PN 2298 .R4 F2 1888 Copy 1 ■Bi fe n ■ x l. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. %qr..- ©i^rtgift Jfii Shelf^lfe UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. mm MENEwa I PRICE 10 CTS. ifefajg DBIGHJD&PA1NTED f THEOI\P|ft6F CINC1NNATUS , GiRGinnati, 0. = i iLi L.J I,., I * TH d°Hn\HiLLiro Company •■^ACEySEVEtfrH*-QEPRSE-5B ciMcmnATi THE FALL OF BABYLON. THE ALL 1 BABYLON, HISTORICAL, BIBLICAL and SPECTACULAR DRAMA. A - ~~o~~o~~o~~'o~ 000 ~qTJ> o o Order of G^ cil W aUls - a e nTTRRY Vice-Chairman. t w GRAYDON, Vice-Chairman. A. S. BJ^KUi , v JNO. B. MOSBY, Chairman. T. W. (x*a BR tjEHL , Financial Secretary- GE0 4 VANDERGRIFT, Acting Secretary and Treasurer. B. A. W. M L ROBINSON. TaIeS VKANE. «* « -TOR.™ ^^ JX ^ -^-o ^5~ 0TT o o o __o_i> 0^ «** (7^Mp]JS,F^^Bat>kSt COMMENCING JULY 23, 1888. PERFORMANCE BEGINS AT 8.15 P. M. L>. ^. V-ubrgrift, Burnet House, CncmnaH. Entered accord,,,, to Ac, 0. >£*-££» ! ""■ * ""' I, ,b, omceof the UCruria,, of Qon S re» a, WMutfn, P, Q, THE FALL OF BABYLON. ' \<2"£$ ri/i) gtreet (Oarpet Uouse Nos 167 and 169 ELM STREET. oooooooooooo WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 'CARPETS,* Oil (§lohih3, GQaihtings, (Sustains, ETC., ETC. A peerlessly progressive career of seven years has given us a leading position among the jobbers as well as the retailers of this city. — «- Low Prices *— Which we brought with us into the trade, and for which we are known far and wide, we consider the foundation of our success. Visitors to the famous spectacle, who have heard of, but not seen us' are cordially invited to call, if only to see another product of Cincin- natian push and enterprise. LOWRY k GOEBEL, POPULAR BARGAIN HEADQUARTERS A. BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Jrty of Babylon, 600 Years before the Christian Era. flSYLON AN ANCIENT CITY of Assyria, in what is now Turkey ' in Asia, lying on the banks of the River Euphrates, about 200 miles from the Persian Gulf. The sacred historian gives us few particulars of the migrations of the human race after Noah and his family left the Ark. One body of them journeyed east to the land of Shinar, which is supposed to be Chaldea. Here they undertook a singular project, — that of building a city and tower, " whose top might reach heaven." It is generally un- derstood that Babylon was afterwards built on this spot. Various motives have been assigned for this enterprise. On this point, however, we can offer little except conjecture. The only distinct information we have in relation to it is, that the design was displeasing to the Almighty, and to prevent its completion, He "confounded their speech, so that they left off to build the city" and were dispersed over the face of the earth. In commemoration of this remarkable event, the place was called Babel, meaning in the Chaldean, "The gate of (the highest) God," but the Hebrew form is explained by Balel, (or Bilbel) to confound, in allusion to the confounding of tongues consequent on the building of the Tower of Babel. THE FALL OF BABYLON. The John Church Co., OK CINCINNATI, is one of the longest established and most reliable houses in the United States. They deal in all kinds of musical instruments, as well as sheet music and music books, and are well-known as the publishers of "Gospel Hymns" and other valuable singing books and miscellaneous music. They are the general factors of the Everett Piano Co., of Boston, Mass., manufac- turers of the Everett (Piano, which is recognized as the best made. This (Piano is a fair exponent of that perfection which piano manufcture has reached in the last fifty years. The important points to be taken into consideration in the selection of a piano are quality of tone, perfection in action and durability. Upon these depends the lasting pleasure and satisfaction of the purchaser. The Everett (Piano combines the above qualities to a greater extent than any piano in the market, and any one desirous of buying a piano x either for cash or on time, (and here the question of price should have full consideration), had best investigate the claims of the Everett before purchasing. IT IS IN ALL ESSENTIAL POINTS PRE-EMINENT. THE JOHN CHURCH COMPANY, No. 74 WEST FOURTH STREET. THE FALL OF BABYLON. 5 At the time of the fall of the first Assyrian empire which occurred about Sj6 B. C, three considerable kingdoms were formed, one of which was that of the Assyrians of Babylon and known as Babylonia. Babylon begun its career under Belesis, about 876 B. C, but without calling attention to the names and deeds of the succeeding kings we come to the reign of Nebuchadnezzar about 647 B. C. Nebuchadnezzar having become displeased by the several revolts of the Jews, marched against them with an overwhelm- ing force. Jerusalem was taken and plundered and a large number of its inhabitants were made captives, among whom was the prophet Daniel. REIGN OP NEBUCHADNEZZAR. During the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, and for a consider- able period before and after, the city of Babylon appears to have been not only the seat of an imperial court, but a station for a Vast garrison. The Babylonians carried on an extensive trade in the east with Persia and northern India where they obtained gold, dyestuffs and precious stones. From Candahar and Cashmere, fine wool and shawls, all of this intercourse being maintained by means of caravans. Babylon owed its chief greatness to Nebuchadnezzar, and there can be no doubt that Babylon, as built by Nebu- chadnezzar and captured by Cyrus, was one of the great cities of the world, though of necessity built of perishable materials. How magnificent must have been the " golden city," the "beauty of the Chaldees' excellency," when complete in all its vast proportions! The accounts given by ancient authors of its magnificence, and its extent, its walls, its riches, and its decorations, appear the creations of Oriental fancy rather than the sober facts of history; and yet these accounts are so cir- cumstantial and so well authenticated, that at least in their great leading features, they may be received as true. One main source of all this wealth and grandeur was the Euphrates. Its waters, distributed by art and science, by canals and hydraulic machines, over the vast plains, oc- casioned a fertility such as few lands can boast ; while its pro- ductions, vegetable and live, rendered the territory of Baby- lon the store house of the nation. 1850. 1888. SINGER Ladies, your especial attention is called to our New Improved Singer, with Oscillating Shuttle and Automatic Bobbin Winder. This machine is very simple in its construction, comparatively noiseless when in motion, does excellent stitching on all grades of material, requiring no change of tension when passing from light to heavy work. The mechanical construction of this very popular SEWING » o -s. P. 3 3 5 ►. "3 ^ ° ■a §- o o S V "- o *< "2 o ... 5 | 8 £ >» o B 3 * o 0> -w §2 A ~ 2 £ MACHINE is simple in the extreme. We are also prepared to supply our new Chain Stitch machine, with Automatic Tension. Simple, light and silent, and the latest development of that principle. Would be pleased to explain the merits of this perfect little machine. Please call at our office or at our booth in the north-wing of the Washington Park Building during the Exposition. I^e ginger JVEanufactmring Co,, S. W. Oor. 5th & Race Sts., CINCINNATI, O. t HE FALL OF BABYLON. 7 Again and again did its Nebuchadnezzars and other po- tentates penetrate to distant lands. More than once they pil- laged Jerusalem, and made its people captives; though that victory proved the ruin of Babylon, when Belshazzar used the sacred vessels of the Temple to pander to his pride or his passion. The description of the city by Herodotus is undoubtedly the one upon which the greatest reliance can be placed. Not only is he the earliest profane writer on the subject, but he is the only ancient historian that we know to have been there in person, and that, too, while it was in a state of tolerable preservation. According to Herodotus, Babylon was built in the form of a square, each side of which was 120 stadia in length; its circumference being, therefore, 480 stadia or about 55 of our miles. It was surrounded by a wall of enormous height and thickness, outside of which was a vast trench filled with water, and proportioned in depth and width to the elevation of the wall. The earth taken out of the trench was made into bricks for the construction of the wall. These were baked in furnaces, and afterwards cemented by heated bitumen. Layers of reeds were interposed at regular intervals to make the mass more homogeneous. Upon the top, along the edges of the wall, were constructed buildings of a single chamber, leav- ing sufficient space between them for a chariot drawn by four horses to turn around. Canals were cut out on the east side of the river, above the city, to prevent any inconvenience from its periodical inun- dations, occasioned by the melting of the snow in the moun- tains of Armenia, by conveying the superabundant water into the river Tigris. The principal of these was the Naher Malcha, or Royal Canal. The streets of the city crossed each other at right angles, forming squares, each two miles and a quarter in circuit. The river ran through the city from north to south, and on each side of the river was a quay of the same thickness as the wall. Opposite the ends of the streets leading to the river were openings in the embankments, with brazen gates, and steps 8 THE FALL OF BABYLON. WOOD MANTELS CHEAP FURNITURE Fi'om $6.50 up. In endless profusion for Office, Hall, Large assortment in all woods con- Parlor, Bedroom and Dining-Rootn at stantly on hand, our own production. manufa6turers priceSj saving at Designs and estimates submitted. least 10 per cent. "~ o o c o o o o o o o o o o Curtains and Draperies In great variety, comprising all the Bedding and MatreSSeS latest styles and newest shades and colorings. Upholstering goeds cut to of a11 kinds and sizes, and of our own any length. manufacture, at reasonable prices. STAINED GLASS, FRESCOING AND DECORATIONS. Robert JVIitahell Furniture Zo., 109 & in W. Fourth St., CINCINNATI. CLEMENS HELLEBUSH, Importer of> Diamonds, WATCHES AND FRENCH CLOCKS. Manufacturer of The Celebrated Patent One Piece U. S. Marble Clocks, and Fine Artistic fewelry. SOLE AGENT OF TH1 WORLD-RENOWNED ULYSSES BRETTING & VACHERON, AND CONSTANTINE WATCHES. A COMPLETE LINE OF AMERICAN WATCHES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT I AM PREPARED TO MEET THE WANTS OF YOU ALL. 77 West Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. THE FALL OF BaBYLOS. 9 leading down to the river; and "these gates were open by day, but shut by night." It was by means of these gates, which had been left open, that Cyrus obtained access into the city. THE HANGING GARDENS. Nothing however, at Babylon, was more wonderful than the Hanging Gardens, lying along the banks of the river, blooming with fragrant flowers, shaded by a thousand trees, cooled by fountains, whose jeweled waters sparkled in the sunlight, and justly considered one of the "Seven Wonders of the World." Constructed by Nebuchadnezzar, in compliance with a wish of his queen Ainytis, who cherished a fond remembrance of elevated groves, such as she had enjoyed on the hills around her native Ecbatana. For this purpose an artificial mountain was reared, in the form of a square, of four plethra on each side, with terraces rising one above another, to a height overtopping the walls of the city ; the ascent from terrace to terrace being by steps ten feet wide. The floor of each terrace or garden was formed in the following manner : on the tops of the piers was first laid, a pavement of flat stones, 16 feet in length and 4 feet in breadth, over which was a layer of reeds, mixed with a great quantity of bitumen, and this again was covered with two courses of bricks, closely cemented together with plaster ; while over all these were placed thick sheets of lead, on which was laid the earth or mold of the garden. This floorage was designed to retain the moisture of the mold ; and in order to provide a sufficient depth for the largest trees to take firm root, immense hollow piers were built and filled with earth. PALACE OP NEBUCHADNEZZAR. At the other end of the bridge stood the superb palace of Nebuchadnezzar, the magnificence of which excited the im- agination of all who beheld it, surrounded by a triple wall, whose gates were made of the brass taken from Jerusalem. The inner wall, which was three miles in circumference, was orna- mented on one face with delineations of hunting scenes, etc. Within the triple inclosure rose the palace, which far ex- celled in magnificence any other in the Empire, and wherein the walls were varnished and adorned with pictures of the 10 THE FALL OP nAUYLON. Browning, King & Co., • • MANUFACTURERS AND RETAILERS OF • . . MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S FINE CLOTHING. o«oooooooo Special attention on the part of the visitors to the Fall of Babylon is called to the fact that in our extensive variety of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, you will find values unsurpassed for quality and low prices. The prices ranging on Men's and Youths, Suits, from - - $7.50 to $25. OO Boys' and Children's Suits, - - $3.00 to $15. OO Cannot Be Duplicated in This Market, Mens Furnishings A Specialty. JAMES WTLSON, Manager. 76 AND 78 WEST FOURTH ST Tftie Pettiborie JVIaiiuf act uring Go. LEADING MANUFACTURERS OF UNIFORMS, REGALIAS, AND LODGE SUPPLIES FOR ALL SECRET SOCIETIES. MILITARY AND BAND UNIFORMS, ETC. Office, 165 Elm St., Factories, Huntington Block, Cincinnati, HERDQUHBTERS FOB UHPIISI HOODS. Manufactured in our factories, Cincinnati. Campaign supplies of every description, Campaign Specialties, Campaign Band Uniforms, Portraits, Banners, Flags, Trans- parencies, Horse Plumes, Colored Fires, Decorations, Torches, Fire Works, Lan- terns, Etc., Etc. BANNERS AND STREAMERS. Printed Muslin and Bunting Flags, Silk Flags. Festooning. Chinese Lanterns, 100 different Catalogues in the various departments. THE FALL OF BABYLON. 11 chase, of martial processions and festive scenes; whose apart- ments were furnished with the carpets of Persia, the silks of Damascus, the jewels of Bokhara, and whose imperial occu- pant was at once the dread and admiration of all nations. The walls of the banqueting-hall were covered with mor- tar and plaster of the finest quality. Here Belshazzar gave that memorable feast to a thousand of his lords, whereat he and his princes, his wives and his concubines, drank wine from the golden and silver vessels which Nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the temple at Jerusalem, and which feast was terminated so abruptly by the ghastly apparition of the fingers of a man's hand, which came forth and wrote on the wall : "Mene Mene, tekel upharsin." Here Daniel, an eye witness to both, reproved kings, defended his captive brethren, and displayed a devotion to his God which power could not intimidate nor royal favors corrupt. THE TOWER OF BABEL. Rising above all other structures was the Tower of Babel, crowned with the statue of Belus made of the finest gold, which shone resplendent in the morning and evening sun- light. How grand must have been that tower when seen in the vastness of it proportions and the fullness of its glory. Com- menced by Nimrod, continued by Semiramis, completed by Nebuchadnezzar, it was at once a sanctuary, a mausoleum and an observatory. The ascent was on the exterior, and consisted of broad flights of steps extending from terrace to terrace. That this is the oldest historic monument known to man is established by the brief and definite statement of Moses : "And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. And they said one to another: ' Go to, let us make brick for stone ' " and slime had they for mortar." "And they said : "Go to, let us make a city, and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven: and let us make a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth." What memories are recalled by this structure ; the wan- derings of the descendants of Noah; the ambition and kingship of Nimrod ; the high resolve to build a tower which no flood could submerge; the displeasure of the Lord; the confusion of tongues; the completion of the tower by Nebuchadnezzar. THE FALL OF BABYLON. THE PLAIN TRUTH Is to be told at all times. A very plain fact is fact is that you will add to your evening's enjoyment by coming to our Parlors and in- dulging in some of our delicious * Ice I -?«8@p IN THE MARKET • •••'!. T HE JOHN VAN RANGE CO. HAUTACTUKEKS OE VAN'S PATENT WROUGHT STEEL PORTABLE RANGES, J Families, Restaurants, and Hotels, IMPLEMENTS FOR CULI- NARY PURPOSES. 169 Elm, and 6 & 8 Home Sts., Cincinnati, 0. THE FALL OF BABYLON. 15 Babylon, and that the inhabitants on that occasion were ac- customed to spend the whole night in drinking and debauchery. This he therefore thought a proper time for surprising them ; and accordingly sent a strong detachment to the head of the canal leading to the large lake, with orders, at a certain time, to break dowm the great bank which was between the lake and the canal, and to turn the whole current into the lake. At the same time he stationed one body of troops at the place where the river entered the city, and another where it came out ; ordering them to march in by the bed of the river as soon as they should find it fordable. On this memorable night, revelry and wild luxury reigned. The prodigious granaries, the stores that seemed exhaustless, men's high hopes, and their spirit of jubilant defiance, all taught Babylon to set its besiegers at naught, and the last King of Babylon was deep in his carouse, and perpetrating sacrilege. When by command of Cyrus, one body of troops under Gobyras, the other under Gadates, finding the gates all left open in consequence of the disorders of that riotous night, penetrated into the very heart of the city. Then followed the scene of hurry, confusion, fire and slaughter which had been foretold by the prophecies of Jeremiah. In vain did " one host run to meet another, to show the King of Babylon that his city was taken at one end, and that the passages were stopped.' "The mighty men of Babylon forbore to fight; they became as women." " Her princes were made drunk, her wise men, her captains, her rulers, and her mighty men, they slept a perpetual sleep." "The broad walls of Babylon were utterly broken, and her high gates were burned with fire ; the people labored in vain and the folk in the fire." "In that night was Belshazzar the King of the Chaldeans slain." Thus was Babylonia reduced to a province of Persia, and the great Empire of Babylon numbered with the things of the past. ffirfV*^.^ >. LS&t. A.**r .^ _^r & ^r r*, ^ ^ ^kj&^ffi imminent and Jlttp&etive tfakleaux THAT WILL BE PRESENTED DURING THE ACTION OF THE DRAMA OF THE5-FHLL OF BABYLON. gaibkeLa I. IS a truthful and strikingly magnificent representation of the incidents occurring in and about the City of Babylon while it was besieged by the troops of Cyrus, King of Persia, under the command of Darius, and during the interval between one of the unsuccessful attempts made by the Per- sians to enter the City by force, and its final capture by strat- egem. THE GREAT WALL OP BABYLON. The audience when assembled will be confronted with the massive wall surrounding the city, over and behind which will be seen the tops of the most prominent buildings brilliantly illu- minated, as if by the early morning sunlight. The guards on the wall and at the several towers are seemingly without fear of imminent danger, while the people from the surrounding country, with camels and other beasts of burden, are passing in and out of the center gate, carrying merchandise and provisions to the market within. 18 THE FALL OF BABYLON. Made to ORDER or Ready Made. No gentleman, visiting Cincinnati, who has trouble in getting good fitting Shirts, should neglect leaving his measure — either for present use or for future orders. Satisfaction is guaranteed. During the months of July and August I will show samples of my incoming stock of FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR, Prom which selections can be made for future shipment. After September ist the goods will be in stock. SEASONABLE OUTFITTINGS are at all times in great variety as well as novelties in Umbrellas, Walking Sticks, House Coats, Toilet Sets, Pajamas, Tourists' Shirts, etc., etc., etc. Charles E. Smith 69 and 71 j West Fourth Street. CHAS. MOSER. FRED. RENNER. CHAS. MOSER & CO., 59—63 MAIN STREET, CINCINNATI. 254 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS OF faints and (^olors. ECONOMY MIXED HOUSE PAINTS. QUICK DRYING CARRIAGE AND WAGON PAINTS, . . . AMI DEALERS IN . . . GENERAL PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. THE FALL OF BABYLON. 19 THE -HUNTING- PROCESSION. After a number have paid toll and been permitted to enter, the announcement is made that the reigning Prince Belshazzar, accompanied by his body-guard and escort, are approaching the gate on their way out of the city to the favorite hunting grounds of the King. This necessarily causes all other persons to be delayed at the gate until after the royal party have passed, and in returning his gracious recognition the people bow in humble submission to their sovereign, after which the regular flow of travel is permitted, until some persons, evidently laboring under intense excitement, are seen hurriedly coming from the tower [right side] toward the gate, as if fleeing from impending danger and endeavoring by violent gestures to explain that hostile troops are approaching from that quarter. ALARM AT THE GATES. The guards on the wall, now thoroughly aroused, despite their fatigue after the night's vigil, are actively engaged in sig- naling for assistance and conveying the alarming intelligence that an attack is pending. The signals are repeated from tower to tower, and so on until the entire city is fully alarmed. Immediately a trusty and fleet courier is dispatched in the direction taken by the King, in hopes that he may be overtaken and fully informed of impending danger. The advance guard of the Persians now appear before the wall and after a brief skirmish move toward the center, followed by their comrades, continually making hostile demonstrations while advancing, until the entire front of the city is invested by them. ATTACK ON THE CITY. A general attack is now made, the archers and spearmen using their weapons with all the skill at their command, making it almost impossible for the Babylonian troops to expose them- selves upon the walls. 20 THE FALL OF BABYLON. CHAS. F. SNYDER. GEO. G. KOHLBERG. Spyder 9 ^otylbeni CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS, SHADES, _ o o o o o o o o o o o 256 Race Street, opposite Shillito Building, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Miller Bros. & Co., Nos. 98 & 100 W. Fourth Street. . THE LEADING DRY GOODS STORE, OF CINCINNATI. O O O O O O O O O PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. - THE FALL OF BABYLON. 21 The catapaults, flanked by additional archers, are now placed, and begin at once to hurl rocks and dreadful balls of fire into the unfortunate city, causing consternation and dismay to take possession of every one. Anon the battering ram is placed in front of the main gate, and herculean efforts are made to destroy the gate with this terrible engine of war, and thus effect an en- trance into the city. THE PERSIANS REPULSED. While the greatest excitement prevails the Babylonian Prince suddenly appears, having nobly determined (as soon as he had received the warning sent him) to risk his own life, if necessary, in defense of his city and people. The most des- perate hand-to-hand encounters occur ; troops from the interior pass out of the gate to the assistance of the King ; the battering ram is removed ; Belshazzer engages the Persian general in mortal combat. The Persians are routed, and are finally driven around the tower out of sight. SaJbkeLCL 11. REMOVAL OF THE WALL. After an intermission (during which it is supposed that the fighting is continued on the other side of the city, and the Baby- lonians succeed in capturing the Persian General and some of the troops), the stupendous undertaking of removing the wall, that up to this time had stood between the audience and the city, will be begun, thus gradually disclosing to view the magnificent representation of "BABYLON THE G-REAT." " The Beauty of the Chaldee's Excellency." The palace of Nabonadis in the center, apparently extending along the river for over three miles. On the left is the Tower of Babel ; adja- cent thereto the Temple of Belus, the shrine of the god Baal ; on the right of the palace the embankment of the river Euphrates, with the steps leading down to the water's edge; the bridge THE FALL OF BABYLON. CHEWERS OF GUM WII.T, FIND " NATIONAL."— Flag Wrapper— Mint FlaDor. 'YLANG YLANG."— In Japanese Willow Boxes. "COUGH."— For Coughs, Colds and Bronchial Affections. STRICTLY PURE AND FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. For Sale by CONFECTIONERS, DRUGGISTS, and the Trade Generally. . MAXUFACTUEKD BY" H. D. Sntftlj & Go. 56 and 58 Main St, CINCINNATI, 0. F. Sztoirschina & Co. Masquerade and Theatrical GOSTUMERS. No. 390 Vine Street, Cincinnati, O. ooocoooo This establishment has furnished all the costumes for the public processions, especially for the Order of Cincin- natus, during the seasons of 1882, 1883, 1884 and 1885, and for the Fall of Babylon, 1886, for Rome under Nero, 1887, and for Fall of Babylon, for 1888. Costumers for the Order of Cincinnatus. THE FALL OF BABYLON. 23 spanning the river, connecting the palace with the beautiful Hang- ing Gardens ; further to the right the Temple of Beltis, all com- bining to make a picture that is so massive in its proportions, so complete in detail, so incomparable in its grandeur, that the op- portunity presented at this time for its inspection should be taken advantage of by every one, so that a lasting impression may be had of this, the grandest spectacle ever presented on any stage. INTERIOR OF THE CITY. The people are seen upon the streets, some in groups waiting with breathless anxiety for news from the army, others more content, pursuing their daily avocations, when a solemn procession of Chaldean priests is seen emerging from the Temple of Belus, led by the high priest. It is in the Book of Daniel that the Chaldean caste make their appearance most distinctly as the possessors not only of a special "learning," but of a peculiar "tongue." They are associated with the magicians, astrologers, sorcerers and sooth- sayers, probably classes of the Order. They are addicted especially to the art of divination and framed predictions of the future. They sought to avert evil and to insure good by puri- fications, sacrifices, and enchantments. They were versed in the arts of prophesying by means of the flight of birds, and of explaining dreams and prodigies, and omens furnished by the entrails of animals offered in sacrifice. RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES OP THE CHALDEANS. In accordance with their custom from time immemorial, to consult the gods upon all important occasions, they are now about to petition their deity for assistance in the present em- ergency, and burn incense while praying for the success of the Babylonian cause. At the other end of the stage another group of priests is seen emerging from the Temple of Beltis, and are endeavoring to divine the future from the flight of birds, and finally march toward the palace preceded by their idols. Girls and children 21 THE FALL OF BABYLON. BELL, MILLER & CO., IMPORTING RETAILERS. RACE & SIXTH STS., CINCINNATI, O. Sill^s, Dre$s Qood^/T)iIIi^ry, CLOAKS, SUITS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, DOMESTICS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES AND mens' furnishing goods. Retailing at Wholesale Prices. Visitors to the City cordially invited to call upon us. Bell, Miller & Co., Race & Sixth Sts. HHHHIi ^^J^^^z^^M^^WtMwP^M^^L 8, 10 & 12 West Sixth Street, CINCINNATI, O. TEA FALL OF HABYLON. j6 bearing flowers also approach the palace, in the windows and corridors of which can be seen the Queen Nitocris and other ladies of the royal household, while in the lower apartments are seen the officers of the State, all anxiously awaiting news of the welfare of the King. Suddenly, joyous sounds are heard in the north ; shouts of victory become more distinct. The Chaldeans immediately give voice to their pent-up feelings by singing praises to their gods. THE TRIUMPHAL PROCESSION' All then move in the direction indicated by sounds of rejoicing as the place to meet the victors, and are over- joyed to see the King leading Persian prisoners through the streets of the city toward the palace. No restraint is placed upon the populace in their demonstrations of joy. Flowers are strewn in the pathway of the king by beautiful maidens. The Chaldeans chant apean, the warriors marching to the martial music. Prisoners show their discomfiture, and are crueUy and brutally handled. Slaves and concubines evince their joy by graceful move- ments in familiar dances. The excitement is kept up without ceasing until the King retires to the Temple of Belus, and there performs the sacred rite of sacrificing a suckling on the golden altar devoted to that purpose, erected without the temple. As soon as he has performed this portion of his religious duty, he enters the tem- ple to continue his devotions. It having been proclaimed that ;his would be a day of re- joicing and feasting, arrangements had been made for the amusement of the populace, by having a vessel bring from one of the adjoining provinces a troupe of Egyptians, with dancing girls, snake charmers, acrobats, caged animals, and other at- tractions. 26 THK FALL OF 1 BABYLON. CARPETS, € NO. 133 ^WEST FOURTH ST., gINGINN&TI, Q HIO ADAM WEBER, CONDUCTOR. TELEPHONE 2024. JOHN C. WEBER, MANAGER. ADAM WEBER'S Grand Orchestra and Reed Band. OFFICE: HEUCK'S NEW OPERA HOUSE. (SlHGIHNATOI, O. This organization, composed of first -class musicians only, is pre- pared to famish music for all legitimate business, such as Symphony, Oratorio, Concerts, May Festivals, Theatrical Entertainments, Com- mencements, Parties, Receptions, Banquets, etc., etc., and particular attention is called to our new elegant uniforms, for Parades, Excursions, Funerals, etc., etc. THE FALL OF BABYLON. 27 ARRIVAL OF THE AFRICANS Upon the arrival of this vessel, and the embarkation of the passengers, the multitude are entertained by an exhibi- tion of spear-throwing, dancing, feats of strength, and other demonstrations of their skill. It now being the hour of sunset, when objects are not so easily distinguished, it is difficult to determine the exact nature of the procession that is seen approaching from the direction of the Tower of Babel, until, upon drawing nearer, it is seen to be the return of the bridegroom to his home, accompanied by his bride. THE JEWISH WEDDING. A beautiful custom was prevalent at this time, particularly among the Jews, when on the wedding day the bridegroom dressed in festive attire, with turban and crown, or garland, of gold, silver, roses, myrtle, or olive, according to his circum- stances, highly perfumed, accompanied by his friends, preceded by musicians and singers, calls at the house of his bride, where she, robed in white, with veil covering her whole body, in token of submission, with her hair flowing, stands ready to receive him and accompany him to his home, while mutual friends are giving vent to audible expressions of gladness. 'LAMENTATION OF THE JEW'S BY THE RIVERS OF BABYLON. At this time in the evening it was customary for the Jews to repair to the banks of the river and console themselves by singing some of their favorite songs, although they were some- what in the form of a lamentation. Being captives they were necessarily despondent, al- though only captives in name. They had become natural- ized to their present homes, where their treatment was mild. In Psalms cxxxvii., where the exiles pour out their griefs, the only complaint as to their treatment in cap tivity i« that they were required to sing their native songs. * 28 THE FALL OF BABYLON. H ENRY Q SKAMP. Furniture and Upholstery 71 FOUNTAIN SQUARE. oooooooooooo SOLE AGENT FOR THE BALDWIN DRY AIR REFRIGERATOR. SPECI ALTI ES;— The Windsor Folding Bed. and The Marks Reclining Chair. H. BUSCHING, 21 AND 23 W. FIFTH STFET, Opposite Post Omc E . CINCINNATI, O. A VERY CHOICE SELECTION OF AEL GRADES OF FURNITURE CONSTANTLY KEPT IN MY WAREROOMS FIRST CLASS GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. .... Telephone 2051 FOR FIRST-CLASS WORK . . . GO TO . . . The SulliDan Printing Works Nos. 312, 314 AND 316 BROADWAY Work Done when Promised.—^ (©IN6INNATI, O. THE FALL OF BABYLON. 29 The pathetic language of the Psalmody being: " By the rivers of Babylon there we sat down ; yea, we wept when we remembered Zion, we hanged our harps on the willows in the midst thereof." '* For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, say- ing, Sing us one of the Songs of Zion" CHORUS— BY THE RIVERS OF BABYLON. ..... T 7 .. .. v T -. - w'nivke bodod ne'sbe'v bovel naharo's Al l'orez mishomajim nofalt e'icb hakodesh ir erko' e'le Al jwnnira pnchi ♦iron ^fi 1 "netf ba'wo'nosenu nilkadt chamo'so koe'sb Job shofacb : plpn i&b ">5# rj?r\ -^d -rf?yr\ rpfr; bakorez lifney shevi bolacb malkecb becbolocb Nisraf —. :t :t 1 v v : • tv:v )•- : awo'senu jo'du lo j rdu lo beVrez neVnocbiin josbwajicb le'do'rim le'mo J sbol jebi ba'seh bakezei acha'j ! : onion tv hi ♦ onion rv hi rv -iskb631 >rbn riN mp"> pz6 by\ sechoro jiten w'belsazar baalo es jekore loshoa wechol irnN yi« jo p Dy nj Dip /irsn« p titod j^n achenu erez min jajin im nojokum n v zenn min tohor hajajin • Dn^n ^'^k^xe^z& D^mcn didi did vbob hasorim sar elecho l'belsazar w'shosim w'kos kos l'male •not? Ton vm -tin to men toN i-omeach tomid w'h'ju achaj kol ushsu iohlu - D-i bip3 rn bx m jnpi : udj; nm *6 njm rom b'kol se el se w'koro imnionu hejeh lo w'rooh : T£> nm una -itfNE?^ srr'r divre nitnu l'belsazar n'pd'p niDOn .tin bD iircn ^3 nj lDip 1 l'malle hakosos achaj kol hazaar b'li no jokumu hbjn hn sop 1 * jw 1 ? bDi 'Ddd 1 ? pide6 pp| DV baalo es jekore loshoa wi-cbol lihchem lesameaca hajajin im sechoro jiteu w'belsazar 34 THE FALL OF BABYLON. J OSEPH R P EEBLES' SONS, &rncErs, WiiiE Merchants, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF CIGARS. Fine Groceries, Fine Foreign Wines, Fine Old Ripe Whiskies, Henry Pfeiffers Put in-Bay Pure Native Wines, Mons. F. Bissinger's Fine French Confections, etc. PRICE-LIST MAILED ON APPLICATION. Eastern Branch, IlifrA?n Illllfffinrr Western Branch, Peebles' Corner, PlcRS KIImI WW N. E. Cor. Seventh Walnut Hills. ilaUU IJ UIlllli|y • and Cutter Sts. BRIDAL GIFTS. The most appropriate are those con- structed of the Imperishable Metals. DUKME & CO. now display in their Retail Departments comprehensive lines of Fine Gold Jewelry, Solid Silver Tablewares, Clocks, Solid Silver Novelties. Artistic and Useful Articles in Bronze, Copper, Brass, aud Electro-Plate. Beautiful designs, serviceable qualities, low prices. DUHME & CO., Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, and Importers of European Art Objects. WORKSHOPS AND SALESROOMS, FOURTH & WALNUT STREETS, .... CINCINNATI, 0. ——THE CENTRAL IfcvdlTTSIC HOVSE.- «. GEROLfD & CO., 410 VINE ST., CINCINNATI, O. yvVcisie&l & Instramants. Full assortment of Foreign, American Standard, Popular Books, and Sheet Music. Best Violin Strings constantly on hand Be sure and send for a copy of the following popular pieces for the Pianoforte, b;.* H. GEROLD. The Fall of Babylon Grind March. 6 l cents; The Fall of Babylon Ballet and Fragments, four numbers, each, 40 cents; Souvenir of Rome under Nero, Waltzes, over 3000 copies sold, 60 cents; <^rand Centen- nial March, this has the finest colored title ever issued, 75 cents, THF FALL OF BABYLON. 35 mcDj;n nw -fi 'WQ m-i*o nawi "nn p*? hoatere^ tos lecho b'hagi-hi neederes hoemes tehi lochen tin ate Droir ^« dhn pb ♦ na -p*n iwh achaj mold ko-'eht m jela aiem lochen boh roshcho leaned : tdk -]b -ibne^d 1 ? te?i *np urn abir lecho l'belsazar w'shir kol usenu *6d*? niDiDn ?m bs ijren ^d *o lDip^ l'malle hakosos achaj kol hazaar b'li no jokumu boh roshcho l'aned hoatoro sos lecho behagishi TIN *6d- DDD1D ^K ana p^ achaj mole kos'chem elaj atem lochen : T3K -f> issw^ 1 ? Ten ^>ip uni abir lecho l'belsazar w'shir kol usenu The King is now in that condition which is the result of too frequent and intemperate indulgence in liquor, and fully prepared for further excesses, so there need be no surprise at his determination to publicly wound the feelings of the Jews by a further desecration of the sacred vessels. While, in obedience to his expressed wish, all are stand- ing, prepared to drink in honor of the god Baal, they are startled by the apparition of the "HANDWRITING ON THE WALL." Consternation and dismay are depicted upon every coun- tenance ; they are unable to understand the meaning of this miraculous exhibition of divine power. What can it mean? How can it be explained? Happy thought ! send for the Chaldeans, the spiritual advisers, whom ;UJ THE FALL OF BABYLON. INSURE YOUR LIFE by securing a policy that re turns all premiums paid in addition tothe amouut insured in case of death, or is an endowment in case of living after twenty yeais in the Old Reliable Home Life Insurance Company of Hew York. Tt issues all kinds of policies, which are non- forfeitable ; it has the largest surplus over re-insur- ance liabilities ; it makes no restriction as to residence or travel; it charges no extra premiums on female lives ; it pays its losses -without delay upon receipt of proofs of death. fi®= Good Agents -wanted under Liberal Terms. Apply to R. A. W. BRUEHlt & SON, GENERAL AGENTS FOR OHIO, INDIANA A. KENTUCKY. Office : Room 4, No. 82 W. Third St., CINCINNATI, O. MICHIE BROS., Manufacturing Jewelers, . . . AND DEALERS IN . . . Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks and Bronzes. 00000000000 Gold, Silcer and Steel Spectacles. Opera Glasses. NO. 178 W. FOURTH STREET, CINCINNATI, O. HENRY IIVLBUS, gloves, gin ware, Ranges,® HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, 2 rogran7ii]e # •^-OVERTURE.-* 1st. Entrance of merchants and peasants to the city. 2nd. King's hunting party. 3rd. Attack on city by Persians. 4th. Grand Battle Scene. — Defeat of Persians. INTERMISSION, - lO MINUTES. Il- ls! Removal of walls, disclosing Babylon the Great. 2nd. Jewish Wedding Procession. 3rd. Chorus of Chaldean Priests at Temple of Belus. 4th. Greeting to Victory Procession. 5th. Grand Procession of Victory. 6th. King and Retinue retire to Temple to offer sacrifice. 7th. | Entertainment for the People of Babylon in honor of victory over 8th. j the Persians. 9th. Lamentation of the Jews by the Waters of Babylon. III- lst. King and Retinue from Temple of Belus to Palace with seven armed candelabra and sacred vessals. 2nd. Interior of Palace. — The Feast of Belschazzar. 3rd. Grand Terpsichorean Revels by the Dancing Girls of Babylon. 4th. Handwriting on the Wall. 5th. Draining of the River Euphrates. — Attack by Persians. — The destruction and Fall of Babylon. ALMS & DOEPKE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Staple ond Fancy Dry Goods, Carpets, etc. MAIN, CANAL AND HUNT STREETS. Our coaches are now running down Main to Fifth, west on Fifth to Walnut, to Fourth, and west to Race, north on Race to Ninth, to Main, and to the store. Jtye pall of Babylop AND OUR GREAT CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION. Two-thirds of one's life is spent their clothes; hence they should becoming>nd comfortable. "We will see that they are if you buy them here, and will, besides, save you many a dollar during the year. Visitors to either of these modern wonders should also visit Mabley & Carew's, the largest and most comprehen- sive house of its kind on the continent of America. Our immense trade enables us to name prices t&at no other store in Cincinnati can possibly reach, while the merchandise which we handle ranges from the honestly good to the very finest. We are the largest dealers of MEN'S AND BOYS' WEARING APPAREL, —AND— LADIES' & CHILDREN'S FOOT WEAR, IN THE UNITED STATES, and name the lowest prices of any house in the world. VISITING STRANGERS are especially welcome to buy, to look, to rest, to leave their parcels or to meet their friends. In truth we want EVERY- BODY to know that the doors of the famed "Home Stobe of the Queen City" swing on welcome hinges to all. Mabley & Carew, FRONTING FOUNTAIN, CINCINNATI. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ill 027 250 721 1 RSK [,J£ m