Author. Title-- Class .t'E-Q'SU. Book JrV Imprint i»— 30299-1 GPO BY-LAWS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA Society of the Sons of the Revolution AND CHARTER OF THE SAME TO WHICH IS PKEKIXED THE Constitution of the General Society CONSTITUTION OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY AND BY-LAWS Oi^ NORTH CAROLINA CONTAINING AMENDMENTS IN FORCE UP TO 1908. BY-LAWS NORTH CAROLINA Society of the Sons of tlie Revolution AND CHARTER OF THE SAME TO WHU'H IS PREFIXED THE Constitution of the General Society CONSTITUTION OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY AND BY-LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA CONTAINING AMENDMENTS IN FORCE UP TO 1008. RALEIGH : Commercial Printing Company 1 1)09 The Society ;9oS Toiiiporarily Instituted. October 24, 1893. Permanently Organized, November 21. ISOo. Legally Incorporated, .Tanuary S, 1S04. INCORPORATORS. Elias Carr.* Kemp Plummer Battle, LL.D.,t Marshall DeLancey Haywood, Daniel Harvey Hill. Herbert Bemerton Battle, t Robert Brent Drane, D. D., Samuel A'Coitrt Ashe,! Peter Evans Hines, M. D.,'- Alexander Quarles Holladay. t William Joseph Hawkins, M. D. Thomas Stephen Kenan, Edmund Burke Haym'ood. M. D.,* Frank Battle Dancy, i Bosworth Clifton Beckwith. t Graham Daves,* Joseph Doijsy Myers." ♦Dead. tMembership has ceased. TTransferred to Virginia .Society in is;)?. OFFICEIRS General Society of the Sons of the Revolution APRIL, 1908-APRIL, 1911. GENERAL PKESIDENT, HoxX. JOHN LEE CARROLL. Ellicott City, Md. GENERAL VICE-PRESIDENT. EDMTTND WETMORE. 34 Pine Street. New York City. SECOND GENERAL VICE-PRESIDENT. WILSON GODFREY HARVEY, Charleston . S. (\ GENERAL SECRETARY, JAMES MORTIMER MONTGOMERY, No. 302 Front Street, New Yorlv City. AS.SISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY, WILLIAM LIBBEY, Sc. I>.. Princeton. N. J. GENERAL TREASURER. RICHARD McCALL CADWALADER, 133 S. 32th Street. Phihulelphia, Pa. ASSISTANT GENERAL TREASURER. HENRY CADLE. Bethany. Mo. GENERAL CHAPLAIN. The Rev. EDWARD EVERETT HALE. S. T. D., LL. D., 39 Highland Street. Roxhnry. Mass. GENERAL REGISTRAR. WALTER OILMAN PA(iE. Fenway Studios, Boston. Mass. GENERAL HISTORIAN. AVILLIAM GORDON McCABE, LL. D., Richmond. Va. OFFICERS Nortli Carolina Society of tlie Sons of the Revolution NOVEMBER, 1908-NOVEMBER, 1909. PKKfSIDENT, Hon. THOMAS S. KENAN, llaleigb. VICE-PRESIDENT, HoK. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Raleigh. SECRETARY, MARSHALL DeLANCEY HAYWOOD, Raleigh. registrar, DANIEL HARVEY HILL, Lit. D., West Raleigh. treasurer, HERBERT WORTH JACKSON, Raleigh. CHAPI^lN, The Rev. ROBERT BRENT DRANE, D. D., Edenton. BOARD OF MANAGERS: The Officers, cw officio, AND Alexander Boyd Andrews, Jr., Chairniaii. Carle Augustus Woodruff. U.S.A., Junius Davis, William Enos Stone, Charles Earl Johnson, Collier Cobb, Alfred Moore Scales, Julian Shakespeare Carr, Thomas Maslin. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS : T. S. Kenan. D. H. Hill, Marshall DeLakcey Haywood. CONSTITUTION OF THE General Society of the Sons of the Revolution It being evident, from a steady decline of a proper cele- bration of the ' jSTational holidays of the United States of America, that })opnlar concern in the events and men of the War of the Revolution is gradually declining, and that such lack of interest is attributable, not so much to the lapse of time and the rapidly increasing flood of immigration from foreign countries, as to the neglect on tlie ])art of descendants of Kevolutionary heroes to perform their duty in keeping before the public mind the memory of the services of their ancestors, and of the times in which they lived ; therefore, the Society of the Sons of the Revolution has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of the men who, in the military, naval and civil service of the Colonies and of the Continental Congress, by their acts or counsel, achieved the Independence of the country, and to further the proper celebration of the anniversaries of the birthday of Washington, and of promi- nent events connected with tlie War of the Revolution ; to collect and secure for preservation the rolls, records and other documents relating to that period ; to inspire the members of the Society with the patriotic spirit of their forefathers ; and to promote the feeling of friendship among them. The General Society shall be divided into State Societies, which shall meet annually on the day appointed therefor in their respective By-Laws, and oftener if found expedient; and at such annual meetings the reasons for the institution of the Society shall be considered, and the best measures for carrying them into effect adopted. The State Societies at every annual meeting shall choose a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Registrar, a Treasurer, a Chaplain, and sneli other officers as may by them respectively be deemed necessary, together with a Board of Managers, 'consisting of snch officers, and other members, as may be provided by tlieir respective Constitutions and Bj'-Laws, all of whom shall retain their respective ])()siti(ms until their successors are duly chosen. Each State Society shall cause to be transmitted annually, or oftener, to the other State Societies, a circular letter call- ing attention to whatever may be thought woVthy of observa- tion respecting the welfare of the Society or of the general imion of the States, and giving information <»f the officers chosen for the year; and copies of these letters shall also be transmitted to the General Secretary to be ])reserved among the records of the General Society. The State Societies shall regulate all matters respecting their own affairs, consistent with the general good of the Society ; judge of the qualification of their members or of those proposed for membershi}), subject, however, to the pro- visions of this Constitution ; and expel any member Avho, by conduct unbecoming a gentlenuui or a man of honor, or by an opposition to the interests of the community in general or of the Society in j^articular, nuvv render himself unworthy to continue in membership. In order to form funds that may be respectable, each mem- ber shall contribute npon his admission to the Sdciety, and annually thereafter, such sums as the By-Laws of the respec- tive State Societies may require; but any of such State Societies may provide for the endowment of memberships by the payment of proper sums in capitalization, which sums shall be properly invested as a ])eruianent fund, llie income only of which shall be expended. The regular meeting of the General Society shall be held every three years, and special meetings may be held u])on the order of the General President or upon the recpust of two of the State Societies, and such meetings shall consist of two delegates from each State Societv, and one additional deleii'ate y for every one lumdred members or major fraction thereof; and, on all questions arising at the meetings of the General Society, each delegate there present shall be entitled to one vote, and no vote shall be taken by States. At the regular meeting a General President, a General Vice-President, a Second General Vice-President, a General Secretary, an Assistant General Secretary, a General Treas- urer, an Assistant General Treasurer, a General Chajdain, a General Registrar, and a General Historian, shall be chosen by the majority of the votes present, to serve until the next general meeting, or until their successors are duly cliosen. At each general meeting the circular letters wliieli have been transmitted by the several State Societies shall ])v con- sidered, and all measures taken which shall conduc(> to the general welfare of the Society. The General Society shall have power at any meeting to admit State Societies thereto, and to entertain and determine all questions affecting the qualifications for membership in or the welfare of any State Society as may by proper memorial be presented b}' such State Society for consideration. Any male person above the age of twenty-one years, of good character, and a descendant of one who, as a military, naval or marine officer, soldier, sailor or marine, in actual service, under the authority of any of the thirteen Colonies or States or of the Continental Congress, and remaining always loyal to such authority, or a descendant of one who sigiied the Declaration of Tnde])endence, or of one wlio, as a member of the Continental Congress or of the Ciingress of any of the Colonies or States, or as an official appointed by or under the authority of any such legislative bodies, actually assisted in the establishment of American Indcjiendence by services rendered during the war of the Revolution, becoming thereby liable to conviction of treason against the government of Great Britain, but remaining always loyal to the autliority of the Colonies or States, shall be eligible to meud>er>liip in the Societv. 10 The Secretary of each State Society shall transmit to the General Secretary a list of tlie members thereof, together with the names and official designations of those from whom such members derive claim to membership, and thereafter, upon the admission of members in each State Society, the Secretary thereof shall transmit to the General Secretary information respecting such members similar to that herein required. The Society shall have an insignia, which shall be a badge suspended from a ribbon by a ring of gold; the badge to be elliptical in form, with escaloped edges, one and one-quarter inches in lenglh, and one and one-eighth inches in width ; the whole surmounted by a gold eagle, with mngs displayed, inverted ; on the obverse side a medallion of gold in the centre, elliptical in form, bearing on its face the figure of a soldier iji Continental uniform, with musket slung ; beneath, the fig- ures 1Y75 ; the medallion surrounded by thirteen raised gold stars of five points each upon a border of dark blue enamel. On the reverse side in the center a medallion corresponding in form to tliat on the obverse, and also in gold, bearing on its face the IToudon portrait of Washington in bas-relief, encircled by the legend, "Sons of the Revolution'' ; beneath, the figures 1883 ; and upon the reverse of the eagle the num- ber of the badge to be engTaved; the medallion to be sur- rounded by a plain gold border, conforming in dimensions to the obverse ; the ribbon shall be dark blue, ribbed and watered, edged with buff, one and one-([uarter inches wide, and one and one-half inches in displayed length. The insignia of the Society shall be worn by the members on all occasions when they assemble as such for any stated purpose or celebration, and may be worn on any occasion of ceremony ; it shall be carried conspicuously on the left breast, but members who are or have been officers of the Society may wear the insignia suspended from the ribbon around the neck. The custodian of the insignia shall be the General Secre- tary, who shall issue them to members of the Society under 11 such proper rules as may be formulated by the General Society, and he shall keep a register of such issues wherein each insignia issued may be identified by the number thereof. The seal of the Society shall be one and seven-eighths inches in diameter, and shall consist of the figure of a minute- man in Continental uniform, standing on a ladder leading to a belfry; in his left hand he holds' a musket and an olive branch, whilst his right grasps a bell-rope ; above, the cracked Liberty Bell; issuing therefrom a ribbon bearing the motto of the Society, Egegi viomunentum sere pcreunius; across the top of the ladder on a ribbon, the figures 1770 ; and on the left of the minute-man, and also on a ribbon, the figures 1883, the year of the formation of the Society; the whole encircled by a band three-eighths of one inch wide ; thereon at the top thirteen stars of five points each ; at the bottom the name of the General Society, or of the State Society, to which the seal belongs. BY- LAWS OF The North Carolina Society OF The Sons of the Revolution SECTIOX r. ^a:me of society. The Society shall be known bv the name, style and title of "iSToETn Carolina Society of the Sons of the Revolu- tion." SECTIOX IT. objects. The objects of the Society are social, literary and patriotic ; and the Society is formed for the purpose of perpetuating the memory of those men who. in the military, naval and civil service of the Colonies and of the Continental Congress, during the War of the Revolution, by their acts or counsel, achieved the independence of oiir country ; to stimulate a love for historical study ; to collect and secure for preservation the manuscripts, records and other documents relating to that period — particularly those pertaining to Xorth Carolina ; to inspire the members of the Society with the patriotic spirit of their forefathers, and to promote a feeling of fellowship among its members. SECTIOX III . election of members. Members shall be elected as follows : Candidates shall send their respective applications and dcKnnnents, or other proofs 13 of qualification for membership, tlN'oiigh the Secretary, to the Board of Managers, which is antliorized to judge of the merits of an application in snch manner as the General Con- stitution prescribes. Upon a favorable decision of said Board, or a regularly elected committee thereof, and upon payment of the initiation fee, the applicants shall thereupon become members of the Society. Three negative votes by the Board of Managers, or a majority of those cast, shall con- stitute a rejection of the applicant. The Chairman of the Board of Managers shall appoint annually three members thereof, whose duty it shall be to pass upon the qualifications of applicants for admission into the Society, and report to the said Board of Managers. The Society reserves the ])rivilege of rejecting any nomi- nation that may not be acceptable to it. SECTIOIs^ IV. OFFICERS. The officers of the Society shall be a President, a Vice- President, a Secretary, a Registrar, a Treasurer, and a Chap- lain, who shall be chosen by ballot from among the members thereof annually, and shall hold until their successors are elected and have qualified. The Secretary, Treasurer and Registrar shall be residents of the city of Raleigh. The Society or the Board of Managers may, when it is deemed advisable, elect assistants to the Secretary, Treasurer, or Registrar, and such assistants shall be (\r officiu members of the Board of Managers. SECTION V. BOARD OF AFA^'AGERS. The Board of Managers of the Society shall consist of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Registrar, the Treasurer, and the Chajdain, r.r officio, togetlier with the 14 assistants mentioned in vSection IV, of those By-Laws, and nine others who shall l)e chosen by ballot from among the members of the Society annnally, and shall hold until their successors are elected and have qualified. Five members thereof at any meeting shall constitute a quorum, and three shall constitute a quorum provided the President of the Society or the Secretary be present. The Board sha^l have power to fill all vacancies and to elect its own Chairman, who shall be a resident of the ciij of Raleigh. It may admit members as hereinbefore set forth in Section III, and under the rules prescribed in the General Constitution. It may, through the Secretary, call special meetings of the Society at such times as it may see fit, and shall call such meetings at any time upon the written request of ten mendiers of the Society. It may arrange for commemorative eelelu'ations by the Society. It shall recommend ])lans for promoting the purposes of the Society, authorize the disbursement and ex- penditure of any unappropriated money in the treasury for the payment of the current expenses of the Society, and per- form such other duties as may be elsewhere prescribed in these By-Laws or in the General Constituti(Ui. At each annual meeting of the Society it shall make a report in writing. SECTION YL NOMINATING COMMITTEE. The Society may, at each annual meeting, choose a Nomi- nating Committee of seven members, to nominate officers and members of the Board of Managers for election at the succeed- ing annual meeting, but each member of the Society shall have the privilege of casting his ballot as he may deem best. In case the Society shall not choose such a committee, the Presi- dent shall, prior to every annual meeting, appoint such Nomi- nating Committee from among the members of the Society, e.\clusive of officers and members of the Board of Managers. 15 SECTION VII. PRESIDENT. The President, or, in his absence, the Vice-President, or, iii the absence of both, a Chairman pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and shall have a casting vote. He shall decide all questions of order, subject to an a])|)eal to the Society. SECTION VIII. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society. He shall notify all members of their election, and of such other matters as may be required by the Society. He shall have charge of the Seal, Certificate of Incorporation, By-Laws and Minutes of the Society, and of a duly verified ■copy of the Constitution of the General Society. He, together with the presiding ofticer, shall certify all acts of the Society, and in proper cases authenticate tliein under seal. He shall, under the direction of the Board of Managers, give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society, and attend the same when practicable. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all the proceedings of the Society, and shall give notice to the several officers of all votes, orders, resolves and proceedings of the Society affecting them or per- taining to their respective duties. He shall be Secretary of the Board of Managers and shall keep a record of their meet- ings in the regular minute-book of tlie Society. SECTION IX. REGISTRAR. The Registrar shall receive from the Secretary, file and keep of record, all the proofs upon which memberships have been granted ; a list of all diplomas countersigned by him, and all documents, rolls or other evidences of services in the 16 War of the Revolution, of which the Society may become possessed; and he, nnder the direction of the Board of Man- agers, shall make or cause to be made for file in bis office, copies of such original or certified documents as the owners thereof may not be willing to leave permanently in the keep- ing of the Society. SECTIOX X. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall collect and keep the funds and securi- ties of the Society, and shall deposit them in some bank or banking house, to be designated by the Board of Managers, to the credit of the ''Xorth Carolina Society of the Sons of the Revolution," which funds shall be drawn thence on the check of said Treasurer for the purposes of the Society only. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums as shall be ordered by the Society, or by the Board of Managers. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and payments, and, at each annual meeting, render a statement of the same to the Society, when a committee shall be appointed to audit his accounts. He shall give such security as may from time to time be required by the Board of Managers. SECTION XL CHAPLAIN. The Chaplain shall be a regular ordained minister of a Christian denomination, and shall perform such duties as ordinai'ily ])ertain to such office. SECTIOX XII. HISTORIAN. The Board of Managers shall annually have power to appoint an Historian, who shall keep a detailed record, to be de])osited with the Registrar, of all the historical and com- 17 memorative celebrations of tlie Society; and he shall edit and ])repare for i)ublication such addresses, essays, j)apers and other documents of an historical character wliicli may be read before the Society or of which the Society may become pos- sessed (other than the (^institution, By-Laws and Register of Members, which the Secretary is required to ])ublish) ; and at every annual meeting, if there be a necrolog'ical list for the year then closing, he shall submit the same with care- fully prepared biographies of deceased members. SECTIOAT XIIT. ANNUAL ^MEETING. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held in the city of Raleigh, on the 15th day of Xovend)er (except that when that day is a Sunday, the meeting shall be held on the next ensuing day), at which a general election of officers, mana- gers, and delegates to the General Society, by ballot, shall take place. At such election a majority of the ballots given for any officer or manager shall constitute a choice ; but if, on the first ballot, no person shall receive such majority, then a second ballot shall take place, in which a plurality of votes given for any officer or manager shall determine the choice. Xo votes shall be cast by proxy. At all meetings of the Society, six members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 'No question involving religious doctrine, . or the jjarty politics of the day in the United States, shall ever be dis- cussed or considered in any meeting of the Society. SECTION XIV. COMMEMORATIONS. Tt shall be a standing regulation that the members shall, when practicable, liold a commemorative celebration and dine toffetlier at least once in everv vear. 18 SECTION XV. FEES AND DUES. The initiation fee shall h: Three Dollars. The annual dues shall be Two Dollars, payable on or before the first day of October in every year: Provided, that any member who shall have been elected during the last three months of the fiscal year shall not be required to pay the annual dues for the current fiscal year. The payment at any time of Thirty Dollars shall constitute a life-uKmbership, and any person making such payment shall be exempt from the payment of the initiation fee and all yearly dues to which he would otherwise bo liable. If a person already a member of the Society shall become a life-member, no deduction, on account of past payments to the Society, shall be made from the amoimt of the life-membership fee. SECTION XVI. EXPULSION AND SUSPENSION. The Board of Managx rs shall have j)Ower to expel any member who, by 'Conduct uid)econiing a gentleman or a man of honor, may render himself unworthy to continue in mem- bership, but the member expelled shall have a right to appeal from the decision of the Board of Managers to the Society. Whenever the cause of expulsion shall not have involved turpitude nor moral unworthiness, any member thus expelled may, upon the unanimous recommendation of the Board of Managers, but not otherwise, be restored to membership by the Society at any meeting. The Board of Managers shall drop from the roll of mem- bership the name of any member who shall be two years in arrears in the payment of dues, and who, on due notice to pay the same, shall fail and neglect to do so within thirty days thereafter; and, upon thus being dropped, his member- ship shall cease, but he may be restored to membership at 19 auj time by the Board of Managers, npon liis payment of all sncli arrears and annual dues from the date when he first neglected to pay the same to the date of his suspension. The Board of Managers may also suspend any officer from the performance of his duties, for cause, and this proceeding- shall be reported to the Society and acted upon by it at its next meeting, whether special or annual, either by a recission of the suspension or removal of such officer, or by a confirma- tion thereof. When the evidence, upon which any person shall have been elected to membership in the Society, is found to be erroneous or insufficient, and it appears that such person is not qualified for membership, the Board of ]\[auagers, by a four-fifths vote, shall have power to strike his name from the rolls of the Society: provided, that no such action shall be taken without due notice previously given to the person concerned. When the record of any ancestor (if member has more than one) is found to be erroneous, in whole or in part, the Board shall luivc power to order tliat the same l>e corrected or stricken out. SECTIOX XVII. SEAL AND INSIGNIA. The Seal of the Society shall be one and seven-eighths inches in diameter, and shall consist of the figiire of a minute- man in Continental uniform, standing on a ladder leading to a belfry. In his left hand he holds a niusktt and an olive branch, whilst his right grasps a bell-rope. Above is the cracked Liberty Bell ; issuing therefrom is a ribbon bearing the motto of the Society, Exegi monument um sere perennius. Across the to)) of the ladder on a ribbon is the date "1776," and on the left of the minute-man and also on a ribbon, the date "ISSo." The whole being encircled by a band three- eighths of au inch wide; thereon, at the top, thirteen stars 20 of Hvv points cacli ; at tlif lioiioiii, llic title "Xoutii Carolina Society of the Sons oe the Ivi-:\'oErTi().\." Tho following being a fac simile thereof: The Secretary shall be the custodian of the Seal, which shall be identical in every particular with tlie above descrip- tion. 21 The Insignia of the Society shall be identical in every particular with that described in the General Constitution. Th(> following- being a fac simile thereof: On occasions other than tlu^ meeting for any stated ])urpose i:»r celebration, members may wear a rosette of the prescribed ribbon and pattern in the upper button-hole of the left lapel of the coat. The Treasurer shall procure and issue rosettes to all members. The following is a fac simile of the same, which shall not exceed fifteen milimetres in diameter: 22 SE( TLON XVIII. DECEASE OF MEMBERS. Any iiKiiiber, upon being informed of the decease of a member, shall make it his business to see that the Secretary is promptly notified of the fact, which fact shall also, in due time, be communicated to the Society. It shall be the duty of members, when practicable, to attend the obsequies. SECTIOX^ XIX. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. jMeeting called to order by the Presiding Officer. 2. Prayer by the Chaplain. o. Pcading of Minutes of prior meetings, not previously acted upon. 4, Election of officers and managers, when, necessary. 5. Election of delegates to General Society, when neces- sary. (). Communication from or report of Board of Managers. 7. I\e])ort of officers. S. Keports of special committees. {). Miscellaneous business. 10. Closing prayer by the Cha])laiu. SECTIOX^ XX. ALTERATIOA'S A>;D AMENDMENTS. X^o alteration or amendment to these By-Laws shall be made except at a meeting of the Society, and by a vote of three-fourths of the members present. CHARTER NORTH CAROLINA— Wake Couxty. These articles of agreement to form a Society, aiul to be incorporated as such, entered into by and between tlic persons whose hands and seals are hereunto set, Witness: That the persons whose hands and seals are hereunto set, and tliose whom they may hereafter associate with them, have mutually agreed to form a Society and become incorporated as such, pursuant to chapter 19 of the Laws of 1885, and others acts amendatory of chapter 16, volume I, of The Code of North Carolina, and to that end they do hereby set forth, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake Comity, the following : 1. The corporate name shall be ''North Carolina Society OF THE Sons of the Revoeution." 2. Tlie objects of said Society are social, literary and patri- otic; and it is established for the purpose of perpetuating among their descendants the memory of those brave men who ])eriled their lives and iiiterests in the War of the Revolution to wrest the American Colonies from British dominion. 3. The place where it is purposed to establish the head- quarters of said Society is the city of Raleigh. 4. The length of time desired for the continuance of said corporation is thirty years. 5. The names of the persons who have become members of the said Society are as follows : Elias Carr, Kemp Plum- mer Battle, Marshall DeLancey Haywood, Daniel Harvey Hill, Herbert Bemerton Battle, Robert Brent Drane, Samuel A'Court Ashe, Peter Evans Hines, Alexander Quarles Holla- day, William Jose])h Ha^vkins, Thomas Stephen Kenan, Edmund Burke Haywood, Frank Battle Dancy, Bosworth Clifton Beckwith, Graham Daves and Joseph Dolby Myers, all of whom are citizens of North Carolina ; and reside in the wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 24 city of Raleigh, with tlic oxecption of Kemj) Plummer Battle, who resides in the town of Chapel Hill ; Robert Brent Drane, who resides in the town of Edenton; Graham Daves, who resides in the town of X(^w Bern, and fFoseph Dolby Myers, who resides in the town of Washington. G. The nnmber, qnalitications, ]irivileges, and method of election of members, officers and managers, shall be fixed by the By-Laws of the Society: Provided, that no person shall be admitted as a member of the Society (except npon proof, documentary or historical, that he is a descendant of an ances- tor who was in the civil, military or marine^ service of the American Colonies during the War of the Revolution, and inder such further restrictions as the By-Laws niaj^ impose. 7. Any member may voluntarily cease to be a member of the Society Avhenever he sees fit to withdraw therefrom, sub- ject to the approval of the Board of Managers ; and an}^ per- son may be expelled, ov may forfeit his membership, under such rules and regulations as may be fixed by the By-Laws. 8. jSTo person shall have the right to sell or transfer his membership, or his rights or privileges as such, or to sub- stitute another in his place ; and any person ceasing to be a member, whether voluntarily, or by expulsion, suspension or death, shall forfeit all rights and claims in and to the property of the Society, and all privileges of membership therein, and all his interest in such property shall vest in the Society absolutely. 0. Xo member shall be individually or personally liable for any debt or liability of the Society. 10. The officers of the Society shall be a President, a Vice- President, a Secretary, a Registrar, a Treasurer, a Chaplain, and such others as may from time to time become necessary. 11. The general management of the Society shall be vested in a Board of Managers, consisting of fifteen members, which number shall include the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Registrar, the Treasurer, and the Chaplain, ex officio. 25 12, Until a vciiular election shall be held pni'^^iuint to the By-Laws, the followinii' shall he The officers and I)oard of Manag-ers of the 8(K'iety : President — Elias Carr. ^"ice-President — Kemp P. Battle. Secretary — ^larshall DeLancey Haywood. Registrar — D. H. Hill. Treasnrer— H. B. Battle. C^haplain — Roliert Brent Drane. Board of Managers — Elias Carr, Kemp Plnmmer Battle, Marshall DeLancey Haywood, Daniel Harvey Hill, Herbert Bemerton Battle, Robert Brent Drane, Samuel A'Conrt Ashe, Peter Evans Hines, Alexamler Qnarles Holladay, William Joseph Hawkins, Thomas Stejdien Kenan, Frank Battle Dancy, Bosworth Clifton Beck with, Graham Daves and Joseph Dolby Myers. In testimony whereof, the parties have herennto set their hands and seals, this the 22d day of December, A. D. 1893. Elias Carr. [Seal] Alex. Q. Holladay. [Seal] Kemp P. Battle. [Seal| W. J. Hawkins. [Seal] Marshall DeLancey Haywood. [Seal] Tho: S. Kenan. [Seal] D. H. Hill. [Seal] E. Burke Haywood. [Seal] H. B. Battle. [Seal] F. B. Dancy. [Seal] ROBT. B. Drane. [Seal] B. C. Beckwith. [Seal] S. A. Ashe. [Seal] Graham Daves. [Seal] P. Vj. Hines. [Seal] .Joseph D. Myers. [Seal] Witness : ^[AKsnALL DkL.vxoky Haywood. m^^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 20 ^^ORTII CAKOLIXA, ^ Wake County. j Siipi'nor ( 'ourl. The execution of the foregoing articles of agreement and place of incori^oration of "North Carolixa Society oe THE Soxs OF THE Revoeutiox" was acknowledged before me bv Marshall DeLancet Haywood, one of the grantors, for the purposes therein expressed, as to himself; and the execu- tion of the foregoing instrument, as to tin- oTh( r sid)scribers, was this day jiroven before me by tlie oath and examination of Marshall DeLancey Haywood, tlie subscribing witness thereto. Let the said articles of agreement and place of incor])ora- tion, with this certificate, be recorded. Witness my hand and official seal, this 1st day of January, 1894. [official seal.] Jxo. W. Thompson, Clcrl' ^uppi'tor Court. No. 29. State of North Caroltxa. To all irlioiii tliese presotts sJiaJI come — (Ireetixc;: Know ye. That it appears from the CV-rtificate from the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County that the follow- ing named persons, Elias Carr, Kemp P. Battle, Marshall DeLancey Haywood, D. H. Hill, H. P>. Battle, Robt. B. Drane, S. A. Ashe, P. E. Hines, Alex. Q. Holladay, W. J. Hawkins, Tho: S. Kenan, E. Burke Haywood, F. ]>. Dancy, B. C. Beekwith, Graham Daves and Joseph D. Myers, here- tofore, on the 22d day of December, 189:], signed and filed Articles of Agreement for the formation of a private corpora- tion before said Clerk, and eo])y of said Articles of Agree- ment, duly certified by said Clerk under tlie seal of said Court, have been filed and recorded in this office, as prescribed in chapter 318 of the Acts of 1893. 27 jSTow, thebefoee. Under the power and autliority vested in me by chapter 318 of said Acts of 1893, I do hereby declare the persons signing said Articles of Agreement duly incorporated, nnder the name and style of "IvTokth Caeo- LiNA Society of tpie Sons of the Revolution/' for the period of thirty years from and after the 1st of January, 1894, for the purposes set forth in said Articles of AgTee- ment, with all the powers, rights and liabilities conferred and ini]-)osed by law on such corporations. Witness my hand and the Great Seal of the State of ^orth Caro- lina, at office in tlie city of Ral- eigh, this 8th day of January, in the 118th year of our Indepen- dence, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight lumdred and ninety-four. Oct : Coke, Secretary of State. J ii^uji LIBRARY OF CONGRESS