LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf ,G.\\|\ife ^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 1 f CHRISTOPHER COLOMBO, 1492. Portfolio ILLUSTF^ATED Bv CopyRIGHT 1891 By The Winters j^rt Litho. Co. Chicago. / The Winters Art Lithographing Company's POPULAR PORTLOLIOS OP THE WORLD'S COLU/nBlAN EXPOSITION (N§ 1) GROUNDS AND PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS ^^^.^^..^^.^^..^^LUSTRATIONS TROn (N2 2) STATE BUILDINGS . /^"""Uvf^l^^^ „„ WATER COLOR DRAWINGS (N2 3) rORElGN BUILDINGS im 4) LAGOONS AND ORIENTAL BUILDINGS TO BE ISSUED IN THEIR ORDER AS PLANS ARE OmClALLY ACCEPTED CHICAGO The Winters Art Lithographing ConPANY SUITE 1117 TME ROOKERY THE Trade Supplied xHRouGn A P\ PUNK & CO;nPANY 58 and 60 Wabash avenue LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. i]^. iij|n|rig]^ ^0. Shelf UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. /^\ ANUPACTURES AND LiBERAL ArTS BuILDING COPYPl&HT 13"-.. THE WINTERS ART LITHO CO., CHICAGO. THE A\ANUrACTURES AND LIBERAL ARTS BUILDING. OTABLE for its symmetrical proportions, the Manufactures AND Liberal QJ \ Arts Building is the mammoth structure of the Expositioq. It measures 1,688 by 788 feet aqd covers more' thaq 31 acres, being thie largest Expositiori building ever constructed, Withiq trie building a gallery 50 feet wide ex- tends around all four sides adding more th^an eight acres to the floor space available for exhibits, aqd making it 40 acres iq ail. Projecting fronq tP)is gallery -are 86 smaller galleries, 12 feet wide, fronq whiclq visitors may sur- vey th^e vast array of exhibits aqd tlqe busy scene below. "Columbia Avenue," 50 feet wide exterids througf\ the mammotPi building longitudinally aqd an Avenue of like widthi crosses it at right angles at thie center. J\\e maiq roof is of iroq aqd glass aqd arches aq area 385 by 1,400 feet aqd has its ridge 150 feet fronq ti\e grouqd, The Liberal Arts Building is iq the Corinthiaq style of architecture aqd iq point of being severely classic, excels nearly all of tf\e other edifices, The long array of columqs aqd arches, whicf\ its facades present, is relieved from monotony by very elaborate ornamentatioq, Iq this ornamentation female figures, syrqbolical of the various arts aqd sciences, play a conspicuous aqd very attractive part. Designs showing iq relief thie seals of tlqe different States of the Unioq aqd of various Foreigq Nations also appear iq the ornamentatioq, These, of course, are gigantic iq their proportions. The Agricultural Building perhaps is the only one whiclq has a more elaborately ornamental exterior thaq has this colossal struct!.' Tl^e exterior of tl-^e building is covered witlq "staff," which^ is treated to represent marble. Tl-^e huge fluted columns and th^e immense arches are apparently of tlqis beautiful material. The graqd entrances at th^e corners of th^e building aqd midway at tf\e sides consist of lofty arcf\es iq piers of elab- orate desigq aqd ornamentatioq, Thiere are numerous other entrances less imposing, J'r\e architect of th^is gigantic building, George B. Post, of New York, has beeq remarkably successful iq giving architectural symmetry aqd effectiveness to th^e immense proportions with^ whici-i he had to deal aqd his work stands as oqe of tlqe marvels of th^e Expositioq, Tlqe building occupies a most conspicuous place iq th^e Grounds, It faces t\\e Lake, witfi only lawns and promenades betweeq, Northi of it is thie United States Government Building, soutlq thie Harbor aqd in-jutting Lagooq, aqd west thie Electrical Building aqd tl^e Lagooq separating it fronq thie Wooded Island. §l.i -.1 sf, THE GOVERNA\ENT BUILDING. ^"'^f'X ELIGHTFULLY located near thie Lake shore, soutl^ of thie maiq Lagooq I J aqd of tl^e area reserved for tl^^e Foreigq Nations aqd t\\e several "^""^^^ States, aqd eastofthie Woman's Building aqd of Midway Plaisance, is the Government Exhibit Building, Mexico's Building stands just nortf\ of tlqat of tl^e United States, acrossth^e Lagooq. TP\e Government Building was designed by Architect Windrim, now succeeded by W, J. Edbrooke. It is classic in style, and bears a strong resemblance to thie National Museunq aqd othier Government buildings at Washingtoq. It covers aq area of 350 by 420 feet, is constructed of iroq, bricl< aqd glass, aqd cost $400,000. Its leading architect- ural feature is a central octagonal dome 120 feet iq diameter and 150 feet highi, tl^e floor of which^ will be kept free fronq exhibits. Tlqe building froqts to thie west, aqd connects oq th^e nortlq, by a bridge over tlqe Lagooq, witlq tl^e building of tlie Fisheries Exhibit. Tlqe soutf| half of tf\e Government Building is devoted to tlqe exhibits of tl-^e Post-Office Department, Treasury Department, War Departrqent and Department of Agriculture. Tlqe northi half is devoted to i\\e exh^ibits of tt^e Fisheries Commissioq, Smithsoniaq Institute aqd Interior Department. Tlqe State Department exhibit extends fronq tl^e rotunda to th^e east end aqd that of tlqe Department of Justice fronq the rotunda to tlqe west end of tlqe building. Tlqe allotment of space for tfie several department exhibits is: War Department, 23,000 square feet; Treasury, 10,500 square feet; Agricultural, 23,250 square feet; Interior, 24,000 square feet; Post-Office, 9,000 square feet; Fishery, 20,000 square feet, aqd Smithsoniaq Institute, balance of space. Tlqe Treasury Department Exhibit is in charge of Assistant Secretary Nettleton. He matured th^e plaqs wlqereby thie Mint, tlqe Coast aqd tlqe Geodetic Survey, tl^e Supervising Architect of tfie Treasury, thie Bureau of Engraving aqd Printing, tf\e Bureau of Statistics, tlqe Life-Saving Board, thie Lighthouse Board and tlqe Marine Hospital all h^ave made exhibits, The authorities of the Mint show not only a complete group of the coins made by the United States, but a numberof tlqe coins of foreigq countries. "The Supervising Architect of the Treasury shows a number of photo- graphs of all of the public buildings of the Capital. These include not only the buildings, but they also include the parks and reservations. The Bureau of Engraving aqd Printing shows many new bills under framiqg. These include a sample of every bill of every denominatioq tlqat theUnited States Government now authorizes as money. A Life-Saving Statioq is built aqd equipped withi every appliance aqd a regular crew goes througlq all life-saving manoeuvres. Perhaps tf\e most interesting exhibit of tlqe wlqole Treasury Department is tlqat by th^e Coast Survey. It iqcludes a huge map of tl^e United States, about 400 feet square or about tt^e size of a square of city property. This is accurately constructed plaster of paris aqd is placed horizontally oq tlqe Ex- position grounds with a hugecovering erected over it, witl^galleries aqd path- ways oq tlqe inside to allow tl^e visitors to walk over tlqe whole United States witlq out touchiing it. This model is built oq a scale shiowing tlqe exact height of mountains, tlqe deptlq of tlqe rivers aqd tlqe curvature of tlqe eartlq. The Quartermaster's Department shows lay-figure officers aqd meq of all grades iq tlqe army, mounted, oq foot, fully equipped iq tlqe uniforrq of tlqeir rank aqd service. Aside frorq tlqese tl^ere are nineteen figures, showing the uniforms worn during tlqe Revolutionary War aqd tlqe War of 1812 aqd thirty-one figures showing the uniforms iq tlqe Mexicaq War. A novel exhibit is tlqat of a telephone as used on tlqe battlefield. The heliographi, whicf^ practically annihilates distance iq tlqe matter of talking, is showq iq full operatioq. All means of army telegraphing aqd signalling witlq tt^e batteries, lines, cables, bombs, torches, aqd so fortlq, are showq withi great elaborateness. Capt. Whipple, of tlqe Ordnance Department, developed ti\e plaq for aq exhibit of huge guns aqd explosives. At certaiq hours of tlqe day thjere are regular battery drills aqd loading and firing of pieces. Many of tlqe guns used are tlqe finest of tlqeir kind in tlqe world. The exh^ibit of the Medical Bureau occupies a hospital built especially for its use, operated by a corps of hospital qurses aqd doctors. ..•^, y^ rf V Casino and "Pier . COPYRIGHT 1691. THE WINTEHS ART. LITHO CO., CHICAGO. THE CASINO AND PIER. » L_j LL visitors to tl^e Expositiori, it is safe to say, will inspect thie CASINO and qJ X- Pier, aqd not only inspect then|, but enjoy thoroughly tP\e delights whicP\ they, together witli their surroundings, afford. Tt^e PiER is eighty feet wide arid extends 1000 feet out into Lake Michigari fron\ tl^^e easterr^ extrerqi- ty of \.\\e Grand Court or aveque running fron^ '&\e ADMINISTRATION BUILDING to iVye Lake, Along tl-^e shore, oq either side of tlqe Pier, are broad, beautiful promenades, where thousands of visitors will throng iqthje intervals of sight- seeing iq tf^e Expositioq Buildings. Fronq tt^e shore promenade they will walk out oq th^e Pier to tl^e beautiful Casino at tlqe extremity. Tt^e Casino is a composite structure, embracing nine pavilions, aqd was planned by its architects. Burling &. Whitehouse, of Chicago, to be a repre- sentatioq of Venice, oq a small scale, iq tl^^e waters of Lake Michigaq. Ac- cordingly, its architecture is of tlqe Venetiaq order. Tf^e Casino is built oq piles, aqd measures 180 by 400 feet. Witli thie exceptioq of th^e central pavilioq, which rises to th^e height of 180 feet, th^e pavilions are two stories highi, rising eighty feet fronq ttqe water, There is communicatioq betweeq tt^e nine pavilions, botf^, by gondolas aqd bridges. Completely surrounded by water this structure, witlq its fleet of boats aqd numerous water-ways, pre- sents a decidedly Venetiaq aspect, Surrounding the central pavilioq runs a gallery fifty-six feet wide. At tf^e west eqd of tP\e PlER stand th\e thirteeq columqs designed by Sculptor St. Gaudens to represent th^e Thirteeq Original States, Iq front of tlqe Casino is tlqe harbor for small pleasure craft. At night this h^arbor is lighted by incandescent lamps- sunk beneatl^ tlqe surface of tlqe water oq floats. l\\e material of tf^e Casino is of wood aqd thje walls are covered witlq "staff." A striking combinatioq of high^ colorings is effected. V\/ithiq tl^e pavilioqs of tlqe Casino are various conveniences that contribute to tlqe comfort aqd enjoyment of visitors. Fanned by tt^e cooling breezes of tlqe Lake, visitors nqay sit aqd listeq to tlqe strains of excellent music, n^ay partake of light refreshnqents, may look out upoq tlqe vast expanse of water aqd watclq tlqe going aqd coming of gaily -decorated pleasure craft, aqd thie heavily ladeq passenger steanqers plying to aqd fro betweeq th^e Pier aqd tlqe City, or may turq shoreward aqd survey th^e throngs of pronqenaders along tlqe beacht, aqd tl^e magqificent array of Expositioq palaces aqd other attractions. Tlqe Pier and Casino constitute oqe of tlqe rqost popular of Expositioq resorts. yHACHlNERY M ALL, COPYRIGHT 1891. THE WINTERS ART LITHO CO., CHICAQO. THE A\ACniNCR>' MALL. H ACHINERY HALL, of whicl^ Peabody & Stearns, of Bostoq, aretl^e archi-