership of the Dutch church at Newtown, Death overtook him suddenly in his 73d yr. Aug. 26, 1809. His wi- dow, an amiable christian, d. July 1, 1815, a, 80 yrs, save one month. They had issue, Maria, b. Mar, 29, 1762, m. Cor, Ra- pelye ; Grace, b. Aug. 9, 1764, d. Oct. 6, 1776 ; John-Rapelye, b. Dec. 24, 1766, d. upon the homestead unm. Dec. 8, 1796; Abraham, b. May 6, 1769, d, Oct. 22, 1774; and Daniel, b. 306 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Mar. 7, 1771. The latter was named after his maternal uncle, Daniel Rapelje. While a youth his father entertained some thought of giving him a medical education, Dr. Samuel Cutler, then a boarder at their house, offering to furnish him letters of introduction to eminent physicians in Great Britain, but the offer was at length declined, and Daniel was destined to an agricultural rather than a professional life. He m. in Feb. 1791, Deborah, dau. of William Leverich, and (with the excep- tion of two years, between 1795 and 1797, when he resided successively at Middletown and Bushwick,) continued to live on the paternal estate, which became his own at the demise of his father. On June 7, 1808, he was appointed a justice of the peace for Queen's county by a special commission, and for nearly eighteen years performed its duties without having a single decision reversed by a higher court. In Jan. 1827, he sold his farm (now owned by the heirs of Chas. Eapelye,) and removed to the city of New- York, where he resided till his death. Having lost his wife Apr. 9, 1818, in her 46th yr. Mr. Eiker m. May 1, 1831, Ann-Eliza, dau. of Isaac Martin, dec. He d. suddenly on Sept. 16, 1850. His ch. Avere James, b. Dec. 25, 1791 ; William-Leverich, b. Dec. 8, 1793 ; Maria-Ea- pelye, b. Dec. 22, 1795, m. Nov. 2, 1825, Samuel Valentine, and d. Mar. 3, 1828; Patience-Stanton, b. Feb. 25, 1798, m. Mar. 4, 1841, John T. Welling ; John-Eapelye, b. Jan. 26, 1800 ; Ann-Catharine, b. May 1, 1803, d. unm. Oct. 31, 1826; Joseph- Lawrence, b. Aug. 17, 1805, d. unm. Oct. 27, 1823; Hannah- Eliza, b. Mar. 20, 1807, m. May 17, 1826, George Elder ; Susan- Ann, b. Jan. 10, 1832, m. Nov. 13, 1850, Isaac Webb ; and Daniel, b. July 26, 1836, who d. Dec. 7, 1844. John E. Eiker d. Feb. 4, 1824, a. 24, leaving issue, Maria, and John. "William L. Eiker, m. Feb. 16, 1819, Catharine-Eemsen, dau. of George Brinckerhoff, and d. Mar. 8, 1828, in his 35th yr. His ch. are Daniel, Evelina, and William L. James Eiker, the eldest child of Daniel Eiker, Esq. entered upon a clerkship in New- York in 1806, and in 1813 began business in Pearl-street as a grocer, which he continued at various locations till 1846, when he re- tired ; the next year built a residence at Harlem and removed thither in 1848. In 1832 Mr. E. enjoyed a seat in the city council. He m. Dec. 29, 1814, Elizabeth, dau. of John Van ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 307 Arsdale,* a discreet, amiable and pious companion, who d. in her 44th yr, Oct. 10, 1834 ; by which marriage Mr. R. has six ch. namely, Mary-Jane, Ann-Catharine, James, John-Lafay- ette, Daniel J. and Charles-Bodle. Ann C. m. Nov. 6, 1839, * The Van Arsdale family derive their origin from Jan Van Arsdale, a knight of HoUand, who, in 1211, erected the castle (now county house) Ars- dale, and from it took his name. His armorial bearings now constitute the public arms of the bailiwick of Arsdale. From him descended " Symon Jansen Van Arsdalen," (as his signature is,) who emigrated to New Amster- dam in 1653, and located at Flatlanda, where he served as a civil magistrate and an elder of the Dutch church ; and our records prove him to have been a person of means, education, and influence. He d. about 1710, leaving sons Cornelius and John, from whom theentirc Van Arsdale fiimily in this coun- try have sprung. Cornelius left six sons, who all removed to New Jersey, and one of whom, named Philip , was the grandfather of the late Elias Van Arsdnle, Esq. of Newark, N. J.Vnd also of the })resent Dr. Peter Van Ars- dale of New- York city; anotTier named John, was the father of Simon, grand- father of the Rev. Cor. C. V;in Arsdale. John Van Arsdale, the son of Sy- mon Jansen, was a leading member of the Dutch cliurch, and d. in the town of Jamaica, leaving also six sons, one of whom, Christopher, removed with several of his brothers to New Jersey, and had three sons, John, Okie, and Cornelius. Of these the first was b. on Long Island, and d. at Murderer's Creek, Orange co. N. Y. in 1798, a. 76. His son John, the person named in the text, and the great-grent-trrandson of Symon Jiinsen Van Arsdalen, was b. at the latter place, Jan. 5, 1756. He served in the American army during nearly the whole of the Revolution. Being wounded and miide a prisoner at the battle of Fort Montgomery, he endured a distressing captivity of nine months in New-York, from which lie was relieved by exchange, July 20, 177^. The next year he accompanied Gen. Clinton's expedition against the Iiidinns in western New-York, and served in every successive c;imp;iign till 1782, in which year he was nearly eight months a sergeant under Cnpt. Hardenbergh of Weisenfelt's regiment, with which he closed his service. He m. June 16,' 1783, Mary, dau. of David Crawford, a respectable farmer of Orange co. whose father, James' Crawford, came to America in 1718, with certificate of recommendation from the Presbyterian church of Golan, in Ireland. Mr. Van Arsdale, after his marri.ige, sailed a packet on the North and Enst rivers for thirty years, then served for twenty as wood inspector in the city of New- York. Having survived his partner four years, he d. Aug. 14, 1836, and was interred with military honors by the veteran corps, of which he w;is then first captain-lieutenant. He was n man of singular bodily activity, of great re- solution, and generous even to a fault. His ch. who survived childhood were Eliztibeth, b. in New-York, April 10, 1791, who m. Jnmes Riker; David, b^ Sept. 1, 1796; Deborah, b. Aug. 12, 1801, now widow of John Phillips; Jane, b. Mar. 20, 1804, widow of Jacob G. Theall ; and Mary, b. Oct. 9, 1808/ who m. Capt. Andrew Dorgan, of Mobile, Ala. and d. Oct. 4, 1849. 308 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. William W. Bodle, son of the late Hon. Charles Bodle, of Bloomingburgh, N. Y.* 6. Hendrick Kiker, son of Abraham,^ was b. 1738, m. Apr. 26, 1760, Jane, dau. of Daniel Kapelje, by his intermarriage with Kensie, widow of Peter Gr. Wyckoff, and mother of Eliza- beth, wife of And. Kiker, The same year of his marriage he became a freeman of New-York, and for many years was a cabinet-maker in Pearl-street, In the Eevolution, being known to have rebel predilections, he did not escape ill- treatment by the enemy. In 1788 he was made a com- missioner of the alms-house and bridewell, which office he re- tained for a series of years. Hendrick Eiker was extensively known and respected ; a good hearted, upright man, and a ge- nuine Dutchman. His wife d. July 13, 1803, a. 67, and he Mar. 16, 1807, a. 69. His ch. were Eensie, (called Nancy,) b. Oct. 23, 1762, d. unm. ; Abraham, b. Dec. 27, 1764, d. unm. ; Grace, b. Mar. 13, 1769, m. Mar. 28, 1795, Cornelius Hert- tell ; Daniel, b. July 17, 1771 ; Jane, b. Apr. 3, 1774, m. Aug. 2, 1793, Capt. John O'Brian, (and were the parents of Jane K. widow of the late distinguished artist Henry Inman,) and Peter, b. Feb. 8, 1777. The latter, a silversmith, m. May 24, 1806, Sarah, dau. of Col, Edward Meeks. He d. of apoplexy May 28, 1821, and his widow Oct. 11, 1830, a. 48 ; issue, Joseph- Lopaz Dias, Sophia-Josephine, dec. and Sarah- Ann. Daniel, * This gentleman was the grandson of Daniel Bodle. who emigrated from Armagh co. Ireland, in 1742, and settled at Little Britain, Orange co. N. Y. where he m. Elizabeth, widow of Jas. Graham, and dau. of Wm. Thompson. This lady was an own cousin to the mother of Gov. George Clinton. By this marriage Mr. Bodle had issue, William, Patrick, Samuel, and Alexander, whence come all the Bodies of this state. He d. aiiout 1786, a. 94. Hi» son William, b. Mar. 31, 1746, m. Sarah, dau. of Jonathan Owen, and became a leading citizen of Orange, for a long period serving both as a civil magis- trate and an elder of the Goshen Presbyterian church. He was generally respected for his integrity and high moral excellence. In 1826 he re- moved to Tompkins county, N. Y. where he d. Jan. 23, 1838 ; his sons Jona- than, William and James, having also located in that county. His dau. Mary is now the widow of Nath"! Tuthill. His son, Charles Bodle, was b. July 1, 1788, and m. Esther, dau. of Samuel Wood. As a civil magistrate, an ami- able friend and, Mr. Bodle was endeared to all his acquaintances. He represented his district (the counties of Ulster and Sullivan) in the first session of the twenty-third congress, was prevented by illness from appear- ing at the second session, and d. much lamented, Oct. 31, 1835. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 309 son of Hendrick, visited France and Copenhagen in 1795, with his brother-indaw, Capt. O'Brian, afterwards became a mer- chant in New- York, and m. Apr. 28, 1804, Helen, dau. of Abm. Polhemus. In 1819 he was appointed overseer of the alms- house, which post he filled with credit till his death in his 67th yr. Mar. 24, 1828. His ch. were Jane E. m, Eobert M. DeWitt, Abraham P., Christina T. m. Wm. B. Kellum, Henry, Edgar, Elizabeth, m. Altheus Y. Stocking, Ann P. and Helen, m. to Harvey Stocking. 7. John Piker, son of Abraham,- m. Geertie, dau. of Teunis Wiltsee of Newtown, and after living some years at the latter village removed, in 1744, to Closter, then Rockland co. N. Y. and now Bergen co. N. J. where he had bought a farm. The next year he erected a house on the spot where his grandson, Jacob Riker, now resides. Mr. Riker and his partner were members of the Dutch church, and they yet live in the memo- ry of their descendants as devout christians. He survived his partner two years, and d. in 1783, a. over 90. He left issue, Abraham,^ John, Gerardus, Deborah, m. Dan'l Martine, Mar- garet, m. Cor. Blauvelt, Mary, m. John Bell, Elizabeth, m. Abm. Blauvelt, and Catharine, who m. John Lawrence and John Ry- der. Gerardus m. and before his father's death, removed to Kentucky ; he has descendants living in Indiana. John, b. Oct. 25, 1736, served both in the French war and as a patriot in the Revolution. At the age of fifty he m. Margaret Blauvelt. He owned the paternal farm, was a kind and worthy gentleman, and d. Oct 6, 1828, a. 92. His ch. were Jacob and Gertrude, twins, and Abraham. Gertrude m. Michael Hines. Abraham m. Grace Gracie. Jacob, b. Aug. 19, 1786, m. Leah, dau. of Martin Paulas, and resides on the ancestral estate at Closter. 8. Abraham Riker, son of John,"^ was b. Nov. 25, 1721, and inherited that part of his father's estate now owned by Peter R. Haring. In the war of Independence he was a warm friend of liberty, and most of his sons did service in the militia. He was withal an eminent christian, and d. Feb. 9, 1820, at the patriarchal age of 98 yrs. By his wife, Elizabeth Concklin, he had issue, John, b. — ; Sophia, b. Oct. 20, 1750, m. John Johnson ; Elizabeth, b. Nov. 9, 1751, m. John Nagle ; Abra- ham, b. May 22, 1753 ; Margaret, b. Nov. 24, 1754, m. John Sneden ; Matthias, b. Sep. 10, 1756 ; Gerardus, b. Apr. 13, 1758 ; 310 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Maria, b. Jan. 29, 1760, m. John Banta ; James, b. Oct. 5, 1761 ; Henr}^ b. July 25, 1764 ; Peter, b. Sep. 3, 1766 ; Samuel, b. May 19, 1768 ; and Tunis, b. Aug. 10, 1770. Of these John m. Maria, dau. of Andries Onderdonk, of Tappan ; he and his only son Henry, are now dec. Abraham removed to New- York after the Revolution, as did all his brothers except Peter. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of Jacobus Van Valen, and d. at Hoboken, May 21, 1825, a. 72. He had issue, John, Sarah, ra. John Y. W. Warner, Abraham, and James, who d. without issue. Abraham m. Sarah J. Vincent, and d. June 19, 1825, a. 42, having ch. Margaret, Abraham, Elizabeth, and Sarah. John m. Esther Davis, and d. in New- York a few years since ; issue, John, formerly chief engineer of the fire department, Henry, Edgar, now of New Haven, Augustus, James, William, Eliza- beth, d. young, Sarah, m. Henry Mallory, and Mary, who m. Westwood W. Wright. Matthias m. Ann, dau. of Henry Nagle. He d. in New-York, Sep. 8, 1837, a. 81. His children were Henry, and John ; the latter m. Mary, dau, of Thos. Dema- rest, and d, in New-York, Aug. 28, 1828, a. 50, having issue, an only dau. Ann. Gerardus d. in New-York, Oct. 31, 1833, in his 76th yr. By his wife Margaret, dau, of Wm. Nagle, he had but one ch. that reached mature years, namely, William, who m. Elizabeth, dau. of Jacob Woolsey, and distinguished him- self in the war of 1812 by his attempts to blow up the British armed vessels in Long Island Sound. He d. in New- York, Jan. 20, 1827, a. 49, and left one son, Gerardus. James m. first Ann-Dorotli}^, dau. of And, Zimmerman, and secondl}^, Mary, dau. of David Hustace and widow of Gabriel Briggs. He is living at a venerable age, having had issue as follows, John J., Ann D. m. Cor. Haring ; Sophia, m, Wm, Berrien ; Susan, Abigail, James, William H, and Elijah H, John J. m. Eliza W. dau, of Wm. Berrien, and d, Sep, 2, 1850, a, 57, leav- ing several ch. Henry came to New-York, but afterwards re- moved to North Carolina, m. and d, at Beaufort. His only ch. Abraham, is thought to be living in Savannah, Geo. Peter re- mained on the paternal farm at Cioster, and m. Margaret Mabie. He d. April 21, 1844, in his 78th yr. and his only ch. Elizabeth, m. Jacob D. Haring, Samuel m, Rachel Moore, of English Neighborhood. He d. at New-York, of yellow fever, Oct. 8, 1799, in his 32d yr. having issue, Mary, and Elizabeth, who ANNALS OP NEWTOWN. 311 botli m. Tunis m, Ellen Moore, sister of Samuel's wife. Many- years since he removed from New-York city to Tioga co, in this state, where he is still living, or was recently. In the war of 1812 he held the commission of major in the militia. He has had issue, Abraham, Thomas, Samuel, Anthony, Perry, James, Maria, Jane and Eliza. 9. Hendrick Riker, son of Abraham,^ removed to New- York, where he m. Oct. 20, 1722, Elizabeth, dau. of John Peek. He was a blacksmith at Burling slip, where he owned property. He was connected with the Dutch church, and in 1756 was elected alderman of the Out ward, but soon after resigned. He d. July 27, 1761, a. about 65. His widow d. at a country seat on Chatham square, north side of James street, Aug. 6, 1791, a. 92 yrs. Their ch, who attained adult years, were Abraham, b. 1723, d. Sep. 8, 1742; John, b. 1725; Henry, b. 1740, and James, b. 1742. James studied law and was admitted to the bar Apr. 3, 1763. On June 5, succeeding, he m. Mary, dau. of Capt. Viner Leaycraft, but had no issue. Mr. Riker pursued his legal vocation in New-York, having his office at the corner of James and Chatham streets. He d. Feb. 20, 1792, a. 50. Emry chose " a life on the ocean wave," and long commanded a New-York merchantman. He m. but had no issue that sur- vived infancy. Where he d. is uncertain; his will, dated June 8, 1781, was proved Feb. 15, 1790. John m. Dec. 10, 1747, Dorothy, dau. of Rem Remsen, and wrought many years at the anvil at Burling slip, and having amassed a fortune retired to the country seat on Chatham square. His wife d. Nov. 2, 1785, and he Jan. 23, 1806, in his 81st yr. He was a good man, and was sincerely respected. At family devotion it was his custom to read two chapters from the scri})tures, one in Dutch, the other in English. Of his ten children but five reached ma- turity, namely ,Henry, b. 1748, John, b. 1755, Jeromus, b, 1760, James, b. 1763, and George, b. 1768. Henry received the com- mand of a vessel, and it is said d. in the West Indies. George removed in 1818 from Chatham square to Greenwich, on New- York island, where he d. unm. Sep. 8, 1827, a. 59. James m. in 1793, Margaret, dau. of Lamb Turner, and was for a time a merchant, and then a clerk in the Naval and Surveyor's offi- ces. He d. in 1800, or the year preceding, leaving issue, Mar- garet, and John-Turner. Jeromus, though at first engaged in 312 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. mercantile business witli James, spent most of his life in the easy enjoyment of the wealth derived from his father. He re- sided with his brother George, and d. at Greenwich unm. Apr. 6, 1824, a. 63. His brother John, a sail-maker, m. Martha, dau. of Henry Eelyea, an amiable woman, who survived him many years. He d. of yellow fever, Oct. 11, 1795, in his 4:1st yr. His ch. were John^ Dorothy, m. James Patton, Elizabeth, m. Capt. John Hacker, Phebe, m. John Wade, and Ann who m. John I. Decker. 10. Andrew Eiker, son of Abraham," was named after his uncle, Andrew Buytenhuysen. He inherited the homestead at the Bowery Bay, and m. Nov. 13, 1733, Jane, widow of Capt. Dennis Lawrence and dau. of John Berrien, Esq. Both were members of the Dutch church, and their house was much fre- quented by the dominies. Mr. Biker d. Feb. 12, 1763,* in his 64th yr. and his widow in her 73d yr. Sep. 26, 1775. Their ch. were Margaret, who d. unm. Apr. 3, 1760, a. 25 ; John-Ber- rien, Abraham, SamueV^ and Buth, who m. Major Jona. Law- rence. John Berrien Biker, b. in 1738, received an education at Princeton College and became eminent as a physician. He located in Newtown, and m. in Nov. 19, 1771, Susannah, dau. of Nath'l Fish. In the difficulties with Great Britain he es- poused the cause of his oppressed country, and before hostili- ties began exerted himself to promote the measures of resistance to British tyranny. He fled from Newtown when the enemy entered, and joined the army under Washington, with which he continued as surgeon during the entire period of the war. On several occasions he performed most valuable service as a guide to the army. His commission as surgeon of the 4th battalion of New Jersey troops, bearing date Feb. 18, 1777, is yet pre- served. At the peace he resumed the practice of his profession in his native town, where he lived respected and eminently useful till his death on Sep. 5, 1794, in his 57th yr. Dr. Biker's widow d. in New- York, Dec. 6, 1836, in her 83d yr. His ch. neither of whom married, were John, b. Sep. 29, 1772, who commanded a merchant ship, and d. at Hamburg, Nov. 3, *The tomb-stone of Andrew Riker dates his death on April 11, 1762, but the Presbyterian church record, doubtless a more reliable authority, gives it as in the text. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 313 1797 ; Nathaniel, b. Apr. 17, 1775, who practised as a physi- cian both in Newtown and New- York, and d. at sea in return- ing from the West Indies, Aug. 24, 1802 ; Jane, b. June 24, 1780, and Abraham, b. Feb. 4, 1785, for eighteen years a re- spected druggist in New- York, where he d. Feb. 6, 1826. Abraham Biker was b. in 1740, and m. Sep. 2, 1766, his cousin Margaret, dau. of Jacob Riker. He remained in Newtown till the Revolution, when he received a captaincy in the American army, and was present at the fall of Montgomery, at Quebec. The next year he was placed at the head of a company in the 2d New-York continental regiment, and in several engagements acquired the reputation of an active and intrepid officer. His regiment sustained the brunt of the action and a heavy loss at the battle of Saratoga. The next spring, at Valley Forge, Capt, Riker was seized with the spotted fever, which termi- nated fatally. May 7, 1778, in his 38th yr. His death scene was affecting. He signified his willingness to die, but express- ed with great feeling his regret that he could not live to wit- ness the freedom of his country. His widow d. at Orange, N. J. Nov. 19, 1835, a. 95 yrs. Their only child, Jane, b. 1768, m. June 8, 1791, the Rev. (since Dr.) Asa Hillyer. 11. Samuel Riker, son of Andre w,^*^ was b, Apr. 8, 1743. After serving a clerkship at mercantile business in New- York, he returned to the family estate, which he ultimately purchas- ed. He was justly esteemed for his integrity, usefulness and love of liberty, having, from the first, taken part against the usurpations of the crown. In 1774 he was chosen as one of the Newtown committee of correspondence, in which capacity he was actively engaged till forced to flee before the approach of the British troops. He ventured to revisit the town with an intention of rejoining the American army, but while con- cealed at the house of his father-in-law, finding himself disco- vered, he saved himself from violence by a voluntary sun^en- der to the commanding officer. After the war he was much engaged in public life, and for several years held the supervi- sorship. He was in the state assembly in 1784, and the last public act of his life was to represent his district in congress, in 1808-9, having also on a previous occasion had a seat in that national body. He possessed a well-informed and vigorous mind, and a memory remarkably retentive. He was exceed- 314 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. ingly careful in his attentions and kindness to his friends and the poor. Mr. Kiker d. in the full possession of his mental facul- ties, May 19, 1823, a. 80. His wife was Anna, dau. of Joseph Lawrence, whom he m. Jan. 17, 1769. She d. Jan. 5, 1833, a. 83. Their ch. were Joseph-Lawrence, b. Mar. 26, 1770, who adopted a maritime life, and d. unm. at the Island of Jamaica, July 20, 1796; Andrew, b. Sep. 21, 1771 ; Kichard, b. Sep. 9, 1773 ; Abraham, b. May 24, 1776 ; Patience L. b. May 10, 1778, m. John Lawrence ; Samuel, b. Mar. 3, 1780 ; Jane-Margaret, b.Apr. 4, 1782, m. first John Tom, and secondly Dr.Wm, James Macneven; Anna-Elvira, b. May 1, 1785, wife of Dr. Dow Dit- mars, and John L. b. Apr. 9, 1787. Andrew commanded a vessel, and was successively in the European and East India trade. In the last war with England he engaged in privateer- ing, and in command of the Saratoga and the Yorktown was eminently daring and successful, but in the end was himself captured oflp New-Foundland. He was soon parolled. After the war he continued his sea life, but while absent on a voyage to St, Domingo he d. at that island, Oct. 17, 1817, a. 46. By his wife, Margaret, dau. of Nath'l Moore, whom he m. Feb. 6, 1802, he had issue Nathaniel M., Samuel and Andrew, both dec. Martha M., Anna, Abraham, dec. and Margaret. The re- sidence of Capt. Riker, in Newtown, is now owned by his son- in-law, J. C. Jackson, and appropriately called Oak Hill. Richard was educated chiefly under the tuition of the Rev. Dr. Witherspoon, of Nassau Hall, N. J. In 1791 he entered the office of the elder Jones, and was admitted to the bar in 1795. He received the appointment of district attorney of New- York in 1802, and in 1815 was made recorder of the city, which he re- tained, with short intermissions, till 1837. " Of the eminent talents and profound judicial knowledge of the late recorder lit- tle need be said ; they are both extensively known and univer- sally acknowledged. The able manner with which he presided for so long a period in the court of sessions in New- York, and the extraordinary qualities he displayed in the discharge of his onerous and important duties, are conclusive evidence of his great attainments and high moral worth." He enjoyed uncom- mon health through a long life, and d. Sep. 26, 1842, in his 70th yr. On Apr. 23, 1807, he m. Jennet, dau. of Daniel Phoe- nix, Esq. and left issue, Daniel P., Ann E., Elizabeth P., Jennet, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 315 yohn H., and Kebecca P. Riker. Abraham remained on the paternal farm. In the war of 1812 he held the command of captain of marines under his brother Andrew. He was ac- cidentally drowned in the East river, Aug. 25, 1821, in his 56th yr. By his wife Hannah Pierson, he had issue, Han- nah, Alpheus B., Mary B., and Abriana. Samuel was educa- ted at Columbia College, and pursued the legal profession for some ten years in New- York, but his hopes of usefulness and eminence were arrested by consumption, which terminated his life Sep. 17, 1811, in his 32d yr. He was m. but left no issue. John L. Riker, the youngest of these brothers, received his education at Erasmus Hall, L. I. at sixteen entered the ofiice of his brother Richard, with whom he studied law five years, and then began the practice of his profession in New- York, which he yet continues, enjoying the confidence and esteem of his fellow-citizens. He resides at Newtown, upon the paternal estate. Mr. Riker m. in succession Maria and Lavinia, daugh- ters of Sylvanus Smith, Esq. of North Hempstead, and has is- sue, Henry, Sylvanus S., Mary A., Lavinia, John, Samuel, Richard, Daniel S., Jane, William J. and Julia L. Riker. THE LENT FAMILY. This family is of common origin with the preceding one, being descended from Ryck and Hendrick, the eldest and youngest sons of Abraham Rycken, who, for some reason not clearly ascertained, renounced their own cognomen and assum- ed that of Lent. It may be the latter was suggested because of some connection existing with an old noble family of Bruns- wick bearing that name, or perhaps some portion of their family had resided in a place so called, and the name have been adopted for this reason, as was quite customary in those days. The last idea accords with a tradition to that effect current in the family fifty years ago, and which receives strength from the fact that in certain old records that have been consulted, the above names appear written Hendrick van Lent, &c. the Dutch van signifying of or from. And there is 31^ ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. also some reason for the belief that it was their maternal grand- father who came from Lent, and that he is the person intended in a letter to Gov. Stuyvesant, in 165-i, from his superiors in Holland, where allusion is made to one " Hendrick Harmensen van Lent," a soldier sent to Curacoa, but who was not to be found there, (see page 22, note.) Hendrick Lent, the youngest son of Abraham Rycken, was b. in 1662, m. Catriua, dau. of Jan Van Texel, (now Van Tassel,) and removed to AVestchester co. His descendants are still to be found in the town of Yonkers. His ch. were Abra- ham, John, Hendrick, Anna, Margaret, Cornelia, and Aletta, Abraham, b. 1684, m. Maria De Pew, and had sons, Hendrick, b. 1707, Abraham, b. 1713, John, b.l718, and Jacob, b. 1725. Hendrick m. Sarah Beesley, and had sons, Hendrick, b. 1718, John, b, 1723, and Abraham, b. 1726. Jb/iw, m. Mary De Ronde, and their sons were Hendrick, b. 1716, "William, b. 1717, John, b. 1718, and Jacob, b. 1723. 1. Ryck Abramsen Lent, eldest son of Abraham Rycken, m. Catrina, dau. of Harck Siboutsen,* and in 1685, in union with several others, bought from the Indians an extensive tract of land in the upper part of Westchester co. He settled upon this tract which thence took the name of Ryck's Patent. From the fact that in his will he is styled a miller, it is supposed that he became engaged in milling operations. He served as an elder of the Sleepy Hollow church, was much respected, and d. at a good old age» His will was made Mar. 30, 1720 and was proved Mar. 28, 1723. His children were Elizabeth, m. Thomas Heyert, Abraham,- Ryck, Harck, Margaret, m. Tho- mas Benson, and Catharine, who m. Joseph Jones, liyck^ b. 1678, m. Mary Blauvelt and predeceased his father, leaving * Harck Siboutsen m. at New Amsterdam, in 1642, Wyntie Teunis, from Naerden. He owned prbperty near the Heeren Gracht, adjoining Abra. Rikcr. In or about 1650 he removed to the Poor Bowery, where he d. be- tween 1681 and '84. (See pages 36 and 236.) His widow survived him many years. They had sons Sibout, Teunis, John and Jacobus, the last of whom obtained the paternal farm in Newtown, and m. but dying without is- sue Feb. J8, 1729, in his 70th yr. left his farm to his nephew, Abm. Lent, by testamentary devise. His three brothers settled in the manor of Cortlandt, Westchester co. assumed the name of Krankheyt, (now written Kronkhite or Cronkhite,) and have many descendants there. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. , 317 sons John, b. 1705, Hercules, b. 1707, and Ryck, b. 1709. Harck^ or Hercules, b. 1681, m. Cornelia, dau. of Jacob Van Wart, and by several purchases became the owner of the whole of Eyck's Patent, which before his death he divided between his children. He d. in 1766, being blind and aged. His ch. were Jacob, b, 1701, Eachel, b. 1703, m. James Lamb, Catharine, b. 1705, m. Henry De Eonde, Christiana, b. 1708, m. John Lamb, Elizabeth, b. 1710, Hendrick, b. 1712, and Abra- ham, b. 1715. The descendants of these arc now numerous in Cortlandtown. 2. Abraham Lent, son of Eyck,^ was b. Mar. 10, 1674, and m. late in 1698, Anna-Catrina, dau. of Adolpli Meyer, Esq.* After living some years in Westchester he returned to Newtown in 1729, and took possession of a farm left him by his uncle, Jacobus Krankheyt, being that now forming the es- tate of Isaac Eapelye, dec. Mr. Lent was a leading member of the Dutch church. He d. Feb. 5, 1746, and his widow, July 21, 1762, in her 86th yr. Their ch. were Eyck,^ Adolph, Isaac, Abraham, Jacob, Jacobus,^ Catrina, m. Elbert Herring, Eliza- beth, m. Jacob Brinckerhoff, Maria, m. John Eapelje, Wvntie m. Jeromus Eapelje, and Ann, who m. John Brinckerhoff. Of these, Abraham m. Margaret, dau. of John Snediker. Isaac m. Sarah, dau. of Peter Luyster, and probably settled in Fishkill. Adolph^ b. 1703, removed to Eockland co. where his descen- dants are still found. 3. Eyek Lent, son of Abraham,^ m. Dec. 26, 1722, Corne- lia Waldron, of Harlem, He d. in Westchester, in 1732, leav- ing issue, Abraham, John, Catharine, m. John Deits, and Mar- garet, who m. Theodorus Snediker. Abraham settled in Duchess CO. m. Ann, dau. of Abm. Brinckerhoff, and had ch. Abraham, and Cornelia, who m. Isaac Lent, of Tuckahoe. Abraham, last named, m. Margaret Waldron, of Harlem, was for many years associated with David Barkins in mercantile business at Fish- * Adolph Meyer came from Ulfon, in Westphalia, and locating at Harlem, m. in 1671, Maria, dau. of Johannes Vervcelcn, of that phice, a young lady born at Amsterdam. He was much in public life, and in 1694, sat in the common council. He d. in 1711 or '12. His ch. were Johannes, Hendrick, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Adolph, Anna-Catrina, aforesaid, Maria, m. Samson Benson, and Anneke who m. Zachariah Sickels. These have a numerous posterity at Harlem and elsewhere, including the families of Myers, Benson, Sickels, and by intermarriage those of Adriance, Kenyon, &e. 21 318 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. kill, and had sons, John- Abraham, David-Barkins, of Pough- keepsie, and Peter Waldron Lent, of New -York. John was a captain in Braddock's expedition during the old French war. He was also present at the fall of Wolf, and is represented as possessing great energy and resolution. His old cutlass is still preserved. Going to North Carolina, in the prosecution of his business, as a master-builder, he there d. in or about 1768. By his wife Ann, dan. of Adrian Hoogland, of New- York, he had issue, Ann, m. John Lawrence, Cornelia, m, Edward T. Young, of N. Carolina, Catharine, m. Wm. Eayburgh, of Baltimore, James- Webber, and John. The latter, a silversmith, m. Sarah, dau. of Thos. Oglevie, and left sons, Abraham and John. James W. Lent, aforesaid, b, Aug. 24, 1761, served his coun- try during the Eevolution, after which he engaged in mercan- tile business in New- York. In 1784 he m. Elizabeth, dau. of Nath'l Macaul. For nine years he was inspector of pot and pearl ashes, and for about the same period held the office of county register. He d. Aug. 4, 1849, and his only surviving son is Geo. W. Lent of New- York. 4. Jacobus Lent, son of Abraham,^ was b. July 3, 1714, and m. Margaret, dau. of Daniel Eapalje. He succeeded to the paternal farm, and was a much esteemed citizen and an elder of the Newtown Dutch church. He d. Dec. 13, 1779, and his widow in her 74th yr. Sep. 11, 1794. Their ch. were Abra- ham,5 b. Feb. 15, 1745, Aletta, b. Apr. 24, ;1747, m. Geo. Rap- elye, and Daniel, b. May 31, 1754. The latter m. Dec. 9, 1792, Rensie, dau. of Martin Rapelye, and was the last of the family who occupied the Lent estate at the Poor Bowery. It was sold just prior to his death, which happened Apr. 20, 1797. Daniel, his only child that survived infancy, was b. Aug. 30, 1797, m. June 6, 1821, Jane-Catharine, dau. of Cor. R. Remsen, and now resides upon the estate on Flushing Bay formerly owned by Capt. Thos. Lawrence. His ch. are James-Rapelye, (now a minister of the Reformed Dutch church,) Cornelius-Remsen, Charles-Henry, and Eliza-Catharine. 5. Abraham Lent, son of Jacobus,'* m. Diana, dau. of Wm. Lawrence, Esq. and occupied for some years a portion of the pa- ternal farm, but d. at the residence of his son-in-law, in Trains Meadow, Apr. 13, 1816, a. 71 yrs. His widow d. Mar. 20, 1833, a. 77. They had issue, James, Anna, m. Anthony Bar- ANNALS OF NKWTOWN. 319 clay,* and Margaret, wlio d. single. James Lent was b. at Newtown in 1782, and m. Miss Jane Bull of Connecticut Having been for some years a merchant in New York, he re- tired to his native town, and bought the estate of Col. Daniel Lawrence, dec. now Woolsey's Point. Possessing fair talents and a reputation for strict integrity, Mr. Lent ofl&ciated for some years as first judge of Queen's co. and in 1829 was chosen to represent his district in congress, to which being elected for the third time, he d. at the city of Washington, while dis- cEarging the duties of that responsible station, Feb. 22, 1833, in his 51st year. THE SUYDAM FAMILY. It appears from Dutch annals, that there is a family bear- ing this name, of great antiquity in Holland or the Nether- lands, where, as early as the eleventh century, they held large estates. But no evidence is as yet presented to favor the be- lief that the American family of Suydam is descended from the former, as the latter appear to owe their name to a custom in vogue among our Dutch fathers of assuming the title of the place in Europe whence the family had emigrated. Their first ancestor in this country was Hendrick Eycken, as his name is * Anthony Barclay d. in Newtown, where he had resided] many years, Aug. 23, 1805, a. 43. He was the father of the present Henry Barclay of this town, and the grandson of the Rev. Thomas Barclay, from Scotland, who settled at Albany in 1708 as missionary of the Society for Propagating the Gospel. Henry, son of the latter, took holy orders, and after a ten years' ministry among the Mohawk Indians, succeeded to the rectory of Trinity Church, N. Y. in 1746, where he labored with assiduity till his death, sus- taining a most excellent character. He was honored with the title of doctor of divinity. His death took place in his 53d yr. Aug. 20, 1764, By his wife Mary, dau. of Anthony Rutgers, he had issue, Thomas, Anthony, Ann.n- Dorothea, m. Col. Beverley Robinson, Cornelia, m. Col. Stephen De Lancey, and Catharine. The youngest son was Anthony Barclay of Newtown, before named, and the elder was the late highly esteemed Thomas Barclay, British Consul General in the United States, which ofBce is now ably filled by his son Anthony. 320 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. usually written, or, as his own signature is, " Heyndryck Rycken," a member of the Riker family, as stated on page 301, and who came hither in 1663. He was "from Suydam," our early records inform us ; but. unless either Schiedam or Saar- dam be intended, (which is perhaps to be questioned,) I am in doubt as to its locality. 1. Hendrick Eycken was a smith, and located in the sub- urbs of New Amsterdam, at what was called the Smith's Fly, where he purchased a house and land in 1678. But being an- noyed (as tradition in the Suydam family states) by the snakes which then infested the low lands in that vicinity, he removed to Flatbush, and with his wife, Ida Jacobs, united with the church there in April 1679 ; afterwards disposing of his city property to Dirck Van der Cliff, from whom Cliff street took its name. Rycken subsequently acquired a large estate at Flatbush and other places, and enjoyed a very respectable standing among men of that day. He d. in 1701. In his will he enjoins upon his wife a careful attention to the religious education of his children. These were Jacob,- Hendrick,*' Ryck,8 Ida, Gertrude, and Jane. It is a curious though well established fact, that, about the year 1710, the sons of Hen- drick Rycken adopted the name of Suydam, and from these three persons all the Suydams in this" and the adjoining states are descended. 2, Jacob Suydam, son of Hendrick,^ was b. in 1666, re- mained a farmer and smith at Flatbush, and lived where the old brewery stood, near that village. His wife was Seytie Jacobs. He was a person of intelligence and influence, and served as supervisor in 1706 and 1717. He d. in 1738, a. 71, having issue Jacob, Hendrick,'* Johannes, Jan,* Ryck, Cor- nelius,^ Dow, Ida, Adriana, Gertrude, Isabella, Jane, and Sey- tie. Of these, Jacob left no issue. Jan had a son Jacob, who d. childless. Johannes settled at Bay Side, in Flushing, and d. in 1791, in advanced yrs. having by his wife Cornelia, issue, Seytie, m. Areson ; Jane, m. Eldred ; Ida, m. Thorne ; and Jacob, b. 1731, who fell heir to his father's farm, which is be- lieved to be now possessed by his descendants. Rych removed * The names of Jan and Johannes, though in fact the same, one being the Dutch and the other the Latin for John, were sometimes borne by brothers, as in the above case and several others which I have noticed. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN 32J to Somerset co. N. J. where he d. in 1798, a. 95, having by his wife Mary, issue, Peter, Jacobus, Abraham, Isaac, Eyck, Mary, m. Lawrence Van Cleef, and Ida who m. Peter Pumyea. Of wliom Eyck d. unm. ; Isaac had issue Peter, John, and Ann ; Abraham had issue Joseph, Peter, Maria, and Ann ; Jacobus had issue John, Peter, Ryck, Joseph, Jacob, and Jane; and Peter had issue Ryck, Lawrence, Peter, Abraham, Ann, and Jane. Dow Suydam m. Sarah Vanderveer, and settled at Hempstead Swamp, in Newtown, on land obtained of his father in 1736, being now the estate of Rem Suydam, dec. He was the first of the name who located in this town. Prior to the Revolution, he sold his farm to his nephew John Suy- dam, and left Newtown, living in various parts'of the Island during the war, and suffering on account of his whig prin- ciples? Having survived his consort 37 yrs. he d. at the house of his son John, in Jamaica, in 1794, a. 87. His ch. were Sey- tie, m. Garret Martence, Jacob, and John. Jacob m. Mary, widow of Peter Totten, but left no issue. John, b. 1740, m. Phebe, dan. of David Sprong, and in 1783 bought the farm of Dow Ditmars of Jamaica, where he resided till his death m 1789. His widow d. in 1822, in her 76th yr. His farm is now divided between his two ch. Sarah, wife of Hendnck Lott, and Barnard Vandewater Suydam, the last of whom m. Leah, dau. of Minne Suydam, and has one surviving child, namely Sarah, wife of Daniel Rapelye Suydam, of Jamaica. 3. Cornelius Suydam, son of Jacob,^ settled m Oyster Bay, and d in 1759, his wife Margaret, dau. of Ferdinand Van Sickelen, surviving him. His ch. were Jacobus, Ferdinand, Jan Minne, Johannes, Cornelius, Hendrick, Seytie, Geertie, m. Jacob Voorhees; Jane, m. Wm. Simonson ; Adriana, m. John Williamson, and Ida. All of these sons married, except Fer- dinand, and most of them have posterity at Oyster Bay. Minne m Catharine, dau. of Mouris Simonson, and d. at the above place. Mar. 12, 1818, in his 81st yr. His ch. were Cornelms, b 1769 ; Cornelia, b. 1771, m. Rev. AVm. P. Kuypers ; Marga- ret b 1775, d. unm. ; Leah, b. 1778, m. Barnard V. buy- dam, and Mouris, b. 1782, some of whose children now occupy the homestead at Oyster Bay. His elder brother Corne lus m in 1799, Ida dau. of Daniel Rapelye, and had issue Catha- rine m. first, Hewlett T. Coles, and is now wife of Daniel 322 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Smith ; Sarah- Ann, m. Hanmer Ludlow, of Newtown ; Cor- nelia, wife of Isaac Hendrickson ; and Daniel E. of Jamaica. 4. Hendrick Suydam, son of Jacob,- was b. in 1696, and m. in 1719, Geertie dau. of Evert Van Wicklen. He lived at Flatbush, and d. in 1774. His ch. were Evert, Jacob, who d. a bachelor, Hendrick, John,^ Seytie, m. Evert Hegeman ; Me- tie, m. Samuel Garretson ; Pieternella, m. Jacobus Vanderveer, and Geertie. Hendrick m, Maria Ammerman, and d. on his farm in Flatbush, May 16, 1791, in his 61st yr. having issue Jane, m. Abm. Ditmars, and Gertrude who m. Cor. Bergen. Evert^ b. Mar. 25, 1720, m. Maria Bogart of the Wallabout, and lived as a farmer in New Utrecht, where he d. Oct. 14, 1797. His ch. were Hendrick, b. June 4, 1751, was twice m. and d. at Bedford, Dec. 15, 1819 ; Catharine, b. July 26, 1753, m. Jacques Barkuloo ; Tunis, b. Nov. 21, 1755 ; Geertie, b. May 21, 1758, m. Jacob Stellenwerf ; Evert, b. Jan. 8, 1760, who m. and d. at New Lots ; and Anne, b. Mar. 18, 1764, who m. Ferdinand Bennet. The said Tunis m. Ida Voorhees, and d. in New Utrecht, Aug. 7, 1828, his son Evert now occupying his estate. 5. John Suydam, son of Hendrick,^ was b. 1737, m. Fem- metie dau. of Kem Hegeman, and became a farmer at Hemp- stead Swamp, having bought the farm of his uncle, Dow Suydam. He was a good man, and repeatedly served as an elder in the Dutch church at Newtown. His wife d. in her 62d yr. Mar. 16, 1799, and he, a. nearly 72 yrs. Jan. 11, 1809. Their ch. were Nelly, m. Capt. Johannes Lott ; Hendrick, d. unm. ; Geertie, m. Timothy Nostrand,* and Eem. Rem was b. Jan. 22, 1767, and remained on the paternal farm, now oc- cupied by his widow, Maria, dau. of Martin Johnson, whom he m. Nov. 30, 1798. He d. Nov. 22, 1829. His ch. (except three who d. young) were, Phebe-Hegeman, b. Sep. 18, 1799, * The family of Nostrand, or Van Nostrand, on Long Island, derive origin from Hans Jansen, who came over in 1640 from Noortstrandt in Holstein, and whose sons adopted the name of tlie place whence iheir ftither emigrat- ed, which time has reduced to the present orthography. Hans m. in 1652 Janneken Gerrits van Loon, and d. at Flatlands in 1690. His will is record- ed both in New- York and Brooklyn. He left sons John, Gerrit, Peter, and Folkert, whose descendants, now greatly multiplied, form, in point of means and respectability, a valuable part of our population. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 323 m. Dorainicus Snediker and Jona. Burnet ; Catalina-Johnson, b. Aug. 25, 1803, wife of Dow D. Eapelje ; John, b. Feb. 7, 1806, d. unm. Mar. 3, 1844 ; Maria-Johnson, b. Aug. 18, 1808, m. Matthew Van Zandt ; Nelly, b. Nov. 29, 1810, m. Ansel H. Concklin ; Martin-Johnson, b. Apr. 7, 1813, m. Henrietta, dau. of Eev. Dr. J. Schoonmaker ; Gertrude, b. Mar. 17, 1817, m. John E. Briggs ; George and Henry, twins, b. Dec. 11, 1821, the last of whom m. Ellen, dau. of Benj. Hegeman. 6. Hendrick Suydam, second son of Hendrick Eycken,^ became a farmer at Bedford, in Brooklyn, where he bought a farm of his father in 1698. He died subsequent to 1743. By his wife, Bennetie, he had ch. Lambert, Hendrick,''' and Elsie, who m. John Lott, of Platlands. Lambert, the eldest son, re- mained a farmer at Bedford, and m. Abigail Lefferts. In 1749, he was commissioned captain of the King's co. troop of horse. He d. in 1767, and his widow m. Nicholas Veghte, Esq. in 1772. Capt. Suydam's ch. were Hendrick, d, at Bed- ford, unm. Dec. 26, 1789 ; Bennetie, d. single, in her 90th yr. Feb. 1, 1826 ; Jane, m. Gilliam Cornell ; Ida, m. Martin Schenck ; and Jacobus, who was b. at Bedford, Dec. 4, 1758, and m, Adriana, dau. of Capt. Cor. Eapelye. Having en- gaged successfully in commerce in the city of New York, he finally retired, and resided several years at Bedford ; but, in 1794, bought the estate of Wm. Lawrence, dec, in Newtown, (late Whitfield's, and now S. A. Halsey's property,) where he lived respected till his death, June 11, 1825, having served as an elder in the Dutch church. Mrs. S. d. in her 74th yr. Oct. 13, 1840. Their ch. were Cornelia, now widow of Abm. Polhemus, Lambert, Cornell us-Eapelye, Abigail, Adriana, James, Jane- Maria, m. Geo. Eapelye, and Henry. Of these, Lambert, b. at Bedford, Mar. 5, 1791, m. in 1818, Anne E. dau. of Maj. Eich. Lawrence, and is now the president of the Union Mutual In- surance Co. in the city of New York. Cornelius E. b. July 31, 1793, m. Jane E. dau. of the late Cornelius Heyer, and d. lamented, Nov. 12, 1845. James, b. Mar. 12, 1798, m. Char- lotte A. second dau. of Cor. Heyer ; and Henry, b. May 23, 1803, ra. Elizabeth, dau. of the late Nath'l L'Hommedieu. 7. Hendrick Suydam, son of Hendrick,^ was b. Dec. 2, 1706, m. Geertie Eyerson, of the Wallabout, and was a farmer and smith at Bedford, where he d. July 16, 1768. His widow d. S24 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Dec. 7, 1770, a. 64. Their cb. were Hendrick, Jacob, Lam- bert, and Christiana, who d. unm. Lambert was b. Aug. 30, 1743, and lived at Bedford. Like his uncle Lambert, he was commandant of the King's co. horse, and at the opening of the Eevolution, being a whig, did essential service. He m, Apr. 10, 1766, Sarah, dau. of Joseph Hegeman, who dying in her 40th yr. July 28, 1784, he m. secondly, Sep. 20, 1786, Anna, widow of Barent Johnson, of the Wallabout. She d. Oct. 26, 1793. Capt. Suydam d. Apr. 1, 1833, a. 89. His ch. who reached maturity, were Hendrick, b. Mar. 13, 1767 ; Ger- trude, b. Mar. 23, 1771, now widow of Peter Wyckoff;* Maria, b. Nov. 25, 1782, m. Daniel Lott ; and Anna, b. May 15, 1789. Hendrick, last named, m. Gertrude, dau. of Rem Van Pelt ; issue a son Lambert. He then m. secondly, Margaret dau. of D. Eapelj-e, and widow of Abm. Snediker ; further issue, Abraham, Charity, Hendrick, Sarah A. and Daniel R. Jacob was b. Feb. 3, 1740, settled at Bushwick, and m. Elizabeth Leaycraft, Apr. 14, 1764. Mr. S. was a worthy and respected citizen, and d. in the above town, July 27, 1811, a. 7L His ch. who attained mature age were George, b. June 20. 1767, m. Jane Voorhees, and d. at Gravesend ; Gertrude, b. June 25, 1770, m, Adrian Martence ; Jacob, b. Mar. 3, 1773, m. Corne- lia Farmer, of Brunswick, N. J. ; and Hendrick, b. May 1^, 1778, who m. Helen, dau. of John Schenck. Hendrick^ eldest son of Hendrick, was b. in 1732, and m. June 15, 1753, Re- becca Emans of New Utrecht. He removed from Bedford to Flatbush in 1759, and lived in good repute till his death, July 9, 1805, a. 73. His wife d. Oct. 25, 1797, a. 68. They had sons Hendrick and Andrew, the first of whom d. in his 74th yr. May 24, 1828, having issue Rebecca, Ida, wife of John Vanderveer, Jeromus, Henry, dec, and Cornelius. Andrew, * The common ancestor of the Wyckoff family in this country was Pieter Claesz Wyckoff, who emigrated from Holland in 1636, and settled at Flatlands. Of this town he was a magistrate in 1662, and also one of the patentees named in the town charters in 1667 and 1686. His wife was Grietie, dau. of Hendrick Van Ness, and his sons were Claes, Hendrick, Cor- nelius, John, Gerrit, Martin, and Peter Wyckoff. It is not in my plan to trace the descendants of these, now as the stars for multitude ; though It would be no very difficult matter to form, from existing materials, quite a complete history of this highly respectable family. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 325 above-named, d. Dec. 11, 1831, in his 74tli yr. and bis only cb. is Sarab, wife of Jobn Ditmars of Flatbusb. 8. Eyck Suydani, youngest son of Hendrick Rycken,i was b. in 1675, and resided at Flatbusb. From 1711 till bis death, be served repeatedly as supervisor of tbat town, and was also for some years a judge. He was m. twice, and d. in 1711. Ili.s cb. were Hendrick, Jobn,» Ryck, Ida, Anna, Gertrude, Jane, Cbristiana and Mary. Byck, usually called Ricbard, settled in Freebold, Monmoutb co. N. J. m. Sarab dau. of Jobannes Luyster, and d. in 1750. His cb. were Ricbard, Elizabeth, Jane, Lucretia, and Sarab. Ricbard m. Jemima Wall, resided near wbat is now Keyport, and d. in 1799, leaving sons Ricb- ard, wbo lived in New-York ; Garret, who retained the bomo- btead, and Humphrey, wbo removed to Canada. Hendrick is believed to have been the father of Cornelius Suydam, wbo d. in Somerset co. N. J. in 1771, having sons Charles, Hendrick, Cornelius, and Jacob. Cornelius inherited the homestead on the Raritan river. Charles located in Piscataway, Middlesex co. and d. in 1799. He bad sons Okie, Cornelius, Charles, Jacob, and Henry ; the first of whom was the father of the late emi- nent lawyer, Jobn Suydam of Kingston, N. Y. 9. John Suydam, son of Ryck,^ d. in Brooklyn about the close of the Revolution. He had issue Ryck, Ferdinand, Hen- drick, ^^ Rynier, and Maria, who m. successively Crawley, Freeke, and Bell, and was the mother of the late John C. Freeke of Brooklyn. Ryck d. at Red Hook in 1761 ; issue Catharine, m. John Reid, (grandfather of Rev. Jobn Reid Mo- sier, of Geneva, N. Y.) and Jane, who d. unm. Ferdinand was supervisor of Brooklyn from 1784 till 1800, m. Maria dau. of Geo. Debevoise, and had cb. John F. dec, Maria, d. unm., Phebe, m. Henry J. Wyckoff, Ida wbo d. single, and Jane. Rynier m. Elizabeth dau. of Peter Clopper, Esq. and d. in 1833, in bis 91st yr. having issue several daughters. 10. Hendrick Suydam, son of John,^ was b. in 1736. Prior to the Revolution, be removed to Hallett's Cove, and bought the mill on Sunswick Creek, which be conducted during the rest of his Hfe. Mr. Suydam served as an elder of the Dutch church, Newtown. " Urbanity of manners, ' using hospitality without grudging,' characterized bis life ; he lived esteemed, loved, revered,"^ill his death, Feb. 9, 1818, a. 81. He was 326 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. thrice m. ; first on Aug. 30, 1762, to Letitia Sebring, who d. Feb. 14, 1765; secondly to Harmtie Lefferts, who d. childless; and lastly, on Aug, 3, 1770, to Phebe dau. of Sam'l Skidmore. She d. Apr. 11, 1832, a. 87. Mr. S. had thirteen ch. of whom the following reached maturity, namely : John, b. May 14, 1763; Letitia, b. Sep. 30, 1771, m. Capt. Peter Manifold; Samuel, b. May 21, 1773, d. Sep. 23, 1797 ; Jane, b. Mar. 9, 1776, now widow of Isaac Heyer, late a distinguished mer- chant; Hendrick, b. Mar. 22, 1779 ; Mary, b. Sep. 5, 1780, m. Henry Whitney and Adrian Van Sinderen, Esq. ; Harriet, b. Sep. 1, 1782, now Mrs. Stephen Whitney of New-York ; Rich- ard, b. Aug. 4, 1784; Ferdinand, b. Sep, 13, 1786, and James, b. Mar. 9, 1788. Of the above sons, all became merchants in New- York, except James ^ who remained on the paternal estate at Hallett's Cove, m. Matilda, dau. of John Greenoak, and d. Sep. 17, 1834, without issue. Ferdinand^ one of the late firm of Suydam, Sage k Co. m. Eliza dau. of Anthony L. Under- hill, and d. Mar. 24, 1851, having issue Henry L., Ferdinand, and Charles. Richard m. in 1811, Rachel E. Henderson of Lancaster, Pa. and has ch. Mary A., Caroline, Adaline, Jane, and Louisa. Hendrick m. in 1802, Jane dau. of Wm. Law- rence, Esq., and has issue Mary, Aletta, Samuel, Elizabeth, William L. dec, Julia, Cornelia, and Margaret. John m. in 1800, Jane Mesier of Poughkeepsie, amassed a fortune, and d. much lamented, some 3'^ears since, leaving issue Maria, m. to Philip M. Lydig, Henry, Peter-Mesier, John R., Letitia, Eliza, dec, David L., James A., and Jane, now Mrs. William Remsen. A^^ ^^j^c-n M^c-d, Fac-simile of tie signature of Heyndrvck Ryckkn, ancestor of the SuTDAM FAifitY. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN 327 THE MOORE FAMILY. The several families of English ex- traction bearing this name, are said to find a common head in Thomas De Moore, who came from Normandy with William the Conqueror in the year 1066, and whose name is enrolled in the ancient list taken at their embarcation at St. Valery, and also in the list of those who survived the memorable battle of Hast* ings, fought on October 14th, in the above year, in which he had a consider- able command. From him two English families of distinction claim descent, namely, those' of the Earls of Mount-Cashell and Drogheda. 1. Eev. John Moore, the more immediate ancestor of the Newtown family, was, doubtless, of English birth, though it is unknown when or from whence he emigrated. He was an In- dependent, and the first minister of the town, having been " permitted in New England to preach, but not authorized to administer sacraments." After this' mode he officiated "for many years," till his death in 1657. He was reputed a good preacher. In consequence of his interest in the purchase of Newtown from the Indians, the town awarded eighty acres of land to his children, thirty years after his decease. For more of his history see the preceding pages. Soon after his death his widow m. Francis Doughty, son of the Eev, F. Doughty. Mr. Moore left issue John, Gershom, Samuel,- Joseph, and Elizabeth, who m. Content Titus.* Joseph removed to South- * Capt. Content Titus was b. ut Weymouth, Mass., Mar. 28, 1643, be- ing the son of Robert Titus, a respectable husbandman, who, with his wife Hannah, emigrated from near Stansted Abbey in Hertfordshire, Eng. in 1635, and settled first at Weymouth, and then at Seekonk, whence they removed, in or about 1650, to Oyster Bay, L. I. From Robert, through his sons John, Edmund, Samuel, Abie), and Content, has descended a numerous posterity on Long Island and elsewhere. Content, having lived at Huntington, came to Nowtown in 1672, and in the aforesaid year bought the nrcmUo.: oriv^n to 328 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. ampton, L. I. where he d. in 1726, his posterity still remaining at that place. Gershoin m. Mary, the widow, I believe, of Jonathan Fish. He was a useful man, and d. in or about 1691, leaving sons Gershom and Jonathan. John left sons John, b. 1668, and Thomas, b. 1670. Several of the sons of Gershom and John Moore are believed to have removed to New- Jersey. 2. Samuel Moore, son of Eev. John,i became a grantee of land at Newtown village in 1662, and afterwards purchased an adjacent tract, previously owned by his father, and which is now included in the premises of John J. Moore. In 1684 he bought from Wm. Hallett, Sen. a farm near the Poor Bowery, (part of which is now the property of S. H. Moore) to which ■he removed. Capt. Moore held various public offices, and served in the magistracy for a series of years. He d. July 25, 1717, and his widow, whose maiden name was Mary Reed, d. May 4, 1738, a. 87. His ch. were Samuel,^ Joseph,^^ Benja- min,s Nathaniel, Mary, m. Nath'l Woodward; Margaret, ra. Pretton ; Elizabeth, m. Hicks, and Sarah, who m. Daniel Coe. Nathaniel settled at Hopewell, N. J. where his posterity yet remain, as I am informed. his father-in-law, the Rev. Mr. Moore. At his death Mr. Titus left this property to his son Robert, who sold it in 1731 to Wm, Sackett,and it afterwards be- came the Episcopal parsonage. (See the history of these premises, pp. 40,45, 49, 75, 250.) Mr. Titus proved a most valuable citizen, and so vigorous were his faculties at fourscore years, that he was then chosen an elder of the Presby- terian church. He d. Jan. 17, 1730. In the southwest corner of the ancient public burial ground at Newtown, stands a rude stone that marks his grave, bearing the simple inscription, " Content Titus." He left issue Robert, Silas, John, Timothy, Hannah, d. unm. ; Phebe, m. Jonathan Hunt ; and Abi- gail, who m. George Furniss. Robert removed, in 1731, to New Castle co. Del. ; and Timoihy settled at Hopewell, N. J., where his posterity is still found. Silas remained in Newtown, m. in 1715, Sarah dau. of Edw. Hunt, and having served as a trustee of the town and an elder of the Presb. church, d. Nov. 2, 1748. His ch. were Ephraim, who settled at Hopewell, afore- said ; Edward, John, Sarah, m. Francis Cornish and John Leverich; and Su- sannah, who m. Nowell Furman. Edward m. in 1741, Elizabeth, dau. of Benj. Cornish, and d. in 1780 on his estate at Fresh Ponds, now Nicholas WyckofTs. He had issue Susannah, m. Jona. Furman ; Abigail, m. Daniel Wiggins ; Hannah, m. Daniel North ; Amy, m. Richard Leverich ; Judith, m. Luke Remsen ; and James, who m. Jane dau. of John Debevoise, and had issue Edward, b. 1800, and late of Williamsburgh, L. I. dec; Eliza-Jane, b. 1801 ; and John Titus, b. 1803, and now living at the last named place. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 329 3. Samuel Moore, son of Samuel,- also dntitled captain, m. Apr. 1, 1705, Charity, dau. of Wm. Hallett, Esq. and occupied the farm now of Sam'l B. Townsend, which passed out of the family but a few years since. Capt. Moore d. Jan. 3, 1758, leaving issue SamueV b. Apr. 22, 1709; Charit}^, b. Feb. 19, 1713, m. Fitch; Sarah, b. Dec. 25, 1714, m. Tucker; William, b. Feb. 20, 1717; Mary,b. July 15, 1719, m. Eichard Williams; John,5b. Dec. 23, 1721; Nathaniel, b. Apr. 8, 1723; Augus- tine, b. Apr. 28, 1724 ; Pelatiah, b. June 9, 1726, m. Joseph Titus; and Elizabeth, b. May 17, 1729, who married Benjamin Moore of Pennington. William^ a schoolmaster and surveyor, d. single in 1752. Augustine m. and had issue only Augus- tine, who d. unm. Nathaniel m. Mrs. Rebecca Barnwell, dau. of Jacob Blackwell, and succeeded to the paternal farm, now S. B. Townsend's. He d. Apr. 3, 1802, a. 79, his wife having d. June 6, 1790, a. 67. Their ch. were Charity, m. Daniel Hallett; Mary, m. Abm. Berrien; Nathaniel, and Rebecca, who became the wife of Stephen Hallett. Nathaniel m. June 19, 1783, Martha, dau. of Joshua Gedney, and had issue Samuel, d. unm. ; Joseph W. now a merchant at Mobile, Ala. ; Margaret, m. successively Capt. Andrew Riker and James Perrott; Rebecca, m. Cornelius Purdy, and Elizabeth, who m. Robert Blackwell. 4. Samuel Moore, son of Samuel,^ m. his cousin Sarah, dau. of Benj. Moore, who, dying Mar. 22, 1750, he m. xinna Bates, Dec. 6, 1755. He was some years in the commission of the peace, and d. Dec. 11, 1767, in his 59th yr. His ch. by his iirst wife were Samuel, Vernon, and Thomas; and by his second. Amy, Anna, Daniel, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Richard; all of whom d. unm., except Samuel, Richard, and Sarah. The latter m. Thompson. Richard m. Catharine, dau. of Cor. Berrien, was by occupation a cooper, and resided in New- York. His ch. who survived infancy were Anna, m. Zebulon Grant; Cornelius, m. but had no issue; Jane-Eliza, Strong- Vernon, and William-Bates. The latter m. Elizabeth Cortel- you, and had issue William-Berrien, Catharine, Richard-Riker, Elizabeth, Virginia, Angeline, Edward C. Henry, and Cor- nelius. Strong V. Moore, aforesaid, m. Martha Jadwin ; issue Jane E., Anna M., Strong V., Richard P., Rebecca J., Martha A., Charles L., Sarah C, and Cornelius B. Samuel^ usually de- 330 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. signated as Samuei Moore 8d, m. Jan. 18, 1769, Amy, dau. of Wm. Leverich, after whose death, he m. Anna Lawrence. He was an intelligent man, and devoted his life to school-teaching. For fifteen years he was clerk of Newtown, his father having previously filled that ofiice nine years. His sons by his second marriage were Samuel and James-Lawrence ; and by his first, William ; now all dec. and only the latter leaving issue. 5. John Moore, son of Samuel,^ m. Patience, dau. of Joseph Moore. He d. Mar. 7, 1806, a 84. His ch. were Joseph, b. Feb. 12, 1750 ; Augustine, b. Apr. 9, 1752, d. Nov. 23, '69 ; David, b. Sep. 10, 1756 ; and Jemima, b. Jan. 21, 1763, who m. Jesse Fish. Joseph m. Sarah, dau. of Benj. Moore of Tren- ton, and had issue Mary, d. single; and Catharine, who m. Benjamin Titus. David m. May 24, 1780, Jemima, dau. of Capt. Samuel Hallett, and succeeded to his father's estate, now owned by S. H. Moore. Here he d. Jan. 12, 1823, a. 66, and his widow, June 20, 1846, a. 86. They had twelve ch. to wit, Patience, b. Aug. 15, 1781, d. Jan. 1, '82 ; Susannah, b. Mar. 28, 1783 ; Thomas, b. June 12, 1784, d. Sep. 21, 1828, being the father of David and Cornelius Luyster Moore ; Anna, b. Mar. 16, 1786, m. Peter Luyster ; Samuel-Hallett, b. Jan. 11, 1788, d. unm. June 26, 1813 ; Joseph, b. May 15, 1790, has no issue; David, b. Aug. 22, 1791, m. Mary B. dau. of Geo. Brinckerhoff, and resides at Brooklyn ; Patience, b. Dec. 30, 1793, now widow of Col. E. Leverich ; Sarah, b. Nov. 12, 1796, present wife of Peter Luyster, Esq. aforesaid; John, b. Sep. 26, 1798 ; Martha, b. Apr. 26, 1800, d. unm. Aug. 21, 1824[; and Elbert-Luyster, b. Jan. 4, 1802, d. single, Dec. 13, 1822. John Moore, last named, m. Martha- Ann, dau. of Gerdon Man- warring, and has surviving ch. Samuel-Hallett, Yan-Zandt- Mumford, Elbert-Luyster, and Mary- Ann. 6. Joseph Moore, son of Samuel Moore," was b. Dec. 11, 1679, and came in possession of that part of his father's estate near the Poor Bowery, which was subsequently purchased by John Moore, the great-grand-father of S. H. Moore, its present owner. He m. successively Elizabeth and Sarah, daughters of Jos. Sackett. He d. suddenly July 10, 1756, and his widow Sep. 25, 1760, a. 71. His ch. were seven by his first marriage, and eight by his second, to wit, Sarah, b. Sep. 29, 1706, m. Benjamin Fish; Joseph, b. Sep. 28, 1708, d. (unm. it is ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 331 believed,) Nov. 10, 1757 ; Nathaniel, b. Jan. 1, 1710, d. young ; Mary, b. Nov. 14, 1712, m. John Davis ; Abigail, b. Apr. 10, 1715, m. Samuel Washburn ; Sackett and Benjamin,''' twins, b. Sep. 3, 1716; Anna, b. Mar. 21, 1718, died single Dec. 1, 1769; EUzabeth, b. Mar. 28, 1720, m. Joseph Baldwin; Patience, b. Feb. 5, 1722, m. John Moore ; Samuel, b. Jan. 15, 1724; Martha, b. Mar. 20, 1726, m. Joseph Titus; Nathaniel, b. Jan. 15, 1728 ; Phebe, b. Mar. 28, 17S0, m. Burroughs ; and Jemima, b. October 18, 1732, who d. unm. Apr. 11, 1758. Nathaniel m. Joanna Hall, and d. Sep. 29, 1781, in his 54th yr. having issue Nathaniel, who ra. but had no ch. ; and Sarah, who m. Benjamin Waite. Sackett m. and removed to Hope- well, N. J. where he d. in his 37th yr. Aug. 18, 1753. His ch. were Joanna, m. Smith; Joseph, Jesse, and Sackett. Samuel, entitled captain, m. Abigail, dau. of Eobert Field. He espoused the whig cause in the Revolution, and was an active member of the Newtown committee. He managed to remain after the British came, and d. in or about 1782. His widow d. Jan. 15, 1805. Their ch. were Robert (Major), d. a bachelor Feb. 2, 1843, in his 86th yr. ; and Sarah, who m. Samuel Blackwell. 7. Benjamin Moore, son of Joseph,^ m. Mary Hart of New Jersey, to which state he removed, and settled in Trenton township. Mrs. Moore d. Dec. 5, 1789, and he on June 5, 1792, in his 76th yr. Their ch. were Israel, Wilham-Sackett, and Sarah, who m. Joseph Moore. Israel m. Catharine Car- penter, and d. Mar. 8, 1829, in his 78th yr. ; issue Sarah, d. single ; Elizabeth, who m. Josiah Hart ; and Aaron, residing in N. Jersey. William S. m. Elizabeth, dau. of Benj. Moore of Hopewell, N. J. by his intermarriage with Eliz., dau. of Sam'l Moore of Newtown. He d. at Trenton, Feb. 3, 1825, a. 65 yrs. His ch, are Benjamin; Maria, now Mrs. Benj. Fish of Trenton; Ann, m. Capt. Lewis Parker; Eliza., and William I. Moore, residing at Danville, 111. 8. Benjamin Moore, son of Samuel,^ came in posses- sion of the property near Newtown village, previously owned by his grand-father, Rev. John Moore, and now the resi- dence of John J. Moore. He m. Dec. 27, 1710, Anna, dau. of Joseph Sackett, and d. Mar. 22, 1750. His widow d. Sep. 30, 1757, a. QQ. Their ch. were SamueV" b. Dec. 5, 1711 ; 332 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Marj, b. Jan. 10, 1714, ra. James Eenne, 2d ; Anna, b. Nov. 5, 1715, m. Thos. Hallett; Sarah, b. May 17, 1718, m. Samuel Moore ; Benjamin, b. Mar. 23, 1720 ; John, b. June 28, 1723, d. young; Elizabeth, b. Jan. 10, 1725, m. Wm. Hazard;* Patience, b. Oct. 18, 1727, m. Jos. Lawrence, and John,^ b. July 5, 1730. Benjamin, a young physician of promise, d. in -the West Indies in or about 1745. 9. John Moore, son of Benjamin,^ remained on the home- stead, and m. May 2, 1752, Hannah dau. of Thos. Whitehead. She d. in her 44th yr. Aug. 4, 1772. Mr. Moore survived till Oct. 18, 1827. He was in his 98th yr. His ch. were Eliza- * The Hazards were, prior to the Revolution, one of the most promi- nent families in Newtown. Their ancestor, Thomas Hazard, came from Wales, and was admitted to freemanship at Boston in 1636: in 1652, he be- came one of the founders and first magistrates of Newtown. He had several sons, one of whom, Robert, settled in Rhode Island, and originated the Haz- ards, so highly distinguished in the annals of that state. Jonathan, another Bon, remained at Newtown, m. Hannah, dau. of Jas. Lauronson, acquired a larwe property, and filled various offices. He d. in 1711, having had issue Thomas, James, Nathaniel, Elizabeth, m. Edward Hunt, and Sarah, who m. James Renne. Thomas, styled captain, was supervisor of Newtown from 1720 till his death, which occurred Aug. 31, 1733, at the age of 51, occasioned by a fall from his horse. By his wife Mercy, dau. of Thos. Betts, he had ch. Thomas, Daniel, Samuel, John, and Jonathan ; the last of whom settled in Orange co., N. Y. Daniel, a sea captain, d. in New-York in 1747, and his only son, Thos. Hazard, Esq. d. in the same city in 1787, a. 43. His ch., as their births are recorded, were William-Howard, b. 1770 ; Charles-Smith, b. 1772 ; Frances S. b. 1773, and Benjamin, b. 1774. James, for fifteen years a judfe of common pleas, occupied the farm now of John Duryea, in New- town. The family vault on this estate fell into decay, and was filled up a few years since. Judge Hazard d. Apr. 25, 1765. His ch. were Rebecca, m. Robert Morrell ; William, and Jonathan : the latter m. Abigail Pumroy, and left a son James, b. in 1752. William was a prominent citizen of New- town, m. Miss Moore, as above, and d. Aug. 25, 1773, a. 68. He left several daughters, and a son Morris, who was the grandfather of Mr. Wm. H. Haz- ard, of New-York, shipping merchant. Nathaniel, a merchant, finally remov- ed to Philadelphia, and d. in 1749. He had issue Njithaniel, Samuel, Hannah, m. Rev. Sani'l Sackett, and Sarah, who m. Capt. Dan'l Hazard. Nathaniel was a successful merchant in New-York, d. in or about 1764, and left- sons Nathaniel, Samuel, and Joseph, besides daughters, one of whom, Elizabeth, m. Joseph Hallett, father-in-law of the late Major John Delafield. Nathaniel, last named, m. Mary, dau. of Col. Jos. Robinson, and d. in 1798 ; issue, Ma- ria'and Nathaniel. Samuel, son of Nathaniel, was the father of the late Eben- ezer Hazard, Esq. of Philadelphia, a former Post-master General of thft United States and, editor of valuable contributions to American history. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 333 beth, b, Apr. 23, 1753, d. unm. Aug. 25, 1827 ; James, b. July 24, 1754 ; Daniel, b. July 19, 1756, cl. Sep. 25, '61 ; Anna, b. Mar. 11, 1761, m. John McVickar, father of the Rev. Dr. McVickar, of New-York; Patience, b. Nov. 9, 1762, m. John Charlton Dongan ; Mary, b. Mar. 19, 1764, m. Dr. Rich. Law- rence and Wm. Stewart ; Benjamin, b. Jan. 25, 1766 ; Daniel- Sackett, b. June 17, 1768, and Abigail, b. Jan. 11, 1770, who m. Thomas Billopp, a New- York merchant, who afterwards perished in the Miranda expedition, in 1806. Benjamin had issue James, Uretta, and Richard. James m. Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. Sam'l Hallett, and d. Feb. 25, 1799, a. 44, having ch, Maria, Eliza, Jane, John, and Hannah. Daniel- Sackett owned the paternal residence near Newtown village. He chose a sea life, and was for many years a successful and respected ship- master. Capt. Moore d. in his 61st yr. Sep. 20, 1828. He m. successively Hannah, dau. of David Titus, and Hannah, dau. of Jacob Moore, and by the latter had issue Elizabeth, m. Jacob P. Leverich ; John-Jacob, William, Sarah, now Mrs. Henry Barcla}^ ; Mary, m. Charles Judson ; James, Frances, and Benjamin," 10. Samuel Moore, (styled lieut.) son of Benjamin,^ was a respected farmer near Newtown village, owning the property now of John Penfold, (south side of the high- way,) on which he erected the house still standing. He m. Sarah Fish, who survived him, and d. a. 79, June 17, 1796. He d. Apr. 7, 1788, in his 77th yr. His ch. were Benjamin,^^ Jacob, Williamj^- Sarah, m. Thomas Barrow ; Patience, m. David Titus ; and Judith, who m. the Rev. Thos. L. Moore. Jacob m. in succes- sion Hannah and Elizabeth Waters, the latter on June 2, 1781. He d. July 22, 1825, a. 74, having (by his last wife) issue Han- nah, m. Capt. D. S, Moore; Benjamin, and John, who d, a young man. Benjamin m. Jane, dau. of John Rapelye, and owns part of the farm of his late father-in-law in Newtown. His ch. are Mary-Jane, Elizabeth, John, and Lemma- Ann. 11. Benjamin Moore, son of Samuel, ^"^ was b. at Newtown, Oct. 5, 1748, and received a liberal education at King's (now Columbia) College, N. Y. of which institution he afterwards became an honored president. After pursuing theological stu- dies, he went to England, in 1774, and was ordained to the Episcopal ministry ; and, after his return, officiated as assistant 22 S34 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. minister of Trinity Church, till, on the resignation of Bishop Provost, he was appointed rector, in 1800. The next year he was elected bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the state of New-York, and continued to perform the duties of this high vocation till his death, Feb. 27, 1816, in his 68th yr. He was a man of deep learning, true benevolence, and exem- plary piety. Bishop Moore m. Apr. 20, 1778, Charity, dau. of Maj. Clement Clark, of NcAV-York, and his only child is Clement C. Moore,' Esq. of this city. 13. William Moore son of Samuel, ^° and brother of the bishop, was b. at Newtown, Jan. 17, 1754. Adopting the study of physic, he went to Europe in 1778, and two years after graduated at Edinburgh doctor of medicine. He returned home, and, for more than forty years, continued unremittingly engaged in the arduous duties of an extensive practice. For many years, he was president of the New-York Medical So- ciety, and a trustee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, as well as a vestryman of Trinity Church. " Seldom, indeed," remarks Dr. Francis, " has it happened that the two professions were adorned with such attainments, and such private excel- lence, as were exhibited in the instances of Dr. Moore and his brother Benjamin, the late pious and venerable bishop of the church." Dr. Moore d. in his 71st yr. Apr. 2, 1824. He m. Feb. 4, 1782, Jane, dau. of Nathaniel Fish, of Newtown, and had issue Nathaniel F. late president of Columbia Col- lege ; Maria-Teresa m. Henry C. De Eham, merchant ; Samuel W., physician ; Jane, m. Henry Major, merchant ; Susan, dec, ; Benjamin, also dec. ; Sarah, m. Edward Hodges, prof of mu- sic ; and William, of the mercantile firm of De Eham & Moore, New-York. THE ALSOP FAMILY. Writers on English surnames inform us, that this family derive their name from the village of Alsop, in Derbyshire ; where, says a la^e English work, " there are numerous Alsops of every grade in society." Some distinguished persons of the name lived in the seventeenth century, and among these, ,v<~ ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 335 several Episcopal divines Avho were ejected from tlieir cures >:;. i under the act of uniformity. Of a period somewhat eailier "^ \J was Richard Alsopp, lord mayor of London, in 1597. A name- sake of the latter, and perhaps a descendant, Richard Alsop, ^ -^ was the originator of the Newtown family, who Avas induced "~^ Vf^ by his uncle, Thomas Wandell, to locate in this town. Mr. Wandell, according to reminiscence in the Alsop family, had been a major in Cromwell's army ; but, having some dispute with the protector, was obliged to flee for safety, first to Hol- land, and thence to America. But some doubt of this may be justly entertained; because Mr. Wandell was living at Mespat Kills in 1648, which was prior to the execution of King Charles, and when Cromwell enjoyed but a subordinate com- mand in the parliamentary army. Mr. Wandell m. the widow of Wm. Herrick, whose plantation on Newtown Creek, (origi- nally patented to Richard Brutnell,) he bought in 1659, after- wards adding to it fifty acres, for which Richard Colefax had obtained a patent in 1652. On this property, since composing the Alsop farm, Mr. Wandell resided. He was selected, in 1665, as one of the jury for the trial of Ralph Hall and his wife for witchcraft, (the only trial for witchery in this colony,) and shared the honor of acquitting the accused. Some years later, he made a voyage to England, returning by way of Barbadoes, and, it is supposed, brought with him from England his sister's son, Richard Alsop, who, about this time, came to America, and was adopted by Mr. Wandell as his heir, he having no issue. He d. in 1691, and was interred on the hill occupied by the Alsop cemetery. Many years [after his death, the silver plate of his cofiin was discovered, in digging a new grave. 1. Richard Alsop, while yet under age, received a commis- sion in the Newtown troop of horse. Inheriting the estate of his uncle Wandell, he continued to reside upon it during life. He d. in October, 1718, a. about 58 ; but his widow, Hannah, (who, tradition saith, was a Dutch lady, whom he courted through an interpreter,) attained her 91st yr. and d. Aug. 23, 1757. Their ch. were Thomas, Richard, "* John, 2 Hannah, m. Jos. Sackett ; Deborah m. Capt. John Sipkins and Nath'l Haz- ard ; Amy, m. Jona. Wright ; Elizabeth, m. Phineas Mcintosh, and Susannah, who m. Nath'l Lawrence. Thomas was b. Sep. 7, 1687, and m. Feb. 5, 1708, Susannah dau. of Robert Black- 336 ANNALSOFNEWTOWN. well. He served for some years as a magistrate in Newtown, but subsequently entered into mercantile pursuits in New- York, where he d. in Sep. 1743, having the previous year lost his wife and three of his daughters. He left ch, Eichard, Kob- ert, Thomas, '.Mary, wife of James Way, Lydia, and Sarah, who m. John Leggett of Westchester, The three sons became Quakers. Kobert remained many years at Newtown ; Thomas located in Hempstead, and Eichard, at Oyster Bay. 2. John Alsop, son of Eichard,^ m. in Dec. 1718, Abigail dau. of Jos. Sackett. He adopted the profession of law, and located at New AVindsor, in Orange co. ; but afterwards re- turned to New- York, became a freeman of that city, in 1749, and there continued his legal pursuits during life. He d. Apr, 8, 1761, a. 64. . Mrs. A. d. in her 57th yr. Dec. 8, 1752. Of their two daughters, Euphemia and Frances, the first m. Tho- mas Stevenson, and the latter d. single. Their tAVO sons, John and Eichard,-^ were bred as merchants, and were successfully engaged together in the cloth and dry good line. John be- came eminent as a politician, represented the city in the colo- nial legislature, and was a delegate to the first continental congress in 1774. He was not in congress, as has been sup- posed, when the independence of the American colonies was declared, but was at that time a member of the New- York convention, and, on the adoption of the above measure by the latter body, he resigned his seat. He survived the Eevolu- tion ; was for several years a vestryman of Trinity Church, and d. Nov. 22, 1794. Mr. Alsop m. June 8, 1766, Mary Fro- gat, who d. Apr, 14, 1772, a, 28, and by whom he had an only ch, Mary, a most estimable lady, who m. Mar, 30, 1786, the dis- tinguished Eufus King, father of the Hon. John A, King, and Charles King, president of Columbia College. 3, Eichard Alsop, the younger son of John Alsop,- after serving his time in the mercantile house of Philip Livingston, and engaging in business on his own account, as before men- tioned, removed to Middletown, Ct. and m. Miss Mary Wright, by whom he had eight children. He d, at that place, Apr, 10, 1776, in his 50th yr. His sons were Eichard, Joseph- Wright, and John, the last of whom d. a bachelor, JRichard, b. Jan. 23, 1761, was bred a merchant, but devoted himself chiefly to literary pursuits, and excelled as a poet. He d, at Flatbush, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 337 Aug. 20, 1815. (See Thompson's Hist. Long Isl. ii. 212.) His cb. were two daughters, (the younger of Avhom m. Francis J. Oliver, Esq. of Boston,) and one son, Richard, an eminent merchant of Philadelphia, and founder of the well known houses of Alsop & Co., Valparaiso, Chili, and Lima, Peru. He d. May 29, 1842, without issue. Joseph W. Alsoji, b. Mar. 2, 1772, d. Oct. 16, 184-1. His [ch. are Lucy W. m. to Henry Chauncey, of the firm of Alsop & Chauncey, New- York ; Charles R., Esq. of Middletown, Ct. formerly mayor of that city ; Joseph W. of the commercial firm above-named ; Clara P. ; Elizabeth W. m. to Geo. H. Hoppiu of Providence, R. I. ; and Mary W. wife of Dr. Thos. D. Mutter, of the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. 4. Richard Alsop, son of Richard,^ was b. in 1695, and en- tered into mercantile life in New-York, where he was admitted to freemanship in 1727. He subsequently bought the paternal farm in Newtown, on which he afterwards resided ; and for twenty years was a justice of the peace. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Crooke, Esq. through whom he became possessor of a share in the Great Nine Partners, in Dutchess co. He d. sud- denly, Nov. 21, 1764, in his 70th yr. and his widow in her 73d yr. Mar. 29, 1776. Their ch. who attained maturity were Richard,^ Elizabeth, d. unm., Hannah, m. Dr. Jos. Sackett, and Mary, who m. George Willocks Leslie, a Scotch gentleman of distinction, whose death occurred at Jamaica, Apr. 26, 1774. 5. Richard Alsop, son of Richard,"* was b. Oct. 6, 1730, and was usually designated as Richard 4th. He fell heir to his father's estate, and became a highly respected and influential citizen of Newtown, serving in the magistracy many years. On Nov. 22, 1766, he m. Abigail dau. of Thos. Whitehead. He d. in his 60th yr. Apr. 5, 1790, and Mrs. A. in her 81st yr. Jan. 12, 1821. Of nine ch. only five survived infancy, to wit, Elizabeth, b. Nov. 20, 1772, d. Jan. 26, '94 ; Richard, b. Sept. 2, 1774, d. Aug. 8, '98; John, b. Feb. 5, 1779; Hannah, b. Sep. 22, 1780, m. Patrick G. Hildreth, of New- York, lawyer ; and Thomas, b. Mar. 25, 1785. Thomas, who alone survives, shared his father's estate, being that portion now owned by Paul Rapelye. After leaving Newtown and living some years in New- York, he removed in 1848, to Jacksonville, East Flo- rida, to reside with his son William, a merchant at that place. 338 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Bj his wife, Catharine, dau. of Geo. Brinckerhoff, Mr, Alsop has had issue, Eliza, m. first Joseph A¥ood, and now the wife of Alex. Leaird of N. Y. ; Eichard, dec. ; George B. of Ala- bama; John, of N. y. ; Thomas E. d, young; Catharine M. wife of Dr. Marinas H. Van Dyke, a grandson of Eev. Henry Van Dyke, and William, before named. John Alsop succeeded to the paternal dwelling, and was supervisor of Newtown in 1821. He d. Apr. 23, 1837, a. 58. His wife was Ann N. dau. of the late Jos. Woodward, but he left no issue. Mrs. Alsop, (since m. to S. G. Raymond, attorney-at-law,) having sold the farm and removed from the town, the name of Alsop thereby became extinct in Newtown. A considerable part of this farm has been converted into a Catholic burial-place, and is known as Calvary Cemetery. The arms of the Alsops are : on a field sable, three doves argent, wings expanded, legs and beak gules. Crest, a dove argent, wings expanded, holding in his beak un ear of wheat. THE BERRIEN FAMILY. All testimony unites in as- cribing to this family a French origin, and it is made probable that the seat of their ancestors was at Berrien, now a consi- derable town in the department of Finisterre. Concurrent tra- ditions existing in diverse branches of the family declare that their ancestor was a Hu- guenot, who, during the civil wars of France, was forced to flee and take refuge in Holland. 1. Cornells Jansen Berrien, as appears by reference to our early records, was the first of the name that emigrated to this country, and the common progenitor of the family here. He ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 339 settled ill Flatbusb as early as 1669, there m. Jannetie, dau. of Jan Stryker ; and, being a person of character and education, enjoyed offices in the town government, and was likewise a deacon of the Dutch church. In 1683, by appointment of the colonial assembly, he formed one of a commission to levy a special tax in this province. In 1685 he removed his resi- dence to Newtown, where during the previous year, he and his brother-in-law, Abm. Brinckerhoff, had bought over 400 acres of land at the head of Flushing Bay, which they after- wards divided. Mr. Berrien d. here in 1689. Samuel Edsall, Esq. afterwards m. his widow. His ch. were John,~ Petcr,^ Nicholas, Catharine, m. Jeromus Remsen, and Agnes who m. Lieut. Joris Rapelje. Nicholas was an intelligent farmer, and for a time a magistrate. His farm on Flushing Bay he had bought in 1712 of Wm. Stevenson, it having been owned at an earlier day by John Ramsden. He married his cousin Sa- rah, dau. of Abm. Brinckerhoff and widow of Jacob Rapelje, but dying without issue Dec. 27, 1737, a. 56, he bequeathed his farm to the children of his brother John, who sold it to Nath'l ^Fish, and it is now owned by Daniel Lent. 2. John Berrien, eldest son of Cornelius,^ was a farmer and brewer on the paternal estate at the head of Flushing Bay, be- ing that afterwards in the Rapelye family. (See p. 272.) He m. Apr. 5, 1697, his step-sister Ruth Edsall, served for some years as a justice of the peace, and d. in April 1711. Samuel Fish m. his widow. His ch. were Cornelius,^ b. Jait 8, 1698; Samuel, b. Aug. 30, 1700 ; Jane, b. Mar. 1, 1703, m. Dermis Lawrence and Andrew Riker ; Richard, b. Sep. 11, 1706; Catharine, b. Nov. 13, 1709, m. Rem Remsen ; and a twin-sis- ter, Agnes, b. Nov. 14, 1709, who m. Capt. Sam'l Fish. Samuel and Richard were " mariners," or, as the term then meant, masters of vessels. The former, it is said, d. in the West Indies. 3. Cornelius Berrien, son of John,^ m. Dec. 29, 1719, Sa- rah, dau. of Samuel Hallett. In 1727, he bought from Timo- thy Wood, the island since called Berrien's Island, with ad- joining property, now composing the farm of Ezra N. Ber- rien. ""(See p. 36.) Here Mr. Berrien d. Mar. 30, 1767, a. 69. His widow d. Jan. 11, 1797, a. 93. Their ch. were John, Sam- uel, Richard,* Nicholas, Cornelius, ^'eter, Jacob, Phebe, m. 340 AXNALS OF NEWTOWN. Wm. Warner, and Kutli who ni. Jacob llallett. Jacoh Berrien d. on a voyage to the Bay of Honduras. Nicholas and Samuel settled in "Westchester co. where both left fiimilies. The lat- ter, b. 1723, m. Dorcas, dau. of Geo. Tippett, became proprie- tor of Tippett's, no^Y Berrien's Neck, and had sons Cornelius, George, James, Richard, and William, one of whom, Richard, b. April 29, 17G5, was the father of the Rev. William Berrian, D. D., rector of Trinity Church, K Y., who m. Oct. 27, 1812, Jane, dau. of Col. Elias B. Dayton of Elizabethtown, N. J. John^ b. Sep. 27, 1720, m. Ellen Brasher, and it is said became a merchant in N. York, though he appears at one time to have commanded a vessel. He d. Dec. 2(5, 177o, and his widow in her 75th yr. Sep. 17, 180G. Both were interred in Trinity Church yard. Their ch. Avho survived infancy, were x\bi- gail, b. Jan. 8, 1754, m. Capt. Alexander Cameron; John, b. Dec. 20, 175G; Sarah, b. Dec. 31, 1758, m. Jacob liegeman, and Daniel, b. Aug. 20, 1762. The latter, a ship builder, d. of yellow fever in 1795, and was the fother of the late Daniel Berrien of N. Y. brush-dealer, who d. Feb. 2, 1849, a. 03, his business being now conducted by his son Daniel. 4. Richard Berrien, son of Cornelius,^ m. Dec. 2-1, 1748, Grace, dan. of Abraham Riker, of Newtown, and occupied the form since of Jesse Leverich, Esq., and where the widow of B. Denton, now resides. In the Revolution, being a "whig, he was an exile in Connecticut, though his family remained. His wife had d. Dec. 12, 1771, a. 42. lie d. in 1802, a. about 70, having served as an office bearer in the Presb. church. His ch. were Abraham, b. July 21, 1751 ; Sarah, b. Mar. 31, 1754, m. Sam'l Leverich, and Grace, b. Nov. 24, 1759, wdio m. Jesse Leverich, above named. Abraham removed to West- chester, and in 1796 bought from his uncle Samuel, the estate of Tippett's Neck, near Kingsbridge. He m. Feb. 18, 1775, Mary, dau.of Nath'l Moore, who dying Feb. 13, 1788, a. 33, he m. secondly, Pelatiah Williams, Feb. 4, 1794. He d. Oct. 1, 1830, and his widow Oct. 26, 1839, both a. 79 yrs. and both buried in Newtown. Mr. Berrien's ch. who reached adult yrs. were all by his first marriage, namely, Abraham, d. 1851, a. 71 ; Nathaniel, d. 1847, a. 65 : Richarda)lind, d. 1827, a 40 ; Rebecca, m. Geo. Brinckerhoff ; Grace-Moore, m. Maj. Leonard Bleecker; Charity, m. John Ilooghind, and Marj'. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 341 5. Cornelius Berrien, son of Cornelius,^ was b. Jan. 30, 1735, remained on the paternal farm, and m. Jane dau. of Charles Warner, of Westchester. She d. in her 40th yr. Feb. 22, 1777, and he on July 17, 1810. They had twelve ch. of whom the following attained maturity, viz. Elizabeth, h. Nov. 20, 1753, m. John Bogart; Sarah, b. Mar. 29, 1755, m. her cousin, Samuel, son of Nich. Berrien, of Fordham ; Jane, b. Dec. 24, 1757, m. John Deacon and Daniel Farrington ; Sam- uel, b. June 7, 1760, m. Sarah, dau. of Ezra Newman, of Conn. ; Lydia, b. Apr. 8, 1708, m. Wm. Lawrence ; Catharine, b. Mar. 30, 1772, m. Richard Moore; James, b. Aug. 18, 1773, m. Char- lotte, dau. of Jos. Cooper, and Cornelius, b. Oct. 13, 1775, who obtained the paternal farm in llellgate Neck, and dying unm. Aug. 6, 1833, left it to his kindred ; his nephew, Ezra N. Ber- rien, son of Samuel, now occupying the same. 6. Peter Berrien, son o^ Cornelius,^ was b. in 1072, and m. Aug. 10, 1706, his step-sister Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Edsall, Esq.* lie was a surveyor by profession, and became a large landholder. (See p. 160.) IIo served several years as super- visor, and enjoyed a large measure of public confidence. lie * Samuel Edsall, whose descendants are now found in New-York, New Jersey, and other states, was a native of Reading, in Berkshire, Eng. ; and after his arrival at New Amsterdam, m. in 1655, Jannetie Wessels, from- Aernhem. Here he pursued the business of a beaver-maker or hatter. lie acquired large plantations at Bergen and Hackensack, in New Jersey, to the , former of which places he removed "in Col. NicoU's time," and in 1668 was appointed one of the council for that province. Through a long term of years he was an active public man. His zealous support of the unfortunate Leisler, incurred the hatred of the opposite party, though he enjoyed in a large degree the respect of the people of Newtown, among whom he had pre- viously fixed his residence. He here m. his second wife, Jannetie, widow of Cor. Berrien. He was still sers'ing in the magistracy at Newtown in 1700 ; but the time and place of his decease is uncertain. His sons, John and Rich- ard, settled at Hackensack, where the former d. in 1714, a. 54, leaving sons Samuel and John. Richard m. in 1712, Kezia, dau. of Philip Ketcham, of Newtown, by his intermarriage with Martha dau. of Capt. Rich. Betts. His son, Philip Edsall, inherited half of his grandfatlierKetcham's estate in New- town, m. Dec. 11, 1734, Elizabeth dau. of Rev. Mr. Pumroy, and served long and faithfully both as a civil magistrate and an elder of the Prcsb. church. 'He d. Feb. 21, 1791, a. 78, and was buried on that part of his firm at Fresh Ponds, now held by his grand-daughter, Mrs. Liiar. His dau. Elizabeth ra. Judge Coe, and his son Samuel, who d. Oct. 11, 1806, in his 62d yr. has Beveral ch. living. 342 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. presented the ground on which the first Dutch church in New- town was erected. The coat-of-arms at the head of this account is taken from an impression of the seal carried, by this gentle- man. He d. very suddenly, while riding from Newtown vil- lage to his own house, Apr. 5, 1737. His widow d. May 6, 1763. Their ch. except two that d. in infanc}^, were Corne- lius,^ b. May 24, 1707 ; Samuel, b. Sep. 29, 1709, d. Aug. 29, 1742; John,9b. Nov. 19, 1711; Peter, b. Feb. 6, 1714; Jane, b. Sep. 29, 1716, m. Nath'l Fish ; Nicholas, b. Aug. 3, 1720, and Jacob, b. Apr. 10, 1723. The last two became merchants in New- York, but onl}'- Nicholas married. Peter settled on a farm in Somerset co. N. J., where he d. in 1781, a. 67. By his wife, Anna Emmons, he had sons Henry and John, and daugh- ters Elizabeth, m. Col. Van Dyck ; Sarah, m. Schureman, and Ann, who m. Eichard Betts. The sons m. Van Dycks, of dif- ferent families, but only Henry ha^ issue. 7. Cornelius Berrien, son of Peter, "^ remained in Newtown, and in 1740 bought the paternal farm, being that afterwards owned by Rich. Berrien, and now the residence of Mrs. Den- ton. He m. Amy Smith, served as a civil magistrate, and in the eldership of the Presb. church, and d. Jan. 14, 1758, in his 61st yr. His widow, a woman of intelligence and education, d. Dec. 22, 1793. Their ch. were Cornelius,^ John, Peter, Eliz- abeth, m. Rich. Betts ; Amy, m. Rich. Lawrence ; Jane, m. Wm. Nicoll, and Catharine who m, Nathan Fish. Peter, a shipmas- ter and member of the Marine Society, sailed a vessel owned by his brother Cornelius, and lost his life on the Spanish main in 1777. John studied medicine, but relinquished this for a mercantile life, in which he was prosperous. He m. Apr. 27, 1763, Sarah dau. of Elnathan Fish, by whom he had an only child, Rachel, who m. Col. John Jameson of Virginia. In 1775 Mr. Berrien was chosen on the committee of safety for the city of New-York ; and throughout the war of independence gave strong evidence of faithfulness and ability in legislative and other offices. His private life was adorned by many virtues. He d. Sep. 25, 1784, in his 49th yr. 8. Cornelius Berrien, son of Cornelius,'^ was b. Oct. 14, 1734, and m. in 1765, Elizabeth dau. of Rich. Penfold. In the French war he served as first-lieutenant on board the privateer Tartar, Capt. Thos. Lawrence ; and at the termination of their ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 343 successful cruises against the French, he cngnged in commerce, owning and commanding several vessels. In 1777, he despatch- ed three vessels to the West Indies, in command of his brother Peter, his brother-in-law John Penfold, and Capt. Richardson. On the Spanish main, while obtaining a shipment of mules, they were attacked by the natives, and of the three crews only two seamen escaped to reveal the tragedy. After the war, Capt. Berrien resided on the Penfold farm at Hellgate, and followed husbandry till his death, Dec. 12, 1805, in his 72d yr. nis widow d. Sep. 10, 1817, a. 70. Their ch. who reached ma- ture age were Richard-Penfold and Cornelius-Penfold, twins, b. Oct. 5, 1779, the latter of whom m. Elizabeth B. dau. of John Morris, and d. Apr. 3, 1828, having had issue Sarah, John M., Cornelius A,, Mary, Elizabeth, and Jane. Rich. P. Berrien, now of NcAV-York, m. Elizabeth dau. of Sol. Vanderbeck. His ch. are Eliza P., Cornelius P., Richard P., William E., and Gertrude A. 9. John Berrien, son of Peter,^ became a merchant at Rocky Hill, in Somerset co., N. J., and m. Margaret Eaton of that state. From 1763 till his death, he was one of the trustees of Princeton College, besides holding other responsible public stations. On his tombstone, at Princeton, is the following: " Sacred to the memory of the honorable John Berrien, Esq., one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the Province of New Jersey, who died much lamented on the 22d day of April, A. D. 1772, in the 61st year of his age." His ch. were John, William, Samuel, Thomas, Eliza, m. Nath'l Law- rence and John Lawrence, and Mary who m. Dr. Thos. Mont- gomery. William, a physician, d. at Arneytown, New Jersey, and his brothers Samuel and Thomas are or were recently liv- ing in the above state. John emigrated to Georgia in 1775, commanded a company in the regular service at the age of seventeen, and at eighteen was commissioned a brigade-major, in which capacity he made the campaign of the Jerseys, and was engaged at the battle of Monmouth and elsewhere. At the close of the war, he m. Margaret Macpherson of Philadelphia, dau. of Capt. John Macpherson, an officer in the provincial navy, and a sister of John and Wilham M. both distinguished in the revolutionary struggle ; the former an aid-de-camp to Gen. Montgomery, with whom he fell in battle at Quebec. Mr. 344 ANNALS OF NEWTOAVN. Berrien returned to Georgia, and settled in Savannali, where he d. in 1815, having held the office of survej'or of that port for many years, and, for a shorter period, that of state trea- surer. His son, the present Hon, John Macpherson Berrien, is a native of Georgia. Having graduated at Princeton College, and engaged in the study of law, he was admitted to the bar before he was eighteen years of age. His first public office was that of recorder of the city of Savannah, and his next that of solicitor-general. At the age of twenty-nine he was called to the state bench, which office he held for ten years, and resign- ing in 1822, served in the state senate the two succeeding years. In 1825, he took his seat in the senate of the United States, where he remained till 1829, when he was appointed U. S. attorney-general. In the same year the mission to England was offered him, and declined chiefly from domestic considerations. He resigned the office of attorney -general in 1831, and resumed the practice of his profession in Savan- nah ; but in 18-10 was again called to the U. S. senate, and yet holds a seat in that bod}^ These numerous marks of public favor are very creditable to their worthy recipient. THE SACKETT FAMILY. Among the early puritan emigrants to New England, was Mr. Simon Sackett, who, about the year 1628 or '29, came from the Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire, Eng., and located at Cambridge, Mass., where he d. in 1635. His sons Simon and John removed in 1653 to Springfield, on the Connecticut river, where they took the oath of fidelity, Liar. 23, 1656. John af- terwards removed to Northampton, and thence to "Westfield, where he d. in 1719, a. 87. His posterity have been numerous in Westfield and its vicinitj-, and are also found in western New-York. His brother, Simon Sackett, d. at SjDringfield, July 9, 1659, a. 29, his wife Sarah, dau. of Wm. Bloomfield, surviv- ing him. His only child, as far as known, was Joseph, the progenitor of the Newtown family. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 345 1. Josepli Sackett, son of Simon 2d, was b. at Springfield, Feb. 23, 1656. Left fatherless at a tender age, it is probable he was taken into the family of his grandfather Bloomfield, and accompanied the latter on his removal to Xewtown in 1662. However, Sackett was here in 167-1, and for many j-ears enjoyed a prominent standing in the town. By his own exer- tions and favor shown him by his bachelor uncle, Daniel Bloom- field, he accumulated a large estate in iSre^\i;own and elsewhere. .^^f^Q m. thrice ; first, Elizabeth dau. of Capt. Rich. Betts ; se- condly, Anna , and lastly to Mercy, widow of Thos. Betts, Esq., who survived him. Capt. Sackett d. near the close of 1719, in his 6-lth yr. His ch. were Simon, Joseph,3 Eichard, John,- "William, Samuel, Elizabeth and Sarah, who, in succession, m. Jos. Moore ; Anna, m. Benjamin Moore ; Abigail, m. John Alsop ; and Patience, who m. John Lawrence. Simon d. at Hopewell, N. J. in 1718, leaving no issue. Richard m. and d. at Greenwich, Ct. William remained at ISTewtown, and in 1727 w^as appointed by the town the " general whipper." In 1729 he m. wddow Mary Janes, but had no issue. Having served some years in the magistracy, and survived his consort, he d. Aug. 29, 1761, in his 61th yr. He occupied the premises since known as the old Episcopal parsonage. Samuel studied divinity, and was settled over the Presbyterian church at Bed- ford, Westchester co. in 1713, ministered there for ten years, and then removed to the congregation at Yorktown, in the same county, where he d. June 5, 1784. His grave is in the village of Crompond, the scene of his labors. He was a judi- cious, laborious, and successful minister of Christ. He m. Apr. 6, 1732, Hannah dau. of Nath'l Hazard, and left sons Nathaniel and James, besides daughters. 2. John Sackett, son of Joseph, ^ remained in Newtown, owning the farm now belonging to the estate of John A. Kelly, dec. He m. Jan. 11, 1719, Elizabeth, dau. of Elnathan Field, after whose death, he m. her sister Susannah. He d. Dec. 31, 1728, and his widow m. John Leverich. Mr. Sackett left two ch. namely, Elizabeth and William, the first of whom m. her step-brother, 'John Leverich. Milliam, b. Dec. 29, 1727, m. Feb. 14, 1749, Anna, dau. of John Lawrence. He occupied the paternal farm, and there d. Apr. 28, 1802, his wife having d. Apr. 11, 1798, in her 67th yr. Their ch. who reached matui'ity 346 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. were John, b, July 27, 1755 ; Daniel, b. Mar. 29, 1759, m. Martha Green, but d. at Old Milford, Ct. without issue, Jan. 7, 1822 ; Jonathan, b. Sep. 28, 1761, and Nathaniel L., b. Aug 23 1764, Avho d. unm. Mar. 26, 1797. Jonathan m. Sarah, dau. of Capt. Jacob Banks, and had issue Jacob B., b. June 4, 1786 ; Anna L., b. May 17, 1789 ; William, b. Sep. 28, 1792, d. July 3, 1802 ; John L., b. Nov. 7, 1794, and Jonathan, b. May 9, 1801. Capt. John Sackett, son of William and Anna, m. Elizabeth Gibbs, of Conn., and remained in Newtown, where he d. May 12, 1819, in his 64th yr., and his widow, a. 71, May 27, 1836. Their ch. were AVilliam, b. Feb. 28, 1784, m. Gertrude, dau. of John Meserole, and d. Feb. 4, 1849 ; Law- rence, b. Sep. 14, 1786 ; Anna, b. Feb. 24, 1791, m. Peter Gors- line •* Mary, b. Apr. 28, 1793, the widow of Jos, Lawrence ; Patience, b. July 21, 1795 ; Elizabeth G., b. Dec. 18, 1799, and Amy L., b. Jan. 6, 1804. The last three d, single. 3. Joseph Sackett, son of Joseph,^ received a considerable property from his father, and resided at the English Kills, on the premises late Judge Jones'. He was a man of probity, a justice of the peace, and a judge from 1749 till his death, which occurred at an advanced age, Sep. 26, 1755. His wife Hannah, dau. of Richard Alsop, survived till June 17, 1773. * The family of Gorsline is of French extraction. The name dates back to a period of great antiquity ; and, besides being mentioned in an honorable connection by the annalists of France, is also found enrolled upon the tables of nobility in that country. Branches of the family now reside in Alsace, Brabant, Switzerland, and England. Jacob Gosseline, a respectable French emigrant, came to Newtown near the close of the seventeenth century. Hav- ino- means, or acquiring it in the prosecution of his trade as a weaver, he purchased a fiirm, which he cultivated till his death, in or about 1722. He left sons Jacob, Jose, John, and Samuel. Jose owned the f:irm now of William Leverich, near Newtown village, and was also a weaver. For nine years he was constable of the town. He m. in succession Elizabeth Alburtis and Martha Smith, and d. Nov. 20, 1772. His ch. were Samuel, Jacob, John, William, Joseph, James, Daniel, Richard, Elizabeth, Mary, Judith, Thomas, and Benjamin. Of these, Samuel left a family in Dutchess co. Richard d. in the Island of St. Croix, in 1771, leaving Richard, who settled at Delhi, N. Y,, and Ann, who m. Capt. (afterwards Gen.) ^neas Shaw, of the British army. Joseph m. successively Sarah Leverich, and widow Hannah Underbill, and d. in his 86th yr. Mar. 30, 1822. His sons were James and John, the last of whom ra. Helen Conselyea, and was the father of the present Andrew and Peter Gorsline, of Newtown. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 34T Their cli. were Joseph,^ Jolin, James, Samuel,^ Thomas, "Wil- liam, Elizabeth, who m. Jonathan Fish ; Hannah, m. Thomas Whitehead ; Frances, m. Jacob Blackwell ; and Deborah, wlio m. Jas. Stringham. Of the sons, William continued in New- town, and was a vestryman of the Episcopal church. He m. Sarah, dau. of Capt. Sam'l Fish, who after his death m. John Woods, of New-York, attorney at law. Mr. Sackett left a son, William, who removed west. Thomas practiced medicine in Newtown for many years, where he m. Sep. 21, 1762, Phebe, dau. of Sam'l Alburtis. He d. June 27, 1769, a. 40, and his only ch. Hannah m. John Ruggles, and settled in Nova Sco- tia. James was associated with his brother Samuel in mercan- tile business in New-York, where he m. Frances DeKay, Nov. 2, 1749, and d. during the Revolution. His only ch. Frances m. William Laight, father of Mr. Edward W. Laight, of New- York. 4. Joseph Sackett, son of Joseph,^ m. Mar. 23, 1731, Milli- cent, dau. of Samuel Clowes, of Jamaica. After doing busi- ness in New- York as a merchant for some years, he removed to Orange co. where he held a large tract of land. His son Joseph was b. Feb. 16, 1733, old style, became a physician and practiced in Newtown, for a considerable period, before the Revolution. During this war, being a whig, he lived at Peram- us, N. J. He d. in New- York, July 27, 1799. His widow, Hannah, dau. of Richard Alsop, whom he m. Apr. 9, 1752, d. at the same place, May 31, 1817, in her 82d yr. Of twelve ch. most d. in infancy or early life, nnm. James, b. Mar. 20, 1755, a surgeon in the navy, d. single; Peter, b. Mar. 4, 1757, went to England ; Elizabeth-Crooke, b. Jan. 16, 1772, m. Capt. Daniel Tingley, of N, York, and Joseph, b. Aug. 6, 1774, has several daughters residing in the last named place. 5. Samuel Sackett, son of Joseph,^ was b. in 1728, and after eno-aging in business in New- York retired to Jamaica, Avhere he^m'. his wife, Mary Bctts. There he d. Sep. 29, 1780, a. 52, and his widow Apr. 20, 1784, a. 43. They had issue Samuel, Richard, Augustus, and Sophia, wife of Oliver Goodwin of Ohio. Richard never married ; after the Revolution he served many years in the British navy. Augustus ra. June 19, 1795, Minerva, dau. of Elisha Camp, of Cat£kill,.and enjoyed some prominence in New- York. In 1802 he removed to, and began 348 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. the settlement of Sackett's Harbor, wliicli took his name, and where he has sons residing, Samuel Sachett, b, 1765, m. Nov. 9, 1786, Ehzabeth, dan, of Daniel Kissam, Esq. He d. at Brooklyn, in his 57th yr. Mar. 7, 1822, leaving issue, Edwin K. now dec, Clarence D. and Grenville A. both of New- York, laAvyers, and Elizabeth K. wife of Thos. W. Titus, of Brooklyn. THE POLHEMUS FAMILY, For a long period this name has held a distinguished place among officers of state and men of letters, in the Netherlands, where the family originated. Anciently some of its members enjoyed celebrity in the citicg of Antwerp and Ghent, in the first of which Eleazar Polhc- mus, a learned jurist, held the office of burgomaster as early as 1310. The annexed cut represents the family arms. 1. Johannes Theodorus Polhemus, a minister of the Ee- formed Church of Holland, was the progenitor of the entire American family. He came to New- Amsterdam in 1654 from Itamarca in Brazil, where he had been settled. He immedi- ately accepted a call from Flatbush, and took up his residence there, where, in 1662, he received a patent for a part of the premises now owned by Jeremiah Lott, Esq. In 1665, his connection with this church ceased, from which time his ser- vices were given to the Brooklyn congregation till his decease, June 9, 1676. In recording the death of their " worthy and beloved pastor," they deplore the loss of " his pious in- structions, godly example, and edif3ang preaching." His widow, whose maiden name was Catharine Van Werven, sur- vived him several years. His ch. Avere Theodorus,- Daniel, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 349 Elizabeth, m. Denjs Teunisz, Adriana, m. John R. Seubering, Anna, m. Cornelius B. Van Wyck, and Margaret, Avho m. Wm. Guilliamse Cornell Daniel m. Aug. 13, 1685, Neeltie, dau. of Cor. Vanderveer. He was captain of the King's co. troop, and supervisor of Flatbush in 1705. lie was afterwards county judge. He d. in or just prior to 1730, having sons, Cornelius, Daniel, Hendrick, and Jacob. The latter settled at Haver- straw ; Hendrick in Somerset co. N. J. ; Daniel in New-York, and Cornelius in Hempstead, L. I. All left families. 2. Theodorus Polhemus, el'dest son of Johannes,^ was b. on the Island of Tamarica in Brazil. He m. Oct. 14, 1677, Aertie, dau. of Teunis G. Bogart, by his intermarriage with Sarah, dau. of Joris Janscn de Rapalie. Soon after this, Mr. Polhemus was chosen a deacon of the Flatbush church, in which he served two years. Prior to 1692, he removed to the town of Jamaica, where he d. in 1722, leaving sons, Teunis, Johannes, and Abraham.^ Teunis returned to Flatbush, where he d. leaving sons, Theodorus, b. 1720, and Andries, b. 1722. Johannes had male issue, Theodorus, b. 1718, Hendrick, b. 1730, and Eldert, b. 1740. 3. Abraham Polhemus, youngest son of Theodorus,- was b. in 1697, and m. Gertrude, dau. of Jacob and Gertrude Rem- sen. He and his wife were respected members of the Dutch church. They had sons, Theodorus, b. 1719, Jacob, b. 1725, and Abraham,"* b. 1727. Theodorus m. Ann, dau, of Abm. Brinckerhoff, and settled in BusliAvick, where he d. in 1781, in his 63d yr. His ch. Avere Abraham, Theodorus, Jacob, George, d. a bachelor, Aletta, m. Thomas Stagg, and Gertrude, who m. Paul Vandervoort. Of these sons, 1, Abraham m. Christina, dau. of Francis Titus, and d. in New-York, Sep. 11, 1826, a. 84, having had issue, Ann, Elizabeth, who m. Jacob Stagg, Helen, now the widow of Daniel Biker, Theodore, and Francis ; 2, Theodorus, m. Maria Johnson, and d. at Gowanus, May 29, 1820, a. 70, leaving issue, Garretta, wife of Adrian Van Brunt, Cornelia, now widow of Jacob Van Wyck, and Theodorus, of Gowanus; 3, Jacob resided in Newtown, m, his cousin, Gertrude, dau. of Abm. Polhemus, and dying Apr. 13, 1791, a. 37, his widow m. James Larrcmore. Jacob's ch. were Anne, m. Garret Stryker, Ksq., (father of the late esteemed Dr. Jacob Polhemus Stryker,) Margaret, widow of Isaac Eapelye, Aletta, who m. John G. Van Alst, and Jacob. 23 350 ANNALS OF NEWTOVrN. 4. Abraham Polhemus, son of Abraham, ^ m. Margaret Schenck, and settled in Newtown, where he d. Sep. 8, 1809 in his 83d yr. He had issue, Abraham, Elizabeth, who m, Dan'I Eapelye, Gertrude, m. Jacob Polhemus and Jas. Larremore, and Peter who d. a young man. AhraJiam m. Alctta, dau. of Abm. Eapelye, and secondly, his cousin Elizabeth Bogart. He d. in his 80th yr. May 24, 1831, having ch. Anne, who m. Isaac Snediker, and Abraham. The latter m. in 1811, Cornelia, dau. of Jacobus Suydam. He d. in his 59th yr. Aug. 28, 1843, but his widow still occupies his estate at Hellgate. (See p. 37.) His son, James S. is a merchant of New-York, and another, the Kev. Abraham Polhemus, of the Eef. Dutch church, is settled at Hopewell, in Dutchess co. THE LEVEEICH FAMILY. The learned and reverend William Leverich, than whom his descendants need wish no better ancestry, first appears as a student at Emanuel college, Cambridge, where he graduated, taking his degree of A. B. in 1625, and that of A. M. in 1629. From his autograph in the college register at Cambridge, and in the town records of Newtown, it appears, unquestionably, that he wrote his name as above, though a few of his descend- ants now write Leveridge. Engaging to become the minister of Dover, in New Hampshire, he embarked at London in the ship James, and, after a passage of eight weeks, arrived at Salem, Oct. 10, 1633. He immediately entered upon his work at Dover ; but, after a stay of less than two years, he left, and came to Boston, where he united with the church, Aug. 9, 1635. His residence here was also brief, for he soon became an assistant to the Eev. Mr. Partridge at Duxbury, where, in 1637, a house-lot was assigned him. Three years later, we find him in ofiice at Sandwich, on Cape Cod, and here he remained a good many years, engaged in imparting religious truth to the Indians, and proving himself a worthy cotemporary of the apostle Eliot. In 1653 he became a purchaser and settler of Oyster Bay, L. I. the inhabitants agreeing to give him £15 per year as minister among them. At this place, Huntington, and ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 351 Newtown, be spent tlie rest of his life, as has been before re- lated. He left sons Caleb and Eleazer, the former of whom took out letters of administration on his estate, June 19, 1677. Eleazer m. Kebeeca, dau. of Nicholas Wright, but had no issue. Caleb Leverich came with his father to Newtown, at his first settlement here. He acquired much land in difterent sections of the town, eujojed the esteem of his townsmen, and was one of the original members of the Presbyterian church. He d. in 1717, a. 79, having survived his wife Martha. His ch. were John,i Mary, m. Job Wright ; and Eleanor, m. Jos, Reeder. 1. John Leverich, son of Caleb, and grandson of the Rev. Wm. Leverich, d. in or shortly prior to 1705, leaving a widow Hannah, and ch. John,- William, Benjamin, Hannah, who m. Jas. Way, and Martha, who m. John Way. William m. July 23, 1722, Martha, dau. of Jas. Way. He was by trade a car- penter, but from 1732 owned and occupied the farm now of Geo, Kouwenhoven, in Hellgate Neck. He d. Mar. 25, 1754, leaving issue Martha, m. Sam'l Gosline ; Mary, m. Richard Penfold ;* Ruth, m. Robert Hallett ; and Sarah, who m. Jos. Gosline, Benjaviin Leverich d. in Newtown, in or about 1732, his wife, Mary, surviving. Their son, Caleb, early began busi- ness in New-York, as a painter, and m, Susannah, dau. of Wm. * William Penfold, the father of Richard, was an English sea-captainv whom. June 18, 1713, Elizabeth, dau. of John Lawrence, and in 1719 bought the estate at Hellgate, now owned by Dr. Ditmars, then comprising 75 acres. Here his family resided. Capt. Penfold perished on one of his voyages. His widow d. Aug. 11, 1751. Their ch. were Richard, Elizabeth, (probably d. unm.) Deborah, who m. Thos. Parcel!, and Edmund. The latter m. in 1760, Catharine Talman, of Flushing, and settled at Whitestone. He had issue Elizabeth, who in, Geo. Farrington ; and Peter, who m. but left no ch* Richard, named in the text, remained on the paternal form, where he d. Jan. 7, 1764. By his wife, Miss Leverich, whom he m. about 1745, he had issue Elizabeth, who m. Capt. Cor. Berrien; William L., Mary, m. John Lawrence; Edmund, John, murdered by the natives, while trading on the Spanish main; Martha, m. John Cooper ; Richard, and Thomas. Edmund and Thomas m. but d. without issue. Richard ra. Catharine Bogart, and d. in 1806, a. -15. His ch. were Catharine-Ann, who m. Wm. Tilton ; Thomas, dec, jtnd Nicholas B. now of New-York. Thomas has three daughters living, namely, Catharine, wife of Edmund Charles ; Eliza-Jane, wife of Dan'l Riker, and Ann-Maria. William. L. Penfold m. Mar. 9, 1785, Catharine, dau. of John Fish. He d. at Newtown, in his 81st yr. Aug. 22, 1828. His ch. all living, are John, Samuel, Edmund, and William. 352 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Burch. Being induced to enlist in the service during the French war, he lost his life, July 6, 1758, at Sabbath-day Point, on Lake George, while accompanying the ill-fated ex- pedition of Gen. Abercrorabie. His widow d. Sep. 11, 1814, a. 88. Their ch. were Benjamin and John, the first of whom became an officer in the British navy, and d. near Dublin, a few years since. His brother, John Leveridge, b. Sep. 4, 1758, resided in New-York, m. Ann Chase, and d. July 28, 1812. His ch. are Susan, now the widow of John Ball ; John Leveridge of New- York city, counsellor-at-law ; Benjamin C. of the same place, physician ; Sarah, widow of Jos. Lamson, and Ann-Eliza, wife of Elias 0. Taylor. 2. John Leverich, son of John,i was b. in 1696. He m. first on Dec. 14, 1720, Amy Moore ; secondly, Susannah, widow of John Sackett ; and thirdly, Sarah, widow of Francis Cornish and dau. of Silas Titus. By the latter he had no issue. He d. in 1780, a. 84, and was interred in the family cemetery in Trains Meadow, his widow surviving many years. His ch. were John, William,"* Samuel,-' Benjamin, and Elnathan, the latter by the second marriage. Benjamin d. Mar. 80, 1750, a. 18. Elnathan m. May 2, 1767, Mary, dau. of John Coe, and d. Apr. 25, 1784, in his 43d yr. He was the father of William, (the mason,) and Susannah, who m. Thos. Burroughs. John, the eldest son, m. May ,22, 1743, his step-sister, Elizabeth Sackett. He pursued his father's occupation, that of a mason, and for a season resided at Fishkill on the Hudson. He d. in Newtown, Sep. 18, 1780, a. 59, and his widow Sep. 6, 1809, a, 89. Their ch. were Amy, Sackett, and Kichard, of whom the first two d. single. Eichard, best known as Deacon Leverich, and much esteemed in his time, m. Amy, dau. of Edward Titus ; and secondly, Nancy, dau. of Jacob Lane, and by the latter, who is yet living, had issue Amy-Eliza, and Susan. He d. at his residence in Trains Meadow, May 21, 1836, a. 79. 3. Samuel Leverich, son of John,- remained in Newtown, and m. Dec. 29, 1749, Deborah, dau. of Sam'l Wright. He and others were frozen to death in the South Bay, Jan. 21, 1754. (See p. 161.) His widow d. Dec. 4, 1759. Their ch. were Benjamin, Samuel, and Gabriel. The first d. unm. in the West Indies. Gabriel m. Hannah, dau. of Samuel Thorp, of Bridge- port, Ct. and d. Sep. 3, 1828, a. 75. His ch. were Deborah, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 353 Susan, Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth, Ann, Samuel, Sackett, Benjamin, and Gabriel, nearly all dec. Samuel, the only sur- viving son, is a respected farmer at Southport, Chemung co. N. Y. Samuel Leverich m. Sarah, dau. of Richard Berrien. He d. Jan. 24, 1816, a. Qb. His ch. were Eichard B., and Deborah, who m. her cousin, Nath'l Berrien. Richard B. m. Aletta, dau. of Paul Vandervoort. His death occurred in his oOth yr. May 23, 1826, he having had issue Sarah B. b. June 22, 1800 ; Paul V. b. June 1, 1802, d. Apr. 2, '26 ; Aletta P. b. Sep. 17, 1804, now Mrs. Smith ; Samuel, b. Dec. 11, 1806, d. Oct. 8, '31 ; Richard B. b. May 23, 1809, and Peter V. b. Aug. 5, 1811. 4. William Leverich, son of John," was b. Oct. 5, 1723, and m, Dec. 13, 1747, Hannah, dau. of John Way, and, secondly, on Sep. 15, 1751, Dorothy, dau. of Ephraim Morse, and sister of Capt. E. Morse of the French war. He occupied the place on the south side of Trains Meadow, afterwards the residence of his son William, and now owned by Mr. Wilcox. Here he closed his life, June 13, 1787, his death resulting from a cold taken while assisting to draw stone for the foundation of the Presbyterian church, of which he was a trustee. His widow d. Apr. 17, 1814, in her 87th yr. Their ch. now all dec. were John, b. Sep. 26, 1748, d. unm. Mar. 18, '72 ; Amy,b. Oct. 30, 1749, m. Sam'l Moore ; Abigail, b. July 16, 1752, m. Alex- ander Whaley ; Hannah, b. Feb. 11, 1754, m. Jas. McDon- ough ; Jesse, b. Feb. 13, 1756; Patience, b. Dec. 2, 1757, m. Henry Stanton ; William, b. Jan. 29, 1760 ; Edward, b. Dec. 3, 1763 ; Elizabeth, b. Mar. 23, 1765, m. Jas. Hedenberg ; James, b. June 13, 1767 ; Sarah, b. Nov. 22, 1769, ni. Fred- erick Devoo, and Deborah, b. June 4, 1772, who m. Daniel Riker, Esq. of Newtown. William^ a justice of the peace, m. Cornelia, dau. of Jacob Duryea, but had no issue. He d. May 20, 1831. James m. Hannah Mott, whom he survived, and d. Jan. 24, 1811. His ch. were Cornelia, m. Jos. Duryea; Sackett, and James. Jesse m. Grace, dau. of Richard Berrien, and was a man of exemplary life and an elder of the Presb. church. He d. Oct. 3, 1829, having had issue, Richard B., William, Patience, widow of Peter Bonnett, John, Grace R. now wife of Andrew Gorsline, Peter R., Sarah, m. Sam'l Lev- erich, James, and Mary B. Col. Edward Leveridi m. Eliza- beth dau. of Jacob Palmer, and secondly Patience, dau. of Da- 54 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN vid Moore, the last of whom survives. He was much known and respected in his day. His death occurred June 14, 1833, in his 72 d yr. His ch. all by his first marriage, except two, were Jacob-Palmer, William H., James H., Henry S., Charles P., Ann P. m, Wm. Luyster, Abigail, Eliza F. now wife of Eev. John Goldsmith, Jane P., Aletta, Ann, and Sarah. THE BLACKWELL FAMILY. This family is of English ori- gin. That the name was one of some importance in England ap- pears from the fact that no less than six towns in that kingdom bear the name of Blackwell. But nothing has been ascertained respecting the im. mediate European ancestry of the Newtown family. 1. Eobert Blackwell, the progen- itor of the latter family, is first found engaged as a merchant at Elizabethtown, N. J., from which place he removed to this province in 1676, being then a widower with several children. Contracting a marriage, in the above year, with Mary Manningham, of Manning's Island, in the East Eiver, he established his residence on said island, which took his name. It originally bore the name of Verken (or Hog) Island, and was first granted in 1651 to Capt. Francis Fyn, a Dutch officer, who several years after acquired near a hundred acres of land, lying opposite the said island, in New- town. After the conquest of the country by the English, this form and island were confiscated as belonging to a subject of Holland, and in 1668, the whole was granted to Capt. John Manning, the person whose sword was broken over his head for surrendering New-York to the Dutch in 1673. Of the above island and farm Mr. Blackwell became the piroprietor, and they remained in the family until a few years since. He d. in or about 1717. His ch. (all by his second marriage except the AKNALS OF NEWTOWN. 355 first two) were Robert, Ann, who m. Jacob Reeder, Bridget, m, Samuel llallett, Thomas, Francis, Walter, Henry, Lydia, m. Jos. Hallett, Sarah, m. John Elsworth, Susannah, m. Thos. Alsop, Jacob," and Mary. Robert (see p. 81) removed to Hope- well, N. J. where he d. in 1757, leaving issue Robert, Francis, Thomas, Jacob, Mary, Ann, and Elizabeth. 2. Jacob Blackwell, the youngest son of Robert,^ w^as b. Aug. 4, 1692, succeeded to the paternal estate, and occupied the stone house on the form near Astoria, (see p. 194,) which he is believed to have erected. He d. here, Dec. 1, 1744:, in his 63d yr. He was a man of extraordinary size and strength, and it is credibly stated that at his death, it was found neces- sary to remove the door-jamb, to allow his coffin to pass. In an obituary which appeared in the Weeldy Post-Boy^ it is stated that he " was six foot two inches high, and weighed, about three years before he died, 429 pounds, and by all appearance increased much more in weight before his death ; how much is not known, because, though often solicited, he would not con- sent to be weighed a second time." His wife, Mary, dau. of Capt. Wm. Hallett, whom he m. May 10, 1711, d. Aug. 26, 1743, a. nearly 56. Their ch. were Mary and Sarah, twins, b. Aug. 6, 1712, the first of whom m. Moses Hallett, and the sec- ond, John Hallett; Jacob,^ b. Nov. 20, 1717; Lydia, b. Oct. 20, 1720, m. James Hallett ; Rebecca, b. June 5, 1723, m. Barnwell and Nath'l Moore ; Robert, b. Dec. 5, 1725, d. Sep. 5, '45 ; and Bridget, b. Feb. 16, 1731, who d. Apr. 1738. 3. Jacob Blackwell, son of Jacob,- m. Frances, dau. of Jos. Sackett, Esq., who, dying Feb. 3, 1754, a. 34, he m. Feb. 19, 1755, Lydia, dau. of Jos. Hallett. She survived him, and d. Feb. 26, 1812, in her 80th yr. He was an enterprising man, and with his brother-in-law, Jos. Hallett, erected the grist-mill on Sunswick Creek. Prior to the French and Indian war, Mr- Blackwell held a captaincy in the Newtown militia, and after- wards became a colonel. On the breaking out of the Revolu- tion, he stood prominent among the whigs, but being forced to flee at the invasion of the British, his large estate was seized and despoiled by the enemy. Deeming his presence in the pro- vincial convention (of which he was a member) to be of little importance, now that Queen's co. was overrun by foreign troops, he returned to Newtown, trusting to the assurances of 856 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. protection contained in the proclamation of Lord Howe, but tlie privations and pecuniary losses which he continued to suf- fer from the enemy, are believed to have hastened his death, which occurred Oct, 23, 1780, in his 63d yr. Col, B,'s ch. who survived infancy, were Joseph, Robert, and James, by his first wife; and by his second, Jacob, Samuel, Josiah, Lydia, m. Capt, John Hazard, and Mary, who d. single. Of the sons, Jacob and Josiah d. unm. Joseph m. Mary, dau. of Nath'l Hazard, and had issue Joseph, Harriet, now Mrs, Howell, Francis, and William-Drayton, dec, Robert was the late Eev. Dr. Blackwell, of Philadelphia, He m. Mrs. Benezet, and his only child is Mrs. Geo, Willing, of that city, James m, Eliza- beth, dau. of Jas. Hallett, of New-York, and d. Nov, 25, 1831, a. 83. Their ch. were Eliza H. now widow of Lemuel Wells ; James, of Yonkers, N. Y. ; Jacob A, d, in Florida ; Eobert also dec, ; Julia, wife of Wm. Ray; Lydia, since Mrs. Shepherd ; Harriet, wife of Dr. Hursey Baylies,* of Astoria ; and Sidney, * Dr. Gustavtjs Baylies, father of this gentleman, was for many years a resident of Newtown, and is associated with the earliest recollections of most of those now living. He was the son of Nicholas Baylies, and was born July 6, 1761, at Uxbridge, Mass., which had been the seat of the family since their emigration, several generations previous, from Colebrook Dale, Shropshire, Eng. Gustavus, at sixteen years of age, with the ardor of youthful devotion, entered the military service of his country, in her struggle for freedom, and served two successive periods of enlistment. Returning, after a season of severe illness, to the paternal roof, he began a course of preparation for col- lege, entered Harvard in 1784, and, having graduated, studied medicine with the celebrated Dr. Spring, of Watertown. At the conclusion of his course, he commenced practice in Bristol, R. I. where he married Hannah, daughter of the Hon. William Bradford, of Mount Hope, a descendant of the finst gov- ernor of Plymouth Colony, of that name. This lady died in 1811, and her many but unpretending virtues yet live in the memory of her friends. Dr. Baylies, after practising some years in Bristol and Newport, was induced, in 1805, through the urgent solicitation of some friends, to locate in Newtown where his practice soon became extensive, he being frequently called into the neighboring towns, and performing with skill some of the capital opera- tions in surger)'. After the death of his father-in-law, Gov. Bradford, he re- turned to Bristol, read law, was admitted to the bar, and attained to some distinction in the courts of Rhode Island ; but such was his attachment to medicine, the profession of his early choice, that he soon re-entered upon its practice with renewed ardor and devotion. In the with England, of 1812, he enjoyed a commission as surgeon in the American army, iind his surgical skill was called into requisition at the surrender of Little York, &c. On his ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 357 residing at Yonkers. Samuel m. Sarah, dan. of Samuel Moore, ^and secondly, Mary, dau. of Jacob Field. He d. Nov. 27, 1832, a. 73 yrs. His ch. were Sarah, (only ch. by first wife,) ni. Ca])t. return to New-York, his friends in Newtown were anxious that he should re- sume his practice among them. Entertaining a just approciatiun of the integrity and constancy so characteristic of its inhabitants, he, without much hesitation, complied with their wishes, though many of his professional and other friends believed him eminently qualified for a successful career in the city of New-York. His practice in Newtown again became extensive, and he continued to enjoy a large share of public confidence during the residue of his life. He had married here, in 1815, his second wife, Catharine, daughter of Col. Barnardus Bloom. His de.ath, which occurred on Mar. 5th, 1834, in the 73d year of his age, was occasioned by an attack of pneumonia typhoidcs, in- duced by exposure while attending to the duties of his profession in that in- clement season of the year. In the latter period of his existence, after a life of usefulness, we find him confessing his entire unworthiness, and relying solely on the all-sufficient merits of the Redeemer. Dr. Baylies was about five feet nine inches high, well formed, and very erect, with a countenance expressive of intellectuality and firmness of pur- pose, and marked with sympathy for human suffering. His deportment in the sick room won the confidence of the patient and friends, and his success confirmed it. As his perceptions were acute and judgment excellent, with almost unexampled celerity he marked the distinguishing features of disease, and his practice was equally prompt and effectual. Not restricted to the narrow views of such as fabricate theories on unstable hypotheses, his were the result of observation: his inductions were deduced from facts, agieeable to that most system of Lord Bacon ; though he never yielded sub- serviency to the opinions of other men, he preferred the lucid and forcible opinions of Dr. Cullen to tlie unfledged notions of John Brown and the fan- ciful theories of the more gifted Darwin. In his practice, he seldom resorted to the lancet in the treatment of local inflammations involving the lungs or other organs within the thorax, the prevalent practice of the day. Yet was he singularly successful, such diseases very speedily yielding to his judicious application of remedial agents. His success in dropsies, which earned for him a degree of celebrity attained by few, may be ascribed in a great meas- ure to ills directing his .attention to organic lesions and a system of depura- tion most thorough in its course. In fevers and other diseases, where periodicity held superlative sway, he was always .at his post, ready to repel renewed .assaults with most efficient means ; and his success, I may safely affirm, was seldom equalled. As he most ardently loved his profession, so did he most assiduously apply the powers of a mind naturally strong and perfected by mature culture, to the great object of his mission, — the cure or alleviation of the many diseases to which the human race is liable, often involving those of a moral as well as a physical nature, — and, as every conscientious physician should do, implored Heaven for its guidance and its blessing. 358 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN Stephen Field ; Jacob, Lydia, wife of Henry Schenck ; Eliza, m. Jacob Bartow, ; Maria, m. Homer Whittemore ; Samuel, Charity F., Henry F , Eobert M., John, of Newbern, N. C. ; Margaret, m. Benj. Blossom ; Josiah, of Bushwick ; Anna, now Mrs. Eli Smallwood, of Newbern ; Patience A., Frances, wife of Moses Jarvis, of Newbern; Thomas J. d. an infant; and James M. The Blackwell farm, at Ravenswood, was sold by the wid- ow and heirs of Col. Blackwell, Apr. 25, 1787, to Joseph Hallett, who convej^ed it to his son-in-law, Major Delafield, Sep. 3, 1791, by whom it was much improved, and occupied for a series of years. It is now cut up, I believe, and has sev- eral owners. Blackwell's Island was sold to the corporation of New- York at a more recent date. THE LUYSTER FAMILY. The progenitor of all in this country bearing this name, was Pieter Cornelisz Luyster, who emigrated hither in 1656. He was descended from a very reputable Dutch family, long resident in Holland and Rhine- land, and some of whom had been distinguished citizens of Cologne. They bore the arms here represented. 1. Pieter Cornelisz Luyster soon acquired property in New- town, and, being a carpenter by trade, he erected a grist-mill at Fish's Point ; but it does not appear that he was an actual resident here till some years later. He lived in King's co. and with his wife Jannetie, dau. of Jan Snediker, was connected with the Flatlands church. He eventually removed to New- town, and bought from the Dutch church the property called the Poor's Farm, which embraced all the farms from Fish's ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 359 Point to A. E, Luyster's. (Sec pp. 35, 37, 84.) He d. in 1695, but his widow survived till in or near 1713. They had several daughters, and also sons Matthias,- John,^ and Cornelius.^ 2. Matthias Luyster, eldest son of Peter, '^ was b. in Europe, and remained at Flatbush, owning the farm now occupied by John Neefus. He had by his wife Cornelia, a son, Peter Luyster, who d. in Flatbush during the Eevolution. He was b. there, and m. in 1719, Anna Burkelo, of N. Utrecht. Their ch. were Matthias, John, Peter, Cornelia, ra. ; Margaret, m, Johannes Williamson ; Anna, m. John Nevius, of N. Jer- sey ; Maria, m. Cor. Ostrander ; and Willemtie, who m. Peter Luyster. Peter, son of Peter, was b. in 1782, and removed to Pennsylvania. Matthias and John settled in the town of Fish- kill, Dutchess CO. ; the former at New Hackensack, and the lat- ter at Hopewell, in which places their descendants remain. Matthias, b. 1725, m. Dec. 21, 1754, Barbara Hulst, of Brook- lyn, and had two ch., Ann, m. Peter Hulst, and John, who m. Mary, dau. of Bergoon Van Alst, and had issue George, d. young; Matthew, and John. John aforesaid, son of Peter, was b. in 1728, m. Oct. 1, 1757, Heyltie Snediker, and had issue Peter, Cornelius, Jacobus, John, Ann, m. John Churchill; Catharine, m. David Tidd, and Eve, who m. first, Van Tine, and secondly, Ashael Thrasher. John, last named, removed to Ohio. 3. John Luyster, son of Peter,i m. Wyntie, dau. of Harck Siboutsen, and dying in or about 1697, left a son, Peter, in his minority. His widow m. Peter Haff. The son, Peter Luyster," settled at Oyster Bay, L. L, m. Sarah Monfort, and by this marriage had eight ch. namely, John, Peter, Jacobus, Wyntie, m. Garret Van Nostrand ; Ida, m. John Monfort ; Sarah, m. John Bennet; Jane, m. Frederick Simonson, and Aletta, who m. John Wortman. Of the sons, Jacobus m. Maria Van Nostrand, but d. without issue. Peter m. Phebe, dau. of Jeromus Bennet, and John m. Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel Voorhees ; these have descendants still living at Oyster Bay. 4. Cornelius Luyster, son of Peter,i was b. in 1662, and at the age of nineteen joined the church, at Flatlands. After his father's death he bought the estate in Newtown, and removed hither, where he acquired prominence, served in the magis- tracy, and held a captain's commission. He d. in 1721, a. o9, 360 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. devising bis estate to his sons. His wife, Sarali Catharine Nevius, d. the next year. They had issue Peter,^ Johannes,'^ Elbert,^ Cornehus, d. unm. ; Mary, m. Dan'l Eapelje ; Hannah, m. Bareut Smock ; Gertrude, m. Tunis Swart ; Adriana, m. Cor, Wyckoff; Aletta, m. Joris Couwenhoven ; and Sarah, who m. first, Eoelof Bragaw, and secondly, the Eev. Keinhart Erickson, of N. Jersey. All the sons-in-law of Capt. Luyster, except Eapelje and Bragaw, settled in Monmouth co. N. J. and have numerous descendants. ' 5. Peter Luyster, son of Cornelius,'* was b. Mar. 10, 1687, m. Apr. 30, 1713, Sarah,* dan. of Dan'l Eapalje, and inherited a part of the paternal estate, being the farm now of Luke Kouwenhoven. He was a respected citizen and an elder of the Dutch church. He d. Dec. 17, 1759, and his widow, Jan. 23, 1773, a. 85. Their ch. were Sarah, b. Jan. 31, 1714, m. Isaac Lent ; Catharine, b. Aug. 7, 1716, m. Johannes De Witt ; Adriana, b. Mar. 11, 1718, m. Garret Van Nostrand; Cor- nelius,6 b. Aug. 26, 1720 ; Daniel, b. Sep. 26, 1722 ; Peter, b. May 6, 1724, d. Oct. 16, '52 ; Anna, b. Jan. 9, 1726, m. Peter Luyster; and John, b. Jan. 14, 1730, d. Aug. 28, '40. Daniel succeeded to his father's farm at the Poor Bowery, and m. Nov. 29, 1744, Anna Van Nostrand. He was an elder in the Dutch church, and during the Eevolution was supervisor of Newtown. He d. May 31, 1788, a. 65, and his widow, June 20, 1811, in her 89th yr. His ch. were Eensie, Sarah, and Anna, of whom the first and last d. unm. Sarah m. Geo. Wyckoff, of King's CO., whose dau. Anna is the wife of Luke Kouwenhoven, the present possessor of Dan'l Luyster's farm. 6. Cornelius Luyster, son of Peter,^ m. Susannah, dau. of Derick Brinckerhoflf, and removed to Fishkill, where he served as justice of the peace, and commanded a company of militia in the French war. He lived in Newtown during the period of the Eevolution, but d. at Fishkill, Oct. 26, 1792, a. 72. His ch. were Peter, Derick, Garret, Aletta, Sarah, Catharine, and Diana. Of these Sarah m. Cor. Luyster, of Newtown ; her * A silver spoon, once belonging to this lady, and marked with her name, " Sura Rapalje," is now in possession of her descendant, Mrs. Sarah Luyster Willett, daughter of Daniel Rapalje, of Newtown. The belief is that it was a name-gift from her aunt, Sara Rapalje, the first white person born in the province of New.York. "^ n^t^HiX ^H^ii"^^ ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 361 three sisters d. unm. Garret^ b. Nov. 12, 1747, m. Lanah, dau. of Jacobus Vandervoort, and d. Aug. 15, 1821 ; issue Cornelius, who d. in New-York ; Jacobus, and Garret, (both went to sea, and were never heard of,) and Susannah, who m. Moses Pratt of Albany. Deride, b. Sep. 30, 17-i5, m. Angeline, dau. of Jacob Cowenhoven, and d. Aug. 20, 1824 ; issue Aletta, who m. Abm. Van Voorhis. Pefcr, b. Aug. 25, 1741, m. Willeratie, dau. of Peter Luyster, and d. Dec. 16, 1800; issue Cornelius P. now of Poughkeepsie, and Ann, who m. Isaac Hanson. 7. Johannes Luyster, son of Cornelius,^ was b. in Flatbush, Mar. 22, 1691, m. Lucretia Brower, Apr. 10, 1716, and the next year removed to MiddletoAvn, Monmouth co. N. J. where he bought a farm which is still held by his descendants, the house he lived in yet remaining. He d. suddenly, in his sleep, Jan. 29, 1756. His widow d. Apr. 12, 1771, in her 83d yr. Their ch. were Sarah, b. Mar. 8, 1717, m. Ryck Suydam and Wm. Conover ; Peter, b. May 5. 1719 ; Cornelius, b. Dec. 13, 1720 ; Johannes, b. May 25, 1723, m. but d. without issue, Sep. 7, 1766 ; Anna, b. Apr. 8, 1725, m. Dan'l Barkulo ; and Lucretia, b. Aug. 30, 1727, who d. unm. Cornelius occupied a farm near Middletown, N. J., either originally a part of, or ad- joining the homestead. He m. successively Arintha Conover, and Margaret Vanderbilt, and d. Oct. 7, 1792, in his 72d yr. His only ch. John C. Luyster, succeeded to his farm, and was an eminently good man. He d. Oct. 28, 1847, in his 67th yr. leaving three sons, one of whom, Hendrick, occupies his farm. Peter Luyster m. his cousin Anna, dau. of Peter Luyster, of Newtown, and d. on the homestead farm, Feb. 12, 1810, a. 90, having had issue Sarah, b. Apr. 10, 1758, m. Christopher Snyder ; Lucretia, b. Aug. 13, 1760, d. unm. ; and John P. b. Nov. 29, 1763. The latter m. Anna Conover, and remained on the homestead till his death, Sep. 11, 1848, having been dis- tinguished for his virtues and piety. His son Peter occupies the paternal farm. 8. Elbert Luyster, son of Cornelius,'^ was b. at Flatbush, Mar. 21, 1693, and m. Oct. 6, 1720, Jacomina, dau. of Gerrit Couwcnhoven. In 1723 he bought that portion of the paternal estate at the Poor Bowery, now owned by Ab'm R. Luyster, which then included Luyster's Island. He was a highly re- spected citizen, and served as a trustee^ of the Dutch church. 362 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. He d. suddenly, Sep. 5, 1768. His widow d. Aug. 24, 1766, in her 66tli yr. Their ch. w^ere Elizabeth, b. Aug. 30, 1721, d. unm. Sep. 3, '84 ; Cornelius, b. Aug. 10, 1723, d. single, Sep. 29, '52 ; Garret,^ b. Dec. 24, 1725 ; Sarah, b. Apr. 25, 1728, m. Stephen Ryder ; Jacomiua, b. Sep. 4, 1730, m. John Swart ; Aletta, b. May 30, 1733, m. Cor. Smock ; Jane, b. Apr. 9, 1736, m. Abm. Eapelye, and Peter, b. Jan. 9, 1739, who d. Sep. 7, 1742. 9. Garret Luyster, son of Elbert,^ ra. Oct. 26, 1753, Willem- tie dau. of Peter Wyckoff, and by devise of his father obtained the family estate. He served the Dutch church many years as deacon, and surviving his partner, who d. May 2, 1764, he d. June 13, 1787, a. 61. His sons were Cornelius and Elbert. The latter was b. 1764, and m. Catharine, dau. of Col. Dan'l Lawrence. He removed to Staten Island, where he d., having had thirteen ch. of whom Garret, Daniel, Elizabeth, Cornelius, Ann, Mary, Aletta, Albert, and Catharine, reached maturity. Cornelius Luyster was b. May 2, 1758, and m. Sarah, dau. of Capt. Cor. Luyster, who, dying in her 33d yr. Mar. 8, 1782, he m. Aug. 28, 1785, Catharine, dau. of Wm. Lawrence, Esq. Li 1788 he bought the ancestral estate, at the Poor Bowery, now (except the island) owned by his son, A. R. Luyster ; served for eighteen years as town clerk, and d. Feb. 6, 1816, though his widow still survives. His ch. were Peter, William, who is dec, Abraham-Rapelye, Anna, Sarah, and Jane. Of these Sarah m. Thos. Moore, who, after her death, m. her sister Anna. The eldest son, Peter, the present worthy supervisor of New- town, m. in succession Anna and Sarah, daughters of David Moore, and resides near the Poor Bowery, having, in 1843, made sale of Luyster's Island, which for many years previous had been his residence. THE COWEXHOVEN FAMILY. The many families of Dutch descent in New- York, New Jersey, and some other states, who write their names Kouwen- hoven, Cowenhoven, Conover, &c., are the lineal descendants ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 363 of Wolfert Gcrritsen Van Couwenliovcn, who was from Amers- foort, in Utrecht, and came over, in 1630, with the colonists wlio settled Rensselaerswyck, near Albany. He was in the employ of the patroon Van Eensselaer, as superintcndant of farms. On June 16, 1636, he joined in purchasing from the In- dians a tract of land on the west end of Long Island, where his famih^ located, giving to the place the name of New Amers- foort, now Flatlands. He was living in 1656. His sons were Gerrit, Jacob, Derick, Peter, and John. Several of these were leading characters under the Dutch administration, but only Gerrit and his family remained on Long Island. 1. Gerrit Couwenhoven, son of Wolfert, d. in or about 1644, leaving sons William'* and John. (See p. 86.) John m. Gerdientie, dau. of the Hon. Nicasius de Sille, a noted citizen of that day, and lived at the ferry in Brooklyn. He had issue Gerrit, Nicasius,^ Cornelia, who m. Gerrit A. Middagh ; Nelly, m, Joris Rapalje ; and Aeltie, who m. Derick Brinckerhoff. The said Gerrit d. in 1712. leaving a son John, who d. in Bushwick about 1761, having male issue Paulus, Garret, Gabriel, and John. 2. Nicasius Couwenhoven, son ""of John and grandson of Gerrit,^ was b. in 1681, and d. at Brooklyn in, or just prior to 1749. His ch. were John,-^ Gerrit, Peter, and Diana, who m. Simon Van Wickelen. Peter removed to Raritan, N. J. Gerrit settled in New Utrecht, and d. Nov. 17, 1783. By his wife, Sarah, he had issue Nicholas, b. Jan. 13, 1742 ; Sarah, b. Oct. 28, 1743, who m. Martin Schenck, of N. Jersey ; and Johannes, b. Oct. 4,^ 1746. Of these Nicholas d. Oct. 18, 1778, leaving five daughters and an only son. Garret, who m. Anna Ditmars, and d. Jan. 28, 1840, in his 66th yr., being the father of Nicholas, John, Garret, Peter, and Cornelius Cowenhoven, all of N. Utrecht. Johannes, aforesaid, was thrice m. and some of his ch. still live at N, Utrecht. 3. John Couwenhoven, eldest son of Nicasius,^ was b. in 1707, and became one of the largest landholders in the town of Brooklyn, where he d. during the Revolution, leaving issue Rem, Nicholas, John, Elsie, who d. single ; Dorothy, m. Leffert LefFerts, Esq. ; Catharine, m. Abm. Lequier, Esq, ; and Diana, who m. Robert Benson. John m. and d, on the homestead in Brooklyn, having been a merchant in N. York. Nicholas m. 364 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Jane, dan. of Geo. Lott, resided on the farm in New Utrecht, now of Egbert Benson, and d. in 1793, being at the time first judge of King's co. He had issue George and John, the last of whom m. in 1802, Susan, dau. of Geo. Martence, and was a res2Dected citizen, and a major of the King's co. mihtia. He d. Nov. 3, 1806, a. 37, leaving daughters Maria, who m, Egbert Benson, Esq. ; and Jane, now Mrs. Koberts, of N. Utrecht. Rem Coivenlioven had two sons, John R. and Nicholas R., the last of whom left no issue. John R, m. Garretie, dau. of Tunis Tiebout, and had sons John, dec. ; Tunis T. of Brooklyn ; and Nicholas. 4. William Couwenhoven, son of Gerrit/ m. in 1660, Aeltie, dau. of Joris Brinckerhoflf, and secondly, in 1665, Jannetie, dau. of Peter Monfort. After living some years at Brooklyn, where he served as a deacon of the Dutch church, he removed to Flatlands, and there officiated in the eldership. He was liv- ing in 1727, at a very advanced age. His ch. were Gerrit, b. Jan. 4, 1662 ; Aeltie, b. Dec. 14, 1665, who m. Cornelius S. Van Arsdalen ; Neeltie, b. Feb. 7, 1669, m. John Wyckoflf ; Peter, b. Feb. 12, 1671 ; Cornelius, b. Nov. 20, 1672 ; Sarah, b. Dec. 27, 1674, m. John Schenck ; Albert, b. Dec. 7, 1676 ; Jacob, b. Jan. 29, 1679 ; John, b. Apr. 9, 1681 ; Annetie, b. Apr. 13, 1683; William,^ b. Mar. 7, 1686; and Jacomina, b. Dec. 28, 1689, who m. Elbert Willemse. All of the sons mar- ried, and most of the family removed to Monmouth co. N. J. 5. William Kouwenhoven, son of William,^ remained on the homestead in Flatlands, and m. June 5, 1709, Anna, dau. of Lucas S. Voorhees. He d. in his 83d yr., Jan. 19, 1769, and his widow, Sep. 30, 1774, a. 88. He had issue William, Luke, both of whom settled in New Jersey, Gerrit,*^ Jannetie, m. Gerrit Schenck (great grandfather of Rev. G. C. Schanck of Pompton, N. J. ;) Aeltie m. Cor. Voorhees ; Catryntie m. Albert Schenck, and Neeltie who m. Johannes Duryea. 6. Gerrit Kouwenhoven, son of William,^ was b. Nov. 11, 1726, and m. May 7, 1748, AnnaLefPerts of Flatbush. He d. on the paternal farm, Sep. 23, 1777, and his widow in her 54th yr., Mar. 9, 1782. Their ch. who survived infancy were Anna, b. Aug. 3, 1751, who m. Peter Vandervoort, of Bedford ; Peter, b. Sep. 25, 1753 ; Ida, b. Jan. 17, 1756, m. Hendrick Suydam, Flatbush ; William, b. Mar. 29, 1768 ; Garrit, b. Feb. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 365 21, 1761, d. unm. July 31, '84 ; Scytic, b. June 80, 1763, m. Jeremiah Remseu, Wallabout ; Luke, b. June 3, 1766 ; Abigail, b. June 1, 1768, m. Johannes Lott, Flatlands ; and Jannetic, b. Apr. 14, 1771, who m. Abm. Debevoise of Bedford. Of these, Peter m. May 10, 1777, Lammetie, dau. of John Lott, and d. May 27, 1787 : issue Garret, b. Sep. 5, 1778, now resid- ing at Flatlands, and Johannes, b. Sep. 8, 1781, who d. unm. May 17, 1837. William m. in 1778 Joanna, dau. of Johannes W. Wyckoff, and d. Apr. 7, 1825, a. 67 : issue Garret, John of Graveseud, William, Peter, George, all three of Flatlands, Joanna who m. Jacobus .Ryder ; Ann, m. Timothy T. Cortcl- you ; Ida, m. James Van Sickelcn, and Maria who m. John Williamson. Garret, the eldest son, m. Jan. 24, 1805, Cornelia, dau. of Peter Wyckoff, and removed to ISTewtown, where he d. much regretted, Aug. 27, 1823, in his 40th yr. and where his son William G. now resides. Luke Kouwenlioven m. Ann, dau. of Geo. Wyckoff, by his intermarriage with Sarah, dau. of Dan'l Luyster whose farm, at the Poor BoAvery, Mr. K. has long owned and occupied. His ch. are George, Garret, and Ann, the first of whom m. Ellen, dau. of Francis Duryea, and resides in Hellgate Neck. THE FISH FAMILY. The English family of Fish are believed to be a branch from an old Saxon family of Fisch, which, in the tables of German nobility, dates from a remote era; but at what time the re- moval to England took place is not ascertained. From here, at a later period, Nathaniel, John, and Jonathan Fish came to New England, and are first found re- siding at Lynn, Mass., whence they removed, in 1637, to Sand- wich, on Cape Cod, where one or more of them remained. 24 366 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 1. Jonathan Fish eventually joined in the settlement of Middelburg, or Newtown, as early as 1659, and served several years in the magistracy, being evidently a person of character. His name appears several times upon the town books, in an olficial capacity, and also as the owner of a twenty-shilling purchase right in the town lands, which right afterwards de- volved to his sons Nathan and Samuel. He d. in or about 1663, leaving a widow, Mary, and sons John, Samuel, and Nathan,- all three patentees of Newtown in 1686. Samuel d. about 1700, without issue. John m. and appears to have left the town. He probably removed to New Jerse}'', whither several members of this family emigrated at different periods. 2. Nathan Fish, son of Jonathan,^ remained at Newtown, and devoted himself to husbandry. He d. of dropsy, at an ad- vanced age, Aug. 1, 1734, He had fourteen ch., namely, Jonathan,*^ b. Oct. 11, 1680; Nathan, b. Sep. 13, 1686, d. with- out issue, Jan. 11, 1732 ; Mary, b. Sep. 4, 1687, m. Daniel Betts ; Samuel,^ b. Apr. 15, 1689 ; John, b. Feb. 25, 1691 ; Thomas, b. May 28, 1693 ; Susannah, b. Dec. 28, 1695, m. Edward Howard ; Ambrose and Benjamin, twins, b. May 12, 1697 ; Sarah, b. Mar. 28, 1699, m, Abraham Kip ; Nathaniel,^ b. Dec. 18, 1700 ; Hannah, b. Jan. 18, 1703, d. unm. Oct. 13, '44 ; Temperance, b. Nov. 30, 1705, m. Joseph "Woodward, nnd Elnathan,3 b. July 27, 1708. Of these John m. Feb. 21, 1717, Elizabeth, dau. of Wm. Hallett, and d. in 1743. His dau. Sarah m. Lieut. Samuel Moore ; and another, Elizabeth, m. John Grreenoak. Thomas m. in Mar. 1717, Elizabeth, dau. of Jesse Kip. Ambrose m. Elizabeth Lawrence, Mar. 1, 1728, and settled at Islip, L. I. Benjamin m. Jan. 11, 1728, Sarah, dau. of Joseph Moore, removed to New Jersey in or soon after 1745, and located near Trenton. His ch. were Elizabeth, m. Amos Hart, Rebecca, Nathan, Joseph, Samuel, Benjamin, John, and Nathaniel. From Benjamin, last named, who d. July 2, 1808, a. nearly 68, the resjDectable Fish family of Trenton and vicinity is chiefly descended. His youngest son, Benjamin, is a director of the Camden and Amboy railroad. The jDoster- ity of the said Samuel and John is found in the counties of Salem and Gloucester, N. J., and that of Nathan in Butler and Union counties. Pa., of whom is the Eev. Eeeder M. Fish, of Lewisburg, in the latter county. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 3G7 3. Elnathan Fisb, youngest son of ISratlian,^ settled in Flat- busli, and by his wife, Sarali, liad issue Natlian, b. 1730; Eachel, b. 1737, d. unm, ; Sarali, b. 1739, m. John Berrien, Esq. ; and John, b. 1741. The latter remained at Flatbush, engaged in mercantile business, and became wealthy, lie was twice m., but d. without cli., Mar. 19, 1821, in bis 80th yr. Nathan m. Jan. 1, 1763, Catharine, dau. of Cor. Berrien, of Newtown, and was a merchant in New-York till the Eevola- tion, after which he became a farmer in Greensburgh, West- chester CO., on premises now occupied by his son, Nathaniel. Here he d. Dec. 10, 1813, in his 78th yr. His ch. were Sarah, b. Oct. 16, 1763, d. unm,, Oct. 4, 1842 ; John, b, Oct. 21, 1765, d, unm. June 18, 1788 ; Cornelius, b. May 12, 1768, d. unm. Oct. 10, 1795 ; Peter, b. May 13, 1770 ; Nathan, b. May 28, 1772, d. -unm. Aug. 12, 1819 ; Rachel, b. Sep. 23, 1774, m. Stephen Ferris ; Richard, b. Sep. 24, 1777 ; James, b. July 81, 1781 ; Nathaniel, b. Mar. 2, 1784 ; Elizabeth, b. Nov. 21, 1785, and Jane, b. Aug. 16, 1788, now residing at Brooklyn, the widow of Abm. Vanderveer. Peter m. Jane, dau. of John, and niece of Rev. Peter Fish, and is still living at White Plains, a far- mer. He has issue Richard, William-Henry, and Thomas. Richard, son of Nathan, lived with his uncle John, at Flat- bush, where he d. unm. Aug. 21, 1817, a. 40, He was elected to the state assembl}^, but ill health prevented his attendance. James d. in Westchester co. July 19, 1845, a. 64, having issue Hannah, Moses, Eliza- Ann, Catharine, Sarah-Jane, and Nathan. Nathaniel Fish, of ^Greensburgh, has ch. John, James, and Elizabeth. 4. Nathaniel Fish, son of Nathan,^ m. Feb. 14, 1738, Jane, dau. of Peter Berrien, and the same year bought the farm of Nicholas Berrien, dec. (now Daniel Lent's,) where he followed agriculture till his death. This event occurred very suddenly, while attending public worship in the Presbyterian church, Newtown, Mar. 3, 1769, in his 69th yr. Retaining in his face the color and freshness of health, his burial was deferred seve- ral days, but no change appearing he was interred. ^ It was made a question whether he was really dead. His widow d. Mar. 24, 1789, a. 72. Their ch. were Elizabeth, b, Jan. 9, 1741, m. Capt. Thos. Lawrence ; Mary, b. Feb. 11, 1743, d. Nov. 13, '57; Sarah, b. Apr. 30, 1745, d. unm. Sep. 21, '65; John, b. 368 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN, Sep. 1, 1747 ; Judith, b, Oct. 6, 1749, m. Maj. Jona. Lawrence ; Peter, b. Nov. 23, 1751 ; Susannab, b. Feb. 20, 1754, m. Dr. John B. Biker ; Jane and Anna, twins, b. Jan. 7, 1757, the first of whom m. Dr. Wm. Moore, and the latter, Col. Elias Conover, of New Jersey. John m. Sarah, dan. of the Eev. Abm. Kettletas, of Jamaica, and became a merchant in New- York, but finally removed to Tarrytown, where he d. in 1807. Some of his ch. yet reside in Westchester co. Peter Fish, a clercryman, whose official labors have been noticed in the for mer part of this volume, m. June 30, 1785, Hannah, dau. of Kenneth Hankinson, Esq. of Freehold, N. J., who survived him, and d. June 12, 1824, a. 63 yrs. Their ch. who attained maturity were Thomas-Fletcher, now of New burgh, N. Y. ; Kenneth H,, dec. ; John-Berrien, a Presbyterian clergyman at Sidney Plains, N. Y. ; Nathaniel, d. unm. ; Elizabeth, Ann, d, unm. • Jane-Eleanor, widow of Sylvester Eoe, and Susan-Maria, now Mrs. John L. Van Doren. 5. Samuel Fish, son of Nathan, ^ m. in 1712, Euth, widow of John Berrien, after whose death, which occurred Feb. 28, 1763 he m. Mercy Bailey, who survived him. On Mar. 4, 1715 Mr. Fish became the proprietor of the farm in Newtown, now owned by T. B. Jackson, Esq. ; and afterwards, in 1724, purchased the adjoining mill from the heirs of Jesse Kip. He was the supervisor of Newtown for twenty-three years in suc- cession and also a magistrate and an elder of the Presb, church. He d. July 9, 1767, a. 78. His ch. were Euth, m. Daniel Rapalje ; Elizabeth, ni. Eev. Simon Horton, and John, who wasb. Nov. 29, 1719, m. Oct. 6, 1743, Elizabeth, dau. of Tennis Brinckerhoflf, and succeeded to the paternal estate and mill at Fish's Point. He d. July 2, 1793, of palsey, with which he had been long afflicted. Mrs. Fish d. of hemorrhage, Sep. 2, 1764, a. 40. Their ch. were Elizabeth, b. June 16, 1744, d. unm. ,• Euth, b. June 8, 1746, m. Jesse Warner ; Anna, b, July 7, 1748, m. Jacob Palmer, father-in-law of Col. Leverich ; Samuel, b. May 11, 1752, owned the paternal farm, and d. unm. May 11, 1834 ; Catharine, b. Apr. 29, 1756, m. Wm. L. Penfold ; and Sarah, b. Jan. 7, 1762, who m. Wm. Palmer, father of Samuel Palmer, of Newtown. 6. Jonathan Fish, eldest son of Nathan,^ became possessed of the homestead and considerable land in Newtown vil- ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 36© lage. He occupied, and is said to have built, the noted " cor- ner house" often mentioned in the preceding pages. He presented the ground on which the Presb. church now stands. Having served as town clerk for fifteen years, he d, in Nov., 1723, a. 43, his wife Mary surviving. He had seven eh. of whom the only son who arrived at age was Samuel,^ b. Nov. 24, 1704. The youngest dau., Jane, b. May 26, 1721, m. Charles Palmer, the father of Jacob Palmer, aforesaid, and his sisters Mrs. Geo. Brinckerhoif, and Mrs. Wm. Lawrence. 7. Samuel Fish, (entitled captain,) son of Jonathan,'' fell heir to the corner house, where he kept an inn during life, and was a useful public man. lie d. Aug. 27, 1767. Capt. Fish was thrice m., first, on June 21, 1727, to Agnes, dau. of John Ber- rien ; secondly, on Apr. 22, 1748, to Abigail, dau. of Edward Howard ; and lastly, on Nov. 19, 1752, to Anna Betts, who survived him. He had fifteen ch. ; those who reached matu- rity were Jonathan,^ b. May 11, 1728; Euth, b. May 7, 1730, m. Kichard Betts ; Samuel, b. Apr. 13, 1734 ; Mary, b. July 9, 1736, m. Samuel Renne ; Sarah, b. Feb. 24, 1739, m. Wm. Sackett and John Wood ; Richard, b. Aug. 9, 1743 ; Abigail, b. Aug. 27, 1749, m. Johannes Lott ; and Elizabeth, b. Aug. 24, 1753, who m. James Bonney. Richard m. Sarah, dau. of John Betts, of Jamaica. He commanded a merchant vessel, and, at the beginning of the Revolution, was captured by the British, and sent to England with other American prisoners. After a period of confinement he was liberated, but d. on the returning voyage from the effects of a fall. His widow d. Dec. 10, 1780, a. 34. Their ch. who reached adult yrs. were White- head, b. Feb. 29, 1768, and Sarah-Betts, b. Apr. 18, 1770, who m. Thomas Cadle, a New- York merchant. Whitehead, succes- sively cashier of the Manhattan and Mechanics banks, New- York, m. Elsie, dau. of Wm. W. Gilbert, and d. July 7, 1819. His ch. are Louisa, m. Edward P. Heyer ; Sarah, Catharine, wife of Rev. Gordon Winslow, and Isabella. 8. Jonathan Fish, son of Samuel,^ m. Oct. 5, 1750, Eliza- beth, dau. of Joseph Sackett, who dying Apr. 9, 1778, in her 49th yr.; he m. secondly Elizabeth, dau. of Thos. Whitehead. Mr. Fish owned the premises in Newtown village now the res- idence of Peter Gorsline, but was for a certain period of his life a merchant in the city of New-York. He d. Dec. 26, 1779, 370 ANNALS OF NEWTOTVK. in his 52d yr. His widow d. Oct. 26, 1798, a. 72. He left two cb., namely, Sarali and Nicliolas, the first of whom, h. Oct, 22, 1755, m. Terrence Reilly, and had but one ch., to wit, Eliza-Frances, wife of the Eev. Joshua M. Eogers, now of Easton, Pa. Nicholas Fish was b. in the city of New-York, Aug. 28, 1758. At the commencement of hostilities between this country and Great Britain, he was studying law under the distinguished John Morin Scott. Laying this aside he entered the American service with the commission of major, and retired at the peace with that of lieutenant-coloueL During the in- terval he was at the battle of Long Island, was Avounded in the battle of Monmouth, and besides participating in several other engagements, shared in the capture of the British armies under Burgoyne at Saratoga, and Cornwallis at Yorktown. He en- joyed much of the confidence of Gen. Washington. After the peace he continued for some time in the army, but resigned within a few years. He was subsequent adjutant general of the state of New-York, and after held several civil appoint- ments, until his advancing years induced him to retire entirely from public life. He d. June 80, 1833. Col. Fish m. Apr. 30, 1803, Elizabeth, dau. of Petrus Stuyvesant, and had issue Susan-Elizabeth, b. July 25, 1805, m. Daniel Le Eoy of New- York ; Margaret- Ann, b. Feb. 11, 1807, m. to John Neilson, Jr., of the same place; Hamilton, b. Aug. 3, 1808, ex-governor of New- York, and U. S. senator ; Elizabeth-Sarah, b. May 25, 1810, now wife of Dr. Eichard L. Morris, and Petrus Stuyve- sant, b. May 13, 1813, who d. Nov. 7, 1834. THE BEAGAW FAMILY. This family derives its descent from Bourgon Broucard, whose name is thus written in our early and most reliable re- cords. He was among those French Huguenot exiles who early found an asylum on our shores from the religious intole- rance of their native country. Having sojourned at Manheim, in the Palatinate of the Ehine, he and his wife, Catharine Le Febre, emigrated to America in 1675. They probably had in ANKALS OF KEWTOWK. 371 company Joost Duri(5, tlic ancestor of the Duryea family, wlio, it appears, came out this year, and whose wife was a Le Febrc, and the sister, I presume, to Mrs. Bragaw, judging from the intimacy that then subsisted between the two fomilies.* Bragaw settled at Cripplcbush, in Bushwick, where he bought in 1684, the farm now owned by the heirs of Folkert Eapelye. He and his wife were among the earliest members of the French church in New- York. In 1088 he sold his farm, and removing to the Dutch Kills, bought by purchases in 1690 and '93, a large estate, including the plantation originally of Burger Jorisz. This farm Mr. Bragaw sold to Wm. Post in 1702, though it was afterwards rebought by his son Isaac, and is now owned by Wm. and Abm. Paynter, His ch. were Maria, who m. Myndert TViltsee ; Jane, m. Hans Covert ; Catalina, Isaac, John, Jacob, Peter, and Abraham. All of the sons, except Isaac, removed to Somerset co. N, J., their descendants now usually writing their name Brokaw. 1. Isaac Bragaw was b. in 1676, bred a weaver, and ac- quired, by various purchases, a considerable property at the Dutch Kills, including the paternal farm which he bought in 1713. He was a useful member of the Dutch church, and its liberal supporter. He survived his wife Heyltie, and d. in his 81st yr.. Mar, 11:, 1757, His ch. were Bourgon, or Bergoon, Isaac, John,- Peter, Roelof, Aletta, who m. Joris Van Alst ; Catalina, m. Johannes Van Alst ; Heyltie, m. Eich. Parcell ; * The descendants of Joost Durie are now very numerous, and mostly write tlieir name Duryee, or Duryea. He was a respectable French proles- tant, and was accompanied to this country by his mother and his wife, Mag- daleiui Lc Febre. They first united with the church at New Utrecht, but subsequently located on the disputed lands between Newtown and Bushwick, where Mr. Duri6 d. in or about 1727. His ch. were Antonette, who m. Lequier; and Magdalena, who m. Okie; besides sons Joost, Jacob, Abraham, Charles, and Simon. All of these married, but it is not known whether Simoii left issue. Charles d, in 1753, leaving sons Joost, Joiiannes, Charles, Tunis, Derick, and Abraham. Abraham had sons Joost, Daniel, Abraham, and Johannes. Jacob d. in 1758, having sons Joost, Daniel, Johannes, Jacob, Abraham, Cornelius, and Hendrick ; the first of whom was the great-grand- father of Gen. Harmanus B. Duryea, of Brooklyn. Joost d. in 1727, leaving sons Joost, Hendrick, and Folkert. The posterity of these at the present day, as with most of our stable Dutch families, possess a large share of re- 'spectability and sterling worth. 372 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Mary, ra. Johannes Opdyke ; Hannah, m. Johannes Parcell ; Jane, m. Jacobus Van Alst, and Engeltie who also married. Bergoon, the eldest son, was captain of the Newtown militia, and is spoken of as a fine specimen of the early Bragaws, being a man of towering stature and great physical strength, quali- ties which have not yet forsalcen the family. He m. Diana Yolkertsen, and d. Sep. 15, 1742 : issue Isaac, who d. a young man, and Nell}^, who m. Matthew Morehead. Eoelofm. Sarah, dau. of Cor. Luyster, but d. without issue Jan. 26, 1754. Peter ra. Jane Parcell, and inherited the paternal estate, which he sold after the Eevolution, and removed to Fishkill. He had sons Isaac, John, Peter, and George, only two of whom m. namely, Isaac, who had issue Catharine, Ann, Maria, Jane, John, Abraham, and Isaac; and Peter who had Jane, John, Maria, Ann, Abraham, and Catharine. Isaac Bragaw d. in Newtown, Mar. 16, 1760, leaving sons Derick, or Richard, and John. Richard, b. in 1748, fell heir to his father's farm, was for many years an elder of the Presbyterian church, and d. Mar. 27, 1818, a. 70. He m. Catharine Gilbert, May 12, 1776, and secondly, on Jan. 21, 1786, Catharine, dau. of Wm. Payn- ter. His ch. all except one by the second marriage, were Isaac, late of Newark, N. J., dec, Hester, William, of New- town, Ann, Richard, of Alabama, Margaret, Elias, of Newark, Eliza, Aletta M., John, of Newark, and Catharine. a. John Bragaw, son of Isaac,^ m. Apr. 13, 1744, Jane, dau. of Andrew Stockholm, and secondly, on June 30, 1759, Mar- garet, dau. of- Abm. Riker. He was a most worthy man and kind neighbor, and served as a deacon in the Dutch church. He d. May 27, 1782, upon his farm at the Kills, now Wm. Gosman's. His widow, an amiable and pious woman, d. Dec. 25, 1791, a. about Q^. Mr. B's ch. were Nelly, b. Dec. 18, 1744, who m. Abm. Rapelye ; Isaac, b. July 27, 1750 ; Heyl- tie, b. July 14, 1753, m. Jeromus Rapelye ; Andrew, b. Apr. 29, 1755 ; Jane, b. Feb. 17, 1757, m. Tunis Brinckerhoif and Cor. Wiltsie ; and Abraham, b. Jan. 18, 1765, who d. unm. Apr. 6, 1787. Isaac m. May 27, 1773, Susan, dau. of Capt. Sam'l Hallett, and d. at Hallett's Cove, where he had long re- sided, July 12, 1830. His ch. were Jemima, Jane, John, dec, Margaret, Susan, dec, Ellen, Elizabeth, d. young, and Isaac I., also dec. Andrew retained the homestead at the Dutch Kills, ANNALS OP NEWTOWN. 373 m. Nelly, dau. of John Wiltsie,* and was much respected and esteemed as a man and christian. He d. Nov. 29, 1828, a. 73. His ch. were John, Nelly, Cornelius, all dec., Jane, Margaret, Andrew, dec., Abraham, Isaac, dec, Elizabeth, Hetty, Cath- arine, and Susan. THE BETTS FAMILY. 1. Concerning the ancestry of Capt. Eichard Betts, the progenitor of the Newtown family, nothing positive has been ascertained, though it is probable that he was descended from a family of this name, located at Withenden, in Suffolk co., Eng- land, as early as the fifteenth century. He himself is believed to have come from Hemel-Hempstead in Hertford- shire, or its vicinity. He emigrated to New England in 1648, and is found at Ipswich the same year ; but soon after came to Newtown, where he proved himself a person of intelligence, participated largely in public affairs, and acquired great influence. In the revolution of 1663 he bore a zealous * Hendrick Martensen Wiltsee, who early emigrated from Copen- hagen, ill Denmark, was the ancestor of the many families bearing this name, now written variously, but more commonly Wiltsie. lie m. at New Amster- dam, in 1660, Margaret, widow of Harmen Jansen and duu. of Jan Meyrinck. He enlisted in the Esopus war, in 1663, and, being captured by the savages, was reported killed ; but this proved to be a mistake, and Wiltsee soon ob- tained his liberty. In 1681 he bought the farm at Hellgate, now owned by the Polhemus family, (see p. 37,) which, in 1706, he conveyed to his son Tennis. He had sons Martin, b. 166- ; Hendrick, b. 1669; Myndcrt, b. 1672 ; Tennis, b. 1674, and Jacob, b. 1676, all of whom married and had fami- lies, and their posterity is now numerous, particularly in Westchester and Dutchess counties. 374 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. part, and after the conquest of New Netlierland by tlie Eng- lish, was a member, from Newtown, of the provincial assembly held at Hempstead in 1665. He subsequently served as high sheriff' of Yorkshire, upon Long Island, to which office he was commissioned, Oct. 30, 1678, and retained it till 1681. For a long series of years he performed the duties of a magistrate, during which he was more than once a member of the high court of assize, then the supreme power in the province. Capt. Betts became an extensive landholder at the English Kills, a portion of his land being now owned by his descendant, Thos. H. Betts. His residence was in the old Betts house, now oc- cupied by Mr. Hanson. Here he d. at the extreme age of 100 yrs. Nov. 18, 1713. It is said of this remarkable man, that he dug his own grave. By his wife, Joanna, he had issue, Eich- ard,~ Thomas,^ Joanna, who m. John Scudder ; Mary, m. Jos. Swezey ; Martha, m. Philip Ketcham ; Elizabeth, m. Jos. Sackett, and Sarah, who m. Edward Hunt. 2. Richard Betts, son of Richard,^ became a landholder as early as 1680, and settled on the south bounds of Newtown, (upon lands now mostly included in the Cypress Hills Ceme- tery,) where he d. Nov. 4, 1711, leaving issue Richard, Robert, Thomas, Sarah, Elizabeth, Joanna, Abigail, and Mary ; and a widow, Sarah, who survived him many years. Thomas m. Hannah Areson, in 1729. Robert had issue Augustine, &c. Richard m. Apr. 10, 1711, Mary Creed, of Jamaica, in which town he settled. He d. in 1742, a. 56, and his widow in 1759, a. 77. Their ch. were Richard, John, and Mary, who m. Fred- erick Van Liew. Richard, d. Nov. 17, 1748, a, 37. John m. Sarah Whitehead in 1738, and d. May 10, 1761, a. 44, having had issue Helen, m. Polhemus ; Mary, m. Dan'l Kissam, Esq. ; Susan, m. Thos. Welling ; Sarah, m. Richard Fish ; Ann, m. Jos. Stringham ; Elizabeth, m. Henry Tenbrook, and Catharine, who d. single. 3. Thomas Betts, son of Richard,^ m. Mercy, dau. of Maj. Dan'l Whitehead, about 1683.* He resided on a portion of the * Daniel Whythead, as his sign manual is, the father of Major White- head, is first noticed among the purchasers of Smithtown, L. I. in 1650. Some years later he located at Mespat Kills. He was a reputable citizen, and one of the seven persons to whom the first Newtown patent was grant- ed. He was chosen a town surveyor in 1668, but d. upon his farm at the ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 375 paternal farm at Mespat Kills, and served some years in the magistracy. He d. in 1709, and in 1711 his widow m. Capt. Jos. Sackett. Mr. Betts left nine ch. namely, Kichard,'* Thomas, Daniel," Mercy, m. Thos. Hazard, Abigail, m. Abm. Spring- steen, Joanna, Mar^, Elizabeth, m. Eobert Comfort, and Deborah, who m. Gershom Moore. 2'homas, b. Aug. 14, 1689, m. May 5, 1713, Susannah, dau. of Thos. Stevenson. He adopted the principles of the Quakers, as did also his brother Eichard, which their descendants have generally adhered to. Thomas had issue Ann, b. Dec. 14, 1714 ; Thomas, b. Nov. 1, 1716, d. young ; John, b. Sep. 15, 1718 ; Stephen, b. Mar. 26, 1720 ; Thomas and Susannah, twins, b. Feb. 18, 1723. 4. Richard Betts, son of Thomas,^ was b. July 7, 1685, and became a leading member of the society of Friends, in Newtown. His wife, Jemima, whom he m. Aug. 19, 1709, d. Jan. 18, 1761. He appears to have survived her, and d. at an advanced age. Their ch., besides two who d. in youth, were Thomas, b. June 21, 1710 ; William,^ b. Jan. 6, 1716 ; Benja- min, b. Jan. 15, 1720, d. unm. June 12, '46 ; and Joseph, b. Apr. 23, 1722. Thomas m. Sarah, dau. of Sam'l "Way, but had no issue. He was a well informed and able man, served many years as a magistrate, and d. at the Kills Aug. 21, 1782. Joseph m. Ellison Parcell, and had issue John, d. single ; Thomas m., but had no ch. ; Sarah, m. John Parcell ; Nancy, m. Brown ; and Margaret who m. Geo. Corlies, late of New- York, dec. 5. William Betts, son of Richard,^ intermarried with Mary, dau. of Capt. Dan'l Betts, and d. of consumption during the Revolution, Mrs. Betts d. of the same disorder. Their ch. were Anthony,^ Benjamin, James, d. unm. ; Mary, m. John Way; Sarah, m. Hezekiah Warn and Capt. Rich. Yander* burgh ; William ; Jemima, who d. abroad ; Richard, and Daniel. The latter m., and removed to Trenton, N. Y., Kills in November of that yr. a. 65. He left sons Daniel, Jonathan, David, and Adam. Daniel (the major) m. Abigail, dau. of Thos. Stevenson, and settled in Jamaica, served in the magistracy of Queens, and was also a repre- sentative in the colonial assembly from 1691 till his death. He acquired a large estate, and d. in 1704, a. 58. He left two sons, Jonathan and 'i'homas, and several daughters, one of whom m. Thos. Betts, as aforesaid. Descen- dants of Maj. Whitehead are also to be found in the Field, Alsop.and Moore families of Newtown. 376 ANNAL3 OF NEWTOWN. where lie is still living, Richard m. Nancy Schureraan, and secondly Ann, dau. of Peter Berrien, settled at Trenton, afore- said, and d. in 1850, a. 90. William m. Patience Woodward, and Mrs. Elizabeth Brush, and by the latter had issue Patience, who m. Van Valen ; and by the former a son James, who m. Jennett, dau. of Frederick Myers, and w^as the father of Wm. M. Betts, of Southold, L. I., and James H. Betts, of New- York. Benjamin ra. Sarah, dau. of Benj. Moore, lived on the place since of Daniel Morrell, and d. Feb; 8, 1828, in his 82d yr. His ch. were Hannah, Mary, m. James Hunter, and Margaret who m. J^evi Hart, late of Brooklyn, dec, 6. Anthony Betts, eldest son of William,-"' m. Aug. 11, 1772, Jane, dau. of Richard Hallett, and occupied the paternal farm at the Kills, v/here he d. Dec. 21, 1814, in his 73d yr., and his widow, June 20, 1828, in her 76th yr. Their ch. were Mary, b. Aug. 8, 1776, m. Thomas Hubbs, of Jericho; Jonah, b. Feb. 8, 1780, d. Dec. 14, '80; Thomas-Hallet, b. Oct. 15, 1783, and Richard, b. Nov. 5, 1786, killed by a bark-wheel July 4, '92. Thomas H. yet resides on a portion of the old family estate neax the English Kills. On June 11, 1806, he m. Amy, dau. of Cornelius Hyatt, and has had issue Anthony, m. Catharine, dau, of Abm. Meserole ; Sarah, dec. ; Jane, m, to John M. Hanson ; Hyatt-Franklin, m, Adriana, dau, of Geo, Debevoise, and Richard Penn Betts, T, Daniel Betts, (entitled captain,) son of Thomas,^ m, in Feb, 1715, Mary, dau, of Nathan Fish, She d, Oct, 1, 1757, and Capt, Betts, on Apr, 12, 1759, In the family cemetery at the Kills, on the property of T, H. Betts, rough tablets still mark their graves. Their ch. were Daniel, Richard, Samuel, ^ Mary, m, Wm. Betts ; Mercy, m. Jacob Hallett ; Susannah, m. Jacob Hallett, Jr. ; Jemima, m. Capt. Sam'l Hallett ; and Sarah, who d, single. Daniel m, Deborah, dau. of Robert Field, and d. " with an uncommon disorder," June 18, 1762. His widow m. Waters Smith, Esq,, whom she also survived, and d, Nov, 21, 1838, at the great age of 108 yrs. Elizabeth, the only ch. of Daniel Betts, m. John B. Scott, father of the pre- sent Hon. John B, Scott, of New-York. Richard Belts, m. Mar. 16, 1758, Elizabeth, dau, of Cor. Berrien, Esq., and for some years kept an inn at Hallett's Cove, on property now owned by Grant Thorburn. Here he d, during the Revolution, leaving ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 377 issue Eicliard, Elizabeth, m. Capt. Levin Townsend, of Mary, land ; Amy, m. John Swim ; Mary, m. Frederick Stevenson • and Jane, who d. unm. Kichard d. without issue, Jan. 25 1795, having m. Miss Caroline Hawkins, who afterwards be- came the wife of Robert P. Lee, lawyer, New-York. 8. Samuel Letts, son of Daniel,''' m. Mary, dau. of Jonathan Lawrence, Esq., of Rockland co., a son of Jonathan, youngest son of Maj. Thomas Lawrence, of Newtown. After the death of Samuel Letts, which took place June 9, 1778, of apoplexy, his widow m. Capt. Nath'l Woodward, of the continental army. Mr. Letts had issue Daniel, Jonathan, Samuel, Nathaniel, (of whom only Samuel married ;) Mary, m. Edmund Cock ; and Susannah, who m. John Evans. Samuel Bdts was b. at New- town, Apr. 29, 176-1, which place he left, about 1784, for the Danish island of St. Croix, where he was for some time success- fully engaged in commerce. Here, on July 28, 1796, he m. Susannah, fourth dau. of Manning Lake, Esq., from his inter- marriage with Mary, dau. of the Hon. Wm. Carty, of Anguilla. Having correct and diligent business habits, possessing a kind heart, and exercising active benevolence, with a high sense of honor and of unbending integrity, he commanded general con- fidence, and enjoyed the esteem of a large number of friends. With the means acquired by his industry, he purchased a sugar plantation on the island ; and by the death of Robert Neilson, of Eeeksgrove, a half-brother of Mrs. Letts, he became the owner of that and the adjoining plantation, called Clairmont, in connection with the Finlay family, whose interest he subse- quently purchased. Mr, Letts removed to the city of New- York, in 1815, for the more convenient education of his chil- dren, but returned to St. Croix a few years before his death, which took place at Leeksgrove, June 29, 1843. He had eight ch. to wit, Samuel, d. unm. ; John-Lawrence, d. an inflmt ; William ; Mary, m. Jonathan Lawrence ; Susan, m. Jonas W. Drake, and resides near Newburgh, N. Y. ; Robert-Neilson, d. sino-le; Caroline, m. Smith Lawrence, and is dec. ; and Louisa. William Letts, the third and only surviving son, was b. on the Island of St. Croix, Jan. 28, 1802, received his subgraduate instruction at Union Hall, L. L, and graduated in 1820 from Columbia College, N. Y., in which institution Mr. Letts is now professor of law, having succeeded the late Chancellor Kent in 378 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. that chair. For many years lie has practiced law in the city of New- York, but has his residence near the village of Jamaica, L. I. On Oct. 18, 1825, he m. Anna-Dorothea, eldest dau. of Beverley Eobinson, Esq., from hie intermarriage with Frances, dau. of Col. William Duer, whose wife was Catharine, dau. of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling. Both Col. Duer, and Maj. Gen. Lord Stirling, were, it will be remembered, distin- guished patriots in our Kevolution. Mr. Betts has three ch. : Beverley-Robinson, Caroline, and William, the first of whom has entered the Episcopal ministry. THE WAY FAMILY. 1. James Way, the founder of this name in Newtown, was of an ancient English family, who, imder the appellation of " Waye," appear on the records of Somersetshire, as early as the fifteenth century. Mr. Way was an early and reputable settler at the English Kills, where he acquired a large estate, including the premises of the late Judge Furman. He was a useful man in the town, and served as an overseer. He em- braced the principles of the Quakers, which his descendants have very generally maintained. He d. Oct. 2, 1685, having had issue James, Francis, John,- Hannah, who m. Jeremiah Burroughs ; Elizabeth, m. Arthur Alburtis ; and Martha, who m. Thos. Taylor. James d. in 1715, leaving issue Martha, who m. Wm. Leverich ; Mary, m. Sam'l Reed ; Sarah, m. Johannes Culver ; and Elizabeth, who m. Osborn. Francis had issue James, John, Elizabeth, m. Benj. Cornish ;* and Diana. After his death his widow, Elizabeth, m. Peter Buckhout in 1713. * The Cornish family, formerly of considerable repute in this town, were descended from .a respectable settler, Thomas Cornish, who was by occupa- tion a maker of pipestaves, or cooper, and d. in 1662. He left sons John, James, Thomas, and Benjamin. From the latter, who d. in 1736, a. 84, leav- ing sons Thomas and Benjamin, most of the name since resident in this town are presumed to have descended; but my notes are too imperfect to warrant a fuller notice of the family. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 379 James, son of Francis, became blind, and d. Jan. 8, 1767. He Avas twice married, and by his first wife, Hannah, dau. of John Leverich, whom he m. in 1716, and Avho d. Nov. 10, 1729, he had issue EHzabeth, b. Feb. 16, 1717; Francis, b. May 27, 1719 ; and James, b. Nov. 24, 1721. John Way, son of Francis 1st, m. Martha, dau. of John Leverich, and d. at llellgatc, Oct. 13, 1750. His ch. were John, Leverich, Walter, and Hannah, who m. Wm. Leverich, father of the late Jesse Leverich, &c. 2. John Way, son of James, ^ m. Nov. 22, 1687, Sarah, dau. of Sam'l Dean, of Jamaica, and in 1691 acquired the paternal farm at the English Kills, by purchase from his brothers and sisters. He also became the owner of a large tract of land in Amewell, N. J. which at his death in 1715, he left to his three daughters and his son John. His widow surviving him, d. in 1747, in her 85th yr. His ch. were Elizabeth, b. Oct. 11, 1691 ; John,3b. Jan. 26, 1694; Samuel, b. Sep. 11, 1696; Sarah, b. Oct. 27, 1698 ; Mary b. Apr. 14, 1701 ; and James, b. Aug. 15, 1708. James m. Marj^, dau. of Thos. Alsop, and had issue Thomas and John, neither of whom married. By a division of his father's property with his brother John, in 1729, he came in possession of the homestead and lands at the English Kills, on which he lived till his death in 1788. He left £1000 to the Quaker society, and £1000 for the support of a charity school. His brother Samuel^ a saddler at the Kills, m. Jane, dau. of John Gancel, whom he survived seven years, and d. Aug. 3, 1767, leaving issue Samuel, John, Mary, who m. Eichard Hallett and Joua. Eoberts ; and Sarah, who m. Thos. Betts. John m. Mary, dau. of Wm. Belts, but left no male issue. His brother Samuel, by the will of his uncle, James Way, fell heir to his property at the English Kills, where he d. in 1798. He was twice m., and by his wife, Esther Valentine, had an only dau. Jane, who, in 1784, m. Dr. Henry Mott, father of Dr. Valentine Mott, of New-York. In 1815 the AVay estate was , sold to the late Garret Furman. 3. John Way, son of John,- settled on the premises, now of widow Sarah Way, and on July 19, 1716, m. Sarah Burling, of Flushing. He lived to the age of 80. His ch. were John, b. Oct. 12, 1721, and Samuel, b. Nov. 11, 1723. Samuel re- mained on the paternal farm till his death, Oct. 20, 1796. He had issue John, Burling, Eichard, Sarah, who m. Sam'l Spragg, 380 ANNALS OP NEWTOWN. (fatter of Eichard Spragg, Esq.) and Mary, wlio m. CKas. Farrington. John, eldest of the three sons, m. Mary Marsh, of New Jersey, and was the father of Charles F. Way, of New- town. Eichard m. in 1786, Sarah, dau. of Thos. Hyatt, who survived him and is living, aged 87. Their eh. are Catharine, Sarah, wife of Eichard Spragg, Esq., Judith, wife of Abm. Furman, Walter, Thomas, dec., Eichard, Samuel, dec, and Eachel, wife of John Kolyer. Burling Way, ra, June 3, 1776, Phebe, dau. of Martin Schenck, and d. Dec. 12, 1811. He had issue Phebe, who m. Ab'm Folk, Judith, m. Jos. Furman, Hannah, m. Arthur Eemsen, Martin, Samuel, Peter, James, and Schenck Way. THE VAN ALST FAMILY. This name is derived from the estate or manor house of Alst, anciently in the posses- sion of this family, who, in ac- cordance with the custom of that time, were designated as of {van) Alst. This manor is that district in Flanders which still bears the name of Alst, ly- ing between the rivers Scheld? and Dender, and having a capi- tal of the same name. 1. Joris Stevensen Van Alst, the ancestor of all among us of this name, was from Bruges, the capital of West Flanders, situated near the aforesaid district of Alst. He is commonly called in our early records, Joris de Caper, i. e. George the sailor. At New Amsterdam, in 1652, he m. Geesie, dau. of Harmen Hendricksen, a young lady from Witmund ; and set- tling at the Dutch Kills, he bought two plantations, (see p. 21,) for which he obtained a confirmatory patent, Dec. 16, 1670. He d. in or about 1710. His ch. were Stephen, Isabella, Jane, who m. Wit Cornelisz Timmer, Andries, Johannes,- Mary, m. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 381 Henry Brazier, and Helena, wlio m. Michael Bassctt. Nei- tlier Stephen^ b. 1653, nor Amines^ b. 166-i, left issue, tliougli the latter was m. twice: first to Maria Van Gelder, and se- condly, it is said, to a sister of Eip Van Dam, Esq., of the provincial council. Andries OAvned the farm now embraced in those of John Gardner, dec, and Jacob Polhemus. 2. Johannes Van Alst, son of Joris,i was b. Aug. 5, 1667, and in 1704 bought the paternal estate, where he lived till his death in 1749. By his wife, Aeltie, who d. Aug. 23, 1732, he had issue Joris, Johannes,^ Jacobus, Leah, m. John Parcell ; Geesie, m. Abm. Kiker ; and Jannetie, who m. Jacob Skillman. Jacohus m. Jane. dau. of Isaac Bragaw, and settled in New- York. Joris, b. Aug. 31, 1701, bought the farm of his uncle Andries, and m. Oct. 31, 1723, Aletta, dau. of Isaac Bragaw, aforesaid. She d. a. 60, Oct. 8, 1760 ; and Mr. Van Alst, on Sep. 15, 1767. Their ch. were Aletta, d. unm. ; Isaac, d. sin- gle ; Heyltie, m. Aaron Stockholm ; John ; Catharine, m. Abm. Bragaw, of N. Jersey ; Leah, m. John Van Alst ; Bergoou, or Bragaw ; Grace, m. Wm. Parcell ; and Anna, who m. Sam'l Waldron.* John, last named, was b. Dec. 6, 1729, m. in 1759, his cousin Aletta, dau. of John Van Alst, and d. Sep. 20, 1767, his only issue being two sons, George, and Isaac, both of whom left families who located in Dutchess co. Bergoon was * In or about 1652, Resolved Waldkon cnme from Amsterdnm to lliis country, with his vrow Tanneke Nagle. He acquired a large property at Horn's Hook, within the limits of Harlem, on which he located. For many years he held the office of scout, and wns one of the most useful and respect- able of the Harlem settlers. He d. in 1690, leaving sons Samuel, William, Barent, and Johannes. From one of these came Samuel Waldron, who m. Anna Delamater, and removed to Newtown village, where he occupied the premises on which Mr. Lord resides. He served some years as a deacon of the Dutch church, and d. Aug. 23, 1771, a. 61. His ch. were Samuel, John, d unm William, Benjamin, Ann, who m. Rich. Rapalje, Elizabeth, m. Sam'l Beekman, Margaret, m. her cousin Jacobus Waldron, and Catharine, who d single. Of these WilUam and Bevjamin settled in New Jersey. Samuel b Mar. 13, 1738, m. Anna Van Alst, as before said. He owned tlie place now of Edward Tompkins, Esq., at Hempstead Swamp, was a black- smith as was also his father, and like him was much respected. After the Revolution, he served as a justice of the peace. He d. Sep. 4 1799, and his widow in her 60th yr., Feb. 28, 1803. They had issue Aletta, Ann, Hannah, Samuel, and Cornelia. Samuel, b. July 16, 1775, and res.dmg m Newtown, has ch. Hendrick E., Sarah, Aletta, and Anna. 25 382 AWKALS oy JSEWXOWK. b. Aug. 22, 1737, m. Margaret Hoogland, and removed to Fislikill. His cli. were George, Mary, m. JoLn Lnyster j Diana, m. Andrew Stoutenburgh ; and Aletta, who m, Hen- drick Hulst. The said George m, Mary Storm, and had issue George, and Bergoon. 3. Johannes Van Alst, son of Johannes,- m. Catalina, dau. of Isaac Bragaw, aforesaid, and bought the paternal estate at the Dutch Kills, on which he erected a new house in 1766, which remains, and is now occupied by his grandson, Isaac Van Alst, The ancient house stood a little southeast of this, close on the meadow edge. Mr. Van Alst left issue John, George, Aletta, m. John Van Alst ; and Catharine, and Hetty, who became the wives of Henry Jacobs. George m. Ann Meserole, and d. Nov. 10, 1811, a. 71, having owned and oc- cupied that half of his father's farm late in possession of his only child, John G. Van Alst, whose death occurred Aug. 7, 1851, in his 71st yr. John m. Dec. 8, 1768, Hannah, dau. of Jacob Bennet, of Dominie's Hook, a grandson of Capt, Peter Praa.* He fell heir to that part of the homestead now owned by his son Isaac, where he d. Jan. 14, 1823, in his 88th yr. * Capt. Peter Peaa, who has numerous blood descendants, was suffi- cientVy identified with Newtown, to deserve notice. His fiither, Peter, was a highly respectable Huguenot exile from Dieppe, a seaport in France, who, with his family, came to this country in 1659, and d. at Cripplebush, Mar. 6, 1663. (See p. 130.) He left eh. Peter, and Anna, who m. Jan Jansen. Peter was b. at Leyden, in 1655, while his parents sojourned at that city of refuge. He m. in 1684, Maria, dau. of Jacob Hay, and widow of Joost Molenaer, at which time he was living in Newtown, but he spent the most of his subsequent life in Bushwick, had command of the militia, and was noted for his skill in horsemanship. He acquired a large property in various places, including Dominie's Hook, which he bought from the heirs of Annetie Jans, of Trinity Church notoriety. (See p. 29.) Capt. Praa d. in 1740. His ch. were Catharine, b. 1685; Maria, b. 1688, m. Wynant Van Zandt; Elizabeth, b. 1691, ra. Meserole; Anna, b. 1694, m.Wm. Bennet and Daniel Bodet; and Christiana, b. 1698, who m. David Provost. From these marriages have descended several families in which the name of Peter Praa is yet retained. To the ch. of his dau. Anna, Capt. Praa left the estate of Dominie's Hook. These were Jacob Bennet, Peter P. Bennet, Mary, who m. John Devoo, and Nelly, who m. David Van Cott. Jacob Bennet bought the Hook by pur- chases in 1767 and 1780. He d. in 1817, a. 94, and his ch. were Jacob, William, Anna, m. Capt. Geo. Hunter, and Hannah, who m. Mr. Van Alst as aforesaid. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 383 His cli. were Jolm, Jacob, Isaac, Peter, William, Abraham, Elizabeth, David, and Ilenry. THE BUREOUGHS FAMILY. 1. John Burrongbes, the progenitor of this family, was of English birth ; early came over to Massachusetts, and is found at Salem, in 1637, Upon his removal to Newtown, he became a leading man, and being a skillful penman, a quite rare ac- complishment in those days, he filled the office of town clerk for eleven years. He appears to have been a resolute character, a warm advocate of popular rights, and his sufferings in this behalf have been before related. He d. in August 1678, a. 61. Mr. Burroughes was a brother-in-law to Edward Jessup, and was twice married, his second wife being the widow Eliz- abeth Eeed, who survived him but a few days. His will is on record in New- York, and an original copy is still in possession of Mr, Geo. W. Burroughs, of Newtown. He left issue Jere- miah,^ Joseph,^ John, Joanna, who m. Reeder, and Mary. John^ only son by the second marriage, was b. in 1665, m. Margaret, dau. of Lambert Woodward,* and d. in 1699, leaving a son John, and other ch. Their descendants are not traced, 2. Jeremiah Burroughs, son of John,^ shared his father's property, and was town clerk for several years, and at the time of his death, which happened in 1698, at the age of 47. He was drowned in swimming after a canoe adrift. His ch. * Lambert Woodward bought himself a residence in this town in 1666, and d. in or about 1690, having issue Margaret, abovcsaid, Lambert, who d. unm., and Nathaniel, from whom a considerable posterity descended, though now extinct in this town. He m. Mary, dau. of Capt. Sam'l Moore, and d. Oct. 24, 1744. His ch. were Lambert, Moore, Joseph, and Abigail who was the mother of the late Judge Benj. Coe. Joseph m. in 1736, Tem- perance Fish, and was the grandfather of the late Jos. Woodward of New Utrecht, and his sister Ann N., formerly Mrs. Alsop, now Mrs. Raymond. Moore m. in 1735, Sarah Coe, and had sons Samuel, Nathaniel, John, and Oliver. Lambert succeeded to the paternal farm, (now T. Victor's,) and d. early in the Revolution. His ch. (see pp. 172, 181, 185, 214,) were Capt. Nathaniel, of the American array, Thomas, Gilbert, Lambert, and Philip. 384 AKNAI.S OF NEWTOWN . were Jeremiala, James, JoIhd, Joseph, and Hannali, wTio m. Jolin Reeder and Jolin Furman. Jeremiah m. Cornelia Eckerson, and settled in Hunterdon co. N. J, James, a weaver, served tlie town as collector of taxes. He m. Deborah Sallier, in 1710, and d. some fifteen or twenty years after, leaving issue James, Joseph, Thomas, John, Deborah, and Mary: Joseph and his two sisters d. single. Their brother John had a son John who removed to Cin- cinnati. The said Thomas d. at Newtown, in 1805, having had issue Robert, Hannah, who m. Abm. Remsen, Thomas, William, of Cincinnati, Eliza, m. Wm. Wainwright, Joseph, of New Jersey, and John. James, eldest son of James and Deborah, m. Geesie Colyer, in 1769, and d, in 1806, His ch. were Joseph, who settled in Dutchess co,, John, James, Grace, wife of "Wm, Underbill, and Benjamin, of Newtown. John, last named, was b. Sep, 17, 1777, m. Sarah, dau. of John Debevoise, and d. June 10, 1845 ; issue Theodorus, Adriana, John, Jacob J., Joseph, Sarah-Jane, and Grace- Ann. 3, Joseph Burroughs, son of John,^ was a very worthy citizen, and a liberal supporter of the Presbyterian church, during Mr. Pumroy's ministry. He d. in advanced years, Feb. 16, 1738, His son John m. in 1721, Margaret, dau. of Jas. Renne, served the next year as constable of the town, and was subsequently a justice of the peace. He owned land at Tren- ton, N, J,, and was also interested in the New Cornwall mines. He d. on his estate in Newtown, July 7, 1750, and his widow, July 11, 1767. The latter left £100 to the Presbyterian church. Their ch. were John, Samuel, and Joanna. Samuel left no issue. His brother John m. April 26, 1747, Sarah Hunt, then the widow Smith, and inheriting the paternal farm, d. Feb. 18, 1755, leaving an only ch. Joseph. His widow m. Thos. Woodward. Joseph, last named, occupied the farm now of Jonathan Randel, on the Dutch lane. He was a lead- ing man in the Episcopal church, and a valuable and esteemed citizen. He d. Dec. 24, 1820, in his 73d yr. . He had two wives, and by the first, Lydia, dau. of Thos. Hallett, whom he m. Nov. 11, 1765, and whose death occurred in [her 54th yr., Dec. 21, 1793, he had issue John, Thomas, Joseph-Hallett, Anna, now widow of Peter Vandervoort, Esq., William-Howe, and Benjamin. Of these William and Jose;ph d. unm. t/o/m, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 385 b. Nov. 17, 1766, was a ptysician, and d. Nov. 20, 1812. Thomas, b. July 1, 1769, succeeded to the paternal farm, and m. Sarah, dau. of Geo. AVyckoff. He d. Sep. 21, 1835, leaving issue Lydia, who m. Geo. I. Rapelye ; Sarali, now Mrs. Clias. H. Roacb ; Joseph; Ann, Avho m. John B. Hyatt ; and George Wyckoff Burroughs. Benjamin Burroughs, b. ^Ntar. 31, 1780, removed to Savannah, Geo., where he married, and became a distinguished and opulent merchant. He was many years an elder of the Independent Presbyterian church in the above city, and d. Apr. 11, 1837. His ch. are Joseph H., a merchant of Savannah; William H., a planter in Florida; Benjamin, a Presbyterian minister at Vernonberg, Geo. ; Henry K., a physician, and recently mayor of Savannah ; Oliver S., of the same city ; Elizabcth-Reid, wife of Dr. John S. Law, of Cin- cinnati, and Catharine, who m. Chas. Green, of Savannah, and is dec. THE RBMSEN FAMILY. This family, whose original cognomen was Yan der Beeck, dates back to a remote period in Germany and the Nether- lands. The arms they bore are those here presented, which were granted them in 1162, by the emperor Frederick Barba- rossa. They indicate reputation gained in the knight service, &c., and the waved lines across the shield represent a brook, and denote the origin of the family name, the words van der heeck signifying of the brook ■ ^^ ■ 1. Rem Jansen Vanderbeeck, and other persons bcarmg this name, emigrated to this country in the infancy of colonization, S8G ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. but the first mentioned was the ancestor of all the Eemsens in the United States. He was by occupation a " smith." Our early records are not agreed as to the place from which he came, one stating it to have been Jeveren in Westphalia, and another Coevorden, in Overyssel, about seventy-five miles south-west of the former town. After his arrival here he m. in 1642 Jannetie, dau. of Joris Jansen de Eapalie, and having resid- ed for some years at Albany, where he and his wifcAvere church members, he settled at the Wallabout, and obtained, either by patent or purchase, the farm now owned by his great-great- grandson, Hon. Jer, Johnson. E,em Jansen enjoyed a respec- table standing in Brooklyn, and was a magistrate during the second Dutch administration. He d. in 1681, his widow sur- viving many years. Of this lady a curious record is made, that when she was a child, a squaw took her across from Gov- ernor's to Long Island in a tub, so narrow then was Buttermilk channel. Eem Jansen had fifteen ch. all present at his funeral, as tradition says, and all of whom married. They were Jan, Joris, Eem,3 Jacob, Jeromus, Daniel, Abraham,'^ Isaac,- Jere- mias,^ Anna, m. Jan G. Dorlandt ; Hillegond, m, Aris J. Vanderbilt ; Femmetie, m. Joseph Hegeman ; Jannetie, m. Gerrit H. Van Nostrand ; Catalina, m. Elbert Adriaense, and Sarah, who m. Marten Adriaense.* The sons finally dropped the name of Vanderbeeck, and took the patronymic Eemsen as their family name. Daniel m. Jane, dau. of John Ditmars, and d. at Flatbush in 1736. Jeromus m. Catharine, dau. of Cor. Berrien, and d. in 1750. Jacob m. Gertrude, dau. of Dirck Yan der Yliet. These three appear to have left no male issue. Jan, b. in 1618, m. in 1681, Martha, dau. of Jan Damen, and d. at Flatbush in 1696, leaving ch. Sophia, John, Eem, Jane, * Elbert and Marten Adriaense were the sons of Adriaen Reyerse of Flatbush, who, with his brother, Marten Reyerse, (see p. 269,) came from Am-^tcrdatn. The history of this family strikingly exhibits the early habit of changing names. Reyerse, itself no surname, but simply a patronymic, (see explanation, p. 265,) was retained by the descendants of Marten Reyerse, who are now numerous, and bear the name Ryerson. Of the two brothers, Elbert and Marten Adriaense, the first settled in Flushing, and his posterity there, in Dutchess co. and elsewhere, compose the Adriance fiimily. Marten Adriaense remained in Flatbush, and had sons Adrian, Rem, and Gerrit, who took the patronymic Martense, and were the progenitors of the present Martence family. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 387 Martlia, and Cornelius. Eem, last named, settled on Statcn Island, and was a justice of the peace. Joris m. in IGS-i, Femmetie, dau. of Derick J. AVoortman, and in 1706 bought the farm of his father-in-law, near the Brooklyn ferry. (See Thompson's Hist. L, I. ii. 210.) This property is now in the heart of Brooklyn city. Of the ch. of Joris, Mary ra. Joost Debevoise, Sarah m. Jacobus Debevoise, Elizabeth m. Geo. Rapalje, and Oatalina m. Ilendrick Rcmsen. Bern, a son of Joris, m. Aeltie Bergen in 17o7, remained on the paternal farm, and d. in or about 172^1, leaving among other ch. sons George and John, the first of whom fell heir to his father's property, m. Jane, dau. of Philip Nagle, and d. between 1735 and '43, having issue Rem, Philip, and Aletta who m. Wyckoff Van Nostrand. Philip, b. in 1731, removed to Buck's co. Pa. 2. Isaac Remsen, son of Rem Jansen,^ was b. in 1673, and d. on a farm in Brooklyn between 1750 and '58. His ch. were Rem, Isaac, John, Jacob, Joris, Hendriekie, m. Johannes Lott, Jannetie, m, John Van Nostrand, and Catrina who m. John Boerum. Joris m. Oatalina Ditmars, but had no issue. Jo/m and Isaac settled at Oyster Bay, where their posterity remains : Isaac was b. in 1710, and left ch, Isaac, Abraham, John, and Antie, who m. Joris Van Nostrand ; the first of whom was father to George, the father of James Remsen of N. Y. city. Jacoh^ b. 1719, m. Catharine, dau. of Wm. Van Duyn, Esq., and was a farmer in Brooklyn, where he d. in 1794. His ch. were Adriana, m. John Debevoise; Henrietta, m. Samuel Harris ; Matilda, m. Tunis Bogart, and Isaac, who m. Susannah, dau. of Chas. Roberts, she being afterwards the wife of Burdet Striker, father of Hon. Francis B. Striker of Brooklyn. 3. Rem Remsen, son of Rem Jansen,^ m. Marritie, dau. of Jan Vanderbilt, and lived in the town of Flatbush, where he served as an elder of the church at New Lots. His will, dated Sep. 9, 1724, was proved Dec. 7, 1742, in which he names his sons Joris, Rem,-* Jacob, and John. Joris m. Lammetie, dau. of Joris Bergen, and secondly Sarah, dau. of Theodorus Polhemus. By the first he had issue Joris, b. 1706, and by the second, sons Rem, b. 1711, and Theodorus, b. 1716 ; of whom Joris, the eldest, d. at Haverstraw in 1741, leaving a son Tunis. Jacoh m. Maria Coerten, and d. in Brooklyn in 1756, having ch. Rem, Stephen, John, Maria, wife of Abm. 388 ANNALS OF NEWTQ-WN. Montanye, Eve, and Anna. Stephen m, Catharine Ditmars, in 1744, and d, at Brooklyn in 1757, leaving issue Abraham, Jacob, Bregie, and Aris. John Bemseyi, by his wife Elizabeth, had Eem, b. 1706 ; Derick, b. 1708 ; George, b. 1710 ; Aris, b. 1712, and Anna and Elizabeth, b, 1715. He d, prior to 1725. His son Aris d, in the town of Jamaica, having had sons John, Rem, and Aris. His brother George d. at Flatbush in 1759, leaving ch. John and Elizabeth. His brother Eem was a farmer at Hempstead, where he d. in the Revolution, leaving issue John, Anthony, and Mary, wife of John Burtis. Said Anthony, a merchant in Brooklyn, d. in 1794, leaving one ch. Aletta, then wife of Nich. Schenck, Jr. Derick Remsen, above named, a farmer at Flatlands, m. Catharine Lott, in 1744, and left sons Johannes and Derick, the first of whom m. Cornelia Rapalje, and d. at the above place in 1826, a. 81. Derick m. Elizabeth Duryea, and was the father of John Remsen, Esq. living at Flatlands. 4. Rem Remsen, son of Rem,^ was b. Mar. 7, 1685, and surviving his wife Dorothy, d. Mar. 5, 1752. His tombstone, with a Dutch inscription, remains in the ancient graveyard in Fulton St., Brooklyn. His ch. were Rem, b. 1706 ; Hendrick, b. 1708; Marritie, b. 1710; Aris, b. 1711; Johannes, b.l714; Catharine, b. 1716 ; Joris, b. 1717 ; Jacob, b. 1719 ; Antie, b. 1721 ; Peter,5 b. 1722 ; Dorothy, b. 1724, and Sarah, b. 1726. All the sons except Aris, became residents of New- York city, and all were either bakers, bolters, or merchants. Joris m. in 1745, Geertie De Hart, then widow Sanford, Be7n was a baker. He m. first a dau. of Jeromus Rapalje, and secondly, Catharine, dau. of John Berrien, Esq. He d. in 1743, and his widow in 1786. His ch. were Dorothy, m. John Riker, George, (a ma- riner, who d. about 1760, leaving a son Peter,) and Jeromus, the only ch. by second marriage ; he d. single. Arts m. Jannetie, dau. of Jeromus Rapalje, and d. at Brooklyn, Apr. 25, 1778. His ch. were Rem, Jeromus, and John, the first of whom m. Maria Schenck, and was a miller at Brooklyn, where he d. Feb. 27, 1780, a 37. His two brothers were merchants in New- York, some years later. Jeromus m. Phebe, dau. of Hendrick Remsen, and d. May 15, 1794, his only son, Henry I. being the father of Edward Remsen of New- York. Johannes was a baker, m. in 1737, Elizabeth Braisted, (then widow ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 389 Waldron,) and d. in New-York, Aug. 28, 1743, leaving issue Johannes, d. single, Rebecca, and Rem, the latter b. in 17-i3. Jacob served several years as a trustee of Brooklyn, but enter- ing into mercantile business in New- York, there d. in 1784. His ch. were Rem, William, Dorothy, Jacob, Mary, Catharine^ John, Daniel, Ann, and Sarah. Hendrick JRemsen acquired wealth as a merchant in New- York, where he d. July 7, 1771, a. 63. By his wife Catalina, dau. of Joris Remseu, who sur- vived [him, and d. Oct. 18, 1784, a. 81, he had issue that reached maturity, George, d. without issue, Dorothy, d. unm., Hendrick, and Phebe, who m. Jeromus Remsen. Hendrick, last named, b. Apr. 5, 1736, m. Cornelia Dickenson, Dec. 28, 1761, and was a merchant of eminence in New-York, and a leading whig at the opening of the Revolution. He d. Mar. 18, 1792, and his widow, July 24, 1816, a. nearly 72. Of nine ch. who reached maturity, only one married, namely, Henry, who was b. Nov. 7, 1762, and d. Feb. 18, 1843. His wife was Catharine, dau. of Capt. De Peyster, and his ch. are Henry R. and William, lawyers ; Robert G., physician ; Catharine- Ann, who m. Frederick Schuchardt, and Elizabeth, the wife of Jos. Grafton, Jun. 5. Peter Remsen, son of Rem,^ m. Dec. 28, 1744, Jane De Hart, and, having done business in New- York for many years, d. in 1771, a. 49. His ch. were Simon, Dorothy, m. Abra. Brinckerhoif, Rem, and Agnes. The tAvo latter d. unm. JSimon, h. Dec. 22, 1748, m. Alctta, only child of Daniel Rapalje, Esq. of Newtown, and occupied his father-in-law's estate, now the residence of his only surviving child, Aletta, the widow of James Strong. Mr. Remsen d. Sep. 4, 1823, Mrs. R. having d. Aug. 14, 1821, in her 68th yr. Their ch. were Peter, Jane, Eliza, m. John T. Lawrence, Daniel, Aletta, aforesaid, and Simon. The first two and .the last d. single. Daniel, b. Dec. 15, 1785, d. at Rome, in Italy, Feb. 14, 1822, and was the father of the late Simeon Henry Remsen. Peter, to whose memory a monument is erected at Newtown village, was b. Feb. 5, 1771, and d. Aug. 26, 1836. He spent more than forty years of his life in mercantile business in New- York, and was esteemed for his piety, intelligence, and decision of character. To his benevolence are the colored people of New- town indebted for their school-house on the Dutch lane. 390 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. G. Abraham Eemsen, son of Rem Jansen/ settled at Hemp- stead Swamp, in Newtown, on the farm now of James Weeden. He m. Anna Aertsen, whom he survived fifteen years. He d. Dec. 13, 1752, a. nj^wards of 80. His ch. were Rem, Aert, Jeromus,'^ Abraham, and Bregie, who m. Abm. Ditmars.* Abraham was m. Sep. 25, 1734, and three days after fell from a chestnut tree, of which he died, Feb. 8, 1735, a. 21 yrs. Aert had by his wife Geesie, issue Abraham, b. 1719, Margaret and Anna, b. 1722. Rem was b. in 1694, m. Oct. 12, 1728, Mary Letten, and resided on the farm now of Willett M'Coun, till in or after the Revolution. His ch. were Abraham, b. Aug. 23, 1730 ; Mary, b. May 4, 1732, m. Benj. Furman, and removed to Haverstraw ; Anna, b. May 28, 1734, m. Howard Furman ; Garret, b. Feb. 8, 1736 ; Aert, b. Nov. 30, 1737 ; Nicholas, b. Nov. 27, 1739; Bregie, b. Mar. 23, 1742, m. David Vandervoort, * The progenitor of the Ditmars fixmily in this country was Jan Jansen, from Ditmarsen, in the Dutchy of Holstein. He is sometimes denominated Jan Jansen platneus, that is Jlalnose. In 1647 he obtained a plantation at the Dutch Kills, (see p. 21,) now included, I believe, in the farm of the late John G. Van Alst. He d. before 1650, as his widow Neeltie Douwes, remarried early in that year. His only ch. whose names appear, were John, and Douwe or Dow. John settled at Flatbush, where he and his wife, Adriana, are named, in 1677, as old church members. They had several sons, one of whom, Dow, m. in 1688, Catharine Lott, and removed to Jamaica, where he d. "far advanced in years," in or just prior to 1755. His ch. were John, Peter, Dow, Abraham, and Adriana, who m. Wm. Van Duyn of Newtown. All of these, except Dow, predeceased their father, leaving heirs. Abraham m. June 18, 1725, Bregie, dau. of Abm. Remsen, and d. on his farm at Ja- maica, Aug. 7, 1743. His widow d. in her 43d yr. Aug. 31, 1750. Their ch. who survived infancy were Catharine, b. June 21, 1727, m. Stephen Remsen and Capt. Christopher Codwise; Anna, b. Jan. 12, 1733, m. Leffert Lefferts; Dow,b. Aug. 24, 1735, and Abraham, b. Dec. 9, 1738. Of these Dow m. Maria, dau. of John Johnson of Jamaica, and d. Aug. 25, 1775, leaving ch. Abraham, John D. of Jamaica, Bregie, now widow of Peter Rapelje, Maria, m, Jacob Rapelye, and Catalina, who m. John R. Ludlow, father of Hanmer Ludlow of Newtown, and Rev. Gabriel Ludlow. Abraham, son of Abm. was twice m. and d. on his fixrm in Jamaica, Nov. 19, 1824, a. 86. By his first wife, Elizabeth, dau. of John Johnson aforesaid, he had issue Abraham, b. Oct. 6, 1760 ; Catalina, b. Sep. 20, 1762, m. Sam'l Eldred ; John A., b. Apr. 9, 1766; and Dow, b. June 12, 1771, now Dr. Dow Ditmars, of Hell- gate, whose wife is Anna-Elvira, dau. of the late Samuel Riker, Esq. Their sons are Thomas T., Richard R., and Abraham D. Anna R., their only dau. is deceased. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 391 and Luke, b. Sep. 1, 1749. Of tliese, Nicholas d. iiiim. aLout the beginning of the Revolution, Daring this contest all the other brothers were in exile through their attachment to liber- tj. Aert and Luke, by trade wheelwrights, were employed in the continental shops at Pcekskill. Abraham was a major of militia. At the peace the four brothers returned, and all except Luke d. on the paternal farm. Aert, d. unm. Nov. 6, 1819, a. 82. Abraham m. Mary Voorhees, of Eockland co., and d. Oct. 12, 1807, a. 77, having issue Abraham, Cornelius, Rem, Luke, and Amy, wife of Geo. W. Hunt. Garret m. Bregie, dau. of Jeromus Remsen, and secondly, Catharine Rcmsen, a second cousin. He d. Dec. 11, 1823, in his 88th yr. His ch. were Abraham, Arthur, Nicholas, Bregie, Mary, Hetty, Hannah, and Margaret. Capt. Luke Remsen m. in succession Abigail, dau. of Benj. North, Judith, dau. of Edward Titus, and Lydia Osborn of Fishkill. He owned the place on Hushing Creek, now of Ascan Backus, where he d. Apr. 20, 1839, in his 90th yr. His ch. wereAbraham, Margaret, Abigail, Peter, Cornelius, Mary, Elizabeth, and Henry. 7. Jeromus Remsen, son of Abraham,*^ was b. 1705, and m. Dec. 12, 1729, Jane, dau. of Jeremias Remsen, of Brooklyn. In 1735 he bought the paternal farm, on which he lived till his death, Oct. 12, 1781, having served in responsible offices both in town and church. Mrs. R., d. Nov. 6, 1776. Capt. Remsen's ch. who reached maturity, were Abraham, b. Dec. 4, 1730, d. unm. Sep. 12, '58 ; Jeremiah, b. Oct. 1, 1732 ; Jeromus, b. Nov. 22, 1735 ; Heyltie, b. June 7, 1737, d. Oct. 21, '6-4 ; Aert, b. Nov. 26, 1741, d. unm. Feb. 4, '75 ; Christopher, b. July 22, 1743 ; Anna, b. Oct. 27, 1745, m. Barent Johnson and Lambert Suydam ; Jane, b. Jan. 1, 1748, m. Garret Har- denbergh, and removed to Orange co., and Bregie, b. Sep. 13, 1752, who m. her cousin, Garret Rcmsen. Christopher m. Margaret Hardenbergh, and left several ch. Jeremiah m. in 1767, Nelly, dau. of Daniel Rapelje, and his only ch. that sur- vived infancy was Jane, who m. Geo. F. Hopkins, in 1811. Jeromus was a man of unusual abilities, and deserves an honorable notice in the history of his native town. He early evinced a military taste, did service in the French war, and stood conspicuous among the whigs of Newtown, at the opening of the Revolution. He was clerk of the county 392 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. committee, and as colonel of militia was present at tlie battle of Lono- Island. He returned from exile at the peace, and d. June 7, 1790, in his 55th yr. Col. Eemsen m. Apr. 31, 1768, Ann, dau. of Cor. Eapelje, who d. in her 75th yr., Apr. 29, 1816, and by whom he had seven sons, only three of whom survived infancy, to wit, Cornelius E., b. Feb. 25, 1769 ; Abraham, b. Oct. 15, 177-1, aad Jeromus, b. Apr. 15, 1781, who d. unm. Jan. 4, 1805. The first m. Catharine, clau. of Elbert Brinckerhoflf, and d. Oct. 15, 1846, having had issue Ann, m. Jas. E. Eapelye ; Jane-Catharine, wife of Daniel Lent ; Aletta, m. AVm. G. Kouwenhoven, and Abraham. Mrs. Lent is the only surviving child. Abraham, son of the colonel, m. Eliza- beth, dau. of Daniel Eapelye, and d. at Astoria, where he then resided, May 25, 1849, in his 75th yr. His only son is Daniel E. Eemsen. 8. Jeremias Eemsen, son of Eem Jansen,^ was b. Sep. 10, 1675, and by two purchases in 1694 and 1704, became the owner of the paternal farm at the Wallabout. " He m. Heyltie Probasco, Sep. 26, 1698, who dying Sep. 27, 1727, a. 50, he m. secondly, Jannetie Voorhees, who survived him, and d. Apr. 17, 1758, a. 76. Mr. Eemsen, d. July 8, 1757, in his 82d yr. His ch. were Eem, b. Nov. 20, 1700 ; Ida, b. Jan. 8, 1703, m. Nich. Williamson ; Christopher, b. Oct. 2, 1705 ; Jane, b. June 26, 1711, m. Jeromus Eemsen ; Jeremiah, b. July 18, 1714 ; Sarah, b. Dec. 11, 1716, m. Abm. Yoorhees ; Abraham,^ b. Jan. 15, 1720, and Lammetie, b. May 20, 1722, who m. Luke Schenck. Jeremiah m. Jane, dau. of Martin E. Schenck, and succeeded to the paternal farm, but dying without issue Sep. 4, 1777, a. 68, he left it to his relative, Barent Johnson, whose son. Gen. Jer. Johnson, now occupies it. Christopher spent part of his life in Newtown, where he owned property, but he finally returned to Brooklyn, was a merchant near the ferry, and d. about 1760. He had ch. Heyltie, who m. Johannes Schenck, and Phebe, who m. Wm. Howard. Rem was a respectable farmer at Bedford, on the estate now of his grandson, Eem Lefterts. He served as a trustee of Brooklyn from 1727 to 175'6. He had issue Jere- miah, Phebe, m. Barent Lefferts, and Heyltie, who m. Sam'l Yerbryck, of Eockland co. The said Jeremiah was acciden- tally shot at Canausee. His only son, Jeremiah, m. Mary, dau. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN, 393 of John Yoorliees, and d. at Bedford, Aug. 8, 1834, in his 73d yr., leaving issue John, (since dec., leaving a son John,) and Margaret, wife of Peter Wilhamsoi], of Flatbush, 9. Abraham Eemsen, son of Jeremias,^ m. Mar, 28, 1746, Matilda, dau. of Wm. Van Duyn, Esq., and resided at the Wallabout, on the farm late of Jas. Scoles. His wife d. Aug. 81, 1779, a. 53, and he, on Mar. 1, 1799, a. 79. His ch. were Heyltie, b. Apr. 25, 1747, m. Peter Wyckoff; William, b. Jan. 17, 1750 ; Adriana, b. Oct. 4, 1753, m. Jacob Boerum ; Jane and Catharine, twins, b. May 7, 1756, the first m. Wm. Sailor, the second John Hutchings ; Sarah, b. Jan. 20, 1759, m. successively Chas. Duryea, John Starkins, and John Lewis; Jeremiah, b. Mar. 13, 1761, and Abraham, b. Apr. 29, 1764. William has sons Jacob, William, and Jeremiah, living at Great Neck, L. I., and Daniel, in Flushing. Jeremiah was the father of Jane, wife of Tunis Johnson, of the Wallabout, and Ann, wife of Jacob Meserole, of Yates co., N. Y. Ah-a- ham was the father of Peter Y. and Abraham Ecmscn, of Brooklyn. THE YAN DUYN FAMILY'. This family, whose remote origin is French, derive their name, originally called Be Duyn, and now commonly written Yan Dine, from their ancient freehold or estate, Duyn, in Burgundy. They early attained a rank among the titled families of France, and many of them en- gaged in the crusades to the Holy Land. The family spread in the course of time, and portions located in the region of the Rhine, and Holland, whence sprang the American family. 1. Gerrit Cornelisz Yan Duyn, of Zwol, in the province of Overyssel, emigrated to America, and with his wife, Jacomina 394 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Jacobs, joined the Dutcli cliurch at New Utrecht, during Do. Yan Zuren's ministry, by certificate from the above place. If there is no mistake in figures (in N. Y. Doc. Hist, i, 660,) the emigration took place in 1649. Mr. Yan Duyn engaged in agriculture, was a deacon for several years, and d. in 1706. He left issue Cornelius,- Denys, Abraham, and Aeltie. Abra- ham m. in 1696, Geertie Martens, of the Wallabout, lived a while at Mespat Kills, but removed about the time of his father's death to Cecil co., Maryland. Denys m. in 1691, Maria Huyken, and settled at Earitan, N. J., but returned to Long Island, and d. in Flatbush, in 1729. His farm is that now occupied by Jacob Martence. He left sons William, Denys, Gerrit, Jacobus, and David. Of whom Gerrit suc- ceeded to the paternal farm in Flatbush, and William and Denys settled on adjacent farms at Earitan, Somerset co., N. J. 3. Cornelius Yan Duyn, son of Gerrit,^ was b. July 16, 1664, at New Utrecht, m. Jan. 29, 1691, Matilda, dau. of Wm. Huyken, and the next year removed to Gowanus, in Brook- lyn, of which town he was afterwards a trustee. His wife dying Mar. 1, 1709, in her 40th yr., he m. Christiana Gerbrands, June 14, 1714. He d. in 1754, leaving, besides daughters, sons Gerrit, b. Sep. 6, 1691 ; William,^ b. Mar. 26, 1693, and Cor- nelius, b. Feb. 12, 1709, who d. in Brooklyn at an advanced age, without issue. Gerrit became a farmer at New Utrecht, where he d. just prior to, or during the Eevolution, By his wife, Aeltie, he had ch. Cornelius, John, Aletta, m. Anthony Hoist, and Matilda, who m. Wm. Bower. 3. William Yan Duyn, son of Cornelius,- was b. at Brook- lyn, where he afterwards wrought as a wheelwright, but in 1719 he removed to Newtown, having early in that year bought property at Hempstead Swamp, which he greatly enlarged by subsequent purchases. He m. Adriana, dau. of Dow Ditmars, whom he survived. He d. Feb. 20, 1769, a. 76, having served as a justice of the peace, and an office-bearer in the Dutch church. His ch. were Catharine, b. 1721, m. Jacob Eemsen ; Cornelius,^ b. 1724 ; Matilda, b. 1726, who m. Abm. Eemsen, and Dow, b. 1730. Boiv received the northern half of the paternal farm, (now the estate of David S. Mills,* dec.,) * While this work has been in press, this worthy citizen, whoi-e nnm© occurs several times in the preceding pages, has been called to pay the debt ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 395 and was m. twice, first in 1754, to Scytic Yanderbilt, and in 1777, to Ann, widow of Garret Springsteen. lie bore the character of an energetic, business man, but was remarkable for his humor. When the Revolutionary troubles began, he inclined to the whig cause, but iinally espoused that of the king, served as a captain of militia under the British, and at the peace retired with his family to Nova Scotia, where he died. (See p. 223.) Capt. Van Duyn left several daughters, besides sons Aert, Cornelius, and Dow, of whom the last two returned to New- York. Dow has sons Edward and Jacob, living. His brother, Cornelius, d. a few years since in the city of New- York, and his sons Dow, Henry, William, and Corne- lius, were smart and capable men, all masters of vessels, and all now dec. 4. Cornelius Yan Duyn, son of William,^ m. Dec. 9, 1752, Anna, dau. of Dominicus Yanderveer. He d. Sep. 24:, 1760, a. 36, though his consort survived him about forty yrs. Their eh. were William, b. Nov. 30, 1755, d. without issue, Nov. 5, 1797 ; Dominicus, b. Mar. 7, 1757 ; Adriana, b. May 8, 1759, and Jane, b. Mar. 3, 1761. Dominicus Van Dine inherited with his brother the southern half of their grandfather's estate, (now Garret Yan Dine's,) and m. May 26, 1781, Hannah, dau. of Howard Furman. She d. Oct. 31, 1800, in her 36th yr., and Mr. Yan Dine Apr. 26, 1830, a. 73. They had issue Cornelius, dec, Hannah, m. Geo. Snediker, Wilham, dec, Arthur, How- ard, dec, Ann, wife of Jas.^ Cortelyou, John, ^and Garret, aforesaid. THE ALBUETIS FAMILY. Early in the history of New Netherland emigration, Peter Ccesar Albertus, a native of Yenice, in Italy, is found dwelling at New Amsterdam. Here he m. in 1642, Judith Jans Meynie, from Amsterdam, in Holland, and from this union sprang all the families among us bearing the names of Alburtis, or Burtis. Peter Albertus lived on the Heeren Gracht, now Broad-street, and also owned a tobacco plantation at the Wallabout, which of nature. He died July 22, 1851, in Iiia 65th year. So fills.up thejecord of mortality. 396 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. he patented June 17, 1643. After his death it was sold to Jan Damen, in 1686. He had issue that reached maturity, John, b. 1643; Aert, b. 1647; Mary, b. 1649, who m. John P. Bant; Wilham, b. 1652, and Francina, b. 1654, who m. John Allen, The three sons removed to Me spat Kills, though Aert or Arthur and William subsequently located in Hempstead, where their posterity remain. 1 . John Alburtis, eldest son of Peter, m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Scudder, and accumulated a large estate at the English Kills, including the lands originally held by Samuel Toe, the purchaser. He d. in April, 1691, in his 48th yr., and in 1693, his widow m. Wm. Lawrence, Sen. of Middletown, N, J. He had issue William, John, Samuel, Elizabeth, who m. John Stewart, and Mehetabel, who m. Jas. Lawrence, son of William, aforesaid, and great-grandfather of Judge Jas. S. Lawrence of Monmouth co. IST, J, One of the sons of John Alburtis settled in Monmouth, and has highly respectable descendants living there. Samuel received a large share of his father's property, and occupied the premises now of Mr. John Peebles. He d. at an advanced age, Oct. 14, 1752, having had issu& Samuel,- Mary, who m. Sam'l Halburt ; Abigail, m. John Morrell ; Elizabeth, m. Jose Glosline, and Phebe, who m. John Morrell.* * Most of, if not the whole Morrell family of Newtown, are descended from Thomas Morrell, who located at Mespat Kills, as early as 1663, and d. in or about 1704, leaving sons Thomas, Samuel, Joseph, and Jonathan, whose descendants have been numerous in this town. As for John Morrell, who m. Phebe Alburtis, he was probably akin to the above, though tradition claims for him a distinct origin. He was b. Mar. 21, 1703, and after his mar- ria"-e erected a house and forge on a part of his father-in-law's estate, being the premises now occupied by his great-grandson, John W. Morrell. His death occurred, Oct. 31, 1768. His only son, John, b. Oct. 21, 1733, suc- ceeded to his estate, and m. Elizabeth, dau. of Abm. Skillman. He d. Feb. 7, 1816. His sons who left issue, were John, b. July 20, 1757, who ra. Elizabeth, dau. of Isaac Meserole, and d. July 12, 1803 — issue John; Abraham, b. Dee. 25, 1759, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Jos. Gosline, and d. June 18, 1842 — issue Joseph G. of Brooklyn, Sarah, wife of Thos. Lane, and Maria, widow of Robert Voorhees; Thomas, b. June 10, 1762, m. Anna Vandewater, and d. AufT. 26, 1823 — issue John and Thomas of Williamsburgh ; and William, b. Mar. 4, 1772, who alone remained on the paternal farm, m. Catharine, dau. of Johannes Debevoise, and d. Nov. 20, 1846, his widow yet surviving. His son John W. has the ancestral farm, and dau. Adriana is the wife of Wm. Randel of Newtown. ANNALS OP NEWTOWN. 397 2. Samuel Alburtis, son of Samuel, and grandson of John/ succeeded to the paternal estate, and m. June 1, 1724, Eliza- beth, dau. of Paul Vandervoort, His wife d. in 1771, in her 66th yr., but he survived till 1788. His ch. Avere Samuel, Paul, John,^ Peter, Elizabeth, who m. John Furman ; Anna, m. Eich. Gosline ; Nelly, m. Sam'l Scuddcr ; Mary, ra. John Pettit ; Phebe, m. Dr. Thos. Sackett ; Jemima, m. John Potts, and Abigail, who m. Eich. Pearce. Samuel, the eldest son, left a dau. Aletta, and an only son who removed south. Paul m. in 1754, Mary dau. of John MorrcU, and had issue Paul, John, who was blind and d. single, Elizabeth, who m. John Venis, and Phebe, who m. Eichard Betts. Paul, last named, had nine ch. He was drowned by the upsetting of a market boat in the East Eiver, Sep. 5, 1815, at the age of 60.* His son Samuel left issue Catharine and Paul. Peter Alburtis inherited the homestead, now Mr. Peebles' ; was a trustee of the Presbyte- rian church, and was much respected. He removed to Green- wich, Ct., and thence to New- York, where he d. Aug. 22, 1826, a. 78. He m. Catharine Van Nanda, and Martha Denton, and had, besides several daughters, sons Samuel, John, and James A. Burtus, the last of whom resides in New-York, 3. John Alburtis, son of Samuel,- was b. Feb. 18, 1734, and m. May 18, 1755, Hannah, dau. of Sam'l Denton of Goshen, N. Y. He bought the premises near Newtown village, now the residence of John Penfold, (north side of the highway,) where he lived till his death, Oct. 6, 1780. For many years he was an elder of the Presb. church, and was a truly estima- ble man. His widow d. Aug. 5, 1783, in her 51st yr. Their ch. were Mary, b. Feb. 1, 1756, m. David Springsteen ; Eliza- beth, b. Sep. 20, 1758, m. Wm. Haviland ; Thomas, b. May * This accident, which carried sorrow to several families of tliis town, occurred as follows :— A vessel from the English Kills, commanded by Capt. Benj Edsall, and laden with produce and passengers, was approaching the city before daylight in the morning. In the darkness they ran across the cable of a brig lying at anchor in the stream, at Corlear's Hook, and were upset. CaptrEdsall, Mr. Kolyer, Mrs. Ellen Rnpelye, (wife of Daniel, mentioned on page 277,) and two colored men clung to the cable, and were taken on board the brig. The remaining passengers, five in number, were drowned, namely, Mr. Alburtis, his daughter Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Lane, and Misses Snedikcr and Wade ; the latter a young girl of twelve years. ISIrs. Rapelye was so much injured and exhausted that she died a few days after the accident. 26 398 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 31, 1762 ; Sarali, b. May 18, 1764, m. Lawrence Eoe ; Nancy^ b. Apr. 11, 1766, m. Benjamin Fowler, and William, b. Jan. 11, 1772. Thomas d. near Whitestone ; issue John and Matilda. William d. in New-York, Oct. 29, 1850, having been a repre- sentative in tlie state legislature. He bad issue wbo reached adult years, John, Ann, Maria, Christian, Thomas, Susan, Margaret, and William. The daughters all married, and are living in the eity of New- York, with the exception of Maria, who is dec. All of the sons d. unm. except John, now the Eev. John Alburtis of New- York city. He was b. June 18, 1795, and was first settled and ordained in the above city, by the Presbytery of New- York, in the year 1819. He is now the editor of a highly scientific and useful work, devoted to agriculture and manufactures, called the Farmer and Mechanic, He has two sons, Edward K., and Clement W., the one a com- mission merchant and the other a lawyer in this city ; also two daughters, Louisa and Mary. THE HOWARD FAMILY, 1. William Howard, the progenitor of the Long Island family, came to this colony near the close of the seventeenth century. Bearing a cognomen distinguished in English his- tory, and which at the present time embraces nearly a dozen of the titled families of Great Britain, it would be interesting to know whether he was of common origin with the latter, who are said by genealogists to be descended from Anber, Earl of Passy, in Normandy, an attendant of William the Conquorer. As 3^et, however, our information of Mr. Howard, begins with his settlement at New Lots, upon the premises now occupied by his great-grand-son of the same name ; he having bought two draught-lots of Francis Way, Feb. 7, 1699. (See p. 149.) Mr. Howard lived to the extreme age of a cen- tury, and his remains, with those of his wife, Abigail, rest in the old burial place at New Lots. Their ch. were Joseph^**^ 4 ANNALS OF NEWTOWK. 399 Edward," Abigail, m. Gabriel Furman,* and Hannab, -svbo m. John Thompson, of Amboy. 2. Edward'Howard, son of William,^ was b. in 1698, and settled on the farm now of Jonathan Howard, near Newtown village. On Oct. Ij 1723, he m. Susannah, dau. of Nathan Fish, who dying Dec. 7, 1755, he m., Jan. 18, 1758, widow Abigail Coe, the mother of the late Judge Coc, of Newtown. She d. Dec. 7, 1761. Capt. Howard and his family were whigs during our Eevolution, and living to taste the blessings of freedom, he d. Oct. 18, 1792, a. 94. His ch. were Abigail, b. Dec. 27, 1724, m. Capt. Sam'l Fish; Judith, b. Mar. 22, 1727, who m. Lawrence, and William,^' b. Aug. 14, 1730. 3. William Howard, son of Edward,^ ra. Mary Cornell, (then the widow Jackson,) who dying without issue, he m. secondly Mary, dau. of Benj. Coe, and sister of Judge Coe, aforesaid. Mr. Howard d. May 28, 1792, in his 72d yr., but his widow survived till 1821. Their ch. who reached matu- rity, were Abigail,'^b. July 3, 1765, m. Rev. Zachariali Green; Edward;^b. Oct. 2, 1766, d. unm. May 14, 1815; Susannah'fb. * Gabriel Furman, from whom most of the Furmans of tliis town are descended, was the son of John and Margaret Furman ; the said John, whose death occurred in 1726, being the son of Josias Furman, who, with a brother John, came hither from Hempstead, L. I., during Gov. Stuyvcsant's lime. These are supposed to have been sons of John Furman, from Wales, who became a freeman in Mass., in 1631. The Welsh origin of the Newtown Furmans, is a matter of tradition. These two brothers acquired lands in the town, and John d. in 1677, a. 46, leaving a son Jonathan. Josias d. subse- quent to 1703, having sons John, Josias, Joseph, David, Samuel, and Jonathan. Gabriel Furman m. Miss Howard aforesaid, Aug. 19, 1713, and owned the farm at White Pot, now of his great-grand-son, Abm. Furman. He d. Sep "3 1768 His sons were William, John, Samuel, Howard, Nathan, Joseph, 'and Benjamin. William was the father of Robert, at one time supervisor of this town. John m. in 1746, Elizabeth, dau. of Sam'l Alburtis, and d Sep 22, 1773, leaving sons Gabriel, Samuel, William, James, Paul, Joseph, and John. Samuel located in northern N. York. His dau., Ann, m. Jud-^e David Lamberson. Howard Furman, b. 1719, m. in 1752, H.annah, dau^of Rem Romsen, and was a valued citizen, a soldier in the French war, and a staunch whig in the Revolution. He d. in 1813, a. 93 His sons were William, Abraham, John, and Aaron. The latter was the father of Grover C Furman. of N. York. John was the father of the late . Furman, Esq , of Bush Hill, L. I. William was the father of Howard, of N. \ork, the late Judge Garret, of Maspeth, and Abm. Furman, of White Pot. 400 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. July SO, 1768; Benjamin, b. Mar. 15, 1772 ; Jonathan, b. Mar, 12, 1776; William,^ b. Oct. 23, 1777, and Marj, b. Feb. 2, 1780. William, an elder of the Presbyterian clinrch, m. May 5, 1812, Mar}^, dan. of Judge Isaac Thompson, and resides at Brooklyn. Jonathan m. Dec. 10, 1818, Ehoda, dau. of Aaron Furman, and is still living at Newtown. Benjamin m. Apr. 2, 1796, Clarissa, dau. of the Eev. Amzi Lewis, who dying Jan. 31, 1801, he m. May 3, 1802, Mary, dau. of Wm. Havi- land. Mr. Howard d. Sep. 14, 1833, and his widow, Jan. 10, 1849, a. 68. His ch.' were William, b. Apr. 21, 1798 ; Clarissa, b. Jan. 26, 1801, wife of John Ledyard ; Deborah- Ann, b< Sep. 15, 1803 ; John H., b. June 17, 1805, residing at New- Orleans ; Edward S., b. May 23, 1807, of Brooklyn ; Samuel H., b. Feb. 28, 1810, of K Y. ; Benjamin C, b. Apr. 29, 1812, of New-Orleans ; Ceorge, b. July 2, 1814 ; Jonathan, b. July 17, 1816 ; Cornelia B., b. Apr. 3, 1819, m. Loring Watson ; Mary, b. Sep. 13, 1821, and Boardman, b. Jan. 26, 1823, who d. unm."^" * The Goes of Long Island, Rockland county, and also a considerable fomily in New England, are descended from Robert Coe, who, with his wife and children, came from England, in 1634, taking ship at Ipswich, in Suffolk CO., in which county the Goes had long been located. He lived at various places in New England, and after making his home at Newtown for several years, and aiding materially in the first settlement of this town, he took up his final residence at Jamaica. In each place he sustained a commanding influence. From 1669 to 1672, he was high sheriff, being at the latter date 76 yrs. of age. His ch. were John, Robert, and Benjamin, the last of whom, b. 1629, m. Abigail, dau. of John Garman, and has descendants in New Jersey. Robert d, at Stratford, Ct., in 1659, a. 32, leaving a son John, from whom a highly worthy posterity has sprung. Capt. John Coe, son of Robert 1st, was b. in 1626, and enjoyed much celebrity at Newtown, as shown in former pages. He was the first owner of the mill on Flushing Greek, now Rapalje's. He had sons Robert, John, Jonathan, Samuel, and David ; of whom David and John d. without issue, the latter having been a judge of Queen's co. Samuel, an elder of the Presb. church, and a trustee of the town, m. in 1712, Margaret, dau. of John Van Zandt, and removed in 1734, to New Hempstead, now Ramapo, Rockland co., where he d. in 1742, a. 70- A full account of his posterity has been written. His ch. were Samuel, John, Benjamin, William, Isaac, Matthew, Daniel, Margaret, m. Benj. Skill- man, Sarah, m. Moore Woodward, and Abigail. All the sons, except Benj. and Isaac, left issue. John was the father of the late Rev. Dr. Jonas Goe, of Troy. RoherL Coe, entitled captain, d. in 1734, a. 75. His sons were, 1st, John, b. 1702, d, 1748, having sons John, Samuel, Benjamin, and William; ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 401 -I. Joseph Iloward, son of William,^ remained on the pater- nal farm at New Lots, where he d. in 1777, a. Stt. His ch. were William, and Mary who m. Cor. Sebring. WiLLrA:M m. Phcbc, dau. of Christopher Eemsen. At the Kevolution, being a whig, he was taken prisoner on the morning of the battle of Long Island, and was made to pilot the British troops who passed over his premises on their way to attack the Americans, lie and his aged father were kept in durance till after the battle, and then released. He d. in Feb., 1777, a. 52. His ch. were Hetty, Avho nf. William Stanley, of Phila., Margaret m. Jona- than Holmes, Joseph, Phebe, m. Thos. Fiirman, William, and Christopher, who d. unm. Stanley and Holmes were American lieutenants who became acquainted at Mr. Howard's, Avliilc there as prisoners on parole. Joseph m, Jane, dau. of Koclof Duryea, and had issue William, Eulof, Joseph, Whitehead, Eiehard, and Jane, who m. John E. Scliermcrhorn. William was b. Jan. 1, 1762, and still lives on the ancestral farm at New Lots. He m, in succession Mary, and Jane, daughters of Garret Williamson, and had issue by the first, Catharine, m. to Philip Eeid, William, and Garret, and by the second wife, Christopher and Joseph, both of whom d. single. 2d, Robert, b. 1707, d. 1777, having- sons Robert, John, Elnatiian, and James ; and 3d, Samuel, b. 1712, who probably d. at Oblong Salem, Westchester co., 1768, leaving issue John, and others. Jonathan Coe d. in or shortly prior to 1750. for advanced in years. His son Benjamin m. Feb. 9, 1733, Abigail, dau. of Nath'l Woodward, and d. Apr. 12, 1743, having sons Jonathan, and Benjamin, the former a patriot of the Revolution, who d. in imprisonment at Flatbush. Benjamin, b. 1741, m. Phebe, dau. of Rev. Simon Horton, and secondly Elizabeth, dau. of Philip Edsall, Esq. His participation in the early Revolutionary movements on Long Island, has been previously noticed. Without education, but possessed of excellent natural abilities, Mr. Coe arose to political eminence, enjoyed the office of jutlge, and a seat in the state senate. He was, withal, a man of piety, and mighty in the scriptures. At the age of twenty-five he became a member, and soon after an elder of the Presb. church at Newtown, of which he continued through life a chief and most zealous supporter. He d. in his 80th yr., Mar. 9, 1821. His ch. by his first wife, were Abigail, ra. Hon. Jas. Burt, of Warwick, N. Y., and Grover ; and by his second, Samuel, d. young, Phebe, m. Aaron Furman, Elizabeth, m. Thomas Betts, Mary, Benjamin, Sarah, d. unm., Frances, and Susan. Grover, b. July 2, 1764, became a merchant at Springfield, N. J., and m. Mary, dau. of Rev. Jacob Van Arsdale. Benjamin, b. June 11, 1784. m. Catharine, dau. of Joiin Nostrand, and d. Aug. 17, 1S17, having ch. Benjamin, and Cornelia, wife of Abm, Meserole. 403 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN, THE HALLETT FAMILY. The Halletts, now mostly re- moved, from this town, formerly composed here a very large and prominent family, and their his- tory is closely ii^erwoveu with Newtown annals, 1. "William Hallett, their an- cestor, was b. in Dorsetshire, Bng., in 1616, and emigrating to New-England, joined in the settlement of Greenwich, Ct., whence he removed to Long Island, and acquired a large estate at Hellgate. (See pp. 29, 63,) In the fall of 1655 the Indians destroyed his house and plan- tation at Hallett's Cove, which induced him to take up his res- idence at Flushing. Here he was appointed sheriff in 1656, but the same year was deposed by Stuyvesant, fined and im- prisoned, for entertaining the Rev. Wm. Wickenden from Rhode Island, allowing him to preach at his house and receiv- ing the sacrament of the Lord's Supper from his hands. Dis- gusted at this treatment, Mr. Hallett, on the revolt of Long Island from the Dutch, warmly advocated the claims of Con- necticut ; and, being sent as a delegate to the general court of that colony, he was appointed a commissioner or justice of the peace for Flushing. Afterwards he again located at Hellgate, where he lived to the age of about 90 yrs. He had two sons, William- and Samuel,'' between whom, in 1688, he divided his property in Hellgate Neck. 2. William Hallett,'^eldest son of William, ^ received that portion of his father's lands which lay south of the road now . forming Greenoak, TVelling, and Main streets, and Newtown avenue ; which road divided his possessions from those of his brother Samuel on the north. He m, Sarah, jdau, of Geo. Woolsey of Jamaica, served as a justice of the peace, and was captain of one of the foot companies. He d. Aug. 18, 1729, in his 82d yr. His ch. were William, b. Dec. 10, 1670 ; Sarah, ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 403 b. Mar. 19, 1678, m. Rev. Geo. riiillips of Brookhaven ; Rebecca, b. Aug. 31, 1075, ra. Jas. Jackson; Joseph,-' b. Mar. 4, 1678; Moses, b. Jan. 19, 1681 ; George, b. Apr. 5, 1683 ; Charity, b. Mar. 16, 1685, m. Sam'l Moore; Mary, b. Oct. 22, 1687, m. Jacob Blackwell ; Elizabeth, b. Apr. 12, 1689, m. John Fish, and Richard,^ b. Nov. 17, 1691. ^ William^ b. at Jamaica, was, with his wife Ruth, whom he m. Feb. 1, 1693, and five chil- dren, cruelly murdered on Jan. 24, 1708, as related on p. 142. Moses m. a daughter of Sam'l Fitch, and d. in 1708. His post- humous son William-Moses, b. Nov. 30, 1708, inherited his farm, being the same, I believe, on which his uncle AVilliam had lived, now the Marks estate. He d. Nov. 15, 1759. George m. Priscilla Allen, May 16, 1718, and resided in New- York, -where he owned property. 3. Joseph Hallett, son of William,2 m. Dec. 23, 1702,Lydia, dau. of Robert Blackwell, and secondly, on Aug. 22, 1728, Mary, widow of John Greenoak. He was a respected magis- trate, and d. Nov. 23, 1750, in his 73d yr. His sons were Joseph, Moses, Thomas,^ Robert, Jacob, Samuel, Richard^ William, and Nathaniel, who d. unm. William was a farmer ; his dau. Phebe, b. Mar. 5, 1763, m. Sam'l Hallett. Bichard resided on the place now of S. Drury. His dau. Sarah, b. Apr. 23, 1762, m. Edward Greenoak. Jacob m. Mercy, dau. of Capt, Dan'l Betts, and became a freeman of New- York in 1745, where he kept an inn on the Bowery lane. Moses m. ]Mary, dau. of Jacob Blackwell, and d. Dec. 29, 1731, a. 25, leaving an only son, Moses. Samuel m. Jan. 1, 1751, Jemima, dau. of Daniel Betts, and secondly, on Dec. 19, 1761, Avidow Elizabeth Wilson, dau. of John Lamb, and sister of Gen. John Lamb. He w^as a distinguished' loyalist, held a captaincy in Delancey's brigade, and removed to St. John, N. B., in 1783, where he d. about fifteen years after. His ch. were Joseph, of Greenbush, N. Y. ; Daniel and Samuel, of New Brunswick ; Susan, m. Isaac Bragaw ; Jemima m. David Moore ; Elizabeth, m. James Moore; Lydia, m. Capt. Wm. Dawson; Jane, m. Wm. Whit- lock ; Sarah, m. Timothy Roach, and Catharine, who m. Sinnott, of St. John. Robert m. Phebe Hallett, Lydia Pidgeon, and Ruth Leverich. In 1738 he bought the farm on the Ridge, since owned by his son-in-law, Edmund Pcnfold, where he d. in 1792, having had issue James, Sarah, m. Edra. Penfold, 401 ANNALS OF NEVTTOWN, Lydia, m. Jolin Greeiioak, and Martlia, wIlo m. Sam'l Haire. James m. Mary, dau. of Jacob Hallett, became a major in tlie Britisli service, and removed to Nova Scotia, His only ch. Susan, d. at Halle tt's Cove, unm. Josej^li^ b. Aug. 14, 1704, d. Dec. 14, 1731, and liad two cb. namely, Joseph, and Lydia who m. Col. Jacob Blackwell. Joseph was b. Jan. 26, 1731, and became an eminent merchant in New- York, where he d. much regretted, Aug. 9, 1799. By his wife, Elizabeth, dau. of JSTath'l Hazard, whom he m. Dec. 11, 1761, he had issue Eliza- beth, who m. Eobert Gault ; Lydia, m. Frederick Herlitz ; Ann, m. John Delafield, Catharine, m. Wm, Payne ; Sarah, d, single, and Maria, who m. Hon. Beuj. Tallmadge. 4. Thomas Hallett, son of Joseph,^.^Avas b. May 10, 1714, and m. Anna, dau. of Benj. Moore. On Jan. 6, 1752, he was commissioned as lieutenant in" Capt. Jacob Blackwell's com- pany of militia. He finally removed to Flushing where he d. Aug. 12, 1779. His ch.were Lydia, b. Jan. 7, 1738, m. Jos. Burroughs; Joseph, b. Feb. 28, 1740; Benjamin, b. Aug. 18, 1743; Thomas, b. Dec. 18, 1745; Mar}^, b. Mar. 6, 1751; Hannah, b. July 30, 1754, m. Wm. AYaters, and John, b. Apr. 2, 1757. Joseph removed to St. Croix. (See p. 172.) John had an only dau. Mary, who m. Nathan Beers, of Fairfield, Ct. Thomas m. May 10, 1772, Elizabeth Willett, and d. Sep. 19, 1798. His ch. were Elizabeth W., m. Willett Leaycraft ; John- Willett ; Anna M., m. John Briggs; Lydia, m. Dan'l Hegeman ; Patience M., m. Jos. Briggs ; Nancy F. ; and Sarah, who m. Wm. Tuthill. 5. Eichard Hallett, son of William,^ bought, in 1717, the farm of John Denman, dec, at English Kills, (see p. 140,) and on Nov. 14, of the same year, m. Amy, dau. of John Bowne of Flushing, the eminent Quaker. Hallett embraced the principles of the Friends, which his descendants yet profess. He sur- vived his second wife, Ann Miller, and d. May 19, 1769, in his 78th yr. His ch. except two that d. early, were Eichard, b. Dec. 31, 1721 ; Sarah, b. Aug. 5, 1723, m. Wm. Webster ; < Amy, b. May 5, 1727, m. Shotwell ; Thomas, b. Mar. 24, 1740 ; Lydia, b. Sep. 12, 1741, m. Abm. Shotwell, and Israel, b. Nov. 5, 1742. Richard m. Mary, dau. of Samuel Way, and was killed by the fall of a limb, May 13, 1757. His ch. were Jane, b. Aug. 21, 1752, m. Anthony Betts, and Jonah, b. Oct. ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 405 31, 1754:, who settled at Whitcstone, was a member of assem- bly, and d. Oct. 2, 1811. Thomas m. Phebe, dau. of Abm. Shotwell, and dying Aug. 22, 1780, was the father of the late worthy Gideon Hallett,^b. Dec. 8, 1773, whose son Thomas now resides at Maspeth. Israel m. Naomi, dau. of Abm. Shot- well, and d. Oct.'^l, 1776, having had issue Richard, Abraham, Jeremiah, and James. These have highly respectable descen- dants in New- York city. G. Samuel Hallctt, son of William,^ was, in his time, a per- son of consideration. He d. Dec. 27, 1724, a 73, having, a few days before his death, conveyed his entire estate to his only son, Samuel.L He was interred on his own premises (the bury- ing-ground beside the Methodist church, Astoria,) where his grave, and those of many of his descendants,' may still be seen. The family of his brother William set apart a burial-place upon their own land, which still remains on the Stevens pro- perty; and here, as tradition says, the family murdered in 1708, lie buried in one grave. Samuel Hallett had daughters Hannah, m. John Washburn ; Elizabeth, m. Col. John Jackson ; Grace, m. Lewis Hewlett ; Mercy, m. Cornell, and Martha, who m. Jas. Hazard, Esq. 7, Samuel Hallett, son of Samuel,*^ tield the post of major in the militia of Queens. He m. Bridget, dau. of Robert Blackwell, and d. Mar. 7, 1756, a. 78. He had issue Samuel, John, James, Jacob, IMary, m. Pettit ; Sarah, m. Cor. Berrien ; Elizabeth, m. Wm. Lawrence and John McDonough ; Bridget, m. Jos. Wright ; Lydia, m. Josiah Milliken ; Martha, m. Wel- ling; Phebe, m. Robert Hallett, and Jemima, who m. John Greenoak. Samuel d. Apr. 7, 1750, and his only son who reached maturity, was Samuel, b. June 7, 1726, to whom, in 1752, his grandfather Hallctt conveyed a farm of 130 acres, near Hallett's Cove. John m. in .1730, Sarah, dau. of Jacob Blackwell, and d. at the Cove, Dec. 3, 1759, leaving ch. John, Samuel, Jacob, Mary, Sarah, Frances, and Lydia. James m. Lydia, dau. of Jacob Blackwell, had sons James and Stei^hen, and d. in 1781 upon his farm near Hallett's Cove, now occu- pied by the children, of his son Stephen, who d, Nov. 22, 1822, a. 73. His other son, James, was an intelhgent man, and acquired a handsome property at coachmaking, in New-York, where he d. Jan. 19, 1805, a. 63, leaving heirs. Jacob HalkU 406 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. m. Apr. 22, 1744, Susannah, dan. of Capt. Daniel Betts. He was a farmer at the Cove, and survived the Eevolution ; his stone farm-house occupied the site of H. F. Blackwell's store. His ch. were Mary, who m. James Hallett ; Phebe, m. Edmund Penfold, and Samuel. The latter, b. Mar. 16, 1761, m. in 1782, Phebe, dau. of Wm. Hallett. He d. Sep. 1, 1817, having had nine ch. most of whom d. without issue. William, b. Sep. 9, 1795, left a family ; James, b. Feb. 18, 1798, is a respected res- ident of Astoria; and John P., b. Sep. 10, 1800, and Edmund P., b. Feb. 29, 1804, both live in New- York. THE DEBBVOISE FAMILY. Qi-^yPfrininn^^ Carel de Beauvois, whose autograph is here represented, was a highly respectable and well-educated French protestant, who came from Ley den, in Holland. He was of a family whose name and origin were probably derived from the ancient city of Beauvais, on the river Therin, to the northwest of Paris ; but there is reason to suppose that he himself was a native of Leyden. He arrived at New Amsterdam in the ship Otter, Feb. 17, 1659, accompanied by his wife, Sophia Yan Loden- steyn, and three ch. born to them in Leyden, and now aged eight, six, and three years, respectively. His literary merits and acquaintance with the Dutch language soon acquired for him the situation of a teacher, but in 1661 he became " choris- ter, reader, and schoolmaster " for the people of Brooklyn, at a salary of 25 guilders and free house rent. He afterwards served as public se'^retary or town clerk, which office he held ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. 407 till 1669. His cli. were Jacobus,^ Gertrude, who m, Jacob W. Vail Boerum ; Catharine, m. Jacob llcndrickse Haste ; and Cornelia, who m. Gerrit G. Borland. 1. Jacobus Dcbevoise, only son of Carel, was b. at Leydcn. In early manhood he embraced religion and joined the church at Brooklyn, of which he was afterwards a deacon. He m. June 12, 1678, Maria, dau. of Joost Carelsz, and d, in the early part of the next century, his widow surviving him. They had sons Carel,- b. 1680 ; Joost, b. 1683 ; Jacobus, b.' 1686, and Johannes, b. 1689. Jacobus m. in 1715 Sarah, dau. of Joris Remscn, and d. on his farm at Bedford, a. about four-score. His ch. were Jacobus, (who d. in 1751, and whose only dau. Engeltie m. Isaac Degraw of Brooklyn,) and George, who was b. in 1720, m. Sarah Betts, Oct. 18, 1746, and inherited all his father's estate at Bedford. Joost m. in 1707, Mary, dau. of Joris Remsen, remained a farmer in Brooklyn, and d. a few years before the Revolution, in advanced age. He had issue Jacobus, Phebe, who m. John Johnson ; Mary, who also married ; Anna, m. Johannes W. Wyckoff ;* Elizabeth, m, Peter Cowenhoven, and Sophia, who m. Albert Nostrand. Jacobus inherited his father's farm at the Wallabout, m. in 1736 Maria Garretson, * Johannes Williamson Wtckoff was the son of Peter, and grandson of Willetn Willemse of Gravesend, who emigrated in 1657, and m. Maria, dau. of Pieter Chiesz Wyckoff. The former was therefore not a Wyckoff by male descent, but assumed that name at the instance of his great-uncle, Hendrick Wyckoff, who d. without issue, in 1744, leaving him liis estate. Johannes d. at Flathinds in 1761. His ch. were Henry, George, Peter, John, Maria, who m. John Emans and Nich. Van Brunt; and Joanna, who m. Wm. Kouvv'enhoven. Henry., of Gravesend, m. Sarah Emans, and had issue Andrew, Henry, Rem, (all three dec, the latter leaving issue Henry, and Gertrude wife of Peter Stryker,) John, of Gravesend, and Phebe, who m. Andrew Suydam. George, of Flatlands, m. Sarah Luyster ; issue Jolm, Ann, wife of Luke Kouwenhoven, Sarah, widow of Thos. Burroughs, and Rensie, wife of Dan'l Rapalje, the last three of Newtown. John had sons George and^ John. Peter, of Gowanus, m. Lammetie Lott; issue Nelly, who m. David Kelsey, Joanna, m. Jolin Bergen, Peter, John; Jane, m. Garret Bergen of Gowanus, (parents of Tunis G. Bergen, Esq.) and Maria, who m. Peter Duryeu of N. Utrecht. Mm, of Jamaica, m. Margaret Terhune ; issue John, Joanna, who m John Ditmars, Maria, wife of Wm. Van Dine, George, Margaret, m. John Sutphen, Catharine, m. Wm. Bennet, Jacob-Van-Dyck of New.\ork, Terhune, Phebe, m. Abm. Van Sicklen, Henry, dec, Albert, and Abraham of Gravesend. 408 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. and d. prior to the American war. His ch. were George, Samuel, who d. without issue, Ida, m. Ferdinand Sujdara, and Marj who m. Grarr^t Van Duyn. George last named, m. Elizabeth, dau. of Jeremiah Yanderbilt, and d. at the Walla- bout in or prior to 1784 : issue Maria, who m. Capt. Jackson ; Catharine, m. John Yan Alst ; Phebe, m. Jacob Ejerson ; Sarah, m. Jeromus Eyerson and John Cozine, and Ida, who m. in succession two persons of the same name, Francis Titus. 3. Carel Debevoise, son of Jacobus,^ m. Margaret Meserole, and became a notary public in Brooklyn, fully sustaining the prominence in civil and church relations, which the family enjoj^ed for a long period in the above town. From 1752 to '61 he was county judge. He lived on the premises now of his great-grand-daughter, Mrs. Prince. His sons were Jan,"* Jacobus, Carel,^ and Johannes. Jacobus was b. in 1709, and resided at Gowanus, where he d. in 1766. His first wife was Maria Yan Housen, whom he m. in 1736 ; his second was Mary Stillwell, who survived him. He had issue Charles, Eichard, Margaret who m. Charles Doughty, of Brooklyn, afterwards member of assembly, Ida, m. John Godfrey Muller, of N. Y., Adriana, and Mary. Of these Charles remained at Gowanus, and had issue James, Wynant, and others. Johannes was town clerk of Brooklyn, and a somewhat important citizen. He m. June 15, 1749, Hannah, dau. of Thomas Betts, of Flatbush, and d. ISTov. 19, 1792, having had issue Thomas, Charles, Margaret, and Hannah, all of whom d. single, but Margaret, who m. Dr. John Duffield, a surgeon in the Am. Eevolutionary army. They were the parents of Susan Duffield, who m. Capt. Chas. K. Lawrence ; Anna, who m. Capt. Christopher Prince, and Margaret; who m. first Capt. Archibald Thompson; and sec- ondly Sam'l A. Willoughby, Esq., of Brooklyn. 3. Carel Debevoise, son of Carel,^ m. Oct. 9, 1736, Eve, dau. of Coert Yan Yoorhees, of Gravesend, and became a farmer in Bushwick, on the property now of Chas. I. Debe- voise, Esq. He d. in 1757, and his widow in 1793, a. 74. His ch. were Margaret, b. May 9, 1738, who m. Peter Colyer ; Nelly, b. Mar. 16, 1740, m. Carel Debevoise ; Carel, b. Feb. 5, 1742; Maria, b. Mar. 21, 1744, m. John Devoe ; Anna, b. June 26, 1746, m. Dr. Andrew Yan Allen and Joris Debevoise ; Coert, b. Oct. 28, 1748 ; John, b. Apr. 14, 1751 ; Catharine, ANNALS OF NEWTOWIT. 409 b. Mar. 22, 1753, m. John Buskirk ; Jacobus, b. Jan. 31, 1755, and Isaac, b. July 10, 1757. Card m. Maria Van Houten, and had sons, who are now dec. Coert m. Elizabeth Sloat. Jacobus m. Aletta, dau. of John Rapalje, and was the father of John and Charles Debevoise, liviDg at the English Kills. Isaac m. Jane, dau. of Joris Debevoise, and Magdalena, dau. of Tunis Schenk, and was father of George, of the English Kills, and Charles I. Debevoise, aforesaid, supervisor of Bushwick, the latter by the second marriage. John m. Jane, dau. of Moses Beegel by his intermarriage with Jane, dau. of Frcd'k Van Nanda, (see p. 171,) and located at Fresh Ponds, in Newtown, where he d. Mar. 15, 1829, and his widow Aug. 28, 1847, a. 90. They had issue Jane, b. Nov. 8, 1776, who m. Jas. Titus and Daniel Lake; Eve, b. Oct. 7, 1779, d. unm. ; Sarah, b. June 4, 1781, now widow of Charles G. Debevoise ; Moses, b. July 2, 1783, m. Maria, dau. of Peter Duryea, and d. Dec. 12, 1831, leaving ch. Peter, John, Sarah-Ann, and Charles ; Charles I., b. Feb. 21, 1785, ra. Maria, dau, of Johannes Covert, and d. Aug. 26, 1831, having issue John, Rebecca- Ann, Covert, and Cornelius ; Ann, b. Apr. 26, 1793, m. Chas. Debevoise, Cripplebush ; and John, b. Mar, 3, 1798, who m. Cornelia M., dau. of Cor. Van Cott, and resides at Fresh Ponds, having formerly served the town as supervisor. 4. Jan Debevoise, son of Carel,- was b. in 1704 at Brooklyn, and m. Jane, dau. of Lieut. Joris Ra^Dclje, of Newtown, in which town Mr. Debevoise located, being the first of his family who came to this township, and the ancestor of most of the name since resident here. His farm was that lately occupied by George Pine. Having been esteemed as a good man, and useful as an elder of the Dutch church, he d. Apr. 26, 1777, a. 73. His widow d. Aug. 25, 1781, a. 74. Their ch. were Carel, Joris,-'' Jacobus, Daniel, Johannes,*^ and Cornelius. Daniel d. unm. in his 82d yr., Feb. 14, 1819. Cornelius d. unm. Oct. 8, 1773, a. 27. Carel m, his cousin Nelly, dau. of Carel Debe- voise, was a worthy deacon of the Dutch church, and d. June 9, 1792, a. 64. His widow d. Mar. 23, 1806, a. QQ. They had issue Jane, who m. Isaac Eapelye, Eve, m. Francis Duryea, and Agnes, who m. Folkert Eapelye. Jacobus m. Maria, dau, of Ab'm Cook, and settled at Cripplebush. He d. Oct. 5, 1813, in his 80th yr,, having had issue John, b. Mar. 10, 1759, m. 410 ANNALS OF NEWTOWN. Elizabeth, dau. of Chas. Titus, and was the father of Chas. Debevoise now living at Cripplebush, and his brothers James, Francis, and John ; Abraham, b. Sep. 8, 1763, m. Jane, dau. of Garret Komvenhoven, and had sons Garret, and James ; Charles, b. Oct. 14, 1765, who m. Leah, dau. of John Titus; Gabriel, b. Jan. 19, 1775, m. Marj, only ch. of Coert Debe- voise, and lives in Bushwick; and Jane, b. Mar. 16, 1777, who m. Harmanus Stockholm. 5, Joris Debevoise, son of Jan.* served prior to the Eevo- lution as a deacon of the Newtown Dutch church. He d. in his 72d yr. July 9, 1802, having been thrice married ; first to Ann, dau. of Ab'm Rapelje, who d. childless, secondly to Nelly Schenck, of Cow Neck, and thirdly to Anna, dau. of Carel Debevoise, and widow of Dr. Van Allen. By the last he had issue Charles G., and by the second, John, Susannah, who m. Ab'm Duryea, and Jane, who m. Isaac Debevoise, of Bushwick. John m. Eve, dau. of Andrew Yan Allen, and d. in his 56th yr., Nov. 25, 1822, having had issue George, living in Flushing township, Andrew and John, who occupy portions of the paternal farm at Dutch Kills, Ann, who m. John Oakley, and Ellen, wife of John I. Van Alst. Charles G. m. Sarah, dau. of John Debevoise, and d. in his 52d yr.. Mar. 22, 1836, his sons John and George now possessing his farm at the Dutch Kills. 6. Johannes Debevoise, son of Jan,* was b. Feb. 28, 1742, and lived at Fresh Ponds. He m. Sarah, dau. of Abm, Eapelje, who dying Nov. 3, 1766, he m. secondly Adriana, dau. of Jacob Eemsen. She d. on Feb. 19, and he on Feb. 20, 1812, and both were interred together. His ch. were John, b. June 13, 1766, Avho m., but d. without issue Apr. 2, 1818 ; Jacob, b. Aug. 11, 1771, d. Feb. 15, '86 ; Sarah, b. Feb. 4, 1773, d. Aug. 8, '75 ; Jane, b. Aug. 26, 1776, m. Theodoras Kolyer; Charles and Catharine, twins, b. Mar. 22, 1778, the former d. single May 9. 1819, the latter m. William Morrell ; Sarah, b. Aug. 16, 1780, now widow of John Burroughs; Isaac, b. Jan.' 14, 1783, now of Fresh Ponds ; Adriana, b. July 27, 1785, wife of Cor. N. Ditmas ; Nelly, b. Oct. 15, 1787, d. unm. ; Anna, b. Nov. 2, 1789, who was the first wife of C. N. Ditmas ; and Jacob, b, Sep. 26, 1792, who m. Catalina, dau. of John Ditmars, and resides at Newtown. APPENDIX CONTENTS OF THE APPENDIX. A. — Mespat Patent, in Latin. B. — Presbyterian Church Members. C— Dutch Church Contributors, 1731. D.— Dutch Church Pew-holders, 1736. E. — Communicants, Nov. 1, 1741. F. — ^List of Town Officers. G.— Freeholders, Dec. 4, 1666. APPENDIX. THE MESPAT PATENT, [Book of Patents G. G., p. 49.] Nos Guillihelmus Kieft Director Generalis, Senatusq« Novi Bel- gii, pro Prajpotentiss. Dominis Dus Ordinibus Gen. Provinciarum Foederat. Belgic. Altissimoq'^ Principe Auraico, nee non Nobilissimia Dominis DAs Administratoribus Societatis Gen. Indiie Occidentalis. *Snibus hasce Litteras inspecturis notum facimus, dedisse, atq^ con- cessisse, quemadmodum per praBsentes damns, ac concedimus Fran- cisco Doughty, et sooiis, assignatisq^ suis, atq'' eorum harcdibus, in possessionem realera, actualem, ac perpetuam ; certam partem terraj, cum pascuis, C2eterisq° in ea inclusis, litani in Longa Insula hujus Provincise; in area ua continentem sex millia sexcenta sexaginta sex JHgera Hollandica, aut circiter ignographice inclusam inter quatuor recte conoeptas lineas (qutelibet bis mille pei-ticarum Hollandicarum l<3ga.) quarum prima producitur ab oriente angulo prasdii Hans Hanssonii secundum rivulum, paludem in duo inaequalia secantem ad plantationcra Richardi BrutnalJ, et inde plus Euro-Borcam decur- rit, per medium paludis dulcis transiens, ad fluviolum, vingentem meridionalem partem terrarum Henrici Agi-icolaj eundemq" sequen- tem ad ejus ostium usque ; altera linea vero inde erigin^m suraens plus Euro-Notum flectitur secundum littus marinum illudq*^ ambiens usQ® ad fluviolum alterum ; quern secundum cursum sequitur ab •ostio ejus usq'^ dum attigerit orientalem extremitatera cujusdam paludis (a qua prasdicte fluviolus provenit) ind-e plus Euro-Notum reflectitur, donee ad longitudinem bis mille perticarum Hollandicarum pervenerit; tertia vero ab extremitate hujus incipiens plus Libim tendit prjEcedcntibus roque longa. ; tandem quarta a punctilio ultimo plus Borea-Zephirum decurrens ad supradictum angulum orientalem 414 APPENDIX. prcedii Hans Hanssonii eoncludit ibi quadatum, (in qnolibet cujas angulo postea lapis erigetur, ad majorem limitum certitudinem ;) cum potestatie in sup. dicta terra pagum, Tel pagos construendi, templum, vel templa sedificandi, Eeligionem Christianam Reforma- tam, quam profitentur, nee non disciplinam ecclesiasticam excercendi ; item jure altam mediam, atq*^ infimam justitiam administrandi li- tesq'' civiles quinquaginta florenos Hollandicos non excedentes deci- dendi, in criminalib^ vero in mulctam ejusdem summa condeninandi definitive et absq^ appellatione ; decceteris litibus, cum civilibus, turn criminalibus majoris momenti primam sententiam dicendi (verum appellationi ad Supreraam Curiam Novi Belgii facta diflercudum erit) atcf ejusdam sententite exsecutionem faciendi ; deniq*^ onibus juribus prsedictse jurisdictioni debitis omnimodo uteiidi. Iterum po- testate quosdam eorum nominandi, prasentandiq'' Directorii N. Bel- gii ut ex iis sufficiens numerus ad regimen turn politicum, turn juridicum eligatur. Postremo jure venandi aucupandi piscaturam faciendi, nee non comercium excercendi juxta immunitates colonis hujus Provincise concessas, concedendasqe absq" ulla exceptione. Propter qute dicta prasdictus F. Doughty et socii, atq*^ assignati eorurnqs hseredes obligati sunt futuriq'^, tamdiu, quamdiu supra dictae terrse possessores erunt, prsedictos Dominos hos Superioribus Dms, atq*^ Patronis sais agnoscere; prseterea decimam partem reventua agrorum, tum aratro, turn ligone alio ut medio cultorum (pomariia, hortisq^ oleribus dicatis jugerum Hollandicum non excedentib^ excep- tis) postea decennium prreterlapsum solTcre. Deniq^ voexcije Hol- landicum non aliud exigere ; lapidib^ bylanci inservientibus, nee non ulna ceeterisq'' mensuris Hollandicis in vendendis, aut emendis, ad confusionem vitandam, uti. Quoe onia sub prsedictis conditionibus inviolabiliter observare promittimus, atq" ad eorum observantiam obstringimus successores nostros virtute dyplomatis ab Altiss. Prin- cipe Auraico Provinciarum Belgicarum Foederatarum Gubernatore, nee non architalasso supremo nobis concessi. In fidem quorum has prcesentes Litteras propriis manibus subscripsimus, atq° eas a Secre- tario Novi Belgii subsignati, iisdemq*^ sigillum N. B. apponi curavi- mus. Datum in Arce Amstelersdamensi in Insula Manahatans in Novo Belgio A? 1642, Martii 28. Suhscrlptus^ GuiLLIHBLMUS KiKFT. Inferius, JUSSU D. DiRECTORIS, Senatusqe, Cornelius A. Tieniioven, Secrets. APPaNDIX. 415 B. MEMBERS OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ♦Ccmtent Titus, Joseph Hackett, Sen. Philip Kctchaiu. Caleb Lpverich. Thomas I'ettit, Sen. Kezia Ketehajn. The wife of Philip Ketcham. Margaret Strickland.* Silas Titus, Sen. ■Lydia Pumroy. James Renne. Joanna Hunt. ■Sarah Renne. Mary Titus. ■Catharine Pettit Samuel Ketoham, Sen.- Margaret Furman. Mercy Hazard. Nathaniel Hazard. Margaret Hazard. Samuel Coe. Richard Sackett. Margaret Coe. Sarah Titus. Mary White. Judith Wood. James Keile, and wife. Andrew Colbrith, and wife, Mercy Sackett, widow. Mary Moore, widow. Mrs. Tuthill, of Westchester. Abigail Springsteen. Sarah Culver. Deborah Hazard. Elizabeth Hunt. Elizabeth Pumroy, Hannah Morrell, Thomas Hunt, Richard Wood, Deborah Burroughs, Sarah Morrell, Anna Woodward, Anna Wood, Samuel Burtis, and wife, Charity Ketcham. Apr. May, June 25, 1725. 1726. 1727. 1730. 1731. Dec. 19, 1731. Bcnj. Cornish, Jun Judith J^Iorrell. AN'iduw l.iiwrciice. Martha Krlcliam. Su.sauni>)i Comfort, Amy Berrien, Philip Fxisall, Hannah Fish, Jacob Reeder, Charity Renne, Samuel Fish, Sen., llmothy Wood, John Recder, William Burroughs, Susannah Howard, Elizabeth Hunt, Sarah Morrell, Cornelius Berrien, Jun., Hannah Bailey, Nathaniel Bailey, Margaret Burroughs, Phcbe Hunt, Jonathan Hunt, Samuel Hallett, Sen., Abigail Smith, Samuel Bruce, Susannah Morrell, Amy Cornish, Sarah Culver, John Alburtis, Sarah Comisli, Hannah Ketcham, Benj. Cornish, Jun., Elsie Devine, Benjamin Coe, Benj. North, and wife Marg't, James Pettit, Kezia Morrell, Mary Palmer, Jannetie De^^ne, Dorothy Leverich, Sarah Morrell, Abigail Wainwright, John Pettit, and wife, Ann Moore, widow, Joshua Ketcham, [died Jan. 6, 1733.] Jan. 14, 173.T Sep. 1.'), 1734. Feb. 15, 173C. Oct. 24, " Feb. 27, 1737. Sep. 25, " Feb. 5, 1738- June 18, " Oct. 29, " Apr. 1, 1739. Nov. 11, '• Apr. 20, 1740. June 6, 1742. Aug. 2g, 1743. Mar. 18, 1758. Mar, 20, 1763. Dec. 15, 1765. Aug. 30, 1766. 1768. Mar. 12, 1769. Dec. 10. " Sep. 23, 17T0, Mar, 14, 1771. * The first eight were "members in full communion," at Mr. Pumroy's eettlement, in 1708L The others were received from that time onward, but the date of admission is not given till 1725. c. SUBSCRIPTION FOR BUILDING THE DUTCH CHURCH IN 1731. Kicholas Berrien, £12 Antie Brinckerhoff, 10 Daniel Rapalje, 9 Peter Berrien, 9 Isaac Bragaw, 8 10 Abraham Lent, 8 10 Joris Rapelje, 8 10 Ab'm Bnnckerlioff. 8 10 John Wyckotf, 7 5 Peter Cornell, 3 Jacob Skillman, 2 15 Jeromus Remsen, 2 15 Aaron Gilbert, 2 15 Andries& Jannetie Riker 2 10 Johannes Culver, Paulus Vandervoort, Cornelius Berrien, John Riker. Peter Luyster, Petnis Schenk, Teunis Brinckerhoff, Isaac Brinckerhoff, Johannes Van Alst, Capt. Samuel Fish, 2 10 2 2 6 2 6 6 10 6 10 6 6 10 6 6 Elbert Luyster, William Van Duyn, Abraham Remsen, Thomas Skillman, Hcmlrick Brinckerhoff, Stotltl Vanderbeeck, John Debevoisc, Abraham Riker, Jun., Brrgoon Brngaw, John Brinckerhoff, Andries Van Alst, Maria Springsteen, 6 5 15 5 5 5 4 15 4 13 4 10 4 8 4 5 4 4 41G APPENDIX. Cornelius Rapelje, Nicholas Parcell, John Parcell, of the Is- land, Bernardus Van Zandt, Joris Van Alst, Daniel Rapelje, Jun., Abraham Kapelje, Abraham Riker, Rem Rerasen, Samuel Fish, Jun., Cornelius Berrien, Jun., 4 3 15 3 15 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 8 Abraham Remsen, Jun., David Springsteen, Casperus Springsteen, William Miller, Judith Cancel, Judge Jas. Hazard, Capt. Thos. Hazard, Hendrick Cornell, Bernardus Bloom, John Parcell, Joost Schoon, o 2 2 2 2 1 10 2 o 1 15 1 11 1 yon-resident Subscriberif Jcromus Rapalje, Dow Van Ditmars, Justice Ryder, Justice BrinckerhofF, Johannes Cornell, Nicholas Letten, Dow Van Ditmars Jr., Ab'm Van Ditmars, Johannes Nostrand, Abraham Schenk, Abraham Lott, PEW-HOLDERS OF THE DUTCH CHURCH IN 1736. Smts for Males to the north- west side of the pulpit and the middle isle. No. 1. Joris Rapelje. CapL Sam'l Fish. Johannes Van Alst. Elbert Luyster. Abraham Remsen. Thomas Skillman. No. 2. Antie Brinckerhoff. Nicholas Berrien. Peter Berrien, Daniel Rapalje. Abraham Lent. Peter Luyster. No. 3. Isaac Bragaw. Ab'm Brinckerhoff. Teunis Brinckerhoff. Isaac Brinckerhoff. John Wyckoff. Petnis Schenk. No. 4. John Debevoise. John Brinckerhoff. Cornelius Rapelje. Maria Springsteen. Andries Van Alst. Abraham Rapelje. No. 5. Stoffel Vanderbeeck. Bergoou Bragaw. Joris Van Alst. Abraham Riker. Ab'm Riker, Jun. Daniel Rapelje, Jun. No. 6. Hendrick Brinckerhoff. Aaron Gilbert. Andrew Riker. Cornelius Berrien. John Riker. Stephen Ryder. Derick Brinckerhoff. Johannes Cornell. No. 7. John Parcell, Island. John Parcell. Joost Schoon. Jeromus Rapalje, Flushing. Johannes Nostrand. Abraham Schenk. Nicholas Parcell. WilUam Van Duyn. No. 8. Peter Berrien. Teunis Brinckerhoff. Bernardus Van Zandt. Cor. Berrien, Jun. Johannes Van Alst. Hendrick Cornell. Thomas Skillman. Hendrick Brinckerhoff. No. 9. Joris Rapelje. Abraham Lent. Isaac Bragaw, Abraham Remsen. Nicholas Berriea. Ab'm Brinckerhoff. No. 10. Jacob Skillman. Jeromus Remsen. Peter Cornell. Ab'm Remsen, Jun. Hendrick Cornell. Ab'm Van Ditmars. Rem Remsen. David Springsteen^ Andrew Riker. Johannes Culver. Seats for Females, north-west side of the middle isle. No. 11. Juffrou's Pew. [" Juffrou," a title of respect for elderly females.} Sarah Berrien. Antie Brinckerhoff. Aeltie Rapelje. Elizabeth Berrien. Heyltie Bragaw. Catrina Lent. Angenietie Rapelje. No. 12. Aeltie Brinckerhoff. Sarah Luyster. Elizabeth Brinckerhoff. Diana Brinckerhoff. Ruth Fish. Jacomina Luyster. Adriana Van Duyn^ Elizabeth Schenk. No.. 13, Jannetie Remsen. Jannetie Remsen. Jannetie Skillman. Margrietie Schoon. Dow Van Ditmars. Marritie Van Ditmars. Bregie Van Ditmars. Mattie Remsen. Sfots for Females, soutlieast side of the pulpit. No. 1. Amy Berrien. Angenietie Fish. Elizabeth Parcell. Antie Rapalje, Flushing. Elizabeth Ryder, Flushing. Aeltie Brinckerhoff, Flushing- No. 2. Marritie Brinckerhoff. Johannes Van Alst. Aeltie Van Alst. Neeltie Vandervoort. Jannetie Riker. Geertie Riker. No. 3. John Parcell, Island, Rensie Rapelje. Abraham Riker. Catrina Gilbert. Marritie Culver. Sarah Berrien. No. 4. Judith Cancel. Geertie Miller. Lammetie Cornell. Johannes Nostrand. Abraham Schenk. Marritie Lott. No. 5. Capt. Sam'l Fish. Isaac Brinckerhoff. Stoffel Vanderbeeck, Bergoon Bragaw. Maria Springsteen. Conielius Rapelje, APPENDIX, 417 No. 6. Peter Berrien. Joris Rapeljc. Abraham Lent Isaac Bragaw. Abraham Remsen. Nicholas Berrien. Ab'm Brlnckerhoff. Teunis BrinckerhofF. Seats for Men, south-east side of the middle isle. No. 7. Cor. Berrien, Jun. Capt. Hazard's heirs. Samuel Fish, Jun, Judge Hazard. VVi[liam Miller. Peter Berrien. Daniel Rapalje. Antie Briuckerhoft". No. a Johannes Culver. Judith Gancel. Paulus Vandervoort Casperus Springsteen. Bernardus BJoom. John Wyckoff. Peter Luyster. Petrus Schenk. Na 9. John Debcvoise. Ab'm Riker, Jun. John Brlnckerhoff. Nicholas Parcell. Bernardus Van Zandt Juris Vftn Alst Daniel Rapeljc. Abraham iiapelje. No. 10. Nicholas Lettcn. Abraham Riker. Peter Cornell. Jacob .^killman. Jeromus Remsen. Aaron Gilbert. No. 11. Dow Van Ditmars. Dow Van Ditmars, Jun. Abraham Lott. John Parceil, Island. Cornelius Berrien. John Riker. Rem Remsen. David Springsteen. Ca.sperus Springsteen. William Miller. Scats for Females, south-east side of the middle isle. No. 12. Adriana Wyckoff. Ann ."^killman. I.iunmetie lirinckerhoff. Anfii' Rimscn. Hi-yltie Vanderbeeck. Diana Braguw. Maria ."Springsteen. Wilham Van Duyn. No. 13. Jannctie Dcbevoisc. (ieesie Riker. Aeltie Rapilje. Margaret \an .MsL Cieertie Parcell. Antie Rapclje. Annetie Cornell. Belitie Van Zaudt No. U. Marritie Cornell. Captain Hazard's heirs. Judge Hazard. Antie ."Springsteen. .'Sarah ."Springsteen. Catrina Bloom. Margrietie Letten. Elbert Luyster- ZI. COMMUNICANTS.— NOV. 1, 1741. ISce Page 238.] Daniel Rapelje. Abraham Lent.* Wm. Van Duvn.* Ab'm Bbinckerhoff.* Johannes Culver.* >Chbist'r Vanderbeeck.' JoH.N Debevoise.* John V/yckoff.* Jeromus Remsen.* John Snediker.* John Simonsen.* John Proba.sco. Crietie Hardenbergh. Xanah Gerritse. Johannes Van Leuwe."^ Samuel Waldron.* Daniel Duryea.* Abraham Remsen. Aris Remsen.* Isaac Lott.* Geertie Remsen, Willemtie Willt-mse. Derick Amerman.* William Cornell.* Peter Monfort.* Elizabeth Berrien. Isaac Brinckerhoff.* Abraham Riker.* Teunis Brinckerhoff.* John Riker.- Andries Riker.* Joost .Schnon.* Cornelius Rapelje.* Elbert Hoogland.* Ab'm Polheinus.* Catrina Vylen. Dow Ditmars.* Cornelia Suydam. Judith Cancel. Peter Luyster.* Elbert Luyster * Dow Ditmars. Johannes Knrbag. John Peter ."Styn.* Ab'm Rapelje.* Hendriek lirinrkerboff.* Derick Brinckerhoff. Antie ."Skillnian. Sarah Berrien. Johannes Nostrand. Ruth Fish. Abraham .Schenk. .Stephen Ryder.* Jurian Ryder.* Note. — Those in small capitals were then elders and deacons of the church. A few of She others were from the adjoining towns. Those witli a star affixed were attended by their wives. 418 APPENDIX, r. TOWN OFFICEES. [Name» in italics are of those now serving.] MAGISTRATES UNDER THE DUTCH. 1652, Thomas Hazard, Robert Cce, Richard Gildersleeve. 1653, Thomas Hazard, Robert Coe, Richard Gildersleeve. 1654, Thomas Hazard, Robert Coe, Richard Gildersleeve. Ifi55, Thomas Hazard, Robert Coe. 1656, Robert Coe, Henry Feeke, Richard Belts. 1657, Henry Feeke, Richard Betts, William Fafmer. 1659, Edward Jessup. 1660, Edward Jessup. 1661, Edward Jessup, John Coe, Jonathan Fish. 1662, Edward Jessup, John Coe, Jonafchan Fish. N. B — Three magistrates were appointed yearly, but I have not been able to perfecJ the list. OVERSEERS. Mar. 1G65 to Apr. '66, Gersliom Moore, John Burroughes, George Jewell, Jona» Schon. Mar. 1665— Nov. '66, Thomas Wandell, Burger Jorisz-, Nicholas Carter, Ralph Hunt. Apr. 1G66 — Nov. '66, John Coe, Daniel Whythead, Francis Doughty, Tbcmaa. Case. Nov. 1666 — Apr. '67, Ralph Hunt, E«rger Joriss. Nov. 1666 — Apr. '68, Daniel Whythead, Francis Doughty. Apr. 1667 — 1669, Thomas Robinson, Aaron Dericksen. Apr. 1668 — 1670, Thomas Case, Gershom Moore. Apr. 1669 — 1671, Burger Joiisz, John Smith. AjM-. 1670 — 1672, Ralph Hunt, Thomas Lawrence. Apr. 1671 — i6-73-, Thomas Robinson, Gershom Moore. Apr. 1672— Aug. '73, Robert Field, John Ketcham-. Nov. 1674—1675, Robert Field, John Ketcham. 1675 — 1677, Jonathan Hazard, Gershom Moore. Mar 1676 — 1678, Thomas Stevenson, James- Way. Apr. 1677 — 1679, Samuel Moore, Gershom Moore. Apr. 1678 — 16S0, Jonathan Haaard, Robert Field. Apr. 1679—1681, William Hallett, Sen., Content Titus. Apr. 16«0— 1682, John Coe, Sen., Thomas Wandell. Apr. 1681 — 1683, Jonathan Hazard, Samuel Moore. Apr. 1682 — 1684, Gershom Moore, Jeremiah Burroughs. Apr. 1G83 — 1684, Edward Stevenson, Samuel Scudder. COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN COURT.. 1684to'85, Jonathan Hazard, Gershom Moore, vSamuel Moore-. 1686 — '87, Jonathan Hazard, Samuel Moore, Content Titus. 1687 — '88, Content Titus, Thomas Lawrence, Thomas WandelL 1688— '89, Content Titus, Samuel Moore, William Hallett, Jun. 1689 — '90, Content Titijs, Jonathan Hazard, Jeremiah Burrcughsi APPENDIX. 419 SUPERVISORS. Jacob Rapelje. Jeroinus Reiiisen, Juu. Daniel Luyster. Samuel Riker. Robert Fiinnan- Samuel Uiker. Joliu Lawrence. Jonathan Howard- James Lent. John Alsop. James Lent. Jonathan Howard. Jarvis Jackson. John Debevoise. Dan'l L. Rapalje. William H. Furman. Peter Luyster. * No choice in 1685, '88, 89, or 90, is found recorded, and none were chosen in 1701, nnd 'S With these exceptions, the time of serrice, in this and following lists, must be understooa to extend to the Eext date, unJesa otherwise stated. 1684, Feb. 28, Samuel Moore, and Thomas Stevenson.* 1756, 1774, Apr. 6, 5, 1686, Feb. 2, Jeremiali Burroughs, 1777, " 1, Content Titus. 178:J, Dec. 22, 1687, Jan. 27, Samuel Moore, Jonathan llaiard. 1786, 1803, Apr. 4,' 5, 1691, June 27, Capt. Samuel Moore. 1807, i< 7, 1697, Dec. 14, Lieut. Joseph Sackett. 1810, (( 3, 1699, Feb 2. John Berrien. 1811, " o 1700, Dec. 17,' Mr. Jos. Sackett. 1821, " 3', 170.3, Jan. 6, Peter Berrien. 1822, <( 2, 1706, Apr. Jos. Sackett, Sen. 1825, " 5, 1708, »' 6, Peter Berrien. 1829, K 7, 1711, (( 3, Capt. Jos. Sackett. 1837, Mar • 7, 1716, << 3, John Coe. 1844, Apr 2, 1720, " 5, Capt. Thos. Hazard. 1845, i( 1, 1733, Sep. 25, Samuel Fish, Sen. 1849, « 3, TOWN CLERKS. 1656, Serving, 1659. " 166}, Mar. 13, 1663, Elected, 1665, " 1675, (( 1677, July 28, 1689, Apr. 1, " Oct. 2, 1691, June 27, 1695, Aug. 5, 1698, July 29, 1704, Dec. 1, 1706, Apr. 2, 1708, " 6, 1723, Nov. 28, 1756, Apr. 6, 1686, Feb. 2, 16S7, Sep. 27, 1690, May 18, 1691, June 27, 1692, Sep. 17, 1693, May 27, 1694, Mar. 3, 1695 Apr. 17, 1696 " 17, 1697 " 2, If May 15, 1699 Aug. 7, 1700 «' 28, 1702 Mar. 23, 1703 , Jan. 6, William Wood. Thomas Lawrence. John Burroughes. James Bradish. John Burroughes. John Ketcham. Theophilus Phillips. Daniel Phillips. Jeremiah Burroughs. Edward Stevenson. Jeremiah Burroughs. William Glean, Peter Berrien. John Stevenson. Jonathan Fish. Jacob Reeder. Wm, Van Wyck. 1759, Apr. 3, 1768, " 5, 1783, Dec. 22, 1789, Apr. 7, 1807, " 7, 1810, " 3, 1821, " 3, 1825, " 5, 1826, « 4, 1828, " 1, 1832, Mar. 6, 1836, " 1, 1839, " 5, 1843, Apr. 4, 1845, " 1, " " 12, 1847, " 6, Samuel Moore. Samuel Moore, 3d. Philip Edsall. Cornelius Luyster. William Howard. Thomas H. Betts. William Howard. John R. Ludlow. Schenck Way. Benjamin Howard. James II. Kolyer. William Howard. James H. Kolyer. Andrew Lawrence. William Paynter. William M. Payntar. Win. E. Furman. ASSESSORS. Content Titus, Jeremiah Burroughs. Thomas Pettit, Joseph Sackett.* John Lawrence, Robert Coe. Joseph Sackett, Thomas Pettit. Samuel Hallett, John Way. Content Titus, Thomas Pettit. Jeremiah Burroughs, Daniel Bloomfield. Richard Betts, Jun., William Glean. Jonathan Hazard, Gershom Moore. Robert Coe, John Lawrence. Joseph Burroughs, in place of Lawrence. William Glean, Peter Berrien. Philip Ketcham, Wm. Hallett, Jun., fCapt. IPs son.) Philip Ketcham, William Hallett. John Berrien, Elnathan Field. * In 1688, '89, '98, and 1701, no choice recorded. 420 APPENDIX. 1704, Feb. 2, « 1705, Apr 4, 3, 1706, u 2, 1707, (1 1, 1708, a 6, 1709, «< 5, 1710, Jan 5, 1711, Apr 4, 3, 1712, " 1, 1722, It 3, 1723, (( 2, " Nov 28, 1724, 1728, Apr .7, 2, 1732, (( 4, 1733, (1 3, 1734, it 2, 1735, <' 1, 1736, " 6, 1737, (I 5, 1738, (f 4, 1739, (( 3, 1740, " 1, 1741, " 7, 174i, II 6, 1743, Jan. 17, 1746, Apr. 1, 1747, «' 7, " Sep 4, 1748, 1749, Apr 5, 4, 1750, II 3, 1751, II 2, 1752, II 7, 1753, " 3, 1754, " 2, 175&, II 1, 1756, II 6, 1758, " 4, 1759, " 3, 1760, 11 1, 1761, «' 7, 1762, II 6, 1763, II 5, 1764, " 3, 1765, II 2, 1766, " 1, 1767, II 7, 1768, II 5, 1769, II 4, 1770, ■ 1 3, Gershom Moore, Joseph Sackett, 3na, John Coe, Esq., Jonathan Fish. John Stevenson, Samuel Moore, Jun. Nicholas Berrien, Josias Furnian, Jun. Joseph Moore, Silas Titus. John Cancel, James Burroughs. Joseph Moore, Jonathan Fish. John Stevenson, in place of Fish Richard Betts, Thomas Alsop. Daniel Stevenson, Samuel Fish. Elnatban Field, Jonathan Fish. Nathaniel Hazard, Johannes Schenk. Elnathan Field, Jonathan Fish. William Stevenson, in place of Fish. Elnathan Field, William Stevenson. Samuel Fish, Jun., Teunis BrinckerhofE Joseph Sackett, Jun., Cornelius Berrien. John Way, Isaac BrinckerhofF- Cornelius Rapelje, Samuel Moore, Jun. Philip Edsall, Benjamin Field. Samuel Fish, Jun., Teunis BrinckerhofF. Jeromus Remsen, Hendrick BrinckerhofC William Van Wyck, John Hallett. Daniel Rapelje, Thomas Betts. Robert Coe, John Debevoise. John WyckofF, John Sackett. Jacob Rapelje, William Moore. James Hallett, (son of Samuel,) in place of Moose-., Philip Edsall, Thomas Betts. Jeromus Rapelje, AVilliam Hazard. Nathaniel Fish, William Moore. Philip Edsall, in place of Moore. Elnathan Field, Tunis Schenk. Justice Thomas Betts, Philip Edsalh Richard Hallett, Jun., George BrinckerhoiF. Justice Cornelius Berrien, Philip Edsall. Samuel Moore, (sun of Benjamin ;) John Burroughs. Justice Cornelius Berrien, Philip Edsall. Isaac Bragaw, Jun., William Moses Hallett, Edward Titus, John Pettit, Jun. John Raj)elje, John Leverich, Jun., Joseph Morrell. John WyckofF, Esq., Daniel Rapelj*. William Sackett, Jun., Wilhelmus WyckofF. Cornelius Rapelye, Jun., William Howard. William Sackett, Nathaniel Moore, Jun. Samuel Moore, Jun., Wilhelmus WyckofF. Samuel Hallett, Jun., Abraiiam BrinckerhofF, Juu.^. Garret Springsteen, John GosUne. Thomas Betts, Philip Edsall, Esqrs. Dow Van Duyn, William Lawrence. Capt. Samuel Hallett, Ezekiel Furman, Richard Betts, Jun., John Moore, Jun. Daniel Lawrence, Richard Alsop, Casper Springsteen, Jonathan Coe. Abraham Pol hem us, Joseph Burroughs, John Suydam, Abraham Riker, Jun. John Fish. John Bragaw, George Rapelye 3d, Samuel Betts. Geo. Bi-inckerhofF, Sen., Benj. Coe, Sen., Samuel Riker. Jeromus Remsen, Abraham Rapelye, Jun., Cornelius Berrien, at the Point. APPENDIX. 421 1771, Apr 2, 1772. " 7, 1775, ' 1 4, 1777, ( 1, 1779, ( c, 1780, ( 4, 1781, i 3, 1783,D iC. •22, 1784, A Pr 6, 1785, < 5, 1786, ( 4, 1787, 1788, 3, 1789, <( 7, 1790, 2 : Ilczrkinh, 189 ; Robert, 110 ; Robert, 110, 148, 151, 153 ; Rob- ert, 180; Stei)hcii, 180. Fish, Faiuily of, 365 ; John, 111 ; John, IPO, 211; Jonathan, 26, 328 ; Jonathan, 1.50; Jonathan, 180; Narhan. 110; Nathaniel, 170; Rev. Peter, 175, 'itl to 235; Samuel, 110; .'^umuel, 226, 229 :•• CapL Samuel, 78, 159, 104, 170, 236 ; Samuel, 73, 180 ;— 295, 330. • Fisher, Edward, 63 : John, 270. Fisk, Almond D. 240, 261. Fitch, 229, 329, 403. •itzsinimous. Peter, 213. Floyd-Jones, D. R, 275. Folcks, Dr. 160. Folk, 280, 380. Foot. 276. Fowler, Rcnjamin, 398 : JcBCph, 38, 43, 47. Fradell, Jeuriacn, 21, 36. Franklin. Waller, 166, 200,201. Fransz, Joost, 269. Frszier, Col. 167. Freeke, John C. 325. Froeligh, Rev. Solomon, 199, 241. Frogat, 336. Fiirman, Family of, 399 : Aaron, 21.5, 274 ; Et«. kieJ, 1;)9 ; Kzekiel, 180 ; Gabriel, 159 ; Gft- biiel, 180; Hon. Garret, 73,261,378,379; Howard, 180, 215. 217, 395 ; John, 43 ; John, 110; Jonathan, 180; Joseph, 159; Jofias, 110; Josias, 110, 152; Nowel, 1.59 ; Robert, 184; Samuel, 94 : William, 176, 178, 180, 202 ;— 328, 380, 384, 390, 400. 401. Furnis.*, George. 328. Fyn, Capt. Francis, 354; Jacob, 133; Jon J. "no. Cancel, John, 379. Garden. Col. William, 214, 277. Gardner, John, 381. Ciarretson, Rev. Garret J. 243, 244. 272 ; Sam- uel. 322 ;— 407. Gault, Robert, 404. Gedn. y, Joshua. 278, .339. (ierardy, Jean, 30 ; Philip, 37. Gerbrands, 394. Gesncr, Juliii, 275. Gibbs, 92, 34(i. Gideons, James, 03. Gilbert, 369, 372. ^. , ^ GiUh-rsleeve, Richard, 27, 28. 82, 63 ; Richard, 43, 82. Glean, Family of. 110; William, 13.). Guetschius, Rev. Johannes H. 2.38 to 241 ; Rer Mauritius, 212. GuUL-mith. Rev. John, 234, 235, 244, 354. Goodwin, O iver, 347. Gordon Rev. Wm. R. 276 Gorsline, Family d'- 346 ; Andrew, 3.53; JamMy 180 ; John, 180, 222 ; Joseph, 222 ; Peter, 346, 309 ; Richard, 172. 397 ; Samuel, 351. Gosmnn, William, 209, 327. CJracie, 309. (iraftnn, Joseph, Jr. 389. Graham, Augustine, 140 ; James, 308. Grant, Gen. 191 ; Lieut. Alexander, 223 ; Zebu- Ion 3'9 Gray,' mV. Elizabeth, 397 ; Isaac, 110 ; John, 43. (Jreedy, Thomas, 43, 54. „ . • u Green. Gen. Nathaniel, 180 ; Rev. Zaihanah. 399 :— 346. 385. Greenfield. Dr. John, 160. Greenoak, Family of. 101 ; John. 100. 169, 249 j John, 320. Grover, Simon, 229. . _v (iysbertsen, Wouter, (See ycrschuer.) Hacker, Copt, John, 312. 432 Haff, Peter, 359. Haire, Ludlam, 161, 180, 188; Samuel, 404. Halburt, Samuel, 396. Hall, 3.31. Hallett, Family of, 402 ; James, 17P, 249 ; Ja- cob, 161), 24y, 250; Jacob, 169. 180; John, 248 ; Jonah, 184 ; Joseph, 154, 161, 248 ; Jo- seph, 160, 203, 219, 3.55. 358; Joseph, 172; Richard, J41, 153, 254; Richard, 169, 178, 249 : Robert, 249 ; Samuel, 110 ; Samuel 154 ; Samuel, 249 , Samuel, 180 ; Samuel, 169, 170 ; 181, 183, 247, 249 : Thomas, 16.5, 16,9, 249^ William, 29, 63, 64, 73, 110, 114, 156, 328* Capt. William, 110, 143 ; William, 140, ll." 143; William, 169, 249; William, 169, 178, 249 ; William, 172 ; William-Moses, 248 ;— 329, 340, 356, 376. Halsey, Stephen A. 191, 323. Hamilton, Col. Archibald, 201. Hammel, Rev. William, 252. Hammersley, Thomas, 248. Hampton, Rev. John, 137, 138. Hankin.son, Kenneth, 368. Hanson, 361, 374, 376. Hansseu, Hans, 16, 18, 73, 83. Harcksen, John & Jacobus, (See Krankheyt.) Hardenben;h, 292, 391. Hardenbrook, Abel, 270. Haring, 309, 310. Harmen,se, Capt. John, 302. Harmensen, Hendrick, 16, 21, 22, 300, 302, 316. Harper, Dr. 217 ; Joseph, 256. Harris, 387. Hart, John, 82, 133 ;— 331, 366, 376. Haste, Jacob H. 407. Haviland, 397, 400. Hawkin.s, 377. Hay, Jacob, 382. ' Hays. Jane, 110. / Hazard, Family of, 332 ; Dr. 160; Gershom, 78, 110; James, 247, 249, 250, 4U5; Jonathan, 61, 78, 81, 89, 91, 94. 99, 104, 105, 110, 115, 116, 117, 227: Morris, 180; Nathaniel, 157 ; Tho- mas, 27, 33, 43 ; Thomas, 151, 152 ; William, 249, 250 ;— 286, 356. Heard, Col. Nathaniel, 182, 183, 199 Hedenberg. James, 113. .353. Hegeman, 270, 271, 275, 276, 296, 322, 323, 324, 340, 386, 404. Henderson, 326. Hendricksen, Harmen, 380. Hendrickson, Cornelius, 273, 279 ; William T. 292, 295 ;— 296, 322. Henley. Adj. James, 203. Herlitz, Frederick, 404. Herod, James, 43. Herrick, J. K. 36 ; William, 28, 43, 335. Herring, Elbert, 294, 317. Herttell, Cornelius, 308. Hewritt, Randell. 63. Hewlett, Lewis, 64 ; Lewis, 405 ; Capt Richard, 166. Heyer, 323, 326, 369. Heyert, Thomas, 316. Hicks, John, 43 ;— 148, 328. Hi^ffins, Messrs., 161. HiMreth, Patrick G. 337. Hillhouse, James A. 28.7. Hillyer, Rev. Asa, 313. Hines, Michael, 309. Hobby, John, 43. Hodges, Edward, 334. Holden, John, 83. Holmes, Lieut. Jonathan. 401 ;— 276. Hoogland, 145, 269, 275, 276, 297, 318, 340, 382. Hopkins, Georite F. 391. Hoppin, Georae H. 337. Horton, Rev. Simon, 180, 229, 235, 248. Howard, Family of, 398 ; Benjamin, 226 ; Ed- ward, 226 ; William, 149, 1.52 ; William, 176, 180, 215, 222 ; William. 226. Howe, Sir William, 191, 194, 202. Howell, 356. Howland, Joseph, 234. Hubbard, Capt. James, 82, 86; Rev. John, 135, Hubbs, Thomas, 376. Huddleston, William, 145. Hudson, Henry, 14. Hnlst, 3.59, 382, 394. Humphrey, James, 298. Humphries, Major, 216. Hunt, Family of, 85; Edward, 110; George W. 391 ; Ralph. 43, 54, .57,61, 62, 63, 70, 74, 78, 79. 85, 89, 109 ; Thomas, 50 ;— 384. Hunter, Gov. 151 ; Capt. George, 215, 382 ; James, 376. Hustace, David, 310. Hutchings, John, 393. Huyken, 394. Hyatt, Cornehus, 376 ; John B. .385 ; Thomas, 380. Ingoldesby Maj. Richard, 120. Inman, Henry, 308. Ireland, John, 289. Jackson, John C. 314 ; Thomas B. 36, 45, 73, 84, 368 ; Robert. 82 ;— 399, 403, 405. 408. Jiicobs. Henry, 178, 382. Jadwin, 329. Jameson, Col. John, 342. Janes, 345. Jans, Annetie, (See Bogardus.) Jansen, Cornelis, (See Bcrrrien ;) Hendrick, 43, 77 ; Lieven, 36 ; Tymen, 16, 21 ;— 267, 270. Jarvis, Moses, 358. Jennings, David, 94. Jessup, Edward, 27, 28, 31, 38, 43, 44, 48. 51, 52, 56, 57, 89. 383. Johnson, Family of, 268 ; Mrs. Anna, 188, 189, 190; Barent, 324, 391, 392; Rev. Evan M. 253 ; Gen. Jeremiah, .301, 386, 392 : Rev. John B. 253 ; Martin, 273, 322 ; Sir William, 162, 163, 167;— 309, 349, 390, 39.3, 407. Jone.s Hon. David S. 213, 216, 254, 260, 346 ; Dr. Evan, 169; Sir John T. 283; Joi?eph, 310; Rev. Morgan, 99, 100, 101, 105, 106, 114. Joost, Simon, 36, (See Brinckcrhoff ;) Burger, 16, 21, 22, .37, 72, 74, 83, 109, 371 ; Steven, (See Van Alst.) Judson, Charles, 333. Kearns, John, 155. Keeler Thomas, 148. ■ Kelhim, William B. 309. Kelly, Capt. Edward, 305. Kelsey, David, 407. Kenyon, 317. Kershow, Jacob, 270. Ketcham, Family of, 89 ; John, 83. 88, 89, 110 ; John, 232; Philip, 110, 341, 374; Samuel, 110. Kettletas, Rev. Abraham, 368. Kidd, Capt. William, 303 Kieft, Gov. William, 17, 19, 23. King, Hon. Rufus, 336. Kip, Abraham, 366 ; Jesse, 123, 366, 368 ; Rev. W. L,287. Kirkland, Col. Moses, 202. Kissara, Daniel, 348, 374. Kitfield, Francis, 71. Klock, Abraham, 271. Kneeland, H. 211, 294. Kolyer, 294, 295, 380. 397, 410. Kouwenhoven, George, 284, 351, Luke, 36, 73, 433 3fi0 : William G., 392. (See Cowenhoven ) Krankheyt, Harck Sibuutsen, :3(i, •,':iG, :)!»;, 350 ; Jacobus Elarcksou. 133, 316, 317 ; John Ilurck- sen, 110 ; tjiboiit Uarckseii. 3Ui. Kronkhite, Family of, (See Cruitkhiu) Kuypt'rs, Rev. William 1'. 3J1 ; Uev. Zncharinh H.24-2. • Laight. Edward W. 347 Lake, Daniel, 40!) ; Manning, 377. Lamb, James and John, 317; Cien. John, 403. Lamberson, iloii. David, 3i)9. Lamson, Joseph, 3.j;2. Lane, 3.j2, 396. 397 Langdon, Capt. Richard, 164. Larremore, Jamo;*, 349, 3j0. Lasher. Ci.l. John, 183 Laton, 295, 296. Lauronson, James, 43, 50, 52, 78,332; John, 43, 50, 57, 58, 78. Law, Dr. John S. 385. Lawrence, Family of, 281 ; Daniel. 133; Daniel, 17ti, 180, 184, 194, 231. 319 ; John, 110, 131, 132 ; John. 1.58 ; John, 37, 288 ■■ Jonathan, 133 ; Jonathan, 176, 180, 184, 185, 188, 194. 2il2, 208 ; Jonathan, Jr. 221 ; Jo.seph, 165, 170, 180; Richard, 180, 184 193; Kichard, 37, 288; Samuel, 180; Thomas, 36,43,51,64,70,74,82, 83, 109, 110, 118. 131, 132; Thcim^v^, 158: Thomas 176, 180, 210. 231, 318, 342 ; Wdlmm. 43, ,52, 61 : William. 109, 110,131, 132, 134; Wil- liam, 165, 180, 184, 191, 194, 195,2(8, 222, 2;il. 32;i;— 161, 290, 296, 309, 312. 318, 330, 339, 341, 351, 366, 377, 396. 399, 408. Layton, John, 43, 46. 51, 54, 57, 61. Leaird, Alexander, 338. Leaycraft, 311, 324, 404. Le Bross, Charles, 284. Ledyard, Dr. Isaac, 223, 232; John, 400. Lee. Benjamin F. 288; Robert P. 377. Le Febre, 371. Letterts, 269. 298, 323, 326, 363, 364, 390. 392. Leggitt, John. 336. Leisler, Gov. Jacob, 116 to 121. Lent, Family of, 315 ; Abraham, 237, 2.38 ; Dan- iel, 200 ; Daniel. 210, 339 ; Henry, 304 ; Ja- cobus, 178, 189. Lequier, 273. 363, 371. Le Hoj-, Daniel, 370. Leslie, Gen. 191 ; Gi.'orge W. 3.37. Leverich, Family of, 350 ; Caleb, 53, 62, 71, 110 ■ Eleazar, 53. 71 ; Elnathan, 180 ; Jacob P. 2-^6; Jesse, 2i6. 340; John, 180, 206 ; John, 198 ; Richard, 206 ; .Samuel, 161 ; Samuel, 226 ; Rev William, .53, 62, 76, 81, 84, 85. 94, 98; Wiliiam, 158 ; William, 217, 231 ; William. 155 159, 220 ; William, 214, 276, 346. Lewis, Rev. Amzi, 400; Ezekicl. 126; John, 393. Lhar, 341. L'Hommedieu. Nathaniel, 323. Lindslcy, Rev. Philip. 288. Livesay, William, 277. Livingr^ton, Philip J. 202. Lloyd, Gen. John, 277; Dr. 'Ihomas, 100, 11.). Lord, Samuel, 381 Losee, Simon, 152. ,oo i=t oro Lott, F.ngelbert, 151; Peter, 133. 152;— 209, 270 272^ 275, 278, 295, 321, 322, 323, 324, 348, 365! 369,' 387, 388, 390, 407. Lourensz, Johannes, 110. Lovelace, Gov. Francis. 87, 88, 14.5. Ludlam, 20, 295. Ludlow, Rev. CJabriel, 274, 390 ; Ilanmer, 322, 390 ; John R. 390. Lutwyche, Col. Edward G 271. Luv.ner, Family ol, 358; Abraham R 36 ; Cor- nelius, 133: Daniel, 178; Albert 237 • Gar- ret 178; Pietcr Cornelisz, 84 ;-275, 296, 382. I-ydig, Philip M. 326. I, yell. (See Errata, p. 428.) Lynch, Thomiia. 303. Lynn, Rev. JamCE, 231. Mabie,310. .Macaul, Nathaniel. 318. M ick, Kolieit, 110. 1.53, 2.54. .Macneven, Lr. William J. 314. Macnish, Re-. Gi.'orge, 138, 150. 225; RcT. tieorge, 228, 229. .Mai])lieison. Capt. John, and eonf, 348. Major, Henry, 334. Mukrmie, Rev. Francis, 137, 138. iM..iulold, Ca])L Peter, 326. Manning, Capt. John, 354. Maiiningham, 354. M;inwiiriiiig, Gerdon, 330. March, Abraham, 180; MHJor, 191. .Marr, James, 188, 190, 200. .Marsclialk, Francis, 171. Mar^h, 380. Martence, Family of, 386;— 321, 324, 364, 394. .Martensen, Hendrick, (Sec (ViUsie.) Martine, Daniel, 309. Maiher, Dan, 27.5. Mayle. Henry, 105, 110; Henry, Jr. 110. MuConnell, John, 178. .McDonou-h, James, 353 ; John. 160, 169, 178, 'J47, 249; 405 ; John. Jr. 178, 180. McFarmn, Thomas, 223. Mclntoth, phineus, 3:15. Mc Murray, 293. McCoun, WiUett, 390. McVickar. Dr. Benjamin, 287; John, 332: Meacock, Pet<:r, 43. 98. Mreks, Col. Edward, 308. M.'gapolen.sis, Rev. J. 40. Meserole, Family of, 293 ;— 178, 346, 376, 382, 393,396. 401, 408. Mesier, :i26. Meyer, Adolph, 317. Meynie, 395. Ml yrinck, Jan, 373. Middagh, 270, 363. .Mill)orne, Jacob, 119 to 121. Miller, William, 130; Ann, 404. Milliken, Jo^iah, 405. Mills, David S. 203. 216, 22.3, 2.58, 394 ; Richard, 50, 58, 59 ; Rev. William, 233. Millward. Robert, 145, 152. Mitchell, Warren, 276. Molenaer, Joost Adriaense, 382. Monckton. Col. Robert, 163. Monfort, 27;->, 293, 295, 296, 359, 364. Montanye, Abraham, 388. Montsomery, Dr. Thomas, 343. ,Moort-, Family of, 327 ; Benjamin, l.)3. 247 ; Rev Benjamin, 204^ Benjamin, 89; Ger- shorn, fi:?, 70, 71, 79, 81V 105, 110, n^ ^^J' shom, 118; Rev. John, 27. 39, 40, 43 45. 46. 49 50, 76; John, 78, 111 ; John, ten., 178, 181, 249; John. Jr., 178, 181, '^i^. 24^ J Jf""-.!'^' 154 1.58, 247; Nathaniel, It..), 1-8, 181. Ita. 191'. 249 ; Nathaniel, 249 ; Nat^inniel, 155, lo9 ; Robert, 188; Samuel. 61, 9f 11^, 10;), 106, 110, 117,gl4 1«0, i:ft; S»>nuel,154 247; >nm- uel 178 247, 249, 250; Samuc^l, 1-6, 178, 180, 249; Samuel, 178, 249; Thomas 63 ;_ Roy. Thomas L. 3.33 ; Vernon, 172 ;— 78, 27.., JIU. 311.352, 375,376. Morehcttd, Matthew, 372. Morrell, Family of, 396 ; Abrnhnm 1..9 ; Dn^- • , „-,V i_i,.: ^o'r . i.,l,n 178: John. 191. 20)3, orrell, ramuy "i. ■'■>"' ""■ ", ; ', u,, .joa iel, 376 ; John, 397 ; John. 178; J" >"•'■»> .;•?• 222: Jonathan, 180; Joseph, 180 ; Robert. 249, 332 ; Samuel, 78. 176, 178, 180 ; rhomaB. 79. 94, 110; Thoraa.s, 24J. ^'IlK'n}".", 249. Morris, John, 343; Dr. Ricburd L. J70 , byl- vanus, 280. 434 INDEX. Morse, Capt. Ephraim, 166, 167, 353; Rev. John, l-^ti to lil. Moscrop, 276. Mosier. Rev. John R. 325. Mott, 305, :i53, 379. Muller, John G. 408. Murch, John, 260. Miitter, Dr. Thomas D. 337. Myers, Family of, 317; Frederick, 376. Nagle, 309, 310, 381, 387. Neefus, John, 3."J9. Neilson, John, 370; Robert, 377. Nevius, 3o9, 360. Newman, Kzra, 341. Newton, Capt. Brian, 43 ; Henry, 38 ; Thomas, 38, 43. Nicoll, Matthias, 73, 87; Gov. Richard, 36, 64, 6.5, 66, 74, 75. 144, 145; William, 170, 171; William, Jr. 171; William, 343. North, Benjamin. 180, 184 ; Thomas, 180;— 338, 391 Nostrand, 322, 401, 407. (See Van Nostrand.) Oakes, Capt. Hildebrand, 209. Oakley, John, 410. O'Brian, Capt. John, 308, 309. Ogden, Dr. Jacob, 160. 250. Oglevie, Thomas, 318. Okie, 371. Oliver, Francis J. 337. Onderdonk, Family of, 275 ;— 171, 295, 310. O'Neale, Hugh, 24. Opdyke, Johannes, 372. Osborn, Richard, 78 ; William, 110 ;— 378, 391. Ostran>, 148, 185; William, 2.3, 9.3 ;— 248, 269, 270, 275, 283, 288, 290, 298, 31.5, ,322. :W I,. 342. 353, 384. Smock. Barent, 360; Cornelius. 362. Siieden, John, 309. Snediker, 273, 275, 276. 278, 296, 317, 323, 324. 3.50, 358, .35!), 395. 397. Snyder. Christopher, 361. Spragg, Siimuel, 379; Richard, 380; Richard, Jr. l.tO, 380. Spraiuger, John, 270. Springst.-en, Family of, 130 ; Casper J. 130 : Dn- vid, 159; Jacobus, 158; Joost C. 50;— 375, 395. 397. .*!prong, David, 321. Stag;:, Jacob anil Thomas, 349. Stanley, Lieut. William, 401. .■^taiiton, Henry, 'XiS. Staples, John 1. 166, 277. Staikins, John, 393. St<-lleiiwerf, Jacob, 322. Sterling, Lt. Col. Thomas, 191, 204, 205. Stevens, Widow, 43. Stevensen, Joris, (See Van Alst.) Stevenson, Daniel, 158 ; Edward. 106. 110, 115, 12.3. 124; John. 78; John, 123; Jonathan, 110; Thomas. 40, 48, 375; Thomas. 106, 110, 122, 12;t, 1.32, 140, 148, 283,375 ; Widow, 254 : —336, 339, 377, Stewart, James. 43 ; William, 333. Stilhvtll, Mary, 408; Nicholas, 55, 56. ."^tiiiipsun, 270. Stirlm-, Lorii, 18?, 184.378. Stockholm. 270, 298, 372, 381, 410. StockinL'. Altheus Y. and Harvey, .309. Stoothotf. Fainilv of, 86: CapL Klbert E. do. Storm, 130, li'SO, 294, 29.5, 382. Stoutenburgli, .Andrew. 382. Strickland, Edmund, 43; Jonathan. 70, 110. Stringhiim, Jiiines, ,347 ; Joseph, 374. Strong. Rev. Thomas C. 244 :— 146, 272, 389. Srryker. Hon. Francis B. 3lti7 ; Dr. Jacob P. 290, 349 : PetiM", 151 ;— 292, 339, 407. Stuyvesant. Gov. Peter, 26, 30 to 36, 50 to 56, 144, 145, 402; Petrus, 370. Sutphen, John. 407. Suydam, Family of, 319: Dow. 1.59; Ileiidrick 161 : John, 178, 181 ; Lambert, 187 :— 364, 407 Swaine, I'rancis, 46. ;50, .52, ;">4, .57. Swart, John. 362; Tunis, 360. Swnrtwoiit, Gen. J. 297 ; Rudolphus, 29a .Swezey, Joseph, 374. Swim, John, 377. Swinton, Isaac, 110. Talcott, Capt. John, 55, 56. 'Pallmadge, Hon. Benjamin, 404. Tillman, 351. 'J'aylor, 146, 352, 378. Teiibrook, Henry, I!74. 'i'erhune, 407. 'i'eunisz, Denvs, 349. Thrill 1. Jacob G. 307. Thompson, LieuL 217; Robert, 2.35 ;— 308, 329, ;i!)9, 400, 4(18. Thorliuni, (irant, 212, 376. Thorn, 269. 27.5, 320. Tliorp, Samuel, 3.52. Thra-her, A-liael, .359. Tidd, David, 3.59. Tiebout, Tunis. 364. 436 INDEX. Tilton, Catharine, 154, 351. Timmer, Wit C. 380. Tingley, Capt. Daniel, 347. Tippett, Georje, 340. Titus, Families of, 133. 327; Content, 99, 102, 109, UO, 117, 118, 12.5, 126, 130, 135 22.5, 226, 327; Edward, 1.59, 181 : Francis. 133; Fran- ci.s, 181 : Silas, 151, 226 ; Syrach, 133 ; 'I'eunis, 133 ;— 95, 270, 272, 329, 331, 333, 348, 349, 408, 410. Toe, Samuel, 38, 43, 46, 50, 51, 52, 54, 57, 61, 62, 63, 396. Tom, John, 314. Toraplcins, Edward, 206, 381. Totten, Peter, 321. Townsend, LieuL Levin, 203, 377 ; Samuel B. 191, 329. Tratford, John, 280. Trapsaus, 43. Tredwell, 275, 276. Tucker, 329. Tuder, John, 114. Turner, John, (nicknamed Lamb,) 311. Tuthill, Nathaniel, 308 ; WiUiam, 404. Underbill. Capt. John, 23, 31 ;— 326. 346, 384. Urquhart, Kev. William, 136, 137, 245. Ustick. 275. Uythuysen, Claes S. 152. Valentine, Esther, 379; Samuel, .306. Vallence, Wilham, 156. Van Allen, 279, 408, 410. Van Alst, Family of, 380 ; Andrew. 131, 133 ; Bergoon, 178, 203, 359 ; Georse, IGO ; Georjie, 178; Isaac, 178; Johannes, 131, 1,33; John, 178; John, 178; John, 408; John G. 349, 390; Joris Stevensen, 21, 39, 110, 131, 133; Peter, ]78; Steven Jorisz, 110. Van Arsdale, Family of. 307 ;— 269, 364, 401. Van Hasten, Rev. Mr. 2;.'8. Van Boerum, 407. (See Boerum.) Van Brunt. 270, 349 407. Van Buytenhuysen, 302, 312. Van Cleef, Joseph, 271 ; Lawrence, 321. Van Commel. Teunis J. 39. Van Cott, Cornelius, 409; David, 382. Van Dam, Rip, Esq. 134, 141, 381. Vanderbeck, Solomon, 343. Vanderbeeck, 302. (See Rem'en.) VanderbilC, 275. 361, 386, 367. 39.5, 408. Vanderburgh, Capt. Richard, .375. Van der Clitf, Din:k, 320. Van der Donek, Dr. Adriaen, 24, 25. Vandergrift, Jacob L. 110. Vanderveer, 321, 322. 324. 349, 367, ,39.5. Van der Vliet, Dirck J. 275, 386. Vandervoort, 268, 278, 349, 353, 361, 364, 384, 390, 397. Vandewater, 396. Van Dine, 407. (See Van Duyn.) Van Doren, John L. 368. Van Duoren, Hendrick J. 36. Van Duyn, Family of, 393 ; Aert, 190 • Capt. Dow, 178, 181, 200, 203, 216, 223; Garret, 408 ; William, 159 ; William, 181. Van Dyck, 342. Van Dyke, Rev. Henry, 252, 338 :— 270, 338. ■ Van (Jelder, 381. Van Ilaerlem, Jan, (See Carpeiiel.) Van Horn, 286. Van Housen, 408. Van Houten, 409. Van Keuren, Hasuelt Matthysz, 303. Van Kleek, 275. Van Laer, Stotiel, 110. Van Liew, 343, 374. Van Loon, 322. Van Luyt, Jan, 302. Van Nanda, Frederick. 171, 397, 409. Van Ness, Hendrick, 324. Van Nest. Pieter, 2(i8 ; Rev. Rynier, 241, 242. Van Nuyse, Jacobus, 269. Van Nostrand, Family of, 322;— 359, 360, 386, 387. (See Nnstraud.) Van Pelt, Rem, 324. Van Ranst, Cornelius, 297. Van Salee, Antony Jansen, 267. Van Sickelen, 272. 321, .365, 407. Van Sindcr.'U, Adrian, 226, 288, 326; Rev. Ul- pianus, 241. Van Tassel, 316. Van Tine. 359. Van Twiller. Gov. Wouter, 29. Van Valen, 310, 376. Van ^'echten, 269. Van Vlack, 397. Van Voorhees, 297, 361, 408. (See Voorhcei.) Van Wagenen, Gerrit H. 297. Van Wart. Jacob, 317. Van Wicklen, 322, 363. Van Wyck, 293 to 298, 349. Van Zandt, 248, 323, 382. 400. Vaughan, Gen. 191. .J- Veghto, Nicholas, 323. Veuis, John, 397. Verbryck, Samuel, 392. Verschuer, Wouter Gysbertsen, 110. Verveelen, Johannes. 317. Vietor, Theodore, 214, 383. Vinci-nt. 310. Voorhees, 270, 321, 322, 324, 359, 364, 391, 392, 393. 396. Wade, 312, 397. Wainwright, 78, 136, 384. Waite, Benjamin, .331. Waldron, Family of, 381; Samuel, 181, 206, 215 ; Samuel, 294 ;— 293, 317, 389. Walgrove. Effingham W. 303. Walker, Richard, 43. Wall. 47, 325. Walsh, James W. 290 ; Rev. William, 2.54. Wandell, Thomas, 23. 43, 51, 55, 83, 94, 110, 335. Warn, Hezekiah, 375. Warner, Jesse, 184 ; Ralph, 84 ;— 310, 340, 341, 3(;8. Warren, Gen. 216. Washburn, John, 405; Samuel, 247, 249, 33L Washington, Gen. George, 192, 195, 20.!, 221. Waters, Anthony, 58 ; Benjamin, 165 ; Edward, 98 ; Oliver, 178 ;— 333, 404. Watson, Loring, 400. Watts, John, 170, 171. Way, Family of, 378 ; Francis, IIC, 398 : Jamea, 43, 61, 82, 94, 96; James, 110; James. 170, 176, 181, 255; John, 89, 109, 111), 1.32; John, 161, 162, 181 ; John, Jr. 181: Widow. 254. Webb, Rev. Joseph, 228 ;— 276, 306. Webber, Arnout, 236. Webster, William. 404# Weeden, James, 188, 390. Welch, Benjamin, 305 Welling, 161, 306, 374, 405. Wells. Philip, 115 ;— 287, 288, 356. Weltden, George, 271. Westerhout, Jeremias Jansen, 268. Weyman, Capt. William, 178, 181, 183. 249, 278. Whaley, Alexander, 198, 353. Wheeler, Samuel, 43 ; Lieut. Thomas, 38. Whiteticld, Rev. George, 231, 235, 28-5. Whitehead, Family of, 374 ; Daniel, 74, 79 ; Maj. Daniel, 66, 109; Thomas, 148, a32, 337, 347, 369 ; William, 303. Whitlock, William, 403. Whitney, Henry, 287, 326; Stephen, 326. 4i;T Waitson, Abraham, 223. Whittemore, Homer, 358 ; Wii;iam S. 289. Wijittinsham, William, 2b2. Waittlosey, Hev. Chnuncey, 146. Wickenden, llev. William, 4U2. Wiggins, Diiniol, 328. Willcox, Samuel L. 217, 353. Willdna, Jacob, 27U. WJllnrd, Col. Abijah, 20S, 209. Willomscn, 110. 304, 407. Willott, Robert, 277 ; Thomas, 135 •,—270, 297, 31)0, 404. Williams, Capt. 164 ; Col. Geo. 279 ;— 329, 340. Willinmson, 272, 321, 305, 392, 31.'3, 401. (See jyillemsen.) Willing, Mrs. Geortre, 35G. WJloughby, Samuel A. 408. Wilson, Elizabeth, 403; John^llO; Robert, 151. Wiltsie, Family of, 373; Hendiick JI. 110, 131, 2;t3 ; Hendrick, 158 ;— 280, 285, 294, 309, 310, 371, 372. , Wiu-slow, Gen John, 163 ;- 284 ,-369. Wood, George, 110, 134 ; Jam;-8 78 : Timothy, 339 ; William, 28, 43 ;— 308, 338, 347, 369. WoodhuU, llev. Nathan, 233, 234, 235; Gon. Nathaniel, 186 to 189, 209 ;— 288, 290. Woodward, Family of, 383; Gilbert, 172; Jo- M'ph, 171; I-ambert, 30, 110; Lambert, 181; Nathauifl, 110; Nathaniel, 185, 377; Philip, 181 ; Thoinap, 214, 384 ;— 370, 400. Woollstoucroltf.», John, !)3, 94, 110. Woolsey, Kdward J. 172, 274 ; George, 402 ; ( toorgc M. 36. Wormian, 359, 387. Wright, David, VX); Jonathan, 63 : Dr. Juliui C. 226 ;— 290, 335. 330, 351, 352, 405. Wj-att, llev. William K. 253. Wvckoti; Family of, 324, 407; John, 23« ; Nicholas, 328 :— 270, 273, 276, 279, 298, 304, 308, 324, 325, 360, 362, 364, 366, 385, 393. York, Styles P. 290. Young, Edward T. 313. Zimmerman, Andrew, 310. From Rev. Dns. De Witt akd Goldsmith. " We have had the pleasure of reading, in manuscript, the history of Newtown, by James Eiker, Jun. * * * » The work evinces laborious research, and appears to be writ- ten with commendable candor and impartiality. It records many facts and incidents known to but few of the present gene- ration, but the knowledge of which is quite essential to a just view of the past. These facts the author has been at great pains to obtain from all the accessible sources of information. We regard this effort to give a reliable and permanent record to all that is recoverable in. our municipal and ecclesiastical history, as most praise-worthy and deserving of universal favor. The work embraces numerous biographical sketches, in the main well drawn ; and also many family genealogies, which greatly add to its interest and value. It is difficult justly to appreciate the amount of labor indispensable to the production of such a work ; and considering the time and research bestowed upon it, and its inherent value, not merely for present entertainment •and instruction^ but permanent reference, we regard tlie price as reasonabh, "We shall rejoice to know that a copy of the ' An- nals ' has found a place in every family in the town ; and we cannot but think they will be most acceptable to the numerous descendants of the original settlers of the town, residing in dif- ferent parts of the state and country. "JOHN GOLDSMITH, « Pastor of the Presb. Church, Nivtowa."* 1 RECOMMENDATION, " Mr, Eiker has read to me portions of the volume of the * Annals of Newtown,' and I have traced the outlines of its con- tents throughout. I deem it a work of great value, exhibiting great industry and thoroughness of research in procuring ma- terials from official and private sources. Few volumes of the kind now before the public exhibit these in so great degree. It will prove an important contribution towards the history of our state. The author has been very successful in tracing the lineage of the early settlers of the town, and filling up the se- ries with interesting biographical remembrances, diligently collected from various sources. This will render it interesting to the numerous descendants of these early settlers, now great- ly multiplied and widely spread. It will be to all a valuable contribution to our historical literature. I deem it richly de- serving of patronage, and cordially commend it as such. "THOMAS DE WITT, " One of the ministers of the Collegiate Reformed " Dutch Church, New-York."