Til* rcop y j ; - an IT r - ")j > *%; THE BY m. T. ,J. liEITHEHD, J? The Elegant Exeuvslon Steamep, , Can be chaptered fot< Ejteufsions at vei»y reasonable fates during the Summer Season. Officf, 118 Water street. No ribbon to blur writing. No shifting for capitals. Mis-alignment impossible. Double manifolding capacity, Speed practically unlimited. Simplest, lightest, stronges and best writing machine ii existence. Type writing papers, ribbons. carbons. &c, at reduce prices. Descriptive list and samv. book on application. WM. G.JOHNSTON & CO., Penn Ave., Cor. Ninth S". PITTSBURGH, PA. Tor Suns, Rifles,' I^erolvers, and Sperling ©oods of all kinds go to 934 Liberty St., Cor. Smithfield. SUIT'S PITTSBURGH PENN' A I A THE LEADER! Y R g Trimmings, Silks, Dress Goods, Motions, Etc G- f^ugs, Oil Cloths and Upholstery Goods. O S Z> Cor. Carson and 17th St. SOUTH SIDE. S * THE * MIMES' * CHOICE. * The New No. 9 WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE, with Automatic Tension and Improved New Wood Work. The FINEST, the BEST and a wonder to all who see it. ^ Has no equal. To try is to buy. Office, No. 6 Sixbf) Sbreeb, The Old Establishment of James Shidle & Son. OUR 61st YEAR. S. Geter C. Shidle, Telephone 953. 403 Smithfield St. C. T. RUSSELL. A. JAS. GILLELAND. Quial^er Sfrirt House, ^USSEIiIi St CO. Gents' Fine Kiarnislning Goods, NO. 40 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA. ShiT %TlitranTeld m ' e ' CORRECT STYLES and LOWEST PRICES. J OSEPH EICHBflUJVI & CO., PRINTERS, A * ENGRAVERS A.ND- R CC0U3STT 4- "BOOK * RAKERS. •%8 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh. Established DflBBS 1861. 602 Iribefty Street. The greatest care and the best of judgment used in making a truthful likeness and a pleasing picture. Diagram and Directory New i Court > House, PITTSBURGH, PA. To^h>er laribl) a Con)plebe Li^b of Officers, ai;d Abborpeys Pracbich^ ab bl>e Alle6r;ei)V Cour>by Bar. ; As Compiled by M. T. J. LEITHEAD, Under the Direction of J. Carson Mercer, Esq. Superintendent of the Court House. Copyright Secured Architect, H. H. Richardson, of Brooklina, Mass. Plans arrived, January 1st, 1884. Advertised for bids, June 1st, 1884. Bids opened, August 18, 1884. Contract awarded Norcross Bros.., September 1st, 1884. Contract signed by County Commissioners, September 10th, 1884. Work began on New Court House, July llth, 1885. Corner-stone laid, October 13th, 1885. Work finished, April 17th, 1888. Length of Building, 300 feet 4 inches. Width of Building, 208 feet 4 inches. Height of Building and Tower, 319 feet 4 1 inches. Number of steps from Pavement to Dell Desk in Tower, 283. Building heated with Steam, Hot Air and Natural Gas Fires. Building ventilated by two Fans, drawing air from top of tower to basement, and sending it through the building through air ducts. Incandescent Light for the building is made in the boiler room and numbers twenty -five hundred lights. Supervising Architects, Frank E. Alden and Charles Austin. Supervising Architect at present, Frank I. Cooper. The Plumbing and Gas Fitting in this building was done by CHAS. H. HUMBERT, Sanitary Engineering and Gas Fixtures, Cor. Fourth Ave. and Market Street. -V Pibb^tur^I) s- Tilir><£ *• Coix/papy^ BflOCKliEBAJlK & WflDDEhli, WORKERS IN TILES, •£ Ar;d De?i^r;ers of Arbi^bic Fire Places, 4- NO. 213 WOOD STREET. Stopped Watches and Broken Jewelry finely repaired by BElflflilD E. Broils, JEWEIiEl}, 65 Fifth Ave. Cor. Wood St. Jewelry of every description made to order. Gold and Silver Plating and E ngraving at Lowest Rates. Cld Gold and Silver taken in exchange. I. JACKSON & B^O., Clothiers, Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers, 954 and 956 Liberty Street. Star Corner. GEO. W. BACKOFEN, * BLANK * BOOKS, * STATIONERY, * Artists' Materials, Engineers' and Surveyors' Supplies. GERMAN LITERATURE A SPECIALTY. 428 WOOD STREET, COR. DIAMOND STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. KAY BROTHERS & CO- 121 Water Street, Pittsburgh. Machinery and Supplies For Mines, Railroads, Gil Wells, Manufacturers and Contractors. Steam Engines and Boilers. Pumping Machinery and Hoisting Engines, Wire Rope, Cordage and Oakum, Leather and Rubber Belting, Packing and Hose. Judges of the Courts of Allegheny County. Court of Common Pleas No. 1. PRESIDENT JUDGE. HON. EDWIN H. STOWE. ASSISTANT LAW JUDGE. HON. F. H. COLLIEE. ASSOCIATE DAW JUDGE, HON. JACOB F. SLAGLE. Court of Common Pleas No. 2. PRESIDENT JUDGE. HON. THOMAS EWING. ASSOCIATE LAW JUDGES, HON. J. W. F. WHITE, HON. CHKISTOPHEK MAGEE. Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions of the Peace. PRESIDENT JUDGE, MARCH TERM, HON. THOMAS EWING. PRESIDENT JUDGE, JUNE TERM, HON. F. H. COLLIER. PRDS1DENT JUDGE, SEPTEMBER TERM, HON. CHRISTOPHER MAGEE. PRESIDENT JUDGE, DECEMBER TERM, HON. JACOB F. SLAGLE. Orphans' Court. PRESIDENT JUDGE, ASSOCIATE JUDGE, HON. W. G. HAWKINS. HON. JAMES W. OVER, FIRST FlOOR. Prothonotary's Office. Sheriff's Office. Clerk of Courts' Office. Treasurer's Office. Controller's Office. Commissioners' Office. Register's Office. Recorder's Office. (See Diagram, Page 18.) SECOND FLOOR. Law Library. Court of Common Pleas, No. 1, Room 1. Court of Common Pleas, No. 1, Room 2. Court of Common Pleas, No. 2, Room 1. Court of Common Pleas, No. 2, Room 2. Court of Common Pleas, No. 3, Boom 1. Court of Common Pleas, No. 3, Room 2. Criminal Court, No. 1. Criminal Court, No. 2. Orphan's Court, No. 1. Orphan's Court, No. 2. Lawyers' Waiting Room. Judges' Rooms. County Solicitor's Room. Ladies' Waiting Room. District Attorney's Room. (See Diagram, Page 22.) 'Took p^por ? »' 442 Woop ^t. P'T-fCBWRGH MS W^99: DEMMLER^ BROTHERS, 526 <£ 528 iSW^Wrf £f. HEADQUARTERS FOR Kitchen, House & Furnishing GOODS. AGENTS FOR THE WONDERFUL PASTEUR WATER FILTERS. Alaska Refrigerators, Fly Fans, and an endless vi riety of useful articles. ESTABLISHED 1865 . @ miUVTAUX 6t SOfi, # Manufacturers of JL-WIfcTIIN-Gi-S, 537 and 539 Penn A. venue, PITTSBURGH. Headquarters for Fresh Drugs, Proprietory Medicines and Pure Liquors. The Oldest Wholesale and Retail Drug House in Pittsburgh. One of the secrets of our success is we aim to treat our customers as we wish to be treated ourselves regarding purity and quality of goods. This course makes permanent customers, besides we make uniform low prices to all. In our retail department buyers and customers will find a larger and more complete stock than elsewhere, embracing a full stock of all the old and new proprietory preparations of the day. And buyers will not only save money and time, but annnoyance by calling on us direct. As wholesalers we offer big inducements to dealers. We buy all our goods through first hands, brokers and the manufacturer. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, embracing full lines of both Foreign and Domestic, at prices, for the age and quality of the goods, that is not and cannot be met, some of which we quote : Pure eight-year-old export Guckenheimer Whisky, full quarts, $1.00, or $10 per dozen. Overholt Pure Rye, five years old, full quarts, 11.00, or $10 per dozen. Finch's Golden Wedding, ten years old, full quarts, $1.25, or $12 per dozen. Gin, Pure Holland, our own importation, full quarts, $1.25, or $12 per dozen. Dunville's Old Irish Whiskv, quarts, $1.50. or $15 per dozen. Ramsay's Old Scotch Whisky, distillery at Islay, $1.50 per bottle, full quart. Wise's Old Irish Whisky, distillery at North Mall, Cork, $1.50 per bottle, full quart. All of the different varieties of California Wines you purchase from us are the very best, and only 50c for full quarts or $5 per dozen. Send for complete Price List, mailed free to any address. Jos. Fleming «fc Son, Druggists, 412 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa., cor. of Diamond. THIRD FLOOR. Supreme Court Room. County Engineer. Historical Society Room. County Superintendent of Schools. Sheriff's Sales Rooms. Commissioners' Transcribing Room. County Detective and Clerk to District Attorney Jury Commissioners. Assistant District Attorney. Waiting Room to Grand Jury. Grand Jury Room. Coroner's Office. Recorder's Transcribing Room. Clerk to Supreme Court. Towers. Lavatories. (See Diagram, Page 26.) FIRST STORY, MEZZANINE. Superintendent of Buildings. Ladies' Waiting Room to Criminal Court. Deputy Sheriff's Room. Marriage License Clerk. (See Diagram, Page 19- Allegheny County Offieefs. SHERIFF, Room 2, PROTHONOTARY, Rooml, ALEX. E. McCANDLESS, JOHN BRADLEY, TREASURER, Room 4, WILLIAM HILL. CLERK OF COURTS, Room 3, RECORDER, Room 8, D. K. McGUNNEGLE. W. H. GRAHAM. REGISTER OF WILLS AND EX-OFFICIO CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT, Room 7. SAMUEL P. CONNER, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY. W. D. PORTER. JOHN HAYMAKER. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Room 8. ROBERT E. MERCER, GEORGE Y. McKEE, DANIEL McWILLIAMS. CORONER, COUNTY CONTROLLER, Room 5, HEBER McDOWELL. JOSIAH SPEER. JURY COMMISSIONERS, THOMAS J. CHALFANT, J. J. WALKER, JOHN J. ENNIS, J. W. GILES. COUNTY ENGINEER, WARDEN OF COUNTY JAIL. CHARLES DAVIS. JOHN B. BERLIN. PROTHONOTARY OF SUPREME COURT, JOHN C, NEWMYER. CHIEF ENGINEER, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS, C, R, SHEPLER, SAMUEL HAMILTON. SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING, J. CARSON MERCER. BEST IN THE WORLD. By handling absolutely the best Pi- anos and Organs that can be made, the establishment of Mellor & Home, located at 77 Fifth Avenue, has grown to be the largest in Western Pennsylva- nia. Having the most room in the city for showingour goods, we are able to keep on hand the largest stock of in- struments; hence at our place a person is sure to find the Piano or Organ that suits them. We handle in Pianos, the Hardman, Krakauer, Harrington and Kimball, which stand to-day, the lead- ing Pianos of the world, and these we sell at the lowest possible prices, and on easy monthly payments. In the Palace, Chase and Kimball Organs, we have made the prices so very low and the terms so easy, that everybody can have one. You can get Pianos and Or- gans at our establishment at lower pri- ces than you can anywhere else. Call and see us, or write for catalogues. We have also on hand quite a number of second-hand Pianos and Organs which we will dispose of at extremely low prices. Mellor & Hoene, 77 Fifth Ave. CHAS. KLOPFER, Mershant % Tailor $3 All (Xtool Pants. All Uiool Pants. TO ORDER ^Suibs ab Correspor)dir)6 P Cor. Fifth Avenue and Grant Street, PITTSBURGH. Main Office, 120 Ohio Street, Allegheny. rices. 4" 13 Steam Pumps & Hydraulic Machinery Automatic and Plain Side Valve Engines, Vertical and Horizontal Boilers, Wrought and Cast Iron Pipe and Fittings. ^"Waber \\Tork^ arx£ Pipe Layii)6 a Specialbv.^- j. a. Mccormick, 150 First Avenue. Vacuum * Oil * Company, PITTSBURGH OFFICE, Room 611, Hamilton Building, 91 Fifth Ave., T. R. BOSS, Manager. Telephone 924. IR,. IE. B^IEIRS, ~i Dru££isb, k 516 market Street, PITTSBURGH. OPEJ4 RUU fllGHT. 14 E. P. ROBERTS 9 SON, JJetpqesf Jewelry > < A.VAA ■Ml VIS a a < >• *■ jr 3 a u 5TAW WAY 1 IE < \ HALL V 5TDRY. 17 REGISTER'S ^\ OF FICE J mMT DRIVE WAY |DU~L BE •' it !! 5« K E U 2" s a n £ a h \i UPPER PART SHERIFF'S OFFICE M DRIVE WAY it hi D • DC ui CRIMmAU COURT —I JURY JJ *i x U M UPP£R PART RECfSTER'S OFFICE DRIVE WAY 6 ct r n w f-K te u a e lltSTORV MEZZANINE- IS HGraVe^. _^* C. B. STELZNER, Teacher of Violin and Guitar, 545 Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH. Music Furnished for Weddings, Receptions, Etc. Albert Pitcairn, Formerly of Sailor & Pitcairn- ifcecipr) s • ^pealopirjer ■ Orrjpopmrr), C. A. MUHLANBRING, ) CHAS. W. SMITH, V Cutters JOSEPH tCHOPEL, J 434 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. SUPERIOR CUTTING. SUBSTANTIAL WORK. S. S. HOLLAND, Dpaggist, Cor. Smithfield and Liberty Sts., Near Union Depot. PITTSBURGH, PA. 19 BAKERY and. Con fectionery. 409 & 411 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, F»a. J. J. JWeCOftTO, 401 Smithpield St., 3F3.tts"bia.rg , 3a., I=ei„ Represents all European STEAMSHIP LINES. Sells Drafts on all parts of Europe, Sells tickets over the Pitts- burgh & Lake Erie and Baltimore & Ohio Kailroads, and upon all LAKE STEAMERS, &c. ESPICH'S BIRD STORE, No. 640 Smithfield St. Don't fail to call and see our large collection of YOUNG PARROTS, each of which we guarantee to be a talker. We offer them at $5.00 each. We also have YOUNG MOCKING BIRDS, guaranteed singers, which sell very cheap. 20 CRIMINAL COURT H°2 COURT COM HON PLEAS N?2 ROOM I %„ g 1 / WW UIVXS STAI R WAV / s J» < \ LAW LIBRARY COURT coranrN plus RODHI 2VSTDRY, 21 UPPER PART LAWYERS' WAITING ROOM LAVATORY UPPER PABT COMMON PLEAS H?i. ROOM 2 f COMMON PICAS If- UPPER PART COHHON PLEAS M?8 ROBMI /" f COMMON PLEAS v3L n UPFE& PART COMMON PLEAS N°2 RE8M2 JURY ROOM UPPER PARI COM KEN PLEAS N?? ROONf UPPER PART CRIMINAL COURT N?2 WAV UPPER PART LAW LIBRARY UPPER PART CRIMINAL COURT N9I * LAVATORY UPPER PART | ORPHANS COURT £ ho 65* CONSULTATION ROOM ION A UPPER PART ORPHANS COURT It COMMON PLEAS JURY y UPPER PART I COMMON PLEA5 N93 ROOM 2 JURY ROOM r UPPER PART COMMON PLEAS H?3 BQDM 1 2VITOBY MEZZANINE. 22 The Pittsburgh & Lake Erie R. R., THE SHORTEST, QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE TO CLEVELAND, AND ALL POINTS IN THE NORTHWEST. The Favorite Route to Buffalo and all points in Central and Northern New York and Canada. E- HOLBROOK, Gen'l Supt. A. E, CLARK, Gen'l Pass. Agt Edtiiapd Gr*oetzingei* , Importer and Jobber in Carpebir)^ ar)d Up±)ol^b^ry Goods, 627 and 629 Penn Avenue. * A. . W. • McCLOY, # Corner Diamond and Smithfield Streets, Exclusive Agants for JOHNSTON'S PENNSYLVANIA LAW BLANKS. Wholesale and Retail Blapic Boots, Stationery Pads, Office Supplies, Ete. 23 OlflliTE^ HISTED, 'amous ^qoto^mpher. 4 STUDIO * NOW * OPEN. 4- 35 fifth Avenue. E. HISTED, Gallery, 41 Fifth Avenue. 24 SHERIFFS SALES COMMISSIONERS TRANSCRIBING, ROOM a \ 55 I 4> A-va* aiuj.s STAII1 WAY / ! * \ TOWER 'CCUIITY CC»ECTI' . AND ClCKn TO COHmsjIONCRS L illV I WAITING RHOMT0 GRAND JUfiY ORAND JUflY — ■— > s I I CORONER'S . OFFICfi - i RECORDER'S TRANSCRIBED ROOM 3? STORY. Practising Attorneys at the Allegheny Coanty Bap A CKLIN, GEO. W. Acheson, M. W. Addison, Wm. A. Alcorn, T. B. Allen, Geo. A. Allen, L. M. Alston, D. M. Amnion, S. A. Amniond, C. S. Anderson, W. C. Andrews, Sidney F. Arthurs, Robt. Bailey, J. H. Bailie, J. W. Bakewell, Jas. K. Bakewell, T. W. Bakewell, W. Bakewell, W. & Son Baldwin, J. H. Balph, Jas. Balph, R. A. Barr, F. X. Barton, Q. C. Barton, W. J. Bavne, Thos. M. Bell, D. W. Bell, J. Snowden Bennett, Francis Bigelow, T. S. Bigger, H. J. Bingham, Kirk Q. Bird, W. S. Black, J. S. Blair, W. R. Blakeley, A. Blakelev, William Boothe, Willis Bower?, H. C. Boyce, Jas. C. Boyer, J. C. Breck, E. Y. Breden, Jas. Breil, Jos. G. Brennen, W. J. Brock, C. C. Brown, A. M. Brown, Geo. B. Brown, J. O. Brown, Jas. P. Brown, Marshall Brunot, Hilary B. Brycut, Jno. B. Byrnes, A. F. Caldwell, J. M. Carpenter, E. S. Carpenter, J. McF. Cassidv, E. T. Castle,*H L. Connolly Bros. Cook, O. R, Cornelius, Chas. E. Cox, Jno. F. Craig, Hugh S. Craig, W. I. Crawford, Jas. P. Crawford, W. F. Crown, Joe. Cummins, Archie Cummins, R. W. Dahlinger, C. W. Davis, George S. Davis, H. A. Davis, L. L. Davis, T. H. Dav, T. Walter Dicken. J. C. Donaldson, S. B. Donnelly, Ed. J. Doty, Jas. C. Douglas. Jno. Douglas, R. H. Douglas, E. P. Douglas, A. W. Duffy, Ed. F. Echols, Jno. W. Elder, D. W. Ellis, Wm. H. Ells, J. W. Elphinstone, Geo. Emery, J. A. Evans, Ed. T. Evans, Jas. F. Evans, W. D. Ewing, David Q. Ewing, Henry R. Fagan, Chas. A. Fetterman, C. S. Fitzsimmons, Jas. Flack, J. B. Force, A. B, Ford, Thos. J. Foster, Stephen F. Frazier, Robt. S. Friedman, Jos. M. Galbraith, Wm. M. Gildea, Jas. F. Gilfillan, Alex. Goehring, Jno. M. Golden, J. C. Golden, Wm. A. Gordon, Geo. B. Graver, Geo. P. Grier, Jas. Guffy, Frank H. Gingnon, J. A. Guthrie. Geo. W, Hadfield, Geo. Hague, Jno. W. Hall, J. P. Hall, J. W. Harbison, Jno. R. Harrison, Daniel Harrison, J. H. Hasbrouck, C. Hay, A. B. Haymaker, Jno. C. Hays, Ed. F. Hays, J. P. Hays, Jos. Henderson, Harvey Herron, Jno. B. Holman, A. W. Horner, Robt. M. Houseman, M. H. Howe, Geo. A. Hoyer, A. A. Hughey, Frank W. Hunter, Jno. P, Hunter, Morton Hunter, Wm. I. JACKSON & BRO, Clothiers, Tailors, Hatters & Furnishers, 954 and 956 Liberty Street, Star Corner. If you want a first-class Dinner, go to the 11 AS YOU LIKE IT, » 639 Snjibfefield Sbreeb. KJVIvIX & LINK. All Good Lawyers DRINK ~i En)ar)tiers *• CreaiT) *■ CI>o(;olabe ; 4~ LOUIS EMANUEL, Pharmaceutical Druggist, COR, SECOND AND GRANT STREETS. Prescriptions and Rare Drugs are our Specialties. Wm. A. POWELL, (Late of Philadelphia, Pa.) DIAMOND * SHAVING * PARLOR, Fifbi) Ave. ar)d Liberby Sbreeb, (Under Diamond Savings Bank.) Special attention paid to Ladies' Work. HOT and COLD BATHS. ATTORNEYS— Continued. lams, F. P. Imbria, A. M. Israel. A. Jennings, W. K. Johnston, Albert C. Johnston, J. H. Johnston, Lawrence Johnston, R. H. Johnston, S. A. Jones, Chas. W. Jones, D. R. Jones, T. C. Jones, Jr., E. P. Jordan, W. J. Kaine, Geo. B. Kennedy, Arthur Kennedy, Jno. M. Kennedy, R. A. Kenney, Chas B. Kerr, Alfred. King, H. L. Kinnear, J. Wesley Kuhn, Robt. S. Kuhn, Jno. E. Lake, Rush. Large, Alvin L. Large, Chas. Large, Jno. R. Large, Jno. F. Lawrence, Geo. R. Lee, C. C. Lepper, Geo. H. Lightheld, G. J. Logan, Edwin Lydick, Harry S. Marron, John McConnell, T. & Son McFarlane, Jas. R. Macrum, Wni. Malone. Robt. J. Marshall, F. M. Matthews, L. H. Maxwell, D. B. Mead, K. T. Mercer, A. H. Miller, Florence Miller, Geo. P. Miller, Jacob H. Miller, Mortimer Miller, W. S. Mitchel, Jno. J. Mitchel, Jno. M. Mitchel, Chas. Moeser, A. H. Moore, Geo. E. Moore, W. D. Morrison, Jno. M. Muller, Jno. H. Murray, Geo. P. McBride, Archibald McClay, Samuel McClowry, Jno. McCombs, S. A. McCreery, J. Rogers McCune, J. G. McCutcheon, J. L. McDonald, Jas. E. McDonald, Jos. A. McElroy, Wm. M. McFarland, Harry McFarland, Thos. M. McGary, W. H. Mcllvain, Chas. G. McKean, Jas. A. McKee, E. A. McKee, Chas. H. McKee, Fred. W. McMurray, West McQuaide, J. R. Neeper, Alex. Nesbit. Winfield Nevin, Jas. M. Newlin, Ed. S. Newlin, T. F. Noble, Thos. A. O' Brine, Chas. A. O'Donnell. J. E. O'Hara, R. W. Orr, Chas. P. Osburn, F. C. Owens, C. E. Owens, J. B. Packer, Gibson Parkinson, R. B. Patterson, Andrew Patterson, T. H. B. Patterson, J. P. Patterson, I. N. Payne, Chas. B. Pearson, A. L. Perrin, W.'McB. Pflaum, Magnus Pitcairn, Thos. C. Pollock, Robt, Porter,tEdwin Porter,"L. K. Potter, W. P. Powers, Ridgley Prescott, Jas. W. Price, W. M. Purviance, W. S. Ralph. Jno. L. Ramsey, J. D. Rankin, R. C. Raymond, S. M. Reardon, D. C. Reardon, Wm. Rebman, Jno. Reese, Frank M. Reese, L. B. D. Reineman, Robt. Remington, R. R. Riley, H. J. Robb, Chas. A. Robb, Jas. F. Robb, Jno. S. Robb, Jno. S., Jr. Roberts, A. C. Robertson, O. P. Robinson, Chas. P. Rodgers, Elliott Roney, Jno. H. Rourke, Jno. M. Rowand, Arch. H.> Jr. Schell, Wm. P. Schmidt, A. W. •Schoyer, W. A. Scovel, Chas. W. Shaffer, N. W. Shannon, S. H. Shaw, Geo. E. Shields, J. M. Sill, R. S. 28 Manufacturer of Graham's Hat, Hoaeh, an( j i Qsee t Exterminator. Best preparation known for the extermination of vermin. For sale in quantities to meet the trade, at the factory, No. 425 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. M. T. J. LEITHEAD, PRINTER AND PUBLISHER OF Advertising # Novelties, 65 South Seventeenth Street, Pittsburgh. NOW READY FOR PUBLICATION, Location of Fire Alarm Boxes and Keys IN THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH. (Copyright Secured.) -^nnfinr^- 29 ATTORNEYS-Continued. Sipe, W. A. Slack, J. C. Sloan, W. L. Small, E. J. Smith, Albert York Smith, Edwin W. Smith, Edwin Z. Smith, Frank W. Smith, Jas. H. Sneathen, F. F. Speer, Jno. Ewing Spousler, Win. H. Stadtfield. Jos. Stengle, G. H. Sterrett, Jas. R. Stevenson, A. B. Stevenson, A. K. Stevenson, J. H. Stewart, S. E. Still wagon, W. C. Stockwell, N. S. Stone, Geo. F. Stone, L. P. Stull, W. M. Sullivan, Chas. A. Swaney, Homer H. Thomas, W. D. Thomas, W. P. Thompson, Jno. C. Tierman, Jno. M. Torrens, Francis H. Torrens, Finley. Van Voorhis, Isaac S. Watson, Jno. D. Watson, W. M. Weger, A. E. Weil, A. Leo. AVhite. Jas. N. White, W. G. White, W. H. Whitesell, Frank Wiedman, A. Wilkins, H. Brady Will, I. A. Wilson, Geo. C. Wilson, Jno. A. Wilson, Robt. Wise, W. F. Wolcott, D. S. Wurzell, Geo. W. Yeager, C. K. Yost, Wm. Young, Jos. C. Active Members. Acheson, M. W. Alcorn, T. B. Ammond, C. S. Bailey, J. H. Bailie, J. W. Bakewell, T. W. Baldwin, J. H. Balph. Jas. Balph, R. A. Bayne, Thos. M. Bell, D. W. Bell, J. Snowden Bigelow, T. S. Blakeley, William Breck, E. Y. Bredin, James. Brown, A. M. Brown, J. O. Brown, Marshall Brown, T. S. Buchanan, J. T. Burgwin, A. P. Bur win, G. C. Burleigh, Clarence Carnahan, R. B. Carnahau, T. D. Chalfant, W. L. Chantler, T. D. Christy, B. C. Christy, George H. Clarke, A. H. Cochran, Alexander G. Cochran, George R. Cohen, Josiah. Collins, J. W. Cook, Joseph S. Cotton, E. E. Craig E. S. Crawford, C. S. Cunningham, S. W. Curran, W. J. 30 Dalzell, John Davis, H. A. Dickey, C. C. Duff, A, W. Duff, J. K. P. Duff, L. B. Duncan, R. C. Dunshee, W. A, Edmundson, Johi\ F. Errett, W. R. Erskine, W. C. Evans, J. A. Ewing, Thomas Ferguson, J. S. Fitzpatrick, Robert Floyd, H. S. Forsyth e, Joseph Frew, W. N. Friend, Kennedy T. Gamble, S. H. Gazzam, Joseph M. Garrison, J. M. Geyer, S. H. Gray, Jos. H. Hamilton, Geo. P.. Jr. Hampton, J. H. Harper, C. S. Hartje, E. G. Herriott, Thomas Herron, H. B. Houseman, M. H. Hunter, Morton Kay, James I. Keenan T. J. Kerr, J. H. Kerr, T. B. Kirker, J. W. Kirschmer, A. J. Knox, P. C. Lambie, J. S. Langfitt, J. A. Lazear, T. C. Lewis, W. A. Lyon, Walter. Madden, John ATTORNEYS-Continued. Magee, C. Magee, F. M. Marcy, H. H. Marshall, T. M., Jr. Martin, D. H. Mellon, Thomas Messier, R. V. Meyer, Henry Miller, A. S. Miller, H. A. Miller, J. J. Mitchell, Kier Ivlontooth, C. C. Montooth, E. A. Moreland, W. C. Morrison, A. P. Munroe, G. N. Myler, J. T. McCleave. Johns McClelland, William McClelland, Wm. B. MacConnell, J. G. McClung, S. A. McClung, W. H. McCombs, J. C. McCook, W. F. McCullough, Welty McGill, W. M. McGirr, F. C. McGrady, H. T. MeKelvey, J. E. McMullen, Lewis Wilson, Negley, W. B. Newmyer, J. C. O'Neill, E. M. "j Orr, Charles P. Palmer, Samuel Parker, T. S. Patterson, D. F. Patterson, Thomas Patterson, W. S. Petty, J. O. Petty, R. B. Pier, W. S. Pierce, W. L. Plummer, L. M. Porte, J. H. Porter, W. D. Powers, C. L. Reed, J. H. Richardson, 0. F. Riddle, Gr. D. Rodgers, W. B, Russell, E. H. Schoyer, S. Balkan Scott, William Sewell, W. R. Shafer, J. D. Shiras, Geo., Jr. Shiras, Geo. 3d Shiras, W. K. Shoemaker, J. C. Siebenek, J. J. Slagle, J. F. Smail, E. J. Smith, A. Y. Smith, E. W. Smith, Edwin Z. Sproul, F. P. Sterrett, James Stewart, R, E. Stewart, W. G. stone, W. A. Stoner, J. M. Swearington, J. M. Sweitzer, J. B. Thompson, Frank Thompson, W. W. Thompson, O. D. Thompson, S. Harvey Trent, S. U. Young, James S. Vates, W. B. Watterson, A. V. D. Watson, A. M. Watson, D. T. Watson, H. T. White, J. H. Whitesell, W. W. Wilkin, A. D. Williams, N. S. ■ Wilson, R. D. W. S. Woodward, M. A. fLotioVGLvy mernbefs. Isaac G. Gordon, Edward M. Paxson, Henry W. Williams, Edwin H. Stowe, J. W. F. White, M. W. Acheson, John Trunkey, Jas. P. Sterrett, Wm. McKenna, Thomas Ewing, James W. Over, Christopher Magee, Henry Green, Silas M. Clark, Wm. G. Hawkins. F. H. Collier, Jacob F. Slagle. (D. T. J. LEITfiEflt), Book and Job Ppintef , 65 Seventeenth Street, (COR SIDNEY,) PITTSBURGH, S. S. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS & * W. H. TH0I9, 11111 014 313 187 7 305 WOOD SmTETETT. — 3U5 & I furniture, Carpets, DtfZattings, • • • i | . . • 0i[ Cloths, Minofeums, Mace 1 1 . . . • Curtains, [Bool? Cases, .... I Wardrobes, • Chiffoneirs, • Bureaus, || was!) aDfccrjels, j£>eca steads, i CLOCKS, OFFICE DESKS, STOVES AND RANGES. Everything in the Housekeeping Line. W. fl. THOMPSON & CO., 1 ^ Store Open Saturday Night % UNTIL 10 A M. 5V3 305 Wood Street. 9(1