V , " o » ' O,"^ ^0 .0 ^^^, ^. \^* °^ '"^' .f' V"' '> ir--/ V-^--P\^' %-.Vi:''/ \--.:v.f.-/' %- >o. 'y'?-. ^ <^' A ..^ "oK .^'-^ .^'■' ■ ^S> • B » O » ^ a^' ,V* O > .^^ A / 4^ WILLIAM POOL. LANDMARKS OF NIAGARA COUNTY NEW YORK EDITED BY WILLIAM POOL D. MASON & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 1897 ^.l^a.% CONTENTS, CHAPTER I. 1-4 Descriptive of the Subject.. CHAPTER H. 5-20 Early Discoveries and Settlements - - - -," CHAPTER HI. 20-29 Continued Warfare— 1754-1763.. .. - "" CHAPTER IV. 29-34 On the Frontier— 1763-r< lO-- -- - CHAPTER V. The War of the Revolution— 1775-1812 - " CHAPTER VI. The War of 1812-1800-1825 ^^'^^ CHAPTER Vn. From 1825 to the War of the Rebellion.. - CHAPTER Vni. 77-9*4 The War Period in Niagara County - - CHAPTER IX. County Institutions and Civil List... IV CHAPTER X. vSubclivisions of the County — Towns and Villages ...100-103 CHAPTER XI. City and Town of Lockport 103-174 CHAPTER Xn. Town of Niagara, City of Niagara Falls, Suspension Bridge 174-240 CHAPTER XHI. The Town of Cambria. 240-248 CHAPTER XIV. The Town of Hartland 248-254 CHAPTER XV. The Town of Porter.... 255-266 CHAPTER XVI. The Town of Royalton 267-281 CHAPTER XVII. The Town of Lewiston 281-301 CHAPTER XVIII. The Town of Wilson 302-315 CHAPTER XIX. The Town of Somerset... 315-321 CHAPTER XX. The Town of Newfane 322-331 V CHAPTER XXI. The Town of Pendleton -- - 331-336 CHAPTER XXn. The Town of WheatHeld - - - 337-860 CHAPTER XXni. The Bench and Bar of Niagara County --- - 360-384 CHAPTER XXIV. A Brief History of the Medical Profession in Niagara County and of the Niagara County Medical Society. 384-392 CHAPTER XXV. Free Masonry in Niagara County --- 393-402 PART II. BIOGRAPHICAL - --- -- 403-448 PART III. FAMILY SKETCHES - 1-218 INDEXES. Parti - - 219-247 Part n - -- 247 Part III - 248-254 VI PORTRAITS. Allen, W. L. , Dr facing 345 Angevine, Jackson facing 438 Armitage, James facing 103, Part III Babcock, Isaac H facing 32 Baker, Flavins J., Dr.. facing 104 Barnard, T. P. C, Dr facing 353 Bentley, F. W., Dr facing 350 Brush, Harlan W... between 356 and 357 Brush, Walter S. . .between 356 and 357 Chapman, Thomas M. between 354and 355 Cobb, Willard A. ..between 124 and 125 Corson, Fred W facing 122 Cutler, John W facing 187 De Kleist, Eugene Fr. T facing 342 Dornf eld, Albert facing 340 Dwight, A. N facing 308 Felton, Benjamin F ..facing 3.58 Flagler, Thomas T facing 16 Gaskill, Joshua... facing 374 Herschell, Allan... facing 207, Part III Herschell, George C. .facing 208, Part III Hodge, John facing 56 Honeywell, Charles E ..facing 311 Kaltenbach, Andrew facing 425 La Bar, John W facing 436 Landreth, William facing 435 Lehon, William S., jr facing 348 McKeen, Albert E facing 430 Meseroll, Philip H facing 441 Millar, David facing 360 MuUanev, P. T., Rev facing 301 Palmer, Charles N, Dr .facing 112 Payne, Lewis S., Col facing 347 Philpott, William A., jr facing 229 Pierce, Henry F., Maj facing 415 Pool, William frontispiece Rieger, Frank facing 439 Schoellkopf, Arthur facing 423 Shafer, John W facing 278 Spalding, Linus ... facing 412 Vogt, Jacob J facing 444 Ward, Joseph A., .between 124 and 125 Warner, Thomas E. between 354 and 355 Whitnev, Solon M. N ..facing 408 William's, Edward T facing 222 Witmer, Joseph facing 443 LandmarkvS of Niagara Countv. CHAPTER I. DESCRIPTIVE OF THE SUBJECT. Niagara county is the northernmost of the western tier of counties of the State of New York, and is bounded on the north by Lake Ontario ; on the east by Orleans and Genesee counties ; on the south by Erie county, and on the west by Niagara River. It was erected March ii, 1808, and included what is now Erie county, which was set off April 2, 1 82 I, leaving the present county with an area of 558 square miles. The first appearance of the word, Niagara, is, according to the ex- cellent authority of the late O. H. Marshall, on Coronelli's map pub- lished in Paris in 1688. it is the oldest of all the local geographical terms which have come down from the aborigines. Owing largely to the wide variance of pronunciation among the Indians, the word has been given almost unlimited forms of spelling. The Documentary His- tory of New York gives the following, besides the one now in universal use : lagara, lagare, Jagara, Jagare, Jagera, Niagaro, Niagra, Niagro, Oakinagaro, Ochiagra, Ochjagara, Octjagara, Ochinagero, Oneagerah, Oneigra, Oneygra, Oniagara, Ongagerae, Oniagorah, Oniagra, Oniagro, Onjagara, Onjagera, Onjagora, Onjagore, Onjagoro, Onjagra, Onnya- garo, Onyagara, Onyagare, Onyagaro, Onyagoro, Onyagars, Onyagra, Onyagro, Oneygra, Oneagoragh, Yagero, Yangree. The surface of Niagara county is generally level or gently undulating. It is divided into two distinct parts or terraces by a ridge extending east and west. The lake shore is a bluff ten to thirty feet in height, and from its summit the lower terrace slopes gradually upward to the 1 foot of an elevation called the Mountain Ridge, where it attains an ele- vation of one hundred to one hundred and fifty feet above the lake sur- face. This peculiar ridge extends east and '.vest through the north part of Royalton and Lockport, and near the center of Cambria and Lewis- ton, and forms the north declivity of the southern terrace. At its west- ern extremity it has an elevation of two hundred and fifty feet above the lower terrace, and is nearly perpendicular. This height gradually declines towards the east, having at the east line of the county an ele- vation of eight}- to one hundred feet. Through the central part of the county the ridge is divided into two declivities, separated by a plateau from a few rods to a half mile in width. The upper ridge is limestone, and for many miles presents the face of a nearly perpendicular clift". Throughout the county this ridge is too steep for much cultivation. The south half of the county extending south from the ridge is very nearly level. It has a slight inclination toward the south and terminates in the Tonawanda Swamp ; this whole inclination within the county does not exceed thirty feet. The Lake Ridge, which is supposed to have been, and probably was, the early shore of the lake, extends west from Orleans county through Hartland and Newfane, thence turns southwest and appears to terminate near Lockport city. It appears again farther west and at Cambria is divided into two parts, the north part extending northwest about three miles and gradually declining to the level of the ground surface in general, and the south part extending southwest and uniting with the mountain ridge four miles east of Lewis- ton. This deflection in the Lake Ridge was doubtless caused by a large bay that extended south towards Lockport, while the north branch of the ridge which terminates so abruptly in Cambria, was undoubtedly a bar extending into the lake. Two large streams probably discharged into this bay — one through the ravine in which the canal is located, and one through a ravine about two miles west of Lockport. The Lake Ridge is composed of sand, gravel, and the usual debris thrown up by the action of a large body of water, and differs essentially in character from the surrounding surface. It varies in height from five to twenty five feet, and is twenty to one hundred and fifty feet in width. The lowest rock in this county is the Medina sandstone, whith crops out in the ravines along the shore of the lake. It is the underlying rock of the west half of the count>-, and extends to the foot of the Mountain Ridge. This jidge is composed of the sandstones and limestones be- longing to the Niagara and Clinton groups, the heavy masses of compact limestone appearing at the top. The Onondaga salt group occupies a narrow strip along the south border of the count>'. Nearly the whole surface is covered with deep deposits of drift, the rocks appearing only on the declivities of the Mountain Ridge and in the ravines of streams. Springs of weak brine have been found in the northern half of the the county, which exude from the Medina sandstone. This stone, lying at the foot of the Mountain Ridge, has been quite extensively quarried at some points. Above the sandstone is a layer of impure limestone from which water cement has been made. The Niagara limestone fur- nishes an excellent building material and a good quality of lime. The stone exists along the whole course of the Mountain Ridge, and the deep cut through the ridge at Lockport is through this stiata ; the most ex- tensive quarries have been worked in that vicinit\', the stone for the canal locks having been taken from them. Niagara River, on the west boundary of the county, contains several small islands which belong to the count\', the principal ones being Ton- awanda, Cayuga, Buckhorn. and Goat Islands. The river itself and the great cataract need no detailed description in these pages. Tonawanda Creek flows along the greater part of the southern boundary of the count>' and along its course are the extensive marshes known as Tonawanda Swamp. This section contains valuable muck and marl, underlaid with limestone and gypsum, and where cleared and drained to some extent it is excellent for agricultural purposes. The other principal streams of the county are Four mile. Six mile. Twelve- mile and Eighteen- mile Creeks, so named from their respective distances from the mouth of Niagara River ; Fish and Golden Hill Creeks, all emptying into the lake ; Mud Creek and East Branch, tributaries of Tonawanda Creek, and Ca- yuga and Gill Creeks, tributaries of Niagara River The soil of this county is particularly well adaptea lo the raising of grain and for many years that was the principal occupation of the farm- ers Wheat, barley, oats, corn and potatoes were successfully grown, wheat especially being produced in great quatities until about 1850. Since that date it has received less attention, and fruit cultivation has 4 in recent years taken its place to a great extent. Large apple orchards were planted at some points by early settlers, particularly on the Niag- ara River below Lewiston, on the lake shore and in the vicinity of Lock- port. About 1845 ^ large demand for winter apples came into exist- ence in the west and elsewhere, which stimulated the farmers of this county, who had large orchards of inferior fruit, to begin grafting their trees. It began to be understood that soil and climate were fitted to produce the most perfect apples possible, as well as superior fruits of other kinds. Apple growing continued until Niagara county became known throughout the whole country for the excellence and quality of its product. Peaches, also, were gradually introduced and became an important product. The fruit industry still continues to receive a large share of the attention of farmers. The population of Niagara county has regularly increased in numbers as shown by each succeeding census, excepting between i860 and 1865, when it decreased about 1,000, a fact due, probably, to the influences of the war. The following figures show the number of the inhabitants at different periods since 1835 • 1835 ...- 26,490 1840 ...- 31,133 1845 .34,550 1850 42,370 1855 48,282 1860 50,399 1865 49,283 1870.... ,...50,437 1875 - 51,399 1880... ...54,173 1890 .-62,491 1892.... 63,878 CHAPTER II. EARLY DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENT. No attempt will be made in this work to review the Indian history of the locality under consideration. It could add nothing to what has already been done in scores of historical volumes, and the subject is about exhausted. There is evidence that seems irrefutable to many that this region was occupied by a race of men far anterior to our na- tive Indians; whether this is true or not must be left for antiquarian speculation and treatment. Let it sufifice for present purposes to state that the first white comers hither found this immediate locality occu pied by a nation of Indians called by other nations, Kahquas, and by the French, the Neuter nation, because they were at peace with the fierce tribes around them. They were a numerous nation, but seemed to lack the valor and warlike spirit of the Iroquois. There were Kah- qua villages on both sides of Niagara River, but chiefly on the western side ; there was also one near the mouth of Eighteen- mile Creek in the present Niagara county, and possibly a few on the Lake Erie shore. The greater part of the shores of that lake were, however, occupied by the Eries, who were called by the French the Nation of the Cat. Up to about the middle of the sixteenth century, it is believed, the Kahquas maintained their neutrality amid the fierce strife of their neighbors; but not long after that, for some cause now unknown, the dreaded Iroquois fell upon both the Eries and the Kahquas and almost exterminated them. If any were left they were doubtless absorbed by their conquer- ors. From that time forward all of this immediate region was ruled over by the powerful Senecas, a nation that shared to some extent in all the warlike operations that constitute a part of the frontier history, and often in fierce opposition to the English, by whom they were at last con- quered. The Tuscaroras constituted the sixth of the famed Six Nations. Thev were seated in North Carolina when the Europeans came, where they numbered 1.200 wariors at the beginning of the eighteenth century. They were at war with the white settlers, 171 1 and 1713, and in the latter year were subdued and eight hundred of them captured. The remainder fled northward and joined the Iroquois league as the sixth nation. In the French and English war and the war of the Revolution they were loyal first to Great Britain and later to the Americans, and in the spring of 1781 located on a square mile of land on the mountain ridge in what is now the town of Lewiston, which the Senecas had assigned to them. Their domain was increased by a grant of two square miles and a purchase in 1 804 of 4,329 acres from tiie Holland Land Company; for the latter they paid $13,722, which was a part of the indemnity received by them for the extinction of their North Caro- lina interests. On their reservation the white settlers found in them warm friends and good neighbors. They have advanced in civilization, have excellent farms and are generally respected by the remainder of the community. Evidences strongly indicating prehistoric occupation of the territory of Niagara county have been found, while Indian relics and remains in great quantities and varied character tell of the former occupants of the region. The lines of their principal trails are well known and many have become our present roads. The most important of these trails ex- tended from the Hudson to the Niagara; it came from the east by way of the sites of Canandaigua and Batavia, emerged from the Tonawanda Swamp nearly southeast of Royalton Center, coming out upon the Lockport and Batavia road in the valley of Millard's Brook, and thence continued on the Chestnut Ridge to the Cold Springs. Following the route of the Lewiston road, with little deviation, it struck the Ridge road at Warren's. It followed the Ridge road until it passed the Hop- kins marsh, when it gradually ascended the Mountain Ridge, passed through the Tuscarora village and then down again to the Ridge road and on to the Niagara. From Lewiston to Oueenston was the princi- pal crossing into Canada, but a branch trail went down the river to Fort Niagara. This trail was improved about the close of the last century, so as to be passable by sleighs, the work being done by the Holland Company ; it was the first roadwaj^ north of the main road from Canan- daigua to Bufifalo. "The Ontario trail," according to Turner, which came westward from Oswego, via Irondequoit Bay, " followed the Ridge road west to near the west line of Hartland in Niagara county, where it diverged to the southwest, crosing the east branch of Eight- een-mile Creek and forming a junction with the Canada or Niagara trail at the Cold Springs." No less important than these trails was that which became and has always been known as the Portage road, extending from Lewiston around the Falls. It was thus described in a work written in 1718 : The Niagara portage is two leagues and a half to three leagues long, but the road, over which carts roll two or three times a year, is very fine, with very beautiful and open woods through which a person is visible for a distance of 600 paces. The trees are all oaks and very large. The soil along the entire length of that road is not very good. From the landing, which is three leagues up the river, four hills are to be ascended. Above the first hill there is a Seneca village of about ten cabins. These Senecas are employed by the French, from whom they earn money by carrying the goods of those who are going to the upper country. Upon the accession of the English the Portage road was greatly im- proved under direction of Sir William Johnson (1763) by John Stedman, the first permanent settler at Niagara. The following description of the route of this road is from the pen of O. H. Marshall : It commenced at the Lewiston landing, and followed the river until it reached the small depression just north of the present suspension bridge. Diverging from this it intersected the river a short distance above the Stedmau house, and followed its bank for about forty rods to the fort above. Midway between the house and fort were a dock, a warehouse and a group of square-timbered, whitewa.shed log cabins, used by the teamsters, boatmen and engagees connected with the portage. About half a mile below the Stedman house, the head of the present hydraulic canal, was the old French landing, where goods were transhipped when only canoes were used, and where the Portage road terminated before Fort Schlosser was built. All along the road between this fort and Lewiston blockhouses were erected about a mile apart, to protect the teams from disasters such as had occurred at the Devil's Hole. The vast importance of this trail and road through all this history of the Niagara frontier will be readily inferred and more clearly understood as we proceed. The early relations of this section of country to the l^^uropean pow- ers was of a very indefinite character. James I was on the English throne, and Louis XIII reigned over France with the great Richelieu as his prime minister. The immediate region of which this work treats was one of the earliest in the northern patt of America to be visited by European adventurers, missionaries and traders. Many years be- fore the landing of the Pilgrims, and only a little more than forty years after Columbus touched the shores of a new world, Jacques Cartier, a French explorer, sailed up the St. Lawrence in 1535 as far as Montreal, and learned something of the great country and lakes to the westward. He took possession of all the country in the name of his sovereign and made some attempts at colonization, but in 1543 they were all abandoned. In 1603 the celebrated French mariner, Champlain, came over and made permanent settlement at Quebec ; settlement at Mon- treal soon followed. A route was established across the country from the St. Lawrence to Lake Huron, where Cartier founded a mission and where Champlain wintered among the Indians in 161 5. The Hurons were at war with the Iroquois and Champlain invaded the Iroquois country with their warriors. Meanwhile Champlain had sailed up the lake that bears his name, lying between the present States of New York and Vermont, in 1609, fought a battle on its shores with the Iroquois, killed his first Indians and gave the natives their first per- ception of what they were to expect from the white man and his mur- derous gunpowder. In 1609, also, Henry Hudson sailed up the river that took his name and in the name of his Dutch employers took possession of an indefinite extent of territory. These claims, with that of the English made by the Plymouth colony, constituted three dis- tinct sources of pretended sovereignty over the soil of the new world, seen and unseen, and by 1625 there were three streams of emigration tending westward. For a long period the French held a measure of supremacy, in which they were abetted by those remarkable mission- aries, the Jesuits, some of whom were early in the vicinity of the Niag- ara frontier. F'ather Dallion was in some parts of the region in 1626— 27, but there is no evidence that he visited Niagara. Fathers Brebeuf and ChauniDnot visited the Neuter Nation in 1641 and wrote a descrip- tion of the journey in which is found the first mention of Niagara. We quote : The river is that by which our great lake of the Huron, or fresh sea, is discharged, which first enters into the lake of Erie, or of the nation of Cat, from thence it enters the territory of Neuter Nation, and takes the name of Onguiaahra until it empties into Ontario or St. Louis lake, from which Hows the river which passes before Quebec. It is a singular fact that in an elaborate description of Indian villages and the river, no mention is made of the falls. The inference is that the cataract was not visited. In 1648, however, Father Ragueneau described the lakes Huron and Erie to Ontario, and the cataract of "frightful hight." The falls are also designated on Champlain's map of 1632, but there is no detailed description of the river and falls dating earlier than the arrival of La Salle and his company in Decem- ber, 1678. La Salle made his first voyage of discovery in 1669, sailing up Lake Ontario and reaching the Seneca settlements on Genesee River under Indian guidance, and hoping to be conducted thence to the Ohio River. This he accomplished after considerable delay and difficulty. His second expedition was approved by royal authority, but was fitted out at private expense by La Salle and his friends. The voyage was made in a brigantine commanded by La Motte, the expedition comprising six- teen persons, among whom were Louis Hennepin and Henri de Tonti. Hennepin was the first to visit the falls and left a detailed description of the great natural wonder. Embarking at Frontenac in two small vessels they sailed directly for the mouth of Niagara River. The voy- age was tempestuous and it was December 5 before they reached a point on the northern side of the lake, " lying about seventy leagues from Fort Frontenac." Of their movements the next day Hennepin wrote: We were obliged to tarry there till the 5th of December, when we sailed from the northern to the southern side, where the river Niagara runs into the lake, but could not reach it that day, though it was but fifteen or sixteen leagues distant, and there- fore cast anchor w-ithin five leagues of the shore, where we had very bad weather all the night long. On the 6th, being St. Nicholas day, we got into the fine river Niagara, into which never any such ship as ours entered before. The Iroquois had a little village at the mouth of the river and their astonishment at the advent of these visitors in such a craft may be imagined. The next day the voyagers went two leagues up the river in quest of a building site. They probably landed at the site of Queenston and thence proceeded as far as Chippawa Creek, in snow a lO foot deep. There is some uncertainty on which side of the river the journey was made. Capt. James Van Cleve, long a resident of Lewis- ton, insisted that they landed on the Queenston side at a point still known as Hennepin Rock, where, finding they could go no farther with their vessel, they crossed to this side at about the point of the old ferry landing, whence they walked to the falls. They returned the next day and on the iith Hennepin said the first mass in this part of the new world. To carry out their purpose of building some houses at the landing place, they commenced in the latter part of 1678 the first building on this frontier on the site of Lewiston. The vessel was towed up from below on the 15th of December. "The 17th, i8th and 19th," says the record, " we were busy making a cabin, with palisadoes, to serve for a magazine." The next four days were spent in efforts to save the brigantine, which "was in great danger of being dashed to pieces by the vast pieces of ice that were hurled down the river." These operations, as might have been expected, excited the jealousy of the Indians, and in order to allay it Hennepin, La Motte and seven others visited the Iroquois village in what is now Ontario county, and by gifts and flattery obtained the acquiescence of the Senecas. Return- ing they reached their brethren on January 14, 1679. It was a part of La Salle's purpose to continue his explorations westward, to accom- plish which he saw the necessity of having a vessel above the falls. He revisited Fort Frontenac and returned bringing with him supplies and rigging for the proposed craft, but his vessel was wrecked about thirty miles from the mouth of the Niagara, the anchors and cables being about all that was saved. On the 22d of January they made an encampment on the site of La Salle village, about five miles above the falls, and there on the 26th of January laid the keel of a vessel. There has been a great deal of speculation as to the exact place where this ship was built, and a few years since Cyrus Kingsbury Remington pub- lished a pamphlet upon the subject, to which the reader is referred. Hennepin said it was a most convenient place for the work. During the winter one Indian was employed in building a cabin and another supplied the party with venison. Tonti was left in command while La Salle made another trip to Frontenac, traveling over 200 miles through the snow with two men and a dog. The Indians made some trouble II i during the building of the vessel, threatening to burn it. Most of the Iroquois were away on the warpath and before their return the httle vessel was launched and safe from their attack. It was named Le Griffon (the Grififin). She was towed up the river to near the site of Black Rock and there left riding with two anchors. Hennepin and others then made a voyage to Frontenac in one of their vessels, for further aid in his religious work, and returned to Niagara July 30. On the 4th of August they made their way to La Salle and thence pro- ceeded to the anchorage of the Grififin, where they were warmly wel- comed. August 16 and 17 they returned to Niagara and brought the vessel in which they had sailed to Frontenac to Lewiston. From there their goods and supplies were transported around the falls to a point where they could be taken in small boats. Hennepin describes the tedious task of carrying these supplies up " the three mountains " and over the portage. The Grififin was a small vessel, only sixty tons, but was well supplied with anchors and other equipment, and armed with seven small can- non. There were thirty- four men on board, all Frenchmen but one. After several fruitless attempts to get the vessel up the river, it was finally accomplished by setting all sail in a favorable wind, and attach- ing a tow line upon which the crew hauled. This was upon August 7, 1679. While this work was progressing Hennepin doubtless visited the falls more than once and has left to us his description, which may be found in the Documentary History of the State by the curious reader. So, also, may be read with interest the description of the cataract by Char- levoix, written in 1721. The great importance of this frontier was earl}' appreciated by both the French and the English, and no efiforts were spared by either to keep it within their control. It was the grand passage way of the Iro- quois warriors and the fur traders from the east to the west, and a mili- tary strategic point of great strength M. Le Febvre de la Barre was appointed governor of Canada in 1682 and received detailed instructions from his sovereign regarding a campaign against the Senecas, the main purpose of which was to prevent them from further warring against the Illinois and other western Indians. The rivalry that was to continue 12 aiasy rsars berween d>e Frecch a»i ti»e Es^feii ■©«■- developec, i:>d Go««r»a- Doegaca. ot X«»- Ycffi, vebeaaeBl^f protested i^iinst the F:::e3}C^ «Ba3;a^ axv iarsaoK afiro xfae Ixoqsofe covatzy i^^cc: ^ry r re- rex^ la lie s?wi^ of 16S4 tfe Ffcaci oScer recMnoiteKd tbe sccth- em ^Mxies of Lsks Oxixrid and tke Seseca cooatxy, hi preparatioa for iiK cacofk^x : bmr ioF so^ie rsisoc^ coTranBce 2xcK>iBg oSker d^r^es *: r ---—-: ------—„ aociiirij: ^rss acixcnpSsied flat needs ct :33ai icwx^c re fav^i^r :a Fiaaoe a»d oa Mzrei in. i6S5,-^ be 'was recalled asd lise Marqcs E^ XofivJuje mas sort . : _. _-c 3ri:j a b»»i« a»d expenesjced o5cer asd ptu»pth ri aieasErrs for Tigccoms acioai He Si3K5ed tse wboie atsa&oa ascL sf cocrse, "WTas inipressed -w-ttr ibe Mporss^ce of erectirrg: a ibrd- - — — - : -" — "* - r^^i. ar>d rr-geo- die matter cpr-n his ^ , - - , r-d, i>oc =;'--y be a pTOtectaon a^:ai2st tie irociKjis : d grre the Fre:^^ tise de^r^ ooctnol of the rvas- - ' -- ' — _ i ^ ._ _ . , 5 cc 3>e2L "" esc^osew ^ - ^ : v-«i:jc errrsLT iose tie roac to the - C^srairss ' i^iiast tfcr . t:^^ h^xiti^ been : 1. i>£ }sooT-i_-c e^".- oc the :m t«: JrlT. 16S7- On the s?.— I '♦*---* -d growir.g -rop-i - i, reaching there oc th< ' ''.rt 2Xid . :...-re days ^O^ A sae struction was r.' ' ' - of c^rn, killed i" The army returne-f t: was now 5e' " - the ades were ci. , -^ i'i ■ considered "fn coniit'cr. for Montreal- A part or the regt:Iar troops Trere .eft an-oer . .] to complete the work, after wikich tr f Sienr de Troves with lOO men. Tbe :e in the vicinity of the fort and that it had to be carried rxp a hfX This. taken with De Nonville's =- - f vas not a novelty, " ST ncc S.^- .- _ -i_. , in mios since a year "when Serjeant La F driven away fc^ Indians. h^=. by socne writers been taJcea as proot tisat La Sallr - - . . '. _ - istoo ; b _^ 1- ter. Hena^n, bawe^er. does -z^zt i Sille was ca k^ war back to Fort Froatenac in ' -r -wzs. * ,: La Sa'Ie. he ** pretended *- ' -^ . . r.kd been promised for . ;- the moath of the river, s^ the chief post was at Le The littie garrison at ! _ i687-«. The 5eneca= kt't J: ventured firod the fort, * Provisioas were scarce, 1 ness came on and by tht ten or t wd we ; this tiaie socne : survivors until :' In Ae oteao t French was rapidly gaining stre: must destroy the post at X:; _ erab^ correspondence De 2- . - works and abandoned the p-^st: o ccup i e d for nearly forty years. liv a tictise was erectec tisere. sot :: that the F It recordmg the FflcDeXoKT^ H ment is very full and formal. The cabins and quarters were left stand- ing. A cross eighteen feet high was erected in the center of the square bearing an inscription. Besides the five cabins, there was a bakehouse, a large storehouse, and another " large and extensive framed building having a double door furnished with nails, hinges, and fastenings, with three small windows," but the building had no chimney. The large storehouse was described as "covered with one hundred and thirty boards, surrounded with pillars, eight feet high, in which there are many pieses of wood serving as small joists, and partly floored with unequal plank. There is a window and a sliding sash." The other structures were also minutely described. There was also " a well with its cover above the scarp of the ditch." The vengeance of the Iroquois for De Nonville's invasion was swift. A large body of warriors started for the Canadian settlement, fell upon the Island of Montreal like demons, destroyed everything of value on their way, and reached the very gates of the city. A revolution in 1688 placed William of Orange on the English throne, and war continued until 1697 with varying fortunes. The Five Nations continued friends of the English and engaged much of the time in harassing the French. Their authority over the whole west bank of the Niagara, and far up the south shore of Lake Erie, was unbroken, except when French troops were actually marching there. The treaty of Ryswick (1697) was imperfect and left the sovereignty of Western New York undecided. The English continued their claims to all the country of the Iroquois, while the French with equal energy persisted in setting up the authority of King Louis. Permanent peace under such circumstances was necessarily out of the question and Queen Anne's war broke out in 1702. During this struggle the Iro- quois, who had grown wiser in their generation, maintained neutrality. Both European powers feared them too much to wantonly attack them. Meanwhile Detroit and other strong posts were established by the French. In 1700, in going from Montreal to Detroit, the French were careful to avoid the Niagara route, so as not to give offense to the Iro- quois. But the great importance of having a fortified post at Niagara could not be overlooked. In 1706 proposals were made to the French court to take possession 15 of Niagara, before the English should accomplish the same avowed pur- pose. The most convincing reasons were given for such a course, which the reader can find in the Paris Documents. At this time Cha- bert Joncaire, for many later years a conspicuous figure on this frontier, appears on the scene It was proposed to take advantage of his inti- macy and influence with the Senecas to secure their good will. Jon- caire had a few years earlier been captured by the Senecas and when his life was threatened by them, had gained their lasting respect by an act of bravery in the face of death and been adopted into the nation. He married a squaw and was made a sachem. The French govern- ment appreciated the importance of Joncaire's influence and received the proposals to take the possession of Niagara. Instructions were, accordingly, issued to d'Aigremont to proceed to Niagara, among other points, and adopt measures to prevent its occupation by the English. De Vaudreuil, then governor of Canada, was to co-operate. The latter advised the promotion of Joncaire and gave him employment, leading to charges that the two were in league in maintaining the existing con- ditions so as to control the Indian trade for their own benefit. In 1708 d'Aigremont reported the result of his mission. He states that he arrived at Niagara on June 27, 1707, where he met Joncaire by appoint- ment, " at the site of the former fort." They agreed that it was impor- tant to fortify the place ; that it would induce the settlement near by of friendly Iroquois, who would keep them informed of the movements of the English. This report was not favorably' received and M. De Pon- chartrain wrote d'Aigremont that the post at Niagara " is not expedient under any circumstances." The home authorities had, without doubt, been prejudiced against Joncaire ; this is indicated by De Ponchartrain's remarks when the decision was announced. Said he ; " I will have him watched in what relates to the avidity he feels to enrich himself out of the presents the King makes these Indians, so as to obviate this abuse in future." This postponement of the reoccupation of Niagara left Levviston again the principal point of settlement. In 1719 Joncaire persuaded the Senecas to permit him to build a trading post. In the following spring he had Indians at work on the structure, which De Vaudreuil called " a picketed house," at Lewiston. This alarmed tiie English i6 and they endeavored to induce the Iroquois to order the destruction of the building. Nothing averted this but Joncaire's presence among the Senecas and the exercise of his great influence over them. The trad- ing house thus estabHshed, the French in Montreal sent on goods and Joncaire opened the first "' store " in Lewiston more than one hun- dred and seventy- five years ago. When the English soon afterward threatened to destroy the trading house, the customary correspondence ensued between Governor Burnet of New York and Vaudreuil. Burnet complained that " the French flag has been hoisted in one of the Seneca castles," and considered it "an ill observance of the articles of the Peace of Utrecht." To counteract these operations by the French, Burnet established some kind of a trading post at Irondequoit in 1 72 1, but it probably remained only a short time. And so the strife went on.' The existing condition of affairs at this time led to the establish- ment by the English of a fortified post at what is now Oswego (called by the French, Choueguen) in 1725-6. This at once constituted a new and important factor in the strife, and the French felt the great necessity of having a strongly fortified work at Niagara. De Vaudreuil sent dispatches to his king that nothing could preserve their control at Lewiston and along the frontier but a strong fort at Niagara. In order to deceive the Indians as to their actual purpose, Vaudreuil proposed to have two vessels cruise on Lake Ontario in the interests of trade, and at the same time to carry materials for the " house," as he termed it, at Niagara. Joncaire reported to them that, while the Indians would not oppose their trading vessels nor the erection of a "house," they would not permit the erection of a stone fort. The French gov- ernment did not in that year furnish the means for either vessels or the " house." While these negotiations were in progress, Joncaire was increasing his trading facilities at Lewiston, making journeys to Quebec for his goods. In the spring of 1721 De Longueville and others were sent on from Quebec to negotiate with the Indians for building privileges. The party numbered about fifty and among them was Charlevoix, ' For the corrcspundcnce of Burnet and Vaudreuil, and other details of the English and French operations of this period, see Doc. Hist., vol. IX. THOMAS T. FLAGLER. 17 who vvrote a letter from Levviston to Madame Maintenon, which has frequently been drawn upon by local historians ; but in reality it con- tained little of value. The first little store of Joncaire at Lewiston, which has been referred to in a document of 1721 as "a kind of cabin of bark where they dis- played the king's colors," soon gave place to a more pretentious struc- ture. It was described as a block house thirty by forty feet, inclosed by palisades, which were pierced with port holes. This building, how- ever, must have soon been neglected and left to decay, as it was fall- ing into ruin at the time of the erection of the stone fort. In 1627 Louis XV proposed its rebuilding, but it was not done. This French sovereign evidently took a deeper interest in affairs on this side of the ocean than his predecessor. He sent out 29,295 livres for the erection of the fort, and 13,090 livres for the building of two barks to aid in transporting materials to Niagara. There are no recorded details of the construction of the fort, but it was erected in 1726 and with changes and improvements, remains to this day. The English were now alive to the importance of the French opera- tions on this frontier. The principal act of retaliation was the construc- tion of the fort at Oswego, which point became secondary only to Niagara. Burnet wrote of it to the Board of Trade : I depend upon its being of the best use of anything that has ever been undertaken on that side, either to preserve our own Indians in our Interest, or to promote and fix a constant Trade with the remote Indians. The Marquis de Beauharnois, then governor of Canada, took Burnet to task for building the fort at Oswego, and the usual paper wa fare continued, for which space cannot be spared in these pages. In 1728 the French king wrote Beauharnois that the reconstruction of the house at the Niagara carrying place (Levviston) did not seem necessary, in view of the strength of the fort at the mouth of the river. Competition in trade with the Indians now entered into the contest and Beauharnois directed that Niagara be well supplied with goods and that they be sold at such prices as would prevent the Indians going to Oswego to trade with the English. In 1730 Sieur de Rigauville was placed in command at Niagara, Joncaire having been sent among the Senecas in the general interest of the French ; he took his son with him. For a period of 3 20 rendezvous for the French and their allies on their way to and from the upper country. In 1751 Lieutenant Lindsay wrote from Oswego to Sir William Johnson that Indians from Niagara reported to him that a new fort had been built at the " Niagara Carrying Place " (at Schlosser) since they were there. Information also reached the English that the French, in July, landed at Niagara a force of nearly three hundred French and several hundred Indians, on their way to drive the English from the Ohio country. Against this movement the Iroquois raised opposition, a feeling which was cultivated by Johnson, who was more and more impressed with the importance of this frontier. He fre- quently urged his government to organize an expedition to secure its control. He insisted that the French had no right there whatever. The struggle that was to determine this question was at hand. CHAPTER III. CONTINUED WARFARE— 1754-1763. During the interval of peace that succeeded the war just described, both the French and the English continued their intrigues to gain the fealty of the Iroquois. It was apparent to both that the nation which succeeded in this effort would ultimately triumph. As a part of the measures of the English, they held at Albany in 1754, a "Congress" of commissioners from New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massa- chusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Marj^land, who prepared an address to the Iroquois, and there met some of the most famous chiefs, among them Hendrick, of the Mohawks The congress con- tinued in session about a month. The king sent presents for the In- dians and urged the utmost efforts to gain their friendship. Another council was held in the following year at Alexandria, Va., where Brad- dock was encamped, as the head of the army. General Braddock pro- posed an expedition against the French forts at Crown Point and Niagara. Sir William Johnson was commissioned as major-general to take command of the Crown Point expedition, and Gov. William Shir- 21 ley, of Massachusetts, a brave and capable officer, was to command against Niagara. A tliird expedition against Fort Duquesne was also planned. Shirley did not proceed farther than Oswego, as shown in the following quotation from Pouchot's Memoirs, volume I, page 45 : The regiments of Shirley and Pepperell, with the militia of New York and New- Jersey, according to the plan we have spoken of, arrived at the end of June [1755] at Oswego, from whence they conld equally menace both P"'rontenac and Niagara. Bad weather and a sickness that prevailed among them, prevented the execution of their designs. They employed themselves during this campaign, in forming an in- trenched camp around Oswego, and in building Fort Ontario on the other side of the river. They also undertook to build vessels to form a fleet upon the lake. It is a fact that Shirley did construct a sloop and a schooner of sixty tons each, and a large number of galle3^s and whale boats. In the mean time Johnson attacked and defeated the French in the battle of Lake George, l^raddock was defeated near Duquesne, leaving the French in still better condition to defend this frontier. They had not been idle, their instructions involving the building of vessels and canoes, a sufficient number of which «cV/<)/'i' Memoirs, I'o/. /, /, 70. 24 in America in 1758, and extensive expeditions were planned. One of these was for the recapture of Oswego ; one against Louisberg, which was captured by Maj.-Gen. Jeffrey Amherst; another was against Crown Point and Ticonderoga, to be commanded by Abercrombie in person, who was defeated by Montcalm ; and another, which was suc- cessful, against Duquesne. During this year, or part of it, Niagara was left destitute, and measures were adopted for its relief Goods, provis- ions and artillery were to be forwarded, and in fear of the English armed vessels on the lake, M. de Montigue with 500 or 600 men and 20,000 pounds of powder were sent here. But the final and more im- portant operations in this region were left to the succeeding year. The rapid increase of population in the English colonies and the facility with which they had enlarged their armies, gave the French great anxiety and led some of their authorities in the winter of 1758-9 to express their conviction that it would prove a difficult task to defend Niagara against an attack. One writer declared that the French could not place more than 5,000 or 6,000 men in the field ; and they could not confidently count on their Indian allies. Among their strongholds Niagara was considered most tenable, but it was evident that against a determined assault it could not long hold out. Provisions became very scarce and costly, rations of bread being reduced to a pound and a half and of pork to a quarter of a pound. Horse flesh was issued for food. The courageous Montcalm foresaw the coming disaster and was dis- couraged. On August 12 he wrote from Montreal: Canada will be taken this campaign, and assuredly during the next, if there be not some unforeseen good luck, a powerful diversion by sea against the English colo- nies, or some gross blunders on the part of the enemy. The English have 60,000 men, we, at the most, from 10,000 to 11,000. Our government is good for nothing; money and provisions will fail. . . The Canadians are dispirited; no confidence in M. de Vaudreuil or in M. Bigot. Nevertheless Vaudreuil provided for the defense of Niagara as best he could. Pouchot was to remain here with 300 Canadians, and call in all the forces from Detroit and other points. Orders also went to Toronto to send all the Indians possible from there. This made Pou- chot's force 486 regulars and militia, and thirty-nine employees, five of whom were women and children, besides the Indians. He went imme- diately at work to strengthen the works. This task was not completed 25 on July 7, when several barges of the enemy appeared but were driven off by cannon shots. These boats were a part of the expedition under command of Gen. John Prideaux, who had made his rendezvous at Oswego, with 2,ooo regulars and provincials, and where he was joined by Johnson with 1,000 Indians. This expedition left Oswego July i. Pouchot now sent out a scouting boat which reported that the English had landed in strong force at the " little swamp," now known as the mouth of Four- mile creek. Pouchot sent a courier to Chabert Jon- caire, in command at Schlosser, to cross the river in case he saw any of the enemy up here. A large body of French troops and Indians had made a rendezvous at Erie, by Pouchot's orders, and the courier was directed thither also to order them to fall back on Niagara, and in case Fort Schlosser (then called Little Fort) had been abandoned, to cross the river and go down on the other side. That night two Indians were sent from Fort Schlosser down to Niagara, whence they went out on a scout towards the English camp. The French kept an armed corvette cruising off the mouth of Four- mile creek and some shots were ex- changed. Joncaire at Schlosser burned the works there and removed his valuable property across to Chippawa. Both the Joncaire brothers, with about seventy others, went down to Niagara on the Canada side, arriving there on the loth. Some English accounts made the burning at Fort Schlosser follow the surrender of Niagara, but the French state- ments differ and are probably correct. The English soon had Niagara completely inv^ested on the land side, and on the 10th a brisk cannonade was kept up from the fort. On the I ith fighting took place between a body of French sent out to remove some stockades, and the English. During these operations Pouchot gave some of the Indians permission to go within the English lines and bring back some of their brethren for a conference. The visiting In- dians made extravagant promises to the French commander, but the gifts and allurements of the English were more than they could with- stand and Johnson was also on the ground with his immense influence. Day by day the English approached nearer the doomed fort. Annoying batteries were placed by them on the opposite side of the river, from which on the 22d red hot shot were fired, several limes setting on fire the wooden buildings. In the mean time General Prideaux was killed 4 26 in the trenches on the i8th by the bursting of a cannon, and the com- mand devolved on Johnson. On the 23d some Indians came through the English lines with a white flag, having been sent from Fort Schlos- ser by the French officers in command of a force of 600 French and 1,000 Indian reinforcements from the upper posts. This force came down the river in a vast number of canoes and reached Navy Island, where, according to some accounts, large French vessels were built and were stationed. From the island scouts were sent out to learn the position of the English, and from them Pouchot learned of the ap- proaching reinforcements ; but the English were equally well informed. Pouchot advised those in command of the reinforcements that if they did not feel competent to attack the English army, they should cross over to the Chippawa and pass down on the other side, drive the enemy out of the batteries just mentioned, and then recross. This counsel, for some reason, was not followed, and they came down on this side to Lewiston. The English were stationed in three divisions — one at the little swamp where they had first landed ; one at La Belle Famille about a mille above the fort on the river, and the other be- tween these two. M. de Lignery, in command of the reinforcements, was advised to attack and defeat one of these divisions, upon which the siege would probably be raised. The attack was made at La Belle Famille (the site of Youngstown village), on the 24th. In the mean time Johnson had laid an ambuscade to assail the French and Indians as they came down from Lewiston. The battle was short, sharp and decisive. The French were routed and fled to Schlosser, and thence across the river. When Pouchot was informed of this disaster he called a council of officers. The garrison was worn out and despondent ; 109 men had been killed and wounded and thirty -seven were sick, leaving only 607 effectives. Further resistance was clearly unjustifiable and the officers unanimously advised surrender. This was done, but difficulty arose over the terms, Pouchot not being willing to accept Johnson's proposals. After discussing the matter through the night, Pouchot was about to stop the negotiations and take the chances of unconditional surrender, when the Germans, who constituted a majority of the gar- rison, mutinied and the entire force demanded capitulation. Terms were then agreed to by Pouchot. The articles were signed on the 25th 27 and on the following day the garrison marched out to the beach, laid down their arms and embarked for New York, according to the stipu lations. This account follows Pouciiot's record. French accounts state that those troops who escaped in the rout of the 24th fled to Navy Island, where a guard of about 150 had been left. They then proceeded to Detroit, and it is asserted that the vessels before mentioned were burned by them before they left. Both of the Joncaires were made prisoners. The foregoing story, derived from the French records, is necessarily largely confined to what took place in the fort. The English accounts of outside occurrences are interesting, and as this was the most im- portant event of a military character that ever took place on this fron- tier, it is of sufficient importance to give a brief account from the other point of view. When Johnson on the 23d learned of the approach of the French re- inforcements on the road from Lewiston, he at once disposed a part of his forces near the road and not far below the Five mile Meadows at a place now known as Bloody Run. Johnson had doubtless been kept advised of the movements of the French from the time they arrived at Navy Island. The action began early in the forenoon of the 24th and lasted about an hour. Captain De Lancey, son of General De Lancey, was in command of the advance sent up on the 23d. He threw up breastworks that night and early the next morning sent a sergeant and ten men to cross the river and bring up a six pounder. These men were attacked a short distance above De Lancey's line and were killed or captured. The French were nearer than they supposed. The Eng- lish were reinforced in the course of two hours so that they numbered 600 regulars, 100 New Yorkers, and 600 Indians, when the battle opened about 8 o'clock. The French and Indians attacked with screams and war whoops, but the English and their Indian allies were accus- tomed to this. The battle raged fiercely for about an hour. Johnson's Indians attacked the French on the flank, and the English leaped over their breastworks and attacked so fiercely in front that the French were soon routed. It is said that their treacherous Indian allies left them in the hottest of the fight. The pursuit was continued some miles towards Lewiston (about five miles, according to De Lancey). Many were 28 killed and many officers and men taken prisoners. While some au- thorities state that this engagement took place as far up the river as Bloody Run, another statement was made that it was fought within sight of the garrison at Niagara. The latter statement is probably erroneous Many years afterwards pieces of muskets, axes, bones and other evidences of the battle were found on the field near Bloody Run ; but it was within hearing of the fort. D'Aubrey, in command of the French, was wounded and captured, as also was De Lignery. Marin, in command of the Indians, was also a prisoner. All three had been prominent some years in the border wars. This battle sealed the fate of the fort, as has already been shown. Johnson divided the prisoners and scalps taken in the engagement of the 24th (146, of whom ninety- six were prisoners). The officers he released from his Indian allies by ransom, but with some difficulty. The Indians were given all the plunder of the fort, said to have amounted to $1,500 to each man. Of the ordnance stores captured there were two fourteen pounders, nineteen twelve- pounders, one eleven -pounder, seven eight-pounders, seven six-pounders, two four- pounders, and five two-pounders, all iron, together with 1,500 rounds of twelve- pound shot, 40,000 pounds of musket balls, and other stores. The English found the buildings in good order and the fort in such a condition for defense that, had they stormed the work as was intended, there must have been much loss of life. The English loss was sixty- three killed and 183 wounded. That the Indians took quite good care of themselves during the siege is proved by the fact that, of the losses above given, only three Indians were killed and five wounded. After sending his prisoners to New York by way of Oswego, Johnson sent ofif his Indians in boats loaded with plunder. Soon afterward Colonel Haldiman arrived and claimed the command, but Johnson refused to give it up until General Amherst was consulted. Two French vessels cruising off Niagara prevented Johnson from leaving the fort for Oswego until the evening of August 4. He arrived at Oswego on the 7th. Thus passed the control of the Niagara River, which had been under French domination more than a hundred years, to the English. Soon the life-bought victory of Wolfe gave Quebec to the triumphant Eng- Ush ; but the French clung to their colonies with desperate, though failing grasp, and it was not until September, 1760, that the Marquis de Vaudreuil surrendered Montreal and with it all the other posts within his jurisdiction. This surrender was ratified by the treaty of peace between England and France in February, 1763, which ceded Canada to the former power. CHAPTER ON THE FRONTIER— 1703 TO ITTo. With the change fr^m French to English domination was inaugurated entirely new arrangements on the portage from Lewiston to Schlosser. A new fort was built a short distance from where Little Niagara had stood and named Fort Schlosser, from Capt. Joseph Schlosser, its first commander. It consisted simply of a line of palisades enclosing a few storehouses and barracks. A tall chimney, which is still a conspicuous object on the Porter farm beluw Gill Creek, and which had belonged to the French barracks burned by Joncaire, as before related, was used by the English in the construction of this new work. Meanwhile Fort Niagara was repaired and strengthened and served as an important base of supplies for the western country and the rapidly increasing In- dian trade. Comparative peace reigned in this region until Niagara was quietly surrendered to the United States in 1796, after the Revolu- tion ; but during this period of nearly forty years of possession by the English, nian}' interesting events took place that require descrip- tion. It was unfortunate that the Indians nearest to this frontier were the Senecas, for they had been more or less antagonistic to the English in the past years, and were prone to disregard Johnson's sovereignty as superintendent of Indian afifairs ; moreover, a lingering afifection for the French seemed to remain with them and they, with some of the western Indians, carried on marauding forays through the country, on some occasions carrying their depredations very near the gates of 30 Niagara, where they killed an Englishman whom they were trying to capture. Three others were killed near the mouth of Chippawa Creek, but in retaliation a party of Hurons were surprised at the mouth of the Niagara and one killed and six wounded. Most of the Iroquois, how- ever, remained united under the autocratic sway of Sir William John- son. It must be remembered that there was no Indian settlement between the Genesee and Niagara at this time ; only a few cabins re- mained at Lewiston where some of the Senecas aided in transporting goods over the portage. In July, 1761, Johnson started on a journey to Detroit, arriving at Fort Niagara on the 24th. Here he learned that the Senecas around the Genesee were jealous of the advance of the English beyond Niagara. The Indians already foresaw what finally took place — their expulsion from their hunting grounds and their ulti- mate extinction. This growing feeling led to later serious trouble on the frontier. Johnson passed a few weeks in this vicinity, visiting Schlosser, Navy Island, the former battle ground, exploring Chippawa Creek, visiting Lewiston (which he calls in his record, " Trader's Town "), the falls and other points, and left for Detroit on August 19 Returning he arrived at Schlosser October 15 ; from there he went to Lewiston on horseback and thence to Niagara by boat. By this time the Indian fur trade had become a great industry through the activity of the English and Dutch merchants at Albany, and soon became a source of difficulty. White traders did not scruple to defraud and cheat the Indians, frequently first getting them drunk for the purpose. Competition was active, and honorable traders, who adhered to the methods prescribed by the authorities, found themselves hampered and their business injured by shameless adventurers Com- plaints on this subject from all quarters were made to Johnson at Niagara, all of which he endeavored, by exercising his well known diplomacy and authority, to adjust. A man named Stirling, it is re- corded, had placed " a great store of goods " at Schlosser, where he was cheating the Indians. General Amherst had also licensed Captain Rutherford and Lieutenant Duncan, with others, to settle on the port- age and, it was charged, had given them 10,000 acres of land along that road. The general's explanation was, that this permit was made subject to the pleasure of the king. In a letter of October, 1762, he 31 said that this grant was asked in the interest of trade and that great advantages would follow a settlement on these lands covering most of the territory between Schlosser and the mouth of Four Mile Creek and the river. The king disapproved of this permit and orders were issued to "put a stop to any se'tlement on the carrying place." In 1762 trouble arose with the Indians, said to have been occasioned by the murder of two traders who were passing through the Seneca's country. At a council held at Canaseraga in December of that year, the Senecas failed to attend, although special effort had been made to induce them to be present. The Tuscaroras were represented and the interpreter was William Printup, ancestor of the Tuscarora Printups of recent years. The Indians made profession of friendship and threw the blame for the murder of the traders upon some irresponsible strolling Indians. This was not believed by Johnson, who gave them to under- stand that they would be punished for any further depredations. Out of this and other causes grew the succeeding warfare on the frontier, and Pontiac's war in the west. The hostile movements of the Indians were kept secret until the western Indians and the Senecas were ready to strike. Detroit was besieged and the posts at Sandusky, Erie and on the route from Erie to the Ohio were captured ; settlements were destroyed and the settlers massacred. The Indians believed they could gain control of the whole country u^est of Oswego, out of which the French hoped to profit. It is a part of general border history that the Indians were severely punished and were glad to sue for peace in the following year. At this time the Seneca nation numbered nearly 1,200 members. At this time the portage between Lewiston and Schlosser, extending most of the way through a forest, was especially exposed to surprise, and soldiers were kept at both ends of the road to accompany teams- ters. In September, 1763, one of these convoys was attacked by a large band of Senecas and many were killed. This wagon train started from Lewiston for Schlosser on the 14th of September, with supplies for Detroit. On the return with an escort of twenty five men, accom- panied by John Stedman, who had been in charge of this end of the portage since 1760, the attack was made in the thickets near the road and close to the Devil's Hole, by a large body of Senecas who were 32 hidden at that point. While the wagons and soldiers were moving by the declivity, the savages opened fire. It must have been a deadly volley, for it was at close range and very deliberate. The Indians at once sprang upon their victims with knife and tomahawk and com- pleted the slaughter. It is recorded that some of the teams were frightened over the precipice and that some of the English jumped over, preferring to take that desperate chance rather than be tomahawked or burned at the stake. One of these a, drummer boy named Matthews, fell into a tree top and descended in safety. He died long afterwards at Queenston at the age of ninety years. A wounded teamster is also said to have crawled into a secluded spot and escaped. Stedman was mounted and spurring his horse into a run, escaped through a shower of bullets to Schlosser. The firing was heard at Lewiston, and reinforcements immediately started for the scene. In some doubt these troops marched up the road to sure destruction. The Indians had finished the first massacre and, discovering the approach of the rein- forcements, again secreted themselves As the troops came up a deadly volley killed or wounded a large part of their number and the knife and tomahawk completed the bloody work. But eight men are reported as having escaped to carry the news to Lewiston and flee on- ward to Fort Niagara. The garrison turned out to meet the savages and with better knowledge of what had already taken place, they took greater precautions, but the Indians had gone. The soldiers found the remains of their stripped and mutilated comrades, broken wagons, wounded teams, etc., at the bottom of the precipice. This was the most terrible and bloody deed ever enacted in this immediate vicinity. The little stream close by, that some years ago supplied water for a saw mill, is known as Bloody Run, deriving its name from the massacre. Many thousands of tourists have visited the locality where, for many years, a charge was made for going down the declivity on rude steps. Along down the banks relics of this butchery were found by the pioneer settlers half a century later. To prevent further depredations reinforcements were sent on from Oswego. In November two soldiers were killed at Lewiston while cut- ting wood in sight of their quarters. General Amherst was in favor of punishing all the Senecas wherever found, but Johnson secured immu- ISAAC H. BABCOCK. 33 nity for two small villages that had remained pacific. Later in the sea- son, when news came from the west that the Hurons and others who had shared in the Pontiac war had offered to make peace, the Senecas hastened to Johnson with similar proposals. Johnson advised the Lords of Trade that the Senecas were undoubtedly sincere and advocated the exaction of the lands along the Niagara from the fort to Schlosser, with a guarantee from the Indians of its peaceable possession forever. Accordingly, when the Senecas to the number of four hundred met Johnson in April, 1764, they signed articles conveying to the English government all the lands on both sides of the river, two miles wide, from Lake Ontario to Fort Schlosser. At this meeting Johnson adopted measures to secure a general conference of all the Indian na- tions at Niagara. On the 8th of July he arrived here from Oswego with General Bradstreet and twelve hundred white men and six hun- dred Indians. Other western Indians had already arrived and more continued to come, the Senecas arriving last about August 1st. There were present at this council a little more than 2,000 Indians, seventeen hundred of whom were warriors. Some of the nations represented had been at enmity with each other, while others were deadly enemies of the English; consequently it required consummate diplomacy to avert trouble. But Johnson was equal to the occasion and much important business was transacted. The cession of lands by the Senecas, before noticed, was ratified and the boundaries thereof extended to Lake Erie, while they made Johnson a present of all the islands in the river. All of this cession Johnson turned over to the English crown. The sale of liquors to the Indians by traders, a practice full of evil results, was also discussed, and certain regulations made to restrict the sale. Lieutenant- Colonel Vaughn took command of Niagara about this time, and Nor- man McLeod was commissary at the fort many years. The conference ended early in August and Johnson left for Oswego on the 6th. Bradstreet erected a temporary defensive work at Buffalo and then marched to Schlosser where he embarked with his army for Erie and Detroit. On his return later in the season he encountered a' storm, lost many boats and stores, and about one hundred and fifty of his men were forced to traverse the wilderness; some of them died on 5 34 the way and the remainder straggled on to Niagara in the cold months of the closing year. Johnson had now accomplished his purpose of making friends with the Senecas, and treaties with other nations gave the settlers a feeling of security they had not before entertained. Johnson continued to urge upon the Lords of Trade a policy of conciHation and kindness towards the Indians, and altogether wielded a powerful and beneficent influence. He set up the just claim that he had never received ade- quate compensation for his services, asked for title to the lands in the Mohawk valley given him by the Mohawks, and an increase in salary. He, however, continued to give much of his time to adjusting difficul- ties among traders, and regulating affairs on the several frontiers, among which Niagara was, perhaps, the most important. No very important events took place in which we are here directly interested during the period extending from the time under considera- tion to the breaking out of the Revolution. Settlement advanced very little beyond the various trading posts, everybody being intent upon making profit in the fur trade to the entire neglect of clearing away forests and tilling land. The English maintained the ship yard on Navy Island, and in the fall of 1766 one of two vessels there was burned, whether by straggling Indians or carelessness of workmen is unknown, but probably the latter. In 1767 Commissary McLeod called a small council of some Senecas and Canadian Indians at Niagara, occasioned largely by a drunken quarrel between parties of those Indians, some of whom were wounded. The matter was satisfactorily arranged. Other petty troubles were frequently the cause of complaints, but did not lead to serious difficulty. 35 CHAPTER V. 1775 to 1813.— THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. The Niagara frontier had very little connection with the stirring events of the Revolutionary war, though the post at Fort Niagara itself was an an important one in a military sense for either power to hold during that struggle. It remained in undisputed possession of the English throughout the war, but the great events of that contest which gave freedom to America, the story of which is well known, were enacted far from this region. In July, 1774, Sir William Johnson died at his home in Johnstown, leaving his estate and affairs largely in the hands of his son-in-law, Col. Guy Johnson, and Sir John Johnson, both of whom were active parti- sans of the English in the Revolution, until they were driven into Can- ada. During the period from 1759 to his death no man had wielded so great an influence over the destiny of the Iroquois Indians and New York as Sir William Johnson. His capacity for work was marvellous, and his diplomatic ability scarcely less so. After the actual outbreak of the Revolution, Sir John Johnson, who had been appointed superintendent of Indian affairs, persuaded the Mo- hawks to move westward with him and gained a strong influence over all of the Six Nations excepting theTuscaroras and the Oneidas. John Butler established himself at Niagara and organized a regiment known as Butler's Rangers, and he and thetwo Johnsons used all of their influence to induce the Indians to attack the Americans. The Senecas refused for a time, but in 1777 the prospect of gratifying their natural love of the war path and at the same time being paid for it overcame their scruples, and they made a treaty with the British at Oswego agreeing to serve the king throughout the war. From that time forward the Senecas, Cayugas, Onondagas, and Mohawks were active in the British interest, and Niagara became the key to this region, the Indians looking 36 hither for instruction and guidance. Here was the headquarters of the Butlers, Johnsons, Brant and other inveterate enemies of the country; here forays were planned ; prisoners were brought here from long dis- tances, where they were safely hidden from their far away friends. Sir John Johnson was driven out of the Mohawk valley in 1776, for his disloyalty to the American cause; he fled through the forest to Mon- treal, was made a colonel in the British army, and raised and com- manded a regiment called the Royal Greens. The campaign of 1776 was generally unfavorable to the Americans ; but none of its important events took place in this region. Complaint was made in the latter part of this year that large sums had been ex- pended at Niagara on the Indians gathered here, and that they had not participated in the war; but Butler's accounts were audited and settled at Quebec. He and his regiment of Rangers soon became infamously notorious in the border battles. Inspired by repeated successes, the British made extensive prepara- tions for their campaign of 1777, involving the invasion of New York by Gen. John Burgoyne with a large army from the north ; and an ex- pedition organized under Col. Barry St. Leger, composed of regulars, Canadians and Indians, to land at Oswego and penetrate and lay waste the Mohawk valley. The first of these movements was successful, and Ticonderoga was captured ; but St. Leger came to grief and was driven back from the valley to Oswego, whence he proceeded with his dis comfited troops and Indians to Montreal. Butler and Brant returned to Niagara. In 1778 occurred the massacres at Wyoming and Cherry Valley, the story of which has stained the records of British warfare ever since. To chastise the Indians in some measure for their repeated atrocities, an expedition was made against the Onondagas in the spring of 1779, under Cols. Van Schaick and Marinus Willett ; it resulted in the destruction of their dwellings and crops, but otherwise served only to further exasperate the savages. Later in the same year a similar but much more extensive expedition was organized with the same ob- ject in view — the punishment of the Indians. This expedition was di- rected against the Senecas, with the capture of Fort Niagara to follow. General Washington placed Gen. John Sullivan in command of about three thousand Continental soldiers, gathered in Wyoming valley, with 37 orders to march against the Senecas and leave nothing but desolation in his path. Sullivan arrived at Tioga Point August 22, and was there joined by Gen. James Clinton with sixteen hundred men. The expedi- tion was slow in its early movements, giving the British opportunity to send a force to the aid of the Indians. The latter fortified themselves at Newtown (Elmira) and a battle was fought in which the Americans were victorious. The march was then continued into the Genesee country. There he found an astonishing and beautiful region. The village contained one hundred and twenty-eight houses, " mostly large and very elegant," surrounded by a flat extending for miles, " over which extensive fields of corn were waving, together with every kind of vegetable that could be conceived," as the record has it. The torch and the axe were applied everywhere, and the beautiful scene was soon transformed into a picture of dreary desolation. The corn destroyed was estimated at one hundred and sixty thousand bushels. Orchards were cut down, one of which is said to have contained fifteen hundred trees. The Indians pursued their usual tactics in the face of such ex- peditions and fled. Sullivan and his army retraced their steps eastward, leaving Niagara untouched. Why he did not continue and capture the post is not known, for it could, without doubt, have been easily done. The Senecas were completely broken up by this disaster and fled to Niagara. It was in this campaign that the famous Red Jacket first ap- pears and, it is said, in favor of making peace with the Americans, in which he was opposed by Brant. Sullivan's expedition had important results. It forced the Six Nations to make the Niagara frontier their principal resort. Here they gathered in large numbers, claiming protection of the king and sustenance through the severe winter of 1779-80. In the latter year several important forays were planned and executed against the border settlements. In May Sir John Johnson made a raid into the Mohawk valley from Crown Point, and burned every dwelling in that region, except those of tories, slew many people, recovered some valuable plate he had buried at Johnstown, took his booty and prisoners and fled to Canada. Another foray was organized against the Oneidas, who were driven eastward to Schenectady, and their buildings burned. That nation remained faith- ful to the Americans through the war. 38 In April, 1780, Brant was again on the war path, his main purpose being a raid into the Schoharie country. Leaving Niagara in the early spring with his followers, he reached his destination and destroyed one village, another being saved by the cool falsehood of a prisoner he had taken, who represented that a large force of Continentals had just arrived there. Brant returned to Niagara, bringing many prisoners who had escaped torture and death, by agreeing to come to Niagara as prisoners of war. When the party reached the western part of the State, Brant sent a rumor ahead to apprise the Indians of his approach with prisoners. It is believed that his principal object in this was the humane one of having the garrison meet him at the Indian settlements, one of which was Lewiston, and thus protect his prisoners from the ordeal that was customary on such occasions. In any event British troops met the home comers and saved the prisoners from torture. They were, how- ever kept in confinement at Montreal, Quebec, and Halifax until 1783. Only a short time after Brant's arrival there was another party of cap- tives from the eastern end of the State sent on to Niagara. They were compelled to run the gauntlet here, but under favorable conditions, so that they escaped with little suffering. One of these captives was a Captain Snyder, who reported upon the condition of the fort, etc. He mentions Johnson, the Butlers, and Brant, and said the fort at that time was a structure of considerable magnitude, enclosing an area of six to eight acres, and of great strength. At the close of 1780, after an event- ful season of border war, the story of which belongs to the general his- tory of the times, the British and Indians settled down at Niagara for the winter. The forces here at that time consisted approximately of sixty British regulars, four hundred loyalists, and twelve hundred In- dians, including women and children. But the fort was then well sup- plied, and although there was a large force to feed, the Indians probably fared better than they ever had before. The war of the Revolution continued with its march of memorable events, but they possess little interest in this immediate connection. Brant made some desultory and unimportant forays from Niagara dur- ing the winter and spring of 1780-81 ; but beyond this the frontier was quiet. In 1782 hostilities between the two countries approached an end. Demonstrations of conciliation were made by England, but Wash- 39 ington prudently kept the country in a state of defense until the final declaration of peace. In 1782 Brant's residence was at Lewiston, a short distance east of the village. After the war he went to Quebec to arrange for the fulfillment of British promises regarding the Indians. There he was given a large tract of land on Grand River, and from him is derived the name of the village of Brantford. The grant of land was for the benefit of those Indians of the Six Nations who had lost their homes by their continued alliance with the British. In 1781 the Tus- caroras were given a square mile of land on the mountain ridge, to which they removed. There they have remained as steadfast friends of the white people. The arrangements for peace began with the agreement for the cessa- tion of hostilities made in Paris in November, 1782, and signed by com- missioners January 10, 1783. On March 24, 1784, a letter was received in this country from General La Fayette announcing a general peace. Congress issued a proclamation April 11, declaring a cessation of mil- itary operations on sea and land. But England submitted to defeat with bad grace. Under the treaty the boundary between the possessions of the two countries was to run along the 45th parallel, and in the middle of the St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario, Niagara River and Lake Erie ; but the mother country objected to the Americans occupying the posts on the fronlier south of this line. That country also set up a claim that the United States government had not the power to enforce observance of a commercial treaty, and therefore lefused to join in the execution of one. These matters, in connection with the fact that debts due to British subjects from Americans were in many instances left unpaid, and confiscated property was not returned to royalists from whom it had been taken by Americans, were made the basis of the astonishing condition of affairs that existed for thirteen years after the peace, during which period a nation unsuccessful in war, occupied and held fortified military posts within the lines of the victorious country. The frontier was not formally surrendered until July, 1796. In the mean time changes began to take place along the Niagara River. In 1793 United States Commissioners Lincoln, Pinckney, and Randolph came to Niagara on their way to a great council at Miami. At that time what is now Niagara, Ont., opposite Fort Niagara, was 40 the seat of jrovernment and there Governor Simcoe resided. With the cessation of hostihties and even before the actual surrender of the fron- tier by the British, a new era dawned ; a new class of traders came in, the vanguard of the pioneers from New Jersey, the New England States and eastern New York. It is recorded that the only white resi- dent at Lewiston in 1788 was one Middaugh, who kept a tavern for the accommodation of travelers and traders, but probably derived his greatest revenue from selling liquor to the Indians. Silas Hopkins was at Lewiston in 1788 buying furs, and subsequently settled on a farm on the Ridge road east of Dickersonville, where he lived to old age. He was grandfather of Silas and Willard Hopkins, of Lewiston. John Gould came on from New Jersey in 1788 and was occupied as a drover, selling cattle mostly to Butler's rangers on the Canada side. He was the pioneer of the Gould families, long prominent among the residents of Cambria. Both Hopkins and Gould were neighbors of Brant, the celebrated Indian chief. John Street, father of the late Hon. Thomas Street, had a trading place at Niagara, Canada, in 1790. Soon after receiving a visit from Hopkins and Gould, he was murdered near Warren's Corners, and the assassin and robber was not discovered. In 1792 a traveler from Boston westward wrote descriptions of the country through which he passed. He alluded to the comparatively easy task of cutting a ditch twenty- three miles and a lock by which a water course could be opened to carry commerce "through an extent of country capable of maintaining several millions of people." He de- scribed the Genesee fiats as very rich, clear of trees, producing grass ten feet high, mostly owned by Indians, and worth in his estimation ;^2,000,000 sterling. Coming onward to Niagara, a distance of ninety miles, he found " not one house or white man the whole way." The reader will bear in mind that this was years after peace was declared at the close of the Revolution. The traveler evidently pursued his way across Tonawanda Swamp and went on to Fort Niagara. There he was passed over the river, where he found a public house. A regi- ment was garrisoned there which he said " had the honor of dancing Yankee Doodle on the plains of Cambridge, 19th April, 1775." He met Colonel Butler and one of the Johnsons. 41 Ontario county was formed in 1 790, and included all of New York west of the so called preemption line. The extinguishment of the Indian title' to most of the lands in western New York opened up a vast and valuable tract for settlement. In 1791 there was not a house on the site of Youngs- town. In that year Joshua Fairbanks arrived at Fort Niagara. He began keeping a tavern at Oueenston and made his house a favorite resort. He subsequently became a resident of Lewiston and was there a well known citizen. The Holland Company was in reality no company at all, at least in a legal sense ; it was merely a syndicate of Hollanders who sent over funds to agents in this country with which to purchase lands, having first been granted the privilege by our Legislature in 1798. In the latter part of that year the American trustees conveyed the Holland purchase to its real owners. It was, however, transferred to two sets of proprietors, and one of these sets was afterwards divided making three in all. Each set held its tract as joint tenants ; that is, the survivors took the whole. The shares could not be the subject of will or sale, and did not pass by inheritance, except in case of the last survivor. But there was no incorporation and no legal company. For all details of this purchase, for which space cannot here be spared, the reader is referred to the well known work, Turner's Holland Purchase. It is sufficient for our purpose to state that the territory of Niagara county constituted a part of that purchase. The first general agent of the company was Theophilus Cazenove, who was sent over for that purpose. Previous to the extinguishment of the Indian title to the company's lands, Cazenove had employed Joseph EUicott to survey ' When in the spring of 1764 the Senecas became fearful of the vengeance of the English for repeated depredations, about four hundred of them waited on Sir William Johnson at Johnstown and begged for peace. Johnson realized his power over them and did not hesitate to e.xercise it. The cessions agreed upon at that time were most important, the document containing the fol- lowing: "That they [the Senecas] cede to His Majesty and his successors forever, in full right, the lands from the Fort of Niagara, extending easterly along Lake Ontario about four miles, comprehending the Petit Mavais, or landing place, and running from thence southerly, about fourteen miles, to the creek above the Fort Schlosser or Little Niagara, and down the same to the river or strait and across the same, at the great cataract, thence northerly to the banks of Lake Ontario, at a creek or small lake about two miles west of the fort; thence easterly along the banks of the Lake Ontario, and across the river or strait to Niagara; comprehending the whole carrying place, with the lands on both sides of the strait, and containing a tract of about four- teen miles in length and four in breadth. And the Senecas do engage never to obstruct the passage of the carrying place, or the free use of any part of the said tract, and will likewise give free liberty of cutting timber for the use of His Majesty, or that of the garrisons, in any other part of their country, not comprehended therein." 6 42 their tract in Pennsjdvania. He was a younger brother of Andrew A, Ellicott, then surveyor general of the United States, and had aided in laying out the city of Washington. As soon as the treaty was made with the Indians, Mr. Ellicott was employed to survey this tract ; with him was associated Augustus Porter, in the interest of Robert Morris These men, assisted by a force of surveyors, axemen, chainmen, etc., pushed ahead the work of surveying the great tract with energy. Elli- cott himself ran the east line of the purchase, known as the East Transit. The tract was first divided into ranges six miles wide, running from Pennsylvania to Lake Ontario and numbered from east to west. These were subdivided into townships six miles square, and these were further subdivided into sections and lots In the fall of 1798 Seth Pease ran the line of the State Reservation along the Niagara River. The lands of the Holland Company were placed on sale at $2,75 per acre ; but as lands were then selling in Canada for sixpence, and were offered very cheap in parts of this State nearer to advanced settlements, purchasers were very slow in accepting the terms of the company, as will presently appear. By request of the State surveyor, Ellicott selected Lewiston as a village site in 1798. The dwellers there in 1800 were the families named Woodman, Gambol, McBride, Hustler (a tavern keeper), Hough, Mills, Middaugh, and Joseph and John Howell; Mc- Bride had a small tannery. In 1801 there were only forty sales to set- tlers on the Holland Company's lands; but the number rapidly in- creased after that. At the old Schlosser terminus was the Stedman place. The traveled routes from the Genesee to the Niagara were through what is now Genesee county, where they divided, one taking the ancient Indian trail across to the Ridge road at Warren's Corners, and thence to Lewiston ; the other continuing to Buffalo and from there down the river. The first named route passed through the Tonawanda Reservation, where there was then a large number of Indians. Philip- Beach, then living at Scottsville, near the Genesee, carried the early mail from Batavia to Fort Niagara, over the route by Warren's Cor- ners. There being no dwellings on the way, he was forced to camp out nights, the journey requiring several days. In 1801 he settled in what is now Niagara county. His brother, Jesse Beach, settled on the North Ridge near Molyneaux's, as also did Aaron Beach. 43 It will now be correctly inferred that at the beginning of the present century the frontier had seen little change from its condition during the long period of strife through which it had passed. Fort Niagara had only recently been surrendered to the United States; Lewiston and Schlosser were mere trading places ; and Buffalo gave little promise of future greatness. But important changes were at hand. Niagara county, then including what is now Erie county, was erected from Genesee March ii, i8o8, and the county seat fixed at Buffalo. There the first courts were held and the county buildings erected, but in fol- lowing the history of settlement and growth in Niagara county we shall, of course, confine ourselves to the present boundaries of the county. When the county was erected the territory now constituting Niagara county was all comprised in the town of Cambria, erected at that time from Willink. After the opening of the year the sales of land by the Holland Com- pany rapidly increased; in 1809 they were more than a thousand. During the first decade of the century settlement had been well ad- vanced in many localities within the boundaries of the county as it now exists; but no new towns were erected until 1812, as noticed further on. It was natural that the advantages of the Ridge road attracted the earliest settlers. Here, amid the primeval forest, above the swamps and avoiding hills, was a natural highway in every way inviting to the pioneer. From Warren's to Dickersonville it was always passable, while on either side, and especially on the north, it was almost impass- able except in winter and the dry months of summer. What are now the richest sections of the county were then avoided. Some settlements were made early near Lake Ontario, in what are now Wilson and New- fane, but along the river and the Ridge they were most numerous. The first town meeting in the new town of Cambria was held at the house of Joseph Hewitt April 5, 1808. Joseph Hewitt was elected supervisor; James Harrison, clerk; Robert Lee, Benjamin Barton, and Charles Wilbur, commissioners of highways; Lemuel Cook, Silas Hop- kins, and John Dunn, assessors ; Stephen Hopkins, collector ; Philemon Baldwin and Thomas Slayton, overseers of the poor; Stephen Hopkins, Ray March, Stephen A. Baldwin, and Alexander Haskin, constables ; Enoch Hitchcock and Thomas Hustler, poundmasters for the eastern 44 and western districts respectively. Sixteen overseers of highways were elected and assigned to districts. It was voted to pay a reward of five dollars for every wolf killed, on proof before a magistrate, accompanied with the skull and the entire skin attached. One hundred dollars was voted for wolf bounties. Other customary regulations were voted for the government of the great town, which embraced all of the present Niagara county. The most prominent settler to arrive here early in the century was Augustus Porter, who came in 1806 with his wife and three sons, A. H., P. B., jr., and A. S. Porter. Augustus Porter had represented the dis- trict of Ontario and Steuben in the Assembly of 1802. His brother, Peter B. Porter, represented Genesee and Ontario in the Assembly of 1803, but did not come to this locality until several years later, and then from Black Rock. Augustus Porter had been here as early as 1795 and again in 1796, on his way to the Western Reserve of Ohio, as chief of a company of surveyors. The further extensive operations of the Porter family in this vicinity are described in the history of Niagara Falls in later pages. James Field became a settler in 1808 on the Porter farm ; he subse- quently kept a tavern. He was grandfather of the late C. W. Field. The town meetings were held at Field's tavern many years. In 1809 Enos Broughton opened a tavern in the Stedman house, as it had then been vacated by Mr. Porter. Meanwhile settlers were locating at Lewiston. In 1802 came Capt. Lemuel Cook who had been a surgeon in the army ; sons of his were the well known prominent citizens of Lewiston, Bates Cook, afterwards comptroller, Lathrop Cook, afterwards the first sheriff of Niagara county after Erie was set off in 1821. Benjamin Barton came in 1809, having previously visited the frontier in 1787. Soon after came John Latta who built a tannery which he operated until driven out by the war of 18 1 2. Jesse Beach, before mentioned, settled in 1803, and John Rob- inson in 1806. Asahel Sage settled in 1807. John Gould and a few others were then his neighbors. Aaron Childs settled on the Ridge in 1809, where he kept a tavern, and subsequently removed to Lewis- ton. Two years later Achish Pool removed from Massachusetts to a home where Dickersonville now is and where he lived to an old age 45 His son, the late Thomas F. Pool, who resided in Dickersonville until his death in 1886, and William H. Pool, who removed to Michigan, were sons of Achish and small boys at the time of the arrival of the pioneer. Their conveyance, like that of most of the earliest settlers, was a yoke of oxen ; they brought in, also, one horse. Col. Andrew Sutherland came from Sutherland Falls, Vt, in 18 10, with his family and settled on a farm east of Molyneaux Corners on the Ridge; the homestead was afterwards occupied by his son, Fletcher Sutherland, and now^ owned by the latter's daughters. Colonel Suther- land took part in the war of 1812. A tavern had been opened in 1806 at Warren's Corners by John Forsythe. About this time Reuben Hurd settled on the North Ridge. In what is now the town of Porter settlement began early but was slower in progress than in Lewiston or Niagara. John Lloyd, who had been a soldier, settled near the old Peter Tower homestead in 1801. Others soon came in, among them the families named Doty, Hopkins, Zittle, Abijah Perry, and Cogswell, the first school teacher. Jonathan Lutts settled in 1806, Jacob Lutts in 1808,. and his brother Michael soon after. The town received its name from Augustus Porter and was thinly settled until after the war of 18 12. John Young settled in the town of Niagara in 18 10 with a large family in what has always been known as the Young neighborhood ; his sons were excellent citi- zens. In the same year John Witmer settled in the same neighborhood, purchased a farm, and built a saw mill which was in use many j-ears. These pioneers are more fully noticed in the later town annals. Jacob P'itts settled early in Somerset, where he was preceded by a Mr. Kemp. The Meade families were early and prominent in that town. In Newfane the early settlers were William Chambers, John Brewer, and a Mr. Cotton, in 1807. James Van Horn began operating a mill on Eighteen-mile Creek about 18 10. It was burned by the Brit- ish in 1813. In 181 1 the port of entrj', which had been at Fort Niagara since its opening in 1799, was removed to Lewiston, giving that village consid- erable added importance; it remained there until 1863 when it was re- moved to Suspension Bridge. In all the years that intervened between the close of the Revolution and the beginning of the war of 18 12, there 46 was little cultivation of friendly relations between the American settlers on this side of the river, and the people on the other side. The latter were largely composed of the members of Butler's Rangers, whose deeds were too fresh in the minds of our pioneers to render their friendly intercourse welcome. The British kept up a strong garrison, and there was a feeling of enmity not less strong because not publicly expressed, between the two sections. On the I St of June, 1812, three new towns were erected in the county ; these were Hartlaiid, Niagara (as Schlosser), and Porter, all taken, of course, from Cambria CHAPTER VI. 1800 TO 1825— THE WAR OF 1812. The first quarter of the present century witnessed important changes and stirring events in what is now Niagara county. There was a large increase of settlers at some points; many acres of forests were cleared away and cultivation advanced on many farms ; mills and shops were built and manufactures inaugurated ; little hamlets had their inception ; churches and schools were established, and, finally, war was renewed which for two years paralyzed business and caused anxiety and suffer- ing along the frontier. At the beginning of the century the population of this State had reached 589,000, of which total about 60,000 dwelt in New York city. Alban}' was a considerable community, while at Utica, Rochester and Buffalo the foundations had been laid for the present thriving cities. Commerce on the lakes was just coming into existence. Matthew Mc- Nair, at Oswego, bought a sloop in 1803, rechristened it and began the forwarding business there ; and there was soon a small fleet of vessels trading and transporting freight along the lakes. The Ontario, the first steamer to enter the Niagara from Lake Ontario, was built at Sackett's Harbor in 1816, and was soon followed by others. Prospects of peace and plenty throughout the country were hopeful. 47 Early in the century began the acts on the part of England and France which resulted in another war. Through orders issued by Great Brit- ain and decrees made by the Emperor Napoleon, all American com- merce in neutral ships with either of these belligerent nations was sus- pended. American sailors, claimed as British subjects, were seized on American vessels; and the right to board American vessels for this purpose was one of the unjust claims set up by Great Britain. These and other outrages continued until they could no longer be borne in silence. Late in October, 1807, Congress opposed this action by lay- ing an embargo on all vessels in United States harbors. This measure, necessary as it may have appeared as a general polic}', was disastrous to the mercantile and shipping interests of the whole country. The embargo act was supported by a large part of the Democratic party, but was strenuously opposed by the Federalists. On June i. 181 2, President Madison sent a confidential message to Congress, in \vhich he reviewed the causes of complaint against Great Britain, and asked for a decision whether Congress would act upon its light and as duty dictated, or remain passive under accumulating in- justice. It was well known that the president favored open retaliation. By one party the president was urged by threats as well as ridicule to declare war, while the other, among whom were many whose personal interests were already suffering, bitterly opposed such action. The Committee on Foreign Relations made its report June 3, accompanying it with a bill declaring war against Great Britain. After prolonged de- bate and amid the greatest excitement throughout the country, Con- gress passed the bill on July 18, and Madison signed it. On the 19th the president issued a proclamation announcing the fact and calling on the people to support the government in its war policy. At no point in the country, perhaps, was this event discussed with deeper interest and more anxiety than on the Niagara frontier. In 181 1 the port of entry for the Niagara customs district was located at Lewis- ton, having previously since its establishment in 1799 been at Fort Niagara. This gave additional importance to Lewiston. ^ ' Thu office was retained at Lcvvi.ston until lK(i8, when it was removed to Suspension Hridge. Thus for half a century Lewiston was a political headquarters, the collectorship being the prin- cipal political office in this section. 48 During the period between the close of the Revolution and the war of 1 812 there was little cultivation of friendly relations between the settlers on opposite sides of the river ; the feeling on either side was that of enmity, the causes for which will be readily understood. The Brit- ish kept a strong garrison at Fort George, and the declaration of war meant constant menace and possible invasion at any time, with destruc- tion of the new-made homes and perhaps loss of life. The Tuscaroras and Senecas proved their friendship for the Americans and rendered valuable service ; but the Mohawks, who had been located in Canada by their British friends, remained our implacable enemies. To secure the co-operation of the Indians a council was held at Buffalo July 6, at which Red Jacket made speeches declaring in favor of neutrality and volunteering to send to the Mohawks and urge them to abandon the war path ; but the effort failed. Immediately upon the declaration of war Gen. Isaac Brock, commander-in-chief of the British forces in Upper Canada, took command of the Niagara frontier on that side and strength- ened its defenses; while similar action was taken on the American side, where Gen. William Wadsworth took command in person. By a gen- eral order issued by the War Department on April 21, 18 12, the de- tached militia of this State had been arranged in two divisions, eight brigades and numerous regiments. In June the first detachment of the militia quota of New York was placed under command of General Brown, who was charged with the defense of the northern frontier from Oswego to Lake St. Francis. A regiment under Col, C. P. Bellinger, was stationed at Sackett's Harbor. The chief purpose and hope of the war enthusiasts on this side of the Niagara frontier, was the conquest of Canada Detroit was early cap- tured by Brock, whose forces, thus relieved, came hither and threatened an invasion. They took possession of Grand Island ; but nothing of importance took place until the fall of 18 1 2, v. hen Stephen Van Rens- selaer established his headquarters at Lewiston, while Brock faced him across the river. There was at that time probably not as many troops under Van Rensselaer as would make one full regiment, and he called for reinforcements. By October he had gathered about 2,500 men, while at Fort Niagara there was a regiment of infantry and about 300 light artiller3^ There was a considerable force at Buffalo and a regiment 49 at Schlosser under command of Lieut.- Col. Winfield Scott. At Oueens- ton were two companies of infantry , while at Fort George and near by was a disciplined force of 2,000 soldiers. Batteries opposed each other at favorable points on either side. An invasion of Canada was the chief topic of discussion ; there were the usual predictions of what would be accomplished by the Americans in such an event ; but when it came to the point of crossing the river the raw militia shrank from the danger, and the burden of taking the initiative fell upon the regulars from the fort. On the morning of October 13, a crossing was effected without much difficulty, until the march began upon up the slope to Oueenston. There determined opposition was met, the Americans were driven back, and a few lives were lost. Soon afterward, with reinforcements from this side, Capt. John E. Wool (later a distinguished general) stormed the heights, drove back two companies stationed there and captured a battery. The uproar of the battle was heard at Fort George and Gen- eral Brock hastened to the front with a larger force. In his heroic effort to recapture the heights Brock was killed and his troops were re- pulsed in disorder. The decisive moment had arrived when, had the remainder of the Americans promptly crossed the river, a permanent victory would have been assured ; but the militia could not be prevailed upon to cross, and Brant, with five hundred Mohawks, made his appear- ance on the field, and in spite of the gallant defense of the little army under Scott, they were defeated ; many were killed and wounded and a large number were marched to Fort George as prisoners. During the progress of the battle a brisk bombardment of Fort Niagara from Fort George caused Captain Leonard to abandon the works. This closed the campaign on the immediate frontier. During the year 18 13 the march of military events was rapid and eventful on the frontier. General Van Rensselaer resigned his command soon after the battle at Queenston and was succeeded by Gen. Alexan- der Smyth, of the regular army, who had been in this vicinity a short time as inspector -general. He was a Virginian who in 1808 had aban- dt)ned his profession and resigned from his State Legislature to accept a colonelcy in the army and had been promoted to brigadier- general. Immediately on taking command he began the concentration of troops at Buffalo and Black Rock, preparatory to an invasion of Canada. He 7 so also had scows built for the river transportation of artillery. On the 1 2th of November General Smyth issued a flaming address declaring among other things that within a few days his troops would plant the American flag in Canada. Other still more bombastic addresses fol- lowed. The attempt to cross the river was made November 28, and several detachments were sent over ; but owing chiefly to the imperfect arrangements and want of concentration, the movement was almost a ridiculous failure. Derision and ridicule were heaped upon the com- mander by the troops and subordinate officers. One of the latter was Gen. Peter B. Porter, a brave and competent officer, who was out- spoken in condemnation of the operations. This led to a duel which was fought on Grand Island, but neither of the participants was injured. The army now went into winter quarters. The conquest of Canada was still the hope of the Americans in the campaign of 1813. The government had gathered quite a fleet of vessels on Lake Ontario, which were placed under command of Com- modore Isaac Chauncey, who made his headquarters at Sackett's Har- bor. He successfully defended that port against the operations of Sir James L. Yeo, commanding the British squadron, in May, 18 13, and thereafter practically controlled the lake. Toronto h?d been captured in April, and measures were adopted looking to the capture of Fort George. General Henry Dearborn was in command of the department and took part in the capture of Toronto. That victory prevented the British from sending reinforcements to Fort George when the time arrived for its capture. For this event troops and war munitions were landed at Four- mile Creek and a large number of boats were built at Five- mile Meadows, a few miles below Lewiston, and taken down the river to the rendezvous. A cannonade was opened from both sides, and early on the morning of May 27 the troops embarked and the fleet of Commodore Chauncey took its position. The heavy fire from Fort Niagara and the vessels drove the enemy from one battery, enabling the Americans to make a landing. A sharp engagement followed a little distance from the beach, which merged in a combined assault and the enemy was driven back through the village, while Fort George was deserted. Preparations had been made to blow up the work and one magazine exploded, throwing Col. Winfield Scott from his horse, but 51 without seriously injuring him. The enemy was pursued several miles by Scott, but he was recalled just as he felt confident of their capture. The victory was a decisive one, all the positions at Niagara (which then bore the name of Newark) being in possession of the Americans, while the British losses were nearly three times as many as ours. On the 4th of July an unimportant raid was made on Schlosser by a lieutenant and a small British force, surprising the guard there and capturing a field piece, some arms, provisions, etc. It would seem that territory on the frontier which had been captured by the Americans should have been held ; but such was not to be the case. Up to midsummer of this year no Indians had been taken into the service of the United States. In the spring the warriors of the Six Nations had been solicited to come into the American camps, and a few hundred did come, under lead of the veteran Farmer's Brother ; but they requested that they be allowed to remain and take no part for the present in military operations. When in the early part of July a skirmish took place near Fort George in which an American lieutenant and ten men were captured and never heard from, leading to the con- clusion that they had been massacred by Indians, General Boyd ac- cepted the services of the Indian warriors. Gen. James Wilkinson succeeded General Dearborn and proved an efficient officer ; but by some mistaken policy most of the American troops were withdrawn from this frontier. Colonel McClure garrisoned Fort George with only sixty men, and in November a British force marched to recapture the work, upon which McClure abandoned the fort and crossed the river on the loth of December. But before he embarked he made the fatal mistake of firing the British village of Newark. On the 1 8th of that month, a strong force of British and Indians landed at or near Five-mile Meadows in the night. The regulars marched on towards Fort Niagara wath the intention of storming it ; but this was not necessary. They captured the pickets without giving an alarm and found the gates of the fort open several hours before sun- rise. A slight defense was made from the blockhouse and the barracks, and Colonel Murray, the British commander, was wounded. The gar- rison of four hundred and fifty men was captured, and it is recorded that 52 about eighty soldiers and hospital patients were murdered after the surrender, but this is believed to be exaggerated. The loss of this fort at that time and the terrible operations that rapidly followed were mo- mentous events. Colonel McClure had left the fort and gone to Buffalo to announce the alarming situation at the mouth of the river, leaving the fort in command of Captain Leonard. The latter, for some un- accountable reason, was at his house several miles above Youngstown. Charges of treason, more particularly against Leonard, were freely made, and that officer found his residence for some years after at Five-mile Meadows a most undesirable one, if the opinions of his neighbors affected him. He was always held in contempt, which he doubtless merited, for even a meager defense would have given the people alarm and en- abled them to avoid the calamities that followed. ' ' As soon as Niagara was captured, McClure, who did not escape blameless, retreated with his regulars to Batavia, against the vehement protest of the inhabitants of Buffalo, leaving that village wholly unprotected. The British forces now on this side of the river proceeded to burn the few houses at 1 While this was common talk among those who had been driven from their homes, and thus found a place in local historical sketches as truth, there are reasons for believing that Captain Leonard was unjustly accused. He was not at Five-mile Meadows, probably did not then own the place— not far below Lewiston— but had gone to attend his sick wife at Four-mile Creek, leav- ing a subordinate in command. It had been known two or three weeks that an invasion was be- ing planned, and with this knowledge Colonel McClure had gone to Buffalo to secure aid for defense. Full preparations had been made to defend the fort, guns placed, etc., and a battery on the brow of the mountain, overlooking Lewiston and the river below, was in charge of an officer instructed to watch for any attempted crossing and signal the fort by firing three cannon shots. This signal was given as the enemy crossed not far from Five-mile Meadows. If unheard at the fort it is evidence in support of a well authenticated report that the garrison slept after a drunken debauch, and that accounts for the easy capture. Robert Fleming, father of William Fleming (born in Lewiston in 1817, and now living in Buffalo), was stationed at the battery and related the particulars to his son years afterwards. He was subsequently a m.ember of the State Legislature, and was always on the most friendly terms with Captain Leonard when he afterwards resided at Five-mile Meadows. The Bartons and other prominent Lewistonians were also intimate friends of Captain Leonard, and as all these were intensely patriotic, they must have known the truth in the matter. Captain Leonard was one of the first trustees of the Lewiston Academy, organized only about ten years after, and this is evidence in his favor. It was natural for the pioneer set- tlers to accept suggestions of disloyalty. My father and grandfather had to flee and suffer ac- cordingly, and often repeated these common reports. Turner says Captain Leonard was tried and dismissed the service, but we can find no evidence in proof and it probably cannot be had outside of the War Department. It is believed to be erroneous. The late Hon. W. H. Merritt, father of Hon. J. S. Merritt, of St. Catherines, had command of part of the British forces, but did not participate in the invasion, being sick at his home. In his memoirs published by his son, it is stated that Captain Leonard was captured and sent to Quebec. In my youth I heard much of the bitter feeling among pioneer settlers on the frontier. Suspicion easily grew to positive statement, and of such too much history made. In this note I desire to do justice to a townsman of my youth and therefore this extended note.— William Pool. 53 Youngstown, and then separated into raiding parties and desolated the unprotected frontier. A body of Indians crossed the river from Queens- ton, joined those from below, and Lewiston was plundred and partly- burned, the inhabitants fleeing away on the Ridge road. The first alarm to the settlers at Dickersonville and beyond was given by the Tuscarora women who were hurrying along that road towards a place of safety. Reaching the brow of the Mountain Ridge the faithful Tus- caroras there obtained a view of the road below. The pursuers were mounted and were coming on in hot haste after the fugitives. Then the Indians stood their ground and so delayed the enemy that many were enabled to escape. It was in midwinter, the ground was covered with snow, and the sufferings of the flying people were intense. Many incidents of capture, massacre, and other terrible details are related of that memorable day. Thomas F. Pool, son of Achish Pool, then a lad of thirteen, heard the alarm and hastily hitched a team to their convey- ance and aided in snatching a few necessary articles from the house and loading them on. While thus engaged an acquaintance came from towards Lewiston and warned them to waste no more time in securing their valuables or they would surely be overtaken and killed. Mrs. Pool had a restless babe and the last thing secured was a bottle of milk which she determined to take along for her ofispring. The road was crowded with fugitives, the larger part of whom were squaws and their children, and all were frightened beyond measure. The inhabitants were out of the way none too soon. It was only a little while before the red allies of the British came on with tomahawk and torch to wreak their vengeance for the burning of Newark. The pursuit continued a little beyond Dickersonville, one fugitive being killed a mile beyond that place. At Howell's Creek, where a well known tavern was kept many years afterwards, was a quantity of arms and ammunition and there a stand was made by some of the retreating men. This gave the fugitives safe opportunity to continue their flight to the Genesee, where the remainder of the winter was passed amid great privation. At Lewiston a small volunteer force had been recruited a few days earlier for such protection to the frontier there as they could give ; but they were taken by surprise with the rest of the settlers. Solomon Gillet was a member of the band, and when coming up the street from 54 Benjamin Barton's, where he had been after cartridges, met a party of Indians and supposed them to be friends. Farther on he met another party and entered into conversation with them. A white man with the party dressed and painted Hke an Indian, asked Gillet where he was going with his gun. Answering that he was going to drill, he was asked if he did not know that the fort had been taken. Gillet at this juncture saw the British soldiers near at hand and was soon captured. Meanwhile his son Miles met the first party of Indians at a different point, and promptly shot and killed a chief Attempting then to fly he was shot through the head and instantly killed. Among the other slain were two men named Tiffany and Finch, Thomas March, Jarvis Gillet (only seven years aid who was trying to escape with his mother), and Dr. Alvord, the pioneer physician. The latter had just mounted his horse at his door and started to ride away, but was shot before he had gone far. Reuben Lewis lived at the foot of the mountain and had agreed with a neighbor that he would not be taken alive by the Indians. He was attacked and fought until wounded, when he fell down behind a log. In that position he continued to load and fire until the Indians came up and tomahawked him. The killed at Lewiston numbered about a dozen. John Robinson lived three miles east of the village on the Ridge road, heard of the invasion about nine o'clock and hurriedly gathered up some of his property and placed it on a sled, which he took to the site of Pekin village. Meanwhile his wife took their children and crossed the mountain to a place south of the Indian Reservation where she remained concealed in the woods three days. After removing his goods Robinson returned to his house and was captured, but escaped and afterwards discovered his wife and children. Lathrop Cook had recently had his leg amputated. He was placed on a sled and accompanied by his brother, the late Hon, Bates Cook, was taken along the Ridge ; but they were overtaken a few miles on their way by some Indians. Bates Cook took "up his gun and shot one of the Indians. He then ran and escaped unharmed from two shots that were fired after him. Some Tuscarora Indians, hearing the firing, hastened to the place, repulsed the enemy and took the sled and its invalid burden to a place of safety. Aaron Childs, one of the settlers on the Ridge, was on guard at the 55 Meadows the previous night. When Mrs. Childs saw the approaching fugitives she ran out and inquired for her husband. She was told that all on the river were killed and for some time she believed her husband was among the slain. He finally returned uninjured and they made their escape. Aaron Childs was father of VV. H. Childs, long a well known resident of Niagara Falls. During the progress of these events disaster of no less importance was falling upon the settlers at Black Rock and Buffalo. Other parties of the enemy burned everything along the river towards Tonawanda, at which place the guard house and the few dwellings, with one excep- tion, were destroyed. Near midnight of the 29th a detachment of British landed near Black-Rock, and during the remainder of that night and the next day scenes were enacted there and at Buffalo which were a counterpart of those at Lewiston. The torch was applied indis- criminately, the inhabitants fled eastward, and many were killed, wound- ed or captured. Such was the retaliation of the British for burning of the small vil- lage of Newark by McClure, where not a life was sacrificed. The feel- ings that inspired the British at the time are indicated by the following extract from a letter written (as believed by Lossing, the historian, by General Drummond) while the work of devastation was in progress : A war-whoop from five hundred of the most savage Indians (which they gave just at dayhght, on hearing of the success of the attack on Fort Niagara) made the enemy [at Lewiston] take to their heels, and our troops are in pursuit. We shall not stop until we have cleared the whole frontier. The Indians are retaliating the con flagration of Newark. Not a house within my sight but is in flames. This is a melancholy but just retaliation. The succeeding winter was one of great suffering to the fugitives from the frontier. Of this period Turner, the historian of the Holland Purchase, wrote as follows: It is impossible now to give the reader such an account of the condition of things in western New York during the ill-fated winter as will enable him to realize the alarm, the panic, the aggregate calamities that prevailed. On the immediate fron- tier all was desolate; the enemy holding possession of Fort Niagara, detached marauding parties of British and Indians came out from it, traversed the frontier where there was nothing left to destroy, and made incursions in some mstances in the interior, enlarging the theater of devastation and spreading alarm among those who had been bold enough to remain in a flight. West of a north and south line 56 that would pass through the village of Lero)-, more than one-half of the entire popu- lation had been driven from their homes by the enemy or had left them in fear of extended invasion. Entire backwoods neighborhoods were deserted, hundreds of log cabins were desolate, and the signs and sounds of life were mostly the deserted cattle and sheep, lowing and bleating, famishing for the lack of fodder there were none left to deal out for them. In commenting upon the enormity of the acts of this invasion, Lossing says : Fearful was the retaliation for the destruction of half-inhabited Newark where not a life was sacrificed ! Six villages, many isolated country houses, and four vessels were consumed, and the butchery of innocent persons at Fort Niagara, Lewiston, Schlosser, Tuscarora village, Black Rock and Buffalo, and in farm houses, attested the fierceness of the enemy's revenge. The winter sufferings of the fugitives from the frontier were greatly alleviated by the generosity of the State. The Legislature voted $40,000 to the devastated district, besides $5,000 to the Tuscarora Indians and a like sum to residents in Canada who had been driven out on account of their friendship for the Americans. Albany voted $1,000, New York $3,000, and other contributions came from other parts of the State. The campaign of 18 14 was conducted with more vigor and judgment by the Americans, with the conquest of Canada still the chief object in view. For these pages we are concerned principally with two con spicuous events, the battles of Chippawa and Lundy's Lane. Lieuten- ant- General Drummond was in chief command of the British forces while General Riall remained in authority at Fort George and Queens - ton ; but when the latter heard of the arrival of the Americans at Buffalo under Scott, he established his headquarters at Chippawa, and established a fortified camp. At the close of June, Maj.-Gen. Jacob Brown arrived at Buffalo and assumed chief command. His command consisted of two brigades commanded respectively by Generals Scott and Ripley, to each of which was attached a small body of artillery ; there was also a small troop of cavalry. These regulars were well dis- ciplined and in high spirits. There were also volunteers from Pennsyl vania and New York and about six hundred Indians, who had been awakened to action by the eloquence of Red Jacket. The volunteers and Indians were under chief command of Gen. Peter B. Porter, who and 57 was then quartermaster- general of the New York militia. On the 1st of July Brown was ordered to cross the river, capture this fort, march on Chippawa, menace Fort George, and if he could have the co- operation of Commodore Chauncey's fleet, to seize and fortify Burling- ton HeiGjhts. Brown made his plans for General Scott and his brigade to cross the Niagara in boats a mile below the fort, while Ripley's brigade was to be landed a mile above the work. This accomplished, the boats were to return and carry over the remainder of the army, with the ordnance and stores, to the Canada shore. The order for this movement was given July 2, and w^as promptly carried out by Scott on the 3d ; Ripley was dilatory, and when Scott had pressed forward to invest the fort, he found that Ripley had not crossed ; but no time was lost in hurrying over the ordnance and stores Seeing these energetic preparations for action, the weak garrison surrendered. The prisoners were sent across the river, and the campaign on the Canada side con- tinued. Early in the morning General Riall had sent forward a body of Royal Scots to reinforce the garrison at Fort Erie ; but they were too late. At Chippawa he heard of the surrender of the fort, upon which Riall determined to make an immediate attack upon the American forces. Learning that reinforcements for him were on their way from York (Toronto) he finally deferred the attack until the next morning. To meet Riall's troops General Brown sent forward Scott with his brigade, accompanied by Towson's artillery, on the morning of the 4th. Ripley was ordered in the same direction with his brigade, \mt was again slow and not ready to move until afternoon. Scott marched along the river skirmishing nearly all the way and driving in the enemy's advanced detachment. The main portion of Brown's army reached Scott's en- campment on the south side of Street's Creek that night and on the morning of the 5th the opposing forces were only two miles apart. At about noon Scott was joined by General Porter with his volunteers and Indians. The British had also been reinforced. Operations began at daybreak on the morning of the 5th with petty attacks on the American pickets for the purpose of diverting the atten- tion of the American commander from his center, upon which the Brit- ish were to make an assault. This part of the plan did not succeed. 58 The American commander felt sure of his position and strength and gradually drew in his pickets, and the British were thus led on to gen- eral action. The Indians behaved gallantly under Porter and Red Jacket, and the British advance was forced back in flight towards Chip- pawa, with heavy slaughter. Porter's command followed, but on reach- ing the edge of the forest and there meeting the main British army, his men, unaccustomed to the battle field, were disconcerted and fled in confusion. The American commander, apprised of these operations only by the reports of fire arms, now discovered at a distance a cloud of dust which heralded the approach of the British, and rode on to General Scott and ordered him to bring his brigade into the field for action. At the same moment he sent his adjutant- general to Ripley, who was in the rear with his brigade, and ordered him to march by the left through the wood and fall on the enemy's right flank for the purpose of cutting off his retreat; but the promptness with which Scott obeyed the order to to advance on the enemy, prevented Ripley's forces from participating in the oncoming struggle. The American commander accompanied Scott's brigade into the field and took his position on the left in front of the enemy's right flank, from whence he posted a battery of artillery opposite the center and further directed the operations. The British came into the field and were promptly attacked by Scott's forces, which persistenly advanced, fighting desperately for every step gained. He crossed Street's Creek in face of a heavy cannonade and then the battle raged along the whole line. Several times the British line was broken and closed up again. Finally a flank movement and a furious charge was made by Major McNeill with Colonel Campbell's regiment, and a terrific fire on the British center, forced it to give way. The whole British force broke and fled to the intrenchments below Chippawa Creek. The fugitives destroyed the bridge, thus cutting off the imme- diate pursuit of the victorious Americans. The battle, though an insig- nificant one when compared with the sanguinary struggles of more modern wars, was nevertheless an important one at that time and place and exerted a large influence in the closing scenes of the war. The American loss was 355 in killed, wounded and missing ; the British loss 604, of whom 236 were killed. A gentle shower fell on that hot July 59 evening, mitigating the horrors of the bloody field. The succeeding few days were spent in burying the dead. On his retreat General Riall fled down the borders of the river to Queenston, placed a part of his troops in Fort George and made his headquarters near the lake twenty miles to the westward. Drummond was deeply mortified by this defeat of his veterans by what he deemed a raw body of the despised Americans and resolved to wipe out the dis- grace. He drew most of his troops from Burlington Bay, Toronto, Kingston and Prescott, for the purpose of organizing an army that would drive the invaders out of Canada. With a force about one-third greater than that of General Brown, Drummond now pressed forward to meet the Americans. In the mean time Brown had moved forward to Queenston and menaced Fort George, expecting to bring on a battle. He anticipated the finding of Chauncey's fleet on Niagara River, ready for co-operation with the land movements, but at that time the fleet was blockaded at Sackett's Harbor and the commodore was ill in bed. When it became apparent that there was no hope of naval co-operation General Brown fell back to Chippawa for supplies, intending to then march across the country to Burlington Heights and meet the en- emy. But in the mean time the British reinforcements arrived and they occupied Queenston Heights. On the 24th Brown received intel- ligence that Drummond, with a thousand troops, many of them Well- ington's veterans, had landed at Lewiston with a view, no doubt, of seizing the American stores at Schlosser. To defeat this movement General Brown determined to attack the British at Queenston. Gen- eral Scott was given the advance, and was not forced to march to Queenston to find his enemy. The opposing forces soon came to- gether to fight the battle of Lundy's Lane.^ Waiting only to dispatch intelligence to his commander, Scott began the attack. Gen. Brown, apprised by the report of musketry and cannon of the contest that had commenced, ordered the second brigade under Ripley to follow him, and, accompanied by his personal staff, hastened to the field of battle. ' It is proper to state that this account of the battle is largely drawn from the writings of one " Cimoii," in the New York S/ii/esma/i, published soon after the war. Who the writer was is not generally known but it is believed he was present in some capacity in that campaign. The general accuracy of his descriptions has never been seriously questioned, except in unimportant details. We use much of his language, without quotation marks. 6o Meeting on the way the messenger dispatched by General Scott, he ordered him to continue his route to camp and bring up the whole force. General Brown, perceiving that Scott's brigade was much exhausted by severe action, as soon as Ripley's brigade reached the field, interposed a new line between the enemy and Scott's brigade, thereby disengaging the latter and holding it in readiness, after recovering from its exhaus- tion, for a new conflict. The enemy now falling back took a new posi- tion and rested his right flank on a height commanding the whole sur- face of the contiguous plains on which his own and the American forces were displayed. Colonel McKee and Major Wood had, by order of General Brown, reconnoitered the enemy's position, and reported to him that this height must be carried or the engagement could not be prosecuted with any probability of success. McKee was ordered to de- tach Colonel James Miller with the 21st Regiment for the duty, and to advance the remainder of the second brigade on the Queenston road to divert the enemy's attention from his right, on which the attack was to be made. General Brown rode in person to Colonel Miller, and ordered him to assail the heights and seize the artillery.^ It was instantaneously and gallantly done. The enemy retired before the line of bayonets with which he was assailed, leaving his cannon and several prisoners in possession of the assailants. General Ripley's brigade had advanced and encountered the enemy on the right of Colonel Miller's operations, and a part of it under his own command was broken by the enemy's fire, but it was soon reformed and brought again into action. It was at this moment that Major Jessup, who had been detached from General Scott's brigade, to act independently on the right of the American army, after capturing and sending to camp General Riall and several other British ofificers, had made his way toward the height as far as the Queenston road. Here he encountered a body of the enemy, which dispersed and fled after receiving a single discharge. General 1 Perceiving the key of the British position to be the battery on the hill, he turned to Col. James Miller, of the 2~th regulars, and asked, " Can you storm that work and take it ? " " I'll try," was the prompt reply. With 300 men he moved steadily up the hill in the darkness, along a fence lined with thick bushes that hid his troops from the view of the gunners and their protectors who lay near by. When within short musket range of the battery, they could see the gunners with their glowing lintstocks, ready to act at the word, fire. Selecting good marksmen, Miller di- rected each to rest his rifle on the fence, select a gunner, and fire at a given signal. Very soon every gunner fell, when Miller and his men rushed forward and captured the battery. — LossiNG. Colonel Miller was given a medal by Congress for his heroism in this campaign. 6i Brown, who had removed to this part of the field, joined Major Jessup, and ordered him to advance up Lundy's Lane, and form on the right of General Ripley's brigade, the left of whicli was resting upon the height defended by the captured cannon. General Porter had arrived with his command, and was formed on the left of General Ripley. The enemy had now been reinforced by fresh troops from F'ort George and Oueenston, and advanced in strong force on the new line formed upon the ground from which he had been driven. He was re- ceived with a general discharge at a distance of about five rods, and fled in the utmost confusion. In twenty minutes he made a second attack, which he contested more obstinately, but was again driven down the height after two or three volleys. During the second attack. Gen- eral Brown rode to the left of the American line and ordered General Scott to advance with his brigade, and take a position in rear of the enemy's right flank in order to assail him in reverse. In executing it. General Scott, after passing in front of the American line, was assailed by a concealed party of the enemy while he was in open column, and his command severed in two parts, one passing to the rear and the other immediately towards the main force of the American army. Both were again in action in a few minutes with the main body and participated in the repulse on the third and last desperate assault of the enemy. General Brown at the moment of the attack on Scott's com- mand, received a severe wound from a musket ball, but still kept his seat on his horse. The enemy had now closed with the main body of the Americans and a most desperate conflict ensued. General Brown in passing up the left of his own line, received a second wound in his side, but continued to direct the movements of the battle, though so enfeebled by the loss of blood as to require occasionally to be supported on his horse. The hostile lines were several minutes at the point of the bayonet, struggling for victory, and the carnage was appalling. The enemy at length gave way in great disorder, leaving many prisoners, and reappearing no more. During this last attack from the enemy General Scott, animating his command by his own example, received a wound which utterly disabled him and was borne from the field. The British thus repulsed, the Americans fell back to Chippawa, with orders from General Brown to General Ripley (on whom the command de- 62 volved) to return after a brief rest and occupy the battlefield. The dilatory Ripley, however, continued to remain at Chippavva. In three days after the battle the British received large reinforcements by way of the lake, which Chauncey's illness left substantially open, raising their forces to a great superiority in numbers over the Americans. Ripley now broke his camp and fell back to the ferry opposite Black Rock, intending to cross the river and occupy BufTalo — the position held by the army before the invasion began. Learning of this meas- ure. General Brown stopped its consummation by ordering Ripley to plant his force in Fort Erie. This was done on the 28th of July. In the battle of Lundy's Lane the American loss was about eight hundred killed, wounded and missing, nearly one-third of the whole force ; the British lost 878. A part of the battlefield is now covered with the vil- lage of Drummondville. From the 7th to the 14th of August Fort Erie was besieged by the British, subjected to a fierce cannonade, and repeatedly assaulted. But the heroic Americans bravely held the work. Finally at the end of the fifth desperate assault, a bastion which had been captured by the British was blown up, causing frightful destruction. This was followed by a fierce cannonade from the remaining American guns, and the British fled to their intrenchments, leaving 221 killed, 174 wounded and 186 prisoners ; the American loss was less than one-half these numbers. After the explosion both sides prepared for a continuation of opera- tions; but it was more than a month before the next important event took place. Hearing that Drummond's forces were greatly weakened by sickness contracted by lying on the low grounds along the river, General Brown, now recovered and in command, resolved upon a sortie from the fort. The date set for its execution was September 17. For- tunately on that day a thick fog prevailed. The movement was begun about noon, the troops passing out of the work in three divisions — one under General Porter, one under Gen. James Miller, and the third under General Ripley. Porter reached a point near the British right about three o'clock and still unobserved. He immediately made an assault and the startled British fled. The batteries were then stormed and cap- tured within twenty minutes. This victory was quickly followed by the capture of the block house in rear of the batteries. The garrison were 63 made prisoners, the cannon destroyed and the mai^azine blown up. Meanwhile Miller had carried two other batteries and block houses in their rear. Within forty minutes after Porter and Miller began opera- tions, the whole line of British intrenchments was in possession of the Americans. Fort Erie was saved, with Buffalo and the stores on the frontier, by this successful sortie. Congress presented medals to Porter, l^rown and Ripley, and public honors were bestowed upon them. These events were not only important in themselves, but have local significance from the fact that General Porter bore so conspicuous a part in them. He was a brave and loyal citizen and greatly distin- guished himself. He was grandfather of Col. P. A. Porter who lost his life at Cold Harbor in the war of the Rebellion, and father of P. A. and George M. Porter, prominent citizens of Niagara Falls. General Porter was brevetted major-general of militia soon after the events here de- scribed. The practical results of the campaign of 1814 were not especially advantageous to the American cause. Battles were won, and officers and troops fought bravely and successfully ; but at its close in Decem- ber the British were still in full possession on the Canadian side. Two months later, in February, 181 5, news reached this country of the treaty at Ghent. Under this treaty each country agreed to surrender all places captured during the war, leaving the boundaries as they formerly existed. This closed hostilities on this frontier. The closing events of the war in the south are well known and constitute a part of general history. At the end of the war the whole country was left poor. Trade of all kinds was broken up, specie was almost unobtainable, banks were with- out credit, and general depression prevailed. But the resources of the country were great and recovery was rapid. Niagara county, as at present bounded, was still almost an unbroken forest. Along the river and on a few of the principal roads, clearings had been made; all else was woodland. But the pioneers were made of stern stufTand when the clouds of war had cleared away they returned and took up the work of making their homes. Settlement continued to advance with consider- able rapidity during the first quarter of the century, and in 1821 a di- vision of the great county, which then included all of what is now Erie 64 county was made by an act of the Legislature in 1821, Niagara retain- ing the original name and Erie county the organization. The sub- divisions of Niagara county which took place before and after the erec- tion of Erie county are summarized later on. Lewiston was then the most prominent village in the county and practically the county seat, continuing thus until 1822. It was the terminus of the daily lines of stages that had been established to connect with Rochester; and a tri- weekly line ran to Buffalo. These lines were the natural avenues of travel between the east and the west and for many years and even after the advent of the first railroads, were largely patronized. Taverns were numerous along the routes, and hamlets came into existence to supply the rural districts with goods. In the mean time the great work of constructing the Erie Canal, which was to prove of so much importance to this county, was progres- sing. There is no excuse for giving a detailed history of the under- taking in these pages, for it is at everybody's hand in scores of places. The herculean task of cutting through the Mountain Ridge at Lockport was the last work done on the waterway, and the series of locks at that point were finished and the canal opened on the 26th of October, 1824. One of its most important results as far as this county was concerned, was the building up of the thriving village and later city of Lockport, and of the less important village of North Tonawanda. The Legislature of 1823 passed an act for laying out the territory of the jail limits and the erection of a court house in Lockport, a full account of which is given in a later chapter. It was in that session, also, that an act was passed incorporating the Niagara Canal Company, the avowed object of which was to construct a ship canal from the mouth of Gill Creek to Lewiston. The application to the Legislature was signed by Benjamin Barton, Jacob Townsend, N. Leonard, William Hotchkiss, Rufus Spalding, Silas Hopkins, and Bates Cook. Nothing was accomplished in this canal scheme, but the project has at different times been discussed ever since. At about the same time application was made to the Legislature for authority to construct a turnpike road from what is now Wright's Corners to Warren's Corners. An im- passable swamp lay between the two places, but a good road was made across it. 65 Immediately after the erection of the new county, pohtical affairs were active and much complicated. In 1822 Judge Silas Hopkins was earnestly pressed to accept the candidacy for the Assembly. He then resided in Niagara, but subsequently removed to a farm in Lewiston, where he lived to an old age. He declined the proffered nomination, giving as the reason that his circumstances would not permit him to make the sacrifice involved in the service Reuben Wilson was nominated in his stead. Augustus Porter was candidate for Congress, Lothrop Cooke for sheriff and Oliver Grace for county clerk, on the same ticket. The canvass was active, jealousy of the growing importance of Lock- port entering into the contest. The total vote of the county was less than 1,500 and the candidates above named were badly defeated. Those who suffered from the raids of the British and Indians in the war of 18 1 2 held many meetings thereafter to press their claims for reimbursement of their losses. At the meeting of December, 1822, Rufus Spalding, Benjamin Barton and Bates Cook were appointed a committee to take charge of the matter. The meeting resolved not to employ any lobby aid. Some years later a partial reimbursement of losses was made, but not sufficient to satisfy the sufferers, This chapter may be interestingly closed with the following from the Lewiston Sentinel of 1824, probably written by Oliver Grace, and treating somewhat upon the travel created by the attractions of the falls and other causes : We of the frontier who are supposed by many to dwell on the very borders of the west, but who in fact live some hundreds of miles cast of a well cultivated and civil- ized portion of America, have witnessed so far this season more of the traveling mania than in any one year within our remembrance. Eastern and southern travel appears to be rapidly increasing from year to year. The great perfection to which the means of transportation has been brought in this State has obviously contributed much to this increase. The regular lines of daily stages, excelled by none in the State for superior carriages and teams, which ply the Ridge road as well as the Buffalo route, are but little adequate to the travel that is now passing to the great center of attraction — the falls of Niagara. But to make good any deficiency in this respect, the stage proprietors have provided their lines with ample extra convey- ances, so that no passenger need delay a moment's time on any part of the route from Albany to this frontier, and on returning the same facilities await him. Our steamboat, too, which scours the eastern shores of Ontario is in no way behind hand in point of accommodation, and is the means of imparting pleasure and of affording facility for the traveler, and we are happy to see that she is gathering a good share 9 66 of the patronage of the fashionable as well as increasing in her commercial and for- warding transactions. In fact, there is a sensible revival of trade and of business in general on this frontier, and when a few more improvements which are now in progress, are accomplished — when the Ridge Road is made perfect by the construc- tion of a turnpike through the Eleven-mile Woods, and the waters of Erie are pass- ing through the Mountain Ridge— the spot where Brock fell, and the splendid monu- ment now erecting to his memory — the stupendous rock over which the unfortunate Colonel Nichol was precipitated, and the battle grounds of Queenston, Lundy's Lane and Chippawa — these, we say, with the great natural curiosity as the center, will furnish attractions for which we may challenge the world for a parallel. CHAPTER VII. FROM 1825 TO THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. From the close of the first quarter of the present century to the be- ginning of the great Civil war, Niagara county as a whole kept abreast of other parts of this State in its general development. Population in- creased from 26,490 in 1835, to 31,132 in 1840; to 34,550 in 1845 '■> to 42,276 in 1850; and to 50,399 in i860. During this period every town in the county increased its number of inhabitants, though in recent years, in common with most other sections, some of the rural towns have declined in this respect Lockport grew from 6,000 to more than 13,000; but in i860 the whole town of Niagara had only 6,603 inhabitants, to which number it had grown from about 2,000 in 1835. The great days of Niagara Falls were yet far in the future. All the towns in the county had been erected before 1825, excepting Pendleton and Wheatfield — Lockport and Newfane in 1824. The orig- inal forest had been largely cleared away, the log houses of the pioneers superseded by frame dwellings ; commerce on the lakes had reached large proportions, contributing its share to the prosperity of this region; manufactures had been establislied in some localities, with newspapers, schools, and churches, and general progress was manifest- ed on every hand. Going back for a moment in the course of this record it should be noted that commerce and trade between the East and the West was 67 greatly facilitated early in the present century by the improvement of waterways by the Western Inland Lock Navigation Company, which was incorporated by the Legislature March 30, 1792, its purpose being stated as "to encourage agriculture, promote commerce, and facilitate intercourse between the citizens of the southern, northern and western parts of the State." The company was promptly organized, and in its operations followed the old route. It constructed a short canal with locks at Little Falls ; another across the portage from Rome to Wood Creek, from which Oneida Lake was easily accessible, and made im- provements in the Oneida, Seneca and Oswego Rivers. However im- perfect this navigation was as compared with that of the Erie Canal, its influence upon the prosperity of the State, and the early settlement of Western New York was incalculable. The company did a profitable business for some years, but later for several reasons it became un- profitable and its property and rights reverted to the State when the Erie Canal project was assured. The latter waterway had a still greater influence on the development of Western New York than its predecessor. The detailed history of its construction is familiar to all intelligent readers. The initial steps were taken early in the century, and the re- port of commissioners made in March, 181 1, recommended the work on the route selected by Engineer James Geddes. On the strength of this report the Legislature continued the commission and voted $15,- 000 for further operations. A year later, it having been found impos- sible to obtain an appropriation from Congress, the Legislature author- ized the commissioners to borrow $5,000,000 on the credit of the State for the work. The war of 18 12 delayed the enterprise, but it was re- vived in 1815 and in 1817 the actual construction commenced. The work was divided into three sections, eastern, middle and western, this county belonging, of course, in the latter. James Geddes was appoint- ed engineer of the western division and made a survey in 1815, but no work was done thereon until 1820. In that year he was succeeded by David Thomas, who made some changes in the route, the most im- portant of which was in the point at which the mountain ridge should be crossed, and which determined the site of Lockport. Mr. Geddes's line crossed the Ridge in the gorge a mile west of Lockport. The whole western division of the canal was placed under contract in 1821. 68 During the fall of 1823 the navigable part of the canal was extended west to Brockport and Holley, and in the following season to the foot of the Ridge at Lockport. In 1824, also, the adaptation of Niagara River and Tonawanda Creek for canal purposes was completed and the channel excavated east to Lockport, leaving the great rock cutting and lock construction at that point as the last work to be done on the canal. Meanwhile the old stage lines flourished. The line from Canan- daigua west by way of the Ridge Road, which has before been alluded to, to Lewiston and the Falls, was established in 18 16 and was im- mensely popular. The coaches were met at Wright's Corners by a wagon from Lockport carrying mail and passengers for the stage pro- prietors. These stages Avere kept running up to near the middle of the century. In 1828 a company of men who were opposed to running stages on Sunday, established the Pioneer line, their coaches leaving the Ridge road at Wright's Corners for Lockport and thence to Niag- ara Falls and Buffalo. Competition was active, rates of passage were lowered and the Pioneer Company, failing to get a mail contract, suc- cumbed to its rival after about two years. With the advent of railroads the old stages gradually disappeared. The intimate connection between this county and the celebrated case of William Morgan, the abducted Free Mason, entitles it to brief notice here, though the general facts are well known. Morgan was a resident of Batavia and had written and threatened to publish a book revealing all the secrets of the Masonic order. After numerous attempts to in- duce him to abandon his purpose and give up his manuscript of the book, all of which failed, he was arrested on a trifling charge and con- fined in the Ontario county jail. A day later he was released by ad- vice given to his wife by several Masons, and on reaching the street was seized and placed in a closed carriage and driven rapidly westward. He was accompanied by three Masons, and was taken on through Roch- ester and via the Ridge road and Lewiston, and thence down the river to Fort Niagara, which was reached near midnight of the 13th of Sep- tember, 1826. He was there confined in the magazine until the 19th. The following paragraph is from Capt. James Van Cleve, who was fully conversant with the facts of the case : 69 lu September, 1820, many Free Masons came up the lake on board the steamer Ontario [on which Van Cleve was clerk] from Rochester to participate in the instal- lation of Col. William King as Knight Templar at Lewiston. On the steamer's re- turn she landed by request at the government wharf at Fort Niagara, and many Masons went into the fort for the purpose of seeing William Morgan, who was then confined there by the Masons. Col. Samuel Denison, the managing owner of the Ontario, who was a Ma.son, told me at the time that he was requested to go into the fort and see Morgan, but he declined, believing such high-handed measures in viola- tion of the law would in the end lead to much trouble, which proved true. On the 19th Morgan disappeared. Arrests and trials for his abduc- tion followed. Eli Bruce, then sheriff of Niagara county, the com- mandant at Niagara, and several other prominent Masons were tried at Lockport and Canandaigua, and a few were convicted. Bruce was fined and imprisoned for contumacy and deposed from office. The trials extended over a period of four or five years. It came to be generally believed that Morgan was drowned in Niagara River, and the stream was dragged, but without finding his body, and it is not even now positively known what became of him. The event created intense excitement throughout the country, and especially in this State ; it finally crept into politics and gave birth to the Anti- Masonic party which for some years was a powerful political factor. It drew large numbers of adherents from the other parties and in the election of 1829 its candidate for State senator in the Eighth dis- trict was elected by the unprecedented majority of 8,000. In 1 830 in a poll of 250,000 votes it failed of electing its candidate for governor by barely 8,000, while in 1832, when the poll was 320,000, it was de- feated by less than 10,000. In Pennsylvania it elected its candidate for governor in 1835, and carried large strength in some other States. Much of this power was attained through the skillful manipulation of politicians, at the head of whom was Thurlow Weed in this State ; it is now clear that there was no real and permanent foundation for such a great organization, and it gradually passed out of existence. After the building of the first railroad in this country, farseeing men realized that a line from the metropolis of this State northward and westward would, sooner or later, become one of the most important and probably the most profitable in the country. Between 1835 and 1840 the several roads that were consolidated into the New York Central in 1853, had their inception, and one of the very early branches was built 70 in this county. In 1835 the Lockport and Niagara Falls Company be- gan the construction of its road ; it started from the corner of Chapel and East Market streets in Lockport (known as Lower Town), whence it ran southwesterly a short distance, turned across the canal and thence extended to the end of Glenwood street ; along that street it wound its way up the mountain side, and after turning to the south to pass the head of the gorge a mile west of Lockport, it bore away to the west through Pekin to Cleghorn's, thence a branch down the moun- tain grade to Lewiston, the main line continuing to what is now Sus- pension Bridge, whence it ran on to the Falls along the cliff that over- looks Niagara River. The roadway itself comprised mudsills laid lengthwise, across which were laid ties and upon these were lines of 4 by 6 oak timbers on which flat iron rails were spiked. The cars were small affairs on four wheels, holding either sixteen or twenty-four persons, the former class being divided into two and the latter into three compartments, with seats crosswise. These cars were drawn by horses about two years, when light locomotives came into use. Meetings were held in Lockport in 1835 ^^ consider the building of roads to Batavia and Buffalo, which projects were favorably discussed, but nothing further was then accomplished. In July, 1836, the Niagara Falls Journal announced that the road from Lockport to that place was rapidly approaching completion, and that the Buffalo and Niagara Falls road was also in a far advanced con- dition, cars being then running on some parts of it. It was then ex- pected that the track would be ready for use between the Falls and Schlosser and between Black Rock and Buffalo by August i, when these two sections would be connected by a steamboat ; both boats were to be ready in September. The Buffalo road was surveyed in 1834 and part of the grading done in 1835. The road road bed was similar to the above described. In the winter after the road was opened, frost so heaved the sills and track that the engines were taken off and horses substituted for motive power. Some years later the road was recon- structed and the route somewhat changed. In the latter part of Au- gust, 1836, the Buffalo Courier announced that the first locomotive had been put on the track between Tonawanda and Black Rock, and a speed of about fifteen miles an hour attained. The first engine was called Little Buffalo, and the second, Niagara. 71 On December lO, 1850, the Rochester, Lockport and Niagara Falls Railroad Company was organized. It purchased the interest of the Lockport and Niagara Falls Company in 185 i, and the track of the latter company was abandoned and taken up. None of the first direc- tors of this company was from Niagara county. Regular trains began running on this line June 30, 1852, and the road was joined in the consolidation of the New York Central in May, 1853. The branch from Lockport Junction to Tonawanda was built by the Rochester, Lockport and Niagara Falls Company in 1852, and began business in January, 1853. At the time of the consolidation of the Central roads there was or- ganized a company which constructed the Canandaigua and Niagara Falls road. This line was opened to the Falls July i, 1853, and to Suspension Bridge, October i, 1854. In March, 1857, it was purchased by a syndicate of individuals, most of whom were in Europe, to whom it was heavily mortgaged, and the name was changed to the Niagara Bridge and Canandaigua Railroad ; it was then immediately leased to the Central. On the 9th of September, 1852, the Niagara Falls and Lake Ontario Railroad Company was organized to build a line from Niagara Falls to Youngstown. Benjamin Pringle was president; John Porter, vice- president ; Bradley D. Davis, secretary, and William S. Mallory, treasurer. The construction of this short road involved an immense amount of rock cutting along its picturesque route on a shelf of the cliff that overhangs the river between the Devil's Hole and Lewiston ; it was graded and opened to Lewiston in 1854, and a train ran over the road to Youngstown October 21, 1855. Soon afterward work on that part of the road was suspended and the track taken up. The re- mainder of the road was leased to the New York Central. The open- ing of these railroads changed the conditions of trade, made com- munication between distant points more easy and frequent, and broad- ened the social life of the community. Niagara county had its share in the financial distress and panic that swept over the country in 1836-7 and again in 1857. During the year 1836 speculation and extravagance ran riot through the country; land values were carried far beyond their legitimate limits, while the 72 disorganized condition of the currency and the banks produced results that might have been foreseen. The western part of the State, espe- cially at and near Buffalo, suffered severely when the revulsion came. Among the prominent speculators of that city was Benjamin Rathbun, who went down in the crash with many others. He operated exten- sively in real estate and made large purchases at Niagara Falls and its vicinity, built a large addition to the old Eagle Hotel and laid the foundation for another large public house on the square now occupied by the International Hotel. Under his enthusiastic and visionary manipulation the village plan was extended and he began the sale of lots at auction. But in the midst of his operations the tide turned and he was overwhelmed. There was great depression for a time and the village at the falls suffered severely. But recovery from the effects of both the periods of stringency referred to was more rapid than in many localities. Niagara Falls village has always had within itself a source of considerable wealth, while Lockport was then just beginning to feel the beneficent effects of the great water power supplied at the locks in the canal, which eventually made the place prominent in the manufacturing centers of the State. In 1837-8 took place what has become known as the Patriot war, in which many American citizens along the frontier were engaged, in associ- ation with residents in Canada in redressing wrongs more or less imagi- nary which they had suffered from that country. As a result of the work of emissaries of the Canada insurgents in this State, secret organizations were formed, the membership of which, with outside sympathizers, was very numerous. About the middle of December, 1837, ^ ^^^ hundreds of these crossed from Schlosser to Navy Island armed with weapons furnished by contribution or stolen from a State depository, among the latter being a number of cannon. Preparations were made on the isl- and for an invasion of Canada. The leader of this party was Rensse- laer Van Rensselaer. Another officer was Gen. Thomas Jefferson Sutherland, having many relatives in Niagara county. On the 29th of December a small steamer, the Caroline, belonging to William Wells, of Buffalo, made several trips between Schlosser and the island, carry- ing the men and equipments, and finally tied up at the Schlosser land- ing. That night a party of British crossed the river and after a fight in 73 which one New York man was killed and several wounded, set fire to the Caroline, cut her loose, and she drifted over the falls. About twenty- five men were on the boat at the time of the attack, some of whom were missing after the firing of the vessel. The burning of the Caroline was an unjustifiable proceeding and constituted an invasion of United States territory, and it created intense excitment throughout the country ; for a time it was feared that complications might arise from the event which would lead to war between the United States and England. This act, moreover, rapidly added to the ranks of the self- styled patriots and gave them a new excuse for their proposed invasion. The Niagara frontier was the most important point to the insurgents, though they were active farther east and particularly near Ogdensburg. General Scott was now sent to Niagara, and was accompanied by Gov- ernor Marcy. A considerable force of troops, including Randall's bat- tery of artillery, was collected at Buffalo, and in January, 1838, marched to Schlosser. Finding nidtters quiet there they returned to Ikiffalo, and a few days later were stationed at Black Rock. After the burning of the Caroline, the patriots brought the Barcelona down from Buffalo for use as their ferry boat, but General Scott nullified their efforts by hiring the vessel for ihe United States government and on the i6th ordered her back to Buffalo The boat had been carefully watched by the British authorities, who had stationed three armed schooners just above Grand Island with the purpose of attacking her on her return trip. A force of the British were also under arms on the Canada side. On the preceding day Scott had notified the English commander that he was ful'y prepared to restrain any further demonstration by the pat- riots and that if the British fired on the Barcelona, he should consider it a breach of neutrality and a hostile demonstration against his govern- ment. This warning was repeated on the morning of the i6th. In the mean time Scott had posted his men and planted his cannon on this side of the river, where the gunners stood ready to fire on the British if they attacked the vessel. They wisely let her pass unmolested, thus averting difficulty that might have led to international war. On the previous day, when Van Rensselaer saw that he was to lose the Barce- lona, he abandoned the island, returned to this side and dispersed his patriots. The entire foolhardy scheme was soon afterward abandoned. 10 74 It is time that a paragraph should appear in these pages in reference to the Niagara ship canal project, which at various times received rnuch attention in Western New York and especially in this county. A com- pany having in view the construction of a ship canal from the naviga- ble water above the falls to navigable water below, was incorporated as early as 1798. In 1808, in pursuance of a resolution of the Senate, the secretary of the treasury submitted to that body an able and elaborate report on the subject of roads and canals in general, and among those that might require public aid he mentioned a canal around the falls at Niagara. In 1823, while the Erie Canal was in process of construction, and a sort of canal fever prevailed throughout the State, there was a wide-spread belief that a canal should be built around the falls, which resulted in the organization of a company in April of that year. Among the provisions of the charter was one giving power to "open navigation from the Niagara River above the falls thereof to the heights near the village of Lewiston." The company was largely composed of prominent citizens of Lewiston and vicinity, Nathan Roberts, an experienced engineer who had been connected with the Erie Canal from its commencement, was engaged by the company to make a survey for the proposed work. He began at the mouth of Gill Creek, two miles above the falls, and ran a line nearly due north to a point on the moun- tain just above Lewiston. He made full and careful reports in which he demonstrated that the canal could be constructed on that route, with a single lock, for a little less than $1,000,000. As this sum could not be guarantied, the project was temporarily abandoned. Before the lapse of another decade this subject had assumed more extended im- portance. In 1836 Capt. W. G. Williams, topographical. engineer of the United States army, was sent on by President Jackson to make surveys " preparatory to the construction of a ship canal around Niagara Falls," One of the routes surveyed was that followed by Mr. Roberts, and the estimated cost, including locks, was $3,000,000, the difference in the estimates of the two engineers being occasioned principally by the in- creased cost of labor and materials. The undertaking again failed, largely on account of the financial crisis of 1836-7. The whole project remained at rest until 1863, when it was brought before the president and Congress, and a new survey was ordered in 1868, The reports 75 made upon the several surveys ordered at this time were laid before Congress, but when the matter was brought to a vote it was lost by a small majority. Although this subject has never lost its interest and is still frequently discussed, nothing further has been done regarding it, except the submission of a report by a U. S. commission recently (1897) which favors the project in connection with other projects making a ship route from the Hudson to the lakes and Chicago. During this first half of the present century commercial affairs on the lakes grew to considerable proportions. The first vessel built on the New York side of Lake Ontario after the Revolution was built by Eli Granger, at Hanford's Landing, on the Genesee River, in 1797, and named Jemima; it was a craft of thirty tons. In 1798 Augustus and Peter B. Porter bought this vessel, and the bill of sale is still in posses- sion of the Porter family. In 1 803 the sloop Niagara was built at Cayuga Creek. The Niagara Portage Company was early formed and owned or controlled many vessels engaged in transporting Onondaga salt, merchandise, etc., to pass over the portage. Among them was the schooner Niagara, another called the Ontario, and the Charles and Ann. Other vessels not owned by this company sailed in connection with it between Oswego and Lewiston. Among the firms and in- dividuals connected either directly or indirectly with the portage be- tween Lewiston and Lake Erie were the following, according to state- ments of the late Capt. James Van Cleve : Archibald Fairchild owned two vessels in Oswego ; Matthew McNair, the founder of commerce on the lake at Oswego, owned several ; Townsend, Bronson & Co., and Sharp & Vaughn, of the same place, owned one or more vessels; Henry Eagle, of Oswego, owned two or three vessels, and John T. Trowbridge and Capt. Joseph Whitne}' owned the Mary Ann. Other vessels were owned at various lake ports, all contributing to the volume of transportation at the portage. The first steamboat, the Ontario, which has already been mentioned, was the first on the great lakes ; Captain Van Cleve was clerk on this boat in 1826-30. She was built at Sackett's Harbor in 18 16, and made her first trip in April, 18 17. She was greeted with enthusiasm at the different ports on the lake and St. Lawrence River, and demonstrated the fact that such vessels could be successfully navigated on the inland 76 waters. In 1817 President Monroe visited Niagara county, landing at Fort Niagara from Sackett's Harbor, whence he came on the United States brig Jefferson. The first Enghsh steamer built on Lake Ontario was the Frontenac, which appeared in Niagara River in 1818, under command of Capt. James McKenzie. The steamer Canada, built at Toronto in 1826, by Capt. Hugh Richardson, ran as a packet between that city and the Niagara River. The steamer Oueenston, built in 1824, sailed in the next year under com.mand of Capt. Joseph Whitney. The Transit, owned by Captain Richardson, ran as a packet between Lewiston and Toronto from 1835 ^o 1842. The steamer Chief Justice Robinson, with the same owner, made the same run from 1842 to 1852 The steamer Great Britain, 500 tons, came out in 1831 under command of Capt. Joseph Whitney; she ran ten years between Lewiston and Prescott. Other prominent vessels that came to Lewiston were the Zimmerman, the Southern Belle, the United States, the St. Lawrence, the Oneida, the Lady of the Lake, the Rochester, the Vandalia, the Cataract, a second Ontario, the Bay State, the Northerner, the New York, and others of less note. Besides the captains thus far mentioned, others who were conspicuous on the lake were Capts. Thomas Dick, Andrew Estis, R. J. Van Dewater, William Williams, John Evans, J. J. Taylor, George S. Weeks, H. N. Throop, Rufus Hawkins, R. F. Child, R. B. Chapman and others. Soon after the close of the war of 18 12, the timber and lumber trade began to assume large proportions in Western New York along the lake and river. Lewiston and Youngstown were large markets for timber and staves, which were drawn thither from various places along the lake within Niagara county. Concerning this business Turner's Holland Purchase has the following : In 1817 and 1818 it was extended along the lake to Niagara river; the mouths of Oak Orchard, the Eighteen [milej, the Twelve [mile], Youngstown, and Lewiston were the principal depots. The trade was at first in butt staves; ship timber fol- lowed and contmued until the fine groves of oak between ridge and lake pretty much disappeared. As soon as the canal was completed as far west as Lockport the commerce in ship timber and staves commenced upon it. Daniel Washburn and Otis Hathaway first engaged in the business at Lockport, under a large con- tract with the eminent ship builder, Henry Eckford, of New York. The fine oak that grew in the immediate vicinity of Lockport was used to fill their contract. 77 This timber and stave business finally declined and gave way to an immense trade in sawed lumber that for many years constituted the most important part of the business of Tonawanda. All these various public improvements and institutions, and enter- prising private industries served to place Niagara county in the pros- perous condition that existed at the time of the rising of the war cloud that appeared on the horizon in 1859-60. CHAPTER VIII. THE WAR PERIOD IN NIAGARA COUNTY. It is a fact easily substantiated that when in April, 1861, the enemies of the government and the Union fired upon the American flag, no county in the Empire State exhibited more prompt and universal pa- triotism, size and number of inhabitants considered, than Niagara, and none more promptly and freely met the several calls of the president for volunteers, and of the various organizations for relief to soldiers and their families. With the fall of Fort Sumter an3 the president's call for 75,000 troops, the wildest enthusiasm prevailed. The Union flag leaped from hundreds of buildings, the sound of drum and fife were everywhere heard, and the ordinary pursuits of life were almost abandoned for military discussion and action. Measures for the relief of the families of the early volunteers were prompt and generous. The first public meeting was held in Lockport on the 18th of April, and the second on the 20th, at which more than $8,000 was subscribed and subsequently collected and paid to volunteers and their families. These were followed by similar gatherings in other villages of the county, in all of which en- thusiastic and generous action ruled. These efforts to relieve the terrors of war continued in this county throughout the struggle, and funds raised in those days which did not seem to be pressingly needed and were held over, have in recent years been devoted to the erection of a memorial to the military heroes of the county. So prompt was the response to the first call of the president that on 78 the i8th of April, i86i, Capt. Elliott W. Cook had a recruiting office open in Lockport, and in two days 140 men had enlisted ; within the succeeding few days five companies of volunteers were organized in this county. They were commanded respectively by Captain Cook, and Captains W. W Bush, William H. H. Mapes, H. H. Paige, and Theo- dore P. Gould. These companies were joined by two from Orleans county, under Captains Erwin A. Bowen and Hardie, and onecompany each from Genesee, Ontario and Sullivan counties, to form a regiment. The organization was number 28, and mustered in at Albany May 22. On the 25th of June it departed for Washington and was attached to General Patterson's command at Martinsburgh. On the iith of July, while on a scouting expedition, Isaac Sly, of Lockport, was killed. The principal engagements in which the 28th participated were Winchester. Cedar Mountain (where the loss was 207, killed, wounded and prison- ers), Rappahannock Station, Antietam, and Chancellorsville. In all of these the organization earned an excellent record. The regiment re- turned to New York in May, 1863, ^"^ ^^^ mustered out. In the 49th Infantry Company H, commanded by Capt. Charles H. Moss, of Lockport, was composed of Niagara county men and officered as follows : Captain, Charles H. Moss, Lockport; first lieutenant, Andrew W, Brazee, Lock- port; second lieutenant, Henry D. Hall, Lockport; first sergeant, William D. Boughton, Lockport; second, Otis B. Hayes, Somerset; third, Charles A. Murphy, Lockport; fourth, William Tindall, Lockport: first corporal, Frank Baker, Lock- port; second, Isaac N. Porter, Lockport; third, Jay Silsby, Lockport; fourth, Henry E. Barlow, Lockport; fifth, Michael Hutchinson, Lockport; sixth, William Levan, Lockport; seventh, George W. Pixley, Somerset; musician, Schuyler S. Ballou, Lockport ; wagoner, Ludolphus W. Fuller, Lockport. The 49th was raised in response to the call for 300,000 volunteers in 1861, and was mustered in on August 22, of that year. It was com- manded at the first by Col. Daniel D. Bidwell, of Buffalo. It arrived at Washington in September and was soon attached to Gen. " Baldy " Smith's division. The regiment remained in camp most of the fall and winter of 1861-2, participating meanwhile in an engagement at Draines- ville. In the spring of 1 862 the 49th shared in the peninsular campaign, taking part in the battles of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Golding's Farm, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, and Malvern Hill. Later engage- 79 ments in which the 49th won renown were Crampton's Gap, Antietam, Mary's Heights, Salem Heights, Gettysburg, Rappahannock Station, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Fort Stevens, Ope- quan, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek. Company H, however, did but little fighting after the engagement at Malvern Hill, having been de- tailed at division headquarters as provost guard. Captain Brazee acting as judge advocate. The regiment itself suffered terribly in the battle of the Wilderness, where every officer was either killed or wounded. Captain Moss re- turned home sick with fever in 1862 and died on the 25th of March. The regiment was mustered out June 27, 1865. A battery and a regiment of light artillery were largely composed of Niagara county men. These were the 23d Battery and the ist Regi- ment, both recruited in the summer of 1861. The 23d Battery was raised by Capt. Alfred Ransom, of Newfane, associated with Samuel Kittenger of Cambria, and Lewis B. Manning, of Wheatfield. The battery was mustered into service October 16, 1861, and ordered to Albany, where about half of a Warren county company was assigned to it, raising it to the required strength. Proceeding to Washington the battery was armed and on April 28, 1862, reached Newbern, N. C. to reinforce Burnside. During that summer and the first half of the suc- ceeding winter the 23d was engaged in operations near Newbern and Morehead City. In December it shared in the engagements at Kins- ton, Whitehall and Goldsboro. In the spring of 1863 the battery aided in preventing the enemy from capturing Newbern and Washington, N. C. At the latter place the battery then remained until April, 1864, taking part in numerous raids and skirmishes. The battery was sta- tioned at Newbern most of the summer of 1864 and until the spring of 1865, and was mustered out July 3, 1865. F'ollowing is an official record : Captain, Alfred Ransom; first lieutenant, Samuel Kitlenger; first lieutenant, Thomas Low (promoted to captain) ; second lieutenant, Nelson Cornell ; first sergeant, Lewis B. Manning; quartermaster sergeant, Joseph Kittenger; sergeants, John K. Swick, Newfane, enlisted November 11, 1861, mustered out November 10, 1864; Ed- gar C. Balcom, Frederick F. Palmatier, Newfane, enlisted October 22, 1861, mus- tered out November 10, 1864; George W. Sprout, Newfane, enlisted October 10, 1SG2, died in 1865; Amos Parker, Orlin S. Hays; corporals, Chai-les T. Saxton, William 8o Sage, William M. Smith, Simeon H. Talbot, Newfane, enlisted November 11, 1861, mustered out November 10, 1864; Sylvester Perry, Edmond T. Ackerman, Edwin Saxton, James McDonald, Almon Bliss, William H. Merville, Philip Simmons, Stephen Flynn; buglers, Clark Anderson, William J. Porter; artificer, William L. Warden ; blacksmith, Jedediah Biggins, Newfane, enlisted August 25, 1862, mus- tered out July 24, 1866; wagoner, Perry McKenzie. Of the 1st Regiment of Light Artillery only Company M was from this county; it was officered as follows: Captain, George VV. Cothran, Lock-port; first lieutenant, C. E. Winegar, Medina; second, James H. Peabody, Olcott ; third, George B. Eggleston, Wilson; fourth, John D. Woodbury, Wilson. The regiment did service by batteries and was mustered out in the same manner. Battery M joined the regiment at Elmira and was mustered in from August 30, 1861, to November. Proceeding to Washington, the regiment joined General Banks at Fred- erick in January, 1862. In the succeeding campaign and up to Au- gust, 1863. the battery was actively engaged and participated in the battles of Antietam, Second Bull Run, Cedar Mountain, Winchester, and Gettysburg. In August, 1863, the battery marched to Chatta- nooga and fought at Lookout Mountain and Wahatchie Valley. In the following winter the regiment went to Bridgeport, Ala., and its term having expired the members re- enlisted and joined Sherman. Battery M was assigned to the late 12th Corps under General Thomas. After the capture of Atlanta by Sherman the battery was a part of the force of that commander until the close of the war, when it returned to Wash- ington and shared in the grand review. It was mustered out 'June 23, 1865. The 8th Cavalry, commanded by Col. Samuel J. Crooks, of Roch- ester, mustered in from November 28, 1861, to October 4, 1862, con- tained one company {li) from Niagara county and chiefly from Hart- land and Royalton. It was raised by Capt. Benjamin F. Foote ; Alpha Whiton, of Royalton, first lieutenant. It is impracticable to follow with any pretense of detail the movements of a cavalry organization in the field, but it may be briefly stated that this regiment performed gal - lant and meritorious service in the battles of Winchester, Antietam, Upperville, Beverly Ford, Gettysburg, Locust Grove, White Oak Swamp, Opequan, Cedar Creek and Appomattox Court-house. At the battle of Beverly Ford, June 9, 1863, Captain Foote was killed. 8i The original members of the regiment were mustered out at the close of their term and the regiment, composed of veterans and recruits, was retained in service until June 27, 1865. Company E of the 15th Cavalay was composed largely of Niagara county men mostly from Lockport. Officers in this company were the following: F.irst sergeant, Orlando K. Dickerson ; commissary sergeant, George A. Bond; sergeant, Edward Bragden ; corporals, George Fra- zier, Walter VV. Smith, Royalton, enlisted July 13, 1863, discharged August 9, 1865; Robert Hamilton; farrier, John G. McLean; black- smith, John Jacobus. The regiment was mustered in from August, 1863, to January 14, 1864. It was consolidated with the 6th N. Y. Cavalry June 17, 1865, the new organization becoming the 2d N. Y. Provisional Cavalry. The 3d Cavalry, raised in 1 86 1, contained thirteen men from Royal - ton ; three from Newfane, and seventeen who enlisted at Tonawanda. In July, 1863, public announcement was made that Col. John Fisk, of Niagara, had been authorized to raise a regiment for three years' service to be known as the Governor's Guard. Capt. William P. War- ren was to act as adjutant with headquarters at Lockport. This regi- ment, it was announced, was to go as mounted rifles. Enlistments began, the first three being Henry F. Pierce, of Niagara Falls ; Dr. Robert T. Paine, of Lockport ; William P. Warren, Lockport. Dr. Paine was mustered as surgeon, and Warren as adjutant. The first company filled was Capt. Joseph V. Rushmore's, of Lockport ; this was quickly followed by the companies of Capts. William H. H. Mapes and Henry G. Stebbins, both of Lockport. In F"ebruary, 1864, twelve companies were ready for muster. The regimental officers were as follows : Colonel, John Fisk, Niagara Falls ; lieutenant-colonel, Jasper N. Rajmiond, New York; lieutenant-colonel, Joseph H. Wood, 2d Regular Cavalry; major, William H. H. Mapes, Lockport; major, John D. Newman, Lockpoi-t; major, John H. Fralick, Little Falls; adjutant, William P. Warren, Lockport; adjutant, Franklin Rogers, Buffalo; quartermaster, Henry F. Pierce, Niagara Falls; commissary, Joseph A. Briggs, Buffalo; commissar}', John M Hill, Lockport; surgeon, Robert T. Paine, LocKport; assistant surgeon, Hugh McGregor Wilson, Lockport; assistant surgeon, Eli Woodvvorth, Allegany; chaplain, Washington Stickney. The regiment was stationed in Fort Porter, Buffiilo, where it re- 11 82 mained until March, 1864, whence they proceeded to Washington. There instead of being armed and equipped for the servnce in which they had been enlisted, the men were assigned to a provisional brigade of dismounted cavalry and heavy artillery, in the 9th Corps under Burnside. The regiment participated in the battles of Spotsylvania and the North Anna, suffering slight loss. Its losses at Tolopotomoy were more severe, and the next day at Bethesda Church some fifty or sixty were killed and wounded. In the battle of Cold Harbor the loss was not heavy, among the wounded being Lieut. Charles Flagler. Proceeding across the James to the Petersburg front, the regiment soon became actively engaged. In the capture of the Weldon Rail- road, June 18, a heavy loss was sustained Lieut. James B, N. De- long was among the killed ; he was from Lockport. In the further operations before Petersburg this regiment was constantly engaged, losing men almost every day, and taking part in the terrible assault following the explosion of the mine on July 30. At Pegram's Farm, Major Mapes, Captain Stebbins and about fifty others were taken prisoners and the killed and wounded numbered more than fifty. Lieu- tenant Casey, of Lockport, was among the killed. After the battle of Hatcher's Run, in which the regiment lost slightly, it proceeded to City Point and there received the long promised horses, with orders to re port to Gen. Charles H. Smith, of the 2d Brigade, 2d Cavalry Division. A raid to Stony Creek followed ; the Weldon raid in December, 1864 ; the second Hatcher's Run engagement, and the final pursuit of Lee, came in their order, in all of which the regiment earned an excellent record. After service at Appomattox in the closing scenes, the brigade including the 22d was detailed to escort Grant from Appomattox to Burkeville Junction. Pending negotiations between Sherman and Johnston the regiment was ordered to North Carolina ; there it was learned that Johnston had surrendered, and the 22d went on provost duty until August, 1865 ; it was mustered out at Buffalo August 10 In the infantry branch of the service the organization containing the largest proportion of Niagara county men was the 151st Regiment. Of this. Companies B, F, and H, the larger part of K, and a part of G were from this county. It was recruited by Col. William Emerson, of Albion, in the summer of 1862, and was ready for inspection about the 83 middle of October. On the 22d of that month they left Camp Church at Lockport for Baltimore, being armed at Elmira on the way. The regimental officers were as follows: Colonel, William Emerson ; major, Thomas M. Fay; adjutant, James A. Jewell; quartermaster, John K. McDonald ; surgeon, A. A. Leonard ; assistant surgeons, John R. Cotes and D. \V. Onderdonk ; chaplain, E. M. Buck. The 151st was assigned to a division under General Emory, then stationed at Baltimore and preparing for service in the Gulf Department. The regiment remained at Baltimore through the winter, and on the 22d of April, 1863, was ordered to West Virginia ; during the next sixty days they were almost constantly on the march, going to Clarksburg, Martinsburg, Berlin, Monocacy and to Maryland Heights. About the 1st of July the Heights were abandoned and the troops were ordered from there to Frederick City, and there held in reserve during the battle of Gettys- burg. At noon of July 4 dispatches from General Meade announced the repulse of the enemy and ordered the forces of which the 151st was part to march to South Mountain Pass, sixteen miles distant. On the 8th General Hooker arrived with the Army of the Potomac and all the troops marched through the pass. The 151st now constituted a part of the 3d Corps. The succeeding immediate operations of Lee were such that Meade was compelled to follow him into Virginia, and after a most arduous march in the heat of summer, the 15th of July found the army again in camp at the foot of Maryland Heights. The remainder of the campaign of 1863 was a series of maneuvres without much actual fighting. It has been described as follows: Crossing the Potomac from the Middletown valley the route lay on the eastern side of the Blue Ridge Mountains. In the latter part of July the 151st passed through Warrenton and went into camp at Bealton, where it remained about six weeks. Here nearly every man in the regiment was sick, and many died. Lee's movements compelled the army to fall back to Centreville. He was trying to get to Washing- ton, and the division to which the 151st belonged was trying to head him off. The two armies marched almost side by side for a time, when Lee finally abandoned the project and fell back to the Rapidan. The Union forces under Meade followed, never halting until Lee was driven to the south side of the river. On the 26th of November Meade took his forces across the Rapidan, with a view to attacking Lee, and, if successful, marching on to Richmond. On the night of the 26th the army bi- vouacked on the south side of the river. On the 27th the division to which the 151st belonged engaged with Johnston's division of Ewell's corps, and for two hours was in one of the sharpest musketry duels of the war at Mine Run. It was hei'e that the 84 gallant officer Captain Wilcox, of Gasport, Niagara county, was killed. The infernal yell of the rebels as they rushed into the fight, the sharp thud of the bullet striking the flesh, lent fury to the struggle. This was the first severe engagement in which the 151st participated. The troops remained on the south side of the Rapidan about a week without any further engagement. Thej- then recrossed the river, and went into winter quarters at Brandy Station. The 151st encamped on the farm of the somewhat famous John Miner Botts. During the winter the men cut down and burned twenty-five acres of timber for Botts. It does not appear, however, that they were ever paid for it. In the spring of 1864 Grant came into command of the Army of the Potomac and on the 5th of May crossed the Rapidan to begin the mem- orable battle of the Wilderness. In that conflict the 151st made an honorable record and suffered its heaviest losses. Subsequently at Spotsylvania and Cold Harbor the regiment participated in the bloody struggles and saw more of. its members fall. On the 15th of June the 151st joined the movement across the James and became a part of the Union troops that invested Petersburg to be- gin the closing scenes in the great struggle. On the 1st of July the regiment was part of the force sent to head off Early in his movement towards Washington ; its services not being long demanded in that direction, it marched to Baltimore and thence to Monocacy. After the battle at that point it returned to Baltimore and went into camp near where it first wintered A few weeks later it was in the Shenanhoah valley with Sheridan, participated in the engagements of Opequan, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, and in November was ordered back to the Army of the Potomac in front of Petersburg, where it went into camp for the winter. In the later well known campaign which ended the war the 151st performed an honorable part. The regiment mus- tered out only 306 enlisted men. In the 78th Infantry Company I was raised in this county and was commanded by Capt. Peter M. T. Mitchell, of Suspension Bridge ; most of the men were from Lewiston and Niagara. The record of the ofificers is as follows : Captain, Peter M. T. Mitchell, Suspension Bridge, killed at Antietam ; first lieu- tenant, Henr}"- F. Pierce, Suspension Bridge; second lieutenant, Myron E. Dunlap, Suspension Bridge ; first sergeant, Henry Stearns. Suspension Bridge ; sergeants, Thomas Mayberry, Suspension Bridge; James H. Cleveland, Niagara City; corpor- als, Cornelius Mitchell, William O. Butler and Henry Williams, Su.spension Bridge ; 85 George H. Whitman, Lewiston; James Jones, William H. Seely, James Foster, and John B. Church, Suspension Bridge. The regiment participated in the battles of Wahatchie, Lookout Mountain, Resaca, Dallas, Lost Mountain, Pine Knob, Kenesaw, Peach Tree Creek, and Atlanta. The date of its muster was October, 1861, to April, 1862. Companies B, D, and H, of the 105th Regiment were largely com- posed of Niagara county men. This regiment was organized at Roch- ester and mustered in in March, 1862, was consolidated with the 94th in March, 1863, tlie latter organization being mustered out July 18, 1865. The first battle in which the 105th participated was at Cedar Mountain, and it subsequently performed good service at Rappahannock Station, Thoroughfare Gap, Second Bull Run, Chantilly, South Moun- tain, Antietam and Fredericksburg. Several other infantry organizations contained larger or smaller num- bers of Niagara county men, and there were also, of course, many in- dividual enlistments of which no record can be given. The 96th mus- tered in February and March, 1862, contained a few men from this county. The looth regiment, mustered from September, 1861, to Jan- uary, 1862, contained nearly lOO men, mostly from Wheatfield. The i32d, mustered October 4, 1862, contained over thirty Niagara men and officers and left a gallant record. Company B of the 164th was almost wholly from this county, under Capt. William Maroney of Lock- port. The regiment was mustered in November 19, 1862. Company G of the 194th was from this county and nearly all its members were from Lockport ; it was mustered in from February to April, 1865. A few men in Company A, 178th regiment were from this county and a still smaller number in the 179th and 187th regiments. Niagara county was honored in the artillery branch of the service, and especially so by the gallant career of the 8th Heavy Artillery. The companies of which this regiment was composed were raised in Niagara, Orleans and Genesee, by Col. Peter A. Porter, and was mus- tered in at Lockport, August 22, 1862. Companies B, D, E and F were principally from Niagara county. The regiment was officered as follows : Colonel, Peter A. Porter, Niagara Falls; lieutenant-colonel, W. W. Bates, Orleans 86 county; major, James M. Willett, Batavia; First Lieutenant E. L. Blake, adjutant, Lockport; First Lieutenant George B. Wilson, quartermaster, and Major James M. Leet, surgeon, Lockport; First lieutenant H. C. Hill, assistant surgeon, Somerset; Captain Gilbert De La Matyr, chaplain, Albion. The officers of Niagara county companies were as follows : Co. B — Captain, Joel B. Baker, Cambria; first lieutenant, James Low, Cambria; second lieutenant, Eli S. Nichols, Lockport; sergeants, Fayette S. Brown, D. L. Pitcher, Romeo G. Burns, W. H. Crowley, N. Z. Paterson; corporals, T. C. Ed- wards, L. C. Harwood, Lyman A. Pyle, John Root, W. H. Bennett, Newfane, en- listed July 23, 1862, mustered out February 25, 1865; Alexander Pvobb, Newfane, en- listed August, 1862, killed at Cold Harbor; Walter L. Martin, Job Cornell; musicians, Williams. Pike, H. W. Olmstead; wagoner, C. Gardiner. Co. D— Captain, James McGinnis, Lockport; first lieutenant, William Gardner; second, M. R. Blodgett, Lockport; first sergeant, John E. Owens, Royalton, enlisted August 22, 1862, discharged March 17, 1866; second, Arthur L. Chase; third, Horace J. McDonald; fourth, William F. Spalding, Royalton, enlisted in August, 1862, dis- charged in March, 1865; fifth, Charles B. Lackor, Royalton, enlisted August 6, 1862, discharged October 6, 1864; sergeant, W. H. H. Brown, Royalton, enlisted August 4, 1862, discharged June 5, 1865; first corporal, Almon Van Wagner ; first corporal, J. Cooney, Royalton, enlisted August 1, 1862, discharged June 22, 1865; second, William George; third, Stephen H. Sim; fourth, John E. Carnngton; fifth, Henry Murray; sixth, Alfred Wakeman; seventh, Hiram Carpenter; drummer, John Greber. Co. E — Captain, J. W. Holmes, Niagara Falls; first lieutenant, R. Baldwin, Wil- son; second lieutenant, H. R. Swan, Suspension Bridge. Co. F — Captain, William J. Hawkins; first lieutenant, Samuel Sully; second lieu- tenant, George W. Rector — all of Lockport. This regiment was organized as the 129th N. Y. V., but was changed to the 8th Heavy Artillery in February, 1863, by order of the secretary of war. Two additional companies, L and M, were raised for the regi- ment in 1864. The regiment served from the time of its muster until the spring of 1864 in the defenses of Baltimore, with a short campaign to Harper's Ferry. On May 15, 1864, the regiment arrived in Wash- ington under orders for the field. Two days later it was on the march for Fredericksburg, and was soon connected with the Army of the Potomac. On the night of the 19th the men had their first en- counter with the enemy, meeting with a loss of thirty-two killed, wounded and missing. Between May 20 and June 2 the 8th per- formed arduous duty at Milford Station, the North Anna, and on the march to Cold Harbor. On that fateful day the sun went down for the last time to thousands of heroes. No organization did more gallant 87 service in that memorable battle than the 8th Artillery and its ranks were thinned. Colonel Porter fell, Major Willett was wounded, and a large number of line officers were killed or wounded. The body of Colonel Porter, who had fallen at the head of his troops, was not found until the next day. It lay midway between the two lines of troops, and was brought away by Le Roy Williams (afterwards lieutenant of Co G), and Samuel Traverse, of Co. B, at the risk of their lives. In that action the 8th lost in killed nine officers and 146 men ; wounded, 140 officers and 323 men ; missing, one officer and twelve men. From that time to the surrender the regiment participated in the operations around Petersburg, losing in the several more important engagements thirteen officers and sixty-five men killed ; fifteen officers and 230 men wounded ; four officers and 238 men missing. On June 4, 1865, Com- panies G. H, I and K were transferred to the 4th N. Y Artillery; Companies L and M to the loth N. Y. Infantry, and the remaining six companies were mustered out June 5, 1865. Following is a record of official casualties: Lient.-Col. Willard W. Bates died June 25, 1864, of wounds received in action; and Lieutenant-Colonel Blake died June 19 and Capt. George A. Hoyt, July 5, from the same cause. Capt. James McGinnis was killed at Ream's Station, August 25, 1864; Capt. William J. Hawkins died of wounds, June 23, 1864; Capt. Eldridge F. Sherman died of disease at City Point, July 30, 1864; Capt. Alexander Gardner was killed at Cold Harbor; Capt. Thomas Lowe died April 25, 1865, of wounds; First Lieut. Charles H. West, jr. was killed at Ream's Station ; First Lieut. Henry R. Swan died of disease at Cold Harbor, June 14, 1864; First Lieut. George W. Rector was killed at Hatcher's Run, October 29, 1864; First Lieut. A. G. Clapp died of wounds November 21, 1864; Second Lieut Fayette S. Brown was killed at Cold Harbor; Second Lieut. Arthur L. Chase was killed at Cold Harbor; Second Lieut. Walter P. Wright, in action before Petersburg, June 16, 1864; Second Lieut. Joseph W. Caldwell, Wallace B. Hard, Oliver M. Campbell and George W. Gladden were killed at Cold Harbor. The 1 2th Battery of Artillery was organized at Albany by Capt William H. Ellis, of Troy, but it contained many Niagara county men. It entered the service January 14, 1862, for three years and at the close of its term the original members were mustered out and the battery, composed of veterans and recruits, was retained in the service until June 14, 1865. The principal engagements in which this organization took part were Petersburg, Reams's Station, Kelly's P'ord, Mine Run, 88 North Anna, Tolopotomoy, and Cold Harbor. Following is a list of Niagara county ofificers in the battery : First lieutenant, Walter Shaw, Newfane, enlisted October 7, 1801, honorably dis- charged March 31, 1863; orderly sergeant, Elijah Ewing, Newfane, enlisted in Au- gust, 1861, mustered out with regiment; sergeants, RoUin G. Steele, Newfane; George Outwater, Newfane, enlisted October 11, 1861, mustered out December 19, 1865; corporals, William T. Slocum, Cambria; Cliarles Frink, 'Wilson ; Matthias Hoffman, Hartland ; bugler, Charles H. Newell, Newfane, enlisted October 12, 1861, mustered out July 21, 1865; carpenter, Elijah Dodge, Newfane, enlisted August 18, 1862. In 1862, when the prospects of the Union cause were most depress- ing and the president had issued a call for 300,000 more men, of whom about 50,000 were to be raised in this State, Capt. William Stahl, of Lockport, began an effort early in August to enlist 142 men, as the 19th Independent Artillery. He was successful and before the end of September he found himself in command of 162 men, more than one hundred of whom were farmers; the excess over 142 was transferred to other organizations. The battery left its camp at Lockport on Oc- tober 23, proceeded to Washington and there went into the camp of instruction for the winter. In April, 1863, it shared in the operations around Suffolk, Va., and in general service during the remainder of that season. In September, 1863, Capt. Stahl died of fever near Wash- ington, and the command devolved upon Lieut. E. W. Rogers. In April, 1864, the battery joined the Army of the Potomac, in Burnside's Corps. In the terrible battle of the Wilderness the battery bore a con- spicuous part, and from that time forward until the surrender of Lee in April, I865, was constantly employed in arduous service, suffering much in the operations around Petersburg, especially in the defense of Fort Steadman, March 25, 1865. After Lee's surrender the battery went to Alexandria, and remained to June 8, participating meanwhile in the grand review of June 5. This battery was officered as follows: Captain, William H. Stahl, Lockport, died September 15, 1863; first lieutenant, Edward W. Rogers, Lockport, promoted captain October 23, mustered out June 17, 1865; second lieutenant, Peter McGraw, Lockport, discharged September 29, 1863; first sergeant, Henry J. J. Fassett, Lockport, discharged in January, 1863; quarter- master sergeant, George N. McCoy, Lockport, died December 9, 1862; sergeants. Henry H. Moore, Lockport, promoted to lieutenancy; Michael Long, Lockport, pro- moted to lieutenancy; Gardner Corliss, Pendleton, wounded and discharged; corpo- rals, Aratus F. Pierce, Lockport; Alvin B. Baker, Lockport, deserted; James Rich- 89 ards and Willard Heath, Lockport; John W. Haskell, Porter; Lockwood S. Sher- wood, Loekport. killed July 29, 1864; W. Scott Hovey, Newfane, enlisted August 16, 1862, died December 8, 1862, at Washington; musicians, Richard A. Perry, Porter; Charles A. Bowen, Lockport, deserted Februarys, 1863; artificers, Elijah Dodge, Newfane, enlisted August 18, 1862, discharged August, 1863; W. C. Beck, Lockport. Other batteries of artillery containing more or less Niagara county volunteers, were the 14th and the 25th. There were also many indi- vidual enlistments in various other organizations, the detail of which may be found in the State muster rolls in the various county clerk's offices. In providing the large sums necessary to pay bounties to fill the quo- tas under the several calls, the supervisors of this county acted with patriotic promptness and liberality, and the brave deeds of the soldiers are remembered with gratitude. An act of the Legislature was passed April 16, 1872, incorporated the Soldiers' Monument Society The passage of the act was procured through a request which was signed by thirty prominent citizens of the county. The purpose of the society was to erect a suitable monument in commemoration of the deeds of Niagara county soldiers. A consid- erable sum of money was on hand which had been accumulated during the war for miscellaneous relief objects and not used. The law made this available for the erection of the monument. The conmiissioners named to carry out the provisions of the law were T. G. Hulett, Will- iam Samways, Benjamin Flagler, A. \V. R. Henning, S. T. Murray, George S. Harris, and T. V. Welch. An imposing monument was purchased by the commissioners and erected at the intersect! n of Falls and Canal streets. Its dedication took place on August 22, 1876, the same day on which was held the reunion of the 8th Heavy Artillery, Col. Peter A. Porter's regiment. The dedication ceremonies consisted of a procession, with music, the singing of "America" by a chorus of ladies representing the States of the Union, and addresses by T. G. Hu- lett, Colonel James M. Willett, T. V. Welch and others. There is little to add to the history of Niagara county during the period since the war that is not included in subsequent chapters and town histories in this work. The country at large at the conclusion of the great civil struggle, was enjoying a high tide of apparent prosperit}' 12 90 The destructive and costly war had demanded immense issues of cur- rency, which, although greatly depreciated, was comparatively easy to obtain, through high wages, business activity in every direction, rising markets and general inflation. These conditions led to the almost reckless establishment of many industries, public and private, extrava- gant ways of living, the free circulation of the debased money, and ul- timately caused the financial stringency of 1872-3. This apparent tide of prosperity was, of course, largely illusory and fictitious. In later years every community was forced to suffer for it, as industries of every nature and all values gradually assumed their normal condition. Among the public improvements inaugurated in this county very soon after the close of the war and under State legislation, was the ex- tensive draining of large sections of lowlands in different localities. An act was passed April 22, 1866, which appointed James Van Horn, Andrew Hamblin, and John McCollum, commissioners to "drain cer- tain lowlands contiguous to Keg Creek," and directing them to make a map of the drains necessary for the purpose. In the same month Isaac Cook, Jesse P. Haines, and Lewis C. Beals were appointed by legislative act, commissioners to drain land in the town of Porter, extending from a certain described point to Six- mile Creek. Again, on April 25, 1867, Jesse P. Haines, Elijah C. Odell, and Philetus R. Perry, were appointed commissioners to drain lands in the town of Royalton, into Black Creek or Mud Creek. Within a few years these drainage improvements were continued in the towns of Lockport, Pendleton, Cambria and Hartland, and were the means of reclaiming and fitting for successful cultivation much land that had previously lain nearly idle. On April 10, 1866, an act of the Legislature was passed organizing Buffalo, the village of Tonawanda and town of VVheatfield into the Ni- agara Frontier Police district. Vigorous opposition, voiced by the Buffalo Commercial and the Niagara Falls Gazette, caused the frontier towns and villages below Wheatfield to be stricken from the bill before passage. In this district police powers were to be vested in a board of commissioners and a regular police force properly officered created. The act provided for an equitable payment of the cost of maintaining the force by the city, villages and town, and other details. On May 9, 1867, the Wilson Harbor Company was incorporated by 91 act of the Legislature, which named Vincent Seeley, William Hamblin, and Harvey N. Johnson to open subscriptions for $30,000 of stock. The title of the act explains its purpose. On May 8, 1868, an act of the Legislature authorized the commis- sioners of highways of the towns of Lockport and Newfane to purchase what has long been known as the Long Causeway Turnpike, which ex- tends along the boundary between those two towns, and was formerly a toll road. Railroad extension was active in all parts of the country after the close of the war, and many lines were projected in this State. In the spring of 1 870 the Lake Ontario Shore Railroad Company was organized at Oswego, with the purpose of constructing a road along the south shore of Lake Ontario, which should eventually constitute part of a trunk Hne between Boston and the West. Many towns along the route were bonded in aid of the undertaking, amony them Somerset, in Ni- agara county, for $90,000; Newfane for $88,000 ; Wilson for $1 17,- 000, and Lewiston for $152,000. The road was built under discourag- ing circumstances and the work proceeded slowly. Litigation was commenced over some of the town bonds, which checked their sale and the company was finally so crippled that it could not complete the road. In May, 1874, the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg Company as- sumed the undertaking and about a year later the last of the bridges on the western part of the road were put in place. In the latter part of July. 1875, the track was laid twenty miles west of the Genesee River and was carried through to Lewiston in the spring of 1876. The first passenger train passed over the western part of the line on June 12, of that year. The road has been of benefit as a part of the general devel- opment of this region. In May, 1874, the Niagara River and Air Line Railroad Company was informally organized and elected directors from Orleans and Niagara counties, of whom J. \V. Helmer, of Lockport, was chosen president. The company voted to disband a year later. The Lockport and Buffalo Railroad Company was organized in 1876, with Thomas T. Flagler, president ; B. H. Fletcher, vice president ; and Elisha Moody. Lewis S. Payne and Benjamin Carpenter in the directorship Lockport issued bonds for $100,000 of the stock of the 92 company and in the following year most of the grading and bridge work as far as Tonavvanda was completed. On July 9, 1877, the fol- lowing were elected directors of the company : T, T. Flagler, B. H. Fletcher, J. A Ward, John Hodge, James Jackson, jr., Benjamin Car- penter, Lewis S. Payne, J. L. Breyfogle, Josiah H. Helmer, Elisha Moody, J. C. Jackson, L. F. Bowen and I. H. Babcock. The work of construction was pushed rapidly and the road was opened in 1878. It subsequently became a part of the Erie system. A branch of the Erie Railway, extending from Buffalo to Suspension Bridge, was constructed in the fall and winter of 1870-71. The road was formally opened for business May 15, 187 i. During the progress of these public improvements a gradual change took place in agricultural methods and products in this county. This is particularly true respecting the growing of fruits. Niagara county has always been an important locality in this respect, and during the past quarter of a century has acquired fame throughout the country for the excellence and quantity of its native fruits, and especially its apples. Climate, soil and somewhat peculiar situation and surroundings of lake and river, early indicated that it could be developed into a great fruit- growing locality. Large apple orchards existed from early years, one of 700 trees having been planted by Nathan Comstock in 1817, within the present boundaries of Lockport. But it was not until 1845, about which time a large western demand came into existence, that the county began to assume its modern importance in this industry. From that time onward immense apple orchards were planted and Niagara fruit soon gained a wide reputation. Peaches and pears are also grown to a considerable extent. By the year 1875 Niagara county had a larger number of apple trees than any other county in the State, and this supremacy is still maintained. It should not be inferred from the above that this county has neglected the cultivation of the grains which in early years constituted so large a part of its products. As late as 1874 the county produced more than 650,000 bushels of wheat, out of the 10,000,000 bushels in the State. For man}^ years the county was also among a very few that produced the largest acreage of barley. 93 CHAPTER IX. COUNTY INSTLTUTIONS AND CIVIL LIST. The Niagara County Agricultural Society. — A county agri- ciiltmal association was informally organized in this county at the court house in Lockport in 1841. The first president was William Parsons; others who were conspicuous in the matter were M. C. Crapsey. Dr, W. A Townsend, Daniel Pomroy, Jabez Pomroy, Parkhurst Whitney, and Washington Hunt. The first fair of the society was held the same year in Lockport, and in succeeding years they were held in the various towns of the county. Those early fairs were reasonably successful and served to materially advance the interests of agriculture and fruit grow- ing in the county ; from 1846 to 1857 the records are not complete and the society was not very active, but in 1858 it was reorganized under the law of April 13, 1855, and has since held regular and very suc- cessful fairs. The first election of officers for the new organization took place January 5, 1859, and resulted as follows: President, Willard Weld ; secretary, S. S. Pomroy ; treasurer, Roland Sears. The con- stitution was so drawn as to provide for a president, twelve vice presi- dents (one from each town in the county), a secretary, treasurer, and six directors. The officers purchased grounds at the corner of Wash- burn and Willow streets in Lockport, which originally comprised about twenty acres ; subsequent additions were made, suitable buildings were erected, and improvements made from time to time, until now the society has a well equipped, up-to-date fair grounds plant — one of the best in the State. The membership list gives the names of over 500 of the solid and representative citizens of this county who have gi\en active and helpful service in promoting the welfare of this legitimate county institution, whose aim is " to introduce in Niagara county new breeds of stock, encourage agriculture, horticulture and floriculture, recognize and award domestic manufactures, induce manufacturers of 94 agricultural implements from abroad to exhibit here for the information of the farming community, and to diffuse valuable agricultural and horticultural information in general." The annual county fair, telling the story of local progress, is considered a good thing for every com- munity and should have the support of every citizen. From the early one to two days' annual fair has come the interesting and instructive annual fall exhibit lasting four days, with large business and attractions of great variety. During the season of 1896, at the suggestion of Joshua Wilber, of Lockport, a review of the local change and progress for the last seventy- five years was made a very interesting feature of the fair. A large number of rare and ancient relics of great historical interest and value were exhibited, and the officers were encouraged to continue " histori- cal day " a permanent feature of the annual county fair. Many other new features have recently been added to the general programme, which with liberal premiums and prizes in all classessliould bring out the good things of the neighborhood in a way to show forth the glories of Niagara county to the satisfaction and delight of every resident. The officers of the society are elected annually by the life members, and of those who have been chosen and who have given good service in official capacity in the years gone by we find recorded as presidents : William Parsons, J. D. Shuler, Willard Weld, Franklin Spalding, D. A. Van Valk- enburgh, William Robinson, Hatnell Hayward, Alexander Campbell, Benjamin Farley, P. D. Walter, Albert Flanders, I. H. Babcock, Elisha Moody, George L. Moote, Seneca B. Foote, E. W. Gantt, Solomon Ernest, John P. Sawyer, P. H. Corwin, John Hodge, John P. Brown, Charles A. Warren, George H. Bradley. As vice presidents: Parkhurst Whitney, Jonathan Ingalls, O. P. Knapp, William Robinson, P. L. Ely, P, D. Walter, A. E. Reynolds, John H. Buck, I. H. Babcock, George B. Townsend, Mark A. Nichols, J. F. Trott, S. B. Foote, William V. Corwin, Solomon Ernest, John P. Sawyer, John Hodge, Henry C. Howard, John P. Brown, Charles A. Warren, George H. Bradley, Charles Flagler. As secretary: Chauncey Leonard, Sullivan Caverno, S. S. Pomroy, N. M. Spald- ing, John R. St. John, P. D. Walter, Henry Shaft, J. F. H. Miller, John E. Pound, George N. Nichols, Thomas Scovell, George G. Moss. L. H. Hill, M. A. Nichols, Louis Viedt, W. H. Case, John T. Darrison. As treasurer: William O. Brown, Silas Marks, Roland Sears, E. A. Holt, P. D^. Walter, A. C. Pomroy, Edward Simmons, L. W. Bristol, John G. Freeman, Benjamin F. Gaskill. The officers for 1897 are: President, George H. Bradley; vice-president, Charles Flagler; secretary, John T. Darrison; treasurer, Benjamin F. Ga.skill ; directors: 95 Benjamin F. Felton, James A. McCollum, Frank H. Terry, A. B. Lewis, George T. Pearson, A. Douglas Pease. Town Vice-Presidents: — Cambria, Charles Young; Hartland, Jno. L. Chase; Lewiston, Samuel Townsend; Lockport, John H. Wilson; Newfane, John Coulter; Niagara, E. P. Bowen ; Pendleton, G. C. Richards; Porter, Edward Calvert; Royal- ton, Seth Silsby; Somerset, William A. Sawyer; Wilson, J. G. O. Brown; Wheat- field, James S. Tompkins; City of Lockport, Jesse Peterson; City of Niagara Falls, John Whitney. County Poor House and Farm. — When the act was passed by the Legislature in 1829 providing that the care of the poor should de- volve upon the various counties of this State, instead of their being a a town charge as theretofore, Niagara county pi:rchased a farm of ninety- one acres in the western part of the town of Lockport and erected thereon a commodious frame building. In the fall of that year the pau- pers of the county, then numbering about thirty, were placed in the building. Hiram McNeil, Henry Norton ftnd George Reynale were appointed superintendents of the poor, and John Gould was installed on the farm as keeper. In 1 833 larger and better accommodations were demanded and the main part of the present structure was erected, of stone, 100 b}' 60 feet in size and three stories high, with basement. In 1845 two three-story wings were added, each 40 by 60 feet, the east wing being intended for the use of insane poor exclusively. Other ad- ditions for hospital and other purposes were subsequently added. In 1858 a large area was inclosed with a stone wall nine feet high, in which insane inmates could obtain necessary exercise. In 1854 an ad- dition of twenty-nine acres was made to the farm. In former years paupers of all ages and classes were received and kept on the farm and a school for young inmates was maintained. In 1875 the county made arrangements whereby children between the ages of three and thirteen were to be cared for by the Lockport Home for the Friendless, the the county paying a stipulated sum for their maintenance. For many years past the insane of the county have been sent to State institutions for treatment or confinement. The county house and farm were under control of three superintendents until 1856, at which time the number was reduced to one. A keeper was emjjloj'ed regularly until 1875, when the supervisors made arrangements that compelled the superin- tendent to reside on the farm and have its immediate management. 96 Samuel A. Carson was elected to the office in 1892, vvho-\vas succeeded by W. W. Tompkins in 1895 — the present superintendent. Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company of Orleans and Ni- agara Counties — This company was organized December 18, 1877, chiefly through the efforts of George L. Pratt, of Ridgeway. George H. Bradley was chosen president, and A. P. Scott, vice-president, and both have held their offices to the present time The business of the company prospered from the first, and on February 19. 1878, applica- tions for insurance had been received amounting to $329,500. Six months later the amount of policies had reached more than a million dollars. The board of directors consis'ied of one member from each town in the two counties In 1884 the company reorganized under State laws, dropped the "honor" policy tiieretofore used, and received authority to carry on a fire insurance business in the two counties. Under the new system the company has been remarkably successful, as shown by the last report, from which the following figures are taken: New Policies 214 Amount risks last report $7,812,400 Amount added $249,500 Number of policies in force December 31st 3,984 Amount at risk January 1st, 1897 .$7,584,400 Received on collections due, 1895 $1,065 88 Received on collections, 1896 $13,760 44 Following are the names of the directors for 1897 '■ Edward Manning, Cambria ; Fred J. Swift, Hartland ; E. H. Forsyth, Lockport ; Wm. P. Mentz, Lewiston ; Frankhn Fletcher, Niagara ; Wm. H. Staats, Newfane ; Chas. W. Manning, Pendleton ; Peter S. Tower, Porter ; H. H. Bugbee, Royalton ; A. M. Armstrong, Somerset ; John W. Eggleston, Wilson ; M. J. Volmer, Wheat- field ; Geo. P. Warner. Albion ; Ora Lee. Barre ; N. R. Fuller, Carlton ; Daniel P. Albert, Clarendon ; W. J. Prussia, Gaines ; Alonzo Eggleston, Kendall ; L. J. Hill, Murray ; D. R. Watson, Ridgeway ; J. P. Clute, Shelby ; E. D. Miller, Yates. Niagara County Anglers' Club. — This club was organized March, 1886. At a meeting held March 8, 1886, the following persons were appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws: David Millar, VV. J. Ransom, and J. B. Boyce. The following officers were chosen at ah adjourned meeting held March 15, 1886: David Millar, president; J. B. Boyce, vice-president; Wash. H. Cross, secretary; Jerome E. Emer- son, treasurer. At the meeting held March 29, the following were ap- 97 pointed as executive committee : W. H. Chase, F. N. Trevor, S. Olin Seager, W. J. Ransom, James Carter, A. J. Eaton, George M. Swain, and Harvey E. Matthews. At this meeting the membership was re- ported as sixty-six. At a meeting held April i6, 1892, this club was incorporated by the following persons: Charles W. Hatch, Jerome E. Emerson, Fred K. Sweet, George W. Westerman, jr., Dumont A. Hixson, Frank N. Trevor, William E. Shaffer, Daniel E. Brong, and W. E, Huston. This board of directors succeeded the old executive committee. Charles W. Hatch was chosen president ; Fred K. Sweet, secretary, and Jerome E. Emerson, treasurer. The club has been active and vigilant in restrict- ing illegal fishing and the punishment of ofifenders of the game laws. Niagara County Pioneer Association. — This society was or- ganized at Olcott village on the 14th of September, 1877, on which occasion a number of the pioneers of the county met on the grounds of William Ten Brook, The chief purpose of the association was to pre- serve tiie records of the early settlement of the county, and at the same time render meetings of the pioneers enjoyable through social inter- course and recalling reminiscences of early times. The following list shows those who were present at the organization, the date of their ad- vent in the county and in most instances their age : From Cambria, Harvey Beach, 'j'], 1801 ; Thomas Barnes, born in the county in 181 1. Hartland, Daniel Van Horn, 83, 181 1; William Morgan, 62, 1830. Newfane, Benjamin Stout, 75, 1815 ; Stephen Wilson. Porter, Peter Tower, 86, 181 5 ; Henry Palmer, 69, 1832. Pendleton, Orrin Fisk, 71, 1810. Lewiston, John Cornell, 68, 1828. Lockport, Elisha Clapp ; B. M. Edwards, 81; Ira Farnsworth, 54, 1837 ; Peter Aiken, born in 1816; W. W. Bush, born in 1828. Royalton, Andrew J. Secor, born in 1817; P. P. Murphy. Somerset, David Barker, 83, 1815; Adam Pease, 68, 1817; Leman Hoag, 81, 1825; Loran Fitts, 'j'j, 1810. Wilson, J. M. Newman, 65, 181 8; J. S. Cuddeback, 69; 18 16; Rev. A. Holsey, 84, 1830; Richard Holmes. Niagara, Asahel Colt. Wheatfield, Lewis S. Payne. 1.3 98 The following were chosen the first officers of the association : Presi- dent, John Van Horn ; secretary, F. N. Albright ; executive committee, J. S. Hopkins, Cornelius Tompkins, and Willard A. Cobb. CIVIL LIST. Presidential Electors. — 1836, Hiram Gardner; 1840, Davis Hurd, Peter B. Porter; 1848, Solomon Parmele ; 1852, William Van- dervoort, Sherburne B. Piper, at large; 1856, William Keep; 1872, Moses C. Richardson ; 1888, Benjamin Flagler, State Officers. — Governor, Washington Hunt, 1850-54; Comp- troller, Bates Cooke, 1839; Secretary of State, Peter B. Porter, 181 5 (then residing at Canandaigua) ; State Prison Inspector, Gaylord J. Clark; Canal Commissioners, George H. Boughton, 1840; Hiram Gardner, 1838; James Jackson, 1873. When Niagara county was erected in 1808, it became a part of the Western Senatorial District, which had from 1803 been entitled to eleven members; nine from 1803 to 1808, and twelve from 1808 to 1815. Under the act of April, 18 15, the district again was given nine mem- bers, and continued thus until the adoption of the second Constitution. The second Constitution divided the State into eight senatorial districts, and Niagara, with Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, and Steuben, constituted the Eighth district. Niagara continued in this district until the Constitution of 1846, which placed it with Genesee and Orleans in the Twenty- eighth district. Under an act of 1857 these counties were made the Twenty-ninth dis- trict. An act of 1869 made Niagara, Genesee, Livingston, and Wy- oming the Thirtieth district. Under the new constitution the district comprises Niagara, Orleans and Genesee. The following have held the office of State senator from Niagara county : Archibalds. Clarke, 1812-16; (Mr. Clarke was an Erie county territorj' resident before the division of the county of Niagara.) George H. Boughton, 1829-30; Sam- uel Works, 1839-44; George D. Lamont, 1858-59; Peter P. Murphy, 18G0-61 ; Rich- ard Crowley,* 186G-69; Lewis S. Payne,* 1878-79; Timothy E. Ellsworth,* 1882-83- 84-85; Cuthbert W. Pound,* 1894-95; Timothy E. Ellsworth,* 1896-97-98. *Still living— 1897. 99 Niagara county was not entitled to a member of assembly until the seventh apportionment made in 1822. The apportionment of 1836 gave the county two members. The following persons have held the office from this county : 1823, Benjamin Barlow, jr.; 1824-25, Daniel Washburn; 1826, William King; 1827-29, John Garnsey; 1830, Samuel De Veaux; 1831-33, Henry Norton; 1834, Robert Fleming, jr.; 1835, Henry McNeil; 1836, Hiram Gardner; 1837, Reuben H. Boughton (succeeded on January 24, 1837, by Davis Hurd), Hiram McNeil ; 1838-39, Davis Hurd, Peter B. Porter, jr. ; 1840-41, Peter B. Porter, jr., Francis O. Pratt; 1842, T. T. Flagler,* Francis O. Pratt; 1843, T. T. Flagler,* John Sweeney ; 1844, John Sweeney, Luther Wilson; 1845, Levi F. Bowcn, John Sweeney; 1846, Lot Clark, Morgan Johnson; 1847, Benjamin Carpenter, Christopher H. Skeels; 1848, Elias Ransom, Solomon Moss (Morgan Johnson contested the seat of Moss and was admitted April 1, 1848); 1849, Hollis White, Morgan Johnson; 1850, George W. Jermain, James Van Horn, jr. ; 1851-52, Abijah H. Moss, Jeptha W. Babcock; 1853, George W. Holley,f Reuben F. Wilson; 1854, Robert Dunlap, Reuben F. Wilson; 1855, Linus J. Peck, Ira Tompkins ; 1856, William S. Fenn, John Gould ; 1857, Elisha Clapp, John Gould; 1858, Burt Van Horn, John W. Labar;* 1859, James Sweeney,* Burt Van Horn; 1860, T. T. Flagler,* Burt Van Horn; 1861, Henry P. Smith, Oliver P. Scovell;*1862, Benjamin H. Fletcher, Peter A. Porter; 1863, Benjamin H. Fletcher, William Morgan; 1864, James Jackson, jr., William Morgan; 1865, Albert H. Pick- ard,* Guy C. Humphrey;* 1866, Solon S. Pomroy,* Guy C. Humphrey;* 1867, Elisha Moody, Willia m Pool;* 1868-69, Ransom M. Skeels. Benjamin Farley; 1870, Lewis S. Payne,* Lee" R. Sanborn ;* 1871, John E. Pound,* Lee R.Sanborn;* 1872-73, Isaac H Babcock,* George M. Swain:* 1874^75, Artemus W. Comstock, Orville C. Bordwell;* 1876, Amos A. Bissell, Jonas W. Brown;* 1877, Amos A. Bissell, Sher- burne B. Piper; 1878, Joseph D. Loveland, Sherburne B. Piper; 1879-80, Thomas N. Van Valkenburgh,* James Low;* 1881, Elijah Adams Holt, James Low;* 1882, Joseph W. Higgins,* Thomas V. Welch ;* 1884, Jacob A. Driess,* Thomas V. Welch ;* 1885, Jacob A. Driess,* Thomas V. Welch;* 1886, Lewis P. Gordon,* Walter P. Home;* 1887, Christian F. Goerss,* Peter A. Porter;* 1888, Christian F. Goerss.* Nelson D. Haskell;* 1889, John F. Little,* J. Marville Harwood; 1890. J. Marville Harwood, Ruthven Kill; 1891, Garwood Leverett Judd,* Levi Parsons Gillette;* 1893, Elton T. Ransom;* 1894-5, John H. Clark;* 1896-97, Henry E. Warner.* Frank A. Dudley.* County Officers.— Treasitrer.—lSiS, T. T. Flagler;* 1851, Alfred Van Wagon- er; 1854, William J. Dunlap; 1857. John Van Horn; 1860, Morrison W. Evans;* 1863, Jacob M. Chrysler; 1866, Josiah L. Breyfogle;* 1869, Hiram Benedict;* 1872- 78, S. Curt Lewis;* 1881, Ed. J. Wakeman ; 1884, John B. Arnold;* 1887, John Jacob Arnold,* to 1893; 1894-97, John C. Lammerts.* County Clerk. — 1808, Louis Le Couteulx; 1810, Juba Storrs; 1811, Louis Le Couteulx; 1813, Zenas Barker; 1815. Archibald S. Clarke; 1816. Frederick Merrill; 1819, John E. Marshall ; 1821, James L. Barton ; (the foregoing were all residents of * Still living--18!)r. I Died June 1-', ISi);. Laic 100 what is now Erie county;) April 2, 1821, Oliver Grace; 1822, Asahel Johnson; 1825, James F. Mason; 1828, Henry Catlin ; 1834, Abijah H. Moss; 1837, Hiram A. Cook; 1840, David S. Crandall; 1843, James C. Lewis; 1845, Edwin Shepard;* 1845, John Van Horn; 1848, George W. Gage; 1851, Lewis S. Payne;* 1854, Wilson Robinson; 1857, Nathan Dayton; 1859, Charles H. Van Duzen; 1859, Charles H. Symonds; 1862, William S. Wright; 1865, Lewis S. Payne;* 1868, George B. Wilson; 1871, Peter D. Walter; 1874. George L. Moot;* 1877, Amos W. R. Henning; 1880, John A. Merritt,* re-elected; 1886, Daniel C. Carroll,* re-elected ; 1893, James Compton ;* 1896, Samuel H. Pettit.* CHAPTER X. SUBDIVISIONS OF THE COUNTY— TOWNS AND VILLAGES. The territory now comprising Niagara county was formerly a part of the great county of Ontario, which was erected in 1789 and included all of the State of New York west of the Phelps and Gorham pre- emption line. The territory of the original provinces of New York and Massachusetts was chartered to extend westward indefinitely. New York in 1781 and Massachusetts in 1785 relinquished to the gen- eral government their claims to territory beyond the western boundaries of this State, but Massachusetts still claimed that part of New York west of the meridian line extending along the eastern line of the pres- ent Ontario county. Against this presumptuous claim New York con- tended, but the dispute was settled in 1786 by New York retaining the sovereignty of the territory, while the ownership, subject to the Indian title, should remain with Massachusetts ; that is, the Indians could con- vey title only to Massachusetts. The eastern boundary of the Massa- chusetts claim became known as the Pre-emption Line, as that State had the right of pre-emption, or first purchase, of the territory in ques- tion. New York, however, retained a strip one mile wide along the Niagara River. In 1788 Massachusetts sold to Oliver Phelps and Nathaniel Gorham, aad their associates, the pre-emption right to Western New York for * still living. lOI $1,000,000. To acquire the Indian title a council was held in Buffalo in July, 1788, at which for $5,000 down and an annuity of $500 the company bought about 2,600,000 acres, bounded on the east by the pre-emption line. The tract thus secured is known as the Phelps and Gorham purchase. In March, 1791, Robert Morris contracted with Massachusetts for the pre-emption right to all of New York west of the Phelps and Gorham purchase ; the Indian title to this was acquired in 1797, excepting eleven reservations, two of which were the Tuscarora reservation (then about one mile square), and the Tonawanda reserva- tion, both in what is now Niagara county. Morris sold his lands in immense tracts, with only one of which are we here concerned. On December 24, 1792, he sold to Herman Leroy and John Linklaen 1,500,000 acres west of the east transit line.^ On February 27 follow- ing he sold to the same persons and Gerrit Boon 1,000,000 acres. July 20. I793> lie sold these three persons 800,000 acres, and to Herman Leroy, William Bayard and Matthew Clarkson 300,000 acres. These vast purchases were made for what is known as the Holland Land Company, or the Holland Company (though no such company ever existed), and the tract as the Holland Purchase, It included what is now Niagara county. In 1797 the survey of this purchase began by Joseph Ellicott for the Holland people, and Augustus Porter (see history of the town of Niagara) for Mr. Morris, with numerous assistants. In the division of the land the plan adopted on the Phelps and Gorham purchase was fol- lowed ; strips six miles wide and extending from Pennsylvania to Lake Ontario were laid out and called ranges ; they were numbered from east to west. These ranges were divided into townships by lines run- ning east and west and numbered from south to north. These town- ships were to be subdivided into sixteen mile-and-a-half squares called sections, and the sections into twelve lots, each containing 120 acres. The mile strip along the river was surveyed in 1798 at the expense of the Hollanders. This plan of surveying in its township and lot features was not strictly followed. ' This line ran between the eastern tier of towns and those to the westward in what is now Orleans county, and on southward. It is called the east transit line to distinguish it from the west transit line, which passes through Lockport. I'.oth lines were laid out in defining bound- aries of Morris's sales. 102 The next county to Ontario erected in the western part of the State was Genesee, which was formed in 1802 from the territory west of the Genesee River and, of course, included what is now Niagara county. At the same time the great town of Northampton, which had consti- tuted a part of Ontario county and embraced the whole Holland Pur- chase, was divided into four, of which Batavia included all of the State west of the east transit line. On the nth of March, 1808, Niagara county was erected from Gen- esee. Its eastern line has remained unchanged, except that it extended southward to Cattaraugus Creek, which is the southern boundary of the present Erie county. Niagara county at its formation included what is now Erie county, the latter being set ofT on April 2, 1821. The bound- aries of Niagara county have not since been changed. By the census of 1820 the population of the whole of Niagara county was 23,313, of which number 15,668 were in the Erie county territory. The original town of Willink, erected in 1804 in what was then Genesee county, com- prised a tract of land eighteen miles wide and perhaps a hundred long, including all of Niagara county territory. When the latter county was erected its entire territory was constituted one town Cambria. On June I, 1 8 12, Cambria was divided and three new towns erected : Hart- land included all the territory east of the west transit line ; Niagara the territory of township 13, ranges 7, 8, 9 ; township 14 in those ranges retained the name of Cambria, and the remainder of the original Cam- bria was set off with the name of Porter. On April 5, 1817, that part of Hartland south of township 15 and extending to the south and east bounds of the county, was erected into the town of Royalton. On Feb- ruary 27, 1 81 8, Lewiston was set off from the west part of Cambria with its present bounds. On June i, 18 12, Porter was erected from the west- ern and northern part of Cambria, and Wilson was set off from Porter on April 10, 1818. On the 8th of February, 1823, Somerset was formed from Hartland with its present width, but extending west to the transit line, and on the 20th of March, 1824, the parts of Somerset and Hartland between their present west bounds and the transit line, and the eastern part of Wilson were erected into Newfane, Lockport was erected February 2, 1824, from Cambria and Royalton with its present boundaries. Niagara originally included what are now Pendleton and I03 Wheatfield; the former was set ofif April i6, 1827, and the latter May 12, 1836. In the treatment of these county divisions, the cities and towns of Lockport and Niagara Falls will be considered first, on ac- count of their importance as business centers, one being the county seat. The remaining towns will be noticed in the order of their forma- tion as far as practicable. CHAPTER XI, CITY AND TOWN OF LOCKPORT. It is a well known fact that many villages and a few cities along the line of the Erie Canal owe either their very existence or their growth and prosperity after 1820, to the influence of the great waterway. The city of Lockport is one of these. If the Erie Canal had not been con- structed, or if it had taken a course elsewhere than through this county, it is quite certain there would have been no Lockport — probably no community of importance on the site of the city. Lockport was incorporated as a village March 26, 1829. The popu- lation had increased very rapidly during the preceding five years, ren- dering such action necessary for the proper government of the commu- nity. In 1835 the population was over 6,000.. The place was incor- porated as a city April ii, 1865, and divided into four wards, which number has since been increased by subdivisions to six. The popu- lation in 1896 was 16,000, and has been the most important manufact- uring center in the county and still crowds Niagara Falls for first place. It is pleasantly situated on the so-called "mountain ridge" elevation, through which the canal was cut, forming one of the most remarkable series of locks in the world, five in number. The water power created by these locks has given rise to the extensive manufacturing operations of the city The soil of the town is a clayey loam and stony in the north part. The Niagara limestone crops out along the mountain ridge, and has been extensively quarried near Lockport ; it is a good building mate- I04 rial and was used in building the locks at this place. Underlying this is a stratum of hydraulic limestone from which waterlime has been made. Sandstone belonging to the Medina formation has been ob- tained on Rattlesnake Hill, northwest of the city, and at other points, and has been used for walks and building. There are six post-offices in the town — Lockport, Hickory Corners, Rapids, Warren's Corners, Raymond and Wright's Corners. The city contains a number of churches, an excellent school system, four banks, a street railroad sys- tem, good water supply, several newspapers, health, fire and police departments, and numerous and varied manufacturing industries. It is a station on the Rochester and Niagara Falls branch of the Central Railroad, a branch of which extends to Tonawanda and thence to Buf- falo ; a branch of the Erie Railroad also connects it with Buffalo via Tonawanda. The city is the county seat of Niagara county. The first settlement in this town was made at Cold Spring, about a mile east of the city, by Charles Wilbur, in 1805, nineteen years before the town was erected, and three years before the county was set off from Genesee. The old Indian trail and later mail route early in the century passed from Canandaigua to Fort Niagara and near this cold spring. Other early settlers were David and Joseph Carlton, 1809-10, David Pomroy, Thomas Mighells and Stephen Wakeman in t8io; Thaddeus Alvord and Alexander Freeman in 181 1 ; the latter built the first saw mill in town; Jesse Griswold and Jacob Loucks in 1813; Josiah Richardson settled on what became the county farm, and Luther Crocker in the northwest part of the town in 1816; John Gibson opened the first blacksmith shop in town in 181 5, a little east of Warren's Cor- ners; and Jared Tyler settled in the same year in the northeast part; Charles Smith and Oliver L Millard came into the town in 18 17; Dr. Ezekiel Webb, the pioneer physician, came in 18 18, and Dr. Isaac W. Smith in 1821 ; Jesse P. Haines, a surveyor, Edward Raymond and Helam and Hiram Mead were other early settlers. On the site of Wright's Corners a man named Barber was an early settler and kept the first hotel. A later one was kept by Alva Buck. Solomon Wright settled on the Ridge road, at the point which took his name as Wright's Corners in 1822, or earlier; he kept a hotel many years, and was post- master after the office was established in 1828. David Maxwell pur- FLAVIUS J. BAKHR, M. D. los chased a farm at Wright's Corners in 1824, but had lived at Johnson's Creek in Hartland since 18 19, where he kept a hotel and did survey- ing ; he was a prominent citizen. It was through his influence that a charter was secured in 1824 for the toll road from Wright's Corners to Warren's Corners, which became known as the long causeway turnpike, from tlie fact that it was at first laid with logs when it was opened for the benefit of the government during the war of 1812 ; the later turn- pike was completed in 1825. Mr. Maxwell also laid out the well known Hess road, from the Ridge road to the lake shore. The first settlement at the village of Rapids, in the extreme south- eastern part of the town, on Tonawanda Creek, was made by Amos and S. B. Kinne in 1839, who purchased land and laid some of it out in vil- lage lots. There was little growth in the settlement until 1849, when Orange Mansfield built a steam saw mill. G. H. Utley erected and opened a hotel and Horace Cummings built and opened a store. The site of Warren's Corners was settled in 181 3 by Ezra Warren, from whom it took its name ; he kept a tavern there many years. Before the openiuLT of the canal and the diversion of business to Lockport, this was quite an important point. Sketches of many other families of this town are given in Part HI of this work. The lands on which a large part of the city of Lockport is built were purchased from the Holland Company by Esek Brown, Zeno Comstock, Nathan Comstock, Webster Thorn, Daniel Smith, David Fink, Almon H. Millard, Reuben Haines, Joseph Otis, John Comstock, Asahel Smith, Nathan B. Rogers, Daniel Washburne and James Conkey. As late as 1820 there were only a few log houses on the city site, and much of the land was still uncultivated. When the course of the canal was fully determined in 1821, and the commissioners were ready to receive pro- posals for building the locks, etc., the owners of the land planned a vil- lage and arranged for the sale of lots. Among them was Otis Hathaway, who had his land surveyed in the spring of 1821. The name of Locks- borough was at first suggested for the place, but Dr. Isaac W. Smith, it is said, suggested Lockport, which finally won the preference. Esek Brown about the same time opened his log house as a tavern ; here the canal contractors made their headquarters for a time.' ' The question of who named Lockport is to some extent in dispute. On this fruitful topic 14 io6 Capitalists now foresaw the propable importance of the place and in- vested their money. Before that summer was over considerable im- provement had been made. Morris H. Tucker opened a store, the first in the place. The nearest other store was at Hartland Corners. House & Boughton soon built another store and sought a part of the trade. Lebbeus Fish, also, opened a third store. Esek Brown's farm was rap- idly reduced in extent by the sale of village lots, many of which passed to possession of Jesse Hawley, and John G. Bond. Associated with Jared, Darius and Joseph Comstock were Otis Hathaway and Seymour Scoville, who were actively interested in selling lots east of Transit street. Zeno Comstock had purchased in that vicinity from the Hol- land Company, as Esek Brown had west of that street, but had recon- veyed it before the village was founded and invested a mile and a half to the westward, believing the canal would be located there. Before the close of that year George W. Rogers, the poineer blacksmith ; Shepard & Towner, the first shoemakers, and Elliott Lewis, harness maker, were settled in their respective shops, while John Jackson con- Ebenezer Mix wrote the following:, which was published in a Lockport paper some forty years ago : In the spring of 1821, being on business in Lewiston, I understood that the canal commis- sioners had given notice that they would meet the day following at the house of Esek Brown, on the mountain ridge, to receive proposals for building the locks and excavating the canal in that vicinity. The next day being a leisure day with me I concluded to visit the scene of action, as I knew that many of my old acquaintances would be there. I accordingly went to Molyneaux' that night, and was on the ground early in the morning. At this time there was no inhabitant on the present village plat, except the Comstocks, on the east side of the ravine (now canal), and Esek Brown, who resided about fifty-five rods west of Transit street, or near the south road from the forks. I went to Brown's, but there was no one there except Mrs. Brown, or "Aunt Lucinda.' Mr. Brown had gone to Lewiston to get a tavern license. While there alone with Aunt Lucinda a stranger to me, she talked much about the new village and their tavern (a log house, with a log addition or wing for a bar-room, erected but unfinished), for Aunt Lucinda was a great talker. I asked her what they were going to call their village. She mentioned a number of names that she had heard, some of which partook of the Quaker dialect, and among them she mentioned " Lockport." About 9 o'clock Brown returned with his license, and the company began to assemble. Brown opened his bar tolerably stored with kegs and jugs, which he dared not do until he got his paper license. Finding that Brown was a law-abiding man, I asked him if he did not know that he was breaking the law to keep tavern without a sign. He said that he did not, but if so, he did not know what to do, as he could not get a sign short of Lewiston, and he could not go that day. I told him I would satisfy the law for him, and undertook to furnish him with a sign, but I could not find a piece of board big enough, although he was building. I, however, found a door sill which he had prepared for his bar-room door, and hewed and planed off one side of a split bass-, wood bolt tolerably smooth, on which I wrote with a coal, without consulting any one, "Lockport Hotel by E. Brown," and stuck it between the projecting ends of the logs of the new bar-room, and, to bring the history of the sign to a close. Brown hewed out a new door sill and let that re- main as a sign until he procured another. The sign being raised, Lockport Hotel and Lockport village were soon christened, not by mere sprinkling, but by something like immersion. lO/ ducted a bakery. The post office was established early in 1822, the mail at first being brought from Molyneux's Corners; in the following year a road was opened through the forest to Wright's Corners, con- necting there with a stage route. Bartemus Ferguson started a news- paper, the Lockport Observatory (previously published at Lewiston), wiiich passed into possession of Orsamus Turner in August, 1822. Work was at that time progressing on the canal at this point. In July, 1822, the place received another impetus through its selection as the county seat, and two acres of land were deeded to the county as a site for county buildings, by William M. Bond. The village now advanced rapidly. The greater part of the business of the place was done on the west side of the canal in 1823—25. In the former year there was a small store on the northeast corner of Main and Transit streets. A few small buildings stood on the north side of Main street before reaching the Lockport Hotel, then kept by Samuel Jennings. East of that Dr. Maxwell had his office and next was the blacksmith shop of Allen Skinner. Then came the store of House & Boughton, where the post-office was situated, with George H. Boughton in charge as postmaster. A primitive bridge crossed the canal. Wil- liam Parsons & Co. had a store in a yellow building about on the site of the Moyer block, and adjoining it was a stone building, part of which was occupied for a store by Sidney and Thomas Smith. Lyman A. Spalding kept a store on the site of the Savings Bank, and next east was the law office of James F. Mason, who acted as county clerk and kept the records in his office Adjoining that was a store kept by H. Kimberly & Co. Other stores of that time were kept by Nathan B. and George W. Rogers, for the sale of groceries; the "red store," kept by William Kennedy, and Morris H. Tucker's store. There were sev- eral other groceries and small places of business, with shops of various kinds and several hotels. It will be seen that this was a considerable business to spring up within two or three years. The pioneer lawyer of Lockport was Elias Ransom. James F. Ma- son and Hiram Gardner came on afterwards and were subsequently ap- pointed justices. The following persons came on prior to or during the year of 1823: Elias F. Pierce, Dr. Isaac Southworth, Asa W. Douglas, Geo. W. Douglas, George W. Rogers, John Jackson, George io8 Richardson, John Gooding, Hiram Gardner, Elliott Lewis, Chauncey Leonard, Joseph Pound, John Pound, Harvey W. Campbell, Gillet Bacon, William Parsons, L. A. Spalding, B. S. Davenport, Orin Fisk, A. T. Prentice, E. A. Wakeman, A. G. White, J. G. Gustin, Orsamus Turner, Job Layton, Jacob Hall, Jacob Bolard, Justus Jenney, James Harris, Samuel Earned, James F. Mason, Dr. Henry Maxwell, David Fink, Warren Sadler, Col. W. M. Bond. The cut through the Ridge at Lockport was the last part of the canal to be completed. On the 29th of September, 1825, William C Bouck announced to the canal commissioners that the water way would be ready for the passage of boats on the 29th of October, and steps were taken to celebrate the event. On the evening of the 24th the guard gates were raised and the level was soon filled with water. A salute of cannon was fired at daybreak on the 26th, and under direction of Gen- eral Whitney, marshal of the day, a procession was formed at nine o'clock and marched to the foot of the locks and there embarked on boats, one of which, the William C. Bouck, was selected to take the lead in passing the locks. On board of this boat the officials and some prominent citizens made the passage. At ten o'clock the firing of the series of guns along the canal from Buffalo reached this place, the lock gates opened and the boats started on their upward passage. The fol- lowing description of the scene is recorded : As it ascended the stupendous flight of locks, its decks covered with a joyous mul- titude, it was greeted with a constant and rapid discharge of heavy artillery, thousands of rock blasts, or explosions, prepared for the occasion, and the shouts of spectators that swarmed upon the canal and lock bridges, and upon the precipices around the locks and basin. As soon as the two forward boats had passed out of the upper locks they were drawn up side by side, and after a prayer by the Rev. Mr. Winchell, an address was delivered by Judge Birdsall. Stepping upon an ele- vated platform upon the deck of one of the boats, in the stillness that had succeed- ed the earthquake sounds and shouts of human voices, he exclaimed: The barrier is passed ! We have now risen to the level of Lake Erie and have before us a per- fect navigation open to its waters. When his address, glowing with cheering prophecies of prosperity in the future, was concluded, the boat moved westward to meet the fleet approaching from Buffalo, and act as an escort in passing through Lockport. The village continued to flourish and in 1827 measures were adopted for building up what became known as the Lower Town, or East Lock- port. Nathan Comstock sold 300 acres of land in that vicinity to Joel 109 McCollum, Otis and S. R. Hathaway and Seymour Scoville, who had it laid out in village lots and streets. The promoters recommended it to purchasers on account of its eligible situation " below the locks and the grand natural basin," and its already having a grist mill, three saw mills and other shops located there. A considerable sale of lots was soon made, and several buildings were erected. The proprietors of this section soon afterwards sold out to Lot Clark and others, who consti- tuted what was known as the Albany Company. They began vigor- ous action to develop and sell their lots. It was represented among other things that the surplus wa'.er of the canal would be brought there and the upper town deprived of it— a condition that did not seem especially improbable at that time. The rivalry that was engendered in those early years between the two sections of the village disap- peared with the lapse of time and the practical uniting of the two. The village was incorporated March 26, 1829, the charter defining the boundaries of a parallelogram of about a mile and three quarters in length, which was divided into two wards. The charter provided for the election of five trustees, a treasurer, a collector, two constables, five assessors and five wardens. The first board of trustees was com- posed of Joel McCollum, Levi Taylor, Levi E Rounds, Joshua G. Dris- coll and Jam.es F. Mason. Henry R. Hopkins was chosen clerk, and on the 1 8th of May Eben Griswold was appointed poundmaster ; Samuel Learned and Luke Draper, fence viewers ; N. W. Gardner, surveyor ; George W. Rogers, chief engineer of the fire department. The board appointed sixteen men each in a fire company and a hook and ladder company. In early years there was considerable rivalry between the Upper and the Lower Towns, as they were distinguished, with the Lower Town far in advance. Here the first bank was opened and the more prominent business establishments conducted. Of Lockport from 1838 to 1848 John H. Dickey has written some interesting and valuable reminis- cences from which are taken the following extracts : I first saw Lockport in the summer of 18"^8, then a thriving village of a few thou- sand inhabitants. No school system but the common school of the period except two select schools where a limited number of pupils were instructed. Lower Town, as it was then called, was the leading busmess part of the village. The railroad running from there to Niagara Fails by way of Pekin about two miles north of Sanborn came no to the river bank near where Suspension Bridge now is. At that time there was no bridge there, and no buildings but now and then a farm house until you arrived at the Falls. This railroad did not go to Lewiston, as one of your late correspondents has it. Then there was the cotton factory at the corner of Exchange and Garden streets, and the land office on Market street. The then ex- Judge Hunt, Hiram Wal- bridge, J. J. B. Spooner, G. W. Germain, Samuel Works, Lott Clark and others, were engaged in the business interests of the Lower Town. Judge Hunt in 1838 and a few years thereafter was a Democrat in politics, but about 1844 or a little before he united with the Whig party and they gave him the nomination for Congress. He had sharp opposition in the convention that nominated him by an old Whig, Joseph Center, a lawyer of Upper Town, and he was so incensed at his defeat, that he left the Whigs and joined the Democrats but the Whigs as it proved got the best of the bargain. Governor Hunt proved to be not a mere politician but a high minded and eloquent statesman. The Whig party elected him twice to Congress, comptroller of the State of New York, and also its governor. He died at the early age of fifty-six years greatly lamented by all. Samuel Works was State senator from this Senate dis- trict. J. J. B. Spooner was cashier of the Lockport Bank. Some of the business men of Upper Town were Lyman A. Spalding, grain dealer and flouring wheat for eastern market. He had a savings bank, and was postmaster when the office was in the Arcade Charles and Elias Safford were engaged in the same business. Asa W. Douglas and Gen. John Jackson were partners in the grain trade and flouring for the eastern market and other mills of le.ss note busily engaged in the manufacture of flour and grinding grist for the farmers. Thomas Flagler was editor and proprietor of the Niagara Courier. It was then printed on an old hand press. Early in the forties he sold out the paper to David S. Crandall, one of the jolliest and most jovial men that ever lived in Lockport. He was clerk of the county one term. He pub- lished the paper a while, and then sold it to the late M. C. Richardson, when the name was changed. A few years after this the Hon. T. T. Flagler was elected to Congress from this dis- trict, and then re-elected. Mr. Flagler served his constituents faithfully and well and with honor to himself and all interested. He has served in other public stations equally as well. The late Benjamin and James Carpenter were owners of extensive stone quarries and contractors for fancy building stone. They have had contracts in New York and many large cities for tljeir stone. The Gargling Oil building, the county clerk's office and the old jail are built of stone from their quarries. Benjamin Car- penter was mayor of Lockport when President Lincoln was assassinated by J. Wilkes Booth. William O. Brown and William Keep were dry goods merchants. Their store was about the second block west of the Simmons & Walter jewelry store and the Keeps kept a hardware store in the block now kept by J. S. Woodward & Son. The late Chauncey Keep was the manager, ably assisted by the late Rowland Sears as head clerk and bookkeeper. Just across the street, Francis N. Kelson kept a first-class dry goods store. J. L. Brej'fogle and the late Jacob M. Chrysler were the clerks in Mr. Nelson's store. They afterwards became the leading dry goods merchants in the city and both gentlemen held the office of county treasurer. Silas H. Marks and Mr. Harvey were dry goods merchants of that time. Some of the Ill physicians were Drs. McCollum, Southworth, Skinner, Chase, Fassett and Shuler. The latter owned a house and grounds where the Hodge opera house and Gargling Oil works now stands, and lived there when the late Dr. Gould was a student in his office. I first knew Dr. Gould when he was attending the Medical College in Buffalo, knew him to be a rising young man in his profession, and he always main- tained a leading position among the physicians of the county. His counsel was always eminently wise and judicious under all circumstances whether pertaining to church af- fairs of which he was a prominent member, or in consultation with his professional brethren in trying and difficult cases. He always reminded me of his relative, Gen. David Gould, whom he strongly resembled. General Gould was a very popular officer in the State militia of that time. The population of Lockport increased from a little more than 6,000 (in the town) in 1835, ^o over 9,000 in 1840, and to about 12,000 in 1850. At the same time a large manufacturing interest came into existence. By an act of the Legislature, passed April 20, 1825, the canal commis- sioners were authorized to sell surplus water from the canal whenever it was practicable. To supply the Genesee level of more than one hun- dred miles in length eastward from the foot of the Lockport locks, water is drawn from Lake Erie, rendering it necessary to pass a large volume around the locks at Lockport. While this fact was generally known, it was not thought the power thus created could be of great value, chiefly on account of the anticipated obstruction caused by work- ing the locks. Darius Comstock owned the land around the locks and canal basin at the time the water was advertised for sale. His bid was only fifty dollars. A few days previous to the opening of the canal he sold to Lyman A. Spalding for $3,500 all the land on the southeastern side of the canal owned by him, excepting a small reservation. When the canal was finally opened and the water for the ^rst time passed around the locks in the raceway prepared for it, it was at once seen that an immense power was at hand. On January 25, 1826, the surplus water at this place was sold to William Kenney, of Lockport, and Junius H. Hatch, of New York. The bid was $200 per annum. In the winter of 1825-6 Mr. Spalding built a flouring mill, and about the same time Jabez Pomeroy and William Bass erected a building near by and put in carding and cloth pressing machinery. These mills were the first driven by water from the canal. As the magnitude and value of the water power became better understood, there developed a strong rivalry to secure its control. In 112 1829 the lease of the water from the State was transferred to the Al- bany Company before mentioned, who then owned more than half of the Lower Town. To improve the real estate prospects in the Lower Town it became necessary to carry the water thither, but an obstacle existed in the fact that Mr. Spalding had previously purchased lands (as before stated) through which the water must necessarily pass in order to reach that section. One of the commissioners is said to have been interested in the schemes of the Albany Company, and an order was finally issued by the board putting the sole control of the canal and locks here into the hands of the lessees A party of laborers were now set at work digging a ditch for the water along the side of the canal. A body of citizens, indignant at this usurpation, drove away the labor- ers. When the canal closed for the winter of 1829, the commissioners cut off the water from the race, thus stopping the mills. The contro- versy continued to the great detriment of business advancement until a year or two later, when the necessary land was purchased by the Al- bany Company, who thus commanded a right of way for the power. When the State sold at auction the right to the surplus waters of the canal, Richard Kenney and Junius Hatch were the purchasers at $200 per annum. The raceway was already excavated as far as Spald- ing's mill, and in 1828 it was extended to the Douglas & Jackson mill, and in 1832 to the old factory mill. The lease of the water was sub- sequently held by William L. Marcy and Washington Hunt, and in 1858 the Lockport Hydraulic Company was organized with the follow- ing trustees: Washington Hunt, William L Marcy, W. P. Daniels, Charles A. Morse, Daniel A. Van Valkenburgh, and Willard J. Daniels. Through leases of power to consumers at reasonable rates this company was instrumental in establishing a large number of milling and other en- terprises. Out of it grew also the Manufacturers' Building Company, organized in 1858, with the following trustees: Hiram Gardner, Silas H. Marks, Thomas T. Flagler, Ezra P. Wentworth, James Jackson, jr., Stephen Hopkins, and John W. Steels. The capital was $15,000, but was subsequently increased. The chief purpose of this company was to erect buildings for manufacturers. Frank N. Trevor is now president of the company, and Charles T. Raymond, secretary and treasurer. In October, 1887, the Hydraulic Company leased to the city of Lock- CHARLES N. PALMER., M. D. 113 ' port for a term often years, at $1,500 per annum, sufficient water "for seven and one half twelve horse powers," which is used for the operation of the pumps which supply the city with water. The first fourteen firms named in the list on a subsequent page also lease water from this compan}'. By the year 1835 the manufacturing interests of the place had as- sumed considerable importance. In the First ward was Spalding's flouring mill with a capacity of I20,000 barrels annually; a wool card- ing mill employing six persons; an iron foundry with capital of $3,000 ; two saw mills employing twelve persons; a turning and a machine shop; a sash factory; a tannery turning out $30,000 worth of leather ; a hat factory, two harness shops, four cabinet shops, two newspapers, a book bindery, various other small shops and fifty to sixty stores of various kinds. In the Seoond ward there were three flouring mills making about $1,000,000 worth of flour yearly ; seven saw mills ; a cot- ton factory, a woolen mill, two distilleries, one furnace, a tannery, a hat factory, harness, tailor and shoe shops, and five mercantile establish- ments. During recent years, the character of the manufactures of Lockport has been greatly changed. The opening of the railroad in 1852 gave Lockport a further impetus. The extent of early travel over the line between Rochester and the Falls may be inferred from the fact that the receipts amounted to more than $1,000 daily before the close of the first year. General Winfield Scott was one of the early passengers on the road, visiting Lockport in the fall of 1852, where he received a public welcome befitting his rank. At the risk of repeating some of tiie names mentioned in the fore- going pages the following prominent early settlers of the town are given at this point: Daniel Pomeroy, Daniel Alvord, Webster Thorn, Daniel Smith, Stephen Hoag, Lyman Liscomb, the Norton, Williams, Har- rington and Weaver families, John Smith, James Conkey, Jonathan Rummery, Joseph Otis, John Comstock, Isaac Titus, Isaac Mace, Charles Freeborn, Nathan Comstock, John Ingalls, Alexander F'ree- man, David Carlton, Conrad Keyser, Francis Brown. Deacon Croker, Zeno Comstock, Asahel Smith, Reuben Haines and Jesse P Haines. Nearly all these became settlers prior to the opening of the canal in 1825, previous to which only about 600 acres were cleared in four square ]5 114 miles, with Lockport village as the center. In 1820 there was not a frame building within five miles of Lockport, and about this time the later village corporation contained less than 100 souls. The population of the village reached in 1865 13,523, and the place was becoming unwieldy to be governed as a village. After the usual preliminary discussion an act was passed by the Legislature April 11, 1865. incorporating Lockport city, with four wards. The ofhcers elected by ballot under the charter were a mayor, clerk, police justice, treasurer tax collector, superintendent of streets, one chief and two as- sistants of the fire department; and in each ward two aldermen, a su- pervisor, three inspectors of election, a constable, assessor, poormaster and fire warden. The principal officers elected the first year were Ben- jamin Carpenter, mayor (re-elected 1866) ; Isaac Allen and M. M. Southworth, aldermen of the First ward; William H. Fursman and David C. Huff, aldermen of the Second ward; J. L. Breyfogle and S. R. Daniels, aldermen or the Third ward ; A. W. Brazee and H. C. Pom- roy, aldermen of the Fourth ward. The mayors of Lockport have been as follows : Benjamin Carpenter, 1865-6 ; James Jackson, 1867-8 ; Albert F. Brown, 1869 ; John Van Horn, 1870 ; Origen Storrs, 1871 ; Elisha Moody, 1872 ; Peter D. Walter, 1873 ; John H. Buck, 1874 ; Freeman H. Mott, 1875 ; Samuel R. Daniels, 1876 ; Hiram D. McNeil, 1877 ; Richard B. Hoag, 1878 ; John E. Pound, 1879-80 ; Ambrose S. Beverly, 1881 ; Edward W. Rogers, 1882 ; William Richmond, 1883 ; John Hawkes, 1884 ; William Spalding, 1885-87 ; Thomas Oliver, 1888-89 ; James S. Lid- die, 1890-91 ; JohnT. Darrison, 1892-93 ; James Atwater, 1894-95 ; Charles Peterson, 1896-97. The original city charter was amended in many important features by the laws of each year from 1886 to 1890 inclusive and in 1892, to which the reader is referred. By the laws of 1892 the city was divided into six wards instead of four, making the Board of Aldermen twelve and giving some sections of the city better representation. To ac- commodate the various city officials and departments, the stone build - building which had been occupied as a mill by W. K. Moore & Co. was secured in 1893 and such changes made in it as would adapt it for its purpose ; it was given the name of the Water Works building. In 1894 a stone addition was erected for the council chamber and the structure is now known as the City building. 115 Some interesting incidents took place in connection with the early- mail service of Lockport and its vicinity. A daily mail service was established between the village and Wright's Corners, Sundays included. This practice called out determined opposition, and when it was dem- onstrated that moral suasion was not sufficient to cause a discontinuance of the Sunday business, an opposition line of stages was started, run- ning only six days in the week, and called the Pioneer line. This pro- ceeding developed the fact that there were in the village a number of prominent citizens who desired Sunday mail and traveling facilities, who called a meeting to remonstrate against the efforts of the new stage line. This meeting was held on the 9th of December, 1828, and the call was quite numerously signed ; it declared among other things, that at the time there were within the village four or five hundred buildings of various kinds, a population of about 2,000, and twenty- five respectable mercantile establishments. It also emphatically denied that a majority of the business men favored the discontinuance of the Sunday mail. However, the Pioneer line of stages was operated about two years, but did not pay and did not prevent the receipt of mails on Sunday. In this connection the following sketch by Thomas Scovell, printed in the Lockport Journal, is worthy of preservation in these pages. After noting the fact that John L. Wright was an early mail carrier in the vicinity of Lockport, Mr. Scovell continues thus: I will say the late Col. Hezekah W. Scovell was postmaster 3 or 4 terms from 1835 and 1845. I have now in my office three commissions given him in 1835 and 1840 and 1845 signed and sealed by Martin Van Buren and John Tyler as president and John C. Calhoun secretary of the state and by the postmaster general, and in the winter of 1841 and 1842 I boarded with my uncle and went to select school in the basement of the old frame Episcopal church on Buffalo street where the German Church now stands and worked night and morning in the post-office and carrying the mail to Lower Town nights and mornings, as a large part of the business letters were taken or sent from Lower Town. Among my schoolmates that winter was the lamented Col. D. Donnelly, the late Rollin Daniels, and many others long gone. Only Windsor Trowbridge, now of this city, and myself are left living that I now remember. In the spring of 1842 I was appointed post-office clerk in place of W. S. Towle, who went to Buffalo. I remained in office during '42, '43 and most of '44, when I resigned and went out to Cambria to help my father on the farm, Chauncey Wolcott taking my place in the office. The post-office in 1842 was in a small one story white building on Canal street, just east of the Grand, where is now the grocery store owned by Mr. Smith, and in 1843 the post-office was moved into a brick building next east of the old Eagle Tavern, ii6 where the Grand now stands. The first news stand in the city was opened in the front hall or porch of the post-office that season by Lockhart R. Carswell, a Scotch- man, who slept under his counter the first year and afterwards moved up on Main street. As there was no railroads at that time, the mails were carried only by stages on the different routes. Mr. Isaac Dole and his son, the late Daniel E. Dole, in connection with a man in Brockport, ran a line of tally-ho coaches with four horses dailv each way on the Ridge Road between here and Rochester. Another line with covered wagon went the canal route to Rochester daily each way; another line daily each way from here to Batavia; also one to Buffalo, the Falls, and Lewiston ; other side mails once or twice a week. When the roads was good the mails all got in be- fore night ; but with bad roads they came at all times of night and left very early in the morning. I did all the work alone in the office except occasionally an hour or two a day by the postmaster. The rates of postage were then 5, 6|, 10, 12^, 18| and 25 cents each, according to distance, and each letter or as many as was going to one place, had to have a bill made out and entered in the book and the package done up separately and plainly directed, and each package received, when opened, the bill accompanying it had to be entered in an account book for that purpose. The mail used to average about 150 to 175 letters daily ; occasionally 200 each wa3% besides, a . large amount of papers, daily and weekly. Even that number of letters, with the form of keeping the accounts and waiting on delivery, kept one clerk very busy. The year i886 saw the completion and opening of what Lockport citizens usually term " the big bridge," which superseded the old structure which had been in use for more than half a century. The new bridge was not secured without a prolonged and energetic effort, and upon its completion its opening was inaugurated with one of the largest and most enthusiastic celebrations ever held in the place. This occurred on the 2d of September, i886. A great crowd, two or three brass bands, lavish illumination and fire-works and many speeches from prominent men were features of the event. A platform was erected on the bridge on which were Mayor Spalding, Aldermen Crosby, McGrath, Heary, Ashford, Darrison and Gaskill, with A. Stewart Gooding, M. C, Richardson, O. W. Cutler, H S Servoss, W. W. Henry, L. P. Gordon, Richard Crowley, W. C. Olmsted, J. A.Ward, John G. Freeman, Henry Hueshoff, Joseph Rainor, D. F. Stevens, T. M. McGrath, Wil- ham E. Tuttle, A. R. Brooks, George F. Smith. Col. W. E. Palmer was master of ceremonies. After introductory remarks by Colonel Palmer the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Whereas, The structure lately within the city of Lockport called by its citizens the " Big Bridge," which for more than half a century has carried in safety the traffic of the town and afforded to the citizens of the County of Niagara a public market for their produce, has now been replaced by abetter and more durable one of like cba:-- 117 acter and capacity, of design and detail most satisfactory and pleasingto our citizens, in that its similarity of form and uses to the one which it replaces, affords us a guar- antee that one of the valued landmarks of our city is not to be obliterated, but that it shall stand to bear the weight of a thriving and progressive community in the future as it has in the past sustained the steps of those who formed the nucleus and basis of a city destined by its natural advantages and the public spirit of almost all of its citizens to become one of the fairest and most prosperous in the Empire State; and Whereas, The erection and completion of the present structure was obtained through the intelligent efforts in that behalf of certain public officers, both State and local, and we are desirous of expressing in some public manner our acknowledgment of the service they performed ; therefore. Resolved, That the citizens of the City of Lockport are under obligations for the aid and encouragement afforded the enterprise by Hon. Elnathan Sweet, state engi- neer; Hon. James Shanahan, superintendent of public works, and Mr. Horace H. Servoss, superintendent of locks at Lockport; and hereby assure them individually of our appreciation of their public spirit and good judgment. Resolved, That the thanks of our citizens are particularly due to Hon. Edward C. Walker, State senator from this district; Hon. Lewis P. Gordon and Hon. Peter A. Porter, members of assembly from Niagara county, for action and zealous effort in behalf of the enactment which secured an appropriation for this work sufl&cient in amount to ensure the proper and satisfactory completion of it. Resolved, That the citizens of Lockport, contemplating the skill and good judg- ment of the State officers having control of the erection of bridges over the Erie Canal, as displayed in the form and convenience of the structure now completed, are led most earnestly to hope and believe that the design for a high truss bridge over said canal at Cottage street, in this city, may be changed so as to correspond to that of the one upon which we now stand, and thus a most serious obstruction to view and travel be obviated, and the well-earned reputations of those officials for sound and practical administration of the affairs of the canal be sustained. D. F. Stevens, T. M. McGrath, Committee on Resolutions. Hon. Richard Crowley was the first speaker and gave a brief history of the old bridge, stating that when the canal was first built, sixty five years earlier, it was bridged with logs, and that a few years later the bridge demolished to make way for the new one was erected. Other addresses were made by M. C. Richardson, L. P. Gordon and others with music at intervals. The exercises closed with a display of fireworks. Lockport had a fire service before its incorporation as a village in 1829, and before the organization of the department was effected [.yman A. Spalding purchased a rotary engine, which he named Tus- carora, and for which a company was subsequently organized. It re- ii8 quired sixteen men to operate this engine and it was soon displaced by the Niagara. The company for the Tuscarora was formed soon after the incorporation of the village, with John G. Gustin foreman. The first hook and ladder company was organized in 1833. In 1836 a com- pany was formed in the Lower Town with the name of Tuscarora No. 2, with William Dixon foreman. Some years later Osceola Engine Company No. i was organized and continued until 1873, when it was reorganized as Spalding Hose Company No. i and still exists At about the same time that Osceola Company was organized another was formed with the title of Rescue Engine Company No 3 ; this company was disbanded in 1868, and Washington Hose Company No. 2 was or- ganized from it and is now in existence. In 1853 Tuscarora Company No. 2 was reorganized and became De Witt Clinton Engine Company. Protection Hook and Ladder Company was organized in 1863 with thirty-five members. Hydrant Hose Company No. i was organized in November, 1865, and Washington Hose Company No 2 in January, 1868. The present department comprises Active Hose Company No. 5 (formerly Active Engine Company and organized in 1878) ; De Witt Clinton Hose No. 6 ; Hydrant Hose No. i ; Spalding Hose No. 3 ; Washington Hose No. 2, and Protection Hook and Ladder Company No. I. Chief Engineers of the Fire Department. — The Board of Trustees of Lockport on May 13, 1829. was composed of Joel McCollum, presi- dent ; Levi Taylor, Levi F. Bounds, Joshua Driscoll, James F. Mason, and Henry K. Hopkins, clerk. It was ordered that sixteen firemen and sixteen hook and ladder men be appointed. George W. Rogers was appointed chief engineer, and a small engine was purchased at a cost of $650. The list of chiefs and dates of service from 1829 to 1897 as far as known is given below : George W. Rogers, 1826, 1831, 1833, 1833 and 1849; Lewis Godard, 1830-31; Ben- jamin Carpenter, 1833-38; B. S. Pease, 1838, 1839, 1846; Isaac Dole, 1840-41; Robert White, 1850; John Jenney, 1850-52; Alexander Eastman, 1852-53; Dudley Don- nelly, 1853-61; L. Austin Spalding, 1855-58; B. H. Fletcher, 1861-62; Joseph T. Bellah, 1862-63; John E. Mack, 1863-64; M. Dempsey, 1864-65; James Jackson, jr., 1865; Henry F. Cady. 1865-67; L, W. Bristol, 1867-69 and 1874-76; William Spald- ing, 1869-74 and 1878-79; Robert Madden, 1876-77 and 1890-91; John Hodge, 1877- 78; H. D. McNeil, 1879-80; William E. Jenney, 1880-81; Max Starck, 1881-82; H. K. Wicker, 1882-91; H. L. Cleveland, 1891-93; C. E. Carnall, 1893; Dr. William E. Jenney, 1897. 119 List of Fire Organizations of Lock-port from iSjg. — Niagara Fire Company No. 1, organized December 25, 1834. Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, organized September 18, 1834. Tuscarora Fire Engine Companj^ No. 2, organized November 28, 1838. Protection Fire Engine Company No. 1, organized 1850. Osceola Fire Engine Company No. 1, organized September S7, 1860. Rescue Fire Engine Company No. 3, organized February 23, 1852. Bucket Company, organized December 20, 1853. De Witt Clinton Fire Engine Company No. 2, organized 1854, from Tuscarora Company above named. Protection Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, organized June 15. 18G3, from Hook and Ladder Company No. 1. Hydrant Hose Company No. 1, organized November 24, 1865, first hose company in the State to use hydrants of the Holly Water Works system. Washington Hose Company No. 2, organized January 27, 1868, from Niagara Fire Engine Company No. 1 and Rescue Engine Company No. 3. Spalding Ho.se Company No. 3, organized May 26, 1873, from Protection Fire Company No. 1 and Osceola Company No. 1. Active Hose Company No. 5, incorporated, organized February 5. 1878. De Witt Clinton Hose Company No. 6. organized April 1, 1879, from De Witt Clinton Engine Company No. 2 The Exempt Firemen's Association of Lockport was organized De- cember 1 6, 1893, with the following officers: H. K. Wicker, president; T. James McMaster, vice president; Charles F. Foley, secretary; John R. Mahaney, treasurer ; H. L. Cleveland, marshal ; Charles H. Long, Charles E Carnall, trustees ; Richard Smith, steward. The object of the association is stated as the promotion of friendly and social intercourse, to provide a headquarters for the transaction of all business connected with the association, together with a reading room where the members may meet and renew their old-time friend- sliip, to collect and preserve relics, pictures and implements used in olden times, and to provide for and establish a mutual aid or funeral fund for the benefit of its members. Only such persons as served as firemen of the late volunteer fire department can become members. On the 1st of January, 1897, this association had 174 members, and the following are the present officers: President, George W. Mann; vice-president, W. R. Scott; treasurer, J. R. Mahaney; financial secre- tary, Fred R. Oliver; marshal, W. J. Ouinlan ; steward, Richard Smith. The association has just purchased a building at a cost of $3,000 which will be used for general club purposes. I20 The water supply of Lockport had its inception in a reservoir on the site of the later American Hotel, the water being pumped into it by a pump which Lyman A. Spalding had procured to use in case of fire in his early mill. From the reservoir the water flowed by gravity. This inadequate establishment did not long suffice. Fires were frequent and many of them were destructive in spite of the efforts of firemen. This condition of affairs led Birdsall Holly, whose name became famous in connection with his system of supplying water to communities, to turn his attention to devising a remedy. As a result of his genins the Lock- port Water Works were constructed in 1864, by a company organized for such undertakings. The system, as now well known, consists briefly in setting up pumping machinery to raise water to a sufficient height and to supply it under pressure, and so regulated by the pressure of the water in the mains that the machinery will respond to the demand. About 6,000 feet of pipe were laid in the village (then soon to become a city) and twenty-seven hydrants were set, the highest of which was seventy-two feet above the pumping station. The machinery was pro- pelled by a turbine wheel under a head of nineteen feet. The contract between the village and the Holly Company stipulated that from a hy- drant fifty feet above the pumping station a stream could be thrown through one hundred feet of hose one hundred feet high. At the test the stream was thrown 175 feet under those conditions, and the works were promptly accepted. In 1882 the water works were taken under municipal control. About twenty four miles of mains are now in use, with one pump of 3,000,000 and one of 5,000,000 gallons daily capacity. George H. Drake was the first superintendent, and was succeeded by R. J. Sterrett. The present superintendent is B Burroughs who as- sumed the office in 1893. The Lockport Press. — The history of newspapers in Lockport furnishes an illustration of the consequences of changed business and industrial conditions, frequently enabling new communities to spring up and outstrip older and apparently more permanent ones. A news- paper was born in Lewiston many years before Lockport was more than a canal settlement ; but it was soon removed to the younger com- munity. The Niagara Democrat was started in Lewiston in 1 82 1, by Bartemus Ferguson; but in the ensuing winter some of the enterpris- 121 ing citizens of Lockport purchased tlie printing office, removed it to their httle village and the editor with it. The name of the paper was at the same time changed to The Lockport Observatory, In August, 1822, the establishment passed to possession of Orasmus Turner, who for about thirty years thereafter was prominently identified with Niag- ara county journalism.' Meanwhile, another paper, the Lewiston Sen- tinel, was started in Lewiston in 1822 by James O. Dailey. It soon passed into the hands of Oliver Grace, who read the signs of the times and also removed it to Lockport, changing the name to the Niagara Sentinel. In 1828, for business reasons, the Observatory and the Sen- tinel were consolidated and published with the name of the Democrat and Sentinel. In the same year the establishment was purchased by Peter Besancon, who changed the name of the paper to the Lockport Journal. In 1829 another change of name was made to the Lockport Balance. In 1833 the Lockport Gazette was started by Pierpont Baker, and one year later the two papers were consolidated and issued as the Lockport Balance and Gazette; the last part of the title was soon dropped and the Balance was published a short time by D. C. Coul- ton, and later by T. H. Hyatt. In 1835 Orasmus Turner started a new journal with the name of the Niagara Democrat, and in 1837 purchased the Balance, and continued the publication of the Niagara Democrat and Lockport Balance as one paper; the last part of the title was soon dropped. Mr. Turner remained as editor and publisher until 1839, when it passed into the hands of Thomas P. Scoville, who continued the publication until 1846, It was then sold to Turner & McCollum, who were succeeded by Ballou & Campbell, who transferred it to its former publisher, Mr. Turner; he continued the paper until his death in 1855. John Campbell was the next publisher, continuing until 1858, when the establishment was purchased by A. S. Prentiss, who had for about five years been conducting the Lockport Daily Ad- vertiser, a free advertising medium. After purchasing the Democrat he enlarged the Advertiser and continued its daily issue, while the ' Mr. Turner died on March 'il, IH.t.5. It is a historical fact of special importance to printers, tliat the first "composition " roller in this county was made and used in Mr. Turner's office; the discovery was made in Eng^land. 16 1 22 weekly issue was named the Democrat and Advertiser. In i860 the establishment was transferred to Gaylord J. Clark. On April 9, 1859, the Lockport Chronicle was started by S. S. Poni- roy & Co., a weekly, and in the, following year the Lockport Daily Union was issued from the same office by the County Democratic Com- mittee. In 1862 a consolidation was effected by the Democrat and Advertiser, and the Chronicle and the Union, the new daily taking the name of the Lockport Daily Union, and the weekly that of the Niag- ara Democrat. At the time of the consolidation Pomroy & Chamber- lain became proprietors and editors. In 1863 Mr. Pomroy retired from the business, and in the next year Mr. Chamberlain sold out to Henry E. Shaft, who had already begun the publication of the Lock- port Bee, which was then merged with the Union and Democrat. Mr. Shaft soon transferred the establishment to Wolcott & Chamberlain, who continued until June, 1867, when Mr. Chamberlain sold his inter- est to R. M. Skeels ; in 1876 he bought Wolcott's interest also. On the 1st of October, 1876, a stock company was formed, for the pub- lication of the paper, with John Hodge, president; James Jackson, jr., treasurer, and Mr. Skeels remained as editor. Early in the eighties O. W. Cutler acquired a controlling interest in the company stock and continued in the management of the business until 1895, when Ered W. Corson became an equal partner with him. At the same time the plant and papers of the Lockport Sun Company were taken into the Union Company. In Eebruary, 1896, Mr. Cutler's interest was ac- quired by Walter P. Home, and in July, 1897, the business was incor- porated and the present organization effected as follows : Walter P. Home, president ; Ered W. Corson, treasurer and manager ; George S. Palmer, secretary. The Lockport Daily Sun, referred to above, was founded by Messrs. M. H. Hoover and Ered Relyea, June 19, 1891. The plant was located on Market street. After the paper had been published a few months Mr. Relyea between two days quietly slipped away and has never since returned. On May 30, 1892, the paper and plant passed into the hands of Democratic politicians, under the company name of the Sun Print- ing and Publishing Company, William C. Greene, president ; E. H. Pomroy, secretary ; A. E. Hoyt, treasurer and managing editor, and FRHU W. COkSON, 123 C. N. Seabury, business manager. It was proving to be a most suc- cessful party rival of the Democratic Lockport Daily Union, and that concern thought it policy to buy up the Sun, and subsequently did so, as related above. On May i, 1827, M. Cadwallader began the publication of the Ni- agara Courier, and was succeeded for a short time by George Reese, who sold to Hon. T. T. Flagler. Under his direction the paper was successful. In 1843 it was purchased by Crandall & Brigham, who transferred it to David S. Crandall. In 1847 he began the issue of a daily, the first of a permanent character in the village. In 1851 the es- tablishment was sold to C. L. Skeels and John Williams. In 1846 Robert H, Stevens began the publication of the Niagara Cataract, which he soon sold to Humphrey & Fox ; they were succeeded by Charles J. Fox, who continued until June, 1851, when Moses C. Rich- ardson, who had been for three preceding years editorially associated \\ith the Courier, purchased the plant of the Cataract for the purpose of using the material on a Free Soil paper. With additions to the material he started the Lockport Journal in June, 1851. The paper was liberally received, and in 1852. at the solicitation of his friends, Mr. Richardson began publishing the Lockport Dail)^ Journal. It was an up-hill struggle for a few years, on account of the limited population of the district. In 1852 Cornelius Underwood, a practical printer, ac- quired an interest in the business. He had no capital and was soon discouraged with his prospects and retired. Mr. Richardson continued alone and in 1853 introduced the first power printing press to the vil- lage. In November, 1854, the establishment was nearly ruined by the great fire. Undismayed, Mr. Richardson purchased new material and continued the issue of the paper, and in course of time the estab- lishment was placed upon a secure basis. In the year (185 1) that Skeels and Williams purchased the Niagara Courier, as before stated, S. S. Pomroy assumed its editorship, and in 1855 became its-owner. In 1857 John G. Freeman acquired an interest in the office and a little later became sole owner. The Courier and the Journal now occupied substantially the same political field and the friends of each urged a consolidation. Accordidgly in February, 1859, the two were united by the firm of Richardson & Freeman, the daily issue being called the 124 Journal and Courier, and the weekly the Niagara Intelligencer. The name of the weekly was afterwards changed to the Niagara Journal, and the daily to the Lockport Daily Journal. In 1861 Mr. Freeman snkl his interest to A. Holly, who a few months later sold to James W. Barker. On the night of May 3, 1863, the establishment was de- stroyed by fire, causing a heavy loss. The proprietors then purchased the lot on which the Journal building was erected. New materials were purchased and the paper prospered more than before. In July, 1864, Mr. Barker sold his interest to M. C. Richardson, who continued sole proprietor, and in 1869 erected the present Journal building. In 1870 Joseph A. Ward purchased a quarter interest in the establishment and became business manager. In the spring of 1871 Willard A. Cobb, for several years previous proprietor of the Dunkirk Journal, pur- chased of Mr. Richardson a quarter interest and became associate editor of the paper. Messrs. Ward & Cobb purchased Mr. Richardson's interest in the plant in 1880, and since that time they have been and still are sole pro- prietors of the Journal. While the firm's interests are mutual, Mr. Ward has special charge of the business department. Mr. Ward was formerly connected with the Niagara County National Exchange Bank of Lockport and has always enjoyed the reputation of being an unusually successful business man. Hon. Willard A. Cobb, one of the owners of the Lockport Journal, was born in Rome, N. Y., was educated in Rome Academy and Ham- ilton College, graduating from the latter institution in 1864. He im- mediately entered upon editorial work, first as a reporter on the Chicago Post, and afterwards as associate editor of the Racine Advo- cate, city editor of the Utica Morning Herald, editor of the Dunkirk Journal, associate editor and finally editor-in-chief of the Lockport Journal. Aside from his editorial labor Mr. Cobb has been active in the political field, served his district two years on the Republican State Committee, and has frequentl}' been a delegate to Republican State and local conventions. In 1879 he made an extensive tour of Europe contributing interesting letters to his journal. Mr. Cobb was a member of the State Board of Regents from 1884 to 1893 when he resigned JOSEPH A. WAKD. WILLARU A. COBB. ^ 125 from that body to accept a place upon the State Civil Service Com- mission, to which he was appointed by Governor Morton. He was sub- sequently appointed president of that commission. Mr. Cobb has at this present time been engaged in journalism for up- wards of thirty years. He is generally recognized as one of the ablest and most forcible editorial writers in the Empire State. The Lockport Niagaraii. — The first issue of a weekly publication established by Messrs. George S. Gooding, Quincey G. T. Parker and Homer I). Upson, was printed on March 7, 1891. It entered the sea ot newspaperdom with about si.x hundred subscribers. Its subscription price was fifty cents per annum. It was a five-column, four page sheet devoted entirely to local news — independent Republican in poli- tics. Within a month after it was started Mr. Upson withdrew from the partnership and Messrs. Gooding and Parker continued the publica- tion together for one year, then Mr. Parker sold his interest in the paper to Mr. Gooding, who enlarged it to the regulation size, six column folio, and continued to so publish it for two years. During these two years Mr. Gooding branched out into the job printing business. He met with excellent success and found that job printing in Lockport was more remunerative than publishing a weekly newspaper, so at the be- ginning of Vol. IV. of the Niagaran he reduced it to a four-column monthly publication and so issued it for one }-ear. Then it was discon- tinued. From a small outfit in an upper room in the brick building corner of Lock and Ontario streets, b)' earnest efforts and perseverance Mr. Gooding built up a good printing business, and added to the plant until he had one of the finest and best equipped ofifices in the city. In January, 1896, he sold his office, then located on the ground floor at No. 39 Pine street, McRae block, to VV. H. Mackenzie. Later in the year Mr. Mackenzie sold the plant to Adolph Laux, who removed it to his bookbinding establishment, No. 22 Main street, where it remains. The Lockport Daily Review was first issued on March 27, 1895, s"y M^'s. Allen and her daughter. Miss Maud, in their own house, but since December 4, 1896, held in the Town Hall, has been continued without intermission from its beginning with most en- couraging results. 5/, Mark' s Church, Tonawanda. — The first report of church ser- vices according to the Episcopal ritual, in Tonawanda, are made by Bishop Delancy, 1840, in his annual address to the Convention of his Diocese (Western New York), in which he names the Rev. George S. Porter, teacher of a private school in Buffalo, as having been appointed " missionary at the new station of Niagara Falls and Tonawanda, Niagara County." To that same Convention the missionary, the Rev. George S. Porter, reports having commenced his work there in June, 1840. He says, "Never before my going there had they been visited by a clergyman of the church. Population estimated at 500 or 600. No denomination is organized but the Methodists, and that but lately, and they only hold public worship once in two weeks. Communicants five, baptisms two. My services seem acceptable considering the times in which we live " May 19, 1 84 1, Bishop De Lancey made his first ofiicial visit to Ton- awanda, preached, and confirmed one person. The missionary, the Rev. George S. Porter, reports to the convention of 1841 having held services there every other Sunday. At the end of this year, the Rev. Mr. Porter having resigned his charge, no services appear to have been 148 held at Tonawanda till 185 i, when the Rev. Joseph M. Clark, rector of St. Peter's church, Niagara Falls, reports having provided services for Tonawanda, and to the next Convention of the Diocese (1852), he re- ports having held twenty- six services at Tonawanda, baptized three adults and six infants, presented six for confirmation, and administered the Holy Communion once to eight persons. Through the following year (1853), regular services were continued by the Rev. Mr. Clark, who reports ten communicants. For the year 1854 he reports having held but few services at Tonawanda, where " the strength of the church is much diminished by removals." Thereafter the same clergyman re- ports occasional services held by him at Tonawanda up to the time of his resignation of St. Peter's, Niagara Falls, August i, 1857. From the above date, last named, services were suspended until Sep- tember 26, 1868, when the Rev. George Pennell, A. M., rector of St. James's church, Buffalo, renewed the services of the Episcopal church, in the M. E. church of North Tonawanda. During the three months succeeding, thirteen services were held in the same place by the same clergyman, chiefly on Sunday afternoons, at other times on Friday evenings. At the end of this period it was resolved by a number of those regularly attending the services to secure the exclusive use of a suita- ble building in which to hold the services of the church, organize a parish and obtain a resident minister. Accordingly Washington Hall was rented, the Rev. Fred. W. Raikes (deacon) was called as assistant to Rev. Mr. Pennell, beginning his pastoral labors January 18, 1869, and on Wednesday, the 17th of February following, the male members of the congregation met in said hall and organized themselves as a parish to be known in law as "The Rector, Church Wardens and Ves- trymen of St. Mark's Church, Tonawanda, Erie County, N, Y." The certificate of corporation was duly signed and the following day regis- tered in Buffalo. The names of those who were elected wardens were George W. Sherman and Col. Louis S. Payne. The names of the ves- trymen were Calvert G. Lane, Garwood L. Judd, Decimus R. Buf- rowes, William H. Vickers and James Sweeney. The Rev. Mr. Pen- nell resigned as rector September i. of the same year, and the Rev. Mr. Raikes was appointed minister in charge. The only members of 149 the first vestry living and residents are Col. L. S. Payne and Hon. G. L. Judd; Mr. James Sweeney now resides in Buffalo and is a member of the vestry of St. Paul's church. The Rev. Mr. Raikes resigned the charge of the parish April 25, 1870. His successor, the Rev. Albert Wood, entered upon his duties as rector the following January, and continued in that relation to April, 1875. On the following October the Rev, Henry A. Duboc (deacon) was called to take pastoral charge and served in that capacity to May, 1883. at the same time conducting a school for girls Mr. Duboc was succeeded the following July by the Rev. J. H. Barnard, who served as rector till January, 1892. On March i following the Rev. Evan H. Martin, the present rector, commenced his labors. The edifice in which the services of the church have been held since February, 1 87 1, is situated on the corner of Tremont and Marion streets, North Tonawanda, the lot having been donated by George W. Sherman, warden, on condition that the name of the church be St. Mark's, and remain unchanged. It was built at a cost of about $2,- 500. The lot also contained a dwelling house which was purchased for a rectory, but has not been used for that purpose by either of the last two rectors. In 1893 the small chancel of the church was re- moved and a large chancel 24 by 32 erected in its place, handsomely furnished with oak ; altar, and choir stalls for a vested choir of thirty- six voices. At the same time a two story guild house was constructed on the same lot adjoining the new vestry room, and a robing room for the choir erected at the northwest corner of the church, the whole at a cost of $3,000. Since the organization of the parish there have been baptized 372 in- fants and adults, and there have been 276 confirmations. There are at the present time about 175 communicants. No permanent missionary work has been carried on by the church. Though the church was originally incorporated in Erie county, it was last April incorporated in Niagara county, when the new diocesan canon regulating the date and manner of election of wardens and vestrymen, was adopted by the parish. St. JoJins ChiircJi, Yoiingstoivn. — In the early days church people of this vicinity depended upon St. Paul's church, Lewiston, for public I50 worship. The first service here (1838) was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Murray, then rector of Lewiston, in the old school house. He held other services occasionally for some years following. From the year 1861 down to 1867 there was public worship with more or less regularity, the following clergymen officiating : Revs. G. M. Haven, R. O. Page, Treadway and Russ, all of whom were rectors at Lewiston. These services were held in the " brick church " originally built as a union meeting house. On the second Sunday in February, 1867, there began a regular fort- nightly service in the above place holden in the afternoon, the Methodist Episcopal society occupying the building in the morning. The officiating clergyman was Rev. G. M. Skinner, rector of St. Paul's church, Lewiston. The Rt. Rev. A. Cleveland Coxe, D.D., LL.D., bishop of the diocese, visited this mission in 1866, confirming three persons, and also in 1867 confirming four persons. A meeting of persons interested in the church assembled in the brick church according to call on April 27, 1868, for the purpose of organiz- ing a parish. The canonical notice had been read on the two preceding Sundays. Wardens and vestrymen were elected as follows : Benjamin M. Root, John Carter, wardens ; Charles M. Pyne, S. Parke Baker.Lewis Leff"- man, James S. Lawrence, Francis O. Dee, Thomas Balmer, William Mendham, Robert Patterson. The name of St. John was chosen as the name of the parish, and the Rev. G. M. Skinner, then a missionary in these parts, was elected rector. In the following June the public wor- ship became weekly, and on August 9, the Holy Communion was ad- ministered for the first time, seventeen persons receiving. The rector continued his services for about the space of three years. It was evident that Youngstown alone could not afford a proper support for a clergy- man. Upon his resignation the paiish decayed and for seven years nearly no public worship was maintained. With a view to reorganization a meeting assembled July 27, 1878. Those present were former members and others interested in maintain- ing regular services. The only member of the former vestry in attend- ance was S. Park Barker, and he was made chairman. It is to be noted that active influence for the renewal of church life came from the garrison at Fort Niagara. Upon the commissioned and non-commis- 151 sioned officers of the post and their famihes the parish reHed largely for support and personal service in carrying on the work, and this ser- vice has been rendered effectively by some of the various garrisons from that day to the present. Gen. G. A. De Russy, Lieut. Edward Davis and Ord. Sergt. Lewis Leffman were chiefly instrumental in re- viving the parish at this time. A new vestry was elected Easter Monday, April 22, 1878, and the next day a lot upon which to build a church was deeded to the trust fund of the diocese. The donors were Mr. and Mrs. Leffman, A building committee was appointed immediately in the persons of Lieu- tenant Davis, Thomas Brighton and William Ripson. The corner stone was laid May 16, 1878, by Bishop Coxe, assisted by a number of the clergy. On September 28, the church was consecrated by the same bishop. Other clergy present were Archdeacon McMurray, of Niagara-on-the- Lake ; Dr. Spalding, Connecticut; Dr. Ingersoll, Van Dyck, Henderson, Knapp, Buffalo ; Patterson and Payne, De Veaux College; Batten, Niagara Falls; Raikes, Suspension Bridge. October 2 the vestry, in conjunction with the Lewiston vestry, called G. W. Knapp, of Buffalo, to the joint rectorship. He was in charge for three years. Rev. J. S. Seibold succeeded him in March, 1882, and remained imtil July, 1886. The rectorship was vacant till the next May, there being occasional services. May i, 1887, Rev. E, Stewart Jones accepted the charge of the parishes, coming from Niag- ara, Ont. He died in February, 1890 The Rev. James Roy, LL.D., became rector April 14. being chosen for one year, but continued till August 31, 1891. All rectors heretofore had residence in Lewiston. Dr. Roy was the last joint rector. St. John's vestry having purchased a house for a rec- tory after his resignation. The Rev. John Evans, the next rector, No- vember, 1 891, resided in Youngstown and officiated occasionally for the Lewiston parish. He resigned October 31, 1895. The Rev. E. J. Babcock became rector November 4, 1895, and is the present incum- bent. The church is built of wood, has a seating capacity of 196, with a very neat and pretty interior finished in natural wood. The plans were furnished by Upjohn, the celebrated architect of New York. 152 There are three memorial windows in the apse of chancel. Beside these are handsome memorials in polished brass, viz., altar, cross and vases, chancel rail, angel lecturn, and a mural tablet in the nave to Rev. Mr. Jones. Church of the EpipJiany, Niagara Falls. — In 1857 ^^ building of the Suspension Bridge having brought a number of families to what was then known as Niagara City, but later. Suspension Bridge, they held cottage services conducted by lay readers or some one of the cler- gymen of De Veaux College, that institution having been opened in May of that year. Their numbers increasing, they held services for a time in what had been the book store of Mr. George Hackstaffon Main street, but what is now occupied as a grocery by Mr. Thomas Hannan. That room also proving inadequate, Colt's Hall was rented at the rate of fifty dollars a year. In the fall of 1857, the Rev. Isreal Foote, D. D., then a professor in De Veaux College, took charge of the services and the congregation was incorporated in accordance with the canons of the church and the laws of the State, with the sanction and approval of the bishop of the Diocese, the Rt. Rev. William Heathcote De Lancey, D. D., LL. D., D. C. L. On the 6th of January, 1858, a meeting was called for the purpose of electing two wardens and eight vestrymen, with the following results: Wardens, J H. Cramp, Anthony W. Hecker ; vestrymen, J. W. Dunk- lee, Rodney Durkee, A. D Lampkins. R. B. Monroe, R. D. Cook, H. S. Stewart, D. H. Thomas and G. P. Heap. Dr. Foote presided at this meeting. The congregation from the season of its organization was to be known as the Church of the Epiphany. Not one of the officers of the church elected at that time is now living. The parish being unable to pay a stated salary to a clergyman, the Rev. Dr. Foote and Rev. E. R. Welles, deacon, and tutor at De Veaux College, offered their services, receiving for their labors whatever the congregation might be able to raise. The services were continued in Colt's Hall for one year, when the vestry engaged the Congregational place of worship for one half day every second Sunday for three months. This time having expired, the same place was engaged for six 153 months more, for one-half day service each Sunday, and the use of the Sunday school room. The Sunday school numbered at this time about fifty scholars. Dr. Foote and Mr. Welles both resigned their positions in De Veaux in 1858. The last named clergyman afterwards became bishop of Wisconsin in 1874, and died in 1888. The services were subsequently conducted at different times by the Rev. Mr. Stevens, Rev. Dr. Van Rensselaer and other clergymen from De Veaux College. The Rev. Henry F. Nye, deacon and teacher at De Veaux, was called to the rectorship of the parish at Easter, 1862. He officiated in the house of worship on Niagara street, corner of Tenth, owned by the Presbyterians, who had built a new church at the Falls. The Rev. Mr. Nye remained for nearly a year, when he removed to Canada The services were then held every Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Dr. Van Rensselaer until November, 1864, when the Rev. W. W. Walsh became rector of the parish. January 24, 1864, Bishop Coxe confirmed the first class of the Church of the Epiphany. It numbered sixteen persons. In this same year a subscription list was started to build a new church. Two lots were given for that purpose on the corner of Lockport street and what is now Main street. One of these lots was given by James and Henry W. Ford, of Albany, N. Y., and the other by Mrs. Marietta Wallace. The rubble stone for the building was given by Mr. Jacob Vogt. The excavating was begun on July 12. On August 8 the Rt. Rev. A. C. Coxe, D. D., LL. D., attended by seventeen of the clergy, laid the corner stone of the Church of the Epiphany. At the ceremony a new service arranged by the bishop was used for the first time, and this was also the first corner stone laid by the bishop. This beautiful stone edifice, of early English architecture, was completed by the 19th of December, 1866, a few days less than nine }'ears from the founding of the parish. The opening services were held December 30, 1866, the first Sunday after Christmas, the bishop officiating, assisted by the rec- tor, the Rev. Dr. Van Rensselaer and Rev. F. R. Winne, of De Veaux. Seven persons were confirmed at this service. The following gifts were presented to the new church : The bishop's chair, by the Rev. Dr. Van Rensselaer; the font, by Col. Charles B. Stuart, of Geneva, N. Y.; the 20 154 pulpit, by Messrs. H. J. and G. W, Walsh ; the credence-table, by the Rev. George Worthington. On June 29, J 868, St. Peter's Day, the church being free from debt, the bishop of the Diocese consecrated the building to its sacred purpose. On March 29, 1869, Easter Monday, the Rev. W. W. Walsh resigned the rectorship of the parish after a faithful service of over four years. The Rev. G. W. Knapp became rector on July 18, 1869, remaining until December 5, 1872. During his term of service the small pipe organ still in use was placed in the church. The " Prince " melodeon that it replaced was purchased at this time, and is still owned by Joseph H. Willis, junior warden of the church. The Rev. G. H. Patterson, Rev. James Van Voast and Rev. W. Van Gantzhorne, all of De Veaux, served the parish until June 12, 1873, when the Rev. Walter North, deacon, of De Veaux, was assigned to that duty by the bishop. He became rector and remained until May 15, 1875. During his adminis- tration a drain was laid, a new furnace put in and altar cloths presented. A month from his resignation, the Rev. Gabriel A. Mueller, deacon, of De Veaux, became minister-in-charge, remaining till January, 1877. For three months the church was again dependent for services upon the clergy from De Veaux, Rev. Messrs. Long, of Rochester, and Moore of Middleport. Tn April the Rev. F. W. Raikes, of Honeoye Falls, became rector, resigning July 26, 1880. He was succeeded by Rev. James Stoddard, who remained about two years. The Rev. Sidney Wilbur then became rector for about three years. His successor in 1886 was Rev. H. S. Huntington, who resigned in June, 1892, after six years of hard and faithful duty. The church was then closed for six months to undergo much needed repairs. A bequest of $2,000 having been left to the church by the late Mrs. Eliza Griffin, it was deemed best to use this fund toward the erection of a guild house. The building was finished and opened in 1892, and proves to be most useful in carrying on the work of the church. In 1886 Mrs. Griffin built the tower, and gave the bell as a memorial to her sister, Mrs. Lucia Roebling. Mrs. Griffin also placed the fence around the church property and gave the communion service, besides being a generous supporter of all the interests of the parish. Mention also must be made of two other devoted workers and generous 155 givers, Mrs. Marietta Wallace and Mrs. Priscilla Buttery, " whose works do follow them." The beautiful alms basin now in use was given as a memorial of their parents by the daughters of Mrs. Buttery, The illumjnated texts in the chancel were given by Mrs. H. E. Wood- ford, as a memorial to their father, Mr. Hoffman. The oak chair in the chancel was presented at Easter, 1895, by the King's Daughters. The past year a beautiful rectory has been built next the church on land purchased by means of a legacy of $500, left by the late Thomas Vedder. The parish has a most efficient Woman's Guild, a branch of the Woman's Auxiliary, a branch of the King's Daughters, a Society of Willing Workers, composed of little girls, a Junior Auxiliary, and a Chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. The church membership now numbers 1 19. The Sunday school numbers about 150. The present rector. Rev. James Roy, LL. D., entered upon his duties on February i, 1893. Trinity Church, Middleport, N. Y. — The services of the Episcopal church were first introduced into the village of Middleport in 1864 by Rev. W. A. Watson, D.D., and Rev. J. Abercrombie, D.D., both of Lockport, and the Rev. R. D. Stearns of Medina, N. Y., who officiated alternately on Sunday evenings during summer and autumn of that year. Some of the leading citizens became interested, and the services of the Rev. G. W. Southwell, the then rector of Christ church, Albion, were engaged by Messrs. A. S. De Lano, and W. M. Cornes. Rev. Mr. Southwell began permanent work January i, 1865. Atthattime there were but two communicants in the village, Mrs. W. H. Cornes and Mrs. George Sage. The first baptism was that of Mrs. A. S. De Lano De- cember 4, 1864, by Rev. J. Abercrombie. The first confirmation was held by the Rt. Rev. A. C. Coxe, D.D., LL.D., the newly consecrated bishop-coadjutor of this Diocese, January 20, 1865, when Mrs. A. S. De Lano, Mrs. E. B. De Lano, and Mrs. C. B. Lane were confirmed. Thirteen more persons were confirmed during the year. In January, 1866, there were eighteen communicants. August I, 1866, the parish was organized under the name of "Trin- ity Church," when A. S. De Lano and C. R. Blakslee were elected 156 wardens, and James Lobbett, J. Cornes, A. F. Pierce, J. Biddick, H. Pierce, W. S. Fenn, E H. Woodworth, and E. B. De Lano were elected vestrymen. For four years the services had been held in the Presby- tetian house of worship, but in the year 1868 they decided to re estab- lish their services and retain the use of their church exclusively to themselves. The last service was held there December 27, 1868. The members under the able leadership of the Rev. G. W. Southwell im- mediately began planning to procure a building oi their own. Plans were procured from H. Dudley, of New York, and on May 31, 1869, the corner stone was laid by Bishop Coxe. The lot was the gift of Mrs. A. S. De Lano, wife of the senior warden The church was completed in 1873 at a cost of $9,600, built of brick with stone trimming,s, gothic in architecture, with a seating capacity of 250. November 18, 1866, the Rev. Mr. Southwell held a service in the afternoon at Hartland Corners in the Methodist church, and December 23, 1866, at Johnson's Creek, in the Baptist house of worship. This was the beginning of a mission station at that place. A hall was pro- cured in a brick building owned by Gordon Rowe, and services held for the first time in the afternoon of January 27, 1867. The first baptisms were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Denel, October 13, 1867. Bishop Coxe held the first confirmation April 14, 1868. In 1869 the work seemed en- couraging, and a parish was organized June 16, by the name of St. James's church, Hartland, with C. F. Paul and Alfred Denel, wardens, and George Crouse, Jesse Gladding, E. O. Seaman, and W, C. Butter- field as vestrymen. In June, 1870, an effort was made to buy a lot and build a church, but money not coming to hand, the plan was abandoned. Many of the families moved away, and in the winter of 1870, Rev. Mr. Southwell, because of ill health, was unable to continue services. In 1873 Mr. Southwell resigned the rectorship of Trinity church, Middleport. The Rev. J. H. Dennis succeeded him, when occasional services were renewed at Hartland Corners. Rev. Mr. Dennis resigned in September, 1874. The Rev. A. Wood became rector February, 1875, remaining two years. Rev. Mr. Southwell again assumed the rectorship in 1877, in connection with his work at Christ church, Lock- port, and by him occasional services were held at Hartland. April i, 1 88 1, Mr. Southwell resigned the rectorship, and in the same year Mr. 157 F. E. Easterbiooks was appointed lay- reader for the parish, March 4, 1882. Mr. Easterbrooks was ordained deacon in the parish church, and on April 25, 1882, St. Mark's Day, the church was consecrated by Bishop Coxe. Rev. Mr. Easterbrooks resigned June 16, 1883. He was succeeded by the Rev. Nobel Pahner. January 14, 1884, a terrible calimity befell the parish in the destruc- tion of the church by fire There was but a small insurance on the building and its contents, but the small yet devoted band of church- people, nothing daunted, went immediately to work, and raised funds for a new building, which was erected and formally opened by Bishop Coxe, November 14, 1884, The Rev. Nobel Palmer resigned the rec- torship June I, 1888. March 30, 1889, the Rev, G. W. S. Ayres occu- pied the rectorship and began his duties the first Sunday in May, Dur- ing his rectorship services were renewed at Hartland Corners, T. W. Atwood serving as lay reader. For a (ew years this mission again flourished, in 1892 numbering twenty -five communicants. Rev Mr. Ayres resigned the parish October 20, 1893, from which date there ex- isted a vacancy till July i, 1894, when the Rev. H. S. Gatley occupied the rectorship. During this time Mr. W. Sterritt, senior warden, as lay- reader, conducted the morning service each Sunday, and in the after- noon at Hartland. In 1896 the parish was in excellent condition, having a communicant list of seventy-two and forty-five families. A vested choir of fifteen young girls, under the leadership of Dr. H. A. Wilmot and wife, has added greatly to the services. The parish has a good theological library, presented by the founder of the parish, the Rev. G. W. South- well. The foundations which Mr. Southwell laid in the early days of the parish are now bearing fruit. The parish is on a sound financial basis. It has a flourishing Sunday school of sixty children. The present rector is the Rev. H. S. Gatley, A. M. The wardens are Messrs. W. J. Sterritt, and G. W. Eddy ; the vestrymen : Messrs. Robert Pearce, T. VV. Jackson, H. A. Wilmot, M D., Samuel Blaxall, F. A. Coon. No mention is made in this account of the Episcopal church in Niagara county of occasional services held at odd times in some of the smaller settlements of this county, nor of those maintained at De Veaux 158 College, from its foundation to the present time, inasmuch, as such ac- count will more properly appear in connection with the history of that institution. LocKPORT Home for the Friendless. — In September, 1865, the Lockport Ladies' Relief Society and Home for the Friendless was or- ganized, and during the succeeding six years dispensed relief in food and household articles to needy families. In 1871 the necessity was apparent for a permanent home for friendless and destitute children, where they could receive proper care. After considerable discussion a meeting was held, which resulted in the procurement of a charter dated February 8, 1871, under which the following nine trustees were named : Hiram Gardner, John Hodge, J. L. Breyfogle, Horatio Kilborne, Gus- tavus P. Hosmer, D. F. Bishop, Thomas Hall, M. W. Eavns, J. W. Helmer. This board of trustees appointed a board of twenty-four ladies, who qualified and elected the following officers : President, Mrs. J. T. Bellah; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Calvin Haines; treasurer, Mrs A. J. Mansfield ; recording secretary, Anna S. Gardner. After ener- getic work the sum of $3,000 was raised by subscription and yearly membership dues, which was increased by nearly $3,500 from the Board of Supervisors, on condition that it should be used for the purchase of a Home. On December, 1871, the residence of F. N. Nelson, on High street, was secured at a cost of $5,000. This served its purpose until August, 1892, when Wyndham Lawn, the old home of Governor Hunt, was purchased for $30,000. This institution has accomplished a vast amount of good, and during its existence has sheltered nearly 1,000 children. Its twenty- fifth anniversary was appropriately celebrated February 1 1, 1896. SCHOOLS.-^The first school taught in Lockport, or within the limits of what is now the city, was in 1821, the Friends' meeting house being used for the purpose. The first teacher was Miss Pamelia Aldrich. A village district was soon afterward set off, and in 1822 R. L. Wilson erected at his own expense a log school building. The trustees made him a proposition to open a school on subscription, which he did, and the school sufficed for the existing needs. In 1823 David Nye erected a school building for a private school, which he taught for a time and then sold it to Charles Hammond, who continued the school. The 159 first meeting of the school commissioners, after the erection of the town, was held on the 17th of April, 1824. School district No. i was formed, embracing a large territory on the west side of the canal, and on the 19th of August following, district No. 2 was set ofif on the east side of the canal. The town profited by the public school money in 1825 for the first time as a town, at which time the total number of scholars in the village was 542. The two original districts were divided at various times until they numbered seven in 1848, and the Union school system was adopted for the village. Meanwhile schools were opened, some of them many years earlier, at various points throughout the town. The first of these was situated at Warren's Corners, and stood on ground donated by Ezra Warren. It was a frame structure and was built by subscription in 18 14. In the following summer Amanda Rice taught the first school. That building was used until 1836 when it was super- seded by a stone structure. In 18 18 a log school house was built in district No. 5, where Lyman Lyscomb was the first teacher. It stood just on or over the Cambria line, and was abandoned after two years and a new building erected on the Lockport side. The first school house erected in district No. 11 was of log and built in 1822. District No. 16 was formed in 1830 and a school house built the same year. The first school house at Wright's Corners was not built until 1837. ^^ i860 the number of districts in the town was eighteen, and at the pres- ent time it is seventeen. Lockport boasts of the first union school in this county and is the home of the birth of the s}-stem. Until 1848 the village contained no academy, seminary, or other educational institutions, except seven common schools in as many districts, some of which were hardly worth the name of school houses. In 1846 Sullivan Caverno, of Lockport, originated the Union school plan, and after submitting it to several educators in other localities, framed an act which passed the Legisla- ture in 1847, establishing the system in Lockport. The act provided that Sullivan Caverno, trustee of district No. i, William G. McMaster, No. 2, Joseph T. Bellah, No. 3, Silas H. Marks, No. 4, Isaac Colton, No 5, John S. Wolcott, No. 6, Edward L. Boardman, No. 7, with Nathan Dayton, Samuel Works, Jonathan S. Woods, Lyman A. Spald- ing, and Hiram Gardner, should constitute a corporation with the title, i6o The Board of Education of the Village of Lockport. Other provisions of the act need not be followed here. The Union School thus established was divided into junior and senior departments, and provision was made for a normal department. Cour- ses of study were laid out for the different grades substantially upon the lines that have been followed since in schools of this character, and from the very first the great superiority of the system over the old one was apparent. Mr. Caverno was chosen president of the Board of Education, and for five years labored indefatigably for tlie advancement of the cause of education. Soon after its organization the board took steps for the erection of a Union school building. A site was pur- chased on which the structure was erected and properly furnished, the city meeting a tax levy of $13,000 to pay the expense. During the suc- ceeding years new school buildings were added at a cost of more than $100,000, most of which were modern in style and convenience. By a law of 1866 the boundaries of the Union school district were con- formed to the city boundaries, and the power to raise money for the schools was transferred to the council. In 1866 tuition rates in these schools were abolished. Chapter 15 of the laws of 1890 authorized the building of a new Union School house and the issue of bonds for the purpose, by the city, not to exceed $125,000. About $100,000 was expended in the construction of the new Union School building, a structure of a plain but substantial character, while its interior arrangement includes all the appurtenances and conveniences required by modern educational methods. There are assembly rooms for each department with adequate recitation rooms, a fully equipped laboratory, commercial department, Board of Education rooms, super- intendent's office, and an ample library room. The corner stone was laid with impressive ceremonies by the Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of the State on July 10, 1890. The structure was completed and dedicated August 30, 1 891. Since the Union School building was occupied the school has largely increased its enrollment, attendance and graduating classes. Classes are graduated yearly from the senior department and also from the commercial department. Prof Edward Hayward, Ph. D., succeeded Prof Asher B. Evans as principal of the senior department in 1892. i6i Under provisions of law a Normal or Teachers' Training Department is also conducted, the graduates of which are well prepared for service as teachers in grade schools. The school system of the city comprises the Union School, with the departments above mentioned, an Intermediate or Lower Grammar School, and Primary Schools situated on and named for the following streets: High Street, Hawley Street, Washburn Street, Walnut Street, Clinton Street, West Avenue, and Vine Street. The annual enroll- ment of pupils in all of the schools is a little more than three thousand, and about seventy five teachers are employed. A most commendable feature of the school management in the city is its entire independence of the municipal control, as it is wholly under the control of a Board of Education whose members are chosen at a special election, and in whose selection thus far political considerations have had no perceptible influence. All teachers and other school ofifi- cials, including superintendents, are appointed by the board. Best superintendents from any section of the country are to be obtained for the salary that the board may feel warranted in paying. The present superintendent is Emmet Belknap, A. M., who has held the position since 1889. For a number of years prior to 1892 the city had an imperfect and unsatisfactory street car system. To remedy this the Lock City Elec- tric Railroad Company was organized and on December 12, 1892, the city granted the company a charter to operate a road by the trolley system through Main street. East avenue. Market street, Mill street, Clinton street, Olcolt street, West Main street. New Main street, Haw- ley street, Locust street. Willow street and Lincoln avenue. The com- pany accepted the conditions of the charter and went vigorously at work to give the city a first-class railroad system. Charles Johnson is president of the company; William Spalding, vice-president; Raymond C. Johnson, secretary. Gas lighting was introduced in Lockport as early as 185 1, chiefly through the efforts of James G. Porter, and a company was organized February i of the year named, with a paid up capital of $15,000. The first officers were James G. Porter, president ; George Reynale, treas- 21 l62 urer ; Joseph T. Bellah, secretary. The first Board of Trustees were James G. Porter, William Keep, George Reynale, R. S. Wilkinson, T. T. Flagler, Benjamin Draper, Silas H. Marks, Joseph T. Bellah, and Stephen Meredith. The site which has since been used for the works, corner of Transit and Lagrange streets, was purchased and the required plant established. The main streets of the village were first illuminated with gaslight on the night of the 30th of December, 185 i. About five years later the capital of the company was increased and the works en- larged for making coal gas ; previous to that time the product was made from resin. In August, 1894, the Lockport Gas and Electric Light Company was organized and incorporated with a capital of $150,- 000. This company is composed chiefly of New York men. The city was first wired for the use of incandescent I'ghts in 1884-85 by the Gas Company. At about the same time another company was formed for lighting the streets by arc lamps, and the two subsequently con- solidated. The present company supplies 209 street lamps. Enough has already been written to convince the reader that, with its immense water power, if for no other reason, Lockport would early become a large manufacturing center. Some of the early industrial establishments have already been mentioned. With a large wheat- growing district at its doors, and with the shipping facilities supplied by the canal and the later railroad, it is not difhcult to understand why a great flouring industry sprang into existence in the village. For many years it was the principal industry and its products were favor- ably known over a wide stretch of territory. A mill was put in opera- tion about 1824, by Otis Hathaway, on a branch of Eighteen mile Creek where it passes under the Erie Canal. So welcome was this mill to the people at that time that on the day when it was first started, a large number gathered and expressed their gratitude to the builder, and in the evening the event was duly celebrated. This mill was followed a few years later by the large mill of Lyman A. Spalding, which has been described. It was begun in the spring of 1826, and was erected seven stories in height. Flour was first shipped from this mill in May, 1827, on the canal boat Chief Engineer; the freight charge to Albany was a dollar a barrel, while the best wheat sold at fifty cents a bushel. This i63 mill was purchased by the before mentioned Albany Company in 1832, but Mr. Spalding continued to operate it under lease. It was burned in 1840, and in the following year Mr. Spalding purchased the site and built another mill larger than the first, with a capacity of 400 barrels of flour daily. It was purchased in 1857 by N. H. Wolf and was burned in the following )/ear. What became known as the later Spalding mill was erected on the site in 1858. After passing through various hands it was sold to Thornton & Chester, who operated it with success many years and were succeeded by George T. Chester. This mill also was subsequently burned. Edward Bissell built a mill on the site of the one that was afterwards operated by Douglass & Jackson, Saxton & Thomson, and others. It was burned, rebuilt, and again destroyed by fire. S. Burt Saxton re- built the mill in 1884, giving it a capacity of 1,000 barrels a day. It was burned December 8, 1889, and was rebuilt in 1890 by the Thomson Milling Company, the present proprietors. Saxton & Thomson were succeeded by the Thomson Milling Company, of which George B. Thomson is president; A. L. Draper, vice-president; H. M. Whitbeck, secretary and treasurer. This is now the largest flouring mill in Lock- port and has a capacity of 500 barrels a day. The Niagara mill was built about 1832 by Henry Walbridge on the north bank of the canal. It was operated about fifty years by various persons and firms, but finally closed up. What has been known as the Lockport City mill was built in 1863 by David Cope, near the site of the Spalding mill. Mr. Cope enlarged it in 1866, and after his death it was sold to N. H. Wolf. In 1870 it was sold to Gibson, Arnold & Little. It is now operated by Grigg Brothers & Ellis. The Franklin mill building was erected in 1833 by the Lockport Manufacturing Company (capitalized at $1,000,000) for a cotton fac- tory and was used as such until 1841, at which time Washington Hunt became the sole owner. In the following year he conveyed it to the Niagara Manufacturing Company, who operated it as a cotton factory until 1854. This industry was rendered unprofitable chiefly because of the State withholding water necessary for power. The machinery was consequently removed and the premises purchased by B, C. Moore, 164 Washington Hunt and Henry Walbridge, who converted it into a flour- ing mill. In 1864 Hiram Finch became owner of a large interest in the mill and in 1867 its sole owner, operating it until 1872, and increasing the capacity to 500 barrels daily. In 1872 the property passed to Mary H Hunt, who conveyed it to Ambrose S. Beverly, Nathan P. Currier, J. Carl Jackson, and William S. Camp. The mill is now operated by the Franklin Milling Company (incorporated in 1894), chiefly in the manufacture of entire wheat flour, which is largely used. What is known as the Farmers' mill, now operated as an iron works by Westerman & Co., with C. G. Sutlifife, manager, was built in 1833 and has passed through the hands of numerous owners. The original structure was burned and the stone part was built by Elliott & Robin- son. What was called the Pine Street mill was operated in the build- ing that became the city Water Works building and is now the City building. It was erected in 1864 by W. K. Moore. The Model mill, on East Market street, was originally a plaster mill, and was converted into a flouring mill in 1865 by B. & N, E. Moore. It was later enlarged by Moore & Willey and was finally closed up. Other minor flouring mills were those operated by John Stahl, which burned, and another by Henry Thornton called Rock mill. It will be seen by the foregoing paragraphs that the flouring industry has largely declined in recent years. There are good reasons for this which need not be explained here ; but while this is true of that one industry, there is at the present time a far larger gross manufacturing interest in Lockport than ever before, as will presently appear. Zeno Comstock built the first saw mill in Lockport in 18 19, on the branch of Eighteen-mile Creek. It was in this mill that the first ma- chinery of any kind was operated in the place. In the early years, be- fore the timber lands were cleared, saw mills were numerous. Among others who had early mills in Lockport v/as David Frink, which later passed through various hands, and had a sash and door mill added to it. It stood on the site of the Lockport Paper Company's plant and was finally demolished. After the canal water power became available, Lyman A. Spalding erected a saw mill (1825-6) ; this was taken down in 1836 and superseded by one of greater capacity, containing two gangs of twelve saws each. Edward Bissell built a mill in 1828 on the i65 site of the Trevor Manufacturing Company's works. In 1836 there were eight saw mills in operation within the Hmits of the present city. In 1848 Stevens, Doty & Pease built a mill where the Traders' Paper Company is located ; this mill also had several different owners. Near the site of the pulp mill H. F. Cady built a saw mill in 1855. In 1835 Lyman A. Spalding began making agricultural implements, and some years later added steam engines. In 1869 the Pound Manu- facturing Company was formed, with L Austin Spalding, president; Al- exander Pond, superintendent. The company did a large business many years and finally closed up ; the premises are now in use by Nor- man & Evans for the manufacture of merry-go roimds and similar articles. Mr. Charles T. Raymond, of Lockport, has furnished the editor with the following list of industries running by water power in the city, the value of their property, hands employed, value of product, etc.: Name of Firm. Value of Property. Hands Employed. Grigg Bros. & Ellis $ 40,000 10 Ward&Cobb - 9,000 34 Norman & Evans 45,000 35 Eleven factories and firms securing power from Norman & Evans's water wheels 300,000 275 Niagara Cotton Batting Co 5,000 12 Thompson Milling Company 100,000 28 Trevor Manufacturing Co 42,000 41 Boston & Lockport Block Co 40.000 33 Western Block Co 18,000 38 Miller & Rogers 7,000 15 Franklin Milling Co 30,000 25 Empire Manufacturing Co 30,000 33 Holly Manufacturing Co 500,000 470 Richmond }ilanufacturing Co 115,000 60 Lockport Pulp Co 65,000 43 Traders' Paper Co 130,000 75 Lockport Paper Co 250,000 100 Niagara Paper Mills. 105,000 47 Westerman&Co 100,000 110 Cascade Wood Pulp Co 40,000 16 United Indurated Fibre Co 300,000 300 Cowles Electric Smelting & A. Co 150,000 50 Lockport Felt Co 30,000 16 Totals $2,531,000 1,881 1 66 OUTPUT. Traders' Paper Co $ 400,000 Lockport PaperCo 300,000 Niagara Paper Mills 190,000 Westerman & Co 157, 500 United Indurated Fibre Co 700,000 Cascade Wood Pulp Co 60,000 Cowles Electric Smelting and Aluminum Co 190,000 Lockport Felt Co 30,000 Total $2,127,500 The Lockport Manufacturers' Association, organized about i888 by Charles T. Raymond, is composed of manufacturers using water power on tlie race and creek, and was formed for their mutual benefit. Au- gustus H. Ivins is president; John A. Merritt, treasurer; and Mr, Ray- mond, secretary. One of the most important industries in Lockport is that of the Holly Manufacturing Company, which was organized May 2, 1859, with $20,- 000 capital. The original stockholders were Thomas T. Flagler, Charles Keep, Silas H. Marks, L F. Bowen, Washington Hunt, G. W. Bowen, _and Birdsall Holly. ^The company began the manufacture of pumps and hydraulic machinery, and in later years constructed water works for cities and villages after the plans and inventions of Mr. Holly;, referred to on an earlier page. They constructed the Lockport Water Works in 1864 and three years later supplied Auburn with a system. Since that time the company has installed their system in hundreds of cities and villages. The massive stone buildings used by the company were completed in 1866. Birdsall Holly is deceased, leaving several sons, only one of whom, Frank W., is resident in Lockport. What was known as the Holly Steam Combination Company was or- ganized in 1877, for supplying steam heat to cities through street mains upon plans devised by Mr. Holly. The business has been successful. The present title of the company is the American District Steam Com- pany, which was organized in January, 1881. The manufacture of cotton battin , was begun in Lockport in 1870 by George W. Hamlin, who was succeeded by Levan & Gritman, under the name of the Lockport Cotton Batting Company. E. W. Rogers & Son are the present proprietors. The Lockport Glass Works were first 1 67 established in a small way in 1840 by Hildieth, Marks, Keep & Hitchins. They came into possession of Alonzo J. Mansfield in 1872 and are now operated by A. J. Mansfield & Co. What was formerly the Richmond Mill Furnishing Works are now operated by the Richmond Manufac- turing Company, with William Richmond at its head. The business was started in 1869 by James Richmond. Tlie principal product is grist mill machinery. The Penfield Block Works, established in 1864 by Charles R. Penfield, for the extensive manufacture of tackle blocks and sheaves, passed through other hands and are now operated by the Boston and Lockport Block Company. In 1858 Joseph and J. B, Trevor built a large structure for the manufacture of shingle, stave and heading machinery. The business passed in 1864 to W. W. & F. N. Trevor, who were succeeded by the Trevor Manufacturing Company, incorporated in 1890, with W^ W. Trevor, president; F. N, Trevor, secretary and treasurer. Pulp machinery is now manufactured by the company. The Lockport Saw Works were established in 1869 t>y William Cocker and W. W. & F. N. Trevor, under the style of Cocker & Trevor. The business is now carried on by William Cocker. The Field Force Pump Company was organized by Jason Collier and Will- iam P. Field, both of whom are deceased, with Harrison S. Chapman, about 1880. The present proprietors of the business are Mr. Chap- man and Charles A. Barnes. The large product comprises pumps of various kinds and steam fittings. The United Indurated Fibre Com- pany was originally started in 1886 by Jesse Peterson, Henry G. Cord- ley, and Charles E. Folger. In 1893 the present company was incor- porated under New Jersey laws, wi{h the factory and general oflfice in Lockport. The capital is $757,000 Jesse Peterson is president; Henry G. Cordley, secretary; James E. Hayes, treasurer; Charles E. Folger, assistant treasurer. About 300 hands are employed in the manufacture of household articles from the indurated fibre, the basis of which is wood pulp. The P2mpire Manufacturing Company originated with Edwin W. Carey in 1883. In the next year Tiras A. Hall became a partner in the manufacture of cotton hose, belting and elastic surgical goods and the business continues under the above title ; it is a very successful en- terprise. The Merritt Machinery Company was organized in 1882 by 1 68 I E. Merritt, who is now president of the company ; the capital is $16,000. The product of the works is wood-working machinery. This company succeeded T. R. Bailey and Vail in the same business. The Lockport Pulp Company was organized in 1889 by James Jackson, jr., A. S. Beverly, W. S. Camp and Augustus H. Ivins ; the capacity of the establishment is thirty tons a day. A. H. Ivins is president of the company and Charles T. Raymond, secretary. The Lockport Felt Company, organized in 1891, has its office in Lockport and its fac- tory in what was once the Van Horn woolen mill in the town of Newfane. About twenty hands are employed in the manufacture of paper maker's felts. The company was organized by A. S. Beverly and James Jackson, jr., both of whom are deceased, and Charles T. Raymond, who has since been secretary and since June, 1896, treasurer. In 1893 John, William, Thomas and George Oliver, of whom William and Thomas are residents in Lockport, formed the firm of Oliver Brothers for the manufacture of brass and iron bedsteads. From 150 to 300 hands are employed ; this is one of the largest establishments in the country that makes brass and iron bedsteads. The Niagara Cotton Batting Company was organized in April, 1894, and incorporated by James Cochran, president, and E. H. Baker, secretary and treasurer ; both still hold these positions ; the capital is $7,000. The Traders' Paper Company was incorporated April i, 1895, with a capital of $300,000. James A. Roberts is president, and T. E. Ellsworth, secre- tary and treasurer. A large modern paper mill is operated with suc- cess. The Lockport Paper Company was incorporated in 1884 with Charles Keek, president; W, H. Howes, secretary, and Wallace I. Keep, treasurer. The capital has remained $50,000 from the first. The company built its own plant, which was enlarged in 1893; the present capacity is twenty- five tons of building paper daily; the present officers are George G. Moss, president; Wallace I. Keep, secretary and treasurer, and John Jack, superintendent. Other manufactures of the city of considerable importance are the the Cowles Electric Smelting and xA.luminum Company, the name of which indicates its business; A. J. Mansfield & Co., glass manufac- turers; Bramley Brothers, iron founders and machinists; Evans & Liddle, brooms ; Morgan Brothers, boat builders ; Norman & Evans, derricks, 169 dredges, etc. ; Ira Bronson & Son, carriages ; the Western Block Com pany, organized 1 888, E, J. McGrath, treasurer and manager; G. W. Hildreth & Co., the Garden Foundry Company, the Hall Iron Works, and Westerman & Co. For several years an extensive fruit and cold storage business has been successfully carried on in Lockport. Among the leading firms in this line are the Niagara County Fruit Company (Charles W. Hatch, manager) ; H. C. Hoag & Son, B. J. Furgason, Ferrin Brothers Com- pany. Large storage warehouses have been built and immense quan- tities of fruit stored, much of it coming in from Western States. The celebrated Gargling Oil, a remedy with a reputation extending throughout the country, has always been manufactured in Lockport. The business was founded in 1833 by George W. Merchant, a reputable druggist in the village, who made the remedy and submitted it partic- ularly to owners of horses. For certain diseases of this animal it soon acquired a wide celebrity as a sure cure. As the demand for the oil increased Mr. Merchant established an extensive m.anufactory in con- nection with his drug store, and in course of time accumulated a com- petenc}', and in 1853 retired. He disposed of his business to M. H. Tucker, Dr. B. L. Delano, and H. Walbridge. Under the immediate management of Mr, Tucker, the business was greatly increased and the extensive use of the remedy for human ailments inaugurated. In 1858 a stock company was organized, of which Mr. Tucker was chosen sec- retary. He died in i860 and was succeeded by John Hodge. This energetic business man made the oil known almost throughout the globe and greatly increased its sale. Tiie business was under his immediate management until his death. Lockport has had a Protective Merchants' Association, an Improve- ment Association, and a Manufacturers' Association ever since it has been a city, but was without a regular Board of Trade until 1891. That year a weekh- illustrated paper called Niagara Spray was started there, and it earnestly advocated the organization of an association of the business men of the city, which would perform the general functions of a board of trade and exert itself specificall}' for the consummation of the long talked of hyclraulic canal from the Niagara River to Lockport. The idea met with heart)' endorsement on the j^art of the citizens, and 22 170 in a short time J. Charles Ferrin, Chauncey E. Dunkleberger, M. H. Hoover, and others secured 225 members. The formal organization occurred in March, 1891, with Hon. John E. Pound as president. Un- der his able management many things for the material advancement of Lockport were accomplished. A survey of the canal route was made, and the association now owns a map of the same costing $1,200. Hon. William Richmond succeeded Mr. Pound as president, and he now holds that office. The other officers of the Business Men's Association are Dr. M. S. Kittinger, vice-president ; M. H. Hoover, secretary ; and Joseph A. Ward, treasurer. In 1895 the Business Men's Association, after a deal of hard work, succeeded in securing a charter from the State for the hydraulic canal. The association further spent several thousands of dollars in securing options on land which it is proposed to turn over to any responsible party or parties who undertake the canal's construction. In order to obtain the charter the association, which was unincorporated, became incorporated as the Niagara, 1 ockport and Ontario Power Company, ten members of the association being directors, and William Richmond, president. The act creating the town of Lockport was passed February 2, 1824, long after settlement had begun. The first town meeting was held at the house of Michael D. Mann on the first Tuesday of April, 1824, present, James F. Mason, Hiram Gardner, and Joel M. Parks, justices of the peace. The following officers were then elected : Daniel Washburn, supervisor; Morris H. Tucker, town clerk; Eli Bruce, collector; David Pomroy, Henrj' Norton and John Gooding, assessors ; Henry W. Campbell and Nathan Comstock, overseers of the poor; Eli Bruce, William A. Judd, Joel Herrington and Levi B. Pratt, constables; Jonathan Willett, Henry Gregory and John Williams, commissioners of highways; Jonathan Willett, Joel M. Parks and Oliver L. Willard, commissioners of common schools ; William Van Duzer, George H. Boughton and Orsamus Turner, inspectors of common schools. An overseer of highways was chosen for each of the twenty- five road districts in the town, and each of them was constituted also a fence- viewer. The sum of $50 was voted for building a pound, and $100 for the support of the poor. Ezekiel Fulsom was appointed poundmaster. In that year thirteen entire and fractional school districts were created. The usual regulations for town government were enacted. 171 Following is a list of supervisors of the town of Lockport from its or- ganization to the present, with the dates of their terms of service: Daniel Washburn, 1824, 1826; George H. Broughton, 1827, 1828; Morris H. Tucker, 1829; Henry Norton, 1880, 1832; Samuel Works, 1833, 1834; Asa W. Douglas, 1835, 1836; AlonzoT. Prentice, 1837; Jacob Gaunt, 1838, 1839; George W. Rayers, 1840; Timothy Backus, 1841; Robert H. Stevens, 1842; Timothy Backus, 1843; Benjamin Carpenter, 1844, 1845; Asa W. Douglas, 1846; Solomon Parmelee, 1847; Isaac C. Cotton, 1848; Abijah H. Moss, 1849; Rensselaer S. Wilkinson, 1850, 1851; Robert White, 1852; Alonzo T. Prentice, 1853; Charles Evans, 1854; Daniel Van Valken- burgh, 1855; John Jackson, 1856-1858; Benjamin Fletcher, 1859; Jacob Gaunt, 1860; Benjamin Fletcher, 1861; James Jackson, 1862; Richard B. Hoag, 1863-1865; Isaac H. Babcock, 1866, 1867; John W. Alberty, 1868, 1869; Ira Farnsworth, 1870; Luther Forsyth, 1871-1873; S. Clark Lewis, 1874, 1875; Seneca B. Frost, 1876; Nathan S. Gilbert, 1877, 1878, 1879; Reuben M. Randolph, 1880, 1881; Nelson B. Stevens, 1882, 1883; Samuel A. Disinger, 1884, 1885; Leverett A. Campbell, 1886; Aimer W. Mitchell, 1887, 1888; John G. Freeman, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892; William F. Clark, 1893-1894; Charles A. Warren, 1895-1896; Jacob Shimer, 1897-1898. Harvey M. Dysinger has served as town clerk since 1886. Supe7'visors of the City of Lockport. — First ward, Henry F. Cady, 1865-66; John W. Steele, 1867-68; James O. King, 1869-71; Charles Whitmore, 1872; James O. King, 1873; John T. Joyce, 1874; John R. Edwards, 1875; W. Wallace Steele, 1876; Hiram H. Wicker, 1877-78; Edwin Le Van, 1879; Ira T. Hoag, 1880-81; David R. Bruce, 1882-83; C. E. Jayne, 1884-85; George L. Smith, 1886; Thomas M. McGrath, 1887; C. W. Hatch, 1888; P. H. Tuohey, 1889; Eugene Kearns, 1890-92; Joseph W. Turner, jr., 1893-94; Eugene Kearns, 1895-96; Frank Maroney, 1897. Second ward, Horatio Kilborne, 1865-69 ; William R. Ford, 1870-71 ; Hiram Mc- Collum, 1872-75; Joseph W. Little, 1876; Hiram McCollum, 1877; John Hawkes, 1878; Patrick Sharkey, 1879-80; John Lardner, 1881-82; C. A. Olmsted, 1883; Alfred Morgan, 1884; J. G. Norman, 1885; Thomas Laydin, 1886; M. C. Conlm, 1888-89; John Hawkes, 1890-91; Thomas R. Large, 1892-94; T. F. Moran, 1895-96; H. F. Redigan, 1897. Third ward, Thomas T. Flagler, 1865-66; S. Rollin Daniels, 1867; N. E. Moore, 1868; William E. Jenney, 1869; John E. Pound, 1870; F. P. Weaver. 1871; James Atwater, 1882-74; Austin Dunton. 1875; Origen Storrs, 1876; E. A. Holt, 1877-80; Jacob A. Driess, 1881; James Atwater, 1882-94; John F. Little, 1895-97. Fourth ward, William Weld, 1866; John T. Murray, 1867; W. H. Ransom, 1868- 69; F. E. Rogers, 1870; Austin Dunton, 1871; Perry G. Wadhams, 1872-73; John T. Murray, 1874-75; William Lambert, 1876; W. T. Ransom, 1877; Perry G. Wadhams, 1878-79; Thomas Scovell. 1880-81; Oliver C. Gibson, 1882-83; Albert R. Furgason. 1884-85; Alexander W. Nelson, 1886; Blaise Miller, 1887-88; William H. Upson. 1889-91; William Lambert, 1892-94; L. J. Angevine, 1895-96; Norman O. Allen, 1897. Fifth ward, John B. Naismith, 1892 ; Edwin A. Doty, 1893-94 ; Joseph W. Little, 1895-97. Si.xth ward, John McCue, 1892; Rufus Gibbs, 1893-94; Francis B. White, 1895-97. 172 The little hamlet of Warren's Corners is situated on the Ridge road in the northwest part of the town, a portion of it lying in the edge of the town of Cambria. Ezra Warren was one of the more prominent of the early settlers here, coming in 18 13, and from him the place took its name. He opened a tavern and kept it many years and made it very popular. A store and several shops were early established here and previous to the war of 18 12 considerable business was transacted. A Methodist class was formed at Warren's Corners in 1825 by Rev. John Copeland, of which Ezra Warren, Isaac Warren, Josiah Warren, Edwin Warren, Thomas Carlton, German Bush, Jonathan Benson and Thomas Fowler were members ; they were all early settlers in that vicinity. A church edifice was erected in 1833 on land donated to the society. In 1858 the building was sold and removed and the pres- ent brick building erected on the site. Chestnut Ridge is the name applied to a closely settled farming dis- trict in the east part of the town. It has no business interests, but a Methodist church was organized there in January, 1834, with Sylvester Flagler, Theodore Stone, Titus Hall, Moses Rummery and Elijah Gibbs, trustees. Meetings were held for a time in the school house, district No. 3, but in 1835 a church edifice was built at a cost of $1,- 350; it was enlarged and improved in 1866. The pleasant village of Rapids is situated in the southeastern part of the town on Tonawanda Creek, and took its name from the fact that the current of the stream is more rapid there than at any other point ; a bridge was built across the creek here early in the century which was called the Rapids bridge. The first settlers here were Amos and S. B. Kinne, who purchased land from Joseph Ellicott's heirs in 1839 and laid out some village lots. Very little progress was made, however, until 1849, when Orange Mansfield built a saw mill near the creek to be operated by steam ; it stood about on the site of the later grist mill. G. H. Utley built and conducted a good hotel and Horace Cummings built a store, in which he sold groceries ; in 1853 he sold out to one Williams, who put in a general stock. William Heroy built the grist mill. Among the present or recent business interests of the place may be mentioned Joseph Edwards, grocer and postmaster ; Oliver J, Bruce, merchant; Peter Rossman, blacksmith, and Jacob Shinier, creamery. 173 The Rapids Free Church Association was formed in 1850 with A. J. Mansfield, Robert B. Kinne (who was an early settler), Mr. Williams, James Kinne and Sylvester Collins, trustees. The association embraced persons of any denomination. A Methodist class and a Wesleyan Methodist society were then in existence. The association promptly built a church, which stood several years before it was finished The building is now occupied by the United Brethren church, which was organized about i860, and absorbed most of the religious elements of that vicinity. There are several hamlets in the town of Lockport outside of the city, the first settlements at which have been mentioned. Wright's Corners is in the north part of the town. The first business to be estab- lished at that point after the war of 18 12 was a hotel which was kept by a man named Barber; after his death it was kept by his family until it was burned, about 1820. Two of Mr. Barber's daughters were burned to death in the building. Another hotel a little later was kept by Alva Buck ; it, however, stood just across the Newfane line. Solo- mon Wright settled there on the Ridge Road about 1822, and from him the corners took the name. He also opened a public house and kept it many years. The post office was opened thereabout 1826 and Mr. Wright was the first official in charge. His hotel was burned in 1861. David Maxwell, from New Jersey, settled at Johnson's Creek in 1819- besides conducting a farm of lOO acres he also kept a hotel. He was a surveyor and laid out the well-known Hess road. In 1824 he pur- chased a farm at Wright's Corners and settled there. He became a leading citizen, opened and conducted the first store at the Corners, which he kept until 1840. It was through his influence that a charter was obtained for the road known as the Long Causeway. A few shops and small business interests have since existed at this point. A Presby- terian church was organized here in 1872, as an offshoot from the societies of this denomination in Lockport. There is a post-office with the name of Raymond on what is known as Raymond Hill, in the southern part of the town. Solomon Dershaw is the local merchant there and postmaster. In February, 1858, the h'irst Evangelical Society of the Town of Lockport was incorporated, with Adam Roeder, John Dunkelberger and Adam Schreiber, trustees. 174 Services in this faith had been held in that vicinity for several years prior to that time. A frame church was erected in 1857. CHAPTER XII. TOWN OF NIAGARA, CITY OF NIAGARA FALLS, SUSPENSION BRIDGE. A large part of the very early history of the territory now embraced in the town of Niagara has been given in preceding chapters of this vol- ume. The town was erected from Cambria June i, 1812, with the name of Schlosser, which had previously been applied to the fort and land- ing above the falls. The name was changed on February 14, 18 16. The town originally contained the territory of what are now the towns of Pendleton, set off in 1827, and Wheatfield, set off in 1836. It now includes Goat Island and other small islands in Niagara River near the falls (which are in the State Reservation now) and is the southwestern corner town in the county. The surface is generally level and the soil mostly clayey in character. In past years the various grains were extensively cultivated and con- siderable wheat is still produced. In later years fruit growing has be- come the largest agricultural industry, apples being produed in immense quantities and sold in their natural state or evaporated for preservation, and made into cider and vinegar. Ca) uga Creek rises in Wheatfield and flows across the southeastern part of the town, emptying into the Niagara River opposite Cayuga Island. Gill Creek rises in Lewiston, flows southwardly across the central part of the town and empties into the river about two miles above the falls. This town must always re- main celebrated from the fact thas a part of the great cataract is near its limits. Sufficient has already been written in this work of the great natural wonder, and its beauty and grandeur has formed the theme of gifted pens from early years. It has been, and always will be, the Mecca of travelers from all parts of the world, and to its existence at this point is largely due the founding of the village and the later city bearing the name of the cataract itself. 175 The first permanent occupation of territory now embraced in this town by white men was made, doubtlesss, in 1759 or 1760, by John, Philip and William Stedman, who came and occupied a large house at the upper landing. Sir William Johnson states in his journal of 1761 that Sir Jeffrey Amherst had permitted a company of Indian traders to establish themselves at that landing, giving them exclusive privileges, and that a large house was in process of erection for their use. The Stedmans enlarged the clearing at the landing and also made an open- ing in the forest opposite Goat Island, ^ and a clearing of ten acres on the upper part of that island. Another of their improvements was the planting of about 150 apple trees west of the house, which constituted the first orchard in this region ; it was afterwards greatly enlarged and some of the old trees stood until recent years. John Stedman (the head of the family) remained here until 1795, when he left, turning his in- terests over to Jesse Ware, to act as his agent. He claimed all the al- leged rights of his principals, including ownership of the falls and 4,000 to 5,000 acres of lant! in the bend of the river. Up to this time the portage had furnished about all the business of the locality ; it was re- moved to the British side in 1795. The old French saw mill, built many years earlier and probably rebuilt by the English, at the head of the rapids, was used to some extent by the Stedmans or their agent up to 1797, and had supplied the little lumber used here at that time. The property became known as the Stedman farm, although it is quite well settled that Stedman never had any valid title to the land. John Sted- man's pretended acquisition of title from the Seneca Indians, even if it ever existed, could not stand. In 1801 Stedman applied to the Legis- lature to confirm his pretended Indian title to lands " bounded by Niagara river, Gill creek, and a line extending east from Devil's Hole to said creek." He claimed in his petition that at the council of 1764, when Sir William Johnson was present, the Indians conveyed the property to him, and that he left the deed with Sir William, by whom it was lost with other papers of his own. The Legislature refused to grant the claim and subsequently the property was sold to other persons. Sted- man's heirs sought to establish their claims to some of this propert}- as ' This island received its peculiar name from the incident of Stedman putting a number of goats upon it in the winter of 177!»->so, most of which froze to death before spring. 176 late as 1823, but failed. The insignificant improvements mentioned above were all that were made prior to 1805. In 1795 a man visited Niagara Falls who, with his family and de- scendants, was destined to exercise a powerful influence upon this local- ity. This man was Augustus Porter. He again visited the falls in 1796, while on his way with a company of surveyors and their assist- ants to explore and survey the Western Reserve. In relation to those early visits we quote from a pamphlet published in 1876 by Albert H. Porter, as follows : His first impression of the natural advantages of this locahty, were decided!}'- favorable. Taking into view its position, on what was then, and in all probability would ever be, the great thoroughfare from east to west, with the vast water power, that as settlement advanced, must become very valuable, he could not but reo-ard it as a point worthy of attention whenever the lands should be opened for sale and improvement. These views influenced him and his associates in the pur- chases made subsequently, with reference to immediate occupation and improve- ment. In connection with his first visit in 1795 he makes the following statement: That he with his friend Judah Colt, made the journey on horseback, to Chippewa, U. C, and there took passage on a boat for Presque Isle (now Erie), Pa. The Brit- ish still held possession of the military posts of Oswego, Niagara, Detroit, and Mack- inaw, and no American vessels had then been built on the lakes. Of Buffalo he .says, the only residents at that time were Johnson, a British Indian interpreter, whose house stood on the site of the present Mansion House ; Winne, an Indian trader, and two other families. A large part of the ground now occupied by the city was an unbroken wilderness. In the year 1805 the State first offered the lands along Niagara River for sale, and Augustus Porter, Peter B. Porter, Benjamin Barton and Joseph Annin, jointly, purchased largely at Lewiston, Niagara Falls, Block Rock and elsewhere along the river. In the year just named Augustus Porter built a saw mill and blacksmith shop at the falls, pre- paratory to making further improvements. In 1806 he removed his family from Canandaigua to the old Stedman house before described. In the same year the four men above named formed the Portage Com- pany, they having obtained from the State a long lease of the landing places at Lewiston and Schlosser. with the exclusive privilege of trans- porting property across the portage. These men took the firm name of Porter, Barton & Co., which for many years was known throughout the State in connection with commerce between the east and the west. The original portage lease was for ten years, but it was extended five 177 years, bringing it down to 1820. Among the lands purchased were lots I, 2, 3 and 4 of the Mile Reserve along the river, which lots in- clude the American fall and extended one and three-fourths miles southward. The vicinity was still and for some years later substantially a wilder- ness. There were a few dilapidated log cabins near by, and the crumb- ling remains of Fort Schlosser. A tangled forest grew along the river to the water's edge and on the site of the central part of the present city were numerous stately oaks of great size. Wild animals were nu- merous, especially wolves, and small game and ducks and geese were plentiful. In the rocks along the gorge rattlesnakes abounded. Augustus Porter was a native of Salisbury, Conn., where he was born in January, 1769. He was a practical surveyor, and after serving in that profession for a time on the Phelps and Gorham Purchase, he settled in Canandaigua in 1800, whence he moved to Niagara Falls, as before stated. His family then consisted of his wife and three sons, Albert H., Peter B , jr., and Augustus S. He is entitled to recognition as the most prominent of the pioneers of this immediate locality. His neighbors in the earliest years along the frontier were James Evring- ham, Jesse Ware, William Miller, William Howell, Stephen Hopkins, Philemon Baldwin, Joshua Fairbanks, Joseph Howell, Erastus Parks, Isaac Colt, James Murray, between the falls and Lewiston ; Isaac Swain lived on the Military road near its intersection with Gill Creek, where he settled in 1805. During 1807 Adoniram Evringham, a miller; John M. Stoughton, a cloth dresser; Joshua Fairbanks, who became the first tavern keeper; and Jacob Hovey, a carpenter, all settled at the falls, making the beginning of a little community. At Schlosser settled William Valentine and John Sims, boat builders, and on the Portage road Gad Pierce, farmer and inn keeper. In 1807 Porter, Barton & Co. built the first grist mill at the falls; it had two runs of stone. In 1808 Augustus Porter erected a commodious dwelling. Between that year and 18 12 considerable advancement was made, including the starting of a rope-walk, a carding mill, a small tannery, a tavern, and the building of perhaps a dozen small houses. The first school was opened in 1807. In 1809 Enos Broughton came and opened a tavern in the Stedman 23 178 house, from which Mr, Porter had removed to his new dwelling. Wil- liam Chapman and David Lindsay, rope makers ; James Armington, carpenter ; William Van Norman, blacksmith ; and Ebenezer Brundage, sawyer, settled at the falls and began each his respective occupation. In 1808 James Field settled in the town, renting a farm of Judge Por- ter, and a little later purchased land between Schlosser and Cayuga Creek and moved upon it in 1810. He kept a well known tavern until his death in 1823, which was afterwards conducted by his widow. In the early days Field's tavern was a favorite meeting place for the pioneers and several of the town meetings were held there. Mr. Field held several offices, was a respected citizen and left four sons, two of whom were Spencer Field and Eldad Field, both long respected in the town. In 1 8 10 James Cowing, a shoemaker; Ezekiel Hill, an early school teacher ; Ralph Coffin, bookkeeper for Judge Porter ; Joshua Fish, a carpenter; Oliver Udall, farmer, and Parkhurst Whitney became resi- dents. The latter purchased lot 53 of the Mile Strip and subsequently became one of the conspicuous figures of the town. Among the early permanent settlers in this town, remote from the river, were John Young, who came from Pennsylvania in 18 10, with his wife and five sons, two of whom were married, and two daughters. Their conveyance was a heavy wagon drawn by five horses, and their journey was full of interest. They. settled on lot 17 in the Mile Strip a little east of the mouth of Gill Creek. In 181 1 Samuel Young, one of the married sons, purchased land afterwards owned by his son Jonas, and Christian Young, the other married son, purchased land adjoining. They were driven away by the war of 18 12, but returned after peace was declared. John Witmer and his family came into the town in 18 10, from Penn- sylvania. After arriving at Black Rock they proceeded down the river to Devil's Hole, from where Isaac Swain had chopped out a road to his clearing where the Military road crosses Gill Creek. Swain had partially cleared thirty or forty acres of land and built a good log house. This farm Mr. Witmer purchased and became one of the sub- stantial citizens of the town. In 18 17 he built a saw mill on Gill Creek, in which lumber was sawed for many years. In early times it 179 supplied most of the lumber for building the dwellings in that part of the town. He had nine children, all born in Pennsylvania, seven of whom were sons. Mr. Witmer died in 1842. His brother Abram came in one year later than John, bringing his wife and three sons ; five other children were born in Niagara county. One of the sons was Christian H. Witmer, who was prominently connected with the milling business at the falls and Suspension Bridge. He was acciden- tally drowned September 17, 1858. The reader has already learned of the events that took place in this town and all along the frontier during the war of 18 12. During that struggle immigration ceased, and most of those who had begun making their homes left for the interior upon the declaration of war 'in 1812; but most of these returned and remained until December, i"8l3, when the British laid waste the whole frontier, destroying improvements and leaving many, who escaped with their lives, in destitution. Nothing was left at the falls except two or three small dwellings and a log tavern. With the close of the war settlement again began and pro- gressed rapidly. In 181 5 came among others, James Ballard, a cloth dresser, who settled on the river road. Samuel Tompkins, a Canadian volunteer, who had been banished from Canada and his property con- fiscated for his participation in the war against England, came across in 1815 and purchased lot 52 on the Mile Strip of Parkhurst Whitney. Philip Tufford came that year and settled near the Lockport road. There were then a score or more of dwellers in what is now the town of Niagara and half of those were at the Falls. This was then the only trading point nearer than Black Rock and Lewiston, and here the only store was that of Judge De Veaux, then recently opened at the Falls ; he was also postmaster. There were three pioneer taverns — General Whitney's at the Falls ; one at Clarksville kept by Gad Pierce, aud James Field's, before mentioned. The only school was at the Falls and that was open only in the winter up to 181 8. There was no physi- cian prior to 1820 nearer than Lewiston. Most of these settlers de- rived a large part of their business from the carrying of freight across the portage. The so-called "cold summer " of 1816 and the great scarcity of pro- visions and money which continued about two years now came on with i8o terrors for the pioneers little less afflicting than those of the war. All kinds of food products were extremely scarce and correspondingly high in price. Samuel Tompkins went to Canada in the spring of i8i8 and paid $36 per barrel for pork ; $22 a barrel for flour. But better times soon dawned, settlers came in large numbers and by 1825 con- ditions were greatly improved. In the )'ear 18 16 Eli Bruce settled on the Lockport road, and taught some of the early schools. Rev. David Smith came that year and preached alternately at Lewiston and the Falls. Ferris Angevine came in 1 8 18 and purchased land on the Tonawanda road a little above the mouth of Cayuga Creek ; later he bought on the Military road, built a log house and there began housekeeping in 1826. Epaphroditus Em- mons, one of the early justices, town clerk and tavern keeper, settled at Fort Schlosser about 1819, and built a temporary two-story structure around the old chimney which had stood at the end of the wing of the Stedman house ; there he kept tavern a few years. About the same time Isaac Smith settled on the Portage road ; Aden Gay and Nathaniel Bowles, both blacksmiths, located at Schlosser; and in 1820 Thomas W. Fanning, tavern keeper, James Pierce, miller, and Arah Osborn, carpen- ter, came in ; also William Bradner, cloth dresser, and Dr. Ambrose Thomas, the first resident physician. Peter Cowan and Andrew Huff came in 1821. Stephen Childs settled near the whirlpool rapids in 1822, and Aaron Childs, who was not related to Stephen, settled on the site of Suspension Bridge village. Theodore Whitney, nephew of Park- hurst Wliitney. came from Ontario county in 1823. built a cabin and returned for his bride ; they boarded with Samuel Young until his dwelling was finished. Some of the more prominent settlers in the town between 1825 and 1850 were Henry H. Hill, on the Military road; James Ward and Peter D. Bachman, on the River road; Daniel Remington, Charles Gofif, George Shipman, all in 1825. In 1826 Rev. Horatio A. Parsons set- tled on the River road between the Falls and Cayuga Creek; he was at one period pastor of a Presbyterian church at the Falls, devoted much time to the study of scientific farming and wrote for many agricultural papers. Martin Voght, who was father of a large family, came to the town in 1828 ; his son, Jacob J., was long a well known citizen. Joseph ' i8i I ^ Graves settled within the limits of the present city at the Falls in 1833 • he was father of Lyman C. Graves. Henry Ortt, a mason, came also in 1833 ; William Garrett in 1835, Daniel Dietrick in 1838. The names of other prominent citizens will appear further on. In 18 16 Augustus Porter purchased Goat Island of the State and built the first bridge connecting it with the shore. This bridge was partially carried away in the first winter. In 18 18 another bridge was built on the site of the present one, which withstood the water and ice and was in use until 1856, when it was displaced by an iron bridge. Among the early improvements in the little village at the falls was the starting of a cloth-dressing and wool carding factory by James Ballard in 18 16, which was soon afterward enlarged by D. & S. Chapman and woolen cloths were made. In 1819-20 Parkhurst Whitney built a large addition to his tavern, giving it the name of the Eagle Tavern ; it was long a popular hostelry. In 182 1 a forge, rolling mill and nail fac- tory were erected and operated by Bolls & Gay. In 1822 Augustus Porter built a large flouring mill, which subsequently passed to the Witmers. In 1823 a paper mill was built by Jesse Symonds near Goat Island bridge. In 1828 the upper race was extended and Ira Cook, William G, Tuttle, Chapin & Swallow, and others established works of different kinds upon it. In 1826 a large paper mill was built on Bath Island by Porter & Clark, which was afterwards purchased and enlarged by L. C. Woodruff. Samuel De Veaux was long the leading merchant of the place. He was descended from the persecuted Huguenots who fled to this country. In 1803 he entered the land office of Phelps & Gorham at Canandaigua, and in 1807 was appointed commissary at Fort Niagara. Opening the first store at the Falls and investing in real estate, he became compara- tively wealthy. It was through his benevolence that De Veaux College was founded, as elsewhere described. Other early merchants were Christopher H. Smith, Charles Parsons, and others. Between 1820 and 1840 the following men, in addition to those al- ready mentioned, located at the F"alls and engaged in business of some nature and aided in laying the foundations of its later prosperity; Enos Clark, a mason ; John Bradner, a shoemaker; Ansel B. Jacobs, one of the early gate keepers at Goat Island bridge ; Ziba Gay, blacksmith ; l82 Solomon L. Ware, tanner; B, H. White, tailor, all in 1822. Henrj'^ W. Clark, Charles Clark and Jesse Symonds, paper makers, in 1823. Rich- ard Ayer, farmer; Timothy Shaw, cloth-dresser, in 1824. In 1824 also Ira Cook, William G. Tuttle, cabinet maker and blacksmith re- spectively, and Thomas Chapin and A. M. Swallow, blacksmiths. John McDonald, cloth- dresser, came in 1830, with another physician in the person of Dr. Edwin Cook. Theodore S. Whitney came in 1831 ; Oramel and Lucien Johnson in 1834; Theodore G. Hulett, a black- smith, came at about this time and worked at his trade for a time. In 1847 he was engaged as superintendent of the first suspension bridge, and in later years he superintended the construction of several impor- tant bridges in the eastern part of the State. He was elected justice of the peace of this town in 1849, ^'^^1 continued in public office thirty years. He is still living. Dexter R. Jerauld came to the village in 1835, ^^^^^ known as one of the proprietors of the Cataract Hotel. In 1836 came Samuel D. Ham- lin, Seth L. Burdick, William Griffith, F. C. Ford, James Davy, all of whom became identified with the business interests of the place. George Holland, George E. Hamlin, Joel R. Robinson and Andrew Murray became residents in 1837 5 ^"^ in 1838 W. E. Hulett and A. W. Allen. In 1840 came G. W. HoUey, the well known author of a work on Ni- agara ; Michael Walsh, Charles Wilcox and John Doty. Between 1840 and 1855 the village increased its population con- siderably ; among those who were connected with its business interests and who arrived in that period were Daniel J. Townsend, who came from Buffalo and established a screw factory ; James F. Trott, one of the firm of Whitney, Jerauld & Co.; Morris L. Fox, a groceryman ; Dr. Gennett Conger ; John Geagan, blacksmith ; William Sturdy, harness- maker ; A. K. Fassett, hardware dealer; Alva Cluck, long proprietor of the Spencer House ; Worthy Curtis, Dayton G. Canfield, Osborn Canfield, John D. Hamlin, William F. Evans, Charles H. Piper, Thomas Tugby, still in business, and William Pool, the veteran pub- lisher. Gen. Peter B. Porter, whose name has been made prominent in the account of the war of 181 2, died at Niagara Falls in 1844. He had been a resident of the place only a few years, coming hither from Black i83 Rock, where he had been a conspicuous personage since i8iO. He was a younger brother of Augustus Porter, was a lawyer by profes- sion ; was clerk of Outario county in 1797, and was elected to the Legislature in 1802. In 18 10 and again in 18 14 he was elected to Congress and in 18 15 was secretary of state for New York, and secre- tary of war in 1828, In the war he rose to the office of major-general. Col. Peter A. Porter was a son of General Porter and was born at Black Rock in 1827. He received a university education both in this country and in Europe, was elected to the Assembly in 1861, and at the outbreak of the war of the Rebellion threw himself actively into the work of raising troops for the army. His career as com- mander of the 8th Heavy Artillery, which he raised in 1862, was honorable in the highest degree, and he fell at the head of his forces at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. He left two sons, Peter A. Porter, jr., and George M. Porter. Many other families of the city and town are properly noticed in Part HI of this volume. The first town meeting of this town was held at the tavern of James Field, April 7, 1812. The officers then elected were as follows : Silas Hopkins, supervisor; Ezekiel Hill, town clerk; James Field, Ebenezer Hovey and William Scott, assessors; Parkhurst Whitney, Joshua Pettit and Augus- tus Porter, commissioners of highways; John Sims, constable and collector; Gad Pierce and John W. Stoughton, poormasters; Amos Park, Warren Saddler, John Patterson, Abner Hull, John Witmer, William Scott and Abram Witmer, path- masters. The usual ordinances and regulations were voted for the simple gov- ernment of the town. The supervisor was authorized to build a pound near Schlosser, and it was finally determined that the yard of Joseph Hadley, or such enclosure as he might erect, should be considered a legal pound. The height of fences was fixed ; a bounty of five dol- lars was ordered for wolves killed in the town ; the sum of $250 was voted for the improvement of highways, and $25 for the support of the poor. The town meeting of 18 14 was held at the house of George Burger, and a sum of money, the amount not recorded, was voted for the establishment of common schools; but in the year 1816 the school fund was fixed at $20. In that year also an additional pound was 1 84 ordered ; those institutions were very necessary in early years, when fences were few and domestic animals mostly ran at large. In April, 1827, at the annual town meeting the supervisor and town clerk were directed to procure a map of the town, and to prepare and circulate a petition for the division of the town. This action resulted in the setting off of Pendleton, the old town to pay two-thirds of all obligations and the new town the remainder. Similar action was taken in May, 1836, when the town of Wheatfield was erected from Niagara. The time at length arrived when it seemed desirable that Niagara Falls should be incorporated as a village. This was accomplished in 1847, ^^^ t^^ fi^'st village officers elected were as follows: President, Parkhurst Whitney ; clerk, Charles H, Smith ; trustees, Parkhurst Whitney, Augustus S. Porter, H. W. Clark, W. E. Hulett, G. Conger. The usual ordinances were adopted and subsequently were changed from time to time, as the growing needs of the place demanded. The population of the village in 1855 was almost 3,000, and the incresse of the next five years was 500. The number actually decreased during the period of the war. During a considerable part of the period from the village incorpora- tion to 1890 the growih of the place in population was not rapid. It was not sought as a place of residence to the extent that its natural advan- tages warranted ; and while business and manufacturing increased to a considerable extent, the energies of very many of the inhabitants were devoted largely to making money through the large annual influx of visitors from all parts of the world to see the great cataract But the time was at hand when all this was to be changed. The great numbers of transient visitors to the falls led in early years to the erection of numerous hotels, and the place ultimately became the site of more public houses than any other village of its size in the coun- try, if not in the world. Many of these hotels were built to accommo- date an immense number of guests and were conducted on a magnifi- cent scale. John Fairchilds was the pioneer landlord at Niagara Falls. His house was of logs, two stories in height and had a small frame addition, when it was purchased by Gen. Parkhurst Whitney in 18 I 5. General Whit- i8s ney settled at the Falls in 1810, and in 1814 opened a small tavern in a house belonging to Judge Porter ; in the following year he bought the Fairchilds house, which stood on the site of the later Eagle Hotel. General Whitney enlarged and improved the house at intervals, until 183 1, when he purchased the Cataract House, which he occupied in 1835 ; in that year he added to it to the extent of 40 by 56 feet, four stories high; in 1842 he made another similar addition, and in 1845 another 42 by 133 feet, five stories high. Other minor additions were also made. This house is now conducted by Peter A. Porter. The old Spencer House was a popular and widely known hostelry for many years ; it stood on the site of the present Gluck block, a location that had been occupied for hotel purposes a great many years. The Empire, the Clarendon, and the American all stood there, the latter having been burned January 25, 1863, was rebuilt and again burned. The Spencer House was opened in 1867 and was burned with a loss of over $100,000 March 16, 1892. The great International Hotel was built in 1S53 by B. F. Childs. It was enlarged by J. T. Bush, and later by the International Hotel Com- pany, and for many years has been recognized as one of the finest pub- lic houses in the State. It is now under the management of Samuel A. Greenwood, who acts in that capacity for the International Hotel Com- pany. Other prominent hotels of the city are the Prospect House, D. Isaacs, proprietor; the Hotel Imperial, C. N. Owen, proprietor; the Columbia, C. R. Phelps, proprietor ; and many others of less importance. The early mails of Niagara Falls were carried over the road from Buffalo to Lewiston. Augustus Porter was the first postmaster and Samuel De Veaux the next. The village was an early and important stage headquarters and Samuel D. Hamlin was long conspicuous in the business. He settled in the village in 1836, at the beginning of the era of speculation and inflation which soon brought disaster to many. It was at that time that Benjamin Rathbun began his operations in real estate here, in which he soon failed, inflicting ruin and a general cessa- tion of progress on the village. The coming of the railroads, which has been described, changed the whole aspect of travel and mail- carrying. The first newspaper published in the village was the Niagara P'alls 24 1 86 Journal, which was issued in 1837 ^Y Francis & Ward. It lived only a few months. The publication of the Niagara Chronicle was begun by J. Simpson in 1838. Next came the Iris, which was published from 1846 to 1854 by George H. Hackstafif. In 1855 the Niagara Times was started by W. E. Tunis, who continued it until October, 1857. These papers have all passed out of existence. On the 1 8th of May, 1854, William Pool and Benjamin F, Sleeper, under the firm name of Pool & Sleeper, started the Niagara Falls Ga- zette, which is still in existence. A daily was^ issued in connection with the weekly during a part of 1859-60. In 1864 Mr. Pool became sole proprietor, and continued at the head of the establishm.ent until January, 1881, when he sold out to Peter A. Porter, who also published it semi-weekly and daily. He disposed of the establishment in 1895 to the Gazette Publishing Company, which discontinued the weekly and semi- weekly and published only the daily. Sherman Morse and Ernest H. Wands are the managers. Sherman Morse, business manager of the Gazette Publishing Com- pany, of Niagara Falls, is a son of Elihu M. and Sarah (Sherman) Morse; and was born January 15, i87(\ in Canandaigua, N. Y., where he attended the Fort Hill school. He was graduated from Yale Univer- sity in 1 891, and afterward was successively connected with the staffs of the Buffalo Courier, Express, and Evening News, on the latter being first telegraph editor and later city editor. On September 16, 1895, he came to Niagara Falls, and with others, under the style of the Gazette Publishing Company, purchased the Daily and Semi-Weekly Gazette of Peter A. Porter. Mr Moise has since been a director and the busi- ness manager of the company, the officers of which are Tracey C. Becker, president; John C. Morgan, vice-president; Richard F. Ran- kine, secretary; and Ernest H. Wands, treasurer and editor. In July, 1896, the semi- weekly was discontinued. The Daily Gazette is one of the best and brightest dailies in the county, and has been brought to a successful condition through the able management of its active officers. Mr. Morse was married November 28, 1894, to Katharine Douglas Lansing, daughter of Edward S. Lansing, of Burlington, N. J. The Niagara Courier was started by Hon. William Pool on January I, 1884, and has always been recognized as one of the best weekly JOHN W. CUTLER. 1 87 newspapers in the county. Mr. Pool still continues as its editor and publisher. The Daily Cataract was started soon after the incorporation of the city of Niagara Falls in 1892 by O. W. Cutler. It is now published by the Cataract Publishing Company, of which John VV. Cutler is man- ager. The Press was issued for several years, with more or less regularity, until recently, by B. H. Randolph. In the Mist is published daily during the summer season by W. E. Tuttle. City Incorporation. — The city of Niagara Falls has had only a comparatively brief existence. The subject of city incorporation re- ceived the customary agitation and discussion long before the measure was accomplished. Considerable opposition developed, the larger part of which was among the older and more conservative citizens ; but this was directed not so much against the act itself, as in favor of postpone- ment a year or two. The matter finally crystallized in the action of a committee from the Business Men's Association, which body appeared before the regular meeting of the village trustees on February 24, 1892, and requested that a public meeting be called to consider the matter. The request was granted and the meeting called for March 4. It was numerously attended and Eugene Cary explained the im- portant features of the proposed city charter and the advantages that would probably follow its adoption. Thomas V. Welch addressed the meeting as a representative of the committee who had prepared the charter. At the close of these proceedings a vote was taken upon the adoption of the city charter and there was no dissent. A similar meet- ing was held on the following day at Suspension Bridge, with a result favorable to uniting with the larger village in founding the city of Ni- agara Falls. One of the provisions of the new charter was in effect, that the village officers then in power should hold their several positions until after the first city election, when both boards would meet in joint convention and the new government take the place of the old. The city election was held on April 19, and the change was effected on the 25th. The date of the incorporating act is March 17. One provision of the act divided the new city into four wards. The i88 law was amended May 4, 1893, and again on March 21, 1894, and in 1897. From the amended act the following are given as the boundaries of each of the wards : First Ward. — The first ward shall include all that part of said city lying within the following boundaries, namely: Beginning at the point of intersection of the cen- ter line of the Niagara river by the center line of Niagara street in the present village of Niagara Falls, produced westerly; running thence easterly along said produced center line of Niagara street to the center line of the Portage road (so called); thence southeasterly along said center line of said Portage road to the center line of the plank roak (so called); thence easterly along said center line of said plank road to the center line of the Packard road (so called); thence northerly along said center line of said Packard road to its intersection with the easterly boundary line of said city; thence southerly along said easterly boundary line of said city to its intersection with the center line of the Niagara river; thence down stream following the center line or thread of said Niagara river to the place of beginning. Second Ward. — The second ward shall include all that part of said city lying within the following boundaries, namely: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of the Niagara river by the center line of said Niagara street produced westerly ; running thence easterly along said produced center line of Niagara street, and said center line of Niagara street to the center line of said Portage road; thence southeasterly along said line of said Portage road to the center line of said plank road; thence easterly along said center line of said plank road to the center line of the Packard road (so called); thence northeasterly along said center Ime of said Packard road to its intersection with the easterly boundary line of said city ; thence northerly along said easterly boundary line to its point of intersection with the center line of La Salle street produced easterly to said boundary line, as said La Salle street is shown on a map made for Harry M. Clark by W. C. Johnson, and filgd in Niagara county clerk's office; thence westerly along said produced center line of La Salle street and said center line of La Salle sti'eet and said center line produced westerly, to its point of intersection with the center line of the Portage road ; thence south- easterly along said center line of the Portage road to its point of intersection with the center line of Elm street in the present village of Niagara Falls, produced east- erly ; thence westerly along said produced center line of Elm street, said center line of Elm street and said center line produced westerly to its point of intersection with the center line of the Niagara river ; thence up stream following the center line or thread of said Niagara river to the place of beginning. Third Ward. — The third ward shall include all that part of said city lying within the following boundaries, namely: Beginning at the point of intersection of the cen- ter line of the Niagara river with the center line of said Elm street produced west- erly; thence down stream following center line or thread of said Niagara river to its point of intersection with the center line of Niagara avenue in the present village of Suspension Bridge produced westerly; thence easterly on said produced center line of Niagara avenue and said center line of Niagara avenue to its point of intersection with the center line of Sugar street (so called); thence southeasterly along said cen- ter line of Sugar street to its point of intersection with the center line of Porter road 1 89 (so called); thence easterly along said center line of said Porter road and said center line produced easterly to its point of intersection with the easterly boundary line of said city; thence southerly along said easterly boundary lince to its point of inter- section with said center line of La Salle street, produced easterly; thence westerly alongsaid produced center lineof La Salle street, said center line of La Salle street and said center line produced westerly, to its point of intersection with the center lineof said Portage road; thence southeasterly along said center line of said Portage road to its point of intersection with the center line of said Elm street produced easterly ; thence westerly along said produced center line of Elm street, said center line of Elm street and said center line produced westerly, to the place of beginning. Fourth Ward. — The fourth ward shall include all that part of said city lying with- in the following boundaries, namely: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of the Niagara river with the center lineof said Niagara avenue produced westerly; thence easterly on said produced center line of Niagara avenue and said center line of Niagara avenue to its point of intersection with the center line of Sugar street (so called); thence southeasterly along said center line of said Sugar street to its point of intersection with the center line of the Porter road (so called); thence easterly along said center line of said Porter road and said center line produced easterly, to its point of intersection with the easterly boundary line of said city ; thence northerly along said easterly boundary line to its point of intersection with the north- erly line of the Lockport road (so called); thence southwesterly along said northerly line of said Lockport road to its point of intersection with the easterly line of said Sugar street ; thence northwesterly along said easterly line of Sugar street to the northerly boundary line of said city ; thence westerly along said northerly boundary line to its point of intersection with the center line of the Niagara river; thence up stream following the center line or thread of said Niagara river to the point of be- ginning. The act dissolved the village corporations of Suspension Bridge, which is included within the described boundaries, and Niagara Falls, and all their rights and property passed to the city corporation. The elective officers provided for in the act are a mayor, a police justice, a city treasurer, three assessors, an overseer of the poor, four constables, and three justices of the peace ; these all to be elected by the city at large. In each ward there are elected two aldermen and one super- visor. The city charter as it now stands provides for the appointment of a board of public works who have control of the construction of sewers, paving, the erection of public buildings, bridges, culverts and reservoirs, and control and management of the water supply, etc. The ma)-or is ex officio president of the board and the city clerk is clerk of the board. The city engineer is required to perform such service as the board re- quires. The members of this board receive no pay for their services. 190 The charter also provides for the appointment of a board of police commissioners, who in a general way have full control of the city police department. This board receives no pay for services. Following is a list of the mayors of the city and their terms of service: George W. Wright, 1892-3; M. B. Butler, 1893-4; David Phillips, 1894-5; Arthur Schoellkopf, 1895-6; Arthur C. Hastings, 1896-7. The first city clerk was Lewis P. Dayton, who continued in office until February 4, 1895, when S. F. Arkush, the present incumbent, was appointed. Following is a list of the aldermen for each year : 1892-93.— First ward, J. Mahoney, A. F. Allen ; Second ward, William Campbell, F. E. Smith; Third ward, J. E. Noblett, J. C. Strieker; Fourth ward, F. E. Eames, M. P. Maloney. 1893-94.— First ward, J. Mahoney, J. B. McKinney; Second ward, William Camp- bell, J. V. Banks; Third and Fourth wards, same as in first term. 1894-95. — First ward, James Mahoney, J. W. Canavan ; Second ward, F. C. Belden, Thomas O'Reilly ; Third ward, John Wagner, Frederick Hartmann; Fourth ward, M. P. Maloney, J. J. Mahoney. 1895-66. — First ward, J. Mahoney, Lawrence Van Cleef ; Second ward, Thomas O'Reilly, A.J. Wattengel; Third ward, John Wagner, John R. Dickson; Fourth ward, M. P. Maloney, Joseph Willis. 1896-97. — First ward, J. Mahoney and James W. Canavan; Second ward, Thomas O'Reilly and Andrew J. Wattengel; Third ward, Frederick Hartmann and John Wagner; Fourth ward, Joseph Willis and Michael P. Maloney. 1897-98. — First ward, Lawrence Van Cleef, J. Mahoney; Second ward, Thomas O'Reilly, A. J. Wattengel; Third ward, John R. Dickson, John Wagner; Fourth ward, Ai. P. Maloney, Joseph Willis. City treasurer, C. T. Canavan ; attorney, Morris Cohn, jr. ; engineer, W. W. Read; police justice, John B. McKinney; assessors, Konrad Fink, Henry J. Delmage, James W. Buckley; superintendent of streets, John P. Callahan. Following is a list of supervisors of the town of Niagara and city of Niagara Falls, with years of their service, excepting for years 1835 and 1838, the records of which are not accessible : Town. — For 1812, Silas Hopkins; 1813, Ebenezer Hovey; 1814, James Field; 1815, George Burger; 1816, Silas Hopkins; 1817, James Field; 1818, Parkhurst Whitney; 1819, Gad Pierce; 1820, James Field; 1821, Augustus Porter (resigned and James Field appointed to fill vacancy); 1822, Augustus Porter; 1823-25, Alexander Dickerson ; 1826, Samuel De Veaux (resigned. David Chapman chosen) ; 1827-30, Henry W. Clark; 1831-34, N. M. Ward; 1836, Henry W. Clark (resigned and Will- 191 iam Bradner chosen to fill vacancy); 1837, Parkhurst Whitney; 1838, Henry W. Clark; 1840, Albert H. Porter ; 1841-43, P. Whitney; 1844-1845, P. B. Porter; 1846, N. W. Robinson; 1847, 1848, P. B. Porter; 1849, George W. Holley ; 1850, P. D. Bach- man; 18" 1, Samuel De Veaux; 1852, Parkhurst Whitney; 1853, 1854, Augustus S. Porter; 1855, 1856, Parkhurst Whitney; 1857-60 James F. Trott ; 1861, Henry W. Clark; 1863, James F. Trott; 1863, 1864, William S. Watson; 1865-68, H. N. Griffith; 18(59-71, H. F. Pierce; 1872-74, James B. King; 1875, O. W. Cutler; 1876-78, T. V. Welch; 1878-82, Samuel B. Eshelman ; 1883, W.J. Mackay; 1884-86, J. Binkley; 1887-90, H. H. Sheldon; 1891, A. J. Porter ; 1893-94, W. W. Tompkii^f ; 1895-98, H. S.' Tompkins. City. — 1892, First ward Julius Krakoski ; Second ward, Andrew J. Wattengel ; Third ward, George Haeberle; Fourth ward, Thomas Gaskin. 1893, First ward, Edward E. Russell; Second ward, A. J. Wattengel; Third ward, George Haeberle; Fourth ward, Adam Kammerer. 1894-95, First ward, E. E. Russell ; Second ward, W. H. Woodbury; Third ward, George Haeberle; Fourth ward, James Hogan. 1896-97, First ward, E. E. Russell; Second ward, John S. Reardon ; Third ward, Daniel Zeiger; Fourth ward, James Hogan. As the fame of the cataract of Niagara Falls spread and population throughout the country increased, the number of visitors gained from year to year. In view of this fact, enterprising men conceived and car- ried out plans for both adding to the attractions of the locality and incidentally making money themselves. One of the earliest of these projects was long known as Biddle's Stairs, which were erected at the precipitous end of Goat Island, between the American and the Horse- shoe fall, by Nicholas Biddle in 1829. The perpendicular height of the bank at this point is 185 feet, about lOO feet of which is descended by a series of steps from the level of the island, and the remaining distance by the staircase, which is secured to the rock by large bolts. In 1833 Judge Augustus Porter built the Terrapin Tower, which stood on the rock at the very brink of the Canadian fall. While not very lofty it afforded a magnificent view of the grand scenery surround- ing it. The tower was in use until 1843, when it was believed to be un- safe and was taken down by its owners. The elevator at the whirlpool rapids was built for its owners in 1869, by Prof. A. A. Smith, at a cost of $20,000. Two cars are provided, in which are seats, the cars being lifted and lowered by power supplied by a water wheel which is located at the foot of the river bank. The de- scent by the elevator to the reception room below is about 192 feet, and from there a walk leads to the water's edge. The descent at this point was formerly made by a long winding staircase. 192 The Goat Island bridge was first built of wood in 18 17. It was swept away in the spring of 1818 and replaced by another wooden structure in the same year. The present iron bridge was built in 1856 and is 360 feet long. The first Maid of the Mist steamboat was built for the Bellevue Land Company and launched just below the falls July 14, 1844. This was successfully taken through the whirlpool rapids on July 5, 1861, and for several yea'rs did service on the St. Lawrence River. In 1884 a new Maid of the Mist was built and in 1892 still another of the same name was launched. The Maid of the Mist Steamboat Company was reor- ganized in February, 1892, with a capital of $50,000. Hans Nielson is president ; Michael Ryan, treasurer, and Frank Le Blonde, manager. The new Suspension bridge, as it is called in distinction from the older one which has been described, was opened to the public January I, 1869, by a stock company. It is a carriage and foot bridge and toll is collected for all travel across it. It is one of the longest suspension bridges in the world, 1,268 feet between the centers of the towers, and cost about $250,000. This bridge was rebuilt and again opened for traffic, June i, 1888, with double its original capacity, by two com- panies — the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Company, of which C. H. Smyth is president, J. M. Bostwick, treasurer, and F. De W. Smith, secretary; and the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Company of Canada, of which Thomas R. Merritt is president, secretary and treas- urer. Schools — It has already been stated that the first school in this town was opened in 1807. The law establishing the common school system of this State was passed June 19, 1812. The amount of money raised in this town for schools was necessarily small for a num- ber of years ; it was only $24 in 1818. The amount was gradually in- creased and the number of schools correspondingly. There were only thirty- seven children taught in 1820. The first school districts were created in 18 16, when there were five. In i860 there were seven; at the present time there are five, with a school house in each. The county is divided into the first and second school commissioner's dis- tricts ; this town with Hartland, Newfane, Lewiston, Porter, Somerset and Wilson, constituting the second district. A school house was first '93 erected by public tax in 1844; it stood near Cayuga Creek. Previous to that date the few school houses were built of logs. This new struc- ture was used the first night after its completion by Rev. John Cannon, of Niagara F'alls. for a religious meeting The school was opened the next morning by Miss Louisa Danforth. The first school house in the Young neighborhood was built in 1824 by Samuel and Christian Young and others; Daniel Smith was the first teacher there. In 1827 the first building had evidently outlived its usefulness for that purpose, for the school was then taught in the cooper shop of Christian Young. In the same year a log school house was built on land of Samuel Young on the Military road. Subsequent to 1840 this was replaced by a stone building. The present school house in that district was built in 1867. Little is definitely known of the first schools in the village of Niagara Falls The place simply constituted one of the districts of the town for many years. The earlier school houses were finally superseded by the well known stone buildings of the village. The one on Third street, recently demolished to make room for the new brick structure, was completed for use in 1852, at a cost of $4,000 ; at that time about 300 scholars were in attendance in the village. Two years later accom- modations were required for nearly 700 and plans were laid before the trustees for enlarging the building at a cost of $8,000. The sum was promptly voted for the purpose. The stone school building on Fifth street, now the High School of the city, was completed before 1855, and in 1888 was enlarged to its present dimensions. A local news- paper in the spring of 1863, contained the following: Our schools have acquired a high character and it is the policy of the board to have it maintained by employing none but competent teachers, and otherwise pro- moting the efficiency of the schools. William Pool was at that time president of the board. It is entirely proper to state here that the schools of Niagara Falls have for half a century been kept in advance of those of many other similar places, through the unflagging efforts and progres-^ive ideas of the citizens hav- ing them in charge. Among the most devoted servants of the people in connection with the schools is the venerable James F. Trott.* who ' James F. Trott, President of the Board of Education, was born in Boston, Mass., March 2.5, 181."). He was educated in the Boston pubhc schools. He came to Niagara Falls in 1841. After a 25 194 has been prominent in this connection many years. WiUiam Pool also served as an energetic member of the Board of Education about twenty years and resigned in June, 1892. Previous to the incorporation of the city in 1892 the village com- prised two districts, Nos. 2 and 7. On the 29th of March, 1892, the trustees then residing within the limits of the new city met and adopted the following : Whereas, School district No. 1 of the town of Niagara has become divided by the city line established by the city charter, and the school building being outside of the city boundaries ; Resolved, That Mr. Vogt, one of the old trustees of said district residing inside of the city limits be and hereby is authorized to make arrangements with the trus- tees of said district for the continuation of the attendance of the children remaining inside of the city limits who have attended said school, until a board of education has been duly organized for the city. Similar arrangements were made with the trustees of district No. 3 and N. L. Benham was appointed superintendent until the organization of a new board. The Board of Education first appointed and confirmed under the city charter consisted of James F. Trott, Hans Neilson, Charles B. Gaskill, James E. Rock, O. R. Sackett, Richard Hartigan, M. B. Butler, J. C. Lammerts, and Joseph C. Gruhler. This board continued N. L. Benham as superintendent of schools, and he has ever since filled this responsible position in a thoroughly efficient and satisfactory man- ner. A resolution was adopted by the board July 29, 1892, as follows: Resolved, That the academic department of the Union schools of the former villages of Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge be maintained as at present, until such time as the growth of the city shall require a Central High School. In 1892 the school building at Suspension Bridge received an addi- residence of two years, he removed to New York city, and from there to Galena, 111., and Belle- vue, la. In the fall of 1845 he removed to Niagara Falls, and became one of the firm of Whitney, Jerauld & Co., proprietors of the Cataract House, of which firm he remained a member for forty- one years, until the State Reservation was formed. In October, 1848, he was elected one of the trustees of school district No. 2 of the town of Niagara, and continued in office until 18.55, when the Union Free School District was formed. He was then elected one of the six original mem- bers of the Board of Education. He continued a member of such board by successive election, until 1892, when the city of Niagara Falls was incorporated. In that year he was appointed by the mayor as a member of the City Board of Education, and reappointed in 1895, thus making a continuous term of forty-eight years of service. He has been president of the board most of the time since 18,55. The efficiency of the schools has depended upon his efforts. He has lived to see the schools grow from a small beginning to a city system. Most of his life in this place has been devoted to the cause of education, and he may justly be called "the father of our schools." — {Report of Superintendent, iSqb. 195 tion which doubled its capacity. The need of increased and better school accommodations was soon felt, and in 1894 a handsome and commodious structure was erected on Sugar street, at a cost of $25,- 000. Within a few years still larger accommodations were found neces- sary for the rapidly increasing attendance ; this led to the erection of two new modern school buildings, one of which is situated on the site of the old Third street stone building, which had been demolished, and the other on the corner of Whitney avenue and Eighteenth street. The cost of the first named structure is $i2,ooo, and of the other $17,000. For the building of these new school houses bonds have been issued by the city to the amount of $32,500. The high school at the Falls was founded in 1885 and that at the Bridge in 1889. In 1892 the two high schools were consoli- dated into one high school department, with two divisions, one of which is conducted in the Fifth street building, and the other at the Bridge. These are known as the Fifth Street High School and the Cleveland Avenue High School. Each has a principal, R. A. Taylor occupying this position in the Fifth Street School, with nine- teen teachers under him ; T. B. Lovell is principal of the Cleveland Avenue School, with twenty- two teachers under him. A penman- ship and commercial department is maintained with William J. Downey, supervisor. A music department, under Lydia B. Thomp- son, with Katharine F. Johnson, supervisor of drawing. Norman E. Osgood is principal of the Pine Avenue School, with four assistants ; Eunice M. Shaw, principal of the Third Street School, with five assist- ants ; Kate F. Hanrahan, principal of the Sugar Street School, with two assistants. On November, 30, 1894, Thomas V. Welch, Hans Neilson, Eugene Laurier, with the president of the Board of Education and the mayor ex-officio, were constituted aboard of trustees of the Free Public Library. The books.of the two former libraries at the P'alls and the Bridge were turned over to this board, and additions are gradually being made. There are now about 4,000 volumes in the library. The present trustees are James F. Trott, Hans Neilson, Peter A. Porter, Thomas V. Welch, and the mayor ex-officio. N. L. Benham is librarian and Adele B. Barnum, assistant 196 Following are the several Boards of Education since the appointment of the first one before named : 1893-94. — Joseph C. Gruhler, J. M. Hancock, J. Elmer Passage, James E. Rock, James F. Trott, Charles B. Gaskill, Richard Hartigan, Hans Neilson, O. R. Sackett. 1894-95. — James F. Trott, president, Hans Neilson, Daniel Durnin, Joseph C. Gruhler, James E. Rock, John Elmer Passage, Charles B. Gaskill, Engene Laurier, J. M. Hancock. 1895-96. — Daniel Durnin, C. B. Ga.skill, Hans Neilson, J. Elmer Passage, James E. Rock, James F. Trott, Joseph C. Gruhler, Eugene Laurier, J. M. Hancock. 1896-97. — Daniel Durnin, Hans Neilson, Eugene Laurier, James F. Trott, C. B. Gaskill, James E. Rock, Joseph C. Gruhler, J. Elmer Passage, Eugene Cary. 1897-98. — Eugene Cary, Joseph C. Gruhler, Hans Neilson, J. Elmer Passage, James E. Rock, George G. Shepard, John H. Timons, James F. Trott, C. B. Gaskill. The last report of Superintendent Benham shows the school popula- tion of the city to be 3,409, and the enrollment in the public schools of pupils between the ages of five and eighteen years, 2,694. The total number of buildings is six, with 2,335 sittings. The number of pupils attending the High School is 249. The expenditure for the schools for 1895-6 was about $51,000. Four kindergarten schools are maintained and one evening school. De Veaiix College. — This old and well known educational institution was founded by Samuel De Veaux and endowed under his will made August 3, 1852. In that will, after making suitable provision for rela- tives and others, he left the remainder of his large estate, amounting to $174,652 52, to Bishop De Lancey, Rev. Dr. William Shelton, Peter A. Porter, and Richard H. Woodruff, as trustees, " for the purpose of establishing, founding and maintaining a benevolent institution, to receive and support orphans and destitute children ; to train them up to industry; to teach them trades and professions; to give them a mental and manual, and a social and religious education." It was also provided that the institution should be under the fostering care of the Protestant Episcopal church, and it was placed in charge of the Con- vention of the Diocese of Western New York, with the earnest request that the convention would take it under its care as a dependency of the church. De Veaux College was incorporated April 15, 1853; the erection of the buildings was commenced in 1855 and they were completed in 1857. The school was opened in March, 1857, with Rev. Henry Greg- 197 ory, president of the institution ; Rev. Israel Foote, professor, and Ed- mund S. Wells, tutor. Elijali Ford, of Rufifalo, while acting as agent for the trustees, increased the fund to about $187,000 in 1856. The college domain consists of 364 acres, and extends half a mile along the most picturesque part of Niagara River, and is devoted to the immedi- ate use of the institution. The college building is beautifully situated, spacious, well ventilated, is warmed by steam and lighted by gas, has ample bathing facilities; it contains a chapel, study and recitation rooms, library and reading rooms, dormitories, common room and a gymnasium. The State Reservation. — The reservation by the State of New York of certain lands around Niagara Falls for the free use of the public had its origin in 1869, when the subject was discussed by Frederic S. Church, the well known artist, Frederick Law Olmsted, Hon. William Dorsheimer, H. H. Richardson, and others of less note; but no definite action was taken until several years later when, at the suggestion of Mr. Church, William H. Hurlburt communicated with the Earl of Dufiferin, then governor- general of Canada, in relation to the creation of an inter- national park on both sides of the falls. As a result of this the earl called general attention to the subject in a speech before the Ontario Society of Artists on September 26, 1878. In that speech he advo- cated the measure and stated that he had, a few weeks earlier, met Governor Robinson, and called his attention to the great desirability of establishing such a park. The credit for taking the first practical step in the matter belongs to Governor Robinson, who strongly advocated it in his message to the Legislature January 9, 1879, and recommended the appointment of a commission to act with a similar one which he hoped would be ap- pointed by the Canadian authorities. This recommendation was re- ferred to the Commissioners of the State Survey and Frederick Law Olmsted, with authority to make an examination and ascertain " how far the private holding of lands about Niagara Falls had worked to public disadvantage throu<^h the defacements of the scenery, to deter- mine the character of such defacements, to estimate the tendency to greater injury, and lastly to consider whether the proposed action by the State is necessary to arrest the process of destruction and restore to the scenery its orignal character." 198 The Commissioners of the State Survey recommended the extin- guishment of the private title in so much land as should be regarded as absolutely necessary for the purpose, and that the State should, by pur- chase, acquire a title to such land and hold it in trust for the public for- ever. The report further stated " that the scenery of Niagara Falls has been greatly injured ; that the process of injury is continuous and ac- celerating ; and that, if not arrested, it must in time be utterly destruct- ive of its value ; " that " there is no American soil from which the Falls can be contemplated except at the pleasure of a private owner, and under such conditions as he may choose to impose ; none upon which the most outrageous caprices of taste may not be indulged, or the most offensive interpolations forced upon the landscape." Bills to carry out the recommendations of the commissioners were introduced in the Legislature of 1880 and 1881, but they failed to pass. Neither was any legislative action taken in 1882. Finally, a meeting was held at the home of Howard Potter in New York city, December 6, 1882, where steps were taken that led directly towards the founding of the State Reservation. An organization was perfected at a later meeting held in New York January 11, 1883. A committee appointed at the first meeting reported that the best means of promot- ing legislation on the subject would be the formation of an association, its object "to promote legislative and other measures for the restoration and improvement of the natural scenery at Niagara Falls," in accord- ance with the report of the commissioners made in 1879. The Niag- ara Falls Association was then organized with the following officers : President, Howard Potter ; vice-presidents, Daniel Huntington, George William Curtis, Cornelius Vanderbilt ; secretary, Robert Lenox Belknap; treasurer, Charles Lanier ; corresponding secretary, J. B. Harrison ; and an executive committee of ten members. This association grew rapidly, especially in New York and Boston, and articles in leading newspapers soon aroused public sentiment in favor of the plan. A bill was drawn by the association and introduced in the Legislature January 30, 1883, by Hon. Jacob F. Miller, of New York city; it was passed April 30, 1883. William Dorsheimer, Andrew H. Green, J. Hampden Robb, Sherman S. Rogers and Martin B. Anderson were appointed commis- sioners to select the necessary lands, and the reservation was defined 199 in a resolution adopted at the first meeting of the commissioners held June 9, 1883, as follows: Resolved, That in the judgment of this board it is desirable to select and locate as proper and necessary to be reserved for the purpose of preserving the scenery of the Falls of Niagara and of restoring the said scenery to its natural condition, the following lands: Goat Island, Bath Island, the Three Sisters, Bird Island, Luna Island, Chapin Island, and the small islands adjacent to said islands in the Niagara River, and the bed of said river between said islands and the main land of the State of New York, and, also, the bed of said river between Goat Island and the Canadian bound- ary; also a strip of land beginning near Port Daj', running along the shore of said river, to and including Prospect Park and the cliff and debris slope, and including also at the east end of said strip sufficient land not exceeding one acre for purposes convenient to said reservation, and also including all lands at the foot of the falls. Matthew Hale, IvUther R. Marsh and Pascal P. Pratt were chosen to act as appraisers of the property, and made awards amounting to $1,- 433,429.50. The Legislature of 1885 passed an act drawn by Deputy Attorney- General Isaac N. Maynard, making the necessary appropria- tion, and on the 30th of April of that year Governor Hill gave his approval to the law and Niagara became forever the property of the people. The State Reservation was opened to the public July 15, 1885, with imposing exercises, in which many of the most eminent men of the State participated, while about 100,000 persons gathered to share in the auspicious event. Immediately following the dedication of the reservation the toll gates were thrown open and soon about 150 buildings, large and small, which had long disfigured the scenery, were removed. With these changes the number of visitors at once increased and every passing year testi- fies to the wisdom of the measure. The Commissioners of the Reserva- tion pay into the State treasury certain receipts, mainly from the in- clined railway, nearly equal to one half the amount of the annual appropriation made for maintenance, leaving an average net amount expended by the State of about $12,000 a year. By the expenditure of this small sum the State enables about 500,000 persons each year to enjoy the sublime scenery of Niagara without cost. With the limited annual State appropriations several very important improvements have been made. In 1889 a crib- work was constructed to prevent the southern shore of Goat Island from being washed away. In 1 89 1 a road was constructed around Goat Island, the former iniper- 200 feet road being reserved for a broad foot path. In 1892 a conduit and lake to supply the inclined railway with water were constructed and the surface canals along the shore were discontinued and filled. In 1893 the high artificial stone wall along the shore, with its piers and tail- races was removed ; the shore was graded down to a natural slope and planted with trees and shrubbery. In 1894 a rustic stone arched bridge was built at Willow Island, and Goat Island and Luna Island were united with a new bridge of beautiful design and safe construction. In 1895—6 a new shelter building was erected on Goat Island, and a ter- minal station built at the foot of the inclined railway. Both of these are stone structures and well adapted to their purpose. The shelter build- ing cost $6,572.94, and the station $9,749.85. The total amount of money appropriated by the State for mainten- ance of the Reservation from July 15, 1885, to September 30, 1896, is $205,000; for special improvements, $120,000. During that period the commissioners have paid to the State, $77,348.69. Andrew H. Green, of New York city, has been president of the Board of Commis- sioners almost from the first and very much of the satisfactory progress of the general affairs of the Reservation is due to his efforts. The selection of Thomas V. Welch, of Niagara Falls, for superintendent was most fortunate in all respects. He has held this responsible position from the beginning, which fact alone is silent testimony to his efficiency. At every stage of the improvements, of which only the more important are here mentioned, Mr. Welch has been the immediate guiding spirit, and to his unwearied labor and watchfulness must be credited the suc- cessful execution of all the plans for the advancement of the Reserva- tion to its present condition. The present commissioners, besides Andrew H. Green, are John M. Bowers, William Hamilton, Robert L. Fryer, and George Raines. Henry E. Gregory is treasurer and secretary. As has already been noted, the water power of Niagara River near the falls, was first utilized more than 150 years ago by the French, who built a saw mill in 1725. It stood near the site of the Pittsburg Reduc- tion Company's upper works. In 1825 Augustus Porter built a saw mill on the rapids, and in 1807 Porter and Barton erected a grist mill on the river. In 18 17 John Witmer built a saw mill at Gill Creek. In 1822 20I Augustus Porter built a grist mill along the rapids above the falls. From that time to 1855, when the lands along the river were taken for a State Park, a considerable amount of power was developed along the rapids by a canal which took the water out of the river near the head of the rapids and followed along nearly parallel with the bank of the river. Mills were built between this canal and the river and a part of the fifty foot fall between the head of the rapids and the Brink of the falls was utilized. A paper mill was also built on Bath Island. In 1847 Augustus Porter outlined a plan on which the present Hy- draulic Canal is built. In 1852 negotiations were commenced b}' Mr. Porter with Ca'eb J. Woodhull and Walter Bryant, and an agreement was finally reached with these gentlemen, by which they were to con- struct a canal, and receive a plot of land at the head of the canal hav- ing a frontage of 425 feet on the river ; a right of way 100 feet wide for the canal along its entire length of 4,400 feet, which is through the most thickly populated part of the city and about seventy-five acres of land near its terminus, having a frontage on the river below the falls of nearly a mile. Ground was broken by them in 1853 and the work was carried on until 1858, when a canal thirty feet wide and six feet deep was finished. The location of the head of this canal was the best that could have been chosen. From the head of the rapids it is but a short distance to an island (Grass Island), which extends a considerable dis- tance along the shore and for a considerable distance from the island the water is very shallow. In this short space, between the head of the rapids and the foot of Grass Island the entrance of the canal was located. Owing, probably to the disturbed financial conditions occasioned by the war of the Rebellion, and other causes, it happened that no mills were built to use the water from the canal until 1870,' when Charles B. Gaskill built a small grist mill on the site of the present flouring mill belonging to the Cataract Milling Company. In 1877 the canal and all its appurtenances were purchased by Mr. Jacob F. Schoellkopf of Buffalo and A. Chesbrough of La Salle, who organized the Niagara Falls H}'draulic Power & Manufacturing Company, of which Mr. Schoellkopf ' In June, 18(i8, Horace H. Day offered byipublic announcement to sell his canal and other prop- erty. The newspaper called it an "un.sightly canal through the village, put to no practical use, and at present an actual damage to the village.'' 26 202 is still president. Since that time the building of mills has gone stead- ily forward. The following is a list of mills using water from this canal : WATER POWER. H. P. Central Milling Company (tlour) ...1,000 N. Wood Paper Company (paper and pulp) 500 Schoellkopf & Mathews (flour mill) 900 Pettebone Cataract Mfg. Co. (paper and pulp) 2,000 Cataract Milling Company (flour) 400 Niagara Falls Waterworks 200 Thos. E. McGarigle (machine shop) . . 25 Clifl; Paper Company (paper and pulp).. 2,500 Total - 7,525 ELECTRIC POWER. H. P. Pittsburg Reduction Company (aluminum) 3,500 Niagara Falls & Lewiston R. R. Co. 400 Cliff Paper Company (paper and pulp) 300 Lewiston and Youngstown R. R. Co. 200 Buffalo & Niagara Falls Electric Light & Power Co 350 Niagara Falls Brewing Company 150 Rodwell Mfg. Co. (silver plating, etc.) 75 Sundry small customers in the city 100 Francis Manufacturing Co. (hooks and eyes) 15 Kelly & McBean Aluminum Co. 15 Total - 5,105 MECHANICAL POWER FURNISHED ON SHAFT. H. P. Oneida Community, L't'd (silver plated ware and chains) 300 Carter-Crume Co. (check book manufacturers) 60 Total - - 360 Total Hydraulic Power sold .7,525 Total Electric Power sold 5,105 Total Mechanical Power sold 360 Grand total 12,990 Mr. Porter's contract with Woodhull & Bryant only conveyed the lands to the edge of the high bank of the Niagara River, and did not include the talus or slope between the edge of the high bank and the 203 river, and only granted the right to excavate down the face of the bank one hundred feet. At that time it was not considered that any higher head could ever be utilized, because it was not thought that wheels could be built to stand the pressure of a higher head, in fact none of the mills attempted to use more than fifty or sixty feet head. For this reason it happened that although the capacity of the canals at first con- structed was sufficient for some fifteen thousand horse-power, its capac- ity was exhausted and only about seven thousand horse- power pro- duced. The flouring mills of Schoellkopf & Mathews, Cataract Milling Com- pany, Central Milling Company, the Pettebone-Cataract Paper Com- pany, the City Water Works, and the factory of the Niagara Wood Paper Company, leased the right to draw certain quantities of water from the canal and constructed their own wheel pits, and put in their own water wheels. Two different methods were adopted for constructing the pits for these various mills. In some cases a shaft was sunk in the rock at some little distance back from the edge of the bank, in which the wheels were placed, and a tunnel driven from the bottom of the shaft to the face of the bank for the discharge of the water after it had passed the wheels. In other cases a notch was cut into the face of the bank and the wheels placed in it. In all cases turbine wheels of different makes, running on vertical axes were used. In 1 88 1 the Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power and Manufacturing Com- pany put in a power plant for the purpose of supplying water to cus- tomers, delivering it to their mills. The method adopted was as follows : A shaft 20 by 40 feet was sunk to a depth of about eighty feet, and about two hundred feet back from the face of the high bank ; from the bottom of this shaft a tunnel was driven to the face of the bank for a tail race. The water was conducted to the bottom of this shaft in iron tubes, and used on different turbines running on vertical axes. The power developed by these wheels (about fifteen hundred horse- power) was transmitted by shaft, belting or rope drive to various cus- tomers, all located within three hundred feet of the wheel pit. In 1886 the Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power and Manufacturing Com- pany secured a deed of portions of the slope between the high bank 204 and the river, and have since secured other portions, so that they are now at hberty to use this slope for mills and power houses. The advance in water wheel construction, and especially the develop- ment of the possibility of transmitting power by electricity has made this one of the most valuable parts of their holdings. In the spring of 1892 the Cliff Paper Company, being desirous of increasing their plant by adding a wood pulp mill to use about twenty- five hundred horse- power, leased sufficient water from the Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power and Manufacturing Company, agreeing to take it from the tunnel through which the water was discharged from the outlet of the wheel pit just described. For the purpose of getting the machinery requiring the largest power near the wheels it was decided to build a mill on the lower bank near the water's edge, and to place the pulp making machinery in it, prepar- ing the wood on the top of the bank, lowering it down ready for grind- ing and elevating the product. To divert the stream of water flowing through the tunnel and confine it for use in the new mill, a short tunnel was driven into the face of the bank at a point about twenty feet to the left of the mouth of the old tunnel. From the mouth of the new tunnel, an iron pipe eight feet in diameter was laid along the slope of the bank connecting with the tube ten feet in diameter, in the basement of the lower mill. From this tube the water is brought to the wheels on the first floor. Provision is made for the discharge of water into the tunnel direct from the canal in case the discharge from the mills does not fur- nish a sufficient supply. It was decided to use two wheels to develop the required twenty- five hundred horse power and to couple the shaft of the water wheel to the shafts carrying the stones used for grind- ing the wood. It was therefore necessary that the wheels should be run at a speed of two hundred and twenty-five revolutions per minute. This requirement as well as the requirements of strength, precluded the use of any of stock wheels in the market and made a special design necessary. Under the plans and specifications of W. C. Johnson, engi- neer for the Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power & Manufacturing Company, who was also engineer for the Cliff Paper Company, the wheels were built by James Leffel & Company, of Springfield, Ohio. In 1892 the Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power & Manufacturing Com- 205 pany commenced an enlargement and improvement of its canal. The plan adopted was to widen the original channel to seventy feet and to make the new part fourteen feet deep. The canal is cut entirely through rock below the water line. The power for driving the drills on this work was obtained from an air compresser run by water power from the power station and transmitted along the line of the canal in pipes. The excavation was done by dredges and the flow of water through the canal was not interfered with. This improvement is now completed and the canal has a capacity of about 3,000 cubic feet per second, giving a surplus power after supplying the old leases, of about 40,000 horse power. Work is still being carried on enlarging the canal to fourteen feet deep and one hundred feet wide. When this improvement is com- pleted the canal will have a capacity of more than 100,000 horse power. Since this improvement has been completed a new power house has been built for the purpose of supplying power tenants. For this new plant water is taken in an open canal from this hydraulic basin to a forebay thirty feet wide and twenty-two feet deep, built near the edge of the high bank. From this forebay, penstock pipes built of flange Steele eight feet in diameter, conduct the water down over the high bank two hundred and ten feet to the site of the power house on the sloping bank at the edge of the water in the river below the falls. The site of the power house was covered with broken and disinte- grated rock, which had fallen from the bank during ages past, which covered the bed rock to a depth of from ten to seventy feet. For the re- moval of this loose material a Giant or Monitor, as it is termed, was used. This is a machine throwing a stream of water from four to six inches in diameter, according to the size of the nozzle used, under pres- sure It is very largely used in the western part of the United States for mining purposes, but has never been used in the east. This partic- ular machine was purchased in San Francisco, Cal. The water to supply this machine was taken from the canal and the pressure of two hundred and ten feet head was sufficient to give a force which readily washed down all the loose material into the river, uncox'ering a bed of sandstone upon which the power house is built, and from which the ma- terial of which it is built was quarried. 2o6 The power house building will be i8o feet long by lOO feet wide and will contain sixteen wheels of about 2,ooo horse- power each. One- third of the length of the building is now constructed and the second third is under construction. The wheels in this power house work under a head of 210 feet, which is the highest head under which water has ever been used for power in the quantity used in this plant. It was decided that water for the wheels should be supplied by a penstock leading from the forebay aboved described, vertically about 135 feet to the top of the sloping bank, thence down the slope to the side of the station next to the bank, eight feet in diameter, connecting with a sup- ply pipe ten feet in diameter, running horizontally along the center of the tailrace from which the wheels would draw their water, by connec- tions from the bottom of the wheel case to the top of the supply pipe. In this connection, which is five feet in diameter, valves are placed so that any wheel can be shut down independently of the others. The wheels standing directly over this trunk discharge the water through draft tubes running down on either side of the supply pipe. Under general plans and specifications of the engineer, a contract was let to James Leffel & Co., of Springfield, O., for supplying the wheels now in use. The description of the wheels is as follows : The wheel runners, in case of three wheels which run the generators of the Pitts- burg Reduction Company and which run at a speed of 250 revolutions per minute, are seventy-eight inches in diameter ; in case of the other wheels which run at 300 revolutions per minute, sixty-five inches in diameter. The rim of the runner is the bucket ring and is cast solid from gun metal bronze. On this rim are two sets of buckets taking water on face and discharging it at each side of the rim. The bucket ring is bolted to the spokes of cast iron center, the tub of which is keyed to the shaft of hammered iron twenty feet in length. Surround- ing the outside of the runner is a cylinder in which the gates are fitted. The gates are about twenty per cent. less in number than the buckets. They are hung on steel pins and open by lifting one edge so that the direction in which the water enters the wheel is nearly tangential to the runner. Each gate has two arms which are connected to the rings by means of which they are opened and closed. This work is enclosed in a cylindrical case eleven feet in diameter and four feet long, which is 207 connected to the penstock by a supply pipe five feet in diameter. On the side of this case elbows are fitted to which the draft tubes are con- nected. The shaft passes out through these elbows through stuffing boxes. On the inside of the boxes lignum vitae steps are fastened, against which rings on the shaft work to prevent any motion in the shaft. Each end of the water wheel shaft is rigidly coupled to a direct current generator, capable of developing 560 kilowatts of electrical energy. The officers of the Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power and Manufacturing Company are: Jacob F. Schoellkopf, president; W. D. Olmstead. vice-president ; Arthur Schoellkopf, secretary and treasurer. \V. C. Johnson is the engineer. An enterprise of still greater magnitude has been inaugurated in recent years, the conception and execution of which has astonished the world and promoted the advancement and growth of Niagara Falls to a remarkable degree. The project of making use of the enormous water power inherent in the descent of Niagara River from above the rapids to the water level below the falls and applying it to industrial purposes through electricity, is now familiar to all. Its history, though extend- ing over a period of only about ten years, presents details and exhibits results that are a little less than marvelous, while the enterprise itself is the principal cause of the recent rapid growth of the city and the found- ation of its bright future prospects. The subject of using the enormous water power of the great cataract has received more or less attention from engineers and others in many past years ; but until recently those who made their speculations and advanced their theories were generally considered enthusiasts and vis- ionaries. From the old Hydraulic Canal in the year 1885 about 10,000 horse power was derived. At that time Thomas Evershed was at the falls, where he had often been before, in his capacity of engineer on the western section of the Erie Canal. It was, therefore, natural that he should be consulted regarding the practical solution of the problem of controlling and applying such a part as seemed available of the im- mense water power represented in the great river as it rushes down the rapids and plunges over the precipice. After preliminary consultation with Mr. Evershed, Charles B. Gaskill and other citizens of Niagara 208 Falls, secured a legislative charter under date of March 31, 1886, v.hich has since been extended and amended as indicated in the State laws. On July I, of that year, Mr. Evershed issued his first formal plan and estimate. Its features were discussed in many prominent scientific me- chanical, and other journals, as well as by eminent engineers and gen- erally with unfavorable comment. The corporation organized for the prosecution of the undertaking took the name of the Niagara Falls Power Company, It required three years of earnest and persistent effort on the part of the originators of the project to convince the capi- talists and any considerable part of the public, that the plans, if carried out, would prove commercially profitable. Briefly, the plans contemplated the construction of a tunnel leading from a point in the gorge of the river below the falls near the upper Suspension Bridge, westward directly. under the city a distance of about 7,000 feet, to a point above the city and near the river bank. There a shaft, or wheel pit, was to be built with an ultimate length of 400 feet and a width of twenty feet, into which great steel penstocks seven and one- half feet in diameter would convey the water led to them from the river through a short surface canal. In this wheel pit were to be placed turbine water wheels of great capacity, hung upon upright shafts and at such a depth from the surface as to give a fall of 136 feet. It was estimated that by the use of this tuunel there would be developed 100,000 horse power, As the subject was further discussed and proofs were submitted, upon theory at least, that the power could be thus produced and supplied to consumers at a considerable less cost than it could be created by any other means, capitalists were found who were willing to invest in the undertaking. In 1889, after many preliminaries had been settled and wide spread interest awakened, the then existing interests in the devel- opment of the Niagara Falls power were combined in a corporation called the Cataract Construction Company whose acceptance of the construction contract rested upon two propositions, viz. First, that with proper organization and development the whole project would be valuable solely as a hydraulic installation. Second, that it gave promise of becoming in the near future vastly more valuable as a source of power for transmission. The last named company was the out- 209 growth of the appreciative interest in these propositions shown by the following men : William B. Rankine, Francis Lynde Stetson, J. Pier- poiit Morgan, Hamilton McK. Twombly, Edward A. Wickes Morris K. Jessup, Darius Ogden Mills, Charles F. Clark, Edward D. Adams, Charles Lanier. A. J. Forbes- Leith, Walter Howe, John Crosby Brown. Frederick W. Whitbridge. William K. Vanderbilt, George S. Bowdoin, Joseph Larocque, Charles A. Sweet, and John Jacob Astor. Many of these men have served the corporation in some ofhcial capacity and given freely of their time and experience in the conduct of the enter- prise. Edward D. Adams was chosen president of the company, and still retains the position. The general plan finally adopted (which largely followed that of Mr. Evershed) comprised the construction of a surface canal 250 feet in width at its mouth, on the margin of the river, a mile and a quarter above the falls, extending inwardly 1,700 feet, with an average depth of about twelve feet, serving water sufficient for the development of about 100.000 horse power. The solid masonry walls of this canal are pierced at intervals on one side with ten inlets, guarded by gates which permit the delivery of water in the wheel pit at the side of the canal. This wheel pit is 178 feet in depth and is connected by a lateral tunnel with the main tunnel serving the purpose of a tail race about 7,000 feet in length, with an average hydraulic slope of six feet in 1,000, the tunnel having a maximum height of twenty-one feet and width of eighteen feet ten inches, its section being 386 square feet. Its slope is such that a chip thrown into the water at the wheel pit will pass out of the portal in three and one- half minutes, showing the water to have a velocity of twenty-six and one-half feet per second, or a little less than twenty miles an hour when running at its maximum capacity. On the other side of the canal are wells for users of hydraulic power. Over 1,000 men were engaged continuously for more than three years in the con- struction of this tunnel, which called for the removal of more than 300,- 000 tons of rock and the use of more than 16,000,000 brick for lining. The construction of the canal, and especially of the wheel pit, 175 feet in depth, with its surmounting power house, were works of correspond- ing difficulty and importance. After the most searching investigation by the ablest men to be found 27 210 for the task, the turbine wheels designed by Faesch & Pickard, of Geneva, Switzerland, were adopted for the initial power supply. These wheels were built by the I. P. Morris Company, of Philadelphia, and three of them are now installed. These matters settled, it became necessary in 1890, to decide upon one of the four methods recommended for transmitting power by ropes, by hydraulic pipes, by compressed air, or by electricity. Some of the most prominent engineers as late as in the year just named, had little faith that any method except compressed air could be successfully utilized. To settle this important question, one of the engineers of the company (John Bogart), and Francis Lynde Stetson, vice-president of of the company, made a tour of inspection to various points in Europe, England, and America, and examined the best examples of such work to be found. The activity in discussion of all electrical problems, and the great development in the use of the subtle fluid during the past five or six years is well known ; and it may be safely stated that by far the most important result of such discussion and the investigation by Messrs. Stetson and Bogart, was the adoption of electricity for the transmission of power at Niagara Falls. This decision was reached in 1890, after the tour above mentioned was concluded — a decision based, to a con- siderable extent at least, on what was seen of such transmission in France. Later examples of transmission of power by electricity, sixteen miles from Tivoli to Rome, Italy, and for a long distance at Portland, Oregon, and elsewhere, still further strengthened faith in that method. In December, 1891, the company invited competitive plans and es- timates for development of its electric power and its transmission locally and to Buffalo. The result of the competition was the adoption of a two-phase alternating generator of 5,000 horse power capacity, develop- ing 2,200 volts. The form of dynamo adopted and employed was designed by the company's electric engineer. Prof George Forbes, of London. A contract for three of these dynamos was entered into with the West- inghouse Company, of Pittsburg, and after their completion they were thoroughly tested and installed. On April 4, 1895, Rudolphe Bau- mann, a Swisss engineer, who was conspicuous in perfecting the hy- draulic plant, moved the hand wheel controlling the first turbine, the 211 great generator at the top of the shaft began to revolve and the power was ready for transmission, testifying to the abihty and genius of the various men associated in the work of producing a 5,000 horse power unit of machinery, capable of transforming the energy of faUing water into electric energy and needing only suitable conductors to carry it across miles of country. The power developed by this company is already in large and suc- cessful use, both at Niagara Falls and in Buffalo. The first distribution of electrical power was made to the Pittsburg Reduction Company, which has erected a plant for the manufacture of aluminum near the company's canal, and began using the power in August, 1895. Several other companies with local plants, and the Niagara Falls Lighting Com- pany are now successfully using the power. In December, 1895, the city of Buffalo granted a franchise to the power company to supply power to that city, under the terms of which as extended it must be prepared to furnish 10,000 horse-power to consumers by December 31, 1897, and 10,000 additional horse-power in each successive year. Un- this arrangement the Buffalo Railway Company contracted to take 1,000 horse-power at a rate of $^6 per horse-power per year. A pole line was erected consisting of three continuous cables of uninsulated copper, the total length of which is about seventy eight miles. Shortly after midnight on November 16, 1896, the power was first transmitted to Buffalo under impressive circumstances. Everything operated suc- cessfully and 1,000 horse-power is now in use by the Buffalo Railway Company for the propulsion of cars. The news of the event was sent throughout the world, making the name of Niagara Falls more familiar than ever before. One of the important auxiliary features of the plans of this power company is the founding of the village of Echota as a suburb of the city. For this purpose the company purchased a tract of land about 3,000 feet long in a direction parallel with the river and 1,500 feet wide, comprising eighty- four acres of flat land that had been comparatively useless. The improvements here made have been effected by the Niagara Development Company, which is intimately connected with the power company, and under immediate supervision of W. A. Brack- enridge, resident engineer of the latter company. Without attempting 212 to go into details, which is impracticable in these pages, it may be stated that on this tract of land is already founded a model industrial village, comprising thus far some seventy-four dwellings, built upon modern plans for perfect sanitation ; a building for stores with an assem- bly room above ; a handsome brick school building ; a complete plant for sewerage disposal according to the latest methods ; water from the Niagara Falls Water Works Company ; streets paved with Telford- Macadam pavement, and other features. The dwellings are all built by the company for rental to tenants. The power company owns about 1,200 acres of land adjoining its cen- tral station and the surface canal, which it is designed to lease for indus- trial purposes. This land has been laid out in streets and blocks and a freight railroad has been built connecting with the lines that enter Niagara Falls. This road was built by the Niagara Junction Railway Company, which is allied with the power company and runs through the whole length of the company's property, connecting with all the main lines of other railroads entering the city, and docks have been constructed on the river, making connection with the traffic of the great lakes. At about the same time a new water works plant was estab- lished with a capacity of 6,000,000 gallons per day, the water being taken from the river a mile above the falls. The whole city is thus given an excellent water supply. A handsome stone power house has been erected over the wheel pit, in which is a fifty-ton traveling crane ; the building is two hundred feet in length. The accompanying map shows a part of the city of Niagara Falls, with the location and comparative area of the properties of the power company and its allied organizations. There are three large corpoiations allied with the Niagara Falls Power Company, as follows : The Cataract Construction Company, the Niagara Junction Railway Company, and the Niagara Development Company. The rapid development of the present street railways of the city of Ni- agara Falls and the immediate surrounding country has been no less re- markable than the growth of other important interests. At the present time different parts of the city itself are connected with excellent roads 213 which are equipped with modern cars running at brief intervals, while Lewiston, Youngstown, Schlosser, La Salle, Tonawanda and Buffalo are all brought within short rides, some of which give the passenger glimpses of the grandest scenery in the country. The Niagara Falls and Sus- pension Bridge Railway Company was chartered October 20, 1882, with a capital of $750,000 This road with its equipment, as at pres- ent existing, has cost about $1,125,000, and owns about seventeen miles of track. It extends through and around the city and to the Whirlpool Rapids. John C. Brewster is superintendent. The Niagara Falls, Whirlpool and Northern Railroad Company was chartered March 3, 1894, with a capital of $50,000. The total cost of the road is $72,500; it has one and three- fourths miles of track, ex- tending from the city line to Devil's Hole in the town of Lewiston. The Buffalo and Niagara Falls Electric Railway Company was con- solidated May 24, 1895 ; construction on the line began May 10 of that year, and the road was completed September 22 of that year. The capital is $1,250,000, and thirty miles of track are operated. The cost of the road and equipment is $2,102,169. The cars are run by electric power supplied by the Niagara Falls Power Company. W. Caryl Ely, president ; Burt Van Horn, secretary and treasurer ; C. K. Marshall, superintendent The Niagara Falls and Lewiston Electric Railway Company, operat- ing the well known Great Gorge road, which extends from the falls to Lewiston at or near the foot of the cliffs along the river, was organized and the road opened in 1896. In the same year a road was extended to Youngstown. The Niagara Falls Gas Company was organized December 21, 1859, with the following officers : Stoughton Pettebone, president ; James F. Trott, secretary ; N. Walsh, treasurer ; George W. Parsons, superin- tendent and constructing engineer. The original capital of the com- pany was $20,000 ; this amount was largely increased in later years. The works were constructed as soon as practicable after the formation of the company, being completed May i, i860. At a later date the company's mains were extended to Suspension Bridge village and in 1866 a gasometer was erected there. The company now has about twenty- seven miles of mains, and L. A. Boore has been its secretary and superintendent since October i, 1883. 214 At the present time the city is well lighted by electricity by the Buffalo and Niagara Falls Electric Light and Power Company, of which J. P. Chapin is manager. The first fire company of Niagara Falls was organized in 1834, with the name of the Belchertown Company, a peculiar title taken from the old hand engine then in use, which was purchased in Belchertown, Mass. In early years the customary devices of buckets and ladders and hooks were the only appliances for extinguishing fires, until the old engine was brought into use. Two substantial stone buildings were erected, the last one in 1875, for the use of the company and their ap- paratus, which at that time comprised Cataract Engine and Hose Com- pany, No. I, Niagara Hose Company No. 2, Rescue Hook and Ladder Company No. i,and Protection Fire Company No. i, then recently organized. At the time of the city incorporation the department consisted of the following organizations : Cataract Engine and Hose Company No. I, Niagara Hose Company No. 2, Rapids Hose Company No. 3, Belle- vue Hose Company, No. 4, Mayle Hose Company No. 5, Active Hose Company No. 6, Gaskill Hose Company No. 7, Excelsior Hook and Ladder Company No. i. Rescue Hook and Ladder Company No. 2, Flagler Hook and Ladder Company No. 3. The city charter provided for the appointment of a chief engineer, a first and second assistant engineer, a superintendent of fire alarm, and four fire wardens, one for each ward. Herman C Hertel is the present chief; Herman Hertel, first assistant; Oliver M, Young, second assist- ant ; William C Edwards, secretary and treasurer. The department as at present organized comprises all of the above named companies and also the Electric City Hose Company , the Mill Reserve Hose Company, Cataract Jr. Hose Company, Emerald Hose Company No. 8, Independent Hose Company No. 9. The Niagara Falls Water Works Company was organized January 10, 1877, with the following officers: Franklin Spalding, president; Benjamin Rhodes, secretary; Fr. R. Delano, treasurer; Franklin Spalding, Stoughton Pettebone, Alvah Cluck, Francis R. Delano, D. R. Jerauld, William F. Evans, and Benjamin Rhodes, trustees. During the year 1877 three and a half miles of water mains were laid, and 215 twenty seven hydrants set, the water being taken from Niagara River by the Holly pump used in the Suspension Bridge Water Works. This company was a private corporation with a paid up capital of $25,000. In 1896, after the Niagara Falls Company had purchased most of the stock of this company, a new pumping station and filter plant was added at the Falls, with a capacity of 6,000,000 gallons daily. The present cost of the plant is about $308,000. There are fifteen miles of water mains. William B. Rankine is president of the company ; F. U. Wilcox, secretary and treasurer ; S. T. Murray, superintendent. VILLAGE OF SUSPENSION BRIDGE. The village of Suspension Bridge, which in 1892 became a part of the city of Niagara Falls, as before described, was originally named Bellevue, and was thus known until June 8, 1854, when it was incorpo- rated as a village under the name of Niagara City. Since about the time of the construction of the Roebling suspension bridge and the rapid ad- vancement of the place as a railroad center, it has been called Suspen- sion Bridge. The history of this village is almost wholly modern, except through its near relation to the important events which took place on ths Niagara frontier prior to the close of the war of 1812-15, which have been de- scribed in earlier chapters. As late as 1845 there were only two or three farm houses within the village limits as they existed at the time of its annexation to Niagara Falls city. There was at that time a sul- phur spring possessing considerable local popularity a little north of the end of the bridge, over which had been erected a building. The Row of water from this spring was largely stopped by the erection of the bridge. The land on which the village stands formerly was owned by E. P. -^ Graves, Orson Childs, and a Mr. Williamson, an Englishman. The latter owned the central part of the tract, which included the site of the bridge landing. In 1845 ^ speculative organization called the Bellevue Land Company was formed by Col. John Fisk, of Rochester ; Gen. Charles B. Stuart, of Schenectady ; J. V. E. Vedder, of Geneva, and Roswell G. Benedict, of Saratoga. The principal purpose of this com- pany was the purchase of a large part of the village site and the inaug- 2l6 uration and development of various improvements thereon. Their first important operation was the construction of a roadway from a point near the end of the bridge to a landing near the river edge a little far- ther up the stream. In 1846 the Maid of the Mist, a small steamboat, was built in the eddy above the bridge and began carrying pleasure seekers and travelers up and down and across the river. In 1854 a larger and better boat was built for this purpose and launched on July 14 of that year. For a time the operations of the proprietors were suc- cessful and promising of satisfactory profits, and the future looked bright ; but later on opposing interests and other local causes resulted in ulti- mate loss. In the settlement of affairs the then owner of the Maid of the Mist, W. G. Buchanan, decided to sell the boat. Receiving an offer from persons who insisted on the delivery of the boat at the mouth of the river, the problem was presented of how to get her below the surging waters of the whirlpool rapids, through which no living animal had ever passed. Mr. Buchanan resolved to accept the offer, provided he could find some person venturesome enough to attempt to run the boat through the whirlpool and down the swift current to the mouth of the river. It was not easy to find a man for the hazardous undertaking and it was the opinion of many who were competent to judge, that if the attempt was made, the craft would inevitably be dashed to pieces and all on board perish. Finally, Joel R. Robinson came forward and offered his services to command the boat on the perilous trip, and James Mclntyre and James H. Jones volunteered to accompany him, the former to as- sist at the wheel and the latter as engineer A day was set for the voy- age and about three o'clock in the afternoon the start was made. On- ward swept the little craft and after a vain effort to keep her near the Canada side of the stream and out of the more violent plunges of the rapids, she darted out towards the whirlpool. For a few moments the boat was at the mercy of the tumultuous waters and was hurled hither and thither on the waves, but sooner than the story can be told she was through the most dangerous part of the voyage and in comparative safety, having suffered only slight damage. In seventeen minutes from the time she left the landing she came to the dock at Queenston. The Bellevue Land Company pursued its plans with energy and sent 217 out broadcast propositions to capitalists to establish manufactures on its land, but without expected returns. The Witmer grist mill was built in 1846-47, and in the latter year, on August 21, the International Suspension Bridge Company was organized with the following directors: William H. Merritt, Thomas C. Street, J. Cummings, Charles B. Stuart, J. Oswald, Samuel Zimmerman, Washington Hunt, Samuel De Veaux, Charles Evans, Isaac C. Colton, Lot Clark. William O. Buchanan was chosen superintendent. The first suspension bridge was built by the International Bridge Company, under the supervision of Charles EUct, jr., of Philadelphia, who came here in the winter of 1847 ^"^ P^^^ "P ^^ ^^^^ '^^^ Eagle Tavern, on the site of the International Hotel. The venerable Theo- dore G. Hulett was consulted by the engineer and tells the following in- teresting story of what followed: The engineer stated in detail his plan of construction. First, to provide some means of crossing the gorge with men and tools without crossing at a ferry at Lew- iston — five miles below — thus saving ten miles travel for each desired crossing. His plan was to erect two towers, one on either side, twenty-five feet in height, and to suspend a wire cable of thirty-six strands of No. 10 wire from the top of these tow- ers, with about thirty feet deflection, and upon which to place a yoke with grooved rollers at either end, and from which to suspend a cage of sufficient capacity to accommodate two men, and this cage to be drawn across from side to side by means of a stationary windlass on either side of the bank. The first thing to be settled was the size, form and material of which this cage should be constructed. The en- gineer proposed this cage to be made of wood, and instead, I suggested iron. The engineer's objection to iron was its weight. In answer, I suggested that I thought one of iron could be made of less weight and more secure than one of wood. To test this proposition, the engineer made a plan of his wooden cage, and carefully weighed, by figures, its weight. I then made a plan of a basket made of iron, which was also weighed and found to be ten pounds lighter than the wood. "We will have it iron," exclaimed the engineer, provided we can get it made. I assured the engineer that getting it made would present no difficulty, as I would make it with my own hands. The next interrogatory of the engineer was, "What shall be its form?" We both at the time were sitting in rocking chairs of the same pattern. I requested the engineer to arise, and these two rockers were drawn close together, the engineer exclaiming, "That is just what we want and will have." Next in order was the construction of the cable upon which the basket was to travel. This cable was to be constructed of thirty-six strands of No. 10 wire, each strand to be subjected to a uniform strain, and the thirty-six strands bound into a round form by being wrapped by a transverse wrapping of a small annealed wire at intervals of eight inches, each wrapping being about four inches in length. This cable was formed around an iron yoke or clevis at either end as a means of fastening to the 28 2l8 rock. After the detail of making the cable was disposed of, then came the ques- tion of how to get it over. The engineer suggested offering a premium of ten dol- lars to the first boy who should successfully fly over the gorge his kite string and fasten its ends to a tree on either side. This premium brought a score of lads into the contest, and a boy by the name of Homan Walsh (who now resides in Lincoln, Neb.) was the successful winner of the prize, which was paid as soon as the kite string was secured on the bank of the stream. The following day a stronger line was drawn over by the kite string, and a rope of sufficient strength to haul over the iron cable was substituted. By means of this rope the iron cable was hauled across the river and its ends secured to the solid rock and placed upon the wooden towers. I made the iron basket and its attachments with my own hands, and it was placed upon the cable. A strong windlass consisting of a wooden drum of about four feet in diameter, and so geared that one man at the crank could haul over any re- quired load. One of these windlasses was placed on each bank, the draft rope passing around these drums at one end, and the other attached to the yoke from which the basket was suspended. This yoke was made of iron, with a grooved roller at either end that it ran upon, and the flanges astride the cable. The first passage of this basket was attempted to be made empty, but when almost across it suddenly stopped and the windlass on the opposite side would not bring it ashore. It could be drawn back, but not forward, and the basket was drawn back to the American shore. Engineer Ellett mounted the car, which was let loose from the tower, and which descended the down grade with great velocity until its momentum was arrested by the up grade on the opposite side, when the windlass on the opposite side was set in motion and hauled the basket with its pass- enger to the point of obstruction, which was found to be a spot in the cable that had been flattened when the cable was being hauled across, and to such extent that that exceeded the width of the groove in the roller, which caused the flange of the forward end of the roller to rise upon the cable and its edge to sink between the ex- panded strands of the cable, The engineer saw the difficulty at a glance, and he soon remedied it by contracting the width of the cable, and the rollers passed over and the first passenger landed in safety across the gorge in this fairy basket. It was found that the groove in the rollers was too shallow and the tread too narrow to prevent undue friction on the transverse wrapping of the cable, and new and deeper-grooved rollers were substituted. This change made this mode of transpor- tation was complete, and it was used for that purpose for more than one year, and carried across the gorge more than two thorsand passengers. This cable was used until the preliminary bridge structure was completed, and then removed. The preliminary bridge was but a slight structure of eight feet (roadway) in width, with a railing made from ash wood of oval form, one and one-quarter inches by two inches, locked together at its ends, and the splice bound together by fine annealed wire and woven into the suspenders of the bridge longitudinally. There were four of these on either side, one foot apart, which made a strong and safe railing five feet in height. This bridge was only intended as a scaffolding from which to build the platform of the intended railroad bridge. The mode of construction of this prelimi- nary bridge was not only unique, but was attended by a thrilling incident, which will not be forgotten by those who witnessed it, or its recital uninteresting to those who did not. 219 The first preliminary bridge was composed of four massive wooden towers, two on either bank, some eighty feet in height. There were four corner posts two feet square, consti^ucted of four timbers one foot square, each of different length and separated on their inner sides by an oak strip, and all bolted firmly together. The sections were united by each timber being of a different length, and thus built up to the top. There were cross beams twelve inches square running around the vertical posts at intervals ol about eight feet and bolted firmly to the corner posts, and brac- ing timbers from each cross beam to the corner posts. These towers were fourteen feet square at the base, terminating at their top at six feet square. These towers were mounted by a wooden roller of eighteen inches in diameter and six feet in length, upon which the cables were to rest. The cables of this preliminary bridge were four in number, two on each tower. Thej' were composed of about one hundred and twenty strands of No. 10 wire each wire having been stretched at an equal tension on the shore, with each wire passing around an iron yoke at each end as a means of anchoring the cables to the rock. These cables were wrapped transversely by small annealed wire at intervals of ten inches, each wrapping being four inches in length, the cable two and one-quarter inches in diameter. In getting these cables across, one end was anchored to the solid rock, a strong rope attached to the other end, which was connected with a powerful windlass on the Canada side, and by it the cable was hauled across the chasm and the ends anchored to the rock. This left a .sag in the cable below the cliff of about eighty feet. By means of rope tackle these cables were lifted to the top of the towers to their final resting place, leaving the lowest point of deflection of the cables some fifteen feet above the level of the surface rock on either side. These cables were spread upon the wooden rollers on the top of the towers, four feet apart, and the transverse wrappings for about four feet at their apex removed for the pur- pose of leaving the wires flattened to give each strand of wire an equal tensile strength, and to enable the oil, with which they were kept painted, to reach each wire to prevent any possible oxidization of the wires, this being the greatest point of strain on the cables. Next in order were placed strips of pine scantling, two by three, across the two cables on either side, and four feet in length, fastened with wire to the cables, so as to prevent the cables getting out of line, and a cross support for the suspenders, which were composed of two strands of No. 10 wire, each end of the suspender ter- minating at the bottom in a loop to receive the cross or needle beam of the flooring. As these suspenders and supports were shoved out, the floor was laid, which con- sisted of one-inch boards of two layers, each layer breaking joints. These tempo- rary platforms of only four feet in width, were to be carried across from either side simultaneously until being united in the center, and when so united the platform at once assumed its intended form, a beautiful catenary curve to the cables and an up- ward curve to the flooring, each being governed by the calculation of the length of each suspending wire. Two separate and distinct bridges were thus thrown across, after which they were brought together, side by side, and lashed firmly together, thus giving the support- ing cables a lateral curve from twenty-four feet at the top of the towers to eight feet at the center of the bridge. 220 It was while these preliminary platforms were being carried out as above described that a terrific scene occurred. The northerly platform was completed and the other commenced on either side, the one on the Canada side almost one hundred feet from the bank, and on the American side about two hundred feet. There arose a sudden and terrific wind storm. As a first indication of it a two-inch plank was lifted from the top of the tower and was being carried as a feather at the behest of the storm. Its effect on the bridge was that the unfinished part was swinging to and fro for one hundred feet, at last throwing that part on the Canadian side over and across the basket cable. There were two workmen on the Canada end of the structure at the time of the crash, who made their escape to the tower, but on the American side there were four men on the structure, only one of whom reached the shore, the three remaining having no other support than to firmly clutch the two No. 10 wires and resting their feet on the shifting flooring of the platiorm. Nothing could be done to rescue these men, until the violence of the gale subsided. When the gale had spent its violence a short latlder, twelve feet long, was attached to the iron basket with ropes and a request for some one to volunteer to go out in the basket to rescue the men. A young man named William Ellis stepped forward and said, " I am your man." Ellis sprang into the basket but before starting I instructed him that he under no consideration should bring but one man at a time, as it was impossible to estimate the strain upon the basket cable, as the weight of the entire Canada end of the bridge was upon it, but to take off the one farthest out, and return for the others. EUis's reply was "all right." Outwent the basket, passing the two unfortunates for the one farthest from the shore, the ladder was extended to the wreck, the un- fortunate was eagerly watched until safely landed in the basket. The next un- fortunate's appeals were so pressing to be taken in that Ellis forgot his instructions and the second unfortunate was soon seen crossing the ladder into the basket. The third was reached and the ladder was pushed out again, and he also was landed in the basket. The basket — the capacity of which was but for two — was slowly drawn to the shore laden with four stalwart men, and the four safely landed amid the shouts from the bystanders that silenced the raging elements. Under this temporary platform was built the wagon bridge of eight feet in width as above described. This road bridge was used as a carriage and foot way for two or three years, awaiting the change of hard times and the railroad it was intended to accommodate should be completed. At last this event happened, and Engineer John A. Roebling, of Brooklyn Bridge fame, was engaged as engineer to complete the original design — a railroad bridge. Massive stone towers took the place of the original ones, and a railroad bridge and a carriage track beneath was erected by Mr. Roebling, which was used for years, and after all the woodwork of the structure was replaced by iron except the floors, which took place about fifteen years since by Engineer L. L. Buck, who about five years after substituted the massive iron towers for the stone towers erected by Engineer Roebling, which began to show signs of decay. The engineering skill of Engineer Buck was manifested by the substitution of these present iron towers for the stone ones removed, when it is known that this change was made without interfering with railroad crossing for but two hours. The completion of the great suspension bridge marked the beginning 221 of rapid development in this village and soon gave it far-reaching im- portance through its railroad connections. The Monteagle Hotel, be- gun in 1848 and finished in 1855, was one of the largest and most ex- pensively furnished public houses of that time. During the period of construction of this house, the New York Central Hotel was built and afterwards burned. Since 1850 ten or twelve hotels of more or less pretense and importance, and many places of temporary refreshment, have been opened here. In recent years, however, the more rapid growth of Niagara Falls village and city and the strong attraction of the cataract itself has drawn a large share of travelers to that place. The Niagara River Bridge Company was organized April 15, 1883, with capital of $1,000,000. This company constructed the well known Cantilever bridge, which was finished in December, 1883. C. H Witmer inaugurated the milling business in the village in 1848 and continued to 1859, in September of which year he was accidentally drowned by slipping into the river above the bridge. His sons succeeded to the business and also established the Witmer Brothers' Bank in October, 1874. This mill is now operated by H. E. Wood- ford ; the bank was closed about ten years ago. The post-ofifice was opened in 1849 ^'th Dr. Collier postmaster, who was succeeded by John Fisk. Extensive cattle yards were here established about i860 and con- tinued to do a large business until the founding of the stock market and yards at Buffalo, after which the business here declined. In 1863 the port of entry was removed from Lewiston to Suspension Bridge and the commodious custom house was erected. The petition for incorporation of the village of Suspension Bridge was prepared in April, 1854, and was signed by Marcus Adams, Elihu P. Graves, Lewis E. Glover and Rodney Durkee. A village election was held on May 30 to vote for and against incorporation, at which only two votes out of eighty-eight were against the measure. A census taken in the spring of that year showed the population of the village to be 827. The incorporation took place June 8, 1854, under the name of Niagara City, with the following officers: John Fisk, president; H. P. Witbeck, Rodney Durkee, George Vogt and James Vedder, trustees ; E. Stanley Adams, clerk. Soon after the completion of the 222 bridge the place began to be known as Suspension Bridge and finally that name was adopted, Under the general act of 1875, enabling cities and villages to supply themselves with water, a public meeting was called at Colt's Hall to discuss the subject of establishing water works in the village. The matter was favorably considered and at a later meeting a majority of the tax payers favored the project. After some opposition on the part of the New York Central Railroad work was begun in the spring of 1876 and the plant on the well known Holly system was completed in August of the same year. The cost was about $60,000, to raise which the village was bonded for $3,000 annually for twenty years. This system still supplies that part of the city of Niagara Falls with water, and has cost to the present time about $250,000. There are twenty- one miles of mains and 175 hydrants. H. A. Keller has been superin- tendent since 1889. In 1856 a bucket company was formed in the village for extinguish- ing fires and in the following year a hook and ladder company was organized. Before the close of that year a fire engine was purchased for $1,700, a bucket wagon for $150, and other apparatus costing $250. A company was organized called the Rapids Engine and Hose Com- pany. Other hose and hook and ladder companies were soon organ- ized and the fire department was in an efficient condition when the annexation to Niagara Falls took place The first newspaper published in this village was the Niagara City Herald, the first issue of which appeared in October, 1855, under edito- rial and business control of N. T. Hackstafif. It was subsequently sold to C. B Gaskill, who discontinued it after a time. In 1870 A. G. Liscom established the Suspension Bridge Journal. In 1873 he sold it to John Ransom, who greatly improved the paper and secured for it a large patronage. Mr. Ransom was succeeded in the publication of the paper by Liscom Brothers and they by S. S. Pomroy, He was succeeded by the firm of Pomroy & Schultz (Will- iam F. Schultz). In June, 1897, Pomroy & Schultz sold the establish- ment to Edward T. Williams, the present proprietor. Edward T. Williams, editor and publisher of the Niagara Falls Jour- nal, is a grandson of John Williams, who came from Seneca county to EDWARD T. WILLIAMS. 223 Pendleton soon after 1810, and later became a pioneer of Somerset, where he died in 1880. Abram C. Williams, son of John and father of Edward T., was born in Pendleton and now resides in Somerset. He married Augusta E., daughter of George K. Hood, an early settler of Somerset and for several years a supervisor of that town. She died about 1877. Edward T. Williams was born on a farm in Somerset, Niagara county, April 30, 1868, and was early thrown, in a measure, upon his own resources. He attended the Somerset schools, the Wilson Union School, and Cornell University, and when seventeen assumed the management of his father's farm. While yet a youth he began to write for the newspapers, and in 1889 became connected with the staff" of the Lockport Union and Niagara Democrat. About 1890 he was made city editor of the Niagara Falls Journal, and in January, 1892, was appointed Niagara Falls correspondent of the BufTalo Courier, which position he held until May, 1897. On June i, 1897, he purchased the Niagara Falls Journal and became its editor and publisher. Mr, Will- iams has always been an active Democrat, and in 1895 was his party's candidate for member of assembly. June 21, 1893, he married Minnie F., daughter of W. C. Wilcox, of Somerset. At the time of the city incorporation in 1892, when the village of Suspension Bridge had a population of about 4,500, it was absorbed by the present city of Niagara Falls. It has never been an active business or manufacturing center, but will doubtless receive an impetus in this respect from its close municipal connection with the larger place. The first banking business in Niagara Falls was conducted by Riddle & Co. as early as 1855. They were succeeded by White & Hecker, and later John D. Hamlin opened a banking office in the International block. Soon after the war N. K. Van Husen came from Buffalo and started another private bank. In 1873 Dr. B L. Delano became an equal partner with Mr. Van Husen under the firm name of Van Husen & Delano, and in the same year they built and moved into a banking building on Main street. In November, 1874, Mr. Van Husen retired from the business and the firm became B. L. Delano & Co. On July 9, 1877, the Cataract Bank was chartered, with a capital of $50,000, 224 and took the business of the former firm. The first officers of the institution were as follows : President, Stoughton Pettebone ; vice- president, Dr. B. L. Delano; cashier, F. R. Delano; directors, Stough- ton Pettebone, Alvah Cluck, George S. Haines, F. R. Delano, Hiram E. Griffith, Dr. B. L. Delano, Moses Einstein, John Hodge. There were numerous succeeding changes in the officers of the institution pre- vious to 1893, in which year it failed, during the presidency of Peter A. Porter, and while Delancey Rankin was cashier. Mr. Porter was made receiver and the affairs of the bank are not yet wholly settled. With the rapid growth of Niagara Falls in recent years banking facilities have necessarily been greatly extended. The First National Bank was organized June i, 1893, with a capital of $100,000, and the following officers : President, David Phillips ; vice president, David Isaacs; cashier, Henry Durk. On the 9th of December, 1896, Mr. Phillips resigned as president of this bank, and George B. Rand, presi- dent of the First National Bank of Tonawanda, was elected to the posi- tion. On the 10th a meeting of the directors was held and on the morning of the nth it was announced that the doors of the bank would not be opened for business. One of the principal causes of the trouble in the institution was the recent failure of the Niagara Falls Glazed Paper Company, with which some of the bank officials were intimately connected. The occurrences in connection with this matter are too recent to need detail here. The P^lectric City Bank was organized December i, 1894, with capi- tal of $75,000, and the following officers: President, Jerome B. Rice; vice-president, Frank A.Dudley; cashier, George G. Shepard. This institution is prudently and successfully conducted and now has accu- mulated a large fund of undivided profits, considering the length of time the bank has been in existence. The Bank of Niagara was organized in 1882, with a capital of $50,- 000, and the following officers : President, Henry C. Howard ; vice- president, William C. Cornwell ; cashier, Edward J. Mackenna. Mr. Howard is still president; Mr. Cornwell was succeeded by Edward J. Mackenna as vice-president, George J. Howard taking Mr. Mackenna's position as cashier. The present directors are Ethan H Howard, Jacob F. Schoellkopf, Benjamin Flagler, Edward P. Bowen, Arthur Schoell- 225 kopf, Henry C. Howard, Eugene Gary, E. J. Mackenna. This bank has now a surplus of $50,000. The Power City Bank began business June 19, 1893, witli a capital of $100,000, and the following officers: Arthur Schoellkopf, president; Hans Neilson, vice-president; Fred I. Pierce, cashier. These with the following constitute the present board of directors : Eugene Gary, L. F. Mayle, A Kaltenbach, Alfred Schoellkopf, S. M. Glement, Henry Grigg, J. F. Schoellkopf. The Niagara Gounty Savings Bank began business January 2, 1891. The first president was Thomas V. Welch, who still continues in that position ; the first vice-president was Francis R. Delano, upon whose death Andrew Kaltenbach took the position ; Mr. Kaltenbach was the first second vice-president, and was succeeded by C. M. Young ; John Mackay has been secretary and treasurer from the first; VV. Garyl Ely is attorney. The following persons were chosen the first trustees of this institution: Franklin Spalding, Gharles B. Gaskill, William F. Evans, Lauren W. Pettebone, David Phillips, Francis R. Delano, W. Gary, Ely, Alexander J. Porter, Francis G. Beiden, Thomas Gaskin, Moses Einstein, Michael Ryan, S. M. N. Whitney, Peter A. Porter, Thomas V. Welch, Henry Durk, A. T. Gudaback, John S. Macklem, Andrew Kaltenbach, Ensign M. Glark, John G. Lammerts, G. M. Young, Henry S. Ware. William F. Gassier, Jacob J. Vogt. Of these Messrs Spalding, Delano, Einstein and Ware are deceased; Messrs. Gaskill, Phillips, Beiden, Gaskin, Durk, Macklem, Gassier, and Vogt are retired from the board, and the following have been elected : Jacob B. Vogt, Eugene Gary, Arthur Schoellkopf, J. G. Morgan. The village of Suspension Bridge has two banks in successful opera- tion, both of which were founded prior to the city incorporation, the latest one in the same year. The Bank of Suspension Bridge was char- tered August 10, 1886, with a capital of $25,000, which remains the same. The officers of the institution from the beginning have been as follows : Benjamin Flagler, president ; Henry G. Howard, vice-presi- dent ; Frank E. Johnson, cashier; Thomas J. O'Donnell, assistant cashier. The present directors are the foregoing persons with James Low, Louis S. Silberberg, Konrad Fink, Walter P. Home, and Henry 29 226 E. Woodford. This bank has now in surplus and earnings about $27,- 000. The Frontier Bank of Niagara was organized and incorporated in May, 1890, with authorized capital of $200,000, of which sum $50 000 is paid up. Jacob Bingenheimer, president ; D. D. McKoon, vice- president ; William S. Pierce, cashier. Manufactures. — One of the old and important manufacturing industries of Niagara Falls was the Niagara Falls Paper Manufacturing Company, which was organized in November, 1855. The company erected a paper mill on Bath Island, where it obtained the necessary water for its purposes The original mill here, as before stated, was built in 1826, by Porter & Clark. This was burned August 12, 1858, but was immediately rebuilt with larger and improved facilities. At the organization of the paper company L. C. Woodruff was made presi- dent, and S. Pettebone, secretary. In later years this mill and its water power were greatly improved Lauren W. Pettebone was long officially connected with the company. The Pettebone Cataract Paper Company was organized and incorpo- rated October i , 1 892, with C. B. Gaskill, president ; L. W. Pettebone vice- president ; J. J. Mclntire, secretary ; and A. J. Porter, treasurer. Slight changes have made the present officers to include J. T. Jones, president ; Mr. Pettebone and Mr. Mclntire remain vice president and secretary respectively, with N. J. Bowker, assistant secretary and treasurer, and John H. HoUingsworth, superintendent. The capital is $350,000. This company is the successor of the Cataract Manufacturing Company, which was organized in 1880 by Gaskill & Mclntire, for the manufac- ture of paper pulp. In 1884, the mill on Bath Island, above described, was removed to the main land on account of the transfer of the island to the State, and upon the organization of the present company, be came a part of its plant. The product is news paper and pulp. The manufacturing works now operated by the Kelley & McBean Company were established in 1891, and the present company was or- ganized in 1895, for the manufacture of silver plated ware, silver and aluminum souvenir goods and advertising novelties, and patent dog collars, chains, etc. The officers of the company are H. W. McBean, president; D. M. Kelley, vice-president; S.J. Devlin, secretary and treasurer. 22/ Tlie pulp mill originally started by John F. Quigley was succeeded by the present Cliff Paper Company, which was organized in the spring of 1889, with John F. Quigley, president; Arthur C. Hastings, secretary and treasurer; C. H. Gilchrist, superintendent. In connection with the pulp manufacture the company has established a large paper mill. The present officers of the company are Jacob F. Schoellkopf, president ; Arthur Schoellkopf, vice-president ; A. C. Hastings, secretary, treasu- rer and manager. The capital of the company is $100,000, and the capacity of the plant is 50,000 pounds of newspaper and 60,000 pounds of pulp dally. The Central Milling Company was incorporated in 1884 and the present mill was built in 1885, to which a storehouse and cooper shop were added in 1888. The capacity of the mill is 2,000 barrels of flour daily. The capital of the company is $200,000, and the officers are George B. Matthews, president; A. R. James, treasurer; George W. Olmsted, secretary ; Henry Grigg, superintendent. The Cataract Milling Company, formed in 1854 by C. B. Gaskill, was the first to use the water of the hydraulic canal. It was subsequently incorporated with C. B. Gaskill, president, and G. J. Colpoys, secretary and treasurer; the capital is $200,000. The capacity of the mills is 800 barrels of flour daily. The Niagara Flouring mill was built about 1877 by Schoellkopf & Mathews, the present proprietors. It has a capacit^^ of 2,000 barrels of flour per day. One of the largest industries in Niagara county is the Niagara P'alls Paper Company, which originated in 1888 as the Soo Paper Compan)', was incorporated in May, 1889, with a capital of $50,000, and with the purpose in view of building a mill at Sault Ste. Marie. The name of this company was changed in February, 1892, to its present title, and in September of that year a lease was signed with the Niagara Falls Power Company for 3,000 horse power. Immediate pieparations were made for the construction of a power house, pits and race-way, and a large modern paper mill. J. C. Morgan, the efficient secretary and manager of the company, located at the Falls in March, 1892, and in May, 1893, the manufacture of paper was commenced. These mills now cover a frontage of 400 feet and have five acres of floor space; 228 about i.ooo hands are employed ; 10,000 pounds of pulp are produced daily, while the immense paper machines have a capacity of 60,000 pounds daily. The company own 50,000 acres of spruce timber land on Lake Superior, with saw mills for preparing the wood for shipment. The capital stock of the company has been increased to $1,000,000. Secretary Morgan is a practical paper maker and has had wide experi- ence in the business ; he is also a man of thorough executive ability which enables him to fill his responsible position with gratifying success. The Francis Manufacturing Company was organized in June, 1893, with capital stock of $55,000. H. A. Francis is president, and A. C. Hastings, secretary and treasurer. The product is hooks and eyes and other dress fasteners. The Oneida Community has a branch of its various interests in Ni- agara Falls for the manufacture of silver plated ware and chains. The business here was established in 1880; P. H. Noyes is manager. The Electric City Brewing Company was incorporated in 1895, capi- tal, $125,000, and succeeded the Whirlpool Co-operative Brewing Com- pany, which was organized March 7, 1893, with a capital of $80,000. M. W. O'Boyle is president; John S. Macklem, vice president; F. L. Lovelace, secretary ; A. C. Buell, treasurer. The Niagara Surface Coating Company was incorporated January i, 1897, succeeding the Niagara Glazed Paper Company, in the manufac- ture of coated papers. John C. Lammerts is president ; Eugene Cary, secretary and treasurer. The capital is $35,000. The Carter Crume Company, organized in 1893, manufacture ex- tensively check books, autographic registers and supplies, paper boxes, butter dishes, sign letters and silver ware. The company has depart- ments at the Falls, Dayton, O., Saginaw, Mich., and Toronto. About 450 hands are employed in the Niagara Falls estabhshment, Thomas McDowell is the efficient manager of this concern. Other establishments that must be included in the industries of the city are the F. W. Oliver Company, organized in 1894, contractors' and builders' supplies, F. W. Oliver, president and manager. The Niagara Electro-Chemical Company, established in 1896. The Mathieson Alkali Works, manufacturers of soda ash and kindred products, established in 1897. The Albright & Wilson Chemical Company, manufacturers of W. A. PHILPOTT, Jr. 229 a chemical soda, began business in 1897. The Acetylene Light, Heat and Power Company ; Charles C. Adams, president, and Joseph P. De- vine, manager, established in 1896; the Chemical Construction Com- pany, P'rederick Overbury, general manager ; the Niagara Falls Brew- ing Company, Arthur Schoellkopf, secretary; Thomas E. McGarigle and Philpott & Leuppie. machinists; the Niagara Falls Distilling and Chem- ical Company; the Colt Block Company ; the Power City Lumber Com- pany, John ]\I. Diver, proprietor; the Cataract Ice Company ; the Car- borundum Works ; the Pittsburgh Reduction Company, manufacturers of aluminum, established in September, 1895. Several of these com- panies, as has been seen, are of recent origin and are directly the off- spring of the great power company, which, by selling them power at low rates, has made their successful existence here possible. While they are in some instances operated largely or wholly by foreign capi- tal, they are of great indirect benefit to the city, and an indication of what may be induced to follow their steps hither to secure the advan- tages which they are reaping. The Niagara Falls Tower Company was organized in 1893, with $200,000 capital, its purpose being the erection of a steel observation tower about 190 feet high over what is known as the Tower Hotel. R. W Jones is secretary and treasurer. The Dobbie Foundry and Machine Company was incorporated in December, 1896, and succeeded Dobbie, Stuart & Co., which was in- corporated in 1894, succeeding Dobbie & Stuart, who began business in 1892. John Dobbie is president and treasurer of the company; Ar- chibald Dobbie, secretary ; John T. Horton, superintendent ; the capital is $40,000. The Suspension Bridge^Cold Storage Warehouse Company was or- ganized about 1889 by H. P. Stanley & Co., who remodeled the old Monteagle Hotel for the purpose of storage ; the capacity is about 35,- 000 barrels. Willis Van Horn has always been president and manager of the business. In connection v/ith the industrial interests of Niagara Falls, and especially for the general business advancement of the city, a Chamber of Commerce was organized in 1895, which at the present time consists of the following members, among many others : Hon. Arthur Schoell- 230 kopf, Hon. W. Caryl Ely, Gen. Benjamin Flagler, Capt. M. B. Butler, James Low, J. C. Morgan, Max Amberg, Augustus Thibadeau, City Engineer Reed, Hon. Frank A. Dudley, W. B. Rankine, W. A. Brackenridge, J. J. Mclntyre, C. S. Humbert, Major Hardwicke and John C. Lammerts. These men and other members of the organization are among the leading and most active citizens of the city, and the in- fluence of the Chamber of Commerce is already apparent. In June, 1897, they purchased for $6,000 the old armory building on Walnut avenue from the county of Niagara, and perfected plans for converting it into a large convention hall. This armory was erected by the county and long occupied by the 42d Separate Company, The city of Niagara Falls to day occupies a unique as well as a most promising position in the municipal life of the State and the country. It is in a transition state and men of judgment and forethought believe that it has before it a future of unbounded prosperity and growth. All material indications point to such results. The harnessing of the mighty power of the great cataract is alone suflficient to give the city world- wide fame, while at the same time it must make it the seat of industries without limit, which can here find the motive power needed at less cost than anywhere else in the country. The grandeur of the scenery ; the various connections being rapidly perfected by electric railroads with other points of interest and profit ; the improvements made annually in the beautiful State Reservation ; the yearly addition to the population of many energetic men — these are a few of the potent actors that are working together in shaping the hopeful destiny of the city. Religious services were not generally held in this county so soon after the first settlements as in many other localities, on account of the fron- tier warfare to which it was long subject. There was no church organ- ization until 181 5, and it is an acknowledged fact that very few sermons were preached in the town before the war of 181 2 ; this is, of course, laj'ing aside the religious work of the Jesuits. The churches of the city at the present time are shown in the following notices : Parish of St. Marys of the Cataract. — Before the erection of Buffalo into an Episcopal See, the mission was occasionally visited by the priest residing at Lockport. Soon after the appointment of Rt. Rev. 231 Joliii Timon to the See of Buffalo, Lewiston, Youngstown, and Niagara Falls were formed into a parish (1847), the first pastor, Rev. John Boyle, fixing his residence at Lewiston, which was at the time the largest of the three places. Rev. John Boyle continued to hold the pastoral charge until 1850 and built the old stone church on the site now occupied by the present one. The church lot was donated to the congregation by Judge Porter at the request of Bishop Timon. Rev. John Boyle was removed in 1850 to another mission and died at Elmira (1857). He was succeeded by Father Nolan, who was suc- ceeded in 185 I by Rev. William C. Stevens. In 185 i Father Stephens changed the pastoral residence from Lewiston to the Falls, and built the church at Suspension Bridge. During the year 1856-7, the house and lot north of the church were purchased for a pastoral residence for the sum of $1,600. In 1859 Father Stephens was removed to Rochester, the Lazarist Fathers taking charge of the mission during the following three years. The pastors during this time were Rev. Ed. Maginnis, C. M., Rev. John Moynihan, C. M., Rev. Ed. M. Hennessy, C. M., and Rev. William A. Ryan, C. M. Rev. Father Stephens returned to the Falls in the month of April, 1862, and after a pastorate of only five months died on Mon- day, September i. His body was interred behind the old church, but owing to the enlargement of the building, now reposes at the head of the centre aisle, just in front and partly under the railing of the sanctuary. After his return, Father Stephens had charge only of St. Mary's par- ish (Niagara Falls), as the mission had been previously divided. Rev. Patrick Cannon succeeded Father Stephens on the i6th of the same month. During the following summer, 1863, the enlargement of the church was undertaken and the addition of the sanctuary, transept and side chapels was made. This work was completed in the fall, and opened for divine service on Sunday. 13th day of December, within the octave of the Immaculate Conception B. V. M., by Rt. Rev. Bishop Timon. On the same day he administered confirmation and conse- crated the main altar under the title and invocation of the Immaculate Conception, B. V. M., and placed in the sepulchre the relics of the Holy Martyrs, Castus, Benignus and Innocentius. In the month of August, 1864, the academy property was purchased 232 from A. H. Porter for the sum of $I0,000. Of this amount the first $2,000 were paid by the parish at the time of the purchase. The re- maining $8,000 were paid by the ladies who took charge of the institu- tion and opened a day and boarding school for girls. In the summer of 1865 the church enlargement was resumed, and the nave and side aisles were added to the part of the building put up two years before. In the second addition the old church almost totally disappeared, the front only being left standing. The site and size of the old building was exactly that now occupied and covered by the nave proper of the new church, the present pillars standing where stood the walls of the old church. The church was opened for service on Sunday, the 5th day of No- vember, of the same year (1865), by the Rt. Rev. Bishop, who also administered the sacrament of confirmation to nearly one hundred per- sons on the same day. in the fall of 1866 a very successful mission was preached in the par- ish by two of the Rev. Oblate Fathers, M. I. The number of commu- nicants was about eight hundred. In the spring of 1869 a new organ was purchased for the church at a cost of $700 and opened with a con- cert on May 13. On May 30, 1869, Rt. Rev. Bishop Ryan made his first official visit to the church, gave first communion to the children at the high mass, and administered confirmation in the afternoon to 140 persons. After a pastorship of six years and ten months. Rev. Patrick Cannon left the parish to take charge of St. Patrick's church, Lockport, on July 12, 1869, and was succeeded by Rev. Patrick Moynihan, who entered upon his pastoral duties on the same day. The pastorate of the Rev. Father Cannon was replete with zeal for the welfare of his congregation. When we have to consider the sparse revenue with which he had to bring forth so many improvements, and the small amount of debt ($1,069.00) on the church when he left the parish, we cannot but admire his great administrative ability and untir- ing energy. As he is still laboring in the vineyard of the Lord, we forbear saying many things in his praise; the truth of which is attested by the monuments of zeal left after him, and the kind memories still lingering in the hearts of the people. The first work undertaken by Rev. Father P. Moynihan, after paying 233 off the debt ($1,06900), was to purchase the lot south of the church and the two frame buildings thereon, for the purpose of a boy's paro- chial school. The lot owned by Jeremiah Callahan was sold to the church for the sum of $1,500. On the 8th of October, 1870, the school was opened with 120 chil- dren, and the ladies from the Academy took charge for a salary of $400. Each boy paid towards this amount thirty cents per month. In the spring of 1873 Father Moynihan called a meeting of the congregation and proposed the erection of a new school house, or the building of a new church front. The latter motion prevailed. A committee was formed and the contract of building stone front and steeples was awarded to Philips & Wright. The estimated cost of the front was $10,000. The corner stone of the tower was laid by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Ryan on June 30, 1872, and the work completed by the following November. To meet the cost of this addition to the church, a mortgage of $3,000 was given to the Erie County Savings Bank on the church property (lots 16, 18 and 20), and smaller sums were borrowed from private individuals, thus creating a debt of nearly $9,000. The balance was raised by voluntary subscription, and for extra work not covered by the contract, a fair was held. After the completion of the church front, the question of purchasing a bell arose, and a com"mittee was formed consisting of S. Geyer, presi- dent; Matthies Fedespiel, treasurer; Thomas V. Welch, secretary, and Messrs Robert Joyce and William Vaney, collectors, for the purpose of raising the funds necessary to procure the bell. The manner of solicit- ing was by issuing shares of $10 each, which were sold to all persons indiscriminately. The cost of the bell was $1,400, but by reduction for cash, $1,200. From the year i860 there existed in the parish a very flourishing temperance society, founded by Rev. Father McGinnis, Henry McBride being its first {^resident. The society had done valuable service in the cause of total abstinence, and numbered at one time over one hundred active members. Under its influence and direction, entertainments and concerts were given for the benefit of the church, and at all times the members of this society evinced a spirit of obedience and zeal toward 234 the interests of the church. The members formed debating clubs, speHing bees, and such like amusements for the youth, while once a year the members gave a supper, to which their friends were invited, and thus the society helped promote social intercourse among the members of the congregation. However, some members of the parish wished to have a society in con- nection with the church, to which they might affiliate themselves with- out foregoing the pleasures of the wine cup Accordingly, about the time of the solemn consecration of the bell, which took place in July, 1876, a meeting of the men of the congregation was called. At the meeting the idea of a society similar to the A. O. U. W. originated, and the Rt. Rev. Bishop approving, the C. M, B. A. sprang into existence. Its first president was Mr. Barrett; Matthies Fedespiel, treasurer; James McKenna, secretary. From its modest beginning, it has spread itself over a great portion of the Northern States and Canada. For the last two years of his pastorate. Rev. Father Moynihan felt his health rapidly declining, and the cares of his parish weighing heavily upon him. He, therefore, resolved to carry out his long cherished wish of visiting once more the city of Genoa, where beneath the influence of the milder Italian atmosphere, and amid the scene of his loved alma mater, he expected to regain his lost strength and renovate his shat- tered health. On the 7th of September, 1878, he, therefore, started for Europe in company with the Rt. Rev. Bishop, who was then about to make his second visit ad limina. Father Moynihan died in Genoa on the 3d of December, 1878, and his remains were brought back to his native town, Batavia, New York, where lived his parents, one brother and two sisters. The Rt. Rev. Bishop assisted at the Mass of Requiem in Batavia, and preached a very beautiful sermon in which he paid a well deserved tribute to the piety and zeal of the deceased. At the same moment of his interment at Batavia, the C. M. B. A., which he had founded, was holding its second annual convention at Ni- agara Falls. On behalf of the congregation of Niagara Falls, Messrs. Michael Ryan, Jeremiah Callaghan, and Thomas V. Welch attended the obsequies of the deceased pastor, at which also were present a great number of priests from the diocese of Rochester. From the day of Father Moynihan's department for Italy until his 235 death, Rev. James A. Lanigan. the Bishop's secretary, acted as pastor pro teni. On the return of the Rt. Rev. Bishop from Rome, he was ap- pointed permanent pastor, or rector. His first efforts were directed toward diminishing the debt of the church, which was then about $9,000. On the 17th of November, 1881, a mission was begun by two Re- demptorist fathers, during which Holy Communion was given to about I 200 persons. At the conclusion of the mission, the Rt. Rev. Bishop administered the sacrament of confirmation to seventy- five persons. This was the second visit of the bishop for the same purpose since the advent of Father Lanigan to the parish, the former visit being on June 22, 1879, on which occasion thirty-three children were confirmed. During the summer and fall of 1881 about $500 were expended on sacred vestments. A new brussels carpet was also purchased for the sanctuary, and the following year a new altar, designed by the pastor and built by Patrick Nolan, his labor being donated, was erected over the table of the old one. The Children of Mary presented the adoring Angels, and the boys of the parochial school, the large statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which now adorns the altar. In the hand of the statue may be found a paper bearing the names of the boys who con- tributed. The brass Repositorium over the tabernacle was the gift of the French delegates to the Yorktown Centenary Celebration, the Marchioness De Rochambeau making the presentation. By the spring of 1883 the debt of the church had been reduced to $3,500, and the pastor, feeling the absolute necessity for a new school house and hall for church purposes, brought the matter to the notice of the congregation. Immediately, without leaving the church, a sub- scription was opened which realized promises to the amount of $2,200. A building committee was then formed consisting of Rev. James A. Lanigan, president; Michael Ryan, treasurer; Francis P. Lanigan, sec- retary ; John Maloney, Sebastian Geyer, Robert Joyce, James Reyn- olds, Patrick Gavin and Robert Thompson. Accordingly as the money on the subscription was paid in, it was placed on interest in the Cataract Bank. The following spring, the money being nearly all paid in, two plans, one of a two story building, estimated cost, $8,000, and another of a three-story, cost about $10,000, were submitted to the 236 men of the congregation ; the latter plan was the almost unanimous choice of all present. It was, therefore, adopted by the committee, and after the approval of the Rt Rev. Bishop had been received, bids were solicited for the erection of the building. Messrs. A. M. O'Brien, of Lockport, mason, and George E. Wright & Co., of Niagara Falls, car- penters, being in their respective lines, the lowest bidders, secured the contract. The old buildings were sold for the sum of $110. Ground was broken on the ist day of May. 1884, and by the 25th day of the following October, the building was completed. The ceremony of dedication took place on the 28th of October, at which the Rt. Rev. Bishop presided. While this work was going on the pastor undertook the renovation of the cemetery. About $200 were spent in building a road and plank sidewalk. The new ground was opened on Sunday, September 28, 1884. This was the occasion of the regular official visitation by the Rt. Rev. Bishop, who, having assisted at the solemn High Mass, adminis- tered the sacrament of confirmation, confirmed a number of children and adults, performed all the duties of the episcopal visitation, conse- crated the old and new cemeteries, and closed the day's labors by assist- ing at vespers in the evening and preaching a sermon. Having paid off nearly all the debt on the school house with the ex ception of about $2,000 which were loaned by himself to the building committee, the pastor turned his attention to the erection of a new parochial residence. The house in which he lived had been purchased in 1850 by Rev. Father Stevens from John McAfee. It had formerly been a barn. At the time of which we speak it had fallen into decay, leaked at every angle, was in fact a veritable "cave of the winds." When offered for sale, no one would purchase it, so it had to be torn down in order to make way for the new edifice. This was begun May I, 1886, and the pastor celebrated the following Christmas in his new residence. The cost of its erection was about $7,000, but the attic was left unfinished ; $4,000 of this amount were raised by a fair and sub- scription, the balance was loaned by the pastor to the church. The following summer Miss Nardin notified the Rev. Pastor that she was forced by circumstances to give up the parochial school, and it be- came necessary to provide other teachers for the work. On the open- 237 ing of the school, five sisters of Mercy were sent by Rev. Mother Dol- ores, of Batavia, to take charge of the school. The first Presbyterian church was organized April 3. 1824, with the following trustees : Augustus Porter, Isaac Smith, Aaron Childs, Samuel De Veaux, Ira Cook and Ziba Gay. Aaron Childs and Isaac Smith were the first elders. The pulpit was supplied for a time by Rev. D. M. Smith, of Levviston, and the first regular pastor was Rev. H. A. Parsons. The first church edifice was erected on the corner of First and Falls street, and used until 1849, when it was sold to the Methodist society. The present stone church was built in 1849, and in 1863 the parsonage was presented to the society by Miss Lavinia E. Porter. Rev. A, S. Bacon is pastor. Sketches of the Protestant Episcopal churches appear in the chapter devoted to Lockport. The history of Lewiston shows that there was a Baptist church in that town in comparatively early years and many of that faith living in Niagara attended service there until 1841. At that time (November 17) a branch of that society was organized at Niagara Falls with the following members: William B. Dart, Catharine Dart, Joseph Nixon, Hard Munns, Elizabeth Munns, Maria Waite, Minerva Lyon, Sarah Hand, Sarah Collett, Charles Patterson, Peter O. Bronson, Jane Bron- son and Rhoda A. Chamberlin. The first deacon of this society was Hard Munns, and the first trustees, Hard Munns, John Kelly and Will- iam B. Dart. Rev. A. Cleghorn was the first pastor. The formal or- ganization of the church did not take place until February 21, 1842. The early meetings were held in private houses, but in the spring of 1843 the society began the erection of a church edifice of stone; it was soon so far complete as to enable the congregation to use it for meetings, but it was not wholly finished until 1854. The property is now valued at $21,000. Rev. Lewis A. Mitchell has been pastor since December 10, 1893. A Baptist church which was organized in i860 is maintained on the Reservation. Methodism was introduced at Niagara Falls as early as 18 15, in which year a society was organized. In 1820 a Conference was held at Lundy's Lane, before the division of the church in Canada and the United States. From that date onward there was occasional preaching 238 in this faith at the Falls and in this vicinity. The meetings were held for some time, as were also those of other denominations, in a small union building on the site of the International Hotel In 1849 the so- ciety purchased the church edifice which had been erected and used until that time by the Presbyterians, and occupied it until 1864, when the site of the present St. Paul's Methodist church was purchased ; the stone edifice erected there cost about $25,000, and is still in use. St. James Methodist church (at the Bridge) was organized in Octo- ber, 1892, and a chapel was erected which was dedicated December 21, 1892. W. J. West is pastor. The German Evangelical Lutheran Zion's church was organized in 1850, and the old church was built soon afterward. This was in use until 1895, when the property was sold for $6,500 and a new site pur- chased for $10,000, where the present handsome edifice was erected at a cost of $25 000. This building is newly furnished in accordance with modern requirements. J. H. Asbeck has served as pastor since 1889. The Church of the Sacred Heart Heart (Roman Catholic) was origi- nally named St. Raphael's church. The edifice was erected in 1855, and enlarged in 1864. It was subsequently burned and the present church was erected nearly on the same site and the name of the society changed. The edifice was dedicated in 1889 and cost about $50,000. The incorporation of the society took place in 1891. In 1895 the society j)urchased the old stone church building of the Evangelical Zion's society and converted it into a school. The German Evangelical Lutheran Trinity church was organized and the edifice built in 1896; it is situated at the Bridge. Wilhelm H. Oldach is the first and present pastor. The South Avenue Evangelical church was organized in 1856, and soon afterward erected its first church edifice. This was superseded in 1893 by the present structure, which was dedicated December 10 of that year. The first trustees were J. J. Vogt, D. Grauer, Gottlieb Rommel. The present church cost a little more than $12,000. What is known as the Church of God was organized by members of the Church of Christ in 1892, and the pastor of the former society joined with the new organization in December of that year. This de- nomination is strong in the west, but it has only small representation in this State. 239 The First Congregational church at the Bridge was organized in March, 1855, with eighteen members, and the same year the present substantial stone edifice was erected. The first pastor was Rev. J. D. Knapp. There are also at the Bridge a Free Methodist church, organized in 1877, and a Church of Christ (Disciples). Pierce Avenue Presbyterian chapel was built and opened in April, 1893. The little village of La Salle is situated in this town at the mouth of Cayuga Creek, and is a station on the N. Y. C. Railroad between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. There was no settlement here of any ac- count until recent times, though one individual bearing the descriptive name of " Big Smith " is said to have lived there as early as 1806. As late as 1850 there were only a very few dwellings on the site and an old saw mill, which was owned by Henry W. Clark and Samuel Tompkins ; a blacksmith shop owned and occupied by Andrew White; and a small country tavern kept by a man named McCulloch. A school house stood north of the village limits which was built in 1844. This little settlement bore the name of Cayuga Creek. The place took its present name about the time the post office was opened in 1852. The first postmaster was Henry Clark, son of Henry W. Clark. He built a new store and post-office building. John Mason succeeded Mr. Clark as postmaster and held the office until 1866, when he was out for nine months, but was reappointed. He retired in 1868 and was succeeded by Alexander C. Leonard. The incumbent is P^rank E. Wilson, who also carries on a general mercantile business. Joseph H. Jones is another merchant there, and L. J. Quick is a dealer in coal, etc. The village in- creased its population very slowly and its business interests have never been extensive. A planing mill and lumber yard was established more than twenty years ago by Tompkins & Loucks ; H. S. Tompkins carried on brick and tile making, and a few shops and stores have been conducted there. A two-story town hall has lately been erected, and other im- provements have this year (1897) been inaugurated or projected. The Methodist society at La Salle was formerly a charge with that at the P'alls, and later with the one at Tonawanda. The formal organiza- tion of the society took place in 1856, with John Cannon class leader, and 240 A. M. Chesbrough and John Kent stewards. Prior to this time, and in 1854, a number of persons met in the school house in district No. 4 to consult upon the undertaking of building a church. A building commit- tee consisting of A. M. Chesbrough, Samuel Tompkins and John Can- non, was appointed, and the building was soon erected at a cost of $1,100. In 1859, through a division in the church, a number of its mem- bers became identified with the Free Methodists, taking the edifice with them, as it stood on land owned by some of the disaffected ones. It was repurchased in 1877 ^"*^ ^^^^ since been occupied by the society. CHAPTER XIII. TOWN OF CAMBRIA. This was the earliest town erected in Niagara county, and the mother of all the other towns. The act of the Legislature, passed March 8, 1808, that created Niagara county, contained the following language: And be it further enacted that that part of Niagara county lying north of the main stream of the Tonnawanta creek, and of a line extending west from the mouth of said creek to the boundary line between the United States and the dominion of the King of Great Britain, be erected inro a town by the name of Cambria ; and that the first town meeting in the said town be held at the house of Jo.seph Hewitt. It will be seen by this language that the town of Cambria included precisely the territory now embraced in Niagara county. The first town meeting was held on the 5th of April, 1808, as above directed, Robert Lee presiding. Joseph Hewitt was elected supervisor; James Harrison, town clerk ; Robert Lee, Benjamin Barton, and Charles Wilber, commissioners of highways ; Lemuel Cook, Silas Hopkins, and John Dunn, assessors; Stephen Hopkins, collector; Philomen Baldwin and Thomas Slayton, overseers of the poor ; Stephen Hopkins, Ray March, Stephen H. Baldwin, and Alexander Haskin, constables; Enoch Hitchcock for the eastern district, and Thomas Hustler, for the western district, poundmasters. Sixteen overseers of highways were also elected. The second town meeting was held at the house of Stephen Hopkins. 241 Among the earliest records of ordinances voted for the simple govern- ment of this great town was one for the erection of "one other pound in addition to the one ordered by a former towa meeting of the then town of Erie, in the eastern district, near the school house, on the land of Gad Warner, Esquire." A wolf bounty of five dollars was provided, and also " that one hundred dollars be raised for the destruction of wolves by a direct tax on the said town " This latter was a very unusuaJ proceeding and indicates that the destructive animals were very numerous. At the first election for State senator after the erection of the town, the aggregate vote was only sixteen. For member of congress, Peter B. Porter had 43 votes, Nathaniel W. Howell 28, and Archibald Clark 2. In the year 181 5 the town was divided into nine school districts. The supervisors of the town have been as follows : Joseph Hewitt, 1808-09; Silas Hopkins, 1810; William Molyneaux, 1811-12; Silas Hopkins, 1818; Bates Cook, 1814; Joseph Hewitt, 1815-16; Rufus Spalding, 1817; A.sherSaxton, 1818; Daniel Pomeroy, 1819-20; Ephraim D. Richardson, 1821-22; Elia- kim Hammond, 1823-26; John Hills, 1827-28; William Scott, 1829-30; John Hills, 1831 ; William Scott, 1832; William Molyneaux, 1883-35; Charles Molyneaux, 1836; Darius Shaw, 1837; Hiram McNeil, 1838-40; Eli Y. Barnes, 1841; John Gould, jr., 1842; John Whitbeck, 1843; Moses Bairsto, jr., 1844-45; Henry Snyder, 1846; Charles Molyneaux, 1847-48; Hiram McNeil, 1849; John Gould, jr., 1850; Sparrow S. Sage, 1851-52; Hiram McNeil. 1853; John G. Freeman. 1854; Thomas Barnes, 1855; Lewis Daggett, 1856-59; Hezekiah W. Nichols, 1860-62; Artemas W. Comstock, 1863-64; Lewis Daggett, 1865; Thomas Barnes, 1866-67; Artemas W^ Comstock, 1868-69; Thomas Root, 1870-71; James A. Pool, 1872-73; Samuel Kittinger, 1874; George W. Gould, 1875-76; Salem L. Town, 1877-81; George L. Freer, 1882; Edward Manning, 1883-85; Edward Harmony, 1886-88; James L. Barnes, 1889-90; Edwin Harmony, 1891-92; Walter V. Peterson, 1893-98. The Other town ofificers for 1897 are: William D. Crozier, town clerk since April, 1890 ; Isaac B. Blackman, Theron S. Elton, Franklin D. Habacker, and Willard F. McEwen, justices of the peace; Abrara K. Levan, Edward D. Ortt, and William J. Baker, assessors ; Frank Roberts, collector; John Farnsworth, Edward Manning, and Joseph B. Town, highway com- missioners. The town of Cambria, as it now exists, lies in the interior and west of the center of the county. The mountain ridge crosses through the center of the town, and the lake ridge crosses the north part. In the northern and the southern parts of the town the surface is level or undulating. 31 242 The principal stream is Twelve-Mile Creek. The soil is chiefly made up of alternating sandy and clayey loam. The population is about 2,200. Philip Beach, the first mail carrier between Batavia and Fort Niagara, in which occupation he became familiar with this region, was the first permanent settler in this town, locating on Howell's Creek in 1801. During that season his brothers, Jesse and John, came and settled near by. They came from Scottsville, N. Y., where lived Isaac Scott, father of Mrs. Jesse Beach. These families brought with them provisions for a year's supply, but they ran short through aiding others, and were forced to return to Scottsville for more. Philip Beach was a prominent citizen and died in 1840, after having lived on several different farms and last a little east of Molyneux's Corners. In 18 10 Jesse Beach set- tled finally on the farm occupied in recent years by his son, Cyrus Beach, west of the Corners. An older brother of these men, Aaron Beach, settled on the south ridge in 181 1. Joseph Hewitt succeeded Philip Beach on the farm first taken up by him, but about two years later exchanged it with William Howell and removed to the mountain above Lewiston. This transaction with Mr. Howell took place in 1808, and the farm has long been known as the Howell place. Mr. Howell built the first saw mill on Howell's Creek, and also kept a tavern which was next in succession to those established at Molyneux's Corners and Warren's Corners. Nathaniel Cook, who came to Lockport from Onondaga county when the work on the rock cutting of the canal was let, purchased his farm of the Holland Land Company in 1824; he married a daughter of William Howell. Joash Taylor settled early on the south ridge a mile east of Moly- neux's Corners. Harry Steadman (father of Adelia, who married Homer, son of Joash Taylor) purchased 190 acres of the Land Com- pany in 1808, on the north side of the east terminus of the south ridge; there he boarded the men working on the log road across the swamp between Wright's and Warren's. Mr. Steadman died in Au- gust, 1815. The place known many years as Molyneux's Corners, the name of the post-office now being Cambria, is situated near the northern line of 243 the town. In early years it was a point of considerable importance and was even at one time a contestant for the location of the county seat. Mr. Ellicott, the surveyor, caused the survey of a lot here before other surveys were complete, mainly to meet the pressing necessity for shelter for prospecting parties; this accounts for the irregular lines of the lot, which do not correspond with the section lines of the pur- chase. This arrangement is believed to have been made with two set- tlers named Plant and Klink. In 1809 John Gould purchased of Plant and opened a tavern in the original log house built here. In 18 11 he sold to one Odell, and he to Silas Hopkins in 18 12. Gould removed to Cambria Center, as noted further on. Hopkins transferred his pur- chase to William Molyneux, from whom the hamlet took its name, and he continued in possession until his death, November 7, 1830. His sons Charles, William and Robert were associated with him in conduct- ing the tavern and a large farm. The log house was superseded by the frame hotel in 1826. In the old tavern was established the first post office in the town, and William Molyneux was the first postmaster ; he was succeeded by Charles Molyneux. Subsequent to the death of the latter the office was kept in various private dwellings, and was ultimately located west of the Corners and given its present name of Cambria. Another post-ofiice with the name of North Ridge was es- tablished many years ago and still continues, about three miles west of Cambria. Here at present are the stores of George Smith and Burt Lafler. At Molyneux Corners is the store of Wakefield Woods. The settlement on the site of Warren's Corners was first made by John Forsythe in 1805 ; in the next year he opened a tavern there. There were at that date only three or four settlers between the site of Lockport and Dunham's. The following statement was given to the author of the History of the Holland Purchase by the widow of Mr. Forsythe: We brought in a few sheep with us; they were the only ones in the neighborhood ; they became the especial object of the wolves. Coming out of the Wilson swamp nights, their howling would be terrific. Two years after we came in, with my then small children, one day when I heard the sheep bleating, I went out to see what the matter was. A large wolf had badly wounded a sheep. As I approached him he left the sheep and walked off snarling, as if reluctant to leave his prey. I went for my nearest neighbor, Mr. Stoughton, to come and dress the sheep. It was 244 three fourths of a mile through the woods. On my way a large gray fox crossed the road ahead of me. Returning with ray neighbor, a large bear slowly crossed the road in sight of us. Warren's Corners took its name from Ezra Warren, who was a native of Vermont and served on this frontier in the war of i8i2. His com- pany was stationed along the Ridge road to arrest deserters. Mr. Warren and a squad of his men were posted four weeks at the tavern then kept by the widow of Mr. Forsythe After his discharge Warren returned to Vermont, but an attachment which he had formed for the widow brought him westward and he married her. He thus became landlord in the tavern ard so continued until 1825. Another early set- tler on the Ridge near Warren's Corners was Dr. Artemas Baker, who was the first physician in the town ; he came in 18 15. Early settlers in and about the site of Cambria Center, which is al most exactly in the geographical center of the town, were Benjamin and Suchel Silly, Peter Nearpass, William Scott, Enoch Hatch, Asel Muroy, David Waters and a family named Crowell. These all came in prior to 18 12. Mr. Scott purchased 500 acres from the Holland Com- pany, which included the site of the hamlet, of which he cleared sixty acres the first season. He also built and kept a tavern which was a popular resort, and was afterwards occupied as a dwelling by his son. Homer Scotc. The father died in 1841. John Gould, who has already been mentioned, moved from Moly- neux's Corn-ers to Cambria Center m 18 12 and purchased 240 acres of Nearpass, on a part of which his grandson, John B. Gould, lived in later times. Christopher Howder purchased 150 acres in 18 12, a mile and a half east of the Center. In the following year he sold a part of his purchase to Adam Houstater, father of Philip. William Campbell located in 18 17 on 138 acres purchased of Enoch Hotchkiss. John M. Eastman settled two miles east of the Center in 1821 ; he was father of eleven children, among whom was Anson Eastman. Jacob Flanders purchased 150 acres of Elias Rose in 1820, two and three- fourths miles west of the Center, and later bought the farm and stone grist mill east of Pekin. The first burial ground in the town was situated a mile east of the 245 Center on the Lockport stone road, and was donated by William Camp- bell. Later another was provided a little south of the Corners, the land of which was given by William Scott. Russell Weaver and Joshua Cowell settled in the town prior to 1810; Pomeroy Oliver in 181 5 ; John Hitchcock in 18 16; Daniel P. Oliver in 1817 ; and John IngersoU, Jason Lane, John Miles, Hezekiah Hill, Elijah Smith, Coonrod Keyser and Samuel Faxon in early years in dif- ferent parts of the town. Col. Andrew Sutherland and Philo Cowell came into the town as early as 1812 ; the former served in the war of 18 1 2, and died in this town in 1838. Other early settlers were Reuben Hurd, James Barnes, John Carney and Jairus Rose, the latter two in the southwestern part of the town. Mr. Rose purchased at first 600 acres, to which he soon added enough to bring his tract to 2,000 acres ; the land lay in the extreme southwest part of the present town. In 18 1 3 he planted two acres with apple seeds, thus starting the first nursery in the county ; the trees were later sold by him for twelve cents each. Mr. Rose was made a prisoner in the foray upon Lewiston in 1 813 and was confined for a time in Canada. He was father of seven children, one of whom was George P. Rose, who passed his life on a part of the original purchase. Dr. M^Mon Orton settled in Cambria in i8i5,and here passed the re- mainder of his life ; he died in June, 1873. He was one of the founders of the County Medical Society, and combined farming with the prac- tice of his profession in the later years of his life. Among other settlers before 1820 were Jonas Chamberlin, Charles Trowbridge, Daniel Alvord, Obed Smith, Eli Bruce, Jabez Rogers, David Jeffers, Andrew Sutherland, Roderick Royce, Arthur Saxton, Thomas Fowler, Caleb Bugbee, Daniel Cross, Joshua Campbell, Charles Sweet, Ira Smith, Harvey Hitchcock, Russell Scott, Jason Lane, Abel Baldwin, William Carney, Philip Shaver, Aaron Rice, Alexander Freeman. Prior to 1830 there were h.liakim Hammond, Hiram McNeal, John Hills, John Gould, James Burnett, Myron Orton, Jared Comstock, Edwin M. Clap, Ezekiel Campbell, Isaac Canfield, Moses and David Beach, Calvin Wilson, David Gould, Frederick Saxton, Daniel Oliver, William G. Hathaway, Silas Belding, Henry Springsteen, George Rose, 246 Thomas C. Judd, William Prey, Ira Gregory, Warren Chaffee, Ralph G. Warner, James G. White, Stephen Barnes. William Crosier, father of William H. Crosier, was long a leading citizen of this town, in which he settled in 1821, a little east of Pekin village. In 1822 a post office was established on the line between Cambria and Lewiston, and given the name of Mountain Ridge; John Jones was appointed postmaster. The name of the place was changed in 1831 to Pekin, at which time a considerable hamlet had grown up. Mr. Jones had opened a store on the Lewiston side of the line, and in 1832 John Cronkite built a large hotel, while soon after- ward Benjamin Thresher erected a smaller one. Mr. Cronkite also con- ducted a mercantile business and had a large ashery. James McBain kept a grocery and dry goods store, and Josephus Taylor opened a store on the Lewiston side. Calvin Hotchkiss put a stock of goods in the store built by him, which was occupied in later years by George Beaber as a tavern. Peter F. Loucks was another prominent business man of the place, continuing in trade many years and finally removing to New York. E. H. Cox had a hardware store and tin shop here, and for a considerable period Pekin was an active business center ; in later years it has somewhat declined in this respect. The place now has four stores, kept by F. C. Williams, William Beaber, J. H. Parker, and Charles D. Timothy. There is also a frame church, called Church of Christ (Disciples), built in 1888, on the Cambria side, and an old stone M. E. church edifice, in Lewiston. The following were all residents of the town before 1850 : Sparrow S. Sage, S. Cady Murray, Thomas Root, John Fletcher, Hezekiah A. Nichols, John M. Eastman, John G. Freeman, William Elton, Josias T. Peterson. Josiah Pratt, Lorenzo Averill, David Gould, Calvin Thomp- son, Nathaniel Cook, Anson Eastman, Hunt Farnsworth, Hiram Flanders, Richard Hall, A. H. Houstatter, Thomas and Nelson T. Mighells, George W. Rose, John Williams, Erastus Weaver, Alfred Eddy, James Dutton, Joseph Miller, Elijah Parker, William O. Rogers, Gilbert Budd, William S. Howe, Samuel Saddleson, Henry Piatt, Chris- topher and Ransom Saddleson, Lewis Bevier, Nathaniel Brockway, David S. Brockway, Lewis Burtch (in 185 i). Ransom Campbell. Among present prominent citizens are Charles Angevine, Joseph 247 Bowers, Lewis Burtch, William H. Crosier, Anson Eastman, Albert G. Eighme, Albert Flanders, George S. Freer, Edward Harmony, A. K. Levan, Walter V. Peterson, Thomas Root, Ransom Saddleson, Elisha B. Swift, Paul B. Worden, Charles and Joseph Young. Hickory Corners is a little settlement and a post-office on the eastern line of the town, which will he further noticed in the history of the town of Lockport. On August 14, 181 5, the town was divided into nine school districts. There are now twelve, with a school house in each. The amount of public money received in the town is about $1,500, and a little more than that sum is raised by tax for school support. The first school in this town was taught in a log building in what is now district No. i, and accommodated Indian as well as white children. The building was on tlie Ridge west of Howell's Creek, and had been temporarily used as a sort of arsenal in the war. A frame building was subsequently built on the opposite side of the road. District No. 2 was formed next, between Warren's and Molyneux's Corners, and a log school house built in 18 15. At Molyneux's Corners the first school house was built in 18 19, within district No. 2 ; a disagreement caused the abandonment of this district and the district at Warren's Corners was set off as No. 2, and the former No. 2 was made No. 10. A number of other log school houses were built in the town, one at Pekin, in early years, but no records remain of them. The First Congregational church of Cambria was organized in 181 7, by Rev. David M. Smith, then preaching at Lewiston. It was through Mr. Smith's influence that the Holland Company donated 100 acres of land to this church, under its proposition to thus favor the first church in the town. This land was situated in what is now the town of Lock- port ; it was sold in 1827, and other land purchased with the proceeds nearer the center of this town. The first resident pastor was Rev. Silas Parsons, who came in 1827. Until 1836 meetings were held gen- erally in the school houses or dwellings, and later in the hall of William Scott's hotel in Cambria. The first church building was completed in 1836, and was occupied until 1877, when a new edifice was begun and completed at Cambria Center in the following year. A Methodist society was early organized at Warren's Corners, and a 248 church erected on land donated by Ezra Warren. John Copeland was the organizer of the class. The first church was a small wooden build- ing and was replaced by the present brick edifice about i860. Of the four churches that have existed on the Ridge, the Methodist was the first that kept up its existence. The society erected a cobble stone church in 1845, on land given by Reuben Wilson, and the organi- zation has since been maintained. Near the west end of the Ridge were established the First Universalist church, the Roman Catholic church and the German Lutheran church. The first named was organ- ized in 1867, and in the following year its brick edifice was erected on land given by H. C. Denison. The Roman Catholic church was erected on the north side of the street ; it is a small wooden building. Opposite to this was erected a small building by the German Lutherans. CHAPTER XIV. THE TOWN OF HARTLAND. In carrying out the purposes of placing the histories of these towns in chronological order as to the date of their erection, the town of Hart- land comes next in order, although Porter was erected in the same year with Hartland. The latter was formed under legislative act dated June I, 181 2, and then embraced what are now the towns of Royalton, Somerset, and a part of Newfane, or 143,855 acres, as shown in the as- sessment roll of 1 81 3. At that time there were only 126 taxable in- habitants in that great town. The town remained with this area until Royalton was taken from it in 1817; Somerset in 1823, and a part of Newfane in 1824, leaving the existing area 31,145 acres. Hartland is the central one of the three eastern border towns of the county. Its surface is level or gently undulating, the principal inequal- ity being in the south part, where the lake ridge crosses. The principal streams are Eighteen mile and Johnson's Creeks. The former flows in a long and irregular bend into and out of the southern part, and the latter flows northeasterly across the southeastern part of the town. The 249 soil south of the Ridge is a clayey loam, while north of it is a sandy and gravelly loam. The first town meeting was held April 7, 1812, at the house of Gad Warner, and John Dunn, a justice of the peace, presided. The meeting adjourned after its organization to the barn of Enoch Hitchcock, where the customary votes were taken to form proper regulations for the gov- ernment of the community. Ephraim Waldo was elected supervisor; William Smith, town clerk; Samuel Jenks, Harry Ellsworth, and David Weasner,! assessors; John Dunn. 2d, John Bates, and Benjamin Wake- man, commissioners of highways; Amos Brownson, collector; James Lyman and Stephen Wakeman, overseers of the poor; Amos Brownson, constable; Enoch Hitchcock, poundkeeper. A vote declared that no money should be raised that year for support of the poor, and that $150 be raised for highways; also $100 for the destruction of obnox- ious animals and birds. Ephraim Waldo, the first supervisor, died before the close of that year, and at a special election James Lyman was elected to the office. Other primitive regulations were voted at ensuing meetings. It is worthy of note that at a special town meeting January 20, 18 18, an at- tempt was made for the division of Niagara county. Robert Edmunds, Samuel B. Morehouse, Hiram Allen, Titus Fenn, Almon H. Millard, and William Smith were appointed a committee to prepare and present to the Legislature a petition for the erection "of a new county embrac- ing the towns of Niagara, Cambria, Hartland, and Porter, in Niagara county, and Ridgeway and Gaines in Genesee county ; and firmly to remonstrate against any division of said Niagara county, unless such new county shall contain as great extent of territory as above de- scribed." It is probably fortunate that this arrangement was not car- ried out. The supervisors of Hartland have been as follows : 1813, Ephraim Waldo and James Lyman; 181^-16, James Lyman; 1817,1818, Dex- ter P. Sprague; 1820, 1821, Asahel Johnson ; 1822, James Wisner; 1823, Smith Dar- ling; 1824-27, Daniel Van Horn; 1828, 1829, Dexter P. Sprague; 1830-33, Franklin Butterfield; 1834, Christopher H. Skeels; 1835, Daniel Chaplin; 1836, 1837, James C. Lewis; 1838-45, Christopher PL Skeels; 1846, Daniel Seaman; 1847, John Duni- gan; 1848, A. H. Jameison ; 1849, 1850, Christopher H. Skeels; 1851, G. L. Ange- 'As spelled in records. 32 250 vine; 1852, William Wheeler; 1853, F. A. Wright; 1854, G. Angevine; 1855, 1856, Linus Spalding; 1857, Curtis Root; 1858. William Morgan; 1859, Thomas Brown; 1860-63, William Morgan; 1864, 1865, Linus Spalding; 1866-68, William Morgan; 1869. 1870, Linus Spalding; 1871, William Morgan; 1872, Edward O. Seaman; 1873, John L. Beardsley; 1874, Edward O. Seaman; 1875, George B. Taylor; 1876-81, John L. Chase; 1882-83, James Allen; 1884-86, Abram Taylor; 1887-91, John H. Matte- son; 1892-96, James S. Rowe; 1897-98, Frederick R. Montgomery. The other town officers for 1897 ^^^ • George B. Taylor, jr., town clerk; George D. Bixler, George Clark, F. R. Mont- gomery and Seward Mudge, justices of the peace; John Dewhurst, highway com- missioner; John Slattery, collector; Albert J. Chase, John Garbut and Frederick Pike, assessors; Jefferson B. Landers and James Hudson, overseers of the poor. Charles A. Kendall was for twenty years from 1877 town clerk of Hartland, succeeding his father, Eber Kendall, and being followed in 1897 by George B. Taylor, jr. Eber Kendall served from 1867 to 1876. The first settlements in this town were made by John Morrison, David Morrison, Zebulon Barnum, Jedediah Riggs, Isaac Southwell, and Daniel Brown; these all came in 1803 or 1804. In 1805 Abel Barnum came in and Oliver Castle settled about two miles southwest of the site of Johnson's Creek hamlet, and became the first local preacher on the Holland Purchase. John Morrison located on the farm a mile east of Hartland Corners, where R. B. Weaver lived in later years. Jeptha Dunn came into the town in 1807 and settled two miles east of Johnson's Creek on the Ridge road. Benjamin Cornell settled in 1809 a little west of Johnson's Creek. A Mr. Crane settled on the Ridge road in 1810, and David Van Horn at Johnson's Creek in 181 1 ; in the same year Benjamin H. Benson settled where he passed his long life, two miles south of Hartland Corners. James Shaw settled in 181 2 on tlie Ridge road two miles east of Johnson's Creek. Dexter P. Sprague came to the town in 1809 and was justice of the peace until 1840. In 18 14 Col. Richard Weaver, a native of Vermont, came to Hartland and became eventually a leading farmer and breeder of fine stock. He purchased the farm on which Isaac Southwell, the pioneer, first settled. He was prominent in the early militia, and received his title from offices held therein, Jesse Birdsall was a very early settler and was father of Mary, who 251 married Elisha Brownell. She passed her Hfe on the farm where she was born, on the Quaker road three miles north of Johnson's Creek. Her father died in 1825. Jesse Aldrich came with liis wife, and Asa Baker and his wife in June, 18 1 5, and were the first settlers in that part of the town which became known as the Quaker Settlement. They were probably the first settlers north of the Ridge road in the present town limits. At the same time, or soon after, Joseph Birdsall, Daniel Baker and Esek Aldrich located near by and aided in opening a road through the forest from the Ridge to Birdsall's land, a distance of about a mile and a half; they also put up a log house. This accomplished, the three last named men returned home, leaving the two families of Aldrich and Asa Baker in the lonely wilderness. In 18 16 this immediate locality was further settled by Joseph Baker, Hugh Jackson, Jesse Jackson, William Jack- son, Richard Earl, and Christopher H. Skeels, with their wives ; all except the last two were Quakers, and the Quaker Settlement became a thriving part of the town. To accommodate travellers, Jeptha Dunn opened his house as an inn in 1809; it was, as before stated, about two miles east of Johnson's Creek on the Ridge road, and was the first tavern in the town. Daniel Brown also kept a very early tavern in his log house a little west of Johnson's Creek on the Ridge road. Samuel B. Morehouse, whose name has been mentioned as one of the committee in the county divis- ion matter, and who became a locally famous character, built a hotel at Hartland Corners about 1813, and the place was known in early times as " Morehouse's; " he was postmaster of that little village in 18 16. The first physician to settle in this town was Dr. Asa Crane, who came in 18 10; Dr. Moore soon followed, and Dr. Butterfield came in 18 1 2 or 18 13 and settled at Johnson's Creek. Drs. Crane and Moore located north of the Ridge near the corner of the Quaker road. Dr. Butterfield passed his life in the town and long had an extensive practice. Among other prominent residents of the town may be mentioned William Smith, Dexter P. Sprague, Hiram Allen, Daniel Van Horn, Daniel Seaman, Thomas Bills, Truman E Pomeroy, Hiram G. Dean, Cyrus A. Lewis, P^ber Kendall, Charles A. Kendall, Levi Hall, John 252 Scovell, Absalom Ladner, James Edmunds, Otis Leland, Jeremiah Turner, Silas Gilbert, Orlando Bates, Chailes Williams, John W. Davis, Otis B. Hayes, John Heland, John Kenyon, Michael J. King, John B. Robeson, C. D. Silby, William Sharpsteen, and Milo D. Pierce. At Hartland Corners (the name of the post-office now being Hart- land) the land was early owned on the east side of the Gasport road by Samuel B. Morehouse, before mentioned ; on the northeast of the four corners it was owned by George Reynolds, and on the southwest cor- ner by James C. Lewis. Here Thomas R. Stewart built the first frame house in 1814, and Mr. Morehouse built his tavern in 1 815. A Mr. Carrington started a blacksmith shop here in 18 16, a store was estab- lished in early years and there has always been a small mercantile busi- ness here. Michael J. King now has a store and basket manufactory there. At the point where Johnson's Creek breaks through the Ridge, in the southwest part of the town, a hamlet sprang up in the early years of settlement. The creek took its name from a family who located on its banks in early years. The land including the site of the village was formerly owned on the north side of the Ridge road, which passes through the place, by Henry Taylor, who settled there in 18 16. He built a log house and later this was superseded by a frame structure. Mr. Taylor spent his life here and died in May, 1870. The land on the south side of the road and east of the creek was owned by Thomas F. Stewart, John Secor and others, and west of the creek by Mr. Stewart and others. Stewart built the first frame house in the place, just west of the creek, which was used in later years by John L. Chase for a horse barn. John Secor opened a primitive tavern in early years and in 181 2 carried on a small grocery. James and Daniel Van Horn opened a general store in 18 15 and in the same year George Robson and two others opened blacksmith shops. The Van Horns were succeeded as merchants in 1818 by George Reynolds; the store building was erected in 181 5 by George C. Pease. Marvin Miner early kept a grocery. In early years the grain that had to be ground for the pioneers was carried usually to Schlosser. About 1820, or a little earlier, some of the enterprising settlers built a grist mill on Johnson's Creek where it crosses the Ridge. In later years another was built at the creek by 253 Ebenezer Seeley. As early as 1820 the first saw mill was built on the creek where it crosses the county line. Mr. Seeley built one at John- son's Creek as early as this or a little earlier. There was one tannery here which was built as early as 18 18, but when the bark disappeared the establishment went to decay. Among former merchants at Johnson's Creek were Shubal Merritt, Uriah D. Moore, Hiram Hoag, Robert Deuel, Harvey Hoag (who was burned out about 1885), ^"d A. H. Jameson, who built the present brick store. Others still are Parker & Goutermout and Taylor & Goutermout, both of which firms also had an ashery. The latter firm was succeeded by Jay S. Rowe, one of the present merchants. John C. Watts and John S. Chase also have stores there now. Taylor's hotel was originally built as early as 1830 by George Judson; it was enlarged first by Alexander H. Jameson and later by Lewis Gouter- mout, and is now owned by George B. Taylor, sr. North Hartland is a post-office and small hamlet in the northwest cor- ner of the town. A small mercantile business and a few shops have been conducted here many years, and the Methodists also have a church in the place. The first school in this town was taught by Nancy Judson in 18 13. In the next year Samuel Colton, James Welch, and Samuel B More- house were elected school commissioners, and Daniel Cornell, John Leach, and William Smith were chosen school inspectors. In i8i6the town was divided into six school districts, and the sum of $60 was raised for the support of schools. The Quaker road school house was built about 181 8, of logs, and Rachel Pease taught there first in 18 19. The number of districts was gradually increased and for many years there were eighteen ; the present number is seventeen, with a school house in each. The Quakers of this town built a meeting house about 18 18, of logs, on the Ridge road at the corner of Quaker road. It was occupied until 1835, when it was displaced by a cobble stone structure, about three- fourths of a mile east of the old one. Through the efforts of James Edmunds, Abial Tripp and a few other pioneers. Baptist services were held in this town in early years. In De- cember, 1 817, twenty- two persons of this faith organized the First 254 Baptist Church of Hartland, under ministration of Rev. Simeon Butcher, of Gaines, The first regular pastor was Rev. WiUiam Harring- ton, who was settled there in 1820. The society was incorporated in 1822, with James Edmunds, Otis Leland, and Holden Le Valley, trus- tees. During the first seven years services were held in houses or barns, after which the society raised $100 and added ten feet to the length of a school house at Johnson's Creek, and meetings were held there until 1833; in that year the first church edifice was erected. This being the first church organized in the town, it received the ap- propriation of fifty acres of land, taking the southwest corner lot in the town ; this was sold and the proceeds used in building the church. In 1868 the building was remodeled and enlarged at a cost of $6,000, and in 1877 the parsonage property was purchased. A Methodist church is situated on the Quaker road, about two miles north of the Ridge road, which was organized in 1842, and a wooden church was built in 1843; this was burned in 1872 and on the site a brick church was erected, A prosperous existence has since been main- tained. A Methodist church is located at Hartland Corners and another at North Hartland. The former was built about 1862 and remodeled in 1887. St. Patrick's Roman Catholic church is situated on the Quaker road near the north line of the town. Services had been held by this denom- ination for some time prior to 1856 in private houses, and in that year under the ministrations of Rev. T. Sheehari. of Newfane, a frame edifice was erected; it was dedicated by the then bishop of Buffalo in 1857, In 1865 the building was enlarged, and again in 1872. a modern tran- sept, sanctuary and vestry were provided. A rededication took place in July, 1875. Rev. Thomas P, Brougham was the first resident pastor, removing thither from Newfane. 255 chaptp:r XV. THE TOWN OF PORTER. The other one of the three towns which were set ofif from Cambria in 1 812 (Niagara and Hartland having already been described) was Por- ter, which was erected on the same date with Hartland — June i of that year. When erected this town included what is now the town of Wil- son which was set off in 18 j 8. The town was named in honor of Judge Augustus Porter. It is the northwestern town in the county and in- cludes Fort Niagara, Youngstown and Lewiston along its lake and river front — localities which, as the reader has already learned, were the scene of some of the most memorable early events in American history. The surface of this town is generally level and the soil along the lake shore a marly clay, while in the central and southern parts it is sandy and gravelly loam. Four-mile and Six mile Creeks cross the town in a northerly direction and the west branch of Twelve-mile Creek crosses the southeastern part in a similar direction. The first town meeting was held at the house of Peter Tower, but the date is probably lost. There is an existing record that the town meeting was held April II, 1815, two years after the erection of the town. In the old book with this record are meagre accounts of a few other meetings, but containing nothing of especial importance. It is quite probable that the war interfered to such an extent that these meetings were al- most wholly interrupted in the early years ; but there is nothing to indicate that the meeting of 18 15 was the first one held, while the absence of records for two or three years prior to 18 19 could scarcely be attributed to the war troubles. Following is a copy of the proceed- ings of the meeting of April 11, 181 5. as recorded in the old book : Dexter F. Sprague, supervisor; Elijah Hathaway, town clerk; Joseph Pease, Nathaniel McCormick and Thaddeus N. Sturges, assessors; Conrad Zittle and Zebulon Coates, overseers of the poor; Benjamin Kemp. John Martin and John Brown, commissioners of highways; David Porter, constable and collector; Thad- deus Mclntyre, constable ; Conrad Zittle and David Porter, poundkeepers. 256 On the 20th of June of that year Reuben Wilson was chosen super- visor in place of Mr. Sprague, the reason not being recorded. At the town meeting of April 6, 18 19. the following officers were chosen: Michael Helms, supervisoi"; Thomas Brown, town clerk; Jonathan Bell, George Ash and William Doty, assessors; John Dunlap, collector; Conrad Zittle and Daniel Kelley, overseers of the poor; Conrad Zittle, Daniel Kelley and Richard Cuddaback, commissioners of highways; Moses Barto, A. G. Hinman and John A. Hyde, com- missioners of schools; Jonathan Bell and Isaac Swain, inspectors of schools; John Dunlap, constable; Daniel Kelley, poundmaster. The usual regulations for the government of the town were voted at this and the preceding meetings. Among them was the appointment of fourteen pathmasters to have charge of the road districts. The supervisors of Porter from 18 19 to the present time have been as follows : Michael Helms, 1819-24; Moses Barto, 1825-27; William Doty, 1828-29; no elec- tion, 1830; Leverett Bristol, 1831-34; Timothy Hosmer, 1835; Leverett Bristol, 1836-41; John Porter, 1842; Ziba Henry, 1843; Jehiel C. S. Ransom, 1844; Solomon Moss, 1845-47; John Porter, 1848; Solomon Moss, 1849; Ira Race, 1850-53; Peter Simmons, 1854; Ira Race, 1855; George Swain, 1856-59; James L. Fowler, 1860-62; Ezra S. Holden, 1863-64; Ira Race, 1865-66; Rensselaer Ward, 1867-70; Elton T. Ransom, 1871-73; James M. Foster, 1874; Elton T. Ransom, 1875-77; Richard D. Balmer, 1878; Peter S. Tower, 1879; Rensselaer Ward, 1880; Joseph Thompson, 1881-82; Alonzo U. Gatchell, 1883-84; Joseph Thompson, 1885; George Swain, 1886; Nelson D. Haskell, 1887; A. Judson Eaton, 1888; Harvey Cudaback, 1889-90; John E. Reardon. 1891-93; Elmer E. Brookins, 1894-96; Edwin S. Carter, 1897-98. The other town officers for 1897 are : Edward G. Hall, town clerk ; William J. Sweet, H. H. Helms and Warren Curtis, justices of the peace; Francis Kyte, Frederick Kelley and William Hill, assessors; George Parker, highway commissioner; William N. Burmaster, collector; George C. McCormick and John W. Haskell, overseers of the poor. The town has now a population of about 2,300. John Gould came from New Jersey in 1788 as a drover. He gave some of his recollections to Turner as follows: Col. Hunter was then in command at Fort Niagara. Our cattle and pack horses were ferried across to Newark in bateaux and Schenectady boats. Nothing then at Newark but an old ferry house and the barracks that had been occupied by Butler's Rangers. The Massasauga Indians were numerous then in Canada. They had no fixed habitations; migrated from camping ground to camping ground in large par- ties; their principal camping grounds, Niagara and Oueenston. There were their fishing grounds. Sometimes there would be five or six hundred encamped at 257 Niagara. They were small in stature, gay, lively, filthy; and much addicted to drunkenness. We sold our cattle principally to Butler's Rangers. They were located mostly at the falls, along the Four and Twelve-mile Creeks. Oxen brought as high as £^0, cows, ;,^20. The settlement of this town which may be considered as permanent did not take place until about the beginning of the present century, al- though momentous events had preceded along the frontier. John Lloyd, who had been a soldier in the garrison in 1799, settled in 1801 about three miles from the fort. After the war he occupied a farm on lot 27. The following list embraces the names of all who took land from the Holland Company down to the year 1807, and are given in the order of the dates of their contracts: 1803, Elijah Doty, John Waterhouse, Silas Hopkins, Peter Hopkins, Obadiah Hopkins, Con- rad Zittle, Ephraim Hopkins, John Clemmons, Robert Bigger, James Benedict and William McBride. 1804, Peter and Ephraim Hopkins, additional land, Samuel Hopkins, John Freeman and John Wilson. 1805, William Coggswell, Jonathan Jones, Abijah Perry and Samuel Shelly. 1806, Peter Ripson and John Brown, and William McBride took additional land. A few of these men were not actual settlers, but bought for speculation, among them Silas Hopkins. Conrad Zit- tle located at what became known as Zittle's Corners, later as Por ter Center. Abijah Perry was father of William Perry, born August II, 1812, the first birth in the town after this permanent settlement began. William Coggswell was a man of considerable education and taught the first school in town in 1806. Jonathan Lutts settled in 1806 and afterwards bought a farm of the Holland Company and lived in the town thirty years or more. In 1808 Isaac Swain, who had previously settled on the Military road, in the town of Niagara, removed to this town and purchased eighty acres of John McBride. which was the southern half of lot 3 of the Mile Reserve. He had an exciting war experience and was father of William and George Swain. Michael Lutts came in about the same time with his brother Jonathan, and William Arbuthnot came dur- ing or directly after the war. Settlement here was almost wholly stopped by the war, only two pioneers of importance coming in 18 14; these were Rudolph Clapsaddle 33 258 and Joseph McCullum. The former located on lot 4, and the latter on lot 9. John Vrooman came in at the close of the war, having been stolen by Indians during the Revolution and brought to Two mile Creek, where he remained a captive a number of years. He was after- wards rescued and taken to Montreal, whence he removed to his former home in Schoharie. John McLoughlin settled in town in 1815, coming over from Canada. Peter Tower also came that year, he and his brother Otis making their way from Massachusetts with a two horse wagon. Peter bought lOO acres of Conrad Zittle, and Otis settled on another farm in this town. Michael Helms was living in town before the war ; Peter Tower lived with him before his marriage and worked at his trade of carpenter and cabinet maker. He was a prominent citizen in public affairs and caused the opening of the first road east from Four mile Creek to the Cambria line. William and John Clapsaddle came into the town in 18 16, John locating on lot 9. He built the first saw mill and grist mill about the year 1817, and kept an early tavern at what is now Tryonville. In the same year David Baker settled in Youngstown, worked there as a car- penter three years, and then removed to the site of Porter Center, where he purchased land of Gideon Curtiss. In the next year Mr. Curtiss took up land within the limits of Ransomville, and cut the first timber in that part of the town, and helped to lay out the road through the village and the one from the Ridge to the lake. His brother, Capt. Gilbert W. Curtiss, came in and ultimately made a home near by and went back to Connecticut, their native State, for his bride. They re- turned in a one-horse limiber wagon, and when they reached the Ridge they were compelled to cut a road through the woods to the site of Ransomville. They brought apple seeds with them, from which an orchard was started, which was the beginning of the large fruit growing interest of the eastern part of the town. He was a captain in the old militia, and from that position obtained his well known title. In 1825 he opened a tavern at Ransomville in a log building which stood in front of the later hotel. His brother Gideon had already opened an earlier inn at this place, but gave up the business before 1825. The tavern was kept in later years by the two sons of Captain ^irtiss, the well known business firm of Curtiss Brothers. Captain Curtiss died in 1868. 259 Other prominent settlers in the town between 1820 and 1840 were Stephen Eaton, who came about 1820 and settled where his son =ubse- quently lived; Charles Onade, who was the first settler on lot 51, and in 1830 built a tavern at what was then called Quade's Corners, and afterwards Ransomville ; Jonathan Moss, who came from Vermont in 1823 and took up 186 acres at Moss's Corners, a mile and a half west of Ransomville; David Force, who settled on lot 25, in 1825; Horace Munson Durand, who arrived about 1823 ; the Jeffords family, who came in 1826, and purchased of Richard Cuddaback the farm occupied in later years by James Warren ; Jehial S. C. Ransom, after whom Ran- somville was named, who came from Ulster county on foot about 1826; he was the first postmaster at Ransomville ; L. C. Bcals, William Kyte, and John Hutchinson, who came in 1829; J. B. Clark, father of P. C. Clark, came in 1830; Charles G. Willie, who settled on lot 11 in 183 i ; Lyman Whittaker and Erastus Downer, both of whom settled in town in 1831 ; David Johnson, William C. McCormick, John Robertson, and David Johnson, all of whom came in 1832 ; Chester Balcom, John Powley, and William and John Whitfield, who settled in 1834; James Warren and Henry Balmer, who came in 1836. Many other families are represented in Part HI of this work. Among the prominent residents of the town are S. Park Baker, Peter S. Tower, Daniel Bradley, Samuel Brookins, E. S. Carter, John and Joseph Clapsaddle, Robert and William Clapsaddle, James M. Foster, Francis Kyte, Henry Lutz, Madison McCollum, Richard McCracken, George L. Moot, George Parker, H. B. Timothy, George P. Tower, H. B. Tower, John E. Reardon, William Smithson, Christopher Quade, George C. McCormick, N. D. Haskell, Nicholas and Frank Hoffman, Edward Calvert, Almeron Barker, Smith Bradley, Leander Dutton, A, J. Eaton, Charles R. Ayer. A tannery was in existence in this town before the war on lot 9 of the Mile Reserve, and was owned by Burton & Son. John Clapsaddle built a small grist mill in 181 7, which was operated some years, when the water power failed and the town was without a mill until the building of the one at Youngstown in 184O. Mr. Clapsaddle also built a saw mill about the time of the erection of the grist mill; it long ago went to decay. 26o The village of Youngstown is one of the oldest on the frontier, as the reader has learned in earlier pages of this work. At the establishment of the Niagara customs district in 1799, the port of entry was located at Fort Niagara and remained there until 181 1 when it was removed to Lewiston. Only a very small settlement was gathered at Youngstown at the time of the devastation of the frontier by the British in 18 13, and that was wholly destroyed. After the war the locality again assumed considerable importance and activity ; the cutting of the fine oak timber in this section gave employment to many of the early settlers, and the shipment of large quantities of the timber to England for use in shipbuild- ing was a source of a considerable commercial interest here for some years. Later on a good deal of wheat was shipped from here to Oswego, and other business interests came into existence which contributed to the growth of the place. Robert Grensit kept the first tavern in this town on the site of Youngstown, and the house was conducted by his widow after his death. Colonel Hathaway, a prominent early resident, kept a tavern as as early as 181 5 on the site of the present Ontario House ; a small gro- cery was connected with the house. Peter Tower, before mentioned, opened a small public house here about 1819-20. John Young, who came from Niagara, Ont., probably kept the first store, and the village received its name from him ; he was identified prominently with the early public interests of the place. A school was opened in the village in 1806 by William Cogswell, and the first school house was built about 1823. The village was a small and quiet hamlet until towards 1825, after which the business interests were extended more rapidly. The following decription of the place in 1823 is taken from another work; The woods grew down to the rear of the lots on Main street, aud between this place and Lewiston the road passed through the forest that extended, to the east- ward and to the edge of the river on the west. There were not more than a dozen frame houses within the limits of the present corporation, There was only one store, which from the color of the building in which it was kept, was called the "red store." It was conducted by two young men named Chittenden and Woodruff, but John Young furnished the merchandise, and the business was carried on in his interest. Of taverns there seems to have been more than the business of that time demanded, there being no less than three. The first was located at the north end of Main street and was kept by Phillips & Williams; the second about midway of 26l the street, was that of Col. Elijah Hathaway, and the third, which stood at the end of the street, was conducted by Robert Campbell. The accommodations were good for that day. There was one wagon shop and one blacksmith shop, the first being the property of two men named Squires & De Wolf, and the secotid that of Nathaniel Brown. Judge A. G. Hinman was the postmaster, the post-office being in his house, near tlie center of the settlement. Mail arrived daily by stage from Lewistou and points east and south The foregoing gives a clear picture of Yotingstown in its early busi- ness existence, and is sufficient evidence that as late as 1820 the village was not one of great importance or bright prospects. Gordon Davis came from Connecticut in 1823 and soon afterward began business in the shoe and leather trade. David Burge came from New Hamp- shire to the village the same year and afterwards was a partner with Mr. Davis; they added other goods to their stock and for some years carried on a large trade. Mr. Davis retired from the firm in 1830 and Mr. Burge continued it. Jason Davis, brother of Gordon, came to Youngstown in 1835, with his sons, Bradley D. and Nelson R. Davis. They had previously in 1830 spent one year in Lewiston, and returned to New Hampshire. Soon after their arrival in Youngstown the father and Bradley D. Davis opened a grocery under the firm name of J. Davis & Son. A general stock of goods was later added and for twenty years the firm did a large trade for the times; the firm was dissolved by the death of the senior member. BraHley D. Davis, and later the firm of B. D. Davis & Co. carried on the business. Dr. John A. Hyde came to Youngstown in 1818, and for many j-ears was the only physician there. W. H. Doyle, who later became a member of the business firm of W. H. Doyle & Co., merchants, came to the village in 1835. Alfred Emer- son, at one period a member of the firm of Alfred Emerson & Co , settled early in the village, became a leading merchant and buyer of pro- duce. Alexander Barton, a painter, came to the village in 1823, worked at his trade for a time and afterwards opened a hotel, which was burned with other structures on the night of April 19-20, 1863, and was rebuilt by him. Ira Race settled in the place in 1826, followed farming until 1833, when he was chosen deputy sherift' and held the position three years; after that he held various local offices, and for I 262 about forty seven years was a justice of the peace. He is still living (1897), with his wife, both being over ninety. Judge A. G. Hinman was a conspicuous citizen of Youngstown for many years, was respected for his high character exhibited in his official life and his activity in promoting the early religious and educational in- stitutions of the town. George Swain uas a son of Isaac Swain, the pioneer, and became a prominent citizen. He was born in the town in 1 8 19, was a successful farmer and held various public offices; his brother William, born in 182 I, also was prominent as a farmer and fruit grower. The stone grist mill in the village was erected in 1840 by Heze- kiah H. Smith ; it was burned on the night of February 22, 1851, but was soon afterward repaired and was operated by Jason and Nelson R. Davis, and still later by B. D. Davis. It is still standing, though used for other purposes. In 1855 B. D. Davis & Co. erected their large brick block. The stone hotel (the Ontario House) was built in 1842 by Alexander Lane, near the site of the old Hathaway tavern; it subsequently became the property of Robert McKnight, and later of his heirs, and has been con- ducted under the name of the Ontario House by H. C Root and oth- ers. It is now kept by Timothy J. Murphy. The El Dorado Hotel, of which Frank C. Steele is proprietor, was built about i89r. A saw mill was built in Youngstown in 1866 by W. D. Clark. A foundry was established and long conducted by William Ripson & Co. ; it is now conducted by Julius Ripson. D. & J. Onen manufactured barrels for a time. The present business interests of the village con- sists of Edward G. Hall, shoes, etc.; Charles L. Taylor, drugs; John A. Haskell, George M. Carter, and L. C. Beals, groceries ; William A. Hutchinson, general store ; F. C. Thompson, dry goods ; and W. R. Robinson, hardware. The Youngstown News was started March 4, 1 881, by Nelson D. Haskell, who on January I, 1889, was succeeded by G. Oliver Frick, the present editor and publisher. It is an eight- page weekly. G. Oliver P'rick, editor and proprietor of the Youngstown News, is the son of Joseph A. and Clara Elizabeth P. Frick, and was born in Pittsburg, Pa., January 26, 1872. He came to Wolcottsville, Niagara county, in 1880, and in 1884 removed to Youngstown, where he finish - I 263 ed his education, which was supplemented by attendance at the pubHc schools of Buffalo. When thirteen he began learning the printer's trade on the Youngstown News, then owned by Nelson D. Haskell, and he also spent one year in Buffalo in the book department of Matthews, Northnip & Co. On Jahuary i, 1889, he purchased the Youngstown News, of which he has since been the editor and proprietor, and which he has placed in the front rank of Niagara county weekly newspapers. He was married in September, 1893, to Sarah W., daughter of Aaron Winchester, of Youngstown. The village of Youngstown was incorporated April 18. 1854, upon the presentation of a petition to the Legislature prepared by the follow- ing persons: Ira Race, A. G. Skinner, W. H. Doyle and L. P. Babcock. The boundaries of the village were made to include lots i and 2 and parts of lots 3 and 4 of the Mile Reserve. The first village election was held on the 4th of October, 1854, and the following officers chosen : President, George Swain; trustees, George Swain, Samuel P'osdick, Nelson R. Davis, Lewis C. Beals, and Alfred P^merson ; clerk, S. Olney; assessor, David Burge; collector, Paul Durfee ; treasurer George C. Hotchkiss; poundmaster, John Hart. The present (1897) village officers are Frank C. Steele, president; Charles Ripson, August Turner, and Patrick Fitzpatrick, trustees ; John W. Thompson, clerk. The settlement on the site of Ransomville was of little importance until after the location there of Jehial C. S. Ransom in 1 826, and the estab- lishment of the post-office. He opened a store and established a good business. Other pioneers here were Lambert Hall and Leverett Bris- tol In 1839 William H. H. Ransom, a nephew of the pioneer, settled in the village and worked at his trade of carpenter until 1843, when he bought out his uncle's store, and was the leading merchant until his death ; his son, Elton T. Ransom, was associated with him under the firm name of W. H. H. Ransom & Son, which is still retained. The Curtiss Brothers, before mentioned, have long been prom- inently identified with the business interests of the village. Besides conducting the hotel, the Ransomville House, they, in 1877, built the P^xcelsior elevator and grain storehouse with a capacity of 25,- 000 bushels, and are engaged largely in the handling of grain and fruit. 264 W. H. H. Ransom & Son built a large brick store in 1872, and in 1877 erected a brick storehouse on a side track to the R., W. & O. Railroad, which runs through the village. They carry on an extensive grain, produce and general mercantile business. Fowler & Harwick built a brick store building, which passed to possession of James Bullock, who carried on mercantile business there. Other old merchants were C. A. Barnes, Clark Ransom, A. U. Gatchell, S. D. McCracken and George I. Eaman. The present merchants are W. H. H. Ransom & Son, William T. Gentle, Corwin & Hubbell, F. D. McCormick, A. J. Barry, Dwight Sanger and A B. Thompson & Sons. David Bagley also has a cider and vinegar works. The Ransom- ville Basket Manufacturing Company was started in 1894 and gives em- ployment to a number of hands S. H. Morris is president and W. T. Gentle secretary and treasurer. East Porter, Tryonville and Porter Center are hamlets in this town, the latter having a general store kept by C. C. Clapsaddle. Fort Niagara is situated at the mouth and on the east bank of the Niagara River, and its historic periods are recorded in Peter A. Porter's book as follows : Recognizing the title to the spot where Fort Niagara stands as vested in the Sen- ecas after their conquest of the Neuters in 1651, we may divide its history into the following periods: Indian ownership, 1651-16(59; Indian ownership, French in- fluence predominating, 1669-1725; Indian ownership. French occupation, 1735-1759; Indian ownership, English occupation, 1759-1764; English ownership and occupa- tion, 1759-178B; American ownership, English occupation, the hold-over period, 1788-1796; American ownershijD and occupation (excepting December 19, 1813, to March 27, 1815), 1796-1896. The history of the fort has been noticed in detail in earher pages of this volume. It has been garrisoned, with the exception of a brief in- terim, since March 27, 18 15, and the last defensive work of conse- quence — the brick facing of the bastions, facing east, dates from 1861. It is now the regimental headquarters of the 13th U. S. Infantry, Col. Alfred T. Smith commanding. The village of Youngstown and vicinity in late years has attracted a nnmber of summer residents, whose pretty homes have added much to the beauty of the place. In 1896 an electric railroad, known as the 265 " Old Fort Route," was built by the Lewiston and Youngstown Fron- tier Railway Company, of which Laurence D. Rumsey is president ; Henry C. Howard, vice president ; Karl Evans, secretary ; George R. Teller, treasurer; and Robert B. Goodman, superintendent. The main line, opened August i r, 1896, is eight miles long ; a branch extends to Rumsey Park and Beach on Lake Ontario. The first school in this town has been mentioned. The town was early divided into districts and school houses gradually built, to accom- modate the growing population. The first school house in Youngstown was built about 1 823, and was subsequently moved away and a stone structure erected in its place. The first school house was used for re> ligious meetings until churches were built. For the last fifty years the number of districts has been eleven, and there is now a comfortable school house in each. The town with six others of the county consti- tutes the second commissioner's district. A graded school building was erected of brick in Youngstown about two years ago. The first religious services in the town were held in very early years at the fort, but there was little attempt to hold regular meetings else- where until 1823. Methodist itinerants came into the town with more or less regularity and held meetings. In 1823 a preacher named Everett visited Youngstown and finding a few persons who were in- clined to CO operate in the formation of a church, he appointed a meet- ing at the house of Judge A. G. Hinman for that purpose. The society was organized in the Presbyterian faith in 1823, with the following members: Mr. and Mrs. Bartol, Mr. Kelly, Mrs. Lutts. Mrs. Mc- Cormick, Mrs. Rebecca Hathaway and her daughter Pauline, and Judge Hinman. A church was built in 1836 under direction of Hezekiah H. Smith, John A. Hyde, Gordon Davis and David Burge. The building was enlarged in 1844 to accommodate the increasing membership. In 1896-97 this was replaced by the present structure. The Baptist church at Ransomville was organized in March, 1834, with thirty seven members. The first pastor was Rev. Samuel J. Olney. The first church was built in 1840, of wood ; it was remodeled in 1870. A Methodist church was organized at Porter Center, a hamlet in the 34 266 central part of the town, in March, 1838, with forty members. A church edifice was built in 185 i. The first pastor was Rev. William Buck. Another Methodist church was organized at East Porter, the class of which was formed in 182 1; but the church (Fillmore chapel) was not built until 1852. The original members numbered fourteen. This society was in the Porter Center charge. The Methodist church of Youngstown was regularly organized in June, 1852, with twenty members; meetings were held in the school house until 1854, when the church edifice, begun in the previous year, was finished. Through the prevailing division in this denomina- tion, which took place in 1869, this church was sold at auction, and was purchased by John Carter for the purpose of having services con- tinued. Regular meetings were held until 1869 after which no stated services were held. . In July, 1872, regular meetings were renewed and in that year the conference united the Youngstown and Porter Center churches in one charge; they were again separated in 1876, in which year Mr, Carter deeded back the church building to the society under a favorable arrangement. It was re opened in May, 1877, and has since continued active. St. John's Episcopal church at Youngstown is noticed in the chapter devoted to Lockport. St. Bernard's Roman Catholic parish was organized in Youngstown about 1830, when a chapel was instituted, and services were conducted by priests from Suspension Bridge or Lewiston. The Free Methodist church of Ransomville was built about 1880. The Wesleyan Methodists also have a church there. 267 CHAPTER XVI. THE TOWN OF ROYALTON. There were two towns set off from Hartland after its erection in 18 12; these were Royalton in 18 17, and Somerset in 1823. Royalton was erected on April 5, 18 17, and was a little reduced in its area by setting ofif a portion to Lockport in 1824; it now contains 38,820 acres. It is the southeastern town of the county, and the most populous, excepting Lockport and Niagara, which include the two cities. The population as given by the census of 1892 was 4,768. There are at the present time seven post- offices in the town, as follows: Dysinger, Gasport, Middleport, McNalls (Corners), Orangeport, Royalton (Center), and Wolcottsville. The surface of the town is generally level or undulating, except the northern part, where the mountain ridge crosses it. The soil is principally a clayey loam and very productive in most parts. Tonawanda Creek forms the southern boundary, and Eighteen-mile and Johnson's Creeks, flowing northwardly, and Mud Creek, flowing south- west, have their sources in this town. The first town meeting was held on the first Tuesday in April (the 7th), 18 18, at the house of Almond H. Millard, a justice of the peace, who presided. The first officers, elected on that day, were : Almond H. Millard, supervisor; William Smith, town clerk; Warren Rosenkrans, Henry Elsworth, and Asher Freeman, assessors; James Lyman and Nathan Corn- stock, overseers of the poor ; Allen Williams, Robert H. Henderson, and Benjamin H. Packard, commissioners of common schools; William Smith, Nathan Comstock, and Noah Brooks, commissioners of highways; Solomon Richardson and Samuel White, constables and collectors; Almond H. Millard, Burroughs Holmes, Nathan Comstock, Joel Amsden, and William Green, inspectors; and fifteen fenceviewers and overseers of highways; 1, Phalarius Russell; 2, James Williams, jr. ; 3, Demas Hart; 4, Ezra Harwood ; 5, Cyrus Tripp; 6, James Webb; 7, Solomon Mead; 8, Wil- liam Letts; 9, Nathan Comstock; 10, Samuel White; 11, John Griswold; 12, Paul Sawyer; 13, David C. Culver; 14, Barney Allen; 18, Reuben Hayes. The supervisors of the town have been : 268 1818-20, Almond H. Millard; 1821, Nathan Comstock; 1822-23, Daniel Washburn; 1824-27, John Garnsey; 1828-30, Asher Freeman ; 1831, D. S.' Fenn ; 1832, Asher Freeman; 1833, Ethan Fenn; 1834-37, James Baldwin; 1838-40, David Hurd; 1841, John McNall; 1842, David Hurd; 1843, Peter P. Murphy; 1844-45, Samuel Z. Ross; 1846, Grandus Davenport; 1847, William S. Fenn; 1848-49, Alfred Colwell; 1850, Samuel Z. Ross; 1851-52, Alonzo W. Newcomb; 1853, John Thorn; 1854-55, Oliver R. Brown ; 1856-59, Alonzo W. Newcomb ; 1860, Alfred Colwell ; 1861-62, Rufus W. Briggs; 1862-65, Robert F. Pierson; 1866-67, Orrin L. Hudnut; 1868, Chauncey Shel- don ; 1869-70, Marcus Mabee; 1871-72, Elijah H. Woodworth ; 1873-74, Orrin L. Hudnut; 1875-76, John P. Brown; 1877-79, Francis Hunter; 1880-81, Ruthven Kill 1882-84, George B. Holdridge; 1885-87, Racine C. Clark; 1888-90, Francis Hunter 1891-92, WilHam W. Johnson; 1893-94, Caleb C. McNair; 1895-96. John L. Sheldon 1897-98, Arza .G. Sherwood. The other town officers for 1897 are: William E. Graham, town clerk since 1885, excepting one year; W. H. Rhinehart, J. A. Good, George F. Thompson, and George Sayers, justice of the peace; Peter T. Turrell, Edward J. Behe, and Jacob Belie, assessors; Henry Siegler, highway com- missioner; Charles W. Schubel and George H. Baker overseers of the poor; F. S. A. Coon, collector. The first settlement within the limits of this town was the result of an accident, if tradition may be believed. Joshua Slaton was on his way from Vermont, his native State, to Canada, with his family, when his wagon broke down about two miles east of the Cold Springs. What he saw of this locality during his necessary delay pleased him and he look- up land in the northwest corner of the town, cleared a part of it, and built a log house; that was in the year 1800. His land included the site of Orangeport hamlet, and also of Slaton Settlement, about half a mile north of Orangeport. Thomas Slaton, brother of Joshua, came in with him or very soon after and was instrumental in founding the set- tlement. The Erie Canal and the Central Railroad both pass through land formerly owned by these men. Joshua Slaton was an able and in- fluential man, and generous in his efforts to promote the settlement. He gave land to Mr. Gaskill, the first blacksmith in town, on which to build a shop ; he donated, also, land on which was built the first church, and land for the earliest graveyard. The little settlement was augmented in 1802 by the arrival of Stephen Bugbee and Andrew Brown, and in 1803 by Varney Gaskill and Will- iam Smith. In 1804 Benjamin Hale, Varnum Treadwell, and Marvin Harvvood came in, all from the same town in Vermont. Stephen Bug 269 bee built the first frame house in r 804 at the settlement, and Marvin Har- wood opened a store there in the same year. In 181 1 Asher Freeman, sr., purchased 500 acres of land about one and a half miles south of the site of Middleport, paying $3.25 per acre. He cleared a tract, sowed it to wheat in 18 13, and in 18 15 moved upon it and built a log house. He built his later brick house in 1824. Stephen Bugbee had already built one a little earlier at Orangeport. In 1 81 5 there was no house between Mr. Freeman's and the Buffalo road. He was father of Asher P'reeman, long a respected citizen. Severus Swift came into the town early and located in the southern part on the farm afterwards owned by his son, J. C. Swift, half a mile north of the site of Wolcottsville, the old Indian trail crossing the farm. He came about 1818, at which time all south of him to Tonawanda was a wilderness. Other settlers now came in more rapidly, the clouds of war having passed away. Daniel Benedict settled on Tonawanda Creek soon after Mr. Swift's arrival, and Chauncey McKie located in 18 16 north of the Lewiston or Niagara road on Griswold street. Eliphalet Edmunds and John Griswold came to that vicinity about the same time. In 18 16 Benjamin Barlow was keeping a tayern half a mile south of Middleportsite, what was early known by half a dozen names of Corners, but finally settled down to P'reeman's Corners. Carrington Fisk opened a tavern in 1808 at Royalton Center, which was probably the first in the town. In 1818 John McNall opened a tavern west of Royalton Center, at what is now McNall's Corners, on the old Niagara road, and a little hamlet grew up there. The old Indian trail that was used during the Revolution, and prob- ably long before, in approaching or leaving Niagara from the east, passed through this town, entering near the southeast corner in the Tonawanda Reservation, and running in a northwesterly direction, passing just north of the site of Wolcottsville. A little farther on the trail divided, the two branches going on either side of a swamp and coming together again just south of McNall's Corners. A little farther on it struck what became the Niagara road, and so passed on out of the town and through Lockport town. One of the earliest roads laid out in Royalton ran through Slaton Settlement in the northwest corner of the town. The most prominent highway in the town, or in this region, in 270 early years, was the well known Military Road, or the Niagara Road, as it is frequently called. In 1820 Alexander Lafferty was keeping a tavern southeast of Roy- alton Center, on the road just mentioned. About the same time Levi Cole opened a hotel in a log house on the corner of what are now Main and State streets in Middleport. Soon afterwards a frame house was built on an opposite corner and Mr. Cole moved into it and kept a tavern until after the beginning of the canal. In 1S04 Marvin Harwood opened a small store at Slaton Settlement. He came from Vermont and found great difficulty in hauling into the wilderness his small store of merchandise. About 18 18 stores were opened at McNall's Corners and Freeman's Corners, and formed trade centers around which small settlements gathered. James Northam, the first merchant at Middle- port, began business in 1822. In early years saw mills were scattered about several localities in the town, where a little water power existed ; most of them were aban- doned long ago. Asher Freeman had an early mill, and there were two on Johnson's Creek at Middleport. At Mabee's, a little east of Gasport, was located what was probably the first grist mill in town, and there was also an early saw mill there. It is claimed by some that the first one was on the site of Middleport, while others claim that the first one was on the farm owned in recent years by J. Richardson. F. B. Lane and James Northam operated early grist mills. Many of these were started about 1820-25. In 1828 a carding mill was estab- lished at Middleport, and another on the Richardson farm just men- tioned. In 1 8 17 Benjamin Barlow built and started a distillery at Bar- low's (Freeman's) Corners ; he had also an ashery with which he did a large business. John Mabee also had a distillery about 1821. Asa Scott was an early settler and a blacksmith with a shop at PVeeman's Corners in 18 17. William Smith was the first surveyor in this immediate locality and after settlement became active; he was constantly employed in his pro- fession. The first resident physician was Dr. Packard, who came about 1 817 and settled about a mile southwest of Middleport. Dr. Chatter- ton soon followed him. In 1820 Dr. John McLoth settled in the south part of the town on the Niagara road, and in 1835 Dr. Peter P. Murphy 271 located at Royalton Center, where he practiced many years. The first couple married in the town was Henry Ellsworth and Polly Cornish in 1 8 10. The first white male child born in town was Daniel Vaughn, in 1806. Among other early settlers prior to 1830 were Spellman Underwood (in 1 8 19), Erastus L. Williams (born in Royalton in 18 14), Joseph H. Otis, Asa Carrington. Alanson Doty, Jeremiah Westgate, John Mc- Nall, Elias Safford, William Depue, Levi Leonard, Simon Bixby, Hiram B. Smith, Timothy Paige, Amos Bronson, James Fisk, Jeremiah Tur- ner, Daniel W. Crapsej;-, George R. Benedict, Lemuel Foster, Richard J. McLeland, John Timmerman, Noah Wheeler, John Woodworth, George Mitchell, Benjamin Hale, George Bugbee, John W. Stone, Ira Weatherby, Jacob Hutchins, Richard Mackey, Thomas Roberts, Asa Westcott, William Adams. Other early settlers were Avery S. Delano (miller and lumber manu- facturer in Middleport), Henry Dysinger, John Ernest, William Ewing, John Weyand, Oliver L, Wilcox, Gotlob D. Witterman, and Dr. P. Faling. At this point mention should be made of present or more recent residents of the town, as follows : Joseph and George Arnold, O. D. Bates, Andrew J. and Edward J. Behe, R. H. Bennington, Fred C. Berner, George W. Bowen, John Bowers, Rufus S. Brackett, Nicholas Bowers, B. F. Brownell, Henry H. Bugbee, Arnold Button, Nathan Campbell, William H. Chase, Chauncey Childs, Martin J. Dale, William Dewey, Thomas Dobbins, George Dunbar, Aaron W. Dysinger, Henry Dysinger, Chauncey A. and William Dysinger, George W. Eggleston, Henry Ernest. Isaac N. Ewing, Charles H. Francis, B. F. Freeman, James and John Freeman, William Fritz, William B. Gardner, George W. Good, Washington Good, George B. Holdridge, Solomon Hollen- beck, Charles and John J. Jackson, Cornelius and James R. Ketcham, Hon. Ruthven Kill, John W. La Bar, jr., George W. Lewis, Daniel and Reuben Long, William Luckman, John Mack, John S. Maynard, Jacob Miller, Uriah H. Mitchell, Robert Pearce, Conrad and Christopher Ramming, William W. Ross, John P. Sawyer, John L. Sheldon, Joseph Sheldon, Alfred J. and Pitt H. Smith, George D. Swift, Leroy Sybrandt. Cortez Taylor, Frank Terry, William and Kelsey Todd, William Tur- 2/2 rell, Theodore Van Wagoner, Frederick Walter, J. M. Williams, James Compton (formerly county clerk). The villages in this town were mostly brought inco existence by the construction of the Erie Canal. Royalton Center is an exception, where Carrington Fisk opened his tavern in 1808. He owned the land on which the hamlet stands east of the corners, and a Mr. Dewey on the west. The first post-office in the town was removed from what is now Reynale's Basin (formerly Royalton) to Royalton Center soon after its establishment, another office being established at Reynale's Basin at a later date. A small mercantile business and a few shops have since ex- isted here. An academy was established at Reynale's Basin in 1837, and a build- ing erected with funds raised by subscription. The first trustees were Dr. Peter P. Murphy, Anson Baldwin, and William Sibley, all leading citizens. Donald G. Frazer was principal, and an attendance of about ninety pupils was secured. The institution continued about ten years, when it was given up and the building demolished. The present business interests of Royalton Center consist of two gen- eral stores kept by Norton E. Davison and Chauncey C. Bixby, the harness shop of William E. Graham, a large frame hotel, and a post- office with George W. Good, postmaster. Wolcottsville, also, does not owe its existence to canal influence. It is situated in the southeast corner of the town, near the Tonawanda Reservation, which extends over the line into Royalton. The land on which Wolcottsville stands was a part of 2,000 acres bought of the Hol- land Company by Anson Wolcott. He settled there in 1847-48. Ehr- ick Sutherland had "squatted" on a part of this tract at an early date. When Mr. Wolcott was located he built a steam saw mill, where Charles H. Schad's store stood in recent years. The mill employed a large num- ber of hands while timber was left to saw. After a few settlers had come in there, Mr. Wolcott, in 185 1, deeded his whole tract to four trustees, viz., Frederick Moll, Christian Moll, Frederick Welland and Carl Martins, who laid it out in small lots and in 1872-73 seventy -five families from Prussia settled here, drawing their locations by lot. This gave rise to the name, Prussian Settlement, which has been applied to the immediate section thus settled. After this transfer was made Mr. Wolcott removed his saw mill across into Erie county. 273 Joseph Rhodes opened the first hotel in the place in 1866, and a con- siderable trade and shop interest soon came into existence. In 1875 there were in the place seven hotels of all kinds of pretension, five stores, a cigar factory, five wagon and blacksmith shops, a saw mill, two churches, and about 1,000 inhabitants. The present merchants are Albert Retzloff, William Luckmann, W. H. Rhinehart (also postmas- ter), and Mrs. John Hoepsal. Henry Siegler is a hardware dealer and blacksmith. Middleport is the largest and only incorporated village in Royalton. It is emphatically a canal village, for previous to the opening of the great waterway there was no settlement here, the business of the north- eastern part of the town being done at Freeman's Corners, half a mile to the southward. When the canal was opened business interests rap- idly gathered where Middleport stands. The village takes its name from its being about midway between the canal villages of Lockport and Albion (formerly Freeport). The land on which the village stands was formerly owned by Arunah Bennett on the west side of Main street, south of the canal; by William Taylor on the east side, south of the canal ; by Gad Mather on the east side of Vernon street, north of the canal ; and by F. B. Lane on the west side of Vernon street, north of the canal. The opening of Levi Cole's tavern here in a log house soon after 1820 has been noticed. Mr. Cole was imprisoned for a short time for killing a workman on the canal, who was one of a party in his tavern, and who had insulted Mrs. Cole. The man was knocked down by Cole, when the whole party attacked him and in the ensuing struggle he struck one of his assailants with a club and killed him. This was the first homicide in this locality. James Northam opened the first store in the village in 1822, in a small frame building erected by him about where Main street crosses the canal and near the canal bank. A. S. Baker was his clerk. At that time the canal was not cut through and the trees along the canal line had been cut only recently and the brush was still piled along Main street at that point. Mr. Northam subsequently sold out his business to John Craig and Thomas Dunlap, and they were succeeded by Lane 35 274 & Baker. Mr. Craig was the father-in-law of Daniel W. Powers, of Rochester. G. and E. Mather established a small tannery in 1824 and also car- ried on a boot and shoe business. Smith & Calkins were blacksmiths about 1820 and later. John Macker began here as a tailor in 1830, the first in the place. He was followed by Messrs. Bridgeman, Stone, Snell and Charles Wilcox. In 1840 John Van Brocklin established a blast furnace, the first and only one ever in the village ; it was later operated by his son. Among other old-time merchants of Middleport were Timothy Bray, grocer; A. G. Taylor, drugs; James P. Compton, hardware; Alden S. Baker, who was also a justice of the peace ; Roswell Kelsey, Albert Day, David Gardner (of Gardner & House) L. T. Mather, B. P. Barnes (afterward the owner of the flouring mill now operated by John F. Little & Son), Peirce & McClean, Linus Spalding, Mason & Son, Jonas P. Lane, William S. Fenn, Harvey Francis, Ferdinand Hinchey, S. N. Spalding, Daniel Van Brocklin, and Davis Brothers (lumber) A. D. Rich has been a hotel keeper here for about twenty- three years; he built his present brick hotel in 1884 on the site of a frame house, which burned. The present (1897) business interests of Middleport are carried on by M. E. Dobmeyer and F. M. Smith, dry goods ; E. F. Lahey and Max Harpuder, clothing; W. H. Garland and G. A. Wickham, shoes; A. K. Laird, L. H. Spalding, C. W. Platts, Joseph Lewis and Carey Brothers ; Edgar B. French and W. I. Van Brocklin, hardware ; Compton & Ben- nett, furniture ; C. R. Dunkin, jewelry ; Jerry Tracy, bakery ; C B. Taylor, drugs and banking ; L. S. Freeman, banking; William D. Hoyt and W. J. Hinchey, notions ; Lee Compton, meats ; Robert Pearce, harness. William J. Sterritt located in Middleport in 1867 and established a cooperage business, which still continues. In 1878 he purchased a heading mill. In 1884, with Messrs. Eddy and Rowley, he bought the Middleport paper mill property and in 1886 became sole owner. In 1 891 he organized the Hartland Paper Company for the manufacture of box boards; the capacity is 2,500 tons per annum. The Royalton Door Company succeeded the Middleport Manufac- 275 turing Company in 1896, and does a large business. The Batavia Pre- serving Company, of which Charles H. Francis is manager, is another important concern in Middleport. The Middleport Union School District No. i was organized August II, 1 89 1, with the following Board of Trustees: H. A. Wilmot, presi- dent; George D. Judson, clerk; William J. Sterritt, Linus S. Freeman and George A. Wickham. The present (1897) board consists of William J. Sterritt, president ; George F. Thompson, clerk ; Rev. James J, Roche, George G. Judson, Linus S. Freeman and Dr. John B. Hoyer. The principal is Frederick R. Stevens. The old stone school house was enlarged by a brick addition in 1893 at a cost of about $6,500. The Middleport Library Association was formed in 1873, by Rev. James H. Dennis, with the following officers : President, C. W. Gould ; secretary, E. L. Downey ; librarian and treasurer, E. A. Phillips. The first collection of books was donated by citizens of the village ; these were added to by funds obtained from several lecture courses. The institution, after several years of usefulness, finally went down. The Middleport Mail was issued as a weekly newspaper for several years by S. H. Clark. In September, 1888, J. E. Cooper established the Middleport Herald, which in September, 1885, was sold by him to W. John Hinchey, the present editor and publisher. W. John Hinchey, editor and publisher of the Middleport Herald, is a son of Ferdinand and Emeline (Horsfall) Hinchey, and was born Feb- ruary 8, 1869, in Middleport, N. Y., where his parents settled at the close of the civil war. His father was a cigar manufacturer, postmaster, and merchant in that village, and died December 23, 1889. Mr. Hinchey was educated in the Middleport Union school and the Clinton Liberal Institute at Fort Plain, N. Y,, graduating from the latter in 1889. After teaching school for two years he engaged in mercantile business in his native village, and in September, 1895, became the editor and publisher of the Middleport Herald, which he has made one of the leading papers of the county. Middleport has always been an excellent market for produce, not only during the period when it all had to be shipped by canal, but also since the completion of the branch of the Central Railroad. This was the chief factor in its rapid growth during the first twenty }ears of its existence. The population had become so numerous and pubHc affairs of so much importance, that village incorporation at length seemed de- sirable. Accordingly a village election to vote upon the proposition was held February 26, 1859, and a vote favorable to the change was polled. The first election of village officers was held March 22, 1859, and the following were elected trustees : A J. Baker, B. P. Barnes, Horace Pierce, Thomas F. Smith, and F. S. Taylor. The first official meeting was held March 28, and Francis S. Taylor was chosen president of the board. Since that time the successive presidents have been as follows : 1860, Milton Seaman; 1861, Francis S. Taylor; 1862-3, Allen H. Pierce; 1864, A. S. Baker; 1865-67, Milton Seaman; 1868, Avery S. Delano; 1869, John Todd; 1870, John N. Dunn; 1871, A. H. Pierce; 1872, Henry McClean, jr., who was appointed March 26 and served to June 3, 1872, when a new village charter went into force under which the president was elected by the people and Avery S. Delano was chosen. The number of trustees was also reduced to three. 1873, C. R. Blakslee ; 1874, Henry McClean, jr., 1875, Charles H. Francis; 1876, J. H. Dunn; 1877-78, Charles H. Francis; 1879, C. W. Laskey; 1880, Benjamin F. Freeman; 1881-82, Henry McClean ; 1883, Charles H. Francis; 1884-85, Henry McClean; 1886-88, Will- iam J. Sterritt; 1889-90, Charles H. Francis; 1891, Thomas W. Jackson; 1892, Ezra B. DeLano; 1893, George W. Eddy; 1894, Edward J. Tuttle; 1895, William J. Sterritt; 1896, Edward J. Tuttle; 1897, Michael E. Carey. The other village officers for 1897 ^''^ • Everett A. Pearce, clerk ; Alfred J. Lewis, Romiro E. Hunt, and Michael O'Shaugh- nessey, trustees; Truman Jennings, collector; Lewis H. Spalding, treasurer; N. L. Wallace, street commissioner; William D. Aldrich, light commissioner. The fire department of Middleport was organized in 1884, and con- sists of the W. J. Sterritt Engine Co., the L. H. Spalding Hose Co., and the A. D. Rich Hook and Ladder Co. Dr. Eli Clark is chief; James Brath, first assistant ; Clark D. Brewer, second assistant. In 1888 a reservoir was built for fire purposes ; later another was added, and this year (1897) two more are being constructed. In 1895 a new steam engine gave place to an old horse power engine. Prior to the organization of the present fire department the village was protected from fire by a few hydrants supplied with water from private sources. Gasport is a small village the existence of which is largely due to the canal. It is situated about midway between Lockport and Middleport. It has been stated that Samuel Hitchcock built the first house here 277 about 1824, and kept the first tavern. He owned a good deal of the land on which the village stands, other portions being formerly owned by Col. Jonathan Mabee and a Mr. Melick. The village derives its name from the fact that inflammable gas formerly rose from certain springs that were subsequently destroyed in digging the canal. After some experimenting, the gas from these springs was confined and sent into pipes which were laid to a store and warehouse in the village, which were well lighted for a time. The first flouring mill here was built by Col. Jonathan Mabee a little northeast of the village on Eight- een-mile Creek, and about the same time Andrew and Amos Brown had a saw mill south of the village. The first store in the place was opened in 1823 by Sextus Shearer. A Mr, Woolworth was an early wagon maker, and a Mr. Marcy a blacksmith. Ur. Timothy Y. G. Page was the first physician. A. Colwell was the first postmaster. The present merchants are Caleb C. McNair and Blakeman & Pease, general stores, Samuel G. Barton, grocer and postmaster; and Mesler & Pease, hardware. Charles L. Wilson is proprietor of the hotel here. To promote education in Gasport an academy was founded in 1850, through the organization of a stock company, and a brick building 25 by 40 feet in size and two stories high was erected. William Crocker was chosen principal and about seventy pupils attended. The institu- tion received a fair patronage during nearly twenty years, when it was closed and the building sold to the Congregational church for a par- sonage. After the opening of a store and John McNall's tavern at McNall's Corners, in 18 18, on the Niagara road, a little hamlet grew up about it and for a time small business interests were maintained there. In recent years a post-office has existed there under the name McNall's. The hamlet is about two miles west of Royalton Center. The hamlet of Reynale's Basin, is situated on the canal about five miles west of Middleport. It was formerly a point of considerable im- portance for shipping produce and the first post office in the town was established here ; it was subsequently removed to Royalton Center, as before stated. When Middleport and Gasport began their rapid devel- opment, business at this place declined and has almost disappeared. The place derives its name from George Reynale, who located here as 278 soon as the canal was completed and built a frame structure on the north side of the canal and west of the road crossing there. He opened a grocery and soon began buying staves and heading and other prod- ucts of the locality. Cornelius Mock has a general store there. John VV. Shafer came here about 1857, from Johnson's Creek, and engaged in the mercantile business for nine years, when he built his present cold storage plant. Dysinger, in the central part of the town, is a post-office estab- lished in recent years. The place derives its name from the Dysinger family, who have lived in the neighborhood for many years. There is a Baptist church there, but no business of account. Orangeport. a post office and hamlet in the northwest part of the town, on the Erie Canal, was originally settled by Joshua and Thomas Slaton. The former was the real founder of the place, and gave the sites for the first church, blacksmith shop, and burying grounds, the latter of which is the oldest in town, the first burial in it being that of a Mr. Elsworth in 1804. The post-office was established about 1850 with a Mr. Hart as postmaster. There is now a hotel and the store of Mrs. M. E. Atwood. South Royalton is a locality in the south part of the town, and be sides a few houses contains a frame M. E. church. The Mountain Ridge Cemetery Association was organized June 16, 1848, with Alanson T. Odell, president; Philip Freeman, M. W. Bal- dwin, Oliver Brown, James Culver E. Odell, Franklin Knapp, and Stephen Green, trustees. The cemetery is located four and one half miles southwest of Middleport. Of the early schools in this town there is not much record. The first one was probably established in or near the Slaton Settlement, where the first comers located. There was a school house in district No. 23 as early as 18 18, which was at that time the only one south of the Military road. The first teacher there was Margaret Pixley, and Dr. John Mc- Loth taught in the following winter. April 20, 18 18, the commissioners of common schools, Allen Williams, Robert H. Henderson, and Benjamin H. Packard, met and divided the town into eight school districts; on May 16 of the same year this number was increased to nine. As the population increased the town was divided and subdivided into school J. W. SHAFHK. 279 districts and better school buildings superseded the first ones, which were generally of logs. For the past forty years or more there have been twenty- four districts, which is the present number, with a school house in each. With Cambria, Wheatfield, Lockport and Pendleton the town constitutes the first commissioner's district. The first religious services and the first church organization were in- stituted at or near the site of Orangeport. Prayer meetings were held at first until considerable interest was awakened, when the first preacher, Oliver Castle, came to the neighborhood. In June, 1813, Elders Joel Doubleday and Joel Nathaniel Brown came and baptized a number of persons. In August, 1817, a memorable revival began, and during that year seventy-three persons were baptized. In the sum- mer of 18 18 a frame church was built, but it was not vi holly finished until six years later ; it is believed to have been the first house for public worship on the Holland Purchase. On the 5th of February, 1821;, a society was incorporated with the title, The First Christian Society of Ro3'alton, with William Smith, Benjamin Hale, and Nathan Stone, trustees. In that year the church building was painted red and it was always known as the " red meeting house on the hill." In the winter of 1845 '^ was burned and the new church built on the site. In the spring of 1861 the society purchased the property adjoining on the south for a parsonage. The Congregational church of Royalton, situated at Gasport, was or- ganized October 5, 1817, by Rev. Eleazar Fairbanks, a missionary, with seventeen members. The present church edifice was built in 1848, from which time the church was without a settled pastor for many years ; but the pulpit was supplied with considerable regularity. In 1877 Rev. Edward Harwood was settled with the church. The society purchased the brick academy building in 1870 for a parsonage. The Methodist Episcopal church of Royalton was organized through the work of a class formed in April, 18 18, by Daniel Shepherdson and Cyrus Story, circuit preachers; Joel Bixby was the first leader. There were sixteen members and meetings were held every four weeks at the house of the leader. The first trustees were elected in 1836, and the original church edifice was erected in 1838; it was rebuilt in 1862, is of brick and originally cost $3,000. The society has had a flourishing career. 28o The First Baptist church of Royalton is situated four miles south of Gasport and near Dysinger. The organization was effected August 20, 1822, by eleven members, and the first meeting was held in the school house of district No. 13. From 1822 to 1836 Elders Parsons and Waterbury were the pastors, after which to 1847 there were no stated services, but the church was supplied by surrounding societies. A church was in 1823 erected which was burned and replaced by another in 1866. The parsonage adjoining the church was purchased at a cost of $2,000. The Presbyterian church of Middleport was organized June 1 1, 1833, and was received into the Presbytery of Niagara in the same month. The society had a fairly prosperous existence, the services being usually held by stated supplies, until 1875, when the church property was sold to the Roman Catholics. There were at that time about eighty mem- bers and the society was nearly free from debt. The price received for the property was $1,700. In 1888 the present frame church was erected. The Catholic mission which purchased this property immediately im- proved and repaired the edifice and have since used it for their services. This is known as St. Stephen's Roman Catholic church, and Rev. J. J. Roche is the pastor. The Middleport Methodist church was organized April 18, 1827, with Francis B. Lane, James Williams, John Bickford, Arunah Bennett, and Abijah Terry, trustees Rev. John Copeland was then preaching and the large wooden church edifice was built in the same year. The society owns also a comfortable parsonage. The Universalist church of Middleport was formed as the result of preaching in that faith which was begun by Rev. Linus S. Everett, whose services were secured by Judge A. S. Baker. Mr. Everett continued to preach in the school houses for some time, and finally a society was or- ganized and a church building erected of stone and brick in 1841. The building was extensively improved in 187 1. A Free Will Baptist society was organized in early years and in 1839 a church was built about two miles south of Middleport. Elder Oilman was the first pastor. In after years the building was occupied by other denominations also. 28l Trinity church (German Lutheran) is in VVolcottsville and was organ- ized in 1854. The present brick church was built in 1S67, the brick being made on the lot where the chnrch stands, the work being done by the members. The society is largely made up of the German residents of that part of the town. In 1858 the Evangelical Association was organized at Gasport, with about thirty members. For nearly thirty years meetings were held in the old school house. In 1878 a new wooden church was erected. The German Lutherans also have a frame church in VVolcottsville that was built more than twenty-five years ago. St. Mary's Roman Catholic church was organized in 1858, with about fifty members. A frame church was built the same year in Gasport. Trinity (Episcopal) church at Middleport, is noted at length in the chapter devoted to Lockport. CHAPTER XVII. THE TOWN OP^ LEWISTON. The town of Lewiston was erected from Cambria on February 27, 18 1 8, and has always retained its original area, which is 22,231 acres. The town is the central ore of the three western tier and borders on the Niagara River. The mountain ridge divides the town into two nearly equal parts, and the surface is broken and rolling along the base of the ridge, while elsewhere it is comparatively level. The soil is generally a productive sandy loam. Four-mile, Six- mile and Twelve- mild Creeks rise in this town and flow northeasterly to the lake ; Fish Creek flows westerly to Niagara River in the southern part, and several small streams help to drain the town. The Devil's Hole, the scene of the terrible massacre in the French war, is on the bank of the river in the extreme southern part of the town. Five miles above Fort Ni- agara and bordering the river is a peculiar flat of several acres which is more than sixty feet lower than the surrounding territory and bears the name of Five-mile Meadow. It was here that the British landed 36 282 the night before the capture of Fort Niagara, in December, 1814, as described in earlier chapters. This town possesses scenery of great beauty and grandeur, and its history in early years is replete with tales of stirring events. Upon the erection of the town the first town meeting was ordered held at the house of Sparrow Sage, and the second was held at the house of John Gould. The date of the first meeting was April 7, 1 8 18, and it was presided over by Rufus Spalding and Gideon Frisbee, justices of the peace. The following officers were then elected : Supervisor, Rufus Spalding; towu clerk, Oliver Grace; assessors, Benjamin Bar- ton, Amos M. Kidder and William Miller; highway commissioners, John Beach, Aaron Childs, Reuben Reynolds; overseers of the poor, Jacob Townsend and Arthur Gray; school commissioners, Joshua Fairbanks, William Miller and Rufus Spalding; inspectors of schools, Amos M. Kidder, Reuben Reynolds and William Hotchkiss; constable and collector, Eleazer Daggett; sealer of weights and measures, Amos S. Tryon. Eleven overseers of highways were also chosen, one for each of the districts into which the town was divided. The usual ordinances for governing the town, regulating the restric- tion of domestic animals, placing a bounty on bear scalps, raising $200 for improvement of roads, and $75 for support of the poor, were voted at the first town meeting, and added to at subsequent meetings, as necessity demanded. The supervisors of Lewistown have been as follows : Rufus Spalding, 1818; Benjamin Barton, 1819-27; (Nathaniel Leonard filled out an unexpired term of Mr. Barton's in 1823); Jacob Townsend, 1828-30; Sheldon C. Townsend, 1831; Lothrop Cook, 1832; Alexander Dickerson, 1833-41; Sherburne B. Piper, 1842-45; Benjamin Hewitt, 1846 ; Seymour Scovell, 1847-48; Benjamin Hewitt, 1849; Arthur Gray, jr., 1850; Leander K. Scovell, 1851; Andrew Robinson, 1852-53; John L. Whitman, 1854; John Robinson, 1855; Reuben H. Boughton, 1856; Frank- lin Spalding, 1857; Benjamin Hewitt, 1858; Franklin Spalding, 1859-60; Isaac C. Cook, 1861-62; Moses Bairsto, 1863-66; Silas S. Hopkins, 1867; Moses Bairsto, 1868; Sherburne B. Piper, 1869-74; William J. Moss, 1875-77; William P. Mentz, 1878-80; Galen Miller, 1881-85; William J. Cooke, 1886-90; Galen Miller, 1891; Wilber T. Pool, 1892-98. Thomas P. Scovell served as town clerk for forty consecutive years, from 1852 to September 29, 1892, when he resigned, and Milton Rob- inson was appointed to fill the vacancy. The present town clerk is William C. Townsend. 283 This town is the permanent abiding place of the Tuscarora Indians, whose reservation occupies about a third of the area in the central and northern part The history of this tribe is well known. In the war of the Revolution such of the Tuscaroras and the Oneidas as joined the British forces and fled before the approach of Sullivan in his expedition westward, sought refuge with the British garrison at Fort Niagara. In the next year a part of these returned to their former haunts in Central New York, and the remainder took up their abode on a mile square of land on the mountain ridge here, which had been given them by the Senecas. At a later date the Holland Company granted them two square miles adjoining their former possessions, and in i8o8 they pur- chased of the company an additional tract of between 4,000 and 5,000 acres. These lands constitute the present reservation, which has been brought under good cultivation, and the occupants have so far advanced in civilization that they form a respectable element in citizenship. They have two churches, Baptist and Presbyterian, the latter having been in existence since 1805. There are also good schools and the council house. The nation was long ruled by Chief John Mountpleasant, son of Captain Mountpleasant, who was born on the island of Mack- inaw in 1779 and came to the reservation two years later. He was an oflScer in the British army in 1812 and participated in the battle of Queenston ; he also served as interpreter, being versed in the language of various tribes. After the war he returned to the reserva- tion, where he died October 9. 1854. John Mountpleasant, the son, was born January 18, 1810, and was elected chief in 1827, when only seventeen years old. In 1831 he was married to Jane Green, a daugh- ter of the tribe, who subsequently died and he married Caroline G. Parker, a Seneca woman and sister of Gen. Ely S. Parker, who was General Grant's military secretary. This chief was possessed of a good degree of intelligence and executive ability and was a representative Indian ; he served as one of the delegates of the Six Nations at the obsequies of Red Jacket in Buffalo ; he was one of the trustees of the Thomas Indian Orphan asylum, and a corresponding member of the Buffalo Historical Society. His administration of the affairs of his peo- ple was marked with ability, judgment and kindness. He successfully cultivated a large farm, and lived in a large and handsome dweHing 284 where the most liberal hospitality always prevailed. Chief Mount- pleasant died May 6, 1887. The first permanent white settlement in this town was made at about the beginning of the present century on the site of Lewiston village. Among the few who were located here in 1800 were the families of Frederick Woodman, William Gambol, Thomas Hustler, Henry Hough, Henry Mills, Joseph and John Howell, and two others named Middaugh and McBride. Thomas Hustler was an early tavern keeper, his house standing on a corner of what is now Center street opposite its junction with Portage street. His house was long well known and popular. Middaugh was keeping a tavern as early as 1788, and McBride built a tannery here in 1799. The History of the Holland Purchase states that Silas Hopkins said he spent most of the summer of 1788 in Lewiston, buying furs, and that the only white inhabitant then was Middaugh. In published reminiscences of John Mountpleasant it is stated that the Middaughs were from the North River, and that when they came here they occupied one of the old houses left by the Mohawks. Hough had a Mohawk wife and lived in a house that had been occupied by Brant. In 1802 Lemuel Cooke settled here and was conspicuous in the early history of the place, and his sons were afterwards leading citizens. Mr. Cooke had been a surgeon in the army. One of his sons was Bates Cooke, who held the office of comptroller of the State, and was a member of congress with Daniel Webster; he died in Lewiston May 31, 1841. Another son was Judge Lothrop Cooke, who died in July, 1855. A third was Isaac Cooke, who died earlier. Jesse Beach settled in the town in 1801, and two years later located on a farm two miles east of Lewiston village. Later he owned the farm occupied at one period by Colonel A. Dickerson at Dickersonville and there built the first dwelling and blacksmith shop. Silas Hop- kins, before mentioned, settled in the town in the first year in which the lands of the Holland Company were offered for sale. He was afterwards a colonel in the American army in 18 12, and subsequently was one of the judges of this county. John Robinson, from Pennsyl- vania, settled on the west third of lot 1 1, in 1 806. Asahel Sage came into the town and located on his farm in 1807; his neighbors were 285 John Gould, and two families named Rragbill and Smith, who had lo- cated on the first tier of lots east of the Mile Reserve. There were then no settlers father east on the mountain. Solomon Gilbert was an early settler in tlie town, and Joseph Hewitt came in several years before the war, having removed from Connecticut to Genesee county in 1803, and later to the town of Cambria, until he exchanged farms with Wil- liam Howell and became owner of the place occupied subsequently by his son, J. P. Hewitt. Isaac Colt came in from Sussex, N. J., in 1809, bringing his wife and six children, making the journey with two yoke of oxen; he lived a short time on lot 24, on the Military road, but soon located on lot 25, where he opened a tavern. In the same year Aaron Childs came with his wife and four children and settled on the Ridge road, where he kept a tavern a number of years, and finally removed to Niagara. Dr. Alvord was the first resident physician, but it is not known just when he arrived. He was followed by Dr. VVillard Smith in 18 10. A school was opened in 1806 by a Scotchman named Watson, and the following year Jonas Harrison, who was a pioneer lawyer, opened an- other in a log building on what is now Center street. One of the two rooms in the building was used for a dwelling and the other for the school. The village has been described as it appeared in 1807, when "it contained two small frame and five or six log houses. The ground on either side of Main (now Center) street, for a short distance, was cleared and fenced in, and corn and other grain was grown on it. There were many old dry trees standing, and thick woods bounded it on the north and south sides." Joshua Fairbanks, long a resident of Lewiston, made his first visit to Western New York in 1791, and narrated to Mr. Turner his experiences on his journey and after his arrival as follows : We coasted up Lake Ontario ; going on shore and camping nights. We were sev- enteen days making the journe}' from Geneva to Qiieenston. The only person we saw on the route, from Oswego to Niagara, was William Hencher, at the mouth of Genesee river. We made a short call at Fort Niagara, reporting ourselves to the commanding officer. He gave us a specimen of British civility, during the "hold- over" after the Revolution. If was after a protracted dinner-sitting, I should think. He asked where I was going. I replied to Chippewa. "Go along and be d d to you," was his laconic verbal passport. There was then outside of the garrison, under its walls, upon the flats, two houses. No tenement at Youngstown. 286 I landed at Queenston — went into a house, partly of logs and partly framed, and commenced keeping tavern. There was then a road from Fort Niagara to Fort Erie. At Queenston, Hamilton had a good house built, the rest were small log huts. Benjamin Barton settled in Lewiston in 1807, but had previously be- come interested in business with General Porter. As soon as the Mile strip on the Niagara River was surveyed into farm and village lots, he attended the sale at the office of the surveyor-general in Albany ; that was in 1805. While there he met General Porter and their long friend- ship began. They purchased several farm lots, including the property around the falls, and bid off at public auction the landing places at Lew- iston and Schlosser, for which they received a lease for twelve or thir- teen years. In 1806, under the firm name of Porter, Barton & Co. (which has been noticed in the history of Niagara), they commenced the carrying trade around the falls on the American side ; they were connected with Matthew McNair, of Oswego, and Jonathan Walton & Co., of Schenectady; and this was the first regular and connected line of forwarders that ever did business from tide water to Lake Erie on that side of the Niagara. After the war of 1812 Mr. Barton moved with his family to Lewiston, his favorite place of residence, and com- menced rebuilding and repairing the property which had been injured in the war. During the last fifteen or twenty years of his life he re- tired from business, excepting agriculture, to which he was much at- tached. He died in Lewiston in 1842, at the age of seventy-two years. In May of 1801 Gen. James Wilkenson arrived on the frontier, com- missioned to open a road between Lakes Ontario and Erie. He ordered General Porter, then at Fort Niagara, to aid in the work with the soldiers in the garrison. Of this work Turner says : In the season of 1802 it was opened as far west as the brow of the mountain at Lewiston; and from thence to a mile west of Tonawanda creek, the timber was cut down, but not removed. The work of the season included the erection of bridges over the Tonawanda and Cayuga creeks. The road was left in this condition until 1809, when an appropriation was made by the Legislature for its further improve- ment, of $1,500; the sum to be collected from the debtors to the State for land pur- chased upon the Mile strip. Joseph Landon, Peter Vandeventer, and Augustus Porter were appointed commissioners to lay out the mone}'. It was used to make a passable wagon road from Black Rock to the Falls. This was the end of govern- ment appropriation. 28; Judge Silas Hopkins narrated some of his reminiscences to Turner, in which is found the following : I spent most of the summer of 1788, at Levvistou, purchasing furs. I bought prin- cipally beaver, otter, muskrat, mink. The Indian hunting grounds for these animals were the marshes along the Ridge road, the bays of the Eighteen, Twelve, and Four- mile creeks. The marsh where I now live (six miles east of Lewiston), was then, most of the year, a pond or small lake. The only white inhabitant at Lewiston, then was Midpaugh. He kept a tavern — his customers, the Indians, and travellers on their way to Canada. I carried back to New Jersey about four hundred dollars worth of furs, on pack horses. At that period, furs were plenty. I paid for beaver, from four to six shillings; for otter about the same; for mink and muskrat four cents. There were a good many bears, wolves, and wild cats; but a few deer. Im- mediately after the defeat of St. Clair, the Indians were very insolent and manifest- ed much hostility towards the whites. Asahel Sage settled on a farm in Lewiston in 1807. He gave the following reminiscences to Turner: I moved upon the farm in Lewiston, where I now reside, in 1807. John Gould, Bragbill, Smith, were then settled on the first tier of lots back of the Mile- strip; no other settler farther east up the mountain. Sanders, Doty, Goodwin, Web- ster, Hawley, were the pioneer settlers in Sanders' Settlement. Jairus Rose, Defoe, Springsteen, the Carneys, went in west of Pekin after the war. The Rey- nolds and Carneys were the first settlers at Pekin. Beamer, Wil.son, Bridge, Dr. Ortan, Bliss, Earls, were among the earliest settlers between ridge and mountain west of Scott's. Besides those already mentioned there are known to have been sev- eral other settlers in Lewiston village before the war. John Latta be- came a settler a few years before the war and built a tannery which he operated until the burning of the place. Caleb W. Raymond and a man named Hull were blacksmiths, and a man named Dorman was an apothecary. It is likely that there were a few other residents. Achish Pool, with his wife and two sons, Thomas and William, made the journey from Massachusetts in 181 1 and arrived at Lewiston Oc- tober 13. Their conveyance was a covered wagon which was drawn by a yoke of oxen and one horse. The Gillette family were also early settlers at Lewiston. A list of other prominent though later residents of the town includes Joseph P. Hewitt, a contractor, farmer, and lumberman ; Hetzel Colt, born here in 1809; Walter Lotta, born in town in 1826; Jeremiah G. Campbell, many years assessor, who came here from Vermont in 1S19; Robert and A. J. Nichols, fruit growers and natives of Lewiston ; Ziba A. Downer, who arrived in 1832 ; James Buckley, who came herewith his parents about 1835 ; and John A. Cleghorn, Edgar W. Barber, Lewis W. Hull, James Kelley, Leander K. Scovell, Samuel Treichler, Capt. James Van Cleve, Charles McConnell, William P. Mentz, William Legg, Miles Parker, J. N. Babcock, James Johnson, William Patterson, Charles and George Hotchkiss, Samuel Burns, Philip Bechtel, Asa Thompson, Isaac N. Jack, Samuel B. Russ, Charles A. Bairsto, W. S. McCollum, J. O. Hooker. J. W. Murray, and others. The war came and with it all the attendant terrors of hurried flight by the inhabitants, destruction of property and cessation of industry. There was a rude arsenal building in Lewiston at this time which stood near the site of the later American Hotel, in which were stored arms and other munitions of war. A small battery was built on the brow of the mountain opposite Queenston Heights in 1812, which was called Fort Gray, after the man who superintended the work. Some years before the war, even, the inhabitants had a foretaste of what was in store for them. In 1808 the 41st British Regiment was stationed in Fort George, some of whom deserted and came over to this side. The British employed Indians to arrest the deserters and return them to their command. An incident of these proceedings is thus related by an early resident : I have seen a large number — twent}^ or more — British soldiers sent over the river, tramping with impunity up and down the Main street of Lewiston, inquiring and searching for deserters. The Indians caught two and took them past Lewiston in the night, over the river. They were severely flogged, and it was reported that each received five hundred lashes. The feelings of our people became aroused at this insolent manner of capturing deserters, and they determined to stop it. For two or three miles on the road running east of Lewi.ston the people had ten hours to give notice to each other of trouble. I remember that one bright moonlight night we were all aroused by the blowing of the horns, and men armed came rushing in with the information that the Indians had got some deserters and were coming in with them. The alarm proved false. About the same time Sergeant McDonald, who had charge of some twenty-five men at Queenston, came over with three or four men to hunt for deserters. This party the citizens captured, and were about starting, them off to jail at Batavia, when a committee of some of the leading men in Canada came across the river, and an agreement was made with our people that no more soldiers should be sent to our side, or Indians employed to catch deserters. Another incident that took place in connection with the embargo on trade, was thus related : 289 Mr. Dorman, who has been mentioned as an early apothecary in the village, had goods and potash that were of great value in Canada, but the embargo prevented their being taken over. On town meeting day, which wasthe first Tuesday of April, when every man in the place was attendmg the meeting, some twelve miles distant, Dorman had three boats come from Queenston with twenty or twenty-five men, armed with clubs swinging at their wrists. They opened the store, and rolled the ashes and carried the other property down the hill and took it over the river. Hav- ing so much to do, they did not quite get through until the men began to return from the meeting, where they had got information of what was going on. As a conse- quence the Canadians had to leave a large share of the property, which fell into the hands of the citizens of the village. The following interesting notes on the local situation on the frontier in this immediate locality, were contributed to a county newspaper re- cently : At the junction of the Portage road with Main street, there was a public house for many years, which, during the war of 1812, was kept by a man named Gad Pierce, who was an active frontier partisan. When hostilities commenced between the two countries, there was a very small number of troops on the American side of the river, and oi.h^ a single company to garrison Fort Niagara. It was expected every night that the Fort would be attacked by the British, who had a large force at Fort George. Mr. Pierce, aware of this state of afi^airs, one day rai.sed all the inhabitants in the surrounding country, and had them assemble at Lewiston. Horses of every kind were brought into requisition, and when the citizens were mounted, they ap- peared at a distance like a formidable troop of cavalry. Among them, too, were several Tuscarora Indians, who entered with spirit into the maneuvre. Instead of swords they used walking canes, sticks and ramrods Several of the ramrods were polished sceel or iron, which made a very bright and flashy appearance. The cavalcade moved from Lewiston, along the river road, in sight of the enemy, and entered Fort Niagara, the blankets of the Indians fluttering in the wind, and the various habiliments of the farmers, the limping and overstrained plow horse, the nibbling gait and twitching head of the wild pony, with now and then a noble looking horse, formed, to those who were near, a most ludicrous .spectacle. In the fort they dismounted and performed some slight evolutions in the most laughable manner. At the command to mount some of the Indians executed the order in such a masterly way as to throw themselves entirely over their ponies. To the British, the imposing appearance of the troops with their steel ramrods, which glittered in the son like broadswords, had the desired effect; the contemplated attack was not made. At the time of the general invasion Mr. Pierce had his family removed to a place of safety, but would not himself quit the premises. He and four others formed the little garrison, with which he determined to defend his home. They waited for the approach of the enemy. At length a company of British regu- lars appeared and a fire was opened on them. They continued the defence for some time, but as their opponents were numerous, it was impossible to keep them at a distance. A part advanced upon the front of the house and succeeded in breaking 37 290 down the door, firing the guns as they entered. The defenders effected their escape in an opposite direction without any of their number being wounded. After the investment of Fort George and P'ort Erie by the Americans in the spring of 18 13, and when the frontier was in tJieir possession, they estabhshed a ferry just below the site of the later Lewiston suspen- sion bridge. It is related that on occasion a party of Canadians gathered at the ferry wharf and attempted to kidnap or otherwise harass our people as they crossed the ferry. Thereupon a squad of boys, with the assistance of one man, secured a four-pounder gun, dragged it to a point commanding the Canadians, loaded it with grape shop, fired upon the intruders and drove them away. During the battle of Queenston, which was, of course, seen from this side, balls from the heights came across into the settlement, some of which passed through or partly through buildings. It will be remem- bered that the American militia refused to cross the river in that battle, for which conduct they were charged with rank cowardice. Miles Gillet, a son of Solomon Gillet, was one of a number who did cross with the intention of taking part in the battle. He hid behind a stump and placing his hat on its top, drew the fire of some of the British In- dian allies. His hat was riddled with bullet holes, and he returned the fire. The experiences of the elder Gillet have been detailed on an earlier page. When the invasion was made no place on the frontier suffered more than Lewiston. The attack was a surprise. The Indians, preceded by the British a few minutes and under the license given them by Rial), their commander, they began the indiscriminate shooting of the people. The little force under Major Bennett, that was stationed at the settle- ment, were soon compelled to retreat after losing a number of men. A few days earlier a small force of Americans and friendly Indians had been gathered for the defense of the frontier between Lewiston and Five mile Meadow; but they were likewise surprised in an unorganized condition and forced to flee. It was in this party that the elder Gillet was engaged, as before related. Soon the only thought on the part of the inhabitants was how to reach a place of safety. An " Old Pioneer" wrote the Lockport Journal a few years ago, as follows : At one time when the red-coats were seen landing at Lewiston, every owner of a 2gt a horse hitched up to his sleigh and piled in their goods and escaped to the moun- tain. But one woman was left alone in her cabin. As two "reds" came to the house they seized her infant child which happened to be outside and threatened to kill it if she refused to let them in. But she persisted, when they dashed the child's brains out against the corner of the house, and then mounting the roof began descending the chimney. With quick presence of mind she emptied her straw bed into the fire which smothered them so that she easily finished them with her axe. After washing the soot off their faces she recognized two of her neighbors who were tories. The killed at Lewiston numbered about twelve, among whom was Dr. Alvord. the pioneer physician, Thomas Marsh, Jarvis Gillet, v. ho was only seven years old and who was shot while trying to escape with his mother, and two others named Tiffany and Finch. All but one were scalped and that one was beheaded. Dr. Alvord had just mounted his horse before his dwelling to ride away, but was shot before going far. The escape of Lothrop Cooke and his brother, Bates Cooke, has been narrated. Reuben Lewis lived at the foot of the mountain on the outskirts of the present village, and having agreed with a neighbor that he would never be taken alive, he fought after he was wounded until the enemy came up and killed him. For other details of the invasion the reader is referred to the earlier chapter treating upon this war. The Tuscarora village shared the fate of Lewiston. We quote from Turner as follows : The Ridge road presented one of the harshest features of the invasion. The in- habitants on the frontier, en masse, were retreating eastward, men, women and children, the Tuscarora Indians having a prominent place in the fight. The resi- dents upon the Ridge who had not got the start of the main bod}', fell in with it as it approached them. There was a small arsenal at the first four corners west of Howell's Creek, a log building containing a number of barrels of powder, several hundred stand of arms and a quantity of fixed ammunition. Making a stop there, the more timid were for firing the magazine and continuing the retreat. The braver counsels prevailed to a small extent. They made sufficient demonstrations to turn back a few Indian scouts who had followed up the retreat to plunder such as fell in the rear. The mass made no halt at the arsenal, but pushed on in an unbroken column, until they arrived at Forsythe's, where they divided, a part taking the Lewiston road and seeking a.sylums in Genesee county and over the river, and a part along the Ridge road and off from it in the new settlements of what are now Orleans and Monroe counties, and Wayne and the north part of Ontario counties. All kinds of vehicles were put in requisition. It was a motley throng, flying from the torch and the tomahawk of an invading foe, with hardly a show of military or- ganization to cover their retreat. 292 The enemy pressed on up the river, destroying everything of vahie on the way. Isaac Colt was wounded at his tavern on the main road toward Niagara Falls. Major Mallory, who seems to have been in command at Fort Schlosser, made a little resistence, but in vain, and the settlement at the falls suffered the fate of Youngstown and Lewiston. Late in the month (December) a strong force of Ikitish went from Fort Niagara east to Wilson and as far as Van Horn's mill in Newfane, de- stroyed the mill and most of the buildings on their way. During the following summer, the British being in possession of Fort Niagara, small marauding parties, mostly Indians, paid unwelcome visits to the settlers who had ventured back to their homes. An Indian who was passing through the woods came out on the Ridge road at the house of Sparrow S. Sage. Mr. Sage was absent and the house was occupied by his wife and another woman. The Indian took them prisoners and started towards the fort. Before they had proceeded far the companion of Mrs. Sage escaped, found Mr. Sage and told him of the outrage. He pursued and caught the Indian, wounded him severely and rescued his wife. The concluding events of the war, as far as they related to this frontier, have been sufficiently described in the chapter before re- ferred to. It must be borne in mind that the sufferings of the refugees from the frontier were much greater than they would have been if the settle- ment was an older one. Few of them had much money and many had very little property. What they did possess was in many instances abandoned in the hurried flight and was carried off or destroyed. The whole country was in a state of poverty. Prices of the necessaries for life were high and money hard to obtain Trade was at a stand-still and settlement in new localities had ceased. But the pioneers who had begun their homes in this town, as well as others elsewhere, were a courageous, hardy and determined class ; otherwise they would not have been there in the first place, and when the terrors of near-by con- flicts had given way to peace, they hastened back to rebuild their homes, and were rapidly joined by others. Many of the settlers returned in 18 15. Isaac Colt, the tavern keeper who was wounded, brought back his family and bought lots 24 of the Mile Reserve and 30 of the Holland Purchase. Aaron Childs, John 293 Robinson, Achisli Pool, Silas Hopkins, Joseph Hewitt and their fami- Hes, and others, returned before the close of i8i6. Among the new- comers at about that time were Richard Ayer on the Ridge road ; Jairus Rose, the Carney family, the Defoe and the Springsteen fami- lies settled at and near Pekin ; the Bliss, Earl, Bridge, Balmer, Wilson, Dr. Orton and other families located between the ridge and the moun- tain early after the war. Between 1815 and 1825 settlement advanced rapidly. G. P. Nichols settled in 1819; Andrew A. Farley in 1823 and Thomas Balmer in 1825. Later comers were Abel White in 1826; the Pletcher families in 1829; Peter Spickerman in 1835; Joseph Shippy, Sanford White, and John Cleghorn in 1836; James Buckley in 1838; Erastus Downer in 1 841 ; Charles McConnell and Reuben M, Doty in 1842 ; and many others who will be found properly noticed in Part HI. At the close of the war the only structures left standing in Lewiston village were the stable belonging to Solomon Gillet, which was built of logs, and the walls of the stone house of Jonas Harrison, which he erected in 1809. The village had been surveyed into lots and a few streets in 1805 by Joseph Annin, and in 1822 it was chartered. When the troubles were over the warehouses of Porter, Barton & Co. were rebuilt and transportation between the village and Schlosser was re- sumed. Thomas Hustler returned to the place as soon as he could and began keeping tavern again. A man named Hart kept a tavern in the place in 18 16; Josiah Shepard in 18 17; Solomon Herseyin 1823; Sam- uel Chubbuck at the riverside in 1824, and Thomas Kelsey in the "Kel- sey Tavern" in the same year. Here La P'ayette stopped in 1825. The Frontier House, built by Benjamin and Samuel Barton, opened in 1826, is still standing and occupied as a hotel. The American Hotel, at the boat landing, built by Nelson Cornell on the site of his old Steamboat Hotel, was opened about 1850. But in spite of what would seem an unusual number of public houses in the early years, the village did not grow rapidly. It was a port of entry from 181 1 to 1863. Joshua Fairbanks returned and began his mercantile business. Amos Tryon opened a store in 1815 ; Solomon Hersey and Crosier & Parish in 1 8 16; Fairbanks & Thompson in 18 17; Calvin Hotchkiss in 18 18; Townsend, Bronson & Co., in 1819 ; John Wyner, druggist, in 1820; 294 N. Tryon & Co , in 1823 ; Norton Tiebout and L. & A. Woodruff in 1825 ; Joseph A. Norton, 1826; William Hotchkiss, jr., F. J. Hotchkiss and Guy Reynolds about 1830; Hugh Fraser, 1838. Other business men of the village during this period were Samuel Mackin, who had a tannery about 1820; Joseph Tryon, a tailor, who began as early as 1825; Harvey Shepard and Leonard Shepard, blacksmiths in early times ; and Benjamin Barton, who was nearly or quite the first postmaster. Later merchants were Nelson Cornell, Burr & Belden, John L. Whitman, Cady Murray, and Sanford White. The present merchants are C. C. Whitney, John Fleming, Mrs. Eugene Murphy, Mrs. John Hamilton, Murphy & Townsend, and Powell & Welch. The St. Elmo was built as a residence by Shurburne B. Piper and in 1895 converted into a hotel. Drs. Alvord and Willard Smith, the early physicians, have been men- tioned. Dr. Smith came back after the war and continued in practice, dying in 1835. He had as a partner for a time. Dr. Frisbee, who was the next physician to arrive here. Dr. William McCollum came from Porter in 1834 and became a partner with Dr. Smith, and removed to Lockport after the death of the latter. Dr. Ambrose Thomas, a pioneer physician at Niagara P"alls, settled in Lewiston about 1837 and re- mained to about 1855. In 1843 Dr. George P. Eddy, sr., came; he subsequently removed to the Falls. Dr. Edward Smith, son of Dr. Willard Smith, practiced in the place in later years, as also did Dr. George P. Eddy, son of the senior physician of that name, and Dr. Milton Robinson, son of John Robinson, the pioneer. Drs. Coon, Whittaker, Cole and Thomas were also physicians of past years. Jonas Harrison was the first lawyer in Lewiston and was here before the war. Judge William Hotchkiss settled here in 18 10 and remained until his death in 1848. Bates Cooke, before mentioned, probably studied with Mr. Harrison, and became a prominent official. Ziba Colvin practiced at one period as partner of Judge Hotchkiss. Sher- burne B. Piper settled in Lewiston in 1833. Other lawyers of former times were Judge Birdsall, James H. Paige, Leonard Bennett, John V. Berry, and Judge Horatio J. Stow, who was once recorder of Buffalo. Immediately after the war the citizen* of Lewiston, as well as of the other parts of the town, adopted measures for the establishment of 295 scliools. A few log school houses had been built and schools taught before that event, the first one in 1806. In this village a stone school building was erected and finished in 18 16, in which Jonas Chamberlain was teacher. It stood in what was afterwards known as Academy Square. This was superseded by a brick building on the public school lot, and that by a more commodious one which was erected about 1845. The Lewiston Academy was an incorporated institution, the corner stone of which was laid by Niagara Lodge, No. 345, F. & A. M., July 4, 1824. It participated in the general school fund and also was endowed by the Legislature with the proceeds of the Lewiston ferry license, which yielded in some years nearly $1,000. The academy building was erected under the supervision of Benjamin Barton, William Hotch- kiss, David M. Smith and Robert Fleming, building committee. The first principal was Rev. David M. Smith. The institution was prosper- ous for a number of years and drew many students from Canada These were mostly lost after the time of the Navy Island affair, and seriously reduced the receipts. It continued in existence, however, until 1851, when the building of the Lewiston suspension bridge caused the dis- continuance of the ferry and the consequent failure of that endowmer^t, when it was closed. During the life of this old academy many young men were educated within its walls who in later years became promi- nent in public or private life. Lewiston was connected with Rochester by a stage line as early as 1 8 16, and the business continued until it was displaced by railroads. A survey was made for the Lewiston and Junction Horse Railroad, to connect with the Lockport and Niagara Falls Railroad in 1835, ^^^ work on the line soon began. The organization was named the Lewis- ton Railroad Company, which was incorporated under the names of Bates Cooke, Jacob Townsend, Oliver Grace, Leonard Shepard, Joshua Fairbanks, Calvin Hotchkiss, Amos S. Tryon, Seymour Scovell, Ben- jamin Barton and Lothrop Cooke. The route of the road was from the river bank at the landing along the course of the river to a little above Tuscarora street; thence it turned, crossed that street, followed up Fourth street to Center, which it followed to its intersection with Portage, whence it crossed several farms to a point of junction about two and a half miles from the landing. The road was finished in 1837, 296 and though a primitive affair in all respects, it served its purpose more than ten years. When in 1851 the Rochester and Niagara Falls Rail- road was built, the charter of the horse railroad company was sold to the Bufifalo and Niagara Falls Railroad Company. The Lewiston suspension bridge was built by two incorporated com- panies, one on each side of the river; these were the Lewiston Suspen- sion Bridge Company and the Queenston Suspension Bridge Company. The board of directors of the Lewiston company were James Van Cleve, president ; Joseph E. Ways, Calvin Hotchkiss, Seymour Scovell and William Fitch, directors; A. V. E. Hotchkiss, secretary and treas- urer. Edward W. Serell had charge of the construction as engineer, and Thomas M. Griffith was the builder. The bridge cost $56,000 and was opened in the spring of 185 1. The bridge was partially destroyed in January, 1864, and was not used after that time. Its ruins are still visible. The business growth of Lewiston seems to have been most active between 1845 ^"<^ the close of the war of the Rebellion, and a num- ber of enterprises were projected which promised to aid in the growth of the village. In 1851 the Legislature granted a charter for the con- struction of the Lewiston Water Works, the purpose being to con- struct a small canal to bring water from the Niagara River above the falls to a convenient point on the brow of the mountain near Lewiston, where a heavy fall could be secured for manufacturing purposes. This canal was projected twelve feet wide and four feet deep, and would have cost $175,000. The survey was made and estimates calculated ; but the difficulty of obtaining so large a sum of money for the purpose killed the enterprise. A large steam stone grist mill was erected on the bank of the river at the foot of Center street in 1824, but it had been in operation only about a year when it was burned. A water power mill was afterwards built on the river between the steamboat landing and the suspension bridge, but it was carried away by ice in 1844. The most destructive fire in the village was that of about 1867, which burned the Lewiston Hotel, in which it originated, and all the build- ings between that point and the tunnel on the railroad, with the cabinet shop and dwelling of Lemuel Cooke on the west side of the hotel and the buildings beyond. 297 The village has always been very inadequately supplied with appa- ratus for extinguishing fires, and the place has suffered severely on several occasions on that account. A fire company which had charge of a small hand engine was organized about 1838. At the present time there is no organized fire department. The first newspaper published in Lewiston was the Niagara Dem- ocrat, which was established in 1821 by Benjamin Ferguson ; it was re- moved to Lockport in the following year, when the chances of Lewiston being the county seat began to diminish. The paper was renamed the Lockport Observatory. The first number of the Lewiston Sentinel was issued September 20, 1822, by James D. Daly. In the following April it passed into the hands of Oliver Grace and was continued by him a few years. The Lewiston Telegraph and Ship Canal Advocate was established in the spring of 1837 and had a brief existence under management of Harrison & Mack. The Lewiston Review was pub- lished here for a time by Edward and William Rayment. Lewiston was incorporated as a village under an act of the Legisla- ture dated April 18, 1843. It was divided into two wards, the first comprising the territory east of the middle of Fifth street, and the sec- ond that west of that line. The first village election was held on May 2, 1843, and the following officers elected : President, William Hotchkis.s; clerk, Jonathan Bell; collector, George W. Shockey ; treasurer, Carlton Bartlett ; constable, John T. Beardslej' ; trustees, Lothrop Cooke, E. A. Adams, R. H. Boughton, Nelson Cornell. The present (1897) officers are Wesley J. Bedenkapp, president; John Carter, Robert Pendergast, Charles A. Howell and J. W. H. Kelly, trustees; John C. Hooker, clerk. The Lewiston and Youngstown Frontier Railroad (the Old Fort route) was opened in 1896, as was also the Niagara Falls and Lewiston Railroad (i^he Great Gorge route). Both are electric lines, connecting the points indicated, and afford easy and quick communication with all the historic spots along the Niagara River. In 1855 Rev. J. J. Lynch, C. M , afterwards archbishop of Toronto, conceived the plan of erecting on the shore of Lake Erie an educational institution for the young of Catholic parents, and to accommodate those whose purpose it was to study for the Catholic ministry. Subse- quently a site for the institution was chosen on the Niagara River about two miles below Suspension Bridge. The institution, which was given 38 298 the name, Seminary of Our Lady of Angels, had begun its existence on the lake shore and later was removed to Buffalo for a short time, where it had a feeble existence, until May i, 1857. Father Lynch was now a'ded by generous persons to purchase an old inn which stood on the highest point of Monteagle Ridge and there the institution was opened in May, 1857. Other priests were associated in its manage- ment and it entered on a career of prosperity. On the 20th of April, 1863, a charter was obtained. On December 5, 1864, the building was almost wholly burned, one student perishing in the flames. Prompt measures were adopted for rebuilding. Pope Pius IX contributing $1,000, and the Seminary re -opened with 150 names on the roll in Sep- tember, 1865. At that time only one wing of the present main build- ing was completed. In 1866 the main structure, with a front of 214 feet, was erected; in 1868 another wing was added. In 1874 the build- ing of the college chapel, 78 by 120 feet, was commenced and soon finished. The buildings are handsome stone structures. In 1883 it was erected into a university, under the present title of Niagara University, by the Regents of the University of the State of New York; its original name and individuality, however, are still pre- served in the department of arts and theology. In the same year a medical department, located in Buffalo, was organized. Faculty of the College— Yevy Rev. P. McHale, C. M., president; Rev. J. W. Hickey, C. M., professor of French; Rev. C. J. V. Eckles, C. M., professor of Latin, trigonometry and rhetoric; Rev. E. L. Carey, C. M., professor of mental philosophy, chemistry and natural philosophy ; Rev. J. V. O'Brien, C. M., professor of Latin, Greek and rhetoric; Rev. J. P. Cribbins, C. M., professor of mental philosophy; Rev. J. J. Brady, C. M., professor of astronomy and elocution; Rev. J. F. Kennedy, C. M., professor of Christian doctrine; Rev. J. A. Tracy, C. M., professor of Greek; A. L. Kraegel, professor of music; J. E. Fitzgerald, A. B., professor of differential and integral calculus; W. J. Kuellertz, professor of German; A. F. Veit, professor of German. Board of Trustees. — Rt. Rev. James E. Quigley, D. D., chancellor; Very Rev. James McGill, V. C. M. ; Very Rev. P. McHale, C. M., president; Rev. J. O. Hay- den, CM, vice president and treasurer; Rev. L. A. Grace, C. M., secretary and librarian; Rev. J. W. Hickey, C. M., Rev. C. J. Eckles, C. M., Rev. R. F. Walters, C. M., Rev. E. L. Carey, C. M., Hon. T. V. Welch. Rev. Patrick Vincent Kavanagh, C. M., whom Rev. P. McHale suc- ceeded as president in 1894, was born in Ireland in 1842, came to Buf- falo in 1849, was graduated from this seminary in 1866, and the same 299 year was ordained to the priesthood by the late Bishop John Timon. He became connected with the institution soon afterward, was elected vice-president in March, 1871, and in 1878 succeeded Rev. Robert E. V, Rice, C. M., as president, which position he held till 1894. He is now pastor of the Church of the Immaculate Conception of Baltimore, Md. There are a number of societies connected with the university, notably the R. E. V. R. Literary, organized September 20, 1866; the Basilian Literary, October 20, 1 869 ; the S. O. L. A. Literary, October 26, 1869 ; the Niagara Cecilian Association, November 20, 1869; the Sodality, 1870; the P. V. K Shakesperian Society, October 22, 1887 ; and the League of the Sacred Heart, September, 1892. The first attempt at a college journal was Niagara's Tribute, which appeared January i, 1870. In 1 87 1 this sheet gave place to the Index Niagarensis, which on De- cember 15, 1884, became the Niagara Index, which is issued semi- monthly. It is edited and conducted by a staff of students appointed by the president, and printed in the university. The village of Sanborn is situated in the extreme southeastern part of the town on the Falls branch of the New York Central Railroad. It takes its name from Rev. E. C. Sanborn, an enterprising man who lo- cated* there in 1846. The first settler here was Seth Lyon, who took up lot 33 in 1826. In 1863 Rev. Grififin Smith came to the town and located at Pekin on the eastern town line. In 1864 he associated him- self with Lee R. Sanborn, son of Rev. E. C. Sanborn, in the purchase of land on the site of Sanborn village. The purchase included ninety acres lying on both sides of the railroad, and in the following year the tract was divided, Mr. Sanborn taking about thirty- five acres, Mr. Smith ten, the remainder being deeded to Ryan Smith, a brother of the minister. The part going to the Smiths was fenced as farm land, while Mr. Sanborn carried out his previously formed plan of la\ing his tract out in village lots and placing them in market. John Button was the first purchaser. Lee R. Sanborn built a saw mill here in 1854, which was burned July 3, 1861, and immediately rebuilt on a larger plan. He was a member of the Legislature in 1870 and 1871. The first post- master was John Starr. Sanborn Union Hall was built in 1865. A cheese factory was started in 1867 by a stock company, which for many 300 years did a large business. In 1868 Mr. Sanborn built a steam grist mill, which was purchased in 1875 by John Mower, who improved and enlarged it. It finally passed to Charles G. Sanborn, who sold it in 1 894 to Hudson Brothers (Benjamin and James), the present owners, who came here from Virginia. Its daily capacity is about sixty- five barrels of flour and 125 bags of feed. The present merchants in the place are Andrew Riegel, A. L. Pierce, and L. B. Pike & Son. There is also a hotel kept by William D. Subberra and a few shops and artisans. The hamlet of Dickersonville is in the northeast part of the town and in early years was ofconsiderable business importance. It took its name from Col. Alexander Dickerson, who has been noticed as an early set- tler and tavern keeper there. Its business interests have almost wholly disappeared in more recent years. William Pool was appointed the first postmaster in 1850, and in 1852 was succeeded by Alexander Read, who was followed by Rev. Sheldon C. Townsend under whom it was discontinued. Pekin is a post-office and hamlet which is divided by the Lewiston and Cambria town hne, and has been noticed in the history of the latter town. Model City is a recent production of the modern " land boomers' " enterprise. Its chief promoter was William T. Love, who about four years ago conceived the idea of founding, in the north part of this town, a city on scientific and artistic principles. He received options on large tracts of land, surveyed them out into city lots, and for two or three years "boomed" the place. He also obtained franchises from the State Legislature for an unlimited water supply from Niagara River, and projected a gigantic canal for this purpose upon which about $40,000 were expended. A few buildings were erected, including a union church in 1895, and streets were laid out and some grading done. On December 19, 1896, F. W. Moore started a newspaper called the Model City Power, which on April i, 1897, passed to John E. Strayer, who removed the outfit in June to Lewiston. Model City is now a station on the R. W. & O. Railroad. The first religious society organized in this town was the later First Presbyterian Society, which effected its organization in June, 18 17, as the First Religious Society of Lewiston. The first trustees were Eras- KHV. P. T. MULLANEY. 30I tus Park, Josiah Shepard, Aaron Childs, Augustus Porter, Rufus Spald- ing, Elijah Ransom, and Benjamin Barton. The first preacher was Rev. David M. Smith, who came in August, 1817; he resigned in 1821. Between the years 1825 and 1835 the structure known as "the stone church " was erected which has remained in good condition to the pres- ent time. The church was reorganized in 1854. Rev. L. G. Marsh is pastor. St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church of Lewiston is noticed with other churches of the denomination in the chapter devoted to Lock- port. St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church of Lewiston was organized as early as 185 i, when the first records in existence were commenced, and when Rev. W. C. Stephens was the resident priest. He remained till 1856 or later. Rev. Patrick Thomas Mullaney is the present rector in charge, coming in June, 1885, as Father Morris O'Shea's successor. The society owns a frame church and rectory. The Methodist church at Sanborn was organized February, 8, 1868, with Rev. George Kittenger as the first pastor. Meetings were held in various places until 1873, when a handsome church edifice was finished at a cost of about $6,000. The Methodist church at Dickersonville was organized about 1850 or 1855, and an edifice was built on land donated by Rev. Sheldon C. Townsend, who was the first preacher. A Universalist church had a flourishing existence at Lewiston for several years, but finally ceased as an organization. Their old frame edifice was converted into business uses about ten years ago. There is a Baptist church at Sanborn which was built about twenty years since. 302 CHAPTER XVIII. THE TOWN OF WILSON. This town was erected in the same year with Lewiston, but a Httle later, the date being April lo, 1818, when it was set ofif from Porter. It is one of the northern tier of towns in the county and borders the lake shore. It received its name from Reuben Wilson, one of the most prominent pioneers of this locality. The surface of the town is gener- ally level and productive. The east branch of Twelve- mile Creek crosses the town near the center, and the west branch crosses the north- west corner. The first town meeting was held April 6, 18 19, at the house of David Porter, and the following officers elected: Supervisor, Reuben Wilson ; town clerk, Daniel Holmes; assessors, David Bur- gess, John Carter, and Henry Lockwood ; collector, Oramel Hartwell ; overseers of the poor, Abner Grossman, and Burgoyne Kemp; commissioners of highways, James McKinney, Joshua Williams, and John Carter; constables, Oramel Hartwell and Joshua D. Coller; excise commissioners, Alexander Douglas, Reuben Wilson and Joshua Williams; fenceviewers, Jeremiah Whipple, Hiel Bixby, and Burgoyne Kemp; poundmaster, Elisha Stevens. Reuben Wilson was then a justice and presided at this meeting. In 1824 a portion of the original town was set off to form Newfane. The first meeting voted $250 for bridge purposes, and $25 for the support of the poor. Bounties were placed on wolves killed, and other usual regulations were voted for governing the community. The following is a complete list of supervisors since the organization of the town: In 1819-29, Reuben Wilson; 1830-32, John Carter; 1833-42, Luther Wilson; 1843- 45, Robert L. McChesney; 1846-47, Samuel R. Merwin ; 1848, Alexander Pettit; 1849, Russell Robinson; 1850, R. L. McChesney; 1851, Reuben F. Wilson ; 1852, Cur- tis Pettit ; 1853, Alexander Pettit; 1854, Orsemus Ferris; 1855-56, Luther Wilson; 1857, Orsemus Ferris; 1858, Henry N. Johnson; 1859-61, Ralph Stockwell; 1862-63, Tunis Outwater; 1864, David O. Jeffery; 1865, Benjamin Farley; 1860, Alexander 303 Pettit; 1867, Richard C. Holmes; 1868-70, William Hamblin ; 1871-74, Benjamin Dearborn; 1875-77, Ralph Stockwell; 1878-80, Edward Baker; 1881, Stephen C. Wakcman; 1882, A. Douglass Pease; 1883-84, Martin S. Gifford; 1885-86, O. S. McChesney; 1887-90, Samuel H. Petit; 1891-92, William H. Holmes; 1893-96, Sam- uel H. Petit (resigned January 1, 1896, and T. A. Blake appointed to fill vacancy); 1896-98, J. W. Hackett. The other town officers for 1897 ^^^ '• Charles N. Markle, town clerk; John C. Miller, Warren A. Bush, Jacob D. Irish, and Jay K. Johnson, justices of the peace; Samuel O. Isdell, George L. Griffin, and Walter E. Wetmore, assessors; Edward M. Woodcock, collector; Charles Deitz, highway commissioner; E. A. Johnson, and Edward Barker, overseers of the poor. There were only a few settlers in this town prior to the war of 181 2. Henry Lockwood came from Canada in 1808 and took 100 acres of land from the Holland Land Company on lot yy, in the extreme north- east corner of the town. He built his log house near the mouth of a small stream that long bore his name, and there lived until the breaking out of the war. At the close of the war the place was transferred to John Cudaback who lived there, as also did J. S. Cudaback. In the same year (1808) Robert Waterhouse came from Connecticut and settled on lot i in the extreme south part of the town. In 1809 Stephen Sheldon, from Jefferson county, N. Y., came with his large family and located on the east branch of Twelve- mile Creek, half a mile from its mouth, where he built a rude dwelling place. Lots 8 and 9 had previously been assigned to him hy the Holland Company. In the spring of 181 i he built a better house at the mouth of the creek, moved into it and there died in the fall of 181 2. His family remained there until the house was burned by the British. They afterward re- built near by and lived there many years. In the summer of 18 14 Smith Sheldon, the third son of the pioneer, was working with four others for a Captain Brown, near Four-inile Creek, when Brown and all of his help was captured by British troops and taken to Quebec, where Mr. Sheldon died on a prison ship. The settlements in the town were considerably increased in 18 10. It was in that year that Reuben Wilson, John Eastman and Gilbert Purdy left the Canadian shore near Toronto in April, the two former accom- panied by their families, with household and farm utensils They rowed around the head of Lake Ontario in open bateaux, camping on 304 the shores at night, and in the early part of June they arrived at the mouth of Twelve-mile Creek. A mile and a half east of there they landed, unloaded their effects, and by the aid of the boats turned bot- tom up and enclosed at the sides with bark, made a temporary abiding place. They lived thus three months, during which time Wilson and Eastman had each completed a substantial log house. John Eastman had in 1809 taken an article for 100 acres on lot 82, and there resided until 18 18, when he exchanged places with James Cole and removed into the eastern part of Hartland. Reuben Wilson gave the following among other reminiscences to Turner: When I came in (1819), there was scarcely an acre of ground cleared in what is now Wilson. There was no road up and down the lake. In the fall of 1811 there was a road opened from Fort Niagara to Somerset; it was generally along the lake shore, though deviating at the streams; at its termination, a foot path contini:ed on to Johnson's creek on the Ridge road. . . The first year after I came in I had my provisions to procure from Canada ; the second year, I raised my own; at the end of two years, I had fifteen acres of improvements. When I first began to raise grain I had to go across to Port Hope and Hamilton for my grinding. Even after mills were built upon the Purchase, it was easier to go across the lake, than to travel the new roads. . . . Previous to the war myself and neighbors did our trading at Niagara. Dr. Alvord and Dr. Smith, of Lewiston, were our early physicians. We had no meetings or schools previous to the war; after it, and up to 1820, we had but occasional preaching in the neighborhood by missionaries. We organized a school in 1815, built a log school house; Dr. Warner was our first teacher. He was both teacher and physician. Our school commenced with only 13 or 15 scholars. A saw mill was built in 1815 at the mouth of Twelve-mile Creek, by Daniel Sheldon and Joshua Williams. I purchased the proj^erty in 1816, and built a grist mill in 1835. Reuben Wilson was a native of Massachusetts, migrated to Otsego county, N. Y., in 1805 and went thence to Coburg, Canada, in 1807. After his arrival in Wilson he took up 170 acres of land on lot 82 for which he paid $2.50 per acre. Besides erecting his buildings he cleared ten acres the first year and in the second raised a crop of wheat which more than supplied his family, which then consisted of seven persons. To get his grain ground he had to cross the lake to Port Hope or Hamilton. Niagara was the nearest trading point. In 18 16 Mr. Wil- son purchased a saw mill which had been built the previous year, probably by Joshua Williams and Daniel Sheldon ; it was situated on Twelve- mile Creek, and his son Luther took charge of the mill. He 305 erected a dwelling near this mill into which he moved in i8i8. In 1825 he associated his son Luther with himself in business and in the same year completed the first grist mill in the town ; it stood near the saw mill, and was a great convenience to the settlers. Prior to that time and in 18 17, or thereabouts, a great oak stump had been hollowed out and a spring pole and pestle attached, to which the people brought corn to pound into course meal from a wide district ; this primitive mill was on the Lake road, and was the only means of grinding until the Wilson mill was completed. The Wilsons also opened a store in 1825, and the family took a leading part in all town affairs. Reuben Wil- son's son Owen was the first white child born in the town. The first marriage was that of Luther Wilson to Sarah Stephens, and the first death was that of Stephen Sheldon. The Lake Shore road was the first one opened and improved in this town, extending east from Fort Niagara ; it was cut through in 1811 and the earliest settlements were made along its course. The road ex- tending from Youngstown to Van Horn's mill was laid out in July, 1 8 16, by Abner Grossman and George Sheldon, road commissioners, and was surveyed by Joseph Aiken. The so-called Town Line road, running between the seventh and eighth ranges of townships from Lake Ontario to the Pennsylvania line, was the first opened extending south from the lake, and was surveyed in May, 18 16. It originally ran south from the lake two miles and then southwest to that corner of this town. It was straightened on the old line in November, 18 19. The road running south from the lake between lots 72 and 82 was laid out in 1818. The Wilson house was not burned by the British through the fol- lowing narrated occurrence : At the time of the raid George Ash was staying at the Wilson home with his famih', and starting for his farm in Porter on horseback he met a party of the en- emy about six miles west of Wilson's. He was leading his horse and the animal was frightened and escaped. He fled homeward on foot and arrived in time to alarm part of the neighborhood. The few cattle in the immediate vicinity, about 25 head, were speedily collected and started down the lake, driven by Reuben Wilson, then a boy of fifteen years, who pressed them on in advance, passing Van Horn's about sun- down, with the enemy then in sight. A few of the cows had bells which Reuben, fearing they might be heai'd, stuffed with dried leaves and continued on five miles beyond, where he rested for the night. The next day he returned after the destruc- 39 3o6 tion of the mill and the retreat of the invaders. The British upon coming up to Mr. Wilson's made him their prisoner, but paroled him upon his word that he would remain at home until their return. Captain Scott, who was in command of the troops, was a very humane officer and seeing the scanty supplies of the settlers and realizing the utter destitution which a strict fulfillment of his instructions would cause, sent his orderly sergeant with George Ash back from Mr. Wilson's to the fort to portray to the officer in command the situation of the inhabitants and induce him to countermand the orders in a measure at least, but he could not be influenced to relent. Mr. Ash was retained as a prisoner and the sergeant was sent back to his company with word to Captain Scott to carry out his orders to the letter. On the return of the troops the next day, a small squad who were in advance of the main body, driving some cattle which had been picked up, called at Mr. Wilson's and forced him to go with them. The main body coming up, Mrs. Wilson had no little trouble in convincing the officers that her hnsband had not forfeited his word and voluntarily left. The officers remained at Mrs. Wilson's house over night, par- taking of food prepared by Mrs. Wilson. For this hospitality, and the fact that the house stood about 20 rods from the main road, it was not burned by them. Mr. Wil- son was kept at the fort about ten days, when he was released on parole and re- turned to his family. He afterwards received many favors at the hands of the British officers at the fort. Gilbert Purdy, before mentioned, after assisting Wilson and Eastman to build their houses, went westward up the lake, and in the fall of 1810 obtained an article for lOO acres of land on lot 26. In the following winter he built a house there and in the spring moved his family from Coburg. He died therein 181 3. His family were burned out by the British and soon thereafter abandoned their home and returned to Canada. Erastus Barnard came from Royalton in the summer of 18 10 and lived for a time with Stephen Sheldon, who was his father-in-law. He took up land on lot 16, made slight improvements, but sold it soon after the war and removed to Porter, A German named May settled in the same year on lot 41, where the late Lawrence Thompson resided. He left the place in 181 2, fearing depredation by the Indians, and never returned. Dexter P. Sprague and Robert Edwards came from Vermont in the fall of 1 8 10 and settled on lot 6^. At the commencement of the war Mr. Sprague removed his family to the Ridge, in Hartland, and in 181 5 sold his land to Adam Stevens, who resided there until his death. Mr. Edwards was a captain in the militia and remained on his place until the first day of the raid, when he fled with his family to the home of an 307 acquaintance on the Ridge. His place soon afterward passed to David Porter. James Meeker settled in the same fall on lOO acres on lot 91, and Andrew Loys, from Canada, on lot 75. Both these pioneers erected buildings, but fled through fear and did not return. Three Germans from the Mohawk Valley, named respectively Vos- beck, Wood and Gray, came into the town together in 18 10. Each had previously taken an article for a quarter section of land, Vosbeck and Gray on lot 25, and Wood on lot 24. The anticipated terrors of coming war, of which they had heard from their forefathers in the Revolution, drove them away after making considerable improvements. Their farms were afterwards purchased by Stephen, John and David Tower, three brothers, who moved on them from Massachusetts in 18 18 and became prominent citizens. Elijah Mallory, of Coburg, Can., settled on lot 82 in 181 i. As he owned a team of horses, he was required by the government to aid in constructing the log causeway from Wright's Corners to Warren's Cor- ners ; he was afterwards detailed to haul supplies from Williamsville, which was a military depot, to Buffalo, and died while in that service. His family remained in Wilson many years. With the outbreak of the war immigration almost wholly ceased for about three years, but was actively renewed in 18 15- 16. Daniel and George Sheldon, sons of Stephen Sheldon, were residing in Kingston, Can., at the beginning of the war, and were drafted into the British service; but they succeeded in escaping and in 18 14 came to this town. George afterwards located on lot 17, and Daniel in company with Joshua W^illiams, built the first saw mill in 18 15. It stood on the west bank of Twelve-mile Creek about half a mile from its mouth. Richard and William Knowles were also drafted into the British service, and escaped to come to Wilson, the former locating on the west part of lot 8 and the latter on the north part of lot 7. Henry Barber and Nathan Pratt left Canada to escape the draft and in 18 15 settled in Wilson, the former on lot 89 and the latter on lot 7. John Carter set- tled on the southwest part of lot 72 in the same year. Abraham Hutchins came from Livingston county in 1816, took up the whole of lot 88, on which he settled. He was a soldier in the war, and had an exciting experience. In 18 17 John Haze, from Coburg, settled 3o8 on lot 7 ; Nathan Sherwood on lot 9, the northeast part, and James Cole on the east part of lot 82 ; he had previously located on the Ridge. From this time onward settlers came in rapidly and the lands were soon all taken up. Many of these families are noticed in Part III. T. T. Upton opened the first tavern in the town in 1818 ; it was situ- ated a short distance west of the site of Wilson village. Benjamin Douglas is said to have set up the first ashery in the town in 18 17 and opened a small store on Twelve- mile Creek near the grist mill site. He died soon afterward and his business passed to Reuben and Luther Wilson. Peter Furrow, the first mason to locate in the town, came from Massachusetts and settled on lot 25 ; he did most of the mason work in Wilson village up to 1840. The post office in the town was opened about 1825, with Reuben Wilson, postmaster, his son Luther acting as deputy. Daniel Holmes was the first contractor to bring the mail through from Olcott to Youngstown. The first and only tannery established in the town was that of Simon Sheldon, which was built about 1825. It stood on the northwest corner of lot 7. The business was suspended after four or five years. Jere- miah Whipple built a distillery about 1826, two miles west of Wilson village ; it was operated only a few years. Among other prominent residents of Wilson, past and present may be mentioned : Jar4d H. Ackerman, on lot 58; Hiram K. Burton, on lot 30; Gilbert Brown on lot 72; Andrew Brown on lot 90; Ozro Bachelder on lot 17; William Burton on lot 20; F. F. Barnum on lot 5; Elmer A. Bickford, produce dealer; Erwin Burton on lot 49; Calvin Bowker, on lot 15; Daniel Carter on lot 81 ; Grant Cuddeback; John J. Gush- ing on lot 68; Daniel Dwight on lot 26; Benjamin Farley on lot 48 (he was sheriff of Niagara county in 1857 and member of assembly in 1867-68); Orsemus Ferris on lot 14; R. A. Ferris, on lot 53; Enoch Fitch in the west part of the town; Nathan Gallup; Hiram H. Goodenough; Hiram Gifford on lot 3; William Hamblm and son Eli N ; John Hill; Daniel Holmes, the first town clerk, on lot 73, and his son, Richard Holmes, the first mail carrier, on lot 72, and later on lot 31 ; J. C. Hopkins oa lot 38; Abram Hutchings, a soldier of 1812, and his son J. Harvey; John John- son and his sons Joseph F., Levi L. and Harvey N. ; William A. Knowles son of Richard, the pioneer, on lot 8; Guy W. Loomis on lot 70; James M. Morse on lot 69; Capt. Sewall B. Miller on lot 81 ; David H. McDonald; William H. Miller; William H. Mudge; Capt James M. Newman on lot 63; Curtis and Alexander Pettit on lot 71; William O. Pettit, son of Samuel, on lot 72; George T. Parker on lot 21; Cal- vin Pratt and son Lorenzo N. on lot 82; Enoch Pease on lot 91 ; Christopher Palmer A. N. DWIGHT 309 on lotBS; Reuben Palmer on lot 89; Enoch Sanborn, son of Hon. Lee R. Sanborn, on lot 14. where he built the first cheese factory in town; Homer Svvick, Samuel Adams, Perrin C. Bailey, T. A. Blake, James G. O. Brown, William Brown, Will- iam Dailey, Cephus Eaves, Frank B. Farley, P. W. Folger, William Goodfellow, Justus W. Hackett, John A. Hamblin, John S. and Sanford Hague, William H. Holmes, Eugene Loomis, Stephen H. Morris, James M. Morse, Delos Nelson, Clin- ton and George Pettit, John and Thomas Pettit, Rufus W. Pratt, James Reynolds, (iuy M. and Perry W. Saulsbury, Edward Stacey, Wilbur C. Stacey, Ralph Stock- well, Benjamin SutherlaTnd, Augustus W. and Harvey P. Swick, Homer and Herbert (i. Swick, Arthur E. and C. Edgar Swick, Alexander and Charles Thompson, Frank H. Tower, Salem and Peter Tower, Stephen C. Wakeman, Elisha Wilcox, Charles A. and Frank Wilson, Benjamin Wilson. There was no resident physician in Wilson until 1824, when Dr. Jonathan Thayer came from Dutchess county and purchased of Reuben Wilson 100 acres of land on lot 73, where he lived and practiced his profession many years. Previous to his coming Drs Alvord and Smith of Lewiston, and Dr. Warner, of Olcott, visited this town as needed. Tlie first lawyer in this town was Sylvester Parsons, jr., who located at Wilson village in 1840. Wilson, the only considerable village in this town is beautifully situ- ated on the lake shore at the mouth of Twelve mile Creek. The village takes its name, of course, from its founders, Reuben and Luther Wil- son, whose early mills here have been noticed. The place was laid out originally by Luther Wilson in 1827, and then consisted of only a tier of lots on the north side of Young street, from Lake street to the creek. On these streets a little hamlet gathered around the first mills and the store opened by the Wilsons. No extension of these streets and lots was made until 1847, when Mr. Wilson made what was called the Wilson addition, and in the same year Simon Sheldon added the so- called Wood plat in the south part. Other additions were subsequently made by Andrew Brown and John Onderdonk. Wilson was made an incorparated village by act of the Legislature passed May i i, 1858. The corporation boundaries were made to in- clude 416 acres, and the population at that time had reached a little more than 700. The first village officers chosen were as follows: Luther Wilson, president ; Luren D. Wilson, Reuben F. Wilson, Henry S. McChesney, and William P. Grout, trustees; John Hosmer, clerk. In 1837 Luther Wilson enlarged his gristmill and added steam 310 power for its operation. It was later a distillery, operated by Thomas T. Martin, and was burned about 1888 The village in its early history was very largely indebted to Mr. Wilson's enterprise for its prosperity. He opened the first tavern in 1829, and in 1844 built a large stone hotel on the corner of Young and Lake streets, which burned in July, 1894, and with it the First Presbyterian church. In 1846 he obtained permission from the secretary of war at Wash- ington to extend piers into the lake at the mouth of Twelve- mile Creek; in that year he constructed two piers 200 feet long. The har- bor thus begun was greatly improved after that, and all the work down to 1867 was under Mr. Wilson's supervision. An act of the Legisla- ture passed May 9, 1867, incorporated the Wilson Harbor Company, with a capital of $10,000. Some further improvements were made by this company, but work was suspended in 1870, when it passed into the control of the government. Since about 1878 the piers have been slightly extended, a breakwater built, and some dredging done, at an expense of between $30,000 and $40,000. In 1846 Mr. Wilson built a storehouse at the harbor, and began buy- ing and shipping grain and fruit, which was of great benefit to the fanning community. In the same year he also established a ship yard where he built for his own use the vessel R. F. Wilson, which was em ployed in carrying freight between this port and Oswego. Through the influence of himself, William D. Grout, and Vincent Seeley the place was made a port of entry in 1848, and Abram Vosburgh ap- pointed collector. Mr. S Vosburgh is the present incumbent. The village in past years has been quite a boat building point, about sixteen vessels having been built here. Among former merchants were William P Grout, Benjamin Dearborn, Hezekiah Seeley, and Lu- ther Wilson. The first lawyer was Sylvester Parsons, jr., whose par- ents came here from Maine in 1840. The first blacksmith was Henry Johnson, about 1824. The present business interests of the village are in the hands of Charles N Markle and A. L. Welch, general stores; Edward Whittle- ton and George W. Perrigo, hardware; L. Eugene Henry, Elmer A. Johnson (also postmaster), Warren A Bush, O. E. Vosburgh. and J. W. Hackett, groceries; Charles O. Storrs and J. S. Burgess, shoes^ CHARLES H. HONEYWELL. I 3'i etc., Mrs. E. A. Jones and Eliphalet Swain, drugs ; A. H. Reed, furni- ture and undertaking ; L. A. and S. A. Perrigo, millinery ; A. N. Dwight, lumber; the Barnum iron foundry ; E. F. Barton, harnesses; Chapman & Litchards (successors to Bush & Chapman), steam grist mill. There are also two handsome hotels — Hotel Sutherland, built in 1895 on the site of the Ontario House, which was burned, and the Tower Hotel, erected in 1896 where the American House had stood. The Wilson Creamery Company was organized in 1894 with S. H. Pettit, president ; C. N. Markle, secretary; and J. W. Eggleston, treas- urer. Butter was manufactured until 1897, when the manufacture of cheese was substituted. The present officers are Hervey Sanford, pres- ident, and Charles N. Markle, secretary and treasurer. The Star, a bright weekly newspaper, was started in Wilson in Octo- ber, 1878, by Tower & Betts, who in November of the same year sold it to Charles E. Honeywell, the present editor and proprietor. Charles E. Honeywell, editor and publisher of the Star, was born in Toronto, Canada, March 2, 1852, and is a son of John Honeywell and Isabella Bridgford, his wife. His father was a lieutenant and his great- grandfather, David Honeywell, was a colonel in the English army. His maternal great grandfather, John Stegman, was the first surveyor in Niagara county, and acquired Goat Island at the Falls from the Indians. Mr. Honeywell was educated in his native city, and learned the trade of printer there, first on the Toronto Leader and afterward on the Tele- gram. He was then a journeyman for several years, and in 1878 came to Wilson, Niagara county, and purchased The Star, of which he has since been the publisher and editor. Mr. Honeywell has one of the best equipped country printing offices in the county, and has placed his paper among the leaders of Niagara journals. He is a member of On- tario Lodge No. 376, F. & A. M., and of other organizations. March 3, 1879, he married Sarah, daughter of Charles Myers, of Wilson. The officers of Wilson village for 1897 are Jay K. Johnson, president ; Artiuir Ackerman, and L Eugene Henry, trustees; Charles O. Storrs, clerk ; John S. Wilson, collector; Justus W. Hackett, treasurer ; William Albright and F^red M. Tabor, assessors; Lorenzo S. Wilson, Thomas Moore and John Nelson, street commissioners. As far as is now known the first school in this town was taught 312 evenings in 1817 by Luther Wilson, for the benefit of adults. It was continued through the months of January and February in a dwelling about a mile south of the site of the village. The first school house was built of logs in 18 19 on the Lake road about a mile and a half east of Wilson village. Dr. Warner taught the first day school there in that year. Another log school house, the first in the village, was built in 1820, on the site where was subsequently erected Luther Wil- son's stone residence. Almira Welch was the first teacher there, and was succeeded by David Murray. The town was divided into dis- tricts as seemed to be needed, the number in i860 being seventeen; there are now fourteen with a school house in each, and the schools are well maintained. In 1845 ^ number of persons who were deeply interested in the cause of education adopted measures to establish in Wilson an institu- tion for higher education. A subscription paper was circulated which was generously headed by Luther Wilson with $500. A considerable sum was soon pledged and in that year a large two-story stone struc- ture was built on a site donated by Simon Sheldon. The institution was incorporated by the Regents of the University February 19, 1846, under the name of the Wilson Collegiate Institute. It was opened with Ben- jamin Wilcox, principal, and David H. Davis, assistant. The institute was moderately successful for a number of years, but ultimately the re- ceipts for tuition upon which it depended for support, became inade- quate, and in the fall of 1869 the institution was merged in Union School District No. i, which consisted of four school districts of the im- mediate vicinity. The trustees of the institute deeded to the union dis- trict trustees the property of the former, in accordance with a legislative enactment, thus making it a free school. The first board of education of the union school was composed of H. N. Johnson, president; Syl- vester Parsons, Vincent Seeley, J. G. O. Brown, Jerome Gififord, Henry Sanford, Henry Perry, W. Richardson and Lorenzo Pratt. An aca- demic department was opened in this school in 1870. The first princi- pal was Prof. S. C. Hall. The present principal of the school, is H. C. Hustleby. The board of education consists of Hervey Sanford, president ; Charles N. Markle, secretary ; George L. Griffin, James J. Harrington, L. Eu- 313 gene Henry, Samuel O. Isdell, Benjamin Sutherland and David Morse. Elmer A. Johnson is president. Besides Wilson village there are in the town three other small ham- lets and post offices, viz., East Wilson, formerly called Beebe's Corners, in the southeast part of the town. It has also been known as the Marsh Settlement, from Joseph Marsh, one of the pioneers of the locality. Other early settlers there were Reuben Streeter, William Woodcock, Potter Roberts, John Pollard and Barnabas Whitney. A steam saw mill was formerly operated here, and burned in 1897. The place contains a grocery store, two cooper shops, one blacksmith and one wagon shop, a cider mill, etc. South Wilson is in the southern central part of the town ; it is a mere hamlet and post office. Maple Street is a post office in the east central part of the town. In I 812 a burial ground was opened just northeast of Wilson village and later another on Reuben Wilson's land near the grist mill. In 1846 a regular burying ground was established on the Town Line road. Luther Wilson, in 1851, donated a site of seven acres to a legally con- stituted board of trustees ; this is known as Greenwood Cemetery. The first church organized in this town was of the Presbyterian faith and was largely the result of effisrts of John Holmes and his son Daniel. The organization was efTected at a meeting held at the house of Mr. Holmes (then in Kempville in what is now the town of Newfane) on January 18, 1 8 19, with six members. John and Daniel Holmes were made ruling elders of the church, by Rev. David M. Smith, who was then pastor of the Lewiston church. Within the next five years the membership of the society was considerably increased. The first regu- lar pastor was Rev. l^benezer Everett, who came in 1823. Up to 1834 the meetings were held principally in the school house south of Wilson village, but in that year a church edifice was erected in the village on a lot donated by Reuben Wilson. A revival followed and the society in- creased rapidly. This church, as the first organized in the town, re- ceived 100 acres of land from the Holland Company. This was sold about 1833 and the proceeds used for the purchase of property near the school house before mentioned, the dwelling thereon being used as a parsonage and for meetings until 1838; it was then sold and a lot on 40 314 Lake street, in the village, purchased and a parsonage built. This was sold in 1855, and the present brick parsonage on Mechanic street pur- chased. The church, together with the stone hotel, was burned July 10, 1894, and in 1896-97 the present handsome brick and stone edifice was erected on about the same site at a cost of about $8,000. Meetings of Baptists were held in this town as early as December, 1833, in the house of Russell Robinson, and later in the school house in District No. 4. As a result of labors of Rev. Amos Reed, then of New- fane, about forty persons experienced religion in 1834. In May, 1834, a branch of the Newfane church was formed with about ten members. This branch was recognized as a separate organization at a meeting held October 23 of that year. It was received into the Niagara Bap- tist Association June II, 1835, with twenty-one members. Meetings were held in various places until April 21, 1838, when the first one gathered in the school house at " Wilson Four Corners," which was the beginning of Baptist services in Wilson village. In March, 1847, a site on the west side of Lake street was purchased of Luther Wilson and a house built for the pastor, who was then Rev. B. F. Burr. This prop- erty was sold in 1866 and a more commodious parsonage bought in the west part of the village. In the early part of 1843 the erection of the stone church was commenced on a lot donated by Luther Wilson. This was torn down and in 1880 the present wooden edifice was built on the site. There have been a great number of changes in the pastorate, but the society is now in a reasonably active condition. A Methodist class was formed in Wilson probably as early as 1820. The first quarterly meeting of the Lewiston Circuit, of which this class formed a part, that was held in Wilson took place July 8, 1826. Wilson remained in that circuit nineteen years. In August, 1 842, Wilson village was set apart as a separate station. The society was in- corporated December 28, 1836, with John Haze, Daniel Terry, Samuel R. Merwin, Cyrus Case, Luther Wilson, Samuel Healy and Sylvester Hos- mer, trustees. The erection of a frame church was begun in 1837 o" ^ lot donated by Andrew Brown. The parsonage was erected in 1846. The old frame church was finally removed and is now used as a town hall, and in 1883-84 the Exley M. E. church was built, of brick, on the site. A Free Methodist class was organized at Wilson, as a branch of the 3'5 Porter church, about 1865, with a small membership. In 1874 a lot was purchased in Wilson village, on Washington street, through the generosity of a few men, on which was a dwelling and a large wagon shop. The latter was rebuilt and converted into a church and is used by the society. The church belonged to the Porter and Wilson Circuit until 1877 when it was transferred to the Lockport and Newfane Circuit. In the southeast part of this town was formed what was known as the Chestnut Street M. E. church. It is situated on lot 56 Marsh road. A church building was erected in 1871. There is also an Evangelical Lutheran church on the Beebe road, in the southeast part of the town, and a German Lutheran church about one-half mile north. St. Peter's Lutheran church, located on the Nel- son road, was burned in July, 1893, having been abandoned some time previously. CHAPTER XIX. THE TOWN OF SOMERSET. The town of Somerset was erected F'ebruary 8, 1823, from Hartland. It was reduced in its area by the setting off of a part of the present town of Newfane. It lies in the northeast corner of the county and is bounded on the north by Lake Ontario. The surface is generally level and the soil a sandy or clayey loam. Golden Hill Creek crosses the town in a northeasterly direction in the central and eastern parts, and Fish Creek in a similar direction in the western part. A small salt spring was dis- covered in early years near the mouth of Fish Creek, from which salt was made to a limited extent. The town contains about 23.314 acres. The first town meeting was held April i, 1823. at the house of Silas Meade, and the following officers elected : Supervisor, James Wisner; town clerk, Samuel Palmer; assessors, Nathaniel Pond, jr.. Ezra Reade, and James Hess; collector, John Sherwood; overseers of the i^oor, Samuel Coleman, James Stevens; commissioners of highways, James Hess, Samuel 3i6 Coleman, and Joseph S. Bailey ; commissioners of schools, David Barker, Heman Pratt, and Jacob Albright ; inspectors of schools, Peter Hess, William Mosher, and Josiah Bullen; constables, John Sherwood, William Palmer. The supervisors of Somerset have been as follows : In 1823, James Wisner; 1824-26, Samuel Palmer; 1827-28, John Sherwood ; 1829- 33, Roswell Downer; 1834, David Barker; 1835, John McNitt; 1836, John Sherwood, 1837-38, David Barker; 1839-42, Jeptha W. Babcock; 1843-44, Morgan Van Wagoner; 1845, Johnson Aldrich; 1846-48, Charles B. Lane; 1849, Samuel S. Rising; 1850, Stephen T. Peckham ; 1851, Emmor K. Gardner; 1852, Samuel S. Rising; 1853, George K. Hood ; 1854, Morgan Van Wagoner ; 1855, Pixley M. Humphrey ; 1856, Vernon D. Bateman ; 1857, Morgan Van Wagoner; 1858, Guy C. Humphrey; 1859, Samuel S. Rising; 1860, 1861, Guy C. Humphrey; 1862-64, George M. Swain; 1865, Henry B. Miller; 1866-69, Oscar E. Mann; 1870-72, George K. Hood; 1873, Oscar E. Mann; 1874-75, George M. Swain; 1876-80, Guy C. Humphrey; 1881-82, Charles W. Wilcox ; 1883, Andrew M. Armstrong ; 1884-88, Charles F. Ackerson ; 1889-90, Andrew M. Armstrong; 1891-92, Charles F. Ackerson: 1893-96, Andrew M. Arm- strong; 1897-98, Wallace E. Peacock. Henry H. Frost was town clerk in 1868-70 and from 1872 to 1881, when he was succeeded by his son, S. W. Frost, who has filled the office ever since. The other town officers for 1897 are Loren Church, William L. Atwater, William P. Hoffman, and Eldridge Lewis, justices of the peace ; George B. Hood, Prentice Fox, and Elmer Perry, assessors; Charles N. Taylor, collector; Bennett Eaton, highway commis- sioner; and Richard Ray and Curtis G. Lum, overseers of the poor. The first settler within this town was Jacob Fitts, who came with his family in i8io to what is now Olcott, in the town of Newfane, where his wife had a relative then living. This relative was one of the Kemp family, and when Mr. Fitts reached what is now Wright's Corners, they turned northerly to the lake. In locating Mr. Fitts, his relative guided him along a road which he had cut along the lake shore for the Holland Company to a point opposite what is now Somerset Corners, and about a mile and a half distant from it. The farm there settled long remained in possession of the Fitts family. Mr, Fitts soon had neighbors in the persons of Archibald Whitton, Philip Fitts, Truman and David Mudgett, and Zachariah Patterson. These constituted the population until after the war of i8i2. One of these, Philip Fitts, was drafted into the army, was taken sick, and re- turned only to die. The little community were compelled to endure much suffering, often wanting for food, living sometimes on leeks and a little wild game. But with the close of the war came more settlers and better times in every respect. 317 Among the first settlers after the war were James Matthews, Samuel Palmer, David Barker, Adam Pease, Samuel Coleman, Asa Coleman, Ezra C. and Ezra Meade, Masten and John Sherwood, Heman Pratt, Francis N. Albright, Peter Hess, and a few others. In writing of those early times an early settler said : Humphrey Sharpsteen, then just married, came in with his wife and his wife's sisters; Isaac Starbuck with his family; then young Capt. Ezra Meade, two sisters, young women, and some other very respectable ladies who were not afraid or asliamed to rough it in the woods, for the sake of being indejDendent, and several young unmarried men, helj^ed to make up an assortment. We were all brothers and sisters and friends. . . . The worst for us was when we got out of flour and meal and no mill to grind short of Niagara Falls. John Flavington carried eighteen bushels of wheat to Olcott and gave it for a barrel of salt. . . When I commenced clearing, which was just after the war, and the cold season of 1816 came on, wheat was worth twenty shillings a bushel, and pork thirty-five dollars a barrel. When I had raised some wheat to sell, in was worth only twenty-five cents a bushel. I once had a tax of twenty shillings to pay, and I carried butter sixty miles and sold it for one shilling per pound to pay the tax. In 1817 John Sherwood was married to Rebecca Meade; this was the first wedding in the town. The first birth was that of Delilah Pitts, daughter of Jacob F'itts, who was born in 181 1. Philip P'itts, before mentioned as having been drafted into the army, died in 1814, the first death in the town. In the course of time a little hamlet gathered at what became known as Somerset Corners, the name of the post-office now being simply Somerset. About 1820 James Matthews opened a small store there in the first frame building in town ; this building is still standing. The first tavern was opened by Josiah S Bailey in 18 17 at what was then called Bailey's Corners, about a mile and a half east of Somerset Corners ; while two and a half miles west of the latter place James Stevens had a blacksmith shop in 1825 and continued the business a number of years. In 1825 Archibald McDaniels built and operated the first grist mill ; it was situated on Fish Creek two miles northeast of the Corners, and was afterwards burned. In the same year Guy Griswold built a small tannery at the Corners ; it was operated several years. In 1822 John Randolph built the first saw mill in this town, about three-quarters of a mile north of the Corners. With other early mills it went to decay in course of time. Near this site the first bridge in town was built across Fisk Creek in 1822, In later years a 3i8 steam saw mill was built at Somerset and one at South Somerset, in which staves and headings were also made. Both have been burned. Among other early prominent residents of Somerset were John Sher- wood, Roswell Downer, David Barker, Jeptha W. Babcock. Morgan Van Wagoner, Albert M. Hastings, Silas Meade, Daniel Landers, Gor- man Bush and others. Previous to 1825 mail came into this town by the hand of some per- son who might be going to Buffalo, Rochester or Batavia. The first post- office was established in the year named with James Matthews, postmaster. The post-office at West Somerset was established in 1844, with Marvin S. Hess, postmaster. The post-office of Lake Road, in the northwest part of the town, is of more recent existence ; the first post- master was Jeptha W. Babcock. The other post-offices are South Som- erset, Barker and County Line, the latter being a mere hamlet on the line between this town and Yates in Orleans county. The following were also prominent early settlers of the town : Loren Fitts, Albert M. Hastings, Francis O. Pratt, Solomon Morse, Jonathan M. Shiirtliff, Samuel Kemp, Albert Van Wagoner, William Sherwood, Oscar E. Mann, a Mr. Benson (the first carpenter). Dr. Brown (the first physician, in 1826), C. H. Akley, WiUiam L. Atwater, Edwin E. Arnold, George Badgely, Samuel Barry (whose son Chester F. was the first man to enlist in the Rebellion from Somerset), Vernon D. Bateman, Nathan Pond, jr., and Wiliam H. Hyde. Loren Church was born in this town in 1827 and has served as a justice of the peace for about ninteen years. Other residents, many of whom are living, are I. J. Gardner, John and Samuel Coates, Philip and Thomas Hoag, Hardy Fitts, Aaron Coleman, Jacob S. Haight, Jared T. Aldrich, Andrew M. Armstrong, S. E. Armstrong (keeper of the lighthouse), Henry and Lewis Arnold, Stephen Atwater, Gaston J. Bangham, Calvin S. Bateman, Arthur M. and George W. Bennett, Will- iam and Franklin Bowen, George H. and Frank M. Bradley, Lewis A. Bradley, John Brigham, Aaron Bullen, Arthur T. Burgess, Frank Button, Minor T. and William Cartwright. Edward Coon, James Cronkhite, Edwin O. and George W. Denton, Henry W. and John K. Denton, John Fitts, Matthew Fitzgerald, George and Prentice Fox, Hiram and Isaac J. Frost, Albert H. and Joshua J. Haight, H. Nelson Harrington, Lemuel Hayes, Charles E. and George Higgs, Guy C. and Simeon N. Humphrey, Andrew Hungei-ford, David and George A. Huntington, - Albert and Gurdon Huntington, William Henry Hyde, David H. Hyde, James Liddell, Silas Lum, Willis T. Mann, Homer D. and WilHam A. C. Meade, Harvey and Stephen Meade, Michael Morrissey, Romyne W. Nobles, Henry F. Peacock, L. W. Pettit, Frank B. and George W. Porter, Ely C. Rising, William A. Sawyer, Benja- 319 min F. and John Sherwood, Austin Skutt, E. L. and I. W. Smith, George M. Swain, John P. Townsend, Cornelius Treat, Andrew R. Webb, John Whitlam, Charles W. Wilcox, Charles and S. E. Zoss. Many others are noticed at length in Part III of this volume. The land on which Somerset Corners stands, which is one of the most prosperous hamlets in the town, was formerly owned by Samuel Palmer on the northeast corner of the streets ; Isaac Lockwood on the northwest corner ; Isaac Starbuck on the southwest corner; and William Harring- ton on the southeast corner. Here around the early store, tavern, and a few shops gradually gathered a little village. Among the old-time merchants were Omon P. Wright, a partner with James Matthews, under the firm name of Matthews & Wright ; Francis O. Pratt, Samuel Kemp, James Matthews, jr., Stephen B. Starbuck, Daniel P. Holt, Jotham M. Aldrich, John N. Pease, Cyrus Aldrich (who was succeeded by Henry H. Frost), and Samuel S. Rising (who was succeeded by Sidney Smith). Henry H. Frost & Son now have the only general store of importance in the place. A steam grist mill was erected and put in operation here by Stephen Peckham in 1845, 3'iiJ;i()N. The town of Pendleton was erected April 16, 1827, pervious to which date it constituted a part of Niagara. It is bounded on the south by Tonawanda Creek, and is the central one of the six towns that touch the southern bounds of the county. Much of the surface of the town is level or gently undulating, with the exception of Heech Ridge and Hear Ridge, in the northern part. These two ridges extend about three miles in length and are nearly parallel and three-fourths of a mile wide. They scarcely deserve the name of ridges, and form a part of the best farming land in the town. The soil in that section is gravelly and sandy loam, fertile and well adapted to grains and fruits; in other parts 332 the soil is clayey loam. Roads running northeast and southwest traverse both ridges. Sawyer's Creek crosses the western part of the town, but neither that nor Tonawanda Creek supplies water power. Pendleton recciveil its name from the village at the junction of Tona- wanda Creek and the Kric Canal, which was in existence long before the town was erected ; the village took its name from Sylvester Pendleton Clark, one of the earliest residents. The first town meeting was held in May, 1827, and the following officers elected : Supervisor. Lyman Iv. Thayer; town clerk, (Barrett Van Slyke; assessors, Nathan- iel Svkes. David Candler ami James C llawley; collector, Kimball I'errin ; com- missioners of highways, Willard Sykes, Lawrence Pickard and J»>lin Maker ; overseers oF the iK>or, HaileyCurtis and Russell Richards; school commissioners, Henry Keyes, Alanson Sykes and John Schuyler; .school inspectors, James Henderson, Abel Rug and Asa Milliken; constable, Horvice Thacher. This first town meeting adjourned to the house of David Chandler, for the year 1828. The amount of property taxed in the town at that time was $572.5 i. There was little settlement on the territory in this town before the war of 18 1 2, and much of it was a wilderness fifteen years later, Mar- tin Van Slyke and Jacob Christman settled on Tonawanda Creek in the western part of the town in i8a8. John and Adam Fulmer settled in the southern part in 1812, purchasing 252 acres of land of the Holland Company. A few others had probably located along the creek. After the war settlement progressed more rapidly. Hartman Pickard and his son Lawrence came in 18 16 and in later years were prominent citizens. The latter married a daughter of Philip Woolever, who had a farm three miles fron> Tonawanda in i8i6, and another on which he settled a mile west of Pendleton in 1823. Mr. Woolever was contractor on the first improvement of Tonawanda Creek. Conrad Rickard resided on Tonawanda Creek as early as 1816; he was the father of Henry Rickard. James Van Slyke was an early set- tler and married Margaret Christman ; this was the first marriage in the town. Garrett Van Slyke settled in the west part of the town in 1822, where his son John H. afterwards lived. The father, who died in 1824, had been a captive of the Indians in the Revolutionary war and was I 333 adopted by Molly Brant. An uncle afterwards purchased his freedom for a gallon of rum. Sylvester Pendleton Clark settled early on the site of Pendleton vil- lage, and built and opened a log tavern there in 1821. The post office was established in 1823 and he was appointed postmaster. The com- pletion of the canal and its junction at this point with Tonawanda Creek drew together the nucleus of a village. The first log tavern was superseded by a frame structure in 1822. Jerry S. Jenks came in about that time and brought the first goods for sale; he died soon afterwards. Austin Simons located at the village about 1830, and for thirty five years was prominent as a merchant and buyer of staves, lumber, etc. William H. Lewis settled in the village in 1834 as a merchant, and was postmaster sixteen years and a justice of the peace thirty years. At about the close of the first quarter of the century Beech and Bear Ridges began to attract attention from the newcomers. One of the first settlers on Beech Ridge was Asa Andrews, who purchased his farm in 1824. Luther Leland settted there in 1827. Thomas Leonard settled on Bear Ridge in 1833 and ten years later moved to the hamlet of Mapleton, in the northwest part of the town. Henry Tripp settled on Beech Ridge in 1824, and Alfred Pool in 1826 on the farm where he died in 1870. Silas Hall settled on the northern limit of Beech Ridge in 1835; at that comparatively late date it was still a wilderness in that section. He cleared a farm of 240 acres. Bears and wolves still roamed about his settlement and dear were killed there ten years later. W. C. Andrus settled in Pendleton in 1824, having then lived one year in Royalton. George E Andrus settled with his father, Warren Andrus, in 1838, on what was later known as the Wort farm. James H. Andrus settled in Pendleton village in 1837 and later removed to Beech Ridge. Hon. A. H. Pickard was born on the farm where he long resided; he served six years as supervisor of the town and was also a member of assembly. Henry Rickard came into the town with his grandfather in 18 16; held the office of postmaster at Pendleton Center twenty- five years, and was town clerk. 334 A larj^c area in the southern and eastern parts of this town is popu- lated by a German element, who represent excellent citizenship and have brought their farms into a high state of cultivation. One of the pioneers in that section, Philip Woock, settled on Tonawanda Creek in 1832, coming from Hatavia. John Adam Koepfinger and Joseph Schimp settled about the same time in that locality. Orin I'isk located on the east side of the canal in 1 S44, his father having been an early settler in Royalton. John Raker, William Woods, and Henry W. Gocnlian weie other early comers. Among other settlers, past and present, are James Tripp, Henry Tripp, 2d, Lyman Goodridge, Rev. R. C. Foote, A. H. Kllis, Adam and Jacob Art, Jacob Bayer, Thilip Ba\er, Andrew Inciter, Jacob lilum, sr., Wesley C. Briggs, Benjamin B. Bush. John Bush, James J. Carr, John W. Connan, I'^ank and Mathias Donncr, Joseph and Peter Donner, R. C. I'oote.jr., Adam Hoffman, Willis A. Levan, Charles Lureman, Mar- tin Mayer, Patrick McDonald, Anthony Meyer, John Miller. L. A. Pickard, M. L. Pickard, Alvin Van Slyke, David J. Wells, Martin and Mathias Wendel, Martin Woock. Many other families are noted in Part HI. The supervisors of Pendleton have been as follows : Lyman E. Tliayer. 18-'7-2S; Asa Millikin, 18'.2!t; Johu Pratt, 1830-;]2; Lawrence Pickard. 1S;W; John Pratt l.s:U; Nathaniel Sykes. 1835; Anthony Ames, 1836-37; Sihis CMmsted, 1838; Lawrence Pickard, 183i»-47; Cyrus F. WilHams, 1848; Law- rence Pickard, 1849 53; Elisha B. Swift, 1854; George Kelsey, 1855-5(i; Linu.s J. Peck, 1857; Hiram Poniroy, 1858; Lyman Goodridge, 1859-61; Hartnian Rickard, 18(;-3; Albert U. Pickard, 1863-65; Morris Wire, 1866; Albert IL Pickard, 1S67; Alexander H. Ellis, 1868-70; Frederick S. Parsons, 1871-72; (iilbert C. Richards, 1873-75; Albert H. Pickard, 1876-77; Amos A. Brown, 1878; Herman J. Leland, 1879; Mirtin Wendel, 1880-82; Lawrence A. Pickard, 1883; Herman J. Leland, 1884; Martin Wendel. 1885; Joseph C. Rickard. 1886-88; Aaron I). Thompson. 1889-9(>; Alviu Van Slyke, 1891-;t2 ; William Babel, 1^03^94 ; Alvin Van Slyke, 1895-96; Mathias L. Rickard, 1897-98. The other town officers for 1897 '^''^ • Jacob Blum, town clerk; Linus J. P. Richards, R. C. Foote, jr., Emery W. Wire and Anson Kinne. justices of the peace; Jac»)b Bayer. Charles Lureman and Irving W. vStowell, assessors; Adam J. Weliuer, highway commissioner; Patrick Collins, collector; Charles Hill overseer of the poor. Pendleton village has enjoyed considerable business activity in past 335 years. The first merchant was Jerry S. Jcnks. Wilhani H. Jciiks was for sometime a leadinj^ merchant there, htjj;innin^ in 18^,4; he was postmaster sixteen years and a jnstice of the peace for more than thirty years. Anstin Simons was another prominent merchant from 1831 to abont 1865 Sylvester IVmlleton Chirk's \q'^ tavern, built in l82i,was fo'lowed by his frame hotel erected in iSj2. The Snlpluir Springs Hotel was built by Reuben Fuller ami Marshall Martin in 1850. and was long kept by Truman Nichols. The present merchants are Martin Woock, Mathias Donner (who is also postmaster), and Jacob Hlum. The hotelkeeper is Anthony Roskopf riic post-office was established as earl)- as 1823 with S. P. Clark postmaster. Pendleton Center is a station and post-office near the center of the town, on the I'.rie Railroad. l\llis ^^ (irall have a general store there. Near the place is also an M. 1'.. church. Mapleton is a post-office and milk station on the New York Central Railroad, in the northwest part of the town, liurt N. Thompson is postmaster. Hodgeville ami liottman are stations on the l-'.rie Railroad, the former in the northeast and the latter in the southwest part of the town Wendelville is a small hamlet on the canal, or Tonawanda Creek, and owes its existence to Martin Wendcl, the first merchant. John Wurtenberter has a general store there and is also the postmaster. Beech Ridge (formerly Hall's Station) is a postal hamlet on tiic New York Central Railroad, in the extreme west part of the town. The land on which it stamls was owned by Silas Hall, whose name long clung to the place. Philip Miller was formerly a merchant and post- master there; the office was established in 1853 with William M. Heebe, postmaster. The present merchants arc George Rundcl and Charles Hill. An M. E. church, a neat frame building, was erected here about 1894. The first school in Pendleton was opened in the winter of i8i6by a man named Uawson. In 1827 the town was divided into eight school districts. The first steps taken towards the organization of a Presbyterian church in this town was in 1835 at Peech Ridge. Only four families 33(^ were then interested in the movement, and their meetings were held in private houses and the school house at Mapleton. Rev. Samuel Leon- ard was the first pastor In 1844 a church was formed at Shawnee in W'heatfield and the members at Hecch Ridge joined in it ; it was under charge of Rev. Russell Brooks A church edifice was erected at Ma- pleton in 1847-48. The society took the name of The I'irst Presbyte rian Church of Pendleton and Wlieatfield. The first trustees of the Mapleton society were James Thompson, Silas Hall, and Isaac H. Smith ; the number of members was eighteen. The Roman Catholic Church of the Good Sheperd at Pendleton was organized ,aml the brick church edifice completed in 1854. Among the first officers were Martin Woock, Michael Mayer, John Staebel, John Adam Koepfinger, and Jacob Danna. St. Paul's German Lutheran church, situated at Wendelville, was built in 1859. The Methodist church of Pendleton village was organized in March, 1858, with Rev. John H. Jenkins as pastor, and Morris Wire, Francis King, Miranda Root, William Hlowers, and Lewis Abbott as trustees. The Church of the LInited Bretheren was organized in March, 1874. Both societies occupy the union church, which was erected in i860, on a lot donated by Willett Clark for the use of all evangelical denomina- tions. iZ7 CHAPTER XXII. THE TOWN OF WHEATFIELD. Wheatfield is the last town organized in Niagara county, and was set off from Niagara May 12, 1836. It lies on the southern boundary of the county, west of the center, and extends farther south than any other town. The Niagara River forms its southwestern boundary and Ton- awanda Creek its southern. Its surface is level or gently undulating. The soil is generally a clayey loam, not easy of cultivation, but pro- ductive of grains and especially of wheat ; this latter fact gave the town its name. Cayuga Creek flows across the northwestern part of the town and empties into the Niagara River, and Sawyer's Creek flows south- easterly across the southeastern part and empties into Tonawanda Creek. The town contains four post-oflfices — Martinsville, Bergholtz, St. Johns- burg, and Shawnee, besides the city of North Tonawanda, and the hamlet of Walmore, in the northwestern corner. The first town meeting was held on the 6th of June, 1836, in the school house of district No. 7, on the north line of the town, and the following were elected as the first officers : Supervisor, N. M. Ward; town clerk, Edwin Cook; assessors, Isaac H. Smith, James Sweeney, Hiram Parks; justices of the peace, L. B. Warden, John Sweeney; commissioners of highways, Elias Parks, Matthew Gray; collector, Stewart Milliman ; overseer of the poor, William Towsley; constables, Stewart Milliman, Daniel C. Jacobs, Calvin F. Champlin, Seth F. Roberts; commissioners of schools, Isaac L. Young, James Sweeney, Loyal E. Edwards. These were all esteemed citizens of the town at that comparatively late date. The following have been supervisors of the town : In 1836, N. M. Ward; 1837, Benjamin McNitt; 1838, N. M. Ward; 1839, William Vandervoort ; 1840, John Sweeney ; 1843, Isaac L. Young; 1843, N. M. Ward; 1844-45, Lewis S. Payne; 1846, N. M. Ward; 1847-48, L. S. Payne; 1849, Sylvester McNitt; 1850, L. S. Payne; 1851, Seth F. Roberts; 1852, Sylvester McNitt; 1853-54, Peter (ireiner; 1855, Joseph Hawbecker; 1856-57, George W. Sherman; 1858, N. M. Ward; 43 338 1859-61, L. S. Payne; 1862, Peneuel Schmeck ; 1863-66, George W. Sherman; 1867 H. H. Griffin; 1868, James Carney; 1869, H. H. Griffin; 1870, Edward A. Milliman 1871-73, Joseph D. Loveland; 1874-75, Thomas C. Collins; 1876, L. S. Payne; 1877 1878, Christian Fritz; 1879-81, Charles Kandt; 1883, Daniel Sy; 1883, C. F. Goerss 1884-88, Peter Heim ; 1889-94, Chauncey Wichterman ; 1895-96, William Tompkins 1897-98, Herman Rosebrook. Charles Hagen, a veteran of Co. D, lOOth N. Y. Vols., has served as town clerk since about 1874. Since the incorporation of North Tonawanda as a city, Charles Koh- ler was elected supervisor of the First ward ; Conrad J. Winter, Second ward ; and John H. BoUier, Third ward. Although this town was erected so many years later than most of the others in the county, and its settlement in the interior and western parts was so comparatively recent, it still bore a close relation to the impor- tant events that took place in early years on the frontier. The banks near the mouth of Cayuga Creek, as the reader has learned, constitute a historical locality and witnessed stirring scenes when this town was a part of Niagara. The first settlements were made on the Niagara River on and near the site of the city of North Tonawanda. Even in that vicinity progress was slow, except in the direction of improving farm lands, until after the completion of the Erie Canal. There were few settlers within the limits of the town previous to the war of 18 12, and when these learned of the destruction of Youngstown and Lewiston, they shared in the general consternation along the frontier, gathered in haste such prop- erty as they could carry, and fled eastward beyond immediate danger. Probably the earliest settler on the site of North Tonawanda was George N. Burger, who came in 1809 and built a log tavern on the river ; he remained a resident until about 1825. Joshua Pettit came in 1 8 10 and settled near the Niagara Iron Works, where he opened a tavern. He was the father of Mrs. Daniel C. Jacobs and Mrs. Whitman Jacobs. Stephen Jacobs, a soldier at the battle of Bunker Hill, located on the river two miles below in 18 17, where he purchased 196 acres of Augustus Porter, paying eight dollars an acre. He died in Niagara Falls in January, 1840. William Vandervoorte settled here in 1825, occupy- ing a log house which tradition says was the only one then in existence. It was his intention to make a business of purchasing staves and timber 339 for the Boston market, and ultimately to open a mercantile business. In 1828 he finished the first public house in the place, which was called the Niagara; it was burned in 1844. Later he purchased 1, 000 acres of land of the Holland Company and sold to Prussian immigrants the largest part of their possessions on Tonawanda Creek and its vicinity. He established the first bank in 1836. As before indicated, little progress of a business nature was made here until the opening of the Erie Canal. The interior of the town was still almost an unbroken wilderness and as late as 1850 a large part of the area of the town was unimproved. The prospects at Tonawanda in 1824, as viewed by in- terested persons, is indicated in the following advertisement: VILLAGE OF NIAGARA. This village is located at the confluence of the Niagara and Tonawanta rivers, where the Erie canal from Buffalo enters the Tonawanta, and where boats pass from the canal into the Niagara river by a lock. At this junction of the rivers and ad- joining the village, is a safe and spacious harbor, as well for canal boats as for vessels navigating Lake Erie. These advantages cannot fail to render the village of Niagara the depot of the products of the West, destined to the city of New York, and of return cargoes of .merchandise. A dam of four or five feet high will be thrown across the Tonawanta, at the vil- lage, so as to raise the river to the level of Lake Erie, and the river will be navigated for the distance of eleven miles, and be united with the canal between Niagara and Lockport. The surplus water from the dam will afford an abundant and steady supply for mills and other hydraulic works. The village is 12 miles from Buffalo, 8 from the falls, 15 from Lewiston, and 10 miles from Lockport. A line of stages passes through from Buffalo to Lewiston daily, and another from Lockport to Buffalo every other day. Travelers to the Falls will leave the canal at this place. A bare inspection of \"ance's or Lay's map of the western part of this State will at once show the advantageous position of the village for trade, market and manu- factures. Building lots are now offered for sale to actual settlers. A map of the village may be seen by application to James Sweeney, at Buffalo, or to George Goundy at the Land Office in Geneva ; and the former will enter into contracts of sale. The title is indisputable, and good warranty deeds will be executed to purchasers. George Goundy, ) James Sweeney, >■ Proprietors. John Sweeney, ) July 5, 1824. The James Sweeney, whose name appears above, settled first in Buf- 340 falo in i8ii. He became one of the proprietors of the site of North Tonavvanda village, and as such settled there in 1828 and built one of the very early frame dwellings. The land owned by him and his asso- ciates was cleared to supply timber for the Buffalo pier and breakwater, and at the same time to prepare the tract for sale in small lots. The sites on which were erected the First M. E. church (1837) ^'''^ ^'^^ ^^^^ school house were donated by Mr. Sweeney, and largely through his energy, activity and generosity the village received its early impetus. He died in January, 1850, aged fifty-seven. John Sweeney was his son and long a prominent citizen ; he superintended the building of the first railroad depot and was long the station agent. He caused the building of the first dock on the creek next to the bridge, and subsequently ex- tended it 250 feet. He built the first grist mill, which was burned and not rebuilt, and also the first saw mill. James Carney settled as early as 18 19, with his father, Edward, on Tonawanda Island, which was known for many years as Carney Island. His purpose was to gain pre emption rights to the island if the boun- dary settlement should leave it within the United States. In 1854 the State caused a survey to be made and ordered an assessment valuation of $4 50 per acre. In the next year the island was directed to be sold* at auction in Albany and required one-eighth of the purchase money to be paid down. Mr. Carney placed the requisite sum in the hands of Judge Samuel Wilkinson, of Buffalo, to make the purchase. But the spirit of speculation awakened by the operations of Mordecai M. Noah and his associates, on Grand Island, created a spirited contest for this island and it was sold to Samuel Leggate at $23 an acre. After that Mr. Carney became one of the most active and energetic of the pion- eers ; engaged extensively in clearing lands ; was employed as a team ■ ster by Porter, Barton & Co. ; boated salt and other produce up and down the river; and was otherwise a useful member of the young com- munity. Among other early settlers of the town were Heman A. Barnum, James A. Betts, Wilhelm Dornfeld, Albert Dornfeld, C. F. Goers, Her- man F. Stieg, Nelson Zimmerman, John Grey. In 1824 Harvey Miller came from Rochester and settled on the Lock- port and Niagara Falls road, in the north part of the town, where he ALBHkr DORNFhLD. 341 purchased lOO acres of the Holland Company at $5 an acre. He was young and energetic, and although without much means, he soon be- came independent. During the first winter he was in this town he, with the assistance of one young man, cleared twenty-five acres. In that SLinimer he sowed eighteen acres of winter wheat and raised 800 bushels ; this he sold to other incoming settlers at seventy-five cents a bushel. He was long a road commissioner and aided in laying out all the first roads in the town. He lived to an old age. Among the first settlers in the extreme northeastern part, where the post-office of Shawnee is located, were Timothy Shaw (from whom the place is named) and Volney Spalding, who opened a store and estab- lished an ashery there in 182S. John Grey settled about a mile south of Shawnee in 1825; he purchased eighty- four acres of the Holland Company at $5 an acre. In the course of time certain influences brought into this town a largely preponderant foreign element, mainly of Prussian nativity, who settled at first mostly on small tracts of land, but finally became in many instances large owners. By far the greater portion of the terri- tory of the town was finally occupied by them, and the same is true to- day of them or their descendants. They developed into excellent farmers, frugal and industrious, and patient in overcoming adverse con- ditions in their surroundings. They cleared the lands, drained the swamps, and rendered the town one of the most productive in this re- gion. Settlements by this element were about simultaneous in sepa- rate localities. In 1843 Carl Sack, Erdman Wurl, and Fred Grosskopf purchased of William Vandervoorte 400 acres at $15 an acre; the tract was situated on the Tonawanda Creek, in the southeast corner of the town, and the settlement made there was given the name of Martinsville, through the veneration felt by the inhabitants for Martin Luther. The original purchase was subdivided into small tracts of three or more acres, to suit the wishes of purchasers, and about thirty families came in the first season. Ten log houses were completed in the fall, and into these the families moved, three or four in a house, in some cases, until addi- tional buildings could be erected. Christian Dornfeld settled here in 1843, purchasing six acres of \'an- dervoorte, and lived to old age, leaving a family of children. His sons 342 William and Albert became prominent business men in the place. William Dornfeld and Christian Fritz purchased, in 1856, the first saw mill, which had been built by Joseph Hewitt. Mr. Fritz built a saw mill and planing mill in i860, and established a lumber yard. William Dornfeld also carried on a considerable store, which he opened in 185 i. He was associated with Krull Brothers in operating another planing mill and sash and door factory, which was built in 1876, and was also postmaster of the place for some time. The present postmaster is Charles A. Graf, who is also a harnessmaker. Other later and present merchants are William F. Fritz, lumber; Charles Grosskopf and Ernest G. Jaenecke, general stores ; Ferdinand Ziehl, hardware ; and Christ Martin, grocery. John G. Jaenecke is proprietor of the Martinsville Hotel, and Charles Rogge is a blacksmith and cider manufacturer. Eugene De Kleist began the manufacture of church and other organs in Martinsville in 1892, and in 1893 erected a large factory, in which he employed about fifty hands. He has been eminently successful in this enterprise, and enjoys a trade which extends all over the country. Martinsville became a part of the city of North Tonawanda on April 24, 1897, t>ut still maintains its own post office. New Bergholtz (Bergholtz is the name of the post-office) is in the central part of the town and was settled almost exclusively by Prussians. The place is named from one in Germany whence many of the settlers came. In 1843 Frederick Moll, John Williams and John Sy, as trus- tees, purchased a tract of land for a German Evangelical Lutheran con- gregation consisting of 120 members. The tract contained 820 acres and was conveyed by deed from the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company ; iy6}4 acres, deeded by William L. Marcy and wife; 118 acres deeded by Washington Hunt ; 200 acres deeded by John J. DeGraff" (the two latter tracts including the site of the village); 456 acres conveyed by Blandina Dudley; and 349 acres by the Farmers' Loan and Trust Com- pany. These transfers were all made in October, 1843. The whole quantity of land conveyed comprised 2,1 ig}4 acres and cost the settlers a little more than $16,000. A map of the lands was made and 121 village lots laid out, with proper streets and a large public square. By a general deed executed by the trustees October 12, 1843, they con- veyed to Augustus Manske and 118 others each a lot of one acre. The EUGENE Fr. T. DE KLEIST. 343 first of these comers found temporary quarters in a large barn that had been previously built for some purpose, until houses could be erected. Washington Hunt presented the community with their first ox team to aid in building log houses, and during the first season a building was completed on nearly every one of the lots deeded. With the commu- nity came a carpenter, a blacksmith, a mason, a tailor, a shoe- maker and a cabinet maker, which enabled them to live almost wholly upon their own resources. Some of them had considerable money, one of the wealthiest being John Salingre, who brought over about $20,000. His kindness and generosity to his less fortunate neighbors in the new country are gratefully remembered. He died in 1871. The first dry goods store started at Bergholtz was that of Christian Wolf, one of the pioneers. The first post-ofiice was established in 1850 with John Sy, postmaster, who died in 1861. These Lutherans left their own country chiefly on account of the determination of the king of Prussia to force a union of the Lutheran and Reformed churches. Hundreds of families left their country on that account. Rev. J. An. A. Grabau of Buffalo, preached to these people for about a year from 1843, when their former pastor. Rev. Mr. Ehrenstroem, arrived from Germany. He was succeeded a year later by Rev. Henry von Rohr, formerly a captain in the Prussian army, who remained until his death in 1874. A church was erected in 1848, and was called The Holy Ghost Church. A school was opened and taught by one of the pioneers, and later by G. Renwald. In 1845 the Luthe- ran Synod was organized in Buffalo and the Bergholtz church became a part of it. In 1866, through dissension, the synod divided into three parts, and in consequence the Bergholtz congregation was divided into two parties, one of which, consisting of fifty-two families, renounced its old pastor, Mr. Von Rohr, and called Rev. W. Weinback. This party had a majority of the members and remained in possession of the church property, consisting of about twelve acres of land, the church parsonage, cemetery, and school buildings. The other party, about thirty-seven families, remained loyal to Mr. Von Rohr, held services in a private house, which was later fitted up for a school house, and soon built a new brick edifice, taking the name of Trinity church. Mr. Von Rohr died in 1874, and about two thirds of the Trinity congregation 344 now wished to join with the Buffalo synod ; but as the remainder were not willing, they separated, called another pastor, and in 1875 organ- ized the Lutheran St. Jacob's Congregation. A lot was purchased, and in 1876 a new church, parsonage, and school house were erected. Bergholtz now contains the stores of Charles W. Kandt and August Lange, the latter being also postmaster, and the store of August Retzlaff. At Shawnee, in the northeast corner of the town, a Baptist church was organized in July, 1830, but the large influx of Lutherans caused the abandonment of that organization and the substitution of the other. Land for the church was donated by Isaac Carl and the building was erected in 1847. Shawnee was named from Timothy Shaw, who with Volney Spald- ing opened a store and ashery there in 1828. In 1863 an M. E. church was erected. Harmon H. Grififin is postmaster and general merchant, and Carl E. Eddy, blacksmith. St. Johnsburg is an outgrowth of Bergholtz, and lies to the south- west of the latter place on the 820 acres deeded by the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, before mentioned. It has had very little business interest. A brick church was erected by St. John's German Lutheran Society in 1846, to which was attached a school. A store was opened and a few shops established. William C. KruU is the postmaster and a general merchant, and Lewis Holland is a harness dealer and proprietor of the hotel. New Walmore, in the northwest corner of the town, was so named from a village in Prussia, whence the settlers came about 1843. A Lu- theran church was built there, of brick, in 1853. The place is merely a rural hamlet. North Tonawanda formed one of the wards of Tonawanda from the incorporation of the latter village to 1857, when it withdrew, and for eight years was simply a part of the town of Wheatfield. The village of North Tonawanda was incorporated May 8, 1865, with the following trustees: David Robinson, Jacob Becker, George W. Sherman, Alex- ander G. Kent, Clark Ransom and J. D. Vandervoorte. At that time it contained a population of 440 and an area of 681 acres. The village government was established with its various departments of fire, police. W. L. ALLEN, M. D. 345 schools, etc , and during tlie thirty-two succeeding years was brought to its present efficient condition. The village presidents were as follows : James Carney, 1868; Franklin Warren, 1869; John M. Rockwell, 1870; A. G. Kent, 1871; Franklin Warren, 1872-73; C. W. Watkins, 1874-75; Franklin Warren, 1876; C. W. Watkins, 1877-78; F. S. Fassett, 1879; Alexander McBain, 1880; John Taylor, 1881-82; William Gombert, 1883; Conrad Backer, 1884; J. S. Thompson, 1885-87; Fred Sommer, 1888-89; Joseph Pitts, 1890; Benjamin F. Felton. 1891 ; John E. Oelkers, 1892; James S. Thompson, 1893-94; George Stanley (resigned, and E. C. McDonald installed), 1895; Levant R. Vandervoort, 1896; Albert E. McKeen, 1897. On April 24, 1897, ^Y ^ special act of the Legislature, North Tona- wanda was incorporated as a city witii the following boundaries : All that part of the county of Niagara, in the State of New York, comprised within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the junction of the middle line of the Tonawanda Creek with the Niagara River, the same being on the south bounds of Niagara county; thence running up said Tonawanda Creek, following the middle line thereof, the same being the boundary line between the county of Erie and the county of Niagara, to a point opposite the mouth of the Sawyers Creek, where Sawyers Creek empties into said Tonawanda Creek; thence northerly along and following the middle line of Sawyers Creek, to the junction of the east and west branches of said creek, in farm lot four, lying along Tonawanda Creek; thence northwesterly along the middle line of the westerly branch of said creek, to the in- tersection of said middle line with the north line of lot 12, in township 13 of range 8 of the Holland purchase (so-called); thence westerly along the north line of said lot 12, and lots 21 and 28 of said township and range, to the northwest corner of lot 28; thence continuing the same course westerly along the projection of said north line of said lot 28 to the point of intersection of said projected line with the north line of lot 73 of the New York State mile reserve; thence northwesterly along the said north line of said lot 73 and along the north line of lots 71 and 70 and 69 of the said mile reserve, to the intersection of the west line of said lot 69 with said north line thereof; thence southerly along the west line of said lot 69 to the easterly shore of the Niag- ara River; thence at right angles to the shore line of said river at that point, south- erly to the middle line of the east channel of Niagara River, being the boundary between Niagara and Erie counties; thence up the said middle line of said east channel of Niagara River and along said boundary line between said Niagara and Erie counties, to the southerlj' point or angle of said Niagara county, in the middle of said east channel of said Niagara River; thence easterly and northeasterly in the waters of said river along the boundary line between said Erie county and Niagara county, to the place of beginning; shall be known as the city of North Tonawanda. The city, by this act, was divided into three wards, and the village officers became and held over as officers of the new city, as follows : Albert E. McKeen, mayor; Thomas E. Warner (who had been village clerk since 44 346 1886), citj' clerk; John Kaiser. William M. Gillie, Peter D. Hershey, William Nellis, William Ostwald, Frederick F. Wagenschuetz, Leonard Wiedman, and Martin Wurl. aldermen; Hector M. Stocum, treasurer; James F. Davison, superintendent of pub- lic works; Stillman C. Woodruff, superintendent of water works; Augustus F. Premus, citj- attorney. John Kaiser was elected the first president of the Common Council. A special election was held June 8, 1897, ^^r the purpose of electing supervisors, and resulted as follows; First ward, Charles H. Kohler ; second ward. Conrad J. Winter; third ward, John H. Bollier. The city is provided with well organized police, fire, and health de- partments, the mayor being president of the latter. The police depart- ment is under the control of three commissioners, appointed by the mayor, the first (1897) incumbents being Lewis E. Allen (president), George McBean, and John Mahar. The chief is John Ryan, who has under him one sergeant and six patrolmen. The fire department was organized abcut twenty years ago, the first company being Columbia Hook & Ladder Co., which is still in exist- ence ; there are seven other companies, viz.: Rescue Fire Co. (stationed in Martinsville), Alert Hose Co , Active Hose Co., Hydrant Hose Co., Live Hose Co., Gratwick Hose Co. (in Gratwick), and Sweeney Hose Co. The chief is Louis J Wattengel. The water system originated with the Tonawanda City Water Works Company, which was incorporated in 1885 with a capital of $50,000. The works were located on Tonawanda Island, and water was obtained by the Holly system from the Niagara River. The company supplied both Tonawanda and North Tonawanda, but the former finally built a plant of its own. About 1894 the village of North Tonawanda pur- chased these works at a cost of $275,000, and the city now operates it through its Board of Public Works. Public improvements, such as the laying of pavements and sewers, were commenced by the village about 1889, and up to the present time about $150,000 have been expended for the former and $161,000 for the latter. The Standard Gas Company was incorporated August 21, 1888, with a capital of $25,000, for producing and piping natural gas, which is ob- tained at Getzville in Erie county. George P. Smith is president. The Tonawanda Lighting and Power Company was incorporated COL. LbWlS S. PAYNE. 347 February 23, 1897, with a capital of $150,000, and is the successor of the Tonawanda and VVheatfield Electric Light Company, which was organized in 1890 The company supplies both Tonawanda and North Tonawanda, and operates in all about 290 arc and 2,400 incandescent lamps. Frank M. Gordon is local manager. The Tonawanda Street Railroad Company was incorporated in 1891 with a capital of $50,000. George P. Smith is president. Besides this the city is connected with Buffalo and Niagara Falls by electric lines, and with Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and Lockport by the New York Cen- tral and Erie Railroads. Much of the early history of North Tonawanda has been detailed in preceding pages of this chapter, and the reader has doubtless observed that no marked impetus was inaugurated until about 1875. The Swee- ney and Vandervoort families were the first resident owners of land in the old village limits. James Sweeney bought farm lots 81 and 82 June 14, 1824, and later conveyed a one-third interest to his brother, Col. John Sweeney, and one-third to George Goundry, an uncle of the latter's first wife. William Vandervoort, a brother in-law of James Sweeney, bought farm lot 80 June 7, 1826. These three lots comprise three-fourths of the old corporate limits. As stated, development and settlement were slow until recent years, when an impetus was inaugu- rated that afforded an unprecedented growth and marked North Tona- wanda as one of the most enterprising cities in the State. One of the first to effectually promote the business and shipping interests of the place was Col. Lewis S. Payne, who settled in this town in 1841. In 1845 h^ engaged in the lumber business and in 1847 erected the first steam saw mill here. He was a lieutenant-colonel in the Rebellion, served as county clerk, assemblyman, and State senator, and was long one of the most enterprising of citizens. Beginning within a few years after the completion of the Erie Canal and continuing to the present time. North Tonawanda has been one of the most important lumber markets of the great lakes. A great many energetic business men, both resident and non-resident, have been as- sociated in this business, whose names even cannot be mentioned here. The rafting of logs from Canada and other lake points was commenced during the war of the Rebellion by Hon. II. P. Smith, but the great 348 lumber business properly dates from 1873. Since then it has grown to enormous proportions. The following tables have been prepared by the Tonawanda Herald: LAKK RECEIPTS. Lumber, feet. Lath, pes. Shingles, pes. 1873—104,909,000 _ 1,258,000 1,112,000 1874—144,754.000 1,506,000 10,822,500 1875—155,384,805 ....6,559,200 13,088,500 1876—207,728,327 6,137,700 18,007,500 1877— 221,897,007. 5,126,000 23,249,400 1878—206,655,122 ....3,629,300 21,435,500 1879—250,699,043 5,606,400 30,022,000 1880—323,370,814 1,249,600 22,920,000 1881—415,070,013---- 282,000 25,271,000 1882—433,241,000 418,000 38,312,000 1883—398,871,853 6,031,850 55,217,000 1884—493,268,223.... 16,367,000 66,185,000 1885—498,631,400 7,652,000 52,004,000 1886—505,425,000 _ 11,883,000 52,825,000 1887—501,237,850 4,076,000 53.435,000 1888—569,522,200 16,617,000 64.903,000 1889—676,017,200 11,506,000 68,712,000 1890 -718,650,900 13,039,600 52,232,300 1891—505,512,000 8,209,800 52,561,000 1892—498,005,000 6,243,245 42,809,300 1893—430,249,000 13,232,600 35,257, 400 1894^06, f,38, 000 8.495,450 31,478,700 1895—421,382,500.. 8,547,000 41,310,650 1896—469,249,500 7,195,350 35,823,200 CANAL SHII'MENTS. Year. Feet, Lumber. 1873 89, 273,285 1874 115,752, 111 1875 120,650,742 1876... 165,545,742 1877 188,400,335 1878 173,085.467 1879 206,442,542 1880 291,000,000 1881 ....328,886,395 1882 326,800,681 1883 324,528,266 1884 ..384,455,535 1885 ..355,230,391 WILLIAM S. LHHON, Jr. 349 Year. Feet, Lumber. 1886 .348,932,815 1887 341,925,473 1888 ....820,149.423 1889.. 350,220,300 1890 893,599,620 1891 293,211,898 1892 ....286,329,300 1893 216,116.532 1894 ....202,110.900 1895 155,886,000 1896 . 185, 550,352 The following is the official schedule of canal and railroad shipments for 1896 : CANAL SHIPMENTS. Lumber, feet 185,580,352 Timber, cubic feet 364,600 Wheat, bushels 25;714 Corn, bushels 500 Oats, bushels 5,000 Apples, barrels 252,292 Domestic spirits, gallons 1,208 Pig iron , pounds .49, 068, 826 All other mdse, pounds.. 4.312,500 Stone, Lime and Clay pounds 45.538,000 Total clearances issued, 2,062 RAILROAD SHIPMENTS. 180G. Tons. N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co ..205,000 N. Y. L. E. & W. R. R. Co 270,187 Lehigh Valley R. R. Co - - 55,000 Following are the condensed reports of the custom house at this port for 1896: MERCHANDISE RECEIVED, 1806. Lumber, feet 304,021, fOO Shingles, pieces 35.123,200 Lath, " - 7.195,350 Posts - 155,687 R. R. Ties -^3.166 Telegraph Poles ---- -.29-* Cross Arms... 133,000 Staves, pieces.. 530,000 350 Cord Wood, cds.. 60 Iron Ore, tons 134,428 Pig Iron " 9,097 Stone 4,770 Coastwise vessels entered 820 " cleared 809 P'oreign vessels entered 51 cleared 33 Total vessels entered _ 871 " cleared 842 Tonnage, Domestic, entered 325,184 cleared 318,503 " Foreign, entered 14,135 " " cleared 9,150 Among the leading lumber firms of North Tonawanda are the follow- ing : Smith, Fassett & Co., Huron Lumber Co., Calkins & Co., Rum- bold & Alliger, Kelsey & Gillespie, James B. Huff, F. A. Myrick, A. K. & W. E. Silverthorne, Rumbold & Bellinger, Dodge & Bliss Co., Oille & McKeen, Robinson Brothers & Co. Ltd., Robertson & Doebler, John Godkin, Thompson Hubman & Fisher, J. & T. Charlton, Merriman & Merriman, Export Lumber Co., Willoughby & Hathaway, W. H. Cooper & Co., Skillings, Whitneys & Barnes, Harrison W. Tyler, Wis- consin Lumber Co., A Weston & Co., W. H. Sawyer Lumber Co., David G. Cooper, Fassett & Bellinger, Frost, Rider & Frost, Monroe & McLean, Cornelius Collins, George H. Damon. Among former lumber concerns were J. S. Bliss & Co., formed in 1 886, whose mill, which was burned recently, was built as a grist mill by John and James Sweeney in 1853; The Tonawanda Lum- ber and Saw Mill Company, incorporated in June, 1891, with a capital of $300,000, which succeeded the Tonawanda Lumber Company, whose predecessor was the New York Lumber and Wood Working Company, which was incorporated by George P. Smith and others in 1885; the Hollister Brothers Company, Ltd., organized in January, 1889, with a capital of $450,000, which on September i, 1890, was in- creased to $600,000; the L. A. Kelsey Lumber Company, organized in 1886, which established the first hardwood lumber trade in North Tona- wanda ; W. E. Marsh & Co., organized about 1888 ; W. H. Kessler & Son, formed in 1887; Plumsteel, Gillespie & Himes, organized in 1890. F. W. BHNTLEY, M. D. 351 A. M, Dodge & Co. began business here in 1883, erected a planing mill in 1885, and were succeeded by the Dodge & Bliss Cc^. The firm of McGraw & Co.. consisting of John McGraw, T. H. Mc- Graw, C. B. Curtis and Ira D. Bennett, was for many years heavy deal- ers in lumber, their yards and docks covering more than six acres of land, with a main dock 400 feet long and two slips of 600 feet each. W. H. Gratwick & Co., about two miles below the city, established an immense lumber interest several years ago. Others connected with this company were Robert S. Fryer, in Albany, under the style of Gratwick, Fryer & Co., and Edward Smith, in Michigan, under the firm name of Smith, Gratwick & Co. These companies owned more than 30,000 acres of Michigan pine lands, where their mills were capable of turning out 28,000,000 feet annually. Their docks had a frontage on the river of 2,000 feet, with every facility for handling and shipping lumber economically. William H. Gratwick came here and established a lumber business in 1870. In 1880 the Gratwick, Smith & Fryer Lumber Company was incorporated. P. W. Ledoux built a sash, door and blind factory about 1876 and Mr. Gratwick erected a planing mill in 1879 J. & T. Charlton's wood working mill was built by Charles Williams. John Charlton came here in 1862 and was soon followed by Thomas. Grand Island was purchased for the white oak timber in 1833 by the East Boston Company for $16,000. A large mill with gang saws was built and Stephen White, the manager of the company, purchased Ton- awanda Island for his home and erected the mansion there. The com- pany did an extensive business until 1837-38. Later William Wilke- son, of Buffalo, became the owner of the island, and from him Smith, Fassett & Co., who had been in the lumber trade since 1872, purchased it in 1882. The island comprises 85 acres, and is one of the largest lumber centers in the world. The W. H. Sawyer Lumber Company was organized in January, 1887. Skillings, Whitneys & Barnes succeeded to the plant of Hall & Buell in June. 1890, and have a dockage of about 1,300 feet on Tona- wanda Island. Robertson & Doebler began business here in 1888 and erected a large planing mill in 1889. These and many other lumber concerns have brought the cit\' of 352 North Tonawanda into the front rank of lumber centers of the world during the past quarter century, and it is safe to say that no place in the country has had a more wonderful and sudden development in this re- spect. With unexcelled harbor facilities, upon which the government has expended thousands of dollars in improvements, and with the great lakes as a feeder and the Erie Canal and numerous railroad lines as out- lets, the city has recently forged ahead with an unusual bound, and enjoys extraordinary prospects for the future. Much of the recent prosperity of the place is due to the efforts of the North Tonawanda Business Men's Association, which was organized in May, 1888, and of which Edward Evans is president While the great lumber business has brought capital and fame to the place, other interests have equally shared in promoting its growth and prosperity, and to the most impor- tant of these the reader's attention is now directed. The Niagara River Iron Company was organized in 1872 with a capital of $400,000. The company purchased real estate at North Tona- wanda to the extent of 165 acres, and in 1873 completed the plant and began operations. The blast furnace was built to turn out fifty tons of pig iron daily, and all of the structures necessary for the business are models of strength and architectural harmony. Early officers of the company were Pascal P. Pratt, president; Josiah Jewett, vice-president; S. S. Jewett, H. H. Glenny, George B. Hays, F, L. Danforth and B F. Felton, trustees. This company was finally succeeded by the Tona- wanda Iron and Steel Company, which tore down the old stack and erected a modern furnace at a cost of $250,000, and which subsequently doubled the capacity of its plant. William A. Rogers is president of the company. The Armitage-Herschell Company had its inception in a small brass and iron foundry established by James Armitage and Allan and George C. Herschell about 1872. Their shop was burned in 1874, rebuilt, and again burned in 1875. Afterward the present site was secured on Oli- ver street, and the manufacture of engines, boilers, and machinery was conducted on a large scale. In 1887 they added the manufacture of steam riding galleries, or "merry- go rounds," which has become a leading industry of the Lumber City and the largest of the kind in the country. James Armitage is president ; Allan Herschell, vice- president ; and George C. Herschell, treasurer. ii^ T. P. C. BARNARD, M. D. 353 The flouring mill of McDonald & Kbersole was started by C. C. Grove and L. D. Ebersole in 1883. The capacity is over 200 barrels per day. PVanklin Getz established his present feed mill in North Tona- wanda in 1883, coming here from Getzville, Erie county. The carriage and wagon works of Mclntyre & Miller were started in 1876 The Tonawanda grain elevator, of which Louis Pick is pro- prietor, was erected in 1882 by L. G Fuller. The Niagara brewery was started by George Zent in 1867, and early in 1883 passed into the possession of the Niagara River Brewing Company, who in June, 1892, were succeeded by the Bush Brewing Company. The first permanent banking business was founded by Edward Evans on June i, 1872. He was succeeded May i, 1877, by the firm of Evans, Schwinger & Co., with James H. De Graff, president; Edward Evans, vice-president; William McLaren, cashier. This concern was followed by the State Bank, which was organized May i, 1883, with a paid up capital of $100,000, and with James A. De Graff", president; Edward Evans, vice president ; Benjamin L. Rand, cashier. The pres- ent capital, undivided profits, and surplus is about $165,000, and the officers are J, H. De Grafif, president ; C. Schwinger, vice-president ; Benjamin L. Rand, cashier. The Lumber Exchange Bank was organized May i, 1886, with a capital of $ioo,ooo; Edward Evans, president; Joshua S. Bliss, vice- president; James H. Rand, cashier. In 1889 the capital was doubled, and in 1890 Mr. Evans was succeeded as president by James S.Thomp- son. The bank discontinued business in April, 1897. George F. Rand started a private banking business in 1890. James H. Rand established his present private bank in 1894. Frederick Robertson & Co. began a private banking business in 1897. The various journalistic enterprises have been so intimately identified with both Tonawanda and North Tonawanda that it seems advisable to mention them briefly here. The first in the field was the Tonawanda Commercial, which was started by S. Hoyt on May 2, 1850, and lived a little more than a year. In September, 1853, S. S. Packard began the publication of the Niagara River Pilot, which was sold by him in 1855 to S. O. Ilayward, who started the Niagara Frontitr in Novem- 45 354 ber, 1857, and, after an absence, the Enterprise, which was continued till about 1 89 1. The Tonawanda Herald was started July 19, 1875, by Jay Densmore, who a year or two later was succeeded by Warren & O'Regan. On October 14, 1877, Thomas M. Chapman bought out John O'Regan and in 1880 George Warren sold his interest to Thomas E. Warner; since then the firm has been Chapman & Warner. During six months in 1890 a daily edition was published; otherwise the paper has been suc- cessfully continued as an able, influential Democratic weekly. Thomas M. Chapman, of the firm of Chapman & Warner, editors and publishers of the Tonawanda Herald, of North Tonawanda, is the son of Thomas and Margaret Chapman, and was born in Oueenston, Canada, November 17, 1844. His father was a native of Hull, England. Mr. Chapman moved with his parents to St Catharines, Ontario, where he received an academic education under Rev. T. D. Phillips. When six- teen he was apprenticed to the printer's trade, which he learned thor- oughly. In 1877 he came to North Tonawanda, and on October 14 of that year purchased the interest of John O'Regan in the Tonawanda Herald, thus becoming a partner with George Warren in the publica- of that paper. In 1880 Mr. Warren sold his interest to Thomas E. Warner, and since then the firm has been Chapman & Warner. Mr. Chapman is one of the oldest and ablest editors in Niagara county, and during a successful journalistic career has always stood in the front rank of his profession. He is a terse, ready writer, a good judge of litera- ture, and an enterprising, public spirited citizen. In politics he has always been a prominent Democrat. He was deputy collector of cus- toms four years and clerk of the village of North Tonawanda three years, and is a member of Niagara River Lodge, No. 527, I. O. O. F., and other social and fraternal organizations. January 27, 1870, he married Cecelia J., daughter of the late James Stephenson, of Canan- daigua, N. Y., and they have two children, James Alfred and Alice M. Thomas E. Warner, of the firm of Chapman & Warner, publishers of the Tonawanda Herald, and the first clerk of the city of North Tona- wanda, is the son of Hon Ulysses Warner and Eliza Ann Jones, his wife, and was born in Orleans, Ontario county, N. Y., March 23, 1844. His father was member of assembly in 1858 and 1859, served as justice THOMAS M. CHAPMAN. THOMAS H. WARNHR. 355 of the peace for many years, and was a prominent and influential citi- zen. Mr. Warner was educated in the common schools of his native town. At the age of sixteen he was apprenticed to the printer's trade in the office of the Geneva Gazette, where he remained three years. Afterward he spent some time as a journeyman, principally in Detroit, Chicago and New York, and while in the latter city was one of four or five compositors who put into type the first dispatch that came over the second Atlantic cable. He was also warden of the Jersey City (N, J.) Charity Hospital for four years. In 1880 he came to North Tona- wanda and purchased George Warren's interest in the Tonawanda Herald, with which he has since been connected under the firm name of Chapman & Warner. He is an able writer, a man of energy and ability, and one of the most public spirited of citizens. He served as village clerk of North Tonawanda from 1886 until it became a city, when he became the first city clerk, which office he now holds. He is a past master of Tonawanda Lodge, No. 247, F. and A. M., and the present high priest of Tonawanda Chapter, No. 278, R. A. M. The Daily News, of North Tonawanda, was commenced about 1880 by George S. Hobbie, who had been employed in the ofiice of the Index, which was started in 1875 by J. A. L. Fisher. The News was originally a diminutive two-column sheet. George W. Tong became a partner in 1884, and soon changed it to a weekly, taking the name of the Standard, which was leased to J. W. Works in 1886. In 1887 Mr. Works resumed the publication of the Daily News, having as a partner his brother Arthur. Other owners following them were Hepworth & Lane, George P. Smith, and M. J. Dillon, who sold it on December 4, 1894, to Harlan W. and Walter S Brush; the News Publishing Com- pany was incorporated in May, 1895, with a capital of $12,000, and with H. W. Brush, president, and W. S. Brush, secretary and treasurer. A weekly edition was added April i, 1897. Harlan W. Brush, president of the News Publishing Company of North Tonawanda, is a son of James A. and Amelia A. (McCall) Ikush and was bornin Nelson, Portage count}', O., May 27,1865. Hesoon moved with his parents to Alliance, Ohio, where he attended the public schools and Mount Union College, which he left at the age of fifteen on account of his father's death. He spent one year in the office of the Alliance 356 Weekly Standard learning the printer's trade, which he finished with F. W. Lordan, a job printer of that place. In December, 1884, he pur- chased Mr. Lordan's establishment, and in 1887 also bought the Stand- ard, and combined the two plants. In 1888 he added the Alliance Weekly Review and consolidated the two papers under the names of the Daily Review and Weekly Standard, forming a stock company, of which he was the manager and has since been the principal stock- holder. In 1894 he came to North Tonawanda, and with his brother, Walter S., purchased the Daily News. In May, 1895, the News Publishing Company was incorporated with a capital of $12,000, and Mr. Brush has since been its president. Mr. Brush has always been active in poli- tics, as a Republican, and was president of the first McKinley club ever organized (1887) — this was in McKinley's own county (Stark) in Ohio. As a journalist he is progressive and enterprising, and has been emin- ently successful in this profession. He has made the News one of the liveliest and best dailies in the county. Walter S. Brush, secretary and treasurer of the News Publishing Company, of North Tonawanda, is a younger son of James A. and Amelia A. (McCall) Brush, and was born in Alliance, Ohio, September 25, 1868. He was educated in the Alliance public schools and Mount Union College, was for two years a clerk for the Solid Steel Company of his native city, and then took a course of short hand in Oswego, N. Y. He became chief clerk in the train master's office of the West Shore Railroad in Syracuse and later bookkeeper and manager of the Minne- apolis branch of the Hall Safe and Lock Company. In 1894 he came to North Tonawanda, and with his brother, Harlan W., purchased the Daily News, of which he has since been the secretary and treasurer. Mr. Brush is an efficient business manager, as the prosperous condition of the News shows. The North Tonawanda Cemetery Association was incorporated in 1868 with Hiram Newell (president), Benjamin J. Felton, Garwood L. Judd, Selden G. Johnson, Franklin Warren, and John Simpson, trustees. The first bridge over Tonawanda Creek in the village was erected chiefly for military purposes soon after 1800. It was a temporary structure and soon went to ruin. Passage of the stream was then made by ferry until 1824, when a toll bridge was built under a legislative char- HARLAN W. BRUSH, WALTER S. BRUSH. 357 ter, which gave it an existence of twenty-one years. Prior to the ex- piration of the charter the shares were bought by the Buffalo and Niagara F'alls Raihoad Company, which rcbuih the bridge to accom- modate its tracks. When the charter expired the bridge became a county and town charge. The third structure was built by Niagara and Erie counties and stood until 1875 when the present one was erected. In 1 89 1 another iron bridge was built across the Tonawanda Creek to connect Delaware and Main streets, and still another was erected over Ellicott Creek on Delaware street. Within recent years a number of land enterprises have been inaugu- ated in North Tonawanda, giving the city an impetus commensurate with its business growth and development. The fronton addition was rcplatted and placed on the market in 1 890; the North Tonawanda Land Company was incorporated in June, 189 1, with a capital of $100,000. One of the moving spirits in each of these incorporations was George P. Smith. At this point mention should be made of a number of business men and residents of North Tonawanda, past and present, who have been instrumental in developing the resources of the city and imparting to it that degree of prosperity which has brought it into prominence through- out the country. Among these are: John Schulmeister, Lehon & Warren, A. & E. M. Krauss, L. G. Stanley, Dr. C. C. Smith, Nice & Hinkey, William J. Kage, M. F. and G. F. Myers, (who succeeded G. L. Faulkner in the coal business in 1890), John O. Ball, John T. and William Bush, W. W. Thayer (afterward governor of Oregon), B. H. Long, Hon. Garwood L. Judd, Lewis T. Payne, Frederick Sommer, Dr. R. G. Wright, Dr. W. L. Allen, Dr. W. V. R. Blighton, Levant R. Vandervoort, George P. Smith, A. F. Premus, James S. Thompson, J. H. De Graff, James Sweeney, jr., Frank Batt, Benjamin F. Felton, William Tompkins, Albert Dornfeld (postmaster), George O. Miller, Henry Ho- meyer, C. F. Goerss, Thomas H. TuUey, John T. Hepworth, Edward C. Praker, August M Wendt, James H. Rand, Albert E. McKeen, Fred F. Wagenschuetz Sc Co., Mundie & McCoy, Charles Hageu, William Allen, Edward Evans, Hon. Henry E. Warner, John E. Oelkers, John P. Christgau, Batt, Kopp & Co. (manufacturers of church and school furniture), John H. BoUier, L. G. Fuller, Gillie, Godard & Co. (manufacturers of steam riding galleries), August H. Miller, C. F. Oelkers, Christian Schulmeister. Among other prominent citizens of the town of VVheatfield may he mentioned : Edward A. Milliman, William Krull, Frederick and Martin Kopp, William Boeu- 358 ing, William Fritz, Frederick Wurl, William Mauth, Gottlieb Walck, William Beutel, James Briggs, L. B. BuUard, John Chadrick, William Deglow, William Devantier, Frederick Gentz, F. D. and B. A. Habecker, Henry Hall, Peter Heim, Dennis G. Hoover, Martin Klemer, Ferdinand Lang, William Lehon, William Mavis, Oliver and John Miller, William Pfuhl, Christ Radlaff, Charles Rogge, George Schenck, Joseph Schenck, William Schmidt, John H. and William Schnell, Henry Treichler, William Vandervoort, Henry F. Wagner, Albert and August Walk, Christopher Walk, Gottlieb Walk, William Watt, Fred Weinheimer, William Wendt, August and Charles Werth, Chauncey Wichterman, August and Gustav H. Williams, Will- iam Williams, George M. Warren, Christian George KruU, J. D. Loveland, Daniel vSy, William Clark, Martin Reisterer, Calvin Jacobs, J. S. Tompkins, Thomas Col- lins, Daniel Treichler, Harvey Miller. More extended notices of some of these and many others appear in Part III of this volume. Schools and religious services were among the first institutions to be inaugurated by the early settlers. The history of the beginnings of the former, however, is meagre. The first school in the north part of the town was taught by Ira Benedict in 1826, while the pioneers in the south part evidently sent their children over into Erie county, a school having been started there, near the creek, as early as 18 16. In 1836, soon after the formation of the town, Wheatfield was conveniently divided into school districts, which in i860 numbered seven ; the pres- ent number is eight. In 1866 a portion of the Union School building in North Tonawanda was erected ; this is a fine brick structure, known as the Goundry Street school, and was rebuilt in 1882, bonds to the amount of $14,500 being issued for the purpose. There are three other substantial brick school houses in the city, viz., the Ironton School, erected in 1889, and the Pine Woods and Gratwick Schools, built in 1892 ; the former cost $15,000 and the latter two $20,000 each. One of the most successful teachers and superintendents was Prof Alexan- der D. Filer, who came to North Tonawanda from Middleport in 1881 and remained until his death, about 189 1, being succeeded by Prof. Clinton S. Marsh, the present incumbent. The principal of the High School is F. J. Beardsley. Benjamin F. Felton has been connected with the Board of Education since 1876 and has served as its president since 1877; James H. Rand has officiated as clerk since 1882. Religious services were held in this section as early as 1816-20, when Rev. John Foster was a preacher on the Tonawanda circuit, but BtNJAMlN F. FHLTON, 359 no church was organized until many years later. Some of the earlier churches of the town have already been mentioned. The inhabitants of Tonawanda worshiped for some time in a union church which was erected about 1830, on a lot on South Canal street donated by A. H. Tracy. The First Methodist Episcopal Church of North Tonawanda was built in 1842, on the corner of Main and Tremont streets. One of the prime movers in this as well as in the original movement was John Simson, who on July 4. 1867. presented the lot, edifice, etc., to the society free of debt. The present church was completed in 1882. A Baptist church was organized about 1852, but a few years later succumbed for lack of support. The First Baptist church of North Tonawanda was organized September 6, 1885, with eighteen members, and in 1887-88 an edifice was erected on Vandervoort street at a cost of about $8,000. St. Mark's Episcopal church, organized February 17, 1869, is noticed in the chapter devoted to Lockport. St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran church, of North Tonawanda, was organized October 31, 1887. by Rev. H. Kaufman, who also instituted a parochial school in connection therewith. The church was built about 1888. The Church of Christ of North Tonawanda was organized in 1888, and the next year an edifice was built on the corner of Christiana street and Payne's avenue ; with the lot it cost about $12,000. The Church of the Ascension (Roman Catholic), of North Tonawan- da, was organized by Rev. Father Bustin in 1888, and a church and parsonage were erected soon afterward. The present pastor is Rev. Patrick Cronin. St. Matthew's German Evangelical Lutheran church, on the corner of W'heatfield and Bryan streets, was built in 1 888-90, the church or- ganization being effected in January, 1890. The first pastor was Rev. W. C. Koch. Connected with the church is a flourishing parochial school. The Evangelical Frieden's church was organized by Rev. Paul Ditt- man in 1889, and an edifice was built the same year on the corner of Schcnck and X'^andervoort streets at a cost of $S,ooo. 36o The North Presbyterian church was organized April 30, 1891, with seventy-five members, and purchased the building erected by the Ger- man Methodists in 1887. The Central Methodist church on Oliver street near Fifth avenue, North Tonawanda, was built about 1893. The Young Men's Christian Association of North Tonawanda was organized largely through the influence of the late Rev. I. P. Smith in December, 1886. In 1892 a handsome brick building was erected on the corner of Main and Treraont streets. One of the principals in fos- tering this institution was Dr. F. M. Hayes, the first president. There are two churches of the Lutheran faith in Martinsville, viz., St. Martin's, erected in 1846, and St. Paul's, built in 1861. Connected with each church is a flourishing parochial school. CHAPTER XXHI.i THE BENCH AND BAR OF NIAGARA COUNTY. The old county of Niagara which then included Erie, was organized March 11, 1808, and judicial jurisdiction extended over the whole of that territory until Erie county was set off in 1 821, taking with it the county organization, and leaving Niagara with little else than the orig- inal name. The county seat of the old county was in Buffalo, and there the first courts in Western New York were held, none having been held prior to that time west of Batavia ; the opening of the first term in Buffalo was, therefore, an event of considerable importance and interest. It was held in the public house of Joseph Landon, which stood on inner lot No. i. on the south side of what is now Exchange street. Augustus Porter, of Niagara Falls, was first judge, and Erastus Granger, of Buffalo, was one of the puisne judges. Judge Porter was succeeded by Samuel Tupper in 18 12, and he by William Hotchkiss, of Lewiston, in 18 18. Samuel Wilkeson was chosen in November, 1820, 1 Prepared under the supervision of Hon. David Millar. UAVIL) MILLAR. 36i and held the office at the time of the division of the county, when he was succeeded by Silas Hopkins, of Lewiston. There were few lawyers in Niagara county before the war of 1812, and nearly or quite all of these were located in Bufifalo. Ebenezer Walden, Jonas Harrison, John Root, Heman B. Potter, and Jonathan E. Chaplin constituted the bar of Buffalo in 181 2. There were only seven lawyers in Lockport as late as 1823. They were John Birdsall, Hiram Gardner, J. F. Mason, Elias Ransom, Harvey Leonard, Zina H. Colvin and Theodore Chapin. There were only thirteen lawyers in Buffalo when the county was divided in 1821. The first court house erected for the original county of Niagara was built by the Holland Company in 1 806-9 It was a frame building and stood in the center of half an acre of land laid out in circular form, the center of the circle being in the middle of what is now Washington street, Buffalo, just east of La Fayette Square, and immediately in front of the site of the new court house. The erection of these build- ings by the Holland Company was made an obligation by the Legisla- ture as a condition of the erection of Niagara county. The building was probably accepted by the judges of the County Court in 18 10, the deed of the lot bearing date November 21 of that year. Even then the building was referred to as "an unfinished wooden court house." A stone jail was also erected by the company, on the east side of Wash- ington street, between what are now Clinton and Eagle streets. When l^uffalo was burned by the British in December, 181 3, the court house went with the other buildings in the village ; but the jail withstood the flames and was afterwards repaired and used for nearly twenty years. The Legislature passed an act in March, 18 16, authorizing the supervisors of old Niagara county to raise $4,000 with which to build a new courthouse. This act was not carried into effect for some reason, and on April 17, 18 16, another act was passed authorizing a loan of $5,000 by the State to the county, for the same purpose, and appoint- ing Samuel Tupper, Joseph Landon, and Jonas Williams, commis- sioners to superintend the construction of the building. Neither of these men was from the present Niagara county. The courthouse was built in 1 8 16, and was in use when the present county of Niagara was erected by the setting off of Erie. 4(3 362 When Niagara county was reduced to its present limits, in 1821, Lewiston was made the county seat, and there the first Circuit Court was held in a stone school house which stood on the academy lot. That building was used for the purpose until 1823, when Lockport was made the county seat. The act creating Niagara county as at present bounded, appointed Lothrop Cooke, sherifif; Silas Hopkins, first judge; James Van Horn and Robert Fleming, judges ; Oliver Grace, clerk. Erasmus Root, Jesse Hawley, and William Britton were appointed commissioners to decide the question of locating a permanent county seat, but before the matter was consummated Mr. Britton died. Mr. Root favored Lewis- ton (or Molyneux's) in Cambria. Mr. Hawley favored Lockport, and as the two could not agree, nothing was then decided. Another com- mission was appointed by the Legislature of 1822, consisting of James McKown, Abraham Keyser, and Junius H. Hatch. In July this com- mission agreed upon Lockport as the county seat. Steps were at once taken to provide a court house by the purchase of two acres of land of William M, Bond, and the building was commenced. It was not com- pleted and ready for use until January, 1825, when the first courts were held within its walls. The settlement of the location of the county seat was not effected without a serious and bitter rivalry between the eastern and western portions of the county. The towns of Lewiston and Niagara worked together, and their efforts resulted in February, 1823, in the appoint- ment of Silas Hopkins, Robert Fleming, Samuel De Veaux, James Van Horn and E. D. Richardson as judges — Hopkins and De Veaux from Niagara, Fleming from Lewiston, Van Horn from Newfane, and Rich- ardson from Cambria. Soon afterward the judges and supervisors met in Lewiston and appointed justices of the peace for the different towns: for Niagara, James Field, Alexander Dickerson, George Rogers, and Jerry S. Jenks ; for Lewiston, Rufus Spaulding, Gideon Frisbie, James Murray, and Asahel Sage ; for Cambria, E. D. Richardson, Andrew Sutherland, John Gould, and Myron Orton, and like numbers whose names are not now obtainable for the other towns. An act of the Legislature passed in 1823 made it the duty of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas to lay out, " in as square form as 363 convenient, gaol limits for said county, in such a manner as to embrace the site for the public buildings as determined by the commissioners appointed by the Legislature in August last, and to remove the said Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace to the house of James McKovvn, in the said village of Lockport." The act contin- tinues : " And be it further enacted, that Nathan Comstock, with Benja- min Barton and Robert Fleming, be, and they are hereby declared, commissioners to superintend and cause to be erected a court house and gaol in said county of Niagara, at the site determined on by James McKown, Abraham Keyser, and Junius H. Hatch." On the 5th of May the County Court officials met in Lewiston to hold court, when it was discovered that the words, "by the first Mon- day of May next," had somehow been interpolated in the act. It is not known who perpetrated this deed. No court could, therefore, be held until the following September. The judges then proceeded to Lockport to lay out the jail limits. The court house completed in 1825 continued in use until the year 1885 when, in response to a demand created by increased business and the insufificiency and incompleteness of the old structure, the Board of Supervisors decided upon the erection of a new county building. The old court house was torn down, and the present jail erected on the site. The land on which the present court house and jail stand was deeded to Niagara county by William M. Bond in 1822. The town of Lockport had not been created, and the town of Cambria adjoined the town of Royalton, the Transit road being the dividing line ; thus the lot lay in the town of Cambria. By the terms of William M. Bond's deed the land could not be sold by the county, and could be used only for county purposes. The so- called "seminary lot," which is the court house site, has a history of itsown. It was for many years the recognized play ground. General Butler visited Lockport in 1872 and was one of the speakers at a large Republican ratification meeting. The speaking was from a platform erected on this lot. There was a great crowd in town, mostly animated by a desire to see " Ben." When he arose to speak a large delegation of boys on the outer edge of the stage almost prevented the general from moving with- out danger of stepping on some of them. This anno\'ance he endured for a time, and then calmly stooped down and began brushing away the 364 intruders with smart slaps freely distributed. The boys fled in dismay from this assault by the hero of New Orleans. The Board of Supervisors on May 7, 1885, awarded William J. Blackley the contract for building the new court house, the contract price being $68,000. In less than a year the structure was finished. It is an imposing example of modern architecture. It is one of the largest and most convenient court rooms in the State, with offices for the county officials excepting the county clerk. The building commit- tee were A. R. Furgason, Alfred Morgan, A. U. Gatchell, H. J Le- land and J. Binkley. On Monday, November 20, 1886, the supervisors took possession of their new room and were the first to transact public business in the building. The formal dedication of the building took place on Decem- ber 13, 1886, when the County Court and Court of Sessions first con- vened there. Hon. Alvah K. Potter, county judge, presided ; Gordon Rowe and Duncan R. Maxwell, justices of sessions, were on the bench. The occasion was one of much interest and importance and a multitude of people from all parts of the county were present. Nearly every member of the bar in Niagara county, many ladies, and the Board of Supervisors in a body were in attendance at the exercises. County Clerk John A. Merritt administered the oath to the grand jury, and after they were sworn Major James Franklin Fitts delivered an appro- priate address, from which extracts are here given. Extempore re- marks were made by ex-Judge Levi F. Bowen and ex-Judge Alfred Holmes, after which Judge Potter delivered the charge to the grand jury. The court then adjourned until afternoon, when the dedicatory exercises were held. From the address then delivered by Major James Franklin Fitts the following extracts are made, which are eminently worthy of permanent preservation in these pages in connection with the history of the courts and bar of the county : Upon the material structure that we thus unostentatiously dedicate we look with exceeding pride and satisfaction. It is at once the outward and visible sign of ag- gregated wealth and prosperity, and the firm pledge of public order and private security. Within its spacious chambers the people's servants find ample means and facilities for their labors. Its massive proportions, its graceful architecture, its soar- ing tower may well represent the strength, the dexterity, the ambition of the people. Surmounting all, we behold the imposing and emblematic figure of that divinity whose rule within these halls has now begun. Too long have we scantly housed 365 here; too long have we been unmindful of shabby exteriors and cramped accommo- dations. But the stride of progress in material things as in ideas is sure, if slow ; and bidding farewell to the old, we greet the new with the fervent hope, that, as the centuries roll on, the scenes here to be enacted may realize the spirit of the poet's aspiration : " I'or Justice — All place a temple, and all seasons summer." The occasion is not at all obituary in its character; but it is impossible to express our sense of the greatness of the work, now happih' accomplished, without some ref- erence to the beginnings and progress of the rule of law in Niagara county. In the 3'ear 1821 this county was reduced to its present territorial limits. Its courts were organized in May of that year. Justice, proverbially blind, and to the popular ap- preciation somewhat lame, was then locally hou.seless and homeless. No county seat had been designated ; no temple, however humble, had been provided. Her first hab- itation was a stone school house on the academy lot in Lewiston, long since demol- ished, but which .some present, besides j^our speaker, may recall as the after scene of their struggles and discipline in the way of knowledge. In this building was held the first Circuit Court of the county, Jonas Piatt being the presiding Judge. In 1823 the first Circuit Court was held in Lockport by Judge Rochester in an up- per room of the Mansion House, on West Main street. In January, 1825, the now venerable building across the way was completed and first occupied by a court. The square of three acres intersected by Niagara street upon which stand both court houses, jail and clerk's office, was conveyed in 1822 by William M. Bond and wife, to the supervisors of Lockport for a nominal consideration of one dollar " for the use of the county of Niagara." Scant was the population, as I have said; the primeval forest was everywhere; the war whoop of the savage and the red coat of the British soldier had but lately vanished ; yet the settlers were enjoying some of the blessings of civilization, the lawj^ers among them. At that early day the bar of the county numbered ten persons. Let the names of those fathers of the local bar be mentioned with reverence at this time; they were John Birdsall, William Hotchkiss, Z. H. Colvin, Bates Cook, J. F. Mason, Elias Ransom, Hiram Gardner, Theodore Chapin, Sebride Dodge, and Harry Leonard. Upon a greater occasion than this, the most illustious of American orators said, " human beings are composed not of reason only, but of imagination also, and sen- timent." Our minds are naturally turned to a brief retrospect of the life of the old temple that we vacate today. We look upon it in all its homeliness and dwarfed proportions, and two generations pass before us. The population of the county has been ten times augmented. Our fathers and our grandfathers have taken the rule of their private and public conduct from what has occurred within it. A long procession of honored and learned public servants has passed from its por- tals into the larger life beyond ; grave contests over life and reputation and property, which have shaken the community, have been there decided. To merely mention memorable names and causes would make my words a mere catalogue; but I cannot forbear to remind you that yonder mouldy walls have witnessed controversies that have pas.sed into national history; have heard from bench and bar the voices now long silent, of men of national repute. Trials have occurred connected with the disappearance of William Morgan which not only agitated the Empire State, but 366 largely affected the national policies of that day. They witnessed the preliminary proceedings in the international questions arising in the case of the people against Alexander McLeod, which in 1841 brought us to the very verge of war with Great Britain. They echoed the words there spoken by William L. Marcy, by John C. Spencer, by Abram Stewart, by Washington Hunt, by Daniel S. Dickinson, by San- ford E. Church. And, therefore, it is that not alone with shining example, but with national history localized, we take the new departure. " Lockport, Niagara county," once remarked the venerable and illustrious John Quincy Adams to a member of this bar. " Why, that is classic ground. There were the Morgan trials, there McLeod was imprisoned, and there you have the combined locks on the Erie canal." In regard to the first Circuit Court held in Lockport in 1823 the fol- lowing taken from an address recently delivered by Hon. John E. Pound, will be of special interest: The judge who presided at that term, his associates on the bench, the sheriff, the clerk, the jurors, the witnesses, and the litigants, all have gone to appear before the higher court from whose judgments there are no appeals. The members of the bar then were John Birdsall, William Hotchkiss, Zina H. Colvin, Bates Cook, John F. Mason, Elias Ransom, Hiram Gardner, Theodore Chapin, Sebridge Dodge, and Harvey Leonard. Of John Birdsall history says in connnection with the building of the locks in the Erie canal at Lockport: "Oratorical John Birdsall stood upon the foundation stone of the locks in 1823, the echo of his voice returning from the sur- rounding wilderness cleft, and announced the commencement, and on the deck of a canal boat at the head of the finished locks October 26, 1825, proclaimed to the as- sembled populace, ' the last barrier is removed.' " He became judge of the Supreme Court and Member of Congress, and held other high positions. William Hotchkiss and Zina H. Colvin became district attorneys: Elias Ransom became district attorney, and he and Hiram Gardner worthily held the office of County Judge, and are still remembered in honor b}' many. John F. Mason was the second county clerk of the county. Bates Cook became comptroller of this State and Member of Congress. Theodore Chapin was justice of the peace and father-in- law of a lawyer named Hart, who amused the boys of his days by wearing high shirt collars which they thought cut his ears. Sebrid'ge Dodge was a great Nimrod. The names of Chapin, Dodge and Leonard do not appear in the civil list, but the success of the seven out of the ten shows that the first bar of Niagara county was composed of able men. What a commentary upon the health, the security, and the prosperity of this county is the fact that neither war, pestilence, nor famine have interrupted the reg- ular terms of its courts. Judges have come and gone, thescenes have been changed, and new lawyers, new suitors, new officers, and new jurors have appeared, but the courts have been regularly held, and the dignity of the law has been maintained. The public have looked on and witnessed the struggles of the j^oung attorneys and rewarded many of them with office ; the proportion of the first bar so rewarded has been kept up, and about seven out of ten have at some period of their lives held pub- lic position. 36; The principle of the sovereignty of the American people over the law of the country, as well as their dominance in other governmental re- respects, had a slow, conservative, yet steadily progressive and system- atic growth. In the colonial times in this State the governor was in effect the maker, interpreter, and enforcer of the laws. He was the chief judge of the court of final resort, while his councillors were usually his obedient followers. The execution of the English and colonial statutes rested with him, as did also the exercise of royal authority in the province ; and it was not until the Revolution that he ceased to contend for these prerogatives and to act as though the only functions of the court and councillors was to do his bidding, while the Legislature should adopt only such laws as the executive should suggest or approve. By the first constitution the governor was stripped of the judicial power which he possessed under colonial rule, and such powers were vested in the lieutenant-governor and the Senate, the chancellor, and the justices of the Supreme Court ; the former to be elected by the people, and the latter to be appointed by the council. Under this constitution took place the first radical separation of the judicial and the legislative pow- ers, and the advancement of the judiciary to the position of a co-ordi- nate department of the government, subject to the limitation consequent upon the appointment of its members by the council. This court, called the Court for the Trial of Impeachments and the Correction of Errors, was continued by the second constitution, adopted in 1821. It was not until the adoption of the constitution of 1846 that the last connection between the purely political and the jutlicial parts of the State government was abolished From this time the judiciary became more representative of the people through the popular election of its members. The development of the idea of the responsibility of the courts to the people, from the time when all of the members were at the beck and nod of one well nigh irresponsible master, to the time when all judges, even of the court of last resort, are voted for by the people, has been very great. Through all of this change there has prevailed the idea of having one ultimate tribunal from whose decisions there can be no appeal. The judicial plan, if that term may be used, in this State, embodies now a trial before a court or a court and jury — arbiters respectively of law and fact ; then a review by a higher 368 tribunal of the facts and the law ; and, ultimately of the law alone by the court of final resort. To accomplish this last purpose there has been established our present Court of Appeals, perfected in its present form by the conventions of 1867, 1868, and 1894, and taking the place of the old Court for the Trial of Impeachments and the Correction of Errors, to the extent of cor- recting^ errors of law. As first organized under the constitution of 1846, the Court of Appeals was composed of eight judges, four of whom were elected by the people and the remainder taken from the justices of the Supreme Court having the shortest time to serve. As organized in 1869, and now existing, the court consists of the chief judge and six as- sociate judges, who hold office for a term of fourteen years from the first day of January next after their election. This court sits in Albany con- tinually, except during recesses and when otherwise prescribed by itself. It has full power to correct or reverse the decisions of all inferior courts when properly before it for review. Five judges constitute a quorum and four must concur to render judgment. If four do not agree the case may be reargued ; but no more than two rehearings can be had, and if then four judges do not concur, the judgment of the court below stands affirmed. The Legislature has provided by statute what, how, and when proceedings of inferior tribunals may be revised in the Court of Appeals, and may in its discretion amend and alter the same. Upon the reorganization of this court in 1869 its work was so far in arrears, that a Commission of Appeals to aid the court was provided for by the constitutional amendment of that year. Still more recently, in 1888, the Legislature adopted a concurrent resolution that section 6 of article 6 of the constitution be amended so that upon the certificate of the Court of Appeals to the governor of such an accumulation of causes on the calendar of the Court of Appeals that the public interests required a more speedy disposition thereof, the governor may designate seven jus- tices of the Supreme Court to act as associate judges, for the time being, of the Court of Appeals, thus constituting a second division of that court, to be dissolved by the governor when the necessity for its services ceased. Such a division of the Court of Appeals was organized and began its session March 5, 1889. It completed its work and was dis- solved in October, 1892. No citizen of Niagara county has held the 369 office of judge of the Court of Appeals, except that Levi F. Bowen, while a justice of the Supreme Court acted ex-officio as judge of the Court of Appeals from January, 1857, to January, 1858. Second to the Court of Appeals in rank stands the Supreme Court. It was originally created by an act of the Colonial Legislature May 6, 169 1, and finally fully established by ordinance of the governor and council May 15. 1699, empowered to try all issues to the same extent as the English Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, except the exercise of equity powers. It had jurisdiction in actions in- volving $100 or over, and to revise and correct decisions of inferior courts. Appeal lay from it to the governor and council. There were originally five judges, who annually made a circuit of the counties under commission giving them nisi prius, oyer and terminer, and jail delivery powers. Under the first constitution this court was reorganized, the judges being then appointed by the council of appointment. All pro- ceedings were directed to be entitled in the name of the people, instead of that of the king. By the constitution of 1821 many and important changes were made in the character and methods of this court. The judges were reduced in number to three and were to be appointed by the governor, with con- sent of the Senate, to hold office during good behavior, or until sixty years of age. They were removable by the Legislature when two- thirds of the Assembly and a majority of the Senate so voted. Four times each year the full court sat in review of their decisions upon questions of law. By the constitution of 1846 the Supreme Court, as it then ex- isted, was abolished and a new court with the same title and having general jurisdiction in law and equity, was established in its place. This court was divided into General Terms, Circuits, Special Terms and Courts of Oyer and Terminer. Its members were composed of thirty- three justices to be elected by the people and to reside, five in the first, and four in each of the other seven judicial districts into which the State was divided. By the judiciary act of 1847 General Terms were to be held at least once in each year in counties having more than 40,- 000 inhabitants, and in other counties at least once in each two years; and at least two Special Terms and two Circuit Courts were to be held yearly in each county, excepting Hamilton. By this act the court was 47 370 authorized to name the time and place of holding its terms and those of Oyer and Terminer; the latter being held by a justice of the Supreme Court and two justices of sessions. Since 1882 the courts of Oyer and Terminer have been held by a single justice of the Supreme Court. One of the old courts, the powers of which have been vested in the Supreme Court, is the Court of Chancery, an heirloom of the colonial period, which had its origin in the Court of Assizes, the latter being in- vested with equity powers under the Duke's laws. The court was established in 1683, and the governor, or such person as he should ap- point, was chancellor, assisted by the council. In 1698 this court went out of existence by limitation ; was revived by ordinance in 1701 ; sus- pended in 1703 ; and re-established in the next year. At first this court was unpopular in the province, the assembly and the colonists opposing it with the argument that the crown had no authority to estab- lish an equity court in the colony, and they were doubtful of the pro- priety of constituting the governor and council such a court. Under the constitution of 1777 the court was recognized as still in existence, but its chancellor was prohibited from holding any other office, except delegate to Congress on special occasions. In 1778 the court was re- organized. Masters and examiners in chancery were to be appointed by the council of appointment ; registers and clerks by the chancellor. The latter licensed all solicitors and counselors of the court. Under the constitution of 1821 the chancellor was appointed by the governor and held office during good behavior or until sixty years of age. Appeals lay from the chancellor to the Court for Correction of Errors. Under the second constitution equity powers were vested in the circuit judges and their decisions were reviewable on appeal to the chancellor. This was soon changed and general equity jurisdiction devolved upon the chancellor, while the judges alluded to acted as vice-chancellors in their respective circuits. By the radical changes made by the constitution of 1846 the Court of Chancery was aboHshed and its powers, duties and jurisdiction vested in the Supreme Court as before stated. By an act of the Legislature passed in 1848, and entitled "The Code of Procedure," all distinctions between actions at law and suits in equity were abolished so far as com- mencing and conducting them was concerned and one uniform metiiod 3/1 of practice was adopted. Under this act appeals lay to the General Term of the Supreme Court from judgments rendered in mayors', re- corders' and county courts, and from all orders and judgments of a court held by a single justice of the Supreme Court. The judiciary article of the constitution was amended in 1869 au- thorizing the Legislature not oftener than once in five years to provide for the organization of general terms, consisting of a presiding justice and not more than three associates ; but by chapter 408 of the laws of 1870 the then organization of the General Term was abrogated and the State divided into four departments, and provision was made for hold- ing general terms in each. By the same act the governor was directed to designate from among the justices of the Supreme Court a presiding justice and two associates, to constitute a General Term in each de- partment. Under authority of the constitutional amendment adopted in 1882, the Legislature in 1883 divided the State into five judicial de- partments and provided for the election of twelve additional justices, to hold office from the first Monday in June, 1884. Niagara county, with Erie, Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Orleans, Genesee and Wyoming have, since 1847, constituted the Eighth Judicial district of the State. The following have been the only residents of Niagara county who have held positions on the Circuit and Supreme Court bench ; Nathan Dayton, appointed circuit judge February, 1838 ; Levi F. Bowen, elected justice of the Supreme Court, 185- ; George D. La- mont, appointed justice of the Supreme Court in 1868 and elected in 1871. Next in authority to the Supreme Court is the County Court held in and for each county in the State at such times and places as its judges may direct. This court had its origin in the English Court of Ses- sions and, like that court, had at first criminal jurisdiction only. By an act passed in 1663 a Court of Sessions having power to try both civil and criminal causes by jury was directed to be held by three justices of the peace in each of the counties of this province, twice in each year, with an additional term in Albany and two in New York. By the act of 1 69 1 and the decree of 1699 all civil jurisdiction was taken from this court and conferred upon the Court of Common Pleas. By the sweeping changes of the constitution of 1846, provision was made for a 372 County Court in each county of the State, excepting New York, to be held by an officer to be designated the county judge, and to have such jurisdiction as the Legislature might prescribe. Under authority of that constitution, the County Courts have from time to time been given jurisdiction in various classes of actions, which need not be enumerated here, and have also been invested with certain equity powers in the foreclosure of mortgages ; the sale of infants' real estate ; the partition- ing of lands ; admeasuring dower and care of persons and estates of lunatics and habitual drunkards. The judiciary act of 1869 continued the then existing jurisdiction of the County Courts and conferred upon them original jurisdiction in all actions in which the defendants lived within the county and where the damages claimed did not exceed $1,- 000; this sum has since been increased to $2,000. Like the Supreme Court, the County Court now has its civil and its criminal sides. It is in the criminal branch of this court that most minor criminal offenses are disposed of All indictments by the grand jury, excepting for offenses not punishable by death, may be sent to it for trial from the Supreme Court. By the codes of 1848 and 1877, the methods of procedure and practice in it were made to conform as nearly as possible to the practice in the Supreme Court. This was done with the evident design of attracting litigation into these courts, thus relieving the Su- preme Court. In this purpose comparative failure has resulted, liti- gants much preferring the shield and assistance of the broader powers of the higher court. By the judiciary act the term of office of county judges was extended from four to six years. Under the codes the judges can perform some of the duties of a justice of the Supreme Court at chambers. The County Court has appellate jurisdiction over actions arising in justices' courts and courts of special sessions. Appeals lie from the County Court to the appellate division of the Supreme Court. County judges were appointed until 1847, since which year they have been elected. By the constitution of 1894 the jurisdiction of the County Court is continued. By it, also, since December i, 1895, Courts of Sessions, except in the county of New York, were abolished and their jurisdiction transferred to the County Court. Following are the names of the first judges of the Court of Common Pleas and the county judges of the county : 373 First Judges Court of Common Fleas for Niagara 0^//^«/k.— (Appointed by the governor), Silas Hopkins, February 8. 1823; Robert Fleming, April 22 1828; Nathan Dayton, March 13, 1833; Washington Hunt, January 30, 183C; Elias Ransom, Janu- ary 19, 1841; Jonathan L. Woods, April 29, 1846. County Judges. — Hiram Gardner, June, 1837; Levi F. Bowen, 1851, resigned and Elias Ransom appointed December 11, 1852; Alfred Holmes, 18 7; George D. La- mont, 1865, resigned and Hiram Gardner appointed November 19, 1868; Levi F. Bowen, 1874-77; Frank Brundage, 1878-81; Cyrus E. Davis, appointed vice Brun- dage, resigned, January, 1883; Alvah K. Potter, November, 1884-89; David Millar, 1890-95; Charles Hickey, 1896. A Surrogate's Court exists in each of the counties of this State and are now courts of record having a seal. Their special j'urisdiction is the settlement and care of the estates of persons who have died either with or without a will, and of infants. The derivation of the powers and practice of the Surrogate's Court in this State is from the Ec- clesiastical Court of England through a part of the colonial coun- cil which existed during the Dutch rule and exercised its authority in accordance with the Dutch Roman law, the customs of Amsterdam and the law of Aasdom ; the Court of Burgomasters and Scheppens, the Court of Orphan Masters, the Mayor's Court, the Prerogative Court and the Court of Probates. The settlement of estates and the guardianship of orphans, which was at first vested in the director- general and council of New Netherlands, was transferred to the burgo- masters in 1653, and soon after to the orphanmasters. Under the colony the Prerogative Court controlled all matters in relation to the probate of wills and settlement of estates. This power continued until 1692, when by act of Legislature all probates and granting of letters of administration were placed under control of the governor or his dele- gate ; and two freeholders were appointed in each town to take charge of the estates of those dying without a will. Under the Duke's laws this duty had been performed by the constables, overseers, and justices of each town. In 1778 the governor was divested of all this power excepting the appointment of surrogates and it was conferred upon the Court of Probate. Under the first constitution surrogates were appointed by the Council of Appointment; under the second constitu- tion, by the governor, with the approval of the Senate. The constitu- of 1846 abrogated the office in all counties having less than 40,000 population, and conferred its powers and duties upon the county 374 judge. By the code of civil procedure surrogates were invested with all the necessary powers to carry out the equitable and incidental re- quirements of the office. Following are the names of those who have held the office of surrogate of Niagara county: Rufus Spaulding, April 2, 1821; Willard Smith, February 25, 1822; Hiram Gardner, March 31, 1831: Joseph C. Morse, January 30, 1836; 'Henry A. Carter, February 28, 1840; Josiah K. Skinner, February 28. 1844; Thomas M. Webster, 1851; Mortimer M. Southworth. 1855; George W. Bowen, 1859; Henry D. Scripture, 1863; John T. Murray, 1867; Joshua Gaskill, 1871; George P. Ostrander, 1877; William J. Bulger, 1883; Chauncey E. Dunkelberger, appointed, vice Bulger, re- signed, 1888-95. In the year 1896, by vote of the people of the county and under a special act of the Legislature, the office of county judge and of surrogate were merged in one, which is now filled by Hon. Charles Hickey. Previous to the constitution of 1821, modified in 1826, justices of the peace were appointed ; since that date they have been elected. The office and its duties are descended from the English office of the same name, but are much less important here than there, and under the laws of this State are purely the creature of the statute. These courts, though occupying much less of public attention than the higher courts, in fact dispose of by far the greater number of the controversies that courts were established to decide. It is impossible to recall and name the men who have honored themselves by filling the office of justice of the peace satisfactorily in this court, but they are numerous and to be found in every town. Under the act of February 12, 1796, this State was divided into seven districts, over which an assistant attorney-general was appointed by the governor and council to serve during their pleasure. The office of dis- trict attorney was created April 4, 1801, the State being divided into seven districts, as before, but subsequently several new ones were formed. By a law of April, 18 18, each county was constituted a sep- arate district for the purposes of this office During the period of the second constitution district attorneys were appointed by the Court of General Sessions in each county. Following are the names of those who have held this office in Niagara county : Charles G. Olmsted, 1818; Heman B. Potter, 1819; Zina H. Colvin, 1821; Elias Ransom, jr., 1830; William Hotchkiss, 1833; Joseph C. Morse, 1836; Robert H. Stevens, (May) 1836; Jonathan L. Woods, 1839; Alfred Holmes, 1843; Sherburne B. Piper, 1845 and 1847; George D. Lamont, 1850; John L. Buck, 1853; Andrew W. JOSHUA GASKILL. 375 Brazee, 1856; Mortimer M. Southworth, 1859; Frank Brundagc, 1874; Ben J. Hunt- ing, 1877; Eugene M. Ashley, 1880, (re-elected); Daniel E. Brong, 1886; Patrick F. King, 1890; Abner T. Hopkins, 1896. The following is a list as nearly complete as it has been possible to make it of Niagara county attorneys with post-office address and date of their admission to the bar. It was prepared by John E. Pound of Lockport, and will be valuable for future reference: Eugene M. Ashley, Harry I, Benedict, George W. Bowen, William W. Brim, Lockport, January, i88o. " November, 1848. Daniel E. Brong, Myron L. Burrell, Artemas A. Bradley, Nathan M. Clark, Richard Crowley, Charles C. De Lude, S. Wallace Dempsey, Joseph Donelly, C. E. Dunkleberger, Henry M. Davis, Timothy E. Ellsworth, R. A. Feagles, Amos H. Gardner, Joshua Gaskill, L. P. Gordon, ^ Selden E. Graves, William C. Greene, E. C. Hart, Montford C. Holley, Charles Hickey, M. S. Hunting, Abner T. Hopkins, Augustus H. Ivins, Edwin L. Jeffrey, D. El wood Jeffrey, January, 1882. January, 1839. January, 1883. December, i860. September, 1872. January, 1 886. October, 1875. October, 1887. January, 1882. December, 1858. June, 1875. December, i860. May, 1876. March, 1866. April, 1881. April, 1873. October, 1884. May, 1842. April, 1885. June, 1881. October, 1883. Zl^ Patrick F. King, Garrett G. Lansing, George C. Lewis, John H. Leggett, William E. Lochner, John E. Lillis, David Millar, Charles Molyneux, F"red D. Moyer, John T. Murray, John McDonough, Lawrence McParlin, John A. Merritt, Charles L. Nichols, Augustus Morris, George P. Ostrander, William L. Olmsted, Edward G. Parker, Alvah K. Potter, John E. Pound, Cuthbert W. Pound, George W. Pound, Q. G. T. Parker, H. Gardiner Richardson, Washington H. Ransom, Frank A. Ransom, Charles M. Southworth, E. H. Southworth, William W. Storrs, Burt G. Stockwell, Burt A. Smith, J. F'rank Smith, William M. Saraw, Edward J. Taylor, David Tice, E. J. Turner, Lockport, June, 1886. March, 1889. <( May, 1869. << " January, 1887. May, 1842. " October, 1875. " June, 1887. '* January, 1872. June, 1881. October, 1865. " November 18, 1867. June, 1886. " September, 1888. " June, 1889. May, 1867. October 14, 188 i. January, 1888. June, 1883. March, 1880. January, 1884. October, 1889. m October, 1875. October, 1889. June, 1884. Homer J. Upson, Lockport, William H. Vicary, Fred M. Ackerson, Niagara Falls. William E. Carr, " Eugene Gary, '* T. F. C. Clar)^ Frederick Chormann, " Morris Cohn, jr , " Charles E. Cromley, " W. E. Dunlap, F. A. Dudley, " June, 1886. W. Caryl Ely, " May, 1881. H. N. Griffith, hVank H. Innes, " J. G. Kirkpatrick, '• Spencer J. Lawrence, " Wyllys Lyman, " Franklin J. Mackenna, " Andrew C. Morgan, " C. H. Piper, jr., Spencer B. Parker, - " Augustus Thibaudeau, " George M. Tuttle, Carl Tucker, " Harry Van Horn, " W. C. Wallace, B. F. Wallace. Leonard Baldwin, North Tonawanda. Norman B. P'ish, " Edward B. Harrington, " March. 1889. Garwood L. Judd, " Fall of 1850. Charles S. Orton, " Lewis T. Payne, " April, 1886. John K. Patton, Albert R. Smith. Augustus F. Premus, North Tonawanda. 378 P. M. Sullivan, North Tonawanda. H. E. Warner George W. Judson, Lockport, October, 1882. C. W. Laskey, Middleport, June. 1874. G. W. Thompson, " M. H. Clark, Royalton. R. N. Campbell, Suspension Bridge. C. W. Johnson, " May, 1876. George W. Knox, " H. H. Sheldon, W. E. Willey. S. Park Baker, Youngstown. J. Boardman Scovell, Lewiston. PERSONAL SKETCHES.l Washington Hunt was born in Windham, Greene county, N. Y., Au- gust 5, 181 1. His youth and young manhood were passed in his na- tive place, where he obtained the foundation of his education. In 1828 he settled in Lockport and began his life work in the humble capacity of clerk in the general store of Tucker & Bissell. Two years later he determined to adopt the study of law, for which purpose he entered the office of Lot Clark. After his admission to the bar, however, he be- came heavily interested in real estate and other business operations, and never practiced his profession. In 1833 he became a member of the firm of Hunt & Walbridge, who purchased from the Albany Land Company 32,000 acres of land in this county, which was the foundation of a considerable fortune. When only twenty- four years old he was appointed first judge of the county (1836-41) and filled the station with dignity and ability. In 1840 he left the Democratic party on financial issues, joined the Whigs, and was elected to Congress, serving from 1843 to 1849. He was next honored with appointment as comptroller and in 1850 received the Whig nomination for governor, in opposition to Horatio Seymoui, over whom he was elected by a majority of only ' Sketches of ino-st of the living members of the bar of this county will be found in Fart III of this volume. 379 262 in a vote of 428,966. Receiving a renomination at the next term he was defeated by his former opponent. In these various official posi- tions Governor Hunt exhibited characteristics that gave him tiie confi- dence of his fellow citizens and enabled him to perform the duties that devolved upon him with a good measure of success. Governor Hunt died in New York city February 2, 1867. Hiram Gardner was born in Dutchess county, N. Y., February 9, 1800. He carved out his own fortune with his own hands. After pur- suing his academical studies as far as circumstances would permit, in 18 18 he became a student of law in Rensselaerville, where he studied about two years, and removed to New York, where he finished his law course. In 1822, about a year after he began to practice in the lower courts, he was admitted as a practitioner in the Supreme Court. In October of the same year he came to Lockport. The next year he was appointed to the office of justice of the peace, and in his official capacity he took cognizance of nearly all the business transacted in the Court of Common Pleas. In 1825 he was appointed associate judge of the Court of Common Fleas. In 1827 he was appointed Supreme Court commis- sioner, and was admitted as a master in chancery. In 1831 he was ap- pointed surrogate, which office he held for five years, and then resigned it that he might represent his district in the State Legislature, to which position he had already been elected. In 1845 ^^^ was elected a mem- ber of the Constitutional Convention which revised the second and framed the third State constitution. In 1847 he was elected county judge and surrogate ; in 1858 canal commissioner for the term of three years. In the fall of 1868 he was appointed to the office of county judge to supply a vacancy and was elected in November, 1869, to the same position. Judge Gardner was for more than half a century a legal practitioner, and his conspicuous ability and talent were successfully directed to the elevation of the judicial office and of the legal profession. He was not a politician. His ideas of political honor were of the most elevated character, and though holding public offices more than twenty- five years, he never sought official preferment or solicited the vote of any man. Judge Gardner's benevolence, and devotion to the interests and prosperity of Lockport during his fifty years of citizenship, endeared him to the entire community. In the church he was a pillar of strength, 38o reflecting in his life the beauty and power of Christianity. He died at his residence on Niagara street March 13, 1874. George D. Lamont was born in Orleans county, N. Y , in 18 19, and was graduated from Yale College in 1837. ^" the following year he settled in Lockport and began the study of law in the office of J. L. Curtenius. In 1841 he was admitted to the bar, and his energy and ability soon brought him a good practice. His natural qualifications of earnestness in whatever he undertook, keenness of intellect, and breadth of judgment enabled him to take a position in the front rank of his pro- fession. Upon the organization of the Republican party he allied him- self with its interests and ever after upheld its doctrines and supported its candidates for office. His first public office was that of school com- missioner. In 1859 he was elected State senator to fill a vacancy for only thirty days, but in that brief time he found opportunity to dis- tinguish himself and gain a State reputation. In 1862, when President Lincoln created a provisional court for New Orleans, Judge Lamont received the appointment of United States district attorney to hold that court, with very broad jurisdiction. He held the position until the necessity of the court ceased to exist on account of the close of the war and returned to his home. In 1865 he was elected judge of Niagara county, but before the close of a year was appointed a justice of the Supreme Court in his judicial district to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Noah Davis, and in 1871 was elected to that high office for the full term of fourteen years. Alfred Holmes was born in Berne, Albany county, N. Y., August 5, 1804, and at the time of his death was the oldest practitioner at the bar of the Eighth J udicial district of this State. After the death of his father, the widow and children settled in 18 15 on a tract of land a little east of Lockport, where he remained with his brothers clearing and cultivating the farm until April, 1827, when he entered the law office of Elias Ran- som in Lockport as a student and clerk. Admitted to practice in 1832 he was taken as partner by Judge Ransom, and the firm became known as one of the most reputable and successful in the county. In his po- litical affiliations he was a Whig and later a Republican. He served as a master in chancery several years prior to the abolishment of the office in 1840. In 1841 he was elected district attorney, in which office he 38i demonstrated his possession of many of the natural attributes that com- bine to make the successful attorney. In 1857 he was elected judge of the county and served two terms of four years each to the eminent sat- isfaction of the bar and the general good of the county. Only one of the great number of his decisions made during the eight years was re- versed by a higher court. A volume compiled by the .secretary of state giving the results of indictments for violations of criminal law for one year in each county of this State, shows that Niagara led all others in the number of convictions in proportion to the number of indictments. Jolin L. Buck, father of John H. Buck, was long a respected member of the Niagara county bar. He was a native of Reading, Vt., and was born in 1801. After studying law he was admitted to practice in 1825. In 185 I he settled in Lockport, and by his natural and acquired qualifi- cations for his profession he soon gained a large practice. In 1853 he was elected district attorney and filled the office with distinction. He served as a member of the Board of Education twelve years and for sev- eral years was a United States commissioner. His death took place in 1880, while associated with his son, John H. Buck, in law practice. Judge Silas Hopkins, the first to hold the office in Niagara county after Erie was set off", and at the time of his death the oldest living settler in the county, came westward with his father from New Jersey in 1787, driving cattle for sale. He came again on the same business in 1788 and in that year purchased a lot of furs which he carried back to the eastern markets. He settled in what is now the town of Porter in 1802. He served in the militia in the war of 18 12 and held the post of colonel. He was successful as a farmer and administered the office of county judge with integrity and fair ability. His death took place on the home farm about seven miles east of Lewiston, August 26, 1862, at the age of ninety years. He left a son named Silas S., who was also a successful farmer and father of two sons, Willard.of Lewiston, and Silas. Burt Van Horn, is a son of Judge James Van Horn and was born in the town of Newfane, Niagara county, October 28, 1823, His grand- fatlier (also named James) was a native of New Jersey, where his son James was born in 1770. He settled in Newfane in 18 15, was a black- smith, a farmer, and a miller ; he built the first grist mill, which has been described in earlier pages of this volume, and which was burned by the 382 British in 1813. It stood on Eighteen -mile Creek on the site of the Lake Shore mills. He also built the first woolen mill in this county. When Niagara county was organized he was chosen as one of its judges and performed the duties of the office with intelligence and probity. His son, Burt Van Horn, is one of the prominent citizens of the county. Cyrus E. Davis was born at Queenston Heights, August 29, 1827. In 1837 he removed with his father to Lewiston, finished his academic education there, and studied law in the office of S. B. Piper of that vil- lage. In 1847 l^e removed to Buffalo, entered the office of Dyer Till- inghast, and a year later was admitted to the bar. He practiced in Buffalo until 1857, when he removed to Niagara Falls and successfully followed his profession. While he was repeatedly brought forward as a candidate for public office, the strong Republican majority in the county and district almost always prevented the election of a Democrat, however worthy. He was nominated in 1859 fot" the office of district attorney of Niagara county ; in 1861 for member of assembly and again in 1862 and 1863. In 1870 he was nominated and elected, but the Court of Appeals in its construction of the new judiciary article of the constitution, decided that no vacancy existed at the time of election. In 1873 Judge Davis was prominently mentioned for the office of attorney general of the State and in the same year was again nominated for county judge. In 1874 he was supported by many leading journals throughout the State for the nomination for lieutenant-governor, but when the convention assembled and evinced its probable preference for a "liberal" candidate. Judge Davis withdrew his name. In 1878 he received the nomination for Congress and ran largely ahead of his ticket. In June, 1883, he received the appointment of county judge from Presi- dent Cleveland (then governor), and ably filled the position until Janu- ary I, 1884. As a lawyer Judge Davis was an eloquent pleader, a close reasoner, and won many signal victories at the bar. His death took place December 8, 1891. Sherburne B. Piper, who was a graduate of Dartmouth College, studied law and located for the practice of his profession at Lewiston. He was prominent at the bar, a leader in the Democratic party, and three times received the nomination for Congress ; he served a number of years as supervisor, was twice elected to the Legislature and once as district at- 383 torney. He died at Lewiston in 1885 at the age of seventy-seven years. Charles H. Piper, sr., son of Jonathan Piper, was the first and oldest lawyer at Niagara Falls, and was born in Northwoods, N. H., April 2, 1824. He received his education in Lewiston Academy and studied law with his brother, and later in Lockport. He was admitted to practice in 1849 ^"d in the following year settled as the first attorney in Niagara Falls. He married a daughter of Judge T. G. Hulett, and was father of Charles H. Piper, jr., a practicing attorney at the Falls. It is a difficult as well as a delica'e task to recall and relate the rec- ords of the many prominent lawyers who have in times past been mem- bers of the bar of Niagara county, but who are now either deceased or have removed to other places and there continued and increased their enviable reputation. Sketches of some of them have already been given, but aside from these there have been many others whose records it would be most agreeable to recall This we cannot do. We must content ourselves with giving their names. Among them there may be mentioned as at present living not now residing in the county, Hon. George C. Greene, Hon. George W. Cothran, John M. Chipman, Charles K. Robinson, Don A. Porter, Hon. Jacob A Driess, A. A. Boyce, Isaac C. Colton, Edward C. Graves.K^rank M. Ashley, William J. Bulger, Elias Root, W. Byron Sinison, Henry D. Scripture, Alfred S. Trude. Among those who have deceased we recall the names of Luman H. Nichols, Henry K. Hopkins, Samuel Brown, Mark Hopkins, Samuel Wisner, Joseph Centre, Dewitt Chapin, Seth C. Hart, Andrew W. Brazee, William S. Farnell, John S. Williams, Charles Williams, De Forest Porter, Sherburne B. Piper, Horatio J. Stowe, Samuel DeVeaux, Sparrow S. Sage, Joseph C. Morse, Elias Safford, Milton Seaman, Sul- livan Caverno, John B. Heroy, Freeman J. Fithian, Charles D. Metz, Frank A. Ransom, Robert H. Stevens, Albert Stevens, Homer H. Stewart, Alvin C. Bradley, John H. Buck, R. Hudson Bond, James F". Fitts, Lafayette Chaffee, Schuyler Reynolds, Sylvester Parsons, Volney Simson, Ben J. Hunting, S. Cady Murray. Sheriffs. — Sheriffs during the colonial period were appointed an- nually, in the month of October, unless otherwise provided. Under the 384 first constitution they were appointed annually by the Council of Ap- pointment, and no person could hold the office more than four succes- sive years ; neither could a sherifif hold any other office, and he must be a freeholder in his county. Since the constitution of 1821 went into effect, sheriffs have been elected for three years, and are ineligible for the next succeeding term. The following persons have held this office in Niagara county: Asa Ransom 1808; Samuel Pratt, jr., 1810; Asa Ransom, 1811 ; Nathaniel Sill, 1813; Cyrenius Chapin, (March 26) 1813; Asa Ransom, 1814; James Cronk, 1818; Al- mond H. Millard, 1821 ; Eli Bruce, 1825 (removed September 26, 1827, and new election ordered); John Phillips, 1827 ; Hiram McNeil, 1830; George Rynall, 1833 ; Tamerlane T. Roberts, 1836; Theodore Stone, 1839; James A. Cooper, 1842; Frank Spaulding, 1845; Alvah Hill, 1848; Elisha Clapp (appointed vice Hill de- ceased), 1851; Chester F. Shelley, 1854; Benjamin Farley, 1857; George Swain, I860; James D. Ames, 18G3; Alfred Ransom, 1866; Oscar E. Mann, 1869; Norman O. Allen, 1872; Joseph Batten, 1875; S. Clark Lewis, 1878; Thomas Stainthorpe, 1881; George W. Batten, 1884; Albert H. Pickard, 1887; Nathan D. Ensign, 1891; Patrick H. Tuohey, 1894; John F. Kinney, 1897. CHAPTER XXIV. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION IN NIAGARA COUNTY AND OF THE NIAGARA COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. Pkktared under the EmroKiAL Supervision of John Foote, M. D. , By Eugene N. S. Ringueberg, M. D. We who live in the midst of the conveniences of modern civilization can have but a faint and shadowy conception of the hardships and pri- vations endured by the early pioneers, and what hardihood, strength of character, and self reliance, was required of those who went off by them- selves to literally, as well as figuratively, hew out their fortunes from the heart of the primeval forest ; with nothing to depend upon but a robust constitution and a reserve of indominatable courage and resolution ; with no human sound save the ringing echo of their axe cast back from some distant hillside, they had no friendly aid of a helping hand in time of need or of a physician in time of sickness. 385 I'^ollowing soon after came the pioneer physician whose practice ex- tended over wide ranges of wood and field, with here and there a settler's cabin, or commencinggrouping of houses, which, if they exceeded a half dozen, acquired the dignity of being called settlements, and still farther apart, embryo villages. In those days nearly all of his calls were made on horseback, for most places were not easily accessible in any other way ; and often he would start out to go twenty, thirty, or even forty miles distant on some urgent call to relieve suffering, possibly to be gone several days from home before he had made his round ; stumbling over cordoroy roads, picking his way through trackless forest, fording streams and climbing up and down hill in the mean time, and partaking of whatever fare that might be offered at his stopping places. And as to his remuneration in reward for his skill and the hardships undergone, we can only surmise as to that from the nature of manj' of the things which were current in lieu of money in those days, and his credits in his cash book — if he kept one — were probably as often for a portion of corn or some other product of the soil or for some staple fur, as for cash. Of course should we choose to go further back still — back to the time before the advent of the earliest white pioneer — we would find as physi- cian here the Indian medicine man, with his masks and gourd rattles to frii^hten away the evil sjiirit or devil who was supposed to possess the body of the patient. But besides this they possessed some knowledge of simple herbs and rude surgery. In regard to the Indian Medicine men and Indian knowledge of medicine, we find it recorded^ that one settler's family who were sick with the influenza were greatly relieved by Indians and stjuaws coming to their house and giving them an " Indian sweat," and that they dug holes in the earth, put in hot stones, poured water over them, and placed the patients under the influence of the steam by covering them over with blankets and giving them warm drinks. Of the Indian doctors who practiced among the whites as well as Indians at a later date were Dr. Patterson; and following him came Dr. ' History Hollaiul I'urchase. p. .51!(. 49 386 Hewitt, a half breed, who attained considerable reputation for medical skill and was called to go long distances all over the country. Dr. Foote says of him that though he was not a regularly educated physician, that he had considerable knowledge of drugs, their properties and applica- tion. The first settled physician of the Holland Purchase, of which Niag- ara county was a part, was Dr. McCracken, who located on what is known as McCracken's Flats, two miles west of Batavia (probably somewhere near 1 800). Who was the first physician to settle within that territory which we now know as Niagara county we have been unable to determine; the earliest being probably somewhere along the frontier, Youngstown (Fort Niagara) or Lewiston. Before that time there were, of course, the military surgeons stationed at the fort from time to time, but their residence was merely a temporary one, depending upon the company to which they were attached. Of these Dr. Joseph West is of special note as having remained there from 1805 to 18 14, and his family remained in the county after his death. According to Reuben Wilson,' of the town of Wilson, the pioneer of that place in 18 10, the physicians of that section were Dr. Alvord and Dr. Smith, both of Lewiston. Dr. Alvord was killed three years later in the massacre at Lewiston by the British and Indians on December 19, 18 1 3. He also notes that a school was organized in 181 5 with Dr. Warner, a Scotchman, who was also a practicing physician, as teacher. In Lockport the first physician of whom note is to be found was Dr. J. K. Skinner, of Lowertown, Lockport ; the other early physicians were Drs. Isaac W. Smith, Webb, Stephen W. Potter, Lloyd Smith, Martin Johnson, George W. Palmer and Henry Maxwell. In Middleport Dr. Packard was the pioneer, followed a little later by Dr. Hurd. Dr. David Dunn was the first physician at Slayton's Settlement in the town of Royalton. NIAGARA COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. At the annual meeting of June i, 1852, Dr. Henry Maxwell was ap- pointed a committee to write a history of the Niagara County Medical ' History of Holland Purchase bv O. Turner. 3^7 Society, to report at the next semi-annual meeting. Reported January 7. 1853- The society was organized at Lewiston. in June, 1823, two years after the final division of the old county, under the name of the Niag- ara County Medical Society. Its organization at that time was due largely to the efforts of Almon H. Millard, esq., the then sheriff of the county, who conceived the idea of summoning all the physicians to convene at the holding of court on the first Tuesday in June of that year. Those persons at that time in response to the call were : Willard Smith, Myron Orton, Lloyd Smith, Henry Maxwell, John Warner, Stephen M. Potter, Darius Shaw, Martin Johnson, William H. Reynale, Alexander H. Butterfield, Gideon Frisbee, Edwin Arnold. The election resulted as follows: Willard Smith, president ; John Warner, vice-president ; Myron Orton, treasurer ; Darius Shaw, secre- tary ; Henry Maxwell, Martin Johnson, Stephen M. Potter, Lloyd Smith and W. H. Reynale, censors. At first the annual meetings were to be held the first Tuesday in February, and the semi-annual the first Tuesday in June. The next meetings till February 25 were held at Lewiston, and at that time they adjourned to meet at the court house in Lockport, which was then completed. Dr. Willard Smith held the presidency till 1827, when Dr. Henry Maxwell was elected. The following named physicians presided over the meetings from that time till 1850: Franklin Butterfield, Olcott, Luke Woodworth, Johnson's Creek Josiah K. Skinner, Lockport, David S. Fassett, Lockport, Sherman McLean, Reynale's Basin, B. L. Delano, Lockport, EH Hurd, Middleport, John S. Shuler, Lockport, Peter P. Murphy, Royalton, Edwin Arnold, Hugh Gillis. North Ridge, William B. Gould. In 1830 Dr. Henry Maxwell was sent as the first delegate to the 388 New York State Medical Society. At that time there had been an in- crease of membership to thirty-three, as follows : Edwin Arnold, Franklin Butterfield, Olcott, Alexander Butterfield, Olcott, Asa B Brown, Hartland Corners, Abner Barnard, Edwin Cook, Shawnee, Asa Crane, Jonathan Chase, Lockport, Alexander R. Chase, Lockport, Jacob Chatterton, George W. Graves, Eli Hurd, Middleport, Robert Henderson, B. Henderson, John A. Hyde, Benjamin Hardy, Roswell Kimball, Henry Maxwell, Lockport, Myron Orton, Cambria, B. V. Peterson, Washington Ritter, T. Ross, Royalton, Luther S. Robbins, Josiah H. Skinner, Lockport, Isaac Southworth, Lockport, Benjamin Sayre, Lloyd Smith, Royalton, Isaac W. Smith, Lockport, "VVillard Smith, Lewiston, Darius Shaw, Cambria, Ambrose Thomas, John Warner. Later, in 183 1, the names appear of Abraham Hogeboom, Pekin ; John S. Shuler, Lockport; and Luther Cross. The members not mentioned in the foregoing lists who became mem- bers between the years 1823 and 1850 were: Peter P. Murphy, Royalton, William Henderson, Cornelius Paling, Gasport, Timothy Johnson, Charles Martin, George P. Palmer', Milton W. Taylor, Royal Sharp, Lockport, Caleb Hill, Lockport, I. B. Barnes, W. H. Thomas, A. H. McKenzie, Lockport, Nathan Way, W. H. Henderson, Reynale's Basin, William B. Gould, Lockport, Charles H. Greene, Lockport, L. S. Robbins, John Campbell, O. Hill, Ambrose Thomas, WiUiam McCollum, Lockport, G. P. Eddy, Lewiston, G. W. Pope, John A. Hyde, Youngstown, Thomas G. Catlin, Youngstown, Almeron Hyde, Youngstown, 389 William Wilkins, A. Baker. William Wheeler, John A. Benjamin, I'cndleton, William Hollo\va\', ^'oung, Clark, George Conger, James C. May, E. Parmelec, Cambria Center, J. P. Kaynor, Pendleton, John Root. M. M. Mills, C. H. Burgess, Ransomville, H. S. McChesney, Wilson, A. H. Taylor, Jonathan Sayre, W. W. Van Buren, Pendleton, Alfred M. Leonard, Lockport, l^lectus Cole, Middleport, Pratt, Isaac Kidder, Pekin, Joseph M. Tefift, George Mann, Olcott, The records of the Niagara County Medical Society were destroyed by fire November 7, 1850. Following are the names of subsequent members arranged chronologically : Alfred M. Leonard, Lockport, June 3, 185 i. E. Cole, Middleport, January 4, 1853. Martin S. Kittenger, Lockport, June 7, 1853. J. H. Helmer, Lockport, Jan. 10, 1854. P2ddinmueller. Lockport, June 6, 1854. Peter Paling, Gasport, Jan. 2, 1855. John Foote, Pekin, " " " Rexford Davison, Lockport, Jan. 2, 1885. Charles Storck, " Jan. i, 1856. Addison Niles, " " " " C. C. Tyrrill, Niagara P'^alls, Jan. 6, 1857. P. J. Kaner, Pendleton, S. S. Thorne, Lockport, Jan. 5, 1858. William Greene, " June i, " A. S. Butler, " " " " D. H. Murphy, Royalton, June 7, 1859. A. M. Helmer, Lockport, " «' " George P. Murphy. Royalton, June 3, i860. M. F. Regan, Lockport, " " Andrew R. Ferguson, " Charles V. Watson, Jan. i, 1861. 390 No meetings of this society were held from the above date until Jan- uary 6, 1863, all of the officers having entered service in the war. S. T. Clark, Lockport, Jan. 6, 1863. William S. Babbitt, " " " D. W. Harrington, " Jan. 2, 1866. A. W. Tryon, " " " Daniel Winters, Pekin, June 4, 1867. James T. Kinsier, Lockport, " " " J. A. Gillett, Youngstown, " " " C. N. Palmer, Lockport, June 4, 1867. Lafayette Balcom, " " " William S. Watson, " " K. H. Elliott, Hartland Corners, Jan. 7, 1868. A. D. Atwood, June, 1869. J. B. Hartwell, Lockport, June, 1869. A. H, Flood, Sanborn, Jan. 4, 1870. H. McG. Wilson, Ransomville, Jan. 4, 1870. W. Q. Huggins, Sanborn, June 7, " ¥.. J. Barnum, Lockport, " " " Oscar T. Sherman, Hartland, June 6, 1871. Pyles, Pekin, June 6, 1871. Hinman, Hartland, June 6, 1871. J. W. Grosvenor, Lockport, June 6, 1871. W. C. Earle, Pekin, September 5, 1871. W. C. Raymond, Cambria, April, 1872. C. W. Gould, Middleport, " E. A. Pyle, Pekin, June 4, 1872. C. Turner, Hartland, Sept. 3, 1872. Talbot, Jan. 7, 1873. J. M. Duff, Royalton, June 2, 1874. Wheeler, Somerset, Jan. 4, 1876. M. L. Lang, Susp. Bridge, June 5, 1877. Clinton A. Sage, Pekin, " " " James R. McFadden, Olcott, " " " Walter T. Ransom, Lockport, June 5, 1877. H. A. Wilson, Johnson's Creek, " " " 39' John \V. Carmon, Beacli Ridge, June 5, 1877 Charles A, Reed, Wilson, " " Cook, George H. Saddleson, Nevvfane, " " " Lane, Charlotteville, " " D. S. Campbell. Wilson, Jan. 7, 1878. F. J. Baker, Youngstovvn, June 4, 1878. II. C. Hill, Lockport, " " " J. W. Falkner, Youngstown, " " Francis W. Gallagher, Lockport, June 4, 1878. T. B. Cosford, Lockport, April i, 1879. F. A. Rice, Niagara P'alls, June 3, 1878. A. N. Moore, Rapids. " " " G. r. Richardson, Hartland, Sept. 2, 1879. Gardner Clark, Niagara F'alls, Robert T. Paine, Lockport, " " W. W. Bradley, Lockport, June i, 1880. Frank Brockway. Royalton, Sept. 7, 1880. Paulding, April I, 1 88 1. George P. Eddy, Lewiston, June 7, 1881. Chamberlain, Lockport, June 6. 1882. J. W. Bickford, Lockport, " " W. C. Wood, Lockport, Sept. 5, 1882. M. H. Cole, Newfane, June 5, 1883. Samuel Long, Ransomville, June 5, 1883. Walter McChesney, Barker P. O., June 5, 1883. Earl G. Danser, Wilson, June 4, 1884. John B. Hover, Middleport, " " " William B. Rice. Lockport, Jan. 6, 1885. F. Gaskill, Wilson, June, 7, 1887. C. M. Oarlock, Middleport, June 7, 1887. E. B. Manchester, Royalton, June 5, 1888. C. C. Schmidt, Tonavvanda, " " L. J. Hixson, La Salle, Jan. 8. 1889. E. J. Foote, Lockport, April 2, 1889. Talbot, Susp. Bridge. Sept. 4, 1889. 392 W. H. Hodson, Lockport, Jan. 7, 1890. O. F. Uurand, Lockport, " " " John Ready, Lockport, June 3, 1890. R. M. Elliot, Gasport, " " Alfred Poole, Pekin, " " " E. N. S Ringueberg, Lockport, June 2, 1891. Jacob E. Hellvvig, Wheatfield, Jan. 5, 1891. E. A. Wollaber, Cambria, April 5, 1892. W. H. Loomis, Lockport, June 7, 1892. W. P. Sawyer, Lockport, June 7, 1892. H. H. Mayne, Lockport, June 6, 1893. F. A. Kittenger, Lockport, Jan. 2, 1894. C. A. Ring, Johnson's Creek, " " " W. L. Bosserman, Ransomville, Jan 8, 1895. M. H. Cole, Charlotteville, June 4, 1895. Allen T. Leonard, Tonawanda, Oct. i, 1895. l^". T. Carmer, Rapids, Jan. 7. 1896 J. W. Hartwell, Lockport, June, 1896. Alex. McNamara, Lockport, Sept. 16, 1896. The following names appear in the records, but with no dates of joining : A. H. Koon, H. B. Tabor. Wilson, W. C. Earl, Pekin, A. G. Skinner, Youngstown. Nathan Cove, Ransomville, The Homeopathic Society of Niagara and Orleans counties was or- ganized in 1857 or 1858, and was continued till 1885 when it was dis- continued. The then members afterwards affiliated with the Homeopa- thic Society of Western New York Among the members were Drs. A. J. Evans, D. F. Bishop, Wm. B. Rice ; Sarah Morris, of Lockport ; F. L. Knapp, of Gasport ; R. S. Bishop, of Medina. Among other homeopaths in the county at present are Drs. Wilson M Petitt, W S. Hurd, Fowler Watters, G. J. Petitt, Champlain F. Buck, of Lockport ; John Hodge, Wm. Hodge, of Niagara Falls; W. Levell Draper, of Wilson ; Scott, of Medina. Complete records are unobtainable, as the transactions of the society are not to be found. 393 CHAPTER XXV. FREE MASONRY IN NIAGARA COUNTY. The ancient order of Free and Accepted Masonry has always been conspicuously represented in Niagara count}^ where it has an interesting history. Lodges were early established, and were actively maintained until a wave of anti- Masonry swept over the country in 1826, causing a suspension of a large part of the lodges in this State. This phase of the subject has been treated in the early pages of this volume. When this misguided movement died out the old lodges renewed their exist- ence and new ones were organized to meet the demands of increasing population. The counties of Niagara and Orleans constitute the 37th Masonic district of the State of New York, its number having been changed in June, 1897, from the 24th. The district deputy is Hervey Sanford, of Wilson, who was appointed in June, 1897. The first Masonic lodge organized in Niagara county was Niagara Lodge, No. 345, F. & A. M., which was chartered June 7, A. D. 1822, at Lewiston, the Grand Master of the State at that time being Joseph Enos. The first officers, who were installed August 8th, were William King, W. M. ; Gideon Frisbee, S. W. ; Julius V. Ileileman, J. W. ; William Hotchkiss, treasurer ; Oliver Grace, secretary. Records ex- tant show that this lodge held regular communications up to and includ- ing May 10, 1827; after that nothing further appears relating to it. Its masters were John A, Webber, chosen December 11, 1823 ; Tim- othy Shaw, December 2, 1824, and probably re-elected in 1825 ; Gus- tavue N. Pope, December 14, 1826. A meeting of Lewiston Frontier Lodge, No. 132, was held at the Lewiston Hotel in the village of Lewiston on April 5, 1848, after hav- ing received a dispensation from the Grand Lodge of the State of New York. It was chartered June 10, 1848, Hon. John D. Willard, of Troy, f)0 394 being grand master. Caleb W. Raymond was the first master and James H. Page, secretary. On July 5, 1848, the first officers under the charter were installed, as follows : John T. Beardsley, W. M. ; Ambrose Thomas, S. W.; AsahelLyonJ.W.; Wm.Miller,treas.; James H. Page.sec. On March 22, 1853, the lodge removed to Niagara Falls, where a com- munication was held April 20, the officers being John T. Beardsley, W. M. ; Mr. Drew, of Albion, S. W. ; Mr. Lusk(?), J. W. ; G. H. Hack- staff, secretary. The name at this time appears as Frontier Lodge. The name Niagara Frontier Lodge first appears in the minutes July 18, I 854. The lodge now has about 300 members, and the officers for 1 897 are James G. Shepard, W. M. ; A. H. G. Hardwicke, S. W. ; D. F. Bentley, J. W. ; C. M. Young, treasurer ; Michael Topping, secretary. Lockport Lodge No. 73, F. & A. M., one of the oldest Masonic lodges in Western New York, was organized under a dispensation from the Grand Lodge of this State at the Niagara Hotel in Lockport, the charter bearing the date of June 5, 1824. There were at that time twenty-one members, prominent among whom were Harvey W. Campbell, Hiram Gardner, Orsamus Turner, Joel Gould, William Buell and Eli Bruce. The first leading officers were Daniel Washburn, Alfred Barrett, Norman L. Southworth, Joel M. Parks, Stephen M. Potter, L. E. Rounds, Lloyd Smith and L Gould, During the anti- Masonry era in 1826 this organi- zation continued its existence and annually elected officers. On the 4th of September, 1839, when the lodges of the State were renumbered ac- cording to their ages by the Grand Lodge, this lodge became No. 73. The officers for 1897 are as follows: John A. McLaughlin, jr., W. M.; John N. Pound, S. W.; Edward Whitting, J. W.; John McCue, treas- urer ; Warner H. McCoy, secretary; D. R. Bruce, George D. Green- wood, E. W. Bright, trustees. Ames Chapter No. 88, R. A. M., of Lockport, was organized under a charter issued by Ezra Ames, grand high priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of this State, under date of February 6, 1 824. There were twenty- three petitioners for the charter. The first officers were as fol- lows : Harvey W. Campbell, H. P.; Almon H. Miller, K.; Seymour Scovell, S.; Oliver Culver, treasurer; John G. Bond, secretary; Ezekiel Colburn, captain of host ; Paul Hawes, Tiler. Regular convocations are held in the Masonic Hall, Lockport. The officers of the chapter for 395 1897 are: Edward Beck, H. P.; James R. Compton, K.; Myron D. Clapsattle, S.; William Cocker, treasurer ; Van Ness Douglass, secre- tary ; Harry H. Moore, captain of host ; Frank W. Travis, P. S.; J. Adam Koon, R. A. Capt.; William L. Beck, M. 3d Vail ; P^rank L. Vandeuser, M. 1st Vail; Joseph H. Rainer, organist; Weston N. Osgood, sentinel. Genesee Commandery No. 10, Knights Templar, was organized un- der a letter of dispensation granted November 21, 1825, by Dewitt Clinton, who then held the office of most eminent grand master of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of this State. The letter was granted to Henry Brown and eighteen others, giving them authority to open and hold an encampment in the village of Le Roy with the name, Genesee Commandery. Mr. Brown was appointed the first grand com- mander, and the following were the remaining first officers: Orange Risdon, generalissimo; Frederick P'itch, captain general; Calvin Hal- brook, prelate; James Brown, senior warden ; Cephas A. Smith, junior warden; James Ganson, treasurer; John Hascall, recorder; James Bal- lard, standard bearer ; Hollis Pratt, warden ; Anthony Cooley, sword bearer; Gideon Smith, sentinel. On the i6th day of December, 1825, it was chartered under the name of Genesee Encampment No. 10, and on January 28, 1826, was duly consecrated. Some time during the anti Masonic crusade the encampment was removed to Batavia, where it remained until 1839 ; i" that year it received proper authority to re- move to Lockport. This commandery celebrated its semi-centennial anniversary on the 28th of January, 1876, with appropriate and inter- esting exercises. The officers for 1897 ^""^ ^^ follows : Frank E. Smith, eminent commander; William PL. Wicker, generalissimo; E.". Harry M. Moore, captain general ; Edward Beck, prelate ; J. Adam Koon, senior warden; Myron D. Clapsattle, junior warden; E. •.William Cocker, treasurer; E.".Van Ness Douglas, recorder ; Henry C. HulshofT, standard bearer ; Harrison S. Chapman, sword bearer ; John H. Craddock, warder ; James H. Wilson, third guard ; Frank W. Travis, second guard ; John W. Bickford, first guard; Joseph H. Rainer, organist; Dan Roden- bach, commissary; Weston N. Osgood, sentinel; E.". Perry Stowell, Harrison S. Chapman, James S. Liddle, trustees, Hartland Lodge No. 218, F. & A. M., was the second Master Mason's lodge organized in the county. It was instituted at Hartland Corners 396 in 1825, but soon succumbed to the wave of anti-Masonry, and the mas- ter's gavel was not heard again until 1850, when labor was resumed at Johnson's Creek, where it has since held regular communications. The charter officers in 1850 were B. K. Cornell, W. M.; Robert Dixon, S. W.; Richard Weaver, J. W. The officers for 1897 are F. A. Feather- stone, W. M.; J. E. Van Ortwick, S. W.; A. M. Armstrong, J. W.; Frederick R. Hays, secretary ; Jay S. Rovve, treasurer. Cataract Lodge No. 295, F. & A. M., of Middleport, was organized June II, 1853, with Charles Craig, W. M.; Avery S. Delano, S. W.; William S. Fenn, J. W.; in October twenty- two members appear on the roll. There are now about eighty members, and the officers for 1897 are Trum.an Jennings, W, M.; Charles W. Laskey, S. W.; George W. Thompson. J. W.; Edward J. Tuttle, treasurer; Amos A. Castle, secre- tary. Niagara Lodge No. 375, F. & A. M., of Lockport, was organized January 27, 1855, and chartered by the Grand Lodge of the State July 7, 1855. The original members were Myron L. Burrell, E. D. Shuler, Ora S. Howe, J. B. Chase, Charles J. Fox, G. W. Gould, N. S. Ringue- berg, Jacob Ringueberg and W. W. Douglas. The first officers were Myron L Burrell, W. M.; Elisha D. Shuler, S.W.; Ira S. Howe, J.W.; Nicholas S. Ringueberg, treasurer ; W. W. Douglas, secretary ; George W. Gould, senior deacon ; Jacob Ringueberg, junior deacon ; Beloste Bunnell, tiler. Regular communications are held twice in every month at Masonic Hall. The officers for 1897 are as follows: J. Franklin Gill, W. M ; William L. Beck, S. W.; William H. Killborne, J. W.; Myron D. Clapsattle, treasurer ; Van Ness Douglas, secretary ; Emmet Belknap, S. D.; Anderson Crowforth, J. D.; Hugo P. Lindsey, S. M. C; A. Raphael Beck, J. M. C ; Rev. G. S. Burroughs, chaplain ; Joseph H. Rainer, organist; Weston N. Osgood, tiler; H. K. Wicker, Charles N. Palmer, W. J. Jackman, trustees. Ontario Lodge No. 376, F. & A. M., of Wilson, was organized and chartered July 8, 1855, with seven charter members. The first officers were George L. Moote, master ; R. I. McChesney, senior warden ; Thomas Lyons, junior warden. Their first meetings were held in the second story of the brick building on the northwest corner of Young and Catharine streets. An uninterrupted prosperity enabled them in 397 April, 1866, to purchase this building, which the}' remodeled, fitting up convenient rooms for their accommodation. The lodge now has about fifty members, and its officers for 1897 are Charles N. Marklc, \V. M.; S. A. Miller, S. W.; VV. L. Draper, J. W.; Elmer E. Gifford, secretary ; M. L. Campbell, treasurer. Hervey Sanford, a member and past mas- ter of this lodge, was appointed district deputy of the 37th Masonic district in June, 1897, by the Grand Lodge of the State. Bruce Council No. 15, R. & S. M., of Lockport, was organized in December, 1859, and chartered June 5, i860, with nine charter mem- bers. The first officers were Charles H. Piatt, thrice illustrious master; Charles Craig, deputy master ; Daniel A. Knapp, principal conductor work ; Elisha D. Shuler, treasurer ; VV. W. Douglas, recorder ; William Gould, captain of guard ; Richard S. Hoag, conductor; J. R. Edwards, steward ; P. Murphy, sentinel. Regular assemblies are held at Masonic Hall. The following are the names of the officers for 1897 : Edward J. Taylor, thrice illustrious master ; W. J. Jackman, deputy master ; C. N. Palmer, principal conductor work; Myron D. Clapsattle, treasurer; Van Ness Douglas, recorder ; Harrj^ H. Moore, captain of guard ; Cyrus D. Ormiston, conductor of council ; J. Pierce Bishop, steward ; William Cocker, chaplain ; John H. Craddock, marshal ; Charles N. Palmer, physician ; Joseph H. Rainer, organist ; Weston N. Osgood, sentinel. Ransomville Lodge No. 551, F. & A. M., was chartered June 8, 1865, with thirteen meinbcrs, the first master being T. D. Miller. The lodge has about seventy- five members, and meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, in Ransomville. The officers for 1897 are as follows: James M. Foster, W. M.; Stephen II. Morriss, S. W.; Will- iam R. Leggett, J. W. ; Lawrence Harwick, treasurer; R. D. Richard- son, secretar)- ; Wilber T. Pool, chaplain ; W. A. Curtiss, marshal ; Isaac B. Henry, S. D.; James S. Townsend, J. D.; William Richardson, S. S.; Enimett Cornell, J. S.; S. H. Frederick, tiler ; W. A. Curtiss, W. T. Pool, Lawrence Harwick, trustees. Somerset Lodge No. 639, F. & A. M., of Somerset, was organized in 1866 and chartered in 1867, with twent}-two charter members and the following officers: C. P. Clark, W. M.; H. C.Hill, S.W.; Irving W. Hotaling, J. W. Some of the members formed a stock company, pur- 398 chased a lot, and erected a two-story brick building at a cost of $i,- 490. Later the lodge purchased this property. The lodge has about forty- five members, and its officers for 1897 ^^^ George M. Nellist, worthy master ; George S. Bennett, senior warden ; Fred E. Bennett, junior warden ; Charles O. Longmate, treasurer ; John Webber, secre- tary ; Allan A. Huntington, senior deacon; Peter P. Landy, junior deacon; Samuel J. King, S. M. C; Thomas E. Grout, J. M. C.; Rev. L. J, Gross, chaplain; James A. Fisk, tiler; William L. Atwater, Allan A. Huntington, William G. Sprague, trustees. Niagara Chapter No. 200, R. A. M., of Niagara Falls, was organized under dispensation May 8, 1866, with the following officers; James McFeggan, M. E. H. P.; Samuel L. White, E. K.; F. H. Johnson, E. S.; J. H. Clark, C. of H ; George L. Brown, P. S.; Stoughton Pettibone, R. A. C; C. W. Williams, M. 3d V.; George Skipper. M. 2d V.; George E. Brock, M. istV.; C. Weston, tiler. The chapter was instituted March 5, 1867, with the following as charter officers: James McP"eggan, E, H. P; Samuel L, White, E. K.; Frances H. Johnson, E. S. The high priests have been James McFeg- gan, 1866-67 ; Samuel L. White, 1868-70; James McFeggan, 1871-75 ; Samuel L. White, 1876; George W. Wright, 1877-87; Robert H. Wait, 1888-92; Walter Jones, 1893-95; Joseph V. Carr, 1896-97. The membership of the chapter is 158, and the officers for 1897 are Joseph V. Carr, H. P.; C. M. Young, K.; James G. Shepard, S.; Fred P. Pierce, treasurer; Michael Topping, secretary; Rev. Albert S. Bacon, chaplain; N. B. Chamberlain, C. of H.; P'rederick Chorman, P. S.; George F. Diemar, R. A. C; A. D. Wilson, M. 3d V.; Amos L. Schaffer, M. 2d V.; Charles R. Phelps, M. ist V.; John G. Broughton, organist ; C. H. Kugel, sentinel. Red Jacket Lodge No. 646, F. & A. M., of Lockport, was organized in February, 1867, and chartered on the i6th of July of that year with the following as the first officers: Jason Collier, W. M.; Samson H. Robbins, S. W.; James D. Ames, J. W.; B. H. Fletcher, treasurer; J. R. Crampton, secretary ; S. T. Clark, senior deacon ; E. B. Weaver, junior deacon. The officers for 1897 ^""^ ^s follows; Eugene H. Ferree, worthy master ; J. Hittenmeyer, senior warden ; W. A. Mackenzie ; jun- ior warden; James R. Compton, treasurer; Henry C. Hulshoff, secretary; 399 Robert K. Howard, senior deacon ; E. C. Rocklin, junior deacon ; F. L. Van Deusen, S. M. of C; Orrin D. Prudden, J. M. of C; Dr. Champlin F. Buck, chaplain ; Joseph H. Rainer, organist ; Frank E. Smith, mar- shal ; Weston N. Osgood, tiler ; trustees, James R. Compton, J. Adam Koon, Abner T. Hopkins. Lock City Lodge of Perfection, A. A. S. Rite, of Lockport, was char- tered December i8, 1875, with the following as its first officers: John Hodge, thirty-second degree, T. P. G. master; Otis Cole, thirty-second degree, deputy master; Charles Craig, thirty-second degree, vcn. sen. gr. warden ; Charles Mitchell, thirty-second degree, ven. jr. gr. warden ; S. A. McKinney, fourteenth degree, grand orator ; Charles ¥.. Young, thirty-second degree, grand treasurer ; Charles E. Ailing, thirty -second degree, gr. sentry; A. H. Robinson, thirty-second degree, gr. M of ceremonies ; J. M. Showerman, thirty-second degree, gr. capt. of guard; W. B. Flint, fourteenth degree, gr. hospitaler ; S. Taylor, four- teenth' degree, gr. tiler. The number of^harter members was eighteen. The following are the names of the officers for 1897: George A. Newell, thirty-second degree, T. P. grand master ; C. N. Palmer, eight- eenth degree, deputy grand master; W. J. Jackman, thirty-second de- gree, ven. sen. grand warden; John McCue, thirty-second degree, ven. jr. grand warden; Harry H. Moore, thirty-second degree gd. treas- urer; V. N. Douglas, fourteenth degree, gd. secretary; Irving L'llom- medi'eu, G. M. of C; H. C. Hulshoff, sixteenth degree, gd. capt. of G. Hiram Flanders, fourteenth degree, grand orator; H. Buddenhagen, four- teenth degree, hospitaler; Weston N. Osgood, fourteenth degree, tiler. In Lockport there are also Lockport chapter. No. 73, Order of the Eastern Star, and the Masonic Veterans Association, the latter of which was organized April 23, 1884. Niagara River Lodge No. 785, F. & A. M., of Niagara Falls (Sus- pension Bridge), was organized February 15, 1882, and the first meet- ing was held on the 22d of the same month, when the following officers were installed: W. M.. W. P. Mentz ; S. W.. M.S. Langs; J. VV., R. D. Wing; treasurer, p:dwin Terrill ; secretary, Charles F. Liscom ; S. D., O. W. Cutler; J. D., R. A. Perry; chaplain, Edward Gilbert. The officers for 1897 are as follows: W. M.. O. E. Dunlap ; S. W., Fred J. Coe ; J. W., J. Fred Neff; treasurer, N. E. G. Wadhams ; sec 400 retary, J. N. Kitt ; S. D., John G. Woodcock; J. D., Hart Slocum ; chaplain, Gus. J. Silberberg ; tiler, William M. Blake; S. M. C, W. W. Johnstone; J. M. C, Edward R. Day; organist, John J. Broughton. Gasport Lodge No. 787, F. & A. M., began work under dispensa- tion granted August 26, 1882, with Andrew Hayner, W. M.; George A. Hoyer, S. W. ; Ellis S. Richardson, J. W. The lodge met for organization September 4, 1884, when the following officers in addition to the above were elected : Nathan D. Ensign, treasurer ; David R. Richie, secretary; Louis K. Sawyer, S. D. ; William F. Richie, J. D., Charles A. Terwilliger, S M. C. ; Jay W. Hunt, J. M. C. ; Thomas A. Lusk, tiler. The lodge was chartered June 7, 1883, ^'id now has about sixty-five members. The following are the officers for 1897: E. J. Richie, W. M.; David Wilson, S. W.; A. J. Underbill, J. W.; John Gra- ham, secretary ; John H. Maynard, treasurer. Niagara Commandery No. 64, K. T., had its inception in a meeting held at the Columbia Hotel in Niagara Falls, Sir J. V. Carr, proprietor, on the 8th of November, 1893. Sirs O. W. Cutler, George E. Wright, and J. V. Carr were appointed a committee to prepare a petition and apply to Genesee Commandery No. 10, of Lockport, as this territory was in their jurisdiction. On November 25 a second meeting was held at the same place and Niagara Commandery organized with O. W. Cutler, E. Com.; Walter Jones, generalissimo; James G. Shepard, cap- tain general. The petition signed December 16 bore the following names: J. V. Carr, A. Schoellkopf, George Barker, R. A. Schuyler, Thomas McDowell, C. M. Young, D. F. Bentley, ¥. C. Belden, James T. Dow, George E. Wright. William C. Edwards, James G. Shepard, H. N Griffith, Walter Jones, O. W. Cutler, George H. Salt. L. Van Cleef, L. A. Boore, Charles Zeiger, and John M. Pickett of Batavia. On January i, 1894, a dispensation was received from the Grand Commandery, K. T., of the State, and on the 8th, at the first conclave of Niagara Commandery, the following officers were chosen : O. W. Cutler, E. com. ; Walter Jones, gen.; James G. Shepard, capt.-gen'l ; C. M. Young, prelate ; George E. Wright, S. W. , James T. Low, J. W. ; J. V. Carr, treasurer; R. A. Schuyler, recorder; L. A. Boore, standard bearer ; William C. Edwards, sword bearer ; D. F. Bentley, warder ; T. McDowell, sentinel. 401 On September 14, 1894, Niagara Commandery No. 64, K. T., was duly chartered, and on the 30th of November it was regularly consti- tuted and dedicated with imposing ceremonies by Very Eminent Sir Horace A. Noble, deputy grand commander of the State, assisted by eleven ofificers of the Grand Commandery. The officers for 1897 are as follows: Walter Jones, eminent commander ; A. li. G. Hardwicke, gen- eralissimo; N. B. Chamberlain, captain-general; C. M.Young, prelate; D. F. Bentley, senior warden; G. E. Wright, junior warden; J. V. Carr, treasurer ; R. A. Schuyler, recorder ; E. D. Very, standard bearer; N. J. Bowker, sword bearer; C. J. Doherty, warder; A. A. Oatman, W, .J. Robedo, J. M. Pickett, guards; C. H. Kugel, sentinel; A. H. G. Hardwicke, A. W. Cutler (P. C), N. B. Chamberlain, trustees. The Masonic Board of Trustees of Niagara Falls was organized in 1894, and consists of three members from each of the three Masonic bodies of the city. These members for 1897 are as follows: O. W. Cutler, N. L. Chamberlain, and A. H, G. Hardwicke from Niagara Conmiandery ; Chris. Young. George W. Wright, and J. V. Carr, from Niagara Chapter; Hans Neilson, Benjamin Flagler, and Major S. M. N, Whitney from Niagara Frontier Lodge. Members of the fraternity in North Tonawanda and vicinity have connection generally with two bodies in Tonawanda, Erie county, namely Tonawanda Lodge. No. 247, F. & A. M., and Tonawanda Chapter No. 278, R. A. M., both of which arc outside the 37th Ma- sonic district. These organizations have so many members resident of this county that mention of them should be made here. Tonawanda Lodge No. 247, F. & A. M., was organized under a dis- pensation in 1851 and chartered in 1852, with P>manuel Hensler as first master, who served till 1854. The present (1897) officers are John G. Wallenmeier, W. M.; George H. Calkins, S. W.; Albert R. Smith, J. W.; Alexander C. Campbell, treasurer ; Edgar C. McDonald, secretary ; PL. C. McDonald, Thomas E. Warner and Arlington A. Bellinger, all past masters, trustees. Tonawanda Chapter No. 278, R. A. M., was organized in April, 1S84, and chartered in l^'ebruary, 1885. The first council under the charter was composed of Andrew R. Trew, H. P.; William R. Gregory, king; Lyman G. Stanley, scribe. The high priests have been Andrew R. 51 402 Trew (deceased), 1885 ; William R. Gregory, 1886-88; Lyman G. Stan- ley, 1889-90; James H. Barnard, 1891 ; George W. Millener, 1892-93 ; Edgar C. McDonald, 1894-5 ! Thomas E. Warner, 1896-7. The other officers for 1897 are Robert L. Turk, king; George H. Calkins, scribe; Alexander C. Campbell, treasurer ; Ransford C. Taber, secretary ; Dow Vroman, captain of the host; Albert E. McKeen, principal sojourner; Max H. Schroeder, R. A. Capt.; Thomas P. C. Barnard, master third vail; George C. Herschell, master second vail ; George L. Berkrich, master first vail ; Benjamin M. Treat, sentinel. PART IL BIOGRAPHICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL. GKN. PARKHURST WFIITNKY. Although descended from one of the oldest families of New Eng- land's early settlers, the subject of this biographical sketch won dis- tinction entirely his own, and his prominence as a citizen whose public spirit and energy largely contributed to the material prosperity of the community in which he passed his busy, useful life, is even more sub- stantial than his ancestral greatness. He was one of the pioneers of Western New York, having settled at Niagara Falls in i8io, and was fifth in a direct line of descent from John Whitney, who settled at Watertown, Mass., in June, 1635, of which place he was a selectman, town clerk and constable. W. C. Whitney, ex-secretary of the United States navy, Professors Whitney of Yale and Harvard, and Eli Whit- ney, the inventor of the cotton gin, are lineal descendants from this progenitor. John Wliitney was baptized in St. Margaret's church, Westminster, England, July 20, 1592, and with his wife and five children sailed from London in April, 1635, in the ship Elizabeth and Ann, Roger Cooper, master, landing at Boston in June, and settling in Watertown, Mass. John Whitney was the son of Thomas Whitney, gentleman, and his wife Mary, nee Bray, and a great-grandson of Sir Robert Whit- ney. John Whitney was descended from the Whitneys of the Parish of Whitney in Herefordshire, the family name being derived from that of the parish, where the castle and church then stood, but now repre- sented by a group of mounds. Here stands the church in which the Whitneys were baptized from the eleventh century. The parish was 4o6 one of several granted to Turstin the Fleming, a knight of William the Conqueror, and his son Eustace took the name Whitney in 1086. After the arrival of John Whitney in America there were two sons born to him, from the younger of which Gen. Parkhurst Whitney was descended. Jonathan, the son of Benjamin, settled at Milford, Mass., and his son, also named Jonathan, was a captain in the French and In- dian wars, and Captain Whitney's son, likewise called Jonathan, was the father of Gen. Parkhurst Whitney, and married Esther Parkhurst in 1760. With a few others he laid out and settled the town of Conway, Mass., where he lived until 1790. He was captain of the 7th Co., 5th Regt., Massachusetts militia, during the Revolutionary war and ren- dered valuable service in the cause of the colonists. In 1789 he came to Ontario county, N. Y., and with others purchased township 10, range I of the Phelps & Gorham purchase. He subse- quently purchased the interests of his copartners and brought his fam- ily there, being one of the earliest settlers in Western New York. He died in 1792 leaving nine children to survive him, of whom Gen. Park- hurst Whitney was the youngest, having been born September 24, 1784. After the death of his parents, he lived with his brothers and sisters till he was nineteen years of age, when he moved to the property his father had devised to him. He married Miss Cowing of Rochester, Mass,, October 10, 1805, ^"^ soon after moved to " Old Castle," near Geneva, N. Y. In 1 8 10 he came to Niagara county, and lived on a farm about four miles above the Falls, and in 18 12 he came to the village of Niag- ara Falls, and rented Porter's saw mill situated on Canal street, op- posite the head of Main street. He made the first survey of Goat Is- land, and made other surveys for the Holland Land Company and for the State of New York. When war against P^ngland was declared in 18 12, he sent his family to Ontario county, and was foremost among the brave defenders of the frontier He was appointed captain and served under General Scott. At the battle of Oueenston he was sent as a bearer of dispatches to the officer commanding the American forces and was taken prisoner, but was speedily released on parole. In 1814 he leased the Eagle Hotel, which stood where the International now stands, and in 18 17 he pur- chased the entire block from Augustus Porter and Peter Barton. In 407 1 83 1 lie purchased the Cataract Hotel property, and assumed control of the hotel in 1838. The following year the firm of Parkhurst Whit- ney & Sons was organized, and in 1846 he leased the property to the firm of Whitney, Jerauld & Co., which was composed of S. M. N. Whit- ney, D. R. Jerauld and James F. Trott ; at the expiration of the lease the firm purchased the property. In the spring of 1834 General Whitney's three daughters — Asenath B., who married Piote De Kowalewski, a Polish exile ; Angelina P., who married D. R. Jerauld and Celinda Eliza, who married J. F. Trott — crossed the river to the first of the Sister Islands, Asenath B. going to the second. As they were the first white women who ever stood upon these islands, they were, in honor of these brave sisters, named the Three Sisters Islands. A guide book of that year states this fact. The " Maid of the Mist " was so named at the suggestion of Mrs. James F. Trott when the first trip was made by the little steamer below the falls. In building up Niagara Falls as a pleasure resort. General W^hitney was active and prominent. He donated the first building erected at the Falls for church purposes, and was always liberal and energetic in every movement having for its object the general welfare of his fellow citizens. He bought the first piano that was brought to the Falls, and the instrument is now in possession of his son, S. M. N. Whitney. In 1812 General Whitney was commissioned by Gov. Daniel D. Tomp- kins as a captain of the 163d Regt., N. Y. militia, and in May, 181 8, "~^ Gov. De Witt Clinton signed his commission as colonel of that regi- ment. He was appointed by Governor Clinton brigadier-general of the 5th Brigade, June 10, 1820, and on the 4th of March, 1826, he was commissioned major-general of the 24th Division. A very handsome sword was presented to General Whitney by the field and staff oflicers of the 5th Brigade and the officers of the 169th Regiment, as a testi- monial of respect. September 29, 1823. This sword is now in the possession of his son, S. M. N. Whitney. In 1825 General La F'ayette was entertained by General Whitney as his personal guest, and he took the distinguished French general to Lockport in his carriage at tiie celebration of the opening of the Frie Canal. On October 10, 1855, General Whitney and his estimable wife celebrated their golden wedding in the parlors of the Cataract 4o8 House. The ceremonies on this occasion were touching and imposing, and were conducted by Rev. E. W. Reynolds of Buftalo. General Whitney lived for many years at the old homestead, which was located between the Falls and Suspension Bridge. The house, which was burned down in i860 and was rebuilt, was bequeathed to the general's daughter, Mrs. James F. Trott, whose family still occupies it General Whitney died here April 26, 1862, his wife having died two years prior. Few men in Niagara county more fully enjoyed the public confidence and regard of fellow citizens than General Whitney, and yet the only position he ever accepted outside of his military offices was that of supervisor. He was a man of rare virtue, independent, self-reliant, and of unquestioned integrity; one of those sturdy, indomitable, energetic men who made this section, once a wilderness, to " blossom as a rose." General Whitney was an old and eminent Mason, and a distinguished Knight Templar. He was buried with Masonic honors, and prominent Masons from all parts of Western New York participated in the cere- monies. The funeral was the largest ever held in Niagara Falls, fully three thousand people paying their last tribute to the worth of this honored, upright citizen by their attendance. SOLON M. N. WHITNEY. Was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., October 7, 181 5, and is a son of the late Gen. Parkhurst Whitney, who died on his estate at Niagara Falls in 1862. S. M. N. Whitney was educated in the Lewiston Academy and Canandaigua Academy and after leaving school engaged with his father in the management of the Cataract Hotel. In 1830-31 they built the present stone hotel After his father's retirement he continued in the hotel business until 1889, when, upon the death of Mr. Jerauld, he sold out to Peter A Porter and retired to private life. Mr. Whitney is the oldest living native citizen of Niagara Falls and has always been prom- inent in promoting the interests of that place. He was president of the Niagara Falls Gas Company many years, having assisted in estab- lishing the works, and a director of the Cataract Bank. During the SOLON M. N. WHITNEY. 409 "Patriot War" in 1837 he was made quartermaster with the rank of captain, having charge of all supplies and rations for troops ; later he was made aid-de-camp to the major-general with the rank of major, giving him his well known title, and received a grant of 160 acres of land from the United States government. The Three Sisters Islands were named in honor of Major Whitney's three sisters. He and his father accompanied General La Fayette to Lockport in 1825 to witness the opening of the Erie Canal, and he remembers many dis- tinguished persons who stopped at their hotel on their travels, among them being Clay, Webster, Calhoun and many others of renown. He is a man full of years and equally full of honors and has the respect and esteem of all who know him. On May 12, 1840, Major Whitney mar- ried Frances Drake and they have had three sons: Solon, Drake, and Solon 2d. Drake is the only son living. Mrs. Whitney died in 1883. Major Whitney and his wife early became members of the Episcopal church, and he has been a warden more than a quarter of a century and was prominent in the building of St. Peter's church. In politics he was formerly a Whig and subsequently a Republican. HON. THOMAS T. FLAGLER, Son of Abraham and Sarah (Thorn) Flagler, was born at Pleasant Valley, Dutchess county, N. Y., October 12, 181 1. His education from schools was meagre and limited to the elementary grades. At a ver\' early age he was apprenticed to the printer's trade in the office of the Chenango Republican, at Oxford, N. Y. Upon the death of Daniel Mack, his employer, Mr. Flagler purchased an interest in the paper and was for several years its editor and publisher. In 1836 he disposed of his interest in the journal to his partner, W. E. Chapman, and removed to Lockport, where he nas since resided. In 1838 he became the ed- itor of the Niagara Courier and continued the publication of that paper until 1843, when he resigned that position and engaged in the hard- ware business, in which he continued until 1859; at that time and through his efforts the Holly Manufacturing Company was founded and he was elected president, which office he stillholds, although now in 4IO his eighty- sixth year. Aside from his interest in this company Mr. Flagler has been president of the Niagara County National Bank since i860. He is also president of the Fond du Lac Water Company. Po- litically Mr. Flagler was in early life a Whig ; he aided in organizing the Republican party in this State and for many years has been an influ- ential member of the same. He represented his district in the Legis- lature of this State in 1842-43 and again in i860. In 1848 he was elected clerk of Niagara county and held the office three years. He was elected a member of the 33d and 34th Congresses, in which body he made a record of which any man might well feel proud, for he was re- cognized as one of the strongest men who had ever sat in the legisla- tive halls. He also served as a member of the New York State Con- stitutional Convention. Mr. Flagler is a man of splendid presence and courtly manners — a "gentleman of the old school." As a business man he has always ranked high, while in the field of religious effort he has been an active and conscientious worker. His integrity has never been questioned, and in his old age enjoys the respect of the whole community. Mr. Flagler was married in 1831 to Huldah M. Barrett, and six children have been born to them, three of whom are living. One son, H. H. Flagler, is treasurer of the Holly Manufacturing Com- pany ; a daughter, Lucy, is the wife of J. S. Helmer, of Lockport ; an- other daughter, Clara, is the wife of William H. Farnsworth of Buffalo. Mrs. Flagler died December 3, 1895. Mr. Flagler has been a member of the Presbyterian church since 1839 and since 1840 has been an elder of that church and president of the Board of Trustees of the Niagara Presbytery. LEWIS S. PAYNE. Col. Lewis S. Payne was born in the town of Riga, Monroe county, N. Y., January 21, 18 19, the son of Stephen and Ruth A. (Smith) Payne. The Payne family is of honorable New England ancestry and its founder in the New World was of Puritan stock. His paternal grandfather, Aepba Payne, was a native and lifelong resident of Massa- chusetts. He was a soldier in the war of 181 2. His son, Stephen 411 Payne, father of Colonel Payne, was born in 1790, in Hinesdale, Mass., settling in Monroe county when a young man. He died at the resi- dence of his son, Colonel Payne, at North Tonawanda, February 11, 1880, in the ninetieth year of his age. Col. Lewis S. Payne was edu- cated in the common school and High School in Monroe county. At the age of sixteen he became a clerk in a mercantile house in Tona- wanda, and five years later he and a fellow clerk purchased the buainess in which they had been employed. Four years afterward the partner- ship was dissolved and Mr. Payne accepted a position as clerk in Buf- falo, remaining there four years. In 1847 he built the first steam saw mill in North Tonawanda, which he operated for nine years, after which he engaged in the lumber business for several years. • In the fall of 1861 Mr. Payne, at his own expense, raised a volun- teer company, of which he was made captain, and which was attached to the 1 00th N. Y. Vol. Regiment, later becoming a part of Casey's Division of the Army of the Potomac. The looth N. Y. Regiment, with Colonel Payne leading his company, participated in the battles of Williamsburg, Seven Pines, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill among others. Later on he and his company made many daring expeditions from the vicinity of Charleston, and the information thereby gained was of great value to the Union cause. On the night of August 3, 1863, while engaged on Morris Island in intercepting communication with Fort Sumter, he was attacked by a superior Confederate force. A desperate engagement followed, in which Colonel Payne was wounded in the head by a musket ball, taken prisoner and conveyed to Charles- ton, where he was confined in the Queen Street Hospital Later he was removed to Columbia, S. C, and February 14, 1865, he was sent to Wilmington, N, C, where he was exchanged March 5. Soon after his imprisonment ended he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel. In 1840 Colonel Payne married Mary Tabor, of Ithaca, N. Y., and they have six children: Emily R., wife of George Crandall, of Will- iamsport. Pa.; Eugene R., who resides in Williamsport ; Ida, Mrs. George McCray, of Kufifalo ; Edward C, of Decatur, Ala.; Lewis C, a lawyer at North Tonawanda, and Cornelia R., wife of Lyman Stanley. Col. Payne is a member of Tonawanda Lodge No. 247, F. & A. M., and a vestryman of St. Mark's P. E. church. Politically Colonel Payne 412 is an aggressive Democrat, and has served in nearly every office in the gift of his town. In 1850 he was elected clerk of Niagara county on the National Whig ticket and in 1859 was nominated for State senator in the Twenty- ninth New York district, but was defeated. In 1865 he was again elected county clerk on the Democratic ticket, and in 1869 was elected to the Assembly. In 1877 he was elected State senator from the Twenty- ninth district. In 1883 he was the Democratic can- didate for Congress in his district, but was unable to overcome the big Republican majority in his district. Colonel Payne has always stood high in the esteem of his fellow townsmen and ranks as one of the fore most citizens of Niagara county. LINUS SPALDING. Linus Spalding, irreproachable in private and efficient in public life, was born in the town of Hartland, Niagara county, N. Y., June 13, 1824. The grandfather of Linus Spalding, whose name was Jacob Spalding, fought for freedom in the Revolutionary war. Linus Spalding, sr., the father of the subject of this sketch, moved, at the age of fourteen, from Vermont to Broome county, N. Y., where he married Lydia Shepherd. In 181 1 he joined the pioneers of Hartland, Niagara county, where he became the owner of a section of valuable land. Linus Spalding, sr., fought for his country in the war of 181 2, assisted in building the first bridge across the Genesee River ; and in many other ways socially, politically, and religiously, he was useful to the community in which he lived. The Spaldings, of Niagara county, descended from Edward Spalding, who came to this country from England, in 16 19. He settled in Vir- ginia, where he remained till about 1640, when he moved to Massachu- setts Bay. This large and illustrious family, scattered throughout many States, has comprised, among its various branches, noted members of the learned professions ; one bishop, a general, and other officers in the Revolution- ary war'; besides several scientists and inventors, one, by his originality, giving to the world the useful lucifer match. LINUS SPALDING. 4t3 Linus Spalding received an academic education in the village of Mid- dleport. At different times in his life he has engaged successfully in farming, stock-raising, and the mercantile business. He was formerly a Whig, but commencing in 1S56, he served seven successive terms as the Democratic supervisor of the town of Hartland. Me is a consistent member of the Universalist church, and by unusual kindness and tender sympathy he has endeared himself to a large circle of friends and acquaintances. January 22, 185 i, he married Cordelia H. Compton, of Middleport. town of Royalton, Niagara county. His children are Mary E., who married William J. Sterritt, one of the prominent paper manufacturers of Western New York, and Louise C, wife of Edgar B. French, who resides in Middleport, and is engaged in the hardware business. The grandchildren of Linus Spalding are Linus, Frank, Louise and Robert Sterritt, of Middleport, Niagara county. DAVID MILLAR. Hon. David Millar was born in Lewiston, Niagara county, Sep- tember 30, 1842, and is a son of Alexander Millar, jr., who was a son of Alexander Millar, sr., who was born in Dundee, Scotland, in 1762, and came to America in 1804, settling in Lewiston in the following year. Judge Millar received his education in the public schools of his native place, at the Lewiston Academy and at the Lockport Union School. In 1867 he began the study of law in the office of L. F. & G. W. Bowen ; he finished his legal studies with Farnell & Brazee, and was admitted to practice in 1889. He is a prominent Democrat, and in 1889 was elected judge of Niagara county for a term of six years. As a lawyer and jurist Judge Millar has achieved eminent success, and is widely recognized as a man of ability and integrity. July 12, 1871, he married Miss Hortense, daughter of Peter Valleau, of Shannonville, Ontario, Canada. 414 ALVAH K. POTTER. Hon. Alvah K. Potter is a grandson of Joseph and Lydia (Drake) Potter and a son of Thomas D, Potter (born in January, 1796) and Eunice Marden, and was born March 31, 1840, in Concord, N. H., where his paternal great-grandfather, a native of Ipswich, Mass., be- came an early settler, after serving as a soldier in the Revolutionary war. He is of English descent. Judge Potter received his preliminary education at the Appleton Academy and was graduated from Dart- mouth College in 1862. He then enlisted in the Union army, was com- missioned first lieutenant of Co. H, 7th N. H. Vol. Inf , and later was made captain of Co. A, i8th N. H. Vols. He was successively pro- moted major and lieutenant-colonel and served with distinction until the close of the war, being recommended for brevet rank for " gallant and meritorious conduct " at Petersburg, by General Orders of the com- mander of the Ninth Army Corps. Returning home he read law with Boardman & Blodgett, of Boston, and later with Anson S. Marshall, of Concord, and was admitted to the New Hampshire bar in 1 866. He prac- ticed in Concord three years and then removed to Niagara Falls, where he was for three years a member of the law firm of Piper & Potter. In 1872 he settled in Lockport, where he has since resided, and where he served as city attorney in 1875 and 1876. In politics he is a Republican. He was elected judge of Niagara county in 1883 and served six years, re- suming the practice of law at the close of his term. Judge Potter is an able lawyer and gave great satisfaction as a jurist. CHARLES HICKEY. Charles Hickey, county judge and surrogate of Niagara county, and the first to hold these combined offices, has so far in life met with marked success in the face of many obstacles. Of him it can be truly said that he has risen to a position of honor and responsibility through his own unaided efforts. He was born in the town of Somerset, April 18, 1857, and has always been a resident of this county. His father died while the subject of this sketch was still a child, leaving a widow %mf»^ MAJOR HENRY F. PIERCE. 4'5 without means, but with a large family of small children on her hands. Charles commenced working by the month at farming when only eleven years of age, continuing at such employment with little interruption until he attained his majority. During the winter seasons he attended the district schools of his native town, where the foundation of his edu- cation was laid. It was not until after passing his twenty- first birthday that he entered the Lockport Union School. Here his course of study was interrupted from time to time, lack of means forcing him to engage in teaching to maintain himself. In this calling he succeeded so well that he was twice elected president of the Niagara County Teachers' Association. While still teaching he commenced reading law and com- pleted his course of legal studies in the office of Hon. John E. Pound, of Lockport. In 1884, being then twenty-eight years of age, he was admitted to the bar, and the following year launched out for himself. A little later he was elected justice of the peace for the city of Lock- port, but resigned after one year's service to give attention to his in- creasing law practice. In the spring of 1892 he was appointed city attorney of Lockport and continued in that office until January i, 1896, when he entered upon the duties of his present office, having been elect- ed thereto at the preceding general election. Judge Hickey was married to Frances C. Lambert, of Lockport, No- vember 25, 1886, and has three children. He has attained some prom- inence as an Odd Fellow and is now serving his fourth term as presi- dent of the Odd Fellows' Home Association of the State of New York, which maintains an institution for the care of aged and indigent Odd Fellows at Lockport. In politics he is a Republican. MAJOR HENRY F. PIERCE. Major Henry F. Pierce (deceased), was born at Wheatfield, N. Y., October 1 1, 1840, and was a son of George H. Pierce, an extensive lumber dealer of that section. Major Pierce was educated in Niagara halls Academy and in the public schools of his native town, and at nineteen years of age entered the Albany Law School, from which he graduated in i860 with honors. He then removed to Niagara Falls, 4i6 where he engaged in the active practice of his profession until 1862, when he entered the United States army as first Heutenant in the 78th N. Y. S. Volunteers; he was afterwards quartermaster of the 2d Regi- ment of New York Mounted Rifles and before tiie close of the war was promoted to the rank of major in the same regiment for bravery and brilliant maneuvrei-ig during several engagements. In 1865 he re- turned to Niagara county and engaged in business with his father, where he continued until 1873, in which year he established himself in the coal trade at Niagara Falls, and successfully continued it until his death in 1887. At the same time he was interested in banking busi- ness at Clifton, N. Y., in partnership with George H. Howard. Major Pierce was a staunch Democrat, served two years as president of the village of Niagara h^alls, was supervisor of the town of Niagara and pres- ident of the Hook and Ladder Company. He was married on Septem- ber 25, 1865, to Jane E. Samways of Niagara Falls, and they had nine children, six of whom survive. ISAAC H. BABCOCK. Hon. Isaac H. Babcock has a well established reputation in mer- cantile circles of Western New York, and particularly in the city of Lockport. He was born in Albany county, N. Y., September 20, 1830, and removed to Niagara county with his parents, Jeptha W. and Mary (Hoag) Babcock. Jeptha W. Babcock was a prominent citizen and was elected to the Assembly as the candidate of the Whig party from the Second district, and served two terms, in 185 1 and 1852. Isaac H. Babcock engaged in farming in the town of Somerset, continuing until i860, when he removed to Lockport and took up fruit growing and the nursery business. He afterwards became connected with the Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings Bank of Lockport as its secretary and treasurer, which position he held twelve years, after which he was made vice- president and was later elected president, which office he still holds. Aside from his banking interest, Mr. Babcock is actively engaged in the American District Steam Heating Company, acting in the capacity of treasurer and as one of the executive officers. Like all good citizens, 417 Mr. Babcock takes a deep interest in public affairs, but his active par- ticipation in politics has been confined to two occasions when his party conferred nominations upon him, twice for supervisor and twice for the State Assembly; to the last named office he was elected in 1872 (just twenty years after his fatiier held the same office), and served on the im- portant committee of insurance. In his second year he was chairman of the Special Committee to investigate the affairs of the Erie Rail- road Company. He has always been a staunch Republican and was one of the organizers of that party in the county. As a business man he has for many years ranked among the most enterprising and success- ful. In 1 86 1 Mr. Babcock married Sarah L. Newhall, daughter of Daniel Newhall ; this family came from Massachusetts where Mrs. Babcock was born. Daniel Newhall was one of the prominent early residents of Niagara county. Mr. and Mrs Babcock have had four chil dren, two deceased ; the living are Mary E., residing at home, and Menry J., engaged in business with his father. JOHN HODGE. John Hodge was born in in Jefferson county, N. Y., January 13, 1837, and settled in Lockport when it was still a village. He for a short time studied law, but the inherent business qualities of his nature led to his becoming connected with the Merchant's Gargling Oil Com- pany, of which corporation he became secretary and sole manager. Energetic and conservative in character, he by his own efforts accu- mulated a fortune which he largel)- employed in building up his adopt- ed city, and in the promotion of religious and educational institutions. The Hodge Opera House, which was erected by him, was destroyed by fire soon after its completion, but was rebuilt by him and at the present time is one of the handsomest business blocks in Lockport. The Lockport Water Supply Company, the Lockport Street Railroad Company, of both of which he was president, the Lockport and Buf- falo Railroad Company, of which he was treasurer, and numerous other enterprises availed themselves of his invincible energy, capacity for organization and prompt decision. His financial responsibility, integ- 53 4i8 rity of character and executive ability led those who knew him to call his services into requisition to an almost unlimited extent. He was nine years president of the Lockport Board of Education ; for several years treasurer of the Order of A. O. U. W., and the grand master of the Grand Lodge of Masons of this State during the last year of his life. In the full activity of business he was ever responsive to demands for charity and most generous in his benefactions. His untimely death, which took place August 7, 1895, was an irreparable loss not only to his widow, but to the entire community of the city to whose interests he was so devoted. CHARLES PETERSON. Charles Peterson was born in Mount Morris, N. Y., January 31, 1848. In 1856 his parents moved to Reynale's Basin, where the firm of Hunt, Kingsley & Peterson was engaged in enlarging a section of the Erie Canal. In 1858 the family took up their residence in Lockport. Charles Peterson was educated at the Lockport Union School and the Buffalo Business College. His first business experience was in 1864 as bookkeeper for his father, who at that time had a repair contract on the Erie Canal at Albany. He worked with his father for some time and then became a contractor himself Among his most important works have been the construction of the Milwaukee Water Works, completed in 1873 ; the Grand Rapids Water Works in 1874 ; three sections of the New Welland Ship Canal in Can- ada in 1880; the Nunda division of the B., N. Y. & P. R. R. in 1883 i the Erie Co. and Buffalo division of the West Shore Railroad at Buffalo ; and the Syphon Tunnel, 350 feet below the Harlem River, carrying the new Croton Aqueduct to Manhattan Island. He was elected mayor of the city of Lockport, on the Democratic ticket, April 16, 1895. He was married April 27, 1881, to Jennie G. Lapham, daughter of William G. and Rebecca Smith Lapham of Syracuse. Mrs. Peterson is a niece of Hon. Elbridge C. Lapham, former United States senator of Canandaigua. They have three children, Rebecca L,, Charles Gilbert and Jennie Gray. 419 Charles Peterson is a son of Gilbert and Elizabeth Parker Peterson. Gilbert Peterson was born at Owasco, N. Y., August 5, 1824, and died at Lockport November 13, 1890. He was a son of Garrett and Rebecca Babcock Peterson, married in Scipio, Cayuga county, in 1800, her family having removed from New Bedford, Mass. Garrett Peterson died at Nunda, N. Y., November i, 1843. He was a son of Cornelius and Hannah Parcel Peterson who lived in Hillsborough, Somerset county, N. J., during the Revolutionary war. Cornelius Peterson was an offi- cer of the New Jersey militia in the war, having been elected second, and his brother Roelif first lieutenant of the Neshanic Company of Somerset County Militia at a meeting of freeholders held in Hillsborough May 3, 1775. All his children were baptized in the Dutch Reformed church of Neshanic, N. J. After the Revolutionary war Cornelius Peter- son removed from Somerset county, N. J., to Cayuga county, N. Y., bringing with him in covered wagons his family of six sons and two daughters, among whom were Cornelius, Jerome, George, Garrett, Roelif, Richard, Anna and Altje, and some negro slaves. In 1 796 he purchased 950 acres of land on the shores of Owasco Lake. Hannah Parcel Peterson was of English descent, her family having emigrated from England to Holland on account of religious troubles. There is a legend in the family that Parcel Square in the city of London belongs to her descendants. Some of the oldest members of the family now living, say that documents to that effect were sent here from Eng- land about 1825, but they do not know where they are now or whether they are still in existence. The ancestors of the Peterson family came from Holland, and from all the information to be had up to this time, appear to have settled first on Long Island and afterward removed to the banks of the Raritan River in Somerset county, N. J., settling there some time previous to the Revolutionary war. Elizabeth Parker Peterson, mother of Charles Peterson, is the daugh- ter of Benjamin and Catherine Snyder Parker. Benjamin Parker came from Somerset county, N. J., to Livingston county, N. Y., in 1797. He served in the war of 181 2, losing a leg at the battle of Queenston Heights. She is also the granddaughter of Capt. John and Elizabeth Pettit Parker of Somerset county. N. J. Capt. Joiin Pa'rker served in 420 the Revolutionary war with the First Battalion of Somerset county militia. He fought in the battle of Monmouth under General Washing- ton, and died soon after the battle from the effects of being overheated. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FELTON Was born and educated in Barre, Worcester county, Mass., the date of his birth being December 31, 1827. He removed to Buffalo in 1854 and to North Tonawanda in 1867. When he located in Buffalo he be- gan the manufacture of pocket books, leather goods and stationery. Subsequently he engaged in the news business and for about fifteen years controlled that business on the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, the Lake Shore and other roads, paying a rental of $41,000 per annum. This business was then succeeded by the Union News Company. Since coming to North Tonawanda he ha.s been en- gaged in various enterprises, including the real estate business, and has been very successful in his endeavors to develop the place. A large number of streets were opened under his supervision in the city, and Felton street was named after him. He and Hon. John Simson were engaged quite extensively in the real estate business and were the first to pay $1,000 an acre for land in North Tonawanda, and they once owned a large portion of the Niagara River frontage in the northern part of the city. He was also one of the first in the organization of the Niagara River Iron Company, purchasing the realty, and was their local director during the early years of its existence. He has been a member and president of the Board of Education of North Tonawanda for twenty-one years, and re-elected for three years additional, and has done much for the cause of education in that city and been instrumental in shaping the course and policy of the board for many years. He has also been a member of the village Board of Trustees and president one term, receiving the nomination of all the political parties and was elect- ed without opposition. In politics Mr. Felton is a Democrat and has always been influential in his party. In 1857 he married Ellen P. Chap- man, of Maine, and they have three children : Grace A., Charles E., a student in Cornell University; and Wilbert H., a student in the North 421 Tonawanda High School. Mr. Felton is a prominent Mason, a member of the Blue Lodge and Chapter; also of the A. O. U. W., and of the Mystic Circle, lie is a man of great virility and strength of character, independent in thought and action, a genial entertainer and of abound- ing hospitality. JAMES FULLERTON TROTT. This distinguished citizen of Niagara Falls, who for half a centurj- has been identified with public affairs, and particularly with its educa- tional interests, is one of the oldest and most public-spirited citizens of the place. He was born in Boston, Mass., on Purchase street, Fort Hill district, at that time the most aristocratic part of the " Hub," March 25, 181 5. He came from one of the most distinguished families of Boston, being seventh in direct line of descent on his maternal side from John Winslow and Mary Chilton. His grandfather on his mother's side was Gen. John Winslow, who served as a lieutenant under General Washington in the Revolution. He was one of the original members of the Society of the Cincinnati, being the sixth to sign the original articles of association, and for many years the treasurer of the organiza- tion. He was also treasurer of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston, and was made a brigadier- general by the city of Boston for valuable services, and at his death was buried with military honors in the Winslow tomb in King's Chapel burial ground, where for six generations the family have deposited their dead. The subject of this sketch was baptized in the Old South church, where most of his ancestors had been baptized before him from the time the church was built, and in which they always owned a pew. His father, Capt. James Fullerton Trott, had command of a packet of which he was part owner, and sailed between Boston and Liverpool. When the war of 18 12 began his vessel was seized by the English, the officers and passengers being paroled and returned to Boston. His son, named after him, received his education in the Boylston Public Grammar School, where he was awarded the Franklin medal for scholarship, an honor highly prized, and afterwards attended the \11 High School for three years. After residing for a few years in New York city he came to Niagara Falls, where he married Miss Celinda Eliza, youngest daughter of the distinguished Gen. Parkhurst Whit- ney, September 9, 1844, at the Cataract House. He removed to Galena, 111., after his marriage, and thence to Belle- vue, Iowa, at which latter place he engaged in business, but on account of General Whitney's earnest request he returned to the Falls, and as a member of the firm of Whitney, Jerauld & Company, he became in- terested in the management of the Cataract House, the great reputation of which was more than maintained by the firm; their combined efforts adding greatly to the popularity of the hotel, which, under the man- agement of General Whitney, had obtained a world-wide popularity. In 1853 the firm built the historic ball room in which so many distin- guished people have participated on festive occasions. In 1859 the firm built the still more famous drawing-room, whose magnificent piazza commanded a superb view of the rapids. These additions, how- ever, were removed when the State of New York purchased this part of the property for reservation purposes. In 1868 the massive stone ad- ditions fronting on Main street was built. Mr. Trott for forty years managed the financial affairs of the firm with consummate ability, and retired from the business in 1886. He has always taken a lively interest in municipal affairs. He had been a member of the Board of Education since 1848, and president for many years. He was for six years supervisor of the town, being elected on the Democratic ticket of which party he has always been a staunch supporter. He was at one time tendered the Democratic nomination for Congress, but declined the honor. Since 1848 he has had charge of the school district library, and has always taken deepest interest in the welfare of the schools. His aim was for many years to elevate tiie standard of scholarship in the public schools to the high plane which it now occupies, in which he was ably seconded by his fellow members of the board and by the public generally. At the graduating exercises June 20, 1895, one of the most interesting features of the occasion was the presentation to Mr. Trott, president of the Board of Education, of a portrait of himself, in a handsome frame, in recognition of his continu- ous and faithful service of the school board for fort}^- eight years, and ARTHUR SCHOELLKOPF. 423 his fellow-citizens are a unit in the desire that his usefulness will con- tinue for many years to come. ARTHUR SCHOELLKOPF. Arthur Schoellkopf was born at Buffalo, N. Y.. June 13, 1856, and is a son of Jacob F. Schoellkopf, who came to America from Kirchheim u. T., Wurtemberg, Germany, in 1841, settling in Buffalo, where he began business as a tanner. He is at present a resident of that city and interested in various industrial enterprises ; he formed a partnership with George B. Mathews of Buffalo, and with his son Ar- thur, in 1877 built a large flouring mill on the Hydraulic Canal at Niagara Falls. Arthur Schoellkopf was educated in the public schools, the St. Joseph College and Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Buffalo, and in the academy at Kirchheim u. T., Germany. At the age of eighteen he entered the large flour mill of Thornton & Chester, Buffalo, where he remained four years and fully mastered the business. In 1877 he removed to Niagara Falls, where he assumed the manage- ment of the mill built by his father in the preceding year. He is one of the influential citizens of this section who were instrumental in forming the Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power and Manufacturing Company, else- where described in this volume, and has been secretary and treasurer of the company since its organization. He is also vice president of the Cliff Paper Company and secretary-treasurer of the Niagara Falls Brew- ing Company. In politics Mr. Schoellkopf is a Republican. In March, 1896, he was elected mayor of the city and held the office until a cor- responding date of the present year (1897). He was chosen president of the Power City Bank when it was established in June, 1893, which position he still holds. On October 13, 1880, he married Jessie Gluck, and they have two children, M. Beatrice and Paul Arthur. CHARLES NEWELL PALMER, M. D. This eminent physician and surgeon was born in the town of Bridge- water, Oneida county, N.Y., May 25. 1841. I le dates his ancestry in this 424 country back to 1623, he being the eighth generation in this country on both sides, and in direct Hne on the maternal side of the first governor of Rhode Island. His great-grandfather, Jonathan Palmer, was an officer in the Revolutionary war and a pioneer in New York State, coming from Connecticut in 1793 and settling in Oneida county, where Gershom Palmer, father of Charles N., was born in 1798. Doctor Palmer was edu- cated at the Charlotteville and West VVinfield Seminaries and the Amster- dam, N. Y., Academy, and at the University of the City of New York, where he was graduated from the medical department in 1864 He spent one year in military service during the war of the Rebellion as surgeon in the Mount Pleasant General Hospital at Washington, D. C ; the 9th corps field hospital; the floating hospital, "New World" ; the transports Con- necticut and Thomas A. Morgan, and was surgeon in charge of the 22d New York Cavalry in the field, after which he began private practice in Sauquoit, Oneida county. In 1867 he located in Lockport, where he has since pursued the practice of his profession extensively both in medicine and surgery. Doctor Palmer is prominently identified with a number of societies. He is a Mason of high standing, occupying high official positions in the subordinate bodies and in the Grand Lodge of the State, and is also a Noble of the Mystic Shrine; a member of the Niagara County Medical Society, at one time being its president; of the New York State Medi- cal Society, and of the American Medical Association. He is also a member of Charles P. Sprout Post No. "j^, G. A. R. ; was surgeon of the 1 6th Separate Co , N. G. S. N. Y. ; also surgeon on the staff" of Major General Rogers, 4th Division, with the rank of lieutenant-colo- nel, which he still holds, and of the Knights of St. John and Malta. He has been a prominent member of the Baptist church for forty-five years, and his family are members of the same denomination, The ancestors of both Dr. and Mrs. Palmer were from the origi- nal Puritanic stock. The doctor was married April 20, 1867, to Sarah E. Fillmore, a daughter of ex- Sheriff Fillmore of Norwich, Conn , and a relative of President Fillmore ; they have three children : Bertha L., Harry R., and S. Valencia. Although engaged in a general practice Dr. Palmer has made a specialty of forensic medicine, and for many years there has rarely ANDREW KALTENBACH. 425 been in Niagara county a high court in which he has not been called as an expert. In fact, he has throughout Western New York a high repu- tation in legal medicine. He was a private pupil of Prof. Alfred L. Loomis, who had a world-wide reputation, and who up to the time of iiis death was a friend and father to Dr. Palmer. Dr. Palmer has long been prominently identified with all advance movements in the city and county, and is widely and favorably known outside his imme- diate vicinity, both professionally and otherwise. ANDREW KALTENBACII. Andrew Kaltenbach came to Niagara Falls, N. Y., from the city of Rochester in the autumn of 1877 and at once began the erection of his now famous hotel, known throughout the civilized world as the Hotel Kaltenbach, which was opened to the public on May 21, 1878, and where he has since entertained many notable people of both con- tinents, being popular and successful. JOSHUA GASKILL. Joshua Gaskill was born in the town of Royalton, Niagara county, N. Y., November 4, 1835, and is a son of Varney Gaskill, of Quaker parentage, whose ancestors immigrated from England about 1750, settling in New Hampshire, where he was born. Varney Gaskill re- moved to Niagara county about 1813, settling on a farm The mother of Joshua Gaskill, Sarah Bishop, was of French descent, whose ances- tor, Eleazar Bishop, came from France in the latter part of the seven- teenth century. Her father, Thomas Bishop, was a captain in the Revolutionary army. Joshua Gaskill's early education was received in the district school, Wilson Collegiate Institute, Lockport Union School and the Gasport Academy. He was employed on his father's farm during the summer seasons until he was twenty years of age, when he entered the University of Rochester and graduated from that institution with the degree of A. B., in 1859, and received the degree of A. M. in 54 426 1863. He began the study of law in the office of Hon. George D. Lamont, of Lockport, and in December of i860, was admitted to the bar in Buffalo. He has been engaged in the practice of his profession since that time at Lockport, N. Y., with the exception of four months in 1862-63 which he spent in Saginaw, Mich. In politics Mr. Gaskill has always been a Republican, on his twenty-first birthday voting for John C. Fremont for president. For many years he has been recognized as one of the leading Republicans of the county. He was for two years city clerk of Lockport ; one year clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Niagara county, and six years surrogate of the county. Mr. Gaskill married. May 25, 1863, Salome Cox, daughter of George H. Cox, now of Indianapolis, Ind. They have had eight children, three of whom are now living : Sara Frances, wife of Fred S. Jackson, a lawyer of Buffalo ; De Witt Clinton, a law student in his father's office ; Bertha Salome, a student in the Lockport Union School. REV. PATRICK T. MULLANEY. Rev. Patrick Thomas Mullaney, rector of St. Peter's Roman Catholic church, Lewiston, and St. Bernard's church, Youngstown, is the youngest of eleven children of James and Margaret (Byrne) Mulla- ney, natives of County Leitrim and County Sligo, Ireland, respectively. His parents came to America about 1850, settled in the town of Lock- port, Niagara county, and died there, the father on August 12, 1889, aged ninety-three, and the mother August 23, 1879, aged about seventy. Rev. Father Mullaney was born on a farm in Lockport, this county, and received his preparatory education at the Christian Brothers' Acad- emy in Rochester, He subsequently took a course at Niagara Uni- versity, and was ordained to the priesthood from there, by the late Bishop Ryan, of Buffalo, on June 15, 1884, after which he was assistant priest at Rexville, Steuben county, for eleven months. On June 13, 1885, he was appointed to the charge of St. Peter's parish, Lewiston, and of St. Bernard's mission, Youngstown, which he has since served with great fidelity and success. These two parishes comprise about 427 sixty-five families, of which forty are in Levviston, and their history dates back many years. The first priest of whom there is any record was Fatlier Stephens, who was followed by F'ather Hughes, Tierney, Leyden, Monohan, Asmuth (president of Niagara University), Boyle, Smith, Ryan (the poet-priest), MulhoUand, Maloy, Toohey, Farley, Baxter, Brady, Michael O'Shea, Gratton, Johnston, Morris O'Shea, and Mullaney. Several of these were resident priests. Father Mullaney, during his pastorate of more than twelve years, has been remarkably successful, and is justly popular with all classes of the community. He is public spirited and progressive, and in every sense a thorough, patriotic American. He is a prominent member and past chancellor of Branch 27, C. M. B. A., of Lockport. RICHARD CROWLEY. Richard Crowley, counselor and statesman, was born at Lock- port, Niagara county, N. Y., on the 14th of December, 1836. His life, thus far, is a shining example of what ambition, unaided, can achieve ; of triumph over obstacles, and patience and perseverance under diffi- culties. From early childhood until he attained his majority, he labored hard and faithfully on his father's farm, only alternating his arduous tasks with the solace of study and reading in the winter months. And here is marvelously shown the mighty force which genius and greatness can exert over the youthful mind, as in the lonely farm house, by a solitary light, he reads of the lofty paths others have trod, in burning words of immortal eloquence. Among his most precious possessions to-day, as a dear memory of the past, is a volume of Shakespeare, which he earned by chopping wood, at fifty cents per cord, and for which he paid three dollars. And the grand array of classic authors of ancient Greece and Rome, with their carefully worded comments pen- ciled on the margin of their pages, thus showing how deeply the im- pression was engraved upon his young mind, have long since shown the golden fruitage of such seed, in the glowing political speeches, richly freighted with knowledge of the world's history, and the charac- ter and achievements of its greatest men. 428 Mr. Crowley began the study of law in the office of Gardener & La- mont in 1857. A little later he entered the office of L. F. & G. W. Bowen, and was admitted to the bar in November, i860. In 1861 he formed his first law partnership with Edward I. Chase, a brother of the celebrated chief justice, who in 1865 admitted him to practice in the Supreme Court of the United States. Since then a great many cele- brated cases have been placed under his care, and he has saved many lives, and won many laurels as an advocate. From boyhood he was greatly interested in national politics and his decision to enter the ranks of the Republican party first came about through the excitement in regard to the repeal of the Missouri Coni- primise, and the Kansas and Nebraska troubles. He was the first city attorney of the city of Lockport. in 1865 and 1866. When twenty- nine years old he was elected to the State Senate. He was re-elected in 1867, and made chairman of the Committee on Municipal Affairs. At that time, from 1865 to 1869, he was in daily association and close friendship with many whose names have since been written permanently in the annals of our country. Charles J. Folger, though twenty years older, was his most intimate companion, and they two, with Chester A. Arthur, Alonzo B. Cornell, and many others, were instrumental in the sudden and brilliant rise of Roscoe Conkling to the Senate, and to the leadership of the Empire State. In 1 87 1 General Grant, then president, appointed Mr. Crowley United States attorney for the Northern District of New York. On the paper which Senator Conkling presented to the president were arrayed the names of all the leading Republicans of this State. This office he held with great distinction for eight years, only resigning it to take his seat in the Forty-sixth Congress in 1879. Many of the causes then pleaded were famous. There was the Central Railroad case, the Ballard coun- terfeiting case, plea of the Woman Suffragists, and many others. The favorable newspaper comments of these years form a history in them- selves. Mr. Crowley's appearance in the House of Representatives was on the eve of Garfield's election. In the desire to win over all the prom- inent Grant men, Garfield was moved to place Mr. Crowley in the Cabinet ; he was therefore slated for the attorney-generalship, but 429 afterwards made way for Folger (who afterwards declined the same), whose claim was seniority, "an older soldier, not a better." When the most noted of all the contests for the United States Sen- ate occurred in 1881 between Mr. Crowley and Mr. Piatt, every one is familiar with the sudden and simultaneous resignation of the two senators, Conkling and Piatt, only a few weeks after the success of the latter, as well as the tragedy which quickly followed. During the administration of Arthur, Mr. Crowley, although he obtained powerful and lucrative offices for many friends, singularly enough never sought office for himself Soon after the election of Cleveland he re- turned to his old home at Lockport to practice law once more, having previously lived for a brief time only in New York and BulTalo. In as much as the associates of his early political career were many years older than himself, he now stands almost the last one left of the famous Stalwart Band. In January, 1896, Levi P. Morton, then governor of the State of New York-, unsolicited, appointed Mr. Crowley agent for the State of New York in the Collection and Settlement of Claims of the State of New York against the Government of the United States, growing out of the late war of the Rebellion. These claims aggregated many mil- lions of dollars, and a part of Mr. Crowley's time is now devoted to their settlement in Albany and in Washington. Mr. Crowley comes from a long-lived race of people, and is in the prime of physical and mental manhood. Before him, apparently, there lies a brilliant future, eclipsing the brilliant past. EUGENP: Fr. T. 1)E KLKIST. Eugene Fr. T. DE Kleist was born in Dusscldorf, Germany, Janu- ary 18, 1853. He is descended from a long line of noble German an- cestors. Many of his famil}- have been at times and actually arc prom- inent officers in the German army, as well as conspicuous in private life. The name of von Kleist is one that is highly esteemed and dis- tinguished in the Fatherland. After the German- Franco war, Mr. de Kleist went to I'-nglaiul, where 430 he learned thoroughlythe art of organ-building. He came to America in 1892, and in 1893 opened the organ factory at North Tonawanda, where he employs a number of skilled operators in the building of church-self-acting and barrel organs, which are unsurpassed. Every part of the organ is made in his factory, so that each is perfect and suited exactly to the instrument for which it is designed. Mr. de Kleist ships his organs all over the world and commands a large trade without sending out salesmen, which speaks highly for his goods. He is an enterprising and successful business man, and has built a fine residence in North Tonawanda on the street on which his factory is situated. Mr. de Kleist married Charlotte, the daughter of the late Gustave T. T. Chelius, major in the regular Dutch army, and she is the niece of the late Dr. Ger. F. Westerman, well famed in zoological centers as the founder and life-long director of the magnificent zoological park N. A. M. at Amsterdam (Holland). They have four children, Charlotte, Martha, Auguste and Hedvige. Mr. de Kleist and his wife are members of the Catholic church at Tona- wanda ; he is a Republican in politics. ALBERT E. McKEEN Was born in Portland, Me,, and came to North Tonawanda in 1862 with his parents, when less than two years old. He started in the lum- ber business in 1875 with Gratwick, Smith & Fryer, and after eleven years with this house, was with Hollister Brothers until March, 1892, when the firm of Oille & McKeen was formed. This house has taken a front place in the lumber business of the twin cities; they have spa- cious yards equipped with a complete set of railroad switches and han- dle from 25,000,000 to 35,000,000 feet of lumber anrtually. Mr. Mc- Keen is prominent in both the Masons and Odd Fellows and also as a public man. He was trustee of the village for four years and was elected mayor in the spring of 1897. I ALBHKT li. McKHIfN. 431 ALBERT DORNFELD. Albert Dornfeld, of the town of Wheatfield, was born in Prussia, Germany, January 5, 1831. In 1843, when twelve years of age, he came to America with his parents, setth'ng at the now known village of Mar- tinsville, and when about fifteen years old followed boating and other occupations for eight years. He then went to Wisconsin where he re- mained during 1856 and 1857. He then returned to Martinsville and conducted a saw mill and boat yard for some time, when he removed to Buffalo and remained three years, during one of which he was on the police force. He then returned to Martinsville and taught a private school for twenty years. In 1891 he was elected trustee of the extended village of North Tonawanda. In 1893 ^le was appointed postmaster by President Harrison at North Tonawanda, N. Y., and was reappointed by President Cleveland in 1895. This post-office has risen under Mr. Dornfeld's charge from a fourth class to a second class office, and he is very popular with the people. He also held the office of postmaster at Martinsville under Cleveland's first administration. Mr. Dornfeld was assessor in Wheatfield from 1857 to i860, was justice of the peace eight years and was nominated by his party for supervisor. He has been twice married ; his first wife was Augusta M. Pritzel, who died leaving six children: Augusta Sahr, Gustavus, Louis, Mnry Meyer, Edward and George. In 1886 he married Maria Hoffman. George Dornfeld is assistant postmaster at North Tonawanda since 1893. WILLIAM J. STl^RKlTf. William J. Sterritt was born in Lockport April 4, 1856, and is a son of Thomas Sterritt, who was a native of Ireland and immigrated to America in 1852, settling in Lockport. William J. Sterritt was edu- cated in the schools of Lockport and in 1867 located in Middleport, where he established his present cooperage business in 1874 In 1878 he bought the heading mill and in 1884 purchased the Middleport paper mill property in connection with Messrs. Rowley & Eddy; in 1886 he purchased their interest and continued the business alone until 1891, when a stock company was organized for the purpose of manufacturing 432 box boards, under the title of the Hartland Paper Company, with a pro- duction of 2,500 tons per year; of this company he is secretary and treasurer. In politics Mr. Sterritt has always been a Republican and for years has been recognized as one of the representative men of his party in the county and town ; he served as president of the village of Middleport for three terms and was elected president of the Board of Education in 1897, of which he has been a member since its organiza- tion. In 1895 he was one of the founders of the Standard Straw Board Company, with offices in New York, spending the year in completing its organization ; it has been successful since its inception. He is promi- nently identified with the Masonic Order, having attained the thirty- second degree, and is a member of Lockport Chapter and Command- ery, and the Rochester Consistory. In 1877 Mr. Sterritt married Mary E., daughter of Linus and Cordelia H. (Compton) Spalding; they have three sons, Linus, Frank and Robert, and one daughter, Louise. The family are members of the Episcopal church. WILLIAM POOL.i Hon. William Pool is a grandson of Achish Pool, a native of Ab- ingdon (now Whitman), Mass., who came to Lewiston, Niagara county, with his family, in 181 1, and settled on a farm which he bought of the Holland Land Company. He built a tavern on the old State road and conducted it for several years. His wife was Susan Hersey, and of their three sons, Thomas F. Pool, the eldest, was born in Abingdon Novem- ber 4, 1800, came to Lewiston with his parents in 1811, and lived there until his death in 1886. His homestead in the east part of the town, at Dickersonville, is now owned by his son Wilbur. Thomas F. Pool was a substantial farmer, and a Whig and later a Republican in politics, but never aspired to office. He was a liberal member of the M. E. church, and a man highly respected and esteemed. His first wife, Fannie Suth- erland, a native of Sutherland Falls, Vt, died in 1850, leaving seven children : William, of Niagara Falls ; Susanna (Mrs. Samuel Townsend), of Lewiston ; Andrew S,, of Sanborn ; Thomas C, of Lockport; Mary 1 Contributed bv W. Stanley Child. 433 J. (Mrs. William H. Shaw), who died in 1853 ; Frank, deceased; and one who died in infancy. Mr. Pool married for his second wife Mrs. Maria (Cotton) Taylor, who died in 1894. They had two children: Wilbur, supervisor of Lewiston and chairman of the board ; and Hattic (Mrs. Orrin Shippey), who died in 1895. William Pool, the eldest son of Thomas F. and Fannie (Sutherland) Pool, was born in Lewiston, Niagara county, May 15, 1825, and traces his American ancestry back to 1635. He was educated in the common schools of his native town and at the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, N. Y., and remained on the homestead until 1852, being for a time the postmaster at Dickersonville. He then accepted a position on the Lockport Daily Courier. In 1854 he came to Niagara Falls, and with Benjamin F. Sleeper founded the Niagara Falls Gazette. Mr. Sleeper retired in 1864, and Mr. Pool conducted the paper alone with uninterrupted success until 1880, when he sold it to Peter A. Porter. During the next three years Mr. Pool was chiefly engaged in settling up his private business. In January, 1884, with his son, Rupert, he started the Niagara Courier, which he has since conducted, making it one of the ablest and most powerful weeklies in Western New York. Mr. Pool is probably the oldest and best known journalist in this part of the State. His long and honorable career as an editor has won him a wide acquaintance and hosts of friends, while his ability as a writer has been recognized even outside his own constituency. He was one of the earlist members of the Republican party, which he has staunchly and fearlessly supported, and which he has served in various important capacities. No man in the county has had wider experience in political affairs. He has been a prominent and influential member in every kind of party convention, from the humblest to the highest, serving invaria- bly as a regularly qualified delegate. City, county, district and State conventions have felt his power and influence. He was a delegate to the Republican National Convention which nominated R. B. Hayes for president, and in 1894 was a delegate to the State Constitutional Con- vention. He filled several village offices prior to 1866, when he was elected to the State Assembly, where he served one term, before the expiration of which he was appointed postmaster at Niagara Falls to fill a vacancy. 434 He was reappointed to this office in 1872, by President Grant, and served in all more than eight years. He was for some time first lieu- tenant of Co. D of the old 66th Regiment State Militia, and is a mem- ber of the M. E. church and of Niagara Frontier Lodge, No. 132, F. & A. M., of Niagara Falls. December 20. 1848, Mr. Pool was married to Wealthy Woolson, daughter of Charles Woolson, a native of Vermont, who settled in Lewis- ton at an early day. They had four children, one of whom died in in- fancy ; the others are Rupert M., George E., and Helen E. Mrs. Pool died October 7, 1896. WH.BER T. POOL. WiLBER T. Pool was born at Dickersonville, N. Y., February 19, 1854, son of Thomas F. and Maria Pool, who died in 1886 and 1894 respectively. The son married Hattie Bradlee in 1878, who died in 1896, leaving two daughters. He served as justice of the peace twelve years, served as an appointed official of the State Constitutional Convention of 1894, and is now serving a fourth term as supervisor of Lewiston, seven years in all, and was chosen chairman of the Board of Supervisors soon after his last election in 1897. He has served his party on town and county committees, is a member of Ransomville Lodge No. 551, F. & A. M., and of Pekin Lodge No. 41, A. O. U. W. His home is the pioneer Pool homestead, a family home since 1835. CARL G. LEO-WOLF, M. D. Carl G, Leo-Wolf, M. U., was born at Vienna, Austria, July 30, 1868, a son of Louis Leo- Wolf, a manufacturer of agricultural ma- chinery, who emigrated to America in 1826 and became a naturalized citizen, but returned to Austria in 1856; he died at Frankfurt- on-Main. Carl G. was educated in the academies of Frankfurt-on-Main and Weil- burg-on-Lahn and at the age of twenty entered the medical department of the Wurzburg (Germany) University. The summer of 1890 he spent in the University of Kiel and during the following year was connected WILLIAM LANDRETH. 435 with the clinics of the famous surgeons, Gerhardt and Wolff at Berlin (Germany) University. In 1892 he entered the University of Leipsic and was graduated from there in 1894, receiving his degree of M. D. and passing his state examinations. In the summer of the same year he was appointed house surgeon at the University of Vienna and dur- ing the winter of 1894-95 he studied with Drs. Williams, D'Arey Powers and Jonathan Hutchinson, jr., three of London's most famous surgeons. In March, 1895, he was appointed surgeon of the North German Lloyd steamship Strassburg, plying between Bremen, Ger- many, and Brazil, South America, and later was surgeon of the steam- ship Neckar of the same line, plying between Bremen and New York. Early in 1896 he removed to Niagara Falls, N. Y., where he has since enjoyed a large and growing practice and is rated as one of the most expert young surgeons of the State of New York. Dr. Leo-Wolf is medical examiner for the Germania Insurance Company of New York city and a member of the Niagara Falls Academy of Medicine ; he is also a member of Niagara Lodge of F. & A. M., Niagara Falls, N. Y. WILLIAM LANDRKTH. Was born in Great Britain on July 19, 1826, and is a son of the late Henry Landreth. William, at an early age, removed with his parents to America, settling in Canada, and at the age of eleven years he mi- grated to Niagara Falls, N. Y., and at once entered the service of Daniel J. Townsend with whom he spent the following seven years in Peru, 111., and remained with Mr. Townsend three years after their return to Niagara Falls in 1845. I" 1849 Mr. Landreth determined to establish himself in a business of his own, in consequence of which he bought out in that year the Doughty, Ford & Co. iron foundry busi- ness, and in company with William Smith, operated successfully until 1 85 I, when he purchased his partner's interest, enlarged the business and for over twenty years carried it on alone, doing all of the casting and other work for the Buffalo and Niagara P'alls Railroad Company (later the New York Central.) Mr. Landreth was a conscientious workman and received the respect and confidence of all with whom he 436 came in contact. When the New York Central Railroad passed into the hands of Cornelius Vanderbilt, the work which Mr. Landreth had been doing for so many years was given to Albany shops, in conse- quence of which Mr. Landreth was compelled to stop work. Later on he traded his shops for a farm of 196 acres at La Salle, N. Y., which during the land boom of 1891 he sold at an advanced figure and retired from business. He is now living a quiet life in his handsome home, 244 Fifth street, in the city of Niagara Falls. JOHN W. LA BAR. Hon. John W, La Bar was born in Montgomery county, N. Y., September 5, 1807. His father, Joseph La Bar, came over to this country during the war of the Revolution, from Paris, France, with General La Fayette, and participated in many of the campaigns of that eventful struggle. After the close of the war he settled in Hartford, Conn., where he married Esther Marvin. Sometime thereafter the family removed to Montgomery county, N. Y., and it was there that John W, was reared and educated. After a residence of two years in Orleans county he settled in Niagara county in 1832, in the town of Royalton, and in the same year married Almira, daughter of Nicholas Palmer. Through his long and active life he has been engaged in farming and dealing in real estate. He was formerly a member of the Democratic party in politics, one of the old Andrew Jackson Dem- ocrats, and on the organization of the Republican party became an ad- herent to its principles. Mr. La Bar was elected to the Assembly in 1854. Few men in his town have attained such a conspicuous and honorable position as he, and as the founder of one of the older families of Niagara county his name will go down in history as one who has contributed more than his share to the development, prosperit}' and fame of the community in which he has for so long been an honored resi- dent. A. N. DWIGHT. A. N. DWIGIIT was born in Wilson, N. Y., February 22, 1851,3 son JOHN W. l-A BAR. 437 of Daniel and Delia (Filkins) Dvvight, Mr. Dwight was reared on a farm and educated in Wilson Academy and at Adrian, Mich. He be- gan life as a farmer, and in 1873 engaged in the lumber business at Wilson, where he carries on a very extensive wholesale and retail busi- ness, having the largest lumber yard between Niagara Falls and Oswe- go ; he is also engaged in farming and has sixty acres of land in the village of Wilson. In politics he is a Democrat, but not an aspirant to office ; he has been one of the trustees of the village and was a delegate to the State convention at the time Flower was nominated, and again in 1896 at Saratoga. In 1871 he married Addie L. Towner; they have three sons. Claud, Stanley and Roy. V. w. bi-:ntley, m. d. F. W. Bentley, M. D., of North Tonawanda, was born in Macedon, Wayne county, N. Y. , July 25, 1869. He was educated at Macedon Academy, graduating in 1890, and the New York Homoeopathic Medi- cal College, from which he graduated in 1893. He served some time in the Buffalo Homoeopathic Hospital, and later as surgeon in the rail- road hospital. He settled in North Tonawanda in 1896. He is a member of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of Western New York, and of the Foresters. His parents were Joseph W. and Achsah (Vaugn) Bentley. THOMAS P. C. BARNARD, M. 1). Thomas P. C. Barnard, M. D., of North Tonawanda, was born in Philadelphia March 21, 1871, and was educated at Albion, N. Y, North Tonawanda and the University of Buffalo, Jefferson Medical Col- lege, Philadelphia, and the University of Berlin, Germany. He gradu- ated from the University of Buffalo May 3, 1892, and served a year in the Erie County Hospital, Buffalo, the St, Agnes and the Presbyterian Hospitals of Philadelphia. He is a prominent and successful specialist on diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Dr. Barnard's parents w ere 438 James H. and Emma (Croweli) Barnard. James H. Barnard was a native of North Carolina and his mother was a cousin of John C. Cal- houn. The Crowells are lineal descendants of Oliver Cromwell. Dr. Barnard is a member of Tonawanda Lodge No. 247, Tonawanda Chap- ter No. 278, and is president of Fidelity Lodge T. S. of Buffalo, N. Y. W. L. ALLEN, M. D. W. L. Allen, M. D., was born in Ovid Seneca county, N. Y., February 26, 1847, a son of Joseph and Magdalene Allen. Dr. Allen was educated in the Ovid Academy, the Seneca Collegiate Institute and the University of Buffalo ; he graduated from all of these institutions and received his medical degree February 23, 1875. He then spent a year and a half in the Buffalo General Hospital, after which he began his successful medical career in North Tonawanda. Dr. Allen is a member of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of Western New York and was a charter member of Willard Lodge of Odd Fellows No. 311, Ovid. He is health officer of North Tonawanda for three years and coroner of the county for one term. He has been a life- long Democrat and is universally respected. JACKSON ANGEVINE. Jackson Angevine was born at La Salle, Niagara county, N.Y.. Au- gust 24, 1828, and is a son of the late Ferris Angevine, a leading far- mer of that place. He was educated in the public schools of his native town and early in life began tilling the soil, which occupation he has followed all his life. Like his father, he has been a prominent and suc- cessful farmer, and enjoys the good will and esteem of his fellow citizens. In politics Mr. Angevine has always been a Democrat and has served as trustee of the village of La Salle and also as pathmaster. For many years he was interested in navigation and towed the last raft with oxen from Port Day to Tonawanda in the 50's. He is a charter member of Niagara Lodge No. 17, A. O. U. W. Mr. Angevine married in the JACKSON ANGEVINh. FRANK RIEGEK. 439 early sixties, Elizabeth Cross, who was born August 9, 1842, in Water- town, N. Y., and whose parents removed to La Salle in the fifties. She bore him two daughters — Laura O., born April 10, 1862, and Emma A., born January 28, 1864. WILLIAM S. LEHON, JR. William S. Lehon, jr., was born in Oswego, N. Y., April 7, 1866, and was educated there. He came to Tonawanda in 1884 and was cashier for A. M. Dodge &Co. for ten years and wound up that business in 1895. He then organized the Huron Lumber Company, of which J. S. Sanborn is president and Mr. Lehon secretary, treasurer and man- ager. In October, 1896, Mr. Lehon organized the Muskoka Lumber Company, J. S. Sanborn, president, W. S. Lehon, jr., vice president and executive officer, H. R. Pennock, treasurer. Mr. Lehon is also a member of the clothing firm of W. S. Lehon & Son ; secretary of the River Front Investment Company ; secretary of the Boulevard Land Company ; a director in the Lumber Exchange Bank ; a trustee of the Roman Catholic church ; president of the Gurney Cab & Transfer Com- pany, and a member of the Reform Club of New York city. He is one of the most enterprising men of Tonawanda and drives the finest turn- out in the place. The Huron Lumber Company and the Muskoka Lumber Company jointly handle about thirty-five million feet of lum- ber annually. FRANK RIEGER. Frank RiEGEK was born at Baden, Germany. November 6, 1831, and was a son of Jacob Rieger, who immigrated to America in 1854, settling in the village of Suspension Bridge, N. Y. , where he died in 1868. Frank Rieger had received his education in the common schools of his native place and upon his arrival in America in i854at once took up the calling of farmer at Suspension Bridge, which he has followed ever since. In 1874 he bought the present homestead farm, then con- sisting of 150 acres of fertile land and during the land boom of 1891 440 sold ninety-five acres, at twelve hundred dollars an acre. In 1862 he established a large dairy business, which he still maintains, supplying all the large hotels of Niagara Falls with their dairy products. He is a thrifty and highly respectable farmer, esteemed by all with whom he has come in contact In 1857 Mr. Rieger married Caroline Regenhardt, of Niagara Falls, and they had five children. Mrs. Rieger died June 4, 1885, and on April 25, 1895, M""- Rieger married Frederica Regen- hardt, a sister of his first wife. I'LAVIUS J. BAKKR, M. D. Flavius J. Baker, M. D., was born in the town of Andover, Alle- gany county, N. Y., July 18, 1843. His education was obtained in the Lima University (now the Syracuse University), and he was subse- quently graduated from the medical department of the New York Uni- versity in 1867, and some years later took a post-graduate course in the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to his college studies he read with his father. Dr. Thaddeus Baker, at Andover. He remained in New York for a time, when he removed to Suffern, Rockland county, N. Y., and resumed the practice of his profession. After five years he returned to his old home at Andover and was engaged in practice there for three years, when he removed to Buffalo. After a short stay in that city he formed a copartnership with Dr. A. G. Skinner, of Youngstown, N. Y., and soon succeeded the firm in practice. In April, 1882, he removed to Lockport, where he has since pursued the practice of his profession. Dr. Baker is a member of the New York State Medical Society and of the Niagara County Medical Society. He has been married three time's and has two children by his first wife and four by his present wife, Isa Oliver Baker. He is a member of the First Congregational church of Lock- port, was for many years superintendent of the Sunday school and at present is a trustee and a deacon of the church. He is a prominent and highly respected citizen and enjoys a large and increasing practice. PHILLIP H. MLSLROLL. 441 PHILIP H. MF.SEROLL. Philip H. Meseroll was born in Seneca county, N. V., October 4, 1820, and is a son of Cornelius and Lydia Phillips Meseroll. His father was born in New Jersey in 1795, and his mother in Salina, N. Y., in 1800. His grandfather, Charles Meseroll, was a soldier in the Revo- lutionary war and was with Washington at Valley Forge ; he died in 1842. His father was a soldier in the war of 18 12 and was engaged in the battle of Lundy's Lane and the battle of Oueenston, where Brock was killed, and at the siege of Fort Erie. After the war he returned to his home and followed farming; in 1827 he and his family removed to Niagara county and settled in the town of Newfane, where he died the following year, on June 23, 1828, aged thirty-three years. On the maternal side Philip H. Meseroll is descended from Baron Walden, who was one of the early grantees, or patroons, of the island of Manhattan, and according to King's History and Colonial Records of New York, some branches of the family settled in New Jersey and some went up the Hudson. It is from the New Jersey branch that Mr. Meseroll traces his descent. Philip H. Meseroll enlisted August 27, 1862, in Co. K, 151st Regiment, N.Y. Vol. Inf, and served in the following battles: Wapping Heights, McLain's Ford, Kelly's Pord, Locust Grove, the battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Hanover Town, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, explosion of the mine, Monocacy, Charlestown, SmithfieUi, Winchester, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek and Appomattox. Mr. Meseroll was orderly sergeant at the beginning of his military career, and on June 3, 1864, was promoted on the field to first lieutenant. He was mustered in as an officer July i, 1864, and mustered out June 26, 1865. On the 23d of August, , he was mustered in as captain of the 66th Regiment, 3 2d Brigade, 8th Division, N. G. S. N. Y. On October 20, 1842, he married Hannah E. Stratton (born Decem- ber 15, 1825) ; she is the daughter of Levi and Hannah Stratton. They have four children : Lydia, born April 23, 1843, married Eugene Shaver and resides in Olcott ; Hannah J., born January 16. 1846, re- sides with her parents; Emeline M., born November 20, 1848, resides at home; and Mary C. born November 28, 1850, married Solomon Eshbaugh, resides at Olcott. Since the war Mr. Meseroll has been 56 442 largely engaged in farming and fruit growing ; his farm comprises 200 acres of well- tilled land. In politics he is a Republican and was one of the organizers of that party in 1856 in this county. He and his family are members of the Universalist church. WILLIAM A. PHILPOTT, JR. William A. Philpott, Jr., was born at Dover, Kent county, Eng- land, February 15, 1845, ^"^ 's a son of William A. Philpott, who came from England to Niagara Falls in 1849, where he was a successful contractor and builder and now lives a retired life. William A. Phil • pott, jr., was educated in the public schools of Niagara Falls and after leaving school was engaged in the steamboat business for four years on Niagara River. He then went to the Pennsylvania oil fields where he re- mained two years, when he learned the trade of machinist in the foun- dry and machine shops of McMuUen & Bryan, at Titusville, Pa. He then began work in the locomotive department of the Atlantic & Great Western Railroad at Kent, Ohio, and later in the shops of the Holley Manufacturing Company, at Lockport, and thence to the shops of the New York Central Railroad Company at Niagara F'alls, where he re- mained three years. From the latter position he went with the Pette- bone Paper Campany, with which he remained until 1880, when he formed a partnership with Frederick Leuppie and opened a machine shop on the State Reservation, which was in operation until 1885. In that year they removed their shop to the river bank in the mill district where they remained until July, 1891, when they sold to McGarigle & Sweeney and built their present large establishment where they manu- facture bookbinding machinery. Mr. Philpott was one of the charter members of the 42d Separate Co., N. G. S. N. Y., but recently re- signed. He was chosen in 1892 to serve the unexpired term of police commissioner of ex- Mayor Phillips and has since been chosen for three successive terms, his present term expiring March 17, 1899. During his entire service since 1892, excepting one year, he has been president of the Board of Police Commissioners. JOSEPH WITMER. 443 JOHN VV. SHAFER. John W. Shafer was born at Rhinebeck, N. Y., Nobember 25, 1822. His father, Jolin Shafer, was a native of the same county, where his grandfather was one of the pioneer settlers. John W. Sliafer left lumie when he was sixteen years old and went to New York city where he remained as a clerk three years. When the financial panic of 1837 swept over the country, he left New York and served as clerk in a country store two years, after which he went to Ontario county where he worked at farming for a time. He then moved to Fairport, N. Y., where he again was employed as a clerk in a store for two and a half years; his next engagement was in the same capacity in Hulberton where he worked one year and then went to Ridgeway, where he worked as clerk for William H. Pells two years. In 1852 he settled at John- son's Creek where he was successfully engaged in mercantile business five years, in partnership with Harvey Francis. In 1858 he removed to Reynale's Basin and engaged in the mercantile and produce business for nine years ; he then erected his cold storage plant, which he still ope- rates. Mr. Shafer occupies a position among the respected and trusted business men of Niagara county. In 1842 he married Elmira Burlin- game and they have five sons : William H , Jacob T , Edward F.. John R , and Charles B. He was the pioneer of cold storage for keeping fruit in this State and second in the States. JOSEPH WITMER. Joseph Witmer, an elder brother of Elias Wilmer, was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., September 21, 18 12, a son of Abram Witmer. He was educated in the public schools of his birthplace and after leav- ing school took up the calling of farmer, which he has followed ever since. He remained on the homestead farm until 1846 when he pur- chased his present farm, containing 120 acres. In 1846 he married Catharine Kauffman, of Lancaster county. Pa., and they have had six children, five of whom survive: Elias K., Maria ¥., Kate K., Martha E. and Esther X., and nine grandchildren. Mr. Witmer is an honest and thrifty farmer and is respected and esteemed by his fellow townsmen. 444 JACOB J. VOGT. JacobJ. VoGT, was born at Philadelphia, Pa., February 3, 1812, a son of the late Martin Vogt, a well known teamster of that section, who came to America from Switzerland in 1775. Jacob J. Vogt was edu- cated in the public schools of Lancaster county, Pa., whither his parents had removed. In 1828 the family moved to Niagara Falls, where the father bought a farm and in 1836 sold out and went West Jacob J. remained at Niagara Falls following the calling of farmer and in 1844 bought 204 acres of fertile land and founded the Vogt homestead, where his son, Jacob B., now resides. In 1853 he bought of Judge Augustus Porter a tract of 528 acres of timber land, lying near the bank of the Niagara River and about half way between Niagara Falls and Tona- wanda ; he began at once to subdivide this land and sell it in lots of from five to fifty acres to the Prussians, who were flocking into the country about that time ; thus the present pretty town of Bergholtz sprung into life. He has also bought and sold many other tracts of valuable land and has been known for many years as a real estate dealer, as well as a thrifty, prosperous farmer. He has held most of the im- portant town offices, including those of town assessor and highway commissioner for many years, and has always had the full confidence and respect of his fellow citizens. In 1833 he married Catherine Bea- ber of Niagara Falls, and they had six children. Mrs. Vogt died in 1884, and Mr. Vogt married Henrietta Schwartz, an estimable woman of Niagara Falls, and he now lives a quiet, retired life. ERNEST H. WANDS. Ernest H. Wands, managing editor of the Niagara Falls Daily Gazette, was born in 1870, his father being a publisher in London, England. When young he moved with his father to Chicago, where he spent his early life. He also lived in Detroit for a time. Mr Wands did his first newspaper work in Buffalo, on the Buffalo Courier, where he was employed for five years. In September, 1895, he came to Ni- agara Falls, and since then has had the editorial charge of the Daily JACOB J. VOGT. 445 Gazette. He is a fluent and able writer, and lias been largely instru- mental in making the Gazette what it is — one of the brightest and best dailies of its kind in Western New York. JOSEPH A. WARD. Joseph A. Ward, business manager of the Lockport Journal, is a son of Abram and Gertrude (Kayner) Ward, and was born March 31, 1832, in Warren, Herkimer county, N. \'. He received his education in Herkimer and at the O.xford and Whitestovvn Academies, and for ten years was successfully engaged in teaching In 1864 he came to Lock- port and opened a private bank, but in 1870 relinquished that business and purchased an interest in the Lockport Journal, with which he has ever since been connected as business manager. The firm was M. C. Richardson & Co. till 1880, when it was succeeded by the present firm of Ward & Cobb, the junior member being Hon. Willard A. Cobb. Mr. Ward is a prominent and influential citizen, has long been con- nected with various local institutions, is a director in the Lockport National Exchange Bank, and is past master of Niagara Lodge. No. 375, F. & A. M., and a member of Genesee Commandery, No. 10, K. T. In 1857 he married Josephine Cleland, daughter of Willard Cleland, of Herkimer county. FRED W. CORSON. Fred W. Corson, general manager of the Lockport Union-Sun, is the son of Dexter F. and Deborah (Norton) Corson, and was born in Augusta, Me., September 17, 1847. In 185 1 the family removed to Monroe, Wis., and there Mr. Corson remained until he was of age, re- ceiving a public school education and learning the trade of printer in the ofiice of the Monroe Sentinel, which he entered when sixteen. In 1868 he went to the Daily Wisconsin in Milwaukee and in I 869 became one of the first ten settlers of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, being a mess- mate of United States Senator Pettigrew. Afterwards he published 446 the Pulaski (111.) Patriot for two years, was successively manager of the Rome (N. Y.) Citizen and the Johnstown Republican and Gloversville Intelligencer, and was the publisher of the Ogdensburg Advance, the Wappingers Chronicle at Wappingers P"alls, and the Daily Couraiit at New Castle, Pa. In March, 1895, he came to Lockport, and with O. W. Cutler, under the firm name of Cutler & Corson, purchased the Union-Sun; in February, 1896, the firm became Corson & Home, Mr. Cutler selling his interest to Walter P. Home. On July 19, 1897, the Union Sun Company was incorporated with Mr. Home as president and Mr. Corson as treasurer and general manager.* Mr. Corson is a member of Red Jacket Lodge, F. & A. M , and is recognized as one of the ablest and best known newspaper managers in the county. MOSES C. RICHARDSON. Moses Crandall Richardson was born in Scipio, Cayuga county, N. Y., in 1817. He was therefore seventy- two years of age at the time of his death, August 31,1 890. He removed with his parents when about eleven years old to Alabama, Genesee county, N. Y. Here he developed that thirst for information and investigation which marked his entire subsequent life. P"or a time he worked upon a feeder then being con- structed for the Erie Canal, and studied nights. A few years later he again moved with his family to near Royalton Center, where he taught school in what is now known as the Bunker Hill and Griswold street districts. With the money thus earned he completed his education at Lima. After graduation he taught school several years in Bufifalo. His labor concluded there he returned to Lockport and taught a select school in what was known as the stone school house on Walnut street. He also taught in what is known as " Lower Town." As a teacher Mr. Richardson was more than ordinarily successful. He began his con- nection with the press about 1848, and continued until about 1880. He held the office of canal collector in 1867-8, which was the only public office he ever occupied. He was influential in founding the Republican party, in which he took pardonable pride. It was written of Mr. Richardson soon after his death as follows: 447 " ITis character was pure and guileless. Although somewhat eccentric in his manner at times, as the world counts such things, still by common consent such deviations were recognized as the product of absolute simplicity, devoid of all affectation. He was upright and just. His s}-mpathies were quick and ever alert. His heart beat kindly toward all men. As an editor he took part in discussions of public questions than which more important ones have never enlisted attention. He was part of that sturd)^ epoch just antedating the formation of the Republi- can party, which will be remembered as long as the people love liberty. In every walk of life he was a good man and he went down to the grave with the honest regard of all who knew him.". JOHN W. CUTLKR. John W. Cutler, manager of the Daily Cataract, of Niagara Falls, is a son of O. W. and Mary A. (Tallant) Cutler, natives of New Hamp- shire, and was born at Suspension Bridge, Niagara county, July 15, 1 869. After attending the public schools of his native village he entered De Veaux College, and later Phillips Exeter Academy at Exeter, N. H., where he completed a good classical education. In the fall of 1888 he began his journalistic career on the Lockport Union, which he served as business manager, editor, etc., until March, 1896, when he organized the Cataract Publishing Company, of Niagara Falls, and purchased the Daily Cataract, which had been founded by his father. Since then Mr. Cutler has been its manager. He has placed that paper upon a sound and paying basis, making it rank among the leading and most successful dailies in the county. It has a large circulation, and under his able and energetic management wields a powerful influence for all that is good in journalism. In I'^bruary, 1 892, Mr. Cutler was married to Miss Wini- fred G., daughter of Eli S. Nichols, deputy collector of the port of Niagara. The)- have two children. PART III. FAMILY SKETCHES FAMILY SKETCHES Sutherland, J. Hanaur, M. D., was born at Toronto, Ontario, Can., and was a son of John G. Sutherland, now deceased. Mr. Sutherland attended the public schools at Toronto and at an early age developed a taste for medicine and surgery. When the war broke out he enlisted in the Confederate army as a steward in the hospital corps, and served for three and a half years, leaving the service with the rank of hospital steward. In 1865 he entered the University of Philadelphia, Pa.. and was graduated with honors in 1867. From 1867 to 1870 he was located in Cali- fornia, practicing his profession as well as interested in mining, and in the latter year removed to Oil Creek, Pa . where he engaged in the oil business until 1876, when he removed to Butler county and again took up his practice as a physician and surgeon. Later he visited Mexico and made a close study of surgery as practiced in that country. In 1888 he settled at Washington, D. C, and practiced there until 1892, when he removed to Niagara Falls, N. Y., and where he has since been engaged in the practice of his profession, making a specialty of the diseases of women and children; he is also largely interested in Colorado; he is rated as one of the most successful surgeons in New York State. Watt, William W., was born in Scotland, October 18, 1888, a son of Alexander and Grace (Angus) Watt. He came to America in 1851 and settled in Niagara county, where he has ever since resided. He started in this country a poor man and to-day is one of the independent and substantial farmers of the State. He married Eliza- beth, daughter of John and Helen (Robertson) Miller, and they have two daughters: Mrs. Ella Weinheimer and Miss Amelia H. Watt. Mr. Watt has been a tru.stee of the district school and has always been a Republican in politics. King, James O., was born in Middlefield, Otsego county, N.Y., September 7, 1825, and removed to Hartland, Niagara county, in May, 1835. After attending the pub- lic school he entered a general store atGasport as a clerk in 1851, where he remained for three years, when he removed to Lockport and entered the service of William J. Dunlap as a bookkeeper, and in the spring of 1868 accepted a position with the firm of B. ^ J. Carpenter, where he remained twenty years. His next position was as a bookkeeper for E. B. Weaver & Son, where he remained until 1886, when he was taken down with paralysis and has since been an invalid. He was supervisor of the First ward in 1869. 1870, 1871 and 1878, member of the Board of Education from 1873 *to 1881 inclusive, railroad commissioner for the city from 1872 to 1886, and a member of the Police Commission at its organization in 1872; and has been assignee, 4 administrator and executor of a number of estates, all of which duties he has dis- charged with great care. Mr. King was married September 29, 1858, to Mary A. Barber of Westmoreland, Oneida county, N. Y., and an only son has been born to them, Fred B., who is in business in Rochester. Rumbold, J. H , Wheatfield, was born in Tonawanda, and has been associated in the lumber trade all his business life. The firm of Rumbold & Bellinger was formed December 1, 1891, and they have occupied their present premises since May 1, 1894. They enjoy a high reputation as business men and handle from twelve million to thirteen million feet of lumber annually; their yards have a dock front of 600 feet and a depth of 1,500 feet. Mr. Rumbold is a member of the Odd Fellows' fraternity and is regarded as one of the representative men of North Tonawanda. His grand- father, George Rumbold, was one of the early .settlers in the town of Wheatfield, and purchased land near where B. F. Felton's farm now lies. Mr. Rumbold married Loretta M. Campbell, and they have one son, Roy C. Oille, W. C, was born in Smithville, Ontario, Canada, and lived there until twenty- four years of age, when he came to North Tonawanda. He was with Hollister Bros for nine years and with C. P. Hazard & Co. of Buffalo for three years. In March, 1892, he and A. E. McKeen formed a copartnership and have since been doing a large lumber business, at North Tonawanda, N. Y. , handling from twenty-five to thirty-five million feet of lumber annually, and employ forty -five men on the average. In 1878 Mr. Oille married Caroline B. Dale of Ontario, and they have two children, John Dale and Norman N. The lumber firm of Oille & McKeen has large and ad- mirably equipped yards and four private switches enable them to handle lumber with great e.xpedition. Charlton, Thomas, was born in Ellicottville, Cattaraugus county. N. Y., April 7, 1839. When ten years old his parents moved to Ayr, Ontario, where they remained six years, and then moved to Louisa county, la., where they remained thirteen years. Thomas Charlton returned to Ontario in Maj', 1868, and went into partnership with his brother, John Charlton, forming the firm of J. & T. Charlton, which still exists. They have carried on a large timber and lumber business since that time, and in 1890 Mr. Thomas Charlton moved to Tonawanda in order to give more attention to the business here. Mr. John Charlton still resides in Ontario, and has been a mem- ber of Parliament since 1872, and is still a member. The firm handles from 6,000,- 000 to 10,000,000 feet of lumber annually. Thomas Charlton married Mary McKenry in 1862, and they have a family of six children living: William, John, George, Ella, Mary Belle and Rebecca. Helwig, Jacob E., M. D., was born in Clarence, Erie county, N. Y., June 17, 1862, a son of Christian and Anna (Vreiter) Helwig, natives of Germany, Dr. Helwig was educated at the Clarence Academy, the Oakfield Seminary and the University of Buffalo, from which he was graduated with the degree of M. D. in the class of 1890. He practiced one year in Bennington, Wyoming county, and came to Martinsville in the spring of 1891. Dr. Helwig is an active Republican and has been health officer for the town of Wheatfield; he was elected a coroner in 1894 to fill a vacancy, was re-elected in 1895 and still holds that position. He is also one of the physicians ap- pointed by the State Lunacy Commissioner to examine lunatics. He is a member of 5 the Niajjara Count)' Medical Societ\', of the Masonic fraternity and is a notarj' pub lie. He married Emma L. Simme of Bennington, and they have two sons, Raymond G. and Herbert A. Dr. Helwig has three brothers and two sisters; his brothers are W. H. Helwig, a lawyer in Dakota; Philip Helwig, superintendent of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad; and John, a farmer m Dakota. One brother. Dr. A. F. Helwig, died in 1892. Canavan, Cornelius T., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., May 20, 1856, and is a son of Thomas Canavan, a retired railroad man. Mr. Canavan was educated in the public schools and at the age of sixteenentered the services of the New York Central Railroad Company and rose from the bottom of the ladder to the position of yard master at Niagara Falls. After twenty years faithful service with the New York Central Railroad Company, he resigned his position and was elected treasurer of the village of Suspension Bridge, which position he retained until the incorporation of Niagara Falls as a city in 1892, when he was chosen to fill his present position as city treasurer. He has been twice married. He first married Catherine Dinan of Niagara Falls, N. Y., October 14, 1879, who died October 20, 1890 leaving four chil- dren, Anna L., Margaret F., William J. and Ellen M. September 11, 1894, he mar- ried Ellen Kelleher, of Niagara Falls, Ont., and they have two children, Edward J. and Mary A. Christgau, J. P., was born in Bavaria, Germany, September 29, 1844, and was brought to America by his parents John and Sophia (Adier) Christgau, in 1847. They settled in Buffalo for two years and then removed to Niagara county. J. P. Christgau lived on the farm until June 15, 1862, when he enlisted in Co. B, 8th N.Y. Heavy Artillery, and served until the close of the war. He participated in many battles and was twice wounded, first at Cold Harbor and again at Hatcher's Run, October 29, 1864. From this date he was in the hospital until February, when he again joined his regiment and was with it at the surrender of Lee ; he was honorably discharged June 15, 1865. He is a member of Dudley Donnelly Post No. 13?> Niag- ara Falls. May 16, 1867, he married Margaret Kohl, and they have ten children: Frederick J., George J., John M., Rosa, Rcichert, Lizzie, Emma, Ida, Clara and Lillie. In 1889 Mr. Christgau embarked in the grocery business in North Tona- wanda and is one of the representative merchants of the place. He is also an active Republican and has been assessor for three years. He is also connected with the Fairmount Cemetery and holds the office of vice-president, and is one of its di- rectors. Brophy, Thomas, was born at Whitehall, Ireland, November 22, 1828, a son of the late Pierce Brophy. He was educated under private tutors and immigrated to America, in 1844, where he at once commenced an active career in the employ of the New York Central Railroad Company, working his way up from gravel man to yardmaster, and serving that company for forty-nine years. In 1894 he retired from work and has since lived a quiet life respected by all who know him. In 1856 Mr. Brophy was married to Mary Hickey, and they have eight children, four sons and four daughters. Nichols, E. S., was born in Niagara county, N. Y.. June 24, 1835, a son of the late Hezekiah W. Nichols. He attended the public schools and when eighteen years of age engaged in business at Lockport, where he remained until 1862, at which time he entered the United States army as second lieutenant in the 8th N. Y. Heavy Artil- lery (otherwise known as the 129th N. Y. Vols.) and served in several brilliant cam- paigns, being promoted to a captaincy, with which rank he was mustered out of ser- vice in July, 1865. He returned to Lockport in that year and engaged in the dry goods trade until 1870, when he was appointed a clerk in the custom house and later, in 1878, was made special deputy collector at the port of Niagara Falls, of which position he is still an incumbent. January 30, 1867, he married Frances Harwood of Lockport, and they have two children, "Winifred G. and Harwood S. Mr. Nichols is a member of Red Jacket Lodge No. 646, F. & A. M., of Lockport, and has been quartermaster of Dudley Donnelly Post, G. A. R., since 1879, the time of its or- ganization. Wood, W. W. — This representative citizen of North Tonawanda, has been connect- ed with its lumber history and business life for the past ten years. He came here in 1887, with A. P. & W. E. Kelly from Chicago, but in 1890 entered the employ of A. Weston & Son, and had charge of the yards for four years. He laid out the second lumber yard at Tonawanda Island, now occupied by A. K. & W. E. Silverthorne, and was active in the interests of his employers during the great strike. In 1894 he went into the hotel business in the Twin City Hotel, but in April, 1895, secured his pres- ent large place. Union Hotel. Mr. Wood is a prominent Republican and has been active in the interests of his party ever since coming to North Tonawanda; he is an exempt fireman and a member of the Royal Arcanum. He married Velna McMul- len, and they have two children, Edward and Petei". Mrs. Wood s father was an old mill man of North Tonawanda, and Mr. Wood's parents were Edward and Anna Wood; Edward Wood was long known as the "Lumber King" in Chicago. Smith, Horace C, was born in Canada, July 1, 1858, a son of Phineas and Eva Smith. His father was born in New Jersey, September 6, 1799, and by occupation was a blacksmith, he being the oldest one in Western New York. His mother was born in Canada, where they were married, after which they came to Niagara county and located in Lewiston, where they both died, his mother in 1884 and his father in 1887. They had eight children, six of whom are living: Hetzel P., died in Kansas; Levi, died in Buffalo; Samuel resides in Iowa, Henry at Suspension Bridge, Nelson in Lewiston, Mrs. Jane Vaughn in Lewiston and Harriet Luff in Lockport. Horace C. was married July 4, 1888, to Mary Donohue of Lockport, and they have one daughter, Eva, born March 4, 1889, and have lost four children: Horace, born July 4, 1891, died when seven months old; two that were twins and died in infancy; Irvine, born March 14, 1895, died in November, 1895. Mr. Smith learned his trade in the town of Lewiston, after which he located at Ridge Road, and in 1883 went to Pennsylvania and Ohio, where he i-emained two years, then came back to his old place, where he has since resided. Judd, Hon. Garwood L , of South Tonawanda, Niagara county, N. Y., was born at Augusta Center, Oneida county, N. Y., July 4, 1823. He was educated at the Augusta Academy, and the Clinton Institute, and graduated from the latter in 1844. He read law at Frankfort, Herkimer county, and was admitted to the State bar No- vember 4, 1850, and to the United States bar January 4, 1861. Mr. Judd married Maria A. Pryne, daughter of Francis P. Pryne of Herkimer, in 1850. He has one daughter, Mary E. Edmonds, wife of John J. Edmonds of North Tonawauda. Mrs. Judd died September 25, 1893. Mr. Judd was engaged in the State Engineer's De- partment on the enlargement of the Erie Canal from the west line of Oneida county, to the lower lock in F^rankfort, Herkimer county, about three years, under William J. McAlpine and William B. Taylor, respectively, chief engineers and surveyors of the State of New York. In 1848 and 1849 Mr. Judd was baggage master on what is now the N. Y. Central Railroad, from Albany to Buffalo, single track, and only one track in what is now the Exchange street depot in the city of Buffalo. On the 23d day of May Mr. Judd took his demit from Olive Branch Lodge No. 40, Frankfort, Herkimer county, and removed to North Tonawanda, N. Y., and opened his law office where he has been in practice forty four years. On his arrival at North Tona- wanda he affiliated with Tonawanda Lodge No. 247, F. & A. M., and long since a past master thereof. Mr. Judd has been appointed and elected to fill various offices of trust in North Tonawanda and Niagara county. When the North and South villages were one, he was one of the trustees thereof and drew the articles incorporat- ing the village of North Tonawanda, also the articles incorporating the Col. John Sweeney Rural Cemetery, and was trustee thereof for many years. Mr. Judd was superintendent of common schools of the town of Wheatfield three years, town clerk two years, village clerk two years, president of the Board of Health six years, and a member of the Board of Education about fifteen years, justice of sessions of Niagara county two years, and is now serving his thirty-ninth year as justice of the peace of the town of Wheatfield. Mr. Judd is a lifelong Democrat and represented the first Assembly District of Niagara county in the State Legislature two years 1891 and 1892, and assumed the gavel at the speaker's solicitation three times each year, and performed the duties thereof with honor to the Legislature and the first Assembly District of Niagara county which he had the distinguished honor to rep- resent, and credit to himself. Lennon, John, was born at Rome, N. Y., October 29, 1853, a son of the late Thomas Lennon, a mason and builder of that place. He was educated in the public and parochial schools of Lockport, whither his parents had removed in 1855, and at the age of fifteen began his business career by learning the trade of mason and builder with his father, which he followed until 1876, at which time he established himself in business at Lockport, as a contractor and builder, in which he is still engaged. In 1891 he removed to Niagara Falls, where he 'now resides. Mr. Lennon is well known throughout the northern section of New York State and has erected many imposing buildings in the principal cities, including the State Armory at Niagara Falls, at a cost of §80,000, and has been awarded the contract for the building of St. John's Protectory at Buffalo to cost $100,000. Mr. Lennon was married in Septem- ber, 1874, to Ella McBride of Brockport. and they have five children. Mr. Lennon is now serving his second term as a member of the Board of Public Works, which will expire in March, 1899. Wagenschuetz, Fred F., Wheatfield, was born in Germany, February, 11, 1866, and was brought to America by his parents in 1868, settling in Niagara county. Mr. Wagenschuetz first began business life in the employ of Nice & Hinkey in the hard- ware business and in 1893 embarked in business for himself, as dealer in hardware. 8 stoves, etc., also plumbing and tinning and has done some excellent work in good residences in this locality. In November, 1896, he married Christina Ackerman. Mr. Wagenschuetz is regarded as one of the sound and prominent mercantile men of North Tonawanda. His parents were Frederick and Wilhelmena Wagenschuetz, both natives of Prussia. Praker, E. C, was born in Wheatfield, a son of August and Wilhelmina (Krull) Praker, natives of Prusia; August Praker came to America in 1847 when he was seventeen years of age. After a clerkship of six years in Buffalo, Mr. E. C. Praker began business for himself in his present stand, 245 Paynes avenue corner Thompson street in North Tonawanda, in a general grocery business. He is not only an able and successful business man, but is highly popular and takes a warm interest in the German Lutheran church, of which he is a member and has been its treasurer for several years. In 1887 he married Flora Zimmerman and they have one daughter, Viola, born February 21, 1893. Carr, William I. , was born in Suspension Bridge, N. Y. , August 9, 1865, a son of William Carr. He attended the public schools of his native town and when nineteen years of age entered the freight offices of the West Shore Railroad Company, as a clerk and served that company until 1892, when he was appointed agent at Niagara Falls, for the Adams Express Company, which was superseded by the United States Express Company in 1893. Mr. Carr remained in the employ of the United States Express Company as agent, until 1897, when he resigned his position and retired for the time being. September 21, 1896, he married Eva Ralston of Hamilton, Ont. Carr, William, was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y. , June 3, 1827, a son of the late John Carr. He was educated in the public schools at Pekin, N. Y., whence his parents had removed in 1830, and at the age of sixteen years began clerking in the dry goods establishment of W^illiam Fleming at Pekin, where he remained for two years. He was later employed in the same business in Buffalo, and in 1850 returned to Pekin, where he entered the general store of his father. In 1854 he engaged with the New York Central Railroad Company as track superintendent and retained that position until 1870, when he was appointed a deputy collector at the United States Custom House, Niagara Falls, and filled that office until 1874. He was then ap- pointed deputy postmaster at the village of Suspension Bridge, and later was made postmaster at the same point, in which position he remained until 1889, when he retired from active life. June 30, 1853, Mr. Carr married Amelia L. Barnum of Wheatfield, and they have had eight children, six of whom survive. ]\lr. Carr is a highly respected citizen and one of the landmarks of Suspension Bridge. Doebler, Charles G., Wheatfield, was born in Germany in 1856, and came to America in 1867, with his parents and only brother. They settled in Niagara county and began farming, in which occupation Charles G. was reared. After following different occupations interspersed with farming, he finally went into a planing mill of the Export Lumber Company in 1882. He was subsequently employed with A. M. Dodge & Co., and in 1888 formed a partnership with Mr. W. W. Robertson. (An outline of this business will be found in the article headed W. W. Robertson.) Mr. Doebler married Elizabeth Lang of Buffalo, and they have five children: Charles, Rosa, Alfred, Herman and Hulda. His parents were Louis and Dora Doebler, both deceased, as is also his brother William, referred to above. Mr. Doebler is a prom- inent Republican, and a trustee of St. Matthew's church. Allan, William, was born in Scotland, and came to America in 1883, settling in North Tonawanda, after traveling considerably over the Union. He is the leading builder of the city and has put up many of the finest buildings in the place, includ- ing the residences of Messrs. Spilman, Bliss and Batt, his own, and others. He also built the armory in Tonawanda, the best in the State. Mr. Allan is a member of the Odd Fellows, is a past-grand of the Subordinate Lodge and chief patriarch in the Local Encampment; he is also a member of the Masonic fraternity. In 1889 he married Anna Sticht, of Fort Plain and they have two children, Cora and Walter. Mr. Allan has two children, William and James, by his first wife who lived in Scotland. Hale, Clinton E., is a native of New York State and a son of Calvin and Mahaley (Tryon) Hale. He is related on his mother's side to the poet Bryant and on his father's side to several noted men of his name in the annals of old New England. Mr. Hale learned the trade of machinist in Massachusetts, and has worked in Ma- loue, N. Y. , Potsdam, and Lockport and other points for prominent concerns and in North Tonawanda for the Buffalo Steam Pump Company. In the spring of 1894 he embarked in business for himself as general machinist and bicycle repairer and em- ploys two assistants during the busy season. In 1891 Mr. Hale married Anna Colby, and they have two children, Ida and Raymond. Graf, C. A., was born in Willand, Ontario, Canada, March 23, 1850, a son of Ed- ward and Fredericka Graf, natives of Germany, and now living in We'land, Can. C. A. Graf settled in Martinsville in October, 1883, although he had lived in this country a good deal previously. In 1883 he established a harness business in Mar- tinsville, which he still conducts. He was postmaster at Martinsville for four years under President Harrison, and was again appointed in November, 1896, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of William Dornfeld ; on April 8, 1897, he was again appointed for a period of four years. He was trustee of the village of North Tona- wanda for two years and is a notary public. He married Philipine Pfaender, and their children are John, Thomas, Harvey, Theodora, Clara, Maggie and Catherine. Theodora married Otto Leverance and Clara married Chris. Fritz. Rogge, Charles, was born in Germany, March 4, 1847, and came to America in 1870, settling in Martinsville in 1878. He learned the trade of blacksmith in Ger- many and has pursued that trade with great success in this country. He also owns a cider mill and has a commodious home in Martinsville. January 20, 1874. he mar- ried Miss Schunk, and they had seven children: Kate, Henry, Carl H., Elizabeth. Wilhelm, Emma and Ida. Mr. Rogge is a member of the A. O. \J. W. (as is also his son Henry), of the Select Knights and of the firemen ; he was also on the Excise Board for three years. Mr. Rogge was at sea in a German ship for five months as engineer and ship blacksmith. Mrs. Rogge was born in Germany and was three months old when she came to America. Walck, Gottlieb, was born in Wheatfield, June 16, 1849. a son of Christian and Wilhelmina (Wendt) Walck, natives of Germany. Mr. Walck is engaged in farm- ing and has been thirty years on the present farm, being very successful in his busi- ness. He is also popular politically and has been excise commissioner and has been b lO supported by a large majority in the Republican party for other offices. May 2, 1872, he married Marv Thiele, and they have five children; George, Annie (married Charles Doering), Esther, Ellen and Adelaide. Scanlon, P., was born in Buffalo, in 1849, and has resided in North Tonawanda for twenty-eight years, where he is proprietor of the Niagara Frontier House, a fine new block which he built on the site of the old Frontier House, which was destroyed by fire. The building is 5G by 44 feet in dimensions and contains twenty rooms be- sides Scanlon's Hall, which is the entire size of the building. Mr. Scanlon is a prominent society man, a member of the C. M. B. A., the Hibernians, the N. C. P. A., the Press Club of Buffalo, and Alert Hose Company No. 1, besides a German society. In 1883 he married Kate Hennerberger, and their children are George, Charles, Frank, Edward, William and Kate, all of whom, except William, are children of Mrs. Scanlon's by a previous marriage. Frank assists his father in the business and is also a member of Alert Hose Company. Mr. Scanlon owes his success in life en- tirely to his own efforts and ability; as a youth and young man he was in the raft- ing and lumber business much of the time in Michigan. Jacobs, Hiram M., was born in North Tonawanda, August 18, 1856, a son of H. C. and Caroline Jacobs. He was educated in the public schools and followed railroad- ing on the Lake Shore and the New York Central for many years. He is a member of the Odd Fellows, both subordinate lodge and encampment and is an active Re- publican, having served on committees and as a delegate to the assembly and other conventions. He is collector for the village of North Tonawanda and has been elected five years in succession, and it is a notable fact that he has headed the polls at every election. Pearce, John C. , was born in the town of Wheatfield, Niagara county, N. Y. , May 12, 1837. He lived on the farm until twenty-eight years of age, when he learned the trade of carpenter, joiner and millwright and has followed this since. Mr. Pearce has been assessor of the town of Wheatfield tor six consecutive years and is well known all over the county as an able official ; he has also been constable and town clerk. In 1869 he married Polly Ann Jacobs. His parents were Benjamin S. and Vashti (Milliman) Pearce, and his brother, Filander Eugene Pearce, lost his life in the Civil war from wounds and exposure. His grandfather, Abiram MilHman, was a soldier in the war of 1812. Schumacher, C. F., was born in North Tonawanda, February 23, 1868, and has resided in this city all his life. He was a clerk for twelve years and in 1892 embarked in the grocery business for himself, in which he has been remarkably successful. He is a member of the Select Knights, Odd Fellows and the firemen, having served ten years with the last named ; he has also been assistant foreman and trustee of the firemen. In 1896 he married Hattie Hempel. His parents were Henry and Mary Schumacher, natives of Germany, where they were married and came to America about 1864. Kelsey, W. E. , was born in Indiana, but removed to Topeka, Kan. , with his parents when seven years of age. They lived there nine years and then came east to De- troit, where he was engaged in the wool business until 1893, when he came to North Tonawanda and embarked in the lumber business as partner in the firm of Kelsey It & Gillespie. They do a large wholesale business, handling about twenty million feet of lumber annually. Their plant occupies about four acres of ground and they employ an average force of about thirty men. In 1885 Mr. Kelsey married Julia C. Tannahill and they have two sous, Edward and Robert. His parents were Charles E. and Harriet (Mather) Kelsey, and Mr. Charles E. Kelsey has been a prominent lumber merchant of Detroit for many j^ears. Rock, James E., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., April 9, 1871, and is a son of James Rock, retired. James E. Rock was educated in the public and parochial schools of Niagara Falls and at the age of twenty-one entered the dry goods busmess, as a partner of the Hon. Thomas V. Welch, and remained as such until 1892, at which time he bought out his partner's interest in the business and has since success- fully carried it on alone. Mr. Rock possesses a finely tramed tenor voice and is fre- quently heard in amateur operatic productions. He has been a member of the Niagara Falls School Board since the organization of the city. Stanley, Lyman G., was born in Vermont in 1842, and lived there until ten years of age. His father was a farmer and he was reared to that occupation. August 14, 1862, he enlisted in Company E, 30th Iowa Infantry, and served in Sherman's army, was with him in his operations around Vicksburg, thence to Chattanooga, on to Atlanta and from there in the celebrated march to the sea. He accompanied his regiment to Savannah and thence to Washington, where he participated in the grand review. He was honorably discharged June 16, 1865, and is a member of Scott Post 129. After the close of the war, his brother, who was postmaster of Tonawanda, died and his sister being appointed postmistress, he took charge of the office for her, a posi- tion he filled for thirteen years, or until the spring of 1879. In 1866 he established a stationery business in South Tonawanda and in 1870 a drug store, aud upon leaving the post office he turned all his attention to these enterprises. In 1890 he started a drug store in North Tonawanda and these have become prominent factors in the business life of the twin cities. Mr. Stanley is a prominent Mason and has been master of the Blue Lodge and high priest of the chapter; he is also a member of the Commandery. He was trustee of Tonawanda and has been treasurer of the school board. He married Cornelia Payne, daughter of Col. Payne and they have one daughter, Ethel. His parents were M. J. and Mary (Ames) Stanley. His father served in the war of 1812 and was one of the twelve men detailed to blow up old Fort Erie. Kelley, George H., was born in Middleport, September 28, 1866. His father, P. Kelley, was a native of Ireland and settled in Middleport, where for over forty years he has been engaged in the railroad business, (leorge H. Kelley was educated in Middleport and learned telegraphy, and for twelve years was in the einplo}- of the New YorkCentral Railroad Company. June 4, 1894, he was appointed by President Cleveland, postmaster, which office he still retains. Mr. Kelly is a progressive man and has always taken an active interest in all public affairs. Judson, George D., was born three miles west of Middleport, December 22, 1858. and was a son of George Judson who was born in Hartland in 1802 and was engaged in building and dealing in real estate and keeping store at Johnson Creek for many years, and who about 1854 moved to Lockport where he erected the Judson House, 12 now known as The Grand, and a number of the hotels and business blocks of Lock- port, and who died in 1866 in his sixty-seventh year. George D. Judson was edu- cated at St. Lawrence University, Canton, N. Y. , and was graduated in 1880. He then began the study of law with L. F. & G. W. Bowen of Lockport, and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1882. He immediately began the practice of law in Middleport and continued up to 1895, when he went to New York city and practiced for about a year, then returned to Middleport and was made attorney and secretary of the Mid- dleport Manufacturing Company. Since the suspension of business by that corpora- tion, Mr. Judson has been engaged in the general practice of law, making corpora- tion business a specialty. Warren, A. Frank, proprietor of the Lock City Laundry, and one of the most respected citizens of Lockport, was born in the town of Walworth, Wayne county, N. Y., November 27, 1860. His first business experience was as a clerk in a grocery at Fairport, for A. D. Churchill & Son, in whose employ he continued for two years, when he removed to Cleveland, Ohio, and entered the services of the K. D. Box Company, where he remained for a few years and then removed to Lockport, N. Y., where he formed a copartnership with Mr. C. E. Webster in the laundry business. This firm was succeeded by Mr. Warren, the present proprietor, in October, 1896, and he has since conducted a large and prosperous business. All the latest im- proved machinery is used and he gives employment to a large number of men and women. In May, 1888, he married Sarah L., daughter of A. D. Churchill of Fair- port. Mr. Warren has always been identified with the Republican party, but has never sought political honors. He is affiliated with a number of societies, being a member of Lodge No. 476, Free and Accepted Masons Allen, Norman O., an enterprising and successful real estate and loan agent of Lockport and one of the most respected citizens, was born in the town of Wilson, Niagara county, N. Y., December 5, 1840, a son of Parmer and Mary (Tower) Allen. He was educated in the public schools and the Wilson Academy ; after finishing his schooling he was engaged in farming until the breaking out of the war, when he en- listed in the 28th N. Y. Infantry as corporal and was promoted to sergeant and when mustered out in June, 18G3, held the office of second lieutenant. After the war he returned to Lockport and was appointed deputy sheriff under James D. Ames from 1864 to 1867. He was afterward under sheriff for three years and tlien elected sheriff for a term of three years; since that time he has been engaged in the real estate and loan business. He was married in 1874 to Mary Stebbins of Lockport. Hobbs, John W.— This popular and efficient manager of the Bell Telephone Com- pany of L-fckport was born in the town of Greenfield, Luzerne county. Pa., October 6, 1850. His parents removed to Bradford county when he was quite young and where he attended the common and high schools. He was engaged in farming until 1880, when he removed to Buffalo and entered the service of the Bell Telephone Company as inspector, with whom he continued for three years, and then went with the Central Union Telephone Company at Jacksonville, 111. , remaining there for two years, and was transferred to Cairo, 111., where he remained until 1887, when he re- moved to Lockport and became the manager of the Bell Telephone Company, his present position. He is a son of Alanson and Irene (Wallace) Hobbs, who were of 13 English and Irish descent. He was married January 27, 1875, to Elizabeth J., daughter of Lorenzo Simonds of Pennsylvania, and they have two sons, Herbert C. and Rosco S. Batt, J. B., was born in Checktowaga, March 1, 1859, where his father was en- gaged in the saw mill business. Mr. Batt was bookkeeper in the Williamsville brewery for six years, after which he was railroading for two years. In 1880 he married Mary Daumen. and their children are John, Linus, Mary and Althea. For seven years Mr. Batt was in the lumber business in connection with the Christ Fritz estate at Martinsville and a year ago he embarked in the bicycle business and re- pair shop on Webster street. North Tonawanda. He has been an active Democrat and was trustee of the village of North Tonawanda, N.Y. , two years; he was also tax collector of Amherst. Erie county, two years. Miller, John, was born in Alsace, France, February 15, 1855, a son of Andrew and Sophia (Mosher) Miller. He immigrated to America in 1870, landing in New York August 5, of that year; he first went to Hamilton, Canada, where he remained three years, thence to Buffalo, where he engaged in the meat business for a time and then went to Lancaster, Erie county, where he was associated in business with his brother. After seven years in Lancaster, he came to North Tonawanda in the spring of 1881 and has since conducted a prosperous meat business. Mr. Miller maiTied Anna Rhenet, also of German parentage, but a native of Lancaster, and they have six children: John, Lawrence, Lottie, Albert, Rosa and Eugene. Steele, W. Wallace, one of Lockport's leading wholesale liquor men, was born in Lockport, N. Y., September 10, 1849, and has always resided in that city. He at- tended the Lockport public schools and afterwards took a thorough course at the Rochester Business College. His first business experience was with the wholesale liquor firm of John W. Steele & Co., in which he remained as a partner until 1878, and upon the organization of the succeeding company, became the senior member of the firm of Steele, Torrance & Co., which continued until 1883, when Mr. Torrance and Hon. R. B. Hoag retired, and since that date he has conducted the business alone under the name of L. L. Steele. In November, 1872, he was married to Lydia L. Freeman, daughter of Benjamin F. Freeman of Middleport, N, Y. He is a prom- inent member of Genesee Commandery No. 10, Ames Chapter No. 88, Bruce Council No. 15, Red Jacket Lodge F. & A. M., No. 646. He served his ward on the Board of Supervisors for Niagara county for the years 1876 and 1877 to the full satisfaction of his constituents. He is also a member of the Exempt Firemen, having served a full term with Protection Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, and is at present an active member of the Sons of St. John and Malta. Under many business difficulties in former years, he has always shown that indomitable business energy which has en- abled him to laugh at misfortune and to place himself in the front ranks with the successful men at the present time. Neff, John F., jr., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., June 25, 1864, a son of the late John F. Neff. He attended the public schools of his native town and at the age of sixteen, entered upon an active career in the freight offices of the Rome, Water- town & Ogdensburg Railroad Company at Suspension Bridge, where he remained until that road was consolidated with the New York Central Railroad in 1891. In 14 April, 1892, he was appointed chief clerk in the freight offices of the consolidated roads and is still an incumbent of that office. December 11, 1895, j\Ir. Nefif mar- ried Miss Hassenflue of Cleveland, O. Mr. Neff is a worthy and trusted ofhcial and is a member of the Niagara River Lodge No. 785, Free and Accepted Masons. Schuyler, Robert A., was born at Seneca Falls, N. Y., November 3, 1848, a son of Rensselaer Schuyler. He was educated in the public schools of his native township and when sixteen years of age began his business career, as shipping clerk for the Downs Manufacturing Company, at Seneca Falls, N. Y. In 1871 he entered the em- ploy of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Company and has remained in their service ever since, with the exception of five years in which he was a deputy collector of customs at the port of Suspension Bridge. He is at present filling the position of cashier for the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co. and the R. W. & O. R. R. Co. at Suspension Bridge. Mr. Schuyler is a faithful aud trusted officer and justly de- serves the respect and high esteem in which he is held by all. April 14, 1885, he married Mary E. Baker and they have one child, Mary G. Mr. Schuyler is a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity, is Recorder of Niagara Commandery No. 64, K. T., Past Chancellor of Niagara Lodge No. 383, K. of P., and is quartermaster-sergeant of the 42d Separate Company, N. G. S. N. Y. Comstock, E. T., Wheatfield, was born in Cambria, Niagara county, N. Y., and was educated at the Lockpoi't High School, and the LTniversity of Buffalo, from which he was graduated in 1896. He opened an office at once after graduating, at North Tonawanda, as successor to Dr. Wright. He is a member of the Psi Omega Society, which includes dentists all over the Union. Dr. Comstock's parents were Artemus and Evaline (Forsyth) Comstock, both natives of Niagara county. His father was member of Assembly in 1878 and 1879. Staats, William H., was born in Monroe county in 1842, a son of Abram and Minerva D. (Gray) Staats, natives of New York. His mother and father came to Monroe county after marriage, where they stayed a short time, then moved to Lock- port, where he was engaged in the cotton factory. He went to the war in 1861 and never returned. There were seven children in his family, four of whom are living. Sarah J. Richardson, resides in Newfane ; James, resides in Lockport; William H. and Mrs. Carrie C. McCoUum, reside in Newfane. William H. Staats received his education at Newfane and Lockport, after which he engaged in coopering for a number of years. In 1861 he went to Wisconsin and joined Co. E, 1st Wisconsin Regt. Vol. Infantry, aud was assigned to General Buel's army. They first went to Louisville, Ky., then to Nashville, Tenn., Huntsville, Ala., Perry ville, Ky., where he was at the front in this hard fought battle and in which he lost an eye. He served nearly two years and was discharged in the spring of 1863, coming at once to Niagara county. Mr. Staats is a member of Jacob Brauker Post No. 547. Novem- ber 9, 1870, he married Mary C. Sherman, born in Maumee City, O., and they had one child which died in infancy. Both are members of Newfane Council No. 85, Royal Templars. Mr. Staats rents his farm and is now engaged in other business. Utz, Otto F., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., October 31, 1865, a son of Charles Utz. He attended the public schools of his native town and later took a course in Eastman's Business College at Poughkeep.sie, N. Y. For a number of years he 15 traveled as a grocery salesman and from 18VU to 1896 served as bookkeeper for the Miller &■ Briindage Coach Compar.y at Niagara Falls. In the latter year he was elected chief of the Niagara Falls Fire Department and is still an incumbent of that office Gentz, John, was born in Germany in 1840, and came to America in 1850. In 18()4 he enlisted in Co. B, 10th U. S. Infantry and served in the Army of the Potomac, participating in the battle of the Wilderness, May 6, 18G4; Spottsylvania, May 14. 1864; North Anna River, May 24, 1864; Cold Harbor, June 2 and 3, 1864; the Siege of Petersburg and Weldon Railway, August 18 to 21, 1864. He was wounded at Weldon and lay in the hospital for four months at Whitehall, Pa. He was honorably discharged at Fort Snelling, Minn., in 1867; in that year he came to North Tonawanda and in 1884 embarked in the grocery business, which he has since successfully conducted. Mr. Gentzisamemberof A. R. Scott Post No. 129, G. A. R., and is its present commander. He was village trustee for four years and was chairman of important committees during his term of office. In 1869 he married Fredericka Demler, and they have one son, A. C. Gentz, born November 16, 1870. A. C. Gentz is an active Republican worker and was nominated for town clerk by his party in the spring of 1897. He is a member of the Odd Fellows and the Fraternal Mystic Circle. In 1892 he married Anna Ballard, and they have two children, Irene and Clarence. Gushing, Sarah L., M. D., has been a resident of the village and city of Lockport for nearly forty years and the prominence attained is such as to warrant some men- tion in these pages. Dr. Gushing has occupied a special sphere in the successful care and treatment of the sick and afflicted, having been especially qualified to con- stitute the successful nurse. Mrs. Gushing devoted her energies to the study of medicine and the successful treatment of the affiicted. She was born near Troy, N. Y. , in August, 1817; she attended the district schools and was graduated from the Albany Female Academy in 1841. In 1858 she was graduated from the Starling Medical College at Columbus, O., where .she settled in the practice of her profession until the war broke out, when she went to care for the sick and wounded, distribut- ing sanitary supplies to the soldiers. After a time she was taken sick and compelled to give up her position. She then settled in Lockport, N. Y., and resumed the prac- tice of her profession, where she has since resided. The doctor is in all respects a self-made woman, one who through the adversities of an orphaned childhood, the loss of husband and an only child, and the conquest of obstacles fit to dement any save the most courageous, has learned the reality of sorrow, and from the start has made the cause of humanity her own. Her great love for her work is best told in her own words, when she says: "During busy days or sleepless nights, with many disappointments and much hard work, never for one moment have I regretted having chosen the practice of medicine." Davison, Norton E., was born in Clarence, Erie County, N. Y., December 14, 1845. His father, John Davison, a native of parish of Newton, county of Northumber- land, England, settled in Onondaga county in 1810 and afterward moved to the town of Somerset in 1833 and to Clarence in 1837, where he was identified as a farmer- he died in 1864. Norton E. Davi.son was educated in the common schools, i6 and in 1866 married Phoebe J., daughter of Lyman B. Burdick, whose father, Rowse Burdick, was one of the first settlers on Tonawanda Creek in 1833, where the family were among the prominent farmers of the town. Mr. and Mrs. Davison are the parents of four children: Edwin E.. Lyman L., Nellie L. and Belle. In 1894 Mr. Davison moved to Royaltou Center, where he engaged in the mercantile business. Jaenecke John G. , was born in Martinsville, June 5, 1856, and has lived in this place all his life. He was a farmer until thirty years of age, when he engaged in the hotel business and conducts one of the largest hostelries in the count)'. October 27, 1881, he married Bertha Ziehl and they have three children: Wilhelmine, Benja- min and Pauline. Mr. Jaenecke is a fireman and has been a trustee and president of the company; he is also a trustee of the German Lutheran church and is a Repub- lican in politics. He rebviilt his hotel in 1896, and is a genial and popular man. His parents were Charles F. and Annie (Schwartzenholz) Jaenecke, natives of Ger- many. Charles F. Jaenecke came to America in 1845 and was a blacksmith and farmer ; he died in 1892 and his wife in 1893. Mrs. Jaenecke's parents were Charles and Mary (Reck) Ziehl, Tulley, Thomas H., was born in Boonville, N. Y., June 2, 1842, a son of Charles and Mary (Welch) Tulley, natives of the north of Ireland. When Mr. Tulley was yet an mfant, his parents moved to Allegany county and he came to North Tona- wanda at the age of ten. For twenty-two years Mr. Tulley followed sailing on the lakes and boating and in 1886 embarked in the grocery business, which he still con- ducts successfully. He is a member of the A. O. U. W. and also Independent Or- der Foresters, of which he is at present treasurer. Mr. Tulley is a prominent Dem- ocrat in North Tonawanda and was on that ticket for village assessor in the spring of 1897. He married Mary Kane, and they have six children: Thomas H., Martin E., George A., Francis Nelson, Helen and Mary. Dutton, E. M., was born in the town of Hartland, October 16, 1857, a son of Will- iam and Cynthia Dutton. William Dutton was born near Rochester, N. Y., in 1814 and came to Niagara county when a young man, locating in Lockport, where he mar ried Cynthia Richardson, daughter of Ephraim and Amy Richardson, then moved to Pendleton, where he lived several years, he then moved to Hartland and died in 1894 Mrs. Cynthia Dutton was born in Lockport, N.Y., in 1821, and died in 1883. E. M. Dutton engaged in farming until twenty-three years of age when he engaged in the mercantile business with his sister, Mrs. Mason, under the firm name of E. M. Dutton & Co. In February, 1885, was married to Miss Carrie Shaw, daughter of Walter and Lydia Shaw, of Newfane, and they have one daughter, Mabel, aged eleven years. E. M. Dutton was appointed postmaster at Newfane in 1889, under Republican ad- ministration and held the office the full term of four years and five months until his successor was appointed, by the Democratic party. Mr. Dutton was elected clerk of Newfane in 1895 by the Republican party. His mother's father, Ephraim Rich- ardson, cleared up the county farm and was a carpenter by trade. He was killed while working on the old Spaulding mill at Lockport, by a premature blast Schneider, John C, was born in Niagara county, a son of the Rev. Theobald Schneider. He attended the public schools and later took a course in the Buffalo Normal School ; he then entered the North Western College, from which he was 17 graduated in 1885, after completing the Latin scientific course and had conferred upon him the degree of B. S. For some time following his graduation he taught iu the public and union schools at Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge and later be- came assistant to Prof. N. L. Benham, the superintendent. Ill health caused his resignation in 1889, since which time he has been engaged in the real estate and in- surance business and has met with marked success. Mr. Schneider is a man of liberal education, of practical mind and is popular in both busine.ss and social circles. He is an active worker in the church and is president of the Niagara County Christ- ian Endeavor Society. McBrien, Frederick R., M.D., was born at Newtonville, Ontario, Canada, January 23, 1869, and was a son of Alfred N. McBrien, M. D., of that place, now deceased. Mr. McBrien attended the public schools at Port Perry, and later the Whitly (Ont.) Collegiate Institute; at the age of eighteen he entered Trinity College of Medicine at Toronto, Ontario, and was graduated from there in 1891. In the same year he removed to Niagara Falls, N. Y., and opened an office, where he still continues to practice his profession. Fassett, H. V. S., is a scion of an old American family which dates its history back •to Revolutionary days, when some members of the family fought on the patriot side. Mr. Fassetts grandfather Asa Fassett, was a brigade inspector with the rank of major; his father, James A. Fassett, a veteran of the late Civil war, is still living and has been one of the foremost men of the Twin Cities. In 1873 he embarked in the lumber business in Tonawanda, and January 1, 1881, formed a partnership with A. A. Bellinger, (which still exists), to do the business of receiving and forwarding lumber, etc., for Eastern points. For some time Mr. Fassett has been unable to engage actively in business and his son, H. V. S. Fassett, represents him in the firm. H. V. S. Fa.ssett was born in Albanj', N. Y., and educated there. He came to North Tonawanda in 1873 and has been associated with the great lumber interests in this city since their inception. The firm of Fassett & Bellinger handle from seventy to one hundred million feet of lumber annually. In 1882 Mr. Fassett married Theodora C. Booth and thej^ have two daughters, Mabel S. and Theodora V. Jaenecke, E. G., was born in Martinsville, October 29, 1849, a son of Charles and Annie Jaenecke, natives of Germany. Mr. Jaenecke followed farming and engineer- ing for some years before going into business, and in 1890 started his general store in Martinsville, which he has since successfully conducted. Mr. Jaenecke is a Re- publican in politics and was trustee of the Fire Department for a year; he is also a trustee of St. Paul's German Lutheran church. He married Hermina Praker, and they have four children: Alfred, Louise, Belva Cohoe and Amelia. Kinsella, Michael, was born in Ireland in 1824, a son of John and Catherine Kin- sella. His mother died in Ireland, and Mr. Kinsella came with his father to America in 1848, locating in the town of Newfane, where his father died. Michael Kinsella bought a farm in 1875 and has seventy acres, all but two under cultivation. He is a breeder of cattle and horses and is a good farmer, having a fine home. In 1857 he married Margaret Wall of Newfane. He has three brothers and three sisters: Lizzie, Frank and Mary, all dead; John resides in Newfane, Thomas in Spencer- port, and Hannah G. Barray lives in Buffalo. Tallon, John M., Wheatfield, was born in York county, Ontario, Canada, August 6, 1856. He learned the trade of barrel maker with his father, who conducted a coop- erage at Vaughn Mills, Ont., for some years; he came to the United States in 1874, and after returning to Canada for a time, finallj' settled in North Tonawanda in 1885, where he has successfully conducted a cooperage on Thompson street. He makes about 45,000 fruit and flour barrels and 5,000 kegs annually, and employs as high as nine men in the busy season. Mr. Tallon is a member of the C. M. B. A. and is a Democrat in politics. He married Ellen McCann of North Tonawanda. Fowler, William C. , was born in North Tonawanda, September 8, 1869, and worked for some time in the shingle business with his father. He afterwards worked in the lumber yard of the T. L. & Saw Mill Company; then for eight years was cashier in the freight office of the New York Central Railroad, and on April 25, 1896, entered into partnership with E. A. Koetsch, forming the jewelry firm of Koetsch & Fowler, which holds a foremost place among the business houses of the county. Mr. Fowler is a member of the 25th Separate Company and also of the First Methodist church; he is a member of Masonic Lodge No. 247, Tonawanda, N. Y. His parents were Robert and Mary Fowler. His father died in Maj', 1895, and was well known as a rafter of timber and afterwards a shingle manufacturer. Myrick, F. A., Wheatfield, was born in Taunton, Mass., and has been connected with the lumber business since he was nineteen years old. He came to North Ton- awanda in 1882 and about six years ago he bought a planing mill which he conduct- ed for five years. After acting as a buyer for a New York lumber house for some time he started into the lumber business for himself in 1893. His business is strictly wholesale and he handles from six million to eight million feet annually. In 1890 he married Maud G. Hittel, and they have one son, Paul Myrick. Mr. Myrick's parents were W. C. and Myra F. (Paul) Myrick. The Myricks have been in America since ante-Revolution days and one of his ancestors, on his mother's side, was a Revolutionary soldier. Dinan, William, jr., was born at Lewiston, N. Y , June 24, 1854, and is a son of William Dinan, a worthy farmer, who later in life became superintendent of Oak- wood Cemetery at Niagara Falls. Mr. Dinan received his education at the public schools of Lewiston. His father had purchased a farm of 150 acres of fertile land in Boyd county, Ky., whither he removed with his family in the spring of 1870, but re- turned to Niagara Falls in the spring of 1871. Upon his arrival in Niagara Falls William Dinan, jr., entei-ed the employ of the International Hotel as barman, where he remained for two years. At this time (1873) Mrs. Col. Peter A. Porter engaged him as coachman and he served her in that capacity until her removal from Niagara Falls in 1875. He then returned to the International Hotel, where he worked as omnibus and carriage driver for four summers, spending vacations in travel in the South and West. He \yas of a roving disposition and spent the following five years in Colorado, California and Oregon in prospecting, mining and general travel, return- ing to Niagara Falls on July 4, 1884. He was persuaded to remain in the East and in the fall of 1886 built a substantial home for himself, and on April 19, 1886, mar- ried Louise A. Wegner of Buffalo. He was appointed as patrolman on the police force on April 23, 1886, and served the town in that capacity until March, 1892, when ho was given a commission as chief of police of Niagara Falls, which office he now holds. Denham, Rev. B. O., was born near Bloomington, 111., September 22, 1865. He was educated at the Salem Academy, Salem, Mo., and the Illinois Wesleyan Univer- sity, Bloomington, 111. He engaged in business pursuits for four years in Kansas City, Mo., finally entering the ministry in 1890, as pastor of the Christian church, Olathe, Kan. He was formally ordained to the ministry, March 15, 1891. He re- mained at Olathe for sixteen months, doing a successful work, when he went to Kansas City, Kan., as pastor of the Central Christian church of that city. Here he remained for four and a half years, adding over seven hundred members to the church. July 1, 1896, he took the pa.storate of the Church of Christ of North Tonawanda, N. Y., where in the first eight months of his work one hundred members have been added to the church, giving it a membership of four hundred and seventy, being the largest protestant membership in this city. He is a lecturer of recognized ability, and has won a high reputation as an orator, preacher and Christian worker. Mr. Denham publishes a weekly paper in connection with his work, called Onward. He also contributes to the national Christian Endeavor organ of his denomination, the Lookout, of Cincinnati, O. He served one term as president of the Kansas Christian Endeavor Union. He is now corresponding secretary of the New York Christian Missionary Society. While in Kansas he led the fight for the extermination of the lotteries of that State, and won the fight. He has dedicated four churches and ordained three men to the ministry of the gospel. In his different fields of labor, and a»an evangelist he has added 1,135 members to the churches of Christ. In 1888 he married Azubah Squier, of Hardin, 111., and they have three sons: Leland, Ralph and Charles. Schwartz, Daniel W., was born near Marburg, Germany, November 18, 1864, a son of John Schwartz. He was educated in Germany and immigrated to America in 1880, entering the hotel business with his uncle, George W. Schwartz, at Niagara Falls. Upon the death of his uncle in 1887, Mr. Schwartz bought the hotel property from the estate and has since been eminently successful as proprietor of the Hotel Schwartz. He is a man of genial manner and strict integrity and has won many warm friends and the full respect of all who know him. Hepworth, John T., was born in Buffalo, N. Y., a son of W. H. and Annie Hep- worth. Mr. Hepworth was educated in his native city and his father established a dry goods business in the Twin Cities and John T. was a partner with him for some time. In 1891 he went out of the dry goods business and embarked in the insurance and real estate, which he still conducts. Mr. Hepworth was a member of the 25th Separate Company for five years and is a Prohibitionist in politics. In 1891 he mar- ried Emily R. Pinner. In addition to his other business, Mr. Hepworth is also a notary public. Brown, Wesley P., was born at Peru, Berkshire county, Mass., October 15, 1838, and is the the youngest son of Elija Brown, who was by occupation a farmer. Mr. Brown attended the public schools at Pittsfield, Mas.s. , whither his parents removed during his infancy. At the age of seventeen he entered the employ of the New York Central Railroad Company, as fireman, and afterward became an engineer for that 20 company, which position he held for eighteen 5'ears. Since October, 1875, he has been engine dispatcher at Niagara Falls and has complete charge of the locomotive department of the works of the New York Central Railroad Company at that place. He has the full confidence of the company, and is faithful in the discharge of the responsible position. Waud, Denby, was born at St. Catherine's, Ontario, Canada, November 11, 1843, a son of Robert Waud. He attended the public schools of his native town and at the age of fourteen began to learn the bricklayer's trade, afterwards the barber's trade, which he followed until his appointment as a special inspector of customs at the port of Niagara, which office he still holds. In July, 1871, he married Mary Deimer, and they have four children. Mr. Waud is a member of the I. O. O. F. and F. & A. M., and is held in high esteem by his fellow citizens. Holman, Frank N. , was born in Springville, Erie county, N.Y., July 27, 1864, and was educated at Griffith Institute and Hamilton College, from which latter institu- tion he was graduated m the class of 1885. He read law in Buffalo with Humphrey & Lockwood and Green & Marcy, and was admitted to the bar in June, 1887. In November, 1893, he came to North Tonawanda, but also has an office in Buffalo. In 1890 Mr. Holman married Pauline Mueller. His parents were Frank B. and Melinda (Newton) Holman. His grandfather, Joel D. Holman, was a Vermont man and was the son of a Revolutionary soldier who served in Washington's army. Mr. Holman's grandmother was a Rockwell and her grandmother married the great- grandfather of General Grant. Mr. Holman took a very prominent part in the presidential elections of 1892 and 1896. In 1892 he was employed by the New York Reform Club and was assigned as speaker to the States of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minne- sota, Michigan and Indiana and delivered forty-eight addresses in these States dur- ing that campaign. In the campaign of 1896 he was on the stump for the National Democratic ticket for three weeks, in and around New York city. McBean, George, was born at Atherton Mills, Ontario, Can., but has resided in North Tonawanda since ten years of age and has been engaged in the lumber busi- ness since 1871. He was with A. M. Dodge thirteen years and with Dodge & Bliss four years. The officers of the company are Delos Bliss, president; W. F. Brown, secretary and treasurer; George McBean, manager, at North Tonawanda. At this place they handle from thirteen to fifteen million feet of lumber annually and their spacious yards are admirably equipped, containing a cottage, offices, mills and sheds. Mr. McBean is one of the representative business men of North Tona- wanda and is a member of the Masonic fraternity and the Odd Fellows; also chair- man of the Republican City Committee. Mr. McBean's father, Alexander, was also a prominent man of the place and was president of the village for many years. Lynch. Daniel M., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y. , February 3, 1858, and is a son of Daniel Lynch, a wholesale and retail dealer in boots and shoes. Mr, Lynch was educated at the public schools and at St. Mary's Institute, in Niagara Falls, and in 1873 entered his father's store to learn the business and is at present manager of one of two large stores under the firm name of Daniel Lynch & Sons. The business was established in 1849 and has continued to increase until the opening of an addi- tional store became a necessity. 21 Gassier, William F., was boru in Wurtemberg, Germany, August 9, 1843, where he attended the public schools, and later learned the trade of baker. At the age of twenty he was enlisted in the German army, where he served four years, then ob- taining papers of furlough he came to New York city in 1866, where he worked at his trade until 1869, when he removed to Niagara Falls, where he worked for Will- iam Hutzel as baker for eighteen months. On January 21, 1871, he established him- self in the bakery business, in which he continues at the present time. He was nat- uralized during the second administration of President U. S. Grant. In 187U he married Rosina M. Gann, of Niagara Falls, and has one son, William F. Gassier, jr. He is a Mason and a member of the A. O. U. W. He is also a veteran of the 42d Separate Company, N. G. N. Y. Arkush, Solomon F., was born in New York city, December 22, 1857, a son of Isaac J. and Sophia Arkush, natives of Russia Poland, who came to this country in 1856. When six years of age his parents removed to Denver, Col., but returned to New York city in 1867. After a short stay in New York city they located in Schen- ectady, N. Y., and Syracuse, N. Y., where he received his early education in the public schools. In 1873 they again removed to New York city, and in the same year he entered the house of the Butterick Publishing Company, remaining with them until 1877, when he decided to take up the cutter's profession. Until the year 1884 he held positions as cutter with well known firms of New York city and with the firms of Yates & Company and Danziger Brothers, of Syracuse, N. Y. In 1884 he re-entered the employ of the Butterick Publishing Company at New York city as de- signer in the men's department, and associate editor of the "Tailors' Review," where he remained until 1893, when he removed to Niagara Falls, N. Y., and formed a partnership in the merchant tailoring business with one Morre, the firm being known as Morre & Arkush. In March, 1894, on account of difficulties with his part- ner, the Supreme Court granted a dissolution, and appointed S. F. Arkush receiver of the firm, and in six months he closed up the affairs of the firm, paying all creditors in full. On February 4, 1895, he was appointed to the position of city clerk by Mayor David Phillips, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation, of L. P. Dayton. He was reappointed by Mayors Cutler, Schoellkopf and Hastings, during their suc- cessive terms of office. On May 17, 1877, he married Helen F. , daughter of William F. and Mary E. Evans of Niagara Falls. He has four brothers and three sisters liv- ing in New York city, where his parents died ; the mother in 1873, and the father in 1887. Benham, Nathaniel L., was born at Seneca Falls, N. Y., October 29, 1851, and was the third son of John A. Benham. who was a builder and contractor there, and died in Sacramento. Cal., in 1890, at the age of seventy. Mr. Benham is a direct descendant of John Benham, who came to this country in 1630 from Plymouth, England, settling at Dorchester, Mass. In 1639 John Benham accompanied the colony of Eaton and Davenport to New Haven and was one of the heads of seventy families that constituted that settlement. On the maternal side he is a descendant of Cary Latham, who was one of the founders of New London, Conn. Mr. Benham received his education in the public schools of Seneca Falls and later in the Seneca I'alls Academy and prepared for college. At the age of seventeen he began teach- ing school in the town of Seneca Falls, and afterwards was connected with the 22 schools of the village of Seneca Falls for eight years. During this period he had been studying law in the office of J. N. Hammond, at Seneca Falls, and in 1878 he was admitted to the bar of the State of New York. He practiced his profession at Waterloo (the county seat of Seneca county), being the senior partner of the firm of Benham & Rood, until 1880, when he removed to Buffalo. He there engaged in the railroad business with the New York Central Railroad and afterwards in the general eastern freight office of the Michigan Central Railroad. In 1884 he was appointed principal of the Niagara Falls Union School and remained as such until 1891, when he was chosen superintendent of the public schools of the village of Niagara Falls. On the organization of the city of Niagara Falls he was continued as superintendent of the city schools. He also is clerk of the Board of Education. He has been for many years a director of the Niagara Permanent Savings and Loan Association, one of the most flourishing local loan associations in the State. He is a past master of Niagara Frontier Lodge No. 132, F. & A. M., and a member of Niagara Chapter No. 200, R. A. M., and Niagara Commandery No. 64, K. T. In 1886 he married Margaret E. Sheldon of Niagara Falls, by whom he had three children, two of whom, daughters, are living. Dean, William H., was born at Detroit, Mich., November 8, 1837, and is a son of Frederick Dean, a butcher, who removed to Niagara Falls in 1838. In 1848 his parents removed to Lewiston, N. Y. , where he took up his studies in the Lewiston public schools, and at the age of fifteen he left school and entered business with his father, where he remained until 1859, when he returned to Niagara Falls, forming a partnership with William M. Sherwood and establishing a meat market business, which was successfully carried on for twenty 5^ears. The partnership was dissolved in 1881, and since that time he has continued in the same line of business alone. Mr. Dean married Ada M. Brook at Lewiston in 1858, and has had three children, two of whom survive, William H. Dean, jr., and F. A. W. Dean. Mr. Dean has been for twenty years a member of the A. O. U. W. Shepard, William (deceased), was born at Lockport, N. Y., November 21, 1832, a son of James Shepard (deceased). He was graduated from the Union School of Lockport and at an early age took up the trade of mason and builder, serving his apprenticeship with his father at Lockport. In 1851 the family removed to Niagara Falls, where William at once established himself in business and from that time until he passed away, on November 20, 1895, prosperity attended his efforts. His building work was always so well done that it was a model of perfection and his sterling worth was soon recognized, hence his success. Among the most prominent structures at Niagara Falls that stand as monuments to his skill are the Interna- tional Hotel; the Inclined Railway at the State Reservation; the immense mills of Schoellkopf & Matthews, and manj^ of the finest residences of the city. His la.st important contracts were the building of the great plant of the Carborundum Com- pany and the Shelter house on Goat Island. Mr. Shepard was a man of fine mind and of domestic tastes, preferring his home to outside organizations, being a mem- ber of the Royal Templars and the A. O. U. W. In 1855 he married Anna Belle Liv- ingston, and they had four sons: James L. , George G., Will A. and Charles T., one daughter, Jessie A., all of whom survive, and one daughter, Jennie, who died at the age of twenty-three, in 1882. 23 Shepard, George G., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., November IG, 1805, a son of the late William Shepard. He was educated in the public schools and De Veaux College at Niagara Falls, and when eighteen years of age entered the employ of the Cataract Bank as a runner, but soon rose to the position of assistant cashier, which office he filled until 1893. In December, 1894, Mr. Shepard became identified with the Electric City Bank as its cashier and still retains that position. November 15, 1890, he married Edith Pfeiffer and they have one child, Marion. Mr. Shepard is a member of Niagara Frontier Lodge No. 132, F. & A. M., of Niagara Chaj)ter No. 200, R. A. M., and has been a member of the 42d Separate Co., N. G. N. Y., since 1889, and second lieutenant since January, 1897. Porter, Alexander J., was born at Niagara Falls, June 29, 1863, a son of the late Hon. Albert Augustus Porter of that city. He received his education under private tutors and at the age of seventeen removed to Auburn, where he became manager of one of the departments of the Osborn Manufacturing Company and remained with that firm until 1888, when he returned to Niagara Falls to assume the position of treasurer of the Pettebone Paper Co., of which Maj. L. W. Pettebone is vice-pres- ident, and still remains in that office. In 1888 he was appointed secretary of the Niagara Falls Power Company to succeed the original secretary, Mr. George N. Miller, and retained that position until 1894. Mr. Porter is a director of the Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge Railroad Company, a director of the F. W. Oliver Com- pany and vice-president and director of the Dobbie Foundry Co., and has been a trustee of the Niagara County Savings Bank since its incorporation in 1891. In June, 1894, Mr. Porter was married to Maud M., a daughter of President John W. Lang- muir, of the Queen Victoria Park, Canada, and they have two children, Albert A. and Margaret J. Mr. Porter is a man of high attainments and is highly honored and respected by his fellow citizens, and well sustains the reputation of his father and the Porter family. Jameson, William Arthur, was born near the city of St. Stephen, N. B., at the head of tidewater and navigation on the St. Croix River. He is the son of Charles Jameson, whose ancestors were Scotch. The latter was both a shipbuilder and farmer, and still resides in that city at the age of eighty-nine years. Mr. Jameson inherited a taste for mechanics and gained considerable knowledge of the practice of the same during his youth. In the fall of 1870 he left home, reaching Hartford. Conn., September 30 of that year, and at once obtained a situation with the Weed Sewing Machine Company. He was at first engaged at general repairs about the manufactory, and afterwards spent several years at carpentry and building. In 1877 he removed to Wallingford, Conn., taking a position with the Oneida Com- pany, which was just arranging to manufacture spoons, forks, etc., remaining there until 1881, wh?n the company decided to move its works to Niagara Falls. May 1, 1881, he removed to the latter place, superintended the construction of the factory buildings and installed the machinery plant for the manufacture of plated ware. He afterwards superintended the manufacture of these wares until April 1, 1893, when an engagement covering sixteen years was voluntarily severed to enable Mr. Jameson to start a new enterprise, the Niagara Silver Company. As manager of this company he arranged for securing the present premises and the erection of buildings, purchased and installed the machinery and turned out the first finished 24 spoon July 15, 1893. Mr. Jameson is a stockholder in the Carter-Crume Company, of which the Niagara Silver Company is a branch; also in the Oneida Company, several building and loan associations and land companies. He is also interested in real estate, including several land syndicates. April 9, 1873, he married a New England lady, whose maiden name was Clara A. Jameson. They have an adopted daughter, Daisy Gertrude. Mr. Jameson is a man of enterprise, public-spirited and highly respected in the business and social world. His success as a business man is due entirely to his own untiring energy, and he might be regarded as the highest type of a self-made American citizen. Vogt, Jacob B., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., April 11, 1852, a son of Jacob J. Vogt, a prosperous farmer of that place, now retired. Jacob B. Vogt was edu- cated in the public schools at Niagara Falls and l)e Veaux College and later took a course in Bryant & Stratton's Business College at Buffalo. After finishing his schooling in 1871, he returned to his father's farm and remained there until 1873, when upon coming of age his father set off for him from his farm 150 acres of cleared land, which he cultivated and from which he received the proceeds until 1883, at which time he purchased that plot of land from his father and continued at farming, and in 1889 bought twenty acres more of the home farm. During the land boom of 1891 he sold 165 acres from his farm at a good round sum an acre and built for him- self a handsome residence on the remaining five acres, where he now resides, leading the quiet life of a retired farmer. Mr. Vogt has dealt extensively in real estate and has been successful in all of his operations. October 18, 1876, he married Mary S. Whitney, a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Garrett) Whitney of Niagara Falls, and they have four children, J. Whitney, Catherine E., Charles W. and Clarence B. Esslie, Adam, deceased, was born in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, April 23, 1831, and educated in the common schools of his native town. In 1854 he immigrated to America, settling at Niagara Falls, N. Y., where he took up the calling of farmer, and in 1868 bought fifty acres of fertile land in the town of Niagara, and established the present Esslie homestead farm. He was an industrious and highly respected farmer and esteemed by all his fellow citizens, and was deeply mourned upon his passing away, November 12, 1888. Since his decease Mrs. Esslie has continued to reside at the farm near the historic Schlosser's dock, a typical country home. Mrs. Esslie has reared a family of eleven children, six sons and five daughters, all of whom are still living. During the land boom in 1891 she sold half of her farm (twenty-four acres) at eight hundred and fift}' dollars an acre, for which her husband had paid but eighty dollars an acre. Mrs. Esslie lives a quiet, retiring life, much esteemed by her neighbors and friends. Adam Esslie was married in January, 1861, to Caroline Strieker, a daughter of George Strieker of Niagara Falls. Mr. Esslie and family were members of the Lutheran church. In politics he was a Democrat. Hulett, Judge Theodore G., was born at Williamsburgh, Mass., June 13, 1811, and is a son of Anthony Hulett. Mr. Hulett received very little schooling and at the age of twelve left home and apprenticed himself to Ja.son Clapp, a carriage maker at Pitts- field, Mass., at a salary of fifty dollars a year, one quarter's schooling and furnished his own clothing. From his employer he obtained a loan of fifty dollars, giving his note, and purchased a small library and a box of tallow candles in order to read and study at night. After serving his apprenticeship he was in Pittsfield, Albany and Troy, working at his trade in summer and reading law in the winter for three years. He came to Niagara Falls in 1834 and after working two years at the manufacture of carriage sprmgs, he went into business for himself. In 1847 he mas made superintend- ent of the first suspension bridge across Niagara River ; he invented and built the iron basket which hung beneath the railway suspension bridge and which is now in the rooms of the Buffalo Historical Society. He has superintended the building of many suspension bridges in various parts of the country and he invented and patented the cast iron shackle fastenings which secure the cables of the first Niagara Suspension Bridge, built in 1865, to the anchors. In 1858 he built the Niagara Falls Gas Works and run them for twelve years. He built gas works in 1870 at Dansville and War- saw, N. Y., and in 1873 he constructed' the o.xyhydric gas plant at Buffalo, on plans furnished by a prominent French engineer. In 1849 he was elected justice of the peace of the town of Niagara and held that oflfice for over thirty consecutive years; during that time he also served as judge of the Courts of Sessions and Oyer and Terminer of Niagara county for four years. He took an active part in the cau.se of the Union during the war and assisted in raising and equipping the 8th N. Y. Heavy Artillery; he devised and executed means by which soldiers' families were relieved to the extent of §28,000 without creating an indebtedness of the town. Late in life he originated the idea of cementation of the dead and was elected president of the American Cementation Society on November 26, 1886. Judge Hulett has attained some fame as a poet and is to-day what may be termed one of the best living ex- ponents of the old school. He keeps fully posted on the times and bears a wide rep- utation as a most skillfull and ingenious civil engineer. In 1833 he married Mercy A. Bailey of Pittsfield, Mass., and they had three children, only one of whom sur- vives, Mrs. J. B. Gates, of Niagara Falls. He has seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren living. Mrs. Hulett is dead. In politics he was originally a Whig, later a Republican. Lovell, Prof. Thomas B., was born at Brooklyn. N. Y., November 12, 1838, and is a son of Robert Lovell who was a baker of that city. He attended the public schools at Rochester, whence his parents had removed in 1843; in 1853 his parents removed to Nunda, where three years later he entered the Nunda Academy and was graduated from there in 1857. The following fall he entered the Rochester (N. Y.) LTniversity, where he completed the classical course, graduating in 1862; and had conferred upon him the degree of A. B. and three years later the degree of A. M. by the Rochester University. In 1863 he was appointed principal of the Penfield (N. Y.) Seminary, where he remained for one year, when he went to the Marion Collegiate Institute, at Marion. N. Y.. in the same capacity (principal), holding that position till 1870. when he was appointed principal of the Attica (N. Y.) Union School, remaining there until, on August 1, 1892, he received his appointment as principal of the Cleveland Avenue High School, at Niagara Falls, which position he now holds. In 1891 he was chosen president of the Principals' Association of New York State. April 14, 1864. he married Ada \'. Hammond, and they have one son. Dobbie, John, was born at Thorold, Ontario, Canada, January 17, 1S62, a son of d 26 the late Archibald Dobbie, who was a prominent manufacturer and machinist of that place. Mr. Dobbie was educated in the public schools of his native town and at the Hamilton (Ont.) Business College; at the age of sixteen he remov^ed with his father to Buffalo, where he learned the machinist trade in his father's foundry, and followed that pursuit for eight years. From 1886 to 1887 he was engaged in a bank- ing institution at Buffalo, at the end of which time he entered the employ of a manufacturer of heavy machinery, where he remained for five years. In 1892 he formed a partnership with his brother, A. J. Dobbie, and John Stuart, and built the present plant at Niagara Falls, where, under the firm name of Dobbie & Stewart, they successfully carried on the manufacture of machinery and machinist's imple- ments until 1896, when the partnership of Dobbie & Stuart was dissolved and the Dobbie Foundry Company, of which John Dobbie is the president, was incorporated as a stock company, since which time the business has been controlled by that com- pany. In September, 1889, Mr. Dobbie married Linnie I. Jones of Louisville, Ky. , and they have one son, John C. Bierstadt, Charles, was born at Solingen, Prussia, November 28, 1819, a son of the late Henry Bierstadt. He was educated in the national schools of his native town and New Bedford, Mass. .whence his parents removed in 1831. At fifteen years of age he began his apprenticeship at cabinetmaking and during his six years of service he spent some time in the study of photography, in which, in 1856, he and his brother Edward made numerous trials and experiments which proved successful, and then they established themselves in business as photographers. In 1863 Mr. Bierstadt removed his business to Niagara Falls, N. Y., where he has since carried it on with great success. He is an expert in stereoscopic views and has in connec- tion with his manufactory a large bazaar where his views and many relics and curios are displayed to advantage. Babcock, Edward O., was born in Chautauqua county, N. Y. , November 29, 1861, a son of the late Asel Babcock. He attended the public schools at Jamestown, N. Y. , and Jamestown Collegiate Institute and was graduated from the latter institution in 1880. In the same year he entered the employ of J. W. Prossor & Co., wall paper dealers of Jamestown, and remained with that firm until 1884, at which time he re- moved to Niagara Falls, and after two years of service with Benjamin Rhodes in the same line of business he formed a partnership with Mr. Rhodes, which existed until 1889, when Mr. Babcock bought out his partner's interest in the business and has ever since operated it alone and has been successful and popular. October 29, 1885, he married Jennie Davy, and they have one child, Howard O. Mr. Bab- cock is a member of numerous organizations and enjoys the high esteem of his fel- low citizens. Welch, John H., was born at Brockport, N.Y. , July 17, 1863, a son of John Welch. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, the State Normal School and St. Joseph's College at Buffalo, and later took a course in the Notre Dame (Indiana) University, and was graduated therefrom in 1881. For several years there- after he was employed as a clerk in the Chicago office of the Grand Trunk Railroad Company and later removed to Rochester, N. Y., where he learned the clothing business with M. H. Carroll and in 1887 he returned to his home town and entered 27 into business with his brother, as the Welch Hat and Clothing Company, carry- ing on that business successfully until 1893, when he removed to Niagara Falls and established his present business as clothier and tailor. June 12, 1894, Mr. Welch married Catherine G. Kirby, and they have one child, Albertine L. Mr. Welch is a member of Niagara Council No. 1,397, Royal Arcanum; of Niagara Chapter No. 346, B. P. O. E., and of Rescue Hook and Ladder Company No. 2. He is a man of genial manner, of business ability and tact and is highly esteemed by all who know him. Home, Hon. Walter P., was born at Boston, Mass., April 20, 1849, and is a son of John Home (deceased). Mr. Home was educated in the public schools of Boston and at the age of sixteen came to Suspension Bridge and found employment in the stock yards of the New York Central Railroad Company at that place, where he re- mained for two years, at which tmie his cousin, George E. Brock, persuaded him to leave the stock yards and help him in his meat market. He remained with Mr. Brock until 1871, when he launched out into the flour and feed business as his own master, and carried that business on successfully until the spring of 1872, when he re- turned to Boston, thence in 1874 to Suspension Bridge, and assumed the manage- ment of Atwood's Western Hotel. He continued there until 1883, and upon the death of the proprietor he purchased the hotel, remodeled and refurnished it and has operated it successfully ever since. In 1896 he purchased a half interest m the Lockport Union Sun Publishing Company, which he still retains. On April 15, 1893, he was appointed postmaster at Suspension Bridge, and on June 15, 1894, was given a new commission embracing Suspension Bridge and Niagara Falls, as postmaster, which position he now holds. Mr. Home is vice-president of the Buflfalo and Niagara Falls Electric Light and Power Company and a director of the Bank of Suspension Bridge. He has been president of the School Board of Suspension Bridge, president of the Board of Water Works, member of the Board of Trustees of the village and was a member of the Legislature from 1885 to 1886. Welch, Hon. Thomas V., was born in Camillus, Onondaga county, N. Y., October 1, 1850, a son of the late Thomas Welch and Honor Holland Welch. He was edu- cated in the public schools of Niagara Falls, to which place his parents came with their family in 1856, and he began his business career in 1873 as freight agent for the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company. In 1875 he engaged in mercantile business, from which he retired in 1893. He was clerk of the village of Niagara Falls in 1873, 1874; village trustee 1875. 1876; supervisor of the town of Niagara 1876, 1877, 1878, being chairman of the county board during the latter year. He was Member of As.sembly, 1882, 1883, 1884, and advocated the estab- lishment of the State Reservation at Niagara. July 16, 1885, he was appointed superintendent of the State Reservation at Niagara, which position he still holds. In 1886 he became an incorporator of the Niagara Falls Power Company and was a director of the company until the development of the water power was assured. He is president of the Niagara County Savings Bank, a trustee of the Niagara Falls Public Library, and a trustee of Niagara University. Topping, Michael, was born at Haydon Bridge? Northumberland, England, June 5, 1835, a son of the late Michael Topping, who came to America in 1853 and died in 28 Niagara Falls in 1884. Mr. Topping was educated in the Shaftoe Memorial School at his native town and immigrated to America with his parents in 1853, settling near London, Ontario. In 1865 he removed to Niagara Falls and took up the calling of carpenter, which trade he had learned during his sojourn m Canada and which he has pursued ever since. Mr. Topping leads a quiet, retired life, respected and highly esteemed by all who know him. He is a member of Niagara Frontier Lodge No. 132, F. & A. M., of Niagara Chapter No. 200, of Niagara Commandery No. 64, and is also a Royal Templar and a charter member of the A. O. U. W. Brooks, Frederick, was born at La Salle, N. Y., July 5, 1858, a son of the late George Brooks. He attended the public schools of his native town until thirteen years of age, when he went to work for Jackson Angevine, and in 1881 he entered the employ of Daniel Dietrich, a carpenter and builder at La Salle, where he learned the trade which he has followed ever since. For some time after serving his apprenticeship he did journeyman work. In 1892 he formed a partnership with Robert Greenwaldt of La Salle, and under the firm name of Brooks & Greenwaldt they have erected a number of fine buildings in Niagara Falls and vicinity and have been successful in all of their operations. April 15, 1884, he mar- ried Sophia A. Ortt of La Salle, and they have one child, Serena A. Mr. Brooks has served the town of La Salle for a number of years as trustee and highway com- missioner. Flagler, Gen. Benjamin, was born in Lockport, N. Y., December 10, 1833, a son of Sylvester Flagler, a prosperous and highly respected farmer of that place. Mr. Flagler was educated in the pubhc schools of Niagara county and at Lockport Union School. After leaving school he remained at home on the farm until 1859, when he entered the Erie Canal collector's office at Lockport, as chief clerk. In 1861 he en- tered the service of the United States as captain of a company of the 28th N. Y. Vols., the first regiment organized in Niagara county at the breaking out of the Civil war. The regiment was ordered to the front and during the battle of Win- chester, Va., Captain Flagler was seriously wounded, necessitating his discharge from the service. He returned to his home at Lockport and some time later was ap- pointed inspector of customs at Suspension Bridge, in which capacity he served un- til 1864. In 18T2 he was appointed special deputy collector at the same port and re- tained that position until 1878, when he was made collector of customs for the dis- trict of Niagara, remaining in that office until 1886. January 1, 1895, he was ap- pointed chief of ordnance of the State of New York, on the staff of Governor Mor- ton, with the rank of brigadier-general, and was reappointed to the same position by Governor Black, and is the present incumbent. In 1886 he became one of the organizers of the Bank of Suspension Bridge, of which he was made president and which office he still fills; he was also active in the organization of the Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge Railroad Company, of which he became president and re- tained that position until 1890. He is iirst vice-president and a director of the Niag- ara Falls Power Company and a director of the Bank of Niagara at Niagara Falls. November 9, 1859, he married Martha J. McKnight of the town of Newfane, and they had one son, Sylvester, deceased. General Flagler is a member of Niagara Frontier Lodge No. 132, F. & A. M., of Niagara Falls, and a thirty-third degree honorary member of the Supreme Council of the Northern Jurisdiction, and has been 29 grand master of the State of New York. He is also a member of Dudley Donnelly Post No. 133, G. A. R., of which he was commander for five years. He is also a member of New York Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Politically he was one of the organizers of the Republican party of this State, being a delegate in the first County Convention of the Republican party in Niagara county. Scott, Walter A., M. D., was born at Readsboro, Vt. , March 2.5, 1871, and is a son of S. Walter Scott, M. D., of Troy, N. Y. Mr. Scott attended the public schools at Greenwich, N. Y., whither his parents had removed in 1883, and at the age of eight- een he entered the Syracuse (N. Y.) University and was graduated from there in the medical department in 1892. During the following year he was house surgeon at St. Joseph's Hospital, Syracuse, and in January, 1893, removed to Niagara Falls, where he has built up for him.self a large and paying practice. He was appointed health officer of Niagara Falls in April, 1896. to succeed Dr. J. H. Meehan, and is still an incumbent of that office. On April 26, 1893, he married Daisy Tallman of Syracuse, and they have one daughter, Louise A. Van Pelt, John Grove, M. D., was born in Williamsville, Erie county, N. Y., De- cember 25, 1848, a son of the late William Van Pelt, M.D., a very learned gentleman and eminent physician of that place. John Van Pelt received his education in the public schools and Williamsville Academy, and in the Buffalo Central High School. At the age of twenty two he returned to his native place and taught school there for three winters, in time taking up the study of medicine, and in 1876 was graduated from the Buffalo Medical School ; following upon his graduation he spent a year and a half in the Buffalo Plains Hospital as house surgeon. In the autumn of 1877 he removed to Wyoming county, where he was placed in charge of the Alms House and Insane Asylum, remaining in that position until 1888, at which time he removed to Niagara Falls, where he has since enjoyed a large and paying practice. In the spring of 1897 Dr. Van Pelt was appointed physician to the Third and Fourth wards of the city of Niagara Falls. July 10, 1883, he married Elizabeth R. Crawford of Benning- ton, N.Y., daughter of Thomas and Matilda Crawford, natives of Warsaw, N.Y., both deceased. Stivers, Charles Gaskill, was born at Jackson Barracks, Louisiana, ISIarch 25, 1869, where his father, Capt. Edwin J. Stivers, of the U. S. A. was in command. Captain Stivers has since retired and resides in New York city. Charles G, Stivers received his early education under private tutors, until sixteen years of age, when he en- tered the high school at St. Paul, Minn., whence his parents had removed, and was graduated from there in 1888. In the fall of the same year he began his studies of medicine in the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, and following upon his graduation in 1891, when he had won a special prize of a §100 check given by an alumnus to the student passing the highest examination in pathology, the position of demonstrator of normal and pathological microscopy at the University of Penn- sylvania was tendered him and accepted. In 1892 he was appointed resident physi- cian at the Philadelphia hospital and remained there until the summer of 1893, when he took charge of the practice of Dr. Leonhardt at Tonawanda, N. Y., for one year, during the absence of Dr. Leonhardt in Vienna, Austria, and in the fall of 1894 he 30 removed to Niagara Falls, where he opened an office and has since remained in the enjoyment of a large and growing practice. Dr. Stivers is secretary of the Niagara Falls Academy of Medicine, of which he was a charter member and organizer, and is prominently identified with numerous other organizations of which he is a mem- ber, and for which he acts as surgeon. He is also medical examiner for five prom- inent life insurance companies. In September, 1894, he married Grace A., daughter of Daniel O. Miltimore of Los Angeles, Cal., and president of the Los Angeles Olive Growers' Association. Mrs. Stivers possesses a finely trained soprano voice, being a graduate of the Conservatory of Music at Boston, and frequently appears in amateur opera. Canfield, Mrs. Betsy D., widow of the late Osborn Canfield, was born at Youngs- town, N. Y., March 17, 1826, and is the eldest daughter of Olaf Hathaway and Ada- line B. Richards. Mrs. Canfield was educated in the public schools of her native town and at the age of seventeen left school, going to Willoughby, O., for a space of two years, and upon her return in 1845 was united in marriage to Osborn Canfield, who was a successful farmer at Y'oungstown, N. Y. In 1850 they removed to Niagara Falls, where Mr. Canfield engaged in business as coal dealer, until the time of his death on November 4, 1895. He had been more than ordinarily success- ful in business and had become owner of a number of valuable pieces of real estate. Mr. and Mrs Canfield had two children: Ezzie, wife of George H. Salt, of Niagara Falls; and Nettie M., wife of George E. Wright of the same place. Mrs. Canfield's father, Olaf Hathaway, was a noted man in many respects, especially in seeking to relieve the distress of others. He often jeopardized his life in his efforts to save others. In several instances when small boats were icebound on the Niagara River and the ice was carrying them into the lake to certain destruction, he would, at the risk of his own life, make his way out to them on the floating ice and rescue them. It was a pleasure to him to aid suffering humanity. In all the relations of life he was an ex- emplary man, and the community in which he lived will long regret his death. Russell, Edward E., was born at Henrietta, N. Y. , June 30, 1839, and was a son of Perry G. Russell, a farmer, now deceased, who moved to Rochester in 1845. Edward E. Russell attended the public schools at the latter city until at the age of fifteen he entered the drug store of Hadley & Duryea of Rochester, where he remained for four years, learning the business. In 1857 he removed to Niagara Falls and entered the employ of A. B. Lawrence & Co., druggists, and at the expiration of one year purchased their interest in the business and succesfully carried it on un- til 1862, when he enlisted in the ranks of the 151st N. Y. Infantry, and went to the front, leaving the business in the hands of H. E. Griffith, with whom he had formed a partnership previous to his enlistment.. During the war he served in all the most important engagements under Sheridan and Grant, returning to Niagara Falls and his business, on being mustered out as adjutant in the spring of 1865. In 1870 he sold out his interest in the drug business to his partner, H. E. Griffith, and later went to California, where he remained for one year. On returning to Niagara Falls in 1879 he formed a partnership with George H. Salt, and began business under the firm nam.e of George H. Salt & Co., druggists and apothecaries, where he still con- tinues to do business. Mr. Russell is justice of the peace and has been supervisor 3' of the First ward since the city incorporation in 1892. He is a prominent Mason and highly respected by all who know him. In November, 1859, he married Mar- garet C. Grithth of Niagara Falls, and they have two sons and one daughter. Donaby, Richard, was born in Norfolk, England, December 6, 1835, and was a son of Thomas Donaby, a well known brewer. At the age of twenty-one Mr. Don- aby shipped on a merchant vessel bound to Calcutta, where he served with the British East India Company for one year, helping to quell the mutiny of 1856-57. In the spring of 1857 he came to New York city where be remained eight months, when he went to Norfolk. Va. , enlisting in the United States Navy as able seaman, on board the battle-ship, Preble, which was almost immediately ordered to Para- guay, S. A., to settle the disagreement of the fall of 1858; after a two years' cruise his ship returned to Boston, where he was honorably discharged. He returned to New York, where at the first call for volunteers, in the spring of 1861, he re-enlisted in the United States Navy and sailed on the Powhattan, commanded by (then) Lieut. David D. Porter. At the expiration of his term of enlistment, in the fall of 1864, he returned to New York city, and entenng the service of the New York Central Rail- road Company, was sent to Albany as a carpenter (having learned and foUownd that occupation previous to leaving his home in England, in 1856.) He remained in the Albany shops for fourteen years, when he was transferred to the shops at Niagara Falls as foreman of repairs, and is still in active service in that capacity. Arison, William H., was born in Fayette county. Pa., July 21, 1853, and was a son of Matthew Arison, a farmer of that section, now deceased. William Arison attended the public schools in Faj^ette county and later the union schools at Monongahela City, Pa. In 1873 he married Elizabeth E., daughter of William and Rebecca (Col- lins) Coulter, a contractor and builder of Monongahela City, and in the same year entered the employ of his wife's father, subsequently entering into partnership, where he remained until 1880, when he was made manager of the mercantile de- partment of the Harlem Coal Company. Three years later he resigned his position and established himself in the dry goods business where he remained until 1892. In 1894 he was appointed secretary of the Carborundum Company at Monongahela, in which he became a director and stockholder. In 1896, upon the completion of the big carborundum plant at Niagara Falls, N. Y., he was placed in charge as resident manager. He is a director and secretary of the Monongahela Electric Light Company, controlled by the Carborundum Company since 1894, and was a member of the City Council and Monongahela City School Board for ten years prior to his removal to Niagara Falls. His wife died in 1877, leaving one son, Edgar E., and in 1879 he married Katharine C. Collins, daughter of James F. and Eliza A. (Weaver) Collins and they have one daughter, Katherine. Hancock, John M., was born at Chicago, 111., October 17, 1860, a son of William T. Hancock and Maria H. Samways, both deceased. John M. Hancock attended the public schools at Niagara Falls, and later De Veaux College. At the age of sixteen he entered the office of Pierce, Howard & Company in Niagara Falls. Ontario, whole- sale dealers in coal and private bankers, where he remained until 1887, when he launched out in the same line of business with G. H. & W. S. Pierce, in Niagara Falls, N. Y., in which business he still continues alone. Mr. Hancock is one of the leading (young) business men of Niagara Falls, highly respected by all who know him. September 6, 1887, he married Kate W. Pomroy, and they have two children. Mr. Hancock is an ex-member of the Board of Education, also an ex-member of Rescue Hook and Ladder Company after serving for five years, and an ex-member of the 42d Separate Co., N. G. N. Y., after serving as a non-commissioned and commissioned officer, for eleven years. Hastings, Arthur C , was born at Brooklyn., N.Y., July 13, 1860, and attended the public schools of that city; later he took a course in Smith College, at Hatfield, Mass., and was graduated from there in 1876. In 1877 he accepted the position of secretary of the Rochester Paper Mill Company at Rochester, N. Y., which position he filled until 1889, when he came to Niagara Falls and in company with J. F. Quigley, built the Cliff Paper Mill, which was completed in the same year and of which he remained as manager until 1892, when the Cliff Paper Company was or- ganized, of which company he was made secretary, treasurer and manager. He is still an incumbent of that office and is also treasurer of the Francis Manufacturing Company since its organization in 1895. In 1896. Mr. Hastings was elected police commissioner of the city of Niagara Falls, and served as president of the board until he resigned to become mayor, to which office he was elected March 2, 1897. He is a K. T. and Shriner. Wilcox, Francis U., was born November 10, 1865, at New Haven, Conn., and is a sou of the late Daniel H. Wilcox, a prominent cotton mei'chant of that place. Francis U. was educated at Phillips Academy at Andover, and at Yale College. At seventeen years of age Mr. Wilcox removed to Buffalo, N.Y., and entered the employ of Noyes& Sawyer, lumber dealers, where he remained for five years. In 1890 he came to Niag- ara Falls, N. Y. , and was identified with the engineer corps, in the construction of the tunnel of the Niagara Falls Power Company. In 1895 he became secretary and treasurer of the Niagara Falls W^ater W'orks Co., and still retains that office. He is also president of the Hygeia Ice and Refrigerating Co., and is otherwise identified with the business interests of the city. In 1893 Mr. Wilcox married Miss Anne K. Corson of New York city. Berger, Herman U., was born in Germany in 1851 and came to America in 1867 with his father, who settled in Buffalo. After working some time in Buffalo, and in the nursery business in Rochester, Mr. H. U. Berger became a brakeman on the N. Y. Central Railroad between Rochester and Niagara Falls. He was with the N. Y. Central from 1868 to 1889, most of the time as conductor and yardmaster. In 1889 he opened his coal business, which he has since successfully conducted. Mr. Berger is one of the enterprising men of North Tonawanda, having served as village treasurer for three years and trustee four years. He has served on committees and as delegate to Republican conventions repeatedly. Mr. Berger aLso has been a director of the German American Bank of Tonawanda since its organization. He is a member of the Odd Fellows, the A. O. U. W., the Foresters, the D. O. H. and is an exempt fireman. In 1873 he married Anna Westphall and they have seven chil- dren: Bertha, Lena, Emma, May, Annie, Herman and Charles. Mr. Berger' s par- ents were Herman U. and Bertha Berger, both natives of Germany. Smoyer, Henry, M. D. , was born at Pendleton Center, Niagara county, N. Y. 33 April 18, 1870, and is the son of Daniel and Dorotha (Boyer) Smoyer. He was edu- cated at the Lockport and North Tonawanda Union School ; he then took a three years' course in the medical department of Niagara University of Buffalo, and was graduated in 1895; also graduating from the Medical College of the State of New York the same year. In 1894 Dr. Smoyer married Theresa, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Spoth) Bowers. He is a member of the Select Knights and is medical examiner for the order in North Tonawanda; he is also medical examiner for the Maccabees and the Industrial Insurance Company, and is physician for the town of Wheatfield, and city physician for the city of North Tonawanda. Morgan, Andrew C, was born at Cambria, N. Y., January 9, 1871, a son of John Morgan, a thrifty farmer of that place, now deceased. Andrew C. Morgan attended the public schools of his native town and later the High School at Lockport ; at the age of seventeen he began teaching .school at Cambria. In the sprmg of 1889 he en- tered the law office of the Hon. P. F. King at Lockport, and continued there until the following fall, wnen he resumed his calling (as teacher) in the Lockport public schools. In the spring of 1890 he removed to Buffalo, where he entered the office of William C. Fitch, lawyer, and continued his studies until September of the same year, at which time he took a course of one year in the Buffalo Law School; return- ing to Lockport in 1891, he again entered the office of the Hon P. F. King, where he remained until 1892, when he was admitted to the bar of the Stale of New York at Rochester, and two months later formed a partnership with his former instructor, P. F. King, at Lockport, which partnership was dissolved in December, 1894. Early in 1895 Mr. Morgan removed to Niagara Falls, and has ever since enjoyed a large and paying practice, ranking as one of the foremost young attorneys of that city. Morrissey, Michael, Somerset, was born in Ireland, in May, 1828, and came to America, locating in Somerset, in 1847, where he remained until the fall of 1850, when he returned to Ireland and married Margaret Ryan July 29, 18 1. They returned to America, coming direct to Somerset and settled on the farm he now owns Thej"^ have eleven children: Patrick, born July 7, 1852 now owns the farm ad- joining his father's; Elizabeth, deceased, died June 12, 1890; Johanna, born June 5, 1856; Catharine, born October 29, 1857; Mary Agnes, born March 3, 18fi0; Timothy, born July 16, 1862; Michael, born February 17 1865; Margaret, born January 26, 1863; Nora, born April 30, 1870; Thomas, born October 6, 1872; Alice, born Decem- ber 3, 1876. Michael Morrissey, sr., died February 24, 1897. Jackson, Dr. A. VV., was born in Lincoln county, Ont., August 22, 1866. His father, John Jackson, was a native of the same place, the family settling there in 1820. John Jackson married Mary, daughter of John Shephard and has made a na- tional reputation as a breeder of Southdown sheep. Dr. Jackson was educated ir Toronto, and in 1892 graduated from the medical department of the University of the City of New New York. He practiced in Mercer county, Pa., until 1893, when he entered the medical department of the University of Buffalo, graduating in 1894, and establishing his present practice in the same year. In 1892 he married Lillie, daughter of Andrew Wilson, and they have one daughter, Joyce M. Dr. Jackson IS one of the progressive men of his profession, taking an intelligent interest in edu- cation and religious institutions. 34 Thorburn, Margaret, born in Queenston, Ontario, Canada, eldest daughter of David and Isabel (Thompson) Thorburn, was educated at Lewiston Academy, N. Y., and later on at Mrs. Cockburn's Lady's Boarding School in Toronto, Canada. In 1853 was married to John Craigie, and they had seven children, four of them are now living, David T., John R. T., Mrs. Mabel Lyon and Mrs. Alice T. Trowbridge. John Craigie was a native of Scotland; before leaving that country was employed on North British Railway as a book-keeper; after coming to Canada entered into mer- cantile and milling business; later on as a railroad contractor in this State and Pennsylvania. Mr. Craigie settled in Lewiston in 1881 and died May 7, 1887. Mrs. Craigie's father, late David Thorburn, was a native of Roxburghshire, Scotland, was a merchant and member of Parliament in Canada for several years; also special commissioner, and superintendent of Six Nations Indians affairs on Grand River; also government arbitrator and stipendiary magistrate on Welland Canal ; his parents' names were David and Catharine Thorburn; they lived and died in Scotland. Isabel (Thompson) Thorburn's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerick, were natives of Hol- land; emigrated to the State of Pennsylvania; settled in township of Pedden, that State; during the Revolutionary war they were taken captives by Indians as well as two of their children, a son and daughter. Mr. Emerick and little son could not carry the pack so were tomahawked; the lives of the mother and daughter were saved. After seven years' captivity they were rescued by British officers. Ryan, Thomas, is a native of Ireland ; he was born near the city of Tipperary in the year 1842. His father died during his early childhood. Some time after the death of his father his mother sold her property, and immigrated with her boy and girl to this country in 1854 and settled in Lockport, N. Y., with her father and three brothers, who had come to this country several years previous. His first business experience after coming to this country was at the age of thirteen years, when he was employed as a clerk in the grocery business of Samuel Few, in whose employ he remained for six years; he was then apprenticed to the ma- chinist trade and was employed at that business for several years. He was em- ployed several years by James Richmond in the manufacture of grain cleaning machinery and bran dusters. After the death of James Richmond, over twenty years ago, the business was conducted for several years by WilHam Richmond ; when the present Richmond Manufacturing Company was incorporated under the laws of the State, Mr. Ryan was one of the stockholders, William Richmond, presi- dent. At the present time Mr. Ryan is superintendent and secretary, and William Richmond, president. The Richmond Manufacturing Co. is one of the largest and most widely known concerns in Western New York and gives employment to from thirty to sixty men, manufacturing grain cleaning machinery and bran dusters; their business extends all over the United States, Canada, South and Central America, England, Ireland, France, Germany, Russia, Turkey and Australia. Mr. Ryan was married in 1864 to Mary A., daughter of Samuel Millender, and they have two surviving children ; George J., and WilHam F. Their residence is at 47 Waterman street, Lockport, N. Y. Rankine, William B., was born at Oswego, N. Y., January 4, 1858, and is a son of the Rev. Dr. Rankine of Geneva, N. Y. William B. Rankine received his early e'lucation in the Canandaigua (N. Y.) Academy, and later at Hobart College, and Union College, from which later college he was graduated with the degree of A. B. in 1877. He later received the degree of A. M. from both colleges. He read law in the office of Hon. A. Augustus Porter of Niagara Falls, and was admitted to the bar of the State of New York in 1880, and at once entered into the active practice of his profession in New York city, where he has since continued. Mr. Rankine is a brilliant and successful lawyer. In 1889 he became one of the incorporators of the Cataract Construction Company and is at present attorney for and sec- retary and treasurer of that company. He is also attorney for the Niagara Falls Power Co. ; the Niagara Development Co., and the Niagara Junction Railroad Co., as well as president of the Niagara Falls Water Works Co. ; vice-president of the Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge Railroad Co. ; .secretary and treasurer of the Canadian Niagara Power Co. ; secretary and treasurer of the Cataract Power and Conduit Co. ; and president of the Tonawanda Electric Light and Power Co. Mr. Rankine is a man of liberal education, ability and wide influence and is highly honored and respected by all. Faling, Peter, M. D., was born in Saratoga county, March 12, 1833. His father, Cornelius Faling, came to Niagara county in 1839, settling in Royalton, where he practiced medicine for thirty five years, and died in 1876. Peter Faling was educated in Niagara county, began his study of medicine with Ur. Caleb Hill, of Lockport, N. Y., and spent the last two years of his studies with Prof. Aldeu March of Albany, N. Y., where he served one year as an interne in the Albany City Hospital, grad- uating from the Albany Medical College in 1854, when he returned to Gasport, where he has practiced for forty-four years. In 1865 he married Emily, daughter of William Robinson. Dr. Faling is a member of the County and State Medical Societies and is recognized as a man of conservative character who has ever adaanced the best interests of his town and towns people. Davis, John W., one of the representative farmers of Hartland, was born in 1824, and is a son of William and Hannah (Kenyon^ Davis, William Davis was a native of Massachusetts, and came to Cayuga county, N. Y., when he was twenty-one, and from there to Niagara county in 1843, settling in the town of Hartland on the farm now owned by Mr. Bronson. Mr. Davis died in 1855, and his widow in 1860. March 16, 1848, Mr. John W Davis married Mary Waterman, and they have four children: Eugene, born February 14, 1849, resides in Buffalo and is engineer for a manufac- turing company; James A., born December 15, 1850, resides in Buffalo and is in the employ of a railroad company ; Carrie, Mrs. Freeman of Middleport, born June 29, 1855, and George W., born May 21, 1861, married July 1, 1882, Mary Podgers, who died October 31, 1885. They have one son, Warren J. Davis, who was born April 19, 1884; he is now in school and is a very bright and intelligent bo}-. Mrs. Davis, wife of John W. , was born October 6, 1829, and is a daughter of John and Caroline D. Waterman. Mr. Davis has served his towm as assessor for three years; is a birthright Quaker and a staunch Republican. Douglass, Jay C, was born in Clinton county, N. Y., February 7, 1856, a son of Elijah W. and Harriet A. (Allen) Douglass. Elijah Douglass was born in Washing- ton county, and his wife in Clinton county; they (;ame to Wilson in 1865, where he bought fifty acres of land and lived until his death, which occurred in 1896; his wife 36 died in 1889. Jay C. Douglass was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools; he is a farmer and has fifty acres of land where he lives. The paternal grandfather, Congdon Douglass, lived and died in Clinton county; he was justice in the town of Beakman several years and a member of the Baptist church. Mr. Doug- lass has a brother, Weaver M., who is also a farmer and a Republican. Porter, Franklin, Somerset, was born in Ontario county, N. Y., November 18, 1827, and is a son of William A. and Abigail (Sage) Porter, both natives of New York. His mother was born in Bloomfield, Ontario county, also married there and in 1838 he went to Michigan, where his father died in 1838. They had seven chil- dren, four of whom are living: Jane, the eldest, born March 7, 1836, died Janu- ary 11, 1897; O. S. Porter, born July 29, 1826, is mayor of Rochester, Minn., and has been a member of the General Assembly of that State ; Mary (deceased), born July 25, 1831; Elinor, born July 18, 1833, married Albert Hayes; Julia (deceased), born September 30, 1835; S. J. Porter, born October 4, 1837. On his mother's side he comes from Nathan Herendeen, who was born in Cumberland, R. I., in 1741. After he became of age he went to the West Indies, where he married Huldah Dillingham in 1764. At the one hundredth anniversary held in Farmington, On- tario county, in 1890, there were seven generatious of that family present. In 1769 he moved to Adams, Mass., where his wife died; he then married Sarah Pierce in 1785 and one son was born to them. This son obtained 1,000 acres located in Farmington, Ontario county, in exchange for his farm in Massachusetts. He re- moved to Genesee county in February, 1790 ; there was Nathan, Welcome (his son), Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, his daughters, with their husbands, Joshua Herring- ton and John McOmber and children. The journey was made with an ox sled through a wilderness, no mills, no doctors, no roads. Nathan and son Welcome lived together. The mother died in 1807. The oldest of the third generation living are Mrs. R. Power, Mrs. Mary Jeffrey, Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. W. W. Herendeen. There were seventy-six descendants of Welcome Herendeen at the anniversary; Mrs. Maria Sheffield, Mrs. Harriet Pearson, Mrs. Minnie Furbush and Uncle Wick represented five generations. William A. Porter, father of the subject, was born December 14, 1798, and his mother January 16, 1801. Mr. Porter was first married to Pauline Fox, February 12, 1854, and she died March 25, 1880, leaving two chil- dren ; Alma, born January 3, 1861, married George Higgs; Willis F. Porter, born December 29, 1863, married Bertha Lewis, December 14, 1887. Mr. Porter was again married to Mary Spooner, September 27, 1882, who died August 3, 1884, when he married again, in 1886, Mrs. Grigg, daughter of Samuel and Sallie (Bates) Stock- well. The above Welcome Herendeen was the first white child born in Ontario county. The Porters came to Niagara county in 1810 and settled on the place now known as the Sprague farm. In 1815 David Barker, a relative of Mr. Porter's, came to Somerset and pitched his tent where the village which bears his name now stands, and where he recently died. He came with an ox team and with a wagon made by himself, the wheels being made by sawing off a log. Mrs. Porter's grand- father built the first mill in Somerset; it was erected in the top of a stump, a hole being bored out and corn for meal being pounded in it. Mr. Porter has been asses- sor for three years, and is a cultivated and entertaining gentleman. Armstrong, Seiner E., Somerset, was born in the town of Wheatland, Monroe 37 county, October 31, 1845, and is a son of Elon G. and Mary Matilda (Oilman) Arm- strong. His mother was born July 25, 1824. in Pennsylvania and came to New York, settling in Livingston county. His father was born April 9, 1820, in the town of Leschester, Livingston county. They were married in August, 1844. There were four children in this family, of whom the subject is the oldest: LalaE., now Mrs. J. W. Comstock; Mary J., now Mrs. Ellicott, and Henry C. E. Mr. Armstrong married Emma Wise, December 25, 1867, and they have one daughter, Anna E., born September 17, 1882. May 21, 1861, Mr. Armstrong enlisted in Co. H, 27th N. Y. Vols., serving two years, when the regiment was discharged May 31, 1863. He then re-enlisted and helped raise the 22d N. Y. Vol. Cav., in which he served until the close of the war, being discharged August 9, 1865. Upon his arrival home he en- gaged in the milling busmess at Shelby, N. Y., where he remained four years, when he moved to Muskegan, Mich., remaining there until April, 1872, when he removed to Lockport, and since then he has been a resident of Niagara county. July 12, 1889, he was appointed keeper of the government light station at Thirtj'-mile Point, on Lake Ontario, Niagara county, which position he still holds. Bradley, G. H., Somerset, son of Abel and Elizabeth Bradley, was born August 12, 1830, and came with his parents from Vermont when five years of age, settling in the town of Hartford, where his father remained until he died, October 3, 1858; his mother died in June, 1872. Mr. Bradley married Fannie Meade in May, 1855, and they have two sons: Lewis A., born March 8, 1868, and Frank M., born April 11, 1864. Mr. Bradley is president of the Niagara and Orleans County Insurance Company and has held that position for twenty consecutive years. He is also presi- dent of the Niagara County Agricultural Society. He is the largest fruit grower in Somerset, having twenty-five acres of apple orchard, his crop in 1896 being 8,000 barrels. He has a peach orchard of 4,000 trees, 1,000 plum trees and 2,000 pear trees. It is both a sight and a pleasure to see his magnificent orchards and fine buildings. Brown, James G. O., was born in Pittstown, Rensselaer county, N. Y., May 23, 1824, a son of Joseph and Polly (Dix) Brown. Joseph Brown was born in Massachu- setts and in 1833 came to Olcott and in 1838 to Wilson ; he died in Michigan April 2, 1849; his wife was born in Vermont, and died in 1872. James G. O. Brown was reared in Wilson and there educated. He was ten years a mason and helped build the Union School building in 1845 ; in 1855 he moved on to his present farm of 100 acres, and follows general farming. He was first a Whig and is now a Republican, having been one since the organization of the party; he has served as commissioner and inspector. May 30, 1849, he married Mary E., daughter of Daniel and Sally (Taylor) Holmes, and they have eight children: Edward D., Sarah L., James G., a lawyer of Dubuque, Iowa, Mary E., Joseph E. and Daniel E. (twins), Llewellyn H. and Samuel D. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were Presbyterians and he has been a member since 18;)8; he has been elder for thirty-four years, trustee over thirty years and is now president of the board and clerk of the session for twenty-nine years. In 1855 he took the census of Wilson. Blake, T. A., was born in Orleans county, November 5. 1854, a son of Anthony and Mary (Phillips) Blake. Anthony Blake and his wife came from Mendon, N. Y. , 38 to Orleans county, where she died and Mr. Blake was killed in Chicago, at the World's Fair in 1893. T. A. Blake was reared on afarm and educated in the district schools. He was ten years in Flint, Mich., and in 1885 came to Wilson, where he bought his farm of 134 acres. He was married in 1879 to Ada, daughter of Joseph Parker of Flint, Mich., and they had two children, Roy K. and Vera E. Mr. Blake is a Republican and was supervisor by appointment three months in Wilson. He is a member of Lodge No. 1255, I. O. F. Brown, Frederick J., was born at Ayer, Mass., August 12, 1866, a son of Michael Brown, who has been engaged in the grocery business at that place for over thirty years. Frederick Brown attended the public schools of his native town and at the age of eighteen completed the course of study prescribed. He then learned the trade of carriage painting, which he followed in the town of Ayer for five years, at the end of which time he entered the employ of the Ayer Furniture Company as a finisher of fine furniture. In 1891 he removed to Niagara Falls, where he was engaged for the period of one year as agent for the Miller & Brundage Coach Co. and later, in 1898, he took up the study of law in the office of King & Morgan, remaining with that firm until the spring of 1896, when he was admitted to the bar of the State of New York, and a short time afterwards became a member of the firm of King, Leggett & Brown. Mr. Brown is a capable lawyer, and bound to rise in his profession. Button, Frank E., Somerset, was born in the town of Somerset July 7, 1855, and when eight years old he moved with his parents to the Settlement Road, near Gas- port, where he remained until he was of age. He then went to Nebraska, where he remained eight years, then to Dakota, remaining there nearly three years, when he returned to Yates county, N. Y., where he remained two years, and then came to Somerset, where he has since resided. February 17, 1880, he married Theressie Benn, daughter of John and Mary Benn, natives of Ireland and both dead. Mr. and Mrs, Button have four children: Arnold E., born May 9, 1881 ; Mildred E., born April 26, 1884; Mary A., born October 14, 1886, and Burnice, deceased, born Octo- ber 10, 1892; died in infancy. Mr. Button has a well improved and highly cultivated farm of 132 acres, with thirty acres of orchard, apple, pear, peach and plum, grow- ing large quantities of each. His father was born in Clinton county September 6, 1822, and moved to Somerset, settling on the farm now owned by Stephen Houpt and J. Townsend, about fifty years ago. He was married three times and by his finst wife had five children; Clarence, Frank E., Libbie, Etta, and Ida, deceased. He has two children by his third wife, Ellis and OHve He now lives near Gasport. Hamblin John A., was born in Wilson on the farm he now owns, April 23, 1842, a son of Heman Hamblin. Heman was born in Cornwall, Vt., and came to Wilson in 1825 to look at land, and in 1834 settled and cleared the farm where the snbject now lives. He was married three times; first to Laura Peck, who died April 23, 1842; his second wife was Jane Wilson, to whom he was married in 1843; she died in 1850; in 1865 he married Mrs. Rachael McKenzie, who died April 9, 1884. Mr. Hamblin had three children by his first wife — Mary L., Lucy A. and John A. He died October 14, 1882. John A. Hamblin was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He is a farmer and owns about 109 acres of land ; in politics he is a Republican and has been assessor three years and constable fifteen years. He enlisted August 39 12, 1862, in the 19th Light Battery and served three years, and was in the Imttle of the Wilderness, Cold Harbor. Spotsylvania. Petersburg, Bethesda Church and about a dozen others, and is a member of Peter A. Porter Post, No. 126, G. A. R. Novem- ber 14, 1865, he married Helen R. , daughter of Appleton Andrews of Cambria, Niagara county. Harmony, Edwin, was born in the town of Lynn, Lehigh county. Pa.. April 25, 1825, a son of Daniel and Anna (Long) Harmony. His great-grandfather, Rudolph Harmony, came from Holland in an early day and settled at Lehigh, where he lived and died. His maternal grandfather owned a large tract of land on which is now one of the largest developed coal mines of Pennsylvania. The father came to Seneca county in 1826 and engaged in farming; in 1834 he came to Niagara county, settling in Cambria, where he died in 1854. Edwin Harmony was reared on the farm and educated at Wilson Collegiate Institute. In 1855 he married Mary A., daughter of William and Susan Murray and they had two children, Harriet A. B. and Lewis Sheldon, who died at the age of four years. Mr. Harmony has always had a home on the old homestead, where he carries on farming and fruit growing. He was engaged in the grocery business for a short time and was also agent in the oil field, buying and shipping oil. In politics Mr. Harmony is a Republican and has been justice of the peace and supervisor; he is a member of the Niagara County Farmers' Club and is its vice president. Hixson, P. v., Somerset, was born in Somerset count}?, N. J., March 12, 1821, and is a son of Nathaniel and Dinah Hixson, both of whom were natives of New Jersey. He came with his parents to Niagara county in the fall of 1831, settling in the town of Lockport, when it contained but one brick building. He remained there twenty- two years, when he moved to Newfane. where he remained eleven years, then w^ent back to Lockport for two years, when he moved to Tioga, Tioga county. Pa., where he engaged in the lumber business, remaining there twenty j-ears. In 1846 he mar- ried Mrs. Phebe M. McCoj-, and they had two sons, Nathaniel Wilmer, born April 17, 1848, died February 28, 1886, and George McCoy, born April 15, 1853, is engaged in the jewelry business in New York city. Mrs. Hixon having died while they lived in Pennsylvania, Mr. Hixson disposed of his business and went to Dakota, where he purchased a farm (which he still owns) and remained two years, when he went to St. Paul, remaining there one year, and returned to Somerset in June, 1889. June 27. 1889. he married Fannie Hess, daughter of Charles and Jane (Brown) Fisher. Mrs. Hixson was born in Essex county. November 28, 1830. and had two children by her first husband: John V. Hess, born October 13, 1853, resides in Rochester. Martha Jane Hess, born Januarj'^ 31. 1857, is now Mrs. H. D. Bliss, M. D . and resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Hixson served as assessor while in Pennsylvania and taught school one term. He is a member of the Presbyterian church at Lockport. and has been elder for over thirty years. He has the oldest sweet cherry trees in the county, and the crop of 1896 was over two tons, although the trees were half dead. He was in a woolen mill in Lockport for over eight years. His oldest son died in San Francisco and is buried beside his mother in Lockport. Highland, Henry, was born in County Kent, Eng., April 16, 1831, a son of the late John Highland. In 1841 Jolin Highland immigrated with his family to America, 40 settling in Canada. Henry had received his education in England and in 1848 he migrated from Canada to Buffalo, N. Y., where he engaged in the livery business for six years. He then removed to Niagara Falls, where he has since resided and carried on the livery business until 1871, when he was appointed on the Niagara village police force. In 1875 he was engaged by the Porter estate to care for Goat Island and Three Sisters Islands, at that time the property of the Porters. He served them in the capacity of keeper and warden until 1885, when the property was. purchased by the State and since that time he has been State keeper of the islands. In 1868 Mr. Highland married Esther L. West and they have two children. He is a member of the A. O. U. W. and Royal Templars of Niagara Falls. Holmes, William Howard, has been all his life a resident of Wilson and his an- cestors for three generations have lived, died and are buried within five rhiles of his present residence. The great-grandfather and mother, John and Anna Holmes, came from Saratoga county some time previous to 1818, and settled on a farm in what was then the town of Porter, afterwards became a part of the town of Wilson, but is now in the town of Newfane. The house was on the north side of the Lake Road, and on the east bank of Hopkins Creek. He died there and he and his wife lie buried at Olcott. The grandfather, Daniel Holmes, was born in Saratoga count)', N. Y., July 8, 1789, and the grandmother Sally (Taylor) Holmes, was born in same county, February 21, 1792. They were married February 12, 1811. In May, 1812, they moved to Carlysle, Schoharie county. They there together united with the Presbyterian church in September, 1813. In February, 1818, they moved to the Holland Purchase, stopping till spring in his father's old house near Hopkins Creek ; then going into a new log house on the farm he had already bought, now owned and occupied by his daughter, Mrs. J. G. O. Brown. There were at that date no regular religious Sabbath services in town. Early in the spring of 1818 Daniel Holmes began holding Sabbath services in a school house; the services consisted in prayer, praise and the reading of a printed sermon. In January, 1819, a Presbyter- ian church was organized at the house of John Holmes by Rev. David M. Smith of Lewiston. It was form^ed with six members, John and Anna Holmes, Daniel and Sally Holmes and Peter and Ruth Crosby. Mrs. Crosby was the daughter of John and sister of Daniel Holmes. Additions were from time to time made to this mem- bership and in 1835 a church building was erected in what is now Wilson village. Previous to this, regular services were kept up in school houses and barns, and as most of the time the church was unable to support a pastor, these services were led by Deacon Daniel Holmes. Much of the time he held a Sunday school also in an- other school house several miles distant. He was deacon, elder, clerk of session, and most of the time trustee in this church. He was for many years commissioner of deeds, and held a commission as captain of the State militia. He died at his home May 26, 1858. His wife survived her husband many years, and saw her children, grand- children, great-grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren gathered about her in her old home on several Thanksgiving days. She died May 17, 1889, retaining al- most to the last her faculties fully, and her interest in her family, the church, and every effort for good everywhere. The father, Richard C. Holmes, was born De- cember 21, 1813, and came with his parents to Wilson in 1818. Brought up in this new country his opportunities for education were very limited, but were well im- 41 proved. He early united with the Presbyterian church, of which he became an ac- tive and devoted member, serving as deacon, elder and trustee, and for thirty years superintendent of Sunday school. He was for many years trustee of school district, and was elected on the Republican ticket supervisor of the town in spring of 1877. He died after a short illness April 8, 1887. His first wife, the mother, Betsey C. (Frost) Holmes, was born October 4, 1819. She was a devoted wife, mother and Christian woman. She died suddenly March 9, 1870. His second wife Anna M. (Loomis) Holmes still survives. William H. Holmes was born October 22, 1840, was brought up on a farm, attending district .school and a few terms at Wilson Col- legiate Institute. October 4, 1861, he was mustered into the United States service for three years at Elmira, N. Y., as a private in Captain Ellsworth's Co. G, 7th N. Y. Cav., and was mustered out with the regiment at Washington, D. C, March 31, 1862. Going alone and at his own expense to the army of General Banks in the Shenandoah Valley, Va. , he enlisted at Newmarket, Va., April 23, 1862, in Captain Cothran's Battery M, 1st N. Y. Light Artillery, and served therein till April 27, 1865, when he was discharged near Raleigh, N. C. He participated in the battles of Winchester (Bank's retreat). Cedar Mountain, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettys- burg, Resaca, Dallas, New Hope Church, Kulp's Farm, Peach Tree Creek, and siege of Atlanta, and many skirmishes; was never wounded or taken prisoner, and was never absent from the battery a day except when detailed by proper authority for other duty. He held no rank but private, but from July 30, 1864, till muster out he was acting ordnance sergeant of the Artillery Brigade, 20th Army Corps. Had charge of collecting the cannon ; some of them large pieces, abandoned b}^ the enemy in their works about both Atlanta and Savannah. Returning home he worked on his father's farm summers and taught school two winters, and on No- vember 7, 1867, was married to Jennie Pettit, adopted daughter of Lauton Pettitof Somerset. She was for many years an invalid and died August 5, 1877. On March 24, 1881, he was married to Mary E. Tenbrook, daughter of Matthew Tenbrook of Pendleton. They have two sons Merle Howard and Le Roy. Daniel Holmes had nine sons, seven of whom grew up and had families, but these two boys and their father are the only descendants bearing the family name now living in Niagara county. William H. keeps alive his soldier memories by active membership in Peter A. Porter Post, G. A. R. He served his town two terms as supervisor, being elected as a Republican in 1891 and 1892. He and his wife were for many years members of the Presbyterian church, but they and the oldest son are now connected with the M. E. church. Gaskill, Jedediah. D. D. S., has been engaged in the practice of dentistry in the city of Lockport since 1849, and is one of the oldest practitioners in the county and possibly in the State. He was born on a farm in the town of Lockport, Niagara county, N. Y., January 17, 1822. He had the advantage of a liberal education, attending the public .schools, the Lewiston Academy and the State Normal at Al- bany, from which he was graduated in the class of 1846. After teaching for one year he determined to study dentistry and entered the office of Dr. Chase of Lock- port, and afterwards in the office of Dr. Atkinson of New York city, where he re- mained until 1849. when he began the practice of his profession on his own account in Lockport, where he has since resided, a period of nearly fifty years. Dr. Gaskill f 42 deservedly enjoys the confidence and a liberal share of the patronage of the citizens of Lockport and the country around about, and is popular with all who know him by reason of his well known integrity, liberality and courteous manners. Good, George W., was born in the town of Niagara, March 6, 1842. His father, George Good, was a native of Pennsylvania, and came to Lewiston, thence to Ni- agara Falls, where he established the first tailor shop and afterwards kept hotel four miles east of the Falls. In 1846 he came to Royalton, where he was one of the lead- ing farmers; he married Mary, daughter of Peter Hitth. George W. Good was educated in the common schools; in 1866 he married Maggie, daughter of Peter Ar- nold, and they have one son, Edward. Mr. Good is one of the practical and success- ful farmers of his town and in 1893 was appointed postmaster of his town; he takes an active interest in school matters and has served as trustee for sixteen j'ears. Goodfellow, William T., was born in Schoharie county, N. Y. , September 14, 1829, a son of Sylvester and Caroline (Ames) Goodfellow, who lived and died in Schoharie count3\ William T. was reared on the farm and educated in the common schools. He was one of a family of eight sons and eight daughters, and began when twenty years old working by the month and saved |1,000 and bought the farm he now owns of fifty acres, and has made his own way in life. In politics he was first a Whig and is now a Republican since the organization of the party. In 1844 he married Han- nah M. Retchmyer, and they had one son, James, who lives at home. Kerr, T. A., M. D., was born in Hallville, Dundas county, Ontario, February 6, 1864, and was educated in the High School at Kemptville, Ontario, Canada, and the University of Vermont. He took a three years medical course at Burlington, and was graduated in the class of 1885; also a post graduate course at N. Y. Post Grad- uate School and Hospital in 1896. He first began the practice of medicine in Rossie, St. Lawrence county, where he remained four years. In 1889 he came to Lewiston and through his success as a physician and his social qualities and ability, has attracted practically all the clientage of Lewiston. In 1887 Dr. Kerr married Idella Melrose and they have one daughter, Mildred. Kyte, Francis, was born m the town of Hopewell, N. Y., December 28, 1825, a son of William and Lorinda (Culver) Kyte. William Kyte was born in England and came to America with his parents when he was seven years old, settling in Utica, N. Y. In 1829 William came to Porter and settled on a farm and afterwards moved to Canada, and died while on a visit to Porter. They had a family of seven sons and three daughters. Francis Kyte was reared on a farm and educated in the com- mon schools. He is a farmer and owns about 255 acres of land, having about twenty acres laid out in orchards. In 1849 he married Clarinda, daughter of Parker Corwin, and they had seven children: Edna and George (deceased), Sarah E., wife of Glenn Moote; Frances E. , wife of Homer L. Simmons; Mary E., wife of Clinton G. Cuddeback; Clara L., at home, and Fred W. Mr. Kyte is a Republican and has been assessor twelve years and is now holding that office. Taylor, Cortez, was born in Bennington county, Vt., July 24, 1825. His father, Joel Taylor, came to Niagara county in 1859; he married Olive Field and through life was a farnier and served his town as postmaster ; they were both natives of Ver- 43 mont. He was ever ready to aid any enterprise intended to benefit his town and townspeople and took an active interest in school and church matters; he died in 1859. Cortez Taylor was educated in the common schools and in 1859 married Eliza A. (born in Canada), daughter of John N. Hutchins and wife, natives of Vermont, and they have three children: John C, Mrs. Grace Woolfall and Mrs. Mary T. Long. Tuttle, George M., was born at Stafford, Genesee county. N. Y., May 29, 1871, and is a son of Thomas B. Tuttle, a druggist at Le Roy in the same county. George M. Tuttle attended the Le Roy Academic Institute until he was seventeen years of age, when he took a course at Cornell University and was graduated from there in the spring of 1892. In the fall of the same year, he returned to Cornell, took a course in law, and was graduated with honors in the .spring of 1893, having completed the two years' course in one year. He then came to Niagara Falls, where he entered the law offices of Cromley & Lawrence, continuing there until December, 1895, at which time the partnership of Cromley & Lawrence was dissolved and the partnership of Law- rence & Tuttle was formed. Mr. Tuttle is one of the rising young attorneys at Niagara Falls and enjoys an enviable reputation. Watts, J. C, one of the most successful and enterprising merchants of Hartland, was born in the town of Royalton, September 4, 1856, and is a son of William and Sarah Watts, natives of England. They came to America in 1855, locating in Niag- ara county, where they engaged in farming. They had eight children : William (decea.sed); Mary, now Mrs. H. D. Montoma; Emma, now Mrs. Gleason; Matthevi^, Ella (deceased), J. C, and George. Mr. Watts was educated in Hartland, after which he engaged in farming for four years, then as a wheelwright at Lockport for a period of eight years and is now engaged in general merchandise at John.son's Creek, N. Y. July 22, 1879, he married Mary A. Bougie, and they have three sons: Charles B., Willie H., and John D. Mr. Watts is a staunch Republican and was postmaster under Harrison. He is a pleasant and genial gentleman and is enjoy- ing a lucrative business. Warren, Charles A., was born in Newfane, February 6, 1857. His father, Barney Warren, was born in Clinton county, N. Y., July 21, 1817, and came to Niagara in 1829, where he was engaged in farming and dealing in agricultural imijlements. In 1842 he married Ro.\ey J., daughter of Mr. Lindley. Charles A. Warren was ed- ucated in Lockport, learned the hardware business and in 1878 moved on to his present farm, making a specialty of dairying. In 1877 he married Alice E. Alex- ander, and they have three children: Frank B., Frederick W. and Alice. Mr. War- ren has served as president of the Niagara County Agricultural Society for three years and was elected supervisor in 1895, and served for two years; on April 20, 1897, he was appointed dairy inspector for Erie, Niagara and Orleans counties by Charles A. Weiting, commissioner of agriculture. Winslow, George C. , was born in Buffalo, October 16, 1844, a son of Edward Thomas and Sarah Frances (Coit) Winslow. Edward Win.slow was a member of old Company D, Buffalo City Guard, of Buffalo and a participant in the McKenzie Re- bellion in Canada, also one of the proprietors of the American Express Company when it was seven years old; he died at Geneva, N. Y., in 1849. George C. Wins- low removed to Lewiston May 6, 1875 ; he bought a part of the Calvin Hotchkiss farm 44 on the River Road comprising 112 acres, where he remained until 1884, when he went to Chicago, remaining there one year, then returned to Lewiston and has ever since resided there, where he has one of the finest places on the river, as regards scenery and location. While residing in Buffalo Mr. Winslow was a member oi Company D, 74th Regiment for nine years, and also of Eagle Hose Co. No. 2, for five years. He is a member of the Empire Knights of Relief and is popular socially. He is a musi- cian of much ability and helped to organize the band in 1880 and in the fall of 1896 helped to organize the Lewiston Drum Corps. In 1872 Mr. Winslow entered the controller's office where he remained upwards of two years. Mr. Winslow has been twice married; his first wife was Carrie L. Davis, whom he married October 8, 1873, and who died in 1885 leaving one daughter, Sarah Frances Winslow. In 1895 Mr. Winslow married Gertrude Coates Byrne, of Lewiston, daughter of Eliza and John D. Byrne. Miss Winslow is a teacher in the kindergarten at Covington, Ky. Wynkoop, Charles, was born in Montgomery county. Pa. September 24, 1804, and came to Niagara county with his father, Abram Wynkoop, 1822. Starting in the middle of the woods they cleared up the land, having to go to mill at Lewiston and Niagara Falls. In 1825 he married Sarah, daughter of John and Margaret Buchanan. Mr. Wynkoop has always been a farmer and has done as much, or more to clear up the town of Lockport as any other one man. Of strict integrity, he has ever advanced the best interests of his town and townspeople and has ever aided any enterprise intended to benefit his fellow men, and at the close of life of over ninety-three ^^ears, receives the respect of all his associates. Mr. Wynkoop is a member of the Lutheran church and a lifelong Democrat, casting his first presiden- tial vote for Andrew Jackson. Wool worth, W. H., was born in Longmeadow, Mass., a son of William and Nancy (French) Woolworth. His parents removed to Vermont when he was one year old, where they resided seven years on a farm and later returned to Massachusetts, where the family made a permanent residence. W. H. Woolworth, at the age of nineteen years, learned the trade of carriage and wagon maker, which he pursued for several years in different places in the east, when he came to Central New York and en- gaged in various mechanical pursuits, also in fruit preserving. Subsequently he be- came interested in the manufacture of tableware, silver plating, etc. He removed to Niagara Falls in 1882, and after living there about ten years bought a farm on the lower Niagara River, two miles south of Youngstown, where he has a summer resi- dence. He was married in 1847 to Emma Campbell of Vermont. His wife died, leaving two children, Helen (deceased) and Arabelle, now Mrs. M. J. Newhouse. He afterward married Caroline A. Macknet. They had one son, Felix M. Wool- worth, teller of Electric City Bank, who married Morelli Kingsley of Glens Falls, N. Y. Their children are Howard, Chester and Richard. The Woolworth family is an old American one, dating back to 1678, when Richard Woolworth came to America and .settled in New England. Wallace, William C. , was born at Suspension Bridge, N. Y., August 3, 1869, and is a son of William H. Wallace, a prosperous druggist, now retired. William C. Wallace attended the public schools at Suspension Bridge and De Veaux Prepara- tory College, later taking a course in Phillips Exeter Academy at Exeter, N. H., 45 from which he was graduated in the spring of 1888. He then entered the office of Eugene Carey, at Niagara Falls, and read law until 1890, when he attended the Buffalo Law School for two years, and was admitted to the bar of the State of New York in 1892; returning to Niagara Falls, he formed a partnership with Eugene Carey and has since enjoyed a large and profitable practice. April 30, 1894, he mar- ried Mathilde Corson daughter of Cornelius Corson, president of the Daniel Sloat Company, New York city, and they have one child, Anne C. Warner, Hon. Henry E., was born at Albion, Orleans county, N. Y., May 20, 1864. a son of Sheldon E. and Sarah (Porter) Warner. He was educated in the common schools, graduated from the Albion High School in 1882, and from the Albany Law School, from which he received the degree of LL B. in the class of 1885. He read law with Signer & Wage of Albion, and was admitted to the bar as soon as he was of age. He first located at Holiey, Orleans county, N. Y.. where he remained about six months. He then removed to Albion, where he practiced law until 1888, when he came to North Tonawanda, and in 1894 he entered into copartnership with the Hon. James P. Lindsay. As a lawyer Mr. Warner is not only a prominent member of the Niagara county bar, but years ago, as an author, published three legal works, namely, " Law of Evidence," " Service of Papers " and "Questions on the Code." It is, however, as a public man, that he has earned his widest, if not greatest dis- tinction; he was village attorney of North Tonawanda from 1893 until 1896, and in the fall of 1895 was elected to the Assembly, having a majority of 604 votes, and was re-elected in 1896. In the Legislature of 1896 he was on the committees on canal and excise, and in 1897 was a member of the judiciary, banks, caucus and public in- stitutions committees ; he was also a member of the special trust investigation com- mittee. Mr. Warner not only looks closely after legislation beneficial to his constitu- ents directly, but has the ability to engage intelligently in State legislation generally, and has made a highly creditable record for himself at Albany. He has always taken deep interest in the welfare and development of North Tonawanda, and has done much to advance its interests in many ways. In 1886 Mr. Warner married Catherine E. McCarthy of Barre, Orleans county, and they have three children: Paul, Margaret and Mary. Wendt, Fred E., was born in Lewiston, August 29, 1865, a son of Christian and Rachael (Metcher) Wendt. He has always carried on farming and is also engaged in fruit growing. In 1896 he established a coal office in Sanborn, where he does a thriving business. He is also agent for agricultural implements, representing the Johnston Harvester Company, Cortland Wagon Company, the Madison Drill Company, the Robinson Chilled Plows and Planet, jr.. Cultivators for S. A. Allen & Co. He also represents the Stoddard Manufacturing Company of Dayton, O., in bicycle.s, and sells fertilizers for M. E. Wheeler & Co. of Rutland, Vt. In the fall of 1890 Mr. Wendt married Ernestine Kroening, and they have four children: John, Henry, Tilly and Fred. Mr. Wendt is a Republican, and an enterprising and successful voung business man with a prosperous career before him. Woodford, Henry E., was born at Tipton, England, May 2:5, 1835, a son of the late John and Alicia Woodford. Henry E. Woodford received his education under private tutors in England, and emigrated to America in 1854, settling in Toronto, 46 Ontario, Can., where he entered the office of a leading newspaper and remained until 1856. In that year he went to England and returned to America in 1859, when he entered the employ of the Grand Trunk Railroad Company as freight agent at Stratford, Ontario, Can., remaining there for three years and a half, when he re- moved to Quebec and served as freight clerk for the same company. In 1864 he re- moved to Suspension Bridge, N. Y. , where he was appointed clerk for the American Express Company, and later, in 1868, was made agent for that company at Clifton (now Niagara Falls, Ont.), Canada, remaining in that position for nine years, at which time he returned to Suspension Bridge, acting in the same capacity for the same company. In 1886 he established his present business of brokerage and ex- change and later purchased the Niagara Rapids Mill, which he still operates suc- cessfully. May 22, 1867, he married Catherine Hoffman, a niece of John A. Roeb- ling, who built the original Suspension Bridge over the Niagara River at Clifton, Ont., and who was the designer of the world famous Brooklyn Bridge between New York and Brooklyn. Mr. Woodford is an extensive property owner, a director of the Bank of Suspension Bridge, and a stockholder and election inspector of the new steel arch bridge over the Niagara River. Ware, Cleland A. — This enterprising and successful insurance man was born in the town of Warren, Herkimer county, N. Y., April 26, 1862. He was educated in the public schools and the Lockport Union School, from which he was graduated in the class of 1882, and afterward took a scientific cource at the University of Roches- ter. After completing his schooling he entered his father's office, that of the Lock- port Journal, as his bookkeeper, where he remained for a period of ten years, which proved a valuable schooling which was afterwards of great value to him. He at this date removed to Detroit and embarked in business on his own account, in which he continued for three j'ears, when he returned to Lockport and engaged in the in- surance business, which business both at Lockport and Le Roy, N. Y., he has since conducted with gratifying success. Mr. Ward is associated with many societies, among which are the I. O. O. F., A. O. U. W., K. of St. J. & M., Lockport Wheel- men, of which he was one of the founders, the Lockport Gun Club and a number of others. October 15, 1884, he married Mary F. McQueen of Lockport, and they have four children. Wichterman, Chauncey, sou of G. D. Wichterman, one of the pioneers of Royal- ton, was born in the town of Royalton, Niagara county, March 12, 1842, and resided with his parents on the farm in that town until he enlisted in Co. H, 151st Regt., N. Y. Vols., on September 1, 1862, for three years, or during the war, and served until the close of the war, being honorably dischai-ged June 26, 1865. In the spring of 1870 he came to Wheatfield and engaged in farming and has lived here ever since. December 28, 1865, Mr. Wichterman married Mary L. Bratt, also of Royal- ton ; they have five children : John, Lillian, lona, Emma and Margaret. Mr. Wich- terman is one of the leading men of Wheatfield and has held prominent offices in the town ; he has been justice of the peace for eight years, assessor for three years and supervisor for six consecutive years. He has been vice-commander of his post and was one of its charter members and has declined preference for other offices to which his friends were desirous to elevate him. 47 Pettit, Wilson M., M. D., was born in the village of Wilson, Niagara county, N. Y., April 6. 1852. In 1875 he began the study of medicine in the office of Doctors Bishop and Evans, and was graduated from the New York Homoeopathic Medical College in 1879. He immediately began the practice of his profession in Lockport, where he has since resided and carried on a very successful business. On June 20, 1889, he married Emma Hollenbeck of Shawnee, Niagara county, N. Y., and they have four children: Harold, May, Hazel and Margaret. He is a prominent member of Red Jacket Lodge No. ()46, F. & A. M., the Select Knights, Empire Knights of Relief, the Safety Fund Insurance Society, and of Cataract Lodge No. 54, I. (). O. F. He is also serving a second term as member of the Local Board ol Health Wells, David M., was born in Pendleton, N. Y., March 19, 1849, a son of William and Ruth (Gilling.s) Wells, natives of England. The grandparents, William and Martha Wells, came to America when William was but a boy, settling in Pendleton on a farm. The maternal grandparents. Edward and Elizabeth Gillings, came to America when Ruth was but thirteen years of age and spent most of his time in Lockport, dealing in fruit. David J. Wells was reared on the. farm in Pendleton and made farming his life occupation and now owns the homestead farm. In 1872 he married Flora, daughter of Rufus H. and Betsey J. (Olcott) Weaver, and they have two children; Effie R., wife of Edwin N. Olds of Cambria; and William D. at home. In politics Mr. Wells is a Republican and they are members of the Presby- terian church, Mr. Wells being one of the elders. Watters, Fowler A., M. D. — Among the younger members of the profession none are more prominent than Dr. F. A. Waters of Lockport. He was born and reared in that city and received his preliminary education from the public schools of his native city. In 1888 he determined to study medicine and accordingly entered the office of Drs. Evans and Hurd as a student, where he remained until 1889 when he entered the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia, from which he received his degree of M. D., in 1892. In the fall of that year he began the practice of his profession m Lockport, where he has since resided. He is a son of John and Jane (Patton) Watters ; his father was of German descent and his mother Scotch. Dr. Watters is a member of the A. O. of F. , Knights of S. F. I. and the Western New York Homeopathic Medical Society. Worden, E. H., was born in Niagara county, February 15, 1862, a son of Paul B. and Angelina (Pool) Worden. After receiving a liberal education he entered the employ of the New York Central Railroad as ticket agent and operator, remaining with that company seven years. He then became manager of the Postal Telegraph Company in 1887, which position he still retains, although he is engaged in the in- surance business also. Mr. Worden is a Republican and has been delegate to county conventions for several years ; was secretary of the Board of Health three years, and is a prominent Odd Fellow, in which he was district deputy grand master one year, elected to serve another year. In 1883 he married Lillian A. Ro.ss, and they have four children: Clarence, Harold, Bessie and Annabel. Williams, William A., a native of Germany, was born December 19. 1845, and came to this country with his parents in 1857, settling in Niagara county, N. Y., where he attended the public schools and the Lockport Union School. His first busi- 48 ness experience was as a clerk in the hat store of Howard Strong, where he re- mained for three years. He then entered the service of Jason Collier & Sons, dry goods merchants, and continued with this firm until 1868. when he engaged in busi- ness on his own account, in company with Messrs. Lerch & Van Dusen, under the firm name of Lerch, Williams & Van Dusen, and after the death of Mr. Van Dusen, in 1869, the business was conducted by Lerch & Williams for ten years. In 1878 the firm of Williams Bros, was organized, which is now one of the largest wholesale and retail dry goods houses in the city. April 5, 1867, he married Miss Emilie Hutzel of Niagara Falls, F. Y., and they have two children, a son, Eric Johann Williams, and a daughter, Katherine Hutzel Williams. Wilson, Robert D., was born in the town of Newfane, June 13, 1853, a son of Daniel and Elizabeth Wilson. His father was born in Yorkshire, England, and came with his parents to America in 1823, when twelve years of age. In 1840 he bought the farm which Robert D. now owns and cleared all but fourteen acres of the farm ; the road leading west was made of logs and they were flooded with water a good part of the time. He died October 25, 1885. His wife was also born in Yorkshire, England, in 1825, and settled on the Ridge road near Wright's Corners on what is known as the Dr. Peck farm. They were marrierl November 16, 1843, and they had two sons and two daughters; Martha J., born October 6, 1844, died April 11, 1847; William T., born March 24, 1846; Libbie, born April 2, 1849, mar- ried John Fainsworth of Cambria; and Robert D., the subject. Robert D. received his education in the public schools of Newfane, after which he engaged m farming. In 1887 he with Mr. Kelley, Mr. P. D. Miller and Mr. Rilman, formed the first stock company that was organized in the town of Newfane, known as the Newfane Basket Manufacturing Co., of which Mr. Wilson is secretary and trustee. February 6, 1878, he married Alice L. Miller (born February 2, 1855), and they have one daugh- ter, Emma J., born June 12, 1886. Mr. Wilson has served as county committee- man two years, and is engaged in fruit growing and general farming. Wadhams, Norman E. G., was born at Whitehall, Washington county, N. Y., August 24, 1829, a son of Heman Wadhams, a butcher of that place, now deceased. Mr. Wadhams was educated in the public schools at Albion, whither his parents had removed while he was yet in infancy, and at the age of thirteen he left school and for two years was employed on a large farm near Albion ; in 1845 he removed to Lockport, where he attended the locks for thirteen years. In 1S64 he was appointed deputy collector of customs at Youngstown, N. Y., and held that office until 1886; the latter fourteen years being located at Niagara Falls. In 1890 he was reap- pointed to same office of which he is now an incumbent. Mr. Wadhams is justly proud of his war record, having enlisted as a private at the first call for troops in the ranks of the 28th N. Y. Vol. Infantry, experiencing two years of hard fighting at the front, being mustered out in 1863 as first lieutenant of Co. C. He is a prominent Mason and a member of the G. A. R., and is highly respected by all who know him. July 3, 1851, he married Christiana E. King of Lockport, and they had two sons and five daughters. Zeiger, Charles, was born in Bavaria, Germany, April 11, 1845, and is a son of Louis Zeiger, who immigrated to America in 1848, settling in La Salle, N. Y., 49 where he purchased a farm and operated the same for eight years. Charles Zeiger attended the public schools at La Salle until 1856, when his parents removed to Ni- agara Falls, where his father entered business as a grocery and liquor dealer. In 1864 his father established the present hotel and restaurant which Charles Zeiger operates as Zeiger's Hotel. He is thrifty and prosperous and enjoys the high esteem of all who know him. Zimmerman, N. B., was born in North Tonawanda, a son of Nelson and Arvilla Zimmerman ; his grandfather, Alexander Zimmerman, was a soldier in the Revolu- tionary war. N. B. Zimmerman is a machinist and worked for Armitage, Herschell & Co. for seven years; also other machine shops, including Niles's Tool Works, for three years; he has now been engaged in the bicycle lousiness for three years, being one of the leading bicycle dealers of Niagara county and has a high reputation as a business- man. The principal wheels handled by him are the Fenton, Crescent and the World; he also does all kinds of repairing and carries all kinds of bicycle sup- plies. Mr. Zmimerman is a member both of the subordinate Lodge and Encamp- ment m the order of Odd Fellows and is noted for his ability in degree work. In 1891 he married Emma Freck. Meyers, Hiram Benedict, now a banker and bond Vjuyer, but better known as a newspaperman, was born at Pendleton, Niagara county, N. Y., September 10, 1871. His father was Capt. Henry Meyers, who was one of the early settlers on the Holland Land Company's purchase in Erie county, and who in 1870 was married to Miss Mag- delane Hartman of Pendleton. From farming Captain Meyers became interested in canal and harbor property and finally in the shipping business, and now lives in North Tonawanda. Hiram Meyers spent time in the schools at Pendleton, Lock- port, Tonawanda, Brockport, Jersey City, N. J., and Brooklyn, N. Y. He began newspaper work in New York city and in 1891 settled in North Tonawanda where he worked in the capacity of reporter and assistant editor on the Tonawanda News and correspondent for Buffalo papers. When the Buffalo Courier opened its bureau in the Tonawandas Mr. Meyers was installed as manager and held that position un- til the Courier went out of existence in May, 1897. During the interim and since then he corresponded for various metropolitan daily as well as weekly and monthly trade papers. He also did some original writing which was mainly in the humorous line. When the Courier went out of existence Mr. Meyers was at once started on the career of a banker and bond buyer with the banking house of James H. Rand, having charge of the bond department of that institution and which ofhce he still holds In October, 1897, Mr. Meyers was married to Miss Ilione Woodbury, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Woodbury, of Boston, Mass., and purchased a house in the Christiana Street district. North Tonawanda, N. Y. Silverthorne, A. K., was born in Muscatine county, Iowa, April 5. 1865, and went to Chicago with his parents when quite young, where he began the lumber business with his brother, W. E. Silverthorne. In 1891 they came to North Tona- wanda, and it can safely be said that no Hrm in the place does a larger business or enjoys a higher reputation for honorable dealings. They have a dock frontage of 800 feet and their yards are 600 feet in depth. During the year 1896 they handled over twenty-eight million feet of lumber. January 6, 1889, Mr. Silverthorne married so Mattie Fassett, and they have two children: Frederick W., and Margaret. His parents were David and Francis (Hodgkins) Silverthorne; his grandfather, Oliver Silverthorne, came to this country at the close of the Revolution and settled in Penn- sylvania. Kerr, W. B., Wheattield, was born in Cambria county, February 17, 1849. He began railroading when a youth, his first position being that of day watchman in a deep cut ; he followed railroading for eighteen years advancing to the position of conductor. He then became connected with Carnegie Bros, for three years, when he went to the Isabelle Furnace at Sharpsburg, where he remained three and a half years. In 1890 he came to Tonawanda and took charge of the Iron Works, remodel- ing the entire plant, tearing down part of the old structures and erecting new. These works cover an area of twenty-six acres and give employment to 380 men. Mr. Kerr is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Royal Arcanum. In Septem- ber, 1878, he married Lyde Thompson, and they have two children : Mary B. and W. T. Kerr. Mr. Kerr's parents were John K. and Mary (Blakely) Kerr. Mr. Kerr is one of the prominent and enterprising men of North Tonawanda. Swift, Elisha B., was born in the town of Henrietta, Monroe county, February 4, 1823, a son of Henry and Dorcus (Sherwood) Swift. Henry Swift was born in Dutchess county, February 15, 1791; they came to Monroe county about 1814, settUng in Henrietta, where they wei'e pioneers of the town and where he followed his trade of blacksmith, in connection with farming. In the spring of 1844 he set- tled in Cambria, purchasing 160 acres of land, and continued farming and working at his trade until his death, June 24, 1858, aged sixty seven years. Mrs. Swift died October 11, 1881. Elisha B. Swift's grandfather, Lot Swift, was born m Cape Cod, Mass., March 13, 1753, and died August 10, 1840. He served in the Revolutionary war, enlisting three times as fifer. Elisha B. Swift was reared on a farm and taught school winters and carried on farming summers. April 4, 1850, he married Adaline F., daughter of Smith Brown. Mrs. Swift died October 11, 1890, leaving no children. December 21, 1892, he married Ella M., daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth J. Traviss, and they have two children ; Elisha Barlow, jr., and Milo T. In 1855 Mr. Swift removed to Lockport and engaged in the grocery and provision business with his brother, M. G Swift, which he continued successfully until 1876, when he sold out and came to Cambria, settling on the homestead farm and has since carried on general farming and fruit culture. In politics Mr. Swift is a Dem- ocrat and in early life was town superintendent of schools. They support the Cam- bria Center Congregational church. Silsby, Charles D., was born in Monroe county, N.Y., February 27, 1830, and is a son of William C. and Mary Sophia Silsby. William C. Silsby was born in Windsor, Vt., and Mrs. Silsby in New York; they came to Niagara county in 1842, settling in the town of Hartland, where he was an edged tool manufacturer. There were eleven children in this family: Jay, died in the army; Alfred and John, both de- ceased; Charles J., George W., John, Dewitt, Horace, Elizabeth, Emma and Lydia. John was in the army and was shot through the left lung at Antietam, but recovered and is now living. William Silsby died June 22, 1895, and his wife in 1893. They were strong advocates of temperance and lived up to it. Charles D. Silsby married 5' Sarah Bordwell, January 1, 1852, daughter of Enoch and Malah Bordwell. Mr. Bordwell was born January 31, 1807, in New York, and Mrs. Bordwell January 22, 1810, in Massachusetts. They came to Niagara county in 1835, locating in Royal- ton, where he engaged in farming. They had eleven children: Laura, Jonathan, Adelbert, Altah, Hiram (was killed in the battle of Cold Harbor), Orville, Lucy Welcher (wife of Andrew Welcher), Robert, Roxy Wisner. Mr. and Mrs. Silsby are the parents of eight children: William Cady, born January 10, 1853, resides with his parents; Myron W., born December 19, 1854, resides in Hartland; Mary Agnes Reed, born June 10, 1857, resides on the Ridge in Hartland; Judson D., born No- vember 10, 1859, died May 23, 1861; Emma Pierson, born January 10, 1862, died August 12, 1895; Hiram J., born July 11, 1864, resides in Hartland; Clara t). Seward, born August 3, 1867, resides in Hartland; and Addie E. Vedder, born December 30, 1870, died March 10, 1897, and left a husband and two children. Mr. Silsby is a member of the A. O. \J. W. and is a stalwart Republican. He has a fine, well im- proved farm of 133 acres, with a fine residence and barns; the barns he framed him- self and built the walls. They are entertaining and hospitable people, and are en- joying the fruits of honest industry. Shaw, George E., the present supervisor of Newfane, was born at Eagle Harbor, Orleans county, October 12, 1858, and is a son of David and Mary Shaw. David Shaw was born in Cayuga county, N. Y., in 1810, and came to Orleans county when a young man; he was a farmer in his younger days and later in life lived a retired life; he died at the age of eighty-three years. Mrs. Shaw was a native of Michigan and was of German descent; she now resides in the town of Albion, Orleans county. They have five children and all are now living: Emma Barrows, resides at Eagle Harbor; George E. ; Hattie, now Mrs. Cleaver, resides in the town of Albion; Charles D., a merchant at Olcott; and Kittie, now Mrs. Kimball, resides in the town of Albion. George E. Shaw received his education at Eagle Harbor, after which he clerked in a store at Waterport, where he remained one year, and clerked one year at Olcott. He then bought a stock of goods at Newfane Station and continued the business two years, then moved to Olcott, where he continued in business for eight years and then sold out to his brother and bought a farm at Newfane Station. In the spring of 1895 Mr. Shaw was elected supervi.sor of his town and was renominated and elected for the office m the spring of 1897. January 27, 1884, he married Jessie Gaskell (born June 3, 1862), and they have one daughter, Flossie May, born July 30, 1892. Mr. Shaw was postmaster at Olcott under Cleveland's first administration and at Newfane Station in 1883-84. Brundage, James T., was born at Homer, Ontario, Canada, July 30, 1865. His father and grandfather were natives of Connecticut, and his father removed to Can- ada in 1815. James T. Brundage received his education in the Wilson (N. Y.) Academy and early in Hfe established himself in the boot and shoe business at Niag- ara Falls, in which he continued for eight or nine years; later he purchased a well equipped livery stable and has since successfully carried on a general livery business. In 1889 he formed a partnership with Mr. Miller and built the present big stables, where they keep in active service over 150 head of fine horses. They are known far and wide as the Miller &: Brundage Coach Co., and do a very large and profitable business. Mr. Brundage is an extensive property owner and during the past fifteen 52 years has given the greater portion of his time to the real estate business, in which he has been generally successful. May 17, 1857, he married Mary A. Shepard of Niagara Falls. Mr. Brundage is a stockholder in the Buttery Rapids Co., and is a prominent member of the Clifton Lodge No. 254, F. & A. M. Wilcox, William W., was born at Cambridge, N. Y., July 21, 1861, and was a son of Garrett W. Wilcox, banker, now deceased. He attended the Rochester Academy and Rochester Business University, and at the age of eighteen removed to St. Paul, Minn., where he was engaged in the hardware business for five years; he then re- turned to Brockport, where, in company with his brother, C. G. Wilcox, he estab- lished himself in the men's furnishing business, which he carried on for two years. He was at that time appointed special agent for the Washington Life and Manhat- tan Life Insurance Companies of New York, and acted in that capacity for several years. Later he removed to Niagara Falls, where he carried on an insurance busi- ness until 1895, when he and other prominent business men of Niagara Falls incor- porated the Electric City Bank, of which he became teller and retained that position until April 1, 1897, at which time he resigned to give his attention to real estate and insurance. March 21, 1882, Mr. Wilcox married Louise M. Sprong of Spencerport, N. Y., and they have three children, Garrett W., Annie R. and Blair S. Mr. Wilcox is treasurer of the Riverdale Cemetery Association ; treasurer of the Hygeia Ice and Refrigerating Company, and president of the Niagara Falls Land Investment Com- pany. He is a member of Niagara Frontier Lodge No. 132, F. & A. M., of Niagara Chapter No. 200, R. A. M., Niagara Council No. 1,397, Royal Arcanum, and of Niagara Commandery No. 64. Belden, George D. , was born at Albany, N. Y. , August 14, 1839, and is a son of Selah Belden, who was for years a dealer in boots and shoes in that city. George D. Belden was educated at the public schools and Classical Institute at Albany, and later attended the Western Reserve Seminary in Northern Ohio. At the age of six- teen he went to the pineries on Green Bay, Wis., as clerk for the New York Lumber Company, just then organized. In 1857 he moved to Chicago, where he studied dentistry in the office of Drs. Quinlan and Gushing for two years, later on graduat- ing at the Ohio College of Dental Surgery at Cincinnati. In the summer of 1862 he enlisted from Chicago in the Marine Artillery of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron. Returning to Chicago in the spring of 1863, he at once entered the ser- vice of the C. A. & St. L. Railioad Company, and was almost continuously engaged in railroading on Illinois and New York railroads as agent, telegrapher and chief train dispatcher until 1884. As chief train dispatcher he served the D., L. & W. and D. & H. C. Co.'s Saratoga division for a number of years. In 1884 he organized and successfully conducted the Vermont Slate Trust, comprising all the important roofing slate quarries in " Sea-green" output, having his headquarters at Granville, Washington count3% N. Y. In 1881 he accepted the general New England agency, with headquarters at Poultney, Vt. , for the Niagara Mercantile Agency and held that position until 1890, when he removed to Niagara Falls and opened an office in real estate and ticket brokerage business, in partnership with Arthur N. Allen, at 44 Falls street, in which he is now engaged. He is a member of the Episcopal church, a comrade in the Grand Army of the Republic and aided in organizing Joyce Post No. 49, in Poultney, Vt. 53 Canavan, James W., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., January 22, 1801, and is a son of Thomas Canavan, a retired railroad man. Mr. Canavan attended the public schools at Niagara Falls until, at the age of eighteen, he entered the employ of the New York Central Railroad Company as a brakeman, in which capacity he .served for six years, when he was promoted to the position of freight conductor, which he held until 1887, at which time he was appointed deputy collector of customs at the Custom House, Niagara Falls, where he remained four years. In 1891 he opened the Colonnade Hotel at Niagara Falls, which he still operates successfully in con- junction with the new State Park Hotel, built in 1895, and opened to the public on July 15, 1896. Mr. Canavan is also proprietor and manager of the Lyceum Theater at Niagara Falls and is otherwise identified with the business interests of that city. July 15, 1886, he married Ellen Donnelly of Niagara Falls, and they have twin sons and two daughters. Mr. Canavan is a prominent member of the C. M. B. A., the B. P. O. E., Rescue Hook and Ladder Company and other organizations of Niagara Falls. He was elected alderman of Niagara Falls in March, 1895, and served two years. Van Cleef, Lawrence, was born at Seneca Falls, N. Y., and received his education in the public schools of that place. At the age of eighteen he entered the grocery business at Seneca Falls, and remained four years and then removed to Niagara Falls, where he entered the employ of the New York Central Railroad Company as clerk in the freight department. In 1895 he resigned that position and established himself in the insurance business, in which he is at present successfully representing five leading fire, life and accident companies. He is a member of Niagara Frontier Lodge No. 132, F. & A. M., of the Knights Templar, Niagara Commandery, and of Ismailia Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of Buffalo, and an honorary member of the fire department of Niagara Falls. In March, 1897, he was elected alderman from the First ward of that city. Munson, Hiram D., was born at Bowmansville, Ontario, Can., August 11, 1826, a son of Truman M. Munson, a shipbuilder, now deceased. He worked his way through boarding school at Buffalo, whither his parents had removed during his in- fancy, and early in life learned the nursery business, which he has always followed. In 1867 he removed to Grand Island, where he bought a farm and carried on fruit growing and the nursery business for ten years, and then removed to La Salle, where he has since remained, engaging in fruit growing. January 12, 1853, he mar- ried Mary Dickinson of Buffalo. Mr. Munson has practically retired from active business and now lives a quiet life respected by all. In politics he always has been an ardent Republican, and has served the town of Grand Island as assessor. He is a member of Frontier Lodge No. 132, F. & A. M., of Niagara Falls and of the La Salle Lodge No. 17, A. O. U. W. Albert, John, was born at Buffalo, N. Y., March 26, 1844, a son of the late John Albert, a manufacturer of boots and shoes. He attended a private school at Buf- falo and at the age of thirteen began learning the trade of his father. In 1875 he removed to La Salle, 'where he bought out the interest of his wife's father in the Cayuga Hotel, of which he remained proprietor until 1893, at which time he prac- tically retired from business. May 4, 1871, he married Catherine S. Wattengel of 54 La Salle, and they have one son, Victor A. Mr. Albert has always been prominent in the public affairs of La Salle, holding the office of school trustee for three years and is now a justice of the peace, elected in 1895, for a term of four years. In poli- tics he always has been an ardent Republican. He is a charter member of Niagara Lodge No. 17, A. O. U. W. Luick, Leonard J., was born in the town of Niagara, N. Y., July 20, 1866, a son of Jacob Luick, a prosperous farmer, now retired. He attended the public schools of Niagara county and began early in life to till the soil on his father's farm. In 1888 he established himself in the coal trade at La Salle and has followed that busi- ness ever since. October 14, 1894, he married Zora Greiner of La Salle, and they have one son, Leon. Mr. Luick is an energetic and ambitious young business man and is held in high esteem bj' his townsmen. He has been councilman for five years and is now filling the office of highway commissioner. Cooley, Mark O., was born at Canandaigua, N. Y., December 25, 1861, and was a son of Nathaniel N. Cooley, a farmer of that place, now deceased. Mr. Cooley was educated in the Canandaigua Academy and at the age of seventeen returned to the homestead farm, where he tilled the soil. From 1882 until 1885 he studied dentistry in the office with C. J. Andruss of Canandaigua, at which time he went to Philadel- phia, Pa., where he completed a two years' course in the Philadelphia Dental College and was graduated in 1887. In the same year he came to Niagara Falls, where he has since had a large and successful practice in dentistry. McEwen, William D., was born at Youngstown, N. Y. , June 27, 1857, a son of John C. McEwen, a farmer of that place now retired. WilHam McEwen was ed- ucated in the public schools of Niagara county, and at the age of eighteen entered the dental rooms of Dr. L. D. Walters, at Lockport, where he studied for two years and later served with Dr. Charles Watts, at Lockport, for two years more, when he removed to Suspension Bridge and at once began the successful practice of his pro- fession at Suspension Bridge, where he still continues. October 16, 1889, Dr. Mc- Ewen married Priscilla Buttery, daughter of the late John Milton Buttery, of Sus- pension Bridge; of this union a daughter was born, Bernice Priscilla, born November 10, 1890, and died January 24, 1896. Richmond, Hon. William, was born in Worcestershire, England, October 6, 1847, a son of John Richmond, a miller of that section, who came to America in 1863, set- tling at Oswego, N. Y., and now deceased. William Richmond received his educa- tion at a private school in England, and removed with his parents to America in 1863. In 1868 he entered the employ of his uncle, James Richmond, an extensive manufacturer of milling machinery at Lockport, and upon the decease of his uncle in 1873, he succeeded to the business and has since carried it on successfully. In 1881 he formed a stock company of which he became president and since that year the business has been controlled by that company. In 1895 Mr. Richmond was ap- pointed by President Cleveland to the position which he now holds, of collector of the port at Niagara Falls and has since resided in that city. Mr. Richmond has been prominent in politics in the city of Lockport, having been elected alderman of the First ward in 1881, serving until 1883, when he was elected mayor of the city and served in that capacity until 1884. In 1889 he was elected alderman of the Third 55 ward and held that office for two years; and in the same year, 1889, was elected to the Board of Education and served until' 1895. He was president of the Board of Water Works from 1884 to 1887 and was president of the Lockport Business Men's Association for a number of years prior to his removal to Niagara Falls. He has been a member of Niagara Lodge No. 375, F. & A. M., since 1869 and a member of the Royal Arcanum since 1882, at Lockport. October 12, 1870, he married Mary McGill of Lockport, daughter of William and Mary (Prentice) McGill, and they have three sons and two daughters. Guillempnt, Frank, M.D., was born at St. Anne, 111., August 12, 1872, and is a son of the Rev. Charles B. Guillemont, D.D., Ph. D., of Paris, France, now retired and a resident of London, Ontario, Canada. Frank Guillemont attended the grammar schools at London, Can., whither his parents removed in 1880, and at the age of seventeen he entered the Western University at London, Ont., from which he was graduated from the medical department in 1893. From that time until the spring of 1894 he was in attendance at the London, Ont., Insane Asylum, when he came to Niagara Falls, N. Y., and began the practice of medicine in which he has already gained prominence. Parker, Spencer B., was born at Versailles, N. Y., July 21, 1859, a son of Myron M. Parker, a farmer of that place, now retired. Spencer Parker received his educa- tion in the public schools of his native town, and later attended the Chamberlain In- stitute and Female College at Randolph, N. Y. , from which he was graduated in 1883 and at once began the study of law in the offiee of Judge William H. Hender- son, at Randolph. In 1885 he entered the Albany Law School and was graduated with honors in 1886, and soon afterward removed to Salamanca, N. Y., where he was engaged in legal practice with Judge O. S. Vreeland until the spring of 1887, at which time he was admitted to the bar of the State of New York. In the fall of the same year he returned to his home at Versailles, and from that time until 1892 taught in the public schools at that place. He then removed to Niagara Falls and formed a partnership with William J. Bryan, with whom he continued to practice law until 1893, when the partnership was dissolved and since that time he has successfully practiced alone. In 1896 Mr. Parker was elected police justice of Niagara Falls, but resigned that position early in 1897, as it interfered with his prac- tice of law. June 14, 1887, he married Emma C. Owen of Randolph, and they have one child, Alan Vreeland. Hough, Walter D., M. D., was born at Newfane, N. Y., October 13, 18o8, and is a son of Torrence and Jane (Wolverton) Hough, he a farmer of that section, now re- tired and a resident of Niagara Falls. Dr. Hough was educated in the public schools of Newfane and in the Lockport Union School. At nineteen years of age he entered the New York Homeopathic College, from which he was graduated in 1881, and later he took a course in the Long Island College Hospital at Brooklyn and was graduated therefrom in 1883. During the following year he practiced his profession in New York city, and in 1884 came to Niagara Falls, where he at once entered into the active and successful practice of medicine. He is a member of the Western New York Homeopathic Medical Society, of the New York State Homeopathic Medical Society and of the American Institute of Homeopathy; he is also a member of Ni- 56 agara Frontier Lodge No. 133, F. & A. M. September 12, 1883, he married Ella L. Haynes of Newfane, and they have one daughter, Florence Genevieve, born August 39, 1884. Mrs. Hough is the daughter of Edward and Eliza (Fay) Haynes of Niag- ara Falls. Read, Willett W., was born in Jefferson county, N. Y., April 12, 1865, and is a son of De Estaing C. Read, a farmer now retired. Mr. Read was educated in the public schools and at Potsdam Normal School, Potsdam, N. Y., and in 1884 entered Cornell University where he took and completed the course in civil engineering, graduating in 1888. He at once entered the employ of a Syracuse firm of contractors and was engaged for the next four years in building the waterworks at Delaware, Ohio, Canton, N. Y., Portland, Mich., Ingersoll, Ont., Harvey, 111., and Lagrange, 111. In 1892 he settled in Cleveland, Ohio, where he opened an office and carried on a general contractmg business until 1894, when he removed to Penn Yan, N. Y., to complete the waterworks at that place. In March, 1895, he was appointed engineer of the city of Niagara Falls, which office he still holds. August 18, 1890, he married Elizabeth Nassoy, daughter of Felix Nassoy, proprietor of the New York Central Hotel at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Read have two children, a son and daughter. Hall, Charles M., was born in Geauga county, Ohio, December 6, 1863, and is a son of the Rev. Heman B. Hall, a Congregationalist minister of that place, now re- tired and residing at Oberlin, Ohio. Mr. Hall began his school career at the age of nine years, when he attended the public school at Oberlin, whither his parents had removed in 1873; later he took a course in Oberlin College, and was graduated therefrom in 1885. He was one of the pioneers in the manufacture of aluminum and while experimenting in the chemical laboratory at Oberlin College, he made impor- tant discoveries in connection with this material which resulted in the organization, in 1886, of the Pittsburg Reduction Company, of which he was chosen vice-pres- ident, and upon the completion of their big plant at Niagara Falls in 1895, he was made resident manager, in which capacity he now serves. Gray, John, M.D., was born at Lewiston, N. Y., September 6, 1850, a son of the late Arthur Gray, who was a well known prosperous farmer and fruit grower of that section, and whose wife was Margaret A. Copeland. The doctor is one of a family of thirteen children, of whom seven are living: Elizabeth, Mrs. F. S. Sage, of Lewis- ton; Catherine, Mrs. Eugene K. Sager, of Lewiston; Margaret A., Mrs. E. A. Childs, of Towanda, Pa.; Arthur, of Kansas City, Mo., who married Miss Jennie Clark; Grant J., M.D. ; Ella Goddard, of Chicago, 111. ; and William C, who married Min- nie Kratz and resides in Niagara Falls. The parents are deceased. Dr. Gray was educated in the public schools of his native place and in the Lockport union schools, and when twenty years of age joined his father in farming and fruit growing, at which he continued for four years. In 1874 he began teaching in the public schools of Lewiston and followed that pursuit until 1876, when he removed to New York city and took a course in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, later entering the med- ical department of the University of New York, from w^hich institution he was grad- uated in 1879. He then removed to Ransomville, N. Y., and practiced his profession until 1880, having as a partner. Dr. Nathan Cook. Upon the death of Dr. Cook, in 1880, he accepted the position of surgeon in charge of the lumber camps at Trufant, 57 Mich., and filled that position until 1885. In 1886 Dr. Gray removed to Niagara Falls, where he has since remained in the successful practice of medicine. June 19, 1880, he married Florence A. Baker of Porter, N. Y., daughter of Dillman and Laura Matilda (Durand) Baker, natives of N. Y. Fink, Konrad, was born in Wurtemburg, Germany, August 3, 1835, a son of Jacob Fink. Konrad Fink was educated in the public schools of his native place and at an early age learned the blacksmith's trade. In 1854 he immigrated to America, settling at Niagara Falls, N. Y., and was at once employed in the building of the first Suspension Bridge across the Niagara River. In 1857 he entered the employ of the New York Central Railroad Company and worked in the shops of that Company for ten years, at the end of which time he established his present business as dealer in groceries, provisions and liquors, and in which he has met with success. Mr. Fink is a property owner and a director of the Bank of Suspension Bridge. Mr. Fink and Mrs. Margaret Walter were married November 20, 1858; she had one son, Christian Fink, by a former marriage with Christian Fink, brother of Konrad. She died in 1887, and on September 10, 1895, he married Margaret Walter, niece of his first wife. Three children of the first marriage are living: Dora, Margaret and Elizabeth ; of the last marriage one child came to bless their home. Mr. Fink has been twice president of the village of Suspension Bridge, and three times served as trustee ; at the present time he is assessor of Niagara Falls city. Boore, Lewis A., was born at Buffalo, N. Y., January 13, 1862, and is a son of Lewis Boore, who is superintendent of the Buffalo Gas Light Company. Mr. Boore was educated at St. Joseph's College, in Buffalo, and at the age of sixteen entered the office of his father, where he studied thoroughly all departments of the manufac- ture of gas. In 1881 he became ticket agent of the Buffalo, New York and Phila- delphia Railroad Company at Rochester, and remained in that position for two years, when, on October 1, 1883, he was made superintendent of the Niagara Falls Gas Light Company and was elected secretary of that company on June 11, 1890. Mr. Boore is also proprietor of the Tower Bazaar, which he purchased in 1893. Welch, James M., was born in the town of Constable, Franklin county, N. Y., April 11, 1816, and is a son of Levi Welch, who was a farmer and lumberman. Mr. Welch was educated in the public schools at Grand Island, N. Y., and worked with his father until he was seventeen years of age, when his father died. He remained at home two years and then began traveling, working at all trades, until 1847, when he entered the employ of the New York Central Railroad Company at Tonawanda, with which company he remained until his retirement (in 1893) from active service. He began his railroad career as a gravel man and retired as engineer at the age of seventy-seven, being the oldest engineer on the New York Central Railroad at that time. In 1849 he married Christiana Cupp of Tonawanda, and they have eight children, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mr. Welch is a large prop- erty owner and a highly respected citizen. Tompkins, Henry S., was born February 3, 1848, at Niagara Falls, N. Y., and is a son of the late Samuel Tompkins of that place. Henry S. Tompkins attended the public schools of his native town, until twenty years of age, when he entered the works of his father at La Salle to learn the manufacture of building brick, which he k 58 has chosen for his Hfe vocation. He is also engaged in farming and fruit growing, owning a farm of fifty acres adjoining his brick kiln and works, and has a large or- chard of 1,100 finely grafted fruit trees. Mr. Tompkins is a man of sterling worth, and has been eminentlj' successful in his business operations. He has served the town of Niagara, where his business is located, for many years in varior.s capacities, having been a justice of the peace for nineteen years, and was elected supervisor of his township in 1895 to serve for two years, and re-elected in 1897 for the same period of time. He has also served as assessor for three years, and as a member of the Board of School Trustees for twenty-five years, and justly deserves the high esteem in which he is held by his townsmen. In 1870 Mr. Tompkms was married to Miss Maria Vogt, and they have reared a family of two sons and two daughters. Mason, John C, was born September 28, 1859, at La Salle, N. Y., and is a son of the late John Mason. John C. Mason received his education in the public schools of his native town, and at sixteen years of age went to work on his father's farm. He has followed the calling of farmer .since that time, is a man of thrift and enterprise, and has been successful in the management of his farm. He devotes almost his en- tire time to the cultivation of small fruit. Upon his father's decease, and the settle- ment of the estate, he received as his dowry twenty-three acres of land, the larger portion of which he sold at an advanced price during the boom of 1891. In 1879 Mr. Mason was married to Miss Laura O., daughter of Jackson Angevine, of La Salle, and they have a family of seven children, three sons and four daughters. Frazer, Washington A., was born September 30, 1869, at Lockport, N. Y., and is a son of John Frazer, a prominent farmer of that place and for many years a justice of the peace. Washington A. Frazer was educated in the Lockport Union schools, and at twenty years of age entered the offices of the superintendent of the Grand Trunk Railroad Company, at Hamilton, Ont., Canada, as a clerk, remaining there until 1887. At that time he removed to Niagara Falls, N. Y., and entered the em- ploy of his brother, William A. Frazer, lumber dealer, and was there until 1894, when he established his present business, building a large mill and lumber yard, and has .since been successful in all his operations. Mr. Frazer has erected a number of fine residences at Niagara Falls, of which he is the owner, and is also interested in the timber business, at Gore Bay, Ont., Canada. He is an extensive real estate owner, and one of the leading business men of Niagara Falls. He is a member of Niagara Lodge No. 375, F. & A. M. of Lockport. In 1891 Mr. Frazer was united in marriage with Miss Agnes Preston, of Niagara Falls, Ont., and they have two children, a son and a daughter. Mrs. Frazer is a daughter of Fred J. Preston, the first mayor of Niagara Falls, Ont., now deceased. Premus, A. F., Wheatfield, was born in Germany, February 8, 1860, and came to America with his parents in 1865. They settled in the town of Porter and Mr. Premus was educated at Porter Center and Lockport and Wilson Academies. He taught school winters and studied law during holidays and was admitted to the bar in 1892. He came to North Tonawanda in 1880 and read law with Simson, Dudley & Harrington, and entered the firm of Simson, Harrington & Premus. This firm is now Harrington & Premus. Mr. Premus was elected village attorney in the spring of 1896, and re-elected in 1897, and was legislated out of office by an act converting the village into a city, and was elected city attorney under the new city charter. 59 Harrington, E. B., Wheatfield, was born in Lockport, February 15, 1866, and was educated at Lockport Union School. He studied law with Joshua Gaskill and was admitted to the bar in March, 1889. He first entered into partnership with Chauncey E. Dunkelberger, then surrogate of Niagara county but in 1891 this partnership was dissolved and Mr. Harrington practiced law one year alone in Lockport. In January, 1892, he came to Tonawanda and entered the tirm of Simson, Dudley & Harrington, which lasted one year, when it became Simson, Harrington & Premus, which continued for three years, when it was dissolved and Messrs. Harrington and Premus organized the present law firm of Harrington & Premus. Mr. Harrington's parents were Henry and Polly (Baer) Harrington. Mrs. Harrington is one of the oldest residents of the county. Henry Harrington came to Niagara county in 1840 and died in 1874. Fales, Capt. Henry M., Wheatfield, was born on Grand Island and was educated by a private tutor and at Deveaux College, from which he was graduated in 1881. He came to North Tonawanda in 1885 as secretary of the Tonawanda Gas Light Company. This position he resigned to become manager of the City Water Works Company and secretary of the Standard Gas Company, and resigned this position when the water works were sold to the town. He has since that time become prom- inent as a contractor, but he has become particularly distinguishable because of his organizing the 25th Separate Company, N. G. N. Y., which was mustered in May 25, 1891, and of which he has been captain since November 28, 1892. He was first lieu- tenant of the company previous to his election to the captaincy. In May, 1893, Capt. Fales married Sarah C. Smith daughter of Hon. H. P. Smith, and they have three sons: H. Marshall, jr., Eugene and Clarke. Homeyer, Henry, Wheatfield, was born in Wheatfield and lived on the farm until thirteen years of age, when he came to North Tonawanda in 1869 where he has ever since resided. While still a youth he went into the meat business and continued at it for seven years, when he went on the canal for two years. He engaged in the liquor business in 1882, in which he is still engaged. Mr. Homeyer is one of the representative business and public men of North Tonawanda. He was one of the organizers of the first Columbia Hook and Ladder Company which was organized in 1876 and is the only surviving charter member. He was town collector two terms, village collector two terms, alderman one term, and for a time Deputy U. S. customs inspector under Cleveland, and is at present village treasurer. He is a member of the Odd Fellows, A. O. U. W. and Select Knights. He married Helena Meyer and their children are George H., Henry F., William H., Mabel E., Laura B., Helen May and Ruth Esther. His parents were Henry H. and Fredericka (Bishop) Homeyer. His father was a Hanoverian, and his mother a Prussian; he came to America in 1843. Krull, William, was born in Uckermerk, Germany, December 11, 1837, and came to America in 1843 with his parents. Christian and Mary (Veccue) Krull. His father was one of the early .settlers in Wheatfield, and at the time of his death was one of the oldest residents. William Krull has been a farmer all his life and was actively engaged in that pursuit until he moved into Martinsville in 1857. He has been a successful man and has not only acquired ample means, but has also won the esteem 6o of all classes by his honorable career and his strict integrity in all things. In 1857 he married Wilhelmina Milleville, who died in 1871, leaving six children: Augusta, Albertine, William C. and Wilhelmina, who are living; Christian and Matilda are dead. Mr. KruU married for his second wife Louisa Wolfe, and they have two chil- dren living, Matilda and Eleanor. Mr. Krull is a Democrat and was highway com- missioner for three years in the town of Wheatfield; he has also been a trustee of St. Paul's German Lutheran church for t\\ enty-eight years. In 1894 he was a dele- gate to the Synod held at Pittsburg, and in 1897 delegate to Baltimore. During his career in this county he has always been a leader among his German fellow citizens, and as a man whose word has always been considered as good as his bond. Skutt, Austin, one of the pioneer farmers of Somerset, was born in Cayuga county, N. Y., October 20, 1827, and is a son of Edward and Sally Skutt. He came with his parents to Niagara county in May, 1846, where he has been engaged in farming all of his life. In 1870 he married Emily Walker, and they have one son and daughter, Edward and Mmnie. Mr. Skutt has lived to see nearly all the old settlers pass away and to see the rude and humble log cabin of the early settler disappear and in its place the handsome and comfortable farm houses erected. He is an entertaining talker and one of the substantial citizens of Somerset. Edward Skutt. his son, was born April 24, 1871, was married January 7, 1897. to Lenora E. Reid. Minnie was born May 10, 1874, was married February 29, 1892, to John W. Fitzgerald, to whom was born one child, Emily, March 24, 1893. Stacy, Edwin, was born in Wilson, N. Y., December 22, 1836, a sonof Emulus and Alice (Tremain) Stacy. Emulus Stacy was born in Washington county and came to Wilson in 1834, where he died September 9, 1879; his wife was born in Oneida county and died in August, 1885. Edwin Stacy was born in Wilson December 22, 1836, near where he now resides, was reared on a farm and educated at Wilson and Lockport; he is now engaged in farming, owning 101 acres of land. He was mar- ried in 1866 to Carrie Sanford (born August 31, 1839), and daughter of Asa Sanford, a pioneer of Orleans county. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy have four children, Frank T., C. Sumner, Sanford D. and Florence S. The family are members of Olcott Wesleyan Methodist church. Wilcox, Elisha, was born in Madrid, St. Lawrence cbunty, N. Y., August 18, 1825, a son of Ira and Nancy (Robinson) Wilcox, natives of Vermont, who came to Madrid where he died in 1825. Mrs. Wilcox moved with her family to Wilson in 1837, where she died in 1857. Elisha Wilcox was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He is a farmer and owns seventy-one acres of land o i which he has lived fifty years. In 1859 he married Malinda Cornell (born in Canada), and they had two children, Nancy M., born July 14, 1860, and married Alexander Swackhamer of Can- ada; and Phoebe A., died when five years old. Mr. Wilcox is a Democrat in poli- tics, and the family attend the Baptist church. Childs, James H., was born in Lewiston, N. Y., July 3, 1843. a son of Sanford and Elizabeth (McGregor) Childs. He was educated in the old Lewiston Academy and his life occupation has been farming, which he has been practically engaged in until 1890 when he was appointed deputy collector of customs, a position he still holds with ability and success. He is a veteran of the war of the Rebellion, enlisting on 6i December 26, 1863, in Company L, 8th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, and serving until the close of the war, being honorably discharged July 10, 1865. Reserved with the Army of the James and participated in eleven pitched battles, including Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, North Anna River, Deep Bottom and all the fighting about Petersburg. He was wounded at North Anna River and was confined in the hospital for some time. He enlisted as a private, was promoted to corporal and was acting sergeant at the close of the war. He is a member of Mabon Post No. 125 and has been junior vice-commander; he is also a member of the Masonic fraternity, lodge No. 551, Ran- somville, and of the Odd Fellows, Sacariss Lodge No. 307, as well as of the A. O. U. W. No. 307. In 1871 Mr. Childs married Helen Schaefer, who died leaving no children, and on February 3, 1875, he married Anna Tisdale and they had five chil- dren: Clara. Elizabeth (married Dr. Sheppard of Cattaraugus county), Mary Edna, James Edward, Joseph E. and Howard T. One son, Charles, died June 6, 1889. Mr. Childs has been a life long Republican and cast his first vote for Lincoln (second term) at City Point, Va. He has held several town offices, having been highway commissioner twice, collector and inspector of election. Clary, Thomas F. C, was born at Amsterdam, N. Y., March 14. 1859, and after the usual preparatory training in the public schools of that city, entered Niagara University, from which institution he was graduated at the age of eighteen. He was, thereafter, admitted to the bar after a three years' course of reading in the law office of Judge ZeraS. Westbrook, one of the ablest and most successful practitioners in Central New York. At about the same time he was elected police justice of his native city, in which capacity he served for three years, when he resumed, in earnest, the practice of his profession at that place. In 1893, accompanied by his family, con- sisting of his mother, sister and nephew, he removed to Niagara Falls, in which world-famed and bustling little city he has since practiced his profession with the most flattering and satisfactory results. Carter, Elwin S., was born in Porter, N. Y., October 12, 1850, a son of John and Mary A. (Clyde) Carter. John Carter was born in England in 1814 and came to America in 1823 with an uncle, his parents having died in England. He was a mason by trade and traveled in the South and various places until twenty-seven years of age, when he married and located in Youngstown, N. Y. , where he has since resided. Elwin S. Carter was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools and Lockport Union School. He is a fruit grower and farmer, having 125 acres where he has resided for about fifteen years; he has in fruit thirty-five acres, mostly peach and pear. October 9, 1873, he married S. Amelia Spencer, born in Porter and daughter of C. S. and Marj* Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Carter had ten chil- dren: Charles E., John P., Carrie A., Herbert S., George R., Bessie H., Jessee H. (who died at the age of five months), Wesley C, Howard R. and Miriam C. Mr. Carter is an ardent Republican and has been very active; he has been town auditor and collector and elected supervisor of his town in 1897. He is a member of the A. O. U. W. and the Select Knights. In the fall of 1896 he was elected county commit- teeman by the Republican party in the town of Porter. Prudom, John H., son of Thomas and Mary (Atkinson) Prudom, was born May 1, 1850. His father was born in the county of Yorkshire, England, July 3, 1817, where 62 his mother was also born, and came to America in 1852, settling in Somerset on the farm they now own. They had six children: Martin, born in 1848, died in infancy; William A., born February 8, 1849, died in 1868; John H., the subject of this sketch ; Martin died in infancy; Ann EHzabeth, born June 12, 1853. died March 14, 1878, and Hannah M. died when young. His mother was born in England November 14, 1812, and died December 21, 1892. Pratt, Rufus W., was born in Wilson December 12, 1833, a son of Josiah and Annie (Lutts) Pratt. Josiah Pratt was born in Massachusetts and in 1817 came to Porter with Peter Tower, a cousin of his, and he died in Wilson ; his wife, Annie, was a daughter of Michael Lutts, and was born in Porter and died in 1856, aged fifty-four years. Rufus W. Pratt was reared on the farm and educated in the common schools. He spent a short time West, and six years at Suspension Bridge in the custom hou.se office, but is now a farmer. He is a Republican and was constable three years. De- cember 12, 1861, he married Hannah M. , daughter of Thomas Barnes, and they had two daughters, Annie E. , wife of Parker Corwin. and Martha M., at home. Martha M. was educated at Suspension Bridge and Albany Normal School ; Annie E. was educated at a convent in Lockport. Mr. Pratt is a member of the A. O. U. W. He is not an aspirant to office, but has taken an active part in politics and repre- sented his party m conventions and has been on jury many times in county court. Parker George F., was born m Porter, N. Y. , May 3, 1850, a son of John and Eva- line (Myers) Parker. John Parker was born in Porter, a son of Joseph Parker, who came to Porter about 1820, where he lived and died; he was in the war of 1812. John Parker was a farmer and Democrat and died in 1887 and his wife in 1870. George F. Parker was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He spent one year in Michigan in the marble works; he is now a farmer and has fifty acres of land. He was married in December, 1874, to Deborah Holden, daughter of Ezra Holden, an early .settler of Porter. To Mr. and Mrs. Parker have been born ten children : Lizzie, Deborah, Helen (died aged five years), Hattie (died aged three years). Stanley, Fannie, May, Elton, Henry and Ashley. In politics Mr. Parker is a Democrat, and was elected highway commissioner in 1897 by a majority of fifty ; he was also once appointed collector, and is a member of the Select Knights. Pitz, Philip F., was born in Buffalo, where he lived for thirty-one years. He learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed in that city twelve years in the planing mill of Henry Ruling. He was engaged in the hotel business for one year in Buffalo and opened the Angler's Retreat in Lewiston in 1894. This house is picturesquely situated on the bank of the river, the Gorge cars running by the door and the New York Central depot is across the street. The house is finely equipped and the dining room nicely kept and well lighted. In fact the house is first class in every respect and has telephone and all modern conveniences, and has in connection a first-class boat house and boats and fishing tackle, for fishing or pleasure boating. Mr. Pitz married Amelia Scheunamann in 1889, and they have two sons, Philip and Fred. Mr. Pitz is one of the enterprising and successful hotel men of the county and very popular. Peterson, Jesse, has been prominently identified with the manufacturing indus- try of Lockport for the past twenty-five years. He was born at Belfast, Allegany 63 county, N. Y., October 1, 1850. His parents removed to Lockport when he was quite young. He rapidly mastered business methods and has advanced step by step until he is now president of one of the largest manufactories of the kind in the country. The United Indurated Fiber Co. of which he is president, was organ- ized and mcorporated in 1887, with a capital stock of $750,000. Mr. Peterson was married to Arabella A. Brown of Lockport, N. Y., January 29, 1872, and two chil- dren have been born to them, Jesse Dudley and Clara B. Mr. Peterson has spent considerable time in travel, not only in the United States, but over continental Europe and a large portion of Africa. He is a member of the Sons of the Ameri- can Revolution, the Ellicott and Buffalo Clubs of Buffalo, and the City Club of Lockport. Pettit, Thomas, was born in Galway, Saratoga county, N. Y.. February 1, 1818, a son of Thomas Pettit. He was educated in the common schools, and in 1844 came to Wilson, where he took up a farm of fifty acres, where he has since lived. No- vember, 22, 1843, he married Emily Wait (born in Clifton Park, Saratoga county, jST. Y ), daughter of Solomon and Rachael (Harris) Wait, and they have five chil- ''dren: George A., of Flint, Mich.; Ida E., wife of Ambrose Haner of Wilson; Eva R., wife of Frederick Kelley, a farmer of Wilson, and they have two children: Thomas B., of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Martha E., wife of Charles Stabler, of Lockport. Mr. Pettit is a Republican, and the family attend the Baptist church. Pease, A. Douglas, was born in Newfane, N. Y., December 30, 1834, a son of Enoch and Eliza (Douglas) Pease. Enoch Pease was born in Maine, January 12, 1795, and came to Newfane with his parents, where he was reared and educated. He was in the war of 1812 and his house was threatened to be burned, but owing to his kind treatment they were not molested ; he was taken prisoner, but was released on account of the kindness of his mother. In 1885 he came to Wilson, where he resided until his death, which occurred in 1887 at the age of ninety-two years. His wife was born in New Jersey in 1800 and died in 1849. A. D. Pease was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools and Wilson Collegiate Institute and Lima Seminary, graduating from the scientific course in 1855. He is a farmer and owns 535 acres, 400 where he resides. He is a large fruit grower, having about 125 acres in fruit. Sejjtember 29, 1859, he married Abigail Saver (born in Wilson, April 26, 1842), daughter of Jonathan Sayer, who came to Wilson and practiced medicine until his death in 1849. Mr. and Mrs. Pease are the parents of seven chil- dren: Arthur D., of Wilson; Frances M., wife of Landon M. Bostwick, a lumber- man of St. Louis, Mo.; Florence A., deceased; Mary E., wife of Edward Hall, of Youngstown, N. Y. ; Howard Enoch, born September 19, 1875, at home; Harvey, deceased; and Edith G., at home. Mr. Pease is a Republican and was supervisor in 1882 and 1883, and served as a member of the Board of Education nine years and president five years. He was for six years trustee of Greenwood Cemetery. Mrs. Pease died February 3, 1897. Pettit, Clinton, was born in Saratoga county, August 11, 1813, a son of Elisha Pettit, born at Claverack, N. Y., and moved to Galloway, where he became a well- to-do farmer and there died (see biography of George Pettit). Mrs. Pettit was Hannah Roe, who lived and died in Saratoga county ; they had fourteen children. 64 Clinton Pettit was reared on a farm, and in 1836 came to Wilson, where he settled on a farm of sixty-two acres and has added forty more to it, clearing most of the land. March 9, 1836, he married Clarissa Youngs, and they had four children: Mary J., of Kansas; Lucina H., of Iowa; IraS., died in Andersonville prison, and the fourth died in infancy. Mrs. Pettit died April 28, 1845, and in 1848 he married Kate J. Pangburn, widow of Jacob Phillips. Mr. Pettit has never used any tobacco and is now eighty-four years old. Parish, George D., was born in Porter, June 2, 1852, a son of William and Cath- erine (Lake) Parish. William Parish was born in Canada and came to Porter about 1836, and traded land for the farm George D. now owns. He died in June, 1881, and his widow married Harrison Perry, who died in Porter in 1891. They had three sons William lived on the homestead and died there February 17, 1897. George D. Parish was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools and Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, after which he engaged in farming, and in 1894 went to Flush- ing, Mich., where he engaged in the mercantile business and was also engaged in the same business at Seneca Falls for one year. He now has the only bazaar at Flushing, and also owns 154 acres of land at Porter. February 22, 1872, he mar- ried Adelia Halstead, and they have two children: Verna, at home, and Charles W., aged nineteen. Prudden, Orrin D. — Prominent among the furniture dealers of this city and in fact one of the leading establishments is that of Prudden Brothers, of which firm Mr. Orrin D. Prudden, subject of this sketch, is the senior member. Mr. Prudden is a son of the late Louis and Elizabeth A. Prudden, natives of Connecticut, and was born October 3, 1851. He received his education in the district schools and at the Lockport Union School, after which he engaged in teaching for a number of years. In 1878 he married Miss Ida A. Ouade of Lockport, and their residence. No. 178 Locust street, is one of the handsomest in town. In 1885 Mr. Prudden formed a co- partnership with his brother, Mr. Walter S. Prudden, in the furniture and undertaking business, which they have since conducted in a very successful and prosperous man- ner. A member of the Royal Arcanum, Odd Fellows, Masons, and Knight Temp- lars, and a member of the First Presbyterian charch, Mr. Prudden occupies an im- portant position in Lockport' s business circles. Pool, W. T., was born on the old Pool homestead in Lewiston, Niagara county, Februry 19, 1854, and has always resided on the old place. He is known as a suc- cessful farmer and public man. He has been justice of the peace three terms, serv- ing from 1884 to 1895, and was elected supervisor in 1891, since which date he has been continuously re-elected, his present term running into 1898, and is now chair- man of the Board of Supervisors. He has served on town and county committees, and was employed in the Constitutional Convention of 1894. He is also a member of the A. O. U. W. and of the Masonic Lodge No. 551, Ransomville. In 1878 Mr. Pool married Hetty Bradlee, who died April 15, 1896, leaving two daughters, L. Evelyn and Ada E. Mr. Pool has always looked closely after the interests of this town in a public way and stands high with the best men of the county. Pettit, Lauton W., Somerset, one of the wealthy and enterprising farmers of Niagara county, was born in Saratoga county, N. V., in 1816, and is a son of Elisha 6s and Hannah Pettit, both born south of Albanj-. Lauton Pettit was married to Mar- garet Whitlock, February 16, 18413, and they have one son, Joel H., who was born January 5, 1846. Mrs. Pettit died February 12, 1893. Mr. Pettit has held the office of postmaster at Lake Road for thirty-three consecutive years, and is probably the oldest postmaster in the United States. He is hale and hearty at eighty-one years of age. Mr. Pettit's son married and had four children, and after the death of his wife he kept his children together on the farm, doing most of the work himself, until, to give them better school advantages, he moved to Lockport and engaged in the grocery business. The oldest is a graduate of the New York Medical College in the class of 1896, and is a physician and surgeon in Lockport, where he was married January 1, 1897, to Eva Rebasz. Glen, the second son, is engaged in the grocery business with his father, Walter is in school, and Fred, the fourth son, is dead. Pearson, RobertT., was born in county Durham, England, Jane38, 1823, 'and came to the United States in 1831, with his parents, George and Dorothy Pearson, who settled in the town of Royalton. Robert T. Pearson was educated in the common schools and through his life has been identified as a farmer. In 1855 he married Mary A., daughter of Thomas and Ruth (Ash) Dale, and they have four children: Robert H., Alfred W., Arthur L. , and Ruth A. Mr. Pearson is one of the representative farmers of his town, serving as supervisor for three years, and also assessor for three years, and has ever advanced the best interest of the town and townspeople. The title to the homestead farm came from the Holland Land Company to his father. Potter, John, was born at Queenston, Ontario, Can., December 7, 1835, a son of George Potter (deceased). He attended the public schools of his native town and at sixteen years of age took up the carpenter's trade which he has followed ever since. In 1861 he removed to Niagara Falls, N. Y. , and in 1863 entered the car shops of the New York Central Railroad Company, where he has been steadily employed for thirty five years. April 16, 1868, he married Sarah Scott of Lockport, and they have had five children. Mr. Potter is a member of the A. O. U. W. and of Belleview Lodge No. 316, I. O. O. F., of Niagara Falls. Reed, Albert H., was born in Somerset, Niagara county, N. Y., July 12, 1840, a son of Orson V. and Elizabeth (Breckon) Reed. Orson V. was born in Allegheny county, N. Y., March 14, 1814, and Elizabeth in England February 16, 1816. Orson V. Reed was a carpenter and joiner and died in 1886; his widow died in 1896. Al- bert H. Reed was reared on the farm and educated in the common schools. At fourteen years of age he began working at the carpenter's trade with his father, which he followed for several years, and then engaged in farming. He moved to Suspension Bridge in 1882, where he was superintendent of the whirlpool for two years, then foreman in the sash and blmd factory of C. H. Turner two years, and in 1888 came to Wilson where he engaged in the furniture and undertaking business. In politics he is a Republican, and is now treasurer of the village and was town clerk four years. He is a member and past master of Ontario Lodge No. 376, F. & A. M. In 1859 he married Phebe C. Iloag of Niagara county, and they had one daughter, Esther L. , who married Walter S. Hill, and has two children, Claud A. and Mabel M. Esther L. Hill died in 1893. Rosenmiiller, Rev. George F., was born at Dayton, Ohio, October 24, 1847, and is 66 a son of David Porter and Eliza SheflEer Rosenmiiller. He was graduated from the high school at Lancaster, Pa., and took a full classical course in the Franklin and Marshall College at Lancaster, from which he was graduated in 1869 in his twenty- first year. He then entered the Divinity School at Philadelphia, from which he was graduated in 1872 ; in June of that year he was created deacon by the Right Rev. William Bacon Stevens, D.D., LL.D., S. T. D., bishop of Pennsylvania (Protestant Episcopal), and in the following year, 1873, at Reading, Pa., he was made a priest by the Right Rev. M. A. De Wolf Howe, D. D., LL. D., bishop of Central Pennsyl- vania. His first work was at Montoursville, Pa., and parts adjacent, where he re- mained for five years, aud then removed to Sayre, Pa., where he passed another term of five years in successful church work. November 1, 1882, he became rector of the parish of St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal church at Niagara Falls, where he has since remained. December 3, 1879, he married Helen Mercur, oldest child of Mahlon Mahr and Anna H. Jewett Mercur of Towanda, Pa., and to them have been born four daughters: Anna W., Mary K., Helen and Dorothea. Robertson, W. W., is a native of Putnam, Washington county, N. Y. , born No- vember 18, 1841, but resided in Troy, N. Y., the greater part of his life, prior to com- ing to North Tonawanda. He went into a planing mill when a young man, but left it in 1862 to enlist m the 11th N. Y. Independent Battery. This battery operated at first with the 3d Corps, Army of the Potomac, and afterward with the 2d Corps. Mr. Robertson participated in all the battles in which his battery was engaged. He was at Second Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, and all the operations on to Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House. After the war he went back to the mill and has fol- lowed this business ever since. In 1882 became to North Tonawanda and the part- nership of Robertson & Doebler was formed in 1888. They erected a planing mill on Tonawanda Island, where they dress on an average, 100 car loads of lumber per month, or about thirty one million feet annually, and give employment to fifty five men. In 1866 Mr. Robertson married Elizabeth Hawleyand they have six children- C. Frederick, Wallace Irving, Covert, James E., Nellie Hawley, and Carrie Eliza- beth. In politics Mr. Robertson is a Republican. He and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Rich, A. D., was born in Otsego county, N. Y., October 16, 1829. His father, Cyrus Rich, was a native of Ot.sego county, where he always lived and was a farmer ; he died in 1856. A. D. Rich was educated in the common schools and after farming it for several years traded his farm for a hotel in Cuba, N. Y. In 1874 he sold out and removed to Middleport, where he bought the Pierce House, which burned in 1884, and he then erected the brick block which bears his name. In 1860 he married Mary, daughter of John Dillenbeck. Mr. Rich is a conservative man of his town and has ever advanced the best interests of his town and townspeople. Ransom, W. H. H. (deceased), was born in Ulster county, N. Y., October 11, 1816, a .son of Peleg and Lettie (Lewis) Ransom, who came from Ulster county in 1842 to the town of Wilson, where they lived and died. Peleg Ransom was a descendant of one of three brothers, who came from England. The village of Ransomville was named for an uncle of the subject, Clark Ransom, who lived and died in the village. 67 W. H. II. Ransom was a builder and contractor when he came to Ransomville, and about 1850 he engaged in the mercantile business and continued in business until his death, December 30, 1889. In 1867 he formed a partnership with his eldest son, E. T. Ransom, who has since carried on the business under the old firm name of W. H. H. Ransom & Son. E. T. Ransom is a thorough-going business man, and it has been mainly through his efforts that Ransomville has grown to be one of the leading markets for the farmers in Niagara county. He is not only the leading business man of the place, but has been an active politician, having been supervisor of his town a number of years and also represented his district in the Assembly. He is assisted by his brothers, W. H. H., jr., and H. Seymour, the former having been general manager of the store for eighteen years. The firm is also engaged in produce busi- ness and large dealers in grains, wool and all farm products. W. H. H. Ransom was always an ardent Democrat and was postmaster for a number of years, at one time eight years in succession. February 22, 1843, he married Eliza J. Estes, born in Vermont in 1835, a daughter of Nathan and Catherine (McArthur) Estes. The Estes family are descendants of a Mr, Estes who came from France with La Fayette and the McArthurs, are descendants of King Arthur of Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Ransom had thirteen children, all of whom are living, except one, Herbert M., who died De- cember 1, 1896. Those living are, Elton T., Mary Powley, Oscar M., Lissie Whit- field, Walter J., M. D., Nina Dillingham, Jennie Hopkins, W. H. H., jr., Susie Peterson, H. Seymour, Carrie Thayer and Lottie M. Barry. Ransom, W. H. & F. A. — The senior member of this firm, Washington H., was born in Lockport, N. Y., March 9, 1842, and has been engaged in the practice of law for over thirty years. He studied law at the Albany Law School and was graduated from there and admitted to the bar. He was a classmate of the Hon. D. Cady Her- rick and President McKinley. The junior member of this firm, Frank A., son of Washington H. and Kate F. (Stickney) Ransom, was born in Lockport October 9, 1871. He began the study of law in his father's office and was admitted to the bar in Buffalo, January 6, '1894, and since that time has been connected with the firm of W. H. & F. A. Ransom, one of the leading firms of the city of Lockport. Redpath, Philip E. , was born at Clifton (now Niagara Falls, Ont.), Canada, and is a son of Edward Redpath, a prosperous merchant of that place. Mr. Redpath at- tended the public schools at Clifton, and at the age of twenty-two entered the University o£ Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, and was graduated therefrom in 1884, having completed the three years' course in dental surgery. In the same year he came to Niagara Falls and entered at once into the active and successful practice of his profession. October 17, 1888. he married Jeanie Ware of Niagara Falls. Richie, William F., was born in Cape Vincent, N. Y., March 21, 1827. His father, William Richie, in 1835 settled in the town of Wilson, where he was identified as a farmer. William F. Richie was educated in the common schools and early in life was engaged in canal transportation; in 1848 he was a ship carpenter in Cleveland, and in 1850 went to San Francisco and engaged in mining enterprises. In 1867 he came to Gasport and erected the store and elevator now occupied by him, and is one of the largest grain buyers in Niagara county ; in 1865 he married Harriet Marshall, and they have one son and one daughter: Edward M. and Jennie I. Barrett. 68 Ransom, Lewis, was born in New Paltz in 1818, and in 1839 came to Lockport, where he worked on the enlargement of the Erie Canal. In 1840 he went to Ran- somville and erected the principal buildings of that town, in connection with his brother. W. H. H. Ransom. In 1846 he went south, where he remained for fifteen years, and at the breaking out of the war returned north again, returning to Buffalo in 1861, and in 1864 came to Lockport, where he engaged in contracting and build- ing. In 1865 he married Mary, daughter of Nathan Estes. Mr. Ransom is one of the representative men of his town and of sterling integrity. Rankine, Richard P., was born in Geneva, N. Y., February 4, 1862, a son of the Rev. Dr. Rankine of that place. Richard F. Rankine received his education in the Canandaigua (N. Y.) Academy and in Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. ; being grad- uated from the latter institution in 1882, with the degree of B. A. In the same year he became identified with the First National Bank of Beatrice, Neb., and in 1884 with the Omaha, (Neb.) National Bank, with which institution he was prominently connected until November, 1894, when he removed to Niagara Falls to accept his present position, as treasurer of the Niagara Falls Paper Co. He is also a stockholder and director in several of the large enterprises at the same place. In 1886 Mr. Rankine married Jennie B. Wilson of Geneva, N. Y. Mr. Rankine is a man of liberal education and is well qualified for the important and responsible position which he now fills. Scott, Joseph C, was born in Boston, Mass., January 24, 1832, and is a son of Cur- tis B. Scott, who was a carpenter by trade. Joseph Scott attended the public schools and a.t the age of eighteen went to sea, which he followed for two years. Later he served his apprenticeship at carpentering, and in September, 1854, began working for the New York Central Railroad Co. as brakeman and was afterward promoted to the position of fireman. In 1862 he became an engineer for that company and is still in active service. He has two sons who are engineers with the New York Cen- tral Railroad Co., and who learned firing with their father. Spencer, Samuel B., moved to Niagara Falls early in the spring of 1896 from Chi- cago (where he was engaged in the lumber business for eleven years), and in com- pany with G. P. Rogers, established his present business, that of lumber and build- ers' supplies. In December, 1887, Mr. Spencer married Mary F. Vanderpool of Nashville, Tenn. Snyder, A, B., was born in Orleans county, September 26, 1822. His father, Nicholas Snvder, was a native of Bennington, Vt., and was one of the pioneers of Orleans county, clearing up his farm, He married Betsey Downer, wife of Silas Allen. He was through life identified as a farmer and was noted for his strict in- tegrity and his word was as good as his bond. He died in 1870 in his seventy-third year. A. B. Snyder was educated in Clarkson Academy and Cary Collegiate Sem- inary, after which he taught school for fifteen years. In 1854 he married Emeline A. Dunn, who died June 5, 1884, and in 1888 he married Mrs. H. J. Snyder, daugh- ter of Charles Culver of Reading, Steuben county, N. Y. By his first wife he had one son, Fred G. Snyder, born in 1861. Mr. Snyder is one of the conservative men of his town, taking an active interest in educational and religious institutions and has ever advanced the best interest of his town and townspeople. 69 Seeley, Mrs. Caroline A.— Charles W. Seeley, deceased, was born in Schoharie county, N. Y., February 19, 1828, a son of Daniel and Sally (Green) Seeley. Mr. Seeley came to Montgomery county and was engaged in the mercantile business at East Creek, also at Ovid, where he was deputy sheriff for four years, and spent his last days in Wilson as a merchant. He was a Democrat and held the office of jus- tice of the peace for one term. He was a member of Ontario Lodge No. 376, F. & A. M., and of the I. O. O. F. In 1858 he married Caroline A., daughter of Capt. Sylvester Parsons. To Mr. Seeley and wife were born two children, Fred Parsons, educated at Wilson Academy and Poughkeepsie Commercial College and has for some time been employed in the railroad office at Buffalo and Niagara Falls; and Nettie Emerson, wife of Frank B. Martin of Wilson. They have one child, Jackson S. Mr. Seeley died January 24, 1891. Shelton, Edwin, was born in Fluntingdon, Fairfield countv. Conn., vSeptember 20, 1801, and he traced his ancestry from Daniel Shelton of England, who came before 1600. Edwin Shelton was of the fourth generation and married Susan, daughter of Silas Curtis. The}' came to Niagara county in 1848, settling in the town of Lock- port, where he was identified as a farmer. He was a man of sterling integrity, in- terested in the development of his town and the advancement of his townspeople. His word was as good as his bond, and of him it may well be said " An honest man is the noblest work of God." His death, which occurred September 29, 1874, was a loss not only to his family, but to all who knew him. Shaver, Homer, was born in Orleans county, June 5, 1837, and moved to Michigan with his parents, when quite young, where he remained until 1849, and then returned to Olcott, where he attended the common schools. March 10, 1869, he married Arminda L. Smith (born November 19, 1846), and they have five children: Franklin G., born June 24, 1870; Edith E., born April 7, 1873; George W., born December 5, 1875; Lida M., born August 23, 1879, and I. Belle, born May 6, 1885. Mr. Shaver is vice-president of the Pioneers' A.ssociation of Newfane. He has twentj' acres of peach and pear orchard, twenty-five apple and one hundred plum trees; he is one of the substantial farmers and fruit growers of Niagara county, and has met with good success. Shaeffer, Jesse, has been engaged in the mercantile business in Lockport over fifty years. He was born in Dauphin county. Pa., June 22, 1812, and is a son of Samuel and Sarah Jones Shaeffer. His great-grandfather was a native of Germany, and his grandfather. Christian, was born in Berks county, Pa., but died near Harrisburg, same State; he was a farmer, and reared a family of seven children. His father, Samuel Shaeffer, was born in Dauphin county and in 1828 came to Lockport, N.Y. ; he died aged seventy-five years; he was a farmer, a Republican and a member of the Presbyterian church ; he married Sarah Jones (born in 1788, died in 1848), and they had five children, one son and four daughters. Jesse, when twelve years of age, came to Lockport with his father, where he attended the public .school and worked on the farm. In 1835 he became a clerk in the dry goods store of Rogers & Brown in Lockport. Ten years later he went into business himself in dry goods and general store. He built two large dry goods stores, one grocery and four dwellings. In 1868 he built the large seed and produce store on Market street. 70 To retire, he sold his store and business to his son, who is doing a very large trade in field and garden seeds, wool and evaporated apples, which are sent in car lots all over this country and Europe. Jesse Shaeffer was forced to take a wood working and turning shop, where he is doing a large and prosperous business. On January 13, 1839, Jesse Shaeffer married Elizabeth M., daughter of Gershom Owen. They had six children, two sons and four daughters, of whom two are living — William C. Shaeffer, his successor in business, and Sarah M., wife of George W. Jones of Brooklyn. William E. married Mary Nash, and has five children, all boys. Jesse Shaeffer is a Republican and a member and trustee of the English Lutheran church. He enjoys the best of health now at the age of eighty-five, all of which is due to temperate habits through life. His present wife was Marietta French. Simmons, Edward, was born in Madison county, N. Y., August 1, 1815. The family were originally from Rhode Island, where his grandfather, Benjamin Sim- mons, settled before the Revolutionary war and served six years in the Continental army. Edward Simmons learned the jewelry and watchmaking trade at Hamilton, N. Y. , and in 1838 came to Lockport, where he established a jewelry manufactory and watchmaking establishment in which he continued for thirty years. He also opened a music store in 1852, which he carried on up to 1856, and then became a member of Thomas, Hall & Simmons, the well known dealers in music and musical instruments. October 17, 1843, he married J. Augusta, daughter of William Good- rich. He died September 27, 1892, aged seventy-seven. Sybrandt, Le Roy, was born in the town of Lockport, June 12, 1838, and moved with his father to this farm when twelve years old; he bought the farm of his father in 1862, and was married in 1864 to Rosalia Kennedy of Yates, Ontario county, daughter of Delauzon Kennedy, and they have two children, Charles and Nora. Le Roy Sybrandt' s father, John Sybrandt, was born in Washington county in 1806, and was married to Laura Green and came to Niagara county in 1827. Sawyer, John P., was born on the homestead March 6, 1821. His father, Jason Sawyer, was a native of Plymouth, Vt., and came to Niagara county in 1816, and purchased a farm of the Holland Land Company which is still in the family. He married Patience Taylor, and they made the trip from Rutland county, Vt., with an ox team and cart. They cleared the land and suffered all the trials of pioneers. Mr. Sawyer aided his town in all ways, both public and private. He died in 1861. John P. Sawyer was educated in the Royalton Academy and afterwards taught for several winters. In 1850 he married Hannah, daughter of Ebenezer Parson, and they have five children: Lewis K., Jason T., William P., Mary E. and Rosa M. Mr. Sawyer is one of the practical and successful farmers of his town, filling the office of town superintendent of schools for three years and often selected to settle estates, and is recognized as a man of sterling integrity who has ever advanced the best in- terests of his town and townspeople. Slocum, Hart, was born at Cambria, N. Y., March 9, 1848, a son of William P. Slocum (deceased). He received a public school education in the schools of his native town, and at seventeen years of age learned the cooper's trade and worked at the trade until 1871. He moved to Wilson, N. Y., in 1876, and engaged in the agricul- 71 tural business. He held the office of street superintendent three years. In the spring of 1884 Mr. Slocum went to work for the Neil Bros, of Ohio in the hedge fence business, with headquarters at Brockport, N. Y. With the permission of the Neil Bros, he resigned his position on September 1, 1884, and accepted a position on the customs force the same month, as deputy collector and inspector; he remained on the force for one year and ten months under Collector Benjman Flagler. At the change of administration he was removed by Collector O. W. Cutler, who took pos- session of the office after Mr. Flagler's time had expired, March 18, 1886. In the spring of 1887, March 1, Mr. Slocum went to work for G. H. Stevens, agent for the West Shore Railway Co. at Suspension Bridge, N. Y., in the freight office ; two years of the time while with the railway company he was passenger agent. He remained with the railway company until January 1, 1894, when he was elected coroner of Ni- agara county for three years and re-elected in the fall of 1896 for second term, being a faithful and trusted officer. He is a member cf Niagara River Lodge No 785, F. & A. M. ; a charter member of Ontario Lodge No. 147, A. O. U. W., of Wilson, N. Y. On September 5, 1869, he married Susan J. Lister of Wilson, N. Y. ; they had one daughter, who died at the age of thirteen years on November 20, 188"). Mr. Slocum is special agent for the hosiery of the Winona Mills of New York city for Niagara county. Shaver, Franklin, one of the leading farmers and fruit growers of Niagara count j', was born in the town of Yates, Orleans county, N. Y., April 24, 1841, a son of Peter and Eleanor Shaver. Peter Shaver was born in Maryland, February 25, 1799, and was a son of John and Elizabeth Shaver, who came from Holland to Maryland in an early day and in 1804 came to Niagara county. His grandmother died in 1864, aged 104 years; his mother was born December 14, 1799, and died in 1889; his father died m 1886. Mr. Shaver had seven brothers and four sisters, nine of whom are liv- ing: Sidney, Nelson, Electa, Malinda, James, Homer, Esther, Miranda and Eugene. Franklin Shaver was married November 28, 1883, to Cornelia Bullard, and they have two children, Harold, born October 16, 1887, and Jesse, born March 12, 1891. Mr. Shaver's grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. There were sev- enteen children in that family, and not one of them died until after ninety years of age, one living to be 104 years of age. His father used to burn maple, boil the ashes down to black salt andtakeitto Bataviaand trade it forgroceries. Mrs. Shaver's par- ents were from Orange county, N. Y., and her father, Hamilton Bullard, settled on the farm he now owns April 1, 1847. Her grandfather was a soldier in the war of 1812 and the family is in possession of a cannon ball that was fired bj' the British at them when they were defending their home, and which buried itself in the trunk of a chest- nut tree near her home. When Mr. Shaver's people came to Niagara county, the country was entirely a wilderness and they literally hewed themselves a home in the wild country. His father started on a trip from Rochester to Albany, with a load drawn by two span of horses, with the fifth horse as a leader. While going down a long hill one horse balked and he was obliged to take a chain and draw the load to the top of the hill and arrange it before he could proceed. Mr. Shaver has fourteen acres of peach orchard, twenty-five of apple and three of pears ; he is a stock dealer, dealing largely in sheep. Tucker, Carl E., was born at Buffalo, N. Y., May 26, 1867, and was a son of 72 Henry C. Tucker, a well-known lawyer, now deceased. Mr. Tucker attended the public schools at Niagara Falls, whither his parents had removed in 1868, and later at De Veaux College; he also took a course at Brown University, and was graduated from there in 1890. In the same year he began reading law in the othces of Ells- worth, Potter & Storrs, and later with William C. Greene of Lockport, N. Y. In 1893 he returned to Niagara Falls and has since enjoyed a successful practice. Taylor, Edward J., is a member of one of the oldest and most respected families in Niagara county. His grandfather and great-grandfather were natives of New Jer- sey', and his father was born and reared in Niagara county. Edward J. was born in the town of Lockport January 2, 1856. He attended the Lockport schools and re- ceived a liberal education. After spending some time on a farm he entered the law office of Farnell & Burrell as a student, and April 4, 1880, was admitted to the bar. After spending some time in the West he returned to Lockport and opened an office for the general practice of law, which he has since pursued with marked success. February 17, 1879, Mr. Taylor married May L., daughter of Sylvester G. Root of Lockport. Terry, Frank H.. was born on the homestead September 26, 1835. His father, a native of Harpersfield, N. Y., came to Niagara county in 1821 and bought his farm of 385 acres and afterwards added 200 acres more. He married Ruth, daughter of Lezar Treadwell, and through life was identified as a farmer. He was a man of strong character, who took an active interest in the anti-slavery agitation and in 1850 entertained Hon. Frederick Douglass for several weeks; he died in 1866. F. H. Terry was educated in the common schools and in 1870 married Eugenia, daughter of N. G. Stebbins, and they have two daughters, Florence and Mabel. Trevor, William W., one of Lockport's enterprising, energetic and leading busi- dess men, was born at Allegheny Citj', Pa., December 8, 1841. His parents removed to Lockport when he was quite young and where he obtained his first schooling in the Union School. His first business experience was in the manufacture of nursery- men's labels, in which he was engaged for five years. He at this date became the senior member of the firm of Trevor & Penfield, which copartnership continued for some time, when he sold his interest in the business and became a member of the firm of Trevor & Co., which firm was succeeded by the Trevor Manufacturing Com- pany and was incorporated January 1, 1890, with Mr. Trevor as president. This is the only concern in the city engaged in making machinery for the manufacture of shingles, heading, wood pulp, etc., and is one of the largest of the kind in this sec- tion of the country. They give employment to from forty to fifty workmen and their business extends over the United States, Canada and different parts of Europe. Aside from Mr. Trevor's interest in this business, he is the president of the Hartland Paper Company of Middleport, N. Y., a director of the Niagara Paper Mills and is one of the stockholders in the United Indurated Fiber Company and was one of the original founders of the company. He was married December 27, 1867, to Anna M., daughter of Benjamin C. Moore of Lockport, and they have two children: Carolyn M., a graduate of Wells College, Aurora, and Benjamin R., a graduate of Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Buffalo. Trevor, Francis M., treasurer of the Trevor Manufacturing Company, and one of 73 the most prominent of Lockport's citizens, was born at Hamilton, Madison county, N. Y., May IT, 1844. He was educated at the Rensselaer Institute, from which he was honorably graduated in 1866 and two years later was graduated from the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. He then served for three years as assistant engineer in the navy; he at this date removed to Lockport and became connected with the man- ufacturing firm of Trevor & Co. This concern was established in 1858 by Joseph and James B. Trevor, which was carried on under the firm name of J. B. Trevor & Co. for three years, when it was succeeded by Trevor & Co. George S. Trevor after- ward became a member of the firm and when his interest was purchased by William W. Trevor, the style of the firm was unchanged and upon the death of James B. , in 1867, Mr. Francis N. Trevor became a partner and the firm became Trevor & Co. until January 1, 1890, when it was incorporated under the style of the Trevor Manu- facturing Company, as it is at present. This firm are large manufacturers of ma- chinery for making staves, shingles, heading and wood pulp. Aside from his inter- est in this concern he is one of the stockholders in the Niagara Paper Mill, the Lockport Hydraulic Company and was one of the organizers and directors in the United Indurated Fibre Company. He is a member of Lockport Lodge No. 17, F. 8z A. M. and the society of Naval Graduates; he is also a member of the Zeta Psi, a Greek letter college fraternity. He was married in April, 1885, to Katharine, daughter of Stephen Wheeler of Rochester and an only son, George W. , has been born to them. Mr. Trevor takes an active interest in all good moves for the advance- ment of the city's interests and is a great lover of outdoor sports, being a member of the Anglers' Club and others of equal note. Taylor, Reuben A., was born at Lanesboro, Pa., March 8, 1866, and attended the jmblic schools until he was fifteen years of age, when he entered the State Normal School at Potsdam, Pa. He was compelled to work his way through .^school, which took him five years, whereas the regular course was but three. In 1886 he was gradu- ated with honors, having completed the English course of instruction ; he then taught for one year in the Sanitaria Springs (N. Y.) public schools, also one year at Spring Valley, N. Y. , and two years at Haverstraw, N. Y. In November, 1889, he was ap- pointed express messenger for the National Express Company over the West Shore and Fitchburg Railroad, his route being from Niagara Falls to Boston, Mass. In 1890 he removed his residence to Niagara Falls. On August 21, he was mar- ried to Larena A., daughter of Hon. W. W. Mumford, of Starrucca. In September, 1892, he assumed the principalship of the then Union School at Niagara Falls, to which position he had been appointed in July of the same year; he still holds that office, the school at the present time bearing the name of Niagara Falls High School. Tice, James A., was born in New Jersej', September 1, 1827, a son of James A. Tice, sr., who came to Niagara county in 1833, and located where the subject now lives. His parents came all the way with a team and wagon (spending the Fourth of July of that year in Philadelphia), and were six weeks on their way. They lived in their wagon until they could clear a small spot and erect the small log cabin of the pioneer and went to work to hew a home out of the wilderness, for at that time there was not a stick of the primeval forest touched. Mr. Tice can remember of hearing the wolves howl and .seeing a great many deer. His father was a soldier in the war of 1812 and one of the "Jersey Blues." He died April 29, 1876, and his wife March 74 24, 1866. James A. Tice was married to Mary C. Richardson, November 15, 1856. and they had three children: Emma, the eldest, was born June 2, 1859, and married James Bonnell, who resides in the town of Newfane ; Ziba, was born February 23, 1860, and married Tena Barnes; he resides with his father; and Hattie Eliza (de- ceased) was born August 12, 1862, and died September 29, 1894. Mr. Tice is a prac- tical and successful farmer and does general farming. He also has about forty acres of good orchard, mostly of apple trees. In politics he is a Democrat, and has served as pathmaster for several years. He is one of the representative men of Niagara county and a genial host. Rice, William B. , M. D. — The prominence attained by Dr. W. B. Rice in Lock- port during the past fifteen years, is such as to warrant some mention in these pages. This gentleman has occupigd a special sphere in the successftil care and treatment of the sick and aiflicted. He was born in Madison county, N. Y., Novem- ber 29, 1828. He was educated in the public schools and academy at Port Byron. At an early age he began the study of medicine in his father's office and in 1863 was graduated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College, receiving the degree of M. D. He at this date removed to the town of Millville, Mass., and began the practice of his profession, in which he continued for a short time when he removed to Niagara Falls, N. Y. Dr. Rice has always taken an active part in politics and during President Grant's term was postmaster at Niagara Falls, also under Presi- dent Hayes. He is a member of the Niagara County Medical Society of which he is president. January 13, 1853, he married Jerusha Barton. Leonhardt, H. C, M. D. , was born in Logan, Perth county, Ontario, October 3, 1864. He was then educated at the Mitchell Collegiate Institute, and the University of Buffalo, from which he was graduated in 1890. He then went to Europe for a year, nine months of which were spent in a post-graduate course in Vienna and Berlin and three months in London. He located in North Tonawanda in 1894. Dr, Leonhardt is a member of the Masonic fraternity, the Iroquois and the Mystic Circle ; also of the Erie County Medical Society and of the Anglo-American Vienna Medical Association, etc. He married Susan Amelia Wright of Toronto, and they have one daughter: Annie K. Dr. Leonhardt's parents were John and Magdalena (Klaum) Leonhardt, both natives of Germany. Lureman, Charles, was born in Germany, September 16, 1843, a son of John and Christian (Schreider) Lureman, natives of Germany, who immigrated to America in 1854, settling in Trenton, Oneida county, N. Y., and in 1859 came to Pendleton, where Mrs. Lureman died in 1879. Charles Lureman was educated in the common schools and has always been a farmer on the homestead farm of eighty acres, which he now owns. May 6, 1861, he enlisted in Co. A, 28th N. Y. Vols. ; he was discharged June 4, 1864, and re-enlisted in Co. A, 2d N. Y. Mounted Rifles, and was honorably discharged August 10, 1865. He was engaged in the following battles: Winchester, Cedar Mountain, Antietam, Chancellorsville and many smaller battles and was wounded while crossing the Appomattox River, near Farmville. In politics Mr. Lureman is a Republcan and has been collector and elected assessor in 1897, being the only Republican elected in the town. In 1871 he married Wilhelmina Vereck of Pendleton, and they have four children: Louisa F., Matilda A., Charles J. and Alice C. 75 La Barr, John, jr., was born in Saratoga county, October 28, 1832. His father, John W. La Barr, came to Niagara county in 1835 and through life has been one of the prominent men of his town, representing his county in the Assembly in 1857. He married Ahiiira, daughter of Nicholas Palmer. John La Barr, jr., was educated in Niagara county and at Lima. He married Mary E. Rowe, and they had six chil- dren: William D., Burt C, Mrs. Martha E. Chase, Mrs. Nettie R. Ketcham, Anna C. and Frank. McDonald, E. C, Wheatfield, was born in Buffalo, October 2, 1857, and received his education in that city, graduating from the State Normal School in 1877. He has been in the milling business twenty years, seven in Buffalo and thirteen in Ton- awanda. He is not only an active and successful business man, but is also a prom- inent member of the Blue Lodge, Chapter and Council. He is past master of the Blue Lodge and past high priest of the Chapter and has been senior grand deacon of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, and has been secretary of Tona- wanda Lodge No. 247, F. & A. M., for the past five years. Mr. McDonald married Lois E. Abbey of Buffalo, N. Y. He has been trustee of the village for two years and president for part of a term, and has been president of the Board of Water Commissioners three years. His parents were Charles C. and Sarah (Crane) Mc- Donald. His father died in 1886. Mansfield, Alonzo J.— Prominent among Lockport's many manufacturers is A. J. Mansfield. He was born in Clarence, Erie county, N. Y., October 20, 1824, and was engaged on a farm until 1848, when he removed to Rapids, Niagara county, and engaged in farming and milhng, in which he continued for eight years. At this date he removed to Lockport and was appointed assistant assessor in the internal revenue office, which position he held for seven years. In 1872 he purchased the Lockport Glass Works, which he has since owned and operated. Mr. Mansfield served six years on the Board of Education and is now president of the Police Board. McNair, C. C, was born in South Bristol, Ontario county, July 8, 1853. His father, James C. McNair, was born in the same town, w^here the family were early settlers. James McNair married Jane, daughter of William Kaufman, and they came to Niagara county in 1857, settling in the town of Royalton, where he was identified as a farmer. C. C. McNair was educated in the common schools, and in 1875 entered the employ of Seaman & Barton of Gasport; in 1876 he established his present business and to-day is carrying the leading stock in Gasport. In 1877 he married Hattie E., daughter of Lewis Olds, and she died in 1890; in 1891 Mr. Mc- Nair married Mrs. Eva A. Mather, daughter of Jesse A. Gladding, and they have three children: Walter K., and Nellie I. McNair and Inez H. Mather. Mr. McNair was elected and served his town as supervisor for two years, and has also served as postmaster for two terms. Mesler, M. A., was born in the town of Royalton, April 5. 1851, a son of A. Mesler, who was one of the pioneers of Niagara county. M. A. Mesler was educat- ed in Lockport Union school, and in 1875 establi-shed his business of dealer in agricultural implements, paints, hardware, flour, feed and produce. In 1893 he erected his present store and to day is one of the leading dealers in his line of 76 goods. In 1876 he married Carrie, daughter of William H. Simpson ; Mrs. Mesler died in 1885, and Mr. Mesler married Mrs. Mary Miles, who died in 1895, and he again married Minnie, daughter of Theodore Stevens, and they have two sons, Ralph and Clarence, and one daughter, Cora M. Miller, Galen, was born in the town of Lewiston, Niagara county, a son of Will- iam and Alanthe (Rose) Miller, and is well known throughout this part of the State as an agriculturist and lawyer. He has also been prominent both at home and abroad in public affairs. He was justice of the peace four years and supervisor of the town five years. He took a prominent part in national affairs during 1896, being a delegate to the Populist National Convention at St. Louis, where he did more than any other man to unite the Populists with the Democrats and prevent them putting a Populist ticket in the field. He is one of the origmal silver men, having predicted the silver issue of 1896 in 1876. Mr. Miller is an independent reasoner, remarkably original in his ideas and arguments and is also a capable speaker. He was, when a young man, a Democratic delegate to the State Convention to make additions to the judiciary when Martin Grover, Allen and Rapello were elected. He has also been delegate to Congressional conventions. His articles to newspajjers have always played an important part in public affairs, always opposed to the issuing of public bonds for public improvements, believing it to be a better policy than to issue bonds to use the constitutional powers of the government and issue full legal tender money to make all public improvements ; always maintaining that the value of money did not depend on the intrinsic value of its material, but on its volume and the legal power given it by law to discharge a debt and to be receivable for all public dues. Money having that power given it by law would swap into any and all other property, not on account of the material of which it is made. He is in favor of good roads, but opposed to issuing bonds to pay for them. During the war he was an active patriot, and to secure men for the army he himself paid bounties. Moore Donald S. , was born in Georgetown, Ont. , January 21, 1869. He attended the public schools and was graduated from the Woodstock Collegiate Institute in 1887 ; he then engaged in teaching for three years and at the end of this time he entered the Cornell School of Law, from which he was graduated with the degree of LL.B. conferred upon him in 1894. He then came to Lockport, and after spending a year in the law offices of John E. and Cuthbert W. Pound he was admitted to the bar and immediately began the practice of his profession in that city where he has since been engaged. McCarty, Owen E., was born at Belleville, Ontario, Canada, February 15, 1869, a son of William McCarty, an employee of the Grand Trunk Railroad Company. Owen McCarty attended the public schools of his native town until sixteen years of age, when he entered the medical department of Trinity College at Toronto, and was graduated therefrom in 1890. He spent the following year in the Toronto general hospitals in the capacity of house surgeon and in 1891 removed to Niagara Falls, N. Y., where he formed a partnership with M. Talbot, M. D., and where he still con- tinues in the successful practice of his profession. Dr. McCarty has been president of the Niagara Falls Academy of Medicine since its organization. McKee, Thomas J., was born in the town of Newfane, April 22, 1838, a son of 77 Anthony and Elizabeth McKee, who were among the oldest settlers in Newfane. His father was born in Orange county, N. Y., April 21. 1806, and came with his pa- rents, James and Martha McKee, to Niagara county about 1825, locating in Newfane, and buying their land from the Holland Land Company. The country was all a wilderness filled with wolves, deer and bears; they built their rude log cabin and with undaunted courage and energy, hewed a home out of the forest. They were married in 1839 and were the parents of eight children, five of whom are living: Mrs. P. T. Dix ; James M., who resides in Northern Michigan; Thomas J., Mrs. D. E. Stout and A. A. McKee, who resides in the town of Wilson; Martha, Andrew J., and Addie are dead. Mr. McKee died in 1896 and his wife in 1874. Thomas J. Mc- Kee received his education in Newfane, after which he engaged in farming. He was first married to Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Brauker of Newfane, who died in 1855. Mrs. McKee died in 1872, and in 1873 he was again married to Lovira Brauker, a sister of his former wife, and they ha/e one son, Rodney, born April 15, 1875. Mrs. McKee's people came from Pennsylvania to Niagara county in an early day, locating in Lockport for a time and came from there to Newfane in 1845, settling where the subject now lives. There were six children in the family, three of whom are living. Daniel, John and Mrs. McKee. Jacob was killed at Spottsylvania, and Jacob Brauker Post, G. A. R , at Newfane, is named in his honor. McMullin, Rankin, was born at Syracuse, N. Y. , August 27, 1831, a son of Rankin R. McMullin, deceased. He attended the Lockport and Lewiston public schools and began his business career in the hardware trade at Lockport. He spent a number of years in travel, having, in 1859 with a companion, walked from Leavenworth, Kan., to San Francisco, Cal., and ended that trip with two years in the California mines. In 1861 he enlii-tedin the United States Army in the 4th Regiment of California Vols, and served until the close of the war. In June, 1866, he returned to New York State, settling at Suspension Bridge and was appointed in the same year a deputy collector of customs, which office he filled for four years. In 1872 he again went to California, but returned to Niagara Falls in 1877, when he was made a gatekeeper at Prospect Park, and upon the purchase by the State of New York of that property, he was made one of the State Reservation Police, which position he now holds. Mr. Mc- Mullin is a member of Niagara Falls Blue Lodge No. 132, F. & A. M., and Niagara Chapter No. 200, R. A. M., and is a member of Dudley Donnelly Post, G. A. R. Murphy, James P., was born in Montgomery county, N. Y., May 9, 1816, and came to Niagara county in 1832, settling in Lockport, and engaged in the business of cabi- net making, which he carried on for many years. He served as city clerk for two years, from 1854 to 1856, and in 1862 was appointed assessor of internal revenue by President Lincoln, which position he held until the year 1871. He was engaged in the grocery business for eighteen years and retired in 1890. In 1833 he married Catherine Davey, who died in 1890, and he again married Ellen Roberts in 1894. He has three sons: William G., James H. and Charles A., by his first wife, all of whom are residents of Lockport and doing business in the city June, 1897. Murphy, James P., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., January 14, 1855. After his school days were ended he worked for three years in the office of D. J. Townsend, superintendent of Prospect Park, and for several years he devoted his time to land- 7S scape photographing. From 1882 to 1891 he served as town clerk of the town of Niagara, and in 1885 engaged in the insurance business; at the present time (1897) he has the largest agency in Western New York, representing the best of the standard stock companies doing business in the State. Miller, Charles J., was born in Newfane in 1865, a sou of Peter D. and Mary (Coulter) Miller. Peter Miller was born in Montgomery county and came to Orleans county in 1830, thence to Newfane in 1845, where he lived until his death in 1895. Mrs. Miller was born in Newfane and resides on the old homestead. C. J. Miller has two sisters, the eldest, Alice L , now Mrs. Robert D. Wilson, resides in Newfane, and Carrie E., now Mrs. George D. Bixler. Mr. Miller was graduated from the Lockport Union School in the class of 1886, and from Cornell University in 1890, after which he returned to Newfane and engaged in the basket and lumber business ; he does about $20,000 of business each year, and has a fine house and lot and a farm of 110 acres. In 1892 he married Lotta I., daughter of Jesse O. Lockwood. Asso- ciated with Mr. Miller in the basket and lumbering business are S. D. Redman, president; James A. Kelley, vice-president; R. D. Wilson, secretary, and C. J. Miller, treasurer. The company was organized in 1887, at which time they bought out Shaw & Vincent, the former owners. They put in two spans of 100 feet each of stone dams, one in 1891, the other in 1892, making one of the best dams and giving the best water power on Eighteen-mile Creek. In 1893 their entire plant was burned, but they at once rebuilt and worked with such vigor that in two weeks they were do- ing business again. Their output is about 300,000 each of peach and grape baskets and 1,000,000 berry baskets, the latter going to all parts of the United States. In 1895 they added a saw mill to their already large plant and are doing a profitable and growmg business in lumber. Murphy, Edward, has resided and prosecuted his vocation in Lockport for many years, and is deservedly popular, not only with property owners, contractors, archi- tects, builders and others directlj'^ interested in improvements, but with the business communitv and general public. He was born at Moyles, Monaghan county, in the North of Ireland, October 17, 1859. His first schooling was obtained at New-Castle - on-Tyne, England. In 1868 he immigrated with his mother to this country and set- tled in Lockport ; his first business experience was in the capacity of office boy in the office of R. H. James, in whose employ he continued for nine years. In 1885 he ac- cepted a position as salesman with Calvin Himes, one of the leading lumber dealers of Lockport, and in 1890 succeeded him in business, which he has since conducted with marked success. Mr. Murphy has two yards, one at No. 6 East avenue and one on West avenue. The one on West avenue comprises an acre and a half of land, with a storage capacity of from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 feet, the annual sales averaging from $50,000 to $60,000. Mr. Murphy deservedly enjoys the confidence and a liberal share of the patronage of the contractoi's and builders of Lockport and the country round about, and is popular with all who know him by reason of his well known in- tegrity, liberality and courteous manners. Millar, Hon. David, has been prominent at the Niagara county bar and on the bench for nearly thirty years. He was born at Lewiston, Niagara county, N. Y. , September 30, 1842, a son of Alexander and Mary (Chew) Millar. He was educated 79 in the public schools aud the Levviston Academy and Lockport Union School. In 1867 he entered the law office of T. F. & G. W. Brown as a student, finishing his legal studies, however, in the office of Farnell & Brazee, and was admitted to the bar in 1869. He has always been identified with the Democratic party, and in Novem- ber, 1889, was elected judge of Niagara county. July 12. 1871, he married Hortense, daughter of Peter Valleau of Ontario, Canada. Merritt, John A., of Lockport, Niagara county, N. Y., was born in Tecumseh, Lenawee county, Mich., November 24, 1851. He was educated in the public schools of Tecumseh and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor; removed to Lockport in 1870, studied law in the office of Benjamin Hunting, was admitted to the bar in 1876, and entered upon the practice of his profession in 1886 ; associated himself with Law- yer A. A. Bradley, under the firm name of Bradley & Merritt, attorneys, and con- tinues to practice law under the firm name. Mr. Merritt was elected county clerk of his county (Niagara) in 1880, and was re-elected in 1883, serving in all six years. In 1886 he was chosen a member of the Board of Education of the city of Lockport, which position he still holds, having been several times re- elected, and having been chosen president of the board for five years. In 1891 he was appointed and commis- sioned by President Harrison postmaster of Lockport and served four years; and he was appointed third assistant postmaster-general on the incoming of President Mc- Kinley's administration. Mr. Merritt is also interested in several large business en- terprises, being secretary and treasurer of the Niagara Paper Mills at Lockport. Mr. Merritt is married and has one son, who is now in college — Cornell University, at Ithaca, N. Y. Meehan, James Henry, M. D., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., November 4, 1869, and is a .son of John P. Meehan. Doctor Meehan's grandfather was one of the pioneer settlers of Niagara Falls. James H. attended public and parochial schools at Niagara Falls and graduated from the Niagara Falls High School in the class of '89. He was the first one to win a Cornell scholarship from that institution and from Niagara Falls. In the fall of 1889 he entered the Medical Department of Ni- agara University at Buffalo, N. Y., and was graduated therefrom in the class of '93. Shortly after receiving his medical degree he opened an office in his native city, where he has since been engaged in the successful practice of his profession. Doctor Meehan was appointed city health officer of Niagara Falls in 1894, and served two terms in that office, those of '94-95 and '95-9(i. He is an occasional contributor to medical literature and has contributed several articles to medical journals through- out the country. He is at present engaged in the preparation of two works, one "Our Municipal Corporation," a satirical work on the follies and vices that so fre- quently creep into administration of the modern city government, and the other, "The Medical Education of the Laity," dealing with medical subjects upon which a large degree of misinformation and lack of information exists among the general public. Noble, Romyne W., Somerset, was born in Somerset, August 10, 1841, and is the only son of Marcus and Abigail Noble. His father was born in Connecticut, Decem- ber 11, 1808 and his mother was born in New York, October 6, 1810. They came on canal to Somerset and were on the way two weeks, arriving at Somerset May 13, 8o 1840, and located on the farm now owned by their son. Mr. Noble died September 25, 1879, and Mrs. Noble May 9, 1889. Mr. Noble attended Yates Academy nearly four years, after which he engaged with his father in farming, soon assuming com- plete management of the farm. October 17, 1866, he married Ellen Stewart; she died November 12, 1878, and on September 39, 1880, he married Orpha A. Bliss, and they have two daughters, Edna May, born January 26, 1885, and Mildred Orpha, born August 14, 1889. Mr. Noble is engaged in fruit growing and stock raising, and has a fine dairy consisting of twenty head of cows. His large farm of 237 acres is under a high state of cultivation and his buildings are magnificent. Nassoiy, Peter F., was born at Buffalo, N. Y., July 13, 1838, a son of Dominick Nassoiy. He attended the public schools of Erie county, N. Y., and worked on his father's farm until twenty-one years of age, when he removed to Niagara Falls and engaged as carriage driver for Oscar De Camp, hotel and livery stable proprietor. Later he purchased carriages and horses and secured the right to do the livery busi- ness for the Western Hotel at Suspension Bridge ; he afterwards sold out to W. P. Home, proprietor of the Western Hotel, and carried on the grocery business until 1887, when he leased a piece of property at Niagara Falls and erected the present European Hotel, which he has successfully operated ever since, havmg purchased the ground upon which it stands. Mr. Nassaoiy is an extensive property owner and is widely known and highly respected by all. Odell, Charles W., was born on the homestead in Royalton, July 9, 1837. Mr. Odell's grandfather Joseph Odell, came to Royalton in 1815 and bought of the Hol- land Land Company 225 acres of land, and was one of the men whose efforts have made Niagara county what it is to-day. He married Miss Cooley, daughter of Erastus Cooley; he died in 1845, His son, Col. Alanson T. Odell, was born in the town of Loraine, Jefferson county, December 16, 1811, and came to Royalton with his parents in 1815. He was a public spirited man whose judgment was sought and respected by all who knew him. He always took an active interest in the devel- opment of his town in school and church matters, and was appointed colonel of the State militia by Governor Seward in 1838. He married Julia, daughter of James Baldwin, and died in 1883. Charles W. Odell was educated at Carysville Semi- nary of Genesee, graduating in 1855; also taking a special mathematical course in 1861 and was appointed assistant door-keeper in the House of Representatives and afterwards served in the War Department for five years, as superintendent of the division of quartermaster's accounts. In 1867 he returned to Middleport and en- gaged in mercantile business for seventeen years, when he was burned out. He then became a member of the firm of Compton & Odell and in 1887 became secretary of the Batavia Preserving Company; in 1895 and 1896 he was manager of the Lake- side Park. In 1862 he married Caroline, daughter of Alphonzo T. Swain, and they have three children, Howard S. , Mrs. Jennie S. Cotton, and Mrs. Julia Hughey of BufTalo. Mr. Odell has always taken an active interest in the town affairs and has served as trustee. Odell, James M., was born in Middleport, November 16, 1838. His father, Alan- son T. Odell, came from Jefferson county to Niagara county in 1816, with his par- ents, Joseph and wife, who settled about three and a half miles southwest of Middle- 8i port and bought a farm of the Holland Land Company. Joseph Odell first walked from Jefferson county and cleared up a portion of his land ; returning the following spring, he erected a log house, then walked back and brought his family in an ox cart. James M. Odell was educated in Lockport and Medina. He traveled South for several years and m 1867 returned to Niagara county, where he has since lived. In 1893 he built the Odell House in Middleport and is recognized as a con- servative, upright man who has ever advanced the best interests of his town and townspeople. Oliver, William, a member of the firm of Oliver Bros., manufacturers of iron bedsteads and one of Lockjjort's influential and popular citizens, has been a resident of this city for many years. In 1892, in company with his brothers, Thomas, George and John, he engaged in the manufacture of brass and iron bedsteads, hav- ing for many years previous been engaged in the manufacture of cider. Mr. Oliver is a man of energy and marked practical ability and is to be congratulated upon the large measure of success which has attended his efforts in the manufacture of bed- steads and the material and industrial development of Lockport. Pierce, Fred I., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., March 24, 1865, and is a son of James S. Pierce, who died in 1869. Mr. Pierce was educated in the public schools at Niagara Falls and at De Veaux College, graduating in 1882, when he entered the freight office of the New York Central Railroad Company, as a clerk, remaining for two years. He then took up the study of law in the office of Henry C. Tucker, where he spent one year, then returned to the New York Central Railroad freight office for one year. In 1886 he was made bookkeeper of the Bank of Niagara, and held that position for seven years, when he was appointed cashier of the Power City Bank, where he has remained ever since, a trusted and respected official. Pettebone, Maj. Lauren W., was born at Lockport, N. Y. , June 29, 1848, a son of the late Stoughton Pettebone, who was the first president of the Pettebone Paper Company, incorporated in 1883. Lauren W. received his education principally un- der private tutors and at the age of eighteen entered the business office of his father at Niagara Falls, where he learned paper manufacturing and has continued in that business ever since, becoming president of the Pettebone Paper Company upon the death of his father in 1888. He is a director of the Niagara Falls Water Works Company, the Niagara County Savings Bank, the Niagara Falls Power Company, and is otherwise identified with the business interests of the city of Niagara Falls. Major Pettebone was first lieutenant of the 42d Separate Company of Infantry, N. G. N. Y. , and later was promoted to the inspectorship of rifle practice, with the rank of major, on the staff of Brig.-Gen. P. C. Doyle. September 14, 1881, Major Pettebone married Lavinia, daughter of Daniel J. Townsend of Niagara Falls, and they have had three children: Lauren A., Harold C. and Gladys. Major Pette- bone is a man of liberal education and high attainments, honored and respected by all. Pearson, William, was born in the county of Durham, England, February 23, 1821, and came to the United States in 1831 with his parents, George and Dorothy Pearson, who settled in the town of Royalton. Mr. Pearson was educated in the common schools and in 1847 moved to Lockport, where the family are among the k 82 largest farmers in Niagara county, having 800 acres. In 1846 he married Sarah, daughter of John Ash, and they have four children: George T., John W., Dorothy A. and Mary E. Mr. Pearson is one of the conservative men of the town, taking an intelligent interest in educational matters and has ever advanced the best interest of his town and townspeople. Humphrey, S. N., Somerset, was born in Orwell, Addison county, Vt., March 21, 1830, and is a son of Guy and Sarah (North) Humphrey, who came from Vermont in a covered wagon, arriving in Somerset December 8, 1831, and settled on the farm of fifty acres now owned by and lying beside the large farm where the subject now lives. At that time the country was new and was nearly all woods, what few roads there were being corduroy and very rough. His father was identified with the very early de- velopment of the section m which he lived and closed a very useful life on October 1, 1862. His mother died June 13, 1884. There were eight children in this family: The subject; Guy C, resides near his brother; Rosevell, died when ten years old; Esther Humphrey Abbey, born m 1825, in Orwell, Vt. ; Ruth, born in December, 1827, died in 1848; Sarah, born August 10, 1834, died January 1, 1837; Betsey E., born July 4, 1843, died May 13, 1848, and William Henry, who died when five years old. Mr. Humphrey is a large fruit grower, having a number of fine orchards; also raises a large quantity of grain and a great many hogs and cattle. He has never married. Hague, C. Frederick, was born in the town of Hannibal, Oswego county, N. Y., September 1, 1871. His education was obtained from the Levinsworth Institute at Wolcott, Wayne county, and the Lockport Union School. His first business experi- ence was in the photograph business at Niagara Falls, with George Barker, where he remained until 1895, when he removed to Lockport and was employed by W. J. Hart, and April 1, 1897, succeeded him and has since conducted the business alone. Mr. Hague is a .son of Frank W. and Amanda (Pearsall) Hague, who are of Dutch- English descent. Halsted, Irving, was born in the town of Stockbridge, Wis., April 28, 1852, a son of Joseph and Clara Halsted. His father was born in the town of Newfane, and his grandfather, Benjamin Halsted, was one of the very first settlers who came into the town, locating in Olcott before the war of 1812. During that time they were driven out by the British and their home burned, and they returned to Seneca county, from which they came, where they remained one winter and returned to Olcott in the spring, where they remained until they died. His father was born in Olcott and when old enough engaged in farming and the nursery business. He was in Wiscon- sin six or eight years, and while there was elected county clerk, serving the people with honor and credit. He was married in 1850 and had two children, the subject and Oliver W. , born in 1857. Irving Halsted received his early education in the district schools and finished at Lockport Union School, after which he made a study of music and is well posted in the same. He married Emma F. Beebe (born Decem- ber 16, 1851), June 3, 1874. Mr. Halsted is a member of Senach Wine Lodge No. 147, I. O. O. F., Tiskilwa, 111., and is a past grand. He has retired from active life. Howell, Daniel, was born in Niagara county, N. Y., August 26, 1827, a son of Daniel and Sarah (Hill) Howell. Daniel Howell, sr. , was born in New Jersey and 83 came to Porter, N. Y., when a young man and bought a farm and spent his last days in Canada. Mrs. Howell was born in Ireland and died in Porter. N. Y. Daniel Howell, jr., was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools; his first business experience was as a clerk for Peter Tower of Porter, and in 1851 he moved to Buffalo, where he clerked for several years; was with Pratt & Co. twenty years, and later with Walbridge & Co. and in business for himself. In 1898 he came to Wilson, where he lives a retired life. He has married twice, first to Letitia Sylves- ter on May 4, 1856; they had two children, one died in infancy and Daniel E., who died in Chicago, aged thirty-two. Mrs. Howell died in 1891 and in 1896 he married. May 21, 1896, Rachael M. (Case) Cramton (born October 16, 1830), widow of Dr. E. H. Cramton of Wilson. Dr. Cramton was a veterinary surgeon for thirty-five years in Wilson, and a resident there for forty-four years; he was born October 18, 1824, in Genesee county, married November 28, 1854, and died January 20, 1894. Mrs. Howell's father, Deacon Luman Case, was born in Granby, Conn., and came to Wilson on foot when a young man, settling on a farm where he lived and died. He served as postmaster for several years and poormaster, was deacon in the Presby- terian church and elder and chorister for several years. He was also a stockholder in the Union school and trustee many year.s. Henry, L. E., was born in Porter, N. Y., October 22, 1858, a son of Lewis, born in JeiTerson county, N. Y., a son of Ziba Henry, born in New Hampshire, and came to Jeflferson county when a young man. L. E. Henry was reared on the farm and educated in the common schools, and a select school in Youngstown. He was with W. H. Doyle & Son of Youngstown for two years, and in 1880 came to Wilson, where he was clerk in the post-office for three months, when he engaged as a clerk for O. S. McChesney, druggist, and remained with him for eleven years. In 1892 he engaged in the grocery and meat business for himself and has been very successful. In politics he is a Prohibitionist and has served as trustee of the village and member of the Union School Board of Education for .several terms. In 1881 he married Ella Spicer at Lockport, and they have three children: Lulu, Mabel and Clair. Mr. and Mrs. Henry are members of the First Presbyterian church of Wilson, in which he has been deacon, elder and trustee for several years, and for some time was superin- tendent of the Sunday School. Hamblin, William, was born in Vermont, May 6, 1821, a son of Enos and grand- son of John Hamblin, who was born in Dutchess county and was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. He was taken prisoner and spent his last days in Wilson. Enos Hamblin was born in Vermont in 1792, was in the war of 1812, and his wife, Susan (Smith) Hamblin, was also born in Vermont; they came to Wilson in 1834, where she died April 30, 1852, and he died August 17, 1870. William Hamblin was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He was engaged in the mercantile busi- ness for about twenty years, when he bought his farm he now owns of 260 acres and carries on farming and fruitgrowing. In October, 1841, he married Annie Tower, daughter of Otis Tower, one of the first .settlers of Wilson. To Mr. and Mrs. Hamb- lin were Vjorn three children : Eh N. , enlisted in tho 28th N. Y. Vols. ; George O. and Mary (deceased), married L. N. Bradley. Mrs. Hamblin died in 1853 and in 1856 Mr. Hamblin married Amorette E. Wood, and they had one son, Frank W. Mr. Hamblin was lirst a Democrat, but has been a Republican since Lincoln's second 84 administration; he has been assessor three j'ears, railroad town commissioner three years and supervisor of town three years. He assisted in buying the first Masonic Hall and was a charter member of the lodge, No. 376, F. & A. M. Haeberle, George, was born in Wiirtemburg, Germany, October 22, 1832, where he received his education and at the age of twenty-five immigrated to America. In search of employment, he and a companion walked the entire distance from New York city to Niagara Falls and it was in the latter city that he first found work, in the car shops of the New York Central Railroad Company as a carpenter. He re- mained with that company until 1803, when he established himself in business as a carpenter and builder at Niagara Falls and followed that calling until the time of his decease in October, 1896. Mr. Haeberle was an enterprising and thrifty man and as the years went by his business increased rapidly, necessitating the building by him of the largest and best equipped steam planing mill and lumber yards at Niagara Falls. He has fulfilled contracts for many of the largest and most imposing build- inge in Niagara Falls and in his declining years he associated with him in the busi- ness, his two sons, George C. and Charles E., who since his death have continued to operate the business bequeathed to them by him. Mr. Haeberle was of a modest, unassuming nature and applied himself closely to his business. He had served the village of Suspension Bridge as water commissioner and trustee for many years, and during President Grant's fii'st term of office he held the position of mail agent of that village, and later accepted the position of supervisor of the village for four years. Huss, Frank, was born in Alsace, October 24, 1858, a son of John and Rosa (Zilliox) Huss. He learned the trade of blacksmith in the old country and came to America in 1882, where he worked at his trade for four years in Buffalo. He then moved to Lewiston and carried on a general blacksmith business for five years, when he built the Lewiston House, which he has since successfully conducted. He married Lena Walter, and they have four children: Frank, Rose, George and Catherine. Mr. Huss is one of the enterprising and progressive citizens of Lewiston and is highly respected by all who know him. He is a member of the Odd Fellows and is a Republican in politics. Hurd, S. Wright, M. D., has been a prominent physician and surgeon of Lock- port for nearly fifteen years. He was born at Yates Center, Orleans county, N. Y., September 19, 1856; he received the foimdation of his education at the public schools of his native town. In 1877 he began the study of medicine in the office of Dr. R. S. Bishop of Medina, and on March 10, 1880, was graduated from the Hahneman Med- ical College of Philadelphia. He immediately began the practice of his profession at Akron, Erie county, N. Y., which he carried on with success for six years, when he removed to Lockport, where he has since been engaged in the practice of his pro- fession. Dr. Hurd IS a member of the New York State Homoeopathic Medical So- ciety, the Western New York Homoeopathic Medical Society and the American In- stitute of Homeopathy; he is also connected with the Lexington Heights Hospital of Buffalo. He was married in April, 1883, to Belle A. Paxon, of Akron, N. Y. Harwood, Bert S., was born December 13, 1873, a son of Hon. J. Marville and Cornelia J. Harwood. His father was born in the town of Newfane, on the Hess Road, in 1838, and was a prosperous farmer. He served as supervisor for a term S5 of years and was afterward elected to the Assembly and served two terms, 1889 and 1890. He was killed on August 7, 1893. Bert S. Harwood was attending school at Lockport at the time of his father's death, when the care and management of a large farm developed upon him, and he was obliged to leave his school with- out completing the cour.se. There are four children living in this family: Bert S., J. Marville, born in 1880; Nina C, born in 1884, and Frank R., born in 1886 BertS. Harwood is now engaged in growing fruit and grain, but gives the most attention to fruit growing, having a pear orchard of 1,000 trees, 1,000 peach trees and six acres of berries, besides a large apple orchard. Higgs, William H., was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., August 26. 1851. His parents were natives of England and immigrated to this country at an early age and set- tled in Brooklyn. Mr. Higg.s's first business experience was as a salesman in his father's leather goods house in New York city, where he remained until 1873, when they removed to Lockport, where he has since resided. The hardware firm of Rood & Higgs was established in 1875 and in 1878 was succeeded by Higgs & Staples, who have since conducted the business. He was married in May, 1877, to Eva, daughter of Rev. Asahel Staples of Lockport, and they have two children, Grace and William. Hathaway, Otis, was born December 2, 1788, in Farmington, Ontario county, N. Y. He came to Lockport in the early spring of 1821, bringing his family on the fol- lowing year. He was one of the earliest settlers of the place, coming when it was almost a wilderness, and with his uncles, Jared and Darius Comstock, and their as- sociate, Seymour Scovell, owning at one time nearly all that portion of the village ly- ing east of the Transit and upon the Mountain Ridge. He was one of the land pro- prietors, who in 1821 met and gave the village its name. Mr. Hathaway was the first to employ a surveyor to lay out his lands in village lots, Mr. Jesse P. Haines drawing up the map in 1821. That same year saw the erection of the first stores of the place, three in number. In one of these Otis Hathaway was interested; one of the Comstocks and himself putting up a frame building in which the post-office was loca- ted from 1821 to 1829; it was burned in the big fire of 1854. The followieg incident as well as being amusing will tend to show the energy and determination of some of those early settlers. About the time the village was started in 1821, there was a lit- tle contest as to where the court house and other county buildings should be located, Lewiston and Lockport being the most prominent rivals. Lewiston claimed the buildings as being the largest and oldest village in the county, and the courts hav- ing always been held there, they did not like to give them up. Lockport asserted the right as being nearer the geographical center and from the location of the canals and locks, as likely to be the business and commercial center. The Lewistonians had the advantage of possessing a newspaper by which they could send out their side of the question all over the county. Hearing the printer was not very well sup- ported, some of the citizens met and appointed a committee consisting of Dr. Isaac Smith and Otis Hathaway to go to Lewiston and purchase the paper, press and printer. They left one afternoon with two lumber wagons, reaching Lewiston just after dark. They found the printer, bought the press and engaged the printer to go back with them. The press must have been a small affair, for they packed it, the printer, his family and hou.sehold goods into the two wagons and were back in 86 Lockport before morning of the next day. That noon saw a paper out on their side with fiery convincing articles and blazing with exclamation points. They sent some copies over to Lewiston that night, which was the first intimation some of the inhab- itants had that they were minus a paper. Among other buildings which Otis Hath- away built, were the first mill and the American Hotel. The mill was erected in 1824, the material being taken from the surroundings forests. It was completed in twent3'-two days. The occasion was made one of great celebration, as before that time the farmers were obliged to go to Niagara Falls or Rochester to have their wheat and corn ground. The American was built some time later. He began and nearly completed it, but owing to financial disasters was obliged to leave it for others to finish. His first home was a log cabin a little east of the Gulf. After that he lived in a frame dwelling, where the old Union School now stands. In the year 1886 he built the stone house on the corner of Charles and Chestnut streets, which was his home during the remainder of his life. It is still in the possession of his granddaughter, Mrs. Sellick, and is one of the oldest houses in the city, the walls be- ing of unusual thickness. Mr. Hathaway died September 23, 1847. Works, Samuel, was born December 4, 1781, in Westmoreland, New Hampshire. He came to Rochester in 1816, removing from there to Lockport in 1831. During his residence in Rochester he was among its most enterprising and useful citizens, and was called to many places of trust in the growing community, and for Lockport he did what he had already done for her more ambitious neighbor. Every move- ment that had for its object the improvement and advancement of this localitj% re- ceived the aid of his time, money and wise counsel. Mr. Works held a number of official positions. He was elected to the New Hampshire Legislature in 1810. After becoming a resident of Lockport he was elected to the New York State Senate in 1837, serving eight years, 1837-45. This election was the commencement of one of the most remarkable political careers in the history of the State. He was a leading Whig, being at one time connected with the Weed and Seward faction of the party, and on severing relations with them he became the leader of the Silver Gray or Fill- more wing of the party. It was through his great political influence that Henry Clay was nominated for president in 1844. He visited personally more than half of the States and was in correspondence with Mr. Clay's friends in every section of the country. He was a warm personal friend of Thurlow Weed, until estranged from him owing to political differences, and of Millard Fillmore, De Witt Clinton and Governor Hunt. It is said of the latter that he never took an important politi- cal step in his long career without first consulting Samuel Works. In later years Mr. Works was a friend of Rutherford B. Hayes, He was twice married, his second wife being a daughter of Otis Hathaway, an early settler of Lockport. Mr. Works died January 2, 1868. Thorn, David, was born December 30, 1814, in Scotland. He was graduated from the University at Aberdeen and followed the profession of a civil engineer. He came to the United States when nineteen years of age, bringing letters of introduc- tion to prominent men of Canaudaigua. He became a citizen of Lockport soon after he was employed as a civil engineer at the time of the first enlargement of the canal and locks. He was also one of the engineers at work on the Welland 87 Canal, when that was constructed. Mr. Thorn was a young man of bright prospects, but died at the early age of thirty-one years, October 11, 1845. Hagen. Charles, was born in Harburg, Hanover, February 28, 1839, a son of Con- rad and Johanna Hagen, and came to America in 1861. November 5, of that year, he enlisted in Co. D, 100th N. Y. Vols., Colonel Payne's company. He was company clerk and also chief clerk at General Terry's headquarters, and served three years and three months, participating in the battles of Yorktown, Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Seven days retreat, Bottom's Bridge, the advance on Charleston. S. C, Peters- burg, and many other noted battles. He also had the distinction of setting fire to the only ship the rebels had to carry supplies between Charleston and Fort Wagner, a steamer known as the Monigault. He received a bullet wound on May 7, 1864, and was at once taken prisoner by the rebels, but escaped to his own lines when both armies were firing. Mr. Hagen is a member of Scott Post No. 129, and has been senior vice-commander, and is at present chaplain of the post. He has been register of vital statistics and notary public. Democratic county committeeman of his town, and has been town clerk for upwards of twenty-two years. He has married twice ; his first wife was Mrs. Cook, and his present wife, Louise Moritz. Mr. Hagen's mother mother lived to be 101 years old and died in 1894. In December, 1868, he went to Germany, England, Scotland and Ireland on a visit, staying there eight months. Hogan, James, was born in Lewiston, N. Y. , August 9, 1857, a son of the late Thomas Hogan. The family removed to Bloomington, 111 , when James was four years old, at which place his father died in 1863. He attended the public and par- ochial .schools at Niagara Falls, whither his mother had removed in 1863, and when eighteen years old left school and began his business career. While going to school, when eight years old, he lost both of his legs by the railroad cars. In 1889 he was elected collector for the village of Suspension Bridge and held that office for two years; in 1893 he was elected supervisor of the Fourth ward of the city of Niagara Falls, and is still an incumbent of that office. Haynes, Edward P., was born at Brookfield, Mass., July 4, 1831, and is a son of Reuben Haynes, long established in Brookfield as a silver plater and now deceased. Edward P. Haynes attended the public schools at Greenwich, Mass., whither his parents had removed in 1835, and at the age of seventeen he entered the Monson Academy (Monson, Mass.), where he remained for three years. He then began life as a farmer, which calling he pursued until 1886, when he removed to Niagara Falls, N. Y., where he established himself in the rciail coal trade in which he is still successfully engaged. He is an extensive property owner and a member of Niagara Frontier Lodge No. 132, F. & A. M. of Niagara Falls. In October, 1857, he married Eliza O. Fay of Barre, Mass., and they have two children, Ella L. and Hattie E., living, and one son died, age eighteen years. Hotchkiss, James H., was born in the town of Wilson, Niagara county, July 25, 1834, a son of A. E. and Electa Hotchkiss. His parents came to Niagara county in an early day. locating in Wilson, where they remained until 1838 and then removed to Jackson county, Mich., and remained there until 1853, when they removed to Illinois, where he died in 1858. Mrs. Hotchkiss came to Newfane in 1860 and died in 1873. They had nine children: Abram, born in 1830, resides in Porter; Noah, 88 born in 1832, died in 1887; James H., ; Edwin, born in 1836; Rose, born in 1838, died in 1863; C. S., born in 1840; Henry, born in 1842, died in 1878; Alexander, born in 1844, died in infancy, and one half brother and sister. James H. Hotchkiss was educated in the common schools and engaged as fireman on the railroad. August 22, 1862, he enlisted at Rochester, in the 19th N. Y. Light Artillery and was wounded in front of Petersburg in the forehead and removed to the hospital where he re- mained until April 1, 1865, when he was discharged and returned home. He mar- ried Frances Michaels of Aurora, 111., February 28, 1856, and they had six children, four of whom are living: Isabelle, born June 28, 1861; Electa, born December 25, 1867; Clara, born May 21, 1869; Matilda, born June 23, 1871, died September 5, 1882; James, born August 3, 1875, and Edwin, born January 8, 1878, died February 18, 1882. Mr. Hotchkiss is a member of Jacob Braucker Post, No. 547, G. A. R. at Newfane, of which he is sergeant Mr. Hotchkiss is a retired farmer, has a fine home and is a cordial and unassuming gentleman and has a warm place in the hearts of his com- rades and neighbors. Hartmann, Frederick K., was born in Saxony, Germany, January 30, 1847, asonof the late George Hartmann. He was educated in the schools of Waterloo county, Canada, whither his parents had immigrated in 1853, and at fourteen years of age he learned the carpenter's trade, which he has made his life's business. In 1880 he came to Niagara Falls and established himself in business as a contractor and builder and has remained ever since, successful and popular. He is a member of the Board of Select Knights, Electric City Lodge No. 20, and has been married and has SIX children. Jayne, A. W. , M. D., was born in Danville, Va., July 7, 1846. He was educated at Charlotteville, Va. , and Madison University, from which he was graduated in 1869. He received his medical education in New York city and graduated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College in 1873, and from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1875. After practicing in Syracuse, N. Y. , for six years, here- moved to Norfolk, Va., thence to Buffalo, where he practiced four years and came to North Tonawanda in 1888. Dr. Jayne was health officer of North Tonawanda for six years, was coroner of Niagara county in 1894 and town poor physician in 1895. He is a prominent member of the Select Knights and is medical examiner for both the Tonawanda lodges. He was formerly major of Capt. M. Mauer's dra- goons. Dr. Jayne first married Flora M. Bassett, by whom he had one son, Almon A., now a student in Brown University. His second wife was Rebecca M. Marshall, of Todmorden, Eng., and they have two sons, Luther and Arthur. Johnson, Wallace C, was born in Gi'anville, Mass., and is a son of James John- son, owner and operator of a large wood working mill at that town. Mr. Johnson attended the public schools and later took a course in Williams College, after which he entered the Massachusetts Polytechnic Institute, from which he was graduated in 1884. For two years he was in the employ of the Holyoke Water-power Company at Holyoke, Mass., and in 1886 came to Niagara Falls, where he accepted the posi- tion of chief engineer of the Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power and Manufacturing Company, which position he still retains; he has had entire charge of the design and construction of the works of this company which have been built during the past ten 89 years and has also had charge of much hydraulic work here and elsewhere. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, a charter member and officer of the Engineers' Society of Western New York. Mr. Johnson is a man of liberal education and kindly disposition and is highly respected by all who know him. Jones, Joseph H.. was born at Buffalo, N. Y. , November 30, 1841, a son of David Jones, a butcher of North Wales, who died on his farm on Grand and Buckhorn Isl- ands, N. Y., in 1881. Joseph H. Jones was educated in the Buffalo and Grand Isl- and public schools and at sixteen years of age joined his father on the farm (which he had purchased in 1847, upon retiring from the milling business), and tilled the soil until 1861, when he enlisted in April of that year in the 21st Infantry, N. Y. Vols., and served with that regiment in many brilliant campaigns, being mustered out of the service of the U. S. army in May, 1863. He at once returned to Buffalo, where he acted as recruiting officer for the 12th N. Y. Cavalry and went to the front with that regiment, serving until the close of the war in 1865. For several months he operated in the oil regions of Pennsylvania and later removed to the northwest, where he was engaged in lumbering (in Michigan and Wisconsin) until 1869, when he returned to the farm on Buckhorn Island, N. Y., and carried on a general farm- ing V)usiness until 1889. In the spring of 1890 he sold the farm and removed to La Salle, where he has ever since been engaged in the flour, feed and mattress business and has been eminently successful in all his operations. July 10, 1860, he married Emogene L. Kent of Grand Island. Mr. Jones has been a member of the Board of Health of Niagara county for two years, and is a member of the Niagara County Democratic Committee. He is a man of sterling worth and a highly respected citi- zen of the town of Niagara. Owing to poor health caused b}' hard military services during the Rebellion he has about retired from work and business. Jones, Walter, was born at Sweden, Oxford county. Me., January 15, 1851, a son of the late Simeon H. Jones. He attended the public schools of his native town until fifteen years of age, when his parents removed to Fryeburg, Me., where he en- tered the Fryeburg Academy and remained until 1870. In that year he began studying civil engineering in the office of Garbutt & Wood, of Boston, Mass., with whom he remained for five years. In 1877 he removed to Niagara Falls, and in company with Stephen M. Allen organized the Niagara Wood Paper Company, of which company he was made president and general manager and retained that posi- tion until 1892. At this date he resumed his business as civil engineer and was in the same year appointed assistant city engineer of Niagara Falls, acting in that capacity for two years. In 1894 he formed a partnership with A. H. Porter, as Por- ter S: Jones, and has since enjoyed a large and lucrative business. He is past mas- ter of Niagara Frontier Lodge No. 132, F. & A. M., past high priest of Niagara Chapter No. 200, R. A. M., and eminent commander of Niagara Commandery No. 64, K. T., and is at present district deputy grand master of the Twenty-fourth Ma- sonic District, State of New York. August 15, 1875, he married Lucy C. Walker of Lovell, Me. King, I. J. Forbes, was born at Clockville, Madison county, N. Y., September 24, 1861, and is a son of Daniel H. King, who was for twenty-five years a hotel proprie- 90 tor in the village of Clockville. Mr. King acquired a limited education from the public schools of Sanborn, Niagara county, where he worked at farming until he was thirteen years old, when he entered the Sanborn station of the New York Cen- tral Railroad Company, to study telegraphy. He perfected himself in all depart- ments of railroad service, including freight, passenger, express and Western Union telegraphy. At the age of sixteen he was found competent to manage the business of the railroad company's office at Sanborn and frequently did so in the absence of the agent. In 1878 he came to Niagara Falls and entered the employ of the New York Central Railroad Company as night operator in the telegraph office, where after six months he was promoted to the position of day operator and of assistant manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company and New York Central Rail- road ticket office. Later he became assistant manager of the Edison Telephone Company and was the first operator to speak over the telephone between Niagara Falls and Buffalo. In 1887 he formed a partnership with F. C. Belden in the busi- ness of real estate and ticket brokerage, resigning his position with the New York Central Railroad Company. Since January 23, 1896, when the partnership was dis- solved, he has continued alone in the real estate and ticket brokerage business. He is a notary public and a member of the American Ticket Brokers' Association. Mr. King is a self-made man, highly respected by all who know him and a business man of the strictest integrity. Knox, George W., was born at Knoxboro, N. Y., April 23, 1867, a son of Orville M. Knox, a prominent farmer and hop dealer of that section. He attended the public schools of his native town and at the age of twelve years entered the High School at Oneida, N. Y., whither his parents had removed, and was graduated therefrom in 1886. He entered Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y., in 1886 with the class of 1890, and left in 1888 to enter the office of Jenkms & Devereux at Oneida, where he read law until 1891, when he was admitted to the bar of the State of New York at Binghamton. In 1892 he removed to Niagara Falls, where he has since en- joyed the uninterrupted and successful practice of his profession. Kelley, James A., vice-president and foreman, or manager, at the mill for the last ten years, of the Newfane Basket Company, was born in Maine, February 16, 1849, a son of Jacob and May Kelley. His father was born in Maine and his mother in Massachusetts. They lived in Lowell for a short time after marriage, after which they came to Lockport, where he engaged in lumbering with his brother, remaining there for a period of three years, when they dissolved partnership, his brother going to Philadelphia and engaging in the sash, door and blind business, when he moved to Newfane and engaged in running a saw mill with Vincent, which they conducted for a few years, when he gave up milling and engaged in fruit growing until his death in 1893. His wife (mother of James A.) died in 1895. There were five chil- dren in this family: James A., Abbie F., now Mrs. Goodrich, resides on the home- stead ; George and Ella (deceased), and Willis, who resides in Ransomville. James A. Kelley married Mary, daughter of George Ketchum, who resides in Newfane. Mrs. Ketchum died in 1896. Mrs. Kelley is a member of the M. E. church at New- fane and is an interested worker in church matters. Mr. Kelley is mterested in fruit growing and has an orchard of sixteen acres, all in a flourishing condition. 91 Knapp, Franklin L., M. D., was born in Phelps, N. Y., September 22, 1817. His father. Rev. Liscomb Knapp, was a native of Vermont, and moved to Monroe county, N. Y., where he married Lucinda, daughter of James Gay, and in 1836 came to the town of Royalton. Franklin L. Knapp was educaced in the common schools and Royalton Academy; in 1844 he entered the Geneva Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1845 and began practice at Geneva. In 1847 he came to Gasport, where he has practiced five years; in 1866 he married Phoebe M. Brownell, and they have one daughter, Mary E. Dr. Knapp was one of the pioneer physicians of homeopathy and his early years were filled with struggles and battles to introduce what he believed to be the true system of medicine. Kirapel Solomon, was born at Bentinck, Ontario. Canada, December 16, 1858, a son of the late Henry Kimpel. He was educated in the public schools of Bentinck and removed to Mildmay, Ont., in 1876, where he was apprenticed to Eidt & Noecker, merchant millers, for three years. In 1879 he removed to Stratford, Ont., and at once entered the mills of Poehlman & Redcliffe. In 1880 he removed to St. Louis, Mo., entering the mill furnishing house of Todds & Stanley for four months, then removed to Milwaukee, Wis., and remained for two and a half years at the milling business. In 1883 he removed to Niagara Falls, N. Y., and at once entered the flour mills of Schoellkopf & Mathews, Later he was emploj^ed in the Central Milling Co.'s flour mills, and in 1890 was made superintendent of the Cataract Milling Co.'s mills and retained that position until 1895, at which time he was appointed to his present position of superintendent of the Schoellkopf & Mathews flour mills. La Blond, Frank, was born at St Heliers. Jersey, England, May 24, 1847, and is a son of Emmanuel Theophilus Le Blond (deceased). Mr. Le Blond attended the pub- lic schools at St. Heliers, and at the age of fourteen was apprenticed to a plumber for five years. lu 1868 he removed to London, Eng., where he was engaged at his trade for two years; in 1870 he immigrated to America, settled in Niagara Falls, Ont., where he entered the employ of Thomas Barnett, at the Museum. From 1873 to 1878 he was in charge of the water works of the Great Western Railroad Company (now the Grand Trunk), at the Horse-shoe Falls, Canada. In 1878 he opened the Cliff Hotel at Niagara Falls, Ont., which he operated successfully for six years, when he formed a partnership with Richard F. Carter, and built the steamer Maid of the Mist, which began running in June, 1885. He is at present manager of the Maid of the Mist Steamboat Company. He is also actively engaged in many enter- prises, as president or managing director, is an extensive land owner and a highly respected citizen. His residence since 1888 has been in Niagara Falls, N. Y. L}'on, H. L. T., one of the enterprising members of the Buffalo Steam Pump Co., is a resident of Buffalo and native of Pennsylvania. He was educated at Peekskill, De Veaux College and the L^niversity of Buffalo, and before embarking in business had achieved a high reputation as an amateur athlete, particularly in aquatics. He is a stockholder in the Buffalo Steam Pump Co. and contributes his time and ability as a draughtsman to the furtherance of the enterprise. Mr. Lyon is a scion of a representative American family, his grandfather H. L. Taylor, having been one of the great successful oil operators and dealers of his day. His mother was Kate Tay- lor; his father, W. W. Lyon, died in 1877. Mr. Lyon is an energetic and talented 92 young business man, whose energies are a valuable acquisition to the Buffalo Steam Pump Co. and to North Tonawanda. He is a member of the Psi Omega fraternity in the University of Buffalo, the Kappa Delta Pi of Peekskill and is also a Mason. Lindsay, Hon. James P., was born in Londonderry, Ohio, May 24 1856, and is of Scotch-Irish descent. When quite young he removed with his father's family to Illinois, thence to Iowa, finally settling near Indianola, where he continued to reside until admitted to the bar. His parents were Samuel B. and Maria (Bratton) Lindsay, both natives of Ohio. His father was a member of the Ohio Legislature, and served in the war of the Rebellion as second lieutenant of Co. A, 48th la. Inf. James P. was educated at Simpson, (la.), and Monmouth (111.) Colleges and Chicago Uni- versity, from which last he graduated in the class of 1880. He was admitted to the bar at Des Moines, Iowa, in 1881, and shortly thereafter located in the practice of law at Lincoln, Neb. In 1883 he located at Beaver City, Neb., where he was county attorney until 1886, when he was elected to the State Senate, and re-elected in 1888, serving four years. His majority on re-election was the largest of any member of either branch of the Legislature that year, being nearly 4,000. In 1891 President Harrison appointed him register of the U. S. land office at McCook, his district em- bracing nearly half of the State south of the Platte River. In 1894 he came to North Ton- awanda and entered into a partnership with Hon. Henry E. Warner. Upon the organ- ization of North Tonawanda as a city he was tendered the appointment as city judge, which office, however, he declined. Mr. Lindsay is a member of the Workmen, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias. In 1883 he was married at Indianola, la., to Lizzie M. Campbell, and thay have three children living: Erma, Cecile and Walter. Lienz, Jacob, was born in Wurtemburg, Germany, a son of Daniel and Margaret Leinz, both of whom died in Germany. He came to America about forty years ago and settled in Amherst, Erie county, N. Y., where he remained two years and then came to the town of Newfane, and worked one year by the month and one year b}?^ the day, after which he rented a farm, on which he remained sixteen years, and which he afterwards bought for $4,500. He then bought the farm he now owns, paying $8,000 for it and has so managed it that he has paid for it and has fine build- ings and one of the best improved farms in his town. He married Christina Klein, and they had eight children, five of whom are living: Daniel, the eldest is married and has one daughter; Mary married Fred Mayer and has two sons and resides in Buffalo; Tennie, Emma and John, the three youngest, reside with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leinz are faithful members of the German Lutheran church. He is a prosperous and enterprising farmer and a gentleman. Lum, Silas, Somerset, one of the oldest settlers and pioneers of Niagara county, was born in Otsego county in 1814, and came with his parents to Somerset in 1819, settling on the farm he now owns. He endured all the hardships incident to pioneer life, the country at that time being the home of the Indians and wild beasts, and with the exception of now and then an occasional clearing and pioneer cabin, as wild as nature made it. His father went to Chautauqua county, where he settled on a farm, erected a cabin, cleared the farm and then sold his improvements. He died in 1843 and his mother in 1876, at the ripe old age of ninety-three years. Mr. Lum has two brothers living, one, Chauncy, living in Lyndon, and one, James, living near 93 Kalamazoo, Mich. His only sister, Lucy, died in 1860. Mr. Lum never married and is now enjoying the fruits of honest labor well rewarded. He is a member of the Niagara County Pioneers' Picnic Association. Leggett, John H., was born at Lewiston, N. Y., December21, 1808, and is a .son of John C. Leggett, a farmer of that place. Mr. Leggett was educated in the public schools of his native town and De Veaux College, from which he was gradu- ated in 1889, when he began reading law with Hon. P. F. King, of Lockport. In 1893 he was admitted to the bar of New York State and at once formed a partner- ship with the Hon. P. F. King in the practice of law at Niagara Falls. In 1896 F. J. Brown became a member of the firm and they now have a large and successful practice under the firm name of King, Leggett & Brown. Mr. Leggett is also attor- ney for the Niagara County Board of Supervisors. November 9, 1892, he married Emily M. Taylor, of Toronto, Can., and they have one daughter, Jennie M., born on February 14, 1890. Devereaux, Patrick, a prosperous farmer of Hartland, was born in County Wex- ford, Ireland, in 1831, a son of Margaret and John Devereaux. His father died in Ireland. He and his mother immigrated to America in 1852, landing at Savannah, Ga., whence they came to New York State, settling first in Utica, thence to Lock- port, where he engaged in farming. In the spring of 1807 he came to Hartland and purchased the farm he now owns, which he cleared and improved. In July, 1878, he married Bridget Kinney, daughter of Thomas and Anne Kinney, also natives of Ire- land and who immigrated to Lockport in 1873. Mr. and Mrs. Devereaux have six children: Margaret A., born in June, 1880; Georgiana, born in March, 1882; John, born in September, 1883; Mary, born in January, 1885; Thomas, born in December, 1887, and Kittie, born in July, 1890. They are all at home, and are a refined and courteous family. They are members of the Catholic church at Hartland. Mr. Devereaux is a practical farmer, and is proud of the fact that he owes no man a dollar. Devereaux, John E., was born at New Haven, Conn., May 8, 1852, and is a son of Edward Devereaux, a well known landscape gardener, now deceased. Mr. Devereaux had little chance for study, as his father moved continually in the prac- tice of his profession, until 1804, when they settled at Geneva, where he attended the public schools of that place three terms. In 1806 he removed with his parents to Clifton Springs, where his father died, and Mr. Devereaux entered the employ of the Clifton Springs Sanitarium, remaining until 1872, when he went to Poughkeepsie to attend for one session Eastman's Business College. In 1878 he removed to Niagara Falls, where he at once entered the employ of the Cataract House, and where he since has remained, excepting during the years 1879-80-81, when he was elected town clerk at Clifton Springs, N. Y., one year appointed; also was clerk of the Board of Education, returning again to the Cataract House, where he has risen through all possible grades to his present position as manager, which post he has held for the past eight years. Mr. Devereaux has been interested in little or no other business aside from his hotel work for the past quarter of a century, with the exception of the last three years, during which time he has been engaged (mostly during the winter months) in the real estate business. In 1892 he was appointed a member of the 94 Board of Public Works and during the presidential campaign of 1896 he was chair- man of the City Democratic Committee of Niagara Falls. Delmage, Henry J., was born in County Limerick, Ireland, October 13, 1842, a son of the late Adam Delmage. In 1849 Adam Delmage removed with his family to Hamilton, Ontario, Can. , where Henry attended the public schools and at the age of thirteen began the active life which he still leads. In 1862 he helped build the first wing of the present Niagara University and later entered the hotel business, which he has followed ever since. In 1874 he bought his present hotel and has operated it successfully for twenty-three years as the Ontario House, Niagara Falls. In 1883 Mr. Delmage was appointed assessor of the village of Suspension Bridge to fill a vacancy, and in 1884 was elected assessor of the town of Niagara. He was re-elected to that office in 1887 and again in 1890; in 1894 he was elected city assessor and was re-elected in 1897. He also filled the office of treasurer of the village of Suspension Bridge in the years 1881-82-86 and 1891. May 23, 1867, he married Bridget Lena- han and they have ten children. Mrs. Delmage died November 19, 1884. They had one child, Eddie P., who was killed by being run over by a wagon, Augu-st 21, 1888. Mr. Delmage is a member of the C. M. B. A. and A. O. H. of Niagara Falls. Donahue, Michael, was born near Limerick, County Clare, south of Ireland, Octo- ber 15, 1843, and in 1862, when nineteen years old, came to America in company with his mother to join his three brothers, James, Martin and John, and two sisters, Hanora and Bridget, who had previously settled at Niagara Falls. Shortly after his arrival here he was engaged by the New York Central Railroad Company as watch- man in their extensive lumber yards and station, and later (1872) was promoted to special railroad police under the same company. In 1881 he was placed in charge of the station at Niagara Falls as station master and yard master; in 1896 he was re- lieved of yard duty and holds the office of station master, which position he now occupies, a trusted and respected officer. Dix, P. T. , a farmer and fruit grower of Newfane, was born in Whitecreek, Wash- ington county, N. Y., in 1821, a son of Ozias and Phoebe (Tillinghast) .Dix. Ozias Dix was born in Vermont in 1794, and came to New York State in his younger days, settling in Niagara county in June, 1834, where he died in 1874; Mrs. Dix died in 1872. P. T. Dix married Maria Antoinette McKee of Newfane, December 18, 1861, and they had seven children, five of whom are living, two died in infancy Louah Marian, now Mrs. Frank M. Bradley of Somerset; Winifred, now Mrs. Dr. G. B. Arnold of Downington, Pa. ; Cornelia, resides at home, but is now in Florida ; Minella, at home, and Burt Tillinghast. Mr. Dix was town superintendent of pub- lic .schools and justice of the peace eight years and deputy collector of customs at Olcott under Buchanan. He is a Good Templar and a Prohibitionist. He has ten acres of peach orchard, twenty-Hve acres of apples and four of pears. Dowding, John, was born in England, in 1847. He came with his parents, Thomas and Mary Dowding, to America in 1850, locating first in Ontario county, where they remained some time and his father worked on the Erie Canal, after which he engaged in farming, renting for a time and after getting a fair start bought a farm in Newfane, on which he lived until his death in 1883. His wife did her share toward paying for the home and when her husband died she lived with 95 her son John, who took care of her until her death in 1893. John Doweling was first married to Densie E. Corvvin in 1872, and they had two daughters: Matie E., born in September, 1873, and married Burton Bixler of Newfane; S. Libbie, born in September, 1874, married Joseph R. Flagler of Newfane. Mrs. Dowding died Jan- uary 1, 1878, and in 1879 Mr. Dowding married Rettie C. Barber, and they had three children : A son who died in infancy; Addie F., born October 19, 1881; and Clara B., born December 4, 1883. Mrs Dowding died December 25, 1894, and Mr. Dowding and two daughters have since been alone, the daughters keeping house and attending school. In the spring of 1887 Mr. Dowding was elected commissioner of highways in the town of Newfane, overcoming a good majority of the opposite party. He is an industrious and successful farmer. De Graff, James H.. was born in the town of De Witt, Onondaga county, N. Y., June 21, 1834, and attended school in the Kinne district in Orville, same county. He came to Buffalo in 1851, where he was employed by Ball & Barton, contractors, then engaged in building the government breakwater and dredging the Erie basin, till the spring of 1852, when he entered the employ of Barton & Richardson, who had contracted to build several miles of the roadbed of the Great Western Railroad in Canada across an extensive marsh between Chatham and Windsor; this engage- ment continued until the completion of the road, when he returned to Buffalo to the old firm in 1853. In the fall of 1854 he again engaged with Barton & Richard- son, who had the contract to enlarge the Erie Canal through Tonawanda. This en- gagement continued to the fall of 1857, when he went to Virginia in the employ of Barton, Cartwright & Co. in the construction of the Chesapeake and Albemarle Canal between Carrituck Sound and the Elizabeth River near Norfolk, Va. In the spring of 1859 he returned to Tonawanda and was married to Miss Mary Simson, daughter of the late John Simson, who came to Erie county in 1811 and died at his old home in 1893. In 1860 Mr. De Graff was engaged by a part of his old employers and had charge in the development and deepening of the Kanawha River for steam- boat navigation above and below Charleston, W. Va. He relates many narrow escapes they had in getting a part of their dredges, dump boats and steamers past the Confederate forts at Charleston and Red House Shoals during the Rebellion, and escaping to the Ohio River in June, 1861, when General McClellan was expect- ed up the river to capture Charleston. In 1863 he formed a partnership with his father-in-law, John Simson, and engaged in lumbering in Northern Michigan, and in the purchase of pine lands and getting out long timber which was made up into large rafts and towed by powerful tugs to either Port Huron, Detroit, Toledo, Buf- falo or Tonawanda. In 1876 he became a member of the banking firm of Evans, Schwinger & Co., with a capital of $25,000, which was merged into the State Bank in 1883, with a capital stock of §100,000, which still exists, and of which Mr. De Graff has been president since its organization. He is al.so president of the Tona- wanda Gas Light Company, was a charter member of the Buffalo Loan and Deposit Company and has been its vice-president since it was organized. He was elected supervisor of the town of Tonawanda in 1876, 1878 and 1879. In 1884 he built his home on the corner of Gaundry street and Payne's avenue. North Tonawanda, re- moving from Tonawanda, Erie county, to the north side — Niagara county — where he now resides. Mr. De Graff has three living children: Louis A., who is married 96 and lives at Albion; Lydia M., who married Charles Weston and lives on the op- posite corner from her father; and Legrand S., who lives at home, acting as man- ager for A. Weston & Son, wholesale lumber dealers in town. Mr. De Graff's fore- fathers — both paternal and maternal — came from Amsterdam, Holland, with the first colony that settled at Schenectady about the middle of the sixteenth century. His mother, Evan Van Eps, was born m Schenectady, N. Y., June 7, 1802, and married in 1823. In the summer of 1825 they came by boat on the Erie Canal, as it was then just finished for traffic, and settled at Orville, in the town of De Witt, On- ondaga county, and in which town his mother still lives with her daughter on Man- Itus street, East Syracuse, in her ninetj'-sixth j^ear; she retains her mental faculties remarkably well for her advanced age. On June 7, last, at the celebration of the ninety-fifth anniversary of her birth, five generations were represented. She read a passage of Scripture from the old Bible, without glas.ses, and was handed a copy of the Buffalo Express in which she read a portion of an article, saying that the print was i-ather fine, and asked for her " specs," as she called her spectacles. On that occasion she related many scenes of the ups and downs of her past life and her school-girl days, and afterward sang in a low tone several verses of hymns she had learned when as a girl she sang in the choir of the old Dutch Reformed church, of which she was a member in her maiden days. Devlin, Samuel J., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., September 10, 1869. He at- tended the public schools at Niagara Falls, and early in life became interested in manufacturing. In 1895 he became identified with the Kelly & McBean Co., novelty manufacturers, as its secretary and treasurer, of which position he is still an incumbent. Mr. Devlin is a stockholder in, and director of the Kelly & McBean Co. and is a member of numerous Masonic and other organizations. September 18, 1895, he married Mary Barker of Niagara Falls. Dick, George, was born at Tonawanda, N. Y. . March 1, 1841, a son of the late Jacob Dick. He was educated in the public schools of La Salle, whither his mother (now Mrs. Catherine Matthias) had removed. He left school at the age of eighteen and worked on the home farm at La vSalle until he was twenty-four years of age, when he purchased a farm of eighty-three acres and engaged m fruit growing and general farming until 1864; at this date he enlisted in the U. S. Army in Co. C, 2d N. Y. Regiment of Mounted Rifles. He went to the front with that regiment, serv- ing in several brilliant campaigns and was in at the surrender of General Lee at Appomattox Court House ; in August, 1865, he was mustered out of the service and at once returned to La Salle to his farm and to fruit growing, which he has followed ever since successfully. In November following his return from the war he was married to Susan A. Wattengel of La Salle, and they have reared a family of seven children, three sons and four daughters. Mr. Dick is an industrious and thrifty farmer and well deserves the high esteem in which he is held by his fellow citizens. Diver, John M., was born in Cleveland, Ohio, April 15, 1859, a son of John Diver. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, and when sixteen years of age learned the lumber business at Cleveland and has followed that calling ever since. In 1895 he removed from Cleveland to Niagara Falls and established his present business, building a large mill where he employs forty hands the year round. 97 Mr. Diver is a thrifty, enterprising man and well deserves the success that has at- tended his efforts. In 1879 he was married to Ellen J. Bieder and they have three children. Mr. Diver is a member of Brooklyn Lodge No. 454, F. & A. M. of Cleve- land, Ohio, Webb Chapter No. 14, Royal Arch Masons, and of Oriental Comman- dery No. 12, Knights Templar, of that city. Elton, Theron S., was born in Canandaigua, Ontario county, N. Y., March 9, 1831, a .son of James and Charlotte (Noble) Elton; James, a native of Vermont, and Charlotte, a native of Connecticut. The maternal and paternal grandfathers both served in the war of 1812. James Elton was a farmer in Canandaigua, and in 1840 settled in Wilson, where he engaged in farming and died in Rochester in 1883. Theron S. Elton was reared on a farm and educated in Yates Academy; in 1853 he married Lucinda Sweat, and they had one daughter, Frances M. Mrs. Elton died in 1874, and he married again, Myra, daughter of Charles Ford of Michigan, and she died in 1884, and in 1885 he married Mrs. Sarah Burton of Wilson. Mr. Elton remamed on the farm for sixteen years and then went on the lakes for eleven years, afterwards learned the ship carpenter's trade, which business he followed eight years. In 1860 he settled in Cambria and has since followed farming and wagon making. In politics he is a Republican, having served as justice of the peace twenty years, and was re-elected in 1896 for another term of four years. Mr. and Mrs. Elton have reared two adopted daughters, Lola M., wife of James Barnes, a farmer of Cambria, and Lottie L. , wife of Benjamin Hardison, a farmer of Cambria. Emerson, Joseph, was born in Dunville, Canada, January 31, 1868, a son of John and Leah Emerson. His father came from England to Canada, when a boj' and his mother is a native of Pennsylvania; they were married in Canada, where they have since resided. Joseph Emerson received his education in Dunville, after which he came to Buffalo and worked in a sanitarium in that place for three years. He then came to Newfane and bought a half interest in the Newfane Knitting Mills, with his brother-in-law, Fred Anderson, and continued the partnership for nearly three years (the mill was formerly the old Von Ostrand Woolen Mills, and one of the old- est landmarks in Niagara county), when they formed a stock company known as the Lockport Felt Co., January 26, 1891, composed of the following gentlemen: Fred Anderson, Joseph Emer-son, James Jackson, jr., J. Carl Jackson, A. S. Beverly, Au- gustus H. Ivins and Charles T. Raymond. This company continued for about three years, when Mr. Anderson retired, and the Jacksons are also out of the company and J. H. Eilus has been taken in. They now manufacture felting for paper and pulp mills and sell their goods over eight or nine States, Mr. Emerson being the traveling representative of the firm. October 22, 1891, Mr. Emerson married Chris- sie Mae Lettis of Albion, and they have one child, Harold L., born May 29, 1895. Mr. Emerson is a member of Ontario Lodge, Wilson, No. 376, F. & A. M. Edwaids, William C. , was born in London, England, January 16, 1851, a son of the late Richard H. Edwards. He was educated in the public schools of Buffalo, N. Y., whence his parents had removed in 1851, and when fifteen )'ears of age began learning the hardware business, which he followed for eleven years. In 1877 he en- tered the employ of the New York Central Railroad Company as a freight brakeman and worked up to the position of passenger conductor, in which capacity he served 98 until 1888, when he entered the insurance business in which he is still actively and successfully engaged. February 11, 1883, he married Carrie A. Widener of Holly, N. Y., and they have one child, Albertina G. Mr. Edwards is a member of Niagara Frontier Lodge No. 785, F. & A. M., of Niagara Chapter No. 200, R. A. M., and is one of the charter members of Niagara Commandery No. 64, K. T. He is also a member of Ismailia Shrine of Buffalo, A. A. O. N. M. S. He has been a member of Excelsior Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, of Niagara Falls since 1889, and has been secretary of the Fire Department since 1893 and treasurer since 1892. Enright, John P., son of Michael and Eliza (McDermott) Enright, was born in Buffalo, N. Y., January 18, 1863, but removed with his parents to Lockport when three years of age. He attended the Union school of Lockport and afterward took a course at the Canisius College at Buffalo. His first business experience was as a clerk in his father's grocery, where he remained for about nine years when he en- gaged in the brewing of ale and porter, in which he has since been engaged. Aside from the ale and porter brewery in Lockport, he has a very large brewery at Roch- ester, and the name of the Enright Brewery Co. of Rochester is famous through the State. Mr. Enright was married in April, 1892, to Mary T. Enright and they have one daughter, Frances C. Mr. Enright is a young man but is rapidly making his mark in the community and is respected by all who know him. Foote, John, M. D. — Among the leading representatives of the profession we find Dr. John Foote who has been in practice for nearly fifty years, and for thirty-two years a pi'actitioner of Lockport. He was born in the town of Greenwich, Washing- ton county, N. Y. , May 22, 1828. His parents removed to Niagara county in 1832, where he attended the public schools. In 1848 he began the study of medicine in the office of Dr. Peter P. Murphy of Royalton, and the following year entered the Buffalo University, medical department, and was graduated from that institution in 1851. He then began the practice of his profession at Pekin, Niagara county, where he re- mained until 1865, when he removed to Lockport and has since been engaged in the practice of his chosen profession. Dr. Foote is a member of the Niagara County Medical Society, of which he has been treasurer for twenty years; he also served on the Board of Medical Examiners for a number of years. By slow degrees he has built up his present large and growing practice, and has a right to feel proud of his honorable and successful career. Foster, James M., was born in the town of Yates, Orleans county, N. Y., Novem- ber 20, 1830, a son of James and Willina (Thomas) Foster. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools and Genesee Wesleyan Seminary. In 1851 he married Permelia B. Cady and they have four children: Frank L., Emma J., A. Clark, and James R. Mrs. Foster died and in 1863 he married Mary A. Woolson, and they have three children : C. Burt, May E. and William E. In 1866 he removed to Porter and bought 105 acres of land and has since added one hundred acres, and now follows general farming, stock raising and fruit growing. Mr. Foster is an ar- dent Republican and has been justice of the peace for eight years, supervisor one year and justice of sessions for one year. He is a member and present master of Ransomville Lodge No. 551, F. & A. M. , and is also a Scottish Rite Mason and a member of the lodge at Lockport. 99 Flagler, Charles W., was born on the Flagler homestead, October 9, 1839, which was bought by his father, Sj'lvester Flagler, in 1829, he coming from Washington county, and through life was identified as a farmer. He married Abigail, daughter of Benjamin Remington, both families being of Revolutionary stock. He served his town as assessor for nearly twenty years and ever advanced the best interests of educational and rehgious institutions. He died in 1856 in his fifty-third year. Charles W. Flagler was educated in Lockport. In 1863 he enlisted in Co. C, 2d N. Y. Mounted Rifles, serving in the Army of the Potomac, and received an honor- able discharge August 10, 1865, with rank of captain. He then returned to Niagara county and in 1864 married Harriet E., daughter of Augustus Button, and they have two children, George E. and Marion. Mr. Flagler has served his town as assessor for twenty-one years and has ever advanced the best interests of the town and aided any enterprise intended to benefit his townspeople. Forsyth, E. Holden, was born at Warren's Corners, December 28, 1829. His father, Edmund Forsyth, was born in Genesee county, July 15, 1803, and came to Warren's Corners with his parents, John and Mary (Ganson) Forsyth, in the spring of 1805. John Forsyth died in 1812, and his widow married Ezra Warren, after whom Warren's Corners were named. Edmund Forsyth was educated in the com- mon schools and through life was identified as a farmer, serving as road commis- sioner, town clerk, and took an active interest in educational and religious institu- tions, and ever advanced the best interests of the town and townspeople. Of him it can well be said " an honest man is the noblest work of God." He died in 1877 in his seventy-fifth year. E. Holden Forsyth was educated at Warren's Corners and Wilson, and has always been a farmer. In 1852 he married Harriet, daughter of Jacob Lafler, and they have three children: Arthur E., Mrs. Thomas Hoag and Mrs. Albert E. Taylor. Mr. Forsyth is one of the conservative men of his town, serving as road commissioner three years and trustee and steward of the M. E. church. He is recognized as a man of sterling integrity, who has ever received and merited the respect of his associates. Forsyth, Luther, was born at Warren's Corners, December 14, 1825. His father, Edmund Forsyth, was a native of Genesee county and came to Warren's Corners in 1805 with his parents, John and Mary (Ganson) Forsyth, who purchased a farm of the Holland Land Company. He died in 1812. Edmund Forsyth was identified through life as a farmer, and married Harriet, daughter of William Pardy. He was a public spirited man and took the lead in public affairs, takmg an active inter- est in school and church works. He died November 16, 1877, in his seventy-fifth year. Luther Forsyth was educated in the common schools and has followed farm- ing all his life. In 1849 he married Sarah, daughter of Demars Perry, and they have one daughter, Mrs. Jessie See. Mr. Forsyth is one of the representative men of his town, serving as justice for eighteen years, and is recognized as a man of con- servative character, who has ever advanced the best interests of town and towns- people. Ferrin, Charles J. — This prominent grain and coal dealer is a son of Rennis and Jane E. (Fox) Ferrin, and was born at Port Gibson, Ontario county N. Y., July 28, 1833. He was educated in the public schools, the Palmyra Union School and the lOO Walworth Academy, having graduated from the latter in 1848. His first business experience was with his father in the grain and forwarding business, where he re- mained until 1852, when he went to Detroit, Mich., taking charge of the freight department of Walter Chester. In 1870 he removed to Batavia and was engaged in the grain business at that place until 1883, when he removed to Lockport, where he has since conducted a large and prosperous grain and produce business. April 8, 1856, he man-ied Frances Butler, and they had five children, three of whom are now living, and two sons (twins) are associated with him in business. Foote, Reuben C, jr., was born at Royalton, N. Y., November 6, 1834, a son of Reuben C. and Electa (Taylor) Foote, and grandson of Lemuel and Lucy Foote. Reuben C. Foote, father of the subject, was born at Salem, N. Y., December 11, 1811 ; he was educated at Salem Academy, taught school two years, and at the age of twenty-two became a minister in the Methodist Episcopal church and was for thirty years actively engaged in the service. In 1883 he retired from active service and has since resided on the farm in Pendleton which he purchased during his min- istry. He has 108 acres in Pendleton and 120 acres in Hartland. He has been a very successful man, always having good charges, such as Henrietta, Dundee, Parma and several terms at Royalton, giving liberally to the church and accumulating a good competency ; he refused the presiding eldership and also the stewardship of the Lima College. Reuben C. Foote, jr., was educated at Lima and has always been a farmer. He worked the homestead until 1872, when he came on to his present farm of 107 acres and carries on general farming; he has also been quite largely engaged shippmg milk to Buffalo. March 5, 1855, he married Louisa A. , daughter of Anthony Ames of Pendleton, and they had two children: Burt A., traveling salesman, and Minnie E., wife of Henry M. Treichler, farmer of Wheatfield. Mrs. Foote died January 5, 1890. Mr. Foote has always been a Republican and has been justice of the peace several years. Folger, Charles E., has been connected with the United Indurated Fibre Company of Lockport since 1886, beginning in the capacity of bookkeeper, and has been suc- cessively advanced from time to time until he now holds the responsible position of assistant treasurer. He was born December 18, 1860, at Hartland, N. Y., and re- ceived his education from the Union School of Lockport. He is a son of Charles A. and Louisa (Baker) Folger, who came to this county from New England in 1855. Mr. Folger is a member of Empire Knights of Relief, the Royal Arcanum and the Lock- port Wheelmen. He married, February 8, 1893, Miss Georgie Torrance Lattin, a granddaughter of Capt. Asher Torrance, who came to Niagara county about 1832, and was a prominent citizen of Lockport in its early days, being postmaster for sev- eral terms. Gruhler, Joseph C, was born at Buffalo, N. Y., April 24, 1850, and is a son of Bernhard Gruhler, who was for years well known as a cooper, and later as a hotel proprietor in that city. Mr. Gruhler was educated in the public schools at Buffalo and at the age of fifteen entered the employ of J. B. Mayer, jeweler, where he learned the trade. From 1869 to 1881 he worked at the cooper's trade in Pennsyl- vania, Dunkirk and Niagara Falls, N. Y. , and then established his present hotel and restaurant business. He has been a director of the Niagara Permanent Loan and lOI Savings Association since its organization, and is past grand in the I. O. O. F., and record keeper of Cascade Tent 127, K. O. T. M., and member of the Board of Educa- tion of the city of Niagara Falls since it has a charter as a city. Gooding, Stephen F. — For more than sixty years Mr. Gooding has been estab- lished in his profession. His first engagement in engineering work was on the sur- vey of the Buffalo and Niagara Falls and the Lockport and Niagara Falls Railroad ; he next assisted on the survey of a railroad from Toledo to Sanduskj' city, and dur- ing the same year of a railroad running from Palmira, Mich., to Jackson, and later was employed on the Erie Canal between Buffalo and Rochester. In 1838 and 1840 he was engaged on the construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal; from 1840 to 1862 he was engaged in the engineering of the enlargement of the Erie Canal in the vicinity of Lockport, including the construction of the combined locks at that place ; in 1862 was elected village engineer, which position he held until in 1867 he made for the United States government, under charge of Colonel Blunt, U. S. A , surveys and estimate for a ship canal from Niagara River at Tonawanda to Lake Ontario at Olcott. In 1868 he removed to Long Island and was engineer in the construction of different railroads in that region. In 1876 he returned to Lockport and has since been engaged in surveying and civil engineering. In 1891 he made the surveys and estimates for a canal to utilize the power of Niagara River on a head and fall of over 200 feet at Lockport. It will thus be seen that Mr. Gooding is a civil engineer of rare attainments and ability and one whose services are in request in works where high order of skill is indispensable. He is a son of John and Mary A. (French) Gooding, and was born in the town of Henrietta, Monroe county, N. Y., October 31, 1817. He has been a Republican since the organization of that party and his first vote was with the Liberty party. He is a member of the East Avenue Congrega- tional church and was present at the first Sunday school ever held in the city of Lockport. His father was born in Bristol, N. Y., in 1795 and died in 1840; bis mother was born in the town of Alfred, Mass., in 1797 and died in 1873. Gold, William J., a son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Calaway) Gold, was born in Pittstown, Rensselaer county, N. Y., September 2, 1849. His first employment was in a cooper shop at Waterford, N. Y. In 1876 he removed to Lockport and entered the rtour mill of Saxton & Thompson, having charge of the flour packing department, and continued with this firm for a period of five years. He then embarked in the grocery business on his own account, which business he has since conducted. In May, 1892, he was appointed assessor by Mayor Darrison for one term of two years, which position he has held up to the present time. August 31, 1872, he married Mary A. Jones of Cohoes, N. Y. Gombert, William, Wheatfield, was born in Germany in 1847, and came to America in 1854 with his uncle. In 1861 he came to Lockport where he learned the carpen- ter's trade and followed it for five years there, when he came to North Tonawanda in 1869. He built the mill now conducted by J. S. Thompson and was a partner in the business for many years. After some changes the firm became Gombert & Thompson in 1887 and so remained until 1892, when Mr. Gombert sold out and went into the coal business. He also conducts the business of the Erie Coal Dock. Mr. Gombert enlisted in the 26th N. Y. Frontier Cavalry in 1865 and served four months. 102 He is a member of the Board of Public Works in the city of North Tonawanda and was alderman for four years and president of the village one year. While chairman of the street commissioners he built the bridge over the State ditch on Oliver street and procured the fire engine for the village, and served twelve years in the fire de- partment. Mr. Gombert married Caroline Werth, and their children are : Henry, Edward, Christian, George, Harmen, Walter, Elizabeth, Minnie and Esther. Grigg, Henry, was born in Somerset county, England, June 6, 183B, a son of the late Joshua Grigg, a well known miller. Henry Grigg was educated in England, and at an early age was apprenticed to a miller and served at that business until 1855, when he immigrated with his parents to America, settling in Skaneateles, N. Y., where he engaged in milling until 1861, then moving to Rochester, was for eight years in the employ of the Rochester Milling Company. In 1869 he removed to Lockport, where he was made superintendent of the Saxton & Thompson Flour Mills and remained there until 1885, at which time he accepted the position tendered him, and which he still retains, as superintendent of the Central Milling Company's Mills at Niagara Falls, and became a resident of that place. He was married in Ma}^ 1856, to Elizabeth Ann French of Skaneateles, N. Y. , and they have four children, three sons and one daughter. Hannan, Thomas, was born in Ireland, November 10, 1843, and was a son of James Hannan, a farmer, now deceased. Mr. Hannan was educated in Ireland and at the age of twenty came to America and settled in Niagara Falls, N. Y. , where he started in the grocery and provision business ; in 1873 he established himself in that line, which he has sviccessfuUy carried on ever since. April 22, 1875, he married Ann Canavan of Niagara Falls, and they have five children. Hoyer, J. B., M. D., was born at the Rapids, April 5, 1859. His father, Benjamin Hoyer, came with his parents to Middleport about 1830, taking up their land from the Holland Land Company. Benjamin Hoyer married Melinda, daughter of Henry Dysinger, and was identified as a farmer. He was greatly interested in church affairs and died in 1891. Dr. Hoyer was educated in Medina and Yates Academy, graduating from the medical department of the Buffalo University in 1881 and im- mediately began practice in Middleport. In 1882 he married Flora, daughter of Ira C. Baker, and the have two daughters, Jean and Hazel. Dr. Hoyer is one of the progressive men of his town, serving as a member of the Board of Education and Regents Examiner Middleport Union School. Arnold, John B , was born in the town of Lima, Livingston county, N. Y., May 11, 1848. He was educated in the public schools of his native town and the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary. In 1865 he removed to Lockport and was employed in the Niagara Flour Mills for three years, when he purchased an interest in the Lockport City Flour Mills and continued in that business as a member of the firm of Gibson, Arnold & Little and later of the firm of Arnold & Little, until 1890. In 1892 he be- came connected with the United Indurated Fiber Company and is now filling the position of paymaster. He was married in October, 1878, to Eugenia F. Adriance of Lockport, N. Y. Mr. Arnold has always taken a deep interest in public af- fairs and in 1884 was elected county treasurer of Niagara county; he also served on JAMES ARMITAGE. 103 the Board of Education for two terms. He is a man of business ability and is respected by all who know him. Armitage, Herschell & Co.— The manufacturing establishment of Armitage, Her- schell & Co. had its inception in 1872, when James Armitage, George C. Herschell, Allan Herschell and G. A. Gillies starterl a machine shop in North Tonawanda. In 1873 Mr. Gillies retired and the other three have since conducted the enterprise, which has grown to large proportions under their able management. In 1890 the firm became a stock company and was incorporated with James Armitage president, and George C. Herschell, secretary and treasurer. They mannufacture steam en- gines and boilers, electric elevators and dynamos, merry-go-rounds, swings, feed cutters and other machines and ship their goods all over the world; their plant covers three acres of ground and they built a fine new office in 1894; they employ from 150 to 200 men. James Armitage was born in England, March 9, 1842, and came to America in 1864. He learned his trade of machinist in the old country and followed it in Buffalo and Williamsville, until he became a member of the firm of Armitage, Herschell & Co. in 1872. March 14, 1870, he married Kate Murray of Buffalo, and they have four children living: Mrs. Clarence Hoover, James Armitage, jr., Elizabeth and Anna. They are all members of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which Mr. Armitage has been a steward for many years. Mr. Armitage is a Royal Arch Mason, and is universally esteemed for his sterling integrity and honor, as well as for his well known business ability. Atwater, James, was born in Conesville, Schoharie county, N. Y. , August 29, 1821. He attended the district schools of his native town, the Livingston Academy, and was graduated from the State Normal School at Albany in 1844. After gradua- tion he engaged in teaching for several years; he was for seventeen years superin- tendent and teacher of mathematics in the Union School of Lockport. He then en- gaged in the insurance business in Lockport, where he has steadily pursued his chosen vocation ever since. Skillful, conscientious and successful in business, he is besides a popular citizen. He was a member of the Board of Education for a num- ber of years and was supervisor of the Third ward for sixteen years. Mr. Atwater has always taken an active part in politics and was elected mayor of the city of Lockport in 1894. He is in all respects a worthy gentleman of high personal and business character, and deserves the prosperity he enjoys. Acheson, Edward G., was born at Washington, Pa., March 9, 1856, a son of Will- iam Acheson, an iron worker and manufacturer of that place, now deceased. Mr. Acheson was educated at Bellefonte Academy, at Bellefonte, Pa., and at the age of seventeen began studying civil engineering in the employ of the Bradford & Olean Narrow Gauge Railroad Co. ; in 1876 he became ticket agent for that companv at Parker's Landing, Pa., in the Allegheny Valley. Later he entered the service of the Standard Oil Co. as measurer of capacity of the oil tank cars and remained with that company until 1879. He was continually experimenting in electricity and chemistry, and the year 1880 found him in the laboratory of the electrical king, Thomas A. Edison. In 1881-82 and 1883, he journeyed through Europe, introduc- ing for Mr. Edison the incandescent electric light, establishing the first electric light station in Europe at Milan, Italy, and upon returning to America he devoted 104 himself for two years to experimental work. In 1886 he became chief electrician for the Standard Underground Cable Co. of Pittsburg, with which company he re- mained until 1890, when he organized the Monongahela Electric Light Company and was chosen its president. During his years of experimenting in chemistry and electricity, Mr. Acheson had discovered a method of manufacturing a crystal- line compound of carbon and silicon nearly equal to the diamond in hardness and to which he gave the name of carborundum. The manufacture of this substance was first undertaken by the Monongahela Electric Light Co., under the personal supervision of Mr. Acheson. It proved a success and he at once took out letters patent, and since that time two large plants have been erected, one at Monongahela, Pa., and the other at Niagara Falls, N. Y., where carborundum is manufactured in large quantities. In the summer of 1897 Mr. Acheson will begin the building of a large plant for the manufacture of carborundum for foreign trade on the Rhine River in Germany. Mr. Acheson, the inventor of carborundum and the presidentof the Carborundum Company, has had more success than Jules Verne's hero, for though he has not invented a way of making diamonds, yet carborundum is closely related to diamonds, not only in the materials of which it is composed, but in many of its physical qualities, such as hardness and beaut}- of appearance. In the autumn of 1884 Mr. Acheson married Margaret Maher of Brooklyn, N. Y. , and they have four sons and three daughters. Belden, Francis C, was born at Cleveland, Ohio, April 20, 1849, a son of Selahand Martha Putnam Belden. He was educated in the public schools of Illinois and under private tutors. At sixteen years of age he took up telegraphy at Chenoa, 111. Since that time he has served with several leading railroads, rising from telegraph opera- tor to the position of chief operator and train dispatcher, which position he occupied from 1869 to 1875 with the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company at Syracuse, N. Y., and from 1875 to 1887 at Niagara Falls, with the same company, and was for years manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company and Bell Telephone Company at Niagara Falls. In 1887 Mr. Belden engaged in the real estate business, which he has followed ever since with great success; he was from 1888 to 1896 a member of the firm of Belden & King, real estate and ticket brokers of Niagara Falls, but is now operating alone. He is a member of Niagara Frontier Lodge No. 132, F. & A. M., of Niagara Chapter No. 200, R. A. M., and Niagara Commandery No. 64, K. T. ; also of the A. O. U. W., and is also a Noble of the Mystic Shrine of Ismailia Temple at Buflfalo. Mr. Belden has been quite prominent in business and political circles, having served as alderman of the Second ward and member and secretary of the Niagara County Republican General Committee. In December, 1869, Mr. Belden married J. Maude Wright of Duanesburg, N. Y., and they have one child, a son. Binkley, Uriah, was born in Lancaster county, Pa., November 10, 1822, a son of Christian Binkley, a prosperous farmer who removed with his family to Niagara county, N. Y. , in 1831, where he died in 1862. Uriah Binkley was educated in the public schools of Niagara county, and when seventeen years old left home to learn the carpenter's trade at Clarence Centre, N. Y. , which he followed for eight years. In 1852 he returned to Niagara county, N. Y. , and purchased a farm at Lewiston', where he remained until 1858, and then removed to the old homestead farm of his I05 wife at La Salle, which he sold in 1893. In 1882 he bought his present farm and in 1891 erected a splendid residence and buildings, and upon the sale of the homestead moved into his new home, where he has since remained, carrying on a general farm- ing business. March 24, 1853, he married Barbara Zeiger of La Salle, and they have reared a family of ten children, eight sons and two daughters. Mr. Binkley is a thrifty and prosperous farmer and enjoys the good will and respect of all who know him. He has been liighwa)- overseer of Niagara township for the past thirty years and has declined appointment to many other offices. Bowles, Dr. George Charles, son of John and Sarah E. Bowles, was born in Lon- don, Eng. , March 2, 1868. At the age of four years he removed with his parents to London, Ont., and shortly after to Detroit, Mich., where his parents now reside. After receiving his education in the public schools of Detroit he entered a business house of that city where he remained until 1888, when he removed to Philadelphia and began the study of dentistry, graduating from the Pennsylvania College of Den- tal Surgery in 1891. He followed the practice of his profession for four years in Schenevus, Otsego county, N. Y., and in 1895 removed to Niagara Falls, where he now enjoys a successful and steadily increasing practice. Augu.st 15, 1891, Dr. Bowles was married to Miss Lillian Agnes Hopkins of Detroit, Mich. They have two children, a sou, George C, and a daughter, Florence Edith Bowles. Barnum, Mrs. Elizabeth. — David L. Barnum was born in Brighton, Monroe county, N. Y., July 30, 1825, a son of Richard and Electa (Lloyd) Barnum. Richard Barnum was born m Danbury, Conn., in 1789, and came to Rochester, N. Y, when only three houses were there, and bought land where the Powers Block now stands. He settled in Penfield in 1812, thence to Brighton, where he lived until his death in 1863 ; his wife died m 1862. David L. Barnum was reared on the farm and educated in the common schools; the homestead where he was born is now called the Barnum Terrace, being one of the suburbs of Rochester, N. Y. He learned the cooper's trade and spent six years in Racine as a tight barrel carpenter. June 16, 1851, he married Elizabeth Dj^gert, born in Herkimer county, January 27, 1831, and de- scended from one of the old pioneer families. Her grandfather, George Dj'gert, was killed by the Indians in the French and Indian war. Mr. and Mrs. Barnum had eight children, only two are now living: Carrie E., Delia S., Cora A., George R., Nellie J., David C. (deceased), and John E. and Charles O. now living. In 1851 he removed to Monroe county, where he remained six years on a farm, and in 1857 moved to Oil Springs, Can., where he was a successful oil producer for some years. In 1863 he came to Wilson, where he lived until his death, which occurred January 30, 1894. He bought a foundry in Wilson village, which his widow now carries on He was a Democrat, and a member of the Village Board and Board of Education and a member of the Presbyterian church, and always took a lively interest in the welfare of the village and filled important positions. His maternal grandfather, David Lloyd, was killed in the war of 1812 and buried at Lewiston, N. Y. This family is related to the late P. T. Barnum, who was the greate.st of showmen. Charles O. Barnum, oldest son living, is a resident of Buffalo; John E. is a traveling sales- man for a New York firm and David C. (deceased) was a prominent attorney in Rochester and had many friends in Monroe and Niagara counties. io6 Brong, Daniel E., was born in the to\vi;of Scipio, Seneca county, Ohio, June 9, 1857. He attended the district schools of his native town and was graduated from the Northern Ohio Normal School in the class of 1877; he at this date entered the University of Michigan and was graduated from the law department m 1880, re- ceiving the degree of B. C. L. and was admitted to the bar of Michigan the same year. He then removed to Lockport, N. Y., and entered the law office of E. M. Ashley, where he remained for one year and was admitted to practice in New York State. He at this date formed a copartnership with his preceptor, Mr. E. M. Ashley, which continued until he became assistant district attorney; afterthree years he was made district attorney, in which capacity he acted for three years. Mr. Brong has always taken an active part in municipal affairs and has been city attorney, counsel to the Board of Supervisors and held several minor offices, all of which he has filled with much credit. He is a son of Paul and Mary A. (Stahler) Brong, who were residents of Niagara county until 1835, when they removed to Ohio. Mr. Brong has been en- gaged in many important criminal, as well as civil cases, and has always been very successful. Bendinger, Louis. — The prominence attained by Mr. Bendinger since he has been a resident of Lockport is such as to warrant some mention in these pages. He is a native of Germany and immigrated to America April G, 1870, settling in New York city, where he remained for two years. In 1872 he removed to Lockport and engaged in the marble business in company with John Bendinger, under the firm name of J. & L. Bendinger, which copartnership continued until 1893, when Louis Bendinger became sole proprietor of the extensive works and has since conducted the business alone. A magnificent line of fine monuments and headstones from novel and original designs are constantly kept in stock and challenge the visitor's admiration. Mr. Bendinger is a thorough going business man and has the happy faculty of retaining and constantly adding to his circle of friends. Buckley, James, was born in Essex county, N. Y., October 3, 1833, and came to Lewiston when a small boy, where he has resided ever since, with the exception of one year. He has been a farmer all his life and bought the farm some fifteen years ago where he now resides, and has since been sole proprietor. In connection with general farming he is one of the large fruit growers of the town, having twenty-two acres of fruit trees. Mr. Buckley is one of the successful farmers of Niagara county, and is highly esteemed socially. Bissell, Mina C. — Simeon T. Clark, M. D., was one of Lockport's leading physi- cians and surgeons up to the time of his death. He was born in the town of Canton, October 10, 1836, a son of Rev. Nathan S. and Laura S. (Swift) Clark, and dates his ancestry to John Clark, one of the Pilgrim Fathers. In 1858 Dr. Clark began the study of medicine at the Castleton Medical College of Vermont, finishing his pro- fessional studies, however, at the Berkshire Medical College, from which he was graduated November 20, 1860. He began the practice of his profession at West Dennis, Mass., where he remained until 1861, when he removed to Lockport, where he resided and continued his practice until his death. November 28, 1857, he mar- ried Ruth J., daughter of Ezra J. Mendallof Marion, Mass., and a son and daughter have been born to them ; Mina C. , wife of Angus C. Bissell, and Nathan M. 107 Blackley, William J., has been engaged in the contracting and building business in the late village, now citj' of Lockport since 1860 and conducted the largest busi- ness of the kind in the city. Among the many prominent structures that have been built by him may be mentioned the Niagara county court house, jail and sheniT's residence, the Hodge Opera House and Gargling Oil building (both rebuilt by him after the fire), Williams, McRae, and Blackley business blocks, the Chester, Griggs Bros. & Ellis, Thompson and Central Milling Go's, mills (the latter at Niagara Falls and the largest in the county), J. K. Wells's flour mill at Medina, Lockport Paper Go's , Traders' Paper Go's., and Niagara Paper Go's, mills, the Union and the Wal- nut Street school buildings. He has also built and sold more houses here than any other person, and has been the means of removing a greater number of old land- marks and replacing them with new and attractive buildings than any other resident of the city. He is a native of England, coming to this country with his parents in the '50's, and settling in Lockport, where he has since pursued his chosen vocation. Bachelder, Ozro, was born in Genesee county, September 20, 1823, a son of Hil- yard and Nancy (Styles) Bachelder, natives of Massachusetts. The grandfather, Timothy Bachelder, was in the war of the Revolution. Ozro Bachelder was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools and Wilson Collegiate Institute. He is a mason by trade and followed it for a number of years, and in 1859 bought the farm he now lives on of twenty acres, which is all laid out in fruit: peaches, apples, grapes and pears. December 6, 1852, he married, Margaret Crawford, and they had two daughters, Grace N. and Marion E., wife of James Delbridge of Ba- tavia, N. Y., and they have two children, Frank O. and Grace N. Mr. Bachelder enlisted in 1863 in Co. E, 2d N. Y. Mounted Rifles and served until the close of the war. He was a charter member of Peter A. Porter Post No. 125, G. A. R. Batten, George W., a son of Joseph and Anna (Hawkins) Batten, was born in Lockport, N. Y., February 22, 1856. His father was the first Democratic sheriff ever elected in Niagara county. His mother was born in England and immigrated to this country in 1837. Mr. Batten is a very popular citizen, having been deputy sheriff for three years, under sheriff for three years and elected sheriff for a term of three years. He served five years as the chairman of the Democratic County Com- mittee and is now a member of the State Committee from this Congressional dis- trict. He is now engaged in the insurance business and represents some of the soundest and most reliable companies. He is a member of the Exempt Firemen's Association. Masons and a director in the Niagara Protective Association. Mr. Batten is personally a very popular, public-spirited gentleman and a good citizen. Benedict, Henry L., was born in Royalton, August 18, 1834. His father, George R. Benedict, was a native of St. Albans, and came to Genesee county in 1820, where they remained for a few years and in 1824 settled in South Royalton, where he was identified through life as a farmer. He married Laurinda, daughter of Elias Saf- ford. George R. Benedict was thoroughh- identified with the growth of the town, taking an active interest in all educational and religious institutions He served as assessor for twenty years and died in 1872, in his seventieth year. Henry L. Benedict was educated in the common schools and has always been a farmer. He has always advanced the principles of temperance and has always been ready and willing to aid any enterprise intended to benefit the town and townspeople. io8 Braas, Charles F., was born at Woodward's Hollow, Erie county, N. Y., May 24. 1863, a son of Michael Braas. He was educated in the Erie county public schools and left school at the age of sixteen years to learn the carpenter trade with his father at Boston, N. Y. April 5, 1886, he removed to Niagara Falls, where he plied his trade until 1888, at which time he formed a partnership with his brother, Nicholas L. Braas, and under the firm name of Braas Brothers, they have successfully car- ried on the business of general contractors ever since. They have contracted for and built many large structures in the city of Niagara Falls and the surrounding country and were very popular in the business community. Mr. Braas was married in October, 1888, to Margaret O'Brien, who died in 1892; February 12, 1895, he mar- ried Annie Rieger of Niagara Falls. He is a member of the C.M.B.A. and C.B. L. of Niagara Falls. Barr, Robert, was born in the North of Ireland, January 5, 1850, a son of George Barr, now retired. In 1852 George Barr immigrated with his family to America, leaving Robert to complete his education in his native country. The family settled at Buffalo, N. Y., where Robert at the age of thirteen years joined them and re- mained until 1864, when he removed to Niagara Falls and spent two years in learn- ing the tobacconist's trade. In 1866 he enlisted in the 2d Infantry, U. S. Army, and was sent to Louisville, Ky., where he was stationed for three years. At the expira- tion of his enlistment he returned to Niagara Falls, and to the tobacconist's trade, which he followed until 1882, at which time he was appointed gate tender of the new Suspension Bridge and held that office for three years. He then, in 1885, en- listed with the 42d Separate Co., N. G. N. Y., as armorer, and still retains that posi- tion. In 1871 Mr. Barr married Rachael Goodman, who died in 1879, leaving two children, and in 1880 he married Mary Watts of Niagara Falls and they have one child. Mr. Barr is a member of the Odd Fellows and other organizations and is justly popular among all classes. Braas, Nicholas D., was born in the town of Concord, Erie county, N.Y., Novembers, 1865, a son of Michael Braas. He attended the public schools until 1883, when he began learning the trade of carpenter with his father at Boston, N. Y., which he has made his life business. November 22, 1886, he removed to Niagara Falls, and continued working at his trade for two years, at which time he formed a partnership with his brother, Charles F. Braas, imder the firm name of Braas Brothers, and they have executed many large contracts for buildings in Niagara county. September 15, 1896, Mr. Braas married Mary E. Mahoney. Mr. Braas is a member of the C. M. B. A. of Niagara Falls, and is highly respected by all who know him. Cary, Eugene, was born at Dunkirk, N. Y. , November 21, 1857, and is a son of Richard L. Cary, a merchant of that place. Eugene Cary attended the public schools at Dunkirk, and later took a course at Cornell University, from which he was graduated in 1878. lu the fall of the same year he entered the office of County Judge T. P. Grosvenor, at Dunkirk, where he read law until 1881, at which time he was appointed superintendent of public schools at Bedford, Iowa, and retained that position until June, 1884. He then returned to Buffalo, N. Y., and was admitted to the bar of the State of New York ; since that time he has been in continuous practice in Dunkirk, Forestville and Niagara Falls, removing to the latter city in October, 109 1885, where he -formed a partnership with H. C. Tucker, which was dissolved in 1887. In 1893 he formed a partnership with William C. Wallace, practicing law under the firm name of Gary & Wallace, and has a large and rapidly growing practice. Mr. Gary is a member of the Board of Education at Niagara Falls, a director of the Power Gity Bank and is a prominent Republican politician. July 5, 1882, he married Mary M. Waud of Buffalo, and they have two children, Richard L. and Anna. Gocker, William, a well respected citizen and saw manufacturer of Lockport, was born in Sheffield, England, November 29, 1834, a son of Samuel and Mary (Gregory) Cocker. His father was a saw manufacturer and learned his trade in that city famed for its many cutlery manufactories. He came to this country in 1851, locating in Rochester, where he died in 1876. William Cocker came with his parents to this country and located in Rochester, where he learned the sawmaker's trade with Mr. Joseph Flint of that city and remained with him six years. In 1857 he removed to Lockport and engaged in the manufacture of saws on a small scale. By hard work, industry and strict economy, he has built iip a large and prosperous business and owns and operates a large factory at Nos. 89-91 Market street, 40 by 133 feet, three floors and basement, and a full force of skilled men are regularly emploj^ed. He was married in March, 1855, to Priscilla Stokes of Rochester, who died in 1873; to them were born two daughters: Mrs. Anna Schank of Lockport and Mrs. Arthur Kelly of Rochester. Mr. Cocker has always been identified with the Republican party and takes an active interest in the promotion of his party principles. He is a man of high Masonic standing and a member of the Episcopal church. Corwin & Hubble, General Merchandise. — This firm is composed of G. P. Corwin and G. E. Hubble. C. P. Corwin was born in Porter, N. Y., May 12, 1863, a son of Charles B. and M. A. (Cory) Corwin. He was reared on a farm and educated at Wilson Union Schools and was graduated in 1889 from Rochester Business Univer- sity. He was a clerk for W. H. H. Ransom & Son for ten years and then engaged in mercantile business with Edward H. Taggart and after three years formed a partnership with E. H. Hubble, the firm being Corwin & Hubble. Mr. Corwin is a Republican and has been notary for one year. November 16, 1893, he married Annie E. Pratt. G. E. Hubble was born in Canada, October 17, 1869, a son of Erastus and Clara (Barnum) Hubble, natives of Canada. Erastus Hubble died in 1871, and in 1874, his wife and son came to Ransomville, leaving one brother in Canada, O. A. Hubble. May 15, 1896, G. E. Hul)ble married Ida M. Tower of Ransomville, N. Y. Carroll, Daniel C, a son of Michael and Bridget (Hussee) Carroll, was born in Lockport, Niagara county, N. Y., October 27, 1853. His parents were natives of Ireland and immigrated to this country in 1848. Daniel C. Carroll has always resided in the city of his birth and was employed in various capacities until 1875, when he was appointed first clerk in the canal collector's office. In 1876 he accepted a posi- tion as one of the recording clerks in the county clerk's office. Col. George L. Moote being at that time clerk of the county. He also served Amos W. R. Henning, as special deputy and assistant abstract clerk, remaining in that office until December 12, 1880, when he was elected justice of the peace. In November, 1886, he was elected county clerk on the Democratic ticket, and in 1889 was re-elected to the same office. December 15, 1886, he married Clara J. Trankle, and they have two children, Clara and Howard Leslie. I 10 Campbell, Emmett, was born in the town of Cambria, Niagara county, N. Y., Au- gust 10, 1852, a son of Jeremiah and Emily (Parker) Campbell. His father died in October, 1883, and his mother in April of the same year. His grandfather, WiUiam Campbell, was a native of Vermont, but the progenitors of the family were Scotch. Emmett Campbell has pursued the occupation of farming all his life, and has re- sided on his present farm of 258 acres for thirty-one years. In 1874 he married Kitty Townsend, and their children are May, Edith E., Gertrude S., Kittie and Erwin T. May Campbell married Walter Moss and they carry on the Campbell farm, which is devoted to general farming and considerable fruit growing. Crosier, W. D., was born in the town of Cambria, N. Y., March 29, 1850, a son of Luther W. and Mary E. (Playter) Crosier. Luther W. Crosier was born in Cam- bria, December 27, 1822, and was a farmer until 1873, when he retired and now lives in the village of Pekin, and has served as assessor for six or seven years. Mr. Crosier's grandfather, William Crosier, came from Massachusetts to Cambria and was one of the pioneer families of that town ; he settled the new land now owned by William H. Crosier, in 1819. W. D. Crosier was educated at the Lockport Union School and has followed farming on the homestead farm of sixty acres, making a specialty of dairying and garden fruit. In 1876 he married Addie E., daughter of Chauncey and Phebe A. (Leech) Whitney, natives of Ontario county. Mr. and Mrs. Crosier are the parents of three children: Luther L., Alice M. and Bertha E. In politics Mr. Crosier is a Republican and has been collector and seven years town clerk. He is a member of Lodge 41, A. O. U. W., and of the Methodist Episcopal church at Pekin. Cramer, J. A., was born in Tonawanda, N. Y., a son of John A. and Caroline (Klein) Cramer, natives of Germany. J. A Cramer was educated in the schools of Tonawanda and Buffalo; he began his business career as bookkeeper for Dr. Wende and inspector for the Board of Health. During this time he also sold bicycles, and in 1894 embarked in the bicycle business for himself, of which he has made a pro- nounced success; he carries machines of all prices to suit all kinds of customers and the most durable makes. His own reliability and high standing as a business man makes his stand headquarters for bicycles in this part of the State. In the $100 machines be carries the Barnes, Spalding, Trinity and Wolf American ; in the $75 machines, the Envoy and Fleetwing; the Electric City at $60 and a wheel at $37.50; besides the Cramer at $50, made especially for him ; he also carries all kinds of juven- ile wheels; a full line of sundries and everything to build a bicycle. Collins. Peter, one of the enterprising farmers of Newfane, was born in Munster, County Clare, Ireland, a son of Andrew and Susan Collins, both of whom died in Ireland. He came to America in 1856 and located in Orleans county, N. Y. , where he remained several years, when he came to Niagara county and bought a farm of eighty seven acres in the town of Newfane, where he has since resided. He mar- ried Ellen Fox, who was also born in County Clare, Ireland, and came to America with her parents, who located in Lockport, where they died. To Mr. and Mrs. Col- lins were born eight children, three of whom are living: Martin, the oldest, mar- ried Mary Maholland and resides in Lockport; Thomas and Sarah are at home. In 1894 Mrs. Collins and two daughters, Ellen and Mary, died. Andrew died in 1890, Ill Daniel P., 1891, and Stephen T., 1893. All are members of the Catholic church in Newfane, which has a membership of about 200. Mr. Collins is a pleasant and sociable gentleman. Chapman, Harrison S., president of the Field Force Pump Co., and a prominent citizen of Lockport, was born September 18, 1849, a son of Leander F. and Hannah (Kirkpatrick) Chapman, who were descended from old English stock and settled in America at a very early date. H. S. Chapman received his education in the public schools and the Friendship Academy in Allegan}^ county, N. Y., from which he was graduated in the class of 1865. His first employment was as a brakeman on the Erie Railroad, but was soon promoted to the position of conductor and served in that capacity for five j^ears, at which time he was again promoted to passenger con- ductor and continued as such until 1891. In 1882, however, he became connected with the Field Force Pump Co., and since 1891 has given his entire attention to the company's extensive affairs. He has alwaj^s taken an active part in public affairs and was twice elected a member of the Board of Education, and is serving the second year as president of that body. He is associated with many societies, among which are the Masons in all its branches, and the Order of Railway Conductors. June 8, 1871, he married Florence J. Hendershott of Hornellsville, N. Y. Carey, M. E., was born in Ireland, December 24, 1856, and immigrated to America in 1862. His father, Daniel Carey, immigrated to America in 1860 and settled in the town of Somerset, where he has always been identified as a farmer. M. E. Carey was educated in the common schools, and in 1882 purchased the grocery business in which he is still engaged. In 1882 he married Elizabeth, daughter of Dennis Cary. Mr. Cary is one of the conservative business men of his town, serv- ing as trustee and was elected president of the village in 1897. Croy, Peter R., was born at Kirkwall, Scotland, June 17, 1867, a son of the late William Croy. He attended the public schools at Ottawa, Canada, whither his par- ents had removed in 1873, and at the age of thirteen entered the drug store of Will- iam A. Lloyd, at Ottawa and remained there one year, when he took a course in the Ottawa Collegiate Institute, from which he was graduated in 1883 and at once returned to the drug store of Mr. Lloyd, where he continued for three years. In 1885 he removed to Buffalo, N. Y., and was employed for four years in the drug stores of Stoddart Bros., and Harries Bros. In 1890 Mr. Croy removed to Niagara Falls and established his present store where he has ever since enjoyed a large and growing business. May 3, 1890, he married Imogene McPherson, a daughter of Donald McPherson of Le Roy, N. Y. Mr. Croy is a member of the Niagara Council No. 1,397, Royal Arcanum, and of Court Evershed No. 638, Independent Order Foresters of Niagara Falls, and of Niagara Lodge No. 342, B. P. O. E. Cassidy, Michael E., was born at Wilson, Niagara county, N. Y., July 12, 1854, a son of Michael Cassidy. He attended the public schools at Porter, whither his parents had removed in 1857, and at seventeen years of age he left school and com- menced his business career. In 1871 he removed to Niagara Falls, where he was employed in various capacities and for a number of years among the leading hotels. In 1880 he entered the employ of the Miller & Brundage Coach Co. where he has remained ever since, being appointed to his present position of foreman in 1892. I 12 In 1890 Mr. Cassidy married Margaret Cawley, who died in 1893, leaving five chil- dren, three of whom survive. Mr. Cassidy is a member of the C. M. B. A. Clark, Thomas E., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., April 12, 1829, a son of Henry W. Clark (deceased). He was educated in the public schools of his native town and in the Gene.see Wesleyan Seminary, at Lima, N. Y. At the age of sixteen years, he entered the office of the Buffalo & Niagara Falls Railroad Co. (now N. Y. C. R. R. Co.) at Niagara Falls, as a clerk and was later an engineer and conductor. He remained with that company until 1878, when he practically retired from active life; from 1847 to 1850, Mr. Clark lived in Boston, Mass., where he served his ap- prenticeship at the machinist's trade. He is a member of the A. O. U. W. ; has served as a trustee of the village of Niagara Falls, and as general village superin- tendent and was for one year a member of the Board of Health. In 1859 he married Mary P. Bairsto of Lewiston, N. Y., and they have one child, a daughter. Damon, Ephraim, was born at Chesterfield, Mass., December 16, 1830, a son of the late Salmar Damon. He was educated in the public schools of his native place and removed with his parents to Bridgewater, Mass., at the age of twelve. He there went to work on his uncle's farm and continued until 1852, when he removed to Ni- agara Falls, N. Y., and entered the employ of the New York Central Railroad Com- pany, with which company he has served continuously for forty-five years, being now one of the oldest engineers in the service of that road and has been running as an engineer since 1854. Mr. Damon is a member of the Brotherhood of Railroad En- gineers and has been for a great many years. In 185(5 he married Sarah E. Robin- son of Niagnra Falls and they have had five children, three of whom survive; Mrs. Damon is a daughter of the late Capt. Joel Robinson, prominent in thehistory of the Niagara River, and who became famous by piloting the Maid of the Mist through the Whirlpool rapids. Day, Emerson, was born near Potsdam, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., July 18, 1830. His father, Asa Day, was a native of Vermont and came to Niagara county in 1832, settling in Lockport, where he was identified as a farmer. Emerson Day was ed- ucated in the town of Lockport and in 1881 came to Gasport, where he now resides. In 1853 he married Caroline, daughter of John R. Lounsberry (born April 4, 1835, and died January 16, 1896), and they have two children: Wilber S., and Mrs. Delia E. Manchester. Mr. Emerson is one of the conservative men of the town and has served as highway commissioner and takes an intelligeut interest in school and church matters. Dunkleberger, Solomon B., was born in Perry county. Pa., March 1, 1820. His father, Benjamin Dunkleberger, was also born in Pennsylvania, the family coming from Wuilemberg, Germany, in 1776. Benjamin Dunkleberger married Elizabeth, daughter of John Harmony. He came to the town of Royalton in 1838, where he was a farmer; he was a wagon maker by trade. He died in 1857. Solomon B. Dunkleberger was educated in the common schools and in 1852 married Frances, daughter of Michael Brown, and they have one son, Harvey. Mr. Dunkleberger is one of the representative farmers of his town ; starting in life empty handed, he has achieved a success by the untiring industry of his character and to-day is one of Niagara county's leading farmers. He has served his town as poormaster for twelve i'3 years and takes an intelligent interest in educational and religious institutions and has ever been recognized as a man of sterling integrity whose word is as good as his bond. He first bought a farm in 1843, and after keeping it four years he sold it, and of the money he received for it he gave §1,000 to his younger brother William and $700 to his father. He also clothed and paid the schooling of his brother Will- iam. After this he bought the farm on which he now lives and kept adding to it until he now has 110 acres of land. Wilcox, Thomas J., was born at Cambridge, N. Y., December 31, 1864, a son of the late Garrett W. Wilcox, banker. He attended the Rochester Academy and Rochester Business University, and when twenty years of age entered the insur- ance office of E. N. Hill at Brockport, N. Y. , where he learned the business and continued there for two years. Later he opened an insurance office in Brockport, but in 1892 sold out and removed to Niagara Falls, where he has since remained in the same business successfully representing twenty-two fire, life and accident in- surance companies. He is secretary and ti'easurer of the Niagara Land Invest- ment Company, secretary and treasurer of the Falls View Land Company, and is interested in the Hygeia Ice Company. He is a prominent member of Niagara Frontier Lodge No. 624, F. & A. M., of Niagara Council No. 1,397, Royal Arcanum, of Niagara Chapter No. 342, B. P. O. E., and Niagara Chapter, 1. O. O. F. He i.s also district manager of the Cosmopolitan Building and Loan Association of Syra- cuse, N. Y. , and is an extensive property owner. March 1, 1897, Mr. Wilcox in- corporated and became president of the T. J. Wilcox Insurance Company, under whose control his insurance business has since been operated. Tower, George P., was born in Porter, N. Y., May 19, 1836, a son of Peter and Olive (Baldwin) Tower. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools and Wilson Academy; he is a farmer and fruit grower, having 231 acres and sixty acres of fruit. He was married in 1860 to Elizabeth Peet of Lewiston, and they had six children: Fred P., Sarah E., Cyrus Peet, Jennie Lind, Porter B. and Peter V. (twins). Mrs. Tower died in 1879 and in 1882 he married Mandama Woolson, widow of Orlando Holden, who died in Sherman, Texas, in 1880. Mr. Tower is a Republican in politics and has been deputy collector at Youngstown. He is a member of the A. O. LT. W. Mr. Tower's father, Peter Tower, assisted in building the first grist mill at Niagara Falls and the first bridge across to Goat Island. Morgan wrote the secrets of Masonry while boarding with Mr. Tower in the house Luke Tower now re.sides in. He kept store in the house where his son Peter now lives for thirty-one years. He was poormaster for a number of years and highway commissioner, and was very kind to the poor; he also speculated con- siderably in land. For years he made all the coffins in this section of the country. The first town meeting was held at his house and the first school house outside of the village was on his land. Folger, P. W. , was born in Pendleton, Niagara county, N. Y., April 13, 1835, a son of Daniel Folger, jr. (born in Vermont, December 5, 1806), and Mary P. An- drus(born in Vermont, July 26, 1810). The grandfather of the subject came to Pen- dleton in a very early day, where he died in 1856; he erected the first barn built on the Holland Land Company's land. Daniel Folger, jr., cut the first tree in the town 114 of Pendleton ; he died October 4, 1871, and his wife on March 6. 1879. P. W. Folger was reared on a farm and educated in Wilson Collegiate Institute. He is a farmer and owns 200 acres of land and has 2,000 fruit trees. November 16, 1859, he married Eliza A., daughter of George F. and Sarah A. Griffin, and they have one son, Zerenbe C, born December 25, 1869, who is a farmer and resides at home. Mr. Fol- ger is a RepubHcan. His wife died June 25, 1895. Mackenna, Franklin J., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., May 16, 1870, and is the youngest son of Joseph Mackenna, a prosperous furniture dealer and undertaker of that city. Mr. Mackenna attended the public schools at Niagara Falls until 1884, when he entered Niagara University at Lewiston, N. Y. , and in 1886 he gave up his schooling and entered the office of Eugene Carey, where he read law for three years. He was admitted to the bar of the State of New York in 1892, and at once entered into the successful practice of his profession at Niagara Falls, with the firm of Ely & Dudley, where he continued until 1893, when he withdrew from the office of said firm and has successfully practiced alone since that time. Mr. Mackenna is the embodi- ment of energy and self-reliance and honored by all who know him. May 20, 1892, he married Katherine Sullivan of Niagara Falls, and they have two daughters, Ger- trude M. and Kathleen B. Pettit, George, was born in Galloway, Saratoga county, N. Y. , February 6, 1825, a son of Thomas and Martha Pettit. Thomas Pettit was born in Claverack, Colum- bia county, and Martha, his wife, was born in Greenfield, Saratoga county. They lived and died in Saratoga count}', where he was an extensive farmer and miller; they had ten sons and five daughters. He died February 3, 1826, and his widow March 9, 1843. George Pettit was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools and Wilson Collegiate Institute, He came to Wilson when a young man of seventeen years and worked on a farm for a short time, when he purchased himself a farm and now owns 180 acres in Wilson, where he now resides. He was engaged in the mercantile business for four years and was engaged as commercial traveler, selling to wholesale trade for twenty years. In politics he has been a Republican since 1856 and was postmaster under Fillmore. He is a member of Ontario Lodge No. 376, F. & A. M., and Chapter No. 511, R. M. R. ; also several of the minor lodges. February 6, 1850, he married Anna L. Pease, daughter of Enoch Pease (see biograph- phy of A. Douglas Pease), and they had two children: Grace I., a graduate of St. Joseph's Academy and married E. H. Moote, a cabinet maker in Pullman Car Works, who died November 17, 1894; and Lizzie M., wife of Ira Brown. Mr. Moote was a son of George L. and grandson of Jacob Moote, who came from Germany to Porter in an early day, where he lived and died. George L. Moote married Zermah Wil- son, daughter of Luther, son of Reuben Wilson, the man from whom the village of Wilson was named. Mr. Pettit's grandfather, Seth Pettit, was born in New York city and was an only child of his father, whose home was in New York city. He married and went to sea and was never heard of. His son, born and named Seth, was the starting of this branch of the Pettit family and was the father of fourteen children, most of whom had large families. Pettit, John, was born in Fulton county, N. Y., September 15, 1818, a son of Sam- uel and Elizabeth (Oliver) Pettit. His father died in Fulton county and his mother JI5 came to Wilson with her family, where she (lie:l. John Pettit was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He was fourteen years old when he came to Wilson, where he has since lived; he is a farmer and owns 110 acres of land. He has made his own wa}^ in the world and is one of the well-to-domen of Wilson. He married Elizabeth L., daughter of Oilman Gushing, an early settler of Wilson, and they have three children, Levi G., Mary E. and Helen E. Mr. Pettit was first a Democrat in politics, but is now a Republican ; he is a member of the Baptist church and has been trustee for several years. Griswold, Jesse (deceased), was born in North Killingworth, Conn., February 4. 1788. His father was Zenas Griswold, a Revolutionary soldier, and his mother was Sarah Lane. When Jesse was of age he came to the far west on foot and was employed by Joseph Ellicott the agent of the Holland Land Co. When the war of 1812 broke out he went into the army and was known as "Col. Ellicott's little drummer." He was taken j^risoner at the battle of Oueenston Heights and paroled. Jesse Griswold married Sarah Turner, daughter of Thomas Turner, of Batavia, Januury 22, 1817. came to Niagara county and settled upon the farm which is still owned by his family. Col. Ellicott, congratulating the bride, said to her that she had won the greatest prize in Genesee county, an honest man. Six children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Griswold; Sarah P., married Isaac V. Wakeman, died Februarys, 1861; Lucy T., married James A. Wakeman, died May 11, 1879; Adeliza, still living upon the home farm; Emeline died June 23, 1858; Chauncey L., still living in the town of Lock- port; and Mary who died July 17, 1860. Mr. Griswold was a public-spirited man interested in the development of his town and ever ready to aid any enterprise for the public good. As a Whig and later as a staunch Republican Mr. Griswold, although almost blind during the last twenty j-ears of his life, was intensely inter- ested in national affairs and kept well posted upon all matters of importance during those eventful years. He died November 26, 1869, mourned by all who know him, Lee, Albert H., was born in the town of Lockport, May 16, 1843, a son of Edmund and Alice Lee. His father was born in England, July 12, 1797, and was married in England and had six children. They came to America in 1833, locating first in Lockport, and in 1834 bought the farm known as the Salt Works Farm, east of Wright's Corners, and in 1864 came on to the farm now owned by the subject, where he died in 1870. Albert H. Lee was married February 15, 1871, to Anna Jones of Lockport, and they have three children: Albert Edmund, born in October, 1873; Grace Anna, born in February-, 1875, and William H., born in December, 1876. Mr. Lee was elected justice of the peace of his town in 1894, and is now serving as such, and has been assessor three years. Lawrence, Spencer J., was born at Le Roy, Genesee county, N. Y., October 11, 1864, and is a son of James Lawrence, a farmer of that place, now deceased. Mr. Lawrence attended the Le Roy Academic Institute. In 1885 he began to read law in the office of William C. Watson, at Batavia, and after three years was admitted to the New York State bar, practicing law at Batavia until 1890, when he removed to Niagara Falls, and formed a partnership with Charles E. Cromley, under the firm name of Cromley & Lawrence. They practiced until December, 1895, when they dissolved and he formed a partnersphip with George M. Tuttle, which partnership ii6 still exists. Mr. Lawrence is a man of broad mind and liberal education and is a successful lawyer. Young, Charles, was born in the town of Niagara, Niagara county, N. Y., Novem- ber 24, 1825, a son of Samuel and Barbara (Kamera) Young, natives of Lancaster county, Pa. She was born February 15, 1780. Samuel Young and wife came to Niagara county June 1, 1810, with a covered wagon, where they settled in the wilder- ness and built them a home, and were very successful financially. He owned about 350 acres of land, which is still in the family. He died December 3, 1870, aged eighty-three years. They were married in 1809. When they moved here this fine country was a dense wilderness inhabited by wild beasts. A little opening here and there showed the progress of some near settlers. They endured all the privations incident to pioneer life, m a new country, rendered doubly distressing by the war of 1812. When the invaders spread desolation along the frontier they were driven three times from their home by the British and Indians, going as far as Geneseo, where they remained until peace was restored. They then returned home to Niagara and finding it unharmed, again sought its shelter and pursued their calling, far from the busy haunts of older settled countries. Here in the midst of sickness and pov- ertv the subjects of this brief sketch proved themselves to be persevering and suc- cessful. When the family became discouraged and desirous of returning to their native State, she cheerfully persuaded them to toil on, as she firmly trusted that the God who had brought them thus far, would enable them to enjoy the blessings of a home and temporal prosperity. Her Heavenly Father was pleased to prolong her existence until all her anticipations were realized. They raised to maturity' tw ) sons and a daughter, having buried three infants. Their grandchildren numbered thir- teen. Mrs. Young departed from earth February 7, 1856, at the age of seventy-five years, eleven months and twenty-two days, having lived with her husband forty- seven years. The remaining son, Charles Young, was reared on the farm and has always followed farming, carrying on now a farm of 245 acres. He married M. Susannah Hittel, daughter of Peter and Mary Hittel. Mr. Hittel was a native of Lehigh county. Pa., and came to Niagara county m 1828, engaging in farming. He was a miller by trade and ran a mill in connection with his farming. He died May 6 1843, and his widow August 8, 1873. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young have two chil- dren: Charles T. Young, born September 28, 1848, a farmer on the homestead; and E. Amanda, wife of S. S. Hopkins of Lewiston, a farmer. Halsey, Stephen H., was born in Genesee county, N. Y., May 23, 1828, a son of Rev. Herman and Sophia (Woolworth) Halsey. Mrs. Halsey was a sister of Judge Woolworth of Syi"acuse, and Samuel Woolworth, principal of the Homer Academy, and afterwards secretary of the Regents. Rev. Herman Halsey came to Cambria Center in 1830, and in 1842 came to Wilson, where he owned about 300 acres of wild land taken from the Holland Land Company. He w^as a graduate of Williams Col- lege, Massachusetts, in 1811, and Andover Theological Semmary. He died in March, 1891, and his wife in October, 1876. Stephen H. Halsey was reared in the village and country, and at the age of fourteen came on to the farm he now owns. April 30, 1851, he married Harriet Streeter, and they have four children: Sophia, Mammie J., William G. and Victoria. 117 Boyd, James H., was born in Syracuse, N. Y., October 11, 1844, a sou of Robert and Catherine (Colleys) Boyd. His father died in CaHfornia, October 13, 1850, and is buried in the Odd Fellows' ground at Sacramento, being the first Odd Fellow buried there. He had command of a company of Patriots in McKenzie's Rebellion of 1837 in Canada. James H. Boyd removed to Niagara Falls when six years of age with his parents, and that was his home until he came to Lewiston in 1889. He is a veteran of the war of the Rebellion, having enlisted in 1861 in Co. I, 28th N. Y. Vols., and served four months, when he re-enlisted in Co. C, 56th Regiment, and served three years and eleven months. He was first sergeant in this company dur- ing the war and was honorably discharged June 25, 1865. He was with the Army of the Potomac, and participated in twenty-seven engagements, including the Siege of Charleston. In 1809 Mr. Boyd married Nancy Bellinger, and they have four chil- dren: Mary, Kate. Wallace and Ida. Mr. Boyd is a printer by trade and worked for some time with William Pool at Niagara Falls; he was also baggageman on the New York Central Railroad for seventeen years. He is a genial and enterprising man and is widely known and highly esteemed. Swain, Hon. George M., was born in the village of Totness, Devonshire, England, in 1821, and came with his parents to America in 1831, settling in Auburn. In the spring of 1843 Mr. Swain came to Somerset, Niagara county, where he has since re- sided, with the exception of three years in Orleans county. Mr. Swain was married in 1849 to Eliza Patch, and they had two sons: Charles, who resides in Somerset, and George M. (deceased), who was a physician, and died in 1882 from injuries re- ceived from being thrown out of his buggy while on his way to visit a patient. Mr. Swain was supervisor of his town during the late war, and was elected to the As- sembly of New York in the fall of 1871, serving in 1872 and 1873. Since he gave up politics, he has returned to farming and is engaged in raising grain, stock and fruit. His father was engaged in whale fishing and for many years did a lucrative busi- ness. His sailing place was from London, and he was at St. Helena when Napoleon was transported there to banishment. He died at Auburn, N. Y., in 1869, at the age of ninety-four. Brigham John, was born in England, March 5, 1841, and came to America in 1866, settling in Somerset. January 4, 1872, he married Harriet Williams, and they have one son, Herbert, born October 26, 1872, who is now engaged on the farm. Mr. Brigham has four brothers in America and one in England, and two sisters, one in America and one in England. Sanford, Hervey, was born at Center Brook, Conn., October 29, 1838, a son of Hervey C. and Florella (Nott) Sanford, natives of Connecticut, and who moved to Orleans county, N. Y.. in 1857, where the father died in 1868, aged sixty-eight years ; the mother moved to Wilson, living with her son. Hervey, at whose house she died in 1890, aged ninety years. Hervey was reared on a farm, educated in the common schools and the then famous Hill's Academy at Essex, Conn. His first business ex- perience was in a wholesale dry goods house in Philadelphia, and after eleven years with it, and as department foreman in the great iron and construction house of Mor- ris, Tasker & Morris, he spent a short time in Orleans county, where he was mar- ried. He located in Wilson in 1866, just at the close of the war, where he opened ii8 a lumber yard, and spending four years in that and the coal business, he then en- gaged in the insurance, loan and real estate agency which he continues and in which he has been very successful, having manipulated some quite large real estate deals. In politics he has always been a Republican, casting his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln. He has been president of the village of Wilson some ten terms; is president of the Wilson Creamery Co., president of the Wilson Town Hall Association, and several years chairman of the Board of Education of Wilson Union Free School District, No. 1. Mr. Sanford is an elder in the Presbyterian church, a Mason of high degrees and has filled many important offices in the order, and is now district deputy grand master for the Thirty seventh Masonic district of New York (just appointed). December 28, 1863, he married Nellie (Remmelee) Kuck, who died in Wilson, April 16, 1876, and October 6, 1880, he married Francis Alida Dox, a daughter of E. V. W. Dox, esq., one of the oldest residents of Wilson. Hathaway, A. J., was born in Steuben county, but has resided in North Tona- wanda smce May, 1876. He was first connected in business in this place with Mc- Graw & Co. for six years, and was then in the forwarding business for a time, until he became connected with the New York Lumber and Wood-working Co. and sub- sequently with the Tonawanda Lumber Co. Since 1889 he has given his attention to real estate and is also interested in the Tonawanda Electric Road. Mr. Hatha- way was first married to Ophelia Bennett, who died leaving two daughters, Martha and Kate; his second wife was Miss Kate S. Smith, daughter of Hon. H. P. Smith, and they have four children: A. J. Hathaway, jr., H. P.. Christiana and Georgiana W. In 1854 Mr. Hathaway enlisted in Co. A, 50th N. Y. Vols., and served until the close of the war, seeing service at City Point and in the operations around Peters- burg, Va. Mr. Hathaway united with the First Methodist Episcopal church of North Tonawanda in 1876, and since 1896 has been a member of the Noi'th Presby- terian church and is an elder in that society. Huntington, David, Somerset, was born in Batavia, Genesee county, November 16, 1834, and is a son of Joshua and Rebecca Huntington, both natives of New York, and who came to Somerset in 1835, settling on a farm, where he was identified with the clearing of the country. Mr. Huntington was married in 1875 to Rosetta Kellogg, daughter of Noah Wood. He has been constable for four years and served to the entire satisfaction of the people. Bangham, Gaston J., was born in Somerset, March 25, 1827, is a son of Joseph G. and Nancy Bangham, both of whom died when he was four years old, and who came from Seneca county, N. Y., to this town. Mr. Bangham has one brothei-, who is unmarried and lives with him; he was born in 1838. Gaston J. Bangham was married to Hortense C. Millard of Lockport, December 12, 1849, daughter of Oliver L. Millard (who was first cousin of President Fillmore) and Deborah (Seeley) Millard, both from Washington county, N. Y. Her father came to Lockport in 1816, helped to build a section of the Erie Canal and was superintendent for several sea-- sons. They were married in 1813 and had six children, only two of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. Bangham had four children, two of whom are living: Charles M., born August 4, 1851, died when eight months old; Ida Climana, born May 14, 1853, mar- ried to Allan A. Huntington, February 12, 1879, died March 30, 1886; David B. 119 Bangham, born February 22, 1856, married Mary A. King I'ebruary 18, 1890, have one child, Gladys Hortense, lives in Lyndonville, Orleans county, N. Y. ; Oliver M. Bangham, born June 30, 1858, married Lizzie G. Peacock, have one child, Lillian Mae, lives in Tonawanda, N. Y. Mr. Bangham has followed farming as an occupa- tion and taken great interest in the development of the country. Mrs. Bangham is the owner of a very interesting relic in the form of a trunk in which the first Ma- sonic charter given to the State of N. Y. was brought from England. It is in shape like the trunks of to-day, five by three inches wide and three inches deep, is covered with cloth and a heavy brown paper over that, is bound in steel with steel handle on top of lid, and lock. She also has a chest that her grandmother Seeley had, and when Burgoyne invaded the country she filled it with clothing and fled to Fort Ticonderoga upon his approach, driving an ox team and carrying four children. Stockwell, Ralph, was born in Adams, Jefferson county, N. Y., July 11, 1819, a .son of Stephen and Lucy (Bishop) Stockwell. Stephen Stockwell came with his family to West Somerset in 1824 and moved to East Wilson in 1834, where he died January 18, 1890, aged ninety-nine years; his wife died about 1833. Ralph Stockwell was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools, but has gained most of his education by applying himself to reading and observation. He is a carpenter by trade, but carries on farming, having a farm of 103 acres. He married Jane E. Streeter, and they have six children: Dr. James K. Stockwell of Oswego; Herbert R., of Wilson, a dealer in agricultural implements; Homer, superintendent of Glen- wood Cemetery of Lockport; Carrie E., wife of Walter E. Wetmore; Frank E., of Rockford, 111,, and Bert G., assistant district attorney. Mr. Stockwell assist- ed in organizing the Republican party in the town of Wilson. He was super- visor and school commissioner, being first elected in 1862. He was assessor one term, justice of the peace eight years, and was custom house officer under Flagler for eight years. Williamson, Richard, jr. — This efficient and successful managcrof the Lockport Ice Company, was born in Ontario, Canada, April 16, 1870. His education was obtained from the parochial school and from the Catholic Model School, from which he was graduated before obtaining his majority. In order to thoroughly equip himself for the business life he intended to pursue, he took a full course from the Canadian Business College. His first business experience was in the wood and coal trade and after two years of successful operations sold out and engaged in railroading, in the capacity of locomotive fireman, which he followed for a period of three years. In 1892 he removed to Lockport and assumed the management of the Lockport Ice Company, which under his successful oversight has grown to be one of the leading industries of the city. Mr. Williamson was married May 9, 1894, to Anna T. Lillis of Niagara Falls, and they have two children, Cecelia Marie, two years of age, and Richard George, one year of age. Weitzman, Joseph, is a son of Erasmus and Barbara Weitzman, and was born in Wittenburg, Germany, November 30, 1822. He was educated in his native county, spent his early life on a farm there, and in 1854 came to America and settled at Sus- pension Bridge, Niagara county, where he has since resided. He is one of the lead- ing substantial farmers, and has always been highly respected. He first worked for I20 two years on the old Porter farm. In 1857 he married Katharine Rieger, and for eighteen years thereafter leased the farm on shares. Meantime he invested his savings in some I'eal estate. In 1871 his wife died, and in 1872 he removed with his family of seven children to the Childs farm of 112 acres on the Lockport road, which he bought in 1869, and lived there until 1890, when he sold eighty-five acres of it and retired from farm life, moving to his present home on Ontario avenue, near Sugar street. This property he had bought of the Porter estate about thirty years ago. Mr. Weitzman has always been a Democrat, but has never held office, pre- ferring instead to give his whole time to agriculture, in which he has been successful. Wolf, James F., was born in Cambria, April 24, 1875, a son of Bryan and Mary (Shehan) Wolf, natives of Ireland, he born February 14, 1824, at New Ca.stle, West county. Limerick, and she born May 14, 1843, in County Limerick. Dennis Shehan and family immigrated to Cambria in 1859, where he followed farming; he died July 4, 1888, and his vpidow in August, 1895. By this union there were ten children : Thomas, Mary, Margaret, Michael, Johannah, Annie, James, Ellen, Catherine and Dennis. By a previous marriage to Margaret, daughter of John and Bridget (Gearry) Howe, natives of Ireland, Mr. Wolf was father of seven children: Bridget, John, William, Patrick, Bernard, Edward and Richard. Mrs. Wolf died April 14, 1861, and Mr, Wolf married Miss Shehan, July 13, 1862. The parents of Bryan were Michael and Margaret (McMahon) Wolf, natives of Ireland, he of Limerick and she of County Kerry. Michael Wolf was educated by his father, Patrick Wolf, who was a graduate of Maynouth College, Ireland, graduating at the age of twenty-four and teaching until forty-two years of age. He died in 1784, and his widow in 1801. Michael Wolf was a farmer, but a man of great busincoS qualities, being executor of many estates and known as Capt. Wolf. Politically he was against the Union and was an eminent man; he died March 16, 1848, and Mrs. Wolf died December 19, 1869. The parents of Patrick were Morris and Ellen (Costello) Wolf, farmers of County Limerick, Ireland. The parents of Margaret were Bryan and and Ellen (Moore) McMahon, who died in County Kerry, Ireland, he in 1816 aged 102 and she in 1791. Bryan Wolf was educated at All Hallows College near Dublin; during his school days he spent two years, from fourteen to sixteen years of age, on the Ordi- nance Survey of Ireland, under McKenzie, colonel of Sappers. After finishing his schooling, his father through his dislike of the British Government, would not con- sent to his again entering the service, although young Wolf was an expert surveyor and mathematician. He was then for a number of years engaged in farming and mercantile business. In March, 1855, he came to Cambria and in June his family arrived; since then he has resided in Cambria and has reared his large family, by hard work and made many friends. Politically Mr. Wolf was an eminent man and now an independent Democrat. The family have from the first adhered to the Cath- olic faith. Little, J. W. & Son. — Joseph W. Little, the senior member of this firm, was born, in the village of Lockport, N. Y., March 12, 1842. and has been a resident of this city (late village) during his whole life. His early education was obtained in the Union school, although not a graduate. In his early boyhood he learned the cooper's trade with his father. At the age of nineteen years he enlisted in the 28th Regiment, N. Y. S. v., Co. A, Captain E. W. Cook. This was in April, 1861, and served two 121 years, receiving his honorable discharge in Lockport, the place of enlistment, in June, 18(53. He then returned to his trade as a cooper, and as a manufacturer of barrels, running a shop for several years, finally purchasing the stave and heading plant in 1890, which, under the firm name of J. W. Little & Son— his son, Alfred M. being associated with him — is still operated by them ; it is located between Vanburen street and the Erie Canal in East Lockport, a branch of the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. running on the north side thereof. The plant is one of the largest of the kind in Western New York. The mechanical equipment embraces all of the very latest improved machin- ery for the manufacturers of staves and heading, giving employment to from forty to fifty men and boys. In connection with this factory is a large cooperage, giving employment to about forty men the greater part of the year; the products consist of flour and fruit barrels and staves and heading, which find a ready market in this and adjoining States. The firm of J. W. Little & Son are among Lockport's most enter- prising citizens and are respected by all who know them. This plant was originally established by the late Lyman A. Spalding about ISoO, afterwards passing into the hands of William Norman, who was succeeded by Fursman & Dumville, and about 1866 was incorporated as the Niagara Stave Co. In 18'JO the subject of this sketch purchased the plant, soon after admitting his son into copartnership. They have had a successful career, and bid fair to continue as one of the great manufacturing concerns of Lockport. Kenyon, Edgar E., Somerset, one of the enterprising j^oung farmers of Somerset, was born in Galesburg, Kalamazoo county, Mich., July 17, 1858, and is a son of Jon- athan and Melissa (Thayer) Kenyon. He came with his parents to Somerset when seven years of age, where he attended school and at Yates Academy, Orleans county, after which he assisted his father on the farm until he went to work for himself. No- vember 16, 1881, he married Miss Abbey, daughter of Alvin and Ester (Humphrey) Abbey, and they have five children : Roy Alvin, born January 6, 1885 ; E. Abbey, born May 13, 1886; Howard E., born September 5, 1887; Carleton S., born May 26, 1892, and Guy, born April 5, 1894. Mr. Kenyon has been school trustee for a number of years. He is a prosperous farmer, devoting his attention to fruit growing and grain raising. Sawyer, Fred Curtis, was born in the town of Somerset, October 29, 1875, and is a son of William and Sarah Sawyer. Mr. Sawyer attended school at Wilson, Lockport and Rochester, where he took a regular course in the university. December 9, 1896, he married Grace A. Sherwood, daughter of John Sherwood, who was born Decem- ber 14, 1870. Adams, Samuel, was born in Gorham, Ontario county, N. Y., in the year 1795. He was connected with a prominent family of that place. The first member that set- tled at W^arren's Corners was Mrs. David Carlton, who came with her husband in 1813. Subsequently nine of the family were residents at, or near, the Corners. Mr. Adams while young enlisted in the United States Regular Army asfifer. Soon after the war of 1813 he came to Warren's Corners and lived with his brother-in-law, Tim- othy Freeman. In 1823 he married Miss Eliza Freeman, daughter of Alexander Freeman of the town of Lockport. They settled on the farm now owned and occu- pied by Henry Pickels, east of the Painted Post Hotel, soon after their marriage. I' I 22 His wife died early in life, leaving him with six children: Alexander F., Sheboygan, Wis. ; Polly Staats, South Wilson, N. Y. ; John, Portland, Mich. ; Alpheus, Spencer, Iowa; Samuel, Cambria, N. Y. ; Clark, Portland, Mich. Samuel is an honored citi- zen and successful farmer of East Wilson, N. Y. Clark spent his youthful days in Niagara county. Soon after his marriage to Pamelia Robins he moved to Michigan, and there made it his home until his death, which occurred May 26, 1896. Their father survived his wife many years. He died about the j^ear 1852. Peterson, Walter V., was born in Cambria, N. Y., June 7, 1857, a son of Nathan B. and Sarah E. (Andrews) Peterson. He was born in Canada, and she in Cambria, Niagara county. The grandparents, John and Hannah (Kilborn) Peterson, came from Vermont to Orleans county, thence to London, Canada, where they lived seven years, then back to Cambria in 1830, where he died February 22, 1882, and his wife in 1850. Nathan B. Peterson was a lifelong farmer on the farm now occupied by Walter V. and died in 1882. The maternal grandparents, Appleton and Aseneth Andrews, came from the East, he from Massachusetts and she from Connecticut, and settled in Cambria in 1817. He was a carpenter by trade, w^orking in Wheat- field and Lockport, and in 1834 purchased a farm and followed farming until his death in 1867; his widow died in 1884. Walter V. Peterson was educated at the Lockport Union School, and in 1883 married Susie D., daughter of W. H. H. Ran- som of Ransomville, N. Y. They have four children: Nellie M., Florence E., Janet M. and Marion E. Mr. Peterson is a Republican and has been elected by his i)arty three terms of two years each as supervisor of Cambria. Finnell, John H , was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., August 18, 1858, a son of Michael Finnell. He was educated in the public schools at Niagara Falls and later took a course in the Niagara Falls Business College. At the age of fifteen he began learning the trade of carpenter and builder, which he has made his life business. In 1890 he undertook his first large contract and has since that time been continuously and successfullv engaged in the business of contracting and building, and is also agent for Niagara county for the Stewart Iron Works of Cincinnati, Ohio, handling their improved iron fencings. He is a director of the Buffalo National Savings and Loan Association and was assistant chief of the Niagara Falls Fire Department in 1892, and has been a member of the C. M. B. A. since 1881. He is also a member of the New York Mutual Life Association, served eight years in the N. Y. S. N. G. and is at present a member of the Veteran Association. March 7, 1877, he married Mary Penders, who died January 11, 1881, leaving two sons and a daughter. Feb- ruary 5, 1894, Mr. Finnell married Mary C. Macnamee of Cleveland, Ohio. Healand, John, was born in the town of Concord, Erie county, March 27, 1842, and is a son of John and Jane C. Healand. His father was born in Lincolnshire, Eng., and came to America just after marriage in 1838, locating in Orleans county, and later moved to Hartland, Niagara county, where he died in 1880. They had four children: Frances, now Mrs. Van Ness, Maria (Mrs. T. Sherifi'), died June 16, 1890, John and Joseph. John Healand attended school at Ridgway and finished at County Line. He enlisted in Co. A, 8th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, December 10, 1863, for three years, when he was transferred to Co. K, 10th N. Y. Vols., and was dis- charged June 30, 1865, at Bailey's Cross Roads, Va. His regiment was engaged in 123 the battles of Spotsylvania, North Anna, Cold Harbor, in front of Petersburg June 16, 18 and 22d, Malvern Hill. Deep Bottom, Weldon Railroad, Reams Station, first and second Hatchers Run and Appomattox. In 1865 he married Harriet S. Bron- son. daughter of Josiah W. and Sally Maria (Barlow) Bronson, both deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Bronson have these children: William R. Bronson, Jane Brightman, Ange- line Gaumer, Harriet and Caroline Andrews. Mr. Healand has been town commit- teeman, highway commissioner, member of Excise Board, and is now commander of C. L. Keels Post No. Md, G. A. R. On March 8, 1878, he moved on the farm where he now lives. Perrigo. George William, was born in Hulburton, Orleans county, N. Y., Septem- ber 12, 1840, and came to Wilson with his parents in March, 1855. His parents, William and Elizabeth H. (Pratt) Perrigo, were both born in Murray, Orleans county, whence they came to Wilson, his father to engage in the foundry business. In 1865 the business was sold to Barnum, Wilson & Co. His father then engaged in the grocery business and later sold that to John Monk, and is now residing in Alle- gan, Mich., engaged with two of his sons as manufacturing chemists; he is now eighty-one years old and enjoying good health. Elizabeth H Perrigo, the mother, died in August, 1894, aged seventy-four years. George W. Perrigo was educated at Wilson Collegiate Institute. After completing his education he went into business with his father in the foundry until they sold out; he then engaged in the insurance business for a number of years. When the evaporating of fruits was begun as an industry he started his first evaporator in the fall of 1880, and has run one or more every year since, and is now the only one engaged in the business who commenced when that industry was in its infancy in this town. In 1891 he engaged in the hardware business, and now occupies a building 20 by 70 feet, two stories high. Mr. Perrigo is a Republican in politics and has never failed of casting his ballot for the nominees of his party at every general election. He is a member of Ontario Lodge No. 376, F. & A. M. April 26, 1864, he married Mary E. Davis of Wilson, N. Y., and they had six children: Sarah A., Elizabeth A., William (i., Walter L. (deceased), Henry L. and Mabel A. Mrs. Perrigo was the daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah (Holmes) Davis. Nathaniel Davis came to Wilson with his parents, Ebenezer and Mary (Payne) Davis, about 1820. In 1829 he married Sarah Holmes, daughter of Daniel and Sally (Taylor) Holmes; they lived on a farm just .south of the village of WiLson most of their married life, and reared a family of nine children ; two sons died in the war of the Rebellion. Mrs. Sarah (Holmes) Davis died at the Davis home- stead in October, 1864, and Mr. Davis died in April, 1883; they were both mem- bers of the Presbyterian church of Wilson. Burtch, Lewis, was born in Newfane, Niagara county, N. Y., October 13, 1S16, a son of Martin and Hannah (Wisner) Burtch. The grandfather, David Wisner, came from Seneca county to Newfane about 1810, and made a home in the wilderness, where he lived until his death. Martin Burtch died in 1822, and Mrs. Burtch mar- ried Levi Stratton; Mr. Stratton died in 1838 and his widow remamed on the farm until her death in 1876, at the age of eighty-eight years. Lewis Burtch was reared on the farm, and took charge of the home farm for eight years, when he came to Cambria in 1851 and purchased 210 acres of land, where he has since carried on general farming and stock raising. In 1840 he married Lovisa Curtis. Mr. and 124 Mrs. Burtch have had uo children of their own, but they adopted two children, Lovisa Crandall, who married J. Bryant, and Lucy L., who resides at home. Mrs. Burtch's father, James Curtis, came to Newfane m 1802 and followed farming; he was a miller by trade and ran a mill at Claverack, Columbia county, in conjunction with his farming. Markle, Charles N., was born in Wilson, January 28, 1860, a son of John G. and Caroline (Wuste) Markle, natives of Germany. John G. Markle was born in Ger- many, Decembers, 1821, and immigrated to America in 1854, settling in Orange county, N. Y., and in 1856 came to Wilson, where he followed his trade, that of wagon- maker, until 1895, when he retired. October 1, 1849, he married Caroline Wuste, and they had three children: John G., of the United States Army, aged forty-six; Denie A., teacher in the Torrington (Conn.) High School, and Charles N. (as above). Mr. Markle is a Republican and has been trustee and treasurer of the village of Wilson eleven years, trustee of schools six years, eight years trustee of Greenwood Cemetery, and overseer of the poor four years. He was instrumental in collecting most of the money for the new Methodist Episcopal church, and was class leader and steward for over twenty-five years. Mrs. Markle was born in January, 1821. Charles N. was educated in Wilson, and began his business life as a clerk in Buffalo, from there he went to Lockport, and in April, 1881, moved to Wilson, where he en- gaged in business in which he has been very successful, now having the largest store of general merchandise in town. In politics he is a Republican, and has held the office of town clerk for ten years; he held the office of overseer of the poor for two years, was trustee and clerk of the village for nine years, has been clerk and trustee of the Board of Education for six years, and a member of the Presbyterian Society and trustee of the church. He is now secretary and treasurer and one of the di- rectors in the Wilson Creamery, and trustee and worshipful master of Ontario Lodge No. 376, F. & A. M., a member of Twelve Mile Tent, K. O. T. M., member of the American Fraternal Insurance Organization, and also a member of the village Board of Health. April 29, 1885, he married Carrie M. Darling of Lockport, daugh- ter of Horace S. Darling of Newfane, and they have one daughter, Grace D., born February 8, 1886. Mr. Markle is financial agent for the American Express Com- pany, and is a young business man of great popularity and future promise. Harrington, jr., Frank B., was born at Lockport, N. Y., January 29, 1855, a son of the late Frank B. Harrington. He was educated in the union schools of his native town and at fifteen years of age engaged with a Lockport grocer and remained eight years. In 1873 he removed to Niagara Falls and later bought out the grocery busi- ness of J. Brookfield and carried on that business successfully until 1894, when he he was appointed to his present position as superintendent of Station A of the Niagara Falls post oflfice. In 1881 he was married to Emma M. Schomburg, and they have four children. Mr. Harrington is a member of Niagara Lodge No. 81, I. O. O. F., and enjoys the high esteem of his fellow townsmen. Colpoys, Henry L. , was born in the village of Suspension Bridge, February 10, 1864, and is a son of William Colpoys, for many years a railroad employee. Mr. Colpoys was educated in the public schools, and at the age of thirteen went to work at the Western Hotel at Suspension Bridge, where he remained for four years, when 125 he was offered and accepted a position £S baggageman with the West Shore Railway at that place. After two years' service with the West Shore Railway he became identified with the old Erie Express at Buffalo. N. Y.. which went out of existence a year later (1884), at which time he returned to Niagara Falls and entered the employ of the Erie Railway Company as clerk in the freight department. After six years' service he was promoted to the chief clerkship by E. R. Allen, then agent; upon the removal of Mr. Allen as agent at Wellsville, he was promoted agent of the freight department, which position he still occupies. Miller, Isaac, was born in Waterloo, N. Y., February 9, 1825, and with his parents, Henry and Elizabeth Miller, moved to the town of Greece, Monroe county, in 1827. In 1854 Mr. Miller came to Niagara county, settling in Lockport, and for thirty years was engaged in the dry goods business, and later in the manufacturing of cotton batting, being one of the pioneers in that business, from which he retired in 1896. In 1851 he married Nancy L.. daughter of John Van De Venter. They had one son, Rolland E. Mr. Miller always took an active interest in all educational and religious institutions and ever advanced the best interests of his town and townspeople. Mrs. Miller died December 31. 1896. Exactly six months after, June 29, 1897, Mr. Miller followed his beloved wife to the silentland. The following is from an obituary notice published in a local newspaper: " So deep and abiding was the affection existing be- tween these two that when one was removed, life could not be taken up again by the other. Mr. Miller leaves one brother, Henry Miller of North Greece, N. Y., and one son. Dr. Rolland Elwell Miller, who now, with his wife and child, reside in Lock- port. Among his many friends, both in the First Presbyterian church, in the Ma- sonic fraternity to which he belonged, and in his immediate neighborhood, Mr. Mil- ler will be profoundly mourned. Always kind and courteous, thoughtful and con- siderate, he possessed the virtues which touch most densely the human heart, and are longest remembered and reverenced." Earl, Herman S. , was born in Rutland county, Vt. , June 16, 1842, a son of Homer and Betsey Earl, natives of Vermont. His father was born August 3, 1800, and mother December 25, 1800; they were married in August, 1823, and had eight chil- dren, six of whom are living: Oscar H., Mary A., Everett, Wilbur T., W. C. Earl, M. D. ; Fostina and Hiram are dead. Mr. Earl's parents came from Vermont with team and wagon, locating on the farm now owned by Mr Earl. They cleared the land and underwent all the trials and hardships incident to pioneer life. He was jus- tice of the peace and merchant in Vermont for years and was an assessor in New- fane; he died January 12, 1866, and his widow August 27, 1890. Herman S. Earl married Sarah A. Keyes March 5, 1873, and they had one .son who died when seven months old. Mrs. Earl died in 1873 and he married Effie A. Bunday, a daughter of M. C. Pierce, who lives with his daughter and is in his ninety first year. Mr. Earl is a successful farmer and fruit grower and is a steadfast, honest and industrious gen- tleman. The last bear of Niagara county was killed on his farm forty years ago. Hodge, William H., M. D., was born at Cambria, N. Y., May 27, 1865, a son of James Hodge, a prosperous farmer of that town, now deceased. Young Hodge was educated at the Lockport Union School, and later in the University of New York. In 1886 he began the study of medicine with his brother, Dr. John W. 126 Hodge, at Niagara Falls, and later entered the Medical Department of the Uni- versity of the City of New York. From New York he went to Chicago, where he graduated from the Chicago Homoeopathic Medical College in 1889; the following year he was appointed assistant surgeon in the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. In 1893 he returned to Niagara Falls, where he is now at the head of the medical profession. Dr. Hodge was married February 17, 1893, to Miss Marion A. Morley, the accomplished daughter of Rev. B. Morley of Sandusky, Ohio, and a relative of the famous English statesman, John Morley. Mrs. Hodge died at Ni- agara Falls January 17, 1896; the memory of this lovely and noble woman will ever be cherished by all who were so fortunate as to know her. Dr. Hodge, though voung in years, is a man of wide experience and a skillful surgeon. He is sur- geon for the Cataract Construction Co. and many other large corporations; is pres- ident of the Western New York Homoeopathic Medical Society, a member of the New York State Homoeopathic Medical Society and of the American Institute of Homoeopathy. Upson, William H. — This enterprising business man of Lockport was born in Canisteo, Steuben county, N. Y., July 33, 1850. He has been connected with the Erie Railroad Company for the past thirty-one years, having filled numerous posi- tions of trust, and is at this time freight and passenger agent at Lockport for this company. He is also interested in other enterprises, owning and operating the largest coal industry in the city; his coal pocket trestle is the largest in Western New York outside of Buffalo and Rochester. He is president of the Empire Knights of Relief, a fraternal insurance order with head ofiRce in the D. S. Morgan Build- ing at Buffalo, treasurer and director in the Lockport Savings and Loan Associa- tion, and one of Lockport' s substantial and public spirited citizens. He has always been a Republican in politics and was elected supervisor three consecutive terms from his ward. He was married October 28, 1875, to Nella M. Ayrault of Nunda, Livingston county, N. Y. Although a comparatively young man, he has the respect and confidence of his fellow townsmen, and has before him apparently many years in which to develop the prosperous career he has started upon. Brookins, Samuel W., was born in Pennsj^lvania, August 15, 1818, a son of Eras- tus and Annie (Wood) Brookins; he born in Rutland, Yt., in 1784, and she in Hali- fax, in 1785. Samuel Brookins was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He is a farmer and has a farm of eighty-two acres, and in 1885 built a fine residence. He was married in 1846 to Barbara Curtis, who died soon after, and in 1856 he married Jennette Brown, born in Porter, and a daughter of John and Mary A. Brown, who came to Porter quite early. Mr. and Mrs. Brookins had three children: Elmer E., born August 38, 1861, and educated at Buffalo in Bryant & Strat- ton's Business College, a farmer in Porter and was supervisor of the town for two years; was married February 13, 1897, to Miss A. Eudora Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hill of Porter. Lament W. was killed at the age of seven ; and Burt H., born March 4, 1870, educated in the common schools of Buffalo and in Clark & Perrin's Business College. He was married in 1896 to Alberta Calvert, and they have one daughter, Ruth M. In politics Mr. Brookins is a Republican, and the fam- ily attend and are members of the Presbyterian church at Youngstown. 12/ Pringle, George W., was born at Norwood, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., Decem- ber 31, 1868, a son of Ralph Pringle, a farmer of that place. Mr. Pringle was edu- cated in the public schools at Norwood, and at the age of nineteen took a course in the Louisville (Ky.) College of Dentistry, from which he was graduated in 1892. He then removed to Niagara Falls, where he entered into the successful practice of his profession in the same year, 1893. Pearce, Robert, was born in Devonshire, England, May 23, 183o, and came to the United States July 10, 1853, settling in Middleport, where he learned his trade of harness manufacturer of Richard [de. In 1856 he established his present business of harness making, bicycles and sporting goods. In 1854 he married Anna, daugh- ter of James Podger, and they have two sons, James and Everett. Mr. Pearce takes an active intere.st in all public matters and has served four years as trustee of the town. Briggs, Warren C, was born at Mapleton, Niagara county, N. Y., August 20, 1873. He received his education at the Lockport Union School and Lockport Busi- ness University. His father, Wesley C. Briggs, was born at Carlton, Orleans county, N. Y., August 30, 1842, and was educated at the Lockport Union School and Bryant & Stratton's Business College of Buffalo. On March 21, 1868, he was united in marriage to Mi.ss Esther Cornell of Ransomville. Mrs. Briggs was educated at Wilson Academy and the Lockport Union School, and previous to her marriage taught in the public schools of Niagara county for several years. The greater part of Mr. Briggs's life was spent on the farm at Mapleton, where after a short illness he died October 9, 1892. Since his death his son has carried on the affairs of the home- stead farm in a most exemplary and business like manner and has given consider- able attention to the care of fine stock and honses. The parents of Wesley C. Briggs were Ira and Philena (Travis) Briggs. Ira Briggs was born in Greene county, N. Y., October 5, 1812, and his wife (whose father was a Quaker) was born in Scottsville, Monroe county, N. Y., Augusts, 1820. After their marriage, which occurred De- cember 26, 1838, they settled in Genesee county. A few years later they came to Niagara county. He purchased a large tract of land on Tonawanda Creek and after living there a few years settled on the old homestead place, where the subject of this sketch now resides. In the year 1871 Mr. Briggs retired from active business life and purchased a home in the city of Lockport, where he resided until his death, which occurred October 4, 1893. The father of Esther Cornell Briggs was William Cornell, who was born in Caledonia, N. Y., July 21, 1818, When a child he came with his parents to Niagara county. October 23, 1840, he married Hannah E. Gunn of Henrietta, N. Y. After her death, which occurred July 19, 1847, he married Anna V. Gunn, who died January 13, 1882. Mr. Cornell died May 11, 1883. at his home at Porter Center. Blum, Jacob, was born in Pendleton March 31, 1859, a son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Gerhart) Blum. Jacob Blum, sr., was born in Bavaria, and came to America in 1847, when fourteen years of age, with his parents, Frank and Catharine Blum. He was apprenticed to the carpenter trade, but later on successfully entered the educa- tional field and for fifteen years taught in German and English in the Catholic school in Pendleton. He was an active Democrat and was collector and assessor for fifteen 128 years; he died June 22, 1896, aged sixty-three years. The parents of Elizabeth Blum, John and Elizabeth Gerhart, came from Bavaria in 1834 and settled on a farm in Pendleton. . John Gerhart was a mason by trade and worked in Lockport, build- ing the old Thornton and Chester Mills and later in Batavia, removing to Wisconsin in 1856, where he worked at his trade until eighty-four years old; he died at the age of eighty-eight and his wife at the age of eighty-four. Jacob Blum, the subject, was educated in the parish school at Pendleton and in 1881 engaged in the grocery busi- ness at Pendleton. He is a Democrat, and as such was. in 1883, elected town clerk and held the office eleven years in succession. He was defeated in 1895, but in 1897 was again elected for a term of two years. He has also been for nine years secre- tary of the Niagara and Erie County Farmers' Protective Association. He is a mem- ber of Swormville Branch No. 67, CM. B. A. Koetsch, Ernest A., was born in Newark, N. Y., August 5, 1867, a son of Godfrey and Katherine Koetsch, natives of Germany. He learned the trade of watchmaker and jeweler at Newark and Lyons, finishing up in the Horological Institute of Watchmakers at Chicago. He then spent a year in Lockport and was five years with Mundie & McCoy of North Tonawanda. April 25, 1896, he entered into part- nership with William C. Fowler, forming the jewelry firm of Koetsch & Fowler, one of the leading firms of the county. Mr. Koetsch is a member of the Foresters, of Electric Lodge L O. O. F., and served five years in the 25th Separate Company; he is also a member of the Methodist church and of the Y. M. C A. Rabb, Peter J., was born in Eggertsville, Erie county, April 4, 1841. His father, Adam Rabb, was born in Germany and came to the United States in 1836, settling in Erie county, where he remained until 1853, when he moved to Pekin and after- wards to Cambria. In 1865 he moved to town of Lockport and died December 22, 1894. Peter J. Rabb was educated in the common schools and in 1861 enlisted in the 28d N. Y. Vol. Artillery, under Capt. Ransom, and took part in the battles of Newbern, Whitehall. Kiuston and many others, receiving an honorable discharge July 14, 1865. He then returned to Niagara county and in 1869 married Harriet, daughter of John Singer, and they have three daughters, Laura E., Dora M , and Ida L. Mr. Rabb is one of the representative farmers of his town, serving as town collector and takes an intelligent interest in educational and religious mstitutions. Morris, Augustus, a son of Francis C. and Anna P. (Schoonmaker) Morris, was born in the town of Porter, Niagara county, N. Y., October 12, 1865. He attended the public schools and took a preparatory course in the Lockport Union School, after which he entered the law office of Hon. David Millar as a student, and was admitted to the bar at Rochester in 1893. He immediately began the practice of his profession, in which he continued alone for a year, when he formed a copartner- ship with Charles Hickey which copartnership continued until January 1, 1896, at which time Mr. Hickey was elevated to the bench as county judge and surrogate of Niagara county, and the copartnership dissolved by operation of law, after which the firm of Morris & Smith was formed, which copartnership still continues. Mr. Morris was married June 26, 1895, to Mary E., daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Warner, of Sanborn, N. Y. Pears(ra, Albert A., was born in the town of Royalton, December 12, 1860. His 129 father, Henry Pearson, a native of England, with his brothers, William and Robert, settled in Niagara county, where their descendants now reside. Henry Pearson married Elizabeth J., daughter of Thomas Dale. Albert Pearson was educated in the common schools and in 1890 married Emrna C. Silsby, and they have three sons, Albert H., George E. and John E. Mrs. Pearson died in 1895. Pletcher, Franklin, was born at Niagara Falls, September 25, 1849, and is a son of Daniel Pletcher, a pioneer farmer of that place. Mr. Pletcher was educated in the public schools at Niagara Falls, and at the Lockport Union School; in 1869 he left school and went to work'on his father's farm. In 1881 he removed to the village of Suspension Bridge, where he became an inspector of customs at the Custom House, and continued in that capacity until 1886, when he established his present business, that of flour, feed and grain. October 2, 1879, he married Martha E. Witmer, daugh- ter of Joseph and Catharine Witmer, of the town of Niagara, and they have one daughter, Edith M. Humbert, William S., was born at Brooklyn, N. Y., December 13, 1861, and is a son of William P. Humbert, who was for years a Wall street broker; he is now re- tired and living in Buffalo. Mr. Humbert was educated in the Flushing (L. I.) In- stitute, and at the age of seventeen entered Columbia College, New York city, tak- ing and completing the course in Mining Engineering. He was graduated in ISMS', and at once entered the employ of the City of New York, being employed on the Croton Aqueduct, where he remained until 1891 (as Assistant Engineer), at that time removing to Niagara Falls to accept the position of Division Engineer, in charge of construction, in the emplo)' of the Niagara Falls Power Co. He continued in that position until 1893, when he entered business as a wholesale and retail dealer in Contractors' and Builders' Supplies, which business he still continues to successfully operate. December 28, 1887, he married Blanche A., daughter of Rev. David Ken- nedy, S. T. D., of Stanstead, Province of Quebec, Can. Mr. and Mrs. Humbert have one son, William K. Wilson, Frank E., was born at Lockport, N. Y. , June 23, 1863, a son of Richard Wilson, a millwright and machinist, now deceased. Frank E. Wilson was educated in the public schools of his native town, and at the age of eighteen removed toOber- lin, Ohio, where he learned telegraphy. Later he entered the employ of the New York Central Railroad Company at Sanborn, N. Y., as telegraph operator, and re- mained there for five years, when he was transferred to La Salle, as station agent for the same company. In 1892 he resigned his position and established himself in business at La Salle and has continued there ever since. On October 16, 1893, he was appointed postmaster at that place and is still an incumbent of that office. Sep- tember 29, 1886, he married Esther G. Riegle of Sanborn, N. Y., and they have five children. Mr. Wilson is a trusted oflRcer and highly respected citizen. Scovell, Oliver P., son of Josiah and Anna Saxe Scovell, was born at Orwell, Ad- dison county, Vt., March 24, 1820, removed with his parents in October, 1836, to Cambria, Niagara county. He was educated at Castleton Seminary, Vermont, and Lewiston Seminary. On arriving at age he spent the years 1841 and 1842 in cleanng up a new farm in the woods of Eaton county, Mich. In 1843 and 1844 he was in a store and post-office at Yates Center, Orleans county, N. Y. In the spring of 1845 I30 he went to New York city as agent of the old Clinton Line of boats on the Erie Canal, where he remained for six years. In 1851 he went to Boston as freight and ticket agent of the Fitchburg, Cheshire, Rutland and Burlington, and Ogdensburg Rail- roads, and Crawford & Chamberlin's line of propellers on the lakes, with office at 100 State street, for two years. The summer of 1853 he acted as traveling agent for the Albany & Rutland Railroad, while building at Lewiston preparatory to house- keeping that fall. In 1846 he was married at Lewiston to Elizabeth E. Shepard, only daughter of Leonard and Nancy A. Shepard. She died in 1854, and in 1855 he was married to Elizabeth E., oldest daughter of Philo and Eliza Jewett of Middle- bury, Addison county, Vt. In 1860 he was elected to the Legislature, and in April, 1861, voted for the first men and money from this State in the war of the Rebellion. He was enrolling officer for Lewiston and deputy provost marshal for the county during the drafts, going to Elmira twice a week with enlisted and drafted men. He was deputy collector of customs at Lewiston under Franklin Spalding and again under Hon. T. E. Ellsworth; president of Lewiston village at different times; director and vice-president of the Lake Ontario Shore (now R. W. & O.) Railroad Co. ; railroad commissioner of Lewiston for the issuing of bonds of said town in aid of the con- struction of the above load; for twenty-five years chairman of the School Board of Lewiston village ; for forty-three years an elder, treasurer and clerk of session of the Presbyterian church of Lewiston, and for many years has been and now is a notary public, insurance agent and general conveyancer. He has two sons, Philo Jewett and Josiah Boardman — Jewett, a professor of music, and Josiah an attorney at law. Bradley, Daniel, was born in Canada, August 22, 1819, a son of William and De- bora (Trip) Bradley, both born in Onondaga county, N. Y., and went to Canada in an early day, where he died in 1861, and his widow in 1870. Daniel Bradley was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He is a farmer and butcher and came to Wilson in 1850 and bought a farm ; he has owned a number of farms in Porter and at present has 165 acres where he resides. In 1840 he married Almena Winter of Canada, and they had seven children: Smith, one of the leading farmers of Porter; Truman H., of Sterling, Can. ; Mathew D., a farmer of Porter; Wesley J. ; Fannie Chipman of Texas; Willie W., M. D., of South Dakota, and Lewis H., of Memphis, Mich. His wife died in 1874, and in 1875 he married Mrs. Clarissa Hubble of Canada. Dudley, Frank Alonzo, is descended from John Dudley (1), who settled in Guil- ford, Conn., in 1673. The line from John (1) is Ebenezer (2), Nathaniel (3), Phineas (4), a soldier from Connecticut in the Revolution, who was born in Guilford, and married Ruth Dowd, who had two brothers who were killed in the war for Independ- ence; Phineas (5), who was born in Killingworth, Conn., and married Elizabeth Graves, a great-granddaughter of Governor Webster of Connecticut; and John A. (6). A number of Mr. Dudley's ancestors .served in the Colonial and Revolutionary wars, and many of them won distinction in civil life. John A. Dudley, father of Frank A., was born in Guilford Conn., May 4, 1829, came to Western New York when a young man, and on December 20, 1854, married Henrietta, daughter of Ithureal and Candace (Gaskill) Wright, who was born in Lockport, N. Y., December 20, 1832. He first settled on a farm in Wilson, Niagara county, where Frank A. was born Jan- uary 30, 1864, being the third of five children. Soon afterward the family moved to 131 Wisconsin and settled at Whitewater, where Mr. Dudley still lives, and where his wife died January 16, 1887. He spent his active life as a farmer and real estate dealer. Frank A. Dudley was educated at the Wisconsin State Normal School in Whitewater, and when eighteen returned East, locating in Lockport, where he read law with Hon. Joshua Gaskill. He was admitted to the bar in 1886, and in 1887 settled permanently in Niagara Falls, where, in 1888, he formed a copartnership with Hon. W. Caryl Ely, under the firm name of Ely & Dudley, which still contin- ues as Ely, Dudley & Cohn. Mr. Dudley rapidly rose to a front rank at the bar, and for several years has enjoyed an extensive law business. He is an able lawyer, a man of great energy and perseverance, and has been eminently successful. He is a stockholder and an officer in a number of important business and commercial enter- prises of Niagara Falls, including the Electric City Bank, of which he is vice- president; he was early connected with the power development at Niagara, and was one of the incorporators and organizers of the Buffalo and Niagara Falls Electric Railway. In politics he is an active and prominent Republican, and in 1895 and 1896 was elected to the Assembly, where he introduced and championed several bills which became laws. He introduced and had made the law giving the Niagara Falls Hydraulic Manufacturing Company the permanent right to use from the waters of Niagara River sufficient to develop 100,000 horse power; he also introduced and secured the passage of the graduated inheritance tax bill, designed to equalize the burden of taxation throughout the State. This bill is what is known as the "Dud- ley tax bill," and was vetoed by (Jovernor Black. He is a Knight Templar Mason, holding membership in Niagara Frontier Lodge, No. 133, F. & A. M., a member of the order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and is also a member of the Sons of the American Revolution. December 17, 1890, he married Etta, daughter of Wes- ley Payne and Harriet Ann (Sackett) Brown, of Niagara Falls. Mrs. Dudley is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution through three great-grand- fathers, Elijah Gilbert, Stephen Pain, and Rufus Butts. Campbell, Nathan, was born in the town of Cambria, March 28, 1845. His father, William Campbell, was also born in Cambria in 1818, where his father, Joshua Camp- bell, settled in 1816, the family being among the prominent people of that town. William Campbell married Alida, daughter of Thorret Rose; they moved to the town of Royalton in 1852, where he died in 1859. Nathan Campbell was educated in the common schools and in 1870 married Sarah, daughter of Henry Ernest. Mr. Campbell has served as highway commissioner and collector and was appointed town agent of the Erie and Niagara County Farmers' Insurance Association and is recog- nized as a man of sterling integrity, whose judgment is sought and respected by all who know him. Moore, Allen N., M. D., is of Canadian birth and has been a resident of Niagara county since 1878. He was educated in the public schools and was graduated from the medical department of the Michigan University in 1878. He at this date re- moved to Rapids, Niagara county, N. Y. , and began the practice of his profession. In 1893 he removed to Lockport and resumed his practice, where he has since resided. Dr. Moore is a member of the New York State Medical Association and a member of the Ma.sonic order in all its branches. In October, 18S1, he married Jennie Dever- eaux of Canada. 132 Wakeman, Edward A., was born in Lockport July 4, 1810. His father, Sillamon Wakeman, came to Lockport from Seneca county, N. Y., in 1809, purchasing a tract of Woodland from the Holland Land Company. He began clearing away the forests and with his wife, Susanna W. Wakeman, were among the pioneers of Niagara county. He died in 1818. Edward A. Wakeman attended the first school established in Lockport in 1818. After his twelfth year he worked on the farm. In 1834 he married Cynthia Howe, who died in 1834, and after her death he married Eliza- beth B. Jones. Mr. Wakeman is one of the conservative men of Lockport, where he has spent his life of eighty seven years, engaging in many business enterprises and filling various positions of honor and trust, and has ever reeeived and merited the respect of his associates. Mesler, Capt. Charles V., who served with distinction in the late Civil war and is now one of the leading business men of Gasport and a prominent and influential citi- zen of Niagara county, is a son of AVjsalom and Sallie M. (Wyman) Mesler, and was born in the town of Barrie, Orleans county, N, Y., October 12, 1836. His great- grandfather, Abraham Mesler, was a native of Holland and settled first on Manhat- tan Island and later removed to Morris county, N. J., where he died. He married Miss Covert, by whom he had a large family, one of whom was Bergen Mesler (grandfather), who was born on Staten Island January 4, 1759, moved with his father to New Jersey, and in 1832 returned to New York, locating in Seneca count}-. In the following year he removed to the town of Hartland, Niagara county, where he died July 15, 1824. He was a farmer and carpenter, an old-line Whig in politics and a member of the Baptist church; he was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, serving directly under General Washington, and also served for a time in the war of 1812. He married Mary Cooper, by whom he had thirteen children, ten sons and three daughters. Absalom Mesler (father) was born in the town of Chester, Morris county, N. J., October 8, 1812, snd came to Niagara county with his parents. He moved to the then village of Lockport in 1825, and entered the employ of Eli Bruce, then deputy sheriff and afterward elected sheriff, being the second man to occupy that office after the formation of Niagara county. In the spring of 1826 Mr. Mesler re- moved to the town of Cambria, where he engaged in farming for two years and then went to St. Catherine's, Can., and from there came to where the Catholic College now stands, between Lewiston and Niagara Falls. He lived at a number of other places during the next seventeen years, after which he resided near Royalton Center for twenty years. In 1868 he removed to Gasport, where he is still living at an ad- vanced age. Here, in partnership with his son, Charles V., he engaged in the com mission business, handling all kinds of produce and agricultural machinery. In 1887 Mr. Mesler practically retired from business and his son, Merrill A., assumed control and has since successfully conducted the enterprise. Mr. Mesler is a Republican in politics and married Sallie M., daughter of Samuel Wyman, August 22, 1833, by whom he had a family of eight children; Candis R., married Nelson Thompson (de- ceased); Charles V. (the subject) ; William M., married Lizzie Miller, resides in Michi- gan; Augusta, married Oliver J. Brun.son, a farmer in Hartland; Samuel, married Helen Babcock, a commission merchant at Gasport; Sarah, married John Jenkins of Middlcport (deceased), and Merrill, married and in business at Gasport. Capt. Charles V. Mesler was educated principally by his own efforts; he improved every n3 opportunity that came within his reach and applied himself diligently to such books as he could procure. He attended Leoni College in Michigan for two terms, and at Adrian College three terms, but at the breaking out of the Civil war laid down his books and enlisted, April 19, 1861 as a private in Co. K, 1st Michigan Infantry, for three months. While in camp at Sooter's Hill, Va. , in the latter part of June, 1861, he was attacked by typhoid pneumonia and sent first to the City Infirmary at Wash- ington, and from there to the General Hospital at Annapolis, Md. After regaining liis health be joined his company, but was soon poisoned bj'^ eating cake bought of a female huckster, and only saved b}' the prompt and energetic efforts of the surgeon in charge. He was mustered out at Ft. Wayne, Detroit, Mich., August 7, 1861, but immcdiatelj' returned to Niagara county and re-enlisted at Lockport in Co. B, 105th N. V. Inf. At Front Royal, Va. , he again suffered from typhoid pneumonia and was placed in the General Hospital at Alexandria, and as soon as able he reported to headquarters for duty. In the second battle of Bull Run, August -50, 1861. he was wounded by a ball in the ankle and was also injured at South Mountain and at Get- tysburg; later he was again wounded in front of Petersburg, but in a few days joined his company and on the Weldon Railroad was taken prisoner and sent to Danville, where he remained in captivity for six mouths, during that time being prostrated with rheumatism. He was appointed orderly .sergeant of his company February 10, 1862, and commissioned second lieutenant September 30, following; he was promoted to be first lieutenant November 25, 1863, and received a captain's commission Janu- ary 1, 1865; later was brevetted colonel by the governor of the State and mustered out at Albany, N. Y. , July 28, 1865. When the war was over Captain Mesler re- turned to Gasport and engaged in the commission business for some years with his father; later he became a dealer in coal, lumber and phosphate at Gasport, which business he has since conducted very successfully. In 1867 Captain Mesler married Hattie E., daughter of Caleb Drake of Gasport, and to them have been born three children: Frank M., May H. and Mattie D. In politics Captain Mesler is an ardent Republican, giving his party an active, energetic and influential support. In 1867 he was appointed postmaster of Gasport, which office he held for nineteen consecu- tive years ; he is now, and has been for sixteen years, a notary public. He is a mem- ber of Cataract Lodge No. 94, Ancient Order of United Workmen, at Gasport, and has held all the offices in the lodge, and is a charter member of Lodge No. 787, F. & A. M., at Gasport. In April, 1864, in accordance with General Order No. 49, Adju- tant-General's office. Captain Mesler, then lieutenant, was given a thirty-five days' furlough to enlist veterans for the war — a lucky prize granted to but few. Eshelman, Samuel B., was born at Clarence Center, Erie county, July 6, 1839, a son of the late John Eshelman, a prosperous farmer of that section. Samuel Eshel- man was educated in the public schools of his native town and in Carj' Collegiate Seminary, and was graduated from that institution in 1855. He immediateiy en- tered the general store of his brother, John Eshelman, jr., as clerk, where he re- mained seven years, and then removed to Buffalo, where he was engaged as a clerk in a large dry goods establishment; in 1863 he removed to Niagara Falls, where he was placed in charge of the large flour and feed store of Witner Bros, and remained in that position nineteen years, when he established himself in the same line of busi- ness and in which he successfuUj- operated until 1885, when he was elected justice of 134 the peace and retained that office for eight years. He represented the town of Niagara in the Board of Supervisors for four years, being chairman of the board in 1881 and 1882. Among the public offices filled by hmi were those of village treasurer for four years, village trustee, member of the Board of Education and of the Board of Water Commissioners, and others. In 1896 he was appointed attendance officer of the city of Niagara Falls, which office he still holds. July 23, 1872, he married Har- riet Metz of Niagara Falls, and they had six children. Hopkins, S. Silas, was born in the town of Lewiston, Niagara county, March 29, 1852, and has been engaged in farming and fruit growing all his life. He has fifty acres of apple orchard, fifteen acres of pears, and ten acres of plums on the home- stead. On the farm situated on the Niagara River Road below Lewiston he has twenty-five acres of quinces, twenty acres of pears and plums and other fruits. He is a member of the Niagara County Farmers' Club and has been its president for two years. In 1875 he married E Amanda Young of Cambria, and they have two children, Edna Young and Arline Douglass. Mr. Hopkins's parents were Silas S and Abigail H. Hopkins. After the kevolutionary war his great-grandfather immigrated to Canada from New Jersey and settled near Hamilton, Ontario, but his two sons, Silas and Benjamin, not liking the country, Silas came to Lewiston, and later Benjamin settled in Michigan. His son Silas was the first judge of Niagara county and was grandfather of the subject of this sketch. Mr. Hopkms's father made a valuable permanent improvement in the town of Lewiston by draining the great cranberry marsh opposite his farm and reclaiming a valuable tract of land which is still in possession of the family. He died June 20, 1871, while his widow is still living at the age of eighty years. Mr.s. Hopkins's family, the Youngs, came from Pennsyl- vania about 1810, traveling in wagons and unloaded near Niagara Falls by an old oak tree, the site of which is to-day marked by some willows; there they took up land and settled. These were her great grandfather, John, her grandfather, Samuel, and his brothers, John, Christian and Jacob. They were driven from their homes three times by the Indians during the war of 1812. Mrs. Hopkins's grandparents on the mother's side, the Hittles, came from Pennsylvania in 1828; her great-grand- father served through the Revolutionary war as an officer. Miller, John C, was born in Wilson, N. Y., December 25, 1856, a son of John H. and Sophia (Beeman) Miller, natives of Germany, who came to America in 1856, living in Wilson and Newfane until 1876, when John H. bought the farm the subject now owns. He was killed in June, 1892, and his widow lives with John C. John C. was educated in the common schools and is at present carrying on the homestead farm of fifty acres. In 1880 he married Maria Bendt and they have four children: B. Frank, C. Howard, Grace E. and John C. Root, Thomas, was born at South Onondaga, Onondaga county, N. Y., October 14, 1817, the oldest son of Elias and Anna (Belding) Root, and is descended from Thomas Root, who came from Badby, England, and settled at Hartford, Conn., in 1637. Thomas Root was married to Martha B., daughter of Dr. Myron Orton of Cambria, in 1847. They have five children : Elias, a lawyer at North Tonawanda ; Mary A., wife of Gilbert M. Duncan, a farmer of Newfane; EmmaM. Root of North Tonawanda; Minnie C, wife of W. Irving Burns, a physician at North Tonawanda; 135 and Frank M. Root, living on the home farm. Thomas Root has resided at Pekin, Niagara count}', since 1818. He has represented his town (Cambria) as supervisor twice, and has held the office of justice of the peace for over forty years, the longest contmuous service in that capacity of any one in the county. He has always taken an active interest in public affairs. He was one of the original Abolitionists in his town, where only one or two other voters co-operated with him, and his place was a station on the underground railroad. He actively supported the Republican party from its organization until a few years since, when he identified himself with the Prohibition party. He and his family are Methodists. He still, at the age of eighty years, resides on his farm near the village of Pekin, a hale, hearty old gen- tleman, influential in neighborhood affairs, and whose judgment and advice are much regarded. McCollum, Abram M., was born in Porter, October 29, 1843, a son of Abram Howe and Susanah (Zittle) McCollum. His father was born in Tuscarora Valley in 1820, son of Joseph McCollum, born in Pennsylvania in 1775, and in 1820 came to Porter, settling on a farm where he lived and died in 1858. The maternal grandfather, Conrad Zittle, was born in Germany in 1765, and came to the United States with his mother in 1774, who died in Pennsylvania. Mr. Zittle came to Porter about 1809 or ISIO and settled on the farm at Tower's Corners by the Four-mile Creek; he sold to Peter Tower and settled at Zittle's Corners about 1816 or 1817, where he lived and died April 11, 1850. Abram M. McCollum was reared on a farm, and educated in the common schools. He is a farmer and owns 120 acres of land and works about 200 acres. In 1869 he married Almyra S. Sanborn, daughter of Israel Sanborn of Orleans county, and niece of Hon. L. R. Sanborn of Sanborn, Niagara county. Mr. and Mrs. McCollum had seven children: Anna W., May (who died at four years of age), Evangeline, Abram D., Israel L. , Lulu and Grant. Mr. McCollum is a Re- publican in politics, and in 1863 enlisted in Co. F, 8th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, serv- ing under Col. Peter A. Porter until the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864, where he was disabled by a bullet striking the shoulder and lodging in the left side of his head, which caused him to lay on the field unconscious for ten or twelve hours; after coming to he had lo.st so much blood from the shattered arm, that he was una- ble to help himself, uv.d as no flag of truce was accepted from either side, was left laying on the field for two days, and then taken to Fairfax Seminary, Va., from which he was honorably discharged October 10, 1864. He is a member of Melville C. McCollum Post of Ransomville, N. Y., and its present commander, said post be- ing named in honor of a brother. Mr. McCollum's father was a lifelong Whig and Republican; he was a leader in his town and count}' and served for a time in the regular army. He enlisted in the volunteers, serving for a time in a light battery, when he received an honorable discharge from the governor of his State, telling him he could do more good recruiting. He spent hundreds of dollars for the benefit of the government during the Civil war for recruiting, and in the Christian and Sani- tary Commission for the benefit of wounded soldiers and their families that were left at home. Any one coming for aid was never turned away. Patriotic to a fault was the father of Abram M. McCollum. F'reer, George S., was born in Cambria, N. Y., in April, 1833, a son of Solomon and Mary Ann (Snyder) Freer. The grandfather, Amos Freer, was a merchant in 136 Albany, and the paternal grandfather, Henry Snyder, was an early settler of Cam- bria. Solomon Freer came to Cambria in 1826. where he lived until his death. He was a millwright by trade, but spent his last days at farming. George S. Freer was reared on a farm, and has always followed farming with the exception of four years spent in the custom house under Cutler as deputy collector. In 1855 he married Caroline Madison, adopted daughter of Roswell Hart of Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Freer are the parents of four sons and one daughter: Milton vS., miller; Roswell H., (deceased), G. Frank, farmer; Charles S., farmer on homestead, and Minnie, wife of William Walaba. Mr. Freer is a Democrat and has served as assessor and super- visor. He is a member of Frazier Lodge No. 375, F. & A. M., also of the Good Templars. McCollum, James A., is a son of Peter and Abigail McCollum, who came through the dense wilderness from Schenectady county in 1819, moving in a lumber wagon and settling in what is now Newfane in 1820. Their worldly possessions at that time were a team, wagon, and a sharp axe to clear up the homestead where James A. now resides. They raised to maturity a family of four children : John, Abigail, Charles S. and James A. — the latter the youngest and only surviving son. Peter McCollum died in 1862, and his wid-^nv survived till 1872. They had'Seen the town grow from a wilderness to a high state of cultivation and civilization — from the time when its post-office was a knot hole in a sycamore tree a few rods south of the village of New- fane. The second frame school house in town was built on his farm, in a community of intelligent and enterprising people, enjoying the benefits of hard and well earned properties. It is worthy of record that he and his three sons represented at different times the town of Newfane in the Board of Supervisors, each for several terms — a veritable family of supervisors — James A. serving for five years and chair- man of the board for two years; also served as its clerk. At the pres- ent time he is vice-president of the Erie and Niagara Co. Farmers' Insurance Association, and for many years has been a director of the Niagara County Agricul- tural Society, and has always been a resident of the town, with the exception of a few years spent in teaching in Kentucky and Tennessee in his j-ounger days. The whole McCollum family have been intimately connected with the progress and pros- perity of the town of Newfane, and in all the relations of life — business, social and educational — have proved trustworthy, liberal and enterprising, commanding the re- spect and esteem of not only their immediate neighbors, but of the citizens of the whole county. Bedenkapp, W. J., was born in the town of Porter, Niagara county, July 2P>, 1855, a .son of John and Eliza (Ubidike) Bedenkapp. His first employment was railroading and he was connected with the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railroad for four and a half years; he then clerked for some time in the store of John Fleming at Lewiston. In June, 1881, he began to buy fruit and has been a fruit dealer ever since; he owns the cold storage building in Lewiston and is also interested in fruit growing. Since 1888 he has been active in politics and public affairs; he was deputy collector of customs at Lewiston for five years, trustee of the village for two years and was elected president of the village in 1896, and re-elected in the spring of 1897. In April, 1896, Mr. Bedenkapp was appointed special agent for the State Commission of Lunacy, most particularly in connection with the Buffalo State Hospital, his work ^i7 extending over the counties of Niagara, Erie, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua and Wy- oming, but also including some of the territory of Willard Hospital. Previous to re- ceiving this appointment Mr. Bedenkapp had been special messenger for the Hon. T. Elsworth at Albany. December?, 1882, he married Sarah J. Brown, and their children are Sadie E., Maud M., Glenn Ray and Mabel Frances. Mr. Bedenkapp has lived in Levviston since he was nine years of age and is universally recognized as one of the towns most enterprismg and progressive men. He is a member of the A. O. U. \V. and also of the Odd Fellows and has been through all the chairs in both societies. Thompson, George F., was born at Saratoga Springs, July 24, 1870, and came to Niagara county in 1883, settling at Reynale's Basin. In 1890 he began the study of law with George D. Judson and was admitted to the bar in March, 1893. He as- sociated him.self with George D. Judson for two years, and in February, 1895, Mr. Judson retired and Mr. Thompson carried on the practice alone. Mr. Thomp- son is one of the conservative men of the town, serving as clerk of the Board of Education for two years, and village clerk ; he was elected justice of the peace in 1895 and still fills that office. He is one of the first five side path commissioners of Niagara county and takes an active interest in the leading events of the day. Eighme, A. G., was born in West Seneca, N. Y., January 5, 1846, a son of George W. and Catherine (Hallifax) Eighme. George W. Eighme was a native of Dutchess county and came to Cambria about 1852, where he bought 125 acres of land and carried on general farming. He died August 25, 1893. and his widow still survives at the age of seventy-one years. The grandfather, George W. Hallifax, came from Halifax, England (the place being named for the family), and settled on Long Island, where he remained for a time, when he came to Lockport, where he lived until his death. A. G. Eighme was educated at Union School at Lockport, and in 1869 married Sarah C. Folger, and they had two children. Edith G., wife of Edg- bert Oliver of Lockport, and Leonard D. in busine.ss in Buffalo. Mrs. Eighme died October, 1889, and Mr. Eighme married Hattie, daughter of Horatio and Amanda Sherman. Mr. Eighme remained on the homestead for six years after his marriage, when he bought the old Eighme homestead in Hamburg, doing general farming and market gardening on seventy-six acres. He sold this farm and bought the home- stead of 126 acres in Cambria, where he has since carried on market gardening and fruit growing, having a large fruit orchard of twenty acres of apples, 3,000 pear and 3,000 peach trees and six and a half acres of plums and five acres of grapes. He is one of the largest market gardeners and one of the most extensive celery growers in the county. Westra, John, was born in Holland in 1856, and came to America in 1881, settling in Wisconsin, where he remained for two and a half years, when he went to Michi- gan for a short time, thence to Buffalo and then to Lockport, where he remained two years, when he came to North Tonawanda and was railroading for three and a half years. He went into the milk business in 1888. Mr. Westra married Mary A. Kehoe of Lockport, and they have one son, John T. He is a member of the A. O. U. W., and noted as a public speaker, attracting attention by a speech he delivered on insurance at a meeting of the workmen in August, 1895. In the spring of 1896 138 he was nominated by the Democratic party for collector of North Tonawanda. Mr. Westra is a self-made man and has been a successful one. Holley, Montford C. — Among the younger members of the Niagara county bar, none are more prominent than Mr. Montford C. Holley. He was born in the city of Lockport, August 26. 1873, and has always resided in the city of his birth. He began the study of law in 1890 in the office of Dunkleberger & Harrington, finishing his legal studies, however, in the office of Joshua Gaskill. He was admitted to the bar in June, 1894, and has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. June 3, 1896, he married L. Marie Bement of Lockport. Pratt, Lorenzo N., was born in Wilson, N. Y. , June 3, 1833, a son of Calvin, a son of Nathan Pratt, a native of Vermont, who came to Wilson in a very early day and to6T[c up land, where he lived and died. Calvin Pratt took up 100 acres on the town line and also had 100 acres in another location. His wife was Samantha, daughter of Joseph Hawks, one of the first settlers of Wilson ; she was a teacher there for many years. He died in 1883 and his widow in 1885. Lorenzo N. Pratt was reared on a farm and educated in Wilson Collegiate Institute, and has always been a farmer in Wilson. In 1856 he married Mary J. Stickles of Newfane, and they had four chil- dren; Annette (deceased), Glenn, Jennie and Calvin (deceased). Mr. Pratt is a mem- ber of Ontario Lodge No. 376, F. & A. M., and of the Peter Porter Post No. 126, G. A. R. In 1861 he enlisted in Co. M, 1st N. Y. Artillery, and served three years and nine months. He rode one horse two years and brought him home with him to his farm and used him until 1895, when he was thirty-two years old ; Mr. Pratt then buried him on the old homestead and on his grave waves the red, white and blue. He was with Sherman while on the march to the sea; his position wasbugler and he was in nineteen general engagements: Gettysburg, Antietam, Winchester, Army of Potomac; Army of Cumberland, Siege of Atlanta, Siege of Savannah, Peach Tree Creek, Bentonvilie, Resaca Campaign and at Chattanooga, was one of the first that went into Atlanta, Lookout Mountain, Slaughter's Mountain, Edenburg and many skirmishes. Mr. Pratt is a Republican and has served as a.ssessor for three years. Kohler, Charles, North Tonawanda, was born in Wheatfield, August 5, 1857. His father was a farmer and he was reared on the farm and followed that occupation for some time. He served on the police force of North Tonawanda for six years, five of which he was chief. In 1892 he was elected police justice for four years and in 1896 he was re-elected for four years more. In the spring of 1897 he was legislated out of office by the incorporation of North Tonawanda as a city and six weeks later he was elected supervisor in the First ward. Mr. Kohler has been a lifelong Democrat, is a member of the Odd Fellows and of the Select Knights. In 1889 he was married to Miss Kitty M. Bourlier of Reese, Mich. His parents were Jacob and Dorothea (Don- nerwert) Kohler, both natives of Germany. Sullivan, P. M., of the city of North Tonawanda, was born in Pultney, Steuben county, N. Y., and was educated at Hammondsport Academy. In his early life he taught school and at the same time read law and was admitted from D. D. Waldo's office lo practice law in this State in June, 1869. After practicing his profession for a 5'ear he went West and was engaged in mining for about seven years, after which be was a practicing attorney in California until he returned to this State in 1888. 139 While in California, he was a member of the Legislature and enrolling clerk of the State Senate for four years. He located at North Tonrwanda in 1892 where he has since practiced his profession. His parents were natives of Longford, Ireland, his father coming to this country in 1816 and both of them were pioneers in Steuben county, where they settled upon a farm and cleared the same, raising a family often children and gave them the best of legacies, to wit: good health and sound con- stitutions. Myers, Ira G., of Lewiston, was born in Kingston, N. Y., August o, 1863, a son of G. W. and Ellen Myers. His mother died in 1887 and his father is still living. Ira G. Myers was educated at the Holly Academy, Orleans county, and while educating himself he clerked in a store during the summers and attended school winters. He began his business of life as telegraph operator and has been connected with rail- roading si.vteen years. He has been operator for the Western Union ten years, agent for the American Express Company seven years, and agent for the New York Central Railroad for ten years, all of which positions he holds at present and is very popular with business men and public at large. So assiduous is he in the discharge of his duties that he has been off dutj;^ only ten days in these ten years. In 1887 he married Media D. Tower of Lockport. Mr. Myers has been on duty at nearly all the stations between Lewiston and Rochester, but particularly at Lockport, Suspension Bridge and Adams Basin before coming to Lewiston. Van Valkenburg, Daniel A., was born in Canaan, Columbia county, N. Y., in 1810. His parents, Lambert and Freelove (Ellsworth) Van Valkenburg, moved to Erie county m 1830, settling at Tonawanda Creek, and it was there that Daniel began, in a small and limited way, the lumber business which afterwards, under his guidance, assumed such an important place in the history of Erie and Niagara counties, his logging camps and shipping yards being scattered through the western part of the State. His death, which occurred in 1872, was a loss not only to his family, but to his town and townspeople. Charitable and public spirited, his hand was ever ready to aid any enterprise intended to benefit his fellowmen. No religious or educational institution appealed to him in vain, and although living an intensely active life, he was always willing to lay aside his own affairs to take up and further any plan for the benefit of his city or his associates. Williamson, John T. , was born at Hamilton, Ontario, Can., January 4, 1872, a son of Richard Williamson. He was educated in the common schools of Hamilton, Can., and removed with his father to Niagara Falls, N. Y. , in 1890, and became secretary and treasurer of the Cataract Ice Company. Mr. Williamson is a man of ability and enterprise and enjoys the high esteem of his townsmen. (iagnon. Dr. Andrew Loyst, was born June 21, 1837, in the county of Lennox, Ontario, Can. When he had prepared himself for a teacher he followed this profes- sion for a term of five years, after which he attended the Newburg Academy prepar- atory to entering the medical department of Victoria University at Toronto, where he spent his first college year. In 1864 he continued his medical course at the Uni- versity of Michigan, where he remained two years. "He then entered the Long Island College, Brooklyn, N. Y., where, after graduating, he was .selected from a class of forty graduates to act as house physician and surgeon to the hospital for the ensu- I40 ing year. After completing his hospital course he commenced the practice of medi- cine at Moulinette, Can., where he built up a large practice. In 1875 he moved to Massena, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., where he continued the practice of his profes- sion until October, 1888, when he moved to Cambria, Niagara county. At the end of three years' practice he moved to Lockport, N. Y. Dr. Gagnon was married to Miss Agnes Leckie of Kingston, Ont., on July 1, 1871. They had five daughters, four of whom are living: Beatrice, now Mrs. Jesse P. Beach ot Lockport, Constance, Helena and Blanche at home. Ellis, Joseph E., was born in Pendleton, October 20, 18G1, a son of Alexander and Elizabeth (Richards) Ellis. His grandparents, Barzilla and Mary Ellis, were early settlers of Pendleton, as were also the maternal grandparents. Alexander Ellis was born in New Jersey and carried on farming in Pendleton, where he died in 1890. Joseph E. Ellis was educated at Lockport Union School and commenced his business career as teacher, teaching six winters. He then took up telegraphy and dealing in coal and baled hay; in 1888 he formed a partnership with J. Kenney and established a general store at Pendleton, which they carried on for two years and dissolved part- nership, Mr. Ellis conducting the business alone. In 1892 he entered into partner- ship with J. P. Graff, and they added feed and farming implements and do a whole- sale as well as retail business. In 1887 Mr. Ellis married Agnes, daughter of Jacob and Catherine Wendel, and they have one daughter, Mabel. Mr. Ellis is a Republi- can in politics and has served two terms as town clerk. He has also been postmas- ter at Pendleton Center for the past seven years and agent of the Erie Railroad Company at the same place for the past nine years, both of which positions he still holds. Bennett, Arthur M., one of the representative farmers of Somerset, was born in Somerset, December 23, 1850, and is a son of Harrison and Delia (Wilcox) Bennett, both natives of New York, Mr. Ben lett being born at Ticonderoga. They first moved to Chautauqua and from there to Somerset in an early day, and settled on the farm now owned by our subject. There were five children in this family: Albimis, who was a member of the 8th N. Y. Artillery, and was killed in the battle of Cold Har- bor, June 3; Albert, who now resides at Barker and is interested in the elevator; Emma, now Mrs. Atwater, resides at Barker ; Frederick, who died when about four years old, and Arthur M., the youngest and subject of this sketch. He was educated at Lockport, and has been engaged at farming all his life. April 6, 1876, he mar- ried Ella M. Treat, daughter of Robert R. Treat of Somerset, who now resides with Mrs. Bennett and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett had seven children: Harry R. , born October 2, 1877; William A., born August 25, 1879; Bessie A., born February 9, 1885; Arthur M. jr., born March 4, 1889; Flora E. (deceased), born May 29, 1890, died September 3, 1890; Elgia Treat Bennett, born December 18, 1891, and Lester Albert, born June 22, 1893. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett are both prominent members of the Presbyterian church of Somerset, and their son, William, is a member of the M.. E. church at the same place. Mr. Bennett is a member of K. O. T. M., Lodge No. 147, at Somerset. Baer, John G. , a native of Ontario, Canada, was born August 25, 1858. His par- ents removed to Buffalo in 1861, where he received his education. His first busi- 141 ness experience was witli Messrs. Scheeler & Son, wire manufacturers, where he re- mained for fourteen years; he was then employed by the New York Central Rail- road as weighmaster three years, and at the end of this service he accepted a posi- tion with the East Buffalo Brewing Company, where he remained eight years and until he removed to Lockport, and in company with Andrew Holzer established the Union Brewing Company. This is one of the largest and best known breweries in Niagara county, turning out large quantities of the best beer annually. November 27, 1882, Mr. Baer married Catherine R. Fritz of Buffalo, and an only daughter has l)een born to them: Ellenora M., now twelve years of age. Mr. Baer is a member of a number of societies, being a member of the I. O. O. F., Red Men and the Masons. Tompkins, William, was born in Wheatfield in 1860, and educated in the public schools and Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College of Buffalo. He followed farm- ing until recent years, when he embarked in the real estate business in Tonawanda. He is a member of the Odd Fellows, has been trustee of the village of North Tona- wanda, is an ex-supervisor of Wheatfield and a member of the Fire Company. He was also a member of the 25th Separate Company and was second assistant chief of the fire company for two years. He is a Republican in politics and deservedly popu- lar with his party. Hyde, William H., Somerset, one of the successful farmers of Somerset, was born in Onondaga county, N. Y., January 22, 1822. and is a son of Enoch and Eunice Hyde, who came from Massachusetts to Onondaga county about 1830. They came to Niagara county in 1830, where they remained five years, then to Gasport and the lake where they remained seven years, and finally to the place where Mr. Hyde now resides. His father died in 1852 and his mother in 1869. Mr. Hyde and his brother bought a farm of 100 acres, which they cleared, after which he sold his interest to his brother and moved on to the farm he now owns. In November, 1858, he married Eliza J. Spaulding, daughter of Jeremiah and Rebecca Spaulding, and they have two sons: Byron M., born November, 1857, who is a leading druggist in Rochester, N. Y., and George R., born February 5, 1867, resides with his parents and runs the farm. Mr. Hyde has bred a good many fine horses which he has sold for sums ranging from §350 to §1,850 per team, the latter being bought by Vanderbilt. He has lived to see all the oldest settlers pass away. They are among the first citizens of the county and are highly entertaining. Kraus, Henry J., was born in Clarence, Erie county, N. Y., where the familv has resided since the year 1806. Mr. Kraus came to North Tonawanda in 1893 with the Buffalo Steam Pump Company; he was first emploj'^ed as bookkeeper and cashier, then was placed in charge of the construction department and in 1895 was made gen- eral manager of the entire works. The plant of the Buffalo Steam Pump Company is located in North Tonawanda and covers five acres of ground; an average force of eighty skilled mechanics is employed. In 1888 Mr. Kraus married Georgiana McAllister of Kalamazoo, Mich., and they have one daughter, Nina Arville. Mr. Kraus's father, John Kraus, has been a prominent man in Clarence, was supervisor of the town for ten years and was elected to the Assembly in 1886. His grandfather, John Kraus, came from Germany early in the century and after locating for a time in Pennsylvania, finally settled in Bowmansville, N. Y. 142 Burns, W. R., was born in Albion, Orleans county, N. Y., September 15, 1860, a son of W. H. and Margaret Shea (Burns); his father was a native of Utica, N. Y. W. R. Burns has been connected with the New York Central Railroad for twenty- two years. He started in as a water boy, then went into the blacksmith shop ; from blacksmith shop to section foreman, and from section foreman to conductor of con- struction train; was promoted to assistant roadmaster and finally to roadmaster. He is now roadmaster of the sixteenth division of the New York Central Railroad, having complete and full charge of the road bed and the maintenance of the way de- partment. Mr. Burns is a member of the C. B. L., and the Elks and the Knights of Columbia. In 1888 he married Agnes O'Connor, and they have four children; W. R. Burns, jr., Anna, Agnes and Marguerite. Strieker, John C, was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y. , October 22, 1857, a son of the late George A. Strieker. He was educated in the public schools of his native town and at the age of eighteen was appointed on the police force of Niagara Falls village, in which capacity he served for two years; he then entered the employ of the Singer Sewing Machine Company with whom he remained for ten years and in 1887 he was appointed a deputy collector of customs at Suspension Bridge. After three years he resigned that position to enter the real estate and insurance business in which he is still actively engaged. Mr. Strieker was one of the youngest and the last trustee of Suspension Bridge Village and one of the first aldermen of the city of Niagara Falls, being elected in 1891, shortly after its incorporation. He is a di- rector of the Niagara Falls Land Company and a stockholder in the same, and is secretary and treasurer of the Niagara View Land Company and a stockholder in the same. He was also one of the organizers of the Niagara Brick Company. June 2, 1877, he married Anna Sheehan, and they have five children. Wilson, Joseph H., was born in Hagersville, Ont., December 14, 1856. His father, Robert Wilson, was a native of Yorkshire, Eng., and came to the United States in 1832 with his parents, Daniel and Martha Wilson, who settled in Lockport, taking land from the Holland Land Company. Robert Wilson married Ann, daughter of Richard and Mary Few, and was identied through life as a farmer in the town of Lockport. He was a man who was ever interested in advancing the cause of educa- tion and religion and the best interest of the town and townspeople. His death, which occurred March 15, 1889, was a loss not only to his family, but to all who knew him. Of him it can well be said, "An honest man is the noblest work of God." Joseph H. Wilson was educated in Lockport; in 1890 he married Ella, daughter of Garret F. Gifford, and they have on .son, Elton G. Mr. Wilson is recognized as a man of sterling integrity, who has advanced and merited the rcsj^ect of his associates. Liddell, James, Somerset, was born in Scotland, April 6, 1836, and came to Can- ada with his parents in 1848, where he remained until the fall of 1859, when he came to West Somerset and for a tmie worked by the month. January 5, 1869, he mar- ried Mrs. Sarah C. Niles, daughter of George McGiven of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Liddell have one son, Marcus L. , born May 14, 1870, who resides in North Tona- wanda and is in the employ of the Electric Railroad Company. Mr. Liddell has been constable for six or seven years, serving his constituents with satisfaction, and is now justice of the peace. He spent one season in Kansas buying apples, worked 143 six years on the Erie Canal and by thrift and enterprise has obtained a fine farm which is well cultivated. Spilman, John, Wheatfield, was born in Germany, near the city of Frankfort, June 18, 1833, and came to America at the age of thirteen with his parents, settling in Buflfalo, N. Y. His first occupation was that of ropemaker ; he then spent a year and a half in Burns & Watter's bottling works, and a year and a half at the Eagle street theatre making gas; this was before the city had gas. Mr. Spilman then went on the lakes, where his first occupation was coal heaver, then fireman, then water- tender, then greaser on the steamer Empire State, then greaser on the steamer Western Metropolis, then in 1856 engineer in Hazard's elevator, Buffalo. He came to Tonawanda as engineer in Hazard's distillery, then engineer of the stave factory, then again engineer of the distillery, and then about twenty years as engineer on the lakes, on the tugs Sprague, Relief and John Owen. He then became the first engineer in the blast furnace and helped to build it; then engineer on the tug Relief again, and then on the barge Plymouth, then on the barge Olean, and since 1883 has been engaged in his present business, that of wholesale and retail liquor dealer. He married Caroline CoUe of Hamburg, Erie county, and they have five children: Mrs. Allen Hershell, Albert Spilman, Mrs. Milliman, Edward Orton, and Josephine Spilman, who is attending the Buffalo Dental College; Albert Spilman is a prominent mechanic of Niagara county; Allen Hershell is a manufacturer ; Mr. Millerman is an express messenger; Edward Orton is a student in Cornell University and is one of the foremost American oarsmen ; he has been captain of the freshmen crew which beat the famous Dauntless crew of New York in 1894, pulled No. 2 oar in the Henley crew which went to England in 1895, and pulled No. 6 oar that carried Cornell's colors to victory at Poughkeepsie in 1896, and was captain of the Cornell crew in 1897, and pulled No. 6 oar to a greater victory than Cornell had ever seen before. John Spilman is one of the substantial business men in North Tonawanda and owns stock in several firms. Parker, Edward G., was born in Warsaw, 111., December 11,1854. His father, Isaac B. Parker, died at Marshalltown, Iowa, December 26, 1862. With his mother, Clarissa G. Parker ; his brother, Willis F. Parker, and his sister, Clara A. Parker, he moved to Niagara county, N. Y., in the fall of 1863. Mr. Parker came to the city of Lockport to live with his uncle, Charles R. Parker, now deceased; he attended the public school. In 1877 he began the study of law in the office of Farnell & Burrell; in June, 1881, he was admitted to the bar. October 1, 1881, he accepted the office of deputy county clerk of Niagara county, under John A. Merritt, which posi- tion he held until October 1, 1886, when he resigned and went West for a short time ; upon his return he commenced the practice of law and continued the same until Jan- uary 1, 1893, when he again entered the county clerk's office as deputy, which posi- tion he now holds. Mr. Parker was first married October 18, 1882, to Miss Trj-phe- nia M. Pierson, who died in January, 1885; then on March 8, 1888, he married Miss Elizabeth Kane of Hopewell, Ontario county, N. Y. Mr. Parker has been justice of the peace; he is also a member of the Royal Arcanum, Knights of St. John and Malta, and the order of Iroquois. Crowe, Michael J., a son of Hugh and Mary (Doherty) Crowe, was born at New- 144 ark, N. Y., August 6, 1862. He attended the public schools and was graduated from the Union School in 1880. He at this date removed to Lockportand entered the em- ploy of the Holly Manufacturing Co., where he remained for ten years, when he ac- cepted a position with Mr. P. H. Tuohey one of Lockport's leading coal dealers, and after three years' service succeeded him in business, where he has since con ducted a business which embraces a general line of contracting, the handling and sale of hard and soft coal and coke; building materials, which consist of cement, lime, sand, stone, etc., together with a full line of sewer pipe and tile. Mr. Crowe was married in October, 1887, to Nellie, daughter of Patrick Tuohey, father of his predecessor of Lockport, and to them have been born five children : Marie, Mable, Harold, Raymond and Dorothy. Rickard, M. L., was born in Pendleton, September 15, 1848, a son of Henry and Margaret (Van Slyke) Rickard. His grandparents, Conrad and Eva Rickard, came from Madison to Pendleton in 1816 and cleared them a home, where they remained until their death ; he died in 1859 and his widow in 1873. Henry Rickard has al- ways followed farming on the homestead farm of 100 acres and now resides with his son, M. L. M. L. Rickard follows farming on the homestead, and in 1865 married Adelia, daughter of Christian Kramer of Cambria, and they had three children : Earl, Arthur and Olive A. Mr. Rickard is a Democrat and was elected supervisor in 1897. He is a member of John Hodge Lodge No. 69, Lockport, A. O. U. W. Shaw, Charles D. , merchant at Olcott, was born in Orleans county, N. Y. , April 16, 1865, a son of David and Mary Shaw, natives of New York. He received his early education at Eagle Harbor and finished at East Albion, after which he re- turned home and remained until 1892, when he came to Olcott and clerked for his brother one year, then bought him out and has since been engaged in the mercantile business for himself. He carries a stock of general merchandise of about $4,200. May 11, 1893, he married Rita (born May 24, 1871), adopted daughter of Sylvester Edick, and they have one son, Vettie, born Febuary 12, 1894. Batt, Michael, was born in Erie county. March 20, 1853, a son of John and Cathe- rine (Eckert) Batt, natives of Alsace, who came to America when young and were married in this country. Michael Batt came to North Tonawanda in 1868 and his first business experience was in the flour and feed business in Willianisville, and he pursued the same business for a time in North Tonawanda. He then worked in a shingle mill for his father, and in 1878 he, his brother Frank Batt and C. S. Bliss formed a partnership in the shingle and timber business, which they conducted suc- cessfully until 1893. when the firm was dissolved. Since that date Mr. Batt has de- voted his time to looking after his large real estate interests in North Tonawanda, where he has houses and building sites for sale and to rent. In 1878 Mr. Batt mar- ried Gertrude Daul, and they have seven children: Norbert, Raymond, Irenus, Frances, Flora, Gertrude and Adelaide. Mr. Batt built his residence, one of the finest on Goundry street, in 1892, and in many ways has assisted in the growth and prosperity of North Tonawanda. Gentle, W. T. , was born in Monroe county, N. Y. , November 9, 1857, a son of Henry E. and Mary (Worboys) Gentle, natives of England. He was reared on a farm until ten years old and then went to Charlotte with his parents and was there H5 educated at the union schools. At sixteen years of age he was weighmaster at the Rochester Iron Works for a short time, when his father died and he was made fore- man, taking his father's place. He held that position for a short time when the works closed and in the following spring he went into a hotel at Greece, in partner- ship with John Piggott, where he remained nine years. He was assistant po.stmas- ter seven years and postmaster two years at Greece. He then worked at carpenter work one year in Kendall. In 1887 he married Franc E. Adams, and they had two children: Harry E. and Elton. In 1887 he learned the tinner's trade at North Parma, N. Y., with Z. W. J. Newcomb;in 1890 he came to Ransomville and engaged in the hardware business, buying out Samuel McCracken, and has since had a suc- cessful business. He is a Republican and takes an active part in politics; he was collector in the town of Greece and has been inspector in Porter for three years. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and attends the Methodise Episcopal church. Mr. Gentle is a man of good habits, never using intoxicating drinks or tobacco in any form. Parsons, T. U., was born in Wilson, August 26, 1833, a son of Capt. Sylvester and Abbie G. (Dearborn) Parsons. Captain Parsons was born in Parsonfield, Me., which place was named after his father, Thomas Parsons, a son of Joseph Parsons of Springfield, Mass., known as Cornet Joseph, who died in 1684. The family de scended from ancestry in England. Thomas Parsons was born in Bradford, Mass., September 18, 1735; he married twice, first to Anna Poor of Andover, Mass., who died May 24, 1783, and his second wife was Lucy Bradbury, who died November 11, 1811, and he died the same year, leaving a family of nineteen children. He owned 64,000 acres of land which was granted to him in 1771. Capt. Sylvester Parsons was born May 4, 1797, and ir February, 1829, with his wife and three children, came to the town of Wilson, locating on a farm of 118 acres, now owned by T. U. He died August 12, 1860, and his wife, born January 6, 1803, died February 5. 1890. She was a daughter of Benjamin, and granddaughter of Major Green Dearborn of Revolu- tionary fame. A brother of T. U., Sylvester Parsons, spent his life in Wilson, was a graduate of Williams College and Geneva Medical College. He was both a physi- cian and attorney, and married Donnie Wilson, granddaughter of Reuben Wilson, and daughter of Luther Wilson. Dr. Parsons died February 22, 1877. T. U. Par- sons was educated at Wilson and graduated from Ful.som's Commercial College of Cleveland, O. His principal occupation now is farming, the farm where he now lives containing 118 acres, thirty-six of which was originally owned by the founder of the village. He is a Prohibitionist in politics and was a Republican m early life; he is an ardent Free Silver man. May 4, 1864, he married Debora Scarborough, and they have one sou, William S., of Colorado. Mrs. Parsons died April 7, 1865, and October 8, 1873, he married Jennie de Rochemont, born in Newington, Rocknig- ham county, N. H., who was educated and graduated from Bradford Female Sem- inary in 1869, and was a teacher in Wilson for one year. McCracken, Richard, was born in Ireland, October 12, 1833, a son of Thomas and Mary (Oliver) McCracken. Thomas McCracken enlisted for twenty-one years in the 13th Light Dragoons and served twenty years, having one year given him for being in the battle of Waterloo and a medal presented him by Kmg George IV and also a pension for life. He came to Canada in 1845 and died at Coburg in 1849. His wife 146 was born in Ireland and was with him eighteen years in the British army ; she died in 1845 in Canada. They were the parents of six sons and four daughters. Rich- ard McCracken was reared on a farm and educated in Ireland and at the age of thirteen came to Lewiston and worked for William Miller. He worked by the month for six years and then came to Porter and purchased a small farm and also manu- factured brooms for some years. He has made his own property, starting with twenty-five cents when he came to Lewiston, and now owns two farms, one of fifty- five acres and one of 130. He has also practiced law for the past eighteen or tvyenty years, and has been a fruit dealer, shipping fruit to all parts of the United States and Canada. In politics he is an ardent Republican and has been assessor for three years and trustee of schools for twelve years. In 1853 he married Clarissa Putnam, and they had five children: Emma, Samuel D., Ida and Oscar, all living in Porter except Samuel D., who is a merchant in Colorado Springs, and Eva, who died at Ransomville in 1862. Two of Mr. McCracken's sisters died in Manchester, England, one in Portugal and one in Ireland, and one brother died at Coburg, Can. Hopkins, Willard, was born in the town of Lewiston and has been engaged in farming and fruit growing all his life. He is in fact one of the most extensive fruit growers in Niagara county, having upwards of 300 acres of fruit farms picturesquely situated on the banks of Niagara River, besides other fruit farms situated in the Model City and on the shore of Lake Ontario, having about 30,000 fruit trees in bearing. He was one of the pioneers in planting extensive peach orchards on the Niagara frontier. He married Sarah A. Peet, and they have two sons: W. Frank and Silas Seward. His parents were Silas S. and Abigail H. Hopkins, and his father was one of the best known and most honored men of his day in the town. His grandfather, Silas Hopkins, was one of the pioneers of Lewiston and was the first county judge in Niagara county. W. Frank Hopkins married Mary Tower of the town of Porter. The name and history of the Hopkins family are inseparably associated with Lewiston from its early days down to the present time, in which the family continues to uphold its old-time prestige. Lanigan, John A., was born at Halifax, N. S. , November 12, 1854, a son of John J. Lanigan, a prominent builder of that place. Mr. Lanigan received his education in St. Mary's College, at Halifax, and was graduated from that institution in 1871, with the degree of B. A., and later in 1872, he entered Sulspician College, at Montreal, where he remained for one year and then returned to Halifax, where he entered the Dalhousie College as a medical student. After three years' study in that institution, he entered the medical department of the University of New York and was grad- uated therefrom in 1877. He has since practiced his profession at Buffalo, N. Y., Halifax, N. S. , and Niagara Falls, locating at the latter place in 1891. Heisa mem- ber of the Canadian Medical Association and the Erie County Medical Association, and is the examining physician for numerous Catholic organizations at Niagara Falls. Upon the incorporation of Niagara Falls as a city. Dr. Lanigan was appointed city physician to the poor and has since held that position. He has gained considerable fame as a contributor of original articles to the leading medical journals throughout the world, and occasionally contributions in verse areanet with in various newspapers and periodicals, bearing his signature. March 26, 1893, he married Theresa Beazley of Halifax, N. S. . 147 Mackenna, Joseph, was born in tlie North of Ireland, December 24, 18B4, and is a son of John Mackenna, who was a contractor, builder, architect and civil engineer, and immigrated to America in 1835, settling in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Joseph Mackenna was reared and educated in Ireland by his grandparents and came to America at the age of twelve years and commenced work with William Griffith, con- tractor and builder, on the Cataract Hotel at Niagara Falls. He continued at that business until 1855, when he began business in his own interest as contractor and builder, in which he remained for three years, when he entered the New York Cen- tral Railroad Company's shops as foreman of car building at Niagara Falls. At the end of two j'ears he entered the service of the Clark Furniture Co. as foreman and remained with them for thirteen years, at which time he began business for himself as a dealer in furniture and upholstery, and carried on in conjunction with this the business of undertaker and still continues in the same business. September IG, 1855, he married Matilda J. Furlong, and they have four sons and one daughter. Bentley, Delevan F., was born in Orleans county, N. Y., December 26, 18(50, a son of William Bentley, a farmer and now retired. Delevan Bentley attended the public schools of his native place and later the Canandaigua Academy, at Canandaigua, N. Y. , and the Oberlin (Ohio) Commercial College. In 1880 he removed to Rochester, N. Y., and entered the dental office of Dr. S. G. Wood, where he remained for one year, when he took a course in dentistry at the University of Pennsylvania, and later a post-graduate course in the Vanderbilt University at Nashville, Tenn. In 1890 he came to Niagara Falls, and has since been in the uninterrupted practice of his pro- fession. October 16, 1895, he married Jessie S. Wand of Niagara Falls, and they have one son, Denby Diemer. Jenny, John C, was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., February 15, 1868, a son of John Jenny. He was educated in the public schools of his native town and at six- teen years of age entered the office of the New York Central Railroad Company at Niagara Falls as a claim clerk and remained there in that capacity until 1893, at which time he was appointed deputy postmaster at Suspension Bridge, and later be- came deputy postmaster of Niagara Falls city, in which position he still serves. April 28, 1889, Mr. Jenny married Mattie Dorety and they have three children. He is a member of Niagara Lodge No. 81, I. O. O. F. , and has been past grand master for three years. Moote, Geo. L., was born in Porter, December 10, 1820, a son of Jacob and Eunice (Simmons) Moote, he born in Germany and she in Montgomery county, N. Y. , and of English descent. Jacob Moote came from Germany with his parents when a mere child to Canada. During the war of 1812 he was drafted into the British service and refusing to fight was put into prison and at the time it was burned, escaped and im- migrated to Montgomery county, N. Y. , thence to Porter and settled on the farm Geo. L. now owns, where he died in 1854. He was one of the prominent men of the town and at one time owned considerable property, about 260 acres. He and his wife were Methodists and were very active and assisted largely in building a number of churches in Niagara county as well as his own. Geo. L. Moote was reared on a farm and educated at Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, N. Y. He was in the mercantile business at Wilson for five years, but farming has been his principal occupation and 148. now owns 200 acres of land. He is a Democrat in politics and in 1874 was elected county clerk and served three years and has been a candidate for a number of county offices, but was defeated, the county being Republican. He is a member of Ontario Lodge No. 376, F. & A. M., and was a member of the I. O. O. F. at Wilson. He was married in November, 1850, to Zermah Wilson, and they had four children: Glenn E., Ernest H., Nellie D. and Adelbert (deceased). Hamlin, Frank J., was born at Milwaukee, Wis., August 11, 1852, a son of the late George B. Hamlin. He attended the public schools at Niagara Falls, whither his parents had removed, and later took a thorough course in the Bryant & Stratton's Business College at Buffalo, after which he accepted a position as clerk in a large boot and shoe store in Lockport where he remained for seven years. In 1877 he re- moved to Niagara Falls, and established himself in the tobacco and fancy goods trade, which he followed for thirteen years, when he departed into the coal and wood business in which he still continues to successfully operate. He is a member of Niagara Frontier Lodge No. 132, F. & A. M., and is a capable and energetic business man, respected by and popular among all classes. Steinbrenner, Carl, was born at Oberheinreith, Weimsberg, Wurtemburg, Ger- many, July 2, 1859, a son of Gottlieb Steinbrenner. He was educated in the public schools of his native town and early in life learned the carpentering and building trade. At the age of twenty-two he immigrated to America, settling at Su.spension Bridge and at once found employment at his trade, which he followed until 1892, when he built his present planing mill and established himself in the general lumber and building business. Mr. Steinbrenner has attended closely to his business in which he has been very successful. October 8, 1884, he married Barbara Locher of Niagara Falls, and they have four children. Willis, Joseph W. , was born in Gloucestershire, England, March 4, 1833, a son of the late Joseph Willis. He was educated in the public schools of his native place and immi ■ grated to America in 1858, settling in Boston, Mass., where he remained until 1852, at which time he removed to Niagara Falls, N. Y., and took up the business of miller, at which he had served his apprenticeship in England and was made superin- tendent of the Niagara Rapids Mills at Suspension Bridge and still serves in that capacity. In 1857 Mr. Willis married Elizabeth Harmer and they had seven chil- dren. Mrs. Willis died in 1892. Mr. Willis is a member of Niagara Lodge No. 81, I. O. O. F., and of the Knights of Honor of Niagara Falls and is alderman from the Fourth ward, elected in March, 1896. Maloney, Michael, was born at Suspension Bridge, N. Y., March 26, 1859, a son of Edward Maloney, a prosperous coal merchant of that place, now retired. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, and at the age of seventeen en- tered the employ of the New York Central Railraad Company and served them until 1882, when he became connected with the Erie Railroad Company and rose through several grades to the post of engineer. In 1891 he resigned from railroad-, ing and took his father's place in the coal business, in which he has since success- fully operated. He is an extensive property owner and prominent in business circles. In May, 1888, he married Anna Frank of Buffalo, and they have five children. 149 Welch, John J., was born in Canada iu 1847, a son of the late Thomas Welch. He attended the public schools of Niagara Falls, whither his parents had removed in 1847, and when fifteen years of age began his business career with the New York Central Railroad Company, which company he served in various capacities for twenty-three years. In 1886 he was appointed deputy collector of customs, port of Niagara, and held that otlfice for four years, imtil 1889. In that year he, in com- pany with his present partner, Joseph McDonald, established himself in the coal trade at Niagara Falls, in which he still successfully operates. In 1879 Mr. Welch was married to Mary Laughlin of Niagara Falls, and they have four children. Mr. Welch is an extensive real estate owner and an enterprising and thrifty business man. He is a member of the C. M. B. A. of Niagara Falls. Noblett, John E., was born in County Carlow, Ireland, February 26, 1847, a son of John B. Noblett, a farmer, who came to America in 1848, settling at Buffalo, and who died in Virginia in 1889. John E. Noblett was educated in the public schools at Buffalo, and at the age of sixteen years entered the ship yards of Mason & Bid- well of Buffalo, where he learned carpentermg and joining and remained until 1868, at which time he removed to Attica, N. Y. , and engaged in business as a contractor and builder until 1886. In that year he was appointed deputy collector of customs at Niagara Falls, and filled that office until 1891, when he took the contract for the re • building of the Erie Railroad depot and sheds at Suspension Bridge, which were burned in 1890; he has since followed his trade of contractor and builder success- fully. Mr. Noblett was the last trustee of the village of Suspension Bridge before its mcorporation with Niagara Falls village as a city, and also served as alderman for two years. He is a member of Niagara Frontier Lodge No. 785, F. & A. M., and B. P. O. E., No. 346, of Niagara Falls. December 8, 1869, he married Anna C. Kaiser of Lancaster, N. Y., and they have two children: Eugene C. and John A. Reardon. John S., was born in Youngstown, N. Y., October 13, 1865, a son of Thomas Reardon. He attended the public schools at Youngstown, and at the age of seventeen entered the emploj' of Peter A. Porter at Niagara Falls, and acted in the capacity of coachman for seven years. In 1889 he took up the carpenter's trade, which he followed until the .spring of 1897, when he formed a partnership with James Ouinn and established his present business, as dealer in furniture and house furnishing goods. In 1890 Mi". Reardon married Mary F. Kelly of Niagara Falls and they have three children. Mr. Reardon is financial secretary of Branch No 1, C. M. B. A., and has held that office for six years; he is also a member of the Board of Supervisors of the county of Niagara, being elected to that office in 1896. Zeiger, Daniel, was born in Germany in 1845, a son of Louis Zeiger, who immi- grated with his family to America in 1848. settling at Niagara Falls, N. Y. Daniel Zeiger was educated in the public schools at Niagara Falls, and worked on his father's farm until eighteen years of age, when he removed to Buffalo to learn the carpen- ter's trade, and later to La Salle. In 1885 he returned to Niagara Falls and is still engaged at his trade, besides being proprietor of a grocery and provision store, which he established in 1887. Mr. Zeiger was elected supervisor of the Third ward of the city of Niagara Falls in 1896, and is a member of the A. O. U. W. In 1871 he married Frederica Chormann. I50 Cannon, Elijah H., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y. , May 4, 1845, and was a son of John Cannon, sr., for many years a butcher, now deceased. Mr. Cannon at tended the public schools at Niagara Falls until eighteen years of age, when he entered the hardware store of S. V. Saleno of Niagara Falls, and remained there for twelve years, thoroughly mastering the business ; he then established his present business in the same line, in which he has been very successful. In October, 1871, he married Margaret Dixon of Woodstock, Can. Mr. Cannon is an extensive prop- erty owner and is respected by all who know him. Swan, Gayton H., was born at Niagara Falls, N. Y., March 4, 1859, a son of Frank W. Swan, for the past thirty-five years a trusted agent and messenger for the Amer- ican Express Company. Gayton H. Swan attended the public schools of his native town until ten years of age, when he began his business career selling newspapers. At the age of fifteen he entered the employ of L. & S. Colt, hardware merchants, at Niagara Falls, and served that firm for three years; later he was employed by Phil- lips & Co. in the same business and still later was with Nice & Hinkey, at Tona- wanda, N. Y., for one year. In 1880 he was appointed superintendent of the City Water Works at Niagara Falls and retained that position until 1884, when he entered the employ of George Haeberle, lumber dealer, and remained until 1886. In that year he established himself in the plumbing and tinning business, which he has suc- cessfully carried on ever since. August 21, 1881, Mr. Swan married Minnie, a daughter of his former employer, George Haeberle, and they have four children: Frank W.. Lottie C, Hilda and Edna. Mr. Swan was for two years a trustee of the village of Niagara Falls and is a member of Niagara Lodge No. 81, I. O. O. F., of Niagara Falls. He is a man of strict integrity and business tact and is highly re- spected by all who know him, Rowen, Michael, was born in County Mayo, Ireland, May 38, 1871, and immigrated to America in 1888, settling in Chicago, 111., where he took up railroad work and fol- lowed that until 1894, when he removed to Niagara Falls, and in company with his two brothers, John and Martin, he established his present business, that of flour, feed, grain and coal. In October, 1896, Mr. Rowen was married to Elizabeth Sturdy of Niagara Falls. Talbott, Michael, M. D., was born in Kings county, Ireland, May 12, 1846, a son of Robert Talbott, a wealthy land agent, now deceased. Dr. Talbott was educated in the National Schools of Belfast and at the age of eighteen immigrated to America, settling at Buffalo, N. Y., where he entered the school of the Christian Brothers and was graduated therefrom after a two years' course ; he then entered the Buffalo Sisters' Hospital as a medical student and remained for five years, at the end of which time he took a course in medicine and surgery in the University of Buffalo, from which institution he was graduated with honors in 1871. In 1872 Dr. Talbott removed to Suspension Bridge and has since remained in the successful practice of his profession. April 13, 1875, he married Mary Dampfield of Clifton, Ont. (now Niagara Falls, Ont.), and they have had eight children, six of whom survive. Dr. Talbott is a member of the Association of Railroad Surgeons of the State of New York and was health officer of the village of Suspension Bridge for nineteen years and the first health officer of the city of Niagara Falls, retiring from that office in 151 1894. He is also a member of the Niagara County Medical Society and the Niagara Falls Academy of Medicine. Dr. Talbott is a man of liberal education and is justly popular in both professional and social circles. Pfohl, Peter P., was born at Buffalo, N. Y., November 24, 1867. a son of Peter Pfohl. He attended the public schools of his native town and when fifteen years of age entered the general offices of the New York Central Railroad Company at Buffalo, and was later made ticket agent for that company at Suspension Bridge, where he remained until 1894. In that year he became identified with the Power City Bank at Niagara Falls as its teller, in which office he still remains. In March, 1884, Mr. Pfohl married Mary C. Porter, a daughter of Roderick D. Porter of Niag- ara Falls, and they have two children, Edson and Roderick. Cumro, William C, was born in Wilson, August 30, 1866, a son of Charles C. and Minnie (Ganshow) Cumro, natives of Germany, who came to Wilson about 1852 without any money and began work in Tonawanda and then worked on a farm for §10 per month. Charles C. first bought ten acres, and at the time of his death, in 1891, was the owner of 260 acres. In 1890 he built a fine residence where William C. now lives. He was a Republican and took active part in politics, and was a dele- gate to Saratoga at the State Convention. He was one of the prominent men of the town and a member of the German Lutheran church, and as.sisted in building both churches in the town. He and wife had only one son, William C. Cumro, who was reared on a farm and educated at Wilson Union School and Buffalo Business Col- lege, graduating therefrom in 1887. He was for some years engaged with the New York Central Railroad Company, in the freight office at Buffalo, and was with the Saginaw Hardware Company of Saginaw, Mich., as cashier and assistant bookkeep- er, but at present is engaged in farming. January 10, 1895, he married Matilda, daughter of Fred Bidel of Wilson, and they had one son, Charles L. Mr. Cumro is a member of Ontario Lodge No. 376, F. & A. M., and is also a member of the A. F. I. In politics he is a Republican and takes an active part. Wiehle, John, was born at Suspension Bridge, January 19, 1863, a son of George Wielile (deceased.) He attended school in his native town, and when fifteen years of age began learning the carriage maker's trade, which he followed for six years. He then took up the carpenter's trade, at which he spent about eight years. In 1891 he established his present hotel and restaurant, where he has been very suc- cessful. In 1887 Mr. Wiehle married Amelia Fisher of Canada, and they have had five children, two of whom survive. Mr. Wiehle is a member of the I. O. O. F., Niagara Falls Lodge No. 81. Gillespie, James, Wheatfield, was born at St. Catherines, Ontario, and came to North Tonawanda when twenty-one years of age. In 1879 he embarked in the lum- ber business in the firm of Plumsted, Gillespie & Hines; this firm continued ten years, and for a few months in 1889 it was Plum.sted & Gillespie. On May 1, 1893, Mr. Gillespie became associated with Mr. W. E. Kelsey in the firm of Kelsey & Gil- lespie, which is to-day one of the leading lumber firms of North Tonawanda. Mr. Gillespie was trustee of North Tonawanda from 1891 to 1895 and is a member of the Masonic fraternity, the Foresters and the A. O. V. W. ; he is past master in the Workmen and past chief ranger in the Foresters. In 1880 he married Ellen C. Scott, 152 and they have six children: William, James, George, Etta, Ada and Rhea. While Mr. Gillespie was chairman of the sewer and finance committees in North Tonawanda, the first paving of streets was done and many other important improvements carried out. Miller, George O., Wheatfield, was born in Ontario, Canada, but has lived in the United States since his seventeenth year. He learned the trade of plumber at Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Detroit. In 1885 he came to North Tonawanda and in 1889 be- gan business for himself ; he is the leading plumber in the place and has done the plumbing in many of the best blocks and residences of the Twin Cities. Among them may be mentioned the residences of James vS. Thompson, S. A. Kelsey, G. A. Bliss, Charles Weston, Mrs. Hough, J. P. McKenzie, Fred W. Ives, the Smith block and many others. He has invented and patented an admirable device for local ven- tilation in closets and also a fountain window brush. Mr. Miller married Alice M. Sutton, and they have one son, George P. Mr. Miller's parents were natives of England. Webster, A. H., was born in Knowlesville, Orleans county, November 24, 1805, and lived in the country for sixteen years, when he came to Buffalo, April 4, 1882, and embarked in the grocery business along with his father. He came to North Tonawanda, August 13, 1880, and went into the lumber business with A. Weston & Son, where he remained two years; he was then with Hollister & Co. for two years and with W. H. Gratwick for two years, when he went into business for himself, taking contract work in lumber and saw mills. This he followed until the fall of 1892, when he opened a flour and feed store in the Post-oftice block, which he still conducts. In January, 1894, he became treasurer and manager of the Gurney Cab & Transfer Company, which has proved a pronounced success in his hands ; there is no stable in Buffalo that can surpa.ss them in any way. He was married on March 12, 1890, and his wife died July 21, 1894. Mr. Webster is a member of the Odd Fel- lows and was secretary of the National Republican League for two years; he was auditor for the town of Wheatfield, and was nominated by his party for trustee of North Tonawanda. Clark, Rev. Thomas F., Wheatfield, was born in Buffalo, and educated in Canisius College where he spent six years, at Allegheney, where he was one year, and at the Propaganda, Italy, where he studied for five years. He was ordained May 30, 1896, and soon after was appointed to North Tonawanda. The Roman Catholic church of North Tonawanda dates its history from 1887, when Father J. M. Bustin selected the present site on the corner of Vandervoot and Robinson streets; previous to this a mission service was held at Hent's Hall. The church was completed in 1888 and was dedicated November 18, 1888, being named the Church of the Ascension. This building was burned about Christmas of 1894, and the present fine brick structure was erected in the summer of 1895. July 8, 1896, Rev. Father Cronin was appointed priest and on September 2, 1896, Father Clark came as assistant and resident priest. ^ Bellinger, W. H., Wheatfield, was born in Amherst, Erie county, N. Y., and has lived in North Tonawanda thirty-two years. He has been associated with the lum- ber business since its inception in this place; he was State inspector when the lum- ber was all measured here before being shipped. The firm of Rumbold & Bellinger 153 was formed December 1, 1891, the members of the firm being J. H. Rumbold and W. H. Bellinger; they have a dock front of 600 feet and their yards run back 1,500 feet and they handle from twelve million to thirteen million feet of lumber annually. Mr. Bellinger married Emma Angevine and they have five children: Wesley, Fred, Laurenda, Genevieve and Luella. His father was one of the early settlers in this part of the State. The family is of the Mohawk-Dutch extraction. Wattengel, M, J., was born in Germany, September (J, 1848, and came to America with his parents in 1853. They settled in La Salle and he learned the tinner's trade and then went into the hardware business in North Tonawanda. This business he conducted for sixteen years, when he sold out and embarked in the livery and under- taking business. Mr. Wattengel is an active Republican and has been treasurer of the village five years and trustee two years; he has also been school trustee three years and has been a delegate for his party many times. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, of the Iroquois and the Select Knights. In 1872 he married Lottie Rich, and they have ten children: Christopher A., W. F., Alfred, Norman, Ada, Cora, Li^lu, Mabel, Edna and Zella. Smith, Albert R., Wheatfield, was born in North Tonawanda. August 18, 1871, and was educated in the North Tonawanda High School and Bryant & Stratton's Bvisiness College, Buffalo. He read law with L. T. Payne for three years and was admitted to the bar July 29, 1896. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, a charter member of the I. O. O. F. No. 663, and a trustee in the Royal Arcanum ; he is also a member of the 25th Separate Company and has been since its organization. He enlisted as corporal, was promoted to sergeant and finally to first sergeant June 15, 1896. In the spring of 1896 Mr. Smith was put in nomination by the Democratic party for trustee of the village. His father, John N. Smith, came to Tonawanda in the early fifties. Williams, M. B., Wheatfield, was born in Tioga county. Pa., November 25, 1851, and was brought to North Tonawanda by his parents in 1852. In 1865 he went to Saginaw, Mich., with his father, who was in the lumber business. He attended col- lege until twenty years of age, when he went into business with his father in the manufacture of shingles, and so continued until the spring of 1875, when he went to Kentucky and embarked in the saw mill business, operating in Lincoln and Pulaski counties until the spring of 1884, when he returned to North Tonawanda and en- gaged in the shingle business until the fall of 1888. He then went to Warren county. Pa., and entered the employ of Fred Smith & Co., lumbermen, where he remained two years, and then conducted the business alone until the spring of 1896, when he came to North Tonawanda and went into the coal business in the firm of Hempel & Williams. In 1873 Mr. Williams married Mary Babcock. His parents were James and Harriet Williams. His father came from Wales to this country in 1846 and was in business from 1848 to 1868, in the manufacture of shingles and in saw mill trade. Smith, Mason M., Wheatfield, was born in Michigan, and was connected in the lumber business in that State with the firm of Ross & Bradley, prior to coming to North Tonawanda in 1894, to take charge of the business of Mr. Godkin of that place. He is one of the enterprising and .successful lumber men of the Lumber City and the business under his management amounts to ten million feet of lumber annu- •54 ally. He was assistant superintendent for Ross & Bradley for three years before becoming manager for Mr. Godkin. In 1895 Mr. Smith married Sarah L. Ross, daughter of G. A. Ross of Detroit. Mr. Smith's parents were Marcellus S. and Cornelia (Andrews) Smith. His father died in 1898 and his mother in 1890. After leaving Ross & Bradley, Mr. Smith went to Pittsburg, Pa., and remained there until 1893, when his father's death took him back to Michigan to settle up the estate. After this was done he came to North Tonawanda. Shine, P., was born in 1853, and came to North Tonawanda in 1870. In 1884 he embarked in the liquor business and is recognized as one of the active and successful business men of the Twin Cities. He was trustee of North Tonawanda during the years 1891 and 1892, and was chairman of the street committee ; Webster street being paved during his term of ofhce. Mr. Shine married Mary Wright, and they have three children, Thomas, Edward and Floretta. Previous to entering into business for himself Mr. Shine was on the police force for seven years. Gillie, William M., was born in Scotland in 1852, a son of John B. and Ann Jane Gillie, and came to America with his parents in 1854. He learned the blacksmith trade and was in that business for himself eleven years, when he branched out into the machinery business and finally formed the stock company of Gillie, Goddard & Co. They manufacture merry-go-rounds, bicycles, etc., and also have a foundry. Their trade extends all over this country, Canada, Mexico and other pomts such as Buenos Ayres, New Brunswick, etc. Mr. Gillie has been trustee of the village for two years and was re-elected in the spring of 1896. He is a member of the Odd Fel- lows and the A. O. U. W. He married Mary Campbell, and their children are Har- old, James, Agnes and Jean. Wiedman, Leonard, was born in Wurtemburg, Germany, January 3, 1863, and came to America in 1883. He learned the trade of joiner in Germany, and after working for W. A. La Deux for one year, entered the employ of Gombert & Thomp- son and was in that mill for thirteen years. Mr. Wiedman is second assistant chief of the fire department and was trustee of the village for two years. In the spring of 1896 he was again nominated for trustee by the Democratic party and received the largest vote cast in the caucus. He was one of the first water commissioners of the village and was on the Board of Health two years. An idea of Mr. Wiedman's suc- cess as a business man can be obtained from the fact that he owned three lots and a house before he was married and has never owed any man a dollar. He married Bertha Gombert, and they have two sons, Edward and George. Mundie, John, was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, October 17, 1863, and came to America in 1882, settling in Middleport for a short time, thence to North Tonawanda, where he entered the employ of A. W. Story, jeweler, and after a time became a partner in the business. Subsequently he and Mr. McCoy bought out Mr. Story's interest and formed the present firm of Mundie & McCoy, which is the leading jewelry house of the Twin Cities. Mr. Mundie served five years as member of the 30th Separate Company and is a member of the Odd Fellows and Royal Arcanum. He did active service with the 25th in the great strike in Buffalo and also during the strike of lumbermen in North Tonawanda. He married Jennie Warren, and they have two sons, Warren and Donald. Mr. Mundie's parents were Cummine and Jane 155 (Florence) Mundie; Mrs. Mundie's father was one of the prominent men of the past generation in North Tonawanda. He was supervisor of the town, superintendent of a division of the canal, and held other responsible offices. He died in 1895. Butler, Capt. Mighells B., was born at Phelps, Ontario county, N. Y., November 22, 1856, a son of Edgar D. Butler. He attended the public schools of his native town and later De Veaux College, from which institution he was graduated in 187G. He then took a year's course in Harvard College and later became master and com- mandant of De Veaux College at Niagara Falls ; still later he attended lectures in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York city, and in 1881 was gradu- ated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College and practiced medicine in the Hygienic Institute at Geneva for one year. In 1884 he removed to Suspension Bridge, where he formed a partnership with Martin V. Pearson, as M. V. Pearson & Co., and successfully carried on the wholesale and retail grocery busmess and in 1890 they opened a branch store at Niagara Falls. In 1892 the partnership was dissolved, Mr. Butler retaining as his share of the business the store at Niagara Falls, which he sold out in 1895; in 1893 he established the large department store (of which he is still manager) and in December, 189G, sold out to Hodge Bros., who in turn sold to the present owners, Faxson, Williams & Faxson. In 1881 Captain Butler married Jessie Jackson of Ithaca, and they have three children. Captain Butler is com- mander of the 42d Separate Company, N. G. N. Y., and a member of Niagara Fron- tier Lodge No. 132, Free and Accepted Masons and of Niagara Falls Chapter No. 346, B. P. O. E. He is also a trustee of De Veaux College and a member of the Board of Public Works. Allen, Arthur N., was born in Orleans county, N. Y., February 29, 1860, and is a son of Henry T. Allen, who removed to Niagara Falls in 1861, where he became pro- prietor of a large book, stationery and wall paper business. Arthur Allen attended the public schools at Niagara Falls and at the age of eleven years, took charge of a news stand owned by his father, in the International Hotel, which he operated without help for several years. At the age of sixteen he took his father's place in the business, where he remained until 1885, when he established himself in the same line of business. In 1888 he bought out the dry good business of Max Hutzel, which he carried on successfully for four years, when he sold out to S, D. True, and became a dealer in real estate. In 1893 he formed a partnership with George D. Belden, in the business of ticket brokerage, which he still carries on in connection with his real estate business. Brackenridge. William A., was born at New York city, June 15, 1856, and at an early age began studying civil engineering, and from 1877 to 1880 was engaged with the engineers corps on the New York Elevated Railroad. In 1880 he was appointed resident engineer for the New^ York, Lackawana and Western Railroad Company in the construction of their road between Binghamton and Buffalo. In 1882 he became identified w'ith the Rapid Transit Railroad between New York and Boston and later became principal assistant engineer in the building of the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad. For the [next three years, from 1886 to 1889, he was principal assistant engineer of the Long Island Railroad and spent the following year in Europe study- ing engineering. Upon his return to America in 1890, he was engaged to do engi- 156 neering work for the Connecticut State Railroad commissioners. In 1891 he re- moved to Niagara Falls and was appointed division engineer in charge of a part of the works of the Niagara Falls River Company; in 1895 he was appointed engineer of the Cataract Construction Company and the allied companies, the Niagara Devel- opment Company and the Niagara Water Works. Dickey, Andrew, was born at Wilmoc, Sullivan county, N. H., in 1835, and was a son of James Dickey, a farmer of that section, now deceased. Andrew Dickey was educated m the public schools at his native place, and early in life entered and learned the foundry business He was a hard worker and close observer and mas- tered all the details of his chosen vocation so that at the age of twenty he was ad- mitted into the well known firm of Perrj' 8c Co., N. Y., as junior partner. He re- mained there for twenty-nine years, and in 1804 accepted the position as superin- tendent of the Pittsburg Reduction Company and has served in that capacity ever since. Young, Robert 1)., was born at Thornton, England, June 7, 1836, and was a son of Thomas Young, a well known and prosperous mason and builder, who immi- grated to America in 1837, settling in Ontario, Canada, where he remained until 1852, then removing to Niagara Falls, where he died in 1868, at the age of sixty vears. Robert D. Young was educated in the public schools of Canada and removed with his parents to Niagara Falls, where he learned the builder's trade with his father and has continued in that business ever since, gradually extending his work until at the present time he is one of the best known and most successful builders in Niagara county. October 20, 1862, he married Elizabeth Wells of Niagara Falls, who died in 1890; on February 25, 1892, Mr. Young married Sybil C. Dart of Niagara Falls. Mr. Young is a member of Niagara Frontier Lodge No. 132, F. & A. M., of the Niagara Chapter No. 200 R. A. M., and has been a member of the A. O. U. W. since 1875. Denison, Byron B., was born in Cayuga county, October 23, 1857, and is a son of John M. Denison, a merchant. Byron Denison was educated in the public schools of that county and at the high school at Auburn. At the age of eighteen he entered the store of Abram Fenners, at Troopsville, N. Y. , where he remained until 1878, when he was appointed a private on the Auburn (N. Y.) police force. He continued there until 1880, at which time he entered the service of the New York Central Rail- road Company as city ticket agent at Auburn. On March 1, 1813, he was made city passenger and ticket agent at Niagara Falls, which position he still retains. Huff, James B., was born in Tonawanda, October 14, 1857, and has resided here nearly all his life. He has been actively engaged in the lumber business for years and was a member of the firm of Watkins & Huff, which dissolved in 1892, since which time he has conducted the business alone. He handles about fifteen million feet of lumber annually, dealing at wholesale in both dressed and rough lumber^ and employs about twenty-five men. Mr. Huff is a prominent Mason of the Blue Lodge, Chapter and Grotto. He married Ella L. Long of Tonawanda, and they have three children: Benjamin, James and John. Mr. Huff was clerk of the village five years, truestee two years and treasurer two years. His grandfather, Stephen Huff, was a soldier in the war of 1812. 157 Schulmeister, J., Wheatfield, was born iu Germany in 1857, and came to America in 1870. He hds resided in North Tonawanda for twenty-two years and has been in business since 1883; he was in the old Doake block at first, but after that was burned he built his present block, containing three stores, and is the leading drj' goods merchant of the Twin Cities. He married Emma Duckwitz of Buffalo, and they have three children: Arnold, Herbert and Ferdinand. Mr. Schulmeister's par- ents were Christian and Frederica Schulmeister, both natives of Germany. Mr. Schulmeister is one of the representative business men of this county. He began life as a clerk, and while yet a young man, is at the head of a lucrative busiue.ss; owns a fine business block and an elegant residence on Goundry street. Richardson, G. L., I). D. S., Wheatfield, was born in Attica, Wyoming county, N. Y., and was educated at the academy at Attica and the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, from which he was graduated in the spring of 1887. He began practice at Attica, but after two years removed to Castile, where he remained two years, when he came to North Tonawanda, and after a business connection of over two years with Dr. Wright, he opened his present office in 1894. Dr. Richard- son has a high reputation in his profession. His parents were William Duane and Jennette Richardson ; his grandfather, Aaron Richardson, was a native of Berkshire county, Mass. The progenitor of the Richardson family of America, was Jonathan Richardson, who came from England about the year 1700, and settled in Massa- chusetts. His son Jonathan was the father of Rufus, who was the father of Aaron above mentioned. McBlain, Thomas J., was born at Belfast, north of Ireland, April 20, 1866, and was a son of Robert McBlain, now deceased. At an early age Thomas J. McBlain was sent to a boarding school at Lynn, Cheshire county, England, where he remained for seven years. He was then matriculated at Cambridge University, England, and in the same year, 1880, his parents removed to America, settling near London, On- tario, where his father bought a large farm. Thomas (the oldest of the four chil- dren) then settled down to farming for the space of five years, at which time he en- tered the office of a regular school ph^-sician and remained there for one year. In 1886 he began his course in medicine at the Western University at London, Ontario, and was graduated therefrom in 1891, coming at once to Niagara Falls, N. Y., where he opened an office and has since remained in the general and successful practice of his profession. December 20, 1896, he married Lillian Murphy of Niagara Falls, N. Y. Town, W. S., M. D., was born in Jackson, Mich., June 9, 1853, a son of Salem L. and Jane E. (Howell) Town ; Salem L., a native of Albany, born December 25, 1826, and Jane E. a native of Cambria. The grandparents, Levi and Mariah (Coon) Town, came to the town of Cambria in 1830, and settled on a farm where they re- mained until their death; he died in 1881, and she in 1878. Salem L. Town followed farming in Cambria and spent two or three years in Michigan. He was a Republi- can and served six years in succession as supervisor of Cambria. He died in 1891 and his widow in 1895. Dr. Town was reared on a farm and educated at Wilson in the public schools, and was graduated from the medical department of the Univer- sity of Buffalo, February 25, 1880. After graduating he immediately commenced 158 practicing at Smithville, Genesee county, where he remained two years, and then removed to Cambria, where he took up the practice of his old preceptor, W. C. Ray- mond, and now has a growing and lucrative practice. In June, 1895, he married Clara W., daughter of Bernard W. Ginty of Lockport. Townsend, John P., Somerset, was born in the town of Antwerp, Jefferson county, N. Y., December 3, 1821, and is a son of John D. and Amanda (Pardee) Town- send, both of whom were natives of New York. His father was born in 1795 and died when ninety-five years old. He moved to Niagara county in April, 1865, settling in Somerset, where John P. now lives. Mr. Townsend was married March 15, 1845, to Cynthia Perkins, daughter of Abraham Perkins. They have four chil- dren: Leonora, born April 27, 1857, now Mrs. Theodore Slade; George R., born March 12, 1850; Mary L., deceased, born May 31, 1855, was married and died in October, 1896, and Byron B., born January 29, 1864. Mr. Townsend is a member of Somerset Lodge No. 639, F. & A. M. He has twelve acres of fine orchard and raises grain and stock, and is a prosperous farmer. Tabor, C. D., was born in Wilson, October 5, 1846, a son of Calvin Tabor, a native of Vermont, who came to Niagara county with his parents in 1821. Calvin Tabor was a blacksmith by trade, and married Rebecca, daughter of Alexander Oliver, whose family was prominent in the Revolutionary war. C. D. Tabor was educated at Wilson Collegiate Institute, and learned the iron moulder's trade. In 1868 he entered the employ of James Jackson, jr., & Son of Lockport, manufac- turers of sash, doors and blinds, in which he has continued for the last thirty years. In 1877 he established the Wilson Planing Mill Co., which burned in 1879; he then spent five years in Steuben county, one year in Oshkosh, Wis., from 1888 to 1892 was manager of the Syracuse Sash and Door Co., from 1892 to 1895, was superin- tendent for C. J. Hamlin of Buffalo, and in the fall of 1895 came to Middleport as manager of the Royalton Door Co. Mr. Tabor is one of the conservative men of his town, taking an active interest in public events and has ever received and meri- ted the respect of his associates. Tuttle, Edward J., was born at Shady Center, September 18, 1825. His father, Abner Tuttle, came to the town of Royalton in 1823, where he was engaged in contracting and building; he moved to Michigan in 1838, and died in Richfield, Ohio, October 18, 1864. Edward J. Tuttle was educated in a log school house and learned the carpenter's trade of his father. In 1854 he married Eunice, daughter of James Compton, sr., and they have one son, Edward Compton. In 1884 Mr. Tuttle built the block that bears his name ; he has served the town as president for two terms, and always takes an active interest in educational and religious institutions. Nellist, Mrs. Phebe, Somerset, was born in Shelby, September 16, 1832, and is a daughter of Barney and Betsey Hellenbolt, both of whom were born in Herkimer county. They had four children: Louisa, born in August, 1835; John, born in July, 1838, died February 28, 1893; Marshall, born in 1839, and Mrs. Nellist, married to Henry NelUst, a native' of England. He came to America with his parents in 1883, and was a prosperous fanner, He died January 20, 1892. Mrs. Nellist is the mother of three children: Ida, now Mrs. Irvine Kenyon, born February 3, 1863; 159 Christopher G., born November 11, 186C, married Minnie Lewis, and Elizabeth E., her youngest daughter, resides at home, was born February 22, 1871. Johnson, Jay K., was born in Wilson, N. Y., in December, 1841, a son of Richard and grandson of Henry Johnson. Henry Johnson was born in New York State and early in life moved to Ohio and in 1824 came to the village of Wilson, where he worked at the blacksmith business for Luther Wilson, doing iron work on a grist mill. His wife died in 1864, and he spent some time in Michigan, where he died in 1S71 and was buried in Wilson. Richard Johnson was born in Ohio and when twelve years of age moved to Wilson, N. Y., with his parents, where he learned the blacksmith's trade; he died in 1885. His wife, Laura (Cole) Johnson, was born in Canada and came to Wilson with her parents, James and Nancy (Quick) Cole; Mrs. Cole died in Michigan, aged ninety-nine years; Mr. Cole died in Wilson in 1840. Jay K. Johnson was educated in Wilson Collegiate Institute, and worked at his trade, that of a blacksmith, from 1860 to 1895. July 4, 1870, he married Alphoretta Tower; she died August 8, 1871, and October 30, 1874, he married Eliza A. Carver, and they had four children: Arthur, Leon, Cole and Roy (decea.sed). August 5, 1863, Mr. Johnson enlisted in Co. B, 129th Infantry, and was transferred to the 8th N. Y. Heavy Artillery and served until wounded, June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor; he was discharged November 16, 1864. He was promoted to corporal and after the battle of Cold Harbor was promoted to second lieutenant, but was not mustered owing to the fact of his being unable to return. He is a member of Peter A. Porter Post No. 126, G. A. R. He is a Democrat and was elected justice of the peace in 1896, being the only Democrat ever elected to that office in the town. Delano, Ezra B., was born in Orleans county, N. Y., March 20, 1831, a son of Durfey Delano, who was a native of Saratoga county and came to Orleans county in 1816. Ezra B. Delano was educated at Millville Academy and in 1852 came to Mid- dleport and engaged in miilmg with his brother. In 1860 he engaged in the ware- house and produce business and has been one of the largest shippers of produce in Niagara county. In 1855 he married Elizabeth, daughter of Horace Pierce, and they have two daughters Mrs. George D. Judson and Mrs. Fred Craig, jr. Mr. Delano has served as president of the village for three years and has always taken an active interest in educational and religious institutions. Dysinger, Samuel A., was born in the town of Royalton, December 5, 1835. His father, John Dysinger, came to Niagara county in 1832, with his parents, George and Elizabeth Dysinger, where he kept the hotel at Dysinger's Corners. John Dy- singer married Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham Carl, and through life was identi- fied as a farmer, taking an active interest in school, church and public affairs, and was recognized as a man of sterling integrity, who ever advanced the best interests of his town and townspeople. He died in 1878. Samuel A. Dysinger was edu- cated in the common schools and through life has been a farmer. In 1856 he mar- ried Nancy, daughter of John Dolinger, and they have seven sons and two daugh- ters. Mr. Dysinger is one of the representative farmers in Niagara county, coming to the town of Lockport in 1860, with his brother, David M., and has by the force of his own character accumulated about 650 acres of land and is to day one of the most successful farmers in the State of New York. He has served as supervisor two years, highway commissioner three years and assessor for fifteen years. i6o Darcy, Rev. Matthew J. — This efficient pastor of St. John the Baptist Catholic church of Lockport, N. Y., was born in county Tipperary, Ireland, February 20, 1844, and is a son of Daniel and Joanna (McGrath) Darcy. At the age of twenty Rev. Mr. Darcy came to New York and entered the Niagara University from which he was graduated and ordained priest. His first assignment was at Bath, m Steuben county, where he had charge of four churches. In 1876 he was called from his field of labor to his present congregation, the church of St. John the Baptist of Lockport. It was through his persistent labor and energy that the edifice was en- larged and improved, besides the erection of a fine stone residence and school house in which a school is being conducted by the Sisters of St. Mary. He is a fine speaker and a pleasant gentleman and very popular among a large circle of friends and acquaintances both in and out of his church. Davis, E. W., was born at Pompey Hill, Onondaga county, March 10, 1834, and came to Niagara county with his parents, Sewell and Lucy Davis, who settled at Reynale's Basin in 1833. Mr. Davis was educated in the common schools of his day. to which he has added through life by reading and close observation. In 1852 married Laura H., daughter of Enoch Hyde. Mr. Davis through an active business life has been identified as a shipper and forwarder of grain and produce and canal traffic. Mr. Davis is one of the conservative men of his town, of sterling integrity, and it may well be said his word has ever proven as good as his bond. Rand, James H., son of Calvin G. and Almira H. (Long) Rand, was born in North Tonawanda. N. Y., May 29, 1859, and was educated in the public schools of his na- tive village and at the State Normal School in Brockport. Leaving school he became a clerk in the banking house of Evans, Schwinger & Co., and their successor, the State Bank of North Tonawanda, rising to the postion of teller. On the organ- ization of the Lumber Exchange Bank in 1886 he was made cashier of that institu- tion and held the position until 1894, when he established his present private bank- ing business. Mr. Rand has been eminently successful as a banker, and is one of the most prominent business men in North Tonawanda. He is president of the Bufiialo, Niagara Falls and Tonawanda Electric Railroad Company and treasurer of the Rand Ledge Company, and has been clerk of the North Tonawanda Board of Education since 1882. He was married in 1884 to Mary S., daughter of P. W. Scribner of Buffalo. Rech, William, was born in Tonawanda, April 2, 1863, a son of Jacob and Caro- line Rech, natives of Germany. Jacob Rech came to America when a young man and died in 1863; his widow died 1895. William Rech was educated in the village schools and learned the trade of barber, working at his trade for eighteen years. After filling the position of bartender for a time he took charge of the North Tona- wanda Hotel, and conducted it for two years, when he became proprietor of the Eligible Stand, corner of Payne's avenue and Schenck street, in 1891; this house he has since conducted successfully. In 1887 Mr. Rech married Helen McRaeof Nortb Tonawanda. He is a Democrat in politics and was nominated for collector in 1892 by his party. Morris, Stephen H., was born in Porter, December 15, 1841, a .son of Elisha and Margaret (Baker) I\Iorris. Elisha Morris was born in Canada and came with his pa- i6i rents to Porter, where he was a farmer and lumberman. He built the second saw mill that was built in Tonawanda in 1849; he died in 1857 and his widow in 1896. Stephen H. Morris was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He is a farmer and has 163 acres in Wilson; for four j'ears he was in partnership with Mr. Dwight in the lumber business in Wilson, under the firm name of Morris & Dwight. In 1891 he dissolved partnership and came to Ransomville and engaged in the lumber business, where he has been very successful. In politics Mr. Morris is a Democrat, but not an aspirant to office. He is a Free Mason, a member of Ransom- ville Lodge No. 551, F. & A. M., and is senior warden. In 1867 he married Ellen F. Lutts, and they have two children : Garnet, of Syracuse, and Beatrice at home. The grandfather of Stephen Morris was Robert Morris, who came from Wales during the Revolutionary war and enlisted as soon as he came and was wounded three times. Mossell, Aaron.— The career of this gentleman furnishes another illustration of what may be accomplished in this free country by persevering industry combined with intelligence and enterprise in a given direction. Mr. Mossell was born in Bal- timore, Md., March 7, 1824. In those days the children of colored families were not admitted to the public schools, consequently Mr. Mossell had but few opportunities for obtaining an education and the only schooling he ever received was at a night .school which he attended after he attained his majority. The first money he ever earned was in the employ of Mr. Alexander Russell, in a brick yard in Baltimore. He was an industrious and hard working boy and soon gained the confidence of his employer with whom he remained for a period of fifteen years. In 1853 he removed to Hamilton, Ont., and engaged in the manufacture of brick on his own account, in which he was very successful; in 1865 he removed to Lockport, N. Y., and established himself in his present business; the plant embraces a vast yard, kilns, dryer, office, and covers about eight acres of ground and furnishes employment to from fifteen to twenty workmen. The finest collection of improved brick machinery is used, with a yearly capacity of 1,500,000 high grade brick. Mr. Mossell has had over fifty years experience in the manufacture of brick, and is recognized as an expert in his line. He was married in October, 1846, to Eliza, daughter of Nathan Bowers of Baltimore, and they had four children: Mrs. Abraham Denny, who resides in Princeton, N. J. ; Dr. Nathan F., a graduate from the University of Penn.sylvania, and resides in Phil- adelphia, Pa.; Rev. Charles W., pastor of the A. M. E. church of Lockport, and Aaron A., an attorney of Philadelphia. In politics Mr. Mossell has always been a Republican, giving his party a loyal and active support. He and his family are reg- ular attendants of the A. M. E. church, to which he contributes liberally. Mr. Mos- sell has led an active, earnest life, and ranks among the most distinguished and rep- resentative colored families of the State, and is e.steemed by all who know him. Moore, J. O., was born in Canada, May 25, 1869, a son of George and Isabella Moore. Mr. Moore was reared on a farm and educated at Colegate Institute of Mt. Forest, Canada. In 1888 he came to Wilson, where he has since resided. He was graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 1892, and began the practice of his profession in Wilson, where he has been very successful. In politics he is a Democrat and is a member of LTnconditioqal Lodge No. 1255, I. O. F. Macpherson, James F., M. D.. was born in Halton county, Ontario, Can., and re- l62 ceived his literary education at Trinity College, Toronto. He then took a medical course in Toronto University and was graduated from the Buffalo Medical College in 1892. In 1894 he came to North Tonawanda, and that same year married Elizabeth Lapp of Clarence, Erie county, and they have one son. Eraser. Ziehl, Ferdinand, was born in Walmore, August 38, 1867, a son of Charles and Mary Ziehl, natives of Germany. He was reared on a farm and worked in a foundry and in Gratwick's lumber yard for two years before embarking in the hardware busi- ness at Martinsville in 1891. He also conducts a coal yard and handles about 500 tons annually. In 1889 Mr. Ziehl married Gussie Croskop and their children are Ed- ward, Lewis, Louisa and Matilda. He is a member of St Paul's Lutheran church and is a trustee of the Parochial School. Frost, Solomon W., Somerset, general merchant of Somerset, and a son of Henry H. and Julia A. Frost, was born in the town of Somerset, November 15, 1858. His father was born in Albany county, March 30, 1816, and when nineteen years of age came to Somerset and engaged in farming. Thirty years ago he left the farm and with a Mr. Aldrich engaged in general merchandi.se in Somerset, under the firm name of Frost & Aldrich, continuing for six months, when he bought his partner out and took Albert Van Wagoner into partnership, continuing for two years when he bought Mr. Van Wagoner's interest in the business, and in 1871 took William Seism, a retired Methodist minister, as a partner ; after a partnership of about nine months, Mr. Seism retired from the firm and Mr. Frost took his son as partner. September 27, 1843, he married Julia Wilcox, and they had five children: Albert E., Sarah Ann, Frances Emily, Lillie and Solomon W. Mr. Frost served his town as clerk twelve years, justice of peace one year and superintendent of schools two terms, with gen- eral satisfaction to his townsmen and credit to himself. Solomon W. Frost received his early school training at the home school and completed his education at Buffalo in 1876 and 1877, after which he clerked for his father until April 2, 1888, when he bought one-half interest with his father and has since assumed entire control of their large stock of goods. November 5, 1879, he married Hannah E. Mead, daughter of Daniel and Mercy C. Mead, and they had two children: Henry M., born April 24, 1886, and Benjamin Harrison, born October 24, 1888. Mr. Frost has been clerk of his town for the past fifteen years, and his long continuation in office bespeaks his popularity and ability. Farley, Francis B. , was born in Wilson, Niagara county, N. Y., May 30, 1856, a son of Benjamin and Lavinna (Le Baron) Farley. Benjamin Farley was born in Salem, Mass., October 4, 1810, and in 1842 came to Niagara county ; he was a farmer and also engaged in the mercantile business at Wilson. In politics he was first a Whig and afterwards a Republican; he held various town offices, and in 1857 was elected sheriff of the county, supervisor in 1865, and elected to the Assembly in 1867 from the Second district of Niagara county. He died May 15, 1876. Mrs. Farley was born in Leroy, N. Y., in 1812 and came to Wilson about 1847, where she now resides. Francis B. Farley was reared on a farm and educated in the Wilson Union School ; he spent several years in Lockport as a contractor and builder, but is a farmer by occupation. December 2, 1886, he married Kittle, daughter of Morgan G. and Hester (Seans) Van Wagoner, and they have two sons, Ray M. and F. Leon. i63 Mrs. Farley's father was a farmer and died in 1864; his widow is still livinj;- in Wil- son. Her grandfather was an early settler in Niagara county and died in Lockport. Fermoile P. J., was born in the town of Somerset, June 15, 1858. His father, Michael Fermoile, was a native of Ireland, and immigrated to America in 1850. P. J. Fermoile was educated in the common schools and Yates Academy. In 1882 he entered into partnership with M. E. Covey, in the grocery business, which he con- tinued up to 1891, when he went into his present business, that of canal supplies. In 1890 he married Minnie, daughter of Dennis Lahey, and they have one son, Francis. Mr. Fermoile is one of the conservative men of the town, serving as trustee and tak- ing an active interest in all public affairs. French E. B., was born in the town of Ridgway, Orleans county, N. Y., January 17, 1859, a son of Nathan French, who came from Monroe county in 1849, and was always engaged in farming. He married Marietta, daughter of Allen Breed, and he died in 1869. E. B. French was educated in Medina and Lockport schools; his first business experience was in the employ of Oscar Wheedon of Medina, where he remained five years and then spent three years in Buffalo in the hardware business. In 1884 he came to Middleport and established his present business and to-day is carrying the largest and most complete stock of hardware, bicycles, stoves, etc., in his town; he also handles wagons, carriages and agricultural implements, and is a partner in the Royalton Door Co. In 1888 he married Louise, daughter of Linus Spalding. Flanders, Albert, was born in Cambria, February 4, 1824, a son of Jacob and Eliz- abeth (Colt) Flanders. Mr. Flanders's grandfather, Aaron Flanders, was a farmer near Concord, N. H. ; he was born August 15, 1750, and died February 13. 1844; his wife, Hannah Flanders, was born May 17, 1752 and died December 13, 1844; they lived together as man and wife for about seventy-six j-ears. The maternal grand- father, Isaac Colt, came from New Jersey to Niagara county and followed farming and hotel keeping. He served in the war of 1812. Jacob Flanders was reared on a farm in New Hampshire and was born January 18, 1785. When a young man he traveled through the west and east to find a place to settle in and finally settled in Cattaraugus county, but after a short stay removed to Cambria, where he engaged m farming and spent his last days. Albert Flanders was reared on the farm, and in 1855 married Louisa M.. widow of William Scott, of Cambria. Mrs. Scott had one son, Edward W. Scott, who was reared by Mr. Flanders. Mr. Scott married Ellen Moody of Lockport, and they have four sons: Edward W., Walter E., Elmer and Wallas. Edward W. Scott was first a druggist, but since 1870 has been engaged in the insurance business; m 1884 he was made vice-president and one of the direc- tors of the Equitable Life Insurance Co. of Jersey City. Mr. Albert Flanders has two farms, one of 166 acres and one of 156. He is a Republican and has been as- sessor of Cambria and superintendent of the poor of Niagara county. Fritz, William F., was born September 25, 1855, and has resided all his life in Mar- tinsville. His father, Christian Fritz, was one of the leading men of his town and conducted a large saw mill business in Martinsville and William F. grew up in that business. In 1894 he established a coal business in Martinsville, to which he now gives his attention. He has been twice married ; his first wife was Sophia Peters, 164 who died leaving three children: Christian, Matilda and Rosa. For his second wife he married Rose Peters, and they have three children : Mary, Clara and Reno. His father, Christian Fritz, died in 1887. He was born in Germany and came to America and built a saw mill at Martinsville. He was prominent in poHtics as well as in busi- ness and was three terms supervisor of the town, besides holding other ofifices. William F. Fritz is a Democrat, a member of the firemen and engineer of the corps. He has been county delegate several terms and also inspector of election. His mother was Henrietta (Dornfield) Fritz and is still living. Hotchkin, James H., was born in the town of Wilson, Niagara county, July 25, 1834, a son of A. E. and Electa Hotchkm. 'His parents came to Niagara county in an early day, locating in Wilson, where they remained until 1838 and then moved to Jackson county, Mich., and remained there until 1853, when they removed to Illinois, where he died in 1858. Mrs. Hotchkin came to Newfane in 1860 and died in 1873. They had nine children: Abram, born in 1830, resides in Porter; Noah, born in 1832, died in 1837; James H. ; Edwin, born in 1836; Rose, born in 1838, died in 1863; C. S., born in 1840; Henry born in 1842, died in 1873; Alexander, born 1844, died in infancy, and one half brother and sister. James H. Hotchkin was edu- cated in the common schools and engaged as fireman on the railroad. August 22, 1862, he enlisted at Rochester, in the 19th N. Y. Light Artillery and was wounded in front of Petersburg in the forehead and removed to the hospital where he remained until April 1, 1865, when he was discharged and returned home. He married Frances Michaels of Aurora, 111., February 28, 1856, and they had six children, four of whom are living: Isabelle, born June 28, 1861; Electa, born December 25, 1867; Clara, born May 21, 1869; Matilda, born June 23, 1871, died September 5, 1882; James, born August 3, 1875, and Edwin, born January 8, 1878, died February 18, 1882. Mr. Hotchkin is a member of Jacob Branker Post No. 547, G. A. R. at Newfane, of which he is sergeant. Mr. Hotchkin is a retired farmer, has a fine home and is a cordial and unassuming gentleman and has a warm place in the hearts of his comrades and neighbors. Frazer, John J., a leading carriage manufacturer of Lockport, was born in that city April 19, 1853. His early education was obtained from the public schools and at an early age he was apprenticed at the carriage maker's trade. In 1872 he established his present business and built a handsome three story brick building, 138 by 44 feet, with basement. He makes a specialty of work to order, as well as all kinds of repair- ing. Mr. Frazer is a son of John and Sarah (Orr) Frazer, who removed from Cana- da to Lockport in 1847. In 1875, he married Anna, daughter of J. W. Doty of Lock- port, and this union has been blessed with two daughters: Gertrude A. and Edith L., who are now attending college in Cincinnati. King, William H., Somerset, son of W. W. and Sarah (Jackson) King, was born in Nottingham, England, June 15, 1848, and came with his mother to America (his father having preceded them) when fifteen years old, landing at Quebec on his birthday, whence they went at once to Montreal, thence to Toronto, living on Scugoy Island a .little more than one year. Not being satisfied there they came to the States, arriving at the village of Somerset in the .spring of 1865, and where they yet reside. Our subject received his earlier educational training in England, and has i65 since by judiciously purchasing good books and taking the best magazines in the country, acquired a broader practical education which to-day ranks him as a well educated gentleman. He learned the trade of blacksmith in an earlier day and is now a practical horseshoer, having a large and prosperous trade. He has never mar- ried. His father, W. W. King, was born October 20, in Osgathorp, England, and is still living in Somerset. His mother was born January 4, 1826, at Bobber Mills, Nottingham, England, and died January 20, 1897. King, M. J., was born in Tovvanda, Pa., July 21, 1853, and is a son of John J. and Mary A. King, natives of Ireland, who came to America in 1848, and settled in Hart- land, Niagara county, N. Y., in 1858. They moved with mule team and went two miles over corduroy road of solid logs with no dirt on them. They had ten children, five of whom are now living: Mary, Michael J., P. Frederick, Anna, Daniel W. , Will (deceased), and the rest died when young. All of this family were school teachers, M. J. King having taught thirteen terms. He was married in 1880 to Catherine A. Conley, and they have eight children: John, Mary, Jay L. , William H., (ieorge, Thomas F., Ulysses and Eunice. Mr. King was elected justice of the peace in January, 1891, and served one term with satisfaction to all. He was appointed postmaster at Hartland under Harrison and served as deputy under Cleveland. He is engaged in fruit evaporating and operates one of the largest dryers in the town or countrj'. Knapp, Edward, was born in the town of Royalton, July 25, 1853. His father, Silas Knapp, came from Westchester county to Niagara in 1840, where he purchased a farm. He married Mary, daughter of Adelbert Penley, who was among the pio- neers of the town, and he bought his land of the Hall & Lamb Co. Edward Knapp was educated in Lockport and for fifteen years followed farming. In 1892 he invented a patent bean picker, which he is now manufacturing in Middleport. In 1875 he married Ida, daughter of Seymour Compton, and they have one daughter. May. Mr. Knapp is one of the progressive men of his town, taking an intelligent and active interest in school and church work. Kilborn, Horatio, has been prominently identified with the insurance business in Lockport since 1851, nearly fifty years. He was born in the town of Burlington, Otsego county, N. Y., January 21, 1821. He removed to Lockport in 1837, where he was variously employed until 1851, and then embarked in the insurance business, in which he has since been engaged. Mr. Kilborn has always been identified with the Democrat party and was for five years a member of the Board of Supervisors, one year its chairman, and was for six years a member of the Board of Education. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the Presbyterian church. Kinney, John F. , sheriff of Niagara county, was born at Newfane, N. Y., August 24, 1856. He attended the public schools of his native town and was engaged in farming until 1883, when he removed to Lockport and entered into the hay and pro- duce business, in which he was engaged for four years. He was at this date ap- pointed jailer, which position beheld for three years, when he became deputy sheriff, holding that position for three years, then under sheriff for three years and in 1896 was elected sheriff for a term of three years. He was married January 26, 1891, to Minnie E. Brockin of Niagara Falls, N. Y. i66 Kelly, J. W. H., was born in Walworth county, Wis., April 25, 1865, a son of James H. and Ellen (Kerr) Kelly. His parents came to Lewiston in 1870 and the family has resided here ever since. His father embarked in the grain, coal and im- plement business and for some time J. W. H. Kelly has been the active manager of the business. He is an active Democrat and has been delegate to three State con- ventions, besides serving on the county committee for years, and is regarded as one of the leaders in this part of the country. He has been treasurer of the village of Lewiston for ten years and was elected trustee in the spring of 1897. Mr. Kelly has five sisters: Mrs. Truman Carr, Catherine, Adeline, Mary and Gertrude. James H. Kelly was born in Allegany county, N. Y., and came to Lewiston when a young man, and later moved to Wisconsin, where he remained six years and then returned to Lewiston. He was engaged in the fruit business from 1870 to 1878, when he em- barked in the grain business as stated. He is still interested in fruit growing and agriculture and has a fine fruit farm. He has been prominent in public life as well as in business, and has been collector of the port, assessor, village trustee and pres- ident of the village. Kanett, Charles W. , was born in Germany in 1828, and came to America in 1843. He clerked for a time in Lockport and then came to St. Johnsburg, finally settling in Bergholtz, where he has since resided and conducted a very successful business. He has been postmaster for thirty-six years, a record not equaled by any other man in the county. He was also constable twenty years, tax collector four years and supervisor three years ; he has been a Republican since the days of Buchanan. In 1858 he married Wilhelmina Loger, and they had seven children: Charles A., John, Annie, Kate, Gussie, Rosina and Rudolf. Arnold, Henry F., was born April l(i, 1869, in Somerset, and is a son of Daniel and Delia Arnold, both natives of this State. His father died in 1871 and his mother in 1888. There were four children in this family; Ida, deceased, Elmer, de- ceased. May, now Mrs. E. O. Denton, resides in Somerset, and the subject of this sketch. Mr. Arnold attended school at Yates Academy, after which he engaged in farming. December 20, 1893, he married Nellie E. Tayer, daughter of Milford and Emma Tayer, both of Niagara county. Her father died in 1871, and her mother in 1892. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold have two children: Emma E. , born October 17, 1894, and D. Elwood Arnold, born November 22, 1896. Mr. Arnold has an orchard of fifteen acres, 200 pear trees, 500 peach trees, grain of all kinds, and stock. He is a member of K. O. T. M. No. 467, Somerset Lodge. Kelsey, Charles L. , was born in Indiana, July 36, 1858, but had his initial business experience in Detroit, where he worked for W. E. Tunisoninthe stationery business six months and then learned the candy trade. He was next assistant bookkeeper for a ship chandler, and in the fall of 1878 went to Arkansas as a bookkeeper in the real estate business. He shortly afterwards purchased the business and conducted it until the fall of 1883, when he was appointed government special agent of the in- terior to look after fraudulent land claims. He held this position until the spring of 1886 when he resigned and purchased a saw mill in Oregon, which he ran one year, when he sold out and came east. In 1887 he went into the lumber business in Detroit with his father, who had extensive timber lands in Michigan and was con- 167 nected with that enterprise until he came to North Tonawanda in 1896 to establish his present business, that of dealer in Washington red cedar shingles and lumber. Mr. Kelsey married Emma Wilshire, who died in 1887, leaving one son, Charles L. Mr. Kelsey is a member of the Elks and Knights of Pythias. Angevine, Jeremy, was born in the town of Mendon. Monroe county, N. Y., No- vember 17, 1822, a son of Philip and Polly (Dewig, a daughter of Capt. John Dewig, of the war of 1812) Angevine, natives of Vermont. Philip Angevine came to Niagara county in 1844, and ran a hotel in Lockport for five years; he died in 1871, and Mrs, Angevine in 1880. Jeremy Angevine commenced business in Lockport in a hotel in 1844, which he carried on for several years; he then purchased a farm and in 1889 removed to Cambria, where he has since carried on general farming and stock rais- ing. In 1857 Mr. Angevine married Hannah Wiman, and they have six sons and six daughters: Juliette, wife of Frank Simons; William, farmer at Xewfane ; Jane, wife of Charles Garbit, carpenter and joiner; Charles, works the home farm, mar- ried Anna Elwood; Arthur (deceased); Sadie; Stella, wife of Frank Halifax; Jer- emy, jr. ; Frances, wife of Frank White; John; Minnie, wife of John Mills; Edward and Harry (deceased), and Hannah, at home. Mr.s. Angevine died in January, 1881. Ackerman, Arthur H., was born in Wilson, N. V., December 19, 1857, a son of Richard and Orpha (Brown) Ackerman. Richard Ackerman was born in Saratoga county and Mrs. Ackerman was born in Wilson, and was a daughter of Andrew Brown who came from Saratoga county very early and settled in Wilson, where he resided until his death. Arthur H. Ackerman was reared on a farm and educated in Wilson; January 29, 1890, he married Millicent Dearborn, born in Wilson and daughter of Benjamin and Amanda (Baldwin) Dearborn. Benjamin Dearborn came to Wilson when a young man, from Maine. He was a Democrat and was supervisor for seven years in succession and held other minor offices. He was engaged in mercantile business in Wilson for a number of years; he died December 26, 1885, and his widow July 24, 1886. Allen, I. N., was born in Clinton county, N. Y., June 19, 1822, a son of Abel and Mary (Weaver) Allen. Abel Allen was born in Plattsburg and his father was one of the very first settlers in Plattsburg, where he came in an early day and bought 500 acres of land. Mr. Allen died in 1839 and his widow in 1865. They had seven children, all dead save I. N. Allen. Mr. I. N. Allen was married to Lucy A. Pardy, November 1, 1848, and they have two children, Hattie Lawton, who resides in New York and is an inventor; and Frank W. Allen, who resides in Rochester, where he is a manufacturer of baking powder, perfumes and essences. Mr. Allen was en- gaged in farming in Clinton county and when he removed to Niagara county he en- gaged in merchandise as well as farming; he has a large pear and quince orchard. His barn was destroyed in 1878 by the only cyclone known in the history of Niagara county. His horse, which was in the barn, was left standing amid a heap of broken and splintered portions of the barn, and was not injured in the least. Austin, Ansel P., was born in Seneca county, N. Y., July 26, 1850, and his home was there until 1882, when he came to Tonawanda. Since coming to this ])lace he has been active in promoting its best interests both in a business and public way. He was police justice for four j-ears and discharged the duties of his office with 1 68 marked ability. He was elected street commissioner in the spring of 1896, which oflfice he still holds. Mr. Austin also carries on a large real estate and insurance business. He is a veteran of the late war, having enlisted in the 9th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, Company E, on December 30, 1863. He served in the 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac, and participated in all the operations in the Wilderness, at Cold Har- bor and Petersburg, besides many lesser battles. He is a member of the G. A. R. , Post W. B. Scott, No. 129, and has been its commander. Mr. Austin married Mary S. Allen of Seneca county and they have two daughters: Florence and Marcelleue. Pettit, Enoch, was born in Galloway, Saratoga county, N. Y., March 23, 1820, a son of Thomas and Martha (Duel) Pettit. Thomas Pettit was born in Claverack, N. Y., and Martha was born in Greenfield; they both lived and died in Saratoga county (see biography of George Pettit). Enoch Pettit was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools; he is a farmer, having cleared about 100 acres of land in his native county. He came to Wilson May 12, 1842, and has lived here since. Novem- ber 10. 1847, he married Juliett G. Pratt, and they had one daughter, Mary E., wife of Alfred A. Navoty; she died April 23, 1894, leaving five children: Arthur E., Winifred P., Chester A., Mildred O. and Wilford H. Mr. Pettit enlisted August 26 1862, in Co. F, 151st N. Y. Vols., and served nearly three years. In politics he is a Democrat and a member of Peter A. Porter Post No. 126, G. A. R. Pierce, Mail W., was born in the town of Middlefield, Otsego county, N. Y., in 1826, a son of John and Mariette (Runnels) Pierce, natives of New York. Mr. Pierce came with his parents to Erie county, where they remained for three years, thence to Niagara county, settling in the town of Hartland. In 1857 they moved to Michi- gan, where John Pierce bought a farm and remained there until his death, which occurred December 18, 1867. M. W. Pierce returned to Hartland in a short time and eugaged in farming, which has been his lifelong vocation. He attended school for a short time while in Michigan, and finished his education in the public schools of Hartland. He was first married to Nancy Chapman, daughter of Daniel and Lucinda Chapman, and to this union were born three children: Ida, now Mrs. George Gill, born in November, 1852, and is the mother of two children, Burt and Murt; Fred was born in 1859, and married Hannah Seward of Holland ; she was born in 1857, and is a daughter of Thomas and Ann Seward, they have one son, Frank, born in 1880, and one daughter, Ida Pearl, born June 25, 1889, died October 27, 1889. Mr. Pierce married Martha Carpenter for his second wife, a daughter of John H. and Elizabeth Carpenter. Her father was born May 2, 1790, and her mother November 25, 1794, both now deceased. There were four sons and four daughters in this fam- ily, of whom the four sons are dead; the daughters are Phoebe, Mrs. Northrup, re- sides in Adrian, Mich. ; Eunice, Mrs. Thurber, resides in Dover, Mich. ; Elsie Ann, Mrs. Hagaman, resides in Fairfield, Mich., and Martha, Mrs. Pierce, born June 29, 1836, and was first married to John A. Marshall of Fairfield, Mich., April 2, 1857, and had two children by her first husband: Anabella, born October 4, 1858, died January 6, 1860; George B. Marshall, born June 4, 1861, married Arvilla Mason of Fairfield, Mich., June 17, 1881, and had one son, John E., born April 20, 1883, died in 1885. Mr. Pierce's brother, Norman, was born in 1853. and resides in Lenawee county, Mich. His wife was Eliza Remington, who died of heart failure. Mr. Pierce has been school trustee and served his district faithfullv. He has a fine home 169 and has a windmill and a tank liolding 150 barrels of water, from. which he waters his stock and the plants of two very large and fine green houses. Mrs. Pierce is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and active in church work. Pease, William Bradford, was born in Somerset, Niagara county, July 31, 1830. His father, John Pease, was a native of New Jersey and came to Niagara county at eight years of age with his parents, John A. Pease and wife, settling in the town of Somerset in 1812, and through life was identified as a farmer. John Pease moved to Erie county. Pa., and married Betsey, daughter of William Sherwood, and spent their life at Girard, Pa. Bradford Pease remained at home until he was twenty-four years of age, when he returned to Niagara county and settled in the town of Lock- port. In 1854 he married Ursula, daughter of Levi Hathaway, who was a native of Middleboro, Mass., .settling in the town of Lockport in 1844. He was pastor of the Royalton Christian church for seven years, and died in 1863 in his seventy-fourth year. William B. Pease is one of the conservative men of his town, taking an active interest in educational and religious institutions, serving as trustee of the Christian church for eighteen years, and has ever advanced the best interests of his town and townspeople. Parker, Quincey G. T., a son of George T. and Erminda M. (Randall) Parker, was born m the town of Wilson, Niagai-a county, N. Y., November 6, 1858. He was educated at the public .schools of his native town and later took a law and commer- cial course at the Rochester Business University, after which he removed to Mich- igan and m 1883 was admitted to the bar in that State Alter continuing a very successful practice in Michigan for five years, he returned to Lockport and in 1889 was admitted to practice in New York State, where he has since conducted a large and growing practice. In December, 1886, he married Jennie Kilpatrick of Mich- igan. He is a member of a number of societies, being a Mason of high standing, a member of the J. O. U. A. M., the Royal Arcanum and the N. G. S. N. Y. He has also contributed to a number of leading journals and periodicals. Praker, August C, was born in the town of Wheatfield, Niagara county, N. Y., February 10, 1868, and after receiving a thorough education in the union .school, clerked for his brother, E. C. Praker, for three years. In 181)3 he embarked in the meat business and is both popular and successful. In 181J3 he married Minnie Penslien, and they have three children: Clarence, Elmer and Adeline. His parents were August and Minnie Praker. August Praker came to this countrj- when seven- teen years of age and his wife at five years of age ; they are now living in the town of Pen field. Payne, Lewis T., Whcatlield. was born in Tonawanda, June 14, 1860. He was educated in Buffalo and at Cornell University, which he entered in 1879 and grad- uated in the class of 1883. He studied law with Brundage Sc Chapman, and was ad- mitted to the bar in April, 1886. On June 1, 1886, he opened his law office in Ton- awanda. In November, 1885, he married Luella Kennedy and they have three daughters: Eda. Margaret and Helen. Mr. Payne was corporation counsel for North Tonawanda from 1886 to 1890, and is now counsel for the Board of Water Commis- sioners. He was counsel for the Diamond Match Co. and others '•'^. Scribuer, a suit involving §70,000 and which he won. I/O Graves. Selden-E., lawyer, was born at Albion, Orleans county, N. Y., November 11, 1844. He attended the public schools and in 1863 was graduated from Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. with high honors, being third in his class. After graduating he began the study of law in the office of the Hon. Sanford E. Church and was admitted to the bar in 1866. He served one year in the war of the Rebellion as a captain in the 8th N. Y. Cavalry ; after the war was over he returned to Pendleton and engaged in sheep raising for a number of years. In 1878 he removed to Lock- port and resumed the practice of law in company wiih Mr. B. L. Burrow, which co- partnership continued for three years and since that time he has conducted business alone. He is a son of Nelson A. and Maria (Buch) Graves, natives of Rochester, N. Y. February 1, 1872, he married Jennie E. Canfield of Hamburg, N. Y. Goerss, C. P., was born in Wheatfield, a son of Frederick and Charlotte Goerss. His father came to America in 1843, and his grandfather served under Blucher in the war against Napoleon Bonaparte. In politics Mr. Goerss is a Republican; he was appointed deputy collector of customs May 30, 1890, and has since failed that position most admirably. He has been assessor of the town of Wheatfield three years, justice of the peace four years, justice of sessions two years, and member of assembly two years. In 1876 he married Albertina M. Schulz, and they have five children; Agatha A., Appolonia V., Marcus A., Frederick W. and Margaret E. Getz, Franklin, Wheatfield, was born in Pennsylvania, September 35, 1826, but came to Erie county with his parents when a child. They settled at what has since been known as Getzville in the town of Amherst, the place taking its name from this family. He was a farmer for years, but came to Tonawanda in 1880 and has since been engaged in the milling business. He married Mary Long, and they have one .son and two daughters: Sherman, Mrs. Alta Steinhouse and Mrs. Susan Staley. Sherman Getz married Jennie Evans. Mr. Getz was the discoverer and developer of natural gas at Getzville and is still interested in operations there. He has also invented a valuable device for tunneling the Model City. His parents were Joseph and Susan (Lapp) Getz, who came to this part of the country nearly twenty years ago. Van Slyke, Alvin, was born in Pendleton, December 13, 1838, a son of John B. and Mary (Ail) Van Slyke, natives of Sullivan, Madison county, N. Y. John B. Van Slyke was born in October, 1805, and has spent the greater part of his life on the farm in Pendleton; his wife was born in 1818 and died December 8, 1893. Of this family besides the subject were Hattie A., widow of Daniel Rupert; Ellen E. Dalen- baagh; Wilbur W. of Michigan; Washington, farmer at Pendleton, and Mary E., died at the age of four. The parents of J. B. Van Slyke, Garret and Nancy (May- bee) Van Slyke were natives of Schoharie county and after several moves finally settled on the Ridge in Pendleton, where he died at the age of fifty three and his widow at eighty-three. He was taken prisoner in Canada during the Revolutionary war. In 1871 Alvin Van Slyke married Harriet, daughter of Joseph F. and Julie (Beebe) Ellis of Wheatfield. To Mr. and Mrs. Van Slyke have been born five chil- dren: Fannie L., Maud E. (married Arthur V. Tripp), Mabel J., Wilber J. (died in infancy), and Edith H. (died April 19, 1882, aged five months). Mr. Van Slyke fol- lowed farming until 1886, when he engaged in the coal, grain and feed business at 171 Beech Ridge. He is a Republicau in politics and has been highway commissioner and supervisor for four years; he is a member of Centennial Lodge No. 14. A. O. U. W., at Tonawanda. Van Shuler Duane, was born on the Van Shuler homestead, April 3, 1860, which was built by his grandfather, James Van Shuler, who came from Schoharie county to Niagara about 1825, taking up a large tract of land from the Holland Land Com- pany. He was one of the largest contractors in Western New York, and with his son, James Taylor Van Shuler, furnished the stone used in the enlargement of the Erie Canal. The firm remained in active business up to the time of the death of J. T. Van Shuler, which occurred in 1863. Duane Van Shuler has continued the business of building materials, but is principally interested in farming. Van Horn, Theodore H., Lockport's leading druggist, was born at Newburgh, Or- ange county, N. Y., August 11, 1832. After attending the public schools he entered a drug store as a clerk and after four years' service removed to the West, where he remained for a few months, when he returned to Lockport and engaged in the drug business on his own account which he conducted for ten years. He at this date dis- posed of his drug business and engaged in the tanning and oil refining business, which he carried on for five years, when he again embarked in the drug business, since which time he has devoted his entire time and attention to that business. Oc- tober 28, 1859, he married Loraine, daughter of David M. Mather of Lockport. Vandervoort, Levant R., Wheatfield, was born in North Tonawanda, and edu- cated in the schools of that place. He engaged in the lumber business at the age of fourteen and has been connected with it ever since. In 1891 he became a member of the firm of Smith, Fassett & Co. Mr. Vandervoort has always taken a lively in- terest in the welfare of North Tonawanda, and was elected president of the village in 1895. He is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, Blue Lodge, and Chapter. In 1883 he married Annie T. Fassett. Mr. Vandervoort's parents were J. D. and Sarah (Ransom) Vandervoort, both descendants of the oldest families in this part of the State. Le Van, Abram K., was born in the town of Lockport, N. Y., August 15, 1832, a son of Thomas and Mary (Kissinger) Le Van. Thomas Le Van came from Milton, Pa., in 1831, to Lockport, where he bought land and carried on farming; he also speculated some in land, buying farms in Cambria and other places, which he sold. Abram K. Le Van was reared on the farm in Lockport and has always followed farming, dealing extensively in fruit and grain. In 1852 he married Clarinda, daughter of Ezekiel Campbell of Cambria, and they have two children: Willis, farmer at Pendleton, and Rosalie, wife of Ovid Manning, a farmer in Pendleton. Mr. Le Van is a Republican and has been assessor for twelve years. He is a mem- ber of Pekin Lodge No. 41, A. O. U. W. Lahey, Richard, was born in Royalton, October 29, 1851. His father, P. Lahey, came to the United States from Ireland in 1850. settling at Dundee and in 1852 came to Gasport, entering the employ of the New York Central and Hudson River Rail- road Company and continuing in their employ for twenty years, when he purchased the farm where he now resides. Richard Lahey was educated at Gasport and Lock- 172 port, and in 1881 entered the employ of the raih^oad compan}-. In 1872 he came to Gasport and in 1875 was appointed agent, which position he still retains. In 1877 he married Ida E., daughter of Capt. Charles Soper, and they have three children: Arthur R., Elizabeth'and Louise. Lutts, Henry, was born in Porter, N. Y., June 28, 184G, a son of Harry and Annie (Belknapp) Lutts; he born in Porter and she in Cambria. The maternal grand- father, Timothy Belknapp, lived in Cambria and spent his last daj'S in Ohio. Henry Lutts was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools and WiLson Aca- demy. He now owns about 300 acres of land and is extensively engaged in peach, plum and pear raising, having 1,000 plum trees and 4,000 pears; he is also engaged in the nursery business. October 17, 1872, he married Augusta Smithson, daugh- ter of Richard Smithson, an early settler of Porter. To Mr. and Mrs. Lutts have been born three children: Frank, Grace and Harry, all living. In politics Mr. Lutts is a Republican and he enlisted in Co. D, 1st N. Y. Engineers, and served until the close of the war, participating among others in the battles of Deep Bottom, Dutch Gap and the evacuation of Richmond. Lambert John, was born in England, county of Huntingdonshire, village of Era, April 15, 1828, and came to the United States in 1848, settling in Lockport, where he was engaged in blacksmithing. In 1886 he established the hardware business, which he transferred to his son, John F., in 1895. In 1852 he married Anne, daugh- ter of Thomas Dunkling. Mr. Lambert is one of the conservative men of Lockport and has served as alderman for two terms. Lawson, Oliver, one of the enterprising young men of North Tonawauda, is a na- tive of Norway and came to America in 1878. He is an expert sail maker and joined the United States Hag ship Pensacola, of the South Pacific station, and made a round trip with her, being paid off at a New Hampshire port. In 1884 he went to Chicago and came to Buffalo in the fall of the same year, where he took a course in the College of Commerce, and in 1891 came to North Tonawanda and established his present business, that of manufacturer and dealer in tents, awnings, flags, cano- pies, decorations, etc. He has a spacious building and employs from four to six hands; the quality of the work may be judged by the fact that he supplies Armitage, Herschell & Co. with all their canvas good.s. In 1898 Mr. Lawson married Julia Daley of Buffalo. He is a Republican in politics and a member of the Masonic fraternity. Leonard, Allen T., M. D., Wheatfield, was born in Niagara county, N. Y., and was educated in Lockport and the University of New York, from which he was graduated in 1891 ; in that year he established himself in North Tonawanda. He is a member of the Odd Fellows, of the Niagara County Medical Society and surgeon of the 25th Separate Company. He is also health officer of the village and surgeon for the Erie Railway. November 24, 1896, he married Inez M. Bixby. Dr. Leon- ard's parents were A. W. and Maria (Crosby) Leonard, both natives of Niagara county. Swigert, John G., was born in the town of Newfane in 1862, a son of John J. and Fredericka Swigert, both natives of Germany. John J. Swigert immigrated to '73 America about 1847, settling in Nevvfane, where he was married and they had ten children: Henrietta (deceased), William, resides in Appleton ; George; John G. ; Sarah, married; Josiah B. , resides in Appleton; Frank, resides in Appleton; Mary and Anna, twins (Mary . is dead, and Anna married Harmon Hilderbrant), and Charles. John C. Swigert received his education in the common schools, and en- gaged in general merchandise at Appleton in January, 1894, and prior to that ran an evaporator and cooper shop, which he still conducts. In ISS.") he married Florence Monohan of Newfane, and they have these children ; Nellie, Ida, Mary, Winnie and Marjorie. Mr. Swigert is a Free Mason, a member of Somerset Lodge No. 639. He is a prosperous and enterprising merchant and is enjoying a good trade. Sherwood, A. S. , one of the repre.sentative citizens of Hartland, was born in Con- necticut, January 1, 1823, a son of Noah and Ruanah Sherwood, who came to Niagara county in the spring of 1835, locating in the town of Somerset. Noah Sher- wood was born October 26, 1786; he was a Baptist minister, and as such traveled over a great deal of territory on horseback spreading the gospel and enduring the trials and hardships which were the common lot of all in an early day ; he died October 8, 1873. Mrs. Sherwood was born May 81, 1801, and died June 19, 1868. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood were the parents of eight children : A. S. , Elam G., born May 10, 1827; Ebenezer J., born May 29, 1831; John, born October 27, 1834; Myron, born July 13, 1836; James L., born March 13, 1838; Mary E., born July 7, 1839, was killed when a little child, and Angeline, born July 7, 1844. Mr. A. S. Sherwood in 1844 bought fifty acres of timber land, which he cleared and added twenty acres more and is now a prosperous farmer, and although seventy-four years of age, is strong and healthy and as spry as most men of forty-five. His brother Ebenezer went to the war. was taken prisoner and it is supposed he died in Andersonville prison. In 1847 Mr. Sher- wood married Mary Ann Lewis, and they had two sons: Sears, born January 30, died December 4, 1864, and William, born March 20, 1855, died January 15, 1872. Mrs. Sherwood died April 28, 1888. Saddlesom, Ransom, was born in Cambria, N. Y. , December 24, 1835, a son of Christopher and Cynthia (Holmes) Saddlesom. The grandfather, Michael Saddle- som, came to Cambria, bringing his family just after the close of the war of 1812, and taking up about 150 acres of land, which is mostly owned by Ransom Saddle- som. Ransom Saddlesom was educated in the common schools and has always resided on the homestead farin, making a specialty of grapes. In 1859 he married Laura E. Pardee, and they have four children: Loren, farmer at Cambria; Anna Bell and Lena Bell, died in infancy, and Sadie E., wife of James (xould of Syracuse, N. V. Mr. Saddlesom is a Democrat, but does not aspire to office. Schwarm, Adam, jr., was born in Swormville, N. Y. , March 17, 1863, a son of Adam and Louisa (Ebeshart) Schwarm, natives of Germany. Adam and Louisa Schwarm immigrated to America in 1847 and settled at Swormville, they being the pioneer settlers there. He kept a general .store there until 1880, and was a dealer in real estate. He and George W. Hoover were the founders of the Erie & Niagara County Farmers' Association, of which he was six j-ears treasurer. Adam Schwarm, the subject, was educated at Clarence Union School and Bryant & Slratton's Busi- ness College, where he taught for a short time and was graduated from there in 1896. 174 He commenced bis business career as manager of the lumber mills of C. Fritz, Mar- tinsville, and was then nine years with P. Becker & Co., wholesale grocers, as sales- man, giving up this position on account of poor health. In 1897 he bought the Col. Stephen R. Warren farm of 129 acres in Pendleton, where he carries on general farming. June 21, 1888, he married Caroline R., daughter of Col. Stephen R. Warren. Colonel Warren was seventeen years cashier in a bank at Troy, and afterwards settled on Grand Island and later came to Pendleton and purchased a large tract of land, where he died in 1880. Shimer, Jacob, was born in the town of Lockport, December 23, 1858. His father, William Shimer, came with his parents, Jacob B. and Mary Shimer, from Lehigh county. Pa., in 1831, settling near Lockport. He was a public spirited man and sup- ported all church and school interests. William Shimer married Nancy Root ; he died in 1894. Jacob Shimer was educated in the common schools and in 1880 mar ried Matilda L , daughter of Jerry Dunkleberger, and they have four children: Ray C. Mason C, Alton W. and Mabel C. Mr. Shimer is one of the progressive men of his town, serving as highway commissioner for two years, and takes an active inter- est in educational and religious institutions. Sutliff, Calvin G., one of Lockport's leading manufacturers and well respected citizens, was born in Warren, O., September 14, 1851. After completing his elemen- tary education and a thorough college course at the Western Reserve College at Hudson, O., he began the study of law and was graduated from the Albany Law School in the class of 1880. He then located in Cleveland, O., where he was engaged in the practice of his profession until 1884. when he removed to Lockport to accept the management of the rolling mills of Westerman & Co. This establishment had been founded four years previous by Messrs. Westerman, Fletcher & Co., and was succeeded by Westerman, Bruce & Co. in 1884, that firm being succeeded by the present firm. This is one of the largest plants of the kind in Western New York and they turn out large quantities of bridge iron, horseshoe iron, etc., annually and give employment to a large number of workmen. Mr. Sutliff is a man of great busi- ness ability and is respected by all who know him. Snow, J. B , C. E., was born in Nantucket, Mass., a son of Charles E. and Emily J. Snow. Mr. .Snow was educated at Union College, from which he was graduated a civil engineer in the class o! 1889. He at once took up the practice of his profes- sion and executed sewer plans for Goshen, N. Y., after which he was engaged on electric railway work in the East, where he built some tracks; he then spent a year in West Superior and came to North Tonawanda in 1892, and in 1893 entered into partnership with T. W. Barrally, forming the firm of Barrally & Snow. Mr. Snow is city engineer for Tonawanda and is a member of the Engineers' Society of West- ern New York. In 1894 he married Ella C. Haiman of Schenectady, and they have one daughter, Annetta. Stumpf, C. F. , was born in the county of Grey, Canada, a son of John and Mary (Shiedel) Stumpf. His father was a native of Germany and his mother of Phila- delphia. C. F. Stumpf was educated in the public schools of his native place, and has resided in North Tonawanda for six years, where he conducts a high class photograph studio, doing outside as well as inside work, and all of the highest 175 (lualily. In iy!>4 be married Minnie Parman of 'Ponawanda, and they have one son, Dehner. Smeaton, J. V., Wheatfield, was born in Fultonville, N. Y., and was engaged in the lumber business there prior to coming to Tonawanda in 1889, to enter the firm of Calkins & Co., which became an incorporated company in 1894, with Mr. Smeaton as secretary and treasurer and resident manager. They are also wholesale dealers in lumber and operate an extensive planing mill. They handle about 25,000,000 feet of lumber annually and employ from seventy-five to 125 hands. Mr. Smeaton mar- ried Jennie Birch, in 1898, and they have one son, Donald. Sharpsteen, William, was born in Cayuga county, June 13, 1889, and is a son of Joshua M. and Jerusha Sharpsteen, both natives of New York, who came to Niagara county and settled at John.son's Creek in 1852. They had thirteen children: John, Charles, Joshua, William, Jane, Mary, now Mrs. I. E. Van Orthwick, and the others died when young. December 19, 1860, Mr. Sharpsteen married Catherine Phillips, and they have three children: Francis E., born January 17, 1865, died March 22, 1867; Carrie A., born January 24, 1867. now Mrs. Burt Smith; and Willie J., born November 8, 1869. Mr. Sharpsteen is engaged in farming and is a breeder of fine bred cattle. He is one of the most prosperous farmers in Niagara county. Smith, George P., one of the most enterprising men of Niagara county, was born in Lockport, June 15, 1842, a son of Hon. Henry P. and Christina (Long) Smith and was educated in Genesee College In 1862 he removed to Saginaw Bay, Mich., where he has since been interested in the lumber business; in 1874 he returned to North Tonawanda, which has since been his home, except an additional nine years spent in Saginaw. He has done a great deal for North Tonawanda through his con- nection with the Tonawanda Lumber & Saw Mill Company, the Tonawanda Stand- ard Light and Power Company, the Standard Gas Company, the Ironton Land Company, the United States Water Company, the Niagara Real Estate and Invest- ment Company, the North Tonawanda Land Company, and the Tonawanda Street Railway Company. In 1884 Mr. Smith married Susan Otterson of Michigan, who was born in Woodstock, Ontario, Can. Sandstrum, John, a native of Sweden, was born at Onslunda, June 20, 1843, and at twelve years of age immigrated to America. He had served his apprenticeship at the stone mason's trade in his native town and from 1855 to 1887 he followed that trade, traveling through the United States and Canada as a journeyman. In 1887 he settled at Niagara Falls, N. Y., where he has ever since remained and has built up a large and paying business. In 1867 Mr. Sandstrum married Johanna Mortonson of Sweden, and they had eight children, seven of whom survive. Coates, E. A., Somerset, was born in Somerset, March 13. 1855, and is a son of Thomas P. and Jane Coates. His father came to America in 1882, when the town of Somerset was a wilderness. His mother was born in Canada and came to Lewiston when a small girl. They were married in Lewiston in 1849 and were blessed with four children: Viola A., now Mrs. Taylor, lives in Somerset; E. A. ; Flora, deceased: Cora, now Mrs. Ezra Martin, and Walter S. Mr. Coates received his education in Somerset, and on June 18, 1881, married Elizabeth Millard, daughter of Dewitt C. \y6 and Angeline (Lounsbury) Millard. They have one son, Carl, born September 19, 1889. Mr. Coates is a member of the county committee, being elected in 189(5. He is the owner of eighteen acres of the finest orchard in Niagara county and has traveled for a nursery company for a number of years. They are one of the first families of the town of Somerset, and area pleasant and entertaining lady and gen- tleman. Mrs. Coates's grandfather, Millard, was a cousin to President Fillmore. Coates. Samuel, Somerset, was born in Yorkshire, England, April 25, 1828. He came to America in 1831, with his mother, locating on a farm about one mile from where he now resides. He received his education in the public schools of Somerset and on June 17, 1855, married Martha Powell of Niagara Falls. They had one son, Wallace, born Febrnary 4, 1860, who is now married and is managing their large farm. He was married December 11, 1883, to Mary C. Morgan, and they have two children: Elmer M., born April 6, 1887, and Mabel, born July 22, 1890. Mrs. Sam- uel Coates's father died in August, 1849, and her mother August 31, 1865. Mr. Coates's father died in England and his mother died February 10, 1857, Mr. Coates has twenty acres of apple orchard, 1,200 bearing pear trees, 900 peach trees, 350 plum trees, and 2,000 currant bushes, all bearing; he is also a large grain grower and stock feeder and is one of the most successful farmers in Niagara county. Carver, William H., was born in Wilson, N. Y., March 18, 1844, and is a son of Lewis R. Carver, born in Seneca county, September 12, 1808, and Sarah A. (Alvers) Carver, born in Canada, May 18, 1823, a daughter of Alexanders Alvers, a native of France, who came to the United States with Commodore Perry, and spent his last days in Wilson, where he is buried in Greenwood Cemetery. Lewis R. Carver came to Wilson about 1830, where he died March 24, 1883, and his widow died November 4, 1894. William H. Carver was reared and educated at Wilson, and followed farm- mg until 1862, when he engaged in the meat business for fourteen years, and for the last six years has carried on a saloon. He is a Republican and has been constable for twenty-two years. In 1862 he enlisted, as private, in the 23d N. Y. Independent Battery Light Artillery, under Capt. Ransom. He is a member of Peter A. Porter Post No. 129 G. A. R. December 25, 1866, he married Helen Wilcox, born in Wil- son in 1846, daughter of George Wilcox, an early settler in Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Carver have four children: Lillian, wife of Sylvester McGinnis of Tonawanda, N. Y. ; Harriet, wife of Glen Hosmer of Tonawanda ; Martha (deceased), and Albert H., born May 24, 1874, and educated at Wilson Union School. The Carver family is of German descent and the grandfather of William H. settled in Genesee county, N. Y. , where he lived and died. Chapman, David, was born in England, December 2, 1836, a son of Charles and Ann Chapman, natives of England. David Chapman was educated in England and came to Lewiston, N. Y., in 1855, where he was engaged in farming, which he fol- lowed until 1860, when he went to Ransomville and went into a saw mill. In 1887 he bought a half interest in the WiLson grist mill and after two years went to Bing- hamton as electrical engineer for seven years, thence to Wilson where he has since been in the grist mill in partnership with Mr. Martin Bush. Mr. Chapman was mar- ried in 1859 to Phoebe Fisher of Lancaster, and they have two children, Mary E. (wife of George C. Brooks of Binghamton), and Charles J. Mr. Chapman is a mem- 177 bcr of the Binghaniton Electrical Association, and the family attend the M. E. church. Cornell, H. G., was born in Lewiston, September 12, 1864, a son of Hiram B. and Isabella (Perry) Cornell. His father was a native of this State and his grandfather, Nelson Cornell, came from Massachusetts prior to 1830. H. G. Cornell's first busi- ness undertaking was steamboating and he was with the Northwestern Transporta- tion Company for three years, then engaged with the Canadian Pacific Railroad for nine years as conductor. In 1888 he returned to Lewiston and inaugurated the Cor- nell IIou.se which was burned in July, 1895; he immediately rebuilt his fine hotel at the Central Depot and overlooking the river. The capacity of the house will soon be doubled by a large addition which Mr. Cornell contemplates building. He is highly popular not only in Lewiston, but far and near, and his house is the favorite resort of tourists and pleasure seekers. He is a Republican in politics, a member of the Order of Elks, and was the instigator of the extensive fish planting being done in Niagara River. He married Laura Vaughan, and they have three daughters: Eveline, Frances and Isabelle. Cleveland, Henry T., D. D. S. , owes his success in business to strict economy, in- tegrity, courtesy, and close attention to business, all of which goes to make up the successful business man. Dr. Cleveland was born in the town of Cambria, Niagara county, N. Y., June 16, 1856. After acquirmg a liberal education from the public schools, he began the study of a profession that was destined to last for twenty- years. He entered the dentist office of Dr. T. F. Dickinson as a student, and after two years he took a course at the New York College of Dentistry, after which he returned to Lockport and began the practice of his profession. Since 1880 he has been pursuing his chosen profession with marked success and enjoys the respect and confidence of all who know him. Clench, R. J., was born in Niagara-on-the-Lake, and was a son of Ralfe and Cath- erme (Daly) Clench; his grandfather, Ralfe Clench, was a soldier in the Revolu- tionary war. R. J. Clench has been a photographer in the Twin Cities for a quarter of a century; he opened his studio in Tonawanda in 1872, but following the growth of the Lumber City northward, in the fall of 1896 he opened a studio in North Tona- wanda. He does all kinds of photography and is noted far and near for the excel- lence of his work. Mr. Clench married Sophia Tay. He is a member of the Odd P^ellows fraternity and enjoys a high reputation as a business man and citizen. Curtis, W. J., is a native of Massachusetts, and a son of Charles A. and Mary B. (Jackson) Curtis, both of old New England families. Mr. Curtis has been in the lumber trade all of his business life ; he was located in Burlington, Vt., until the lumber interests began to wane there, when he came to North Tonawanda to take charge of the lumber interests at this point for the Export Lumber Co. and the Hall & Munson Co. The business of the Export Lumber Company at North Tonawanda ranges from sixteen million tc thirty-six million feet per annum, and that of the Hall & Munson Co. averages about 200 cars. The trade of this company is in mill work and box shooks. Mr. Curtis was married in 1875 to Clara Watts, and they have one daughter, Mary. He is a member of the Odd Fellows and the Ma- sonic fraternity, and is one of North Tonawanda's enterprising business men. 178 Clendenan, C. W., M. D., was born in Lincoln county, Ontario, May 4, 1864. He was educated at St. Catherine's High School and Toronto University, from which he was graduated in medicine in 1890 ; he is also a licentiate of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ontario. He settled in North Tonawanda in 1891, where he has since practiced his profession. Dr. Clendenan is a member of the New York State Medical Association and also of the Odd Fellows, Foresters and Knights of Pythias. He is also one of the Regent examiners for the State of New York. In 1889 he married Elgan T. Johnston of Port Hope, Ontario. His parents were Daniel and Margaret J. (Glaus) Clendenan, His ancestors were New England loyalists. Cromley, Charles E,, was born in Fulton, Oswego county, N. Y., March 8, 1860, and is a son of James Cromley, who was for years head cutter in a large shoe manu- factory at Fulton. Mr. Cromley received his education at the public schools and at the age of thirteen began to earn his living by selling newspapers. He studied law in the offices of Pardee & Piper of Fulton, and later entered the office of Davenport & Tennant, at Richfield Springs; he was admitted to the Sara- toga Springs bar in 1880 and practiced law in Fulton imtil 1883, when he came to Niagara Falls and entered into partnership with H. C. Tucker, formerly of Buffalo. This partnership was dissolved in 1885, and he continued practice alone until 1891, when he formed a partnership with S. Z. Lawrence, which was dissolved in January, 1896. Since that time he has been in the successful and uninterurpted practice of his profession. In 1886 Mr. Cromley was elected police justice of Niag- ara Falls, being the first to fill that position. He is an able and brilliant attorney, respected and honored by all who know him. Cowdrick, William J. S., was born at Belief onte. Pa., November 4, 1804, a son of Morris W. Cowdrick, a promment brick manufacturer and contractor. He was edu- cated in the public schools of his native town and at seventeen years of age learned his father's trade, which he has followed ever since. For two years after serving his apprenticeship he traveled through the south domg journeyman work, but re- turned to Bellefonte, and re-entered the employ of his father. In 1887 the family removed to Johnstown, Pa., where, in company with his father, he established a brick works and contracting business which they continued to operate until 1893 ; early in 1894 they removed their business to Niagara Falls, N. Y. , where they still remain. Since 1894 Mr. Cowdrick has been identified with the erection of many large and costly buildings in Niagara county, among them being the Tonawanda Iron and Steel works, which was completed in 1896, the machinery of which plant was set in motion by the touching of an electric button at Canton, Ohio, by Presi- dent McKinley. October 6, 1887, Mr. Cowdrick married Josephine Shrom of Belle- fonte, and they have two children, John W. and Mary C. Mr. Cowdrick is presi- dent of the Board of Trustees of St. James M. E. church at Niagara Falls. Haight, Joshua J., Somerset, was born in Somerset, August 13, 1845, and is a son of Stephen and Celia (Humphrey) Haight, both of whom are dead. His grandfather came from Cayuga county to Somerset in the spring of 1820, and built the house now owned by the subject. Mr. Haight received his earlier education in the public schools near his home, finishing in the Lockport Union School, after which he en- •79 gaged in farming which he has since been engaged in and very successfully, being a fruit and grain farmer, and also raises stock. November 1, 1871, he married Emily Huntington, daughter of Joshua and Rebecca Huntington, and they have six chil- dren: Stephen J., born March 30, 1875, married Ruby C, born March 19, 1877, now Mrs. Peacock; Fred W., born September 16, 1880; Louis G., born July 25, 1882; Roy A., born April 25, 1885, and Rosetta, born October 14, 1887. Hungerford, Andrew H., was born in Orleans county, March 20, 1847, and is a son of Reuben and Elmira Hungerford, natives of New York, both of whom are dead. His father came from Clarkson to Middleport. from there to Orleans county and was captain of a packet on the Erie Canal, and died in 1887. His mother died May 28. 1883. Mr. Hungerford was married September 30, 1869, to Rosena Bate- man, and they had three children: Louis, married January 6, 1897, to Marv Jane Decker; George and Nettie. Mrs. Hungerford died February 17, 1885, and March 23, 1886, Mr. Hungerford married Emma Hill, daughter of George and Manervia Hill, residents of Somerset. Mr. Hungerford is a stock buyer and ships stock weekly ; he also raises grain and fruit very extensively. He has been a resident of Niagara county, all but six years, smce 1869. Harwick L., was born in Caledonia, Livingston county, N. Y., June 2, 1820, a son of Elias Harwick, who spent most of his days in Livingston county, but died in Michigan. L. Harwick was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools. He first engaged in farming, which he followed for several years, and in 1855 came to Ransomville, where he engaged in a general store, deahng in all kinds of ma- chinery and agricultural implements, and also owns fifty-five acres of land. He married Mary A. S. Roberts, and they had three children: Elwm L., Everett A. and Ada M. The sons are in partnership with their father, the firm being known as Harwick & Sons. Mr. Harwick is a Republican and has been constable and collec- tor. He is a Free Mason, member of Ransomville Lodge No. 551, F. & A. M., and has been treasurer of the lodge for about sixteen years. Holdridge, George B., was born in the town of Royalton, July 6. 1828. His father, Darius Holdridge, was a native of New London, Conn., and came to Genesee county in 1819, where he met his wife, Rebecca, daughter of Isaac Bishop. They moved into the town of Royalton in 1821, where he was identified as a farmer; in 1831 they moved into the village, where he carried on the cooper's trade for eight years and then returned to his farm; he died in 1866. George B. Holdridge was ed- ucated in the common schools and through life has been a practical and successful farmer. In 1867 he married Octavia E., daughter of Daniel R. Smith. Mrs. Hold- ridge died July 2, 1872, and in 1880 he married Mrs. Ellen Kingsley, daughter of Adam Gastin, and they have one daughter, Mrs. Matie E. Waters. Mr. Holdridge has served as supervisor three terms, highway commissioner six years and assessor three years; he is recognized as a man of sterling integrity, whose judgment is sought and respected by all who know him. Holly, Frank W., was born at Seneca Falls, N.Y., February 6, 1852. His parents removed to Lockport in 1853, where he attended the public schools. After com- pleting his preliminary education he was apprenticed at the machinist trade in the Holly Manufacturing Company's plant and after working for a period of three years I So he was promoted to the position of erecting engineer, then as expert engineer, hav- ing charge of all outside work, then as engineer and superintendent until April 1, 1881), when he was made superintendent of the works, which responsible position he now holds. September 20, 1870, he married Miss Gary, daughter of Rev. C. P. Clark of Lockport, and an only daughter, Grace C, has been born to them. Hill, Henry C, M. D., physician and surgeon, was born at Orwell, Vt., September 29, 1832. His parents removed to Orleans county, N. Y., in 1837. where he entered Yates Academy and received his preliminary education. In 1856 he began the study of medicine at the Ann Arbor University and was graduated from that honorable seat of learning in the class of 1859. He then returned to Orleans county and be- gan the practice of his profession, where he remained until August, 1862, when he entered the United States service as assistant surgeon in the 129th N. Y. Vols, and served his country in that capacity for three years. At the close of the war he re- turned to private practice, locating in Somerset, Niagara county, N. Y., where he was engaged in practice for ten years. In 1877 he removed to Lockport, where he has since resided. Dr. Hill is a member of the Niagara County Medical Society, Royal Arcanum, G. A. R., and the Knights Templar. He was appointed ui.der Mayor Darrison as health officer for two years and served also under Mayor At- water for a like period. October 13, 1859, he married Julia A., daughter of Allen Bacon, and they have one daughter, Mrs. Elmer E. Poole of Buffalo. Higgins, D. F., was born in Genesee county, N. Y., August 14, 1858, and removed to Erie county with his parents in 1866. In 1887 Mr. Higgins came to North Tona- wanda, where he engaged in the hotel business, and in 1892 he became proprietor of the Archer House, one of the leading hotels of the county and which he conducts in first class style. In August, 1882, he married Margaret Kane and they have one son, William. Mr. Higgins's parents were Bernard and Ellen Higgins, who were natives of Ireland, but were married in America. Their children were John, Ber- nard, Daniel F. , James, Arthur, Leticia, Ellen, Mary, Julia and one daughter who died in infancy. Mr. Higgins died at the age of eighty-six and his widow is still liv- ing at the age of eighty. Hixon, D. A. — The Gardner Foundry and manufactory of plows and farm imple- ments was established on South street, its present location, by Leonard Gardner about the year 1850, under the name of the City Novelty Works. About 1875 the son, Cassius M. Gardner, was admitted to partnership and the business was con- ducted under the name of L. Gardner & Son until the death of Leonard Gardner in 1884, when the name of the business was changed to the Gardner Foundry Company, under the management of Cassius M. Gardner until his death in 1886. The business was continued under the management of D. A. Hixon, who is also a member of the firm of Brown, Hixon & Co., No. 77 Main street, Lockport, N. Y. Since that time the Gardner Foundry has run the year round and their productions are varied. Their plows and implements are well known in Western New York as well as the large line of fine machinery and builders' castings, furnaces, furnace grates, horse powers, furnace kettles, etc. Hall, Charles M., was born in Geauga county, Ohio, December 6, 1863, and is a son of the Rev. Herman B. Hall, a Congregationalist minister of that place, now re- i8i tired and residing at Oberlin, Ohio. Mr. Hall began his school career at the age of nine years, when he attended the public schools at Oberlin, whither his parents had removed in 1812 ; later he took a course in Oberlin College, and was graduated therefrom in 1885. He was one of the pioneers in the manufacture of aluminum and while experimenting in the chemical laboratory at Oberlin College he made impor- tant discoveries in connection with this material which resulted in the organization in 1886, of the Pittsburg Aluminum or Reduction Company, of which he was chosen first vice-president, and upon the completion of their big plant at Niagara Falls in 189o, he was made resident manager, in which capacity he now "serves. Burgess, Arthur T., Somerset, was born in England, August 12, 1854, and came with his parents to America in 1858, locating in Canada until the spring of 1865, when they came to Niagara county. He was first married to Mary Wickham and she died in 1888, when he married Flora Decker, March 30, 1892. They have three children: Gail, born February 11, 1893; George, born May 11, 1894; and Deloss, born December 7, 1895. Mr. Burge.ss's mother is living in Tonawanda; his father died in 18(59. There were ten children in this family: Catherine, born March 4, 1845; Anna, born February 23, 1847; Sarah, born September 23, 1848; Edward, born February 12, 1850; Frederick J., born Augusc 5, 1851; Mary E., born November 21, 1852; Ar- thur T., born August 14, 1854; Walter S , born July 6, 1856, died July 31, 1856; Maria C, born August 22, 1857, all born in England; and Alfred S., born July 8, 1860; Edith F., born October 15, 1863, were born in Canada, and Lucy T., born in Niagara county, March 20, 1865. Mr. Burgess is engaged in fruit growing and stock raising. Biggins, Jessie G., was born in Cambria, N. Y., November 14, 1869, a son of Jede- diah Biggins, born in Canada, January 1, 1837, and Huldah (Swipk) Biggins, born in Tompkins county, February 20, 1849. The grandfather of Jesse G., Jedediah Big- gins, was born and died in Canada. Jedediah Biggins, father of Jesse G., has been a blacksmith since sixteen years of age and worked at his trade in the army. He enlisted August 25, 1862, in the 23d N. Y. Independent Battery and served three years, being discharged July 14, 1865. He is a member of the Ransomville Lodge No. 551, F. & A. M., and Peter A. Porter Post No. 26, G. A. R. Jesse G. Biggins was educated in the common schools and learned the blacksmith trade with his father. In 1893 he came to Wilson, and in 1894 bought of Mr. Markel the shop he now owns, where he carries on a very successful business. He is a Republican and member of the A. F. I. U. of Wilson. February 10, 1891. he married Emma Hayner of Wilson, N. Y., and they have three children. Pearl, Harry and Ralph H. Bowers, Joseph, was born in Germany, November 11, 1834, a son of Joseph and Barbara (Kel.sch) Bowers, natives of German}'. Joseph and Barbara Bowers immi- grated to America in 1844, settling in the town of Pendleton, where they purchased a farm of fifty acres and there lived until he died in 1887; Mrs. Bowers died in 1885. The grandparents, Balser and Madalena Kelsch, were natives of Germany and Mr. Kelsch came to America when eighty-five years old, and died aged ninety- seven years. Joseph Bowers has always followed farming and came to Cambria in 1876, where he bought the Weaver farm of 153 acres and has added to it until now he owns 200 acres, doing general farming and fruit growing. In 1856 he married Mary F. , daughter of Baker Federspiel, who came to America in 1830. Mr. and Mrs. l82 Bovvers have ten children: Frederick A., Peter N., William J., Barbara, Joseph N., Otdla M., Louisa M., Annie L., Mary B. and Edward W. Bower John, was born in Germany, March 19, 1839. His father, Joseph Bower, came to the United States in 1843, settling near Lockport, where he was identified as a farmer and died in 1885. John Bower was educated in the common schools and in 1864 married Elizabeth, daughter of Simon Spoet, and they had seven children- Nicholas, John, Albert, Barbara, Tevera, Libbie and Louisa. In 1895 Mr. Bower bought part of the Terry estate, where he now resides. Bixby, Chauncey E., was born in Royalton, June 12, 1838, a son of Pearl Bixby, who came from Vermont with his parents in 1802, settling in Canada and came to Royalton in 1854. He married Relief Haysington and died in 1883. Chauncey Bixby was educated in the common schools and followed farming up to 1893, when he purchased the store at Royalton Corners. In 1801 he married Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Joseph Beebe, and they have two daughters, Minnie and Lena. Burke, Michael, one of the representative builders of Niagara count3% was born in Ireland, December 18, 1847, a son of Thomas and Margaret (Eagan) Burke, both living in Lewiston. He came to America with his parents in 1851, settling in the town of Lewiston, and since 1872 Mr. Burke has been a contractor and builder and has also been interested in farming and fruit raismg. The builder is the most im- portant factor in the growth of the country, for he erects the houses in which we dwell and the edifices in which we carry on the business of life, and Mr. Burke has done a great deal in this respect in and about Lewiston. He built the residences of Messrs. Rumsey, Hopkins, Bedenkapp, also that of Mr. Lawrence Burke, his own fine residence, one for his parents and many others here and in Youngstown. He has also been prominent in the public life of this part of the county, having been trustee of the village several times, and president of the village in 1895-96 ; he was also superintendent of the poor for a term. In 1870 he married Sarah Rudland. Brighton, Thomas, was born in Ireland, August 9, 1820, a son of William and Jane Brighton, who came from Ireland to Youngstown in 1820. Thomas Brighton was reared on a farm and educated in the Youngstown schools, and has always followed farming. He owned eighty acres and sold out and came to Youngstown village, where he engaged in the hotel business, being proprietor of the Ontario House for ten years. For some years he has lived a retired-life. In 1881 he married Kate Humphrey of Lockport, and they had one daughter, Kate, who died in February, 1894. Mr. Brighton has been a lifelong Democrat and voted for Palmer and Buckner. He has been president of the village two terms and is one of the oldest settlers in the village of Youngstown. Beccue, August J., one of Lockport's leading grocers and best citizens, was born in the town of Wheatfield, Niagara county, N. Y., August 4, 1858. Mr. Beccue spent several years of his life upon a farm and m 1884 removed to Lockport and en-, gaged in the grocery and saloon business, which business he has since conducted. He is a son of Abraham and Christina (Bolier) Beecue, who came from Germany to this country in 1857 and .settled in the town of Wheatfield. April 12, 1883, he mar- ried Albetina Wendt, and they have four children : Edwin, Alma, Elizabeth and William. i83 Burgess, A. F., Manager for Merriman & Merrinian. — Among the lumbermen of North Tonawanda, special attention is made of Mr. A. F. Burgess, both because of the large interests he represents in this great lumber center and because of his own success. Mr. Burgess is a native of Lindsay, Ontario, Canada, but has been con- nected with the lumber business of this country for seventeen years and has been manager for Merriman & Merriman since January 20, 1895, on which date they opened their office in North Tonawanda. He was an assistant manager for an Elmira lumber house before assuming the duties of his present position, and under the able management of Mr. Burgess the business of Merriman & Merriman has grown to large proportions in North Tonawanda. They handle ten million feet of lumber annually in their yards, which has a dock front of 500 feet and a piling capa- city for ten million feet of lumber. This handsome business reflects great credit upon Mr. Burgess's management of the business, and it has all been built up in two years, the business being started new and not succeeding any other concern. The success of this enterprise also emphasizes the fact that North Tonawanda's lumber interests are still on an ascending plane, and it is pleasing to recognize the success that Mr. Burgess has made of this business in the greatest lumber center of the State. Messrs. Merriman & ]\Ierriman have their head ofiHce in Williamsport, Pa., and own mills and timber lands in the Kushaqua Valley, the sum total of this business being very large. In January. 1897, this Hrm became the Merriman Lumber Company, comprising W. E. C. Merriman, secretary and treasurer; Howard Lyon, Le Rue Munson and A. F. Burgess, manager in North Tonawanda. April 23, 1890, Mr. Burgess married Lelia A. Webber, and they have one son, Howard Burgess. Broecker, E. W., was born in Wheattield, Niagara county, January 1, 180o, and was educated in the district schools. He has been associated with Nice &• Hickey, hardware merchants, all his business life and has been manager of their North Ton- awanda store for nine years. On March 1, 1896, he opened a bicycle store in North Tonawanda, which he still owns. He is a Republican in politics and belongs to what may properly be called the younger circle of representative business men of the Twin Cities. Barrally, T. W., C. E., was born m Nantucket, Mass., a son of Parras W. and Sarah M. Barrally. He was educated in Union College and was graduated in the class of 1888 with the degree of C. E. He was assistant engineer on the Long Island Railroad for a year and a half, and in 1890 went to White Plains, N. Y., as engineer on the water works and sewerage. In 1891 he came to North Tonawanda and formed a partnership with Mr. Betts, which became Betts, Barrally & Snow and finally Barrally 8c Snow in 1893. Mr. Barrally has been city engineer for North Tonawanda smce 1891, and the firm stands high in reputation and for excellence of work He is also a member of the Engineers' Society of Western New York and a member of the Masonic fraternity. He served five years in the 25th Separate Com- pany, namely, from July 6, 1892, until July 6, 1897. In 1893 he married Lizzie H. Coffin of Nantucket, Mass., and they have two daughters, Ethel and Mabel. Batt, Frank, was born in Cheektowaga, Erie county, November 29, 1849. He came to Tonawanda in 1868 and was with J. S. Bliss & Co. for some years in the lumber business. He was subsequently cashier of the Lumber Exchange Bank for one year. In the spring of 1897 he opened an extensive hardware store on Webster street, North Tonawanda. Mr. Batt has been and still is prominent m public affairs in North Tonawanda. He was village trustee for four years and has been on the Board of Water Commissioners since its organization. In 1874 Mr. Batt married Roxanna Stark, and they have a family of thirteen children, five sons and eight daughters. Mr. Batt's parents were John and Catherine (Ackart) Batt, both natives of Alsace, Germany. His grandfather, Joseph Batt, came to America in 1836. Briggs, F. C. H. , Wheatfield, was born near Stamford, Ontario, February 15, 1874, and was educated in the Hamilton Collegiate Institute, the Royal College of Dental Surgery, Toronto, and the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, from which he was graduated in 1893. He went to Buffalo in 1895 and settled in North Tona- wanda in November, 1895. Dr. Briggs's parents were Addison and Jane Briggs, the former a native of England, the latter of Canada. Bowen, Edward P., was born at Buffalo, N.Y., January 20, 1848, a son of the late Dennis Bowen, who was prominent in legal circles in that city. He was educated under private tutors and at the age of "twenty three removed to Niagara county, where he purchased a farm of 100 acres of fertile land bordering on and extending a mile inland from the Niagara River and built a handsome and impo.sing residence on a point commanding a fine view of the river, the islands, and Canada beyond. He has devoted almost his entire time to the culture of fine grafted fruits and has been eminently successful. In November, 1869, he married Annie Walbridge, a daughter of George B. Walbridge of Buffalo, and they have had six children, four sons and two daughters, Mr. Bowen is a man of sterling worth and is highly respected and esteemed by all. Burns, W. I., M. D., Wheatfield, was born in Niagara county, January 24, 1855, and was educated in the Lockport Union School and the University of Vermont, from which he was graduated in 1896. He followed agricultural pursuits for some time previous to taking his college course. He settled in North Tonawanda in the fall of 1896. In 1880 Dr. Burns married Minnie Root, and they have three children: Marian, Lucien and Thomas. Dr. Burns's parents were Samuel and Abigail (Hubbard) Burns. His mother's father built the first bridge to Goat Island and was a carpenter at the Falls along in the twenties and thirties. His mother's grand- father came from Vermont and settled in Lewiston in the early part of the century. Dr. Burns's paternal grandfather was a soldier in the Revolution. He was pressed into the British service, but deserted and joined General Gates at Saratoga. He then went South and fought under Anthony Wayne and was wounded at the battle of the Brandywine. Bliss, J. S., Wheatfield, is a native of New York State, but removed to Massa- chusetts with his parents when twelve yeare of age. At the age of fourteen he ran away, went to New Bedford and shipped on a whaler, sailing all over the Indian, Pacific, Arctic, Atlantic and Southern Oceans, and visited Australia, New Zealand, the Cape Verde Islands, Cape Town and different points on the African coast, Fiji Isles, Friendly Isles, Sandwich Isles, Japan, the East Indies, Alaska, the Sea of Okotsk and other notable places of the earth. After four years he landed in New York with S6 and no clothes, and being too proud spirited to return home, he 185 shipped again, going to Jacksonville, Fla., and Havana, Cuba. Cf)ntinuing on he went to Porto Rico and up to Portland, Maine, where he shipped with a captain on condition of a permanent position and finally returned home just before the breaking out of the war. He enlisted in 1862 in Co. H, 3d Massachusetts Vols., and served in the 18th Army Corps under General Foster and was nine months in the field in North Carolina; he re-enlisted in December, 1864, and was hono'rably dis- charged in 1865. After the war Mr. Bliss engaged in farming in Massachusetts until 1872, when he came to Buffalo and went to work for Pierce & Co. In 1874 he came l<> North Tonawanda, and embarked in the saw log and shingle business, in which he continued until 1894. He lived in Buffalo from 1890 until 1894, being president of the Union Bank during that time. In 1894 he became president of the Lumber Exchange Bank of North Tonawanda, which office he still holds. Mr. Bliss married Nancy E. (ioff. His ancestors came to Massachusetts in 1630. Ostwald, William, was born in Germany, Octobers, 1864, and landed in America in the spring of 1870, after a voyage begun in the latter part of 1869. His parents, who brought him to America, settled in St. Johnsburg, Niagara county, and he was reared on a farm in Wheatfield. Mr. Ostwald has been a carpenter since he was ten years of age, and eight years ago embarked in business as a contractor and builder. The growth and development of any community can always be accurately estimated by the building interests, and upon the contractor the value and permanence of a city's edifices depend ; the builder is, therefore, a most important factor in every community and his work is inseparably interwoven into the history of the place. In the case of Mr. Ostwald this is peculiarly true, for he has built two churches in Gratwick, one of them St. Paul's German Lutheran church; a school house in Wheatfield, and is building the Parochial School at St. Johnsburg for the German Lutheran church, besides many substantial residences and mercantile buildings. His honorable business methods and upright dealings are also as well known as his ability and success as a builder. Mr. Ostwald is well known in both social and public life; he is a member and trustee of the German Lutheran church of Gratwick and also a member of the Y. M. C. A. ; in the spring of 1897 he was elected a trustee of the village. In 1886 he married Augusta Stange, and they have a family of seven children: William, Walter, Arthur, Minnie, Freda, Martha and Amanda. Whitlam, John, Somerset, was born in England in 1831, and is a son of William and Margaret Whitlam, both of whom died in England. He came to America in 18.')2, settling in Somerset, where he resided for about ten years, and then bought the fami where he now resides. He was married November 9, 1854, to Emma Bur- lel, daughter of Mrs. John Kellam, who is now living in Lyon City, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Whitlam had three children: Albert, who died when eighteen months old; Emma, who died at nine months old, and Lennie, who married William Murdock on November 20, 1895, and now resides in Yates, Orleans county. Mrs. Whitlam died April 25, 1893, and on January 22, 1896, he married Ambra Thomas, daughter of Orman John Hazelton and Phebe Hazelton, both of whtmi are dead. Mrs. Whit- lam was educated in Waukesha, Wis., where they resided about nine years. Mr. Whitlam is a member of Somer.set Lodge, F. & A. M., and is a strong believer in the order. 1 86 Oelkers, J. E., was born in Germany, February 8, 1851, and came to America in 1870. He traveled over the country for a year before selecting a permanent place of resi- dence, and in 1871 came to North Tonawanda and decided to make it his permanent residence. The same year he began his business life as a clerk in the grocery estab- lishment of F. Sommer, and after a clerkship of three years he embarked in the gro- cery business for himself and has conducted it up to the present time with great success, building up an establishment equal to any in the country. Not only on ac- count of his honorable business record, but also because of his able public services, it is but just to say that the history of Tonawanda could not be fairly written without making special mention of Mr. Oelkers, for in the line of his successful business ope- rations he has done much to develop the place and he has given considerable of his valuable time to pubUc affairs. He has long been connected with the Savings Asso- ciation ; was one of the organizers of the German American Bank and was its vice- president from the time of its organization until March, 1897, when he became cashier, undoubtedly re-establishing the bank in its former excellent standing, his name alone restoring public confidence; he is also vice-president of the Niagara Cider & Vinegar Company, and also conducts the leading grocery busmess of the Twin Cities. As a public man Mr. Oelkers has been trustee of the village of North Tonawanda, also its treasurer and president for two years. He served in the Fire Department for ten years, and was one of the organizers of the first fire company. Although Mr, Oelkers has accomplished much more than is attained during the whole life of the average business man, he is still but in his prime and is therefore justly rated as one of the leading business men of this county. He is also well known in social circles and is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the D. O. H., a German society. In 1871 he married Margaret Dodenhoff, who died in. 1883, and on February 8, 1883, he married for his second wife, Ella Sommer, and they have a family of five children: Carl, Hedwig, Eveline, Dorothea and Elsie. Krull, William C, was born at Martinsville, May 10, 1864, a son of William and Wilhelmina Krull. He was educated in the German school and when sixteen years of age began his business career as a clerk for J. E. Oelkers and remained with him for five years. He then spent four years in the shoe business in North Tonawanda, but sold out in October, 1891, and came to St. Johnsburg, where he conducts a gen- eral store and is an enterprising and successful business man. February 15, 1894, he was appointed postmaster at St. Johnsburg, which office he stills retains. Octo- ber 24, 1889, Mr. Krull married Ernestina Schultz and they have four children ; Elsie, Annie, Gertrude and William. Heim, Mrs. Eva E., wife of the late Peter G. Heim, was born in Baden, Heidel- berg, April 23, 1835. Mr. Heim was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, February 1, 1828. and came to America in 1855. They were married January 1, 1856, at Suspension Bridge, and had a family of seven children, namely, George Adam; Mrs. Warner, of Buffalo; Emelia Urban (deceased); Maggie A., wife of Ernest Frank; Mary A., wife of Uriah Straight; Lizzie, married Fred Weinheimer; Eva, married Charles Har- mon. Mr. Heim was a prominent man in Wheatfield and was commissioner three years and supervisor six years. He was trustee of the Lutheran church in Shawnee and one of the committee that organized and built it. He was a firm Democrat in politics. He died April 17, 1889. Mrs. Heim has several grandchildren. The chil- 18/ dren of Mrs. Weinheimer are Charles, Fred aud Raymond; of Mrs. Frank, Robert; and of Mrs. Warner, Clara and Agnes. Mrs. Heim owns a fine farm and is a most estimable lady. Compton, James, was born in the town of Royalton September 16, 1846. His father, James Compton, was a native of Newark, N.J. aud with his parents, Samuel and Mary Complon, moved to the town of Ovid, Seneca county, N. Y. He married Caroline, daughter of Abijah Bailey, and they moved to Niagara county in 1839, where he was identified as a farmer and died in 1881. He was one of the conservative men of his town, of sterling integrity, whose judgment was sought and respected by all who knew him. James Compton, the subject of this sketch, is one of the leading business men of Niagara county, serving as county clerk in 1893, 1894 and 1895, and being the only Republican on the county ticket elected that year. Mr. Carson, Republican candidate for overseer of the poor, who was first counted as defeated, was afterwards declared elected, and his election was contested by his opponent, but Mr. Carson held the office until the end of his term, notwithstanding such contest in the courts. He has done as much, or more, to build up his town than any other one of its citizens. In 1862 he enlisted in Co. D, 129th Regiment, which was afterwards made into the 8th Heavy Artillery, and was wounded at Cold Harbor, a shot passing through his right lung and left leg. The battle occurred June 3, 1864. After falling on the battle field, within about eighty feet of the enemy's breastworks he was shot at by a sharp-shooter, the ball striking the center of a Testament in his pocket, thereby saving his life. The book was found in his pocket by the ladies of the Christian Commission, at the Hospital at White House Landing. The circum- stance became the subject of much newspaper comment. His recovery was owing largely to his indomitable will power and fine constitution. As soon as possible after his recovery, he began his active business career which he still continues. He mar- ried Miss Minnie L. Mather, daughter of James P. and Sarah (Houghton) Mather, of Marlborough, Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. Compton had four children, two deceased; Lester and Satie. Those living are Bruce H. and Lizzie C. In politics he is a staunch Republican, and for years has been recognized as among the leaders of the party in the county and this portion of the State. Dickinson, James A., was born in the town of Newfane in 1843, a son of Hosea and Johanna (Lindsay) Dickinson. His father was raised in Eastern New York and came to Niagara county in a very early day, locating in Newfane, where he bought a farm and died in 1848. His mother was born in Cayuga county in 1821 and came to Niagara county with her parents in a very early day. His grandmother was born on shipboard just outside of New York; she was of Scotch ancestry. Mr. Dickin- son's mother died in 1888; there were three children in this family: (ieorge (de- ceased), born in 1837, and died in 1861; James A. and Adelaide (twin^). His sister married S. S. Wilson of Appleton. James A. Dickinson recieved his education in the public schools of his county and after finishing his schooling engaged in farm- ing. August 4, 1864, he married Harriet J. Branch, a daughter of Jefferson and Sarah (Meader) Branch. Mrs. Dickinson was born June 15, 1846, and came with her parents to Niagara county, first locating in Cambria, where they remained for about two years, then came to Newfane, and located permanently. Her father died in 1872 and her mother in 1876. There were nine children in this family: James Branch, who resides on Hess road; Viola C, died July "27, 1896; Harden, died in August, 1895; Julia, died in May, 1852; William D., resides in Newfane; Clarissa A. resides in Lockport; Calvin D., resides in Tonawanda; Andrew J., resides in New- fane, and Mrs. Dickinson. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson have one son, Jay, who was born in 1867; he married Mary J. Frost, and they have three children; Clara, Ray- mond and Dorathy. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson spent the wmter of 1896-97 in Cali- fornia; he is engaged in fruit and grain growing and is a successful farmer, his farms in the county comprising about 180 acres. In politics he is a Democrat. Ferguson, Fred H., was born in the town of Newfane March 25, 1852, a son of Hiram and Lucretia Ferguson. His father was born in Vermont, November 11, 1811, and came to the town of Newfane in 1822, he being the only man at the time of his death who held an original deed of land in Newfane, from the Holland Prrchase. The deed was given January 30, 1838, and is now in the hands of our subject, who owns the homestead at Appleton. When his father bought this farm there had not been a stick cut on it and by frugal industry he cleared the farm and hewed a home oiit of the wilderness. His mother, Lucretia (Woodward) Ferguson, was bora in Phelps, Ontario county, November 29, 1815, and came to Niagara county in 1831 ; she was married in 1833, and had six children: A. M., resides in Lockport; D. M., in Osage, la.; Mrs. M. J. Goodspeed, in Waveiiy, la.; N. P., in Nashua, la.; F. H., and Mrs. A. F. Outwater, in Rochester. Hiram Ferguson died in February, 1890, and his widow in 1896. F. H. Ferguson received his early education in the schools of his town and finished at Lockport Union School, after which he engaged in farm- ing. In 1884 he engaged with E. P. Haynes in the produce and commission busi- ness at Appleton and they continued together for two years, when Mr. Haines re- tired from the firm, and since then Mr. Ferguson has conducted the business alone. He is one of the largest dealers in the county and has handled nearly 60,000 barrels of apples and pears during the past season ; he also handles grain and agricultural implements. In 1879 Mr. Ferguson married Bertha E. Maxwell of Newfane, and they had four children : Fannie, born May 17, 1880; Effie, born in July, 1883; Floss E., born in July, 1884, and A. Maxwell, born in 1887. Mrs. Ferguson died in Novem- ber, 1894, aged thirty-nine years. She was a Christian lady and with her family was a member of the Baptist church. Mr. Ferguson is a Republican and served as p<(I Bovce, A. A., 36;!; J. B., 96 Bovle, John, Rev., 231 Bovntou. Edward IL, 139 Brackenridge, W. A.. 147, 211, 230 Brackett Rutus S., 271 Bradley, Alvin C.,383; Artemas A., 375; Daniel, 259; George H., 94, 96;(Jeorge H., Frank M. and Lewis A., 31H; Smith, 259; W. W., Dr.. 391 Bradner, John, 181 ; William, 180, 190 Bradshaw, William, 327 Bragden, Rldward, 81 Bra'mley Brothers, 168 Brant's raid in Schoharie county, 38 Brath, James. 276 Brauus, F. W., Rev., 130 Brav, Timothv, 274 Brazee, Andrew W., 78, 114. 374, 383 Brebouf and Chaumonot, Fathers, 8 Brewer, Clark I)., 270; lohn. 45, 323, 325 Brewster. John C, 213 Brevfogle. J. L., 92. 99. 114, 158 Briggs, James, 358; Rufus W., 268; Thomas, 320; Wesley C, 334 Brigham, John, 318 Brighton, Thomas, 151 Brim, William W., 375 Bristol, Leverett. 256, 203; L. A., 328; L. W., 94, 118 British raid in Niagara county in 1813, 51-55 Britton, Will-am, 302 Brock, Isaac, (ien., 48 Brockway, Frank, Dr., 391 ; Nathaniel and David S. , 246 Brong, Daniel E., 97, 375 Bronson, Amos, 271 ;. Ira & Son, 169; Jane, 237; Peter O., 237 Brooks, A. R., 116; C. D., Rev., 132; Noah, 267; Russell, Rev., 336 Brookins, Elmer E. . 256; Samuel, 259 Brothers, David. 274 Brougham. Thomas P., Rev., 254 Broughton, Enos, 44, 177 Brown, Albert, 114; Amos A., 334; An- drew, 268,308 309,314; Andrew and Amos, 277; Asa B., Dr.. 388; Daniel, 250,251; David. Rev., 134, 135; Esek, 105, 106; Fayette S. 86,87; Francis, 113; George' W. 327; Gilbert, 308; Jacob, Gen., 48, 5(i, 57, 59, 60-63; John, 255, 257; John P., 94, 208; Jonas W., 99; J. G. () , 95, 312; James G O., and William, 309; (Oliver, 278; Oliver R., 268; Samuel, 383; Samuel C, 330; Thomas, 250, 256; W. H. H., 86; Will- iam O., 94; , Dr., 318 222 Brovvnell, B. F., 271; Elislia, 'Sol Brownson, Amos, 249 Bruce, David R., 171; Eli, 170, 180, 245, 384; Oliver J., 172 Bruudage, Ebenezer, 178; Frank, 37:3, 375 Brush, Harlan W., 355; Walter S., 355, 35G Bryant, Walter, 201 Buchanan, W. G., 216; William O., 217 Buck, Alva, 104, 173; Alvin, 324, 329; Champlain F., Dr., 392; E. M., 83; John H., 94, 114, 383; John L., 374; sketch of, 381; William A., Rev., 266; W. D., Rev.. 330 Buckley, James, 288, 293; James W., 190 Budd, Gilbert, 246 Buell, A. C, 228 Bugbee, Caleb, 245; George, 271 ; Henry H., 271; H. S., 96; Stephen, 2fc'8, 269 Bulger, William J., 374, 383 Buliard, L. B., 358 Bulleu, Aaron, 318; Josiah, 316 Burch, Martin, 325, 329 Burdick, Seth L., 182 Burge, David, 261, 263, 265 Burger, George, 190; George N., 338 Burgess, Arthur T., 318; C. H., Dr., 389- David, 302; J. S., 310 Burmaster, William N., 256 Burnett, James, 245 Burns, Romeo G., 86; Samuel, 288 Burr, B. F., Rev., 314; & Belden, 294 Burrell, Mvron L., 375 Burroughs; B., 120 Burrowes, Decimus R. , 148 Burrows, G. Sherman, Rev., 137 Burtch, Lewis, 246, 247 Burton, Erwin, Hiram K. , and William, 308 Bush, Benjamin and John, 334; Brewing- Co., 353; Gorman, 172, 318; J. T., 185; John T. and William, 357; Warren A., 303, 310 ; W. W. , Capt. , 78, 97 Butler, A. S., Dr., 389; M. B., 190, 194, 230 ; William O. , 84 Butterfield, Alexander, Dr., 322, 325, 328, 388; Alexander H., Dr., 387; Franklin, Dr., 249, 387, 388; W. C, 156 Butterv, Priscilla, Mrs., 155 Button Arnold, 271 ; Frank, 318 Cadwallader, M., 122 Cady, Henry F., 118, 165, 171 Caldwell, Joseph W., 87 Calkins & Co., 350 Callaghan, Jeremiah, 234 Callahan, John P., 190 Calvert, Edward, 95, 259 Cambria, town of, 240-248; churches of, 247, 248; first town meeting in, 240; list of supervisors of, 241 ; pioneers of, 242-246 ; schools of, 247 ; the first town meeting in the original town of, 43; when the county was formed, the only town, 43 Camp, Charles W., Rev., 135, 139; Will- iam S., 164, 168 Campaign of 1755, 20, 21 ; of 1756, 22; of 1757, 23; of 1758, 23, 24; of 1759, 24; of 1812, 48, 49; of 1813, 49-56; of 1814, 56-63 Campaigns of 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 36 Campbell, Alexander, 94, 322; D. S.. Dr., 391; Ezekiel, 245; Harvev W., 108; Henrv W. , 170 ; Jeremiah G^, 287 ; John, 121; John, Dr., 388; Joshua, 245; Lev- erett A., 171 ; Nathan, 271 ; Oliver M., 87; Ransom, 246 ;R. N., 378; William, 190, 244, 245 Canavan, C. T., 190; J. W., 190 Canfield, Davton G., 182; Isaac, 245; Os- born, 182 " Cannon, John, 239, 240; Patrick, Rev., 231, 232; P. J., Rev., 130 Capen, Alvin and Fernando, 327 Carey Brothers, 274; Edwin W. , 167; Michael E., 276 Carl, Isaac, 344 Carlton, David, 113; David and Joseph, 104; Thomas, 172 Carmer, F. T., Dr., 392 Carmon, John W., Dr., 391 Carnall, Charles E., 118, 119 Carney, James, 338,340, 345; John and William, 245 Carpenter, Benjamin, 91, 92, 99, 114, 118, 171; Hiram, 86 Carr, James J., 334; William E., 377 Carrington, Asa, 271 ; John E. , 86 Carroll, Daniel C, 100 Carson, Samuel, 96 Carter-Crume Company, 228 Carter, Daniel, 308; Edwin S., 256, 259; George M., 262; Henry A., 374; James, 97, 150; John, 266, 297, 302, 307 Cartier, Jacques, 8 Cartwright, Minor T. and William, 318 Carv, Eugene, 196, 225, 228, 377 Case, Cyrus, 314; W. H., 94 Castle, Oliver, 250 Cataract Construction Co., 208; Ice Com- pany, 229: Milling Company, 227 C. M. B. A., of Niagara Falls, the, 234 Catlin, Henry, 100; Thomas G., Dr., 388 Caverno, Sullivan, 94, 138, 159, 160, 383 223 Cazenove, Theophilus, 41 Celeron, Sieur de, 18, 1J> Central Milling Company, 227 Centre, Joseph, 383 Chadrick, John. 358 Chaffee, Lafayette. 383; Warren, 240 Chamberlain, . Dr., 391 Chamberlin, Jonas, 245, 295; Rhoda A.. 237 Chambers, William, 45, 323, 325 Champlain, Samuel de. 8 Champlin. Calvin F. . 337 Chandler, David, 332 Changes, important, during the first quarter of the present century, 46 Chapin, Cvrenius, 384; Dewitt,'383: J. P. 214; Theodore, 3(51 ; Thomas, 143, 182; tK: Swallow, 181 Chaplin, Daniel, 249 Chapman, David, 190; D. & S., 181 ; Har, rison S., 127. 1G7; Josiah, 327; R. B. , Capt., 76; Stephen. 143; Thomas M. ; 354; William, 178;!(Mnon, 94 Eshelman, Samuel B., 191 Estis, Andrew, Capt., 76 Evans, Asher B.. Prof., 160; A. T-. Dr., 392; Charles, 171, 2l7; Edward. 353. 357; John, Capt., 76; John, Rev., 141, 151; Karl, 265; Morrison W., 99, 158; William F., 182, 214; & Liddle, 168 Everett, Ebenezer, Rev., 313; Lewis S.. Rev.. 280 Evershed, Thomas 207, 208 Evringham, Adoniram, 177; James, 177 Ewing, Elijah, 88; Isaac N., 271 ; Will- iam, 271 Expedition of Cols. Van Schaick and Marinus Willett against the Ononda gas, 36 Export Lumber Co., 350 Faber, William F., Rev., 135 Fairbanks, Joshua, 41. 177, 282; state- ment of about his journey and arrival, 285; 293; 295; & Thompson, 293 Fairchilds, John, 184 Faling, Cornelius, Dr., 388; Peter, Dr., 271, 389 Falkner, J. W., Dr., 391 Families, the Carney, Defoe. Springsteen, Bliss. Earl, Bridge, Balmer, Wilson, and Pletcher, 293; of Doty. Hopkins. Little. Cogswell. Meade, Cotton, Kemj), 45 ; the jSIcKie and Patterson. 324 ; the Norton, Williams, Harrington, Croker, Weaver, 113 Fanning, Thomas W., 180 Farley, Andrew A., 293; Benjamin, 94, 99, 302, 308, 384; Frank, B.,309 227 I'armeis Mutual Insurance of Orleans and Niagara counties, 96 Farnell, William S., 388 Farnsworth, Hunt, 246; Ira, 97, )71; John, 241 Fassett, A. K., 182; David S., Dr., 387; F. S., 845; Henry J. }.. 88; &• Bellinger, 8o0 Faulkner, G. L., 357 Faxon, Samuel, 245, Fay. Thomas M., Major, 83 Feagles, R. A., 375 Fedespiel, Matthies, 233, 234 Feeley. T. T., 126 F'ellows, Lathrop, 138 Felton, Beuiamiu F., 95, 345,352, 356-358 Fenn, D. S.", 268, Ethan, 268; Titus, 249; William S., 99, 156, 268. 274 Ferguson, Andrew K., Dr., 389; Bar- temus, 107, 120, 297; Frederick. 329; F. H., 329 Ferrin, J. Charles, 170; Kimball, 332; Brothers Co., 169 Ferris, Orsemus, 302, 308; R. A., 308 Pick, Louis. 353 Field, Eldad, 178; James, 44, 178. 183, 190, 362; Spencer. 178; Wilham P., 167; Force Pump Co., 167 Fields, George. 136 Filer, Alexander P., Prof., 358 l-'inancial crises of 1836-7 and 1857, 71 Finch, Hiram, 164 Finch, David 105, 108; Konrad. 190, 225 Fish, Joshua, 178; Lebbeus, 106; Nor- man B., 377 Fisher, J. A. L. , 355 Fisk Carrington, 269. 272; James, 271; John, 221 ; John, Col., 81 ; Orrin, 97, 108, 334 Fitch, Enoch, 308; William, 299 Fithian. Freeman J., 383 Fitts, Hardy and John, 318; Jacob, 45, 316; James Franklin, Major, 364, 383; Loren, 97, 318; Philip, 316, 317 Fitzgerald, Matthew, 318 Fitzpatrick. Patrick, 263 Flagler, Benjamin, 89, 98, 224, 225, 230; Charles, 82, 94; H. H., 127; Sylvester, 172; Thomas T., 91, 92, 99, 112, 122, 127. 162. 166, 171 Flanders, Albert, 94, 247; Hiram, 246; John, 244 Fleming, John, 294; Robert, 52, 295. 362, 363, 373; Robert, jr., 99 Fletcher, Benjamin, 171; Benjamin, F., 99; B. H., 91, 92, 118 Flood, A. H.. Dr., 390 Flynn, Stephen, 80 Fogal, 1-. II., 126 Foley, Charles F., 119 Folger, Charles E., 167; P. W., 309 P'ollett, Amelia, 328 P'oote, Benjamin F.. Capt.. 80; Erastus B., Rev.. 135; E. J., Dr., 391; Israel. Rev., 135, 152 197; John, Dr., 384, 389; R. C, Rev., 334; R. C, jr., 334; Seneca B. , 94 Force, David, 258 Ford, Elijah, 197; F. C, 182; WilliauJltTT 131, 171 Forsyth, E. H., 96; John, 45, 243; Luther, 171 Fort, building of the first at the mouth of the Niagara, 13 Fort Erie, siege of, 62, 63 Fort Niagara, building of, opposed by the English, 12; destroyed by De Non- ville and the fort abandoned, 13; as seen by Captain Snyder in 1780, 38; erection of, by the French in 1726,17; from 1738 to 1744, 17, 18; siege and capture of, by the English, 24-28; strengthening of by the French, in 1755, 21; under Captain Pouchot, 22, 23, 264 Fort Schlosser, 29 Fosdick, Samuel, 263 Foster, James, 85; James M., 256. 259; John. Rev., 358; Lemuel, 271 Fowler, James L., 256; Thomas, 172 245; & Harwick, 264 Fox, Charles J., 122; George and Pren- tice, 318; Morris L., 182; Prentice, 316 Francis, Charles H., 271, 275, 276- Harvev, 274; H. A., 228; Manufactur- ing Co., 228; & Ward, 186 Franklin Milling Company, 164 Eraser, Hugh, 294 Frazer. Donald G., 272 Frazier, George, 81 Freeborn, Charles, 113 Freeman, Alexander, 104. 113, 245- Asher, 267, 268; Asher, sr., 269, 270- Benjamin F. , 276; B. F., James and John, 271 ; John. 257; John G., 94, 116, 123. 171, 241, 246; Linus S., 274, 275- Philip. 278 l-'reer, George L. , 241 ; George S., 247 French and English, contention of, over the frontier. 11; and English discov- eries and claims. 6-20; and PvCglish intriguing for Iroquois fealtv, 20; and English retaliation. 16; fort above the falls. 19; invasion of the Seneca coun- try, 12; occupation, increase in, after the treaty of Aix-laChapelle. 19; 228 power, expansion of, 14; power, ex- tinction of, in America, 28 French, Edgar B., 274 Frick. G. Oliver, 262 Frink, Charles, 88; David. 164 Frisbie, Gideon, Dr., 294, 362, 387 Fritz, Christian, 338, 342; William, 271, 358; William F., 342 Frontier, importance of the, to the French and English, 11 Frost, Henry H., 316; Henry H. & Son, 319; Hiram and Isaac J., 313; Rider & Frost, 350; Seneca H., 171, S. W., 316 Fryer, Robert L., 200 Fuller, L. G., 353, 357; LudolphusW., 78; Reuben, 335 Fulmer, John and Adam, 332 Fulsom, Ezekiel, 170 Fur trade, the, about 1762, 30 Furbish, Edward B., Rev., 130 Furgason, Albert R., 171, ;;64; B. J., 169 Furrow, Peter, 308 Fursman, William H., 114 Gage, George W., 100 Gallagher, Francis W., Dr., 391 Gallup, Nathan, 308 Galusha, Elon. Rev., 129 Gambol, William, 284 Gantt, E. W., Dr., 94, 126 Garbut, John, 250 Garden Foundry Co., 169 Gardiner, C. , 86 Gardner, Alexander, Capt. , 87; Amos H., 375; Anna S., 158; David, 274, 321 ; Emmor K.. 316; Hiram 98 99, 107, 108, 112, 158, 159, 170, 361, 373, 374, 379; I. J., 318; N. W., 109; William, 86; William B., 271 Garland, W. H.,274 Garlock, C. M., Dr., 391 Garnsey. John, 99, 268 Garrett, William, 181 Gaskill, Benjamin F., 94, 127; Charles B., 194, 196, 201, 207, 222, 225-227; F., Dr., 391; Joshua, 374, 375; Varnev, 268 Gaskin, Thomas, 191, 225 Gasport, 276, 277 Gassier, William F., 225 Gatchell, Alonzo U., 256, 264. 364 Gatley, H. S., Rev., 157 Gaunt, Jacob, 171 Gavin, Patrick, 235 Gay, Aden, 180; Ziba, 181, 237 Geagan, John, 182 Geddes, James, 67 Gentle. William T.. 264 Gentz, Frederick. 358 George, William, 86 Gerington, Lorin, 143 Getz, Franklin. 353 Geyer. Sebastian. 233, 235 Gibbs, Elijah. 172; Rufus, 171 Gibson. Arnold & Little, 163; John, 104; Oliver C, 171 Gifford, Hiram, 308; Jerome, 312; Mar- tin S., 303 Gilbert. Charles G., Rev., 135; Nathan S., 171; Silas, 252; Solomon, 285 Gilchrist, C. H., 227 Gillett, J. A., Dr., 390 Gillette family, 287; Levi Parsons, tO; Solomon, 53, 54, 290 Gilliat, Rev., Dr., 139 Gillie, Godard & Co., 357; William M.. 346 Gillis, Hugh, Dr., 387 Gilman, Edward W., Rev., 130 Gladden, George W., 87 Gladding, Jesse, 156 Glenny, H, H., 352 Glover, Lewis E. , 221 Godard, Lewis, 118 Godfrey, Reuben, 330 Godkin, John, 350 Goerss. Christian F., 90, 338, 340, 357 Goff, Charles, 180 Gombert, William, 345 Good, George W., 272; George W. and Washington, 271; J. A., 268 Goodenough, Hiram H., 308 Goodfellow, William, 309 Goodian, Henry W., 334 Gooding, A. Stewart, 116; George S. , 125; John, 108, 170 Goodman, Robert E., 265 Goodridge, Lyman, 334 Gordon, Frank M., 347; Lewis P., 99, 116, 117. 375 Gould. C.W.. Dr., 275, 390; David, 245, 246; George W., 241; John, 40. 44, 95. 99. 243-245, 256, 285, 362; John, jr., 241 ; John B., 244; Theodore P., Capt., 78; William B., Dr., 387, 388 Goundry, George, 347 (joutermout. Louis, 253 (irabau J. An. A., Rev., 343 Grace. Oliver. 65, 100. 121, 282, 295, 297, 362 Graf, Charles A. , 342 Graham, William E., 268, 272 Gratwick. W. H., & Co., 351 Grauer, D., 238 !29 Graves. Edward C, 388; Eliliii P.. '^IT), 221 ; George W., Dr., 388; Joseph, 180; Seidell E., 375 Gray, Arthur. 282; Arthur, jr., 282; Matthew, 337 (ireber, John, 80 (ireeu. Andrew H., 2U0; (jeorge C, 127; Stephen, 278; William, 261 Greene. Charles H., 388; George C, 383; William, Dr., 389; William C, 375 (Greenwood, Samuel A., 18") (Gregory, Henrv, Rev., 170, 190; Henry E'. 200; Ira, '240 (ireiner, Peter, 337 Greusit, Robert, 203 Grey, John, 340, 341 Grithu, Eliza, Mrs.. 154; George L., 300, 312- Harmon G., 344; H. H., 338 ••Griffin." the. 10, 11 (Griffith. Hiram E., 224; II. N.. 191, 377; Thomas M., 290; William, 182 Grigg Brothers & Ellis, 103; Henrv, 127, 225, 227 Griswold, Eben, 109; Guv, 317; Je.sse, 104; John, 207, 209 Gross. L. W. , Rev. . 320 (irosskopf, Charles, 342; Fred, 340 (hosvenor, J. W., Dr., 390 Grout. William P., 309, 310 Gruhler, Joseph C. 194, 190 Gustin, John (J., 108, 118 Habacker, Franklin D., 241; F. 1). and B. A.. 358 Hackett, Justus W., 303, 309-311 Hackstaff, George H., 180; N. '!\, 222 Haeberle, George, 191 Hagen, Charles, 338, 357 Hague, John S. and Sanford, 309 Haight, David, 321; Jacob S., Albert H. and Joshua J., 318; William H., 327 Haines, Calvin, Mrs., 158; (ieorge S., 224; Jesse, 90; Jesse P., 104, 113; Reu- ben, 105, 113 Hale, Benjamin. 208, 271, 279 Hall, Barnett D, 127; Edward G.. 250, 202; Henry, 358; Henry D., 78; Jacob, 108- Lambert, 203; Levi, 251 ; Richard, 240; Silas, 333, 335, 336; S. C, Prof., 312; Thomas, 158; Tiras A., 167; Titus, 172; Iron Works. 109 Halsted, Benjamin, 324, 325; Charles, 329; Irving, Morris and Oliver. 327; Ransom, 329 Hamblin, Andrew, 90; John A., 309; William, 91, 303, 30.s Hamilton, John, Mrs., 294; Robert. 81; William, 200 Hamlin, Gi^orge E., 182; George W.. 106; John D.. 182. 223; Samuel D., 182. 185 Hammond, Charles, 158; Charles, Rev., 132; Eliakim, 241,245 Hancock, J. M., 190 Hand, Sarah, 231 Hanrahan, Kate F. , 195 Hard, Wallace B., 87 Hardy, Benjamin, Dr., 388 Harmony, Edward, 241, 247 Harpuder, Max, 274 Harrington, D. W., Dr., 390; Edward B., 377; James J.. 312; H. Nelson, 31K; William, 319; William, Rev., 254 Harris, George S. , 89; James, 108 Harri.son, James, 43, 240; Jonas, 285,. 294; & Mack, 297 Hart, Demas, 207; E. C, 375; Seth C, 383 Hartigan, Richard, 194, 19() Hartland Corners, 252; Paper Co., 274 Hartland, town of, 248-254; churches of, 150, 253, 254; first town meeting in, 249; list of supervisors of, 249; pioneers of, 250-252; schools of, 253 Hartman, Frederick, 190 Hart well. J. B., Dr., 390; J. W., Dr., 392: Oramel, 302 Harwood, Edward, Rey., 279; Ezra, 267; I. Marville, 99, 323; L. C, 86; Marvin, 268, 270 Haskell, John A., 262; John W., 89, 250; Nelson D., 99, 250, 259, 262 Haskin, Alexander. 43, 240 Hastings. Albert M., 318; Arthur C. 190, 227, 228 Hatch, Charles W.. 97, 169. 171; Enoch. 244; Junius H., 362. 363 Hathaway. Elijah, 255; Otis, 105, 106, 162; Otis and S. R., 109; William G.. 245 Hattau, William, 129 Haven, G. M., Rev., 150; J. H., Rev., 141 Hawbecker, Jo.seph, 337 Hawkes, John, 114, 137, 171 Hawkins, Rufus, Capt., 70; William J., Capt., 80, 87 Hawlev, James C, 332; Jesse, 106. 362 Haves,' F. M., Dr., 360; James E. , 107; L'emuel. 318; Otis B.,'78, 252; Reu- ben, 267 Hays, (ieorge B., 352; Orlin S., 79; S'tephen, 322, 324 Havward, Edward, Prof., 100; Hatnall, 94 ; S. O. , 353 Haze, John, 307. 314 230 Healy, Samuel, 314 Heap, G. P., 152 Heath, Willard, 89 Hecker, Anthony W., 152 Heim, Peter, 338, 358 Heland, John, 352 Helmer, A. M., Dr., 389; Josiah H., 92; J. H., Dr., 389; J. W., 91, 158 Helms, H., 2.")(J; Michael, 256, 258 Hellwig, Jacob E., Dr., 392 Henderson, B., Dr., 388; James, 332; Robert, Dr., 388; Robert H., 267, 278; William, 330; William, Dr., 388; W. H., Dr., 388 Hennepin, Louis, 9-11 Henoessy, Ed. M., Rev., 231 Henning, Amos W. R.. 89, 100; Janette, Miss, 331; John, 322, 327 Henry, L. Eugene, 310-312; W. W., 116; Zeba, 256 Hepworth, John T., 357 Heroy, John B., 383; William, 172 Herrington, Joel, 170 Herschell, Allan and George C, !i52 Hersey, Solomon, 293 Hershey, Peter D. , 346 Hertel, Herman C, 214 Hess, James, 315, 324; Marvin S., 318; Peter, 316, 317, 322, 324 Hewitt, Benjamin, 282; Joseph, 43, 240- 242, 285, 293. 342 ; Joseph P. , 287 Hickey, Charles, 373-375 Hick&x, Burton H., Rev., 133 Higgins, Joseph W. , 99 Higgs, Charles E. and George, 318 Hildreth. G. W., & Co., 169; Marks, Keep cK: Hitchins, 167 Hill, Alvah, 384; Caleb, Dr., 38S; Charles, 334, 335; Ezekiel, 178, 183; Henry H., 180; Hezekiah, 245; H. C. Dr., 86,391; John, 308; John M., 81; L. H., 94; O., Dr., 388; Walter S., 327; William, 256 Hills, John, 241, 245 Hinchey, Ferdinand, 274; W. John, 274, 275 Hinman, A. G., 256; A. J., 262; , Dr., 390 Hitchcock, Enoch, 43, 240, 249; Harvev, 245; John, 245; Samuel, Col., 276 Hixson, DumontA., 97; L. J., Dr., 391 Hoag, Charles A., 127; Harvey, 253; Hiram, 253; H. C, & Son, 169; Ira T., 171; Leman, 97; Philip and Thomas, 318; Richard B., 114, 171; Stephen, 113 Hobart, John Henry, Rev., 133, 143 Hobbie, George S., 355 Hodge, John, 92, 94, 118, 122, 127, 158, 169, 224; John, Dr., 392; William, Dr., 392 Hodgeville, 335 Hodson, W. H., Dr., 392 Hoepsal, John, Mrs., 273 HolTman, Adam, 334; Matthias, 88; Nich- olas and Frank, 259; William P., 316 Hotfman (station), 335 Hogan, James, 191 Hogeboom, Abraham, Dr., 388 Holcomb, Origen P., Rev., 135 Holden, Enos S., 256 Holdridge, George B., 268, 271 Holland Company Purchase, the, 41, 42, 101 Holland, George, 182; Lewis, 344 Hollenbeck, Solomon, 271 Holley, George W., 99,145. 182, 191- Montford C. , 375 Hollingsworth, John H., 226 Hollister Brothers, Ltd., 350 Holloway, William, Dr., 389 Holly, Birdsall, 166; Frank W., 166; Man- ufacturing Co., 166; Steam Combina- tion Co., 166 Holmes, Alfred, 364, 373, 374; sketch of, 380; Burroughs, 267; Daniel, 302, 308, 313; John, 313; J. W., Capt, 86; Rich- ard, 97, 308; Richard C, 303; William H., 303,309 Holsev, A., Rev., 97 Holt, Daniel P., 319; Elijah Adams, 94 99, 171 Homeyer, Henr}', 357 Honeywell, Charles E., 311 Hood," George B., 316; George K. 316 Hooker, Christiance, 143; Christiance, 2d, 143 ; John C. , 297 ; J. O. , 288 ; Rach- el, 143; Samuel, 143 Hoover, Dennis G., 858; M. H., 169 Hopkins, Abner T., 375; Ephraim, 257- Henry K. , 1 18, 283 ; Henry R. , 109 ; J. C. ,' 308; J. S., 98; Mark, 383; Obadiah 257; Peter, 257, 323; Samuel, 257; Silas 40, 43, 64, 65, 183, 190, 240, 241, 243, 257, 284; reminiscences of, 287, 293, 361, 362, 373; sketch of, 381; Silas S., 282; Stephen, 43, 112, 177, 240 Home, Walter P., 99, 225 Horton, JohnT., 229 Hosmer, Qustavus P., 158; John, 309; Sylvester, 314;Timothv. 256 Hotchkiss, A. V. E., 296; Calvin, 246, 293, 295, 296; Charles and George, 288; Enoch, 244; F. }.. 294; George C., 263: William, 64, 282, 294, 295, 297, 360, 374 William, jr., 294 Hough, Henry, 284 House & Boughton, 106 Houstatter, Adam, 244; A. H., 246 Hovey, Ebenezer, 183, 190; Jacob, 177; W. Scott, 89 231 Howard, Ethan H.. 324; Cleorge J., 224; Henry C, 94, 224, 22r). 265 Howder, Christopher, 244 Howe, Wilhani S. , 24(5 Howell, Charles A., 297; Joseph, 177; Joseph and John, 284; Nathaniel W., 241 ; WiUiam, 177, 242 Howes, W. H., 168 Hover, John R, Dr., 275, 391 Ilovt. (ieorge A , Capt., 87; S., 353; T. Webster, 323; William D., 274 Hudnut, Orrin L., 268 Hudson Brothers, 300; Henrv, 8; James, 250 HueshofF, Henry, 116 Huff, Andrew, 180; David C, 114; James B., 350 Huggins. W. O., Dr., 390 Hulett, Theodore G., 89, 182; descrip- tion of building the Suspension bridge bv, 217-220; Walter E., 145. 182, 184. Hull, Abner, 183; Lewis, W., 288 Humbert, C. S.. 230 Humphrev, Guy C, 99, 316; Guy C. and Simeon N., 318; Pixley M., 316 Hungerford Andrew, 318 Hunt, Marv H., Mrs., 137, 164; Romiro E., 276; 'Washington, 93, 98, 112, 136, 163, 164, 166, 217, 343, 373; sketch of, 378 Hunter, Francis, 268 Hunting, Ben J., 375, 383; M. S., 375 Huntington, David, George A., Albert and Gurdon, 318 ;H. S., Rev., 154 Ilurd, Davis, 98, 99; David, 268; Eli, Dr,, 386-388; Reuben, 45, 245; W. S., Dr., 392 Huron Lumber Co., 350 Hustlebv, H. C.,312 Hustler," 43, 240, 284, 293 Huston, W. E.,97 Hutchings, Abram, 308; J. Harvey. 308 Hutchins, Abraham, 307; Jacob. 271 Hutchinson. John. 259; Michael, 78; William A., 262 Hyatt, T. H., 121 Hvde, Almeron, Dr., 388; Frederick, S. , Rev., 135, 137; John A., Dr.. 256, 261, 265, 388; William H., 318; William Henry and David H., 318 Hvdraulic Canal at Niagara Falls, 201, 202 Improvements in agricultural methods, 92 Indian attack upon Montreal, 14; occu- pation, 5, 6; trails, 6, 7; afliliation with the British during the Revolution. 35 Indians attitude of the, in the war of 1812, 48, trouble with, in 1772, 31 Ingalls, John, 113; Jonathan, 94 Ingersoll. Edward. Rev., 146; John, 245 Ingraham. D. B., 131 Innes. Frank H.. 377 International Suspension Bridge Co., 217 Irish, Jacob D.. 303 Isaacs, David, 185, 224 Isdell, Samuel O.. 3(»3. 313 Ivins, A. H., 139; Augustus H., 139, 166, 168, 375 Jack, Isaac, N., 288; John, 168 Jackson, Charles and John J., 271 ; Hugh. Jesse and William, 251; James, 114, 171; James, jr., 92. 99, 118, 122, 168; John, 106, 107, 171; J. Carl, 92, 164; Thomas W., 157, 276 Jacobs, Ansel B., 181 ; Calvin, 358; Daniel C, 337; Stephen, 338 Jacobus, John, si Jaenecke, Ernest G. and John G., 342 James. A. R.. 227 Jamieson, A. H., 249, 253 Jaques. M. H., 327 Jarvis, W. O. , Rev., 145 Jayne, C. E., 171 Jeffers, David, 245 Jeffery, David O., 302 Jeffrey, D. Elwood and Edwin L. , 375 Jeffords familv, the, 259 Jenkins, John'B., Rev., 336 Jenks, Jerrv S., 333, 335, 362; Samuel, 249; Wiliam B., 335 Jenney, John, 118; Justu.s, 108;AVilliam E., Dr., 118, 171 Jennings, Samuel, 107; Truman, 276 Jenss, J. W., 126 Jerauld, Dexter R., 146, 182, 214 jermain, George W., 99 }esson Brothers, 319 Jessup, Major, 60, 61 Jewell, James A., 83 . Jewett, S. S., 352 / ^ / Johnson, Asahel, 100,J249; Charles, 161 C. W.. 378; David, 259; Elmer E., 303 310, 313; Frank E. ,225; Guv. Col., 35 Halrvey N., 91 ; Henrv. 3y0;'Henry N. :!02, Sn. James, 288;' Jay K., 303. 311 John, Sir, 35; John, and sons Joseph F., Levi L. and Harvev N. 30^; Kath- erine F.. 195; Martin,' Dr., 3S6. 387; Morgan. 9fK; M. A., Rev., 145. 146; (^ramel and Lucien, 182; Ravmond C, ^161 ; Selden (i.', 356; Timothv, Dr., 388. William. Sir. 18-20. 25-28.'30, 32-35; 175; W. C. 207; William W.. 268 Johnson's Creek, 173, 252 Joncaire, Chabert, 15, 25 Joncaire's trading post at Lewiston, 15-17 Jones, E. A. , Mrs., 311 ; James, 85 ; James H., 216; John, 246; Jonathan, 257; Joseph H., 239: J. T., 226 Jovce, John T., 171; Robert, 233, 235 Judd, Garwood Leverett. 99, US, 149, 356, 357, 377; Thomas C, 246; William A., 170 Judson, George, 253; George D., 275; George W., 378; Nancy, 253 Kage, William J., 357 Kaiser, John, 346 Kaltenbach, Andrew, 225 Kammerer, Adam, 191 Kandt, Charles, 338; Charles W., 344 Kaner, P. J., Dr., 389 Kaufman, H., Rev., 359 Kavanaugh, Patrick V., Rev., 298 Kearns. Eugene, 126, 171 Keep, Charles, 166; Wallace I., 139, 168; William, 98, 162 Keller, H. A., 222 Kelley, Daniel, 256; D. M., 226; Fred- erick, 256; James, 288; & McBeau Co.. 226 Kelly, John, 237; J. W. H., 297 Kelsey, George, 334; L. A., Lumber Co., 350; Roswell, 274; Thomas, 293; & Gillespie, 350 Kemp, Benjamin, 255; Burgoyne, 302, 323, 325, 326; David, 322, 324; Samuel, 318, 319 Kendall, Charles A., 250,251; Eber, 250, 251 Kennedy, William, 107, 111 Kent, Abatus, Rev., 128; Alexander (i., 344, 345; John, 240 Kenyon, John, 252 Kessler, W. H., & Son, 350 Ketchani, Cornelius and James R., 271 Keyes, Henry, 332 Keyser, Abraham, 362, 363; Conrad, 113, 245 Kidder, Amos M., 282; Isaac, Dr., 389 Kilborne, Horatio, 158, 171 K\]], Ruthven, 99, 268, 271 Kimball, Roswell, Dr., 388 Kimberly, H., & Co., 107 King, Francis, 336; James B.. 191 ; James O., 171; Michael J., 252; Patrick F.. 375, 376 ; William, 99 Kinne, Amos and S. B., 105, 172; Anson, 334; James, 173; Robert B., 173 Kinney, John F., 384 Kinsella, Michael, 327 Kin.sler, James T., Dr., 390 Kirkpatrick, J. G., 377 Kittenger. F. A., Dr., 392; George, Rev., 301; Joseph, 79; Martin S., Dr., 170, 389; Samuel, 79, 241 Klemer, Martin, 358 Knapp, Franklin, 278; F. L., Dr., 392; George W., Rev., 141, 151, 154; J. D., Rev., 239; O. P., 94 Knowles, Richard and William. 307; William A., and son Richard, 308 Knox, George W., 378 Koch, W. C, Rev., 359 Koepfinger, John Adam, 334, 336 Kohler, Charles, 338; Charles H., 346 Koon, A. H., Dr., 392 Kopp, Frederick and Martin, 357 ; & Co. , 357 Krakoski, Julius, 191 Krauss, A. & E. M., 357 KruU, Christian George, 358; William, 357; William C, 344 Krupp, Peter and Henrv, 327 Kyte, Francis, 256, 259,' William, 259 Labar, John W., 99; John W., jr., 271 Lackor, Charles B. , 86 Ladner, Absalom, 252 Lafferty, Alexander, 270 Larier, Burt, 243 Lahey. E. F., 274 Laird, A. K. 274 Lake commerce, beginnings of, 46; of the first half of the present century, 75, 76 Lambert, William, 171 Lammerts, John C, 99, 194, 225, 228,230 Lamont, George D., 98, 371, 373, 374; sketch of, 380 Lampkins, A. D. , 152 Landers, Daniel, 318; Jefferson B., 250 Landon, Joseph, 361 Lane, Alexander, 262; A. T., 330; Charles B., 316; Calvert G., 148; Francis B., 270, 273, 280; Jason, 245; Jonas P., 274; , Dr., 391 Lang, Ferdinand, 358; M. L., Dr., 390 Lange, August, 344 Lanigan, Francis P. , 235 ; James A. , Rev. , 235 Lansing, Garrett G., 376 Lardner, John, 171 Large, Thomas R., 171 Larned, Samuel, 108 La Salle, first vovage of, 9; village of, 239, 240 Laskey, C. M., 378; C. W., 276 Latta, John, 44, 287 ; Walter, 287 233 Laughlin, Benjamin S., '.V22 Laurier, Eugene, 195, 196 Lawrence, Tames S. , 150; Spencer I., Laydin, Thomas, 171 Lay ton, Job, 108 Leach, John. 25:5 Ivearned, Samuel, lOK Le Blonde, Frank, 192 Lee, Albert H., 82:5, ;^27; R(.bert, 4:5, 240 Leet, James M., Dr., 86 Leffman, Lewis, 150, 151 Legg-, William, 288 Leggett, John H., :576 Legislative acts of 182:^, 64 Lehon, William, ;358; & Warren, :357 Leland, Herman J., ;5:54, 864; Luther, ■.V3-S- Otis, 252, 254 Lentz, Jacob, ;^27 Leonard, A. A., Dr., 8:^; Alexander C, 2:59; Alfred M., Dr., :389; Allen T., Dr., 892; Captain, 52; Chauncev, 94, 108; Harvey, ;361 ; Levi. 271; Nathan- iel, 64, 282 ; Samuel, 129 ; Samuel, Rev. , :5;56; Thomas, :58:5 Letts, William, 267 Le Valley, Holden, 254 Levan, Abram K. , 241, 247; Edwin, 171 ; William, 78; Willis A., :«4; & Grit- man, 166 Lewis, Albert, Rev., 1:55; A. B., 95; A. C. Rev., 137; Alfred J., 276; Cyrus A., 251; Eldridge, :516; Elliott, 106, 108; (reorge C. , ;^76 ; George W. , 271 ; James C, 100, 249, 2.52; Joseph, 374; Levi, :«;5; Oliver, :530; Reuben, 54, 291; S. Clark, 171, 384; S. Curt, 99, 127; Will- iam B. , 333 Lewistou and Junction Horse Railroad, 295; and Youngstown Frontier Rail- way Co., 265; suspension bridge, 296 Lewiston, town of, 281-302; churches of , 140, ;30O, :301 ; during the war of 1812, 288-292; dwellers in, in 1800, 42; elec- tric railways of, 297 ; first town meet- ing of, 282; list of supervisors of, 282; newspapers of, 297 ; pioneers of, 284- 288; schools of, 294, 295; settlers of, after the war of 1812, 292-294; Tusca- rora Re.servation in, 283; village after the war, 293; village, incorporation of, 297 Liddell. James, 31S Liddle, James S. , 114 Lignerv, M. de, 26 Lillis, John E., 376 Lindsay, Charles W., 'd2: ; r)avid, 17S Liscomb. Lyman, li:^ Liscom, A. G., 222 Little, John F., 99, 171 ; John F., &■ Son, 274; Joseph W., 171 Lloyd, John, 45 Lobbett, James, 156 Lochuer, William E. , 376 Lockport, city and town of, 103-174; churches in, 172-174; description <>( early mail facilities of (extract), 115; origin of name of, 105 Lockport city, banks of, 126, 127; begin- ningsof, 105-107; churches of, 137-140; completion of the "big bridge" at, 116, 117; [ire department, 117-119; first newspaper in, 107; flouring mills of, 162-164; incorporation, etc., of, 103, incorporation of, 114; list of supervis- ors of, 171; manufactures of, 164-169; newspapers of, 120-126; opening of the Erie Canal through, 108; schools r)f, 158-161; street car system, 161 ; Upper and Lower Towns of, 108, 109; water supply of, 120 Lockport town, first town meeting in, 170; geology of 103; list of supervisors of, 171; pioneers of, 104, 105; post- ofhces in, 104; villages and hamlets in, 162-174; early mail service at, 115; ef- fect of railroad upon, 113; description of from 18:58 to 1848, 109-111; incorp- oration of, 109; increase in population of. 111; manufacturing interests of, in 1835, li:'; sale of surplus canal water in, 111 Lockport Business Men's Association, 169, 170; Exempt Firemen's Associa- tion of, 119; Felt Co., 168, 328; (ias and Electric Light Co., 161; Glass Works, 166; Home for the l'>iendless, 158; Hydraulic Company, 112; Manu- facturer.s' Building Conipanv of, 112; Pulp Co., 168; Paper Co., 'l68; Saw Works, 167 Lockwood. Henrv, 'M)2, 803; Lsaac, 319; James D., 323; James D., William H.. and Jesse O., :«7 ; Samuel, 'd'SO Lombard, George F., and Charles L., :528 Long, B. H , :557; Charles B.. 119; Dan- iel and Reuben, 271 ; Michael, 88; Sam- uel, Dr., 391 Loomis, Eugene, :509; (niv W., :^.0S; W. H.. Dr., 392 Loucks, Jacob, 104; Peter F., 246 Love. William T.. 300 Lovelace, F. L., 147, 228 Loveland, Joseph D., 99, 338, :55S Lovell, T. B., 195 234 Low, James, 86, 99, 325, 230 Lowe, Thomas, Capt., 79, 87 Loys, Andrew, 307 Luck man, William, 271, 278 Lum, Curtis G., 316; Silas, 318 Lumber firms of North Tonawanda, i:)ast and present, 350, 351 ; receipts and shipments at North Tonawanda, 348- 350 Lureman, Charles. 334 Lutts, Jonathan, 257; Jonathan. Jacob, and Michael, 45; Michael, 257 Lutz, Henry, 259 Lyman, James, 249, 267 Lynch, J. J., Rev.. 297 Lyon, Minerva, 287; Seth, 299 Lyscomb, Lyman, 159 McBaiu, Alexander, 345; James, 246 McBean, George, 346; H. W., 226 McBnde. Henry, 233; John, 257; Will- iam, 257 McHurney, Samuel, Rev.. 140 McChesney, H. S., Dr., 309, 389; O, S., 303; Robert L., 302; Walter, Dr., 391 McClean, Henry, jr., 276 McClew, Charles and Eugene, 327 ; James. 824 McClure, Colonel, 51. 52 McCollum. Charles S., 322; Hn-am, 171; James A.. 95, 323; J. A , and Charles S,327; Joel, 108 109, 118, 130, 136; Tohn, 90, 322; Madison, 259; Peter, 322; William, Dr.. 294. 388; W. S., 288 McComb. William E.. 126 McConnell, Charles. 288. 293 McCormick. George C. 256, 259; F. D., 264; Nathaniel, 255; William C. 259 McCoy, George N., 88 McCracken, Richard, 259;, S. D., 264; , Dr., 386 McCue, John, 171 McCullum, Joseph. 258 McDaniels, Archibald. 317 McDonald, Archibald, 322, 325; David H., 308; E. C, 345; Horace J., 86; J., 131; James, 80; John. 182; John K.. 83; Patrick, 334; & Ebersole. 353 McDonough, John, 376 McDowell, Thomas, 228 McEwen, Willard F., 241 Mcl*\idden, James R., Dr.. 390 McCTinnis, fames, Capt., 86, 87; Rev. Father, 233 McGarigle, Thomas E.. 229 McGrath, E. J., 169; Thomas M., 116. 171 McGraw, Peter. 88; & Co., 351 McGregor, Hugh, Dr., 81 McHale, P., Rev., 298 Mclntire, J. J., 226, 230 Mclntyre, James, 216; Thaddeus, 255; & Miller, 353 McKee, Anthony, 327; Colonel, 60; T. J., McKeen, Albert E., 345, 357 McKenna, James, 234 McKenzie, A. H.. Dr.. 388; James Capt.. 76; Perry, 80 McKie, Anthony, 323; Chauncey, 269 McKinney, James. 302. 330; J. B.. 190 McKuight, Frank A.. 327; John, 322; John B. , 322 ; Robert, 262, 322 McKoon, D. D , 226 McKown, James, 362, 363 McLaren, William, 353 McLean, John G., 81; Sherman, Dr., 3.S7 McLeland, Richard J., 271 McLeod, Norman, 33 McLoth. John, Dr., 270, 278 McLoughlin, John, 258 McMaster. T. James, 119; ^^'illiam (t. , 159 McNair, Caleb C, 268, 277 McNall, John, 268, 269, 271 McNall's Corners, 277 McNamara, Alexander, Dr.. 392 McNeil. Henry. 95. 99; Hiram. 99, 241, 245, 374; Hiram D., 114, US McNeill. Major, 58 McNitt, Benjamin, 337; John, 316; Syl- vester, 387 McParlin, Lawrence, 376 Mabee, John, 270; Jonathan, 277; Mar- cus, 268 Mace, Isaac, 113 Mack, John, 271; John E.. 118 Mackay, John, 225; W. J., 191 Mackenna, Edward J., 224, 225; Frank- lin J., 377 Mackenzie, W. H., 125 Macker, John. 274 ;\Iackey. "Richard. 271 Mackie. Andrew, Rev., 135 Mackin. Samuel, 294 Macklem. John S.. 147, 225, 228 Madden, Robert, 118 Maginnis, Ed., Rev., 231 Mahanev, John R., 119 Mahar, John. 346 Mahoney. J., 190; J. J., 190 Maid of the Mist Steamboat Co.. 192; run through the rapids. 216 Mallory. Elijah, 307; William S., 71 Maloney, John, 235; M. P., 190 Manchester, E. B., Dr., 891 ^[alHlevi^e, J. H., 329 .Manu, George, 327; George, Dr., 38!t; George W., 119; Oscar E., 31f>, :51>^, 384; Willis T., 318 Manning, Charles W. , 96; Edward, 9(), 241 ; Lewis B.. 79 Manslield, Alonzo T-, 107, 173; A. I., Mrs., ir)8; Orange", K)."), 172 Manske, Augustus, 342 Manufacturing establishments of Lock- port, tabulated list of. 165 Mapes, William H. H., Capt., 78, 81, 82 Maple Street. 313 Mapleton, 335 March, Rav, 43, 240; Thomas, 54 Ma rev, William L., 112 Mark'le. Charles N., 303, 310-312 iMarks, Silas, 94; Silas H., 112. 159, lt)2, 16(1 Maroney, Frank, 171; William, Capt., 85 Marsh, Clinton S., Prof., 358; Joseph, 313; L. (r.. Rev., 301; Thomas, 291; W. E. , & Co. . 350 Marshall, C. K., 213; John E., 99; O. H., 7 Martin, Charles, Dr., 388; Christ, 342; Evan H., Rev., 149; James A., 323; John, 255; Marshall, 335; Thomas T., 310; Walter L., 86 Martinsville, 341, 342 Martins. Carl, 272 Marvin, E. P., Rev., 132 Mason, Charles, 328; James F., 100, 107- 109, 118, 170, 361; John, 239; S. R., Rev., 129; & Son, 274 Masonrv, :i93-402 ; Ames Chapter No. 88, 394; Bruce Council No. 15, 397; Cataract Lodge No. 295, 396; Frontier Lodge No. 132, 393; (iasport Lodge No. 787, 400; Genesee Commanderv No. 10, 395; Hartland Lodge, No. 2ls, 395; Lock City Lodge of Perfection, 399; Lockport Chapter No. 73, Order of the Eastern Star, 399; Lockport Lodge No. 73, 394; Masonic Board of Trustees, 401 ; Masonic Veterans As- sociation, 399; Niagara Chapter No. 200, 398; Niagara Commandery No. 64, 400; Niagara Lodge No. 345, 393; Niagara Lodge No. 375, 396 ; Niagara River Lodge 785, 399; Ontario Lodge No. 376, 396; Ransoniville Lodge No. 551, 397; Red Jacket Lodge No. 646. 398; Somerset Lodge No. 639. 397; Tonawauda Chapter No. 278, 401 ; Tonawanda Lodge No. 247, 401 Mather, Gad, 273; G. and E., 274; L. T., 274 Mathieson Alkali Works. 228 •i-i t ; Harvey James, 173; Duncan , 108, 386-388 Matson, Rev. Dr., 139, William A., Rev. 135 Matteson, John H., 250 Matthews, (ieorge B., 97; James, 317-319, 319; R. M.. 327 Mauth, William, 358 Mavis, William, 358 Maxwell, David, 104, 328, 364; Henry, Dr. May, James C, Dr., 389 Maj berry, Thomas, 84 Mayer, Martin, 334; Michael, 336 Mayle, L. F. 225 Mavnard, John S., 271 Mayne. H. H., Dr., 392 Mead, Helam and Hiram, 104; Solomon, 267 Meade, Ezra, 317; Ezra C, 317; Homer D. , William A. C. , Harvev and Stephen, 318; Silas, 318, 329 Medical profession, the, 384-392 Meeker, James, 307 Mentz. William P., 96, 282, 288 Mendham, William. 150 Merchant, George W., 136, 169 Meredith, Stephen, 162 Merrill, Frederick, 99 Merriman & Merriman, 350 Merritt, I. E., 168; John A., 364, 376; Machinery Co., 161 253; Shubal S.. 326, 329; Thomas R. 192; William H., 217 Merrv. Marv, 143 MervUle, William H., SO Merwin, Samuel R., 302, 314; Talcott. 330 Meseroll, Philip H., 327 Mesler & Pease, 277 Metz, Charles D., 383 Meyer, Anthony, 334 Michel, Arthur, Rev., Middaugh, -, 284 Middleport, 274-276; 276 ; incorporation Association, 275; newspapers of, 275; Union School, 275 Mighells, Thomas, 104; Thomas Nelson T. . 246 Miles, John, 245 Millar, David, 96. 139, 373, 376 Millard, Almon H., 105. 249, 267, 3S4, 387; Oliver L., 104 Miller, August H., 357; Blaise, 171; C. J., 328; Galen, 282; George O.. 357; Harvev. 340, 358; Henrvand Peter 1)., 327; Henrv B., 316; Jacob, 271 ; James, Gen., 60. 62; John, 334; John C. 303; 100. 1<)6. Shubal. 132 fire department, of, 276 ; Library " 275; and 268, ^^36 Joseph, 246; J. F. H., 94; Oliver and John, :5r)8; PhiHp, 335; Sewall B., Capt.. 308; Wilham 177, 28'2; WilHam H.. 308 Milhken, Asa, 333, 334 Mihiman, Edward A., 338, 357; Stewart, 337 Mills, Henry, 284; M. M., Dr., 389 Minor, Marvin, 252 Mitchell, Aimer W., 171; CorneHus, 84; George, 271; Lewis A., Rev., 237; Peter M. T., Capt, 84; Uriah H., 271 Mix, Edward A., 323 Mock, Cornelius, 278 Model City, 300 Moll, Frederick, 342; Frederick and Christian, 272 Molyneaux, Charles. 241, 376; William, 241 ; William, and sons, 243 Molvneaux's Corners, 242, 243 Mon'roe, R. B., 152; & McLean. 350 Monttjomerv, Frederick R.. 250 MoodV, Elisha, 91, 92, 94,99, 114; (George H.,'l27; Martin, Rev., 135 Moore, A. N. Dr., 391; B. C, 163; B & N. E., 164; F. W., 300; Henry H., 88; N. E., 171; Thomas, 311; Uriah D., 253; W. K.. 164; & Willey, 164 Moote, George L., 94, 100, 259 Moran, T. F., 171 Morehouse, Samuel B., 249, 251-253 .Morgan. Alfred. 171, 364; Andrew C, 377; Brothers. 168; John C. 186. 225, 227, 230; William, 97, 99, 250; William, affair, the, 68, 69 Morris, Augustus, 376; Robert, Purchase. the, 101;' Sarah, Dr., 392; Stephen H.. 264, 309 Morrissey. Michael, 318 Morrison, John and David. 250 Morse, Charles A., 112; David, 313; James M.. 308. 309; Joseph C, 374, 383; Sherman, 186; Solomon, 318 Mosher, William, 316 Moss, Abijah H., 99, 100, 171; Charles H., Capt., 78, 79; (xeorge (t., 94. 168; Jonathan, 259; Solomon, 99, 256; Will- iam J.. 282 Mott, Freeman, H., 114 Mountain Ridge Cemeterv Association, Middleport. 278 Mountpleasant, John, 283 Mower, John, 30"0 Moyer, Fred D., 376 Movnihan, John, Rev., 331; Patrick, Rev.. 232-234 Mudge, Seward. 250; William H., :!(»s jVIudgett, Truman and David. 316 Mueller, Gabriel A.. Rev.. 154 Mullaney, Patrick Thomas, Rev., 301 Mundie & McCay, 357 Munns. Ehzabeth. 237; Hard, 237 Muroy, Asel, 244 Murphy, Charles A., 78; D. H., Dr., 389; Eugene, Mrs.. 294; George P., Dr., 389 ; Peter P.. 97, 98, 268 ; Peter P.. Dr. . 270, 272, 387, 388; Timothy J., 262; & Townsend, 294 Murrav, Andrew. 182; David, 312; Hen- ry, 8'6; James. 177, 362; JohnT.. 171. 374,376; J. W., 288; Rufus, Rev.. 140. 144, 150; S. Cady, 246, 294, 383; S. T., 89, 215 Myers, L. A., 323; M. F. & G. F., 357 Myrick, F. A., 350 Naismith, John B., 171 Nearpass, Peter, 244 Neilson, Hans, 147. 192, 194-196. 225 Nellis. William, 346 Nelson, Alexander W.. 171; Delos. 309; John, 311 Newcomb, Alonzo W. , 268; Simon, jr., 322 Newell, Charles H., 88; Hiram, 356 , Newfane Basket Manufacturing Co., 328 ; Station, 329 Newfane, town of 322-331 ; churches of. 329; early mills in, 326; early roads in 324; first town meeting in. 322; in the war of 1812. 323; list of supervisors of, 322; pioneers of, 323-327 ; schools of, 923 Newman, Charles, 327; Elisha and Al- meron, 324, 327; James M., Capt., 97, 308; John D., Major, 81 Newspaj>ers of Lewiston, 297; of Lock- port. 107; of Lockport, 120-126; of Middleport, 275; of Niagara Falls vil- lage, 185-187; of North Tonawanda, 353-356; of Porter, 262; of Somerset, 319; of Suspension Bridge, 222; of Wilson, 311 New Walmore, 344 Niagara Canal Co., the, 64; Cotton Fiat- ting Co., 168 Niagara county and vicinity in 1800, 42; as at present bounded, first officers of, 362; between 1825 and the Civil war, 66-77; early judicial jurisdiction of, 360; early lawyers of, 361; effort to divide, 249; erection of, 1, 43; geology of, 2; in the Civil war, 77-89; increase in population in. 66; population of 4; pro- duction of apples in, 4; rivers and streams of, 3; soil of. 3; topography of 1.2; Agricultural Society, 92-95; Ang- '■?>7 lers" Club, %; Fruit Co.. Kli); Pioneer Association, 97 Xiai(ara Developmeut Co. , 211; Kiectro Chemical Co., 32!S Niagara Falls Citv, banking interests of, •223-'225; churches of, 280-2:59; fire de- ])artmenL, 214; Free Public Library of, 19."); future prospects of, 230; incor- poration of, 187; list of mayors and aldermen of, 190; list of supervisors of , 191 ; manufacturing industries of, 226- 229; miscellaneous manufactures of, 228,229; schools of 198-196; street rail- ways of, 212, 218; wards of, 188, 189 Niagara Falls town, churches of 148-147; churches of, 153-155; first written de- scription of, 9; improvements at, 191, 192; after the war of 1812, 179; first town meetings in, 183; later town meet- ings in 188, 184; list of supervisors of, 190; natural characteristics of, 174; pioneers of. 175-181; schools of, 192; the "cold summer" of 1816 at, 176 Niagara Falls village, early mail facili- ties of. 185; early settlers and business men of, 181-1N3; hotels of, 184, 185; incorporation of, 184; newspapers of, 185-187; .slow growth of, up to 1890, 184 Niagara P" alls Brewing Co. , 229; Cham- ber of Commerce, 229; Distilling and Chemical Company, 229; Electric Light and Power Co., 214; Gas Co., 213; Hydraulic Power and Manufac- turing Co., 201-207; Paper Manufac- turing Co., 226; Paper Co., 227; Power Co., 207-212; Suspension Bridge Co., 192; Tower Co., 229; Water Works Co., 214 Niagara Flouring Mill, 237; Frontier Police, 90; frontier, changes on, soon after the close of the Revolution, 39; Junction Railway Co., 212; Lockport and Ontario Power Co., 170; Portage Company, the, 75; pronunciation and orthography of the names of, 1 ; River Ijridge Co., 221; River Iron Co., 852; River, the water power of, 200-212; second occupation of, by the French, 15; ship canal project, the, 74 ; Surface Coating Co., 228; University, 297-299 Nice & Hinkev, 357 Nichols, Charles L., 376; Eli S., 86; George N., 94; G. P., 293; Hezekiah A., 240; Hezekiah W., 241; Luman H.. 883; Mark A., 94; Robert and A. J., 288; Truman. 335 Niles, Addison, Dr., 389 Nixon, Joseph, 287 Noble, Marcus, 820; Silas, 328 N.ibles, Romvne W., 818 Noblett, T- E., 190 Norman," J. G.. 171; William, 187; 8c Evans. 165, 168 North Tonavvanda, 344-357; banks of, 353; bridges at, 356; Business Men's Association, 852; Cemetery Associa- tion, 356; city of, incorporation of, 845; city, civil departments of, 346; Land Co., 857; lumber interests of, 347-352; newspapers of, 358-356; vil- lage, incorporation of, 844; village, list of presidents of, 345 North Hartland, 253 Northam, James, 270. 278 Northrup, Beardslev, Rev., 185 Norton, Henry, 95, '99, 170, 171; Joseph A., 294 Noxen John O., 127 Noyes, P. H., 228 Nye, David, 158; Henry F., Rev., 153 O' Boyle, M. W., 228 (Mell, Alanson T.,£78; Daniel T., 827; E., 27S; Elijah C, 90 O'Donnell, Thomas J., 225 Oelkers, C. F.. 857; John E., 845, 357 Oille & McKeen, 850 Olcott, village of, 327 Oldach, Wilhelm H., 238 Olmsted, C. A., 171; Charles G., 374; George W., 227; H. W.. 86; Silas. 334; W. C, 116; W. D.,207; William L., 376 Olney, S., 268; Samuel J., Rev., 265 Oliver, Daniel P., 245; Fred R., 119; F. W. , 22S; John, William, Thomas and George, 168; Pomeroy, 245; Thomas, 114 O'Malley, John, 319 Onderdonk, Benjamin T. , Rev, 138, 184, 143; D. W.. Dr.. 83; John, 809 Oneida Community, 228 Orangeport, 278 O'Regan, John, 854 O'Reillv, Thomas, 190 Orton, Charles S.. 377; Mvron, Dr., 245, 298 862, 387, 388 Ortt, Edward D., 241; Henry, LSI Osborn, Arab, 180 (Osgood, Norman E., 195; Silas, 127 O'Shaughnessey, Michael, 276 Ostrander, George P., 874, 876 Oswald, J., 217 Otswald, William, 846 238 Oswego, capture of, by Moutcalm, 2:5; establishment of a fortified fort at, by the English, 16 Otis, Joseph, 105, 113; Joseph H., 271 Outwater, George, 87; Tunis, 302 Overbury, Frederick, 329 Owen, C. N.. 185 Owens, John E., 86 Packard, Benjamin H., 267, 278; S. S., 353; , Dr., 386 Page, David, Rev., 321; R. O., Rev., 150; Timothy Y. G., Dr., 277 Paige, H. H., Capt., 78; James H., 294; Timothv, 271 Paine, Robert T., Dr., 81, 391 Palmatier, Frederick F. , 79 Palmer, Christopher, 308; C. N., Dr., 390; George P., Dr., 388; George W., Dr., 386; Henry, 97; John, 316; Nobel, Rev.. 157; Reuben, 309; Samuel, 315- 317, 319; W. E., Col., 116 Parish of St. Marv's of the Cataract, 230-237 Park, Amos, 183 Parker, Amos, 79; Edward G., 376; Elijah, 246; George, 256, 259; George T., 308; J. H.'; 246; Miles, 288; Ouincy G. T. , 125, 376; Spencer B., 377 Parks, Elias, 337; Erastus, 177, 301; Hiram. 337; Joel M., 170 Parmcle, Solomon, 98, 138, 171 Parmelee, E., Dr., 389 Parsons, Charles, 181; Fiederick vS., 334; (ieorge W., 213; Horaticj A., Rev., 180, 237; Silas. Rev., 247; Sylvester, jr., 309, 310, 312. 383; William', 93, 94, 108; William & Co., 107 Passage, J. Elmer, 196 •■ Patriot war," the, 72, 73 Patterson, Arthur, 328; Charles, 237; G. H., Rev., 154; John, 183; N. Z., 86; Robert, 150; William, 288; Zachariah, 316 Patton, John K., 377 Paul, C. F., 156 Paulding, , Dr.. 391 Payne. Lewis S., 91, 92, 97-100, 148,149, 337, 338, 347; Lewis T., 357, 377 Peabody, James H , 80 Peacock, Henry F., 318; Wallace E., 316 }*earce, Everett A., 276; Robert, 157, 271, 274 Pearson, George T., 95 Pease. Adam, 97. 317; A. Douglas, 95, 303; B. S., 118; Enoch, 308; George C, 252; John, 324; John N., 319; John U., 322; Joseph, 255; Joseph, Mrs., 323; Nathaniel and Enoch, 330; Rachel, 253; Seth, 42 Peck, Linus J., 99, 334 Peckham, Stephen, 319; Stej^hen T. , 316 Pekin, 246, 300 Pendergast, Robert, 297 Pendleton Center, 335 Pendleton, town of, 331-336; churches of, 335, 336; first town meeting in, 332; list of supervisors of, 334 ; pioneers of, 332-334; schools of. 335; village, 334 Penfield Block Works, 167 Penfield, Charles R., 167 Pennell, George, Rev., 148 Perkins, Edward, Rev., 130; John H., Rev., 135 Perrigo, (jeorge W., 310; L. A. & S. A., 311 Perrv, Abijah, 45, 257; Elmer. 316; Henry, 312; Philetus R., 90; Richard A., 89; Sylvester. 80; Wilhams, 257 Peterson, B. V., Dr. 388; Charles, 114, 137; Jesse, 95, 167; JosiasT., 246; Wal- ter V., 241, 247 ^ Pettebone Cataract Paper Co., 326; L. W., 147, 225, 226; Stoughton, 213, 214, 224, 326 Pettit, Alexander, 303; Clinton, George, John and Thomas, 309; Curtis, 302; Curtis and Alexander, 308; G. J., Dr., 392; Joshua, 183,338; L. W., 318; Sam- uel H., 100, 303, 311 ; Wilson M., Dr., 392; William O.. 308 Pfuhl, WilHam, 358 Phelps & Gorham Purchase, the, 100; C. R., 185 Phillips, Abram, 330; David, 190, 234, 225; E. A., 275; John, 384; Peter, 327 Philpott & Leuppie, 229 Pickard, Albert H., 99, 333, 334, 374; Hartman, and son Lawrence, 332; Lawrence, 333, 334; L. A., 334 Pierce, Aratus F., 88, 156; A. H., 276; A. L., 300; Elias F.. 107; Fred L, 325; Gad, 143, 177, 183, 190; Horace, 156. 376; Henry F., 81, 84. 191 ; James 180; MiloD., 353; William S., 336; &- Mc- Lean, 374 Pierson, Robert F., 368 Pike, Frederick, 250; L. B., &- Son, 300; William S., 86, 338 Piper, Charles H., sr., 183, 383 ; C. H., jr., 377; Sherburne B.,98, 99,383, 294, 374; sketch of, 382 Pitcher, D. L., 86 Pitts, Joseph, 345 '■39 Pittsburgh Reduction Cc, 229 Pixlev. George W., 78; Margaret, '2'iS Piatt,' Charles H., Rev., 13.1, 138; Henrv, 240 Platts, C. W. , 274 Pletcher, Franklin, 5)0; Jolm, 24r> I'lumsttel. Gillespie & Himes, 3o(> Pollard, John, 313 Pomerov, Truman E., 201 Pomrov", A. C, 94; Daniel, 93, 241; David, 104, 113, 170; Hiram. 334; H. C.,114; Tabez, 93, 111; Solon S.,93, 94, 99, 122. "123, 222 Pond, Nathaniel, jr., 31"), 318 Pool, Achish, 44. 293; Achish, and sons Thomas and William, 287; Alfred, Dr., 333, 392; James A., 241; Thomas F., 45, 53; WilberT., 282 ; William, 99, 182.' 1,*^, 193, 194, 300; William II., 45 Poorhou.se, County, and Farm, 95 Pope, Cr. W.. Dr., 3S8 Port of entrv removed to Lewiston, 45 Porter, Albert H.. 176, 177, 191, 232; Al- exander J., 191, 225, 226; Augustus, 44, 45, 65, 75, 101, 176; and sons. 177; 181, 183. 185. 190, 191, 200. 201, 237. 301. 360; Augustus S.. 177, 184, 191 ; Barton & Co. , 176 ; David, 255 ; 1 )e Forest, 383 ; Don A.. 383; Elizabeth, Miss. 144; Frank B. and George W.. 318; George M.. 183; George S., Rev., 144, 147; Isaac N.. 78; James G., 161. 162; John, 71, 2.56; Lavinia E.. Miss. '/37; Peter B.. Gen., 44, .50, .56-.)8, 61-63. 75, 85. 87. 98. 99, 147. 176, 182. 183. 185. 186. 191. 195, 196.224. 225,241; Peter A., ir., 183; Peter B . jr.. 99, 177; William J., 80 ;& Clark, 181 Porter, town of. 25.5-266; churches of, 149-152, 265, 266; first town meeting in, 255; list of supervisors of, 256; newspapers of, 262; pioneers of, 257- 2.59 ; schools of, 265 I'otter, Alvan K.. 364, 373. 37(>; Hemau B., 374; J. D.. Rev . 130; Stephen W., Dr., 386. 387 Pouchot, Captain. 22-26 Pound, Cuthbert W.. 9.s, 376; George W. , 376; John E.. 94. 99. 114, 126, 139, 170, 171. 366. 375. 376; Joseph and John, 108 Powell & Welch, 294 Power City Lumber Co., 229 Powley. John, 259 Praker, Edward C. :>57 Pratt, Calvin, and son Lorenzo, 308; David. Rev., 321; Francis O., 99, 318, 319; George L., 96; Heman, 316, 317, 322; John, 334; Josiah, 246; Levi B., 170; Lorenzo. 312; Nathan, 307; Pascal P., 3.52; Rufus, 309; Samuel, jr.. 384; , Dr.. 389 Premus, Augustus F. , 346. 357. 377 Prentice. Alonzo T., 108. 171 Prentiss. A. S.. 121 Prey, William. 246 Prideaux. John. Gen , 25 Pringle, Benjamin, 71 Printup, William, 31 Public improvements since llie Civil war, 90-92 Pullman, R. II.. Rev., 330 Pulver, John W., 322 Purdy, Gilbert, 303. 306 Pyle. E. A.. Dr., 390; Lyman A., 86 Pj'ne, Charles M., 1.50 Ouade, Charles, 259; Christopher, 259 Oueen Anne's war, 14 Quick. L. J., 239 Quigley, John 1'.. 227 Quinlan, W. J., 119 Race. Ira. 256. 261. 263 Radlaff, Christ, 358 Ragueneau, Father. 9 Raikes, F. W.. Rev., 148. 154 Railroad extension since the Civil war, 91 Railroads in the county, 69-71 Raines, George, 200 Rainor, Joseph, 116 Ralston, Alexander, 138 Ramming, Conrad and Christopher, 271 Rand, Benjamin L., 3.53;(7eorge B., 224; George F., 3.53; James IL. 353,357, 3.58 Randolph, B. H.. 187; Reuben M., 171 Rankin, Delancey, 224 Rankine, Richard F., 147, 186; William B., 215, 230 Ransom, Alfred, Capt., 79.384; Asa, 384; Clark, 264, 344;Elias, 99, 107, 361. 373; Elias, jr , 138. 374; Elijah. 301; Elton T.. 99, 2,56, 263; Frank A., 376. 383; I. B.. 327; Jehiel C. S., 256. 2.59, 263; lohn, 222; Walter T., Dr., 390; Wash- ington H.. 171, 376; W. H. H.. 263; W. H^ H., & Son. 264; W. J., 96, 97; Will- ard T., 127. 171 Ransomville, 263, 264 Rausomville Basket Manufacturing Co., 264 Rapids, village of. 172 Rathbun, Benjamin. 72. 1S5 Ray. Richard. 316 Rayers, George W., 171 240 Rayment, Edward and William, 297 Raymond, Caleb W.. 287; Charles T., 112, 165, 166, 168; Edward, 104; Ed- ward W., 136, 138; W. C, Dr., 390 Raymond (post oi^ce), 178 Raze, Reuben, 320 Read, Alexander, 300; W. W., 190 Reade, Ezra, 315 Ready, John, Dr., 392 Reardon, John E.. 256, 259: John S., 191 Rector, George W., 86, 87 Redfield, JohnR., 126 Redigan, H. P., 171 Redman, S. D., 328 Reed, Amos, Elder, 330; A. H., 311; Charles A., Dr., 391; Sylvester, Rev., 145; William, 329; & Cartwright, 319 Reese, George, 122 Regan, M. P., Dr.. 389 Regan ville, Sieur de, 17 Regiment, Third. Cavalry, 81 ; Eighth, Cavalry, 80; Pifteenth," Cavalry, 81; Eighth, Heavy Artillery, 85; 'Pirst, I^ight ArtiUerj', 80; Twenty-second, Mounted Rifles, 81 ; Twenty-eighth, Volunteers, 78; Forty-ninth, Volun- teers, 78; Seventy-eighth, Volunteers, 84; One Hundred and Pifth, 85; One Hundred and Fifty-first, Volunteers, 82 Regiments, miscellaneous, containing Niagara county men, 85 Reisterer, Martin, 358 Remington, Cyrus Kingsbury, 10; Dan- iel, 180 Renwald, G. , 343 Retzloff. Albert, 273; August, 344 Reyuale, George, 95, 161, 162, 277, 384; William H., Dr., 387 Reynale's Basin, 277; Academy, 272 Reynolds, A. E., 94; George, 252; Guy, 294; Henry, 328; Henry " A., 322, 324; James, 235, 309 ; Reuben, 282 ; Schuyler, 383 Revolution, close of the, 39 Revolutionary war, Niagara in the, 35-39 Rhinehart, W. H., 268, 273 Rhodes, Benjamin, 214; Joseph,* 273 Rice, Aaron, 245; Amanda, 159; F. A., Dr., 391 ; Jerome B. , 224; Robert E. V.. Rev., 299; William B., Dr., 391, 392 Rich, A. D., 274 Richards, Gilbert C, 95, 334; James, 88; Linus J. P., 334; Russell, 332 Richardson, Ephraim D., 241, 362; George, 107; G. P., Dr., 391; Hugh, Capt., 76; H. Gardiner, 376; Josiah, 104; Moses C, 98, 116, 117, 122, 123, Solomon, 267; W., 312; Ziba, 322 Richmond, James, 167; Manufacturing Co., 167; William, 114, 167, 170 Rickard, Conrad, 332; Hartman, 334; Henry, 333; Joseph C. and Mathias L., 334 Ridge Road (post-oftice), 329 Ridge road, the, 43 Riegel, Andrew, 300 Riggs, Jedediah, 250 Ring, C. A., Dr., 392 Ringueberg, Eugene N. S., Dr., 384, 392 Riplev, General, 56-63 Ripso'n, Charles, 263; Julius, 262; Peter, 257; William, 151 Rising, Ely C, 318; Samuel S., 316 Ritter, Washington, Dr., 388 Rivers and streams, 3 Robb, Alexander, 86 Robbins, Luther S., Dr., 388 Roberts, Edmund, Rev. , 145; Prank. 241 ; James A., 168; Nathan, 74; Potter, 313; Seth P., 337; Tamerlane, T. , 334; Thomas, 271 Robertson, Frederick, & Co., 353; John, 259; J. M., Rev., 140; & Doebler, 350 Robeson, John B., 252 Robinson, Andrew, 282; Brothers & Co., Ltd., 350; Charles K , 383; David, 344; Joel, R., 182, 216: John, 44, 54, 282, 284, 292; Milton, Dr., 2^2, 294; N. W., 191 ; Russell, 302; WiUiam, 94; Wilson, 100; W. R., 262 Robson, George, 252 Roche, James J., Rev., 275, 280 Rock, James E., 194, 196, Rockwell, John M., 345 Roeder, Adam, 173 Rogge, Charles, 342, 358 Rogers, Edward W., Capt., 88, 114; )■:. W., & vSon, 166; P. E., 171; (reorge, 362; George W., 106, 109, 118; Jabez. 245; Nathan B., 105; Nathan B. and George W., 107; William A., 352; Will- iam 0.,246 Rommel, Gottlieb, 238 Rood, Andrew H. and Charles, 327 Root, Benjamin M., 150; Curtis, 250; Elias, 383; Evans, 362; PL C, 262; John, Dr., 86, 389; Miranda, 336; Thomas, 241, 246, 247 Rose, Elias, 244; George P., 245; (leorge W., 246; Jairus, 245,293 Rosebrook, Herman, 338 Rosenkrans, Warren, 267 Rosenmiller, George P., Rev., 146, 1-17 Rosevelt, W., Rev., 130 Roskopf, Anthony, 335 241 Ross, Samuel Z.. 268; T., Dr., 388; Will- iam W., 271 Rossman, Peter, 172 Rounds, Levi E., 109 Routes to Niagara in 1800, 42 Rovve, Gordon, 364; James S.. 250. 253 Roy, James, Rev., 141, 151, 155 Royalton Center, 272; Door Company, 274 Royalton, town of, 267-281 ; churches of, 141-143, 155, 15G, 279-281; first physi- cians in, 270; first town meeting in, 267 ; list of supervisors of, 268 ; pioneers of, 268-271 ; prominent Indian trail through, 269; prominent present resi- dents of, 271 ; schools of, 278; villages of, 272-278 Rovce, Roderick, 245 Rug, Abel, 332 Rumbold & Alliger, 350 ; & Bellinger, 350 Rummer}', Jonathan, 113; Moses, 172 Runisey, Laurence D., 265 Rundel, George, 335 Ru.shmore. Joseph V., Capt., 81 Russ, L. \V., Rev., 140, 150; Samuel B., 288 Russell, Edward E., 191; Phalarius, 267 Rvan, John, 346; Michael, 192, 223, 234, 235; Rt. Rev. Bishop, 232,233; Will- iam A., Rev., 231 Sackett, O. R., 194, 196 Sack, Carl, 341 Sadler, Warren, 108, 183 Saddleson, George H., Dr., 391 ; Ransom, 247; Samuel, Christopher and Ransom, 246 Safford, Elias, 271, 383 Sage, Asahelr 44, 284; reminiscences of, 287, 362; Clinton A., Dr., 390; Spar- row S.. 241, 246, 292, 383; William, 79 St. John, John R.. 94 St. Johnsburg, 344 Salingre, John. 343 Samways, William, 89 Sanborn, Charles G., 300; Enoch, 309; E. C, Rev., 299; Lee R., 99, 299; vil- lage, 299 Sanford, Hervey, 311, 312 Sanger, Dwight, 264 Saraw, William M., 376 Saulsburv, Guy U. and Perry W., 309 Sawyer, John P., 94, 271; Paul, 267; William A., 95, 318; W. H. Lumber Co., 350, 351; W. P., Dr., 392 Saxton, Arthur, 245; Asher, 241 ; Charles T., 79; Edwin, 80; Frederick, 245; S. Burt, 163; & Thomson, 163 Sayers, George, 268 Sayre, Benjamin, Dr., 388; Jonathan, Dr., 389 Schenck, George and Joseph, 358 Schimp, Joseph, 334 Schmeck, Pennel, 338 Schmidt, C. C, Dr., 391; William, 358 Schnell, John H. and William, 358 Schoellkopf, Alfred. 225; Arthur, 190, 207, 224, 226, 227, 229; Jacob, 201; Jacob F. , 207, 224, 225,227 ; & Matthews, 227 Schreiber, Adam, 173 Schubel, Charles W., 268 Schulmeister, Christian, 357; John, 357 Schuyler, John, 332 Schwinger, C, 353 Scott, A.sa, 270; A. P.. 96; Ransom, 127; Russell, 245; William, 183, 241, 244, 245; Winfield, Gen., 49, 50, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 73, 113; W. R., 119 Scovel], John, 251; J. Boardman 378 Leander K., 282, 288; Oliver P., 99 Seymour, 106, 109, 136, 282, 295, 296 Thomas, 94, 115, 171; Thomas P., 121, 282 Scripture, Henry D., 374, 383 Seager, S. Olin, 97 Seaman, Daniel, 249, 251; Edward O., 156. 250; Milton, 276, 883 Sears, Roland, 93, 94 Secor, Andrew J., 97; John, 252 Seeley, Ebenezer, 253; Hezekiah, 310; Vincent, 91, 310, 312; William H.. 85 Seibold, John S., Rev., 141, 151 Selsmer, John, Rev., 132 Seneca hostility to the Engli.sh, 29, 30 Senecas, the, and the English, 29-34 ; treaty with, in 1764, 32-34 Servoss, H. S , 116 Shafer, John W.. 278 Shaffer, William E., 97 Shaft. Henry, 94; Henry E., 122 Sharkey, Patrick. 171 Sharp, Royal, Dr.. 388 Sharpsteen, William, 252 Shaver, Franklin and Homer D. . 327; Philip. 245 Shaw, Charles F., 328; Daniel. 330; Da- rius. Dr.. 241. 387, 388; Eunice M., 195 ; George, 323 ; James, 250 ; Timothy, 182. 341. 344; Walter. 88. 322. 330; William, 323 Shawnee, 344 Shehan, Thomas, Rev., 254, 331 Sheldon, Chauncey, 268; Daniel and George, 307; George, 305; H. H., 191, 378 ; John L. , 268 ; John L. and Joseph, 242 371; Simon, 308. 309; Smith, 303; Ste- phen, 303 Shelley, Chester F., 384; Samuel, 257 Shelton, WiUiam, Rev. Dr., 144, 196 Shepard, Edwin, 100; George G., 196, 224; Harvey and Leonard, 294; Josiah, 293, 301; Leonard, 295; & Towner, 106 Shepardson, Daniel, Rev., 129, 320 Sheriffs, 383 Sherman, Eldridge F., Capt, 87; George W., 148, 149, 337, 338, 344; Oscar T., Dr., 390 Sherwood, Arza G., 268; Benjamin F. and John, 318; John, 315-318; Lock- wood S., 89; Mastin, 317, 320; Nathan, 308; William, 318 Shimer, Jacob, 171, 172 Shipman, George, 180 Shippy, Jo.seph, 293 Shirley, Gov., William, 20-22 Shockey, George W. , 297 Shuler, J. D., 94; John S., Dr., 138, 387, 388 Shurtliff, Jonathan M., 318 Sibley, William, 272 Siegler, Henry, 268 Silberberg, Louis S. , 225 Silby, C. D., 252 Sill, Nathaniel, 384 Silly, Benjamin and Suchel, 244 Silsby, Jay, 78 ; Seth, 95 Silverthorne, A. K. & W. E., 350 Sim, Stephen H., 86 Simmons, Edward, 94; Peter, 256; Philip, 80 Simons, Austin, 333, 335 Simpson, John, 186, 356 Sims, John, 177, 183, 359 Simson, Volney, 383; W. Byron, 383 Skeels, Christopher H., 99, 249, 251; C. L., 122; Ransom M., 99, 122 Skillings, Whitneys & Barnes, 350, 351 Skmner, Allen, 107; A. G.,Dr., 263, 392; G. M., Rev., 150; Josiah K., Dr., 136, 374, 386-388 Skutt, Austin, 319 Slaton, Joshua, 268; Joshua and John, 278 Slattery, John, 250 Slay ton, Thomas, 43, 240, 268 Sleeper, Benjamin F. , 186 Slocum, William T., 88 Smith, Abraham, 327; A. A., Prof., 191; Albert R., 377; Alfred J., and Pitt H., 271; Asahel, 105, 113; Bezaleel, 329; Burt A., 376; Charles, 104; C. C, Dr., 357; Charles H., 184; Christopher H., 143, 181; Cvrus F., 145; Daniel, 105, 113, 193; David M., Rev., 128, 180. 237, 247, 295, 301, 313; Edward, Dr., 294; Elijah, 245; E. Achlev, 127; E. L. and I. W.. 319; F. De W., 192; F. E., 190; F. M., 274; Fassett & Co., 350; George, 243; George T., 116; George L., 171; George P., 346, 347, 350, 355, 357; Griffin, Rev., 299; Henry P., 99, 347; Hezekiah H., 262, 265; Hiram B., 271; Horace C, 327; Ira, 129. 245; Isaac, 180, 237; Isaac H., 336, 337; I. P., Rev., 360; Isaac W., Dr., 104, 105, 386, 388; John 113, 143; John M., 126; J. Frank, 376; Laban, 129; Lloyd, Dr., 386, 387, 388; Lucius, Rev., 134; Oked, 245; Richard, 119; Sidnev, 319; SMney and Thomas, 107; Thomas F., 276; W^ alter W., 81; Wil- lard, 374; Willail-d, Dr., 285, 294, 387, 388; William, 24-9, 251, 253, 267, 268, 270, 279; William M., 80; & Calkins, 274 Smithson, William, 259 Smvth, Alexander, Gen., 49, 50; C. H., 192 Snyder, Henry, 241 Soldiers' Monument Society, 89 Somerset, town of, 315-321 ; churches of, 320, 321; first town meeting of, 315; list of supervisors of, 316 ; newspapers of, 319; pioneers of, 316-319; reminis- cences of, 317; schools of, 320 Somerset Corners, 317, 319 Sommer, Fred, 345, 357 South Wilson, 313 Southwell, George W., Rev., 135, 137, 155-157; Isaac, 250 Southvvorth, Charles M., 376; E. H., 376; Isaac, Dr., 107, 388; Mortimer M., 114, 374, 375 Spalding, C. J., 327; Franklin, 94, 214, 225, 282, 384; Lewis H., 274, 276; Linus, 250, 274; Lyman A., 107, 108, 111, 112, 117, 118, 120, 130, 159, 102; L. Austin, 165; N. M.. 94; Rufus, 64, 65, 241, 282, 301, 362 374; S. N., 274; Volney, 341, 344; William, 114, 116, 118, 161; William F., 86 Spickerman, Peter, 293 Spooner, J. J. B., 328 Sprague, Daniel F. , 255; Dexter P., 249-251, 306 Springsteen, Henry, 245 Sprout, George W. , 79 Staats, William, 327; William H., 96 Stacey, Edward and Wilbur C. , 309 Staebel, John, 336 243 Stage Hues, 68 Stahl. John, 164; William, Capt., «S Stainthorpe, Thomas, ;5S4 Standard (ias Co., North Tonawanda, 346 Stanley, Geors^e, 345; Henry, Rev., 185; L. G. , 357 Starbuck, Isaac, 319; Stephen B., 3U» Starck, Max, 118 Starkev, Orlando F., Rev., 135, 136. 145 Starr, John, 299 State Reservation, the, at Niagara Falls, 19T-200 Steadmau, Harry, 243 Steamboat, the first, on Lake Ontario, 75 Stearns, Henry, 84 Stebbins, Henry (i., Capt., 81. 82 Stedman, John, 7, 21; claim of, to lands on Niagara River, 175; John, Philij) and William. 175 Steele, Frank C, 262, 263; George, 330; John W., 112, 171; Rollin G., 88; W. Wallace, 171 Steig, Herman F., 340 Stephens, W. C, Rev., 301 Sterrett, R. J., 120; William J.. 157, 274- 276 Stevens, Albert, 383; D. F., 116; Doty & Pease, 165; Elisha, 302; Frederick R. , 275; James, 315; Lawrence S. , Rev., 135, 139; Nelson B., 171; Robert 127, 171, 374, 383; Samuel C, 132; William C, Rev., 231 Stevenson, Martin L., 137 Stewart, Homer H., 383; H. S., 152; Thomas R., 252 Stewart-Jones, E., Rev., 141, 151 Stockwell, Burt G., 376; Ralph, 302, 303. 309 Stocum, Hector M., 346 Stoddard, James, Rev., 154 Stone, John W., 271; Nathan, 279; Theodore, 172, 384 Storck, Charles, Dr. , 389 Storrs, Charles O., 310, 311; Juba, 99; Origen, 114, 171; William W., 376 Stoughton, John M., 177; John W., 183 Stout, Benjamin, 97, 324, 329, 330; Martin V. and Dolphin E.. 327 Stow, Horatio G., 294 Stowe, Horatio S. , 383 Stowell, Irving W., 334 Strayer, John E., 300 Street, John, 40; Thomas C, 217 Streeter, Reuben, 313 Strieker, J. C, 190 Stuart, Charles B., 217 Sturdy, Joseph, 147; William, 182 Sturgess, Thaddeus N., 2.55 Subberra. William D., 300 Suffering of the inhabitants after the British raid of 1813, 55, 56 Sullivan, P. M., 378 Sullivan's expedition against the Sene- cas, 36, 37 Sully, Samuel, 86 Suspension Bridge Cold Storage Co., 229 Suspension Bridge village, 215-223; banks of, 225, 226; development of, 221; fire department, 222; incorpora- tion of, 221 ; newspapers of, 222; water works of, 222 Sutherland, Andrew, Col., 45, 245, 362; Benjamin. 309, 313; Ehrick, 272; Thomas Jeffer.son, 72 Sutliff, C. G., 139, 164 Swain, Eliphalet, 311 ; George, 256, 262, 263,384; George M.. 97, 99, 316, 319; Isaac, 177, 178, 2.56, 257, 262 Swallow. Abel M., 143, 145, 182 Swan, H. R., 86, 87 Swarthout, Mortimer C, 327 Swartwout, Nathaniel, 327 Sweeney, James, 99, 148, 149, 337, 339, 347, 3.50; James, jr., 357; John, 99, 337, 347. 3.50 Sweet, Charles, 245; Fred K., 97; Will- iam J., 2.56 Swick, Augustus W., Harvey P., Homer, Herbert (t. , Arthur E. and C. F^dgar, 309 ; Tohn K. , 79 Swift, Elisha B., 247, 334; Fred J., 96; George D., 271; Severus, 269 Swigert, John (r., 329 Sy, Daniel, 338, 358; John, 342 Sybrandt, Leroy, 271 Sykes, Alanson, 332; Nathaniel, 332, 334; Willard, 332 Symonds, Charles H., 100, Jesse, LSI, 182 Tabor, Fred M., 311; H. B.. Dr., 392 Talbot, Simon H., 80; , Dr., 390, 391 Taylor, Abram, 2.50; A. G., 274; A. H., Dr., 389; C. B.. 274; Charles L.. 262; Charles N., 316; Cortez. 271; Ed- ward J., 376; Francis S., 276; George B., 2.50; George B., sr. , 253; George B.. jr., 2.50; Henry, 252; Jay L., 319; Joash, 242; John, 345; Josephus, 246; J. J., Capt.. 76; Levi 109. 118; Milton W., Dr., 388; R. A., 195; William. 273 Tefft, Joseph M.. Dr., 389 244 Telyea, John, 145 Terry, Abijah, 280; Daniel, 314; Frank, 271; Frank H., 95 Thacher, Horvice, 382 Thayer, Jonathan, Dr., 309; Lyman E., 332, 334; W. W., 357 Thebadean, Augustus, 230, 377 Thomas, Ambrose, Dr., 143, 180, 294, 388; David, C7; D. H., 152; Hezekiah. 138; W. H., Dr., 388 Thompson, Aaron D. , 331; Alexander and Charles, 309; Asa, 288; A. B., & Sons, 264; Calvin, 246; F. C, 262; George F., 268, 275; G. W., 378; Hub- man & Fisher, 350; James, 336; James S., 345, 353, 357; John W., 263; Joseph, 256; LydiaB., 195; Robert, 235 Thomson, George B , 163; Milling Com- pany. 163 Thorn, John, 267; Webster, 105, 113 Thorne, S. S , Dr., 389 Thornton, Henry, 164; & Chester, 163 Thresher, Benjamm, 246 Throop, H. N., Capt., 76 Thurber, D., 131 Tice David, 376; James A., 327 Tiebout, Norton, 294 Tierney, John, 126 Timber and lumber trade, the, 76 Timmerman, John, 271 Timon, John, Rt. Rev., 231 Timons, John H., 196 Timothv, Charles D., 246; H. B., 259 Tindall,' William, 78 'J'inker, Ezra, Rev., 130 Titus, Isaac, 113; Theodore M., 329 Todd, John, 276; William and Kelsev, 271 Tompkins, Cornelius, 98; C. B., 323; H. S., 191. 239; Ira, 99, 324, 326; James S., 95, 358; Samuel, 179, 239, 240; William, 338, 357; W. W.. 96, 191 Tonawanda Iron and Steel Co., 352; Lighting and Power Co., 346; Lumber and Saw Mill Co., 350; Street Railroad Co., 347 Tong, George W., 355 Tonti, Henri de, 9, 10 Tower, Frank H., Salem and Peter, 309; George P., 259; H. B., 259; Otis, 258; Peter. 97, 258, 260; Peter S., 96, 256, 259; Stephen, John and David, 307 Town, Joseph B. , 241 ; Salem L., 241 Town meeting, the first in the countv, 43 Townsend, Bronson & Co., 293; Daniel J., 146, 182; George B., 94; Jacob, 64, 282, 295; John P., 319; Samuel, 95; Sheldon C, 282, 300, 301; W. A., Dr. 93; William C, 282 Towsley, William, 337 Tracy, A. H., 359; Jerry, 274 Traders' Paper Co., 168 Travel, means of, in 1824. 65 Traverse, Samuel, 87 Treadway, A. C, Rev., 140, 144, 150 Treadwell, Varnum, 268 Treat, Cornelius, 318 Treat\r of Ryswick, results of, 14 Treichler, Daniel, 358; Henrv, 358; Samuel, 288 Trevor, Frank N., 97, 112, 139. 167; Joseph, 167; J. B., 167; Manufacturing Co., 167; W. W., 167 Tripp, Abial, 253; Cyrus, 267; Henrv, 333; Henrv, 2d, 334; James, 334 Trott, James" F., 94, 182, 191, 193-196, 213 Trowbridge, Charles, 245 Trude, Atf red S. , 383 Tryon, Amos, 293; Amos S., 295; A. W., Dr., 390; Joseph, 294; N. & Co., 294 Tucker, Carl, 377; Morris, H., 106, 107, 169-171 Tufford, Philip, 179 Tugby, Thomas, 182 Tullv, Thomas H., 357 Tunis, W., 186 Tuohey, Patrick H., 171, 384 Tupper, Samuel, 360, 361 Turner, August, 263; C, Dr., 390; E. J., 376; Jeremiah, 252, 271 ; Joseph W., jr., 171 ; C)rsamu.s, 107, 108, 121, 170 Turrell, Peter T., 268; William, 271 Tu.scarora Reservation, 283 Tuttle, Edward, J., 276; George M., 377; William E., 116, 187; WiUiam G., 143, 181, 182 Tyler, Harrison W.,350; Jared, 104 Tyrrill, C. C, Dr., 389 Udall* Oliver, 178 Underwood, Cornelius, 122; Spellman, 271 United Indurated Fibre Co., 167 Upson, Homer. D. , 125; Homer J., 377; William H., 171 Uptold, John, 128 Upton, T. T., 308 Utley, G. H.. 105, 172 Valentine, William, 177 Van Brocklin, David, 274; John, 274; W. J., 274 VanBuren, W. W., Dr.. 389 Van Cleef, Lawrence, 190 H5 Van Cleve. James, Capt., 10, OS, 75, -iVH. 296 Vandervoorte. J. J)., 344; Levant, R., 345, 357; William, 98, 337, 338. 341, 347, 358 Van Dewater, R. J., Capt., 7G \'an Duzen, Charles H.. 100, William, 170 Vaney, William, 233 Van (lautzhorne, W., Rev., 134 Van Horn, Burt. 99, 213; Cornelius, 322, 324; Daniel, 97, 249-252; Henrv. 377; James, 45. 90, 252; 322. 324-326, 328, 362; James, jr. 99. 322. 327; ]nhn. 98- 100. 114; Willis, 229 Van Husen. N. K.. 223 Van Norman, William, 178 \"an Rensselaer. Rensselaer, 72 ; Stephen, Gen., 48, 49; Rev. Dr., 153 Van Shuler D., 127 \'an Slyke, Alvin, :!34 ; (iarret, James and JIartin, 332 Van Valkenburgh. Charles M., 126, 187, 139; Daniel, 171; D. A., 94, 112. 127, 133. 138; Thomas N.. 99. 127 Van Voast. James, Rev., 154 Van Wagner. Almon, 86 Van Wagoner, Albert, 318; Alfred, 99; Morgan, 316, 318; Theodore, 272 Vaughn, Daniel, 271 Vedder, James, 221; Thomas, 155 Vicarv, William H., 377 Vickers, William H., 148 Viedt, Louis, 94 Vogt, (ieorge, 221 ; Jacob, 153; Jacob H., 225; Jacob J., 225, 238 Voght, Martin, 180 Voke, Edward, 127 Volmer, M. J., 96 Von Rohr, Henrv, Rev. ,343 Vosburgh. Abram, 310; O.E., 310, S., 31?J Vrooman, John, 258 Wadhams, Perry G., 171 Wadsworth, William, Gen.. 48 Wagenschuetz. Frederick P., 346; Fred F. , & Co. , 357 Wagner. Henry. 358; John. lOi) Waite, Maria, 237 Wakeman, Alfred, 86; K. A., 108; E. J., 99; Harvev, 329; Stephen. 104. 249; Stephen C, 303. 309 Walbridge Henrv. 13(), 163, 164, 169; Mrs., 137 Waldo, Ephraim, 249 Walk, Albert, August, Christopher and Gottlieb, 358 Walker. William D.. Rev., 133 Wallace. B. P.. 377; Marietta, Mrs., 155; N. L.. 276; W. C, 377 Walsh, Michael. 145, 182; N., 213; W. W., Rev., 153, 154 Walter. Frederick, 272; Peter D., 94, 100, 114 Wands, Ernest H.. 186 War of 1744-48. 19; War of 1756-1763, 20-29; of 1812 after the, 64; of 1812, causes of, 47 Ward, James, 180; Joseph A., 92, 116, 123, 124, 126, 17(t; N. M., 190. 337; Rensselaer. 256 Warden. L. B., 337; William L., 80 Ware, Henrv S.. 225; Je.sse. 177; Samuel L.. 182 Warner, Gad, 249; Henry E., 99. 357, 378; John, 322; lohn. Dr., 387, 388; Ralph G., 246; Thomas E., 345, 354 Warren. Asa, 330; Benjamin C, 327; Charles A., 94. 171 ; Edwin, 172; Ezra, 105, 159, 172, 244. 248; Franklin, 345 356; George, 354; George M., 358 Isaac, 172; James, 259; John. Dr., 328 Josiah, 172i W. H., 319; William P., Capt., 81 :& O' Regan. 354 Warren's Corners. 172. 243. 244 Washburn. Daniel. 99, 105, 170, 171, 268; Marcellus, 322 Waterhouse, John, 257; Rol^ert, 303 Waters, David, 244 Watkins, C. W., 345 Watson, Charles V., Dr., 389; W. A., Rev., 155; William S.. Di:, 191, 390 Watt, William. 358 Wattengel, Andrew J., 190, 191; Louis J., 346 Watters, Fowler, Dr., 392 Watts, John C. 253 Wav, Nathan. Dr.. 388 Ways. Joseph E.. 296 Weatherby. Ira, 271 Weaver. Erastus, 246; Francis P., 139, 171 ; Richard, Col., 250; Russell, 245 Webb, Andrew R.. 319; Ezekiel, Dr.. 104; James, 267; , Dr., 386 Webster, Thomas M.. 374 Weed. Thurlow, 69 Weeks, George S. , Capt., 76 Wehner. Adam J.. 334 Weinback, W., Rev., 343 Weinheimer, Fred, 358 Welch, Almira, 312; A. L., 310; James. 253; Thomas v.. 89, 99. 187. 191. 195, 200, 225, 233, 234 Weld, Willard, 93, 94; William. 171 Welland, Frederick. 271 Welles, E. R., Rev., 135, 152 246 Wells, Edmund S., 197; David J., 334 Wendel, Martin and Mathias, 334 Wendelville, 335 Wendt, August M., 357; William, 358 Wentworth, Ezra P., 112 Werth, August and Charles, 358 VV'^est, jr., Charles H., 87; Joseph, Dr., 386; W. J., Rev., 238 Westcott, Asa, 271 Westerman, ir., George W., i)7 ; & Co., 164 Western Block Company, 169; Inland Lock Navigation Company, 67 Westgate. Jeremiah, 271 Weston, A., & Co., 350 Wetmore, Walter E., 303 Weyand, John, 271 Wheattield, town of, 337-360; churches of, 147-149, 343, 358-360; tirst town meeting in, 337; pioneers of, 338-341; Prussian settlers in, 341 ; schools of, 358; village of Niagara in, in 1824, 339 Wheeler, Noah, 271; Ru.ssell, Rev., 135; William, Dr., 250, 389, 390 Whipple, Jeremiah, 302, 308 Whitbeck, H. M., 163; John, 241 White, Abel, 293; Andrew, 239; A. G., 108 ;B. H.. 182; Francis B.. 171 : Hollis, 99, 145; James G., 246; Robert, 118, 171; Samuel, 267; Sanford, 293, 294; Stephen, 351 ; & Hecker, 223 Whitefield, William and John, 259 Whitman, George H., 85; Jcrlm L., 282, 294 Whitmore, Charles, 171 Whitney, Barnabas, 313; C. C, 294; Chauncey H., 142; John, 95; Joseph, Capt., 76; Parkhur.st, 93, 94, 178, 181, 183-185. 190, 191; S. M. N., 146, 147, 225; Theodore, 180; Theodore S., 182 Whiton, Alpha, 80 Whitlam, John, 319 Whittaker, Lyman, 259 Whittleton, Edward, 310 Whitton, Archibald, 316 Wicker, H. K., 118, 119; Hiram H., 171 Wickham, G. A., 274, 275 Wichterman, Chauncey, 338, 358 Wiedman, Leonard, 346 VVilber, Joshua, 94 Wilbur, Charles, 43, 104, 240; Sidney, Rev., 154 Wilcox, Benjamin, 312; Charles, 182, 274; Charles W., 316, 319; Elisha, 309; F. U., 215; Oliver L., 271 Wilkeson, Samuel, 360 Wilkins, William, Dr., 389 Wilkinson. James, Gen., 51, 286; Rens- selaer S., 162, 171 Willard, Oliver L., 170 W^illett, James, M.. Major, 87, 89; Jona- than, 170 Willey, W. E., 378 Williams, Allen, 267, 278; August, Gus- tav H. and William, 358; Charles, 252 383; Cyrus F., 334; Edward T., 222 319 ; Erastus L., 271 ; F. C, 246 ; Henry 84; James, 280: James, jr., 267; John 122, 170, 246, 342; JohnS.,383; Jonas 361; Joshua, 302, 307; J. M., 272; Le Rav, 87; William, Capt., 76; William A., '127, 139; W. G.. Capt., 74 Willie, Charles G., 259 Wilhs, Joseph, 190; Joseph H., 154 Willoughbv & Hathaway, 350 Wilmot, H. A., Dr , 157, 275 Wilson, Calvin, 245; Charles A., Frank and Benjamin, 309; Charles L., 277; Daniel, Edward, Robert D., Stephen S., and William T., 327; Frank E.. 239; George B., 86, 99; H. A., Dr., 390; H. McG., Dr., 390; John, 257; John H., 95; John S., 311; Lorenzo S.. 311; Luren D., 309; Luther, 99, 302, 305, 308-310, 312-314; Reuben, 65, 248, 256, 302-304, 308, 309, 313, 386; Reuben F., 99, 302, 309, 310; R. Baldwin, 86; R. C, 126; R. D., 328; R. L., 158; Stephen, 97; William T., 323 Wilson Collegiate Institute, 312; Cream- ery, Co., 311 ; Harbor Co., 90 Wilson, town of, 302-315; churches of, 313-315 ; earlv roads in, 305 ; first town meeting in , 302 ; house, burning of the, by the British, 305; list of supervisors of, 302; newspapers of, 311; pioneers of, 303-309; schools of, 311, 312; village, 309-313 Windsor, Lloyd, Rev., 135 Winegar, C. E., 80 Winslow, Miriam, Mrs., 321 Winter, Conrad J., 338. 346 Winters, Daniel, Dr., 390 Wire, Emery W., 334; Morris, 334, 336 Wisconsin Lumber Co., 350 Wisner, David, 249; James, 249, 315. 316, 322, 323, 325; Jehiel, Elder, 330; Sam- uel, 383; William, 328; William C, Rev., 128 Witbeck, H. P., 221 Witmer, Abram, 183; Christoper H., 179, 221; John, 45. 178, 183. 200 Witterman, G. D., 271 Wolcott, Anson, 272; JohnS., 159 Wolcottsville, 272 247 Wolf, Christian, 343; N. H., 163 Wollaber, E. A., Dr., 393 Wolsely, Robert B., Rev., 146 Woock, Philip, 334; Martin, 334-336 Wood, Albert, Rev., 149, 156; Harlow v., 132; Major, 60; W. C, Dr., 391 Woodbury, John D., 80; W. H., 191 Woodcock, Edward M., 303; William, 313 Woodford, Henry E., 221, 225; H. E., Mrs., 155 Woodhull, Caleb J., 201 Woodman, Frederick, 284 Woodruff, L. C, 181, 226; L. & A., 294; Richard H . 145, 196; Sally, Mrs.. 143; Stillman C, 346 Woods, Jonathan L., 159, 373, 374; Wakefield, 243; William, 334 Woodworth, Elijah H., 156, 268; John, 271; Luke, Dr., 387 Wool, John E., Capt., 49 Woolever, Philip, 332 Worden, Paul B., 247 Works, J. W., 355; Samuel, 98, 159, 171 Worthington, George, Rev., 154 Wright, F. A., 250; George W., 190; John L., 115; Oraon P., 319; R. G.. Dr., 357; Solomon, 104, 173; Solomon C, 322, 324, 329; Walter P., 87; Will- iam S., 100 Wright's Corners. 173, 329 Wurl, Erdman, 341; Frederick, 358; Martin, 346 Wurtenberter, John, 335 Wyllys, Lvman, 377 Wyner, John, 293 Young, Charles, 95; Charles and Joseph, 247; Christian, 178; C. M., 225; Isaac L., 337; John, 45. 178. 260; Men's Christian Association of North Tona- wanda, 360; Oliver M., 214; Samuel, 178; Samuel and Christian, 193; , Dr., 389 Youngstown village, 260-263; incorpora- tion and officers of, 263 Zeiger, Daniel, 191 Ziehl, Ferdinand, 342 Zimmerman, Nelson, 340; Samuel, 217 Zittle, Conrad, 255-257 Zoss, Charles and S. E., 319 BIOGRAPHICAL. Allen, W. L., Dr., 438, Part H Angevine, Jackson, 438, Part H Babcock, Isaac H., 416, Part II Baker, Flavins J., Dr., 440, Part II Barnard. Thomas P. C. Dr., 437, Part II Bentley, F. W., Dr., 437, Part II Brush, Harlan W., 355, Part I Brush. Walter S., 356, Part I Chapman, Thomas M., 354, Part 1 Cobb, Willard A., 124, Part I Corson, Fred W., 445, Part II Crowley, Richard. 427, Part II Cutler, John. W., 447, Part II De Kleist, Eugene Fr. T., 429. Part II Dornfeld, Albert, 431. Part Part II D wight, A. N., 436, Part II Felton, Benjamin Franklin, 420, Part II Flagler, Thomas T., 409, Part II Gaskill, Joshua, 425, Part II Hickey, Charles, 414, Part II Hodge, John. 417, Part II Honeywell, Charles E., 311. Part I Kaltenbach, Andrew, 425, Part II La Bar. John W., 436, Part II Landreth, William. 435, Part II Lehon, William S., jr., 439, Part II Leo-Wolf. Carl G.. Dr., 434, Part II McKeen, Albert E., 430. Part II Me-seroll. Philip H., 441, Part II Millar, David, 413, Part II Mullaney, Patrick T.. Rev.. 426, Part II Palmer, Charles Newell, Dr., 423. Part II Payne, Lewis S., Col., 410, Part II Peterson, Charles, 418, Part II Philpott, William A., jr., 442, Part II Pierce, Henry F. , Maj., 415, Part II Pool, Wilber T.. 434, Part II Pool, William, 432, Part II Potter, Alvah K., 414. Part II Richardson. Moses Crandall, 440, Part II Rieger. Frank, 439. Part II Schoellkopf, Arthur. 423. Part II Shafer. John W., 443, Part II Spalding, Linus, 412, Part II Sterritt, William J.. 431. Part II Trott. James Fullerton, 421. Part II Vogt, Jacob J.. 444. Part II Wands, Ernest H.. 444, Part II Ward. Joseph A., 445, Part II Warner, Thomas E.. 354, Part I Whitnev. Parkhurst, Gen.. 405. Part II Whitnev. Solon JI. N.. 408, Part II William's, Edward T.. 222, Part I Witmer. Joseph. 443, Part II 248 PART III. Acheson, Edward G., 103 Ackerman, Arthur A., 167 Adams, Samuel, 121 Albert, John, 53 Allan, William, 9 Allen, Arthur N., 155 I. N., 167 Norman O., 13 Angevine, feremv, 167 Arisen, William H., 31 Arkush, Solomon F., 21 Armitage-Herschell & Co., 103 Armitage, James, 103 Armstrong, Andrew M., 198 Seiner E., 36 Arnold, Henry F., 166 John B., 102 Atwater, James, 103 Austin, Ansel P., 167 Babcock, Edward O., 26 Bachelder, Ozro, 107 Baer, John G., 140 Bailey, Perrin C, 199 Bangham, Gaston J., 118 Barnum, Elizabeth, Mrs. 105 Barr, Robert. 108 Barrally, T. W., 183 Batt, Frank, 183 J. B., 13 Michael, 144 Batten, George W., 107 Beccue, August J., 182 3Bedenkapp, W. J., 136 Belden, Francis C, 104 George D., 52 Bellinger, W. H., 152 Benedict, Henry L., 107 Bendinger. Louis, 106 Benham, Nathaniel L., 21 Bennett, Arthur M., 140 Bentley, Delevan F., 147 Berger, Herman U., 32 Bierstadt, Charles, 26 Biggins, Jesse G., 217 Binkley, Uriah, 104 Bissell, Mina C, 106 Bixby, Chauncey E., 182 Blackley, William J., 107 Blake, T. A., 37 Bliss. J. S., 184 Blum, Jacob, 127 Boore, Lewis A., 57 Bowen, Edward P., 184 Bower, John, 182 Bowers, Joseph, 181 Bowles, George Charles, Dr., 105 Boyd, James H., 117 Braas, Charles F., 108 Nicholas D., 108 Brackenridge, William A., 155 Bradley, Artemas A., 192 Daniel, 130 G. H., 37 Briggs, F. C. H.. 184 Warren C, 127 Brigham, John, 117 Brighton, Thomas, 182 Broecker, E. W., 183 Brong, Daniel E., 106 Bronson, Noah Lee. 218 Brooks, Frederick, 28 Brookins, Samuel W., 126 Brophy, Thomas, 5 Brown, Frederick J., 38 James G. O., 37 Wesley P., 19 Brundage, James T., 51 Buck, Champlin Fletcher, Dr., 191 Buckley, James, 106 Burgess, A. F., 183 Arthur T., 181 Burke, Michael, 182 Burns. W. I., Dr., 184 W. R., 142 Burtch, Lewis. 123 Butler, Mighells B.. Capt., 215 Buttery Family, the, 208 Button, Frank E., 38 Campbell, Emmett, 110 Nathan, 131 Canavan, Cornelius T., 5 James W., 53 Cantield, Betsev D., Mrs., 30 Cannon, Elijah' H,, 150 Carey. M. E., Ill Carr, William, 8 William L, 8 Carroll, Daniel C, 109 Carter, El win S., 61 Carver, William H., 176 Cary, Eugene, 108 Cassidy, Michael E., Ill Chapman, David, 176 Harrison S., Ill Charlton, Thomas, 4 ChikLs, James H., 60 Christgau, J. P., 5 Clark, Thomas E., 112 >49 Clark. Thomas F., Rev., 152 Clary. Thomas F. C, 61 Cleveland. Henry T., Dr.. 177 Clench. R. J., 177 Clendenan, C. W.. Dr., 178 Cliffoi-d, James, jr.. 190 Martin, 190 Coates, E. A., 175 Samuel, 176 Cocker, William, 109 Collins, Peter, 110 Colpoys, Henry L. , 124 Compton, James, 187 Comstock, E. T., 14 Cooke, W. J., 197 Cooley, Mark O., 54 Cornell, H. G., 177 Corwin, Phineas H., 202 & Hubble, 109 Cowdrick. William J. S., 178 Cramer, J. A., 110 Cromley, Charles E., 178 Crosier, W. D., 110 Crowe, Michael J., 143 Croy, Peter R.. Ill Cumro, William C, 151 Curtis, W. J., 177 Cushmg, Sarah L., Dr., 15 Damon, Ephraim, 112 Daniels, Willard J., 191 Darcy, Matthew J., Rev., KiO Darrison, John T., 199 Davis, E. W., 160 John W., 35 Davison, Norton E., 15 Dav, Emenson, 112 Dean, Frederick E., 207 Wilham H., 22 De Graff, James H., 95 Delano, Ezra B. , 159 Delmage, Henry J., 94 Denham. B. O., Rev., 19 Denison, Byron B. , 156 Devereaux, John E. , 93 Patrick, 93 Devlin, Samuel J., 9 <3^ .V ^^-n^. ri- ■^ <7^J ^^: <">■. .-fe I'C^ -1* . ,_ A> *ci» .^^''■4 '* ^ o V *.'- -^ ,v -v. V ©■ V . "W^ m. "-^^0^ .<^^ v^ .' '^" :l'^ ■■'.'r l^ . « » o .0' ,' " o ^ 4 C. A- *bv^' -■\ *''■ .:^-i'- '^ ^ %• V ,^^,** ,v.^..?.%. ^^^^^* ^ .'5. ■o V- y •- V/'.p.%'/%.** A ^^ '^'^ •^ .G«- ^ r. " , . <> ' . . »* < s* .■ o V t • o, "^ -^^0^ Q -7 v^' * .°'.';:;4'.-\ -V* .^t^^;