' LICKSTEIN'S G ^ ■ ' SYSTEM PRACTICAL METHODS OF DESIGNING ACCORDING TO PROPORTIONS. ^ ^ p LADIES', MISSES' ^^/^ AND CHILDREN'S ^ \Jef'^% ^ GARMENTS V» By PH. GLICKSTEIN. 190 9. The Reich Printing Co., 167 Rivington Street, NEW YORK. max (^Mm^ ij^aa rumplrteii tlif (Coursp of dlnatrurtion in ?r.3rribpb in gjltc ^Hchtcin ^((signing School anb Ijafl paasri a BaliBfartoru pxaniinatinn anb ia thprffnrr berlarp& tn bp a graiiuatp nf aaiii SuatiUrtiflii. 3)n ©Patimnny IBljprpnf 3 Ijaur lirrruutn affixfi mg Ijanii in the (Eitg nf Nmu ?ork. \\\\i ~ - ^^ ~' / />-^^v >• ■j/ lO 1/ / //-, 5ST- / / 1 L /y 0/ DIAGRAM No. 33. Seven Gore Skirt. .^6 GLICKSTEIN'S SYSTEM DIAGRAM No. 34. Nine Gore Skirt. G LI CKST KIN'S SYSTEM 37 DIAGRAM No. 35. Eleven Gore Skirt. .DIXJ 11 pX U-^^^pD 38 GLICKSTEIN'S SYSTEM 'Ol?* ,?/// « DIAGRAM No. 36. Nine Gore Corset Skirt. GLICKSTEIN'S SYSTEM 39 DIAGRAM No. 37. Thirteen Gore Skirt. .D-){^ 13 13^ uy-z 16 34 24 15 isy. 15>^' 18 18 18 20 36 38 25 26 43 44 CHILDREN'S A.ND INFANTS 2 22 25 22 23 24 24 26""" 9 10 9 10 11 9>^ 10 \^y 11 ll'^'2 12 4 6 28 11 8 26^ 25 30 12 12 10 12 28 29 26 26;-^' 32 13 14 13 14 34 LADIES' SKIRTS Waist Hips Front Side Back 25 26 43 44 42 42 43 44 43 44 28 30 45 46"""' 48 42 43 44 44 44 42 42 43 43 32 MISSES' SKIR.TS 24 43 40 41 42 23 42 40 ""'40 40 40 41 42 22 41 41 42 21 40 41 41 42 20 39 42 INDEX PAGE Bishop Sleeve 28 BoxCoat 9 Box Coat (size 12) 46 Box Coat (Children's, size 8) 47 Children's Coat (size 8) 48 Corset Jacket 11 Circle Skirt 41 Cape with a dot 31 Cape without a dot 32 Collar, Storm (6 pieces) , 30 Collar, Storm (4 pieces) 30 Collar, Standing 30 Eaton Jacket 18 Eleven gore Skirt 37 Empire Skirt 41 French Tight-Fitting Jacket (10 gores) 7 French Tight-Fitting Jacket (Full Back) 12 Fly-Front Tight-Fitting Jacket 6 Five gore Skirt 34 French Hipless Coat (Miss) 43 Hipless Coat (Miss — French front) 44 Hood 52 Hipless Coat (8 gores) 8 Hipless Coat (8 gores — French front) 13 Hipless Coat, Long 17 PAGE Hipless Coat (French back and dot in front) 20 Long Tight-Fitting Coat 16 Long Coat in four parts 21 Legging 52 Nine gore Sicirt .• 36 Nine gore Corset Skirt 38 Opera Coat 51 Princess Gown 15 Prince Albert 25 Russian Blouse 19 Riding Skirt 42 Ragalan 23 Ragalan Sleeve 24 Sleeve, Narrow Coat 26 Sleeve with wide top or head 27 Sleeve, Wide (with cuff) 29 System for a Cape 32 Seven gore Skirt 35 Seventeen gore Skirt 40 Sleeve, Children's (size 8) 49 Sleeve, Children's (size 12) 50 Tight-Fitting Jacket (11 gores) 10 Tight-Fitting Military Jacket (Short) 14 Tight-Fitting Jacket (2 dots in front) 22 Three gore Skirt 33 Thirteen gore Skirt 39 Tight-Fitting Jacket (Miss) 48 Z7^ gff S6 IslC LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 061 990 5 "• -• z^'V^=*^*^■ ^^