T ■M4T5 ^® *fe^ Class. \ ' Ti I) I V\ AST ' \H00c\. i^id:.si:.\'n;i) by ^ i r I JOHN F. WENTWORTH, Jr. (Born Sept. 3, 1902) Class Baby Massachusetts Institute of Technology eiLo.j^>^ o? ^1 c - First Decennial Record of the Class of 1900 1900-1910 Printed by liochesfer 'Printing Co. Rochester. N. H. roreword "Uo the Class of 1900: When the Class Committee started to prepare this book, it was hoped that the members of the Class would be glad to help them by furnishing the necessary infor- mation about themselves, especially as everything was furnished in order to make it easy for them to send in this information. The Committee regrets exceedingly that it has not been able to publish the history of all the men who received degrees, but it has done everything within reason to get the members to reply. It is not the fault of the Committee that some men's names ap- pear with no news under them. On the other hand, the Committee wishes to thank those who have replied to its notices and have contrib- uted to the cost of publication. If the information is not correct, the Committee is very sorry, and hopes that the members will keep it posted so that the next edition will be more correct. Class Officers Secretaries 1900-1905 George Edmond Russell 1905-1907 Richard Wastcoat 1907-1909 Harry E. Osgood 1909-1911 N. J. Neall Vice-Secretaries 1900-1905 Lewis M. Lawrence 1905-1907 H. R. Stearns 1907-1909 J. P. Draper Elxecutive Committee 1900-1905 Richard Wastcoat, H. K Stearns, W. R. Katelle 1905-1909 H. E. Osgood, J. P. Draper, A. C. Walworth, Jr. 1909-1910 N. J. Neall, G. C. Gibbs, R. Wast- coat, P. R. Ziegler, L Bowditch, P. R. Brooks 1910-1911 N. J. Neal, G. C. Gibbs, R. Wast- coat, P. R. Ziegler, I. Bowditch Class Record George Orlando Adams. V. S.B. M.I. T. 1900 Chemist, Experimental Station, Lawrence, Mass. Residence, North Andover, Mass. Married. Pearl F. Chase, Lawrence, Mass. Children. Frances C. , 6 years. Has been with Massachusetts State Board of Health since .graduation. Interested in research work. Has written several papers on sewage analysis. Member of the American Chemical Society. Elbert Grover Allen, IL S.B., S.M. M.LT. 1900 Assistant Engineer with Seattle Electric Co., Seattle, Wash. Married. November, 1907, Mary Evelyn Fargo, Chicago, 111., in Dallas, Texas. Children. Elbert Kent, November 3, 1908 ; Sylvia, November 24, 1909. 1901, in Boston office of Stone & Webster ; 1902- 1907, Seattle Electric Co., Seattle, Wash., electrical and mechanical engineer after January, 1903 ; 1907 to December, superintendent of construction for Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, at Dallas, Texas; December, 1907-October, 1909, Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, Boston office ; October, 1909-June, 1910, resident engineer for Stone & Webster, Engineering Corporation at Helena, Mont. S FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD William R. Allen, Jr. 1900 Superintendent, Syenite Granite Co., Granite ville, Missouri. Charles L. B. Anderson. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Of Hazelhurst & Anderson, Consulting Municipal Engineers. Address. Hazelhurst & Anderson, Atlanta, Ga., and P.O. Box 513, Wilmington, N. C. William J. Angus. 1896-1899 Address. 3213 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. George H. Archibald. 1898-1899 President and Manager, Geo. H. Archibald Co., Ltd., Engineers and Contractors. Address. 803 Union Bank Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba. George Francis Ashley. IV. 1896-1899 Professor of Technical Drawing at Tufts College. Address. Tufts College, Mass. Residence. 47 Avon Street, Somerville, Mass. Married. June 20, 1906, Nellie R. Morgan, Somer- ville, Mass. Since December, 1900, in charge of the Fresh- men Drawing at Tufts College, and 1909 in charge of Descriptive Geometry at Harvard. M. J. T.-CLASS 19 00 Joint author with Gardner C. Anthony of Descriptive Geometry^ pubHshed by D, C. Heath & Co, Member of Tufts Engineering Society and the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Edu- cation, *Harrison Everett Ashley. X. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Chemist, U. S. Bureau of Standards, Clay Products Section. Address, 40th and Butler Street, Pittsburg, Pa. Married. July 3, 1906, Eva S. Greenmyer, Lee- tonia, Ohio. Children. Eleanor Caroline, Nov. 15, 1908. Chemist for the Tremont Nail Co., at West Wareham, Mass., 1901-1902; for the Salem Iron Co., Leetonia, Ohio, in 1903; 1904, salesman at New Bedford, Mass. , and foreman of kiln drawers at the Homer Laughlin China Co., East Liverpool, Ohio; 1905, postgraduate student in Ceramics at the Ohio State University and Chemist for the Homer Laugh- lin Co. ; 1906-1908, Chemist and purchasing agent. Homer Laughlin Co. ; 1909 to July, 1910, assistant ceramic chemist, U. S. Geological Survey, Pittsburg, Pa. Reason for changes : Primarily, after three years' work and study in iron and steel could not get a position as foundry chemist, but specialized in another line, this time effectively ; secondarily, prospect of a higher salary and preference for a particular line of work. ♦Deceased 1911 10 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Is a steady contributor to the Transactions American Ceramic Society, is abstractor for Chemi- cal Abstracts of the American Chemical Society and has had several articles in "Brick" and one bulletin for the U. S. Geological Survey. Fred S. Atkinson. 1896-1897 Address. 141 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. Alfred J. Atwood. 1896 Address. Ayer, Mass. George D. Atwood. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Manager New York office, Wheeler Condenser and Engineering Co., and President Atwood-Rear- ick Co. Address. 149 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Frederic C. Ayres. XIII. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Contracting Engineer with the Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Address. Trussed Concrete Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Paul A. Babcock. I. 1896-1898 Civil Engineer, 602 Carondelet Street, New Or- leans, La. Residence. 5616 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La. Married. Edith Constance Mead, New Orleans, La. Children. Rosamond, 6i years, Paul A., Jr., 3i years. M. I. T.-C L ASS 1900 11 Started as rodman for the Boston Elevated Rail- way ; later became engineer for American Salt Co. , Belle Isle, La. ; engineer for Dowdle & Wendell, contractors on sewerage and drainage work, New Orleans, La. ; special assistant engineer, Sewerage and Water Board, New Orleans, La., on water dis- tribution. Owing to a nervous breakdown did not work for a year beginning May, 1908. Member of Boston Society of Civil Engineers. Stephen Badlam. IIL S.B. M.LT. 1900 Assistant Superintendent, Steelton, Pa. Residence. 341 Spruce Street, Steelton, Pa. Married. June 29, 1909, Helen Boyd, Harrisburg, Pa. 1901, with Pennsylvania Steel Co., Mer. Mill Department ; 1902-1906, assistant superintendent, same department ; 1908-1910, assistant superinten- dent, Rolling Mill Department. Reuben Wilfred Balcom. V. S.B. M.LT. 1900 Ph.D. Heidelberg Chemist, Custom house, Nashville, Tenn. Residence. Nashville, Tenn. Was assistant in Analytical Chemistry at Tech. 1901-1903 ; studied in Germany, 1903-1905 ; in 1906, was instructor in General and Physical Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. ; in 1907, instructor in Analytical Chemistry ; 1908, assistant Chemist in the Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Dept. 12 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. ; 1909, in New York, and 1910, at Nashville, in charge of the^ Nashville laboratory. Changes due ta prospects of increased salary. Has written an article on **Die Chemische Kinetic der Kohlendioxyd Alspaltung am Campho- carbon Saure." James Edmund Barker. VL S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Assistant Engineer, Los Angeles Aqueduct. Address. 1117 Central Building, Los Angeles, CaL Married. July 8, 1903, Grace Helen Farnsworth, Los Angeles, Cal. Children. Edmund Farnsworth, June 13, 1906. 1901, assistant to the manager of the Minneap- olis General Electric Co. ; 1902, superintent for International Light & Power Co. , El Paso, Texas ; 1903-1904, in the department of the Pacific Electric Ry. Co. , Los Angeles ; 1905-1906, manager Ventura Water & Power Co. , Ventura, Cal. , and general sup- erintendent, 1907-1908. Charles Edward Baldwin. V. A.B. Harvard 1899 S.B. M.LT. 1900 Assistant Superintent, Bergenport Chemical Works, Bayonne, N. J. Residence. 15 St. Austin's Place, West New Brigh- ton, N. Y. Married. Marianne Moseley Perry, Lowell, Mass. M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 13 Children. Perry, February, 26, 1904; Charles E., Jr. , April 6, 1905 ; Lawrence Perry, January 30, 1909. 1901-1902, assistant chemist, Cellulose Products Co., Boston, Mass.; 1903, assistant chemist, Gen- eral Artificial Silk Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and in 1904, superintendent of same ; 1905-1907, with Ber- genport Chemical Works at Constable Hook, N. J. ; 1908-1910, assistant superintendant of same. Morgan Barney. XIII. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Naval Architect, 29 Broadway, New York, N. Y. )^/ulaao^ Residence. 17 Gramercy Park, New York, N. Y. o^ iJ^cLr^^ 1901, draftsman with H. C. Withington, New York city ; 1902, with George Lawley & Sons, Bos- ton, Mass. ; 1903, established present business in New York city as naval architect. Member of the Technology Club of New York, Indian Harbor Yacht Club, and New Bedford Yacht Club. Specializes in the designing of large cruising power yachts. Has diversified interests and works only when he feels like it ! Charles Augustus Barton, Jr. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Consulting Engineer. Address. 2772 North Paulina Street, Chicago, 111. U FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD James Hervey Batcheller. III. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Mining Engineer. Residence. Brittania Beach, B. C. Married. October 18, 1905, Elizabeth Towne Field, Newton, Mass. Children. William Field, October 11, 1906, died June 19, 1909 ; Edgar Hadley, May 2, 1910. 1901-1903, assayerand chemist in South Dakota, but became tired of the work, and in 1904, took a position as miner and assayer at the Coeur d'Alenes, Idaho ; 1905, Alaska and Oregon, miner mill man, chemist ; 1906-1909, Tomboy Mine, Smuggler, Colo. , as superintendent of mill. Has written an article on * ' Timber and Timber- ing Methods in the Coeur d^Alenes," for the Engi- neering and Mining Journal. Has traveled all over the West doing mining work, and from White Pass and Sitka in Alaska to Mexico City in Mexico. Has been bucked from a horse, caught in a mine cave, and has fallen down a mine raise. Had an interesting two months' camp- ing and climbing in the Rockies and the Selkirks of British Columbia. Edward PierrepontBeckwith. V. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Consulting Engineer. Address. 20 Broad Street, New York, N. Y. JohnVanDerveerBeekmanJr. IV. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 General Manager, Whidden & Co., Inc., Building Contractors. M. I. T. -CLASS 19 00 15 Address. 155 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Residence, Newton Centre, Mass. Married. October 2, 1900, Susan W. Hill, Cam- bridge, Mass. 1901, structural drafting" ; 1902-1903, in charge of drafting-room ; 1904-1907, manager for Purdy & Henderson, Civil Engineers ; 1908-1910, general manager, Whidden & Co. Robert S. Blair. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Patent Lawyer. Address. 2 Rector Street, New York, N. Y. Residence. South Orange, N. J. Married. May, 1904, Mabel Corson, Washington, D. C. Children. John, September 16, 1906. 1901, miscellaneous engineering work and work in the Patent office ; 1902-1903, in Patent office and studying law ; 1904-1910, Patent Lawyer in New York. Took up patent law for the sake of a larger income. Roy H. Bolster. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Hydrographic Engineer, U. S, Geological Survey. Address. Care of U. S. Geological Survey, Wash- ington, D. C. Married. 1903, Ednah Rice, Boston, Mass. 1901, at M. L T. ; 1902, with American Tel. &- Tel. Co., of Boston, drafting ; 1903, with U. S. 16 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Reclamation Service at Montrose, Colo., and in Arizona, surveying ; 1904-1910, with Hydro-Compu- ting Section of U. S. Geological Survey, Washing- ton, D. C, traveling on special investigation work in the West, consisting principally of the prepara- tion of records of the discharge of several hundred streams for the use of engineers, and also of the determination of water power and the study of problems relating to navigation and floods. Raymond D. Borden. I. 1896-1898 Cloth and Yarn Business. Address. 12 Third Street, Fall River, Mass. Residence. Fall River, Mass. Married. June 7, 1904, Edith Standish Small, Fall River, Mass. Children. Carolyn Standish, August, 1905 ; Kath- erine Small, May, 1907. 1901-1903, bookkeeper, Davis Mills, Fall River, Mass. ; 1904, with cloth and yarn house in New York ; 1905-1910, in the cotton cloth and yarn busi- ness for self. Would send his boy to a smaller institution than M. I. T., where there would be fewer outside attractions. Ingersoll Bowditch. I. A.B. Harvard 1897 S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Trustee. Address. 28 State Street, Boston, Mass. M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 17 Eesidence. 19 Buckingham Street, Cambridge, Mass. Married. October 18, 1904, Sylvia C. Scudder, Cambridge, Mass. Children. Samuel Ingersoll, Mar. 4, 1906 ; Sylvia Church, Jr., August 19, 1910. 1901, with Ludlow Manufacturing Co., Red- bridge, Mass., as rodman ; 1902-1910, in business with Charles P. Bowditch and for self as trustee. Devotes much time to arousing proper enthusi- asm in class of 1900. Louis E. Breer. 1896-1898 Address. McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., Chicago, 111. Albert B. Briggs. L S.B. M.LT. 1900 Engineer with the Boston & Albany R. R. Co. Address. Room 239, South Station, Boston, Mass. Residence. Quincy, Mass. Married. 1906, Amy D. Ferguson, Boston, Mass. Children. Dorothy, 1907 ; Virginia, 1908. Has been with the engineering department of the Boston & Albany R. R. Co. , since graduation. Charles Calvin Briggs, Jr. XIIL S.B. M.LT. 1900 Address. Carnegie Steel Co., Newcastle, Pa. Residence. 225 Chestnut Street, Edgewood Park, Pa. 18 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Since graduation, has been successively with Jones & Laughlin Steel Co., National Tube Co., and Carnegie Steel Co. Zenas M. Briggs. I. 1898-1899 A.B. Yale 1898 Address. General Electric Co., Railway Commer- cial Dept., Philadelphia, Pa. Residence. Philadelphia, Pa. Married. December 26, 1899, Maud E. Palmer, New Bedford, Mass. 1901-1906, with the Pennsylvania R. R. Co., first as assistant supervisor of Monong:ahela Division, then as engineer in charge of construction on the Fort Wayne Division, then in the office of the Chief Engineer, Philadelphia ; 1907-1910, with the Gen- eral Electric Co , for three years in New York with the Railway Engineering Department, and now with the Railway Department, selling. Edmund Francis Brigham. X. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 With the New England Confectionery Co., 253 Sum- mer Street, Boston, Mass. Residence. 9 Auburn Court, Boston, Mass. Married. Sepember 14, 1909, Phyllis S. M. Lindsey, Santa Monica, Cal Children. A daughter, 1910. 1901, at M. I. T., finishing course and doing extra work ; 1902-1910, with the New England Confectionery Co., in the following positions sue- gmmniMi M. I. T. -CLASS 19 00 19 cessively : Superintendent of construction work, master mechanic, and mechanical engineer. Theodore W. Brigham. XIIL 1896-1900 Superintendent with the Greenport Basin & Con- struction Co. Address. Greenport, Suffolk County, New York. Residence. Shelter Island Heights, Suffolk County, New York. 1901-1910, designer and superintendent of yard, Greenport Basin & Construction Co. Henry Matthias Brock. S.J. Boston College, A.B. VII. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Professor of Physics, Holy Cross College, Worces- ter, Mass. Since leaving Tech has devoted his time to studying and teaching Physics. Has delivered the following lectures : At Woodstock, Md. , "Ptolemaic Systems '^ at Worcester, Mass., "Wireless Tele- graphy,'' and "Recent Developments in Electric Lighting.*' Author of Logical Basis of Physical Laws, Am. Cath. Quarterly, January, 1906, and several articles for the new Catholic Encyclopedia. Member of Boston College Alumni Association, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Worcester Chemical Club, 20 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD * Paul Raymond Brooks. 11. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Manager of the Delmonte Ranch, Mission, Texas. Residence. Mission, Hidalgo County, Texas. 1901, machinist apprentice with C. B. &Q. R. R., Beardstown, 111. ; 1902, piece-work inspection, C. B. & Q. R. R., West Burlington, Iowa; 1903, round- house foreman, C. B. & Q. R. R., Burlington, Iowa ; 1904, changed from railroading to traveling ; 1905- 1906, selling railroad specialties in New York and Pennsylvania ; 1907, selling Otto gas and gasoline for stationary engines in New York City ; 1908, general manager of the Machine Sales Co. , Peabody, Mass. ; 1909, resident engineer with the Union Bag and Paper Co., Sandy Hill, New York ; 1910, east- ern editor of the Railway Review, New York City. Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and of the Naval Militia of New York and Illinois. Has found that business pays better than pro- fessional work in engineering, and has discovered in himself latent talent for business. Charles R. Brown. X. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Address. Wellsville, N. Y. Clarence Clapp Brown. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Traffic Engineer with Bell Telephone Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. •"Deceased, 1911 M. L T.-C L A SS 1 900 21 Residence. 53 West Johnson Street, Germantown, Pa. Married. April 11, 1905, Mabel Robertson, Ger- mantown, Pa. Children. Edward Dexter, January 22, 1906 ; Roger Clapp, July 28, 1907. 1901-July, 1903, in the engineering department of the American Bell Telephone Co., of Boston, Mass.; July, 1903-1910, in the engineering depart- ment of the Bell Telephone Co., of Philadelphia, becoming traffic'engineer in 1910. Believes that a small college is best for a boy and that his course does not make much difference as long as he gets a good, liberal education. John Brown. I. 1896-1900 Civil Engineer. Address. 40 Bradford Ave. , Fall River, Mass. Married. Annie Hall, Fall River, Msss. John Wesley Brown. V. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Ph.D. Heidelberg Chemist, National Carbon Co., Lakewood, Ohio. Residence. 1533 Alameda Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio. Married. August 23, 1904, Julia Trask Terry, Gales- burg, 111. Children. John Willis, June 9, 1905 ; Julia Terry, August 26, 1908. 1901, assistant instructor in Analytical Chemis- try, M. I. T.; 1902-1903, student (M. I. T. Fellow) 22 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Heidelberg, Germany ; 1904-1905, instructor in Theoretical Chemistry, M. I. T. ; 1906-1908, director of Battery Laboratory, National Carbon Co. ; 1909- 1910, director of Research Laboratory, National Carbon Co. Stephen Pearson Brown. IL S.B. M.LT. 1900 Civil Engineer, 641 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Residence. 59 East 52nd Street, New York City. Married. Edith Luce, Boston, Mass. 1900, American Woolen Co., Washington Mills, Lav^^rence, Mass.; 1901-1903, junior partner, Collier & Brown, Civil Engineers, Atlanta, Ga. ; 1904, in charge of Brideport depot construction, Bridgeport, Conn. ; 1905, Columbian Fireproofing Co. , New York, and United Engineering & Contracting Co., of New York ; 1906-1908, United Engineering and Contracting Co., of New York, in Europe investi- gating foreign practices in hydraulic and tunnel work ; 1909, principal assistant engineer. United Engineering & Contracting Co., and designing engi- neer of Cuban Engineering & Contracting Co. ; 1910, chief engineer, Tidewater Building Co., and T. B. Bryson, building 4th Avenue subway. Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers and New York Engineers Club ; associate member of American Society of Civil Engineers. John R. Brownell. 1897-1901 Assistant of Chief Engineer, Pennsylvania Steel Co. Address. 357 Spruce Street, Steelton, Pa. M. I. T. -CLASS 1900 23 Frederick D. Buffum. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Mechanical Engineer. Address. Gary, McDarrell County, West Va. 1901-1906, Steelton, Monongahela City, Johns- town, Connelsville, Pittsburg, Akron, Cleveland, and Columbus, getting experience in every line related to coal mining machinery ; 1907-1910, develop- ing the O'Toole mining machine, and a coke draw- ing machine of own design. Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Edward E. Bugbee. III. S.B. M.I.T. 19G0 Professor of Mining Engineering, M. I. T. Address. 491 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Residence. Brookline, Mass. Married. June, 1901, Beulah Duncklee, Brook- hne, Mass, 1901, assistant at Tech, and chemist and book- keeper, Brookfield Mining Co. , of Nova Scotia ; 1£02, assistant at Tech ; 1903, special agent, U. S. Census, Mining Statistics in California ; 19C4-19C5,- assistant professor of Mining Engineering and Metallurgy, Iowa State College ; 1906, samie and also at University of Washington, Seattle Wash ; 1907, still in Seattle, but acting also as assistant Geologist, U. S. Geological Survey ; 1908-1910, pro- fessor of Mining Engineering and Metallurgy, M. I. T. Member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. 2U FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Robert W. Burnett, Jr. 1897-1898 Address. 622 Oak Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Frank E. Burnham. X. 1896-1898 Dyer Chemist, Schoellkopf , Hartford & Hanna Co. , Buffalo, N. Y. Residence. Reading, Mass. 1901, Lawrence Mfg. Co., textile coloring ; 1902-1903, Arlington Mills, textile coloring chemist ; 1904, Passaic Print Works, chemist ; 1905-1907, Avery Chemical Co. , as chemist, then ofRce manager then salesman and demonstrator ; 1909, I. Levinstein & Co., dyer chemist and demonstrator. Roy G. Burnham. IL S.B. M.LT. 1900 Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, M. I. T. Residence, Essex, Mass. 1901-1910, Lockwood Greene & Co.; power department, Pennsylvania Steel Co. ; Library Bu- reau, Providence Engineering Works, F. S. Webster Co., and Technology. James D. Burns, Jr. 1896-1899 Address. 4 Webb Street, Salem, Mass. Karl Burroughs. X. S.B. M.LT. 1900 Vice-President and Superintendent, Fort Hill Chem- ical Co., Rumford, Maine. Residence. Rumford, Maine. M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 25 Has been connected with the Fort Hill Chemi- cal Co. , since graduation. Arthur F. Buys. 1898-1900 Address. 63 William Street, New York, N. Y. Francis Elmore Cady. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Scientific Assistant, National Electrical Lamp Co. Address. 4503 Hough Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Residence. 2063 East 88th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Married. June 25, 1906, Seila Y. Foote, Washing- ton, D. C. 1901, Technology ; 1902-1903, laboratory assist- ant to Professor Cross at M. I. T. ; 1904-1905, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. ; 1906- 1908, assistant Physicist, National Bureau of Stand- ards, Washington, D. C. ; 1909-1910, scientific assistant to director Physical laboratory, National Electric Lamp Association. Frank L. Cady. 1897-1901 Bacteriologist, Water Filtration Plant, City of Provi- dence, R. L Address. Ill Reservoir Avenue, Providence, R. L Charles H. Carpenter. 1897-1898 Dealer in Coal and Builders Supplies. Address. 214 Linden Street, Hamilton, Ohio. 26 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Llewellyn Leopold Cayvan. V. S.B. M.LT. 1900 With National Biscuit Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Residence. 317 Madison Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah, Married. March 20, 1906, Ann Elizabeth Place, Junction City, Kan. 1901-1910, with the National Biscuit Co., in various parts of the country, first learning the business and now in charge of the manufacturing in Salt Lake City. Walter Crane Chaffee. IV. S.B. M.LT. 1900 Architect, 305 Jefferson County Bank Building, Bir- mingham, Ala. Residence. 1620 15th Avenue South, Birming- ham, Ala. Married. Lottie H. Coffin, Bayonne, N. J. Children. Walter C, Jr., and Edward Merrick. Harry B. Chalmers. X. S.B. M.LT. 1901 Chemist, Chalmers Chemical Co., Dedham, Mass. Residence. Dedham, Mass. Married. June 2, 1908, Josephine L. Gardiner, Quogue, L. I., N. Y. Children. James Gardiner, November 2, 1909. 1901-1904, starting business of manufacturing chemical specialties ; 1905-1907, continuing business of manufacturing chemical specialties ; 1908, grow- ing and buying up stock in company ; 1909-1910, increasing the business of Chalmers Chemical Co. M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 27 John E. Chapin. 1900-1901 Address. 1806 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. Eben L. Chapman. L S.B. M.LT. 1901 With the Pennsylvania Steel Co., Steelton, Pa. Walter N. Charles. L S.B. M.LT. 1900 Engineer with the Charles River Basin Commission, 12 Bridge Street, East Cambridge, Mass. Residence. 364 Waltham Street, West Nev^ton, Mass. Married. 1901, Maud G. Blood, Boston, Mass. 1901-1903, instrumentman, draughtsman, and inspector, City of Newton ; 1904, inspector and office man. Metropolitan Water Works, Newton ; 1906, Charles River Basin Comission, inspector of Charles River dam ; 1907, Charles River Basin, office man ; 1908, Charles River Basin Commission, in charge of office work ; 1909-1910, Charles River Basin Commission, assistant engineer. Aurin M. Chase. IL S.B. M.LT. 1900 President, Chase Motor Truck Co. , Syracuse, N. Y. Residence. 502 Ostorm Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Children. Aurin, Jr., 5 years; Lucy, 3i years; Donald, 2 years. 1901-1905, with Syracuse Plow Co. ; 1905-1906, with H. H. Franklin Automobile Co.; 1906-1910, Chase Motor Truck Co. 28 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Frank David Chase. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Architect, Western Electric Co., Hawthorne, 111. Residence. 1655 East 55th Street, Chicago, 111. Married. 1905. 1907-1909, architect with the Illinois Central Railroad. Has a States^ Architect's License. William Christensen. 1896-1897 Telephone Engineer, 15 Dey Street, New York, N. Y. Residence. Boonton, N. Y. 1901-1905, traffic department. New England Telephone and Telegraph Co., as substation installer and inspector ; 1906-1907, engineering department, American Telephone & Telegraph Co. , Boston ; 1908-1910, same position in New York. Albert L. Churchman. 1896-1899 Address. 4th and Market Streets, Wilmington, Del. Harvey R. Clapp. 1896-1897 Address. Porte Deposit, Md. Burton S. Clark. 1897-1901 Address. Care of C. 0. Whitmore, 75 Pratt Street, Hartford, Conn. M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 29 Robert H. Clary. III. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Consulting Mining Engineer, Seattle, Wash. Address. 800 Leary Building, Seattle, Wash. 1901, mine surveyor, Empire Quicksilver Min- ing Co., Sulphur Banks, Cal., and assistant super- intendent Cyanide Plant, Sheep Ranch, Cal. ; 1902, assistant superintendent. Sea Level Mining and Mill- ing Co. , Sea Level, Alaska ; 1903-1904, interior con- struction contractor, Seattle Electric Co., Seattle, Wash. ; 1905, ore buyer. Southwestern Smelting &^ Refining Co., Benson, Ariz., and mining engineer, Los Angeles, Cal. ; 1906, superintendent of mines, Minas Del Tajo Rosaris, Sivalva, Mexico ; 1907, sick ; 1908, mining engineer, Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek, Col. ; 1909, mining engineer, Den- ver, Col. , and Seattle, Wash. ; 1910, work as con- sulting mining engineer in Washington and China. Ernest E. Cleveland. 1898-1902 State Inspector of Public Buildings, Hampshire and Hampden Counties. Address. 21 Besse Place, Springfield, Mass. Percival C. Clow. IV. S.B. M.LT. 1900 Assistant Engineer, Westinghouse Church Keiss Co., New York, N, Y. Address. 10 Bridge Street, New York, N. Y. Residence. 872 East 35th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Married. December 2, 1902, Ida Mae Holmes, Brockton, Mass. so FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Children. Marian Louisa, November 20, 1904 ; Alan Adelbert, February 18, 1910. 1901-1902, draftsman for the American Bridge Co., East Berlin, Conn.; 1903, estimator and designer for Millikin. Bros., New York City; 1904-1910, assistant engineer, Westinghouse Church Keiss Company. William Rawson Collier. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Contract Agent, Georgia Railway & Electric Co., Atlanta, Ga. Residence. Kennesaw Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. Married. Molly Eunice Mirick, Worcester, Mass. Children. Eunice Bothwell, 6 years. Was a consulting engineer for five years ; engi- neering department of the Georgia Railway & Electric Co. , for one year and a half ; tried manu- facturing for a year, and has been in present posi- tion two years and a half. Is most interested in figuring on dismantling isolated plants. Charles H. Comey. 1896-1898 Treasurer and Manager, Bay State Incorporating Co., Incorporated. Address. 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Franklin Norton Conant. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 With Chase, Shawmut Co., Newburyport, Mass. M. L T.-C L ASS 19 00 31 Residence. Newburyport, Mass. Married. Miss Field, Roselle, N. J. Children. Vora Purdy, 6i years; Hamilton Norton, 5 years. Member of the Choral Union and Dalton Club of Newburyport. Harold Sargent Conant. VII. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Residence. 714 East 21st Street, Baltimore, Md. Married. 1904, Edith Lux, Hartford, Conn. Children. Katherine, September 6, 1906 ; Con- stance, July 30, 1908. 1901-1902, taught school ; 1903-1904, vice-presi- dent of the Jas. S. Conant Co., engravers, Boston, Mass.; 1905-1906, student at the New Church Theological School, Cambridge ; 1907-1909, pastor's assistant at the Church of the New Jerusalem in Baltimore. Prefers the ministry to engineering. John Bancroft Conant. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Manufacturer of mirrors, 21 Vine Street Somerville, Mass, Residence. 124 Summer Street, Somerville, Mass. Married. November 6, 1907, Allyne Searcy, Dal- las, Texas. 1901-1902, draftman and member of the engi- neering department of the Lowell Electric Light Co. ; 1903, superintendent, Billerica Electric Co. ; S2 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD 1904, head of the meter department of the Dallas Electric Light & Power Co., and in 1906, changed to the head of the engineering department ; 1907- 1908, superintendent of the company ; 1909, mem- ber of father's firm, ''Conant Brothers," makers of mirrors. Arthur McGregor Constantine. IX. 1896-1900 Assistant Sunday Editor, Boston Herald, 171 Tre- mont Street, Boston, Mass. Residence. 6 Brimmer Street, Boston, Mass. Has done newspaper work on the Boston Eve- ning Record, Boston Advertiser and the Boston Herald. Frederick Hosmer Cooke. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Civil Engineer, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Department. Residence. 1808 I Street, N. W., Washington, D.C. 1901-1903, draftsman at the Portsmouth Navy Yard ; 1904-1905 assistant civil engineer it the U. S. Navy Yard, Mare Island, Cal. ; 1906, at the Naval Station, Cavite, P. I. Since 1906, has been civil engi- neer in the Navy, staying at Cavite 1907-1908, South Chicago in 1909, and Washington in 1910. Philip B. Cooper. 1896-1897 Building Construction, Annapolis, Md. Married. Eleanor May Burnham, Medina, Ohio. M, I. T. -CLASS 1900 33 Children. Eleanor May, 9 years; Philip B., Jr., 9 years ; Sarah Lawrence, 7 years ; William W. , 4 years ; Leslie Stuart, 12 weeks. Cyrus Corliss, 1896-1900 Engineer, 101 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Residence. 695 Walk Hill Street, Mattapan, Mass. Married. October 23, 1906, Sara J. Langley, Ran- dolph, Mass. 1901-1905, electrical engineering department, Boston Elevated Railway Co. ; 1906-1910, in office of chief engineer of Motive Power and Rolling Stock, William E. Comwell. 1896-1897 Address. North Madison Street, Rome, N. Y. C. Burton Cotting. 1896-1897 With Stock Broker, 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. Harry L. Crocker. 1896-1897 Superintendent, Amoskeag Manufacturing Co., Manchester, N. H. Louis A. Crowell. L S.B. M.LT. 1901 Address. East Dennis, Mass. S4 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD George Warren Cutting, Jr. I. 1896-1900 Civil Engineer, Quarter-master's Department at large, U. S. Army. Address. Care of Chief Quartermaster, Philippines Div., U. S. Army, Manila, P. I. 1901-1904, with the Metropolitan Water Works, construction of Weston aqueduct and reservoir, as rodman, instrumentman, assistant engineer and hydraulic engineer ; 1905, National Building Fire Underwriters, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee, and Massachusetts State Board of Health ; 1906-1910, civil engineer in general practice, Waltham, Mass. Albert C. Dart III. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Professor of Mining Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. Cyrus V. Dart. 1897-1899 Assistant Engineer, Lake Shore & Michigan South- ern Railway Co. Address. 313 LaSalle Street Station, Chicago, 111. John L. Dakin, Jr. 1898-1899 Address. 44 Evergreen Street, Roxbury, Mass. M. I. T,-CLASS 19 00 35 Maurice Davenport. 1896-1898 Address. 360 Ocean Avenue, Flatbush, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Charles J. Davis. I. 1896-1898 Engineer on subway work, Boston Elevated Railway. Residence. 2 Central Square, Cambridge, Mass. Married. Gertrude M. Lewis, Southampton, N. S. Children. Charles J. , Jr. , 6 years ; William Earl, 4 years ; George Warren, 3 years. Edward M. Davis. IX. S.B. M.I T. 1900 Registrar and Associate Professor of Economics, Purdue University. Residence. LaFayette, Ind. 1901-1902, statistical clerk, Bureau of Municipal Statistics, Boston, Mass.; 1903, graduate student, faculty of political science, Columbia University ; 1904-1908, instructor in Economics and History, Purdue University, LaFayette, Ind. Interested in book collecting, library building, philosophy, comparative religion and social reform. Member of Technology Club, American Sociolog- ical Society, and American Economics, Historical, Political Science, and Statistical Associations. Wilbur W. Davis. 1896-1899 Senior Assistant Engineer, Boston Transit Commis- sion, 15 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. S6 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Residence. 53 Ferdinand Street, Melrose High- lands, Mass. Married. Leda M. Richards, Somerville, Mass. Children. Lenora R., 5 years. Work in tunnel construction, designing for strength, foundations, grades, and alignment drain- age, ventilation, also inspection and estimates. Member of Boston Society of Civil Engineers. Walter Clark Dean. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Chief Electrical Draftsman, Navy Yard, Nor- folk, Va. Residence. Lafayette Residence Park, Norfolk, Va. Married. Kathryn Brundage, Scranton, Pa. Children. Walter Brundage, 4 years ; Albert Gard- ner, 1 year. Has five wireless stations in the 5th Naval District under his direction. These have to be inspected quarterly and are constantly being altered to keep up with latest practice. Member of American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Lafayette Canoe Club, Norfolk and Lafayette Residence Park Improvement Board. Paul H. Delano. L S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Address. North Plymouth, Mass. Frederick M. Delesdernier. 1896-1897 Address. 152 Hampden Street, Boston, Mass. M. L T.-C LASS 1900 37 Elwin Hibbert Dimock. II. 1896-1899 Newton Theological Institute, Newton Centre, Mass. Residence. Newton Centre, Mass. Married. Miss Howe, Gardner, Mass. 1901-1902, private business in hardware manu- facturing, Boston, Mass. ; 1903-1904, tool-making in machine shops, Winchester, Mass., and New Britain, Conn.; 1905-1906, Y. M. C. A. work, Springfield, Mass.; 1908-1910, studying at Newton Theological Institute, and preaching in Newton Centre and Nova Scotia. Dimock writes : "The conviction that I ought to preach the gospel has been with me even from before the time I entered Tech. And though theol- ogy and science are often so far apart in spirit yet I believe I could have done nothing better as a basis for a theological education than take the studies I did in those years at Technology, and accordingly I shall remember the Institute gratefully. ' ' William A. Dorey. III. SB. M.I.T. 1900 Superintendent, Holophane Glass Co., Newark, Ohio. Residence. 412 Hudson Avenue, Newark, Ohio. Married. 1903, Marguerite Shuebruk, Boston, Mass. Children. Margaret, 1904 ; Elsie, 1907. 1901, with lUinois Steel Co., in Chicago ; 1902- 1903, with Holophane Glass Co., New York ; 1904, with Holophane Glass Co., Newark; 1905, with Holophane Glass Co., in New York. Member of Illuminating Engineering Society,, and Association of Car Lighting Engineers. 38 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Joseph Porter Draper. IX. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 LL.B. Harvard 1903 Lawyer, 15 State Street, Boston, Mass. Residence. Canton, Mass. Married. May 16, 1908, Mary Glen Fling, German- town, Pa. Children. Mary Glen, November 1, 1909. 1901-1903, student. Harvard Law School ; 1904, in law office of Putnam & Putnam ; 1905-1910, practicing law independently. Editor of Harvard Law Review. Howard R. Dunbar. 1896-1900 Engineer and Agent, Lamson Consolidated Store Service Co., 161 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. Miss Clara L Durgin. V. S.B. M.LT. 1900 Biologist. Massachusetts State Board of Health Laboratory. Address. 502 State House, Boston, Mass. William B. Dwight. 1896-1897 Address. 1323 Davis Street, Evanston, 111. Herman Eberhardt. 1896-1897 Address. 475 Burnside Street, Portland, Ore. M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 39 Warren A. Edson. II. S,B. M.I.T. 1900 Treasurer, Norton Door Check Co. , 102 Pearl Street, Boston, Mass. Samuel B. Elbert. III. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Shift-Boss, Magnetic Plant, Smuggler, Colo. Carleton Ellis. V. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Chemist, 15 William Street, New York, N. Y. Residence. Montclair, N. J. Married. 1902, Birdella M. Wood, Dayton, Ohio. Children. Eleanor J., TJ years; Marjorie 0., 5 years ; Carleton Jr. , 1 J years. 1901, instructor, M. I. T. ; 1902-1903, consulting chemist ; 1904-1906, president Chadeloid Chemical Co., and Ellis-Chalmers Co.; 1907-1908, president Chadeloid Chemical Co., and ElHs-Foster Co.; 1909- 1910, president Ellis-Foster Co., and vice-president Chadeloid Chemical Co. Work largely along the line of chemical inven- tion, and has 200 patents or patents pending. Member of the Drug and Chemical Club, Grad- uates Club, both of New York City, and the Montclair Club, of Montclair, N. J. Frank Emerson. 1895-1898 Address. 905 Jefferson Avenue, Peora, 111. JfO FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD George W. Emery. III. 1896-1899 Draftsman, Walworth Manufacturing Co., South Boston, Mass. Residence. 27 Albion Street, Somerville, Mass. Married. October 27, 1907, Pearl B. Grose, Wey- mouth, Mass. Children. Dorothy, September 11, 1908. 1901-1902, drafting, Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Co., Pittsburg, and Bucyrus Co., Milwaukee, Wis.; 1903, Steel Cable Engineering Co. , Boston, drafting and in charge of construction ; 1904-1905, Boston Elevated Railway Co., motive power and machinery drafting, testing, etc ; 1906, B. F. Sturtevant Co., drafting and surveying for installations ; 1907, Boston Elevated Railway Co. ; 1907-1910, Walworth Manufacturing Co., in charge of drafting room. Member of the New England Street Railway Club. D. Howard Evans. III. 1896-1897 Lawyer. 1428 Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Residence. 1736 Mt. Vernon Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Married. April 10, 1907, Laura M. Kelly, Philadel- phia, Pa. Children. D. Howard Jr., February 7, 1909. 1901, student, University of Pennsylvania, law department, also clerk in law office of Alexander & M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 Magill ; 1902, graduated from University of Penn- sylvania and was admitted to the bar ; 1903-1910, practicing law. Was taken sick during course at Tech, and while recuperating became interested in law. He writes : ' ' One can very readily appreciate that in the practise of law the practitioner must be able to comprehend the matter about which he is consulted. Without any design on my part I find that my busi- ness has drifted into the channel of representing engineers and contractors to a large extent, due, I believe to m_y fondness for technical subjects and the resulting ease with which I can handle such cases." Member of the Philadelphia Athletic Club and the Technology Club. Frederick E. Everett. I. 1896-1899 Assistant Engineer, State Highway Department, Concord, N. H. Residence. New London, N. H. Married. Gerti'nde E. Lamson, Cambridge, Mass. Children. Douglas Newton, 5 years ; Barbara, 3 years. 1902-1905, engineer of park department. Cam- bride, Mass. ; 1906, assistant engineer preliminary survey, Cambridge pipe line. Has kept up Walker Club traditions by playing many parts, such as Silas Green in " Mrs. Briggs of the Poultry Patch," Mr. Carter in "Messmales," hZ FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Philip in "Mr. Bob," Larry Finnig'an in ''Finni- gan's Fortune," and Silas Steele in '' Nevada." Is doing important work connected with the planning, surveying, and inspection of the three trunk roads, for which New Hampshire has appro- priated one million dollars. Raymond E. Farwell. 1896-1897 Manager, Ryegate Paper Co., East Ryegate, Vt. Francis T. Fitch. 1896-1897 Address. Watertown, N. Y. Stanley Gay Hyde Fitch. X. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Accountant, Patterson, Teele & Dennis, 30 Broad Street, New York, N. Y. Married. Barbara Ross Dillaway, Boston, Mass. Children. Barbara Ross, October 4, 1903 ; Stanley Dillaway, January 16, 1906 ; Katharine Hyde, February 25, 1907. Herbert M. Flanders. 1896-1900 Civil Engineer, Newton Street Railway, Newton, Mass. George Burdett Ford. IV. A.B. Harvard 1899 S.B. M.I.T. 1900 S.M. M.I.T. 1901 A.D.G. Ecole Des Beaux Arts, France 1907 Architect, 347 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Residence. 50 Morningside Avenue West, New York, N. Y. . M. I. T. -CLASS 19 00 US 1901, post-graduate M. I. T. for S.M. degree; 1902-1903, in offices of Peabody & Stearns and Guy Lowell in Boston ; 1904-1907, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, and with G. B. Post, New York ; 1908-1910, with George B. Post & Sons, New York. Official delegate from U. S. Government to 9th International Housing Congress, Vienna, Austria, 1910. Also delegate from National Housing Asso- ciation. Has written from thirty to forty articles and chapters in books on Architecture, Housing, and Town Planning.' Considers New York as having a bigger field and better outlook for architects. Interested in the relation of architecture to social betterment. Member of Tech Club and Harvard Club, of New York ; Beaux Arts, and Societe des Architectes Diplomes par le gouvernement Francais. Frederic E. Foye. 1896-1897 Model Maker, 44 Binford Street, Boston, Mass. James M. Fraser. 1897-1898 Architect, 404 Superior Building, Cleveland, Ohio. Robert Frazer, Jr. 1895-1899 Address. 209 South 3rd Street, Philadelphia, Pa. FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Philip Roland French. V. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Mill Chemist, Kumhardt Mill, Lawrence, Mass. Residence. Andover, Mass. Married. December 21, 1903, Clara B. Soule, Som- erville, Mass. Children. Philip Roland, Jr., October 14, 1904 ; Richard Soule, June 7, 1906. 1901-1902, teaching textile chemistry, Lowell Textile School ; 1903, same at A. & M. College, Raleigh, N. C. ; 1904-1907, mill chemist, Wauskuck Co., Providence, R. L Francis G. Frink. Address. 604 30th Street, South Seattle, Wash. Gerald Frink. IL S.B. M.LT. 1900 Manager, Washington Iron Works, Seattle, Wash. William H. Fulton. VI. S.B. M.LT. 1900 General Manager, Commercial Engineering Co., 2 Rector Street, New York, N. Y. Du Relle Gage. 1895-1897 Address. Narberth, Pa. Frank DeMerritt Gage. 1896-1899 Address. 8 Albion Street, Lawrence, Mass. ___^ M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 ^5 Edward G. Gallagher. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Electrical Engineer, Lake Torpedo Boat Co. , Bridg- port, Conn. S. Franklin Gardner. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Contractor, Mechanical Equipment Works, Stand- ard Engineering Co., Metropolitan Bank Build- ing, Washington, D. C. Arthur W. Geiger. III. 1898-1898 E.M. Columbia Superintendent, Cyanide Plant, Cortez Metals Recov- ery Co., Cortez, Nev. Residence. 290 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, Mass. Left Tech in the fall of 1897 to go into busi- ness ; 1902, mining in Montana ; 1903-1905, study- ing ; 1906-1907, superintendent of Alaska Smelting and Refining Company. George Crocker Gibbs. L S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Student, Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Mass. Residence. 17 Lawrence Hall, Cambridge, Mass. 1901-1902, draftsman. Brown Hoisting Co. ; 1903, engineer, Clapp & Abercrombie, Civil Engineers, Greenfield, Mass. ; 1904, inspector, U. S. engineers department, Newport district ; 1905, inspector, Alu Lumber Broker, New Bedford, Mass. ; 1906, lumber broker and engineer with Eastern Concrete Con-, struction Co. , contracting ; 1908, with same company. m FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Claude U. Gilson. II. 1896-1897 Advertising, Broadway and 10th Street, New York, N. Y. Residence. 257 Lincoln Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. Married. July 6, 1904, Sara S. Emery, Saco, Me. Children. Sumner Emery, December 4, 1905, de- ceased ; Spofford Franklin, November 18, 1907, deceased. 1901-1903, in Boston, learning printing and binding business ; 1903-1906, New York Printers Board of Trade, estimating, organizing, and manag- ing ; 1906-1907, Jersey City Printing Co. , managing ; 1907-1909, R. L. Stillson Co., New York, printer, managing ; 1909-1910, John Wanamaker, New York, advertising. Henry R. Gilson. 11. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Address. Needham, Mass. John T. F. Gladding. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Address. Kennewick, Wash. Russell H. Glover. 1896-1901 Address. Harrington, Me. Lucius W. Godfrey. 1896-1897 Vice-President American Palace Laundry, 238 Fargo Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Married. September 6, 1909, Miss Liss, Detroit, Mich. M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 U7 Was sick in 1901 ; 1902-1903, studying laundry processes ; 1904-1910, vice-president, American Pal- ace Laundry. Alberto P. Gonzalez. III. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Address. Monterey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Frederic S. Goodridge. IL S.B. M.LT. 1900 Estimator, Thonlpson, Starrett Co. , 51 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. Louis N. Gowell. IV. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Address. 515 Crafts Street, West Newton, Mass. Philip L. Grabau. 1896-1899 Dealer in Photographic Supplies, 36 Bromfield Street, Boston, Mass. Sheldon Dermitt Graff. II. 1896-1900 Sales Department, Simplex Electric Co. , 210 Devon- shire Street, Boston, Mass. Residence. 31 Linden Place, Brookline, Mass. 1901-1903, engineering, Westinghouse Machine Co. , Pittsburg, Pa. ; 1904-1909, sales department, Westinghouse Machine Co., Boston, Mass.; 1909, sales department, Simplex Electrical Co. 1,8 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Harry L. Grant. XIII. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Address. Western Electric Co., 500 South Clinton Street, Chicago, 111. George Anthony Hall. IX. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 S.T.B. Yale 1909 A.M. Harvard 1910 Residence. Klinik Strasse 5, Marburg, Germany. Married. June 4, 1907, Faith Pomeroy, Boston, Mass. Children. Lois Soule, April 10, 1908, Norman Pome- roy, December 8, 1909. 1901, M. I. T. ; 1902-1904, in bank ; 1905-1906, Yale ; 1907, North Dakota ; 1908, Yale ; 1909, Har- vard ; 1910, Germany. Milton Weston Hall. VII. S.B. MJ.T. 1900 M.D. Univ. of Illinois Pathologist, Murray Hospital, Butte, Mont. Residence. Butte, Mont. Married. June 12, 1905, Ruth Blanchard, Boston, Mass. 1901-1903, medical school ; 1904, interne. Cook County Hospital, Chicago ; 1905, pathologist, Cook County Hospital ; 1906, pathologist, Chicago Labora- tory ; 1907-1909, practising medicine. Red Lodge, Mont. Has been health officer at Red Lodge, Mont., of both county and city. M. I. T.-C L A SS 190G 1,9 Stephen Minard Hall. VI. S.B. MI.T. 1900 Sales Engineer, Garwood Electric Co., 149 Broad- way, Nev7 York, N. Y. Residence. 64 Willowdale Avenue, Montclair, N.J. Married. July 1, 1903, Mary Daggart Price, North Attleboro, Mass. Children. Stephen Edward, June 13, 1905 ; Martha Price and Josephine St. John, October 10, 1908. 1901, electrical laboratorian. Navy Yard, Nor- folk, Va. ; 1902, electrical engineer, C. W. Hunt & Co., West Brighton, N. Y.; 1903-1907, sales engi- neer, C. &C. Electric Co., New York City; 1908, sales engineer. Western Electric Co. ; 1909, Gar- wood Electric Co., sales engineer. Walter A. Hallstrom. 1896-1897 Address. Headquarters Philippine Div., Manila, P. I. Ralph Hamlin. I. 1899-1900 B.C.E. Univ. of Maine Engineer, Corrugated Bar Co., 710 Pioneer Press Building, St. Paul, Minn. Residence. 1812 Dayton Ave. , St. Paul, Minn. Married. October 6, 1903, Jessie Ruth Macklin, Harrisburg, Pa. Children. William Dehoin, December 1, 1905 ; Robert Dunton, April 28, 1908. 50 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD 1901-1902, draftsman, Pennsylvania Steel Co., Harrisburg, Pa. ; 1903-1905, draftsman, Interna- tional Paper Co., New York City; 1906-1908, engi- neer, Turner Construction Co. , New York City. Clifford R. Hammond. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Sales Engineer, Cutler-Hammer Manufacturing Co., 50 Church Street, New York, N. Y. Harry C. Hanson. 1896-1899 Mechanical Engineer, Boston Elevated Railway Co. , Boston, Mass. Cyrus Howard Hapgood. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Address. Charter Oak Shoe Co., Wethersfield, Conn. Harry M. Harps. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Principal Assistant Engineer with Herbert C. Keith, Consulting Engineer, 116 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y. William S. Hart. I. 1896-1897 Secretary, Shawinigan Water & Power Co., 607 Power Building, Montreal, P. Q. Residence. Westmount, P. Q. Married. April 29, 1908, M. Louise Scott, West- mount, P. Q. M. L T. -CLASS 1900 51 1901-1902, Boston, in private banking concern ; 1902-1910, Montreal with Shawinigan Water & Power Co. Barton Haselton. 1896-1899 Secretary and Treasurer, Rome Brass & Copper Co. , Rome, N. Y. James C. Heckman. 1899-1900 Address. 385 Filmore Avenue, East Aurora, N. Y. Garabed George Heghinian. XL S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Engineer, 407 Hamilton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Residence. 66 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Married. Miss Eisinbrandt, Baltimore, Md. Children. Garabed Eisinbrandt, 3 years. 1901, M. I. T.; 1902-1903, engineer, North Ger- man Lloyd Steamship Co. ; 1904-1905, engineer and inspector, department of highways, New York City ; 1906-1910, asphalt expert and consulting engi- neer, Brooklyn Alcatia Asphalt Co. Designed automatic level rod as well as machin- ery used in the manufacture of asphalt blocks. Edward Herbert. VL S.B. M.LT. 1900 Engineer, Western Electric Co. , Hawthorne, 111. Residence. 149 North Harvard Avenue, Chicago, 111. 52 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Married. October 15, 1907, Clara H. Lyle, Dona- giac, Mich. Children. Robert Beverley, March 29, 1909. 1900-1910, engineering department, Western Electric Co. John M. Higgins. 1896-1897 Heating Engineer and Contractor, Alexander Dun- can Co., 83 Union Street, Boston, Mass. *Tomokichi Hirokawa. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 B.S. Univ. of New Hampshire Married. 1902, Nobu Mataki. Children. Two boys and two girls. 1901, apprentice. General Electric Co. ; 1902- 1903, instructor, Doshiska College, Kioto; 1903-1909, chief engineer and manager, Kioto Electric Light Co. As manager of the Kioto Electric Light Co., designed the following plants : 500 Kw. steam power at Higashi-Kujo ; 80 Kw. steam power at Nakatsu ; 800 Kw. water power at Nakao, with an extra high tension transmission of 10,000 volts to Fukui City ; 800 Kw. water power at Kurota, with an extra high tension transmission of 15,000 volts to Kioto City; 180 Kw. water power at Imaharu, his native town. Charles W. Hodsdon. IL S.B. M.LT. 1900 Draftsman, U. S. Arsenal, Watertown, Mass. * Deceased, February 10, 1909. M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 53 George M. Holbrook. V. S.B. M.LT. 1900 Superintendent, Refining Department, Armour & Co., Fort Worth, Texas. Residence. Fort Worth, Texas. Married. August 20, 1902, Louise A. Alkire, Yellow Springs, Ohio. Children. John A., June 7, 1907. 1901, chemist, IlHnois Steel Co., South Chicago, 111. ; 1902-1903, foreman, blast furnace department, Illinois Steel Co., South Chicago, III; 1904-1905, chemist. Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. Archibald R. Holmes. 1898 Address. Harrtsport, Nova Scotia. Harris G. Hooper. XIII. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Address. General Delivery, Ocean Park, Cal. Bertram C. Hopeman. IV. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Contractor, 569 Lyell Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Residence. Rochester, N. Y. Married. April 27, 1907, Cornelia Warren Wheeler, Milwaukee, Wis. 1901-1910, contracting business in Rochester. Robert M. Hopkins. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Sales Engineer, Alberger Condenser Co., 140 Cedar Street, New York, N. Y. Residence. 531 West 143rd Street, New York, N. Y. 54 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD 1901, California Power Line Construction ; 1902- 1905, consulting engineer, Chicago ; 1906-1908, engi- neering department, Alberger Condenser Co. Frank N. Horton. 11. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Engineer, with Fore River Shipbuilding Co., Quincy, Mass. Residence. 88 Tonawanda Street, Dorchester, Mass. Married. June 16, 1909, Marion A. Baker, Boston, Mass. 1901, draftsman, Lockwood, Green & Co. ; 1902- 1906, draftsman. Fore River Shipbuilding Co.; 1907-1908, assistant to chief engineer. Fore River Shipbuilding Co. ; 1909-1910, estimating department. Fore River Shipbuilding Co. William B. Hough. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 President, William B. Hough Co., Monadnock Build- ing, Chicago, 111. Herbert Holmes Howe. IX. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Clerk, 75 State Street, Boston, Mass. Residence. 21 Durant Street, Newton, Mass. 1901, travel ; 1902, accident prevented any work; 1903, Houghton Mifflin & Co.; 1904-1910, John P. O'Brien & Co., bonds. M. L T.-CLASS 19 00 55 Henry Vincent Hubbard. IV. 1897-1898 A.B. S.B. A.M. Harvard Landscape Architect, 15 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. Residence. Westmorely Court Cambridge, Mass. 1901-1905, with Olmsted Bros., Boston, Mass.; 1906, Hubbard & White, Boston, Mass. ; 1907-1910, Pray, Hubbard & White, Landscape Architects. Harry Leigh Hunt. 1896-1899 Draftsman, with Union Metallic Cartridge Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Residence. Stratford, Conn. Married. Katharine Silliman, Bridgeport, Conn. Children. Margaret, March 8, 1907. Draftsman, with General Electric Co., Schnec- tady, N. Y. ; draftsman, with Lake Torpedo Boat Co. , Newport News, Va. ; Listing department, Union Metallic Cartridge Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Herman R. Hunt. XIIL S.B. M.LT. 1900 Instructor, Portsmouth Navy Yard. Residence. Kittery, Maine. Married. June 25, 1902, Cora G. Fish, New Bed- ford, Mass. Children. Jane Giifford, February 8, 1904 ; Josiah Arnold, October 25, 1907 ; Lydia Hathaway, December 29, 1908 ; Ruth Allen, March 13, 1910. 56 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD 1901-1906, ship draftsman, New York City and Seattle, Wash.; 1907-1910, instructor in Naval Architecture, M. I. T., Boston, Mass. William R. Hurd. 1896-1898 With the United Shoe Machinery Co., 36 Lothrop Street, Beverley, Mass. James W. Hussey. XIII. S.B. M.LT. 1900 Naval Architect, 200 South 12th Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Frederick DuBois Ingalls. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Consulting Engineer, Rosenbloom Building, Syra- cuse, N. Y. Residence. 706i South Crouse Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. Married. A. Maude Gilbert, Boston, Mass. 1901, assistant engineer, with A. A. Sanborn, contractor, Boston, and later heating and ventila- ting draftsman, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. ; engineer and manager of heating depart- ment, with Edward Joy, contractor, Syracuse, N.Y. Willard F. Jackson. IV. 1896-1898 Real Estate, 204 Main Street, Brockton, Mass. Residence. 560 Summer Street, Brockton, Mass. Married. December 5, 1905, Lillian I. Buck, Mans- field, Mass. M. I. T. -CLASS 19 00 57 1901-1902, draftsman, with A. F. Gray, 53 State Street, Boston, Mass. ; 1903-1904, transit man, city engineer's office, Brockton, Mass. ; 1905, chief draftsman, with Dodge & Day, Philadelphia, Pa. ; 1906, draftsman in Tennessee and Chicago ; 1907, assistant superintendent of construction, Philadel- phia; 1908-1910, real estate business, Brockton, Mass. Levi B. Jennings. I. 1896-1899 Interior Decorator, 150 Boylston Street, Boston^ Mass. Residence. Wellesley Farms, Mass. Married. 1901, at home ; 1902-1904, buyers assistant, Irv- ing & Casson, Boston, Mass.; 1905-1907, salesman for same firm ; 1908-1909, consulting decorator for same firm. Benjamin R. Johnson. 1897-1898 Patent Lawyer, 605 7th Street, N. W., Washing- ton, D. C. Carl F. Johnson. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Manager of New York office, Johnson Service Co., New York, N. Y. Charles C. Johnson. X. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Superintendent, Western Explosive Co., Ltd., True- stall Bay, B. C. Residence. Truestall Bay, B. C. 58 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Daniel S. Johnson. III. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Constructing and Mining Engineer, Berlin, Nev. Residence. Berlin, Nev. 1901, constructing engineer with a smelter, Pueblo, Col.; 1902, superintendent of a smelter, Reno, Nev., and engineer of a smelter, Aguasca- lientes, Mexico ; 1903, superintendent of a mine. Gross Valley, Cal. ; 1904, mining, Nevada ; 1905- 1908, mining engineer, Goldfield, Nev. ; 1909, vice- president and superintendent for Goldfield Blue Bell Mining Co., Berlin, Nev.; 1910, president and gen- eral manager for Goldfield Blue Bell Mining Co., Berlin, Nev. Has written books and articles too numerous to mention. Sullivan W. Jones. 1896-1897 Address. 63 William Street, New York, N. Y. Henry D. Jouett. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Designing Engineer of Electric Zone, N. Y. C. & H.R.R.R., 335 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Residence. 323 West 77th Street, New York, N. Y. 1901-1902, with the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., as assistant supervisor of track and assistant to divis- ion engineer in Albany, N. Y. ; 1903-1906, as assist- ant engineer on construction. New York City ; 1907, as resident engineer on construction. New York City ; 1908, as assistant to engineer of struct- ures, New York City. M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 59 Walter R. Kattelle. IV. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Structural Engineer with Supervising Architect, Treasury Building, Washington, D. C. Residence. 1321 N Street, N. W. , Washington, D. C. Married. October ], 1908, Nellie J. Feagles, Toledo, Ohio. 1901, draftsman with Chapman & Frazer, Bos- ton, Mass. ; 1902, post-graduate course at M. I. T. and draftsman for American Bridge Co., East Ber- lin, Conn.; 1903-1904, draftsman, with Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, Boston, Mass. ; 1905-1906, drafts- man with Charles River Basin Commission, Boston, Mass. ; 1907, assistant engineer with Charles River Basin Commission ; 1908-1909, architect with Charles River Basin Commission. Herbert C. Keay. III. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Professor of Transportation and Director of Rail- way Department, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Residence. Montreal, Canada. 1901, assistant to chief engineer, Pennsylvania Steel Co., Steelton, Pa.; 1902-1905, chief draftsman, Boston & Maine Railroad, motive power depart- ment, Boston, Mass. ; 1906-1907, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, McGill University. Favorite sports are skiing in winter, tennis in summer ; for pleasure^ unalloyed, he goes canoeing and for further enjoyment, which, however, he finds sometimes mixed with vexation, he takes to motoring. 60 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Leigh S. Keith. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 General Electrical Engineering Work, 1454 Monad- nock Building, Chicago, 111. Residence. 4652 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, 111. 1901-1909, telephone engineering work, New- York City. Edwin R. King. 1896-1897 Address. Rowland Schoolhouse, New Bedford, Mass. George W. Knight. V. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Chemist, Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. William B. Laine. IV. 1897-1899 Vice-president and General Manager, with Frank B. Gilbreth, Inc. , General Contractors, 60 Broad- way, New York, N. Y. Residence. 44 Morningside Avenue, West, New York, N. Y. Married. May 14, 1906, Mrs. Minnie M. Cook (nee Berry), Graniteville, S. C. 1900-July, 1901, resident engineer with Lock- wood Green & Co., Graniteville, S. C. ; July, 1901- 1902, resident engineer at city of Waterville, Me. , also with Lockwood Greene & Co., at Richmond, Va. ; 1903, in charge of construction work for Hope Mills Manufacturing Co., Hope Mills, N. C; 1903- 1904, resident engineer, Lockwood Greene & Co., M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 61 at Springfield, Mass., also local representative of same concern at Baltimore, Md. ; 1905-1907, in con- struction department, Frank B. Gilbreth, contractor. New York City ; 1908, general manager with Frank B. Gilbreth, New York City. John S. Larcombe, Jr. 1896-1897 Address. 1815 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Frederick D. Lawley. XIII. 1896-1897 Designer for Geo. Lawley & Son, Corporation, South Boston, Mass. Residence. 15 Otis Street, Medford, Mass. Married. September 12, 1900, Minnie J. Cole, West Somerville, Mass. Children. George Fred, 2nd, June 24, 1901. Lewis Morse Lawrence. IV. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Architectural Draughtsman, Boston, Mass. Residence. 76 Lake Avenue, Melrose, Mass. Married. June 11, 1903, Helen Pauhne Rembert, Rembert, S. C. 1901, teaching school. Mechanic Arts High School, Boston, Mass. ; 1902, architectural draughtsman, Jacksonville, Fla. ; 1903, architectural draughtsman, Boston, Mass. ; 1904-1909, architectural draughts- man, Washington, D. C. 62 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD He claims an honorary membership in the Uni- versal Society for the Elimination of Work, of which there are no active members. The colleges for v^hich he entertains the highest respect because of representatives thereof whom he has met are Smith, Vassar, and Wellesley. George H. Leach. 1896-1897 Manager of Credits and Sales, 1239 Warren Avenue, Campello, Mass. Robert H. Leach. IIL S.B. M.LT. 1900 General Superintendent, Brittania Mining and Smelting Co. , Brittania Beach, B. C. Harrington D. Learnard. 1896-1898 Manager, Seth W. Fuller, Electrical Contractors, 100 Bedford Street, Boston, Mass. Charles A. Leary. IL 1896-1899. 1900 Assistant Engineer, Boston Elevated Railway Co. , Boston, Mass. Residence. 35 Palmer Street, Waltham, Mass. 1901, with Pierce & Barnes Co., Boston, Mass.; 1902-1905, mining engineer, with Spangler, Cam- bria Co., Pa.; 1906, assistant superintendent of sewer construction, with contractor, Peabody, Mass. ; 1907, assistant engineer of Water Power Develop- M. I. T. -CLASS 1900 63 ment, Vernon, Vt. ; 1908, assistant superintendent with contractor for rock tunnel, Metropolitan Sewer, Boston, Mass. ; 1909, resident engineer, Johnstown and Gallitzin Railway Co., Johnstown, Pa. Albert T. Leatherbee. 1896 Address. West Newton, Mass. Clifford M. Leonard. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 President and Treasurer of the Leonard Construc- tion Co. , and of Canadian Leonard Construction Co., Ltd., McCormick Building, Chicago, 111. Residence. 1315 Astor Street, Chicago, 111. Married. December 22, 1909, Floweree K. Grey, Chicago, 111. 1901, rodman with Minneapolis & St. Paul R. R. Co., and Chicago & Northwestern R. R. Co.; 1902, draughtsman ; 1903-1904, contractor's estimator and superintendent ; 1905-1907, president and treasurer of the Leonard-Martin Construction Co.; 1908, president and treasurer, Leonard Construction Co. Francis Church Lincoln. IIL S.B. M.LT. 1900 Professor of Geology, Montana School of Mines, Butte, Mont. Residence. Butte, Mont. Married. Gertrude Whipple Appleton, Boston, Mass. Children. Leslie Appleton, 5 years. 6A FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Since leaving" Tech has had the following pro- fessional engagements : Assayer with the Butterfly & Terrible Gold Mining Co., Ames, Col.; professor of geology, New Mexico School of Mines, Socoro, N. M. ; professor of metallurgy at same school ; superintendent of Ruby Gold & Copper Co. , ' 'Bata- mote, " Sonora, Mex. ; lessee of the Arizona Gold & Copper Co. , Patigonia, Ariz. ; student of geology, Columbia University ; Fellow in geology, Columbia University ; also since 1909, practicing as examin- ing engineer and geologist. Finds that with few exceptions the good men he has met have been Tech men. Robert R. Lingley. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Engineer with A. A. and C. H. Sanborn, 16 Post Office Square, Boston, Mass. Residence. North Cambridge, Mass. Married. February 27, 1907, A. E. McKenzie, Pittsfield, Mass. 1901-1902, foreman for the Whittock Pipe Co., Elwood, Conn.; 1903-1904, inspector and engineer with Densmore & LeClear, Boston, Mass. ; 1905- 1910, engineer with A. A. and C. H. Sanborn in Boston, Washington, and Columbia, S. C. James L. Little, Jr. 1897-1901 Architect, 15 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. M, I. T.-CLASS 19 00 65 Homer Littlefield. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Salesman, General Electric Co., 409 Columbus Sav- ings & Trust Building, Columbus, Ohio. Robert S. Littlefield. XIII. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 With James H. Roberts & Co., Inc. Power Trans- mission Machinery Manufacturers, East Cam- bridge, Mass. John W. Long. 1896-1899 Address. 71 Moulton Street, Charlestown, Mass. Ruthford V. Lumbert. 1896-1898 Manufacturing Chemist, 150 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass. William R. McAusland. 1897-1898 Journalist with Record Herald, Chicago, 111. James G. McDonald. 1896-1897 Address. 4 Highland Street, Roxbury, Mass. James W. Mcintosh. 1896-1899 Address. 60 Sheridan Street, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 66 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Herbert M. McMaster. 1896-1900 Address. Portland, Ore. Herbert A. MacPherson. XIII. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Assistant Statistician with the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. , 15 Dey Street, New York, N. Y. Residence. New York City. 1901-1904, drafting and estimating in scientific department of Fore River Ship Building Co., Quincy, Mass.; 1905-1908, assistant manager of Western Electric Co., Chicago, 111., and Philadelphia, Pa.; 1909-1910, assistant statistician for American Tele- phone & Telegraph Co. , in Boston and New York City. Frederick W. Madgeburg. 1898-1900 Address. Ashland, Pa. Francis J. Mague. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1902 General Contractor, Landscape and Engineering Construction, West Newton, Mass. Sumner M. Manley. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 General Superintendent, with J. C. Nichols, Kansas City, Mo. Residence. 3616 Jefferson Street, Kansas City, Mo. Married. 1905, Susanah Talbot, Brockton, Mass. Children. Robert Talbot, December 30, 1908. ' ' Too many 1900 men staid East. ' ' M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 67 Daniel E. Maxfield. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Superintendent of Construction, D'Olier Engineer- ing Co., 121 South Eleventh Street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Residence. 14 West Main Street, Moorestown, N.J. Married. April 24, 1905, Katherine D'Olier, Phila- delphia, Pa. Children. Clark Norton, July 1, 1908. 1901-1902, assistant engineer of tests, Water- town Arsenal, Mass. ; 1903-1905, with B. F. Sturte- vant Co., Hyde Park, Mass., doing construction and experimental work. George H. Mead. X. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 B.L. Hobart College President and General Manager, Mead Pulp & Paper Co., Dayton, Ohio, Residence. Dayton, Ohio. 1901-1902, chemist, with A. D. Little, Boston, Mass. ; 1903, manager of the Scioto Pulp & Paper Mills, Chillicothe, Ohio ; 1904-1905, general mana- ger of the General Artificial Silk Co. , Philadelphia, Pa. ; 1906-1908, general manager of the Mead Pulp & Paper Co. , Dayton, Ohio. Arthur C. Melcher. V. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Research Associate, in Physical Chemistry, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. Residence. 58 Bowen Street, Newton Centre, Mass. Has been connected with the Institute since 1901. 68 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Frederic I. Merrick. IV. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Address. New Brighton, Pa. Charles Van Merrick. IV. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Supervising Architect, Corner Hawk Street and Washington Avenue, Albany, N. Y. Residence. 139 South Lake Avenue, Albany, N. Y. Married. September 24, 1903, Amy Chester, Al- bany, N. Y. 1901, draftsman with Barge Canal Survey, Al- bany, N. Y. ; 1902-1907, draftsman and supervising architect. New York City. Albert Sidney Merrill. X. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Assistant Inspecting Engineer, with the Universal Portland Cement Co., 1830 Commercial Bank Building, Chicago, 111. Residence. 524 Pleasant Street, Oak Park, 111. 1901-1902, assistant in mechanical engineering, M. I. T., and with the Massachusetts Highway Commission ; 1902-1903, instructor in mechanical engineering. University of Wisconsin ; 1903-1905, assistant physicist. Bureau of Standards, Washing- ton, D. C. ; 1906-1907, city salesman with the Sulli- van Machinery Co., Chicago, 111. Leslie E. Merrill. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Address. 86 Cedar. Street, Haverhill, Mass. M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 69 Lewis A. Miller. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Address. Maintenance of Way Department, Penn- sylvania Railroad, 360 Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. Thomas H. Minary. 1896-1898 Address. 1054 Second Street, Louisville, Ky. Albert V. Mollen 1896-1899 Secretary, Christensen Engineering Co., Milwau- kee, Wis. George B. Moody. XIIL S.B. M.LT. 1900 Draughtsman, Bath Iron Works, Bath, Me. Residence. 198 Washington Street, Bath, Me. Married. Marion White, Duluth, Mich. Since leaving Tech has been a draughtsman at Newport News and Bath Iron Works. Harold L. Morgan. VL S.B. M.I.T. 1900 With the York Manufacturing Co. , York, Pa. Henry Curtis Morris. IIL S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Mine operating, 136 Liberty Street, New York, N. Y. Residence. 1 West 81st Street, New York, N. Y. 70 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD 1901, finishing course and instructing- ; 1902, Colorado and Nevada ; 1903, Nevada and California ; 1904, Mexico and Nevada ; 1905-1907, Nevada ; 1908, Nevada and California ; 1909-1910, New York and Nevada. ''Making mining clean business instead of ras- cally speculation. There are six to ten Columbia men in Nevada for every Tech man. Why is it ? Mr. Hubbard, the original purchaser of the Combin- ation at Gold Field is a Tech man.^' Morton C. Mott-Smith. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Ph.D. Halle, Germany Address. Colby College, Waterville, Me. Residence. 13 Bartlett Street, Waterville, Me. Married. 1901, Giannuzzi-Savelli, Florence, Italy. Children. Lewis Morton, 1902 ; Florence Camp- bell, 1904. 1901, in Germany, studying German ; 1902, at Columbia University, studying philosophy and psy- chology-; 1903, in Florence, Italy, studying Italian ; 1904, in Berlin, Germany, at Berlin University ; 1905-1908, Halle, Germany, at Halle University ; 1908-1910, in Florence, Italy, in ill health ; 1910, instructor in physics and astronomy, Colby College, Waterville, Me. ♦Walter A. Moulton. III. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Married. Helen A. Luther, Southbridge, Mass. "Deceased, March 14, 1910. M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 71 Children. Flora A., September, 1900 (deceased) ; Earl L. , September, 1902 ; Ralph A. , Septem- ber, 1903 ; Lee B., March, 1908. Entered the employment of the Liberty Bell Mill, in 1903, and remained there until his death, when he was acting mill superintendent. Tech gave Moulton the scientific spirit, * * the general idea drilled into us that there was a definite cause for every effect.'* NewittJ. Neal VL S.B. M.LT. 1900 Consulting Engineer, 12 Pearl Street, Boston, Mass. Residence. 73 Cedar Street, Roxbury, Mass. 1901-1905, Pittsburg, Pa., with Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., in engineering depart- ment ; 1906-1910, Boston, as consulting electrical engineer. Member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Thomas Nesmith, Jr. II. 1896-1899 Engineering Department, American Locomotive Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Residence. 223 Seward Place, Schenectady, N. Y. 1901-1902, apprentice machinist at Manchester, N. H. ; 1903, drafting room ; 1904, foreman of shop of American Locomotive Co., Manchester, N. H. ; 1905- 1906, drafting room, American Locomotive Co. , Schenectady, N. Y. ; 1907-1908, drafting room, Lima Locomotive & Machine Co., Lima, Ohio; 1909, salesman. 72 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Charles A. Newhall. 1896-1897 Real Estate Business, 18 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. Residence. 461 Walnut Avenue, Jamaica Plain, Mass. 1901, clerk with the Worthington Steam Pump Co. ; 1902-1910, real estate. Building construction and design part of present work. Clifford Norton. 1896-1897 Address. 100 Mill Street, Hannibal, Mo. Paul J. Ober. 1896-1897 Residence. 7 Middlesex Circle, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Married. Otelea Kohler, Boston, Mass. Children. Pauline LeRay, Juluis Kohler, Francis Celestine. 1901, manager of Boston Exchange House ; 1902-1907, Boston clerk, Boston Stock Exchange House ; 1907, bond salesman for same ; 1908, clerk with Boston Exchange House ; 1909, Boston mana- ger, stock department of Boston Bond House ; 1910, Boston Bond, salesman and advertising salesman. Leslie A. Oliver. 1898-1900 Architect, 103 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. M. I. T.-CLASS 1900 73 Harry E. Osgood. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Master Mechanic, Ayer Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Isaac Osgood. II. S.B. S.M. M.I.T. 1900 Inspector, Underwriters Bureau of New England, 93 Water Street, Boston, Mass. Horace W. Oxnard. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Residence. Houlton, Me. 1901-1902, Aroostook ; 1903, Illinois and Aroos- took ; 1904, Aroostook ; 1905, Stockton, Me. , on railroad maintenance and construction during these five years ; 1906, Mexico topographical survey in state of Guerrero ; 1907, state of Washington, rail- road location ; 1908, Norway, Me. , road commissioner and private engineering ; 1909-1910, Aroostook, railroad construction, office work. Charles E. Paul. 11. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Associate Professor of Mechanics, Armour Insti- tute of Technology, Chicago, 111. Arthur S. Peck. VIII. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Address. 40 CHnton Street, Boston, Mass. 7U FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Thomas E. Penard. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Electrical Engineer, Edison Electric Illuminating Co., Boston, Mass. Residence. 32 Irving Street, Everett, Mass. Married. June 12, 1905, Sabina P. Parker, Everett, Mass. Children. Frederick Paul, March 2, 1906. 1901, draftsman, N. E. Structural Co. , and Nor- cross Bros.; 1902-1903, draftsman, Edison Electric Illuminating Co. , Boston ; 1904-1906, same and teach- er of mathematics. Evening School of Boston ; 1907- 1910, electrical engineer, Edison Electrical Illum- inating Co. Incidentally does a little natural history and ethnology for pastime. John M. Perkins. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Foundry Superintendent, Lov^ell Machine Shop, Lov^ell, Mass. Thomas Doane Perry. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 A.B. Doane College Secretary and Business Manager, Board of Educa- tion, City Hall, Grand Rapids, Mich. Residence. 16 Richard Terrace, Grand Rapids, Mich. Married. Ethel Goodenough Britton, Springfield, Vt. Children. Francis Goodenough, July 29, 1906 ; Britton, April 21, 1910. M. L T.-CLASS 19 00 75 1901-1902, with Library Bureau, Boston ; 1903- 1905, in charge of card index department. The Macey Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Perry says: *'A technical education is the foundation for a business life.'' Henry Alexander Phillips. 1898-1899 A.B. Harvard 1897 Architect, Philhps & Ingalls, 103 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. William Copeland Pickersgill. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1905 Assistant Engineer, New York Board of Water Sup- ply, White Plains, N. Y. Residence. White Plains, N. Y. Married. Bessie Moore, Newton, Mass. Children. William Francis, September 1, 1909. 1901, with French & Bryant, Civil Engineers, Brookline, Mass. ; 1902, Samuel M. Gray, civil engi- neer and sanitary engineer. Providence, R. I. ; 1903, French & Bryant, BrookUne, Mass.; 1904-1905, Charles River Basin Comission, Boston, assistant engineer, while working with same obtained the degree S. B. at M. I. T. ; 1906-1907, New York Board of Water Supply, assistant engineer in de- signing division. New York City ; 1908-1909, same concern as assistant engineer on design in White Plains ; 1910, as assistant engineer in charge of executive division, department office, White Plains. 76 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD William G. Pigeon. IV. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Draftsman, William Curlett & Sons, 733 Phelan Building, San Francisco, Cal. Residence. Alameda, Cal. Married. Miss Sprague, Boston, Mass. Children. W. Gardner, Jr., November 25, 1904. 1901-1902, draftsman, with Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, Boston, Mass. ; 1903-1906, draftsman, with Carrere & Hastings, New York City. Edmund H. Pitcher. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Keene Screen & Ladder Co., Keene, N. H. Residence. 11 McKinley Street, Keene, N. H. Married. Nettie M. Emery, Methuen, Mass. Children. Helen Sargent, 5 years ; Ruth Emery, 1 year. 1901, Pacific Mills, Lawrence, Mass. ; 1902-1904, out of health ; 1905, clerk ; 1906-1910, in business. Howard C. Plummer. III. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Residence. Placerville, Cal. Member of Knights Templar and Union League Club, San Francisco. Has taken a great interest in all Masonic work and received his thirty-second degree two weeks before the San Francisco fire. Recently elected Commander of ElDorado Com- mandery. No. 4, Knights Templar. M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 77 John Lewis Porter. XL S.B. M.LT. 1900 Director of Water Purification, Sewerage and Water Board, box 491, Station B. , New Orleans, La. Residence. New Orleans, La. Married. Ethel Pope Fowler, New Orleans, La. Children. John Lewis, Jr. , February 4, 1906 ; Frances OHn, February 7, 1910. 1901-1908, New Orleans, La., with Sewerage & Water Board assistant chemist, engineering chem- ist, then assistant engineer, and finally, supervisor of plumbing ; 1909-1910, Sewerage & Water Board, as director of water purification stations. Myron P. Potter. 1896-1897 Residence. Tacoma, Wash. Married. Marion F. Urwell, West Newbury, Mass. Children. Richard U., October 12, 1905 ; Judith P., December 8, 1907. >» 1901, Boston, architectural draftsman ; 1902- 1905, Washington, D. C, architectural draftsman in Treasury Department; 1906-1907, Tacoma, Wash., partner to F. H. Heath, architect ; 1908, with C. F. Landberg, architect, Tacoma ; 1909-1910, with A. P. Merrill, architect, Tacoma, Wash. Paul Leon Price. IV. S.B. S.M. M.LT. 1900 Ph.M. Simpson, Iowa With Geo. B. Post & Sons, Architects, 347 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 78 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Residence. 53 State Street, E. Orange, N. J. Married. Roxana Stuart, Harlam, Iowa. Children. Harold Stuart, May 10, 1907. 1901, post-graduate at Tech ; 1902-1903, Ameri- can Bridge Co., EastBerhn, Conn.; 1904, with same concern in New York City ; 1905-1907, with same concern in Brooklyn ; 1907-1909, same concern in Bencoyd, Pa. ; 1909, same concern in New York City. Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Russell P. Priest. 1896-1900 Civil Engineer, Maiden and Melrose Gas Light Co., Maiden, Mass. William P. Rand. IV. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Address. 16 East 33rd Street, New York, N. Y. Residence. 1525 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, N. Y. Married. Miss Thompson, New York, N. Y. Children. Esther Louisa, February 5, 1910. 1901-1903, draftsman, Boston Steel & Iron Co. ; 1904-1905, draftsman with F. A. Berdett, New York, N. Y. ; 1906, with F. A. Berdett, and Stone & Web- ster ; 1907, with Stone & Webster in Boston, Mass. , and Providence, R. I. ; 1908-1909, bridge and struct- ural engineer, Rhode Island Co. ; 1910, bridge and structural engineer, Rhode Island Co. , and with F. A. Berdett, New York City. M. I. T.-CLASS 1900 79 Walter L. Rapp. VL S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Rapp, Zettel & Rapp, Architects, 607 Johnston Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Thomas Frederick Eugene Reardon. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Address. Hotel Longfellow, West Lynn, Mass. Residence. 629 Washington Street, Wellesley, Mass. 1901, Pittsburg, Pa., with C. D. & P. Tel. & Tel. Co. , engineering department ; 1902, Pittsburg and Boston, Mass., American Tel. & Tel. Co., traffic department; 1903-1904, Boston, American Tel. & Tel. Co., traffic department; 1905-1908, had nervous prostration ; 1908-1910, with General Electric Co. , West Lynn, Mass. Arville C. Redman. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Address. Fairfax Courthouse, Va. Arthur A. Reimer. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Engineer, Water Department, City Hall, East Orange, N. J. Residence. 45 South Maple Avenue, East Orange, N. J. Married. Agnes Estes, Brooklyn. N. Y. Children. Isabelle Estes, Nov. 16, 1903; Arthur Estes, August 26, 1905; Elma Estes, April 11, 1907. 80 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD 1901, assistant engineer and roadmaster, North Jersey Street Railway Co., Newark, N. J.; 1902, chief engineer and roadmaster, Jersey City, Hoboken & Paterson Street Railway Co., Hoboken, N. J.; 1903, engineer. Cement Paving & Construction Co., Jersey City, N. J. ; 1904, construction engineer, new water supply system for East Orange, N. J. ; 1905, superintendent, water department, East Orange, N. J.; 1906-1908, engineer and superintendent, water department. East Orange, N. J.; 1909-1910, engineer, water department. East Orange, N. J., and in 1910, also civil engineer in private practice. Wolcott Remington. 1896-1897 Mechanical Engineer, 104 South Street, Stamford, Conn. Chester A. Richardson. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Assistant Engineer, Boston Elevated Railway, Cen- tral Square, Cambridge, Mass. Residence. 27 R Albion Street, Somerville, Mass. Married. October 10, 1908, Blanch E. Whitaker, Hillsboro, N. H. Children. Henry Whitaker, May 11, 1910. Since leaving Tech, has held professional en- gagements with the following : J. H. Wallace, mill engineer, New York, N. Y. ; Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, Prairie and Mountain Divisions ; and Bos- ton Elevated Railway. M. I. T.-CLASS 1900 81 Frank M. Riley. 1897-1900 Architect, 37 Chestnut Street, Boston, Mass. Philip Franklin Ripley. V. B.A. Yale S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Chemist, Wood Worsted Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Residence. Andover, Mass. Married. October 28, 1903, Mabel G. Bacon, Assonet, Mass. Children. Susan Bacon, May 31, 1909. 1901, assistant chemist, Boston Rubber Shoe Co., Fells, Mass.; 1902-1903, chemist, Assabet Mills, Maynard, Mass. ; 1904, Riverside Mills, Providence, R. I. ; 1905-1906, student, Heidelberg, Germany ; 1907-1910 chemist, Wood Worsted Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Robert P. Roberts. IIL S.B. M.LT. 1900 General Smelter Foreman, Boston & Montana Con- solidated Copper and Silver Mining Co., Great Falls, Mont. Edward R. Robson. 1895-1899 Address. Wellesley Hills, Mass. Ralph Root. IIL S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Treasurer, Hastings-Root Co., 41 Park Row, New York, N. Y. 82 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Sidney F. Ross. 1896-1898 Address. Kennebunk, Me. Carl Rossmassler. XIII. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Secretary-Treasurer, The Rossmassler-Bonnie Elec- tric Co., 1236 Orkney Street, Philadelphia, Pa. George Edmond Russell. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, M. I. T., Boston, Mass. Residence. 15 Westbourne Street, Roslindale, Mass. Married. July, 1901, Mary Emily Emerson, Win- chester, Mass. Children. Edmond Emerson, October 6, 1902. 1901, mechanical engineer, American Car & Foundry Co., Detroit, Mich.; 1902-1905, same posi- tion in New York City ; 1905, instructor in civil engineering, Connell University, Ithaca, N. Y. ; 1906, instructor in civil engineering, M. I. T. ; 1907- 1910, assistant professor civil engineering M. I. T. Member of State Board of Examiners, Civil Service Commission. Author of Text Book on Hy- draulics, Henry Holt & Co. , New York, N. Y. Warren Willard Sanders. V. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Chemist, 1009 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Member of University Club, American Chemi- cal Society, Society of Chemical Industry, and National Geographic Society. mam M. L T.-CLASS 19 00 83 Leo W. Schlegelmilch. 1896-1897 Address. 33 Bellevue Street, Dorchester, Mass. Albert George Acton Schmidt. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Engineer, 412-413 Monadnock Block, Chicago, 111. Residence. 1207 Addison Street, Chicago, 111. Married. February 14, 1906, Elsa M. Herrmann, Chicago, 111. Children. Albert Theodore, February 20, 1910. 1901, draftsman, with Sargent & Hundy, Chica- go ; 1902-1905, began as draftsman and finished as assistant chief engineer, with American Hoist and Derrick Co., St. Paul, Minn.; 1905-1906, assistant engineer, with ' ' Long Arm ' ' System Co. , Cleve- land, Ohio ; 1906-1910, in business ; president and chief engineer, The National Equipment Co., Chi- cago, 111. Has written articles on Hoisting and Conveying Machinery. George O. Schneller. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Treasurer, Ansonia 0. & C. Co., Ansonia, Conn. Ben E. Scott. 1896-1897 Address. 1010 Louisiana Street, Little Rock, Ark. 8^ FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Walter Scott II. SB. M.I.T. 1901 Mechanical Engineer, New Lawrence Machine Co., P. 0. box 69, Lawrence, Mass. Lewen Firth Searle. L S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Section Engineer, Browns Station N. Y. Residence. Kingston, N. Y. Married. March 12, 1910, Anna Budington, Kings- ton, N. Y. 1901-1903, transitman, engineer corps. West Shore R. R. ; 1904, with engineer of grade crossing ehmination, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., Grand Central station ; 1905, assistant engineer on additional track facilities for electrification. West Shore R. R. , Utica to Syracuse, N. Y. ; 1906, assistant resident engi- neer on double tracking and grade revision, West Shore R, R. , Syracuse to Rochester, N. Y. ; 1907, assistant engineer, reservoir department. Board of Water Supply, New York City, and on studies and reports on location of main dams, Ashoken Reser- voir ; 1908-1910, section engineer in charge of esti- mate section for preparation of all estimates and all contracts, reservoir department, Board of Water Supply, New York City. Member of the American Society of Civil Engi- neers. Stanley CoUamore Sears. III. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Manager, Mexico Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., San Pedro, Guanacevi, Mex. M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 85 Residence. San Pedro, Guanacevi, Mex. 1901-1902, learner, with Pennsylvania Steel Co. , Steelton, Pa. ; 1903-1907, surveyor, draftsman, chief engineer, superintendent, Iconeras Mine, Velardena Mining & Smelting Co. , Velardena, Mex.; 1908- 1909, general superintendent, Benito Juarez Mines Co., Salinas del Lenon Blanco ; 1910, superintendent, Descubridora Mining & Smelting Co. , Descubridora, Durango, Mex., and manager, Mexico Consolidated, San Pedro de Guanacevi. Member of University Club, Mex. , and Ameri- can Institute of Mining Engineers. Kenneth Seaver. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Assistant to Vice-President, Harvison Walker Re- fractories Co., Farmers Bank Building, Pitts- burg, Pa. Residence. Oakmont, Pa. Married. June 12, 1903, Mabel Bright, Pittsburg, Pa. Children. Ethel, February 22, 1904 ; Virginia, March 19, 1907. 1901, drafting for Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg ; 1902, transitman, B. & 0. R. R. , and draftsman, American Bridge Co. ; 1903-1910, Harvi- son Walker Refractories Co. , draftsman and in the sales department. Has written various articles on Refractories, Study of the Open Hearth, and is preparing a Study on the Blast Furnace. 86 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Harry Tilton Shapley. X. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Sugar Business, Barceloneta, Porto Rico. Residence. Brookline, Mass. Married. 1901, Miss Shepard, Boston, Mass. 1901-1910, in sugar business as follows : 1901- 1902, Cuba ; 1903, Canada ; 1904, Nebraska ; 1905- 1906, Colorado ; 1907-1910, Porto Rico. Brackley A. Shaw. 1896-1898. 1900-1902 Address. 77 Englewood Avenue, Brookline, Mass. Charles Edwin Sherman. IV. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 President, R. A. Sherman's Sons Co., 139 Main Street, Westerly, R. I. Residence. Westerly, R. I. Married. March 10, 1903, Esther Evans, Westerly, R. I. Children. Robert Arnold, September 30, 1904 ; Esther, July 30, 1906. 1901-1902, with R. A. Sherman ; 1903, member of firm of R. A. Sherman & Sons ; 1904-1910, pres- ident R. A. Sherman's Sons Co. Director, Washington Trust Co.; treasurer of Westerly Automatic Telephone Co. ; treasurer. West- erly Narrow Fabric Co. ; director in Ashaway Clay Co., and Westerly Building & Loan Association. M. I. T.-CLASS 19 00 87 Mortimer Silverman. VI. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Address. 142 North Union Street, Olean, N. Y. Residence. 124 North Barry Street, Olean, N. Y. Married. Fannie Marion Schloss, Boston, Mass. Has been engaged in testing department of General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y., as fore- man and draftsman ; in Pittsburg Railway Co., Pittsburg, Pa., as assistant electrical engineer and electrical engineer; and the West N. Y. & Penn. Traction Co. , Olean, N. Y. , as electrical and mechan- ical engineer. ' Member of the Hamilton Country Club and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Silverman regrets that Professors Swain and Clifford were allowed to go to Harvard, as they were the two principal " shining lights.'* Robert C. Simpson. III. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Draftsman, Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry- , . .^y Dock Co., Newport News, Va. -^^ oa^^U^ (t 'turuc^, cUcduM. Charles E. Smith. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Bridge Engineer, Missouri Pacific Railway, Seventh and Poplar Streets, St. Louis, Missouri. Residence. 735 Fourview Street, Webster Groves, Mo. Married. Flora Pearl Morley, Cleveland, Ohio. 1901, bridge draftsman. New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, New Haven, Conn ; 1902-1903, 88 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD bridge designer with same road ; 1904, assistant bridge engineer, Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. , Cleveland, Ohio ; 1905-1906, textbook writer, International Correspondence School, Scranton, Pa. ; 1907-1909, assistant engineer, Missouri Pacific Rail- way, St. Louis, Mo. Lawrence Southwick Smith. IL S.B. M.LT. 1900 Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, M. I. T., Boston, Mass. Residence. 64 Andover Street, Peabody, Mass. Following graduation was for eight weeks with the superintendent of the Capitol, Washington, D. C. ; ten weeks with Davis & Furber Machine Co., North Andover, Mass. ; and then at Tech, three years as assistant, six years as instructor. Sumner I. Smith. VL S.B. M.LT. 1901 With Gubick- Henderson Co., Manhattan Building, Chicago, 111. Married. Ada Ella Burhans, Elkhart, Ind. Member of the Century Club, Elkhart, Ind. Frederick W. Southworth. IV. S.B. M.LT. 1900 Address. Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Dept. , Washington, D. C. M. I. T.-CLASS 1900 89 Marcy L. Sperry. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Manager, Savannah Electric Co., Savannah, Ga. Residence. Savannah, Ga. 1901, machinist, Wilham Sellers & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. ; 1902, clerk, Stone & Webster, Bos- ton, Mass.; 1903, clerk. Savannah Electric Co., Savannah, Ga. ; 1904-1905, assistant treasurer. Ponce Railway & Light Co. , Ponce, Porto Rico ; 1906, man- ager for same company ; 1907, general superinten- dent, The Minneapolis General Electric Co. , Minne- apolis, Minn. James P. Sprague. 1896-1897 Assistant Sales Manager, Ashgrove Lime & Portland Cement Co., Long Building, Kansas City, Mo. Herbert Richardson Stearns. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Assistant Engineer, Boston Elevated Railway Co. , 2 Central Square, Cambridge, Mass. Residence. 709 Washington Street, Brighton, Mass. Married. Edna L. Coulter. 1901-1909, with Metropolitan Sewerage Board, Boston, as rodman, instrumentman, and assistant engineer. Ralph Stevens. 1896-1900 Farmer, Sterling, Mass. 90 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Willard Wilberforce Stone. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 With New York Board of Water Supply, Newburg, N. Y., R.F.D., A. 1901, Washington, D. C, design and construc- tion of sewerage of city ; 1902-1906, assistant engi- neer. New York State, Syracuse, N. Y. ; 1906, assistant engineer, Board of Water Supply of New York City, located at Cold Spring, N. Y. ; 1907, same position at Peekskill ; 1908-1909, same position at Walden, N. Y. Charles H. Stratton. IV. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Residence. Paris, 111. Married. Marion M. Woolley, Baltimore, Md. 1901, with Charles Brigham, architect, Boston, Mass.; 1902-1908, Annapolis, Md., superintending construction of new buildings for the U. S. Naval Academy ; 1909, superintending construction of U. S. post office at Paris, 111. ; 1910, the courthouse at Davidville, 111. Robert W. Strout. 1896-1897 With Vaughn Machine Co. , Peabody, Mass. CarlF. Suhr. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Engineer of Power Division, American Brass Co., 721 Bank Street, Waterbury, Conn. Residence. 60 Morningside Avenue, Waterbury, Conn. M. I. T. -CLASS 19 00 91 Married. Emma P. Kupper, Ansonia, Conn. Children. Frederick Gerhardt, November 26, 1907. 1901-1902, draftsman, with Ansonia Brass and Copper Co., Ansonia, Conn.; 1903-1906, assistant to master mechanic, with same company ; 1906, with American Brass Co., as draftsman becoming engi- neer in charge of power division in 1907. Russell Suter. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Assistant Civil' Engineer, State Water Supply Corn- mission, Albany, N. Y. 1901, in city engineer's office, Cambridge, Mass. ; 1902, with Water & Sewerage Board, Boston, Mass.; 1903, supervisor. Provinces of Surigao and Canite, Philippine Islands ; 1904, assistant engineer, Bureau of Engineering, Manila, P. I. ; 1905, assistant engineer, Bureau of Port Works, Cebu, P. I. ; 1906- 1907, assistant designing engineer. Board of Water Supply, New York City. Member of the Technology Club, Technology Club of New York, Cebu Club, United Service Club, Cebu, P. L, associate member of the American Society of Civil engineers and the Municipal Engi- neers of New York City. JohannahC. Swinson. 1897-1900 Real Estate Broker, 233 Old South Building, Boston, Mass. 92 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Harry Martin Thayer. V. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Superintendent and Resident Manager, with The Proctor & Gamble Co., Milhken, Staten Island, N. Y. Married. Annie Alden, Brockton, Mass. Children. Lawrence Alden, March 14, 1905, Gor- don Littlefield, November 4, 1909. 1901, refiner and chemist for Southern C. 0. Co. , Augusta, Ga. ; 1902, special representative, Wood Products Co., Buffalo, N. Y.; 1903-1907, with the Proctor & Gamble Co., in Cincinnati, Ohio, in charge of various departments ; 1908-1910, with same concern as superintendent and resident mana- ger in Kansas City, Mo. Clinton Draper Thurber. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Residence. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, North Chicago, 111. Married. Winifred W. Russell, Woburn, Mass. Children. Francis Edmond, December 14, 1902; Robert Russell, December 25, 1903, Roger Bliss, September 4, 1905. 1901, structural draftsman, with the Pennsyl- vania Steel Co., Steelton, Pa.; 1902-1903, structural designer and computor, with Navy Department, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa. ; 1904-1910, commis- sioned assistant civil engineer, U. S. Navy, with the rank of Lieutenant ; January, 1904-February, 1910, principal assistant to the civil engineer in -■..■.■,,j..-|„..ii iiiiMiniiiimi M. I. T. -CLASS 1900 93 charge of all works of improvement at the Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. ; February, 1910-July, 1910, engineer in charge at the Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. ; from July, 1910, civil engineer in charge of construction of the Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, North Chica- go, 111. Frederick H. Tillinghast. 1899-1900 Address. U. S. Reclamation Service, Boise, Idaho. Frederick L. Townley. 1898-1899 Insurance Agent, 1413 First National Bank Build- ing, Cincinnati, Ohio. Percival E. True. X S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Residence. Elgin, 111. 1901-1905, chemist and chemical engineer for Bowker Fertilizer Co., and the American Agricul- tural Chemical Co., Elizabeth, N. J.; 1906-1910, in charge of gilding department, with the Elgin Na- tional Watch Co. Henry W. Tubbs. 1896-1898 Address. Willow Wood Farm, R. F. D. 48. Potters- ville, N. J. H FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Theodore C. Tuck. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 With Post & McCord, Inc., 44 East 23rd Street, New York, N. Y. Residence. New Rochelle, N. Y. Married. L. Jeannette Kelley, Haverhill, Mass. Children. Theodore E., September 26, 1904 ; Caro- line, September 13, 1906 ; Clarence 0., April 1, 1908; William K., March 22, 1910. 1901-1902, with Phoenix Bridge Co., Phoenix- ville, Pa. ; 1903-1904, Passaic Steel Co. , Paterson, N.J. Fred I. Tucker. 1896-1900 Superintendent, Imboden Coal & Coke Co., Imbo- den, Va. Warren Chamberlain Tudbury. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Assistant Engineer, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., 33 Main Street, Utica, N. Y. Residence. 104 John Street, Utica, N. Y. 1901, draftsman, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., New York City, and rodman for same road in Watertown, N. Y. ; 1903, transitman for same road at Water- town ; 1904, assistant engineer for same road in New York City ; 1905, with Westinghouse Church, Kerr & Co., on Pennsylvania R. R., New York ter- minal ; 1906-1907, assistant engineer, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. ; 1907-1908, instructor in charge of course M. L T.-C LA S S 1 9 00 95 in railroad engineering, Lafayette College ; 1909, assistant engineer, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., con- structing six-mile spur at Sanborn ville, N. Y. George A. Tweedy. III. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Residence. Los Angeles, Cal. Married. Mabel Atwood, New York, N. Y. Children. Janice Catherine, 4 years; Mabel, 2 years. 1901-1902, field assistant California State Mining Bureau ; 1903-1904, assistant superintendent in quicksilver mine in California ; 1905-1906, consulting engineer, Los Angeles ; 1907-1910, superintendent, Minas del Tajo, Mexico. Is a member of the California Club, Los An- geles. EmilF. Vogel. L S.B. M.LT. 1900 Engineer, Lackawanna Steel Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Residence. 360 Hudson Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 1901, draftsman, Columbus, Ohio ; 1902, drafts- man, Cleveland, Ohio ; 1903, draftsman, Lebanon, Pa. ; 1904-1905, constructing engineer, Buffalo, N. Y. ; 1906-1910, engineer and master mechanic, coke department, Lackawanna Steel Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Frank R. Waiker. IV. 1897-1898. 1899-1901 Architect, 825 Cuyahoga Building, Cleveland, Ohio. Residence. 2127 East 105th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. 96 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD 1901, fifth year design at M. I. T. ; 1902, located in Boston ; 1903, New York City ; 1904, Paris ; 1905, Paris, and six months in Italy ; 1906, Pittsburg, Pa. , and Cleveland, Ohio ; 1907-1910, Cleveland. Harry Leslie Walker. IV. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Architect, Atlanta, Ga. Residence. 450 Jackson Street, Atlanta, Ga. Married. November 26, 1903, Jessie E. Blanchard, Oak Park, 111. Children. John Blanchard, February 28, 1905 ; Elizabeth Nancy, October 23, 1908. Practicing architecture in Atlanta, Ga., in- dependently up to the middle of 1909, and later as a member of the firm of King & Walker, with offices in New York City and Atlanta. Associate member of the American Institute of Architects, president of the Atlanta Chapter of American Institute of Architects, vice-president of the Atlanta Architectural Arts League, member of the Capital City Club, Atlantic Athletic Club, a 32nd degree Mason, and Noble of the Mystic Shrine. A. Clarence Walworth, Jr. 11. S.B. M.LT. 1900 Engineer, 100 Pearl Street, Boston, Mass. Residence. Waltham, Mass. Married. May 29, 1902, Ruth Lippincott, Newton Centre, Mass. Children. Arthur C. Walworth, 3rd, July 9, 1903. M. I. T.-CLASS 190 97 Walworth has been since graduation, with the Walworth Construction & Supply Co., Boston, Mass. Arthur C. , 3rd, will probably follow in the foot- steps of his father ; according to schedule, he is to go to Yale first, and then to M. I. T. Frank D. Warren. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Engineer, 53 State Street, Boston, Mass. Residence. Winthrop, Mass. Married. Ruthena Morrison, Marlboro, Mass. First associated with Dean & Main. Was resi- dent engineer for the Assabet Mills, Maynard, Mass. , the Monadnock Mills, Bennington, N. H. , and Low- ney Chocolate Co., Mansfield, Mass.; was chief designer for the Wood Worsted Mills and Washing- ton Mills, Lawrence, Mass., and numerous other mills and factories located in the East and in Canada. Firm of Warren & Gerrish formed in April, 1908, since which time has designed and erected the largest fish freezer and refrigerating plant in Ketch- ikan, Alaska, a large store and market in Lynn, Mass., and a $500,000 wood storehouse in Charles- town, Mass. Warren says, * * belong to no clubs because I am not a bachelor. ' ' Has written one book, a Handbook on Rein- forced Concrete^ and several articles in newspapers and magazines on reinforced concrete and engineer- ing work. 98 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Warren writes: '*In my professional career I have made a special study of reinforced concrete and its application to construction purposes and have carried out several tests with the above aim in view. Some of these tests have been published, a large amount of data is on hand to be compiled with future data expected to materialize. "The conclusion drawn from this particular in- vestigation, as well as from others in different lines, is that each man, especially each engineer, has a right of opinion, notwithstanding the fact that our preparatory education may have given the impres- sion that engineering may be likened to an axiom (a self-evident truth). Each man makes his own engineering. It cannot be derived from text-books entirely. Moral : Get busy after you graduate— forgetting what you cannot apply and digging for what you need. ' ' Richard Wastcoat. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Treasurer, Evans Stamping and Plating Co. , Taun- ton, Mass. Residence. Taunton, Mass. Married. February 17, 1911, Clara L. Prescott, Winthrop, Mass. 1901-1903, estimating, Boston Bridge Works ; 1904-1907, treasurer, Ellis Chalmers Co., Dedham and New York ; 1908-1909, president, Harmon, Wastcoat Dahl Co., Boston, and vice-president of Chadeloid Chemical Co., New York. M. I. T. -CLASS 19 00 99 William H. Wedlock. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Draftsman, U. S. Navy Yard, Boston, Mass. Residence. 17 Helen Street, Dorchester, Mass. Married. October 7, 1903, Mabel E. Dutton, Bos- ton, Mass. Has had the following professional engagements since graduation : Rodman, with the Sewer Division, City of Boston ; sub inspector, Boston Navy Yard ; 1903-1906, government engineer at the Boston Navy Yard ; 1906-1910, draftsman. Walter L. Weeden. 1896-1897 Advertising Agent, Slater Building, Worcester, Mass. Irving C. Weeks. IX. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Sub-Master and Science Teacher, Lewiston High School, Lewiston, Me. Edward H. Welbourne. 1896-1897 Superintendent, Paint Brush Factory, Rennous, Kleinle & Co., Baltimore, Md. John F. Wentworth. XIII. S.B. M.I.T. 1901 Residence. 27 Miller Stile Road, Quincy, Mass. Married. August 5, 1901, Elizabeth D. Power, Suffield, Conn. 100 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Children. John F. Wentworth, Jr., Septembers, 1902- Class Baby. *Barbara B. Wentworth ) -.t i -,-•-, ^^^ /^ William E. Wentworth ]. November 11, 1910 Laura E. Wentworth ) Tech Triplets Wentworth has been trying to keep the pot boiling by doing drafting for the Navy Department and others. He has invested his spare time and money in obtaining and developing crude oil engine patents. One of his most promising inventions pertains to the railroads. Wentworth thinks he can develop a sort of automobile locomotive com- bining the efficiency of automobile with the reli- ability of the steam locomotive. Crude oil would be the fuel and the efficiency would be raised from the present five per cent to around 20 to 25 per cent. Leonard Wesson. 1897-1899 Superintendent, Universal Portland Cement Co., South Chicago, 111. Arthur B. White. I. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Engineer, 502 Mason Building, Los Angeles, Cal. Residence. 2040 West 30th Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Married. June 15, 1904, Laura F. Cummings, Tidionte, Pa. Children. Henry Cummings, November 28, 1906 ; Laurence Adams, December 6, 1909. ^Baby Barbara died April 17, 1911, of meningitis, resulting from a cold. Up to the time of her death she had been the most robust of the three. ■■« Barbara B. Wentworth, in centre William E. Wentworth, on right Laura E. Wentworth, on left (Age 4 weeks, born November 11, 1910) M. I. T. -CLASS 19 00 101 1901, instructor in civil engineering, M. I. T. ; 1902-1903, structural draftsman, bridge department, Pennsylvania Steel Co. , and American Bridge Co. ; 1904-1905, in private civil engineering practice in Riverside and Corona, CaL, and city engineer of Corona ; 1907, assistant engineer, city engineer's office, Los Angeles, Cal. ; 1908-1910, in private prac- tice in Los Angeles, in partnership with Wm. F. Bixby, under the firm name of Bixby & White. Associate member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, a member of the Engineer's Club of Los Angeles, and is a Mason. Thinks that possibly if he was to live life over he would go to some good agricultural college. In- tends to have his boys take up farming on a scientific basis. Morris H. Whitehouse. 1896-1897. 1903-1906 Architect, 623 Worcester Building, Portland, Ore. Nathan D. Whitman. IL 1896-1897 B.S. Mass, Agricultural College Engineer, Reinforced Concrete Pipe Co., 525 Cen- tral Building, Los Angeles, Cal. Residence. Los Angeles, Cal. Married. May 7, 1908, Rose M. Dickert, Los Angeles, Cal. Children. Nathan D., Jr., March 25, 1909. 102 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD 1901-1905, with George S. Pierson, consulting engineer, Kalamazoo, Mich., in charge of construc- tion works, and later in charge of design and con- struction, principally hydraulic and sanitary ; 1905- 1906, engineer for Reinforced Concrete Pipe Co., Jackson, Mich., in charge of all contract work. L. Webster Wickes. 1896-1897 Residence. Los Angeles, Cal. Married. February 17, 1907, Grace M. Ford, San Francisco, Cal. Children. Gertrude, November 27, 1907. 1901-1902, Columbia and U. S. Geological Sur- vey ; 1903, Telluride, Col. , surveying and assaying ; 1904, engineer, Nevada Exploration Co. , Anaconda, Mont. ; 1906, engineer, Bingham, Utah ; 1907, superintendent of mine, Ely, Nev. ; 1908, superin- tendent of mine, Pioche, Nev. ; 1909, field engineer. Salt Lake City, Utah ; 1910, field engineer, Los Angeles, Cal. Member of Montana Society of Engineers, American Institute of Mining Engineers, American Physical Society, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Fred B. Wilder. IIL 1896-1899 Assistant Chemist, Douglas, Ariz., box 972. Residence. Douglas, Ariz. M. I. T. -CLASS 19 00 103 Married. September 26, 1906, Agnes Brady, Aus- tin, Tex. Children. Marie, August 31, 1907 ; Jane, October 9, 1908. Mining in Mexico in 1901, 1903, 1904 and 1907 ; in Nevada in 1902 ; Texas in 1905 and 1906 ; Arizona, 1908 and 1910, and New Mexico, 1909. Member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. Raymond Willey. 1896-1898 Address. Newtonville, Mass. Howard P. Wise. 1896-1898 Address. 139 Webster Street, Maiden, Mass. F. W. Witherell. IX. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Consulting Engineer, Pittsburg, Pa. Residence. Pittsburg, Pa. Married. Abigail Moore, Pittsburg, Pa. Connected with various state boards of health, and has delivered lectures to the medical societies and students of the Carnegie Technical School of Pittsburg. Member of the American Society of Civil Engi- neers. Has travelled all over the United States. 704 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Mrs. Marion L. Woodman. V. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 Residence. 299 School Street, Watertown, Mass. Married. August 4, 1902, A. G. Woodman. Children. Walter Cade, October 8, 1903. In 1901 and 1902, private assistant to Mrs. Richards at Tech, then assistant to Prof. Woodman. Allan H. Woodward. III. 1896-1899 Vice-President, Woodward Iron Co., Woodward, Ala. Residence. Birmingham, Ala. Married. November 1, 1904, Annie H. Tennison, Birmingham, Ala. Children. Eugenia, December 24, 1905 ; Martha, February 20, 1907 ; Annie, February 13, 1909. Started as assistant general superintendent of the Woodward Iron Co., became general superin- tendent in 1902, general manager in 1904, and vice- president in 1906. Edwin Sheldon Worden. 1896-1899 Telephone Engineer, New York Telephone Co., 15 Dey Street, New York, N. Y. Residence. Westwood, N. J. Married. June 3, 1905, Ethel Brock way, New York, N. Y. Children. Edwin Sheldon, Jr., February 29, 1908. Has been a telephone engineer with the New York Telephone Co. , since he graduated. M. L T.-CLASS 19 00 105 William I. Wyman. XIII. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 LL.B. National University M.P.L. Geo. Washington University Examiner, Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Residence. Washington, D. C. 1901-1904, was ship draftsman in the Navy Department ; from 1904 has been examiner in the Patent Office, except for one year spent as business manager. Refuses to answer as to politics and is not ac- quainted with his wife^s maiden name as yet. His hobby is to travel, and he has made several trips to Europe. Percy Rolfe Zeigler. II. S.B. M.I.T. 1900 P. R. Zeigler & Co. , Dairy Apparatus, 7 Merchants Row, Boston, Mass. Residence. 22 Adelaide Street, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Married. September 20, 1904, Mabel Greenleaf Hale, Cambridge, Mass. Children. Barbara, July 23, 1905 ; Kenneth Hale, December 17, 1909. 1901-1905, engineering department, Western Electric Co., New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago offices, also assistant to vice-president ; 1906, mana- ger, Geo. D. Mayo Co., Laconia, N. H. ; 1907, advertising and assistant sales manager. Western Electric Co., New York City. Wisdom and Wit From Some Live Ones of 1900 John F. Wentworth : — "I knew nothing when I graduated and knew it well. I thought I had learned a little by being out and getting up against the real thing. Some time ago I applied for a chance in the Eng. Lab. and was informed that I was of less use than when I graduated. Please help me to locate myself and find out where I am, where I am going, and if I can get there sooner by turning around." Arthur C. Melcher:— Hobby, ''Girls and house- work, and nursing on the side." C. Van Merrick :— *1 find just two classes of men in business, the first who try to do the right thing whether they are watched or not, the others who intend not to do the right thing in either case ; and I think that all Tech men are in the former class." T. F.Reardon : — ''To date I have not been repaid in a monetary manner for the great expenditure of money and energy necessary to land an S. B. Things come too quickly and the transition from student life to that of a man of the world I found too sudden. Per- haps I am more boyish than the average, but I am at present very pessimistic about the Institute, as every- where I find men with no college education earning much more than college men, and this is discouraging. I find all the large companies ignoring college training and entrusting their work as far as possible to untrained 108 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD men. Lack of business training is a sad drawback for our grads— and I for one detest commercialism and the greed which I see everywhere.'^ H. A. MacPherson :— **I have met all sorts from all colleges and believe the choice of a college not nearly as important as the choice of one's crowd in college." Wm. H. Wedlock :—' 'The only books I have writ- ten have been * Examination Books ' while at Tech. ''Hobby :— Trying to get more money. " A. S. Merrill :— I think the old 1900 yell queered the class ; it was like a can tied to a dog's tail." '00 Messages to Pres. MacLaurin ' * Make those loafers work, especially help them to get summer work in the industries they expect to work in after graduation. It is terribly hard to get started right after graduation. Visit the classes. Give the men more college life. '^ ''Carry on the good work of President Henry S. Pritchett along lines of social betterment and broaden- ing of Tech student life and work out for Tech the excellent ideals of Professor A. A. Noyes for the future M. I. T. as described in Tech Review, 1905." "Catch a millionaire that can be separated from his pile." * * Boost Tech. Pay the teaching staff better sala- ries so as to keep the good men. I deplore highly the loss of such men as Clifford and Swain." ' * My heartiest approbation and my sincere desire to be called on to help when I can on his work. ^ ' ' * The special student is like ' a Man without a Coun- try, ' give him a country. ' ' ' ' Get Tech out of the city. ' ' "To keep always before himself the idea of making no FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD Tech the best of its kind in everything. Have Tech men realize the value of being able to write and speak good English." ' * Dropping v^ater v^ill v^ear away a stone, and but- ting a man often will open his pocket-book." What is the Matter with 1 900? "No good organizers on the job. Not well enough acquainted with one another. Not enough class spirit. ' ' " They will be heard from and are 0. K.*' "Don't know. The individual men of 1900 are as good as any, though as a bunch they don't seem to be in- terested to act together. Guess they need some different kind of teatment. Would suggest the committee set one of those new-fangled Psychologists onto the problem. ' ' " Taking life too seriously." "All right. Wish I could see more of the fellows. " Lack of team work in connection with class and Tech work." " Too busy making a Hving to attend reunions and mid-week lunches in Boston. Members must be kept in touch with each other by a better class organization to keep the class spirit alive. A semi-annual bulletin mailed to each member would be a good starter. If it is gotten out right expenses would be gladly met, and it would be appreciated. , Would suggest that assistant secretary be appointed for each course to co-operate with ' home ' secretary, such assistant secretaries to be located throughout the country, outside of Boston, and preferably outside of New England." 112 FIRST DECENNIAL RECORD ** We're a lot of dead ones. " "A little of everything. The present governing body is to be commended on their unselfish devotion to an almost hopeless cause. ' ' ''Nothing. Some members seem to lack interest, which goes back to Institute days, but this would dis- appear if the bunch could attend a reunion." ''They were so busy getting through Tech they never had time to get sufficiently well acquainted to muster a first class spirit of unity and fellowship." ' ' Too many ciphers in it. Some good fellows, how- ever, if they will only get together." "Been asleep. Just waking up. " "I don't think anything is the matter with the class ; must be the methods used to bring the class together. Am sure that if the class can be appealed to once in the right way that it can be welded into as strong a class organization as any. ' ' "I refuse to bite." "The matter is this :— That with the exception of a few true sports like the men who are trying to push this Decennial affair, the crowd is not worth a thing as far as class spirit goes and I am one of them. The M. I. T. -CLASS 1900 113 reason is this— that the men never had a chance to play together, they merely worked and what is the use of trying to arouse others by recalling exciting scenes and incidents in the drawing or class room. Such associa- tions don't foster intimacy among men. They must have hved together for that,— and there is your big day school. ' ' "Every 1900 man I talk to seems to beUeve there is something wrong. We never seem to develop a real class spirit. " ' * Selfishness, coupled with lack of broadminded- ness. The latter prevents them from being grateful to their Alma Mater, and fosters a fake dignity that puts class reunions, etc., as childish. As 1900 men grow older and more cultivated they will recognize the value of early friendships and the spirit of classmates.'' "The heart of 1900 is all right if we can only get in through the dead wood." Errata Elbert G. Allen, Stone & Webster, White Building, Seattle, Wash. A. B. Briggs, 231 South Central Ave., Wollaston, Mass. John Brown, Pigeon Cove, Mass. F. D. Buffum, Kromer House, Scottdale, Pa. Walter C. Chaffee, R. F. D. 2, Grand Junction, Colorado. Frederick H. Cooke, Civil Eng. U. S. N., Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va. H. L. Crocker, v^ith Esmond Mills, Esmond, R. I. George W. Cutting, Jr., Corregidor, Philippine Islands. Elwin H. Dimock, deceased. Du Relle Gage, 314 South 40th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. S. D. Graff, 201 Devonshire Street, Boston, Mass. Walter A. Hallstrom, Fortress Monroe, Va. Dean Hinman, Laramie, Wyoming. Henry V. Hubbard, 102 Main St., Taunton, Mass. Frederick D. Lawley, Neponset, Mass. Miss Hortense W. Lewis, 1862 Beacon Street, Brookline, Mass. Sumner M. Manley, Box 268, Glendale, Ohio. Miss E. J. Meader, 11 Baker Street, Lynn, Mass. Myron P. Potter, 507 North I St., Tacoma, Washington. R. P. Priest, 53 Wildwood Street, Winchester, Mass. Miss J. C. Swinson, 31 Cross St., Wellesley, Mass. Warren C. Tudbury, 47 West 126th St., New York, N. Y. r i 1 il i KKUlW,W'/\VUlMi^^miMUiii>iii fli iU)JWf^^^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 028 100 427 A