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The history of La Porte county possesses features of unusual interest in comparison with those of other neighboring counties. Here the sturdy pioneer located and began to exert his civilizing influence long before other sections contained a settler. This being a delightful section of country, it was early occupied by those com- ino- West in searcli of permanent homes. In matters of general public interest and progress, La Porte county has ever taken a leading and prominent position. Here have lived men who have taken an important part in the affairs ot State and in molding the political sentiments and destiny of the country. This county has been the scene of conflict between some of the giant intellects of the nation. Here the shrewd and enter- prising Easterner, the courtly Southerner and the sturdy, practical Westerner have met and mingled, have assimilated the better traits possessed by each other, and thus have formed a society, a people superior in many particulars to that of most localities. The origi- nal settlers, the earliest pilgrims, have nearly all passed away. Here and there we see the bended form and whitened head of some ot these veterans, but they are not numerous; most'of them have gone to that country which is always new, yet where the trials, struggles and hardships of pioneer life are never known. Accurate and reliable history is most difiicult to write. Those who have never experienced the difficulties incident to such labor cannot realize how nearly impossible it is, or can appreciate the earnest, honest and faithful labor of a historian. After the most careful and painstaking searches and inquiry upon any particular subject, or about any event, he will even then find many doubts as to its accuracy. Each individual will give a different account ot the same events, though they be ever so honest and faithful. This fact is forcibly illustrated by Sir Walter Kaleigh. While in prison in a tower of England, he engaged himself in writing the history of the world. One day a brawl occurred in the tower yard, and he desired to learn the particulars. Two of the principal actors came before him, and each related the account of the trouble; yet so PEEFAOE. widely different were they that he found it utterly impossible to tell what the facts were. He then remarked, "Here Iamena:a£red in writing the history of events that occurred 3,000 years ago, and yet I am unable to learn the facts of what happens at my win- dow." This has been the the channel of our experience, and that of all others who have attempted national or local history. Besides mistakes on account of these causes, doubtless there are many others to be found within these pages. To suppose that a volume of tliis magnitude, and containing so many thousands of names and dates and brief statements would be wholly accurate, is a supposition we presume no sane man will make. While we do not claim for this work critical accuracy or completeness, yet we are quite certain that it will be found measurably and practically so. Let it rest as the foundation for the future historian to build upon. As one of the most interesting features of this work, we present the portraits of several representative citizens. It has been our aim to have the prominent men of the day, as well as the pioneers, rep- resented in this department; and we flatter ourselves on the uniform high character of the gentlemen whose portraits we present. They are in the strictest sense representative men. There are others, it is true, who claim equal prominence with those presented, but as a matter of course it was impossible for us to represent all the leading men of the county. As we quit our long, tedious, yet nevertheless pleasant task of compiling the History of La Porte County, we wish to return the thanks of grateful hearts to those who have so freely aided us in collecting material. To the county officials, pastors of churches, officers of societies, pioneers, and particularly the editors of the press, we are particularly grateful for the many kindnesses and courtesies shown us while laboring in the county; but most of all we wish to thank those who so liberally and materially aided the work by becoming subscribers to it. We feel that we have discharged our duties fully, have fulfilled all our promises, have earned the laborer's pay. C.C. CHAPMAN & CO. CHICAGO, October, 1880. CONTENTS. fllif^TORV OF IIWOIAMA. FORMER OCCUPAKTS 17 The First Immigration 18 The Second Immigration 20 The Tartars 23 Relics of the Mound-Builders 23 Indians 31 Manners aud Customs 34 EXPLORATIONS BY THE WHITES.... 37 Earliest Explorers . .. 37 Ouabache 39 Viucennes 89 NATION -A L POLICIES 41 The Great French Scheme 41 Pontiac's War 46 British Policy 46 American Policy 46 Indian Savagery 47 EXPEDITIONS OF COL. GEORGE ROGERS CLARK 52 ClarK's Ingenious RusL' 64 Subsequent Career of Hamilton 64 Gibault 65 Vigo 66 GOVERNMENT OF THE NORTH- WEST 67 Ordinance of 1787 70 Liquor and Gaming Laws 74 MILITARY HISTORY, 1790 TO 1800 75 Expeditions of Harmar, Scutt and Wil- kinson 75 Expeditions of St. Clair and Wayne 78 Wayne's Great Victory 79 TERRITORIAL HISTORY 83 Organization of Indiana Territory 82 First Territorial Legi slature 84 The Western Sun 84 Indiana in 1810 84 GOVERNOR HARRISON AND THE INDIANS 87 Harrison's Campaign 92 Battle of Tippecanoe 98 WAR OP 1812 101 E.i;pedition against the Indians 103 Close of the War 108 TECUMSEH Ill CIVIL MATTERS 1812-'5 116 Population in 1815 118 General Vicv 118 ORGANIZATION OF THE STATE.... 121 BLACK HAWK WAR 123 LAST EXODUS OP INDIANS 131 INDIAN TITLES 132 LAND SALES 133 HARMONY COMMUNITY 134 PIONEER LIFE 136 The Log Cabin 136 Sleeping Accommodations 138 Cooking 141 Women's Work 142 Dress and Manners 143 Family Worship 145 Hospitality 147 Trade 148 Money 148 Milling 150 Agricul tiiral Implements 1.50 Hog-Killing 151 Prairie Fires 153 Wild Hogs 156 Native Animals 157 Wolf Hunts 157 Bee-Hunting 158 Snakes 158 Shakes 159 Education 160 • "Past the Pictures." 164 Spelling-School 165 Singing-School 167 Guarding against Indians 168 The Bright Side 171 What the Pioneers Have Done 173 Military Drill 175 " Jack, the Philosopher of the 19ih Cen- tury." 176 "Tooi'ull lor Utterince." 177 Thieving and Lynch-Law 179 Cu ring the Druuken Husbaud 180 Thfl" Choke Trap." 181 MICHIGAN BOUNDARY 185 MEXICAN WAR 186 SLAVERY 194 15th Amendment 197 THE WAR FOR THE UNION 198 Lincoln did not seek the Presidency 198 States Seceding 199 The Fallot Sumter 200 A Vast Army Raised in 11 Days 201 Sherman's March to the Se;i 203 Character of Abrah;im Lincoln 20- The War Ended -The Union Restored. . 204 The Morgan-Raid Regiments. 227 Sis Months' Regiments 229 The lOO-Davs'Volut-teers 233 The President's Call of July, 1864 234 " " " Dec., " 234 Independent Cavalry Company of Indi- ana Volunteers 238 Our Colored Troops 239 Batteries of Light Artillery 239 After the War 246 DIVORCE LAWS 250 FINANCIAL 251 State Bank 2.53 Wealth and Progress 254 Internal Improvements 256 GEOLOGY 262 COAL 264 AGRICULTURE 266 State Board of Agriculture 266 The Exposition 267 Indiana Horiicultural Society 269 " Pomological " 270 EDUCATION 272 Public Schools 272 Indiana State University 279 Purdue Un iversity 281 Indiana State Normal School 285 Normal School, etc., at Valparaiso 286 Denominational and Private Institutions 287 BENEVOLENT AND PENAL INSTI- TUTIONS 291 Institute for the Education of the Blind 291 Institntefor the Deaf and Dumb 293 Hospital for the Insane 295 The State Prison South 296 North 297 Female Prison and Reformatory 298 Indiana House of Refuge " 300 STATE CAPITOL... 301 STATE OFFICERS 302 U. S. SENATORS PROM INDIANA.... 806 REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. 307 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: Of Governors 310 Of U.S. Senators 316 THE SUPREMACIES 319 STATES OF THE UNION 819 CONTENTS. HISTORY OF liA PORTE COUKTY. INTRODUCTION 331 CHAPTER T. GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY 336 History as Connected with Time and Place 336 Boundary 337 Original Territory of Indiana 338 Altitude 338 Surlace 340 Lakes 340 Soil 341 Productions 34^ Minerals 343 Tbeoretical Geology 344 Economical Geology 347 CHAPTER II. BOTANY 348 CHAPTER III. ZOOLOGY 377 CHAPTER IV. ARCHEOLOGY 391 History Written in Mounds of Earth 391 The Remains as Found Elsewhere 391 Standing by the Mounds 397 CHAPTER V. EARLY SETTLEMENTS 399 The Flood of Empire Takiugits West- ward Way.. 399 CHAPTER VI. PIONEER LIFE 413 Pioneer Homes — Log Cabins 413 The Benedict House-Raising 413 Pioneer Work 416 Prairie Plowing by the Pioneers 417 Harvc!fucian and Pythagorean schools of the same period spread all over the land, and in their numerous settlements erected these raths, or mounds, and sacrificial altars whereon they received their HISTORY OF INDIANA. 19 periodical visiting gods, surrendered their bodies to natural absorp- tion or anniliilation, and watched tor the return of some transmi- grated soul, the while adoring the universe, which with all beings they believed would be eternally existent. They possessed religious orders corresponding in external show at least with the Essenes or Therapntae of the pre-Christian and Christian epochs, and to the reformed Tlieraputas or monks of t!ie present. Every memento of their coining and their stay which has descended to us is an evi- dence of their civilized condition. The free copper found within thetnmuli; the open veins of the Superior and Iron Mountain copper-mines, with all the modus opera^idi oi ancient raining, such as ladders, levers, chisels, and hammer-heads, discovered by the French explorers of the Northwest and the Mississippi, are conclu- sive proofs that those prehistoric people were highly civilized, and that many flourishing colonies were spread throughout the Missis- sippi valley, while yet the mammoth, the mastodon, and a hundred other animals, now only known by their gigantic fossil remains, guarded the eastern shore of the continent as it were against sup- posed invasions of the Tower Builders who went west from Babel; while yet the beautiful isles of the Antilles formed an integral portion of this continent, long years before the European ISTorthman dreamed of setting forth to the discovery of Greenland and the northern isles, and certainly at a time when all that portion of America north of latitude 45* was an ice-incumbered waste. Within the last few years great advances have been made toward the discovery of antiquities whether pertaining to remains of organic or inorganic nature. Together with many small, but telling relics of the early inhabitants of the country, the fossils of pre- historic animals have been unearthed from end to end of the land, and in districts, too, long pronounced by geologists of some repute to be without even a vestige of vertebrate fossils. Among the collected souvenirs of an ago about which so very little is known, are twenty-five vertebrae averaging thirteen inches in diameter, and three vertebrae ossified together measure nine cubical feet; a thigh-bone five feet long by twenty-eight, by twelve inches in diameter, and the shaft fourteen by eight inches thick, the entire lot weighing 600 lbs. These fossils, are presumed to belong to the cretaceous period, when tlie Dinosaur roamed over the country from East to West, desolating the villages of the people. This animal is said to have been sixty feet long, and when feeding in cypress and palm forests, to extend himself eighty-five feet, bo that lie may 20 HISTORY OF INDIANA. devour the budding tops of those great trees. Otlier efforts in this direction may lead to great results, and culminate probably in the discovery of a tablet engraven by some learned Mound Builder, describing in the ancient hieroglyphics of China all these men and beasts whose history excites so much speculation. The identity of the Mound Builders with the Mongolians might lead us to hope for such a consummation; nor is it beyond the i-ange of probability, particularly in this practical age, to find the future labors of some industrious antiquarian requited by the upheaval of a tablet, written in the Tartar characters of 1700 years ago, bearing on a subject which can now be treated only on a purely circumstantial basis. THE SECOND IMMIGRATION may have begun a few centuries prior to the Christian era, and unlike the former expedition or expeditions, to have traversed north- eastern Asia to its Arctic confines, and then east to the narrow channel now known as Behring's Straits, which they crossed, and sailing up the unchanging Yukon, settled under the shadow of Mount St. Elias ibr many years, and pushing South commingled with their countrj'men, soon acquiring the characteristics of the descendants of the first colonists. Chinese chronicles tell of such a people, who went North and were never heard of more. Circum- stances conspire to render that particular colony the carriers of a new religious faith and of an alphabetic system of a representative character to the old colonists, and they, doubtless, exercised a most beneficial influence in other respects ; because the influx of immi- grants of such culture as were the Chinese, even of that remote period, must necessarily bear very favorable results, not only in bringing in reports of their travels, but also accounts from the fatherland bearing on the latest events. With the idea of a second and important exodus there are many theorists united, one of whom sa^-s: '* It is no'.v the generally received opinion that the first inhabitants of America passed over from Asia through these straits. The number of small islands lying between both continents renders this opinion still more probable; and it is yet further confirmed by some remarkable traces of similarity in the physical conformation of the northern natives of both continents. The Esquimaux of North America, the Samoieds of Asia, and the Laplanders of Europe, arc supposed to be of the same family; and this supposition is strengthened by the affinity which exists in their languages. The researches of Hum- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 21 boldt have traced the Mexicans to the vicinity of Behrinor's Straits; whence it is conjectured that they, as well as the Peruvians and other tribes, came originally from Asia, and were the Iliongnoos, who are, in tiie Chinese annals, said to have emigrated under Puno, and to have been lost in the North of Siberia." Since this theory is accepted by most antiquaries, there is every reason to believe that from the discovery of what may be called an overland route to what was then considered an eastern extension of that country which is now known as the " Celestial Empire," many caravans of emigrants passed to their new homes in the hind of illimitable possibilities until the way became a well-marked trail over which the Asiatic might travel forward, and having once entered the Elysian fields never entertained an idea of returning. Thus from generation to generation the tide of immigration poured in until the slopes of the Pacific and the banks of the great inland rivers became hives of busy industry. Magnificent cities and monuments were raised at the bidding of the tribal leaders and po]iulous settlements centered with happy villages sprung up everywhere in manifestation of the power and wealth and knowl- edge of the ])eople. The colonizing Caucasian of the historic period walked over this great country on the very ruins of a civil- ization which a thousand years before eclipsed all that of \vhi(ih he could boast. He walked throuijli the wilderness of the West over buried treasures hidden under the accumulated growth of nature, nor rested until he saw, with great surprise, the remains of ancient pyramids and temples and cities, larger and evidently more beauti- ful than ancient Eg^'pt could bring forth after its long years of uninterrupted history. The pyramids resemble those of Egypt in exterior form, and in some instances are of larger dimensions. The pyramid of CholuLi is square, having each side of its base 1,335 feet in length, and its height about 172 feet. Anotiier pyramid* situated in the north of Vera Cruz, is formed of large blocks of highl3''-po!ished porpliyry, and bears upon its front hiero- glyphic inscriptions and curious sculpture. E.ich side of its square base is 82 feet in length, and a flight ol"57 steps conducts to its summit, which is 65 feet in height. The ruins of Palenquo are said to extend 20 miles along the ridge of a mountain, and the remains of an Aztec city, near the banks of the river Gila, are spread over more than a square league. Their literature consisted of hieroglyphics; but tlieir arithmetical knowledge did not extend farther than tlieir calculations by the aid of grains of corn. Yet, 22 niSTORY OF INDIANA. notwithstanding all their varied accomplishments, and they were evidently many, their notions of religious duty led to a most demo- niac zeal at once barbarously savage and ferociously cruel. Each visiting, god instead of bringing new life to the peo])lc, brought death to thousands; and their grotesque idols, exposed to drown the senses of the beholders in fear, wrought wretchedness rather than spiritual happiness, until, as some learned and humane Monte- zumian said, the people never approached these idols without fear, and this fear was the great animating principle, the great religious motive power which sustained the terrible religion. Tiieir altars were sprinkled with blood drawn from their own bodies in large quantities, and on them thousands of human victims were sacri- ficed in honor of the demons whom they worshiped. The head and heart of every captive taken in war were offered up.as a bloody sacrifice to the god of battles, while the victorious legions feasted on the remaining ])ortioa3 of the dead bodies. It has been ascer- tained that during the ceremonies attendant on the consecration of two of their temples, the number of prisoners offered up in sacri- fice was 12,210; while tlieir own legions contributed voluntary victims to the terrible belief in large numbers. Nor did this, horrible custom cease immediately after 1521, when Cortez entered the fmperial city of the Montezumas; for, on being driven from it, all his troops who fell into the hands of the native soldiers were subjected to the most terrible and prolonged suffering that could be experienced in this world, and whe;i about to yield up that spirit which is indestructible, were offered in sacridce, their hearts and heads consecrated, and the victors allowed to feast on the yet warm flesh. A reference is made here to the period when the Montezumas ruled over Mexico, simply to gain a better idea of the hideous idolatr}' which took the place of the old Boodhism of the Mound Builders, and doubtless helped in a great measure to give victory to the new comers, even as the tenets of Mahometanism urged the ignorant followers of the prophet to the conquest of great nations. It was not the faith of the people who built the mounds and the pyramids and the temples, and who, 200 years before the Christian era, built the great wall of jealous China. No: rather was it that terrible faith born of the Tartar victory, which carried the great defenses of China at the point of the javelin and hatchet, who afterward marched to the very walls of Rome, under Alaric, and niSTOKY OF INJ)IANA. 23 spread over the islands of Polynesia to the Pacific slopes of South America. THE TARTARS came there, and, like the pure Mongols of Mexico and the Missis- sippi valley, rose to a state of civilization bordering on that attained by them. Here for centuries the sons of the fierce Tartar race con- tinued to dwell in comparative peace until the all-ruling ambition of empire tot>k in the whole country from the Pacific to the Atlan- tic, and peopled the vast territory watered by the Amazon with a race that was destined to conquer all the peoples of the Orient, and only to fall before the march of the arch-civilizing Caucasian. In course of time those fierce Tartars pushed their settlements northward, and ultimately entered tlie territories of the Mound Builders, putting to death all who fell within their reach, and causing the survivors of the death-dealing invasion to seek a refuge from the liordes of this semi-barbarous people in the wilds and fast- nesses of the North and Northwest. The beautiful country of the Mound Builders was now in the hands of savage invaders, the quiet, industrious people who raised the temples and pyramids were gone; and the wealth of intelligence and industry, accumulating forages, passed into the possession of a rapacious horde, who could admire it only so far as it offered objects for plunder. Even in this the invaders were satisfied, and then having arrived at the height of their ambition, rested on their swords and entered upon the luxury and ease in the enjoyment of wliich they were found when the van- guard of European civilization apj)eared upon the scene. Mean- time the southern countries which those adventurers abandoned after having C(jmpleted their conquests in the North, were soon peopled by hundreds of people, always moving from island to island and ultimately haltiiig amid the ruins of villages deserted by those who, as legends tell, had passed eastward but never returned; and it would scarcely be a matter for surprise if those emigrants were found to be the progenitors of that race found by the Spaniards in 1532, and identical with the Araucauians, Cuenches and Huil- tiches of to-day. RELICS OF THE M0T7ND BUILDERS. One of the most brilliant and impartial historians of the Republic stated that the valley of the Mississippi contained no monuments. So far as the word is entertained now, he w.is literally correct, but 24 IIISTOKY OF INDIANA. in some liasty effort neglected to qualify his sentence by a refer- ence to the numerous relics of antiquity to be found throughout its length and breadth, and so exposed his chapters to criticism. The vallev of the Father of Waters, and indeed the country trom the trap rocks of the Great Lakes southeast to the Gulf and south- west to Mexico, abound in tell-tale raoiuiinents of a race of people much farther advanced in civilization than the Montezumas of the sixteenth century. The remains of walls and fortifications fouud in Kentucky and Indiana, the earthworks of Vincennes and throughout the valley of the Wabash, the mounds scattered over Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Yirginia, and those found in Illi- nois, Wisconsin and Minnesota, are all evidences of the univer- sality of the Chinese Monijols and of their advance toward a com- parative knowled: niEROGLYPniCS OF THE MOUND-BUILDERS. The great circular redoubt or earth-work found two miles west of the village of New Washington, and the " Stone Fort," on a ridge one mile west of the village of Deputy, ofier a subject for the anti- quarian as deeply interesting as any of the monuments of a decayed empire so far discovered. 30 HISTORY OF INDIANA. From end to end of Indiana there are to be found many other rel- ics of the obscure past. Some of them have been unearthed and now appear among the collected antiquities at Indianapolis. The highly fiiiished sandstone pipe, the copper ax, stone axes, flint arrow-heads and magnetic plummets found a few years ago beneath the soil of Cut-Off Island near New Harmony, together with the pipes of rare workmanship and undoubted age, unearthed near Covington, all live as it were in testimony of their owner's and maker's excel- lence, and hold a share in the evidence of the partial annihilation of a race, with the complete disruption of its manners, customs and industries; and it is possible that when numbers of these relics are placed together, a key to the phonetic or rather hieroglyphic system of that remote period might be evolved. It may be asked what these hieroglyphical characters really are. Well, they are varied in form, so much so that the pipes found in the mounds of Indians, each bearing a distinct representation of some animal, may be taken for one species, used to represent the abstract ideas of the Mound Builders. The second form consists of pure hieroglyphics or phonetic characters, in which the sound is represented instead of the object; and the third, or painted form of the first, conveys to the mind that whish is desired to be repre- sented. This form exists among the Cree Indians of the far North- west, at present. They, when departing from their permanent vil- lages for the distant hunting grounds, paint on the barked trees in the neighborhood the figure of a snake or eagle, or perhaps huskey dog; and this animal is supposed to guard the position until the warrior's return, or welcome any friendly tribes that may arrive there in the interim. In the case of the Mound Builders, it is un- likely that this latter extreme was resorted to, for the simple reason that the relics of their occupation are too high in the ways of art to tolerate such a barbarous science of language; but the sculptured pipes and javelins and spear-heads of the Mound Builders may be taken as a collection of graven images, each conveying a set of ideas easily understood, and perhaps sometimes or more generally used to designate the vocation, name or character of the owner. That the builders possessed an alphabet of a phonetic form, and purely liierogl3''phic, can scarcely be questioned; but until one or more of the unearthed tablets, which bore all or even a portion of such characters, are raised from their centuried graves, the mystery which surrounds this people must remain, while we must dwell in a world of mere speculation. HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 31 Yigo, Jasper, Sullivan, Switzerland and Ohio counties can boast of a most liberal endowment in this relation; and when in other days tiie people will direct a minute inquiry, and penetrate to the very heart of the thousand cones which are scattered throughout the land, they may possibly extract the blood in the shape of metal- lic and porcelain works, with hieroglyphic tablets, while leaving the form of heart and body complete to entertain and delight un- born generations, who in their time will wonder much when they learn that an American people, living toward the close of the 59tli century, could possibly indulge in such an anachronism as is im- plied in the term "New World." THE INDIANS. The origin of the Red Men, or American Indians, is a subject which interests as well as instructs. It is a favorite with the eth- nologist, even as it is one of deep concern to the ordinary reader. A review of two works lately published on the origin of the Indians treats the matter in a peculiarly reasonable light. It saj's: " Recently a German writer has put forward one theory on the subject, and an English writer has put forward another and directly opposite theory. The difference of opinion concerning our aborig- iiiH,ls among authors who iiave made a profound study of races is at once curious and interesting. Blumenbach treats them in liis classifications as a distinct variety of the iiuman family; but, in the threefold division of Dr. Latham, they are ranked among the Mon- golidse. Other writers on race regard them as a branch of the great Mongolian family, which at a distant period found its way from Asia to this continent, and remained here for centuries separate from the rest of mankind, passing, meanwhile, through divers phases of barbarism and civilization. Morton, our eminent eth- nologist, and his followers, Nott and Gliddon, claim for our native Red Men an origin as distinct as the flora and fauna of this conti- nent. Frichard, whose views are apt to differ from Morton's, finds reason to believe, on comparing the American tribes together, that they must have formed a separate department of nations from the earliest period of the world. The era of their existence as a distinct and insulated people must probably be dated back to the time which separated into nations the inhabitants of the Old World, and gave to each its individuality and primitive language. Dr. Robert Brown, the latest authority, attributes, in his " Races of Mankind," an Asiatic orijjin to our aboriginals. He savs that the Western In- dians not only personally resemble their nearest neighbors — the Northeastern Asiatics — but they resemble them in language and traditions. The Esquimaux on the American and the Tchuktchis on the Asiatic side understand one another perfectly. Modern an- 32 HISTORY OF INDIANA. thropologists, indeed, are disposed to think tliat Japan, tlieKnriles, and neigliboring regions, may be regarded as tlie original lioine of the greater part of the native American race. It is also admitted by them that between the tribes scattered from the Arctic sea to Cape Horn there is more uniformity of physical features than is seen in any other quarter of the globe. The weight of evidence and authority is altogetlier in favor of the opinion that our so- called Indians are a branch of the Mongolian family, and all addi- tional researches strengthen the opinion. The tribes of both North and South America are unquestionably homogeneous, and, in all likelihood, luid their origin in Asia, thougli they have been altered and modified by thousands of years of total ceparation from the parent stock." The conclusions arrived at by the reviewer at that time, though safe, are too general to lead the reader to form any definite idea on the subject. No doubt whatever can exist, when the American In- dian is regarded as of an Asiatic origin; but there is nothing in the works or even in the review, to which these works were subjected, which miglit account for the vast difference in manner and form between the Red Man, as he is now known, or even as he appeared to Columbus and his successors in the field of discovery, and the comparatively civilized inhabitants of Mexico, as seen in 1521 by Cortez, and of Peru, as witnessed by Pizarro in 1532. The tact ia that the pure bred Indian of the present is descended directly from the earliest inhabitants, or in other words from the survivors of that people who, on being driven from their fair possessions, re- tired to the wilderness in sorrow and reared up their children under the saddening influences of their unquenchable griefs, bequeathing them only the habits of tlie wild, cloud-roofed home of their de- clining years, a sullen silence, and a rude moral code. In after years these wild sons of the forest and prairie grew in numbers and in strength. Some legend told them of their present sufferings, of the station which their fathers once had known, and of the riotous race which now reveled in wealth which should be theirs. The fierce passions of the savage were aroused, and uniting their scat- tered bands marched in silence upon the villages of the Tartars, driving them onward to the capital of their Incas, and consigning their homes to the flames. Once in view of the great city, the hurrying bands halted in surprise; but Tartar cuiming took in the situation and offered pledges of amity, which were sacredly ob- served. Henceforth Mexico was open to the Indians, bearing pre- cisely the same relation to them that the Hudson's Bay Company's HISTORY OF INDIANA. • 33 villages do to the Northwestern Indians of the present; obtaining all, and bestowing very little. The subjection of the Mongolian race represented in North America by that branch of it to which the Tartars belonged, represented in the Southern portion of the con- tinent, seems to have taken place some five centuries before the advent of the European, while it may be concluded that the war of the races which resulted in reducing the villages erected by the Tartar hordes to ruin took place between one and two hundred years later. These statements, though actually referring to events which in point of time are comparatively modern, can only be sub- stantiated by the facts that, about the periods mentioned the dead bodies of an unknown race of men were washed ashore on the Eu- ropean coasts, while previous to that time there is no account whatever in European annals of even a vestige of trans-Atlantic hu- manity being transferred by ocean currents to the gaze of a won- dering people. Towards the latter half ot the 15th century two dead bodies entirely free from decomposition, and corresponding with the Red Men as they afterward appeared to Columbus, were cast on the shores of the Azores, and confirmed Columbus in his be- lief in the existence of a western world and western people. Storm and flood and disease have created sad havoc in the ranks of the Indian since the occupation of the country by the white man. These natural causes have conspired to decimate the race even more than the advance of civilization, which seems not to affect it to any material extent. In its maintenance of the same number of rep- resentatives during three centuries, and its existence in the very face of a most unceremonious, and, whenever necessary, cruel con- quest, the grand dispensations of the unseen Ruler of the universe is demonstrated; for, without the aborigines, savage and treach- erous as they were, it is possible that the explorers of former times would have so many natural difficulties to contend with, that their work would be surrendered in despair, and the most fertile regions of the continent saved for the plowshares of generations yet un- born. It is questionable whether we owe the discovery of this con- tinent to the unaided scientific knowledge of Columbus, or to the dead bodies of the two Indians referred to above; nor can their ser- vices to the explorers of ancient and modern times be over-esti- mated. Their existence is embraced in the plan of the Divinity for the government of the world, and it will not form subject for surprise to learn that the same intelligence which sent a thrill of liberty into every corner of the republic, will, in the near future, 34 HISTORY OF INDIANA. devise some method under which the remnant of a great and an- cient race may taste the sweets of public kindness, and feel that, after centuries of turmoil and tyranny, they have at last found a shelter amid a sympathizing people. Many have looked at the In- dian as the pessimist does at all things; they say that he was never formidable until the white man supplied him with the weapons of modern warfare; but there is no mention made of his eviction from his retired home, and the little plot of cultivated garden which formed the nucleus of a village that, if fostered instead of being destroyed, might possibly hold an Indian population of some im- portance in the economy of the nation. There is no intention what- ever to maintain that the occupation of this country by the favored races is wrong even in principle; for where any obstacle to advanc- ing civilization exists, it has to fall to the ground; but it may be said, with some truth, that the white man, instead of a policy of conciliation formed upon the power of kindness, indulged in bel- ligerency as impolitic as it was unjust. A modern writer says, when speaking of the Indian's character: "He did not exhibit that steady valor and efficient discipline of the American soldier; and to-day on the plains Sheridan's troopers would not hesitate to attack the bravest band, though outnumbered three to one." This piece of information applies to the European and African, as well as to the Indian. The American soldier, and particularly the troopers referred to, would not fear or shrink from a very legion of demons, even with odds against them. This mode of warfare seems strangely peculiar when compared with the military systems of civilized countries; yet, since the main object of armed men is to defend a country or a principle, and to destroy anything which may oppose itself to them, the mode of warfare pursued by the savage will be found admirably adapted to their requirements in this con- nection, and will doubtless compare favorably with the systems of the Afghans and Persians of the present, and the Caucasian people of the first historic period. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. The art of hunting not only supplied the Indian with food, but, like that of war, was a means of gratifying his love of distinction. The male children, as soon as they acquired sufficient age and strength, were furnished with a bow and arrow and taught to shoot birds and other small game. Success in killing a large quadruped required years of careful study and practice, and the art was as HISTORY OF INDIANA. 35 sedulously inculcated in the minds of the rising generation as are the elements of reading, writing and arithmetic in the common schools of civilized communities. The mazes of the forest and the dense, tall grass of the prairies were the best fields for the exercise of the hunter's skill. No feet could be impressed in the yielding soil but that the tracks were the objects of the most searching scrutiny, and revealed at a glance the animal that made them, the direction it was pursuing, and the time that had elapsed since it had passed. In a forest country he selected the valleys, because they were most frequently the resort of game. The most easily taken, perhaps, of all the animals of the chase was the deer. It is endowed with a curiosity which prompts it to stop in its flight and look back at the approaching hunter, who always avails himself of this opportunity to let fly the fatal arrow. Their general councils were composed of the chiefs and old men. "When in council, they usually sat in concentric circles around the speaker, and each individual, notwithstanding the fiery passions that rankled within, preserved an exterior as immovable as if cast in bronze. Before commencing business a person appeared with the sacred pipe, and another with fire to kindle it. After being lighted it was first presented to heaven, secondly to the earth, thirdly to the presiding spirit, and lastly the several councilors, each of whom took a whifi: These formalities were observed with as close exactness as state etiquette in civilized courts. The dwellings of the Indians were of the simplest and rudest character. On some pleasant spot by the bank of a river, or near an ever-running spring, they raised their groups of wigwams, con- structed of the bark of trees, and easily taken down and removed to another spot. The dwelling-places of the chiefs were sometimes more spacious, and constructed with greater care, but of the same materials. Skins taken in the chase served them for repose. Though principally dependent upon hunting and fishing, the uncertain supply from those sources led them to cultivate small patches of corn. Every family did everything necessary within itself, commerce, or an interchange of articles, being almost unknown to them. In cases of dispute and dissension, each Indian relied upon himself for retaliation. Blood for blood was the rule, and the relatives of the slain man were bound to obtain bloody revenge for his death. This principle gave rise, as a matter of course, to innumerable and bitter feuds, and wars of extermination where such were possible. "War, indeed, rather than peace, was the Indian's 36 HISTORY OF INDIANA. glory and delight, — war, not conducted as civilization, but war where individual skill, endurance, gallantry and cruelty were prime requisites. For such a purpose as revenge the Indian would make great sacrifices, and display a patience and perseverance truly heroic; but when the excitement was over, he sank back into a listless, un- occupied, well-nigh useless savage. During the intervals of his more exciting pursuits, the Indian employed his time in decorating his person with all the refinement of paint and feathers, and in the manufacture of his arms and of canoes. These were constructed of bark, and so light that they could easily be carried on the shoulder from stream to stream. His amusements were the war-dance, ath- letic games, the narration of his exploits, and listening to the ora- tory of the chiefs; but during long periods of such existence he remained in a state of torpor, gazing listlessly upon the trees of the forests and the clouds that sailed above them ; and this vacancy imprinted an habitual gravity, and even melancholy, upon his gen- eral deportment. The mam labor and drudgery of Indian communities fell upon the women. The planting, tending and gathering of the crops, making mats and baskets, carrying burdens, — in fact, all things of the kind were performed by them, thus making their condition bnt little better than that of slaves. Marriage was merely a matter of bargain and sale, the husband giving presents to the father of the bride. In general they had but few children. They were sub- jected to many and severe attacks of sickness, and at times famine and pestilence swept away whole tribes. EXPLORATIONS BY THE WHITES. EARLIEST EXPL0KER8. The State of Indiana is bounded on the east by the meridian line which forms also the western boundary of Ohio, extending due north from the mouth of the Great Miami river; on the south by the Ohio river from the mouth of the Great Miami to the mouth of the Wabash; on the west by aline drawn along the middle of the Wabash river from its mouth to a point where a due north line from the town of Vincennes would last touch the shore of said river, and thence directly north to Lake Michigan ; and on the north by said lake and an east and west line ten miles north of the ex? treme south end of the lake, and extending to its intersection with the aforesaid meridian, the west boundary of Ohio. These bound- aries include an area of 33,809 square miles, lying between 37° 47' and 41° 50' north latitude, and between 7" 45' and IP 1' west longitude from Washington. After the discovery of America by Columbus in 1492, more than 150 years passed away before any portion of the territory now com- prised within the above limits was explored by Europeans. Colo- nies were established in Florida, Virginia and Nova Scotia by the principal rival governments of Europe, but not until about 1670-'2 did the first white travelers venture as far into the Northwest as Indiana or Lake Michigan. These explorers were Frenchmen by the names of Claude Allouez and Claude Dablon, who then visited what is now the eastern part of Wisconsin, the northeastern portion of Illinois and probably that portion of this State north of the Kan- kakee river. In the following year M. Joliet, an agent of the French Colonial government, and James Marquette, a good and simple-hearted missionary who had his station at Mackinaw, ex- plored the country about Green Bay, and along Fox and Wiscon- sin rivers as far westward as the Mississippi, the banks of which they reached June 17, 1673. They descended this river to about 33° 40', but returned by way of the Illinois river and the route they came in the Lake Region. At a village among the Illinois In- dians, Marquette and his small band of adventurers were received (37) 38 HISTORY OF INDIANA. in a friendly manner and treated hospitably. They were made the honored guests at a great feast, where hominy, fish, dog meat and roast bufialo meat were spread before them in great abundance. In 1682 LaSalle explored the West, but it is not known that he entered the region now embraced within the State of Indiana. He took formal possession, however, of all the Mississippi region in the name of the King of France, in whose honor he gave all this Mis- sissippi region, including what is now Indiana, the name " Louisi- ana." Spain at the same time laid claim to all the region about the Gulf of Mexico, and thus these two great nations were brought into collision. But the country was actually held and occupied by the great Miami confederacy of Indians, the Miamis proper (an- ciently the Twightwees) being the eastern and most powerful tribe. Their territory extended strictly from the Scioto river west to the Illinois river. Their villages were few and scattering, and their occupation was scarcely dense enough to maintain itself against in- vasion. Their settlements were occasionally visited by Christian missionaries, fur traders and adventurers, but no body of white men made any settlement sufficiently permanent for a title to national possession. Christian zeal animated France and England in mis- sionary enterprise, the former in the interests'of Catholicism and the latter in the interests of Protestantism. Hence their haste to preoccupy the land and proselyte the aborigines. No doubt this ugly rivalry was often seen by Indians, and they refused to be proselyted to either branch of Christianity . The " Five Nations," farther east, comprised the Mohawks, Oneidas, Cayugas, Onondaguas and Senecas. In 1677 the number of warriors in this confederacy was 2,150. About 1711 the Tusca- roras retired from Carolina and joined the Iroquois, or Five Na- tions, which, after that event, became known as the " Six Nations." In 1689 hostilities broke out between the Five Nations and the colonists of Canada, and the almost constant wars in which France was engaged until the treaty of Ryswick in 1697 combined to check the grasping policy of Louis XI Y., and to retard the plant- ing of French colonies in the Mississippi valley. Missionary efibrts, however, continued with more failure than success, the Jesuits allying themselves with the Indians in habits and customs, even encouraging inter-marriage between them and their white fol- lowers. HISTOKT OF INDIANA. 39 OUABACHE. The Wabash was first named bj the French, and spelled by them Ouabache. This river was known even before the Ohio, and was navigated as the Ouabache all the way to the Mississippi a long time before it was discovered that it was a tributary of the Ohio (Belle Riviere). In navigating the Mississippi they thought they passed the mouth of the Ouabache instead of the Ohio. In travelins^ from the Great Lakes to the south, the French always went by the way of the Ouabache or Illinois. VINCENNES. Francois Morgan de Yinsenne served in Canada as early as 1720 in the regiment of " De Carrignan " of the French service, and again on the lakes in the vicinity of Sault Ste. Marie in the same service under M. de Yaudriel, in 1725. It is possible that his ad- vent to Yincennes may have taken place in 1732; and in proof of this the only record is an act of sale under the joint names of him- self and Madame Yinsenne, the daughter of M. Philip Longprie, and dated Jan. 5, 1735. This document gives his military position as commandant of the post of Ouabache in the service of the French King, The will of Longprie, dated March 10, same year, bequeaths him, among other things, 408 pounds of pork, which he ordered to be kept safe until Yinsenne, who was then at Ouabache, returned to Kaskaskia, There are many other documents connected with its early settle- ment by Yinsenne, among which is a receipt for the 100 pistoles granted him as his wife's marriage dowry. In 1736 this ofiicer was ordered to Charlevoix by D'Artagette, viceroy of the King at New Orleans, and commandant of Illinois. Here M. St. Yinsenne re- ceived his mortal wounds. The event is chronicled as follows, in the words of D'Artagette: " We have just received very bad news from Louisiana, and our war with the Chickasaws. The French have been defeated. Among the slain is M. de Yinsenne, who ceased not until his last breath to exhort his men to behave worthy of their faith and fatherland." Thus closed the career of this gallant officer, leaving a name which holds as a remembrancer the present beautiful town of Yin- cennes, changed from Yinsenne to its present orthography in 1749. Post Yineoines was settled as early as 1710 or 1711. In a letter from Father Marest to Father Germon, dated at Kaskaskia, Nov. 9, 1712, occurs this passage: "Zes Francois itoient itabli unfort swr 40 HISTORY OF INDIANA. lefleu'oe Ouabache / Us demanderent un missio7iaire / et le Pere Merraet leur fat ewooye. Ce Pere crut devoir travailler a la conversion des Mascoutens qui avoient fait un village sur les herds dwneme Jleuve. Cest une nation Indians qui entend la la/ngue PllinoiseJ'' Translated: " The French have established a fort upon the river Wabash, and want a missionary; and Father Mermet has been sent to them. That Father believes he should labor for the conversion of the Mascoutens, who have built a vil- lage on the banks of the same river. They are a nation of Indians who understand the language of the Illinois." Mermet was therefore the first preacher of Christianity in this part of the world, and his mission was to convert the Mascoutens, a branch of the Miamis. "The way I took," says he, " was to con- found, in the presence of the whole tribe, one of these charlatans [medicine men], whose Manitou, or great spirit which he wor- shiped, was the buffalo. After leading him on insensibly to the avowal that it was not the buffalo that he worshiped, but the Man- itou, or spirit, of the buffalo, which was under the earth and ani- mated all buffaloes, which heals the sick and has all power, I asked him whether other beasts, the bear for instance, and which one of his nation worshiped, was not equally inhabited by a Manitou, which was under the earth. ' Without doubt,' said the grand medi- cine man. ' If this is so,' said I, ' men ought to have a Manitou who inhabits them.' ' Nothing more certain,' said he. ' Ought not that to convince you,' continued I, ' that you are not very reasonable? For if man upon the earth is the master of all animals, if he kills them, if he eats them, does it not follow that the Mani- tou which inhabits him must have a mastery over all other Mani- tous? Why then do you not invoke him instead of the Manitou of the bear and the buffalo, when you are sick?' This reasoning disconcerted the charlatan. But this was all the effect it produced." The result of convincing these heathen by logic, as is generally the case the world over, was only a temporary logical victory, and no change whatever was produced in the professions and practices of the Indians. But the first Christian (Catholic) missionary at this place whose name we find recorded in the Church annals, was Meurin, in 1849. The church building used by these early missionaries at Vin- cennes is thus described by the " oldest inhabitants:" Fronting on Water street and running back on Church street, it was a plain HISTORY OF INDIANA. 41 building with a rough exterior, of upright posts, chinked and daubed, with a rough coat of cement on the outside; about 20 feet wide and 60 long; one story high, with a small belfry and an equally small bell. It was dedicated to St. Francis Xavjer. This spot is now occupied by a splendid cathedral. Vincennes has ever been a stronghold of Catholicism, The Church there has educated and sent out many clergymen of her faith, some of whom have become bishops, or attained other high positions in ecclesiastical authority. Almost contemporaneous with the progress of the Church at Vincennes was a missionary work near the mouth of the Wea river, among the Ouiatenons, but the settlement there was broken up in early day. NATIONAL POLICIES. THE GKEAT FRENCH SCHEME. Soon after the discovery of the mouth of the Mississippi by La- Salle in 1682, the government of France began to encourage the policy of establishing a line of trading posts and missionary stations extending through the West from Canada to Louisiana, and this policy was maintained, with partial success, for about 75 years. The traders persisted in importing whisky, which cancelled nearly every civilizing influence that could be brought to bear upon the Indian, and the vast distances between posts prevented that strength which can be enjoyed only by close and convenient inter- communication. Another characteristic of Indian nature was to listen attentively to all the missionary said, pretending to believe all he preached, and then offer in turn his theory of the world, of religion, etc., and because he was not listened to with the same degree of attention and pretense of belief, would go off disgusted. This was his idea of the golden rule. The river St. Joseph of Lake Michigan was called " the river Miamis" in 1679, in which year LaSalle built a small fort on its bank, near the lake shore. The principal station of the mission for the instruction of the Miamis was established on the borders of this river. The first French post within the territory of the Miamis was at the mouth of the river Miamis, on an eminence naturally fortified on two sides by the river, and on one side by a 42 HISTORY OF INDIANA. deep ditch made by a fall of water. It was of triangular form. The missionary Hennepin gives a good description of it, as he was one of the company who built it, in 1679. Says he: " We fell the trees that were on the top of the hill; and having cleared the same from bushes for about two musket shot, we began to build a redoubt of 80 feet long and 40 feet broad, with great square pieces of timber laid one upon another, and prepared a great number of stakes of about 25 feet long to drive into the ground, to make our fort more inaccessible on the riverside. We employed the whole month of November about that work, which was very hard, though we had no other food but the bear's flesh our savage killed. These beasts are very common in that place because of the great quantity of grapes they find there; but their flesh being too fat and luscious, our men began to be weary of it and desired leave to go a hunting to kill some wild goats. M. LaSalle denied them that liberty, which caused some murmurs among them ; and. it was but unwill- ingly that they continued their work. This, together with the approach of winter and the apprehension that M. LaSalle had that his vessel (the Grifiin) was lost, made him very melancholy, though he concealed it as much as he could. We made a cabin wherein we performed divine service every Sunday, and Father Gabriel and I, who preached alternately, took care to take such texts as were suitable to our present circumstances and fit to inspire us with courage, concord and brotherly love. * * * The fort was at last perfected, and called Fort Miamis." In the year 1711 the missionary Chardon, who was said to be very zealous and apt in the acquisition of languages, had a station on the St. Joseph about 60 miles above the mouth. Charlevoix, another distinguished missionary from France, visited a post on this river in 1721. In a letter dated at the place, Aug. 16, he says: " There is a commandant here, with a small garrison. His house, which is but a very sorry one^ is called the fort, from its being sur- rounded with an indifierent palisado, which is pretty near the case in all the rest. We have here two villages of Indians, one of the Miamis and the other of the Pottawatomies, both of them mostly Christians; but as they have been for a long time without any pas- tors, the missionary who has been lately sent to tliem will have no small difliculty in bringing them back to the exercise of their re- ligion." He speaks also of the main commodity for which the In- dians would part with their goods, namely, spirituous liquors^ which they drink and keep drunk upon as long as a supply lasted. > d I— I !zi Q ;> H W O c| 1^ W o *^ w CO O j» w CO W <1 w w HISTORY OF INDIANA. 45 More than a century and a half has now passed since Charlevoix penned the above, without any change whatever in this trait of In- dian character. In 1765 the Miami nation, or confederacy, was composed of four tribes, whose total number of warriors was estimated at only 1,050 men. Of these about 250 were Twightwees, or Miamis proper, 300 Weas, or Ouiatenons , 300 Piankeshaws and 200 Shockeys; and at this time the principal villages of the Twightwees were situated about the head of the Maumee river at and near the place where Fort "Wayne now is. The larger Wea villages were near the banks of the Wabash river, in the vicinity of the Post Ouiatenon; and the Shockeys and Piankeshaws dwelt on the banks of the Yermil- lion and on the borders of the "Wabash between Vincennes and Ouiatenon. Branches of the Pottawatomie, Shawnee, Delaware and Kickapoo tribes were permitted at different times to enter within the boundaries of the Miamis and reside for a while. The wars in which France and England were engaged, from 1688 to 1697, retarded the growth of the colonies of those nations in North America, and the efforts made by France to connect Canada and the Gulf of Mexico by a chain of trading posts and colonies naturally excited the jealousy of England and gradually laid the foundation for a struggle at arms. After several stations were estab- lished elsewhere in the West, trading posts were started at the Miami villages, which stood at the head of the Maumee, at the Wea villages about Ouiatenon on the Wabash, and at the Piankeshaw vil- lages about the present sight of Vincennes. It is probable that before the close of the year 1719, temporary trading posts were erected at the sites of Fort Wayne, Ouiatenon and Vincennes. These points were probably often visited by French fur traders prior to 1700. In the meanwhile the English people in this country commenced also to establish military posts west of the Alleghanies, and thus matters went on until they naturally culminated in a general war, which, being waged by the French and Indians combined on one side, was called " the French and Indian war." This war was terminated in 1763 by a treaty at Paris, by which France ceded to Great Britain all of North America east of the Mississippi except New Orleans and the island on which it is situated; and indeed, France had the preceding autumn, by a secret convention, ceded to Spain all the country west of that river. 46 HISTORY OF INDIANA. PONTIAC'S WAK. In 1Y62, after Canada and its dependencies had been surrendered to tlie English, Pontiac and his partisans secretly organized a pow- erful confederacy in order to crush at one blow all English power in the AVest. This great scheme was skillfully projected and cau- tiously matured. The principal act in the programme was to gain admittance into the fort at Detroit, on pretense of a friendly visit, with short- ened muskets concealed under their blankets, and on a given signal suddenly break forth upon the garrison; but an inadvertent remark of an Indian woman led to a discovery of the plot, which was con- sequently averted. Pontiac and his warriors afterward made many attacks upon the English, some of which were successful, but the Indians were finally defeated in the general war. BRITISH POLICY. In 1765 the total number of French families within the limits of the Northwestern Territory did not probably exceed 600. These were in settlements about Detroit, along the river "Wabash and the neighborhood of Fort Chartres on the Mississippi. Of these fami- lies, about 80 or 90 resided at Post Yincennes, 14 at Fort Ouiate- non, on the Wabash, and nine or ten at the confluence of the St. Mary and St. Joseph rivers. The colonial policy of'the British government opposed any meas- ures which might strengthen settlements in the interior of this country, lest they become self-supporting and independent of the mother country; hence the early and rapid settlement of the North- western territory was still further retarded by the short-sighted selfishness of England. That fatal policy consisted mainly in hold- ing the land in the hands of the government and not allowing it to be subdivided and sold to settlers. But in spite of all her efibrts in this direction, she constantly made just such efforts as provoked the American people to rebel, and to rebel successfully, which was within 15 years after the perfect close of the French and Indian war. AMERICAN POLICY. Thomas Jefferson, the shrewd statesman and wise Governor of Virginia, saw from the first that actual occupation of "Western lands was the only way to keep them out of the hands of foreigners and HISTORY OF INDIANA. 47 Indians. Therefore, directly after the conquest of Yincennes by Clark, he engaged a scientific corps to proceed under an escort to the Mississippi, and ascertain by celestial observations the point on that river intersected by latitude 36° 30', the southern limit of the State, and to measure its distance to the Ohio. To Gen. Clark was entrusted the conduct of the military operations in that quar- ter. He was instructed to select a strong position near that point and establish there a fort and garrison ; thence to extend his conquests northward to the lakes, erecting forts at difi*erent points, which might serve as monuments of actual possession, besides aifording protection to that portion of the country. Fort "Jefferson" was erected and garrisoned on the Mississippi a few miles above the southern limit. The result of these operations was the addition, to the chartered limits of Virginia, of that immense region known as the " North- western Territory." The simple fact that such and such forts were established by the Americans in this vast region convinced the Brit- ish Commissioners that we had entitled ourselves to the land. But where are those " monuments '' of our power now? INDIAN SAVAGERY. As a striking example of the inhuman treatment which the early Indians were capable of giving white people, we quote the follow ing blood-curdling story from Mr. Cox' " Recollections of the Wabash Yalley": On the 11th of February, 1781, a wagoner named Irvin Hinton was sent from the block-house at Louisville, Ky., to Harrodsburg for a load of provisions for the fort. Two young men, Richard Rue and George Holman, aged respectively 19 and 16 years, were sent as guards to protect the wagon from the depredations of any hostile Indians who might be lurking in the cane-brakes or ravines through which they must pass. Soon after their start a severe snow-storm set in which lasted until afternoon. Lest the melting snow might dampen the powder in their rifles, the guards fired them off, intending to reload them as soon as the storm ceased. Hinton drove the horses while Rue walked a few rods ahead and Holman about the same distance behind. As they ascended a hill about eight miles from Louisville Hinton heard some one say Whoa to the horses. Supposing that something was wrong about the wagon, he stopped and asked Holman why lie had called him to halt. Holman said that he had not spoken; Rue also denied it, 48 HISTORY OF INDIANA. but said that he had heard the voice distinctly. At this time a voice cried out, " I will solve the mystery for you; it was Simon Girty that cried Whoa, and he meant what he said," — at the same time emerg- ing from a sink-hole a few rods from the roadside, followed by 13 Indians, who immediately surrounded the three Kentuckians and demanded them to surrender or die instantly. The little party, making a virtue of necessity, surrendered to this renegade white man and his Indian allies. Being so near two forts, Girty made all possible speed in making fast his prisoners, selecting the lines and other parts of the harness, he prepared for an immediate flight across the Ohio. The panta- loons of the prisoners were cut off about four inches above the knees, and thus they started through the deep snow' as fast as the horses could trot, leaving the wagon, containing a few empty bar- rels, standing in the road. Thej'- continued their march for sev- eral cold days, without fire at night, until they reached Wa-puc-ca- nat-ta, where they compelled their prisoners to run the gauntlet as they entered the village. Hinton first ran the gauntlet and reached the council-house after receiving several severe blows upon the head and shoulders. Rue next ran between the lines, pursued by an Indian with an uplifted tomahawk. He far outstripped his pursuer and dodged most of the blows aimed at him. Holman complaining that it was too severe a test for a worn-out stripling like himself, was allowed to run between two lines of squaws and boys, and was followed by an Indian with a long switch. The first council of the Indians did not dispose of these young men; they were waiting for the presence of other chiefs and war- riors. Hinton escaped, but on the afternoon of the second day he was re-captured. Now the Indians were glad that they had an occasion to indulge in the infernal joy of burning him at once. Soon after their supper, which they shared with their victim, they drove the stake into the ground, piled up the fagots in a circle around it, stripped and blackened the prisoner, tied him to the stake, and applied the torch. It was a slow fire. The war-whoop then thrilled through the dark surrounding forest like the chorus of a band of infernal spirits escaped from pandemonium, and the scalp dance was struck up by those demons in human shape, who for hours encircled their victim, brandishing their tomahawks and war clubs, and venting their execrations upon the helpless sufferer, who died about midnight from the effects of the slow heat. As soon as he fell upon the ground, the Indian who first discovered HISTORY OF INDIANA. 49 him in the woods that evening sprang in, sunk his tomahawk into his skull above the ear, and with his knife stripped off the scalp, which he bore back with him to the town as a trophy, and which was tauntingly thrust into the faces of Rue and Holman, with the question, " Can you smell the fire on the scalp of your red-headed friend? We cooked him and left him for the wolves to make a breakfast upon; that is the way we serve runaway prisoners." After a march of three days more, the prisoners. Rue and Hol- man, had to run the gauntlets again, and barely got through with their lives. It was decided that they should both be burned at the stake that night, though this decision was far from being unani- mous. The necessary preparations were made, dry sticks and brush were gathered and piled around two stakes, the faces and hands of the doomed men were blackened in the customary manner, and as the evening approached the poor wretches sat look- ing upon the setting sun for the last time. An unusual excitement was manifest in a number of chiefs who still lingered about the council-house. At a pause in the contention, a noble-looking In- dian approached the prisoners, and after speaking a few words to the guards, took Holman by the hand, lifted him to his feet, cut the cords that bound him to his fellow prisoners, removed the black from his face and hands, put his hand kindly upon his head and said : " I adopt you as my son, to fill the place of the one I have lately buried; you are now a kinsman of Logan, the white man's friend, as he has been called, but who has lately proven himself to be a terrible avenger of the wrongs inflicted upon him by the bloody Cresap and his men." With evident reluctance, Girty interpreted this to Hol- man, who was thus unexpectedly freed. But the preparations for the burning of Rue went on. Holman and Rue embraced each other most affectionately, with a sorrow too deep for description. Rue was then tied to one of the stakes; but the general contention among the Indians had not ceased. Just as the lighted fagots,were about to be applied to the dry brush piled around the devoted youth, a tall, active young Shawnee, a son of the victim's captor, sprang into the ring, and cutting the cords which bound him to the stake, led him out amidst the deafening plaudits of a part of the crowd and the execrations of the rest. Re- gardless of threats, he caused water to be brought and the black to be washed from the face and hands of tlie prisoner, whose clothes were then returned to him, when the young brave said : " I take this young man to be my brother, in the place of one I lately lost; 60 HISTORY OF INDIANA. I loved that brother well; I will love this one, too; my old mother will be glad when I tell her that I have brought her a son, in place of the dear departed one. We want no more victims. The burning of Red-head [Hinton] ought to satisfy us. These innocent young men do not merit such cruel fate; I would rather die myself than see this adopted brother burned at the stake." A loud shout of approbation showed that the young Shawnee had triumphed, though dissension was manifest among the various tribes afterward. Some of them abandoned their trip to Detroit, others returded to Wa-puc-ca-nat-ta, a few turned toward the Mis- sissinewa and the Wabash towns, while a portion continued to De- troit. Holman was taken back to Wa-puc-ca-nat ta, where he re- mained most of the time of his captivity. Rue was taken first to the Mississinewa, then to the Wabash towns. Two years of his eventful captivity were spent in the region of the Wabash and Illi- nois rivers, but the last few months at Detroit; was in captivity altogether about three years and a half. Rue effected his escape in the following manner: During one of the drunken revels of the Indians near Detroit one of them lost a purse of $90; various tribes were suspected of feloniously keeping the treasure, and much ugly speculation was indulged in as to who was the thief. At length a prophet of a tribe that was not suspected was called to divine the mystery. He spread sand over a green deer-skin, watched it awhile and performed various manipulations, and professed to see that the money had been stolen and carried away by a tribe entirely different from any that had been suspicioned; but he was shrewd enough not to announce who the thief was or the tribe he belonged to, lest a war might arise. His decision quieted the belligerent uprisings threatened by the excited Indians. Rue and two other prisoners saw this display of the prophet's skill and concluded to interrogate him soon concerning their fami- lies at home. The opportunity occurred in a few days, and the In- dian seer actually astonished Rue with the accuracy with which he described his family, and added, "You all intend to make your escape, and you will effect it soon. You will meet with many trials and hardships in passing over so wild a district of country, inhabited by so many hostile nations of Indians. You will almost starve to death; but about the time you have given up all hope of finding game to sustain you in your famished condition, succor will come when you least expect it. The first game you will succeed in taking HISTORY OF INDIANA. 51 will be a male of some kind ; after that you will have plenty of game and return home in safety." The prophet kept this matter a secret for the prisoners, and the latter in a few days set off upon their terrible journey, and had just such experience as the Indian prophet had foretold; they arrived home with their lives, but were pretty well worn out with the exposures and privations of a three weeks' journey. On the return of Holman's party of Indians to Wa-puc-ca-nat-ta, much dissatisfaction existed in regard to the manner of his release from the sentence of condemnation pronounced against him by the council. Many were in favor of recalling the council and trying him again, and this was finally agreed to. The young man was again put upon trial for his life, with a strong probability of his being condemned to the stake. Both parties worked hard for vic- tory in the final vote, which eventually proved to give a majority of one for the prisoner's acquittal. "While with the Indians, Holman saw them burn at the stake a Kentuckian named Richard Hogeland, who had been taken prisoner at the defeat of Col. Crawford. They commenced burning him at nine o'clock at night, and continued roasting him until ten o'clock the next day, before he expired. During his excruciating tortures he bes^ojed for some of them to end his life and sufferings with a sun or tomahawk. Finally his cruel tormentors promised they would, and cut several deep gashes in his flesh with their tomahawks, and shoveled up hot ashes and embers and threw them into the gaping wounds. When he was dead they stripped off his scalp, cut him to pieces and burnt him to ashes, which they scattered through the town to expel the evil spirits from it. After a captivity of about three years and a half, Holman saw an opportunity of going on amission for the destitute Indians, namely, of going to Harrodsburg, Ky., where he had a rich uncle, from whom they could get what supplies they wanted. They let him go with a guard, but on arriving at Louisville, where Gen. Clark was in command, he was ransomed, and he reached home only three days after the arrival of Rue. Both these men lived to a good old age, terminating their lives at their home about two miles south of Richmond, Ind. EXPEDITIONS OF COL. GEOEGE EOGEES CLAEK. In the summer of 1778, Col. George Eogers Clark, a native of Albemarle county, Va., led a memorable expedition against the ancient French settlements about Kaskaskia and Post Vincennes. With respect to the magnitude of its design, the valor and perse- verance with which it was carried on, and the memorable results which were produced by it, this expedition stands without a parallel in the early annals of the valley of the Mississippi. That portion of the "West called Kentucky was occupied by Henderson & Co., who pretended to own the land and who held it at a high price. Col. Clark wished to test the validity of their claim and adjust the government of the country so as to encourage immigration. He accordingly called a meeting of the citizens at Harrodstown, to assemble June 6, 1776, and consider the claims of the company and consult with reference to the interest of the country. He did not at first publish the exact aim of this movement, lest parties would be formed in advance and block the enterprise; also, if the object of the meeting were not announced beforehand, the curiosity of the people to know what was to be proposed would bring out a much o-reater attendance. The meeting was held on the day appointed, and delegates were elected to treat with the government of Virginia, to see whether it would be best to become a county in that State and be protected by it, etc. Various delays on account of the remoteness of the white settlers from the older communities of Virginia and the hos- tility of Indians in every direction, prevented a consummation of this object until some time in 1778. The government of Virginia was friendly to Clark's enterprise to a certain extent, but claimed that they had not authority to do much more than to lend a little assistance for which payment should be made at some future time, as it was not certain whether Kentucky would become a part of Vir- ginia or not. Gov. Henry and a few gentlemen were individually so hearty in favor of Clark's benevolent undertaking that they assisted him all they could. Accordingly Mr. Clark organized his expedition, keeping every particular secret lest powerful parties would form in the West against him. He took in stores at Pitts- (53) GEN. GEORGE KOGEKS CLARK, HISTORY OF INDIANA. 55 burg and Wheeling, proceeded down the Ohio to the " Falls," where he took possession of an island of a about seven acres, and divided it among a small number of families, for whose protection he constructed some light fortifications. At this time Post Yin- cennes comprised about 400 militia, and it was a daring undertak- ing for Col. Clark, with his small force, to go up against it and Kas- kaskia, as he had planned. Indeed, some of his men, on hearing of his plan, deserted him. He conducted himself so as to gain the sympathy of the French, and through them also that of the Indians to some extent, as both these people were very bitter against the British, who had possession of the Lake Region. From the nature of the situation Clark concluded it was best to take Kaskaskia first. The fact that the people regarded him as a savage rebel, he regarded as really a good thing in his favor; for after the first victory he would show them so much unexpected lenity that they would rally to his standard. In this policy he was indeed successful. He arrested a few men and put them in irons. The priest of the village, accompanied by five or six aged citizens, waited on Clark and said that the inhabitants expected to be separ- ated, perhaps never to meet again, and they begged to be permitted to assemble in their church to take leave of each other. Clark mildly replied that he had nothing against their religion, that they might continue to assemble in their church, but not venture out of town, etc. Thus, by what has since been termed the "Earey" method of taming horses, Clark showed them he had power over them but designed them no harm, and they readily took the oath of allegiance to Yirginia. After Clark's arrival at Kaskaskia it was difficult to induce the French settlers to accept the "Continental paper" introduced by him and his troops. Nor until Col. Yigo arrived there and guar- anteed its redemption would they receive it. Peltries and piastres formed the only currency, and Yigo found great difficulty in ex- plaining Clark's financial arrangements. ''Their commandants never made money," was the reply to Yigo's explanation of the policy of the old Dominion. But notwithstanding the guarantees, the Continental paper fell very low in the market. Yigo had a trading establishment at Kaskaskia, where he sold cofiTee at one dollar a pound, and all the other necessaries of life at an equally reasonable price. The unsophisticated Frenchmen were generally asked in what kind of money they would pay their little bills. 56 HISTORY OF INDIANA. "Douleur," was the general reply; and as an authority on the sub- ject says, "It took about twenty Continental dollars to purchase a silver dollar's worth of coffee; and as the French word "douleur" sig- nifies grief or pain, perhaps no word either in the French or Eng- lish languages expressed the idea more correctly than the douleur for a Continental dollar. At any rate it was truly douleur to the Colonel, for he never received a single dollar in exchange for the laro-e amount taken from him in order to sustain Clark's credit. Now, the post at Vincennes, defended by Fort Sackville, came next. The priest just mentioned, Mr. Gibault, was really friendly to " the American interest;" he had spiritual charge of the church at Vincennes, and he with several others were deputed to assemble the people there and authorize them to garrison their own fort like a free and independent people, etc. This plan had its desired effect, and the people took the oath of allegiance to the State of Virginia and became citizens of the United States. Their style of language and conduct changed to a better hue, and they surprised the numer- ous Indians in the vicinity by displaying anew flag and informing them that their old father, the King of France, was come to life again, and was mad at them for fighting the English; and they ad- vised them to make peace with the Americans as soon as they could, otherwise they might expect to make the land very bloody, etc. The Indians concluded they would have to fall in line, and they offered no resistance. Capt. Leonard Helm, an American, was left in charge of this post, and Clark began to turn his atten- tion to other points. But before leaving this section of the coun- try he made treaties of peace with the Indians; this he did, how- ever, by a different method from what had always before been followed. By indirect methods he caused them to come to him, instead of going to them. He was convinced that inviting them to treaties was considered by them in a different manner from what the whites expected, and imputed them to fear, and that giving them great presents confirmed it. He accordingly established treaties with the Piankeshaws, Ouiatenons, Kickapoos, Illinois, Kaskaskias, Peorias and branches of some other tribes that inhab- ited the country between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi. Upon this the General Assembly of the State of Virginia declared all the citizens settled west of the Ohio organized into a county of that State, to be known as " Illinois " county ; but before the pro- visions of the law could be carried into effect, Henry Hamilton, the British Lieutenant-Governor of Detroit, collected an army of about HISTORY OF INDIANA. 67 30 regulars, 50 French v^olunteers and 400 Indians, went down and re-took the post Yincennes in December, 1778. No attempt was made by the population to defend the town. Capt. Helm and a man named Henry were the only Americans at the fort, the only members of the garrison. Capt. Helm was taken prisoner and a number of the French inhabitants disarmed. Col. Clark, hearing of the situation, determined to re-capture the place. He accordingly gathered together what force he could in this distant land, 170 men, and on the 5th of February, started from Kaskaskia and crossed the river of that name. The weather was very wet, and the low lands were pretty well covered with water. The march was difficult, and the Colonel had to work"hard to keep his men in spirits. He suffered them to shoot game whenever they wished and eat it like Indian war-dancers, each company by turns inviting the others to their feasts, which was the case every night. Clark waded through water as much as any of them, and thus stimu- lated the men by his example. They reached the Little "Wabash on the 13th, after suffering many and great hardships. Here a camp was formed, and without waiting to discuss plans for crossing the river, Clark ordered the men to construct a vessel, and pretended that crossing the stream would be only a piece of amusement, al- though inwardly he held a different opinion. The second day afterward a reconnoitering party was sent across the river, who returned and made an encouraging report. A scaf- folding was built on the opposite shore, upon which the baggage was placed as it was tediously ferried over, and the new camping ground was a nice half acre of dry land. There were many amuse- ments, indeed, in getting across the river, which put all the men in high spirits. The succeeding two or three days they had to march through a great deal of water, having on the night of the 17th to encamp in the water, near the Big Wabash. At daybreak on the 18th they heard the signal gun at Vincennes, and at once commenced their march. Reacliing the Wabash about two o'clock, they constructed rafts to cross the river on a boat-steal- ing expedition, but labored all day and night to no purpose. On the 19th they began to make a canoe, in which a second attempt to steal boats was made, but this expedition returned, reporting that there were two "large fires" within a mile of them. Clark sent a canoe down the river to meet the vessel that was supposed to be on her way up with the supplies, with orders to hasten forward day and night. This was their last hope, as their provisions were entirely 58 HISTORY OF INDIANA. gone, and starvation seemed to be hovering about them. The next day they commenced to make more canoes, when about noon the sentinel on the river brought a boat with five Frenchmen from the fort. From this party they learned that they were not as yet dis- covered. All the army crossed the river in two canoes the next day, and as Clark had determined to reach the town that night, he ordered his men to move forward. They plunged into the water sometimes to the neck, for over three miles. Without food, benumbed with cold, up to their waists in water, covered with broken ice, the men at onetime mutinied and refused to march. All the persuasions of Clark had no effect upon the half-starved and half-frozen soldiers. In one company was a small drummer boy, and also a sergeant who stood six feet two inches in socks, and stout and athletic. He was devoted to Clark. The Gen- eral mounted the little drummer on the shoulders of the stalwart sergeant and ordered him to plunge into the water, half-frozen as it was. He did so, the little boy beating the charge from his lofty perch, while Clark, sword in hand, followed them, giving the com- mand as he threw aside the floating ice, "Forward." Elated and amused with the scene, the men promptly obeyed, holding their rifles above their heads, and in spite of all the obstacles they reached the high land in perfect safety. But for this and the ensuing days of this campaign we quote from Clark's account: "This last day's march through the water was far superior to any- thing the Frenchmen had any idea of. They were backward in speaking; said that the nearest land to us was a small league, a sugar camp on the bank of the river. A canoe was sent off and re- turned without finding that we could pass. I went in her myself and sounded the water and found it as deep as to my neck. I returned with a design to have the men transported on board the canoes to the sugar camp, which I knew would expend the whole day and en- suing night, as the vessels would pass slowly through the bushes. The loss of so much time to men half starved was a matter of con- sequence. I would have given now a great deal for a day's provis- ion, or for one of our horses. I returned but slowly to the troops, giving myself time to think. On our arrival all ran to hear what was the report; every eye was fixed on me; I unfortunately spoke in a serious manner to one of the officers. The whole were alarmed without knowing what I said. I viewed their confusion for about one minute; I whispered to those near me to do as I did, immedi^ ately put some water in my hand, poured on powder, blackened my HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 59 face, gave the war-whoop, and marched into the water without say- ing a word. The party gazed and fell in, one after another without saying a word, like a flock of sheep. I ordered those near me to begin a favorite song of theirs; it soon passed through the line, and the whole went on cheerfully. " I now intended to have them transported across the deepest part of the water; but when about waist-deep, one of the men in- formed me that he thought he felt a path; we examined and found it so, and concluded that it kept on the highest ground, which it did, and by taking pains to follow it, we got to the sugar camp with no difficulty, where there was about half an acre of dry ground, — at least ground not under water, and there we took up our lodging. * -jt * * * * " The night had been colder than any we had had, and the ice in the morning was one-half or three-quarters of an inch thick in still water; the morning was the finest. A little after sunrise I lectured the whole; what I said to them I forget, but I concluded by in- forming them that passing the plain then in full view, and reaching the opposite woods would put an end to their fatigue; that in a few hours they would have a sight of their long wished-for object; and immediately stepped into the water without waiting for any reply. A huzza took place. As we generally marched through the water in a line, before the third man entered, I called to Major Bowman, ordering him to fall in the rear of the 25 men, and put to death any man who refused to march. This met with a cry of approbation, and on we went. Getting about the middle of the plain, the water about mid-deep, I found myself sensibly failing; and as there were no trees nor bushes for the men to support them- selves by, I feared that many of the weak would be drowned. I or- dered the canoes to make the land, discharge their loading, and play backward and forward with all diligence and pick up the men ; and to encourage the party, sent some of the strongest men forward, with orders when they got to a certain distance, to pass the word back that the water was getting shallow, and when getting near the woods, to cry out land. This stratagem had its desired effect; the men exerted themselves almost beyond their abilities, the weak holding by the stronger. The water, however, did not become shallower, but continued deepening. Getting to the woods where the men expected land, the water was up to my shoulders; but gaining the woods was of great consequence; all the low men and weakly hung to the trees and floated on the old logs until they were 60 HISTORY OF INDIANA. taken off by the canoes; the strong and tall got ashore and built fires. Many would reach the shore and fall with their bodies half in the water, not being able to support themselves without it. " This was a dry and delightful spot of ground of about ten acres. Fortunately, as if designed by Providence, a canoe of Indian squaws and children was coining up to town, and took through this part of the plain as a nigh way; it was discovered by our canoe-men as they were out after the other men. They gave chase and took the Indian canoe, on board of which was nearly half a quarter of buffalo, some corn, tallow, kettles, etc. This was an invaluable prize. Broth was immediately made and served out, especially to the weakly; nearly all of us got a little; but a great many gave their part to the weakly, saying something cheering to their comrades. By the afternoon, this refreshment and fine weather had greatly invigor- ated the whole party. " Crossing a narrow and deep lake in the canoes, and marching some distance, we came to a copse of timber called ' Warrior's Island.' We were now in full view of the fort and town; it was about two miles distant, with not a shrub intervening. Every man now feasted his eyes and forgot that he had suffered anything, say- ing that all which had passed was owing to good policy, and noth- ing but what a man could bear, and that a soldier had no right to think, passing from one extreme to the other,— which is common in such cases. And now stratagem was necessary. The plain between us and the town was not a perfect level; the sunken grounds were covered with water full of ducks. We observed several men within a half a mile of us shooting ducks, and sent out some of our active young Frenchmen to take one of these men prisoners without alarming the rest, which they did. The information we got from this person was similar to that which we got from those taken on the river, except that of the British having that evening completed the wall of the fort, and that there were a great many Indians in town. "Our situation was now critical. No possibility of retreat in case of defeat, and in full view of a town containing at this time more than 600 men, troops, inhabitants and Indians. The crew of the galley, though not 50 men, would have been now a re-enforcement of immense magnitude to our little army, if I may so call it, but we would not think of them. We were now in the situation that I had labored to get ourselves in. The idea of being made prisoner was foreign to almost every man, as they expected nothing but tor- ture from the savages if they fell into their hands. Our fate was HISTORY OF INDIANA. 61 now to be determined, probably in a few hours; we knew that nothing but the most daring conduct would insure success; I knew also that a number of the inhabitants wished us well. This was a favorable circumstance; and as there was but little prooabilitj of our remaining until dark undiscovered, 1 determined to begin opera- tions immediately, and therefore wrote the following placard to the inhabitants: To the Inhabitants of Post Vlncennes: Gentlemen t^Being now within two miles of your village with my army, determined to take your fort this night, and not being willing to surprise you, I take this method to request such of you as are true citizens and willing to enjoy the liberty I bring you, to remain still in your houses; and those, if any there be, that are friends to the king, will instantly repair to the fort and join the hair-buyer general and fight like men; and if any such as do not go to the fort shall be discovered afterward, they may depend on severe punishment. On the contrary, those who are true friends to liberty may depend on being well treated ; and I once more request them to keep out of the streets; for everyone I find in arms on my arrival I shall treat as an enemy. [Signed] G. R. Claek. " I had various ideas on the results of this letter. I knew it could do us no damage, but that it would cause the lukewarm to be decided, and encourage our friends and astonish our enemies. We anxiously viewed this messenger until he entered the town, and in a few minutes we discovered by our glasses some stir in every street we could penetrate, and great numbers running or riding out into the commons, we supposed to view us, which was the case. But what surprised us was that nothing had yet happened that had the appearance cf the garrison being alarmed, — neither gun nor drum. We began to suppose that the information we got from our prisoners was false, and that the enemy had alieady knew of us and were prepared. A little before sunset we displayed ourselves in full view of the town, — crowds gazing at us. We were plunging ourselves into certain destruction or success ; there was no midway thought of. We had but little to say to our men, except inculcat- ing an idea of the necessity of obedience, etc. We moved on slowly in full view of the town; but as it was a point of some con- sequence to us to make ourselves appear formidable, we, in leaving the covert we were in, marched and counter- marched in such a manner that we appeared numerous. Our colors were displayed to the best advantage; and as the low plain we marched through was 62 HISTORY OF INDIANA. not a perfect level, but had frequent risings in it, of 7 or 8 higher than the common level, which was covered with water; and as these risings generally rim in an oblique direction to the town, we took the advantage of one of them, marching through the water by it, which completely prevented our being numbered. We gained the heights back of the town. As there were as yet no hostile appearance, we were impatient to have the cause unriddled. Lieut, Bayley was ordered with 14 men to march and fire on the fort; the main body moved in a different direction and took possession of the strongest part of the town." Clark then sent a written order to Hamilton commanding him to surrender immediately or he would be treated as a murderer; Hamilton replied that he and his garrison were not disposed to be awed into any action unworthy of British sub- jects. After one hour more of fighting, Hamilton proposed a truce of three days for conference, on condition that each side cease all defensive work; Clark rejoined that he would "not ap-ree to any terms other than Mr. Hamilton surrendering himself and garrison prisoners at discretion," and added that if he, Hamil- ton, wished to talk with him he could meet him immediately at the church with Gapt. Helm. In less than an hour Clark dictated the terms of surrender, Feb. 24, 1779. Hamilton agreed to the total surrender because, as he there claimed in writing, he was too far from aid from his own government, and because of the "unanimity" of his ofiicers in the surrender, and his "confidence in a generous enemy." "Of this expedition, of its results, of its importance, of the merits of those engaged in it, of their bravery, their skill, of their prudence, of their success, a volume would not more than suffice for the details. Suffice it to say that in ray opinion, and I have accurately and criti- cally weighed and examined all the results produced by the con- tests in which we were engaged during the Revolutionary war, that for bravery, for hardships endured, for skill and consummate tact and prudence on the part of the commander, obedience, dis- cipline and love of country on the part of his followers, for the immense benefits acquired, and signal advantages obtained by it for the whole union, it was second to no enterprise undertaken dur- ing that struggle. I might add, second to no undertaking in an- cient or modern warfare. The whole credit of this conquest be< longs to two men ; Gen. George Rogers Clark and Col. Francis Yigo. And when we consider that by it the whole territory now HISTORY OF INDIANA. 63 covered bj the three great states of Indiana, Illinois and Michigan was added to the union, and so admitted to be by the British commis- sioners at the preliminaries to the treaty of peace in 1783 ; (and but for this very conquest, the boundaries of our territories west would have been the Ohio instead of the Mississippi, and so acknowledged by both our commissioners and the British at that conference;) a territory embracing upward of 2,000,000 people, the human mind is lost in the contemplation of its effects; and we can but wonder that a force of 170 men, the whole number of Clark's troops, should by this single action have produced such important results," [John Xaw. The next day Clark sent a detachment of 00 men up the river Wabash to intercept some boats which were laden with provisions and goods from Detroit. This force was placed under command of Capt. Helm, Major Bosseron and Major Legras, and they proceeded up the river, in three armed boats, about 120 miles, when the British boats, about seven in number, were surprised and captured without firing a gun. These boats, which had on board about $50,000 worth of goods and provisions, were manned by about 40 men, among whom was Philip Dejean, a magistrate of Detroit. The provisions were taken for the public, and distributed among the soldiery. Having organized a military government at Vincennes and appointed Capt. Helm commandant of the town. Col. Clark return- ed in the vessel to Kaskaskia, where he was joined by reinforce- ments from Kentucky under Capt. George. Meanwhile, a party of traders who were going to t!ie falls, were killed and plundered by the Delawares of White River; the news of this disaster having reached Clark, he sent a dispatch to Capt. Helm ordering him to make war on the Delawares and use every means in his power to destroy them; to show no mercy to the men, but to save the women and children. This order was executed without delay. Their camps were attacked in every quarter where they could be found. Many fell, and others were carried to Post Vincennes and put to death. The surviving Delawares at once pleaded for mercy and appeared anxious to make some atonement for their bad con- duct. To these overtures Capt. Helm replied that Col. Clark, the " Big Knife," had ordered the war, and that he had no power to lay down the hatchet, but that he would suspend hostilities until a messenger could be sent to Kaskaskia. This was done, and the crafty Colonel, well understanding the Indian character, sent a 64: HISTORY OF INDIANA. message to the Delawares, telling them that he would not accept their friendship or treat with them for peace; but that if they could get some of the neighboring tribes to become responsible for their future conduct, he would discontinue the war and spare their lives; otherwise they must all perish. Accordingly a council was called of all the Indians in the neigh- borhood, and Clark's answer was read to the assembly. After due deliberation the Piankeshaws took on themselves to answer for the future good conduct of the Delawares, and the " Grand Door " in a long speech denounced their base conduct. This ended the war with the Delawares and secured the respect of the neighboring tribes Clark's attention was next turned to the British post at Detroit, but being unable to obtain sufficient troops he abandoned the en- terprise. Clark's ingenious ruse against the Indians. Tradition says that when Clark captured Hamilton and his gar- rison at Fort Sackville, he took possession of the fort and kept the British flag flying, dressed his sentinels with the uniform of the British soldiery, and let everything about the premises remain as they were, so that when the Indians sympathizing with the British arrived they would walk right into the citadel, into the jaws of death. His success was perfect. Sullen and silent, with the scalp- lock of his victims hanging at his girdle, and in full expectation of his reward from Hamilton, the unwary savage, unconscious of danger and wholly ignorant of the change that had just beenefiected in his absence, passed the supposed British sentry at the gate of the fort unmolested and unchallenged; but as soon as in, a volley from the rifles of a platoon of Clark's men, drawn up and awaiting his coming, pierced their hearts and sent the unconscious savage, reek- ing with murder, to that tribunal to which he had so frequently, by order of the hair- buyer general, sent his American captives, from the infant in the cradle to the grandfather of the family, tot- tering with age and infirmity. It was a just retribution, and few men but Clark would have planned such a ruse or carried it out successfully. It is reported that fifty Indians met this fate within the fort; and probably Hamilton, a prisoner there, witnessed it alL SUBSEQUENT CAREER OF HAMILTON. Henry Hamilton, who had acted as Lieutenant and Governor of the British possessions under Sir George Carleton, was sent for- HISTORY OV INDIANA. 65 ward, with two other prisoners of war, Dejeaii and LaMothe, to Williamsburg, Ya., early in June following, 1779. Proclamations, in his own handwriting, were found, in which he had offered a specific sum for every American scalp brought into the camp, either by his own troops or his allies, the Indians; and from this he was denominated the "hair-buyer General." This and much other tes- timony of living witnesses at the time, all showed what a savage he was. Thomas Jefferson, then Governor of Yirginia, being made aware of the inhumanity of this wretch, concluded to resort to a little retaliation by way of closer confinement. Accordingly he ordered that these three prisoners be put in irons, confined in a dungeon, deprived of the use of pen, ink and paper, and be ex- cluded from all conversation except with their keeper. Major General Phillips, a British officer out on parole in the vicinity of Charlottesville, where the prisoners now were, in closer confine- ment, remonstrated, and President "Washington, while approving of Jefferson's course, requested a mitigation of the severe order, lest the British be goaded to desperate measures. Soon afterward Hamilton was released on parole, and he subse- quently appeared in Canada, still acting as if he had jurisdiction in the United States. GIBAULT . The faithful, self-sacrificing and patriotic services of Father Pierre Gibault in behalf of the Americans require a special notice of him in this connection. He was the parish priest at Vincennes, as well as at Kaskaskia. He was, at an early period, a Jesuit mis- sionary to the Illinois. Had it not been for the infiuence of this man, Clark could not have obtained the influence of the citizens at either place. He gave all his property, to the value of 1,500 Spanish milled dollars, to the support of Col. Clark's troops, and never re- ceived a single dollar in return. So far as the records inform us, he was given 1,500 Continental paper dollars, which proved in the end entirely valueless. He modestly petitioned from the Govern- ment a small allowance of land at Cahokia, but we find no account of his ever receiving it. He was dependent upon the public in his older days, and in 1790 Winthrop Sargent "conceded" to him a lot of about "14 toises, one side to Mr. Millet, another to Mr. Vaudrey, and to two streets," — a vague description of land. Q6 HISTORY OF INDIANA. VIGO. Col. Francis Vigo was born in Mondovi, in the kingdom of Sar- dinia, in 1747. He left his parents and guardians at a very early age, and enlisted in a Spanish regiment as a soldier. The regiment was ordered to Havana, and a detachment of it subsequently to New Orleans, then a Spanish post; Col. Vigo accompanied this de- tachment. But he left the army and engaged in trading with the Indians on the Arkansas and its tributaries. Next he settled at St. Louis, also a Spanish post, where he became closely connected, both in friendship and business, with the Governor of Upper Louisiana, then residing at the same place. This friendship he enjoyed, though he could only write his name; and we have many circumstantial evidences that he was a man of high intelligence, honor, purity of heart, and ability. Here he was living when Clark caj^tured Kas- kaskia, and was extensively engaged in trading up the Missouri. A Spaniard by birth and allegiance, he was under no obligation to assist the Americans. Spain was at peace with Great Britain, and any interference by her citizens was a breach of neutrality, and subjected an individual, especially one of the high character and standing of Col. Vigo, to all the contumely, loss and vengeance which British power could inflict. But Col. Vigo did not falter. With an innate love of liberty, an attachment to Republican prin- ciples, and an ardent sympathy for an oppressed people struggling for their rights, lie overlooked all personal consequences, and as soon as he learned of Clark's arrival at Kaskaskia, he crossed the line and went to Clark and tendered him his means and influence, both of which were joyfully accepted. Knowing Col. Vigo's influence with the ancient inhabitants of the country, and desirous of obtaining some information from Vincennes, from which he had not heard for several months, Col. Clark proposed to him that he might go to that place and learn the actual state of affairs. Vigo went without hesitation, but on the Embarrass river he was seized by a party of Indians, plundered of all he possessed, and brought a prisoner before Hamilton, then in pos- session of the post, which he had a short time previously captured, holding Capt. Helm a prisoner of war. Being a Spanish subject, and consequently a non-combatant. Gov. Hamilton, although he strongly suspected the motives of the visit, dared not confine him, but admitted him to parole, on the. single condition that he should daily report himself at the fort. But Hamilton was embar- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 67 passed by his detention, being besieged by the inhabitants of the town, who loved Vigo and threatened to withdraw tlieir support from the garrison if he would not release him. Father Gibault was the chief pleader for Yigo's release. Hamilton finall}^ yielded, on con- dition that he, Vigo, would do no injury to the British interests on his way to St. Louis. He went to St. Louis, sure enough, doing no injury to British interests, but immediately returned to Kaskaskia and reported to Clark in detail all he had learned at Vincennes, without which knowledge Clark would have been unable to ac- complish his famous expedition to that post with final triumph. The redemption of this country from the British is due as much, probably, to Col. Vigo as Col. Clark. GOVERNMENT OF THE NORTHWEST. Col. John Todd, Lieutenant for the county of Illinois, in the spring of 1779 visited the old settlements at Vincennes and Kas- kaskia, and organized temporary civil governments in nearly all the settlements west of the Ohio. Previous to this, however, Clark had established a military government at Kaskaskia and Vincennes, appointed commandants in both places and taken up his headquar- ters at the falls of .the Ohio, where he could watch the operations of the enemy and save the frontier settlements from the depreda- tions of Indian warfare. On reaching the settlements, Col. Todd issued a proclamation regulating the settlement of unoccupied lands and requiring the presentation of all claims to the lands set- tled, as the number of adventurers who would shortly overrun the country would be serious. He also organized a Court of civil and criminal jurisdiction at Vincennes, in the month of June, 1779. This Court was composed of several magistrates and presided over by Col. J. M. P. Legras, who had been appointed commandant at Vincennes. Acting from the precedents established hy the early. French commandants in the West, this Court began to grant tracts of land to the French and American inhabitants; and to the year 1783, it had granted to different parties about 26,000 acres of land; 22,000 more was granted in this manner by 1787, when the practice was prohibited by Gen. Harmer. These tracts varied in size from a house lot to 500 acres. Besides this loose business, the Court entered into a stupendous speculation, one not altogether creditable to its honor and dignity. The commandant and the magistrates under him suddenly adopted the opinion that they were invested 68 HISTORY OF INDIANA. with the authority to dispose of the whole of that large region which in 1842 had been granted by the Piankeshaws to the French inhabitants of Yincennes. Accordingly a very convenient arrange- ment was entered into by which the whole tract of country men- tioned was to be divided between the members of the honorable Court. A record was made to that effect, and in order to gloss over the steal, each member took pains to be absent from Court on the day that the order was made in his favor. In the fall of 1780 La Balme, a Frenchman, made an attempt to capture the British garrison of Detroit by leading an expedition against it from Kaskaskia. At the head of 30 men he marched to Yincennes, where his force was slightly increased. From this place he proceeded to the British trading post at the head of the Maumee, where Fort Wayne now stands, plundered the British traders and Indians and then retired. While encamped on the bank of a small stream on his retreat, he was attacked by a band of Miamis, a number of his men were killed, and his expedition against Detroit v/as ruined. In this manner border war continued between Americans and their enemies, with varying victory, until 1783, when the treaty of Paris was concluded, resulting in the establishment of the inde- pendence of the United States. Up to this time the territory now included in Indiana belonged by conquest to the State of Yirginia; but in January, 1783, the General Assembly of that State resolved to cede to the Congress of the United States all the territory north- ♦ west of the Ohio. The conditions offered by Yirginia were accepted by Congress Dec. 20, that year, and early in 1781 the transfer was completed. In 1783 Virginia had platted the town of Clarksville, at the falls of the Ohio. The deed of cession provided that the territory should be laid out into States, containing a suita- ble extent of territory not less than 100 nor more than 150 miles square, or as near thereto as circumstances would permit; and that the States so formed shall be distinct Republican States and admitted members of the Federal Union, having the same rights of sovereignty, freedom and independence as the other States. The other conditions of the deed were as follows: That the necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by Yirginia in subduing any British posts, or in maintaining forts and garrisons within and for the defense, or in acquiring any part of the territory so ceded or relinquished, shall be fully reimbursed by the United States; that the French and Canadian inhabitants and other settlers of the Kas- HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 69 kaskia, Post Yincennes and the neighboring villages who have pro- fessed themselves citizens of Virginia, shall have their titles and possessions confirmed to them, and be protected in the enjoyment of their rights and privileges; that a quantity not exceeding 150,- 000 acres of land, promised by Yirginia, shall be allowed and granted to the then Colonel, now General, George Rogers Clark, and to the officers and soldiers of his regiment, who marched with him when the posts and of Kaskaskiaand Vincennes were reduced, and to the officers and soldiers that have been since incorporated into the said regiment, to be laid oif in one tract, the length of which not to exceed double the breadth, in such a place on the northwest side of the Ohio as a majority of the officers shall choose, and to be afterward divided among the officers and soldiers in due proportion according to the laws of Yirginia; that in case the quantity of good lands on the southeast side of the Ohio, upon the waters of Cumberland river, and between Green river and Ten. nessee river, which have been reserved by law for the Yirginia troops upon Continental establishment, should, from the North Carolina line, bearing in further upon the Cumberland lands than was expected, prove insufficient for their legal bounties, the defi- ciency shall be made up to the said troops in good lands to be laid off between the rivers Scioto and Little Miami, on the northwest side of the river Ohio, in such proportions as have been engaged to them by the laws of Yirginia; that all the lands within the ter- ritory so ceded to the United States, and not reserved for or appro- priated to any of the before-mentioned purposes, or disposed of in bounties to the officers and soldiers of the American army, shall be' considered as a common fund for the use and benefit of such of the United States as have become, or shall become, members of the confederation or federal alliance of the said States, Yirginia included, according to their usual respective proportions in the general charge and expenditure, and shall be faithfully and hona fide dis- posed of for "that purpose and for no other use or purpose whatever. After the above deed of cession had been accepted by Congress, in the spring of 1784, the matter of the future government of the territory was referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Jeffer- son of Yirginia, Chase of Maryland and Howell of Rhode Island, which committee reported an ordinance for its government, provid- ing, among other things, that slavery should not exist in said terri- tory after 1800, except as punishment of criminals; but this article of the ordinance was rejected, and an ordinance for the temporary 70 • HISTORY OF INDIANA. governmeni of the county was adopted. In 1785 laws were passed by Congress for the disposition of lands in the territory and pro- hibiting the settlement of unappropriated lands by reckless specu- lators. But human passion is ever strong enough to evade the law to some extent, and large associations, representing considerable means, were formed for the purpose of monopolizing the land busi- ness. Millions of acres were sold at one time by Congress to asso- ciations on the installment plan, and so far as the Indian titles could be extinguished, the work of settling and improving the lands was pushed rapidly forward. OKDINANCE OF 1787. This ordinance has a marvelous and interesting history. Con- siderable controversy has been indulged in as to who is entitled to the credit for framing it. This belongs, undoubtedly, to Nathan Dane; and to Rufus King and Timothy Pickering belong the credit for suggesting the proviso contained in it against slavery, and also for aids to religion and knowledge, and for assuring for- ever the common use, without charge, of the great national high- ways of the Mississippi, the St. Lawrence and their tributaries to all the citizens of the United States. To Thomas Jefferson is also due much credit, as some features of this ordinance were embraced in his ordinance of 178'1. But the part taken by each in the long, laborious and eventful struggle which had so glorious a consum- mation in the ordinance, consecrating forever, by one imprescript- ible and unchangeable monument, the very heart of our country to Freedom, Knowledge, and Union, will forever honor the names ot those illustrious statesmen. Mr. Jefferson had vainly tried to secure a system of government for the Northwestern territory^ He was an emancipationist and favored the exclusion of slavery from the territory, but the South voted him down every time he proposed a measure of this nature. In 1787, as late as July 10, an organizing act without the anti- slavery clause was pending. This concession to the South was expected to carry it. Congress was in session in New York. On July 5, E,ev. Manasseh Cutler, of Massachusetts, came into New York to lobby on the Northwestern territory. Everything seemed to fall into his hands. Events were ripe. The state of the public credit, the growing of Southern prejudice, the basis of his mission, his personal character, all combined to complete one of those sudden HISTORY OF INDIANA. 71 and marvelous revolutions of public sentiment that once in five or ten centuries are seen to sweep over a country like the breath of the Almighty. Cutler v/as a graduate of Yale. He had studied and taken de- grees in the three learned professions, medicine, law, and divinity. He had published a scient'ific examination of the plants of New England. As a scientist in America his name stood second only to that of Franklin. He was a courtly gentleman of the old style, a man of commanding presence and of inviting face. The Southern members said they had never seen such a gentleman in the North. He came representing a Massachusetts company that desired to purchase a tract of land, now included in Ohio, for the purpose of planting a colony. It was a speculation. Government money was worth eighteen cents on the dollar. This company had collected enough to purchase 1,500,000 acres of land. Other speculators in New York made Dr. Cutler their agent, which enabled him to represent a demand for 5,500,000 acres. As this would reduce the national debt, and Jefferson's policy was to provide for the public credit, it presented a good opportunity to do something. Massachusetts then owned the territory of Maine, which she was crowding on the market. She was opposed to opening the North- western region. This fired the zeal of Virginia. The South caught the inspiration, and all exalted Dr. Cutler. The entire South ral. lied around him. Massachusetts could not vote against him, be- cause many of the constuitents of her members were interested personally in the Western speculation. Thus Cutler, making friends in the South, and doubtless using all the arts of the lobby, was enabled to command the situation. True to deeper convic- tions, he dictated one of the most compact and finished documents of wise statesmanship that has ever adorned any human law book. He borrowed from Jefferson the term "Articles of Compact," which, preceding the federal constitution, rose into the most sacred char- acter. He then followed very closely the constitution of Massa- chusetts, adopted three years before. Its most prominent points were: 1. The exclusion of slavery from the territory forever. 2. Provision for public schools, giving one township for a semi- nary and every section numbered 16 in each township; that is, one thirty-sixth of all the land for public schools. 3. A provision prohibiting the adoption of any constitution or the enactment of any law that should nullify pre-existing contracts. 72 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Be it forever remembered that this compact declared that " re- ligion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good govern- ment and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of edu- cation shall always be encouraged." Dr. Cutler planted himself on this platform and would not yield. Giving his unqualified dec- laration that it was that or nothing, — that unless they could make the land desirable they did not want it, — he took his horse and buggy and started for the constitutional convention at Philadelphia. On July 13, 1787, the bill was put upon its passage, and was unani- mously adopted. Thus the great States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, a vast empire, were consecrated to free dom, intelligence, and morality. Thus the great heart of the nation was prepared to save the union of States, for it was this act that was the salvation of the republic and the destruction of slavery. Soon the South saw their great blunder and tried to have the compact repealed. In 1803 Congress referred it to a committee, of which John Randolph was chairman. He reported that this ordinance was a compact and opposed repeal. Thus it stood, a rock in the way of the on-rushing sea of slavery. The " Northwestern Territory " included of course what is now the State of Indiana; and Oct 5, 1787, Maj. Gen. Arthur St. Clair was elected by Congress Governor of this territory. Upon commencing the duties of his office he was instructed to ascertain the real temper of the Indians and do all in his power to remove the causes for controversy between them and the United States, and to effect the extinguishment of Indian titles to all the land possible. The Governor took up quarters in the new settlement of Marietta, Ohio, where he immediately began the organization of the government of the territory. Tlfe first session of the General Court of the new territory was held at that place in 1788, the Judges being Samuel H. Parsons, James M. Yarnum and John C. Symmes, but under the ordinance Gov. St. Clair was President of the Court. After the first session, and after the necessary laws for government were adopted. Gov. St. Clair, accompanied by the Judges, visited Kaskaskia for the purpose of organizing a civil gov- ernment there. Full instructions had been sent to Maj. Hamtramck, commandant at Vincennes, to ascertain the exact feeling and temper of the Indian tribes of the Wabash. These instructions were ac- companied by speeches to each of the tribes. A Frenchman named Antoine Gamelin was dispatched with these messages April 5, 1790, who visited nearly all the tribes on the Wabash, St. Joseph and St. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 73 Mary's rivers, but was coldly received; most of the chiefs being dissatisfied with the policy of the Americans toward them, and prejudiced through English misrepresentation. Full accounts of his adventures among the tribes reached Gov. St. Clair at Kaskas- kia in June, 1790. Being satisfied that there was no prospect of efiecting a general peace with the Indians of Indiana, he resolved to visit Gen. Harmar at his headquarters at Fort Washington and consult with him on the means of carrying an expedition, against the hostile Indians; but before leaving he intrusted Winthrop Sargent, the Secretary of the Territory, with the execution of the resolutions of Congress regarding the lands and settlers on the "Wabash. He directed that officer to proceed to Vincennes, lay out a county there, establish the militia and appoint the necessary civil and military officers. Accordingly Mr. Sargent went to Yin- cennes and organized Camp Knox, appointed the officers, and noti- fied the inhabitants to present their claims to lands. In establish- ing these claims the settlers found great difficulty, and concerning this matter the Secretary in his report to the President wrote as follows : ' " Although the lands and lots which were awarded to the inhabi- tants appeared from very good oral testimony to belong to those persons to whom they were awarded, either by original grants, pur- chase or inheritance, yet there was scarcely one case in twenty where the title was complete, owing to the desultory manner in which public business had been transacted and some other unfor- tunate causes. The original concessions by the French and British commandants were generally made upon a small scrap of paper, which it has been customary to lodge in the notary's office, who has seldom kept any book of record, but committed the most im- portant land concerns to loose sheets, which in process of time have come into possession of persons that have fraudulently de- stroyed them; or, unacquainted with their consequence, innocently lost or trifled them away. By French usage they are considered family inheritances, and often descend to women and children. In one instance, and during the government of St. Auge here, a royal notary ran off with all the public papers in his possession, as by a certificate produced to me. And I am very sorry further to observe that in the office of Mr. Le Grand, which continued from 1777 to 1787, and where should have been the vouchers for important land transactions, the records have been so falsified, and there is such gross fraud and forgery, as to invalidate all evidence and informa- tion which I might have otherwise acquired from his papers." 74 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Mr. Sargent saya there were about 150 French families at Yin- cennes in 1790. The heads of all these families had been at some time vested with certain titles to a portion of the soil ; and while the Secretary was busy in straightening out these claims, he re- ceived a petition signed by 80 Americans, asking for the confirma- tion of grants of land ceded by the Court organized by Col. John Todd under the authority of Virginia. With reference to this cause. Congress, March 3, 1791, empowered the Territorial Governor, in cases where land had been actually improved and cultivated under a supposed grant for the same, to confirm to the persons who made such improvements the lands supposed to have been granted, not, however, exceeding the quantity of 400 acres to any one per- son. LIQUOR AND GAMING LAWS. The General Court in the summer of 1790, Acting Governor Sargent presiding, passed the following laws with reference to vending liquor among the Indians and others, and with reference to games of chance: 1. An act to prohibit the giving or selling intoxicating liquors to Indians residing in or coming into the Territory of the United States northwest of the river Ohio, and for preventing foreigners from trading with Indians therein. 2. An act prohibiting the sale of spirituous or other intoxicat- ing liquors to soldiers in the service of the United States, being within ten miles of any military post in the territory; and to pre- vent the selling or pawning of arms, ammunition, clothing or accoutrements. 3. An act prohibiting every species of gaming for money or property, and for making void contracts and payments made in consequence thereof, and for restraining the disorderly practice of discharging arms at certain hours and places. Winthrop Sargent's administration was highly eulogized by the citizens at Yincennes, in a testimonial drawn up and signed by a committee of officers. He had conducted the investigation and settlement of land claims to the entire satisfaction of the residents, had upheld the principles of free government in keeping with the animus of the American devolution, and had established in good order the machinery of a good and wise government. In the same address Major Hamtramck also received a fair share of praise for his judicious management of affairs. MILITARY HISTORY 1790-1800. EXPEDITIONS OF HARMA.R, SCOTT AND WILKINSON. Gov. St. Clair, on his arrival at Fort Washington from Kas- kaskia, had a long conversation with Gen. Hartnar, and concluded to send a powerful force to chastise the savages about the head- waters of the Wabash. He had been empowered by the President to call on Virginia for 1,000 troops and on Pennsylvania for 500, and he immediately availed himself of this resource, ordering 300 of the Virsrinia militia to muster at Fort Steuben and march with the garrison of that fort to Yincennes, and join Maj. Hamtramck, who had orders to call for aid from the militia of Yincennes, march up the Wabash, and attack any of the Indian villages which he might think he could overcome. The remaining 1,200 of the mi- litia were ordered to rendezvous at Fort Washington, and to join the regular troops at that post under command of Gen. Harmar. At this time the United States troops in the West were estimated by Gen. Harmar at 400 effective men. These, with the militia, gave him a force of 1,450 men. With this army Gen. Harmar marched from Fort Washington Sept. 30, and arrived at the Mau- mee Oct. 17, They commenced the work of punishing the Indians, but were not very successful. The savages, it is true, received a severe scourging, but the militia behaved so badly as to be of little or no service. A detachment of 340 militia and 60 regulars, under the command of Col, Hardin, were sorely defeated on the Maumee Oct. 22. The next day the army took up the line of march for Fort Washington, which place they reached Nov. 4, having lost in the expedition 183 killed and 31 wounded; the Indians lost about as many. During the progress of this expedition Maj. Hamtramck marched up the Wabash from Yincennes, as far as the Yermillion river, and destroyed several deserted villages, but without finding an enemy to oppose him. Although the savages seem to have been severely punished by these expeditions, yet they refused to sue for peace, and continued their hostilities. Thereupon the inhabitants of the frontier settle- ments of Yirginia took alarm, and the delegates of Ohio, Monon- (75) 76 HISTORY OF INDIANA. gahela, HaiTison, Randolph, Greenbrier, Kanawha and Mont- gomery counties sent a joint memorial to the Governor of Vir- ginia, saying that the defenseless condition of the counties, form- ing a line of nearly 400 miles along the Ohio river, exposed to the hostile invasion- of their Indian enemies, destitute of every kind of support, was truly alarming; for, notwithstanding all the regula- tions of the General Government in that country, they have reason to lament that they have been up to that time ineffectual for their protection; nor indeed could it be otherwise, for the garrisons kept by the Continental troops on the Ohio river, if of any use at all, must protect only the Kentucky settlements, as they immediately covered that country. They farther stated in their memorial: "We beg leave to observe that we have reason to fear that the conse- quences of the defeat of our army by the Indians in the late expe- dition will be severely felt on our frontiers, as there is no doubt that the Indians will, in their turn, being flushed with victory, in- vade our settlements and exercise all their horrid murder upon the inhabitants thereof whenever the weather will permit them to travel. Then is it not better to support us where we are, be the ex- pense what it may, than to oblige such a number of your brave citizens, who have so long supported, and still continue to support, a dangerous frontier (although thousands of their relatives in the flesh have in the prosecution thereof fallen a sacrifice to savage in- ventions) to quit the country, after all they have done and suffered, when you know that a frontier must be supported somewhere?" This memorial caused the Legislature of Yirginia to authorize the Governor of that State to make any defensive operations neces- sary for the temporary defense of the frontiers, until the general Government could adopt and carry out measures to suppress the hostile Indians. The Governor at once called upon the military commanding oflScers in the western counties of Virginia to raise by the first of March, 1791, several small companies of rangers for this purpose. At the same time Charles Scott was appointed Brigadier- General of the Kentucky militia, with authority to raise 226 vol- unteers, to protect the most exposed portions of that district. A full report of the proceedings of the Virginia Legislature being transmitted to Congress, that body constituted a local Board of War for the district of Kentucky, consisting of five men. March 9, 1791, Gen. Henry Knox, Secretary of War, sent a letter of instruc- tions to Gen. Scott, recommending an expedition of mounted men not exceeding 750, against the Wea towns on the Wabash. With HISTORY OF INDIANA. 77 this force Gen. Scott accordingly crossed the Ohio, May 23, 1791, and reached the Wabash in about ten days. Many of the Indians, having discovered his approach, fled, but he succeeded in destroy- ing all the villages around Ouiatenon, together with several Kick- apoo towns, killing 32 warriors and taking 58 prisoners. He released a few of the most infirm prisoners, giving them a " talk," which they carried to the towns farther up the Wabash, and which the wretched condition of his horses prevented him from reaching. March 3, 1791, Congress provided for raising and equipping a regiment for the protection of the frontiers, and Gov. St. Clair was invested with the chief command of about 3,000 troops, to be raised and employed against the hostile Indians in the territory over which his jurisdiction extended. He was instructed by the Secre- tary of War to march to the Miami village and establish a strong and permanent military post there; also such posts elsewhere along the Ohio as would be in communication with Fort Washino-ton. The post at Miami village was intended to keep the savages in that vicinity in check, and was ordered to be strong enough in its gar- rison to afford a detachment of 500 or 600 men in case of emer- gency, either to chastise any of the Wabash or other hostile Indians or capture convoys of the enemy's provisions. The Secretary of War also urged Gov. St. Clair to establish that post as the first and most important part of the campaign. In case of a previous treaty the Indians were to be conciliated upon this point if possible; and he presumed good arguments might be offered to induce their acquiescence. Said he: "Having commenced your march upon the main expedition, and the Indians continuing hostile, you will use every possible exertion to make them feel the effects of your superi- ority; and, after having arrived at the Miami village and put your works in a defensible state, you will seek the enemy with the whole of your remaining force, and endeavor by all possible means to strike them with great severity. ^ ^ * % In order to avoid future wars, it might be proper to make the Wa- bash and thence over to the Maumee, and down the same to its mouth, at Lake Erie, the boundary between the people of the United States and the Indians (excepting so far as the same should relate to the Wyandots and Delawares), on the supposition of their continuing faithful to the treaties; but if they should join in the war against the United States, and your army be victorious, the said tribes ought to be removed without the boundary mentioned." Previous to marching a strong force to the Miami town, Gov. St. 78 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Clair, June 25, 1791, authorized Gen "Wilkinson to conduct a second expedition, not exceeding 500 mounted men, against the Indian villages on the Wabash. Accordingly Gen. "Wilkinson mustered his forces and was ready July 20, to march with 525 mounted vol- unteers, well armed, and provided with 30 days' provisions, and with this force he reached the Ke-na-pa-com-a-qua village on the north bank of Eel river about six miles above its mouth, Aug. 7, where he killed six warriors and took 34 prisoners. This town, which was scattered along the river for three miles, was totally de- stroyed. Wilkinson encamped on the ruins of the town that night, and the next day lie commenced his march for the Kickapoo town on the prairie, which he was unable to reach owing to the impassa- ble condition of the route which he adopted and the failing condi- tion of his horses. He reported the estimated results of the expe- dition as follows: "I have destroyed the chief town of the Ouiate- non nation, and have made prisoners of the sons and sisters of the king. I have burned a respectable Kickapoo village, and cut down at least 400 acres of corn, chiefly in the milk." EXPEDITIONS OF ST. CLAIR AND WAYNE. The Indians were greatly damaged by the expeditions of Harmar, Scott and W"'ilkinson, but were far from being subdued. They regarded the policy of the United States as calculated to extermi- nate them from the land; and, goaded on by the English of Detroit, enemies of the Americans, they were excited to desperation. At this time the British Government still supported garrisons at Niagara, Detroit and Michilimackinac, although it was declared by the second article of the definitive treaty of peace of 1783, that the king of Great Britain would, " with all convenient speed, and without causing any destruction or carrying away any negroes or property of the American inhabitants, withdraw all his forces, garrisons and fleets from the United States, and from every post, place and harbor within the same." That treaty also provided that the creditors on either side should meet with no lawful impedi- ments to the recovery of the full value, in sterling money, of all hona fide debts previously contracted. The British Government claimed that the United States had broken faith in this particular understanding of the treaty, and in consequence refused to with- draw its forces from the territory. The British garrisons in the Lake Region were a source of much annoyance to the Americans, as they aflforded succor to hostile Indians, encouraging them to HISTORY OF INDIANA. 79 make raids among the Americans. This state of affairs in the Territory Northwest of the Ohio continued from the commence- ment of the Revolutionary war to 1796, when under a second treaty all British soldiers were withdrawn from the country. In September, 1791, St. Clair moved from Fort Washington with about 2,000 men, and November 3, the main army, consisting of about 1,400 effective troops, moved forward to the head- waters of the Wabash, where F'ort Recovery was afterward erected, and here the army encamped. About 1,200 Indians were secreted a few miles distant, awaiting a favorable opportunity to begin an attack, which they improved on the morning of Nov. 4, about half an hour before sunrise. The attack was first made upon the militia, which immediately gave way. St. Clair was defeated and he returned to Fort Washington with a broken and dispirited army, having lost 39 officers killed, and 539 men killed and missing; 22 officers and 232 men were wounded. Several pieces of artillery, and all the baggage, ammunition and provisions were left on the'field of bat- tle and fell into the hands of the victorious Indians. The stores and other public property lost in the action were valued at $32,800. There were also 100 or more American women with the army of the whites, very few of whom escaped the cruel carnage of the sav- age Indians. The latter, characteristic of their brutal nature, proceeded in the flush of victory to perpetrate the most horrible acts of cruelty and brutality upon the bodies of the living and the dead Americans who fell into their hands. Believing that the whites had made war for many years merely to acquire land, the Indians crammed cla,y and sand into the eyes and down the throats of the dvinsc and the dead! GEN. Wayne's great victory. Although no particular blame was attached to Gov. St. Clair for the loss in this expedition, yet he resigned the office of Major-Gen- eral, and was succeeded by Anthony Wayne, a distinguished officer of the Revolutionary war. Early in 1792 provisions were made by the general Government for re-organizing the army, so that it should consist of an efficient degree of strength. Wayne arrived at Pittsburg in June, where the army was to rendezvous. Here he continued actively engaged in organizing and training his forces until October, 1793, when with an army of about 3,600 men he moved westward to Fort Washington. While Wayne was preparing for an offensive campaign, every 80 IIISTOKY OF INDIANA. possible means was employed to induce the hostile tribes of the Northwest to enter into a general treaty of peace with the Ameri- can Government; speeches were sent among them, and agents to make treaties were also sent, but little was accomplished. Major Hamtramck, who still remained at Vincennes, succeeded in con- cluding a general peace with the Wabash and Illinois Indians; but the tribes more immediately under the influence of the British refused to hear the sentiments of friendship that were sent among them, and tomahawked several of the messengers. Their courage had been aroused by St. Clair's defeat, as well as by the unsuccess- ful expeditions which had preceded it, and they now felt quite pre- pared to meet a superior force under Gen. Wayne. The Indians insisted on the Ohio river as the boundary line between their lands and the lands of the United States, and felt certain that they could maintain that boundary. Maj. Gen. Scott, with about 1,600 mounted volunteers from Kentucky, joined the regiilar troops under Gen. Wayne July 26, 1794, and on the 28tli the united forces began their march for the Indian towns on the Maumee river. Arriving at the mouth of the Auglaize, they erected Fort Defiance, and Aug. 15 the army advanced toward the British fort at the foot of the rapids of the Maumee, where, on the 20th, almost within reach of the British, the American army gained a decisive victory over the combined forces of the hostile Indians and a considerable number of the Detroit militia. The number of the enemy was estimated at 2,000, against about 900 American troops actually engaged. This horde of savages, as soon as the action began, abandoned themselves to flight and dispersed with terror and dismay, leaving Wayne's vic- torious army in full and quiet possession of the field. The Ameri- cans lost 33 killed and 100 wounded; loss of the enemy more than double this number. The army remained three days and nights on the banks of the Maumee, in front of the field of battle, during which time all the houses and cornfields were consumed and destroyed for a considera- ble distance both above and below Fort Miami, as well as within pistol shot of the British garrison, who were compelled to remain idle spectators to this general devastation and conflagration, among which were the houses, stores and property of Col. McKee, the British Indian agent and " principal stimulator of the war then existing between the United States and savages." On the return march to Fort Defiance the villages and cornfields for about 50 HISTORY OF INDIANA. 81 miles on each side of the Mauraee were destroyed, as well as those for a considerable distance around that post. Sept. 14, 1794, the army under Gen. Wayne commenced its march toward the deserted Miami villages at the confluence of St. Joseph's and St. Mary's rivers, arriving Oct. IT, and on the follow- ing day the site of Fort Wayne was selected. The fort was com- pleted Xov. 22, and garrisoned by a strong detachment of infantry and artillery, under the command of Col. John F. Hamtramck, who gave to the new fort the name of Fort Wayne. In 1814 a new fort was built on the site of this structure. The Kentucky volunteers returned to Fort Washington and were mustered out of service. Gen. Wayne, with the Federal troops, marched to Greenville and took up his headquarters during the winter. Here, in August, 1795, after several months of active negotiation, this gallant officer succeeded in concluding a general treaty of peace with all the hos- tile tribes of the Northwestern Territory. This treaty opened the way for the flood of immigration for many years, and ultimately made the States and territories now constituting the mighty North- west. Up to the organization of the Indiana Territory there is but little history to record aside from those events connected with military affairs. In July, 1796, as before stated, after a treaty was con- cluded between the United States and Spain, the British garrisons, with their arms, artillery and stores, were withdrawn from the posts within the boundaries of the United States northwest of the Ohio river, and a detachment of American troops, consisting of 65 men, under the command of Capt. Moses Porter, took possession of the evacuated post of Detroit in the same month. In the latter part of 1796 Winthrop Sargent went to Detroit and organized the county of Wayne, forming a part of the Indiana Territory until its division in 1805, when the Territory of Michigan was organized. TERRITORIAL HISTORY. ORGANIZATION OF INDIANA TEKRITORY. On the final success of American arms and diplomacy in 1796, the principal town within the Territory, now the State, of Indiana was Yincennes, which at this time comprised about 50 houses, all presenting a thrifty and tidy appearance. Each house was sur- rounded by a garden fenced with poles, and peach and apple-trees grew in most of the enclosures. Garden vegetables of all kinds were cultivated with success, and corn, tobacco, wheat, barley and cotton grew in the fields around the village in abundance. During the last few years of the 18tli century the condition of society at Vincennes improved wonderfully. Besides Yincennes there was a small settlement near where the town of Lawrenceburg now stands, in Dearborn county, and in the course of that vear a small settlement was formed at " Armstrong's Station," on the Ohio, within the present limits of Clark county. There were of course several other smaller settlements and trading posts in the present limits of Indiana, and the number of civilized inhabitants comprised within the territory was estimated at 4,875. The Territory of Indiana was organized by Act of Congress May 7, 1800, the material parts of the ordinance of 1787 remaining in force; and the inhabitants were invested with all the rights, privi- leges and advantages granted and secured to the people by that ordinance. The seat of government was fixed at Yincennes. May 13, 1800, Wni, Henry Harrison, a native ot Yirginia, was appoint- ed Governor of this new territory, and on the next day John Gib- son, a native of Pennsylvania and a distinguished Western pioneer, (to whom the Indian chief Logan delivered his celebrated speech in 1774), was appointed Secretary of the Territory. Soon afterward Wm. Clark, Henry Yanderburgh and John Griffin were appointed territorial Judges. Secretary Gibson arrived at Yincennes in July, and commenced, in the absence of Gov. Harrison, the administration of government. Gov. Harrison did not arrive until Jan. 10, 1801, when he imme- diately called together the Judges of the Territory, who proceeded HISTORY OF INDIANA. 83 to pass such laws as they deemed necessary for the present govern- ment of the Territory. This session began March 3, 1801. From this time to 1810 the principal subjects which attracted the attention of the people of Indiana were, land speculations, the adjustment of land titles, the question of negro slavery, the purchase of Indian lands by treaties, the organization of Territorial legis- latures, the extension of the right of suffrage, the division of Indiana Territory, the movements of Aaron Burr, and the hostile views and proceedings of the Shawanee chief, Tecumseh, and his brother, the Prophet. Up to this time the sixth article of the celebrated ordinance of 1787, prohibiting slavery in the Northwestern Territory, had been somewhat neglected in the execution of the law, and many French settlers still held slaves in a manner. In some instances, according to rules prescribed by Territorial legislation, slaves agreed by indentures to remain in servitude under their masters for a certain number of years; but many slaves, with whom no such contracts were made, were removed from the Indiana Territory either to the west of the Mississippi or to some of the slaveholding. States. Gov. Harrison convoked a session of delegates of the Territory, elected by a popular vote, who petitioned Congress to declare the sixth article of the ordinance of 1787, prohibiting slavery, suspend- ed; but Congress never consented to grant that petition, and many other petitions of a similar import. Soon afterward some of the citizens began to take colored persons out of the Territory for the purpose of selling them, and Gov. Harrison, by a proclamation April 6, 1804, forbade it, and called upon the authorities of the Territory to assist him in preventing such removal of persons of color. During the year 1804 all the country west of the Mississippi and north of 33*^ was attached to Indiana Territory by Congress, but in a few months was again detached and organized into a separate ter- ritory. When it appeared from the result of a popular vote in the Terri- tory that a majority of 138 freeliolders were in favor of organizing a General Assembly, Gov. Harrison, Sept. 11, 1804, issued a procla- mation declaring that the Territory had passed into the second grade of government, as contemplated by the ordinance of. 1787, and fixed Thursday, Jan. 3, 1805, as the time for holding an election in the several counties of the Territory,to choose members of a House of Representatives, who should meet at Vincennes Feb. 1 and 84 HISTORY OF INDIANA. • adopt measures for the organization of a Territorial Council. These delegates were elected, and met according to the proclamation, and selected ten men from whom the President of the United States, Mr. Jefferson, should appoint five to be and constitute the Legisla- tive Council of the Territory, but he declining, requested Mr. Har- rison to make the selection, which was accordingly done. Before the first session of this Council, however, was held, Michigan Ter- ritory was set off, its south line being one drawn from the southern end of Lake Michigan directly east to Lake Erie. FIBST TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE. The first General Assembly, or Legislature, of Indiana Territory met at Yincennes July 29, 1805, in pursuance of a gubernatorial proclamation. The members of the House of Representatives were Jesse B. Thomas, of Dearborn county ; Davis Floyd, of Clark county ; Benjanii)! Parke and John Johnson, of Knox county; Shadrach Bond and William Biggs, of St. Clair county, and George Fisher, of Randolph county. July 30 tlie Governor delivered his first mes- sage to "the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Indiana Territory." Benjamin Parke was the first delegate elected to Congress. He had emigrated from New Jersey to In- diana in 1801. THE "western sun" was the first newspaper published in the Indiana Territory, now comprising the four great States of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, and the second in all that country once known as the "Northwestern Territory." It was commenced at Yincennes in 1803, by Elihu Stout, of Kentucky, and first called the Indiana Gazette, and July, 4, 1804, was changed to the Western Sun. Mr. Stout continued the paper until 1845, amid many discouragements, when he was appointed postmaster at the place, and he sold out the ofiice. INDIANA IN 1810. The events which we have just been describing really constitute the initiatory steps to the great military campaign of Gen. Harrison which ended in the "battle of Tippecanoe;" but before proceeding to an account of that brilliant affair, let us take a glance at the re- sources and strength of Indiana Territory at this time, 1810: Total population, 24,520; 33 grist mills; 14 saw mills; 3 horse mills; 18 tanneries; 28 distilleries; 3 powder mills; 1,256 looms; HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 85 1,350 spinning wheels; value of manufactures — woolen, cotton hempen and flaxen cloths, $159,052; of cotton and wool spun in mills, $150,000; of nails, 30,000 pounds, $4,000; of leather tanned, $9,300; of distillery products, 35,950 gallons, $16,230; of gun- powder, 3,600 pounds, $1,800; of wine fi'oin grapes, 96 barrels, $6,000, and 5 0,000 pounds of maple sugar. During the year 1810 a Board of Commissioners was established to straighten out the confused condition into which the land-title •controversy had been carried by the various and conflicting admin- istrations that had previously exercised jurisdiction in this regard. This work was attended with much labor on the part of the Commis- sioners and great dissatisfaction on the part of a few designing specu- lators, who thought no extreme of perjury too hazardous in their mad attempts to obtain lands fraudulently. In closing their report the Commissioners used the following expressive language: "We close this melancholy picture of human depravity by rendering our devout acknowledgment that, in the awful alternative in which we have been placed, of either admitting perjured testimony in sup- port of the claims before us, or having it turned against our char- acters and lives, it has as yet pleased that divine providence which rules over the affairs of men, to preserve us, both from legal mur- der and private assassination." The question of dividing the Territory of Indiana was agitated from 1806 to 1809, when Congress erected the Territory of Illinois, to comprise all that part of Indi-ana Territory lying west of the Wabash river and a direct line drawn from that river and Post Yincennes due north to the territorial line between the United States and Canada. This occasioned some confusion in the irovern- ment of Indiana, but in due time the new elections were confirmed, and the new territory started off on a journey of prosperity which this section of the United States has ever since enjoj'ed. From the first settlement of Yincennes for nearly half a century there occurred nothing of importance to relate, at least so far as the records inform us. The place was too isolated to grow very fast, and we suppose there was a succession of priests and com- mandants, who governed the little world around them with almost infinite power and authority, from whose decisions there was no appeal, if indeed any was ever desired. The character of society in such a place Would of course grow gradually different from the parent society, assimilating more or less with that of neighboring tribes. The whites lived in peace with the Indians, each under- 86 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Standing the other's peculiarities, which remained fixed long enough for both parties to study out and understand them. The government was a mixture of the military and the civil. There was little to incite to enterprise. Speculations in money and prop- erty, and their counterpart, beggary, were both unknown; the nec- essaries of life were easily procured, and beyond these there were but few wants to be sui^plied; hospitality was exercised by all, as there were no taverns; there seemed to be no use for law, judges or prisons; each district had its commandant, and the proceedings of a trial were singular. The complaining party obtained a notifi- cation from the commandant to his adversary, accompanied by a command to render justice. If this had no efifect he was notified to appear before the commandant on a particular day and answer; and if the last notice was neglected, a sergeant and file of men were sent to bring him, — no sheriff and no costs. The convicted party would be fined and kept in prison until he rendered justice according to the decree; when extremely refractory the cat-o'-nine- tails brought him to a sense of justice. In such a state of society there was no demand for learning and science. Few could read, and still fewer write. Their disposition was nearly always to deal honestly, at least simply. Peltries were their standard of value. A brotherly love generally prevailed. But they were devoid of public spirit, enterprise or ingenuity. GOV. HARRISON AND THE INDIANS. Immediately after tbe organization of Indiana Territory Governor Harrison's attention was directed, by necessity as well as by in- structions from Congress, to settling affairs witb those Indians who still held claims to lands. He entered into several treaties, by which at the close of 1805 the United States Government had ob- tained about 46,000 square miles of territory, including all the lands lying on the borders of the Ohio river between the mouth of the Wabash river and the State of Ohio. The levying of a tax, especially a poll tax, by the General Assem- bly, created considerable dissatisfaction among many of the inhabit- ants. At a meeting held Sunday, August 16, 1807, a number of Frenchmen resolved to " withdraw their confidence and support forever from those men who advocated or in any manner promoted the second grade of government." In 1807 the territorial statutes were revised and under the new code, treason, murder, arson and horse-stealing were each punish- able by death. The crime of manslaughter was punishable by the common law. Burglary and robbery were punishable by whip- ping, fine and in some cases by imprisonment not exceeding forty years. Hog stealing was punishable by fine and whipping. Bigamy was punishable bj' fine, whipping and disfranchisement, etc. In 1804 Congress established three land offices for the sale of lands in Indiana territory; one was located at Detroit, one at Vin- cennes and one at Kaskaskia. In 1807 a fourth one was opened at Jefferson ville, Clark county; this town was first laid out in 1802, agreeably to plans suggested by Mr. Jefferson then President of the United States. Governor Harrison, according to his message to the Legislature in 1806, seemed to think that the peace then existing between the whites and the Indians was permanent; but in the same document he referred to a matter that might be a source of trouble, which in- deed it proved to be, namely, the execution of white laws among the Indians — laws to which the latter had not been a party in their enactment. The trouble was aggravated by the partiality with which the laws seem always to have been executed ; the Indian (ST) 88 HISTORY OF INDIANA. was nearlj always the sufferer. All along from 1805 to 1810 the Indians complained bitterly against the encroachments of the white people upon the lands that belonged to them. The invasion of their hunting grounds and the unjustifiable killing of many of their peo- ple were the sources of their discontent. An old chief, in laying the trouble of his people before Governor Harrison, said: "You call us children ; why do you not make us as happy as our fathers, the French, did? They never took from us our lands; indeed, they were common between us. They planted where they pleased, and they cut wood where they pleased; and so did we; but now if a poor Indian attempts to take a little bark from a tree to cover him from the rain, up comes a white man and threatens to shoot him, claiming the tree as his own." The Indian truly had grounds for his complaint, and tlie state of feeling existing among the tribes at this time was well calculated to develop a patriotic leader who should carry them all forward to victory at arms, if certain concessions were not made to them by the whites. But this golden opportunity was seized by an unworthy warrior. A brother of Tecumseh, a "prophet" named Law-le-was-i- kaw, but who assumed the name of Peras-quat-a-wah (Open Door), was the crafty Shawanee warrior who was enabled to work upon both the superstitions and the rational judgment of his fellow In- dians. He was a good orator, somewhat peculiar in his appearance and well calculated to win the attention and respect of the savages. He began by denouncing witchcraft, the use of intoxicating liquors, the custom of Indian women marrying white men, the dress of the whites and the practice of selling Indian lands to the United States. He also told the Indians that the commands of the Great Spirit re- quired them to punish with death those who practiced the arts of witchcraft and magic; that the Great Spirit had given him power to find out and expose such persons; that he had power to cure all diseases, to confound his enemies and to stay the arm of death in sickness and on the battle-field. His harangues aroused among some bands of Indians a high degree of superstitious excitement. An old Delaware chief named Ta-te-bock-o-she, through whose in- fluence a treaty had been made with the Delawares in 1804, was accused of witchcraft, tried, condemned and tomahawked, and his body consumed by fire. The old chief's wife, nephew ("Billy Patterson ") and an aged Indian named Joshua were next accused of witchcraft and condemned to death. The two men were burned at the stake, but the wife of Ta-te-bock-o-she was saved from \ GEN. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR. UlSTORY OF INDIANA. 91 death by her brother, who suddenly approached her, took her by the hand, and, without meeting any opposition from the Indians present, led her out of the council- house. He then immediately returned and checked the growing influence of the Prophet by exclaiming in a strong, earnest voice, " The Evil Spirit has come among us and we are killing each other." — \_DillorCs History of Indiana. When Gov. Harrison was made acquainted with these events he sent a special messenger to the Indians, strongly entreating them to renounce the Prophet and his works. This really destroyed to som^e extent the Prophet's influence; but in the spring of 1808, having aroused nearly all the tribes of the Lake Region, the Prophet with a large number of followers settled near the mouth of the Tippe- canoe river, at a place which afterward had the name of "Prophet's- Town." Taking advantage of his brother's influence, Tecuraseh actively engaged himself in forming the various tribes into a con- federacy. He announced publicly to all the Indians that the treaties by which the United States had acquired lands northwest of the Ohio were not made in fairness, and should be considered void. He also said that no single tribe was invested with power to sell lands without the consent of all the other tribes, and that he and his brother, the Prophet, would oppose and resist all future attempts which the white people might make to extend their set- tlements in the lands that belonged to the Indians. Early in 1808, Gov. Harrison sent a speech to the Shawanees, in which was this sentence: " My children, this business must be stopped; I will no longer suffer it. You have called a number of men from the most distant tribes to listen to a fool, who speaks not the words of the Great Spirit but those of the devil and the British agents. My children, your conduct has much alarmed the white settlers near you. They desire that you will send away those people; and if they wish to have the impostor with them they can carry him along with them. Let him go to the lakes; he can hear the British more distinctly." This message wounded the pride of the Prophet, and he prevailed on the messenger to inform Gov. Harrison that he was not in league with the British, but was speak- ing truly the words of the Great Spirit. In the latter part of the summer of 1808, the Prophet spent sev- eral weeks at Yineennes, for the purpose of holding interviews with Gov. Harrison. At one time he told the Governor that he was a Christian and endeavored to persuade his people also to become Christians, abandon the use of liquor, be united in broth- 92 HISTORY OF INDIANA. erlj love, etc., making Mr. Harrison believe at least, that he was honest; but before long it was demonstrated that the "Prophet"' was designing, cunning and unreliable; that both he and Tecumseh were enemies of the United States, and friends of the English; and that in case of a war between the Americans and English, they would join the latter. The next year the Prophet again visited Yincennes, with assurances that he was not in sympathy with the Englisli, but the Governor was not disposed to believe him; and in a letter to the Secretary of War, in July, 1809, he said that he regarded the bands of Indians at Prophet's Town as a combination which had been produced by British intrigue and influence, in antic- ipation of a war between them and the United States. In direct opposition to Tecumseh and the prophet and in spite of all these difficulties, Gov. Harrison continued the work of extin- guishing Indian titles to lands, with very good success. By the close of 1809, the total amount of land ceded to the United States, under treaties which had been eftected by Mr. Harrison, exceeded 30,000,000 a -res. From 1805 to 1807, the movements of Aaron Burr in the Ohio valley created considerable excitement in Indiana. It seemed that he intended to collect a force of men, invade Mexico and found a republic there, comprising all the country west of the Alleghany mountains. He gathered, however, but a few men, started south, and was soon arrested by the Federal authorities. But before his arrest he had abandoned his expedition and his followers had dispersed. Harrison's campaign. While the Indians were combining to prevent any further trans- fer of land to the whites, the British were using the advantage as a groundwork for a successful war upon the Americans. In the spring of 1810 the followers of the Prophet refused to receive their annuity of salt, and the officials who offered it were denounced as "American dogs," and otherwise treated in a disrespectful manner. Gov. Harrison, in July, attempted to gain the friendship of the Prophet by sending him a letter,offering to treat with him person- ally in the matter of his grievances, or to furnish means to send him, with three of his principal chiefs, to the President at Wash- ington; but the messenger was coldly received, and they returned word that they would visit Yincennes in a few days and interview the Governor. Accordingly, Aug. 12, 1810, the Shawanee chief with 70 of his principal warriors, marched up to the door of the HISTORY OF INDIANA. 93 Governor's house, and from that day until the 22d held daily inter- views with His Excellency. In all of his speeches Tecumseh was haughty, and sometimes arrogant. On the 20th he delivered that celebrated speech in which he gave the Governor the alternative of returninij tiieir lands or meeting them in battle. While the Governor was replying to this speech Tecumseh inter- rupted him with an angry exclamation, declaring that the United States, through Gov. Harrison, had "cheated and imposed on the Indians." When Tecumseh first rose, a number of his party also sprung- to their feet, armed with clubs, tomahawks and spears, and made some threatening demonstrations. The Governor's guards, who stood a little way off, were marched up in haste, and the In- dians, awed by the presence of this small armed force, abandoned what seemed to be an intention to make an open attack on the Gov- ernor and his attendants. As soon as Tecumseh's remarks were interpreted, the Governor reproached him for his conduct, and com- manded him to depart instantly to his camp. On the following day Tecumseh repented of his rash act and re- quested the Governor to grant him another interview, and pro- tested against any intention of offense. The Governor consented, and the council was re-opened on the 21st, when the Shawanee chief addressed him in a respectful and dignified manner, but re- mained immovable in his policy. The Governor then requested Tecumseh to state plainly whether or not the surveyors who might be sent to survey the lands purchased at the treaty of Fort Wayne in 1809, would be molested by Indians. Tecumseh replied: "Brother, when you speak of annuities to me, I look at the land and pity the women and children. I am authorized to say that they will not receive them. Brother, we want to save that piece of land. We do not wish you to take it. It is small enough for our purpose. If you do take it, you must blame yourself as the cause of the trouble between us and the tribes who sold it to you. I want the present boundary line to continue. Should you cross it, I assure you it will be productive of bad consequences." The next day the Governor, attended only by his interpreter, visited the camp of the great Shawanee, and in the course of along interview told him that the President of the United States would not acknowledge his claims. "Well," replied the brave warrior, "as the great chief is to determine the matter, I hope the Great Spirit will put sense enough into his head to induce liim to direct you to give up this land. It is true, he is so far off he will not be 94 HISTORY OF INDIANA. injured by the war. He may sit still in his town and drink his wine, while you and I will have to fight it out." In his message to the new territorial Legislature in 1810 Gov. Harrison called attention to the dangerous views held by Tecuraseh and the Prophet, to the pernicious influence of alien enemies amonff the Indians, to the unsettled condition of the Indian trade and to the policy of extinguishing Indian titles to lands. The eastern settlements were separated from the western by a consider- able extent of Indian lands, and the most fertile tracts within the territory were still in the hands of the Indians. Almost entirely divested of the game from which they had drawn their subsistence, it had become of little use to them; and it was the intention of the Government to substitute for the precarious and scanty sup- plies of the chase the more certain and plentiful support of agri- culture and stock-raising. The old habit of the Indians to hunt so long as a deer could be found was so inveterate that they would not break it and resort to intelligent agriculture unless they were compelled to, and to this they would not be compelled unless they were confined to a limited extent of territory. The earnest lan- guage of the Governor's appeal was like this: "Are then those extimruishraents of native title which are at once so beneficial to the Indian and the territory of the United States, to be suspended on account of the intrigues of a few individuals? Is one of the fair- est portions of the globe to remain in a state of nature, the haunt of a few wretched savages, when it seems destined by the Creator to give support to a large population, and to be the seat of civili- zation, of science and true religion?" In the same message the Governor also urged the establishment of a system of popular education. Among the acts passed b}'- this session of the Legislature, one authorized the President and Directors of the Yincennes Public Library to raise $1,000 by lottery. Also, a petition was sent to Congress for a permanent seat of government for the Territory, and commissioners were appointed to select the site. With the beginning of the year 1811 the British agent for Indian affairs adopted measures calculated to secure the support of the savao-es in the war which at this time seemed almost inevitable. Meanwhile Gov. Harrison did all in his power to destroy the influ- ence of Tecumseh and his brother and break up tlie Indian confed- eracy which was being organized in the interests of Great Britain, Pioneer settlers and the Indians naturally grew more and more HISTORY OF INDIANA. 95 aggressive and intolerant, committing depredations and murders, until the Governor felt compelled to send the following speech, eubstantially, to the two leaders of the Indian tribes: "This is the third year that all the white people in this country have been alarmed at your proceedings; you threaten us with war; you invite all the tribes north and west of you to join against us, while your warriors who have lately been here deny this. The tribes on the Mississippi have sent me word that you intended to murder me and then commence a war upon my people, and your seizing the salt I recently sent up the Wabash is also sufficient evidence of such intentions on your part. My warriors are preparing themselves, not to strike you, but to defend themselves and their women and children. You shall not surprise us, as you expect to do. Your intended act is a rash one: consider well of it. Wliat can induce you to undertake such a thing when there is so little prospect of success? Do you really think that the handful of men you have about you are able to contend with the seventeen 'fires?' or even that the whole of the tribes united could contend against the Ken- tucky 'fire' alone? I am myself of the Long 'Knife fire.' As soon as they hear my voice you will see them pouring forth their swarms of hunting-shirt men as numerous as the musquitoes on the shores of the Wabash. Take care of their stings. It is not our wish to hurt you; if we did, we certainly have power to do it. " You have also insulted the Government of the United States, by seizing the salt that was intended for other tribes. Satisfaction must be given for that also. You talk of coming to see me, attend- ed by all of your young men; but this must not be. If your inten- tions are good, you have no need to bring but a few of your young men with you. I must be plain with you. I will not sufi:er you to come into our settlements with such a force. My advice is that you visit the President of the United States and lay your griev- ances before him. " With respect to the lands that were purchased last fall I can enter into no negotiations with you; the affair is with the Presi- dent. If you wish to go and see him, I will supply you with the means. " The person who delivers this is one of my war officers, and is a man in whom I have entire confidence; whatever he says to you, although it may not be contained in this paper, you may believe comes from me. My friend Tecumseh, the bearer is a good man and a brave warrior; I hope you will treat him well. You are 96 HISTORY OF INDIANA. yourself a warrior, and all such should have esteem for each other." The bearer of this speech was politely received by Tecumseh, who replied to the Governor briefly that he should visit Vincennes in a few days. Accordingly he arrived July 27^ 1811, bringing with him a considerable force of Indians, which created much alarm among the inhabitants. In view of an emergency Gov, Harrison reviewed his militia — about 750 armed men — and station- ed two companies and a detachment of dragoons on the borders of the town. At this interview Tecumseh held forth that he intended no war against the United States; that he would send messengers- among the Indians to prevent murders and depredations on the white settlements; that the Indians, as well as the whites, who had committed murders, ought to be forgiven ; that he had set the white people an example of forgiveness, which they ought to follow; that it was his wish to establish a union among all the Indian tribes; that the northern tribes were united; that he was going to visit the southern Indians, and then return to the Prophet's town. He said also that he would visit the President the next spring and settle all difficulties with him, and that he hoped no attempts would be made to make settlements on the lands which had been sold to the United States, at the treaty of Fort Wayne, because the Indians wanted to keep those grounds for hunting. Tecumseh then, with about 20 of his followers, left for the South, to induce the tribes in that direction to join his confederacy. By the way, a lawsuit was instituted by Gov. Harrison against a certain Wm. Mcintosh, for asserting that the plain tiiF had cheated the Indians out of their lands, and that by so doing he had made them enemies to the United States. The defendant was a wealthy Scotch resident of Vincennes, well educated, and a man of influence among the people opposed to Gov. Harrison's land policy. The jury rendered a verdict in favor of Harrison, assessing the damages at $4,000. In execution of the decree of Court a large quantity of the defendant's land was sold in the absence of Gov. Harrison; but some time afterward Harrison caused about two-thirds of the land to be restored to Mr. Mcintosh, and the remainder was given to some orphan children. Harrison's first movement was to erect a new fort on the Wabash river and to break up the assemblage of hostile Indians at the Prophet's town. For this purpose he ordered Col. Boyd's regiment of infantry to move from the falls of Ohio to Yincennes. When the military expedition organized by Gov. Harrison was nearly HISTORY OF INDIANA. 97 ready to march to the Prophet's town, several Indian chiefs arrived at Yincennes Sept. 25, 1811, and declared that the Indians would comply with the demands of the Governor and disperse; but this did not check the military proceedings. The army under com- mand of Harrison moved from Yincennes Sept. 26, and Oct. 3, en- countering no opposition from the enemy, encamped at the place where Fort Harrison was afterward built, and near where the cit}^ of Terre Haute now stands. On the night of the 11th a few hos- tile Indians approached the encampment and wounded one of the sentinels, which caused considerable excitement. The army was immediately drawn up in line of battle, and small detachments were sent in ail directions; but the enemy could not be found. Then the Governor sent a message to Prophet's Town, requiring the Shawanees, Winnebagoes, Pottawatomies and Kickapoos at that place to return to their respective tribes; he also required the Prophet to restore all the stolen horses in his ]')ossession, or to give satisfactory proof that such persons were not there, nor had lately been, under his control. To this message the Governor received no answer, unless that answer was delivered in the battle of Tip- pecanoe. The new fort on the Wabasli was finished Oct. 28, and at the re- quest of all the subordinate officers it was called "Fort Harrison," near what is now Terre Haute. This fort was garrisoned with a small number of men under Lieutenant-Colonel Miller. On the 29th the remainder of the army, consisting of 910 men, moved toward the Prophet's town; about 270 of the troops were mounted. The regular troops, 250 in number, were under the command of Col. Boyd. With this army the Governor marched to within a half mile of the Prophet's town, when a conference was opened with a distinguished chief, in high esteem with the Prophet, and he informed Harrison that the Indians were much surprised at the approach of the army, and had already dispatched a message to him by another route. Harrison replied that he would not attack them until he had satisfied himself that they would not comply with his demands; that he would continue his encampment on the Wabash, and on the following morning would have an interview with the prophet. Harrison then resumed his march, and, after some difficulty, selected a place to encamp — a spot not very desir- able. It was a piece of dry oak land rising about ten feet above the marshy prairie in front toward the Indian town, and nearly twice that height above a similar prairie in the rear, through which 98 HISTORY OF INDIANA. and near this bank ran a small stream clothed with willow and brush wood. Toward the left flank this highland widened consid- erably, but became gradually narrower in the opposite direction, and at the distance of 150 yards terminated in an abrupt point. The two columns of infantry occupied the front and rear of this ground, about 150 yards from each other on the left, and a little more than half that distance on the right, flank. One flank was filled by two companies of mounted riflemen, 120 men, under com- mand of Major-General Wells, of the Kentucky militia, and one by Spencer's company of mounted riflemen, numbering 80 men. The front line was composed of one battalion of United States in- fantry, under command of Major Floyd, flanked on the right by two companies of militia, and on the left by one company. The rear line was composed of a battalion of United States troops, under command of Capt. Bean, acting as Major, and four companies of militia infantry under Lieutenant-Colonel Decker. The regular troops of this line joined the mounted riflemen under Gen. Wells, on the left flank, and Col. Decker's battalion formed an angle with Spencer's company on the left. Two troops of dragoons, about 60 men in all, were encamped in the rear of the left flank, and Capt. Parke's troop, which was larger than the other two, in rear of the right line. For a night attack the order of encampment was the order of battle, and each man slept opposite his post in the line. In the formation of the troops single file was adopted, in order to get as great an extension of the lines as possible. BATTLE OF TIPPECANOE. No attack was made by the enemy until about 4 o'clock on the morning of Nov. 7, just after the Governor had arisen. The attack was made on the left flank. Only a single gun was tired by the sentinels or by the guard in that direction, which made no resist- ance, abandoning their posts and fleeing into camp; and the first notice which the troops of that line had of the danger was the yell of the savages within a short distance of them. But the men were courageous and preserved good discipline. Such of them as were awake, or easily awakened, seized arms and took their stations; others, who were more tardy, had to contend with the enemy in the doors of their tents. The storm first fell upon Capt. Barton's company" of the Fourth United States Regiment, and Capt. Geiger's company of mounted riflemen, which formed the left angle of the rear line. The fire from the Indians was exceedingly severe, and HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 99 men in these companies suffered considerably before relief could be brought to them. Some few Indians passed into the encampment near the angle, and one or two penetrated to some distance before thev were killed. All the companies formed for action before they were fired on. The morning was dark and cloudy, and the fires of the Americans afforded only a partial light, which gave greater advantage to the enemy than to the troops, and they were there- fore extinguished. As soon as the Governor could mount his horse he rode to the angle which was attacked, where he found that Barton's company had suffered severely, and the left of Geiger's entirely broken. He immediately ordered Cook's and Wentworth's companies to march up to the center of the rear line, where were stationed a small com- pany of U. S. riflemen and the companies of Bean, Snelling and Prescott. As the General rode up he found Maj. Daviess forming the dragoons in the rear of these companies, and having ascertained that the heaviest fire proceeded from some trees 15 or 20 paces in front of these companies, he directed the Major to dislodge them with a part of the dragoons; but unfortunately the Major's gal- lantry caused him to undertake the execution of the order with a smaller force than was required, which enabled the enemy to avoid him in front and attack his flanks. He was mortally wounded and his men driven back. Gapt. Snelling, however, with his company immediately dislodged those Indians. Capt. Spencer and his 1st and 2nd Lieutenants were killed, and Capt. Warwick mortally wounded. The soldiery remained brave. Spencer had too much ground originally, and Harrison re-enforced him with a company of riflemen which had been driven from their position on the left flank. Gen. Harrison's aim was to keep the lines entire, to prevent the enemy from breaking into the camp until daylight, which would enable him to make a general and effectual charge. With this view he had re-enforced every part of the line that had suffered much, and with the approach of morning he withdrew several companies from the front and rear lines and re-enforced the right and left flanks, foreseeing that at these points the enemy would make their last effort. Maj. Wells, who had commanded the left flank, charged upon the enemy and drove them at the point of the bayonet into the marsh, where they could not be followed. Meanwhile Capt. Cook and Lieut. Larrabee marched their companies to the right flank and formed under tire of the enemy, and being there joined 100 HISTORY OF INDIANA. by tlie riflemen of that flank, charged upon the enemy, killing a number and putting the rest to a precipitate flight. Thus ended the famous battle of Tippecanoe, victoriously to the whites and honorably to Gen. Harrison. In this battle Mr. Harrison had about 700 efficient men, while the Indians had probably more than that. The loss of the Ameri- cans was 37 killed and 25 mortally wounded, and 126 wounded; the Indians lost 38 killed on the field of battle, and the number of the wounded was never known. Among the whites killed were Daviess, Spencer, Owen, Warwick, Randolph, Bean and White. Standing on an eminence near by, the Prophet encouraged his warriors to battle by singing a favorite war-song. He told them that they would gain an easy victory, and that the bullets of their enemies would be made harmless by the Great Spirit. Being informed duringthe engagement that some of the Indians were killed, he said that his warriors must fight on and they would soon be victorious. Immediately after their defeat the surviving Indians lost faith in their great (?) Proph- et, returned to their respective tribes, and thus the confederacy was destroyed. The Prophet, with a very few followers, then took up his residence among a small band of Wyandots encamped on Wild-Cat creek. His famous town, with all its possessions, was destroyed the next day, Nov. 8. On the 18th the American army returned to Yincennes, where most of the troops were discharged. The Territorial Legislature, being in session, adopted resolutions complimentary to Gov. Harri- son and the officers and men under him, and made preparations for a reception and celebration. Capt. Logan, the eloquent Shawanee chief who assisted our forces so materially, died in the latter part of November, 1812, from the efi'ects of a wound received in a skirmish with a recon- noitering party of hostile Indians accompanied by a white man in the British service, Nov. 23. In that skirmish the white man was killed, and Winamac, a Pottawatomie chief of some distinction, fell by the rifle of Logan. The latter was mortally wounded, when he retreated with two warriors of his tribe, Capt. Johnny and Bright-Horn, to the camp of Gen. Winchester, where he soon after- ward died. He was buried with the honors of war. WAR OF 1812 WITH GREAT BRITAIN. The victory recently gained by the Americans at the battle of Tippecanoe insured perfect peace for a time, but only a short time as the more extensive schemes of the British had so far ripened as to compel the United States again to declare war against them. Tecumseh had fled to Maiden, Canada, where, counseled by the English, he continued to excite the tribes against the Americans. As soon as this war with Great Britain was declared (June 18, 1812), the Indians, as was expected, commenced again to commit depredations. During the summer of 1812 several points along the Lake Region succumbed to theBritish, as Detroit, under Gen. Hull, Fort Dearborn (now Chicago), commanded by Capt. Heald under Gen. Hull, the post at Mackinac, etc. In the early part of September, 1812, parties of hostile Indians began to assemble in considerable numbers in the vicinity of Forts Wayne and Harrison, with a view to reducing them. Capt. Rhea, at this time, had command of Fort Wayne, but his drinking pro- pensities rather disqualified him for emergencies. For two weeks the fort was in great jeopardy. An express had been sent to Gen. Harrison for reinforcements, but many days passed without any tidings of expected assistance. At length, one day, Maj. Wm. Oliver and four friendly Indians arrived at the fort on horseback. One of the Indians was the celebrated Logan. They had come in defiance of " 500 Indians," had "broken their ranks" and readied the fort in safety. Oliver reported that Harrison was aware of the situation and was raising men for a re-en foi'cem en t. Ohio was also raising volunteers; 800 were then assembled at St. Mary's, Ohio, 60 miles south of Fort Wayne, and would march to the relief of the fort in three or four days, or as soon as they were joined by re- enforcements from Kentucky. Oliver prepared a letter, announcing to Gen. Harrison his safe ar- rival at the besieged fort, and giving an account of its beleaguered situation, which he dispatched by his friendly Shawanees, while he concluded to take his chances at the fort. Brave Logan and his companions started with the message, but had scfircely left the fort when they were discovered and pursued by the hostile Indians, yet passing the Indian lines in safety, they were soon out of reach. The Indians now began a furious attack iipon the fort; but the little garrison, with Oliver to cheer them on, bravely met the assault, re- pelling the attack day after day, until the army approached to their relief. During this siege the commandino; officer, whose habits of (101^ 102 HISTORY OF INDIANA. intemperance rendered him unfit for the command, was confined in the '-black hole,'* while the junior officer assumed charge. This course was approved by the General, on his arrival, but Capt. Rhea received very little censure, probably on account of his valuable ser- vices in the Revolutionary war. Sept. 6, 1S12, Harrison moved forward with his army to the re- lief of Fort Wayne; the next day he reached a point within three miles of St. Mary's river; the next day he reached the river and was joined at evening by 200 mounted volunteers, under Col. Rich- ard M. Johnson; the next day at "Shane's Crossing" on the St. Mary's they were joined by 800 men from Ohio, under Cols. Adams and Hawkins. At this place Chief Logan and four other Indians offered their services as spies to Gen. Harrison, and were accepted. Logan was immediately disguised and sent forward. Passing through the lines of the hostile Indians,he ascertained their number to be about 1,500, and entering the fort, he encourjiged the solaiers to hold out, as relief was at hand. Gen. Harrison's force at this time was about 3,500. After an early breakfast Friday morning they were under march- ing orders; it had rained and the guns were dainp; theywere dis- charged and reloaded; but that day only one Indian was encount- ered; preparations were made at night for an expected attack by the Indians, but no attack came; the next day, Sept. 10, they ex- pected to fight their way to Fort Wayne, but in that they were hap- pily disappointed ; and "At the first grey of the morning," as Bryce eloquently observes, " the distant halloos of the disappointed sav- ao-es revealed to the anxious inmates of the fort the glorious news of the approach of the army. Great clouds of dust could be seen from the fort, rolling up in the distance, as the valiant soldiery under Gen. Harrison moved forward to the rescue of the garrison and the brave boys of Kentucky and Ohio." This siege of Fort Wayne of course occasioned great loss to the few settlers who had gathered around the fort. At the time of its commencement quite a little village had clustered around the mili- tary works, but during the siege most of their improvements and crops were destroyed by the savages. Every building out of the reach of the guns of the fort was leveled to the ground, and thus the in- fant settlement was destroyed. During this siege the garrison lost but three men, while the Indians lost 25. Gen. Harrison had all the Indian villages for 25 miles around destroyed. Fort Wayne was nothing but a military post until about 1819. « HISTORY OF INDIANA. 103 Simultaneously with the attack on Fort "Wayne the Indians also besieged Fort Harrison, which was commanded byZachary Taylor. The Indians commenced firing upon the fort about 11 o'clock one night, when the garrison was in a rather poor plight for receiving them. The enemy succeeded in firing one of the block-houses, which contained whisky, and the whites hadgreat difliculty in pre- venting the burning of all the barracks. The word " fire " seemed to have thrown all the men into confusion; soldiers' and citizens' wives, wlio had taken shelter within the fort, were crying; Indians were yelling; many of the garrison were sick and unable to be on duty; the men despaired and gave themselves up as lost; two of the strongest and apparently most reliable men jumped the pickets in the very midst of the emergency, etc., so that Capt. Taylor was at his wit's end wliat to do; but he gave directions as to the many details, rallied the men by a new scheme, and after about seven hours succeeded in saving themselves. The Indians drove up the horses belonging to the citizens, and as they could not catch th^m very readily, shot the whole of them in the sight of their owners, and also killed a number of the hogs belonging to the whites. They drove off all of the cattle, 65 in number, as well as the public oxen. Among many other depredations committed by the savages dur- ing this period, was the massacre of the Pigeon Roost settlement, consisting of one man, five women and 16 children; a few escaped. An unsuccessful effort was made to capture these Indians, but when the news of this massacre and the attack on Fort Harrison reached Yincennes, about 1,200 men, under the command of Col. Wm. Russell, of the 7th U. S. Infantry, marched forth for the re- lief of the fort and to punish the Indians. On reaching the fort the Indians had retired from the vicinity; but on the 15th of Sep- tember a small detachment composed of 11 men, under Lieut. Rich- ardson, and acting as escort of provisions sent from Vincennes to Fort Harrison, was attacked by a party of Indians within the pres- ent limits of Sullivan county. It was reported that seven of these men were killed and one wounded. The provisions of course fell into the hands of the Indians. EXPEDITIONS AGAINST THE INDIANS. By the middle of August, through the disgraceful surrender of Gen. Hull, at Detroit, and the evacuation of Fort Dearborn and massacre of its garrison, the British and Indians were in possession of the whole ^Northwest. The savages, emboldened by their sue- 104 HISTORY OF INDIANA. • cesses, penetrated deeper into the settlements, committing great depredations. The activity and success of the enemy aroused the people to a realization of the great danger their homes and families were in. Gov. Edwards collected a force of 350 men at Camp Russell, and Capt. Kussell came from Vincennes with about 50 more. Being officered and equipped, they proceeded about the middle of October on horseback, carrying with them 20 day's rations, to Peoria. Capt. Craig was sent with two boats up the Illinois, with provisions and tools to build a fort. The little army proceeded to Peoria Lake, where was located a Pottawatomie village. They arrived late at night, within a few miles of the village, without their presence being known to the Indians. Four men were sent out that night to reconnoiter the position of the village. The four brave men who volunteered for this perilous service were Thomas Carlin (afterward Governor), and Robert, Stephen and Davis White- side. They proceeded to the village, and explored it and the ap- proaches to it thoroughly, without starting an Indian or provoking the bark of a dog. The low lands between the Indian village and the troops were covered with a rank growth of tall grass, so high and dense as to readily conceal an Indian on horseback, until within a few feet of him. The ground had become still more yielding by recent rains, rendering it almost impassable by mounted men. To prevent detection the soldiers had camped without lighting the usual camp-fires. The men lay down in their cold and cheerless camp, with many misgivings. They well remembered how the skulking savages fell upon Harrison's men at Tippecanoe during the night. To add to their fears, a gun in the hands of a soldier was carelessly discharged, raising great consternation in the camp. Tlirough a dense fog which prevailed the following morning, the array took up its line of march for the Indian town, Capt. Judy with his corps of spies in advance. In the tall grass they came up with an Indian and his squaw, both mounted. The Indian wanted to surrender, but Judy observed that he " did not leave home to take prisoners," and instantly shot one of them. With the blood streaming from his mouth and nose, and in his agony " singing the death song," the dying Indian raised his gun, shot and mortally wounded a Mr. Wright, and in a few minutes expired! Many guns were immediately discharged at the other Indian, not tlien known to be a squaw, all of which missed her. Badly scared, and her hus- band killed by her side, the agonizing wails of the squaw were heart-rending. She was taken prisoner, and afterward restored to her nation. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 105 On nearing the town a general charge was made, tlie Indians fleeina: to the interior wilderness. Some of their warriors made a stand, when a sharp engagement occurred, but the Indians were routed. In their flight thej left behind all their winter's store of provisions, which was taken, and their town burned. Some Indian children were found who had been left in the hurried flight, also some disabled adults, one of whom was in a starving condition, and with a voracious appetite partook of the bread given him. He is said to have been killed by a cowardly trooper straggling behind, after the main army had resumed its retrograde march, who wanted to be able to boast tiiat he had killed an Indian. September 19, 1812, Gen. Harrison was put in command of the Northwestern army, then estimated at 10,000 men, with these orders: "Having provided for the protection of the western front- ier, you will retake Detroit; and, with a view to the conquest of upper Canada, you will penetrate that country as far as the force under your command will in your judgment justify." Although surrounded by many difficulties, the General began immediately to execute these instructions. In calling for volun- teers from Kentucky, however, more men offered than could be received. At this time there were about 2,000 mounted volunteers at Vincennes, under the command of Gen. Samuel Hopkins, of the Revolutionary war, who was under instructions to operate against the enemy along the Wabash and Illinois rivers. Accordingly, early in October, Gen. Hopkins moved from Vincennes towards the Kickapoo villages in the Illinois territory, with about 2,000 troops; but after four or five days' march tlie men and officers raised a mutiny which gradually succeeded in carrying all back to Yin- cennes. The cause of their discontent is not apparent. About the same time Col. Russell, with two small companies of U. S. rangers, commanded by Capts. Perry and Modrell, marched from the neighborhood of Vincennes to unite with a small force of mounted militia under the command of Gov. Edwards, of Illinois, and afterward to march with the united troops from Cahokia toward Lake Peoria, for the purpose of co operating with Gen. Hopkins against the Indian towns in that vicinity; but not find- ing the latter on the ground, was compelled to retire. Immediately after the discharge of the mutinous volunteers, Gen. Hopkins began to organize another force, mainly of infantry, to reduce the Indians up the Wabash as far as the Prophet's town. These troops consisted of three regiments of Kentud^y militia, 106 HISTORY OF INDIANA. commanded by Cols. Barbour, Miller and Wilcox; a small company of regulars commanded by Capt. Zacliary Taylor; a company of rangers commanded by Capt. Beckes; and a company of scouts or spies under the command of Capt. Washburn. The main body of this army arrived at Fort Harrison Nov. 5; on the 11th it pro- ceeded up the east side of the Wabash into the heart of the Indian country, but found the villages generally deserted. Winter set- ting in severely, and the troops poorly clad, they had to return to Yincennes as rapidly as possible. With one exception the men behaved nobly, and did much damage to the enemy. That exception was the precipitate chase after an Indian by a detach- ment of men somewhat in liquor, until they found themselves sur- rounded by an overwhelming force of the enemy, and they had to retreat in disorder. At the close of this campaign Gen. Hopkins resigned his command. In the fall of 1812 Gen. Harrison assigned to Lieut. Col. John B. Campbell, of the 19th U. S. Inf., the duty of destroying the Miami villages on the Mississinewa river, with a detachment of about 600 men. Nov. 25, Lieut. Col. Campbell marched from Franklinton, according to orders, toward the scene of action, cau- tiously avoiding falling in with the Delavvares, who had been ordered by Gen. Harrison to retire to the Shavv'anee establishment on the Auglaize river, and arriving on the Mississinewa Dec. 17, when they discovered an Indian town inhabited by Delavvares and Miamis This and three other villages were destroyed. Soon after this, the sup])lies growing short and the troo])s in a suffering condition, Campbell began to consider the propriety of returning to Ohio; but just as he was calling together his officers early one morning to deliberate on the proposition, an army of Indians rushed upon them with fury. The engagement lasted an hour, with a loss of eight killed and 42 wounded, besides about 150 horses killed. The whites, however, succeeded in defending themselves and taking a number of Indians prisoners, who proved to be Mun- sies, of Silver Heel's band. Campbell, hearing that a large force of Indians were assembled at Mississinewa village, under Tecum- seh, determined to return to Greenville. The privations of his troops and the severity of the cold compelled him to send to that place for re-enforcements and supplies. Seventeen of the men had to be carried on litters. They were met b}' the re-enforcement about 40 miles from Greenville. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 107 Lieut. Col. Campbell sent two messages to the Delawares, who lived on White river and who had been previously directed and requested to abandon their towns on that river and remove into Ohio. In these messages he expressed his regret at unfortunately killing some of their men, and urged them to move to the Shaw- anee settlement on the Aucjlaize river. He assured them that their people, in his power, would be compensated by the Government for their losses, if not found to be hostile; and the friends of those killed satisfied by presents, if such satisfaction would be received. This advice was heeded by the main body of the Delawares and a few Miamis. The Shawanee Prophet, and some of the principal chiefs of the Miamis, retired from the country of the Wabash, and, with their destitute and suffering bands, moved to Detroit, where they were received as the friends and allies of Great Britain. On the approach of Gen. Harrison with his army in September, 1813, the British evacuated Detroit, and the Ottawas, Chippewas, Pottawatomies, Miamis and Kickapoos sued for peace with the United States, which was granted temporarily by Brig. Gen. Mc- Arthur, on condition of their becoming allies of the United States in case of war. In June, 1813, an expedition composed of 137 men, under com- mand of Col. Joseph Bartholomew, moved from Valonia toward the Delaware towns on the west fork of White river, to surprise and punish some hostile Indians who were supposed to be lurking about those villages. Most of these places they found deserted; some of them burnt. They had been but temporarily occupied for the purpose of collecting and carrying away corn. Col. Bartholo- mew's forces succeeded in killing one or two Indians and destroy- ing considerable corn, and they returned to Valonia on the 21st of this month. July 1, 1813, Col. William Russell, of the 7th U. S., organized a force of 573 effective men at Valonia and marched to the Indian villages about the mo nth of the Mississinewa. His experience was much like that of Col. Bartholomew, who had just preceded him. He had rainy weather, suflFered many losses, found the villages de- serted, destroyed stores of corn, etc. The Colonel reported that he went to every place where he expected to find the enemy, but they nearly always seemed to have fled the country. The march from Valonia to the mouth of the Mississinewa and return was about 250 miles. Several smaller expeditions helped to "checker" the surrounding 108 HISTORY OF INDIANA. country, and find that the Indians were very careful to keep them- selves out of sight, and thus closed this series of campaigns, CLOSE OF THE WAR. The war with England closed on the 24th of December, 1814, when a treaty of peace was signed at Ghent. The 9th article of the treaty required the United States to put an end to hostilities with all tribes or nations of Indians with whom they had been at war; to restore to such tribes or nations respectively all the rights and possessions to which they were entitled in 1811, before the war, on condition that such Indians should agree to desist from all hostilities against the United States. But in February, just before the treaty was sanctioned by our Government, there were signs of Indians accumulating arms and ammunition, and a cautionary order was therefore issued to have all the white forces in readiness for an attack by the Indians; but the attack was not made. During the ensuing summer and full the United States Government ac- quainted the Indians with the provisions of the treaty, and entered into subordinate treaties of peace with the principal tribes. Just before the treaty of Spring Wells (near Detroit) was signed, the Shawanee Prophet retired to Canada, but declaring his resolu- tion to abide by any treaty which the chiefs might sign. Some time afterward he returned to the Shawanee settlement in Ohio, and lastly to the west of the Mississippi, where he died, in 1834. The British Government allowed him a pension from 1813 until his death. His brother Tecumseh was killed at the battle of the Thames, Oct. 5, 1813, by a Mr. Wheatty, as we are positively in- formed by Mr. A. J. James, now a resident of LaHarpe township, Hancock county. III., whose father-in-law, John Pigman, of Co- shocton county, Ohio, was an eye witness. Gen. Johnson has gener- ally had the credit of killing Tecumseh. TECDMSEH. TECUMSEH. If one should inquire who has been the greatest Indian, the most noted, the " principal Indian " in North America since its discov- ery by Columbus, we would be obliged to answer, Tecumseh. For all those quailities which elevate a man far above his race; for talent, tact, skill and bravery as a warrior; for high-minded, honorable and chivalrous bearing as a man; in a word, for all those elements of greatness which place him a long way above his fellows in savage life, the name and fame of Tecnmseh will go down to posterity in the West as one of the most celebrated of the aborigines of this continent, — as one who had no equal among the tribes that dwelt in the country drained by the Mississippi. Born to command him- self, he used all the appliances that would stimulate the courage and nerve the valor of his followers. Always in the front rank of battle, his followers blindly followed his lead, and as his war-cry rang clear above the din and noise of the battle-field, the Shawnee warriors, as they rushed on to victory or the grave, rallied around Iiim, foemen worthy of the steel of the most gallant commander that ever entered the lists in defense of his altar or his home. The tribe to which Tecumseh, or Tecumtha, as some write it, be- longed, was the Shawnee, or Shawanee. The tradition of the nation held that they originally came from the Gulf of Mexico; that they wended their way up the Mississippi and the Ohio, and settled at or near the present site of Shawneetown, 111., whence they removed to the upper Wabash. In the latter place, at any rate, they were found early in the 18tli century, and were known as the " bravest of the brave." This tribe has uniformly been the bitter enemy of the white man, and in every contest with our people has exhibited a degree of skill and strategy that should characterize the most dangerous foe. Tecumseh's notoriety and that of his brother, the Prophet, mutu- ally served to establish and strengthen each other. While the Prophet had unlimited power, spiritual and temporal, he distributed his greatness in all the departments of Indian life with a kind of fanaticism that magnetically aroused the religious and superstitious passions, not only of his own followers, but also of all the tribes in (111) 112 UISTORY OF INDIANA. this part of the country; but Tecuraseh concentrated his greatness upon the more practical and business affairs of military conquest. It is doubted whether he was really a sincere believer in the preten- sions of his fanatic brother; if he did not believe in the pretentious feature of them he had the shrewdness to keep his unbelief to him- self, knowino; that religious fanaticism was one of the strongest im- pulses to reckless bravery. Durino- his sojourn in the Northwestern Territory, it was Tecum- seh's uppermost desire of life to confederate all the Indian tribes of the Gountrv together against the whites, to maintain their choice hunting grounds. All his public policy converged toward this sin- gle end. In his vast scheme he comprised even all the Indians in the Gulf country, — all in America west of the Alleghany moun- tains. He held, as a subordinate principle, that the Great Spirit had given the Indian race all these hunting-grounds to keep in common, and that no Indian or tribe could cede any portion of the land to the whites without the consent of all the tribes. Hence, in all his councils with the whites he ever maintained that the treaties were null and void. When he met Harrison at Yincennes in council the last time, and, as he was invited by that General to take a seat with him on the platform, he hesitated; Harrison insisted, saying that it was the "wish of their Great Father, the President of the United States, that he should do so." The chief paused a moment, raised his tall and commanding form to its greatest height, surveyed the troops and crowd around him, fixed his keen eyes upon Gov. Harrison, and then turning them to the sky above, and pointing toward heaven with his sinewy arm in a manner indicative of supreme contempt for the paternity assigned him, said in clarion tones: " My father? The sun is my father, the earth is my mother, and on her bosom I will recline." He then stretched himself, with his war- riors, on the green sward. The effect was electrical, and for some moments there was perfect silence. The Governor, then, through an interpreter, told him that he un- derstood he had some complaints to make and redress to ask, etc., and that he wished to investigate the matter and make restitution wherever it mio-ht be decided it should be done. As soon as the Governor was through with this introductory speech, the stately warrior arose, tall, athletic, manly, dignified and graceful, and with a voice at first low, but distinct and musical, commenced a reply. As he warmed up with his subject his clear tones might be heard, HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 113 as if " trnmpet-tongned," to the utmost limits of the assembly. The most perfect silence prevailed, except when his warriors gave their guttural assent to some eloquent recital of the red man's wrong and the white man's injustice. Tecumseh recited the wrongs which his race had suffered from the time of the massacre of the Moravian Indians to the present; said he did not know how he could ever again be the friend of the white man; that the Great Spirit had given to the Indian all the land from the Miami to the Mississippi, and from the lakes to the Ohio, as a common property to all the tribes in these borders, and that the land could not and should not be sold without the consent of all; that all the tribes on the continent formed but one nation; that if the United States would not give up the lands they had bought of the Miamis and the other tribes, those united with him were determined to annihi- late those tribes; that they were determined to have no more chiefs, but in future to be governed by their warriors; that unless the whites ceased their encroachments upon Indian lands, the fate of the Indians was sealed; they had been driven from the banks of the Delaware across the Alleghanies, and their possessions on the Wabash and the Illinois were now to be taken from them; that in a few years they would not have ground enough to bury their war- riors on this side of the "Father of Watei-s;" that all would perish, all their possessions taken from them by fraud or force, unless they stopped the progress of the white man westward; that it must be a war of races in which one or the other must perish; that their tribes had been driven toward the setting sun like a galloping horse (ne-kat a-kush-e ka-top-o-lin-to). The Shawnee language, in which this most eminent Indian states- man spoke, excelled all other aboriginal tongues in its musical ar- ticulation; and the effect of Tecumseh's oratory on this occasion can be more easily imagined than described. Gov. Harrison, although as brave a soldier and General as any American, was over- come by this speech. He well knew Tecumseh's power and influ- ence among all the tribes, knew his bravery, courage and determi- nation, and knew that he meant what he said. When Tecumseh was done speaking there was a stillness throughout the assembly which was really painful; not a whisper was heard, and all eyes were turned from the speaker toward Gov. Harrison, who after a few moments came to himself, and recollecting many of the absurd statements of the great Indian orator, began a reply which was more logical, if not so eloquent. The Shawnees were attentive un- 114 HISTORY OF INDIANA. til Harrison's interpreter began to translate his speech to the Mia- mis and Pottawatomies, when Tecuiuseh and his warriors sprang to their feet, brandishing their war-dubs and tomahawks. "Tell him," said Tecumseh, addressing the interpreter in Shawnee, " he lies." The interpreter undertook to convey this message to the Gov'ernor in smoother language, but Tecumseh noticed the effort and remonstrated, " No, no; tell him he lies." The warriors began to grow more excited, when Secretary Gibson ordered the Ameri- can troops in arms to advance. This allayed the rising storm, and as soon as Tecumseh's " He lies " was literally interpreted to the Governor, the latter told Tecumseh through the interpreter to tell Tecumseh he would hold no further council with him. Thus the assembly was broken up, and one can hardly imagine a more exciting scene. It would constitute the finest subject for a historical painting to adorn the rotunda of the capitol. The next day Tecumseh requested another interview with the Governor, which was granted on condition that he should make an apology to the Governor for his language the day before. This he made through the interpreter. Measures for defease and protection were taken, however, lest there should be another outbreak. Two com- panies of militia were ordered from the country, and the one in town a'dded to them, while the Governor and his friends went into council fully armed and prepared for any contingency. On this oc- casion the conduct of Tecumseh was entirely different from that of the day before. Firm and intrepid, showing not the slightest fear or alarm, surrounded with a military force four times his own, he preserved the utmost composure and equanimity. No one would have supposed that he could have been the principal actor in the thrilling scene of the previous day. He claimed that half the Americans were in sympathy with him. He also said that whites had informed him that Gov, Harrison had purchased land from the Indians without any authority from the Government; that he, Harrison, had but two years more to remain in office, and that if he, Tecumseh, could prevail upon the Indians who Sf)ld the lands not to receive their annuities for that time, and the present Gover- nor displaced by a good man as his successor, the latter would re- store to the Indians all the lands purchased from them. The Wyandots, Kickapoos, Pottawatomies, Ottawas and the Win- nebagoes, through their respective spokesmen, declared their adherence to the o^reat Shawnee warrior and statesman. Gov. Harri- son then told them that he would send Tecumseh's speech to thePresi- HISTORYOF INDIANA. 115 dent of the United States and return the answer to the Indians as soon as it was received. Tecumseh then declared that he and his allies were determined that the old boundary line should continue; and that if the whites crossed it, it would be at their peril . Gov. Harrison re- plied that he would be equally plain with him and state that the President would never allow that the lands on the Wabash were the property of any other tribes than those who had occupied them since the white people first came to America; and as the title to the lands lately purchased was derived from those tribes by a fair purchase, he might rest assured that the right of the United States would be supported by the sword. " So be it," was the stern and haughty reply of the Shawnee chieftan, as he and his braves took leave of the Governor and wended their way in Indian file to their camping ground. Thus ended the last conference on earth between the chivalrous Tecumseh and the hero of the battle of Tippecanoe. The bones of the first lie bleaching on the battle-field of the Thames, and those of the last in a mausoleum on the banks of the Ohio; each strug- gled for the mastery of his race, and each no doubt was equally honest and patriotic in his purposes. The weak yielded to the strong, the defenseless to the powerful, and the hunting-ground of the Shawnee is all occupied by his enemy. Tecumseh, with four of his braves, immediately embarked in a birch canoe, descended the Wabash, and went on to the South to unite the tribes of that country in a general system of self-defense against the encroachment of the whites. His emblem was a dis- jointed snake, with the motto, "Join or die!" In union alone was strength. Before Tecumseh left the Prophet's town at the mouth of the Tippecanoe river, on his excursion to the South, he had a definite understanding with his brother and the chieftains of the other tribes in the Wabash country, that they should preserve perfect peace with the whites until his arrangements were completed for a con- federacy of the tribes on both sides of the Ohio and on the Missis- sippi river; but it seems that while he was in the South engaged in his work of uniting the tribes of that country some of the North- ern tribes showed signs of fight and precipitated Harrison into that campaign which ended in the battle of Tippecanoe and the total route of the Indians. Tecumseh, on his return from the South, learning what had happened, was overcome with chagrin, disappoint- ment and anger, and accused his brother of duplicity and coward- 116 HISTORY OF INDIANA. • ice; indeed, it is said that he never forgave him to the day of his death. A short time afterward, on the breaking out of the war of Great Britain, he joined Proctor, at Maiden, with a party of his warriors, and finally suffered the fate mentioned on page 108, CI\riL MATTERS lS12-'5. Owing to the absence of Gov. Harrison on military duty, John Gibson, the Secretary of the Territory, acted in the administration of civil affairs. In his message to the Legislature convening on the 1st of February, 1813, he said, substantially: "Did I possess the abilities of Cicero or Demosthenes, I could not portray in more glowing colors our foreign and domestic politi- cal situation than it is already experienced within our own breasts. The United States have been compelled, by frequent acts of injus- tice, to declare war against England. For a detail of the causes of this war I would refer to the messai>-e of President Madison; it does honor to his head and heart. Although not an admirer of war, I am glad to see our little but inimitable navy riding triumph- ant on the seas, but chagrined to find that our armies by land are so little successful. The spirit of '76 appears to have fled from our continent, or, if not fled, is at least asleep, for it appears not to pervade our armies generally. At your last assemblage our politi- cal horizon seemed clear, and our infant Territory bid fair for rapid and rising grandeur; but, alas, the scene has changed; and whether this change, as respects our Territory, has been owing to an over anxiety in us to extend our dominions, or to a wish for retaliation by our foes, or to a foreign influence, I shall not say. The Indians^ our former neighbors and friends, have become our most inveterate foes. Our former frontiers are now our wilds, and our inner settle- ments have become frontiers. Some of our best citizens, and old men worn down with age, and helpless women and innocent babes, have fallen victims to savage cruelty. I have done my duty as well as I can, and hope that the interposition of Providence will protect us." The many complaints made about the Territorial Government Mr. Gibson said, were caused more by default of officers than of the law. Said he: " It is an old and, I believe, correct adage, that ' good officers make good soldiers.' This evil having taken root, I do not know how it can be eradicated; but it may be remedied. In place of men searching after and accepting commissions before they HISTORY OF INDIANA. 117 are even tolerably qualified, thereby subjecting themselves to ridi- cule and their country to ruin, barely for the name of the thing, I think may be remedied by a previous examination." Durinor this session of the Les^islature the seat of the Territorial Government was, declared to be at Corydon, and immediately acting Governor Gibson prorogued the Legislature to meet at that place, the first Monday of December, 1813. During this ^^ear the Terri- tory was almost defenseless; Indian outrages were of common occurrence, but no general outbreak was made. The militia-men were armed with rifles and long knives, and many of the rangers carried tomahawks. In 1813 Thomas Posey, who was at that time a Senator in Con- gress from Tennessee, and who had been ofiicer of the army of the Revolution, was appointed Governor of Indiana Territory, to suc- ceed Gen. Harrison. He arrived in Vincennes and entered upon the discharge of his duties May 25, 1813. During this year several expeditions against the Indian settlements were set on foot. In his first message to the Leofislature the followins; December, at Corydon, Gov. Posey said: " The present crisis is awful, and big with great events. Our land and nation is involved in the common calamity of war; but we are under the protecting care of the benefi- cent Being,who has on a former occasion brought us safely through an arduous struggle and placed us on a foundation of independence, freedom and happiness. He will not suffer to be taken from us what He, in His great wisdom has thought proper to confer and bless us with, if we make a wise and virtuous use of His good gifts. * * * Although our affairs, at the commencement of the war, wore a gloomy aspect, they have brightened, and promise a certainty of success, if properly directed and conducted, of which I have no doubt, as the President and heads of departments of the general Government are men of undoubted patriotism, talents and experience, and who have grown old in the service of their country. "^ * * It must be obvious to every thinking man that we were forced into the war, Every measure consistent with honor, both before and since the declaration of war, has tried to be on amicable terms with our enemy, * * * You who reside in various parts of the Territory have it in your power to understand what will tend to its local and general advantage. The judiciary system would require a revisal and amendment. The militia law is very defective and requires your immediate attention. It is necessary to have 118 IIISTOKY OF INDIANA. • good roads and highways in as many directions through the Terri- tory as the circumstances and situation of the inhabitants will admit; it would contribute very much to promote the settlement and improvement of the Territory. Attention to education is highly necessary. There is an appropriation made by Congress, in lands, for the purpose of establishing public schools. It comes now with- in your province to carry into operation the design of the appro- priation." This Legislature passed several very necessary laws for the wel- fare of the settlements, and the following year, as Gen. Harrison was generally successful in his military campaigns in the North- west, the settlements in Indiana began to increase and improve. The fear of danger from Indians had in a great measure subsided, and the tide of immigration began again to flow. In January, 1814, about a thousand Miamis assembled at Fort Wayne for the purpose of obtaining food to prevent starvation. They met with ample hospitality, and their example was speedily followed by others. These, with other acts of kindness, won the lasting friend- ship of the Indians, many of whom had fought in the interests of Great Britain. General treaties between the United States and the JSTorthwestern tribes were subsequently concluded, and the way was fully opened for the improvement and settlement of the lands, POPULATION IN 1815. The population of the Territory of Indiana, as given in the official returns to the Legislature of 1815, was as follows, by counties: COUNTIES. White males of il and over. TOTAL, Wayne 1,225 G,407 Franklin 1,430 7,370 Dearborn 903 4,424 Switzerland 377 1,833 Jefferson • • • 874 4,270 Clark 1,387 '. 7,150 Washington 1,420 7,317 Harrison 1,056 6,975 Knox 1,391 .. 8,068 Gibson 1,100 5,3oO Posey 320 1,6 19 Warrick 280 1,41.'> Perry 350 1,720 Grand Totals 12,113 63,897 GENERAL VIEW. The well-known ordinance of 1787 conferred many " rights and privileges " upon the inhabitants of tiie Northwestern Territui'v, and HISTORY OF INDIANA. 119 consequently upon the people of Indiana Territory, but after all it came far short of conferring as many privileges as are enjoyed at the present day by our Territories, They did not have a full form of Republican government. A freehold estate in 500 acres of land was one of the necessary qualifications of each member of the legis- lative council of the Territory ; every member of the Territorial House of Representatives was required to hold, in his own riglit, 200 acres of land; and the privilege of voting for members of the House of Representatives was restricted to those inhabitants who, in addi- tion to other qualifications, owned severally at least 50 acres of land. The Governor of the the Territory was invested with the power of appointing officers of the Territorial militia, Judges of the inferior Courts, Clerks of the Courts, Justices of the Peace, Sherifis, Coroners, County Treasurers and County Surveyors. He was also authorized to divide the Territory into districts; to apportion among the several counties the members of the House of Represent- atives; to prevent the passage of any Territorial law; and to con- vene and dissolve the General Assemblv whenever he thought best. None of the Governors, however, ever exercised these extraordinary powers arbitrarily. Nevertheless, the people were constantly agi- tating the question of extending the right of sufi"rage. Five years after the organization of the Territory, the Legislative Council, in reply to the Governor's Message, said: "Although we are not as completely independent in our legislative capacity as we would wish to be, yet we are sensible that we must wait with patience for that period of time when our population will burst the trammels of a Territorial government, and we shall assume the character more consonant to Republicanism. * * * The confidence which our fellow citizens have uniformly had in your administration has been such that they have hitherto had no reason to be jealous of the un- limited power which you possess over our legislative proceedings. We, however, cannot help regretting that such powers have been lodged in the hands of any one, especially when it is recol- lected to what dangerous lengths the exercise of those powers may be extended." After repeated petitions the people of Indiana were empowered by Congress to elect the members of the Legislative Council by popu- lar vote. This act was passed in 1809, and defined what was known as the property qualification of voters. These qualifications were abolished by Congress in 1811, which extended the right of voting for members of the General Assembly and for a Territorial delegate 120 HISTOKY OF INDIANA. to Congress to every free white male person who had attained the age of twenty -one years, and who, having paid a county or Terri- torial tax, was a resident of the Territory and had resided in it for a year. In 1814 the voting qualitication in Indiana was defined by Congress, " to every free white male person having a freehold in the Territory, and being a resident of the same." The House of Representatives was authorized by Congress to lay off the Territory into five districts, in each of which the qualified voters were em- powered to elect a member of the Legislative Council. The division was made, one to two counties in each district. At the session in August, 1814, the Territory was also divided into three judicial circuits, and provisions were made for holding courts in the same. The Governor was empowered to appoint a presiding Judge in each circuit, and two Associate Judges of the circuit court in each county. Their compensation was fixed at $700 per annum. The same year the General Assembly granted charters to two banking institutions, the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Madi- son and the Bank ofVincennes. The first was authorized to raise a capital of $750,000, and the other $500,000. On the organization of the State these banks were merged into the State Bank and its branches. Here we close the history of the Territory of Indiana. OEGANIZATION OF THE STATE. • The last regular session of the Territorial Legislature was held at Corydon, convening in December, 1815. The message of Governor Posey congratulated the people of the Territory upon the general successof the settlements and the great increase of immigration, recommended light taxes and a careful attention to the promotion of education and the improvement of the State roads and highways. He also recommended a revision of the territorial laws and an amendment of the militia system. Several laws were passed pre- paratory to a State Government, and December 14, 1815, a me- morial to Congress was adopted praying for the authority to adopt a constitution and State Government. Mr. Jennings,the Territorial delegate, laid this memorial before Congress on the 2Sth, and April 19, 1816, the President approved the bill creating the State of In- diana. Accordingly, May 30 following, a general election was held for a constitutional convention, which met at Corydon June 10 to 29, Johathan Jennings presiding and Wm. Hendricks acting as Secretary. "The convention that formed the first constitution of the State of Indiana M'as composed mainly of clear-minded, unpretending men of common sense, whose patriotism was unquestionable and whose morals were fair. Their familiarity with the theories of the Declaration of American Independence, their Territorial experience under the provisions of the ordinance of 1787, and their knowledge of the principles of the constitution of the United States were sufficient, when combined, to lighten materially their labors in the great work of forming a constitution for a new State. With such landmarks in view, the labors of similar conventions in other States and Ter- ritories have been rendered comparatively light. In the clearness and conciseness of its style, in the comprehensive and just pro- visions which it made for the maintainance of civil and relio^ious liberty, in its mandates, which were designed to protect the rights of the people collectively and individually, and to provide for the public welfare, the constitution that was formed for Indiana in 1816 was not inferior to any of the State constitutions which were in ex- istence at that time." — Dillon'' s History of Indiana. (121) 122 HIt>TOKY OV INDIANA. The first State election took place on the first Monday of August, 1816, and Jonathan Jennings was elected Governor, and Christo- pher Harrison, Lieut. Governor. Win. Hendricks was elected to represent the new State in the House of Representatives of the United States. The first General Assembly elected under the new constitution began its session at Corydon, Nov. 4-, 1816. John Paul was called to the chair of the Senate pro tem., and Isaac Blackford was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. Among other things in the new Governor's message were the following remarks: " The result of your deliberation will be con- sidered as indicative of its future character as well as of the future happiness and prosperity of its citizens. In the commencement of the State government the shackles of the colonial should be for- gotten in our exertions to prove, by happy experience, that a uni- Ibrm adherence to the first principles of our Government and a virtuous exercise oif its powers will best secure efficiency to its measures and stability to its character. Without a frequent recur- rence to those principles, the administration of the Government will imperceptibly become more and more arduous, until the sim- plicity of our Republican institutions may eventually be lost in dangerous expedients and political design. Under every free gov- ernment the happiness of the citizens must be identified with their morals; and while a constitutional exercise of their rights shall continue to have its due weight in discharge of the duties required of the constituted authorities of the State, too much attention can- not be bestowed to the encouragement and promotion of every moral virtue, and to the enactment of laws calculated to restrain the vicious, and prescribe punishment for every crime commensu- rate with its enormity. In measuring, however, to each crime its adequate punishment, it will be well to recollect that the certainty of punishment has generally the surest effect to prevent crime; while punishments unnecessarily severe too often produce the ac- quittal of the guilty and disappoint one of the greatest objects of legislation and good government * * * The dissemination of useful knowledge will be indispensably necessary as a support to morals and as a restraint to vice; and on this subject it will only be necessary to direct your attention to the plan of education as prescribed by the constitution. * * --^ I recommend to your consideration the propriety of providing by law, to prevent more effectually any unlawful attempts to seize and carry into bondage INDIANS ATTACKING FKONTIERSMEN. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 125 persons of color legally entitled to their freedom; and at the same time, as far as practicable, to prevent those who rightfully owe ser- vice to the citizens of any other State or Territory from seeking within the limits of this State a refuge from the possession of their lawful owners. Such a measure will tend to secure those who are free from any unlawful attempts (to enslave them) and secures the rights of the citizens of the other States and Territories as far as ought reasonably to be expected." This session of the Legislature elected James Noble and Waller Taylor to the Senate of the United States; Robert A. l^ew was elected Secretary of State; W. H. Lilley, Auditor of State; and Daniel C. Lane, Treasurer of State. The session adjourned Janu- ary 3, 1817. As the history of the State of Indiana from this time forward is best given by topics, we will proceed to give them in the chronolog- ical order of their origin. The happy close of the war with Great Britain in 1814 was fol- lowed by a great rush of immigrants to the great Territory of the Korthwest, including the new States, all now recently cleared of the enemy; and by 1820 the State of Indiana had more than doubled her population, having at this time 147,178, and by 1825 nearly doubled this again, that is to say, a round quarter of a mil- lion, — a growth more rapid probably than that of any other section in this country since the days of Columbus. The period lS25-'30 was a prosperous time for the young State. Immigration continued to be rapid, the crops were generally good and the hopes of the people raised higher than they had ever been before. Accompanying this immigration, however, were paupers and indolent people, who threatened to be so numerous as to become a serious burden. On this subject Governor Ray called for legislative action, but the Legislature scarcely knew what to do and they deferred action. BLACK HAWK WAR In 1830 there still lingered within the bounds of the State two tribes of Indians, whose growing indolence, intemperate habits, dependence upon their neighbors for the bread of life, diminished prospects of living by the chase, continued perpetration of murders and other outrages of dangerous precedent, primitive igno- rance and unrestrained exhibitions of savao^e customs before the children of the settlers, combined to make them subjects for a more rigid government. The removal of the Indians west of the Missis- sippi was a melancholy but necessary duty. The time having arrived for the emigration of the Pottawatomies, according to the stipulations contained in their treaty with the United States, they evinced that reluctance common among aboriginal tribes on leav- ing the homes of their childhood and the graves of their ancestors. Love of country is a principle planted in the bosoms of all man- kind. The Laplander and the Esquimaux of the frozen north, who feed on seals, moose and the meat of the polar bear, would not exchange their country for the sunny clime of "Araby the blest." Color and shades of complexion have nothing to do with the heart's best, warmest emotions. Then we should not wonder that the Pottawatomie, on leaving his home on the Wabash, felt as sad as JEschines did when ostracised from his native land, laved by the waters of the classic Scamander; and the noble and eloquent Nas- waw-kay, on leaving the encampment on Crooked creek, felt his banishment as keenly as Cicero when thrust from the bosom of his beloved Rome, for which he had spent the best efforts of his life, and for which he died. On Sunday morning. May 18, 1832, the people on the west side of the Wabash were thrown into a state of great consternation, on account of a report that a large body of hostile Indians had approached within 15 miles of Lafayette and killed two men. The alarm soon spread tliroughout Tippecanoe, Warren, Yermillion, Fountain, Montgomery, and adjoining counties. Several brave commandants of companies on the west side of the Wabash in Tippecanoe county, raised troops to go and meet the enemy, and dispatched an express to Gen. Walker with a request that he should (136) HISTORY OF INDIANA. ' 127 make a call upon the militia of the county to equip themselves instantly and march to the aid of their bleeding countrymen. Thereupon Gen. Walker, Col. Davis, Lieut-Col. Jenners, Capt. Brown, of the artillery, and various other gallant spirits mounted their war steeds and proceeded to the army, and thence upon a scout to the Grand Prairie to discover, if possible, the number, intention and situation of the Indians. Over 300 old men, women and children flocked precipitately to Lafayette and the surrounding country east of the Wabash. A remarkable event occurred in this stampede, as follows: A man, wife and seven children resided on the edg'e of the Grand Prairie, west of Lafayette, in a locality considered particu- larly dangerous. On hearing of this alarm he made hurried preparations to fly with his family to Lafayette for safety. Imag- ine his surprise and chagrin when his wife told him she would not go one step; that she did not believe in being scared at trifles, and in her opinion there was not an Indian within 100 miles of them. Importunity proved unavailing, and the disconsolate and frightened husband and father took all the children except the youngest, bade liis wife and babe a long and solemn farewell, never expecting to see them again, unless perhaps he might find their mangled re- mains, minus their scalps. On arriving at Lafayette, his acquaint- ances rallied and berated him for abandoning his wife and child in that way, but he met their jibes with a stoical indifference, avowing that he should not be held responsible for their obstinacy. As the shades of the first evening drew on, the wife felt lonely; and the chirping of the frogs and the notes of the whippoorwill only intensified her loneliness, until she half wished she had accom- panied the rest of the family in their flight. She remained in the house a .ew hours without striking a light, and then concluded that " discretion was the better part of valor," took her babe and some bed-clothes, fastened the cabin door, and hastened to a sink- hole in the woods, in which she afterward said that she and her babe slept soundly until sunrise next morning. Lafayette literally boiled over with people and patriotism. A meeting was held at the court-house, speeches were made by patriotic individuals, and to allay the fear& of the women an armed police was immediately ordered, to be called the " Lafayette Guards." Thos. T. Benbridge was elected Captain, and John Cox, Lieutenant. Capt. Benbridge yielded the active drill of his guards to the Lieutenant, who had served two years in the war of 1812. After 128 HISTORY OF INDIANA. the meeting adjourned, tl.e guards were paraded on the green where Purdue's block now stands, and put through sundry evohi- tions by Lieut. Cox, who proved to be an expert drill officer, and whose clear, shrill voice rung out on the night air as he marched and counter-marched the troops from where the paper-mill stands to Main street ferry, and over the suburbs, generally. Every old gun and sword that could be found was brought into requisition, with a new shine on them. Gen. Walker, Colonels Davis and Jenners, and other officers joined in a call of the people of Tippecanoe county for volunteers to march to the frontier settlements. A large meeting of the citizens assembled in the public square in the town, and over 300 volunteers mostly mounted men, left for the scene of action, with an alacrity that would have done credit to veterans. The first night they camped nine miles west of Lafayette, near Grand Prairie. They placed sentinels for the night and retired to rest. A few of the subaltern officers very injudiciously concluded to try what effect a false alarm would have upon the sleeping sol- diers, and a few of them withdrew to a neighboring thicket, and thence made a charge upon the picket guards, who , after hailing them and receiving no countersign, fired off" their guns and ran for the Colonel's marquee in the center of the encampment. The aroused Colonels and stafi'sprang to their feet, shouting "To arms! to arms!" and the obedient, though panic-stricken soldiers seized their guns and demanded to be led ao:ainst the invadino^ foe. A wild scene of disorder ensued, and amid the din of arms and loud commands of the officers the raw militia felt that tliey had already got into the red jaws of battle. One of the alarm sentinels, in running to the center of the encampment, leaped over a blazing camp fire, and alighted full upon the breast and stomach of a sleeping lawyer, who was, no doubt, at that moment dreaming of vested and contingent remainders, rich clients and good fees, which in legal parlance was suddenly estopped by the hob-nails in the stogas of the scared sentinel. As soon as the counselor's vitality and consciousness sufficiently returned, he put in some strong demurrers to the con- duct of the affi'lghted picket men, averring that he would greatly prefer being wounded by the enemy to being run over by a cowardly booby. Next morning the organizers of the ruse were severely reprimanded. May 28, 1832, Governor Noble ordered General Walker to call out his whole command, if necessary, and supply arms, horses and HISTORY OF INDIANA. 129 provisions, even though it be necessary to seize them. The next day four baggage wagons, loaded with camp equipments, stores, provisions and other articles, were seat to the little army, who were thus provided for a campaign of five or six weeks. The following Tliursday a squad of cavalry, under Colonel Sigler, passed through Lafayette on the way to the hostile region; and on the 13th of June Colonel Russell, commandant of the 40th Regiment, Indiana Militia, . passed through Lafayette with 340 mounted volunteers from the counties of Marion, Hendricks and Johnson. Also, several com- panies of volunteers from Montgomery, Fountain and Warren counties, hastened to the relief of the frontier settlers. The troops from Lafayette marched to Sugar creek, and after a short time, there being no probability of finding any of the enemy, were ordered to return. They all did so except about 45 horsemen, who volunteered to cross Hickory creek, where the Indians had com- mitted their depredations. They organized a company by electing Samuel McGeorge, a soldier of the war of 1812, Captain, and Amos Allen and Andrew W. Ingraham, Lieutenants. Crossing Hickory creek, they marched as far as O'Plein river without meeting with opposition. Finding no enemy here they concluded to return. On the first night of their march home they encamped on the open prairie, posting sentinels, as usual. About ten o'clock it began to rain, and it was with difficulty that the sen- tinels kept their guns dry, Capt. I. H. Cox and a man named Fox had been posted as sentinels within 1-5 or 20 paces of each other. Cox drew the skirt of his overcoat over his gun-lock to keep it dry; Fox, perceiving this motion, and in the darkness taking him for an Indian, fired upon him and fractured his thigh-bone. Several sol- diers immediately ran toward the place where the flash of the gim had been seen; but when they cocked and leveled their guns on the figure which had fired at Cox, the wounded man caused them to desist by crying, " Don't shoot him, it was a sentinel who shot me." The next day the wounded man was left behind the company in care of four men, who, as soon as possible, removed him on a litter to Col. Moore's company of Illinois militia, then encamped on the O'Plein, where Joliet now stands. Although the main body returned to Lafayette in eight or nine days, yet the alarm among the people was so great that they could not be induced to return to their farms for some time. The pres- ence of the hostiles was hourly expected by the frontier settlements of Indiana, from Vincennes to La Porte. In Clinton county the 130 UISTORY OF INDIANA. • inhabitants gathered within the forts and prepared for a regular siege, while our neighbors at Crawfordsville were suddenly astounded by the arrival of a courier at full speed with the announce- ment that the Indians, more than a thousand in number, were then crossing the Nine-Mile prairie about twelve miles north of town, killing and scalping all. The strongest houses were immediately put in a condition of defense, and sentinels were placed at the prin- cipal points in the direction of the enemy. Scouts were sent out to reconnoitre, and messengers were dispatched iu different directions to announce the danger to the farmers, and to urge them to hasten with their families into town, and to assist in fighting the nioment- aril}'- expected savages. At night-ftill the scouts brought in the news that the Indians had not crossed the Wabash, but were hourly expected at Lafayette. The citizens of Warren, Fountain and Ver- million counties were alike terrified bvexao;fferated stories of Indian massacres, and immediately prepared for defense. It turned out that the Indians wefe not within 100 miles of these temporary forts; but this by no means proved a want of courage in the citizens. After some time had elapsed,- a portion of the troops were marched back into Tippecanoe county and honorably discharged; but the settlers were still loth for a long time to return to their farms. Assured by published reports that the Miamis and Potta- watomies did not intend to join the hostiles, the people by degrees recovered from the panic and began to attend to their neglected crops. During this time there was actual war in Illinois. Black Hawk and his warriors, well nigh surrounded by a well-disciplined foe, attempted to cross to the west bank of the Mississippi, but after being chased up into Wisconsin and to the Mississippi again, he was in a final battle taken captive. A few years after his liberation, about 1837 or 1838, he died, on the banks of the Des Moines river, in Iowa, in what is now the county of Davis, where his remains were deposited above ground, in the usual Indian style. His re- mains were afterward stolen and carried away, but they were re- covered by the Governor of Iowa and placed in the museum of the Historical Society at Burlington, where they were finally destroyed by fire. LAST EXODUS OF THE INDIANS. In July, 1837, Col. Abel 0. Pepper convened the Pottawatomie nation of Indians at Lake Ke-waw-nay for the purpose of remov- ing them west of the Mississippi. That fall a small party of some 80 or 90 Pottawatomies was conducted west of the Mississippi river by George Proffit, Esq. Among the number were Ke-waw- nay, Nebash, Nas-waw-kay, Pash-po-ho and many other leading men of the nation. The regular emigration of these poor Indians, about 1,000 in number, took place under Col. Pepper and Gen. Tip- ton in the summer of 1838. It was a sad and mournful spectacle to witness these children of the forest slowly retiring from the home of their childhood, that contained not only the graves of their revered ancestors, but also many endearing scenes to which their memories would ever recur as sunny spots along their pathway through the wilderness. They felt that they were bidding farewell to the hills, valleys and streams of their infancy; the more exciting hunting-grounds of their ad- vanced youth, as well as the stern and bloody battle-fields where they had contended in riper manhood, on which they had received wounds, and where many of their friends and loved relatives had fallen covered with gore and with glory. All these they were leav- ing behind them, to be desecrated by the plowshare of the white man. As they cast mournful glances back toward these loved scenes that were rapidly fading in the distance, tears fell from the cheek of the downcast warrior, old men trembled, matrons wept, the swarthy maiden's cheek turned pale, and sighs and half-sup- pressed sobs escaped from the motley groups as they passed along, some on foot, some on horseback, and others in wagons, — sad as a funeral procession. Several of the aged warriors were seen to cast glances toward the sky, as if they were imploring aid from the spirits of their departed heroes, who were looking down upon them from the clouds, or from the Great Spirit, who would ultimately redress the wrongs of the red man, whose broken bow had fallen from his hand, and whose sad heart was bleeding within him. Ever and anon one of the party would start out into the brush and break back to their old encampments on Eel river and on the Tippe- (131) 132 HISTORY OF INDIANA. canoe, declaring that they would rather die than be banished from their country. Thus, scores of discontented emigrants returned from different points on their journey; and it was several years before they could be induced to join their countrymen west of the Mississippi. Several years after the removal of the Pottawatomies the Miami nation was removed to their Western home, by coercive means, un- der an escort of United States troops. They were a proud and once powerful nation, but at the time of their removal were far inferior, in point of numbers, to the Pottawatomie guests whom they had permitted to settle and hunt upon their lands, and fish in their lakes and rivers after they had been driven southward by powerful and warlike tribes who inhabited the shores of the JSTorth- ern lakes. INDIAN TITLES. In 1831 a joint resolution of the Legislature of Indiana, request- ing an appropriation by Congress for the extinguishment of the Indian title to lands within the State, was forwarded to that body> which granted the request. The Secretary of War, by authority, appointed a committee of three citizens to carry into effect the pro- vis'ions of the recent law. The Miamis were surrounded on all sides by Arxierican settlers, and were situated almost in the heart of the State on the line of the canal then being made. The chiefs were called to a council for the purpose of making a treaty; they promptly came, but peremptorily refused to go westward or sell the remainder of their land. The Pottawatomies sold about 6,000,000 acres in Indiana, Illinois and Michigan, including all their claim in this State. In 1838 a treaty was concluded with the Miami Indians through the good offices of Col. A. C. Pepper, the Indian agent, by which a considerable of the most desirable portion of their reserve was ceded to the United States. LAND SALES. As an example of the manner in which land speculators were treated by the early Indianiaus, we cite the following instances from Cox's '' Kecollections of the Wabash Valley." At Crawfordsville, Dec. 24, 1824, many parties were present from the eastern and southern portions of the State, as well as from Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and even Pennsylvania, to attend a land sale. There was but little bidding against each other. The settlers, or " squatters," as they were called by the speculators, had arranged matters among themselves to their general satisfaction. If, upon comparing numbers, it appeared that two were after the same tract of land, one would ask the other what he would take not to bid against him; if neither would consent to be bought off they would retire and cast lots, and the lucky one would enter the tract at Congress price, $1.25 an acre, and the other would enter the second choice on his list. If a speculator made a bid, or showed a disposition to take a settler's claim from him, he soon saw the white of a score of eyes glaring at him, and he would " crawfish" out of the crowd at the first opportunity. The settlers made it definitely known to foreign capitalists that they would enter the tracts of land they had settled upon before allowing the latter to come in with their speculations. The land was sold in tiers of townships, beginning at the southern part of the district and continuing north until all had been off"ered at public sale. This plan was persisted in, although it kept many on the ground for several days waiting, who desired to purchase land in the northern part of the district. In 1827 a regular Indian scare was gotten up to keep specu- lators away for a short time. A man who owned a claim on Tippe- canoe river, near Pretty prairie, fearing that some one of the numerous land hunters constantly scouring the country might enter the land he had settled upon before he could raise the money to buy it, and seeing one day a cavalcade of land hunters riding toward where his land lay, mounted his horse and darted off at full speed to meet them, swinging his hat and shouting at the top of his voice, " Indians! Indians! the woods are full of Indians, (133) 134 HISTORY OF INDIANA. • murdering and scalping all before them!" They paused a moment, but as the terrified horseman still urged his jaded animal and cried, "Help! Longlois, Cicots, help!" they turned and fled like a troop of retreating cavalry, hastening to the thickest settlements and giving' the alarm, which spread like fire among stubble until the whole frontier region was shocked with the startling cry. The squatter who fabricated the story and started this false alarm took a cir- cuitous route home that evening, and while others were busy building temporary block -houses and rubbing up their guns to meet the Indians, he was quietly gathering up money and slipped down to Crawfordsville and entered his land, chuckling to himself, "There's a Yankee trick for you, done up by a Hoosier." HARMONY COMMUNITY. In 1814 a society of Germans under Frederick Rappe, who had originally come from Wirteraberg, Germany, and more recently from Pennsylvania, founded a settlement on the Wabash about 50 miles above its mouth. They were industrious, frugal and honest Lutherans. They purchased a large quantity of land and laid off a town, to which they gave the name of "Harmony," afterward called "New Harmony." They erected a church and a public school-house, opened farms, planted orchards and vineyards, built flouring mills, established a house of public entertainment, a public store, and carried on all the arts of peace with skill and regularity. Their property was "in common," according to the custom of an- cient Christians at Jerusalem, but the governing power, both tem- poral and spiritual, was vested in Frederick Rappe, the elder, who was regarded as the founder of the society. By the year 1821 the society numbered about 900. Every individual of proper age con- tributed his proper share of labor. There were neither spendthrifts, idlers nor drunkards, and during the whole IT years of their sojourn in America there was not a single lawsuit among them. Every controversy arising among them was settled by arbitration, expla- nation and compromise before sunset of the day, literally according to the injunction of the apostle of the New Testament. About 1825 the town of Harmony and a considerable quantity of land adjoining was sold to Robert Owen, father of David Dale Owen, the State Geologist, and of Robert Dale Owen, of later notoriety. He was a radical philosopher from Scotland, who had become distinguished for his philanthropy and opposition to HISTORY OF INDIANA. ' 135 Christianity. He charged the latter with teaching false notions regarding human responsibility — notions which have since been clothed in the language of physiology, mental philosophy, etc. Said he: , . "That which has hitherto been called wickedness in our fellow men has proceeded from one of two distinct causes, or from some combination of those causes. They are what are termed bad or wicked, "1. Because they are born with faculties or propensities which render them more liable, under the same circumstances, than other men, to commit such actions as are usually denominated wicked; or, " 2. Because they have been placed by birth or other events in particular countries, — have been influenced from infancy by par- ents, playmates and others, and have been surrounded by those circumstances which gradually and necessarily trained them in the habits and sentiments called wicked ; or, "3. They have become wicked in consequence of some particu- lar combination of these causes. " If it should be asked. Whence then has wickedness pro- ceeded? I reply. Solely from the ignorance of our forefathers. " Every society which exists at present, as well as every society which history records, has been formed and governed on a belief in the following notions, assumed as first principles: " 1. That it is in the power of every individual to form his own character. Plence the various systems called by the name of religion, codes of law, and punishments; hence, also, the angry passions entertained by individuals and nations toward each other. "2. That the afi'ections are at the command of the individual. Hence insincerity and degradation of character; hence the miseries of domestic life, and more than one-half of all the crimes of man- kind. " 3. That it is necessary a large portion of mankind should ex- ist in ignorance and poverty in order to secure to the remaining part such a degree of happiness as they now enjoy. Hence a system of counteraction in the pursuits of men, a general opposition among individuals to the interests of each other, and the necessary effects of such a system, — ignorance, poverty and vice. " Facts prove, however, " 1. That character is universally formed for and not by the in- dividual; loG HISTORY OF INDIANA. "2. That any habits and sentiments may be given to mankind; " 3. That the affections are not under the control of the indi- vidual; " 4. That every individual may be trained to produce far more than he can consume, while there is a sufficiency left for him to cultivate; " 5. That nature has provided means by which population may be at all times maintained in the proper state to give the greatest happiness to everj; individual, without one check of vice and misery; " 6. That any community may be arranged on a due combina- tion of the foregoing principles in such a manner as not only to withdraw vice, poverty, and in a great degree misery from the world, but also to place every individual under circumstances in which he shall enjoy more permanent happiness than can be given to any individual under the principles which have hitherto regu- lated society ; " 7. That all the fundamental principles on which society has hitherto been founded are erroneous and may be demonstrated to be contrary to fact; and — " 8. That the change that would follow the abandonment of those erroneous maxims which bring misery into the world, and the adoption of the principles of truth, unfolding a system which shall remove and forever exclude that misery, may be effected without the slightest injury to any human being." Mr. Owen's efforts to establish a community on his principles failed, probably because he overlooked the deeper principle that the main element of " Liberalism " is "individuality" of life in all respects. PIONEER LIFE. Most of the early settlers of Indiana came from older States, as Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Virginia, where their prospects for even a coinpetency were very poor. They found those States good — to emigrate from. Their entire stock of furniture, imple- ments and family necessities were easily stored in one wagon, and sometimes a cart was their only vehicle. THE LOG CABIN. After arriving and selecting a suitable location, the next thing to do was to build a log cabin, a description of which may be inter- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 137 €sting to many of our younger readers, as in some sections these old-time structures are no more to be seen. Trees of uniform size were chosen and cut into logs of the desired length, generally 12 to 15 feet, and hauled to the spot selected for the future dwelling. On an appointed day the few neighbors who were available would assemble and have a " house-raising." Each end of every log was saddled and notched so that tliey would lie as close down as possi- ble; the next day the proprietor would proceed to "chink and daub" the cabin, to keep out the rain, wind and cold. The house had to be re-daubed every fall, as the rains of the intervening time would wash out a great part ;)f the mortar. The usual height of the house was seven or eight feet. The gables were formed hj shortening the logs gradually at each end of the building near the top. The roof was made by laying very straight small logs or stout poles suitable distances apart, generally about two and a half feet, from gable to gable, and on these poles were laid the " claj.)- boards " after the manner of shingling, showing about two and a half feet to the weather. These clapboards were fastened to their place by " weight poles," corresponding in place with the joists just described, and these again were held in their place by " runs " or "knees," which were chunks of wood about 18 or 20 inches long fitted between ihem near the ends. Clapboards were made from the nicest oaks in the vicinity, by chopping or sawing them into four-foot blocks and riving these with a frow, which was a simple blade fixed at right angles to its handle. This was driven into the blocks of wood by a mallet. As the frow was wrenched down through the wood, the latter was turned alternately over from side to side, one end being held by a forked piece of timber. The chimney to the Western pioneer's cabin was made by leaving in the original building a large open place in one wall, or by cut- ting one after the structure was up, and by building on the out- side from the ground up, a stone column, or a column of sticks and mud, the sticks being laid up cob-house fashion. The fire-place thus made was often large enough to receive fire-wood six to eight feet long. Sometimes this wood, especially the " back-log," would be nearly as large as a saw-log. Tlie more rapidly the pioneer could burn up the wood in his vicinity the sooner he had his little farm cleared and ready for cultivation. For a window, a piece about two feet long was cut out of one of the wall logs, and the hole closed sometimes by glass, but generally with greased paper. Even greased deer-hide was sometimes used. A doorway was cut 138 HISTORY OF INDIANA. m thronarh one of the walls if a saw was to be had; otherwise the door would be left by shortened logs in the original building. The door was made by pinning clapboards to two or three wood bars, and was hung upon wooden hinges. A wooden latch, with catch, then finished the door, and the latch was raised by any one on the outside by pulling a leather string. For security at night this latch- string was drawn in; but for friends and neighbors, and even strangers, the '• latch-string was always hanging out," as a welcome. In the interior, over the fire-place would be. a shelf, called "the mantel," on which stood the candlestick or lamp, some cooking and table ware, possibly an old clock, and other articles; in the fire- place would be the crane, sometimes of iron, sometimes of wood; on it the pots were hung for cooking; over the door, in forked cleats, hung the ever trustful rifle and powder-horn ; in one corner stood the larger bed for the " old folks," and under it the trundle bed for the children; in another stood the old-fashioned spinning-wheel, with a smaller one by its side; in another the heavy table, the only table, of course, there was in the house; in the remaining corner was a rude cupboard holding the table-ware, which consisted of a few cups and saucers and blue-edged plates, standing singly on their edges against the back, to make the display of table furniture more conspicuous; while around the room were scattered a few splint-bottomed or Windsor chairs and two or three stools. These simple cabins were inhabited by a kind and true-hearted people. They were strangers to mock modesty, and the traveler, seeking lodgings for the night, or desirous of spending a few days in the community, if willing to accept the rude ofifering, was always welcome, although how they were disposed of at night the reader might not easily imagine; for, as described, a single room was made to answer for kitchen, dining-room, sitting-room, bed-room and parlor, and many families consisted of six or eight members. SLEEPING ACCOMMODATIONS. The bed was very often made by fixing a post in the floor about six feet from one wall and four feet from the adjoining wall, and fastening a stick to this post about two feet above the floor, on each of two sides, so that the other end of each of the two sticks could be fastened in the opposite wall; clapboards were laid across these, and thus the bed was made complete. Guests were given this bed, while the family disposed of themselves in another corner of the room, or in the "loft." When several gncsts were on hand M o f M HISTORY OF INDIANA. 141 at once, they were sometimes kept over night in the following manner: when bed-time came the men were reqnested to step out of doors while the women spread out a broad bed upon the mid- floor, and put themselves to bed in the center; the signal was given and the men came in and each husband took his place in bed next his own wife, and the single men outside beyond them again. They were generally so crowded that they had to lie " spoon" fashion, and when any one wished to turn over he would say "Spoon," and the whole company of sleepers would turn over at once. This was the only way they could all keep in bed. COOKING. To witness the various processes of cooking in those days would alike surprise and amuse those who have grown up since cooking stoves and ranges came into use. Kettles were hung over the large fire, suspended with pot-hooks, iron or wooden, on the crane, or on poles, one end of which would rest upon a chair. The long- handled frying-pan was used for cooking meat. It was either held over the blaze by hand or set down upon coals drawn out upon the hearth. This pan was also used for baking pan-cakes, also called " flap-jacks," " batter-cakes," etc. A better article for this, how- ever, was the cast-iron spider or Dutch skillet. The best thing for baking bread those days, and possibly even yet in these latter days, was the flat-bottomed bake kettle, of greater depth, with closely fitting cast-iron cover, and commonly known as the " Dutch- oven." With coals over and under it, bread and biscuit would quickly and nicely bake. Turkey and spare-ribs were sometimes roasted before the fire, suspended by a string, a dish being placed underneath to catch the drippings. Hominy and samp were very much used. The hominy, how- ever, was generally hulled corn — boiled corn from which the hull, or bran, had been taken by hot lye; hence sometimes called " lye hominy." True hominy and samp were made of pounded corn. A popular method of making this, as well as real meal for bread, was to cut out or burn a large hole in the top of a huge stump, in the shape of a mortar, and pounding the corn in this by a maul or beetle suspended on the end of a swing jjole, like a well- sweep. This and the well-sweep consisted of a pole 20 to 30 feet long fixed in an upright fork so that it could be worked "teeter" fashion. It was a rapid and simple way of drawing water. When the samp was sufficiently pounded it was taken out, the bran floated 142 HISTORY OF INDIANA. off, and the delicious grain boiled like rice. The chief articles of diet in early day were corn bread, hominy or samp, venison, pork, honey, beans, pumpkin (dried pumpkin for more than half the year), turkey, prairie chicken, squirrel and some other game, with a few additional vegetables a portion of the year. "Wheat bread, tea, coffee and fruit were luxuries not to be indulged in except on special occasions, as when visitors were present. women's work. Besides cooking in the manner described, tlie women had many other arduous duties to perform, one of the chief of which was spin- ning. The "big wheel" was used for spinning yarn and the " little wheel " for spinning flax. These stringed instruments furnished the principal music of the family, and were operated by our moth- ers and grandmothers with great skill, attained without pecuniary expense and with far less practice than is necessary for the girls of our period to acquire a skillful use of their costly and elegant in- struments. But those wheels, indispensable a few years ago, are all now superseded by the mighty factories which overspread the country, furnishing cloth of all kinds at an expense ten times less than would be incurred now by the old system. The loom was not less necessary than the wheel, though they were not needed in so great numbers; not every house had a loom, one loom had a capacity for the needs of several families. Settlers, having succeeded in spite of the wolves in raising sheep, commenced the manufacture of woolen cloth; wool was carded and made into rolls by hand-cards, and the rolls were spun on the " big wheel." We still occasionally find in the houses of old settlers a wheel of this kind, sometimes used for spinning and twisting stocking yarn. They are turned with the hand, and witli such velocity that it will run itself while the nimble worker, by her backward step, draws out and twists her thread nearly the whole length of the cabin. A common article woven on the loom was linsey, or linsey-woolsey, the chain being linen and the filling woolen. This cloth was used for dresses for the women and girls. Nearly all the clothes worn by the men were also home-made; rarely was a fanner or his son seen in a coat madeof any other. If, occasionally, a young man appeared in a suit of " boughten " clothes, he was suspected of having gotten it for a particular occasion, which occurs in the life of nearly every young man. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 143 DEESS AND MANNERS. The dress, habits, etc., of a people throw so much light upon their conditions and limitations that in order better to show the circumstances surrounding the people of the State, we will give a short exposition of the manner of life of our Indiana people at different epochs. The Indians themselves are credited by Charle- voix with being "very laborious," — raising poultry, spinning the wool of the buffalo, and manufacturing garments therefrom. These must have been, however, more than usually favorable repre- sentatives of their race. "The working and voyaging dress of the French masses," says Reynolds, "was simple and primitive. The French were like the lilies of the valley [ the Old Ranger was not always exact in his quotations], — they neither spun nor wove any of their clothing, but purchased it from the merchants. The white blanket coat, known as the !^ >■ f Hi HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 155 a piece of ground for the early grazing of stock the ensuing spring, and it would get away under a wind, and soon be beyond control. Violent winds would oiten arise and drive the flames with such rapidity that riders on the fleetest steeds could scarcely escape. On the approach of a prairie fire the farmer would immediately set about " cutting off supplies" for the devouring enemy by a " back fire." Thus, by starting a small fire near the bare ground about his premises, and keeping it under control next his property, he would burn ofl' a strip around him and prevent the attack of the on-coming flames. A few furrows or a ditch around the farm con- stituted a help in the work of protection. An original prairie of tall and exuberant grass on fire, especially at night, was a magnificent spectacle, enjoyed only by the pioneer. Here is an instance where the frontiersman, proverbially deprived of the sights and pleasures of an old community, is privileged far beyond the people of the present day in this country. One could scarcely tire of beholding the scene, as its awe-inspiring features seemed constantly to increase, and the whole panorama unceasingly changed like the dissolving views of a magic lantern, or like the auroi'a borealis. Language cannot convej^, words cannot express, the faintest idea of the splendor and grandeur of such a conflagra- tion at night. It was as if the pale queen of night, disdaining to take her accustomed place in the heavens, had dispatched myriads upon myriads of messengers to light their torches at the altar of the setting sun until all had flashed into one long and continuous blaze. The following graphic description of prairie fires was written by a traveler through this region in 1849: " Soon the fires began to kindle wider and rise higher from the long grass ; the gentle breeze increased to stronger currents, and soon fanned the small, flickering blaze into fierce torrent flames, which curled up and leaped along in resistless splendor; and like quickly raising the dark curtain from the luminous stage, the scenes before me were suddenly changed, as if by the magician's wand, into one boundless amphitheatre, blazing from earth to heaven and sweeping the horizon round, — columns of lurid flames sportively mounting up to the zenith, and dark clouds of crimson smoke curling away and aloft till they nearly obscured stars and moon, while the rush- ing, crashing sounds, like roaring cataracts mingled with distant thunders, were almost deafening; danger, death, glared all around; it screamed for victims; yet, notwithstanding the imminent peril 156 HISTOKY OF INDIANA. of prairie fires, one is loth, irresolute, almost unable to withdraw or seek refuge." WILD HOGS. When the earliest pioneer reached this Western wilderness, game was his principal food until he had conquered a farm from the forest or prairie, — rarely, then, from the latter. As the country settled game grew scarce, and by 1850 he who would live by his rifle would have had but a precarious subsistence had it not been for "wild hogs." These animals, left by home-sick immigrants whom the chills or fever and ague had driven out, had strayed into the woods, and began to multiply in a wild state. The woods each fall were full of acorns, walnuts, hazelnuts, and these hogs would grow fat and multiply at a wonderful rate in the bottoms and along the bluffs. The second and third immigration to the country found these wild hogs an unfailing source of meat supply up to that period when they had in the townships contiguous to the river be- come so numerous as to be an evil, breaking in herds into the farmer's corn-fields or toling their domestic swine into their retreats, where they too became in a season as wild as those in the woods. In 1838 or '39, in a certain township, a meeting was called of citizens of the township to take steps to get rid of wild Logs. At this meeting, which was held in the spring, the people of the town- ship were notified to turn out en masse on a certain day and engage in the work of catching, trimming and branding wild hogs, which were to be turned loose, and the next winter were to be hunted and killed by the people of the township, the meat to be divided j9W rata among the citizens of the township. This plan was fully carried into effect, two or three days being spent in the exciting work in the spring. In the early part of the ensuing winter the settlers again turned out, supplied at convenient points in the bottom with large kettles and barrels for scalding, and while the hunters were engaged in killing, others with horses dragged the carcasses to the scalding platforms where they were dressed; and wiien all that could be were killed and dressed a division was made, every farmer getting more meat than enough, for his winter's supply. Like energetic measures were resorted to in other townships, so that in two or three years the breed of wild hogs became extinct. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 157 NATIVE ANIMALS. The principal wild animals found in the State by the early set- tler were the deer, wolf, bear, wild-cat, fox, otter, raccoon, generally called "coon," woodchuck, or ground-hog, skunk, mink, weasel, muskrat, opossum, rabbit and squirrel; and the principal feathered game were the quail, prairie chicken and wild turkey. Hawks, turkey buzzards, crows, blackbirds were also very abundant. Sev- eral of these animals furnished meat for the settlers; but their principal meat did not long consist of game; pork and poultry were raised in abundance. The wolf was the most troublesome animal, it being the common enemy of the sheep, and sometimes attacking other domestic animals and even human beings. But their hideous bowlings at night were so constant and terrifying that they almost seemed to do more mischief by that annoyance than by direct attack. They would keep everbod}' and every ani- mal about the farm-house awake and frightened, and set all the dogs in the neighborhood to barking. As one man described it: "Sup- pose six boys, having six dogs tied, whipped them all at the same time, and you would hear such music as two wolves would make." To effect the destruction of these animals the county authorities offered a bounty for their scalps; and, besides, big hunts were common. WOLF HUNTS. In early days more mischief was done by wolves than by any other wild animal, and no small part of their mit-^chief consisted in their almost constant barking at night, which always seemed so menacing and frightful to the settlers. Like mosquitoes, the noise they made appeared to be about as dreadful as the real depre- dations they committed. The most effectual, as well as the most exciting, method of ridding the country of these hateful pests, was that known as the " circular wolf hunt," by which all the men and boys would turn out on an appointed day, in a kind of circle com- prising many square miles of territory, with horses and dogs, and then close up toward the center of their field of operation, gather- ing not only wolves, but also deer and many smaller " varmint." Five, ten, or more wolves by this means would sometimes be killed in a single day. The men would be organized with as much system as a little army, every one being well posted in the meaning of every signal and the application of every rule. Guns were scarcely ever allowed to be brought on such occasions, as their use 158 HISTORY OF INDIANA. would be unavoidably dangerous. The dogs were depended upon for the final slaughter. The dogs, by the way, had all to be held in check by a cord in the hands of their keepers until the final signal was given to let them loose, when away they would all go to the center of battle, and a more exciting scene would follow than can be easily described. EEE-HUNTING. This wild recreation was a peculiar one, and many sturdy back- woodsmen gloried in excelling in this art. He would carefully watch a bee as it filled itself with the sweet product of some flower or leaf-bud, and notice particularly the direction taken by it as it struck a "bee-line" for its home, which when found would be generally hiffh up in the hollow of a tree. The tree would be marked, and in September a party would go and cut down the tree and capture the honey as quickly as they could before it wasted away through the broken walls in which it had been so carefully stowed away by the little busy bee. Several gallons would often be thus taken from a single tree, and by a very little work, and pleas- ant at that, the early settlers could keep themselves in honey the year round. By the time the honey was a year old, or before, it would turn white and granulate, yet be as good and healthful as when fresh. This was by some called "candid " honey. In some districts, the resorts of bees would be so plentiful that all the available hollow trees would be occupied and many colonies of bees would be found at work in crevices in the rock and holes in the ground. A considerable quantity of honey has even been taken from such places. SNAKES. In pioneer times snakes were numerous, such as the rattlesnake, viper, adder, blood snake and many varieties of large blue and green snakes, milk snake, garter and water snakes, black snakes, etc., etc. If, on meeting one of these, you would retreat, they would chase you very fiercely; but if you would turn and give them battle, they would immediately crawl away with all possible speed, hide in the grass and weeds, and wait for a "greener " customer. These really harmless snakes served to put people on their guard against the more dangerous and venomous kinds. It was the practice in some sections of the country to turn out in companies, with spades, mattocks and crow-bars, attack the princi- pal snake dens and slay large numbers of them. In early spring History of Indiana. 159 the snakes were somewhat torpid and easily captured. Scores of rattlesnakes were sometimes frightened out of a single den, which, as soon as thev showed their lieads throuo-h the crevices of the rocks, were dispatched, and left to be devoured by the numerous wild hogs of that day. Some of the fattest of these snakes were taken to the house and oil extracted from them, and their glittering skins were saved as specifics for rheumatism. Another method was to so fix. a heavy stick over the door of their dens, with a long grape-vine attached, that one at a distance could plug the entrance to the den when the snakes were all out sunning themselves. Then a large company of the citizens, on hand by ap- pointment, could kill scores of the reptiles in a few minutes. SHAKES. One of the greatest obstacles to the early settlement and pros- perity of this State was the " chills and fever," " fever and ague," or " shakes," as it was variously called. It was a terror to new- comers; in the fall of the year almost everybody was afilicted with it. It was no respecter of persons; everybody looked pale and sallow as though he were frost-bitten. It was not contagious, but derived from impure water and air, which are always developed in the opening up of a new country of rank soil like that of the Northwest. The impurities continue to be absorbed from day to day, and from week to week, until the whole body corporate became saturated with it as with electricity, and then the shock came; and the shock was a regular shake, with a fixed beginning and ending, coming on in some cases each da}' but generally on alternate days, with a regu- larity that was surprising. After the shake came the fever, and this " last estate was worse than the first." It was a burning-hot fever, and lasted for hours. When you had the chill you couldn't get warm, and when you had the fever you couldn't get cool. It was exceedingly awkwai'din this respect; indeed it was. Nor would it stop for any sort of contingency ; not even a wedding in the family would stop it. It was imperative and tyrannical. When the ap- pointed time came around, everything else had to be stopped to at- tend to its demands. It didn't even have any Sundays or holidays; after the fever went down you still didn't feel much better. You felt as though you had gone through some sort of collision, thrashing-machine or jarring-machine, and came out not killed, but next thing to it. You felt weak, as though you had run too far after something, and then didn't catch it. You felt languid, stupid and 160 UISTORY OF INDIANA. sore, and was down in the mouth and heel and partially raveled out. Your back was out of fix, your head ached and your appetite crazy. Your eyes had too much white in theai, your ears, especially after taking quinine, had too much roar in them, and your whole body and soul were entirely woe-begone, disconsolate, sad, poor and good for nothing. You didn't think much of yourself, and didn't believe that other people did, either; and you didn't care. You didn't quite make up your mind to commit suicide, but sometimes wished some accident would happen to knock either the malady or yourself out of existence. You imagined that even the dogs looked at you with a kind of self-complacency. You thought the sun had a kind of sickly shine about it. About this time you came to the conclusion that you would not accept the M^hole State of Indiana as a gift; and if you had the strength and means, you picked up Hannah and the baby, and your traps, and went back " yander " to '• Old Virgiuny," the " Jar- seys," Maryland or " Pennsylvany." "And to-day the Sivallows (littiag Round my cabin see me sitting Moodily within the sunshine, Just inside my silent door, Waiting for tlie ' Ager,' seeming Like a man forever dreaming; And the sunlight on me streaming Throws no shadow on the floor ; For I am too thin and sallow To make shadows on the floor — Nary shadow any more ! " The above is not a mere picture of the imagination. It is sim- ply recounting in quaint phrase what actually occurred in thousands of cases. Whole families would sometimes be sick at one time and not one member scarcely able to wait upon another. Labor or exercise always aggravated the malady, and it took General Lazi- ness a long time to thrash the enemy out. And those were the days for swallowing all sorts of roots and " yarbs," and whiskv) etc., with some faint hope of relief. And finally, when the case wore out, the last remedy taken got the credit of the cure. EDUCATION. Though struggling through the pressure of poverty and priva- tion, the early settlers planted among them the school-house at the earliest practical period. So important au object as the education IlISTOKY OF INDIANA. 161 ft of their children they did not defe; until they could bnild more comely and convenient houses. They were for a time content with such as corresponded with their rude dwellings, but soon better build- ings and accommodations were provided. As may readily be sup- posed, the accommodations of the earliest schools were not good. Sometimes school was taught in a room of a large or a double loo* cabin, but oftener in a log house built for the purpose. Stoves and such heating apparatus as are now in use were then unknown. A mud-and-stick chimney in one end of the building, with earthen hearth and a lire-place wide and deep enough to receive a four to six-foot back-log, and smaller wood to match, served for warming purposes in winter and a kind of conservatory in summer. For windows, part of a log was cut out in two sides of the building, and may be a few lights of eight by ten glass set in, or the aper- ture might be covered over with greased paper. Writing desks consisted of heavy oak plank or a hewed slab laid upon wooden pins driven into the wall. The four-legged slab benches were in front of these, and the pupils when not writing would sit with their backs against the front, sharp edge of the writing-desks. The floor was also made out of these slabs, or " puncheons," laid upon log sleepers. Everything was rude and plain; but many of America's greatest men have gone out from just such school-houses to grapple with the world and make names for themselves and re- flect honor upon their country. Among these we can name Abra- ham Lincoln, our martyred president, one of the noblest men known to the world's history. Stephen A. Douglas, one of the greatest statesmen of the age, began his career in Illinois teaching in one of these primitive school- houses. Joseph A. "Wright, and several others of Indiana's great statesmen have also graduated from the log school-house into political eminence. So with many of her most eloquent and efficient preachers. Imagine such a house with the children seated around, and the teacher seated on one end of a bench, with no more desk at his hand than any other pupil has, and you have in view the whole scene. The " schoolmaster " has called '■ Books! books!" at the door, and the "scholars" have just run in almost out of breath from vigorous play, have taken their seats, and are for the moment " saying over their lessons " to themselves with all their might, that is, in as loud a whisper as possible. While they are thus en- gaged the teacher is perhaps sharpening a few quill pens for the pupils, for no other kind of writing pen had been thought of as IQ'2 HISTORY OF INDIANA. • yet. lu a few minutes he calls up an urchin to say his a b c's; the little boy stands beside the teacher, perhaps partially leaning upon his lap; the teacher with his pen-knife points to the letter and asks what it is; the little fellow remains silent, for he does not know what to say ; "x\," says the teacher; the boy echoes "A;" the teacher points to the next and asks what it is; the boy is silent acrain; •' B," savs the teacher; " B," echoes the little urchin; and so it goes through the exercise, at the conclusion of which the teacher tells the little " Major " to go back to his seat and study his letters, and when he comes to a letter he doesn't know, to come to him and he will tell him. He obediently goes to his seat, looks on his book a little while, and then goes trudging across the puncheon floor again in his bare feet, to the teacher, and points to a letter, probably outside of his lesson, and asks what it is. The teacher kindly tells him that that is not in his lesson, that he need not study that or look at it now; he will come to that some other day, and then he will learn what it is. The simple-minded little fellow then trudges, smilingly, as he catches the eye of some one, back to his seat again. But why he smiled, he has no definite idea. To prevent wearing the books out at the lower corner, every pupil was expected to keep a " thumb-paper '' under his thumb as he holds the book; even then the books were soiled and worn out at this place in a few weeks, so that a part of many lessons were gone. Consequently the request was often made, " Master, may I borrow Jimmy's book to git my lesson in? mine haintin my book: it's tore out." It was also customary to use book-pointers, to point out the letters or words in study as well as in recitation. The black stem of the maiden-hair fern was a very popular material from which pointers were made. The a-b-ab scholars through with, perhaps the second or third- reader class would be called, who would stand in a row in front of the teacher, "toeing the mark," which was actually a chalk or char- coal mark drawn on the floor, and commencing at one end of the class, one would read the first " verse," the next the second, and so on around, taking the paragraphs in the order as they occur in the book. Whenever a pupil hesitated at a word, the teacher would pronounce it for him. And this was all there was of the reading exercise. Those studying arithmetic were but little classified, and they were therefore generally called forward singly and interviewed, or the HISTORY OF INDIANA. 163 teacher simply visited them at their seats. A lessea containing several " sums" would be given for the next day. Whenever the learner came to a sum he couldn't do, he would go to the teacher with it, who would willingly and patiently, if he had time, do it for him. In geography, no wall maps were used, no drawing required, and the studying and recitation comprised only the committing to memory, or ""getting by heart," as it was called, the names and locality of places. The recitation proceeded like this: Teacher — "Where is Norfolk?" Pupil — "In the southeastern part of Vir- ginia." Teacher — "What bay between Maryland and Virginia?" Pupil — " Chesapeake." When the hour for writing arrived, the time was announced by the master, and every pupil practicing this art would turn his feet over to the back of his seat, thus throwing them under the writing desk, already described, and proceed to "follow copy," which was invariably set by the teacher, not by rule, but by as nice a stroke of the pen as he could make. The first copies for each pupil would be letters, and the second kind and last consisted of maxims. Blue ink on white paper, or black ink on blue paper, were common; and sometimes a pupil would be so unfortunate as to be compelled to use blue ink on blue paper; and a " blue" time he had of it. About half past ten o'clock the master would announce, " School may go out;" which meant " little play-time," in the children's parlance, called nowadays, recess or intermission. Often the prac- tice was to have the boys and girls go out separately, in which case the teacher would first say, " The girls may go out," and after they had been out about ten minutes the boys were allowed a similar privilege in the same way. In calling the children in from the play-ground, the teacher would invariably stand near the door of the school-house and call out "Books! books!" Between play-times the request, "Teacher, may I go out?" was often iterated to the annoyance of the teacher and the disturbance of the school. At about half past eleven o'clock the teacher would announce, " Scholars may now get their spelling lessons," and they would all pitch in with their characteristic loud whisper and "say over" their lessons with that vigor which characterizes the movements of those who have just learned that the dinner hour and " big play- time " is near at hand. A few minutes before twelve the "little spelling-class " would recite, then the " big spelling-class." The latter would comprise the larger scholars and the major part of the school. The classes would stand in a row, either toeing the mark 164 HISTORY OF INDIANA. in the midst of the floor, or straggling along next an unoccupied portion of the wall. One end of the class was the " head," the other the " foot," and when a pupil spelled a word correctly, which had been missed by one or more, he would " go up " and take his station above all that had missed the word: this was called " turning them down." At the conclusion of the recitation, the head pupil would go to the foot, to have another opportunity of turning them all down. The class would number, and before taking their seats the teacher would say, *' School's dismissed," which was the signal for every child rushing for his dinner, and having the "big play- time." The same process of spelling would also be gone through with in the afternoon just before dismissing the school for the day. The chief text-books in which the " scholars " got their lessons were Webster's or some other elementary spelling-book, an arith- metic, may be Pike's, Dilworth's, Daboll's, Smiley's or Adams', McGuffey's or the old English reader, and Roswell C. Smith's geography and atlas. Very few at the earliest day, however, got so far along as to study geography. Nowadays, in contrast with the above, look at the "ographies" and "ologies!" Grammar and composition were scarcely thought of until Indiana was a quarter of a century old, and they were introduced in such a way that their utility was always questioned. First, old Murray's, then Kirkham's grammar, were the text-books on this subject. " Book larnin'," instead of practical oral instruction, was the only thing supposed to be attained in the primitive log school-house days. But writing was generally taught with fair diligence. "past the pictures." This phrase had its origin in the practice of pioneer schools which used Webster's Elementary Spelling-book. Toward the back part of that time-honored text-book was a series of seven or eight pictures, illustrating morals, and after these again were a few more spelling exercises of a peculiar kind. When a scholar got over into these he was said to be " past the pictures," and was looked up to as being smarter and more learned than most other people ever hoped to be. Hence the application of this phrase came to be extended to other affairs in life, especially where scholarship was involved. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 165 SPELLING - SCHOOLS. The chief public evening entertainment for the first 30 or 40 years of Indiana's existence was the celebrated " spelling-school." Both young people and old looked forward to the next spelling- school with as much anticipation and anxiety as we nowadays look forward to a general Fourth-of-July celebration; and when the time arrived the whole neighborhood, yea, and sometimes several neigh- borhoods, would flock together to the scene of academical combat, where the excitement was often more intense than had been expect- ed. It was far better, of course, when there was good sleighing; then the young folks would turn out in high glee and be fairlj' beside themselves. The jollity is scarcely equaled at the present day by anything in vogue. When the appointed hour arrived, the usual plan of commencing battle was for two of the young people who might agree to play against each other, or who might be selected to do so by the school- teacher of the neighborhood, to " choose sides," that is, each con- testant, or " captain," as he was generally called, would choose the best speller from the assembled crowd. Each one choosing alter- nately, the ultimate strength of the respective parties would be about equal. When all were chosen who could be made to serve, each side would "number," so as to ascertain whether amid the confusion one captain had more spellers than the other. In case he had, some compromise would be made by the aid of the teacher, the master of ceremonies, and then the plan of conducting the campaign, or counting the misspelled words, would be canvassed for a moment by the captains, sometimes by the aid of the teacher and others. There were many ways of conducting the contest and keeping tally. Every section of the country had several favorite methods, and all or most of these were different from what other communities had. At one time they would commence spelling at the head, at another time at the foot; at one time they would " spell across," that is, the first on one side would spell the first word, then the first on the other side; next the second in the line on each side, alternately, down to the other end of each line. The question who should spell the first word was determined by the captains guessing what page the teacher would have before him in a partially opened book at a distance; the captain guessing the nearest would spell the first word pronounced. When a word was missed, it would be re-pronounced, or passed along without re-pronouncing (as some teachers strictly 1G6 HISTORY OF INDIANA. followed the rule never to re-pronounce a word), until it was spelled correctly. If a speller on the opposite side finally spelled the missed word correctly, it was counted a gain of one to that side; if the word was finally corrected by some speller on the same side on which it was originated as a missed word, it was "saved," and no tally mark was made. Another pojnilar method was to commence at one end of the line of spellers and go directly around, and the missed words caught up quickly and corrected by "word-catchers," appointed by the captains from among their best spellers. These word-catchers would, attempt to correct all the words missed on his opponent's side, and failing to do this, the catcher on the other side would catch him up with a peculiar zest, and then there was fun. Still another very interesting, though somewhat disorderly, method, was this: Each word-catcher would go to the foot of the adversary's line, and every time he "catched " a word he would go up one, thus "turning them down" in regular spelling-class style. "When one catcher in this way turned all down on the opposing side, his own party was victorious by as many as the opposing catcher was behind. This method required no slate or blackboard tally to be kept. One turn, by either of the foregoing or other methods, would occupy 40 minutes to an hour, and by this time an intermission or recess was had, when the buzzing, cackling and hurrahing that en- sued for 10 or 15 minutes were beyond description. Coming to order again, the next style of battle to be illustrated was to "spell down," by which process it was ascertained who were the best spellers and could continue standing as a soldier the longest But very often good spellers would inadvertently miss a word in an early stage of the contest and would have to sit down humilia- ted, while a comparatively poor speller would often stand till nearly or quite the last, amid the cheers of the assemblage. Sometimes the two parties first " chosen up " in the evening would re-take their places after recess, so that by the " spelling-down " process there would virtually be another race, in another form; sometimes there would be a new " choosing up " for the " spelling-down " con- test: and sometimes the spelling down would be conducted with- out any party lines being made. It would occasionally happen that two or three very good spellers would retain the floor so long that the exercise would become monotonous, when a few outlandish words like " ehevaux-de frise," " O:npompanoosuc " or " Baugh- IIISTOKY OF INDIANA. 167 naiigh-claugh-ber," as they used to spell it sometimes, would create a little ripple of excitement to close with. Sometimes these words would decide the contest, but generally when two or three good spellers kept the floor until the exercise became monotonous, the teacher would declare the race closed and the standing spellers ac- quitted with a " drawn game." The audience dismissed, the next thing was to "go home," very often by a round-about way, " a-sleighing with the girls," which, of course, was with many the most interesting part of the even- ing's performances, sometimes, however, too rough to be com- mended, as the boys were often inclined to be somewhat rowdyish. SINGING-SCHOOL. Next to the night spelling-school the singing-school was an occa- sion of much jollity, wherein it was difficult for the average singmg- master to preserve order, as many went more for fun than for music. This species of evening entertainment, in its introduction to the West, was later than the spelling-school, and served, as it were, as the second step toward the more modern civilization. Good sleighing weather was of course almost anecessitv for the success of these schools, but how many of them have been prevented by mud and rain! Perhaps a greater part of the time from November to April the roads would be muddy and often half frozen, which would have a very dampening and freezing eifect upon the souls, as well as the bodies, of the young people who longed for a good time on such occasions. The old-time method of conducting singing-school was also some • what different from that of modern times. It was more plodding and heavy, the attention being kept upon the simplest rudiments, as the names ot the notes on the staff, and their pitch, and beating time, while comparatively little attention was given to expression and light, gleeful music. The very earliest scale introduced in the West was irom the South, and the notes, from their peculiar shape, were denominated " patent " or "buckwheat" notes. They were four, of which the round one was always called sol^ the square one Za, the triangular oney^, and the "diamond-shaped" one 7;^^, pro- nounced m^; and the diatonic scale, or "gamut" as it was called then, ran thus;y«, soZ, la,fa^ sol, la, mi, fa. The part of a tune nowadays called " treble," or "soprano," was then called " tenor;" the part now called " tenor " was called " treble," and what is now "alto" was then "counter," and when sung according to the oldest rule, was sung by a female an octave higher than marked, and still IGS HISTORY OF INDIANA. on the " chest register." The "old" ''Missouri Harmony" and Mason's " Sacred Harp " were the principal books used with this style of musical notation. About 1850 the " round-note " system began to " come around," being introduced by the Yankee singing-master. The scale was do,re,'mi,fa,sol,la^ siy do\ and for many years thereafter there was much more do-re-mi-ingthan is practiced at the present day, when a musical instrument is always under the hand. The Car- mina Sacra was the pioneer round-note book, in which the tunes partook more of the German or Puritan character, and were gener- ally regarded by the old folks as being far more spiritless than the old " Pisgah," " Fiducia," " Tender Thought," " New Durham," " Windsor," " Mount Sion," " Devotion," etc., of the old Missouri Harmony and tradition. GUARDING AGAINST INDIANS, The fashion of carrying fire-arms was made necessary by the presence of roving bands of Indians, most of whom were ostensi- bly friendly, but like Indians in all times, treacherous and unreli- able. An Indian war was at any time probable, and all the old settlers still retain vivid recollections of Indian massacres, murders, plunder, and frightful rumors of intended raids. While target practice was much indulged in as an amusement, it was also neces- sary at times to carry their guns with them to their daily field work. As an illustration of the painstaking which characterized pioneer life, we quote the following from Zebulon Collings, who lived about six miles from the scene of massacre in the Pigeon Roost settle- ment: " The manner in which I used to work in those perilous times was as follows: On all occasions I carried my rifie, tomahawk and butcher-knife, with a loaded pistol in my belt. Wiien I went to plow I laid my gun on the plowed ground, and stuck up a stick by it for a mark, so that I could get it quick in case it was wanted. I had two good dogs; I took one into the house, leaving the other out. The one outside was expected to give the alarm, which would cause the one inside to bark, by which I would be awakened, hav- ing my arms always loaded. I kept my horse in a stable close to the house, having a port-hole so that I could shoot to the stable door. During two years I never went from home with any certainty of returning, not knowing the minute I might receive a ball from an unknown hand." TEAPPING. IIISTOKV OF INDIANA. 171 THE BRIGHT SIDE. The history of pioneer life generally presents the dark side of the picture; but the toils and privations of the early settlers were not a series of unmitigated sufferings. No; for while the fathers and mothers toiled hard, they were not averse to a little relaxation, and had their seasons of fun and enjoyment. They contrived to do something to break the monotonj' of their daily life and furnish them a good hearty laugh. Among the more general forms of amusements were the "' quilting-bee," "corn-husking," "apple-par- ing," " log-rolling " and " house-raising." Our young readers will doubtless be interested in a description of these forms of amuse- ment, when labor was made to afford fun and enjoyment to all par- ticipating. The "quilting-bee," as its name implies, was when the industrious qualities of the busy little insect that " improves each shining hour" were exemplified in the manufacture of quilts for the household. In the afternoon ladies for miles around gathered at an appointed place, and while their tongues would not cease to play, the hands were as busily engaged in making the quilt; and desire as always manifested to get it out as quickly as possible, for then the fun would begin. In the evening the gentlemen came, and the hours would then pass swiftly by in playing games or dancing. " Corn-huskings " were when both sexes united in the work. They usually assembled in a large barn, which was arranged for the oc- casion; and when each gentleman had selected a lady partner the husking began. When a lady found a red ear she was entitled to a kiss from every gentleman present; when a gentleman found one he was allowed to kiss every lady present. After the corn was all husked a good supper was served; then the "old folks" would leave, and the remainder of the evening was spent in the dance and in having a general good time. The recreation afforded to the young people on the annual recurrence of these festive occasions was as highly enjoyed, and quite as innocent, as the amusements of the present boasted age of refinement and culture. The amusements of the pioneers were peculiar to themselves- Saturday afternoon was a holiday in which no man was expected to work. A load of produce might be taken to " town " for sale or traffic without violence to custom, but no more serious labor could be tolerated. "When on Saturday afternoon the town was reached " fun commenced." Had two neighbors business to transact, here it was done. Horses were " swapped." Difficulties settled and 172 HISTORY OF INDIANA. free tiirlits indulsfed in. Blue and red ribbons were not worn in those dajs, and whisky was as free as water; twelve and a half cents would buy a quart, and thirty-five or forty cents a gallon, and at such prices enormous quantities were consumed. Go to any town in the county and ask the first pioneer you meet, and he would tell you of notable Saturday-afternoon fights, either of which to-day would fill a column of the Police News^ with elaborate engravings to match. Mr. Sandford C. Cox quaintly describes some of the happy feat- tures of frontier life in this manner: We cleared land, rolled logs, burned brush, blazed out paths from one neighbor's cabin to another and from one settlement to another, made and used hand-mills and hominy mortars, hunted deer, turkey, otter, and raccoons, caught fish, dug ginseng, hunted bees and the like, and — lived on the fat of the land. We read of a land of " corn and wine," and another " flowing with milk and honey;" but 1 rather think, in a temporal point of view, taking into account the richness of the soil, timber, stone, wild game and other advantages, that the Sugar creek country would come up to any of them, if not surpass them. I once cut cord- wood, continues Mr. Cox, at 31|- cents per cord, and walked a mile and a half night and morning, where the first frame college was built northwest of town (Crawfordsville). Prof. Curry, the lawyer, would sometimes come down and help for an hour or two at a time, by way of amusement, as there was little or no law business in the town or country at that time. Reader, what would you think of going six to eight miles to help roll logs, or raise a cabin ? or ten to thirteen miles to mill, and wait three or four days and nights for your grist? as many had to do in the first settlement of this country. Such things were of frequent oc- currence then, and there was but little grumbling about it. It was a grand sight to see the log heaps and brush piles burning in the night on a clearing of 10 or 15 acres. A Democratic torchlight procession, or a midnight march of the Sons of Malta with their grand Gyasticutus in the center bearing the grand jewel of the order, would be nowhere in comparison with the log-heaps and brush piles in a blaze. But it may be asked, Had you any social amusements, or manly pastimes, to recreate and enliven the dwellers in the wilderness? We had. In the social line we had our meetings and our singing- schools, sugar-boilings and weddings, which were as good as ever HISTORY OF INDIANA. 173 came off in any country, new or old; and if our youngsters did not " trip the light fantastic toe " under a professor of the Terpsi- chorean art or expert French dancing-master, they had many a good "hoe-down" on puncheon floors, and were not annoyed by bad whisky. And as for manly sports, requiring mettle and muscle, there were lots of wild hogs running in the cat-tail swamps on Lye creek, and Mill creek, and among them many large boars that Ossian's heroes and Homer's model soldiers, such as Achilles, Hector and Ajax would have delighted to give chase to. The boys and men of those days had quite as much sport, and made more money and health by their hunting excursions than our city gents nowa- days playing chess by telegraph where the players are more than 70 miles apart. WHAT THE PIONEERS HAVE DONE. Indiana is a grand State, in many respects second to none in the Union, and in almost every thing that goes to make a live, prosperous community, not far behind the best. Beneath her fertile soil is coal enough to supply the State for generations; her harvests are bountiful; she has a medium climate, and many other things, that make her people contented, prosperous and happy; but she owes much to those who opened up these avenues that have led to her present condition and happy surroundings. Unremit- ting toil and labor have driven off the sickly miasmas that brooded over swampy prairies. Energy and perseverance have peopled every section of her wild lands, and changed them from wastes and deserts to gardens of beauty and profit. When but a few years ago the barking wolves made tlie night hideous with their wild shrieks and howls, now is heard only the lowing and bleating of domestic animals. Only a half century ago the wild whoop of the Indian rent the air where now are heard the engine and rumbling trains of cars, bearing away to markets the products of our labor and soil. Then the savage built his rude huts on the spot where now rise the dwellings and school-houses and church spires of civ- ilized life. How great the transformation! This change has been brought about by the incessant toil and aggregated labor of thousands of tired hands and anxious hearts, and the noble aspira- tions of such men and women as make any country great. What will another half century accomplish? There are few, very few, of these old pioneers yet lingering on the shores of time as connect- ing links of the past with the present. What must their thoughts 17i HISTOKY OF INDIANA. be as with their dim eyes they view the scenes that surround them? "We often hear people talk about the old-fogy ideas and fogy ways, and want of enterprise on the part of the old men who liave gone through the experiences of pioneer life. Sometimes, perhaps, such remarks are just, but, considering the experiences, education and entire life of such men, such remarks are better unsaid. They have had their trials, misfortunes, hardships and adventures, and shall we now, as they are passing far down the western decliv- ity of life, and many of them gone, point to them the finger of derision and laugh and sneer at the simplicity of their ways? Let us rather cheer them up, revere and respect them, for beneath those rough exteriors beat hearts as noble as ever throbbed in the human breast. These veterans have been compelled to live for weeks upon hominy and, if bread at all, it was bread made from corn ground in hand-mills, or pounded up with mortars. Their children have been destitute of shoes during the winter; their families had no clothing except what was carded, spun, wov^e and made into garments by their own hands; schools they had none; churches they had none; afflicted with sickness incident to all new countries, sometimes the entire family at once; luxuries of life they had none; the auxiliaries, improvements, inventions and labor-saving machinery of to-day they had not; and what they possessed they obtained by the hardest of labor and individual exer- tions, yet they bore these hardships and privations without mur- muring, hoping for better times to come, and often, too, with but little prospect of realization. As before mentioned, the changes written on every hand are most wonderful. It has been but three-score years since the white man began to exercise dominion over this region, erst the home of the red men, yet the visitor of to-day, ignorant of the past of the country, could scarcely be made to realize that within these years there lias grown up a population of 2,000,000 people, who in all the accomplishments of life are as far advanced as are the inhabi- tants of the older States. Schools, churches, colleges, pala- tial dwellings, beautiful grounds, large, well-cultivated and produc- tive farms, as well as cities, towns and busy manufactories, have grown up, and occupy the hunting grounds and camping places of the Indians, and in every direction there are evidences of wealth, comfort and luxury. There is but little left of the old landmarks. Advanced civilization and the progressive demands of revolving years have obliterated all traces of Indian occupancy, until they are onlv remembered in name. UISTORY OF INDIANA. 175 111 closing this section we again would impress upon the minds, of our readers the fact that thev owe a debt of gratitude to those who pioneered tliis State, whicli can be but partially repaid. I^ever grow unmindful of the peril and adventure, fortitude, self-sacrifice and heroic devotion so prominently displayed in their lives. As time sweeps on in its ceaseless flight, may the cherished memories of them lose none of their greenness, but may the future generations alike cherish and perpetuate them with a just devotion to gratitude. MILITARY DRILL. . In the days of muster and military drill, so well known through- out the country, a specimen of pioneer work was done on the South Wea prairie, as follows, according to Mr. S. G. Cox: The Captain was a stout-built, muscular man, who stood six feet four in his boots, and weighed over 200 pounds; when dressed in his uniform, a blue hunting-shirt fastened with a wide red sash, with epaulettes on each shoulder, his large sword fastened by his side, and tall plume waving in the wind, he looked like another William Wallace, or Roderick Dhu, unslieathing his claymore in ■defense of his count^y. His company consisted of about 70 men, who had reluctantly turned out to muster to avoid pajnng a fine; some with guns, some with sticks, and others carrying corn-stalks. The Oaptain, who had but recently been elected, understood his business better than his men supposed he did. He intended to give them a thorough drilling, and showed them that he understood the ma- neuvers of the military art as well as he did farming and fox hunt- ing, the latter of which was one of his favorite amusements. After forming a hollow square, marching and counter-marching, and putting them through several other evolutions, according to Scott's tactics, he commanded his men to "form a line." They partially complied, but the line was crooked. He took his sword and passed it along in front of his men, straightening the'line. By the time he passed from one end of the line to the other, on casting his eye back, he discovered that the line presented a zigzag and unmilitary ap- pearance. Some of the men were leaning on their guns, some on their sticks a yard in advance of the line, and others as far in the rear. The Captain's dander arose; he threw his cocked hat, feather and all, on the ground, took off his red sash and hunting-shirt, and threw them, with his sword, upon his hat; he then rolled up his sleeves and shouted with the voice of a stentor, "Gentlemen, form a line 176 HISTORY OF INDIANA. and keep it, or I'll thrash the whole company." Instantly the wliole line was straight as an arrow. The Captain was satisfied, put on his clothes again, and never had any more trouble in drilling his company. JACK, " THE PHILOSOPHER OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY." In early day in this State, before books and newspapers were in- troduced, a few lawyers were at a certain place in the habit of play- ing cards, and sometimes drinking a little too much whisky. During the session of a certain court, a man named John Stevenson, but who was named ""Jack," and who styled himself the "philoso- pher of the 19th century," found out where these genteel sports- men met of evenings to peruse the "history of the four kings." He went to the door and knocked for admission; to the question, "Who is there?" he answered, "Jack." The insiders hesitated; he knocked and thumped importunately; at length a voice from within said, " Go away, Jack; we have already four ' Jacks ' in our game, and we will not consent to have a 'cold one' wrung in on us." Indignant at this rebuff from gentlemen from whom he had ex- pected kinder treatment, he left, muttering vengeance, which excited no alarm in the minds of the players. At first he started away to walk off his passion, but the longer he walked the madder he got, and he finally concluded that he would not "pass " while he held or might hold so many trumps in his hands, but would return and play a strong hand with them. Accordingly he gath- ered his arms full of stones a little larger than David gathered to throw at Goliath, and when he came near enough he threw a volley of them in through the window into the room where they were playing, extinguishing their lights, and routing the whole band with the utmost trepidation into the street, in search of their curi- ous assailant. Jack stood his ground and toid them that that was a mere foretaste of what they might expect if they molested him in the least. Next day the pugnacious Jack was arrested to answer an indict- ment for malicious mischief; and failing to give bail, was lodged in jail. His prosecutors laughed through the grates of the prison as they passed. Meanwhile Jack " nursed his wrath to keep it warm," and indicted a speech in his own defense. In due time he was taken before the Court, the indictment was read, and he was asked what he pleaded to the indictment. " Not guilty 5> 5 HISTORY OF INDIANA. 177 he answered in a deep, earnest tone. " Have you counsel engaged to defend you, Mr. Stevenson?" inquired the Judge. " No; please your honor; I desire none; with your permission I will speak for myself." "Very well," said the Judge. A titter ran through the crowd. After the prosecuting attorney had gone through with the evidence and his opening remarks in the case, the prisoner arose and said, '' It is a lamentable fact well known to the Court and Jury and to all who hear me, that our county seat has for many years been infested and disgraced, especially during Court time, with a knot of drunken, carousing gamblers, whose Bacchanalian revels and midnight orgies disturb the quiet and pollute the morals of our town. Shall these nuisances longer remain in our midst, to debauch society and lead our young men to destruction? Fully impressed with a sense of their turpitude, and my duty as a good citizen to the community in which I live, I resolved to 'abate the nuisance,' which, according to the doctrine of the common law, with which your honor is familiar, I or any other citizen had a right to do. I have often listened with pleasure to the charges your honor gave the Grand Jury to ferret out crime and all manner of gaming in our community. I saw I had it in my power to ferret out these fellows with a volley of stones, and save the county the cost of finding and trying a half a dozen indictments. Judge, I did ' abate the nuisance,' and consider it one of the most meritorious acts of my life." The prosecutor made no reply. The Judge and lawyers looked at each other with a significant glance. A nolle prosequi was entered. Jack was acquitted and was ever afterward considered " trump." — Settlement of the Wabash Valley. "too full fob utterance." The early years of Indiana afford to the enquirer a rare oppor- tunity to obtain a glimpse of the political and even social relation of the Indianians of the olden time to the moderns. As is custom- ary in all new countries there was to be found, within the limits of the new State, a happy people, far removed from all those influ- ences which tend to interfere with the public morals: they possessed the courage and the gait of freeborn men, took an especial interest in the political questions affecting their State, and often, when met under the village shade trees to discuss sincerely, and unostenta- tiously, some matters of local importance, accompanied the subject before their little convention with song and jest, and even the cup 178 HISTORY OF INDIANA. which cheers but not inebriates. Tlie election of militia officers for the Black Creek Regiment may be taken for example. The village school boys prowled at large, for on the day previous the teacher expressed his intention of attending the meeting of electors, and of aiding in building up a military company worthy of his own importance, and the reputation of the few villagers. The industri- ous matrons and maids — bless their souls — donned the habiliments of fashion, and as they arrived at the meeting ground, ornamented the scene for which nature in its untouched simplicity did so much. Now arrived the moment when the business should be entered on. With a good deal of urging the ancient Elward Tomkins took the chair, and with a pompous air, wherein was concentrated a con- sciousness of his own importance, demanded the gentlemen entrusted with resolutions to open the proceedings. By this time a respected elector brought forward a jar and an uncommonly large tin-cup. These articles proved objects of very serious attention, and when the chairman repeated his demand, the same humane elector filled the cup to the brim, passed it to the venerable president and bade him drink deep to the prosperity of Indiana, of Black Creek, and of the regiment about to be formed. The secretarv was treated similarly, and then a drink all round the thirty electors and their friends. This ceremony completed, the military subject melted into nothingness before the great question, then agitating the peo- ple, viz., " Should the State of Indiana accept the grant of land donated bv Congress for the construction of the Wabash and Erie canal, from Lake Erie to the mouth of Tippecanoe river?" A son of Esculapius, one Doctor Stone, protested so vehemently against entertaining even an idea of accepting the grant, that the parties favorable to the question felt themselves to be treading on tottering grounds. Stone's logic was to the point, unconquerable; but his enemies did not surrender hope; they looked at one another, then at the young school-teacher, whom they ultimately selected as their orator and defender. The meeting adjourned for an hour, after which the youthful teacher of the young ideas ascended the rostrum. His own story of his emotions and efforts may be acceptable. He says: " I was sorry they called upon me; for I felt about ' half seas over' from the free and frequent use of the tin- cup. I was puzzled to know what to do. To decline would injure me in the estimation of the neighborhood, who were strongly in favor of the grant; and, on the other hand, if I attempted to speak, and failed from intoxi- cation, it would ruin me with my patrons. Soon a fence-rail was HISTORY OF INDIANA. 179 slipped into the worn fence near by, and a wash-tub, turned bottom upward, placed upon it and on the neighboring rails, about five feet from the ground, as a rostrum for me to speak from. Two or three men seized hold of me and placed me upon the stand, amidst the vociferous shouts of the friends of the canal, which were none the less loud on account of the frequent circulation of the tin and jug. I could scarcely preserve my equilibrium, but there I was on the tub for the purpose of answering and exposing the Doctor's sophistries, and an anxious auditory waiting for me to exterminate him. But, strange to say, my lips refused utterance. I saw 'men as trees, walking,' and after a long, and to me, painful pause, I smote my hand upon my breast, and said, ' I feel too full for utterance.' (I meant of whisky, they thought of righteous indig- nation at the Doctor's efirontery in opposing the measure under consideration.) The ruse worked like a charm. The crowd shouted: ' Let him have it.' I raised my finger and pointed a moment steadily at the Doctor. The audience shouted, ' Hit him again.' Thus encouraged, I attempted the first stump speech I ever attempted to make; and after I got my mouth to go off (and a part of the whisky — in perspiration), I had no trouble whatever, and the liquor dispelled my native timidity that otherwise might have embarrassed me. 1 occupied the tub about twenty-five minutes. The Doctor, boiling over with indignation and a speech, mounted the tub and harangued us for thirty minutes. The 'young school-master' was again called for, and another speech from him of about twenty minutes closed the debate." A vive voce vote of the company was taken, which resulted in twentj'-six for the grant and four against it. My two friends were elected Captain and Lieutenant, and I am back at my boarding house, ready for supper, with a slight headache. Strange as it may appear, none of them discovered that I was intoxicated. Lucky for me they did not, or I would doubtless lose my school. I now here promise myself, on this leaf of my day-book, that / will not driiik liquor again, ex- cept given as a medical prescription.^'' It is possible that the foregoing incident was the origin of the double entendre, " Too full for utterance." THIEVING AND LYNCH LAW. During the year 1868 the sentiment began to prevail that the processes of law in relation to criminal proceedings were neither prompt nor sure in the punishment of crime. It was easy to ob- 180 HISTORY OF INDIANA. tain continuances and changes of venue, and in this way delay the administration of justice or entirely frustrate it. The consequence was, an encouragement and increase of crime and lynch law became apparent. An event this year excited the public conscience upon this subject. A gang of robbers, who had been operating many months in the southern counties, on the 22d of May attacked and plundered a railroad car of the Adams' Express company on the Jefferson ville road; they were captured, and after being kept several weeks in custody in Cincinnati, Ohio, they were put on board a train, July 20, to be taken to the county of Jackson, in this State, for trial. An armed body of the "Vigilance Committee " of Seymour county lay in wait for the train, stopped the cars by hoist- ing a red signal on the track, seized the prisoners, extorted a confes- sion from them, and hanged them without the form of a trial. This same committee, to tlie number of 75 men, all armed and disguised, entered New Albany on the night of December 12, forcibly took the keys of the jail from the Sheriff, and proceeded to hang four others of these railroad robbers in the corridors of the prison. They published a proclamation, announcing by printed handbills that they would " swing by the neck until the}'- be dead everj"^ thieving character they could lay their hands on, wij:hout in- quiry whether they had the persons who committed that particu- lar crime or not." CURING THE DRUNKEN HUSBAND. Another case of necessity being the mother of invention occurred in Fountain county between 1825 and 1830, as thus related in the book above quoted : A little old man, who was in the habit of getting drunk at every log rolling and house-raising he attended, upon coming home at night would make indiscriminate war upon his wife and daughters, and everything that came in his way. The old lady and the daugh- ters bore with his tyranny and maudlin abuse as long as forbear, ance seemed to be a virtue. For awhile they adopted the doctrine of non-resistance and would fly from the house on his approach; but they found that this only made him worse. At length they resolved to change the order of things. They held a council of war, in which it was determined that the next time became home drunk they would catch him and tie him hand and foot, take him out and tie him fast to a tree, and keep him there until he got duly sober. It was not long before they had an opportunity to execute their HISTORY OF INDIANA. 181 decree. True to their plan, when they saw him coming, two of them placed themselves behind the door with ropes, and the other caught him by the wrists as he crossed the threshold. He was instantly lassoed. A tussle ensued, but the old woman and girls fell upper- most. They made him fast with the ropes and dragged him out toward the designated tree. He raved, swore, remonstrated and begged alternately, but to no effect; they tied him to the tree and kept him there most of the night. They did not even untie him directly after he became sober, until they extorted a promise from him that he would behave himself and keep sober for the future, and not maltreat them for the favor they had conferred upon him and themselves. Two or three applications of this mild and diluted form of lynch law had an admirable effect in restoring order and peace in that family and correcting the conduct of the delinquent husband and father. The old woman thinks the plan they pursued far better and less expensive than it would have been if they had gone ten miles to Esquire Makepeace every few weeks and got out a writ for assault and battery besides the trouble and expense of attending as witnesses, $10 or $20 every month or two, and withal doing no good toward reforming the old man. THE " CHOKE TRAP. " About 1808, in the neighborhood on the east fork of White river, there occurred a flagrant breach of the peace which demanded a summary execution of the law. A certain ungallant offender had flogged his wife in a most barbarous manner and then drove her from home. Bleeding and weeping, the poor woman appeared be- fore Justice Tongs for redress. The justice wrote out an affidavit, which was signed, sworn to, and subscribed in due form. A warrant was soon placed in the hands of a constable commanding him to arrest and forthwith bring the offender before Justice Tongs, to answer to the charge preferred against him. After an absence of some five or six hours, the constable returned with the prisoner in custody. He had had a vexatious time of it, for the prisoner, a gigantic man, had frequently on the way, after he had consented peaceably to accompany him to the magistrate's office, stopped short and declared he would go no further, observing at the same time that neither he (the constable) nor 'Squire Tongs had any business to meddle with his domestic concerns. It was during one of those vexatious parleys, the constable coaxing and persuading, and the 182 HISTORY OF INDIANA. prisoner protesting and swinging back like an unruly ox, that the constable fortunately spied a hunter at a short distance who was armed and accoutred in real backwoods style. The constable beck- oned to the liunter, who then came up to his assistance, and who, after hearing the particulars of the affair, cocked his rifle, and soon galloped off the prisoner to the 'Squire's ofhce. But this was only the beginning of the trouble in the case. The witnesses were yet to be summoned and brought before the justice; even the complaining witness had unexpectedly withdrawn from the house and premises of the justice, and was to be looked after. The hunter could not possibly stay long, as his comrades were to meet him at a point down 10 or 15 miles distant that evening. The prisoner was quite sullen, and it was evident that the 'Squire could not keep him safely if the constable and hunter were to leave. Although the 'Squire's jurisdiction extended from the west line of Ohio far toward the Rocky Mountains, and from the Ohio river north to Green Bay, yet so sparse was the neighborhood in point of population, and so scattering were the settlers, that he and his faithful constable found that it would be but little use to a call upon the posse coTTiitat us. But in this critical situation of affairs, the fruitful mind of the justice hit upon a first-rate plan to keep the prisoner until the witnesses could be brought. It was simply to pry up the corner of his heavy eight-rail fence near by, make a crack two or three rails above the ground, and thrust the prisoner's head through the crack, and then take out the pry. As soon as the 'Squire made known his plan to the company they with one accord resolved to adopt it. The constable immedi- ately rolled out an empty " bee-gum" for a fulcrum, and applied a fence rail for a lever; up went the fence, the justice took hold of the prisoner's arm, and, with the assisting nudges of the hunter, who brought up the rear with rifle in hand, they thurst the prisoner's head through the crack, nolens 'Oole7is, B.nd then took out the prop. There lay the offender safe enough, his head on one side of the fence and his body on the other. The hunter went on his way, satisfied that he had done signal service to his country, and the constable could now be spared to hunt up the witnesses. The prisoner in the meantime, although the crack in the fence was fully large enough without pinching, kept squirming about and bawling out lustily, "Choke trap! The devil take your choke trap!" Toward sunset the constable returned with the witnesses. The prisoner was taken from his singular duress, and was regularl}' PONTIAC. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 185 tried for his misdemeanor. He was found guilty, fined, and, as it appeared from the evidence on the trial that the defendant had been guilty aforetime of the same offense, the justice sentenced him to three hours' imprisonment in jail. There being no jail within 100 miles, the constable and bj'standers led the offender to the fence again, rolled up the "bee-gum," applied the rail, and thrust his head a second time through the fence. There he remained in limbo until ten o'clock that night, when, after giving security for the final costs, he was set at liberty, with not a few cautions that he had better " let Betsey alone," or he would get another applica- on of the law and the " choke trap." — Cox' Recollections of the Wabash Valley. MICHIGAN BOUNDAKY. About the year 1834 Michigan claimed that her southern bound- ary was properly about 10 miles soutli of the parallel fixed by Con- gress, that is, a line drawn from the extreme southern extremity of Lake Michigan directly east to. Lake Erie, thus including Toledo. Ohio and Indiana, especially the former, stoutly opposed this claim. The contest grew so warm that military organization had actually commenced, and a war was expected. This was called the "Toledo war," and for a time there was as much excitement as on the eve of a great revolution. But the blustering Wolverine was soothed to rest by an ofier of a large extent of territory north and west of the Strait of Mackinaw. Had that State succeeded in es- tablishing its claim by decree of Congress, Indiana would have been cut off from the lakes, thrown entirely inland like Kentucky, and lost a very valuable strip of country. This State also would have probably lost the co-operation of Ohio in the conduct of the Wabash & Erie canal, the greatest and costliest pet of the State. It is amusing to observe, by the way, that the people of Michigan at first thought that their reward for yielding the golden strip on her southern boundary was a very meager one, thinking that she had naught but a barren waste and a large body of cold water; but behold, how vast are now her mineral resources in that same bleak country, the " upper peninsula! " THE MEXICAN WAR During the administration of Gov. "Whitcomb the war with Mexico occurred, which resulted in annexing to the United States vast tracts of land in the south and west. Indiana contributed her full ratio to the troops in that war, and with a remarkable spirit of promptness and patriotism adopted all measures to sustain the gen- eral Government. These new acquisitions of territory re-opened the discussion of the slavery question, and Governor Whitcomb expressed his opposition to a further extension of the " national sin." The causes which led to a declaration of war against Mexico in 1846, must be sought for as far back as the year 1830, when the present State of Texas formed a province of New and Independent Mexico. During the years immediately preceding 1830, Moses Austin, of Connecticut, obtained a liberal grant of lands from the established Government, and on his death his son was treated in an equally liberal manner. The glowing accounts rendered by Aus- tin, and the vivid picture of Elysian fields drawn by visiting jour- nalists, soon resulted in the influx of a large tide of immigrants, nor did the movement to the Southwest cease until 1830. The Mexican province held a prosperous population, comprising 10,000 American citizens. The rapacious Government of the Mexicans looked with greed and jealousy upon their eastern province, and, under the presidency of Gen. Santa Anna, enacted such measures, both unjust and oppressive, as would meet their design of goading the people of Texas on to revolution, and thus afford an opportu- nity for the infliction of punishment upon subjects whose only crime was industry and its accompaniment, prosperity. Precisely in keeping with the course pursued by the British toward the col- onists of the Eastern States in the last century, Santa Anna's Government met the remonstrances of the colonists of Texas with threats; and they, secure in their consciousness of right quietly issued their declaration of independence, and proved its literal meaning on the field of Gonzales in 1835, having with a force of (186) HISTORY OF INDIANA. 187 500 men forced the Mexican army of 1,000 to fly for refuge to their strongholds. Battle after battle followed, bringing victory always to the Colonists, and ultimately resulting in the total rout of the Mexican army and the evacuation of Texas. The routed army after a short term of rest reorganized, and reappeared in the Terri- tory, 8,000 strong. On April 21, a division of this large force under Santa Anna encountered the Texans under General Samuel Houston on the banks of the San Jacinto, and though Houston could only oppose 800 men to the Mexican legions, the latter were driven from the field,nor could they reform their scattered ranks until their General was captured next day and forced to sign the declaration of 1835. The signature of Santa Anna, though ignored by the Congress of the Mexican Republic, and consequently left unratified on the part of Mexico, was effected in so much, that after the sec- ond defeat of the army of that Republic all the hostilities of an important nature ceased, the Republic of Texas was recognized by the powers, and subsequently became an integral part of the United States, July i, 1846. At this period General Herrera was pres- ident of Mexico. He was a man of peace, of common sense, and very patriotic; and he thus entertained, or pretended to enter- tain, the great neighboring Republic in high esteem. For this reason he grew unpopular with his people, and General Paredes was called to the presidential chair, which he continued to occupy until the breaking out of actual hostilities with the United States, when Gen. Santa Anna was elected thereto. President Polk, aware of the state of feeling in Mexico, ordered Gen. Zachary Taylor, in command of the troops in the Southwest, to proceed to Texas, and post himself as near to the Mexican border as he deemed prudent. At the same time an American squadron was dispatched to the vicinity, in the Gulf of Mexico. In November, General Taylor had taken his position at Corpus Christi, a Texan settlement on a bay of the same name, with about 4,000 men. On the 13th of January, 1846, the President ordered him to advance with his forces to the Rio Grande; accordingly he proceeded, and in March stationed himself on the north bank of that river, widi- in cannon-shot of the Mexican town of Matamoras. Here he hastily erected a fortress, called Fort Brown. The territory ly- ing between the river .Nueces and the Rio Grande river, about 120 miles in width, was claimed both by Texas and Mexico; ac- cording to the latter, therefore, General Taylor had actually invaded her Territory, and had thus committed an open 188 HISTORY OF INDIANA. act of war. On the 26tli of April, the Mexican General, Ampudia, gave notice to this effect to General Tajlor, and on the same day a party of American dragoons, sixtj-three in number, being on the north side of the Rio Grande, were attacked, and, after the loss of sixteen men killed and wounded, were forced to surrender. Their commander, Captain Thornton, only escaped. The Mexican forces had now crossed the river above Matamoras and were supposed to meditate an attack on Point Isabel, where Taylor had established a depot of supplies for his array. On the 1st of May, this officer left a small number of troops at Fort Brown, and marched with his chief forces, twenty-three hundred men, to the defense of Point Isabel. Having garrisoned this place, he set out on his return. On the 8th of May, about noon, he met the Mexican army, six thousand strong, drawn up in battle array, on the prairie near Palo Alto. The Americans at once advanced to the attack, and, after an action of five hours, in which their artillery was very effective, drove the enemy before them, and encamped upon the field. The Mexican loss was about one hundred killed; that ot the Americans, four killed and forty wounded. Major Ringgold, of the artillery, an officer of great merit, was mortally wounded. The next day, as the Americans advanced, they again met the enemy in a strong position near Resaca de la Palma, three miles from Fort Brown. An action commenced, and was fiercely contested, the artilleiy on both sides being served with great vigor. At last the Mexicans gave way, and fled in confusion. General de la Vega having fallen into the hands of the Americans. They also abandoned their guns and a large quantity of ammunition to the victors. The remain- ing Mexican soldiers speedily crossed the Rio Grande, and the next day the Americans took up their position at Fort Brown. Tiiis little fort, in the absence of General Taylor, had gallantly sustained an almost uninterrupted attack of several days from tlie Mexican batteries of Matamoras. When the news of the capture of Captain Thornton's party was spread over the United States, it produced great excitement. The President addressed a message to Congress, then in session, declar- ing " that war with Mexico existed by her own act;" and that body, May, 1846, placed ten millions of dollars at the President's dispo- sal, and authorized him to accept the services of fifty thousand volunteers. A great part of the summer of 1816 was spent in prep- aration for the war, it being resolved to invade Mexico at several points. In pursuance of this plan, General Taylor, who had taken HISTORY OF INDIANA. 189 possession of Matamoras, abandoned by the enemy in May, marched northward in the enemy's country in August, and on the 19th of September he appeared before Monterey, capital of the Mexican State of New Leon. His army, after having garrisoned several places along his route, amounted to six thousand men. The attack began on the 31st, and after a succession of assaults, during the period of four days, the Mexicans capitulated, leaving the town in possession of the Americans. In October, General Taylor terminated an armistice into which he had entered with the Mexican General, and again commenced offensive operations. Yarious towns and fortresses of the enemy now rapidly fell into our possession. In November, Saltillo, the capital of the State of Coahuila was occupied by the division of- General Worth; in December, General Patterson took possession of Victoria, the capital of Tamaulipas, and nearly at the same period. Commodore Perry captured the fort of Tampico. Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, with the whole territory of the' State had been subjugated by General Harney, after a march of one thousand miles through the wilderness. Events of a startling char- acter had taken place at still earlier dates along the Pacific coast. On the 4th of July, Captain Fremoi:t, having repeatedly defeated su- perior Mexican forces with the small band under his command, de- clared California independent of Mexico. Other important places in this region had yielded to the American naval force, and in Au- gust, 1846, the whole of California was in the undisputed occupa- tion of the Americans. The year 1847 opened with still more brilliant victories on the part of our armies. By the drawing off of a large part of General Taylor's troops for a meditated attack on Vera Cruz, he was left with a comparatively small force to meet the great body of Mexican troops, now marching upon him, under command of the celebrated Santa Anna, who had again become President of Mexico. Ascertaining the advance of this powerful army, twenty thou- sand strong, and consisting of the best of the Mexican soldiers, General Taylor took up his position at Buena Vista, a valley a few miles from Saltillo. His whole troops numbered only four thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine, and here, on the 23d of February, he was vigorously attacked by the Mexicans. The battle was very severe, and continued nearly the whole day, when the Mexicans fled from the field in disorder, with a loss of nearly two thousand men. Santa Anna speedily withdrew, and thus abandoned the region of 190 HISTORY OF INDIANA. the Rio Grande to the complete occupation of our troops. This left our forces at liberty to prosecute the grand enterprise of the cam- paign, the capture of the strong town of Yera Cruz, with its re- nowned castle of San Juan d'UUoa. On the 9th of March, 1847, General Scott landed near the city with an army of twelve thousand men, and on the 18th commenced an attack. For four days and nights an almost incessant shower of shot and shells was poured upon the devoted town, while the batteries of the castle and the city replied with terrible energy. At last, as the Americans were pre- paring for an assault, the Governor of the city offered to surrender, and on the 26th the American flag floated triumphantly from the walls of the castle and the city. General Scott now prepared to march upon the city of Mexico, the capital of the country, situated two hundred miles in the interior, and approached only through a series of rugged passes and mountain fastnesses, rendered still more formidable by several strong fortresses. On the 8tli of April the army commenced their march. At Oerro Gordo, Santa Anna had posted himself with fifteen thousand men. On the 18th the Amer- icans began the daring attack, and by midday every intrenchment of the enemy had been carried. The loss of the Mexicans in this remarkable battle, besides one thousand killed and wounded, was three thousand prisoners, forty-three pieces of cannon, five thousand stand of arms, and all their amunitions and mate- rials of war. The loss of the Americans was four hundred and thirty-one in killed and wounded. The next day our forces advanced, and, capturing fortress after fortress, came on the 18th of August within ten miles of Mexico, a city of two hun- dred thousand inhabitants, and situated in one of the most beautiful valleys in the world. On the 20th they attacked and carried the strong batteries of Contreras, garrisoned by 7,000 men, in an impetuous assault, which lasted but seventeen minutes. On the same day an attack was made by the Americans on the fortified post of Churubusco, four miles northeast of Contreras Here nearly the entire Mexican army — more than 20,000 in number — \vere posted; but they were defeated at every point, and obliged to seek a retreat in the city, or the still remaining fortress of Chapul- tepec. While preparations were being made on the 21st by Gen- eral Scott, to level his batteries against the city, prior to summon- ing it to surrender, he received propositions from the enemy, which terminated in an armistice. This ceased on the 7th of September. On the 8th the outer defense of Chapultepec was successfully HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 191 stormed by General Worth, though he lost one-fourth of his men in the desperate struggle. Tlie castle of Chapul tepee, situated on an abrupt and rocky eminence, 150 feet above the > surrounding country, presented a most formidable object of attack. On the 12th, however, the batteries were opened against it, and on the next day the citadel was carried by storm. The Mexicans still strug- gled along the great causeway leading to the city, as the Americans advanced, but before nightfal a part of our army was within the gates of the city. Santa Anna and the officers of the Government fled, and the next morning, at seven o'clock, the flag of the Ameri- cans floated from the national palace of Mexico. This conquest of the capital was the great and final achievement of the war. The Mexican republic was in fact prostrate, her sea-coast and chief cities being in the occupation of our troops. On the 2d of Feb- ruary, 1848, terms of peace were agreed upon by the American commissioner and the Mexican Government, this treaty being rati- fied by the Mexican Congress on the 30th ot May following, and by the United States soon after. President Polk proclaimed peace on the 4tli of July, 1848. In the preceding sketch we have given only a mere outline of the war with Mexico. We have necessarily passed over many interesting events, and have not even named many of our soldiers who performed gallant and important ser- vices. General Taylor's successful operations in the region of the Rio Grande were duly honored by the people of the United States, by bestowing upon him the Presidency. General Scott's campaign, from the attack on Vera Cruz, to the surrender of the city of Mexico, was far more remarkable, and,, in a military point of view, must be considered as one of the most brilliant of modern times. It is true the Mexicans are not to be ranked with the great nations of the earth; with a population of seven or eight millions, they have little more than a million of the white race, the rest being half-civ- ilized Indians and mestizos, that is, those of mixed blood. Their government is inefficient, and the people divided among them- selves. Their soldiers often fought bravely, but they were badly officered. While, therefore, we may consider the conquest of so extensive and populous a country, in so short a time, and attended with such constant superiority even to the greater numbers of the enemy, as highly gratifying evidence of the courage and capacity ot our army, still we must not, in judging of our achievements, fail to consider the real weakness of the nation whom we vanquished. 192 HISTORY OF INDIANA. One thing we may certainly dwell upon with satisfaction — the ad- mirable example, not only as a soldier, but as a man, set by our com- mander, Gen. Scott, who seems, in the midst of war and the ordinary license of the camp, always to have preserved the virtue, kindness, and humanity belonging to a state of peace. These qualities secured to him the respect, confidence and good-will even of the enemy he had conquered. Among the Generals who effectually aided General Scott in this remarkable campaign, we must not omit to iijiention the names of Generals Wool, Twiggs, Shields, "Worth, Smith, and Quitman, who generally added to the high qualities of soldiers tlie still more estimable characteristics of good men. The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo stipulated that the disputed territory between the Xueces and the Rio Grande should belong to the United States, and it now forms a part of Texas, as has been already stated; that the United States should assume and pay the debts due from Mexico to American citizens, to the amount of $3,500,000; and that, in consideration of the sum of $15,000,000 to be paid by the United States to Mexico, the latter should relinquish to the former the whole of New Mexico and Upper California. The soldiers of Indiana who served in this war were formed into five regiments of volunteers, numbered respectively, 1st, 2d, 3rd, 4th and 5th. The fact that companies of the three first-named reg- iments served at times with the men of Illinois, the New York volunteers, the Palmettos of South Carolina, and United States marines, under Gen. James Shields, makes for them a history; be- cause the campaigns of the Rio Grande and Chihuahua, the siege of Yera Cruz, the desperate encounter at Cerro Gordo, the tragic contests in the valley, at Contreras and Churubusco, the storming of Chapultepec, and the planting of the stars and stripes upon every turret and spire within the conquered city of Mexico, were all carried out by the gallant troops under the favorite old General, and consequently each of them shared with him in the glories at- tached to such exploits. The other regiments under Cols, Gorman and Lane participated in the contests of the period under other com- manders. The 4:th Regiment of Indiana Yolunteers, comprising ten companies, was formally organized at Jefiersonville, Indiana, by Capt. R. C. Gatlin, June 15, 1847, and on the 16th elected Major Willis A. Gorman, of the 3rd Regiment, to the Colonelcy; Ebenezer Dumont, Lieutenant-Colonel, and W. McCoy, Major. On the 27th of June the regiment left Jefiersonville for the front, and HISTORY OF INDIANA. . 193 subsequently was assigned to Brigadier-General Lane's command, which then comprised a battery of five pieces from the 3rd Regi- ment U. S. Artillery; a battery of two pieces from the 2nd Regiment U. S. Rrtillery, the4tli Regiment of Indiana Volunteers and the 4th Regiment of Ohio, with a squadron of mounted Louisianians and detachments of recruits for the U. S. army. The troops of this brigade won signal honors at Fasso de Ovegas, August 10, 1847; National Bridge, on the 12th; Cerro Gordo, on the 15th; Las Ani- mas, on the 19th, under Maj. F. T. Laliy, of General Lane's staff, and afterward under Lane, directly, took a very prominent part in the siege of Puebla, which began on the 15th of September and terminated on the 12th of October. At Atlixco, October 19th; Tlascala, November 10th; Matamoras and Pass Galajara, Novem- ber 23rd and 24tli; Guerrilla Ranche, December 5 th; Napaloncan, December 10th, the Indiana volunteers of the 4th Regiment per- formed gallant service, and carried the campaign into the following year, representing their State at St. Martin's, February 27, 1848; Cholula, March 26th; Matacordera, February 19th; Sequalteplan, February 25th; and on the cessation of hostilities reported at Madison, Indiana, for discharge, July 11, 1848; while the 5th In- diana Regiment, under Col. J. H. Lane, underwent a similar round of duty during its service with other brigades, and gained some celebrity at Yera Cruz, Churubusco and with the troops of Illinois under Gen. Shields at Chapultepec. This war cost the people of the United States sixty-six millions of dollars. This very large amount was not paid away for the at- tainment of mere glory; there was something else at stake, and this something proved to be a country larger and more fertile than the France of the Napoleons, and more steady and sensible than the France of the Republic. It was the defense of the great Lone Star State, the humiliation and chastisement of a quarrelsome neighbor. SLAVEKY. We have already referred to the prohibition of slavery in the Northwestern Territory, and Indiana Territory by the ordinance of 1787; to the imperfection in the execution of this ordinance and the troubles which the authorities encountered; and the complete estab- lishment of the principles of freedom on the ors^anization of the State. The next item of significance in this connection is the following lan- guage in the message of Gov. Ray to the Legislature of 1828: " Since our last separation, M-hile we have witnessed with anxious solicitude the belligerent operations of another hemisphere, the cross contend- ing against the crescent, and the prospect of a general rupture among the legitimates of other quarters of the globe, our attention has been arrested by proceedings in our own country truly dangerous to liberty, seriously premeditated, and disgraceful to its authors if agitated only to tamper with the American people. If such ex- periments as we see attempted in certain deluded quarters do not fall with a burst of thunder upon the heads of their seditious pro- jectors, then indeed the Republic has begun to experience the days of its degeneracy. The union of these States is the people's only sure charter for their liberties and independence. Dissolve it and each State will soon be in a condition as deplorable as Alexander's conquered countries after they were divided amongst his victorious military captains." In pursuance of a joint resolution of the Legislature of 1850, a block of native marble was procured and forwarded to Washington, to be placed in the monument then in the course of erection at the National Capital in memory of George Washington. In the absence of'any legislative instruction concerning the inscription upon this emblem of Indiana's loyalty, Gov. Wright ordered the following words to be inscribed upon it: Indiana Knows No North, No South, Nothing but the Union. Within a dozen years thereafter this noble State demonstrated to the world her loy- alty to the Union and the principles of freedom by the sacrifice of blood and treasure which she made. In keeping with this senti- ment Gov. Wright indorsed the compromise measures of Congress on the slavery question, remarking in his message that " Indiana takes her stand in the ranks, not of Southern destiny, nor yet of (194) '""•-CB^jmHl^ law-lp:-was-i-kaw, the shawnee prophet. HISTORY OF INDIANA. IQJ Northern destiny: she plants herself on the basis of the Consti- tution and takes her stand in the ranks of American destiny." FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT. At the session of the Legislature in January, 1869, the subject of ratifying the fifteenth amendment to the Federal Constitution, allowing negro suffrage, came up with such persistency that neither party dared to undertake any other business lest it be checkmated in some way, and being at a dead lock on this matter, they adjourn- ed in March without having done much important business. The Democrats, as well as a portion of the conservative Republicans, opposed its consideration strongly on the ground that it would be unfair to vote on the question until the people of the State had had an opportunity of expressing their views at the polls; but most of the Republicans resolved to push the measure through, while the Democrats resolved to resign in a body and leave the Legislature without a quorum. Accordingly, on March 4, 17 Senators and 36 Representatives resigned, leaving both houses without a quorum. As the early adjournment of the Legislature left the benevolent institutions of the State unprovided for, the Governor convened that body in extra session as soon as possible, and after the neces- sary appropriations were made, on the 19 th of May the fifteenth amendment came up; but in anticipation of this the Democratic members had all resigned and claimed that there was no quorum present. There was a quorum, however, of Senators in office though some of them refused to vote, declaring that they were no longer Senators; but the president of tliat body decided that as he had not been informed of their resignation by the Governor, they were still members. A vote was taken and the ratifying resolution was adopted. When the resolution came up in the House the chair decided that, although the Democratic members had resigned there was a quorum of the de facto members present, and the House proceeded to pass the resolution. This decision of the chair was afterward sustained by the Supreme Court, At the next regular session of the Legislature, in 1871, the Democrats undertook to repeal the ratification, and the Republican members resigned to prevent it. The Democrats, as the Republi- cans did on the previous occasion, proceeded to pass their resolu- tion of repeal; but while the process was under way, before the House Committee had time to report on the matter, 34 Republican members resigned, thereby preventing its passage and putting a stop to further legislation. THE WAR FOR THE UNION. On the fourth day of March, 1861, after the most exciting and momentous political campaign known in the history of this country, Abraham Lincohi — America's mart3'^red President — was inaugu- rated Chief Magistrate of the United States. This fierce contest was principally sectional, and as the announcement was flashed over the telegraph wires tliat the Republican Presidential candidate had been elected, it was hailed by the South as a justifiable pretext for dissolving the Union. Said Jefferson Davis in a speech at Jackson, Miss., prior to the election, "If an abolitionist be chosen Presi- dent of the United States you will have presented to you the question whether you will permit the government to pass into the hands of your avowed and implacable enemies. Without pausing for an answer, I will state my own position to be that such a result would be a species of revolution by which the purpose of the Government would be destroyed, and the obser- vances of its mere forms entitled to no respect. In that event, in such manner as should be most expedient, I should deem it your duty to provide for your safet}^ outside of the Union." Said another Southern politician, when speaking on the same sub- ject, " We shall fire the Southern heart, instruct the Southern mind, give courage to each, and at the proper moment, by one organized, concerted action, we can precipitate the Cotton States into a revolution." To disrupt the Union and form a government which recognized the absolute supremacy of the white population and the perpetual bondage of the black was what they deemed freedom from the galling yoke of a Republican administration. ABRAHAM LINCOLN DID NOT SEEK THE PRESIDENCY. Hon. Rufus W. Miles, of Illinois, sat on the floor by the side of Abraham Lincoln in the Library-room of the Capitol, in Spring- field, at the secret caucus meeting, held in January, 1859, when Mr. Lincoln's name was first spoken of in caucus as candidate for President. When a gentleman, in making a short speech, said, " We are going to bring Abraham Lincoln out as a candidate for President," Mr. Lincoln at once arose to his feet, and exclaimed, "For God's sake, let me alone! I have suffered enough!" This was soon after he had been defeated in the Legislature for United States Senate by Stephen A. Douglas, and only those who are (198) HISTORY OF INDIANA. 199 intimate with that important and unparalleled contest can appre- ciate the full force and meaning of these expressive words of the martyred President. They were spontaneous, and prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Abraham Lincoln did not seek the high posi- tion of President. Nor did he use any trickery or chicanery to obtain it. But his expressed wish was not to be complied with; our beloved country needed a savior and a martyr, and Fate had decreed that he should be the victim. After Mr. Lincoln was elected President, Mr. Miles sent him an eagle's quill, with which the chief magistrate wrote his first inaugural address. The letter written by Mr. Miles to the President, and sent with the quill, which was two feet in length, is such a jewel of eloquence and prophecy that it should be given a place in history: Persifek, December 21, 1860. Hon. a. Lincoln : Dear Sir : — Please accept the eagle quill I premised you, by the hand of our Representative, A. A. Smith. The bird from whose wing the qui'll was taken, was shot by Johii F Dillon, in Persifer township, Knox Co., Ills., in Feb., 1857, Hay- ing heard thiit James Buchanan was furnished with a:i eagle quill to write his Inaugural with, and believing that in 1800, a Republican would be elected to take his place, I determined to save this quill and present it to the fortunate man, who- ever he might be. Reports tell us that the bird which furnished Buchanan's quill was a captured bird, — lit emblem of the man that used it ; but the bird from which this quill was taken, yielded the quill only with his life, — fit emblem of the man who is expected to use it, for true Republicans believe that you would not think lile worth the keeping after the surrender of principle. Great difficulties surround you ; traitors to their country have threatened your life ; and should you \ni called upon to surrender it at the post of duty, your memory will live for- ever in the heart of every freeman ; and that is a grander monument than can be built of brick or marble. "For if hearts may not our memories keep, Oblivion haste each veetigu sweep, And let our memories end.'' Yours Truly, R. W. Miles. STATES SECEDING. At the time of President Lincoln's accession to power, several members of the Union claimed they had withdrawn from it, and styling themselves the " Confederate States of America," organ- ized a separate government. The house was indeed divided against itself, but it should not fall, nor should it long continue divided, was the hearty, determined response of 'every loyal heart in the nation. The accursed institution of human slavery was the primary cause for this dissolution of the American Union. Doubtless other agencies served to intensify the hostile feel- ings which existed between the Northern and Southern portions 200 HISTOKY OF INDIANA. of our country, but their remote origin could be traced to this great national evil. Had Lincoln's predecessor put forth a timelj, ener- getic effort, he might have prevented tlie bloody war our nation was called to pass through. On the other hand every aid was given the rebels; every advantage and all the power of the Government was placed at their disposal, and when Illinois' honest son took the reins of the Republic he found Buchanan had been a traitor to his trust, and given over to the South all available means of war. THE FALL OF SUMTEK. On the 12th day of April, 1861, the rebels, who for weeks had been erecting their batteries upon the shore, after demanding of Major Anderson a surrender, opened fire upon Fort Sumter. For thirty-four hours an incessant cannonading was continued; the fort was being seriously injured; provisions were almost gone, and Major Anderson was compelled to haul down the stars and stripes. That dear old flag which had seldom been lowered to a foreign foe by rebel hands was now trailed in the dust. Tlie first blow of the terrible conflict which summoned vast armies into the field, and moistened the soil of a nation in fraternal blood and tears, had been struck. Tlie gauntlet thus thrown down by the attack on Sumter by the traitors of the South was accepted — not, however, in the spirit with which insolence meets insolence — but with a firm, determined spirit of patriotism and love of country. The duty of the President was plain under the constitution and the laws, and above and beyond all, the peo])le from whom all political power is derived, demanded the suppression of the Rebellion, and stood ready to sustain the authority of their representative and executive oflicers. Promptly did the new President issue a proclamation calling for his countrymen to join with him to defend their homes and their country, and vindicate her honor. This call was made April 14, two days after Sumter was first fired upon, and was for 75,000 men. On the 15th, the same day he was notified, Gov. Yates issued his proclamation convening the Legislature. He also ordered the organization of six regiments. Troops were in abund- ance, and the call was no sooner made than filled. Patriotism thrilled and vibrated and pulsated through every heart. The farm, the workshop, the ofiice, the pulpit, the bar, the bench, the college, the school-house, — every calling offered its best men, their lives and their fortunes, in defense of the Government's honor and unity. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 201 Bitter words spoken in moments of political heat were forgotten and forgiven, and joining hands in a common cause, thej repeated the oatli of America's soldier-statesman: "-/??/ the Great Eternal^ the Tlii'ion must and shall he preserved.^^ The honor, the very life and glory of the nation was committed to the stern arbitrament of the sword, and soon the tramp of armed men, the clash of musketry and the heavy boom of artillery reverberated throughout the continent; rivers of blood saddened by tears of mothers, wives, sisters, daughters and sweethearts flowed from the lakes to the gulf, but a nation was saved. The sacrifice was great, but the Union was preserved. A VAST ARMY RAISED IN ELEVEN DAYS. In July and August of 18G2 the President called for 600,000 men — our quota of which was 52,296 — and gave until August 18 as the limits in which the number might be raised by volunteering, after which a draft would be ordered. The State had already fur- nished 17,000 in excess of her quota, and it was first thought this number would be deducted from the present requisition, but that could not be done. But thirteen days were granted to enlist this vast army, which had to come from tlie farmers and mechanics. The former were in the midst of harvest, but, inspired by love of country, over 50,000 of them left their harvests ungathered, their tools and their benches, the plows in their furrows, turning their backs on their homes, and before eleven days had expired the demands of the Government were met and both quotas filled. The war went on, and call followed call, until it began to look as if there would not be men enough in all the Free States to crush out and subdue the monstrous war traitors had inauo^urated. But to every call for either men or money there was a willing and ready response. And it is a boast of the people that, had the supply of men fallen short, there were women brave enough, daring enough, patriotic enough, to have offered themselves as sacrifices on their country's altar. On the 21st of December, 1864, the last call for troops was made. It was for 300,000. In consequence of an im- perfect enrollment of the men subject to military duty, it became evident, ere this call was made, that Indiana, was furnishing thous- ands of men more than what her quota would have been, had it been correct. So glaring had this disproportion become, that under this call the quota of some districts exceeded the number of able-bodied men in them. 202 HISTORY OF INDIANA. The people were liberal as well as patriotic; and while the men were busy enlisting, organizing and equipping companies, the ladies were no less active, and the noble, generous work performed by their tender, loving hands deserves mention along with the bravery, devotion and patriotism of their brothers upon the battle-field. The continued need of money to obtain the comforts and neces- saries for the sick and wounded of our army suggested to the loyal women of the North many and various devices for the raising of funds. Every cit}'', town and village had its fair, festival, picnic, excursion, concert, which netted more or less to the cause of hospital relief, according to the population of the place and the amount of energy and patriotism displayed on such occasions. Especially was this characteristic of our own fair State, and scarcely a hamlet within its borders which did not send something from its stores to hospital or battle-field, and in the larger towns and cities were well-organized soldiers' aid societies, working systematically and continuously from the beginning of the war till its close. Sherman's march to the sea. On the 15tli of November, 1864, after the destruction of Atlanta, and the railroads behind him, Sherman, with his army, began his march to the sea-coast. The almost breathless anxiety with which bis progress was watched by the loyal hearts of the nation, and the trembling apprehension with which it was regarded by all who hoped for rebel success, indicated this as one of the most remark- able events of the war; and so it proved. Of Sherman's army, 45 regiments of infantry, three companies of artillery, and one of cavalry were from this State. Lincoln answered ail rumors of Sherman's defeat with, "It is impossible; there is a mighty sight of fight in 100,000 Western men." CHARACTER OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. One other name from the West comes up in all minds, embalmed in all hearts, that must have the supreme place in this sketch of our glory and of our nation's honor: that name is Abraham Lincoln. The analysis of Mr. Lincoln's character is difficult on account of its symmetry. In this age we look with admiration at his uncompromising honesty; and well we may, for this saved us. Thousands throughout the length and breadth of our country, who knew him only as "Honest Old Abe," voted for him on that account; and wisel}'^ did they choose, for no other man could have carried us through the fearful night of war. When his plans were too vast for our comprehension, and his faith in the cause too sub- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 203 lime for our participation; when it was all night about us, and all dread before us, and all sad and desolate behind us; when not one ray shone upon our cause; when traitors were haughty and exult- ant at the South, and fierce and blasphemous at the North; when the loyal men seemed almost in tlie minority; when the stoutest heart quailed, the bravest cheek paled; when generals were defeat- ing each other for place, and contractois were leecliingout the very heart's blood of the republic; when everything else had failed us, we looked at tliis calm, patient man standing like a rock in the storm, and said, " Mr. Lincoln is honest, and we can trust him still." Holding to this single point with the energy of faith and despair, we held together, and under God he brought us through to victory. His practical wisdom made him the wonder of all lands. With such certainty did Mr. Lincoln follow causes to their ultimate effects, that his foresight of contingencies seemed almost prophetic. He is radiant with all the great virtues, and his memory will shed a glory upon this age that will fill the eyes of men as they look into history. Other men have excelled him in some points; but, taken at ail points, he stands head and shoulders above every other man of 6,000 years. An administrator, he saved the nation in the perils of unparalleled civil war; a statesman, he justified his measures by their success; a philanthropist, he gave liberty to one race and salvation to another; a moralist, he bowed from the sum- mit of human power to the foot of the cross; a mediator, he exer- cised mercy under the most absolute obedience to law; a leader, he was no partisan; a commander, he was untainted with blood; a ruler in desperate times, he was unsullied with crime; a man, he has left no word of passion, no thought of malice, no trick of craft, no act of jealousy, no purpose of selfish ambition. Thus perfected, without a model and without a peer, he was dropped into these troubled years to adorn and embellish all tliat is good and all that is great in our humanity, and to present to all coming time the representative of the divine idea of free government. It is not too much to say that away down in the future, when the republic has fallen from its niche in the wall of time; when the great war itself shall have faded out in the distance like a mist on the horizon; when the Anglo-Saxon shall be Sj3oken only by the tongue of the stranger, then the generations looking this way shall see the great President as the supreme figure in this vortex of history. 204 HISTOKY OF INDIANA. THE WAR ENDED THE UNION KESTOBED. The rebellion was ended with the surrender of Lee and his army, and Johnson and his command in April, 1865. Our armies at the time were up to their maximum strength, never so formidable, never so invincible; and, until recruiting ceased by order of Sec- retary Stanton, were daily strengthening. The necessity, however, LINCOLN MONUMENT AT SPRINGFIELD. for SO vast and formidable numbers ceased with the disbanding of the rebel forces, which had for more than four years disputed the supremacy of the Government over its domain. And now the joyful and welcome news was to be borne to the victorious legions that their work was ended in triumph, and they were to be per- mitted "to see homes and friends once more." INDIANA IN THE WAE. The events of the earlier years of this State have been reviewed down to that period in the nation's history when the Republic de- manded a first sacrifice from the newly erected States; to the time when the very safety of the glorious heritage, bequeathed by the fathers as a rich legacy, was threatened with a fate worse than death — a life under laws that harbored the slave — a civil defiance of the first principles of the Constitution, Indiana was among the first to respond to the summons of patri- otism, and register itself on the national roll ot honor, even as she was among the first to join in that song of joy which greeted a Re- public made doubly glorious within a century by the dual victory which won liberty for itself, and next bestowed the precious boon upon the colored slave. The fall of Fort Sumter was a signal for the uprising of the State. The news of the calamity was flashed to Indianapolis on the 14th of April, 1861, and early the next morning the electric wire brought the welcome message to Washington: — Executive Department of Indiana, ) Indianapolis, April 15, 1861. ) To Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States: — On behalf of the State of Indiana, I tender to you for the defense of the Nation, and to uphold the au- thority of the Government, ten thousand men. OLIVER P. MORTON, . Governor of Indiana. This may be considered the first official act of Governor Morton, who had just entered on the duties of his exalted position. The State was in an almost helpless condition, and yet the faith of the " "War Governor " was prophetic, when, after a short consultation with the members of the Executive Council, he relied on the fidelity of ten thousand men and promised their services to the Protectorate at Washington. This will be more apparent when the military condition of the State at the beginning of 1861 is considered. At that time the armories contained less than five hundred stand of serviceable small arms, eight pieces of cannon which might be use- ful in a museum of antiquities, with sundry weapons which would merely do credit to the aborigines of one hundred years ago. The financial condition of the State was even worse than the military. (205) 206 HISTORY OF INDIANA. The sum of $10,368.58 in trust funds was the amount of cash in the hands of the Treasurer, and this was, to all intents and purposes unavailable to meet the emergency, since it could not be devoted to the military requirements of the day. This state of affairs was dispiriting in the extreme, and would doubtless have militated against the ultimate success of any other man than Morton; yet he overleaped every difficulty, nor did the fearful realization of Floyd's treason, discovered during his visit to Washington, damp his indomitable courage and energy, but with rare persistence he urged the claims of his State, and for his exertions was requited with an order for five thousand muskets. The order was not exe- cuted until hostilities were actually entered upon, and consequently for some days succeeding the publication of the President's procla- mation the people labored under a feeling of terrible anxiety min- gled with uncertainty, amid the confusion which followed the crim- inal negligence that permitted the disbandment of the magnificent corps cf armee (51,000 men) of 1832 two years later in 1834, Great numbers of the people maintained their equanamity with the result of beholding within a brief space of time every square mile of their State represented by soldiers prepared to fight to the bitter end in defense of cherished institutions, and for the extension of the prin- ciple of human liberty to all States and classes within the limits of the threatened Union. This, their zeal, was not animated by hos- tility to the slave holders of the Southern States, but rather by a fraternal spirit, akin to that which urges the eldest brother to cor- rect the persistent follies of his juniors, and thus lead them from crime to the maintenance of family honor; in this correction, to draw them away from all that was cruel, diabolical and inhuman in the Republic, to all that is gentle, holy and sublime therein. Many of the raw troops were not only unimated by a patriotic feeling, but also by that beautiful idealization of the poet, who in his un- conscious Republicanism, said: " I would not have a slave to till my ground, To carry me, to fan me while I sleep, And tremble when I wake, for all the wealth That sinews bought and sold have ever earned No : dear as freedom is — and, in my heart's Just estimation, prized above all price — I had much rather be myself the slave, And wear the bonds, than fasten them on him." Thus animated, it is not a matter for surprise to find the first call to arms issued by the President, and calling for 75,000 men, HISTORY OF INDIANA. 207 answered nobly by the people of Indiana. The quota of troops to be furnished by the State on the first call was 4,683 men for three years' service from April 15, 1860. On the 16th of April, Gov- ernor Morton issued his proclamation calling on all citizens of the State, who had the welfare of the Republic at heart, to organize themselves into six regiments in defense of their rights, and in opposition to the varied acts of rebellion, charged by him against the Southern Confederates. To this end, the Hon. Lewis Wallace, a soldier of the Mexican campaign was appointed Adjutant-General, Col. Thomas A. Morris of the United States Military Academy, Quartermaster-General, and Isaiah Mansur, a merchant of Indian- apolis, Commissary-General. These general officers converted the grounds and buildings of the State Board of Agriculture into a military headquarters, and designated the position Camp Morton, as the beginning of the many honors which were to follow the pop- ular Governor throughout his future career. Now the people, im- bued with confidence in their Government and leaders, rose to the grandeur of American freemen, and with an enthusiasm never equaled hitherto, flocked to the standard of the nation; so that within a few days (19th April) 2,400 men were ranked beneath their regimental banners, until as the official report testifies, the anxious question, passing from mouth to mouth, was, " Which of us will be allowed to go? " It seemed as if Indiana was about to monopolize tlie honors of the period, and place the 75.000 men demanded of the Union by the President, at his disposition. Even now under the genial sway of guaranteed peace, the features of Indiana's veterans flush with righteous pride when these days— re- membrances of heroic sacrifice^ — are named, and freemen, still un- born, will read their history only to be blessed and glorified in the possession of such truly, noble progenitors. Nor were the ladies of the State unmindful of their duties. Everywhere they partook of the general enthusiasm, and made it practical so far as in their power, by embroidering and presenting standards and regimental colors, organizing aid and relief societies, and by many other acts of patriotism and humanity inherent in the high nature of woman. During the days set apart by the military authorities for the or- ganization of the regiments, the financiers of the State were en- gaged in the reception of munificent grants of money from pri- vate citizens, while the money merchants within and without the State oflfered large loans to the recognized Legislature without even imposing a condition of payment. This most practical generosity 208 HISTORY OF INDIANA. strengthened the hands of the Executive, and within a very few days Indiana had passed the crucial test, recovered some of her military- prestige lost in 1834, and so was prepared to vie with the otlier and wealthier States in making sacrifices for the public welfare. On the 20th of April, Messrs, I. S. Dobbs and Alvis D. Gall re- ceived their appointments as Medical Inspectors of the Division, while Major T. J. Wood arrived at headquarters from Washington to receive the newly organized regiments into the service of the Union. At the moment this formal proceeding took place, Morton, unable to restrain the patriotic ardor of the peoy^le, telegraphed to the capitol that he could place six regiments of infantry at the dis- posal of the General Government within six days, if such a pro- ceeding were acceptable; but in consequence of the wires being cut between the State and Federal capitols, no answer came. Taking advantage of the little doubt which may have had existence in re- gard to future action in the matter and in the absence of general orders, he gave expression to an intention of placing the volunteers in camp, and in his message to the Legislature, who assembled three days later, he clearly laid down the principle of immediate action and strong measures, recommending a uote of $1,000,000 for there- organization of the volunteers, for the purchase of arais and supplies, and for the punishment of treason. The message was received most enthusiastically. The assembly recognized the great points made by the Governor, and not only yielded to them in toto, but also made the following grand appropriations: General military purposes $1,000,000 Purchase of arms ...500,000 Continf^ent military expenses 100,000 Organization and support of militia for two years 140,000 These appropriations, together with the laws enacted during the session of the Assembly, speak for the men of Indiana. The celerity with which these laws were put in force, thediligince and economy exercised by the officers, entrusted with their administration, and that systematic genius, under which all the machinery of Govern- ment seemed to work in harmony, — all, all, tended to make for the State a spring-time of noble deeds, when seeds might be cast along her fertile fields and in the streets of her villages of industry to grow up at once and blossom in the ray of fame, and after to bloom throughout the ages. Within three dsijs after the opening of the extra session of the Legislature (27th April) six new regiments were organized, and commissioned for three months' service. These reg- s HISTORY OF INDIANA. 209 iinents, notwithstanding the fact that the first six regiments were already mustered into the general service, were known as '-The First Brigade, Indiana Volunteers," and with the simple object of making the way of the future student of a brilliant history clear, were numbered respectively Sixth Regiment, commanded by Col. T. T. Crittenden. Seventh '' " " '• Ebenezer Dumont. Eighth " " " " W. P. Benton. Ninth " " " " K. H. Milroy. Tenth " " " '• T. T. Reynolds. Eleventh " " " " Lewis Wallace. The idea of these numbers was suggested by the fact that the military representation of Indiana in the Mexican Campaign was one brigade of live res^iments, and to observe consecutiveness the regiments comprised in the first division of volunteers were thus numbered, and the entire force placed under Brigadier General T. A. Morris, wnth the following staff: John Love, Major; Cyrus C* Hines, Aid-de-camp; and J. A. Stein, Assistant Adjutant General. To follow the fortunes of these volunteers tlirouo:h all the vicissi- tudes of war would prove a special work; yet their valor and endur- ance during their first term of service deserved a notice of even more value than that of the historian, since a commander's opinion has to be taken as the basis upon which the chronicler may expatiate. Therefore the following dispatch, dated from the headquarters of the Army of Occupation, Beverly Camp, W. Yirginia, July 21, 1861, must be taken as one of the first evidences of their utility and valor: — "Governor O. P. Morton, Indianapolis, Indiana. Governor:— I have directed the three months' regiments from Indiana to move to Indianapolis, there to be mustered out and reorganized for three years' service. I cannot permit them to return to you without again expressing my high appreciation of the distinguished valor and endurance of the Indiana troops, and my hope that but a short time will elapse before I have the pleasure of knowin"- that they are again ready for the field. ******* I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant. George B. McCleli s^, Major-Oenernl, U 3. A. On the return of the troops to Indianapolis, July 29, Brigadier Morris issued a lengthy, logical and well-deserved congratulatory address, from which one paragraph may be extracted to characterize 210 HISTORY OF INDIANA. the whole. After passing a glowing eulogium on their military qualities and on that unexcelled gallantry displayed at Laurel Hill, Phillipi and Carrick's Ford, he says: — " Soldiers! You have now returned to the friends whose prayers went with you to the field of strife. They welcome you with pride and exultation. Your State and country ackuowledge the value of your labors. May your future career be as your past has been, — honorable to yourselves and serviceable to your country." The six regiments forming Morris' brigade, together with one composed of the surplus volunteers, for whom there was no regi- ment in April, now formed a division of seven regiments, all reor- ganized for three years' service, between the 20th August and 20th September, with the exception of the new or 12th, which was ac- cepted for one year's service from May 11th, under command of Colonel John M. Wallace, and reorganized May IT, 18G2, for three years' service under Col. W. II. Link, who, with 172 officers and men, received their mortal wounds during the Richmond (Ken- tucky) engagement, three months after its reorganization. The 13th Hegiment, under Col. Jeremiah Sullivan, was mus- tered into the United States in 1861 and joined Gen. McClellan's comraaTid at Rich Mountain on the 10th July. The day following it was present under Gen. Rosencrans and lost eight men killed; three successive days it was engaged under Gen, I. I. Reynolds, and won its laurels at Cheat Mountain summit, where it participated in the decisive victory over Gen. Lee. The 14:TH Regiment, organized in 1S61 for one year's service, and reorganized on the Tth of June at Terre Haute for three years' ser. vice. Commanded by Col. Kimball and showing a muster roll of 1,134 men, it was one of the finest, as it was the first, three years' regiment organized in the State, with varying fortunes attached to its never ending round of duty from Cheat Mountain, September, 1861, to Morton's Ford in 1864, and during the movement South in May of that year to the last of its labors, the battle of Cold Har- bor. The 15th Regiment, reorganized at La Fayette 14th June, 1861, under Col. G. D. Wagner, moved on Rich Mountain on the 11th of July in time to participate in the complete rout of the enemy. On the promotion of Col. Wagner, Lieutenant-Col. G. A. Wood became Colonel of the regiment, Nove\uber, 1862, and during the first days of January, 1863, took a distinguished part in the severe action of Stone River. From this period down to the battle of Mis- sion Ridge it was in a series of destructive engagements, and was. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 211 after enduring terrible hardships, ordered to Chattanooga, and thence to Indianapolis, where it was mustered out the 18th June, 1864, — four days after the expiration of its term of service. The 16th Regiment, organized under Col, P. A. Hackleman at Richmond for one year's service, after participating in many minor military events, was mustered out at Washington, D.C.,on the litli of May, 1862. Col. Hackleman was killed at the battle of luka, and Lieutenant-Col. Thomas I. Lucas succeeded to the command. It was reorganized at Indianapolis for three years' service. May 27, 1862, and took a conspicuous part in all the brilliant engagements of the war down to June, 1865, when it was mustered out at New Orleans. The survivors, numbering 365 rank and file, returned to Indianapolis the 10th of July amid the rejoicing of the populace. The 17th Regiment was mustered into service at Indianapolis the 12th of June, 1861, for three years, under Col. Hascall, who on being promoted Brigadier General in March, 1862, left the Colonelcy to devolve on Lieutenant Colonel John T. Wilder. This regiment participated in the many exploits of Gen. Reynold's army from Green Brier in 1862, to Macon in 1865, under Gen. Wilson. Returning to Indianapolis the 16th of August, in possession of a brilliant record, the regiment was disbanded. The 18th Regiment, under Colonel Thomas Pattison, was organ- ized at Indianapolis, and mustered into service on the 16th of August, 1861. Under Gen. Pope it gained some distinction at Blackwater, and succeeded in retaining a reputation made there, by its gallantry at Pea Ridge, February, 1862, down to the moment when it planted the regimental flag on the arsenal of Augusta, Georgia, where it was disbanded August 28, 1865. The 19th Regiment, mustered into three years' service at the State capital July 29, 1861, was ordered to join the army of the Potomac, and reported its arrival at Washington, August 9. Two days later it took part in the battle of Lewinsville, under Colonel Solomon Meredith. Occupying Falls Church in September, 1861, it continued to maintain a most enviable place of honor on the military roll until its consolidation with the 20th Regiment, October, 1864, under Colonel William Orr, formerlv its Lieutenant Colonel. The 20th Regiment of La Fayette was organized in July, 1861, mustered into three years' service at Indianapolis on the 22d of the same month, and reached the front at Cockeysville, Maryland, twelve da\'s later. Throughout all its brilliant actions from Hat teras Bank, on the 4th of October, to Clover Hill, 9th of April, 1865, 212 HISTORY OF INDIANA. includirif^ the saving of the United States ship Congress, at New- port IMews, it added dail}'' some new name to its escutcheon. This regiment was mustered out at Louisville in July, 1865, and return- ing to Indianapolis was welcomed by the great war Governor of their State. The 21sT Hegiment was mustered into service under Colonel I. W. McMillan, July 24, 1861, and reported at the front the third day of August. It was the first regiment to enter Kew Orleans. The fortunes of this regiment were as varied as its services, so that its name and fame, grown from the blood shed by its members, are destined to live and flourish. In December, 1863, the regiment was reorganized, and on the 19th February, 1864, many of its veterans returned to their State, where Morton received them with that spirit of proud gratitude which he was capable of showing to those who deserve honor for honors won. The 22d Regiment, under Colonel Jeff. C. Davis, left Indian- apolis the 15th of August, and was attached to Fremont's Corps at St. Louis on the 17th. From tlie day it moved to the support of Colonel Mulligan at Lexington, to the last victory, won under General Sherman at Bentonville, on the 19th of March, 1865, it gained a high military reputation. After the fall of Johnston's southern army, this regiment was mustered out, and arrived at Indianapolis on the 16th June. The 23d Battalion, commanded by Colonel W. L. Sanderson, was mustered in at New Albany, the 29th July, 1861, and moved to the front early in August. From its unfortunate marine ex- periences before Fort Henry to Bentonville it won unusual honors, and after its disbandment at Louisville, returned to Indianapolis July 24, 1865, where Governor Morton and General Sherman reviewed and complimented the gallant survivors. The 24th Battalion, under Colonel Alvin P. Hovey, was mustered at V^incennes the 31st of July, 1861. Proceeding imme- diately to the front it joined Fremont's command, and participated under many Generals in important affairs during the war. Three hundred and ten men and officers returned to their State in August, 1865, and were received with marked honors by the people and Executive. The 25th Regiment, of Evansville mustered into service there for three years under Col. J. C. Veatch, arrived at St. Louis on the 26th of August, 1861. During the war this regiment was present at 18 battles and skirmishes, sustaining therein a loss of 352 men HISTORY OF INDIANA. 213 and officers. Mustered out at Louisville, July 17, 186.5, it returned to Indianapolis on the 21st amid universal rejoicing. The 26th Battalion, under W. M. Wheatlej, left Indianapolis for the front the 7th of September, 1861, and after a brilliant cam- paign under Fremont, Grant, Heron and Smith, may be said to disband the ISth of September, 1865, when the non-veterans and recruits were reviewed by Morton at the State capital. The 27th Regimknt, under Col. Silas Colgrove, moved from Indianapolis to Washington City, September 15th, 1861, and in October was allied to Gen. Banks' army. From Winchester Heights, the 9th of March 1862, through all the affairs of General Sherman's campaign, it acted a gallant and faithful part, and was disbanded immediately after returning to their State. The 28th ob 1st Cavalky was mustered into service at Evans- villeon the 20th of August, 1861, under Col. Conrad Baker. From the skirmish at Ironton, on the 12th of September, wherein three companies under Col. Gavin captured a position held by a lew rebels, to tlie battle of the Wilderness, the First Cavalry per- formed prodigies of valor. In June and July, 1865, the troops were mustered out at Indianapolis. The 29th Battalion of La Porte, under Col. J. F. Miller, left on the 5th of October, 1861, and reaching Camp JNevin, Kentucky, on the 9th, was allied to Ilosseau's Brigade, serving with McCook's division at Sliiloh, with Buell's army in Alabama, Tennessee and Kentucky, with Iloseucrans at Murfreesboro, at Decatur, Alabama, and at Dalton, Georgia. The Twenty-ninth won many laurels, and had its Colonel promoted to the rank of Brigadier General. This officer was succeeded in the command by Lieutenant-Col. D.M.Dunn. The 30th Regiment of Fort Wayne, under Col. Sion S. Bass, proceeded to the front via Indianapolis, and joined General liosseau at Camp Neviu on the 9th of October, 1861. At Shiloh, Col. Bass received a mortal wound, and died a few days later at Paducah, leaving the Colonelcy to devolve upon Lieutenant-Col. J. B. Dodge. In October 1865, it formed a battalion of General Sheri- dan's army of observation in Texas. The 31st Regiment, organized at Terre Haute, under Col. Charles Cruft, in September 1861, was mustered in, and left in a few days for Kentucky. Present at the r8diic:;ion of Fort Donelson on the 13th, 14th, and lath of February, 1862, its list of killed and wounded proves its desperate fighting qualities. The organization 214 HISTORY OF INDIANA. was subjected to many changes, bnt in all its phases maintained a fair fame won on many battle fields. Like the former regiment, it passed into Gen. Sheridan's Army of Observation, and held the district of Green Lake, Texas, The 32d Regiment of German Infantry, under Col. August Willich, organized at Indianapolis, mustered on the 24th of August, 1861, served with distinction throughout the campaign Col. "Willich was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General, and Lieut.- Col. Henry Yon Trebra commissioned to act, under whose com- mand the regiment passed into General Sheridan's Army, hold- ing the post of Salado Creek, until the withdrawal of the corps of observation in Texas. The 33d Regiment of Indianapolis possesses a military history of no small proportions. The mere facts that it was mustered in under Col. John Coburn, the 16th of September, won a series of distinctions throughout the war district and was mustered out at Louisville, July 21, 1865, taken with its name as one of the most poweriul regiments engaged in the war, are sufficient here. The 34th Battalion, organized at Anderson on the 16th Sep- tember, 1861, under Col. Ashbury Steele, appeared among the in- vesting battalions before New Madrid on the 30th of March, 1862. From the distinguished part it took in that siege, down to the 13th of May, 1865, when at Palmetto Ranche, near Palo Alto, it fought for hours against fearful odds the last battle of the war for the Union. Afterwards it marched 250 miles up the Rio Grande, and was the first regiment to reoccupy the position, so long in Southern hands, of Ringold barracks. In 1865 it garrisoned Bea- consville as part of the Army of Observation. The 35th or First Irish Regiment, was organized at Indian- apolis, and mustered into service on the 11th of December, 1861, under Col. John C. Walker. At Nashville, on the 22d of May, 1862, it was joined by the organized portion of the Sixty-first or Second Irish Regiment, and unassigned recruits. Col. Mullennow became Lieut.-Colonel of the 35th, and shortly after, its Colonel. From the pursuit of Gen. Bragg through Kentucky and the affair at Perryville on the 8th of October, 1862, to the terrible hand to hand combat at Kenesaw mountain, on the night of the 20th of June, 1864, and again from the conclusion of the Atlanta campaign to September, 1865, witii Gen. Sheridan's army, when it was mus- tered out, it won for itself a name of reckless daring and unsur- passed gallantry. HISTOKY OF IX DIANA. 215 The 36th Regiment, of Richmond, Ind., under Col. Williatn Grose, mustered into service for three years on the 16th of Sep- tember, 1861, went immediately to the front, and shared the for- tunes of the Army of the Ohio until the 27th of February, 1862, when a forward movement led to its presence on the battle-field of Sliiloh. Following up the honors won at Shiloh, it participated in some of the most important actions of the war, and was, in October, 1865, transferred to Gen. Sheridan's army. Col. Grose was pro- moted in 1864 to the position of Brigadier-General, and the Colonelcy devolved on Oliver H. P. Carey, formerly Lieut.-Colonel of the regiment. The 37th Battalion, of Lawrenceburg, commanded by Col. Geo. W. Hazzard, organized the 18th of September, 1861, left for the seat of war early in October. From the eventful battle of Stone river, in December, 1862, to its participation in Sherman's march through Georgia, it gained for itself a splendid reputation. This regiment returned to, and was present at, Indianapolis, on the 30th of July, 1865, where a public reception was tendered to men and officers on the grounds of the Capitol. The 38th Regiment, under Col. B'enjaminF. Scribner, was mus- tered in at New Albany, on the 18th of September, 1861, and in a few days were en route for the front. To follow its continual round of duty, is without the limits of this sketch; therefore, it will suffice to say, that on every well-fought field, at least from February, 1862, until its dissolution, on the 15th of July, 1865, it earned an enviable renown, and drew from Gov. Morton, on return- ing to Indianapolis the 18th of the same month, a congratulatory address couched in the highest terms of praise. The 39th Regiment, or Eighth Cavalry, was mustered in as an infantry regiment, under Col. T. J. Harrison, on the 28th of August, 1861, at the State capital. Leaving immediately for the front it took a conspicuous part in all the engagements up to April, 1863, when it was reorganized as a cavalry regiment. The record of this organization sparkles with great deeds wliich men will extol while language lives; its services to the Union cannot be over esti- mated, or the memory of its daring deeds be forgotten by the un- happy people who raised the tumult, which culminated in their second shame. The 40th Regiment, of Lafayette, under Col. W. C. Wilson, subsequently commanded by Col. J. W. Blake, and again by Col. Henry Learning, was organized on the 30th of December, 1861, and 216 HISTORY OF INDIANA. at once proceeded to the front, where some time was necessarily spent in the Camp of Instruction at Bardstown, Kentucky. In February, 1862, it joined in Buell's forward movement. During the war the regiment shared in all its hardships, participated in all its honors, and like many other brave commands took service under Gen. Sheridan in his Army of Occupation, holding the post of Port Lavaca, Texas, until peace brooded over the land. The 4:1st Regiment or Second Cavalry, the first complete regi- ment of horse ever raised in the State, was organized on the 3d of September, 1861, at Indianapolis, under Col. John A. Bridgland, and December 16 moved to the front. Its first war experience was gained en route to Corinth on the 9th of April, 1862, and at Pea Ilidge on the 15th. Gallatin, Vinegar Hill, and Perryville, and Talbot Station followed in succession, each battle bringing to the cavalry untold honors. In May, 1864, it entered upon a glorious career under Gen. Sherman in his Atlanta campaign, and again under Gen, Wilson in the raid through Alabama during April, 1865. On the 22d of July, after a brilliant career, the regiment was mastered out at Nashville, and returned at once to Indianapolis for discharge. The 42d, under Col J. G. Jones, mustered into service at Evans- ville, October 9, 1861, and having participated in the principal military affairs of the period, Wartrace, Mission Ridge, Altoona, Kenesaw, Savannah, Charlestown and Bentonville, was discharged at Indianapolis on the 25th of July, 1865. The 43d Battalion was mustered in on the 27th of September, 1861, under Col. George K. Steele, and left Terre Haute en route to the front within a few days. Later it was alUed to Gen. Pope's corps, and afterwards served with Commodore Foote's marines in the reduction of Fort Pillow. It was the first Union regiment to enter Memphis. From that period until the close of the war it was distinguished for its unexcelled qualifications as a military body, and fully deserved the encomiums passed upon it on its return to Indianapolis in March, 1865. The 44th or the Regiment of the 10th Congressional District was organized at Fort Wayne on the 24th of Ocitober, 1861, under Col. Hugh B. Reed. Two months later it was ordered to the front, and arriving in Kentucky, was attached to Gen. Cruft's Brigade, then quartered at Calhoun. After years of faithful service it was mustered out at Chattanooga, the 14th of September, 1865. The 45th, or Third Cavalry, comprised ten companies HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 217 organized at different periods and for varied services in 1861- '62, under Colonel Scott Carter and George H. Chapman. The distinguished name won by the Third Cavalry is established in every village within the State. Let it suffice to add that after its brilliant participation in Gen. Sheridan's raid down the James' river canal, it was mustered out at Indianapolis on the Tth of Au- gust, 1865. The 46th Regiment, organized at Logansport under Colonel Graham N. Fitch, arrived in Kentucky the 16th of February, 1862, and a little later became attached to Gen. Pope's army, then quar- tered at Commerce. The capture of Fort Pillow, and its career under Generals Curtis, Palmer, Hovey, Gorman, Grant, Sherman, Banks and Burbridge are as truly worthy of applause as ever fell to the lot of a regiment. The command was mustered out at Louis- ville on the 4th of September, 1865. The 47th was organized at Anderson, under Col. I. R. Slack, early in October, 1862. Arriving at Bardstown, Kentucky, on the 21st of December, it was attached to Gen. Buell's army; but within two months was assigned to Gen. Pope, under whom it proved the first regiment to enter Fort Thompson near New Madrid. In 1864 the command visited Indianapolis on veteran furlough and was enthu- siastically received by Governor Morton and the people. Return- ing to the front it engaged heartily in Gen. Banks' company. In December, Col. Slack received his commission as Brigadier-General, and was succeeded on the regimental command by Col. J, A. Mc- Laughton; at Shreveport under General Heron it received the sub- mission of General Price and his army, and there also was it mus- tered out of service on the 23d of October, 1865. The 48th Regiment, organized at Goshen the 6th of December, 1861, under Col. Norman Eddy, entered on its duties during the siege of Corinth in May, and again in October, 1862. The record of this battalion may be said to be unsurpassed in its every feature, so that the grand ovation extended to the returned soldiers in 1865 at Indianapolis, is not a matter for surprise. The 49th Regiment, organized at Jeffersonville, under Col. J. W. Ray, and mustered in on the 21st of November, 1861, for service, left en route for the camp at Bardstown. A month later it arrived at the unfortunate camp-ground of Cumberland Ford, where dis- ease carried off a number of gallant soldiers. The regiment, how- ever, survived the dreadful scourge and won its laurels on many 218 HISTORY OF INDIANA. a well -fought field until September, 1865, when it was mustered out at Louisville. The 50th Eegiment, under Col. Cyrus L. Dunham, organized during the month of September, 1861, at Seymour, left en route to Bardstown for a course of military instruction. On the 20th of August, 1862, a detachment of the 50th, under Capt. Atkinson, was attacked by Morgan's Cavalry near Edgefield Junction; but the gallant few repulsed their oft-repeated onsets and finally drove them from the field. The regiment underwent many changes in organization, and may be said to muster out on the lOtli of Septem- ber, 1805. The 51sT Regiment, under Col. Abel. D. Streight, left Indianap- olis on the lith of December, 1861, for the South. After a short course of instruction at Bardstown, the regiment joined General Buell's and acted with great effect during the campaign in Ken- tucky and Tennessee. Ultimately it became a participator in the work of the Fourth Corps, or Army of Occupation, and held the post of San Antonio until peace was doubly assured. The 52d Regiment was partially raised at Rushville, and the organization completed at Indianapolis, where it was consolidated with the Railway Brigade, or 56th Regiment, on the 2d of Feb- ruary, 1862. Going to the front immediately after, it served with marked distinction throughout the war, and was mustered out at Montgomery on the 10th of September, 1865. Returning to Indian- apolis six days later, it was welcomed by Gov. Morton and a most enthusiastic reception accorded to it. The 53rd Battalion was raised at New Albany, and with the addition of recruits raised at Rockport formed a standard regi- ment, under command of Col. W. Q. Gresham. Its first duty was that of guarding the rebels confined on Camp Morton, but on going to the front it made for itself an endurable name. It was mus- tered out in July, 1865, and returned to Indiananoplis on the 25th of the same month. The 54th Regiment was raised at Indianapolis on the 10th of June, 1862, for three months' service under Col. D.G.Rose. The succeeding two months saw it in charge of the prisoners at Camp Morton, and in August it was pushed forward to aid in the defense of Kentucky against the Confederate General, Kirby Smith. The remainder of its short term of service was given to the cause. On the muster out of the three months' service regiment it was reorgan- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 219 ized for one year's service and gained some distinction, after which it was mustered out in 1863 at New Orleans. The 55th JRegiment, organized for three months' service, retains the brief history applicable to the first organization of the 54th. It was mustered in on the 16th of June, 1862, under Col. J. E,. Mahon, disbanded on the expiration of its term and was not reor- ganized. The 56t^ Regiment, rei'erred to in the sketch of the 52nd, was designed to be composed of railroad men, marshalled under J, M. Smith as Colonel, but owing to the fact that many railroaders had already volunteered into other regiments. Col. Smith's volunteers were incorporated with the 52nd, and this number left blank in the army list. The 57th Battalion, actually organized by two ministers of the gospel,— the Rev. I. W. T. McMullen and Rev. F. A. Hardin, of Richmond, Ind., mustered into service on the 18th of Novem- ber, 1861, under the former named reverend gentleman as Colonel, who was, however, succeeded by Col. Cyrus C. Ilaynes, and he in turn by G. W. Leonard, WillisBlanch and John S. McGrath, the latter holding command until the conclusion of the war. The history of this battalion is extensive, and if participation in a num- ber of battles with the display of rare gallantry wins fame, the 57th may rest assured of its possession of this fragile yet coveted prize. Like many other regiments it concluded its military labors in the service of General Sheridan, and held the post of Port Lavaca in conjunction with another regiment until peace dwelt in the land. The 58th Regiment, of Princeton, was organized there early in October, 1861, and was mustered into service under the Colonelcy of Henry M. Carr. In December it was ordered to join Gen- eral BuelTs army, after which it took a share in the various actions of the war, and was mustered out on the 25th of July, 18C5, at Louisville, having gained a place on the roll of honor. The 59th Battalion was raised under a commission issued by Gov. Morton to Jesse I. Alexander, creatine him Colonel. Owino- to the peculiarities hampering its organization, Col. Alexander could not succeed in having his regiment prepared to muster in before the 17th of February, 1862. However, on that day the equipment was complete, and on the 18th it left eriiroute to Commerce, where on its arrival, it was incorporated under General Pope's command. The list of its casualties speaks a history, — no less than 793 men were lost during the campaign. The regiment, after a term char- 220 HISTORY OF INDIANA. acterized by distinguished service, was mustered out at Louisville on the 17th of July, 1865. The 60tu Eegiment was partially organized under Lieut. -Col. Richard Owen at Evansville during November 1861, and perfected at Camp Morton during March, 1862. Its first experience was its gallant resistance to Bragg's army investing Muntbrdsville, which culminated in the unconditional surrender of its first seven com- panies on the 14th of September. An exchange of prisoners took place in November, which enabled it to joine the remaining com- panies in the field. The subsequent record is excellent, and forms, as it were, a monument to their fidelity and heroism. The main portion of this battalion was mustered out at Indianapolis, on the 21st of March, 1865. The 61sT was partially organized in December, 1861, under Col. B. F. Mullen. The failure of thorough organization on the 22d of May, 1862, led the men and officers to agree to incorporation with the 35th Regiment of Volunteers. The 62d Battalion, raised under a commission issued to Wil- liam Jones, of Rockport, authorizing him to organize this regiment in the First Congressional District was so unsuccessful that consoli- dation with the 53d Regiment was resolved upon. The 63d Regiment, of Covington, under James McManomy, Commandant ot Camp, and J. S. Williams, Adjutant, was partially organized on the 31st of December, 1861, and may be considered on duty from its very formation. After guarding prisoners at Camp Morton and Lafayette, and engaging in battle on Manassas Plains on the 30th of August following, the few companies sent out in February, 1862, returned to Indianapolis to find six new companies raised under the call of July, 1862, ready to embrace the fortunes of the 63d. So strengthened, the regiment went forth to battle, and continued to lead in the paths of honor and fidelity until mustered out in May and June, 1865. The 64th Regiment failed in organization as an artillery corps; but orders received from the War Department prohibiting the con- solidation of independent batteries, put a stop to any further move in the matter. However, an infantry regiment bearing the same number was afterward organized. The 65th was mustered in at Princeton and Evansville, in July and August, 1862, under Col. J. W. Foster, and left at once en route for the front. The record of this battalion is creditable, not only to its members, but also to the State which claimed it. Its HISTORY OF INDIANA. 221 last action during the war was on the 18th and 20th of February, 1865, at Fort Anderson and Town creek, after which, on the 22d June, it was disbanded at Greensboro. The 66th Regiment partially organized at E"ew Albany, under Commandant Roger Martin, was ordered to leave for Kentucky on the 19th of August, 1862, for the defense of that State against the incursions of Kirby Smith. After a brilliant career it was mus- tered out at Washington on the 3d of June, 1865, after which it returned to Indianapolis to receive the thanks of a grateful people. The 67th Regiment was organized within the Third Congressional District under Col. Frank Emerson, and was ordered to Louisville on the 20th of August, 1862, whence it marched to Munfordville, only to share the same fate with the otiier gallant regim.ents en- gao^ed against Gen. Bragg's advance. Its roll of honor extends down the years of civil disturbance, — always adding garlands, un- til Peace called a truce in the fascinating race after fame, and insured a term of rest, wherein its members could think on comrades forever vanished, and temper the sad thought with the sublime mem- ories born of that chivalrous fight for the maintenance and integri- ty of a great Republic. At Galveston on the 19th of July, 1865, the gallant 67tli Regiment was mustered out, and returning within a iew days to its State received the enthusiastic ovations of her citi- zens. The 68th Regiment, organized at Greensburg under Major Ben- jamin C. Shaw, was accepted for general service the 19th of August, 1862, under CoL Edward A. King, with Major Shaw as Lieutenant Colonel; on the 25th its arrival at Lebanon was reported and with- in a few days it appeared at the defense of Munfordville; but shar- ing in the fate of all the defenders, it surrendered unconditionally to Gen. Bragg and did not participate further in the actions of that year, nor until after the exchange of prisoners in 1863. From this period it may lay claim to an enviable history extending to the end of the war, when it was disembodied. The 69th Regiment, of Richmond, Ind., under Col. A. Bickle, left for the front on the 20th ot August, 1862, and ten days later made a very brilliant stand at Richmond, Kentucky, against the advance of Gen. Kirby Smith, losing in the engagement two hundred and eighteen men and officers together with its liberty. After an exchange of prisoners the regiment was reorganized under Col. T. W. Bennett and took the field in December, 1862, under 222 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Generals Sheldon, Morgan and Sherman of Grant's army. Chick- asaw, Vicksburg, Blakely and many other names testify to the valor of the 69th. The remnant of the regiment was in January, 1865, formed into a battalion under Oran Perry, and was mustered out in July following. The 70th Regiment was organized at Indianapolis on the 12th of August, 1862, under Col. B. Harrison, and leaving for Louisville on the 13th, shared in the honors of Bruce's division at Franklin and Russellville. The record of the regiment is brimful of honor. It was mustered out at Washington, June 8, 1865, and received at Indianapolis with public honors. The 71sT OR Sixth Cavalry was organized as an infantry regi- ment, at Terre Haute, and mustered into general service at Indian- apolis on the 18th of August, 1862, under Lieut. -Col. Melville D. Toppino-. Twelve days later it was engaged outside Richmond, Kentucky, losing two hundred and fifteen officers and men, includ- ing Col. Topping and Major Conklin, together with three hundred and forty-seven prisoners, only 225 escaping death and capture. After an exchange of prisoners the regiment was re-formed under Col. I. Bittle, but on the 28th of December it surrendered to Gen. J. H. Morgan, who attacked its position at Muldraugh's Hill with a force of 1,000 Confederates. During September and October, 1863, it was organized as a cavalry regiment, won distinction throughout its career, and was mustered out the 15th of September, 1865, at Murfreesboro. The 77th Regiment was organized at Lafayette, andle^t en rotite to Lebanon, Kentucky, on the 17th of August, 1862. Under Col. Miller it won a series of honors, and mustered out at Nashville on the 26th of June, 1865. The 73bd Regiment, under Col. Gilbert Hathaway, was mustered in at South Bend on the 16th of August, 1862, and proceeded im- mediately to the front. Day's Gap, Crooked Creek, and the high eulogies of Generals Rosencrans and Granger speak its long and brilliant history, nor were tlie welcoming shouts of a great people and the congratulations of Gov. Morton, tendered to the regiment on its return home, in July, 1865, necessary to sustain its well won reputation. The 74th Regiment, partially organized at Fort Wayne and made almost complete at Indianapolis, left for the seat of war on the 22d of August, 1862, under Col. Charles W. Chapman. The desperate opposition to Gen. Bragg, and the magnificent defeat of Morgan, HISTORY OF INDIANA. 223 together with the battles of Dallas, Chattahoochie river, Kenesaw and Atlanta, where Lieut. Col. Myron Baker was killed, all bear evi- dence of its never surpassed gallantry. It was mustered out of ser- vice on the 9 th of June, 1865, at Washington. On the return of the regiment to Indianapolis, the war Governor and people tendered it special honors, and gave expression to the admiration and regard in which it was held. The 75th Regiment was organized within the Eleventh Congress- ional District, and left Wabash, on the 21st of August, 1862, for the front, uuder Col. I. W. Petit. It was the first regiment to enter Tullahoma, and one of the last engaged in the battles of the Repub- lic. After the submission of Gen. Johnson's army, it was mustered out at Washington, on the 8th of June 1865. The 76tu Battalion was solely organized for thirty days' service under Colonel James Gavin, for the purpose of pursuing the rebel guerrilas, who plundered Newburg on the 13th July, 18G2. It was organized and equipped within forty-eight hours, and during its term of service gained the name, " The Avengers of Newburg." The 77th, or Fourth Cavalry, was organized at the State capi- tal in Auo-ust, 1862, under Colonel Isaac P. Grav. It carved its way to fame over twenty battlefields, and retired from service at Edgefield, on the 29th June, 1865. The 79th Regiment was mustered in at Indianapolis on the 2nd September, 1862, under Colonel Fred Knefler. Its history may be termed a record of battles, as the great numbers of battles, from 1862 to the conclusion of hostilities, were participated in by it. The regiment received its discharge on the 11th June, 1865, at Indianapolis. During its continued round of field duty it captured eighteen guns and over one thousand prisoners. The 80th Regiment was organized within tlie First Congress- ional District under Col. C. Denby, and equipped at Indianapolis, when, on the 8th of September, 1862, it left for the front. During its term it lost only two prisoners; but its list of casualties sums up 325 men and officers killed and wounded. The regiment may be said to muster out on the 22nd of June, 1865, at Saulsbury. The 81sT Regiment, of New Albany, under Colonel W. W. Caldwell, was organized on the 29th August, 1862, and proceeded at once to join Buell's headquarters, and join in the pursuit of General Bragg. Throughout the terrific actions of the war its influence was felt, nor did its labors cease until it aided in driving the rebels across the Tennessee. It was disembodied at Nashville 224 HISTORY OF INDIANA. on the 13tli June, 1865, and returned to Indianapolis on the 15th, to receive the well-merited congratulations of Governor Morton and the people. The 82nd Regiment, under Colonel Morton C. Hunter, was mustered in at Madison, Ind., on the 30th August, 1862, and leaving immediately for the seat of war, participated in many of the great battles aown to the return of peace. It was mustered out at Washington on the 9th June, 1865, and soon returned to its State to receive a grand recognition of its faithful service. The 83rd Regiment, of Lawrenceburg, under Colonel Ben. J. Spooner, was organized in September, 1862, and soon left en route to the Mississippi. Its subsequent history, the fact of its being under j&re for a total term of 4,800 hours, and its wanderings over 6,285 miles, leave nothing to be said in its defense. Master of a thousand honors, it was mustered out at Louisville, on the 15th July, 1865, and returned home to enjoy a well-merited repose. The 84th Regiment was mustered in at Richmond, Ind., on the 8th September, 1862, nnder Colonel Nelson Trusler. Its first military duty was on the defenses of Covington, in Kentucky, and Cincinnati; but after a short tim.e its labors became more con- genial, and tended to the great disadvantage of the slaveholding enemy on many well-contested fields. This, like the other State regiments, won many distinctions, and retired from the service on the 14th of June, 1865, at Nashville. The 85th Regiment was mustered at Terre Haute, under Colonel John P. Bayard, on the 2d September, 1862. On the 4th March, 1863, it shared in the unfortunate affair at Thompson's Station, when in common with the other regiments forming Coburn's Bri- gade, it surrendered to the overpowering forces of the rebel General, Forrest. In June, 1863, after an exchange, it again took the field, and won a large portion of that renown accorded to Indiana. It was mustered out on the 12th of June, 1865. The 86th Regiment, of La Fayette, left for Kentucky on the 26th August, 1862, under Colonel OrvilleS. Hamilton, and shared in the duties assigned to the 84th. Its record is very creditable, particu- larly that portion dealing with the battles of Nashville on the 15th and 16th December, 1864. It was mustered out on the 6th of June, 1865, and reported within a few days at Indianapolis for discharge. The 87th Regiment, organized at South Bend, under Colonels Kline G. Sherlock and N. Gleason, was accepted at Indianapolis on the 31st of August, 1862, and left on the same day en route to IJISTORV OF INDIANA, 225 the front. From Springfield and Perryville on the 6tli and 8th of October, 1862, to Mission Ridge, on the 25th of November, 1863, thence through the Atlanta campaign to the surrender of the South- ern armies, it upheld a gallant name, and met with a true and en- thusiastic welcome- home on the 21st of June, 1865, with a list of absent comrades aggregating 451. The 88th Regiment, organized within the Fourth Congressional District, under Col. Geo. Humphrey, entered the service on the 29th of August, 1862, and presently was found among the front ranks in war. It passed through the campaign in brilliant form down to the time of Gen. Johnson's surrender to Gen. Grant, after which, on the 7th of June, 1865, it was mustered out at Washing- ton. The 89th Regiment, formed from the material of the Eleventh Congressional District, was mustered in at Indianapolis, on the 28th of August, 1862, under Col. Chas. D. Murray, and after an exceedingly brilliant campaign was discharged by Gov.' Morton on the 4th of August, 1865. The 90th Regiment, ob Fifth Cavalry, was organized at Indianapolis under the Colonelcy of Felix W. Graham, between August and November, 1862. The different companies, joining headquarters at Louisville on the 11th of March, 1863, engaged in observing the movements of the enemy in the vicinity of Cumber- land river until the 19th of April, when a first and successful brush was had with the rebels. The regiment had been in 22 en- gagements during the term of service, captured 640 prisoners, and claimed a list of casualties mounting up to the number of 829. It was mustered out on the 16th of J nne, 1865, at Pulaski. The 91sT Battalion, of seven companies, was mustered into service at Evansville, the 1st of October. 1862, under Lieut.-Colonel John Mehringer, and in ten days later lefc for the front. In 1863 the regiment was completed, and thenceforth took a very prominent position in the prosecution of the war. During its ser- vice it lost 81 men, and retired from the field on the 26th of June, 1865. The 92d Regiment failed in organizing. The 93d Regiment was mustered in at Madison, Ind., on the 20th of October, 1862, under Col. De Witt C. Thomas and Lieut. - Col. Geo. W. Carr. On the 9th of November it began a move- ment south, and ultimately allied itself to Buckland's Brigade of 226 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Gen. Sbennarrs. On the l-itli of May it was among the first regi- ments to enter Jackson, the capital of Mississippi; was next pres- ent at the assault on Vicksburg, and made a stirring campaign down to the storming of Fort Blakel}'' on the 9th of April, 1865. It was discharged on the 11th of August, that year, at Indianapo- lis, after receiving a public ovation. The 94th and 95th Rp:giments, authorized to be formed within the Fourth and Fifth Congressional Districts, respectively, were only partially organized, and so the few companies that could be mustered were incorporated with other regiments. The 96th Regiment could only bring together three companies, in the Sixth Congressional District, and these becoming incorpo- rated with the 99th then in process of formation at South Bend, the number was left blank. The 9Tth Regiment, raised in the Seventh Congressional Dis- trict, was mustered into service at Terre Haute, on the 20th of "September, 1861, under Col. Robert F. Catterson. Reaching the front within a few days, it was assigned a position near Memphis, and subsequently joined in Gen. Grant's movement on Vicksburg, by overland route. After a succession of great exploits with the several armies to which it was attached, it completed its list of battles at Bentonville, on the 21st of March, 1865, and was dis- embodied at Washington on the 9th of June following. During its term of service the regiment lost 341 men, including the three Ensigns killed during the assaults on rebel positions along the Augusta Railway, from the 15th to the 27th of June, 1864. The 98th Regiment, authorized to be raised within the Eighth Congressional District, failed in its organization, and the number was left blank in the army list. The two companies answering to the call of July, 1862, were consolidated with the 100th Regiment then being organized at Fort Wayne. The 99th Battalion, recruited within the Ninth Congressional District, completed its muster on the 21st of October, 1862, under Col. Alex. Fawler, and reported for service a few da.ys later at Memphis, where it was assigned to the 16th Army Corps. The va- ried vicissitudes through which this regiment passed and its remark- able gallantry upon all occasions, have gained for it a fair fame. It was disembodied on the 5th of June, 1865, at Washington, and returned to Indianapolis on the 11th of the same month. The 100th Regiment, recruited from the Eighth and Tenth Congressional Districts, under Col. Sandford J. Stoughton, mustered HISTORY OF INDIANA. 227 into the service on the 10th of September, left for the front on the 11th of November, and became attached to the Army of Tennessee on the 26th of that month, 1862. The regiment participated in twenty-five battles, together with skirmishing during fully one-third of its term of service, and claimed a list of casualties mounting up to four hundred and sixty-four. It was mustered out of the ser- vice at "Washington on the 9th of June, and reported at Indianapolis for discharge on the 14th of June, 1865. The lOlsT Regiment was mustered into service at Wabash on the 7th of September, 1862, under Col. William Garver, and pro- ceeded immediately to Covington, Kentucky. Its early experiences were gained in the pursuit ofBragg's army and John Morgan's cavalry, and these experiences tendered to render the regiment one of the most valuable in the war for the Republic. From the defeat of John Morgan at Milton on the 18th of March, 1863, to the fall of Savannah on the 23rd of September, 1863, the regiment won many honors, and retired from the service on the 25th of June, 1865, at Indianapolis. THE MORGAN RAID REGIMENTS — MINUTE MEN. The 102d Regiment, organized under Col. Benjamin M. Gregory from companies of the Indiana Legion, and numbering six hun- dred and twenty-three men and officers, left Indianapolis for the front early in July, and reported at North Yernon on the 12th of July, 1863, and having completed a round of duty, returned to In- dianapolis on the 17th to be discharged. The 103d, comprising seven companies from Hendricks county, two from Marion and one from Wayne counties, numbering 681 men and officers, under Col. Lawrence S. Shuler, was contemporary with the 102d Regiment, varying only in its service by being mus- tered out one day before, or on the 16th of July, 1863. The 104th Regiment of Minute Men was recruited from mem- bers of the Legion of Decatur, La Fayette, Madison, Marion and Rush counties. It comprised 714 men and officers under the command of Col. James Gavin, and was organized within forty hours after the issue of Governor Morton's call for minute men to protect Indiana and Kentucky against the raids of Gen. John H Morgan's rebel forces. After Morgan's escape into Ohio the command returned and was mustered out on the 18th of July, 1863. The 105th Regiment consisted of seven companies of the Legion and three of Minute Men, furnished by Hancock, Union, Randolph, 228 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Putnam, Wayne, Clinton and Madison counties. The command numbered seven hundred and thirteen men and oflScers, under Col. Sherlock, and took a leading part in the pursuit of Morgan. Ke- turningon the 18th of July to Indianapolis it was mustered out. The 106th Regiment, under Col. Isaac P. Gray, consisted of one company of the Legion and nine companies of Minute Men, aggregating seven hundred and ninety-two men and officers. The counties of Wayne, Randolph, Hancock, Howard, and Marion were represented in its rank and file. Like the other regiments organized to repel Morgan, it was disembodied in July, 1863. The 107th Regiment, under Col. De Witt C. Rugg, was organ- ized in the city of Indianapolis from the companies' Legion, or Ward Guards. The successes of this promptly organized regiment were unquestioned. The 108th Regiment comprised five companies of Minute Men, from Tippecanoe county, two from Hancock, and one from each of the counties known as Carroll, Montgomery and Wayne, aggregat- ing 710 men and officers, and all under the command of Col. W. C. Wilson. After performing the only duties presented, it returned from Cincinnati on the 18th of July, and was mustered out. The 109th Regiment, composed of Minute Men from Coles, county, 111., La Porte, Hamilton, Miami and Randolph counties, Ind., showed a roster of 709 officers and men, under Col. J. R. Mahon. Morgan having escaped from Ohio, its duties were at an end, and returning to Indianapolis was mustered out on the 17th of July, 1863, after seven days' service. The 110th Regiment of Minute Men comprised volunteers from Henry, Madison, Delaware, Cass, and Monroe counties. The men were ready and willing, if not really anxious to go to the front. But happily the swift-winged Morgan was driven awaj^, and conse- quently the regiment was not called to the field. The 111th Regiment, furnished by Montgomery, Lafayette, Rush, Miami, Monroe, Delaware and Hamilton counties, number- ing 733 men and officers, under Col. Robert Canover, was not requisitioned. The 112th Regiment was formed from nine companies of Min- ute Men, and the Mitchell Light Infantry Companj'^ of the Legion. Its strength was 703 men and officers, under Col. Hiram F. P>rax- ton. Lawrence, Washington, Monroe and Orange counties were represented on its roster, and the historic names of North Yernon and Sunman's Station on its banner. Returning from the South HISTORY OF INDIANA. 229 after seven days' service, it was mustered out ou the ITtli of July, 1863. The 113th Regiment, furnished by Daviess, Martin, Washington, and Monroe counties, comprised 526 rank and tile under Col. Geo. W. Burge. Like the 112th, it was assigned to Gen. Hughes' Brigade, and defended North Yernon against the repeated attacks of John H. Morgan's forces. The 114th Regiment was wholly organized in Johnson county, under Col. Lambertson, and participated in the afiair of North Yernon. Returning on the 21st of July, 1863, with its brief but faithful record, it was disembodied at Indianapolis, 11 days after its organization. All these regiments were brought into existence to meet an emergency, and it must be confessed, that had not a sense of duty, military instinct and love of country animated these regi- ments, the rebel General, John H. Morton, and his 6,000 cavalry^ would doubtless have carried destruction as far as the very capital of their State. SIX- months' kegiments. The 115th Regiment, organized at Indianapolis in answer to the call of the President in June, 1863, was mustered into service on the lYth of August, under Col. J. R. Mahon. Its service was short but brilliant, and received its discharge at Indianapolis the 10th of February, 1864. The 116th Regiment, mustered in on the I7th of August, 1863, moved to Detroit, Michigan, on the 30th, under Col. Charles Wise. During October it was ordered to Nicholasville, Kentucky, where it was assigned to Col. Mahon's Brigade, and with Gen. Willcox's entire command, joined in the forward movement to Cumberland Gap. After a term on severe duty it returned to Lafayette and tiiere was disembodied on the 24th of February, 1864, whither Gov. Morton hastened, to share in the ceremonies of welcome. The 117th Regiment of Indianapolis was mustered into service on the 17th of September, 1863, under Col. Thomas J. Brady. After surtnounting every obstacle opposed to it, it returned on the 6th of February, 1864, and was treated to a public reception on the 9th. The 118th Regiment, whose organization was completed on the 3d of September, 1863, under Col. Geo. W. Jackson, joined the 116th at Nicholasville, and sharing in its fortunes, returned to the 230 HISTORY OF INDIANA. State capital on the 14th of February, 1864. Its casualties were comprised in a list of 15 killed and wounded. The 119th, or Seventh Cavalry, was recruited under Col, John P. C. Shanks, and its organization completed on the 1st of Octo- ber, 1863. The rank and file numbered 1,213, divided into twelve companies. On the 7th of December its arrival at Louisville was reported, and on the 14th it entered on active service. After the well-fought battle of Guntown, Mississippi, on the 10th of June, 1864, although it only brought defeat to our arms. General Grier- son addressed the Seventh Cavalry, saying: " Your General con- gratulates you upon your noble conduct during the late expedition. Fighting against overwhelming numbers, under adverse circum- stances, your prompt obedience to orders and unflinching courage commanding the admiration of all, made even defeat almost a vic- tory. For hours on foot you repulsed the charges of the enemies' in- fantry, and again in the saddle you met his cavalry and turned his assaults into confusion. Your heroic perseverance saved hundreds of your fellow-soldiers from capture. You have been faithful to your honorable reputation, and have fully justified the confidence, and merited the high esteem of your commander." Early in 1865, a number of these troops, returning from impris- onment in Southern bastiles, were lost on the steamer "Sultana." The survivors of the campaign continued in the service for a long period after the restoration of peace, and finally mustered out. The 120th Regiment. In September, 1863, Gov. Morton re- ceived authority from the War Department to organize eleven regi- ments within the State for three years' service. By April, 1864, this organization was complete, and being transferred to the com- mand of Brigadier General Alvin P. Hovey, were formed by him into a division for service with the Army of Tennessee. Of those regiments, the 120th occupied a very prominent place, both on ac- count of its numbers, its perfect discipline and high reputation. It was mustered in at Columbus, and was in all the great battles of the latter years of the war. It won high praise from friend and foe, and retired with its bright roll of honor, after the success of Right and Justice was accomplished. The 121st, or Ninth Cavalry, was mustered in March 1, 1864, under Col. George W. Jackson, at Indianapolis, and thougl' not numerically strong, was so well equipped and possessed such excel- lent material that on the 3rd of May it was ordered to the front. The record of the 121st, though extending over a brief period, is HISTORY OF INDIANA. 231 pregnant with deeds of war of a high character. On the 26th of April, 1865, these troops, while returning from their labors in the South, lost 55 men, owing to the explosion of the engines of the steamer " Sultana." The return of the 386 survivors, on the 5th of September, 1865, was hailed with joy, and proved how well and dearly the citizens of Indiana loved their soldiers. The 122d Kegiment ordered to be raised in the Third Congres- sional District, owing to very few men being then at home, failed in organization, and the regimental number became a blank. The 123d Regiment was furnished by the Fourth and Seventh Congressional Districts during the winter of lH63-'64, and mus- tered, March 9, 1864, at Greensburg, under Col. John C. McQuis- ton. The command left for the front the same day, and after win- ning rare distinction during the last years of the campaign, par- ticularly in its gallantry at Atlanta, and its daring movement to escape Forrest's 15,000 rebel horsemen near Franklin, this regi- ment was discharged on the 30th of August, 18G5, at Indianapolis, being mustered out on the 25th, at Raleigh, North Carolina. The 12'Ith Regiment completed its organization by assuming three companies raised for the 125th Regiment (which was intended to be cavalry), and was mustered in at Richmond, on the 10th of March, 1864, under Colonel James Burgess, and reported at Louis- ville within nine days. From Buzzard's Roost, on the 8th of May, 1864, under General Schofield, Lost Mountain in June, and the capture of Decatur, on the 15th July, to the 21st March, 1865, in its grand advance under General Sherman from Atlanta to the coast, the regiment won many laurel wreaths, and after a brilliant campaign, was mustered out at Greensboro on the 31st August, 1865. The 125Tn, or Tenth Cavalry, was partially organized during November and December, 1862, at Yincennes, and in February, 1863, completed its numbers and equipment at Columbus, under Colonel T. M. Pace. Early in May its arrival in Nashville was reported, and presently assigned active service. During September and October it engaged rebel contingents under Forrest and Hood, and later in the battles of Nashville, Reynold's Hill and Sugar Creek, and in 1865 Flint River, Courtland and Mount Hope. The explosion of the Sultana occasioned the loss of thirty-five men with Captain Gaffney and Lieutenants Twigg and Reeves, and in a collision on the Nashville & Louisville railroad, May, 1864, lost five men killed and several wounded. After a term of service un- 232 HISTOKY OF INDIANA. surpassed for its utility and character it was disembodied at Yicks- burg, Mississippi, ou the 31st August, 1865, and returning to Indianapolis early in September, was welcomed by the Executive and people. The 126th, or Eleventh Cavalry, was organized at Indian- apolis under Colonel Robert R. Stewart, on the 1st of March, 1864:, and left in May for Tennessee. It took a very conspicuous part in the defeat of Hood near Nashville, joining in the pursuit as far as Gravelly Springs, Alabama, where it was dismounted and assigned infantry duty. In June, 1865, it was remounted at St. Louis, and moved to Fort Kiley, Kansas, and thence to Leavenworth, where it was mustered out on the 19th September, 1865. The 127th, or Twelfth Cavalry, was partially organized at Kendallville, in December, 1863, and perfected at the same place, under Colonel Edward Anderson, in April, 1864. Reaching the front in May, it went into active service, took a prominent part in the march through Alabama and Georgia, and after a service bril- liant in all its parts, retired from the field, after discharge, on the 22d of November, 1865. The 128th Regiment was raised in the Tenth Congressional Dis- trict of the period, and mustered at Michigan City, under Colonel R. P. De Hart, on the 18th March, 1861-. On the 25th it was .reported at the front, and assigned at once to Schofield's Division. The battles of Resaca, Dallas, New Hope Church, Lost Mountain, Kenesaw, Atlanta, Jouesboro, Dalton, Brentwood Hills, Nashville, and the six days' skirmish of Columbia, were all participated in by the 128th, and it continued in service long after the termination of hostilities, holding the post of Raleigh, North Carolina. The 129th Regiment was, like the former, mustered in at Michigan City about the same time, under Colonel Charles Case, and moving to the front on the 7th April, 1864, shared in the for- tunes of the 128th until August 29, 1865, when it was disembodied at Charlotte, Notrh Carolina. The 130th Regiment, mustered at Kokomo on the 12th March, 1864, under Colonel C. S. Parrish, left e)i route to the seat of war on the 16th, and was assigned to the Second Brigade, First Division, Twenty-third Army Corps, at Nashville, on the 19th. During the war it made for itself a brilliant history, and returned to Indian- apolis with its well-won honors on the 13th DecemDer, 1865. The 131sr, or Thirteenth Cavalry, under Colonel G. M L. Johnson, was the last mounted regiment recruited within the State. IIISTOKY OF INDIANA. 233 It left Indianapolis on the 30tli of April, 1864, in infantry trim, and gained its first honors on the 1st of October in its magnificent defense of Iluntsville, Alabama, against the rebel division of General Buford, following a line of first-rate military conduct to the end. In January, 1865^ the regiment was remounted, won some distinction in its modern form, and was mustered out at Yicksburg on the 18th of November, 1865. The morale and services of the regiment were such that its Colonel was promoted Brevet Brigadier-General in consideration of its merited honors. THE ONE HUNDKED-DAYS VOLUNTEERS. Governor Morton, in obedience to the offer made under his auspices to the general Government to raise volunteer regiments for one hun- dred days' service, issued his call on the 23rd of April, 1864. This movement suggested itself to the inventive genius of the war Gov- ernor as a most important step toward the subjection or annihihi- tionof the military supporters of slavery within a year, and thus conclude a war, wliich, notwithstanding its holy claims to the name of Battles for Freedom, was becoming too protracted, and proving too detrimental to the best interests of the Union. In answer to the esteemed Governor's call eight regiments came forward, and formed The Grand Division of the Volunteers. The 132d Eegiment, under Col. S. C. Vance, was furnished by Indianapolis, Shelbyyille, Franklin and Danville, and leaving on the 18tliof May, 1864, reached the front where it joined the forces acting in Tennessee. The 133d Regiment, raised at Richmond on the 17th of Mav, 1864, under Col. R.N. Hudson, comprised nine companies, and followed the 132d. The 134th Regiment, comprising seven companies, was organ- ized at Indianapolis on the 25th of Maj;, 1864, under Col. James Gavin, and proceeded immediately to the front. The 135th Regiment was raised from the volunteers of Bedford, Noblesville and Goshen, with seven companies from the First Con- gressional District, under Col. W C. Wilson, on the 25th of May, 1864, and left at once en route to the South. The 136th Regiment comprised ten companies, raised in the same districts as those contributing to the 135th, under Col. J. W. Foster, and left for Tennessee on the 24th of May, 1864. The 137th Regiment, under Col. E. J. Robinson, comprising volunteers from Kokomo, Zanesville, Medora, Sullivan, Rockville, 234 HISTORY OF INDIANA. and Owen and Lawrence counties, \et\en route to Tennessee on the 28th of May, 1864, having completed organization the day previous. The 138th Regiment was formed of seven companies from the Ninth, with three from the Eleventh Congressional District (un- reformed), and mustered in at Indianapolis on the 27th of May, 1864, under Col. J. H. Shannon. This fine regiment was re- ported at the front within a few days. The 139Tn Kegiment, under Col. Geo. Humphrey, was raised from volunteers furnished by Kendallville, Lawrenceburg, Elizaville, Knightstown, Connersville, Newcastle, Portland, Yevay, New Albany, Metamora, Columbia City, New Haven and New Phila- delphia. It was constituted a regiment on the 8th of June, 1864, and appeared among the defenders in Tennessee during that month. All these regiments gained distinction, and won an enviable po- sition in the glorious history of the war and the no less glorious one of their own State in its relation thereto. THE president's CALL OF JULY, 1864. The 140th Regiment was organized with many others, in response to the call of the nation. Under its Colonel, Thomas J. Brady, it pro- ceeded to the South on the 15th of November, 1864. Havino: taken a most prominent part in all the desperate struggles, round Nash- ville and Murfreesboro in 1864, to Town Creek Bridge on the 20th of February, 1865, and completed a continuous round of severe duty to the end, arrived at Indianapolis for discharge on the 21st of July, where Governor Morton received it with marked honors. The 14 1 ST Regiment was only partially raised, and its few com- panies were incorporated with Col Brady's command. The 142d Regiment was recruited at Fort Wayne, under Col. I. M. Comparet, and was mustered into service at Indianapolis on the 3d of November, 1864. After a steady and exceedingly effective service, it returned to Indianapolis on the 16th of July, 1865. the president's CALL OF DECEMBER, 1S64, Was answered by Indiana in the most material terms. No less than fourteen serviceable regiments were placed at the disposal of the General Government. The 143d Regiment was mustered in, under Col J. T. Grill, on the 21st February, 1865, reported at Nashville on the 24th, and af- ter a brief but brilliant service returned to the State on the 21st October, 1865. OPENING AN INDIANA FOKEST. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 237 The 144th Regiment, under Col. G. W. Iliddle, was mustered in on the 6th March, 1865, left on the 9th for Harper's Ferry, took an effective part in the close of the campaign and reported at Indian- apolis for discharge on the 9th August, 1865. The 145th Regiment, under Col. W. A. Adams, left Indianapolis on the 18th of February, 1865, and joining Gen. Steadman's division at Chattanooga on the 23d was sent on active service. Its duties were discharged with rare fidelity until mustered out in January, 1866. The 146th Regiment, under Col. M. C. Welsh, left Indianapolis on the llfch of March en route to Harper's Ferry, where it was as- signed to the army of the Shenandoah. The duties ot this regiment were severe and continuous, to the period of its muster out at Bal- timore on the 31st of August, 1865. The 147th Regiment, comprised among other volunteers from Benton, Lafayette and Henry counties, organized under Col. Milton Peden on the 13th of March, 1865, at Indianapolis. It shared a fortune similar to that of the 146th, and returned for discharge on the 9th of August, 1865. The 148th Regiment, under Col. N. R. Ruckle, left the State capital on the 28th of February, 1865, and reporting at Nashville, was sent on guard and garrison duty into the heart of Tennessee. Returning to Indianapolis on the 8th of September, it received a final discharge. The 149th Regiment was organized at Indianapolis by Col. W. H. Fairbanks, and left on the 3d of March, 1865, for Tennessee, where it had the honor of receiving the surrender of the rebel forces, and military stores of Generals Roddy and Polk. The reg- iment was welcomed home by Morton on the 29th of September. The 150th Regiment, under Col. M. B. Taylor, mustered in on the 9t:h of March, 1865, left for the South on the 13th and reported at Harper's Ferry on the 17th. This regiment did guard duty at Charleston, Winchester, Stevenson Station, Gordon's Springs, and after a service characterized by utility, returned on the 9th of August to Indianapolis for discharge. The 151 ST Regiment, under Col. J. Healy, arrived at Nashville on the 9th of March, 1805. On the 14th a movement on Tullahoma was undertaken, and three months later returned to Nashville for garrison duty to the close of the war. It was mustered out on the 22d of September, 1865. The 152d Regiment was organized at Indianapolis, under Col. 238 HISTORY OF INDIANA. W. W Griswold, and left for Harper's Ferry on the 18th of March, 1865. It was attached to the provisional divisions of Shenandoah Army, and engaged until the 1st of September, when it was dis- charged at Indianapolis. The 153d Regiment was organized at Indianapolis on the 1st of March, 1865, under Col. O. H. P. Carey. It reported at Louis- ville, and by order of Gen. Palmer, was held on service in Ken- tucky, where it was occupied in the exciting but very dangerous pastime of fighting Southern guerrillas. Later it was ])osted at Louisville, until mustered out on the 4th of September, 1865. The 154th Regiment, organized under Col. Frank Wilcox, left Indianapolis under Major Simpson, for Parkersburg, W. Virginia, on the 28th of April, 1865. It was assigned to guard and garrison duty until its discharge on the 4th of August, 1865. The 155Tn Regiment, recruited throughout the State, left on the 26th of April for Washington, and was afterward assigned to a provisional Brigade of the Ninth Army Corps at Alexandria. The companies of this regiment were scattered over the country, — at Dover, Centreville, Wilmington, and Salisbury, but becoming re- united on the 4th of August, 1865, it was mustered out at Dover, Delaware. The 156th Battalion, under Lieut.-Colonel Charles M. Smith, left 671 route to the Shenandoah Valley on the 27th of April, 1865, where it continued doing guard duty to the period of its muster out the 4tli of August, 1865, at Winchester, Virginia. On the return of these regiments to Indianapolis, Gov. Morton and the people received them with all that characteristic cordiality and enthusiasm peculiarly their own, independent cavalry company of INDIANA VOLUNTEERS. The people of Crawford county, animated with that inspiriting patriotism which the war drew forth, organized this mounted com- pany on the 25tli of July, 1863, and placed it at the disposal of the Government, and it was mustered into service by order of the War Secretary, on the 13th of August, 1863, under Captain L. Lamb. To the close of the year it engaged in the laudable pursuit of arresting deserters and enforcing the draft; however, on the 18th of January, 1864, it was reconstituted and incorporated with the Thirteenth Cavalry, with which it continued to serve until the treason of Americans against America was conquered. HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 239 OUR COLORED TROOPS. The 28th Regiment of Colored Troops was recruited through- out the State of Indiana, and under Lieut.-Colonel Charles IS. Russell, left Indianapolis tor the fronton the 24th of April, 1864. The regiment acted very well in its first engagement with the rebels at White House, Virginia, and again with Gen. Sheridan's Cavalry, in the swamps of the Chickahominy In the battle of the " Crater," it lost half its roster; but their place was soon filled by other colored recruits from the State, and Russell promoted to the Colonelcy, and afterward to Brevet Brigadier-General, when he was succeeded in the command by Major Thomas H. Logan. During the few months of its active service it accumulated (piite a history, and was ultimately discharged, on the 8tii of Jaimary, 1866, at Indianapolis. batteries of light artillery. First Battery, organized at Evansville, under Captain Martin Klauss, and mustered in on the 16th of August, 1861, joined Gen. Fremont's army immediately, and entering readily upon its salu- tary course, aided in the capture of 950 rebels and their position at Black water creek. On March the 6th, 1862 at Elkhorn Tavern, and on the 8tli at Pea Ridge, the battery performed good service. Port Gibson, Champion Hill, Jackson, the Techc country, Sabine Cross Roads, Grand Encore, all tell of its efficacy. In 1864 it was subjected to reorganization, when Lawrence Jacoby was raised to the Captiancy, vice Klauss resigned. After a long term of useful service, it was mustered out at Indianapolis on the 18th of August, 1865. Second Battery was organized, under Captain D. G. Rabb, at Indianapolis on the 9tli of August, 1861, and one month later pro- ceeded to the front. It participated in the campaign against Col. Coffee's irregular troops and the rebellious Indians of the Cherokee nation. From Lone Jack, Missouri, to Jenkin's Ferry and Fort Smith it won signal honors until its reorganization in 1864, and even after, to June, 1865, it maintained a very fair reputation. The Third Battery, under Capt. W. W. Frybarger, was oi-gan- ized and mustered in at Connersviile on the 24th of August, 1861, and proceeded immediately to join Fremont's Army of the Mis- souri. Moon's Mill, Kirksville, Meridian, Fort de Russy, Alex- andria, Round Lake, Tupelo, Clinton and Tallahatchie are names 240 HISTORY OF INDIANA which may be engraven on its guns. It participated in the affairs before Nashville on the 15th and 16th of December, 1864, when General Hood's Army was put to route, and at Fort Blakelj^, out- side Mobile, after which it returned home to report for discharge, August 21, 1865. The Fourth Battery, recruited in La Porte, Porter and Lake counties, reported at the front early in October, 18G1, and at once assumed a prominent place in the army of Gen. Buell. Again under Rosencrans and McCook and under General Sheridan at Stone River, the services of this battery were much praised, and it retained its well-earned reputation to the very day of its muster out — the 1st of August, 1865. Its first organization was completed under Capt. A. K. Bush, and reorganized in Oct., 1864, under Capt B. F. Johnson. The Fifth Battery was furnished by La Porte, Allen, Whitley and Noble counties, organized under Capt. Peter Simonson, and mus- tered into service on the 22d of November, 1861. It comprised four six pounders, two being rifled cannon, and two twelve-pounder Howitzers with a force of 158 men. Reporting at Camp Gil- bert, Louisville, on the 29tli, it was shortly after assigned to the division of Gen. Mitchell, at Bacon Creek. Daring its term, it served in twenty battles and numerous petty actions, losing its Cap- tain at Pine Mountain. The total loss accruing to the battery was 84 men and officers and four guns It was mustered out on the 20th of July, 1864. The Sixth Battery was recruited at Evansville, under Captain Frederick Behr, and left, on the 2d of Oct., 1861, for the front, reporting at Henderson, Kentucky, a few days after. Early in 1862 it joined Gen. Sherman's army at Paducah, and participated in the battle of Shiloh, on the 6th of April. Its history grew in brilliancy until the era of peace insured a cessation of its great labors. The Seventh Battery comprised volunteers from Terre Haute, Arcadia, Evansville, Salem, Lawrenceburg, Columbus, Vin- cennes and Indianapolis, under Samuel J. Harris as its first Captain, who was succeeded by G. R.. Shallow and O. H. Mor- gan after its reorganization. From the siege of Corinth to the capture of Atlanta it performed vast services, and returned to Indianapolis on the 11th of July, 1865, to be received by the peo- ple and hear its history from the lips of the veteran patriot and Governor of the State. HISTORY Ol- INDIANA. 241 The Eighth Battery, under Captain G. T. Cochran, arrived at the front on the 26th of February, 1862, and subsequently entered upon its real duties at the siege of Corinth. It served with dis- tinction throughout, and concluded a well-made campaign under Will Stokes, who was appointed Captain of the companies with which it was consolidated in March, 1865. The Ninth Battery. The organization of this battery was perfected at Indianapolis, on the 1st of January, 1862, under Capt. N. S. Thompson. Moving to the front it participated in the aftairs of Shiloh, Corinth, Queen's Hill, Meridian, Fort Dick Taylor, Fort de Russy, Henderson's Hill, Pleasant Hill, Cotile Landing, Bayou Rapids, Mansnra, Chicot, and many others, winning a name in each engagement. The explosion of the steamer Eclipse at Johnson- ville, above Paducah, on Jan. 27, 1865, resulted in the destruction of 58 men, leaving only ten to represent the battery. The survivors reached Indianapolis on the 6th of March, and were mustered out. The Tenth Battery was recruited at Lafayette, and mustered in under Capt. Jerome B. Cox, in January, 1861. Having passed through the Kentucky campaign against Gen. Bragg, it partici- pated in many of the great engagements, and finally returned to report for discharge on the 6th of July, 1864, having, in the mean- time, won a very fair fame. The Eleventh Battery was organized at Lafayette, and- mus- tered in at Indianapolis under Capt. Arnold Sutermeister, on the l7th of December, 1861. Oii most of the principal battle-fields, from Shiloh, in 1862, to the capture of Atlanta, it maintained a high reputation for military excellence, and after consolidation with the Eighteenth, mustered out on the 7th of June, 1865. The Twelfth Battery was recruited at Jeffersonville and sub- sequently mustered in at Indianapolis. On the 6th of March, 1862, it reached Nashville, having been previously assigned to Buell's Army. In April its Captain, G. W. Sterling, resigned, and the position devolved on Capt. James E. White, who, in turn, was suc- ceeded by James A. Dunwoody. The record of the battery holds a first place in the history of the period, and enabled both men and officers to look back with pride upon the battle-fields of the land. It was ordered home in June, 1865, and on reaching Indianapolis, on the 1st of July, was mustered out on the 7th of that month. The Thirteenth Battery was organized under Captain Sewell Coulson, during the winter of 1861, at Indianapolis, and proceeded to the front in February, 1862. During the subsequent months it 242 HISTORY OF INDIANA, was occupied in the pursuit of John H. Morgan's raiders, and aided effectively in driving them from Kentucky. This artillery company returned from the South on the 4th of July, 1865, and were discharged the day following. The Fourteenth Battery, recruited in "Wabash, Miami, Lafay- ette, and Huntington counties, under Captain M. H. Kidd, and Lieutenant J. V^. fl. McGuire, left Indianapolis on the 11th of April, 1S62, and within a few months one portion of it was cap- tured at Lexington by Gen. Forrest's great cavalry command. The main battery lost two guns and two men at Guntown, on the Mis- sissippi, but proved more successful at Nashville and Mobile. It arrived home on the 29tli of August, 1S65, received a public wel- come, and its final discharge. The Fifteenth Battery, under Captain I. C. H. Von Sehlin, was retained on duty from the date of its organization, at Indian- apolis, until the 5th of July, 1862, when it was moved to Harper's Ferry. Two months later the gallant defense of Maryland Heights was set at naught by the rebel Stonewall Jackson, and the entire garrison surrendered. Being paroled, it was reorganized at Indian- apolis, and appeared again in the field in March, 1863, where it won a splendid renown on every well-fought field to the close of the war. It was mustered out on the 24th of June, 1865. Thfe Sixteenth Battery was organized at Lafaj'ette, under Capt. Charles A. Nay lor, and on the 1st of June, 1862, left for Washington. Moving to the front with Gen. Pope's command, it participated in the battle of Slaughter Mountain, on the 9th of August, and South Mountain, and Antietam, under Gen. McClel- lan. This battery was engaged in a large number of general en- gagements and flying column affairs, won a very favorable record, and returned on the 5th of Julv, 1865. The Seventeenth Battery, under Capt. Milton L. Miner, was mustered in at Indianapolis, on. the 20th of May, 1862, left for the front on the 5th of July, and subsequently engaged in the Gettys- burg expedition, was present at Harper's Ferry, July 6, 1863, and at Opequan on the 19th of September. Fisher's Hill, New Mar- ket, and Cedar Creek brought it additional honors, and won from Gen. Sheridan a tribute of praise for its service on these battle- grounds. Ordered from Winchester to Indianapolis it was mus- tered out there on the 3d of July, 1S65. The Eighteenth Battery, under Capt. Eli Lilly, left for the HISTORY OF INDIANA. 243 front in August, 1862, but did not take a leading part in the cam- paign until 1863, when, under Gen. Kosencrans, it appeared prom- inent at Hoover's Gap. From this period to the affairs of West Point and Macon, it performed first-class service, and returned to its State on the 25th of June, 1865. The Nineteenth Battery was mustered into service at Indian- apolis, on the 5th of August, 1862, under Capt. S. J. Harris, and proceeded immediately afterward to the front, where it participated in the campaign against Gen. Bragg. It was present at every post of danger to the end of the war, when, after the surrender of John- son's army, it returned to Indianapolis. Reaching that city on the 6th of June, 1865, it was treated to a public reception and received the congratulations of Gov. Morton. Four days later it was discharged. The Twentieth Battery, organized under Capt. Frank A. Rose, left the State capital on the 17th of December, 1862, for the front, and reported immediately at Henderson, Kentucky. Subsequently Captain Rose resigned, and, in 1863, under Capt. Osborn, turned over its guns to the 11th Indiana Battery, and was assigned to the charge of siege guns at Nashville. Gov. Morton had the battery supplied with new field pieces, and by the 5th of October, 1863, it was again in the field, where it won many honors under Sherman, and continued to exercise a great influence until its return on the 23d of June, 1865. The Twenty- FIRST Battery recruited at Indianapolis, under the direction of Captain "W. W. Andrew, left on the 9th of September, 1862, for Covington, Kentucky, to aid in its defense against the advancing forces of Gen. Kirby Smith. It was engaged in numerous military affairs and may be said to acquire many honors, although its record is stained with the names of seven deserters. The battery was discharged on the 21st of June, 1865. The Twenty-second Battery was mustered in at Indianapolis on the 15th of December, 1862, under Capt. B. F. Denning, and moved at once to the front. It took a very conspicuous part in the pursuit of Morgan's Cavalry, and in many other aftairs. It threw the first shot into Atlanta, and lost its Captain, who was killed in the skirmish line, on the 1st of July. While the list of casualties numbers only 35, that of desertions numbers 87. This battery was received with public honors on its return, the 25th of June, 1865, and mustered out on the 7th of the same month. 24:4: HISTORY OF INDIANA. The Twenty-third Battery, recruited in October 1862, and mustered in on the 8th of November, under Capt. I. H. Myers, pro- ceeded south, after having rendered verj efficient services at home in guarding the camps of rebel prisoners. In July, 1865, the battery took an active part, under General Boyle's command, in routing and capturing the raiders at Brandenburgh, and subsequently to the close of the war performed very brilliant exploits, reaching Indianapolis in June, 1865. It was discharged ou the 27th of that month. The Twenty-fourth Battery, under Capt. I. A. Simms, was enrolled for service on the 29th of Kovember, 1862; remained at Indianapolis on duty until the 13th of March, 1863, when it left for the field. From its participation in the Cumberland River campaign, to its last engagement at Columbia, Tennessee, it aided materially in bringing victory to the Union ranks and made for itself a widespread fame. Arriving at Indianapolis on the 28th of July, it was publicly received, and in five days later disembodied. The Twenty-fifth Battery was recruited in September and Oc- tober, 1864, and mustered into service for one year, under Capt. Frederick C. Sturm. December 13th, it reported at Nashville, and took a prominent part in the defeat of Gen. Hood's army. Its duties until July, 1865, were continuous, when it returned to report for final discharge. The Twenty-sixth Battery, or "Wilder's Battery," was re- cruited under Capt. I. T. Wilder, of Greensburg, in May, 1861; but was not mustered in as an artillery company. Incorporating itself with a regiment then forming at Indianapolis it was mustered as company "A," of the 17th Infantry, with Wilder as Lieutenant- Colonel of the regiment. Subsequently, at Elk Water, Virginia, it was converted into the "First Independent Battery," and became known as " Rigby's Battery." The record of this battery is as brilliant as any won during the war. On every field it has won a distinct reputation; it was well worthy the enthusiastic reception given to it on its return to Indianapolis on the 11th and 12th of July, 1865. During its term of service it was subject to many transmutations; but in every phase of its brief history, areputation for gallantry and patriotism was maintained which now forms a living testimonial to its services to the public. The total number of battles in the " War of the Rebellion " in which the patriotic citizens of the great and noble State of Indiana were more or less engaged, was as follows: HISTORY OF INDIANA. 245 Locality. No. of Battles. Locality. No. of Battles. Virginia 90 Maryland 7 Tennessee 51 Texas 3 Georgia 41 South Carolina 2 Mississippi 24 Indian Territory 2 Arkansas 19 Pennsylvania 1 Kentucky 16 Ohio c 1 Louisana 15 Indiana 1 Missouri 9 North Carolina 8 Total 308 The regiments sent forth to the defense of the Republic in the Lonr of its greatest peril, when a host of her own sons, blinded by some unholy infatuation, leaped to arms that they might trample upon the liberty-giving principles of the nation, have been passed in very brief review. The authorities chosen for the dates, names, and figures are the records of the State, and the main subject is based upon the actions of those 267,000 gallant men of Indiana who rushed to arms in defense of all for which their fathers bled^ leaving their wives and children and homes in the guardianship of a truly paternal Government. The relation of Indiana to t^^ Republic was then established; for when the population of tl State, at the time her sons went forth to participate in war for the maintenance of the Union, is brought into comparison with all other States and countries, it will be apparent that the sacrifices made by Indiana from 1861-'65 equal, if not actually exceed, the noblest of those recorded in the history of ancient or modern times. Unprepared for the terrible inundation of modern wickedness, which threatened to deluge the country in a sea of blood and rob, a people of their richest, their most prized inheritance, the State rose above all precedent, and under the benign influence of patriot- ism, guided by the well-directed zeal of a wise Governor and Government, sent into the field an army that in numbers was gigantic, and in moral and physical excellence never equaled It is laid dov/n in the ofiicial reports, furnished to the War De- partment, that over 200,000 troops were specially organized to aid in crushing the legions of the slave-holder; that no less than 50,000 militia were armed to defend the State, and that the large, but abso- lutely necessary number of commissions issued was 17,114. All this proves the scientific skill and military economy exercised by the Governor, and brought to the aid of the people in a most terri- ble emergency; for he, with some prophetic sense of the gravity of the situation, saw that unless the greatest powers of the Union were put forth to crush the least justifiable and most pernicious 246 HISTORY OF INDIANA. of all rebellions holding a place in the record of nations, the best blood of the country would flow in a vain attempt to avert a catas- trophe which, if prolonged for many years, would result in at least the moral and commercial ruin of the country. The part which Indiana took in the war against the Rebellion is one of wliicli the citizens of the State may well be proud. In the number of troops furnished, and in the amount of voluntary con- tributions rendered, Indiana, in proportion and wealth, stands equal to any of her sister States. " It is also a subject of gratitude and thankfulness," said Gov. Morton, in his message to the Legis- lature, " that, while the number of troops furnished by Indiana alone in this great contest would have done credit to a first-class nation, measured by the standard of previous wars, not a single battery or battalion from this State has brought reproach upon the national flag, and no disaster of the war can be traced to any want of fidelity, courage or efliciency on the part of any Indiana officer. The endurance, heroism, intelligence and skill of the officers and soldiers sent forth by Indiana to do battle for the Union, have shed a luster on our beloved State, of which any people might justly be proud. Without claiming superiority over our loyal sister States, it is but justice to the brave men who have represented us on almost every battle-field of the war, to say that their deeds have placed Indiana in the front rank of those heroic States which rushed to the rescue of the imperiled Government of the nation. The total number of troops furnished by the State for all terms of service exceeds 200,000 men, much the greater portion of them being for three years; and in addition thereto not less than 50,000 State militia have from time to time been called into active service to repel rebel raids and defend our southern border from inva- 8ion." AFTER THE WAR. In 1867 the Legislature comprised 91 Republicans and 59 Dem- ocrats. Soon after the commencement of the session, Gov. Morton resic^'ned his office in consequence of having been elected to the U. S. Senate, and Lieut.-Gov. Conrad Baker assumed the Executive chair during the remainder of Morton's term. This Legislature, by a very decisive vote, ratified the 14th amendment to the Federal Constitution, constituting all persons born in the country or sub- ject to its jurisdiction, citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside, without regard to race or color; reduc- VIEW ON THE WABASH KIVER. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 249 ing the Congressional representation in any State in which there should be a restriction of the exercise of the elective franchise on account of race or color; disfranchising persons therein named who shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States; and declaring that the validity of the public debt of the United States authorized by law, shall not be questioned. This Legislature also passed an act providing for the registry of votes, the punishment of fraudulent practices at elections, and for the apportionment and compensation of a Board of Registration; this Board to consist, in each township, of two freeholders appointed by the County Commissioners, together with the trustee of such township; in cities the freeholders are to be appointed in each ward by the city council. The measures of this law are very strict, and are faithfully executed. No cries of fraud in elections are heard in connection with Indiana. This Legislature also divided the State into eleven Congressional Districts and apportioned their representation; enacted a law for the protection and indemnity of all officers and soldiers of the United States and soldiers of the Indiana Legion, for acts done in the military service of the United States, and in the military ser- vice of the State, and in enforcing the laws and preserving the peace of the country; made definite appropriations to the several benevolent institutions of the State, and adopted several measures for the encouragement of education, etc. In 1868, Indiana was the first in the field of national politics, both the principal parties holding State conventions early in the 3'ear. The Democrats nominated T. A. Hendricks for Governor, and denounced in their platform the reconstruction policy of the Eepublicans; recommended that United States treasury notes be substituted for national bank currency; denied that the General Government had a right to interfere with the question of suffrage in any of the States, and opposed negro suftrage, etc.; while the Republicans nominated Conrad Baker for Governor, defended its reconstruction policy, opposed a further contraction of the currency, etc. The campaign was an exciting one, and Mr. Baker was elected Governor by a majority of only 961. In the Presidential election that soon followed the State gave Grant 9,572 more than Seymour. During 1868 Indiana presented claims to the Government for about three and a half millions dollars for expenseg incurred in the war, and $1,958,917.94 was allowed. Also, this year, a legislative 250 HISTORY OF INDIANA. commission reported that $413,599.48 were allowed to parties suf- fering loss by the Morgan raid. This year Governor Baker obtained a site for the House of Refnge. (See a subsequent page.) The Soldiers' and Seamen's Home, near Knightstown, originally established by private enter- prise and benevolence, and adopted by the Legislature of the previous year, was in a good condition. Up to tliat date the insti- tution had ajforded relief and temporar}'^ subsistence to 400 men who had been disabled in the war. A substantial brick building had been built for the home, while the old buildings were used for an orphans' department, in which were gathered. 86 children of deceased soldiers. DIVORCE LAWS. By some mistake or liberal design, the early statute laws of Indiana on the subject of divorce were rather more loose than those of most other States in this Union; and this subject had been a matter of so much jest among the public, that in 1870 the Governor recommended to the Legislature a reform in this direction, which was pretty effectually carried out. Since that time divorces can be granted only for the following causes: 1. Adulter}'. 2. Impo- tency existing at the time of marriage. 3. Abandonment for two years. 4. Cruel and inhuman treatment of 'one party by the other. 5. Habitual drunkenness of either party, or the failure of the hus- band to make reasonable provision for the family. 6 The failure of the husband to make reasonable provision for the family for a period of two years. 7. The conviction of either party of an infamous crime. FINANCIAL. Were it not for political government the pioneers would have got along without money ranch longer than they did. The pressure of governmental needs was somewhat in advance of the monetary income of the first settlers, and the little taxation required to carry on the government seemed great and even oppressive, especially at certain periods. In November, 1821, Gov. Jennings convened the Legislature in extra session to j-trovide for the payment of interest on the State debt and a part of the principal, amounting to $20,000. It was thought that a sufficient amount would be realized in the notes of the State bank and its branches, although they were considerably depreciated. Said the Governor: " It will be oppressive if the StatO;, after the paper of this institution (State bank) was author- ized to be circulated in revenue, should be prevented by any assign- ment of the evidences of existing debt, from discharo^ino- at least so much of that debt with the paper of the bank as will absorb the collections of the present year; especially when their notes, after being made receivable by the agents of the State, became greatly depreciated by great mismanagement on the part of the bank itself. It ought not to be expected that a public loss to the State should be avoided by resorting to any measures which would not comport with correct views of public justice; nor should it be anticipated that the treasury of the United States would ultimately adopt measures to secure an uncertain debt which would inter- fere with arrangements calculated to adjust the demand against the State without producing any additional embarrassment." The state of the public debt was indeed embarrassing, as the bonds which had been executed in its behalf had been assigned. The exciting cause of this proceeding consisted in the machinations of unprincipled speculators. Whatever disposition the principal bank may have made of the funds deposited by the United States, the connection of interest between the steam-mill company and the bank, and the extraordinary accommodations, as well as their amount, eflfected by arrangements of the steam-mill agency and some of the officers of the bank, were among the principal causes which (251) 252 HISTORY OF INDIANA. had prostrated the paper circulating medium of the State, so far as it was dependent on the State bank and its branches. An abnormal state of affairs like this very naturally produced a blind disburse- ment of the fund to some extent, and this disbursement would be called by almost every one an '' unwise administration." During the first 16 years of this century, the belligerent condi- tion of Europe called for agricultural supplies from America, and the consequent high price of grain justified even the remote pio- neers of Indiana in undertaking the tedious transportation of the products of the soil which the times forced upon them. The large disbursements made by the general Government among the peo- ple naturally engendered a rage for speculation; numerous banks with fictitious capital were established; immense issues of paper were made; and the circulating medium of the country was in- creased fourfold in the course of two or three yearSo This infla- tion produced the consequences which always follow such a scheme, namely, unfounded visions of wealth and splendor and the wild investments which result in ruin to the many and wealth to the few. The year 1821 was consequently one of great financial panic, and was the first experienced by the early settlers of the West. In 1822 the new Governor, William Hendricks, took a liopefal view of the situation, referring particularly to the "agricultural and social happiness of the State." The crops were abundant this year, immigration was setting in heavily and everything seemed to have an upward look. But the customs of the white race still com- pelling them to patronize European industries, combined with the remoteness of the surplus produce of Indiana from European mar- kets, constituted a serious drawback to the accumulation of wealth. Such a state of things naturally changed the habits of the people to some extent, at least for a short time, assimilating them to tliose of more primitive tribes. This change of custom, however, was not severe and protracted enough to change the intelligent and social nature of the people, and they arose to tlieir normal height on the very first opportunity. In 1822-'3, before speculation started up again, the surplus money was invested mainly in domestic manufactories instead of other and wilder commercial enterprises. Home manufactories were what the people needed to make them more independent. They not only gave employment to thousands whose services were before that valueless, but also created a market for a great portion HISTORY OF INDIANA. 253 of the surplus produce of the farmers. A part of the surphis cap- ital, however, was also sunk in internal improvements, some of which were unsuccessful for a time,. but eventually proved remu- nerative. I*^uah Noble occupied the Executive chair of the State from 1831 to 1837, commencing his duties amid peculiar embarrassments. The crops of 1832 were short, Asiatic cholera came sweeping along the Ohio and into the interior of the State, and the Black Hawk war raged in the Northwest, — all these at once, and yet the work of internal improvements was actually begun. STATE BANK. The State bank of Indiana was established by law January 28, 1834. The act of the Legislature, by its own terms, ceased to be a law, January 1, 1857. At the time of its organization in 1834, its outstanding circulation was $4,208,725, with a debt due to the insti- tution, principally from citizens of the State, of $6,095,368. During the years 1857-'58 the bank redeemed nearly its entire circulation, providing for the redemption of all outstanding obligations; at this time it had collected from most of its debtors the money which they owed. The amounts of the State's interest in the stock of the bank was $1,390,000, and the money thus invested was procured by the issue of five per cent bonds, the last of which was payable July 1, 1866. The nominal profits of the bank were $2,780,604.36. By the law creating the sinking fund, that fund was appropriated, first, to pay the principal and interest on the bonds; secondly, the expenses of the Commissioners; and lastly the cause of common-school educa- tion. The stock in all the branches authorized was subscribed by indi- viduals, and the installment paid as required by the charter. The loan authorized for the payment on the stock allotted to the State, amounting to $500,000, was obtained at a premium of 1.05 per per cent, on five per cent, stock, making the sum of over $5,000 on the amount borrowed. In 1836 we find that the State bank was doing good service; agricultural products were abundant, and the market was good; consequently the people were in the full enjoy- ment of all the blessings of a free government. By the year 1843 the State was experiencing the disasters and embarassment consequent upon a system of over-banking, and its natural progeny, over-trading and deceptive speculation. Such a state of things tends to relax the hand of industry by creating false 254 HISTORY OF INDIANA. notions of wealth, and tempt to sudden acquisitions by means as delu- sive in their results as they are contrary to a primary law of nature. The people began more tlian ever to see the necessity of falling back upon that branch of industry for which Indiana, especially at that time, was particularly fitted, namely, agriculture, as the true and lasting source of substantial wealth. Gov. Whitcomb, 1843-'49, succeeded well in maintaining the credit of the State. Measures of compromise between the State and its creditors were adopted by which, ultimately, the public works, although incomplete, were given in payment for the claims against the Government. At the close of his term, Gov. Whitcomb was elected to the Senate of the United States, and from December, 1848, to Decem- ber, 1849, Lieut-Gov. Paris C- Dunning was acting Governor. In 1851 a general banking law was adopted which gave a new impetus to the commerce of the State, and opened the way for a broader volume of general trade; but this law was the source of many abuses; currency was expanded, a delusive idea of wealth again prevailed, and as a consequence, a great deal of damaging speculation was indulged in. In 1857 the charter of the State bank expired, and the large gains to the State in that institution were directed to the promotion of common-school education. WEALTH AND PROGRESS. During trie war of the Rebellion the financial condition of the people was of course like that of the other Northern States generally. 1870 found the State in a very prosperous condition. October 31 of this year, the date of the fiscal report, there was a surplus of $373,249 in the treasury. The receipts of the year amounted to $3,605,639, and the disbursements to $2,943,600, leaving a balance of $1,035,288. The total debt of the State in November, 1871, was $3,937,821. At the present time the principal articles of export from the State are flour and pork. Nearly all the wheat raised within the State is manufactured into flour within its limits, especially in the north- ern part. The pork business is the leading one in the southern part of the State. When we take into consideration the vast extent of railroad lines in this State, in connection with the agricultural and mineral resources, both developed and undeveloped, as already noted, we can HISTORY OF INDIANA. 255 see what a substantial foundation exists for the future welfare of this great commonwealth. Almost every portion of the State is coming up equally. The disposition to monopolize does not exist to a greater degree than is desirable or necessary for healthy compe- tition. Speculators in flour, pork and other commodities appeared during the war, but generally came to ruin at their own game. The agricultural community here is an independent one, under- standins^ its rio^hts, and " knowino; them will maintain them." Indiana is more a manufacturing State, also, than many imagine. It probably has the greatest wagon and carriage manufactory in the world. In 1875 the total number of manufacturing establishments in this State was 16,812; number of steam engines, 3,684, with a total horse-power of 114,961; the total horse-power of water wheels, 38,614; number of hands employed in the manufactories, 86,402; capital employed, is $117,462,161; wages paid, $35,461,987; cost of material, $104,321,632; value of products, $301,304,271. These' figures are on an average about twice what they were only five years previously, at which time they were about double what they were ten years before that. In manufacturing enterprise, it is said that Indiana, in proportion to her population, is considerably in advance of Illinois and Michigan. In 1870 the assessed valuation of the real estate in Indiana was $460,120,974; of personal estate, $203,334,070; true valuation of both, $1,268,180,543. According to the evidences of increase at that time, the value of taxable property in this State must be double the foregoing figures. This is utterly astonishing, especially when we consider what a large matter it is to double the elements of a large and wealthy State, compared with its increase in infancy. The taxation for State purposes in 1870 amounted to $2,943,078; , for county purposes, $4,654,476; and for municipal purposes, $3,193,577. The total county debt of Indiana in 1870 was $1,127,- 269, and the total debt of towns, cities, etc., was $2,523,934. In the compilation of this statistical matter we have before us the statistics of every element of progress in Indiana, in the U. S. Census Reports; but as it would be really improper for us further to burden these pages with tables or columns of large numbers, we will conclude by remarking that if any one wishes further details in these matters, he can readily find them in the Census Reports of the Government in any city or village in the country. Besides, almost any one can obtain, free of charge, from his representative in 256 HISTORY OF mDIA.NA. Congress, all these and other public documents in which he may be interested. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. This subject began to be agitated as early as 1818, during the administration of Governor Jennings, who, as well as all the Governors succeeding him to 1843, made it a special point in their messages to the Legislature to urge the adoption of measures for the construction of higliways and canals and the improvement of the navigation of rivers. Gov. Hendricks in 1822 specified as the most important improvement the navigation of the Falls of the Ohio, the Wabash and White rivers, and other streams, and the construction of the National and other roads through the State. In 1826 Governor Ray considered the construction of roads and canals as a necessity to place the State on an ci{nsd financial footing with the older States East, and in 1829 he added: "This subject can never grow irksome, since it must be the source of the bless- ings of civilized life. To secure its benefits is a duty enjoined upon the Legislature by the obligations of the social compact." In 1830 the people became much excited over the project of con- necting the streams of the country by " The National New York & Mississippi railroad." The National road and the Michigan and Ohio turnpike were enterprises in which the people and Legis- lature of Indiana were interested. The latter had already been the cause of much bitter controversy, and its location was then the subject of contention. In 1832 the work of internal improvements fairly commenced, despite the partial failure of the crops, the Black Hawk war and , the Asiatic cholera. Several war parties invaded the Western settlements, exciting great alarm and some suffering. This year the canal commissioners completed the task assigned them and had negotiated the canal bonds in New York city, to the amount of $100,000, at a premium of 13|- per cent., on terms honorable to the State and advantageous to the work. Before the close of tnis year $54,000 were spent for the improvement of the Michigan road, and $52,000 were realized from the sale of lands appropriated for its construction. In 1832, 32 miles of the Wabash and Erie canal was placed under contract and work commenced. A communication was addressed to the Governor of Ohio, requesting him to call the attention of the Legislature of that State to the subject of the extension of the canal from the Indiana line through Ohio to the HISTORY OF INDIANA. 257 Lake. In compliance with this request, Governor Lucas promptly laid the subject before the Legislature of the State, and, in a spirit of courtesy, resolutions were adopted by that body, stipulating that if Ohio should ultimately decline to undertake the completion of that portion of the work within her limits before the time fixed by the act of Congress for the completion of the canal, she would, on just and equitable terms, enable Indiana to avail herself of the bene- fit of the lands granted, by authorizing her to sell tiiem and invest the proceeds in the stock of a company to be incorporated by Ohio; and that she would give Indiana notice of her final determination on or before January 1, 1838. The Legislature of Ohio also authorized and invited the agent of the State of Indiana to select, survey and set apart the lands lying within that State. In keeping with this policy Governor Noble, in 1834, said: "With a view of engaging in works of internal improvement, the propriety of adopting a general plan or system, having reference to the several portions of the State, and the connection of one with the other, naturally suggests itself. No work should be commenced but such as would be of acknowledged public utility, and when completed would form a branch of some general system. In view of this object, the policy of organizing a Board of Pul)lic Works is again respectfully suggested." The Governor also-called favorable atten- tion to the Lawrenceburg & Indianapolis railway, for which a charter had been granted. In 1835 the Wabash & Erie canal was pushed rapidl}' forward. The middle division, extending from the St. Joseph dam to the forks of the Wabash, about 32 miles, was completed, for about $232,000, including all repairs. Upon this portion of the line nav- igation was opened on July 4, which day the citizens assembled " to witness the mingling of the waters of the St. Joseph with those of the Wabash, uniting the waters of the northern chain of lakes with those of the Gulf of Mexico in the South." On other parts of the line the work progressed with speed, and the sale of canal lands was unusually active In 1836 the first meeting of the State Board of Internal Im- provement was convened and entered upon the discharge of its numerous and responsible duties. Having assigned to each mem- ber the direction and superintendence of a portion of the work, the next duty to be performed preparatory to the various spheres of active service, was that of procuring the requisite number of engineers, A delegation was sent to the Eastern cities, but returned 258 HISTORY OF INDIANA. without engaging an Engineer-in-Chief for the roads and railways, and without the desired number for the subordinate station; but after considerable delay the Board was fully organized and put in operation. Under their management work on public improve- ments was successful; the canal progressed steadily; the naviga- tion of the middle division, from Fort Wayne to Huntington, was uninterrupted; 16 miles of the line between Huntington and La Fontaine creek were filled with water this year and made ready for navigation ; and the remaining 20 miles were completed, except a portion of the locks; from La Fontaine creek to Logansport prog- ress was made; the line from Georgetown to Lafayette was placed under contract; about 30 miles of the Whitewater canal, extending from Lawrenceburg through the beautiful valley of the White- water to Brookville, were also placed under contract, as also 23 miles of the Central canal, passing through Indianapolis, on which work was commenced; also about 20 miles of the southern divis- ion of this work, extending from Evansville into the interior, were also contracted for; and on the line of the Cross-Cut canal, from Terre Haute to the intersection of the Central canal, near the mouth of Eel river, a commencement was also made on all the heavy sections. All this in 1836. Early in this year a party of engineers was organized, and directed to examine into the practicability of the Michigan & Erie canal line, then proposed. The report of their operations favored its expediency. A party of engineers was also fitted out, who entered upon the field of service of the Madison & Lafayette railroad, and contracts were let for its construction from Madison to Yernon, on which work was vigorously commenced. Also, con- tracts were let for grading and bridging the New Albany & Vin- cennes road from the former point to Paoli, about 40 miles. Other roads were also undertaken and surveyed, so that indeed a stupendous system of internal improvement was undertaken, and as Gov. Noble truly remarked, upon the issue of that vast enter- prise the State of Indiana staked her fortune. She had gone too far to retreat. In 1837, when Gov. Wallace took the Executive chair, the reaction consequent upon "over work" by the State in the internal improvement scheme began to be felt by the people. They feared a State debt was being incurred from which they could never he extricated; but the Governor did all he could throughout the term of his administration to keep up the courage of the citizens. He UISTOKY OF INDIANA. 259 told thoin that the astonishing success so far, surpassed even the hopes of the most sanguine, and that the flattering auspices of the future were sufficient to dispel every doubt and quiet every fear. Notwithstanding all his efforts, however, the construction of pub- lic works continued to decline, and in his last message he exclaimed: " Never before — I speak it advisedly — never before have you wit- nessed a period in our local history that more urgently called for the exercise of all the soundest and best attributes of grave and patriotic legislators than the present. * * * ^i^q truth is — and it would be folly to conceal it — we have our hands full — full to overflowing; and therefore, to sustain ourselves, to preserve the credit and character of the State unimpaired, and to continue her hitherto unexampled march to wealth and distinction, we have not an hour of time, nor a dollar of money, nor a hand employed in labor, to squander and dissipate upon mere objects of idleness, or taste, or amusement." The State had borrowed $3,827,000 for internalimprovement pur- poses, of which $1,327,000 was for the Wabash & Erie canal and the remainder for other works. The five per cent, interest on debts — about $200,000 — which the State had to pay, had become burdensome, as her resources for this purpose were only two, besides direct taxation, and they were small, namely, the interest on the balances due for canal lands, and the proceeds of the third installment of the surplus revenue, both amounting, in 1838, to about $45,000. In August, 1839, all work ceased on these improvements, with one or two exceptions, and most of the contracts were surrendered to the State. This was done according to an act of the Legislature providing for the compensation of contractors by the issue of treasury notes. In addition to this state of aflairs, the Legisla- ture of 1839 had made no provision for the payment of interest on the State debt incurred for internal improvements. Concerning this situation Gov. Bigger, in 184:0, said that either to go ahead with the works or to abandon them altogether would be equally ruinous to the State, the implication being that the people should wait a little while for a breathing spell and then take hold again. Of course much individual indebtedness was created during the progress of the work on internal improvement. "When operations ceased in 1839, and prices fell at the same time, the people were left in a great measure without the means of commanding money to pay their debts. This condition of private enterprise more than 260 HISTORY OF INDIANA. ever rendered direct taxation inexpedient. Hence it became the policy of Gov. Bigger to provide the means of paying the interest on the State debt without increasing the rate of taxation, and to continue that portion of the public works that could be immedi- ately completed, and from which the earliest returns could be expected. In 1840 the system embraced ten different works, the most im- portant of which was the Wabash & Erie canal. The aggregate length of the lines embraced in the system was 1,160 miles, and of this only 140 miles had been completed. The amount expended had reached the sum of $5,600,000, and it required at least $14,000,- 000 to complete them. Although the crops of 1841 were very remunerative, this perquisite alone was not sufficient to raise the State again up to the level of going ahead with her gigantic works. We should here state in detail the amount of work completed and of money expended on the various works uj) to this time, 1841, which were as follows: 1. The Wabash & Erie canal, from the State line to Tippe- canoe, 129 miles in length, completed and navigable for the whole length, at a cost of $2,041,012. Tliis sum includes the cost of the steamboat lock afterward completed at Delphi. 2. The extension of the Wabash & Erie canal from the mouth of the Tippecanoe to Terre Haute, over 104 miles. The estimated cost of this work was $1,500,000; and the amount expended for the same $408,855. The navigation was at this period opened as far down as Lafayette, and a part of the work done in the neighbor- hood of Covington. 3. The cross-cut canal from Terre Haute to Central canal, 49 miles in length; estimated cost, $718,672; amount expended, $420,679; and at this time no part of the course was navigable. 4. The White Water canal, from Lawrenceburg to the mouth of Nettle creek, 76-^ miles; estimated cost, $1,675,738; amount expended to that date, $1,099,867; and 31 miles of the work was navigable, extending from the Ohio river to Brookville. 5. The Central canal, from the Wabash & Erie canal, to Indianapolis, including the feeder bend at Muncietown, 124 miles in length; total estimated cost, $2,299,853; amount expended, $568,046; eight miles completed at that date, and other portions nearly done. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 261 6. Central canal, from Indianapolis to Evansville on the Ohio river, 194 miles in length; total estimated cost, $3,532,394; amount expended, $831,302, 19 miles of which was completed at that date, at the southern end, and 16 miles, extending south from Indianao- olis, were nearly completed. Y. Erie & Michigan canal, 182 miles in length; estimated cost, $2,624,823; amount expended, $156,394. No part of this work finished. 8. The Madison & Indianapolis railroad, over 85 miles in length; total estimated cost, $2,046,600; amount expended, $1,493,- 013. Koad finished and in operation for about 28 miles; grad- ing nearly finished for 27 miles in addition, extending to Eden- bnrg. 9. Indianapolis & Lafayette turnpike road, 73 miles in length; total estimated cost, $503, 737; amount expended, $72,118. The bridging and most of the grading was done on 27 miles, from Crawfordsville to Lafayette. 10. New Albany & Yincennes turnpike road, 105 miles in length; estimated cost, $1,127,295; amount expended, $654,411. Forty-one miles graded and macadamized, extending from New Albany to Paoli, and 27 miles in addition partly graded. 11. Jeftersonville & Crawfordsville road, over 164 miles long; total estimated cost, $1,651,800; amount expended, $372,737. Forty-five miles were partly graded and bridged, extending from Jeffersonville to Salem, and from Greencastle north. 12. Improvement of the Wabash rapids, undertaken jointly by Indiana and Illinois; estimated cost to Indiana, $102,500; amount expended by Indiana, $9,539. Grand totals: Length of roads and canals, 1,289 miles, only 281 of which have been finished; estimated cost of all the works, $19,914,424; amount expended, $8,164,528. The State debt at this time amounted to $18,469,146. The two principal causes whicli aggravated the embarrassment of the State at this juncture were, first, paying most of the interest out of the money borrowed, and, secondly, selling bonds on credit. The first error suljected the State to the payment of compound interest, and the people, not feeling tlie pressure of taxes to discharge the interest, natu- rally became inattentive to the public policy pursued. Postpone- ment of the payment of interest is demoralizing in every way. During this period the State was held up in an unpleasant manner before the gaze of the world; but be it to the credit of this great 262 HISTORY OF INDIANA. and glorious State, she would not repudiate, as many other States and municipalities have done. By the year 1850, the so-called "internal improvement" system having been abandoned, private capital and ambition pushed for- ward various "public works." During this year about 400 miles of plank road were completed, at a cost of $1,200 to $1,500 per mile, and about 1,200 miles more were surveyed and in progress. There were in the State at this time 212 miles of railroad in suc- cessful operation, of wliich 124 were completed this year. More than 1,000 miles of railroad were surveyed and in progress. An attempt was made during the session of the Legislature in 1869 to re-burden the State with the old canal debt, and the matter was considerably agitated in the canvass of 1870. Tlie subject of the Wabash & Erie canal was lightly touched in the Republican plat- form, occasioning considerable discussion, which probably had some effect on the election in the fall. That election resulted in an average majority in the State of about 2,864 for the Democracy. It being claimed that the Legislature had no authority under the constitution to tax the people for the purpose of aiding in tlie con- struction of railroads, the Supreme Court, in Anril, 1871, decided adversely to such a claim. GEOLOGY. In 1869 the development of mineral resources in the State attracted considerable attention. Rich mines of iron and coal were discovered, as also fine quarries of building stone. The Vincennes railroad passed through some of the richest portions of the mineral region, the engineers of which had accurately determined the quality of richness of the ores. Near Brooklyn, about 20 miles from Indianapolis, is a fine formation of sandstone, yielding good material for buildings in the city; indeed, it is considei-ed the best building stone in the State. The limestone formation at Gosport, continuing 12 miles from that point, is of great variety, and includes the finest and most durable building stone in the world. Portions of it are susceptible only to the chisel; other portions are soft and can be worked with the ordinary tools. At the end of this limestone formation there commences a sandstone series of strata which extends seven miles farther, to a point about 60 miles from Indianapolis. Here an extensive coal bed is reached consisting of seven distinct veins. The first is about two feet thick, the next three feet, another four feet, and the others of various thicknesses. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 263 These beds are all easily worked, having a natural drain, and fhey yield heavy profits. In the whole of the southwestern part of the State and for 300 miles up the Wabash, coal exists in good quality and abundance. The scholars, statesmen and philanthropists of Indiana work- ed hard and long for the appointment of a State Geologist, with sufficient support to enable him to make a thorough geological survey of the State. A partial survey was made as early as 1837-'8, by David Dale Owen, State Geologist, but nothing more was done until 1869, when Prof. Edward T. Cox was appointed State Geolo- gist. For 20 years previous to this date the Governors urged and insisted in all their messages that a thorough survey should be made, but almost, if not quite, in vain. In 1852, Dr. Ryland T. Brown delivered an able address on this subject before the Legis- lature, showing how much coal, iron, building stone, etc., there were probably; in the State, but the exact localities and qualities not ascertained, and how millions of money could be saved to the State by the expenditure of a few thousand dollars; but "they answered the Doctor in the negative. It must have been because they hadn't time to pass the bill. They were very busy. They had to pass all sorts of regulations concerning the negro. They had to protect a good many white people from marrying negroes. And as they didn't need any labor in the State, if it was ' colored,' they had to make regulations to shut out all of that kind of labor, and to take steps to put out all that unfortunately got in, and they didn't have time to consider the scheme proposed by the white people " — W. W. Clayton. h\ 1853, the State Board of Agriculture employed Dr. Brown to make a partial examination of the geology of the State, at a salary of $500 a year, and to this Board the credit is due for the final success of the philanthropists, who in 1869 had the pleasure of witnessing the passage of a Legislative act " to provide for a Depart- ment of Geology and Natural Science, in connection with the State Board of Agriculture." Under this act Governor Baker immedi- ately appointed Prof. Edward T. Cox the State Geologist, wiio has made an able and exhaustive report of the agricultural, mineral and. manufacturing resources of this State, world-wide in its celeb- rity, and a work of which the people of Indiana may be very proud. We can scarcel}^ give even the substance of his report in a work like this, because it is of necessity deeply scientilic and made up entirely of local detail. 264 HISTORY OF Indiana. COAL. The coal measures, says Prof. E. T. Cox, cover an area of about 6,500 square miles, in the soutliwestern part of the State, and extend from Warren county on the north to the Ohio river on the south, a distance of about 150 miles. This area comprises the fol- lowinfy counties: Warren, Fountain, Parke, Vermillion, Yigo, Clay, Sullivan, Greene, Knox, Daviess, Martin, Gibson, Pike, Dubois, Vanderburg, Warrick, Spencer, Perry and a small part of Crawford, Monroe, Putnam and Montgomery. This coal is all bituminous, but is divisible into three well-marked varieties: caking-coal, non-caking-coal or block coal and cannel coal. The total depth of the seams or measures is from 600 to 800 feet, with 12 to 14 distinct seams of coal; but these are not all to be found throughout the area; the seams range from one foot to eleven feet in thickness. The caking coal prevails in the western portion of the area described, and has from three to four workable seams, ranging from three and a half to eleven feet in thickness. At most of the places where these are worked the coal is mined by adits driven in on the face of tiie ridges, and the deepest shafts in the State are less than 300 feet, the average depth for successful mining not being over 75 feet. This is a bright, black, sometimes glossy, coal, makes good coke and con tarns a very large percentage of pure illuminating gas. One pound will jneld about 4|- cubic feet of gas, with a power equal to 15 standard sperm candles. The average calculated calorific pov/er of the caking coals is 7,745 heat units, pure carbon being 8,080. Both in the northern and southern portions of the field, the caking coals present similar good qualities, and are a great source of private and public wealth. The block coal prevails in the eastern part of the field and has an area of about 450 square miles. This is excellent, in its raw state, for making pig iron. It is indeed peculiarly fitted for metal- lurgical purposes. It has a laminated structure with carbonaceous matter, like charcoal, between the lamina, with slaty cleavage, and it rings under the stroke of the hammer. It is " free-burning," makes an open fire, and without caking, swelling, scaffolding in the furnace or changing form, burns like hickory wood until it is con- sumed to a white ash and leaves no clinkers. It is likewise valuable for generating steam and for household uses. Many of the principal railway lines in the State are using it in preference to any other coal, as it does not burn out the fire-boxes, and gives as little trouble as wood. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 265 There are eight distinct seams of block coal in this zone, three of which are workable, having an average thickness of four feet. In some places this coal is mined by adits, but generally from shafts, 40 to 80 feet deep. The seams are crossed by cleavage lines, and the coal is usually mined without powder, and may be taken out in blocks weighing a ton or more. When entries or rooms are driven angling across the cleavage lines, the walls of the mine present a zigzag, notched appearance resembling a Virginia worm fence. In 1871 there were about 21 block coal mines in operation, and about 1,500 tons were mined daily. Since that time this industry has vastly increased. This coal consists of 81^ to 83|- percent, of carbon, and not quite three fourths of one per cent, of sulphur. Calculated calorific power equal to 8,283 heat units. This coal also is equally good both in the northern and southern parts of the field. The great Indiana coal field is within 150 miles of Chicao-o or Michigan City, by railroad, from which ports the Lake Superior specular and red hematite ores are landed from vessels that are able to run in a direct course from the ore banks. Considerino: the proximity of the vast quantities of iron in Michigan and Missouri one can readily see what a glorious future awaits Indiana in respect to manufactories. Of the cannel coal, one of the finest seams to be found in the country is in Daviess county, this State. Here it is three and a half feet thick, underlaid by one and a half feet of a beautiful, jet- black caking coal. There is no cla}^, shale or other foreign matter intervening, and fragments of the caking coal are often found adhering to the cannel. There is no gradual change from one to the other, and the character of each is homo<]:eneous tliroushout. The cannel coal makes a delightful fire in open grates, and does not pop and throw ofi" scales into the room, as is usual with this kind of coal. This coal is well adapted to the manufacture of illuminating gas, in respect to both quantity and high illuminating power. One ton of 2,000 pounds of this coal yields 10,100 feet of gas, while the best Pennsylvania coal yields but 8,680 cubic feet. This gas has an illuminating power of 25 candles, while the best Pennsylvania coal gas has that of onl}^ 17 candles. Cannel coal is also found in great abundance in I*erry, Greene, Parke and Fountain counties, where its commercial value has already been demonstrated. I^umerous deposits of bog iron ore are found in the northern part of the State, and clay iron-stones and impure carbonates and brown 266 HISTORY OF INDIANA. oxides are found scattered in the vicinity of the coal field. In some places the beds are quite thick and of considerable commercial value. An abundance of excellent lime is also found in Indiana, espe- cially in Huntington countj^, where many large kilns are kept in profitable operation. AGRICULTURAL. In 1852 the Legislature passed an act authorizing the organization of county and district agricultural societies, and also establishing a State Board, the provisions of which act are substantially as follows: 1. Thirty or more persons in any one or two counties organizing into a society for the improvement of agriculture, adopting a consti- tution and by-laws agreeable to the regulations prescribed by the State Board, and appointing the proper officers and raising a sum of $50 for its own treasury, shall be entitled to the same amount from the fund arising from show licenses in their respective counties. 2. These societies shall offer annual premiums for improvement of soils, tillage, crops, manures, productions, stock, articles of domestic industry, and such other articles, productions and improve- ments as they may deem proper; they shall encourage, by grant of rewards, agricultural and household manufacturing interests, and so regulate the premiums that small farmers will have equal opportunity with the large; and they shall pay special attention to cost and profit of the inventions and improvements, requiring an exact, detailed statement of the processes competing for rewards. 3. They shall publish in a newspaper annually their list of awards and an abstract of their treasurers' accounts, and they shall report in full to the State Board their proceedings. Failing to do the latter they shall receive no payment from their county funds. STATE BOARD OF AGKICULTURE. The act of Feb. 17, 1852, also established a State Board of Agri- culture, with perpetual succession; its annual meetings to be held at Indianapolis on the first Thursday after the first Monday in January, when the reports of the county societies are to be received and agricultural interests discussed and determined upon; it shall make an annual report to the Legislature of receipts, expenses, proceedings, etc., of its own meeting as well as of those of the local HISTORY OF INDIANA. 267 societies; it shall hold State fairs, at such times and places as they raa}' deem proper; may hold two meetings a year, certifying to the State Auditor their expenses, who shall draw his warrant upon the Treasurer for the same. In 1861 the State Board adopted certain rules, embracing ten sections, for the government of local societies, but in 1868 they were found inexpedient and abandoned. It adopted a resolution admitting delegates from the local societies. THE EXPOSITION. As the Board found great difficulty in doing justice to exhibitors without an adequate building, the members went earnestly to work in the fall of 1S7'2 to get up an interest in the matter. They appointed a committee of five to confer with the Councilor citizens of Indianapolis as to the best mode to be devised for a more thorough and complete exhibition of the industries of the State. The result of the conference was that the time had arrived for a regular " exposition," like that of the older States. At the Janu- ary meeting in 1873, Hon. Thomas Dowling, of Terre Haute, reported for the committee that they found a general interest in this enterprise, not only at the capital, but also throughout the State. A sub-committee was appointed who devised plans and specifications for the necessary structure, taking lessons mainly from the Kentucky Exposition building at Louisville. All the members of the State Board were in favor of proceeding with the building except Mr. Poole, who feared that, as the interest of the two enterprises were somewhat conflicting, and the Exposition being the more exciting show, it would swallow up the State and c'ounty fairs. The Exposition was opened Sept, 10, 1873, when Hon. John Sutherland, President of the Board, the Mayor of Indianapolis, Senator Morton and Gov. Hendricks delivered addresses. Senator Morton took the high ground that the money spent for an exposi- tion is spent as strictly for educational purposes as that which goes directly into the common school. The exposition is not a mere show, to be idly gazed upon, but an industrial school where one should study and learn. He thought that Indiana had less untill- able land than any other State in the Union; 'twas as rich as any and yielded a greater variety of products; and that Indiana was the most prosperous agricultural community in the United States. 268 HISTORY OF INDIANA. The State had nearly 3,700 miles of railroad, not counting side- track, with 400 miles more under contract for building. In 15 or 18 months one can go from Indianapolis to every county in the State by railroad. Indiana has 6,500 square miles of coal field? 450 of which contain block coal, the best in the United States for manufacturing purposes. On the subject of cheap transportation, he said: " By the census of 1870, Pennsylvania had, of domestic animals of all kinds, 4,006,- 589, and Indiana, 4,511,094. Pennsylvania had grain to the amount of 60.400,000 bushels, while Indiana had 79,350,454. The value of the farm products of Pennsylvania was estimated to be $183,946,- 000; those of Indiana, $122,914,000. Thus you see that while Indiana had 505,000 head of live stock more, and 19,000,000 bushels of grain more than Pennsylvania, yet the products of Penn- sylvania are estimated at $183,946,000, on account of her greater proximity to market, while those of Indiana are estimated at only $122,914,000. Thus you can understand the importance of cheap transportation to Indiana. "Let us see how the question of transportation affects us on the other hand, with reference to the manufacturer of Bessemer steel. Of the 174,000 tons of iron ore used in the blast furnaces of Pitts- burg last year, 84,000 tons came from Lake Superior, 64,000 tons from Iron Mountain, Missouri, 20,000 tons from Lake Champlain, and less than 5,000 tons from the home mines of Pennsylvania, They cannot manufacture their iron with the coal they have in Pennsylvania without coking it. We have coal in Indiana with which we can, in its raw state, make the best of iron; while we are 250 miles nearer Lake Superior than Pittsburg, and 430 miles nearer to Iron Mountain. So that the question of transportation determines the fact that Indiana must become the great center for the manufacture of Bessemer steel." • "What we want in this counti-y is diversified labor.'' The grand hall of the Exposition buildings is on elevated ground at the head of Alabama street, and commands a fine view of the city. The structure is of brick, 308 feet long by 150 in width, and two stories high. Its elevated galleries extend quite around the building, under thereof, thus aflfording visitors an opportunity to secure the most commanding view to be had in the city. The lower floor of the grand hall is occupied by the mechanical, geologi- cal and miscellaneous departments, and by the offices of the Board, which extend along the entire front. The second floor, which is HISTORY OF INDIANA. 269 approached by three wide stairways, accommodates the fine art, musical and other departments of light mechanics, and is brilliantly lighted by windows and skylights. But as we are here entering the description of a subject magnificent to behold, we enter a description too vast to complete, and we may as well stop here as anywhere. The Presidents of the State Fairs have been: Gov. J. A. Wright, 1852-'4; Gen. Jos. Orr, 1855; Dr. A. C. Stevenson, 1856-'8; G. D. Wagner; 1859-60; D. P. Ilolloway, 1861; Jas. D.Williams, 1862, 1870-'l; A. D. Ilamrick, 1863, lS67-'9; Stearns Fisher, 186-l-'6; John Sutherland, 1872-'4; Wm. Crim, 1875. Secretaries: John B. Dillon, 1852-'3, 1855, 1858-'9 ; Ignatius Brown, 1856-'7; W. T. Den- nis, 185-1, 1860-'l; W. H. Loomis, 1862-'6; A. J. Holmes, 1867-'9; Joseph Poole, 1870-'l; Alex. Heron, 1872-'5. Place of fair, Indian- apolis every year except: Lafayette, 1853; Madison, 1854; New Albany, 1859; Fort Wayne, 1865; and Terre Haute, 1867. In 1861 there was no fair. Tliegate and entry receipts increased from $4,651 in 1852 to $45,330 in 1874. On the opening of the Exposition, Oct. 7, 1874, addresses were delivered by the President of the Board, Hon. John Sutherland, and by Govs. Hendricks, Bigler and Pollock. Yvon's celebrated painting, the " Great Republic," was unveiled with great ceremony, and man)^ distinguished guests were present to witness it. The exhibition of 1875 showed that the plate glass from the southern part of the State was equal to the finest French plate; that the force- blowers made in the eastern part of the State was of a world-wide reputation; that the State has within its bounds the largest wagon manufactory in the world ; that in other parts of the State there were all sorts and sizes of manufactories, including roll- ing mills and blast furnaces, and in the western part coal was mined and shipped at the rate of 2,500 tons a day from one vicinity; and many other facts, whicli " would astonish the citizens of Indiana themselves even more than the rest of the world." INDIANA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. This society was organized in 1842, thus taking the lead in the West. At this time Henry Ward Beecher was a resident of Indian- apolis, engaged not only as a minister but also as editor of the Indiana Farmer and Gardener, and his influence was very exten- sive in the interests of horticulture, floriculture and farming. Prominent among his pioneer co-laborers were Judge Coburn, 270 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Aaron Aldridge, Capt. James Sigarson, D. Y. CuUey, Reuben Eagan, Stephen Hampton, Cornelius Ratliff, Joshua Lindley, Abner Pope and many others. In the autumn of this year the society held an exhibition, probably the first in the State, if not in the West, in the hall of the new State house. The only pre- mium offered was a set of silver teaspoons for the best seedling apple, which was won b^^ Reuben Ragan, of Putnam count}^, for an apple christened on this occasion the " Osceola." The society gave great encouragement to the introduction of new varieties of fruit, especially of the pear, as the soil and cli- mate of Indiana were well adapted to this fruit. But the bright horizon which seemed to be at this time looming np all around the field of the young society's operations was suddenly and thoroughly darkened by the swarm of noxious insects, diseases, blasts of win- ter and the great distance to market. The prospects of the cause scarcely justified a continuation of the expense of assembling from remote parts of the State, and the meetings of the society therefore soon dwindled away until the organization itself became quite extinct. But when, in 1852 and afterward, railroads began to traverse the State in all directions, the Legislature provided for the organization of a State Board of Agriculture, whose scope was not only agri- culture but also horticulture and the mechanic and household arts. The rapid growth of the State soon necessitated a differentiation of this body, and in the autumn of 1860, at Indianapolis, there was organized the INDIANA POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. October 18, Reuben Ragan was elected President and Wm H. Loomis, of Marion county. Secretary. The constitution adopted provided for biennial meetings in January, at Indianapolis. At the first regular meeting, Jan. 9, 1861, a committee-man for each congressional district was appointed, all of them together to be known as the " State Fruit Committee," and twenty-five members were enrolled during this session. At the regular meeting in 1863 the constitution was so amended as to provide for annual sessions, and the address of the newly elected President, Hon, I. G. D. Nel- son, of Allen county, urged the establishment of an agricultural college. He continued in the good cause until his work was crowned with success. UISTORV OF INDIANA. 271 In 18G4: there was but little done on account of the exhaust- ive demands of the great war; and the descent of mercury 60° in eighteen hours did so much mischief as to increase the discourage- ment to the verge of despair. The title of the society was at this meeting, Jan., 1864 changed to that of the Indiana Horticultural Society. The first several meetings of the society were mostly devoted to revision of fruit lists; and although the good work, from its vast- ness and complication, became somewhat monotonous, it has been no exception in this respect to the law that all the greatest and most productive labors of mankind require perseverance and toil. In 1866, George M. Beeler, who had so indefatigably served as secretary for several years, saw himself hastening to his grave and showed his love for the cause of fruit culture by bequeathing to the society the sum of $1,000. This year also the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction was induced to take a copy of the Society's transactions for each of the township libraries in the State, and this enabled the Society to bind its volume of proceedings in a substa,ntial manner. At the meeting in 1867 many valuable and interesting papers were presented, the office of corresponding secretary was created, and the subject of Legislative aid was discussed. The State Board of Agriculture placed the management of the horticultural depart- ment of the State fair in the care of the Society. The report for 1868 shows for the first time a balance on hand, after paying expenses, the balance being $61.55. Up to tiiis time the Society had to take care of itself, — meeting current expenses, do- ing its own printing and binding, "boarding and clothing itself," and difi:using annually an amount of knowledge utterly incalcu- lable. During the year called meetings were held at Salem, in the peach and grape season, and evenings during the State fair, which was held in Terre Haute the previous fall. The State now assumed the cost of printing and binding, but the volume of transactions was not quite so valuable as that of the former year. In 1870 $160 was given to this Society by the State Board of Agriculture, to be distributed as prizes for essays, which object was faithfully carried out. The practice has since then been con- tinued. In 1871 the Horticultural Society brought out the best volume of papers and proceedings it ever has had published. 272 HISTORY OF INDIANA. In 1872 the oflSce of corresponding secretary was discontinued; the appropriation by the State Board of Agriculture diverted to the payment of premiums on small fruits given at a show held the previous summer; results of the exhibition not entirely satisfac- tory. In 1873 the State officials refused to publish the discussions of the members of the Horticultural Society, and the Legislature appropriated $500 for the purpose for each of the ensuing two years. In 1875 the Legislature enacted a law requiring that one of the trustees of Purdue University shall be selected by the Horticultu- ral Society. The aggregate annual membership of this society from its organ- ization in 1860 to 1875 was 1,225. EDUCATION. The subject of education has been referred to in almost every gubernatorial message from the organization of the Territory to the present time. It is indeed the most favorite enterprise of the Hoosier State. In the first survey of Western lands, Congress set apart a section of land in every township, generally the 16th, for school purposes, the disposition of the land to be in hands of the residents of the respective townships. Besides this, to this State were given two entire townships for the use of a State Seminary, to be under the control of the Legislature. Also, the State con- stitution provides that all fines for the breach of law and all com- mutations for militia service be appropriated to the use of county seminaries. In 1825 the common-school lands amounted to 680,207 acres, estimated at $2 an acre, and valued therefore at $1,216,044. At this time the seminary at Bloomington, supported in part by one of these township grants, was very flourishing. The common schools, however, were in rather a poor condition. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. In 1852 the free-school system was fully established, which has resulted in placing Indiana in the lead of this great nation. Al- though this is a pleasant subject, it is a very large one to treat in a condensed notice, as this has to be. The free-school system of Indiana first became practically oper- ative the first Monday of April, 1853, when the township trustees HISTORY OF INDIANA. 273 for school purposes were elected through the State. The law com- mitted to them the charge of all the educational affairs in their respective townships. As it was feared by the opponents of the law that it would not be possible to select men in all the town- ships capable of executing the school laws satisfactorily, the people were thereby awakened to the necessity of electing their very best men; and although, of course, many blunders have been made by trustees, the operation of the law has tended to elevate the adult population as well as the youth; and Indiana still adheres to the policy of appointing its best men to educational positions. The result is a grand surprise to all old fogies, who indeed scarcely dare to appear such any longer. To instruct the people in the new law and set the educational machinery going, a pamphlet of over 60 pages, embracing the law, with notes and explanations, was issued from the office of a super- intendent of public instruction, and distributed freely throughout the State. The first duty of the Board of Trustees was to establish and conveniently locate a sufficient number of schools for the edu- cation of all the children of their township. But where were the school-houses, and what were they?, Previously they had been erected by single districts, but under this law districts were abol- ished, their lines obliterated, and houses previously built by dis- tricts became the property of the township, and all the houses were to be built at the expense of the township by an appropriation of township funds by the trustees. In some townships there was not a single school-house of any kind, and in others there were a few old, leaky, dilapidated log cabins, wholly unfit for use even in sum- mer, and in " winter worse than nothing." Before the people could be tolerably accommodated with schools at least 3,500 school-houses had to be erected in the State. By a general law, enacted in conformity to the constitution of 1852, each township was made a municipal corporation, and every voter in the township a member of the corporation; the Board of Trustees constituted the township legislature as well as the execu- tive body, the whole body of voters, however, exercising direct con- trol through frequent meetings called by the trustees. Special taxes and every other matter of importance were directly voted UDon. Some tax-payers, who were opposed to special townships' taxes, retarded the progress of schools by refusing to pay their assess- ment. Contracts for building school-houses were given up, houses 274 HISTORY OF INDIANA. half finished were abandoned, and in many townships all school operations were suspended. In some of them, indeed, a rumor was circulated by the enemies of the law that the entire school law from beginning to end had been declared by the Supreme Court uncon- stitutional and void; and the Trustees, believing this, actually dis- missed their schools and considered themselves out of ofiice. Hon. W. C. Larrabee, the (first) Superintendent of Public Instruction, corrected this error as soon as possible. But while the voting of special taxes was doubted on a constitu- tional point, it became evident that it was weak in a practical point; for in many townships the opponents of the system voted down every proposition for the erection of school-houses. Another serious obstacle was the great deficiency in the number of qualified teachers. To meet the newly created want, the law authorized the appointment of deputies in each county to examine and license persons to teach, leaving it in their judgment to lower the standard of qualification sufiiciently to enable them to license as many as were needed to supply all the schools. It was therefore found necessary to employ many "unqualified " teachers, especially in the remote rural districts. But the progress of the times enabled the Legislature of 1853 to erect a standard of qualifica- tion and give to the county commissioners the authority to license teachers; and in order to supply every school with a teaclier, while there might not be a sufficient number of properly qualified teach- ers, the commissioners were authorized to grant temporary licenses to take charge of particular schools not needing a high grade of teachers. In 1854 the available common-school fund consisted of the con- gressional township fund, the surplus revenue fund, the saline fund, the bank tax fund and miscellaneous fund, amounting in all to $2,460,G00. This amount, from many sources, was subsequently increased to a very great extent. The common-school fund was intrusted to the several counties of the State, which were held responsible for the preservation thereof and for the payment of the annual interest thereon. The fund was managed by the auditors and treasurers of the several counties, for which these officers were allowed one-tenth of the income. It was loaned out to the citizens of the county in sums not exceeding $300, on real estate security. The common-school fund was thus consolidated and the proceeds equally distributed each year to all the townships, cities and towns HI8T0KY OF INDIANA. 275 of the State, in proportion to the number of children. This phase of the law met with considerable opposition in 1854. The provisions of the law for the establishment of township libraries was promptly carried into effect, and much time, labor and thought were devoted to the selection of books, special atten- tion being paid to historical works. The greatest need in 1854 was for qualified teachers; but never- theless the progress of public education during this and following years was very great. School-houses were erected, many of them being fine structures, well furnished, and the libraries were consid- erably enlarged. The city school system of Indiana received a heavy set-back in 185S, by a decision of the Supreme Court of the State, that the law authorizing cities and townships to levy a tax additional to the State tax was not in conformity with that clause in the Constitu- tion which required uniformity in taxation. The schools were stopped for want of adequate funds. For a few weeks in each year thereafter the feeble " uniform " supply from the State fund en- abled the people to open the schools, but considering the returns the public realizes for so small an outlay in educational matters, this proved more expensive than ever. Private schools increased, but the attendance was small. Thus the interests of popular edu- cation languished for years. But since the revival of the free schools, the State fund has grown to vast proportions, and the schools of this intelligent and enterprising commonwealth compare favorably with those of any other portion of the United States. • There is no occasion to present all the statistics of school prog- ress in this State from the first to the present time, but some interest will be taken in the latest statistics, which we take from the 9th Biennial Report (for 1 877-'8) by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Hon. James H. Smart. This report, by the way, is a volume of 480 octavo pages, and is free to all who desire a copy. The rapid, substantia) and permanent increase which Indiana enjoys in her school interests is thus set forth in the above report. Length Total of School No of Attendance School Am't Paid Year. In Days. Teachers. at School. Enumeration. Teachers. 1855 61 4,016 206,994 440,791 $ 239.924 1860 65 7,649 303,744 495,019 481,020 1865 66 9,493 402,812 557,092 1,020 440 1870 97 11.826 462,527 619.627 1,810,866 1875 130 13,133 502,362 667,736 2,830,747 1878 129 13,676 512,535 699,153 3,065,968 276 HISTORY OF INDIANA. The increase of school population during the past ten years has been as follows: Total in 1868, 593,865. Increase for year ending Increase for year ending Sept.1,1869 17,699 May 1, 1874 3,923 " 1 1870 9,063 1, 1«^0 tiAKli u {mi. . 3,101 "1,1876 - 11,494 u ;';873 8,811 "1,1877 15,476 May i:i873'(8 months) 8,903 . " 1,1878 _4^ Total, 1878 699,153 699,153 Twenty-nine per cent, of the above are in the 49 cities and 212 incorporated towns, and 71 per cent, in the 1,011 townships. The number of white males enrolled in the schools in 1878 was 267,315, and of white females, 237,739; total, 505,054; of colored males, 3,794; females, 3,687; total, 7,481; grand total, 512,535. The average number enrolled in each district varies from 51 to 56, and the average daily attendance from 32 to 35; but many children reported as absent attend parochial or private schools. Seventy- three per cent, of the white children and 63 per cent, of the colored, in tlie State, are enrolled in the schools. The number of days taught vary materially in the different town- ships, and on this point State Superintendent Smart iterates: " As long as the schools of some of our townships are kept open but 60 days and others 220 days, we do not have a uniform system,— such as was contemplated by the constitution. The school law requires the trustee of a township to maintain each of the schools m his corporation an equal length of time. This provision cannot be so easily applied to the various counties of the State, for the reason that "there is a variation in the density of the population, m the wealth of the people, and the amount of the township funds. 1 'think, however, there is scarcely a township trustee in the State who cannot, under the present law, if he chooses to do so, bring his schools up to an average of six months. I think it would be wise to require each township trustee to levy a sufficient local tax to maintain the schools at least six months of the year, provided this can be done without increasing the local tax beyond the amount now permitted by law. This would tend to bring the poorer schools up to the standard of the best, and would thus unify the system, and make it indeed a common-school system." HISTORY OF INDIANA. 277 The State, however, averages six and a half months school per year to each district. The number of school districts in the State in 1878 was 9,380, in all but 34: of which school was taught during that year. There are 396 district and "151 township graded schools. Number of white male teachers, 7,977, and of female, 5,699; colored, male, 62, and female, 43; grand total, 13,781. For the ten years ending with 1878 there was an increase of 409 male teachers and 811 female teachers. All these teachers, except about 200, attend normal institutes, — a showing which probably surpasses that of any other State in this respect. The average daily compensation of teachers throughout the State in 1878 was as follows: In townships, males, $1,90; females, $1.70; in towns, males, $3.09; females, $1.81; in cities, males, $4.06; females, $2.29. In 1878 there were 89 stone school-houses, 1,724 brick, 7,608 frame, and 124 log; total, 9,545, valued at $11,536,647.39. And lastly, and best of all, we are happy to state that Indiana has a larger school fund than any other State in the Union. In 1872, according to the statistics before us, it was larger than that of any other State by $2,000,000! the figures being as follows: Indiana $8,437,593.47 Michigan $2,500,214.91 Ohio 6,614,816.50 Missouri 3,525,252.52 Illinois 6,348,538.32 Minnesota 3,471,199.31 New York 3,880.017.01 Wisconsin 2,237,414.37 Connecticut 3,809,770.70 Massachusetts 2,210,864.09 Iowa 4,274,581.93 Arkansas 3,000,000.00 Kearly all the rest of the States have less than a million dollars in their school fund. In 1872 the common-school fund of Indiana consisted of the following: Non-negotiable bonds $3,591,316.15 Escheated estates 17,866.55 Common-school fund, 1,666,~24.50 Sinking fund, last distrib- Sinking fund, at 8 per cent 569,139.94 ution 67,068.73 Congressional township Sinking fund undistrib- fuud 3,281,076.69 uted 100,165.93 Value of unsold Congres- Swamp land fund 42,418.40 sional township lands.. 94,245.00 Saliae fund 5,727.66 $8,437,593 47 Bank tax fund 1,744.94 In 1878 the grand total was $8,974,455.55. The origin of the respective school funds of Indiana is as follows: 1. The " Congressional township " fund is derived from the proceeds of the 16th sections of the townships. Almost all of these 278 HISTORY OF INDIANA. have been sold and the money put out at interest. The amount of this fund in 1877 was $2,452,936.82. 2. The "salhie" fund consjsts of the proceeds of the sale of salt springs, and the land adjoining necessary for working them to the amount of 36 entire sections, authorized by tlie original act of Congress. By authority of the same act the Legislature has made these proceeds a part of the permanent school fund. 3. The " surplus revenue " fund. Under the administration of President Jackson, the national debt, contracted by the Revolutionary war and the purchase of Louisiana, was entirely discharged, and a large surplus remained in the treasury. In June, 1836, Congress distributed this money amcng the States in the ratio of their repre- sentation in Congress, subject to recall, and Indiana's sliare was $860,254 The Legislature subsequently set apart $573,502.96 of this amount to be a part of the school fund. It is not probable that the general Government will ever recall this monev. 4. " Bank tax " fund. The Legislature of 1834 chartered a State Bank, of which a part of the stock was owned by the State and a part by individuals. Section 15 of the charter required an annual deduction from the dividends, equal to Vl\ cents on each share not held by the State, to be set apart for common-school education. This tax finally amounted to $80,000, which now bears interest in favor of education. 5. " Sinking " fund. In order to set the State bank under good headway, the State at first borrowed $1,300,000, and out of the unapplied balances a fund was created, increased by unapplied balances also of the principal, interest and dividends of the amount lent to the individual holders of stock, for the purpose of sinking the debt of the bank; hence the name sinking fund. The 114th section of the charter provided that after the full payment of the bank's indebtedness, principal, interest and incidental expenses, the residue of said fund should be a permanent fund, a|)propriated to the cause of education. As the charter extended through a period of 25 years, this fund ultimately reached the handsome amount of $5,000,000. The foregoing are all interest-bearing funds; the following are additional school funds, but not productive: 6. " Seminary " fund. By order of the Legislature in 1852, all county seminaries were sold, and the net proceeds placed in the common-school fund. UISTOKY OF INDIANA. 279 7. AH fines for the violation of the penal laws of the State are placed to the credit of tlie coramon-schoal fand 8. All recognizances of witnesses and parties indicted for crime, when forfeited, are collectible by law and made a part of the school fund. These are reported to the office of the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction annually. For the five years ending with 1872, they averaged about $34,000 a year. 9. Escheats. These amount to $17,865.55, which was still in the State treasury in 1872 and unapplied. 10. The "swamp-land" fund arises from the sale of certain Congressional land grants, not devoted to any particular purpose by the terms of the grant. In 1872 there was $42,418.40 of this money, subject to call by the school interests. 11. Taxes on corporations are to some extent devoted by the Constitution to school purposes, but the clause on this subject is somewhat obscure, and no funds as yet have been realized from this source. It is supposed that several large sums of money are due the common-school fund from the corporations. Constitutionally, any of the above funds may be increased, but never diminished. INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY. So early as 1802 the U. S. Congress granted lands and a charter to the people of that portion of the North western Territoi*y resid- ing at Vincennes, for the erection and maintenance of a seminary of learning in that early settled district; and five years afterward an act incorporating the Vincennes University asked the Legisla- ture to appoint a Board of Trustees for the institution and order the sale of a single township in Gibson county, granted by Congress in 1802, so that the proceeds might be at once devoted to the objects of education. On this Board the following gentlemen were ap- pointed to act in the interests of the institution: William H. Har- rison, John Gibson, Thomas H. Davis, Henry Vanderburgh, Wal- ler Taylor, Benjamin Parke, Peter Jones, James Johnson, John Rice Jones, George Wallace, William Bullitt, Elias McNaraee, John Badolett, Henry Hurst, Gen. W. Johnston, Francis Vigo, Jacob Kuykendall, Samuel McKee, Nathaniel Ewing, George Leech, Luke Decker, Samuel Gwathmey and John Johnson. The sale of this land was slow and the proceeds small. The members of the Board, too, were apathetic, and failing to meet, the institution fell out of existence and out of memory. 280 HISTORY OF INDIANA. In 1816 Congress granted another township in Monroe connty, located within its present limits, and the foundation of a university was laid. Four years later, and after Indiana was erected into a State, an act of the local Legislature appointing another Board of Trustees and authorizing them to select a location for a university and to enter into contracts for its construction, was passed. The new Board met at Bloomington and selected a site at that place for the location of the present building, entered into a contract for the erection of the same in 1822, and in 1825 had the satisfaction of being present at the inauguration of the university. The first session was commenced under the Rev. Baynard R. Hall, with 20 students, and when tiie learned professor could only boast of a salary of $150 a year; yet, on this very limited sum the gentleman worked with energy and soon brought the enterprise through all its elementary stages to the position of an academic institution. Dividing the year into two sessions of five months each, the Board acting under his advice, changed the name to the " Indiana Academy," under which title it was duly chartered. In 1827 Prof. John H. Harney was raised to the chairs of mathematics, natural philosophy and astronomy, at a salary of $300 a year; and the salary of Mr. Hall raised to $400 a year. In 1828 the name was again changed by the Legislature to the " Indiana College," and the following professors appointed over the difi'erent departments; Rev. Andrew "Wy lie, D. D., Prof, of mental and moral philosophy and belles lettres; John II. Harney, Prof, of mathematics and natural philosophy; and Rev. Bayard R. Hall, Prof, of ancient languages. This year, also, dispositions were made for the sale of Gibson county lands and for the erection of a new college building. This action was opposed by some legal difliculties, which after a time were overcome, and the new college building was put under construction, and continued to prosper until 1854, when it was destroyed by fire, and 9,000 volumes, with all the apparatus, were consumed The curriculum was then carried out in a temporary building, while a new struct- ure was going up. In 1873 the new college, with its additions, was completed, and the routine of studies continued. A museum of natural history, a laboratory and the Owen cabinet added, and the standard of the studies and morale generally increased in excellence and in strict- ness. Bloomington is a fine, healthful locality, on the Louisville, New Albany & Chicago railway. - The University buildings are in the IIISTOKY OF INDIANA. 281 collegiate Gothic style, simply and truly carried out. The building, fronting College avenue is 145 feet in front. It consists of a central building 60 feet by 53, with wings each 38 feet by 26, and the whole, three stories high. The new building, fronting the west, is 130 feet by 50. Buildings lighted by gas. The faculty numbers thirteen. Number of students in the col- legiate department in lS79-'80, J S3; in preparatory, 169; total, 349, allowing for three counted twice. The university may now be considered on a fixed founaation, car- rying out the intention of the President, who aimed at scholarship rather than numbers, and demands the attention of eleven pro- fessors, together with the State Geologist, who is ex-officio member of the faculty, and required to lecture at intervals and look after the geological and mineralogical interests of the institution. The faculty of medicine is represented by eleven leading physicians of the neighborhood. The faculty of law requires two resident professors, and the other chairs remarkably well represented. The university received from the State annually about $15,000, and promises with the aid of other public grants and private dona- tions to vie with any other State university within the Republic. PURDUE UNIVEKSITY. This is a " college for the benefit of agricultural and the mechanic arts," as provided for by act of Congress, July 2, 1862, donating lands for this purpose to the extent of 30,000 acres of the public domain to each Senator and Representative in the Federal assem- bly. Indiana having in Congress at that time thirteen members, became entitled to 390,000 acres; but as there was no Congress land in the State at this time, scrip had to be taken, and it was upon the following condition (we quote the act): " Section 4. That all moneys derived from the sale of land scrip shall be invested in the stocks of the United States, or of some other safe stocks, yielding no less than five per centum upon the par value of said stocks; and that the moneys so invested shall constitute a perpetual fund, the capital of wliich shall remain undi- minished, except so far as may be provided in section 5 of this act, and the interest of which shall be inviolably appropriated by each State, which may take and claim the benefit of this act, to the endowment, support and maintenance of at least one college, where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and 282 HISTORY OF INDIANA. classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such a manner as the Legislatures of the States may re- spectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and pro- fessions of life. " Sec. 5, That the grant of land and land scrip hereby author- ized shall be made on the following conditions, to which, as well as the provision hereinbefore contained, the previous assent of the several States shall be signified by Legislative act: " First. If any portion of the funds invested as provided by the foregoing section, or any portion of the interest thereon, shall by any action or contingency be diminished or lost, it shall be replaced by the State to which it belongs, so that the capital of the fund shall remain forever undiminished, and the annual interest shall be regularly applied, without diminution, to the purposes mentioned in the fourth section of this act, except that a sum not exceeding ten per centum upon the amount received by any State under the pro- visions of this act may be expended for the purchase of lands for sites or experimental farms, whenever authorized by the respective Legislatures of said States. " Second. No portion of said fund, nor interest thereon, shall be applied, directly or indirectly, under any pretence whatever, to the purchase, erection, preservation or repair of any building or buildings. *' Third. Any State which may take and claim the benefit of the provisions of this act, shall provide, within five years at least, not less than one college, as provided in the fourth section of this act, or the grant to such State shall cease and said State be bound to pay the United States the amount received of any lands pre- viously sold, and that the title to purchase under the States shall be valid. " Fourth. An annual report shall be made regarding the prog- ress of each college, recording any improvements and experiments made, with their cost and result, and such other matter, including State industrial and economical statistics, as may be supposed use- ful, one copy of which shall be transmitted by mail free, by each, to all other colleges which may be endowed under the provisions of this act, and also one cop}^ to the Secretary of the Interior. "Fifth. When lands shall be selected from those which have been raised to double the minimum price in consequence of railroad HISTORY OF INDIANA. 283 grants, that they shall be computed to the States at the maximum price, and the number of acres proportionately diminished, "Sixth. No State, while in a condition of rebellion or insur- rection against the Government of the United States, shall be entitled to the benefits of this act. "Seventh. 'No State shall be entitled to the benefits of this act unless it shall express its acceptance thereof by its Legislature within two years from the date of its approval by the President. '' The foregoing act was approved by the President, July 2, 1862. It seemed that this law, amid the din of arms with the great Rebel- lion, was about to pass altogether unnoticed by the next General Assembly, January, 1863, had not Gov. Morton's attention been called to it by a delegation of citizens from Tippecanoe county, vrho visited him in the interest of Battle Ground. He thereupon sent a special message to the Legislature, upon the subject, and then public attention was excited to it everywhere, and several localities competed for the institution ; indeed, the rivalry was so great that this session failed to act in the matter at all, and would have failed to accept of the grant within the two years prescribed in the last clause quoted above, had not Congress, by a supplementary act, extended the time two years longer. March 6, 1865, the Legislature accepted the conditions ot the national gift, and organized the Board of " Trustees of the Indiana Agricultural College." This Board, by authority, sold the scrip April 9, 1867, for $212,238.50, which sum, by compounding, has increased to nearly $100,000, and is invested in IT. S. bonds. Not until the special session of May, 1869, was the locality for this col- lege selected, when John Purdue, of Lafayette, offered $150,000 and Tippecanoe county $50,000 more, and the title of the institution changed to " Purdue University." Donations were also made by the Battle Ground Institute and the Battle Ground Institute of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The building was located on a 100-acre tract near Chauncey, which Purdue gave in addition to his magnificent donation, and to whicii 86f acres more have since been added on the north. The boarding-house, dormitory, the laboratory, boiler and gas house, a frame armory and gymnasium, stable with shed and work-shop are all to the north of the gravel road, and form a group of build- ings within a circle of 600 feet. The boiler and gas house occupy a rather central position, and supply steam and gas to the boarding- house, dormitory and laboratory. A description of these buildings 284 HISTORY OF INDIANA. may be apropos. The boarding-bouse is a brick structure, in the modern Italian style, planked by a turret at each of the front angles and measuring 120 feet front by 68 feet deep. The dormitory is a quadrangular edifice, in the plain Elizabethan stj'^le, four stories high, arranged to accommodate 125 students. Like the other build- ings, it is heated by steam and lighted by gas. Bathing accommo- dations are in each end of all the stories. The laboratory is almost a duplicate of a similar department in Brown University, R. I. It is a much smaller building than the boarding-house, but yet suffi- ciently large to meet the requirements. A collection of minerals, fossils and antiquities, purchased from Mr. Richard Owen, former President of the institution, occupies the temporary cabinet or museum, pending the construction of a new building. The military hall and gymnasium is 100 feet frontage by 50 feet deep, and only one story high. The uses to which this hall is devoted are exer- cises in physical and military drill. The boiler and gas house is an establishment replete in itself, possessing every facility for supply- ing the buildings of the university with adequate heat and light. It is farther provided with pumping works. Convenient to this department is the retort and great meters of the gas house, capable of holding 9,000 cubic feet of gas, and arranged upon the principles of modern science. The barn and shed form a single building, both useful, convenient and ornamental. In connection with the agricultural department of the university, a brick residence and barn were erected and placed at the disposal of the farm superintendent, Maj. L. A. Burke. The buildings enumerated above have been erected at a cost approximating the following: boarding-house, $37,807.07; labora- tory, $15,000; dormitory, $32,000; military hall and gymnasium, $6,410.47; boiler and gas house, $1,814; barn and shed, $1,500; work-shop, $1,000; dwelling and barn, $2,500. Besides the original donations, Legislative appropriations, vary- ing in amount, have been made from time to time, and Mr. Pierce, the treasurer, has donated his official salary, $600 a year, for the time he served, for decorating the grounds, — if neoessary. The opening of the university was, owing to varied circumstan- ces, postponed from time to time, and not until March, 1874, was a class formed, and this only to comply with the act of Congress in that connection in its relation to the university. However, in September following a curriculum was adopted, and the first regu- lar term of the Purdue University entered upon. This curriculum HISTORY OF INDIANA. 285 comprises the varied subjects generally pertaining to a first-class university course, namely: in the school of natural science — pinholes and industrial mechanics, chemistry and natural history; in the school of engineering — civil and mining, together with the principles of architecture; in the school of agriculture — theoret- ical and practical agriculture, horticulture and veterinary science; in the military school — the mathematical sciences, German and French literature, free-hand and mechanical drawing, with all the studies pertaining to the natural and military sciences. Modern languages and natural history embrace their respective courses to the fullest extent. There are this year (1880) eleven members of the faculty, 86 students in the regular courses, and 117 other students. In respect to attendance there has been a c(instant increase from the first. The first year, 1874-'5, there were but 64 students. INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, This institution was founded at Terre Haute in 1870, in accord- ance with the act of the Legislature of that year. The building is a large brick edifice situated upon a commanding location and possessing some architectural beauties. From its inauguration many obstacles opposed its advance toward efficiency and success; but the Board of Trustees, composed of men experienced in edu- cational matters, exercised their strength of mind and body to overcome every difficnlty, and secure for the State Normal School every distinction and emolument that lay within their power, their efforts to this end being very successful; and it is a fact that the institution has arrived at, if not eclipsed, the standard of their expectations. Not alone does the course of study embrace the legal subjects known as reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, geography, United States history, English grammar, physiology, manners and ethics, but it includes also universal history, the mathematical sciences and many other subjects foreign to older institutions. The first studies are prescribed by law and must be inculcated; the second are optional with the professors, and in the case of Indiana generally hold place in the curriculum of the nor- mal school. The model, or training school, specially designed for the training of teachers, forms a most important factor in State educational matters, and prepares teachers of both sexes for one of the most important positions in life; viz., that of educating the youth of the 286 HISTORY OF INDIANA. State. The advanced course of studies, tosfether with the lii^her studies of the normal school, embraces Latin and German, and pre- pares young men and women for entrance to the State University. The efficiency of this school may be elicited from the following facts, taken from the official reports: out of 41 persons who lia.d graduated from the elementary course, nine, after teaching success- fully in the public schools of this State from two terms to two years, returned to the institution and souirht admission to the advanced classes. They were admitted; three of them were gentle- men and six ladies. After spending two years and two terms in the elementary course, and then teaching in the schools during the time already mentioned they returned to spend two and a half or three years more, and for the avowed purpose of qualifying them- selves for teaching in the most responsible positions of the public school service. In fact, no student is admitted to the school who does not in good faith declare his intention to qualify himself for teaching in the schools of the State. This the law requires, and the rule is adhered to literally. The report further says, in speaking of the government of the school, that the fundamental idea is rational freedom, or that free- dom which gives exemption from the power of control of one over another, or, in other words, the self-limiting of themselves, in their acts, by a recognition of the rights of others who are equally free. The idea and origin of the school being laid down, and also the means by which scholarship can be realized in the individual, the student is left to form his own conduct, both during session hours and while away from school. The teacher merely stands between this scholastic idea and the student's own partial conception of it, as expositor or interpreter. The teacher is not legislator, executor or police officer; he is expounder of the true idea of school law, bo that the only test of the student's conduct is obedience to, or nonconformity with, that law as interpreted by the teacher. This idea once inculcated in the minds of the students, insures industry, punctuality and order. NORTHERN INDIANA NORMAL SCHOOL AND BUSINESS INSTITUTE, VALPARAISO. This institution was organized Sept. 16, 1S73, with 35 students in attendance. The school occupied the building known as the Valparaiso Male and Female College building. Four teachers HISTORY OF INDIANA. 287 were employed. The attendance, so small at first, increased rap- idly and steadily, until at the present writing, the seventh year in the history of the school, the yearly enrollment is more than three thousand. The number of instructors now employed is 23. From time to time, additions have been made to the school buildings, and numerous boarding halls have been erected, so that now the value of the buildings and grounds owned by the school is one hundred thousand dollars. A large library has been collected, and a complete equipment of philosophical and chemical apparatus has been purchased. The department of physiology is supplied with skeletons, manikins, and everything necessary to the demonstration of each branch of the subject. A large cabinet is provided for the study of geology. In fact, each department of the school is completely furnished with the apparatus needed for the most approved presentation of every subject. There are 15 chartered departments in the institution. These are in charge of thorough, energetic, and scholarly instructors, and fiend forth each year as graduates, a large number of finely cultured young ladies and gentlemen, living testimonials of the efficiency of the course of study and the methods used. The Commercial College in connection with the school is in itself a great institution. It is finely fitted up and furnished, and ranks foremost among the business colleges of the United States. The expenses for tuition, room and board, have been made so low that an opportunity for obtaining a thorough education is presented to the poor and the rich alike. All of this work has been accomplished in the short space of seven years. The school now holds a high place among educational institutions, and is the largest normal school in the United States. This wonderful growth and development is wholly due to the energy and faithfulness of its teachers, and the unparalleled exec- utive ability of its proprietor and principal. The school is not endowed. DENOMINATIONAL AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS. Nor is Indiana behind in literary institutions under denomina- tional auspices. It is not to be understood, however, at the present day, that sectarian doctrines are insisted upon at the so-called *' denominational" colleges, universities and seminaries; the youth at these places are influenced only by Christian example. 288 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Notre Dame University, near South Bend, is a Catholic institu- tion, and is one of the most noted in the United States. It was founded in 1842 by Father Sorin. The first building was erected in 1843, and the university has continued to grow and prosper until the present time, now having 35 professors. 26 instructors, 9 tutors, 213 students and 12,000 volumes in library. At present the main building has a frontage of 224 feet and a depth of 155. Thousands of young people have received their education here, and a large number have been graduated for the priesthood. A chapter was held here in 18T2, attended by delegates from all parts of tlie world. It is worthy of mention that this institution has a bell weighing 13,000 pounds, the largest in the United States and one of the finest in the world. The Indiana Ashury University, at Greencastle, is an old and well-established institution under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church, named after its first bishop, Asbury. It was founded in 1835, and in 1872 it had nine professors and 172 students. Howard College, not denominational, is located at Kokorao, and was founded in 1869. In 1872 it had five professors, four instructors, and 69 students. Union Christian College, Christian, at Merom, was organized in 1858, and in 1872 had four resident professors, seven instructors and 156 students. Moore'' s Hill College, Methodist Episcopal, is situated at Moore's Hill, was founded in 1854, and in 1872 had five resident professors, five instructors, and 142 students. Earlham^s College, at Richmond, is under the management of the Orthodox Friends, and was founded in 1859. In 1872 they had six resident professors and 167 students, and 3,300 volumes in library. WahasJi College, at Crawfordsville, was organized in 1834, and had- in 1872, eight professors and teachers, and 231 students, with about 12,000 volumes in the library. It is under Presbyterian management. Concordia College, Lutheran, at Fort Wayne, was founded in 1850; in 1872 it had four professors and 148 students: 3,000 volumes in library. Hanover College, Presbyterian, was organized in 1833, at Han- over, and in 1872 had seven professors and 118 students, and 7,000 volumes in library. 00 d to » o n » o fel o o l-l O Q I— I f W i-i t^ CO O HISTOKT OF INDIANA. 291 Hartsville University^ United Brethren, at Hartsville, was founded in 1854, and in 1872 had seven professors and 117 students. Northwestern Christian University^ Disciples, is located at Irvington, near Indianapolis. It was founded in 1854, and by 1872 it had 15 resident professors, 181 students, and 5,000 volumes in library. BENEVOLENT AND PENAL INSTITUTIONS. By the year 1830, the influx of paupers and invalid persons was so great that the Governor called upon the Legislature to take steps toward regulating the matter, and also to provide an asylum for the poor, but that body was very slow to act on the matter. At the present time, however, there is no State in the Union which can boast a better system of benevolent institutions. The Benevo- tent Society of Indianapolis was organized in 1843. It was a pioneer institution; its field of work was small at first, but it has grown into great usefulness. INSTITUTE FOR THE EDUCATION OF THE BLIND. In behalf of the blind, the first efibrt was made by James M. Ray, about 1846. Through his efforts William H. Churchman came from Kentucky with blind pupils and gave exhibitions in Mr. Beecher's church, in Indianapolis. These entertainments were attended by members of the Legislature, for whom indeed they were especially intended; and the efifect upon them was so good, that before they adjourned the session they adopted measures to es- tablish an asylum for the blind. The commission appointed to carry out these measures, consisting of James M. Ray, Geo. W. Mears, and the Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor of State, engaged Mr. Churchman to make a lecturing tour through the State and collect statistics of the blind population. The " Institute for the Education of the Blind " was founded by the Legislature of 1847, and first opened in a rented building Oct. 1, of that year. The permanent buildings were opened and occu- pied in February, 1853. The original cost of the buildings and ground was $110,000, and the present valuation of buildings and grounds approximates $300,000. The main building is 90 feet long by 61 deep, and with its right and left wings, each 30 feet in front and 83 in depth, give an entire frontage of 150 feet. The main building is five stories in height, surmounted by a cupola of 292 HISTORY OF INDIANA. the Corinthian style, while each wing is similarly overcapped The porticoes, cornices and verandahs are gotten up with exquisite taste, and the former are molded after the principle of Ionic archi- tecture. The building is very favorably situated, and occupies a space of eight acres. The nucleus of a fund for supplying indigent graduates of the institution with an outfit suitable to their trades, or with money in lieu thereof, promises to meet with many additions. The fund is the out-come of the benevolence of Mrs. Fitzpatrick, a resident of Delaware, in this State, and appears to be suggested by the fact that her daughter, who was smitten with blindness, studied as a pupil in the institute, and became singularly attached to many of its inmates. The following passage from the lady's will bears testimony not only to her own sympathetic nature but also to the efficiency of the establishment which so won her esteem. " I give to each of the following persons, friends and associates of my blind daughter, Margaret Louisa, the sum of $100 to each, to wit, viz: Melissa and Phoebe Garrettson, Frances CundifF, Dallas JMewland, Naomi Unthunk, and a girl whose name before marriage was Rachel Martin, her husband's name not recollected. The balance of my estate, after paying the expenses of administering, I give to the superintendent of the blind asylum and his successor, in trust, for the use and benefit of the indigent blind of Indiana who may attend the Indiana blind asylum, to be given to them on leaving in such sums as the superintendent may deem proper, but not more than $50 to any one person. I direct that the amount above direct- ed be loaned at interest, and the interest and principal be distributed as above, agreeably to the best judgment of the superintendent, so as to do the greatest good to the greatest number of blind persons." The following rules, regulating the institution, after laying down in preamble that the institute is strictly an educational estab- lishment, having its main object the moral, intellectual and phys- ical training of the young blind of the State, and is not an asylum for the aged and helpless, nor an hospital wherein the diseases of the eye may be treated, proceed as follows: 1. The school year commences the first Wednesday after the 15th day of September, and closes on the last Wednesday in June, showing a session of 40 weeks, and a vacation term of 84 days. 2. Applicants for admission must be from 9 to 21 years of age; but the trustees have power to admit blind students under 9 or HISTORY OF INDIANA. '^ 293 over 21 years of age; but this power is extended only in very extreme cases. 3. Imbecile or unsound persons, or confirmed immoralists, cannot be admitted knowingly; neither can admitted pupils who prove disobedient or incompetent to receive instruction be retained on the roll. 4. No charge is made for the instruction and board given to pupils from the State of Indiana; and even those without the State have only to pay $200 for board and education during the 40 weeks' session. 5. An abundant and good supply of comfortable clothing for both summer and winter wear, is an indispensable adjunct of the pupil. 6. The owner's name must be distinctly marked on each article of clothing. 7. In cases of extreme indigence the institution may provide clothing and defray the traveling expenses of such pupil and levy the amount so expended on the county wherein his or her home is situated. 8. The pupil, or friends of the pupil, must remove him or her from the institute during the annual vacation, and in case of their failure to do so, a legal provision enables the superintendent to forward such pupil to the trustee of the township where he or she resides, and the expense of such transit and board to be charged to the county. 9. Friends of the pupils accompanying them to the institution, or visitino; them thereat, cannot enter as boarders or lodgers. 10. Letters to the pupils should be addressed to the care of the Superintendent of the Institute for the Education of the Blind, so as the better to insure delivery. 11. Persons desirous of admission of pupils should apply to the superintendent for a printed copy of instructions, and no pupil should be sent thereto until the instructions have been complied with. INSTITUTE FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. In 1843 the Governor was also instructed to obtain plans and information respecting the care of mutes, and the Legislature also levied a tax to provide for them. The first one to agitate the subject was William "Willard, himself a mute, who visited Indiana in 1843, and opened a school for mutes on his own account, with 16 pupils. 294 HISTORY OF INDIANA. The next year the Legislature adopted this school as a State insti- tution, appointing a Board of Trustees for its management, consist- ing of the Governor and Secretary' of State, ex-officio,and Revs. Henry Ward Beecher, Phineas D. Gurley, L. II. Jameson, Dr. Duulap, Hon. James Morrison and Rev. Matthew Simpson. They rented the large building on the southeast corner of Illinois and Maryland streets, and opened the first State asylum there in 1844; but in 1846, a site for. a permanent building just east of Indianapolis was selected, consisting first of 30 acres, to which 100 more have been added. On this site the two first structures were commenced in 1849, and completed in the fall of 1850, at a cost of $30,000. The school was immediately transferred to the new building, where it is still flourishing, with enlarged buildings and ample facilities for instruc- tion in agriculture. In 1869-'70, another building was erected, and the three too^ether now constitute one of the most benefi- cent and beautiful institutions to be found on this continent, at an aggregate cost of $220,000. The main building has a facade of 260 feet. Here are the offices, study rooms, the quarters of officers and teachers, the pupils' dormitories and the library. The center of this building has a frontage of eighty feet, and is five stories high, with winors on either side 60 feet in frontas^e. In this Central structure are the store rooms, dining-hall, servants' rooms, hospital, laundry, kitchen, baker}' and several school- rooms. Another struct- ure known as the " rear building " contains the chapel and another set of school-rooms. It is two stories high, the center being 50 feet square and the wings 40 by 20 feet. In addition to these there are many detached buildings, containing the shops of the industrial department, the engine-house and wash-house. The grounds comprise 105 acres, which in the immediate vicinity of the buildings partake of the character of ornamental or pleasure gardens, comprising a space devoted to fruits, flowers and veget- ables, while the greater part is devoted to pasture and agriculture. The first instructor in the institution was Wm. Willard, a deaf mute, who had up to 1844 conducted a small school for the instruc- tion of the deaf at Indianapolis, and now is employed by the State, at a salary of $800 per annum, to follow a similar vocation in its service. In 1853 he was succeeded by J. S. Brown, and subse- quently by Thomas Mclutire, who continues principal of the institution. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 295 HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. The Legislature of 1832-'3 adopted measures providing for a State hospital for the insane. This good work would have been done much earlier had it not been for the hard times of 1837, intensified bj the results of the gigantic scheme of internal improve- ment. In order to survey the situation and awaken public sympa- thy, the county assessors were ordered to make a return of the insane in their respective counties. During the year 1842 the Governor, acting under the direction of the Legislature, procured considerable information in regard to hospitals for the insane in other States; and Dr. John Evans lectured before the Legislature on the subject of insanity and its treatment. As a result of these efforta the authorities determined to take active steps for the estab- lishment of such a hospital. Plans and suo^o-estions from the superintendents and liospitals of other States were submitted to the Legislature in 1844, which body ordered the levy of a tax of one cent on the $100 for the purpose of establishing the hospital. In 1845 a commission was appointed to obtain a site not exceeding 200 acres. Mount Jackson, then the residence of Nathaniel Bolton, was selected, and the Legislature in 1846 ordered the commissioners to proceed with the erection of the building. Accordingly, in 1847, the central building was completed, at a cost of $75,000. It has since been enlarged by the addition of wings, some of which are larger than the old central building, until it has become an immense structure, having cost over half a million dollars. The wings of the main building are four stories high, and entirely devoted to wards for patients, being capable of accommodating 500. The grounds of the institution comprise 160 acres, and, like those of the institute for the deaf and dumb, are beautifully laid out. This hospital was opened for the reception of patients in 1848. The principal structure comprises what is known as the central building and the right and left wings, and like the institute for the deaf and dumb, erected at various times and probably under various adverse circumstances, it certainly does not hold the appearance of any one design, but seems to be a combination of many. Not- withstandii'.g these little defects in arrangement, it presents a very imposing appearance, and shows what may be termed a frontage 296 HISTORY OF INDIANA. of 624 feet. The central building is five stories in height and con- tains the store-rooms, offices, reception parlors, medical dispensing rooms, mess-rooms and the apartments of the superintendent and other officers, with those of the female employes. Immediately ia the rear of the central building, and connected with it by a corridor, is the chapel, a building 50 by 60 feet. This chapel occupies the third floor, while the under stories hold the kitchen, baker}', employes' dining-room, steward's office, employes' apart- ments and sewing rooms. In rear of this again is the engine- house, 60 by 50 feet, containing all the paraphernalia for such an establishment, such as boilers, pumping works, fire plugs, hose, and above, on the second floor, the laundry and apartments of male employes. THE STATE PKISON SOUTH. * The first penal institution of importance is known as the "State Prison South," located at Jefiersonville, and was the only prison until 1859. It was established in 1821. Before that time it was customary to resort to the old-time punishment of the whipping- post. Later the manual labor system was inaugurated, and the convicts were hired out to employers, among whom were Capt. Westover, afterward killed at Alamo, Texas, with Crockett, James Keigwin, who in an affray was fired at and severely wounded by a convict named Williams, Messrs. Patterson Hensley, and Jos. R. Pratt. During the rule of the latter of these lessees, the atten- tion of the authorities was turned to a more practical method of utilizing convict labor; and instead of the prisoners being per- mitted to serve private entries, their work was turned in the direc- tion of their own prison, where for the next few years they were employed in erecting the new buildings now known as the " State Prison South." This structure, the result of prison labor, stands on 16 acres of ground, and comprises the cell houses and work- shops, together with the prisoners' garden, or pleasure-ground. It seems that in the erection of these buildings the aim of the overseers was to create so many petty dungeons and un ventilated laboratories, into which disease in every form would be apt to creep. This fact was evident from the high mortality character- izing life within the prison; and in the efforts made by the Government to remedy a state of things which had been permitted to exist far too long, the advance in prison reform has become a reality. From 1857 to 1871 the labor of the prisoners was devoted 9Q7 HISTORY OF INDIANA. -"^^ * to the manufacture of wagons and farm implements; and again the old policy of hiring the convicts was resorted to; for in the latter year, 1871, the Southwestern Car Company was • organized, and every prisoner capable of taking a part in the work of car-building was leased out. This did very well until the panic of 18Y3, when the company suffered irretrievable losses; and previous to its final down-fall in 1876 the warden withdrew convict labor a second time, leaving the prisoners to enjoy a luxurious idleness around the prison which themselves helped to raise. In later years tbe State Prison South has gained some notoriety from the desperate character of some of its inmates. During the civil war a convict named Harding mutilated in a most horrible manner and ultimately killed one of the jailors named Tesley. In 1874, two prisoners named Kennedy and Applegate, possessing themselves of some arms, and joined by two other convicts named Port and Stanley, made a break for freedom, swept past the guard, Chamberlain, and gained the fields. Chamberlain went in pursuit but had not gone very far when Kennedy turned on his pursuer, fired and killed him instantly. Subsequently three of the prisoners were captured alive and one of them paid the penalty of death, while Kennedy, the murderer of Chamberlain, failing committal for murder, was sent back to his old cell to spend the remainder of hi^s life. Bill Rodifer, better known as " The Hoosier Jack Sheppard," effected his escape in 1875, in the very presence of a large guard, but was recaptured and has since been kept in irons. This establishment, owing to former mismanagement, has fallen very much behind, financially, and has asked for and received an appropriation of $20,000 to meet its expenses, while the contrary is the case at the Michigan City prison. TUE STATE PRISON NORTH. In 1859 the first steps toward the erection of a prison in the northern part of the State were taken, and by an act of the Legis- lature approved March 5, this year, authority was given to construct prison buildings at some point north of the National road. For this purpose $50,000 were appropriated, and a large number of convicts from the Jeffersonville prison were transported northward to Michigan City, which was just selected as the location for the new penitentiary. The work was soon entered upon, and continued to meet with additions and improvements down to a very recent period. So late as 1875 the Legislature appropriated $20,000 298 Il'lSTOliY OF INDIANA. toward the construction of new cells, and in other directions also the work of improvement has been going on. The system of government and discipline is similar to that enforced at the Jefi'er- sonville prison; and, strange to say, by its economical working has not only met the expenses of the administration, but very recently had amassed over $11,000 in excess of current expenses, from its annual savings. This is due almost entirely to the continual employment of the convicts in the manufacture of cigars and chairs, and in their great prison industry, cooperage. It differs widely from the Southern, insomuch as its sanitary condition has been above the average of similar institutions. The strictness of its silent system is better enforced. The petty revolutions of its inmates have been very few and insignificant, and the number of ])unishments inflicted comparatively small. From whatever point thi^ northern prison may be looked at, it will bear a very favorable comparison with the largest and best administered of like establish- ments throughout the world, and caimot fail to bring high credit to its Board of Directors and its able warden. FEMALE PRISON AND REFORMATORY. The prison reform agitation which in this State attained telling proportions in 1869, caused a Legislative measure to be brought forward, which would have a tendency to ameliorate the condition of female convicts. Gov. Baker recommended it to the General Assembly, and the members of that body showed their appreciation of the Governor's philanthropic desire by conferring upon the bill the authority of a statute; and further, appropriated $50,000 to aid in carrying out the objects of the act. Tlie main provisions con- tained in the bill may be set forth in the following extracts from the proclamation of the Governor: "Whenever said institution shall have been proclaimed to be open for the reception of girls in the reformatory department thereof, it shall be lawful for said Board of Managers to receive them into their care and management, and the said reformatory department, girls under the age of 15 years who may be committed to their custody, in either of the following modes, to-wit: "1. When committed by any judge of a Circuit or Common Pleas Court, either in term time or in vacation, on complaint and due proof by the parent or guardian that by reason of her incorrig- ible or vicious conduct she has rendered her control beyond the power of such parent or guardian, and made it manifestly requisite HISTORY OF INDIANA. 299 that from regard to the future welfare of such infant, and for the protection of society, she should be placed under such guardianship. "2. When such infant has been committed by such judge, as aforesaid, upon complaint by any citizen, and due proof of such complaint that such infant is a proper subject of the guardianship of such institution in consequence of her vagrancy or incorrigible or vicious conduct, and that from the moral depravity or other- wise of her parent or guardian in whose custody she may be, such parent or guardian is incapable or unwilling to exercise the proper care or discipline over such incorrigible or vicious infant. "3. When such infant has been committed by such judge as aforesaid, on complaint and due proof thereof by the township trustee of the township where such infant resides, that such infant is destitute of a suitable home and of adequate means of obtaining an honest living, or that she is in danger of being brought up to lead an idle and immoral life." In addition to these articles of the bill, a formal section of instruction to the wardens of State prisons was embodied in the act, causing such wardens to report the number of all the female convicts under their charge and prepare to have them transferred to the female reformatory immediately after it was declared to be ready for their reception. After the passage of the act the Governor appointed a Board of Managers, and these gentlemen, securing the services of Isaac Hodgson, caused him to draft a plan of the proposed institution, and further, on his recommendation, asked the people for an appropriation of another $50,000, which the Legislature granted in February. 1873. The work of construc- tion was then entered upon and carried out so steadily, that on the 6th of September, 1873, the building was declared ready for the reception of its future inmates. Gov. Baker lost no time in proclaiming this fact, and October 4 he caused the wardens of the State prisons to be instructed to transfer all the female convicts in their custody to the new institution which may be said to rest on the advanced intelligence of the age. It is now called the " Indiana Reformatory Institution for Women and Girls." This building is located immediately north of the deaf and dumb asylum, near the arsenal, at Indianapolis. It is a three- story brick structure in the French style, and shows a frontage of 174 feet, comprising a main building, with lateral and transverse wings. In front of the central portion is the residence of the superintendent and his associate reformatory officers, while in the 300 HISTORY OF INDIANA. rear is the engine house, with all the ways and means for heating the buildings. Enlargements, additions and improvements are still in progress. There is also a school and library in the main building, which are sources of vast good. October 31, 1879, there were 66 convicts in the " penal" depart- ment and 147 in the "girls' reformatory" department. The " ticket-of-leave " system has been adopted, with entire satisfaction, and the conduct of the institution appears to be up with the times. INDIANA HOUSE OF REFUGE. In 1867 the Legislature appropriated $50,000 to aid in the formation of an institution to be entitled a house for the correction and reformation of juvenile defenders, and vested with full powers in a Board of Control, the members of which were to be appointed by the Governor, and with the advice and consent of the Senate. This Board assembled at the Governor's house at Indianapolis, April 3, 1867, and elected Charles F. Coffin, as president, and visited Chicago, so that a visit to the reform school there might lead to a fuller knowledge and guide their future proceedings. The House of Refuge at Cincinnati, and the Ohio State Reform school were also visited with this design; and after full consider- ation of the varied governments of these institutions, the Board resolved to adopt the method known as the " family " system, which divides the inmates into fraternal bodies, or small classes, each class having a separate house, house father and family offices, — all under the control of a general superintendent. The system being adopted, the question of a suitable location next presented itself, and proximity to a large city being considered rather detrimental to the welfare of such an institution, Gov. Baker selected the site three-fourths of a mile south of Plainfield, and about fourteen miles from Indianapolis, which, in view of its eligibility and convenience, was fully concurred in by the Board of Control. Therefore, a farm of 225 acres, claiming a fertile soil and a most picturesque situation, and possessing streams of running water, was purchased, and on a plateau in its center a site for the proposed house of refuge was fixed. The next movement was to decide upon a plan, which ultimately met the approval of the Governor. It favored the erection of one principal building, one house for a reading-room and hospital, two large mechanical shops and eight family houses. January 1, 1868, HISTORY OF INDIANA. 301 three family houses and work-shop were completed; in 1869 the main building, and one additional family house were added; but previous to this, in August, 1867, a Mr. Frank P. Ainsworth and his wife were appointed by the Board, superintendent and matron respectively, and temporary quarters placed at their disposal. In 1869 they of course removed to the new building. This is 64 by 128 feet, and three stories high. In its basement are kitchen, laundry and vegetable cellar. The first floor is devoted to offices, visitors' room, house father and family dining-room and store- rooms. The general superintendent's private apartments, private offices and five dormitories for officers occupy the second floor; while the third floor is given up to the assistant superintendent's apartment, library, chapel and hospital. The family houses are similar in style, forming rectangular build- ings 36 by 58 feet. The basement of each contains a furnace room, a store-room and a large wash-room, which is converted into a play-room during inclement weather. On tlie first floor of each of these buildings are two rooms for the house father and his family, and a school-room, which is also convertible into a sitting- room for the boys. On the third floor is a family dormitory, a clothes-room and a room for the " elder brother," who ranks next to the house father. And since the reception of the first boy, from Hendricks county, January 23, 1868, the house plan has proved equally convenient, even as the management has proved efficient. Other buildings have since been erected. STATE CAPITOL. About 1832, at the suggestion of the architect who was to build the State House, with the concurrence of the commissioners, the block north of the State House square was reserved for sale, to await the determination of the Legislature as to the propriety of addirg it to the public ground, making it an oblong square corre- sponding to the form of the edifice to be erected. The plan drawn by Mr. Town, the artist, was adopted by the Legislature, and he was to complete the building by November, 1837, for $58,000. The building erected in pursuance of this contract served the State until within a few years; and now Indiana has a new, beautiful cap- itol, equal in proportioas, style, etc., to those of her sister States, under headway. STATE OFFICEKS, FROM THE EARLIEST DATE TO THE PRESENT. Arthur St. Clair, Governor of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the Ohio, from Oct. 5, 178T, to July 4, 1800. GOVERNORS OF INDIANA TERRITORY. Wra. Henry Harrison, from July 4, 1800, to 1812. John Gibson, Acting Governor from 1812 to 1813. Thomas Posey, from March 3, 1813, to Nov. Y, 1816. GOVERNORS OF THE STATE OF INDIANA. Jonathan Jennings, from Nov. 7, 1816, to Dec. 4, 1822. Wm. Hendricks, from Dec. 4, 1822, to Feb. 12, 1825. James B. Ray, from Dec. 7, 1825, to Dec. 7, 1831. Noah Noble, from Dec. 7, 1831, to Dec. 6, 1837. David Wallace, from Dec. 6, 1837, to Dec. 9, 1840. Samuel Bigger, from Dec. 9, 1840, to Dec. 6, 1843. James Whitcomb, from Dec. 6, 1843, to Dec. 26, 1848. Paris C. Dunning, Acting-Governor, from Dec. 26, 1848, to Dec. 6, 1849. Joseph A. Wright, from Dec. 6, 1849, to Jan. 5, 1857. Ashbel P. Willard. Abram A. Hammond. Henry S. Lane, a few days in January, 1860. Oliver P. Morton, acting, from 1860, to January 12, 1865. Oliver P. Morton, from Jan. 12, 1865, to Jan. 12, 1867. Conrad Baker, acting, from 1867 to 1869. Conrad Baker, from 1869 to 1873 Thomas A. Hendricks, from 1873 to 1877. James D. Williams, 1877 to 1881. LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS. Christopher Harrison, from 1816 to Dec. 17, 1818. RatlifF Boone, from 1819 to 1824. (302) HISTORY OF INDIANA. 303 James B. Kay, acting, from 1824 to 1825. John H. Thompson, from 1825 to 1828. Milton Stapp, from 1828 to 1831. David Wallace, from 1831 to 1837. David Hillis, from 1837 to 1810. Samuel Hall, from 1840 to 1843. Jesse D. Bright, from 1843 to 1845. Godlove S. Orth, acting, 1845. . James G. Read, acting, 1846. Paris C. Dunning, from 1846 to 1848. James G. Read, 1849. James H. Lane, from 1849 to 1853. Ashbel P. Willard, from 1853 to 1857. Abram A. Hammond, from 1857 to 1859. John R. Cravens, acting, from 1859 to 1863. Paris C. Dnnning, acting, from 1863 to 1865. Conrad Baker, from 1865 to 1867. Will Cumback, from 1867 to 1869. Will Cnmback, from 1869 to 1878. Leonidas Sexton, from 1873 to 1877. Isaac P. Gray, from 1877 to 1881. SECRETARIKS OF STATE. John Gibson, Territorial, from 1800 to 1816. Robert A. New, from 1816 to 1825. W. W. Wick, from 1825 to 1829. James Morrison, from 1829* to 1833. Wm. Sheets, from 1833 to 1837. Wm. J. Brown, from 1837 to 1841. Wm. Sheets, from 1841 to 1845. John H. Thompson, from 1845 to 1849. Charles H. Test, from 1849 to 1853. Nehemiah Hayden, from 1853 to 1855. Erasmus B. Collins, from 1855 to 1857. Daniel McClure, from 1857 to 1858. Cyrus L. Dunham, from 1858 to 1859. Daniel McClure, from 1859 to 1861. Wm. A. Peele, from 1861 to 1863. James S. Anthon from 1863 to 1865. Nelson Trusler, from 1865 to 1869. 304 HISTORY OF INDIANA. Max F. A. Hoffman, from 1869 to 1871, Norman Eddy, from 1871 to 1872. John H. Farquhar, from 1872 to 1873. W. W. Curry, from 1873 to 1874. John E. Neff, from 1874 to John P. Shanklin, from 1879 .o 1881. AUDITORS OF STATE. Wm. H. Lilley, from 1816 to 1829. Morris Morris, from 1829 to 18i4. Horatio J. Harris, from 1844 to 1847. Douglas McGuire, from 1847 to 1850. E. W. H. Ellis, from 1850 to 1853. John P. Dunn, from 1853 to 1855. Hiram E. Talbot, from 1855 to 1857. John W. Dodd, from 1857 to 1860. Albert Lange, from 1861 to 1863. Joseph Ristine, from 1863 to 1865. Thomas B. McCarty, from 1865 to 1869. John D. Evans, from 1869 to 1871. John C Shoemaker, from 1871 to 1873. James A. Wildman, from 1873 to 1874. Ebenezer Henderson, from 1875 to M. D. Manson, from 1879 to 1881. TREASURERS OF STATE. Daniel C. Lane, from 1816 to 1823. Samuel Merrill, from 1823 to 1835. Nathan B. Palmer, from 1835 to 1841. Geo. H. Dunn, from 1841 to 1844. Royal May hew, from 1844 to 1847. Samuel Hanna, from 1847 to 1850. J. P. Drake, from 1850 to 1853. Elijah Newland, from 1853 to 1855. Wm. B. ISToffsinger, from 1855 to 1857. Aquilla Jones, from 1857 to 1859. Nathaniel F. Cunningham, from 1859 to 1861. J. S. Harvey, 1861 to 1863. Matthew L. Brett, from 1863 to 1865. John I. Morrison, from 1865 to 1867. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 305 Nathan Kimball, from 1867 to 1871. James B. Ryan, from 1871 to 1873. John B. Glover, from 1873 to 1875. B. C. Shaw, from 1875 to Wm. Fleming, from 1879 to 1881. ATTORNEY- GENERALS. James Morrison, from March 5, 1855. J. E. McDonald, from Dec. 17, 1857. J. G. Jones, from Dec. 17, 1859. John P. Usher, from Nov. 10, 1861. Oscar B. Hord, from Nov. 3, 1862. D. E. Williamson, from Nov. 3, 1864. Bayliss W. Hanna, from Nov. 3, 1870. James C. Denny, from Nov. 6, 1872. Clarence A. Buskirk, from Nov. 6, 1874. Thomas Woolen, from Nov., 1878 to Nov., 1880. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. James Scott, from 1816 to 1831. John Johnston, from 1816 to 1817. J. L. Holman, from 1816 to 1831. Isaac Blackford, from 1817 to 1853. S. C. Stevens, from 1831 to 1836. J. T. McKinney, from 1831 to 1837. Charles Dewey, from 1836 to 1847. Jeremiah Sullivan, from 1837 to 1846. Samuel E. Perkins, from 1846 to 1865. Thomas L. Smith, from 1847 to 1853. Andrew Davidson, from 1853 to 1865. Wm. L. Stewart, from 1853 to 1857. Addison L. Roache, from 1853 to 1854. Alvin P. Hovey, appointed, to 1854. S. B. Gookins, from 1854 to 1857. James L. Worden, appointed, from 1858 to 1865. James M. Hanna, appointed, from 1858 to 1865. Charles A. Ray, from 1865 to 1871. John P. Elliott, from 1865 to 1871. James S. Frazier, from 1865 to 1871. Robert S. Gregory, from 1865 to 1871. 306 HISTORY OF INDIANA. James L. Worden, from 1871 to Alex. C. Dowuej, from 1871 to Samuel H. Buskirk, from 1871 to John Pettit, from 1871 to Andrew L. Osborn, from 1872 to Horace P. Biddle, from 1874 to Samuel E. Perkins. George Y, Howk. Wm. E. Ni black. UNITED STATES SKNATOES. James Noble, from 1816 to 1831. Waller Taylor, from 1816 to 1825. Wm. Hendricks, from 1825 to 1837. Robert Hanna, appointed, 1831. John Tipton, from 1831 to 1839. Oliver H. Smith, from 1837 to 1843. Albert S. White, from 1839 to 1845. Edward A. Hannegan, from 1843 to 1849. Jesse D. Bright, from 1845 to 1861. James Whitcomb, from 1849 to 1852. Charles W. Cathcart, appointed, from 1852 to 1853. John Pettit, from 1853 to 1857. Graham N. Fitch, from 1857 to 1861. Joseph A. Wright, from 1861 to 1863. Henry S. Lane, from 1861 to 1867. David Turpie, 1863. Thos. A. Hendricks, from 1863 to 1869. Oliver P. Morton, from 1867 to 1877. Daniel D. Pratt, from 1869 to 1875. Joseph E. McDonald, from 1875 to TERRITORIAL DELEGATES. Wm. H. Harrison, delegate from the " Territory Northwest of the Ohio River;" resigned in 1800, succeeded by Wm. McMillan, who took his seat Nov. 24, 1800. INDIANA TERRITORY. Benjamin Parke, Dec. 12, 1805; resigned in 1808; succeeded by Jesse B. Thomas, who took his seat Dec. 1, 1808. Jonathan Jennings, Nov. 27, 1809. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 307 EEPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. 1817-'22.— Wm. Hendricks. 1822-'4:. — Jonathan Jennings. 1823-'5. — Jonathan Jennings, Wm. Prince, John Test and Jacob Call. 1825-'7. — Ratliff Boon, Jonathan Jennings, John Test. 1827-'9. — Thomas H. Blake, Jonathan Jennings, Oliver H. Smith. 1829-'31. — RatlifFBoon, Jonathan Jennings, John Test. 1831-'3.— Ratliff Boon, John Carr, Jonathan McCarty. 1833-'5. — Ratliff Boon, John Carr, John Ewing, Jonathan McCartj. 1835-'7.— Ratliff Boon, John Carr, John W. Davis, Edward A. Hannegan, "Wm. Herod, George L. Kinnard, Amos Lane, Jonathan McCarty. 1837-'9.— Ratliff Boon, George H. Dunn, John Ewing, Wm. Graham, Wm. Herod, James Rariden, Albert S. White. 1839-'41. — John Carr, John W. Davis, Tilghman A. Howard, Henry S. Lane, George H. ProflSt, James Rariden, Thomas Smith, Wm. W. Wick. 1841-'3. — James H. Cravens, Andrew Kennedy, Henry S. Lane, Geo. H. Proffit, Richard W. Thompson, David Wallace, Joseph L. White. 184r3-'5.— Wm. J. Brown, John W. Davis. Thomas J. Henley, Andrew Kennedy, Robert Dale Owen, John Pettit, Samuel C. Sample, Caleb B. Smith, Thomas Smith, Joseph A. Wright. 1845-'7.— Charles W. Cathcart, John W. Davis, Thomas J. Henley, Andrew Kennedy, Edward W. McGaughey, Robert D. Owen, John Pettit, Caleb B. Smith, Thomas Smith, Wm. W. Wick. 1847-'9.— Chas. W. Cathcart, George G. Dunn, Elisha Embree. Thomas J. Henley, John Pettit, John L. Robinson, Wm. Rockhill, Caleb B. Smith, Richard W. Thompson, Wm. W. Wick. 1849-'51. — Nathaniel Albertson, Wm. J. Brown, Cyrus L. Dun- ham, Graham N. Fitch, Willis A. Gorman, Andrew J. Harlan, Geo. W. Julian, Joseph E. McDonald, Edward W. McGaughey, John L. Robinson. 1851 -'3 — Samuel Brenton, John G. Davis, Cyrus L. Dunham, Graham N. Fitch, Willis A. Gorman, Thomas A. Hendricks, Jas. Lockhart, Daniel Mace, Samuel W. Parker, John L. Robinson. 308 HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 1853-'5.,— Ebenezer M. Chamberlain, John G. Davis, Cyrus L, Duaham, Norman Eddy, Wm. H. English, Andrew J. Harlan, Thomas A. Hendricks, James H. Lane, Daniel Mace, Smith Mil- ler, Samuel W. Parker. 1855-'7. — Lucien Barbour, Samuel Brenton, Schuyler Colfax, Wm. Cumback, George G. Dunn, Wm. H. English, David P. Holloway, Daniel Mace, Smith Miller, John U. Pettit, Harvey D. Scott. 1857-'9. — Charles Case, Schuyler Colfax, John G. Davis, Wm. H. English, James B. Foley, James M. Gregg, James Hughes, David Kilgore, Wm. E. Niblack, John U. Pettit, James Wilson. 1859-'61.— Charles Case, Schuyler Colfax, John G. Davis, Wm. M. Dunn, Wm. H. English, Wm. S. Holman, David Kilgore, Wm. E. Niblack, John U. Pettit, Albert G. Porter, James Wilson. 1861-'3.— Schuyler Colfax, James A. Cravens, W. McKee Dunn, Wm. S. Holman, Geo. W. Julian, John Law, Wm. Mitchell, Albert G. Porter, John P. C. Shanks, Daniel W. Voorhees, Albert S. White. 1863-'5. — Schuyler Colfax, James A. Cravens, Ebenezer Dumont, Joseph K. Edgerton, Henry W. Harrington, Wm. S. Holman, Geo. W. Julian, John Law, James F. McDowell, Godlove S. Orth, Daniel W. Voorhees. 1865-'7. — Schuyler Colfax, Joseph H. Defrees, Ebenezer Dumont, John H. Farquhar, Kalpli Hill, Geo. W. Julian, Michael C. Kerr, Wm. E. Niblack, Godlove S. Orth, Thomas N. Stillwell, Daniel W. Yoorhees, Henry D. Washburn. 1867-'9.— John Coburn, Schuyler Colfax, Wm. S. Holman, Mor- ton C. Hunter, Geo. W. Julian, Michael C. Kerr, Wm. E. Niblack, Godlove S. Orth, John P. C. Shanks, Henry D. Washburn, Wm. Williams. 1869-'71.— John Coburn, Wm. S. Holman, Geo. W. Julian, Michael C. Kerr, Wm. E. Niblack, Godlove S. Orth, Jasper Pack- ard, John P. C. Shanks, James N. Tyner, Daniel W. Yoorhees, Wm. Williams. 1871-'3.— John Coburn, Wm. S. Holman, Michael C. Kerr, Mahlon D. Manson, Wm. E. Niblack, Jasper Packard, John P. C. Shanks, James N. Tyner, Daniel W. Yoorhees, Wm. Williams, Jeremiah M. Wilson. 1873-'5 — Thomas J. Cason, John Coburn, Wm. S. Holman, Morton C. Hunter, Wm. E. Niblack, Godlove S. Orth, Jasper HISTORY OF INDIANA. 309 Packard, Henry B. Sayler, John P. C. Shanks, James N. Tyner, "Wm. Williams, Jeremiah M. Wilson, Simeon K. Wolfe. 1875-'7— John H. Baker, I^athan T. Carr, Thomas J. Cason, James L. Evans, Benoni S. Fuller, Andrew H. Hamilton, Wm. S. Haymond, W. S. Holraan, Andrew Humphreys, Morton C. Hunter, Michael C. Kerr, Franklin Landers, Jeptha D. New, Mil- ton S. Robinson, James D. Williams, 1877-'9— John H. Baker, George A. Bicknell, Thomas M. Browne, Wm. H. Calkins, Thomas R. Cobb, James L. Evans, B. S. Fuller, A. H. Hamilton, John Hanna, M. C. Hunter, M. S. Robinson, Leonidas Sexton, M. D. White. 1879-'81— William Heilman, Thomas R. Cobb, George A. Bick- nell, Jeptha D. New, Thomas M. Browne, Wm. R. Myers, Gilbert De La Matyr, Abraham J. Hostetter, Godlove S. Orth, Wm. H. Calkins, Calvin Cowgill, Walpole G. Colerick, John H. Baker. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. GOVEKNOKS. Arthur St. Clair was born in Scotland in 1734, a grandson of the Earl of Rosslyn; educated at the University of Edinburgh; studied medicine under John Hunter; inherited a large fortune on the death of his mother; entered the British army as an ensign, May 13, 1757, and the next year he came to America; became distinguished under General Wolfe at Quebec; married at Boston, May 14, 1760, Miss Phoebe Bayard, half-sister of Gov. James Bow- doin; resigned his commission in 1762; settled in Pennsylvania, in 1764, erecting a fine residence and several mills; held many offices, civil and military, and during the Revolutionary war was eminent in his services; was a member of the Continental Con- s'ress 1785-'87; became the first Governor of the Northwestern Territory February 1, 1788; made the treaty of Fort Harmar with the Indian tribes in 1789 ; fixed the seat of the Supreme Court for the Territory, January, 1790, at a point which he named Cincinnati, after the society of which he was an officer; became Commander- in-Chief of the U. S. army, March 4, 1791, which position he resigned, May 5, 1792; made an unsuccessful expedition against the Indians of the Miami and the Wabash, but was vindicated from all blame by a Congressional committee of investigation; was removed from the post of Governor, by Jefferson, Nov. 22, 1802, when he settled in a log house on the summit of Chestnut Ridge, near Greensburg, Pa., where he passed his remaining years in poverty and fruitless efforts to effect a settlement of claims against the U. S. Government, but receiving small pensions, both from the National and State Governments. He died near Greensburg, Aug. 31, 1818. In 1812 he published a " Narrative of the Manner in which the Campaign against the Indians in 1791 was conducted." William Henry Harrison was born at Berkeley, Virginia, in 1773. In 1801 he was appointed Governor of the Territory of Indiana, which position he held more than ten years. In 1811, in the hard- fought battle of Tippecanoe, he defeated the Indians under the command of the " Prophet." In 1812, was made Brigadier General; (310) HISTORY OF INDIANA. 311 and in March, 1813 was made Major-General. In 1824 he was elected to United States Senate from Ohio. In 1836 was defeated by Yan Buren for President. He ao^ain became the nominee of the Whig party in 1840, and was chosen President by an overwhehning majority. He was inaugurated March 4, 1841, but died just one month afterward, and his remains now lie near the old homestead at North Bend, Ind. Thomas Posey was born in Virginia, July 9, 1750; received an ordinary common-school education; removed to Western Virginia in 1769; participated in expeditions against the Ohio Indians, and in many battles of the Revolution, after which he resided for a number of years in Spotsylvania county, Va. ; was appointed Brig- adier-General, Feb. 14, 1793; moved soon afterward to Kentucky, where he became Lieut.-Governor and Major-General in 1809; was U. S. Senator from Louisiana, 1812 '3; succeeded Harrison as Governor of Indiana, in 1813, and became Agent for Indian affairs in 1816. He died at Shawneetown, 111., March, 19, 1818. Jonathan Jennings^ first Governor of the State of Indiana, 1816- '22, was born in Hunterdon county, N. J., and died near Charles- town, Clark Co., Indiana, Jul}' 26, 1834; he was a member of Con- gress, 1809-'16 and 1822-'31, and in 1818 he was appointed Indian Commissioner by President Monroe. William Hendricks^ the second Governor of the State of Indiana, was born in Westmoreland county, Pa., in 1783, and settled in Madison, Indiana, in 1814, where he died May 16, 1850. Besides that of State Executive, he filled many important offices. He was Secretary of the Convention which formed the present Constitution of Indiana, was a Representative in Congress, 1816-'22, and U. S. Senator, 1825-'37. Noah NohUy Governor, 1831 -'7, was born in Yirginia, Jan. 15, 1794, and died at Indianapolis in February, 1844. During his term as Governor occurred the Black Hawk war, the inauguration of the great " internal improvements " of so much notoriety, the hard times of 1837, the last exodus of Indians from the State, etc. David Wallace was born in Philadelphia, Pa,, April 4, 1799; graduated at West Point in 1821 as Lieutenant of Artillery, which position he resigned June 1, 1822; removed with his father's family in 1817 to Brookville, Ind.; studied law and acquired an extensive practice in Franklin county; was several times a member 312 HISTOKT OF INDIANA. of the Legislature, once a member of the State Constitutional Con- vention, Lieutenant-Governor, 1837-'4:0, member of Congress, 1841-'3, and Judge of Marion county, 1856-'9. He died Sept. 4, 1859. Samuel Bigger was born in Warren county, Ohio, about 1800, graduated at Athens University; studied law at Lebanon and com- menced practice in Indiana, attaining eminence in the profession; was a Representative in the State Legislature, 1834-'5, and afterward Judge of the Circuit Court. He was elected Governor of Indiana in 1840, on the Whig ticket, and served his term acceptably. By his recommodation the Indiana Hospital for the Insane was estab- lished. He died in 1S45 at Fort Wayne. James Whitcomh was born in Stockbridge, Yt., Dec. 1, 1791, educated at Transylvania University; Jan, 1, 1824 he established himself in the practice of law at Bloomington, Ind.; in 1826 he was appointed Prosecuting Attorney for his district; was State Senator, 1830-'5, and a leader of the Democratic party; in 1836 he was appointed Superintendent of the Land Office; resumed prac- tice at Terre Haute in 1841; was Governor, 1843-'8, when he was elected to the U. S. Senate. He died in New York, October 4, 1852. Joseph A. Wright was born in Pennsylvania, April 17, 1810; educational advantages limited; early in life he settled in Indiana; admitted to the Bar in 1829, and rose to eminence as a practitioner; member of the Legislature in 1833, and State Senator in 1840; member of Congress, 1843-'5; Governor of Indiana, 1849-'57; Min- ister to Prussia, 1857-'61; U.S. Senator, 186i-'2; U.S. Commissioner to the Hamburg Exhibition in 1863, and Minister to Prussia again, from 1865 until his death, at Berlin, May 11, 1867. Ashbel P. Willard was born in Oneida county, New York, the son of Erastus Willard, sheriff of that county, 1832-'5; graduated at Hamilton College in 1842; was Governor of Indiana, 1853-'8; died at St. Paul in October, 1860. Henry S. Lane, brother of Gen. James H. Lane, was born in Montgomery county, Ky., Feb., 24, 1811 ; received a good common- school education and some knowledge of the classics, studied law, moved to Indiana and was admitted to the Bar; elected to the Legislature in 1837; to Congress in 1841; was Lieutenant-Colonel of volunteers in the Mexican war, 1846-'7; elected U. S. Senator, 1859, but denied the seat; elected Governor of Indiana in 1861, but in a HISTORY OF INDIANA. 313 few days after he took the chair he was elected U. S, Senator again, and as such served until 1867. Oli'oer P. Morton was born in "Wayne county, Indiana, Aug. 4, 1823; was apprenticed to a hatter at the age of 15, and worked at the trade four years, spending his leisure in study; graduated at the Miami University in 1843; studied law with John S. Newman, admitted to the Bar in 1847, and commenced practice at Centre- ville, this State; elected Circuit Judge in 1852; was defeated as the Republican nominee for Governor in 1856; was elected Lieutenant Governor in 1860, with the understanding that Gen. Henry S. Lane, who was placed at the head of the ticket, was to be elected to the U. S. Senate in the event of Republican success, which plan was carried out, and he became Governor of Indiana; was elected Governor in 1864, and United States Senator, as a Union-Republi- can, to succeed Henry S. Lane, same politics, and was re-elected, serving all together from March 4, 1867, until his death, Nov. 1, 1877, at Indianapolis. In the autumn of 1865 he was stricken with partial paralysis, from which he never recovered. He was compelled to do his work by secretaries, to be carried in and out of the Senate Chamber, and to address the Senate seated. As he was the noted " war Governor " of this glorious State, see section on the war with the Rebellion, pages 205 to 249, for further particu- lars of this illustrious man's life. Conrad Baker first served as acting Governor during the excit- ing times over the 15th amendment described on pages 197, su- pra,oi this volume. He was elected by the Republicans Lieutenant Governor of the State, on the same ticket with Oliver P. Morton for Governor, with the understanding that Mr, Morton should be sent to the United States Senate and resign the government of this State to Mr. Baker. The programme was carried out, and Mr. Baker served his place so well that at the end of the term he was elected by the people Governor, and he served the second term, — making in all six years. Governor Baker was a faithful Executive, in sympathy with all the institutions of Republicanism and the interests of his State. He had a work compiled on " Indiana and her Resources," which is well calculated to draw men of capital to this fine commonwealth and enable her to compete with all her sister States in the Union. «^ Thomas A. Hendricks was born in Muskingum county, Ohio, Sept. 7, 1819; removed with his father in 1822 to Shelby county, Ind.; graduated in 1841 at South Hanover College; aclmitted to 314 HISTORY OF INDIANA. the Bar in 1843. Was an active member of State Constitutional Convention of 1850, member of Congress 1851-'5 from the Indi- anapolis district; Commissioner of the General Land Office of the United States 1855-'9; United States Senator, Democratic, 1863-'9, and lastly Governor of Indiana 1872-'6. In the latter year he was candidate for Yice President of the United States. James D. Williams was born in Pickaway county, O., Jan. 16, 1808; removed to Knox county, Ind., in 1818; was educated in the log school-house of the country; is by occupation a farmer; was a member of the State House of Representatives in 1843, 1847, 1851, 1856 and 1858; was elected to the State Senate in 1858, 1862 and 1870; was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention at Baltimore in 1872; was the Democratic nominee for United States Senator in 1873 against O. P. Morton; was elected a Repre- sentative from Indiana in the 44tli Congress, 1875-'7, receiving 17,393 votes against 9,545 for Levi Ferguson, and Dec. 1, 1876, he resigned this office, on account of having been elected Governor. His term will expire Jan. 3, 1881. UNITED STATES SENATORS. James Noble was born at Battletown, Ya., went to the frontier when a youtli, located in Kentucky, and afterward in Indiana; served as United States Senator from Dec. 12, 1816, to Feb. 26, 1831, when he died, in Washington, D. C. Waller Taylor was a Major and Aide to Gen. Harrison at Tippe- canoe, United States Senator lS16-'25, and a man of much literary culture. He was breveted General, and died at Lunenburg, Ya., August 26, 1826. William Hendrichs, see page 311. Robert Haiina was born in Laurens District, S. C, April 6, 1786; removed with his parents to Indiana and subsequently settled in Brookville in 1802; was Sheriff of the Eastern District of Indiana in 1809, and held the position until the organization of the State Government; was appointed Register of the Land Office, and removed to Indianapolis in 1825; was appointed United States Senator as a Whig, in place of James Noble, deceased, serving from Dec. 5, 1831, to Jan. 3, 1832, wlien his successor took his seat; was elected a State Senator, but was defeated when a candi- date for re-election ; was killed by a railroad train while walking on the track at Indianapolis, Nov. 19, 1859. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 315 John Tipton was born in Sevier conntj, Tenn., in August, 1785; his father having been killed by the Indians in 1793, he did not even enjoy the advantages of a public-school education, having to support a mother, two sisters and a half brother; in 1807 he removed with them to Indiana, where he purchased 50 acres of land, pajdng for it by splitting rails at 50 cents a hundred; was elected Ensign of that noted frontier company, the "Yellow- Jackets," in 1811, and served with them in the Tippecanoe campaign; was chosen Sheriff of Harrison county, Ind., in 1815; was elected Master of Pisgah Lodge of Freemasons in 1819, and was Grand Master of Masons in Indiana in 1819 and 1829; was elected a Representative in the State Legislature in 1821; was II- S. Indian Agent with the Miami and Pottawatomie tribes from 1824 to 1831, when he was elected U. S. Senator, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of James Noble; was re-elected for a full term, and served from Jan. 3 1832, until his death, April 5, 1839, by pulmonary apoplexy, at Logansport, Ind. Oliver H. Smith was born in Trenton, N. J., Oct. 23, 1794, emigrated to Indiana in 1817, practiced law, and in 1824 was Prosecuting Attorney for the 3d District of Indiana; was a member of Legislature in 1822, of Congress 1827-'9, and of the U. S. Senate 1837-'43. He published " Recollections of Congressional Life." and " Early Indiana Trials, Sketches and Reminiscences." He died at Indianapolis, March 19, 1859. Albert S. White was born at Blooming Grove, IN", Y., Oct. 24, 1803; received a classical education, graduating at Union College in 1822; studied law and was admitted tp the Bar in 1835, and commenced practice at Lafayette, Ind.; was for five years Clerk of the Indiana House of Representatives; was elected Representative in Congress as a "Whig in 1837, receiving 10,737 votes against 3,369 votes for N. Jackson, Democrat, serving from Sept. 4, 1837, to March 3, 1839; was president of several railroads; was elected U. S. Senator from Indiana, serving from Dec. 2, 1839, to March 3,1845; declined a re-election; was again elected Representative in Congress in 1861, as a Republican, receiving 13,310 votes against 11,489 votes for Wilson, Democrat, serving from July 4, 1861, to March 3, 1863; was a commissioner to adjust claims against the Sioux Indians; was appointed by President Lincoln in J 864, U. S. Judge for Indiana; died at Stockwell, Ind., September 4, 1864. Edzuard A. Hannegan was born in Ohio, received a good education, studied law, admitted to the Bar in his 23d year, settling 316 HISTORY OF INDIANA. in Indiana. He was several times a member of the Legislature, and was a member of Congress 1833-'7, U. S. Senator 1843- '9, Minister to Prussia, 1849-'53. While partially drunk, in 1852, he killed his brother-in-law, Capt. Duncan. Jesse D. Bright was born in Norwich, Chenango Co., N. Y., Dec. 18, 1812; moving to Indiana, he received an academic education, and studied and practiced law; was Circuit Judge, State Senator, U. S. Marshall, Lieut. Governor of the State, and President of the U. S. Senate during several sessions. In 1857 the Democratic mem- bers of the State Legislature re-elected him, to the U. S. Senate in a manner which was denounced as fraudulent and unconstitutional by his Eepublican opponents, and his seat was contested. He continued a Senator until February, 1862, when he was expelled for disloyalty by a vote of 32 to 14. The principal proof of his crime was recommending to Jeff, Davis, in March, 1861, a person desirous of furnishing arms. James Whitcomh^ see page 312. Charles W. Cathcart was born on the island of Madeira in 1809, received a good English education, followed the sea in his boyhood, located at LaPorte, Ind., in 1831, and engaged in farming; was U. S. Land Surveyor several years, a Representative in the State Legislature, a Democratic Elector in 1845, Eepresentative in Congress 1845-'7, re-elected to serve 1847-'9, appointed U. S. Senator in place of James Whitcomb, deceased, and served from Dec. 6, 1852, to March 3, 1853; then returned to farming. Joh7i Pettit was born at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., July 24, 1807; received an academical education, studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1838, commencing practice at Lafayette, Ind. ; was a member of the State House of Representatives two terms, U. S. District Attorney, representative in Congress 1843-'5, as a Democrat, re-elected to the next Congress, serving all together from Dec. 4, 1843, to March 3, 1849; was a Delegate to the State Constitutional Convention in 1850; was a Democratic Elector in 1852; was U. S. Senator from Jan. 18, 1853, to March 3, 1855, in place of James Whitcomb, deceased; was appointed by President Buchanan, Chief Justice of the U. S. Courts in Kansas; in 1870, was elected Supreme Judge of Indiana. He was renominated for this position in 1876, but owing to scandals in connection with the Court, which excited popular indignation, he was forced off the ticket, and the name of Judge Perkins substituted; he died at Lafayette, Ind., June 17, 1877. HISTOKY OF INDIANA. 317 Graham N' . Fitch was born at LeBoy, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1810; received a classical education, studied medicine and practiced at Logansport, Ind. ; was professor in Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1844-'49; was an Indiana Presidential Elector in 1844, 1848 and 18.56, a member of the State Legislature in 1836 and 1839; was a Representative in Congress from Dec. 3, 1849, to March 3, 1853, being elected the last time over Schuyler Colfax, "Whig; was U. S. Senator from Indiana from Feb. 9, 1857, to March 3, 1861 ; was a Delegate to the National Democratic Convention at New York City in 1868. Henry S. Lane, see page 312. David Turpie was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, July 8, 1829, graduated at Kenyon College in 1848, studied law, admitted to the Bar in 1849, and commenced practice at Logansport, Ind. ; was a member of the State House of Representatives in 1852; was appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in 1854, and of the Circuit Court in 1856, both of which positions he resigned; was again a member of the Legislature in 1858; was U. S. Senator, as a Democrat, in place of Jesse D. Bright, expelled, from Jan. 22, 1863, to March 3, same year, Joseph A. Wright, see page 312. Thomas A. Hendricks, qqq page 313. Oliver P. Morton, see page 313. Daniel D. Pratt was born at Palermo, Me., Oct. 26, 1813, and was taken to New York State by his parents when a lad; gradu- ated at Hamilton College in 1831 ; removed to Indiana in 1832 where he taught school; went to Indianapolis in 1834, where he wrote in the Secretarv of State's office and studied law; commenced practice at Logansport in 1836; was elected to the Legislature in 1851 and 1853; was elected to the 41st Congress in 1868, by a majority of 2,287, and, before taking his seat, was elected U. S Senator as a Republican, to succeed Thos. A. Hendricks, Democrat and served from March 4, 1869, to March 3, 1875; was appointed by President Grant Commissioner of Internal Revenue, serving from May 15, 1875, to August 1, 1876; he died at Logansport, very suddenly, of heart disease, June 17, 1877. Joseph E. McDonald was born in Butler county, Ohio, Aug. 29 1819, taken to Indiana in 1826, and at Lafayette was apprenticed to the saddler's trade; was two years in college, but did not graduate; studied law, and was admitted to the Bar in 1843, and commenced practice; was Prosecuting Attorney in 1843-'7; was 318 HISTORY OF INDIANA. elected a Representative in Congress as a Democrat in 1849, receiving Y,432 votes against 7,098 for Lane, Whig, and served from December 3, 1849, to March 3, 1851; in 1856 he was elected Attorney General of Indiana, and in 1858 re-elected; in 1859 removed to Indianapolis; in 1864 was the unsuccessful candidate for Governor of Indiana, but in 1875 he was elected U. S. Senator, as a Democrat, to succeed D. D. Pratt, Republican. Daniel W. Voorhees was born in Fountain county, Ind., Sept. 26, 1828; graduated at the Asburj^ University in 1849; studied law, admitted to the Bar in 1851, when he commenced practice at Crawfordsville; was defeated as a candidate for Congress in 1857, by only 230 votes in a total of 22,374, James Wilson being his opponent. Was appointed by President Buchanan, U, S. Attorney for Indiana, 1858-'60; in 1859 he went to Virginia as counsel for John E. Cook, one of John Brown's raiders; was elected a Representative to Congress from Indiana in 1861, receiving 12,535 votes against 11,516 votes for T. H. Nelson, Republican; was re-elected in 1863, receiving 12,457 votes against 9,976 for H. D. Scott, Republican; was again elected in 1865, by 12,880 against 12,296 for Washburn, but the latter in 1866 successfully contested his seat; was again re-elected twice, serving from March 4, 1869, to March 3, 1873; was appointed LF. S. Senator November 12, 1877, to serve in place of O. P. Morton; and in 1879 was elected for a full term. 1 THE SUPREMACIES. Indiana belonged to the "Territory of Louisiana" till 1721; was then included in Illinois as a " District " of said Territory until 1774; then included in the " Province of Quebec " until 1788; then was a part of the "Territory Northwest of the Ohio river" until 1800; then " Indiana Territory " until 1816, since which time it has been a "State." French to 1774; British, 1774 to 1788; U. S. Government, 1788 to the present time. STATES OF THE UNION. THEIR SETTLEMENT, ORIGIN OF NAME AND MEANING, COGNOMEN, MOT- TOES, ADMISSION INTO THE UNION, POPULATION, AREA, NUMBER OF SOLDIERS FURNISHED DURING THE REBELLION, NUMBER OF REPRE- SENTATIVES IN CONGRESS, PRESENT GOVERNORS, ETC., ETC., ETC. Alabama. — This State was first explored by LaSalle in 1684, and settled by the French at Mobile in 1711, and admitted as a State in 1817. Its name is Indian, and means " Here we rest." Has no motto. Population in 1860,964,201; in 1870,996,992. Furnished 2,576 soldiers for the Union army. Area 50,722 square miles. Montgomery is the capital. Has 8 Representatives and 10 Presi- dential electors. Rufus W. Cobb is Governor; salary, $3,000; politics, Democratic. Length of term, 2 years. Arkansas — Became a State in 1836. Population in 1860, 435,- 450; in 1870,484,471. Area 52,198 square miles. Little Rock, capital. Its motto is Regnant Populi — " The people rule." It has the Indian name of its principal river. Is called the " Bear State." Furnished 8,289 soldiers. She is entitled to 4 members in Congress? and 6 electoral votes. Governor, W. R.Miller, Democrat; salary, $3,500; term, 2 years. California — Has a Greek motto, Eureka^ which means " I have found it." It derived its name from the bay forming the peninsula of Lower California, and was first applied by Cortez. It was first visited by the Spaniards in 1542, and by the celebrated English (319) 320 HISTORY OF INDIANA. navigator, Sir Francis Drake, in 1578. In 1846 Fremont took possession of it, defeating the Mexicans, in the name of the United States, and it was admitted as a State in 1850. Its gold mines from 1868 to 1878 produced over $800,000,000. Area 188,982 square miles. Population in 1860, 379,994. In 1870, 560,247. She gave to defend the Union 15,225 soldiers. Sacramento is the capital. Has 4 Eepresentatives in Congress. Is entitled to 6 Presidential electors. Present Governor is William Irwin, a Democrat; term, 4 years; salary, $6,000. Colorado — Contains 106,475 square miles, and had a population in 1860 of 34,277, and in 1870, 39,864. She furnished 4,903 soldiers. "Was admitted as a State in 1876. It has a Latin motto, Nil sine Numine^ which means, " Nothing can be done without divine aid." It was named from its river. Denver is the capital. Has 1 member in Congress, and 3 electors. T. W. Pitkin is Gov- ernor; salary, $3,000; term, 2 years; politics, liepublican. Connecticut — Qui transtulit austinet, " He who brought us over sustains us," is her motto. It was named from the Indian Quon- ch-ta-Cut, signifying "Long River." It is called the "Nutmeg State." Area 4,674 square miles. Population 1860, 460,147; in 1870, 537,454. Gave to the Union army 55,755 soldiers. Hart- ford is the capital. Has 4 Representatives in Congress, and is entitled to 6 Presidential electors. Salary of Governor $2,000; term, 2 years. Delaware. — " Liberty and Independence," is the motto of this State. It was named after Lord De La Ware, an English states- man, and is called, " The Blue Hen," and the " Diamond State." It was first settled by the Swedes in 1638. It was one of the original thirteen States. Has an area of 2,120 square miles. Population in 1860, 112,216; in 1870, 125,015. She sent to the front to defend the Union, 12,265 soldiers. Dover is the capital. Has but 1 mem- ber in Congress; entitled to 3 Presidential electors. John W. Hall, Democrat, is Governor; salary, $2,000; term, 2 years. Florida — Was discovered by Ponce de Leon in 1512, on Easter Sunday, called by the Spaniards, Pascua Florida, which, with the variety and beauty of the flowers at this early season caused him to name it Florida — which means in Spanish, flowery. Its motto is, " In God we trust." It was admitted into the Union in 1845. It has an area of 59,268 square miles. Population in 1860, 140,424; in HISTORY OF INDIANA. 321 1870, 187,756. Its capital is Tallahassee. Has 2 members in Con- gress. Has 4 Presidential electors. George F. Drew, Democrat, Governor; term, 4 years; salary, $3,500. Georgia — Owes its name to George II., of England, who first established a colony there in 1732. Its motto is, " Wisdom, justice and moderation." It was one of the original States. Population in 1860, 1,057,286; 1870, 1,184,109. Capital, Atlanta. Area 58,- 000 square miles. Has 9 Representatives in Congress, and 11 Presidential electors. Her Governor is A. H. Colquitt, Democrat; term, 4 years; salaiy, $4,000. Illinois — Motto, " State Sovereignty, National Union." l^ame derived from the Indian word, Illini, meaning, superior men. It is called the ''Prairie State," and its inhabitants, "Suckers." Was first explored by the French in 1673, and admitted into the Union in 1818. Area 55,410 square miles. Population, in 1860 1,711,951; in 1870, 2,539,871. She sent to the front to defend the Union, 258,162 soldiers. Capital, Springfield, Has 19 members in Congress, and 21 Presidential electors. Shelby M. Cullom, Repub_ lican, is Governor; elected for 4 years; salary, $6,000, Indiana — Is called "Hoosier State." Was explored in 1682, and admitted as a State in 1816. Its name was suggested by its numerous Indian population. Area 33,809 square miles. Popu- lation in 1860, 1,350,428; in 1870, 1,680,637. She put into the Federal army, 194,363 men. Capital, Indianapolis. Has 13 mem- bers in Congress, and 15 Presidential electors. J. D. Williams Governor, Democrat; salary, $3,000; terra, 4 year. Iowa — Is an Indian name and means "This is the land." Its motto is, "Our liberties we prize, our rights we will maintain." It is called the " Hawk Eye State." It was first visited by Marquette and Joliet in 1673; settled by New Englanders in 1833, and admitted into the Union in 1846. Des Moines is the capital. It has an area of 55,045, and a population in 1860 of 674,913, and in 1870 of 1,191,802. She sent to defend the Government, 75,793 soldiers. Has 9 members in Congress; 11 Presidential electors. John H. Gear, Republican, is Governor; salary, $2,500; term, 2years. Kansas — Was admitted into the Union in 1861, makino- the thirty-fourth State. Its motto is Ad astra jper aspera, " To the stars through difficulties." Its name means, " Smoky water," and 322 HISTORY OF INDIANA. is derived from one of her rivers. Area 78,841 square miles. Population in 1860, 107,209; in 1870 was 362,812. She furnished 20,095 soldiers. .Capital is Topeka. Has 3 Representatives in Con- gress, and 5 Presidential electors. John P. St. John, Governor; politics. Republican; salary, $3,000; term, 2 years. Kentucky — Is the Indian name for " At the head of the rivers." Its motto is, " United we stand, divided we fall." The sobriquet of "dark and bloody ground " is applied to this State. It was first settled in 1769, and admitted in 1792 as the fifteenth State. Area 37,680. Population in 1860, 1,155,684; in 1870, 1,321,000. She put into the Federal army 75,285 soldiers. Capital, Frankfort. Has 10 members in Congress ; 12 Electors. J. B. McCreary, Democrat, is Governor; salary, $5,000; term, 4 years. Louisiana — "Was called after Louis XIY., who at one time owned that section of the country. Its motto is " Union and Con- fidence." It is called "The Creole State." It was visited by La Salle in 1684, and admitted into the Union in 1812, making the eighteenth State. Population in 1860, 708,002; in 1870, 732,731. Area 46,431 square miles. She put into the Federal army 5,224 soldiers. Capital, Kew Orleans. Has 6 Representatives and 8 Electors. F. T. Nichols, Governor, Democrat; salary, $8,000; term, 4 years. Maine. — This State was called after the province of Maine in France, in compliment of Queen Henrietta of England, who owned that province. Its motto is Dlrigo, meaning " I direct." It is called "The Pine Tree State." It was settled by the English in 1625. It was admitted as a State in 1820. Area 31,766 square miles. Population in 1860, 628,279; in 1870, 626,463; 69,738 sol- diers v/ent from this State. Has 5 members in Congress, and 7 Electors. Selden Conner, Republican, Governor; term, 1 year; salary, $2,500. Maryland — Was named after Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. of England. It has a Latin motto, Cresclte et multiplica- mini^ meaning "Increase and Multiply." It was settled in 1634, and was one of the original thirteen States. It has an area of 11,- 124 square miles. Population in 1860 was 687,049; in 1870, 780,- 806. This State furnished 46,053 soldiers. Capital, Annapolis. Has 6 Representatives, and 8 Presidential electors. J. H. Carroll, Democrat, Governor; salary, $4,500; term, 4 years. HISTORY OF INDIANA. 323 Massachusetts — Is the Indian for " The coimtrj arouhd the great hills." It is called the " Bay State," from its numerous bays. Its motto is Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem, " By the sword she seeks placid rest in liberty." It was settled in 1620 at Plymouth by English Puritans. It was one of the original thirteen States, and was the first to take up arms against the English during the Revolution. Area 7,800 square miles. Population in 1860, 1,231,- 066 ; in 1870, 1,457,351. She gave to the Union army 146,467 sol- diers. Boston is the capital. Has 11 Representatives in Con- gress, and 13 Presidential electors. Thomas Talbot, Republican, is Governor; salary, $5,000; term, 1 year. Michigan — Latin motto, Tuehor^ and Si queens peninsulant amoenam circumspice, ^'- 1 will defend" — "If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around you." The name is a contraction of two Indian words meaning "Great Lake." It was early explored by Jesuit missionaries, and in 1837 was admitted into the Union. It is known as the " Wolverine State." It contains 56,243 square miles. In 1860 it had a population of 749,173; in 1870, 1,184,059. She furnished 88,111 soldiers. Capital, Lansing. Has 9 Repre- sentatives and 11 Presidential electors. C. M. Croswell is Gov- ernor; politics, Republican; salary, $1,000; term, 2 years. Minnesota — Is an Indian name, meaning " Cloudy Water." It has a French motto, L'Etoile du Word—'' The Star of the North." It was visited in 1680 by La Salle, settled in 1846, and admitted into the Union in 1858. It contains 83,531 square miles. In 1860 had a population of 172,023; in 1870, 439,511, She gave to the Union army 24',002 soldiers. St. Paul is the capital. Has 3 mem- bers in Congress, 5 Presidential electors. Governor, J, S. Pills- bury, Republican; salary, $3,000; term, 2 years. Mississippi — Is an Indian name, meaning "Long River," and the State is named from the " Father of Waters." The State was first explored by De Sota in 1541; settled by the French at Natchez in 1716, and was admitted into the Union in 1817. It has an area of 47,156 square miles. Population in 1860, 791,305; in 1870,827,- 922. She gave to suppress the Rebellion 545 soldiers. Jackson is the capital. Has 6 representatives in Congress, and 8 Presidential electors. J. M. Stone is Governor, Democrat; salary, $4,000; term, 4 3'ears. Missouri — Is derived from the Indian word " muddy," which 324 HISTORY OF INDIANA. more properly applies to the river that flows through it. Its motto is Salus populi suprema lex esto, " Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law." The State was first settled by the French near Jefferson City in 1719, and in 1821 was admitted into the Union. It has an area of 67,380 square miles, equal to 43,123,200 acres. It had a population in 1860 of 1,182,012; in 1870, 1,721,- 000. She gave to defend the Union 108,162 soldiers. Capital, Jefferson City. Its inhabitants are known by the offensive cogno- men of '' Pukes." Has 13 representatives in Congress, and 15 Presidential electors. J. S. Phelps is Governor; politics, Demo- cratic; salary, $5,000; terra, 4 years. Nebraska — Has for its motto, " Equality before the law." Its name is derived from one of its rivers, meaning " broad and shal- low, or low." It was admitted into the Union in 1867. Its capital is Lincoln. It had a population in 1860 of 28,841, and in 1870, 123,993, and in 1875,246,280. It has an area of 75,995 square miles. She furnished to defend the Union 3,157 soldiers. Has but 1 Representative and 3 Presidential electors. A. Nance, Repub- lican, is Governor; salary, $2,500; term, 2 years. Nevada — " The Snowy Land " derived its name from the Span- ish. Its motto is Latin, Yolens et potens^ and means " willing and able." It was settled in 1850, and admitted into the Union in 1864. Capital, Carson City. Its population in 1860 was 6,857; in 1870 it was 42,491. It has an area of 112,090 square miles. She furnished 1,080 soldiers to suppress the Rebellion. Has 1 Rep- resentative and 3 Electors. Governor, J. H. Kinkhead, Republican; salary, $6,000; term, 4 years. New Hampshire — "Was first settled at Dover by the English in 1623. Was one of the original States. Has no motto. It is named from Hampshire county in England. It also bears the name of " The Old Granite State." It has an area of 9,280 miles, which equals 9,239,200 acres. It had a population in 1 860 of 326,- 073, and in 1870 of 318,300. She increased the Union army with 33,913 soldiers. Concord is the capital. Has 3 Representatives and 5 Presidential electors. N. Head, Republican, Governor; salary, $1,000; term, 1 year. New Jersey — Was named in honor of the Island of Jersey in the British channel. Its motto is " Liberty and Independence." It was first settled at Bergen by the Swedes in 1624. It is one of the orig- HISTORY OF INDIANA. 325 inal thirteen States. It has an area of 8,320 square miles, or 5,324,- 800 acres. Population in 1860 was 672,035 ; in 1870 it was 906,096. She put into the Federal array 75,315 soldiers. Capital, Trenton. Has 7 Representatives and 9 Presidential electors. Governor, George B. McClelland, Democrat; salary, $5,000; term, 3 years. New York. — The "Empire State" was named by the Dake of York, afterward King James II. of England. It has a Latin motto. Excelsior^ which means " Still Higher." It was first settled by the Dutch in 1614 at Manhattan. It has an area of 47,000 square miles, or 30,080,000 acres. The population in 1860 was 3,880,735; in 1870 it was 4,332,759. It is one of the original thirteen States. Capital is Albany. It gave to defend our Government 445,959 men. Has 33 members in Congress, and 35 Presidential electors. Governor, L. Robinson, Democrat; salary, $10,000; term, 3 years. North Carolina — "Was named after Charles IX., King of France. It is called " The Old North," or " The Turpentine State." It was first visited in 1524 by a Florentine navigator, sent out by Francis I., King of France. It was settled at Albemarle in 1663. It was one of the original thirteen States. It has an area of 50,704 square miles, equal to 32,450,560 acres. It had in 1860 a population of 992,622, and in 1870, 1,071,361. Raleigh is the capital. She furnished 3,156 soldiers to put down the Rebellion. Has 8 mem- bers in Congress, and is entitled to 10 Presidential electors. Z. B.. Vance, Democrat, is Governor; salary, $5,000; term, 4 years. Ohio — Took its name from the river on its Southern boundary, and means " Beautiful." Its motto is Iniperium in Imperio — "An Empire in an Empire." It was first permanently settled in 1788 at Marietta by New Englanders. It was admitted as a State in 1803. Its capital is Columbus. It contains 39,964 square miles, or 25,576, 960 acres. Population in 1860, 2,339,511; in 1870 it had 2.665,260. She sent to the front during the Rebellion 310,- 654 soldiers. Has 20 Representatives, aiid 22 Presidential electors. Governor, R. M. Bishop, Democrat; salary, $4,000; term, 2 years. Oregon — Owes its Indian name to its principal river. Its motto is Alis volat ;propriis — "She flies with her own wings." It was first visited by the Spaniards in the sixteenth century. It was set- tled by the English in 1813, and admitted into the Union in 1859. Its capital is Salem. It has an area of 95,274 square miles, equal to 60,975,360 acres. It had in 1860 a population of 52,465; in 326 HISTOKT OF INDIANA. 1870,90,922. She furnished 1,810 soldiers. She is entitled to 1 member in Congress, and 3 Presidential electors. W. W. Thayer, Republican, is Governor; salary, $1,500 ; terra, 4 years. Pennsylvania. — This is the "Keystone State," and means "Penn's Woods," and was so called after William Penn, its original owner. Its motto is, " Virtue, liberty and independence." A colony was established by Penn in 1682. The State was one of the original thirteen. It has an area of 46,000 square miles, equaling 29,440,- 000 acres. It had in 1860 a population of 2,906,215; and in 1870, 3,515,993. She gave to suppress the Rebellion, 338,155. Harris- burg is the capital. Has 27 Representatives and 29 electors. H. M.Hoyt, is Governor; salary, $10,000; politics, Republican; term of office, 3 years. Rhode Island. — This, the smallest of the States, owes its name to the Island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean, which domain it is said to greatly resemble. Its motto is " Hope," and it is familiarly called, "Little Rhody." It was settled by Roger Williams in 1636. It was one of the original thirteen States. It has an area of 1,306 square miles, or 835.840 acres. Its population in 1860 numbered 174,620; in 1870, 217,356. She gave to defend the Union, 23,248. Its capitals are Providence and Newport. Has 2 Representatives, and 4 Presidential electors. C. Vanzandt is Governor; politics. Republican; salary, $1,000; term, 1 year. ■ South Carolina. — The Palmetto State wears the Latin name of Charles IX., of France (Carolus). Its motto is Latin, Animis opibusque parati, " Ready in will and deed." The first permanent settlement was made at Port Royal in 1670, where the French Huguenots had failed three-quarters of a century before to found a settlement. It is one of the original thirteen States. Its capital is Columbia. It has an area of 29,385 square miles, or 18,806,400 acres, with a population in 1860 of 703,708; in 1870, 728,000. Has 5 Representatives in Congress, and is entitled to 7 Presidential electors. Salary of Governor, $3,500; term, 2 years. Te7inessee—l& the Indian name for the " River of the Bend," i. e, the Mississippi, which forms its western boundary. She is called » The Big Bend State." Her motto is, " Agriculture, Commerce." It was settled in 1757, and admitted into the Union in 1796, mak- ing the sixteenth State, or the third admitted after the Revolution- ary War— Vermont being the first, and Kentucky the second. It HISTOKT OF INDIANA. 327 has an area of 45,600 square miles, or 29,184,000 acres. In 1860 its population numbered 1,109,801, and in 1870, 1,257,983. She furnished 31,092 soldiers to suppress the Rebellion. Nashville is the capital. Has 10 Representatives, and 12 Presidential electors. Governor, A. S. Marks, Democrat; salary, $4,000; term, 2 years. Texas — Is the American word for the Mexican name by which all that section of the country was known before it was ceded to the United States. It is known as " The Lone Star State." The first set- tlement was made by LaSalle in 1685. After the independence of Mexico in 1822, it remained a Mexican Province until 1836, when it gained its independence, and in 1845 was admitted into the Union. It has an area of 237,504 square miles, equal to 152,002,- 560 acres. Its population in 1860 was 604,215; in 1870, 818,579. She gave to put down the Rebelion 1,965 soldiers. Capital, Austin. Has 6 Representatives, and 8 Presidential electors. Governor, O. M. Roberts, Democrat; salary, $5,000; term, 2 years. Vermont — Bears the French name of her mountains Verde Mont "Green Mountains." Its motto is "Freedom and Unitv." It was settled in 1731, and admitted into the Union in 1791. Area 10,212 square miles. Population in 1860, 315,098 ; in 1870, 330,551. She gave to defend the Government, 33,272 soldiers. Capital, Mont- pelier. Has 3 Representatives, and 5 electors. Governor, H. Fair- banks, Republican; term, 2 years; salary, $1,000. Virginia. — The Old Dominion, as this State is called, is the oldest of the States. It was named in honor of Queen Elizabeth, the " Virgin Queen," in whose reign Sir Walter Raleigh made his first attempt to colonize that region. Its motto is Sic sernper tyrannis^ " So always with tyrants." It was first settled at James- town, in 1607, by the English, being the first settlement in the United States. It is one of original thirteen States, and had before its division in 1862, 61,352 square miles, but at present contains but 38,352 square miles, equal to 24,545,280 acres. The population in 1860 amounted to 1,596,318, and in 1870 it was 1,224,830. Rich- mond is the capital. Has 9 Representatives, and 11 electors. Gov- ernor, F. W. M. Halliday, Democrat; salary, $5,500; term, 4 years. West Virginia. — Motto, Monta7ii se7nper liberi, " Mountaineers are always free." This is the only State ever formed, under the Constitution, by the division of an organized State. This was done in 1862, and in 1863 was admitted into the Union. It has an area of 328 HISTORY OF INDIANA. 23,000 square miles, or 14,720,000 acres. The population in 1860 was 376,000; in 1870 it numbered 445,616. She furnished 32,003. Capital, Wheeling. Has 3 Representatives in Congress, and is entitled to 5 Presidential electors. The Governor is K. M. Mathews, Democrat; term, 4 years; salary, $2,700. Wisconsin — Is an Indian name, and means "Wild-rushing channel." Its motto, Clvitatus successit harharum.. " The civilized man succeeds the barbarous." It is called " The Badger State." The State was visited by the French explorers in 1665, and a settle- ment was made in 1669 at Green Bay, It was admitted into the [Jnion in 1848. It has an area of 52,924 square miles, equal to 34,511,360 acres. In 1860 its population numbered 775,881; in 1870, 1,055,167. Madison is the capital. She furnished for the Union army 91,021 soldiers. Has 8 members in Congress, and is entitled to 10 Presidential electors. The Governor is W. E. Smith; politics, Republican; salary, $5,000; terra, 2 years. CO □ X I o o 3 a Ui tt a Q. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY INTRODUCTIOlSr. History is one of the most important, effective and necessary- elements 0^ human power and wisdom. It is by the past that we have any intimation as to what the future will be; it is the only way, ordinarily, that men can prognosticate the future at all. Besides, all the advancements, improvements and discoveries which have been made by men in all their history are hid away in the dark chambers of the past; and the only way in which they can be made available for the present living race, or for future generations, is that they shall be set down in the archives of written history, and be thus preserved for consultation and use, or else transmitted from father to son in a traditionary way. The frailties of human memory, and the proneness of the human mind to mingle and intermingle things consistent and inconsistent, things homogeneous and dissimilar, things congruous and incongruous, things synchro- nous and far separated in time, render the traditional a verj' insecure means to transmit these needed things; and hence, from the most remote times, all nations and • peoples, from the time they could wield a chisel or use a papyrus, have fixed in the solid rock or placed upon the transmissible page the discoveries, improvements and advancements of each successive generation. History writing, as all other human employments, is susceptible of improvement. In the ancient days when the writer of history fastened with his chisel upon the rough stone page in rude hieroglyphic characters his historic events; and later, when these events with laborious patience were fixed by the diligent scribe upon the roll of parchment, and which were laid away in the archives of the nation only, these records contained the exploits and remarkable things which were done by the most powerful, kings, or the intrigues of his most successful courtiers. This part of the history of the world contains most vivid descriptions of the marches and countermarches of the leading heroes of the times in which they lived, — scenes of desolation and blood; the sanguinary battle field — its disaster on the one side, and its triumph on the other — the siege of beleaguered cities — cities surrounded with high 22 " (331j 332 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COCNTY. and embattled walls — in which is brouu^lit to view the determina- tion of 'the one side to succeed, and the infuriated resistance of the other in repelling every assault, the enginery of war, the battering ram, the catapult, the hand weaponry, — the long delays in which the besiegers were baffled and finally foiled and made to break up their camp and hasten away, together with the evidences of hurry and anxious regard for safety that were gathered up along the line of their retreat, — the rending of ponderous walls, the slaughter of thousands of its defenders, the glare of flickering torch and the smoke and flame of the consuming fire, — the huddling together of those whom over-exertion had rendered strengtiiless and upon whom "lipless famine" had written its emaciated lines of suffering — men, women and children, — the wild sweep of infuriated soldiers as they tread beneath their feet that which had so long resisted them and had now yielded to their victorious prowess, — the falling of these savage soldiers upon the huddles of helpless men, women and children, and the slaughter that followed or the binding upon them the galling chains of a bondao-e .which was far worse than any death that could be inflicted upon them, — all these things, and more of the same kind, are brought to view in the historic records of these ancient days. The slaughter of the individual, the desolation of the home, or the destruction and overthrow of the nation were the chief themes of the historian of this period. But true history contains more than events like these. It enters into the ways of peaceful success and snatches from the grasp of oblivion the glorious triumphs of peace as well as the victories of relentless and destructive war. The men of to day are, and the future generations will be, more interested in the former triumphs than in the latter victories. Hence the history that meets the demands that are likelj^ to be made upon it must enter every field and take excursions through every avenue of human society, and note the effect and progress of every power and influence which changes the condition of humanity, either for weal or woe. These recognized powers and agencies are many. While the ancients, and even those of more modern times, gave their chief attention to the military power and its influence in determining the then present status of men and what the future condition of them should be, the modern historian must give his attention to, and he must study well, all the various forces that are contributing in these his days to make mankind what they are, and hence to successfully indicate, partially at least, what they shall be in the coming develop- ments of the race. A few of these forces, agencies, and conditions will bear an enumeration. And foremost among them will be found those influences that find their scope and effective working power in the social relations and conditions of men. There is that in every human heart which desires, and is only satisfied with, com- munication and intercommunication with other hearts. In the complement of these desires will be found all those associations, HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 333 organizations and orders among men in "which there is intercom- munity, — these differing onlj' in the special desire which thej seek to subserve; and as these organizations have sprung up at the behest of an inherent desire of the heart, thej must have a poten- tial influence in making up the history of men, and the historian who tills his mission must take commensurate notice of them; and this notice must be synchronous, that is, these influences must be looked at at the same time, the same as they had their influence on society at the same time, for they were all in operation at once, in order that the proper and relative bearing of each may be deter- mined, with some degree of accuracy, in the production and consum- mation of results. Among these may be mentioned the churches and those orders and societies in which a brotherhood, or sister- hood, is found, and which have had so much to do in molding and shaping the aftairs of society. The next in importance, perhaps, is the commercial influence; and this will embrace all those agencies that are used in the advancement and accomplishment of business, which will include those things that furnish the commercial com- modities; the means by which these commercial commodities are supplied where they are needed, the places where they are kept for commercial supply, and tliose agencies by which commercial obli- gations are enforced. All of these things have a very great deal to do in determining the condition of any society or community, and hence in shaping the course of events; and the true historian must take due cognizance of them. There is yet another very important and potential influence that must be called up out of so many that might be mentioned. While there is a very strong desire in the human heart for association, and the pleasures that come from association, there is yet another desire that is perhaps as strong as that, and that is the desire to know, — the desire for knowledge. And under the impetus of this desire, there are agencies at work molding and shaping the very destinies of men. I refer to the Schools and Colleges; to the Rostrum; to the Stage; to the Pulpit; to the Press; and to all other agencies and influences by which knowledge and instruction are imparted. The actions of men spring at the behest of principle; and as these principles must first be learned and then fastened upon the memory in the great 7notory arcana of the heart, so the instru- mentality by which this is done becomes a potential instrument in making up the history of men; — as these principles are changed and supplanted b}^ other principles, the whole course of events will be changed also in exact correspondence with the change of prin- ciple. The historian, therefore, who would properly index the future, must possess the industry and ability by which he shall become informed of the power and influence, though subtle and somewhat imponderable, of these forces. These, and many other influences and agencies not mentioned, are uniting to shape the destinies of the world. The improvement in modern history over that of the ancient, and the improvement 334 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. that will mark the coming history over the present, is the fuller and more complete appreciation of these agencies and influences, which will crop out in the more prominent place given them in narrating the constant flow of events. One reason, no doubt, why the former histories have been so largely given in showing the influence which the militarj' power has had "in shaping the events of the world is the extreme difficulty in focalizing these events so that they could be comprehended. The army is an aggregation of men, perhaps of all the serviceable men of a nation, focalized so as to become a unit; and this unit could be followed without any great difficulty and its operations a& a unit set down; but when it comes to taking into the account all the ramifications of human activity, and very much of it individ- ual activity, the extreme difficulty of the undertaking becomes doubly ajiparent; and it is no wonder that the ancient historian with iiis imperfect means of preparation, assumed the easier task and followed the course of events as marked out by the united national agency as found in the armies of the nations, thinking thereby to fill the full measure of his responsibility as narrator of events. But it is easy to be seen that he gave only a part of those things which truly make the history of an}^ people. The modern historian must do better, — he must take into the account all the influ- ences that in any way determine the activities of men and hold up to the view the results of these influences, not as they are seen in the nation as it is represented in the army, but as they are seen in every nook and corner, and under every circumstance. This is an onerous work, and its magnitude must be apparent to every one. Some will say, *' It cannot be done." The only diffi- culty in the way of its successful accomplishment is to focalize the events so that they may be brought within the range of the histo- rian's vision. This may be done, perhaps, in one of two ways: 1st. By producing a i-ace of historians with powers so broad, high and deep that they may fully comprehend the relations and bearings of influences and events, though they are in the conglomerate mass in which they have been found in the ages past. But these are geniuses, and geniuses are not produced — they are not made — but they just come, and their coming is not according to any known human process or law. Hence they cannot be depended upon to do this work. 2d. By such analyzing and systematizing, by such fullness and completeness thus analyzed and systematized, that the ordinary intellect can comprehend it, and thus set it forth. It is in this way that the full purposes of history is to be supplied to the succeeding generations, and all the advantages which it is capa- ble of supplying accrue to the world. Now to analyze and systematize the influences which generate activity, and to focalize the events which these influences produce, can only be done by giving separate, complete and full histories of each locality; and from these separate and complete local histories, carefully analyzed and systematized and made thoroughly reliable HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 335 through the care with which they are prepared, inaj be compiled the broader histories of State and nation. And thus the subtle powers which produce the activities and events of life, either of individual men or of nations, may be seen, — in their relations, in their influence, and in their effects, — and thus the untold wealth of historical lore accrue to the stock of blessing to the world. It is in this spirit that the present history has been undertaken. La Porte county is one of the most important counties of the great State of Indiana. While it has been developing its possibil- ities, and has been submissive to the influences that have been brought to bear upon it in this development, ai>d these have had to do largely only with its own people, yet it has not been wholly remitted from extraneous influences, neither has it been shut up within the range of its locality — within the perimeter of its own boundaries — for the full effect of its activities. And while many of the influences that have been at work, and the results attained (which are noted in the body of the work) are similar to those in other localities, yet there are elements that are distinctively its own, and have produced results as distinctive. These have been care- fully sought after, and as fully brought out as the resources at com- mand would permit. It is these that will give the book its own individual interest. To subserve the two purposes now developed, — that of rendering some valuable service to general history by furnishing a source from which the general historian may draw, and of individualizing a local histoiy by arraying its distinctive elements, — has been the constant object before the mind in the compilation of the follow- in ^ records. CHAPTER 1. GEOGEAPHY AND GEOLOGY. HISTORY AS CONNECTED WITH TIME AND PLACE. It has been said by some one that geography and chronology are the eyes of history; and this statement lias more truth than is apparent at first thought. Historical events must be observed through the locality in which they took place, and the time when they occurred, if the full influence of those circumstances and sur- roundings are to be discerned which have been instrumental in producing the facts which are noted and of establishing the present status of things, or that will have so much to do in securing the future conditions. Hence it follows that the locale of historical events and the time of their occurrence must be definitely associated in the mind of the reader of history if he would be a proficient in the wisdom of the past. No one can rightly judge of the effect and influence which history has exerted over the world, especially of the facts of which it is composed, who has not these two elements, geography and chro- nology, somewhat radically fixed in the mind. This is a conclusion drawn from the following premise: If one should attempt to judge of events disassociated from geography or chronology, he would be endeavoring to determine the weight of that wliich never had an existence, and hence must be as imponderable as space. To illustrate this point: Suppose the reader of history is consid- ering the connection and the bearing of the battle of Waterloo on concurrent and succeeding events, is endeavoring to cipher out the influence which it had upon the world, in its various interests, at the time of its occurrence, that he may trace the line of its power and influence in producing the particular events that followed. In his study of this most thrilling fact, he studies the glowing accounts wliich he has of the terrific strugg-le of the contending parties. His imagination is so roused and warmed that he can see all the maneuvers on that hotly contested battle-field by both armies, and understands the effect of each movement in its influ- ence in determining the results of the battle. He can see how this move of Napoleon, and the counter move by the Duke of Welling- ton, the promptness of this under ofiicer and the failure of that one, by determining the results of the conflict, contributed to the overthi'ow of Bonaparte and his schemes of ambition. He has a perfect view of the battle as an isolated fact, a full conception of it as a single event. But now suppose that he puts this event, of which (336) HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. 337 he lias such full conception in an isolated condition, in connection with some locality in America or Australia, and associates it with ancient or mediais'al times, it is most consummately apparent that he is thoroughly disqualitied to judge of its bearings upon the society of the world, and to determine its effect upon subsequent events, — to trace the line of its influence in shaping the policy of the nations, for the following reason : No such event has ever transpired on the American or Australian continents, nor is there such a one associated with ancient or medifeval times; hence there is no such event in history as he is considering, though there has been a battle of Waterloo. And as the fact, as he coimects it, has no existence there can be no line of influence proceeding from it, and all explorations in that direction will be useless. So of all histor- ical facts. Thev must have the ri^ht connection both of time and place. As to the chronology of the events noted in this history the most careful attention will be given, and every fact will be assigned its proper time as it is narrated. The geography will now be given so that the reader may have at all times the two great instruments bj' which historical facts are to be judged and their proper influ- ence determined. BOUNDARY. The following is the boundary as determined by the Congressional surveys. Beginning at the point where parallel 41° 46' of north latitude intersects Lake Michigan, in section 12, township 38 north, range 4 west of the second principal meridian; thence east 16 miles on said parallel, 41*^ 50,' to the section line dividing sections 9 and 10, township 38 north, range 1 west; thence south 8 miles to section line dividing sections 15 and 22, township 27 north, range 1 west; thence east 2 miles to section line dividing sections 13 and 14, same township and range; thence south with said section line to its intersection of the Kankakee river, near the southeast corner of section 11, township 36 north, range 1 west; thence with the meanderinofs of the Kankakee river to its intersection of the section line dividing sections 3 and 4, township 35 north, range 1 west, in section 3 of said township and range; thence south with said section line to its intersection of the township line dividing townships 34 and 35 north; thence west with said township line to its intersection of the Kankakee river, in section 4, township 34 north, range 2 west; thence southwest with the meanderings of said Kankakee river to its intersection of the range line dividing ranges 4 and 5 west; thence north along said range line to its intersection of the shore of Lake Michigan, in section 30, towmship 38 north, range 4 west; thence northeast along the shore of Lake Michigan to the place of beginning. This territory includes all of townships 33, in ranges 3 and 4, north of the Kankakee river; all of townships 34, in ranges 2, 3 and 4, north of said Kankakee river; all of townships 35 in 338 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. ranges 2, 3 and 4, and tlie west half of said township in range 1; all of townships 36 in ranges 1, 2, 3 and 4, except sections 1 and 12 in range 1 ; all of townships 37 in ranges 1, 2, 3 and 4, except sections 24, 25 and 36, and the nine northeast sections of range 1; half of townships 38 in range 1, and all of townships 38 in ranges 2, 3, and 4 which are south of the parallel 41'^ 46', north latitude, and wliicli forms the northern boundary of the State. The county, as thus described, contains about 590 sections, or about 378,000 acres of land. ORIGINAL TERRITORY OF INDIANA. To get the original status of the territory included in the above boundary, we quote the following from the American Cyclopaedia under the article " Indiana." " Indiana originally constituted a part of New France, and sub- sequently of the Northwest Territory. The exact period of its first settlement is not ascertained. In 1702 a party of French Canadians descended the Wabash, and established several posts on its banks, and among others Yincennes. The Indians made little opposition to the new comers. Until 1763, when the country was ceded to the English, nothing is known of the early settlers. By the treaty of cession, however, they were confirmed in their possessions. The treaty of 1783 included Indiana in the United States. In 1788 an Indian war broke out, which caused great distress at Yincennes. In 1781 the Indians were attacked at the mouth of the Tippecanoe by Gen. Wilkinson, and by subsequent victories of Gen. Wayne a dangerous confederacy was broken up and tlie tribes were obliged to submit. The whole district now began to enjoy that repose of which it had been for many years deprived. By the treaty of Greenville in 1795 the United States obtained several eligible parcels of land, and settlement began to make considerable progress. On May 7, 1800, Ohio was erected into a separate Territory, while all the country W. and ISr. was included in the new government of Indiana. The Territorial Government was organized July 4, with William Henry Harrison as Governor. In 1805 Michigan was also set oflf, and in 1809 Illinois, leaving Indiana with its present limits." The limits of Indiana, as given by the same authority, is as fol- lows: "Indiana is situated between latitude 37° 47' and 41" 46' N., and longitude 84° 49' and 88° 2' W." Within this Territory will be found La Porte county, the exact locale of which we have already given, — touching, as it will be seen, the extreme northern limit of this extent of country, its northern line being the parallel 41° 46' of ]Sr. latitude. ALTITUDE. The favorable condition of any country is very much dependent upon the altitude at which it is found, — the height above the level of the sea, — in connection with its higher or lower latitude. It is HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 339 a well-known geographical fact, that if a sufficient altitude is reached, even under the equator itself, the intensity of the polar cold and all the conditions of the polar regions will be found. So altitude and latitude have very much to do in giving a country its elements of prosperity, — and, as a consequence, their influence has no little to do in the development of higher or lower civilizations among men as they produce favorable or unfavorable conditions for prosperity. We note this item in the locale of La Porte county in order that we may more effectually trace the causes of the prosper- ity which we shall be called upon to do in detailing its history. Across the county, in an irregular way from east to west runs the high elevation of land, which may not in its more proper sense be called a water-shed, but which serves the purpose of separating the waters that flow, part through the Mississippi river and its ti'ibu- taries to the Gulf of Mexico and part through the Great Lakes and their outlets to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. From the crest of this swell of land there are declensions either way, — that on the northern side being more appreciable than that on the southern side, es- pecially toward the western part of the county where it declines to the shores of Lake Michigan. The highest point in this ridge, and the highest point m the countj^ is about two miles north of the city of La Porte. This elevation reaches 270 feet above the level of Lake Michigan and hence is 870 feet above the ocean level. The following altitudes, given by Prof. Cox, State Geologist, in different parts of the county, will serve to give some conception of the general conforma- tion of the land of the .county. At the depot of the Lake Shore railroad, in the city of La Porte, the elevation is 250 feet above Lake Erie, or 810 feet above the sea; at Wanatah, 150 feet above Lake Erie, or 710 feet above the ocean; at La Crosse, 102 feet above Lake Erie, or 6G2 feet above the ocean. From these alti- tudes, it will be seen tliat the southern slope of the county dips 148 feet from La Porte citv to La Crosse, o^iving it that much of a southern declination. Does it make any difference in the ele- ments of prosperity for this part of the counti'y that it is a declination of 148 feet rather than elevation of 148 feet? Would this reversal in the altitude produce any changes in the condi- tions of the country, and hence in the happiness of the people? On the nortli of this elevation from which we are taking our survey of the altitude of the county there are what may be called two declinations, — the one inclining toward the northeast and falling as it approaches the St. Joseph river; the other inclining to the northwest, and by a ^avY rapid descent approaches the shore of Lake Michigan. At this latter point it has fallen until the eleva- tion is but 600 feet above the level of tiie sea. Putting these various altitudes, declinations, slopes, etc., together and a tolerable accurate idea of the elevation and conformation of the surface of the county may be obtained. In the declination to the south are found all of Dewey, Ilanna, Cass, Clinton, ISToble, 340 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Union, Johnson, Lincoln, Pleasant and Scipio, and parts of New Durham, Centre, Kankakee and Wills townships. In the decli- nation to the northeast, are found Hudson and Galena, and parts of AVills, Kankakee, Center and Springfield townships. In the decli- nation to the northwest are found all of Michigan and Cool Spring, and parts of Springfield, Centre, and New Durham townships. SURFACE. Although in giving the altitude of the county we have indicated something of the special characteristics of the surface, yet there are a few other things that may be noted with interest. Aside from that greater elevation, ah-eady noted, which gives tone to the sur- face generally and sweeps in an irregular way from east to west, — or rather bearing northeast and southwest, — the surface is gently undulating, and sometimes approaching that which may more prop- erly be called " rolling." This is especially true of that part which is adjacent to the "dividing ridge." On the southern side this undulating character gently subsides as it approaches the Kankakee river until it is almost, if not entirely, lost. On the northern side, the undulating character is maintained to a greater extent than on the southern, perhaps, but there is more or less of subsidence in different localities. The general lay of these " undulations," and " rolling knolls," is in the direction of the declination in which the}' are situated, except in the northwestern, where they seem to have a circular conformation to correspond with the shore of Lake Michigan, with which they seem to have a close affinity. But these are broken through by the streams, wliich again gives the appearance of inclining toward the northwest. Those in the north- eastern declination incline to the northeast, and those in the south- ern to the south. With these special peculiarities of surface the drainage of the county can be made almost entirely complete. LAKES. Aside from the great lake which washes its northwestern part, the county contains a number of most beautiful lakes of various sizes. In many places these "undulations," or extended waving "knolls," and which in a sense may be called "convolutions," are rolled together seemingly upon each other; and in other places they take a wide detour, compassing quite an area, in the basin of w^hich may be found these beautiful sheets of 'water. Among these may be mentioned Hudson or Du Cliemin lake in the northeastern part of the county. It is a beautiful expanse of water. Back from its shores of white sand, it is bordered and surrounded by luxuriant vegetation and gigantic forests, and within its clear and pure waters are to be found the finest fish. It is not far from two miles in length, with an average width of half a mile. Fish lake, in the eastern part of the county, is very peculiar, especially in its shape. HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 341 It is between three and four miles in length and less than a half a mile in width; and it is so outlined that it might with propriety- be called four lakes. This peculiarity has received such notice that each of these parts has received different names. The upper part is called Upper Mud lake. It is circular in form. Its out- let to the northwest empties into the next division, which has received the name of Upper Fish lake. This has a crescent-like form, so much so that it almost doubles back upon itself. Its outlet to the southwest empties into the next part, which is called Fish lake. This is about one mile in length, extending from north to south. At its southern extremity, it empties by a narrow passage into the fourth division, which has been called Lower Mud lake. This lake, or rather chain of lakes, finds its final outlet to Mud lake (which is but a widening of the Kankakee river) through the Little Kankakee river. Without attempting any description of the remaining lakes, we will mention the following: Root's lake, in Pleasant township; Walker's lake. Clear lake, Stony lake, Fish Trap lake, Horse Shoe lake, Pine lake, and the two Twin lakes near the city of La Porte. While there is no large river which cuts its way through the county, yet it is well supplied with water. The lakes mentioned, together with the numerous smaller ones situated in various parts of the county, and the smaller streams which ai'e found in almost every part, and which carry their waters to the Kankakee, the St. Joseph, or Lake Michigan, furnish an abundance of water for almost every purpose. In the southern part of the county, as the Kankakee river is approached, on account of the low subsidence of the ground as compared with tlie bed of the river, what would otherwise be either lakes, such as have been mentioned, or streams of running water, are to be found marshes. However, these are losing much of their marsh character, and are yielding year by year to the encroach- ments of the plow. Small lakes, small streams and marshes furnish the water surface of the county. SOIL. There is a variet}- of soil found in the county. There will be no attempt to analyze the soil, but for the sake of convenience, the soil of the county may be classified under four heads: 1st. Sandy soil. 2nd. Timber loam. 3rd. Prairie loam. ith. Yegetable mold. These four varieties of soil, of course under varied conditions, will be found in the four chief localities in the county. The sandy soil is found in those townships which border upon, or are closely situ- ated upon Lake Michigan. This is the soil which is mostly found in Michigan, Cool Spring and Springfield townships, and is less productive than either of the other varieties of soil, yet most ex- cellently adapted to the growth of certain products, chief among 342 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. which is the potato; and besides, the quality of all the grains produced is of the very best. The timber loam, or that which we have designated by that name on account of the forests which it has produced, is found in Galena and Hudson townships, and is of tiie richest quality. These two varieties of soil, found in the north- eastern and northwestern declinations from the summit elevation, form a belt stretching across the northern part of the county, which may be called the timber belt; for that which is now almost bare, composing the sandy districts, was formerly covered with a dense forest of pine; and in early times was one continued forest of different varieties of timber. The prairie loam, so called because it is the soil found in that belt of prairie which extends across the county from the east to the west in intimate relationship with the summit ridge, is of surpassing fertility and richness. This prairie belt includes the greater portion of the county, and is beautifully dotted and interspersed here and there with groves of timber. This soil is adapted to the producing of almost every variety of cereals, roots and grasses, as well as horticultural products; but it is espe- cially well adapted to the cultivation of wheat, and large crops of this grain are almost annually secured. The county has the repu- tation of being one of the great wheat-growing counties of the State, which it has obtained through the fertility of this prairie loam soil. The vegetable mold, so called because it is so largely composed of decayed vegetable matter, is found mostly in that por- tion bordering upon the Kankakee river, and which formerly was considered only as valueless marshes. As these lands are becoming relieved of their waters, — the water level being made lower and lower, — they are developing into the very richest of land; a!id vast crops of grains and grasses are being secured, rivaling the abun- dant crops of the prairie loam which has placed so many of the far- mers in the prairie belt in easy circumstances. Thus it will be seen that La Porte county has been blessed with a most prolific soil, especially when it is handled with intelligence and skill. PRODUCTIONS. On account of the varietv of the productions which the soil of this county will yield, it might be isolated from all the rest of the world, and yet its inhabitants would be blessed and happy; every variety for human necessity almost may be produced. Its virgin production of timber has been a source of immense wealth, — indeed, so lavish was this production that it has never been fully appreci- ated; and we are told that excessive wastefulness of it has been the rule from the earliest settlements. One of the most beautiful exhibitions which it is possible to have is seen in the rural i^arts of this county when its laughing crops of wheat, corn, oats, grass, rye, barley, potatoes, apples, peaclies, pears, cherries, etc., etc., are com- ing on to their perfection. But there is more laughing, more real HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 34-3 pleasure, perhaps, when these products are safeij in the cribs, the bins, the mows, the cellars, and on the tables. MINERALS. While the county is thus noted for its soil products, it is not so abundantly blessed in mineral deposits. Nothing of any considera- ble importance has been discovered, I believe, except bog iron ore in the Kankakee marshes. Of this ore, Prof. Cox, State Geologist, in his Report of 1873, says: "Bog iron ore occurs in considerable quantities in the marshes along the Kankakee, and when some plan is devised for converting the peat, with which it is associated, into fuel adapted to use in a blast furnace, each may add to the value of the other, and naturally tend to bring the much-abused Kankakee marsh into more favorable notice." So far, we have no informa- tion that any considerable attempt has been made to utilize these deposits in the way suggested by Prof. Cox; or, indeed, in any other way. They may, however, be a source of wealth in the future when they shall be, by that or some other means, utilized. But whatever of wealth ma}" hereafter be obtained from this bog ore, by any means M'hatever, it is certain that the chief sources of wealth in the count}' are its soil and its intelligent management. ANTECEDENTS. The study of nature, as it is presented in the geologic field, is yet in its infancy. It may be that with the finite powers with which men are endowed they may never be able to fathom completely the depths of Infinite and Creative Intelligence as they are to be seen in " the earth's enfolding rocky shrouds;" but through the close obser- vation of many intelligent and close-observing men, much has been developed. The following extract from Prof. Winchell's "Sketches of Creation" so trenchantly sets forth the sublime admiration ot nature which this study begets in the mind of the devout student, that we are almost impelled to give it: "■ It is wonderful to behold one of Nature's great plots worked out with such undeviating unity of purpose. Though incalculable ages have elapsed since the nucleus of the American continent was lifted above the waves, we find the announcement then made to have been faithfully prosecuted to the end. What convincing proofs of the unity of the Creative Intelligence. The plastic rocks have always been molded by the same all-providing Artificer. How it exhalts our apprehension of His infinite attributes to behold Him bringing into existence a series of secondary causes, so sim- ple in themselves, but working out a succession of results so com- plex in their details, and presenting a history stamped with such uniformity of plan, such harmony of parts and such wisdom of de- sign. But these are only His doings in the material world. When we contemplate the manifestation of His attributes presented to us 344 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. by animated nature, everj' one imbned with the spirit and love ot the truth is compelled, with the poet, to exclaim, "An undevout philosopher is mad." — Sketches of Creation, p. 98. THEORETICAL GEOLOGY. If one could take a station on one of the highest peaks of the Alleghany mountains and see the vast countries lying to the west as they appear in their various conformations and configurations, doubtless he would see them as a wide extended area with a well- defined, low-swelling elevation passing from his feet into the north- ern part of Ohio and thence with a grandly sweeping curve down into the central part of Ohio and back again, crossing in an ii-reg- ular way the northern part of Indiana, and thence sweeping around the western shore of Lake Michigan. This elevation he would at once discover divided the vast area of country into two great valleys, — the Ohio and Mississippi valleys on the south and west, and the St, Lawrence valley on the north, which includes the chain of the great Northern lakes and the St. Lawrence river. It is on the crest of this elevation that La Porte county is to be found; the highest part of it passing through the county from east to west near its center. This "ridge" gives Indiana its highest elevation above the sea level; hence La Porte county is a part of the highest portions of Indiana, as related to the ocean level. When, in the course of the geological periods, the great continent was being lifted bodily out of the superincumbent waters of the Atlantic ocean by the gigantic powers and forces that were prepar- ing it for the habitancy of men, this portion of the State was the first to appear above them, — this ridge protruding through the waters like the back of some great monster, and gradually becom- ing larger and larger. The upper crust of the country which we now desire to specially notice is what is called in geological language "drift," and is 200 feet and more in thickness. To give a proper idea of this layer of drift, we extract the following from the American Cyclopedia: " Diluvium, or drift, the superficial deposits of clay, sand, gravel, and boulders which in both hemispheres are spread more or less uniformly over the land of the polar regions and the adjacent portions of the temperate zones. Geologically this deposit is very recent, and is found overlying strata of tertiary or pliocene age. Inasmuch as great portions of the material of which it is composed seem to have been transported or at least accumulated in their present position by some violent action, the name of diluvium was given to it by the earlier geologists. In the northern hemisphere the drift is found alike in Europe, Asia, and America, extending from the polar regions toward the equator, and disappearing on the continent of America about latitude 38; while in Europe all traces of it are said to be lost in the countries bordering on the HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 345 Mediterranean. * * * Xhis drifted or diluvial material is divided into diluvium proper, or unstratified drift, and stratified or modified drift, which is the result of a rearrano-ement of the latter by water. Unstratified drift is met at considerable elevations over the present sea level — 3,000 feet above the Baltic, and at a height of 4,000 feet in the Grampians of Scotland. It is everywhere characterized hy loose masses of rock, more or less rounded, which in many cases have evidently been transported for considerable distances from their parent beds. As already described in the article Boulders, they are often of great dimensions, and increase in size as the deposit is traced toward its source to the northward. * * * Such is the unstratified dihivium, or boulder clay, as it is sometimes called; while in allusion to its supposed accumulation by the agency of ice, it is often called glacial drift." It is this drift which forms the upper crust or deposit of the surface of La Porte country, and as stated al:)Ove, it is from 200 feet and upward in thickness. It seems to be both of the unstratified and stratified diluvium. It has been very much aff'ected by water, at least in portions of the county. This is especially true of that part of the county which borders on Lake Michigan. In this part the diluvial deposit has been changed in its characteristics some- wliat, probably through the action of the water of the lake as it has receded either throuo^h the actual lowerino^ of its surface or the gradual upheaval of the land. At least through some agency, and it is most likely that it was by the action of water, there has been some peculiar markings and configurations produced in the declina- tion oi' the county to the northwest. These configurations have been called "lake ridges," because of their conformity to the shore of the lake; they are nearly parallel with it as it is at present. Geologists have told us that "these ridges of sand mark the ancient shore lines of the lake, where its subsidence was arrested for a greater or less period ot time." Of these " lake ridges," Prof. Cox has this to say: " The first ridge, along the present sliore line, rises above the water level from 30 to 85 feet. This is broken at irregular inter- vals by valleys at oblique angles; and occasionally a tall peak rises many feet above its fellows. A space of half a mile succeeds this ridge, having an elevation of 15 or 20 feet; — on this is built the city of Michigan City. The top of the second beach or ridge is 50, and the half-mile valley beyond is 35 feet above the water. The third beach is 45 feet, the fourth is 95, and the tiftli is 225 feet above the lake. It may be remarked that the fourth beach line contains considerable amounts of gravel, perhaps indicating a fixed water level for a comparatively long period of time. " The shallow portions of the present lake, near the shore, are uniformily floored with sand, but in the deep central areas the bottom is composed of stifi", tenacious clay, intercalating partings or pockets of sand, from whence, probably, comes the supply which is constantly being filled up and drifted about the shores by the B4:Q HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. wind. It may be inferred that the ancient lake was governed by a like law, as the railway cuts which traverse these wide, descend- ing shore lines, frequently discover beds of clay (the Erie clay of Canadian geologists), and wherever this clay is pierced by wells, the supplj' of water is fonnd in the sand partings. "1^0 continnons sand ridges are found beyond the fifth from the lake, though for some distance further inland the valleys and hollows are more or less floored with this wave- washed material. The lakes in the vicinity of La Porte are south of the water-shed, and no evidences are traceable of their having been a part of ancient Lake Michigan since the subsidence of the glacial sea." The deposit of dihivium in other parts of the county has not, perhaps, been affected so much through the agency of water as this, and is, therefore, more nearly the pure unstratified drift. Beneath this deposit, the first rocks found are the Niagara lime- stone. Of these rocks, the following will give sufficient explanation as to the geologic periods to which they belong and the locations where they may be found': "The first ]>eriod of the Upper Silurian was that during which the Niagara limestone was accumulated — a formation through which, with others, the Niagara river has cut its way. * * * From the falls of Niagara, the out-cropping belt of this limestone runs in lines parallel with those just traced (the supposed geologic sea-coast lines). It forms the promontory of Cabot's Head, and the peninsula separating Georgian bay from Lake Huron. At this point the formation has succumbed to the attacks of the waves, and disappeared in its northwestward trend beneath the water of the lake. Cropping out again, it forms the remarkable chain of the Manitoulin islands, in the northern part of Lake Huron, including Drummond's island. Beyond St. Mary's river it forms a 'point' and a peninsula, the counterparts of Cabot's Head and the penin- sula south of it. Running westward, and then southwestward, it establishes a continuous barrier to Lake Michigan along the north- ern and western borders, constituting the rocky ridge which iso- lates Green bay and Bay de Noquet from the greater lake. It follows the shore of Lake Michigan to Chicago, and even to Joliet, when it bends westward and northwestward, and loses itself beneath the accuinulations of a later period. The quarries at Lockport, New York, and many others in that vicinity, are located in this important limestone. In the same formation are those at Milwau- kee, Waukesha, Chicago, Lamont and Joliet. The so-called ' Athens marble,' so extensively employed in Chicago, is quarried from this formation. It much resembles the famous 'Kentucky marble,' from which the beautiful monument and statue to Henry Clay, at Lexington, is built — though the latter comes from the Trenton group, in the Lower Silurian." — Sketches of Creation. This Niagara limestone is overlaid with the Clinton group, Medina sandstone, and the Oneida conglomerate rocks of the tJpper Silurian era. Beneath these are found the Hudson River group, and Utica shale of the Hudson period; the Trenton, Black River, HISTOEY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 347 and Birdseye limestones, and the Chazj limestone, of the Trenton period; and the Calciferous sand-rock, and Potsdam sandstone, of the Potsdam period, of the Lower Silurian age. Beneath these are the rocks of the Azoic age in which there are no traces of life found, especially of animal life. From this it will be seen that there will not be found in the county any beds of the Corniferous limestone (that limestone from which the lime of the market is burned), for it is a formation of the Devonian age, and crops out far to the south, — the northern croppings of this formation being in the southern part of Newton county, the northern parts of White and Cass counties, etc., the Niagara limestone dipping far beneath them. Neither will there be found any coal deposits; for the coal measures belong to the Carboniferous age, the formations of which rest far above either the Corniferous or the Niagara limestone for- mations; and the outcroppings of the coal strata are still farther to the south than those of the Corniferous limestone. The various strata of rocks which intervene between the lowest coal stratum and the Niagara limestone, — the uppermost of La Porte county rocks, — are the following: The Millstone grit, and the Sub-carbon- iferous or Mountain limestone, of the Carboniferous age; the Cats- kill red sandstone, of the Catskill period; the Chemung group, and the Portage group of the Chemung period; the Genesee slate, the Hamilton group, and the Marcellus shale, of the Hamilton period; the Upper Helderberg limestones, the Schoharie grit, and the Cau- dagalli grit, of the Corniferous period; the Oriskany sandstone, of the Oriskany period, of the Devonian age; the Ludlow group, and the Amestry limestone, of the Lower Helderberg period; and the Saliferous beds, of the Salina period, of the Upper Silurian era, — this latter resting upon the Niagara limestone. This enumeration of the various strata of rocks will show the utter inutility of look- ing for coal or Corniferous limestone formations in this part of the State, unless coal is to be discovered in I'ock strata in which it has never been discovered. ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. From what has already been said, it will appear that there is no element of wealth in La Porte to be found in its rock strata, — all its wealth must come from the "glacial drift." This, however, fur- nishes as tine surface soil as can be found anj'where (which has been noticed elsewhere), out of which grow immense crops of the cereals, roots, fruits and grasses. This diluvium deposit contains abundant beds of yellow clay, from which building bricks are burned. The boulders which this drift contains may be turned to good account, as they are in many places. The only mineral, as has been noticed elsewhere, that has been found in any considerable quantity is that of bog iron ore in the marshes of the Kankakee river. Whether this can be turned to a good account remains to be seen. 23 CHAPTER II. BOTANY. THE PRE- SETTLEMENT LANDSCAPES. For hundreds of years, and perhaps for tliousands of years, before the advent of either the white or red man to make an abode upon its rich soil, the landscapes of northern Indiana, including of course those of La Porte county, wasted their beauty and their fragrance in dead loneliness of undisturbed nature. It was doubtless of con- ditions like these that the following couplet was written, the poet linking these with the complement of his ligure: Full many a rose is born to blush unseen, And waste its fragrance on the desert air. The flora of these primal years must have been grand indeed. The carpet of green rising in undisturbed tranquillity, flecked here and there with the handsome wild flowers that arose above it, was doubtless more delicate in beauty than the most finished Turkey ingrain or brussels that now softens the tread in our handsomest parlors. A vision like this no doubt, — a vision seen in nature real, or in imagination, — inspired the following verse: A billowy ocean with green carpet spread, Which seems almost too neat for man to tread, With glittering stars of amaryllis white, With violets blue and roses red and bright, With golden cinquefoil, star-grass, buttercups, With dazzling cardinal flowers and painted cups. And lone but cheerful meadow larks to sing, This grassy sea appeared in smiling spring. In summer came the stately compass-plant, As if to guide the wandering immigrant. Then asters, golden-rods, and wild sunflowers O'erspread the vales in labyrinthine bowers. Thus nature, clad in vesture gold and green. Brought autumn in and closed the floral scene. The red man came, and these landscapes continued to increase in beauty, the white man came, and year by year they have changed continually until they are now superseded by the waving, "golden grain " of our harvest fields. It is now impossible to give the flora of these pre-settlement landscapes, but we are informed by those who saw the landscapes that just preceded the days of first settlement that they were rich beyond description. No o1:her country biit the western continent can exhibit such a forest as covered the northern portion of the county. But this (348) HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 34:9 forest, as well as the prairie, has undergone many changes at the hand of the hardy pioneer. Its umbrage, cast down cool and dark upon the ground, has given way to the cheerful sunlight. The prairies have lost much of their original flora. Now both timber and prairie are largely under cultivation or pasturage, and blue grass, white clover and a large number of introduced weeds from the East have taken the place of the original flora. Industrially this change is a very great gain, but poetically it is as great a loss. Only in the most retired situations can many interesting plants be found now which used to be abundant; and perhaps some are lost entirely. Several species of prairie clover, wild indigo, rosin-weed, etc., have almost disappeared with the original condition of the prairie; while a few of the modest strawberry and some other plants still remain to stir in us sweet remembrances of the past. Nearly all of the plants which are now growing spontaneously in cultivated or waste ground are " introduced" plants; that is, they have been brought here by white settlers, — unintentionally with reference to most of the weeds, of course. Before thej^ were settled by the whites, the prairies were mostly covered with two or three kinds of grass, — several other kinds grew in isolated places here and there, notably the Indian grass and the blue joint, which grew very tall. In wet places grew the well known " slough grass" (and this is found still very largely in the Kankakee marshes), and golden-rods, asters, and wild sunflowers abounded in many places, which in the latter part of summer and the early part of autumn formed waving yellow patches on the prairie, and which were peculiarly charming. THE FLORA OF THE UNITED STATES. There are wnthin the United States about 2,300 species of plants and about 140 different kinds of trees, of which more than 80 attain the height of 60 feet and upward. The most characteristic form which distinguishes an American forest from others are the Hick- ories (Carya), the Tnpelos (Nyssa), the "Poplar" or Tulip-tree, the Taxodium or American Cypress, the Locust (Robinia), and a few others. The American forest is further remarkable for the numerous Oaks, Ashes, Pines, the several Magnolias, the Plane tree (usually called in America, Sycamore), and the two kinds of Walnuts which it possesses. The distribution of the various species of trees, as well as of the humbler plants, in the United States, for convenience of description has been divided into two geographical divisions, — the flrst extend- ing from the northern limit of the United States to the 35th parallel; the second extending from latitude 35' to latitude 27*^ in Florida, beyond which it is said the character of the North Ameri- can vegetation merges into that of the Tropical. In order to get the flora of La Porte county as it is connected with the flora of the surrounding country, for it is principally the 360 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. same, it is necessary to uotice only the first division; for it is to that that onr flora belongs. The following description of this division we have extracted from the " Encyclopedia of Geography." While this description is given very largel}- in the technical botanical names of the plants, we have not scrupled to use it, for the reason that in giving the local flora, which must to a large extent be extracted from this, we shall give both the technical and the common names, and hence each of these species can be easily identified. " In the northern district of the United States, the forest is characterized by- the appearance of numerous Oaks, Hickories and Ashes, by the Liricdendron, Liqnidambar, the two Nyssas, the Platanus occidentalis, the two Walnuts, the Red Birch, Celtis occidentalis, the White Cedar, and the Red or Virginia Juniper; several Pines, the Tilias, the Black Sugar and the White Maples, the Negundo or Ash-leaved Maple, O&trya Virginica and Carpinus Americana, the Persimmon, and Ilex opaca. The undericood con- sists of the Cornus florida and Cercis Canadensis, so conspicuous in spring, the one for its white, and the other for its purple, blossoms; Button-bush, Laurus Sassafras and Benzoin, Quercus Banisteri and chinquapin, three Alders, the Wax-Myrtle, the Comptonia, the Witch-IIazel, which puis forth its flowers at the A'cry close of the season; numerous species of Yaccinium, Cornus, and Viburnum; the Sambucus Canadensis, the American Hazel, Staphylea trifolia, Zanthoxylum fraxineum, Ceanothus Ameri- canus; Rhus typhina, glabra, copallina and venenata; numerous Cratsegi, the Wild Crab, Aronia arbutifolia, the Itea, several Andromedas, two Azaleas, Hydrangea arborescens; Dirca palus- tris, our only species of Thymeleas; the Kalmias, three species of Euonymus, the Papaw, Clethras, Chionanthus Virginica, and Magnolia glauca. Most of the trees and shrubs mentioned under the last region (that of Northern North America) have disappeared, or are found only on the mountains. The Willows have become much less numerous, both in species and individuals. It is in the northern borders of this region also, in New York, 'Rew England, and on the mountains of Pennsylvania, that the autumnal foliage so celebrated for its varied tints, acquires its highest degree of magnificence; where the Red Maple, the Scarlet Oak, Yellow Birch, and the Purple Nyssa, are brought into contrast with the dark green of the Pines. Climbing plants now make their appear- ance, as various Grapes, Ampelopsis hederacea, Rhus radicans, Celastrus scandens, Clematis Virginiana, Menispermnm Cana- dense, the Apios and Amphicarpsea, Dioscorea villosa, Mikania scandens, Gonolobi, and some Phaseoli, Polygonum scandens and cilinode, and especially the diflerent species of Smilax, which form the underwood into tangled thickets, Herhaoeous Plants are found in great variety. In the springs Houstonia caerulea, the Podophyllum and Sanguinaria, Diclytra cucullaria, Thalictrum anemonoides. Ranunculus iascicularis, the HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUKTV. 351 Dentarias, several Violas, Claytonia Yirgiiiiana, Saxifraiija Yirgin- iana, Phlox subiilata, Erigeroii belliditbliuin Erythroniiim, and Senecio aureus, come into flower. These are succeeded bj the Epigea, some Ileliantheraums and Lecheas, the Solea, several Polygalas and Hypericums, Oxalis violacea, Stylosanthes elatior, numerous Desmodiums and Lespedezas, Triosteum perfoliatum, Campanula Americana, the blue Lobelias, various species of Asclepias, three Apocynums, Obolaria Virginica, Polemonium reptans, Pulmonaria Yirginica, the Monardas, Cunila Mariana, Collinsonia Canadensis, the Pycnantheraums and several Scutel- larias, the Phryma, Hyssopus nepetoides and scrophulariitblius, the yellow Gerardias, Pentstemon pubescens and hievigatum, Epiphagus Virgin iana and two Orobanches, Asarum Canadense, Arum dracontium and triphyllura, Cimicit'uga racemosa, two Ascyrums, Baptisia tinctoria, Chimaphila maculata, Sabbatia gra- cilis and angularis, Aristolochia serpentaria, three Corallorhizas, the Aplectrum, a single Orchis, Spiratithes tortllis, Triphora pendula, Malaxis liliitblia, four Cypripediums, Uvularia perfoliata and sessilifolia, the Gyromia, Sniilacina racemosa, Tephrosia Virginiana, a few UmbelliferjB, Helonias erj^throsperma, Aletris farinosa, Lilium Philadelphicum, Hypoxis erecta, Tradescantia Virginica, a Sisyrhynchium, Verbena hastata and urticifolia, a single Antirrhinum, the Sarothra, some QCnotheras, Silene stellata, several Eupatoriums and some species of Liatris, Senecio hieraci- folius, the varying-leaved Nabali, Lactuca elongata, some species of Cnicus, Cacalia atriplicifolia, three or four Hieraciums, Krigia amplexicaulis and Virginica, Gnaphaliura polycephalum and purpureum, some Erigerons, Lysimachia ciliata and quadrifoiia, Linum Virginianum, Ilypericum punctatura, Anychia dichotoma, Onosmodium hispidum, Leptandra Virginica, Polygonum Virgin- ianum, Corydalis aurea, Crotolaria sagittalis, some species of Phlox, Cuphea viscosissima, the Hydrastis, Buchnera Americana, Aralia racemosa, Polygonella articulata, Spermacoce tenuior, the Mitchella, Comandra umbellata, various Galiums, two Am manias, Parietaria Pennsylvanica, Kuhnia eupatorioides, and an Elaphantopus: — and in the low grounds by the Euchroma coccinea, Decodon verticillatum, Proserpinaca palustris and pectinata, the Saururus, Gratiola aurea and Virginica, Elodea Virginica, Lysimachia hybrida and racemosa, three or four Hypericums, Ludwigia alternifolia, Penthorum sedoides, Lilium superbum. Hibiscus moscheutos, the scarlet Lobelia, the Floerkia, Oxycoccus macrocarpa, Asclepias incarnata, Mimulus alatus and ringens, Justicia pedunculosa, Bcehmeria cylindrica and the semi-pellucid Urtica pumila, Pogonia ophioglos- soides and the Calopogon, the beautiful tribe of the Habenarias, Helonias dioica, several Polygonums, the genera Xyris and Eriocaulon, Iris versicolor, some Sparganiums, and Caladiuni Virginicum. The autamii is ushered in with a profusion of Asters and Solidagos, more conspicuous perhaps in the northeast, the Chrysopsis Mariana, Rudbeckia laciniata and Heliopsis laivis, a 352 HISTOET OF LA TORTE COUNTY. few Heliantlii, Cassia Marylandica and cliamsecrista, Acalypha Virginica, Trichostema dichotoma, Bidens bipinnata: — the low grounds are sometimes all golden with the flowers of the Bidens chrysanthemoides and trichosperma; or in other places the purple heads of Yernonia Noveboracensis become conspicuous, theWhorl- ed-leaved Eupatoriums and Eupatorium perfoliatum, Helenium au- tumnale, Ambrosia trifida, Clielone glabra, the purple Gerardias, Polygala cruciata and purpurea, Spiranthes cernua, and above all the beautiful blue Gentiana crinita. " Many line-flowering aquatics are found in this region: The Nymphgea odorata and Nuphar advena, the Yillarsia, the Hydro- peltis, the Orontium, Pontederia cordata, Ileteranthera reniformis, the Schollera, various singular Sagittarias, numerous Utricularias, Hypericum angulosum, Yallisneria Americana, Udora Canadensis, Sparganium fluitans, the Fucoid-like Podostemon, Bidens Beckii, the curious Hottonia inflata, Eriocaulon flavidulum and an unde- scribed species; and among gramineous plants, Eleocharis subter- minalis and Juncus militaris, besides the large and beautiful Zizania aquatica. Of other gramineous plants, many interesting grasses, including some peculiar forms, make their appearance; Carices still prevail in the marshes, though less exclusively than in the north, giving place to Rhynchosporas, Cypeii, the Dulichium, the numerous articulated Junci, and even some Sclerias; but the Eriophorums have mostly disappeared, except Eriophorum Yirgin- icum, and are replaced i3y brown Trichophorums. The Ferns, notwithstanding the minuteness of their seeds, which seems to admit of their transportation by the winds to great distances, are found to be nearly all different from those of the eastern conti- nent: among the more remarkable are, a climber, L3'godium pahnatum, reminding us of the tropics, two Botrychiums and Osmnndas, a Strutliiopteris, numerous Aspidiums and Aspleniums, four species of Pteris, two Woodwardias, the Onoclea, Adiantum pedntum, and a minute Schizea. "• This district is divided by the Alleghanies into two distinct regions. This happens less from the height of these ridges, acting as a barrier to the migration of plants, than from tiie peculiar circumstances of soil, in the wide-spread basin of tlie Ohio. The consequence of the horizontal stratification of the rocks, everywhere of a yielding character, is here seen in the narrow and winding water-courses, flowing with a gentle and uniform current, the heiglit of the waters ever varying, from tlie frequent rains ; lakes, too, being entirely absent, and still water of any description, or even mill-seats, rarely to be met with; — when these circumstances are taken into consideration, the unexpected scarcity of aquatics seems less surprising. But, on the other hand, notwithstanding the borders of the water-courses in many places are subject to over- flow, marshes are singularly rare (this is said of the Ohio basin); to which must be added the almost total absence of pine- woods, occa- sioned, no doubt, by the small proportion of sandy or gravelly soil. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 353 Accordingly, on comparing the flora of tlie Ohio basin with that of the Atlantic States, in similar latitudes, the absent species are found to consist, for the most part, either of aquatics, of marsh- plants, or of such as are adapted to an arid soil, v, hile, on the other hand, many plants make their appearance which are unknown east of the mountains. Whether this is to be attributed in any degree to the prevalence of limestone in the West, we do not possess suffi- cient data to determine; 3'et some plants are said to be confined to limestone soil, though, it would seem, far less exclusively than in the case of saline plants. We will here enumerate some of the most characteristic plants of each region. ''''In the western section^ among the trees, Tilia heterophylla, ^sculus pallida, the Virgilia, the Locust, Gleditschia triacanthos and brachj^carpa, the Gymnocladus, the Wild Cherry, Quercus imbricaria and macrocarpa, tlie Cotton-wood, confined to the banks of rivers; Ulmus fulva and the Wild Mulberry, the Pecan-nut, Hickory, the Hackberry, Carya sulcata, the Planera, Fraxinns quadrangulata; — among shruh)<, Hibiscus militaris, Rhus aromatica, Darlingtonia brachyloba and glandulosa, Gallenia stipulacea, Rosa rubifolia, an Adelia, Euonymus obovatus, a Rhamnns, an Amorpha, Celtis tenuifolia, the Hamiltonian, and Hydrangea nivea; it is here, too, that the parasitic Mistletoe most abounds, and its evergreen tufts adhering to the branches of the trees compensate to a certain degree for the absence of Pines; — of climhing 2:>lant8, we may name Menispermum Lyoni, Momordica echinata, two Gonolobi, and the Enslenia, Yitis riparia and another species, and Aristolo- cliia Sipho and tomentosa; — among herhaceous plants, tlie delicate vernal Erigenia, the Stylipus, Collinsia verna, the Jeffersonia, Meconopsis petiolata and diphylla, Dentaria maxima, Hesperis pinnatifida, the Polanisia, Silene regia and rotundifolia, Trifolium reflexum and stoloniferum, Onosmodium molle; various Phacelias, Hydrophyllums and Ellisias; the Nemophila, Draeocephalum? cordatum, the Isanthus, the Synandra; two or three Hedeomas, Scutellarias and Verbenas; Seymeria macrophylla, Gerardia auric- ulata, Capraria muitifida, Pachysandra procumbens, some Delphin- iums and Hypericums, Sedum pulchellum and ternatum, Cacalia reniformis and suaveolens, Polymnia Canadensis and Uvedalia, Parthenium integrifolium, Bellis integrifolia, and various other Compositse; the Frasera, Plantago cordata. Euphorbia dentata and others, Erythromium albidum, two or three Heucheras, Aconitum nncinatum, some species of Phlox, Talinum teretifolium, the Zan- thorhiza, Baptisia alba and australis. Paronychia dichotoma, Smila- cina? umbellulata, Spermacoce glabra, Gentiana amarylloides, Yaleriana pauciflora, and Aetinomeris helianthoides: — among gra- mineoiis plants, Ilniola latifolia, the Diarrhena, a Melica, some Carices, etc.: — and, notwithstanding what has been said above of aquatic plants, a few make their way throughout this i-egion, but seem to occur more frequently west of the Mississippi river, as the Hydropeltis, Nupliar ad vena, the Podostemon and Schollera, the 354 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Pontederia; and we can name one which seems to be peculiar, the Heteranthera ovalis." — Encyclopedia of Geography. This, in a general way, gives the flora of the northern part of the United States. As La Porte county partakes of the general nature of this section, — in climate, soil, elevation, etc., — for it is a part of it, we may expect to lind its flora to be about the same. We shall now proceed to enumerate, and partially describe, the plants which we find constituting this flora. In doing so we shall give the technical and common names of them, — the technical names, so that those who are disposed to do so may the more readily consult works treating on these things when they find a plant to whicli they wish to give more than ordinary study; and the common names, so that there will be no need to consult any special work to find out what any particular plant is unless there is a special cause impelling to it. But in giving the common names of the plants we find a little difliculty staring us in the face; and that is that diflferent localities apply diflferent names to the same plant. If at any time there should a doubt arise from this cause as to what plant is intended, then the remedy will be to consult a work on botany under the technical name given in which the plant intended will be described. Certainly there are hours of profitable study in the flora of La Porte county. THE FLORA OF LA PORTE COUNTY. In giving this list of plants we have made no attempt to com- pletely catalogue the flora of the county, but have selected those which are most common and important. The various botanies analyze the plants in slightly different ways, but we think that by the method which we have adopted any plant given can be found in any of the standard works. Order I. Ranunculace^. (Crowfoot Family.) 1. Clematis. (Yirgin's Bower.) 1. Clematis Yiorna. (Leather Flower.) A vine, and may be known by its thick sepals, which are reflected at points, and of a purplish color. 2. Clematis Virginiana, (Common Virgin's Bower.) These two plants possess medical properties, and are used in can- cerous ulcers and severe headaches. 2. ITepatioa. (Liver-leaf, llepatica. Liverwort.) 1. Hepatica acutiloba. This is one of the earliest harbingers of spring. It varies in color from white to pink and purple. It seeks moist places; and as a medicine it is a mild demulcent , tonic and astringent. 3. Delphinium. (Larks]iur.) 1. Delphinium azureum. (Azure Larkspur.) Cultivated in wardens. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 355 4. Hydrastis. (Orange Root or Yellow Paccoon.) 1. Hydrastis Canadensis. This plant is not common, and grows in moist places. It is used as a tonic and aperient. 5. Acta. (Baneberry.) 1. ActcBa spicata. (Red Baneberry.) Berries red, on slender pedicels. Not uncommon in the woods. •* 2. Actcea alba. (White Baneberry.) Berries white. This plant is mentioned as a violent purgative. 6. Cimicifuga. (Bugbane.) 1. Cimicifuga racemosa. (Black Snakeroot.) A tall, leafy plant, with the aspect of an Actgea, found in upland woods. It affects the nervous system, perhaps in a sedative way. Dangerous in large doses. Order II. Magnoltace.e. (Magnolia Family.) 1. Liriodendron. (Tulip Tree.) 1. Liriodendron Tulipi/era. (The " Poplar.") Common for- est tree, and makes one of the most useful kinds of lumber. It is used as a stimulant tonic, and for chronic rheumatism and dyspep- sia. Order III. Anonace.g. (Custard-Apple Family.) 1. Asimina. (North American Papaw.) 1. Asimina triloba. (Common Papaw.) A small beautiful tree. The fruit is yellowish, fragrant, eatable, and ripe in October. Order IY. Berberidace.*:. (Barberry Family.) 1. Jeffersonia. (Twin Leaf.) 1. Jeffersonia diphylla. Often found growing side by side with Blood-root, and for which the flower is sometimes taken. The root is an emetic in large doses, and a tonic and expectorant in small doses. 2. Podophyllum. (Mandrake. May- Apple.) 1. Podophyllunh peltatum. (Common May-Apple.) This is among our more curious and interesting plants; is very plentiful. It is an active and certain cathartic. Order Y. Papaverace^. (Poppy Family.) 1. Stylophorum. (Celandine.) 1. Stylophorum diphyllum A pale green herb found under fences, b}^ roadsides, etc. 2. Sanguinaria. (Blood-root.) 1. Sanguinaria Canadensis. (Blood-root.) An interesting plant of the woods, and appears in the early spring. It is an acrid emetic, and also an expectorant. The plant occu])ies a high place in med- icine. 356 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Order Y1. Crucifer^. (Mustard Family.) 1. Nasturtium. (Water-Cress.) 1. Nasturtium Armoracia. (Horse-Iiadish.) Escaped from cul- tivation. Not very common. It is a valuable stimulant, as pro- moting appetite and invigorating digestion. 2. Dentaria. (Tooth-wort. Pepper-root.) 1. Dentaria laciniata. (Pepper-root.) The root-stock consists of several tubers of a pungent taste; leaves usually in a whorl about half way up. 3. Cardamine. (Bitter-Cress.) 1. Cardamine hirsuta. (Smair Bitter-Cress.) A variable plant common in wet places throughout the United States. 4. Barharea. (Winter-Cress.) 1. Barharea valgaris. (Common Winter-Cress.) Found in wet places, in old fields, along brook-sides, etc. 5. Sinapis. (Mustard.) 1. Sinapis nigra. (Black Mustard.) Found in cultivated grounds and waste places; very common. 2. Sinapis alba. (White Mustard.) A native of Europe; cul- tivated, with slight escapement from cultivation. These plants are very useful in medicine, being used as a laxative, emetic, stimulant and rubefacient, according to doses given. 6. Camelina. (False Flax.) 1. Camelina sativa. (Gold-of- Pleasure.) Found in cultivated fields, — especially in flax fields. Came from Europe, where it is said to be cultivated for the oil which its seeds afibrd. 7. Capsella. (Shepherd's Purse.) 1. Capsella Bursa-Pastoris. (Shepherd's Purse.) Found every- where, in fields, pastures and roadsides. 8. Lepidium. (Pepper-Grass.) 1. Lepidium Yirginicum. (Wild Tongue-Grass.) Taste pun- gent, like that of the garden pepper -grass; found in dry fields and on the roadsides. Order YII. Yiolace^. (The Yiolet Family.) 1. Solea. (Green Violet.) 1. Solea concolor. A strictly erect plant in the woods. 2. Viola. (Violet. Ileart's-Ease.) 1. Viola lanceolata. (Lance-leaved Violet.) Found growing in wet meadows. 2. Viola cuGullata. (Common blue Violet.) Found growing almost everywhere. Order VIII. CARYOPHYLLACEiE. (Pink Family.) 1. Saponaria. (Soap-wort.) 1. Saponaria officinalis. (Common Soap-wort. Bouncing Bet.) HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. 357 Cultivated in gardens; sparingly "escaped from cultivation. Sapo- nin, obtained from it, is said to be poison. 2. Lychnis. (Lychnis Cockle.) 1. LyGhnis Githago. (Corn Cockle.) Found in wheat and in old fields, a well-known weed, and handsome, but a great nuisance to the farmers. Imported from Europe. Okdeb IX, PoRTULACACE^. (Purslauc Family.) 1. Portulaoa. (Purslane.) 1. Portulaca oleracea. (Common Purslane.) An abundant and rapidly growing weed in the gardens; seemingly impossible to exterminate it. It is a cooling diuretic, and is recommended in scurvy, and affections of the urinary organs. Order X. TiLiACEiE. (Linden family.) 1. Tilia. (Linden. Basswood.) 1. Tilia Amerieana. (Lime tree. Lin. Basswood.) A com- mon forest tree. Timber valuable; wood soft and white, used in cabinet work and in paneling carriages. Order XI. Linages. (Flax Family.) 1. Linum. (Flax.) 1. Linum usitatissimwtn. (Common Flax.) Found occasionally in old fields and along the roadsides; introduced but become somewhat naturalized. Order XI I. Geraniacp:^. (Gerania.) 1. Geranium. (Cranesbill.) I. Geranium inaGidatum. (Spotted Geranium.) Found in the woods, etc. It is one of the best astringents; and is particularly'- useful to infants and persons of very delicate stomachs. It is used in cases of diarrhoea, chronic dysentery, and cholera infantum. Order XIII. Balsamtnace.e. (Jewel Weeds.) 1. Impatiens. (Balsam.) 1. Impatiens pallida. (Pale Touch-me-not.) Found in wet, shady places. 2. Impatie)is fulva. (Spotted Touch-me-not.) Grows on moist ground, and somewhat more common than the last. Order XIV. Zanthoxylace^. 1. Zanthoxylum. (Prickly-Ash.) 1. Zanthoxylum Americana. (Northern Prickly- Ash.) Found in most places in the United States. The bark is a bitter aromatic and a stimulant. 2. Ptelea. (Hop Tree.) 1. Ptelea trifoUata. (Shrubby Trefoil.) Quite odorous. 368 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Order XY. Anacardiace^. (Cashew Familj.) 1. Rhus. (Sumach.) 1. Rhus glabra. (Smooth Sumach.) Found in thickets and waste grounds. Berries red, and are astringent and refrigerant, and are almost a specific in sore mouth from mercurial salivation. 2. Rhus Toxicodendron. (Poison Ivj. Poison Oak.) Found vining on trees and along fences. It is poisonous, both by contact and bv a volatile principle which it gives off. Order XVI. Yitace^. (Yine Family.) 1. Yitis. (Grape Yine.) 1. VitU labrusca. (Northern Fox-G-rape.) It grows in woods and groves. The Isabella is a cultivated variety of this species. 2. Vitis CBstivalis. (Summer Grape.) Berries deep blue, well flavored, but small. Found in woods and thickets. 3. Vitis cordifolia. (Winter Grape.) Berries nearly black, rather small, late, acid, but well flavored after frosts of November. Is found clinging to trees in woods and thickets. 2. Ampelopsis. (Yirginian Creeper.) 1. Amyelopsis quin que folia. (American Yvy. Woodbine.) A vigorous climber, found wild in woods and thickets; and often on fences and trees. It is cultivated as a covering for walls. Order XYII. Celastrace.e. (Staft'-tree Family.) 1. Celastrus. (Staff-tree. Shrubby Bitter-Sweet.) 1. Celastrus scandens. (Climbing Bitter-Sweet.) A climbing shrub in woods and thickets, twining about other trees or each other, and ascending to a great height. It has emetic, diaphoretic and narcotic properties. 2. Euonymus. (Spindle Tree.) 1. Euonymus atropurpureus . (Burning Bush. Waahoo.) Found in shady woods; fruit of a bright red color. Its properties are not well known. Order XYIII. Acerace.e. (Maples.) 1 . Acer. (Maple.) 1. Acer ruhrtim. (Swamp Maple.) It is a common tenant of low woods, and is used in cabinet work. It is one of the first flowering trees of spring. 2. Acer dasycarpum. (White or Silver Maple). Found along the banks of streams. 3. Acer saccharinum. (Sugar or Rock Maple.) One of the most common forest tree-'. From it the maple sugar is obtained. Order XIX. Leguminos^. (Leguminous Plants.) 1. Trifolium. (Clover. Trefoil.) 1. Trifolium repens. (Creeping or White Clover.) Found everj'where. Excellent for bees. HISTORY OF LA TOKTE COUNTY. 359 2. Trifollum prate)ise. (Red Clover.) This is the clover so extensively cultivated in the fields. 2. Rohinia. (Locnst-Tree). 1, Robinia Pseudacacla. (Common Locust.) Tree common, .and is valuable timber. It is a tonic in small doses, and an emetic in large doses. 3. Baptisia. (False or Wild Indigo.) 1. Baptisia tinctoria. (Wild Indigo.) A plant with a bluish- green ibliage, very bushy stem, and frequent in the dry soils. 2. Baptisia leucantha. (Wliite-flowered Wild Indigo.) Very conspicuous on the prairies; stem thick and from two to three feet high; perhaps vanishing on account of cultivation of prairies. 4. Cercis. (Judas Tree. Red-bud.) 1. Cercis Canadensis. (Red-bud.) A handsome tree, especially when in bloom. An old author, Gerarde, says of it: "This is the tree whereon Judas did hang himself, and not on the elder tree, as it is said." This perhaps accounts for its name. 5. Gleditschia. (Honey Locust.) 1. Oleditschia triacanthus. (Honey Locust or Three-thorned Acacia.) A fine tree. Its ]imbs*are armed in a most formidable way with thorns from two to three inches long. Okder XX. Rosacea. (Rose Family.) 1. Cerasus. (Cherrj^ Tree.) 1. Cerasus serotina. (Black or Wild Cherry.) A large forest tree; used in cabinet work, fine grained, and receives a high pol- ish. Its bark has a bitter taste and is used as a tonic. 2. Cerasus Virginiana. (Choke Cherry.) A small tree or shrub, and is found in moist woods and hedges. 2. Primus. (Plum Tree.) 1. Prurius Americana. (Red Plum. Yellow Plum.) Found in groves and low woods; somewhat thorny, — sometimes cultivated for its fruit. 2. Pruiivs spinosa. (Black Thorn.) A thorny shrub, 12 or 15 feet high; an importation from Europe. 3. Fragaria. (Strawberry.) 1. Fragaria Virginiana, (Scarlet or Wild Strawberry.) Found in fields and on prairie; fruit delicious and fragrant. 2. Fragaria vesca. (English Strawberry.) Found in fields and woods, and cultivated in gardens. 4. Rubus. (Bramble.) 1. Ruh us villas us. (High Blackberry.) Well known, and very common; fruit subacid, and well-flavored. 2. R'uhus Canadensis. (Low Blackberry. Dewberry.) Com- mon in fields and meadows, trailing several yards upon the ground. Fruit very sweet and juicy. 360 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 3. Buhus hlspidus. (Running Swamp Blackberry.) Found in moist and wet places. The roots of the blackberry and dewberry are used as tonics, and they possess strong astringent qualities. 4. Buhus Idceus. (Garden Raspberry.) Cultivated. Stems shrubby, — from three to five feet high, — fruit delicious. 5. Rtibus OGcidentalis. (Black Raspberry. Thirableberry.) A tall slender bramble found in thickets, rocky fields, etc. 5. Rosa. (Rose.) 1. Rosa Carolina. (Carolina Rose. Swamp Rose.) A prickly shrub in swamps and damp woods. Flowers varying between white and red. 2. Rosa lacida. (Shining or Wild Rose.) Found in dry woods or thickets. Flowers a pale red. 3. Rosa setigera. (Michigan or Prairie Rose.) This splendid species is a native of Michigan ; about 20 varieties are in cultiva- tion. 4. Rosa ruhiginosa. (Eglantine. Sweet-Brier.) A stout, prickly shrub, naturalized in fields and along road-sides. Largely cultivated. 6. Pyrus. (Apple.) 1. Pyrus coronaria. (Crab Apple. Sweet-scented Crab-tree.) A small tree, with spreading branches. Fruit small and sour, but esteemed for preserves. 2. Pyrus arhutjfolia. (Choke Berry.) Found in low, moist woodlands. Fruit astringent, and as large as a currant. Order XXI. Grossulace^. (Currants and Gooseberries.) 1. Ribes. (Currants and Gooseberries.) 1. Ribes floridum. (Wild Black Currant.) A handsome shrub in woods and hedges; somewhat rare. Fruit insipid. 2. Ribes rubrum. (Common Red Currant.) Fruit red, and uuiversall}' cultivated in gardens. Grows even to the Arctic ocean. 3. Ribes Cynosbati. (Pricklj^ Gooseberry.) A handsome shrub; berries prickly, brownish-purple, eatable. 4. Ribes rotundifolvuin. (Wild Gooseberry.) Found in woods. The fruit is purple, delicious, resembling the garden gooseberry. Order XXII. Hamamelace.e.'I? (Witch Hazel ^amil3^) 1. Hamamelis. (Witch Hazel.) 1. Hamamelis Yirginiana. (Common Witch Hazel.) A large shrub, and blooms in the autumn. " Amidst the reisrninfir desola- tions of autumn and winter, this alone puts forth its yellow blos- soms." Its small branches have been used by the superstitious as "divining rods." Order XXIII. Balsamiflu.^. (Liquidumbars.) 1. Liguidumbar. (Sweet-Gum Tree.) 1. Liquidumbar Styraciiiua. (Sweet Gum. Bilsted.) A forest tree; not very common. When wounded in summer, a gum ot » HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 361 an agreeable order exudes from the trunk. A sjrup made from the bark may be used in summer diarrhoea and dysentery. Order XXIY. Umbelliferje. (Parsley Family.) 1. Sanioula. (Sanicle.) 1, Sanicula Marylandioa. (Black Snakeroot.) Found in woods and thickets. Useful in intermittent fever. Order XX v. Araliace^. (Araliads or Ginseng Family.) 1. Aralia. (Sarsaparilla.) 1. Aralia nudicaulis. (Wild Sarsaparilla.) A well-known plant, found in woods. Used largely as a medicine. 2. Aralia racemosa. (Pettymorrel. Spikenard.) Found in woods. Root pleasant to the taste, and esteemed as an ingredient in small beer; root aromatic. 3. Aralia spinosa. (Angelica Tree, Hercules' Club.) Found in damp woods. An infusion acts as an emetic and cathartic. 4. Aralia quinquefoUa. (Ginseng.) Found in dry woods. Tuberous roots, which possess some medicinal qualities, but not much used. Order XXYI. Cornace^. (Dog-wood Family.) 1, Cornus. (Cornel. Dog- wood.) 1. Cornus sericea. (Red Osier. Kinnikinnick.) A shrub about eight feet high, with opposite, dusky, purple branches, and dark- red shoots. 2. Cornus fiorida. (Flowering Dogwood. Bunch-berry.) Found in the woods; very ornamental when in flower. Both this and the last are used as tonics and astringents. 2. JVyssa. (Tupelo. Pepperidge. Gum Tree.) 1. Nyssa rtiultiflora. (Gum Tree.) A forest tree. The timber is not very valuable, yet it may be used for beetles, naves of wheels, and hatters' blocks. Order XXVII. Caprifoliace^. (Honeysuckle Family.) 1. Lonicera. (Honeysuckle Woodbine.) 1. Lonicera sempervirens. (Trumpet Honeysuckle.) Found in moist groves. Cultivated. 2. Lonicera Pertclymenum. (Woodbine Honeysuckle.) A woody climber; cultivated. 2. Triosteum. (Fever-wort. Horse-gentian.) 1. Triosteum perfoliatum. (Fever- wort.) A coarse, unattract- ive plant. The root is large and fleshy, and in much repute in medicine, having many of the properties of Ipecacuanha. 3. Samhucus. (Elder.) 1. Sambticus Canadensis. (Common Elder.) A common, well- known shrub; stem tilled with light, porous pith, especially when young. Berries, dark purple. 362 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. 4. Viburnum. (Laurestine. Arrow-wood.) 1. Viburnum prunifolium. (Black Haw.) Found in the woods and thickets. Flowers, white, succeeded by oval, blackish berries, which are sweet and eatable. 2. Viburnum dentaturn. (Arrow- wood.) A shrub not un- common in damp woods and thickets; called "arrow- wood" from its long straight branches and young shoots. Order XXVIII. Composite. (Asterworts.) 1. Vernonia. (Iron-weed.) 1. Vernonia Noveboracensis. (New York Vernonia. Iron- weed.) A tall, showy plant with numerous, large, dark purple flowers, found in the meadows and other moist places. 2. Vernonia fascioulata. (Iron- weed.) Found in woods and on prairies of the Western States; a coarse, purplish-green weed from three to teii feet high. 2. Eujpatorium. (Tlioroughwort. Boneset.) 1. Eupatorium fistulosum. ^Trumpet weed.) Found in thick- ets; hollow its entire length. 2. Eupatorium rotundifolium. (Hoarhound.) A slend-er spe- cies, found in dry fields. A remedy used in pulmonary troubles. 3. EiLjpatorium pe'ifoliatum. (Tlioroughwort. Boneset.) A common, well-known plant; found on low grounds. The plant is bitter, and is used in medicine as a tonic. 4. Eupatorium ageratoides. (Nettle-leaved Eupatorium. White Snake-root.) A handsome species, found in the woods. ' 3. Erigeron. (Fleabane.) 1. Erigeron heterophyllum. (Common Fleabane.) A common weed, in fields and waste places. 2. Erigeron Canadense. (Horse-weed. Butterweed.) A very common annual plant of no beauty, growing by roadsides and in fields. The plant varies in size according to soil. 4. Inula. (Elecampane.) 1. Inula Selenium. (Common Elecampane.) A large, herba- ceous plant, common by roadsides. Its medical virtues are tonic and exoectorant, and have lono- been esteemed. 5. Atnbrosia. (Ragweed.) 1. Ambrosia trifida. (Great Ragweed.) Quite common; found in unused pastures, and along roadsides. Flowers mean and in long, leafless spikes. 2. Ambrosia aj'temisimfoHa. (Hog-weed.) A common and troublesome weed of the field and garden, etc. It is far more worthv of its English name than it is of its Latin. 6. Xanthium,. (Cocklebur.) 1. Xanthium Strximarmm. (Clotweed. Common Cocklebur.) A coarse, rough plant, in old fields, etc. A nuisance to the farmer HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 363 7. Heliopsis. (Ox-ej'e.) 1. Heliopsis IcBvis. (Ox-eye.) A large, symmetrical plant; branches thickened at the summit, each terminating with a solid, yellow head. 8. Silphium. (Rosin Weed.) 1. Silphium lac'uoiatum. (Polar Plant. Rosin Weed.) Found on the prairies. In an early day it produced great quantities of smoke when the jirairies burned, on account of its resin. 2. SUphium terehinthinaceum. (Prairie Burdock.) A prairie plant; and like the above, it exudes a resinous matter. Stem from four to eight feet high, 9. Helianthus. (Sun-Flower.) 1. Heliantfius annuus. (Common Sunflower.) This well- known plant is from South America. It is cultivated, and spar- ingly escaped from cultivation. 2. Helianthus Icetiflorus. (Splendid Sunflower.) Found in barrens, and is a rough, but showy plant. Disk yellow. 10. Coreopsis. (Tick-seed. 1. Coreopsis tripteris. (Fall Coreopsis.) A tall, smooth, ele- gant species; found in dry soils. 11. Bidens. (Burr- Marigold.) 1. Bidens frondosa. (Common Beggar Ticks.) A common weed in moist, cultivated fields; stem about two feet high, sending out manv spreading branches. 2. Bidens connata. (Common Beggar Ticks.) Found in swamps and ditches; stem from one to three feet high, smooth and four-furrowed, with opposite branches. 3. Bidens hipimiata. (Spanish Keedles.) Grows in waste places, in corn-fields, etc.; stem from two to four feet high; a nuisance. 12. Maruta. (May-Weed.) 1. Maruta cotula. (Common May- Weed.) Naturalized in waste places, along roadsides, etc. ; an ill-scented plant. Linnaeus says: "It is grateful to toads, drives away fleas, and is annoying to flies." 13. Achillea. (Yarrow.) 1. Achillea Millefolium. (Common Yarrow. Milfoil.) The yarrow abounds in fields, pastures, etc. It is a mild, aromatic tonic and astringent; its taste and smell is agreeable and pungent. 14. Lencanthemum. (Ox-eye.) 1. Leucanthenium vulgare. (White-weed. Ox-eye Daisy.) The common white-weed is an annoyance to farmers, rapidly over- spreading pastures and neglected fields. 15. Tanacetum. (Tansy.) 1. Tanacetum vulgare. (Common Tansy.) Naturalized in old 24 364 HISTORY OF la porte county. fields and roadsides. The whole plant has a strong aromatic smell, and a very bitter taste.'giThe seeds are anthelmintic. 16. Cirsium. (Common Plumed Thistle.) 1. Cirsium discolor. (Tall Thistle.) A slender thistle, from two to five feet high; found in thickets. 2. Cirsium lanceolatum. (Common Thistle.) Common in borders of fields and along roadsides; stem from three to four feet high, surmounted with numerous, large, purple flowers. 3. Cirsium, altissimum. A very tall thistle found in fields and barrens. Stem from three to eight feet high; flowers, purple. 17. Lappa. (Burdock.) 1. Lappa officinalis. (Common Burdock.) Grows almost everywhere; an unsightly, ill-scented plant, and very troublesome. 18. Taraxcum. (Dandelion.) 1. Taraxacum Dens-Leonis. (Common Dandelion.) Grows everywhere in all open situations. It is slightly tonic, diuretic and aperient; and it is used as a pottage, and as a substitute for coffee. 19. Lactuca. (Lettuce.) 1. Lactuca elongata. (Wild Lettuce. Trumpet Milkweed.) A common, rank plant, growing in hedges and thickets, where the soil is rich and damp. Stem hollow, stout, and from three to six feet high. 2. Lactuca sativa. (Common Garden Lettuce.) The varieties of this exotic are everywhere well known, and cultivated for a salad. Order XXIX. Lobeliace^. (Lobelia Family.) 1. Lohelia. (Lobelia.) 1. Lohelia cardinalis. (Cardinal Flower.) A tall species of superior beauty, frequent in meadows and along streams; stem from two to four feet high. Flower a deep scarlet. 2. Lobelia inflata. (Indian Doctor.) Found in fields and woods. This plant is rendered famous by the Thompsonian physi- cians. It is a powerful emetic and has narcotic powers also. Its effect on the system is much the same as tobacco. 3. Lohelia spicata. (Clayton's Lobelia.) Found in fields and prairies. Stem from one to two feet high ; flowers pale blue. Order XXX. Campanulace^. (Campanula Family.) 1. Campanula. (Bell-Flower.) 1. Campanula Americana. (Tall Bell-Flower.) h tall, erect, ornamental species in fields, hills, etc.; also cultivated in gardens. 2. Specularia. (Venus' Looking-Glass.) 1. Specularia SpeGulum. (Venus' Looking-Glass.) A pretty bor- der flower named from the form of the blue corolla, which resembles a little, round, concave mirror (speculum). HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNT T. 365 Order XXXI. Ericaceae. (Heathworts. Heath Family.) 1. Yaccinium. (Huckleberry) 1. Vaccinium resin osum. (The Black Whortleberry or Huckle- berry.) This common shrub of the woods and pastures is about two feet high. Its berries are black, globose, sweet and eatable. 2. Yaccinium corynibosum. (Blue Bilberry. High Whortle- berry.) A tall shrub, from four to eight feet high, growing in shady swamps and by mud ponds. Berries, black, with a tinge of pur- ple; subacid. Order XXXII. Plantaginace^. (Ribworts. Plantain Fam- ily.) 1. Plantago. (Plantain. Rib-Grass.) 1. Plantago major. (Common Plantain.) This well-known ribwort is a native of Japan, Europe and America. Its leaves are reputed a good external application for wounds. 2. Plantago lanceolata. (Lance-leaved or English Plantain.) Common in pastures and grass-lands. It is freely eaten by cattle. Order XXXIII. Scrophulariace^. (Figwort Family.) 1. Yerhascum. (Mullein.) 1. Yerbascum Tkapsus. (Common Mullein.) Found in every slovenly field, and by the roadsides. 2. Yerhascum Canadensis. (Canadian Snap-dragon.) An an- nual species in roadsides and fields. Flowers small, and blue, at the end of the stems. Order XXXIY. Bignoniace.^. (Bignonia Family.) 1. Tecoma. (Trumpet Flower.) 1. Tecoma radicans. (Trumpet Creeper.) A splendid climber in woods and thickets, along streams. Flowers are a bright scarlet red. 2. Catalpa. (Catalpa.) 1. Catalpa hignonioides. (Common Catalpa.) Cultivated tor ornament and shade. A fine, wide-spreading tree. Order XXXY. Acanthaceje. (Acanthus Family .( 1. Dianthera. (Water Willow.) 1. Dianthera Americana. (Common Water Willow.) Found on sluggish streams; stem from one to three feet high. 2. Ruellia. (Prairie Willow.) 1. Ruellia strepens. (Common Prairie Willow.) Found in dry barrens and prairies; stem eight to twenty-four inches high. Order XXXYI. Yerbenace^. (Yervain Family.) 1. Yerhena. (Yervain.) 1. Yerlena hastata. (Blue Yervain. Simpler's Joy.) An elegant, tall and erect plant, frequent by roadsides and in low 366 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. grounds. Flowers small and blue; used sometimes as a nervine remedy. 2. Verbena hracteosa. (Prostrate Verbena.) Found in dry fields and roadsides, and in waste places; flowers small and blue. 3. Verbena Aubletia. Common Garden Verbena.) A slender and delicate green-house plant; cultivated. Flowers in successive clusters, rose-color and scarlet. Order XXXVII. Labiatje. (Mint Family.) 1. Teucrium. (Germander.) 1. Teucrium, Canadense. (American Germander.) Found in fields and roadsides; stem about two feet high; flowers of a purplish color. 2. Isanthns. (Blue Gentian. False Pennyroyal.) 1. Isanthus coeriileiis. (Blue Gentian.) A branching, leafy herb, in dry fields. It has the aspect of pennyroyal. Flowers numerous and blue. 3. Mentha. (Mint.) 1 Mentha Canadensis. (Horse Mint.) An herbaceous, grayish plant growing in muddy places. The stem is square, and about one to two feet high. The plant is aromatic. 2. Mentha vir id is. (Spearmint.) A well known plant, highly esteemed for its agreeable aromatic properties. It grows in wet soil. 3. Mentha piperita. (Peppermint.) Cultivated in gardens, and naturalized in wet places. The essence of peppermint is a well-known medicine, acting as a cordial in flatulency, nausea, etc. 4. Melissa. (Balm.) 1. Melissa, officinalis. (Common Balm.) A well-known gar- den plant. Flowers white or yellowish. It is a stomachic and diuretic, generally administered in the form of tea. 5. Hedeoma. (Mock Pennyroyal.) 1. Hedeoma pulegioides. (American Pennj^royal.) A small, strong-scented herb, held in high repute in the domestic medicine. 6. Salvia. (Sage.) 1. Salvia lyrata. (Wild or Meadow Sage. Cancer- weed.) Found in shady woods. Stem erect, quadrangular, and nearly leaf- less; from one to two feet high. 2. Salvia officinalis. (Common Sage.) A well-known garden plant, very useful in domestic economy and medicine. 3. Salvia Mexicana. (Mexican Salvia.) A beautiful and popular house-plant. Flowers bright crimson or scarlet. 7. Monarda. (Horse-mint.) 1. Monarda fistulosa. (Wild Bergamot.) A handsome vari- able plant, growing in hedges and thickets. Stem from two to four feet high. HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 367 2. Monarda punctata. (A kind of Horse-mint.) Found in pine barren. Stem from two to three feet high. It contains an essen- tial oils which is valuable in medicine. 8. Nepeta. (Cat-mint.) 1. Nepeta Cataria. (Common Catnip.) This common plant is naturalized everywhere about old buildings and fences. It is used as a tonic and stimulant, especially with young children, 2. Neyeta GJechoma. (Ground Ivy.) A creeping plant. Found in woods lately cleared. The plant is aromatic, and a gentle stimulant and tonic. 9. Prunella. (Self-heal.) 1. Prunella vulgaris. (Heal-all. Blue Curls.) A common plant in meadows and low grounds. Flowers blue. 10. SGutellaria. (Skull-cap.) 1. Scutellaria galericulata. (Common Skull-cap.) Found in meadows and ditches; abundant. Flowers blue. Used in medicine. 2. Scutellaria lateriflora. (Mad- dog Skull-cap.) Found vet meadows and ditches; flowers blue, intermixed with small leaves. 11. Marrnhium. (Hoarhound.) 1. MarrubiuTn vulgar e. (Common Hoarhound.) Found in dry fields and roadsides. It is an aromatic and bitter herb. It possesses tonic and diuretic properties, and is much used in lung affections. 12. GaJeopsis. (Hemp !N"ettle.) 1. Galeopsis Tetrahit. (Common Hemp Nettle.) A common weed. 13. Leonurus. (Motherwort.) 1. Leonurus Cardiaca. (Common Motherwort.) Commenc- ing to escape to woods, streets and roadsides; the constant follower of civilization. It has a strong, pungent smell, and is used in herb drinks for coughs and colds. 14. Stachys. (Hedge Nettle.) 1. Stachys sylvatica. (Wood Stachys.) A very rough and hairy herb, in low woods and shady banks. Okdee XXXYIII. Borraginace^. (Borage Family.) 1. Symphytum. (Comfrey.) 1. Sym/phytum officinale. (Common Comfrey.) A large, but showy exotic; naturalized in dry grounds. Useful in curing wounds. 2. Myosotis. (Scorpion-grass.) 1. Myosotis stricta. (Forget-me-not.) Found in sandy woods. The whole plant is of a grayish hue. Flowers very small and white. 368 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 3. Cynoglossum. (Hound's-Tongne.) 1. Cynoglossum officinale. (Common Hound's -Tongue.) Grows in waste grounds and roadsides; erect, downy, and of a dull green color. Flowers of a dull red color. 2. Cynoglossum Yirgimcu7n. (Wild Comfrey.) Inhabiting woods and thickets; a very hairy plant, with purple flowers. 3. Cynoglossum Morrisonl. (Beggar Lice. Yirginia Mouse- ear.) An erect weed found in the woods and thickets. A great annoyance. Order XXXIX. Polemoniace.e. (Polemonium Family* Phlox worts.) 1. Polemonium. (Greek Valerian .) 1. Polemonium reptans. (American Greek Valerian.) A handsome plant of woods and damp ground. Varies much in color of flowers, even on the same plant, blue and white prevailing. 2. PJilox. (Phlox.) 1. Phlox jpaniculata. (Panicled Phlox.) A well-known favorite of the gardens; it may be found native in the woods. Stem sur- mounted by a pyramidal panicle of innumerable pink-colored flowers. 2. Phlox ma culata. (Wild Sweet William.) Found in moist grounds and in meadows. A panicle of pink-colored, sweet-scented flowers crowns the stem. Order XL. Convolvulace^. (Convolvulus Family. Jiind- weeds.) 1. I'pomcea. (Morning-Glory.) 1. Ipomoea purpurea. (Common Morning-Glory.") A beauti- ful twining plant, found somewhat escaped, but more frequently cultivated. It is best known as a garden annual. 2. Ipomoja jpandurata. (Wild Potato- vine. Man of the Earth.) In sandy fields. Flowers two inches long, purple and white. 2. Calystegia. (Bracted Bindweed). 1. alystegki Sepium. (Hedge Bindweed. Rutland Beauty.) A vigorous climber, in hedges and low grounds. It is highly esteemed as a shade for windows and arbors. Order XLI. Solanace^. (Nightshade Family.) 1. So (Nightshade.) 1. Solanum Dulcamara. (Woody Nightshade. Bitter Sweet.) A well-known shrubby climber, with blue flowers and red berries. It possesses feeble narcotic properties, with the power of increasing the secretions. 2. Solanum nigrum. (Common Black Nightshade.) A weed of no beauty and of suspicious aspect. Stem about a foot high, erect, branching and angular. Berries, globose and black. It is reputed poisonous, but is used medicinally. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 369 3. Solanum Carolinense. (Horse Nettle.) A rough weed found along roadsides, etc., about one or two feet high, armed with straw-colored, scattered prickles. Fruit like potato balls. Common, 4. Solanum tuheronitrii. (Common Potato.) It needs no description. 5. Solanum Melongena. (Egg Plant.) 2. Ly CO per sic urn. (Tomato.) 1. Lycopers'nyuin esculentum. (Tomato.) 3, Physalis. (Ground Cherry.) 1. Physalis viseosa. (Yellow Henbane. Common Ground Cherry.) It is found in dry fields, along roadsides, etc. Stem more or less decumbent, and about a foot high. Fruit yellow or orange- colored, and not unpleasant to the taste. 2. Physalis kmceolata. (Lance-leaved Physalis.) This is most likely a variety of the Physalis viseosa. 3. Datura. (Thorn Apple.) 1. Datura^ Stramonium. (Jamestown Weed. Jimson Weed.) Plentifully found in waste places, barnyards, etc. It is a well- known, poisonous plant; every part is poisonous, but when used with certain restrictions is a useful remedy for asthma. It is a narcotic. 4. Petunia. (Petunia.) 1. Petunia violacea. (Common Petunia.) A pretty trailing or climbing plant, quite popular in cultivation. 5. Ni.cotiana. (Tobacco.) 1. Nicotiana rustica. (Common Tobacco.) Cultivated. Said to have been introduced by the Indians. 2. Nicotiana Tahacum. (Yirginian Tobacco.) As a tobacco this is considered superior to Nicotiana rustica. It is very exten- sively cultivated. 6. Hyoscyarhus. (Henbane). 1. Hyoscyamus niger. (Common Henbane.) This is a plant of a sea-green hue, and emits a foetid odor. It is reputed poisonous, but has been long regarded as an excellent remedy in nervous dis- eases, coughs, convulsions, etc. 7. Capsicum. (Pepper.) 1. Capsicum annuum. (Red Pepper. Cayenne Pepper.) Cul- tivated for its fruit, whose stimulant pi'operties are well known. 8. Atropa. (A Nightshade.) 1. Atropa Belladonna. (Deadly Nightshade.) This foreigner is far less repulsive in its appearance than most others of its order. Every part of the plant, especially the berries, is poisonous. Its stem branches below and grows five feet hig-h. Order XLII. Gentianaceje. (Gentian Family.) 1 . Frasera. (Col u mbo.) 1. Frasera Garolinensis. (Wild Columbo.) Found in moist woods. Stem perfectly straight, dark purple, and from four to nine feet high. It is highly prized as a tonic. 370 HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Order XLIII. Apocynace^. (Dogbane Family.) 1. Nerium. (Bay-tree.) 1. Herium Oleander. (Rose Bay-tree. Oleander.) Cultivated, quite highly prized. It is a common shrub in Palestine. It is supposed to be the plant to which the Psalmist refers in Psalms i: 3. Order XLIY. Asclepiadace^. (Milkweed Family.) 1, Ascleplas. (Milkweed. Silkweed.) 1. Ascleplas Cornuti. (Common Milkweed.) A coarse plant growing everywhere by roadsides and in sandy fields. 2. Ascleplas incarnata. (Rose-colored Silkweed.) A handsome species found in wet places; from three to four feet high. Order XLY. Oleace^. (Olive Family.) 1. Syrlnga. (Lilac. ) 1. Syrlnga vulgaris. (Common Lilac.) Cultivated. One of the most popular shrubs, beautiful in foliage and flowers. 2. Fraxlnus. (Ash.) 1. Fraxlnus Americana. (White Ash.) A forest tree, — one of the most desirable; used in furniture and in agricultural im- plements. 2. Fraxlnus samhuclfoUa. (Black or Water or Swamp Ash.) This tree prefers to grow in moist woods and swamps. It is a useful tree, the sapling being greatly used for barrel hoops, and the mature tree for baskets. Order XLVI. Phytolacoace^. (Pokewood Family.) 1. '' Phytolacca. (Pokewood.) 1. Phytolacca decandra. (Poke. Garget, Jalap.) This is sometimes called Pigeon Berry. It is a well-known weed growing some five to eight feet high with large stem, smooth, and branching, and bearing juicy, purple berries. Order XLYII. Chenopodiace^. (Goosefoot Family.) 1. Chenopodlum. (Goosefoot. Pigweed.) 1. Chenopodlum album. (White Goosefoot. Lamb's-Quarters.) A common weed in cultivated lands; grows from three to four feet high. 2. Chenopodkimamhrosloldes. (Ambrosia Goosefoot. Mexican Tea.) Grows in fields and along roadsides; plant rather fragrant. Order XLVIII. AMARANTHACEiE. (Amaranth Family.) 1. Amaranthus. (Amaranth.) 1. Amaranthus aJhus. (White Cockscomb.) Cultivated. A common garden plant. 2. Amaranthus hypochondrlacus. (Prince's Feather). Cul- tivated. A garden plant, dark red, and with long, plume-like clusters. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 371 3. Amaranthns melanchoUcus. (Love-lies-bleeding.) Culti- vated. A garden plant, purple, and about 18 incbes liigh. 2. Celosia. (Cockscomb.) 1. Celosia cristatoj. (Red Cockscomb.) This curious annual is said to have come from Japan, where the crests are a foot in diameter, and of an intense purplish red. Order XLIX. Polygonace^. (Buckwheat Family.) 1. Rhenm. (Pie-plant.) 1. Rheum Rhaponticum. (Garden Rhubarb or Pie-plant.) Cultivated in gardens for the juicy, acid stems of the leaf. 2. Polygomim. (Knutweed.) 1. Polygonmn Hydo'opiper. (Common Smart- weed or Water Pepper.) A plant well known for its acrid taste, growing in ditches, low grounds, among rubbish, etc. 2. Polygonum Persicavm. (Spotted Knotweed, or Lady's Thumb.) A common species about fences, in low grounds, etc. 3. Polygomon aviculare. (Bird Knot-grass.) A common weed in fields, highways and door-yards. 4. Polygomimsagittatum. (Scratch-grass.) A rough climbing species found in low ground. 5. Polygoniimj Fagopyrum. (Buckwheat.) A valuable grain cultivated for the flour which is made into pan-cakes and eaten warm. 3. Rumex. (Dock-sorrel.) 1. Ru7nex crispus. (Common Yellow Dock.) Aweed so com- mon as hardly to need a description, growing in cultivated grounds, about rubbish, etc. Quite an annoyance. The root is nsed as a medicine in cutaneous disease?. 2. Rumex ohtusifolius. (Broad-leaved Dock.) A weed as troublesome as the first, growing about houses and fields wherever it is least welcome. 3. Rumex Acetosella. (Field Sorrel. Sheep Sorrel.) A common weed, growing in pastures and waste grounds^ acid in taste. Order L. Laurace^. (Laurel Family.) 1. Benzoin. (Wild Allspice.) 1. Benzoin odorlferum.. (Spice-bush.) A shrub growing in moist woods; it has an aromatic flavor, and the bark a spicy taste. 2. Sassafras. (Sassafras.) 1 Sassafras o-ffiGinale. (Common Sassafras.) A tree growing from 10 to 40 feet high. It has a very aromatic, sweetish taste, which is caused by an essential oil that is highly prized in medicine. Order LI. Urticace^. (Nettleworts.) 1. Mortis. (Mulberry.) 1. Moras rubra. (Red Mulberry.) A forest tree; wood very elastic; berries of a deep red color, and of an agreeable acid taste. 2. Madura. (Osage Orange.) 1. Madura aurantlaGa. (Common Osage Hedge Plant.) A beautiful tree, and forms a perfect hedge. 372 HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 3. Urtica. (The Kettle.) 1. TJrtiea Canadensis. (Common Kettle.) Grows in damp places. 2. Urtica dioica. (Dioecious, or Stinging Kettle.) Found in waste places, moist woods, etc. Stings when it is but touched. 4. Cannabis. (Hemp.) 1. Cannabis satlva. (Hemp.) Cultivated for the sake of its fiber in many countries; a specimen here and there may be seen. 5. Humulus. (Hop- vine.) 1. Hamulus Lwpulus. (Common Hop.) A well known climb- ing vine. 6. TJlmus. (Elm.) 1. TJlmus falva. (Red or Slippery Elm.) Grows in woods and in low grounds. The mucilaginous characterof the inner bark makes it very valuable as an emollient. 2. TJlmus America iu(. (White Elm.) This is a majestic tree, much sought for as a shade tree; the timber is also valuable. Order LII. Platanacejs. (Plane-tree Family.) 1. Platanus. (Plane-tree. Buttonwood.) 1. Platanus occldentalis. (American Plane-tree or Sycamore.) It grows on the margins of streams, and is by far the largest, though not the loftiest tree in American forests. Order LIU. Juglandace^. (Walnut Family.) 1. Juglans. ("Walnut.) 1. Juglans cinerea. (Butternut. "White "Walnut.) This tree grows on elevated banks of streams and on cold, uneven soils. The nut possesses an oily, pleasant-flavored kernel. The wood is used in paneling and ornamental work. The bark yields an excellent cathartic. 2, Juglans nigra. (Black Walnut.) The black walnut is a common and stately forest tree; in open lands it grows into a large and spacious head. It is very extensively used in cabinet work. 2. Carga. (Hickory.) 1. Caryaalha. (Shag-bark or Shell-bark Hickory.) This is an important forest tree; it is used in making axle-trees, whipstocks, axe handles, hoops, etc. The wood is superior for fuel, and the nut is highly prized for its richly-flavored kernel. 2. Carya porclnu. (Pig-nut or Broom Hickory.) It is a forest tree. The timber is valuable, — used where great strength is re- quired. The nut-kernels are small and bitter. 3. Carya sulcata. ("Western or Thick Shell-bark Hickory.) It more nearly resembles Carya alba than any other species. Order LIY. Cupulifer^. (Mastworts. Oak Family.) 1. Quercus. (Oak.) 1. Quercus alba. (White oak.) A fine forest tree; timber of great value for sti'enizth and finrabilitv. Tlie bark is useful in HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 373 tanning, and also in medicine; it possesses astringent properties. 2. Quercns ruhra. (Red Oak.) A well known forest tree, not so valuable as the Quercus alba. 3. Qitercus tmctoria. (Black Oak. Yellow-bark Oak.) The bark of this tree is deeply furrowed, and from it is obtained " quer- citron," a substance used in dyeing. The bark is used also in tanning. 4. Quercus nigra. (Barren Oak. Black Jack.) A small, gnarled tree, growing in light soils. Quite common. 2. Fagus. (Beach.) 1. Fagus sylvatica: (American Beach.) A common forest tree. Nut small, oily, sweet and nutritious; timber fine-grained and valuable. 3. Corylus. (Hazel-nut. Filbert.) 1. Corylus Americana. (Wild Hazel-nut.) A shrub, growing in thickets and borders of fields. The nuts are well-flavored and very much prized, though it is said that they are inferior to the European hazel or filbert. 4. Ostrya. (Hop^Hornbeam. Ironwood.) 1. Ostrya Yirginica. (Lever-wood. Iron-wood.) A small tree with shaffacy bark hard wood, which is white and strong. Used tor levers. 5. Carpinvs. (Hornbeam.) 1. Carpinus Americana. (Blue or Water Beach.) A small tree with smboth bark. Found mostly near running water. The wood is very fine-grained, compact and white. Order LV. Betulaceje. (Birchworts.) 1 . Betula. (Birch.) 1. Betula ruhra. (Red Birch.) A tree growing along the Kankakee river, and perhaps elsewhere; trunk covered with red- dish or chocolate-colored bark, which at length becomes very loose and torn. Order LVI . Salicace^. (Willow-worts. Willow Family.) 1. Salix. (Willow. Osier.) 1. Salix tristis. (Sage Willow.) Found in sandy or dry fields, borders of woods, pastures, etc. A small, downy shrub. 2. Salix discolor. (Bog Willow.) A shrub from eight to ten feet high; found in swampy grounds, and has tough brown twigs. 3. Salix fragilis. (Crack Willow.) A tall tree along streams, and elsewhere; twigs break oif at base by a slight pressure. The wood is salmon-color. 4. Salix vitellina. (Yellow Willow. Golden Osier.) This is a tree of moderate height, with shining yellow branches, common along roadsides, etc. 374 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 5. Salix Bahylonica. (Babylonian or Weeping Willow.) This is an elegant species, with long, slender branchlets gracefully droop- ing. The technical or Latin name was suggested by the following from Psalm cxxxvii: " By the rivers of Babylon there we sat dowu : Yea, we wept when we remembered Zion. We hanged our hai'ps upon the willows in the midst thereof." 2. Pojpulus. (Poplar. Aspen.) 1. Populustremaloldes. (American Aspen. " Quaking Asp.") Grows in woods and open lands to the height of from 25 to 40 feet. The leaves tremble in the sliglitest breeze. The " trembling" of the " aspen leaf" is proverbial. 2. Populns angulata. (Water Poplar. Western Cotton-wood.) Grows in moist lands; height from 40 to 80 feet; timber not very valuable. Order LYII. Arace^. (Arum Family.) 1. A7'U7n. (Indian Turnip.) 1. Arum trijphyUnm. (Dragon Root. Jack-in-the-Pulpit.) A curious plant found in wet woodlands. The subterraneous corm (root) is fiercely acrid, but this is lost by drying. It is valued as a carminative medicine. 2. Acorus. (Sweet Flag.) 1. Acoras calanws. (Common Calamus.) It grows in wet soils. Its root (rhizoma) lias an aromatic flavor, a sharp and pungent taste, and is highly valued. The sword-shaped leaves has a ridge running throngh their whole length. Order LYIIII. Iridace^. (The Irids.) 1. Iris. (Iris.) 1. Iris versicolor. (Blue Flag.) Yery common, growing in wet grounds. Its large blue flowers are very conspicuous among the grass. Order LIX. Typhace^e. (Cat-tail Family.) 1. Typha. (Cat-tail Flag.) ]. Typha lati folia. (Cat-tail. Red Mace.) A common, smooth, tall plant growing in the water of muddy pools and ditches. They are useful in making chair seats. 2. Sparganium. (Burr Reed.) 1. Sparganiurn natans. (Floating Burr Reed.) Grows in lakes and pools. Stems long and slender, with 'leaves floating upon the water. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 375 Order LX. Alismace^. (Water Plantain Family.) 1. Alisma. (Water Plantain.) ]. Alisma Planta go. (Common Water Plantain.) A smooth, handsome plant, found in ponds and ditches; leaves resembling those of common yard plantain. Order LXI. CYPERACEiE. (Sedges.) Solrpus. (Rush.) 1. Sc/'rpus triqueter- (Three-cornered Hush.) Abundant in ponds and marshes. Yery sharply three-cornered. 2. Scirpus lacitstrts. (Lake Bulrush.) Grows in muddy mar- gins of rivers and ponds. Tall, cj'lindrical, leafless and pithy. It grows from five to eight feet high. Order LXII. Smilace^. (Sarsaparilla.) 1. Smllax. (Greenbrier. Catbrier.) 1. Smilax Totund'ifol'm. (Common Greenbrier.) A strong, thorny vine, running from 10 to 40 feet in hedges and thickets. Stem woody and smooth, except the thorns; berries black. 2. Stnllax Surs'iparllla. (Medicinal SarsapariUa.) Grows in swampj thickets; roots long and slender. Order LXIII. Liliace^. (Lily Family.) - 1. Lilium. (Lily.) 1. Lilium Canadense. (Yellow lily.) A plant of much beauty, adorning the meadows and prairies in summer. Flowers pendulous, yellow or orange-colored, and spotted, with dark purple inside. 2. Lilium Superbum. (Superb Lily. Turk's Cap.) There are but few, even of those which are cultivated, that are more beautiful than this prairie and meadow flower. Flowers are a bright orange- color, with purple spots. 3. Lilium tigrinum. (Tiger-spotted Lily.) Cultivated, com- mon. 2. Asparagus. (Asparagus.) 1. Asparagus officinalis. (Common Asparagus.) Cultivated. It is one of the oldest and most delicate of garden vegetables, and is no less praised at the present day than it was in ancient times. Pliny and Cato and other writers have praised it. • 3. Allium. (Onion. Garlic.) 1. AlliuTTi ceniuum. (Nodding Garlic or Wild Onion). Found in the woods and thickets; small bulb. Not very common. 2. Allium sativum. (Common Garlic.) Cultivated. Used in seasoning, and sometimes in medicine. 3. Allium Cepci. (Common Onion.) Cultivated universally for the kitchen. Order LXIY. Gramine^. (Grasses.) 1. Galamagrostis. (Wild Grasses.) 1. Calamagrostis Canadensis. (Reed Grass. Blue-joint.) It used to be common on the prairie lands. It made good hay. 376 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 2. Calamagrostis coarctata. (Slongh Grass.) Found in sloughs and bogs. Very common. 2. AlopeGurus. (Fox-tail.) 1. Alopecurus prateiisis. (Fox-tail Grass.) Found in fields and meadows, and is well known. 3. Phleum. (Herd's Grass.) .1. Phleum ^ratense. (Common Timothy.) It is extensively cultivated, and is probably the most valuable "of all the grasses. 4. Digitaria. (Finger Grass.) 1. Digitaria sanguinaUs. (Purple Finger Grass. Crab Grass.) Common in cultivated fields and gardens. 5. Avena. (Oat.) 1. Avena sativa. (Common Oat.) Cultivated, and one of the staple field productions; a very important grain. 6. Bromus. (Chess.) 1. Bromus secalinus. (Common Cheat.) Found in wheat- fields. It is quite troublesome to the farmers. 7. Poa. (Pasture Grasses.) 1. Poa compressa. (Blue Grass.) Common everywhere; a tine pasture grass. 2. Poa serot'ina. (Meadow red-top.) Common in meadows and on wet, moist lands. 8. Triticum. (Wheat.) 1. Triticum sativum,. (Winter wheat.) This is the most valu- able plant of the order, and is largely cultivated. There are several varieties. 9. Secale. (Rye.) 1. Secale cereale. (Common Rye.) It has been long cultivated. 10. Hordeum. (Barley.) 1. Hordeum vulgare. (Barley.) Extensively cultivated. 11. Sorghum. (Broom Corn.) 1. Sorghum mccharatum. (Common Broom Corn.) Its use and appearance is well known. 12. Leersia. (A kind of Rough Grasses.) 1. Leersia orysoides. (Cut Grass.) A very rough grass, com- mon in swamps and by streams, etc, 13. Zea. (Maize.) 1. Zea Mays. (Indian Corn.) This plant needs no description, and its value is incalculable. CHAPTER III. '■ ZOOLOGY. ZOOLOGY — EXPLANATIONS AND CLASSIFICATION. The word ''zoology " has come to the English language from the Greek, and is made up of two words, "zoon," an animal, and "logos," a discourse; and hence means the science which treats of animals. The animal kingdom is a unit. Investigations which have recently been made in comparative, or animal anatomy would seem to indicate that the numerous and varied forms of animal existence shade and merge into one another in such a way as to leave no sharply-marked dividing lines between them; and could those forms of animal life which have become extinct be grouped and classified with those now in existence, it seems that the entire series, from its highest representative, man, to its lowest, the ani- malcule, would be unbroken, — the succession would be perfect. " This panoramic view would give an idea of unity in the same sense as when we speak of a herd of cattle, though the individuals differ in size, color, and form; or a landscape in which there is no break in the undulating outline of the far-off horizon, though it include river, mountain, and valley." The animal kingdom, embracing all its various species and indi- viduals, is a vast exhibition of creative energy; more wonderful than the thought of man can trace out, nnd more numerous than his figures will enumerate. But while this is true, it is equally demonstrable that the whole of this vast display of infinite power, this superstructure of animal life, is built upon but six typical ideas; but each of these is developed, however, by the all-wise Creator in the most wonderful diversity. These six typical ideas furnish the bases upon which the animal kingdom is subdivided, — each of these bein^ a sub-kiniJ-dom. Following are these six sub- kingdoms, with the classes of animals which they embrace, together with the destinctive, or typical idea, upon which the classification is made. 1st. The Yertebrates. This sub-kingdom includes mammals, birds, reptiles and fishes. Its typical idea is, a nervous system which is composed of a brain, a spinal marrow and ganglions; an internal, jointed skeleton; red blood; a heart; and five senses. 2d. The Articulates. This sub-kingdom includes insects, worms, lobsters, etc. Its typical idea is, a nervous system which is com- posed of ganglions and nerves only, which nervous ganglions are united on a middle line in a sort of longitudinal chain; body (377) 378 HISTORY OF LA POBTE COUNTY. divided into rings with an external skeleton formed by the skin, more or Jess hardened; no internal skeleton; blood usually white; a heart; and the senses more or less incomplete. 3d. The MoUuscans. This sub-kingdom includes cuttle-fishes, clams, snails, etc. The typical idea of this sub-kingdom is, a nerv- ous system which is composed of ganglion and nerves only, which nervous ganglions are placed in different imrts of the body; a body which is soft without external skeleton, but which is usually pro- tected bv a shell; no internal skeleton; blood usually white; a heart; and the senses more or less incomplete. 4th. The Echinoderins. This sub-kingdom includes sea urchins, star-fishes, etc. Its typical idea is a radiate structure with the alimentary canal distinct from the cavity of the body. 5th. The Coelenterates. This sub-kingdom includes jelly fishes, polyps, hydras, etc. Its typical idea is a radiate structure, with the alimentary canal not distinct from the cavity of the body. 6th. The Protozoans. This sub-kingdom includes animals which are very minute, and of simple structure, and which cannot be placed in any of the other sub-kingdoms. They are sponges, infu- soria, rhizopods, etc. These six subdivisions include all of the animal kingdom, and they rise in importance in the inverse order in which they are given. It is said b}^ some that the genus " Bathybius," a microscopic mass of albuminous jelly neither distinctively animal nor plant, is the simplest structure known to man, though it may be affirmed on the later declarations of Prof. Huxley that "Bathybius" possesses no vitality. But if it does possess vitality, then from it, the lowest, up through all the six sub-kingdoms, there are recognized a continual progression in typical idea and actual development until the verte- brates are reached, at the head of which we find man. " Man — the lord of the animal kingdom — is constructed after the same type as the cat which purrs at his feet, the ox which he eats, the horse which bears his burden, the bird which sings in his gilded cage, the snake which crawls hissing across his pathway, the toad which hides in his garden, and the fish which swims in his aquarium. All are modifications of one creative thought, showing how the Almighty worker delights in repeating the same chord, with infinite variations." — Steele. ' THE ZOOLOay OF AMERICA. That we may the better connect the fauna of the district of country of which we write with those which surround it, we first take a broader and more comprehensive view of it than if we were to con- fine ourselves within its limits. The zoology of America, like its botany, may be divided as touching its faunas into three great divisions. 1st. The Arctic Division. In the arctic or northern division may be included those frigid regions commencing between 65^ and HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 379 60^ of north latitude, and extending to the shores of the frozen ocean. The typical animal of these regions is the Polar Bear. 2d. The Temperate Division. The middle or second grand division of American zoology commences where the northern divis- ion begins and terminates with the Gulf of Mexico, thus embracing the most temperate and healthful regions of the New "World. 3d. The Torrid Division. The equatorial or third grand divis- ion of American zoology begins with the Gulf of Mexico, and extends to the southern limit of Paraguay, beyond which lie countries that have not yet been fully developed by scientific naturalists. Of these three divisions, we are to do only with the second, for the latitude of La Porte county is near its center. Touching the fauna of this division, the following is worthy of transcription: "In regard to its ferine inhabitants, little can be said : for, although the species have been described in systems, no traveler has yet taken a comprehensive view of their geographic distribution. Many of the northern quadrupeds range over a large portion of these temperate latitudes, while the others', not found toward the Pole, do not exhibit any striking peculiarities in the zoological distribu- tion of genera. But the ornithology is more distinctly marked. Numerous tribes of insectivorous birds, unknown in the temperate latitudes of the Old World, or the equatorial regions of the New, spread themselves over this fruitful portion of America, either as permanent residents or as annual migrators from the more genial shores of the Mexican Gulf. The most celebrated of these is the Mocking-Bird, — plain, indeed, in colors, yet endowed with a perfec- tion of voice far surpassing any other in creation. Toward the beginning of May, when the insect world has just begun to assume life and activity, innumerable flocks of Warblers, Flycatchers, Woodpeckers, Starlings, Thrushes and other families, appointed to keep the noxious insects within due limits, make their appearance in the United States; prodigiously increasing the usual number of the feathered inhabitants, and making the woods resound with their note. The process of incubation finished, and the young sufiiciently grown to undertake their autumnal passage, nearly the whole return to winter in latitudes less cold, and where their animal. food will not fail. Very many of these species have been traced to the warm shores of the table-land of Mexico; others appear in some of the West India Isles, the Bahamas, etc.; but not more than one or two liave yet been detected on the main land of equinoctial America. The birds of game, in comparison with those of the northern regions, are few and insignificant, — always excepting the Great American Turke}', for it is this part of the New World which first gave us this noble addition to our barn-yards. Increase of population has had its usual effect, and has long driven these birds from many of their former haunts; they still, however, are to be found in large flocks in the back settlements. ''Of the other animals, there are few which are the same as those of Europe. The fish are numerous; and several species, like the 25 380 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. cod of Newfoundland, occur in sufficient profusion to create a dis- tinct branch of commerce. Reptiles, in point of variety, seem also to abound. Morse has enumerated nearly 40 kinds found in the United States; and Virginia, in particular, produces great numbers. The most formidable of these are the well-known rattlesnakes, of which there now appears to be more than one species ; some few of the others are venomous, but none can be compared, in bulk, to the monstrous serpents of South America. The savannas and swamps abound with immense bull-frogs, fiv^e times the size of the Euro- pean; while a particular species of alligator is said to occur in the Southern rivers." — Encyclopedia of Geography. This gives sufficiently, though perhaps it might be made a little more accurate now since the investigations in this direction are more accurate than when the above extract was written, the zoology of the middle division of America, so that a fair estimate may be formed as to the typical zoological idea which prevails among the vertebrates of the smaller district of country of which wo write. It is possible that there is not a single one of the species of the fauna of La Porte county which is peculiar to itself; though it is possible that a close investigation would reveal one or more. As the flora of a country is important, enabling one, though he may be far away if he understands that flora, to determine the character of that countr}^, so also is the fauna of a country. As it requires a peculiar soil, temperature, and other meterological conditions to produce a particular kind of flora, so also does it take a particular vegetation, climate, and other local surroundings to produce a par- ticular fauna. So then if one has the botany and zoology of a country he has the means of determining the characteristics of that country. For these reasons we are constrained to give, as we have already done of its flora, the fauna of the county, though it will be but partial, and in some particulars it may be imperfect. In giv- ing this fauna, we shall follow the same general plan as we did in compiling tlie flora. Both the common and the technical names will be given, and a partial description. Arranged in their species, genera, and ordei-s, it will be an easy matter for those who may desire to investigate closer, and to have a more elaborate description of any species than is here given, to consult works on zoology where these descriptions will be found. FAUNA OF LA PORTE COUNTY. As we have said, the crowning excellence of the creative idea, so far as is determined and worked out in animal life, seems to con- centrate in the vertebrate sub-kingdom, at the very head of which is man. HISTOUY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 381 Sub-Kingdom, Yfrtebrata. ■(Animals which have a Back- bone.) Class 1. Mammalia. (Yertebrate animals whose Young are Suckled.) Order I. Blmana. (Animals having two hands.) Family 1. Somonidce. (The Human Race.) 2. Homo sapiefis. (Man.) Of tliis order there is but the one species, Man; but it lias been separated into five divisions, three of which, and it may be four, have found citizenship in the county. 1st. The Indian. The first inhabitant of this conn try was the Indian, so far as history can inform us, or tradition reveal the facts of the past. He had no power to reclaim the wild wastes of nature; but during his habitancy it was wild nature, wild beasts, and wild men. These were supplanted by the 2d. The CauGasiaii. The White race is renowned everywhere for its mental vigor, for its culture, and for its power over nature to bring it under subservient control; and hence under his control the country has been changed from an uncultivated wilderness to fields of surpassing beauty, bearing bounteous stores of human necessities. Intermingled among these are a few of the 3d . The Ethiopian.. Whatever may be said of the Negro race in the future, it is evident that tliey do not stand by any means the peer of the White race, but serve in subordinate and subservient positions to the dominant White race. 4th. The Mongolian. It may be that at some time a few indi- viduals of the Celestial empire have found residence in the county. If so, then these four races of men have been inhabitants of it. Order II. Carnivora. (Flesh-subsisting Animals.) Family 1. Felidce. (The cat family.) 1. Fella domestica. (The Domestic Cat.) In nearly every home this useful animal may be found. 2. Lynx Canadensis. (Canada Lynx.) This animal may not now be found, but it certainly was a, pre-settlement animal, and perhaps subsequent to white settlement of the country. 3. Lynx ru^ftis. (The Wild Cat.) This was another of the former animals of the county. The latter two are fierce inhabitants of woods that afford protection from view. Family 2. Canidce. (The Dog Family.) 1. Canis Lupus. (The Wolf)' This is a well-known and destructive animal, especially in flocks of sheep. 2. Canis familiaris. (The Common Dog.) This needs no description. 3. Vulpes vulgaris. (The Fox.) The Fox is a nocturnal animal, noted for his slyness. He is very fleet of foot. His tail is bushy. Family 3. Mustelidce. (The Weasel Family.) * 1. Futorius ermineus. (The Common Weasel.) The weasel is not now very common. It is a mice destroyer, and that far useful. 382 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 2. Putorius lutreolus. (The Mink.) It is found mostly along the streams and sloughs; is of a brown color, with a white spot under the chin. It is valued for its fur. 3. Mephitis mephitica. (The Skunk.) It is striped with white and black. It emits a most intolerable odor as a self-defense. It hibernates in the ground. 4. Lutra Canadensis. (The Otter.) The otter is web-footed, lives in burrows, feeds on fish, and spends its spare time in sliding down snow-banks in winter time and slippery banks in summer. It is valuable for its fur. Family 4. Procyonidce. (The Raccoon.) 1. Pi'ocyon lotor. (The Common Eaccoon.) The " 'coon " is a nocturnal animal, having the instinctive cunning of tlie fox, the inquisitive meddlesomeness of the monkey, the greediness of the bear, and the slyness of the cat. It furnishes night sport for the " boys." Order III. TJngulata. (Hoofed Quadrupeds.) Family 1. Bovidm. (The Ox Family.) 1. JBos tanrus. (The Domestic Ox.) This animal needs no description, it is one of the most useful of domestic animals 2. Gajpra cegagrus. (The Goat.) The goat is only sparingly raised. 3. Bos Americanus. (Bison or Buflalo.) This stately denizen of the West has long since left the prairies of the county. 4. Oois aries. (The Domestic Sheep.) JMo description of this valuable is needed. From the earliest ages it has been the com- panion of civilized man. Family 2. Cervidce. (The Deer Family.) 1. Cervus Virginiamis. (The Common Red Deer.) The timid- ity, agility, and fleetness of this animal has always been proverb- ial. There is perhaps not a specimen left in the county, but it used to be the sport of the hunter, and the hope for winter supplies of the pioneer. Family 3. Suidce. (The Hog Family.) 1. Sus scropha. (Domestic Swine.) The hog is one of the most valuable animals of the countj^ ; and it has been both tame and wild. Family 4. Equidce. (The Horse Family.) 1. Equus cahaUus. (The Common Horse.) This magnificent animal is well-known the world over ; no description would make it better known. It loves man and man loves it. 2. Equus asinus. (The Ass or Donkey.) A few^ specimens of this Oriental burden-bearer is to be found in the county. It feeds on rougher food and endures harsher treatment with patience than the horse, and hence serves an Oriental purpose better than the horse. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 383 Order lY. Cheiroptera. (Webbed-winged Animals.) Family 1. Vespertilionidce. (The Bat Family.) 1. Veapertilio sublatus. (The Common Little Brown Bat.) This little animal may be seen in the twilight flying in erratic directions, up and down, right and left. Its abodes are lofts and dark places, and it hibernates in the winter. It is an insect destroyer. Order V. Insect hora. (Insect-feeding Animals.) Family 1. Talpldce. (The Mole Family.) 1. Scalops aquatlcus. (Common Mole.) These animals have round bodies, small eyes, acute hearing and smell, velvet-like tur, shovel-shaped paws, and short, sharp nails. They burrow in the ground and feed on insects. Order VI. Rodentia. (Gnawing Animals.) Family 1. Murldce. (Rat Family.) 1. Arvicola riparia. (Meadow Mouse.) It is noticeable for the winding paths which it makes among the grass leading to its nest. ^, 2. Miis musGidus. (The House Mouse.) These are scavengers. To a limited extent they are serviceable, but a great pest when they become numerous, as every housewife knows. 3. Mus decumanus. (The House Rat.) This is an importation from Asia, but now very common everywhere. It is larger than the mouse. , . ^ i 4. Fiber zebetTiicus. (The Muskrat.) It is found in sloughs, ponds and streams; it builds houses of grass, flags, and other material, and is sought for its fur. Thousands of them are taken every year during the winter season, especially along the Kankakee. Family 2. Sciuridoe. (The Squirrel Family.) 1. Scinrus vulpinus, (The Fox Squirrel.) This is known by its red fur, and red, bushv tail. Quite common. , -,. i 2. Sciurus Carolinemis. (Gray Squirrel.) This beautiful little animal is found in the woods, though not as plentifully perhaps as the Sciurus vulpinus. 3. Pteromys volucella. (Flying Squirrel.) A very few speci- mens of this attractive squirrel have been found in the county. Family 3. Leporidce. (The Hare Family.) 1. Lepus sylmticus. (Common Gray Rabbit.) This is the only species of the hare family found in the county. Order VII. Marsupialia. (Pouch Animals.) Family 1. Bidelphidce. (Double-matrixed Animals.) Didelphys Virginiana. (The Opossum.) This animal is al30ut the size of a cat. It is mostly nocturnal and arboreal, and both herbivorous and carnivorous. 384 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Class 2. Aves. (Feathered Animals.) Order I. Passeres. (Straiglit-beaked, Four-toed Birds.) Family 1. TurdidcB. (The Thrush Family.) 1. Tardus migratorius. (The Kobin. American Kedbreast.) This is an early spring bird, an insect feeder, and a valuable bird. 2. Mimvs polyglottus. (Mocking-bird.) This is a kind uf thrush which comes in the early spring. It is quite a mimic, but not the equal of the Southern mocking-i)ird. Family 2. Saxicolidce. (Rock Dwellers.) 1. Slalia sialls. (Common Blue-bird.) This is the exact counterpart of the European robin redbreast. It is an early spring bird. Family 3. Hirundinldm. (The Swallow Family.) 1. Hirundo horreorum. (The Barn Swallow.) This bird builds its nest in barns, under the eaves of buildings, etc., and is quite common. (In addition to this genus, there are in the county the martin and forked-tailed swallow of this family.) Family 4. Alaudidce. (The Lark Family.) 1. Eremo'pMla comuta. (The American Lark.) It is found in meadows, etc.; often called " meadow lark." Family 5. Corv'dce. (The Crow Family.) 1. Corviis corax. (The Raven.) The raven is generally distrib- uted throughout the United States, and is very sagacious, seeming to know the difference between a person at his business and one bent on mischief 2. Corviis Araericanus. (The Common American Crow.) The difference between the raven and the crow is, the crow is much smaller than the raven and has its throat feathers oval and close, while the raven's are sharp and scattered. 3. Cyamira cristata. (Blue Jay.) It has a^ bright violet, sky blue and white coat, ornamented with a crest of light blue or pur- ple feathers, which it can depress at pleasure. Order 11. Ficarm. (Climbing Birds.) Family 1. Alcedinidm. (A Family of Perchers.) 1. Ceryle alcyon. (The Kingfisher.) It burrows into and lays its eggs in banks of sand. It is a fish-feeder, catching the fish usually by the tail and if small then swallowing it at once. Family 2. Caprhnulgidce. (Goat-suckers.) 1. Chordeiles popetue. (The Night Hawk.) The night hawk is often confounded with the whippoorwill, but they are quite dis- tinct. The night hawk hunts its feed in the evening, and often, diving down perpendicularly, produces a whirring sound like a spintiing-wheel. 3. Antrostomus vodferus. (The Whippoorwill.) This bird comes out in the evening to catch its food. It makes the air vocal with its cry of "whip-poor-will," which gives it its name. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 385 Family 3. Cypselklce. (The Swift Family.) 1. CoBtura pelasgia. (The Chimney-swallow.) This bird gets its name from its selection of a chimney in which to build its nest. Family 4. Trochilidces (Humming-bird Family.) 1. Trochilus coJuhrh. (The Ruby-throated Humming-bird.) This is one of the finest little birds of America, its plumage being a blending of the rarest colors of flower and gem. It is a honey- feeder, and secures it from the flowers while on the wing. Family 5. Plcldae. (Woodpeckers.) 1. CoJaptes auratus. (Golden-winged Woodpecker.) Quite common, and feeds pn insects which it pecks out of trees, etc. Order III. Raptores. (Plundering Birds.) 1. Family 1. FalGonidae. (Hooked-beak and Stroug- Taloned Birds.) 1. Falco sjyarvernis. (The Sparrow Hawk.) This is one of the smallest, but it is a typical falcon. 2. Astur atricaplllus. (Common Hawk.) Known by its devas- tations on the hen-coops. 3. Haliaetus leucocephalus. (White-headed or Bald Eagle.) This is the chosen sj^mbol of our country. With almost motionless wings, by a series of graceful spiral curves it rises in the air to a great height, and then descends with lightning rapidity. Family 2. Strigidae. (The Owl Family.) 1. Biiho Yiroinianus, (The Great Horned Owl.) It is some- times called the cat-owl, as its tufts, erectile at will, give its head a sinister aspect not unlike the cat. 2. 8t7'ix flammea . (The Screech-owl or Barn-owl.) It is of a rusty red color, mottled with white. It utters a dismal cry. Family 3. Cathartld(B. (The Yulture Family.) 1. Rhynographus aura. (The Turkey Buzzard.) This is a useful scavenger. Its head and neck are featherless, and it is broad of wing and graceful in flight. Order IV. Coluinbm. (Pigeon and Dove.) Family 1. Coluinhldm. (The Pigeon Family.) 1. Ectopistes migratoria. (Wild or Migratory Pigeon.) These birds are very common. They come and go in large flocks. 2. Ectopistes Carollnensis. (The Carolina Turtle Dove.) This is a well-known bird. It is often employed as the emblem of innocence, gentleness, and aftection. Order Y. GalUnce. (The Hen-like Birds.) Family 1. Pavonidce. (The Peacock Family.) 1. Pavo cristatus. (The Common Peacock.) This fowl has been renowned for ages for the beauty of its plumage. 386 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY, Family 2. Numididae. (The Guinea-fowl Family.) 1. Numida meleagris. (Common Guinea-fowl.) A barn-yard fowl, useful in the protection which it gives by its cry of camac^ caniac, to the poultry in driving away crows and hawks. Family 3. MeleagrldcB. (The Turkey Family.) 1. Meleagris f era. (The Wild Turkey.) Found in the woods, but getting to be somewhat scarce. A noble fowl. 2. Meleagris gallopavo. (The Common Domesticated Turkey.) This is one of the most highly prized of the domestic fowls. Family 4. Tetraonidce. (The Grouse Family.) 1. Bonasa umheUus. (The Partridge, otherwise called Pheas- ant.) This bird, in spring, drums upon a log with its wings, closely imitating distant thunder. Its flesh is excellent game. 2. Tetrao cupido. (The Prairie-hen.) A well-known game bird of the prairies. Perhaps diminishing in number. Family 5. Ferdicidm. (The Partridge Family.) 1. Ortyx Yirginiamis. (The Quail. Bob- White.) A highly prized game bird of excellent quality. Quite common. Family 6. Scolopacidce. (The Snipe Family.) 1. Philohela minor. (The Woodcock.) It is found in the thickest woods, and its ilesh is considered a very great delicacy. 2. ^gialites vociferus. (The Killdeer.) This is an aquatic bird closely allied !o the plover. Order VI. Rerodlones. (The Heron.) Family 1, Ardeidce. (The Heron Family.) 1. Ardea Herodias. (The Great Blue Heron.) This is an aquatic fowl, frequenting the shores of streams, ponds and other bodies of shallow water, and feeding upon fish. 2. Ardea cinerea. (The Common Heron.) Found in sloughs and in grass-covered ponds. Makes a loud pumping-like cry. Order YII. Lamellirostres. (Birds having lamels or dental plates on the beak.) Family 1. Anatidce. (The Duck Family.) 1. Bernicla Canadens'ts. (The Canada or Wild Goose.) This is a well-known migratory fowl, migrating to the north in the spring, and to the south in the autumn. 2. Anas sponsa. (The Wood or Summer Duck.) This duck builds its nest in hollow trees. It is not worth very much as game. 3. Anas hoschas. (The Domestic Duck.) Its quack, quack, is well known, and needs no description. 4. ArMs moschata. (The Moscovy Duck.) A large, fine fowl and considerably sought after as game. Order YIII. Pygopodes. (Rump-footed Birds.) Family 1. ColymUdce. (The Loon Family.) 1. Colyinbus iorquatus. (The Great Northern Diver.) This fowl can hardly walk on the land, moving only by a succession of HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 387 awkward tumbles, but in the water it is a rare swimmer, and a most expert diver. If it sees the flash of the gun, it will dive and dodge the bullet. It is not very plentiful, only one now and then being seen. Class 3. Reptilia. (Prostrate Animals, — moving on the belly or on short legs.) Order I. Testudinata. (Shelled-Reptiles.) Family 1. Testudinidm. (The Land Tortoises.) 1. Cistndo Virginiana. (Box Tortoise.) This tortoise, having feet for walking, never goes into the water. It lives on soft plants and mushrooms. Family 2. Emyditce. (The River Tortoise.) 1. Chelydra Serpentina. (The Snapping Turtle.) This turtle is very common, found in almost every stream and body of water. Order II. Ophidia. (Reptiles without exterior mem- bers.) Family 1. CrotalidcB. (The Rattlesnake Family.) 1. Crotalus durissus. (The Rattlesnake.) This snake is poi- sonous, and is known by the horny substance on the tail which, when shaken, makes a rattling noise. 2. Tri gonocephalus contortrix. (The Copperhead.) This ven- omous snake is sparsely found. It is also called copper-hell and red viper. Family 2. Coluhridm. (Non-poisonous Snakes.) 1. Coluber constrictor. (Black-snake.) A few specimens of this snake are still found. 2. Coluber aqua. (Water-snake.) This harmless snake is still found in the streams, ponds and sloughs. It cannot live without the water. All of the Colubridse are perfectly inoffensive, and they do some good by destroying noxious insects. Class 4. Amphibia. (Animals which can live both in water and on land.) Order I. Anura. (Tailless Amphibians.) Family 1. Ranidce. (The Frog Family. 1. Rana pipiens. (Common Bull-frog.) This amphibious an- imal is found in great numbers, and their spring concerts are any- thing but the choicest of music. They hybernate during the winter. Family 2. BufonUlcB. (The Toad Family.) 1. Bufo Americanus. (The Common Toad.) Found in gardens, yards, etc., and feeds upon insects, which it is very expert in catching. Class 5. Pisces. (Fishes.) Order I. Teleostei. (Perfect-Bone Fishes.) Family 1. PercidcB. (Dark -colored Fishes.) 1. Labraxrufus. (The Common Perch.) This fish is found still in the streams, and is highly prized for the table. 388 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. Family 2. Siluridce. (Scaleless Fishes.) 1. Pimelodus catus. (Cat-fish or Horiied-pout.) This fish has a naked skin, and the mouth is snrronnded by tentacles. It sometimes attains to a good size. Family 3. SalmonidcB. (The Salmon Family.) 1. Salmon solar. (The Common Salmon.) A most excellent fish. It is quite strong, and has been known to ascend waterfalls 10 or 12 feet high. Family 4. Esocidce. (The Pike and Pickerel Family.) 1. Esox lucius. (The I*ike.) This fish is excelled hardly by any fish in American waters. It is quite a game fish, and requires some skill to successfully catch it. Family 5. OyprinidcB. (The Carp Family.) 1. Cyprinus auratus. (The Gold-fish.) Tiiis fish, originally from China, has become a pet of the parlor and the fountain. 2. Lahraxlineatus. (The Striped Bass.) This is anotlier of the most important fishes of the waters of the county. StjB-KiNGDOM. Articclata. (Animals wliicli are joiuted.) Class 1. Tnsecta. (Articulates which divide into three portions.) Order I. Hymenoptera. (Membrane-winged Insects.) Family 1. Apidm. (Hone}'' Makers.) 1. Apis melliiica . (The Common Honey-bee.) This insect is found both in domestic culture and wild in the woods. 2. Apis hoiiihus. (The Bumble-bee.) A large bee which is found in stubble fields, meadows, pastures, etc. They raise their young in colonies under the ground. Family 2. Eormicidce. (The Ant Family.) 1. Ponera grandis. (Giant Ant.) Quite common, large and black. 2. Formica sanguiiiea. (The Red Ant.) Housewives will know this little pest without further description. Order II. Lepidoptera. (Scale- winged Insects.) Family 1. Papilionidm. (The Butterfly Family.) 1. Papilio machaon. (Butterfly.) Butterflies are but cater- pillars dressed up in Sunday clothes. They are diurnal, and pro- duce caterpillars again, which are destructive to vegetation. Order III. Diptera. (Two- winged Insects.) Family 1. Culicidae. (The Gnat Family.) 1. Oulex pipiens. (The Common Mosquito.) This insect is very numerous in some parts of the county, especially on the marshes. Its young at first are '' wiggle-tails, or wrigglers." Family 2. MuscAdm (The Fly Family.) 1. Musca domestica. (The Common House-Fly.) This little insect is not in very high repute, but civilized man owes more to HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 389 it than can readily be estimated. It is a most faithful scavenger, and is likelj' to be needed for centuries to come yet. Family 3. Pulicidce. (Wingless Dipters.) 1. Pulex irritans. (The Common Human Flea.) This is a most troublesome little insect, and very strong. It can jump 200 times its own length, and draw 100 times its own weight. Order lY. Semiptera. (Half- winged Insects.) Family 1. CiGadidm. (The Harvest-fly Family.) 1. Cicada septendechn. (The Seventeen-year Locust.) These insects return every seventeen years, that is, they come to the sur- face of the ground and take wing only once in seventeen years. Order V. Orthoptera. (Straight- winged Insects.) Family 1. Locustidce. (The Katydid Family.) 1. Cyrtophyllus concavus. (The Katydid.) A musical insect at night. Its notes are produced by the friction of the bases of the wings together. Family 2. Gryllidce. (The Cricket Family.) 1. Gryllus domestlGus. (The Common Cricket.) It is character- ized by its chirping noise. It used to be a comfort to sit by the old chimney fire and hear the cricket chirp its comfortable song. 2. Gryllus viridissimus . (The Grasshopper.) This insect has four joints to each foot, and transparent wing-covers that drop down on each side, under which the wings are folded in plaits like a fan. It feeds on leaves and grass. Order YI. JVeuroptera. (l^erve-winged Insects.) Family 1. Lihellulidce. (Devil's Darning-needle.) 1. Libellala depressa. (Dragon-fly.) A large insect having compound eyes, feeding upon mosquitoes and flies, etc. It is repu- ted to be a " snake-feeder." Class 2. Myriapoda. (Ten-thousand-Footed.) Order 1. ClMoyoda. (Lip-footed.) Family 1. ScolopendridcB. (The Centipede Family.) 1. Soolopendra gigantea. (The Centipede.) A venomous myriapod, found in places where it may secrete itself under pieces of bark, old logs, fence-rails, etc. Order II. Diplopoda. (Double-footed.) Family 1. Julidoe. (Down-like.) 1. Julus Canadensis. (The Thousand-leg Myriapod.) This is harmless and beneficial in destroying dead vegetable matter. When it is alarmed, it coils its body in a ring, with the tail in the center and the feet entirely concealed. It is found in like situations with the centipede. 390 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Class 3. Arachnida. (Spider-like.) Order I. Aranece. (Web Spinners.) Family 1. Araneidce. (The Spider Family.) 1. Epeira diadema. (Garden or Geometrical Spider.) It re- ceives its name from the regularity of the radiating and circular lines of the web which it spins for taking its prey, and furnishing it with habitation. Order II. Acarina. (Mouth for either Sucking or Bit- ing-) Family 1. Acaridae. (The Itch-mite Family.) 1. Sarcoptes scabiei (The Itch-mite.) It is not known whether this is prevalent in La Porte county or not. It burrows in the flesh, multiplies rapidly, and produces a loathsome disease, which gives it its name. Family 2. Ixodidae. (The Tick Family.) 1. Ixodes lovh. (Cattle Tick.) These ticks infest the cattle, and are said to be a producing cause of the Texas fever. 2. Ixodes canis. (Dog Tick.) These ticks fasten themselves on dogs,— about their ears, etc., so firmly that they can scarcely be pulled oflf. The foregoing is the fauna of the county as far as we have space to give it. ^ It is incomplete, however; but it will, it is hoped, fur- nish a basis for some one else more thoroughly to construct a list. Whoever does undertake it will find the same difficulty which we have met, and that is, a great deal of the fauna is migratory, and it is very difficult, sometimes, to distinguish between this migra- tory fauna, or the fauna which belongs equally to the limited locality and the surrounding country, and that which is permanent. Ani- mals have the power of locomotion and plants have not. Because of this fact it is much more easy to give the flora of a county than it is to give the iauna. It is to be hoped that in the partial catalogues of the flora and fauna which have been given above will be found a sufficient interest to set some one to this work. CHAPTER IV^. ARCHEOLOGY. THE LOCAL AND ANCIENT HISTORY OF THE COUNTY AND ITS PEOPLE WRITTEN IN MOUNDS OF EARTH. Having now given the Geography of the county, with its surface presentations; its Geology, witli its formations and underlying strata; its Botany, with its flora and soil products; its Zoology, with its higher manifestations of animal life, there yet remains to be given its Archaeology, — the remains which it has of an inhabit- ancy and civilization anterior to the advent of the European races, and even so far anterior to the Indian race which the European found in possession when he came, that there is no memory nor reliable tradition of their origin. There are within the county but few of these remains, — some in New Durham township, some in Union township, and some in other parts of the county. But these are suflicient to give the county a most intensely interesting archaBolo^ical history. These are hut the foot-prints left " on the sands of time," by a former and mighty race, — a race which inhab- ited this whole country, and by these remains have revealed their former existence, but in such a way as to successfully obscure their history — their enlightenment and civilization, their art attainments and religion, etc., which, if known, would give satisfaction to an already aroused curiosity. Who built these remains? When were they piled up? and For what purpose were they constructed? are questions which are much more easily asked than answered. But from these it is evident that this county has a history which reaches far back of that period which we shall presently. detail under the head of "Early Settlements," and which is written, as far as we have that history, in these archaeological remains. A little study of these may not, therefore, be unprofitable, as all history is val- uable if it be properly used. THESE REMAINS AS FOtJND ELSEWHERE. To read the meaning of these remains, — the chapters of history which they contain,- -it will be necessary to link them with like remains elswhere — remains which have evidently been constructed by the same race of people. Then by putting these together, and applying them to the unsolving of the mystei-y of these remains, we may be enabled to read something of the history of this archae- ological period as it is connected with the especial locality of which we write. (391) 392 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. When Cartier visited Canada, and Capt. John Smith came to Virginia, and when the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts and the French settled in Western New York, they all found the Indians, which were then in possession of the country, constructing defenses, of which there are still numerous remains. And likewise Coronada found in New Mexico as early as 1540 the msas grandes, those singular editices of tort-like dimensions and numerous stories whose remains are still found in that country, in perfect condition and in actual use. A.nd Cortes in Mexico, Grijalva and Montejo in Yucatan. Alvarado in Guatemala, and Pizarro and his captains in Peru, all found vast and imposing structures, the work of the actual inhabitants whom tliey found in the respective countries, the ruins of which are still to be seen. These works are not to be included in those which constitute " American antiquities," and to which we are inviting attention. Under the head of " antiquities," strictly speaking, we can only include such monuments as were really regarded by the aborigines themselves as antiquities, concern- ing the origin of which they were wholly ignorant, or possessed of an unsatisfactory traditionary knowledge. The most of those earthworks and mounds on the terraces of the Mississippi valley, and in the forests bordering on the Gulf of Mexico, and among which are the remains of which we write, possess these character- istics of antiquity. We make mention in this connection of the ruined pyramids of Teotihuacan and the crumbling edifices of Mitla, in Mexico; the still more elaborate structures and sculptured monoliths of Palenque and Copan; and the vast enigmatical monuments of Tiahuanaco on the southern shores of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, and the bewildering remains of Mansiche or Grand Chimu in Northern Peru. The study of these and the other remains of our own country, and the linking of them together with the remains of which we write, will enable us to partially read the treasures of history which they contain. Commencing then with the remains which are found in the dif- ferent parts of the United States, we find in the Mississippi valley a succession of earthworks, manifestly defensive in character, extending from the lakes south to the gulf. They generally crown the summits of steep hills, and are constructed with an em*bankment and an outside ditch, which vary in size, and with approaches which are sometimes artfully covered. One of these is Fort Hill, on the banks of the Little Miami in Ohio. Its entire line of circumval- lation is nearly four miles; and it embraces several hundred acres of area. The height of this embankment is from ten to twenty feet, according to the weakness or strength of the place it was to defend. Many of these defensive works consist of a line of embank- ment and ditch, or several of these lines one within the other, crossing from the bank of a stream at one point to another where it has made a great bend, thus enclosing a peninsula whose bluffs and headlands afforded natural strength. And associated with these defensive works are structures which are evidently connected HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 393 with religious ideas and ceremonies. The ground for this conclu- sion is that these have ditches on the inside and not on the outside of the embankment, that they are of regular outlines — in squares, in circles, in octagons, and in other geometrical figures. A notable instance of this kind of work is at Newark, Ohio, where it covers an area of more than two miles square, and a line of embankment from two to twenty feet high, and upward of twelve miles in length. In connection with these are ether works, doubtless of sacred or religious origin. These are mounds of earth and stone of various sizes, but always of regular shapes. Thej^ are oftenest squares, terraced and ascended by graded ways. Sometimes they are six- sided, sometimes they are eight-sided, and sometimes their tops are smooth and level as if they were pyramids with their tops cut off; and they are ascended by spiral paths instead of the graded way. On the top of these were altars, symbolical in form, on which, no doubt, the priests offered up sacrifices, and paid adoration to the solar god. The geometrical accuracy, the great size, and the alti- tude are noted characteristics of some of these. One of these, on the plain of Cahokia, in Illinois, opposite the city of St. Louis, is TOO feet long by 500 feet hroad at the base, and 90 feet high. It covers upward of eight acres, and has 20,000,000 cubic feet of contents. But the most common monuments in the Mississippi valley, however, are those which are incontestably places of sepulture. They are, probably, memorials raised over the dead, and speak in some way the importance of the personage while yet living over whose remains they are reared. One of these, near Wheeling, in West Virginia, is seventy feet in vertical height. Another, at Miamisburg, in Ohio, is sixty-eight feet high; and another, near Delphi, in Indiana, not far from the Wabash river, is of like dimen- sions. Smaller monuments of this character are to be found almost everywhere. But there are still more remarkable earthworks than these. They are those which are most commonly found in Wisconsin and in Iowa; a few are found, also, in Ohio. These bear the outlines of men and animals, constituting huge bas-reliefs on the surface of the earth. One of these, on the banks of Brush creek, in Adams county, Ohio, is in the form of a serpent. It is 1,000 feet in length, and extends in graceful curves, and terminates in a triple coil at the tail. The neck of the figure is stretched out and slightly curved, and its mouth is opened wide, as if in the act of swallowing or ejecting an oval figure, which rests partly between the distended jaws. The oval, whicli is thus resting in the opened jaws, is formed "of an embankment which is four feet high, and is perfectly regular in outline, its two diameters being, the one 103 feet, and the other 39 feet. This representation is constituted of an embankment which is five feet high by 30 feet base at its center, and slightly diminishing toward the head and tail. 394 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. We note the fact, also, that in these remains many relics of art have been discovered, exhibiting greater skill than was known to exist among the aboriginal Indian tribes. Elaborate carvings in stone; pottery, often ot elegant design; articles of use and orna- mented in metal, — silver, and native copper from Lake Superior; mica from the Alleghanies; shells from the gulf of Mexico; and volcanic glass, and probably porphyry, from Mexico; these are all found side by side in the same mound. Now, for the time being, leaving these and taking a hasty flight down through New Mexico, Mexico, Central America, United States of Colombia and Peru, let us see what we shall find which will enable us to read between the lines as they are written in the remains, — the historical monuments of this extinct people, — which are found in this county. In New Mexico we shall stand in the midst of the casas grandes, both of the latter and more antiquated structure, and shall see evidences of skill and intelligence above that of the birch-bark canoe and skin-covered wis'wam. If we stand in the spire of the cathedral in the present city of Mexico, which occupies the site of the pyramid and teoculll of Montezuma and Guatimozin, our eyes mav descry the ruins of the most ancient of all the hundreds of ancient monuments found in Mexico, the pyra- mids of Teotihuacan on the plains of Otumba. These are built of cut stone, square, with four stages and a level area at the top. Humbolt saj^s the larger is 150 feet high, and the smaller 145; but Mr. Glennie affirms that the laro^er is 221 feet hiarh. It is 680 feet square at the base, covering an area of 11 acres, — nearly equal to that of the great pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. Now, the great teocaJJi of Cholula, not far from the city of Pueblo, taken in con- nection with these will serve to show the greatness of these ruins and tlie skill which it required to construct them. According to Latrobe, this latter teocalJl (temple) is 177 feet high, and 1,425 teet square at the base, covering an area of 45 acres. As we pass on down 'into Central America, we may stop a moment at Palenque to examine its ancient pj-ramidal temple, within some of the chambers of which have been found tablets which were covered with artistic sculpture and hieroglyphics, — evidences of skill and enlightenment. Passing on down into Honduras, we shall stop at Copan where will be found remains greatly resembling those already noticed, in structure, vastness, and perpetuity of workmanship, and doubtless for the same purpose; but associated with these are grand monoliths, most intricately carved and some of them covered with hieroglyphics, additional evidences of superior intelligence. As we pass through the United States of Colombia on the way to Peru, we shall find many minor relics of antiquity, such as figures of divinities and objects worked in gold and stone, and also a few considerable monuments consist- ing of structures which seem to have been supported by columns of large size and just proportions. But we will not stop until we stand among the most ancient monuments of Peru (or rather of HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 395 Bolivia, formerly Upper Peru), — those at Tiabuanaco, on the shore of Lake Titicaca. Their origin is lost in obscurity, and they are supposed by many writers to be the v/ork of a race anterior to the Incas, denoting perhaps a more advanced civilization than the monuments of Palenque. These remains are wonderful, equaling and challenging in interest any remains of the old world, stirring up a longing desire to know the full story that lies hidden in tliem. The archffiological interest which clusters around Nineveh and Babylon is great, but it does not surpass, if indeed it equals, that which belongs to these veritable remains of a great but now extinct and, if it were not for these, forgotten people. In describing these ruins, and especially the great temple at Cuzco, the earl}' Spaniards exhausted every superlative of their language. Standing with all these ancient monumental remains at our back, what troops of queries and interrogatories come tliundering down the highways of the mind in search of solution? Standing upon the elevation which these will afford, it must be apparent to every mind that this whole country, from the Laurentian highlands on the north down through these regions until the greatly elevated Lake of Titicaca is reached in the south, was once densely populated with an intelligent and enterprising people, very much superior in every way to those who were aboriginal when the European races began to come. Can it be realized as a fact that, thousands of years ago, the beautiful prairies of La Porte yielded as now to the busy tread of a restless population; and that its groves, first temples of praise, resounded to the songs of devout worshipers? that this world of humanity sickened and died and thus became a finished page in the history of men? The archaeological remains of this county attest this truth ; there is no other satisfactory solution of this problem. In concluding this chapter on the archaeology of the county, and the history which these remains suggest, the following is extracted from the American Cyclopedia, from which the greater portion of the facts given above are compiled: " The facts connected with the monuments of the Mississippi valley indicate that the ancient population was numerous and widely spread, as shown from the number and magnitude of their works, and the extensive range of their occurrence; that it was essentially homogeneous in customs, habits, religion, and govern- ment, as appears from the great uniformity which the works dis])lay, not only in respect to position and form, but in all minor particu- lars; and that the features common to all the remains identify them as appertaining to a single grand system, owing its origin to a family of men moving in the same general direction, acting under common impulses, and influenced by similar causes. Whatever differences the monuments display ai-e such as might result from the progressive efibrts of a people in a state of development, or from the weaker efforts of colonies, or what might be called provin- cial communities. It is impossible that a population for whose 26 396 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. protection sucli extensive military works were necessary, and wiiich Were able to defend tbem, should not have been eminently agricul- tural; and such monuments as the mounds at Grave creek and Caliokia [and near Delphi, on tbe Wabash river. — Author.] indicate not only a dense agricultural population, but a state of society essentialh' different from that of the existing race of Indians north of the tropic. There is not, and there was not at the period of the discovery, a single tribe of Indians, north of the semi-civilized nations of Mexico and Central America, which had the means of subsistence to enable them to supply for such purposes the unpro- ductive labor necessary for the work; nor were they in such social state as to compel the labor of the people to be thus applied. " As regards the antiquity of these monuments, apart from such facts as a total absence of any reasonable tradition as to their origin among the Indians themselves, and the existence of the largest and most ancient forest trees on the embankments and in the ditches of ihe various works, there are otlier facts which enable us to arrive at approximate conclusions upon this point, " None of these works occur on the lowest formed of the river terraces which mark the subsidence of the Western streams; and as there is no good reason why their builders should have avoided erecting them on that terrace, while they raised them promiscuously tipon all the others, it seems to follow that this terrace has been formed since these works were erected; a conclusion supported by th e important fact that some of them have been destroyed by streams which have since receded for half a mile and upward, and which under no present possible rise, from rains or other natural causes, could reach the works again. Upon these premises, the time since the streams have flowed in their present courses may be divided into four periods, corresponding to the four terraces which mark the eras of their subsidence, of which period the last and long- est (since the excavating power of the streams diminishes as the square of their depth increases) has elapsed since the race of the mounds flourished. " Another fact bearing upon the question of the age of these works is the extremely decayed condition of the human remains found in the mounds. Considering that the earth around the skeletons is for the most part wonderfully compact and dry, and that the condi- tions for their preservation are exceedingly favo;able, while they are in fact in the last stage of decomposition, we may form some approximate estimate of their remote antiquit3'. In the barrows of the ancient Britons, in a moist climate and under unfavorable condi- tions as regards preservation, entire and well-preserved skeletons are often found possessing an undoubted antiquity of at the least 1,800 years. " From these and other facts and circumstances equally conclusive, we may deduce an age for most of the monuments of the Mississippi valley of not less than 2,000 years. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. * 397 "B)'^ whom built, and whether their authors migrated to remote lands under the combined attractions of a more fertile soil and moi-e genial climate, or wliether they disappeared beneath the victorious arms of an alien race, or were swept out of existence by some direful epidemic or universal famine, are questions probably beyond the power of human investigation to answer." [AnieriGan Cyclopedia, in loco.] While, from the facts and circumstances presented in the fore- going, it may not be determined beyond a doubt who the race was that toiled at these works, nor the time when these piles were made to appear above the surface to mark the patience and ambition of their builders, yet it is most patent that La Porte county, in common with all this country, has a history which cannot be written only by spelling out the dimly written lines engraved upon the surface, to the close of which paragraphs these " Indian Mounds " serve as the periods. STANDING BY THE MOUNDS. These little earth mounds may be passed and repassed by the multitude and no notice be taken of them, — no whisperings of their voices be heard as they tell the story of their builders and reveal the existence of these extinct nations; but, in tlie light which a comprehensive view of the entire range of these works will give, the little earth elevations may be approached, and instantly a hundred voices, which had hitherto been inaudible, begin to whisper a wonderful revelation. Standing by one of these little earth piles, and catching the voice of its words, within the easy reach ol the imagination may be seen the thronging population of these same prairies, which now yield sustenance to another and dominant race, in the unknown centuries of the past. If the data of the author in the Cyclopedia are correct, and his conclusion right as to the time of these " mound builders," then may be seen, at the time when Moses was liberating an enslaved people and leading them out under the most wonderful manifestations of heaven in their behalf, a busy throng in these western worlds; when the Egyptians were rearing their immortal pyramids, this people were building like immortal piles; when the sculptors of Egypt were carving Cleopatra's Needle, a monolith recently transported from that land of historic wonders to this land of historic mysteries, the sculptors of Honduras were chiseling away at the monoliths at Copan and Palenque; when the Hebrews were building, with the aid of King Hiram, the temple on Mount Zion, "the glory of all lands," busy hands in this western world were rearing the wonder- ful monuments of Tiahuanaco on the shore of Lake Titicaca; when Xerxes and Darius sat on the thrones of Media and Persia, the predecessors of the Incas reigned in Peru; when Komulus and Kemus were feeding on the lupine nurse and laying the founda- tions of imperial Kome, the foundations of society in the hither 398 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. world were crumbling and ready for the fall; when Greece was in the glory of its exaltation and its army led by the world's conqueror, the people of Door and Rolling prairies, etc., were wrapping the robes of disruption and death about them and sinking into the silence of earth with no voice to tell of them only such as arise in almost inaudible tones from these " mounds " which they built. Down into the mysteries of night they went. Sic volvere parcce . The first inhabitants of the county, then, were a people which was the outskirt of a powerful race whose center of power and in- fluence was in the countries farther to the south, and their history is its history. Standing by them, these "mounds" speak with a thousand tongues. CHAPTER y. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. THE FLOOD OF EMPIKE TAKING ITS WESTWARD WAT. The 8u--estions of the arohfeologioal remains in the county are thJ.once°°a people was born, grew to its manhood, worked its • ,H nf manhood away, declined into its senility, and wrapping Crobe ot 1 age aZ'nt it lay down to sleep,-all in this very conntry where another race and another civilization are to be '"Trtthe'pitdVtL'-moinrbnilders-nntil a recent date, tl,i,Tands covered with dimness and darkness.-scarce y a ray can Denetrate its ' mpertnrbable shades. We do know that it was FnZS /o'r an i'^eanUe time by anoU«. r^^^^^^^^^^^ -Je ^^i^rrorre^/wUdtet-^ntlmed so'ns of the forest;" H ha-lTe .:?^ b'iilllt^^. ^ft ^^^ !eitfniUul^.:rL%=t;2aeX^^ extent ^l ^ ratnoun f ^^^ war-painted savage were ye pmg woll-pack and me wno ^ have been, and whatever ''''"\T^teheentetr^^^^^^^ of these dumb ages, these things might ^J^^^^"^;^;^^ One day was born from the ocean were not to ^^a^",^^^" J,°3^';. j^s bodv rested on the water and a form to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^for fltht Vhat was the surprise its wmgs were already P^)^"^^^.;*^' "^ r ^^^g ^f ^.^en? Others like 400 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. THE YEAR 1829. The initial settlement of the county was made a short distance northwest from where Westville now stands on the 15th day of March, 1829. Tliis settlement was made by the widow of Stephen S. Benedict, Mrs. Miriam Benedict, and her famil}', consisting of six sons and one daughter. They were also accompanied bv Henly Clyburn, who had married the daughter, Sarah Benedict. Here they erected their pioneer house and made them a pioneer home. A. few years ago the place where this house was erected was honored and made memorable by raising a pole upon it, thus calling the attention of the passer-by that here was the place of beginning for the development of La Porte county. The Benedict family was alone except such company as they could secure from the Indians, and it does not appear that they were particularly anxious for their company to any very great extent. In the humble home thus made in this new country, on July 16, 1829, Elizabeth Miriam Clyburn was born to Henly and Sarah Clyburn, the iirst white child born in the county. The Benedict family were preceded by a day by SamuelJohnson and William Eahart wlio came from Berrien county, Michigan, to assist them in erecting a log cabin in which to live. They were all well pleased with the country. After erecting the house, to do which they had come, they built two others, and returning to their homes they came with their families and increased the little settlement by that much, during the month of April. With them came also Jacob Inglewright, who made a claim in section 22. Leaving this little settlement, on the 6th of July, another one was made some seven or eight miles awa}', in what is now Scipio township, by Adam Keith and his family, and Lewis Shirley and his mother. And here, in October. 3829, Keith Shirley was born, probably the second white child born in the county. Elizabeth Miriam Clyburn and Keith Shirley had their baby cries about the same time, and though they were neighbors yet they did not dis- turb each other much with their cries. Here is the nucleus for another settlement, and we leave them for awhile to go over into the northeast part of the county to find another. Sometime during this year, a Welshman by the name of Joseph W. Lykins, connected with the " Gary Mission," whose headquar- ters were then at Niles in Michigan, established a mission among the Indians on the bank of the Du Chemin lake, now in Hudson township, and lived with a man named Joseph Bay, who had an Indian squaw for his wife. Here, through the exertions of Mr. Lykins, at least through his oversight, a branch mission-house, of hewed logs was built. This, together with the house in which the Bay family lived, constituted this settlement until it w^as joined in the fall by Asa M. Warren and his family, coming from Ohio. In this connection it will not be improper to call attention to the beautiful lake upon which this settlement was made, a sheet of pure HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 401 and clear waters, abounding with fish of the finest quality, whose shores sparkle with the glittering white sand with which they are covered, and which are fringed with luxuriant vegetation, and shaded by the great forests by which it is surrounded, — Du Chemin, or Hudson lake. This body of water is about two miles in length, with an average breadth of half a mile. Hereon the banks of this lake and .in the depths of these forests, this branch of the Gary Mission was established, in point of time almost synchronous with that of the first at "Westville, and in the order of their settlement not lower than the third, if indeed it could not claim the second place. During this year, the tide of westward-trending empire left these three whirling eddies in the county which finally settled down into permanent settlements. THE TEAR 1830. Settlements now begin to spring up rapidly. In February, 1830, a company from Union county, in Indiana, consisting of Richard Harris, Philip Fail, Aaron Stanton and Benajah Stanton, together with two hired men brought with Aaron Stanton, reached the county and began a settlement along what is now the line between Centre and Kankakee townships, something near mid-way between the settlements made last year in Scipio and Hudson townships. They built a cabin in which they all lived together, and when the spring came, the unturned prairie sod yielded to the plow in their hands and the hitherto unseen sight, that of a growing crop, was to be seen. The green leaves of the growing corn, bathed in the sunlight, waved to the breezes in lonesome silence. Things maintained the condition as stated until after harvest, harvest in other sections of the country, of course, when Aaron Stanton returned to his former home and brought his family, thus adding to the settlement. In the fall, Philip Fail, who had his wife with him, built a cabin not far away, but in the present Kankakee township, thus widening the limits of the little settlement. To him and his wife was born in October (30th) a son, the well-known Benajah S. Fail, who is said by some to have been the first white male child born in the county; but in accordance with the dates wliich we have, we have given that honor to Keith Sliirley. Sometime during the fall the settle- ment was strengtliened by the addition of William Clark (who did not, however, bring his family until the next year) and Adam •Smith. During this year another settlement was begun in the present township of Wills at what is now known as " Boot Jack." This settlement was made bv John Wills and his sons, Charles Wills, Daniel Wills, and John E. Wills. This was, perhaps, some four or five miles from the settlement on Du Chemin lake; they might have been, for all that appears, regarded as neighbors. This settle- ment was further increased and strengthened durinfi: the vear bv 402 ^ HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. the arrival and settlement of John S. Garroutte, Joseph Lykins, Andrew Shaw and John Sissan3\ The New Durham settlement was considerably strengthened during the year by arrivals of settlers, among whom was William Garwood, who entered a half section of land in section 14, near the locality now known as New Durham. There was a large number of Ottawa and Pottawatomie Indians encamped within the limits of this settlement at this time, but they gave the settlers no disturb- ance. Indeed, they seem to have been a help to them. They bought what surplus crops the settlers had to sell, paying for them in furs, etc., which again were sold by them to the agents of the American Fur company for money. This money they applied on payments for their land, which payments would have been hard for them to make had they had no such market for their surplus crops. Already prosperity seems to have set in. The settlement in Scipio township received some additions this year. First among them was a man and his son, a boy of some 18 or 19 years of age, named Welsh, w^io settled at Door Village. How- ever, they did not remain very long, although they built a cabin and started into business. They left and went to Chicago. The occasion of their going was a little temperance crusade by a party of young Indians, which is more fully detailed elsewhere, at which they became very much disgusted. In addition to tliese, William Adams, Joseph Osborne, and Daniel Jessup became residents in the settlement. The old enemy of men still followed and liunted out these settlers. Mrs. Elizabeth Keith, wife of Adam Keith, died on the 30th of May, this year, — the first death in the settle- ment. The settlement at Lake Du Chemin also gathered to itself addi- tional strength during this year; among the arrivals and settlers were Nathan Haines and his family. As stated elsewhere, the Gary Mission, a Eoman Catholic enterprise, had established a brancli mission at this place among the Indians. This year we find this mission school taught by an Indian named Robert Sim- merwell, assisted by his wife, a white woman. At this school, white and Indian children came together. Mr. Haines, unable to do better, sent his older children to it. Some of the Indians at this place, under the training and influence of this mission and school, no doubt, became most devout Catholics. _ During the present year, the first houses were built upon the site of the city of La Porte by Richard Harris, (already mentioned as coming to the county with the Stantons, et al.) and George Thomas. Mr. Thomas' cabin stood near where the railroad depot now stands. Colonel William A. Place, who was on a preliminary visit to the county, assisted in building the cabin; and Wilson Malone claimed that he was the first white man to sleep in the city of La Porte, if this feeble beginning can be called the city of La Porte, having used the house of Mr. Thomas for that purpose belore it was occupied by tlie family of Mr. Thomas. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 403 The population of the county was further increased this year by the birth of William Steele, who has more latterly been a citizen of Clinton township. THE YEAR 1831. The year 1831 witnessed quite a material advance in the settle- ments already begun, as well as the beginning of new ones. In the spring of this year, a settlement was made at the place where the village of Kolling Prairie is now situated, or as it was formerly called, Portland. This settlement was made on the 25th day of May by a party who emigrated from the vicinity of Lafayette, Indiana, consisting of the families of David Stoner, Arthur Irving, Jesse West, and Ezekiel Provolt, and also another man named Willets. It was not very long until the families of Provolt, West, and Irvino; had cabins which served them as homes. These were all in the vicinity of each other. During the year this settlement, though they were considerably scattered over the country, received additional settlers. Among these were Daniel Murray, James Hiley, Jacob Miller, John Gar- rett, Chapel W. Brown, and Emery Brown, together with the families of Harvey, Salisbury, and Whitehead, and James Drum- mond, Benjamin DeWitt, Dr. B. C. Bowell, J. Austin, Ludlow Bell and George W. Barnes. Later in the fall came also Myron Ives. These arrivals gave the Rolling Prairie settlement quite a start. It soon wrought visible changes in the condition of the country. It was during this year that James Webster, and his son-in-law, James Highley, came from Virginia and settled in the northeast corner of the present Pleasant township. This township is said to have been, prior to this settlement and that which follows, one of the most beautiful, attractive, flower-clad, and grove-embellished portions of the county, and this with its sparkling little lakes and flowing streams, and gently undulating surface combined to make it a spot of unsurpassed loveliness and beauty. This beginning of settlement, as we sliall see, was soon followed up and its rich acres were tnade subservient to the wants of the pioneers who came to make a home within it. By the close observer, it will have been noticed that the settle- ments which have now been begun have all nearly corresponded with the crest of that swell of elevation, already noticed in giving the geography of the county, which sweeps across in a somewhat irregular way from east to west. From that on the shore of Lake Du Chemiu to that of the Benedict neighborhood, they are all nearly in line. The settlement of Webster and Highley was a little departure from this; and now we go to another on the other side of the crest. This was a settlement which was made where is now the little village of Springfield, in Springfield township. It was made in 404 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. this year by Judah Learning. Before the close of the year he was joined by Abram Oormack and Daniel Griffin. This village settle- ment formed the nucleus for one more settlement in the county, and impresses one with tlie thought how rapidly and widely that tide of Western-bound empire is sweeping over these lands. " Crossing the crest again, we find another settlement established near the present location of Union Mills. This was made in the fall of this year by Horace Markham and Lane Markham, both locating in section eight. To the stream which runs near by, their name was given; but it has since been called Mill creek. Traces of these families have been lost. Now moving to tlie east, we shall find a prairie which is called Stilhvell prairie, which was so-called trom the first settler of it, Mr. Thomas Stillwell, who built a log cabin near where Mr. D. H. Norton has more recently dwelt. He was a man who was some- wliat averse to white societ}', loving that of the Indian better; and he kept along the border in such a way as to avoid the one if he did not have the other. At least, in the location which he chose this time, he was not disturbed with immediate neighbors for two or three years; yet he formed the nucleus for a subsequent prosper- ous settlement. During the year, the settlements already formed were measur- ably strengthened and increased. Their accretions were from various directions. In this year, also among others who settled in the New Durham neighborhood, was Mr. Alden Tucker, who settled so as to form a kind of connecting' link between that neighbor- hood and the settlements which had been made in Scipio township; he settled on section 13. It was also during this year that the Hon. Charles W. Cathcart united liis interests with the county, settling in the neighborhood of the Benedict settlement. Of Mr. Cathcart, it mav be said that he has long been a distinguished citizen of the county, and has always taken a prominent and leading part in public affairs. He has received numerous lionors at the hands of his fellovs^-citizens, — twice representing the district in Congress. Among others who may be said to belong to the "Boot Jack" settlement, though they were more or less scattered over the country, who settled this year may be mentioned the following: James Wills, Dr. Chapman, David Stoner, and Matthias Dawson. While the various parts of the county were thus receiving their accretions, the central part was gathering up, too. It is impossible to keep the trace of all who came to these settlements, but among those who had found a residence in the settlement which was made along the line between Centre and Kankakee townships and which reached down to the place where La Porte is now situated, we find the following: The Blake, Landon, Ball, and Wheeler families; Joseph Pagin, who built a house on the east side of Clear Lake; Wil- son Malone, William Bond, Jesse Bond, and John Garwood; John B. Fravel, Charles Fravel, William Stanton and family, and Alfred Stanton. At the "land sales" at Logansport in October of this HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 405 year ^O*;^ acres were bought by a company, consisting of John Walker, Abram P. Andrew, Jr., James Andrew, Hiram Todd, and Walter Wilson, on which it was proposed to lay out a town which should become the county-seat. In addition to this, the Andrews bought other lands in the immediate vicinity, and thus laid the foundation for a handsome competence. All along the line of these settlements there has been an increase of numbers and strength during the year. THE TEAK 1832. The year 1832 opened up with quite a change having been made in the condition of the country since the Benedict family liad driven their stake as pioneers. The rich prairies were being made to yield abundant supplies for all necessary demands, improvements were being made in almost every direction, though rude and primitive as compared with the improvements of to-day, perhaps, but which served to accomplish the purpose designed, — to give a home to those who had sought one in the uninhabited border. It is this year that we have the first intimations of the now pros- perous city of Michigan City. The lands on which the city now is situated were purchased of the Government by Major Isaac C. Elston, of Crawfordsville, at the "land sales" of last year; and in October of this year he laid out the town. The sight was anything but that which would tempt settlers to it, and if settlements were to always be made because of beauty of landscape, Michigan City would have been blessed with but few; for the site was forbidding, much of it being low and swampy, and other parts excessively sandy. But the after results have shown the wise judgment of Major Elston. He believed that at this point a harbor could be made. His ])ene- tration, as he looked at Tail creek making its way slowly over the sands to the lake winding its wa}^ around the foot of Hoosier Slide in a deep, sluggish stream, though obstructed at its mouth by a bar of sand to such an extent that a person could easily pass over it on foot, so little water passed over it, enabled him to appreciate its value, and hence his purchase. It will, no doubt, in the future fill his most extravagant expectation, taking the advancement which has already been made as a criterion by which to judge. However, all that we find of Michigan City this year is the plat as surveyed by its proprietor. Now, leaving this locality, uninviting so far as its landscape appearance is concerned, and taking a course southward along the line on which the Louisville, New Albanv & Chicago railroad is now located, and continuing until we come to Clinton township, we shall find that the settlement of New Durham township is still widening and increasing. We shall here find Isham Campbell set- tled on the west side of Hog creek, the original pioneer of Clinton township, but quickly followed, that is to say, in the fall of this year, by Andrew Richardson and Edmund Richardson, who settled on section 9. 406 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. The purposes of business, travel and inter-communication were to be subserved; and hence we find this year Mr. John Dunn build- ing a bridge across the Kankakee river, and thus becominj^- the first settler of Lincoln township, or at least that which is such now. Many arrivals this year swelled the settlement in New Durham township very greatly, — it is now assuming almost the proportions of a community. Josiah Bryant and family, Jeremiah Sherwood and Jonathan Sherwood, Wilson Malone and George Campbell, and many others found a home in its midst. The pioneer preacher is beginning to seek these communities, and here the Methodist pioneer preacher of the county, Rev. James Armstrong, held the first religious services for this people during this year. The settlement in Scipio township was swelled this year by the following at least: Mr. Melville, John Broadhead, Elijah Brown, and Peter White. And to link these two settlements together, Mr. A. M.Jessup settles rather between them. Others thus settled, so that by this time these communities are beginning to merge into one. The unequaled beauty of Pleasant township this year began to attract the immigrants, and in it settled Silas Hale and Oliver Clos- son, settling in section 22, tlius becoming the neighbors of Messrs. Webster and Highley who have already found a location in it, being only about three or four miles away. And over in Springfield settlement settlers are coming this year so that they too are beginning to put on airs. They build a school house and put Miss Emily Learning into it to teach school. Messrs. Rose and Grifiith hold Methodist religious services, and likewise Mr. Marks holds Baptist services, for these Springfield pioneers. The community is increased during the year by John Brown, Erastus Quivey, Charles YailjJohn Hazleton, Joseph Pagin and his sons, et al.^ becoming settlers. And over in Noble township, Joseph AVlieaton became a resident, and began to raise the ambition of the little community by laying out the town of Union Mills (however, the plat of the village was not put on record until December 7, 1849). Bird McLane and John McLane bought land in the township during this year, and prepared to settle in it. In the spring of this year tlie number of settlers in Kankakee township was swelled In- the families of Solomon Aldrich, Charles Ives, and Alexander Blackburn, and during the year by many others. It seems that all these communities are taken with the notion at about the same time of building school-houses, holding religious services, etc. In this community Rev. James Crawford held Presbyterian religious services at the house of Alexander Blackburn, during this year. And while these things were going on in these other parts of the county, Brainard GofF and Charles Fravel, et al.^ are settling in and around the prospective county seat. Colonel W. A. Place brought his family and settled in October of this year, though he made a prospective visit last year. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 4,07 Prosperity seems to have set in. At least we have seen settle- ment after settlement spring np in various parts of the county, and they have all strengthened and increased. This is the first year that the conntj^ has had the American privilege of voting for the country's Chief Magistrate. It seems that these pioneers appreci- ated tliis privilege or esteemed it a duty, for at the election in November, 115 of them expressed themselves on the Chief Magistrate question at the ballot-box. "We have mentioned this fact that we might the more effectually note that other fact, the rapid growth of the county. Though we have been mentioning a few of these early settlers, it will appear from this that we have not been able to gather anything like a complete list of them. Kemember that the county is at this time only about three and a half years old from the time the first log-cabin was built, and the magnitude of this growth will appear. This population was not gathered together at any center, but was distributed, as we have noted, at various parts of the county. Only three families were now living where the future beautiful city of La Porte was to be: the families of George Thomas, Richard Harris, and Wilson Malone. THE YEAR 1833. The Board of County Commissioners was organized on the 28th of May, 1832 — last year. This board consisted of Chapel W. Brown, Elijah H. Brown and Isaac Morgan, The year 1833 opened up with new interests. The county had been filling up so rapidly that by this time it became apparent that it stood in need of the necessities of a civilized community. Good roads are not only concomitants of civilization, but they are necessities belonging to it; aye, they promote it. This the pioneers early saw. Hence they called upon their Board of Commissioners to make all needful arrangements for them; and they did. It was apparent to them, as well as to the citizens, that their own interest demanded means of easy access to all parts of the county and to adjoining, and even to the more distant, counties. Among their first acts was the establishment of county roads, at the request of the inhabitants. They did not hesitate to expend money on a road leading from Michigan City into Marshall county, nor to authorize Matthias Redding to keep a ferry across the Kankakee river on the line of this road. The result of this policy was that tlie trade of the southern counties, as far south as Lafayette, Monticello and Logansport, was attracted to Michigan City for a market; and this had a direct influence upon the prosperity of the county in attracting both wealth and citizens. Time makes some changes. In the matter of business, changes have been brought about since the days of which we write and now. It would seem odd to our present dealers in common merchandise, if it did not really disgust them, to have to pay a license to do any 408 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. kind of business; but the business men of those times were required to do so. Witness the following: At the September term of the Commissioners' Court in 1833, the Board ordered that license be issued to Thomas M. Morrison to " vend merchandise in La Porte county" for $15.00; also that license be issued to Messrs. J. F. & W. Allison to sell merchandise, and to "keep a tavern in the town of La Porte," for $15.00; also that license be issued to Elijah Casteel to " vend groceries in the town of Michigan City" for $10.00; also that license be issued to William Clements to " vend merchandise in the town of La Porte" for $10.00. This is enough to show jiow these county fathers were looking after the interests of the county, and how business was made to tally " ducats" for the county treasury. This year sees the settlements widen more and more. A new settlement is begun in what is now Galena township. A man named George W. Barnes, originally from Maine, but more recently from the city of Cleveland, in Ohio, came into the county and selected his land and went to work with great energy. He is said to have been a man of indomitable will and great strength, which well fitted him for his pioneer work. He died without descendants, many years ago. In the same locality with Mr. Barnes during this year Whitman Goit, John Talbott, Sylvanns James, Shubal Smith, and Richard Miller, having selected their claims, settled and began to make improvements. When these men went into this locality they found an almost unbroken forest, but soil loamy, warm, and rich, — pro- ducing well. It is said that some of the best timber in the county can still be found in this region where these men found their homes. Again we find the New Durham community attracting to itself a large immigration, and among which came the following, who came directly to the settlement or were attracted to the locality afterward, but were settled in the county this year: Henry Cath- cart, W. F. Catron, Eliza Cole, John Warnoch, John P. Noble, and J. E.. Reed. And the closely-allied settlement in Scipio township receives a large immigration, among whom may be mentioned Elmore Pattee, and Jacob R. Hall, who was a former resident of Cass county. General Joseph Orr had also become a resident, however, buying land along the line of the present townships of Scipio and Centre. This community, like the rest, did not forget the higher interests of it. This year the Metliodists built a frame church at Door Yillage; Rev. James Armstrong did the preaching for them. He also preached in difierent houses in the community. So also did Samuel Holmes and Dr. St. Claire, two earnest ministers of the Christian church. The community at Lake Du Chemin still increased. Among the settlers there during this year we find Mr. Fleming Reynolds. And the little town of Hudson on the lake, the nucleus of this HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 409 community, is beginning to develop and to reach out after business. It becomes the rival of La Porte. This year a school-house is built, the first one built except the mission school-house which has already been mentioned, and a man named Edwards is set to teach the school. Many business enterprises are set on foot; Charles Egbert opens a creditable store. John D. Ross begins blacksmithing, as also a Mr. Jewett; Samuel Elliott starts a coopering establish- ment, and James F. Smith keeps a hotel. Over in Wills township the following names were added to the list of settlers; Joseph Starrett bought an " Indian float " and set- tled npon it; Jesse Willett, Jesse West, Nirarod West, Jacob Gallion and J. Clark. The settlement in Pleasant township is also extending, and during this year John Wilson, from Ohio, Asa Owen and Andrew Harvey, and Benjamin Butterworth, who settled near by, were made a part of the rapidly consolidating community of the county. Crossing again to the Springfield neighborhood, it is still found busy and active. The village is surveyed on the lands of Judah Learning by Daniel Beaming, and the accessions to the community were Erastus Quivey, who built a mill, Hiram Griffith, John Griffith, Gilbert Rose, et al. During this year, a new settlement was begun in what is now Cool Spring township, or rather it was the adyance of the older settlements into new territory; and not only one but more settle- ments were inaugurated in this part of the county during this year. Nathan Johnson established a settlement at the little place known as Waterford; John Luther another some three or four miles south and west from him; while Arba Heald, a former resident and first settler of Scipo township, penetrated this part of the county and settled south and east from Luther's cabin. He was also foUovved by John Beaty, who established himself at what is called Beaty's Corners. These settlers, while they were several miles apart, may be said to constitute one neighborhood. Passing again to the other side of tlie New Durham settlement, into the present Clinton township, we shall find that the settlement is extending in that direction. During the year Stephen Jones, a Methodist preacher, Nathaniel Steel, William Niles, John Osborn, Lemuel Maulsby, Levi Reynolds, Thomas Robinson, R. Pratherand Richard Williams become settlers among others. These separate and distinct settlements in the various parts of the county are fast merging into one. Passing a little farther to the east, in Noble township, and we find it gathering up in the number of its settlers very rapidly. This year the following settlers found homes here: Peter Burcli and Ira Burch, William O'Hara, Michael O'Hara, Samuel O'Hara and Edward O'Hara, Warren Burch, Jer- emiah Perkins and Isaac Johnson and Wright Loving and Silas Loving, together with others, forming quite a community. Going still again to the east, and we shall find that Mr. Stillwell, the " border man," who sought seclusion from the society of the 410 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. whites by making a settlement in this part of the county, gets all he wants, perhaps ; for at the close of this year, around him and near him, the following have found homes and places to settle: John Winchell, John Yail and Henry Yail, who turned their attention to the milling business, Joshua Travis and Curtis Travis, Henry Davis and Henry Mann, Theodore Catlin and Daniel Finlej"-, and others. We come again to visit the locality of La Forte and its surround- ings. Since the last visit, we can detect a rate of improvement that must have been gratifying to those who were interested in its permanent progress. The town has been laid out and the original survey made. It has been made the county seat; in its survey regard was had for a public square; a contract lias been made by the Commissioner with Simon G. Bunce for the erection of a court- house, to cost $3,975; also with Warner Pierce for a jail to cost $460; and at the close of this year, or at the beginning of the next, it had so grown that it could count 15 houses. A little description of the court-house which the Commissioners determined to build will be appropriate in this place to show the spirit which animated these early settlers, the oldest of whom had at this time only five years' residence, and indicate the thrift which attended them; for it is a noticeable fact that thrift begets a com- mendable spirit and taste. Where a country is covered with tasty farms, tasty residences, and cities are filled with tasty public and private buildings, it is evident that back of these, and unmistak- ably born of it, is thrift. Then, again, thrift is the product of industry and favorable circumstances. Industry is a quality which the people possess, and this element of prosperity, therefore, is indicated in the public buildings which the commissioners proposed to erect. In this we shall find move that will really speak of the industry and thrift of these pioneers than pages of platitudes upon these qualities. Following are the specifications of the building as they appear in the records: The building was to be of brick, located in the center of the Public Square, 40 feet square and of proportional height; it was to be dressed in tasty and permanent cornice, and to be surmounted with a cupola three stories in height. The first story of this cupola was to be 12 feet square and 9 feet high, with a round window in each side in which was to be a fancy ^asli. The second story was to be octagonal, eight-sided in shape, and 10 feet high, with a window in each side to be closed by a Venetian blind; and the corners were to be ornamented with turned columns. At each of the corners of the first, or square story was to be placed an urn of " suitable size." The third story was to be a dome, six feet six inches in height, and to be covered with tin. From this was to proceed a shaft six feet six inches high above the dome, into the top of which was to be placed an iron rod or spire which should hold at its connection with the shaft a " cop- per ball," two feet in diameter, "laid with gold Ifeaf." Half way from this globe to the top of the spire there was to be another " copper ball," one foot in diameter; and at the top, a ball of wood. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 411 six inches in diameter, and painted black, was to be placed. The work was all to be substantial and workmanlike. The men who laid the foundation work of the county were not destitute of taste, it may be called " pardonable pride," and they determined that the court-house should not simply be " four plain walls," but that it should be a building representing the thrift of the county and creditable to their own tastes. Thus is the county found at the end of five years of settlement. THE timp: from 1834 to 1840. With the rapidity of the incoming tide that now sets in, and the constant accretions which these nuclei are receiving, thus inter- lapping and interlacing these settlements with one another, it is impracticable to follow them year by year farther. The next years must be grouped as a whole. In the preceding part of this chapter, we have been compelled to chronicle the establishment of isolated and distinct settlements and neighborhoods, and have tried to preserve the names of a few of those who formed those settlements, for there was nothing else to chronicle. Xow, we are to call the attention of the reader to the destruction of these isolated settlements and neighbor- hoods, as such, by detailing their consolidation and merging into one. Attention has already been called to the fact that the first settle- ments were made near the crest of that insensible swell, or eleva- tion of land which serves the purpose of a " dividing ridge," sepa- rating the waters of the county which flow into the Gulf of St. Lawrence from those which flow into the Gulf of Mexico, and which sweeps entirely across the county from east to west. The attentive reader who has followed the chronicle of facts as they have been given in relation to these settlements, could not help discerning the additional facts that these first settlements, seemingly, insensibly crept toward each other along this same crest until they were blended, slightly it may be; and tliat then they began to descend its insensible slopes on either side until the whole of the county was occupied. If not discerned before, a thought now will convince any one of its truth. Of the period of which we now write the settle- ments in what are now the townships of Cool Spring, Michigan, Springfield, and Galena, on one side of this crest, and of Clinton, Union, Noble and Johnson, on the other, are isolated neighbor- hoods, while the settlements in New Durham, Scipio, Centre, Pleasant, Kankakee, Wills, and Hudson, which are more or less on the crest of this elevation, have begun to sensibly run into one another, showing that the bulk of the population is there. And during the years included in the period indicated in our sub-title we find that the population thickened up more and more in these first communities, and kept on creeping down these slow 27 412 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. descending slopes until they, too, became thickly settled communi- ties, and by the close of 1840 the isolated character of the neigh- borhoods, if not completely, was substantially broken up, and the population of the county was a unit. The results of this immigration can be better told with a few figures than in any other way. At the beginning of the year 1829, the number of white settlers in the county was — 00. In 1832, at the time of the holding of the first Presidential election in the county, the number of the inhabitants was about — 525. In 1836, at tlie time of the holding of the second Presidential election, the population of the county was about — 4,250; — a vote of 942 ballots was cast. In 1840, at the time of the taking of the census, the number of inhabitants was 8,184; — the vote at the August election of that year being 1,782 ballots. Putting these figures into a little closer proximity, and in the order, and corresponding to the dates given, they are as follows:— 00— 525— 4,250— 8,184. The votes, in the same order and corresponding to the same dates, are likewise,— 00— 115— 942— 1 ,782. In the time from 1834 to 1840, quite a neighborhood sprang up in Lincoln township. Among those who settled here at this time, there may be mentioned Mr. Mutz, John Yickory and Levi Little, of ls34; George Sparrow, Newlove, Laybourn, and Carson Siddles, of 1835; E. Abergast, and Mr. Sanders, of 1836; and John Dare, and John Davis, of 1838. At this time the whole of the southern part of the county, including the townships of Cass, Ilanna, and Dewey, was a part of Starke county, and cannot be reckoned in giving these early settle- ments. In every part of the county as it then existed, we have found prosperous settlements, except in wdiatis now Johnson town- ship; and here, ever since 1831 or 1832, John Dunn had been watching for those who were wont to use his bridge in crossing the Kankakee river, so far as our means of information will inform us, all alone. We have not been able to learn of an}" other settlers here until from 1842 to 1846. At this time, among others, we find that Major John M. Lemon, Charles Palmer, William Mapes, Edward Owens, Samuel Smith, and Martin Smith, had become settlers. Cass township was settled immediately succeeding 1840. Among its first settlers were Abraham Eahart, Peter Woodin, James Con- cannon, Thomas Concannon, and William Smith. The first settlement in what is now Ilanna township, was a little prior to 1840. Among the settlers of this township before that date, may be mentioned William West, Sr., Niinrod West, Emanuel Metz and his sons, Andrew J. Chambers and his sons, Amsterdam Stewart, Thomas Hunsley, William Tynerand Charles Strong. The first settlement was not made in Dewey township until 1854, at which time, or shortly after, Jacob Schauer, George P. Schim- mel, and Lewis Besler and Michael Besler, became settlers. This completes the "early settlements " of the county. CHAPTER VI. PIONEER LIFE. PIONEER HOMES — LOG CABINS. In the preceding chapter we have given the settlements of the county as'they were begun and continued until they had merged into one. There are more things of interest connected with these settlements than the mere enumeration of the incidents of settle- i^ent— time, place, and by whom. There is a most mterestmg volume, if it were written in full, in the inside workings ot these homes and settlements. We cannot hope to give these m full— we could not if we had the time and space— but we may gleam some things that will interest the old pioneers, by calling their memories back to "ye olden tyme " when their hearts were young and . blithe and thus bring to them the scenes of the past; and they may interest the voung by showing to them how these pioneers lived and laid the foundations of the prosperity and blessings which they now enjov. The homes of these pioneers were in vivid contrast with the comfortable homes, and even palatial homes, which is the rule of the La Porte county homes of the present. Instead of the handsome brick or frame edifice, handsomely painted and tastefully adorned, they were rude "log cabins" without paint or other tasteful ornamentations without, or beautiful decorations within, save the lily clusters of virtue and the pictures of content- ment and peace which were to be found in the households them- selves. THE BENEDICT " HOUSE-KAISING." In these early times there were a great many " house-raisings " and " house-warmings,"— for this became a necessity m orderto supply the rapidly increasing population with homes. A descrip- tion of one is a description of all. When the Benedict tamily had concluded to leave Ottawa, Illinois, whither they had gone from Chicago, which they had made a stopping place when they migrated from Durham, Greene county, New York, in 1827, they managed some way to send word to some friends at Pokagon prairie m Ber- rien county, Michigan, designating the point at which they expected to settle, and requesting aid in putting up a little home,--a "log- cabin in the woods." Accordingly, when the widow (for Mr Stephen S Benedict, the husband and father, had died at Ottawa) and her family arrived at the spot designated they found their friends, Samuel Johnson and William Eahart, already on the (413) 414 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. ground. Of males, there were now present these whom we have named and the six sons of the famil}^, viz., Joseph H. Benedict, Alpha M. Benedict, Levi J. Benedict, John K. Benedict, Holland Benedict, and James W. Benedict, and Henly Clyburn, the son-in- law. Of females, so far as we have been able to ascertain, there were bnt two: Mrs. Benedict, and Mrs. Clyburn, nee Sarah Bene- dict, the wife of Henly Clyburn. This company were in the woods. The business just now on hand was the erection of a building which would serve as a home for the pioneer widow and her family. Accordingly, if we listen sharpl}' enough, we may hear the clear ring of the axes, used by as many of the company as were able to wield an ax, as the trees of suitable size were being cut down and cut into suitable lengths. How those strokes do ring in the silent depths of the woods around. Now, some are using the wagon and team in hauling these logs to the place where the cabin is to be built; some are " riving " away at the " clapboards " which are to furnish the roof, and other some are splitting away at the "puncheons" which are to furnish the floor. A short time only suflSced to make these necessary prepara- tions. The foundation round is laid, the lower logs resting upon four great stones as a foundation. Log by log it goes up, each one being "notched and saddled " to fit the log below and to receive the log above. Bound by round this house was thus built until the proper height was reached. The remainder of the house was com- pleted by placing " ridge-poles " across, to receive the clapboard roof, upon the gradually shortened logs which were tapered at each end to correspond to the slope of the roof, and which formed the "gable ends" of the house, until the center was reached upon which a '' comb ridge-pole " was placed. Upon these " ridge-poles" the clapboards M'ere placed in courses one upon the other with about two feet exposed to the " weather," laid down loosely. Tliese were held in their places by placing heavy poles upon them called " weight poles," reaching from one gable to the other, and which were kept on their respective courses of boards by pieces of timber of suitable length called " runs " being placed between them, one end of which rested upon the " weight pole " below and the other furnishing a support for the one above, and thus until all the courses were weighted. Now begun the internal and finishing work of the house. A door, window and "fire place" were respectively cut out and "cheeked up." A heavy door was hung on wooden hinges and fastened with a wooden latch to close up the doorway; a sash of " 8 by 10" glass was roughly placed in the window; the chimney was made of wooden jams filled in with a wall and built out to the top of the roof, and a little above, with rived sticks laid up like a cob house, the interstices were filled with clay mortar, and plastered inside and out with the same. Attention was now given to the cracks between the logs, and they were " chinked and daubed," a process which required annual atten- tion; and the puncheon floor being laid down, the house was ready HISTORY OF LA TORTE COUNT T. 415 for its " warming." We are not informed whether the traditional " house- warming " took place in this case or not at the completion of this cabin, but we have reasons to believe that there were hearts glad enough to have "danced and kept jubilee until the wee sma' hours " when these houseless pioneers had a place which they could call " home." The blue smoke curled out of the new-made chim- ney in the traditional and poetical way among the leafless limbs of the surrounding trees when the lire was kindled in the great fire- place within. The aroma of the first meal was wafted into the surrounding stillness as it was prepared " by the tire " in the old- time way, and there was a smile of satisfaction when the family and their friends drew up around " the festal board " for the first time, and thev felt that that they were at home. _ • This process of log-cabin building was repeated twice before Johnson and Eahart returned to their Michigan home, and two similar "house-warmings" were had in the next month of April. During the first years of settlement of the county, similar cabins were buiTt in a similar way all over those parts which were devoted to settlement, from this Benedict settlement to that on_Du Ohemin or Hudson lake. There was one exception to this. George Thomas, because that he was going to occupy the site of the future city of La Porte, whether he did or did not know it does not now concern us, of course he must put on a little more style than his cabin-homed neighbors; and so he went to the saw-mill of Captain Andrew, a short distance west of the place, and procured " slabs^^ and built his house out of "sawed timber," while his neighbors had nothing but " scotched logs." We are not informed whether these slabs were put together with " notch and saddle," like the logs of the unpretending cabin, or whether they stood on end; but at any rate it was a house of " sawed timber," and was therefore quite palatial. , , These first La Porte homes were not as plentifully supplied witli furniture as are the more recent La Porte homes, nor of the same quality. There were no soft ingrain carpets on the floor, no beautiful oil-paintings on the walls, no brilliant coal-oil or gas jets to give light, no easy chairs in which to rest, and no soft, cushioned sofas on which to lounge. But they contained one, perhaps two, rough beds in the corner and a trundle-bed for the children, an unpainted table on which the daily meals were spread, a few stools, and if well fixed a few chairs, together with the cooking utensils. Over the fire-place was usually a mantel-shelf which served to catch the " tallow-dip," that gave the light, and every odd and end which was about the house. And, leaning against the chimney jams, on one side was the fire-shovel, on the other tlie fire-tongs. The dark garret above served as the receptacle of' every other thing which was not needed for present use, and sometimes this garret was a medley the most undistinguishable. And around, instead of the nicely" planed, clean and painted picket fence which now character- izes the door-yard, if fenced at all, there was a kind of tumble-down 416 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. rail fence; and instead of the level, laid-out and flower-decked yards of to-daj, the yard was full of stumps and growing up with the young shoots from the lately cut-off saplings. Instead of the well-paved walks, hordered witli beds of elegant flowers, the way to this humble mansion in the woods was but the pathway which was kept worn down by the passing and re-passing of the members of the household. Sometimes an extra tasty house-wife would train a honeysuckle or morning-glory vine over the window and door- way. Around the wall, if the family was remarkably well-to-do, might be seen the extra wearing apparel of the family. I very much doubt if there is any more of solid comfort and contentment in the elegant homes of La Porte to-day than there was in these unpretending homes of half a century ago in the woods, PIONEER- WORK. If the home was in " the woods," when not engaged in preparing the ground for or cultivating their small crops, "daddy" and the " boys " were out in the woods making a " deadening " by girdling the trees, or were " clearing" a piece of ground without taking this preliminary step, or were grubbing the underbrush and cleaning up a "deadening" already made. Sometimes they would take a play- spell, when with the trusty rifle, which usually hung in the strong leather loops on the cabin wall, they would chase the nimble-footed deer through the woods, or call down the squirrel from his nutty height in the tree-tops. It might be that instead of taking the rifle, they would take the hook and line and steal by the side of some brook where the finny tribes were wont to stay and by their entice- ments induce them to take the tempting bait, and so land them at their feet that they might grace the festal board by and by. Or if the homes were on " the prairie," then the mornings were hurly-burly that the}' might be away to the " timber" to make the rails which were necessary to fence their lands, or that they might haul them where thev were needed. Sometimes they were looking: after that little herd of cattle which was gathering around them and gi'owing handsomely on the rich prairie grass. Sometimes they were building barns and stables and sheds for the protection of their farm products and their stock. Sometimes they were building new or renewing old fences; but ever busy, busy. But " mamma " and the " gals " were no less busy. The allotment of hardships was not on the sterner sex only, but the softer bore them as well. Cookery was not an easy trade in those days, and this fell on the female portion of the family. They were not then supplied with "cook stoves " and "ranges" as they are now, but the cooking was done "over the fire." Up in the chimney was usually a strong pole placed across from side to side, and to this was fastened and suspended what were called trammels. Kettles were hung to these over a large fire when they wanted to boil water only, or they wished to cook their meats or porridges. A long-handled HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 417 frjing-pan was used in frying the meat when that method of cook- ery was preferred; it was also used in baking short-cake. Often turkej's, chickens, spare-ribs, etc., were cooked by being suspended on a string before the fire, under which was placed a dish to catch the drippings. The bi'ead was baked on a "johnny-cake " board on the hearth before tlie fire, or in the common "Dutch oven," a fiat- bottomed bake-kettle which was covered with a closely fitting cast-iron cover. Properly heated, with coals over and underneath it, bread and biscuits would quickly and nicely bake. "Who does not sometimes long for the " corn-dodger " that used to be baked in the old "Dutch oven?" 'Corn bread, butter, and milk — ughl good enough! The manipulation of these utensils fell to the women. But this was not all. Even with this lapse of time, who does not some- times, " when the wind is fair," hear, coming down from " the isle of the long ago," the hum of the spinning-wheel and the clack of the rickety loom as these were manipulated in the interest of the cloth- ing department of the family? The young girls had no piano of mellow tones nor harp of "golden strings " upon which to play, bat they had a " spinning-wheel," a stringed instrument of spacious sound, and they were taught to use it well. The " product of the loom " at this time was linsey-woolsey, cloth of cotton warp and woolen woof; flannel, both warp and woof of wool, and jeans, which difi'ered from the "linsey" by being woven with three or four " leafs" instead of only two. The linsey-woolsey and the flannel took the place of the more elegant alpaca and cashmere of these times in rendering " sweetness " to the " female form divine," and the jeans supplied the wants of the other sex in this direction. If the female taste demanded and exacted a " boughten " dress, or the male ideas of propriety impelled him to dress up in "store goods," then the community was sure to think something was going to hap- pen, and everybody began to look around for a minister, — Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Sherwood, or Dr. St. Claire, PEAIRIE-PLOWING BY THE PIONEERS. % The prairies at this time were covered with a luxuriant growth of wild grass, the roots of which formed a tenacious sod. The teams by which this sod could be successfully broken must neces- sarily be very strong. Every settler could not have a team of his own of sufiicient strength to do this work, nor would it have paid if he could, perhaps. This gave rise to the formation of " breaking teams," which went over the prairies from place to place and "broke" this prairie sod for the settlers for the first time. Like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, these were dwellers in tents, and like Lot's herdsmen, they looked after their cattle. The team consisted of six or eight j^oke of oxen to which was trained, by means of a long chain or series of shorter chains fastened to the ring and btaple of the yokes, a huge, unwieldy plow which would make a little ditch at every furrow. The " deck " of hands consisted of a 418 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. plowman and a driver. Thus fitted out, thej went on the land to be broken. One of these companies which broke the prairie lands between La Porte and Westville and elsewhere consisted of Seth "Way and Chas. Ladd. — the driver of these teams was very frequently a lad. It cannot be told now how much of it they broke, but in the landscape of the " long ago " they form quite a conspicuous figure. During the night their oxen were permitted to graze on the prairie near bj'', if they were not sharp enough to run away, and in the morning these sturdy sons of the plow, bright and early were out throusfh i^rass and thicket, in dew and wet, on the hunt of their straggling team; and sometimes, no doubt, coming out on the calm morning air, their melodious voices might liave been heard ringing clear, "Co bos, co bos, co bos," at the sound of which the most sensible of their team miglit have been seen to quietly enter a thicket of under-brush, instinctively secre^e himself, and like a mouse in its nest keep perfectly still, until the place of his retreat was penetrated by these anxious searchers. And then what a look of injured innocence rested on the face of that sensible ox as he was urged from the place of his secrecy with the most earnest solicitation of the " provoked " hunter. At last the team was yoked, and the plow was trained, and all ready to move. While the plowman spits upon his hands, we'll take a look at the whip of the driver, a very important and indispensable part of the outfit. The stock of this v\liip was usually a hickory withe of suitable size and length, at the end of which was fastened a lash of wondrous length and ponderous " bulge," braided of leather firm and strong. This was tipped with a " cracker " which was meant to cut and burn. "All ready," says the plowman. A peal from the driver's whip, which could be heard for many furlongs, was the driver's reply. "Whoa! haw, Buck! gee, Dick! " was the team's notice to go. They bent themselves to their yokes, and the ponderous plow began to move, and whole sections of the prairie sod to turn upside down, liound after round they slowly went. Higher and higher the sun arose, and more and more tjiese sturdy oxen were wont to pant and to loll out their tongues. Slower and slower they trudged along, and sleepier and sleepier the plowman grew until with a lurch and swing of the great plow handles he is knocked to the right and the left; and, suddenly waking up, great vol- umes of — well, I'll not accuse these " good " pioneers of downright swearing, and so will pass that period. They get straightened up again and move along. Pant, pant, loll, loll, the oxen go. Some of them are taken with a sudden desire to go to the neighboring pond, and as suddenly lose their interest in the plowing business, and away they go. " Whoa," slap, slash, bang, goes the whip, and outpours another volume of — well, I said that I would not accuse these of violating the third commandment, and I must not repeat what was said. But sufiice it to say that these had greater peace of mind when they got to following less aggravating pursuits in the years HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 419 afterward. Hundreds and thousands of acres of prairie sod were thus upturned during the first years of the settlement. PIONEER HARVEST-TIME. The labors of the pioneer husbandman were not entirely fruit- less; indeed, he got an ample return for his labor. The crops of corn which he planted filled his cribs, and his fields of wheat which he sowed made his heart glad when the time of the golden harvest came. The virgin soil, when the seasons were at all favorable, brought forth virgin crops. The time now is when the grain is awaiting the harvester. These farmers were not like the farmer in the celebrated fable of "The Lark and the Farmer" who waited for his neighbors and friends to do his work, but they gathered their '' home " help and " hired " help and went into the field, sickle in hand ready for work. The " leader " starts his "■ through," and another follows quickly in, and another, and another, until the harvesters are all in, forming one side of the wild goose's line of flight. Click — click — click — the sickles go, and pile after pile is slowlv made alon^ the " throue^h " until it is done, and then " bind- ing back" they are ready for another; and thus and thus they proceed until the harvest is done. It may be that the pioneer has outgrown his father's ways of doing tilings; and, sowing a broader breadth of wheat, he adopts the recent innovation and the speedier way of liarvesting his crop, — he uses the cradle. He gathers his help as before, and they stand in the field which is "■already white to the harvest." All hands wait a space ;^ — " clickity, click, clack, click," go the stones on the glittering scythe-blades. " Shwiesh, shwiash, shwiush," go the cradles as they pass through the grain, one after the other. The rakers and binders follow and the whole harvest force is mowing through the field; and " round " after "round " they go. At each return to the starting place a particular corner has a peculiar attraction for these gatherers of the harv^est, — they never fail to visit it. The sun rises hiijher and hic^her in the zenith. The " forenoon- piece " has come. Round after round the cradlers and their followers go. It is high noon, and the dinner call is made. Merry and glad, with repartee and jest, these surround the festal board which the good housewife has covered with an ample and tempting store. Back to the field. " Clickity, clack, click, clack," go tlie stones on the scythes again, and the leader gives his followers a peculiar nod, as if to say, " Somebody's jacket will yet be taken to-day." He strikes in his scythe, and " leans out;" he is closely followed, — shoulder to shoulder. Round after round is made; and every time that particular corner is visited. They are wrought up to first-class spirits. " Clickity, clickity, clickit}', click, click, click," goes the leader's stone; " clackety, clackety, clackety, clack, clack, clack," go the followers' likewise, — it is a banter for a race, given and accepted. "Swish, swash, swush," faster and faster the 420 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. cradles go. The followers pull np along-side of the leader. Deeper and deeper he puts his blade into the grain, and farther and farther they do likewise. Rivers of perspiration flow down their bodies, and higher and higher they throw the grain behind. It is even at the end and nobody is beaten. "A shake,'" says the leader, and they lay the cradles down to grasp the extended hand. They must now necessarily go to that particular corner, and take some of that which men take in winter to keep them warm, and in summer to keep them cool, the inevitable companion of the harvest field. And now off they go to "shock" the day's work, a merry set of lads. PIONEER RELIGIOUS MEETINGS. We have already noticed the simultaneous commencement of reli- gious meetings in the county at various places. This may have been on account of the simultaneous appearance of pioneer preachers in the county. While the very first settlers did not seem to develop very much talent in the public religious gathering, perhaps because not desiring to push themselves forward and no one called them out, yet when the religious teachers and workers did come, they fell in with the work earnestly and zealously. They did not have finely decorated temples in which to assemble for the solemn wor- ship of God; bnt met each other in their homes, and in barns, and in groves, if the weather was fair. When the announcement was made that a minister would preach at a certain place, be it at a private house, or in the open air, or elsewhere, it was the signal for the gathering of the people. These meetings began thus in the year 1832^ when Rev. James Armstrong came into the county, followed quickly by others. These were zealous and earnest men of God, who sought the welfare of their parishioners, and were willing to be deprived of their owm comforts that they mi2:ht do this. They preached long and well, and their hearers listened with long forbearance and patience. It sometimes happened that when a whole neighborhood was present there was not a very large congregation; but the preachers held not their peace on that account, but if possible labored all the more diligently. The kind of congregation which was wont to assemble at these times and the zeal of the minister and his deep anxiety for his people, may be illustrated by the following true story which occurred in the border of an adjoining county: A party of four young men started out one Sunday morning to take a scout over the country to see what they could find, not knowing anything else to do. After traveling for along time, they came up to a place where they found an ox team or two tied in front of a log cabin. They knew what that meant, — -it was religious service; and being religiously disposed, and not willing to lose a single opportunity, opportunities so seldom afforded, although they knew they must be from an hour to an hour and a half late. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 421 tbej determined to go in and get the benefit ot the closing exer- cises. So thej tipped the latch and went in. The preacher, although he was nearly through his discourse, on seeing so large an increase to his audience, kindly took his text again and preached his sermon over for their benefit. The good man was determined that no suitable oj^portunity should pass for doing good without being improved, and these four young men never forgot the interest which this man of God took in their behalf. On the one hand, in contrast with the young men of the present time, these four young men sought the worship of God wherever they could find it, and improved by it: on the other, this preacher regarthy these four men as quite a large addition to his audience and worded of a special effort. PIONEER SCHOOL-HOUSES AND SCHOOLS. « In the year 1832 the pioneers began to build school-houses, and to send their children to school. Indiana's present admirable school arrangements had not yet even embryonic form, — it was not for nearly 20 years that the discussion of the free-school system took definite shape in legislative enactments, — full 20 years before by constitutional adoption it became one of the permanent organic principles of the commonwealth. The school-houses, therefore, which were erected at this time were no part of a great system reaching all over a great State, but were the individual efforts of neighborhoods to secure to their children the privilege of tasting the sweet draughts which flow from the Pierian spring, and the well of knowledge. Among the first of such school-houses, if not the very first one built in the county, was the one built at Springville. It is true that there was one at Hudson, but that was a "mission school-house" built for the Indians. It was not long, however, until this house at Springville had companions in every neighborhood. These houses were in perfect keeping with the cabins of the settlers, — built in the same general way, — of logs " notched and saddled," and gabled up and covered like them, and with the same material. We have had given to us a very graphic description of one of these houses, built in ]S[oble township, which will serve as a description of them all. The body of the house was put up in the usual way, — of logs, etc. The doorway was closed with a heavy shutter, hung on wooden hinges; and the creak of those hinges was terrible sometimes. The heating apparatus was a fire-place in one end, nearly its entire size, and being kept full of wood on cold days the little urchins would take turn about in gathering around it on tlie hearth and roast their little shins and toes. Many a irrimace did these urchins make as one side was roasting hot and the other freezing cold, and round and round they were wont to turn. For windows a log on each side was cut out and 422 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. their places were filled with oiled paper; but this was afterwai-d supplied with eight by ten glass. The furniture would be consid- ered as unique in these days. The seating was made of logs split and smoothed otf with grub axes, raised to a suitable heiglit upon four wooden pins set in holes bored in the under side, and promis- cuously arranged on the puncheon floor. The writing desks were of similar material, prepared in a similar way, and elevated to the proper heiglit and given a suitable inclination by boi'ing holes at an angle and at the desired height in the wall -into which were driven strong pins. Upon these the desks were placed, and were prevented from sliding oif by notched heads on the ends of the pins. Thus furnished the house was ready for occu- pancy. The first morning of school was an important one. In those times there was not what is now called, " A Programme of Exer- cises," made out by the teacher and adhered to during the term; but the programme was made by the scholars themselves. The recitations, it was understood, would occur in the order in which the pupils arrived at the house; and sometimes there was a race who should recite first, this being the post of honor. None liked to be the last to recite. Sometimes the order of arrival on the morning of tiie first day determined this matter for the whole term; sometimes it was the arrival on Mondav mornino- which determined it for the following week; and very often the arrival of each morn- ing made up the programme for the day. The branches studied were the celebrated triple R's, Readin,' 'E,itin' and 'Rithmetic. If the girls learned to read and write pretty well, they were considered finished scholars; and if the boys "ciphered" as far as to the " Rule of Three " in Pike's Arithmetic, they were ready for the business of the world. To attain this, they had books without pictures put into their hands, and they had to go over again and again the long column of meaningless letters until they could say, without hesitation, a, b, c, d, etc., forward, and z, y, x, w, etc., back- ward, down and up, up and down; forward and backward, and backward and forward. When this attainment was reached, then they advanced to the " ab, eb, ib, ob, ub," etc., until it was likewise learned. And when they had advanced so that they could take the column of unused and undefined words for spelling, they liad made wonderful progress. What delight lit up the faces of the urchins as they, when learning their lessons, spelled with suppressed tone, but terribly loud breath, " Ba-ker, baker; sha-dy, shady; la-dy, lady; ho-ly, holy; bo-ny, bony; po-ny, pony; sli-m_y, slimy; ta-per, taper," etc. And how excessively comical it would be now to see the excited pupil, animated through this method of study, coming to a hard word, drop his index finger just beneath the knotty difii- culty, rise upon his feet, stride across the room so, turn the book at an acute angle to the teacher, and himself turned half away, receive his help, and then with dragging step and slow proceed to RISTORT OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 423 his seat, all the way winding up this unruly customer in a sup- pressed monotone to be laid away in the archives of memory for future use. And then add a dozen of these, and you will have a busy pioneer school. And when they had "spelled through" the spelling-book two or three times, they were ready for promotion, and they began to read. Yery often the New Testament was among the first reading books placed in their hands. It is no wonder that the following reading exercise was of frequent occur- rence: " A-n-d, and s-e-e-i-n-g, and seeing, t-h-e, the, m-u-1-t-i- t-u d-e, the multitude, h-e, he, w-e-n-t, went, he went, u-p, up, i-n-t-o, into, a, h-i-g-h, high, into a high, up into a high, m o-u-n- t-a-in, mountain, a-n-d, and, mountain and, w-h-e-n, when, h-e, he, when he, w-a-s, was, s-e-t, set, was set, h-i-s, his, was set his, d-i-s-c-i- p-l-e-s, dis-ci — dis-cip (Teacher. What is that word? 'disciples'), dis- ciples, c-a-m-e, came, u-n-t-o, unto, came unto, h-i-m, him, came unto him." (Ugh!) And the reader was dismissed to learn another lesson. And when they had reached that grade when they were permitted to write, they wrote with a goose-quill pen (and one of the prerogatives of a good teacher was that he could make a good pen), with ink made from the ooze of walnut, or other bark boiled down to the proper consistency, on paper unruled and rough. And when they had reached the sublime height to be a " cipherer " they had it very much their own way. They stumbled along some- how until a knotty problem came up, they cried out, "Teacher, here's a sum I can't do." The teacher, in response, walked over to the studious pupil, "worked the sum," returned the slate, and the student passed to the next and on. Our young readers may be saying, "How could they learn any- thing in such a school?" Well, we are not concerned just now as to the how, but we do know that they learned. Some of the great- est scholars of the age received their first training in schools of this kind with this kind of teaching. Put this school into contrast with the La Porte city schools, or the schools of Michigan City, of the present time, and what have our young readers to say of their advantages? Those who have worked out these institutions of learning deserve the gratitude of all for that which thev have done in the interest of progress. PIONEER SOCIALTIES. There is nothing, perhaps, which opens up the human heart and binds men and women together like common suiFering, or common endurance of hardships. The soldier has a peculiar feeling for his companion, "who drank with him from the same canteen," and stood side by side with him in the terrific hours of danger and death. So of all suffering and endurance. It is much stronger to bind together than the common possession of joy and pleasure. Hence the strongest friends are those who have suffered most with and for each other. 424 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. With this^as a principle of human nature, one would not be sur- prised to lind the social natures of the pioneers in beautiful bloom, and every one ready to contribute to the enjoyment of the other. But this principle anion tr the first settlers, as it was recognized and practiced, and retained by them, is more fully related and illus- trated in the chapter on the "Old Settlers' Association," We are now more particularly to call attention to the manner and the means by which this principle manifested itself among them. The doors of tiie cabins were fastened by a wooden latch on the inside. They were opened by means of a string hanging down on the outside, which passed through a hole in the door and was fastened to the latch within. A gentle pull on this string would lift the latch, and thus the door could be opened. During the night, or in times of suspected danger, this string was pulled in- side; but at all other times it was hanging on the outside, the evident token that hospitality and a heartj^ welcome were on the inside. From this arose the old maxim of hospitality, ''The latch- string is out." The stranger who lifted the latch of the cabin door was sure of a hospitable welcome, and the home friends were received with cheerful greetings and an open heart. lu looking at pioneer life, the most unfavorable side is looked at generally; and if we were to take these visions as the only criterion by which to judge, we certainly would come to the conclusion that pioneer life was one unmitigated round of hardship. But this is certainly not true; I would not leave this impression on the mind of my readers. Wiiile much of hardship is connected with it, and deprivation as well, there is mingled with these a vein of the en- joyable, which is more keenly relished because of this intermin- gling of the antipodes of human experience. While the fathers and mothers were compelled to toil hard and long, they were not averse to a little relaxation now and then, and in one w^ay and another contrived to have their seasons of enjoyment and fun; they would break the monotony of their daily life, and fur- nish themselves with a hearty laugh, even if it was for the time being at somebody's expense, and even if they knew that interest would be to ])ay in return. The ways and tricks of the jovial pioneer excelled in mirth-provoking properties "The ways that are dark, And tricks that are vain" of the heathen Chinee, as celebrated by Bret ITarte; and they seldom failed to produce the result intended, and give the company, or the communit}'-, a full round of laugh, to be repeated when and as occasion demanded. Any community was blessed if it possessed two of these innocent jovialists, if they were rivals. The following so fittingly describes the social amusements of the pioneer, and gives so faithfully the picture which every old pioneer will recognize, that we close this chapter on Pioneer Life by quot- ing it in full: HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. , 425 " Among the more general forms of amusements were the ' quilting-bee,' 'corn-husking,' and the 'apple-paring'; and, in timbered sections, ' log-rollino^ ' and ' house raising.' Our vouna; readers will doubtless be interested in a description of these forms of amusement, when labor was made to afford fun and enjoyment to all participating. The ' quilting-bee,' as its name implies, was when the industrious qualities of the busy little insect that 'improves each shining hour' were exemplified in the manufacture of quilts for the household. In the afternoon ladies for miles around gathered at the appointed place, and while their tongues would not cease to play, their hands were as busily engaged in making the quilt; and desire was always manifested to g t it out as soon as possible, for then the fun would begin. In the evening the gentlemen came, and then the hours would pass swiftly by in playing games or dancing. ' Corn-huskings' were when both sexes united in the work. They usually assembled in a large barn, which was arranged for the occasion; and when each gentleman had selected a lady partner the husking began. When a lady found a red ear she was entitled to a kiss from every gentleman present; when a gentleman found one he was allowed to kiss ev^ery lady present. After the corn was all husked a good supper was served; then tlie ' old folks' would leave, and the remainder of the evening was spent in the dance and in having a good time generally. The recreation afforded to the young jieople on the annual recurrence of these festive occasions was as highly enjoyed, and quite as innocent, as the amusements of the present boasted age of refinement and culture. 'The little brown jug' found a place in almost every home, and was often brought into use. No caller was permitted to leave the house witliout an invitation to partake of its contents." — History of Knox County^ Illinois. CHAPTER VII. INDIAN INCIDENTS. A history which did not give some of the incidents which connect the time of wholly Indian occupation with that of wholly European possession, — incidents in which the two races come together during the time which separates these two periods, would evidently be imperfect. While we do not want to wholly neglect this period, yet only a few of the incidents which might be given are here presented; and these are given that we more readily seize upon those influences which have been at work to produce the great changes which have been wrought in this country in the last half centur}', for it will be remembered that all of these changes have been the results of sufficient causes. These incidents, if rightly read, will point out some of these influences. He is wise who rightly reads. At the time of the first settlement, there were a number of tribes which occupied the country, — that is, a number of individuals from various tribes were found in it. The principal part of the Indians which were then in the county were Pottawatomies, Menominees, Chippewas and Ottawas. The headquarters of the head chief, Topanebee, was on the St. Joseph river; and there the great por- tion of his people wintered; hence those that were found in this part of the country were detachments from the greater part or body of his people. About the time of the advent of the whites, this chief died, and his son succeeded to the rank of head chief, and also took the name of his father, Topanebee. It was the Ottawas and the Pottawatomies which occupied that part of the country where the Benedicts settled. They were on quite friendly terms with their white neighbors, and were of use to them in the way already narrated in the chapter on " First Settle- ments." These tribes were not the acme of cleanliness, neither in their personal appearance nor in their methods ol cooking. An old settler relates that a party of these had captured a turtle and a coon. He happened to pass their encampment at the time they were being prepared for a repast. The turtle was placed alive on a bed of coals and held down with sticks until it was dead, and then it was roasted in that way. Without very much ante-prepara- tion, the coon was placed in a camp kettle and cooked. When the cooking process was through, the Indians insisted that their white brother should share with them their meal; but the cookery employed gave him no appetite or relish for the feast. (426) HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 429 These Indians were not destitute of religious ideas, but tliej were very much colored by their superstitions. The Ottawas believed. in Michabou, the "great hare," a mythological personage who formed the earth and developed men from animals. In this superstition the reputed doctrine of Darwin finds confirmative proof as to the origin of men. They also believed jin Mirabichi, god of the waters; and also in Missabizi, " the great tiger." TheChip- pewas, or more properly the Ojibwaj^s, believed in the Kitche Manitou, the Great or Good Spirit, and the Matchi Manitou, the evil spirit. The Medas was a body acting as a kind of priesthood; but each one had his own manitou revealed to him in dreams. The great mythological personage among the Ojibways was Menabojou, who aided the Great Spirit in creating the world. AN INDIAN LEGEND. For the entertainment of my younger readers, I am constrained to give the tradition of the Chippewas as to the way in which Menabojou assisted in the creation of the world. I will leave them to say whether there is any tradition of the flood in it. Menabojou is represented as being in the world all alone; and, being without companionship, he became very lonesome. Search- ing for a companion, he finally came across a wolf to which he at last became very much attached, and which likewise became very much attached to him ; and they called each other brothers. They were inseparable companions. In one of the lakes near by was the home of Matchi Manitou. While traveling together one day, (Menabojou and his brother) Matchi Manitou enticed the wolf, the brother of Menabojou, into the lake, and he was drowned. Mena- bojou became very disconsolate at his sad loss, for he was now all alone in the world again, and he determined to be revenged of Matchi Manitou. Passing along the lake one day in winter when it was frozen over, the day being sunshiny and warm, he found Matchi Manitou and his chief devils out on the ice sunning them- selves. He tried to approach them unobserved so that he could send an arrow into the hated Manitou, but they saw him. They did not know what to think . of the strange object; they did not know whether it was an enemy or some harmless object. To settle that point Matchi Manitou sent one of his devils in the shape of a bear to see what it was. Menabojou, seeing the movement, as- sumed a position of perfect rigidity, and waited his coming. The devil came cautiously to the object of his search, snufled the air about it and began to scratch it and bite it; and when Menabo- jou was just on the point of crying out for pain he quit. And he tried it again, and, when Menabojou thought he must cry out, he quit again, and then returned to Matchi Manitou and told him that it was only a stump. But he was not entirel}' satisfied with this report, so he sent out another devil in the shape of a large serpent, with orders to report what the strange object might be. 28 430 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. So it came to Menabojoii and coiled itself around him with many a fold, and then it began to tighten the folds and to squeeze him most fearfully. He was almost ready to cry out with pain when he suddenly relaxed his hold and gave him an opportunity to breathe. Again he drew the folds so tightly about him that he thought every bone in him surely would be broken, but just when he could stand it no longer the serpent uncoiled himself and re- turned to Matchi Manitou with the same report, that it was only a stump. Satisfied now% they all lay down in the bright sunshine and went to sleep. When Menabojou saw that his time had come, he crawled up toward them, and when in proper distance he shot several arrows into the midst of the sleeping devils, and then he hastened away that he might see what they would do when they awoke. When Matchi Manitou awoke and he found that a num- ber of his chief devils were dead, he looked around for the strange object and it was gone. He then exclaimed : " It was Menabojou ! Itwas Menabojou!" So Matchi Manitou spewed out a flood of water from his mouth to follow after Menabojou and destroy him. Menabojou, seeing the flood coming, fled to the mountains. And the higher he ascended the higher the waters came. He went to the highest peak, and the waters followed him there. He climbed a tree, and still the waters did not abate. And when he could go no further the waters kept on ascending until they reached his waist, and they stood. For three days it was so, and Menabojou was about to give up in despair. On the morning of the third day he saw swimming in the water around him three animals, a beaver, an otter and a muskrat. He called to them and called them brothers. He said to them, "What shall we do?" and they could not answer him. Then he said to them: " I'll tell you what to do. Each of you dive to the bottom and bring up some earth." Then the beaver did so, but the water was so deep that he was drowned before he reached the bottom. Then the otter tried it, and he succeeded in reaching the bottom, but, before he succeeded in get- ting any earth, he drowned also. Then the muskrat tried it, and, just as he succeeded in getting a very little, he drowned too. Men- abojou succeeded in getting hold of the dead bodies of these ani- mals, and he examined the beaver, but he found nothing. He examined the otter, but with no better results. Almost in despair he examined the muskrat, and in one paw he found a little earth. This he carefully took and held it in his hand to dry in the sun. When it was thoroughly dry he pulverized it between his flngers, and then with a strong^spurt of breath, he blew it all around him, and immediately the dry land appeared. And this is the way that Menabojou aided Kitchi Manitou in creating the world. INDIAN ADVANCEMENTS IN KNOAVLEDGE. We are very apt to associate in our minds, in connection with the Indian, rude attainments, barbarity and cruelty, and stoic HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 431 indifference to the possession of that knowledge which civilizes and refines. We ought to tone down this conception a little. While the Indian, even the most civilized, is far from the sublime heights of complete enlightenment and civilization, yet some of the tribes have made commendable progress in the arts and practices of civilization, and notably the Ojibways, or Chippewas, a few of which tribe were dwellers in this county. The Jesuit^5 had mis- sions established among them as early as 1642, Fathers Joguee and Raymbaut beginning a mission among them at Sault Ste. Marie at that time. These missions were continued right along, with a few intermissions, until their removal. A^ccordingly, we find the Catholics with a mission at Niles, Michigan; and a branch of it established at Hudson, or Du Chemin lake under the charge of Joseph W. Lykins, a Welshman, who had a school there among them. In 1830 this school was in the charge of Robert Simmer- well, an Indian, whicli will serve to show whether these made any advancement in the knowledge which these missionaries taught. It ma}^ be further remarked that many of these Indians became devout Catholics under this training. There are at present numerous works printed in the Ojibway language, and a newspaper regularly issued. Of the works pub- lished, the "Traditional History of the Ojibway Nation," Boston^ 1851, was written by George Copway, a n'ative Ojibway. And another member of the nation, Peter Jones, wrote a " History of the Ojibway Indians," which was published in London, in 1861. INCIDENT AT DOOR VILLAGE. A little temperance crusade occurred at Door Tillage in 1830, participated in by a party of young Indians. A man named Welsh, and his son, a young man, took up their residence at this place. They erected a cabin and went into business. Their stock in trade was a supply of liquors. At first they did a good business, for the quality of their stock was such as to suit their customers, — " It made drunk come quick." But the " profits " were not such as to suit the Welshes; and copious supplies of water helped to add to these. As a result, the " quick-ness of the drunk " was dis- turbed, and while the Indian is not over-fastidious as to his home and food, yet his " fire-water" must be right. As they would try it, such as the Welsh's dealt out, they became disgusted at the length of time which it took " the drunk to come " to such an extent that their indignation was aroused. Under the impulse of that indig- nation, a party of young braves went to the cabin of the Welshes, and, knocking the heads of the barrels in, after rolling the barrels out, they spilled their contents on the ground, and in that way took summary vengeance on them for tampering with their delectable " fire-water." Then the Welshes were taken with a sudden disgust, and went to Chicago. 432 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. « HENLY CLYB urn's OX. The Indians were verj peaceably inclined, and behaved themselves very well. They committed but few depredations. One of these was the killing of an ox for Henly Clybnrn ; but for this Mr. Clyburn afterward received the pay by having it kept out of their annuities. The chief interest which clusters around this incident is, not the fact that the Indians killed it, but the inconvenience to which the settlers were put. On account of tliis, Mr. Clyburn was compelled to go all the way to JNiles, Michigan, and solicit from the Gary mission there the loan of a yoke of oxen in order to make up a team for plowing. This occurred in the year 1830; and shows to what straits these pioneers might be placed, even by the loss of a single ox. THE SAC INDIAN HORSE-THIEVES. In 1831 a body of the Sac Indians went through along the trail which passed through Door Tillage. A squad, coming in advance of the main body; stole three horses from Arba lieald . He followed them a few miles on foot, but gave up the chase as hopeless. This theft was reported to the chiefs, when the main body came up a day or two afterward. The council to which it was submitted concluded to give an order on the Indian Agent at Rock Island, Illinois, — Colonel Davenport. When Mr. Heald afterward went to the agency, his horses, very much demoralized, were returned to him. On the night before he ex]>ected to start back with his recovered property, the best one of his horses was again stolen from him, which he never recovered, nor any pay for it. THE BLACK HAWK WAR. Although the seat of the Black Hawk war was in Illinois, yet it had its influence on the settlements in this count}', not because it reallj^ reached this part of the country, but because of anticipations that it would. It was thought that when the Indians under Black Hawk were brought to an action by the troops which were sent against them when they crossed the Mississippi river, if they were defeated, they would strive to make their way into Canada; and if they did that, they were most likely to follow the trail which ran through the county, — and this was cause for considerable excitement, and no little amusement at this day, among the settlers. But the result of the war showed that these fears were entirely groundless; for, instead of being driven in this direction, they were driven into Wis- consin, and the great Sac and Fox chief captured. But this outcome of the war did not prevent the settlers making necessary preparations for the emergency, should it come. The natural desire for safety and protection, on the part of the settlers, was heightened when they knew that hostilities had broken out, from the fact that the Ottawas and Pottawatomies had told the settlers, HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 433 " When the leaves on the trees are as large as squirrels' ears, the Sacs intend to invade the settlements, and kill the white settlers." Accordingly, when the Indian Agent at Chicago, Mr. Owen, in May of 1832, sent word to Arba Heald, and he had noised the rumor around that hostilities had commenced at Plickory creek, a short distance from Chicago, there was a rush for Door Yillage; and, when the meeting was called to order to consult as to the general safety and what was best to do to promote mutual defense, from some cause a stampede took place and about half of them started for tall timber, " tall timber in the east," and some of them did not stop until they could bathe their feet in the waters of the Ohio. (At this distance of time, this stampede seems real funny.) How- ever, -12 men remained; and these, under the direction of Peter White, a man who had some proficiency in building such works, built works for defense. These consisted of palisades, a ditch, and earth-works, 125 feet square. At two of the angles block-houses were built, which commanded the sides. These works were com- pleted in three days from the time of commencement, and then they felt secure. The ruins of this fort, as it was called, are yet plainly to be seen. They are situated about a half-mile east of Door Village, near the road. Shortly after the completion of this fort a block-house was built about three miles to tlie east, on section 13. Judge Lemon super- vised the erection of this defense. General Joseph Orr was present at the building of the fort, and reported it to the Governor of the State. He was ordered by the Governor to raise a company of Mounted Rangers, which should be ready for service should the United States officer in the North- west make a call for the militia of the State. This compan}^ he raised; and reported first to the commandant at Fort Dearborn, at Chicago, and afterward to General Winfield Scott. It was used as a kind of corps of observation, keeping up a communication between the settlements on the Wabash and Chicago. Of course the}^ had no opportunity to display their bravery, or to reap glory in the battle-struggle, for General Atkinson, driving Black Hawk into Wisconsin, finally succeeded in capturing him, and thus ended the war. The courage of Mrs. Arba Heald at this time deserves more than a passing notice. She seems to have been one of the very few who preserved their courage and was undismayed by the news from the seat of war. or the wild rumors of Indian depredations. With a bold defiance, when everybody else was fleeing to the fort for safety, arming herself with two rifles, two axes, and two pitchforks, she barricaded the door of her cabin-home, and declared that she would kill six Indians before they took possession, either of her or her home; and she doubtless would have given them a warm recep- tion had she been disturbed. Arouse the feline in a woman, and she is a tiger. ISTeither threats nor persuasions of any kind availed to induce her to go into the fort. 434 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. « When the danger was passed, the people left the fort and returned to their homes, except the stampeders; and thej did not get back, many of them, for a year. JOHN BEATTT AND THE INDIAN. To illustrate how the peace and safety of a community may sometimes hang upon a trifle, the following incident is given. One day as Mr. John Beatty was out hunting in the woods of Cool Spring township, he saw what he took for a deer. Eager to secui'e it, he made haste to shoot it. Just in time, an Indian rose up and showed himself unmistakably; the shot was reserved. Tlie free- dom of the intercourse that took place between the Indians and their white neighbors, for they visited freely the cabins of the set- tlers, no doubt gave this Indian conlidence that if he showed him- self plainly lie would be safe; so he stood up boldly in front of the hunter, and was saved. If this accident had been consummated, it is hard to tell what would have been the consequences. There can be no doubt but that tlie indignation of the Indians would have been aroused, and the friendly relations which subsisted between them and the settlers would have been broken oif; and, if so, that many an innocent white man and family would have paid the penalty of an aroused Indian indigiuition, — an indignation set aflame by an accident. How subtle is the thread that suspends a human life, be he red or white. MISS carter's school. In a double log cabin, built on the farm of William Eahart, Miss Rachel B. Carter taught the first school kept in New Durham township. While this school was in progress, the Indians, old and young, would frequently visit it. During the hours of its work they would come noiselessl}' into the room, take a stand at one side and remain for hours gazing curiously at the i)roceedings, and never stir a limb or utter a sound. In the midst of' her duties in teaching the little urchins, Miss Carter would become absorbed in her work and forget her visitors. On calling them to mind again, she would be no little surprised to find that they had stolen out and glided away as silently as they had come. The following incident will illustrate the readiness which Miss Carter possessed in making the right response at the right time. On one occasion, "Twin Squaw," an Indian woman, told Miss Car- ter that when the corn was knee high the Indians intended to kill all the whites everywhere. Without betraying any of that tradi- tional nervousness supposed to be inherent in a woman, she instantly, without any degree of hesitation, replied; "The white people are already well aware of the intentions of the Indians," and taking up a handful of sand continued to say, "Soldiers are coming from the East as numerous as the sands in my hand to HISTORY OF LA TORTE COrNTY. 435 destroy the Indians before the corn is ankle high." The result of this speech was, the next morning there was not a trace of an Indian about anywhere; and for several months they made no return. A CASE OF INDIAN JUSTICE. Government among the Indians, as all know, is tribal and paternal. Their ideas of justice are sometimes unique; and some- times it would be well that their ideas of justice were carried out among those who claim a higher civilization, at least so far as the forms of, and the means of obtaining, justice are concerned. The following incident shows to what extent their ideas of justice, as pertaining to exemplary punishment in order to secure justice, went. During pigeon time, an Indian had cut down a tree in a pigeon roost in order to obtain the young pigeons, which were just then in their " squabb3'" condition; and, when it fell, it killed a pony belonging to another one of the tribe. The matter was brought before the council, the highest court known in the Indian judiciary, and it sat with a great deal of wisdom on the case. After that due deliberation and consultation which mark all Indian transactions of importance, the following decision and verdict was reached: " On account of the carelessness of the offender, the aggrieved party is entitled to receive two ponies in the place of the one killed." This judgment was respected, and its terms complied with. This offender w^as made to pay 100 per cent, as "exemplary damages" for his carelessness; and, as the State needed no great sum to bear its expenses, these " damages" were awarded to the original sufferer from the accident. If such a code prevailed among their white brethren, many of them would seek for such accident's that they might double their possessions. THE LAST OF THE RED MAN. The flood of that on-swelling tide that was sweeping with a resistless flow to the West, was fast covering up the remnants of that people which it found in possession when it banked itself up along the shores of the Atlantic. This people was being swept on before it farther and farther to the West, only now and then a remnant being left. During the year 1835 a large body of Indians, probably 500 or more, encamped on the Kankakee marsh; but they did not remain very long, passing on to the West; and in tlie following year, a similar body of perhaps 600 encamped in the neighborhood of Westville. They too remained but a short time, and passed along. From this time on nothing but scattering parties were seen in the county until their final moving to their lands west of the Missis- sippi river. This was finally accomplished in the year 1838. It was in this year that the St. Joseph's band was carried off by troops to a large 436 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. tract of land which had been assigned them on the Missouri. On this trip there was a loss of 150 by death and desertion out of 800. This tells with what aversion they left their former homes. See also page 131. "With this removal the Indians relinquished to the whites the possession of all this country, and the process of supplantation was complete. CHAPTER VIII. CIVIL ORGANIC HISTORY. ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE ESTABLISHING THE COUNTY. The first settlements, as formerly stated, were made in the years 1829, 1S30 and 1831. At the expiration of that time there were more than 100 families in the territory; bnt it was without organ- ization, and the public business was done only in a general way. On the 1st day of April, 1832, it took its place among the counties of the State under the following fact of incorporation, passed by the State Legislature and approved by the Governor, January 9, 1832: " AN ACT TO INCORPORATE LA PORTE COUNTY." Sfxtion 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, That from and after the first day of April next, all that tract of country included in the following boundaries shall form and constitute a new county, to be known and designated by the name and style of La Porte county, to-wit: Beginning at the State line which divides the State of Indiana and Michigan Terri- tory, and at the northwest corner of township number thirt^'-eight north, range number four west of the principal meridian; tlience running east with said State line to the center of range number one west of said meridan ; thence south twenty-two miles; thence w^est, parallel with said State line, twenty-one miles; thence north to the place of beginning. Sec. 2. That the new county of La Porte shall, from and after the said first day of April next, enjoy all the rights and privileges, benefits and jurisdictions which to separate and independent coun- ties do or may belong or appertain. Sec. 3. That Samuel Lewis of the county of Allen, Isaac Col- man of the county of Fountain, Andrew Ingraham of the county of Clinton, Levi Thornton of the county of Tippecanoe, and Merritt S. Craig of the county of Ripley, be, and they are hereby appointed, Commissioners agreeably to the act entitled "An act fixing the seats of justice in all new counties hereafter to be laid ofif." The Commissioners aforesaid shall meet on the second Monday in May next, at the house of David Pagin, in said couuty of La Porte, and shall immediately proceed to the discharge of the duties assigned them by law. And it shall be the duty of the Sheriff of Carroll county to notify said Commissioners, either in person or by writ- ing, of their appointment, on or before the first day of A])ril next. (437) 438 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. And for such services he shall receive such compensation as the Board doino^ county business in said county of La Porte may, \vhen organized, deem just and reasonable, to be allowed and paid as other county claims. Sec. 4. The Circuit Court and the Board doing county business, when elected under the writ of election from the Executive Depart- ment, shall hold their sessions as near the center of the county as a convenient place can be had until the public buildings shall have been erected. Sec. 5. The agent who shall be appointed to superintend the sale of lots at the county seat of the county of La Porte, shall re- ceive ten per centum out of tJie proceeds thereof, and pay the same to such person or persons as may be appointed by law to receive the same, for the use of a county library. Skc. 6. The county of La Porte shall be attached to the county of St. Joseph for representative purposes. Sec. T. The Board doing county business may, as soon as elected and qualified, hold special sessions, not exceeding three, during the first year after the organization of said county, and shall appoint a Lister, make all necessary appointments, and do and perform all other business M^hich might have been necessarj- to be performed at any other regular session, and take all necessary steps to collect the State and county revenues, any la\v or usage to the contrary not- withstanding. Under the authority of this act, the Executive Department of tlie State issued a writ of election; and Chapel W. Brown, Jesse Morgan, and Elijah IL Brown were elected Commissionei's of the county, George Thomas, Clerk, and Benjamin McCart}-, Sherifi'at said election. On May 28, 1832, the Commissioners met and organized by elect- ing Chapel W. Brown as President of the Board, and George Thomas, Clerk. After thus organizing for business, they appointed William Clark, Surveyor; Aaron Stanton, Treasurer, and Jesse Morgan, Lister of taxable property. THE OKGAJS'IZATION OF THE COUNTY INTO TOWNSHIPS, 1882. At the first session of the Board of Commissioners, the county was divided into three townships. All of that part of the county which lies east of the line dividing ranges two and three was desig- nated as a township, and named Kankakee. All of range three in the county was designated as another township, and named Scipio. All of range four in the county was designated as another town- ship, and named, in accordance M'ith the wishes of Mrs. Miriam Benedict, New Durham, this being the name of the place in New York from which the family had emigrated. Each of these town- ships, in the order named, was also designated as a Commissioner's District. Thus, at the session of the Commissioners' Court in May, 1832, the county was put on its feet so far as organization HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 439 was concerned. We are now to trace those various changes which have taken place until we find tlie county in its present ±brm and organization. MICHIGAN TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, — 1833. On September 4, 1833, at their regular term, the Board of Com- missioners made the following order: "Ordered that New Durham .township be divided by the line dividing townships 36 and 37, and that all of that tract of country lying in townships 37 and 38 constitute a new township, to be called Michigan township," CENTRE TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, 1833. Again, at their regular term, November 5, 1883, the Board of Commissioners made an order in the following words: "Ordered that the township at present known bj^ the name of Scipio be divided by the line dividing townships 36 and 37, and that all north of said township line compose a new township, to be called Centre township.'" PLEASANT TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, 1834. Oa March 3, 1834, the Board of Commissioners passed the fol- lowino: order: " On motion of William Holmes, Kankakee township is divided by the line dividing townships 36 and 37, all that part south of said line to constitute and form a new township of the name of Pleasant." WILLS TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, 1834. At the same time M^ith the organization of Pleasant township, the Board of Commissioners made also the following order: "On motion of Henry F. Janes for a division of Kankakee township and to form the township of Wills in the northeast corner of said county, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of section 33, township 37 north, range 1 west; thence north with the county line to the northeast corner of La Porte county; thence west with the county line to the section line one mile west of the range line dividing 1 and 2 w^est; thence south with said section line to the south side of township 37; thence east to the place of beginning." SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, 1835. On June 6, 1835, Springfield township was organized by the Board of Commissioners making the following order: '•On petition of Judah Learning, et al., it is ordered by the Board that all the territory in range 3 west, in the county of 440 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. La Porte, and north of sections number 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, in township 37 narth, in said range, shall compose a new township to be called and known by the name of Springfield township." GALENA TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, 1836. On March 9, 1836, at its regular March term, the Board of Com- missioners set apart the territory of Galena township in the following order : " Ordered that Kankakee township be divided, and that part of said township lying in township 38 north, in range 2 west, form a judicial township to be known by the name of Galena." CLINTON TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, — 1836. On the same day with the organization of the Galena township, March 9, 1836, the Board of Commissioners made the following order organizing the township of Clinton: " Ordered that iSTew Durham township be divided by the line dividing Congressional townships 35 and 36 north, range 4 west, and that all that part of said township formerly comprising Congressional township 35 north^ range 4 west, form a new township for judicial purposes, to be known by the name of Clinton township. NOBLE TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, — 1836. And at the same time at which the two preceding townships were organized, March 9, 1836, the Board of Commissioners made the following additional order, organizing Noble township: " Ordered that Scipio township be divided by the line dividing townships 35 and 36 north, range 3 west, and that all that part of said township formerl}' comprising Congressional township number 35 north, form a new judicial township, to be known by the name of Noble township." COOL SPRING TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, — 1836. IVFarch 9, 1836, seems to have been township day; for on that day the Board of Commissioners made the additional order, organ- izing Cool Spring township, and the fourth on that day, as follows: " Ordered that Michigan township be divided by the line dividing townships 37 and 38 north, range 4 west, and that part of Michigan township comprising township 37 north, range 4 west, form a judi- cial township, to be known by the name of Cool Spring township." HUDSON TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED. — 1836. On May 11, 1836, the Board of Commissioners being in session, the following order was made, organizing and naming the territory HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 441 of Hudson township, cut off from Wills township, and now the northeast township of the eonnty: " Ordered by tl-.e Board that all that tract of country formerly belonging to Wilis township that lies in township 38 north, range 1 west, in La Porte county, constitute a township for judicial pur- poses, to be known by the name of Hudson township." UNION TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, — 1S40. On March 4, 1840, the Board of Commissioners being in regular session, the following proceedings were had by which the township of Union was organized: " On the petition of sundry citizens of the townships of Pleasant, Scipio, and JSToble, for the formation of a new township, it is ordered by the Board that a new township be formed by taking off a part of the above named townships, to be known by the name of Union township, and to be bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the center or half mile stake on the north side of section 26, in town- ship 36 north, range 3 west, on a road; thence south along said road on the open line of sections 26, 35, 2, 11, 14, 23, 26 and 35, to the south line of township 35; thence east along said township line to the southeast corner of township 35 north, range 2 west; thence north on range line to the northeast corner of section 25, township 36 north, range 2 west ; thence west on the section line to the place of beginning." AN INCREASE OF TERRITORY, — VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP, — 1S42. Up to the year 1842, the southern line of the county was the township line dividing the several townships 34 from the several townships 35 in the ranges in which the county was situated. The tract of counti-y which was lying between this line and the Kankakee river belonged to Starke county. On account of the difticulty of getting to the county seat to do business, a petition was sent to the State Legislature to be attached to La Porte county. In accordance with this petition, the Legislature passed the following act, which was approved January 29, 1842, entitled " AN ACT FOR THE ATTACHMENT OF A PART OF STARKE COUNTY TO THE COUNTY^ OF LA PORTE." " Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, that all that part of Starke county which lies north of the Kankakee river be, and the same is hereby, attached permanently to the county of La Porte. " Sec. 2. This act to be in force from and after its passage." Bj^this act, this territory became a part of La Porte county; and as it had been known as Yan Buren township while it was a part of Starke county, it still retained this name. 44:2 • HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. , ADDITIONS TO NOBLE TOWNSHIP, 184^. In the matter of changing the boundaries between the townships of Union and Noble, on June 10, 1847, the Board of Commissioners made the following order: " It is ordered by the Board tliat section 36, township 35 north, range 3 west, in Union township, be detached from said township and attached to Noble township, and that it hereafter constitute a part of Noble township." CASS TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, 1848. On June 12, 1848, the Board of Commissioners provided for the organization of Cass township by making the following order: "It is ordered by the Board upon the petition of sundry inhabit- ants of Van Buren township that said township be divided by running a line north and south upon the range line dividing the ranges 3 and 4 west, and that the part west of said line, and south of the line dividing townships 34 and 35 north, and in La Porte county, be called Cass township, and to be numbered 16 on the Tax Dupli- cate." VAN BUREN TOWNSHIP ATTACHED TO NOBLE TOWNSHIP, 1850. On March 9, 1850, Van Buren township was merged into Noble township, and ceased to exist as a separate township, on account of the followinij order made bv the Board of Commissioners on that date: " Now come sundry citizens of Van Buren township and present their petition to be attached to Noble township. It is ordered by the Board, therefore, that the s;iid Van Buren township be at- tached to the said Noble township, and that the boundaries of said Noble township shall be as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of section 6, township 35 north, range 3 west, and running south on the range line to the Kankakee river; thence up the said river to the township line between townships 34 and 35 north; thence west on said last mentioned township line to the southwest corner of section 35, township 35 north, range 3 west; thence north to the township line between townships 35 and 36 north; thence west on said township line to place of beginning." FURTHER ACQUISITION OF TERRITORY, — 1850. By an act of the State Legislature, approved January 14, 1850, the country described as follows was attached to La Porte county: " Beginning at the northwest corner of section 22, township 37 north, range 1 west; thence east with the north line of said section and that of section 23 to the northeast corner of said section 23; thence south with the section line until it shall strike the Great Kankakee river; thence with said river to the present county line." niSTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 443 DISPOSITION OF THE ACQUIRED TERRITORY. On July 10, 1850, in making disposition of the territory recently attached to the county bv act of the Legislature, the Board of Commissioners made the following order: '' It is ordered by the Board that that part of said territory which lies north of the township line dividinof townships 36 and 37 north, be attached to and form a part of Wills township; and that that part of said territory which lies south of said township line be, and the same liereby is, attached to and made a part of the township of Pleasant, upon the conditions specified in said act." ADDITIONS TO PLEASANT TOWNSHIP, 1850. On September 2, 1850, in the matter of change in the boundary line betw^een Union township and Pleasant township, the Board of Commissioners made the following; order: " It is ordered by the Board that section 25, township 36 north, range 2 west, be taken from Union township and attached to Pleasant township; that said section 25 shall hereafter constitute a part of Pleasant township for all purposes." ' ADDITIONS TO GALENA TOWNSHIP, — 1856. On March 7, 1856, in the matter of arrangement of territory between Hudson township and Galena township, the Board of Com- missioners made the following order: " It is ordered by the Board that the fractional section 12, and sections 13, 24, 25, and 36, in township 38 north, range 2 west, be taken from Hudson township and be attached to Galena town- ship." ADDITIONS TO SCIPIO TOWNSHIP, 1856. On June 3, 1856, in the matter of determining the boundary line, between Union township and Scipio township, the Board of Com- missioners passed the following order: " Ordered by the Board that the township line between Union township and Scipio township be, and the. same hereby is, changed so that the east half of sections 26 and 35, township 36 north, range 3 west, be attached to Scipio township for all purposes." DEWEY TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, — 1860. On June 8, 1860, in the matter of the petition of Patrick Hun- cheon et al. for the erection of Dewey township, the Board of Com- missioners made the following order: " And now comes Patrick Iluncheon and files a petition for him- self and others,citizens of this county and residents of Congressional township 33 north, range 4 west, praying that so much of Cass 444 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. township in said county as lies south of the nortli line of said Congressional townsliip be set off from said Cass township, and erected and organized into a separate township for civil purposes; and it appearing to this Board of Commissioners that the conven- ience of the inhabitants residing in said part of said township, requires that the same be so set apart, and erected into a township for civil purposes, do hereby set the same off and detach it from the said township of Cass, and do hereby erect and organize the same into a township for civil purposes by the name and stjde of Dewey township of La Porte county, with the following boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at the nortlieast corner of said Congressional township, number 33 north, and running thence westward along the north line of said township, to the west line of La Porte county; tlience southwardly along the west line of the county to the south line of the county; thence eastwardly along the south line of the countj' to the east line of said Congressional township; thence along the east line of said Congressional township to the place of beginning; that the same now is, and henceforth shall be, a body politic and corporate by the name and st^de aforesaid," ANDERSON TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, 1861. At the March term of the Commissioners' Court, 1861, George Bossermau et al. petitioned the Board of Commissioners for anew township in the following petition, to wit: " To the Honorable Board of Commissioners of the county of La Porte, and State of Indiana, greeting: " We, the citizens and freeholders of township 36 north, range 2 west, would represent to your honorable body that they have labored under great inconvenience in consequence of the present geographical condition of said township; we therefore ask you to make the following change, to-wit: To set off all that part of townships 35 and 36 north, range 1 west, that is now attached to township 36 north, range 2 west, and form a new township out of the same; and also to set back all that part of township 36 north, range 2 west; and also that part of the same that is now attached to township 36 north, range 3 west, or Centre township, and we will ever pray." In relation to this petition, on March 12, 1861, the Board of Commissioners passed the following order: "The Board, after due consideration of the matter, ^rant the prayer of the petitioners, and order that J, B. Lewis be appointed Trustee of said new township, which township will be known by the name of Anderson township." ANDERSON TOWNSHIP VACATED, — 1861. The action of the Board of Commissioners proved to be very unsatisfactory as to the erection of Anderson township, so much so HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 445 that a special session of the Board was called to meet on the 23d of March, inst., to consider the matter still further. Wo less than nine petitions were presented which were largely signed, asking that the previous order be rescinded. These petitions were headed bj R. Shaw, Isaac Butterworth, M. Mojer, Joshua Layman, George "W. Woodburn, Asa Bardick, Isaac Livingood, John B. Travis, and Joseph Ewing. These petitions represented such an overwhelming sentiment against the former action of the Board in the erection of said Anderson township that it was deemed advisable to vacate the order. Accordingly, on March 23, 1861, only 11 days after the township was born, the Board of Commissioners made the follow- ing order: "Now come Isaac Butterworth et al. and file their petition for the vacation of the order made at the last regular term of the Board creating a new tow^nship called Anderson, and changing the boundaries of Union, Pleasant and Centre townships; and, after hearing the evidence and due inspection of the petitions, the prayer thereof is granted, and said order in all things vacated." HANNA TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, — 1861. On March 11, 1861, the following petition was presented to the Board of Commissioners by Chandler Palmer et al. : " To the Honorable, the Boai'd of Commissioners of La Porte • county, Indiana: " The undersigned citizens and resident freeholders of the part of Noble township comprised within the boundaries of Congressional townships number 33 and 31 north, range 3 west, would respect- fully represent to your honorable body that it would be for the interest and convenience of the citizens of said townships to have the following described district of country formed into a new and distinct civil township, to-wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of Congressional township 31 north, range 3 west, and running east along the township line between townships 31 and 35 north, of 2'anges number 3 and 2 west, till said line strikes or intersects the Kankakee river; thence along the channel of said Kankakee river, in a southwesterly direction, to a point where the township line running north and south between townships 33 north, range 3 west, and 33 north, range 1 west, strikes or intersects said river; thence north along said township line between said townships 33 and 34 north, range 3 M^est, and townships 33 and 34 north, range 4 west, to the place of beginning. Your petitioners would also further ask that the name of the civil township be 'Hanna,' and your peti- tioners will ever pray." In relation to the things prayed for in the above petition, on March 11, 1861, the Board of Commissioners passed the following order, organizing the township of Hanna: " And the Board, after due consideration of the matter, grants the prayer of the petitioners, and order that the above district of country be formed into a new township, to be called Hanna." 29 446 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUKTY. ADDITIONS TO PLEASANT TOWNSHIP, — 1862-'4. In relation to the petition of Geoi'ge Bosserman et al. on June 5, 3862, the Board of Commissioners made the following order: " The Board ordered that section 6, township 36 north, ran^e 2 west, be attached to Pleasant township." On June 20, 1864, theBoard of Commissioners, in further arrang- ino- the territory of Pleasant townsliip, made the following order: " It was ordered by the Board that sections 25 and 36, township 36 north, range 2 west, be attached to Pleasant township, and that it be so placed on the Duplicate." LINCOLN TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, 1866. On March 13, 1866, at the regular term, in relation to the erection of a new township, the Board of Commissioners made the following order: " It was ordered by the Board that township 36 north, range 1 west, be and liereby is, set apart for a civil township, and shall be entitled to all the privileges as such, and the same is hereby called Lincoln township." JOHNSON TOWNSHIP ORGANIZED, — 1866. On March 13, 1866, the same day on which Lincoln township was organized, in the matter of Johnson township, the Board of Com- missioners passed the following order: "It was ordered by the Board that township 35 north, range 1 west, be, and hereby is, set apart for a civil township, and shall be entitled to all the privileges as such, and the same is hereby called Johnson township." ADDITIONS TO CENTRE TOWNSHIP, 1866. In the matter of changing territory from Springfield township to Centre township, on March 13, 1866, the Board of Commissioners caused the following order to become a matter of record: "It was ordered by the Board that the following change be made in the formation of the present civil township of Springfield, to- wit: That all of sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, townships 37 north, range 3 west, be, and are hereby, transferred from said township and added to Centre township." ADDITIONS TO PLEASANT TOWNSHIP, — 1866. On March 13. 1866, in connection with an order changing the relations of Scipio and Centre townships, the Board of Commission- ers made the following order, changing the territory of Centre and Pleasant townships: HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 447 " It was ordered by the Board that sections Y, 18 and 19, in township 36 north, range 2 west, be transferred from Centre town- ship and be attached to Pleasant township for all civil purposes." And also on the same day, March 13, 1S66, in relation to the change of territory between Union township and Pleasant township, and the formation of the new townships of Lincoln and Johnson, the Board of Commissioners ordered as follows: " It was ordered by the Board that the following change in the formation of the present civil township of Pleasant bemade, to-wit: That all of sections 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, in township 36 north, range 2 west, be transferred from Union town- shi]) and be attached to Pleasant township; that township 36 north, range 1 west, be transferred from Pleasant township and formed into a new township to be called Lincoln township; and that town- ship 35 north, range 1 west, be transferred from Pleasant township and formed into a new township to be called Johnson township." ADDITIONS TO NOBLE TOWNSHIP, 1866. The March term of the Commissioners' Court seems to have been pretty well employed in overhauling the townships, and changing their boundaries. In the matter of changing the terri- tory of Union and Noble townships, on March 13, 1866, the Board of Commissioners made the following order: " It was ordered by the Board that the following change be made in the' formation of the present civil township of Noble, to-wit: That sections 1, 12, 13, 24, and 25, in township 35 north, range 3 west, be transferred from Union township and attached to Noble township." ADDITIONS TO SCIPIO TOWNSHIP, 1866. On March 13, 1866, the day of extensive township changes, in the matter of changing the territory of Centre, Union, and Scipio townships, the Board of Commissioners made the following order: " It was ordered by the Board that the following change be made in the formation of the present civil township of Scipio, to-wit: That sections 11, 12, 13, and 24, in township 36 north, range 3 west, be transferred from Centre township and added to Scipio township; and that all of sections 25 and 36, in township 36 north, range 3 west, and that part of sections 26 and 35, same township and range, now in Union township, be transferred from Union township and attached to Scipio township." ADDITIONS TO JOHNSON TOWNSHIP, 1868. On September 9, 1868, in the matter of changing the territory of Union township and Johnson township, the Board of Commis- sioners made the following order: " It was ordered by the Board that all of that portion of town- ship 35 north, range 2 west, lying east of the Kankakee river, and 448 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. known as Union township, be attaclied to township 35 north, range 1 west, which is known as Johnson township." ADDITIONS TO CENTRE TOWNSHIP, 1869. On December 11, 1869, A. P. Andrews et al. petitioned the Eoard of Commissioners for a change in the territory of Scipio and Centre townships, whereupon the Board of Commissioners made the following order in relation thereto: " It was ordered by the Board that a part of section 3, in town- ship 36 north, range 3 west, be transferred from Scipio township and be attached to Centre township. RESCINDING ORDER, — 1870. On March 12, 1870, the citizens of Scipio township presented a remonstrance to the Board of Commissioners, remonstrating against the action of the Board in relation to the change of terri- tory of Scipio and Centre townships, taken at the December term of the Court; whereupon the Board of Commissioners took the following action: " The Board, after due consideration, dc hereby rescind said order and set back to said Scipio township the same that was trans- ferred to Centre township at the December term." ADDITIONS TO UNION TOWNSHIP, 1870. On June 10, 1870, William S. Cox petitioned the Board of Com- missioners that certain lands belonging to Ilanna township be attached to Union township. In relation thereto the Board of Commissioners made the following order: " It was ordered by the Board that the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 6, in township 34 north, range 2 west, be transferred from Hanna township and attached to Union township for all purposes." ADDITIONS TO CENTRE TOWNSHIP, — 1871. On April 11, 1871, A. P. Andrew, Jr., et al. renewed their petition to the I3oard of Commissioners to have certain lands in Scipio township attached to Centre township, and in relation to which the Board made the following order: " It was ordered by the Board that a part of section 3, in town- ship 36 north, range 3 west (only a part of that embraced in the rescinding order of March 12, 1870), be set ofi from Scipio township and attached to Centre township." HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 449 ADDITIONS TO UNION TOWNSHIP, — 1871. Od September 9, 1871, the citizens of Union, Pleasant, Noble, and Scipio townships petitioned the Board of Commissioners in relation to the change in the boundaries of Union township, where- upon the Board of Commissioners entered of record the following order : "It is ordered by the Board that Union township be changed back to its original boundaries, except the west half of sections 24 and 25, and tlie southwest quarter of section 13, in township 35 north, range 3 west, now in Noble township, formerly in Union township." This order gave rise to some misunderstanding; it was not definite enough to subserve the purpose intended by the Board of Commissioners. Hence the following EXPLANATORY ORDER, 1872. On March 5, 1872, the Board of Commissioners, having under consideration the boundaries of Union township, made the following explanatory order: '' It was ordered by the Board that, in order to more fully explain the order passed at the September term, 1871, changing the bound- ary of Union township, the following record be made, viz.: That the following change be made in the formation of the present civil township of Union, to- wit: That all of sections 25 and 36, and that part of sections 26 and 35 now attached to Scipio township, in township 36 north, range 3 west, be transferred from Scipio township and be attached lo Union township; that sections 1, 12, 13 (except southwest quarter), and the east half of sections 24 and 25, in township 35 north, range 3 west, be transferred from Noble township and attached to Union township; and that sections 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, in township 36 nortli, range 2 west, be transferred from Pleasant township and attached to IJnion township." FURTHER ADDITIONS TO UNION TOWNSHIP, — 1872. Oji March 6, 1872, the Board of Commissioners made further additions to Union township by the following order: " It was ordered by the Board that the following change be made in the formation of the present civil township of Scipio, to-wit: That sections 25 and 36, in township 36 north, range 3 west, and that part of sections 26 and 35, same township and range, formerly in Union township, be transferred from Scipio township and attached to Union township." Thus have proceeded the various changes in the civil organization of the county, from the first until the present. It is believed that from this record now given a perfect map of the county can be constructed, and that it' will serve other valuable purposes in the business of the countv. CHAPTER IX. OLD SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION. TENDENCY TO RETROSPECTION. There is a well-defined principle with men that the mind almost involuntarily lashes itself to the past with its most tenacious bonds. Especially is this true when it is connected with that part of life which is the " busy part" as was the case with the early pioneers of any country when they settled in the wilderness in order that they might make a home for themselves and their families. Those times of labor, privation, and of anxiety have indelibly imprinted them- selves upon the memories of those who have participated in them, and it is nothing out of reason that they should often revert to them in their own musings and in their associations with those who have been participants with them, and that tliese scenes should be galled up from their dwelling places in the past and made to do service in giving entertainment and enjoyment by their rehersal, and by the comparison of the experience of one with the experi- ence of another. Following the lead of this principle, it is not very hard to dis- cover that there is not an unreasonable tendency to retrospection with men, and this is especially marked in those who have spent a busy life and have passed beyond the period of constant activity; the scenes of the past will come up in their memories, and they love to tell them to those who wnth attentive ear hang upon the " well-told tales." ^ It has not been very long, as all know, that the locality of which we write was a wilderness with no occupancy except by that of " wild vegetation, wild beasts and fowls, and of wild men." In the course of the " history of the ages," these things were to be con- quered, and the condition of" wildness" was to be changed for the more desirable condition of civilization. This demanded a race of hardy pioneers who were willing to suffer that they might conquer. There was more in this than that they should simply "stoop to conquer," for it implied a vast amount of heroic endurance, pa- tient toil, and persevering industry. This is no more true of the locality of which we especially write than of every like locality, but it is just as true of it as of any other; and hence in searching the records of the past as they are kept in the trenchant memories of (450) HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 461 these heroic pioneers there is found an abundance of material that will serve as the basis of a retrospection in which all can unite and find equal entertainment, enjoyment and pleasure, THIS TENDENCY TO RETROSPECTION CRYSTALLIZING IN MATERIAL FORM. The memories of the past bring to the front those who have been engaged with us in the same enterprises; and where there has been a like endurance, a co-partnership of suffering and privation, the feelings of kinship and of fellowship spring up, and there is an inevitable drawing together. In nothing, perliaps, is this more dis- cernible than in that fellow-feeling which binds the early settlers of any country together, and which cannot be satisfied with any- thing short of an organic combination that will subserve the pur- pose of enabling them to " live the past over again" to the fullest possible extent, and to enjoy the associations often of the co-part-' ners of their past -enterprises. The old settlers of La Porte county are no exception to this laudable feeling, and after about forty years of settlement in the county we find this feeling crystal- lizing into material form. The first step in this direction was in the following CALL FOR "old SETTLERS' MEETING." "1. We, of the early settlers of La Porte count}", will hold social meetings at such times and places as our Executive Com- mittee may designate, to be called ' Old Settlers' Meetings,' " 2. That our meetings may be conducted with order and pro- priety, we will aanually elect a President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one Vice-President for each township, who shall perform the duties usually required of such oflicers for a terra of one year or till their successors are elected. " 3, The President, Secretary and Treasurer to form an Execu- tive Committee with power to make such rules and regulations as they may deem necessary and proper, to call meetings and gener- ally to supervise the objects of the association. "4. Our meetings, except when otherwise directed by the Executive Committee, to be of the picnic order — each member bringing such ^xings as may seem good in his own sight, and deal them out as an old settler naturally would do. "5, Any person who has resided 33 years in La Porte county, who signs this paper shall, during good behavior, be a member and be entitled to all the privileges of the association. " 6, Our first general meeting to be held in Huntsman Hall (in La Porte city), on Saturday, the 20th day of November next, at 10 o'clock A. M,, at which time our first board of oflScers will be elected, and our baskets of chicken ^xingrs will be discussedy 452 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. To this call were appended the following names of "old set- tleri A. Tucker, John S. Jessnp, I. S. Jessnp, Michael Brand, James Forrester, Joseph Orr, Howell Huntsman, B. F. Huntsman, W. A. Place, N. W. Place, N. W. Closser, I. N. Whitehead, S, Crumpacker, Albert Lucas, E. B. Hews, R. Munday, Mark Allen, John B. Wiles, Isaac T. Evans, Volney W. Bailev. Charles Wills, C. W. Cathcart, George Crawford, D. M. Learning, E. L. Preston, William Orr, Alexander Van Pelt, A. H. Ro binso n, Samuel Harvey, Landon C. Rose, P. King, Martin Houseman, Carlita T. Poston, A. L. Osborn, W. C. Hannah, J. B. Coplin, Joseph Stanton, John Sutherland, L. C. Andrew, Hiram Druliner, Dr. E. A. Rogers, A. D. Porter, B. T. Butterworth, S. Van Pelt, L N. Wilson, J. P. Teeple, James Eraser, N. W. Eraser, West Darling, W. H. H. Whitehead, H. P. Crane, Harrison Rodifer, William Frow, Samuel D. Hall, Daniel Meeker. ORGANIZING THE OLD SETTLE Rs' ASSOCIATION. Pursuant to the above call, which was published in the county papers, the pioneers of La Porte county to the number 'of 108 met in Huntsman Hall, city of La Porte, Ind., on November 20, 1869, for the purpose of organizino; a permanent '"Old Settlers' Associa- tion." In detailing the history of this organization, very liberal extracts will be made from the excellent minutes that Iiave been kept of its various meetings. Of the first meeting, the following appro- priations are made from its minutes: " Huntsman Hall, City of La Porte, Ind., November 20, 1869. "At 11 o'clock A. M., the 'old settlers' meeting' was called to order by Mr. John Sutherland, upon whose motion Gen. Joseph Orr was made President, and Mr. A. D. Porter was chosen Secre- tary. HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 4:53 " The General, on taking the chair, observed that the organization jnst effected was but temporary, — it rested in the will and pleasure of the 'old settlers' there in attendance to make it permanent if they deemed it best. " In order to proceed in a regular manner, and to facilitate mat- ters, it had been suggested that a ' family record ' be made of the pioneers present; and in anticipation of this, the Secretary had prepared a book properly ruled, wherein to enter the names, dates and places of birth, date of settlement in the county, etc., and he was now ready to register those who desired to be placed on the list. (The first 108 names given in the list below are the names registered at this meeting.) " Pending the enrollment, the Chair observed that it would not be out of place or unparliamentary to indulge in social chats; or, if an}' pioneer wished, he might give in his 'experience.' Thereupon there were loud calls for General Orr, and Messrs. John Sutherland and James Forrester, who each in turn spoke briefly, but happily, giving many interesting incidents in the early history of the county. " Between 12: 30 and 1 o'clock p. m., dinner was announced, and soon thereafter the ' old settlers ' repaired to the dining room, and ranged themselves along the two tables, faced inward, over as rich and bounteous a repast as ever gladdened the eyes of the hungry. Silence being restored, appropriate thanks were offered by Mr. Amzi Clark, after which the pioneers ' discussed,' with keenest appe- tite and most joyous socialities, the ' fat of the land.' " Dinner being dispatched, the crowd re-assembled in the main hall, where the President, resuming the chair and rapping the meeting to order, explained briefly the origin of the movement for an ' Old Settlers' Society ' in the county, and read the printed call published in the newspapers. " The question was, Do those present wish to form a permanent association; and if so, does the printed call embrace all that is nec- essary therefor? Mr. Reuben Munday moved that the pioneers in attendance and registered proceed to organize regularly; which motion, after a few inquiries and a little discussion, was carried. Mr. J. P. Early then moved that the published call be adopted as the basis and constitution of the proposed society. Carried. " The Chair remarked that, to perfect the organization, officers would have to be chosen, Mr. Munday nominated General Orr for President. The General positively declined, and suggested the ap- pointment of a Committee to name gentlemen for said offices; whereupon Mr. Newkirk moved that a committee of five be ap- pointed for that purpose; which was carried. The following gentle- men were designated as such Committee: Messrs. B. M. Newkirk, I. N. Whitehead, John P. Teeple, D. C. McKeHips and D. P. Closser. "Durinw the retirement of the Committee, the enrollment went on rapidly. 454: HISTOEY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. "The Committee recommended the following for permanent officers of the Association: For President, Charles ^Y. Cathcart; for Secretar}^ A. D. Porter; for Treasurer, General Joseph Orr; for Vice-Presidents, "W". A, Place for Centre township, Thomas Reynolds for Hudson township, James Catterlin for Galena town- ship, Charles Yail for Springfield township, ]^. Couden for Michi- gan township, Daniel Lowe for Cool Spring township, I. N. White- head for Kankakee township, James Drummond for Wills town- ship, Shadrack iS'oysden for Lincoln township, I. G. McCaskey for Pleasant township, William Callison for Union township, John S. Jessup for Scipio township, D, C. McKellips for New Durham township, James Haskell, Sr., for Clinton township, Charles Wills for Cass township, J. N. West for Hanna township, and William O'Hara for Noble township. "On motion of Mr. N. 'W. Closser, 'the report of the Committee was received and adopted. " Mr. Sullivan said he would be glad to hear from Judges Niles and Osborn, who, he understood, were expected to speak. In resDonse to calls, the two gentlemen then addressed the audience for'a short time, They spoke but a few sentences each, but what they'said was in excellent taste and spirit, — admirably fitted to the occasion. Both testified that the life battles and struggles of a third of a century, with all the antagonisms of parties, had left nothing of rancor or bitterness between the first settlers; that they were this day at peace and amity with each other, having been preserved fro-jn sickness and death, and signally blessed with health and worldly prosperity; they were glad the meeting had been held and the association had been formed; they hoped hereafter to wit- ness and take part in very many happy reunions. "The President, in a few concluding words, expressed the same sentiments. "The business being all transacted, and the evening already far spent, on motion the society adjourned to meet at the call of the Executive Committee. Longafter the adjournment, there was much hearty salutation and hand -shaking among the pioneers who lingered in the hall." Thus were called together and organized into an " Association," after 40 years of settlement, the early settlers of La Porte county; and thus, also, is the account of" their first meeting. Many responsive memories were awakened in the minds of these 108 pioneers as they were thus called together for the first time, no doubt, and they were knit together with firmer bonds of regard and respect. This does not mean that in the course of the 40 years there had been no antagonisms; for with honest, independent men, there must be, under the impulse of diverse interests and convictions, more or less of antagonisms; but these antagonisms were in the true spirit of honesty; and none were the less respected because of the activities that were begotten under the stimulation of that interest and conviction. The honest man, following the HISTORY OF LA POETE COrNTY. 455 lead of his sincere conviction in an amicable way, will always find respect and regard, even from those whose interest and convictions are adverse. And thns we find it in this first coming together of those who had been so long shaping the destinies of their respective localities both temporally, intellectually and morally. FIRST ANNUAL REUNION. The success of the organization and of the first meeting of the Association made it possible to secure a second profitable and enjoyable meeting. Hence we find the "old settlers," under the direction of their Executive committee, convening again in Patton's Grove on the 22d of June, 1870. The following account of this meeting is taken almost bodily from the minutes which are pre- served. " Patton's Grove, La Porte, Ind., June 22d, 1870. "The 'Old Settlers' Reunion and Picnic' to-day more than met the expectations of the most sanguine. The weather was fine, and the arrangements were almost perfect and admirable, — as indeed they had to be when our old and indefatigable friend. General Orr, worked and engineered. A spacious tent was erected for the shelter and security of the eatables; and tables with seatings for about 400 persons were prepared. " The pioneers began to come in their carriages, buggies, etc., quite early; and by noon 500 'old settlers' were assembled in the shade. " The meeting was called to order a little before 12 o'clock M., by Hon. C. W. Cathcart, President of the Society. He expressed his gratification at seeing the faces of so many old friends, and his gratitude that they had been spared for so happy a gathering, through much privation and peril. In conclusion, he stated that the stick which he held in his hand, and with which he had rapped them to order, was from the roof-tree of the first house built in La Porte county, in March, 1829. Mr. L. J. Benedict presented it to the Society to be used as a gavel. " When Mr. Cathcart had concluded. General Orr made a few remarks, sketching the origin and history of the Association, and advocating the exclusion from the gathering of all not pioneers of 33 years' standing. The present organization, he said, was an experiment. Some rule as to membership and admission had to be established; he thought the requiring of 33 years' residence wholesome and reasonable. When either the husband or the wife had been here the prescribed time, he was in favor of admitting the other; it would not do to separate husband and wife. He believed in m.aking the reunions select and exclusive, so as to preserve the real pioneer spirit and flavor. He had, at the request of others 456 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. drawn up the first call and the present regulations, and held him self responsible therefor. It would be for the Society to approve, modify or reject the same as it pleased. THE DINNER. "The General then observed that it was about the hour when 'old settlers' were wont to take their noon meal, and thereupon asked from the platform: 'Mrs. McClure, how is the state of the dinner?' to which the good lady promptly responded, 'Ready.' The company was then seated at the tables, when Rev. Mr. Hack- ney, of Door Village, ascending the stand, oiFered up brief but appropriate thanks. Then the hearty hundreds ' fell to' and dis- cussed as fine a banquet as ever was spread and heaped up under the sky. Several baskets were not unpacked and were untouched, and yet hardly more than half set out was eaten, — enough to feed 500 hungrv men was left. " After dinner and some pleasant chatting, the Society was again called to order, and a beautiful chair was presented to the oldest settler of the county, Levi J. Benedict, Esq., of Westville, in a few chosen remarks by the President, Hon. C. W. Cathcart. The chair was manufactured by the Messrs. Fui'gher, of the city of La Porte, and was donated to the Society' for this purpose. Mr. Benedict then presented the Society with a walnut cane, which was made out of the roof-tree of the first house built in the county. The house was erected in March, 1829, by the widow Benedict and Mr. Henly Clyburn, her son-in-law, about one mile northeast of where West- ville now stands. "The following officers were elected for the following 3^ear: For President, Hon. C. W. Cathcart; for Treasurer, General Joseph Orr; for Secretary, A. D. Porter; and Vice Presidents for each of the townships as follows: Hudson, Fleming Reynolds; Galena, James Oatterlin ; Springfield, Charles Vail; Michigan, R. Couden; Cool Spring, Daniel Lowe; Wills, James Drummond; Lincoln, Newlove Labourn; Johnson, Allen Henry; Pleasant, J. G. McCas- key; Centre, Col. W. A. Place; Scipio, John S. Jessup; New Durham, D. C. McKellips; Clinton, James Haskell, Sr. ; Noble, William Callison; Union, W. H. Winchell; Hanna, Jesse N. West; Cass, Charles Wills. "A motion prevailed that when this meeting adjourned, it do so to meet again at the same place one 3'ear from date. " On motion of Mr. J, P. Teeple all gathered on and near the stand and sang ' Auld Lang Syne,' ' Old Hundred,' ' When I can read my title clear,' 'Old Folks at Home,' ' The Yankee nation', etc. The singing was ' with the spirit and the understanding.' " Speeches were made by many of the members of the Society, referring to the hardships they endured the first few years of their settlement in La Porte county. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 457 " The business being transacted, and the speeches all concluded, the Society adjourned about lour o'clock p. m." The milestones of human life are set up at each recurring epoch, and here was another one reared in the memories of these pioneers, on which were inscribed the reminiscences which were brought to remembrance by this day's intercourse and association. The enjoy- ment of this day prepared the way for another. SECOND ANNUAL REUNION. According to a motion at the last meeting, the " Old Settlers' Association " was to convene on the 22d of Jnne, 1871; and accord- ingly we find them assembled in Patton's Grove at that date. The meetings of the "Association " have become very popular with the pioneers, and on this occasion, although the weather was very unpropitious and the time came in a very busy season, which doubt- less kept many away, about 700 sat down to the loaded tables, — fully 200 more than were present at the former meeting. " After the multitude had assembled in the forenoon, the Presi- dent of the Association, Hon. C. W. Cathcart, ascended the stand and called the assembly to order, congratulating them on the suc- cess of the arrangements that had been made for the happy occasion. Everything proved well for a good time; and although he had done little if anything himself to aid it, he was grateful that the com- mittee and their helpers had been so active and successful, and congratulated them and the Society upon the prospects before them. '' At the conclusion of the President's remarks, General Orr stated that he had been around looking after the dinner arrange- ments, and was glad to announce that everything bid fair for a splendid repast, and that all would be in readiness as soon as Uncle Jacob Peplogle gave three blasts on his horn, which Jacob did with a right good will, remarking as he was about to do so that the horn, or rather the conch-shell, had been in the family for 200 years, and had been handed down from father to son (named Jacob) till he obtained it. The tables were soon surrounded by as hap|)y a crowd as it is possible to conceive. The ofl:ering of thanks was made by Rev. T. C. Hacknev, of Door Villaace circuit of the M. E. Church. All enjoyed the hour of dinner to the fullest extent; and, after all had concluded, more than enough fragments ' to fill 12 baskets ' were taken upand distributed to the poor. "After dinner, a choir of 40 or 50 persons, old and middle-aged, sang 'Auld Lang Syne,' which was followed by a few pertinent remarks by the President, and the singing of ' America.' Hon. George Crawford after making a few remarks, closed by introducing Mr. J. W. Wilkinson, formerly of La Porte county, but now of Berrien county, Michigan. Mr. Wilkinson gave a brief history of his arrival and sojourn in this county, — locating near Cathcart's grove in 1835. He spoke in the highest praise, and congratulated 458 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. the ' old settlers ' upon their good fortune to be the inhabitants of so goodly a land. At the conclusion of his remarks ' Hail Colum- bia' was sung with great power, and with an understanding also. Afterward Mr. Joseph Wilkinson was introduced. He made his appearance on Door prairie when a boy, having purchased a horse when nineteen years of age in Virginia and rode it to this State. He spent the years 1835-'36- 37-'88-'39 in the vicinity of Cathcart's Grove. There he first held the handles of a plow; there he made his first crop of 16 acres of most excellent corn. He had been in many portions of the country, but had seen none that pleased him so well as La Porte county. He had always claimed this as his home since 1835. Yirginiawas his first home; La Porte county was next, and for 27 years he had found a home in Alabama; but he never failed to grow enthusiastic in talking about La Porte county. He had met this day old friends who came from Virginia with him, and felt that it was a good thing to be here. Mr. "Wil- kinson concluding his remarks, the old hymn, 'All hail the power of Jesus' name,' was sung. " A motion prevailed that when the Association adjourns it ad- journ to meet at this place one year from to-day. "On motion the old oflicers were re-elected, save where they had died or moved away. On calling the roll, it was found that Mr. Jesse N. West, of Hanna township, bad died; that Mr. Charles Wills, of Cass township, had removed to Minnesota, and that Mr. James Haskell, Sr., of Clinton township, was about to remove from the county, who all were Vice Presidents from their respective townships. Their places were filled by electing T. W. Allison for Hanna, Edmund Evans for Cass, and Dr. Pliilander Loomis for Clinton. "death roll of old SETTLERS. "Daring the year, the following named 'old settlers' passed away to their reward. " William O'Hara, born in Morgan county, Ohio, February 8, 1822; settled December 11, 1833. " Mrs. Phebe Halloway, born in Campbell county, Virginia, January, 1792. " Sinia Replogle, born in 1804; settled in 1834. " Rebecca Cadvvallader, born in Grafton county, Virginia, Aug- ust 10, 1790; settled in 1834. " Charles Francis, born in Hartford, Connecticut, March 19, 1794; settled in November, 1834. — ">Virgil Wilcox, born in Berkshire county, Massachusetts, Feb- ruary 8,'^1796; settled March 1, 1835. " Oliver Porter, born in Langdon, New Hampshire, July 11, 1802; settled Oct. 27, 1834. " Edmund M. Westervelt, born in Dutchess county, New York, December 27, 1821; settled in 1836. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 459 "Jesse ]Sr. West, who died a few weeks ago. " The Association now adjourned as per motion. Tiie Association seeins to have been up to this time acceler- ating in speed, — the meetings growing in interest and increasing in attendance. Tlie true pioneer spirit seems to have pervaded all their comings together. THIRD ANNUAL REUNION. For some time previous to the 22i of July, 1872, the old pioneers of the county had been evident!}' looking with a good deal of interest for the return of the day which would bring them once more together. At last it came, and with it came also a most beautiful and propitious day. A large assemblage of these aged ones, at the appointed hour, were found congregated in Patton's Grove, according to last adjournment. This attendance was not quite so large as it was on the last occasion of their meeting perhaps, but it was very large notwithstanding. It is no wonder that it did not equal in number the attendance of the reunion of 1871, for that was unprecedentedly large for gather- ings of this kind. And this will be the more apparent when it is remembered that up to this time the Association had refused to admit any to their meetings but pioneers of 33 years' standing, — not even the children of these pioneers, unless they could show the requisite 33 years' residence in the county; and to gather up 700 of these at one meeting in a single county is, to say the least, remarkable. But here they came again in large crowds, this beautiful June day, to have another season of rejoicing and associ- ation together. "The meeting was called to order by the President, Hon. C. W. Catbcart, who made a few well-timed and appropriate remarks. The mercy of the Father in the preservations of the past year and His blessings in storehouse and barn, were recognized in the invo- cation made by Rev. Levi Moore." Tiie dinner scene was but the repetition of the preceding ones so far as the sumptuous repast and the enjoyment of the hour is concerned; and to detail it, is but to repeat what has elsewhere been said. The election of officers resulted in the re-election of the old officers; Hon. C. "W. Cathcart, President; General Joseph Orr Treasurer; and A. D. Porter, Secretary. " Speeches were made by James Forrester and several others, and the utmost good feeling prevailed. A proposition to admit the children and grandchildren of the members of the society was laid on the table; and the meeting adjourned to meet again on Saturday June 21, 1873." 460 HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. PASSED TO THE OLD PIONEERS' LAST MEETING. The following members, who have not been noted before, have deceased since the organization of the Society, November 29, 1869: Arazi Clark, Elizabeth Armstrong, Aquilla "W. Rogers, John Evans, William Frow, Mrs. Ira L. Barnes, Zebina Gonld, Jesse Petro, Samuel Booth, Harriet Freese, A. A. Reynolds, Levi Paddock, Elizabeth Whitmore, Mrs. Brand, Elizabeth Fravel, Thomas Finley, Dudley K. Bricket, Mr. Marldiam, i^uuiey jv. ojriuKtJL, xv±i. j.yj.Hrivaaiii, Abram P. Andrew, Mrs. Hugh D. Soper, Jacob Morgan, Mrs. Koontz, Charles Kellogg, James Lookey, Betsey Ireland, Mrs. Gardner, iseisey ireiana, lurs. vjraruner, William Garwood, Mrs. Lydia Culvy house Peter Freese, Shadrack Crane, William Sutherland, Samuel Griffin, Isaiah Redding, Ed. M. Westervelt, Charles Vail. In the city of the dead, and in the congregations of the unseen, will these from henceforth be found. FOURTH ANNUAL REUNION. The 21st of June, 1873, the day designated as theone.for the Fourth Annual Reunion of the Association, was a most intensely hot day, and the roads were almost intolerably dusty. These are not very favorable conditions for calling out the aged and infirm, — to take them to distant parts,— no difference how interesting the occasion might be. But notwithstanding these unfavorable conditions, at the proper hour, and in Patton's Grove, was found a fine gathering of pioneers. Every part of the county was represented, — the dis- tant as well as the near. The assemblage was " old-settler " throughout, and exclusively pioneer, there not being, according to the estimate of General Orr, a half dozen interlopers inside the inclosure. The grounds, after they were reached, proved them- selves to be in first-rate condition, — breezy, cool, and free from dust. Beneath the trees M'as set an ample length of tables, and here and there w^ere conveniently placed Vjarrels of ice- water. Hitherto the manner of partaking of the bounteous repast that was wont to be spread, at times at least, has been that of massing the food on the tables and then all hands surround the tables and dispatch the masses; but the order to-day was different from this, — it was not en masse, but in groups and families, — not in the bar- becue style, but in the enjoyable picnic style. HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. 461 "Toward the hour of 12 o'clock, m., the contents of the baskets being spread out, and every appetite being set on the sharpest edge, just at the hour of high noon, tlie dinner horn of tin blew a cheer- ful blast, which was recognized by all as the necessary invitation to lay hold of the tempting bounties; which all did after appro- priate thanks had been rendered by Kev. Levi Moore. One does not have to possess to any very delicate extent the sense of the ludicrous to discover, at this distance of time, that which is exceed- ingly ' fanny ' and calculated to excite the risibilities as he stands oft' and sees so large a company of old patriarchs, pioneers, falling upon the tempting victuals with the keenest relish, and striving to put them where, in their opinion, they will do the most good. "After dinner was over, the President called the meeting to order; and short and appropriate speeches were made by the fol- lowing gentlemen : P. King, Elijah Barnes, Shep. Crnmpacker, Levi J. Benedict, James Moore, Benajah Fail, and others. Mrs. Dan Fry also made a pithy speech, after which Mr. Philip Fail was induced to present himself on the stage as ' the oldest settler who came to the county a man.' " General Orr expressed himself as of the opinion that this meet- ing was the best one that had ever been held in the county. It was true, genuine 'old-settler.' It was managed on the best plan, with the least expense; and seemed to be entirely harmonious and full of good feeling, — all of which was extremely gratifying. " The old officers were all re-elected, on the motion of W. H. H. Whitehead, by a unanimous vote of the Association. " At the suggestion of Mr. I. N. Whitehead, the list of Yice- Presidents was read, and the following vacancies filled : Mr. E. S. Organ, vice Charles Yail, deceased, for Springfield township; Mr. William Hunt, vice James Drummond (who has removed to Kan- kakee township) for Wills township; Levi J. Benedict, vice D. C. McKellips, deceased, for New Durham township. "A motion prevailed to continue the rules and regulations gov- erning the holding of the reunions, no one dissenting. " The motion for adjournment provided that the next reunion should be held on June 20, 18^4. " A LONG MORTUARY LIST. " Following the singing of the ' Reunion in Heaven,' by the choir, the following list of the pioneers who had departed this life since the last annual reunion was read. It is proper to remark that the subjoined list were not all members of the Association, but it was deemed well to preserve the record of their deaths: D. C. McKellips, John Hawkins, A. II. Robinson, J.C. Heald, Mrs. Esther Francis, Amanda Peer, Sarah C. Hanna, George W. Shippey, ■ Dolly Wilcox, Margaret Stoner, 30 462 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. John Terance, John Holliday, John Marston, Barclay Underwood, ' ' - =: Angeline Pinnej, Olive T. Enders, Mrs. B. Rust, Emilj Weed, Solomon L. Palmer, William Sheridan, Orrin F. Whitmore, Isaac Dodd, Ellen Warnock, Thomas Galjean, William Taylor, Aurora Case, Levi Garwood, Elsia Shaw, Mrs. C. J. L. Palmer, Henry F. Orr." Hiram Bennett, This list shows that thirty-one of the pioneers of the county have passed away in a single year, and, in view of this, it is not wonder- ful that these friends of many years were drawn closer and still closer together as the years rolled along. FIFTH ANNUAL REUNION. These annual picnic reunions of the "old settleris" have now continued until they are becoming things that are matters " of course." Men are, more or less, " creatures of habit," and, when these habits lead into the ways of pleasant experiences, it is not very hard to convince them that they are all right. Going to " the old settlers' meeting" is becoming a habit, and a very pleasant one, too. " The fifth annual reunion of the Old Settlers' Association was held, as per adjournment, at Patton's Grove on June 20, 1874. The old pioneers greeted each other with much hand-shaking and many socialities as they congregated under the shade of the grove trees on this the occasion of their annual reunion. The attend- ance was large — 500 or more — and the feeling never better. Before noon a fine array of gray heads and friendly, beaming faces were under the trees, and tiie heaps of well-stored baskets suggested baked chicken and the picnic pie, etc. " About 11 o'clock A. M. the meeting was called to order by the president, Hon. Charles W. Cathcart. Rev. O. V. Lemon read a selection from the Scriptures,and a choir, led by Mr. I. ^. White- head, with Miss Emma McLane at the organ, sang the ' Anni- versary Jubilee.' This was followed by a prayer from Rev. Mr. Lemon. " These preliminary services having been performed. Judge M. K. Farrand, the orator of the day, was introduced and read a very happy address, which was well received by the hearers. At the conclusion of the oration Mr. A. B. Salisbury sang ' John Ander- son, My Joe,' after which adjournment for dinner was announced. "The eating was after the free-and-easy style of the picnic, — in families, groups and neighborhoods, — on the tables and on the green sward. There was an abundance of the best, which was enjoyed with true zest. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 463 " After the feast of victuals came ' the flow of soul,' the pioneers mingling in the freest chattings, talking of the old times and the new, until about 2 o'clock p. m., when Uncle Nicholas Closser, blowing a shrill, strong blast on the conch, called the afternoon assembly. The fathers and the mothers massing in front of the platform, General Joseph Orr, in the absence of the president, rapped them to order. He then requested that all on the grounds who were 80 years old and over, should take the stand ; whereupon the audience was presented with the following octogenarians: "James Warnock, who was 80 years of age March 27. "Sylvester Griffin, who was 85 years of age in July. "Mrs. John White, who was 84 years of age August 7. "Johii Parker, who was 83 years of age. "Stephen HoUoway, who was 85 years of age. "Charles Ames, who was 79 years of age. "Philip Fail, who was 78 years of age. "Gen. Joseph Orr, who was 80 years of age. " This was quite a pleasing little episode, something out of the usual routine, and perhaps not very often witnessed. " After this the choir rendered splendidly the 'Sweet By and By.' The Chair then introduced Professor Wilkinson, who read a sketch of the pioneer and early settlements, in prose and verse, which pleased the pioneers much, they enjoying the local and personal hits immensely. Another song was sung, ' The Beautiful Land,' at the conclusion of which the crowd demanded a speech from Rev. O. Y. Lemon, who, having tendered his thanks, ad- dressed the pioneers at some length. Other speeches were after- ward made. " When it came to the election of officers, on the motion of Mr. W. H. H. Whitehead, the present incumbents were continued by a unanimous vote. "When the question arose for fixing the day for the next reun- ion, it was decided to hold it on Monday, June 21, 1875, at the same place. STILL DROPPING OUT OF RANKS. " The following list of the departed was read. It embraces the names of those pioneers who have deceased since the last annual meeting. The list is not quite so long as the last one: " Isabel Fuller, of Galena township. " Daniel Robertson, of Westville. " P. Scarborough, Sr., of Clinton township. . ^ 5 " Miss Addie Holbrook, of La Porte. "Agnes Birchum, of Galena township. " Esther Weed, of Galena township. " Wyllis Peck, of Michigan City. "James Jones, of . j .„ s^ "Mrs. Sharp, of Cool Spring township. 461 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUMTY. "After the reading of the above, and the singing with fine effect of ' Our Father in Heaven ' by the choir, the ' old settlers ' were dismissed with a benediction from Rev. Mr. Lemon." Thus the pioneers to-day tied another knot in the string of mem- ory, and attached to it a long list of the sweetest reminiscences. SIXTH ANNUAL REUNION. The years are short; and in quick succession these annual reun- ions occurred. The pioneers of tlie count}" met in their sixth annual reunion and picnic at their old place of meeting, Patton's Grove, at the time designated in their adjournment, June 21, 1875. "The day for the coming together of these third-of-a-century res- idents of the county is fast becoming an important day in the his- torical calendar of the county; indeed, it has become the grand gala day of all the year for many of the people. The annual meeting and picnic of the ' old settlers,' meaning those who have been in the county for 33 years, naturally engages the attention of those who have been associated together for the specified time; and the interest which it arouses is communicated to the younger gen- eration, especially to those wlio are uearing the time when they, too, will be ' old settlers.' Such was, to a very large extent, the case on the occasion of this sixth annual reunion; for a company, numbering not less than 500 persons, Avas called together. The company consisted of the 'old settlers ' and their immediate fami- lies, and the preachers and editors of the county b}" the courtesy of an invitation. An exceptionally fine day smiled upon the large company, the sky being lightlv overcast with clouds, thus making the day one of delightful enjoyment; far more so than it could have been had they been more exposed to tiie direct rays of the sun, which the trees in the grove could not have prevented from strik- ing somewhat uncomfortably. " The meeting was called to order at 11 o'clock a. m., by the president of the organization; and, at his request, prayer was offered by Elder G. M. Boyd. A choir was then improvised, and the song so familiar to the association, ' Auld Lang Syne,' was very happily sung. Following this, was the address of the day by Judge M. K. Farrand. " The address of Judge Farrand was of the most interesting character, finely adapted to the occasion, and replete with interesting reminiscences, eloquently told. After some introductory remarks, he said that the celebrated Frenchman, La Salle, was the first white man that ever set foot on the soil of what is now La Porte coiinty. Entering the mouth of the St. Joseph river, with his companions, he passed up that stream, and landed noar the place where the city of South B6nd now stands. Here making a 'portage,' the party bore their canoes on their shoulders until they reached the head waters of the Kankakee, when they passed down that stream, stop- ping for encampment for one night in this county, the place being HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 465 near where Chambers' bridge now spans the river. This was on December 3, 16Y9. After reaching the Illinois country, La Salle was obliged by a misfortune to return to Canada; and, having to go in the dead of winter, the journey must be made on foot. This caused him to follow the old Indian trail which passed through the present site of La Porte city, — along the line of North Main Street. La Salle afterward rene"wed his journey, and pursued it to the mouth of the Mississippi river, thence returning to the place where the city of New Orleans now stands; and, in the name of Louis XIY. of France, he took formal possession of all the countries which he had discovered, including the county of La Porte, in the year 1682. Coming down to the actual settlements of La Porte county from 1829 to 1832, many interesting historical facts were given, and incidents, which aroused busy recollections on the part of many who listened, were narrated. "At the conclusion of Judge Farrand's address, a recess was taken for dinner. The whole company was soon seated at six long tables, richly spread with viands and delicacies in style and quality both old and new. After partaking of this bounteous repast until all were satislied, the horn was blovvn, and the exercises, at the stand again proceeded. " The names of those who had died within the year was read by the President, numbering seventy in all, (See the appended list.) " At the conclusion of this mortuary report, the Honorable Jasper Packard was called on, and made a short speech. Dr. Pagin, of Valparaiso, being present, was also called on for a speech, which he made, and which was very appropriate to the occasion. " Near the close of the proceedings, Mrs. A. M. Armitage was introduced, on accepting an invitation to take the stand. She was the first person born in the county who is now living in the county. Her sister, Elizabeth Miriam Clyburn, now dead, was the first white child born in La Porte county ; the father of these two ladies, Mr. Henly Clyburn, being the first settler, having come to the county in March, 1829. His daughter Miriam was born July 16, 1829. Mrs. Eleanor Baker, now living at Buchanan, Michigan, was also called to the stand and introduced to the audience, she being the oldest female settler in date of settlement now living, and on the ground. She is the daughter of Jesse Morgan, who was one of the first who came to La Porte count3^ Mr. Wilson Malone, of Porter county, was present, and being called on, stated that he was the first white man who slept on the present site of La Porte city. This occurred in the fall of 1832, At that time there was but one house in the present city limits. There were but three families in the city that winter, — those of "Wilson Malone, Richard Harris and George Thomas. "The old officers of the Association were re-elected by a unani- mous vote. " It was ordered that the next reunion be held at Patton's Grove, June 21, 1876. " This was, indeed, a gala day. Nearly every part of the county 466 HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. was represented. There was scarcely a township without a repre- sentation on the ground; and to all it was a day of rare enjoyment, and happy reunion. "After the singing of the following hymn, the Sixth Annual Reunion closed, and the pioneers dispersed to their respective homes. Our Father in heaven, We hallow thy name, May thy kingdom holy On earth be the same ; O, give to us daily Our portion of bread ; It is from thy bounty That all must be fed. Forgive our transgressions And teach us to know That humble compassion Which pardons each foe; Keep us from temptation. From evil and sin. And thine be the glory Forever. Amen. THE WASTAGE OF A YEAK, 70 PIONEERS. Subjoined is the list of pioneers which was read, and which includes the names of those who have ceased to hold a membership in the visible '• Old Settlers' Association," but have gone to join the " silent throng of the dead." The list includes a few names who died the previous year, and was not reported at the Fifth Annual Reunion. ' Daniel Mark Leaming, Mrs. Rebecca Wells, John C. Hinks, John English, Samuel Darlington, David Carpenter, William F. Miller, Dr. Charles Palmer, Eliza Rrovolt, Lavina Coplin, Mrs. John AY. Taylor, Seth Way, Nathan P. Huckins, Mrs. Olive Marston, Cynthia Wright, Mrs. Lydia Niece, Joseph Linard, Hiram Russ, A. J. Wair, Robert R. Reed, Samuel Teeter, Sr., Thomas Whiteman, Mrs. L. 0. Reynolds, Abigail Burlingame, Mrs. Maria Hl^dson, Keith, Sally Eahart, Adam Hamilton, King Reed, Jasper Stevenson, Christopher McClure, William Proud, Nancy Forbes, Mrs. Eliza Sutherland, Mrs, Eliza Mason, George W. Goodhue, Mrs. Elizabeth Hopkins, Harvey Munn, Jacob R. Hall, John W. Taylor, Irwin S. Jessup, Fisher Ames, Mrs. Peter White, Mrs. Delilah Blackburn, Mrs. E. Boice, Ezekiel Blue, Schuyler Terwilliger, James McClanahan, Mrs. Chloe Roberts, Joseph Metz, Jacob Lambert, ^^Miss Nancy West, Mrs. Elizabeth Weston, ^^Ruth Smith, Banks Hall, Dr. T.D. Lemon, Lewis Shirlev, C. W. Henry, B. F. Brown, Burnett Sparlock. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 467 These sixty died within the county. The following additional ten are names of pioneers who died away from La Porte county, and which have been gathered up through theeffortsof the Association. Mrs. Lydia Willis, Mrs. Asher White, Cortland Strong, John Closser, John Lewis, Jabez K. Wells, Mrs. Betsey Wallace, Mrs. Matilda Catlin, Mrs. Cynthia Jones, Moses Cadwallader. SEVENTH ANNUAL REUNION. The year 18Y6, the Centennial brought in rich clusters the memo- ries of a whole century. The whole nation were busy digging about the roots of the tree of the past that they might force it to give up its ample and golden fruitage of ripened reminiscences. These reminiscences, it is true, referred to the whole land in which we live, and to "times beyond the memories of the present generation. By the very labor which this exercise required, however, there was' stimulated an increased eifort to call up the remembrance of the past in which each one has been personal!}- identified; for it is an easy thing to slip from the consideration of that which has to be first learned, in which there is no sympathy of experience, to a reflection upon that which finds a ready response in the heart becanse it is a^part of one's self ; for the memories that one has of himself — the things which are shut up in his own experience — are the elements which constitute himself an entity of the past, as far as it concerns himself; and often the pioneers dropped their musings on the things of the early century, and found themselves, incontinently, in the midst of earnest reflections upon the things of the later cen- tury, — the things of their own pioneer life. Under the impulse of these silent forces, it would naturally be expected that the Seventh Annnal Reunion of the Old Settlers' Association would be largely attended; and this expectation would have been fully realized, no doubt, had the other conditions for a large meeting been favorable^ "As it was, Mr. Patton had tendered his grove to the pioneers for the holding of this ' Centennial Reunion,' and had carefully prepared it for the meeting, in accordance with the order of the last adjournment; but on Tuesday, the earth being soaked with water and the sky still threatening, it was decided to change the place to the Floral Hall at the Fair Grounds; where, in case of rain, the ' old settlers ' could be sure of shelter. For these rea- sons, and others which will readily occur to every one, the attend- ance was not hardly as large as some of the former meetings of the Association; but it was estimated that about 400 took dinner, — filling eight long tables set in the hall and one outside at the door of the north transept, — besides a tew score who dined standing. The feast was of the ' fat of the land,' and, as usual, keenly enjoyed. 4:68 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. "After refreshments, the meeting was "called to order by General Orr. The General had been recently making some extended travels in the East; and, at the request of many voices, he gave an inter- esting: account of them, as well as of his visit to the Centennial. "Judge Farrand read the joint resolution of Congress, and the proclamation of the President, requesting centennial historical sketches of the counties, cities, etc., and briefly explained and com- mented upon them. "A resolution was passed accepting from the author the gift to the Association of a book entitled, ' History of La Porte County, Indiana, and its Townships, Towns and Cities, by Jasper Packard,' and recommending that copies of the same be filed in the office of the County C!Ilerk, and in the office of the Librarian of Congress, as the centennial ' historical sketch ' of the county, — no steps having been taken to procure or prepare any other sketch, as suggested by the proclamation of the President. "Dr. Kendall, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of La-Porte, who quaintly alluded to himself as an 'old settler' of four years' standing, made a few spicy remarks. " Judge Andrew addressed the meeting in a happy little speech, touching upon ' Auld Lang Syne' in an interesting and feeling manner; the ' Auld Lang Syne ' — how they love to dwell upon it! '' The present officers were again elected fur another year. " It was decided to hold the eighth annual reunion at Patton's Grove on June 21, 1SY7." THE SWATH MADE BY THE SCYTHE OF TIME. The industrious harvester of death loses no time; and during the past year quite a swath has been mowed through the pioneers of the county by his employe, Time, who thrust in his scythe with a sweeping swing. The following is the list of the " old settlers " who have departed this life since the last reunion: John W. Allen, Dr. Daniel Meeker, John B. Fravel, Mrs. Joseph McClellan, Harriet A. Cole, John Parker, Sarah Heald, Daniel Stewart, Amos Brown, George Eaton, Amanda Hupp, Joseph Garwood, Jane Burhans, Derolson P. Palmer, Sarah Dudley, Eveline Hart, William Fry, Martha Pease, Henry Pease, Adam Whitmer, ^ Elijali Barnes, William DeMyer, J Aminda Fisher, Anna Concannon, Philip Hall, Mrs. Owen Crumpacker, William McCollum, Albert Davis, Anthony Davenport, William W. Garrard. FTISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 469 The total number of deaths during the year was 30. Theuum" ber registered at the last meeting was 70; but this number includ" ed some who had demised the year previous. The mortality of the year ending June 21, 1876, was far less than that ending June 21, 1875. Sic transit vitam hominu. EIGHTH ANNUAL REUNION. The history of an organization, such as we are now tracing, must of necessity be confined to its public meetings. Its object and pur- pose are to provide the means of inter-communication for those who are alike interested in the same objects; to secure the sociali- ties which such inter-communication can give, and to keep a record of facts which concern themselves. All of these objects are secured through the public meetings of the organization. Hence, a history of these meetings is a history of the organization. At the meeting of the Association on June 21, 1876, it provided for its next meeting to take place on the 21st of June, '1877; and accordingly when that day arrived, we find the "jolly old pioneers" assembling at their wonted place of meeting, Fatton's Grove. As it happened (we are wont to presume), the days on which the Association assembled were mostly very fine days until the meet- ing day of 1876. June 21st, 1877, takes another turn, and instead of being a fine, bright day, the forenoon opened lowery and it looked as if the day might be stormy. Of course there were not as many in attendance at the eighth annual reunion as there would have been if the day had been propitious. Nothing, save the prep- aration for dinner, took place before noon. " After dinner, the crowd was called together by the president, Hon. Charles W. Cathcart, and the exercises were opened with a short prayer by Rev. C. Scammon. Major W. H. Calkins made the principal address of the day. The speech of the Major was fol- lowed by short addresses from Benajah Fail, the first living white child born in the county; also by James Forrester, John Warnock, General Joseph Orr, and others. " The exercises of the day were somewhat hurried through with, for the weather in the after part of the day was more unpleasant than the forenoon, causing the attendance to be small, especially after the speaking. The wind blew quite a gale from the north, and cut almost to the bone. It was the worst day the Association has ever yet had, but still the meeting was an interesting one, and valuable to all who were present. " The Hon. 0. "W. Cathcart and General Joseph Orr, who had been for so long filling the offices of President and Treasurer, respectively, declined a re-election. Sidney S. Sabin was elected President, John Sutherland, Treasurer, and A. D. Porter, Secretary, all by acclamation. " When the Association adjourned, it adjourned to meet on June 21, 1878, in the County Fair Ground." 470 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. THE HEAVY STEPPINGS OF THE DARK-VISAGED VISITOR. The followino^ is the list of names of the members of the Associa- tion who have died since the last annual meeting, as prepared and read by the Secretary: Mrs. Jane Lemon, Stephen Holloway, Aaron Foster, Hu^h Rose, John A. Layman, John Pratt, Avery Freeman, Abbey Moore, , Mrs. Betty Iseminger, Philip Fail, Richard Hickman, Nehemiah Shippe, Mrs. Benjamin Lyon, Julius Tappan, Hiram Love, Mary A. Winchell, Mrs. Albert A. Hall, Sylvester Griffin, Sr., Mrs. Mary A. Whitehead, L. Q. Orr, Mrs. Elizabeth White, David Harris, George F. -Hopkins, Edward Evans, Richard Jacobus, Frank McCurdy^ Lucinda Fail, Mrs. — Teeter, Willard A. Place. The mortalit}^ ot the Association, as thus returned by the Secre- tarj' for the year for which this meeting was the conclusion, was 29, — one less than the mortality of the previous year. NINTH ANNUAL REUNION. The committee whose duty it became to make the arrangements for the Ninth Annual Reunion of the Association determined that it should be a success. Accordingly the following announcement was made through the papers: '' AULD LANG SYNE. NINTH ANNUAL REUNION OF THE OLD SETTLERS OF LA PORTE COUNTY." " All who were settled^ or were born in the county previous to June 21, 1845, with husbands or wives of such persons, and minis- ters and editors as invited guests, are rerjuested to meet in the Fair Grounds, Friday, June 21, 1878. An earnest invitation is extended to all pioneers. Let us make this the largest reunion ever held in the count3^ In addition to a grand dinner, all bringing their baskets well filled, there will be an address by L. A. Cole, Esq., music, stories and sketches of ' Auld Lang Syne,' and a general good time. Conveniences for making coffee will also be j)rovided. John Sutherland, S. S. Sabin, A. D. Porter, Committee.'''' HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTF. 471 Notwitlistaudinor this effort to secure a good meeting, the com- mittee was doomed to disappointment. If the weather on the day of the last meeting was bad, it was at this time horrible. In the minutes is found the following note: " The ' old settlers ' were prevented from holding their Annual Reunion to-day on account of the severe rain-storm which has raged all day. Not more than 10 or 12 persons being present, the committee concluded to postpone the meeting indefinitely." June 21, 1878. Though the committee had concluded to postpone tlie meeting indefinitely, yet shortly afterward the following announcement was made through the papers: "old settlers' meeting." " The ' Old Settlers ' were prevented from holding their annual reunion on t]ie21st of June last on account of a severe rain-storm, and the committee have decided to try it again on Wednesday, August 28, at the County Fair Grounds. A cordial invitation is extended to the pioneers. Should tlie day be pleasant, we hope to have the largest meeting ever held in the county. Conveniences will also be provided for making' coffee, and every preparation will be made for the comfort and enjoyment of the pioneers. The com- mittee earnestly invite a large attendance. Ministers and editors are also invited. " The programme will be the same as advertised for the meeting for last June. " John Sutherland, S. S. Sabin, A. D. Porter, Committee.''^ To show the energy of the committee, — the interest which they took in the " Auld Lang Syne," — we quote the published pro- gramme, referred to above: " programme." " The committee having in charge the arrangements for the forth- coming Annual Reunion of the pioneers of La Porte county, to be held on the Fair Grounds, June 21 (August 28), announce the fol- lowing programme of exercises and proceedings* " From 9 o'clock a. m. until 12 o'clock m., a general social reunion; noon, until 1 o'clock p. m.; dinner; 1 o'clock p. m., meet- ing to be called to order hy the President. Prayer — Elder J. P. Ash. Singing — The choir. Address — Capt. L. A. Cole. Music. Brief speeches by Dr. M. G. Sherman, Hon. Charles W. Cathcart, Shep. Crumpacker, N. W. Closser, Elder Caleb B. Davis, Samuel Harvey, Judge William Andrew, J. G. McCaskey, and B. S. Fail. Sino^ino; — The choir. , 472 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. " Calling the death roll containing the names of ' old settlers ' deceased since last meeting. " Election of officers and transaction of other business. "Adjournment. " In addition to the conveniences provided for making coffee, the use of the stalls inside of the enclosure has been secured for stab- ling the horses of those who attend. The wells on the rounds will furnish an abundant supply of excellent water. Floral Hall has been swept and garnished, and will be fitted up with seats and tables to accommodate several hundred guests. Every preparation will be made for the comfort and enjoyment of the pioneers, and the committee earnestly invite a large attendance. Let every part of the county be fully represented. Let us give one good, grand day to ' Auld Lang Syne,' and make that day rich in pioneer mem- ories, and blessed and bright in hand- shaking and joy." After such energy and determination as was thus disp]a3'ed by their Committee of Arrangements, and with other favorable cir- cumstances, it were wonderful if the ninth reunion should prove a failure, though it be transferred from the 21st of June to the 28th of August. We find the following in the minutes of the meeting: " We were highly favored to-day in regard to weather, — the day was unusually pleasant, and the ' old settlers ' turned out nobly to celebrate their Ninth Annual Reunion. The forenoon was spent in hand-shaking, renewal of old acquaintance, and a social time gen- erally. "After a sumptuous dinner, the meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. S. S. Sabin. Rev. G. M. Boyd opened by prayer. Captain L. A. Cole delivered the address. Short speeches were made by Governor James W. Williams, Lion. Jasper Packard, S. Crumpacker and J. G. McCaskey; and we were favored with excel- lent music at intervals, all of which were very agreeable to those who were present. The 'old settlers' tliought this was the best, most enjoyable and pleasant one since its organization." The election of officers resulted in tlie choice of the following gentlemen for the positions named: JSMcholas W. Closser, for President; Benajah Stanton, for Treasurer; James Moore, for Secretary. It was ordered that the next meeting be held in Floral Hall, at the Fair Grounds, some time during the latter part of August, 1879, the day to be fixed by the committee, THE OBJECTS OF THE DEATH ANGEL's WHISPERS. Following are the names of the members of the Association who died between the Eighth and Ninth Reunions, as reported by the Secretary : General Joseph Orr, Mrs. Mary Bond, Andrew Harmon, Mark Allen, Mrs. Elizabeth Bowtell, Wesley Webster, Peter Hcnton, Maurace W. Ray, HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 473 ■William B. Gustine, Austin Hosmer, Nathan Shaw, Mrs. Elizabeth Stocker, Elmore Petty, John Southworth, Barbara Huntsman, Morgan L. Boice, Mrs. Amos Webster, John Barker, Margaret Akin, William Snavely, Mrs. Jemima Sale, Hiram Love. W. H. H. Whitehead, It will be seen by this list that the number of pioneers who heard the whispers of the angel of death and went with him at his call was 23,— six less than the mortality of the year before. TENTH ANNUAL REUNION. The intervening interval of one year soon dropped out of its place in the calendar of time, like a setting of pearl corroding in its place, and the calends of a new year took its place. That day was the one on which the Tenth Annual Keunion of the Old Settlers' Association had been designated to take place. The Committee of Arrangements, with whom the designation of the day had been left, had selected the 28th of August, and had so announced through the papers. The heart never tires of any good thing, if it recurs at sufficiently separated intervals; and so, it seems, the old pioneers never tire of their annual reunions, for their recurrence is none too often, and they are a source of the deepest enjoyment. The day designated by the committee duly came, — and it came smiling and glad, laughing in its own beauty. _ Long lines of pioneers in the early day, responding to the joyous invitation of so happy a morn, might have been seen forming in the ways that converge at the place where they are yearly wont to congregate, and from the remotest corners of the county the movement is con- tinued until on the grounds of the Fair Ground are assembled about 600 of these aged pleasure seekers, who from warm hearts grasp warm hands, and express the strength of their regard with their hearty " God-bless-yous." After tli« social season of the forenoon, and the dinner of noon, the meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. N. W. Closser, and prayer was offered by Kev. G. M. Boyd. "The musical and intellectual part of the programme was intro- duced by the singing of 'A Hundred Years Ago'; also, 'The Sword of Bunker Hill,' by Colonel H. M. Eogers. This was followed with the singing of ' I Will Sing of My Kedeemer,' by the choir. "Short speeches were made by N. W. Closser, Mrs. Matilda Fletcher, Hon. Charles W. Cathcart and others. J. L. Evans, of Door Village, sang ' Ever Kemember Me,' the choir joining in the chorus. At the conclusion of the other exercises, Key. Mr. Mans- field, of Union Mills, sang a solo, which was well received. 474 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. " The officers elected for the ensuing year were N. W. Closser, for President; Benajah Stanton, for Treasurer; and A. D. Porter, for Secretary. " In arrano-ing for the next meeting, it was decided to hold it at Collin's Park, after which the adjournment took place." If the heart of a man be set in the heart of another, And he learns to admire the tone of the life which he lives, From afar does he come, — and grasping his hand as a brother, In the words of esteem his greeting of fervor he gives. THEY THAT HAVE SEEN A VISION AND PASSED TO THE OTHER SIDE. This life is a most wonderful thing. The line of its experience is swept along and is unfolded like the roll of canvas in displaying a panorama. Many of its visions are duplicated; but there is one that men are never permitted to see but once, — they cannot see it and remain. It is the vision of the unseen. The invisible exhibitor of this vision appeared to many of the old pioneers, and they followed his beck. Following are the names of those who were thus spirited away,— the fallen pioneers, — as they were enrolled by the Secretary and read at the last meeting: William H. Goodhue, James Moore, Jane Kimball, Edward Pwansom, Mrs. Callison, Mrs. Nation, John Tomlinson, John B. Niles, Harrison Rodifer, Charles Teeple, Aure Spiry, Elizabeth Miller, Mrs. Cornelia King, Mrs. Sarah Evans, Mrs. Sarah McPherson, John S. Jessup, Sophia Merrill, Otis Shipley, Lewis Keith, Mrs. Anna F. Reeve, Abram Fravel, Mrs. Julia Jones, William Evans, Hannah Bartlet, William C. Nelson, Mrs. Austin, Mrs. Rebecca Scarborough, Mrs. Dwight Merrill, Mrs. Mary A. Stilson, Amos G. Webster, George Lucas, Joseph McPherson, W. W. Cleghorn, Betsey Mason, Samuel F. Whitehead, Mrs. James Jack, Henry Teeter, Mary Finley, William Walton. The various " cities of the dead " in the county and perhaps elsewhere are now peopled with these pioneers, 39 of them having fallen during the past year. ELEVENTH ANNUAL REUNION. ^ The time fixed for this reunion was June 19, 1880. At the appointed time, the "■ old pioneers " met at Collins' Park, for HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 475 another season of social intercourse and enjoyment. The day was very pleasant, and the attendance was quite large. It is said that, on the whole, it was the most enjoyable meeting which the Association has held since its organization. After partaking of a sumptuous repast, the meeting was called to order by the President, Mr, IST. W. Closser, who made a few appro- priate remarks. At the close of his remarks prayer was offered by Eev. G. M. Boyd. The afternoon was chiefly devoted to volunteer speeches, so far as the public exercises were concerned, which were good and well received. But in addition to these exercises, there was that hearty inter-communication of person with person which gives such a hearty zest to these meetings. Doubtless many of these " old pioneers " looked for the last time into each other's face; — the " Eleventh Annual Keunion " will no doubt be the last one for them until that grand congregating of earth's pioneers, not in Collins' Park, but under the trees of life in " the better land." The time and place of the next reunion was left with the Com- mittee of Arrangements, who will no doubt see that it equals those which we have now narrated in interest. The election of ofiicers for the ensuing yea.v resulted in the selection of the following: for President, George Crawford, Esq. ; for Secretary, Samuel E. Williams; and for Treasurer, B. S. Fail. The Association now adjourned, subject to the call of the Committee of Arrangements. A happy benediction. THEY WHO WERE SPOKEN TO AND CALLED " COME UP HIGHER." Somehow men, like ripened apples, keep dropping into the earth; there is no stay to this process. Below we give the list of the names of those who have loosened their hold upon the tree of life, and sunk to rest in the soil at its root: Noah Miller, Mrs. A. Miller, Mrs. Yandewalker, James Pointon, W. G. Brink, Mrs. Mary McCarty, Lydia C. Walton, Mrs. Catharine Lucas, Mrs. Mary Cameron, Henry Weston, Mrs. Susan Gayer, Horace Pinney, George Couchman, Mrs. C. W. Cathcart, Jacob Iseminger, Mrs. L. Boyd, Mark Gardener, Thomas Hunsley, Charles S. Winship, Mrs. John Proud, Thomas W. Francis, Mrs. Eliza Clyburn, Mrs. Justin Loomis, John Goldsmith, Mrs. Peter Fletcher, Mrs. Catharine Hall, Calvin F. Webster, Mrs. Catharine Weed, Mrs. Anna Harvey, Mrs. Arsula Le Clere, Mrs. Harran, Mrs. Effie Reynolds, Mrs. Rebecca Thompson, Lucinda Dav^enport, Sophia Bryant, Mrs. L. H. Wilkinson. 476 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Thus we have traced this Association Ironi its first meeting to its last. Below is given the Association itself. THOSE WHO MAKE THE LA PORTE COUNTY OLD SETTLERS' ROLL. The following are the names which have been enrolled in the La Porte County Old Settlers' Association, as they are found in the Secretary's book. As interesting items of information, there are given along with the names, the date and place of birth, occupation, date uf settlement, and sometimes complimentary remarks. The first 108 names given are the original ones who organized the Association, an allusion to whom has already been made: Mark Allen, born in Shenandoah Co., Ya. ; a farmer, and settled in April, 1835. John P. Early, born in Campbell Co., Ya.; a miller, and settled in June, 1835. Pulaski King, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., February 25, 1823; a merchant, and settled in the spring of 1835. Benajah Stanton, born in Union Co., lud., December, 2, 1816; a farmer, and settled March, 1830. Nicholas W. Closser, born in Washington Co., Penn., Jan. 13, 1812; a farmer, and settled April 23, 1834. H. P. Plolbrook, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., Aug. 2, 1803; a merchant; and settled in June, 1836. Reuben Munday, born in Franklin Co., Ky., December 2, 1805; a plasterer, and settled in August, 1835. Amzi Clark, born in Bristol, Conn., Sept. 21, 1798; a merchant; settled in April, 1834, and died November 27, 187L John S. Hollo way, born in Richmond, Ind., July 24, 1824; a farmer, and settled Sept. 21, 1832. J. P. Teeple, born in Steuben Co., N. Y., Jan. 23, 1803; a grocer and mechanic, and settled October 16, 1833. Charles Fredrickson, born in Philadelphia, October 6, 1811; set- tled in May, 1835. Irwin S. Jessup, born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, March 7, 1818; a farmer, and settled March 25, 1831. Martin Honseman, born in Highland Co., Ohio, February 14, 1814; a farmer, and settled March 19, 1833. Cornelia King, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; sett.cd in June, 1836. Louisa Wells, born in Saratoga Co., N. Y., Dec. 24, 1806; set- tled in October, 1836. Peter Shopp, born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., December 18, 1814; a farmer, and settled June 4, 1836. Rebecca A. Frye, born in Frederick Co., Ya., November 26, 1817; settled May 14, 1835. W. L. Wilson, born in Westmoreland Co., Penn., November 24, 1797; a physician, and settled May 14, 1835. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 477 Cbailotte Nelson, born in Tompkins Co., N. Y., October 14, 1811; settled May 1, 1836. Catherine M. Farrand, born in Brookville, Ind., April, 1821; settled in the spring of 1832. Harriet F. Orr, born in Siiifolk Co., N. Y., July 1, 1797; settled in March, 1833. PhideliaMcLellan, born in Broome Co., N. Y., July 30, 1809; settled in March, 1833. Cynthia C. Stanton, born in Wayne Co., Ind., March, 1817; set- tled in September, 1831. Harrison Rodefer, born in Shenandoah Co., Ya., January 7, 1814; a plasterer and mason, and settled March 27, 1835. Joseph Orr, born in Cuinberland Co., Penn., July 28, 1794; a farmer; settled in March 1833, and died March 1, 1878. Eleanor C. Messenger, born in Dutchess Co., !N. Y., November 9, 1824; settled in the spring of 1836. Maria Holland, born in Erie, Penn., September 10, 1813; set- tled in October, 1835. Hannah E. Teeple, born in Steuben Co., N. Y., January 23, 1803; settled October 16, 1833. William Frye, born in Winchester, Ya,, March 16, 1807; a mechanic, and settled in May, 1835. James Fraser, born in the District of Columbia, June 30, 1794; a farmer, and settled in December, 1834. R. B. Hews, born in Lycoming, Penn., January 7, 1810; a mer- chant, and settled in October, 1834. Daniel Meeker, born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., December 17, 1804; a physician, and settled in June, 1835. William G. Beckner, born in Roanoke Co., Ya., May 31, 1831; a farmer, and settled in the fall of 1833. I. N. Whitehead, born in Wayne Co., Ind., January 1, 1821; a farmer, and settled Oct. 30, 1835. B. M. Newkirk, born in Ulster Co., N. Y., August 30, 1802; a farmer, and settled in August, 1833. Daniel P. Closser, born in Marion Co., Ind., February 24, 1834; a farmer, and settled in June, 1834. W. C. Hannah, born in Brownsville, Penn., August 17, 1810; a lawyer, and settled in October, 1834. Howell Huntsman, born in New Jersey, March 4, 1801 ; a farmer, and settled April 5, 1834. Aquilla W. Rogers, born in Breckenridge Co., Ky., Jan. 26, 1798; a farmer, and settled in September, 1834. James Andrew, born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, March 31, 1799; a farmer, and settled in the fall of 1831. Sarah L. Andrew, born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, April, 1810; set- tled in 1845. L. C, Andrew, born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, January 13, 1808; a farmer, and settled May 18, 1835. 31 478 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Samuel Downing, born in Berkeley Co., Ya., August 23, 1813; a farmer, and settled January 1, J 836. Drusilla F. Pagin, born in Preble Co., Ohio, February 20, 1825; settled in October, 1832. Philura Brown, born in Middletown, Yerniont, January 30, 1806; settled in April, 1833. Eliza Downe}^ born in Fairmount, Ya., March 11, 1816; settled October 27, 1835. Henrietta E. Weir, born in La Porte, Ind., April 12, 1836; a life resident. Harriet T. Hamilton, born in La Porte, Ind., April 12, 1836; a life resident. William I^iles, born in La Porte, Ind., September 27, 1835; a lawyer, and a life resident. Edwin G. McCollum, born in La Porte Co., Ind., August 10, 1836; a lawyer, and a life resident. William O'Hara, born in Morgan Co., Ohio, February 8, 1822; a farmer, and settled December 15, 1833. Seth Way, born in Wayne Co.. Ind., February 25, 1815; a farmer, and settled in March, 18*33. Charles W. Cathcart, born in Madeira Island, July 24, 1809; a farmer, and settled in May, 1831. John Sutherland, born in Wayne Co., Ind., August 17, 1829; a farmer, and settled March 1, 1835. Ann E. Sutherland, born in Crawford Co., 111., October 15,1824; settled in June, 1836. George Seffins, born in England, January 27, 1815; a mechanic, and settled in August, 1833. J. B. Coplin, born in Harrison Co., Ya., July 1, 1816; a farmer, and settled January 20, 1835. D. C. McKellips, born in Orange Co., Yermont, February 6, 18C6; a farmer, and settled in October, 1834. A. L. Osborn, born in New Haven Co., Conn., May 27, 1815; a lawyer, and settled in November, 1836. Henry A. Cathcart, born in Cadiz, Spain, May 2, 1817; a farmer, and settled May 14, 1833. Nancy B. Cathcart, born in Giles Co., Ya., February 8, 1824; set- tled in October, 1834. A. D. Porter, born in Dummerston, Yermont, April 7,1816; a merchant, and settled in June, 1834. Electa Porter, born in Alburg, Yermont, October 30, 1824; set- tled in October, 1836. D. M. Beaming, born in Bristol, Conn., June 15, 1794; a farmer, and settled in June, 1834. David McKellips, born in Orange Co., Yermont, February 16, 1825; a farmer, and settled in October, 1834. P. Doran, born in Ireland, March 17, 1819; express agent, and settled June 14, 1836. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 479 S. YanPelt, born in Warren Co., Ohio, April Y, 1806; a farmer, and settled in March, 1834. Eaehel 0. YanPelt, born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, April 21, 1806; settled in May, 1835. Jesse Bond, born in Surrey Co., N. C, February 14, 1803; a farmer, and settled May 17, 1835. Abraham Beckner, born in Roanoke Co., Va., June 8, 1833; a farmer, and settled in the spring of 1835. Justin Loomis, born in Clarke Co.. Ohio, May 4, 1817; settled April 19, 1834. John L. Andrew, born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, July 1, 1831; a farmer, and settled May 19, 1835. Rebecca Closser, born in Highland Co., Ohio, November 28, 1809; settled July 8, 1834. Mrs. Eliza Bush, born in Monongahela Co., Ya., March, 1826; settled October 27, 1835. Mary A. Treat, born in "Wayne Co., Ind., September 10, 1826; settled March 1, 1835. Amelia C. Gregory, born in Cheshire Co., New Hampshire, Jan- uary 30, 1811; settled in June, 1836. Deborah Darling, born in Hampshire Co., Mass., August 28, 1812; settled in May, 1836. West Darling, born in Hampshire Co., Mass., August 11, 1811; a farmer, and settled in May 1836. Ruth C. Dicks, born in Warren Co., Ohio, August 27, 1827; set- tled in February, 1835. Mrs. Ellen Mundaj^, born in Utica, Clark Co., Ind., July 6, 1817; settled October 16, 1833. — Alexander H. Robinson, born in Erie Co., Pa., May 3, 1811; a farmer, and settled June 16, 1835. Jacob Early, born in Bedford Co., Ya., October 19, 1793; a mer- chant, and settled June 1, 1835; died in 1873. J. A. Cole, born in La Porte Co., Ind., September 8, 1835; a farmer, and a life resident. Mrs. Jane Lemon, born in Woodford Co., N. Y., May 15, 1791; settled in 1833. Mrs. J. W. Coplin, born in La Porte Co., Ind., August 19, 1833; a life resident. Mrs. Setli Way, born in Wayne Co., Ind., December 3, 1816 settled in 1835. Mrs. Phebe Holloway, born in Campbell Co., Ya., July, 1792 settled in the fall of 1832. Stephen Holloway, born in Bedford Co., Ya., June 13, 1789 settled in the fall of 1832. Mrs. Marv Bond, born in York Co., Pa., February 8, 1799; set- tled in 1835". Mrs. Mary Niles, born in Knox Co., Ind., June 13, 1811; settled in December, 1834. 480 HISTORY OF LA POBTE COUNTY. Mrs. Sarah C. Hannah, born in Erie Co., Pa., May 12, 1812; settled in 1835, and died in 1871. Mrs. Sarah A. Rush, born in Bradford, New Hampshire, August 9, 1821; settled in 1836. Mrs, Caroline L. Andrew, born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, February 14, 1809; settled in 1835. Lavina Coplin, born in Green Co., Pa., May 1, 1817; settled in 1833. Landon C. Rose, born in Campbell Co., Va., January 30, 1828; a physician, and settled July 7, 1835. VV'illiam Frow, born in Lincoln Co., England, July 21, 1801; a merchant; settled in the summer of 1836; and died November 24, 1871. Mrs. Susan Frow, born in Edinburgh, Scotland. Mrs. Nancy Rose, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., February 28, 1832; settled June 21, 1836. Talcott A. Griffin, born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., March 21, 1804; settled June 2, 1833. Charry A. Griffin, born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., July 8, 1807; settled June 2, 1833. Reynolds Couden, born in Trumbull Co., Ohio, June 11, 1810; a merchant, and settled June 21, 1836. Margaret Couden, born in Trumbull Co., Ohio, March 6, 1814; set- tled in October, 1836. William G. Brink, born in Broome Co., X. Y., October 12, 1813; a farmer, and settled June 28, 1836. Mary Ann Brink, born in Broome Co., N. Y.,. September 25, 1808; "settled June 28, 1836. John S. Jessup, born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, October 15, 1814; a farmer, and settled November 23, 1831. Jacob Replogle, born in Bedford Co., Pa., October 2, 1800; a farmer, and settled April 15, 1834. Sinia Replogle, born in 1804; lived 35 years in Indiana. Josiah Redding, born in Preble Co., Ohio, December 10, 1824; a farmer, and settled October 11, 1832. E. W. Davis, born in Monongahela Co., Va., December 20, 1832; a farmer, and settled in September, 1833. B. S. Fail, born in La Purte Co., Ind., Oct. 30, 1830; a farmer, and a life resident, William T. Crane, born in Campbell Co., Ya., March 9, 1815; a farmer, time of settlement not given. J. R. Hall, born in Harrison Co., W. Ya., July 19, 1807; a farmer, and settled in September, 1833. Mrs. Catharine Hall, born in Lewis Co., W. Ya., April 12, 1810; settled in September, 1833. J. H. Wilson, born in Dayton, Ohio, September 16, 1824; a druggist, and settled May 4, 1835. Luke Francis,* born in Wethersfield, Conn., May 17, 1823; a farmer and miller, and settled in October, 1834. HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 481 Mrs. Eliza Treat, born in Sarato.o:a Co., N. Y., December 10, 1788 settled in October, 1836. Salmon Tucker, born in Tolland Co., Conn., January 23, 1809 a farmer, and settled April 23, 1836. G. W. Reynolds, born in Oneida Co., N. Y., December 14, 1814 settled May 4, 1835. Elijah Bishop, born near Hamilton, Ohio, June 23, 1811; a farmer, and settled July 3, 1833. John I^. Fail, born in La Porte Co., Ind., December 5, 1834; a farmer, and a life resident. John Clark, born in Erie Co., Penn., November 22, 1823; a farmer, and settled November 12, 1834. Thomas Eaton, born in Giles Co., Ya., November 15, 1819; a farmer, and settled in the fall of 1834. Frances Stillman, born in Caledonia Co., Yermont, October 14, 1809; settled in May, 1833. Schipha Foster, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., November 22, 1814; a farmer and settled in March, 1834. Edward Evans, born in Meigs Co., Ohio, July 25, 1817; a farmer, and settled in April, 1834. Alden Tucker, born in Tolland Co., Conn., August 13,1805; a farmer, and settled in October, 1831. Henry Teeter, born in Columbia Co., N. Y., August 26, 1812; a farmer, and settled in May, 1834. Caleb B. Davis, born in Monongahela Co., Ya., February 24, 1809; a farmer and minister, and settled in June, 1833. Sarah Davis, born in Monongahela Co., Ya., 1812; settled in June, 1S33. Alpheus J. "Wagner, born in Monongahela Co., Ya., August 7, 1819; a farmer, and settled October 27, 1835. Ellen Wagner, born in Monongahela Co., Ya., May 18, 1822; settled March 30, 1830. James Paddock, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., April 18, 1806; a farmer, and settled August 17, 1836. Daniel Stewart, born in Granville, Mass., October 22, 1796; a farmer, and settled in July, 1836. H. F. White, born in Nantucket Island, Mass., June 19, 1812; a farmer, and settled in February, 1834. Isaac N. Wilson, born in La Porte Co., Ind., May 12, 1835; a farmer and a life resident. Jesse Blake, born in Livingston Co., N. Y., February 2, 1816; a farmer, and settled in November, 1833. James Galbreath, born in Westmoreland Co., Penn., March 17, 1801; a farmer, and settled in February, 1835. Philip Fail, born in Washington Co., Maryland, May 18, 1793; a farmer, and settled in Februar3^ 1830. Aristarchus Griffin, born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., April 24 1818; a farmer, and settled May 11, 1835. 482 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. Daniel "Wills, born in Warren Co., Ohio, Oct. 3, 1825; a farmer, and settled in August, 1830. Phineas Small, born in S. Carolina, JSTovember 9, 1805; a farmer, and settled in the spring of 1834. Mrs. Pluldah J. Crane, born in Marion Co., Ind,, March 31, 1833; settled in 1834. William Provolt, born in La Porte Co., Ind., May 28, 1836; a farmer and a life resident. Augustas Ames, born in Boston, Mass., May 11, 1829; a farmer, and settled in June, 1836. B. Goff, Sr., born in Yermilion Co., Ind., Dec. 25, 1818; a farmer; the time of settlement is not given. Jesse Coleman, born in Butler Co., Ohio, November 21, 1813; a farmer, and settled in September, 1836. Minerva E. Norton, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., May 30, 1829; settled in 1835. David H. Norton, born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., September 6, 1816; a farmer, and settled March 16, 1835. William H. H. Whitehead, born in Wayne Co., Ind., May 18, 1813; a farmer, and settled in June, 1835, Henry Crane, born in Yirginia, January 15, 1819; a farmer, and settled in March, 1834. D. C. Standiford, born near Lexington, Ky., April 24, 1826; a farmer, and settled in the spring of 1834. John H. Armstrong, born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, April 5, 1809; a cabinet-maker and lumber dealer, and settled June 21, 1835. Susananh L.Armstrong, born in Clark Co., Ind., May 29, 1810; settled in June, 3 835. William Eaton, born in Giles Co., Ya., Jan. 12, 1822; a farmer, and settled in the fall of 1834. Phineas Hunt, born in Ohio, December 12, 1801; a farmer; the time of settlement is not given. Charles Ames, born in West Bridgewater, Mass., April 5, 1795; an iron smith, and settled June 23, 1826. Leonidas Ames, born in Boston, Mass., November 9, 1831; a farmer, and settled June 23, 1836. Mrs. Cynthia Ames, born in Amherst, New Hampshire, June 3, 1804; settled Octobers, 1836. Wesley F. Catron, born in Fountain Co., Ind., October 7, 1826; a farmer, and settled in November, 1833. Nathaniel Steel, born in Maryland; a farmer; the date of set- tlement is not given. Wesley E. Keith, born in La Porte Co., Ind., July 7, 1833; a farmer, and a life resident. Wilber W. Fuller, born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., December 10, 1830; a farmer, and settled in February,1834. ■ Isaacs. Evans, born in Tennessee, August 14, 1805; a farmer, and settled in the fall of 1834. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 483 Lucas Hixon, born in Bridgewater, Mass., June 17, 1813; a farmer, and settled April 27, 1834. Lewis Keith, born in Huntingdon Co. Penn., March 22, 1801 a farmer, and settled July t), 1832. Mary Ann Keith, born in Fayette Co., Ohio, May 22, 1816 settled in October, 1834. Willard A. Place, born in Oxford, N. Y., February 14, 1804 settled November 14, 1833. Elizabeth Heath, born in Gloucester Co., New Jersey, December 1,1804; settled in 1836. Alexander Crane, born in Campbell Co., Va., July 15, 1822; a farmer, and settled in 1835. L. Q. Orr, born in Greencastle, Ind., October 18, 1828; a farmer, and settled in March, 1833. James McCord, born in Butler Co., Ohio, December 25, 1816; a farmer, and settled April 1, 1833. M. W. Robertson, born in Clarke Co., Ind., May 5, 1827; a farmer, and settled September 21, 1834. Thompson W. Francis; nothing but the name, is given. Amos Brown, born in Chilender, Ya., 1812; a farmer, and settled August, 1836. Mrs. M. Brown, born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., 1832; settled in September, 1835. Orrin Bement, born in GofFstown, New Hampshire, 1835; a farmer, and settled in the fall of 1835. Charles Fravel, born in Woodstock, Ya., October 11, 1815; a merchant, and settled October 14, 1835.. James Haskell, born in New Ashford, Mass., April 1, 1803; a farmer, and settled May 5, 1834. Jacob S. Hickman, born in Preble Co., Ohio, March 25, 1829; a farmer, and settled in April, 1835. Laura K. Hickman, boi-n in Onondaga Co., N. Y., April 6, 1832; settled in October, 1849. T. A. Hickman, born in Franklin Co., Ya., February 14, 1820; a farmer, and settled in April, 1835. Rebecca Cadwallader, born in Grayson Co., Ya., Aug. 10, 1793; settled in August, 1833. Isabelle Fuller, born in Lycoming Co., Penn., August 3, 1808; settled February, 1835. Byron Cadwallader, born in Wayne Co., Ind., May 3, 1826; a blacksmith, and settled in August, 1833. Lodueka Cadwallader, born in Randolph, Ohio, February 25, 1830 settled August 6, 1850. . Lucetta Ross, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., January 15, 1820 settled June 7, 1837. Elizabeth Hixon, born in Jackson Co., Ya., August 4, 1823 settled in August, 1833. Aaron Foster, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., March 15, 1812 a farmer, and settled in October, 1837. 484: HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. Samuel Donnelly, born in Berkeley Co., Ya., August 13, 1813; a farmer, and settled January 6, 1836. Phebe Foster, born in Clermont Co., Ohio, October 18, 1807; settled in August, 1834. Elizabeth Whitmore, born in Hampshire Co.. Mass., January 17, 1791; settled June 2, 1834. Eliza Downing, born in Monongahela Co., Ya.,'^March 11, 1816; settled in October, 1835. George F. Hopkins, born in Rutland Co., Vermont, November 1, 1799; a farmer, and settled in March, 1834. Christopher McClure, born in Greenbrier Co., W. Va., February 18, 1797; a farmer, and settled April 20, 1832. Charles Francis, born in Hartford Co., Conn., March 19, 1797; a farmer, and settled in November, 1837. Sarah Francis, born in Columbia Co., N. Y., October 1,1814; settled June 3, 1837. Susan Merchant, born in Greene Co., Penn., December 23, 1814; settled in May, 1833. Angeline Wagner, born in "Wayne Co., Ind., Mav 2, 1820; settled May 15, 1834. Mary T. Leaming born in Delaware Co., N. Y., February 16, 1798; settled June 1,1834. Philander Loomis, born in Clarke Co., Ohio, April 22, 1823; a farmer, and settled April 19, 1834. Daniel Kimball, born in Sandwich, New Hampshire, May 10, 1815; a farmer, and settled in October, 1837. Benjamin T. Bryant, born in Sullivan, Ind., October 23, 1815; a farmer, and settled April 20, 1832. Lucinda Bryant, born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., July 12, 1817; settled September 14, 1835. Jane C. Kimball, born in Monroe, Michigan, November 5, 1825; settled June 12, 1831. Mrs. J. G. McCaskey, born in Perry Co., Penn., February 12, 1814; settled December 1, 1836. George W. Reynolds, born in Oneida Co., N. Y., December 19, 1814; a farmer, and settled May 4, 1835. Cynthia Reynolds, born in Jennings Co., Ind., April 7, 1816; settled in April, 1832. Caroline Travis, born in St. Joseph Co., Mich., December 10, 1832; settled in March, 1833. John B. Travis, born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., November 13, 1832; a farmer, and settled in 1833. G. A. Tulle}^, born in Garrett Co., Ky., Oct. 16, 1815; a farmer, settled in September, 1834. John Clark, born in Erie Co., Penn., Nov. 22, 1823; a farmer, and settled November 12, 1834. Mary E. Beckner, born in La Porte, Ind., January 28, 1837; a life resident. HISTORY OF LA TORTE COUNTY. 485 Betsey A. Francis, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., March 20, 1830 ; settled in December, 1847. E. A. Rogers, born in Clarke Co., Ind., April 16, 1825; a physi- cian, and settled in September, 1834. Malinda S. Rogers, born in Monroe Co.,.'Va., April 10, 1832; set- tled in September, 1834. E. J. Crane, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., February 18, 1824; a clerk, and settled in JSTovember, 1834. Mary E. Crane, born in Bedford Co., Va., April 30, 1825; set- tled in September, 1835, Abram A. Rejmolds, born in AVashington Co., JST. Y., June 12, 1792: a farmer, and settled in June 16, 1836. Julia A. Shaw, born in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., August 2, 1823; settled June 16, 1836. Daniel Shaw, born in Washington Co., IST. Y., August 14, 1814; a farmer, and settled in Julj^ 1837. Enoch Bartell, born in Cortland Co., N. Y., July 11, 1813; a carpenter, and settled in July, 1837. Elizabeth Bartell, born in Shenandoah Co., W. Va., August 15, 1822; settled in October, 1835. ^Daniel Robertson, born in Bourbon Co., Ky., April 8, 1798; a farmer, and settled September 21, 1834. ^pElizabeth Robertson, born in Bedford Co., Ya., November 2, "1818; settled in May, 1834. A. P. Andrews, born in Center Co., Penn., October 25, 1791; a farmer, and settled in September, 1848. William Taylor, born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1791; a saddler, and settled in 1833. Catherine Lucas, born in Clark Co., Ind.. January 22, 1819; set- tled in September, 1834. Sarah A. McClure, born in Clark Co., Ind., December 5, 1822; settled September 21, 1834. Sarah M. Wilson, born in Butler Co., Ohio, November 17, 1828 ; settled in October, 1836. Hiram Huss, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., July 30, 1807; a farmer, and settled June 7, 1837. B. Goff, born in Colchester, Conn., December 18, 1792; a farmer, and settled September 19, 1832. Abigail Goff, born in Buffalo, N. Y., May 25, 1814; settled Sep- tember 19, 1832. Calita Preston, born in Lynchburg, Ya., March 22, 1824; a farmer, and settled October 18, 1833. Aaron Kidder, born in Orange Co., Yermont, April 13, 1803; a farmer, and settled September 28, 1835. ;> Yirgil Wilcox, born in Berkshire Co., Mass., February 8, 1796; a farmer, and settled March 1, 1835. > Dolly Wilcox, born in Berkshire Co., Mass., January 1, 1795; "settled 'March 1, 1835. 486 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. William W. Francis, born in Wetliersfield, Conn,, December 17, 1828; a miller, and settled in November, 1834. Elmore Pattee, born in Montreal, Canada, August 3, 1806; a farmer, and settled in August, 1834. Celestia J. Houseman, born in Orange Co., Vermont, June 21, 1828; settled in June, 1834. L. J. Benedict, born in Greene Co., N. Y., November 29, 1817; a farmer, and settled March 15, 1829, the oldest settler now living. Mrs. D. A. Benedict, born in Erie Co., Penn. , JSTovember 26, 1821 ; settled in 1836. James Catterlin, born in Chesterfield Co., Ya., March 9, 1805; a farmer, and settled March 15, 1835. William H. Hunt, born in Wayne Co., Ind., March 11, 1827; a farmer, and settled in June, 1885. Adam Keith, born in Huntingdon Co., Penn., November 15, 1795 ; a farmer, and settled July 6, 1829. Anna Keith, born in Marion Co., Ya., May 14, 1814; settled in March, 1830. S. K. Potinger, born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, February 20, 1824; a farmer, and settled February 28, 1837. S. A. Potinger, born in Wayne Co., Ind., October 31, 1830; settled in 1834. C. P. Putermeister, born in West Indies, May 31, 1804; a farmer, and settled May 10, 1836. Thomas L. Eaton, born in Giles Co., Ya., December 15, 1819; a farmer, and settled October 30, 1834. Judith Butterworth, born in Iredell Co., N. Carolina, October 20, 1799; settled January 15, 1835. Marv Crane, born in Morgan Co., Ohio, November 15, 1829; set- tled July 6, 1832. Henry P. Crane, born in Campbell Co., Ya., January 15, 1819; settled in October, 1832. Kebecca Jack, born in Maryland, August 8, 1819; settled in March, 1835. Martha Crowl, born in Shelby Co., Indiana; settled in October, 1837. E. II. Kelley, born in La Porte Co., Ind., December 16, 1835; a life resident. Elizabeth' Stine, born in Lebanon Co., Penn., August 14, 1801; settled in May, 1831. Martha Standiford, born in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., March 13, 1825; settled June, 16, 1836. William Kevnolds, born in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., September, 3, 1827; a farmer, and settled June 16, 1836. Mary A. Fuller, born in Berrien Co.. Mich., A])v'i\ 10, 1835; set- tled in 1836. Jacob Peer, born in Canada, January, 1796; a farmer, settled November 26, 1836. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 4:37' Amanda Peer, born in Washington Co., N. Y., January, 1795; settled November 26, 1836. L. Loomis, born in Washington Co., N. Y., December 18, 1797; a farmer, and settled February 1, 1838. Elizabeth Loomis, born in Williamstown, N. Y., in 1820; settled February 1, 1838. S. B. Webster, born in Union Co., Ind., Aug. 1, 1811; a farmer, and settled July 13, 1832. Elizabeth March, born in Fayette Co., Ind., January 10, 1834; settled in April, 1834. Mary Hagar, born in Lebanon Co., Penn., March 17, 1826; set- tled in April, 1834. William Eaton, born in Giles Co., Ya., January 12, 1822; a farmer, and settled in October, 1834. C. G. Eaton, born in Giles Co., Va., January 2, 1827; a farmer, and settled in October, 1834. Nancy A. Keith, born in Hyatt Co.. Ohio., May 22, 1807; settled October 16, 1834. Lewis Keitli, born in Huntingdon Co., Penn., March 22, 1801; a farmer, and settled July 6, 1832. John Glime, born in Lebanon Co., Penn., IsTovember 2, 1803; a farmer, and settled in May, 1833. Willys Peck, born in Herkimer Co., N. Y., March 15, 1806; a lumber merchant, and settled September 1, 1835. John Harding, born in Luzerne Co., Penn., July 11, 1806; a wagon-maker, and settled in June, 1834. Enoch L. Preston, born in Union Co., Ind., February 13, 1827; a farmer, and settled in October, 1833. Agnes Guenthier, born in Ireland, March 20, 1814; settled in October, 1836. Simeon Francis, born in Wethersfield, Conn., April 22, 1827; a farmer, and settled in November 1834. Matthew Mayer, born in Mitflin Co., Penn., January 8, 1812; a farmer, and settled June 1, 1835. Mary Hayes, born in Ohio, October 20, 1819; settled in Septem- ber, 1837. eorge Bosserman, born in Perry Co., Penn,, November 10, 181-^; a farmer, and settled December 1, 1836. Minerva Bosserman, born in Pennsylvania, January 26, 1817; settled November 28, 1835. Wheeler Beutley, born in Trumbull Co., Ohio, March 8, 1818; a farmer, and settled April 10, 1836. Mii'anda Bentlev, born in Clarke Co., Oliio, April 15, 1819; set- tled in April 19, 1834. T. I. S. Hixon, born in Boston, Mass., April 17, 1815; a farmer, and settled in April, 1835. E. Hixon, born in Erie Co., Penn., November 16, 1825; settled May 5, 1834. 488 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. William D. Farnswortb, born in Dorset, Yermont, October 21, 1801 ; a carpenter, and settled June 5, 1837. Alraira Farnswortb, born in Fairfax, Vermont, May, 1803; set- tled Jnne 5, 1837. Sarah H. Mann, born in Essex, Yermont, December 2, 1827; settled June 5, 1837. Isaiah Atkins, born in Worcester Co., Mass., January 23, 1809; a farmer, and settled in April, 1836. Harriet B. Atkins, born in Washington Co., N. Y., April 4, 1813; settled October 30, 1837. John Holliday, born in Sherburn, England, April 1, 1811; a druggist, and settled September 23, 1S35. Caroline A. Holliday, born in Andover, Mass., July 5, 1819; settled January 9, 1837. Mrs. Pratt, born in Susquehanna Co., Penn., Desember, 1807; settled in 1835. D. Patton, born in Buncombe Co., N. Carolina, December 29, 1812; a builder, and settled May 5, 1837. L. E. Taylor, born in Schoharie, N. Y., March 2, 1832; settled in June, 1834. Shepherd Crumpacker, born in Yirginia; a farmer, and settled in April, 1834. Mrs. E. F. Crumpacker, born in Maine in 1827; date of settle- ment not given. J. H. Clyburn, born in La Porte Co., Ind., December 15, 1836; a farmer, and a life resident. B. Ireland, born in New Haven Co., Conn., April 7, 1791; set- tled in November, 1836. S. C. Morrison, born in Hardin Co., Ohio, February 11, 1824; settled in 1835. Dwight Eraser, born in La Porte, Ind., December 19, 1836; has been postmaster, and a life resident. J. H. Francis, born in Weathersfield, Conn., September 23,1821; a farmer, and settled in November, 1834. John Frame, born in Bourbon Co., Ky., January 1, 1804; a cooper, and settled October 4, 1835. 'M John Warnock, l)orn in Clarke Co., Ind., December 15, 1803; a farmer, and settled October 16, 1833. Helena Warnock, born in Athens Co., Ohio, March 10, 1810; settled October 16, 1834. Fleming Reynolds, born in Wayne Co., Ind., May 28, 1817; a farmer, and settled October 18, 1833. Elizabeth Reynolds, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., April 12, 1824; settled in April, 1835. Mrs. E. S. Gardner, born in La Porte Co., Ind., May 18, 1835; a life resident. Angeline Pinney, born in Erie Co., Penn., February 4, 1827; settled in 1834. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 489 Phineas Barnes, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., March 8, 1801; a farmer, and settled in 1837. Cynthia Finney, born in Jackson Co., Va., September 20, 1822; settled in October, 183(3. J. R. Mann, born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., April 2.5, 1835; a machinist, and settled in 1837. David Bush, born in Ulster Co., N. Y., Jan. 8, 1821; a farmer, and settled June 10, 183(3. _^ Clinton West, born in Chenango Co., N. Y., September 26, 1802 ; a farmer, and settled in October, 1835. Svlvester Griffin, born in Granby, Conn., Jan., 1788; a farmer, and*^ settled in June, 1835. J. Dinwiddle, born in Trumbull Co., Ohio, April 15, 1822; a farmer, and settled April 23, 1833. Mrs. P. Rust, born in New Jersey, July 25, 1799; settled June 1, 1837. ' Mrs. Rachel Rust, born in Chenango Co., N. Y., February 3, 1813; settled May 21, 1837. Daniel Low, born in Essex Co., Mass., May 28, 1806; a farmer, and settled March 31, 1834. Mary B. Low, born in Essex Co.,Mass., July 14, 1806; settled in July, 1837. Elam H. Reynolds, born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., September 13, 1834; an accountant, and settled June 16, 1836. Martha E. Reynolds, born in Erie Co., Pa., May 22, 1832; set- tled in February, 1836. John V. Rust, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., July 15, 1817; a farmer, and settled June 1, 1837. A. G. Standiford, born in Shelby Co., Ky., January 27, 1816; a physician, and settled September 2, 1836. T. A. E. Campbell, born in Montgomery Co., N. Y., July 10, 1810 ; a farmer, and settled May 20, 1833. Margaret Campbell, born in Cortland Co., N. Y., November 22, 1820; settled in June, 1838. J. W. Coplin, born in Harrison Co., W. Ya., February 14, 1824; a produce merchant, and settled April 4, 1837. A. VanPelt, born in Shelby Co., Ind., Sept. 6, 1830; a farmer, and settled in March, 1834. N. W. Eraser, born in Alexandria, Ya., April 14, 1834; a farmer; settled in December, 1834. Catharine P. Andrew, born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, in 1824; set- tled in September, 1832. W. W. Wilcox, born in Genesee Co., N. Y., July, 1825; a farmer, and settled in February, 1887. S. R. Stephens, born in Franklin Co., Ind., August 11, 1829; settled September, 1837. T. D. Brown, born in Lynchburg, Ya., July 25, 1825; an insur- ance agent, and settled in April, 1834. 490 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Miranda Shead, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., September 9,1815; settled in May, 1836. Sarah Aldrich, born in Connecticut, March 17, 1796; settled in May, 1832. James Monahan, born in Clarke Co., Ohio, -March 1, 1824; a farmer, and settled in February, 1835. Martha A. Monahan, born in Shelby Co., Tnd., September 15, 1827; settled in September, 1835. Amenzo Mann, born in Broome Co., N. Y., October 25, 1830; a farmer, and settled in 1837. Elizabeth Henton, born in Clarke county, Ind., July 30, 1831 settled in September, 1837. Evan Henton, born in Fountain Co., Ind., JSTovember 3, 1828 a butcher, and settled April 1, 1833. Lysander Meeker, born in Geauga Co., Ohio, January 3, 1833 a physician, and settled in September, 1835. Charles T. Leaming, born in Sclioharie Co., N. Y., July 30, 1823 a farmer, and settled in June, 1834. Nancy Ann Bush, born in Monongahela Co., Va., April 19. 1826 settled November 27, 1835. Rachel Hickman, born in Harrison Co., Ya., January 14, 1803 settled in August, 1833. Hannah Hunt, born in Grayson Co., Ya., September 15, 1804 settled in April, 1835. Jeannette Welto, born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., July 23, 1820 settled December 2, 1836. Levi Jones, born in Washington Co., N. Y., April 4, 1805; a machinist, and settled May 9, 1835. Julia Jones, born in Otsego Co., N. Y., March 21, 1819; settled in March, 1838. B. F. Butterworth, born in Warren Co., Ohio, November 6, 1834; a merchant, and settled January 15, 1835. Elisha Mayhew, born in Penobscot Co., Maine, December 7, 1802; a farmer, and settled in September, 1835. Elizabeth Mayhew, born in Morgan Co., Ohio, April 8, 1822; settled July 6, 1829. Elizabeth White, born in Chowan Co., N. Carolina, August 17, 1790; settled in September 8, 1833. John A. White, born in La Porte Co., Indiana, May 17, 1836; a farmer and a life resident. Mary L. Martin, born in Salem, N. Jersey, February 13, 1813; settled in March, 1833. Mary A. Bowen, born in Richmond, Ind., June 18, 1832; set- tled in March, 1833. W. N. Ball, born in Ontario, N. Y., January 30, 1811; an undertaker, and settled April 23, 1834. Catharine Hatfield, born in Franklin Co., Ya., July 26, 1826; set- tled in 1835. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 491 William Hatfield, born in Nashville, Tenn.. September 16, 1822; a farmer, and settled April 11, 1833. Nancy Ball, born in West Yirginia, June 15, 1815; settled April 23, 1834. R. B. Hews, born in Lycoming Co., Penn., January 7, 1810; a trader, and settled April 1, 1834. John F. Decker, born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., September 9, 1814; a merchant, and settled June 1, 1836. S. M. Decker, born in Ulster Co., N. Y., December 19, 1819; set- tled June 1, 1836. Thomas D. Lemon, born in Lexington, Ky., October 10, 1807; a physician, and settled December 19, 1835. Oliver Porter, born in Langdon, New Hampshire, July 11, 1802; a cooper, and settled October 27, 1834. O. Y. Wilcox, born in Genesee Co., N. Y., August 7, ISol; a farmer, and settled Februarj'- 20, 1837. Y. F. Smith, born in Brookfield, Ohio, December 5, 1827; a miller, and settled in October, 1835. Ophelia Sanborn, born in Black River, Ohio, August 22, 1833 settled October 27, 1834. Washington Wilson, born in Champaign Co., Ohio, July 0, 1829 a lumber merchant, and settled in April, 1832. James Churchill, born in Dearborn Co., Ind., November 21, 1819 a wagon-maker, and settled June 15, 1836. Amanda Ames, born in Shelby Co., Lid., June 17, 1829; settled in November, 1835. Samuel D. Hall, born in Oneida Co., N. Y., December 8, 1811; a farmer, and settled in October, 1833. Sarepta Hall, born in Essex Co. N. Y., in 1820; settled in May, 1831. A. J. Redding, born in La Porte Co., Ind., June 7,1836; a phy- sician, and a life resident. L. T. Harding, born in Richland Co., Ohio, January 29, 1834; a farmer, and settled June 1, 1834. Mrs. O. Stillson, born in New Buffalo, Mich., January 14, 1837; settled in 1837. Leonidas A, Cole, born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., November 17, 1834; a lawyer, and settled June 1, 1835. E. Bush, born in Union Co., Ind., July 28, 1820; settled in August, 1830. Elizabeth B. Wallace, born in West Fairley, Yermont, March 27, ISOS; settled October 8, 1835. A. B. Salisbury, born in Cortland Co., N. Y., April 30, 1825; a farmer, and settled October 3, 1835. Ann Eliza Shopp, born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., January 8, 1820; settled June 4, 1837. M. E. Salisbury, born in Harrison Co., Ind., March 20, 1829; settled June 4, 1835. 492 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Elizabeth E. Boice, born in Rash Co., Ind., August 5 , 1833; settled in September, 1833. Almou Smith, born in Oneida Co., N. Y., January 8,1833; a painter, and settled in 1831. Alexander Bowen, born in La Porte Co., Ind., May 13, 1837; a farmer, and a life resident. Moses Butterworth, born in Warren Co., Ohio, February 14, 1819; a farmer, and settled January 15, 1835. ■~> Alvira Smith, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y.; the date of settle- ment is not given. Samuel Harvey, born in Richmond, Indiana, August 30, 1820; a farmer, and settled in October, 1834. M. E. Harvey, born in Union Co., Ind., August 16, 1829; set- tled in April, 1832. Lncinda A. Whitehead, born in Homer, N. Y., March lY, 1817; settled June 15, 1836. Sarah Jane Dermitt, born in Otsego Co., N. Y., February 15, 1827; settled May 11, 1834. Edmund M. Westervelt, born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., Decem- ber 27, 1821,; a farmer, and settled in 1836. Mary D. Grerhart, born in Perry, Penn., April 17, 1820; set- tled October 2, 1836.' Mary A. Nickell, born in Lewis Co., W. Va., March 6, 1822; set- tled in' 1836. William Demyer, born in Ulster Co., New York, April 22, 1812; a farmer, and settled in June, 1837. Mary A. Whitehead, born in New York city, August 30, 1812; settled in December, 1836. Peter Freese, born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., July 7, 1827; a farmer, and settled in June, 1834. John A. Reeve, born in Herkimer Co., N. Y., Sept. 26, 1832; a farmer, and settled March 3, 1838. William Sheridan, born in Pickaway Co., Ohio, Dec. 11, 1811; a mechanic, and settled April 30, 1833. E. A. Beckwith, born in Lyme, Conn., March 13, 1811; a mechanic, and settled in February, 1836. Metgar Buck, born in Worthington, Mass., Nov. 3, 1803; a farmer, and settled Jan. 6, 1837. Jefferson Zenor, born in Bourbon Co., Ky., Nov. 19, 1805; a farmer, and settled in November, 1834. Susanna Zenor, born in Clark Co., Ind., April 14, 1815; settled November, 1834. Sarah Fravel, born in New Jersey, April 13, 1817; settled in October, 1837. George J. Bentley, born in Trumbull Co., Ohio, Sept. 16, 1824; a physician, and settled in April, 1836. George Ames, born in Plymouth Co., Mass., Jan. 31, 1804; a druggist, and settled in May, 1835. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 493 Susan M. Low, born in Essex Co., Mass., Jan. 3, 1810; set- tled in May, 1S35. Elizabeth B. Ames, born in Essex Co., Mass., April 17, 1810; settled in September, 1849. William H. Evans, born in Clarke Co., Ind., February 14, 1830; a farmer, and settled in October, 1835. Wheeler Bentley, born in Trumbull Co., Ohio, March 8, 1818; a farmer, and settled March 10, 1836. Ralph Loomis, born in Clarke Co., Ohio, March 27, 1827; a farmer, and settled in April, 1834. J. M. Warnock, born in Clarke Co., Ind., October 29, 1825; a carpenter, and settled in November, 1834. Armiuta Warnock, born in Grant Co., Ind., in 1832; settled it 1834. Thomas K. Armstrong, born in Baltimore, Md.; a farmer, and settled in May, 1833. E. W. Griffin, born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., April 13, 1822; a real estate dealer, and settled June 2, 1834. William J. Smith, born in North Carolina, July 21, 1831; a car- penter, and settled in October, 1835. Laura A. Smith, born in Chautauqua Co., New York, June 28, 1838; settled in 1852. Mrs. Lydia H. Marsh, born in Preble Co., Ohio, May 10, 1827; settled in October, 1832. T. J. Lucas, born in La Porte Co., Ind., March 4, 1837; a carpen- ter, and a life resident. Noah Miller, born in Washington Co., Penn., July 3, 1792; a farmer, and settled in October, 1834. S. L. Palmer, born in Oneida Co., N. Y., April 22, 1810; a farmer, and settled in January, 1835. W. H. White, born in North Carolina, November 19, 1822; a mechanic, and settled in November, 1832. Mrs. Rnma Ann Earl, born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Feb. 4, 1829; settled in 1835. G. L. Wright, born in Yermilllon Co., Ind., August 24, 1831; a farmer, and settled in 1832. Eliza Cummings, born in Bucyrus, Ohio, May 13, 1828; date ol settlement not given. Uriah Lewis, born in Highland Co., O., November 19, 1828; a farmer, and settled in January, 1835. Alfred Williams, born in Wayne Co., Ind., October 28, 1820; a lawyer, and settled March 7, 1838. Mrs. M. M. Behan, born in Erie Co., Penn., July 7, 1826; set- tled in 1836. William H. Goodhne, born in Lyndon, Vermont, November 10, 1810; a merchant, and settled in June, 1834. W. B. Gustin, born in Cheshire Co., New Hampshire, May 3, 1813; a mechanic, and settled in June, 1837. 32 494 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Naucv C. Macadoo, born in Putney, Vermont, in February 1816; settled in October, 1837. - Jacob R. Hall, born in West Virginia, June 19, 1807; a farmer, and settled in October, 1833. George Blue, born in Geauga Co., Ohio, May 11, 1833; a farmer, and settled in 1835. Mrs, C. J. S. Palmer, born in Oneida Co., N. Y., July 15, 1815; settled in January, 1835. Mrs. Eliza Cole, born in Windham Co., Conn., October -t, 1814; settled in August, 1833. Mrs. Mary Jane Winship, born in Wethersfield, Ohio, February 14, 1832; settled in 1834. Alonzo R. Cutler, born in Upper Canada, February 26, 1812; a farmer, and settled in April, 1832. Azariah Williams, born in Wayne Co., Ind., June 19, 1828; a merchant, and settled April 17, 1835. Ichabod B. Gilford, born in Massachusetts, September 18, 1796; a farmer, and settled in August, 1833. Mrs. Mary W. Wilson,' born in Mifflin Co., Penn., March 3, 1799; settled April 23, 1833. Alvin Buck, born in Worthington, Mass., December 5, 1797; a farmer, and settled in June, 1833. Samuel Catron, born in Fountain Co., Ind., October 3, 1825; a farmer, and settled in JSovember, 1832. Lydia M. Buck, born in Berkshire Co., Mass., November 3, 1828 settled in June, 1838. J^ancy Ann Catron, born in Miami Co., Ohio, in August, 1826 settled in 1842. Mary F. Howe, born in Crawfordsville, Ind., in December, 1831 settled in 1835. G. M. Tuley, born in Grant Co., Ky., October 16, 1815; settled in September, 1834. James Warnock, born in Woodford Co., Ky., March 27, 1794; settled in November, 1834. Charles Kellogg, born in Wolcottville, Conn., June 22, 1812; settled in July, 1836. Margaret Kellogg, born in England, April 12,1814; settled in January, 1836. John Charlesworth, born in England, November 5, 1802; date of settlement not given. Abraham Burner, born in Shenandoah, Va., November 2, 1813; settled in October, 1835. A. G. Standiford, born in Shelbyville, Ky., January 27, 1816; settled in September, 1836. David Behan, born in Ireland, December 10, 1819; settled in August, 1837. J. H. White, born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., in July, 1817; settled in December, 1836. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 495 Abigail C. White, born in Ohio, January 9,1820; settled in August, 1834. William Maxwell, born in La Porte Co., Ind., January 4, 1837; a life resident. Eliza Maxwell, born in La Porte Co., Ind., January 20, 1843; a life resident. David Carpenter, born in Tioga Co., Penn., May 5, 1809; a farmer, and settled March 5, 1S37. John D. Smith, born in Brookfield, Ohio, July 5, 1825; a farmer, and settled in September, 1835. James Driimmond, born in Clarke Co., Ind., August 9, 1810; a. farmer, and settled in February, 1835. Amy J. Drummond, born in Clarke Co., Ind., August 27, 1814; settled in February, 1835. D.; C. Decker, born in La Porte Co., Ind., July 24, 1837; a merchant, and a life resident. Parker Freeman, born near Catlin Hill, N. Y., October 13, 1831; settled in 1836. AYilliam B. Hammond, born in Lycoming Co., Penn., February 25, 1824; a farmer, and settled in 1833. Seth W. Hunt, born in Luzerne Co., Penn., October 14, 1800; a farmer, and settled in 1837. C. E. DeWolfe, born in jSTova Scotia, March 6, 1814; a merchant, and settled in 1836. W. B. Wilson, born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., August 3, 1828; a physician, and settled in 1837. J. P. Birchim, born in La Porte Co., Ind., August 11, 1837; a farmer, and a life resident. Allen Cummings, born in Genesee Co., N. Y., October 14, 1819; a carpenter, and settled in 1838. Benjamin Fogle, born in Montgomery Co., Ohio, March 17, 1820; a farmer, and settled April 15, 1834. Mantius Y. Brown, born in Charleston, Ky., November 12, 1819; a farmer, and settled in 1831. John S. Fosdick, born in Campbell Co., Va., December 27, 1811; a dentist, and settled in 1835. Thomas B. Armstrong, born in Clarke Co., Ind., December 28, 1831; settled June 20, 1835. Mary Seffins, born in Nottinghamshire, England, June, 1834; date of settlement not given. Orrin F. Whitmore, born in Fayette Co., Ind., in 1825; a mechanic, and settled in 1834. Mary J. Whitmore, born in Shenandoah Co., Va., January 5, 1826; settled in 1834. Andrew McLellan, born in La Porte Co., Ind., January 25, 1836; a farmer, and settled in 1836. Rev. Elijah Barnes, born in Albany, , in 1791 ; date of settle- ment not given. 496 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. George St. Clair, born in Monroe Co., N. Y., in 1817; a fanner, and settled in 1836. William Bray ton, born in Huron Co., Ohio, in 1812; a farmer, and settled in 1833. Amanda Kidder, born in Washington Co., N. Y., April 17, 1805; settled in September, 1835. William Proud, born in Burlington, New Jersey, in 1805; a farmer, and settled in 1833. Albert W. Cole, born in La Porte Co., Ind., May 13, 1837; a farmer, and a life resident. John H. Ball, born in La Porte Co., Ind., December 14, 1834; a life resident. Moses S. Wright, born in Jackson Co., Ya., July 27, 1827; a farmer, and settled in 1832. L S. Bigelow, born in Massachusetts, September 21, 1805; set- tled in September, 1835. William W. Rust, born in Syracuse, N. Y., February 21, 1823; a farmer, and settled in June, 1837. A. Teegarden, born in Ohio, September 29, 1814; a physician, and settled in August, 1837. Eliza Patton, born in Ithaca, N. Y., December 17, 1828; settled in May, 1837. Lewis Redding, born in Preble Co., Ohio, April 9, 1821; a farmer, and settled in 1831. Andrew B. Hunt, born in Tioga Co., N. Y., February 27, 1832; a farmer, and settled in 1838. Harvey Norris, born in Missouri, January 22, 1819; a farmer, and settled July 1, 1834. James Moon, born in Otsego Co., N. Y., January 12, 1820; a lawyer, and settled May 11, 1838. Louisa Weston, born in Shelby Co., K^y., January 31, 1803; set- tled October 19, 1834. Ann Hackett, born in La Porte Co., Ind., September 12, 1837; a life resident. Richard B. Hews, born in Lycoming Co., Penn., January 7, 1810; settled in October, 1834. Sarah A. Norris, born in Washington Co., Penn., November 20, 1820; settled in October, 1834. Isaac N. Evans, born in La Porte Co., Ind., November 30, 1837; a farmer, and a life resident. John Sonthworth, born in Hampshire Co., Mass., October 10, 1797; a carpenter, and settled in February, 1838. John Smith, born in Massachusetts, September 2, 1827; a painter, and settled in May, 1833. Mrs. Harriet S. Coplin, born in Livingston Co., N. Y., June 11, 1823; settled in March, 1838. Joiin W. Ridgway, born in Burlington Co., New Jersey, March 20, 1824; a farmer, and settled in 1837. HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTS. 497 Burwell W. Spurloek, born in Cabell Co., W. Ya., March IT 1807; settled June 13, 1834. Mary Ann Whitehead, born in New York city, August 29, 1812; settled February 1, 1837. Anna M. Bennett, born in La Porte, Ind., October 31, 1837; a life resident. William Sutherland, born in Brooke Co., W. Yirginia; a farmer, and settled March 1, 1835,— died in July 1869. Julia A. Sutherland, born in Penn., October 7, 1798; date of settlement not given. William Galbreath, born in Butler Co., Ohio, December 13, 1830; a farmer, and settled with his father. John E. Wills, born in Warren Co., Ohio, March 29, 1830; a farmer, and settled in the fall of 1830. J. B. Higgins, born in New Haven, Conn., April 7,1811; a mechanic, and settled in October, 1838. Jane Sliead, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., January 19, 1816; settled in June, 1836. Hannah Higgins, born in Wayne Co., Penn., September 29, 1810; settled in October, 1838. Eleanor Paddock, born in Washington Co., N. Y., September 8, 1810; settled in 1835. Kachel Hickman, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., March 27, 1821; settled in October 1836. Olive Vail, born in Union Co., Indiana, May 22, 1815; settled in 1830. Sallie Crane, born ■ in Albany, N. Y., October 23, 1794; settled in 1835. Putnam E. Williams, born in Windham Co., Conn., March 8, 1833; settled in 1838. William Sharp, born in Highland Co., Ohio, February 1, 1801; settled in April, 1834. Aure Spiry, born in Cortland Co., IST. Y., July 18, 1803; a farmer, and settled October 2, 1830. Jane Craft, born in Shenandoah Co., Ya., September 19, 1830; settled in October, 1835. Nellie Fravel, born in Shenandoah Co., Ya., November 30, 1833; settled in October, 1835. Arlem S. McClure, born in Westford, Yermont, March 20, 1811 ; settled in 1838. James M. Ray, born in Ohio, November 10, 1806; a carpenter, and settled in April, 1835. Norris J. Winchell, born in Franklin Co., Illinois, June 19, 1820; a farmer, and settled in April, 1833. Newlove Laybourn, born in Genesee Co., N. Y., August 20, 1808; a farmer, and settled in July, 1835. Philip Hart, born in Shenandoah Co., Ya., January 8, 1811; a farmer, and settled October 14, 1835. 498 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. Eveline Hart, born in Shenanhoah Co., Ya., Maj^ 9, 1812; set- tled October 14, 1835. Balsar Keith, born in Morgan Co., Ohio, October 17, 1838; a farmer, and settled in July, 1832. Mary C. Keith, born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., July 20, 1834; settled' in 1846. Mrs. Melissa Winchell, born in Onondaga Co., IST. Y., September 29, 1823; settled July 11, 1837. Nelson J. Titus, born in Ashtabula Co., Ohio, November 29,1835 a carpenter, and settled in 1838. Charlotte E. Titus, born in La Porte Co., Ind., January 25, 1841 a life resident. James E. Loring, born in Butler Co.^ Ohio, December 25, 1810 a carpenter, and settled in 1834. Octavius T. Fry, born in La Porte, Ind., December 26, 1838; a farmer and a life resident. Mary D. Willets, born in Burlington Co., New Jersey, October 24,1789; settled in 1838. Nancy Laybourn, born in Clarke Co., Ohio, May 29, 1809; set- tied in 1835. John Harvey, born in Orange Co., N. Carolina, March 9, 1793 a farmer, and settled in 1834. George Caldwell, born in Franklin Co., Ind., February 29, 1818 a farmer, and settled in 1832. Amos G. Webster, born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., March 31, 1799 a merchant, and settled in 1834. Abram Eahart, born in Giles Co., Ya., August 10, 1826; settled in April, 1829. Alexander Eahart, born in Michigan, February 6, 1829; settled . in April, 1829. Frederick Gear, born in Crawford Co., Penn., August 26, 1815; a farmer; settled July 4, 1838. John Brewer, born in Clarke Co., Ind., November 20, 1806; a farmer, and settled in 1837. James M. Clanahan, born in Bedford Co., Ya., April 3, 1828; a . grafter and pruner, and settled in 1836. Theodore H. Wells, born in Lorain Co., Ohio, December 1, 1833; a farmer, and settled in 1835. Alfred L. Booth, born in Trumbull Co., Ohio, November 14, 1818 ; a farmer, and settled in 1838. Lewis A. Wilkinson, born in Cumberland, Md., August 8, 1800; a farmer, and settled September 15, 1837. John B. Moulton, born in Caledonia Co., Yermont, April 18, 1833; a wagon-maker, and settled in September, 1835. Olive Hecker, born in La Porte Co., Ind., October 5, 1836; a life resident. Enos Weed, born in Jefferson, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1821; a farmer, and settled in September, 1835. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY,- 499. Elijah Bishop, born in Ohio, June 23, 1811; a farmer, ands'et- tled in 1833. Priscilla Hiser, born in Marj^land, in 1807; settled in 1830. . A. B. Austin, born in La Porte Co., Ind., April 17, 1839; a farmer, and a life resident. Hiram Burner, born in Wood Co., Ohio, September 8, 1835; a farmer, and settled in 1838. Jane Burner, born in Elkhart, Indiana, June 2, 1852; 'time of settlement not given. Squire G. GoiF, born in La Porte, Indiana, November 12, 1834; a life resident. John C. Galbreath, born in Butler Co., Ohio', August 16, 1824;; a farmer, and settled in February, 1835. James Y. Hopkins, born in Fayette Co., Ky., October 29, 1802;- a farmer, and settled in 1836. Harry Scarborough, born in "Windham Co., Conn., May 23,- 1818; a farm^er, and settled in 1836. William A. White, born in La Porte Co., Ind., August ^1, 1837 j a farmer, and a life resident. Emily M. Wilkinson, born in Chittenden Co., Vermont, Sep- tember 19, 1801; time of settlement not given. A. K. Barnes, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., August 25, 1828; a farmer, and settled in May, 1839. Celestine Barnes, born in Huron Co., Ohio, May 24, 1834; set- tled in 1834. Eush G. Learning, born in La Porte, Indiana, July 18, 1836; a farmer, and a life resident. David B. Collins, Sussex Co., New Jersey, March 31, 1808 ; a farmer, and settled in March, 1838. Electa Collins, born' in Ashtabula Co., Ohio, December 7, 1813; settled in March, 1838. John Garwood, born in Warren Co., Ohio, March 10, 1822; a farmer, and settled in 1831. A. Eeynolds, born in Greene Co., N. Y., March 2, 1813; a mechanic, and settled in July, 1837. A. Eeynolds, born in Cabell Co., W. .Ya., August 9, 1819; set- tled in July, 1837. Jane Brown, born in Bedford Co., Ya., August 24, 1803; settled in October, 1835. Elizabeth Ewan, born in Frederick Co., Ya., July 8, 1812; settled in September, 1837. Eliza A. Provolt, born in Burlington Co., New Jersey, July 9, 1810; settled in 1831. John Walker, born in Westchester Co., N. Y., February 15, 1807; settled in June, 1833. M. H. Hale, born in Bedford Co., Ya., September 24, 1827; settled in September, 1836. Lester Loomis, born in Washington Co., N, Y., December 18, 1797; a farmer, and settled February 19, 1838. 500 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. Henry L. Loomis, born in La Porte Co., Ind., March 31, 1838; a life resident, J. W. Wilkinson, born in Fauquier Co., Ya., March 17, 1801; settled in November, 1834. E. H. Wilkinson, born in Fauquier Co., Ya., May 8, 1810; a farmer, and settled in October, 1836. Margaret Yan Wagnen, born in Clarke Co., Ind., February 10, 1832; "settled in September, 1836. Henry Beahin, born in Shenandoah Co., Ya., April 22, 1802 settled in September, 1835. Julia A. Beahin, born in Jefferson Co., Ya., October 15, 1810 settled in September, 1835. John Provolt, born in Tippecanoe Co., Ind., August 24, 1830 a farmer, and settled May 24, 1831. George W. Wells, born in La Porte Co., Ind., January 12, 1839 a farmer, and a life resident. Martin Bates, born in Hampshire Co., Mass., January 21, 1807 a farmer, and settled June 1, 1840. John W. Harris, born in Loudon Co., Ya., January 29, 1815; a farmer, settled October 15, 1833. Esther Harris; only the name is given. Stephen W. JSIorton^ born in Ontario Co., N. Y., August, 13, 1825; a farmer, and settled in 1836. Thomas W. Sale, born in Xenia, Ohio, March 27, 1807; settled in August, 1832. John Goldsmith, born in Richland Co., Ohio, May 9, 1826; a farmer, and settled in 1834. Sidney Mills, born in Huron Co., Ohio, September 21, 1829; a farmer, and settled in September, 1834. Lizzie Mills, born in La Porte Co., Ind., May 28, 1845; a life resident. Louisa Crumpacker, born in Ashtabula Co., Ohio, September 23, 1828; settled in 1834. Jacob Warren, born in Wayne Co., Ind., December 27, 1826; settled in 1835. Edwin Williams, born in Windham Co., Conn., September 7, 1820; settled in October, 1837. Ann Williams, born in Ohio, November 2, 1820 settled in August, 1841. John Benney, born in London, England, April 28, 1804; a min- ister, and settled in 1844. Russell Williams, born in Windhs,ni Co., Conn ., August 1, 1826; a farmer, and settled in October, 1837. S. N. Howell, born in Estill Co., Ky., January 3, 1829; a farmer, and settled December 26, 1840. Elizabeth Howell, born in Windham Co., Conn., November 1, 1828; settled in October, 1837. R. T. Young, born in Niagara District, Canada, July 17, 1814; a carpenter, and settled in May, 1836. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 501 Harvey Cromwell, born in "Worcester Co., Mass., December 15, 1805; a mechanic, and settled in October, 1837. ^red Fisher, born in Akron, Ohio, November 19, 1838; a farmer, and settled in Angnst, 1839. Samuel L. Argalrite, born in Tippecanoe Co., Ind., March 9, 1829; a mechanic, and settled in 183-1. John Grigg, born in Warren Co., Ohio, December 9, 1832; a mechanic, and settled in 1811. Griffin Droni, born in Duchess Co., N. Y., January 5, 1819; a farmer, and settled December 27, 1835. Enos L. Booth, born in Lorain Co., Ohio, April 13, 1828; a farmer, and settled in February, 1837. Hiram Love, born in Franklin Co., Ind., July 12, 1818; a farmer, and settled in September, 1831. Alvira B. Love, born in Wayne Co., N. Y., July 3, 1831: settled in June, 1810. Mrs. Theodore Armitage, born in La Porte Co., Ind., March 22, 1832; a life resident, and the oldest living child of the first white man of the county. Helen M. Dow'ell, born in Hamburg, N. Y., February 8, 1836; settled|in 1836. Nathan Bartlett, born in Burlington Co., New Jersey, Septem- ber 11, 1795; a farmer, and settled in 1837. Hannah Bartlett, born in Burlington Co., New Jersey, February 10, 1810; settled in 1837. Mrs. J. E. Ireland, born in La Porte Co., Ind., February 28, 18 5; a life resident. J. R. Reed, born in Jefferson Co., Ohio, March 8, 1808, settled September 1, 1833. Virginia Worley, born in Amherst Co., Ya., September 16,1836; settled in the fall of 1837. Catharine Worley, born in Amlierst Co., Ya., January 10, 1831; settled in the fall of 1837. William Andrew, born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, October 23, 1809; a lawyer, and settled August 16, 1837. Wesley Travis, born in La Porte Co., Ind., June 25, 1835; a farmer, and a life resident. Mary Jessnp, born in the State of New York, September 23, 1820; date of settlement not given. J. R. Stewart, born in La Porte Co., Ind., December 11, 1839; a farmer, and a life resident. J. P. Linard, born in New Market, Ya., January 21, 1836; a farmer, and settled in October, 1841. Elizabeth Sparrow, born in Springfield, Ohio, September 25, 1811; settled July, 1833. jninda Fisher, born in Springfield, Ohio, October 21, 1824; settled in July, 1835. Martha A. Grigg, born in La Porte, Ind., July 11, 1836; — a life resident. 502 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Emily W. Reynolds, born in Brooklyn, Conn., March 13, 1818; settled m October, 1837. Robert Sliarpe, born in Wayne Co., Ind., October 15, 1821; a farmer, and settled in 1837. Mrs. Elizabeth Stevenson, born in Pennsylvania, August 15, 1807; date of settlement not given. Calvin W. Hays, born August l-i, 1822; a farmer, and settled in March, 18^:2. Mrs. Mary Ann Hays, born in La Porte, Ind,, September 18, 1841; a life resident. Seth M. Pease, born in La Porte Co., Ind,, April 10, 1841; a life resident. W. L. McDonald, born in Clarke Co., Ohio, April 27, 1823; a farmer, and settled October 2, 1836. ; Addie McDonald, born in Oneida Co., N. Y.; settled in 1839. John B. Fravel, born in Chester Court- House, S. Carolina, Jan- uary 18, 1814; settled August 13, 1835. O. M. Closser, born in La Porte Co., Ind., July 18, 1841 ; a life resident. J. E. Fidd, born in Richland Co., Ohio, August 7, 1830; settled in fall of 1838. J. C. Sanborn, born in Grafton Co., N. Hampshire, February 13, 1819; date of settlement not given. William West, born in La Porte Co., Ind., November 19, 1832; a life resident. Wanton C. Bnrlingame, born in Wyoming Co., N. Y.,. March 7, 1818; a farmer, and settled in November, 1833. Sarah Clarke; only the name given. L. P. Field, born in La Porte Co., Ind., in 1840; a life resident. G. C. Buell, born in La Porte Co., Ind., in July, 1833; a grocer, and a life resident. Isaac Y. Bond, born in Indiana, December 2, 1825; settled May 17, 1834. David Wills, born in Ohio, October 3, 1825; a farmer, and settled in 1830. : Charles Wills, born in Ohio, February 6, 1819; a farmer, and settled in 1830. "^.Elijah Stanton, born in Randolph Co., N. Carolina, November ^6, 1802; a farmer, and settled in 1831. Martha Reynolds, born in Monroe Co., Ind., September 10, 1826; settled in 1833. Obadiah Chambers, born in Monroe Co., Ind., September 11, 1825; a farmer, and settled in 1833. Sarah A. Hall, born in La Porte Co., Ind., December 18, 1840; a life resident. Eliza J. Cooley, born in La Porte Co., Ind., March 1, 1843; a life resident. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 503 Thomas Farajlier, born in the Isle of Mann, Europe, June 16, 1843; date of settlement not given. S. J. Fargher, born in Indiana; date of birth and settlement not given. J. H. Wilson, born May 4, 1835; date of settlement not given. Samuel S. Davis, born May 29, 1825; a farmer, and settled June 5, 1835. J. S. Yan Aaman, born September -4, 1811 ; a farmer, and settled August 19, 1837. J. D. Merrill, born in New York, December 19, 1825; settled July 31, 1842. Joseph A. Kennedy, born in Hardy Co., W. Va., June 9, 1828; nurseryman, and settled in August, 1836. Polly E. Miller, born in "Virginia, January, 1833; date of settle- ment not given. Hiram H. Andrews, born in Pennsylvania, September 28, 1828; a farmer, and settled in 1834. Lucy A. Andrews, born in New York, August 29, 1828; settled in October, 1833. Samuel Wiltfong, born in Upper Canada, in 1821; a farmer, and settled in 1841. Joseph Whitzel, born in Yirginia, October 10, 1810"; a farmer, and settled in August, 1838. John Harding, born in Pennsylvania, July 11, 1817^ a farmer, and settled in 1832. ;!' - Catharine Davis, born in Tompkins Co., JS". Y., October 23, 1799; settled January 5, 1835. James E. Fields, born in Ohio, in August, 1835; a farmer, and settled in 1837. Henry H. Growl, born in La Porte Co., Ind., August 27, 1840; a farmer, and a life resident. A. H. Paddock, born in La Porte Co., Ind., July 20, 1837; a farmer, and a life resident. Henry Darlington, born in La Porte, Indiana, May 25, 1842; a life resident. Shadrach Roysdon, born in North Carolina, October 15, 1808; a farmer, and settled in 1840. Albert S. Hall, born in La Porte Co., Ind., September 18, 1840; a farmer, and a life resident. Charlotte Ames, born in La* Porte Co., Ind., November 17, 1842; a life resident. Samuel Brown, born in La Porte Co., Ind., December 11, 1840 ;~ a farmer, and a life resident. Edgar W. Hickman, born in La Porte Co., Ind., February 5, 1841; a farmer, and a life resident. 504 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Sarah J. Hickman, born in La Porte Co., Ind., December 10, 1841; a life resident. J. W. Beahm, born in La Porte Co., Lid., December 31, 1837; a farmer, and a life resident. Susannah J. Gregg, born in Orange Co., N. Y., in August, 1807; settled in 1836. Laura B. Miller, born in La Porte Co., Ind., February 3, 1843; a life resident. Richard Cross, born in Portage Co., Ohio, October 21, 1820; a farmer, and settled in 1833. Stephen R Wilkinson, born in Wyoming Co., N. Y., in 1830; a farmer, and settled in 1837. Lorenzo P. Field, born in La Porte Co., Ind., February 28, 1839; a farmer and life resident. Abbey Wills, born in Oneida Co., N. Y., November 26, 1826; settled in 1834. Mrs. Mary A. Wolford, born in La Porte Co., Ind., April 26, 1842; a life resident. L. A. Wilkinson, born in Providence Co., Rhode Island, May 8, 1800; a farmer, and settled in 1837. Benjamin Finle}^, born in Franklin Co., Ind., June 21, 1822; a armer, and settled in 1838. ^ Joseph Stanton, born in Campbell Co., Ya., February 13, 1808; a farmer, and settled in 1835. Jacob Miller, born in Union Co., Ind., November 11, 1826; a farmer, and settled in November, 1835. Hilary Early, born in Campbell Co., Ya., March 12, 1834; engaged in a general business, and settled in the spring of 1835. Thomas S. Ball, born in Preble Co., Ohio, April 13, 1833; an undertaker, and settled in April, 1834. Jacob A. Evans, born in La Porte Co., Ind., October 18, 1839; a farmer, and a life resident; J. Burgee, born in New York, September 16, 1821 ; a farmer, and settled May 24, 1831. D. P. Fail, born in La Porte Co., Ind., February 11; 1839; a farmer, and a life resident. William A. Gregory, born in Ithaca, N. Y., September 27, 1832; a pilot on the river, and settled in 1838. G. W. Abbott, born in Holland, Conn., May 18, 1809; a carpen- ter, and settled in February, 1841. Daniel — . Linard, born in New Market, Ya., July 14, 1837; a farmer, and settled in October, 1841. Jacob Peer, born in Upper Canada, January 26, 1796; a farmer and settled in 1835. M. J. Orr, born in La Porte Co., Ind., January 28, 1836; farmer, and a life resident. HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 505 S. W. Francis, born in Bourbon Co., Ky., December 19, 1815; a farmer, and settled June 17, 1833. John Barnes, born in La Porte Co., Ind., September 16, 1840; a farmer, and a life resident. Nathaniel Harran, born in Yermont, August 10, 1800; a carpen- ter, and settled in August, 1837. E. R. Henton, born in Fountain Co., Ind., July 31, 1827; a farmer, and settled in April, 1833. Charlotte Henton, born in La Porte Co., Ind., October 12, 1833; a life resident. sW. P. Shoemaker, born in La Porte Co., Ind., November 10, 1843 ; a farmer, and a life resident. C. D. Burch, born in La Porte Co., Ind., May 29, 1813; a farmer, a life resident. Ezra Barnes, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., January 13, 1815; a farmer, and settled January 29, 1836, Samuel Bement, born in Wayne Co., iST. Y., Mav 11, 1832; set- tled in the fall of 1831. Judson Sawin, born in Otsego Co., N. Y,, December 4, 1816; a tinner, and settled in February, 1838. G. DroUinger, born in Guilford, N. Carolina, June 29, 1810; a farmer, and settled in 1830. S. S. Sabin, born in Tompkins Co., N. Y,, September 11, 1814; date of settlement not given. Rhoda M. Wood, born in Tompkins Co., N. Y., September 24, 1820; settled in September, 1837. Robert Curran, born in Ireland, January 10, 1822; a farmer, and settled in November, 1840. Maggie J. Evory, born in La Porte Co., Ind., October 14, 1842; a life resident. Mrs. Jane Yan Deman, born in La Porte Co., Ind.; a life resident. Joseph R. Hill, born in New York city, June 20, 1805; a mechanic, and settled in April, 1839. John Charlesworth,born in Yorkshire, England, in 1802; a farmer, and settled in 1834. John M. Sain, born in Butler Co., Ohio, May 15, 1813; a farmer, and settled in April, 1833. William C. Curamings, born in Ashtabula Co., Ohio, April 5, 1825; a farmer, and settled in June, 1833. Lazarus Whitehead, born in Rowan Co., N. Carolina, July 20, 1803; a farmer, and settled in October, 1836. I. N. Rambo, born in Wayne Co., Ind., September 14, 1828; a farmer, and settled April 3, 1832. Eli Weed, born in Bennington Co., Yermont, August 10, 1810; a farmer, and settled January 10, 1845. A. J. Philips, born in Monroe Co., N. Y., March 18, 1822; a erentleman of leisure, and settled October 6, 1842. William S. Philips, born in Monroe Co., N. Y., March 24, 1828; a farmer, and settled October 6, 1842. 506 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. James S. Weed, born in Jefferson Co., N. Y,, March 8, 1836; a farmer, and settled in April, 1845. F. M. Howell, born in Estill Co., Kj., August 19,1827; a black- smith, and settled in December, 1840. John Dare, born in Eno-land, in 1820; a farmer, and settled in 1836. J. M. Whitehead, born in Vermont, May 10, 1817; a watchmaker, and settled June 27, 1840. E. C. Potter, born in Providence, flhode Island, September 22, 1809; a harness-maker, and settled October 18, 1838. Alonzo Clough, born in New Hampshire. March 12, 1814; a farmer, and settled in the spring of 1840. Delia K. Ely, born in Suffolk, Conn., November 7,1816; settled in September, 1844. Eluiira E. Clough, born in Ontario Co., N. Y., August 2, 1816; settled in the spring of 1840. Mrs. Charrie G. Wynall, born in La Porte Co., Ind., March 19, 1840; a life resident. J. D. Phelps, born in Missisquoi Co., Canada East, February 7, 1822; a Justice of tiie Peace, and settled September 9, 1846. James Hanville, born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., June 18, 1811; a farmer; the date of settlement is not given. Edmund Etherington, born in La Porte Co., Ind., October, 1846; date of settlement not given. Mary E. Etherington, — the name is all that is given. W. A. Banks, born in New York in 1836; a farmer, and settled in August, 1845. Orin C. Lamb, born in Geauga Co., Ohio, in 1840; a carriage- maker, and settled in March, 1846. Orin Lamb, born, in Berkshire Co., Mass., in 1808; a farmer, and settled in March, 1846. Edward Yeil, born in Kahway, New Jersey, in 1817; a jeweler, and settled in February, 1845. Daniel P. Closser, born in Indianapolis, Ind., in 1834; a farmer, and settled in June, 1834. William M. Hood, born in Jefferson Co., Ind., in 1837; a farmer, and settled in October, 1846. Charrilla M. Hood, born in La Porte Co., Ind., in 1836; a farmer, and a life resident. L. T. Logan, born in La Porte Co., Ind., in 1838; a farmer, and settled in October, 1338. D. E. Coplin, born in La Porte Co., Ind., in December, 1838; a farmer, and a life resident. W. K. Wellam, born in Erie Co., Penn., in 1836; a farmer, and settled in November, 1837. George M. Boyd, born in Lewis Co., Ky., March 9, 1814; a min- ister and came to the county in 1836. James W. Payne, born in Genesee Co., N. Y.;a farmer, and set- tled in 1836. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 507 Charles W. Woods, born in La Porte Co., Ind., May 28, 1S36; a manufacturer, and a life resident. A. Burner, born in La Porte Co., Ind.; a life resident. Minerva Travis, born in Jackson Co., Ohio, October 22, 1824; settled in May, 1837. Nahum Cross, born in Brookfield, Trumbull Co., Ohio, May 24, 1819; date of settlement not given. B. ^Y. Myers, born in New" York, May 16, 1815; a farmer, and settled in November, 1836. Mrs. Cecelia Messenger, born in Michigan, December 29, 1852; date of settlement not given. Bradford T. Messenger, born in Indiana, May 19, 1847; date of settlement not given. Eliza A. Moore, born in La Porte Co., Ind., in 1833; a life resi- dent. Eobert Moore, born in Ohio in 1832; a farmer; date of settlement not given. A. T. Rice, born in Northumberland Co., Penn.; a harness-maker, and settled in 1844. Elizabeth Rice, born in Lycoming Co., Penn.; settled in 1844. W. D. Farnesworth, born in Rutland Co., Yermont, October 21, 1801; settled in 1837. Almira Farnesworth, born in Yermont, in May, 1803; settled in 1837. Margaret A. Closser, born in Pennsylvania in June, 1830; settled in 1844. Dexter A. Buck, born in Massachusetts in 1835; date of settle- ment not given. T. W. Butterworth, born in La Porte Co., Ind., in 1837; a life resident. CHAPTER X. THRILLING ACCOUNTS AND PERSONAL INCIDENTS. In this chapter it is proposed to group together a few of the incidents wliich have occurred in the history of the county and which may be called from their nature thrilling, and yet there is no intention to make them sensational. It may be said, however, that to produce the result intended by their narration it will be necessary to give them, as nearly as may be, with the same feeling which was elicited by them when they occurred. The little threads of influence which have gone out from them may have, and no doubt have, produced results which to the most observing have been unnoticed, and which have escaped the attention of the sagest, — results which have been attributed to other causes, and which can now be judged of only as they are brought under the focus of a second consideration in connection with the true cause as it may be connected with tlie incidents which we are about to relate. It may be that the force of this latter statement will not be felt by all if left as it has been stated. If not, an illustration will make it apparent. Accidents and thrilling personal adventures are somehow con- nected in the public mind with a personal oversight and supervision of a divine agency. The/ejzi' of men who do not, are only an exception to a general law, and will not aifect tiie conclusion whicli we shall draw from this fact. Under the influence of this sense, accidents and thrilling personal incidents have become the pivotal elements in many men's lives; from these, men have become factors in producing other efliects which it is legitimate to conclude would not have been produced without these. For instance: A man may have been, in current terms, "a very bad man," causing by his perversity neighborhood broils and community disturbances, thus very perceptibly affecting the industrial interests of the community, by loss of time and clandestine destruction of property. J^ow, let this man be the subject of a thrilling personal incident, and let him understand, with all the thrilling interest which an incident of this kind will inspire, that it is a providential interference in his behalf, and let him, under the influence of this tlirilling inspiration, realize the former morbidity of his life, — now to this man this incident will prove the pivotal point in his life, and from that time his energies and powers will he used in the production of results entirely differ- ent from that which they did before the incident. In this way adventures and personal incidents are fruitful in the production of results, not only to those who are the subjects of them, but to others (508) HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 509 who may be similarly affected by them. So, whether true or false, the sense which men have of a divine supervision in the affairs of humanity has been fruitful in the accomplishment of that which has been done throus^h the agency of men. Some of the results attained in La Porte county are directly attributable to this influ- ence. These incidents are therefore les^itimate itqms for record, — not that it is expected that their influences, as indicated above, will be traced to the results which they produce, but that they will be given as the causes from which certain results have come. A CARE OF ACCIDENTAL DROWNING, In the early years of the settlements, the wells were not as well protected as they are at present. The method of reaching the water was with a rope and bucket; or with a " well-sweep," a lift- ing machine made of a long pole suspended near the middle upon a fork by means of a pin fastened in the pole and passing through the arms of the fork which served as an axis upon which tlie eiids of the pole could be moved up and down. This was so placed that a rope or smaller pole attached to one end of the sweep, to which was fastened a bucket, would dip into the well. The other end of the sweep, being larger and weighted, corresponded with the weight of the bucket when it was filled with water, so that a very little effort was necessary to lift the water from the well. This method of drawing water necessaril}^ left the top of the well open. Around one of these wells, a little child of Mr. Bunce was walking, when by some chance it fell in and was drowned. This is said to have been the first death in the settlement. The influences of this death told on more than one in that neighborhood. MARY GARROUTTB. In the western border of St. Joseph county is the little village of Hamilton. "Where it now is situated, in 1831, a man by the name of Garwood lived. In the month of February his wife was sick. Living over in Wills township of La Porte county at the same time, was another family, who were their friends, by the name of Gar- routte. Llearing of the sickness of Mrs. Garwood, Mrs. Mary Garroutte went over to visit her, riding on horseback, which was very customary in those days. Good Samaritan-like, or good pioneer-like, for in ministrations of kindness and mercy these two terms seem to be almost synonyms, she waited on her friend and ministered to her wants as a friend. She did this until it was time for her to go home. Her horse was brought to her and she mounted for the ride. The weather was quite cold, but she made the trip all right until she came to the house of Mr. John Wills, where she dismounted, went in and warmed and rested herself. After chat- ting pleasantly with the family, and feeling that she could make the trip home, she mounted her horse again and started. The 33 510 HISTORY OF LAPOKTE COUNTY. ground was covered with a light, dr}^ snow. In the meantime the wind had arisen, and was blowing furiously. The light snow was driven before it in fierce sheets. The intensity of the cold of the storm began to overcome Mrs. Garroutte, and she felt the blood to chill in her veins. The country was so sparsel}- settled that she could not find a stopping place. Brave of heart, she dismounted from her horse and sought by walking and active exercise, it is thought, to keep up proper warmth and beat back the inevitable, but she was overcome by the cold, and the next morning she was found by a mail carrier dead, stark and cold. Glad to minister to the wants of her friend who was sick, yet she was called upon to perish alone. This sad incident had its effect upon the pioneers, and was long remembered by them. WA.S FREEDOM DEAD? OR WAS IT ONLY SLEEPING? In looking over the records of the county, gathering items for this narrative, the author was struck with astonishment when he ran across the following item of record, which was made at the May term of the Commissioners' Court, 1834:. The author, a " Hoosier" by birth, who never had a citizenship only in Indiana, felt his face mantle with shame that a record like it must be made in order to comply with her laws. And then he remembered that progression is the watchword of the universe, and that Indiana had made some progress in the matter of human freedom, for no one, no difference what his political creed, can be found, it is believed, in all her 2,000,000 people who would endorse tliat law as a political principle now, — who would make the odious discrimination which it made. Two centuries back is a more fitting place for it — in the " dark ages" even — than now. The record was a compliance with that law wliich, and its kindred statutes, have disgraced the statute book of Indiana, in which any colored person was required to furnish security that he would not become a public charge on immigrating into any county of the State. It seems that one colored man was ambitious to become a citizen of Kankakee township, and through him La Porte fur- nishes one example of fact in the disgraceful history of Indiana in relation to this discriminating law. On May 5, 1834, the following record was made in the Commis- sioners' Court: " Now come Alexander Blackburn and Israel Markham, Overseers of the Poor, and make report: We, the undersigned Overseers of the Poor for Kankakee township. La Porte county, respectfully report that we have taken bond and securitj^ of William Greenwood, alias Randall, a free black man, immigrated into this county, as required by law; and that we have acted on no other business. (Signed,) A. Blackburn, Israel Markham, ^, . - . Overseers of the PoorP HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 511 Some potent power has been at work and important results liave been worked out since the enactment of that law under which this record was made. The day dawn of universal freedom has burst upon the world since that day. A SCHOOL-HOUSE ON A RAMPAGE. The old pioneers of Pleasant township will remember the " Old Charity School-house." It was the first school-house built in the township. We have been induced by some means to look on the past as the "^ood old days ofauld lang syne," and to think that the present is not as good as the long ago; but a few incidents like the following will show that notwithstanding the inany good qualities of the " fathers " there was a good share of the " old man, Adam " in them as well as in the later progenj'. This house would have been better named had it been called the " Old Migratory School-house," it appears. When it was first built, the location did not suit every one equally well. After it was completed, the disaffected portion of the neighborhood put it on wheels or rollers, and by some power seen or unseen it moved to a place which was more acceptable to them. But this did not suit the other portion of the neighborhood; and again it is on rollers, and in the darkness of the night it would seem to be traveling by its own inherent power, but it stops at its former location. This was evidence to the other party that it did not do it itself; and so it migrates a second time. It was thought that by anchoring it fast to a stump it would take no more journeys. But such calculations were not well founded; for, when a habit is formed of doing a thing, it seems very easy to do it. At least it seems easy for this house to suddenly move from place to place; and M'e find that it took two or three more jaunts before it found a settled place. If the reader will let his imagination out, he may see a very ridiculous state of affairs in this migratorj' school-house, while it was on the move; but, from its subsequent name, we judge that a different condition of affairs prevailed in the neighborhood, and " Old Charity School house " expressed that condition. A DISTRESSING CASE OF POISONING, In the year 1835, Mr, A. G. Webster settled in Noble township, and with him came also his brother-in-law, Mr. William T. Hard- ing, who took a claim in Clinton township not far away. These two men worked together and cropped in partnership this year. As Mr. Harding had not yet brought his family, he lived with his brother-in-law while they were raising their crops. After their corn had come up, the ground-squirrels became very troublesome, and destroyed much of it by digging it up. To take a flank move- ment on the squirrels and thus save their crop, they bought some 512 * HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. arsenic and put it as a tempting morsel for them. In accomplish- ino- their design upon the squirrels, however, they used only a part of the poison. The rest was put away in the usual receptacle for such things in the farm house, the receptacle among the pioneers I mean, the clock. During the summer following, Mr. Harding, becoming sick, procured some calomel. A. part was used, and the remainder went into the same receptacle, the clock, and nothing more was thought of it. Afterward Mr. Harding returned to his home in Ohio, his former place of residence, and in the latter part of September returned with his family, consisting of his wife, two sons, and three daughters. The Webster family, glad of the arrival of their friends and relatives, the next day after their arrival went to visit them and, probably, to help them in getting ready for housekeeping. While they were all thus away from home, Mr. Hard- ing went to their house and, his oldest daughter being unwell, he went to the clock to get the calomel which he had formerly procured, to administer to her. He then went home; and, as the Websters were still there, he related to Mrs. Webster what he had done in their absence. As was his custom, at the usual time Mr. Webster went to the clock to wind it; and, missing the arsenic, he men- tioned it to his wife. In a moment it flashed upon her where the missing poison was, and she related what Mr. Harding had told her. Alarmed for the safety of their friends, Mr. Webster ran all the way to the house of their newly arrived relatives, but was too late. The fatal poison had been administered to the daughter but a quarter of an hour before, the father had just the moment before swallowed a dose of it. No antidote being at hand, and no remedy which could be administered only lamp oil, it was promptly given. The father was saved; but the daughter, before the morning came, having passed through all the terrible suffering of poison by arsenic, — "its violent gastro-intestinal irritation, its proportionate depression of the circulation, intense burning pain of the stomach, obstinate vomiting, and extreme depression," — was relieved by death onlv. This is said to have been the first death which occurred in Clinton township. THE MISSING LAWYER. Among the first lawyers who came to Michigan City was Thomas Tyrrell. After a short residence he mysteriously disappeared one day and has never been heard from since. This is one of those cases of unsolved mysteries which sometimes occur. THE DANGERS OF THE FOREST. As they who go down to the sea in ships and do business on the great waters see the wonders of the Lord and envelop themselves in dangers, so do they also who go into the depths of the woods and carve out of the deep forests life and fortune. In the year HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 513 1836, Mr. Piirdy Smith and others were engaged in felling trees in Cool Spring township. His little son, a lad of about 10 years of age, was employed in carrying water for the men. He had just returned from one of his trips with his vessel of water, and was standing nearby when a tree started to fall. The tree in falling fell upon the top of a high stub of another tree, and springing back, as the result of the resisted momentum, it struck the boy in its fall and killed him instantly. One young life swept under the falling forests of Cool Spring township. DANIEL Webster's estimate of children. Daniel Webster, the eminent statesman, has fixed himself in a niche of his country's history by the eloquence of his tongue. This honored man, in the year 1836, was making a tour of the West, and was in La Forte on the Fourth of July. A Sunday-school had been previously organized, and was out on procession on this day. A very large concourse of people had gathered around the carriage of the eminent Massachusetts statesman, who was pouring out to thera a stream of his wisdom and eloquence. The procession of Sunday- school children, bearing their banners and their faces wreathed in smiles, came filing around the corner of the public square. The eye of the great orator caught the procession, and with that quick in- spiration for which he was noted exclaimed, with the index finger pointing in the direction of the procession, and the eyes of the as- semblage quickly turning in that way also, with the full force of his magnetic power wrapped around each word like halos of light, " There, fellow citizens, is the hope of our country." Never was there a truer sentiment ever uttered by this gifted man, either on the stump, or on the forum, or on the floor of the Senate, than this which was born of the inspiration given him by the sight of the Sunday-school procession in the city of La Porte. His other well known aphorism, " We must educate, we must educate, or we must perish," is closely akin to it; and when put together, they will read, "Educate the children, and the Republic is safe; neglect the educa- tion of the children, and it will perish." the spirit of the devil in politics. Politics ought to be as pure a science as any which men reduce to an art, but somehow a vast deal of devilishness gets into it. A case of this kind occurred in the political campaign of 1840, the campaign of " log cabins," barbecues, and wild excitement. The La Porte papers walked into the vortex of excitement and were car- ried away with it, if they did not even produce the terrible ebulli- tions which characterized it. The Wliig secured a " log-cabin " wood cut, and illustrated its subsequent issues with it. The inge- nuity of Dr. Fosdick was called into requisition, not only to illus- trate the newspaper, but to illustrate the campaign as well. 514 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. It is not surprising that some bitterness ensued, even between individuals of the different political parties. It was so. On Satur- day, July 2, 1840, Hon. Henry S. Lane made a speech on the polit- ical topics of the times in La Forte. This speech gave the Herald occasion to make some statements of a personal nature which was characterized by the Whig as personal reflections upon the ladies who attended the speech. The reflections so aroused one of the prominent members of the Whig party that, on the morning of the Fourth, while the audience was dispersing from the court-house after listening to the oration, he attacked Mr. Joseph Lomax, the publisher of the Hsrald, with a cane, and attempted to give him a caning and public castigation on account of the alleged insult to the ladies who were at the Lane speech on the Saturday before, which insult was published in the Herald. Mr. Lomax quickly drew a knife and returned the attack with two thrusts of the knife. At this juncture the friends of the parties interfered, and thej" were separated without serious injury to either party. This is but an illustration of the spirit which will prevail in the political cam- paigns in which high party spirit is fostered. It is quite probable that no such event as this would have occurred between these par- ties had there not been such a high party spirit and rancor. PERSONAL INTEREST IMPELS TO MURDER, FOLLOWED BY REPENTANCE. In 1841, or about that time, Charles Egbert had a tavern stand on the road which ran along the south line of Hudson township, and did an excellent business. James F. Smith had made efforts, and succeeded, to get a direct road from the town of Hudson to La Porte. This took all the travel away from Mr. Egbert's place of business, and, of course, destroyed it. This enraged him against Smith. The}' had numerous disputes afterward at different times. Brooding over the ruin of his business, and attributing it all to Smith, who had been instrumental in taking the travel from his place, and this, connected with the disputes which he had had with Smith, he was finally led to a most desperate determination. On the 5th of December, 1841, he went to the store of John Reynolds and bought a dirk-knife. Armed with this he went to the bar room of Smith, and taking a seat by the door, he sat there for a long time. At last, arising as if to go out, but turning around really to open his knife and prepare to carry out his purpose, he wheeled around and advanced upon his victim with desperation in his countenance. Smith, seeing his purpose, seized a chair and raised it to defend himself. At this moment Andrew Foster caught the chair, and while he prevented Smith from defending himself, Egbert suc- ceeded in inflicting two wounds on the body of Smith, one in the left arm, the other piercing his heart, from which he died in a few minutes. It is right to say intliis connection that Mr. Foster after- ward explained his part in the affray by saying that when he caught the chair with which Smith sought to defend himself he did HISTORY OF LAPOKTE COUNTY. 615 not see the knife in the hand of Egbert, and was therefore ignorant of Egbert's real purpose, and sought to da his duty as an officer of the peace. Pie, immediately after the event,'issued a State warrant for the arrest of Egbert, which was returned, together with the prisoner, before R. Munday, Justice of the Peace, by John C. Hale, Constable. The result of the preliminary trial was, after several sessions of the court, that Egbert was bound over to court in the sum of $5,000. lie gave bail in the sum required by Elisha Egbert, Paul Egbert and Jacob Egbert going on his bail bond. He was then released. But he never appeared in court. He escaped to Texas, then a part of Mexico, where he lived until after the Rebellion closed. His rash act was a source of untold regret to him. f He finally became a religious man and a Methodist class- leader. THE LEGITIMATE WAY OF MAKING MONEY WAS TOO SLOW. During the years between 1836 and ISl-l Springfield township had more money than it wanted, — of the kind of course. The surrounding country shared with it also in its flush of money. It at last transpired that there was a cabin about a mile northwest of Springville, which was situated on a dry knoll in the midst of a marsh and surrounded by willows and other shrubbery, from which issued this flow of money. This cabin was the headquarters of a most industrious band of counterfeiters, — a mint for coinage. The thing was finally found out; two men, named Van Yelser and Stroud, were found to be at the head of it. Van Velser was con- victed and sent to the State's prison, in which he died. Stroud escaped to find a still more ignominious death at the hand of an enraged Illinois community, who, it is said, lynched him for horse stealing. HE DIED THAT HIS BOY MIGHT LIVE. It is said that love is stronger than death. This is exemplified in an incident which occurred in Galena township about 1844- or 1845. There came a man from Missouri and settled in the town- ship, named William Mathews. While he ^vas a strong and powerful man, yet he was noted for his quiet and nnobtrusive manners. He had a little boy about six years of age. The devotion of his attach- ment for this boy was remarked by everyone. There are but few fathers who equal him in his devotion to his boy. He lived in the vicinity of Lamb's Chapel, and the following incident took place not far away. He was out in the woods chopping timber, and as usual his boy was with him. The wind was blowing a gale, and swayed the trees hither and thither. He chopped at the body of a tree as much as he thought was prudent, and stepped away a little to take in the situation; suddenly hearing the snapping noise of the tree giving way, he looked up and saw his danger. His boy was by 516 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. him, Thsre was no time for parley; it was save himself and lose the boy, or save the bo}' and die himself. There seems to have been no hesitation on his part. With a strength, nerved to desper- ation, he seized the boy and landed him beyond danger; but he at the same time was caught by the falling tree and crushed to death. Such devotion to another deserves to be celebrated in immortal verse. The world has seen but one example which excels it. Men may die for the good and their friends and loved ones, but for their enemies, never. " Peradventure for a g >od man some would even dare to die; but God commended His love to us, in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us." ANOTHER FATAL TREE. Seven or eight years after the last incident narrated, that is to say, in January, 1S52, another accident occurred m the same town- ship. One of the most enterprising men of the old pioneers, Mr. Whitman Goit, was in the woods getting out ties for the railroad. By some means he was killed by the falling of a tree. His death was lamented by the whole community. MR. KELLOGG SHEDD. The community had not settled down hardly from the commotion which the last accident narrated produced until another startled it. On March 5, 1852, as Mr. Kellogg Shedd was hauling saw-logs to the mill, his wagon was tipped over and himself crushed under its weight. He, like Mr. Goit, was highly respected, and his death deeply regretted by all the citizens of Galena township. THE TOTTERING CANOE. In New Durham township, in the year 1860, two boys were sail- ing on the mill pond of the Medaris mill. By some means the canoe in which the}' were sailing was sunk and one of the boys was drowned. The canoe, a boat dug out of the trunk of a tree, is a very tottering one, and easily upset. The place where this accident occurred is now drv land. STEAM UNCONTROLLED. Steam unconfined is a harmless substance; confined, 'but under control, it is an obedient and powerful servant; but confined and uncontrolled it becomes a most destructive and irresistible agent. In Kankakee township, at Boiling Prairie, in 1860, Mr. Jesse H. G. Copliu owned a steam grist and saw mill. An explosion occurred at this mill in which Thomas Lewis lost his life, Frederick Knight lost an arm, and Mr. Coplin was slightly injured. The powerful agent burst the bonds of its confinetnent and threw the HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 517 wreck of its bonds in every direction. A cloud of vapor arose; a loud report as if thunder mingled with the crash of falling timbers followed. When the consequent dust and vapor were cleared away, the result was found to be as stated above, — one dead and two wounded. THE TERRIBLE DEED INDUCED BY WHISKY. New Durham township, on November 27, 1865, was the scene of a tragic occurrence, — in one sense an accident, in another the most reckless intent. A party of Germans during the day had been husking corn, and were moving along the road with loaded wagons. They were met by James Woods and William Fulton, who were on their way from Westville where they had been drink- ing, and were just in that condition when whisky most inflames the blood and leads its victims to the most desperate ends. On coming up to the first wagon, Woods ordered it to halt; but no attention was paid to the maudlin command. Fulton then said, "Why don't you shoot?" At this Woods whipped out a revolver and discharged it. However lie missed his aim, the ball passing by those on the first wagon and hitting John Lohm, who was on the second wagon. The wound was a mortal one, causing his death in a very short time. This deed could not have been the result of personal enmity, for it is said that they were perfect strangers. Both Woods and Fulton were indicted for the offense; the former was found guilty of murder in the second degree, and sentenced to the State's prison for life; the latter, of man-slaughter, and sentenced to the State's prison for a term of 13 years. Whisky, whisky, bane of life. Spring of tumult, source of strife, Could I but half thy curses tell, The wise would wish thee safe in hell. THE BREATH OF FIRE. New Durham township was the scene of another accident on the 14th of March, 1869. It is but tlie old story. He took the gun; he blew his breath of fire into the muzzle, and the deadly missile hurled him from the land of the living. The circumstances of the accident were as follows: Nicholas Aker, a boy of about 15 years of age, together with two younger brothers, was playing with a gun. He blew into the muzzle. By some means the gun was dis- charged and killed him instantly, thus terminating a "play" with a terrible " tragedy." THE WINGLESS WAS WINGED WITH UNSEEN WINGS. Feathers are not the only things out of which wings are made. Imparted power may serve such a purpose. The neighborhood of Puddletown, in Wills township, in the year 1871, was the witness 518 HISTORY OF LA POETE OOUNTT. of an incident like this. A wint^less scantling was winged by the imparted power of the saw of a steara saw-mill, and winged its flight on these viewless wings, struck Matthew Feather on the head, penetrated his brain, and killed him instantly. THE UNTRUSTFUL SHOT-GUN. In 1874 there was a man living at Bigelow named Frank Kopelsi He had a boy named August, who was about 15 years of age. On November 7, this boy was out shooting ducks. His method of holding his gun seems to have been peculiar, — he held the muzzle under his arm. In walking along that day, he accidentally struck the lock, exploding the percussion, and discharging the gun. The charge of the gun tore upward through his arm, nearly severing it, from his body. The injury was so great that the boy died in less than an hour. "l WOULD HASTEIf FROM THE WINDY STORM AND TEMPEST." A storm of fearful severity swept over Galena township on the morning of August 15, 1874. Occurring about five o'clock in the morning, the early risers were treated to a sight seldom seen. The heavens were overcast with dark clouds which poured down sheets of monstrous hail, some as large as pigeons' eggs. These sheets of hail were whipped by the most terrible winds. Intermingled with these was the constant glare of the most terrific lightning, which rendered visible the fantastic tossing of the hail by the wind. Then the patter of the falling hail was almost drowned by the crash of falling timber which was giving way before the fierce force on every hand, and both these were almost smothered under the tre- mendous roll of thunder which kept up one continuous roar. The whole scene was terrifically grand. The storm was a very devastating one. The standing corn was cut to pieces with the sheets of hail; thousands of fruit and forest trees were uprooted and broken; fences were demolished and scat- tered everywhere; houses were unroofed, and barns blown down. "I would hasten from the windy storm and tempest." CHAPTER XI. RECORD OF THE REBELLION. INTRODUCTION. The wars of the Republic have been fiflorions, as warriors call priory. They have generally been founded in right, and have uni- formly been successful. The Revolutionary heroes have all glided into the silent house. La Porte county, so far as we have been able to ascertain, has no Revolutionary record. A few of the heroes of the war of 1812-'15 have been residents of the county. Only a very few, if indeed any, now remain. They too have followed the example of the Revolutionary fathers. Of the Mexican soldiers, there is a more considerable number still living, but they likewise are steadily dropping out of the ranks of the living. While there were no citizens of La Porte county in the wars of the Revolution and of 1812-'15, for the simple reason that it was born too late for that, yet a company was raised in the county and served in the war with Mexico. The Captain of this company was W. W. McCoy; First Lieutenant, Robert Fravel; Second Lieuten- ant, C. W. Lewis; Ensign and Color Bearer, Samuel Mecum. This company numbered 92 men in all, and belonged to the 4tli Indiana Regiment. This company took part in that brilliant and memora- ble campaign of General Winfield Scott from Yera Cruz to the memorable city of the Aztecs; and their banner waved over the city of the Angels, La Puebla. The part which it bore in this cam- paign entitle it to the honors of it; and, through the representatives which it had in this company. La Porte county is likewise hon- ored. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. While the county may justlyfeel proud of the record and honor of her sons in the war with Mexico, where, by their personal brav- ery and courage, they carved out a monument of imperishable remembrance; yet it is in the war of the Rebellion that its chief military glory and renown lies. When, on the 12th of April, 1861, the thunders of war which fell upon Fort Sumter and its beleaguered garrison at Charleston, South Carolina, burst upon the impatient nation by the magnetic click of the telegraph, the patriotism of its people was fanned to the highest and they flew to the defense of its threatened institu- tions. To indicate something of the feeling and spirit of the peo- ple, as reflected by its papers, the following extract is taken from 520 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. the files of the La Porte Herald in its issue of the 20fch of April, 1861: " Like the viper which was wanned to life in the bosom of the countryman and then stung him to death, so the cotton States of the Union have raised the parricidal hand of bloody war against the Government which has long fostered and protected them. History will blush to record the hugeness of the crime. It overtops the ordinary criminality of aggressive, causeless warfare, as Satan exceeded in proportions the other rebel angels. "He above the rest In shape and gesture proudly eminent, Stood like a tower ; but his face Deep scars of thunder had entrenched, and care Sat on his faded cheek. " Without a parallel in the history of the world, all other rebell- ions, all other treasons, will dwindle to insignificance before the enormity and wickedness of the present. The loyal States and the general Government have given an example of patience and for- bearance which was fast being regarded as weakness and imbecility. But, thank God, there is a change. The Government still has power. She struggled long to avert a war, but it has been at last forced upon her. Now she will test her power, and she will prove too strong for treason. There are loval men enouo'h to defend the Union against every foe. The old Jackson spirit still lives and is intensified seven fold. 'The Union must and shall be preserved.' We love the old Union more everj^ dav. The star-spangled banner creates sensations never felt before. Men of all parties feel that no other banner shall ever float over us. The cursed rattlesnake banner has no business on American soil, and by the blessing of God it shall be driven back to the hell from which it came. The descend- ants of the pilgrims will never disgrace their ancestry. The clouds will scatter, day will dawn, and out of the thick gloom of the pres- ent, liberty will come forth arrayed in robes of rejoicing, and enter upon new glories, ' heights unattempted yet in prose or rhyme.' " —The land Is never lost that has a son to right her, And here are troops of sons, and loyal ones. Strong in her children should a mother be: Shall ours be helpless, that has sons like us ?" With^feelings like these gushing forth from every heart as they did, especially from Republicans ami Douglas Democrats, it is no wonder that her able-bodied sons sprang to arms and interposed "fortune, life, and sacred honor " in defense of America's sacred patrimony. Thousands heard the call, and hundreds sufi*ered the accidents of war, and even dared to die that the country might live. In these defenders of libert}' and freedom are the county's patriot- ism and philanthropy symbolized. In the fierce arbitrament of the sword which followed the bom- bardment and surrender of Fort Sumter, La Porte county was not HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 521 wanting in her patriotism ; and her rich fields and ■ thriving shops emptied themselves of their sons to swell the grand array of free- dom. Following is the assignment of these warriors in the army of the Union. WHERE THEY WERE FOUND. It would be quite. worthy to give a full list of the names of the men who found a place in the army of the Union, together with the history of each man; but space forbids anything like this. Below is given the assignment of La Porte county's men in the army; for a more complete history of each individual man, refer- ence must be made to the Report of Adjutant General W. H. H. Terrell. 622 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS CONTAINING LA PORTE COUNTY MEN. No. Reg't. 9th 9th 11th 13th 15th 17th 20th 21st 23d 27th 29th 80th 32d 33d 34th 35th 38th 42d 44th 45th 48th 58th 59th 73d 74th 77th 83d 87th 90th 99th 101st 119th 126th 127th 128th 129th 138th 143d 151st 155th 3d 4th 5th 13th 14th 21st 23d Arm of Service. iDfantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry. . . . Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry .... luftmtry Infantry Infantry Infantry. .. Infantry 3d Cavalry . . Infantry Infantry . . . . Infantry. . . . Infantry Infantry. . . . 4th Cavalry. . Infantry Infantry 5th Cavalry . . Infantry Infantry 7th Cavalry. . 11th Cavalry. 12th Cavalry Infantry Infantry Infantry. . . . Infantry Infantry Infantry Artillery Artillery Artillery Artillery Artillery Artillery Artillery Term of Service. No. Men. Three Months. Three Years. . Three Years. . Three Years. , Three Years. . Three Years . . Three Years. . Three Years . . Three Years. . Three Years. . Tliree Years. . Three Years. . Three Years . . Three Years. . Three Years. . Three Years. . Three Years. . Three Years . . Three Years . . Three Years . . Three Years . . Three Years . . Three Years . . Three Years. . Three Years. . Three Years. . Three Years. . Three Years . . Three Years . . Three Years . . Three Years . . Three Years . . Three Years . , Three Years. , Three Years . , Three Years. 100 Days One Year. . . One Year. . . , One Year.. . . Three Years. Three Years . Three Years. , Three Years. Three Years. Three Years. Three Years . 144 229 4 3 117 25 122 8 1 1 198 1 3 7 1 106 11 80 2 1 59 22 15 193 1 81 16 246 4 6 1 3 1 98 169 2 164 1 119 130 1 85 34 4 2 23 1 No. Officers. 9 27 9 1 10 1 25 3 1 U 1 10 "i 14 18 1 2 7 10 5 2 1 Total Infantry. Cavalry. . Artillery. All Arms. 1st U. S. Vet. Vol. Engineers. U. S. Colored Troops Three Months. 100 Days One Year Three Years . . . All Terms Three Years . . Three Years. . AH Terms Three Years. Three Years. 144 164 250 1649 22U7 188 150 2545 4 11 9 6 13 146 174 17 10 191 Grand Total in tbe service from the County. 3560 191 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 523 To make the list complete, to the above must be added 65 minute men who belonged to Company B, 109th Regiment, which will make the grand total of men furnished by the county to the army 2,625 men, minus a few whose names are repeated by being dis- charged and re-enlisting in some other organization; and yet this may be offset by those of the county who belonged to other than Indiana regiments. This certainly speaks well for the patriotism of the citizens of La Porte county in the hour of her country's peril. WHERE THEY MET THE ENEMY. When Abraham Lincoln, in his proclamation, said, "I want 75,- 000 men to set in the defense of freedom," the 9th Indiana Volun- teers arose at once and said, " Take me, take me." They were taken, and sent into West Virginia where they participated in a brilliant little campaign, and met the enemy at Philippi, Laurel Hill and Charrick's Ford, and proved themselves of worthy blood. In these initial struggles and trials of strength La Porte county was represented by her men, and not without honor. But this struggle was not to be a breakfast spell as some supposed, but it was to be one of desperation and endurance. This three months' campaign demonstrated this to the satisfaction of both contending parties. Hence, they began to make the preparations necessary for a successful issue. President Lincoln had already called for 300,000 more men, and the nation flew to arms. These were being enlisted when the 9th returned from its short three months' campaign. They had tasted of it enough to fire them still more with patriotism, and away they went to the war for three years. It will be impossible to trace the course of events so as to give the history of La Porte county's part in the struggle which followed this short campaign in full. But the history of La Porte county will be imperfect without some detail of these things. For this reason, a few of the prominent places where it was represented on the field has been selected, to which brief attention is called. The county was mostly represented in the army in the West. The regiments in which it had a representation in the East were the i3th, 20th, 27th, 45th and 155th. Those representing it in the various corps and divisions in the army in the West were the 9th, 11th, 15th, 17th, 21st, 23d, 27th, 29th, 30th, 32d, 33d, 34th, 35th, 38th, 42d, 44th, 48th, 58th, 59th, 73d, 77th, 83d, 87th, 90th, 99th, 101st, 119th, 126th, 127th, 128th, 129th, 138th, 143d, 151st, 3d Bat, 4th Bat., 5th Bat., 13th Bat., 14th Bat., 21st Bat., 23d Bat. CHANCELLORSVILLE AND GETTYSBURG. In the East, the service which the regiments in which the county was represented was as honorable and glorious as any ren- dered during the war. This may especially be said of the 20th 624 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Regiment. On many of the hotly-contested battle-fields of the East it was engaged, and always with honor. On the 30th of April, 1863, it was engaged in the battle of Chancellorsville, and captured the whole of the 23d Georgia Regiment, numbering more men than its own. It was in the great battle of Gettysburg, from the 2d to the -ith of July, 1863, and participated in the pursuit of General Lee into Virginia, overtaking, attacking and defeating his forces at Manassas Gap. After this it was engaged in all the opera- tions of General Grant around Richmond and Petersburg, which culminated in the final overthrow and surrender of General Lee's army. Its last engagement was at Clover Hill, Virginia, on the 9th of April, 1865. SHILOH. After success began to crown the efforts of the Union forces in the West, at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, the movements of the forces brought them together again at Pittsburg Landing, on the Tennessee river, or as it is usually called, Shiloh, on the 6th of April, 1862. The rebel forces determined to retrieve some of their reverses, and attack the Union army at this place with the greatest vigor and determination. The result was that one of the greatest battles of the war in its consequences was fought. It continued for two days. The first day it was all the Union forces could do to withstand the onslaughts of the enemy, and many lost their lives. On the second day they repelled the charges of the rebels, and themselves took the offensive, defeating them with great loss. It was a signal victory for the Union. La Porte county was repre- sented by numerous regiments in this battle, but those having the largest number of men were the 9tii, 15th and 29th. The victory of Shiloh is largely attributable to these regiments. STONE RIVER. The remainder of the campaign of 1862 was quite active in the West. The rebel Generals were on the alert. This year witnessed the invasion of Kentucky by General Bragg, and General Kirby Smith, who penetrated nearlj' to Louisville and Cincinnati. They were, however, driven back into Tennessee, whither they were fol- lowed by the Union forces, through Nashville and on to Murfrees- boro. On the 31st of December, 1862, these forces found themselves in front of one another again, on the eve of another great struggle for the mastery, at Stone river. For three days, December 31, 1862, and January 1 and 2, 1863, neither force could compel a victory; but at the expiration of that time the Confederates were defeated with terrific loss, — a loss of nearly 15,000 men, — the Union loss being but about half so much. In this battle. La Porte county was represented, besides regiments which had a less number of her men, by the 9th, 15th, 35th, 42d and 73d Regiments of Infantry, and by the 4th and 5th Batteries of Light Artillery. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 525 ' VICKSBURG. The campaign of 1863, inaugurated by the striking off the limbs of 4,000,000 slaves the shackles of their bondage by the proclamation of President Lincoln, which took effect on the first day of this year, and which was seconded by the great victory of Stone river on the 2d of January, was one of great activity, with varied successes, of course, but with substantial progress in the end of the Union cause. This year witnessed the great victories of Gettysburg, Pennsyl- vania," of Helena, Arkansas, and of Yicksburg, Mississippi, on the 4th of July, by the first of which the Confederates were driven back into Virginia with disastrous defeat, and by thelatter of which the great artery of commerce, the Mississippi river, was opened from its source to its mouth, and every Rebel obstruction upon it was removed. In this latter victory, the county was represented by the 48th Regiment, besides others which had a less number of her men. CHICKAMAUGA. While the operations were going on at Vicksburg, the campaign, in the "West elsewhere was just as active and arduous. Rosencrans was pushing down from Stone river, over the mountains, into the very heart of the Confederacy, until September found him at Chat- tanooga. The Confederate officials became alarmed at his progress, and determined to beat him back. They massed their forces against him at Chickamauga, and on the lOtli and 20th of September a most terrific battle was fought, in which General Rosencrans was compelled to fall back to Chattanaooga. In this battle the county was represented by the 9th, 29th, 35th. 42d, T7th, 87th, Regiments (the 77th being Cavalry) Infantry, and by the 4th, 5th and 21st Batteries of Light Artillery. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN. After the battle of Chickamauga, General Rosencrans and liis army was cooped up in Chattanooga. In the meantime General Grant was made the Chief Commander of the armies of the West; and he hastened in person to the relief of the beleaguered army in Chattanooga, ordering at the same time the Army of the Tennessee, consisting of the l5th, 16th and 17th Army Corps, froin Vicksburfij, under General Sherman, to his aid ; and having sent to him from the East the 12th Army Corps, under General Hooker also. His course was entirely defensive until these forces had arrived, which took until November 22d. On the following day, November 23d, Gen- eral Hooker, with selected forces, fought the renowned battle above the clouds on Lookout Mountain, in which the Rebels were driven from that stronghold. In this splendid engagement the county was represented by the 9th, and 42d Regiments of Infantry, and by the 4th Battery of Light Artillerv. 34 526 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY, MISSION RIDGE. • After the successful battle on Lookout Mountain, General Grant spent the next day in arranging his forces for a trial of strength with General Bragg, who occupied tlie heights of Mission Ridge around Chattanooga. On the 25th of November, the important and successful battle of Mission Ridge was fought, in which the forces of General Bragg were complete]}' routed and defeated. In this engagement the county was represented by the following regi- ments: the 9th, 15th, 35th, 42d and 87th Infantry; and by the 4th, and 21st Batteries of Light Artillery. V ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. During the winter which followed this campaign, extensive preparations were made for the one which would follow. In the West, a movement was projected which would pierce the very vitals of the Confederacy. This campaign was given to General Sher- man, and it has become known in the military history of the country as the " Atlantic Campaign." The representation of the eonnty in this extensive series of battles was made by the 9th, 15th, 42d, 48th and 87th Regiments of Infantry; by the 12th, (77th) Cavalry, and by the 5th Battery of Artillery. At all of the engagements these organizations rendered valuable service in secur- ing the final victory which let the arm)' into Atlanta. They carried the old flag at Dalton, Resaca, Dallas, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Marietta, Chattahoochee river, and in the battles around Atlanta from the 20th of July to the battles of Jonesboro, the 1st of September, which opened the city to Federal occupation. THE MARCH TO THE SEA. After the successful issue of the " Atlanta campaign," General Sherman projected another, which is now known as "the march to the sea." In this, the county's chief representatives were the 42d, 48th and 87th Regiments of Infantry. The success of this march opened up the weakness of the Confederacy and paved the way to its collapse, which occuri-ed in the April following. NASHVILLE. But while this march was being made, the vigilant, daring and aggressive rebel General Hood was making desperate efforts to re- occupy Tennessee, and pressed the Union forces back as far as Nashville. Here, on the 15th of December, 1864, General Hood encountered another disastrous defeat, which scattered his forces, and stopped all aggressive movements on his part. La Porte county was represented in the honors of tlli^ great victory by the 9th and 35th Regiments of Infantry, and by the 21st Battery of Light Artillery. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 527 Of those who were in the service from the county, as reported in General Terrell's Reports, 86 were killed in battle, or were so badly wounded that they soon died; 31 were wounded so badly as to be discharged on account of them, and 187 died in the camps or hospitals from disease or accidents. These were the casualties, except those who were less severely wounded and those who were so afflicted with disease from the exposures of the camp that they are no better. More than ten per cent, of those who went from the county lost their lives outright, — 273. As previously remarked, it would be worthy to give a list of the names of all the men who took their lives in their hands, and went to the army; but space forbids it. We will, however, give the fol- lowing list and brief history of the commissioned officers from the county, and refer any who may want to ascertain the history of any man from the county while he was in the army to the Reports of General Terrell, from which this list is compiled. LA PORTE COUNTY OFFICERS IN THE LATE WAR. Blake, William H., Major 9th Ind., September 5, 1861; pro- moted Lieutenant-Col., November 15, 1861; promoted Colonel September 27, 1862; resigned, April 16, 1863. Carter, George H., Captain Co. F, 9th Ind., Sept. 5, 1861; pro- moted Major April 30, 1863; mustered out January 11, 1865. Copp, William, Captain 13, 9th Ind., Sept. 5. 1861; resigned Sept. 28, 1862; wounded at the battle of Shiloh. ' Craner, John, 2d Lieut. B, 9th Ind., March •!, 1863; promoted 1st Lieut. May 2.1, 1863; promoted Captain August 1, 1863.. Crebbin, Edward, 2d Lieut. F, 9th Ind., Sept. 1, 1862; promoted 1st Lieut. May 24, 1863 (transferred to Co. I); dishonorably dis- missed March 11, 1863; reinstated Sept. 15, 1864. Dustin, Samuel, 1st Lieut, F, 9th Ind., Dec. 17, 1863; resigned Jan. 25,1865. Ephlin, Edward L., 2d Lieut. A, 9th Ind., March 25, 1865. Gilmore, Alexander W., Assistant Surgeon, 9th Ind., March 28, 1862; dishonorably dismissed March 11, 1863; recommissioned Assistant Surgeon June 13, 1863; died at Camp Marker, Teun., May 13, 1865. Leonard, Isaac N., 2d Lieut. B, 9th Ind., May 24, 1863; pro- moted 1st Lieut. August 1, 1863. McCormick, James, 2d Lieut. B, 9th Ind., Sept. 29, 1862; pro- moted 1st Lieut. March 4, 1863; promoted Captain May 24, 1863; resigned June 2, 1863. Meeker, Daniel, Surgeon 9tli Ind., September 5, 1861 ; resigned in 1861. Merritt, William H., 2d Lieut. F, 9th Ind., Sept. 5,1861; pro- moted 1st Lieut. September 1, 1862; promoted Captain May 24, 1863. -1. 528 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. Morrow, Charles S., 1st Lieut. F, 9th Ind., September 5, 1861; honorably discharged Aug. 21, 1862. Nickston, Lewis S., 1st Lieut. E, 9th Ind., Dec. 12, 1861; killed in the battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Patton, Thomas J., Adjutant 9th Ind., Sept. 5, 1861; killed at battle of Shiloh, Tenn., April 7, 1862. Sherman, Mason G., Assistant Surgeon 9th Ind., September 5, 1861; promoted Surgeon Nov. 15, 1861. Snider, Jacob, 2d Lieut. F, 9th Ind., March 30, 1865. Burns, Samuel, Captain G, 15th Ind., June 14, 1861 ; resigned Aug. 1, 1862. Cole, William L., 2d Lieut. G, 15th Ind., Dec. 25, 1862; pro- moted 1st Lieut. March 8, 1863; mustered out June 29, 1864. Foster, Joel W., 2d Lieut. G, 15th Ind., Sept. 10, 1861; promoted 1st Lieut. Dec. 25, 1862; killed at the battle of Stone River, Ten- nessee, December 13, 1862. Graham, Thomas N., 2d Lieut. G, 15th Ind., March 9, 1863; mustered out June 29, 1864; term expired. •-^ Smith, John H., 2d. Lieut. G, 15th Ind., December 2, 1862; promoted 1st. Lieut. December 25, 1862; promoted Captain March 8, 1863; mustered out June 29, 1864; term expired. Weaver, Reuben S., 1st Lieut. G, 15th Ind., June 14, 1861; resigned March 24, 1862. Weber, William II., 2d Lieut. ,G, 15th Ind., May 2, 1862; promoted Quartermaster, December 1, 1863; mustered out June 29, 1864; term expired. Whitehead, Rev. John M., Chaplain 15th Ind., July 15, 1862; mustered out June 29, 1864; term expired. Wonsetler, Gideon, Assistant Surgeon 15th Ind., November 8, 1862; mustered out June 29, 1864; term expired; re-entered the service as Surgeon 3d Regiment of Hancock's corps. Andrew, John W., 1st Lieut. E, 20th Ind., July 22, 1861; killed in battle before Richmond, Ya., June 30, 1862. Brown, William, 2d Lieut. E, 20th Ind., August 1, 1864; mus- tered out as supernumerary Sergeant on consolidation, October 29, 1864. ^"^^rawford, Hiram, 2d Lieut. E, 20th Ind., July 1, 1862; promoted 1st. Lieut. November 21, 1862; mustered out October 8, 1864; term expired. Everts, Orpheus, Surgeon 20th Ind., July 22, 1861; transferred to 20th Regiment, re-organization. Fraunberg, Christoph, 2d Lieut. E, 20th Ind., January 18,1863 promoted 1st Lieut. Co. B; mustered out October 10, 1864. Muir, William R., 2d Lieut. E, 20th lud., November 21, 1862 resigned Januarv IT, 1863. Paddock, HarVey S., 2d Lieut F, 20th Ind., December 14, 1864 promoted 1st Lieut., but mustered out as 2d Lieut, with regiment. Shannon, James H., Captain E, 20th Ind., July 22, 1861; pro- moted Major December 7, 1862; promoted Lieut.-Colonel April 9, HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 529 8 63; resigned June 5, 1863; re-entered the service as Colonel 3 8tlilnd. Regiment. Sweet, John E., 'id Lieut. E,20tli Ind., July 22, 1861; promoted 1st Lieut. July 1, 1862; promoted Captain November 21, 1862; mustered out October 8, 1864; term expired. Drury, John T., 1st Lieut. H, 17th Ind., March 12, 1863; honorably discharged June 1, 1864. McKahin, John, 2nd Lieut. F, 27th Ind., July 5, 1862; promoted Captain Co. H, November 14, 1862; resigned March 14, 1863; re-entered the service as Captain 138th Ind. Regiment. Allen, Silas F., Captain C, 29th Ind., August 27, 1861 ; wounded at the battle of Shiloh; resigned February 11, 1864, Angell, James L., Adjutant 29th Ind., August 30, 1861; resigned August 20, 1862. ' . Bagley, Samuel A., Adjutant 29th Ind., May 5, 1865. Clark," Fred A., 1st Lieut. C, 29th Ind., August 27, 1861; resigned April 10, 1864. Coffin, Griffin A., 2d Lieut. C, 29th Ind., May 16, 1862; promoted 1st Lieut, and Adjutant November 10, 1862; honorably discharged January 7, 1865. Davis, Christopher L., 2d Lieut. G, 29th Ind., May 2, 1863; promoted 1st Lieut. August 16, 1863; resigned November 14, 1864. Cutler, John, 2d Lieut. K, 29th Ind., May 17, 1862; promoted 1st Lieut, February 21, 1863; promoted Captain July 7, 1863; 'killed in battle of Chickamauga, September 19, 1863. Fosdick, John S., Captain G, 29th Ind., August 27, 1861; resigned May 16, 1862. Fravel, Theophil us, Assistant Surgeon 29th Ind.; commissioned April 22, 1865; declined May 12, 1865. Gregory, Samuel O., 2d Lieut. C, 29th Ind., August 27, 1861; promoted Captain Co. F, and afterward transferred to Co. C, Dec. 3, 1863; promoted Lieut. Colonel November 12, 1864; promoted Colonel February 25, 1865. Hays, Patrick, 1st Lieut. C, 29th Ind., April 11, 1864; promoted Captain January 13, 1865. Higday, Tompkins, Surgeon 29th Ind., commissioned January 29, 1863; revoked. Henderson, Edwin, 2d Lieut. K, 29th Ind., April 4, 1863; pro- moted 1st Lieut. December 2, 1863; resigned November 13, 1864. Keenc, Lorenso S., Assistant Surgeon 29th Ind., August 27, 1861; promoted Surgeon, commissioned September 27, 1862; resigned January 17, 18(]3. Keys, La Fayette, 2d Lieut. K, 29th Ind., January 17, 1865; pro- moted Captain July 13, 1865. Maloon, George "W., 2d Lieut. G, 29th Ind., August 27, 1861; promoted 1st Lieut. May 16, 1862; promoted Captain February 6, 1863; honorably discharged November 16, 1864. Marr, Thomas, 2d Lieut. C, 29th Ind., March 27, 1865. 530 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Matthews, Asa H., Quartermaster 29th Ind., August 27, 1861; died in April, 1862. Kockwell, Oscar B., Captain I, 29th Ind., March 27, 1865. Kose, L. C, pro tem. Additional Assistant Surgeon 29th Ind.; commissioned April 26, 1862. Stebbins, Frank, 1st Lieut. G, 29th Ind., August 27, 1861; pro- moted Captain May 16, 1862; killed in the battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn., December 31, 1862. Behm, James O., 1st Lieut. E, 29th Ind., March 27, 1865. Tucker, Charles F., 1st Lieut. C, 29th Ind., January 17, 1865. Yauderhoof, John W., 2d Lieut. G, 29th Ind., February 6, 1863; resigned in 1863, iiecker Edward, 2d Lieut. B, Residuary Battalion, 32d Ind., March 24, 1865; promoted 1st Lieut. May 1, 1865. Hausheer, Herman, 2d Lieut. K, 32d Ind., May 23, 1862; resigned August IS, 1862. Langacher, Jacob, 2d Lieut. G, 32d Ind., May 1, 1864; promoted Captain B, Residuary Battalion, August 24, 1864; honorably dis- charged January 27, 1865. Sherman, Anton, 2d Lieut. C, Residuary Battalion, 32d Ind., August 24, 1864; promoted 1st Lieut., Residuary Battalion; com- missioned June 1, 1865. Durham, James H., Adjutant 33d Ind., September 16, 1861; resigned October 17, 1862. Allen, William, 2d Lieut. C, 35th Ind., June 17, 1863; promoted 1st Lieut. August 10, 1864; promoted Captain Co. D, December 28, 1864; resigned July 2, 1865. Cummins, Richard W., 2d Lieut. K, 35th Ind., January 2, 1862; resigned April 8, 1862. Cummins, John W., 1st Lieut. C, 35th Ind., December 11, 1861; resigned March 23, 1863, and dismissed March 18, 1863. Galezio, Charles E,, 2d Lieut. C, 35th Ind., December 11, 1861; resigned July 28, 1862. Ilipwell, William, Captain C, 35th Ind., December 11, 1861; resigned November 26, 1862. Kelly, William, 2d Lieut. I, 35th Ind., May 1, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. Lockard, Samuel, 1st T,ieut. I, 35th Ind., July 19, 1864; mus-" tered out with the regiment. Patton, William H., 2d Lieut. I, 35th Ind., December 11, 1861; dismissed November 12, 1862. Scully, John, 1st. Lieut. I, 35th Ind., November 29, 1861; pro- moted Captain June 12, 1863, but resigned as 1st Lieut. April 14, 1863. Pryce, Thomas, Captain I, 35th Ind., November 15, 1861; dis- missed March 18, 1863. Whiteman, William, 2d Lieut. I, 35th Ind., April 5, 1863; pro- moted 1st Lieut. June 17, 1863; promoted Captain April 13, 1864; resigned June 18, 1864. HISTORY OF LA. PORTE COUNTY. 531 Walker, John C, Colonel 35tli Ind., December 11, 1801; dis- charged August 6, 1862. Brosie, Luther, Assistant Surgeon 45th Ind. (Third Cavalry), October 22, 1861; resigned November 29, 1862. Austin, Alexander B., 1st Lieut. D, 48th Ind., May 1, 1864; pro- moted Captain C, December 17, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. Brand, Nelson S., 2d Lieut. C, 48th Ind., July 21, 1862; re- signed December 10, 1862. Crumpacker, Daniel, Captain C, 48th Ind., December 24, 1861; resigned July 9, 1862. Fulks, Charles, 2d Lieut. D, 48tli Ind.; commissioned Sept. 12, 1862; killed in battle at Corinth, Miss. Higday, Tomkins, pro tem. Additional Assistant Surgeon 48th Ind.; commissioned April 25, 1862. Howe, Peter J., 1st Lieutenant B, 48th Ind., May 20, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. Packard, Jasper, 1st Lieut. D, 48th Ind., January 1, 1862; promoted Captain Co. B, September 12, 1862; promoted Lieut.- Colonel, 128th Ind., March 17,1864; promoted Colonel June 26, 1865; breveted Brigadier-General, March 13, 1865. Palmer, Alvah H., 1st Lieut. C, 48th Ind., December 17, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. Wilson, Orrison, Captain D, 48th Ind., January 1, 1862; resigned for promotion, January 22, 1863; re-entered the service Captain B, 155th Ind., March 23, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. Brinkerhoof, Derick, 2d Lieut. D, 48tli Ind., January 1, 1862; promoted 1st Lieut. September 16, 1862; promoted Captain March 25, 1863; resigned July 22, 1863. Simpson, John E., Captain H, 59th Ind., April 27, 1862; pro- moted Major, commissioned May 2d, 1865, but mustered out as Captain with the regiment. Butterfield, John, 2d Lieut. K, 73d Ind., August 16, 1862; re- signed January 9, 1863. Carley, Albert A., Captain E, 73d Ind., February 7, 1863; wounded at Day's Gap, Alabama, April 30, 1863; supposed to be dead. Dodd, Theodoric F. C. 1st Lieut. B, 73d Ind., Auo-ust 16, 1862; promoted Captain February 6, 1863; resigned November 14, 1863. Frazier, Eev. John A., Chaplain 73d Ind., February 26, 1863; resigned April 1, 1865. Gladwyn, George C, Captain B, 73d Ind., August 16, 1862; resigned February 5, 1863. Hagenback, Joseph, 2d Lieut. B, 73d Ind., August 16, 1862; promoted 1st Lieut, and Adjutant November 1, 1863; mustered out with the regiment. Hathaway, Gilbert, Colonel 73d Ind., August 22, 1862; killed in battle near Pome, Ga., May 2, 1863. 532 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Kierstead, James H., 2d Lieut. B, 73d Ind., May 12, 1864; pro- moted 1st Lieut. June 13, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. Mundaj, John W., 2d Lieut. B, 73d Ind., March 6, 1863; pro- moted 1st Lieut., commissioned May 1, 1864; resigned as 2d Lieut. Mav 26, 18G5; cause, business affairs. Phelps, Ithamar D., 1st Lieut. K, 73d Ind., August 16, 1862; promoted Captain February 18, 1863; mustered out with the reafiment. 'Potinger, Wilson, Assistant Surgeon 73d Ind., March 24, 1863 resigned December 24, 1863. Keynolds, AYilliam, 1st Lieut. K, 73d Ind., February 18, 1863 resigned July 23, 1864 ; cause, disability. Walker, I'vin N., Captain K, 73d Ind., August 16, 1862; pro moted Major February 14, 1863; promoted Lieut.-Colonel July 1 1863; resigned Jul3' 4, 1864 ; cause, disability. Williams, Leander P., 2d Lieut. K, 73d Ind., March 1, 1863 promoted 1st Lieut. September 1, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. Earlywine, Nathan, Captain E, 77th (Fourth Cavalry) Ind., Aug, 12, 1862; promoted Major September 4, 1862; resigned for good of service, March 20, 1863. Hays, Thomas W., 2d Lieut. E, 77th (Fourth Cavalry) Ind., May 1, 1864 ; mustered out with the regiment. Hazelton, Sidney S., 2d Lieut. E, 77th (Fourth Cavalry) Ind., commissioned April 30, 1863; died September 1, 1863, as 1st Ser- geant. Kneeland, Gilbert H., 2d Lieut. E, 77th (Fourth Cavalry) Ind., September 7, 1862; promoted 1st Lieut. March 1, 1863; promoted^ Captain August 8, 1863; brevetted Major U. S. Yolunteers, to date April 2, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. Woodward, William A., 1st Lieut. E, 77th (Fourth Cavalry) Ind., August 12, 1862; promoted Captain September 4, 1862; resigned April 29, 1863. Andrew, Abram C, 2d Lieut. I, 87th Ind., September 12, 1862; killed in the battle of Chickamauga September 20, 1863. Armstrong, John W., 2d Lieut. I, 87th Ind., commissioned May 1, 1865; mustered out as Sergeant with the regiment. Biddle, William B., 1st Lieut. I, 87th Ind., September 12, 1862; promoted Captain Co. H, January 27, 1S64; brevetted Major U. S. Yolunteers May 13, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. Bliss, Alanson T., Captain G, 87th Ind., August 31, 1862; resigned February 15, 1864. Cannell, John F., 2d Lieut. G, 87th Ind., commissioned May 1, 1865; mustered out as 1st Sergeant with the regiment. Crawley, James A., Captain I, 87th Ind., September 12, 1862; resigned May 10, 1864. Gleason, Newell, Lieut.-Colonel 87th Ind., September 2, 1862; promoted Colonel April 24, 1863; brevetted Brigadier-General; mustered out with the regiment. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 533 Logan, Albert C, 1st Lieut. H, 87th Ind., March 1, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. Martin, Sloan D., 1st Lieut. H, 8Tth Ind., August 31, 1862; killed at the battle ofChickamauga September 19, 1863. *ratt, David W., 2d Lieut. G, 87th Ind., August 31, 1862; resigned April 15, 1863. Sabin, Richard C, Captain H, 87th Ind., August 31, 1862; pro- moted Major January 27, 1864; brevetted Lieut.-Colonel, to date March 13, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. Selleck, John E., 2d Lieut. H, 87th Ind., December 20, 1862; promoted 1st Lieut, and Adjutant November 1, 1863; resigned September 8, 1864. Stockman, Isaac S., 2d Lieut. G, 87th Ind., commissioned April 16, 1863; promoted 1st Lieut. November 4, 1863; resigned April 6, 1864. Urquhart, George, 1st Lieut. G, 87th Ind., July 14, 1864; mus- tered out with the regiment. Way, Ira, 2d Lieut. H, 87th Ind., commissioned May 1, 1865; mustered out as 1st Sergeant with the regiment. Weller, Eev. Henry, Chaplain 87th Ind., June 4, 1863; resigned July 21, 1864; cause, age. Woodward, Theodore, 1st Lieut. G, 87th Ind., August 31, 1862; resigned July 22, 1863. McCollum, DeWitt C, 1st Lieut, I, 87th Ind., April 8, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. Cogley, Thomas S., 2d Lieut. F, 119th (Seventh Cavalry) August 26, 1864; promoted 1st Lieut. November 26, 1864; mustered out supernumerary on consolidation. Crane, William H., 2d Lieut. F, 119th Ind. (Seventh Cava Iry, November 26, 1864; transferred to Co. A, residuary battalion. — ^ Shoemaker, John W., Captain F, 119th Ind. (Seventh Cavalry), September 3, 1863; discharged June 30, 1864. Church, Charles D., 2d Lieut. I, 128th Ind., March 18, 1864; promoted 1st Lieut. August 9, 1865. Elv, Levi, Captain C,'l28th Ind., December 15, 1863; discharged August 26, 1864. Cummins, Richard W., Adjutant 128th Ind., commissioned March 1, 1865; revoked. Eraser, Dwight, 1st Lieut. C, 128th Ind., November 13, 1864; promoted Captain, commissioned September 28, 1865; brevetted Major. Fraser, Joshua G., 2d Lieut. I, 128th Ind., October 27, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. Outhwait, Milton C, 2d Lieut. C, 128th Ind., October 21, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. Paul, N. S., 1st Lieut, and Adjutant 128th Ind., November 18, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. U nruh, William B., 2d Lieut. I, 128th Ind., commissioned June 1,1865; declined. 534 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Osborn, Charles, 2d Lieut. E, 128th Ind., January 12, 1861; pro- moted 1st Lieut. Mav 12, 1865. Yan Wert, William, 1st Lieut. C, 12Sth Ind., December 15, 1863; promoted Captain November 13, 1864; resigned Sept. 27, 1865. Weir, William C, 2d Lieut., C, 128th Ind., December 15, 1863; promoted 1st Lieut, commissioned September 28, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. Carr, Robert'M., 2d Lieut. B, 138th Ind., May 27, 1864; mus- tered out with the regiment. Green, Philip L., fst Lieut. E, 138th Ind., May 27, 1864; mus- tered out with the regiment. McKahin, John D., Captain E, 138th Ind., May 27, 1864; mus- tered out with tlie regiment. Patton, William H., 1st Lieut. B, 138th Ind., commissioned May 11, 1864; promoted Captain May 27, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. Shannon, James H., Colonel 13Sth Ind., May 27, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. Whitehead, William W., 2d Lieut. B, 138th Ind., commissioned May 11, 1864; promoted 1st Lieut. May 27, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. Chase, Reuben H., 2d Lieut. Iv, 151st Ind., June 1, 1865; pro- moted 1st Lieut., commissioned September 10,1865; mustered out as 2d Lieut, with the regiment. Carr, John B., 1st Lieut. K, 151st Ind., commissioned March 3, 1865; rejected by the medical examiner. Closser, Sylvanus M., 2d Lieut. A, 151st Ind., February 24, 1865; promoted 1st Lieut., commissioned June 1, 1865; mustered out as 2d Lieut, with the regiment. Egan, Michael, Captain A, 151st Ind., February 20, 1865; pro- moted Major June 14, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. La Dour, Louis, 2d Lieut. A, 151st Ind., commissioned Septem- ber 10, 1865; mustered out as 1st Sergeant with the regiment. Sweet, John E., Lieut.-Colonel 151st Ind., March 4, 1865; mus- tered out with the regiment. Harding, Joseph W., 1st Lieut. B, 155th Ind., April 3, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. Lowe, Elias M., 2d Lieut. G, 155th Ind., April 24, 1865; pro- moted Quartermaster, commissioned July 20, 1865; mustered out as 2d Lieut. Co. G, with the regiment. McKahin, John D., Captain G, 155th Ind., April 13, 1865; pro- moted Lieut. Colonel April 18,1865; mustered out with the regi- ment. Wilson, Orrison, Captain B, 155th Ind., March 23, 1865; mus- tered out with the regiment. Wilson, Canning, 2d Lieut. B, 155th Ind., March 23, 1865; mus- tered out with the regiment. Dunn, John W., 2d Lieut. I, 40tli Ind., June 6, 1862; promoted 1st Lieut. February 22, 1863; promoted Captain August 10, 1864. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 535 Bush, Asahel K., Captain 4th Ind. Battery, September 30, 1861; discharged to enter Invalid Corps September 29, 1863. Lamb, George M., 1st Lieut. 4th Ind. Battery (re-organized), January 9, 1865; mustered out with the battery. McCleary, John W., 2d Lieut. 4th Ind. Battery, April 25, 1862; resigned March 9, 1863. Willits, Henry J., 2d Lieut. 4th Ind. Battery, May, 23, 1862; promoted 1st Lieut. I^Tovember IT, 1863; mustered out October 6, 1864; term expired. Allen, Mundy, 2d Lieut. 5th Ind. Battery, November 22, 1861; resigned April 20, 1863. Ellison, Jacob F., 2d Lieut. 5th Ind. Battery, July 1, 1863; pro- moted 1st Lieut., commissioned June lY, 1864; mustered out as 2d Lieut.; term expired, Selkirk, John, 2d Lieut. 13th Ind. Battery, September 1, 1864; promoted 1st Lieut. May 1, 1865; mustered out with the battery. Andrew, William W., Captain 21st Ind. Battery, September 9, 1862; honorably discharged September IT, 1864; cause, disability. Andrew, Abram P., 2d Lieut. 21st Ind. Battery, September 9, 1862; promoted 1st Lieut. January 13, 1864; promoted Captain October 28, 1864; mustered out with the battery. Drury, John T., 1st Lieut. H, iTth Ind., March 12, 1863; honor- ably discharged June 1, 1864. Bradley, Emory, 1st Lieut, and Quartermaster 22d Ind., August 15, 1861; mustered out September 25, 1864; term expired. Cathcart, James L., 1st Lieut, and Quartermaster 99th Ind., September 6, 1862; mustered out with the regiment. Cummins, Richard W., 1st Lieut, and Adjutant 99th Ind., Sep- tember 9, 1862; dismissed September, 1863. Anderson, Edward, Colonel 12Tth Ind., February 2, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. Calkins, William H., Major 12Tth Ind., March 26, 1864; mustered out with the regiment. Blackman, George W., 2d Lieut. A, 12Tth Ind., commissioned September 1, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. Fravel, Theophilus A., 2d Lieut. A, 12Tth Ind., December 1, 1863; resigned July 19, 1864. Loomis, Seth, 1st Lieut. A, 12Tth Ind., December 1, 1863; pro- moted Captain September 1, 1865; mustered out as 1st Lieut, with the regiment. Peck, Willys G., Captain A, 12Tth Ind., December 1, 1863; promoted Major, commissioned May 30, 1865; mustered out as Captain with the regiment. Pinney, John H., Adjutant 12Tth Ind., July 1, 1864; promoted Captain Co. D, April 5, 1865; mustered out with the regiment. Williams, Davis E., 2d Lieut. A, 12Tth Ind., August 1, 1864; promoted 1st Lieut., commissioned September 1, 1865; mustered out as 2d Lieut, with the regiment. CHAPTEK XII. POLITICAL. THE ISSUES OF THE GREAT CAMPAIGNS. In this chapter it is proposed to give a brief sketch of the politi- cal situation, from the earliest settlements until the present. At first, the pioneers were too busj in securing for thetnselves a home to take a very deep interest in the politics of the country, only as it connected itself with these home interests. The first election held was that nnder a writ of election issued from the State department under the authority of the act or<>:anizing the county on April 9, 1832, at which Chapel W. Brown, Jesse Morgan, and Elijah H. Brown were elected a I3oard of County Com- missioners, and George Thomas was elected Clerk and Kecorder. A second election was held on the 1st Monday of August, this year, to elect a State Senator, a Representative in the State"^ Legislature, a Sheriff, a Coroner, a Probate Judge, a Justice of the Peace, and a School Commissioner. In this election, there were 77 votes cast. This is the year in which Andrew Jackson ran the second time for the Presidency. Where there was a line drawn on the political issues, there were slight majorities for the Whig candidates. In the following election, on the 7th of November, the first Presiden- tial election ever held in the county, there were 115 votes cast. The issue in this election may be very fittingly called the Jackson and the anti- Jackson issues; and these issues involved those prin- ciples which were dominant in Andrew Jackson's administra- tion. The Whig candidate was Henry Clay. On the issues involved in the election, the Electors for Henry Clay received 59 votes; and the Electors for Andrew Jackson received 56 votes, a majority of three for the Wiiigs. In 1836 the policy of Jackson furnished the issues again. The candidates for the Presidency were, Democratic, Martin Van Buren; Whig, General W. H. Harrison, Hugh L. White, Daniel Webster, and Willie P. Mangum. It will be remembered tliat this was before the day of party conventions as they are manipulated at the present; hence the numerous Whig candidates at this election for the office of President. However, 'it seems that only two of these candidates were voted for in the county. Van Buren and Harrison. The Van Buren Electors received 490 votes, and the Harrison Elec- tors received 452 votes, the Van Buren Electors havinsr a majority of 38. n J J (536) HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 537 The year 1840 was the year of wild campaigning, the most furi- ous excitement sweeping all over the country, and taking shape in processions, barbecues, and other demonstrations which were calcu- lated to captivate the people. The depression of the times which followed Jackson's administration, coming upon the country in that of Van Buren's — in 1837 and onward — prepared the people for the wild excitement and enthusiasm of this campaign. La Porte county was no exception to the rule this year, and hence there was a fierce contest for the political mastery. The log-cabin dis- plays, and song and shout of "Tippecanoe and Tyler too," which was the theme of the Whigs' song, aroused the greater degree of entliusiasm, and the result of the election was in their favor. The Harrison Electors received 1,069 votes; the Yan Buren Electors received 639 votes, being a majority of 430 for Harrison. The slavery question was beginning to receive a great deal of agitation and discussion, and indirectly entered largely into the next campaign, Texas annexation being one of the important issues. In this election James K. Polk was elected over Henry Clay. The effect which the various discussions of the political princi- ples involved in the issues which have been before the country, and were to be solved at the ballot-box, can be seen in the results of the elections. For this reason attention is called to the following results : In the year 1848 there were three tickets in the field: the Whig, the Democratic and the Free-Soil tickets. The several candidates were General Zachary Taylor, General Lewis Cass and Martin Van Buren. In the election the vote was as follows: For the Whig Electors, there were 1,033 votes; for the Democratic Electors, there were 874 votes, and for the Free-Soil Electors there were 226 votes. Under the '* Rough and Ready " songs of that campaign, General Taylor received a plurality vote over Cass, 159 votes; over Van Buren, 807 votes. The election of 1852 was peculiar, especially in its effects. There were again three candidates in the field. General Winfield Scott was the Whig candidate, Franklin Pierce was the Democratic candidate, and John P. Hale was the Free-Soil candidate. The result of this election was overwhelmingly Democratic, and resulted in the dismemberment of the Whig party. It never after- ward figured in the politics of the country. The vote in La Porte county on the issues of this campaign was: For the Whig Elec- tors, 1,357 votes; for the Democratic Electors, 1,468 votes; and for the Free-Soil Electors, 136 votes, giving the Democratic Electors a plurality of 111 votes over the Whig. Prior to the election of 1856, on the dismemberment of the Whig party, the anti-slavery sentiment of the country began to consoli- date. With this consolidation arose the Republican party. The issues in 1856 took shape in the extension and non-extension of slavery into the Territories of the United States; and a most bitter 538 HISTORY or la porte county. campaiain was waged. The result of the election was that the Dem- ocratic candidate was elected, but was the last Democratic Presi- dent which the country has had. The candidates were: The Repub- lican, John C. Fremont; the Democratic, James Buchanan, and the Free-Soil, Millard Fillmore. The result, so far as the county affected it, was: For the Republican Electors, there were 2,533 votes given ; for the Democratic Electors, 2,239 votes, and for the Free- Soil Electors, 45 votes. This gave a Republican majority of 294 votes over the Democrats, and a majority of 249 votes over all in the county. The issues of the campaign in 1860 were largely sectional. A large majority of the North was fully determined that there should be no further extension of slavery in the Territories of the United States, while a large majority of the South was equally as deter- mined that there should be an extension of it. On this great issue, the parties fixed up their tickets with which they went before the country. The Republicans were determinedly anti-slavery; the Democrats were somewhat divided among themselves, the Southern Democrats violently pro-slavery, while the Northern Democrats were rather conservative, that is to say, they occupied a position somewhere between the Republicans, on the one hand, and the Southern wing of the Democrats. Each of these had their candi- dates: The Republicans, Abraham Lincoln; the Northern Demo- crats. Stephen A. Douglas, and tlie Southern Democrats, John C. Breckinridge. The campaign was hotly contested. A new party appeared also in this campaign which called itself the Union party. The candidate heading this party was John Bell. The result of the election in the county was as follows: For the Lincoln Electors, 2,962 votes were given; for the Douglas Electors, 1,396 votes; for the Breckinridge Electors, 470 votes, and for the Bell Electors, 25 votes. This gave the Republicans a majority of 566 votes over the Douglas Democrats, and of 71 votes over all, in the county. The result of the election of Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency gave the rapid pro-slavery party at the South the pretext which they no doubt wanted for the disruption of the Government; and, long before the inauguration of Lincoln, they had established a rival Government which they styled "The Confederate States of Amer- ica." Lincoln, coming to the Government under these circum- stances, found it inextricably involved in the clutches of a relent- less war; This war was prosecuted through the entire term of his administration; and, when it came to the next national election, of course the war measures became the issues before the people. The Republicans resolved to carry the war to a successful issue; the Democrats resolved that the war was a failure, and called a truce. On this issue the two parties went before the country, the Republicans presenting Abraham Lincoln for re-election, and the Democrats nominating General George B. McClellan. The result of the election was the second inauguration of Lincoln. Li the county the vote stood as follows: For the Lincoln Electors, 2,766 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 539 votes were given; for the McClellan Electors, 2,145 votes, giving the Republicans a majority of 621 votes in the county. The election of 1864 practically settled the results of the war The Confederacy collapsed in April, 1865, shortly after the second inauguration of Lincoln. Lincoln having been assassinated, the reins of Government came into the hands of Andrew Johnson. During his administration, the great work of the Government was the " reconstruction " of the Southerii States. When it came to the Presidential election of 1868, " re-construction " became the great issue. The two great parties trained themselves for the con- flict over this issue. The Republicans nominated General Ulysses S. Grant, and the Democrats nominated Governor Horatio Sey- mour. On this issue the Republicans were again successful. The vote in the county was as follows: For the Republican Electors, 3,064 ballots were given; for the Democratic, 2,876 ballots, giving the Republicans a majority of 188 votes. During this administration, difl:erent issues coming up, many Republicans swayed from their party affiliation, and began what is known as the Liberal Republican movement. This movement be- came of such dimensions and influence as to dictate the Democratic nominations of 1872, and of course to present the issues before the country. In flxing up the tickets, the Republicans nominated General Grant for re-election, and the Liberal Republicans nomi- nated Horace Greeley, which nomination was adopted by the De- mocracy when they met in national convention. The campaign was quite a warm one; but resulted in the election of General Grant. The vote of the county on these issues was as follows: For the Grant Electors there were 2,903 votes given ; for the Greeley Electors, 2,783 votes; and for a third candidate, Mr. O'Conor, of New York, whom the Democrats that could not sup- port Mr. Greeley nominated, there were 17 votes cast. This gave the Republicans a majority of 120 in the county, or, including the O'Conor vote, a majority of 101 votes. During the years of this administration, financial depression and business difficulties presented to the country the issues, largely, upon which the parties went before the country for its suftrage. Through these discussions and other influences another party was born which was christened the "Greenback party," However, there was nothing distinctive enough in its principles, differing from the other parties, to give it much of a national standing. So the conflict in the next Presidential campaign, 1876, was chiefly between the two old parties. The nominations made by the dififerent parties for this struggle for political supremacy were as follows: The Republicans nominated Rutherford B. Hayes; the Democrats nominated Samuel J. Tilden, and the Greenbackers nominated Honorable l*eter Cooper. This was one of the closest elections ever held in this country, it seeming sometimes that the election would turn upon a single vote. Each of the two great parties were determined to secure the prize. Disputes arose over the 540 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. count of the Electoral vote. But matters were finally adjusted by the appointment of an Electoral Commission consisting of 15 men, to whom this matter was referred. They sat upon the case, and after considering the matter they decided that Mr. Hayes was elected, by a vote of the Commission of eight to seven. The vote which the county gave in this election was as follows: For the Republican Electors there were given 3,288 votes; for the Demo- cratic Electors, 3,690 votes, and for the Greenback Electors, 48 votes, — giving the Democrats a majority of 411 votes in the county, or, over all, 363 votes. Notwithstanding the trouble which was encountered in deter- mining the result of the election of 1876, yet during the adminis- tration of Mr. Hayes everything has gone along smoothly and quietly, a most favorable commentary upon the character of the American people; they can settle the difficulties of the most aggra- vating character peaceably, and tlien allow them to remain adjusted. The preceding has been given to connect the issues which have been before the people with the judgment which the people of the county have had with reference to those issues as expressed in the votes they have given upon them. Following is a schedule of the elections in the county from 1838 to 1878: SCHEDULE OF ELECTIONS IN THE COUNTY PROM 1838 to 1878. AUGUST ELECTION, 1838. Sepresentative. Votes. Maj. C. McClure, dem 783 472 A. L. Osborn, whig, 311 Associate Judge. R. Stewart, dem 439 W. A. Place, dem 564 G. A. Rose, whig, 793 229 Clerk. P. S. Stearns, dem 400 William Hawkins, whig... 703 303 Sheriff. "W. M. Patterson, dem 523 Sutton Van Pelt, whig 587 64 Commissioners. Aaron Stanton, whig. 509 A. Bailey, whig 377 N. W. Closser, whig 61 Ward Blake, whig 87 Coroner. M. W. Ruton, 354 J. B. Self, 195 O. J. Minor, whig 249 AUGUST ELECTION, 1839. Congress. T. J. Evans, whig 448 350 105 T. A. Howard, dem. 683 563 120 Representative. Sylvanus Everts, whig 683 129 W. A. Place, dem 554 Associate Judge. C. W. Henry, whiij 628 52 John M. Lemon, dem 576 Commissioner. Stephen G. Hunt, whig 672 151 William Irwin, dem 521 Coroner. Oscar A. Barker, whig 672 115 Schuyler Pulford, dem 557 AUGUST ELECTION, 1840. Governor. Samuel Bigger, whig 1004 226 T. A. Howard, dem 778 Lient-Oovvnor . Samuel Hall, whig 1009 239 Benjamin S. Tuley, dem 770 Congress. Henry S. Lane, whig 1015 255 Edward A. Hannegan, dem.. 760 State Senator. Sylvanus Everts, whig 1013 248 C. W. Cathcart, dem. ". 765 Representative. Daniel Brown, whig 963 154 W. A. Place, dem 809 HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 541 8h&riff. William Allen, whig 941 109 W. M. Patterson, dem 833 Commissioner. Henly Clyburn, whig 994 230 DeWitt Strong, dem 774 School Commissioner. A. Lomax, dem 577 A. Fravel, dem 481 John B. Fravel, whig 693 115 Constitutional Convention. For Convention 373 Against Convention 883 610 , PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, 1840. Whig Electors 1069 430 Democratic Electors. 639 AUGUST ELECTION, 1841. Representatides. J. W. Chapman, dem 851 538 G. A. Everts, whig 338 J. H. Bradley, dem 698 193 A. Blackburn, whig 506 Probate Judge. J. R. Wells, dem 715 81 S. Stewart, whig 634 County Auditor. J. D. Collins, dem 6T0 33 J. M. Barclay, whig 647 S. G. Hunt, whig 333 A. Fravel, dem 215 County Treasurer. W. A. Place, dem 840 263 W. Peck, whig 577 County Commissioner. P. Hunt, whig 734 567 J.Wills, dem 167 J. Whitehead, abolitionist. . . 110 Assessor. P. S. Weed, whig 1073 1072 Coroner. J. G. Newhouse, dem 555 6 J. Bigelow, whig 549 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, 1844. For Whig Electors 1009 178 For Democratic Electors 831 For Abolition Electors 53 AUGUST ELECTION, 1846. Oovernor. Joseph G. Marshall, whig.. 943 76 James Whitcomb, dem 867 Steven C. Stevens, abolition . 67 Lieutenant-Governor. Alex. C. Stevenson, whig 943 82 Paris C. Dunning, dem 861 35 State Senator. Andrew L. Osborn, whig .997 199 John M. Lemon, dem 798 Robert Stewart, abl 62 Mepresentatives. Samuel Stewart, whig 942 90 William Wright, dem 853 George Sawin, abl 58 F. W. Hunt, whig 939 74 Jacob C. Sleight, dem 865 T.N. West, abl 62 County Commissioners. West Darling, whig 937 75 Samuel Treat, dem 863 Alva Mason, abl 64 Christopher McClure, whig. 966 137 John Wills, dem 829 John Williams, abl 63 Sheriff. Joshua S. McDowell, whig.. 947 91 H. F. Hinkley, dem 856 A. H. Matthews, abl 54 Assessor. W. K. Anderson, whig 934 53 Mark Allen, dem 871 Jesse Jones, abl 66 Constitutional Convention. For the Convention 441 354 Against the Convention 187 AUGUST ELECTION, 1847. Congress. C. W. Cathcart, dem 997 84 Daniel D. Pratt, whig 913 R. Stewart, abl 43 Representatives. F. W. Hunt, whig 1015 147 J. G. Sleight, dem 868 M. H. Orton, whig 960 33 William Taylor, dem 938 County Treasurer. .lohn M. Lemon, Jr., whig. . 977 16 W. A. Place, dem 961 County Commissioner. Alfred Stephens, dem 933 38 West Darling, whig 904 Coroner. A. J. Wair, dem 989 87 John F. Decker, whig. .... 903 AUGUST ELECTION, 1848. Reptresentutives. W. A. Place, dem 1097 141 A. H. Robinson, whig 956 F. W. Hunt, whig 961 10 A. Ainsworth, dem 951 542 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. County Auditor. A. J. Wair, dem 1047 133 Joel Butler, whig 914 Prolate Judge. J. R Wells, dem 1015 863 W. C. Hannah, whig 152 Sheriff. M. H. Orton, whig 1233 489 W. D. Shumway, dem 744 County Commissioner. 8. Burson, dem 1061 149 A. Lathrop, whig 912 Assessor. J. B. Lewis, whig 996 19 R.Shaw, dem 977 For Free Schools. For Free Schools 1713 1455 Against Free Schools 257 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, 1848- For Whig Electors 1033 159 For Democratic Electors 874 For Free Soil Electors 226 AUGUST ELECTION, 1849. Oovernor. John A. Matson, whig 1102 143 Joseph A. Wright, dem 959 Lieut. -Q over nor. Thomas S. Stanfield, whig.. 1105 151 James H. Lane, dem 954 Congress. Williamson Wright, whig.. 1127 170 Graham N. Fitch, dem 957 Rexiresentatiws. Alex. H. Robinson, whig. . . . 1063 74 W. A. Place, dem 989 William Millilvan, whig 1073 92 Jacob R. Hall, dem.. . .' 981 Probate Judge. Mulford K. Farrand, whig. .1107 166 G. Hathaway, dem 941 County Commissioners. John F. Allison, whig 1075 105 William Fry, dem 970 Christopher McClure, whig. 1081 105 Alfred Stephens dem 976 Record&r. B. Spiirlock, whig 1162 1162 Coi'omr. F. A. McDowell, whig 1071 115 R. R. Crandall, dem 956 Constitutional Convention. For the Convention 1686 1490 Against the Convention 196 Free Schools. For Free Schools 1550 1191 Against Free Schools 359 AUGUST ELECTION, 1850. DELEGATES TO CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. From Senatorial District. Aaron Little, whig 971 34 Samuel xVnthony, dem 937 From Representative District. John B. Niles, whig 993 62 C. W. Cathcart, dem 931 E. D. Taylor, dem 1002 163 iVlexander Blackburn, whig. 839 Representatives. William Millikan, w^hig. ... 971 32 Jacob R, Hall, dem 939 James Bradley, dem 954 49 Alex. H. Robinson, whig. . . 905 County Treasurer. John M. Lemon, wliig 1075 267 William Taylor, dem 808 Sheriff. H. Lawson, dem 945 29 Jesse Mathes, whig 916 County Comm,issioner. Mark Allen, dem 965 43 John F. Allison, whig 916 Coroner. E. S. Organ, whig 964 39 F. McCollom, dem 925 Assessor. Joseph Lewis, whig 960 24 John S. Jessup, dem 936 AUGUST ELECTION, 1851. Congress. Schuyler Colfax, whig 1073 7 Graham N. Fitch, dem 1066 Representatives. F. W. Hunt, whig 1337 559 James Bradley, dem 778 County Clerk. A. W. Henley, dem 1094 76 Volney W. Bailey, whig. . . .1018 County Commissioner. George C. Havens, whig 1072 10 James Drummond, dem. . . .1062 Assessor. John S. Jessup, dem 1085 1073 Scattering 12 Adoption of New Constitution. For the Adoption 1769 1637 Against the Adoption 133 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 643 Exclusion and Colonization of Negroes and Muluttoes. For Exclusion, etc 1338 703 Against Exclusion, etc 635 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1853. Governor. Joseph A. Wright, dem 1330 104 Nicholas McCarty, whi^^.. 1-336 Congress. Norman Eddy, dem 1333 76 Horace P. Biddle, whig. . . .1346 State Senator. Samuel D. Anthony, dem . . . 1316 67 A. B. Price, whig 1249 Representative. John C. Walker, dem 1378 203 F. W. Hunt, whig 1175 Circuit Judge. Thomas S. Stanfield, whig . . 1340 168 James Bradley, dem 1073 Common Pleas Judge. Mulford K. Farrand, whig . . 1303 60 Herman Lawson, dem 1343 Sheriff. William Allen, whig 1393 36 Samuel Burson, dem 1366 County Clerk. Volney W. Bailey, whig. . . . 1341 136 Ambrose M. Henley, dem. ..1315 County Treasurer. Edmund S. Organ, whig. . .1374 161 Mark Allen, dem 1193 County Commissioner. Jackson Hosmer, dem 1315 73 William H. Goodhiie, whig. 1343 « Surveyor. John P. Cathcart, dem 1351 141 Elam Clark, whig 1310 Coroner. Henry Fox, dem 1337 87 E. E. Annis, whig 1340 PRESIDENTIxlL ELECTION, 1853. For the Whig Electors 1357 For the Democratic Electorsl468 111 For the Free-Soil Electors. 136 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1853. County Auditor. Andrew J. Wair, dem 1015 612 John B. Allen, whig 403 Abram Fravel, temperance . . 330 County Commissioners. James Drummond, dem. . . 996 379 Phineas Hunt, whig 617 Jacob R. Hall, dem 1007 410 Joseph Orr, whig 597 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1854 Secretary of State. E. B. Collins, whig 1717 296 Nehemiah Ha_vdeu, dem. . .1431 Congress. Schuyler Colfax, anti-Neb . . 1739 330 Norman Eddy, dem 1399 Representative. Jacob R. Hall, anti-Neb 1706 283 John C. Walker, dem 1434 County Treasurer. E. S. Organ, anti-Neb 1737 316 Orpheus Everts, dem 1419 Sheriff. W. H. H. Whitehead, anti- Neb 1730 347 H. T. Lans, dem 1383 County Commissioner. O. F. Piper, anti-Neb 1709 278 James Drummond, dem. . . .1431 Surveyor. Daniel M. Leaming,anti-Nebl636 116 John P. Cathcart, dem 1510 Coroner. Henry Fox, anti-Neb 1708 284 William Frye, dem 1434 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1855. Recorder. Anderson Hupp, dem 993 89 Burwell Spurlock, anti-Neb . 901 County Commissioners. Aquilla W. Rogers, dem 1043 310 Abram Westervelt, anti-Neb 833 H. J. Rees, dem 1068 350 George Crawford, anti-Neb. 818 Coroner. Asa M. Warren, dem 1041 211 Samuel Harvey, anti-Neb . . . 830 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1856. Oovernor. Oliver P. Morton, rep 2334 112 Ashbel P. Willard, dem 2233 Congress. Schuyler Colfax, rep 2343 180 W. Z. Stewart, dem , 3213 State Senator. Morgan H. Weir, rep 2328 123 H. Lawson, dem 2206 Representative. George Crawford, rep 2332 112 W. R. Bowes, dem 2330 County Clerk. J. Moore, rep 2318 86 C. W. Mead, dem 2233 544 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. County Treasurer. A. D. Porter, rep 2303 51 Seth Eason, dem .2253 Sheriff. W. H. H. Whitehead, rep. .2347 149 Nathan Kell, dem 2198 Surveyor- Daniel M. Learning, rep . . .2301 58 John P. Cathcart, Vlem 2243 Coroner. R. G.James, rep 2331 98 William Fry, dem 2224 County Commissioner. Elam Clark, rep 2322 101 A. W. Rogers, dem 2231 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, 1856. For the Republican Electors.2o33 394 For the Democratic Electors.2239 For the Free Soil Electors. . 45 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1857. County Clerk. James Moore, rep 1644 346 John B. Fravel, dem 1398 Sheriff. W. H. H. Whitehead, rep . . ..1707 444 Nathan Kell, dem 1263 County Treasurer. A. D. Porter, rep 1660 341 Seth Eason, dem 1339 County Auditor. John G. Laird, rep 1.551 153 Thomas Piyce, dem 1398 County Commissioners. Isaac B. Coplin, rep 1573 159 W. G. Garrard, dem 1414 Sidney S. Sabin, rep 1596 210 H. P. Lans, dem 1386 Circuit Judge. Andrew L. Osborn, rep 2197 1437 William Andrew, ind. rep. . 760 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1858. Secretary of State. William A. Peele, rep 3766 533 Daniel McClure, dem 2244 Congress. Schuyler Colfax, rep 2789 565 John C. Walker, dem 2324 County Auditor. John Walton, rep 3790 580 Theophilus Fravel, dem 3310 Cov7ity Treasurer. A. D. Porter, rep 3737 450 T. T. Harris, dem 2377 Sheriff". Joshua S. McDowell, rep. . .3663 381 Levi Ely, dem 3381 County Commissioner. John Warnock, rep 3754 500 J. W. Butterfield, dem 3354 Surveyor. Elisha S. Bennett, rep 3717 430 Munday Allen, dem 3387 Coroner. Luther Brusie, rep 3754 506 Henry Ellsworth, dem 3348 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1859. Recorder. Luther Mann, Jr., rep 1350 Anderson Hupp, dem 1459 109 County Gommi.Hsioner. Sidney S. Sabin, rep 1555 371 Harvey Truesdell, dem 1384 Convention to Amend Constitution. For the Convention 1134 Against the Convention 14.54 330 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1860. Oovernor. Henry S. Lane, rep 3000 987 Thomas A. Hendricks, dem . 3013 Congress. Schuyler Colfax, rep 3010 1005 C. W. Cathcart, dem 3005 County Clerk. James Moore, rep 3010 1003 C. C. Morricle, dem 2007 . Sheriff\ Joshua S. McDowell, rep. . .2996 963 Richard Huncheon, dem. . .3033 County Treasurer. Reginald H. Rose, rep 2864 689 Truman T. Harris, dem 3175 Coroner. R. Friedel, dem 3060 Ludwig Eliel, rep 3979 919 Surveyor. Edward H. Leamiug, rep. . .3913 838 John P. Cathcart, dem 3074 * State Senator. Abraham Teegarden, rep. . .3010 1003 Henry Higgins, dem 3007 Representatives. Samuel Harvey, rep 2985 915 H. P. Lans, dem 2070 Mason G. Sherman, rep 2970 904 Irwin S. Jessup, dem 3066 FTISTOEY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 545 County Communoner. Isaac S. Coplin, rep 2991 921 Ephraim Barney, dem 2070 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, 1860. For the Lincoln Electors. . .2902 1506 For the Douglas Electors. ..1396 For the Breckinridge Elect'rs 470 For tlie Bell Electors 25 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1861. Representatives. H. H. Roberts, rep 938 104 I. P. Dunn, dem 834 W. B. Webber, iud. rep 550 Sheriff. S. P. Mead, rep 1435 47 William Everhart, dem 1388 County Commissioner. J. P. Cathcart, rep 2531 3356 John Garwood, Jr., dem. .. 175 John W. Butterfield, dem . . 17 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1862. Secretary of State. William A. Peele, rep 2468 373 James S. Anthon, dem 2096 Congress. Schuyler Colfax, rep 2453 358 David Turpie, dem 2095 County Auditor. John Walton, rep 2472 401 A.J. Wair, dem 2071 Coroner. Ludwig Eliel, rep 2466 381 A. K. Webster, dem 2085 County Treasurer. R. H. Rose, rep 2510 463 Thomas Larkin, dem 2047 Surveyor. E. H. Leaming, rep 2454 354 Mortimer Nye, dem 2100 Representatives. James Forrester, rep 2497 411 John C. Walker, dem 2086 W. W. Higsius, rep 2461 363 J. W. Butterfield dem 2098 County Commissioner. Sidney S. Sabin, rep 2404 321 R. Shaw, dem 2083 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1863. Circuit Judge. Andrew L. Osborn, rep 4480 4480 Sheriff. StephenP. Mead, rep 2310 170 William Everhart, dem 2140 Recorder. William Copp, rep 2324 186 James Overholtz, dem 2138 Appraiser of Real Estate. Abram J. Westervelt, rep. . 2395 296 Willard A. Place, dem.... 2099 County Commissioner. Isaac B. Coplin, rep 2400 397 Isaac Coleman, dem 2103 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1864. Governor. Oliver P. Morton, rep 2722 465 Joseph E. McDonald, dem. 2247 Congi^e.iS. Schuyler Colfax, rep 2706 458 David Turpie, dem 2248 Common Pleas Judge. Elisha Egbert, rep 2714 465 John G. Osborn, dem 3249 County Clerk. James H. Shannon, rep 2717 471 Jacob S. Martin, dem 2246 County Treasurer. D. C. Alexander, rep 2712 463 Ellis Michael, dem 2249 State Senator. John B. Niles, rep 2714 465 Mulford K. Farrand, dem . . 2249 Representatives. W. W. Higgins, rep 2706 453 L. A. Stimpsou, dem 3254 John H. Willis, rep 2708 473 E. M. Davis, dem 3335 Coroner. Ludwig Eliel, rep 3710 459 R. O. Crandall, dem 3351 Surveyor. E. H. Leaming, rep 3717 468 J. W. Leaming, dem 3349 County Commissioner. John P. Cathcart, rep 3714 466 Jackson Hosmer, dem 3348 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, 1864. For the Republican Electors 3766 631 For the Democratic Electors 3145 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1865. Reptresentative. Newell Gleason, rep 3331 619 Herman P. Lans, dem 1713 Sheriff. Ithamer D. Phelps, rep. . . . 2389 733 Amos Johnson, dem 1666 546 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. County Commissioner. William O'Hara, rep 2331 619 George Hall, dem 1713 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1866. Secretary of State. Nelson Trusler, rep 2974 313 Mahlon G. Manson, dem.. . 2661 Gonqress. Schuyler Colfox, rep 2982 332 David Turpie, dem 2650 County Auditor. Jasper Packard, rep 2928 238 Seth Easou, dem 2690 County Treasurer. Durand C.Alexander, rep.. 2993 365 John Druliner, dem 2628 Coroner. Ludwig Eliel, rep 2976 319 R. O. Crandall, dem 2657 Bepresentutives. James B. Belford, rep 2943 254 Henry H. Walker, dem. . . . 2G89 William W. Higgius, rep.. 2948 290 A. G. Standiford, dem 2658 Cou nty Commissioner. Isaac B. Copliu, rep 2867 271 James Drummond, dem. . .. 2696 Surveyor. John P. Cathcart, rep 2961 296 S. A. Van Dusan, dem 2G65 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1867. Bepresentative. Orpheus Everts, rep 2133 586 Simon Wile, dem 1547 Recorder. Henry C. Browu, rep 2171 653 Charles McClung, dem. ... 1518 Sheriff. Ithamer D. Phelps, rep 2272 861 John M. Clarkson,dem 1411 County Commissioner. Reynolds Couden, rep 2170 656 Jackson Hosmer, dem 1514 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1868. Oovernor. Conrad Baker, rep 2899 38 Thomas A. Hendricks, dem 2861 Congress. Jasper Packard, rep 2884 11 Mulford K. Farrand, dem.. 2873 Common Pleas Judge. Elisha Egbert, rep 2891 34 David Noyes, dem. 2857 County Clerki James H. Shannon, rep 2894 28 Charles Spaeth, dem 2866 Real Estate Appraiser. Edmund S. Gardner, rep... 2837 41 Jacob Folant, dem 2796 County Treasurer. Truman T. Harris, dem 2880 5 Mark Allen, rep 2875 State Senator. Lafayette Crane, rep 2879 4 James Bradley, dem 2875 Representatives. Samuel Beatty, rep 2902 43 James Peele, dem 2859 Simon Wile, dem 2881 20 James A. Thornton, rep. . . . 2861 Coroner. Ludwig Eliel, rep 2898 40 W. R. Godfrey, dem 2858 County Commissioner. George Hall, dem 2870 William O'Hara, rep 2883 13 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, 1868. For the Republican Electors 3064 188 Forthe Democratic Electors 2876 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1870. Secretary of State. Max. F. A. Hoffman, wp.. . 2789 249 Norman Eddy, dem 2540 Congress. Jasper Packard, rep 2759 250 Samuel I. Anthony, dem. . 2509 Circuit Judge. Thomas S. Stanfield, rep . . . 2727 181 James Bradley, dem 2546 Representatives. George A. Netherton, rep. . 2776 329 James A. Peele, dem 2547 William Shameman, rep... 2766 275 Simon Wile, dem 2491 Sheriff. Daniel L. Brown, rep 2670 102 Amenzo Mann, dem 2568 County Auditor. Harvey R. Harris, rep 2837 376 Charles Spaeth, dem 2461 County Treasurer. Mark Allen, rep 2834 -363 Edmund S. Organ, dem... . 2471 Recorder. Henry C. Brown, lep 2894 484 Francis Hobart, dem 2410 HISTOKY OF LA POETE COUNTY. 54:7 County Commissioners. Enos Weed, rep 2761 204 Eugene W. Davis, dem 2557 John Sutherland, rep 2766 211 Andrew J. Rogers, dem 2555 Simon P. Kern, rep 2773 228 James N. Clark son, dem.. . 2545 Coroner. Ludwig Eiiel, rep 2762 280 Brown C. Bo well, dem 2483 Surveyor. John P. Cathcart, rep 2698 128 James E. Bradley, dem. . . . 2570 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1872. Oovernor. Thomas A. Hendricks, dem 3173 175 Thomas M. Browne, rep . . . 2998 Alfred P. Edgerton, gr'nb'k 3 Congress. John A. Hendricks, dem. . . 3149 144 Jasper Packard, rep 3005 Common Pleas Judcje. Daniel Noyes, dem 3243 309 Edward J. Wood, rep 2936 State Senator. J. H. Winterbotham, dem. . 3179 211 Mason G. Sherman, rep 2968 Representatives. L.Dow Glazebrook, dem.. 3208 269 George A. Netherton, rep . . 2939 George H. Teeter, dem 3166 166 Sidney S. Sabin, rep 3000 County Clerk. Charles Spaeth, dem 3160 182 Henry C. Stevenson, rep. . . 2978 Sheriff. DeWitt C. McCollom, dem 3060 6 Daniel L. Brown, rep 3054 County Treasurer. George W. Mecum, dem... 3151 152 John T. Sanders, rep 3009 Real Estate Appraiser. Jacob Folant, dem 3170 199 Edmund S. Gardner, rep. . . 2971 County Commissioners. Benajah S. Fail, dem 3191 195 Enos Weed, rep 2996 Charles Will^, dem 3236 311 Aaron Foster, rep 2925 Hazard M. Hopkins, dem . . .3133 137 Jacob Thornburg, rep 2996 Co7'oner. W. F. Standiford, dem 3163 173 Ludwig Eliel, rep 2990 Surveyor. Daniel Kenneday, dem 3145 166 John P. Cathcart, rep 2979 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, 1872. For the Republican Electors.2903 120 For the Democratic Electors . 2783 For the O'Conor Electors.. . 17 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1874. * Secretary of State. John E. NeflF, dem 3231 907 William W. Curry, rep 2324 Congress. William S. Haymond, dem. 3209 7S4 W. H. Calkins, rep 2475 Representative. Edward Evans, dem 3216 938 Sidney S. Sabin, rep 2278 Amos Thorp, gr'b 367 Sheriff'. Edward Hawkins, dem 2996 649 Ithamer D. Phelps, rep. . . .2347 John N. Fail, gr'b 367 County Auditor. Edward J. Church, dem. . . .3123 745 John D. Stewart, rep 2378 John R. Stewart, gr'b 247 County Treasurer. George W. Mecum, dem . . . .3328 1269 Charles S. Winship, rep 2059 John D. Hoover, gr'b 339 Recorder. John H. Organ, dem 3223 971 William P. Yarger, rep 2252 Ambrose P. White, gr'b 2S4 County Commissioner. Charles Wills, dem 3218 1150 Benajah Stanton, rep 2068 George Mill, gr'b, 243 Coroner. Dai-win T. Brown, dem 3242 922 George J. Bentley, rep 2320 Surveyor. Hiram Burner, dem 3196 615 John P. Cathcart, rep 2581 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1876. Governor. James D. Williams, dem. . . . 3668 281 Benjamin Harrison, rep 3387 H. W. Harrington, gr'b 52 Congress. William S. Haymond, dem.. 3600 111 William H. Calkins, rep. . . .3489 Circuit Judge. Daniel Noyes, dem 3757 469 Thomas S. Stanlield, rep. . . .3288 548 HISTOET OF LA POKTE COUNTY. County Clerk- Charles Spaeth, dem 3813 583 Fred G- Johnson, rep 3230 Arthur J. Hohnan, gr'b 51 Sheriff. Edward Hawkins, dem 3862 698 Thomas Marr, rep 3164 Lemuel S. Fitch, gr'b 55 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, 1876. For the Democratic Electors. 3699 411 For the Republican Electors . 3288 For the Greenback Electors. 48 OCTOBER ELECTION, 1878. Secretary of State. John G. Shanklin, dem 3476 533 Isaac S. Moore, rep 2943 Henley James, gr'b 173 Congress. William H. Calkins, rep. . . .3218 117 Morgan H. Weir, dem 3101 John N. Skinner, gr'b 239 Representative. Jackson Hosmer. dem. 3441 301 John H. Barker, rep 3140 Sherif. Fitch D. Bowen, dem 3440 436 August Schausten, rep 3014 County Auditor. Edward J. Church, dem. . . .3373 166 George C. Dorland, rep 3207 County Treasurer. Thomas J. Foster, dem. . . .3499 420 Julius Conitz, rep 3070 Recorder. John H. Organ, dem 3540 530 William Fredericksou, rep . . 3030 County Commissioners. Daniel P. Grover, dem 3489 399 David H. Norton, rep 3090 Charles Wills, dem 3403 249 Sidney S. Sabin, rep 3154 Thomas Forrester, dem 3465 411 John P. Cathcart, rep 3054 Coroner. Darwin T. Brown, dem. ...3409 274 Charles P. Cathcart, rep . . .3135 Surveyor. James E. Bradley, dem 3469 384 Newell Gleason, rep 3085 Note.— In the above schedule of elections which have been held in the county, where there have been more than two candidates for any oflBce, the majority is given as between the two having the largest vote; in the estimate for the majority no account is taken of those having a small number of votes. CHAPTER XIII. THE COURTS. THE commissioners' COURT. In the present organization of iiiiman society, courts are nec- essary. TJie proper administration and execution of law — of just and wholesome law— is one of the requisites of every well-organ- ized and prosperous community. The agencies by which this is to be done are the courts. The regulation of the purely county busi- ness has been entrusted, by the Constitution and subsequent enact- ment of law, to a Board of County Commissioners, consisting of three men. The first Board of Commissioners was elected on the 9th day of April, 1832, under a writ of election issued by the State Department, and met and organized on the 28th of May fol- lowing. The following is the organization of the Board from that date until ISSO: 1832 1st Board. — Chapel W. Brown, President; Isaac Morgan, ElijaliH. Brown. George Thomas, Clerk. 1833, 2d Board.— C. W. Brown, President; E. H. Brown, Dan- iel Jessup. George Thomas, Clerk. 1833, 3d Board. — E. H. Brown, President; Daniel Jessup, Alex- ander Blackburn. George Thomas, Cierk. 1834, 4th Board. — Daniel Jessup, President; Alexander Black- burn, Aaron Stanton. George Thomas, Clerk. 1835, 5th Board. — Daniel Jessup, President; Aaron Stanton, John Clark. William Hawkins, Clerk. 1835, 6th Board. — Daniel Jessup, President; Andrew Burnside, Thomas J. Foster. AVilliam Hawkins, Clerk. 1836, 7th Board. — Daniel Jessup, President; Thomas J. Foster, Willard A. Place. William Hawkins, Clerk. 1837, 8th Board. — Willard A. Place, President; Eliakim Ashton, Stephen G. Hunt. William Hawkins. Clerk. 1838, 9th Board. — Aaron Stanton, President ; Eliakim Ashton, Stephen G. Hunt. William Hawkins, Clerk. 1840, 10th Board. — Aaron Stanton, President; Stephen G, Hunt, Henly Clyburn. William Hawkins, Clerk. 1841, llth Board. — Henly Clyburn, President; Benjamin Beard, Phineas Hunt. John D. Collings, Clerk. 1843, 12th Board. — Benjamin Beard, President; Phineas Hunt, James McCord. Peuben Munday, Clerk. 1844, 13th Board. — Benjamin Beard, President; Abiel Lathrop, ' Abijah Bigelow. Joel Butler, Clerk. (54!)) 550 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 1844, 14th Board. — Charles Vail, President; Hezekiah Kobertson, Abiel Lathrop. Joel Butler, Clerk. 1846, 15th Board. — Hezekiah Kobertson, President; Benjamin Butterworth, Abiel Lathrop. Joel Butler, Clerk. 1846. 16th Board. — West Darling, President; Abiel Lathrop, Christopher McClure. Joel Butler, Clerk. 184Y, 17th Board. — Abiel Lathrop, President; Christopher Mc- Clure, Alfred Stephens. Joel Butler, Clerk. 1848, 18th Board.— Christopher McClure, President; Alfred Stephens, Samuel Burson. Joel Butler, Clerk. 1849, 19th ]3oard. — Christopher McClure, President; Samuel Bm-son, Joel Butler. Andrew J. Wair, Clerk. 1849, 20th Board. — Christopher McClure, President; Samuel Bur- son, John F. Allison. Andrew J. Wair, Clerk. 1850, 21st Board. — Christopher McClure, President; Samuel Bur- son, Mark Allen. Andrew J. Wair, Clerk. 1851, 22d Board.— Christopher McClure, President; Mark Allen, George C. Havens. Andrew J. Wair, Clerk. 1853, 23d Board. — Mark Allen, President; Jackson Hosmer, James Drummond. Andrew J. Wair, Clerk, 1853, 24th Board. — James Drummond, President; Jackson Hosmer, Jacob R. Hall. Andrew J. Wair, Clerk. 1855, 25th Board. — Jackson Hosmer, President; Aquilla W. Rogers, Orlando F. Piper. Andrew J. Wair, Clerk. 1855, 26th Board. — Aquilla W. Rogers, President; Henry J. Rees, Asa M. Warren. Andrew J. Wair, Clerk. 1856, 2Tth Board. — Asa M. Warren, President; Henry J. Rees, Elam Clark. Andrew J. Waii-, Clerk. 1857, 28th Board. — Henry J. Rees, President; Sidney S. Sabin, Isaac B. Coplin. Andrew J. Wair, Clerk. 1858, 29th Board. — Sidney S. Sabin, President; Isaac B. Coplin, Jolm Warnock. John Walton, Clerk. 1861, 30th Board. — Sidney S. Sabin, President; Isaac B. Coplin, John P. Cathcart. John Walton, Clerk. 1865, 31st Board. — Isaac B. Coplin, President; John P. Cathcart, William O'Hara. John Walton, Clerk. 1866, 32d Board. --Isaac B. Coplin, President; William O'Hara, Reynolds Conden. Jasper Packard, Clerk; also, H. R. Harris. 1870, 33d Board. — Enos Weed, President; John Sutherland, Simon P. Kern. H. R. Harris, Clerk. 1872, 31th Board. — Enos Weed, President; Simon P. Kern, Bena- jah Stanton. H. R. Harris, Clerk. 1872, 35th Board. — Enos Weed, President; Simon P. Kern, Charles Wills. H. R. Harris, Clerk. 1873, 36th Board.— Charles Wills, President; Benajah S. Fail, Hazard M. Hopkins. H. R. Harris, Clerk; also, Edward J. Church. 1875, 37th Board.— Charles Wills, President; Benajah S. Fail, William Schreneman. Edward J. Church, Clerk. HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNT i\ 551 1879, 38tli Board. — Charles Wills, President; Thomas Forrester, D. P. Grover. Edward J. Church, Clerk. Thus has the Board of County Commissioners been constituted from the beginning until the present. Under its management the business of the county has been wisely managed, and general satis- faction has been secured. The county, according to its interests, has been divided into civil townships, the roads of the county have been established, and provisions made for their improvement, necessary public buildings have been secured for the transaction of the public business, tlie public expenses have been judiciously guarded, in the time of the war the families of the volunteers were looked after and provided for, bounties were provided for the men who enlisted, pro- visions have been made for the care of the county's poor, and its steps which it has taken for the more thorough drainage of those parts of the county that are wet have been dictated by wisdom. So tar as the records show, the Board has made but one very bad mis- take, and that was in the organization of the civil township of Anderson. This gave such decided dissatisfaction that a special session of the Board was called, and the obnoxious organization annulled. This was done in 11 days after tlie order was made estab- lishing the township, and illustrates the readiness of the Board to do the public business in a satisfactorv wav. COURTS OF JUSTICE. The Constitution of 181G provided: " The judiciary power of the State, both as to matters of law and equity, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, in Circuit Courts, and in such inferior courts as the General Assembly may, from time to time, direct and estab- lish." Under the authority of tliis article of the Constitution, the first courts of the State were organized. Though power was granted to the General Assembly to establish inferior courts to the Circuit Court, yet it does not appear that the power was exercised up to the time of the organization of the county. The first court was a Cir- cuit Court, which was organized under the powers of the following section of the Constitution: " The Circuit Courts shall each con- sist of a President and two Associate Judi^es. The State shall be divided by law into three circuits, for each of which a President shall be appointed, wjio, during his continuance in office, shall reside therein. The President and Associate Judges, in their respective counties, sluiU have common law and chancery jurisdiction, as also complete criminal jurisdiction, in all such cases,'and in such man- ner as may be prescribed by lavv. The President alone, in the absence of the Associate Judges, or the President and one of the Associate Judges, in the absence of the other, shall be competent to hold a court, as also the two Associate Judges, in the absence of the President, shall be competent to hold a court, exceptnn capital cases, and in cases in chancery: Provided, that nothing herein con- tained shall prevent the General Assembly from increasing the 552 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. number of circuits and Presidents, as the exigencies of the State may, from time to time, require." Up to 1812, the exigencies of the State had required that the State be divided into 12 circuits, instead of three as at the begin- ning. Each of these circuits had a President Judge, wlio was " appointed by joint ballot of both branches of the General Assem- bly." Each county had two Associate Judges for its Circuit Court, who were " elected by the qualified electors in each respective county." The Judges, or Presidents of the Circuit Court, up to the adop- tion of the new Constitution, in 1851, were: Gustavus A. Everts, Samuel C. Samj^le, John B. Niles, Ebenezer M. Chamberlain and Kobert Lowry. The Associate Judges during the same time were: Jacob Miller, 1832; JudahLeaming, 1833; Gustavus A. Kose, 1836; Clinton Foster,— ; C. W. Henry, 1839; Willard A. Place,— ; Abner Bailey, 1845; William Andrew, 1845. At the adoption of the new Constitution, in 1851, the system of Associate Judges was done away, and the Circuit Court was pre- sided over by a single Circuit Judge. These have been, in the La Porte Circuit Court, Thomas J. Stanfield, 1852; Albert G. Deavitt, — ; A. L. Osborn, 1857, and re-elected in 1863; Thomas S. Stanfield, 1870; and Daniel Noyes, 1876. As already noticed, the Constitution gave the General Assembly power to establish inferior courts, which power it exercised after the organization of the county, in the establishment of Probate Courts, which courts had original and exclusive jurisdiction "in all matters relating to the probate of last wills and testaments, grant- ing letters testamentary, of administration, and of guardianship; of all matters relating to the settlement and distri1)ution of decedents' and personal estates of minors; the examination and allowance of the accounts of executors and administrators, and the guardians of minors, except where, in special cases, concurrent jurisdiction is given by law to some other court," and concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court " in all suits at law or in equity, upon all demands or causes of action in favor of or against heirs, devisees, legatees, executors, administrators or guardians, and their sureties and repre- sentatives; in the partition of real estate; in the assignment of dower; tlie appointment of a commissioner to execute a deed on any title bond given by a deceased obligor; to authorize guardians to sell and convey any real estate of their wards, in order to reduce the same to assets for the payment of the debts and liabilities of the ward, or debts and liabilities justly chargeable on their estates, and to provide for the wants, education, support, or interests of minors, and the care and support of idiots and lunatics; and the appointment of guardians of the persons and estates of insane per- sons and idiots." This Probate Court was established in the county ; and its Judges, up to its abolishment by the new Constitution, or rather its mergemeut into the Common Pleas Court, a kind of Circuit Court HISTORY OF LA PORTP: COUNTY. 553 with similar jurisdiction, have been: Chapel W. Brown, — ; Jabez K. Wells, 1841, and re-elected in 1848; and Mulford K. Farrand, With the adoption of the new Constitution, 1851, the Probate Court passed away; and by the act of the General Assembly the Court of Common Pleas was established in the jea,r 1852. This Court was a kind of Circuit Court, that is to say, it was a court which was presided over by a Judge who was elected in a certain prescribed district composed of different counties, in which he must reside. The iirst Common Pleas District was composed of the counties of La Porte, Porter and Lake. In 1859, the district was changed so as to embrace the counties of Elkhart, St. Joseph, Marshall and La Porte; and, in La Porte county, the court was held on the second Monda}' of February, June and October, and continued three weeks. " if the business shall require it." This court was finally abolished by the General Assembly, in 1873, and its business transferred to the Circuit Court. The Judges of this court were: Herman Lawson, 1852; William C. Talcott, 1856; Elisha Egbert, 1860, and re-elected in 186tl:, and 1863; Edward J. Wood,— ; and Daniel Noyes, 1872. CRIMINAL RECORD OF THE COURTS. It is not the purpose to follow the conrts into all their ramifica- tions of business, both civil and criminal; but it will be interesting to notice some things in connection with their criminal record. Of tlie several criminal convictions which have been in these Courts, they have been distributed among the various punishable crimes as follows: For selling liquor contrary to the statute 88 For assault and battery .. 36 For contempt of court 9 For gambling 65 For participation in au affray 7 For usury 3 For criminal trespass 16 For carrying concealed weapons 1 For petit larceny 43 For grand larceny 104 For riot. 1 For scire facias on forfeited recognizance 21 For murder, manslaughter 1 For murder in the first degree 2 For retailing foreign merchandise without license 16 For forfeiture of official bond 1 For official neffliffence 3 For violating mode of keeping stallions, etc 2 For violating estray laws 1 For foro ery 5 For neglect in returning marriage license 5 55i HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. For interrupting religious society 2 For malicious trespass 3 For riding horse-races along the highway 12 For voting without legal qualifications 1 For assault and battery with intent to kilj 6 For failing to attend as a juror 1 For arson ^ 6 For burglary 20 For theft, felony 10 For raising bank notes. 1 For passing counterfeit money 2 For rape 1 For incest 1 For escaping from the State's prison. , 4 For robber}' 2 For bigamy 1 For receiving stolen goods 3 For embezzlement 1 For seduction 1 For iiouse-breaking 2 For burglarious trespass 1 For placing obstructions upon a railroad 1 Total 512 . . ,j THE PENALTY OF DEATH. As stated above, there have been but three convictions for mur- der in the county, — two of the second, and one of the first degree; but there have been more murders than this. In 1836, a citizen of New Durham township, named Pelton, started for the West, having quite an amount of money about him. He was waylaid in Porter county by a man named Staves, and mur- dered and robbed. Staves was arrested by the authorities, tried for the crime, found guilty, and executed. This is no part of the court record of La Porte county; and the incident is mentioned in this connection only because of the interest that belongs to La Porte county because the murdered man was a citizen of the county. In 1862, about two miles north of Westvilie, there vras a remark- able disappearance of a man named Fred Miller. He was a German, and after a search his dead body was found along the shore of Lake Michigan. His wife was suspected of the deed by his neigh- bors, and she was put to the torture by them to extort a confession from her. At last she told them that a man named John Poston had committed the deed. On this Poston was arraigned for examination before Alfred "Williams, Justice of the Peace; but the evidence was so unsatisfactory that he was released; and no one was ever convicted of the murder in the county. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 555 Another murder was committed in the county in 1867. Patrick Dnnn killed Patrick Daily, striking him with a wood-rack stake. At the April terra of the Circuit Court in 1868, Dunn was indicted for murder. He entered the plea of self-defense, and the jury brought in a verdict of " not guilty;" and so there was no convic- tion. Another murder, which has been detailed elsewhere, was com- mitted in the county: James F. Smith was killed by Charles Egbert, The latter after a trial betbre R. Munday, Justice of the Peace, was bound over to the Circuit Court in the sum of $5,000 bail, which he gave, and then fled; never being brought to the bar of the court. In 184:4, a scire facias was sued out against the bondsmen, and a judgment of $1,000 Anally taken, but which was eventually set aside by the Supreme Court. So there was no con- viction in this case. In the cases of James Woods, who shot and killed John Lohm in 1865, and William Fulton, who was accessor}' to the deed, the result was diiferent. They were indicted at the April term of the Circuit Court in 1866, but were not tried until the April term in 1867, at which they were convicted of murder, — Fulton of the second degree, and sentenced to 13 years' imprisonment in the penitentiary; AVoods of the first degree, and sentenced to imprisonment in the State's prison for the period of his natnral life. The only other case of conviction for murder was the case of Scott, Mdio killed a young man named Joshua M. Coplin, of Kankakee township, in the year 1838, Scott was, soon after the deed was done, arrested, tried in the Circuit Court and found guilty. The penalty passed upon him was ''death." The sentence was approved by the Governor, and was carried into execution on the 15th of June, 1838. This is the only case where the death penalty was ever suffered in tlie county. THE DIVORCE RECORD. The divorce record is a curious one. It furnishes a field ot study for the philanthropist and humanitarian as well as for the Christian. If the history of each case could be given, it would be a remarkable history. But this cannot be done; only the number of cases can be cited. However, attention is called to this, and the question is asked, Why were there more cases at certain times than at others? Notice this point in the list. Following are the first cases of divorce on record: Nathan Allen vs. Sylvia Allen. Divorce granted at the October term, 1834. Isabella Myers vs. John H. Myers. Divorce granted at the October term, 1835. Adaline C. Gray vs. Jonathan Gray. Divorce granted at the October term, 1840. Gilbert Eose vs. Juliana Rose. Divorced at the October term, 1840. 6 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. The number of divorces at the respective terms of court are follows: as Spring Fall Term. Term. 1841 3 1 1843 3 1843 2 1845 1 1846 2 3 1847 3 1848 3 1849 1 2 1850 3 3 1851 4 7 1852 6 1858 3 6 1854 7 5 1855 5 11 1S56 9 14 1857 13 23 1858 23 23 1859 1860 1861 1863 1868 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1873 1873 Total. Sprin g Fall Term. Term. 25 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 5 3 5 5 5 6 9 5 8 3 1 3 5 4 4 7 307 The curious fact of the above record is the very large number of divorces which were granted from 1855 to 1859, — 140 of the 307 divorces ofranted in the county were obtained during those five years. OTHER OFFICERS OF THE COURT. Every court must necessarily have a record of its proceedings kept, and therefore requires a Clerk who shall keep all the various records belonging to it. It is also necessary that the orders, judg- ments, etc., shall be executed, and tliis requires some one who shall perform this work. These officers are, therefore, a part of the jpersonnel of the court; and in giving the history of the court their relation to it must be preserved. THE CLERKS OF THE COURT. George Thomas was elected Clerk of the Court at the election on April 9,1832, and served until 1835, when he was succeeded by William Hawkins who was re-elected in 1838. He was succeeded by Thomas P. Armstrong, who was elected in 1845 and served un- til the adoption of the new Constitution. At the first election under it in 1852, Yolney W. Bailey was elected. He was succeeded by James Moore, who was elected in 1856; and he was re-elected in 1860. His successor was James H. Shannon who was elected in 1864, and re-elected in 1868. The last incumbent of the office was Charles Spaeth who was elected in 1872, and re-elected in 1876. His term of office will close in 1881. THE SHERIFFS OF THE COUNTY. The Sheriff's have held their office only two years, both under the old and new Constitutions. At the organization of the county, HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 557 Benjamin McCarty was elected, — 1832. He was succeeded as follows: Adam G. Polk, 1834; Sutton Van Pelt, 1836, re-elected in 1838; William Allen, 1840; John M. Clarkson, 184.'4; Harrison F. Hinklej, 1844; Joshua S. McDowell, 1846; M. H. Orton, 1848; Herman Lawson, 1850 ; William Allen, elected again in 1852; William H. H. Whitehead, 1854, and re-elected in 1856; Joshua S. McDowell was elected arjain in 1858, and re-elected in 1860, dying in office; Stephen P. Mead, 1861, and re-elected in 1863; ithamar D. Phelps, 1865, and re-elected in 1867; Daniel L. Browu, 1870; Edward tiawkins, 1874, and re-elected in 1876; and by Fitch D. Bowen, 1878. This completes the court record, as far as we can follow it. OTHER COUNTY OFFICERS. Although the other county officers are not properly a part of the court history, yet we give them here under a sub-head of this chapter as a place very fitting for them. The Commissioners and the Examiners and Superintendents of Schools are given in their appropriate places. COLLECTORS AND TREASURERS. The Collectors have been as follows: Nathan B. xSichols, 1833 N. W. Saxton 1837 Adam G. Polk 1833 Alfred Lomax 1838 William Hawkins 1834 Willinm Allen 1839 Chapel W. Brown 1835 Willys Peck ... 1840 Abram Hupp 1836 During this time the office of Treasnrer was held by Aaron Stan- ton and others. In 1840, the two offices of Treasurer and Collector were merged into one. Since then the office of Treasurer has been filled by the following persons: W. A. Place (re-elected) 1841 D. C. Alexander (re-elected) 1864 John M. Lemon (re-elected) 1847 Mark Allen (re-elected) 1868 Edmund S. Organ (re-elected).. . . 1852 G. W. Mecum (re-elected) 1872 Abel D. Porter (re-elected) 1857 Thomas J. Foster 1878 R. H. Rose (re-elected) 18C0 COUNTY AUDITORS. The office of County Auditor was created by act of the General Assembly. It was not filled until 1841. The following are those who have been incumbents: John D. Collings 1841 John Walton (re-elected) 1858 Joel Butler 1843 Jasper Packard 1866 Andrew J. Wair (re-elected) 1848 H. R. Harris (elected 1870) 1869 Reuben Munday 1848 E. J. Church (re-elected) 1874 36 558 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. COUNTY EECORDEES. The following persons have held the office of Recorder: George Thomas 1832 W. A. Place 1856 "William Hawkins 1835 William Copp 1863 Rurwell Bpurlook (re-elected) 1843 Henry C. Brown (re-elected).- 1867 Andjrson Hupp (re-elected) 1855 John H. Organ (re-elected) 1874 COUNTY SURVEYORS. Following are the persons who were empowered by law to hunt for lines and corners with a transit or tlieodolite: William Clark Elisha S. Bennett 1858 James Bradley E. H. Learning (re-elected twice) . 18C0 J. H. Wilson 1847 J. P. Cathcart (re-elected) 1866 Elam Clark 1849 Hiram Kcnneday (did not serve) . 1873 J. p. Cathcart 1853 Hiram Burner, 1874 Daniel M. Leaming (re-elected). 1854 James E. Bradley 1878 COUNTY CORONERS. Those who have been charged with the duty of determining the causes of accidental deaths, etc., liave been as follows: M. W. Rutou 1838 R G. James 1856 J. G. Newhouse 1841 Luther Brusie 1858 Jesse Wassou 1845 R. Friedel 1860 Andrew J. Wair 1848 Ludwig Eliel (was re-elected four F. A. McDowell 1849 times) 1863 E. S. Organ 1850 W. F. Standiford (elected) I.s73 Henry Fox (re-elected) 1853 D. T. Brown (re-elected) 1«74 Asa M. Warren 1855 Note. — In giving the above reports, the dates given are the ones on which the election to office occurred, and not the date at which the duties of the office were assumed. THE MARRIAGE RECORD. Closely allied with the courts is the marriage record, and we give it here. The institution of marriage is a holy institution, and ought to be most sacredly protected. The county has had its full share of "marrying and giving in marriage." Following is a list of the marriages, as shown by the records up to 1834, after which they become too numerous to detail: (In giving these, the following order is observed: 1st. The names. 2d. The date of license. 3d. The date of marriage. 4th. The ofiicer legalizing.) Charles Yail, Olive M. Stanton, June 30, 1832; July 1, 1832 Jacob Miller, Associate Judge. Charles Mowdan, Charlotte Kambo, Oct. 23, 1832; Oct. 23, 1832 Rev. J. Sherwood. Joseph P. Osborne, Urzilla Eahart, Feb. — , 1833; Feb. 14, 1833 Kev. J. Sherwood. Nathaniel Harris, Nancy Clark, Jan. 19, 1833; Jan. 20, 1833 Eld. D. St. Clair. HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. 559 Charles Egbert, Mary Thomas, Apr. 11, 1833; Apr. 11, 1833 Rev. J. Sherwood. John Bailej, Matilda Bryant, May — , 1833; May 19, 1833; Rev J. H. Armstrong. Amos Stanton, Jane Fail, June 8, 1833; June 9, 1833; Eld. D St. Clair. J. M. Wilson, Emeline Winchell, June 15, 1833; June 16, 1833 Eld. S. Holmes. Harvey Low, Emily Classon, July 2, 1833; July 4, 1833; Benj McCarty, Probate Judge. Jeremiah Horner, L. J. Stillwell, Aug. 23, 1833; Aug. 26, 1833 Benj. McCarty, P. Judge. David Wilson, Rebecca Owen, Oct. 9, 1833; Oct. 9, 1833; Eld David St. Clair. Joseph Bav, Elizabeth Cissne, Oct. 12, 1833; Oct. 13, 1833; E Provolt, J. P. Thomas Singleton, Equella Hanon, Oct, 12, 1833; Oct. 13, 1833 Jacob Miller, Associate Judge. George M. Earl, Sarah Booher, Dec. 6, 1833; Dec. 24, 1833; S dinger, J. P. John Draper, Elizabeth Bolston, Dec. 7, 1833; Dec. 8, 1833; ReY J. Sherwood. Isom Campbell, Rebecca Richardson, Dec. 16, 1833; Dec. 25 1833; Rev. Boyd Phelps. Ancel Hemenway, Abigail Whitmore, Jan. 20, 1834; Jan. 22 1834; Eld. David St. Clair. John W. Robb, Sarah Hitchcock, Feb. 28, 1834; Mar. 13, 1834 R^S. Morrison, J. P. John B. Ply male, Elizabeth Blake, Mar. 20, 1834; Mar. 20, 1834 William O. Ross, J. P." ■ Purdy Smith, Surenna Beatty, Mar. 22,1834; Mar. 23, 1834 E. Newhall, J. P. ^ John W. Cole, Eliza Payne, Apr. 4, 1834; Apr. 6, 1834; Elisha Newhall, J. P. Elijah Stanton, Charlotte Bond, Apr. 10, 1834; Apr, 10, 1834; W. O. Ross, J. P. Gabriel Drulinger, Elizabeth Chapman, Apr. 19, 1834; Apr. 27, 1834; Rev. Boyd Phelps. Absalom Holder, Mary Blivin, May 3, 1834; May 8, 1834; Jacob Miller, A. Judge. JohnD. Holmes, Hannah Richards, May 6, 1834; May 7, 1834; Rev. James Armstrong, Archer G. Dumond, Elizabeth Martin, Mav 9, 1834; May 11, 1834; E. H.Brown, J, P. Lewis Burns, Maria Brown, May 20, 1834; May 21, 1834; Rev. John Morrill, Thomas Oliver, Debora Martin, MaY 28, 1834; May 29, 1834; Eld. David St. Clair. 560 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. William Van Orsdol, Mercy Miller, June 11, 1834; June 12, 1834; E. H. Brown, J. P. ^^Hiram Smith, JSTancy Dawson, June 11, 1834; June 12, 1834; B. McCarty, P. Judge. William Ireland, Mary Houseman, June 18, 1834; June 19, 1834; B. McCarty, P. Judge. William G. Garner, Elizabeth Richards, June 18, 1834; June 19, 1834; E. H. Brown, J. P. Edmund Fratibas, Hannah Thomas, June 21, 1834; June 24, 1834; E. H. Brown, J. P. Levi Garwood, Charity Reed, Sept. 1, 1834; Sept. 2,1834; Elisha Newhall, J. P. Stephen D. Nichols, Mary Yan Matre, Sept. 10, 1834; Sept. 10, 1834; Rev. Gilbert Rose. Samuel D. Hall, Sarepta Heald, Sept. 27, 1834; Sept. 28, 1834 Eld. Samuel Holmes. William S. Rice, Mary St. Clair, Oct. 1, 1834; Oct. 2, 1834; N B. Nichols, J. P. Timothy W. Hale, Mary D. Cornwall, Oct. 9, 1834; Oct. 9, 1834 Rev. John Morrill. Henry Cooper, Cynthia Bolster, Aug. 28, 1834; Aug. 28, 1834 R. S. Morrison, J. P. Benjamin S. Briant, A. M. Benedict, Nov. 5, 1834; Nov. 5, 1834 E. H.'Brown, J. P. Samuel Mares, Elizabeth Pagin, Nov. 3, 1834; Nov. 27, 1834 R. S. Morrison, J. P. William James, Elizabeth Johnson, Nov. 22, 1834; Nov. 23 1834; William O. Ross, J. P. James Gordon, Sally Ann Quick, Nov. 24, 1834; Nov. 27, 1834 Samuel Flint, J. P. John Parrott, Mary Wills, Nov. 26, 1834; Nov. 29, 1834; H. F Janes, J. P. John Coleman, Sarah Hesser, Nov. 29, 1834; Nov. 30, 1834; E, H. Brown, J. P. Michael Brand, Susannah Webster, Dec. 1, 1834; Dec. 4, 1834 H. F. Janes, J. P. Moses Emmerson, Elmira Wheeler, Dec. 4, 1834; Dec. 7, 1834 H. F. Janes. J. P. Jonathan Ferguson, Mary Smiley, Dec. 4, 1834; Dec. 7,1834 E. H. Brown, J. 'p. Jesse Woodbury, Jr., Julia Ann Porter, Dec. 15, 1834; Dec. 16 1834; Rev. John Morrill. John B. Niles, Mary Polk, Dec. 15, 1834 ; Dec. 16, 1834 Ebenezer "Ward J. P. Theodore Jones* p'hebe Johnson, Dec. 20, 1834; Dec. 21, 1834 E. Newhall. J. P. Edward Wright, Angeline F. Paine, Dec. 20, 1834; Dec. 25, 1834 C. W. Cathcari, J. P. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 561 Horace Wood, Elizabeth McLane, Dec. 22, 1834; Dec. 23, 1834; David Evans, A. Judge. Daniel Couant, Maiy Ann Kenn, Dec. 24, 1834; Dec. 25, 1834; Rev. Gilbert Rose. -Peter Critchett, Margaret Rittenliouse, Dec. 30, 1834; Jan. 1, 1835; C. W. Cathcart, J. P. reorge W. Cannon, Mary Robijison, Dec. 30, 1834; Jan. 1, 1835; Rev. Stephen Jones. Peter Low, Elizabeth Anscomb, Dec. — ,1834; Jan. 1, 1835; E. H. Brown, J. P. James Knaggs, Clarissa Low, Jan. 3, 1835; Jan. 6, 1835; E. H. Brown, J. P. This completes the list of marriages np to January, 1835. Dur- ing the year 1835 there were 58 marriages in the county; and this " marrying and being given in marriage " has continued with unabated interest until, up to April 1, 1880, there have been 8,579 marriages in the county. There has been one divorce granted in the county to about every 28 marriages. That would argue that about one 29th part of the marriages has been unbearably infelicitous. If this is true, then the homes of the county are, as a rule, happy; and this may be used as an opening wedge to pry open the door which hides away the hidden springs of influence that make the people what they are, and causes them to produce such history as they do. CHAPTER XIY. THE SCHOOLS. THE PIONEERS LAY THE FOCNDATION. The renowned Webster said: ""VYe must educate, we must educate' or we must perish." There is no one thing, perhaps, which will contribute so much to the perpetuity of the institutions of America as the education of the masses. By this is not meant a biased training of one set of faculties of the mind to the exclusion of the rest, but a broad and liberal cultivation of all the powers which men possess, whether they be physical, intellectual, moral, or religious. The noblest specimen of manhood which can be found is in that man in whom all these powers and capacities are duly, and none are unduly, developed. And by education, is not meant that massing of knowledge, or what is called knowledge, which very frequently takes place; but that broad culture of the powers and capacities which men have that they may be able for any emer- gency that may arise. This, it would seem, would be important for every land and country; but it is especially true of America where every man is a freeman and empowered with the elective francliise, and made an important factor in the great body politic; and where, it is to be hoped, every woman will soon be found also, as well as every creature which is capable of mature thought and subject to government. For this end, the schools of the State are preparing the women of this country. The schools are training them to think ; and every creature which can thus become the producer of thought ought to be allowed to express it in the elective franchise; for a ballot is nothing but thouglit crystallized so that it shall take permanent and substantial form. Since the ballot is a thing of this kind, it becomes those, therefore, who exercise it that they shall be able to think; and to be able to do this, and to do it effect- ually and rightly, they must be educated. While it is probable that the pioneers did not see this in its full force, yet they did discern the importance of it to some extent; and they made provisions for it. As soon as they had places In which to live, they began to think of some other place where they could make provisions for the education of the children. In the thicket, surrounded with a yard full of stumps, the little log house for school purposes arose almost simultaneous with the pioneers' log- cabins, and out of these have arisen the school svstem of the county. (562) HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 563 As has been previously stated, the first school-house which was built in the county was on Lake Du Chemin, in Hudson township, in the year 1829. This was, however, a mission school, intended for the Indians; but it subsequently served for both Indian and white alike. But it is evident that this was the first school-house ever built in the county. The next seems to have been at Springville, in Springfield town- ship. It was built during the year 1832; and Miss Emily Learning was the first teacher who taught in it. Simultaneous with a part of this school was the one taught in New Durham township by Miss Rachel B. Carter ; but her school was taught in a double log cabin which was built for other purposes, and extemporized for this at the time. And coming right up along with these two, or nearly so, was the school taught by Miss Clara Plolmes in Scipio township, in 1833, in a log school-house built in the southeast edge of Door Tillage Grove. And right along with this came the first school-house and school in La Porte. The school-house and school of 1833 in La Porte would make a very vivid contrast with the elegant school building which it now has, and the fine graded school wiiich affords its advantages to every child in the city. It was the year 1833, also, which saw the first school-house built in Hudson township, except the mission school already mentioned. Tiie first teacher was a man named Edwards. During the year 1834, the citizens of Kankakee township built a school-house on the Micliigan road. It was, as all the houses were, of logs; and the first teacher was a man named Emerson. It seems that there were some difiiculties about its location; and during the first term, from some cause, it burned down. It was soon replaced with another. Since that time the spot has been de- voted to school purposes. In 1834 the first school-house was built in Michigan City. It was built by Mr. Thompson Francis, and served the purpose of religious gatherings also. The first teacher was probably a Mr. McCoy. From a very humble beginning have the Michigan City schofjls arisen to their present eflicient standard. In this year, Elder Silas Tucker, a Baptist minister, was the manipulator of the '* birch" at Springville, having superseded Miss Leaming. About this time also Mr.. Joel Butler, who was afterward elected Auditor of the county, was a teacher in Union township. The first school-house built in Galena township, was built in the year 1836, w^as of logs, and had for its first occupant Miss Amanda Armitage. In 1835 Amos G. Webster, John Wakefield, and E. S. Harding, built a school-house in Noble township; and, in January, 1836, Miss Rachel B. Carter, tlie New Durham township teacher, taught the initial school of this township. 564 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. The first school in Lincohi township was tauglit about 1836; and the first teacher was, no doubt, Mr. John B. McDonald; and the first lady teacher was Miss Elizabeth Yickory. In Cool Spring township, tlie schools were probably opened in the year 1835 or 1836; and Ebenezer Palmer was among the first teachers, as were also Mrs. Rachel B. Jacobus, wee Racliel B. Gar- ter, whom we have already met a number of times in these pioneer schools. In the year 1837 or 1838 William C. Talcott came into the township and taught near the little place called Waterford. He was then a Universalist preacher, but he has since then occupied the bench and the tripod, and is now familiarly known as Judge Talcott. He now lives in Valparaiso. Such was the beginning of the schools of the county. At this time there was no freescliool, but everyone had to contribute, out of his own pocket, for the support of the school; and the teacher generally " boarded around." The free-school system was not brought into discussion until years after this time; and it did not become a part of the school system of the State until the adoption of the new constitution in 1852. Hence the history of the schools is very briefly told during the years which intervene between that time and the time at which they began to unfold into the present system. No records of their work or progress were kept; hence all the history wliich can be given may be summarized in the fol- lowing statement: They were taught without system, ever}^ one learning as he could. They were without blackboard or other ap- paratus; and the children brought whatever books seemed good in their own sight. These schools kept on extending as the settle- ments increased, and a demand arose for them. Tliis is a summary of the school history of the county, until the dawn of the new era in school aflairs, not only in this county, but also in all the State. With the adoption of the article of the new constitution estab- lishing free schools, and with the realization of a school fund from the sale of the school sections and from other sources, a new impetus was given to school aftairs all over the State, and of course this county shared it with the rest. Formerly there had been no super- vision of the schools in the least. Any one could teach who had friends enough to pay them for it. But with the schools supported, in part at least, out of public funds, there must necessarily be some supervision of them. The new constitution and the laws enacted under it, provided for a County Examiner, who should examine all teachers before they were entitled to draw any of the public funds for teaching, to determine whether they were com})etent to teach. Under the influence of tliese provisions, the competency of the teachers has wonderfully increased since the pioneer days. At first this examination was made by a Board of Examiners, consisting ot three men. Following is a list of the men who have constituted this Board of examiners, the Examiners and Superintendents, from 1852, the time of the adoption of the constitution until the present: HISTOKY OF LA POETE COUNTY. 565 LIST OF COUNTY EXAMINEES AND SUPEEINTENDENTS. F. P. Cumiiiins, John C. Reid, appointed June, 1853, for one F. P. Cummins, John C. Keid, appointed March, 1854, for one year. Henry Stafford, F. P. Cummins, John C. Reid, appointed March, 1855, for one year. John Sailor was appointed in the place of Henry Stafford Sept., 1855. John C. Peid, John Sailor, M. K. Farrand, appointed March, 1856, for one year. S. L. Trippe was appointed in the place of M. K. Farrand June, 1856. Jasper Packard was appointed in the place of S. L. Trippe Dec, 1857. W. B. Piddle was appointed in the place of John C. Reid Dec, 1857. Jasper Packard, W. B. Piddle, A. T. Bliss, appointed September, 1859, for one year. J. G. Laird was appointed in the place of W. B. Biddle Decem- ber, 1859. Jasper Packard, J. G. Laird, Joel Foster, appointed March, 1860, for one year. At this time in the history of this office the Board of three was done away with and a single Examiner substituted in its place. Jasper Packard was appointed Examiner June, 1861. J. G. Laird was appointed Examiner in place of Jasper Packard, resig-ned, March, 1862. J. G. Laird was appointed Examiner June, 1864. J. G. Laird was appointed Examiner June, 1865; William P. Phelon was appointed Examiner June, 1868. William P. Phelon was appointed Examiner June, 1871. At this time the office of County Examiner was abolished, and the office of County Superintendent took its place. James O'Brien was elected County Superintendent, June, 1873. James O'Brien was elected County Superintendent, June, 1875. W. A. Hosmer was elected in place of James O'Brien resigned, March, 1876. W. A. Hosmer was re-elected County Superintendent, June, 1877. W. A. Hosmer was re-elected County Superintendent, June, 1879. Through the provisions of the constitution and the laws which liave been made under it, — the supervision and oversight of the Examiners, — and especially since the inauguration of the County Superintendency, — the schools have been making rapid progress from what would be called in geological language a conglomer- ate state into a systematic and graded system. Through county 666 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. and township institutes, authorized by law and supervised by the Board of Education, the teachers have made great advancement in proficiency; and with this proficiency of the teachers, together with a growing professional spirit, a greater efficiency of the schools has arisen. From the pioneer school of a, b, c, d; z, y, x, w, etc.; a-b, ab, e-b, eb, i-b, ib, o-b, ob, u-b, ub, etc., and the " birch rod" govern- ment, the schools have passed through all the various stages until now they are graded and a course of study provided for them; and the children are taught to read by a series of exercises, pleasant and interesting, rather than by being required to study (?) the long, meaningless column of letters and abs. It has been a matter of very great effort and work to transfer th'i schools from the old method of work, in which there was no system in the school work, neither in the individual school nor in the schools of the county taken together, to that method of work which will supply a place and work for every pupil, it making no difference in whicli school he is, they being so thoroughly graded and systematized. JJut under the directing hand of the Superinten- dent, they are rapidly moving in that direction. To give a con- ception of the present status of the schools, so far as provisions are being made for their uniform and systematic work is concerned, the following extract is given fromthe circular of the Superintend- ent to teachers: " The introduction of system into our country schools has received a large share of attention in the last three 3'ears. This step is but the means to the attainment of an end, yet it is a matter so impor- tant that it is worth the persistent and emphatic work which it has required in the past, and which it will demand in the future. Our success, in the past, with the graded course of instruction and its attendant features, has been even greater than was anticipated at first. Mistakes, "however, have been more or less frequent, and it is certain that, in this matter, much depends upon the ability and enero:y of the teacher. As an aid to teachers in their future efforts in this direction, the following suggestions are offered: " 1. A graded course of study is placed in the hands of teachers to furnish them a guide in their w>ork. Without such a guide, certain essential parts of the" work are very apt to be omitted. This is especially true of the oral instruction to which primary pupils are entitled. The course of instruction then should be faith- fully followed; and promotions, oral work, — in fact all of the efforts and influence of the teacher, should be consistent with its pro- visions. " 2. The course of study indicates the time whefi the different studies should be commenced. There is a proper time when the various common-school branches should be taken up. To com- mence them earlier than this would be a detriment to the pupil; to delay, would be a waste of the pupil's time. Without a graded course of study, the pupils would commence such branches, whether early or late, just when they voluntarily brought their books to HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 567 school for that purpose, and many would omit certain branches entirely because of indifference, a desire to shirk, or a failure to realize their importance. In this matter, however, the teacher can exercise no compulsion. The law nowhere gives the school author- ities the right to compel a child to pursue a certain branch contrary to the parent's wishes. The course of study simply indicates when the teacher is to exercise his influence with a pupil to induce him to take up any certain study. The faithful teacher will not only do this, but he will go to the parents of the child when necessary, and endeavor to convince them that the study in question is a practical one and should not be omitted. This implies the ability, on the part of the teacher, to show that the various common-school branches embody knowledge and discipline which make the fou'nda- tion which every child should build, no matter what his future work is to be. A reasonable parent will ap].)reciate the additional argu- ment that the course of study contemplates only a reasonable amount of work for every pupil, and that the child should have his time in school fully occupied, if he would be trained up to habits of industry. " 3. The graded course of study furnishes to teacliers a scheme of classification of schools. One reason why class instruction is pref- erable to individual instruction, is, that it economizes time; then the closer the classification, the fewer the number of classes in the school, the greater the time for a single recitation, and correspond- ingly greater the benefits that will result to the pupils from the teaclier's efforts. The course of study then indicates a classification which will reduce the classes to the fevvest number, and make the greatest possible time for a single recitation. Such a classification, of course, has reference primarily to pupils who are reasonably reg- ular in attendance at school. Pupils who attend but a part of the time should, as a rule, be made to accommodate themselves to the classification as it exists when they enter. Usually this is best for the irregular pupils themselves. •' Great tact, on the part of the teacher, is necessary in classifying the schools, lie should not be so arbitrary as to destroy his infiu- euce, nor, on the other hand, should be so yielding as to sacrifice the ends in view. Strenuous efforts should not be made to get the pupils at once 'even' in their advancement, if their previous instruction has not been of a character to warrant such an arrange- ment. Pupils should be made to see that their progress is divided into steps, and, to this end, classes should be designated and called by the grades." The foregoing has been given that the people may know what efforts are being made to make their schools efficient, and to sub- serve the best interests of their children; and that the future teacher, when the schools shall have taken on a still greater profi- ciency and efficiency which they are destined to do, may have the opportunity to find out something through which they have passed to attain it. For a similar reason, we give the following course of 668 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. stndv, upon which the grading and classification referred to in the extract above are based. The patrons of the schools may study it with profit now; and the future teacher undoubtedly will. COURSE OF STUDY FOR THE LA PORTE COUNTY SCHOOLS. First Grade.— i?mc?m^.— Pupils learn a few words by sight. First Reader taken up and completed. Spelling. — Words of the reading lesson spelled orally and on slates. Writing. — Daily practice in writing script on slate from copy on the blackboard. Arithmetic. — Pupils taught to count and write numbers to 100; Roman notation to L; addition and subtraction tables. General Exercises. — Object lessons; form, color, names, uses, and parts of common objects. Second Grade. — Reading. — Second Reader completed. Spelling. — The same as the First Grade. Writing. — Use cop3'--book. No. 1. Arithmetic. — Continued practice in Roman notation; multipli- cation and division tables. Oeograjyhy. — Oral lessons; direction, distance. Divisions of land and water. General Exercises. — Bones of the human body and their uses; names and uses of familiar animals; names of plants. Third Grade. — Heading. — Third Reader completed. Spelling. — New words in the Reading Lesson, orally and on slates. Spelling-books used. Writing. — Use copy-books, Nos. 2 and 3. Arithmetic. — Practice in notation and numeration ; pupils taught to operate with large numbers in addition, subtraction, multiplica- tion and division. Geograjyhy. — Elementary map drawing, — exercises on the map of the United States. General Exercises. — Talks on physiology. Plants; uses and shapes of leaves. Occupations. Trades, productions, manufactures. Fourth Grade. — Reading. — Fourth Reader completed. Spelling. — The same exercises as in the Third Grade. Writing. — Use copy -books, Nos. 4 and 5. Arithmetic. — Complete Practical Arithmetic as far as fractions. Geography. — Eletnentary book completed. Grammar. — Language lessons and elementary grammar. General Exercises. — Familiar talks on elementary science; air, wind, pressure of air, pumps, water level, snow, clouds, frost, dew. heat, cold, etc. Fifth Grade. — Reading. — Fifth Reader completed. Spelling. — Spelling-book used; — exercises to be written on slates or paper. Writing. — Use copy-book, No. 6. HISTOBY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 569 Arithmetic. — Complete Practical Arithmetic as far as percentage. Geography. — Comprehensive book completed. Grammar. — Practical grammar completed as far as syntax. History. — United States History completed. General Exercises. — Continued exercises as in 4th Grade; system of land surveys ; Constitution of the United States. Sixth Grade. — Reading. — Sixth Reader, completed. Spelling. — Same as in the 5th Grade. Writing. — Use copy-book No. T. Arithmetic. — Practical Arithmetic completed and reviewed. Grammar. — English Grammar completed. Physiology. — Physiology, using the text book. This course of study proposes to put each child in tlie schools in his proper place, according to his proficiency, not age, and carry it by easy, graded steps until it shall have completed the full work of the common school. Following is given the Superintendents' MODEL PROGRAMME OF EXERCISES. 9:00 to 9:05— Opening Exercises. 1 :00 to 1:10— First Reader. 9 :05 to 9 :15 — First Reader. 1 :10 to 1 :25 — Second Reader and 9:15 to 9*30 — Second Reader. Arithmetic, 2d Grade. 9:30 to 9:45— Third Reader. 1:25 to 1:35— Third Reader. 9:45 to 10:00 — Fourth Reader. 1:35 to 1:50 — Writing. 10 :00 to 10 :20— Fifth Reader. 1 :50 to 2 :00— General Exercises. 10:20 to 10:30— Arithmetic, 1st 2:00 to 2:15 — Geography, 4th Grade. Grade. 10:30 to 10:45— Recess. 2:15 to 2:30— Geography, Fifth 10 :45 to 11 :00 — First Reader and Grade. Arithmetic, First Grade. 2:30 to 2:45 — Recess. 11 :00 to 11 :20— Arithmetic, 4th 2:45 to 3:00 — Language Lessons, Grade. Fourth Grade. 11:20 to 11:40— Arithmetic, 5th 3:00 to 3:15— Grammar. Grade. 3:15 to 3:30— History. 11 -40 to 12:00— Arithmetic, 6th 3:30 to 3:45— Physiology. Grade. 3:45 to 4:00 — Spelling Classes. 12 :00 to 1 :00— ISToon Recess. APPLICATION OF THE PROGRAMME AMD COURSE OF STUDY TO PRACTICAL WORK. The following statements upon tlie programme and course of study, in relation to their application to practical work are very appropriately made in the language of the Superintendent: " It is thought that the programme given above indicates tlie fairest possible division of time in a school where all the grades are represented. A modification of this programme will, of course, be necessary where some of the grades are wariting. 570 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. " It will be noticed that the course of study provides that text- books in arithmetic shall not be placed in the hands of the pupils of the three lower grades. It is certain that, in this way, the work can be much more satisfactorily done; and this arrangement will necessitate little inconvenience to the teacher, as the lessons can be assigned by indicating them on the blackboard. " The pupils of the lowest grade should be taught to count, using objects for this purpose. The addition table should then be taken up and systematically mastered. It should be remembered that the faculties to be trained at this time are observation and memory; and to cultivate these faculties, the pupil should be required to make the tables as well as to memorize the results. "When the pupil, by using his knowledge of counting, has perceived the results of certain combinations, he should be drilled on these com- binations until the results are so firmly fixed in the memory that they can be recalled without efl'brt. In the first and second grades, the, pupils should thoroughly master the combinations of numbers composed of one digit, — thd,t is, the addition, subtraction, multi- plication and division tables. The third grade should be taught to read and write numbers, including four periods, and to operate with large numbers in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Near the close of the work of this grade, mental questions, requir- ing the exercise of the reasoning faculties, may be given. "The fourth grade is a critical period in the pupil's progress in arithmetic, as he must be taught at this time to reason, else his future work in this branch will be entirely mechanical. In this grade the pupils should be givennumerous practical problems not found in the book; and, in fact, this practice should be continued, to a certain extent, in the following grades. "Instruction in language and grammar for the fourth grade should be oral. The teacher should include in this class, if possi- ble, all the pupils who properly belong to this grade, and all who are in the fifth grade in other branches but are not pursuing the study of grammar, using text-books. A distinction must be made between the scientific study of language, and the study of it as an instrument to be used, and it is the latter object that should he kept in view in the work of the fourth grade. The pupil should be taught to use language, and to use it correctly; and, to secure this end, the pupil must be required to express thought in writing, and have his work subjected to criticism. Incorrect express^ions should be criticised, and the pupil himself should be taught to be critical in this respect. The principles of language that are violated by the use of such incorrect expressions, should be taught as fast as practical. Drill in the building and combination of sentences should precede the study of the parts of speech. In studying the parts of speech and their properties, the pupil should not be required to learn definitions from dictation, but should be called UDon to use the part of speech in question in a sentence of his own making, and HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 571 then evolve a definition from liis idea of its use. At frequent inter- vals, through the entire work of this grade, the pupils should be required to produce short compositions or letters, which should be rigidly criticised by the teacher. The compositions should relate to something of which the pupil has definite information, and the subject matter of the letters should be specificall}^ named: as, the manner in which a certain day was spent, or the events of a certain visit, etc. It would be a profitable exercise to read to the pupils a short story or anecdote, and require them to reproduce it in their own language. Tlie object of the fifth grade work in grammar is to furnish to the pupil a more critical test of the correctness of his language. To this end, at every step, the bearing of what the pupil learns upon his use of language should be emphasized. "A general exercise, adapted to some particular grade, should be given every day, if possible. Tliese exercises should be talks with the pupils rather than lectures to them." Now, if the reader can, by the help of his imagination, obtain a correct view of the schools as they were at first taught, and can then put them side by side witli the schools of to-day as they are moving along to work out the great ideal which is involved in the County Superintendent's plan of work, a plan which involves every school in the county, raising the worst up to the standard of the best, and enabling them all to evolve the same end in the same practical way, it can be readily determined whether any progress has been made. It is interesting to follow the course of events along the line of time in which these things have been done; to note each advance vvliich has been made, and the agency by which it was accomplished. But if there has been great advancement in the years which are past, there can be no doubt that the advancement will be equallj' as great in the time to come. It would be interesting to study all the statistics connected with the schools in the past; but the}' are inacessible for the reason that they have not been kept. Following are all the statistics which are accessible in tlie Superintendent's office; but these extend back only to the year 1875. ENUMERATION AND STATISTICAL REPORTS. To give an idea of the increase of the numerical strength of the La Porte school-going population, and the influence which the schools have exercised in drawing this population into them, we give below the enumeration reports of the townships and corpora- tions to the County Superintendent, and also the statistical reports of the County Superintendent to the State Superintendent as they are on file in the office of the County SuiDerintendent from the year 1875 to the present year, 1880. These reports will be serviceable for comparison and study, especially to those who are interested in school afl:'airs of the county. Following are the enumeration reports of the Township Trustees and city enumerators to the County Superintendent: 572 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. ENUMERATION OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 18Y5. Corporations. Hudson tp Galena tp Springfield tp . . Michigan tp.. . . Cool (Spring tp. Center tp Kanlialvee tp. . . Wills tp Pleasant tp Union tp. Scipio tp Total. White Males. 100 131 203 79 232 195 211 202 69 177 134 Wlnite lemales 94 118 173 74 178^ 181 176 154 67 165 122 Totals. 194 249 376 153 410 376 387 356 136 342 256 Corporations. Noble tp New Durham tp. Clinton tp Cass tp Dewey tp Hanna tp Lincoln tp Johnson tp Micliigan City . . Westville La Porte City . . . White W hite Males. Females Totals. 201 225 136 254 45 101 114 33 920 143 1389 5294 141 183 129 232 52 82 118 34 919 160 1558 5110 342 408 265 486 97 183 232 67 1839 303 2947 10404 Tliis ennmeration contained also 27 male and 27 female colored children, raising the fnll total to 10,458 children. Of this total, four males and six females, over the age of 10, could not read. ENDMERATION OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 1876. Corporations. Hudson tp Galena tp Springfield tp. . Michigan tp.. . . Cool Spring tp. Center tp Kankakee tp. . . Wills tp Pleasant tp Union tp Scipio tp Total. Wi.ite Males. 115 126 202 68 248 157 207 215 75 172 134 White Females 94 122 171 69 208 151 173 152 70 160 111 Totals. 209 248 373 137 456 308 379 367 145 333 345 Corporations. Noble tp New Durham tp. Clinton tp Cass tp Dewey tp Hanna tp Lincoln tp Johnson tp Westville Michigan City.. . La Porte Citj' . . . White White Males. Females 238 171 230 200 146 133 231 224 31 37 81 105 115 123 38 35 139 156 049 999 1425 1555 5342 5318 Totals. 409 430 379 455 68 186 238 73 295 1965 298u 10560 On this enumeration were also 32 male and 31 female colored children, augmenting the full total to 10,623 children. Of this total 10 males and 7 females, over the age of 10, could not read. ENUMERATION OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 1877. Corporations. Hudson tp Galena tp Springfield tp. . Michigan tp.. . . Cool Spring tp. Center tp Kankakee tp. . . Wills tp. Pleasant tj). . . . Union tp Scipio tp Total . White White Males. Females Total. 110 86 196 128 123 251 217 172 889 71 73 143 271 238 509 160 154 314 204 169 /373 205 143 347 75 69 144 216 150 366 139 116 355 Corporations. Noble Ip New Durham tp. Clinton tp Cass tp Dewey tp Hanna tp Lincoln tp Johnson tp We^tville Micliigan City. . La Porte City. .. White White Males. Females 228 164 243 201 149 136 241 234 37 39 83 106 100 116 37 31 129 153 942 1055 1533 1673 5517 5398 Total. 393 444 285 475 76 1S8 216 68 281 ■ 1997 3106 10915 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 573 There were 38 male and 32 female colored children enumerated, making the full total 10,985. Of this total 18 males and 8 females could not read. , ENUMERATION OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 1878. Corporations. Hudson tp . . . . Galena tp Springtield tp. . Michigan tp. . . Centre tp Cool Spring tp. Kankakee tp . . . Union tp Wills tp Pleasant tp Scipio tp Total . White Males. 104 120 218 60 166 257 164 181 177 89 139 White Ftmales 121 199 68 169 219 165 182 169 68 122 Total. 192 241 417 128 335 476 329 363 346 157 251 Corporations. Noble tp New Durham tp. Clinton tp Cass tp Dewey tp Hanna tp Lincoln tp Johnson tp Weslville Michigan City . . La Porte City. . . White Males. 186 226 148 218 49 108 119 40 127 938 1575 5397 White Females 189 208 151 219 47 80 116 33 133 1003 1742 5491 Total. 375 434 299 437 96 186 235 73 261 1941 3317 10888 In this enumeration there were 29 male and 37 female colored children taken, producing a total of 10,954 children. Of this total 16 males and 10 females over 10 years of age were found who could not read. ENUMERATION OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 1879. Corporations. Hudson tp Galena tp Springfield tp . . Michigan tp.. . . Cool Spring tp. Centre tp Kankakee tp. . . Wills tp Pleasant tp Union tp Scipio tp Total. White White Males. Females Total. 107 92 199 127 121 248 207 161 368 66 74 140 214 198 412 191 190 381 163 160 323 213 148 361 99 77 176 225 181 406 103 104 207 Corporations. Noble tp New Durham tp. Clinton tp Cass tp Hanna tp Dewey tp Lincoln tp Johnson tp Westville Michigan City.. . La Porte City White White Males. Females 176 180 230 194 144 141 202 277 101 73 32 48 109 103 42 33 130 140 919 1011 1624 1805 5424 5510 Total. 356 424 285 479 174 80 212 74 270 1930 3429 10934 In this enumeration 25 male and 31 female colored children were taken, thus raising the total to 10,990 children. Of this total 33 males and 30 females over the age of 10 were found who could not read. 37 574 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. ENUMERATION OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 1880. Corporations. Hudson tp Galena tp Springfield tp. . Michigan tp.. . Cool Spring tp . Centre tp Kankakee tp. . . Wills tp Pleasant tp Union tp. . . . . . Scipio tp Total. White Males. 108 112 207 66 237 191 155 188 84 222 95 White Females 88 112 170 59 200 194 151 140 75 191 99 Total. 196 224 377 125 437 385 306 328 159 413 194 Corporatione. Noble tp. New Durham tp Clinton tp Cass tp Dewey tp Hauna tp Lincoln tp Johnson tp Westvillc Michigan City.. . La Porte City — While White Males. Females 194 180 221 197 135 150 235 238 41 44 90 79 110 115 39 31 134 149 1010 1070 16:?4 1815 5498 5547 Total. 374 418 285 473 85 169 225 70 2080 3439 11045 This enumeration mves 31 male and 32 female colored children, thus bringing the full total up to 11,108 school children. Of this total 24 males and 27 females over the age of 10 were found who could not read. STATISTICAL REPORT OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 1875. (Note. — The following statistical tables will show the influence which the schools have exerted over the school-going population to draw the children into them, and thus, in a measure at least, indicate the usefulness of the schools, and thus again, indirectly, index their efficiency. And if there is an increased pro- portion of the school-going children in the latter years than in the former in the schools, then it will indicate that the efficiency of the schools is on the increase, at least in the public estimation, unless there should be other causes operating to keep the children away and prevent their attendance.) Corporations. Papils: Admitted. TeachtTs Hired. Compens't'n. Boys. Girls. To'l Male. Fem. 6 11 3 2 4 10 5 3 5 5 17 5 6 14 1 2 2 5 1 2 12 18 To') Male.i Fem. Hudson 81 99 148 51 90 139 194' 182 155 118 39 120 95 125 183 111 29 57 51 81 30 12A 547 60s 3127 132 195 287 455" 376 346 292 89 283 191 255 406 238 49 120 100 172 57 225 1095 1104 3 7 5 1 1 5 5 3 1 10 4 2 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 9 18 8 3 5 15 20 6 6 15 21 7 10 16 2 3 4 6 2 4 14 22 $2 OO'sd 41 Galena 1 70 2 00 2 30 2 50 2 25 2 25 2 00 2 00 2 10 1 70 2 40 1 85 1 30 1 50 1 80 2 25 1 75 1 75 2 90 5 25 4 20 1 35 Soriusfield 1 50 Michigan 1 40 Cool Sprinff 261 194 191 174 50 163 96 130 223 127 20 63 49 91 27 101 548 504 3340 1 60 Centre 1 50 Kankakee 1 75 Wills 2 00 Pleasant 1 70 Union Scioio 1 60 1 40 Noble 1 45 New Durham 1 85 Clinton 1 30 Dewey 1 30 Hanna 1 30 Cass 1 40 Lincoln 1 75 .Tohnson 1 50 Westville 2 00 Michifran Citv 2 08 La Porte Citv 2 40 Totals and Averages 6467 75 127 202 2 15 1 54 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 575 Daring this year, the average number of children in attendance in all the schools was 4,071 ; the average length of the schools was 140 days; number of school districts was 113; total number of houses, brick, 29; frame, 90, — 119; whole number of institutes held was 25 ; and there were 8 private schools taught by 10 teachers with an enrollment of 183 pupils, and an average attendance of 160. STATISTICAL REPORT OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 1876. Corporations. Hudson Galena Springfield Michigan Co olSpring. . . Centre Kankakee . . . . , Wills Pleasant Union Scipio Noble New Durham . , Clinton , Dewey Hanna Johnson Cass Lincoln Weslville Michigan City. La Porle City. Totals and Averages. Pupils Admitted. Teachers Hired. Compensai'n Boys. Girls. Total. Male Fern. Tot'l Male. Fern. 78 56 134 4 6 10 .$2 0(1 $158 10.5 100 205 4 7 11 1 75 1 50 158 165 323 6 5 11 1 85 1 37 30 35 65 1 3 4 2 50 1 34 127 81 208 4 7 n 2 30 2 16 174 162 336 2 18 20 2 00 1 50 151 145 296 11 4 15 2 31 1 63 160 135 295 1 7 8 2 69 1 60 50 57 107 2 7 9 2 00 1 36 189 156 345 7 8 15 2 17 1 50 87 100 187 1 21 22 2 25 1 55 150 139 289 4 7 11 2 06 1 43 185 149 334 2 7 9 2 00 1 83 124 112 236 4 6 10 1 50 1 50 29 28 57 1 1 2 1 35 1 50 69 56 125 1 3 4 1 60 1 50 35 33 68 1 1 2 1 75 1 50 233 220 453 3 5 8 2 66 1 82 91 100 191 2 4 6 1 40 1 40 108 127 235 2 2 4 3 25 2 VO 507 675 1182 2 15 17 5 10 2 17 541 559 1100 4 18 22 4 63 2 54 3381 8390 6771 69 162 231 2 27 2 00 There were also enrolled this year 18 male and 21 female colored children, making the total number admitted to the schoo-ls 6,810; the average number of children in attendance in all the schools was 4,863; the average length of the schools was 155 days; total num- ber of districts still 113 ; total number of houses, — brick, 30; frame, 89 — 119; whole number of institutes held was 94; no private schools were reported. 576 HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTT. STATISTICAL REPORT OF LA PORTE COUNTY, IS 77. Corporatione. Pupils Admitttd Teachers Hired. Compensat'n Boys. 89 130 149 30 92 114 135 175 61 180 90 143 1!4 125 39 73 245 89 34 94 501 589 3361 Girls. Total. Male. Fern 5 7 5 2 3 8 8 8 5 8 8 7 13 11 1 2 5 6 '"2' 16 20 150 Tot'l 6 n 12 3 5 12 16 14 7 13 11 10 15 15 2 4 8 10 2 4 18 25 Male. $2 50 1 90 1 50 'i"98 2 10 2 31 2 15 1 38 1 78 2 00 1 85 1 58 1 50 1 85 2 45 2 50 1 30 1 50 3 25 5 88 4 65 Fern. Miidson 78 110 149 50 58 78 110 123 41 150 110 132 151 110 29 50 223 67 34 120 590 601 167 240 298 80 150 192 245 298 102 330 200 275 345 235 58 123 468 156 68 214 1091 1190 ] 4 7 '"2' 4 8 6 2 5 3 3 2 4 1 2 3 4 2 2 2 5 $1 55 (ralpna, 1 52 Snrin ffflp.lcl 1 38 TVTiphip'nn 2 12 Dnol Snrin ff 1 98 ripntTfi 1 43 T^nnkalf pp 1 63 ■Wills 1 75 Plpfisant, 1 38 TJnioQ 1 30 Soinio 1 60 Noble 1 70 T^pw T)nrhani 1 54 niintnn 1 25 Dewej'^ 1 55 TTanna 1 65 Cass 1 50 Tiinpoln 1 30 Johnson Westville 2 00 IVTirhifan Citv 2 22 I ia Portp Citv 2 16 Totals and Averages 3164 6525 72 222 2 18 1 74 Note. — There were also admitted to the schools 10 male and 16 female colored children, thus in(!reasina; the number of children admitted to the schools to a full total of 6,551 ; the average attendance was 4,526 ; the average length of the schools was 154 days; total number of districts was 114; total number of houses, — brick 31, frame 89,- 120; whole number of .ownship institutes held was 91. No pri- vate schools were reported. STATISTICAL REPORT OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 18 78. Corporations. Pupils Admitted. Teact lers Hired. Compensat'n Boys. Girls. Total. Male. Fern. Tofl Male. Fem. Hudson 112 118 149 43 119 125 152 172 66 168 91 132 176 122 25 99 110 82 27 95 644 489 3316 61 123 148 40 74 80 132 108 47 142 88 152 170 110 27 72 120 80 24 116 641 729 173 241 297 83 198 205 284 280 113 310 179 284 346 232 52 171 230 168 51 211 1285 1218 3 5 4 2 4 3 6 5 4 8 1 2 5 3 1 2 4 3 1 1 1 5 4 6 8 1 5 6 6 6 4 5 1 11 I 3 5 6 3 3 16 20 7 11 12 3 9 9 12 11 8 13 9 8 18 10 2 5 9 9 4 4 17 25 $1 75 1 52 1 65 2 30 2 00 2 00 2 45 2 00 1 40 2 12 1 66 2 00 1 75 1 50 1 80 1 65 2 50 1 45 1 50 4 25 8 00 4 60 $150 Galena 1 52 Snrinffield 1 40 Micliiffan 1 40 Cool Snrin a" 2 00 Centre 1 70 Kankakee 1 95 Wills 1 90 T^lpflftjint, 1 40 XJnioQ •>•• 1 60 Rpinio 1 66 Noble New Durham 1 50 1 50 Clinton 1 25 1 50 Hanna Qass . 1 50 1 75 Tiinpnln ••• 1 45 Tnlin»^nn . 1 50 W^p^tvillp 2 00 2 20 T,a Porte Citv 2 43 Totals and Averages ' 3290 6606 78 140 213 2 15 1 80 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 577 During the year there were 13 male and 14 female colored chil- dren admitted to the schools, thus raising the whole total to 6,633; the average attendance during the year was 4,266; the average length of the schools was 158 days; the total number of districts was 115; the whole number of houses was, — brick 31, frame 89, — 120; whole number of township institutes held was 89. There were three private schools taught with an enrollment of 60, aver- age, 45. STATISTICAL REPORT OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 1879. Corporations. Hudson Galena Springfield . . . Michigan Cool Spring. . . Centre Kankakee Wills Pleasant Union Scipio Noble New Durham. Clinton Dewey Hanna Cass . Lincoln Johnson Westville Michigan City La Porte City. Pupils Admitted. Boys. 75 105 127 35 116 130 128 167 54 139 79 129 163 124 29 65 203 89 36 82 479 574 Girls. Total Totals and Averages 3128 58 90 108 39 85 85 123 116 56 115 84 123 125 108 24 40. 145 71 41 99 474 (i50 133 195 235 74 201 215 251 283 110 254 163 253 288 232 53 105 348 160 77 181 953 1224 Teachers Hired. Male Pem. Tot'l 2859 '5987 3 3 6 2 5 3 5 2 1 4 1 3 3 4 1 2 3 4 10 3 6 6 5 6 5 9 8 11 6 1 3 6 6 2 3 15 19 59 135 194 7 13 7 2 8 9 11 7 7 9 10 11 14 10 2 5 9 4 16 23 Compensat'n Alale. Fem $1 52 92 54 50 75 00 90 18 50 05 62 84 75 80 90 40 2 80 1 35 356 8 00 4 75 |1 52 1 75 1 50 i'56 1 66 1 80 li It. 67 38 1 73 62 38 1 50 68 50 44 90 35 00 75 20 40 1 78 This year there were 15 male and 24 female colored children admitted to the schools, making the whole number 6,026; the aver- age attendance was 3,983 daily; the average length of the schools was 163 days; the total number of districts was 112; the whole number of houses was, — brick 32, frame 88, — 120; the whole num- ber of township institutes held was 123. There were tliree private schools taught with an enrollment of 92, and an average attendance of 71. TOWN AND CITY SCHOOLS. What we have been saying applies more particularly to the country and village schools of the county. In giving the present status ot" the schools it becomes necessary to refer more particularly to the schools in the incorporated towns and cities. This can be done only very briefly. The law provides that incorporated towns and 57s HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. cities may have a special management concerning their schools. In the county, tliere are three schools of this kind, the Westville, Michigan City, and La Porte schools. These schools, by their spe- cial advantages, are enabled to keep open longer during the year than the village and country schools, and to be more thoroughly and systematically graded. These are very great advantages. Their courses of study, for all practical purposes, are the same in the lower grades as that given above, as the course of study in the country schools; and for the purposes of this chapter, it must suf- fice as the curriculum for these schools, as well as the course for those for which it was prepared; and yet it is right to say that in many important points their courses differ from this. These programmes are not quoted here, for want of space. Below are given the courses of study for each of the high schools. COURSE OF STUDY FOR THE WESTVILLE HIGH SCHOOL. First Year. — Fird Term. — Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Gram- mar, Penmanship, Reading. Second Term. — A.rithmotic, Grammar, Book-keeping, Penman- ship, Reading. Third Term. — Aritlunetic, Grammar, Penmanship, Reading. Junior Year. — FWd Term. — Algebra, Physical Geography, United States History, Physiology, Drawing. Second Term. — Algebra, Physical Geography, United States History, Physiology, Drawing. Third Term. — Algebra, Physical Geography, Civil Government, Botany. Senior Year. — Fird Term. — Analysis of Arithmetic, Geology, Philosophy, Rhetoric, Literature. Second T^rm.— Geometry, Philosophy, Rhetoric, Geology, Lit- erature. Third Term. — Geometry, Philosophj^, Rhetoric, Botany. course of STUDY FOR THE MICHIGAN CITY HIGH SCHOOL. Junior Class. — First Term. — Physical Geography, Grammar, Algebra. Second Term. — Physical Geography, Grammar, Algebra. Third Term. — Book-keeping, Analysis, Algebra. Middle Class. — Fird Term. — Rhetoric, tlnited States History, Algebra. Second Term. — Physiology, Civil Government, Geometry. Third Term. — Physiology. Botany, Geometry. Senior Class. — First Term. — Natural Pliilosophy, General History, Geometry. Second Je?'m.- -Chemistry, English Literature, Arithmetic and Grammar. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COL'NTY. 579 Third Term. — Cliemistrv, English Literature, Astronomy. Eeading, Writing, Composition, and Declamation wall receive appropriate attention tlirougliout the whole course. There will be daily written exercises in spelling. The German language is optional. COURSE OF STUDY FOR THE LA PORTE HIGH SOHOOL. First Year. — First Term — Arithmetic, Physical Geography, Book-keeping,* Latin.* Second Term — Algebra, Physiology, German,* Latin.* Third Term — Algebra, Botany, German,* Latin.* Second Year. — First Ternn — Algebra, lihetoric, German,* Latin.* Second Term — Algebra six weeks, Geometry six weeks. General History, German,* Latin.* Third Term — Geometry, General History, German,* Latin.* Junior Year. — First Term — Geometry, Modern History, Ger- man,* Latin.* Second Term. — Civil Government, Natural Philosophy, Ger- man,* Latin.* Third Term — Civil Government, Natural Philosophy, German,* Latin.* Senior Year. — First Term — Chemistry, U. S. History, Ger- man,* Latin.* Second Term. — English Literature,Principles of Geology, Astron- omy,* German, Latin.* Third Term — Zoology, English Literature. Composition work for all classes throughout the year. CONCLUDING STATEMENTS. In this chapter there are elements for a great deal of thought and reflection. It will be remembered that whatever will develop the power of thought is an agent which will have a great deal to do in determining the future history of any people, as it has had to do in determining the history of the past. This is one of the agencies of power which the wise statesman will not overlook who desires to prognosticate the future correctly, and to make wise provision for that future. The history of an educated people will be entirely different from that of an illiterate and uneducated one. La Porte county, with her schools in the condition in which they have been shown to be, having passed through many successive stages of prog- ress, may go on and work out man}^ more and greater achieve- ments. She may not be able to isolate herself from the rest of the world; but^ in conjunction with the rest of the world around her, may be able to assist in the evolution of a grander civilization and enlightenment than the world has yet ever seen, through her schools, the foundation of which is just now laid, and through her other educational leverages and powers. ♦These studies are elective. CHAPTER XV. LITERARY RECORD. THE LITERATURE AND LITERATI. While it may be true that the county has not yet produced, in the literary field, any one, either male or female, whose towering genius has attracted the attention and admiration of the world, yet it is true that it has made a fair degree of success, and may with pride point to its ministry, its editorial staff, its Bench, its Bar, its political speech-makers, etc., as the peer of other localities. Hon. Jasper Packard and Hon. William H. Calkins, and Honorable C. W. Cathcart and Hon. Mulford K. Farrand have each been the standard bearer of his party for Congress, and have been instru- mental in shaping the political sentiment of the country. They were each eloquent on the stump. In the line of the Press, it will be no disparagement to the other members of the editorial staff to specially mention the name of Wilber F. Storey, the present editor of the Chicago Times, a paper, perhaps unexcelled in its character of a " news " paper. Mr. Storey was at one time connected with the La Porte papers, and may be regarded, at least, as one of its former literati. It will be impracticable in this connection to name all who have contributed to the literature of the county. There are many ser- mons, speeches, orations, essays and poems, wliose authors must remain nameless at present which are well worthy of preservation. From among these we have selected the following, feeling that our readers will be grateful to us for giving these to them in this per- manent form. In makincr the selection, regard has been had to the sentiment expressed as much as to the literary merit they contain. It is thought that the sentiments expressed will find a response in the feelings and thoughts of all who may read, whatever the distance in time. The first of" these is an extract of a speech made by Hon. John B. Niles in the Constitutional Convention, in 1S51. JOHN B. NILES. John B. Niles was one of the early settlers of the county, being addmitted to its Bar on December 16, 1833. He took an active interest in public affairs, and hence we find him atone time a mem- ber of the Board of School Trustees of the city of La Porte, and at another as the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of La Porte Uni- versity, afterward changed to the "Indiana Medical College." In this universitv he was the Professor of Chemistry. (580) HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 581 Mr. !Niles was a scholar, having graduated and attained the degree of Master of Arts. In the August election of 1850, he was elected as a delegate to the Convention which was to prepare a new Constitution for the State. The Convention convened in January of 1851, and began the work of devising the supreme legal instrument for the govern- ment of the State. Mr. Niles was an active member of that body. The Convention had underconsideration the propriety of exempting the family homestead from execution. Mr. JS^iles arose in his place and made the following speech (only an extract is given however), which was very largely copied by the papers of the country at the time, and with the most favorable comment: HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION. "Gentlemen have talked eloquently of the protection thrown around the homes of England. It is the boast of the common law, that every man's home is his castle, within which neither the prince nor his vassal is permitted to intrude. It is a principle dear to the American heart as life or libertj' itself. It is the ground element of our civilization. Destroy the sacredness of home, and the world is thrown backward toward barbarism. Now, sir, tell me when the public interests can require that the sheriff, with his j}osse, should be compelled to intrude upon an American home, and diive a family from that sacred spot, thrown bankrupt upon the charities of the world, because, forsooth, the husband or the father had become a profligate or a drunkard. Give me the example and the reasons, and I will tell you in the same words why an unfortunate debtor ought to rot in jail. The arguments for the one sustain the other, and with equal, but no greater, force. " If it be said that the cases in which such protection would be necessary are few, I answer that though comparatively few, they are often heart- rending in their character, and enough to enlist the sympathies of every benevolent man. How often does it happen that a young husband and wife, by self-sacrificing industry, secure a comfortable, though humble home; the husband and father, in a too hopeful moment, becomes involved in debts, which, had his life been spared, he might have been able to pay; but, in the inscrut- able ways of Providence, he is taken from his family, and in due course of law their little home is sold and parted among the creditors as if it were the spoils of victory. The mother, driven from the shelter which her industry had helped to provide, with no spot on earth which she can call home, is compelled to tear in sunder tlie ties of nature and part her children to distant strangers, or to support them by the unaided labor of her hands; and that, too, under the laws of a civilized and Christian land. Sir, such scenes are a disgrace to the legislation ol the State, and a burning shame to the a^fe in which we live. 582 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. " Bat it is argued that it is necessary that the home be subject to be sold on execution in order to secure credit to its owner. 1 grant you, sir, tliat, wlien lie or his wife or children visit the neighboring town, traders and sharpers, of a certain class, may be more likely to induce them to purchase on credit what they are not able to buy, and wdiat they do not really need, than if the little home were beyond their reach. The fact that a judgment could be had at any moment, before a Justice of the Peace, tliat a transcript could be filed in the Circuit Court, becoming at once a lien on land, that at the next term of court a judgment upon scire facias could be obtained, execution issued, the homestead sold, would give some assurance to a heartless creditor. But let it be remembered that economy is wealth, and that industry, integrity and honor are the true bases of credit. Credit will exist wherever these are found, and where these are wanting it is nothing worth. It is strange benevo- lence to the debtor, that, because lie may have been unfortunate, or to his family, that because he may liave been dishonest, his and their home shall be sold by the sheriff, under the relentless process of the law. Such scenes can never be an honor to tl)e legislation or history of any country in the world. " But, sir, if there were no great principle of benevolence and humanit}' involved in this measure, I would favor it for the very reason upon which others found their opposition, — because it will place a wholesome check upon hasty and indiscriminate credit, one of the vices of our time. Have gentlemen forgotten that golden rule in private economy, so often called the true philosopher's stone, turning everything into gold, — the time-honored maxim, — 'Pay as 3'ou go?' If, by adopting this measure, we help to carry that maxim into practice, however long and tedious and expensive the sitting of this convention may be, the people will receive back a thousand fold of all it Mall have cost them. "That credit which is based only upon the homestead of the debtor is worse than none. If credit and commerce can rest only on such a foundation, and can be sustained only by driving families from their homes; if such is the alternative, then I say, emphatic- ally, let them perish. The home exemption would be a fearful check upon credit indeed . Were Baron Rothschild to come among us and locate himself in Indianapolis, to loan out his mone}'' upon bond and mortgage, that he miglit double and treble or quadruple his uncounted millions by usurious gains, the men whose little homes were protected would, indeed, not become the borrowers. But without such protection they might in unguarded moments mortgage to him their homes, and always to their injury, if not their ruin. With such protection, so many of the ardent-minded and too hopeful citizens of this State could never have made loans from our odious and oppressive sinking fund, a ' sinking fund,' indeed (applause), sinking our fellow-citizens by scores and hun- dreds into hopeless bankruptcy, and throwing them homeless upon the world. Under that beautiful, Jew-like policy of loaning money HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 583 by the State to her citizens, on long times and at heavj^ rates of interest, we see, every year, pages of advertisements in the news- papers of this city, offering for sale tlie farms of the people, on mortgages to that fund. With a system of protected homes it is true that many of those mortgages could never have been received, but it is no less true that many a worthy citizen would have escaped a load of accumulated evils which have followed in their train. " But gentlemen say, 'Adopt such a measure as this and you will tempt men to resort to all manner of subterfuges to avoid the pay- ment of their debts.' Now, sir, I would ask any member on this floor to reflect and answer me, who are the men, unless they be knaves at heart, whose property is covered over with mortgages to shield it from executions? Who are the men who have most often been charged with covering up their property, but the men who have been mercilessly driven from their homes, because of their mis- fortunes, and the necessities of M'hose wives and children appeal to them with a force which they are poorly able to resist? Who, but these, are most often found attempting to shield what little prop- erty they have remaining, from the reach of executions issued from your courts of justice? Who, but such men, are most often charged with subterfuges? And who, but these, of all others upon earth, can you least condemn? " And gentlemen not only say that in this measure we strike at the foundations of the credit system, but they call it hard names; they talk of radicalism and agrarianism, as if we would overturn the foundations of society. Indeed, sir, notwithstanding the court- esy which is due from one gentleman to another upon this floor, I could but feel my blood tingle in my veins when I heard such lan- guage. Agrarianism indeed! because we would protect a home to everv familv and to the widow and her infant children ag-ainst the relentless mission of the officers of the law. Away with such language and such reasoning. Tell us that you despise and defy the principles of benevolence and of progress, and we will give you credit for consistency at least; but do not come with professions of sympathy for the poor upon your lips. There is no other such great conservative principle now agitating the public mind. The wealthy do not need its protection, but it will lielp to raise the middling classes and the poor to a condition of conscious independence and self-respect. Who feels humiliated by retaining for the use of his family the hundred and twenty dollars worth of personal property now exempt from execution? And what unfortunate debtor, because his family is left in comfort, will be less likely to put forth every effort to discharge all the obligations of honor and of conscience, than if his famil^'^ had been beggared and his spirits crushed? Talk of it as we may, there is no such picture on earth as the homes of the people, rude and homely though they be. " Those will love their country who love their homes. Protect them in their homes and they will defend their country, her laws and institutions. Make home a very fact, what the common law 584 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. has dimly seen that it should be, and you will help to build up a condition of society, a state of external and internal peace and beauty, such as the sun has never looked upon in all his course. It is a policy, not for a day, but for all time. Its benign influences will not be fully seen in your day or mine, but it will shed its sun- light upon the homes of our children. It is in harmony with that long-hoped-for and better state, when every family shall sit peace- fully under its own vine and fig tree, with none to molest or to make it afraid. It will go hand in hand with Christian civilization whenever and wherever its influence is extended, and it will never be abandoned till that light goes down in darkness. " It may be thought unsuited to the place and the occasion to refer to the recollections and associations which make up the crown- ing felicities of life. But I respond with all my heart, to the touch- ing and beautiful appeal of the gentleman from St. Joseph (Mr. Colfax). I am not ashamed to own that my feelings are enlisted no less than my understanding is convinced. I go for the measure because it is right in itself, right against all forms of sophistrj^, right against all appeals to prejudice and passion, and the love of gain, right against the wq^ld. The home where the ivy and the wood- bine have been taught to twine by tender hands and loving hearts, where the children were born, and some of them have died, where the aged parents still remain, and whither the sons and daughters return from their distant emigrations to pay their tribute of filial homage — the home where all that is sacred in life, in death, and in religion centers — that home I would protect, not by unsta- ble laws enacted to-day and repealed to-morrow, but by constitu- tional provisions immutable as truth and justice, and enduring as the everlasting hills." (Applause.) We now lay before our readers the following poem written by Mrs. Emma F. Malloy, a lady who has made herself noted and famous in her woi'k of temperance and prison reform. MRS. EMMA F. MALLOY. Mrs. Malloy has shown herself to be an indefatigable worker, both in the temperance and prison reformatory movements of the age, and so successful has she been that there is scarcely a locality which does not know of her. She began a literar}' career quite early in life, writing articles for the papers at the early age of 13. But it is mostl}^ on the rostrum and in the field that she has at- tained her distinction. The following testimonial, signed by such distinguished gentlemen and ladies as it is, will give a proper esti- mate of her work. This testimonial to Mrs. Malloy, it is said, was set on foot by that noted gentleman and humanitarian, "Wendell Phillips. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 585 " TESTIMONIAL TO MRS. EMMA F. MALLOY. " Dear Madam and Sister: We, the undersigned, have witnessed with pleasure the success you have attained in jour work as a tem- perance missionary in the old Bay State, aud desire to thus express our appreciation of the valuable services you have rendered this reform. " We recognize in you an old advocate of our cause, one whose zeal and sincerity are manifest in the permanent results of your personal efforts and public ap]-»eals. The many associations estab- lished, and the thonsands reformed through your instrumentality, attest the fidelity with which you have carried out your mission, and bespeak for you the cordial co-operation of all friends of the temperance cause in every State and country in which you may labor. From every section where your efforts have been directed the most cheering reports have been presented, and in this testi- monial we but express the sentiments of numerous organizations, and of individuals who hold you in the highest esteem. " Trusting that your efforts may be continued with the same pros- perity, and that your eloquent voice may often be heard in our State, pleading for God and humanity, and assuring you of our hearty sympathy with and in the work to which you have conse- crated your life, we remain your " FRIENDS IN the CAUSE, "■ Thomas Talbot, ex-Gov., Mass., Kobert C. Pitman, Judge, Kev. A. A. Miner, Eev. George H. Yibbert, Wendell Phillips, H. D. Gushing, Mary F.Elliot, G.W.S. of I.O.G.T., H. B. Peirce, James H, Roberts, Charles A. BLovey, Henr}^ B. Blackwell, Lucj' Stone, W. F. Spaulding, John G. Whittier, Poet, Henry H, Faxon, Allen G. Shepherd, Supt. Mass. Benjamin R. Jewell, Reform School, Mary A. Livermore, Thomas J. Tucker, Henry A. Cook, Pastor Seaman's Albert Day, M. D., Supt. Wash- Bethel, ingtonian Home, Jennie Collins, Samuel W. Hodges, William Wells Brown, M. D., R.B. Graham, Supt. Little Wan- John D. Long, Gov. Mass., derers' Home, L.B.Barrett, Sec. W.C.T.U.Mass., Annie J. Brown. " The above is copied from the script and autograph copy of the testimonial which Mrs. Malloy has framed and hanging in her par- lor, of which she may justly feel proud. The following poem from her was read at the First Annual Reunion of the 8Yth Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, held in Huntsman Hall, La Porte, on Friday, September 24, 1869, and was written expressly for the occasion. 586 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. WELCOME TO THE 87tH . What words can I summon, by what magic art Can I breathe to you, brothers, the throbs of my heart ? How tell you to-day how my heart swells with pride, To see these old warriors again side by side ? O, I think that a Washington's heart feels a thrill As he looks from his home on some glory-clad hill, And viewing the old Eighty -seventh to-day. Recalls their brave deeds in the terrible fray. They are written, my brothers, in broad gory stains, And in little green hillocks upon Southern plains; Aye, written upon the mother-hearts, too. Who so tenderly loved you, our brave boys in blue. We have never forgotten those dark dreary daj's, Your long, weary marches o'er dusty highways, Or how eager we watched for the letters you'd write As you sat by the camp-fire's flickering light. How we tearfully read each page o'er and o'er And wished you had written a few lines more ; Then after each battle, with heartsick, with dread. We searched for the names of the woubded and dead. And God knows how fervent, how thankful the prayer That welled from our hearts when no loved name was there. O, we nobler grew for our heritage of suffering, blood, and tears, Purer our gold, from dross refined, by the fire of those four years, Greater, that 'neath the chastening hand of the Loving we bent low, Stronger, that thro' aiHiciiou's waves, we never refused to go. O, may we never forget the arm that lead us thro' the sea ; That bent the foeman at our feet, and gave us victory. Memory recalls now one October day When the cannon's loud voice proclaimed the wild fray — The Perryville battle. Thro' all the bright hours The blood of our braves stained the sod in red showers; And the battle still raged. " Fighting Rosseau's " brave men Held firmly their ground for hours ; and when The afternoon sun kissed the hill-tops good-night, The old Fourth Battery went into the fight. Fierce and hot raged the contest ; the showers of shell And of shot ploughed deep furrows. Oh, the brave men that fell In that fierce leaden rain ! Oh, the hearts that have bled For their loved who were numbered with Perryville's dead ! Then, when the pale moon climbed the Heaven's blue stair, And the groans of the dying were filling the air, The old Eighty-seventh was placed in array To witness the end of the desperate fray. Full an hour the ^-torra raged ere the firing ceased, — Then o'er the field wandered the still faithful priest To comfort the dying. Now and then a stray shot. Spiteful and hasty, and burning and hot, Whizzed into the bushes, or fell with a thud On the sod that was gory and dripping with blood. Higher mounted the moon in the zenith so blue. And the little stars smiled on our warriors so true ; Slumber's downy wing fanned their pale eyelids to rest. And the moeking-bird trilled a sweet song from her nest. While from some brok: n caskets that lay on the sod. The souls fluttered up to the bosom of God. In those slumberous hours the foe took their flight, And when morn oped her gates of crimson and white. And kissed the dark green of the odorous pine. Our warriors were silently marched into line; — HISTOEY OF LA PORTE COUIsTY. 587 But no foeman was there, not a shot was there heard, It was only the breeze that the low bushes stirred. Then the camp-fires were lit, and in groups od the ground The boys gladly gathered ; laugh and jest went around As the " hard-tack" was munched with an infinite zest, And the cofiee seemed nectar to parching lips pressed. Months crept on apace; until out on the hills The March-winds were piping their voice loud and shrill, The young grass was springing o'er moorland and lea. As the Old Eightj^-seventh marched thro' Tennessee. At Chapel Hill, Hoover's Gap, each, they felt the hot breath Of the cannon that hurled red swift bolts of death. Still the glorious old flag kissed the breezes in glee As 'twas born by our warriors thro' old Tennessee. September at last on the mountain's tall crest Hung her soft purple mist ; no more from the nest Was whistled the mocking-biid's silvery note ; But out on the liills the quail's piping throat Proclaimed that the glorious summer was dead. The leaves of the sumach were fast turning red. Brown and sere the long summer grasses had grown. And the breezf s wailed by with a desolate moan. Thro' the dim mountain passes thus one bright autumn day The long lines of troops were seen wending their way. ' With faces hard set and with hot eager breath They were following their leader to victory or death. Hark, in the distance afar the low- volleyed roar, Like the surge of the sea on a desolate shore ! And then the quick charge, the artillery's crash ! Now horseman and foo^mau down the steep hill-sides dash ' Long furrows are plowed by the murderous fire, And the smoke of the battle rises higher and higher. And the steady rattle of musketry peals thro' the forest glade, And many a fair and boyish form is on the green sward laid ; ' Above the rattle of the leaden rain a clear, low voice is heard : 'Tis Col. Gleason's; and down the Ime passes quickly his welcome word " Eight.y-seveuth, lie down." Silent they sank on the cool, moist sod Each yieldmg himself in prayer to the care of the loving God, High up in the air came crashing and whizzing a murderous 'shell And over in Company " G " the fiery messenger fell. ' When the smoke at last was lifted, two of the boys were gone • Both had suddenly been discharged and were trying the Great'Unknown ■ Gone, without a word of parting, not even a sad good-bye — Not even a word for Mother ; and both were m young to die — Just in the flush of manhood, just in the summer time, ' When life was in golden metre and hope the musical rhyme- Gone, like the flower whose odor, with its fiiding leaves, expires •— Like a strain of music, broken, as it drips from the trembling lyre. There was no time then to say Farewell ; that moment an order came To fall into line ; march to the front, where leaped the fiery flame The old Thirty-fifth, from the Buckeye State, nobly had met the foe But half their men in that moulten rain were like forest trees laid low Ihen the Eighty-seventh, with shout and cheer, sprang up to the cannon's throat; From a thousand rifles leaped the flame, in a single volleyed note Ha ! they fall back, see the rebel dead, strewing that field of gore And blazing again from the thousand throats, a volley of death thev pour. ^ Thus two long days the drip of blood fell like the summer rain Then night spread above them her ebon cloud and silenced the wail of pain ; Then followed roll-call, and loud and clear, after some names, came the answer, "Here." 588 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. Sometimes it was, " Wounded," and sometimes, " Dead," And some comrade replied, "Shot thro' the head." "Adjutant Ryland,"— ah! he's gone too; I saw him to-day shot tliro' and tliro' ; Poor Ryland, that morning he left his tent The gayest of all the regiment. Here were his papers, all tied with care, With a picture or two and a tress of hair. Who'll write to his mother and say he is deadv Who tell his wife how his spirit fled ? " Capt. Baker" — a silent pause; then a comrade thus replied: " He was shot this morning, sir, I was with him when he died." Thus was the long list read slowly o'er. And " Dead " was answered to forty-four, — To "Wounded," one hundred and forty-two. The dear old flag, though, came safely thro' ; Every star still shone on its field of blue. Here and there it was rent by a minie ball, But all day it had waved from the flag-staff tall, And seemed to the hearts of the little band Like a star of hope in a desert land. Dying eyes had gazed on it as if to trace In itssilken folds some well-known face ; Then when the death-film shut all from his view, His lips blessed the old flag, the red, white and blue. Chickamauga, flow on, O, silent river, While on thy red banks the tall pines shiver. We shall never forget thee, O, vale of tears, And, echoing down thro' the silent years, Thy memory shall waken a wail of pain As we live those two days over again. And we still remember how at old Mission Ridge You fought like Du Gueselin of old, And planted the flag of the old Eighty-seventh The first in the rebel stronghold. Up that steep hillside you dashed till the crest was won. You waved the tri-colors high. Till its fluttering folds to the boys below Looked like God's own bow in the sky. Oh, thinking, my friends, of those noble deeds, What wonder with music and glee We welcome to-day these darling boys. Who, with Sherman, " marched to the sea!" And thinking of hardships in camp, on the field, Bj' the bivouac, or on battle plain. What wonder each comrade clasps warmly the hand Of his dearly loved brother again ! Oh, there is none like the friend who has shared our pain. And none to the soldier, I ween, Like the com'^ade who slept, marched and fought by his side, And " drank from the same canteen !" And how fitting to-day, as we gaze on the names Of beloved Major Sabin, of Andrew and Brown, Of Harding and others ; we drop the fond tear O'er the heart-flowers thus early cut down. Oh, who shall say that above this throng, floating in viewless air, Are not gathered these brothers whom we call " Lost," Since they're mustered in — up there ? Ah ! you do not forget them, our noble dead ; I see by the starting tear That falls at their mention, some hearts have bled HISTORY Op- LA PORTE COUNTY. 589 Who to-day are 2;athere(.l here. By Resaca's red waste, by our patriots' blood, By this flag of the loyal and true, In the name of the Hoosier girls, brave Eighty-seventh, I tender a welcome to you." We next present to our readers a speech which well deserves pres- ervation for its easy flow of construction, the depth of its pathos, and the rhythm of its patriotic utterances. It is a speech delivered by Hon. Jasper Packard at the " Soldiers' Decoration " in La Porte, May 30, 1875. HON. JASPER PACKARD. Mr. Packard needs no sketch of his life, so far as the people of La Porte county are concerned, for they are already acquainted with him and know much that pertains to his busy life. It may not be inappropriate, however, to call to remembrance the facts that he has served the county in the army with distinction and thus brought honor to it; that he has served it in her schools with com- mendable success; that he has been called upon by its people to serve it in official capacit3% both as Superintendent of its schools and as its Auditor, and that he has rendered signal service in the halls of Congress as its Representative. Mr. Packard has made many excellent speeches. From among them we have selected the following for preservation so far as we have it in our power to do so. In the absence of any title, we give it the following caption : ALL HONOR TO OUR COUNTRY'S DEAD. "We decorate these graves with flowers to-day, no.t because these men have died, but because they were brave men, who fought in a righteous cause. In no other way could we attest so beautifully our appreciation and gratitude. To decorate the graves of fallen heroes with flowers of virgin purity is an ancient custom. Fragrant lilies were scattered over the funeral pile of Marcellus, The heroic Greeks who fell at Marathon received annual floral decorations. But no such offering as this in which we participate to-day has the world ever seen before, where thirty millions of people with rever- ent hands crown gracefully with flowers the sacred dust of 300,000 martyrs. It is a sweet devotion to the cause in which they fell. It tells that patriotic feelings, that the impulses that moved these men to action, have not died out of the heart. And sleeping in their graves, they yet serve their country. They speak to us in voices which we cannot choose but hear. The cadences of the tomb are audible, and as we cannot forget the actors in the great tragedy, so we^ cannot forget the cause for which they contended, and now sleep here as martyrs. Martyrs they were in very, truth. As Sydney and Russell, who trod the narrow steps of the scaflfokl, were mar- tyrs; as Hampden and Warren, who fell in defense of freedom, 38 590 HISTOBY OF LAPOBTE COUNTY. were martyrs, so those who sleep under this (^reen tnrf, who marched boldly and firmly in ' the new crusade forfreedom in free- dom's holy land,' are returned only as crowned martyrs. But throuo-h their heroic deeds of valor and martyr death, the grand march of civilization and freedom, and the unity and brotherhood of men, received a new impetus and moved forward with a might- ier stride than ever before. It must be so. The blood of martyrs is the seed whence springs the fruitage of eternal truth, bearing to mankind treasures richer than the mines of Golconda ever yielded, perfumes sweeter than were ever wafted from the shores of ' Araby the blest.' "The men or nations that throw themselves athwart the pro- gress of humanit}' will be swept aside; for light is better than dark- ness, and truth is stronger than error. The very men whoso obsti- nately set themselves in array against advancing light will yet wor- ship the cause they opposed, and reverently honor the noble ones whom they slew. " For humanity STreeps onward ; where to-day the martyr stands, On the morrow crouches Judas with the silver in his hands; While the hooting mob of yesterday in silent awe return To glean up the scattered ashes into history's golden urn. "It has been said of those who felh fighting in a just and holy cause, that the consciousness of right doing was impressed on their dead features, crowning them as the demi-gods of Liberty. And that consciousness was written on the faces of our dead; and when the shot that put out the young life left the brave boy still a little space for words and messages to loved ones, no regrets were ever expressed. ' Tell my mother I am not sorry I came,' were the words oftenest heard. It was to them a field of honor, unsurpassed in all the ages. La Tour d'Auvergne was called the first grenadier of France, and when he fell in the service of his country, his name was not stricken from the roll of his regiment. His honored name was called as though he still occupied his place in the ranks, when the oldest soldier would step one pace to the front, and amidst a deep htish of reverence would respond: 'Dead on the field of honor.' And when loving hearts shall call a muster roll of sleepers here, the response will be, ' Dead on the field of honor.' Edward Farnes- worth, — 'Dead on the field of honor.' Daniel Beach, — 'Dead on the field of honor.' John W. Andrew, — ' Dead on the field of honor.' Gilbert Hathaway, — ' Dead on the field of honor.' " And all these others who passed through dangers and hard- ships, and returned only to die by insidious disease, they rest here in honored graves. And she, who consecrated her life to the cause, who gave days of toil and nights of weariness to sick and wounded soldiers, 'peaceful be her silent slumbers;' and when the pearly gates are opened, and she stands before the Great White Throne, the voices of the angels will say, ' Crown her, crown her, faithful, noble Mary Robinson.' " HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 591 This speech certainly has touches of the rap test feeling and the grandest eloquence, and will find a response in everj heart of patriotism, — in the bosom of every one, on the altar of whose con- sciousness there burn the fires of a country-love, and which will heave at the memory of the treasures, the blood, and the dead, which the institutions of our country have cost to secure, to main- tain, and to preserve. We can fasten in the niches of this history, and thus preserve in the county's literature, but one more specimen. This is taken from a volume of poems written and recently published by Mr. Benjamin F. Taylor, a former resident of this county, but now of Syracuse, New York, entitled, " Old-Time Pictures and Sheaves of Time." MR. BENJAMIN F. TAYLOR. Though many years have elapsed since he was a resident, yet, since he was a former citizen and has married into one of its families, it may be said of Mr. Taylor, at least, that he is related to the county, and a claim is laid upon the honor of his work. Mr. Taylor is now on the rostrum, in the lecture field, and it is said that he succeeds well. For manj' years, about 16, he was the editor of the Chicago Evening Journal, and gave that journal tone and standing. In the meantime he has written a number of excellent volumes; among these are "Songs of Yesterday," "The World on Wheels," and "Between the Gates." Following is his poem from his recent work, "Old-Time Pictures and Sheaves of Time".: THE ISLE OF THE LONG AGO. Oh, a wonderful stream is the River of Time, A.S it flows through the realm of tears, With a faultless rhythm and a musical rhyme And a broader sweep and surge sublime As it blends with the ocean of years. How the winters are driftmg like flakes of snow, And the summers like buds between ; And tiie year in the sheaf — so they come and they go On the river's breast with its ebb and flow, As they glide in the shadow and sheen. There's a magical Isle up the River of Time Where the softest of airs ai'e playing ; There's a cloudless sky and a tropical clime, And a voice as sweet as a vesper chime, And the Junes with the roses are staying. And the name of the Isle is the Long Ago, And we bury our treasures there ; There are brows of beauty and bosoms of snow — They are heaps of dust, but we love them so, Thei'e are trinkets and tresses of hair. 592 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. There are fragments of song that nobody sings, And a part of an infant's prayer, There's a harp unswept and a lute without strings. There are broken vows and pieces of rings, And the garments that she used to wear. There are hands that are waved when the fairy shore By the mirage is lifted in air; And we sometimes hear through the turbulent roar Sweet voices we heard in the days gone before When the wind down the river is fair. Oh, remembered for aye be the blessed Isle All theday of our life till night; And when evening comes with its beautiful smile, And our eyes are closing in slumber awhile, May that " Greenwood " of soul be in sight. CHAPTER XVI. THE RESOURCES OF THE COUNTY. THE NATURAL RESOURCES. As we have noticed elsewhere, the chief source of natural wealth is to be found in the soil of the county. This is very rich, taking it as a body, and is capable of sustaining a very large population. The parts which are now almost considered as waste lands, espe- cially the wet and marshy lands of the Kankakee river, are yet destined to be fertile fields, producing vast crops of grain, and materially adding to the resources of the country. If the lands of La Porte received such culture as the agricultural lands of the old world receive, there would be an audible expression among those, even, who have the greatest appreciation of the richness of her soil. The agricultural productions of the county must always com- mand a good price, the reason for which will be noticed further along; and hence there will be inducements to call out the very highest improvement of which it is capable, and with each addi- tional improvement will come the reward which it insures, and which paves the way for higher and still higher improvement, until it shall become a real garden of Eden. While the soil must in the nature of the case furnish the chief source of natural wealth, yet there are other sources which will add greatly to it. Among these may be mentioned its timber supply. The timber has a vigorous growth in its soil, and vast quantities of it may be produced in a natural way, with a very little care on the part of the owners of the soil. It is said that vast quantities of timber have been wasted in some parts of the county, in the years which are past, while the farms have been making. In tliose times it could not be helped, perhaps, but a wise cafe of theseprod- ucts will add to the general wealth in the future. The county has a few miles of coast along Lake Michigan. While the lake may not be said to be a source of wealth of itself directly, yet it can be, and is, used so as to be a means of great advantage to the county. It is made to carry a large portion of the commerce of the country, and as a very excellent harbor can be, and is being, made at Michigan City, this great thoroughfare of commerce will no doubt in the future pour a stream of the " ore that glitters" into the coffers of its citizens, and will therefore add largely to the wealth of its people. (503) 594 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY'. THE EARLY ESTABLISHMENT OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISES BY THE PEOPLE. It does not matter what the natural sources of wealth are) these amount to but very little) unless they are complemented by an in- tellio-ent and enterprising people. Intelligence and enterprise can convert barren wastes into fertile fields, and make sterile lands laugh with fatness. And, on the other hand, the most favorable natural opportunities may fail to produce the " golden fruit," sim- ply because there is a failure to see the opportunities themselves, or a lack of enterprise to improve them. In these respects, the peo- ple of La Porte have been reasonably sagacious and enterprising as the following will testify : The pioneer saw-mill, as far as we have been able to ascertain, was one built in the year 1S30, by Captain Andrew, near the present city of La Porte. It was at this mill that the slabs out of which the house of George Thomas was built, one of the first two houses built on the present site of the city of La Porte, were sawed. Again, in 1832, another saw-mill was erected in Springfield town- ship, on section 31, hy Charles Yail. In the year 1833 Jacob Bryant built a saw-mill in the village of Holmesville in New Durham township, and it is believed that tlie site has continued as such until the present. In this year another mill was erected in Springfield township, on section 1, by Erastus Quivey. In the later years it has been known as Poss' mill. In this year there were three mills erected in Cool Spring town- ship; one built by General Joseph Orr, and another by Arba Heald, and still another by Walker & Johnson, at Waterford. Passing over into Union township, we find that two grist-mills were erected this year; one by John Winchell, and the other by John and Henry Yail. These were small afli'airs, built of logs, but they served their purpose. In the year 1834 a very fine grist-mill was built on Trail Creek, about a mile and a half from Michigan City. This became quite a noted mill, patrons coming to it from Chicago, Joliet, and even Galena, Illinois. Such a demand liad this mill for its prod- ucts that the proprietor could buy his wheat for 75 cents per bushel, and even less, and sell his fiour for $10.00 per barrel. In this year, Joseph C. Orr built a tannery at Michigan City where the leather was made which furnished the stock out of which the " stoga " shoes of the settlers were made. In the year 1834 there were two more mills l)uilt in Springfield township. These were grist-mills erected, the one by Joseph Pagin and the other by David Pagin, about a mile and a half apart on the same stream. At the same time a store was started in Springville by Gilbert Rose, and a blacksmith shop by Abner Rose. During this year also John Talbot and Whitman Goit built a saw- mill in the northeast part of Galena township, which was the first in the township. HISTOKY OF LA POETE COUNTV. 5*J5 Another saw-inill was built in Cool Sprini^ township this year by- John Beatty and Purely Smith. It was built in the southwest part of the township. Also Garret Bias built a steam saw- mill at Hud- son, in Hudson township. The first sawmill in Pleasant township was built on the Little Kankakee river by Mr. Whitraer, in the year 1835. Two more mills were built in Springfield township during 1835; one by Jacob Early on section 28, and the ether by Charles Yail. And Aaron Conklin also built a tannery at Springville, which was a very important improvement for many years. And George W. Barnes built a saw-mill in the southwest part of Galena township; Mathew Mayes had a blacksmith shop at Mayes' Corners; near which also Sliubal Smith had a wagon shop. And also during the year, a. man whose name was Purcell, put up a wooden-bowl turn- ing lathe on Mud Creek. This was afterward turned into a split- bottom chair and spinning-wheel factory. The village of Hudson during this year developed quite a good deal of business activity. Stages were coming and going at almost all hours, and its streets were filled with tradesmen, who had come to dispose of their prod- uce and to buy such necessities as they might need. It seemed to be taking rapid steps to the front in commercial prosperity. In the year 1836, Asaph Webster built asaw-mill in Scipio town- ship, in tiie southwest part on Mill creek. Aaron Stanton built a flouring mill in Cool Spring township on a branch of Trail creek called Spring creek. In this year, as well as the year before, a man by the name of Cobb carried on blacksmithing in Door Village, as did also Mr. Branson a shoemaking establishment. Kathan John- son built another saw-mill in Cool Spring township during the year. During the years 1834, 1835, and 1836 the cities of La Porte and Michigan City sprang up into thriving places, and their busi- ness enterprises were very successful. Tradesmen and mechanics of all kinds found ready and protitable employment. In 183Y the Bigelow mills were completed, having been under way for some time before. They were built by Abijah Bigelow. At the same time, Arnold Sapp ran a cabinet and jobbing shop, and a man, a Frenchman, known as " Bushee," ran a blacksmith shop. The mill which was built in Union township, by Henry and John Vail, in 1833, was a log structure, and was torn down and replaced with a frame in 1837, at which time a fulling mill and a distillery were added. In 1838 a carding machine was also added, but these three additions have long since disappeared, and nothing but the mill now remains. In this year the village of Hudson could boast of four large, well-stocked stores, a tailoring establish- ment by Robert Staufield, a blacksmith shop by Alexander Cassi- day, a pottery by Samuel Rowe, etc. in 1838, the grist mill at Union Mills was completed by Dr. Sylvan us Everts; and numerous other improvements of impor- tance were pushed to completion. However, the country was in the commercial prostration which occurred in the years 1837 and 596 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 1838. This affected this coiintj as well as the other portions of the conutry. The first newspaper enterprise of the county was origi- nated in the year 1835. It was the Michigan City Oazette. It was at first of Democratic proclivities, but soon changed to decided Whig principles. It was not, however, until 1838 that La Porte could boast of this means of disseminating the news of the countr3^ In this year it was that the L^i Porte County Wldg and Porter^ Lake and Marshall Counties Advertiser, first made its appearance. At about the same time the La Porte Herald also was established by Joseph Lomax, and was edited by Wilber F. Storey. During the exciting times of the political campaign of 1S40, these papers fur- nished their readers with the political news, and much that was not political news, often degenerating into tlie severest personalities. It is impracticable to, trace the early establishment of business enterprises in the county further, specifying them by name and giving the date of their establishment. Suflice it to say, that from these early times until the present, business enterprises have kept pace with the demands of the country, and that now there are very heavy firms, and individual operators, that are carrying on busi- ness enterprises in almost every line of commercial and mechanical employment. These enterprises, together with the agriculture and other rural interests, are combining to accumulate vast resources of wealth for the citizens of the county. THE RAILROADS OF THE COUNTY. The inception of railroad enterprises in the county was in the year 1839, when the Buffalo & Mississippi railroad was projected. The hope of the people was raised to a very high pitch over this enterprise. Petitions were circulated over the county for the sig- natures of the citizens, petitioning the Board of County Commis- sioners to take stock to the amount of $100,000 in the road. The Board, in compliance with these petitions, subscribed for that amount of stock. But the enterprise was finally abandoned, and only here and there a wasted embankment or an unsightly cut remain to tell of the deal of work which was done upon it, and of the blasted hopes of the people. The first successful railroad enterprise was that of the Michigan Central, which was completed to Michigan City in the year 1850. This has been one of the successful roads, and has 10 miles of track in the county. In 1852 the county was penetrated by another railroad, the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, which was then called the Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana. This lias become one of the grand^ trunk lines from the West to the East, and is one of the best of Western roads. It was not completed through the county until the year 1863. It has 25 miles of road in the county. Almost simultaneous with the completion of this road through the county, was the building of the Louisville, New Albany & HISTORY OF LA PuRTE COrNTY. 597 Chicago railroad, running north and south through the county. This connected with tlie Michigan Central at Michigan City, and intersected the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern road at what was then called Salem Crossing, but now knoM'n as Otis. This is the longest road in the county, having 31 miles of track. The next road of successful projection was what was then called the Cincinnati, Louisville & Chicago railroad, which was com- pleted from La Porte to Plymouth in the year 1866. It was not until the year 1871, liowever, that this road was completed to Michigan City, and all of its connections secured. At this time it changed its name and took that of its present one, that of the Indianapolis, Peru & Chicago. It has 21 miles of track in the county. Closely following the completion of the last named road from La Porte to Plymouth in 1856, another of those grand trunk lines from east to west, was built through the county, the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago road, — that is to say, in the year 1867. This has one of the tinest road-beds and the best equipments of any of the roads of the country. It has 14 miles of track in the county. In the year 1860, the Chicago & Great Eastern road was built through the southern part of the county, and intersected the Pitts- burg & Fort Wayne road at Valparaiso. However, in the year 1868, the company tore up its track from Valparaiso to section 15, township 33 north, range 4 west, and built the road upon its present line, entering Chicago on its own track. La Crosse is the only station which it has in the county. When it changed its line, it also changed its name to that of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis. It has S miles of track in the county. The next road constructed through the county was that of the Chicago & Lake LIuron road, — it has been sometimes called the Peninsular road, — which was built in the vear 1873, The eastern terminus of this road was Port Huron, and the western was Valpa- raiso. It never succeeded in building up a very great deal of busi- ness until recently. In 1879 it passed into the hands of the Grand Trunk company, of Canada, which has since extended its line to Chicago; and the whole of this route has taken the name of the Chicago Grand Trunk. This will undoubtedly, in the course of time, make one of the first-class roads of the country. It has 28 miles of track in the countv. The last road built in the county was that of the Baltimore & Ohio. This was completed in the year 1871. This road takes an unvarying line through the county, — entering the county in section 21, township 35, range 1, and passing out in section 6, township 35 , range 4. It has 22 miles of track within the county. It is another of the trunk lines to the East. These roads are all now in complete running order, and are doing an excellent business. The whole line of road in the county is 159 miles; there are but few counties of its size that can boast a greater mileage of railroad, excepting those in which are great railroad 598 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. centers. And these roads pass through the county so as to give it every advantage. Two of them pass to the north ; two of them are main lines to the south, and the remainder are trunk lines from Chicago to the cities of the East. These roads are sources of wealth which can hardly be over-estimated, "We have already stated in this chapter that the agricultural productions of the count}^ must always command a good price, and promised to assign the reason. It is needless to say anything further than to call the attention to its situation as touching the great West and tlie great East. Chicago is, and must remain to be, the great mart of the West. Here are gathered all the vast productions of the West, and from here must be dispensed all its supplies. These productions will continue to find their market in the East, and these supplies will also continue to come from the same source from which they have in the past years. Now this county lies across the pathway from this store- house of the West to its overflow markets of the East, and must necessarily possess all the advantages which so abundant means of transportation can give. In other words, the county is in the line of the commerce of the nation. It must have the advantage which this situation can give; and it is of no mean consideration. With the resources now pointed out, and the many others which have not been enumerated by name, — the enterprise of its inhab- itants, the natural fertility and richness of the soil, its admirable location for commerce both b}^ rail and by water, its unsurpassed situation for manufactures, being on the great liighways of the con- tinent, etc., — it must be that wealth, prosperity and success await those of its citizens who labor for them. CHAPTER XVII. RELIGIOUS INFLUENCES. THE RELIGIOUS ENDOWMENT AND ITS POWER. It makes no difference what the sentiment of a man may be as to the trnthfuhiess of Christianity, or of its ultimate power to ameliorate tlie condition of, and to bless men, it is true beyond contradiction that men have an endowment that easterly lays hold of the ver}^ things which are presented to them in its gospel, and that tliis endowment has a very great deal to do with the history of the race, — that it is one of the potential powers which drive the great machinery of society. Men will have a religion of some kind, and so tenacions are they for it that they will die for it. If it is not a religion which breathes " Glory to God on high, and peace on earth, good will to men," it will be a religion of selfishness, — the worship of ambition which brings glory to self, or the worship of gold whicli brings gratification to self, or some other God of equal selfish propensity. The history of no people can ever be fully written with the religious element left out. It permeates and ramifies every ele- ment of the social fabric, setting in motion this and that element of activity, producing this and that end, and determining this and that condition of humanity. It has given the world the speechless mummies of Egypt, tlie dumb yet eloquent-tongued pyramids, the elegantly-carved monoliths, the hieroglyphic-covered cata- combs, the golden-ornamented temples, the heavenward-pointing- spired churches, the most elevated and attuned aspirations, the grandest poesy, the sweetest songs, the loftiest eloquence, and the broadest philantlirop_y. A power like this must have something to do in the history-making of any people. Of all the religions of the earth there are none which have the power to stir the nobler aspirations, and to kindle a brighter flame of philanthrophy, thati that of Christianity. It is the purest in its principles, the loftiest in its purposes, and the farthest reaching in its endeavors to bless men. It lifts the besotted from the gutter and fills him with a spirit of noble manhood; it conquers tlie untamed spirit of diabolism and produces the spirit of celes- tial blessedness in its stead; the degradation and wretchedness of barbarism, tlirough its transforming power, is caused to transmute into the elevation and blessing of a nobler civilization ; and the harsh and squeaky tones of savage song are transformed into the sublime rhapsodies of "The Messiah." (599) t> 600 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. La Porte county has uot been an entire stranger to the influence of this powerful agency. She has had her ministers almost from the first who have labored assiduously to bring the people under its benign inliuence, and thus to lead them into greater and still greater blessing. Among the lirst who came to the new county, if not the very first, to proclaim the gospel was E-ev. James Arm- strong, a Methodist minister who came with the soldiers who were enlisted for the Black Hawk war, in 1832. He was a man greatly beloved by his people, and died near the close of the year 1S33, deeply lamented by all wlio knew him. If not simultaneous with the advent of Mr. Armstrong, then very shortly after it. Elder Samuel Holmes, a Christian preacher, reached the county; and he was shortly after joined by his brother in the faith, Dr. David St. Clair; and these, together with Jeremiah Sherwood, a Methodist min- ister, preached in the cabins of the settlers wherever they could get a number of them together. It was in the 3'ear 1S32, also, that James Crawford, a Presbyterian preacher, pastor of the Presbyte- rian Church at Crawfordsville,preached in the county and organized a Church that finally became the Church of La Porte. This is the ministerial force, as far as we have been able to ascertain, which the county had in 1832. In 1833 it was strengthened by the addition of Mr. Boyd Phelps, another Methodist minister, who had for an assistant Thomas P. McCool. In 1834 there was quite a large number of additions to the min- istry of the county. Among this number may be mentioned the following, who either became permanent residents or held meetings in the county: A Baptist church was organized on Stillwell Prairie this year, wdiich was the result of the labor of Phineas Colver, which he had performed the year before. Elder Silas Tucker, also a Baptist, was in the county and taught school in Springfield town- ship. John Martindale, Corbly Martin, Reuben Wilson, Basil Bowell and Lewis Comer, all of the Christian Church,either became identified with the county as resident preachers, or held meetings in it. Stephen R. Ball and Gilbert Rose became identified with the Methodist ministry. Rev. John Morrill supplied the Presby- terian church which was organized last year with their preaching and pastoral labor. These bore the standard of the cross, and it may be the standards of their respective denominations at times, before the people of the county, and laid the initial foundations for that standing which the cause of " the lowly Nazarene " has maintained among the citizens of the county from that day until the present. The additions to the ministry were not so great in the year 1835 as they were in the year before. The Methodists had Stephen C. Meek on the circuit in the regular work, with Elijah Barnes as a supply; and, also received as a local preacher Stephen Jones, who settled in Clinton township. The Presbyterians had the labors of William K. Talbot for about six months. Of those whom we have men- tioned liefore there still remained in the county, either as resident HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNT i'. 601 or visiting ministers laboring in "word and doctrine," the follow- ine: as well as we have been able to determine: "Among the Methodists, Jeremiah Sherwood and Gilbert Rose. Among the Presb3'terians was John Morrill. The Baptists were represented still by Silas Tucker; and the Christians by Samuel Holmes, David St. Clair, John Martindale, Basil Bowell and Lewis Comer.- This corps of " heralds of the cross " was largely increased in the following year, 1836. Among the Methodist ministers arriving this year and adding strength to their effective force were Elijah Barnes, George M. Boyd and Harvey Yan Order. The Christians had either effective heip from, or received as permanent residents, John Sergeant, Peter T. Russell and Caleb B. Davis, the latter set- tling in Galena township, where he continued to reside for many years. What are generally known as the Missionary Baptists were further strengthened by the coming of the Rev. T. Spaulding this year; and what are usually known as the Old School Regular Bap- tists, during this year established themselves by organ-izing a Church in ISToble township. This was accomplished by Eld. A. Neal, of Porter county. This organization contained the following additional names of those who were either preachers now, or who became such shortly afterward, viz., E. S. Harding and Avery A. Cole. Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church at Michigan City was also organized this year with Rev. D. Y.M. Johnson as Rector. The voices of all these earnest men were heard, and that, too, not in vain, pleading for right, righteousness and religion. All of those mentioned above were a part of the effective working force for the next year. To them were added, dui-ing the year 1837, among others, the following: Jacob P. Andrew, Christian minister; Alexander Hastings, a Baptist; W. K. Marshall, a Presbyterian; J. Orne, a United Brethren; and William Todd and Boyd Phelps, Methodists. In the year 1838 the following additional ministers labored, together with many of those who have been already mentioned, in holding up the standard of the cross: Aaron Wood was the Presid- incf Elder of the ALethodist Church. Richard Haro^rave came on the circuit, with John B. Jenkins as assistant. Joel Crumpacker was also added to the list of Methodist workers. A rather noteworthy item in the history of the Baptist Church was the advent into their midst of Benjamin Sawin during this year. Elder Sawin won the affections of his people, who, together with many friends, were often wont to affectionately call him " Good Father Sawin." During this year the working force of the Christian Church was increased by Elder CorreU. The year 1839 witnessed another influx of new preachers. Among many others we mention the following: The Congregationalists were strengthened by the coming of James Towner; and likewise, the Baptists by the arrival of Charles Harding, Samuel W. Ford, and Augustus Bolles. William Andrew, better known afterward 602 HISTORY OF LA POBTE COTJKTY. perhaps as Judge Andrew, gave increased strength to the Christian ministry. And the Methodists receiyed into their midst as fellow- workers George W. Baker, Zechariah Games and Charles Harding. The last ^^ear which we shall trace by giving the names of the ministers who settled in the county about that time will be the year 1840. Tills year the Congregationalists received the labors of Ehiathan Davis; and the Methodists those of Austin Fuller, Orange V. Lemon and William T. Wheeler. In the foregoing we have given only those whose affiliation we could determine. This list has been secured from those whose memories have been sufficiently retentive as to give with probable accuracy the ministry of the years as they are here given, and then it has been compared with the marriage record, which contains, in connection with the marriages of the county, the name of the officiating minister. This furnished a clue for the correction of any inaccuracy in the memories of those from whom the information was gleaned; and though we may have made some mistakes as to the exact time when each of these ministers appeared in the county, yet we are sure that they were in the county at the time which we have assigned them. Besides those whom we have mentioned above, the marriage record discloses the followino- names whose denominational connection we were unable to determine: In 1836 A. M. G. Couistock, Daniel Tvlclntosh, W. Southwood, Alpheus Sweet. In 1837, James S. Harrison, Nathan Porter, Francis Standiford and E. G. Townsend. In 1839, Alfred Briant, Abner Dwelie, Alexander JNickerson and Elder Nathaniel Pullman. In 1840, Isaac N. Langhead. It may be possible that some of this latter list came only to officiate at the marriage altar, but they are here given to complete the list of those who performed the duties of the minister of the gospel in the county, and this is one of their duties as prescribed by the law. Now, of those who have already been named, the following con- stituted the ministry of 1840: Samuel Holmes, John Martindale, Basil Bowell. Lewis Comer, David St. Clair, Caleb B. Davis, Jacob P. Andrew, Elder Correll and William Andrew, of the Christian Church; Silas Tucker, E. S. Harding, Alexander Hastings, Benja- min Sawin, Augustus Bolles and Samuel W. Ford, of the Baptist Church; D. V. M. Johnson and Solon W. Manney, of the Protes- tant Episcopal Church; William K. Marshall and, probably-, James Towner, who preached for what was at this time the Presbyterian, but before and afterward the Congregational, Church of Michigan City, of the Presbyterian Church; A. Wood, Joel Crumpacker, Richard Hargrave, George W. Baker, Zechariah Games, Charles Harding, Austin Fuller, Orange Y. Lemon and William T. Wheeler, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. There was also at this time a Catholic Church organized in the county, St. Peter's Church, of La Porte. We have now before us the representative men of the Churches up to the year 1840; and to these must be attributed whatever of HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 603 advancement " the Cause of Christ" had made, in connection with those faithful men and women who stood by them as they repeated the apostolic call to " glory and virtue." For the line of work in which the Churches have engaged, and for what they have accomplished, and their present status, the reader is referred to the history of the townships and cities as they are given in their separate capacity in another department of this volume, where he will find these matters more fully set forth. Follow the line of work which the Church has performed through the years since it was established in the county, combine all of its agencies together into one, see what it has actually accomplished on the one hand, and what it has prevented on the other, and then say if there is any other single agency which is its equal in ameli- orating the condition of men. There is that about it which takes hold of the nobler parts of men and develops them into that which goes to make up the highest manhood. The leavening power of this heavenly agency has been felt all the way down through tlie years from the time when the voices of James Armstrong, Samuel Holmes, James Crawford and Phineas Colver were I'aised to plead the claims of the "Nazarene," whose character Renan, the renowned French writer, says, " has never been equaled, and will never be excelled," has been felt in its redeeming, saving and molding power. The Churches of to-day are still being felt in the same efficacious way, and will continue to do so, and ought to. The Church is a force which has much to do in giving direction to the attainments of any people, as well as the actual making of their history. TOWNSHIP HISTORIES. CASS TOWNSHIP. The territory embraced in the townships of Cass, Ilanna and Dewej, were originally a part of Starke county; but the inhabi- tants living north of the Kankakee were put to great inconvenience in reaching their county seat. To remedy this difficultj^ an appeal was made to the State Legislature, and that body passed an act Jan. 26, 1842, that all the land included in Starke county, lying north of the Kankakee, be attached to La Porte county. As thus organized, the township included all the present township of Dewey, and the lim- its of Yan Buren were reduced to that portion lying east of the des- ignated line between ranges 3 and 4. This part of Van Buren contained very few inhabitants, not enough to make it advisable to hold elections, and they made an application to the Board of Com- missioners to be attached to and made a part of Noble township. When the question of a name for the new township arose, those of the Whig faith desired the name Harrison, while the Democrats preferred the name of Cass. They decided to draw lots, and Walter Livingston and John Wills were selected. Wills, who was the Dem- ocrat, won, and the township was given the name of Cass. The first settlement made in this township was by Peter Woodin, in the year 1837. He was immediately followed by Abraham Eahart, then by Dr. J. F. Tilden, Alex. Campbell, Augustus Vail (dec), John Wills, and others. In 1850 Hon. Edward Evans arrived. He was for several years a member of the Indiana Legislature. The population has constantly increased since his arrival. The majority of the inhabitants of this township are Germans. The leading farmers of this township are Dr. J. F. Tilden, Alex. Campbell. A. J. Shurte, John H. Cannon, Jffim— ^mith, Robt. Gillham, Henry Bowman and C. Snyder. The land of this township, though origi- nally a marsh, is of an excellent quality. Some portions of the Kankakee marsh lands reach up into the interior of the township, and these arms of prairie are intermingled with sandy " plains;" but the marsh is splendid grass land, and is becoming every year more susceptible of cultivation. The most successful grain crop is corn, although wheat and oats do well. It may be remarked that Cass township is likely to become one of the leading agricultural dis- tricts of the county. The people are mostly enterprising and indus- trious, and a bright future for the township is anticipated. There were three villages in this township, Callas or Morgan, Haselle and Wanatah. The first two have long since returned to their former state of desolation. Wanatah was laid out bv T. A. (604) M^yf/'M Oty %|^^^ HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 607 E. Campbell, Rivel Starr and Joseph and Wm. Nurwgli. The plats were made by T. C. Sweeney. It is situated at the Junction of the P., Ft. W. & C. and P., C. & St. L. railroads. Its growth com- menced a few months prior to the time when the first-named rail- road was completed, which was in 185Y. The business of the place consists of a hotel, one flouring-mill, seven dry-goods and grocery- stores, one drug and grocery store, one boot and shoe shop, four blacksmith and wagon shops, one millinery store, one harness shop, one furniture and undertaker establishment, one lumber yard, two hay-presses on which were pressed in 18Y4, 800 tons of hay, one agricultural and agricultural implement store, one grain elevator, one butcher shop, one produce shipper and grain dealer, three physicians, one of whom is a lady, one plasterer, one real estate and insurance agent, three telegraph operators and two railroad stations. The first general store in this place was opened by Joseph !Nurwgh, who moved there from Rozelle (a small village one mile south of Wanatah), when the P., Ft. W. & C. railroad was com- pleted. Nurwgh also run a hotel there for some time. He sold out to Mitzer & Conitz, who still keep the store, and removed to Chicago. Nurwgh also built a flouring mill at "Wanatah about 1867. It was built for a warehouse, but he concluded afterward to make of it a mill. It has since been purchased by E. L. Kiel, who is still the proprietor. The first dwelling in Wanatah was built by a Mr. Hyde. The first good hotel was built by Frank McCurdy in 1865. In 1874 he sold it to Robt. Whitlock, and Jan. 9, 1875, it was burned. It was immediately rebuilt by Whitlock, and was opened July 22, 1875, nnder the name of the " Wanatah House." The first physician in the village was Nelson Ward. His wife has since studied medicine at Ann Arbor, Mich., and now practices with him. In the township outside of Wanatah are two churches and sev- eral school-liouses, showing a good amount of interest manifested in the matter of education. PERSONAL SKETCHES. In order to detail more fully the history of the town and town- ship, we will speak personally of the leading and representative citizens: Henry Bowman^ a very prominent (German) man in literature, was born October 2, 1819, in Germany. He came to this country in 1848 and first settled near Otis, this county, and in 1854 went to Porter county, and in 1866 came to Cass township, this county. He was married October 16, 1852, to Marian Colby, and they have had 3 children; viz., Henry I., Marietta (now Mrs. Soman) and Ida M. Mr, Bowman was a soldier in the U. S. Army in 1866, 39 608 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. and had been also in the German war. He owns 230 acres of land on sec. 2. James 0. Burner^ dealer in drugs, medicines and agricultural implements, Wanatah, Ind. Mr. Burner is a native of this county, and was born June 23, 1843. He was educated at the Methodist College in Porter county, this State. In 1867 he began the study of medicine, which he pursued with diligence two years; at the end of this period he purchased an interest in a drug store in "VVest- ville, this county, and in 1872 he came to Wanatah, his present place of business. In 1868 he was united in matrimony with Miss Caroline Jessup, who died December 18, 1874; in 1875 Mr. Burner was again married, this time to Miss Clara B. Tatman. Mr. Burner is an intelligent, enterprising business man, a worthy citizen and a gentleman of wide acquaintance. His portrait is given in this volume. Alexander B. Campbell, farmer and Justiceof the Peace; P.O., Wanatah. Mr. Campbell was one of the earliest settlers in Cass tp. ; was born in Pickaway county, Ohio, July 18, 1811; was reared to manhood on a farm in his native county. In 1837 he went to Michigan, where he staid till 1839, whei\ he came to this county, first settling in what is now known as Clinton tp,, then a part of Starke county; he lived there till 1850, when he came to Cass tp., where he has since resided. Mr. Campbell aided in or- ganizing the township and subdividing it into districts in 1843. He was married in Michigan in 1830 to Anna Anderson, who died in 1836, and in the latter part of 1837 he married Susan Wolf, by whom he has had 7 children. Six are living, viz. : Wm. 11., Margaret E. (now Mrs. Collins), Mary (now Mrs. Nelson), Catharine (now Mrs. Knapp), Susanna M. (now Mrs. Stevens), and Alexander B. (Jr.). Mr. Campbell served as Township Supervisor for five years and Justice of the Peace 13 years. Mr. Campbell owns a farm ot 145 acres on sec. 11. John 11. Cannon, farmer, sec. 14; P. O., Wanatah; was born March 16, 1838, in Porter county, this State; was taken to Ohio by his parents, James and Pollie Cannon, in 1842, and in 1845 back to this county, where he grew to manhood. He was married January 19, 1865, to Maria Redinbaugh. To them were born 6 children, viz.: Emma A., Charles A., Mary E., Cary A., William H. and Edith. Mr. C. owns a farm of 214 acres. Julius Conitz, of the firm of Conitz & Richman, dealers in hard- ware and all sorts of agricultural implements, Wanatah. He is a native of Germany, where he was born in 1843; he came to this country in 1865, and first settled at Wanatah. In the year 1866 he went to Chicago, where he engaged in clerking in a grocery till 1868, when he went to California; there he remained till the sum- mer of 1869, when he returned to Chicago and opened a grocery. He continued in this business until 1871, when he came to Wanatah and opened a hardware store. Mr. C. was married in 1872 to Mary Richman. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 609 Robert Gillham, {sirmer, sea. 10; P. O., Wanatah. Mr. Gillham is a native of Carroll Co., O.; was born Dec. 31, 1822. His parents, Ezekiel and Isabella Gillham, were natives of old Virginia. Robert came to Switzerland Co., Ind., in 1836, when he was only 14 years old ; there he remained till 1844, when he came to this connty, where he has since resided. He was married in 1849 to Elizabeth Griswold, by whom he liad 6 children, 4 of whom are now living, viz.: Angelo, William F.. Mary C. and Oscar H. Mr. G. had one son, George, who was a soldier in the late war, and died in the Knoxville, Tenn., hospital. Mr. Gillham owns a farm of 160 acres, in Cass township. Wm. Kimball was born October 1, 1S35, in Erie Co., Pennsyl- vania. He is a son of Moodv and Matilda Kimball. The former was a native of Mass., and the latter of N. Y. He was brought by them to this county in 1837, when only two years old. He received a common-school education, and after he reached the years of maturity he worked as a section hand on the P., Ft. W. & C. rail- road; afterward was foreman, and sometime after that again he reached the position of " condnctor " on a passenger train on the G. R. & I. R. R. He was in that business for six years. He was also conductor on the switch-engine in Chicago on the same rail- road for two years. Mr. Kimball was married April 9, 1856, to Louisa J. Eahart, by whom he has had 3 children, 2 of whom are living, viz.: Mary E. and Flora B. Mr. K. owns 86 acres of land on sec. 12, Cass township. John N. McGurdy^ grain dealer, Wanatah, Ind. Mr. McCurdy is a native of this county; was born April 7, 1843. His parents, John and Rhoda McCurdy, were natives of Ohio. He was reared principally in Porter Co., this State. Feb. 20, 1862, he enlisted in the army in Co. B, 63d ^^g. Ind. Inf , and was discharged Oct. 27, the same year, on account of disability. He re-enlisted Dec, 1863, in the l2th Ind. Cav., Co. M, 127th Reg. He served in that capacity till about the close of the'war, when he returned home and engaged in the wholesale and retail business with his brothers; he continued in that business till his brother's death, which occurred in Oct., 1876, when his brother's son entered in partnership with him. Mr. McC. was married Feb. 17, 1865, to Hannah J. Lamoreaux, who died Jan. 22, 1873; and he was again married July 2, 1878, to Blanche C. Farmington, by whom he had one child, Frank. A. J. Shurte. farmer, sec. 2; P. O., Wanatah; is a native of Butler county, Ohio, where he was born April 14, 1838, a son of Samnel and Jenette Shurte. His father was a native of Ohio; his motlier of Scotland. She came to this country in 1813. The sub- ject of this sketch was brought to this county by his parents in 1844; here, 'mid the wilds of Indiana, he was reared from boyhood to mature age. His educational advantages were limited. He attended school held in a rude log house, furnished with slab benches, and had the fire-place at one side of the room ; the house had two windows, one at each end of the building; the remains of 610 HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUISITY. this old structure are yet standiug on sec. 2, where it was built. Mr. Sliurte was married April 7, 1868, to Miss Charlotte Talbert, by whom he has had 4 children, viz.: Roxy J.. Robert, Leora and Benefa. Mr. S. owns a farm of 150 acres. William Smith, farmer, sec. 25; P. O., Hanna Station. Mr. Smith, one of the earl}^ settlers of Cass tp., is a* native of Pennsyl- vania, where he was born March 2, 1824. His father, Peter Smith, died when William was but two years old; and when he was 12 years of age he and his mother went to Michigan. In 1842 he went to Iowa, and in 1843 returned to Michigan and soon after was married to Phebe Hart, of New Jersey. To them were born 5 children, of whom 4 are living, viz.: Cliarles M., John, Elmira (now Mrs. Curran), Mary J. (now Mrs. Cannon), and Sydney H., who was drowned in the Kankakee river, March 28, 1873. June 13, 1850, Mrs. Smith died, and September 2, the same year, Mr. Smith was again married, to Eliza (Chrisman) Gettis, by whom he has had 10 children; 6 of these are living, viz.: William, Rosetta, George, Eliza, Loda, Cyrus and Bertie. Mr. Smith jjad one brother who was a veteran in the Union army. Her grandfather, Thos. Chrisman, fought in the Revolutionary war. Her father is yet living at the advanced age of 73. Mr. Smith's grandfather (Sliults) was Captain in the Revolutionary war. In 1846 Mr. Smith came to this county, where he lias since resided. He owns 180 acres of land. Dr. John F. Tilden^ one of the early settlers of Cass tp., was born in Vermont February 25, 1813, a son of John and Sarah Tilden. He began reading medical works in 1831, and completed his medical course by graduation at the Hanover Medical College. He cam^e to this county in 1846, engaged in farming and practicing medicine; he was the first doctor in Cass tp.; his practice continued to increase till it became so extensive that he required two spans of horses to do his traveling. Dr. Tilden was married March 15, 1835, to Elizabeth Lockwood, of Huron count}^, Ohio, b}^ whom he has had 5 children, viz.: Sarah (now Mrs. Call), Jerome, Sarah A., (now Mrs. Pepple), Walter S. and Charlotte C. (now Mrs. William Irvin). Dr. T. owns a farm of ICO acres on sec. 2. Nelson Ward, physician and surgeon, Wanatah, Indiana. Dr. Ward is a native of Parke county, Ind., where he was born July 23, 1836. He is a son of Thompson and Nancy Ward, both natives of Ohio. He was reared in this State and received his high-school education at Bainbridge, Ind. He began the study of medicine in 1858, at-Bainbridge. About 1862 he attended the Rush Medical College at Chicago, and in 1863 commenced practicing medicine at Independence, Ind. ; continued at that profession till 18G5, when he re-attended Rush Medical College in Chicago; In 1866 became to Wanatah and began practicing medicine. His wife graduated at the medical department of the Michigan University at Ann Arbor, in 1876, since which time she has been a very successful practitioner. Her maiden name was Masylvia M. Concannon FTISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 611 She was married to Dr. Nelson Ward, Jan. 12, 1863. To this union were born 3 children, only one of whom is living, Editli Grace. James Wilson, farmer, sec. 11; P. O., Wanatah; was born in this county April 25, 1812, a son of Jeremiah Wilson, one of the early settlers of Cass tp. He was i-eared on a farm, and all his education was acquired in the common country schools during the winters of his early manhood. He was married July 4, 1860, to Miss Emma Lawrence, by whom he has had 3 children ; 2 are living, viz.: Edith J. and Agnes D. His wife's parents were natives of England. Jeremiah Willson, whose portrait, from a photograph taken at the age of 53 years, is given on page 605 of this volume, is one of the oldest settlers now living in this county, having come here in 1811. He was born in the "Red-stone country," Pa., Ma}'- 18, 1831; his parents were Jeremiah and Johannah (Moore) Willson, the last named a native of England, and the former of New Jersey; they were married near Elizabethtown, N. J. The Willsons are of Scotch origin. The grandfather of the subject of this notice, whose name was also Jeremiah, came from Scotland to America about the time of the Revolutionary war and settled in New Jersey. The father of the subject of this biographical sketch moved to Pennsylvania soon after his marriage, where he followed farming and blacksmithing. He afterward settled at Cincinnati, O., then a very small place, where he carried on blacksmithing. He was here during the war of 1812. In 1811 his wife had died, and in 1813 he, with his second wife and six children, moved to Vigo county, Ind. The children by his first wife were, Gabriel, James, who died in Pennsylvania, Henry, William, Elizabeth, Edith and Jeremiah; by his second wife were John, Aaron, Reuben and Miles. Mr. W. died in Vigo county in 1828, surrounded by his family. He was an orthodox Friend, The subject of this biography received the education afforded at the old log school-house in its day, attending school mostly but the three winter months in the year. On his father's death he vvent to live with his brother-in-law, Wra. Foster, who carried on the tanner and currier's trade; here he remained three years, being then 21 years of age; he then followed journey work one season; then, in the fall of 1831, he came and settled in Hudson tp., this county, where he set up a tannery and carried it on three years. In December, 1833, he married Miss Abigail Wills, daughter of John E. Wills, who had emigrated to this county in the spring of 1830. Wills tp. was named after him; he died in Cass tp., where also he is buried. After his marriage, by the advice of his father- in-law, Mr. Willson bought 80 acres of heavily timbered land in Hudson, where he built a house and lived one year; he sold this place and purchased a farm on the south line of Clinton tp., in 1842; about 1852 he sold this place, expecting to go to Oregon with his father-in-law and family; but they changed their plans, and he bought another farm in Cass tp., three-fourths of a mile 612 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUKXr. east of his present residence, which is on sec. 11. He has now 100 acres of land in Cass tp. Mr. Willsoii's first vote was for Henry Clay, but since tlien he has voted with the old Democratic party. He has served in vari- ous offices in the county, including Deputy Sheriff and Constable and Town Trustee. In 1836 he was elected Lieutenant of State Militia in Hudson tp., and served as such until November 12, 1853. He was commissioned by Gov. Joseph A. Wright, as Captain of Company E, 1st Regt. 9tli Military District of Indiana, to serve for six years, and he was sworn into service Dec. 5, 1853. Capt. Willson still has his document, well preserved. Mrs. W. died in Cass tp. Sept. 17, 1869. They had a family of 13 children, only 4 of whom lived to be grown, namely, the follow- ing: Henry Moore, who was born March 11, 1840, enlisted Aug. 10, 1862, m Co. I, 87th Ind. Yol. Inf., and mustered into the United States service for three years, or during the war, Aug. 31, bj Col. Carrington; he was in part of the campaign after General Bragg, including the battle of Perry ville; here he caught a cold, and he died, with typhoid fever, Feb. 24, 1803, at Nashville, Tenn., where he was buried. James was born April 25, 1842, and was married to Emma, daughter of John Lawrence, of Hanna tp., and lives on part of his father's farm. His 2 children are Edith and Agnes. Thomas Benton was born July 12, 1844, and married Priscilla, daughter of Wm. W. Brick, who was born in New Jer- sey July 14, 1842; she was a resident of St. Joseph county, Ind., whither her father had immio-rated in very early dav. Their 4 children are: Emma E., born Sept. 17, 1865, now deceased; Abigail, born July 19, 1867; Paulina M., born May 24, 1874; and William Jeremiah, born Dec. 21, 1875. Sarah Florence married Henry Stuck and lived in Cass tp., and died Oct. 11, 1875, leaving a little • daughter. Flora Grace. Mr. Willson came from Vigo county when it was almost a per- fect wilderness all north of the Tippecanoe river. He came with a team, in company with his brother Henry M. and his wife; and when they arrived where La Porte now is there was not a house 'there. On arriving at the Kankakee river on their journey, Oct. 12, they tried to attract the attention of an Indian on the oppo- site shore, to get him to come over after them with his canoes; but he would only stick his head out of the wigwam and say nothing; so Mr. W. had to swim across the river, although the weather was so cold that the ground was covered with snow. He went to the Indian .and endeavored to converse with him. but- he would say nothing. Mr. W. then took the canoes and ferried his family and possessions over, including a hog which they had killed. After they were all over the Indian came out and cursed them in broken English, but Mr. W., who could speak Indian, talked back in straight Indian lingo to such purpose that the stubborn savage returned into his wigwam, stepping pretty high. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 613 Peter Woodin, was tlie first permanent settler in Cass tp. He was born Aug. 20, 1804, in New York. His parents, Amos and Mary Woodin, were natives of Conn. His father was a soldier in the Revolutionary war and fought in the battle of Burgoyne under General Gates and Schuyler, He died afterward at the advanced age of 91 years. Peter was reared to manhood in New York; in 1825 he went to Michigan, and in 1837 he came to Cass tp., this county. There were but few settlers in that region of country. There were so few that it was not convenient to hold elections in that section of the country. In 1840 he went to Plymouth, about 40 miles distant, to vote at the Presidential election of General Harrison. The land of Cass tp. was mostly owned by speculators, and the rest had not been procured from the Government. He was a mem- ber of the body that organized the township (Cass) and aided in laying out the first road in thetp. He was also the first Supervisor in this division of the count3\ The Indians came to his house quite often, and lie was with them on many a hunting expedition. Mr. "Woodin followed trapping wolves and other wild game for four years, during which time he captured 400 wolves. In 1850, during the gold excitement, he went to California, and returned home in the fall of 1851. He went afoot all the way across the plains. While in the Territories he was also out with a troop of 200 soldiers in the Sierra mountains in pursuit of the Indians, who were so hostile toward the settlers. In 1859 he was married to Margaret Bials, by whom he had 9 children; 4 are living, viz.: Chas. M., Sarah M. (now Mrs. Sergeant), Rowley, Helen M. (now Mrs. Horine). Mr. Woodin's oldest brother died a lew years ago near the age of 90 years. Mr. Woodin is 76 years old, and is apparently enjoying good health. CENTRE TOWNSHIP. Man for great and wise purposes has been endowed by his Creator with the wonderful faculty of memory. Without memory there could be no human development or progress; for in the main man learns by experience, and without memor}^ the lessons and wisdom taught by observ^ation and experience would be lost; and man, like the brute, would remain substantially the same in all ages. The memory of an event dies with the observer of it; but the knowledge of events, when imparted by the mouth of observ- ing age to the ear and memory of listening youth, becomes tradition, while the record of events on the durable monument, or the still more durable written or printed page, becomes history in its full- est and highest sense. That record of occurrence and sequence of events, and of human activities, whether contributed by memory or tradition, by the chisel, the pen, or the press, and which together constitute what men call history, is at all times interesting; but at certain times it is full of fascination and power. The rounding up of a period of time naturall}? turns our eyes backward over the pages of State and local history, and we gather a grand harvest of memory and tradition which, when threshed and winnowed and screened as perfectly as the imperfections of human observation and memory may be corrected, by an imperfect human reason, will be made lit for the garner of historj', and fit to be wholesome intellectual food for all coming generations. To perform this grateful though difficult, delicate, and responsible labor is our purpose and duty. The birtli of a child is one of nature's ravsteries, and the birth of all races, nations. States and most communities is, historical!}^ speak- ing, likewise enveloped in a cloud of mysterious obscurity, from which there first emerge to the eye and the mind of the historian only the distorted myths and the incredible fables of a poetic imagination. These slowly fade and dissolve like the fabric of a dream, as the light of truth and the dawn of real history reveal to him men and women endowed with human qualities like ourselves, whose loves, and hopes, and fears, whose ambitions and desires and activities, and whose physical, inental and moral natures prove them to be " bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh." And in the effort to travel back to the history of their beginning, what an expenditure of toil and study, what an interviewing of mummies, what a catechising of hierogl^^phics, what a disemboweling of the very earth, what a reckless questioning of the great secrets of nature herself, do men undertake in the effort to extort from some source a knowledge of human beginnings. (614) HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 615 When the first white man stepped over the line of civilization and took up his abode on the beautiful prairies of this township, we know not. Our record beg-ins in 1830, when Aaron Stanton came to this township and built a log cabin on section 24, being two miles north of the eastern boundary of the city of La Porte. Phillip Fail and Richard Harris came at the same time, and they all lived togetlier in Stanton's cabin. In tlie fall of the same year Fail moved to Kankakee tp. The Clements arrived in 1831 and opened a store within the limits of the present city of La Porte. Benajah Stanton, who came to this township with his brother Aaron, hauled goods from Niles, Mich., for the Clements. During the year 1830, William Clark, Adam Smi th, Wilson Malone, Wm. Stanton and Alfred Stanton arrived and made settlements in the township. William and Jesse Bond, John Garwood, William Thomas and many others arrived in 1831. From this time the township filled up rapidly, settlers coming in great numbers. No part of the county could offer as great inducements to the settlers as this township. It was heavily timbered in the north, and broad prairies covered the south and east. The soil, unequalled by any in the county, and its many clear, sparkling lakes formed an attraction that the early settler was not slow to take advantage of. The present Centre township was at the time of the organization of the county, wholly included in the limits of what v/as then Scipio, whicli extended from the northern to the southern boundary of the county. But at an early period a division of it was made. At the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, held on Nov. 5, 1833, the following order was passed: '•'• Ordered, that the township at present known by the name of Scipio be divided by the line dividing township thirty-six and thirty-seven, and that all north of said township line compose a new township to be called Centre township, and that Aaron Stanton be appointed inspector of elections, and John Stanton and William Bond be appointed overseers of the poor in said township of Centre." Some changes have since been made in the extent of the town- ship as established by this order, so that now it occupies sections one and tw^o of township thirty-six, and township thirty-seven, except the northern tier of sections, which belong to Springfield township. Col. Place brought his family and settled here in October, 1832, and helped build the first log cabin erected on the site of the city of La Porte. It stood near where the Lake Shore railroad depot is located, and was built for George Thomas. Centre township is quite densely populated with intelligent and industrious citizens, wlio are engaged almost wholly in agricultural pursuits. The principal crops raised are wheat, corn, oats, potatoes, etc. Considerable attention is given to the culture of fruit and vegetables. There are quite a number of farmers near the city of La Porte devoted exclusively to this business, their products being shipped largely to Chicago, and other markets in this State and Illinois. 616 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. Pine Lake cemetery is located about two miles north of the city of La Porte in this township, on the heights bordering the east side of Pine Lake, and is one of the most beautiful places in La Porte county. It was laid out under the State laws in 1855, and contains 47 acres. The iirst president of the association was Gilbert Hathaway. D. J. Woodv/ard was the first secretary and treasurer. The grounds were improved and ornamented under the manage- ment of Gen. Joseph Orr, who was president of the association for a number of years. It is indeed a beautiful resting place for the dead, and visitors to it are always charmed with its diversity of scenery, looking out upon the lake in front, and i-esting on a dark green background of woods, while all between presents gentle ele- vations, quiet vales and winding walks and carriage drives. ISI^ature here furnished a happj' ground- work of beauty, which the hand of art has perfected, rendering this silent city of the dead a place of loveliness and solemn delight. Centre township has but one town, the thriving city of LA PORTE, which was surveyed, laid out and platted in 1833. John Walker,. Walter Wilson, Hiram Todd, James Andrew and Abram Andrew, Jr., bought at the land sales at Logansport, Ind., in the month of October, 1831, 400 acres of land, known as the "Michigan Road Lands," with a view of laying out the town and making the county seat of La Porte county. It is without doubt one of the most beautiful places in the State. The city is surrounded bj^ a beautiful chain of lakes, gem-like in their dazzling beauty. Imagine for a moment a pretty little lake, whose wavelets glisten and murmur beneath a summer's sun and bounded on every side by deep and shady woods whose monarch trees grow down to the water's edge, with here and there a cosy little island that looks like so many floating Edens, and you have an uninspired description of one of La Porte's most pleasant attractions. Among the most noted of these lakes are Clear lake, Stone lake and Pine lake. It is not strange that those who first came should have beheld in this spot the place for a town that should be the county seat of the county. It may be readily imagined that w4ien nature only had visited the lakes and groves and prairies of this locality, even the dullest and most unsusceptible of minds must have been touched with its beauty. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. In 1830 Richard Harris and George Thomas arrived and built cabins within the present limits of the city. Thomas' cabin stood near the present site of the Michigan Southern depot, and Wilson Malone was the first person that slept in the cabin before its occu- pancy by the family of Mr. Thomas. This cabin was built of slabs procured from the steam saw-mill of Capt. Andrew, which stood a HISTOEY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 617 short distance west of the town. Thomas' house was bnilt for him by his neighbors on Sunday, and the first session of the Board of County Commissioners was held in this house. Other cabins soon followed, and in ISoi there were 15 houses on the site of the present town, and the place began to assume a business aspect. Merchants, mechanics and professional men began to arrive. In 1831 Joseph Pagin came and built a house on the east side of Clear lake. Ch irles Fravel arrived in 1S33 and built a house. John and William Allison, Hiram Wheeler, John B. Fravel, Dr. Ball and Nelson Sandon were in business here in 1832''3. The Blakes and a man named Lily kept the first hotels. The original proprietors, Wilson, Todd, Walker and Andrews, in laying out the town, donated every alternate lot to the county for the purpose of building a court-house, and other public build- ings. Lots were sold on liberal terms, and during the years 1835-'6 settlers came in ,large numbers, and the population was largely increased. In 1833 the Government had a land-ofiice located here, for the purpose of disposing of the lands which now comprise the city of La Forte. Major Robb was Register, John M. Lemon, Receiver, and James Whittens, Clerk. Mr. Blake kept a hotel on Brown's corner, where Eliel's drug- store now stands. Some years after- ward Gen. Brown himself kept a hotel there. At the September term of the Commissioners' Court, held in 1833, a license was granted to J. F. & W. Allison, to vend mer- chandise and keep a tavern in La Porte. William Clement and Seneca Ball were granted license to vend merchandise, and a license to William Clement to vend liquors and groceries. At the term held in September of the same year, Amzi Clark and Absalom Walters were licensed to vend merchandise, and Noah Newell was licensed to keep tavern at the November term following, and A. & A. W. Harrison were licensed to vend merchandise. At the March term, 1835, W. Clement was licensed to keep tavern, and R. B. Hews and Hiram Wheeler to vend merchandise. In 1835-'6 further licenses were granted to McCarty & Howell, John Brown and Thomas H. Philips, and to Daniel D. Rathbun, Oliver Shirleff, Groverifc Williams, John A. Fletcher and Mordecai Cross, to keep tavern; James Gibson, Arthur McClure, Samuel Darlington, and Conrad Everhart were also licensed in 1836 to keep tavern. In 1839 the Buffalo & Mississippi railroad was projected. The Board of County Commissoners, at the request of the citizens, sub- scribed for $100,000 of the stock, and considerable grading was done in the county; but the road was never built, and there remains only here and there an embankment or cut to tell the disappoint- ment of the people of La Porte county. The Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana railroad was completed to La Porte in 1852, and extended to Chicago the following year. In 1856 the Indian- apolis, Peru & Chicago railroad, then known as the Cincinnati, 618 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Louisville & Chicao^o road, was built between La Porte and Ply- mouth, and a short time afterward from Plymouth to Rochester and Peru. The branch to Michigan City was completed in 1871, thus giving La Porte a direct line of railroads east, west and south, and the main line in Indiana from Lake Michigan to the south. EDUCATIONAL. The city of La Porte holds a position in regard to its educational interest far in advance of ordinary cities of its dimensions, and this feature of her enterprise has probably done as much as any other in attracting families here. The first school-house in the city was erected in 1833. It was constructed of logs and was a poor affair, but great improvements have been made on this humble beginning, and educational privileges have increased and multiplied, until the present S3'stem of graded schools is the pride and admiration of every citizen of La Porte. The great free-school system was established in 1856, and a school building was erected in each ward in the city, each having a primary and a secondary department. Four of tliese buildings were made of brick, two stories in heiglit. A short time after tlie establishm.ent of these schools, a grammar department was opened in an old frame building, which stood near the present location of the high-school building. The first teachers in these schools were R. JVI. Johnson, A. T. Bliss, Jasper Packard, Miss O. M, Tibbits, Miss Emma Chandler, Miss M. A. Kent, and Mrs. Steele. Soon after the establishment of the grammar department, a hii:h-scliool department was organized, wliich was first taught by Jasper Pack- ard. The following named gentlemen constituted the first Board of Trustees: Gilbert Hathaway, Amzi Clark, B. P. Walker, who were succeeded in office by Jolm B. Niles, James Moore and Ferdinand Roberts, under whose administration the present high- school building was erected, and under whose wise and efiicient management the school grew in strength and usefulness. The present high-school edifice was erected in 1863, and with its completion and the continued successful management of the schools, the educa- tional advantao;es of La Porte are of the highest order. The graded system of free schools has been so well managed that it is impos- sible for private or select schools to be maintained in the city. The graded school, from its inauguration to the present time, has been a continued success, and has been more prosperous during the past year than ever. LA PORTE UNIVERSITY. " In the winter or 18-10- '41, a charter was obtained from the State Legislature through the exertions of John H. Bradley (who was the member from La Porte) for a school of high rank, to be called the La Porte University. La Porte High School. HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. 619 " The charter was drawn by William Andrew, and provided for an institution that should have a literary, a medical, and a law depart- ment. The next year the law department was orc^anized under the charge of Judge Andrew, who received quite a large class of stu- dents. The medical department was organized in 18i2. The build- ing in which classes were first opened stood where Davidson's marble front store is now located. A good building was afterward erected on the square immediately south of the present high- school building, and here the school progressed with a fair degree of success. The medical faculty consisted of the following gentle- men: George W. Eichards, M. D., Professor of Theory and Practiceof Medicine; John B. JSFiles, A. M., Professor of Chemistry; Daniel Meeker, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology; A. B. Shipman, M. D., Professor of Surgery; Nicholas Hard, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children; E- Deming, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica; Levi Torrey, M, D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. In ISiS-'iQ J. Adams Allen became Professor of Materia Med'^ica; George Lee, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy; and Tompkins Iligday, M. D., Professor of Physiology and General Pathology. Dr. G. A. Rose was the President of the Board of Trustees during a large portion of the time of the existence of the school, and among the Trustees were W. C. Hanna, Secre- tary; John B. Niles, Treasurer; Rev. William Andrew, Daniel Meeker, Rev. F. P. Cumins and Ezekiel Morrison. Tompkins Higday was Registrar in 1848-'49. The name of the institution was changed to the ' Indiana Medical College,' and there were in 1846-'ttY, 104 students; in 1848-'49, 101. The names of many of the students are familiar in Northern Indiana, and some of them have become distinguished throughout the State, and in other States. " In 1843 the literary department of the university was organized. There was then at La Porte a school called the Lancasterian Acad- emy, of which the Rev. F. P. Cumins was principal, in which, besides, a thorough English course, including philosophy, the nat- ural sciences, and the higher mathematics, there was taught Latin, Greek, German and French. This institution had but a briet existence. It is worthy of note that the circulars issued for the purpose of advertising this academy stated that board could be obtained in La Porte for from $1 to $1.50 per week. When it was determined to organize the literary department of the La Porte University, application was made to Prof. Cumins to merge his school in it, as such a move would be likely to make it successful from the start. To this proposition he assented, and in connection with Rev. Mr. Marshall, pastor, at the time, of the Presbyterian Church, he opened this department of the University. But it seems not to have met with the success its friends anticipated and hoped; it languished and died. The medical department continued to flourish for some years; but there grew up other schools which withdrew support from it. The medical department of the Michi- gan University was opened, the Rush Medical College at Chicago, 620 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. a similar institution at Indianapolis, and one at Lafayette; and finally the managers of the La Porte school determined to suspend lectures. This occurred in 1857, and the suspension proved to be a final closino- up of the school. The building was afterward occu- pied as a literary academy, which was conducted by Prof. Church- man, a blind man. It was a school for girls only, and it was in a flourishing condition until the building was burned in the winter of 1865. The institution was never re-opened." In the history of the city of La Porte there has never been a time when its citizens failed to give education proper attention or support. Taxes for school buildings and teachers' salaries and incidental expenses, have always been cheerfully paid, and every good measure adopted for the better development and improvement of the school sj-stem. CHURCHES. The citizens of La Porte have not been unmindful of the neces- sity of moral and religious training and teaching, and the Church has kept pace with the school in La Porte. There are at present 15 Church organizations in the city, and they are ail in a prosperous, growing condition. The Methodist Episcopal society was organized in the city of La Porte in 1831, and in the fall of 1832 the La Porte Mission was established and placed in charge of the Kev. James Armstrong, the "pioneer preacher," who was also Presiding Elder of what was then known as the "■ Missionary District." extending from near La- fayette on the Wabash to Kalamazoo, Mich., and from the Ohio line on the east to Illinois on the west. R. S. Robinson and G. M. Bostwick also supplied the La Porte Mission, as Mr. Arm- strong's arduous duties gave him but little time to devote to mis- sionary work. In 1837 the society built a church in this city, on the corner lot now occupied by the residence of Dr. Teegarden. This was the first church built in the city of La Porte. Boyd Phelps and H. Yan Order were sent by Conference as circuit preachers. In 1847 La Porte was made a station, and the Rev. H. C. Benson sent as pastor. Mr. Benson was returned to La Porte in 1848, and was the first instance of a preacher being returned the second year consecutively to any charge in the county. The Rev. W. Graham was stationed here in 1849-'50."' The present church edifice was erected in 1850, partly by the eftbrts of the pastor and Presiding Elder, but mainly by the contributions of the people. The Church has since continued in a prosperous condition, and has a large membership and congregation. Baptist Church. — The first Baptist Church of the city of La Porte was organized in 1838. The Rev. Benjamin Sawin came to La Porte in 1838 and held prayer-meetings at his house, resulting in great good, leading many to seek the consolations of " Christian faith." In 1839 the Church was received into the Northern Indiana HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 621 Association, which met that year at Rolling Prairie. The member- ship of the Church at this time was 30. In 1838 Elder Charles Harding was chosen pastor, and was the first to occupy that position. He resigned his pastorate in 18-10, and died in 1843. In 1840 Rev. Silas Tucker became pastor of this Church, and entered upon his duties in December of that year. About this time the society purchased a small building of the Disciples society, which stood on the northwest corner of Jackson and North Main streets, which they enlarged and used for a house of worship. Elder Tucker resigned his pastorate in 1845, and for a time the Church was with- out a pastor, but Father Sawin preached two Sabbaths in each month. In 1840 Rev. E. W. Hamlin was settled as pastor of the Church, but resigned at the end of the year, and the Church was again for a time without a pastor. Rev. Morgan Edwards, "the sailor preacher," united with this Church in 1849, and in June of that year became its pastor, but his labors as such ceased in October of the same year. Elder R. H. Cook was then called as pastor, but did not remain long; he resigned the pastorate July 12, 1851. The Church was temporarily supplied by different preachers until 1852, when Rev. Morgan Edwards was again called to the pastorate, but did not remain long, and in the same year Rev. S. C. Chandler became pastor, but was dismissed in 1853 because his views were not in accord with the orthodox faith as held by the Baptist denomi- nation. He was succeeded by Rev. Gibbon Williams. The Church has since been regularly supplied, and has grown in strength and usefulness. They have a large membership. The church they now occupy was erected in 1858, and dedicated in the fall of that year, Rev. J. S. McCloud preaching the dedication sermon. The Presbyterian Church in this city was first organized in 1832, and in 1834 a vote was taken to build a house of worship, but owing •to some difficulty in raising the money, but little progress was made until 1837, when Rev. W. K. Marshall was called to the paste rate of the Church, which he accepted and was duly installed. He pushed the building project. A meeting M^as held at the court-house, and a method was proposed for raising the funds, by E. Morrison, which was adopted. It was to create a joint-stock company, the sub- scribers to receive the amount of their stock in pews. The church was to cost $6,000. E. Morrison, Amzi Clark, A. Blackburn and some others were appointed a committee to solicit subscriptions to the stock. S. Yan Pelt was the first treasurer. Money was scarce, and it was found very difficult to collect the subscriptions, and before the building was enclosed, Morrison, Clark and Howell were obliged to make large advances from their private funds; and in 1841 the church was sold to satisfy a builder's lien. It was pur- chased by Amzi Clark, who held it in his own name until completed. It was finally dedicated in 1842, and deeded to Alex, Blackburn for the Old- School Presbyterian church, conditioned that if ever sold the J^[ew-School Presbyterians might purchase it in preference to 622 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. all other parties. It was purchased by the JSTew-School, who used it as a house of worship until 1868, when it was again sold to the Reform Lutherans. In 1862 the Old-School erected a church edifice on the corner of Indiana avenue and Harrison street, which was partially burned in 1867, but immediately re-opened for worship. It continued to be the place of worship of the First Church until the reunion of the First and Second Churches, which occurred Oct. 31, 1871. It is now necessary to return and review the history of the New- School, or Second Church. Tliis Ciuirch was organized Nov. 3, 18-14:. The organization was completed by the election and ordi- nation as Elders, of James M. Clark and Ellsworth B. Strong. The new organization had 30 members; at the close of the year the membership numbered 51. In 1846 the Rev. John W. Cunningham became the pastor of the Second Church, which position he held until 1S5S. In 1859 he was succeeded hy Rev. George C. Noyes, who was duly installed pastor in Ma\^, 1860. It was near the close of his pastorate that the old church was sold and active steps taken for the erection of the present edifice on Michigan avenue. Oct. 31, 1871, these Churches were united under tlie name of "The Presbyterian Church of La Porte," and Dr. Kendall was invited to become the pastor of the Church. The call was accepted, and he was installed pastor on the fourth of June, 1872. On the 23d of November a new Board of Elders w^as elected for the united Church, and the society has grown in strength and numbers and in influence ever since. Saint PcmVs Episcopal Church of La Porte was organized July 25, 1839. Rev. D. Y.|M. Johnson, Rector of Trinity Church, Michigan City, presided at the meeting held for organization, and Franklin Thwing acted as secretary, John Hobson and Franklin Thwing were elected wardens, and James Whittem, J. R. Traver, Samuel Stewart, Thomas H. Phillips, Hiram Wheeler, T. B. Bell, Jacob Early and H. T. Holbrook were chosen vestrymen. The rec- tor of Trinity Church, Michigan City, preached each alternate Sabbath for the new Church until 1840, when Rev. Solon AV. Manney was settled as rector, since which time they have had reg- ular services. For a number of years they had no house of worship, but in 1845 the present edifice was erected on Michigan avenue. St. Johv^s Evangelical Lutheran Church of this city was established in 1857. After an organization had been effected. Rev. T. Tram was called as their first pastor. Services were held for some time in a school-house. They then built a small house ,on C street, but this becoming too small for their constantly increasing congregation, in 1863 they erected the brick edifice which they now occupy. The society supports its own schools, which number about 400 pupils. The Church and schools are in a very prosperous condition. There are two other Lutheran Churches in the city, St. PauVs and the Swedish, both of which are well attended. HISTORY OF LA lORTE COUNTY. 623 CatKolic. — There are two Catholic Churches in La Porte, St. Joseph's and St. Peter's. The latter is the older, and was organized at a very early day. Rev. Father Kilroy was for many years the officiating priest. This society is one of the largest in the city. Their house of worship is a frame structure and is located on Monroe street. There is a large school-house attached to the church. Rev. T. O. Sullivan is now the officiating priest. St. Joseph's Church was organized in 1858 by Rev. M. Scherer. In 1859-'60 they built the fine, substantial brick edifice which they now occupy. It is one of the best church edifices in the city. It is crowned with a steeple 135 feet in height, with two chime bells weighing 1,000 pounds each. The Church has a flourishing Sabbath- school which numbers about 300 children. Christian Church. — This church was organized and established through the eflbrts of Judge William Andrew and Dr. Jacob P. Andrew, in 1837. This society occupied the building on Main street, which has been used by the Reformed Evangelical Luth- erans, for many years. In 186T the Lutherans purchased the Second Presbyterian church building, and soon after exchanged with the Christian society, the latter desiring a larger edifice. Since that time the society has occupied the commodious house of worship on the corner of Prairie and Monroe streets. Zioii's Church, — This Church is composed of the Jewish citizens of this city, the services being the Hebrew ritual, and their rule of faith the scriptures of the Old Testament. They occupy a neat synagogue, on the corner of Indiana avenue and First street. Their services are held on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. Swedenhorgian. — The "]^ew Church," or the " New Jerusalem," as it is called, was organized in La Porte in 1859, through the instrumentality of Judge Chamberlin, of Goshen, Ind. The society occupies a neat temple in the central part of town. It has a good membership, and a flourishing Sabbath-school. Society of Friends. — This society has had an organization in La Porte for many years, some of the pioneers who settled here at an early day being members of the denomination. But no church edifice was erected until 1869, when a neat and substantial brick church was built by the Friends. About this time James H. Yining came to La Porte and became pastor of this Church. LA POKTE LIBRARY AND NATURAL HISTORY ASSOCIATION. This institution is one of the most popular in La Porte. It was established in 1863, and has continued to grow in public favor up to the present time, and its history will not be without interest to the readers of this work. In 1868 the Association requested Gen. Packard to prepare a sketch of the history of this institution, which he afterward did, and it was placed on file as one of the permanent records of the Association. As the sketch is a complete history from the organization of the society to date, it is here given in full: 40 624 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. "At the beginning of the year 1863, La Porte was a city of nearly eight thousand inhabitants. As a people we claim to be civilized, enlightened, refined and educated; and yet there was not among us a reading-room of any sort, and no librarj' except the McClure, to which but few had access; so few that it was practi- cally witliout influence on the community. A reading-room exhib- iting on its tables the earnest thoughts and activities of the present in the current periodicals of the day, and a library containing the ripened wisdom of the past and the present are means of education, especially to the young, whose utility cannot be estimated. "It was believed that such an institution would be influential in developing a literary taste, by cultivating a habit of reading, and that it would become a powerful educator of the people, positively by stimulating the growth of the mind, and promoting learning and scholarship, and negatively by furnishing a pleasant and useful place of resort, to largely counteract the evils of vicious pleasures and associations; and on the 16th day of March, 1863, an organiza- tion was effected by the adoption of a constitution, and the election of the following full complement of officers: "President, W. C. Hanna; Vice President, James Moore; Re- cording Secretary, William Niles; Corresponding Secretary, Rev. George C. Noyes; Treasurer, Fred West. Directors — W. H. H. Whitehead, Dr. U.^ S"."~©irriTnprr^zeMBl-Mm-ris,on, Dr. L. C. Ross, Simon Wile, James Lewis, O. Wilson, and Charles Paine. " The association thus organized was incorporated under the name of the 'La Porte Reading Room and Library Association.' l^e- gotiations were entered into with the McClure Working Men's In- stitute, Mdiich finally resulted in the transfer by that institution to this, of all the books and other property of the former. The terms of the contract were such as to convey to the new association all the property of the old, to be held and used by it forever, or during its existence, with reversion to the McClure association, in case of the dissolution of the new organization, upon the payment of the debts of the institute, amounting to fifty-five dollars, and a grant to each of its members of a membership for one year in the new association. " This result was highly gratifying, as it at once gave to the library association a permanent footing, enabling it to start with seven hundred volumes, many of them standard works in history and English literature. With this handsome nucleus at the start, around which to gather other works until a large library should be founded, the attempt to build up a noble educational power in our midst ceased to be experiment, and became an assured success. " On the llth day of May the Board of Directors submitted their first report to the Association. "At the meeting on the llth of May, it was necessary, accord- ing to the constitution, to elect officers for the ensning year. The election resulted as follows: President, W. C. Hanna; Vice Presi- dent, James Moore; Recording Secretary, William Niles; Treas- urer, Fred AVest; Corresponding Secretary, Rev. G. 0. Noyes HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 625 Directors — Andrew L. Osborn, Charles Paine, Ezekiel Morrison, Jacob Zook, W. H. H. Wliitehead, O. Wilson, and Landon C. Rose. " Tiie association seemed now fairly equipped for a race of useful- ness; but its early promise was doomed to under^^o a blighting check. The meeting of the 11th of May adjourned with a prospect of vigorous growth before the young foundling. The members must have been too sanguine, and rej)osed too much confidence in the powers of the child, for they left it to run alone until the 26th of the following October, and then holding one brief meeting, a dark and impenetrable interregnum occurs of more than a year, from the 26th of October, 1S53, to the 6th of December, 1864. "This seems to have been the dark age of our Association's history. It was even darker than the night of the middle ages, for the monks in their gloomy cells did not permit learning quite to perish from the earth, and history penetrates the gloom of that cavernous night; but over these forgotten months of our societv's life, whose i-ecord is forever lost, an impenetrable shadow has fallen and nothing but the fiat of omnipotent power could disperse the gloom. But tlie usefulness of such an institution had become known; and although the old officers and Board of Directors M^ould seem to be somewhat discouraged, they determined not to stand in the way of any others •who might be willing to try to give new vitality to the association. " On the 6th day of December, 1861, the ofiicers and members of the Board, each and all resigned, and others were elected to fill the vacancies so created; and the organization commenced its new exis- tence with the following ofiicers: President, L.Crane; Yice-President, C, G. Powell; Treasurer, W. M. Scott; Corresponding Seci'e- tary, Rev. J. P. Ash; Recording Secretary, T. L. Adams. Direc- tors— Dr. Geo. M. Dakin, H. B.' Wier, Dr. W. L. McKahan, John M. Hood, Rev. J. H. Lee, Mr. Baker and A. J. Redding. As an indication of the vigorous manner in which the new Board com- menced their work, it is worthy of note that at this meeting a com- mittee of one was appointed to 'prepare the reading-room for occupancy by to-morrow.' The work was done, and the meetings have been held regularly from that time to the present. " On the 6th of JSTovember, 1865, the first movement was made towards renting the pleasant rooms now occupied hy the society; and on the 20th of the same month they were occupied and have given the association a honie, and our people a useful and attractive place of resort for more than three years. "Since the year lX6i: a leading feature of the society has been a course of lectures each winter. These liave been given by the lead- ing men of the country. The lectures have embraced a wide variety of subjects, travels, history, national affairs, social reforms, the woman question, — in fact almost every subject that engages tlie American mind at the present day. " The growth of the library has been constant if not rapid. O \ the 6th day of April, 1868, a movement was commenced for the c<'l. lection of a cabinet under the superintendence of Dr. T. Higday- 626 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. and on the 5th day of Ma,j last the following preamble and resolu- tion, presented by W. Niles, was unanimously adopted: " Whereas, It is proposed to form a collection of specimens in illustration of the natural sciences, and those interested in the matter desire to place the collection in the rooms of the Association, if the donation will be accepted, — '•Resolved, that the Association will accept such donations if made, and will preserve the collection, and increase it from time to time, so far as can be done consistently with its leading objects. For their cheerful co-operation in this feature, especially, of our Association, both by liberal donations, and by labor in arrangiug the specimens in the cases, too much praise cannot be awarded toDrs. T. Higday, George L. Andrew, Henry Holloway, H. B. Wilcox, and Messrs. F. West, Samuel J. Fosdick and E. G. Cullum. " Our cabinet in illustration of the natural sciences is neatly and tastefully arranged, and though not large, is well worthy the atten- tion of the curious. The reading-room, furnished with all the leading magazines of the day, draw tc the rooms daily large num- bers of busy readers, and every night the rooms are crowded with the young of both sexes. The library numbers over two thousand volumes, consisting of many of the choicest works of the English language. We have lived down the stale calumny that we are a political institution, and all classes of our people, without regard to party, sect, or creed, have a warm side for the La Porte Library and Natural History Association." Since the date of this sketch, the Association has continued to prosper. Dr. S. B. Collins, when he completed his marble front building on Michigan avenue, gave the use of the third story of the building to the society for tive years free of charge. In 1874 $6,000 was raised hy subscription to secure a permanent house for the Association, but owing to some disagreement between the managers the project was abandoned, and the money donated placed at interest for the benefit of the Association. In 1876 the society purchased a lot and erected a brick edifice, at a cost of over $4,000, where the headquarters of the Association are now permanently located. The libi'ary contains 3,000 volumes, and the reading-room is well supplied with all the leading papers and magazines of the day. The pi-esent officers are: President, Dr. Geo. M. Dakin; Yice- President, Rev. J. H. Crooker; Treasurer, A. Davidson; Execu- tive Committee, F. C. King, W. Faugher, H. Huntsman, S. S. Sabin, W. M. Scott, Charles Spaeth and T. W. Butterworth. i POLITICAL HISTORY OF LA PORTE CITY. The village of La Porte was incorporated in 1835, as appears by the records given below. The Board of County Commissioners met Nov. 4, 1835, and passed the following order: HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUlsTr. 627 " Ordered, that in pursuance of the statute and the petitions of the citizens of the town of La Porte, for the incorporating of said town, this da}' legally presented, comprising in the opinion of the Board two-thirds of the whole number of legal voters in said town, an election be held at the usual place of holding elections in said town, on Saturday, the 14th day of November, inst., for the purpose of electing trustees of said incorporation." The following certificate of election of corporation Trustees next appears on record: State of Indiana, ) La Porte County, f We, the undersigned, President and Clerk of an election held at the house of Robert S. Morrison, in the town of La Porte, in the county of La Porte and State of Indiana, for the purpose of electing Trustees for the several wards or districts in the corporation of the town of La Porte, do certify that (after we were appointed President and Clerk of and for said election, agreeable to the statute in such case made and provided) Amzi Clark was duly elected Trustee for Dis- trict No. 1 ; Jonathan M. Hacker, for District No. 3; "William Clement, District No. 3; Hiram Wheeler, Dislrict No. 4; and Jacob Haas, District No. 5; iu the town of La Porte aforesaid. Given under our hands and seals, this 14th day of November, A.D., 1835, Wm. Dinwiddie, President, [l.s.J. Wm. Allen, Clerk, [l.s.]." The town was incorporated under the auspices of the old Whig party, and the government of the town officers remained with this party until the town became a city. A city charter was granted in 1852, the place then having a population of 5,000. A charter election was held in August of that year, and William J. Walker was elected the first Maj'or of La Porte. He was elected by the Whig party, and that party controlled the city government until 1856. The Democrats, in May, 1856, elected Benjamin Kress Mayor. In 1857 the Democrats were again successful, and elected Frederic McCullum Mayor, and Benjamin Kress City Judge. Prior to this time tlie Republican party began to gain ground in the city, a large number of Whigs giving their support; and in 1850, that party elected W. H. H. Whitehead Mayor, and Asa Whitehead Marshall, and the city Council was largely Republican. In 1861 the Democrats were again successful, and elected Daniel Noyes Mayor; but in 1863 the Republicans w^ere victorious, elect- ing all the city officers and a majority of the city council. The following were the officers elected: Mayor, W. H. H. Whitehead; Treasurer, Thomas H. Phillips; Marshal, John Thompson, Jr.; Clerk, Richard G. Randall. In 1865 the Democracy gained the day, and elected the following officers: Mayor, Daniel Noyes; Treasurer, Simon Wile; Marshal, John Hinsey; Clerk, AVilliam Whitman; Assessor, J. H. Merrill. In May, 1867, the Democrats were again successful, and Daniel Noyes was re-elected Mayor. In 1869 a part of each ticket was successful, the Democrats retaining a majority in the City Council. In 1871 the result was again divided, neither party gaining the victory. Dr. Landon C. Rose, the Repnblician candidate for 628 BI8T0RY OF LA POBTE COUKTT. Mayor, was elected. The election was a spirited one, both parties laboring hard for success. Rose's majority was but IS. The City Council was a tie this year. This was one of the most hotly con- tested elections ever held in the cit}', and resulted in a victory for neither party. In 1873 the election was again hotly contested, but the Democrats won a decided victory, electing their entire ticket, and three Oouncilmen. Mortimer Nye was elected Mayor. This election gave the Democrats full control of the city government. In 1875 the Democrats renominated the city officers, and elected the ticket with the exception of Marshal and Clerk; they also elected three of the six Councilmen. Both parties claimed the victory. This closes the review of the political history of the city of La Porte. While a town the Whigs were generally in control of aifairs, but since the city organization it has been largely Demo- cratic, and that party has controlled its affairs a greater portion of the time. Numerous enterprises have been undertaken and completed during this time, among which may be mentioned as the most important, the Holly water- works, and the public school buildings. The city aifairs under the different administrations have been well managed, and honestly administered, and the city kept in a clean and healthy condition. CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT. The fire department of La Porte is one of the finest in the State, and will compare favorably with that of any otlier city of equal size. The department was organized in 1856 by Engine Company No. 1, with Henrv Batton as foreman and T.J. Patten, assistant. The company consisted of 100 men. Soon afterward Hose Company No. 2 was organized, and W. M. Scott was elected chief of the department. The force at present consists of l(i5 men, divided into six companies as follows: Rough and Ready Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1, 38 men; Rescue Hose Company No. 1,25 men; Alert Hose Company No, 2, 25 men; Hose Company of La Porte No. 3, 25 men; Holly Hose Company No. 4, 25 men; Dread- Naught Hose Company No. 5, 25 men. J. S. Greer, Esq., is the present chief of the department. The companies are all volunteers and serve the city free of charge. The city has never had a paid fire department. BUSINESS. La Porte has numerous manufactories and business enterprises, among which may be mentioned the manufacture of agricultural implements, the Iron Works of M. & J. Rumley being the lead- ing establishment in this line. Their shops liave been established for many years, and are a credit to the proprietors as well as to the city. They manufacture nearly all kinds of agricultural implements, stationary and portable steam engines, separators, etc., etc. They HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 629 employ 75 hands. Tlie La Porte Wheel Company was organized for the manufacture of wheels for all kinds of agricultural imple- ments. They have a large trade throughout the whole Northwest. There have been several paper mills at La Porte, but at present they are not running, the buildings being used for other ])urposes. Tiiere area number of flouring mills, two woolen mills, a furniture factory and numerous wagon factories and blacksmith shops located here. Besides tiiese there are over 150 wholesale and retail stores in the city. There is also a heavy business done in the ice trade. The houses for its storage dot the border of the lakes in every direction and many thousand tons are annually shipped to Chicago and the South. This business gives employment to a large force of men during the winter season. There are five banks in the city, all of which are ably conducted. During the financial crash' of 1874-'5 not a business house in La Porte went under; all weathered the storm easily and safely. The professions have all been ably represented in La Porte. Among the first attorneys admitted to the Bar here were W. O. Koss, admitted June 10, 1833; John B. Niles, John S. Lacy and William Hawkins, admitted Dec. 16, 1833; Kobert Meritield, B. B. Taylor, W. C. Hanna were admitted in 183-1; Charles McClure, and John H. Bradley in 1835. The present Bar consists of about 25 members, some of which are among the leading lawyers of the State. The first physicians to settle in La Porte were Doctors Din- widdle, Timothy Everts, Daniel Meeker and G, A. Pose, all of whom came prior to 1835. Abram Teegarden, J. P. Andrew, Geo. L. Andrew, T. Higday, Tho. D. Leman and L. C. Rose came here at an early day. The profession is at present well represented in La Porte, there being now between 20 and 30 physicians in the city, some of whom rank high in the profession and have more than a local reputation. The first newspaper published in La Porte was called the Za Porte County Whig. It was established in July, 1838, and was published by J. M. Stuart and S. C. Clisbee. The paper afterward changed hands, and the name was changed to the La Porte Union. The La Porte Herald was established about the same time as the Whig organ by Joseph Lomax. The La Porte Comme^'cial Times was established in 1852 by E. A. Graves. This paper w-as suspended in 1860, and not long afterward the La Porte Democrat was started. It ceased to exist in 1867. The La Porte Herald in 1867 was established, and the Argus in 1869. It must be a source of gratification and pride to the old settlers of the city of La Porte, to behold the abundant harvest that has crowned their early labor. No wonder they grow to love its beau- ties, and feel proud of its achievements. The prairies of -10 years ago have lost none of their picturesque beauty. They have past from wild luxuriance to cultivated loveliness. At the present time 630 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. there is an impress ofindastry, enterprise, and development every- where visible. Its growth has been slow but sure, yet it has been steadily progressing through all these years. Taken altogether, La Porte is nnquestionably the handsomest city in Indiana. Its wide and well-shaded streets, its groves and lakes present attrac- tions which are seldom equaled. PERSONAL SKETCHES. As a country grows older the more interesting and valuable is its biographical history, and not only so, but the best writers of the conn try are advocating the more general reading of this class of literature by the young, believing it to exert abetter influence upon them than any other class of the literature of the day. With these thoughts in view, and in justice to the veterans who have made this township and city what it is, we append brief personal sketches of many of them. Nor do we forget tliose who to-day are actively engaged in life's labors. Augustus Ames, farmer, sec. 20; P. O., La Porte; is a native of Boston, Mass., where he was born in 1829, and is a son of Charles and Matilda (Weeks) Ames, natives of Mass. and JS". H., who located in this county in June, 1836. She died in August of the same year. He made his settlement on the present farm, now consisting of 200 acres valued at $70 per acre. He was born Sept. 5, 1795, and is yet living on the homestead. The subject of this sketch was mar- ried in 1856, to Miss Amanda Mayhew a native of Shelby Co., Ind. They have one adopted danghter, Charlotte. Mr. A. is one of the honored and respected pioneers of the county, and an esteemed citizen. Politically he is a Republican. Leonidas Arnes, farmer, sec. 30; P. O., La Porte; was born in Boston, Mass., in 1881, and was brought by his parents to this county in 1836. His parents, Charles and Matilda (Weeks) Ames, were natives of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and are lineal descendants of the Weeks and Ames families whose early ori- gin trace back to the May Flower pilgrims. The subject of this sketch was married in 1854 to Miss Susan, daughter of Wm. Col- well, and a native of Plymouth, Mass, To this union one child has been born, Andrew L., who married Miss Sarah Welker, a native of this county. One child, Alice, is the issue of this mar- riage. Mr. A. settled on his present farm in 1860, consisting of 90 acres, valued at $60 per acre. Abraham P. Andreic, Jr., retired banker, was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, in 1801. His father, James Andrew, was a native of New Jersey, and came to this city in 1835, where he resided until his death in March, 1851. His mother, Catharine (Piatt) Andrew, was a native of Pennsylvania and died in Ohio. The subject of this sketch came to this State with a brother, James, in 1831, and made purchases of land at the public land sales at Logansport. The}^ also brought with them a steam engine and erected a mill, v^^v / HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 633 after liis coming to this county in 1832. After a few years tlie mill was sold and he turned his attention to farming and the care of his lands. In lS3Y-'40 he edited the La Porte County Whig, and in the latter year was appointed cashier of the Michigan City branch of the State Bank of Indiana, located at Michigan City, to which place he moved the same year. In 1852 he went to California by way of Nicaragua, taking machinery for crushing and refining gold quartz. This proving unsuccessful and causing considerable out- lay, he returned the following year, to iind during his absence that real estate and land valuations had advanced, so that he was enabled to sell man}^ acres with great profit, having large investments. In 1869 he opened the banking institution with his son, but for some years he has lived in retirement from all active duties of life, Mr. A. was married in 1829, to Miss Viola J. Armstrong, a native of Hamilton county, Ohio, where she was born in 18''>5. By this marriage live children have been born, three of whom are living. Mr. A. is one of the oldest pioneers of La Porte county. His set- tlement was made in a log hut which he erected about one half mile south of the court-house. He was an Elector for Harrison in 1836, and is one among the few that are left of the living pil- grims to the boundaries of La Porte. G. L. Arnold, proprietor of the depot restaurant, is a son of D. 'B. and Abigail (Cummings) Arnold, natives of New York State, who located in La Porte in 185Y. Mr. D. B. Arnold opened and conducted the depot restaurant, which was subsequently discon- tinued. It was again opened under his supervision in 1868, and successfully conducted. His death, which occurred in the spring of 1876, transferred the management to his son, the subject of this sketch, who was born in Auburn, Cayuga county, New York, in 18-18. He was married in 18?2 to Miss Lora, daughter of Dr. E. A. Rogers, of this city. The restaurant under liis charge has estab- lished its reputation among the traveling public, and is widely know^n as one of the best conducted on the line of the M. S. P. P. It has accommodations for 125 guests, and the hungry hundreds that daily sit at the tables attest the merits of the cuisine. Mr. A. has a life-long experience, and served under the tuition of his father. He is an old and honored officer of the Masonic order, and a good citizen. Col. H. C. Austin was born in Allegany county, N. Y., in 1841; son of David and Mary (Fisk) Austin, natives of New York State and residents of that county. He came West in 1859 and settled in Steuben county, Ind., and in 1861 enlisted in the 8th Kan .Vol., Co. I, as private, and served until after the close of the war. He was in the engagements at Lexington, Mo., Sliiloh, Perryville, Stone Piver, Chickamauga, in September, 1803, where he was wounded, and he was confined two or three months in Nashville; returned the next March, when he was promoted Captain; was captured at Kenesaw Mountain and subsequently placed under tire of the Federal batteries. Lie obtained a special exchange through 634 HISTOKT OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Gen, Sherman, and participated in the battles at Franklin and Nashville, and at the close of the war was ordered to Texas; at the end of his service there, where he was Lieut. -Colonel, he returned home, which was at Jamestown, Steuben county, Ind., where he engaged in mercantile business until 1S71, when he came to this county, was two years with King & Fales, and in 1873 he estab- lished himself in his present business; the building was erected in 1877; he carries a stock cf $10,000, and he has a fair trade. In 1866 he married, at Louisville, Ky., Miss Fannie Bernard, a native of England. They liave two children. He is a member of both the Blue Lodge and the Chapter in the Masonic Order, and holds important public trusts. His family are members of the P. E. Church. A. T. Bliss, lawyer, was born in Berkshire Co., Mass., in 1831. He came to this State in 1851 and taught school at Logansport and Michigan City, and in the following year settled in La Porte city. Pie was educated at the Clinton Institute of Oneida Co., N. Y., and after graduation completed his studies at Hamilton College, JN". Y. He was admitted to the practice of the Bar in tliit^ State in 1859, and began tlie practice of his profession in this city the same year. The appeal of our country at the breaking out of the Rebellion elicted his earnest attention, and in 1862 he enlisted as a private in the 87th Ind.Yol. Inf ; but before entering the field he was elected Captain of Company G, and moved with the regiment into the Held. Subsequently he was detailed on the staff of Gen. Stead- man, and afterward appointed Provost Marshall of the 3d Brigade llth Army Corps, under Gen. Thomas. He served as Captain through the battle of Perryville, and as stafFofHcer at Hoover's Gap, Tullahoma, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, and in 1864 resigned on account of sickness and returned to liis home, where he has since been engaged in the practice of his profession. Mr. B. was married May 18, 1854, to Miss Lodoiska French, a native of Chenango Co., jST. Y. One child, Nellie J., is the only issue of the marriage. Mr. B. is a Notary Public, and associated with the Unitarian Church of this city. He enjoys a large practice, and politically he endorses the platform of the National Greenback party. F. S. Bowen, Sheriff, was born in Wyoming county, Pa., in 1831. His father, Charles Bowen, died in that State, and the widowed mother, Susanna, came to the West with six children, in 1854, and settled in North Durham tp. Snbsequentl}'- the family removed to Lake county, and returned to this county in 1867 and located in Springfield tp. The subject of this sketch was brought up on a farm, and labored diligently. In 1874 he was appointed Deputy Sheriff, which office he filled with ability for four years, when, in 1878, was elected Sheriff of the county. This position he has since filled to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. In 1855 he was united in matrimony to Miss Sarah Demund, a native of Pennsylvania. To this marriage 5 children have been born, all HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 635 of wliom are now living. He is an old and active member of the Masonic order, and since his advent in tlie political arena, has won a host of friends. lie has always supported true Democratic prin- ciples. J. H. Boioers, M. D., was born in Perry, Wyoming county, N. Y., March 19, 1S29. He received a thorough education in medi- cine and dentistry, and was for two years Principal of the high school at Glean, N. Y. In 1S55 he moved to Vernon Spa, Howard county, Iowa, and for ten years was successfully engaged with Dr. 0. H. Hunt, ot" McGregor, Iowa, in the practice of medicine and dentistry. In 1S65 he moved to West Union, Fayette county, Iowa, and followed his professional calling for three years, when he moved to Cresco, and to La Porte City in 1874. The same year he was nnited in marriage to Miss Fannie A. Pullman, a native of Chau- tauqua county, N. Y. ; are members of the Methodist Church. Dr. B. 16 a thoroughly schooled dentist, and enjoys a large and lucra- tive practice. Frank A. Boyd^ druggist, is a son of George M. and Silence L. (Keblinger) Boyd, natives of Iowa and Pennsylvania. The former settled in Indiana when 19, ; he v/as a Methodist preacher, and was extensively known throughout the State; is now a resi- dent of Michigan City, Ind. The subject of this sketch was born in La Grange county, Ind., in 1838. He learned the drug trade at Attica, Ind., where he engaged in business two years. He then moved to Peru, and after a short stay located in Indianapolis. In 1864 he enlisted as Sergeant in Co. B, 133d I. S. V., 100-days men, and served his time. In 1S67 he became extensively ensfao-ed in one of the largest producing oil wells in West Virginia. He opened a paint and oil store at Indianapolis, in which he was suc- cessful. He returned to this county in 1875, and in 1879 estab- lished himself in his present location. He carries a large stock of drugs and toilet articles, and being one of the pushing, enterpris- ing young men of the city, has a largo trade. He was married in ISTovember, 1866, to Miss Sarah A. Craighead, a native of Indian- apolis, Ind. He is a member of the Masonic order and of the Presbyterian Church. James Bradley was born in Chester county. Pa., in August, 1810. He received his early education in the schools of his native county, where he began the study of law. In 1840 he came to this county, and in the following year began the practice of his profes- sion. He was elected to the Legislature in 1850, and served one term. In June, 1854, he was appointed by President Pierce one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of IN^ebraska, and filled that office three years, when he resigned. In 1868 he was elected to the Sen- ate, in which body he served with considerable ability four years. Since that time Judge B. has devoted liis time to his professional calling. Dexter A. Buck was born in Becket, Berkshire county, Mass., September 1. 1835, son of Alvin Buck, who was born in VYorthing- ton, Hampshire connty, Mass., December 5, 1797; and his father 636 HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. was Cyrus Buck, born in the same county in 1774, and died at the age of 87; he was a son of Thomas Buck, a native of Bridtrewater, Mass. Dexter's mother, Alvira, nee Wadswortli, was born in Becket, above mentioned, January 29, 1810, the daughter of Joseph Wadsworth, a native of the same place, born in 1784; his father, Benjamin W., was also a native of that place, and lived to the age of 87; and his father, Thomas, lived to be over 80. The parents of Dexter A. came to La Porte in 1838, with three children, tlie subject of this sketch being the youngest, and they settled two and a half miles northwest of La Porte, where they followed farming 16 years, and then removed to their present home, " Clay Hill," three and a half miles northwest of La Porte, where they followed dairjnng for a number of years. The cheese which Mr. Buck made at this place for a long time bore the highest price in the market. In 1871 their dwelling was burned, with nearly all the contents. On the old foundation a new and commodious brick residence now stands, where the aged couple are enjoying their declining years. Dexter A. Buck at the age of 18 taught school and bought his time, starting out in life for himself; followed civil engineering in Iowa until the war began, when he bought a horse and rode 1.50 miles to enlist, and he became a member of Co. B, 1st Iowa Cavalry ; in the fall, at St. Louis, he was appointed Commissary by Col. Fitz Henry Warren; after the death of Gen. Lyon, at Spring- field, Mo., the 1st Iowa Cavalry was placed under the command of Gen. Fremont, with 72 other regiments, to meet the rebel General Price, said to be not more than ten miles distant; but before an opportunity was allowed for this anxiously looked-for engagement, Fremont was removed and the 1st Iowa was ordered back to spend its time fighting bushwhackers in Missouri. Near Sedalia they gained a signal victory, capturing 1,300 rebels, with wagons, horses, etc. Mr. B. was prominent in this engagement. After two years' service in the saddle, his injuries compelled him to seek retirement, and he tried reading law for a time; but his ambition would not let him rest in this way while enemies were destroying the country; he therefoi'e went South and was engaged in dealing out rations to the troops from his bakery at Union City, Tenn. The whole com- mand at that place, however, was soon captured by Gen. Forrest, Mr. Buck losing everything except his life. He then walked to Columbus, Ky., meeting with rebels and adventures on the way. He kept a general store awhile at Alexandria, Middle Tennessee, where he met a Southern lady whom he afterward married. His method of acquiring her acquaintance was difficult, peculiar and romantic. He subsequently sold out at Alexandria and removed to the old farm, which he had purchased. After remaining one year on the farm, he found such a life too dull and inactive; then selling the farm to his father, he removed to Sedalia, Mo., where he engaged in business, meeting with success; and desiring a larger field for operations, removed to St. Louis, Mo., and secured the HISTOKY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 637 control of the States of Missouri, Kansas and Texas for the sale of a noted sewing-machine, which he boiiglit and sold on his own account for a number of years, building up an Immense business. By effort and judicious management he secured a respectable for- tune. He tlien sold out his business to the manufacturing company and became business manager for them for a term ot years. At his earnest solicitations the company accepts his resig- nation, and he returns to his father's farm to care for his parents now grown old. His children are 5 in number: Inez, Marion, Dexter Alvin, Edith and Cartwright James. Mr. Buck's portrait appears on pao:e 631. W. C. Burlingame, farmer, sec. 29, P. O., La Porte, was born in Wyoming county, N. Y., in 1818. His parents, Abel and Polly Burlingame, were natives of New York State, who came to La Porte county in 1833, and settled in Centre tp., on sec. 30. He entered 700 acres of land, opened a farm, and resided here 16 or 18 years. He moved to Green, Lake county. Wis., where he died in 185.5. The subject of this sketch returned to this county in 1877 and settled on his present farm, consisting of 90 acres, valued at $70 per acre. He was married in 1838 to Miss Abigail Watkins,a native of Ham- ilton county, Ohio, deceased. His present wife, Jane Yandusen, is a native of this county. Mr. B. is one of the oldest settlers of the county. His father was Justice of the Peace for many years, and was widely known. Mr. B. is a Republican, and one of the enter- prising farmers of La Porte county. Edward J. Church, is a native of Ypsilanti, Mich., where he was born in 1835. He was educated for the profession of dentistry, and studied in the office of S. S. Blodget, of Ogdensburgh, IST. Y., and M'as a graduate from the Indiana State Dental College in 1879. He followed the practice of his profession 14 or 15 years, at Michi- gan City, Ind., and was elected City Clerk at that place in 1869. "This position he filled with great credit for live years, when in Octo- ber, 1874, he w^as elected to his present position as County Auditor; was re-elected in 1878, and he has performed the duties of that im- portant office, with a high degree of ability and success. Dr. C. was married in 1863 to Miss Elizabeth R. Johnson, a native of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, of English parentage, and an adopted daughter of George Ames, of Michigan City. Two children are the living issue of this marriage. Dr. C, in a political point of view, adheres to the principles of Democracy. He is an advocate and supporter of the Knight Templars, and has a host of friends throughout the county. Nicholas W. Closser was born January 12, 1812, in Washing- ton county, Pa. His first recollection is of moving to Warren county, Ohio, when he was about three years of age. He subse- quently moved with his parents to Butler county, where he lived until he was 11 years of age, and thence to Indianapolis, Ind., where they arrived January 8, 1823, and engaged in farming. During his minority he aided his father in cleariuij; four large farms. He was a pupil in the first Sabbath-schoul organized in Marion county. 638 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. and has ever since identified himself with the Sal)bath-school inter- est. In 1828 he was converted and united with the M. E. Church, near Indianapolis. Subsequently, upon a more careful examination of the Scriptures, he became dissatisfied with his Church relation- ship, and in 1840 he united with the Baptist Church at Door Village, in which he still retains his membership. He was elected Deacon in 18-42. On March 14, 1833, he was married to Miss Rebecca Parker, daughter of William Parker, a millwright, and formerly of Pennsylvania, Her father died in Illinois. They have 6 children : Daniel P., Elizabeth H., Jerome B., Sylvanus M., Joseph A., and Emily R. April 13, 1834, lie came to this county, and July following he left Indianapolis with his family, moving with ox teams, and was 21 days in making the journey to Door Prairie. Here he engaged in farming and in the lumber business, having erected two saw -mi lis, one propelled by water and the other by steam. He made the first table and bedstead in the township. He also engaged extensively in the purchase of real estate, but has now retired from farming, and resides in the city of La Porte. There were but few neighbors here when Mr. Closser came to La Porte, and they were scattered all over the county. He and his brother were the first teachers of music in this part of the country. He was the second Constable in the county, before Porter and Lake counties were set ofi:"; was elected Trustee of Scipio tp., and served four years; has been Superintendent of schools, and was out in the Black Hawk war in 1832. Mr. Closser has always taken an active part in public afifairs, and has been identified with the Whig and Republican parties. 0. L. Closser^ farmer, sec. 29; P. O., La Porte; was born in this county in 1844, a son of Franklin and Rebecca (Swett) Closser, both natives of Indiana, who came to this county in 1834 and set- tled on the farm now occupied by the subject of this notice. They were among the early pioneers, and passed their days on the homestead. She died in 1847. His death occurred in 1868. O. L. was married in 1869 to Miss Alice Wing, a native of Schoharie county, N. Y. They are the parents of 2 children. He now has a farm of 151-| acres, valued at $100 per acre. He is one of the oldest pioneer settlers, and is well known throughout the county. He is a Republican. George H. Churchill^ express agent, was born in Columbia county, JST. Y., in 1840. His parents, Wm. H. and Fannie (Gregory) Churchill, were natives of the same State, and settled in Hillsdale county, Mich., in 1845; subsequently they removed to Branch count}'-, where they both died. The subject of this sketch came to this county- in 1869. He was engaged during the war as militarj' store-keeper, and stationed at Springfield, Tenn., serving through the last two years of the war. He was engaged by the U. S. Express Company as messenger, and after a long and faithful service was ap))ointed to his present position in 1870. He was married at Elkhart, Ind., to Miss Amelia Cook, a native of New York State. HISTORY OF LA. PORTE COUNTY. 639 Three children have been born to this union, 2 of whom are living. He has long been a devoted member of the Masonic order, and a man of thorough, active and enterprising liabits. Alomo dough, farmer, sec. 19; P. O., La Porte; was born in Concord county, N. H., in 1814. His parents, Moses and Elizabeth (Moody) Clough, vvere both natives of that State. He early settled in Michigan, from which place he came to this count}'- and lived with his son until his death in 1867, aged 85 years. The subject of this sketch came to La Porte county in the spring of 1840, and located in Centre tp. 1\\ 1848 he settled on his present estate, consisting of 100 acres, valued at $50 per acre. He was married in 1835 to Miss Elmina Miller, a native of Ontario county, ]S". Y., anddaughter of Dudley and Annette(Wood)Miller, pioneers of 1837. Both died in this county in 1844. Mr. C. has raised a family of 12 children, 8 of whom are living. Family are members of the Methodist Church. Politically, Mr. Clough is Republican. L. A. Cole, lawyer, was born in Schoharie county, N. Y., in 1834. His parents, Avery A. and Irena (Palmer) Cole, were na- tives of Vermont and New York, who made their settlement in this county in 1835, and are afnong the living pioneers of the county. The subject of this sketch began the study of law in the office of Judge Turpie, of this State; was admitted to the Bar in 1856, and began the practice of his profession in Jasper county, where he was successfully engaged. In July, 1861, he enlisted as private in the 9th I. Y. L, was promoted Captain and served until December 20, 1865. He participated in the battles of Shiloh, Stone Piver, Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Mission Eidge, siege of Chattanooga,and was on the staff of Gen. Thomas during his memor- able campaign. He served as Town Clerk and Justice of the Peace in the early days of the county, and was married in 1858 to Miss Lucetta Henkle, a native of Tippecanoe county, Ind. Mr. C. is a member of the Masonic order, and of the Presbyterian Church. He has for several years taken an active interest in the Sunday-school of this people, and is one of La Porte's oldest and esteemed citizens. W. T. Crane, farmer, sec. 28; P. O., La Porte; was born in Campbell county, Ya., in February, 1815. He came to La Porte county in 1835, and located in Scipio township, and was among the first settlers in that section. He moved to his present farm in 1840, consisting of 141 acres, valued at $60 per acre. He was married in 1837 to Miss Phrebe Keith, a native of Ohio. To them have been born 9 children, 2 of whom are living. When the war broke out Mr. C. sent 4 of his sons in the Union army; 2 of them were lost. La Fayette and James O. William H. remains at home, attending the farm and assisting his father in his declining years. Mr. C. was from boyhood learned to work withhis hands, and until 21 years of age he gave one-half of his earnings to his father. He came to La Porte without money, and has succeeded by energy and perseverance in securing a fine farm. He is yet in vigorous health, but has lost his sight in the years since he began the ])ioneer life in La Porte county. 640 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. George M. Dakin, M . i>., was born in Clinton county, O., May 13, 1827. He was brought up on a farm and secured his education by his own energy and industry. He began the practice of his profession at Princeton, 111., in 1853, and entered the Eclectic Medical College at Cincinnati, O., where he was graduated in 1862. The same year he came to La Porte at the solicitation of Dr. A. Teegarden, to accept the practice from which that Doctor had retired, where he has since been in a very successful and active practice. He assisted in the organization of the State Medical Association in 1865, and has been an active and honored member of the Masonic order since 1836. In 1852 he was united in marriage to Miss Martha Allen, a native of Clinton county, O. To this union 4 children have been born, 2 of whom are living. The Doctor established himself in the drug business with — Buggie, in the summer of 1879, and the firm enjoy a large and lucrative trade. George C. Dorland^ insurance and real estate agent, was born in Lycoming county, Pa., in 1844. He came to this county in 1853, and in 1861 enlisted in Co. C, 29th I. V. I., as a private, and received promotion to the position of Quartermaster Sergeant, serving in that capacity till September, 1865. He participated in the battles of Sliiloh, Pittsburgh Landing, Lavergne, Chicka- mauga, Stone River, Liberty Gap, and in all the battles in which that regiment was engaged. On his return he served as Deputy Recorder eight years, and was in the mercantile trade until he estab- lished his present business. He was elected City Clerk in ]875, and re-elected in 1879. Mr. D. was married May 16, 1867, to Miss Emily Rosette, who was born in this county June 20, 1846, daughter of N. W. Closser, a native of Washington county, Pa., a pioneer of 1834 to this county, and a resident of this city. To this union 5 children have been born, 3 of whom are living. Mr. D. is Clerk of the Water Board and a member of the Masonic order and I. O. O. F. ; also is connected with the Baptist Church. He repre- sents the following Fire and Life Insurance Companies: Royal, of Liverpool; Fire Association, of Philadelphia; Phoenix, of Brook- lyn, N. Y.; Niagara, of New York; Mutual Life, of New York; London of Lancashire, Liverpool; Connecticut, of Hartford. Seth Eason^ Township Trustee, was born in Lycoming county Pa., in 1824. His parents, Samuel and Cynthia (McCormick) Eason, were natives of the same State, where he died at an early day. The mother, with all the children except Seth, removed to this county in 1847. Some years later she moved to Cedar county, with a daughter, where she died in 1880, in the 80th year of her age. Seth Eason was married in 1848 in this city, to Miss Sarah G. Heylmun, a native of Lycoming county, Pa. He followed his mother to this county in 1848, and during his residence here has principally been engaged in farming. His wife died in 1858, and he was again married to Miss Paulina R. Denison, a native of Mich. Mr, E. was elected to his present office in April, 1880, and HISTORY OF LA TORTE COUNTY. 641 lias always taken an active interest in the welfare and growth of the county. The early years of his settlement will record him as a pioneer, and esteemed citizen. Of the several children born to him 2 are living. C. S. FahnestocJc^ M. Z>., is a native of Fairfield county, Ohio, where he was born in 1847. He was educated for his profession in the colleges of New York city and Chicago, and after five years of study graduated with full honors in 1872. lie spent one year of practice in Bellevue Hospital, New York city, with the celebrated Dr. Bond, having charge of the children's department in that institution. He became a resident of La Porte in 1872, and during the first year of ])ractice he became prominent as a surgeon, in the successful treatment of several cases of ovarian tumor. He has the most complete surgical office in the State, and in the practice of general surgery, has attained a reputation which places liira in the first rank of his profession. In all his cases he has never lost a case as a result of the operation. He was a thorough student, and in a word is wedded to his profession. His extensive library, the collection of his life-time,is undoubtedly the finest collection of med- ical works in the State. His practice covers a large extent of ter- ritory, and his success has given him an extended reputation. He is Yice-President of the State Medical Society, and is widely known. Dr. Fahnestock w^as married at Cohoes, N. Y., in 1872, to Miss Susan Yanderwerkin, a native of Waterford, N. Y. Two children, the issue of this marriage, are both living. John Fildes^ Jr., of the firm of Fildes & King, Clear Lake Woolen Mill. This mill was formerly known as the " Furnace property," and was used as a machine shop, until purchased by John Fildes, Sr., and opened as a woolen mill. In 1805 the building received extensive repairs and additions at the hands of the firm of John Fildes, Sr., &, King, who established a large manufacturing trade. This firm continued until 1871, when the interest of Fildes, Sr., was purchased by his son, and the business run under the same name. The establishment furnishes employment for 50 persons, and has a large and lucrative trade. The subject of this sketch was born in Delaware county. Pa., in 1837. He is of English origin, his father having emigrated from England about 1820. His first location in La Porte w^as in 1864. He was united in marriage in 1858 to Miss Jane H. Booth, a native of Philadelphia, Pa. To this union 8 children have been born, 3 of whom are now living. Mr. F. and his father have for many years represented the manufactur- ing interest of La Porte, and are among the enterprising, substan- tial men of the community. The family are associated with the Presbyterian Church of this city. Z. S. Fitch, farmer, sec. 8; P. O., La Porte; is a son of Lemuel and Sallie (Hatch) Fitch, both natives of Madison county, N. Y., where he was born April 2, 1805. She was burn in February, 1804. They were married in the same county December 10, 1834, and in the following year moved to the West, and settled on the 41 642 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. present homestead. He served as Assessor two terms in Springfield tp., was Trustee of the schools, etc. His death occurred in Decem- ber 1856. The wife and widow survives. The subject of this sketch was the onlj child, and was born in La Porte county, December 2i, 1839. He w'as married December 11, 1866, to Miss Mary Edson, a native of Berrien county, Mich., and daughter of James D. Edson, who settled in Michigan in 1833. He subsequently remo'ved to Missouri, where he died. The homestead farm now consists of 120 acres, valued at $60 per acre. Mr. F. is a member of the Executive Committee of the Agricultural Society. John S. Fosdick^ dentist, was born in Campbell county, Ya., in 1811; is a son of George and Mary (Strong) Fosdick, natives of Massachusetts and Virginia, who emigrated to the West in 1830 and settled in Niles, Mich. In 1836 they removed to this county, located in Cool Spring tp., and engaged in farming. He was a hard-working and honest man, and attained some prominence. He was for many years Justice of the Peace, and resided in the county until his death. The subject of this sketch began early in life the study of dentistry, in which he has made himself eminently success- ful. For nearly 40 years he has been in the practice of his profession in the city of La Porte. He also attended college in the study of medicine, which he abandoned for dentistry, and is the oldest in his profession in the city, and is known to the dental profession throughout the United States. His son, who is one of the finest dentists in the country, will soon relieve his father from the cares of business in his declining years. Dr. Fosdick was married in 1834 to Miss Posetta S. Bailey, a native of Litchfield county. Conn., who died in 1841. Three children were born to this union, all of whom are living. His present wife was Miss Emily S. Smith, a native of New York State. They are the par- ents of 5 children, all living. The Doctor was a thorough Union- loving man, and in 1861 went into the field and served 10 months as Captain of Co. G, 29th I. S. Y. I. He is a member of the Quaker Church, and is widely known and esteemed. Politically he is a thorough Republican . Thomas J. Foster is a son of Thomas and Lusetta (Sutherland) Foster, natives of Onondaga county, N. Y., who came to this county in 1840, where he died in 1842. The esteemed widow survives. The subject of this sketch was born in La Porte county in 1842; was raised on a farm and learned to work with his hands. In 1860 he drove oxen across the plains to Colorado, and in the following year opened a small stock of groceries in this city and in his present location, where he has since been actively and successfully engaged. He was elected on the Democratic ticket in 1876, to fill the office of Coimty Treasurer; was re-elected in 1878, the nomina- tion each time being unanimous. He served as Secretary of the Board of Education three years, and President of the Board at the time of the election to his present position. The success attending the career of Mr. F. is worthy of more than a passing notice. HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. 643 Bereft of the guidance and help of a father's hand, he emerged from his boyhood without the means to improve opportunities or secure education. His capital was his energy, industry and economy, and with this alone has he made life a success. His grocery business is one of the largest, and controls a large trade. Mr. F. was united in matrimony in 1863 to Miss Annie Drummond, a native of this county. Gen. Newell Oleoson was born in Wardsboro, Windham Co., Yt,, Aug. 11, 1821; was raised on a fVirm until 18 years of age; his earl}' education was obtained in the common schools of his native county, and the academy at Swanzey IM. H., completing his studies at the Norwich University Vermont, where he graduated in the Scientific department, and began teaching select school soon after, in Jamaica, Yt. In 1850 he went to Bath Co., Ky., and engaged in teaching in the mathematical department of the high school, and in the following vear came to Jefiersonville, Ind., as a civil eno'ineer, making a preliminary survey of the Jeffersonville railroad, which survey was afterward completed. In the spring of 1852 he was employed as assistant engineer of the Columbus, Pickaway & Indiana R. R., moved to Pickaway and had charge of the construc- tion of that road. The line is now knov/n as the Chicago & Indiana Central. He was appointed chief engineer of the Cincin- nati, Peru & Chicago in the summer of 1853. This line was after- ward consolidated with the Peru & Union railroad and liis term of service expired in the fall oi 1856. The following year he was engaged upon the Dubuque & Western railroad, with headquarters at Dubuque, where he remained until the spring of 1858, when he went to Chicago to complete a contract with the Pittsbug & Fort Wayne road. This completed, he turned his attention to real- estate transactions, which became somewhat extended. He was commissioned Lieut. -Colonel of the 87th Ind. Yol., Sept. 7, 1862; after seven months' service in the field he was promoted Colonel of the regiment. He was in command of the regiment in the campaign against TuUahoma, under Rosecrans, at Chattanooga, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and Atlanta; and June 27, 1864, assumed command of the brigade, being Lieut. -Colonel, and held that position until the end of the war, closing his military record on the march to the sea with Sherman tln-ough the Carolinas to Columbus and Washington. On his return home he was selected to serve an especial term in the Legislature of 1865-'6, and at the close of this service, as chief engineer he survej^ed and located the Iowa & Lansing railroad. He also surveyed and re-located what is now a part of the Peru & Indianapolis railroad. In 1868-'9 he was chief surveyor of the Grand River Yalley railroad, and the following year filled the same duty in the construction of the Grand Rapids & Lake Shore railroad. Completing this work he was made chief engineer of the Ohio & Michigan railroad, which was consolidated with the Coldwater & Lake Michigan railroad. In 644 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 1873 he filled the same capacity for the Danville & Yiucenues rail- road, having charge of the Ind. division. Since 1851 Gen. Gleason has been extensiv^ely and successfully engaged in the survey and construction of roads, in which he has gained an extended reputa- tion. His health failing him in 1873, he retired from the active duties of his profession, but unaccustomed to a quiet life he will ao-ain enter the field as chief engineer of the Goshen & Wabash rail- road in Michigan, Gen. Gleason was married January 25, 1855, to Miss Nancy E., daughter of Judge M, G. Mitchell, of Ohio, a rep- resentative man and early settler of that State. One daughter is the only issue of this marriage. Politically the General is a strong suj)porter of Republican princij)les, and a member of that party since its organization. He is a member of the Civil Engineer Club of the Northwest, and of the I. O. O. F. He also ranks among the early settlers and respected citizens of the count3\ S. G. (roff, farmer, sec. 30; P. O., La Porte; was born in La Porte county in 1831, a son of Brainard and Abigail (Coon) Goflf, natives of New York and Ohio, who settled in this county in 1832 He located in the county in 1831 and made a large purchase at the laud sales. He was among the first pionesrs to open up a farm, and is at this day a living relic of early days, in the S6th 3'ear of his age. The subject of this sketch w^as married in 1856 to Miss Martha Wright, a native of Michigan; to these have been born 3 children, 2 of whom are living. Mr. G. is one of the oldest nativ^esof the county; politically he is a stalwart Republican. A. Griffin^ farmer, sec. 18; P. 0., Michigan City; was born in Schoharie county, N. Y., in 1818. His parents, Sylvester and Mary Griffin, were natives of Connecticut, and made their settle- ment in La Porte county in 1835. He entered SO acres of land in Centre township and was a very successful iarmei", and died in 1878 in the 90th year of his age. The subject of this sketch was married in 1812 to Miss Anna Rose, a native of Schoharie county N. r., to whom have been born 5 children. Of this issue 2 are are living. Mr. G. has a farm of 120 acres, valued at $50 per acre. He is one of the county's earliest pioneers and politicall}^ is a lineal descendant of the old line Wliigs, and a thorough Republican. H. Haiisheer, City Treasurer, was born in Switzerland in 1833. He emigrated to America in 1853, and in May of the same year located in La Porte. His profession was that of bookkeeper, but his first labor was in the blacksmith shop, and at whatever work his willing hands could find. He was engaged in bookkeeping when the war broke out, and he enlisted in 1861 in Co. I, 32d I. Y. I. He was wounded at the battle of Pittsburg Landing and confined in the hospital. He obtained a furlough and returned home, and upon recovery returned to his regiment, and participated in the battles of Munfordville, Stone River, Siege of Corinth, at which point he received promotion as Second Lieutenant, but was obliged to resign on account of continued sickness, and returned home. He was first elected to his present position in 1871, being re-elected HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 645 1111874,1877 and 1879. He was married in 185S to Miss Dora Rossow, a native of Prussia, who died in 1873. Eleven children were born to this marr.age, 6 of whom are livin^^. He was again married to Miss Frederika Rossow, a sister to liis first wife, by whom he has one child. Mr. H. is a member of the I. O. O. F., and a citizen who has won a host of warm and lasting friends. Politically he is Democratic. L. T. Harding^ farmer, sec. 22; P. O., La Porte; was born in Richland county, Ohio, Jan. 29, 1833; he is a son of John and Elvira (Dunham) Harding, natives of Pennsylvania and New York, • who settled in this county in 1834 and located in Noble township, where he entered 160 acres of land. In 1857 he settled in Centre township, where he yet resides, in the 78th year of his age. The subject of this sketch was married Feb. 16, 1853, to Miss Sarah Baker, a native of Pennsylvania. Ten children have been born to this union, all of whom are living, 5 boys and 5 girls. Mr. PI. settled on his jn-esent farm in 1867, consisting of 200 acres, valued at $80 per acre. His advantages for education were very limited, and his success in life is wholly due to his energy and industry. Edward Hawkins, retired, is a son of Joseph and Julia (Patton) Hawkins, natives of Yirginia, who settled in this county in 1843, where they resided until their death. The subject of this sketch was born in La Porte county in 1843. He was brought up on a farm and learned to labor with his hands." In 1874 he was elected Sheriff of the county, on the Democratic ticket, and served with such signal ability and satisfaction that he was re-elected in 1876. He also filled the office of Township Trustee of Union tp., and has always taken an active interest in his native county. Lie is associ- ated with the Masonic order and is a strong adherent of Democratic principles as promulgated by that party. He was a delegate from this State to the Democratic National Convention held in Cincin- nati in July, 1880, and has always taken an active part in the polit- ical arena. John Hilt, ice-dealer, was born in Carroll county, Ohio, in 1830; he came to this county in 1850 and located in this city. Subse- quently he formed a partnership in the ice business with Y. T. Mellott, and has since been very successful. He has ice-houses at Clear lake, Fish-Trap lake and Pine lake. On the banks of these waters he has congregated 50 ice-houses. Mr. II. was united in matrimony in 1852 to Miss Lydia Gage, a native of La Porte county, They have 2 children. He is one of the growing, enterprising business men of La Porte. John B. Holland, farmer, sec. 31; P. O., La Porte; was born in Ireland in 1818. He emigrated to the Province of New Brunswick in 1837, and in the following year located in New York city, where he remained three or four years, and started West, stopping tempo- rarily in Michigan, Illinois and Indiana. He visited the gold 64:Q HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. regions of California in 1849, and was quite successful. He re- turned in 1851, and the same year was married to Miss Ellen Pin- ners a native of County Cork, Ireland. Their children, Kicliard and Annie, are both living. Mr. H. settled on his present estate in 1851, consisting of 281 acres, valued at $60 per acre. He is an Episcopalian, religiously, and in politics a stalwart Republican. Isaac Hoover, farmer, sec. 23; P. O., La Porte; was born in Leb- anon county. Pa., in 1830. His parents, John and Mary (Dohner) Hoover, were natives of Pennsylvania, where she died, and he came to this township in 1846, where he yet resides. The subject of this sketch was married in 1853 to Miss Leah Hoover, a native of Dauphin county, Pa. ;.5 children liave been born to this union, all of whom are living: John H., Benjamin F., Ely E., Aimer F. and Sarah E. Mr. H. lirst located in Springfield tp., where lie lived three years, and settled on his present estate in 1867, consisting of 86 acres in the homstead, and 80 adjoining. He also owns 300 acres in Springfield tp. Tlie homestead land is valued at $100 per acre. Mr. and Mrs. H. are members of tlie Baptist Church, and he is one of La Porte's prominent agriculturists. Politically he has always been identified with tlie Ilepublican party. Jo/in D. Hoover, hvother of the preceding, farmer, sec. 13; P. O., La Porte; was born in Dauphin county, Pa., in 1832; was mar- ried in 1857 to Miss Susan H. Hoover, a native of Dauphin county. Pa. To this union, 10 children have been born, 5 of whom are living: Mary E., Lydia A., Martha I., William 11.. and Esther M. The deceased are John H., Chas. E., Sarah E., and two infants. Mr. H. has always been a farmer. In 1870 he settled on his pres- ent estate, and five years afterward moved to La Porte city, where he resided four years. ISTot content without labor, he returned to his farm. He also has carried on a brick yard for 20 years, and has a farm of 237-|- acres on the homestead, and other lands in this town- ship. He erected his fine residence in 1877, which is one of the most convenient and commodious dwellings in the county. The family are members of the Methodist Church, and he is one of La Porte's enterprising and successful farmers. W. A. Hosiner, County Superintendent of Schools, was born in La Porte county in 1851, and is a son of Jackson and Sarah (Griffith) Hosmer, natives of Pennsylvania and Virginia, M'ho settled in J^ew Durham township in 1835, and are among the oldest living pioneers of the county. He fills the oflice of" County Commis- sioner, and WHS elected to the Legislature in 1876, was re-elected in 1878, and has always borne an active part in the ])ublic inteiest of the county. The subject of this sketch was for many years engaged in teaching public schools in various States of the West, and' in 1876 was appointed County Superintendent to fill a vacancy. In 1879 he was re-appointed to the same position, which he has filled to the entire satisfaction of the people. Probably there is no officer in the county service who is held in higher esteem than W. A. Hosmer. Politically he bears the standard of the old-time and honored Democracy. HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. 647 A. P. Ireland^ dealer in books, stationery and wall paper, La Porte, is a son of Lewis and Rebecca (Pettit) Ireland, who came from Ohio to the West in 1831, parsing throngli La Porte county and seeding in St. Joe. They were among the earliest pioneers of that county, where they resided until 1844, at which time they removed to this county. Tlie subject of this sketch was born in St. Joseph county, Ind., in 1841; was brought up on a farm until 24 years of age, when he went to South Bend and entered the dry -goods trade; in 1875 he disposed of his stock and moved to this city, and in February, 1876, opened his present place of busi- ness. Entering upon the new field of trade in the face of adverse times, when all branches of enterprise were struggling for existence, he has through energy, economy, and industry attained a business success. He now carries a stock of $7,000 to $8,000, and controls a large trade. Mr. Ireland was married in February, 1869, to Miss Eliza Elston, a native of New York State, This imion has been blessed with 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. He is a mem- ber of the Christian Church, and one of the enterprising, thorough- going business men of La Porte. L. S. Keen., M. D., was born in Cortland county, N. Y., Feb. 3 1819. He was educated for his profession in the medical depart- ment of the University of N 3w York city, where he graduated in 1846, and followed the practice of his profession for ten years in Connecticut. In 1856 he settled in La Porte, and has had a large and successful practice. He entered the ranks of the Union army in 1861, as Assistant Surgeon, being assigned to the 29th Kegiment. After six months' service he was promoted Surgeon, and assigned to Buell's Army Corps, of the Cumberland. He served with ability until 1863,. when he returned to his home, and has since followed his professional calling. Dr. K. was married in 1846 to Miss Sarepta Persons, a native of Cortland county, N. \. He is President of the La Porte County Medical Society, a member of the Masonic order, and also of the Baptist Church. He has a large practice, and is widely known and highly esteemed. Kan W. Kerr, of the firm of Kerr & Travis, grocers. The sub- ject of this sketch is a native of St. Joseph county, Mich., where he was born in 1841. In 1857 he came to La Porte, and was for many years a salesman for the firm of Wile & Cramer and W. W. Wallace. He was in the Government service one year during the Rebellion as railroad messenger. He formed the present partner- ship in 1867. The same year he was united in marriage to Miss Melinda J., daughter of Luther Mann, and a native of this county. To this union 2 children were born, one of whom has died. Mr. Kerr is the oldest experienced groceryman in La Porte, and the firm has a large and prosperous trade. He has for many years been associated in the I. O. O. F., in which order he is an officer, and has filled positions of honor and trust. Politically, he is a Republican, and one among the pushing, enterprising men of La Porte. 64:8 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. tT. H. Kierstead. station agent, was born in Cataraugus county, N. Y., in 1828. His father, Cornelius I., came to this county in 1843, and the family in the following year, He is yet a living relic of the pioneers, but his wife died in 1869. The subject of this sketch in 1851 engaged in the mercantile trade. In 1867 bis stock was destroyed by fire, and he accepted a position as station agent at Kendallville in 1870. He served with much satisfaction at this point nearly three years, when be was appointed to his present position, which he has since filled to the credit of the company and satisfaction of the traveling public. He was Trustee of Kankakee tp. while a resident there in 1868, and always took an active interest in the public welfare of the county. He is favorably known as a successful detective, having worked out many hard cases and brought the criminals to justice. In fact, there is no case on record upon which he has failed, and the ofiicers of the M. C. R. R. regard him as a reliable and efiicient officer. He numbers among La Porte's early pilgrims and esteemed citizens. Mr. K. was married in 1854 in this county, to Miss Elnora Rynerson, a native of Lycoming county, Pa. Two children, only one of whom is living, have been born to them. Mr. and Mrs. K. are members of the Methodist Ciuirch. Politically, Mr. K. was formerly a Dem- ocrat, but the records of the Rebellion secured him to the Repub- lican standard. Frederick C. King, of the firm of Fildes & King, proprietors of the Clear Lake Woolen Mill, was born in Onondaga county, JN. Y., in 1814. He came to the West in 1836, and was engaged in the mercantile trade in Fairfield county, Ohio,andTecumseh, Michigan. In 1842 he returned East, and followed the mercantile business in Springfield, Mass., until 1846, in which year he returned and sold goods in La Grange, Ind. In 1866 he removed to this city, and the same year formed the present partnership, where he has since been successfully engaged. He was married in 1849 to Miss Xancy, daughter of Robert Cummings, a native of Ohio. A brother of this man, Pulaski King, was born in Onondaga county, N. Y., in 1823. In 1835 he left Utica, N. Y., with the Castle family to settle in Michigan City, Ind. Mr. Castle had furnished material for printing the Michigan City Gazette, which was shipped by water and arrived safely at Michigan City in June. The first number was published on the 8tli day of July, 1835, and was the first paper published in La Porte county. Subsequently he abandoned the enterprise, and became clerk for C. B. & L. Blair. In 1845 he formed a partnership with II. P. Holbrook, under the firm name of Holbrook & King, in a general stock store. During the four years of the existence of this firm they had an extensive trade, and in 1846 had a branch house at La Porte under the super- vision of A. D. Porter. Mr. K. becime sole proprietor of the store in this city in 1849, where he has since been constantly and success- fully engaged, and is the only pioneer merchant in the city. He was married July 1st, 1847, to Miss Cornelia, daughter of II. P. HISTORY OF hiS. PORTE COUNTY. 649 and Mary Ann Holbrook. She was a native of Onondaga county, N, Y., where she was born October 23, 1827. Of the several chil- dren born to this union 3 are living, Julia B., Cornelia and Adele. The wife and mother died in this city Oct* 9, 1878. The father of these pioneer brothers, Pulaski King, was born at Harrington, Litchfield county, Conn., Nov. 2, 1781. Their mother was Susan, daughter of Samuel Beecher, of New Haven, Conn. The King brothers are among the enterprising, substantial business men of La Porte, and are honored and esteemed citizens. Mathias Kreidler, clothing merchant, was born in Wittem- burg, Germany, in 1829. He emigrated to the United States in 1854 and settled in La Porte city. He worked at his trade of shoemaking and ran a brewery two years. In 1871 he established himself in his present business and enjoys a lively and lucrative trade. He was married in 1855 to Miss Katharina Miller, a native of Germany. They are the parents of 7 living children. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and one of tiie enterprising business men of La Porte. Charles T. Learning, fiirmer, sec. 16; P. O., LaPorte; was born in Schoharie county, N. Y., in 1823. His parents, Daniel M. and Mary (Tucker) Leaming, were natives of Connecticut and New York. They located on sec. 15 in Centre township, in 1834, where they resided until their death. He was a farmer, and once engaged in the Government service as Surveyor for 15 years. He was School Commissioner for many years, and took an active part in the public welfare and growth of the county. The subject of this sketch was married in 1851 to Miss Margaretta Torbert, a native of Michigan, and 3 children have been born to this union, 2 of of whom are living. Mr. L. has a farm of 160 acres, valued at $55 per acre. He also owns the homestead farm, consisting of 167 acres. The family are members of the Methodist Church. Polit- ically Mr. L. is a Republican. Ivory Lord, undertaker, was born in South Berwick, York Co., Me., in 1835; emigrated to the West in 1855, and located in Rock Island county, 111. Here he was engaged at his trade for 20 years, wlien he moved to La Porte city, and established liimself in business. He keeps a stock of about $3,000, and controls the bulk of the business in this line. ELe was united in marriage in 1855 to Miss Melina Mason, a native of York county. Me., who lived but six months after their union. His present wife, Elizabeth, is a sister of John Hilt, Esq., of this city, and a native of Ohio. To this union 5 children have been born, 3 of whom are living. He is an officer in the Masonic order, and the family are members of the Baptist Church. W. F .Mann, harness-maker, is a native of Chautauqua county. New York, where he was born in 1836. His parents, Samuel and Hannah Tripp, were natives of Saratoga county, N. Y., and made their earlj' settlement in Valparaiso, Ind. He was by occupation a farmer, but became largely engaged in money loans, and was (^ne 650 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. of the established business men of that city, where he died in 1861. She died in the same place in 1872. The subject of this sketch was engaged p.s, Surveyor in the Government service in Nebraska three years. He moved to this city in 1ST3 and established himself in his present place of business the same year. He controls a large trade. Carries an average stock of about $5,000. He was mar- ried in October, 1863, to Miss Louisa S. Spencer, a native of Erie county, Pennsylvania. To this union 3 children have been born, 2 of whom are living. Mr. M. is a member of the Masonic order and of the Presbyterian Church. Politically, he is an honored Re- publican, i^". W. Meissner c6 Co., furniture manufacturers. This firm was organized in 1860, but since then has had several changes, and is now a large company concern. This extensive business, now being carefully and successfully carried on, has grown from a small beginning, and now controls a large trade. The firm employ about 30 hands, and make large shipments throughout tlie West. Mr. Meissner was born on the Rhine, Germany, in 1823. He emi- grated to America in 1854, and located in La Porte. He established himself in the grocery business in 1856, which he followed until he entered manufacturing business. In 1856 he was married to Miss Caroline Meyen, a native of Mecklenburgh, Germany. Fifteen children have been born to this union, 10 of whom are living. Mr. M. served as Justice of the Peace four years, and has grown up with the business and manufacturing interests of the city. He is a member of the Turners' society, the Masonic order, and I. O. O. F. Politically, he is a Democrat. John L. Merritt, proprietor of a livery stable, was born in Otsego county, New York, in 1833. Came to La Porte county in 1852, and engaged in farming and hotel keeping until 18ing in Chicago. He received the nomination for Auditor in 1870, and was defeated in the contest. His name was again placed on the ticket as County Treasurer in 1872, and he was elected. The sig- nal ability witli which he discharged the duties of this important office secured his re-election in 1876. As a public officer he has won the undivided esteem of the general public. He was married in 1864 to Miss Louisa S. Bowes, a iiative of this county, and they have 5 children, all of whom are living. Mr. S. is associated with the Masonic order and I. O. O. F., of this city. Benajah Stanton^ retired farmer, was born in Union county, Ind., in 1816; is a son of Aaron and Lydia (Fosdick) Stanton, natives of Yirginia and Massachusetts, who located in La Porte count}^ in 1830, in Centre township. He was one of the first settlers in the township, an account of which is found on a preceding page. He entered 320 acres of land at that time and made additions to it after- ward. The first land broken in the county was on his farm, on sec. 29, April 7, 1830. His family moved to the county in September of the same year. They were 28 days on the journey traveling with ox teams. At that time there was but one cabin between La Porte and Michigan City. One week after their arrival a cabin was erected, and in the first few years realized the full experience of pioneer life. Mr. S. was married in 1837 to Miss Cynthia, daughter of Wm. Clark, and a native of Wayne county, Ind. Six children have been born to this marriage, 5 of whom are living. Mr. S. served as County Commissioner at one time by appointment and is widely known and respected. He is a Director of the La Porte Savings Bank. His wife is a member of the Methodist Church, but Mr. S. WPS raised a Quaker and alwavs held to that faith. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 661 Walter Sianto?i, i'&rmer, sec. 24:\ P. O., La Porte; was born in this coimtv in 1853. His parents, Moses and Dorcas (Wing) Stan- ton, were natives of Indiana and N. Y., who settled in this county in 1830 and resided here until his death. His grandfather Aaron came the same year and entered the land of the present homestead, now consisting of 83 acres, valued at $70 per acre. Thej were among the early county pioneers. The subject of this sketch was married in 1877 to Miss Emma Sheldon, a native of New York, State. Mr. S. is a relic of the pioneer family of Stantons, one of whom was the first settler in Centre township, Jno. Sutherland^ banker, was born in Wayne county, Ind., in 1820, a son of Wm. and Julia A. (Mills) Sutherland, natives of Kentucky and Pennsylvania, who were married at Hamilton, O., and moved to Salisbury, Wayne county, Ind., in 1817, and were among the first settlers of the State. He sunk the first tan-yard at that place, and followed tanning for nine years. He then kept hotel until his removal to this county, March 1, 1835. His settlement was made on Polling Prairie. He was enabled to purchase land at $7 per acre at that time, and for several years he engaged in farming. Subsequently he took up his residence in La Porte, purchased prop- erty, and dealt largely in real estate until his death, August 12, 1868. He was one of the honored pioneers of the county. His esteemed widow survives, in the 82d year of her age. The subject of this sketch was raised on a farm and learned to labor diligently with his hands. He has been conneiborn, son of Nathan and Rachel (Graham) Osborn, was born in La Porte county, Ind., in 1857. His lather was a native of Indiana, and his mother of Virginia. In 1879 he was united in marriage with Miss Adaline Yarger, who is now 22 years old. He owns, where he lives, 120 acres of well improved, excellent farming land, which he values at about $50 per acre. His educational advantages were only ordinary. Politicalh^, he is a Repul)lican. Mrs. Mary Oshorn^ daughter of Thomas and Mary (Shugart) Harris, is a native of Indiana, and was born in 1830. Her father was a native of North Carolina, and her mother of South Carolina. 43 g78 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. They were of German descent. In 1845 she came to this county and settled where she now is, on sec. 19, of Clinton tp. She was married in 1845 to David Osborn. She is the mother of 8 chil- dren, of Avhom 4 are now living. Their names are May, Thomas, Charles and Florence. She owns 115 acres of land, worth about $40 per acre. Religiously, she and her family are members of the M. E. Church. Alexander C. Patrick, son ol James and I^ancy (Culbertson) Patrick, who were natives of Pennsylvania, and of Irish descent, was born in Ohio in 1827. He came to this State in 1852, and first settled at La Porte, where he resided about five years, being engaged as a mechanic in the railroad shops at that place. From there he removed to where he now is on sec. 23. Here he owns 220 acres of land, which is fair in quality and is worth about $45 per acre. He was married in 1855 to Caroline Packer, who is now 50 years old, and the mother of 13 children. Of these, 8 are living: Albert E., Thomas L., Alexander J., Ellen M., Carrie D., Schuyler C, Mary and Har^/ey. His educational advantages were ordinary. Mr. P. was formerly a Whig, until the organization of the Republican party, ever since which time he has been actively connected with it. Harvey W. Pinney, a farmer of Clinton tp, was born in Indiana in 1844. He is the son of William and Cynthia (Long) Pinney; his father is a native of Ohio, and his mother of Pennsyl- vania. He has resided in this township all his life, and has been a farmer during the whole time. He owns 80 acres of fine farming land, which he estimates at about $55 per acre. He has a comfort- able house on his place, also a neat little barn, 30x40 i'eet in size, which he built in 1879 at a cost of $500. He was married in 1869 to Margaret A. Kelly, who is now 29 years old and the mother of 8 children. Of these, 7 are living: Adella L., Lilian O., Perry Frank, Edna L., William H., Mary A. and Leonard L. He has held the oftice of School Director and Supervisor; is a member of the Odd Fellows lodge. His wife is a zealous member of the Baptist Church. Politically, Mr. P. is a Democrat. William Pinney, a well situated farmer of great respectability and moral worth, is the third son of a large family, of which he is now the onl}- son living. He has two sisters, one in this State and one in Kansas. His parents' names were Horace and Nancy, nee Suavely, who are now both deceased. His father was born near Hartford, Conn., and was a Yankee; his mother was a native of Virginia, and of German descent. William, the subject of this sketch, was born in Jackson county, Ohio, in 1819. He remained in that State until he was 18 years of age, when he came, in com- pany with his father, to La Porte county. Here his father died in 1838, and his mother in 1839. He has lived in this township ever since. He is now on sec. 31, and owns here 160 acres of well im- proved land, worth about $40 per acre. He owns also just across the road, in Porter county, 160 acres of land, which is somewhat cut up by what is commonly known in thatcountry as "the marsh." HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 679 In 1842 Mr, P. was united in niarriaofe to Miss Cynthia Lon^, who is now living; she was a native of Virginia. Of their 8 chil- dren 6 are living: Elizabeth InI., Harvey W., William E., Perry G., Herman F. and Lois C. The youngest, who is now 26 years old, is still at home. Mr. P. has traveled considerably during his life- time, and has worked very hard for all he has, and flatters himself that he has done exceedingly well. His educalional advantages were poor, although he now reads a great deal. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, and politically, Mr. P. is a Democrat. Mrs. Martha Reynolds^ daughter of Jacob Iseminger and Nancy (Rogers) Iseminger, who were natives of Ohio, was born in Monroe county, Ind., in 1826. On herfather's side, she is of Dutch descent and on her mother's side, Welsh. She came to this county in 1834 and first settled in this township. She came to sec. 5, where she now lives, in 1852. She was married the same year to Levi Rey- nolds, who died about 17 years ago from erysipelas of the lungs. She is the mother of 7 children, of whom 5 are living: William G-., Jacob O., Walter S. and Watson P., who are twins, and Jennie, who is the youngest of the family. She owns 121 acres of excellent farming land, worth about $75 per acre. When young, the oppor- tunities offered to her for securing an education were quite inferior to those of to-day, being compelled to attend subscription schools in log houses. Mrs. P. is a member of the Christian Church, and lives consistently with her profession. Her husband was a Quaker, and politically a Whig until the organization of the Republican party, when he became united with it. Mrs. R. is an old resident of La Porte county, and is a woman of great respectability. Upon the death of her father a short time ago, she became heir to a large sum of money. COOL SPRING TOWNSHIP. The territory embraced in Cool S]>ring township was a part of the original township of New Durham. B}' subsequent division it became a part of Michigan township, remaining thus until March 9, 1836, w'hen the following order was made by the Board of County Commissioners: " Ordered, that Michigan township be divided by the line between towns 37 and 38 nortli, range -i west, and that part of Michigan township comprising town 37, range 4 west form a judicial township to be known by the name of Cool Spring township; and there be an election held in the said township on the 1st Monday of April iiext, for the purpose of electing two justices of the peace for said township; and that Nathan Johnson is appointed inspector of elections for said township; and that the elections for said township be held at the house of Nathan John- son." It has been very difficult to ascertain who was actually the first settler in Cool Spring township, or precisely in what year he came. Those who have been consulted differ in regard to the matter; some state that Nathan Johnson was tlie first settler, others that it was a man named John or Isaac Luther, wliile still others claim Arba TIeald as the first settler. It is probable that these all settled in the same year, which must have been the year 1833; and having gone into different sections of the township, the parts of which were not readily accessible to each other in those early times, each neio-hborhood believes its own first settler was first of all. Arba Pleald went from Scipio township, of which lie was one of the earliest settlers, into the southwest part of Cool Spring, and erected a saw-mill, not far from Beatty's Corners. Nathan Johnson made his improvements at Waterford, which it is said he laid out as a village; and Luther settled nearer the central part of the township. William Forrester states tiiat he has often seen the remains of the Luther cabin in the neighborhood where he resides. But whoever may have been foremost in making a settlement, it is certain that there were very few inhabitants in the township prior to 1836; in that year there were in the township, Maj. Eliphalet Pattee, Thomas Forrester, John Jacobus, Tiiomas Sharp, GeorgeSmjlh, George Bentley, John F. Decker, Abram Langdon, NathaiTJohnson, Arba Heald, John Van Meter, John Dysard, John Beatty, E«rdj-8wwtlv the Whitakers, Daniel Heed, John Glinn and Ebenezer Palmer. Palmer was the first Justice of the Peace in the township. Beatty had been engaged in the Black Hawk war, passed through the county on his way to Chicago in 1832, and made his settlement in 1833. (6S0) HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 681 Arba Ileald preceded Beatty in the timber of the southwest part of the township, and in connection with Daniel, erected a saw- mill, the first in that locality, probably in 1833. John Dysard must have come in 1835; he now lives a retired life at La Porte. George Bentley, the father of Ambrose, who still resides in the township, and Dr. G . J. Bentley, of Michigan City, ran a saw-mill for Gen. Joseph Orr, which was one of the earliest erected in the township. Elisha Mayhow owned an interest with Orr in the mill, and afterward Orr and Standiford owned it in company. The mill was built in 1833, but Arba Heald's had been erected a few months previously. Orr and his partner put up a wool-carding machine also. This afterward passed into the hands of Samuel Weston, who built a grist-mill in the same place or near, which is now owned and run by James Mason. Nathan Johnson built a saw-mill at Waterford, which some claim to have been the first erected in the township; and in 1836 he built another. Gen. Orr, now deceased (so said), thought it to be the first saw-mill in the township, erected by Walker & Johnson. A man named Bowen bought the Water- ford property and put up a distillery, which was run several years very successfully. The property passed through several hand^^. A grist-mill was erected and run in connection with the distiller3\ This was finally closed and the grist-mill continued to run until about 1870, when it was burned. Then Cat^per Kuhn bought the site, erected another mill and has run it successfully ever since. Asa Harper made improvements in the township inl835, but was then living in Michigan City, and did not move into the town- ship until several years afterward. John F. Decker lived at or near Waterford, and died in 1844. He was the father of John F. Decker, now of La Porte. The first store in the township was in Waterford. It was opened by Mr. Bowen, and in about six weeks thereafter closed by his creditors. This was probably in 1836 or '7. Since that time there have been several in the place, which have all been closed except the last, now run by Casper Kuhn. A postofiice was opened at Waterford in 1838 and kept by a Mr. Sears. This was afterward moved to the hotel about a mile south of Waterford; it was discontinued in 1865, and revived in 1878 or'9, kept by Mr. Kuhn in his store. The great amount of timber in Cool Spring township early invited the erection of saw-mills; and there were others built besides those already named. John Beatty & Purdy Smith put up one in 1833 or '34, in the southwest part of the township. In 1836 Aaron Stanton built a flouring mill in the township, which his son Alfred purchased and managed from 1838 to 1842, when he sold it and went to Oregon. Orr's and Stanton's mills were on Spring creek, a branch of Trail creek. The site of the mill which Nathan Johnson built is now owned b}^ Timm Bros. Schools were opened early, probably in 1835 or '36, and Ebenezer Palmer is supposed to have been the first teacher; Rachel Jacobus 682 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. also taught very early, and Wm. Forrester remembers Maria Sharp as his first teacher. In 1837 or '38 Wm. C. Talcott went into the township and taught a school near Waterford. He was a Univer- salist preacher, and probably the first to, preach in the township. There have been services by other denominations, especially the Methodists and Presbyterians, usually lield in the school-houses, until about 1855, when a church was built, a very good one, near Waterford, by the Presbyterians, but now owned by the Methodists. The villages of the township are Waterford and Eeatty's Corners, but little business has ever been done at either ])lace, the most important business enterprise being the flouring mill at Waterford. At Beatty's Corners there are now indications ol'a town. The site is a part of the farm of George R. Selkirk. The place was laid off as a town in 1812 bj^ James Whittem, who divided two acres into town lots. A blacksmith shop was opened by a Mr. Collins, and one Dr. Bosley worked at wagon-making; a hotel was built and kept by Enoch Brewer about two years. He afterward moved to Pulaski county and kept a hotel at Medarj^sville. A. B. Wolf kept the hotel at Beatty's Corners for a time, but it has long been closed. Only one lot was ever sold in the town, and finally George R. Sel- kirk bought the whole plat — an instance not very common, of the purchase by one man of an entire town. Cool Spring is well watered by small creeks in nearly everj' part of it, affording many excellent mill privileges; and good timber being abundant, these opportunities have been largely improved; and although a vast amount of timber has been cut C)ff, vet there are still large quantities remaining. The entire township is tim- bered, no prairie land whatever being within its limits. Educational interests have not been neglected. There are at the present time five good school-houses in the township. When the township was first settled it was one of the wildest pai'ts of the county. On one occasion Mr. John Beatty, when out hunting, came near shooting an Indian, supposing the red-skin to be a deer. The Indian rose up and exhibited himself unmistakabl}' just in time. Had the accident occurred, it might have resulted in arousing the hostilitj^ of the savages and placing in peril the lives of the settlers. In the year of 1836 a sad accident occurred, resulting in the death of Amos Smith, son of Purdy Smith, a lad about 10 years of age. His father, with others, was chopping trees in the forest, and the boy was engaged in carrying water to the men; just as he came to where the laborers were engaged, a falling tree struck a high stub or 1 ody of another tree, which spi-ang back and fell, striking down the lad and killing him instantly. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Brief personal sketches of the leading citizens of the township are an interesting portion of its history. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 683 Je7'emiah W. Bevington., carriage and wagon maker, Waterford, was born in 1848 in Sandusky county, Ohio, son of Wm. and Sarah Bevington, both natives of New York State, who emigrated to Ohio in an early day, wliere Mr. B. lived until his death. Mrs. B. came to this county in 1872, and is residing in Michigan City. Jeremiah, after growing to the age of maturitj', learned the wagon- maker's trade, which he has followed. He is now located at Water- ford, doing a good business. He is also Constable. In 1879 he married Miss Orpha C, daughter of Dr. White, who was born in Will county. 111., in 1854, and is a member of the M. E. Church. Christian Bull was born in Germany, May 1, 1831, son of Christian and Sophia Bull, also natives of Germany. The subject of this notice came to America in 1854, settling in Wisconsin, where he resided until 1866, when he came to this county. He married Minnie Hease in 1856. Miss H. was born in Prussia, Aug. 2, 1837. Of their 14 children, 8 are living, to wit: Augusta, Birdie, Sophia, Anna, Rosa, Ida, George and Liddie. Mr. B. is a member of the St. Paul's Aid Society. His occupation is farming, and he owns 114 acres on sec. 18; P. O., Michigan Cit}-. August Ciqfwas in born 1818, in Prussia, son of Mike and Louise (Gorr) Cloff, both natives of Prussia; the former died in 1837, and the latter came to America in 1863, and died in 1869. August emigrated trom his native country in 1850, locating in this tp. the same year, where he has been engaged in agricultural pur- suits. By his mode of husbandry be has accumulated property, and now owns 172 acres of nice farming land, near Waterford, on sec. 11. He married Miss Henrietta Greenka in 1845, who was born in 1822, and they have had 6 children, 4 of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. C. are members of the Lutheran Church, P. O., Michigan City. C. Cook was born in 1830 in Germany, son of Charley and Ricka Cook, also natives of Germany. Mr; C. came to America in 1854 and located at Michigan City, where he worked on the raih'oad until 1867, when he came to this tp. and bought a farm, since which time he has cleared and put it under cultivation. It consists of 100 acres of good land, on sec. 3. He was married in 1856 to Miss Charlotte AVestfall, a native of Germany, born in 1831, who came to America in 1855. They have 7 children. Mr. and Mrs. C. are members of the Lutheran Church. P. O., Michigan City. twh/i Cook, farmer, sec. 4, was born in Germany in 1827, son of Charles and Ricka (Bahn) Cook, who came to America and settled in this county in 1854 or '5 at Michigan City, where he died some 20 years ago, and she died in 1873. John was reared in the old country, received a common education, came to America about the same time his parents did, and worked 17 years in the car shops at Michigan City; in 1868 he bought a farm in this tp., where he has been engaged in farming, being in limited circumstances when he first located here. He has added to his farm until he has 160 acres of good farm land. He married Miss Mary Spackin in 1852. She 684 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. was born in Germany in 1825. They liave 8 children, 4 of whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. C. are members of the Lutheran Church. Mr. C. is also a member of the St. John's Aid Society. P. O., Michigan City. Paul J. Corhly was born in 1837 in Hamilton county, Ohio, and is the son of Justice and Mary Corbly, who came to Ohio in an early day. At the age of 17 years Paul J., having a good education, went South and began teacliing school near Savannah, Tenn., after which he taught in Corinth, Miss., and in White county, Arkansas, and 1862 finds him at West Point, from which he went into the Southern army as clerk in the Quartermaster's department, which position he held for one year, when he returned to his home in Ohio, having five brothers in the Union army. He himself volunteered in Co. A, 2d. IT. S. Yol., as 2d Sergeant; his command went on the frontier, and he again was in the Qurtermaster's department, which position he held until he was discharged, Nov. 7, 1865, at Fort Leavenworth. After a short stay in Ohio he came to this State, in 1866, and stopped in St. Joseph county for some time, when he again followed his profession. In 1872 he came to this county and in 1878 he moved to this tp., where he has taught several schools. Mr. C. has held the office of Constable and Deputy Sheritt'in St. Joseph, Ind. He was married Dec. 26, 1866, to Miss Ella Ayers, of La Porte, who was born in Wilcox county, Ala., and they have had 3 children, Jessie E, Alfred A, and Mary E. Mr. and Mrs. C. are members of thg 1st Baptist Church at La Porte. Residence on sec. 14; P. O., Waterford. Robert Ctirran, a native of Ireland, was born Jan. 10, 1822, a son of Joseph and Rebecca Curran, who came to America in 1832, first locating in New York, where they resided until 1836, when they came West and located in this county in 1844, where they resided until their death. Robert came to this county in 1840, and located at Michigan City, where he followed coopering some 10 years; then he went to California to try his luck in digging for gold. He made three trips to the gold region, and returned the last time in 1868, and has been engaged in farming. He owns 174 acres on sec. 8. Mr. C. married Mary Gardner in 1846, who was born in 1825 in New York.; 4 of their 6 children are living, to- wit: George, Mary F., Martha A. and William. Mr. C. married again in 1875, Miss Mary Dawson, who was born in 1834. Mr. C. is Master of the Masonic lodge. P. O., Michigan City. William Forrester w^as born in 1842 in this county; son of Thomas and Bridget Forrester, natives of Ireland, who came to America about 1835, locating in Illinois, and came to this county in 1839. William was reared upon the farm, whicii occupation he has followed thus far through life, now owning 115 acres of good farm land on sec. 23. Mr. F. was married in December, 1871, to Miss Julia Y. Gibbons, who was horn in this count}' in 1851, the daughter of Joseph and Caroline Gibbons. They have had 3 children, 2 of whom are living, Myrtle and Harry. P. O., Michi- gan City. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 687 Asa Harper, farmer, sec. 14; P. O., Waterford; was born in 1812, in South Carolina ; son of Edward and Charity Harper, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of Virginia, who moved from Sonth Carolina to Fayette county, Ind., when Asa was four j^ears old; lived two or three years in Rush county; when he was of age, in 1832, he settled in La Porte, whence he afterward moved to Michigan City, and then, in 1856, upon the present farm. In Michigan City he followed ship building, carpen- tering and cabinet-making for 20 years. In 181:3 Mr. Harper mar- ried Margaret Dun, who was born in 1823 in New York, and 7 ot their 9 children are living. D. L. Jackson^ farmer and fruit-raiser; P. O., Michigan City; was born in Albany county, N. Y., in 1811; his parents, James and Margaret Jackson, were also natives of New York, and of Irish descent. D. L. learned the cooper's trade, which he has followed some forty years of his life. He first emigrated to this county in 1837, locating near Michigan. City, where he worked at his trade until 1847 or '8, when he bought the farm he now occupies. Here he has been engaged in farming, carrying on coopering until some four years ago, since which time he has given his entire attention to farming and growing small fruit. He has one-half acre of straw- berries that netted him $81 this season (1880). Mr. J. nuirried Miss Annie C. Miller in 1839, born in 1820, in Connecticut, and of their 12 childi-en 6 are living. Mr. J., being an old settler, has seen vast improvements made in this county. Residence, sec. 11. Calvin G. Jenks, blacksmith, Waterford, was born in 1865 in Michigan, and is a son of Stillman and Sophia Jenks, natives of New York State, who moved to Michigan in 1853. Calvin was reared in his native State, and received a common-school education; he learned the blacksmith trade and worked in Michigan until 1879, when he came to this place, where his business is steadily growing. Although young his prospect bids fair for success, as he is a master workman, and can do any and all kinds of buggy and carriage work. Leo Keppcr was born in Prussia in 1847, son of August and Eliza Kepper; at the age of 19 he enlisted in the Prussian army; becom- ing tired of a soldier's life after three years and 11 months' ser- vice, he left his command without leave and came to America, landing at New York; without making a halt he came to this tp., where he has been farming, with good success, now owning 130 acres of land, on sec. 11. He was married to Miss Eliza Gehrka in 1878, who was born in Hanover in 1845, and they have one child. Mr. and Mrs. Kepper are members of the Lutheran Church at Michifjan City; P. O., "Waterford. John Kieffer, farmer, sec. 16; P. O., Michigan City; was born in Germany in 1827, son of Michael and Mary Kieifer, natives of Germany; came to America in 1854 and settled in this county in 1856, where he has succeeded, by hard labor, until he now owns 86 acres of well-improved land. He married Miss Mary Gesper, who was born in Germany in 1832, and they liave had 8 children, 4 of 688 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. whom are living. Mr. and Mrs. K. are members of the Catholic Church. Giistavus F. Lell was born in Germany March 25, 1848, son of John and Christina Lell, who came to America in 1852, both now deceased. Gustavus learned the tanner's trade under Christian House, at La Porte. Later in life he was an engineer on the Chicago, Alton & St. Louis raiiroad. Afterward he engaged in the butcher business, and in 1877 he bought his present farm of 80 acres, since which he has given his entire attention to farming. He married Miss Sopliia Kahn Oct. 23, 1877, a native of Grermanj, and they have had one child, Frank. Mr. and Mrs. K. are. members of the Christian Church at Bloomington, 111. Residence, sec. 8; P. O., Michigan City. Daniel Low was born in Boxford, Essex county, Mass., May 28, 180(3, and is the sou of Joseph L. and Sally (Wuod) Low, natives of the same county, and of English descent. Until 17 years of age he was on his fatlier's farm, and received a common-school educa- tion, but, suffering a sunstroke at 14, he never attended school afterward. He went to leani the tanner and currier's trade in a morocco manufactory at Millbnry, Mass., where he remained four years; he then went to work for the same company in their store at Providence, P. I., where they carried on a large wholesale shoe trade, mostly with the South. Mr. L. was in this business seven or eight years, spending a small portion of this time, however, in Boston. In May, 1835, he came West and settled in Michigan City, bringing witli him a general stock of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, etc . and carried on a mercantile business and land agency three years. In this time, Jnly 7, 1837, in his native county, he married Miss Mary Barker, who was born Jnly 14, 1S06, a daughter of Stephen and Asenath (Pearl) Barker, also of the same county and of English ancestry. In 1842 he rented 100 acres of land on sees. 13 and IS, Cool Spring tp., for tiv^e years, with the privilege of buying at the end of this term. He found no improvements upon the place, excepting the enclosure of 15 or 20 acres; this place he bought and has ever since made his home, ])ntting upon it all the improvements which are now there. In 1S58 he erected a large two-story brick residence, and he has also a tine barn, out-buildings, etc. The homestead now consists of 240 acres, and Mr. L. has made quite a specialty of fruit-raising. During his residence in this county Mr. Low has been extensively engaged in the land business; has bought and sold probably over 10,000 acres; he has also had charge of the settlement of several estates. For 15 years he was one of the three Township Trustees, and since the law was changed, he has been the sole Trustee for 11 years longer, — is now serving his third year since his last elec- tion, — in all making 26 years in this office. The first year of his Trusteeship, only $20 of public money was collected for school purposes; at the settlement in October, 1879, he had on hand a balance of over $1,700 tuition funds, and had expended $840 during HISTOKY OF LA I'OKTE COUNTY. 689 the preceding six months; in September of the same year the cash receipts for tuition were $3,337.85, and expenses $1,620; such is the contrast in school matters between tlie present and one-quarter of a century ago. In politics, Mr. Low is a Republican. Mr. and Mrs. Low have had a family of 3 children, only 2 of whom are living; the oldest, Augustus B., was born April 12, 1838, and died at about the age of six years; Charles Otis was born March 26, ISiO, enlisted at the age of iS in the 4th Ind. Battery (1861), at the breaking out of the great war, served about two years, was wounded, taken prisoner and confined in Libby prison; he now resides at Holton, Kansas; and Mary E. was born Dec. 11, 1843; married Isaac R. Mudge and resides at home with her parents. Mr. Low's portrait will be found on page 685 of this volume. Z. W. Palmer was born in 1824 in Schoharie county, ISI. Y., son of Ebenezer and Fannie Palmer, father a native of New York, and mother of Massachusetts. lie came with his parents in 1835, and located on the present farm. His parents died in 1845 on the home farm. He was married in 1848 to Philena Harding, who was born in 1833 in Ohio, and they have had 3 children. Mrs. P. died in 1863, and he was married in 1865 to Catharine Shreeve, born in 1840, in New York State. Of their Y children 6 are living. Mr. P. has been School Trustee two terms, has been a Representative in the Democratic Convention twice. He has followed farming and buying and selling grain; he bought on the Board of Trade of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. P. are members of the Methodist Church at Cool Spring. Residence, sec. 12; P. O., Michigau City. Eli Smithy /St., farmer, sec. 23; was born on the Atlantic ocean, in 1828, son of John and Jane Smith, who came across the waters and located themselves in Canada, where Eli grew to manhood; he came to this county in 1840, locating in Michigan City, where he was an engineer some nine years, after which he carried on the cooper- ing business eight years, and being reasonablj'- successful he purchased a farm of 160 acres, where lie now resides, for $1,100, the land being under such a low state of cultivation ; but by Mr. S.'s husbandrj' he has increased the yield of wheat from 5 to 25 bushels per acre. Mr. S. has the imported Jersey stock of cattle, and the Clyde stock of horses; indeed he is stocking his farm with the best stock that can be obtained. He was married in 1851 to Miss Malinda Brown, who was born in Canada in 1827, and tliey liave had 9 children. He served one year in Co. D, 138th Ind. Vol., and was among those that captured Gen. Morgan in Ohio; also he has held the office of Justice of the Peace and served two years in the police court. He and wife are members of the Congre- gational Church. P. O., Michigan Cit\'. A. B. Tr(>(/elled to surrender and accept him as her long absent son. His father presently enter- ing the room, he greeted him with, ''How do you do, lather?" but the father also, refused to own him, when Joseph had to resort to the same plan again to identify himself to his father. Said he, " Don't you remember one occasion when Mr. — desired me to vote for a certain man on election day, and I refused? and didn't he threaten to throw me out, when you interfered and told him he might get the worst of the bargain ?" This brought the aged sire to his recollection, and tlien he welcomed his long-absent son with outstretched arms as if the prodigal had returned. William, II. Billings was born in 1824, in Tioga county, N. Y., the son of Charles Ijillings, also a native of the Empire State; he was brought to this State by Mr. Barney, who raised him to man- hood; in 1837 he settled in Lake county, and in 1847 he removed to this county, settling in this tp. in 1864. In 1846 he married Miss Mary E. Miller, who was born in North Carolina in 1831, and of their 4 children 3 are living, Josephine M., James and Willie. Mr. B. has followed tanning with fair success, and now owns 40 acres of well improved land, on sec. 20. He and his wife are mem- bers of the Christian Church. P. O., Hatch's Mills. David F. Birchim was born in this county July 9, 1842, tlie son of Abram and Agnes Birchim, natives of Westmoreland county, Penn., who emigrated to Ohio, and resided there until 1835, at which time they came to this State and passed through all the hardships of the early pioneers. Mr. Birchim died June 11, 1856. David ¥, occupies the old homestead, and has had good success as a farmer. He has added considerable to it, now owning 248 acres, the greater portion of which is under a high state of cultivation. He raises considerable stock, making a specialty of the thorough- bred Poland-China hogs. Mr. B. married Belle Francis Jan. 25, 1866, who was born in Berkley county, Ya., in 1843, and of their 5 children 3 are living, to-wit: James A., Lio Lemmon and Adda F. Mr. B. is well known throughout the count}^, as he has been selling the Dowagiac Drill, IXL Wind Mill, and other farm machine:y. He has held the office of Constable, and is now Assessor, which office he has held for live years; is also iVJaster of the Masonic lodge at Rolling Prairie. Residence, sec. 25; P. O., Rolling Prairie. Benjamin Brewer was born Jan, 27, 1796, in Fayette county, Penn., is the son of Henry and Jane Brewer, the former a nativ^e of Pennsylvania, and tiie latter of Maryland, who emigrated to Kentucky in 1799, where they resided four years, and then moved to Clarke county, this State, wiiere Mrs. Brewer died. Mr. B. moved to Owen county, where he died. Benjamin was married, in Clarke 700 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. county, in 1817, to Sarah Park, who was born in 1800 in Kentucky. Neither of their 2 children is living. Mrs. B. died, and Mr. B. married Elizabetli Kony in 1825. She was born in 1803. They have had 9 children, all of whom are dead but one, Marfijaret (Van Waoner). She has 2 children, Rj'near De Loss and Orrin J Mr. Brewer came to this tp. in 1836, where he followed blacksmithing and farmino; until a few years ago, when he quit active labor and is now living a retired life. He owns 80 acres of good land on sec. 26. P. O.. Rolling Prairie. Edward S. Cadwell was born in Madison county, N. Y., in 1827, and is the son of Simeon and Maria Cadwell, natives of Connecticut. They went to New York when young, where they married, and resided until death. The former about 1831 and the latter April 6, 1840. Edward S. w^as left an orphan, and was raised on the farm by Fred Hitchcock. When he became of age. in 1817, he married Miss Leva Gribley, wlio was born in Onondaga count}', N. Y., in 1828. Thej- have had 4 children, 8 of whom are living, Elva M., Mervin E. and Edward F. Mr. C. emigrated to this county April 14, 1854, where he owns a farm of 100 acres. The first pair of boots Mr. C. ever bought he earned the money for by blacking boots; and he worked in a paper-mill for money to pur- chase his first book. He has held the office of Trustee, has been Justice of the Peace several terms, and was a Census Enumerator this year (1880). Mr. C. is Secretary of the Masonic lodge. Resi- dence, sec. 21. P. O., Hatch's Mills. Albert Coe was born Sept. 19, 1833, in Williamsport, Pa., the son ot Horace and Harriet Coe, the former a native of Pennsyl- vania, and the latter of Connect icnt. They came West in an early day, and settled in Michigan, where Mr. C. resided until his death. Albert came to this State in 1844, and to this tp. in 1866, where he has opened up a nice farm of 180 acres, on sec. 23. He obtained his start in life by working on the L. S. & M. S. R. R., some 15 years, 13 of which he was engineer. • He married Miss Eliza Thorn in 1857, who was born July 24, 1836, in Rockport, N. Y. ; and they have 3 children: Hattie, Mary and Willis. Mr. C. is a member of the Masonic order. P. O., Rolling Prairie. Eugene W. Davis was born in Monongahela county, W. Ya., Dec. 20, 1832. His father, Caleb, and his mother, Sarah (Wagner) Davis, were also natives of Virginia, the former of English and the latter of German descent, who came to this county in 1831, first, looking at the country, and in 1833 moved and settled on the Phineas Hunt place, in Kankakee tp., where they resided until about 1835, when they moved to Springfield tp., and built a saw-mill on sec. 25. In 1838 they came to this tp. and set- tled on sec. 30, where they resided until 1879, when they moved to Shelby, Mich., at which place they now reside. Father Davis is widely known throuijhout this county, having preached the gospel for many years, without taking pay for his services. He labored without monej' or price, doing great good to his fellow HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 701 man. He occasionally preaches where he now resides. Eugene was reared on the farm, and received a limited education, though at present he is a well-read man, getting his knowledge by his own personal efforts since he became of age. He has at present one of the best private libraries in the township, if not in the county. He commenced in life without a cent. He earned his first $100 by cutting cord wood at 40 cents per cord, gaining little by little, until now he is the owner of 200 acres of well-improved land. He re- sides on sec. 29. He married Miss B. A. Barnes Oct. 9, 1853; she is the daughter of Cyrus Barnes, who is also an old settler. Miss B. was born in New York in 1835. They have had 3 children, 2 of whom are living: Arthur C. and Frances E. (now Mrs. Finley.) In addition to his large library Mr. Davis has also a very fine col- lection of geological specimens, which attracts the admiration of all visitors. P.'O., Hatch's Mills. Richard Mherhigton was born in 1810 in Winchester county, England, and is the son of Richard and Elizabeth Etherington, natives also of the same county. He moved to America in 1832, stopping a short time in New York State, then to Ohio, then, in 1836, to Illinois, and finally to this county, locating at La Forte. He came to this tp. in 1840, settling on sec. 27, where he has ever since lived, but is at present on sec. 34. In 1833 he married Miss Elizabeth Thorn, who was born in England in 1814, and they have had 11 children, 4 of whom are living: Eliza, Jane, Edmund and Mary. Mrs. E. died about 1850, and the next year Mr. E. married Mahala Clark, who was born in New York State in 1813, and thej had one child. Mrs. E. died in 1852, and the next vear Mr. E. married Lucy Perry, who was born in New Hampshire. Mr. Etherington commenced in life poor, but he now owns 1,400 acres of land, two houses and lots in Rolling Prairie, and has given his children about $20,000. He has never gone to school, but has education enough for business. P. O., Rolling Prairie. William W. Finley^ son of Jonas and Sarah Finley, natives of Pennsylvania, who came to Jasper county, Ind., about 18 J 5, was born in that county in 1830, and brought by his parents to this county in 1836; his father lived here until he died in 1873, and his mother is living with her daughter, Mrs. Ross, in Springfield tp., this county. When of age Mr. Finley left the farm, and has ever since followed milling, in which he has had success; he has owned and ran several mills in the county, and at present is the sole proprietor of the flouring mill on sec. 17. This mill is 36 by 24 feet in size, three stories high and has two run of stones. In 1856 Mr. Finley married Roxy A. Holman, who was born in Monroe county. New York, in 1833, and they have had 5 children, 2 of whom are livinor: Aimer L. and Ella E. Mrs. F. is the dauo-hter of Thomas and Margaret Holman, the former a native of England and the latter of one of the New England States, who came to this county about 1851 and settled at Springville, where they resided until 1879, when they moved to Hudson tp. Mr. Holman is a tailor 702 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. by trade, is a member of the I.' O, O. F.; he and his wife are members of the Church. P. O., Hatch's Mill. Martin Foster was born in 1811, in Ononda2:a county, N. Y., and is the son of Joel 'and Hannah (Howe) Foster, natives of Connecticut; mother died about 1815 or '16, and father about 1828 or '30. On attaining his growth in N'ew York State, in 1838 he came West and located on sec. 22, where he now lives; he first bought 120 acres, and has since added to it, until he has 220 acres altogether; he has also a house in New Carlisle, St. Joseph county. In 1832 he married Sallie Mosley, who was born in New York in 1810, tlie daughter of Josiah Mosley; of their 5 children Mrs. Han- nah Holcomb alone survives. Mr. Foster is a farmer, stout and healthy; is a Free Mason, and he and his wife are members of the Christian Church. P. O., Three Oaks, Mich. ISoijpha Foster was born in 1814 in Onondaga county, N. Y., a brother of the preceding; in 1835 or '36 he came to this tp., when it was a wilderness; he followed an Indian trail to find neighbors to help him raise his first log buildings; he invited all in the tp.; in 1833, in New York State, he married Miss Maria Williams, who was born in Onondaga county in 1815; she died Nov. 17, 1842, and he married, Feb. 13, 1843, Miss Isabel Warwich, a native of Trumbull county, O., and of their 9 children these 5 are living: Joel C, L. A. and Laura D., twins, Franklin P. and Anna B.^ Mr. Foster received a common-school education, commenced life in limited circumstances, but now owns 200 acres of land. Mr. and Mrs. F. are members of the Christian Church. Kesidence, sec. 22; P. O., Hatch's Mill. Simeon ^m/ic/s, farmer, sec. 10; P. O., Hesston; was born in 1827 in the town of Wethersfield, Hartford county, Conn., son of Charles and Elizabeth Francis, also natives of that State, wlio came to this tp. in 1835, where they resided until their death, the former in 1870, the latter in 1855. Simeon was brought up principally in this tp., on the farm, receiving a common-school education, and working a little at the carpenter's trade, Avhich business he has followed some since. In 1859 he married Miss Mary E. Martin, who was born in New Jersey in 1835, and their 2 children are C. W. and Jesse G. Mr. F. now owns 191 acres of land, 159 of which is in this tp. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church. W. W. Fuller, farmer, sec. 16; P. O., Hesston; was born in 1830 in Chautauqua county, N. Y., and is a son of Joseph and Isabel Fuller, natives of New York, who settled in South Bend, Ind., in 1834 and came to this county in February, 1835, where they lived until their death, that of the former in 1856, and of the latter in 1874. The subject of this sketch grew to manhood principall}^ in this county, working in the saw-mill until 15 years of age and then on the farm. In 1854 he married Miss Mary A. Heckman, a native of Michigan; was brought up in this county; was born April 10, 1835. Of the 3 children born to Mr. and Mrs. F. these 2 are living: Mary Y., now Mrs. Mayes, and Carl D. Mr. Fuller obtained ^a HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 703 good English education, and has taught school 12 winters in this {State and in Michigan; served four years in Co. C, 12th Ilegiment Michigan Infantry, as Sergeant; was at the lirst battle atShiloh, at Yicksburof and nianv others. He has been Justice of the Peace one term in Michigan and two terms here; is now serving his second term as Notary Public; is an elder, in the Christian Church, of which he and Mrs. F. are members; he is also a Free Mason. He owns 65 acres of good farm land. James GaXhrcath^ farmer, sec. 26; P. O., Rolling Prairie; was born in Westmoreland county, Pa., March 17,1801; resided 15 years in Butler county, O., then one year in St. Joseph county, then, in 1837, in this county, and in 1842 in this tp., where he has successfully followed farming; but soon after settling here he became dissatisfied with the country, loaded everything into his wagon and started for Ohio; on reaching Crawfordsville, Indiana, he changed his mind and returned to his new home here. He was married in Butler county, O., April 3, 1823, to Miss Elizabeth Miller, who was born in that county Nov. 18, 1801.; 3 of their 6 children are living: John, William and Isabella. Mr. G. has given his children all of his half sec. of land except 86 acres. He is a highly honored pioneer of this county. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church. John C. Galhreath, farmer, sec. 25; P. O., Rolling Prairie; is a son of the preceding, and was born Aug. 24, 1824, in Butler county, O; May 30, 1848 he married Miss Lydia B. Love, who was born in October, 1827, and their 5 children are Albert, Harriet E., Mary B.,Annie E. and Oliver. Mrs. G. died Jan. 20, 1864, and March 9, 1865 Mr. G. married Rose Bn tier, who w^as born in Maine June 30, 1838, and their only child is Emma E. The subject of this sketch in pioneer times taught one term of school for $8 per month; after receiving his winter's wages he invested all of it in cloth enough to make him a coat and the cutting of it; but it was spoiled and he thus lost his entire winter's work! He is a farmer at present, owning 50 acres of land. He and his wife are members of the M. E, Church. Thomas Oriffin, farmer, sec. 36; P. O., Rolling Prairie; was born in Oswego county, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1839, the ton of Patrick and Mary Griffin, of Irish descent; when Thomas was 10 years of age his father died and his mother married R. Condon. Mr. Griffin followed teaming four years in Illinois and Iowa, and with the excep- tion of that time he has lived in this tp., since 1850; in the time of the late war he provided for 13 persons. He now owns the homestead, consisting of 64 acres. Of his five brothers and sis- ters only Julia is living, who married Mr. Renfro and has 3 chil- dren : Eliza, Richard and Mary. J. B. Hatch, farmer, operator of saw-mill and threshing-machine, sec. ,20; P. O., Hatch's Mill; was born in 1830 in Columbia county, N. Y., and is the son of John and Polly Hatch, natives of that State, where his widowed mother still resides; became to this county in 1852, first locating at La Porte, and in 1855 came to this tp., where 704 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COtJNTi'. he has ever since resided. In his threshing business he uses the Nicholas & Shepherd vibrator, run by steam power. He is known as a JSTo. 1 thresher throughout the county. In 1866 he married Ellen Hudson, who was born in this State in 1849, and their 2 children are Nettie D. and Johnnie H. Jacob Heckman, one of La Porte county's early pioneers, and the oldest person now living in Galena tp., was born April 8, 1794, in Botetourt county, Va., the son of Joseph and Catliarine Heckman, of Irish descent, who moved to Ohio, where they resided until death. Jacob emigrated to Berrien county, Michigan, in 1827; in 1830 he came to this county, where he has done much in clearing the forest and advancing the interests of his neighborhood. He has been very successful in life, giving 160 acres of land and $200 to each of his 9 children, they paying him a total of $144 annually during his life- time. April 8, 1819, in Franklin county, Ya., Mr. II. married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of William and Rebecca Dodd, and their 9 children are: Theodoric, Charlotte, Catharine, Jacob S., Harriet, Elizabeth, Mary A., Martha and David L. Ilesidence sec. 10; P. O., Hesston. Jacob S. Ilecliman, son of the preceding, was born in 1829 in Preble count}', O.; came with his parents in 1835 to this tp., where he grew to manhood, receiving a common-school education. Iii 1850 he married Miss Laura Marshall, who was born in New York State in 1832, and of their 3 children Albe^-t P. and Mrs. Frances J. Taylor are livinof. The former is a graduate of the La Porte high school and has been studying medicine two years. His prog- ress is very flattering. The subject of this sketch has followed farming thus far with extraordinary success; at present he owns 160 acres of the best improved land in the .valley. Besidence sec. 20; P. O., Hatch's mill. P. M.Hess^ farmer, sec. 8; P. O., Hesston; was born in 1812 in Columbia county, N. Y., but was raised in Delaware county; he is the son of John and Jane Hess, natives of the same State. The subject of this sketch was brought up on the farm, after which he kept hotel some time. In 1856 he emigrated from New York to this tp., where he has since resided, most of the time farming. He once owned and ran a saw-mill on sec. 8, this tp., and he kept store about three years at Hesston. In 1835 he m-irried Miss Almira Alton, who was born in Delaware county, N. Y., -in 1815, and of their 5 cliildren 3 are living,namely : Carrie M., Emily Y., and Mary M. Mr. Hess commenced life in limited circumstances, but by economy and industry' he now owns 113 acres of well-improved land. His father was in the war of 1812. D iv'id Hudson was born in Madison county, N, Y, in 1821, the son of Bichard and Maria Hudson, natives of the same State, who emigrated to Michigan in 1836 and to this county in 1837. David's father died in 1851, and his mother in 1876. He was reared on the farm, and soon after his majority he went into the lumber business for several years. He is at present giving his entire attention to HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 705 farming. Throngli Mr. H.'s efforts, Hatch's Mills postoffice was located in this tp., in 1SY6, though the mail was not carried over the route until 1877. J. B. Birchim is the present postmaster. Mr. Hudson married Miss Louisa Marston in 1S45, who was born in New York in 1825; and of their 6 children 3 are living: Ellen (Hatch), Harvey, and Kettie. Mr. H. has been Master of the Masonic lodge. He is the owner of one of the best farms of this tp., containing ISO acres, on sec. 21. P. O., Hatch's Mills. Anton Leliter was born in Germany in 1830, son of William and Genefave Leliter; he grew to manhood on the farm, and received a common-school education. He came to America about 1851 or '52, landing in New York, and went to Milwaukee, "Wis., where he resided six months, when he went to Chicago, and in a short time he came to this tp., and settled on sec. 22, where he has lived ever since, except five years he lived in Muscatine county, Iowa. He married Miss Eliza Etherington, Dec. 3, 185G; she was born in New York in 1836. They have had 6 children, 5 of whom are living: Mary, George, Emma, Cora and Melvin. Mr. L. is a member of the Masonic order. Mrs. L. is a member of the Chris- tian Church. Mr. L. was a very poor man when he came to this county, but he has had good success, now owning 205 acres of No. 1 land, sec. 22, where he raises considerable stock. F. O., Hatch's Mills. Matthew Mayes was born in 1812 in Mifliin county, Penn., son of James and liebecca Mayes, both natives of the same State; he was reared in the blacksmitli shop. He came to this county in June, 1831:, though he had visited the country here in 1833 and helped build the Talbott saw-mill on sec, 8, He located on his present farm In 1831:, where he has resided ever since, following farming and blacksraithing. He was married in 1830 to Miss Mary Hulburt, wh ) was born in Ohio in 1819, and they have had 6 children, name- ly; James, Deborah, William, Mary, Sarah and Matthew Wesley. Mr. and Mrs. M. are members of the Christian Church, Mr. Mayes has 19G acres, on sec, 17. P. O., Hesston, A. IT. Paddoch, ftxrnier, sec. 12; P. O., Three Oaks, Mich., was born July 20, 1837, in this county, and is the son of James and Charlotte Paddock, pioneers of this county. He was married April 6, 1860, to Ellen E. Ray, who was born in October, 1839, in Ohio. One of their 2 children is living, Schuyler C. Mrs. Pad- dock died April 6, 1863, and Mr. P. married Lizzie K. Butler Eeb. 9, 1865, who was a native of Maine, and born May 2, 1848. Their 2 children are Ada E. and Sherman. Mr. P. owns 71 acres, on sec. 12. James Paddock^ farmer, sec. IS. owning 261 acres of land; P. O., Three Oaks, Mich. Mr. Paddock was born April 18, 1806, in Onondaga county, N. Y., and is a son of James and Ann Paddock, who emigrated to Cook county, 111.; Mr. P. died at Kankakee city. The subject of this sketch married Charlotte M. Tappin May 706 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 14, 1829, wlio also was born in Onondaga county, JS". Y., Nov, 19, 1808. Of their 12 children the following 8 are living: Irwin, Stephen T., Morrison, Andrew, Harvey, John, Emily and Lucette. Mr. Paddock arrived in this tp. Aug. 17, 1836, settling on the farm which he has ever since occupied. He has been Treasurer and Assessoi', and successful as a farmer. His father was in the Kevo- lutionary war. Morrison Paddock^ itLvmer, sec. 13; P. O., Three Oaks, Mich.; is a son of the preceding and was born April 22, 1835, in Onon- daga county, N. Y.; he was married Nov. 25, 1866, to Amanda Tuttle, who was born Dec. 7, 1840, in Milwaukee, Wis., and their 2 children are James and Anna. Mr. P. served three years in Co. G, 9th 111. Cavalry. He owns 80 acres of No. 1 land. William Ehoda^ farmer, sec. 28; P. O., Hatch's Mills; was born in Germany in 1846. His parents, Joseph and Frederika Rhoda, who came to America in 1857 and settled in La Porte, where his widowed mother now resides. He was raised on a farm, which occupation he still pursues. In 1867 he married Hattie Lute, a native of Germany, who was born in 1847, and they are the parents of 6 children, 5 of whom are living, namely: William, Louis, Fred, Ida and George. He owns 128 acres of land; last spring his house and nearly all his household goods were consumed by fire. ^Edmund T. Smith, farmer, see. 7, a native of England, was born Dec. 20, 1822, and is the son of Thomas and Elizabeth Smith; the former died in England and the latter came to America aiid settled in Tompkins county, N. Y., where she died in 1855. Mr. S. ran a saw-mill; came to this county in 1864, where he followed the same business for 10 years; the balance of his time he has devoted to farming, with fair success, owning 60 acres of land. In England, July 12, 1847, he married Miss Elizabeth Varney, who was born January, 1823; 5 of their 9 children are living, namely: William T., Elizabeth J., Isabella, Henry R. and Edwin Y. Mr. and Mrs. S. are members of the Christian Church. P. O., Hesston. j>liohert K. Smith, farmer, sec. 20; P. O., Hesston; was born in y'" 1797 in Sussex county, N. J.; his parents, John and Mary iSmith, moved to Ohio about 1806, where they remained for a number of years. In 1825 he married Miss Rutii Tull, who was born in 1797, in Washington county, Penn., and they have had 7 children, 3 of whom are living: John D., Valentine F. and H. E. Mr. S. has always worked hard and has obtained considerable land which he has divided among his children, feeling that such a division would be more satisfactory while he is living, and save the ] erplexity and expense of settling his affairs after his death. His home is with his eldest son, H. E. Father Smith came to this county in 1835, and built his house where his son's barn now stands; he has had fair success as a farmer. Julius C. Tappan, deceased, was born Nov. 22, 1816, in Onon- daga county, N. )[., and was the son of Stephen and Betsy Tappan, the former a native of New Jersey and the latter of New York. HISTOKT OF LA POKTK COUNTY. 707 Julius, the subject of tliis sketch, came to this county in 1839, settling on sec. IS, where he lived about five years; he then moved to sec. 13, where he resided until liis death, Aug. 10, 1876. He was married March 12, 1836, to Miss Philura Marshall, who also was born in Onondaga county, IS^. Y., July 9, 1819. Of their 10 children the following S are living: Thomas J., Noah M., Louis E., George, Stephen, Franklin, Lucy and Charles. Their mother, with the assistance of Charles, manages the farm. P. O., Three Oaks, Mich. Edwin J. Teeter, farmer, sec. 35; P. O., Rolling Pi-airie; was born in this county in 1843, and is the son of Ilenr) and Caroline Teeter, the former a native of New York, and the latter of Yir- ginia; they came to this county in 1833 or '31-. Edwin J. was reared on the farm, and he still is following the business of agri- culture, with marked success. He owns 212 acres of land, and raises a good deal of stock. In his earlier years he received a good English education, attending the College at La Porte. In April, 1876, he married Miss Emma Ocker, who was born March 15, 1853, in De Kalb county, Ind., and of their 3 children only Philip H. is living. Mr. T. is a member of the Masonic order, and he and his wife are members of the M. E. Church. He is Justice of the Peace, which office he has now held for seven years. Samuel Wilson, farmer, sec. 18; P.O., New Buffalo, Mich,; was born in New York, Oct. 19, 1813, and is a son of-James and Elizabeth Wilson, natives of Pennsylvania. He first came to this county in 1834, settling here permanently in 1826. He has been married three times, — first, in 1839 to Miss Berch, a native of New York; 2d, to Miss Mary Warrick, a native of Ohio, who died in 1867; and 3d, in 1877, to Miss Martha Burnett, who was born in this State in 1839. By his first marriage Mr. Wilson had 9 chil- dren. He owns 205 acres of farm land, and carries on his agricult- ural operations witii thoroughness and success. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church. Elizabeth Woodmansee was born in 1812 in Bedford county, Va., the daughter of Jehu Lewis, who came to this county in 1836 and built a saw-mill on sec. 25, Springfield tp., where he lived until a few years ago, when he moved to Iowa; he died in that State in 1869, and his wife one year later. Miss Elizabeth Lewis, the sub- ject of this sketch, was married in 1832, in Ohio, to Daniel Wood- mansee, who was born in New Jersey in 1808; at that time he was a resident of Highland county, O., where he continued his residence until 1843, when he moved to Clinton county; he there followed farming until his death in 1848. In 1851 Mrs. W. came to La Porte county, with a family of 4 boys, one of whom has since died. She located in the deep, wild forest, where it was a terror for almost any one to live, on account of the numerous wild animals. What a ciiange in this respect has she witnessed in the settlement and clearing up of the country! Her residence is on sec. 20, and her postoffice address is Hatch's Mills. ,708 HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Isaac D. Woodmansee, son of the preceding, was born in 1832, in Highland county, O., and is the eldest of the 3 children now living. In 1865 he married Miss Jennie S. Stanton, who was born in this county in 1843; their 2 children are Hattie B. and Cora May. Mr. W. has been very successful in life, and now owns 200 acres of No. 1 land. In the spring of 1880 he took his brother L. M. into partnership with him in the butter and dairy business, which, by the way, has proven very profitable in his hands. They have 30 milch cows, and use the " creamery " process and deep- setting cans. Their superior quality of butter now commands 20 cents a pound at Michigan City. Residence, sec. 20; P. O., Hatch's Mills. HANNA TOWNSHIP. Haiina township comprises all that part of township, 33 and 34: north, that lies in La Porte county, and, next to Union, it is the largest township in the county. It is a part of the territory that was detached from Starke county. The lirst settlement in this township was made by Emanuel Metz in 1837, immediately followed by Andrew Chambers. TJie next settler was JSf. N. West and family, who came in tlie fall of 1838. Lemiah Prair'caine in 1§39. Others came about the same time, but did not remain long. When these men settled here the pros- pects were not very inviting, although they made their homes be- yond the Kankakee marshes. They were on the high land across which the P., Ft. W. & C. railroad is constructed; but near the river it was one continuous marsh, and every rise of the river completely inundated the land for miles around, and it was so miry that it was utterly impassable with a team or horse. But they had hope for the future, and diligently labored to make comfortable homes for themselves and families. Their settlement was isolated, and neigh- borly ties were strong among them. Even tenderer ties arose be- tween Amsterdam Stewart and Susan Metz, which resulted in marriage, beino- the first incident of that sort that occurred in the township. At that time the " red men" of the forest, or rather of the swamp, were more numerous than the whites. They had a "• trading post " on " Bone Island," which is situated on sec. 12 at the mouth of Mill creek. The above-named island was so called from the many bones of wild animals that had been slain there by the Indians, The Kankakee valley was at that time noted for being very thickW infested with wild animals, and the Indian hunters frequently visited there in search of game. For several years the settling of that region was slow. N. S. Rowley and family settled there in 1846; J. A. Hyatt and S. P. Mills settled at an early period near Chambers' Landing. After- ward the Wills brothers moved into the township. Among the leading farmers are Thos. Mitchell, J. W. Osborn, David Wills, Clark R. Richards, S. P. Mills and W^ H. West. The only village in the township isllanna. It is situated oh the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago railroad, and contains a popula- tion of about 300. There are two merchants, Geo. S. Denison and J. T. Kiel; two blacksmith shops, one shoe shop, one hay press, owned by Geo. S. Denison, the merchant. During the season of 1880 he pressed 1,000 tons. The village also contains two ware- houses, depot and station house, and express office. Isaac T. Lloyd (709) 710 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. is freio;ht a^ent, postmaster and telegraph operator. Tliis village was laid out in 1858 by Wni. Taylor. Tlie first house was built a short time before. The first store was opened by Adam Vinnege, who has since removed to Plymouth. Jackson Chambers opened the next store about 1860, and Sept. 1, 1865, Mr. Denison opened a large store, and since has done a large business. There are three school-houses in the tovvnsliip. Tiie one at Hanna is a large two-story frame. A graded school is held in the upper story, and the basement serves for a church. As there is no church edifice in the township, all religious services are held in the school-house. Three-fourths of the land of this townshi]) is Kankakee marsh, though much of it is under cultivation. The land is of a sandy loam and proves to be of an excellent quality. Those portions which are too wet for cultivation produce an abundance of grass, which is manufactured into hay and tinds a ready sale in all the markets. The marsh lands are also valuable for pasture. Thus the outlook for the future prosperity and wealth of Hanna township is good. PERSONAL. A^ biographical sketches of old residents and leading citizens will best constitute the rest of the history of the township, we proceed now to give them. Geo. 8. Denison, dealer in grain and produce, pressed hay and general merchandise, Hanna, Ind., carries a stock of goods valued at $4,000; annual sales amount to $20,000. Mr. Denison is a native of Erie county, Ohio, and was born Feb. 1, 1836. In 1845 he came to this county with his parents, Wheeler and Pollie Denison, and was raised on a farm near Hanna station. In 1847 he went to New York, and in 1851 he returned to Hanna; in 1853 took a trip to Michigan and returned in 1855. In the summer of 1861 he went as a member of the musical band in the 20th Ind. Regt, ; he served in that division for one vear when he was discharged. He soon after re-enlisted as member of the 87th Regimental Band, afterward a Brigade Band. He served in that division till the close of the war. He fought in the battles of Richmond (which lasted seven days), and Missionary Ridge, and was an eye-witness at the battle of Lookout Mountain. He was also with Sherman on his noted march to the sea. After the war closed he returned home and subsequently was married to Miss Aurilla Blackman, by whom he has had 6 children; 4 are living: Geo. H., Esther A., Edward D. and Agnes. Mr. Denison commenced the merchandise business soon after he was married. He also presses and ships hay. Dur- ing the season of 1880 he pressed 1,000 tons of hay and shipped about $6,500 worth. J. A. Hyatt, farmer, sec. 34; P. O., Hanna. Mr. Hyatt was born on the St. Clair river, Nov. 22, 1822. He is a son of Abraham HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 711 and Jane Hyatt. His father received a fall on the Red Jacket, a steamer on Lake Erie, which proved fatal. He was a tradesman, but a cooper by vocation. The subject of this sketch came to Hanna tp. in 1839. He was married Au^. 4, 181G, to Clarissa Austin, by whom he has had 5 children; 2 of these are living, Benj. F., and Thos. W. S. Mr. H. owns 90 acres of land on sec. 34. Sidney P. Mills was brought to this county by his grandfather, in Oct., 1833. He was born Sept. 21, 1829, in Huron county, Ohio. His parents were Anias F., and Cerenna Mills. His father was born on the Atlantic ocean, his mother in Ohio. He lived on " Door Prairie " till 1845, then came to Hanna tp. He was mar- ried Sept. 1, 1859, to Loaisa Austin, and 3 children were born to this union, viz.: Mary S., Cassius C. and Clarence. Mr, M. owns 133 acres of land on sec. 35. J. W. Oshorti, son of William and Charlotte Osborn, is a native of this county, and was born Aug. 10, 1853. His father was a native of this State, and his mother of "Old Yirginia." He was reared on a farm, and educated in the Westville schools. He finished his course of study in the fall of 1870, and was married Sept. 5, 1873, to Eliza Trimingham, and their 3 children are George U.., Jonathan W. and Edward M. Mr. Osborn owns a fine farm north of Hanna, on sees. 7 and 8. Chandler Palmer, one of the old settlers of the region surround- ing Hanna, who bore his share of pioneer life, was born Dec. 15, 1822, in Greene county, 1^. Y. He was taken by his parents, Mil- ton and Esther Palmer, to Buffalo, N. Y., in 1832, and in 1835 to Cleveland, Ohio, and in 1838 came with them to this county. They first settled on the portion of land known as " Door Prairie." Mr. Palmer was raised on a farm, and had access to the common schools of that day. In 1849 they went to Wisconsin, and in 1852 crossed the plains to California, with a horse team. He fol- lowed gold mining in that State for 15 months, and afterward built the Georgetown hotel, at Georgetown, Cal. In 1854 he returned home, via Panama and New York city. He crossed the historical road of Cortez. Daring the year 1863, while the war was going on, Mr. Palmer filled the ofiice of Assistant Quartermaster-General, at Louisville, Ky. In the spring of 1872 he made a second trip to Cal- ifornia, arriving at Sacramento June 28; from there he went to San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Cruz, Peach-tree Yalley, Slack's Canyon, Risp's, and others. He then returned to Sacramento and soon directed his course homeward, where he arrived in a few days. June 1, 1879, he started with a team for Nebraska, for the improve- ment of his health; he arrived there the last day of June, having spent just 30 days on the road. He returned the following Sep- tember. He was mai-ried Oct. 20, 1842, to Miss Sarah Clark, and tliey have had 3 children: Orlando C, Lillie E. and Ella. Mr. Palmer has held some of the most prominent tp. ofiices with gen- eral satisfaction, and declined serving^ in some of them, even when elected. He owns 180 acres of land in Hanna tp., and 200 acres of 45 712 HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. pine timber land in Michigan, and 20 acres of cranberry land in Wisconsin. Samuel Eowley was born in Ashtabula county, O., Jan. 12, 1833. His parents, Noah and Electa Rowley, were natives of New York. He came here with his parents in 1843, and first settled on Rolling Prairie. He remained with his parents till 1851, when he came to Hanna tp. and purchased a farm, and has since followed tilling the soil and raising stock. In May, 1859, lie was married to Miss Hannah Lavona, and of their 9 children 3 are living: Mary E., Herbert and Marion. Mr. R. owns a farm of 80 acres on sec. 22. E. D. Sp((hi\ M. D.^ physician and surgeon, Hanna, Ind., was born in Greene county, O., Oct. 4, 1830. His father, Mathias, was a native of Yirginia, and his mother, Delila, was born on the River Rhine. She came to this county about 1812. The Doctor was reared on a farm in Ohio. He attended school at Springfield, Ohio, and also graduated at Yale College. After taking a course in the medical branches, he attended the lectures, and received a diploma at both the Columbus Starling and Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Colleges. In 1852 he began practicing medicine in Xenia, Ohio; remained there till 1855; then came to Randolph county, Ind. He remained there till 1862, when he enlisted as Surgeon in the 40th Regt. Ohio Infantry; he served two years, then returned home and resumed his medical labors in Randolph county. In 1865 he came to Knox, Starke county, and in 1874 came to Hanna, where he still resides, fol- lowing his profession. In 1852 he was married to Nancy J. Blakely, by whom he has had 6 children; 4 of them are living, viz.: Athera Z., Mary Isadora, Ira F. and Charles M. Charles Wills, first son of John Wills, who was one of the first settlers in the region of country now Cass and Hanna tp., came to this county from Warren county, Ohio, with his parents in March, 1830. He was born Feb. 6, 1819. Here he grew to manhood, amidst the wilds and hardships of early pioneer life. He attended the common schools while in Ohio. His father started to go and enlist in the Black Hawk war, but before arriving at the place he received the news of their surrender to the whites, and he returned home. He first settled in that part of La Porte county which is now Wills tp., bearing his name. He afterward came to Hanna tp. Charles was married in 1840 to Susan Cross, 6 children being the fruit of this union ; 4 of these are living, viz. : George, Mary M. (now Mrs. Johnson), Elsie G. (now Mrs. Curtis), and Ellen (now Mrs. Felt). Mrs. Wills departed this life some years since. Mr. W. has been County Commissioner for seven years, and is at present filling that oflice, John E. Wills was born in Warren county, O., March 29, 1830, and was brought to this county by his parents, John and Susanna Wills, the same year. Here he grew to the years of maturity, and was educated in the common schools of the day, which were not noted for their excellence. Aug. 26 , 1869, he was married to Hattie C. Phelps, and they have had 3 children ; of these, one is living^ RISTORT OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 713 Susan Belle. Mrs. Wills died April 7, 1875. Mr. W. followed farming till bis wife died, and since has been clerking in the store of Mr. Denison, of Hanna. William Wilson, one of the early settlers of Ilanna tp., was born in Genesee county, ISIew York, August 3, 1829. Bte went with his parents, Peter and Phebe Wilson, to Erie county, Ohio, when he was fifteen years of age, and in 18-17 he came to Ilanna tp., this county. The 3d day of August, 1862, he enlisted in the army in Co. I, 87th Reg't Ind. Inf , and was discharged in December, 1863, on account of his disability. He re-enlisted in February, 186-1, in Co. A, 151st lieg't; he served in that regiment to the close of the war. He says that he shot the last " nigger " in the Cum- berland river, at Nashville, Tenn. Mr. Wilson has one son, Miland H., who fouo;ht throuofh the entire war, and has served in the regular army on the frontier for 10 years. He was promoted Major-General in that army, and has re-enlisted for 10 years more. William, our subject, was married Aug. dt, 1858, to Marietta Wanzer, by whom has had 8 children; 6 of these are living, viz. : Hiram N., Jared W,, Winfleld S., Julia, Minnie A. and Miland H. HUDSON TOWNSHIP. The township of Hudson was included within the limits of the orio-inal township of Kankakee, and on the organization of Wills was a part of that township, and so remained until the 11th day of May, 1836, on which day, at the May term of the Commissioners' Court, the following order was made: " Ordered by the Board, that all that part of country formerly belonging to Wills township, that lies in township 38 north, of range one and two west, in La Porte county, constitute a township for "judicial purposes, to be known by the name of Hudson town- ship; that the elections for said township be held at the house of James F. Smith; that John L. Ross be and is hereby appointed Inspector of Elections; and that John Baker be and is hereby appointed Constable of said township until the next annual election of township officers." Hudson is the smallest township in the county, containing only twelve sections and three half sections, adjoining Michigan on the north and St. Joseph county on the east, the six northern sec- tions of Congressional township 38, range one and one half. The next tier of sections are in the State of Michigan and the eastern half of the Congressional township is in St. Joseph county. Thus, Hudson township contains considerably less than one half the Con- gressional township in which it lies. In sections 38, 29 and 30 is Hudson or Du Chemin lake, a beautiful sheet of water not far from one and one half miles in length, and averaging one half mile in width. In the wesiern center is a beautiful island. One viewing it from the eastern shore would suppose it to be a peninsula extending from the western shore. This island has never been given a name, and we might here give it the name of "Spry's island," after George M. Spry, who has so beautifully described it. Viewing it from the east and then passing around to the middle on the south side of the lake one will see that it is a beautilul island, with a luxurious growth of timber. The shores of the lake are of wdiite sand. Its borders are sur- rounded by mighty forests, luxuriant with vegetation; its waters are pure and clear, and filled with the finest fish. The western side of Terre Coupee Prairie extends into Hudson township on the east, but the larger part of it consists of land formerly well timbered, but with the progress of settlement a great deal of the finest timber has been cut off. To Joseph W. Lykins, a Welshman, is generally accorded the honor of being the first white settler in this toAvnship, though there is some doubt upon this point; for Joseph Bay was found to be a (714) HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 715 resident at the same time witli Lyldns by the first white inhabitants. Lykins was connected with the Gary mission, the headquarters of which were at Niles, Micliigan. He came from that place, when the branch was established on Hudson or Du Chemin lake. The first heard of him, hovv-ever, he was boarding with Joseph Bay, who was keeping house and had a squaw for his wife. Bay had come from the Wabash country with a drove of cattle and herded them in the vicinity. Lykins would under the circumstances be more likely to have obtained the reputation of being the first white set- tler than Bay, even were it the fact that the latter came first, for the reason that he was engaged in a more public business and had no alliance with the Indians, with whom Bay would be likely to be classed. Asa M. Warren states that he found the parties described in 1829, and that the mission house had already been erected of hewed logs, and was situated within 20 feet of where Andrew Avery's saw-mill now stands, and close to the lake. There is some doubt as to whether Warren is not mistaken in regard to the date of his coming, but none are found to dispute it with any tangible evidence, except an old gentleman named Brazilla Druli- ner, now deceased, who resided on the road between Hudson and Hamilton. He said that Warren came from Warren county, Oliio, in the fall of 1830, and he himself came from the same place in the spring of the same year. On the other hand, Warren does not claim to be' the first white settler, an object of ambition which mighfbe an inducement to antedate the time of his arrival; and further- more, he kept accounts of his blacksmithing with the Indians, for whom he made tomahawks and other implements. The dates reach as far back as 1829. There is a mistake somewhere between these old gentlemen, both of whom were honest and intelligent. It is safe to state that Mr. Warren erected the first blacksmi'th shop in the county. To accept the statements of Asa Warren, during the fall of 1829 there were as residents of the territory now known as Hudson townsliip, Joseph W. Lykins, Joseph Bay, Asa M. Warren and family, and the Indians, one of whom, Jack Jones, kept a small trading estab- lishment. The buildings erected consisted of the branch mission house and Bay's cabin, both of which were upon the present site of the village of Hudson. Asa M.Warren was also connected with the early settlement ot Wills township. This is accounted for by the tact that Hudson was orio-inally a part of that township, and also because Warren's farm is situated in both. He at first resided in what is now Hudson, then moved to the bank of a lake on the same farm in what is now Wills (this was done because he had struck no water in digging for a well), where he now resides. Upon this lake he- put np his black- smith shop, and was known by the Indians as Wishtean Bish, tliat is, the blacksmith by the lake. When he had succeeded in getting 716 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. water in Hudson, he moved back to his first home. It is thus that he becomes associated with the early settlement of both townships. In 1830 Nathan Haines settled in the township, not far from the lake. The mission school was taught by Robert Simmerwell, an Indian, who was assisted by his wife, a white woman. Indian children and whites attended together, and among the latter were some of the children of Mr. Haines. The Indians who inhabited the country around Hudson were composed of various tribes. They were prin- cipally Pottawatomies, Menominees, Chippewas and Ottawas. Topanebee, the head chief, lived on the St. Joseph river, where a great proportion of them wintered after the advent of the M'hites. This chief died and was succeeded by his son, who bore the name and title of his father. Tiie Indians had many petty chiefs, among whom were Sogganee and Michsobbee, the latter of whom lived in woods on the south side of the lake. When the Indians were removed, Sogganee went to Southern Kansas with them, but soon returned, saying, that he could not live there; there was no sugar tree. He had been in the habit of making maple sugar. He was a strict Roman Catholic, and when given anything to eat, would never touch it until he had made the sign of the cross. In his latter days he was taken care of at the Catholic institution of Notre Dame, near South Bend. There the old chief died and was buried. Sogganee had been a great brave in his day. He was at the battle of Tippecanoe, and upon one occasion he became very angry at Benjamin Hicks, Esq., for alluding to the Indian defeat upon that occasion. The Indians were all very kind and seemingly well dis- posed toward the early settlers of Hudson. In 1831 W. W. Cleghorn visited the vicinity of the lake. He did not come with the intention of settling, but buying furs. No change had taken place, and it is so related, that he during life described the state of things in the township as related above. He knew only the settlers named, and pronounced the appearance of the country extremely primitive. In 1832 many of the Indians were removed to the Osage river country, in Southern Kansas. Cleghorn accompanied them, having obtained a license from the general Goverr.ment to trade with them. He did not return to this country with the intention of making his permanent home, until 1853, at winch time he settled on land he formerly owned. By the year 1833 many settlers had sought homes in Hudson township, and a village, known at the time as Lakeport, but the name of which was afterward changed to Hudson, began to be rec- ognized in the surrounding country as a place of importance. There is not a town in the county more pleasantly located. It is situated on the east shore of Hudson lake, sloping gently toward the lake, and, under more favorable circumstances, might have become a town of considerable importance. This place was the rival of La Porte, and indeed a formidable one for the trade of the north part of the county. In 1833 its growth commenced. In that year the first school-house after the mission was built there. The school was HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 717 taufi^ht by a man named Edwards. Charles Egbert opened a very respectable store in the same year; John D. Ross and a man named Jewett started a blacksmith shop. E. Sprague carried on the busi- ness of coopering, and James F. Smith commenced keeping a tavern, the lirst one in the township. In 1834 Garret Bias built the first steam saw-mill that had been put in operation in the town, and James F. Smith erected the first frame house. Bias ran his mill until 183S, when he traded it for seven acres of land inside the cor- porate limits of Chicago, which were sold for taxes. The machinery ■went to Rockford, 111. During this time a postoftice was estab- lished, and A. L. Wheeler, who had become a merchant in the place, was the first postmaster. In 1835 the town was in the fall tide of ]3rosperity. It had two taverns, for Garret Bias had opened one; stages were arriving and leaving at all hours; the streets were filled with an eager and busy throng; farmers came to buy and dispose of their produce, and it seemed as though no town in the vicinity of Hudson could ever compete with it in its steps toward commercial prosperity and growth. Among the settlers in the township at the time w^ere Benjamin Hicks, William Conner, both now deceased, Evan Hobson, James Bailey, Mr. Shay, Mr. Gould, Elmore Emmons and Asher White; and to-day there is not one of the above-named persons living in the township. Mr. White is living in Olive township, St. Joseph county. During the year 1836 A. L. Wheeler sold his store to Foster & Reynolds; Alexander Cassidy opened his blacksmith shop; Dr. Jared Chapman established himself as a physician, and preached for a number of years, then embarked in the dry-goods trade, after which he moved to some southern county in this State and died; a pottery was built by Samuel Rowe, and he too left the doomed city and went West; and one of those speculative bubbles, which at the time crazed the heads of the wisest men, culminated. It was the building of a canal from the city of Toledo, Ohio, to New Bufftilo, on Lake Michigan. When the news came that this enterprise had been chartered and there was a probability of its success, Hudson was wild with excitement; the people from the surrounding country assembled in the town; all the musical instruments of which the county could boast were brought into requisition; tar barrels were burned and speeches made; but, alas for poor Hudson ! Even if such a canal had been practicable, the financial crash of that year put a quietus upon all their hopes and expectations. The excite- ment produced had caused property owners to charge the most un- reasonable prices for lots, and those who would otherwise have been earnest and industrious workers for the settlement were driven to other parts to establish themselves in business. During this year the postofBce was discontinued, to the great indignation of the citi- zens, who laid the matter to the trickery of their neighbors in the village of New Carlisle. 718 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. In 1836 Andrew Avery made his appearance in this vicinity, and the following spring he began erecting a saw-milL The power used, by him was of rather a novel kind. On the east bank of Hudson lake the land is quite high for some 60 i-ods; it then sinks below the level of the lake. Through this mound it was proposed to dig a ditch. A large force of men were employed, and after an immense amount of work a canal was perfected, through which the water ran to the depth of four feet. With this power he contrived to run a wheel, and for awhile he succeeded very well; but like all tlie lakes in the country, it became smaller in volume as the land was cleared up, the timber cut off and sod broken, until two years afterward, when the project was entirely abandoned. The lake is now at least live feet below its former level. During this year liobert Stanfield opened a tailoring establish- ment, and four large atores were in operation, — not little trading- posts but magnificent stores, well stocked with all kinds of goods, — and an immense trade was carried on. The momentary crash had impeded the growth of the town, but the people were not disheartened. Thev still had visionary dreams of the Michigan canal, and that its construction was only a matter of time, and the panic of temporary duration. In 183S Andrew Avery's saw-mill commenced operations, Wm. Sheridan embarked in tlie business of cabinet-making and Richard Smith had a shoe shop. Garret Bias organized a full independent military company, of which he was made Captain, and Andrew Avery, Lieutenant. They carried Government muskets with flint locks. During the year of 1830, Hon. John Reynolds went to Washing- ton and had the postofiice re-establislied. A grist-mill was attached to the Avery Mill, and a firm organized consisting of Andrew Avery, Salem Huntington, Richard Hicks and James F. Smith._ Smith did not long continue connected with it, but retired, and the business was continued under the firm name of Huntington, Avery & Co. It was during this year that the water running from the lake into the canal became insuflScient for propelling the machinery. In the same year a distiller}' was started by John Hobart. In 181:1 Andrew Avery bought out the saw and grist mill and moved it near where it now stands. Ox power was used for running the mill. Thomas Wood started a tailor shop and continued in the business the next four years. In December of the same year there occurred a murder at this town, which for a time created a great deal of excitement, not only in the town of Hudson, but in the county. Charles Egbert had formerly been a merchant in Hudson and an active business man. He had a tavern stand at one time on the road which runs along the south part of the township line. This hotel had done a good business, but Smith had made efi^orts to get a direct road through to La Porte cutting ofi:' all travel from Egbert's place, and was successful. The parties had disputes at .. -. HISTOKY OF LAPOETE COUNTY. 719 diflferent times thereafter, and on the evening of Dec. 5, Egbert went into Sinitli's bar-room. He had on the same day purchased a dirk knife at the store of John Rejnohis. After sitting near the door for a time he arose and turned as if to go out, but really to open the knife, and then advanced toward Smith, who raised a chair to defend himself. Andrew Foster, who afterward said he did not see the knife, caught Smith's chair, while Egbert inflicted two stabs, one in the left arm, the other penetrating Smith's heart, who died in a few minutes. 'Andrew Foster issued a warrant the same day, and Egbert was arrested by Constable Hale the next day, and brought before Justice R. Munday. His trial was continued from time to time until Dec. 10, 1841, at which time his preliminary trial was ended, and Egbert was placed under a $5,000 bond for his appearance on the first day on the next Cir- cuit Court. Messrs. Elisha Paul and Jacob Egbert went on his bond and he was released. Egbert never appeared. He fled to Texas, then not a part of the United States, where he lived until after the close of the Rebellion, deeply regretting his rash act. He became a relio-ious man and a Methodist class-leader. This case ' was finally disposed of in 1853, at which time the judgment obtained upon the bondsmen was set aside. In 181:2 Andrew Avery's mill was burned. He went to work immediately and put up another, using ox-power, often as many as five yoke of oxen. From this time the course of Hudson has been downward. In 1845 Wm. Ferguson opened a boot and shoe store, and in 1851 Abel Whitlock bought a stock of goods and opened a very respectable store, and in 1852 Avery's ox-mill was turned into a steam-mill. The railroad came through Hudson and made its depot at New Carlisle, a mile and one-half distant, a town which Hudson a few years before .had looked upon with sovereign con- tempt. This was the last blow that was needed to destroy this once thriving village. In 1854 Early & Avery built a steam saw and grist mill, and opened a general store; soon afterward Early sold out to Solomon Stevens. This store successiv^ely passed into the hands of Perkins, Cassiday, Smith, and back again to Avery, who failed in 1857. It was during this year the postofiice was finally discontinued. In 1869 Ed. Perry started a shoe shop, and in 1870 Avery's mill was burned. Of course he built another immediately, where it now stands. In June, 1874, the school-house at Hudson was burned by an incendiary. Peter Harris was arrested for the crime, and after being tried in the September term of Circuit Cinirt, was acquitted. A new brick building was erected at the north edge of the town limits of Hudson of the past. There is nothing more to tell concerning the village of Hudson, which can now scarcely be called a village. Railroads having monopolized the great stage routes, that town which is not on a railroad is abandoned by the world and necessarily sinks to decay. Hudson lias undergone this fate, and in an aggravated form. Y20 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUKTY. Bail}'^ many trains thunder past the deserted village, but none stop, and the few inhabitants who are left and who remember the great expectations of Hudson can only sigh over what might have been. There are two churches in Hudson township, both built about 1867, one being Methodist Episcopal and the other Methodist Protestant. The former is called the Maple Grove church. Though the expectations Hudson village once had of becoming a large town have been disappointed, j^et there are in the township elements of prosperity which still remain. Much of the soil is rich and productive, and there is still a great deal of very fine tim- ber. The people are generally prosperous, a high degree of intelligence prevails, and it cannot be doubted that the future has in store greater rewards for the industry of the inhabitants than those which have been yielded them in the past. BIOGKAPHIES. We give in connection with the history of Hudson, indeed as a part of its history, personal sketches of its leading citizens and old settlers of the township: John Bakei\ farmer, sec. 24; P. O., New Carlisle; was born Feb. 7, 1814, in Germany, son of John and Sophia Baker, who came to America in 1861; in 1875 he married Minnie Swingdorf, also a native of Germany, and the}^ have had 3 children, Emma, Leney and Frank. Mr. B. bought his present farm of 100 acres in 1867, where he has followed farming with good success. James C. Bean, farmer, sec. 31; P. O., ISTew Carlisle; was born Jan. 8, 1845, in Chemung county, N. Y., son of James and Hester Bean, the former a native of Vermont, and the latter of NewYork, now deceased; father still livino- in New York State. James C, the subject of tliis sketch, came to this county in 1866, first locating on sec. 30, but now resides on sec. 31. He enlisted for three years to fight for the Union cause in Co. A., lOith N. Y. Yol. Inf., but was soon mustered out, and after returning home he married Miss Mary Hicks, March 27, 1866, who was born about 1852; Grace is their only child. Mr. Bean owns 52 acres of land worth $50 an acre. James A. Davidson^ farmer, sec. 9; P. O., New Carlisle; was born Nov. 5, 1824, in Preble county, 0., son of Richard and Salina Davidson, father a native of Yermont, and died in Portage county. 0., July 2, 1838, and mother a native of Connecticut, who died in this county in September, 1869. James A. came to this tp. April 7, 1865, where he still resides. July 6, 1847, he married Miss Rosanna Schifielie, who was born in Germany Dec. 4, 1825, and their 3 children are Julia, Mary and N. A. Mrs. D. died Aug. 24, 1855, and Mr. D. married Beulah Adams Jan. 7, 1857, who was born in New York Dec. 9, 1830, and their 2 children are Ida M. and Nellie. Mr. Davidson received a good English education, has HISTORY OF LA. PORTE COUNTY. 721 had fair success in his calling, and now owns 160 acres of good land; has been School Trustee, Joseph Drulinei\ farmer, sec. 33; P. O., New Carlisle; was born Jan. 16, 1817, in Warren county, O., son of Gabriel and (Jatharine Druliner, the former a native of New Jersey, and the latter of Pennsylvania, who came to this tp. in 1834. Joseph and his sister Rebecca, neither of whom is married, occupy the old homestead, consisting now of 250 acres of good land well improved. Moses^Emery, farmer, sec. 16; P. O., New Carlisle; was born in Merrimac county, N. II., April 21, 1820; married Kebecca Haines in 1816, and of their 7 children these 5 are living: Frank, Susan, Nathan, Sarah and John. Mr. E. again married, in December, 1876, Mrs. Louisa Solloway, who was born in England in 1830, and by her has had 6 children: Emma, Elizabeth, Julia, Ira, Charles and Annie E. Mr. Emerj^ is a very energetic man, has followed wagon- making some 20 years of his time, has kept hotel, has followed canal boating, but for some years now he has been farming and pleading law to some extent. He has been Trustee for 11 years, and has held other offices. He owns 80 acres of land and has the control of about 400 acres. His father, Nathan, was a native of England, and his mother, Elizabeth, of Ireland. Alexande?' Hicks, fanner, sec. 32; P. O., New Carlisle; was born Sep. 10, 1812 in Tioga county, N. Y.; emigrated to this State in an early day, settling at Newtown, Fountain county, where he followed merchandising for several years but was burned out, losing very heavily; he then moved to Champaign county. 111., near Sidney, where' he followed farming; he came to this county in 1853, buying 14 acres of land, to which he has added until he now has 231 acres. In December 1833. he married Frances Cornrike, who- was born Sept. 16, 1814, in New York, and of their 6 children these 4 are liv- ing: George, Kichard, Alba and Schuyler C. Mr. H. has held the office of Assessor, and was enrolling agent in the time of the war. His parents were George and Nancy Hicks, natives of New York. T. M. Hicks, farmev, sec. 30; P. O., New Carlisle; was born Dec. 5, 1841, in Chemung county, N. Y.,"son of Alva and Harriet Hicks; March 18, 1863, he married Miss Mahala West, who was born in the same county Oct. 18, 1842, and 3 of their 4 children are living, namely: Miles W., Hattie E. and Walter T. Mr. H. has followed lumbering, but is now farming, with good success, owning 40 acres of land. Mr. and Mrs. II. are members of the M. E. Church. A. J. Holman, farmer, sec. 8; P. O., New Carlisle; was born in Monroe county, N. Y., June 13, 1840; was brought by his parents in 1850 to this county; has been in several of the Western States; after settling here he was first engaged in the fire insurance busi- ness, then operated the Francis fiouring mill about 15 years in Galena tp., but for the last four years he has given his entire atten- tion to farming, with great success. He owns 160 acres of good land, all well improved. May 15, 1869, he married Sarah B. Francis, and their 2 children are Fred and Catharine; Mrs. H. died Dec. 7 722 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 1873, and Mr. H. married Ellen M. Knight Oct. 10, 1878, who was born March 28, 1853, in Berrien county, Mich., and Edie M. is their only child. Mr. H. has been Trustee, is an Odd Fellow and Free Mason, and he and his wife are members of the M. E. Churcli. His father, Thomas Holman, was born in England, and came to America in 1826, first settling in Monroe county, N. Y., and he with his wife, also a native of New York State, emigrated to this county in 1850 and they now reside in this tp Mr. H. is now 84 j^ears old. Charles J. Miller, farmer, sec. 29; P. O., New Carlisle; was born June 15, 1827, in Germany ; emigrated to America in 1853, landing at New York city; went to Chicago and settled in this county; in 1860 he moved upon his present farm of 96 acres. In February, 1855, he married Mary Baker, who was born June G, 1826, and of their 10 children these 6 are living: Richey, William, Lena, Charles, John and Anna. Mr. and Mrs. M. are members of the Lutheran Church. His parents, Christ and Elizabeth Miller, were also natives of Germany, and are now deceased ; his father died in the old country, and his mother came to America in 1857, and died at his residence Aug. 31, 1872. Ann Petre, daughter of William and Mary (Cox) Sutton, natives of Pennsylvania, was born Jan. 30, 1831, and April 20, 1851, married John F. Petre, who was born March 10, 1821:, in Germany, and who worked on the Erie canal for a number of years and came to this county in 1854, where he followed farming until his death, Sept. 18, 1878. Her 3 children are: Mary J., born Feb. 2, 1852, and married Bicoe D. Bulla, Feb. 2. 1874; he was born Aug. 5, 1851, and their 3 children ai-e Roscoe J., Guy and Blanche; Mr. and Mrs, B. live at Elkhart, Ind. The second is William W. Petre, who still lives with his widowed mother; he has been unfortunate, as at the age of eight years one of liis arms was broken, at the age of 10 one of his knees became stiffened by scrofula, and in 1879 one of his legs was broken; he has a good education, liaving attended the high school at Carlisle, La Porte, and graduated at Valparaiso, Ind.; and notwithstanding all his misfortunes he has a great deal of "push and go-ahead-a-tiveness." The third is Clara, a young lady living at home with her mother. The homestead con- sists of 120 acres of good land, sec. 16; P. O., New Carlisle. James Ray was born Sept. 12, 1813, in Luzerne county, Penn., son of William and Mary Pay, the former a native of New York, and the latter of Connecticut; was married Feb 2, 1836, to Eunice Kiefier, who was born Aug. 1, 1815, in Seneca county, N. Y., and 7 of their 10 children are living. Mr. Ray emigrated to Wisconsin in 1840, passing through this county; in a few years he went to Ohio, and from there to Michigan, thence to Knox county. 111., where he resided about four years; thence to Webster county, la., and in 1853 to this county, where he has resided ever since, following farming with fair success; when a young man he learned the carpenter's and guusmithing trades, which he followed a number of HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 723 years. Ho has held the office of Trustee. Residence, sec. IT; P. O., Three Oaks, Mich. Fleming Reynolch, fanner, see. 32; P. O., Rolling Prairie; was born in Wayne county, Ind., May 28, 1817; was reared on a farm and received a common-school education ; May 28, 1845, he married Miss E. L. Barnes, who was born in Onondaga county, N. Y., April 12, 1824, the daughter of a Methodit^t minister, who had preached the gospel 55 years; Mr. R, came to this county in 1835, settling in La Porte. His G children are: L. W., Mary E., Emma C, James F., Josephine and Charlie; L. AV. is now practicing law in Boone county, la., Mary E. married Daniel White, now a grocer at New Carlisle, St. Joseph county; Emma married Mr. P. S. Hicks, and they live in Boone county, la., where he is a bookkeeper for a large firm. Mr. R. commenced life in limited circumstances, but by close attention to his calling he has become a thrifty farmer, now owning 140 acres of land, worth $60 an acre. He and his wife are members of the Christian Church. His father, Joseph F. Rey- nolds, was born in Virginia, came to Wayne county, Ind., in 1817, and in 1833 to this county, where he taught the first school in the tp., in the winter of 1833-'4. His wife, Mary, was a native of Kentucky. Major D. Solloway, farmer, sec. 16; P. O., New Carlisle; was born Dec. 19, 1830, in Gloucester, Eng., the son of Major and Annie Solloway, and was brought to this country by his parents in 1832; May 18,' 1850, he married Miss Isabel Hodson, who was born Feb. 7, 1830, and they have had 7 children. Mrs. S. died July 11, 1867, and Mr. S., in 1868, married Miss Christina Klinger, who was born in Germany in 1838, and 2 of their 5 children are living. Mr. S. served three years in Co. B, 1st Ind. Cavalry. He owns 80 acres of good land. Anna C. Towers was born July 14, 1843, in this county; the daughter of William and Abigaif (Proud) Towers, the former a native of New Jersey, and the latter of Ohio, who came to this county in an early day. She married Edwin G. Towers May 1, 1877, in Spain; Mr. T. came to America when quite young; his father had to leave Spain on account of his religious belief; he served in the Mexican war and also in the great war of the Rebell- ion : was wounded at Pittsburg Landing, and again at Fort Donel- son ; he first enlisted in Co. G, 17th 111. Inft., as a private, but was promoted Drill-Master and finally Colonel; he can speak Spanish, French, German and English languages fluently. For a number of years he sold the Wilson sewing-machine, and he is now known as the " Lightning sewing-machine man;" but is at present engaged in farming and practicing law; in the latter he has had good suc- cess; he has been Sheriff and a member of the detective service. Residence, sec. 18. P. O., New Carlisle. A, M. Warren, farmer, sec. 33; P. O., New Carlisle; was born Sept. 17, 1804, in Cape May county, N. J.; came to this county in 1830, where he erected the first blacksmith shop in the county; he 724 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. followed blacksmitbing a number of years and opened a farm; altbougb be bas met witb many bardsbips during life, be bas been reasonably successful in tbe accumulation of property; be owns 380 acres of land, most of wbicb is wortb $60 an acre; be lirst located in Wills tp., near tbe soutb line of tbis tp. He first mar- ried Mary Lucas, December, 1828, wbo was born in 1808 in Warren county, Obio, and tbey liave bad 6 children, 4 of wbom are living. She died in 1840, and in 1850 be married Marj^ France, wbo was born in Ohio in 1824, and by ber be bas bad 8 children, Mr. W. bas held tbe offices of Trustee and County Commissioner. His son is master meclianic in tbe Chicago & Northwestern railway shops. Mr. W. bas one of tbe best farms in the tp., is a very active man for one of bis age, and devotes bis entire attention to bis business. His parents, David and Elizabeth Warren, were natives of Dela- ware, who emigrated to Obio about 1822, and to this State about 1840, and died in St. Josepb county. Seth P. Whitney, farmer, sec. 20; P. O., New Carlisle; was born June 1, 1822, in New York; emigrated to tbis county in 1847; worked at tbe carpenter's and cooper's trades, in tbe milling busi- ness, and finally farming. March 13, 1855, be married Rebecca E. Stanton, wbo was born June 10, 1830, and 4 of their 5 children are living, namely: Charles O., John S., Anna and George M. Mr. W. bas been Assessor and Clerk of tbe Board of Trustees; be is a Free Mason and an Odd Fellow. His father, James, was a native of New York, and bis mother, Laura, of Connecticut. John 0. Williams^ farmer, sec. 32; P. C, New Carlisle; was born Jan. 8, 1840, in Elgin county, Canada; came to tbe United States in 1860 and soon afterward volunteered in tbe lltb Indiana Battery; promoted to Gen. Thomas' staif, tlien traveling Quartermaster-Ser- geant, serving in all four years. Sept. 14, 1865, at Fort Wayne, Ind., be married Sarab J. Bartmers, wbo was born April 5, 1839, in Miami county, Ohio, and tbeir 3 children are Thomas W., Benja- min E., and Mary E. Mr. W. obtained a classical education in tbe best schools in Canada; bas followed bookkeeping, but for tbe last nine years be bas given bis entire attention to farming, in wbicb be bas bad good success. He and bis wife are members of tbe M. E. Cburcb. His parents were George and Mary Williams. KANKAKEE TOWNSHIP. This township lies northeast of the center of the county, and is located principally on Rolling Prairie, and lies in Congressional township 37. It was one of the three townships that originally formed the entire county. To the thoughtful man who has reflected on the common opera- tions of life, which but for their commonness would be deemed full of marvel, few things are more wonderful than the history of the resolute men who left their homes in tlie East or South, on the Connecticut or Potouiac, and settled in the wilds of the boundless West, there to make homes and fortunes for themselves and fami- lies. With but little or no protection from the Government, they were exposed to Indian jealousy and hostility, and for a time dragged out but a feeble existence. But the pioneers who settled Kankakee township were not the men to be dismayed or disheart- ened by the adverse circumstances that surrounded them. They energetically set themselves to work, cleared away the forests, and broke up the beautiful prairies, and in an almost incredibly short time, w4iere once stood the rugged oak and swarthy pine, vast fields of ripening grain awaited the husbandman's sickle. The first actual settlers of Kankakee township reached Centre township in 1830, where they stopped and erected a log cabin on the land now occupied by Moses Stanton. Among the number were Philip Fail, Richard Harris, Benajah and Aaron Stanton. In the following spring they broke ground and put in a crop. Philip Fail, in the fall of 1830, took up a claim on section 18. This was the first cabin built in Kankakee township, and it is said Mr. Fail was the first settler in Kankakee. Benajah S. Fail, the eldest son of Philip Fail, was born in this cabin on section 18, in October, 1830, and was the first male white child born in the county. Mr. Fail now lives on the section of land where he was born, and is one of the oldest settlers now living in this township. In May, 1831, came Jesse West, David Stoner, Arthur Irving and Ezekiel Pro volt. They were on the road 18 days, and came from near Lafayette. Mrs. Provolt rode back to the camping ground of the night before, on one occasion, to obtain fire with which to cook the evening meal. They encamped, upon their arrival in the town- ship, about one-half mile north of the Rolling Prairie depot, and soon after moved upon the site of Rolling Prairie village, where they put up cabins. Chapel W. Brown, Jacob Miller, James Hiley and others arrived the same year. Myron Ives came in the fall of 1831, and in the spring of 1832 Charles Ives, Alexander Blackburn and Solomon Aldrich arrived in the township. (725) 726 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. In 1831 the Black Hawk war began, and caused great consterna- tion among the settlers. Fear and excitement spread through the entire settlement. It was reported that Black Hawk and 500 braves were on the war path, and raid upon the settlement might be ex- pected at any time. The settlers became thoroughly aroused, and fled for their lives, taking refuge in the house of a Mr. Egbert, on Terre Coupee Prairie, in St. Joseph county, where a large company of settlers were congregated from all parts of the surrounding country. The land sale occurred the following June, and while the men were gone to attend to it a rumor was circulated that the Indians were again on the rampage, and the women and children who were left at home alone became alarmed, and many of them again fled, but rumor proved to be unfounded, and order and quiet were soon restored. The Indians retarded for a short time the further settlement of the township. Nearly every day some rumor would get into circu- lation of horrible butcheries and murders of women and children in some of the neighboring settlements, but the settlers soon be- came used to such reports, and paid but little attention to them. But after the close of the Black Hawk war the settlement of the township became very rapid, many families arriving daily from all parts of the country. About this time Nathan B. Nichols, Ebenezer Kussell and Leonard Cutler arrived, and built cabins and commenced to make improvements. Up to this time there were no near neighbors, the settlers living eight or ten miles apart, Indian trails in many instances being the guide from house to house. Yet they \vere a neighborl}^, hospit- able people, visiting each other frequently, feeling their dependence upon each other in time of Indian raids or distress, or sickness. They frequently went five or six miles to watch through the long hours of the night with some sick neighbor, and the poor among them were as tenderly cared for as if they were members of their own family. And this hospitable spirit was not confined to their neighbors alone. The " latch-string always hung out," and the stranger and new-comer to the settlement were equally welcomed and provided for. The cabins were rude structures, and the furni- ture scanty; their fare, plain and simple, but plentiful, and they were contented and happy in their new homes. Upon the prairies there were plenty of wild fruits, the forests full of game, and the numerous lakes and small streams in the vicinity supplied them with an abundance of fish. In 1834 Zenos Preston, Jacob Wagner, and many others arrrived and located in the township. In 1835-''6 settlers came in large numbers, and from this date the township was rapidly filled up. Farms were opened in every direction, and progress and develop- ment w^as visible in all parts of the tovvnship. The arrivals from this period became so numerous that it would be impracticable to trace them further. HISTORY OF LA POBTE COUNTY. 727 Every new country lias its bad as well as its good men, an€l Kan- kakee is not an exception. In 1837 a terrible tragedy occurred in this township, resulting in the death of a promising young man, whose life was taken for a few dollars in money. We give an account of the sad affair as related by an old settler living in the township at the time. In 1836 two young men came to the township and built cabins: one was Joshua M. Coplin, the other was named Scott. It appears that the young man Coplin had a small sum of money due him from parties in Virginia, and he went East to procure the same, Scott going with him. Tlie latter stopped at the home of his mother in Ohio, and young Coplin went on to Virginia, his native State. Having obtained the money, $400 of which was in silver and $200 in gold, he started back; reaching Ohio he stopped at the house of Scott's mother and staid all night. In the morning he resumed his journey home; Scott soon followed, and overtaking young Coplin they rode on together, each being on horseback. "When within less than a half mile of Coplin's cabin Scott drew his pistol and shot him dead, and took his money and fled; but he was followed and captured, taken to La Porte and placed in conline- ment. The body was found by James Andrews on the following morning. The murder occurred Feb. 2, 1838. A short time afterward Scott was tried, found guilty, and hung at La Porte June 15, 1838. The first religious services in the township were held at the house of Alexander Blackburn, upon the place now occupied by Miner Nesbitt, in November, 1^832. Kev. James Crawford conducted the services. At this time there were but seven members of the Church. The next year the Church organization was completed, and the membership increased to 20 persons. The following were chosen and installed as elders: James Blair, William O. Ross, David Dinwiddle and Myron Ives. From this time the meetings were held in an old log school-house on the Niles road. The first school-house was built on the Michigan road in 1835. It was built of logs, like the cabins, and stood opposite the place where John Provolt now lives. A Mr. Emerson was the first teacher, and before the close of the term the building burned down. A frame building was soon after erected on the same site. A large company of Indians, numbering over 500, encamped on the Kankakee marsh for a short time in 1835, but they soon moved on, going farther West. From this time on, but few Indians were seen in the township. The village of Byron was laid out and platted in 1836, and the plat was filed for record May 22, 1837. It was located on the south part of the east half of the northeast quarter of section 15, in township 37 north, of range 2 west. It was located upon lands of Stephen G. Hunt and Hiram Orum. Elias Howe made an addition to the plat in 1849. There were but two cabins on the site of Byron in 1835. Arazi Clark put up the first frame building 46 728 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. in 1835. It stood on the south side of " Chicago street," and was used as a store by Clark for about a year; he then sold out to Orum & Phelps, who ran it for some time, and sold it to Stewart & Lillie; it afterward passed into the hands of Willis Peck, who in turn sold it to Frazer & Campbell. The first postoffice in the township was located in the village of Byron in 1835. It was kept in a log cabin on Chicago street, S, G. Hunt being the first postmaster. It was moved to Rolling Prairie in 1853. A blacksmith shop and dwelling house were built in 1836 by F. W. Talbot. W. G. Hickman put up a frame store-building in the year 1841. The same year a school-house was built by subscription. The first teacher was Joseph M. Salisbury. A hotel was partly built in 1847, on the south side of Chicago street, by a Mr. "Wilber, who sold the unfinished building to Charles Lebo, who moved it to the north side of the street and completed it, and ran it as a hotel for three years; he then sold out to Hickman, who ran the house until 1852 and then sold to I. IS". Whitehead, who continued the business five 3'ears. In 1847 a warehouse was built and kept by Stewart & Lillie. At this time Bj'ron was quite an extensive grain market. Farmers brought their grain there from great distances, and the village was doing a good business. Its merchants were prosperous, and Chicago street was one of unusual activity. But now its streets are empty, its business houses gone, its shops and dwellings deserted and fast going to decay. A Methodist church was built there in 1849, but it lias been torn down and carried away, and the village of Byron now exists only in name. It was ruined and killed by the Northern Indiana railroad, which passed to the north of it, thus o^ivino' the death blow to Bvron and bringing into being the new town of Portland, or "Rolling Prairie," as it is more familiarly known. ROLLING PRAIRIE. This village was laid out and platted by J. W. Walker, of the city of La Porte, in 1853, and is described in the survey as being in the northeast quarter of township number 37 north, of range num- ber 2 west. The first cabin built on the present site of Rolling Prairie was erected in the spring of 1831 by Ezekiel Pro volt. West and Irving put up cabins the same year. W. J. Walker purchased the land upon which the village is now located at a land sale in 1832, but he permitted the settlers to remain on the premises until 1834. The place was known as Nauvoo until the survey was made and recorded in 1853 by W. J. Walker, who then gave the village the name of Portland, which is its legal name, but it is better known as "Rolling Prairie," the postofiice and railroad company having adopted the last mentioned name. The railroad was completed to the village in January, 1852, and a station house was erected in HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 729 1853. A steam saw-mill was built in 1852 by John Drummond, A. J. Bowell and J. H. Fail. In the fall of 1855 they sold out to Johnson & Folant. In 1857 it passed into the hands of Jesse H. G. Coplin, who in 1858 added a grist-mill to the saw-mill. In 1860 an explosion took place in this mill, killing Thomas Lewis and caus- ing the loss of an arm to F. Knight. Mr. Coplin received slight injuries. In 1863 the mill was sold to B. F. Huntsman; it was burned down in 1868, and was rebuilt by Mr. Huntsman the same year. The first frame house in the village of Portland was built by JNTathaniel Smii li, who soon after sold out to W. J. Walker and was eased by Walker to Ross & Organ, and was converted by them into a store. This was the first store in the village, and M^as con- ducted for the firm by John 11. Kierstead, who afterward bought out the firm and continued the business. The first warehouse was built by W. J. Walker. In 1876 a fine brick school edifice was erected at a cost of over $4,000. Dr. W. B. Wilson was the first physician to locate in the new town, arriving in 1855. The new brick store was built by G. W. Bolster in 1870. The first Church society in the village was the Christians, who organized in 1854, and in 1859 built a church. They have a large membership and congregation, and are in a pros- perous condition. The Presbyterians have had a Church organization in Kankakee township since 1832, but did not efiect an organization in Rolling Prairie until 1857, when they erected a churcli edifice. The Methodist Episcopal society had an organization in the village in 1856, and in 1865 they erected a house of worship. Tiiere is a lodge of Masons in the village. It has a good membership, and is in a flourishing condition. Rolling Prairie village is pleasantly located on the Northern Indiana railroad, and has many elegant and costh'' residences. The surrounding country is one of the finest farming sections in the county. It is a fine rolling prairie, the soil a rich loam, with a pleuty of timber and water. The village does a large business for a place of its size. There are at the present time eight or ten stores, two blacksmith shops, several boarding-houses, two physicians, etc. The population of the place, according to the census of 1880, is 320. PERSONAL SKETCHES. We will close the history of this city and township by giving personal sketches of the leading citizens and old settlers: Samuel J. Ande7'S07i was born in New Jersey in 1810, and located in La Porte county in 1837, where he has since resided. He was married in Wayne county, this State, in 1832. to Abigail Lyons, who was born in Butler county, O., in 1815. They have 6 children now living, — Silas W., Jonathan C, Adaline, Henry C, Emma and Mary H. Mr. Anderson owns a fine farm, consisting of ^30 HISTOET OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Y2 acres of good prairie land. He is a member of the Baptist Cliufeb. J. P. Austin,, the son of Wright and Marj Austin, was born in Vermont in 1803, came to this county with his parents in the year 1834, and is therefore one of the pioneers of the countj^ who helped to clear off the forests and make the county what we see it to-day, — one of the finest in the State. He was married to Hannah Teeter (who was born in the State of New York in 1805), in the year 1824. They have 5 children now living,— Cornelius, Henry, Jedediah, Mary and Julietta. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. C. L. 0. Bell is the son of C. L. O. and Jane (Cartwright) Bell, natives of New York, and was born in the State of New York in 1820, and came to this State with his parents in 1837, who located in this tp., where the subject of this sketch has since resided. He was married in Polk county, this State, to Miss Rosina F. Caswell, in 1845; she was born in New Hampshire in 1827. Mr. Bell owns a farm of 291 acres on sec. 22, this tp., all of which is in a good state of cultivation. He has held a number of the tp. offices, and is one of the prominent men in the community. George A. Bell was born in this county in 1847, raised on a farm, and has always been engaged in farming. He was married in this county in 1870 to Miss Maria Dewit, who was born in this State in 1847. He has a farm consisting of 60 acres of fine prairie land, which is in a high state of cultivation. Mr. Bell has always been an ardent supporter of the principles of the Democratic party and its nominees. Jesse Blake was born in the State of New York in 1814, came to this county in 1835, and settled in this tp. ; at the age of 18 he began teaching school, which vocation he continued for a number of years. He was married in this county in 1841, to Amanda Griftin, who was born in New York in 1816, and died in 1855. They had 4 cliildren. In 1856 he was married, in Delaware county, N. Y., to Delia C. Waker, who was born in New York in 1814. When Mr. Blake located in this county he had only 55 cents of money, but his limited means did not discourage him, and he went to work with a determination to secure a home and a competence. He now owns a large farm, consisting of over 300 acres of land, all in a fine state of cultivation. He is a member of the M. E. Church, and politically he is a Dem^ocrat. A. C.Bowell was born in Clark county, this State, in 1821; the son of John and Elizabeth Bowell, who were natives of Pennsyl- vania, and came to this State at an early day, and settled in Clark county. The subject of this sketch spent his early life upon a farm. His opportunities of attending school were limited to a few months in the winter time. He was married in this county, in 1851, to Sarah A. Ireland, who was born in Ohio in 1825. They have 3 children now living. He has a large farm of 275 acres, and also HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 731 owns a saw and cider mill. He is a member of the Christian Church, and politically is a Democrat. Thomas D. Broion, the son of Daniel and Lncy Brown, who were natives of Yir<£inia, was born in Campbell connty, Va., in 1825, and came to this State with his parents in 1834; they located in this connt}^ and engao;ed in farming. Tlie snl)ject of this sketch was married to Sarah Aldricli in 1851, the dani!:hter of Solomon and Sarah Aldrich, and was born in Illinois in 182(5. Thev have 2 children, Charles A. and Sarah E. He has held a number of the important tp. offices, and is a member of the Odd Fellows order. Mr. Brown and vvife are members of the Presbyterian Church. J. II. Back., the oldest son of Alvin and Elniira (Wadsworth) Buck, who settled in this county in 1836, was born in this county in 1844; he spent his boyhood at home on the farm, where he remained until 1861, when he enlisted in Co. C, T2d 111. Inf., and served three years. He enlisted as a private, but was promoted a number of times, and finally commissioned as Captain of Co. C. He was married in 1879 to Celia Oder, and they have 2 children. He owns a fine farm, consisting of 360 acres of land, and is a stock- holder and trustee of the La Porte Savings Bank. Orvllle Back., farmer, was born in Massachusetts in 1805; was brought up on a farm, and has always been engaged in farming. He came to Indiana in 1837 and settled in this county. He was married in Michigan, in 1842, to Sabina Gregg, who was bf)rn in Ohio in 1819. They have 2 children now living: Elsie E. and Clemantha A. Mr. B. is one of the leading men of Kankakee tp., and has taken an active part in every movement for its improve- ment and prosperity. Politically, he is a Democrat. Sarah Ann Bash was bt)rn in New Hampshire in 1821, and is of French descent; her parents were Bement and Elizabeth (Walker) Collins; she came to Indiana over 40 years ago, and first located in Galena tp., whei-e she remained for a time, and then came to Kan- kakee tp., where she still is, and has been for 31 years. In 1849 she was married to Isaac Bush, who died 15 years ago; he was a man who held several tp. offices, and was a Bepublican. Mrs. B. owns here 130 acres of tine farming land, which she values at about $100 per acre. Her education when young was quite limited, but she reads a good deal now. Benjamin Dewit., one of the pioneers of this tp. who left his home in the Empire State and endured the privations and dangers of frontier life that he might build up a home and fortune for him- self and family. He was born in New York in 1827, and located in this county in 1837, wliere he has since resided. He was mar- ried in this county in 1844, and he has 6 children. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Dewit has always been engaged in agricultural pursuits; he now owns a fai'in consisting of 150 acres, all in a good state of cultivation. Politi- cally, he is a Democrat. 732 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Samuel Downing was born near Bucklestown, Berkley county, Va., Aug. 23, 1813; his parents were John and Abigail (White) Downing, natives also of Virginia, and of English and German descent; in 1852 the latter moved to Iowa, in which State they died, Samuel, the subject of this notice, was on a farm until 21; at 22 he moved to Ohio, where he learned the carpenter's trade; remained near Springfield, Ohio, two years, and Jan. 9, 1836, in company with two friends, John Cain and David Couchman, started on horse- back, througli deep snow, for this State, and reached his journey's end in five days; stopping about two months at Goshen; he then went to New Buffalo and worked two years at the carpenter's trade; in 1840 he came to this county, and Nov. 17 of the same year he married Eliza Wagner, daughter of Jacob Wagner, also a native of Yiro'inia and an early settler of La Porte county. Mr. D. rented land of liis father-in-law for about four years, when he bought of him 320 acres of land, on sees. 17 and 20, on which he now resides. Mr. D. has always been engaged in farming, at which he has been very successful. He has now about -493 acres of land. He is a director of the Saving's Bank at La Porte. In politics, Mr. D. is a Republican, and during the last war he was a zealous supporter of the Government. His eldest son, David, enlisted in the 4th Reg. Ind. Cav., and after 18 months' service in the army was shot through the head in a battle near Knoxville, Tenn., and killed instantly. Mr. D. went after his remains, but never succeeded in finding them. Mr. and Mrs. D. have a family of 6 children now living, named as follows: William, who is married and lives in Kankakee tp. ; Sarah Jane, now the wife of Edward Hickman, and lives in this tp; Adeline, at home; Harriet A., now the wife of Jacob Hickman, in this tp.; John and Luther, at home. Mr. Downing has been Township Trustee tor several years under the old law, and was recently elected Justice of the Peace, but declined. In religious matters he was brought up a Friend, and is still a believer in the principles of his peo])le. On page 735 will be found a portrait of Mr. Downing, from a photograph taken at the age of about 55 or 56 years. Mr. D. is one of the oldest settlers now living in the county, as well as one of its most worthy and substantial citizens. Williain Doioning is one of the leading farmers of this tp., and was born in this county in 1852. He received a liberal education, and has always been engaged in agriculture. He was married March 12, 1880, to Miss Anna Hicks, of this county, who was born in Michigan in 1860. His farm is located on sec. 3, this tp., and is ail improved, and under a high state of cidtivation. B. S. Fail, the eldest son of Philip and Sarah (Nuzzen) Fail,, is one of the oldest settlers now living in this tp., and was the first white child born in La Porte county. He was born in this tp. in 1830; was married in this county, to Miss Isabel Galbreath, in HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 733 1854, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1828. They have 3 chil- dren now living: Jennie P., William O. and Thomas D. He has held a number of the important township offices, and is one of the leading men of the community. He is a member of the Christian Church. He has a fine farm of 150 acres, under a high state of cultivation. John N. Fail, farmer and stock dealer, one of the early settlers of this county, was born in 1834, and his early education was confined to a few months in the winter, in the district school. He was married in this county Dec. 22, 1858, to Miss Roxy J. Morse. The}^ have 4 children now living: Nellie, Alytus, Roxy B. and Berlock. In political matters Mr. Fail is independent, voting for the men he believes best qualified for the office. Joseph, H. Francis was born in Connecticut in 1821, and is the son of Charles and Elizabeth (Hascall) Francis, natives also of that State. He located in this county in 1834, where he has been a resident ever since. He was married in this county, in 1848, to Miss Catherine A. , and they have 2 children: George and Mary (wife of Ralph M. Marshall, of Jasper county, this State). Mr. Francis began life a poor boy, and, by honest in- dustry, has secured a competence. His farm is located on sec. 19, and contains 520 acres. Luke Francis was born in Connecticut in 1823, and came to this county in 1834. He is the son of Charles and Elizabeth Francis, natives also of Connecticut. He was married in this county, in 1847, to Betsey A. Marshall, daughter of Noah and Nancy Mar- shall, of Connecticut. He owns a farm on sec. 14, consisting of 125 acres, all in a good state of cultivation. Politically, he is a Republican. His postoffice address is Rolling Prairie. Ransom P. Goit, farmer, was born in this county in 1844, and is the son of Weightman and Lydia (Jones) Goit, natives of Vermont, who came to this county in 1834. Mr. Goit was engaged for six years in the mercantile business in Michigan, but has since been principally employed in farming. He was married in Michigan, in 1872, to Miss Delia Franklin, who was born in Michigan in 1844 and died in 1873. He was married again in this county, in 1875, to Alice M. Jessup, and they have one child, Mary M. Mr. Goit has a farm of 100 acres on sec. 15, this tp., and has recently erected a large brick iiouse, at a cost of over $6,000, on the place. Mr. Goit is a firm believer in the doctrines and principles of the Democratic party, and gives its nominees his hearty support. Caleb Harvey, farmer and stock dealer, was born in Wayne county, this State, in 1827; was married in 1874 to Maggie Slate, of this county; has been engaged in farming during the greater portion of his life, and now owns and manages a large farm of about 300 acres, and raises large quantities of wheat, oats and corn. In political creed he is a Republican. Eli H. Harvey was born in Wayne county, Ind., in 1834, in which year his parents moved to this countj^, where they resided until their death. He lived with his parents, and worked on the 734 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. farm in summer, and attended the district school during the winter months, until he became of age, when he began life for himself, since which time he has been engaged in agriculture. He was married in Ohio in 1866 to Miss Addie Kirk, who was born in Ohio in 1842. They have 2 children. Politically, he is a Repub- lican. John Hatfield was born in Logan county, Ohio, in 1823; came to this State in 1843, remained a short time and returned to Ohio, where he lived until 1817, then came and settled in this tp. He was married in 1817 to Charlotta Sweet, who was born in this State in 1822. They have 6 children. Mr. Hatfield was one of tlie first to locate in Rolling Prairie after it was platted by Major Walker. He is in political matters a staunch Democrat. Fred Helman was born in Germany in 1830, came to this countrv in 1855 and settled in La Porte county, wliere he has since resided. He was married in tliis county in 1856 to Miss Yance, who was born in Germany in 1830. They liave 3 children. Mr. II. and family are members of the German Lutheran Church of La Porte. John Hillm.an^ farmer, sec. 33; P. O., La Porte; was born in Germany in 1836, and came to this conntry in 1870. He was married in Germany to Miss Sholtz in 1870, and they have 2 chil- dren, Edward and Matilda. He has a line farm, consisting of 80 acres. Nicholas' Hoover^ farmer, was born in 1832 and came to this country in 1854, locating in this county, where he has since resided. He was married in 1854 to Mary Ransom, who was born in 1853, and they have one child, Herman. Mr. Hoover and wife are mem- bers of the Lutheran Church, and politically, he is a Democrat. P. O., Rolling Prairie. William Lown was born in New York in 18''>3. His whole life has been spent on the farm. In 1825 he was married in the city of New York to Olida Clark, who was born in New York in 1803. He migrated to Illinois in 1856, and located in this county in 1869. He is a member of the M. E. Church at Rolling Prairie village. Politically, he is a Democrat. Jacob S. Martin, M. Z>., was born in New Jersey in 1832, and is a son of Jacob C. and Mary (Stewart) Martin, of New Jersey. He settled in this county in 1847, and in 1860 he began the study of medicine and surgery. In 1864, having completed his course of study, he located in the village of Rolling Prairie and commenced the practice of medicine. He was married to Susan J. Martin, of this county, in December, 1852; she was born in Ohio in 1834. They have 8 children now living: Frank, William, George W., Anna E., Jessie, Henry H., John and Florence M. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic order in Rolling Prairie, and has held a number of important village and tp. offices. Dr. Martin has alwa^'S had a large practice, and has a large circle of friends and acquaintences in La Porte county. i VTkP^ '1. J^„ HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 737 John Martin^ the son of John and Sarah (Burgett) Martin, was born in Oliio in 180(5. He was raised on a farm, ancj received his education at a log school-house, which he attended during the win- ter months. He was married in 183-1 to Clara Nolen, of Ohio; she died in 1844, leaving her husband and 2 children to mourn her loss. In the year 1850 he was married to Sarah Burton, of this county, and they have 8 children. Mr. Martin is a member of the Methodist Protestant Church. Politically, he is a Democrat. John Miller^ deceased, was one of the pioneers of La Porte county. He was born in Tennessee in 1820; his early life was spent at home on the farm, and coming to this county at an early day he soon gained the confidence of the people and was entrusted with some of the most important offices in the county, one of which he held at the time of his death. He was married in this county to Cinderilla Bowell, daughter of John and Elizabeth Bowell, and they had 2 children, who are now living, Mr. Miller was a prom- inent member of the Christian Church. Miner Nesbitt was born in Pennsylvania in 1810, and is the son of Alanson and Bertha (Wheeler) Nesbitt, natives of the same State. He located in this tp. in 1852. He was married in Penn- sylvania to Mary Shupp in 1844. They have 7 children nowliving: Elizabeth, James P., Mary L., Emma J., Charles, Kate and Estella. He has held many of the tp. offices, and is a member of the Chris- tian Church. Politically he is a Kepublican. Mr. Nesbitt began life a poor farmer's boy, and by an industrious course has acquired a large property, and is one of the leading men of Kankakee tp. Asa C.Peese was born in "Vermont in 1800, and came to this tp. in 1833. He was married in 1837 to Miss Martha Smith, who was born in Massachusetts in 1807. They have 3 children now living. His wife died in 1876. He owns a fine tract of land on sec. 9, where he now resides. In political afl>iirg he votes with the Repub- lican party. As will be noticed by the date of his arrival here, Mr. Peese must be considered one of the oldest pioneers in this section of the country. John Provolt is the eldest son of Ezekiel and Ella A. Provolt, who were among the first settlers of this tp.; they came to the county in 1830, and in the spring of 1831 Mr. Provolt built the first house on the present site of the village of Polling Prairie. The subject of this sketch came to this State in 1830, locating in this tp. He was married in 1843 to Mary J. Lyons, who was born in Ohio in 1830. They have 4 children: Ezekiel, Isabella, Mary and Margaret. Mr. Provolt has held most of the tp. offices, and is one of the leading men of the community. He is a member of the M. E. Church, and politically, he is a Republican. James Powell was born in the State of New York in 1833; came to La Porte county in 1856, locating in Rolling Prairie village, and engaged in mercantile business. He was married in this county in 1860, to Delilah Provolt, who was born in this county in 1840. They have 4 children: Effie, Anna, George and Grace. In J 875 he 738 HISTOKY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. was appointed Postmaster at Rolling Prairie, and has held the office ever since. He is a member of the Christian Church. Calita T. Preston was born in Virginia in 1824, and came to this county with his parents, Zenas and Elizabeth Preston, who settled in this tp. in 1833. Mr. Preston's early life was spent at home on the farm; his schooling consisted of a few months' attendance at the district school. He was married in this county in 1848 to Cynthia E, Terwilliger, who was born in the State of New York in 1828, and died in 1866. They had 3 children. He was married in 1867 to Mary Martin, of this county, wiiere she was born in 1840. They have 2 children. In 1876 he began his studies fop the ministry, and was licensed the same year by the Methodist Episco- pal Quarterly Conference to exhort. Mr. Preston has a farm of about 200 acres, on sec. 6, this tp., and gives a good deal of atten- tion to the raising of stock. Politically, he is a Republican. Enoch L. Preston is one of the pioneers of Kankakee tp; is the son of Zenas and Elizabeth Preston, who settled in this tp. in 1833; he was born in Union county, this State, in 1827. He spent his early life at home, working on the farm during the summer and fall, and in the winter attending the district school. He was mar- ried in 1846, in this county, to Martha Cooley, who was born in this State Jan. 9, 1827. They have 4 children: Amelia A., Emma M., Ella and Adelia. Mr. Preston has held a number of the tp. offices, and is a leading farmer. His farm is one of the best in the tp. , and contains over 400 acres. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in political views he is a Republican. William W. Frond is the son of William and Abigail (White) Proud, who came to La Porte county at an early day and located in Kankakee tp. The subject of this sketch was born in 1835, in St. Joseph county, this State; he received a fair education, and has been engaged all his life in agricultural pursuits. He has a farm of 150 acres, all in a high state of cultivation, on sec. 9. Politically, he is a Republican. D. W. liynearson^ farmer, is the son of Joseph and Mary (Web- ster) Rynearson, natives of Pennsylvania, who came to thiscouuty in 1848. The subject of this notice was born in Pennsylvania in 1837, and was married in this county in 1864 to Jemima Burhans, who was born in New York in 1837. Mr. R. has been a great hunter and trapper, and has killed 260 foxes since he came to this State, and a large number of deer. He is a member of the Chris- tian Church and is a Democrat. Philip D. Sharpies^ M. Z>., was born in Ohio in 1845, the son of David and Priscilla (Demmins) Sharpies, natives of Pennsylvania, who came to Indiana in 1867. Mr. Sharpies located in the village of Rolling Prairie and began the stud}^ of medicine in the office of Dr. Bowell, and when he had completed his studies he engaged in the practice of medicine, which he continued for five years. He was married in 1877 to Rowie E. Bowell, who died in 1879; she HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 739 was a daughter of Dr. Bowell. Mr. Sharpies is now engaged in the drug trade at Rolling Prairie, and is doing a large business. Jacob M. Shultz was born in New York in 1818. He is the son of Jolin J. and Betsj (Ackhart) Shultz, natives of New York. He came to this State in 1838 and settled in Centre tp. He was married in this coanty in 1841, to Catherine Berjer, who was born in New l^'ork in 1823. They have 5 children. Mr. Shultz has been engaged in agriculture most of the time since he has been in this county, and it is his present occupation. Peter Shupp^ the son of Henry and Leah (Shultz) Shupp, natives of the State of New Y'ork, and of German descent, was born in the State of New Y^ork in 1814, and migrated to this State in 1837, locating in tliis county. He was married in 1837 to Annie E. jBoyce, of New York. They have 4 children now living: Catherine A., Harriet W., Emma and John. He has held the office of County Surveyor and a number of tp. offices. He is in political matters a Democrat, and is a member of the Christian Church. Joseph Stanton is one of the pioneers of La Porte county. He was born Feb. 8, 1808, and came to this State in 1833, settling in Kankakee tp. He was raised upon a farm and has always been engaged in agriculture. He was married in this county in 1836 to Elmira , who was born in the State of New York in 1814. They liave 7 children now living. Mr. S. owns a farm of over 300 acres, all under a high state of cultivation, on sec. 8. W. B. Stevens -was born in the State of New York in 1824; he received a liberal education, and worked on the farm at home until he was about 20 years of age; he then went to work in a machine shop, where he remained seven years; in 1853 he came to this State and located in La Porte county, where he has since resided. He settled in Rolling Prairie in 18G6 and engaged in mercantile busi- ness, and has been doing a large business ever since. He carries a heavy stock of drv goods and groceries. In 1847 he was married in the city of Otsego, New Y^ork, to Miss Evaline Wilcox, who was born in New York in 1829. They have one child now living — Mary. Politically, Mr. Stevens is a Republican. Locjan Taylor is the son of William C. and Pheba Taylor, natives of New Jersey, who came to this county in 1847; he was born in Ohio in 1832. He has always been engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was married in this county, June 1, 1854, to Miss Charlotte Greenwood, who was born in Ohio in 1830. They have 5 children now living. Politically, he is a Republican. He has a fine farm of 115 acres, upon which he has erected a handsome brick residence, at a cost of $5,000. Chester Towner is tlie son of John and Julia (Joslin) Towner, natives of New York, who located in La Porte county at an early day; he was born in the State of New York in 1827, and was mar- ried in this county to Sarah A. Bremer, who was born in 1828, and died in 1877. He was married in 1878 to Elmira Bates, of this 740 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COTJNTY. county, who was born in 1831, and they have one child, Henrietta. Mr. Towner and wife are members of the M. E. Church. He is politically a Republican. M. L. Walt, the son of Daniel and Susan Walt, was born in Ohio Oct. 9, 1819. He received a liberal education, and at the aoje of 16 beofan teaching;, which has been his business most of the time since. He came in 1856, with his parents, to this county where he has since resided. He was married in Michigan in 1877, to Jennia Shultz. They have 2 children, Ethel F. and Daniel F. He is a member of the order of Odd Fellows, and politically is a Kepublican. Samuel B. Webster, the son of James and Martha Webster, was born in Union county, this State, in 1811. He has been principally engaged in agricultural pursuits, and now owns a farm of over 300 acres, on sec. 26. He was married to Mary Woodman in Fayette county, this State, in 1837, and they have 7 children now living. Mr. Webster has held a number of the important tp. and county offices. He is a member of the Christian Church, and politically is a Democrat. Daniel 8. Wells was born in Vermont in 1808, the son of Pliny and Wells, natives of New York. Mr. Wells was taken by his parents to Ohio when he was six years of age, where he spent his boyhood days. He was married in Ohio in, 1830, to Susan Craig, who was born in jSTew Hampshire in 1807, and died in this county in 1870. He has by this marriage 3 children now living. He was married again in this county, to Lucinda Mansiield, in 1874. She was born in the State of New York in 1837. They have one child, Daniel E, Mr. Wells has held a number of important offices in the township and county. He is a self-made man, and owes his present prosperity to his own effi)rts. When he settled on Rolling Prairie he had only $15 and no personal property. He now owns a farm of 400 acres, all under a high state ot cultivation. His farm is located on sec. 5, this tp. Lazarus Whitehead was born in North Carolina in 1803. He was brought to this State by his parents in 1805, who settled in Wayne county, he came to this tp. in 1835, and is therefore an old and honored pioneer. He was married in Wayne county, this State, in 1822, to Miss who was born in New York in 1802. They have 9 children now living. He is a member of the Baptist Church, and in political views he is a Republican. His farm of 210 acres is located on sec. 14, and is worth $75 per acre. Williayn B. Wilson, M. D., was born in New York Aug. 3, 1828. He is the son of James and Elizabeth (Porter) Wilson, na- tives of Pennsylvania, who located in this county at an early day. Dr. Wilson was married in Berrien county, Mich., Oct. 18, 1860, to Helen McHenry, and they have one child, Maude E. In 1849 he began the study of medicine, and graduated in 1853. In 1855 he moved to Rolling Prairie, this county, and commenced the practice of his profession. The doctor has alwaj^s had a large and HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 741 respectable patronage. He was the first physician to locate m the villao-e of KoUing Prairie, and has been identified with every eltort and Enterprise on the part of the village, and the present prosperity of the place is due in a great measure to his untiring efforts in its behalf The Doctor is a member of the Christian Church, and politically he is a Republican. LINCOLN AND JOHNSON TOWNSHIPS. Lincoln township is 36 north and 1 west, and Johnson 35 north and 1 west, — the latter being that portion of 1 west which lies in La Porte county. The Kankakee river forms part of the eastern and southern boundary of Lincoln, and runs diagonally across the northern end of Johnson, from northeast to southwest. Mud lake, which is but a spreading out of the river, borders both the town- ships, near the boundary line between them; and Fish lake lies wholly in Lincoln township, near the center. Little Kankakee river passes through it, and empties into the Great Kankakee near its southern boundary. The Chicago Grand Trunk railroad crosses Lincoln township east and west, and the Indianapolis, Peru & Chi- cago railroad crosses the northeast corner of Johnson, and the Baltimore & Ohio, east and west crosses the central part. Fish lake, near the center of Lincoln township, is of a peculiar shape. It is d vided into four parts, connected by narrow passages or straits, each of which has received distinctive names, viz.: Upper Mud, Upper Fish, which is the largest, and Lower Mud. The outlet ot these lakes is the Little Kankakee. There is, in this township, con- siderable swamp land, caused by the high rising of the river; but a large part of this township is dry and contains some excellent farms. The first settlement in this township was made in 1832 by Mr. Mutz, Levi Little, !Newlove Laybourn, E. Arbogast and a few others, on the bank of the noted Fish lake. In lS38-'40 the im- migration was larger. The first saw-mill in the county was built on Spring run, which is now known as Mill creek, a small stream flowing from the north and emptying into Upper Fish lake. A postofiice was established here by Mr. Wm. H. Collom, and is called Mill Creek. The founder is still the postmaster. He and his brother also keep a grocerj' store at that place. The principal farmers of the township are James Waxham, New- love Laybourn'^ B. Burget, C. Siddles, James S. Siddles and Wm. H. Collom. One of the first settlers in Johnson township was Maj. J. M. Lemon. He rebuilt the bridge over the Kankakee about 1846, and kept it as a toll-bridge many years. The first bridge was built over the Kankakee, by John Dunn, as early as 1832. Landon Carlyle came in 1850, and B. F. and Ira F. Place came more re- cently. The first school-house in the township was built on section 16. A church edifice was erected in 1874, on what is known as the " Island." Among the farmers of this township are Wm..,.,^abisonj_ Asa Jackson, and B. F. and Ira F. Place. As in the case of Lin- coln, and all the townships bordering on the Kankakee, much of the land is marsh. The remainder is barren and too sandy to be (743) HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 743 susceptible of cultivation. The marsh land will in time be the best; when once drained and brought into cultivation it will be superior. PERSONAL SKETCHES. As a part of the history of Lincoln township we add the following brief personal biographies: B. Burget was born Jan. 22, 1829, in New York. In ISBT, in company with his parents, Kimrod and Elizabeth Burget, he moved to Pike county, Ohio, and in 1835 to Grant county, Ind.;andin 1842 he came to this county. In 1851 he went back to Ohio and followed boating on the Portsmouth and Cleveland canal till 1853, when he returned to this county, where he has since resided, en- gaged in farming. In 1880 he raised 1,300 bushels of wheat, be- sides a large crop of oats and corn. He was married in 1850 to Elizabeth Jennings, by whom he had one child, Mary (now Mrs. Bunton). Mrs. Burget died Sept. 2, 1855. Mr. B. was again married in 185T to Dartha Bickel, and they have had 6 children, viz.: Ellen (now Mrs. Benton), Harvey, Garland, Wm. S., Nettie and Evaline. Mr. B. owns 326 acres on sec. 17 and elsewliere. TTm. H. Collom was born in this county Sept. 27, 1840. He is a son of Jesse and Louisa Collom, and followed farming till March, 1875, when he and his brother, Geo. W., opened a grocery and pro- vision store at Fish lake. They carry a stock of $1,500; annual sales amount to $10,000. Mr. Cullom established the Mill Creek postofBce in 1875, and was appointed to that position by Mr. Jewell, Postmaster-General. Wm. H. was married Dec. 31, 1861, to Cath- arine Little, by whom he has had 4 children, viz. : Olive M., Jesse M., Clara E. and Arsena M. Mr. C. owns 100 acres on sec. 9. Newlove Layhourn. — The oldest settler of Lincoln tp. now living is Newlove Laybourn, He was born Aug. 20, 1808, in Genesee count\', New York. His parents were Joel and Zeruiah Lay- bourn, the former a native of England, and the latter of Connec- ticut. He was raised on a farm ; was taken by his parents to Clarke county, O., when five years old. They lived there till 1817, then they moved to Cincinnati, which then contained only about 350 inhabitants. There he attended school in a log-house, furnished with slab seats and writing desks, and split logs for a floor. In 1832 he came to Lincoln tp., this county, when tliere were but four other families in that region, and the Indians were as numerous as the whites are at the present day. They had a dancing ground in the southern part of 'Wills tp., and their path lay alung the western line of Mr. L's farm, and every fandango they had would end with taking a free draught of " whisky," and, on returning home, would, with their hideous yells, arouse the settlers from their sleep. Mr. L. was married July 23, 1829, to Nancy Dudley, by whom he has had 9 children; of these 2 are living: Catharine J. (now Mrs. Arga- brite, now living at New Carlisle), and Mary, now the widow of Mathias Wringer. Mr. L. owns a farm of 220 acres in sec. 4. o 744 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. Carson Siddles is a native of Orange county, N. Y., and was born Jan. 24, 1817. His parents were James and Jane Siddles. He was raised to manliood on his native farm; attended school, which consisted of scholars from three States, viz.: New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. He lived at home, tilling the soil, till 1859, when he came to this county. He was married June 10, 1840, to Miss Catharine Little. To them were born 5 children, viz.: James P., (who married Miss Catharine Arbugast, whose father, Enoch Arbo- gast, was among the first settlers of Lincoln tp.), Ophdia (un- married), Emma C. (now Mrs. Brownlee); one son dead. John A. was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Chickamauga, and consigned to the prison at Dan- ville, Ya., where he died Nov. 29, 1864. John H. Taylor was born in this county May 29, 1841. His parents, John W. and Celistia Taylor, were natives of England. He was raised on a farm, and has since chiefly devoted his time to that. At the early age of 20 years he enlisted to fight for " Uncle Sam," and participated in the battle of Cumberland Gap and several noted skirmishes. Lie was seized with sickness, and discharged April 1, 1862, having served seven months. He was married Feb. 10, 1866, to Miss Laura J. Divine, by whom he has had 5 children, viz.: James P., Fanny, Clara, John H. and Celistia. Mr. Taylor owns a farm of 188 acres, principally on sec. 3. MICHIGAN TOWNSHIP. This township borders on Lake Michio^an, and lies in the north west corner ot La Porte county. The township was organized in 1833, the following order having been made for that purpose by the Commissioners' Court, at a regular term held on the fourth day of September, 1833: "Ordered, That New Durham township be divided by the line dividing townships thirty-six and thirty-seven and thirty-eight, constituting a new township to be called Michigan Township." Afterward a division was made of this territory, so that at present the township consists only of the fractional Con- gressional township 38, which is so far reduced by Lake Michigan on the north that it contains but 14 whole and six fractional, sections, leaving it, in extent of territory, next to the smallest township in the county. The soil of the township consists of sand ridges that were at one time covered with a heavy growth of pine timber, whicli has been cut off and converted into lumber. Owinar to the poor quality of the soil in the township, agriculture receives but little attention. BEGINNINGS. The beginnings of whatever is great, useful or important are always studied by the thoughtful with a curious interest propor- tioned in degree to the dignity and value of the results, "Whether it be the birth of a child, the origin of a race, or the founding of a State, the date of the initial event and its productive causes, and all its important surroundings and concomitants, become subjects of an interest that is more or less vivid as the consequences of the event may, more or less nearly or favorably, affect us. What man or woman does not often turn back in thought to parents, and to the birth mystery in which each begins the greater mystery of life? Who does not carefully cherish the memory and preserve the record of his parentage and the date of his birth, whether the events of his life cause him to bless, to mourn, or even presumptuously to curse the authors and the day of his birth? So, too, the birth of races and of nations and even of communities is full of a glad or a sad interest to those whose lives and fortunes have been shaped or colored by the controlling events. The earliest settlement in this township outside of Michigan City was at Scott's Mills, where James Scott in 1834 erected a saw and grist mill, being the first flouring mill built in the township. It was located on Trail creek, one and a half miles from Michigan City. It was a very large mill, and its trade extended over a wide expanse of territory, traders and merchants coming from Chicago, 47 (745) Y46 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Kockford, Galena, Joliet and other towns in Illinois. "Wheat brought 60 cents per bushel at the mill, and flour sold for ten dollars per barrel. John Walker built and operated the first saw- mill in the township. Among the first settlers of the township were John Cheney, John E-itter, the Schreves, Sanfords and Yan "Winkles, who reached the township at an early day. This town- ship outside the city is sparsely settled, consequently its history is chiefly the history of MICHIGA.N CITY. Isaac Elston, ot Orawfordsville, Ind., in 1831 purchased of the Government the land on which Michigan City is now located, and in October, 1832, he laid out the town. The town site was an unin- viting one, a large portion of it being low and marshy, and was covered with a heavy growth of pine timber, among which were a few sugar maples. Trail creek made its way over the sands to the lake, winding round the foot of Hoosier Slide, a still sluggish stream which was almost cut off from the lake by a bar at its mouth, where so little passed over that a person could cross it without difficulty on foot. At this point it was believed a good harbor could be made. Hence the purchase made by Major Elston, and all the subsequent operations toward building up a flourishing city, and a harbor on the Great Lakes, for the State of Indiana. Formerlv the line between Indiana and the Territory of Michigan was south of where it is now located, shutting Indiana ofl' entirely from all harbur facilities and lake commerce, thus depriving Jier of all the benefits to be derived from the immense commerce of the Great Lakes, The boundary line was for some time a matter of sharp dispute, but was finally adjusted by giving to Indiana a position on the coast of Lake Michigan. La Porte, Porter and Lake counties are now bounded on the north bv its waters. FIRST SETTLERS In 1833 the first settlers arrived in Michigan City. The low, swampy lands covered with timber, and tlie high sand hills, pre- sented but few attractions to welcome them. There were presented to their view only sand ridges and marshes. Hoosier Slide loomed up many feet, while below and all around it there was only the white, glistening sand, and further back, across the creek that passes through the woods, that were at that time the abode of wild beasts, only a low, wet tract of country. It was indeed a discouraging out- look for a city. But the hope that one day a city would arise there despite the many adverse circumstances, and that a harbor would be made which should be to Indiana what Chicago is now to Illinois, filled these first comers with the spirit of enterprise, and the work of improvement began. IIISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 74:7 In August, 1833, Jacob Furman and B. F. Bryant put up a log cabin on the present site of Peck's corner, wliicli was probably the first house erected in the city Mrs. W. F. Miller, who is older in date of arrival than any other person now living in Michigan City, came here with her father, Samuel Flint, in October, 1833, she being then five years of a^i,^e. The Flint family was the third to arrive. At this time there was but one frame building in tlie city. It was built by Samuel Yfebster. The second frame dwelling was erected by Mr." Flint. These dwellings were all located in the woods, and the settlers made sugar from the maples surrounding them. The Indians were present in considerable numbers, but were always friendly. There were then no streets cr roads yet opened: only foot paths led from house to house. Thompson W. Francis arrived in June, 1833, but did not remain long at that time; he went to LaPorte, remaining until November, when he went to St. Joseph, Mich., and worked al; his trade until the spring of 1834, when he returned to Michigan City and made a permanent settlement, tie was the pioneer architect and carpenter of Michigan City. Joseph C. Orr built a tannery here in 1831, and lived in a log house which stood on the corner where Crane's drug store now stands, which he opened to the public as a sort of hotel, and where many a weary traveler at that early day found rest and refreshments. Samuel Miller was in business here in 1834, as a grain dealer and forwarder. He occupied a log building that stood on tlie site of the old brick pack- ing house. "George W. Selkerk came in 1833 and engaged in farming; he now resides in Cool Spring to-jvnship. In 1834 there was only an Indian trail between Michigan City- and La Porte, no road having yet been made. The Michigan road had been surveyed and laid out, and work begun upon it. ^ Until this was completed the only communication the city had with the outside world was over the waters of Lake Michigan, by means of the occasional arrival or departure of a boat. Only the smallest craft could reach the whart. Yessels of ordinary size were obliged to anchor out some distance in the lake, and received and discharged their cargoes by means of lighters. This continued up to the time the Government began the improvement of the harbor. In 1834 George Ames, Leonard Woods and others arrived, and in 1835 Robert Stewart, M. Romel, Simon Hitter, Deacon W. Peck, "W. W. Hiffgins, Judge Woodward, Captain Ashton Benjamin, James W. Moody and many others reached the city. Sprague and Teall were here in 1834. Teall was engaged in merchandising, and afterward Sprague and Teall became stage proprietors, having pur- chased theline^from Michigan City to Chicago. During the years 1835-'36 settlers came in rapidly, and the new town began to exhibit the hum and stir of business activity. Miller, Teall, Clark and Forrester began business here in 1833. These men built large warehouses in that year, and others speed- ily followed. The warehouses were all built down near the present harbor, the business part of the city being in the vicinity of where 748 BISTORT OF LA POKTE COUNTY. the Michigan Central depot now stands. This town was the great grain market for a large portion of Indiana, grain coming from as far south as Marion county. Steamers began to make regular tri])8, and the commission and forwarding business became active and heavy, assuming immense proportions. Besides the large num- ber of warehouses and forwarding houses here in 1886, there were 12 large dry-goods stores. Among others engaged in mercantile pursuits were John Barker. J. G. Sleight, Shedd & Turner, George Ames and others. There is but one person now living in Michigan City who has been there longer than Mr. George Ames, and that is Mrs. W. F. Miller, who arrived here in 1833. The men who settled here and founded Michigan City were enterprising, ener- getic, public-spirited men. They were nearly all from the Eastern States and were noted for their intelligence, culture and keen busi- ness qualifications. Many of them became the heaviest business men in the State. During the years 1831:-'36 the growth of the city was rapid, far beyond the wildest expectations. It was estimated that in 1836 the city numbered over 3,000 inhabitants. EDUCATIONAL. There are many important and interesting details respecting the early development of the educational interests of Michigan City. As soon as the settler had made for himself and family a shelter from the rain and cold and the wild beasts, and had blazed a path to his nearest neighbor, his next great care was to provide schools for his children. Thus they laid the foundations of their future social and political structure deep on the solid basis of intelligence and morality. Material and mental improvement went hand in hand; farms, shops, stores, and mills were Hanked by the school- house. They had many difficulties to meet and overcome before much progress could be made toward the establishment of institu- tions of learning. In 1833 the first school house was erected. It was a small frame building and was planned and built by Thomp- son W. Francis, one of the pioneers of Michigan City. Mr. McCoy was the first teacher. This building was also used for several years for Church services. From this small beginning the schools of Michigan City have grown up, and now they will compare favorably with any in the State. They now have two fine large school edifices, one of them but recently built, at a cost of over $50,000, and there are but few better school buildings in the State. The average daily attendance of pupils is now over 600, and is constantly increasing. The grounds about the new building have been beautifully decorated and artis- tically arranged by Mr. George Ames, of this city. At his own expense he has put the grounds in their present condition, and set out thereon over 1,000 trees and shrubs. He has placed this com- munity under additional and lasting obligations for his annual HISTORY OF LA POBTE COUNTY. 749 contributions of trees and shrubs since then to further beautify the grounds. The people of the city appreciate his generosity, and will hold in grateful remembrance the efforts he has made to minister to the comfort and happiness of their children. RELIGIOUS. Religion was not neglected by the early settlers of this city, but has kept apace witli the schools and other secular enterprises. Many, who counted the value of their crops or of their growing stock, or their profits of trade during the days and hours of la!)or, sweetened their rest with the consolation of divine truth; so that at a very early day we find them building churches as well as school- houses, and sliops, and stores. EplsGopalians. — The first edifice erected in Michigan City for religious services exclusively was built by the Episcopal society in 1836, and was located on Fine street, between Fourth and Market streets. This was the first Cliurch organization in the county, and was known then, as now, as Trinity Church. Tiie first Rector was the Rev. D. V. M. Johnson. The society has now 127 communi- cants, and a congregation of over 300. The property of this Church consists of a quarter block, at the corner of Franklin and Sixth streets, upon which stands the church edifice and rectory. The Rev. C. J. Wood is the present Rector. Methodist Eplscojpal. — This society, rightly denominated the " Pioneer Church," was formed at Michigan Cit}^ with its first set- tlers, and from the commencement held services here. Major Elston, the proprietor, in his sale of city lots, reserved and donated to the Methodist society two lots upon which to build a house of worship. Under the leadersliip of Porterfield Harrison and a few others, the friends of the society in 1838 erected a small church on the site donated. This met the demands of the society for a num- ber of years, but the encroachments of sand which then tlireate led to bury the house, rendered a change necessary, and tiie members and friends purchased the lot and built the house of worship now used by the society. They also built a parsonage. The preacher in charge at that time was the Rev. W. Copp. The society now has in course of construction a new church edifice, on the corner oi Franklin and Seventh streets, 46 by SO feet, and two stories high; seating capacity, 600. It will cost not less than $1,000. The Rev. G. M. Boyd is the pastor in charge of the society. There is also a German Methodist church on the corner of Eighth and Buffalo streets. Congregational. — The Rev. John Morrill came to this city from Massachusetts in the year 1835, and through his efforts, assisted by Benjamin James, Robert Stewart and others, a Congregational Church was organized. This church is one of the oldest in the county, and the only one of that denomination. It seems from the records of the Church that in 1810 a majority of the members 750 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. preferred a Presbyterian form of government, and a change was made from Congregational to Presbyterian, and the denomination was attaclied to the Logansport Presbytery. But the sentiment in favor of Congregational government was still strong, and in October, 1841, the former acticn was reversed. The Church lias enjoyed a fair degree of successful work, and has been presided over bj^ some very able pastors, and is at present in a prosperous condition. Its pres- ent pastor is the Rev. Evarts Kent. Baptist. — The lirst Baptist society in Michigan City was organ- ized in 1S37, but existed for a short time only. They have no Church organization here at present. ■ Lutherans. — This society has had a Church organization in this city for many years. In 1875 some difficulty arose between the pastor and a portion of the church members, and a division was made, and a part of the membership v/ithdrew from the church, organized a new society, and erected another church edifice, nearly opposite the old church. The Rev. J. Sneder is pastor of the St. John's Lutheran Churcii, on the corner of Franklin and Ninth streets, and the Rev. Ernst is pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, corner of Ninth and Franklin streets. There is also a Swedish Lutheran Church in the city, located on tlie corner of Spring and Second streets. The Rev. Mr. Tollesson is the pastor now in charge. Cathol'iGS. — This society has a beautiful church edifice on the corner of Boston and "VYabash streets. It was built at an early day, is one of the largest church buildings in tliecity, and is known as St. Mary's church. This societ}^ has the largest membership of all in the city, and is at present in a prosperous condition. The Rev. Father Beck is the priest now in charge of the parish. He is assisted by the Rev. Father Romer. Presbyterian. — This is the youngest Presbyterian society in the county. It was organized in the early part of 1871, services being held for the first time under the organization April 2, 1871, the Rev. C. Van Santwood, of Chicago, officiating. In 1872 they erected a fine church building between Sixth and Seventh streets, wliiclj was dedicated Dec. 19, 1872. The Rev. J. A. Hall is the pnstor now in charge. Other Church organizations have existed hei*e at different times, but they had no houses of worship, and their services have never been regular. Most of them have no existence here now. NEWSPAPERS. The first paper published in Michigan City, and in La Porte county, was the Michigan City Gazette., the first number being issued Julv 8, 1835. It was established and owned bv J. S. Castle, was a Democratic sheet, but afterward, passing into the hands ot Samuel Miller and others, it became the organ of the Whig party. It ceased to exist about 1841. HISTORY OF LA POBTE COUNTY. 751 The Herald followed next, but its life was brief, holding out but one year. Thomas Jernegan established the Michigan City News and continued its publication until the office was destroyed by tire in September, 1853. The Transcript came next; it was a Whig newspaper, and was established in 1854 by Richard W. Colfax. In 1855 he sold out to Hickock& O'Brien, who changed the name of the' paper to tiie Enterprise^ and at the end of the year it passed into the hands of S. B. Wright, who published it until 1859, wlien he sold it to its present publisher and editor, Thos. Jernegan. He has published it continously since, except for a short period during the Rebellion, when it was suspended. In 1863 the Michigan City Review was established by J. & M. Coulaton; it lived but one year. The Michigan City News was established in March, 1875, by J. F. Rowins. Mr. N. Conover soon after became a partner, and then, buying Rowins' interest, became sole proprietor. The Reform Journal was established in January, 1877, by W. B. McCarthy, its editor and proprietor. It lived about six months. The Michigan City Dispatch was started Dec. 4, 18Y9, by Harry C. Francis, its editor and owner. It is the leading Democratic organ in this part of the county. SOCIETIES. Aside from the Church organizations there are a number of other societies, prominent among which are the following: The Masonic fraternity, who have in this city a chapter and a lodge, known as the " Michigan City Chapter"" No. 25, and tlie Acme lod^e No. 83. Of the Odd Fellow's order, tliere are two lodges and an encamp- ment in the city. The Forresters have a large society here, and there is also a lodge of the Temple of Honor. These societies are all in a flourishing condition, and their mem- bership is made up of the best men in the city, MICHIGAN CITY HARBOR. Some years ago the general Government, deeming this an im- portant point, took from the State of Michigan a strip of land some ten miles in width, in which is located Michigan City, and ceded it to the State of Indiana, for the purpose of giving to the State a lake port, and an outlet through the great commercial channels of the lakes, rivers and canals to the seaboard. In 1836 the Govern- ment began the work of improving the harbor. Congress having made an appropriation of $20,000 for this purpose. The work was carried on under the immediate supervision of Capt. W. B. Burnet, of tlie Engineer Bureau. The next year an appropriation of $30,- 000 was made, and the work continued under the superintendence \y 752 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. of Captain Stockton. In 1840 a t]iird appropriation was made of $60,733.39, and the work went on under the charse of Capt. Stock- ton until 1841, when he was succeeded by Major J. R. Bowes. Iji 1849 an appropriation of $25,000 was made, and another of like amount in 1852. Valuable improvements were made with the lirst three appropri- ations; materials were bought, buildings erected, scows and dredge built, and every necessary preparation made for pushing the work rapidly forward. Piers were built into the lake, until a depth of 18 feet of water was reached. The channel was dredged out so that vessels of 200 tons could safely be admitted inside the harbor. More than one-half of these appropriations were expended for materials, shops, horses, etc. In order to derive any benefit from the expenditures thus made, it was important and necessary that the appropriations should continue to be made until the work was com- pleted; but several years were allowed to pass without any appro- priations, and during this time work about the harbor was at a stand. The shops were closed, the horses sold for one-half their original cost, the dredge and scows were tied up and left to rot in the stream, and the unfinished pier, left to the ravages of wind and wave, soon became worthless. The fourth appropriation was finally made, and was expended in repairing the waste of previous years, and then the work was again abandoned, there being no more money provided to carry it on. The tools and implements were sold fur what they would bring, and the buildings gradually went to pieces. Again several j'cars inter- vened before another appropriation was made, which, when made seems to have been used to destroy what little was left of the work al- ready done. New tools and materials were purcliased, and the balance of the appropriation was spent in building a new kind of crib, which was sunk without the support of piles, and proved a total failure, and was washed away by the storms of the next winter. In build- ing this new crib the old pier was removed, so that nothing re- mained to tell the story of the thousands of dollars that had been sunk in the sand and water. From this time the Government abandoned all work on the har- "bor, and for more than 14 years it lay a useless wreck, a monument of the folly of the wasteful policy of stopping at the time when work was most needed to save that which had already been done. But the enterprising men of Michigan City were determined to have a harbor, and they resolved to build it themselves. Accord- ingly in 1865 they asked Congress to relinquish the remains of the old works, and grant them the right to build where they had been. Congress granted their request, and the "Michigan Harbor Com- pany" was organized. They procured large subscriptions from the citizens, and proceeded with the work, expending over $100,000. They built two substantial piers into the lake, 1,000 and 1,200 feet respectively, thus verifying what had been so much doubted, that HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 753 a permanent harbor could be made at Michigan City. Having ex- pended all their means, tliey applied to Congress to complete the work they had begun, and that body granted them in 18t)7, $75,000, since which time appropriations have been regularly made and the work carried forward as rapidlj' as possible, and at no distant day this city will have one of the finest harbors on Lake Michigan. RAILROADS. Michigan City has five railroads, four of which have one terminus here. One is the Michigan Central, which was completed to this city in 1850. In 1851 they built a car shop, round-house, etc., here. Another is the Louisville, New Albany & Chicago, which was built to this place in 1853. The others are the Joliet Branch, which is owned and operated by the Michigan Central; Michigan Lake Shore, and the Indianapolis, Peru & Chicago road, which was com- pleted from La Porte to this place in 1871, making this city quite a railroad center, aflbrding fine facilities for the shipment of mer- chandise and lumber arriving by vessel. NORTHERN INDIANA STATE PRISON. In 1857 the State Legislature made an appropriation of $50,000 for the erection of the Northern State Prison at this place, and the work was commenced at once. A large portion of the work was performed by convicts from the Southern penitentiary. The con- tract for the construction of tlie cell-house, outside wall, and some other buildings was awarded to D. J. Silver. The land upon which the prison stands was purchased of Cliauncy B. Blair, who sold the State 00 acres, 8-| of which is enclosed by the outside wall. The deputy warden's house, a large building containing the din- ing-room, wash-room, kitchen, chapel, hospital. State repair room, etc., are all within the enclosure. The warden's residence and dwellings for the guards are outside the wall. The new artesian well supplies an abundance of water, but is so impregnated with mineral substances as to render it unfit for drinking or culinary purposes. The first warden was Col. Seely, who was succeeded by the following persons, in the order given: Mr. Iddings, Thomas Wood, W. W. Higgins, Charles Wayne and Mr. Murdock, the present warden. The first contract for prison labor was awarded to Hay ward & De Wolfe; the next to Elisha Murray, who was succeeded by Finch & Barker. Hon. J. H. Winterbotham bouo-ht into a contract with Jones & Chapin, in 1867, and in 1869 bought them out. The firm is now J. H. Winterbotham & Sons. The prison was completed in 1868, but the number of convicts became so large that more cell room was needed. The State made the requisite appropriations for additional cell room, and the work was pushed forward, and completed in 1878, so that now tlie\^ have 754 HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. ample accommodations for the convicts. The prison has been self- supporting since the administration of "Warden Higgins, and has been well managed, both in its business as regards the public, and in its conduct and discipline as affecting the prisoners. In the suc- cessful management of its business affairs, it has no superior in the United States, and its course of discipline has been admirable. There are over 600 convicts now confined in this prison, OTHEK ENTEEPKISES. The Michigan City Car Factory was begun by Sherman, Has- kell ife Co. ; the firm afterward changed to Haskell, Barker & Aldrich, then to Haskell & Barker. It is now an incorporated company under the firm name of The Haskell & Barker Car Com- pany. They manufacture passenger and freight cars, and do an annual business of over one million dollars. The fisheries of Michigan City form an important branch of trade. There are now eight or ten boats engaged in the traffic, and a large annual catch is made. The Smith Refrigerator and Manufacturing Company was organ- ized in October, 1877, for the manufacture of the " Alaska" refriger- ator, invented and patented by Mr. George F. Smith, of tliis city. E.. G. Peters, of Manistee, is president; Mr. Hurd, secretary and business manager; and George F. Smith, vice-president and gen- eral superintendent. They have four large two-stor}' buildings and employ 85 hands, whicli number is increased during the busy season to 100 men. This refrigerator is constructed on high scientific principles, and is the only perfect dry-air cooler made; and the demand for it has been so great that the company have not from the start been able to fill their orders. The lumber trade lias become the leading industry in Michigan Cit}', there being seven or eight heavj' firms engaged in the busi- ness, and the sales of this vear are larger than that of any vear in the history of the city. The first cargo of wheat shipped from this place was hauled here through the woods in ISSO, and loaded on the steamer Pt>6'?^ £07/ by means of yawl boats. It consisted of 1,500 bushels of wheat, and was shipped to Buffalo, 1^. Y. This was the commencement of the grain trade in this city, but it soon became the largest grain market in the State, and from 1S37 to 1844 did a heavy business, grain coming from as far south as the central portion of the State. It was not an uncommon occurrence for 300 or 400 teams to arrive in a single day. The trade here then was large and prosperous. Elston's survey of Michigan City was located on section 29. He made large sales of lots prior to 1836; in that year he sold his remaining interests to the Michigan City Land Company, The plat of Michigan City was filed for record in October, 1833, and in 1836 a city organization was adopted, Willys Peck was elected the first Mayor, Since the filing of the original plat of the city 16 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY, 755 additions have been filed, and the city has been steadily growing, until it has run ahead and is now the banner city of the county. Its population is now 7,336, and at the rate the city is now growing it will reach 20,000, if not more, by 3 890. Michigan City has always been noted for its fine public houses. There is no town of its population in the State that can boast of as good hotel accommodations as Michigan City. The first in the city was a log cabin kept and owned by Joseph C. Orr, in 1834. In the same year Lofton and Taylor built a hotel near tlie harbor, and Samuel Olinger built another farther up town. Soon after- ward Hiram Inman built the Stockton House on Pine street, and during 1835-'36 the following were built: Mansion House, City Hotel, Exchange, Farmers' Hotel, Washington House, Lake House and Western Hotel. All these houses were well patronized and did a flourishing business for a number of years. Later came the Franklin and Genesee House, and still later the present popular resort, the Jewel Ilouse^ whicli was erected by Mr. Harrison Jewel, of this city, and is run by the well-known and popular landlord, Harvey R. Harris. There are also several other hotels in the city, as the Union House, St. Nicholas, etc., but the Jewel now takes the lead. Michigan City has had much to contend with, and at times her hopes and prospects have been gloomy indeed, at other times prom- ising and bright; but the men who founded the city have never falt<'i'ed, meeting every emergency resolutely, and as the result of their courage and persistent efforts this city has become the most prosperous and the first, in point of numbers, in the count3^ And now, as we close the history of this township, with its thousands of inhabitants, and hundreds of homes made elegant by wealth, and still more elegant by taste, — fitting caskets of social refinement and domestic happiness, — how natural to turn our eyes and thoughts back to the log-cabin days of less than 60 years ago, and contrast it with the elegant mansion of modern times. Before us stands the old log cabin. Let us enter. Instinctively the head is uncovered in token of reverence to this relic of ancestral besrin- o nings and early struggles. To the left is the deep, wide fire-place, in whose commodious space a group of children may sit by the fire, and up through the chimney may count the stars, while ghostly stories of witches and giants, and still more thrillino- stories of Indians and wild beasts, are whisperingly told and shudderingly heard. On the great crane hang the old tea-kettle and the great iron pot. The huge shovel and tongs stand sentinel in either corner, while the great andirons patiently wait for the huge back log. Over the fire-place hangs the trusty rifle. On the right side of the fire-place stands the spinning-wheel, while in the further end of tlie room the loom looms up with a dignity peculiarly its own. Opposite the door by which you enter stands a huge deal table; by its side the dresser whose " pewter plates" and '' shining delf " catch and reflect " the fire-place flame as shields of armies do the sunshine." 756 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTT. From the corner of its shelves coyly peep out the relics of former china. In a curtained corner and hid from casual sight we find the mother's bed, while near it a ladder indicates the loft where the children sleep. To the left of the fire-place and in the corner opposite the spinning-wheel is the mother's work-stand. Upon it lies the Holy Bible, evidently much used, its family record telling of parents and friends a long way oif, and telling, too, of children Scattered like roses in bloom, 8ome at the bridal, and some at the tomb. Her spectacles, as if but just used, are inserted between the leaves of her Bible, and tell of her purpose to return to its comforts when cares permit and duty is done. A stool, a bench, well notched and whittled and carved, and a few chairs complete the furniture of the room, and all stand on a coarse but well-scoured floor. Let us for a moment watch the visitors to this humble cabin. The citv bride, innocent but thoughtless, and ignorant of hibor and care, asks her city-bred husband, " Pray what savages set this up?" Honestly confessing bis ignorance, he replies, " I do not know." But see that pair on whom age sits " frosty but kindly." First, as they enter they give a rapid glance about the cabin home, and tlien a mutual glance of eye to eye. Why do tears start and fill their eyes? Why do lips quiver? There are many who know why, but who that has not learned in the school of experience the full mean- ing of all these symbols of trials and privation, of loneliness and danger, can comprehend the story that they tell to the pioneer? Within this chinked and mud-daubed cabin, we read the first pages of our history, and as we retire through its low doorway, and note the heavy battened door, its wooden hinges, and its welcoming latch-string, is it strange that the scenes without should seem to be but a dream? But the cabin and the palace, standing side by side in vivid contrast, tell the story of this people's progress; they are a history and prophecy in one. , BIOGRAPHICAL. We continue the history of Michigan township by giving biographical sketches of many of its most prominent pioneers and citizens, as follows: William Adair, carpenter, was born in Ireland Aug. IS, 1818; came to America in 1849, and to this county in 1852, settling in Michigan City in 1855, where he now resides and owns two lots with dwellings. In 1855 he married Margaret Ballance, also a na- tive of Ireland, and they have had one child, William R. Mr. Adair is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and is a Republican. Mrs. A. died in 1878. George Ames is one of the oldest settlers of Michigan City; was born in Massachusetts, Jan. 30, ISOtt. His early life was spent on the farm; from the farm he went into the blacksmith shop and the HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 757 shove] works. He came to this county in 1834, and located at Michigan City. He made some purchases of real estate and began building. Hi? liealth being poor, he took passage on afisliing ves- sel for the coast of Labrador, and spent some time visiting the tribes along the coast. In 1835 he rode from this city to Washing' ton, D. C, on horseback, making trip in 27 days. He engaged in the mercantile business in this city in 1835, in connection with Mr. Fisher, tlie firm being known as Fisher, Ames & Co., which busi- ness they continued for about one j^ear. He then bought out the proprietor of the drug store here, and in partnership with Mr. Holliday, continued in that business for over 30 years. He was one of the first Directors of the National bank, and is now its Pres- ident. Mr. Ames owns a number of dwellings and stores in the citj', and is one of the wealthiest men here. He was married in 1849 to Miss Elizabeth B. Banks, of Massachusetts. They have no children. Mr, Ames has held the office of Ma^^or several terms, and Councilman six years; has always been a public-spirited man, and many of the best improvements in the city are due mainly to his untiring efforts. The improvements which Mr. Ames has made on the high-school premises, at his own expense and under his supervision, may be summed up as follows. No. No. 1874 Arbor vita? 400 1877 Hemlock 400 Irish juniper 10 Arbor vitae 350 1875 Arbor vita 700 1878 Norway spruce •. . 170 Evergreens, pyramidal 25 Hemlock 100 Fancy shrubs 25 Arbor vita? 175 1876 Arbor vita? 500 Balsam fir 8 Evergreens, pyramidal 25 Various kinds 118 Irish juniper 2 All these trees, except about 100, were set in the ground by Mr. Ames, and the first cost of the trees and shrubs averaged from 10 cents to $3 apiece. Tliey are arranged in the following order: On each side of the front walk, which is 12 feet in width, and four feet from it is a hedge of arbor vitae, extending from the front entrance of the grounds toward the building 100 feet; thence two walks diverge, eight feet in width, one extending to the west entrance, the otiier to the east; four feet from the outer edge is a hemhjck hedge 20 feet in extent; around each pump is a semi- circular hedge of Norway spruce 30 feet in length; and the other 50 feet, from the pump to either side entrance, is occupied by a hedge of arbor vitfe. These hedges aggregate 600 feet in length, and are to be trimmed to a uniform height of three feet. The northeast portion of the grounds is ornamented with a horizontal cross of arbor vitee 80 feet in extent; eight feet from the extremities of the cross and midway between them are eight ever- green trees, five to eight feet in height, and of varying forms. In the northwest portion of the campus is a circle of arbor vitae 240 758 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. feet in circumference, trees pyramidal in shape. Between this cir- cle and the west entrance is a hedge of Norway spruce, trees rhom- boid al, 25 by 52 feet, and 4 feet in lieight. The center of the cross and circle is occupied by evergreens. The total length of all hedges is 1,134 feet. Besides improvements by Mr, Ames, the city has transplanted 115 forest trees of different kinds, surrounding the grounds. At the high-scliool commencement of June 2Y, 1879, a pleasant feature of the exercises was the presentation of a gold-headed cane to Mr. Ames, by the children, they all having contributed in amounts of one cent and upward. The following is the presenta- tion speech on the occasion, read by Miss Hattie Ford, of the grad- uating class: Mr. Ames: — We are a committee of the public schools of Michigan City, com- missioned to present this cane as a tolvca ot our respect and esteem. Your con- stant care, shown daily by your watchful oversight of every interest, has called forth spontaneously this tribute of love and regard. As its value is made up by little gifts of many hands, so may it ever spe^rk to you of the many good wishes, unanimous as the thought of a single heart, that gather about your name. As you lean upon it in your increasing years, may its best support and service be found in assurance tliat you have an abiding place in the affections and sympathies of the children of the public schools, and that your devotion to our good — tlie beautify- ing of our grounds and walks, your constant carefulness of all things that tend to elevate and re line, — is not unnoticed by us, and will not be forgotten. Nor are all these beautiful things our heritage alone : other generations, that know not personally the one that devised and with liberal hand perfected them, will rise up and call you blessed. The cane bears this inscription, deeply cut in its beaten gold : Presented to Geo. Ames, by the children of the public schools "f Michigan C it}/, Ind., June 27, 1879. Be pleased to receive it from us. We are honored in presenting it, as you are most worthily honored in receiving it. In reply Mr. Ames expressed his gratification to the children because of their appreciation of his labor on their behalf. He has also contributed largely to the fund for the improvement of the harbor, and spent a great deal of time and money in getting up petitions to Congress, and in soliciting aid in behalf of the enterprise. Lyman B. Ashton is a son of Gallatin and Susan Ashton, who were natives of New York, and was born in this State in 1844. His education was limited to the common schools of the early set- tlements in this State. In 1867 he entered into partnership with William Schoenemann, and engaged in the grocery trade in this city. They do a large and remunerative business. Mr. Ashton was married in this city in 1872 to Ellen K. Moyse, daughter of James and Mary Moyse, natives of Canada. They have 3 children: Arthur L,, Walter F. and Bertha M. Mr. Ashton is one of the self-made men of the time, his prosperous business and property having been acquired through his personal industry and attention to his business affairs. V. W. Bartholomew was born in Decatur county, Ind., in 1847; the son of Samuel C. and Sarah (Thomas) Bartholomew; he came to this city in 1870 and engaged in mercantile business, and has one HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 759 of the finest stocks of hardware in the city. He was married in October. 1869, to Miss Edna Stanton, of this count}'-, who was born in 1848. They have 3 children: Louis, Fred and Frank. He belono's to the Masonic fraternity, and is a member of the M. E. Church of this city. Politically, he is a Republican. John H. Barker^ Mayor, was born in Michigan City in 1844, where he has resided nearly all his life. His father, John Barker, was one of the pioneers of this county, having settled in Michigan City in 1833. The subject of this sketch began life as a clerk in a wholesale shipping house in Chicago, was engaged in mercantile trade in Springfield, 111., for three years, then returned to Chicago and engaged in the wholesale grocery trade. In 1868 he returned to this city and engaged in the grocery trade, which he continued until 1877. He is now a stock owner and general man- ager of the Michigan City Car Works. He is also Mayor of the city. Mr. B. is one of the live business men who have built up large fortunes by their own efibrts. Rev. Julien JBeaks^ pastor of St. Mary's Church (Catholic), this city, was born in Prussia, Oct. 8, 1836. He began his study for the priesthood at the early age of 12 years, and was licensed and ordained priest when 24 years of age. He came to this country in 1858 and farther pursued his studies at Clerical College in Cincin- nati, where he remained for two years. He then had charge of a parish in Adams county, Ind., for a few years. He came to this city in 1863 and took charge of this parish, since which time his mission has extended to various counties in the State. Under his spiritual guidance and control the Church has continued to grow in numbers and influence in this community, and now lias by far the largest number of communicants of all in the city. Under his pas- torate the Church' has been brought into a very prosperous condition, and he is universally liked by the entire community, and honored and loved by his Church. Harrison H. Bowes, attorney at lavv, is the son of William R. and Mary E. (Jewel) Bowes; was born in Michigan City, Dec. 11, 1855; received a liberal education, having graduated at the Pacine, (Wis.) College; read law, admitted to practice in '79, and com- menced the practice of his profession in this city in 1880. Mr. B. is a man of culture and refinement, and will rank high in his pro- fession. He is a member of the Episcopal Church in this place. William, H. Breece was born in Cass county, Mich., Nov. 10, 1840, and is the son of Jacob and Sarah (Wilson) Breece, natives of Pennsylvania. He received a liberal education, and is a graduate of the Law Department of the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, Mich. He was admitted to the Bar in 1866 and began the practice of law at Three Oaks, Berrien Co., Mich. He was Prose- cuting Attorney of that county one term, and Township Clerk nine years. He came to Michigan City in 1879, and began the practice of law, having now associated with him Mr. H. D. Tuthill, the firm 76<> HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. being Breece & Tuthill. Mr. Breece is Deputy Prosecuting Attor- ney of La Porte county. He was married in 1871 to Miss Emma E. Barnes, daughter of Samuel and Harriet Barnes, of this State. They have 2 cliildren. Mr. B. is a member of the Odd Fellows order and of the Masonic fraternity. He is one of the enterprising men of the city, and although he has been here but a short time, has an enviable reputation asalawj'er, and has a large practice. David T. Browii^ M. D., was born in Yermont in 1838, the son of Henry and Susan (Ticknor) Brown, of New Hampshire, and of English descent. The Doctor came to this State and located in Michigan City in 1869, where he has since resided. He received a good classical education, and began the study of medicine in 1859, and graduated at the Berkshire Medical College in 18C2 ; he was then appointed Assistant Surgeon in the U. S. Army and served until the close of the war; he was also Surgeon for the Michigan Central Eailroad Company. He was married July 2-1, 1864, in New York, to Miss Nellie P. Pettens. She was born April 1, 1841, and they have 5 children: Charles M., Bertha L., Mary T., Ralph and Laura. The Doctor has been County Coroner for four years, and has held other offices of importance and trust in the city and county. D. E . Case was born in this county in 1844, and is the son of Aurora and Abigail Case, who were natives of the New England States, and came to this county at a very early day, being among the first settlers of the county. Mr. Case received a liberal edu- cation. He was married in this city to Emma F. HoUiday, of this city, in 1875, who was born in this county in 1849. Mr. Case is now engaged in the liver}^ business, and keeps a large stock of horses, buggies and carriages. He has the finest rigs in the city, and is doing a very large and lucrative business. He has a large property, and is one of the leading men of the city. Politically, he is a Democrat. Danford Davidson was born in the State of New York in 1818. He spent his boyhood at home on the farm, and has always been engaged in agricultural pursuits. He came to this State in 1852, and settled in Michigan tp. in 1&54, where he still resides. He first purchased 80 acres on sec. 23. He was married in Michigan to Miss Emeline Conners, who was a native of New York, and was born in the year 1823, and died in 1861. By this marriage he has one child now living, Esther M. In 1863 he was married at New Buffalo, tliis State, to Frances A. Prindle, who was born in Connec- ticut in 1826. They have 2 children now living, Thomas A. and Mary E. Mr. Davidson is a member of the Masonic order, of this city. He is a Republican in political views, and has held some of the important tp. offices. Charles E. De Wolfe was born in Wolfeville, Nova Scotia, March 6, 1814; at 18 years of age he went to ^t. Andrews, N. B., and engaged in merchandising for four years. In the fall of 1836 he moved to Toledo, Ohio, where he remained one year; then came RISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 761 to Porter county, Ind., and engaged in mercantile business in Yal- paraiso in 1841, which he continued nntil 1850; he then moved to Michigan City, where he has since resided, and is engaged in mercantile business, and now has one of the largest dry-goods and notion houses in the city. He is one of the first organizers of the First National Bank of Michigan City, and is now a stockholder and Director of the same. He was married near Valparaiso, Ind., in April, 1810, to Miss Mary E. Baum. They have now living 5 children : Joseph B., James E,., Geneva M., Charles B. and Harriet B. Mr. De Wolfe was one of the originntors and stockholders of the Michigan City Harbor Company, organized in 1865 for the build- ing and improvement of the harbor at this place. He remained a Director until the company turned over the harbor to the U. S. Government in 1 868. Mr. De Wolfe held $3,000 of the stock of the company. The Government has never refunded any of the moneys spent by the company in the improvement of the harbor, and the company never received anything from any source on the stock invested. Mr. De Wolfe also platted and laid out " De Wolfe's South Addition" to the city, containing TO acres. A part of the lots have been sold and residences built on them ; the rest he still owns. He has never belonged to any secret order or Church society, and has never held any ofhce. However, he has always been a public-spirited man, and identified with every movement for the improvement and advancement of the interests of the county and city; and but for his aversion to political life, he would have been called upon to fill many of the positions of honor and trust in this county. J. E. De Wolfe, son of C.E. and Mary DeWolfe, natives of Nova Scotia, and early settlers in this county, was born in this county Feb. 24, 1842; his father was one of the progressive men of the day and gave him a liberal education. At the age of 15 he went into his father's store as salesman, which position he held for ten years. In 1861 he enlisted as a private in the 4th Regt. Indiana Light Artil- lery, served three years and three months, and was honorably dis- charged. He was in several of the hardest fought battles of the war of the Rebellion. Upon his return from the army he came to Michigan City and entered mercantile pursuits, and is now engaged in the general hardware trade, and carries a large and varied stock in his line. He was married in 1868, in this county, to Miss Gertrude Ward, of JNew York, who was born in 1842. They have 3 children: Charles E., Clara M. and Jessie W. Mr. and Mrs. DeWolfe are members of the Presbyterian Church. He owns 47 town lots in Chicago and seven in this city. He is one of the relia- ble business men of the city, Alfred F. Earl, proprietor of livery, corner of Michigan and Washington sts.; was born in Ohio, June 4, 1842, and is the son of Harvey and Catharine Earl, natives of Nova Scotia. He located in this city in 1852, where he subsequently engaged in various kinds of business until 1867, when he began the livery business, which he 48 762 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. has since followed. He is prosperous and keeps on hand a No. 1 stock in his line. In 1868 he married Miss Maria J. Doran in this county; they have one child, Hattie Ann, born Feb. 5, 1876. Mr. E. commenced life a poor man, but by industry and economy has accumulated considerable property. He is an Odd Fellow. _Benjam hi £^lioU, aon of John and Hannah Eliott, was born in the State of New York, Sept. 23, 1816. His parents were of Scotch and English descent, and came to this countrj'^ before the Revolu- tionary war and settled in Massachusetts. His grandfather was a private in Washington's army during tlie Revolution, and his father was in the war of 1812. Mr. Eliott's school advantages were limited to a few months at district school. He worked on a farm until he was about 2-5 j^ears of age; he then came West and located at La Porte, and operated a distillery for nine years, when he became convinced that the business was a dishonorable one, and that the liquor traffic was a great injury to the people. Acting purely upon principle, he abandoned the business, then a very profitable one, to satisfy his conscientious scruples in regard to ardent spirits. He then engaged in mercantile pursuits for eight years. He then came to Michigan City and accepted a position in the State prison located here, which he held for 15 years. Since then he has been engaged as a contractor and builder, and at present is superintending the building of the new M. E. church, corner of Franklin and 7th streets. He was married in this county in February, 1843, to Jane Griffin, of JSfew York. She died in the latter part of the same year. In September, 1845, he was married to Miss Almira of this county. They have 6 children now living: Andrew J., Elmira D., Albert J., Edson, Benjamin H. and Anna B. Mr. E. has held a number of the important offices of the township and city, and is a Republican. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church in this city. Anton Finske was born in Germany in 1843, and came to this country with his parents in 1853, and settled in this city. He worked on a farm during his younger years, and then engaged in trade. He at present does a general grocery business on Franklin street. He was married in this city to Miss Josephine Finly, who was born in Germany in 1854. They have 6 children: John, Mary, Anna, Henry, George and Laura. He is City Assessor and also a member of the City Council. He is a member of the Cath- olic Church, and politically, he is a Democrat. U. C. Follett, Postmaster, was born in New York July 8, 1819; came to Michigan with his father in 1836, and to this county in 1889, settling in La Porte, where he remained until 1846, and then settled in this city, where he has since resided. At the age of 14 he commenced clerking in a dry-goods store. He is a self-made man, commencing poor, but now owns 400 acres of farm land in this county, besides several town lots in this city. He was appointed Postmaster in 1877, which office he still holds. Oct. 11, 1842, he married Matilda Trarer, of this county, daughter of Uriah and HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 763 Elizabeth Traver, and ws.^ born in 1S15. He is a Republican in politics, having cast his first vote for General Harrison. He is a member of the Episcopal Church. William Fosdick, dentist, the son of John S. and Emily L. (Smith) Fosdick, natives of New York, who came to this county at an early day, was born in this county Jan. 1, 1849; received a lib- eral education and learned the printer's trade, at which he worked for three years; then began the study of dentistry, his father being his preceptor. He pursued the study of his profession for ten years; then came to Michigan City and located permanently in 1877. His office is at 120 Franklin street. He was married Oct. 39, 1872, to Miss Louisa Vennette, who was born in the State of New York in 1854. They have 3 children. He is a member of the M. E. Church in this city. Harry H. Francis, editor of the Michigan City Dispatch, was born in that city Feb. 24, 1852. In the fall of 1869 he entered Eacine (Wis.) College, and completed a full collegiate course, leav- ing that institution in 1873. In the fall of the same year he entered the Law School of the University of Michigan, where he gradu- ated in 1875. He immediately commenced the practice of law at Indianapolis, wliere he remained until Jan. 1, 1878, when he removed to Michigan City. He practiced his profession in that city until September, 1879, when he founded the Michigan City Dis- jpatch, of which he is now editor and proprietor. Thompson W. Francis was born near Lexington, Ky,, in 1815, and died at Michigan City April 17, 1880. Mr. Francis was among the first who settled in Michigan City, arriving therefrom Cincin- nati in the early part of the year 1832; so at the time of his death he had resided there for 48 years, then being the oldest resident of the city. Mr. Francis was a man of a strong, positive character, and had led a very active life. He was an ardent Republican, and during his life he took a lively interest in politics, being one of the foremost organizers of his party, not only in the county, but in this section of the State. He always labored for the advancement of his city's interests, and passed away mourned by all. He left 3 sons: Oscar A., Willis T. and Harry H. Francis. The former died at Nashville, Tenn., just a week after his father's demise. Nikolas Gaspar, grocer. No. 73 Franklin street, was born in Nuremburg, Germany, Dec. 25, 1840; worked on a farm during his boyhood; was brakeman on a railroad for several years. He came to America in 1852, and settled in this city in 1873, entering into his present business in 1877. He keeps on hand a good stock of groceries, and has a fair trade. In 1866 he married Caroline Finske, in this county, also a native of Germany. They haA^e had 6 children; only 2 are living: John H. G. and Annie E. Mr. G. owns two lots with dwellings. He is a Democrat. lion. Amos C. Hall, Sr., was born in the "Empire State," in Oneida county, in 1817. His father, Luther Hall, was one of the pioneer settlers of Oneida county. Mr. Hall was raised on a farm, 764 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. which business he continued to follow during the early portion of his life. He was elected a member of the New York Legislature for two terms, during the time Horatio Seymour was Governor. He was Town Clerk and Supervisor a number of years. He came West in 1853 and located in Door Village, this county, but was in busi- ness in Michigan City. He was absent for a number of years, having business in Logansport, Ind., and while there was elected Mayor of the city. When his term of office expired he returned to this county, and permanently located in this city, where he now resides. He was Deputy Warden in the Northern State Prison from 1875 until October, 1879. He was married in 1813 to Miss Anna Shepardson, of New York, who was born in England in the year 1823. They have 6 children now living. Mr. Hall has been a life long Democrat, and an ardent supporter of the principles and nominees of that party. Charles C. Hamerick, M. D., was born in Putnam county, this State, in 1845. He commenced the study of medicine in 1863, and fraduated in 1874. He was appointed Physician for the Northern 'rison in 1878, which position he still holds. He was married in this county in 1872, to Hattie Olds, and the}'- have 3 children now living: Nellie, Leroy H. and Lora. His father, Hon. A. D. Ham- erick, is one of the leading: men of Putnam countv. Harvey R. Harris, proprietor of the Jewel House, Michigan City, was born in New York in 1835, a son of Harvey and Malinda (Enos) Harris, natives of England. He came to this State in 1852, and has now been proprietor of the Jewel House about nine years. Under his administration the house lias become one of the most popular in the State; it is the leading hotel in the city, and has a large patronage. Mr. Harris being one of the few calculated to run a public house, has become favorably known to the traveling pub- lic. He has held several prominent positions in the county, and is one ot the leading men of this city. G. L. Hart, the son of George W. and Polly (Hitchcock) Hart, was born in Vermont in 1820; received a common-school educa- tion, and when 19 learned the carpenters' trade, but has been engaged in farming most of his life. He emigrated to this State in 1856, and settled on sec. 20, in this tp. He first purchased 50 acres, cov- ered with heavy timber, which he cleared off and cultivated the land. He now owns a farm of 130 acres, all under a high state of cultivation. He was married in Ohio in 1842 to Amelia Everetts, who was born in the State of New York in 1823. They have 5 children: Alfonso L., Jerusha A., Ellen, Kosa and Edward. He has been Assessor 10 years, and was Justice of the Peace several years. Politically, he is a Democrat. Hazzard M. Hopkins was born in Ohio, June 14, 1829; is a son of James and Elizabeth (Ross) Hopkins, the former a native of Kentucky, and the latter of New Jersey; his father was among the early settlers of Kentucky, and moved to this county in 1835, where he still lives, at the advanced age of 79. Hazzard M. had limited HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 765 educational advantages, but bj his own efforts acqnired sufficient to enable him to teach scliool; at tlie age of 17 he taught in Butler county, O., several winters; also read and practiced law; was in the Quartermaster's Department in the late war one year; was elected Justice of the Peace in 1877, which office he still holds. Nov. 12, 1858, he was married in this county to Annie A. Kinney, born in Vermont in 1835; their 2 children are Annie L. and Lizzie A. Mr. H. owns two lots with buildings, also owns 54 acres of land laid out in two-acre lots in what is known as Cheeney's addition. He is a Democrat. Dr. S. B. 7;m55, proprietor of the Michigan City Medical and Bathing Institute, was born in Montreal, Canada, in 1833, and spent the greater portion of his life in the Southern States; he was educated in the city of Montreal, and is a graduate of Magill's Medical College, of that place. He was in active practice of medi- cine and surgery in New" Orleans for about 20 years. During the Maximilian war in Mexico he was in that country; after the close of hostilities there, he returned to the States; he then went to the Hot Springs to study their medical properties, and on his return opened a Medical and Bathing Institute for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. These medical baths are so constructed and operated, both mechanically and medicinally, that the patient has all the benefits of the celebrated Hot Springs. There is no water used with these baths; therefore there is no danger of taking cold, no matter what the weather is. The Institute was located here in 1879, and the Doctor has satisfactorily treated over 300 cases, his patients coming: from nearlv every State in the Union. Dr. Inneswasmar- ried in 1871 to Miss Eliza Bell, of Georgia. They have 3 children. Pater Johnson was born in Germany in 1835, and came to this country in 1856, and located in Michigan City, where he now resides. He has been engaged in the wholesale fish trade ever since he came to this country. He owns a steam tug and a large sail boat, which he uses in fishing; has eight men in his employ, and makes a catch of about 1,000 pounds per day. He was married in this city to Miss Matilda Loudine, in 1867, who is a native of Swe- den. They have 1 child living, Nellie. They are members of tlie Lutheran Church in this city. Frederick Knubhe was born in Germany, Nov. 6, 1832, and came to this country in 1851, locating in Michigan City, where he has since resided. He worked at his trade for seven years, then bought a stock of goods and engaged in trade for himself. He was mar- ried in this city, in 1851, to Miss Annis Clement, of Canada, who was born in 1832, and died at her home in this city in 1853. In 1854 he was married to Jerusha Perley, of Canada, born in 1834. They have 3 children: William A., Anna F. and Mary B. He has the finest stock of clothes and gents' furnishing goods in the market. He employs six hands, and is always ready to make suits to order on short notice. In political affairs he is a Republican. ^QQ HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY, Martin Krueger was born in Germany in 1855, the third son of Charles and Fredrieka Krueger, and came to this country with his parents in 1863. His opportunities for an early education were very limited, being only such as he could get in a few months at a district school. He worked on a farm until he was IS years of age; he then moved to Illinois and there farmed for five years. He then came to Michigan City and began the study of law, Fred Johnson being his preceptor. In 1868 Mr. Johnson died, and his business was continued by Mr. Krueger, who is still in practice here, doing also an extensive real estate and insurance business. He is also the Clerk of this city, having been elected to that office May last, 1880. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and the order of Odd Fellows. Mr. K. has always been a firm believer in the tenets of the Democratic party, and an ardent supporter of its nominees. Alfred W. Leeds was born in 1824 in New Jersey, and came to Michigan City in 1838. He received a common-school education, such as was then taught in the district school. He was married in Michigan in 1866, to Miss Minnie Lell. They have T children: Eva, Alphia, Julia, Arthur, William, Franklin and Alice. Politi- cally, he is a Republican. James R. Long, son of Hiram and Winnie (Doming) Long, was born in Ohio May 14, 1819. He lived on the farm witii his parents until he was 20 years of age, when he engaged in the sale of a patent for a siiort time. He was a soldier under Gen. Taylor dur- ing the war between Mexico and this country, and went out with the three-months' men from Ohio in 1861; on his return from the army lie traveled through Iowa and Illinois. He came to this county in 1841 and now resides in Michigan City. He was mar- ried in Peoria, 111., in 1878, to Nellie VanYalkenburg, a native of New York, born in 1849. Politically he is a Green backer. Charles Mayne is a native of the Buckeye State, and was born in Perry county, April 30, 1826, the son of Henry and Anna (Rollins) Mayne. He is a miller by trade, but has not followed that business for some years. He received a liberal education. He came to this State in 1854 and located in Huntington county. In 1870 he was appointed Warden of the Northern State Prison, whicli position he held eight years. He was married in Ohio in 1864, to Martha Weiner, of Perry county, Pa,, who was born in 1843. They have 5 children: Robert, William, Lula, Mabel and Charles. Mr, Mayne is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Politically, he is a Democrat. Jacob Meyers, dealer in dry goods and clothing, No, 20 Frank- lin street, Michigan City. Mr. Meyers was born in Russia in 1826, and came to this country in 1855, locating in Michigan City. For about eight years he was engaged in peddling dry goods and notions. He then opened a dry-goods house in this city and has a large trade. He was married in Russia to Miss Hannah Simon, of the same place, in 1851. They have 9 children now living, Mr. Meyers is one of the Aldermen of the eity. He belongs to the Masonic HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. 767 fraternity. In religious belief he is of the Jewish faith, and politically is a Democrat. Charlies Mocher was l>orn in Germany in 1827, came to this country in 1857, and settled in Michigan City, where he now resides, engaged in mercantile business, having one of the finest stocks of groceries in the city and a very extensive patronage. He was married in Michigan, in 1865, to Miss Maggie Zimmerman. They have 5 children: Maggie, Josephine, Clara, Gertrude and liosa. He is a member of St. Mary's (Catholic) Church of this city. Politically, he is a Democrat. Alex. J. Mullen., Jr.., physician and surgeon, was l)orn in this State in 1856, and is a son of Alex. J. and Caroline (Hudler) Mullen, the former a native of Ireland, and the latter of Germany; com- menced the study of medicine in 1873, and graduated in 1875, in the Missouri Medical College; practiced two years in the St. Louis hospital, and then settled in Michigan City, where he has been physician for the State Prison for over two years. The doctor is a young man of more than ordinary ability, and is a member of the Catholic Church. Nicholas Neirriann., farmer, was born in Germany in 1840, and came to this country in 1866. He was married to Miss Johanna Harms, a native of Germany, born in 1866, They have 2 children, Minnie and Emma. He owns 80 acres of land on sec. 20, this tp. He is a member of the German Lutheran Church of Michigan City, and politically is a Republican. Addison J. Phillips was born in the State of New York in 1822, and emigrated to this State in 1842, locating in La Porte and engaging in the manufacture of boots and shoes, which business he continued for a little over tw^o years. He is now dealing largely in real estate. He was married in this county in 1845, to Eliza R, Horner, who was born in the State of New York in 1825. They have 3 children: William, Addison and Karl. He has held the oflfice of City Marshal, Constable and City and Township Assessor. He is a member of the Odd Fellows order in this city, and has been a life long Democrat. ^j- Son. Henry H. Roherts was born in Pennsylvania in 1825, a son of Peter and Lydia Roberts. His father was a native of Pennsyl- vania and his mother of Connecticut. In 1851 he came to Michigan Cit}^, and for 14 years was general freight agent of the Michigan Central railroad. He then engaged in the real estate business, which he has continued ever since. He was the first President of the Michigan City Harbor Company, which ofiice he now holds. In 1846 he was married to Mary A. Burrill, of Kent county, Mich., daufj-liter of John Burrill. Mr. R. is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and has been connected with every enterprise that has had for its object the interests and improvement of the city. In a word, he is a public-spirited man and identifies himself with every public work or enterprise. He was the third Mayor of this city, which office he held two years. He was also Alderman 768 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. for four years, and in 1854 was elected to the State Legislature, Mr. Roberts has been a life-long Hepublican and a zealous supporter of the principles of that part}' and its nominees. Rev. Charles 31. Romer, of St. Mary's (Catholic) Church, Mich- io-an City, was born in Germany July 21, !I856; came to this country in 18Y5, and began his studies for the office of priest, which he continued up to 1878; then completed his studies in one of the clerical colleges of the Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, and was ordained priest June 21, 1879. He is now assistant priest in this parish under Father Beaks, which position he has held one year. Charles Sadenwater, of the firm of Sadenwater«fe Meyers, grocers, was born in Germany in 1855; he began life for himself as a clerk, when but 14 years of age, which occupation he followed until he came to -this country, in 1868, and located in Michigan City; and formed a partnership with Mr. Myers in the grocery trade. They do a general grocerj'^ business, and have by strict attention built up a large and luci'ative business. Mr. Sadenwater was married in 1877, in this city, to Miss Sophia Krahn, who was born in Germany in 1859, and they have one child, Hattie, born Nov, 12, 1879. Mr. S. is a member of the Saint John's Benevolent Society, of this city. He began life poor, and has hy his own efforts acquired a large property. £. F. Sammons is the son of W. B. and Mary Sammons, and was born in 1821 in the State of New York; he came to this city in 1852 alid engaged in the hardware trade, which he continued until 1876, when he went into the general grocery business. He was married in Michigan, in 1849, to Miss Mary Boulton, who was born in England, in 1829. Tiiey have 2 children: William A. and Eva J., the latter the wife of J. L. Peck, of this city. Mr. S. belongs to the Masonic order, and is a member of the Presbyte- rian Church. Henry Schultz, M. D., was born in Germany in 1818, and came to this country in 1849.- He began the study of medicine in 1841, and graduated in 1844. He was married in this city in 1855, and has 4 children now living: Albert, Henry, Frederick and Mary, He is one of the pioneer physicians of this county, and has always had a large and lucrative practice. The Doctor is a member of the German Lutheran Church, of this city. Mason G. Sherman^ M. />., an old and honored citizen of Mich- igan City, who has had a remarkable and interesting life, v^as born in the town of Bone, Washington county, Yt., Jan. 15, 1805; in 1826 he removed to St. Lawrence county, N. Y.; in 1829 he went to South America, and during the year 1830 he resided on the Faulkland Islands; in 1831 he visited the Islands of St. Catha- rine's, Brazil, where he tarried several months, and then he went to Rio Janeiro, and thence to Pernambuco; in 1831 he returned to Massachusetts, and after several months he visited Vermont, and in 1832 he returned to New York, studied medicine, and in 1836 he graduated; he practiced in the State of New York until 1844, HiarrOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 769 when he removed to Johnstown district, Canada West; the next year he returned to St. Lawrence county, N. Y., again practicing his profession until 1850, when he went to California; in 1852 he returned to New York, and in 1853 he came to this State and con- tracted with the Xew Albany & Salem Railroad Companj- to supply the road with cars, establishing his works at Michigan City; in 1851: he sold out and recommenced the practice of medicine; in 1858 he was elected to the Legislature by the Republicans, over Judge Bradle}^ by a majority of 416 votes; in 1860 he was re-elected by a majority of 987 votes; in 1861 he entered the army as Assist- ant Surgeon, and in three months was appointed Surgeon of the 9th Ind. Yol. Inft., serving four years. The day on which the Doctor was 60 years of age he was mustered as Yeteran Surgeon during the war. At the close of the war he returned to Michigan City, and since then has continued the practice of medicine, enjoying, of course, a very extensive patronage. In 1813 he married Charlotte R. Hartwell, daughter of Col. Hartwell, of the Provincial forces of Upper Canada. She was born in that country in July, 1825, and they have had 3 children, 2 of whom are living: Nannie C, wife of Edward A. Jernegan, of Mishawaka, Ind., editor of the £nte7yrise\ and Hattie L., wife of John E. Simpson, General Manager of the Yandalia Line. Mrs. Sherman was killed by a sky-rocket in Jul}', 1858. .Geo. F. Smith was born in the city of New York, Aug. 16, 1829, and is the son of Robert and Martha (Gledhill) Smith, natives of England. They came to Michigan City in 1855. Mr. Smith's first business was that of pattern-maker, and was in the employ of the Michigan Central railroad for a number of years. He came to this city in 1854: and worked at his trade. He was married in Pennsylvania to Miss Mary A. Campbell in 1848; she was born in 1828, and died in 1852. He had one child by this marriage. He was married in 1859 to Miss Nannie Smith, of La Porte, Ind.; she was born in Ohio in 1842. They have 3 children now living: Ida M., Francis E. and Laura A. He is a Free Mason, and a member of the M. E. Church in this city. Politically, he is a Republican. Mr. Smith is the author of a number of valuable inventions, among which are the mortise slide gauge, and the new refrigerator known as the "Alaska," which is now manufactured by a stock company in this city known as the Smith Refrigerator and Manufacturing Company, of which Mr. Smith is vice president and general super- intendent. "'' Theodore Smith was born in this county Sept. 4, 1848, and is a son of John and Minnie Smith, of German descent; he was married in this county in 1870, to Minnie Worneke, who was born in Prus- sia Oct. 24, 1849, and their 3 children are: Arthur, Lizzie and Johnnie. Mr. Smith has been City Marshal of Michigan City for three years, which office he holds with honor to himself and satis- faction to his friends. He is a Democrat. 770 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Jonathan Snook, Justice of the Peace and general insurance ao-ent, was born in Pennsylvania in 1836. He is a son of Henry and Elizabeth (Krepp) Snook, of Pennsylvania. They are of Ger- man descent. He emigrated to this county in 1855. In 1861 he enlisted in the 1st Regt. Mich. Yol. and served three months, and was mustered out. In 1862 he assisted in raising Co. A, 15th Mich. Inf., and was commissioned 1st Lieutenant of the company ; he served until the fall of 1864, and was honorably discharged. He was in the battles of Pittsburg Landing, Corinth, Vicksburg, and in all the fights of the Atlanta campaign. On his return from the army he settled in Southport, this county, and was elected Justice of tiie Peace. In 1870 he resigned his otiSce and moved to this city, and in 1873 was elected Justice of the Peace, which office he now holds. He was euiragcd in the boot and shoe trade here for four years. He was married in 1862, in Michigan, to Miss Lavina Kern. They have one child : Allen J. Mr. Snook and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church in this city, of which lie is also one ot the Trustees. He is also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is now largely engaged in the insurance business, being agent for the Continental and other reliable companies. Po- litically, he is a Democrat. Lewis II. Sovereign, phj'sician and surgeon, was born in Canada March 24, 1813, son of Frederick and Patience (Brown) Sovereign, the former of whom came to America 118 years ago, settling in New Jersey. The subject of this sketch moved to Illinois in 1836, and to this county in 1842; he had commenced the study of medi- cine in 1834, and graduated in 1836; he located in this city in 1869, where he has since been practicing medicine with eminent success. In 1844 he married Flora Cathcart, who was born in this State in 1820, and they have had 4 children: the 2 living are: Fred- erick, now a practicing physician, and Allen J., who is a civil engi- neer. The doctor was Justice of the Peace 13 years, and is a man well known and respected. Fredric H. Sioartz was born in Germany in 1852 and came to this country in 1856, with his parents, and settled in Buffalo, N. Y., and moved to Michigan City in 1859. He engaged in the boot and shoe trade in 1870, which he continued for several years; then sold" his interest to Mr. Freelock, he remaining as foreman and manager for Mr. Freelock. He was married in this city in 1872 to Miss Sophia Miller, of this place. They have one child now living: Otto F. Mr. Swartz is a member of the Foresters' and Workingmen's Society; and is also a member of the German Lutheran Church of this city. James A. Thornton was born in Saint Lawrence county, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1831, and is the youngest son of Josiali and Mary Thorn- ton, who were natives of Rhode Island. Mr. Thornton began life for himself at the age of 17, working out for $10 a month. His early schooling was limited to the rudiments as then taught in the district school, and he acquired his education by hard, persistent HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 7Y1 stud}^ after be became of age. He commenced tbe study of law wben 21 years of age in tbe office of Yary & Clark, at Ogdensburg, N. Y., and was admitted to practice by tbe Supreme Court at its regular session beld in tbe city of Plattsburg, N. Y., July 4, 185:3. He came West, and located in Micbigan Cit}'^ in 1853, and lias since resided bere, and been engaged exclusively in tbe practice of bis profession. He was married in tbis city Oct. 26, 1854, to Miss Amelia H. Wells, daugbter of J. R. and Harriet T. Wells, wbo were natives of New York. Mr. Wells was a man of marked ability, and as, a lawyer stood in tbe front ranks of tbe profession. They bave by tbis marriage 2 cbildren: May, wife of E. C. Jobnson, Esq., and Albert E. Mr. Tbornton is a self-made man ; begining in tbe lower walks of life, be bas worked bis way up; be bas overcome all tbe disadvantages and difficulties of bis early life, and bas won an envi- able reputation in bis profession, now baving a large and lucrative practice. He bas acquired a competence, and is one of tbe reliable, enterprising men of tbe city. He was Prosecuting Attorney in tbis county in 1856 and 1858. He is a member of tbe Masonic fraternity, and of tbe Kniglit Templars lodge. In 1870 be belped to organize tbe Presbyterian Cburcb in tbis city, of wbicb be is a member. Politically', be is a Republican, and a zealous supporter of tbe principles of tbat party and its nominees. A. O. Tillotson, M. Z>., was born \n Lake county, Ind., April 15, 1847, and is tbe son of James and Melissa (Hall) Tillotson, natives of tbe State of New York. He received a fair education, and wben 19 years of age began tbe study of medicine, and graduated at tbe Bennett Medical College of Cbicago wben but 22 years of age, and at once began tbe practice of bis profession. In 1872 be located in this city, wbere be has since been engaged in the practice of medi- cine and surgery. He was married in bis native county, to Miss Frances A. Combs, daugbter of David and Eliza Combs. They have one child, Florence A., born March 18, 1878. The Doctor is a member of tbe Odd Fellows order and of the Knights of Honor. He and bis wife are meinbers of the Presbyterian Cburcb in this city. David Tollchiff, M. />., was born in tbis county in 1823, of Indian descent, his father being a Seneca brave, and his mother a member of tbe Pottawatomie tribe. He remained with bis father's tribe until he wr,s 17 years of age, and left them while they were stationed on tbe Platte river, in Nebraska, and moved to tbe White Cloud reservation in Kansas. He was interpreter for the Govern- ment under Gen. Price in 1847, and was in the Government employ 18 years, at an annual salary of $600, and now receives $200 a year from tbe Government. He was for three years physician and sur- geon of tbe 1st Micbigan sharp-shooters, and during tbat time had charge of different hospitals. lie located in this city in 1878, and has since been engaged in the practice of medicine. He was mar- ried in the State of "New York to Miss Amelia Osborn, of Schuy- ler county, that State. Tbe Doctor is a graduate of Ogle Coliege, Ohio, and bas a large practice in tbis city. 772 HISTORY OF LAPOKTE COUNTY. George Voice was born in Dover, count}'- of Kent, England, in 1812. He came to this country in 183.2 and settled in Canada, where he lived two years. He then came West and located in Chicago, where he remained three years, and helped get the town incorpo- rated. He came to Michigan City in 1838, where he has since resided. He was married in 1835 to Miss E. S. Clement. They have 2 children now living. He is now engaged in the sale of confectionery, tobacco and cigars, and the line of goods pertaining to the business. J(jhn Humphrey Winterhotham, State Senator, of Michigan City, was born in Connecticut in 1815. He comes of a long line of distinguished ancestors, some of whom were manufacturers in the mother country, while others earned flattering prominence in the world of letters. One of these, the Rev. William AVinterbot- ham, was the author of a " History of JS^orth America," and a " History of China," both works of marked ability. Although Mr. W's nearer ancestors were most remarkable for such traits as develop the natural resources of a nation, his father, John Winter- botham, inherited somewhat of this studious disposition. His con- suming thirst for knowledge led him to employ the time not devoted to active business to study and books, w^iich, once read, never escaped his memory. At the period which ushered into ex- istence the subject of this sketch, the father was devoting all his energies, as junior partner and active business manager, to the suc- cess of a firm which established the lirst important manufactory of broadcloth in New England, at Derby, Conn. David Humphrey, the senior partner, was a man of national prominence, and no less celebrated as an enterprising business man than as a diplomatist and statesman. He was the honored guest and chosen friend of Washington and Adams, and accompanied the latter to France as Secretary of the Legation, wlien Adams represented the New Republic at the court of St. Cloud. Subsequently appointed Minister to Portugal, he married, in England, a lady of great wealth, while passing through that country en route to his post of duty. On his return he introduced, by importation from Spain, the first Merino sheep ever known in the United State;?, and, set- tling in Derby, establislied the firm mentioned above, in a portion of the town thereafter known as Humphreysville. The death of Col. Humphrey, about 1818, dissolved the partnership, and, after traveling over different portions of the country seeking a favor- able location, the junior partner bought a factory in another part of Connecticut. He continued the business with varying success until the results of the confused and disastrous legislation of 1827-'2S swept away the labor of a life-time, leaving him, at the age of 58, with a large family and a new destiny to work out. But neither age nor misfortune could conquer his energy. He resolved to build up a new home in the West, — not in his old business, he had no means left for that, but in the forests of Ohio, then almost a frontier State, he resolved to clear a farm, though he had never HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 773 touched a plow or wielded an ax in his life. At this time John Humphrey Winterbotham, the eldest son of a large family, was a lad of 14 years. Among his sisters are Mrs. Mary Mott, now residing iu Auburn, Ind., a lady of fine literary taste and many acccomplishments, and Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, the author of many books that have found a world-wide publication. When it was decided that the family should go West, buy a tract of land with the remnant of a shattered fortune, and commence life anew, young John Winterbotham left his boyhood behind him and stood side by side with his father. Perhaps a spirit of enter- prise, mingled with filial devotion, made him ready togoan3'where; certain it is that when a settlement was found in the heart of Ohio his hand was the first to fell a tree, and his laugh rang out most cheerily when his old father succeeded in hacking one down, in the midst of his boys. The young man's energies never failed him so long as there was a loved one to shelter and help. When a home was made, and his parents in their increasing years were surrounded with the comforts of life, the young man married Miss Mahala Kosecrans, of Kingston, Delaware Co., Ohio, a lady who proved a devoted wife, and to whose indomitable energy and self-sacrificing eflforts he attributes much of his success in life. He soon after removed to Columbus, where he formed a partnership, tookaprison contract, and commenced the manufacture of agricultural tools in the Ohio Penitentiary. In 1853, having secured along lease of the prison labor of Iowa, he removed to Fort Madison in that State. During the existence of this contract his buildings and machinery were twice burned to the ground, each time proving a total loss, as no insurance could be had on property deemed so hazardous; but he immediately rebuilt the ruined work-shops, stocked them with new machinery, and pushed the business on with renewed vigor. When the term of this contract had expired, and he had secured a competence, Mr. Winterbotham, with other friends, established the Fort Madison National Bank, of which he became President; but the quiet of a bank soon became distasteful to the active man of business, and the old spirit of enterprise grew strong within him. At the solicitation of Warden Higgins, of the Northern Indiana Prison, he made proposals for a lease of labor in that institution, which were accepted, and in July, 1866, he bade good-bye to the bank of Fort Madison, to try his fortune among the sand hills of Michigan Cit}'. When the success of this undertaking was assured his sons became partners, and the new firm, J. H. Winterbotham & Sons, added a prison contract at Joliet, Illinois, to their other busi- ness, with headquarters in Chicago. Mr. W. still resides in Michigan City, where his abilities have given him an enviable popularity. Of late years he has given his attention to the political interests of the country, and especially of the State of Indiana. In 1872 he was elected State Senator, as a Liberal Republican, on the Greeley ticket, by a flattering majority, over a talented and popular opponent. 774 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. In 1876 he was unanimously renominated, and re-elected, by a largely increased majority, to the same position which he had so ably filled. Mr. Winterbotham is now 64 years of age, and nothing but his desire for private life can prevent him from holding other important public positions. He is a man of rare executive ability, strict integrity of purpose, and stubborn force of will. His correctness of judgment and fidelity to all trusts, whether public or private, have caused him to be favorably mentioned in different localities as an available conservative candidate for Governor. L. Woods, one of the pioneers of La Porte county, is the son of John and Mary (Towner) Woods, natives of Canada. He was born in Lower Canada in 1809, and received a common-school education. At 16 years of age he went into a dry-goods store as clerk, where he remained four years. He then opened a grocery store which he ran three years. He then came to this State and located in La Porte in the year 1834, and clerked one year in the store of Hiram Wheeler. In the fall of 1834 he built a log store in La Porte, and went into business for himself, and afterward built a store at Carthart's Grove, where he sold goods for a time. He then came to this city and engaged in mercantile business. He W-iS married in this city in 1836 to Miss Catharine T. Faulkner, of this place, who was born in the State of New York in 1816, and came to this county when quite young. They have 3 children now living: Charles, Henry and Catharine J., wife of A. R. Colburn, of this city. Mr. Woods was for many years one of the heaviest grain dealers in La Porte county. He was a stockholder in the Michigan City Harbor Company, and spent considerable time and money soliciting and collecting subscriptions to the same. He is a member of the M. E. Church in Michigan City. He is politically a Republican, and has held a number of township and county offices, and is at present City Treasurer. FrederiGh H Zahrn is the son of John and Henrietta (Miller) Zahrn, and was born in Germany in 1848. He came to this country with his parents in 1853, and settled in this county in 1855. He worked at home on a farm until he was 21 years of age, then clerked in a store in this city for six years. In 1877 he went into the grocery business for himself, which he has since followed. He was married in this city in 1878 to Sophia Richter. They have one child, Louisa. They are members of the German Lutheran Church in this city. NEW DURHAM TOWNSHIP. New Durham township is one of the original three which formed the county when organized, and it embraced all of range 4 within the limits of La Porte county. Since then its territory has been diminished, iirst to embrace only the townsliips of Cool Spring and Michigan on the north, and Clinton, Cass and Dewey on the south. It now occupies Congressional township 36, the civil town- ship being commensurate with the Congressional, that is, exactly six miles square. This township was named by Mrs. Miriam Benedict, mother of Levi J. iienediet, who chose for it the name of her nativity, Dur- ham, Greene county, New York. The first settlers were the Benedict family, Henly Clyburn, who had married Sarah Benedict in Illinois, and Thomas Clyburn. This was the first white family that settled in La Porte county. While it is true, perhaps, that hunters and trappers may have previously resided here, their sojourn was but temporary, and they could not be regarded as set- tlers. Stephen S. Benedict, together with Miriam Benedict, his wife, and his children, Joseph H., Alpha M., Levi J., John K., Holland, James "W. and Sarah Benedict, emigrated from Durham, New York, in 1827, and settled in Illinois. They stopped a short time at Chicago, and thence moved to Ottawa, where Stephen S. Benedict died. In Februat-y, 1829, the family went to Chicago, where they remained but a few days, when they resumed their journey in an easterly direction, arriving in New Durham township March 15, accompanied by Henly Clyburn. After their long and tedious journey with an ox team, the snow being a part of the time 18 inches deep, they encamped about 60 rods north of the grounds where the Westville railroad depot now stands. Previous to their arrival at this point the little company had managed to send word to Pokagon Prairie, in Berrien Co., Mich., that they wanted assistance in erecting a log cabin; and in accordance with the request Samuel Johnson and Wm. Eahart had arrived at the designated point a day before the part}'' encamped. These men were pleased with the country, and after assisting in erecting two cabins, went back to Michigan, and returned with their families the following April, bringing Jacob Inglewright with them, who made a claim of the farm now owned by the Hon. C. W. Cathcart. The same year Charles and James Whittaker settled on section 23, and Wm. H. Shirley came with his family. On the 16th day of July, 1829, the first white child was born in La Porte county. It was Elizabeth Miriam Clyburn, daughter of Henly and Sarah Clyburn. In 1830 William Garwood entered 320 acres of land on (775) 776 HISTORY OF LA FORTE COrNTY. section 14, in the vicinity of New Durham, and moved upon it with liis family. A large" number of Ottawa and Pottawatomie Indians were encamped in this vicinity, but they gave the settlers but little trouble. They bought the surplus crops, paying for them in hides and furs. These were sold to the fur traders for cash, which enabled many of the early settlers to pay for their lands, when they would have found it very difficult to have paid for them in any other way. Only one instance is known of the Indians having committed any depredations, and that was the killing of an ox belonging to Henly Clyburn. For this he eventually received the cash, by having it stopped out of their annuities at Chicago, where tliey were paid. Some idea of the remoteness of neighbors, the scarcity of stock, and the consequent inconvenience of. the loss of the ox may be formed, when it is related that Mr. Clyburn was obliged to solicit the loan of a yoke of oxen from Carey mission, at Niles, Michigan, in order to make a breaking team. Among the settlers who came to New Durham township in 1831 was Alden Tucker, who settled on section 13. But this was a comparatively dull year for settlement, and there were but few arrivals. The year 1832 witnessed many more arrivals. Among them were Josiah Bryant and family, Jeremiah and Jonathan Sher- wood, Charles Campbell and Wilson Malone. It was in this year that the Rev. James Armstrong, a pioneer Methodist preacher, conducted the first religious services in the township; and it was also in this year that the Black Hawk war occurred, of which a full account is oriven elsewhere in this work. The settlers had becTi told by the Ottawas and Pottawatomies that "as soon as the leaves on the trees became as large as a squirrel's ear" it was the intention of the Sacs to invade the settlement and murder the inhabitants. During the month of May rumors came from Chicago bringing tidings of the approach of their enemies. The settlers left their homes and retreated to Door Village, to the block house, where they stopped until all appearance of danger was passed, when they returned to their homes. During this year the land sales occurred at Logansport. There was no pre-emption law, and settlers had much difficulty with greedy speculators, who overbid them when the land was exposed at public sale. This occurred in many instances where the settlers had expended all their means in making improvements. Much of the land thus situated, and located in New Durham township, went as high as five or six dollars per acre. On the first day of January, 1833, Rachel B. Carter opened the first school ever taught in the township. It was in one end of a double log cabin on the farm of "William Eahart, on section 22. There were eighteen scholars, and among them were Levi J. Bene- dict, Wm. Garwood and several by the names of Morgan and Eahart. Miss Carter, who afterward married in November, 1834, a Mr. Jacobus, taught this school. Indians of various ages would HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 7YT come to the cabin, wrapped in their blankets, and stand for hours at a time without uttering a word or making a motion, while they gazed curiously at the proceedings. Then they would glide away as noiselessly as they came. Upon one occasion an Indian called Twin Squaw informed Rachel that the Indians intended to kill all the whites as soon as the corn was knee high. Kachel replied that the white people were well awaru of the intentions of the Indians, and taking up a handful of sand, said that soldiers were coming from the East as numerous as its grains to destroy the Indians before the corn was ankle high. The next morning there were no Indians to be found in the vicinitj^, and it was several months before they returned. An Indian told Rachel at one time, that they liked a few whites with them to trade with, to act as inter- preters, and that they learned many useful things of them; but when they commenced coming they came like pigeons. The Indians had a burial and dancing ground north of Petro's Grove, upon what is now the land of Lucas Hixon. As late as 1835 this ground was made use of for the purposes named. During this year a specimen of Indian justice occurred, which shows they had a very clear idea of what attorneys term "exemplary damages." An Indian had chopped a tree down, in a pigeon roost, for the pur- pose of obtaining " squabs," and as it fell it killed a pony belonging to another member of the tribe. A council was called, and after a great deal of consultation, and all the forms relating to the adminis- tration of justice had been gone through with, a decision was made to the effect that the carelessness of the offender entitled the aggrieved Indian to I'eceive two ponies in place of the one killed. The judgment of the court was complied with. The Ottowas and Pottawatomies were anything but neat and clean in their habits, and in their culinary department they exer- cised but little care. James M. Ray, an old settler, relates that in 1836 there were about 500 of them camped in and about Westville. At one time he passed a party of them that had captured a turtle and a coon. The turtle was thrown alive upon a bed uf coals, and held with sticks until it was dead. The latter was put into a camp kettle and cooked with very little dressing. The Indians insisted that Mr. Ray should partake of their feast, but the cooking failed to excite his appetite. During the years 1834-'5 settlers came in rapidly, and the Gov- ernment land was nearly or quite all purchased. In 1835 Leonard Woods, now of Michigan City, opened a store at Cathcart's Grove. He sold goods on credit in small amounts, to supply the immediate wants of the settlers, and he never lost a dollar from having trusted the pioneers, although many of them were strangers to him. In 1836 an inhabitant of New Durham named Pelton started for the West with a considerable sum of money. Soon after starting he was waylaid, murdered and robbed. A man named Staves was arrested and tried for the crime, and being found guilty he was 49 Y78 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. hanged at Valparaiso, the deed having been committed in Porter county. In 1839 Israel and James Jessup built the first saw-mill in the township, near the present town of Otis. In ISii Henry Herrold built another saw-mill south of Otis. It was run by water-power. In 1845 Philander Barnes built a mill about a mile west of Otis. In 1852 Capt. Jo. Davis and his son Caleb built a steam saw-mill in this township one and one-fourth miles north of New Durham. Other industries grew up and flourished but they were mostly in the villages, and will be described in tlieir proper places. In 1860 a boy named Landon was drowned in a pond near Medaris' mill, by the sinking of a canoe, in which he and another boy were sailing. The place where the pond was is now dry land. In 1867 Patrick Daily was killed by Patrick Dunn, a dispute hav- ing occurred between them; the deed was done with a wood-rack stake. Dunn was indicted for murder, and tried at the April term of Circuit Court in 1868. The defense set up was self-defense, and the jury rendered a verdict of" not guilty." In the month of May, 1862, a most remarkable murder took place in this township, about a mile and three-fourths north of Westville. A man named Fred Miller had been missed from home several days, and his dead body was found upon the shore of Lake Michigan. He had evidently been murdered. Miller was a German, and some of his country- men had their suspicions that his wife was a party to the deed, and they hung her for a short time for the purpose of extorting a con- fession. She told them that John Poston had committed the murder in her presence, and had promised to marry her if she would not denounce him. Poston was arrested and brought before Alfred Wilson, Esq., for examination May ?»1, but the evidence of the woman was so contradictory and unsatisfactory that the magistrate felt constrained to acquit him. Poston afterward joined the army. Near New Durham there are two mounds, which no doubt were built by a pre-historic race. In the spring of 1873, Bugbee, Luff and Palmer commenced building a paper-mill on Reynolds' creek, three-fourths of a mile west of Otis, on the L. S. & M. S. railroad. In the spring of 1874, Mr. Palmer sold his interest to Daniel Webster, of Illinois; Mr. Bugbee sold to his sister, Mrs. Owen. H. D. Luff purchased Mr. Webster's interest on the first of September. It has since been destroyed by fire, and a flouring mill erected in its stead. Another paper-mill has also been built near Otis, b}'^ W. F. Cattron and others. It is situated on a branch of the Calumet, on the L., N. A. & C. railroad. The building is of brick, and the machinery is propelled by steam-power. In this township there are four villages, Westville, Otis, Holraes- ville and New Durham, or Pin Hook, the oldest of which is HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 779 NEW DURHAM. As early as 1S37 this place had grown to be something of a vil- lage, and a postoffice was established, with William Taylor as postmaster; but it was not until April 15, 1847, that a plat of the village wrs filed in the office of the county recorder, by Joseph Davis. The first house in New Durham was a log cabin, erected for a store by Leonard Woods, in 1834. During the next year, Hiram Wheeler and Woods were in partnership here in the mercan- tile business. Woods sold to William Taylor, and removed to Cathcart's Grove, where he opened another store. Taylor sold to Horner, who kept it ten years. After passing through other hands it was discontinued. In 1837 Henry Harding opened and kept a hotel in the village, and in 1838 Wm. S. Medaris carried on a wagon mannfactory, and W. B. Webber a blacksmith shop. The two latter were run in connection with each other. In the fall of 1839 James Flood and William Johnson opened a tailor shop; they sncceeded David Chrisman. In 1843 Richard Smith commenced the business of boot and shoe making, which he continued until 1855. In 1846 Dr. A. G. Standiford commenced the practice of medi- cine in the town and vicinity, and was the first physician who resided there. In 1854 a frame school-house was erected, which has since been replaced by a substantial brick building. In this year, also, the postoffice was removed from New Durham to Beaver Dam, and Sylvester GoiF was appointed postmaster. This period more par- ticularly marks the decline of the town. Business declined, the different enterprises changed proprietors, and the railroad having reached Westvillc, the little pioneer town of New Durham ceased to be a place of any importance. Many of its buildings have been moved away. Though the town is nearly gone, the rich prairies remain, a constant source of wealth. During the days of her pros- perity New Durham had a rival. At the crossing of the old Chicago road and plank road, at the head of Flood's Grove, little more than a half mile distant, John Armstrong opened a large gen- eral store, and Henry Herrold a blacksmith shop. For a long time there was considerable jealousy between the inhabitants of the two places. The citizens of the Flood's Grove settlement gave New Durham the cognomen of '' Pinhook," and the good people of the latter place retorted by naming the settlement of their neigh- bors " Squatham." Reckoninsr from the time the first house was built, the next old- est town in New Durham township is HOLMESVILLE. This place was laid out upon the lands of Hiram Holmes; hence its name. The plat was filed for record Oct. 2, 1855. It is situated on the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 4, township 780 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 36 north, of range 4 west. In 1833 Jacob Biyant built a saw-mill where that of Henry Larraj was more recently located. He also built the first dwelling-house, wliich was a frame, the boards being sawed at the mill. In later years the house has been occupied by John Moorman. After this no other building was erected until the location of the railroad in 1850. In that year Mr. Prosser built a part of the house now occupied as a store and dwelling by Adolph Shaffer. Prosser sold goods in the building. In 1852 an addition was made, and it was opened as a public house. A post- office was established here in 1852, kept by Prosser, but was dis- continued in 1856. In 1853 a warehouse was built by the Michigan Southern Railway Company. Mr. Samuel S. Davis, a very prominent and wealthy farmer, is the most enterprising man of Holmesville, and keeps the postoffice, which has been re-established; for further information concerning Mr, Davis see his biography a few pages further on. The inhabi- tants in and about Holmesville are principally Germans and Poles. There is a small grocery and saloon combined, and a blacksmith shop in the village. There is one nice residence in Holmesville, belonging to Mr. Davis. OTIS. The settlement of this place was commenced in 1851, but no plat of the town was made or recorded until 1870, wliich was the same year the town survey was made. This was done by Solomon Tucker. Otis was first known as Salem Crossing. This name was given to it by the Michigan Southern railroad, and when the post- office was established, and Matthias Seberger appointed postmaster, that name was adopted by the Department at Washington. The L., N. A. & C. P. P. Co., however insisted upon calling it Lacroix, which name Tucker gave it; and it is so recorded in the count}'' recorder's office at La Porte. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Tucker, however, it was changed to that of Packard. This third name was given by Mr. Tucker at the proposition of some parties who regarded it as a sort of compromise between the contending parties for the other names, and in honor of the Representative in Congress at that time from this district. And in 1872 Mr. Pack- ard recommended this changed to Otis, its present name, which was complied with. Matthias Seberger was the first settler in Otis, arriving here in 1851. In 1853 the L. S. & M. S. and L., N. A. & C. railroads were completed, which intersect at this point, and he acted as agent for both roads. In 1854 Geo. B. Selkirk opened a grocery store, and the same year B. Parker and Isaac Weston erected a hotel, which was kept by Parker. Henry Wing bought it in 1857, and kept it until 1865. Several other business houses were erected afterwaj-d. There are now two stores, one hotel, one boot and shoe shop, one meat market, and a postoffice. Dr, Clark R, Warren HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 781 located here in 1S70, being the first resident physician in the vil- lage. WESTVILLE is the most important town in New Durham township, being a place of considerable business and a heavy grain market. The orig- inal town of Westville was located on the northwest quarter of section 29, in township 36, range 4 west, by W. & J. A. Cattron, and the town plat was recorded May 1, 1851. There have been several additions made to tlie original, by Henly Glyburn, James Concannon and others. Westville is favorably located on the Louisville, Kew Albany & Chicago railroad, and does a lively busi- ness. The first permanent residence on the present site of Westville was a frame house, built by Henly Clyburn in 1836, James M. Ray doing the carpenter work. The first store was kept by John and William Cattron, at a part of the town then known as the " Four Corners." It was opened in 1818, and in 1849 D. M. Closser opened a dry-goods and grocery store. In 1850 Jesse McCord opened a blacksmith shop. Bell Jennings opened a general store in 1851. Attempts have been made toward maintaining newspapers here, but none of them have as yet proved permanently' successful. The railroad was completed in 1853, and a depot was built, which gave the first business impetus to the place. During this year a steam grist-mill was built by James Haskell. This was sold and moved away about 1860, In 1855 Jacob J. Mann & Co. built a reaper and mower establishment, and made a machine patented by them- selves. The firm did a good business up to the death of its senior member. In 1858 Tobias Miller built a steam grist-mill. It changed hands several times, and in 1870 it was burned, then owned by Mrs. Sloan Martin. In the fall of 1862 a bedstead factory was established by Reynolds, Weaver ^r Smi'i-li The business was changed in 1869 to that of a chair manufactory, but did not remain so many years. In September, 1864, by an act of the Board of County Commis- sioners, the town of Westville was incorporated. The first election under this act transpired on the 15tli of the same month, and the annual charter election on the 16tli day of November following. The first Council consisted of W. L. Webster, D. C. Standiford and Wm. C. Martin, Mr, Webster being elected President. G. L, Thompson was the first Clerk. James Dolman, Sr., and James Dolman, Jr., erected a grist-mill near the railroad track in 1872, and the next year sold it to E. & N. Dolman. Cattron's hall and building was finished in 1873. It is a handsome edifice, and the hall is a credit to the town. Perhaps the one institution of which Westville may most justly feel proud is the excellent public school, which is recognized as one of the best, not only in the county, but even in all Northern Indiana. Several years ago it was brought up to a high standard 782 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. of excellence by Prof. J. G. Laird, and has since been termed " The Westville High School." The school has been so successfuUv man- aged that many have attended it from other counties. It is an honor alike to those who have conducted it and to the people who have given it a cordial support. "Westville at present contains two dry-goods stores, three drug stores (one of them drug and groceries), one grocery store, two hardware stores, two milliner shops, two dressniakers, three black- smith shops, two wagon-makers, three shoemakers, two undertakers, one saw-mill, one planing mill, one cradle manufactory, one ma- chinist and watchmaker, one agricultural store, one grain mer- chant, one flouring mill, one restaurant, one saloon, two hotels, two liverj stables, one lawyer, one notary public, and five doctors. There is also a hook and ladder company, a lodge each of the Masons and Odd Fellows, four churches, — Baptist, Christian, Meth- odist and Catholic, — and also an organization of the Lutheran denomination, which worships in the Baptist church. There are others now living in the township, who came to tlie county in an early da}'. Hon. Clias. "W. Cathcart made a settlement in 1831, and has long been a distinguished citizen, honored in many ways by his fellow-citizens. He twice represented this district in Congress, and has always borne a pi'ominent and leading part in public affairs. Evan Henton came in 1832, and now resides in ' Westville; and many others, tlie more prominent of whom we will mention among the biographical sketches a few pages further on. The town- ship is thickly settled, and is one of the most enterprising townships in the county. The fertility of the soil is unsurpassed, and its farmers are prosperous. LOST. In the pioneer days two sons of Rev. Mr. Armstrong, the pioneer M. E. preacher, were sent one evening with their dog and gun to hunt the cows. There came a severe storm, and, amid this storm and the gathering darkness, they lost their wa}". The}' wandered about for some time, and finally took shelter under a blown-down tree. They were not found until the afternoon of the second day, when they were very weak from hunger. But their faithful dog remained with them, and it was through his barking that they were discovered by their rescuers. This was near the old town of New Durham. AN INSTANCE OF CRUELTY. A resident of "Westville, Mr. John P. Noble, tells us of a very cruel method that one pioneer adopted for punishing breachy stock. He said that on the night that the stars fell in 1833, he witnessed a very brutish and cruel act. One Mr. "W. was annoyed by a horse jumping into his cornfield at night. On this occasion, after the HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 783 liorse got into tlie field, lie caught it, tied a rope around its neck, fastening the other end of the rope to the middle of a rail. He then turned the poor animal loose, and beat and pounded it most unmer- cifully, the horse attempting to run, but only banging and bruising its legs against the rail when attempting to run. After worrying the horse in this way for some time, the animal falling down at times, and plunging headlong in different directions, this brutish, cruel man left the rail suspended to the horse's neck the rest of the night, and the following morning it was fast between two trees. THE SCHOOL SYSTEM of this township is good, and great interest is manifested by parents in the education of their children. RELIGIOUS. Si. Paurs Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Otis, was organ- ized by Rev. Mr. Myer, of Valparaiso, in 1873. The first minister of this denomination who held services here was one Rev. Hieben, then residing in Westville. They did not have regular services at first, but the membership grew larger, and in'1876 they erected a house of worship. In 1878 there were but 17 communicants, and now the membership numbers 42. This Church lias a branch organ- ization in Westville, of 21 communicants. Rev. E. Hamman is the pastor, and resides in Otis. Obis Catholic Church. — This Church was organized in 1871, and the same year erected a house of worship. The communicants are Poles, and the services are conducted in the Polish language. Rev. Machadziki is the pastor. WestyiUe M. E. Church.— In 1843 the first house of worship was built in this place by this people. It was served several years by the ministers from Union circuit, but in 1857 it was organized as a circuit, with Rev. F. Taylor as pastor. In 1858 Rev. J. John- son was pastor; in lS59-'6b, Rev. Thos. Bartlett; in 1861, S. T. Cooper; 1862, G. E. Newhouse; 1863-'5, M. L. Green; 1866-'7,C. B. Mock. In 1868 it was made a " station," and Rev. J. H. Claypole served as pastor for three successive vears. In 1871 R. H. Sanders; 1872-'3, J. Johnson; 1874-5, W. P, McKinzie. In-lS^, by the munificent will of Mr. West, some $5,000 was Sequeated to the Church in AVestville for the erection of a new house of worship, and the subscription of the friends in addition to this. The present comfortable Church was erected, and a good congregation and Sab- bath-school meet there every Sunday. Services are held every Sunday morning and evening by the pastor. Rev. D. M. Wood. The church is divided into four classes, each of which has a separate class-leader, but all under the general pastorate of the minister. The Sabbath-school is very interesting and profitable. 784 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. WestviUe Baptist Church. — The Baptist Church at Westville was gathered and organized chiefly by the exertions of Elder J. M. Whitehead, who afterward was appointed Chaplain of the 15th In- diana Regiment of Yolunteers, and resigned the pastorate. At the time of the organization in 1856 there were but four or live mem- bers, and since that time the Church has not been prosperous. Al- though in 1857 the membership was 61, and rapidly increased to 161 in 1861, and a good house was erected, the membership in 1874 numbered but nine. Since that time the Rev. J. C. Reed labored here, and there was quite a revival; but at present there is no pastor, and there are no regular services held b^^ this denomination in "Westville. Westville Christian Church. — In 1857 Elder John O, Kane held a series of meetings in Westville, which were very interesting and resulted in great good, for the same year a society of this denomi- nation was organized by Elder Wilson. About 100 afterward united with this Church. In 1858 they erected a very comfortable brick structure, which is their present house of worship. Among the elders whose labors they have enjoyed are Dr. C. G. Bartholomew and Elder Edmundson. Westville Catholic Church. — This society has no regular services at present. They have purchased the old M. E. church, which makes a neat little place for worship. Lutherans. — There is a brancli of Otis Church located in West- ville, consisting of 24 communicants, with Rev. E. Hamman as pastor. They worship in the Baptist church. BIOGRAPHIES. We find personal sketches of those who have made the history of the town and township, and are to-day thus engaged, to be quite interesting, and fully as good history as we can give. We will there- fore speak briefly of some of the old settlers and prominent persons of the township: E. Ansley. — This enterprising merchant of Westville was born in Calhoun county, Mich., May 27, 1842, and is a son of Ambrose and Mary Ansley, early settlers of Michigan. His aunt, Philene Ansley, wrote a history of Calhoun county, Mich. Mr. Ansley re- ceived his education in Lansing and Marshall, Mich. He went to Illinois in 1860, remaining there but one .year, when he returned to Michigan and remained until 1865. He then went to Kankakee county, 111., and engaged in farming until 1877, when he exchanged his farm for his present dry-goods and clothing store in Westville. He carries a stock of $7,000, consisting of dry-goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, groceries, etc., and is doing a good business, which is steadily increasing. He was married July 4, 1867, to Miss Eliza Kibbon, by whom he has 3 children, viz.: Homer, Robert and Charlie Ansley. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 785 Levi J. Benedict. To give an interesting account of the Benedict family we will begin at the first, as near as we were able to obtain it. During the early colonization of the New England States there were three brothers of this family who emigrated from England to America and settled in New England; and all persons in America bearing the name of Benedict are, as far as we can learn, descendants of those three brothers. Stephen and Miriam Benedict, the parents of our subject were natives of New York State. The former purchased a soldier' s claim on land in Illinois, and concluded to locate upon it, and, accordingly in 1827 he started with his wife and 6 children (4 boys and 2 girls) for the Prairie State, They traveled hy canal to Buffalo, N. Y., where they took a sail boat for Chicago. They here resided for a time in Fort Dearborn. Leaving his family, Mr. Bene- dict went on horseback to see liis land, which was situated on Spoon river, in Fulton county. There was not a house within 50 miles of this secluded spot at that time, so far as he knew. He therefore abandoned the idea of taking his family there at that time, so he returned to Chicago, and placing his family and effects in a French barge he made his way by water to Joliet, and from there to Ottawa, 111., where he purchased a claim and made some improve- ments, intending to make improvements on his land on Spoon river, while his family would reside here. This was in 1S2S. At that time there were eight other families, that constituted the settlement at Ottawa. The bright prospects of future prosperity were soon all blotted out, for on November, 1828, Mr. Benedict died. The family then decided to return to Indiana, but this was a severe undertaking; for blinding snow-storms met them almost daily as they slowly plodded their way toward Fort Dearborn, or Chicago. It was so intensely cold that the oxen's ears and noses became frozen on the march, and some of the family had their faces frozen. A part of the time it was so cold, and the blinding sleet and snow coming into the eyes of the lead oxen, that their eyes actually filled with ice, so that they could not see. Then the leaders were taken out and placed behind. This was repeated several times, the leaders becoming blinded in a short time. And on other occa- sions they broke through the crust on the snow, and they extricated the wagon by prying the wheels out with their bed rails. Through these many hardships they finally reached Chicago. They remained here a short time "to recruit up alittle,"and while here wrote a letter to their friends near Niles, Mich., to meet them at the marsh near where Westville now stands, and to assist them in erectino: a house. These friends were William Eahart and Samuel Johnson. They arrived at the designated spot before the Benedicts did, and as it was extremely cold they concluded that they were not coming yet, and returned to their homes in Michigan. The Benedict family arrived here on the 15th of March, 1829, and found traces of their friends; and Mr. Clyburn, who accompanied them from Chicago, went to Niles and brought their friends back. 786 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. They erected a cabin for the Benedict family, and one for Mr. Eahart, who went to Michigan and returned with his family in April. When the Benedicts arrived here there was 15 inches of snow on the ground, v.nd they had no feed for their cattle; they cut down trees and let tlie cattle brouse upon them, which was their only subsistence until the snow left. They managed to keep some potatoes for seed in the following manner: They placed them in a barrel of corn and wrapped blankets around the barrel while on the way, and after arriving, they dug a hole in the ground under the tent, in which they placed them, placing around the potatoes some prairie grass that the boys had managed to procure on a little bank where the snow was partially blown ofi". The first season they raised a good crop, and the Indians very readily purchased the surplus, pay- ing for the corn, flour, etc , in furs and skins. These the settlers converted into money by selling to the fur traders. Thus started the first settlement of La Porte county, Indiana, which is now one of the best counties in the State. Levi J. Benedict was born in Greene county, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1816. His fbther was of English descent, and his mother of Ger- man on her father's side and of English on her mother's side. As is shown in the foregoing sketch, he was a pioneer boy, and knows all about the hardships and privations of frontier boyhood, and con- sequently his educational advantages were very limited. He early learned to use the bow and arrow, and shot much wild game in this way. He has hunted coons and fed cattle in snow shoes. The first sale of lands occurred at Logansport, and Mr. Clyburn gave Mrs. Benedict's bid for her land, which was $1.25 per acre. A speculator bid $1.26, and John Walker asked who it was that dared to bid against a widow and the oldest settler. He said he would shoot him if he knew who it was. The greedy land specu- lator gave it up, and Mrs. Benedict got her land at Government price, while others paid $5 or $6 per acre for theirs. Mr. Benedict was married in 1840, to Miss Dorothy Taber, a native of Crawford county. Pa., and who came to this county with her parents m 1836. This union has been blessed with 4 children, of whom 3 are living: Lovina, now Mrs. C. Weed, of Michigan City; Wm. H., a mer- chant in Westville, and Clara, who is at home with her parents. Mr. B. still has a portion of their first house in La Porte county. He has a cane made from one of the timbers which 51 years ago last March he dragged on the ground with oxen and chain. He also has a portion of the wood worked into the top of a center table, which is very ornamental. He has, too, a piece of brick which was burnt in the first kiln in the county, in 1832. He now lives a quiet life on his farm of 120 acres, and is engaged in farming on sec. 33. His only living brother, Holland Benedict, resides in Iowa. These two are the last of the first family that settled in La Porte county. Wm. II. Benedict was born in this county May 27,'1846, and is a son of the last mentioned. He was reared on a farm, -and edu- cated in the Westville high school. He was married Sept. 2 3, 1868, HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 787 to Miss Sarah C. Terry, by whom he has had 3 children; of these but one is living, Nellie. Mr. Benedict engaged in the hardware business in Westville, in 1879, and carries a stock of $1,200, con- sisting^ of hardware, stoves, etc., and has a good trade. He also has a tin shop connected with his business. E. If. Bryson. was born in Knox county, Ohio, July 17, 1839, and is a son of Isaac and Mary Bryson (the latter is now widow Potter in Westville). Mr. Bryson was reared and educated in Mount Yernon, Ohio. He came with his parents to this county in 1856, and served an apprenticeship of three years in the machine shops of La Porte, and then worked in the same place two years, when, in 1861, he entered the U. S. army. He served faithfully for four years, participating in the battles of Perryville, Stone river, Chickamauga, Atlanta, Savannah, Mission Ridge, and others. At the battle of Chickamauga he received a wound in the hip. He was married in 1867 to Miss Sarah Soper. In 1872 he purchased a steam saw-mill in this tp. It is now located near the railroad on sec. 2. lie uses the Cooper engine, which is of 25-horse power, and manufactured at Mount Yernon, Ohio. He does a good busi- ness, and makes all kinds of lumber. Hiram Burner was born in Lucas county, Ohio, Sept. 8, 183.5, and is a son of Jacob and Maria Burner, natives of Yirginia. Mr. Burner was reared on a farm and educated partially in a common school, and in the college at Yalparaiso, Ind. He was married in 1868 to Miss Frances J. Henderson, a native of Elkhart, Ind., and they have had 4 children, of whom 3 are living, viz.: Hiram A., Harry H. and Antoinette B. Mr. B. served this county as Sur- veyor from 1874 to 1878. He now resides on sec. 26, engaged in farming. Dr. Chas. P. Cathcart was born in Dallas county, Texas, Oct. 8, 1849, and is a son of Henry and Nancy Cathcart. of tliis tp. His parents went to Texas in 1848, and returned in 1850. He was edu- cated in the Westville high school, and is a graduate of the Cincin- nati Eclectic Medical College. He spent one year in Pickaway county, Ohio, and came to this county in 1873, settling in Westville, where he has a good ])ractice. He was married Feb. 12, 1879, to Miss Alicia Morrison, daughter of John Morrison, near Westville. Henry Ntssau Cathoari, was born at Cadiz, Spain, May 2,1817; his father, James Leander Cathcart, was born in Ireland, and his mother, Jane Banker (Woodside) Cathcart, was born at Philadel- phia, Pa. His father was U. S. Consul at Cadiz at his birth, and his parents returned to the United States when he was a few months old, and resided in Washington, D. C, most of the time until he started for Indiana in 1833. He reached La Porte May 13, 1833, went to work with his brother, C. W. Cathcart, at the carpenter's trade, putting up a shop for Dr. Yauglin, worked a few days, then went down to Stanton's mill to work. There he " saw the elephant." He had never staid from under his father's roof a night before he started West. The change was awful,— from his house to that mill 788 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. in the heavy timber. They liad to work until 10 o'clock, a. m., in a thick smoke, to keep the gnats and mosquitoes from eating them up. Henry Yail was boss of the job. Admiral Peter and Calvil Burch, C. W. Cathcart and himself, were the mechanics. A young man named John drove oxen for Mr. Stanton and family, with whom they boarded. Their fare was as good as the country afforded. The house was a small log cabin; the family used the lower part for cooking and sleeping, and the boarders crawled up into the loft to sleep, where they had thousands of bacon bugs crawling over them all night, and little pieces of bark falling from the poles overhead into their faces. It made a great change to Henry from the way of living at his father's house. He worked at that mill two weeks, and by that time he was raw all over from the effects of the mosquito and gnat bites. When they got to the banks of 'Clear lake he and his brother went in and took a swim; they felt happy, and thought of heaven. Mr. C. has not seen that mill from that day to this, and "don't want to." They finished Dr. Yaughn's shop. It was about the fifth frame building put up in La Porte, and stood about where the Old Line drug store now stands. They boarded with Pichard Harris, whose wife did all the work of the house the most of the time and washed for some of the boarders. They had a cabin with two rooms, and a big fire-place to cook by, and for boarders, Dr. Ball, wife and two children, Dr. Malks, Dr. Hemonway, Dr. Vaughn, Robert and James Wickersham, Wm. Sheridan, Wm. Harris, wife and child, a Mr. McLain, Sylvester and Richard Harris, C. W. Cathcart and the subject of this sketch. That old lady did all the work in good style, and had the best the country afforded to set on the table. Tliere is no woman these days can tell how she did it. The next fall Mr. C. went down to the place where C. W. Cath- cart now resides, helped him to get out the timber and erect a frame house, which was the second frame building put up in New Durham tp. He worked through the winter and spring, making and hauling rails to fence the farm. Nathaniel Steele moved upon the place, and James L., John P. and Henry C. Cathcart boarded with them. In the spring of 183-1 Henry went back to La Porte to work, helped C. W. Cathcart to build a house and store room for Dr. Ball. It has been enlarged, and still stands on tlie east side of the jail. In the fall he went back to the farm. In 1838 occurred the " sickly season." C. W. Cathcart had moved to the farm that spring. He had 47 relatives of himself and wife; they were all sick at the same time, but one. Jan. 4, 1844, Henry N. Cathcart married Nancy Brown Eaton, daughter of John and Susanna (Lindsay) Eaton, and they now have 4 children living, namely: Leander, James, who has a drug and grocery store in Westville; John E., who resides on the farm; Charles P., who is a physician in Westville, and Mrs. Susanna A. (Cathcart) Long, whose husband resides in Westville. Nancy Josephine died in 1866, aged 8^ years. Mr. and Mrs. Eaton came HISTORY OF I A PORTE COUNTY. 789 from Ireland in an early day and settled in Giles county, Virginia, and moved from there to La Porte county in 1834. They raised 12 children, 10 of whom are still living, all married but one, and reside in this county. Mr. Eaton has been dead ten years, and Mrs. E. is still living, 82 years old, and looks as if she miglit live 20 years longer. lu the spring of 1844 Mr. C. went to live on the place which he owned in the northeast corner of Clinton tp., and cleared up 60 acres of land. His wife's health failed, so that in 1849 he started for Texas, where they arrived in six weeks. After one year, his wife having regained her health, she thought she would like to return; so they sold out and started back, arriving here Aug. 1, 1850; he bought part of a threshing-machine and went to work. In 1853 he bought the place on which he now resides; has cleared up 75 acres of heavy, grubby land; has worked very hard for 47 years, satisfied with tlie country; thinks the Great Maker " put in his best licks " when he was making this country; pity he had not made more like it. H. M. Cathcart was born in this county July 20, 1849, and is a son of Charles W. and Josephine Cathcart. He was reared on a farm, and educated in the Westville high-school. He has always resided in this county except the winter of 1869-'70, which time he resided in Nebraska. He was married in 1871 to Miss Mary Bellshaw, daughter of William Bellshaw, an early settler of La Porte county. They have 1 child, Hattie. Mr. C. owns 80 acres of land on sec, 10, and is engaged in farming and furnishino- wood to the L. S. & M. S. R K Company. James L. Cathcart, son of Hon. Charles W. Cathcart, of this tp., was born in this tp. March 29, '41; was reared on a farm and edu- cated in a common school; served as Quartermaster, with the rank of Lieutenant, in the 99th Ind. Yoi. Inf., during the late war; was married Sept. 22, 1863, to Miss Emeline,daugliter of Lucas Hixon, of this tp. They have 2 children: Mary E. and Chas. W. Mr. C. is engaged in farming and stock-raising, on sec. 27. Wesley F. Cattron was born in Fountain count}-, Ind., Oct. 7, 1826, and is a son of Valentine and Frances Cattron, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of Tennessee; was reared on a farm and educated in a common school. In 1833 became with his parents to this county. He was married in 1850, to Miss Amanda J. Starkweather, by whom he has had 15 children. Of these, 9 are living, viz.: Ellen,' Chas. F., Josephine, Mary V., Delia, William, John, Viola andEttie. In 1874 Mr. Cattron erected a paper-mill near Otis, which is a valuable enterprise for the interests of La Porte county. There are two boilers for generating steam-power, and two engines, one of 10-horse power, and the other of 40-horse power. The mill is now doing a good business. It makes one and one-half tons of card-board daily. John Charlesworth is a native of Yorkshire, England, and was born Nov. 5, 1802. His parents were Nathaniel and Mary Charles- worth. Mr. C. '^as raised a farmer, and educated in the common 790 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. schools of England. He came to America in 1830, locating in Edwards conn t}^, 111.; in 1833 he moved near Terre Haute, Ind., and to this county in 1834. He was married in 1831, to Miss Mary JNayler, by whom he had 1 child, Ann. Mrs. C. died in August, '33, and he was again married in 1860, this time to Miss Isabella Miller, by whom he had 3 children; of these, 2 are living, Ella and Ida. Mr. C. is a farmer and stock-raiser, but rents most of his land now. He owns. 340 acres of valuable land, besides property in Westville. In 1836, when he first saw Chicago, it was not as large as "VVtstville now is. Charles Cole, grain merchant, Westville, Ind., was born in Wash- ington county, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1836. His parents are Zina and Rachel Cole, also natives of New York, who now reside in "West- ville, and own and conduct the Cole House. Mr. Cole was educated in the Schuylerville Seminary, of i*»[ew York State; came to this county in 1855, and was married Feb. 17, 1867, to Miss Elizabeth Lindsey, ly whom he has 2 children, Adda and Ella. Mr. C. was once engaged in the mercantile business with Mr. McClure, of Westville, but is now buying grain. The first three years in Indi- ana, however, he engaged in farming. Mrs. Cole is a worthy member of the Baptist Church. B. A. Daggy was born in Augusta county. West Yirginia, Apr. 22, 1822, and is a son of Jacob and Hannah Daggy, also natives of Virginia. His father was a tanner by trade, and B. A. was placed at work in the tannery as soon as he was large enough to work, at which he worked until 15 years old, attending school at intervals in a little log house, with a log removed from the side of the house for a window, and fence rails with legs in them for seats! He came with his parents to Clinton county, Ind., in the autumn of 1836, and early the following year they removed to Putnam county, this State. Mr. Daggy's mother still resides in Greencastle, and is in her 80th year. Mr. D. was married to Miss Lucretia Black in 1843. They had 3 children, of whom 2 are living, Wallace and Alexander. Mrs. Daggy died in 1848, and in 1849 Mr. Daggy was again married, this time to Miss Lucy A. Stoner, by whom he has 6 children: Albert, Josephine and Franklin, George L. {\\\io is a subscriber for this book), Hattie and Calmetta J. In 1857, Mr. D. removed to Starke county, Ind., where he again engaged in farming. He came to this county in 1868, where he is still farming, and resides in Westville. He owns a farm of 160 acres. George L. Daggy was born in Starke county, Ind., Sept. 30, 1856, a son of the last mentioned. He was reared on a farm and received a common-school education in Westville. He is now proprietor of the Westville Restaurant, and bids fair for a good trade in this pleasant little town. He also has a bakery in connection with the restaurant. Samuel S. Davis, a successful farmer and prominent citizen of New Durham tp., was born in Tompkins county, N. Y., May 29, 1825. His parents were Joseph and Catharine Davis, who were HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 791 also natives of the same coiintv. The latter still lives with her son, at the advanced a^^e of Si years, and enjoys seemingly good health. Mr. Samuel S. Davis, the subject of this short biographical notice, was brought up on the farm, partly in one of the thrifty communi- ties of the great Empire State, and he received such an education as the public common schools of his day afforded. In 1835, when he was about ten j^ears of age, his parents emigrated with him to this county, where they began to taste the sweets and bitters of pioneer life, and where young Samuel received that hardy drill, both mental and physical, which only a wild frontier life can give. When he became a man he followed mercantile business for a pe- riod of about three years, in this tp., and for two years he also sold goods in Goshen, Elkhart county. In 1850 he was joined in matri- mony to Miss Lovina Taylor, and they have had 6 children, of whom only the following 3 are living: Florence M., Laura E. and Hattie E. Oct. 13, 1870, Mr. Davis was married the second time, namely, to Mrs. Idelia A. HoflPe, and by her he has had 2 children, but of these only Frank Evaline is living. Mrs. Davis had one child, named Annie, by her tirst husband, Mr. Davis resides on sec. 4, or in what is known as the village of Holmesville. He owns 213 acres of valuable farm land, and has been eminently successful in farm- ing and stock-raising. As an early pioneer, as a prominent farmer, and as a representative citizen of the thriving community of New Durham and adjoininig tps., we present a portrait of Mr. Davis in this volume, on page 793. John Dille^ of the firm of Dille & Johnson, Westville, Ind., was born in Blackford county, Ind., Sept. 1, 1836, and is a son of Hiram and Kancy Dille, natives of Ohio. The former resides three miles south of Valparaiso, Ind., and the latter is dead. Mr. Dille was reared on a farm until 14 years old, when he learned the carpenter's trade. He worked several winters in a planing mill at Valpa- raiso, which he afterward purchased in company with Johnson, and removed it to Westville. He does a good business in dressing lumber, turning neck-yokes, whippletrees, etc., and also manufact- ures the wood-work for cradles. The engine that drives the machinery is one of 15-horse power. Mr. Dille was married Aug. 18, 18G0, to Miss Caroline Lansing, by whom he has had 7 children; of these, 5 are living: Berdell, Juya B., Neva E., Rosco Y. and John. Mr. Dille served 8 months in the late war in Co. B, 155th Reg. Ind. Yol. Inf. Benjamin Flood, deceased, was born in Franklin county, Ind., Aug. 31, 1817, a son of Benjamin and Hannsh Flood, deceased; he was reared on a farm and received a common- school education. In 1826 he came to this county on a visit, and while here he renewed the acquaintance and friendship of his schoolmate in early life, Miss Matilda Reed. This friendship rapidly grew into something deeper than mere friendship, and it was arranged that the}' be married the following year. He returned to his home in Franklin ^92 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. county, and at the appointed time Mr. Flood returned to his affi- anced, and tliey were married Aug. 10, 1837. He toolc liis bride to Franklin county, where they remained two years, wlien they returned to this county. They have had 5 children born to them, namely, Joseph Wm., James, Emily, Mary T. and Benjamin F. When on their return from a visit to Franklin county in October, 1846, their eldest son, Joseph Wm., fell out of the wagon and was run over and mortally wounded. He died before the return of day. Mr. Flood was a verj^ prominent stock-dealer in this county, and was prospered in business. He died Jan. 7, 1866, loved and respected by all who knew him. The family lost a kind husband and father, and the neighborhood an active business man and valuable member of society in the death of Mr. Flood. He was always to be found upon the side of right and justice, and was always ready to build up schools and other useful institutions. Mrs. Flood is a daughter of Joseph and Margaret Reed, who were among thetirst settlers of La Porte county. She was born May 26, 1818, in Jefferson county, O. Her only remaining brother now resides near Oakland, Oregon, and her "three sisters are all dead. James Flood was born in this county July 18, 1841, and is a son of Benjamin and Matilda Flood, the former a native of Indiana, and the latter of Ohio. He was reared on a farm, and was educated in a common school and in Notre Dame University. He taught school 10 years in this county. He was married March 12, 1864, to Miss Maria A. Blane, by whom he has 2 children, Francis B. and Mary L. Mr. Flood is engaged in general farming, and resides on sec. 26. Dr. Brooh B. Freeman was born in Rockville, Ind., June 7, 1839, and is a son of Blackstone and Sarah J. Freeman. He was reared and educated in Danville, 111., and early learned the printing business; published the Hendricks County (Ind.) Advertiser iov IS months, during 1856-'7; read medicine under Dr. B. Bartholomew, of Danville, over two years, and graduated from the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, in 1863, with high honors; served in the late war during the three-months' service in Co. A, 7th Ind. Vol., which on expiration of the time was reorganized as Co. H, of the same regiment, in which he served one year, when he was discharged on account of disability. He then, in the fall of 1863, engaged as Assistant Surgeon in the 10th Tennessee Cavalry. He began practice in Westville in 1865, and his superior knowledge of surgery' obtained in the army, proved of great value to him afterward in his home practice. After five years he quit the old- school practice and adopted the homeopathic system, which he says is far superior to the other. He was married in 1861 to Miss Jennie Kistler, by whom he has 3 children, Charles, Ray and Abbie. Jared Gardner was born in Clinton tp,, this county, Jan. 21, 1850, and is a son of Edraond and Polly Gardner, natives of New York and Pennsylvania respectively. They were early settlers in this county, and his father is yet living in Clinton tp. Mr. -^(2y?n^My//y ^ c ayi/^ HISTORY OF LA. PORTE COUNTY. 795 Gardner was reared on a farm, and educated in the Westville bisjh school, and Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College at Chicago. He was married Sept. 27, 1871, to Miss Martlia Clybnrn, daughter of Henry Ol.yburn, the first settler of this county. They have had 2 children, W. Pearl and Jennie. Mr. G. is engaged in farming and stock-raising, and resides in the pleasant town of Westville. liev. Ernil Hcnnann^ Pastor of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church at Otis, is a native of Germany. He was educated in Fort Wayne, Concordia Seminary, Concordia College of St. Louis, and the New YorkUniversity,graduating at the last-named place in 1876; he then spent two years in the College at Leipzig, where he completed his German education. His relatives reside in Cincinnati. He is a member of the Missouri Sjmod; began his labors in the Otis Church in 1878. He was married in 1878 to Miss Johanna Bra- zher, by whom he has one child, Albertine, Evan Ilenton was born in Fountain county, Ind., Nov. 3,1828, and is a son of Peter and Elizabeth Henton, the former a native of Greenbrier county, Ya., and the latter of the vicinity of George- town, Ky. Peter Henton was taken to Ohio by his parents when but three years old, and Mrs. Henton was taken to Ohio when 11 years of age. They came to Fountain county, Ind., in 1821, and were married in 1824. Evan, the subject of this sketch, being a pioneer boy, had but limited advantages for an early education. He attended school in a log house with paper windows, and slab benches for seats. He was married Dec. 20, 1849, to Miss Elizabeth Kobertson, by whom he has 2 children, viz.: Benjamin Franklin and Martha G. Mr. Ilenton has followed the butchering business in Westville for 27 years, and has resided there for 25 years. Previous to this time he resided on a farm. In connection with butchering, he now carries on his farm, which lies adjoining Westville, His mother resides with him at the ripe old age of 79 years, and is still very active, both physically and mentally. Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ton and their mother are all worthy members of the M. E. Church of Westville. Mrs. Henton is a daughter of Daniel and Margaret Robertson, natives of Bourbon county, Ky., and Steuben county, N. Y., respectively, and who were early settlers in this county. Mr. Henton's grandmother, Sarah Ilenton, was a cousin to Daniel Boone. Chrutojpher Herrold was born in Athens, now Yinton, county, O., Feb. 17, 1834, and is a son of Jacob and Sarah (Minton) Her- rold. He was reared on a farm, and in 1854 came to this county. He has been engaged in farming and stock-raising for the most part, but furnished wood for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railroad for about seven j^ears. He was married April 6, 1862, to Miss Isabel Campbell, by whom he has 6 children, viz.: Eliza, Laura. Franklin, Sarah, Mary and an infant girl. He owns 110 acres of valuable land, and resides on sec. 22. Jacob Herrold^ deceased, was born in Athens county, O., June 12, 1804, and was a son of Christopher and Martha Herrold, natives 50 ^9Q HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY, of Pa. He was reared on a farm and educated in a subscription school. He made his start in life by working as a farm hand. He was married July 13, 1828, to Miss Sarah Minton, daughter of John Minton, deceased, and a sister of Judge Thos. Minton, of Athens, Ohio. They had 12 children, of whom 9 are living, namely : John, Christopher, Henry, Joseph, Elizabeth, Jacob, Hiram, Frank- lin and Thomas M. All of these are married except Thomas M., who is now (1880) attending the Normal School at Valparaiso, Ind. Mr. Herrold and famil}^ came to this county in 1854, and located on section 14, this township. He was a prominent farmer and stock- raiser, a very hard worker, and was eminently successful in business. He was a worthy member of the M. E. Church for several years. He died Feb. 9, 18Y7, much esteemed and respected. Daniel W. Hihbard. This jolly old bachelor is a native of this county, and was born May 25, 1837. His parents were Horace B. and Annis Hibbai-d, natives of Connecticut, who came to this county in 1835. Mr. Hibbard was reared on a farm, and educated in a common school. There were 4 children in his father's family, and he is the youngest. He resides on section 23, engaged in farra- insr and stock-raising. His mother, now 76 years old, presides over the household affairs. Hon. Jackson Hosmer was born in Wayne county, Penn., Sept. 30, 1818, and is a son of Robert and Nancy (Atwood) Hosmer, the former a native of Yermont, and the latter of Connecticut. Mr. Hosmer was reared on a farm and educated in a common school. In 1838 he came to this county, where he has ever since made his home. In 1843 he crossed the prairies on horseback to Iowa and returned; repeated this trip in 1846. In 1848 he married Miss Sarah A. Griffith, a native of Wood county, Ya., and tliey have had 3 childrei]: Charles W., Warren A. and Anna B. Warren is County Superintendent of Public Instruction for La Porte county. In 1878 the subject of this notice was elected to represent La Porte county in the Indiana Legislature, and re-elected in 1 879. He owns 150 acres of valuable land, residing on sec. 35, engaged in farming and stock-raising. Francis M. Howell^ a blacksmith in Westville, was born in Estill county, Ky., Aug. 19, 1827, and is a son of Phillison and Henrietta Howell, the former a native of Yirginia, and the latter of North Carolina. He was reared on a farm and educated in a com- mon-school. He learned the blacksmith's trade when a young man; came to this county with his widowed mother in 1840. He has followed the farm and blacksmithing for the most part. He was married in 1851 to Miss Mary S. Warden, by whom he has had 11 children; of these, 7 are living, namely: Geo. H., now in Nebraska, Eliza J., Emma G., Mary I., Catharine A., Elmo J. and Samuel F. Mr. and Mrs. Howell are worthy members of the M. E. Church at Westville. Mr. H. is engaged in blacksmithing, and has a good trade. He is a member of each of the lodges, I. O. O. F. and A. F. & A. M. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. • 797 Joseph H. Irvjin, a prominent shoemaker of Westville, was born in Canada Sept. 15, 1845, and is a son of William Irwin, a native of Scotland, wlio was a carpenter bj trade. Joseph H. early learned to work with his father, but later learned the shoemaker's trade. He went to Oswego county, N. Y., in 1865, and traveled, working in various towns throughout the United States until 1868, when he returned to Canada. lie went to Illinois in 1873, and came to this county in 1876. He has a shoe-shop now in Westville and does a good business. He was married in June, 1867, to Miss Melinda Welch, by whom he has had 8 children/ of these but 3 are living: Marv A., Rosilla and Melinda. John S. Jessup, deceased, was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, Oct. 15, 1814. His parents were Daniel and Ann Jessup. He was reared on a farm, and had no other educational advantasres save those of the common school. He came to this county with his parents in 1830; was married in 1840 to Miss Mary Young, daughter of Christian and Catharine Young. The tormer is now i*esiding with his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jessup had 7 children, of whom 6 are living: Daniel, Mary, Tilghman, Gra3dord, Kittie and Annie, Mr. Jessup was a farmer and stock- raiser, and was very successful; prior to his death he owned 246 acres of valuable land. He died April 25, 1879. When the Jessups came here there were numer- ous Indians in the vicinity. The young Indians would often come riding up at full speed to Mr. Jessup where he was at work, think- ing thereby to scare him and have some sport. But he was not so easily scared. He stayed in the block house in Door Village for two nights, during tlie troubles in 1832. Wesley E. Keith was born in this county July 7, 1833, and is a son of Lewis and Nancy A. Keith; was reared on a farm; Feb. 10, 1859, he married Miss Sarah E. Perrine, daughter of Peter W. and Elizabeth Perrine. Slie is a native of Belmont county, Ohio. They have 2 children: Elizabeth F. and Schuyler C. He is engaged in farming and stock-raising on sec. 14, and owns 147 acres of val- uable land. Lewis Keith, deceased, the father of the above, was born March 22, 1801, in Huntington county. Pa. His grandfather came from Holland to America about 15 years before the Revolu- tion, and settled in New Lancaster, Pa. Here he engaged in the smithing business for many years, until his father and grandfather moved to Huntington county, where his grandfather died. The latter had served as a blacksmith in the Revolutionary war. His father was a blacksmith and farmer, and married Maria Heade, by whom he had a family of 12 children. In 1811 Mr. Keith removed with his father to Ohio, and July 6, 1832, landed in La Porte county, and built a cabin on the same land he owned up to his demise, May 28, 1879. He was married three times, and was the father of 13 children, 9 sons and 4 daughters, all living and mar- ried. .When the Keiths lirst settled in this county the Indians were numerous, and at times they would gather around Mr. Keith's cabin window and watch the family eat, and express great wonder 708 , HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. at the style in which white people ate. Mr. Keith labored hard in clearins^ np the underbrush on his land, and in otherwise preparing the way for the prosperity of future generations. He was a con- sistent Christian, and a worthy member of the M. E. Church for 60 3^ears. He was an indulgent husband and an affectionate parent. His storehouse of love was always full, and he endeared himself to all who knew him. He gave freely to the support of the mis- sionary cause and other benevolent enterprises. He first sought the kingdom of God and liis righteousness, and all other things were added. He was eminentlv successful in business, and gave bis children about $20,000. Joseph JR. Kimhall was born in Cass tp., this county, Oct. 27, 1855, and is a son of John and Judith Kimball, early settlers in this county. The former is deceased ; the latter, a native of Virginia, resides in this county. Mr. Kimball was educated in the Westville high school; was married June 19, 1875, to Miss Anna McCarthy, by whom he has one child, Charley. Mr. Kimball bought and located a portable saw-mill at Westville, in 1879, and is doing a good business. James Livrngston was born in Schoharie county, N. Y., May 25, 1820, and is a son of Jacob ,J. and Mary (Bookout) Livingston, also natives of New York. Mr. L. was reared on a farm and edu- cated in a common school. He came to this county in 1838, and in 1844 married Miss Dolly McKellips, by whom he had 5 children ; of these but 2 are living, Mary and George A. Mrs. Livingston died in 1865, and he again married in November, 1871, this time Miss Rosa Belle English, by whom he has 2 children, Yiola Belle and Chancellor J. Mr. L. resides on sec. 35, engaged in farming and stock-raising, and bee-culture. Charles Ludioig was born in Germany Aug. 1, 1838. His par- ents, John and Minnie Ludwig, are also natives of Germany. The former is residing in La Porte, and the latter is dead. His parents came to America in 1839, stopping in Ohio. About 1852 or 1854 they came to this county. Mr. L. served 18 months in the late war in Co. C, 83d Ind. Yol, Inf., and participated in the battles of Nashville, Atlanta and others, and was with Sherman on his renowned march to the sea. In the great railroad accident at Washington he was severely hurt in an attempt to rescue his friend, Owen Lynch. He had a very valuable memorandum destroyed also on that occasion. He was married Jan. 31, 1876, to Miss Rachel Ludwig, who is a native of Berks county. Pa., and came to this county with her parents in 1850. Mr. L. owns 200 acres of land, and is engaged in farming and stock raising on sec. 13. Sloan D. Martin^ deceased, was born in this countj^ S\\\j 21, 1835. He was reared on a farm and educated in the Westville high school. He served in the late war in Co. H, 87th Ind. Yol. Inf., over one year, when, at the noted battle of Chickaraauga, Sept. 9, 1863, he received the fatal shot that numbered him with the heroic dead, who spilled their life's blood in defense of their country. HISTOKV OF LV PORTE COUNTY. 799 He was First Lieutenant, but was acting Captain on this occasion. He was married in 1859 to Miss Mary J. McKinley, daughter of "Win. and Eunice McKinley, and their 2 children were Clara, deceased, and Charley E. Mr. Martin was a miller by trade, and his son Charley is now running an engine in the mill at "VVestville. Mrs. Martin is a worthy member of the M. E. Church at Westville. Charles McClure, one of Westville's most enterprising mer- chants, is a native of Clinton tp., this county, and was born July 15, 181:3 ; is a son of Christopher and Sarah McCiure. He was reared on a farm, and educated in a common school. He clerked in a drug store one year in lola, Kan., and then returned and en- gaged in company with Deshler, of Westville, with whom he re- mained for some time. He was married Dec. 28, 1870, to Miss Mary McLellan, by wiiom he has 2 children: Phidelia and Flor- ence. He engaged in business in 1870, with his father, in West- ville, and after the death of his father it became, in 1876, the iirm of McClure & Cole, but is now McClure alone. He carries a stock of $8,000, consisting of dry goods, clothing, groceries, boots, shoes, hats, caps and notions, and does a large business. Mr. and Mrs. McClure are members of the M. E. Church. Christopher McCiure, deceased, the father of the above, was born in Greenbrier county, Ya., Feb. 18, 1797. He came to Shelby county, Ind., in 1829, and to this county in 1832. He was married in 1841 to Miss Sally Ann Robertson. In 1833 he was powerfully converted to God under the preaching of Rev. James Armstrong. He was a class-leader in the M. E. Church for over 25 years. He aided in erecting the Door Village church, which was tlie first church house in the county. He also helped erect the Union church, the second in the county. Later he professed "perfect love," and lived a true Christian life, always " powerful in the Church, being full of faith and the Holy Ghost." The love of Ciirist governed him at all times. He fell asleep in the Savior May 29, 1875. He was missed in the holy convocations of the Church and by all. He filled the office of County Commissioner for six years. John W. JVelson, proprietor of the Otis House, at Otis, Ind., the subject of this 'sketch, was born in South Bend, Ind., Sept. 15, 18-13, and is a son of Andrew and Sarah C. Nelson. The former died in San Francisco, Cal., in 1849; the latter resides with John W. Mr. Nelson served two years and seven months in Co. K, 1st O. Y. I., in the late war, and one year in Co. E, 62d O. Y. I. While in the army he participated in the battles of Stone River and Chicka- mauga. He was wounded at the latter place b}'- a six-pound ball, which struck him in the large part of his right lower limb. He lay thereon that bloody battle-field, sufiering the most excruciating pain, for 11 days, without medical aid, and with nothing to eat save an ear of corn. He now deservedly draws a pension. He came to Otis in March, 1879; lived here about six months, and then went to Chicago, where he remained until March, 1880, when he re- turned to Otis and took charge of the Otis House. 800 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. John P. NohJe was born in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., Dec. 7? 1807, and is a sf-n of William and Sarah Noble, deceased. He was reared on a farm and educated in a common school; came to this county in 1833, and in 1834 went to Porter county, Ind., but soon returned. He M-as married in 1836 to Miss Mary A.. Smith, by whom he has had G children; of these, 5areliv-in£^. viz.: Ameri- cus v., Julia, Celia, Hattie and Lois. Mr. Noble has been a suc- cessful farmer, and since 1871 has been living a retired life in the pleasant town of Westville. Algernon S. Orr was born in Greencastle, Ind., March 22, 1832, son of Joseph and Harriet F. Orr, deceased, the former a native of Pennsylvania, and the latter of Long Island; received his early education at Michigan City; at the age of 19 he left his father, and after living a few years at Valparaiso, went to California, arriv- ing at Placerville July 4:, 1852; after delving successfully in the mines for one year, and after traveling over a large portion of the State, 'he " squatted " on a piece of land in one of the coast valleys, which proved to be part of a Spanish grant. Having become thor- oughly initiated into the mysteries of one of those " abominations of iniquity," a U. S. land commission, he abandoned his land, with pockets sadly depleted, and traveled on foot to Mariposa county, where he engaged in mining for a term of years; quitting this, he applied himself to stock farming in the foot-hills of Mariposa. His next move was to join tiie M. E. .Church South, when " the old fogies convinced him that he was divinely called to preach ;" after studying and preaching for a term of four years, two years of which time he was in the theological school at Vallejo, being terribly afflicted with dyspepsia just at the time they proposed to advance him to deacon's orders, he requested that his license might be with- drawn. This for several years was refused, but he insisted, and it was finally withdrawn. He returned to his farm, where he was living when he received a telegram announcing his father's danger- ous illness. After his father's death he came into possession of a portion of the land near Westville, Ind., where he has since resided, engaged in stock farming. He has a farm of 550 acres of land. James W. Payne was born in Genesee county, N. Y., July 14, 1823, and is a son of Erastus and Jerusha Payne, deceased, natives of Connecticut. He M'as reared on a farm and attended a common school. He came with his parents to this county in 1833. Was married in 1848 to Miss Nancy M. Closser, by whom he has 7 children: Chas. W. Emmerson, Willie F., Harvey C, Eda M., Milton C. and Flora E. Mr. Payne resided 14 years in Wisconsin, and was engaged in the mercantile business in Westville for 11 years. He is now engaged in farming and stock-raising on sec. 21. His father was a soldier in the war ot 1812. Aaron Peterson was l)orn in Hardy county, Ya., March 3, 1815, and is a son of Jacob and Hannah Peterson, deceased; natives of Virginia. Mr. Peterson was reared on a farm, and educated in a common school, in Clinton county, Ohio, whither his parents had UISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 801 removed in 1818. He was married in 1830 to Miss Jane B. Wick- ersham, by whom lie has had 8 children; of these, 6 are living, viz.: Virginia A., James A., Hannah M., Elizabeth A., Charles A. and Arthur E. One son, William H., was killed at the battle of Stone River, during the struggle for liberty in 1862. Mr. Peterson came to this countv in 1848, where he now resides on a nice 100- acre farm, sec. 23, engaged in farming and stock-raising. James M. Hay was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, Nov. 10, 1806, and is a son of John and Hannah Ray, deceased. He was reared on a farm and received a limited education in a subscription school. Mr. Ray's father died when he, James M., was quite small, and he was therefore early inured to hard labor, which he kept up through his manhood and later days. He was married first to Miss Lydia Witham, and his second wife was Sarah Rogers. He is the father of 13 children, of whom 7,'girls and one boy are living. One son, Oliver H., a distinguished lawyer, died in Kansas City recently. Mr. Ray is a carpenter by trade, and has erected a great manv houses in this county. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. at Westville. Joseph Reed was born in Franklin county, Ind., Aug. 20, 1831, and is a son of Joseph K. and Eleanor Reed, the former a native of Jefferson county, Ohio, and the latter of Harrison county", Ky. The latter resides on the old home place in this tp. Mr. Reed was reared a farmer boy, and received a common-school education. He came to this county with his parents when but five years old, which was in 1836. He was married June 30, 1859, to Miss Har- riet Holmes, daughter of Hiram and Mercy Holmes, who came to this county in 1847. Mr. Reed went by sea to California in 1856, returning in 1857. He has resided ever since in this county, except two years, which time he was in Iowa. He owns a nice little farm of 80 acres on sec. 22, besides a third interest in the old homestead, which contains 240 acres. Wdliam Reed was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, Oct. 18,1808, and is a son of John and Mary Reed, the former a native of North Carolina, and the latter of Kentucky. Mr. John Reed was a blacksmith, and he earlj' learned this trade. His education was obtained in a log house, with slab seats which had no backs, and the fire-place extended across one end of the room. The children were all obliged to study the multiplication table (which was on the mantelpiece) while standing before the fire to warm. Mr. Reed came to this county in 1834, He was married in 1833 to Miss Anna Venorsdol, by whom he has had 8 children; of these, 6 are living, namely: Angeline, Emerrett, Arbella, James Y., Sarah and Abraham M. Mr, Reed has resided nearly 30 years in Porter county, but near Westville, He also has engaged in farm- ing. Thomas C. Reynolds was born in Wayne county, Ind., June 16, 1827, and is a son of Levi and Hannah Reynolds, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of Tennessee. Mr. R, was 802 HISTORY or LA PORTE COUNT F. reared ou a farm and educated in a subscription school, which was taught in " a log shantj'-," with slab benches for seats. Mr. Rey- nolds is a watchmaker and engine repairer. "Within the last six years he has manufactured 56 watches. In 1860 he was married to Miss Lucinda Williams, by whom he lias 3 children: Emerson, Anderson and Emily. He came with his parents to this county in 1833. At that time there were 500 Indians camped at Petro's Grove, near the present site of the town of Westville. Mrs. R. is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. E.. made a self-propeller attachment to a steam engine in 1810. Benjamin F . ShunJc, Westville, was born in Somerset county, Penn., Dec. 21, 1827, and is a son of Peter and Susannah Shunk, deceased, also natives of Pennsylvania, Mr. Shunk was reared on a farm, and received a common-school education. He came to this county in 1852, and March 6, 1856, was married to Miss Eliza Kritchbaum, by whom he has 4 children, namely: Francis M., Chas. W., Wm. Webster and Walter M. Four of Mr. Shunk's brothers, Peter, Francis, Jackson and Daniel, were soldiers in the late war, and all returned. Mr. S. follows farming on sec. 15. E. S. Smith is one of Westville's most enterprising merchants. He was born in Geauga county, O., Aug. 4, 1838. His parents were Asa and Sophronia G. (Spencer) Smith, natives of Berkshire county, Mass. Mr. Smith was reared on a farm and educated at Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, where he graduated in 1863. He served 18 months in the late war. He served first in the 87th O. Y. I., and afterward enlisted in the 2d Ohio Cavalry. He was finally made First Lieutenant of the 24th Regiment of U. S. colored troops. He was married in 1865 to Miss Amelia Snyder, who died soon after. He came to this county in 1867, engaging first in the dry-goods business in Westville. He again married in March, 1869; this time to Miss Julia Noble, by whom he has 2 children: Eva L. and Nina L. Mr. Smith now carries a large stock of drugs and medicines, notions, groceries, wall-paper, glassware, stoneware, etc., a nd is doing a thriving business. ' Wm. J. Smith was born July 21, 1831, in North Carolina, and is a son of Richard P. and Catharine (Hastings) Smith, who came to Preble county, Ohio, when AVm. J. was a child. They remained here one year, and then removed to Niles, Mich. In 1836 they came to this county. Mr. Smith was reared and educated in town, and early learned the shoemaker's trade, which he followed for nine years. In 1862 he engaged in the furniture business in Westville, and continued this until 1868. He then employed himself in the manufacture and sale of chairs here for ten years. In 1878 he en- gaged in the undertaker's business; he also deals in all kinds of fur- niture, and makes and repairs to order. He was married June 28, 1857, to Miss Laura A. Duing, by whom he has 2 children: Mari- etta and Carrie. Dr. Ahram G. Standlford. Being one of the pioneers of this county Dr. Standiford is identified with its history, and therefore IJISTOKY OF LA rORTE COUNTY. 803 is entitled to more tlian a passing notice in a work like this. He was born in Shelbjville, Ky.. Jan. 27, 1816, and is a son of Francis I. and Rebecca (Smith) Standiford, natives of Maryland, who were among the early settlers of Kentnck}?. They were married in 1810 at Shelbyville, Ivj-, and had 3 children, of whom the subject of this notice is the j^oungest. The Doctor came to Indiana in 1836, and studied medicine at Greencastle. He attended lectures at Lexing- ton, Ky., but graduated in the Indiana Medical College, then sit- uated at La Porte. Before graduating he practiced for a time in Clay county, Ind. His iirst practice in this county was in 1838. He taught school most of the time from 1842 to 1845. Alter grad- uating in 1846 he located in JNew Durham tp., where he remained until 1865, when he removed to Westville. He is widely known in all parts of the count}^ and has practiced in nearly every tp. in the county. He was married Dec. 7, 1844, to Miss Martha Reynolds, by whom he has had 4 children; of these, 2 are living: William F., practicing physician in Westville, and Clara M. (now Mrs. Walton), a widow. Dr. Wm. F. Standiford was born in La Porte county July 30, 1850, and is a son of Dr. Abram G. and Martha Standiford, of Westville. He was educated in the Westville high school. He read medicine under his father, and graduated at the Rush Medical Col- lege, of Chicago, Jan. 17, 1872. He practiced 18 months in the Cook County Hospital, where he had superior advantages of learn- ing the art of surger}'. He began practice in Westville in 1873, but soon after went to Texas. He remained there seven months, and in the fall of 1874 he went to Indianapolis, where he engaged in the practice of his profession until 1877. He then returned to Westville, where he has his father's practice, who is now growing too old and feeble for very active service in the profession. He was married Feb. 25, 1875, to Miss Annie E. Flood. John Warnock was born in Scott county Dec. 15, 1803^ and is a son of Michael and Nancy (Walker) Warnock, deceased, the for- mer a native of Ireland, and the latter of Virginia. The former came to America in 1775, and was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, a messmate of ex-Gov. Trimble, of Ohio. He was an early settler in Kentucky, and also came to Clarke county, Ind., in 1809. John Warnock's brother Joseph was killed in the battle of Tippe- canoe. Mr. W. came to this county in 1833. He was married in 1828, to Miss Charlotte Gazner, by whom he had one child, Samantha (Robertson). He again married in 1840; this time Helena Dorr, of Ohio. Dr. C . R. Warren., pln^sician, surgeon and druggfist, Otis, Ind.; was born March 20, 1840, in the town of Solon, Cortland county, ]N. Y.; at the a^e of ten years he moved with his parents to Evans- ville, Wis., going ma the canal and lakes from Syracuse, N. Y., to Milwaukee, while the country was new and railroads hardl}^ known. While at Evansville his father died with consumption, and he was obliged to work the farm to support his mother and five other 804 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. children. In his youthful days he attended school in a small log school-house, with hewed slab seats and desks formed by a board suspended to the wall. In this little log cabin a school-room, which would now be thought hardly fit for a cow stable, he obtained the first rudiments of his education. At the age of 18 he attended the Evansville Seminary, held in the old Methodist Church, for seven terms, and then he went to Hillsdale College, Mich.; while there he enlisted in the Yth Mich. Inf., just after the Bull run disaster; after serving four months, he re-enlisted during the war. During engagements he was occupied in the hospital department, helping to care for the wounded, and in this way he obtained the practical knowledge of surgery before getting the theoretical part. At the close of the war he engaged in the study of medicine with his uncle. Dr. Higday, at La Porte, and studied nearly four years; he then took his first course at Rush Medical College, Chicago, then a sum- mer course, then a thorough course in analytical chemistry, at which time he commenced practice at Otis, Ind., where in the fall of 1870, he began with only 35 cents in money, and that borrowed. He met with good success in his practice, and found himself gradually accumulating wealth, with practical experience. He again attended Rush Medical College in 1874-'5, taking a thorough course in anat- omy, practice of medicine, physical diagnosis and diseases of the eye and ear. He again devoted his time to the care of suffering humanity at Otis, where he hopes to do much good in the vocation he has chosen. In religion, he believes in a supreme being, the creator and ruler of the universe, and in politics he is a neutral, voting for the candidate he l)elieves best qualified, and is liberally disposed toward others both in religion and politics. Aug. 9, 1874, he married Miss Mima Storm, and he now has 2 children. His father, Clark Warren, was born in Cortland county, N. Y., in the town of Solon, March 11, 1814, and he died May 3, 1850, in Evansville, Wis. Minerva Warren was born in the same place June 26, 1817, and is still living, and enjoys comparatively good health. Richard H. Wilkinson was born near Warrenton, Fauquier county, Ya., in May, 1810. His father, John Wilkinson, left his home in northern England when a young man. Coming to America, he settled in A^irginia, where he married Miss Mary Neal, who was a second cousin to Joseph C. and Alice B. Neal, ibr many years editors of the Saturday Gazette, published at Philadelphia. Rich- ard H. is the fifth child of his parents, and was educated for the ministry. He came to Indiana in 1833, stopping at Charlestown, Clarke count}'-, near the Ohio river. In 1835 he married Miss Julia A. Henley, sister of Hon. Thomas J. Henley, who for several terms represented his district in the Legislature of Indiana, and afterward served two terras in the U. S. Congress. In the autumn of 1837 Mr. Wilkinson removed to La Porte county, purchasing the farm where he still resides. Obtainiiig a license to preach, he was for a time engaged in spreading the gospel, in accordance with HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 805 Methodist Episcopal creed, through the counties ol La Porte, St. Joseph and Elkhart. The profession was abandoned tor the more healthful life of a farmer. His tamily consists of himself, wife and 6 children. The children's names are Cora M., Harriet E., Wm. H., Cecilia E., Theophilus H. and Mrs. Lucinda A. Baum. Mr. W. also read medicine, but decided not to practice this pro- fession. Henry Wing was born in Franklin county, Mass., Uct. .4b, i&.^w. His parents were Samuel and Martha Wing. He was raised on a farm, and educated in the common and high schools of Massachu- setts. He came with his parents to Seneca county, Ohio, m 1838. He married in 1846, Miss Kebecca McCurdy, by whom lie had 2 children, Byron E. and Alice, now Mrs. John F. Loomis, ol Shelby, Iowa. Mrs. Wing died in 1863. Mr. Wing again married m ' 1865, this time, Miss Laura Peabody, by whom he had one child, Laura. This second wife died, and Mr. Wing again married m 1875, Mrs. Bostick. Mr. Wing came to Otis, this county, m 1848, where he kept hotel until 1865'; he then engaged in the mercantile business until 1879, when he moved to Westville, where he now resides. He lias filled the office of Postmaster 18 years, and^ bar been Notary Public for 12 years. He now owns a valuable farm in Porter county, Ind., near the east line, and not far from West- Ville. -rr J u Levi Wolfe is a native of Bracken county, Ky., and was born Sept. 15, 1817. His parents were Peter and Sarah Wolfe. Ihey removed to Clermont county, Ohio, when their son was quite small. Here he was reared on a farm, withia four miles of the birth-place of Gen. Grant. He came to Fayette county, Ind., m 1833, and relates that they were encamped on their way when the " stars fell." He says that the shooting meteors frightened the horses so badly that in their fright they wakened the entire party of emigrants. ' Mr. Wolfe was married in Fayette county Feb. 11, 1838, to Miss Eliza A. Burgess, by whom he has 8 children, viz : Henrietta, Elizabeth, George, Melinda, Ruth A., Levi J., Sarah J. and Emma. Mr. Wolfe removed with his family to this county in 1848. He owns 175 acres of land, and resides on sec. 18, where he is enficaged in farming and stock-raising. John Wolford was born in Coshocton county, Ohio, Aug. 3,^ 1835, and is a son of Matthias and Lucinda Wolford, also natives of Ohio. Mr. Wolford removed to Whitley county, Ind., in 1856; in the fall of the same year he went to Pikes Peak, remaining but two months, when he returned as far as Elwbod, Kansas. In 1860 he went to Salt Lake, but remained there only two months, and returned to Missouri. He came to Otis in the year 1861, where he eno-aged in farming. He was married in 1864 to Miss Mary A. Weston, by whom he has 1 child, Henry C. W. Wolford. Mr. W. resides on "sec. 6, engaged in farming and stock-raising. ^ Moses 8. Wright was born in Jackson county, Ya., July 27, 27, and is a son of Joseph and Tabitha Wright, natives of Pennsyl- vania. He was reared on a farm, and educated in the common 806 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. schools of La Porte county, having been brought here by his par- ents in 1832. They settled near New Durham, or"Pinhook." His father was a soldier in the war of 1812. In 1834 they removed to Porter county, Ind., and remained four years, when they came to Clinton tp., this count}^ and there Mr. Wright remained until his death in 1850. Moses has been married twice, and is the father of 6 children. His first wife was Sarah J., nee Small, who bore him one child, Mary, now deceased. His second wife was Abigail, nee Pettit, who bore him 5 children. Of these, 3 are living, viz. : Wat- son W., Victoria J. and Hamilton M. Mr. Wright is a farmer and stock-raiser; and also is proprietor of the saw-mill just west of Westville. He has been very successful in the lumber business. His promptness and desire tc rander satisfaction have won the con- fidence of the public, and he has thus built up a large trade. NOBLE TOWNSHIP. Noble township, 35 north, range 3 west, is bounded on the north by Scipio, on the west by Clinton, on the south by Hanna, and on the east by Union. It was formerly a part of Scipio township, until the year 1836, when it was separated by the following order: "Ordered, that Scipio township be divided by the line dividing townships 35 and 36 north, of range 3 west, and that all that part of said township formerly comprising Congressional township num- ber 35 north, form a new township, to be known by the name of Koble township, and that there be an election held in said township on the first Monday of April next, for the purposes of electing Jus- tices of the Peace for said township, and that Arthur McClure be appointed inspector of said election of said township until the next annual election of township officers, and that the election for said township be held at the house of John McClane." In that election, it is probable that John F. Allison, father of James Allison, of Noble township, was elected the first Justice of the Peace; he also built the first frame house in what is now the city of La Porte. The contour of Noble township is somewhat irregular, a part which should rightly be included in Noble township— all of sections 1 and 12, three-fourths of section 13, and one-half of sections 24 and 25 — is now included in Union township, which lies on the east. It is a very desirable township in which to locate, good farming land ranging from $50 to $100 an acre. The first settlers of the township were Horace and Lane Mark- ham, who came as early as 1831 and located on section 8, and did honor to the township which they first had the enterprise to settle, and have long since passed from earth. In 1832 Joseph Wheaton settled in this township and laid out the town of Union Mills; in 1833 a great many more made Noble township tlieirhome, among whom were John and Bird McLane, Samuel O'Hara,— all these still living,— Ira, Peter and Admiral Burch, Wright and Silas Loving, Jeremiah Perkins, Isaac Johnson and many others. Joseph Starrett, now living, came into the town- ship in 1834; in the same year came Richard Worrall and Samuel Mitchell. In 1835 came Theodore Wells, John, Israel and Barclay Underwood, Benjamin Shaw, Henderson Nickel!, Dr. Everts, Gus- tavus Everts, Timothy Everts, John Goldsmith and John Barclay. From this time on the settlement of the township increased rapidly. In 1834 the first wedding occurred, being the marriage of Horace Wood and Betsey McLane^ Samuel O'Hara, now on section 20, Joseph Starrett, "on the same section, Bird and John McLane, on ^ (807) I 808 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. section 5, are the oldest living settlers of Noble township. The first postoflSce was established on section 6, and the first postmaster was Asaph Webster. The first store in the township was kept by a man named Smith, who is now dead. And now having traced the historj' of the township from its ear- liest settlement in 1831 to 1837, when it became rapidly settled by an intelligent class of people, only a few of whom are now living, it maj' be advantageous to look forward toward the interests of the township in some other direction, and try to ascertain what a pre- sentiment of the coming future the pioneer settlers possessed. SCHOOLS. The first school-house in the township was built by E. S. Hard- ing, John Wakefield and A. G. Webster, in 1835, on Mr. Webster's farm; it was a very rudely built structure, but served to answer all purposes in its early day. Since that the educational interests of the township have been well and prudently attended to, as though' it had a premeditated afi'air with her excellent citizens; for now instead of one or two little log houses, there are seven good substan- tial buildings, on account of which it is unnecessary for any cliild of Noble township to be deprived of an education. The school- houses are located at various convenient points throughout the township, and are known by number and name. In the early settlement of the township there was for a time only one teacher, the first one being John F. Allison. In 1837 Dr. Everts commenced the practice of medicine; he was probably the first permanently located physician in the town- ship; he was succeeded in the same profession by his three sons: Eudorus, Orpheus and Carroll. In 1839 a saw-mill was built on Mill creek by Johnson & Bros., about three-fourths of a mile below the present location of Union Mills. In 1842 Jacob Early completed a large distillery on the same creek; he did a successful business, but in 1852 it was burned to the ground. In 181:3 L. A. Wakefield erected a very large ashery on the farm of A. G. Webster, and commenced to manufacture pearl and potash; in 1846 he abandoned the business. For several years repeated attempts like these were being continually made in the direction of new enter- prises; but allfailed. In 1837 Dr. Everts built a grist-mill on Mill creek where Union Mills now is; the same old mill still stands, having undergone numerous changes and repairs, and has been under several difi'erent proprietors. Mr. Hamilton, a resident ot Union Mills, is now the owner, and the mill is being successfully conducted by A. C. Teeple, who is doing a first-class business. CHURCHES. Noble township is well supplied with churches, having three in Union Mills and one on section 34. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 809 The J^ree Methodist church,, on section Si, is a small building, and was erected about sev^en A^ears as^o. The Methodist Protestants also worship in the same building. Each society is quite small, but both together make a respectable congregation. Rev. S. P. May is the regular pastor for the Methodist Protestants, and Pev, Graidess is the pastor for the Free Methodists. There is also as mall party of Adventists who worship in that part of the township on the same section. The Methodist Episcopal church, now located in I'i'nion Mills, was erected several years ago and has a respectable congregation. There was formerly an old church building about one and one-half miles south of Union Mills, on what is called Dawmin Prairie, of the same denomination. The present pastor of the Church is Rev. Stafford. At a very early time in Noble township, there was a Congrega- tional Church organized by Rev. Davis; it was afterward organized by Rev. Stelle into a New-School Presbyterian Church. This same congregation is the one that is now at Union Mills, though the individuals composing it are not the same. Their church building was erected some time during the years intervening between 1850 and 1856. "Bethel Presbvterian Church " was its charter name. It was organized by Rev. F. P. Cummins, then a resident of La Porte, on Saturday, June 22, 1850, in District No. 1. He presided until January, 1856, when he was succeeded by Rev, Jno. Fisher, who remained about one year; then came James McKey, remaining only about six months; the next was C. A. Evans who remained only a short time. These names occupy a period of J 6 years. The next pastor was Rev. F. M. Elliot, who presided about five and a half years ; he was succeeded by Rev. S. E. Smith, the present incumbent, who came here in April, 1872. The charter members of the Church were: Jno. Billington, Amelia Billington, Lorenzo Billington, Mary A. Dexter, Joseph McPherson, Sarah McPherson, Bird McLane, Abbie McLane, John Moore and Ann M. Moore, Of the above, only Bird McLane and wife are now living. The Advent Churchy also at Union Mills, was organized about 20 years ago, by Rev. Plinney Morgan. From that time until the present there have been the following regular pastors respectively: F. H. Berrick, Rev. Mansfield and wife, Cornelius Pike, George Moyer, Darius Matherson, James Ferris, Frank Burr. Rev. Mansfield, who has recently left the Church to accept a situation in Illinois, was the last incumbent. At the present the Church has no regular pastor, but expect Rev. Burr about September, 1880. The following are a few of the charter members: Abrani Logan and wife, Avery Freeman and wife, Daniel Church and wife, Sarah Clark and Daniel Linard. 810 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. VILLAGES. Union Mills, situated on sections 8 and 9, was first laid out by- Joseph "VViieaton, who built a house on the present site as earlv as 1832. Tlie plat of the town, however, was not placed on record until 1849. The first grist-mill at Union Mills was built in 1837 by Dr. Sylvanue Everts. The mill was called " Union Mills " by the State charter obtained by the county; from this the town was named. The little country village grew very slowl}^ for awhile; in 1838 there were only five log cabins in the place. In the year 1840, a small store was started by Wm. Bills; also one by Lewis Steven- son ; about the same time R. N. Bennett commenced blacksmithing. Elisha Thayer started a shoemaker shop in 1841; in 1848 Mr. Elliot built a store and carried a general stock of goods; in 1860 Dr. Egbert commenced practicing medicine; in 1854 Morden & Booth opened a boot and shoe store; in 18^4 Burdet Turner opened a butcher shop. But all these business men have discontinued and others have taken their place. At first there was ver}' little to enliven the town, there being no railroads. But after the comple- tion of the two railroads, the B. & O. and Grand Trunk, the town began anew. Since that time it has been improving slowly, and now in point of business, it is probably the third town in the county. It now has a population of 238. In the early settlement of the place there was great difiiculty in getting mail, but now four mails are received daily. F. A. Freeman is now postmaster. The town is composed of people who are wide- awake, intelligent business-like citizens. In the place are two secret organizations, the Masonic Lodge and the Odd Fellows. The former was organized in 1876 by E. Y. Arnold, and it has been in full progress ever since, and is now composed of about 36 members. The first officers were: E. Y. Arnold, W. M.; Dr. Meredith, Sr. W.; Henry L. Loomis, Jr. W.; W. A. Banks, Treas.; J. B. Chipman, Sec'y. The present officers are: H. L. Loomis, W. M.; Wm. Fredrickson, Sr. W.; E.R.^Simith. Jr. W.; W. A. Banks, Treas.; John Terry, Sec'y. ""^ ~~ The I. O. O. F. Lodge was organized July 8, 1879, by the follow- ing charter members: Charles Fredrickson, Daniel Linard, A. E. Boyce, Tim McCarty and David Woodford. The first officers were: A. E. Boyce, Noble Grand ; Charles Fredrickson, Yice Noble Grand; D. L. Linard, Sec'y; Augustus Block, Treas. The present officers are the same except that of Noble Grand, Charles Titus being the present incumbent. The lodge is in full progress, meets eve y Wednesday night, and has about 20 members. And while speaking of organizations, there is still another, even more important, namely, the temperance society known as the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. It was organized by Clark Osborn, L. A. Cole and Smith Carver. The present officers are: Mrs. Alice Bacon, President; Helen Hamilton, Sec'y. Among the prominent workers in this direction are Revs. Mansfield, Smith and HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 811 StaiFord, T. McLane, Charles Brown, Mrs. Alice Bacon, " Aunt Sarah " Clark, R. N. Bennett and many others. Because the citi- zens of Union Mills, as a class, are quite temperate, there being but one saloon in the place, suffice it to say that the organization has done a great deal of good in the town and community. The town has excellent railroad facilities, being located on the Grand Trunk road, about three-quarters of a mile from its junction with the B. & O. The business interests of the town at present may be briefly stated, as follows: one elevator, two drug stores, three dry-goods and grocery stores, also a hardware store in connec- tion with one of them, one furniture store, two boot and shoe shops, one saloon, two harness shops, three blacksmith shops, one grist-mill, one millinery shop, one dressmaking shop, one butcher shop, two wagon shops, one hotel, one barber shop, one agricultural store, three doctors, three churches and three regular pastors; there are three diflferent organizations and one silver-cornet band, which was organized in 18T6, and is composed of 13 members. Wellsboro, situated on section 9, is at the junction of the Grand Trunk and B. & O. railroads. It is a small railroad town, only three-fourths of a mile from Union Mills. It was laid out in 1875, and for awhile grew very rapidly. It was laid out by Joseph Deets, Isaac Way, Thomas Hamilton and Wm. Fredrickson. The busi- ness interests of the town are about as follows: one dry-goods and grocery store, one grocery store, one hardware store, one hotel, two cooper shops, one wagon shop, one milliner store, one elevator and onepostoffice; the postmaster is Mr. Chipman. Koble is the only township in the county, and probably the only one in the State, in which there are two postoffices, separated by only three-quarters of a mile. Taken as a whole, Noble is one of the finest townships of farming land in the county. The soil is sandy, rich, and productive of large crops of corn and wheat, which are the chief articles of agriculture raised in it. The only objection to the township is that a great deal of the land, especially in the south part of the township, is marshy and sandy; however, the marsh land produces good hay. There are some foreigners in the township, there being a good many Germans and English in the southern part. As a class, the inhabitants are nearly all well-situated, high-minded, sociable, accommodating people. Indian Point, situated in the southeastern part of the township, is a pointed piece of land which projects into the marsh as a penin- sula into the water. It was so called because it was the old Indian trail off of the main land into the marsh and timber. It was so named at a very early date in the settlement of the township, and has on it a great deal of timbered land. In the earlj days of the township it was inhabited by the Pottawatomie tribe of Indians, who were removed westward in 1837. Dawmin Prairie, situated in the western part of the township, was so called from the name of an old Indian chief, whose name 51 812 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. was " Dawmin. " The word is also the original Indian word for corn, and some give this as an explanation of the term. It includes about 600 acres of fine prairie land, dotted here and there with occasional lakes. The township in general is well watered bj numerous small lakes and by Mill creek, formerly known as Markham's creek, named from the first settlers, which runs diagonally across it from north- west to southeast. The mill at Union Mills is the only one located on the creek in the township, but there are several other splendid locations. Politicall}', Noble township is Republican by a considerable majority, but the people in it are quite liberal in home political afiairs. The census enumerator appointed for 1880 was "William Fredrickson. The present Justices of the Peace are E. V. Arnold and II. N. Bennett. Pope C. "Weed was elected Assessor. The remaining ofiicers are, six supervisors or road overseers, one for each road district. Like all the other townships, nearly all her old settlers have passed away; the remaining few are quite aged, and to them we are indebted largely for a correct history of the community. The citi- zens of to-day are enterprising. With the advantages that are afforded to Noble township by way of railroads and water, with her excellent fields of farming land and rich soil, nothing at present prevents it from becoming in the future one of the finest and wealthiest townships in La Porte county. PERSONAL HISTORY. The personal history of any community is the most important and valuable portion. We realize this, and in detailing the history of ISToble township, speak very generally of those brave and sturdy pioneers who have converted the forests into fruitful fields, and who are to-day producing from the earth vast wealth. Joseph Bailey, son of John and Ann (Wood) Bailey, was born in New Bolingbroke, Lincolnshire, England, in 1845: coming across the ocean to America in 1866, he first settled at La Forte, where he remained until the spring of 1870, and then came to Union Mills May 5, 1870, and engaged in the business which he still follows. In 1870 he was married the first time; his wife afterward died, and he was married the second time, in 1874, to Miss Mary C. Patric, who is now 30 years old and the mother of 2 children, both of whom are now living: John and Ida. He owns town i)roperty worth about $2,000; is a member of the Masonic lodge at this plac9. His educational advantages were ordinary, although he reads consider- able now. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Politically, Mr. B. is a Democrat. He now conducts a general busi- ness in boots and shoes, and does repairing. Roswell N. Bennett, son of Roswell N. and Mary C. (Titus) Ben- nett, was born in Union Mills, Ind., in 1851. His father, a native FTISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 813 of New York, was of Scotch descent; liis mother, a native of Ohio, was of Irish descent; both are now deceased. Mr. B. has been a resident of this countv all liis life. la 1870 he was united in mar- riage to Miss Eliza Craft, who died in 1878; she was a native of Pennsylvania. Mr. B. is now and has been nearly all his life a blacksmith; he is now at Union Mills, doing a good business. He owns property in that place to the amount of about SOOO. His educational advantages were very good, but on account of his father's death, did not get the full benefit of them. He taught school two winters, and is now a man who reads a good deal. He is a member of the Masonic lodge at Freedom, 111.; he is also an Odd Fellow. Politically, he is a Democrat, but is quite liberal in home political affairs. Eiios L. Booth, son of Sheldon and Sarah (Cooley) B., was born in Ohio in 1823, and is of English descent. His parents, both of whom are now deceased, were natives of Connecticut. He came to Indiana in 1837, and hrst located in Noble tp. He has been living where he now is, on sec. 11, for about 30 years. He was married in 1850 to Julia McNett, who died in 1858; she was the mother of one child, Camilla, who is still living. He was united in marriage the second time in 1860, to Miss Margaret Coar, who is now 48 years old and the mother of one child, William; he is still living. Mr. Booth owns, where he lives, 170 acres of land, 100 of which are marsh; the farming land is good, and is worth about $50 per acre. His education when young was somewhat limited, having no other advantages than those offered by a common school; he reads a great deal now. He and his wife are members of the Advent Church. Politically, Mr. B. is a Repul)lican. He has worked hard all his life, earning all he has by hard work. He now has a nice place, and a convenient, comfortable home. Charles J. Brown, son of Amos and Melissa (Hyde)B., was born this tp. in 1845. His father is dead, but his mother is living with him. He is of English and French descent. Mr. B. has been a resident of this county all his life, except three years, during which time he was a resident of Nebraska. He was married in 1868 to Miss Mattie Earl, who is now 35 years of age and the mother of 3 children, 2 living: Kate M. and Amos E. He owns here 40 acres of good laud, worth about $70 per acre. He and his wife are both ardent members of the Presbyterian Church. His educational ad- vantages were such as were afforded by common schools; he reads a great deal, and has been a school-teacher for the past 12 years. Politically, he is a Republican, but is quite liberal in home political affairs. Ohadiah Chambers, son of Andrew and Sarah (Noland) Cham- bers, both of whom are now dead, was born in Monroe county, Ind., in 1825, and is of Irish-German-Scotch descent. He first came to La Porte county in 1833, when his father and family settled in New Durham tp., where he resided until 1838; then he went to Hanna tp.; he came to Noble in 1853 and located where he has 814 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. been ever since, on sec. 28. lie owns here 200 acres of good land, except about 40 acres of marsh, which he values at about $40 per acre. He has also 50 acres of farming land on sec. 33 of the same tp. In 1855 he was married to Lydia Llojd, who is now 42 or 43 years old and the mother of 9 children; of these, 7 are now living: Anderson, Adaline, Irene, Amilda, George, Oscar and Eldora. His educational advantages were rather poor. Politically, Mr, C. is a Greenbacker. Edward Cox, a farmer on sec. 5, was born in New York in 1824. His father, John E., and his mother, whose maiden name was Phebe Earl, are now both deceased. He is of English descent on his father's side, and of French descent on his mother's side . Coming to Indiana in 1861, he first settled at La Porte, where he remained three years, having charge of the mechanical department of a printing office. From La Porte he went to Centre tp., where he resided two years and then came to this tp., and located where he now is. He owns, where he lives, 102 acres of land, which he estimates at about $55 per acre. He now holds the office of School Director. When young he received an ordinary education, and he reads a good deal now. His wife is a member of the Methodist Church. Politically, Mr. C. is a Republican. He was married the first time in 1851 to Hercelia N. Halsev, who died in 1858: she was the mother of 4 children, 3 of whom are now living: Ida C, George H. and William W. In 1862 Mr. C. was again married, this time to Miss Martha A. Keith, now 49 years of age, and their two children are Charles S. and Agnes M. Croup ds McLane, general dry-goods and grocery dealers, also dealers in agricultural implements, engaged in business at Union Mills, Dec. 19, 1879. They have a stock of about $2,000, and sell annually about $10,000 to $12,000. Both members of the firm are young, unmarried men, doing a good local business and deserve a liberal patronage of the people. Henry F. Croup was born in ISToble tp., Feb. 12, 1845. His parents, Peter and Emily (Young) Croup; came to Noble tp. dur- ing the year 1835. Mr. Croup was reared on a farm, and like most of our farmer boys, received his education in the common schools. He is local correspondent for several newspapers. Was married in September, 1869, to Miss Adelaide Berrick, who was born in Boston. They have 5 children: Emily, Charley, Daisie, an infant, and Tessie, deceased. Mr. Croup has a farm of 35 acres on sec. 4. Daniel S. Crumpacker, sou of Benjamin and Mary (Stoner) Crumpacker, was born in Botetourt county, Ya., in 1824, and is of German-English descent. His parents, who are now dead, were also natives of Yirginia. His father coming to this State in the fall of 1835, first settled near La Porte, where they resided as farmers about 13 years; but afterward Daniel, the subject of this sketch, having studied medicine, went to Dallas, Tex., where he practiced medicine four years; thence through Mexico to California. He HISTORY OF LA TORTE COTJNTY. 815 remained ten years there, practicing some, and mining part of the time. As Mr. C., in company with two or tliree other gentlemen, were 01 their way to California, they came to where the Indians had killed some white people and they were making a defense. While stopping there, news reached California, and the Governor of that State appointed Mr. C. to remain on the Colorado river, near where Colorado City now stands, and fight the Indians. This he did, stopping there three or four months. He afterward returned to La Porte and came to Noble tj). in 1858, where he now is, a prac- ticing physician ; however, he is now partially retired from business; has had a good practice here. He owns town property in Union Mills, where he h'^s been living for some time, worth al)out $2,500. About 12 or 13 years ago he was married to Louisa Wells, who is now 52 years old and of English-French descent; she is a native of Ohio. His educational advantages were ordinary; he attended med- ical college at La Porte, but never graduated on account of a little difficulty with a professor. He was afterward graduated by the U. S. service, in which he was 1st Sergeant, in the army; he was also Captain and ranked as Major. Mr. C. has traveled considerably, but is now retired, and a highly respected citizen in the community. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. Politi- cally, he is a Republican. Allen Cummings, a farmer of this tp. and residing in the suburbs of Union Mills, was born in New York in 1819. His father was a native of New York, and mother of Canada. He came to Indi- ana in 1838, and first settled at Union Mills, where he still resides. He is also a carpenter by trade. In 1843 he was married to Miss Eliza Stevenson, who is now 52 years old and the mother of 2 children, Henry and Charles; the latter is dead. He owns here 240 acres of good land, worth about $60 per acre. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity; his educational advantages were pretty poor; however, he reads a great deal now. Politically, he is a Republican. Mr. C. is the fourth in a family of 5 children, of whom only 3 are now living, and is a man who commands the respect of all his acquaintances. Joseph Deets, son of Peter and Phebe (Blanchard) Deets, was born in Pennsylvania in 1820, and is of Dutch descent. He came from Pennsylvania to Indiana in 1865, and first settled where he now is, a farmer, at Union Mills. In 1848 he married Miss Lydia Lyons, who is now 62 years old, and they have 8 children, of whom '7 are living: Lewis, Jennie, Linda, Henry, Manda, John and Arda. He owns here 175 acres of excellent farming land, worth about $S0 per acre; he owns also 80 acres in this tp. on sec. 10, and 100 acres on sec. 21. His educational advantages were not very good; was compelled to attend subscription schools in log houses. Politi- cally he is a Republican. Mr. D. is one of the successful farmers of this tp., and is a man of respectability and intelligence. William, FTedrickaon^ son of William and Patience (Zeigler) Fredrickson, who were natives of Pennsylvania, was born in that 816 HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. State in 1838, of Prussian descent. Coming to Indiana June 15j 1852, lie first settled in Noble tp. ; he has resided here ever since. He went into business at Union Mills in 1871, and came to Wells- boro five years ago, with Isaac Waj^, Thomas Hamilton, and Joseph Deets, all of whom laid out the town. He is now in that place doing a general variety business, keeping also on hand a good sup- ply of lime, coal, lumber, etc. He has a stock of $5,000 or $6,000. He was married Jan. 3, 1861, to Miss Mary M. Eemick, who is now living, and the mother of 4 children, all of whom are living: Harry, Anna, Mary and Emma. Mr. F. was this year appointed census enumerator tor this tp. He held the office of School Trustee for about eight years. His facilities for securing an education were fair. He owns 217 acres of land, part of which is worth about $35 and the rest $60 per acre. He is a member of the Masonic frater- nity. He and his wife are earnest members of the Baptist Church. Politically, he is a Rei)ublican. Allen Goff^ son of Brainard Golf, was born in Vermillion county, Ind., in 1828, and is of Dutch descent; his mother died when he was only an infant; parents were both natives of New York. He was married in 1850 to Mary Ann Eobbins, who is now 50 years old, and the mother of 7 children; of the latter only 3 are now living: Ida, Orlando and Emma. He owns where he lives, on sec. 34, 90 acres of good land, worth about $40 per acre. When young, his advantages for securing an education were rather poor, being compelled to attend subscrijDtion schools in log houses; however, he now reads a gj'eat deal. Politically, he is a Republican. Mr. Goff has been and is now a hard-working man, who is highly respected in the community. He is the third in a family of 9 children, and has earned all he has by hard work. Dr. Orlando Harran., son of Nathaniel and Susan (Willey) Harran, was born in Vermont in 1823; his mother is dead, but his father is still living, in Wisconsin, and is 79 years old. Coming to Indiana in 1836, he first settled on Eolling Prairie, this county, where he lived about 12 years; lie then went to Green Lake county. Wis., and remaining there about 15 years, he next removed to Humboldt county, Iowa, residing there about six years; thence he came to Union Mills, Noble tp., where he now resides as a prac- ticing physician. Jan. 1, 1862, he was united in marriage to Arzelia C. Burdick, who is now 46 years old, and the mother of 2 children, both living: Edward I., who is now running a drug store at Union Mills and is doing a good business; he comm^enced business there in 1873, and has a" stock of about $1,000; his annual sales are about $2,500; Efiie L. is still at home. The Doctor owns town property worth about $1,000. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity at Union Mills. His wife is a devoted member of the Presbyterian Church. He was Town Trustee, while a resident of Iowa, and held the honorable office of School Superintendent one term in Wisconsin. His educational advan- tages were very good. He attended the Medical College at La Porte. Politically Dr. H. is a Republican. HISTORT OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 817 James Harsen, a successful fanner and one of the oldest living settlers of Noble tp., was born in Michigan in 1812. His father was William Harsen, who was of Dutch descent; his mother, Isa- bel, 7iee McCollom, was of Scotch descent; both are now deceased. Coming to Indiana in 18-1:2, he first settled at Door Village, Scipio tp., where he purchased a town lot and remained three years; he went from there to Hanna tp., and settled on the Kankakee river, at what was known as Chambers' Landing; he was the tirst man who started a terry and lived at that place, where he resided about five years, and then, on account of the disadvantages in education to which his children were subjected, he came to Noble tp., and settled where he still lives, on sec. 35. He and his wiiie own here 115 acres of ordinary land, worth about $30 per acre. In 1831 he was united in marriage to Miss Elsie Austin, who is now Q'd years of age and the mother of 11 children, of whom 7 are now living: Mary J., Oliver, Lucinda, Marion, Sarah A., Geo. and Louisa. Mr. H. is next to the oldest in a family of 9 children, of whom 5 are now living. His education was rather limited, being only such as was afforded by a subscription school. Politically, he was a Whig nntil the organization of the Republican party, since which time he has been connected with that party. Thomas Hochney, son of John and Rebecca (Burkett) Hockney, now both deceased, was born in England in 1820. His parents were also natives of England. Coming to America in 1851, he first located in Noble tp., where he has been ever since. He is now on sec. 27 and owns here 200 acres of land, worth about $40 per acre. It is well improved, and has on it a good, substantial house which he built seven yearri ago at a cost of about $1,300. In 1819 he was united in marriage to Harriet Hunsley, who is now 52 years old and the mother of 3 children, only one of the latter now living: Emma. His educational advantages were good. He and wife are both ardent members of tlie Methodist Protestant Church. Politi- cally, Mr. H. was formerly a Republican, but is now quite inde- pendent. He has earned all he has by hard work, and is a man of respectability in his community. William Ilocktiey, son of John and Rebecca (Burkett) Hockney, was born in England in 1805. Coming to America in 1853, he first settled in this tp., and has been a resident of it ever since ; he is now on sec. 34, and owns here 160 acres of land, some of which is marshy; he owns also 130 acres in Hanna tp., all of which is marsh land. He was married to Martha Prestley, who is now about 73 years old and the mother of 2 children, both of whom are living: Harriet and William. Mr. H. has been and is still a hard-working man. Politically, he is a Republican. TF-iZZ/cn^i Zat^j.S'OM, son of Thomas and Ann (Sylvester) Lawson, was born in England in 1836, coming to America 14 years ago. He first settled in this tp., where he now is, on sec. 32. He owns here 112 acres of ordinary land, worth about $30 per acre. He was mar- ried in 1870 to Miss Susanna Toyne, who is now 36 years old and 818 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. the mother of 4 children, of whom 3 are now living: Rosilla, Dora M. and Mary M. His educational advantages in England when young were pretty good and he now reads a great deal. Politically, he is a Republican. Mr. L. is a hard-working man who has earned nearly all he has by hard work, and is a man who attends to his own business, and thus he is well liked by all who know him. Thomas Layman^ son of Joshua and Eliza (Travers) Layman, was born in New York in 1828, and is of Dutch descent on his father's side, and Yankee on his mother's side. His parents were also natives of New York and are now both dead. He came to Indi- ana with his father in the fall of 1833, and first settled where he still resides on sec. 2. In 1851 he was married to Sophia Youngs, who died in four years after their marriage; she was the mother of 3 children, of whom only one is now living: Anna. He was married the second time in 1856 to Agnes Peterson, who is now 45 years old and the mother of 7 children; of these G are now living: Cass C, Norvel, Henrietta, Delbert, Addie and Jennie. Mr. L. owns here 68 acres, and 20 acres of timber land in the same tp. ; the farm- ing land he values at about $10 per acre. He once held the ofiice of Constable. His educational advantages were rather poor. He and wife are members of the Baptist Church. Politically, he is a Democrat. John A. Lloyd^^ovi. of John and Rebecca (Barlow) Lloyd, both of whom are now living, was born in Jefterson county, Indiana, in 1839, and is of Welsh-English descent. In 1838 his father came to Indiana and first settled in Jefferson county, where he remained 12 years, and where John, the subject of this sketch, was born; from there his father removed to La Porte county, and settled where he still resides, on sec. 28, this tp. His father and mother, who are yet quite smart for old people, are both natives of Pennsylvania; his father is 81 years old and his mother is 74. He was married April 14, 1865, the memorable day on which Lincoln was killed, to Miss Altha McNett, who is now 31 years of age. and the mother of 3 children; of the latter, 2 are now living, Owen L. and John B. Mr. L. is the sixth in a family of 9 children, of whom 5 are now living, and his education was such as he was able to receive at a common school; he reads a good deal now; his father, when young was a school-teacher. Both father and son are living on the same sec; father owns 160 acres of good land, which he estimates at about $45 per acre; the son, John, owns 52 acres on same sec. Politically, l)e is a Greenbacker. Henry L. Loomis^ son of Lester and Elizabeth (Orton) Loomis, both of whom are now living at Union Mills, was born in this county in 1838; his parents are natives of New York. Henry, the subject of this sketch, was a resident of Scipio tp. all his life until he came to Noble in 1873. In 1860 he was united in marriage to Miss Minerva Teeter, who is now 38 years of age; she is the mother of 2 children, both of whom are now living: Henry E. and Eliza- beth S. Mr. L. owns 75 acres of good land in Scipio tp., worth about HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 819 $85 per acre. He has held the office of Township Trustee in Scipio tp. His educational advantages were tolerably fair; attended col- lege some in Wisconsin. He and wife are both devoted members of the M, E. Church, of which he is Clerk; he is also Master of the Masonic Lodge at Union Mills. Politically, Mr. L. is a Republi- can. He was formerly a farmer, but coming to Union Mills in 1873, he engaged in the grain business, and is at present a grain merchant, handling all kinds of grain. In 1873 he built the eleva- tor at that place, at a cost of about $2,800, and in 1879 sold it to the Grand Trunk R. R. Co. He handles about 100 cars of grain annually; ships mostly to Baltimore and New York. Nathan D. McCormich, of the firm of McCormick & Craft, hard- ware dealers at Wellsboro, was born in Scipio tp., this county, in 1849. His parents, both of whom are now deceased, were natives of Pennsylvania. In 1870 he was married to Linda Deets, who is now 26 years of age, a native of Pennsylvania and of Irish descent; she is the mother of 2 children: Jennie and Harry, Mr. McCor- mick is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and his wife is a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church, Politically, he is a Democrat. He was engaged in the hardware business at Union Mills a little less than two years; has been in Wellsboro over 3 years in the same business. McCormick & Craft have a stock of about $1,.500; annual sales about $3,000; they are doing a good business here in a general hardware line. JBhxl McLaue, son of Jesse and Amelia (Newman) McLane, who are now both deceased, was born in Wayne county Ind,, in 1817, His father, who was a native of Pennsylvania, was of Irish-Scotch descent; his mother, a native of Yirginia, was of Welsh descent. Mr. McLane has alwa}s been a resident of this State; coming to La Porte county in 1832, in company with his father, he first settled in Kankakee tp. ; remaining there a short time became to this tp. in 1834, and settled on sec. 4; he has been a resident of this tp. ever since. In 1844 he was united by matrimonial ties to Abigail Wells, who is now 55 years old and the mother of 2 chil- dren; only one is now living, George L.; the other, Albert S., died about 7 years ago. His wife is a native of Ohio, and is of English descent. Although Mr. McLane in his younger days had only the educational advantages offered by a common subscription school in a log house, he is an intelligent man who reads considerably, and is upright in business. Lie is a member of the Masonic fraternity at Union Mills. Both he and wife are earnest members of the Presbyterian Church, and live consistently with their profession. Politically, he is a Republican. At present Mr. McLane owns 472 acres of excellent farming land, which he values at about $70 per acre. He is now engaged at Union Mills, with his only son George L,, in a general merchandise business; he has a full stock of dry goods, groceries, hardware and agricultural implements, amount- ing to about $6,000; his annual sales are about $15,000 to $20,000, and he is doing a good business, trying to please all by being hon- est in everything. 820 HISTOKY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. Timothy McLane^ son of John and Clarkey (World) McLane, both of whom are now living in this tp., was born in this tp., in 1843, and is of Scotch descent. His father is a native of Ohio, and his mother of North Carolina. Mr. McLane has two brothers living, William H. and Jesse; one brother, Alonzo, died in the army at Jl^ashville, Tenn. ; another brother, Richard, was killed in the army at Murfrees- boro. Timothy, the subject of this sketch, was married in 1868 to Miss Rebecca Croup, who is now 31 years of age and the mother of 3 children, of whom only one is now living, Frank B., who is four years old. He was formerlj^ a farmer until 15 years of age, taught school two winters during that time; went into the mercantile business at Union Mills in the fall of 186Y, remaining in that about five years; he tlien sold out, and two years afterward engaged in the same business with his uncle; four years after this, on account of ill health, he became a grain merchant in company with T. H. Wells, at Wellsboro. He owns 160 acres of excellent farming land, worth about $75 per acre; he also owns town property worth about $1,400. His educational advantages, when young, were good. He is a Mason, and he and his wife are both members of the Advent Church. Politically, he is a Republican. Last year the firm of McLane & Wells shipped 200,000 bushels of grain. They ship mostly to Baltimore. Oeo. W. Meredith^ son of Peter and Elizabeth (Haze) Meredith, was born in Indiana in 1851. His father, who is now living with him, is a native of Ohio, and of Scotch descent; his mother, who is now deceased, was a native of Ohio. In 1873 Mr. M. came to this county and settled where be now is, in Union Mills, as a practicing physician. He is doing a good business here. His receipts last year were about $3,500. He was married in 1874 to Miss Clara L. Yaill, who is now 26 years old and the mother of 2 children, both of whom are now living: George B. and Elizabeth. He owns here property worth about $1,000; is a member of the Masonic lodge. He and wife are members of the Baptist Church. Politically, Mr. M. is a Democrat, but is quite liberal in tp. political affairs, always voting for the best man. His educational advantages were very good; is a graduate of the Indiana Medical College at Indianapolis, and received an honorary degree at the Butler University. Before studying medi- cine, Mr. M. was a carpenter, merchant, farmer, and school-teacher at dift'erent times. Oeorge Mill, son of John and Catharine (Clinker) Mill, was born in Pennsylvania in 1812, and is of German descent; his parents were also natives of Pennsylvania. Coming to Indiana in 1844, he remained only three years, then returning to Pennsylvania; remain- ing there three years, he came to Indiana again in 1850, and settled where he now is, on sec. 14. In 1835 he was married to Elizabeth Line, and they have had 6 children, all of whom are living: Mary L., wife of Charles Stark; Henry, a farmer, at home; Peter, who is selling machinery; Sylvester, whose sketch is next given; Frank HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 821 H., a farmer, in Pleasant tp. ; Charles C, who is still at home. He owns here 180 acres of good land, which he values at about $75 per acre. Mr. M. was Township Trustee for a number of years; his wife is a member of the Advent Church. Politically, he was formerly a Republican, but is now independent in politics, always voting for the best man. Sylvester Mills son of George and Elizabeth (Line) Mill, both of whom are now living, was born in Pennsylvania in 1843, and is of Dutch descent. His parents are also natives of Pennsylvania. Coming to Ind. in 1850, he first settled where his father still resides, on sec. 14 of this tp. ; he has lived where he now is for 5 years, on sec. 14. He owns here 20 acres of good land, worth about $40 per acre. H'e is a farmer, but deals in machinery a great deal. In 1864 he was married to Marietta Miller, who is now 35 years old and the mother of 9 children; all are living and at home: Clara, Mary, Stella, Liz- zie, Gertrude, Harry and Hazzie, who are twins, Sadie and Helen. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Politically, he is a Republican. James II . Miller^ son of Moses and Fredrica (Mock) Miller, both of whom are still living, was born in Pennsylvania in 1839, and is of German descent; his parents are also natives of the Keystone State. Mr. M. came with his father to Ind. in the spring of 1857, and first settled in Noble tp., where his father still resides, a farmer. James was formerly a farmer, and came to Union Mills in 1878, and went into the business he is now engaged in, namely, conducting the hotel in that place. He owns the property on which he lives, worth about $600. He was married in 1867 to Miss Emma A, Learn, who is now 32 years of age, and the mother of 2 children, both of whom are living: Ella and Lew W. He has never held any offices except that of Supervisor; his educational advantages were only common. He is a member of the Masonic lodge, and his wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Politically, Mr. M. is a Republican. Miss Eliza E. Nickell was born at Attica, Ind., in 1832. Her mother died when she was about 9 years old; her father is still living, a resident of La Porte. Mrs. JS^. was brought to this county when only 2 years old, and has been a resident of it ever since; she is now residing on sec. 18, of Noble tp. She was married in 1850 to C. PI. Nickell, who died in 1867. She owns, where she lives, 160 acres of land, some of which is marsh and timber land. She is the mother of 3 children: Mary E., Emma and William H. Her educational advantages were very good for the time. She is an earnest member of the M. E. Church, and a lady of great religious worth and Christian intelligence. Job II. Nortliavi was born in Washington county, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1827. His parents were Asa and Emily (Kent) Northam, the former of Colchester, Conn., and the latter of Dorset, Vt. Mr. Northam was raised on a farm and educated in the public schools of Michigan City and La Porte. He was a member of the Home 822 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. Militia. He was married May 31, 1855, to Olive Loomis, and they have 4 children, of whom 2 are dead. The names of the living are Susan and Harry. Mr. Northam and his family are members of high standing in the Presbyterian Church. He owns 200 acres in sec. 3. Samuel O'Uara, son of Edward and Mary (Anthony) O'Hara, both of whom are now dead, was born in Pennsylvania in 1816, and is of Dutch-Irish descent. He went with his father from Penn- sylvania into Ohio when he was 5 years old, and after remaining there about 12 years., he came to Ind., and settled in this tp, where he still lives, on sec. 20. He owns here 200 acres of land, which he values at about $60 per acre. In 1846 he was married to Phebe Shaw, who died in 1849; she was the mother of 2 children, of whom one is now living, Benjamin E. He was married the second time in 1852, to Miss Rhoda Lindsy, who is now 49 years old and the mother of 8 children; of these, 5 are now living, Martha A.: John W., Mary L., Samuel T., and Etta O. Mr. O'Hara's early educa- tion was very limited. Politically, he has been a Republican, but is now inclined to be a Greenbacker. Oliver A. Porter, son of Oliver and Lydia (Cragg) P., was born in this county in 1838, and has been a resident of it all his life. In 1869 he was united in marriage to Caroline Kephart, who is now 32 years old and the mother of 3 children, all living: Hiram, Burton and Francis. He owns where he lives, on sec. 2, 110 acres of good, well-improved land, which he values at about $60 per acre. His educational advantages were very good when young. Politically, Mr. P. is a Democrat. Isaac N. Ramho, son of Absalom and Charlotte Evans, was born in Wayne county, Ind., in 1823, and is of English descent on his father's side, and of Scotch on his mother's side. His father was a native of Virginia, and his mother of Maryland; both are now deceased. He came to this county in the spring of 1831 and located first in Scipio tp., where he lived six years, and then went to Whitley county; after having lived there one year he came to Noble tp.. where he now is, on sec. 11. He was married in 1857 to Miss Clarissa Canfield, who died about 10 years after their marriage; she was tlie mother of 4 children, all of whom are living: Charles, Anna, William and Ralph. He was married the second time in 1864, to Jane Fredrickson, who is now 40 years of age, and they are the parents of one child. He owns here 80 acres of excellent land, worth about $60 per acre; owns also 160 acres of good land in Missouri. Mr. R. is now School Trustee of this tp. His educational advantages when young were fair, and he reads a great deal. He is a member of the Masonic Lodge at Union Mills. Politically, he is a Republican. J. T. Terry, son of Thomas and Eliza Barnes, was born in New York in 1838, and is of English and American descent. Coming to Indiana in 1839, he first settled east of La Porte; came where he now is in 1865. In the latter year he was united in marriage to HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 823 Lizzie Emigh, who is now 34 years of age and is the mother of 3 children: Eva, Calie and Ina. He owns 65 acres of land where he lives, and 40 on sec. 35, worth about $50 per acre. He has held the office of Justice of the Peace; is a member of the Masonic frater- nity; his estimable wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Politically, he is a Republican. Mr. T. is one of the successful farmers of this tp., and is a man who is well liked and respected by the wdiole community. Nelson J. Titus, son of James and Martha S. (Warner) Titus, both of whom are now dead, was born in Ashtabula county, Ohio, in 1834, and is of Scotch-Irish descent. His parents were both natives of New York. Coming to Indiana in 1837, he first settled in Centre tp., near La Porte, where he remained nearly two years, and then went to Scipio tp. in company with his father; after liv- ing there about 18 years, he came to JS'oble tp., where he has been ever since. He came to the town of Wellsboro three years ago, where he has been proprietor of the hotel. He is a carpenter by trade; owns 64 acres of good land in this tp., worth about $2,500. In 1856 he was united in marriage to Lorilla Dunham, who died in. 1862; he was married the second time in 1866, to Miss Charlotte Brown, wdio is now 38 years of age, and the mother of one child, Nellie ; his first wife was the mother of 2 children, both of whom are still living: Charles W. and Cora, His educational advantages were poor; had to go two miles to attend subscription schools in log houses; however, he reads considerably now. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity; his wife is a member of the Methodist Church. Politically, Mr. T. is a Pepublican, Orville Tryon, a successful farmer and one of the old settlers of La Porte county, was born in Vermont in 1821, and is of English descent. His father, David Tryon, now dead, was a native of Ver- mont; his mother, whose maiden name was Minerva Castle, now also deceased, was a native of Canada. He came to Indiana in 1836 and first located at Michigan City, where he remained till 24 or 25 years ago; while there he helped build a vessel, on which he sailed two seasons; he saw the first vessel that ever entered Michigan har- bor; from that place he went to La Porte, where he lived two or three years and then came to Noble tp. ; he is now on sec. 6. He was married in 1859 to Eleanor G. Bragg, who is* now 50 years of age, and they are the parents of 3 children, of whom all are still liv- ing: Carrie C, Mary G. and Nellie B. He owns here 58 acres of good land, worth about $40 per acre; in Scipio tp. he owns a half sec, of which about 80 acres are marsh. His educational advan- tages when young were good, but like a great many other boys he failed to take advantage of them. Mr. T. is a hard-working man and has earned all he has by hard work. He and his wife are not members of the Church, but are both believers in Spiritualism. Politically, Mr. T. is a Republican. Isaac Way, son of Samuel and Betsy (Preston) Way, both of whom are now dead, was born in Connecticut in 1816, and is of 824: HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. English descent. His parents were also natives of Connecticut. He came to Indiana in 1838, and first settled in La Porte county; has been in Noble tp. since 1842. He is now on sec. 9, and owns here 332 acres of good land, on sees. 9 and 10, worth about $75 per acre; he owns also 500 acres on sec. 23 of same tp. In 1842 he was united in marriage to Miss Rosanna Wellman, who died in 1876, the mother of 6 children, of whom 4 are living: Ira, who is a farmer in Scipio tp. ; Ada, who is the wife of Charles Fredrickson, batcher at Union Mills; Ella, the wife of Hobert Crawford, a resi- dent of Colorado, and Othie, who is still at home, 20 years old. His educational advantages were only such as were afforded by the common schools of his younger days. He has been Township Trustee for 10 years. His wife was a devoted member of the Pres- byterian Church. Politically, Mr. Way is a Republican. He is one of the very old settlers of this tp., and is now endeavoring to take life easy by ceasing from hard work and making the best of his aged days. As a man he is upright and intelligent; as a citi- zen, obedient to the calls of duty. W. K. Wellman., son of John and Patience (Haskill) Wellman, was born in Pennsylvania in 1833, and is of Scotch descent; his mother is still living, and his father died about 45 years ago. Com- ing with his father to Indiana in 1834, he iirst settled in Clinton tp.; after residing there 21 years, he went to Iowa and remained 18 months; upon returning he settled again in this county; he is now on Charles Fredrickson's place, on sec. 26. He was married in 1856 to Miriam Brown, who died three years afterward; he was married a second time 21 years ago, to Laura Brown, no relation of his first wife, who is now 41 years old and the mother of the follow- ing 5 children: Ira, Ora, Rosa, Ev^a and Benjamin. Mr. W.s' education when young was only common. Politically, he is a Re- publican. TF. H. Wordeji, son of Asa and Dorothy (Bowers) Worden, who are now deceased, was born in Ohio in 1818; his parents were both natives of New York. Coming to Indiana in 1845, he first settled at Door Tillage, in Scipio tp., where he resided about two years; he then removed to this tp.; he is now at Union Mills engaged in blacksmithing, with his son Hiram N. In 1840 he was married to Elizabeth Bennett, who is now 61 years of age and the mother of 2 children, only one now living, Hiram. Mr. W. was formerly a farmer with his father. His educational advantages were ordinary; reads a great deal now. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Politically, Mr. Worden is a Democrat. PLEASANT TOWNSHIP. It is alleged that in the early settlement of Northern Indiana, that part of it tlien denominated as Pleasant township was one ol the most beautiful and lovely tracts of land in La Porte county. Judging from reliable accounts given by the old settlers, concern- ino- the pristine condition of this township, surely the name " Pleas- ant " was a fit epithet; for here it was that thick forests of lotty and verdant trees, interwoven here and there beneath by tall grass, sweetly blooming and fragrant flowers, and wild strawberries grew unharmed, untouched, save by the rude hand of the. red man. Flower-clad prairies, too, broke the monotony of the gentle, rolling landscape, and the territory was dotted throughout by shining little lakes, containing pure water from heaven, where the wild deer was once wont to stoop and drink and quench its longing thirst. Lut those early characteristics of Pleasant township have long since been utterly transformed; however, it is still a desirable locality m which to live. A little over half a century has brought about wondei'ful and almost incomparable changes in the direction of civilization, progress, prosperity and happiness. A half century ago all was wild and uncultivated; the country was then inhabited by scatter- ing Indians of the Pottawatomie tribe, who roamed promiscuously about through the county from La Porte to Michigan City; these were removed in 1837, and to-day the township is settled by an intelligent class of citizens, who pride themselves in the improve- ment of their community, and who have changed the rude forests and grass-covered prairies into well-improved farms, productive of immense crops of wheat, corn and oats and fruit of all varieties; the little lakes are now mostly filled up, and form a part of the culti- vated land. These changes 50 years liave wrought, and now, having noticed them, let us turn our attention to the original boundaries of this township, and also let us observe through whose instrumentalitv they were caused. At the March term of the Commissioners' Court, in 1834, the Board passed the following order: "On motion of William Holmes, Kankakee township is divided by the line running east and west between townships 36 and 37, all that part south of said line in said county to constitute and form a new township of the name of Pleasant; that the house of Oliver Classon shall be the place appointed to hold elections for said township, and that James Webster be appointed inspector of elections until the April annual election, or until his successor be elected and qualified. " But since that time the limits have been changed; out of the territory which (825) 826 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. was in that year made Pleasaiit township, have been formed John- son, Lincoln, and Union townships, so that at the present time Pleasant is only two-thirds of a full township, containing only 24 sections; the two southern tiers of sections which should properly belong to Pleasant, now form a part of Union township. Pleasant is township 36 north, range 2 west, and is situated near the center of the county. It is bounded on the north by Kankakee, on the east by Lincoln, on the south by Union, and on the west by Scipio. The earliest settler of the township was James Webster, who settled on section 1 as early as 1832; about the same time came his son-in-law, James Highley ; they were from Virginia. Li 1833 came Silas Hale and Oliver Classon, who settled on section 22; John Wilson, from Ohio, came the same year; also Andrew Har- vey, who settled on section 21, and Asa Owen, on section 22. In 1834 came Ralph Loomis, and George S. McCollum, who settled on sec. 12; and Samuel Stewart, James Yan Valkenburgh and a great many others came in 1835. May 26, 1836, jreorg g^esajermatt.. arrived, bought land, and returned to his native State; Dec. 1, 1836, he came back and located permanently; he is now on section 10, and is the only one of the old settlers thus far mentioned who is yet a resident of the township. In the same year came his brother-in-law, J. G. McCaskey. Among those now living in the township, the following may be mentioned as old settlers: W. W. Burhans, David E. Coplin, Ziba Bailey, William Everhart and Charles W. Wing. Mary A. Whitzell, now on section 22, George Bosserraan, on section 10, and Ziba Bailey, on section 1, are the old- est living settlers of the township. From this time on it would be difficult to trace the settlement of the township, as the population increased very rapidly; suffice it to say that the township soon became peopled by a class of hard-working, industrious, wealthy farmers, who made the township what it is to-day. And right here, in attributing justice and deference to the history of this township and its inhabitants, it may be well to state that within the last ten years a great many old settlers and prominent men have moved away, most of them to La Porte, and are now retired farm- ers; a good many have also moved away never to revisit it, having passed from this life. In the year 1835 or '36 Mr. Whitmer built a saw-mill on the Little Kankakee. Root and Graham also built one on the same stream, and about 1850 the Websters put up another. These mills are now no more. About 1868 a iiouving mill was erected on the same stream on section one, by Jno. Forrey; this mill, the only one in the township, was soon after bought by William Forrey, who is now proprietor. He is doing a good business, both custom and merchant; sells flour in several of the neighboring towns, and runs six days out of the week. The mill is situated on the Little Kan- kakee, which runs through the northeastern part of the township, crossing sections two, one and twelve. It is the only stream in Pleasant township, and is one of the most beautiful little streams of pure sparkling, living water in the county. /^t HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. 829 KAIL ROADS. The Indianapolis, Peru & Chicago raih'oad crosses the township diagonally from northwest to southeast. The Grand Trunk rail- road passes through the southeastern part of the township, cross- ing sections 22, 23, 2-i and 13. These two roads intersect on section 23. There was formerly a little station called Stillwell situated on the line between sections 14 and 15. This was only a small place and had no railroad. When the two roads were built through the township, the junction proper took the name of Stillwell, which is only a railroad junction and does considerable railroad business. There are only a few houses in the so-called town. Dr. C. E. Young is located here and has a small drug store; there is also a postoffice, and Dr. Young is the postmaster. This is all there is by way of a town in Pleasant township. SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. The first school-house built in the township was known by the name of " Old Charity," or " the traveling school-house." It was a migratory concern, and was built on section eight. There seems to have been some difference of opinion as regards the proper loca- tion of the house. A history of this " traveling school-house" is given by General Packard in his History of La Porte County. We quote the following from his History of Pleasant township: "A number of those interested were opposed to having it on the site where it was built, &nd they put it on wheels or rollers, and moved it to another place which suited them better. Then the other party hitched on to it one day (or night) and pulled it back to its former location. A second time it migrated; and this time it was run on the top of a stump, so as to fasten it; but it was afterward pried or cut loose, and was made to take two or three more journeys before the dispute was settled and the migratory school-house was permitted to have a permanent abiding place." For about three years it moved about, until finally it was located on section 17, where it stands to-day, still being used for school pur- poses. In the early settlement of the township there were only two school-houses; but since that time great improvement and advance- ment have been made in this direction. There are now five good school buildings known by number and conveniently located, each district being furnished with from six to eight months' school annu- ally. Pleasant township is blessed with only one church, the Metho- dist Episcopal, situated on section two, built in 1S53, and is known as Salem Chapel. It was built by Wiley P. Watkins, who was pastor at that time; his nephew, T. C. Stringer, is the present pastor, and George Bosserman is the present trustee. Some of the charter members were J. G. McCaskey and wife, and „ Geo, Bosser man and wife. The congregation now numbers about 45. 52 830 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. There is also a Sunday-school in connection with the Church, oi whichMr. Bosserraan is the Superintendent. The first preachers of Pleasant township were Elder St. Clair, " Campbellite"; Elder Spalding, Baptist; and Rev. George M. Boyd, Methodist. MISCELLANEOUS. Politicall}^, Pleasant township is Republican; the population of the township in 1870 was 814; in 1880 it was 674, thus showing a decrease' of 240; this is accounted for by the fact, as before men- tioned, that during the last decade a great many have died and moved away. The census enumerator, appointed for the year 1880, was Allen Burhans. The first Justice of the Peace of Pleasant township* was either Geo. McCoUom or Geo. Havens; the township has only one Justice; the present one is James O. Crowl. The present Scliool Trustee is John Whitmer. There are two ceme- teries in the township, one on section two and the other on section ten. The latter is known as Salem cemeter3\ Comparatively few of the early settlers of this township are now living; most of them now sleep that sleep the loveliest since it dreams the least; somewhere They sleep in secret, but their sod, Unknown by man, is marked by God. PERSONAL. The following sketches are short biographies of many of the pio- neers and leading citizens of Pleasant township, which will be found equally interesting to the residents of the community. Ziha Bailey was born in Cairo, Greene county, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1807. According to the traditions of the family his paternal ancestor came from Wales and settled in Hartford, Conn., in the early days of that colony. His grandfathers on both sides lived and died in Connecticut. His father, Ebenezer Bailey, moved to Cairo, N. Y., in 1806, and engaged in farming; two or three years afterward he moved with his family to Hector, Tompkins county, JST. Y., settling near Seneca lake. He was an active, influential man, and served in the war of 1812. While on the lines he was seized by an epidemic then prevalent, and died shortly after his return home, at the close of the war. He is buried at " Peach Orchard." He married Lydia Bradley, also a native of Connecticut, and their children were Nancy, Martin, Hiram, Lydia, Ziba and Sylves- ter, of whom the subject of this sketch is the only one now living. Nancy married Joel Peck, of Tompkins county, N. Y. ; Martin married Pagy Banker, reared a family of children, and died in 1851 ; Hiram married Elizabeth Bohr, oi' Pennsylvania, and brought up a large family; Lydia married Erastus Peck, of New York, and also had a family of children ; Sylvester married Polly Carter, had HISTORY OF LA. POKTE COUNTY. 831 one child, moved to Indiana and died; his wife and child are also dead. Mrs. Lydia Bailey died about 1821. Mr. Ziba Bailey, dnring his childhood, attended the home school, the advantages of which at that day were very limited. After the death of his mother he was bound out to his brother-in-law until of age, and he remained with him until sometime after he was 21. At the age of 22 he commenced to learn the carpenter and joiner's trade, at which he worl^ed two years after coming to La Porte county. On arrival here, May 13, 1836, he settled south of La Porte city, in Scipio tp., where no improvements had been made anywhere within siglit. lie remained here about a year and a half ; he resided one year in Centre tp., then about three years in La Porte, as a carpenter, grain dealer and farmer; then he lived ten years on sec. S, Pleasant tp, ; in 1852 he bought a half of sec. 1, same tp., and moved his family there, where he has remained ever since. He started in life vdth nothing, and came to this county with only $450, but ha now owns 710 acres of land, valued at $15 an acre. He has now one of the best farms in the county. In 1831 Mr. Bailey married Hannah Sophronia Peck, daughter of Jason Peck, of New York, and their children are: Nancy, born Oct. 25, 1831; 'Oliver B., Oct. 5, 1833; Martin H., Sept. 23, 1835, died March 4, 1853; Lydia K., born Jan. 6, 1838, died Oct. 8, fol- lowing; and Thisba A., born April 14, 1842, died Dec. 28 following. Mrs. Bailey died in 1842, and in 1844 Mr. B. married Elizabeth Roberts, of La Porte, who was born in Korth Carolina about 1822, daughter of Wm. Roberts, and their children are: Ziba, born Aug. 14, 1847, died Jan. 2, 1848; Lydia A., born June 5, 1849; George W., Dec. 25, 1852; James M., Jan. 1, 1854; Harriet A., Dec.'28, 1856; Eliza E., March 4, 1858; Ziba, Feb. 20, 1860; and Susan, April 1, 1862. Mr. Bailey was formerly a Whig, and is a Republican. During the dark days of the Rebellion he took a strong stand on the side of the Union; was a member of the Union League, an organization for the support, of the war and protection of the Union men and prop- erty at home. At one time this order received notice of a large quantity of firearms for use by the Knights of the Golden Circle, and kindred societies. At a meeting in La Porte they took measures to capture these arms, but the treacherous disclosure of a sp}^ led to their removal to another place in the safe keeping of the Knights. Mr. B. was almost the only Union man in his neighborhood, and he had no sympathy whatever with the doctrines of secession so rife all around him. It required heroism to take the stand which he did during those trying times. He is now a Justice of the Peace, and has been for 12 years; was also Township Trustee in 1865. He has been a member of the Baptist Church 46 years, and his wife 29 years. Where Mr, Bailey lived in New York State the citizens were men of their word, and paid their debts without having to give notes of hand; but on coming West he found the plan would not 832 HISTOKY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. work. He lost money by trusting people without taking a cast-iron note, with security, which plan he adopted. Mr. Bailey's portrait is given on page 827 of this volume. Christ BielefeJt, son of Frederick and Fredrica Bielefelt, was born in Germany in 182T, and came to America in 1857, first set- tling in La Porte, where he remained about two years and then came to Pleasant tp. He owns here 80 acres of good land, worth about $75 per acre. He was married in 1853 to Sophia Lempke, who is now 54 years of age and a native of Germany; she is the mother of 7 children, 5 living: Minnie, Sophia, Louisa, Ella and Christ. His educational advantages were verj' good. He is a Democrat and a hard-working farmer, who has earned all he has by industry and careful management. He and his wife are members of the German Lutheran Church. "i George Bosserman^ one of the old settlers and prominent farmers of Pleasant tp., was born in Perry county, Penn., in 1815, and is of German-English descent. His parents, Philip and Beulal4(Wil- liams) Bosserman, both now deceased, were natives of Pennsylvania. Coming to Indiana in 1830, he first located in this tp. ; he is now on sec. 10. if. Li 1838 he was united by matrimonial ties to Miss Frances Toney, who died March 18, 18i2; she was a native of Ohio, and the mother of 2 children, of which only one, Caroline, is now living; John W. is dead. Mr. B. was married the second time in 1843 to Minerva AValker; she is now living, 63 years of age, the mother of 10 children, of whom 7 are living: Oliver, Clarinda, Simeon, Harriet, Nettie, AYilliam and Ora; Jerome, Mary and Charles are dead. His wife is a native of Kentucky. Mr. B. has been Township Trustee; was a member of the Union League during the war; his facilties for acquiring a good education were rather inferior to those of the present day; had to attend subscription schools in log houses, there being no public schools when he was young. Politically, he is a Republican. He owns in this tp. 300 acres of good land, some little of which is timber and marsh, is well improved, and worth about $60 per acre. When he com- menced in life he had very little means, but has succeeded remarkably well in making accumulations; he is now a wealthy and highly respectable citizen of his community. W . W. Burhans was born in New York in 1833; his parents were William and Jane (Depew) Burhans; came to Indiana in 1837, and located with his father in Kankakee tp., where his parents both died. He came to Pleasant tp. 24 years ago, and is now on see. 3; P. O. address. La Porte. He owns here 88 acres of land; also 12-|- acres of timber in the same tp. In 1855 he was married to Mary Canaday, now 45 years old and the mother of one child, Albert C. Mr. B. was elected Justice of the Peace, but did not qualif3^ He and wife are members of the M. E. Church, and he is a Kepublican. David E. Coplin, a farmer on sec. 3, P. O., La Porte, is the son of Isaac B. and Lavina (Evans) Coplin, and was born in La Porte county in 1838; he is of Dutch descent. His father is a native of "* , HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 833 Yirginia; is now living in Nebraska, and is 65 years old; his mother, who was a native of Pennsylvania, died in La Porte in 1874. Mr. C. has been a resident of this county all his life, except about three years, during which time he was in Iowa. He was married July 4, 1858, to Miss Martha Ocker, who is a native of Ohio, born in 1841, and is of Dutch descent; she is the daughter of Stephen and Kachel (Jones) Ocker. From this marriage she is the mother of 6 children, of whom all are living: Ellen, Anna, Alma, William, Josie and Johnny; the last two are twins. Ellen is the wife of John Sliopp, a farmer in Kankakee tp.; Alma is the wife of John Dennie, a tarmer of Union tp, Mr. C. owns 157 acres of well- improved land, which he values at about $50 per acre. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Church; politically, he is a lie- publican. His education was somewhat neglected when young, attending common schools only three months out of the year; how- ever, he reads a good deal now. Mr, C. is an industriofls fanner, and has earned ail he has by " the sweat of his brow," having had no start in life. He also conducts a butcher shop in La Porte, Nathan. N. Crane, a farmer on sec. 23; P. O., Stillwell; was born in La Porte county, Ind., in 1S53, and is of Dutcli descent. His father and mother are both living in Centre tp. In 1875 he was united in marriage to Miss Cecelia R. Philips, who is now 27 years old and a native of Indiana. She is the mother of the 3 following children, all livdng: Bertha G., Jesse and an infant unnamed. He is now living on his father's farm, consisting of 285 acres. Politi- cally, Mr. C. is a Republican. His advantages for securing an edu- cation were inferior to those of to-day, but he reads a great deal when he has time, and is a hard-working man. James 0. Croiol was born in Pleasant tp., La Porte county, Ind., in 1846, and is of German descent on his father's side and Irish on his mother's side. His fother, Benjamin, died in 1806; his mother, Martha (Finley) Crowl, is now 54 years old and a resident of Union tp. In 1872 Mr. C. was united in marriage to Miss Margaret J, Kissell, a native of Pennsylvania, who is now 26 years old and the mother of one child, Bertha E. He owns here 80 acres of land, worth about $45 per acre. He is a Republican ; has been a farmer all his life, and has been going with a thresliing machine for a number of years. He is now Justice of the Peace of Pleasant tp. His education was limited, but he reads considerably when he has time. He is a hard-working, industrious man. Fi'ed Dietrich, son of Joseph and Mary Dietrich, is a native of Germany, coming to America about 13 years ago; he first settled in this county, of which he has been a resident ever since; has been on the place on wliich he now lives for fi\-e years. In 1873 he was united in marriage to Riecke Dust, who is now 28 years old and the mother of 4 children, of whom 3 are living: Charles, Albert and Rose. Politically, he is a Democrat. He and his wife are both members of the German Lutheran Church. 834 HISTOKT OF LA PORTE COUNTY. *^* William Forrey, a miller on sec. 1 ; P. O. address, La Porte; wds born in Pennsylvania in 1830, and is of Scotch descent. His par- ents were Frederick and Elizabeth (Cooper) Forrej; his mother, a native of Scotland, is still living in Ohio; his father, a native of Pennsylvania, died there some years ago. Coming to this county in 1858, he first settled in Union tp., where he remained about ten years, and then came to this tp. He was married in 1852 to Sarah Lehman, who- is now 53 years old and the mother of 3 children: John, Morris and Sarah E. Politically, Mr. F. is a Republican. His education was rather limited, but he reads a great deal. He is now proprietor and conductor of the flouring mill on the little Kankakee river, and is doing a good merchant and custom business. Freder'ich Geei\ farmer, sec. 31; P. O., Kingsbury; was born in Crawford county, Penn., Aug. 20, 1819. His parents were Joseph and Sarah'Geer. He was reared on a farm and educated in a com- mon school. He came to this county in 1837 and first settled in Union tp., and afterward in Pleasant, where he has since resided, engaged in farming and stock-raising. Aug. 20, 1843, he was married to Miss Mary Bartlett, by whom he had 12 children; 9 of these are living, viz.: Mary M. (now Mrs. Hawkins), Nathan J., Martha L. (now Mrs. Boardman), Hannah D. (now Mrs. Pendleton), Judith A. (now Mrs, Woolworth), Sarah F. (now Mrs. Beers), Eosetta N,, Alfred L. and Fred. R. Mr. G. owns a farm of 220 acres on sec. 19. Jatnes M. Hanniun, Jr.^ son of James and Louisa (Bartlett) Hannum, both of whom are living in Scipio tp., was born in La Porte in 1848, and is of English-Irish descent. Coming to this tp. 12 years ago, he has been a resident of it the greater part of the time ever since; he is now on sec. 19; P. O., La Porte. In 1877 he was married to Phebe Parker, who is a native of ]^ew Jersey and is now 34 years of age; she is the daughter of Willis and Phebe Willits. Mr. H, owns in Union tp. 80 acres of good land, which he values at $70 per acre; he is now farming in Pleasant tp,, on his mother's place, consisting of 236 acres. He and wife are both members of the Society of Friends, He is a Republican. His early education was somewhat neglected, but reads a good deal now, Frank MIU., son of George and Elizabeth (Line) Mill, was born in Pennsylvania in 1847, and is of German descent. His father, also a native of Pennsylvania, is now living in ISToble tp. ; his mother, likewise a native of the same State, is also living. Mr. M. owns here 82 acres of land, which he estimates at about $40 per acre. He was married to Xellie Gates, who is a native of Canada, and of English descent; she is now 33 years old and tlie mother of 2 children; only one living, namely, Ethel; Carlton died when quite young. Politically, Mr. M. is a Republican. His educational advantages were fair; reads a great deal, and has always been industrious. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 835 Oscar J. Parhell^ son of David R. and Hannah (Frayer) Parkell, both of whom are now living in Jefferson, O., was born in New York in 1840, and is of Dutch descent; his father is now 67 and his mother 64 years old; both are natives of Kew York. Coming to La Porte county in 1871, he first settled in Pleasant tp., where he bought 130 acres of land, worth about $50 per acre, on which he now lives; he has a neat little frame house which he built last spring at a cost of about $1,000. In 1867 he was married to Ellen Brand, who is now 34 years old and a native also of New York; she is the daughter of Morrell and Sarah Brand, and is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. P. has been Supervisor and has held the office of Assessor in this tp. for two terms. His educational advantages were fair; reads a great deal, and has earned all he has by hard work and careful management. Both of his grandfathers were in the war of 1812, and lived to be over 90 years old. Politi- cally he is a Republican, but is independent in home political affairs. Mr. P.'s military record is quite interesting: April, 1861, he enlisted in the army for three months, in the 19th Ohio Regi- ment, under Capt. Crane; he afterward re-enlisted in the three years' service in August, 1862, in the 29th Ohio Infantry, under Capt. E. J. Hubbert. He participated in the battles of the Wil- derness, at Chancelorsville, Gettysburg, Rich Mountain, etc., and at New Hope, Ga., where he was wounded through the right hip; he was then discharged on a two-thirds pension and came home March 2, 1864. Jolin A. lie&oe, son of Isaac and Anna F. (Arnold) Reeve, was born in New York in 1832. He came to Indiana in 1838 and first settled in Kankakee tp. ; from there he went to La Porte, where he remained one year, his father being proprietor of a hotel; thence to this tp., where he has resided since April 12, 1839, His father died Dec. 23, 1863, and his mother Feb. 18, ls79; both were natives of New York. Mr. R. owns 120 acres of good land, which he values at about $65 per acre. His educational advantages were somewhat limited; first attended school at La Porte; has been a farmer all his life; has two brothers and one sister. Politically, he is a Democrat. Helen M. IStewart was born in Indiana in 1838; her parents, both of whom are now deceased, were Daniel and Eliza (Ensign) Stewart. Miss Stewart, who is still unmarried, has been in this place all her life; she owns here 80 acres of good farming land, which she values at about $60 per acre. She has 2 sisters and one brother living. Her educational advantages were not very good when young, but she reads a good deal now. Miss S. is living upon her farm on sec. 4, and her P. O. address is La Porte. William Tobin was born in Ireland in 1828 ; came to America in 1849, and first settled in New York, where he resided about 17 years, and then came to this tp. He has been on the place on which he now lives, sec. 22, for eight years. He was married in 1867 to Miss Nora Loughlin, who is now 29 years old, a native of New 836 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. York, and the mother of 6 children, all living: Mary, Emma,* Katie, Nellie, Anna and Nora. Mr. T. owns here 167 acres o excellent farming land, which he values at about $70 per acre. He was inspector of election and Constable in New York. He and wife are members of the Roman Catholic Church. Mr. T. is an industrious man who had no start in life either financially or by -way of an education. Jolin Whitmei\ son of Abraham and Catharine (Bowman) Whit- mer, was born in Indiana in 1832, and is of Dutch descent; his father, who is now dead, was born in Pennsylvania; his mother, now living in St. Joseph county, Ind., is a native of Ohio. Mr. W. came to La Porte county in 1861 and settled in Kankakee tp., where he remained one year and then went to Centre tp.; after living there three years, he went to Pleasant tp. ; he is now on sec. 3, and has been on that place since 1865. He owns here 14il^ acres of good land, worth about $60 per acre. He was married in 1860 to Miss Lydia Knott, who is now 44 years of age; she is the mother of 4 children, all of whom are living: Margaret E., Osborn A., Cozzie and Clarence. She is a native of Ohio. Her parents' names w^ere David and Margaret (Broiley) Knott, both now deceased. Mr. W. is the third in a family of 11 children, 10 of whom are living. His education was somewhat limited, but he is now a man who reads a good deal. He is Township Trustee, elected by the Republican party. John D. Wilson, a farmer, on sec. 24; P. O. address, Stillwell; was born in England in 1826. His parents, Peter and Sarah Wil- son, were also natives of England. Coming to Indiana in 1838, he first settled in Pleasant tp., where he has been ever since. In 1852 he was nnited in marriage to Jane Nation, who is now 54 years old and the mother of 4 children, all living: Alice D., Sarah O., Thos. L. and Hattie G. Mr. W. owns here 442 acres of land, of which about 200 are marsh; he rents a great deal of his land and does not farm very extensively. He is a Democrat. Mr. W. is a self-made man who has a limited education, and had very little when he com- menced in life; now he is one of the wealthy, respectable farmers of his community. C. E. Young, M. Z>., a practicing physician at Stillwell, was born in Ohio in 1842, and is of Dutch descent; his parents, now dead, were Ira and Sophia (Crippen) Young; his father was a native of Pennsylv'ania, and mother of Maryland. Coming to Indiana in 1852, he first settled near Valparaiso, where he remained about eight years, as a farmer; he then went to Pennsylvania and remained nine years, after having first been in the army five years; he was 1st Lieutenant; has been in this tp. two years, and now is at Stillwell, a practicing physician. He was married in 1872 to Laura Seslar, now 20 years old and the mother of 5 children: Elizabeth, George, Eva, Addie and one unnamed. In 1875 he graduated at Jefierson (Philadelphia)Medical College, and has a good practice now. SCIPIO TOWNSHIP. Scipio township, like Kankakee, was one ot the three original townships of which the county of La Porte consisted at its organi- zation; and its limits were range 3 the entire length of the county from north to south. Its present limits are, Congressional township 36 north, range 3 west. The rest of its original territory is embraced in Centre and Michigan on the north, Noble and Hanna, and a small part of Union, on the south. The first settlers in the township were Adam Keith and family, and Lewis Shirley and his mother, who arrived July 6, 1S29. The Keith family were originally from Pennsylvania, but this little colony came from Ohio to this county. In the following October the lirst white child was born in the township, namely, Keith Shirley. He was the third child born in the county. In the year 1830 a man named Welsh, and his son, a youth of 18 or 19 years, settled where Door Village now stands. They erected a cabin, purchased some liquors, and opened a trade with the Indians, doing a paying business. At first the liquor was of such quality to please Mr. Indian. It made "Big Injun heap drunk quick." By and by the elder AVelsh became dissatisfied with his profits, and desiring to amass a fortune in the shortest possible length of time, began to dilute the "fire-water" from a spring. Though as a sreneral thins" not verv fastidious about their edibles, this action upon the part of Mr. Welsh in relation to their favorite beverage excited their indignation. At last a party of young braves visited the cabin, rolled out the barrels, knocked the heads out with their tomahawks, and spilled the precious fluid on the ground. The old gentleman Welsh and his son then left and went to Chicago. May 13, 1830, the first death in the township occurred, which was that of Elizabeth Keith, wife of Adam Keith. Among the settlers who located in this township in 1830 were Joseph Osburn, Daniel Jessup, and John Broadhead. Arba Heald, Jolm Garwood, Hugh McGivins and Stephen Adams came in 1831. Elijah Brown and Deacon Bray ton also made a settlement about the same time. In 1832 came Lewis Keith, Peter White, Thomas Sale, Joseph Orr and a Mr. Melville. In 1833 Levi and Elmore Pattee made settlement; and in 1831: N. W. Glosser, Isaac S. Evans, Alva Mason, Mr. Irwin and Mr. McCrary. During the latter part of 1831 a party of Sac Indians passed through the township on their way to Detroit. A small j)arty who were in advance of the main body stole three horses from Arba Heald. lie followed them on foot a few miles, but gave it up as a fruitless undertaking, and returned. When the main body came (837) 838 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. up a day or two after, they were stopped, and the larceny reported to the chiefs, who held a council and agreed to pay Mr. Heald for his horses. They accordingly gave him an ordei- on Col. Davenport, Indian agent at Kock Island, Illinois, for the value of the horses. Mr. Heald afterward went to get his money, but instead of paying it the Indians returned his horses to him. He remained at Rock Island that night, and the cruel savages stole his best horse again, for which he never received any pay. The two remaining horses had been severely dealt wath in hunting buiialo. Their ears were split and their tails were cut off. Early in 1832 there were but two houses in Door Village; one was occupied by Arba Heald, and the other was the vacated cabin formerly occupied by the Welshes and abandoned by them after the exploit of Indian crusaders, which was the first temperance movement in the township. The McClnres occupied this cabin while erecting houses on their land one mile north of the villaoje. THE INDIAN SCARE then commenced. The Sac Indians were never friendly toward the American people or Government. As far back as the war of 1812 they took up arms against the United States, favoring the British, in recompense for which they were receiving an annuity from the British Government in Canada. Their place of crossing was at Detroit, and their trail passed through New Durham township and Scipio, at Door Village. Their intercourse with the Canadians year after year had anything but a quieting effect upon their ancient animosity against our people. In May, 1832, Mr. Owen, the Indian Agent at Fort Dearborn (Chicago), sent word to Mr. Heald that the Indians had commenced hostilities on Hickory creek, near that place, and advised the set- tlers to prepare to repel any invasion that they might make upon the little colony on Door Pi-airie. Hostilities had comnienced in other parts of Illinois, on Rock river, and near Dixon. The alarm proved, as was almost always the case in those days, to have been greatly exaggerated. The hostile acts were upon Indian creek, and a family hy the name of Hall were murdered, except two girls, who were carried away captives. Heald sent word over the prairie, and a large number assembled at Door Village. They hurried in dur- ing the night, and in the morning a meeting "was called in order to organize their little band and take some prompt action to defend themselves against the hostile red-skins, when, from a mistaken idea of the cause of the confusion, many of their number took fright, and a general stampede followed, and about half of the com- pany started their teams eastward, some not stopping except for rest and their meals, until they reached Cincinnati. Many did not return until the next year. Forty-two men remained and erected works for their defense. These consisted of a ditch, earth-works and a palisade, 125 feet square. Upon two of the angles there were HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 839 block bouses, which commanded the sides. This " fort," as it was called, was built under the direction of Peter White, who had acquired some knowledge previously in the erection of such works. It was completed in three days from the time of its commencement, when its occupants felt comparatively safe. It was located about a half a mile east of Door Village, "on the land of Lewis Shirley, near the road, and its site is plainly discernible to this day. Amid all the turmoil and confusion, there was one woman who preserved her courage and assumed a defiant air, which gained for her the reputation of a heroine. It was Mrs. Arba Heald. With two rifles, two axes, and two pitchforks, she barricaded herself in the cabin on her husband's farm, and neither threats nor persuasion could induce her to go into the fort. She declared she would kill six Indians before they took possession of her home. Slie would have doubtless fought them alone if they had disturbed her. Soon after the erection of the fort a block-house was built very near where Albert S. Hall now resides, on section 13, southeast of Round Grove. This was built under the direction of Judge Lemon. On the second night after the fort was commenced, it was decided to send out a scouting party. Three men were selected, but Chris- topher McClure was 'the only man who performed theduty, if duty it might be called; for after hiding his gun behind a tree, and pro- ceeding in the direction of New IJurham, he returned after a time with a^sensational report, simply to raise an excitement within the fortification, in which he was very successful. General Joseph Orr, who had purchased lands in Scipio township in 1831, and in May, 1832, had come to take charge of and improve them, was called to the front. Lie had been commissioned a Brigadier-General in 1827 by Gov. Ray, and being present at the erection of the fort, and when the stampede took place, wrote the Governor, giving him an account of what had happened, and then went to Chicago to ascer- tain if possible, whether any real danger threatened the inhabitants of this vicinity. He there held an interview with Major Whistler, ofiicer in command at Fort Dearborn. After conference with that gentleman, he made certain recommendations and forwarded them to the Governor of this State, who then ordered liimto raise a com- pany of mounted rangers to operate along this frontier, to which calfthe General and the patriotic settlers promptly responded. He raised a company of 88 men, including oflicers, and reported by letter, first to the commandant at Fort Dearborn, or the Indian agent at Chicago, from Kankakee, under date of July 7, 1832, and afterward from Hickory creek, July 10, to General Winfield Scott. The oflicers of this company were: Joseph Orr, Commandant; Elia- kim Ashton, 1st Lieutenant; Jesse Davidson, 2d Lieutenant, and Henry Slahens, 3d Lieutenant. The general and his small company traversed the country in difterent directions, but they found no trace of the enemy, who had retreated beyond the Mississip]»i river, and about August 10, 1832, this little company of Indiana Rangers was disbanded. 840 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. This alarm, by which it was supposed the cruelties of Indian warfare would be visited upon the infant settlements ol La Porte county, was caused by the supposition that the Sac Indians would retreat into Canada instead of going beyond the Mississippi, and as their trail passed through the county, the peril appeared to be im- minent. After the close of the war the township of Scipio settled more rapidly than before, and during the fall of 1832 many settlers moved into the township. CHAUDONIA. A man lived in this township at that time, whose real name was Chaudonia, but whom the Indians called Shadney. He was of mixed Pottawatomie and 'French blood, and had come herefrom Detroit. When the Michigan road was proposed from Madison, on the Ohio river, to Michigan City, — 270 miles,— the Indians had agreed to relinquish their title to one section of land for each mile of road built through their country. The State construed the agree- ment to mean one section per mile for tlie entire length of the road. The Indians, hearing that such would be the interpretation, became very indignant, and were about in the act of preventing the surveyors from running out any more land, when this man Shad- ney's influence was brought to bear upon them. He procured an ox, and a quantity of whisky was furnished; a barbecue and a drunken spree was the consequence, in which a large number of In- dians participated, and the affair passed by without any further .trouble. For his services on this occasion the U. S. Government gave him a patent of section 28. This is the first recorded instance in which our Government has by legislation thus remunerated any person for bringing on a drunken spree among the Indians. Gen. Orr sent for this man Shadney (or Chaudonia), and consulted him, when the fort was built at Door Yillage, as to the probabilities of the Sac Indians following tiieir old trail. He gave it as his opinion that they would not, and future events justified his conclusion. This noted half-breed was very useful, and did many heroic deeds for the U. S. Government. We below give a copy of a letter written concerning him by Gen. Lewis Cass, addressed to Hon. A. S. White, then our Senator in Congress, when it was decided by that body to grant a section of land to Chaudonia's widow and children: Washington, D. C, Jan. 8, 1843. Sir :— In answer to your letter, I beg leave to state that I knew Chaudonia well. He served many years under my orders, both in peace and war, and in trying cir- cumstances to the United States. Some of the events of his life were almost romantic, and at all times he was firm and faithful. Could I give you an exact narration of all he did, there would be a unanimous conviction in Congress that something should be done for his family, which I understand is destitute; but the subject has passed, in a great degree, from my memory, and I must content myself with a few prominent facts. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 841 Cliauclonia was a half-breed Pottawatomie. His uncle, Topenebee, was the chief of the tribe, and was an old man of great influence. From the commencement of our difficulties with Great Britain, Chaudouia espoused our cause, notwithstanding the exertions of the British agents to seduce him to their interests, as he was an active, fearless j'ouug man, wiilh connection in the tribe ; they were exceedingly desirous to gain him, but their eftbrts were useless. From the first to the last he never swerved in his attachment. He was present at the massacre of the garrison at Chicago, where, I have always understood, he saved the life of Captain Heald, the commanding officer, and the lives of others also. He was apprehended by the British and imprisoned at Maiden, whence he escaped. A party was sent in pur- suit of him, headed by his uncle, a Canadian. He killed his uncle and fled into the Indian country. Here he exerted his influence for us, and induced Topenebee and other Pottawatomie chiefs to come to the council of Greenville in 1834, which was held by Gen. Harrison and myself, and where a place was made which de- tached many Indians from the British interest. From Greenville he accompanied me to Detroit, for which place I marched a considerable force of Indians for the relief of that frontier, which was then suftering from the invasion of hostile In- dians. I had no white troops with me, and my position was therefore difficult and dangerous. Chaudonia conducted himself with great energy and propriety, and rendered me the most essential service. I believe he was in the various engagements on the Northwestern frontier, and I think at the Thames. He attended the treaties for the purchase of lands, and always aided the commissioners in their eflForts ; and I can say from personal knowledge that Gen. Harrison had the same opinion of him that I have, and I have no doubt, were he alive, he would with pleasure bear wit- ness to the good conduct and fidelity of Chaudonia. "With great respect, I am, sir, Your obedient servant, Lewis Cass. Hon. a. "White, TJ. 8. Senate. The only town in Scipio township is DOOR VILLAGE. It was founded, or surveyed, in 1836, and the subdivision was made under the direction of the County Commissioners. Its loca- tion is on the school section (16), on the beautiful and fertile Door Prairie, and in the midst of a .prosperous country; but the business of the village is less now than it was many yeai's ago, it being too near the county seat to enable it to compete for the business patronage. The first cabin built in Door Tillage was by Welsh and his son, who sold intoxicating liquors to the Indians in 1830. In the spring of 1833 Arba Heald built a cabin in what is now the village. The first store was opened in 1833, by Good & Heming. It was a gen- eral store, but for some cause the proprietor became dissatisfied, and in a few months sold out to Morrison. Tlie concern passed through several other hands, and was discontinued in 1862. The first frame house was built by Mr. Morrison in 1833; Hiram Par- ker erected a tavern the same year, which has since been torn down. Theodore Parker began wagon-making also in 1833. The first blacksmitli shop was started in 1834. The first shoe-shop was established in 1830. In 1838 George Tower began the business of tailoring, and continued till 1840. In this year (1840) also Chester Ileald carried on a foundry and made iron castings of vari- 842 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. ous kinds; and also manufactured threshing-machines. In the same year Joseph Austin had a spinning-wheel manufactory, and in it a lathe for turning wood, which he ran by means of two dogs. In 1852 ]Sr. P. Iluckins erected an establishment and manufactured fanning-mills. In 1864 Mr. -S«iith began making bed mattresses. At present there are one blacksmith shop and one slioe-shop in the village, two church edifices (which we shall speak of below), and a neat school building. The first weaver's loom in the county was made by N. W. Clos- ser, in 1834, a resident of Scipio township; and the first weaving in the county was done by Mrs. Closser, his wife. Mr. Closser was also the second constable elected in the county. In those days men were taken with Goplas for debt, and if required by plaintiff, were placed in jail until it could be paid or security given. The plows used by these sturdy honest pioneers consisted of wooden mold-boards, iron shares and home-made stocks and beams. Each pioneer was his own mechanic, and usually made all the wood- work for farming implements, etc. The first and only saw- mill that has ever been erected in Scipio township was built in 1836, by Asaph Webster on Mill creek, in the southwestern part of the township, within five rods of the township line. LOST IN A STORM. In those early days, when the prairies were unfenced, it was dif- ficult to travel after dark, save in a well-beaten track. On one oc- casion Mr. Andrew Nickell, in company with his wife, went to La Porte in the evening; and as he did not finish his business until night they were compelled to return in tlie dark. They accord- ingly started in the blinding wind and snow, in the direction, as they thought, of home. They drove round and round the village of La Porte during all of that fearful cold night, mid the howling wind and drifting snow. Mr. Nickell lost his mittens, and at four o'clock the following morning, when they drove into La Porte again, his hands were completely frozen, as were also his feet. That night's drive disabled him for the remainder of the winter. EDUCATIONAL. While the pioneers were busily engaged in preparing homes for themselves and families, and improving farms, they were not neglectful of the early education of their children. The first school- house was erected in 1833 at the southeast edge of Door Village •grove. It was a log-cabin, with slab seats, and a large fire-place in one end, and was situated on the land of Arba Heald, now owned by Daniel Kimball. The first school was taught in this house the same year, by Caroline Holmes. The average teacher of the pioneer days of [Scipio, like those of many other localities, was of the ox-driver' "persuasion," and HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 843 always exercised his autliority by wielding a monster gad, to frighten the urchins into obedience. It seemed that " nothing short of a flogging could bring them into submission." The school-houses for several years were constructed of logs, and as the first one, were seated with slab benches, and the windows consisted of a single sash. These window-sashes were made for several years by John Garwood. As the settlers grew in wealth, and as the township became more densely populated, these rude log-cabins were replaced by more commodious and comfortable frame buildings, with comfortable seats and desks, and with stoves for heating; and at the present writing the school buildings are mostly brick structures. The interest manifested by the citizens of Scipio in their educational affairs speaks well for their future prosperity and hap])iness. RELIGIOUS. Door Village Baptist Church. — This is the only Baptist Church in the township, and was organized Jan 29, 1840, by Rev. Charles Harden, with Eev. Elijah Barnes as Moderator, and M. Catlin, Clerk. The charter, or constituent members were: Aaron Kidder, Alva Mason, Avery Freeman, Giles Brownell, Horace Campbell Virgil Wilcox, Gideon Brayton, Amanda Kidder, Betsy Mason Elsa Freeman, Polly Black, Mary J. Campbell, Dolly Wilcox' Ruth Brayton, Lydia Wyllys (Willis), Sarah Freeman~and"^trc Titus. Their first meeting was in progress for about six weeks, held in the houses of the brethren. During this series of meetings Elder Harden baptized over 160 persons. The first regular pastor of the Church was Rev. Alexander Nickerson. They commenced the erection of a house of worship the same year, but the lumber, w^hich was being kiln-dried, took fire and burned. This delayed the work for nearly three years, when, in 1843, it was completed. It is a large structure, and s still used by this Church. There are now but 28 communicants. The society sustains a Sabbath-school, and services are held each Sabbath by the pastor, Rev. F. L. Patter- son. Door Village M. E. Church was organized in 1833 by Rev. James Armstrong, the first M. E. preacher in this tp. They erected a small frame house of M^orship, which has since been replaced by a fine large structure. The M. E. cemetery at Door Village is one of the finest in the county, and is noted for the regularity of its wards and aisles. This society also sustains an interesting Sab- bath-school. Services each Sabbath by Rev. Geo. R. Streeter, Pastor. OTHER SOCIETIES. Soldiers' Aid Society. — During the Rebellion, Scipio's patriotic ladies formed themselves into an association for the purpose ot relieving the wants of destitute soldiers. Mrs. E. M. Wilkinson 8-44 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. was the secretary. This society contributed, from May, 1861, to May, 1S65, $16,632 toward aiding the soldiers in various ways. Guards or M'd'd'ia. — During the war tlie men who remained in Scipio were not asleep to the interests of their country either; for while the women were busily engaged in forwarding such things to the soldiers as they needed, the men were organizing into a militia company and drilling themselves to be prepared for work, should an invasion of the country by the enemy occur. They were trained by Gen. Orr; O. C. "Wilcox, Captain. There was another company known as the Light Horse Guards^ under Capt. Z. Craft. Door Prairie Live-stock Association. — Many of the enterprising farmers, being desirous of improving their stock, some years ago formed themselves into a joint-stock company for that purpose. There were 34 shares at first, and about 20 stockholders. Tliey purchased first, the celebrated imported horse. Lord Clyde; after- ward Highland Duke, another imported horse; and the last, Tam- erlane, an imported Hamiltonian, a very fine draft horse. The present stockholders are, Andrew McLellan, President; S. Harvey. Secretary; and W. A. Banks, D. T. Keith, L. T. Harding, D. M! Crane and S. K. Pottenger. BIOGRAPHIES. The history of Scipio township is substantially continued in the brief personal sketches which follow, of leading pioneers and resi- dents. Robert J. Anderson, deceased, was born in Jefierson county, Ind., in 1818; raised on a farm and educated in the common schools of the day. He was married in 1845 to Mary M. Butterfield. To them were born 3 children, viz.: John Butterworth, Judith K. and Wm. T. Mr. A. came to this county in 1837 and died at Mon- mouth, 111., in 186.5. He was loved by all who knew him, and his death was greatly lamented by the community. Wm. A. Banks was born in Schoharie county, IT. Y., Oct. 28, 1836, and is a son of Orren and Olive (Brown) Banks, also natives of New York. His early life was spent on a farm, and in 1845 he accompanied his parents to this count3^ He engaged in the mer- cantile business in Hobart, Ind., for three years. He has been married three times, the first time in 1856, to Mary Ellis, by whom he had one child, now deceased; second time to Miss Miriam Chandler in 1860; they had one child, Laura; third and last time to Miss Rebecca J. Crane, a native of this county, and they have had 2 children, Edith and Cora. Mr. Banks has been eminently successful as a farmer and stock-raiser, and now owns 400 acres of land. During the late war he speculated extensively in sheep. He is now a breeder of fine cattle and horses; keeps a dairy, selling most of his butter in La Porte. He is also Trustee for Scipio tp. #«> <5^. •*^.. U^^-c/^. C^ i^ HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 847 WJn. Brayton\ P. O., La Porte; residence, sec. 5; was born in Huron county, O., July 30, 1812, and is a son of Gideon and Ruth Brayton, deceased, natives of ISTew York. He was reared on alarm and educated in the common schools of Ohio. He came to this county with his parents in 1833, and in 1834 married Miss Eliza- beth Irvin, by whom he has had 6 chikiren; of these, 5 are living, viz.; Robert I., Gideon, Luther L., Minerva J. and Mary A. Mr. Brayton removed to Illinois in 1835, and remained there until 1842, when he returned to this county, where he now resides on a farm of 110 acres of valuable land, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. Mr. and Mrs. Brayton are members of the Baptist Church at Door Village. Morgan L. Brink, son of James and Cornelia (Giltner) Brink, the former of New York, and the latter of Pennsylvania, was born in Broome county, JST. Y., Oct. 31, 1827. Mr. Brink was raised on a farm and received his education in the common schools. In 1847 he married Huldah Manderville, and in 1850 came to La Porte. Their children are Mary L., John J., Edward L., Olive H., Daniel B., Charles H. and Schuyler C. Mr. B's grandfathers were both soldiers in the Revolutionary war. Mr. B. is a successful farmer, and owns 225 acres, on sec. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Brink are members of the M. E. Church at Door Yillage. Mr. B. politically is a Republican. Benjamin Butterworth^ deceased, was born near Lynchburg, Ya., Oct. 4, 1794; he visited this county in 1834, and the following year came with his family and located here. He was married in January, 1818, to Miss Judith "Welch. He owned 800 acres in one farm near La Porte, and other tracts, in all amounting to about 2,000 acres. He was an honest and industrious farmer, and as such was eminently successful. He always gave liberally for the support of schools and Churches and other benevolent enterprises. He was a worthy member of the Society of Friends, and was honored and respe ted b}' all. He died in the full triumph of living faith. Henry Craft, farmer, sec. 28, was born in Lycoming county. Pa., April 1, 1827, and is a son of Joseph and Ann Craft, deceased, natives also of Pennsylvania. He was reared on a farm ; at the age of 20 years he came to this county. In 1853 he married Miss Elizabeth Garwood, daughter of John Garwood, an early settler of this county. Of their 5 children these 3 are living: Jane, Seth and Thomas. Mr. Craft has been eminently successful as a farmer and stock-raiser, and now owns 240 acres of valuable land. In 1876 he erected a fine house, at a cost of $4,000. His barn is also a very fine and commodious structure. Alex. Crane^ sec. 4, was bt)rn in Bedford county, Ya., July 15, 1822, and is a son of Shadrach and Polly Crane. His earlj' life was spent on a farm, and he received a limited education in the common schools. He came with his parents to Elkhart county, Ind., in 1832, and to this county in 1834. He was married Feb. 1, 1844, to Miss Ilulda J. Closser, daughter of Daniel and Hulda 53 848 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Closser, early settlers of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Crane bad 13 ^children, of whom 9 are living, viz.: Ettie, Lewis C, Nathan "W. , Rebecca J., Closser A., Eda, K. Ella, Hattie G. and James W, He owns .548 acres of land, and is engaged in farming and stock- raising. He started in life poor, and has amassed considerable of this world's goods. Mr. Crane, wife and 4 children are members of the Baptist Church at Door Village. Henry P. Crane was born in the town of Bedford, Ya., Jan. 15, .1819, and is a son of Shadrach and Moning (Wood) Crane. He was reared on a farm, and educated in the common schools of this county, his parents having come to this county in 1834. The}^ resided in Elkhart county, Ind., from 1832 to 1834. His grand- father came from England to America before the Revolution and served as a soldier in that war under Washington. His great uncle was captured by the Indians when passing through the woods, and was to be burned, when the Indians, finding a bottle of brandy, all became intoxicated. He took advantage of this opportunity, extricated himself, killed the entire party, six in number, and made his way back to the regiment, carr3'ing the head of an Indian with him! Mr. Crane was married in December, 1840, to Miss Mary Closser, by whom he had 4 children; of these, 2 are living, Sarah A. and Daniel C. Mrs. Crane died in March, 1852, and Mr. C. again married, Feb. 3, 1853, Miss Mary Keith, by whom he has 2 children, Nancy M. (now Mrs. McCormick) and Bolsar T. Mr. Crane resides on sec. 8, owns 270 acres of land, being engaged in farming and stock-raising. Mr. C. is a member of the Baptist Church, and Mrs. C. is a member of the M. E. Church. James H. Crichton was born in the parish Inverrity, Scotland, March 28, 1804, and is a son of John and Ellen (Patterson) Crich- ton, deceased, also natives of Scotland. He learned the blacksmith's trade of his father when a boy. At the age of 16 he began for himself as a farm laborer, at six pounds a year, which is a little less than $30, and he lived on an allowance of 1(5 pounds of oatmeal a week, and about three quarts of milk daily. July 16, 1832, he married Miss Isabella Edward, by whom he has had 9 children; 8 of these are living, viz. : Wm. E., John C, Ellen, Isabella, Fannie, James, Mary and Rosanna. He came to Ameiica, and to this county, in 1850. He owns 320 acres of land, and resides on sec. 34. When he began in life he had nothing but energy and health for his capital. Joseph H. Donly was born in Lycoming county, Pa., Oct. 31, 1835. He came to this county with his parents, Hugh and Eliza- beth Donly, in 1847; he was reared on a farm and educated in common schools. He served three years and two months as Sergeant of the 15th Ind. Battery in the late war, and participated in the battles of Perry ville, Stone River, Chickamauga, Kenesaw Moun- tain and Resaca. His cannon killed Gen. Polk at the battle of Lost Mountain, which was fired by his gunner, Frank McCollum, at his command. Mr. Donly was married Oct. 20, 1869, to Martha III5T0KT OF LA POETE COUNTY, 849 A. Smith, by whom he has had 3 children, viz.: Hugh, E,ose and Arietta. Mr. D. owns one-quarter interest in a farm of 300 acres. Frederich R. Earl was born in Tompkins county, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1826, and is a son of Aaron and Charlotte (Smith) Earl, natives of New Jersey and New York respectively. The former was a shoemaker by trade, and resided in Ithaca. In 183Y Frederick R. came to this county with his parents, but he returned and obtained his education in Oazenovia seminar}', Madison county, N. Y. He then engaged in teaching in that State for five years, when he returned to this county and taught for 15 years, during the winter seasons, and farmed during the summer. He was married in 1811: to Miss Martha, daughter of Thomas Lawrence. They have 2 adopted children, Freddie and Isabella. When he started in life Mr. Earl had nothing. He now owns 215 acres of valuable land. Mr. and Mrs. Earl are worthy members of the M. E. Church at Door Villaore. Isaac N. Evans was born in Scipio tp., Kov. 30, 1837, and has resided liere all his life thus far on a farm. His parents were Isaac S. and Catharine Evans, natives of Kentucky. His grandfather Bateman lost his arm in the battle of Tippecanoe. The subject of this sketch married Miss Eunice M. Phillips, Dec, 25, 1860. They have iiad 3 children of whom 2 are living, Ada and Frankie. Mr. Evans is a prominent farmer and stock-raiser on sec. 16, and owns 160 acres of vkluable land. He filled the office of Trustee for this tp. for five years. In 1872 he took a tour through Illinois, Mis- souri, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. Hon. James Forrester was born in county Roscommon, Ireland*; emigrated to America in 1818, landing in ISTew York in August; there accumulated about $100, when in January, 1826, he pur- chased some dry goods and began peddling; in 1830 he visited Ireland; in 1831 he bought goods in New York, shipped them to Detroit, bought a wagon and traveled as far as Ottawa, 111.; in 1833 he went to Buffiilo, chartered a vessel, and took the first cargo of salt, coffee, sugar, glass, iron, etc., to Michigan City, He bought land there at Government prices, and sold it at $100 per acre. As a real-estate dealer he has been eminently successful, and his chil- dren are owning at present over 3,000 acres in La Porte county. In 1837 he located on sec. 6, Scipio tp., where he has successfully engaged in farming and stock-raising. Like many of his country- men, he brought nothing to this country but his youth and health, but " the Lord favored him with a good constitution, and common sense to take care of it." He is now married to his second wife, and has had 7 children, 4 living: Peter, Margaret, Lovina and Edward. In 1838 he swore allegiance to our Government, voted the Democratic ticket until 1861, and then thought it his duty and interest to help crush the Rebellion, No act of his life is he any prouder of. For this the people of his county thought proper to elect him a member of the State Legislature, which position he occupied for two terms. He considers this the best poor man's gSO HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Government on earth. It is a matter of surprise to him, that so many Americans never get an interest in the soil, when it is so easy to be obtained. Charles Garwood was born in this tp. May 1, 1836, and is a son of John and Jane Garwood , the former a native of New Jersey, and the latter of Ohio. John Garwood came to this county and entered land in 1832. Charles was reared on a farm and educated in a common school. He was married Jan. 31, 186Y, to Miss Catharine Wooley, by whom he has 2 children, Jennie and Gracie. Mr. G. is engaged in farming and stock-raising, on sec. 6, Scipio tp., and owns 283 acres of land. He is proprietor of a Eumely steam thresher, which has proven upon test trial to be better, both in threshing and saving grain, than the world-renowned ''Vibrator." On one occasion the waste was only 11 ounces to 10 bushels. Wm. Oarwood^ deceased, was born in Ohio Jan. 20, 1824, and was a son of John and Jane Garwood. He was reared on a farm, and educated in a common school. He came with his parents to this county about 1832 or '33. He was married in 1856 to Miss Mary Zener, daughter of Edward and Sarah Zener. They had 8 (hildren, of whom 5 are living, viz.: Calvin H., Chas. E., John F., Maggie E. and Edward Z. He was a successful farmer and stock- raiser. He was a benevolent Christian man, loved by all. He died June 18, 1872. Mrs. G. resides on the home place, and owns 267 acres of land. Albert S. JETall, son of Jacob R. and Catharine Hall, was born in Scipio tp. Sept. 19, 1840; was married in 1864 to Sarah Rogers, -and they have had 4 children, of whom only 2 are living, Charley and Katie. Mrs. Hall died in June, 1876; and in October, 1878, Mr. Hall was again married, to Matty J. Gish. He is a member of the M. E. Church; was raised on a farm and educated in the common schools; is one of the lirm of Plall, Weaver & Co., propri- etors of the State Bank of Indiana, located at La Porte. Mr. Hall's farm consists of 700 acres in sec. 13, and he is engaged in farming and stock-raising. J5[on. Jacob R. Hall, deceased, was born June 19, 1807, in Har- rison county, Ya. His father was a farmer, but in former years worked at ship-building. He died in 1821, at the advanced age of 80, and was buried on his own farm. He was born, as nearly as we can approximate, about 1741. His mother died on the old home- stead, at the ri]^e age of 87, her children having all grown, and mar- ried before her departure. Mr. Hall's educational advantages were limited to the common schools of the country, which then were not noted for their excellence, and which at that time were somewhat uncertain institutions in " Old Yirginia." In the fall of 1827, pre- vious to attaining his majority, he emigrated to Indiana and sto;)ped at what is now Logansport. He left Virginia with ahorse, saddle and bridle, and $75 in mone}^; spent $30 in getting into the "Wabash country, loaned what he had left, lost it, his horse died, and he was left penniless, with only a saddle and bridle to loan! HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 851 There were but three white settlers in Logansport when Mr. Hall first came there, — Gen. Tipton, Lewis Chamberlain and oneBarein" a Frenchman. There were no settlements to the north as far as the lakes, except a missionary station and a few squatters and trad ers. The country was an unbroken wilderness. Mr. Hall got out the timber for the first frame building in Logansport, and was the first man to take a wagon from that place to Elkhart. He was employed by Gen. Tipton to secure the good will of the Indians, to work with them in building their cabins, raising corn, etc., and was present at all treaties made with them (the Miamis and Potta- watomies). Difiiculties would sometimes arise when they were about to receive their annuities, and deduction was insisted on by the Government agent for depredations committed upon cattle and hogs by some of the tribe. The old chief Oppianobbies, after listen- ing to these claims for some time with profound silence, arose v.-ith great gravity and said, '• Tlie white man have killed cattle and hogs on poor Indian credit." In 1832 Mr. Hall married Catharine Martin, a daughter of Joel Martin, of Cass county, Ink, and has had 5 cliildren, viz.: Caroline E., now Mrs. Chas. Simmons; Eachel, deceased, who w^as married to Rev. Sam'l Godfrej^; Albert S., Louisa, now Mrs. Rodgers, and Wm. A. Mr. H. was a farmer, but in a new country, as Indiana was at that early day, he found that " necessity is the mother of invention," and he was obliged to turn his attention to every kind of employment, building houses, repair- ing wagons and wagon wheels, constructing roads, etc., etc. These early pioneers were eminentl}^ practical men. The books which they used were not the second-hand speculation of some superficial ama- teur, but the great book of nature, and its lessons were of lasting utility. They were necessarily business men, and actual experience forced upon tJiem a knowledge of all that was necessary to the opening of the county and building up a State. Mr. Hall moved from Cass county to La Porte county in the fall of 1833, and settled at "Round Grove," in this tp., on sec. 10, one and a half miles east of Door Tillage, this second purchase made of Harrison & Rambeau, including the entire grove. One Mr. Knight had settled in the grove. Mr. Hall bought him out and thus became sole possessor of the beautiful grove in sees. 14 and 15. The only improvement upon it was a little log hut and four or five acres broken. In this hut they passed the first winter. The open- ings and crevices admitted the snow from all directions, and in the morning was frequently three inches deep on the puncheon floor. A sheet was hung up over the bed to keep the snow out of their faces. And still this was an improvement upon what he endured when he first came to the Wabash country. For five years he did not sleep on a bed not to exceed one year during that period. While building settlers' cabins and constructing the Michigan road, and while among the Indians, it was his custom to camp out. He built a small frame house in 183.5, and from time to time made additions until the year 1850, when he erected the substantial 852 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTr. front, which, with the rest, makes a commodious and comfortable residence. In 1869 he erected the most substantial brick barn the county affords, and which for convenience of arrangement and durability has not its equal in the State, its foundation five feet in depth, its roof slated and self-sustaining. His home farm contained 500 acres on " Door Prairie." Ml'. Hall being early in the county made the acquaintance of some very eminent men, and enjoyed the confidence of ail his fellow-citizens, and, in opposition to his own wishes, he has been entrusted with public service, and was a member of tlie Legislature during the session of 1855. Mr. and Mrs. Hall were both consist- ent members of the M. E. Church. Mr. Hall died in March, 1875, loved and respected by all. William A. Hall, son of the preceding, was born March 2, 1843, on the farm on which he now resides, sec. 15; he has always been a farmer, and has proven himself to be an honor to that noble call- ing. He was married in January, 1865, to Hannah J. Lowery, daughter of Samuel Lowery, deceased. They have one child, Lu Etta. Mrs. Hall is a worthy member of the M. E. Church. Mr. Hall is a man of integrity and industry. In business he has been very successful. At present he is engaged in farming and stock- raising; has a fine farm of 400 acres; is a member of the firm of Hall, Weaver & Co., proprietors of the Bank of Indiana, located at La Porte. Wm. B. Hayainond was born in Lycoming county. Pa., Feb. 25, 182-1, and his parents were Mattlievv B. and Susan (McCormick) Hammond, the latter a distant relative of the noted McCormicks, manufacturers of the reapers and mowers in Chicago. William B. was reared on a farm. He removed with his parents to St. Joseph, Ind., in 1833. He said there were more Indians in that county then -than whites. His father enlisted as a soldier in the war of 1812, but was not called into active service. He was mar- ried Jan. 24, 1849, to Miss Catharine Westervelt, by whom he has had 10 children; of these, 2 boys and 7 girls are living. He came to this county in 1856, where he engaged in farming and stock- raising, and now owns a valuable farm of 280 acres. He resides on sec. 10. Daniel M. Henry, farmer, sec. 31, was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, Feb. 23, 183T.(?) His parents were John and Elizabeth (Crawford) Henry, natives of Virginia. Mr. Henry's boyhood days were spent on a farm, and his educational advantages were such as were furnished by the common schools. Feb. 22, 18tj2, he married Miss Sarah Taylor, by whom he had 7 children: Wm. F., Daniel M., Clista A., Sarah A., Phoebe, Arthur T. and Lottie. Mrs. Henry died Mar. 21, 1874. Mr. Henry's parents came to St. Joseph county, Ind., in 1838, and about the year 1858 he came to this county. He owns 96 acres of land, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. For the past 18 years he has been a member of the Door Village Baptist Church. HISTORY OF LAPOBTE COUNTY. 853 Rohert Kerr was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, April 3, 1837, His parents were Andrew and Isabella (Clark) Kerr, also natives of Scotland. He was reared on a farm in Auchinlecli; came to this country in 1851, and in November, 1855, was married to Maro;aret O'Brien, They have 7 children: Alex., Mary, Agnes, John, Jane, Kobert and Margaret. Mr, Kerr is engaged in farming and stock- raising. When he first came to this countrv he worked by the month, but perseverance and energy will always be rewarded; he now owns a well-improved farm of -±00 acres on sec. 23. Daniel Kimball^ of Door Yillage, is a native of Sandwich, N. H., and was born May 10, 1815, His parents were John and Polly (Ethridge) Kimball, natives also of New Hampshire; he spent his boyhood days on a farm, and received a common-school education in Erie county, Pa, He was left an orphan at the age of five years; he then went to live with his grandfather Ethridge. He came to this county in 1837 and began business as a common laborer. He married Miss Jane C, Heald in 1842; she is a daughter of Arba Heald, who came to this county in 1831 and erected the first house in Door Yillage, At that time there were but five houses in the county. Mr. and Mrs. K. have had 5 children, of whom 2 are living: Eliza J. and Arba D. Mrs, K, died June 29, 1879, loved by all. She was a consistent Christian since 15 years old. Mr. K. is engaged in farming and stock-raising; owns 160 acres. Samuel S. McOormick, farmer, sec. 19, was born in Lycoming county, Pa., Feb. 26, 1822, and is a son of Robert and Nancy McCormick, natives of Pennsylvania. The former was a black- smith, but also carried on a farm. Samuel S. has always lived on a farm; he lias worked in the harvest field every year since he was 13 years old until this year (1880), He was married May 12, 1846, to Miss Sarah Ludwick, a native of Pennsylvania. Seven children were the result of this union, of whom 5 are living: Valiery, Oscar, Bruce. Fanny and Robert. Mr, McCormick came to this county in 1846, and for several years was a renter. He now owns 375 acres of valuable land, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. He has recently erected a large dwelling in the suburbs of La Porte, which he expects to occupy. Andrew McLellan, son of the next mentioned, was born Jan. 25, 1836, in Cool Spring tp., this county; passed his early years on his father's farm; educational advantages limited to the primitive log school-house, and two terms at the seminary at White Pigeon, Mich, April 7, 1857, he married Miss Alice Crawford, daughter of Hon. George Crawford, of this county, an early settler from Lancaster county, Pa., where he was born Oct. 7, 1799. Imme- diately after his marriage Mr. McL. settled on the southeast quar- ter of'^sec. 17, this tp., where he rented 137 acres of land and commenced housekeeping; at this place he has since resided. The past year (1879) he built a fine brick house, at an expense of several thousand dollars. 854 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. He turns most of his attention to raising and dealing in fine stock, among which are the Clydesdale horses, owned by the Door Prairie Live-stock Association, of which he is president. He has on hand at the present time three good horses of this kind, one imported at an expense of $1,3C0, the others valued at $1,000 and $1,200. He has also a herd of 20 to 30 fine Durharas, most of them recorded in the Herd Book; and he has, besides, a very fine grade of sheep, full-blooded Poland-China hogs, etc. For several years he has had his horses and cattle on exhibition at the La Porte county fair, and has generally taken first prizes on a fair share of them. He is also president of the La Porte county Agricultural Society, in which organization he is a very active worker. He now owns 120 acres of land on sec. 17, this being a part of the land which he first rented. For 73 acres of this land he paid at the rate of $83 an acre without buildings or improvement of any conse- quence. The homestead is now valued at $100 at least per acre. Politically, Mr. McL. is a Republican, and although not a seeker of ofiice, he is always interested in the public welfare, taking a definite stand on all public issues. Religiously, he, as well as Mrs. McL., is a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, and he has been a member ever since he was 13 years of age. He takes an active part in Church afitiirs. He has been recording steward, Sunday-school superintendent, etc., — altogether for many years. His children are: Eddy T., who was born Jan. 6, 1858; Wm. Fletcher, born Feb. 9, 1859; Carrie E., June 8, 1862; Annie F., Sept. 30, 1865; Bertha A., May 18, 1870. All are living at home with their parents, except Wm. Fletcher, who married Ellen M. Fisher, daughter of Wm. Fisher, of this county, and formerly of Pennsylvania. Wm. F. and family reside on a part of Mr. McLel- lan's farm. We should say further, with reference to Mrs. McLellan's rela- tives, that her great-grandfather was a native of Ayr, Scotland, the home of Burns, and was a lineal descendent of the Earl of Craw- ford. He was engaged as a linen draper in Belfast, Ireland, and dealt largely with the British colonies in America, which resulted in his settling in America and founding the Crawford family in this country. Hon. Geo. Crawford married Hannah A. Beardsley, and their children are: Alice, spoken of above; Henry, who married Susan Shafer and resides in Iowa; William, engaged in coal mines in Wyoming Territory ; Mary A., who married Albert W. Cole; Martha Ellen; George Edwin, in Nebraska; Ezra John, also in Nebraska; Charles B., also in the coal-mining business in Wyoming Territory; Lewis Alexander, and Laura Augusta. On page 845 of this history, we give a portrait of Mr. McLel- lan. Joseph McLeJlan was born in New Hampshire Feb. 2, 1811. His father was a Scotchman, and his mother an American of Eng- lish origin. He emigrated to America before the Revolution, HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 855 and settled in Grafton county, N. H., where he lived to a good old age, engaged in farming, and died about 181S. His name was John, and he married Dolly Yarnum, of New Hampshire, and had 14 children, as follows: Eh'zabeth, Dolly, Moses (killed by the falling of a tree), Aaron, Daniel, Kebecca, John, William, Sarah, Hannah, Duncan, Joseph and Benjamin, There was a Mary, who died young. The three younorest sons moved West, but the rest remained in New England, married, and had families. In May, 1S3-2, Mr. McLellan started for the West to seek his fortune; traveled by stage to Bnrlington, Yt., thence by steamboat to Whitehall, N. Y., thence by canal-boat to Troy, on North river, thence by the Erie canal to Buftalo; here he took passage on the steamer Enterprise np Lake Erie to Detroit, thence to Saginaw, by stage about half way, and on foot, by way of the Indian trail, to visit his brother Duncan, who was at that time residing at Sagi- naw, Mich. There had been ati Indian fort at this place, but it was deserted. In June he went to Monroe, on the river Raisin, thence to Tecumseh, Jonesville and White Pigeon, reaching the latter place in September. Ihese were all small vilUiges, just located. The year 1882 was noted for the cholera (which broke out on the lakes, among Gen. Scott's troops) and the Black Hawk war. Mr. McLellan remained about two years at White Pigeon, Mich,, and in April, 1834, he arrived in La Porte conuty, Ind., and took up lands in Cool Spring tp. In 1839 he purchased 200 acres, with no improvements, on sec. 17, in Scipio tp., and has since added to it until his liomestead farm contains 310 acres. He erected a house, barn and other buildings, and has lived there ever since. His State and county tax in 1836 was $2; in 1873 it was $260. In March, 1835, he married Fidelia, daughter of Belding Itead, of White Pio-eon, Mich. Her ancestors were of Scotch descent. Thev have had 7 children, as Ibllows: Andrew, the subject of the last sketch; Sarah J., not living; Belding, who married Rebecca Reed, and has Minnie and EfRe; resides in Jasper county, Iowa. He was in the 4:th Indiana Battery during the Rebellion, and had his leg broken in battle; George W., who married Melinda Shead, and has Eva, Joseph W, and Ona; he is a farmer; resides in La Porte county; was in the Union army, 128th Indiana Yolunteers, in the Rebellion; John W., who married Iluldah Forbes; he is an artist, and resides in Yalparaiso, Ind.; Mary, wdio married Charles McClure, a mer- chant, and resides at Westville, Ind.; Martha, who married George Reed and resides in this county. Mr. McLellan is one of the most successful and substantial farmers, noted for his moral worth and sterling integrity. Mrs. McL. died March 27, 1876, a worthy member of the M.E.' Church. Thomas Messenger^ a prominent farmer on sec. H, was born Nov. 15, 1811:, near Easton, Northampton county. Pa., and is a son of Abram and Mary Messenger, also natives of Pennsylvania. His parents removed with their family to Tompkins county, N. Y,, in 1822, Here our subject was reared on a farm until 15 years of age, 856 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. when he apprenticed himself to a cabinet-maker. He came to Mich- igan City in 1844, and purchased a farm. He was married in 1845 to Miss Eleanor C. Westervelt, daughter of Abraham Westervelt, an early settler in this county from New York. They have had 3 children, of whom 2 are living, viz.: Ransford T. and Grace M. The name of the deceased was Helen A. When Mr. Messenger began life he had no capital but energy and a good constitution; now he owns a fine farm of excellent land. Andreiv JVickell, deceased. Among the most prominent pioneers of La Porte county was Mr. Nickell. Long before railroads were thought of in this country, and when the Lidians and wild animals roamed at will across the fertile prairies and through the forests, Mr. Nickell ventured with his wife and 3 children into this then wild country. He was born Feb. 24, 1806, in Monroe county, Ya., and was a son of Andrew and Barbara Nickell. He was reared on a farm and educated in the common schools oi' Lewisburg, Va. His father was a Captain in the war of 1812, and was stationed at Craney island at the time peace was declared. Mr. JNickell married Miss Jeanette Cornwell, by whom he had 5 children; of these, 4 are liv- ing: Caroline M., Allen, Malinda L., and Wm. A. Mrs. Nickell died after she came to Indiana, and in October, 1846, lie married Miss Mary A. Pai-ker, daughter of George Parker, of Yirginia. This union was blessed with 7 children, of whom 5 are living: JamcF M., Florella, Luretta, Catharine and Eldora. Mr. IS'ickell was a consistent Christian and a worthy Presbyterian for many years, but for the last few 3'ears he was a member of the M. E. Church. He was a farmer and stock-raiser, and was very success- ful. He was regarded as a very benevolent man, always ready to aid the poor and needy, and lift up the downfallen. He gave as lie was prospered, for the spread of the gospel and all benevolent enterprises. He always acted upon the principle set forth in the Bible, where it states that "God loveth a cheerful giver." He died, Dec. 16, 1869, loved and respected b}- all. The family lost a kind husband and lather, and the community a valuable member of societ.y in the death of Mr. Nickell. Be}i Nordyke was born Jan. 8, 1831, in Tippecanoe county, Ind., and is a son of Robert and Elizabeth Nordyke, deceased, natives of North Carolina; he was reared on a farm in White county, Ind., and educated in the deaf and dumb asylum at Indianapolis. He was married in 1860 to Miss Elizabeth White who was also edu- cated in Indianapolis, both being deaf mutes. It would be in keeping here to remark that it is wonderful to behold the accurac}^ and rapidit}' with which they converse in the deaf and dumb alphabet, using the hands and fingers. Mr. K. taught a mute school in this State four years, and in Micliigan one^'ear, then came to this county in 1860, remaining but two months, when he went to Kansas, where he engaged in teaching a mute school at Baldwin Citv for one year. He then eno^ao^ed in farmino- until 1870, when he returned to this county, where he has since resided and is HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 857 engaged in farming and stock-raising on sec. 35. Mr. and Mrs. JSordyke had 5 children born to them, of whom 3 are living, viz.: Kobert, Mary and Charles. EJmore Pattee, deceased, was a pioneer of La Porte county, and therefore deserves more than a passing notice in our county histor3\ He was born in Canada Aug. 3, 1805. His parents removed to Huron county, Ohio, when he was 12 years old, where he remained until grown. Dec. 22, 1833, he married Miss Louisa Rose, and in September, 1834, this young couple ventured into the wilds of Northern Indiana. Mr. Pattee located on and entered the south- west \ of sec. 19, Scipio tp., where he resided until his death. They had 12 children born to them, of whom 5 are living; viz. : George, James, Melvina, Elizabeth and Emma. Isiw and Mrs. Pattee united with the Baptist Church at DoorVillage in 1839. He was a consistent Christian man and labored faithfully in the Master's cause. He lived a quiet, peaceable life, and endeared himself to his family and neighbors. He died June 17, 1878, in full triumph of living faith. The family lost a kind husband and father, and the community a valuable member of society in the death ofBro. Pattee. He was a very benevolent man, and gave as he was prospered in life, to the support of the gospel and other benevolent enterprises. Mrs. Pattee still resides on the old home place, with her son James, the others all liaving married and settled to them- selves. Few farms iu La Porte county' are occupied by the original purchasers, but there has been but one deed made to their home place, which bears the signature of Martin Van Buren, then Presi- dent of the United States. 31. J. Ridgivay was born in La Porte, May 28, 184:5, and is a son of James and Kaomi (Willits) Ridgway. He was reared on a farm, and educated in La Porte high school. His father was a farmer and merchant in La Porte. He came to this county about 1840. The subject of this sketch was married in 1877, to Miss Luretta Nickcll, daughter of the widow Nickell of this tp. They have one child, Pearl. Mr. R, makes the raising of short-horns and Norman and Hambletonian horses a specialty. In this he has been very successful. His horses are, Norman, Grandee, 6 years old, 16|- hands high, weight, 1,800 pounds; Hambletonian, Duke of Lexington, lo-J- hands high, weight 1,180 pounds. Andrew J. Rogers was born in this county March 13, 1835. His parents were Aquilla W. and Nancy Rogers. The former was a native of Kentucky and the latter of Maryland. They came to a place near Utica,lnd., in 1826, where they resided until 1834, when they removed to this county. Andrew J. was married in 1857, to Miss Louisa Hall, daughter of the late Hon. Jacob R. Hall, of this county. This union has been blessed with 4 children, of whom 3 are living, viz.: John W., Carrie B. and Nettie C. The name of the deceased was Hallie, In 1875 Mr. Rogers made a tour through Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Minnesota, and in 1856 he re- visited Iowa and purchased some land in Alamakee county. In 1874 Mr. 858 HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTS. R. went to New Orleans and soon after retnrned. He is a prom- inent farmer and stock-raiser in this tp., sec. 27, and owns a mao'nificent tract of land of 510 acres. As a business man lie has been eminently successtnl. George Rogers, son of Aquilla and Nancy Rogers, was born in this tp., May 10, 1844; was married to Miss Louisa White, daughter of Robert White, of this tp., in 1870. They have 2 children livnno^, Ella and Grace. Mr. Rogers is a Democrat, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising; has been quite successful in business, and owns 168 acres on sec. 26. C. B. Simmons, farmer, sec. 16; was born in Crown Point, N. Y., March 3, 1837. His parents were Hiram and Adelia Simmons, who came to this county in 1S40. His boyhood days were spent on a farm. He went to California in 1854, remaining there, and in the State of Nevada and Territory of Montana, in all, 18 years. He there engaged in mining, and was very successful. He also served in the IT. S. army during the Rebellion, to put down the savage outbreaks. He returned in 1872, and the same year married Miss Carine E. Beard, daughter of J R. Hall, deceased. Mr. Sim- mons is engaged in farming and stock-raising on sec. 16, this tp. He owns 200 acres of land; tilled the office of Township Trustee for 1878-'9, and is chairman of the La Porte County Republican Central Committee. Zacharlah Teeter, farmer, sec. 10; was born in Columbia county, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1824, and is a son of John and Anna Maria (Drom) Teeter. He was reared on a farm, and about 1842 came to this county, where he still resides, engaged in farming and stock-raising. He was married Dec. 31, 1849, to Miss Juliaett Staples, daughter of James and Polly (Wallace) Staples, natives of Connecticut. She came with her mother to this county in 1844. Mr. and Mrs. Teeter have 3 children: Hattie, Emma and James. Hattie is a member of the M. E. Church at Door Village. Rohert White was born June 28,- 1817, in Dearborn, now Ohio county, Ind. His parents were Peter and Mary AVhite. His father was a native of Lower Canada, and his mother of New York State. Mr. White was reared on a farm. His educational advan- tages were limited to the common country schools, which were held in log houses, furnished with slab seats. He returned to his native place in 1879, and saw the same slab seats whereon he had sat over a half a century ago, and bent over his dog-eared spelling book during the wearisome hours of school. His father was a British soldier in the war of 1812. Our subject was united in marriage in 1835 to Mary A. Traverse, a native of the District of Columbia, To this union were born 8 children, of whom 5 are living, viz.: Wm. N., Mary G., Elizabeth, Sarah T. and Louisa. Mr. Wliite is a farmer and stock-raiser, and owns a farm of 287 acres. SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP. Springfield townsliip was organized on the 6tli day of January, 1835. Tlie County Commissioners ordered an election to be held on the last Saturday in January, and appointed Judah Leaming as inspector of the election. Since its original organization, one tier of sections en the south became again a part of Centre township. The first white settler in the township was Judah Learning. He came in 1831 and settled where the village of Springfield now stands, and was the first Justice of the Peace. He built the first cabin, and afterward the first frame house, which is now standing, in a good state of preservation. It is the building occupied bj^ Benjamin Rhodes. Abram Cormack and Daniel Grifiin were early residents, and as nearly as can be ascertained lived in the town the first year of its settlement. In 1832 John Brown, Joseph Pagin and his sons, Erastus Quivey, John Hazelton and Charles Yail, became settlers. Mr. Vail erected a saw-mill on sec. 31. During this year the first school-house was built, and the school was taught by Miss Emily Learning. It was situated 80 rods west of the village of Springville. The Methodists had s»^rvices about this time, when Messrs. Rose and Grifiin took the lead in the exer- cises. Many attended the meetings of the Baptists, Mr. Marks conducting the services. There was no regular place of worship for either. In 1833 the town of Springville was survej'ed by Daniel M. Learning, upon the lands of Judah Leaming. During this year Gilbert Rose, Hiram Grifiin, John Griffin and Erastus Quivey became settlers. Quivey built the mill on section 1, now known as the Ross mill. In 1834 Ingraham Gould, Michael Fall, Ezekiel Blue, Abner Ross, Aaron Conklin, John Johnson, Henry S. i\.llen, John White, Mr. Ross, A. N. Sliippee, Mr. Lewis and Josiah Redding became settlers. Joseph Pagin built a grist-mil), which was run until it was worn out. About the same time David Pagin built another mill on the same stream, about a mile and a half below the old one. During this year Elder Tucker, the first male teacher, took charge of the school near ISpiingville. James Y. Hopkins came to the township in 1835, but settled in Michigan City afterward. During this year the school-house near Springville burned: also, this year the first wedding took place, Abner Ross marrying Esther Rose. Jacob Early built a mill upon section 28, which has been worn out and rebuilt several times, the last time by E. S. Organ. In October of this year, Chas. Vail built a saw-mill, Erastus Quivey (859) 860 HISTORY or LA PORTE COUNTY. assisting in its constrnction. Hopkins worked at the business of carpentry and also made brick, designing to build a tavern, but sold to Ingraham Gould. Prior to 1837 many more had conie into the township, among them being Samuel Lehr, John Mason, Lemuel S. Fitch, Alfred Stanton, John Blue and Michael Fall. There are two villages in this township. Springville takes its name from a large spring of pure cold water near by which Hows out in great abundance. It was laid cut by Daniel Learning for Judah Learning, who was the original pro- prietor of the soil, and the plat was filed for record Aug. 19, 1835. Prior to this, in 1834, Gilbert Ross had started a store in the village, Ingraham Gould a tavern, and Abner Hoss a blacksmith shop. A postoffice was established in 1835, which was kept until 1863, when it was discontinued. During most of the time of its existence it was kept by D. K. Brickett, who commenced the business of boot and shoe making in 1837 and continued it until 1853. Aaron Conklin established a tannery in 1835, and after conducting it four years, sold out to Leslie Rose. He in turn sold it to Ira C. Nye, who conducted the business successfully for many years. Corymbo is situated on the northeast quarter of sec. 18, town 38 north, of range 3 west. The plat was acknowledged b}^ Craigie Sharp, Jr., and filed Aug. 19, 1873. In 1861 a post-office was established, and Craigie Sharp, Jr., appointed postmaster. It has since been discontinued. ' For several years between 1835 and 1844 a gang of counterfeiters infested this township; the leaders 'were men known as Van Yesler and Stroud. Van Yesler was finally detected and sent to the State prison, where he died, and Stroud is reported to have been lynched in Illinois for horse-stealincr. BIOGRAPHICAL. Following is a brief mention of several prominent residents and pioneers of Springfield township. It will be of equal interest with the foregoing items, especially to the citizens of that community. John Ashton was born in Ireland in 1822, son of Joseph and Ann Ashton, the former a native of England, and the latter of Ireland. At the age of 18 he went to the East Indies as a soldier, thence to Australia, where he remained 14 years; he then went to England, and in 1867 came to America, locating in this tp, where he engaged in farming, and owns 150 acres of land. In 1856 he mar- ried Miss Ann Traly, also a native of Ireland. Of their 7 children, Joseph only is living. Mr. and Mrs. A. are members of the Catholic Church. P. O., Springfield. Joseph W. Field, farmer, sec. 36; P. O., La Porte; was born in this county in 1843, son of Richard and Mahala Field, the former a native of New York and the latter of Pennsylvania, who came to this county about 1840, settling near Union Mills, and to this tp. in HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. 861 1852. They are at present living in Marion count}', Iowa. Our subject learned the blacksmith's and mason's trades, but at present gives his entire attention to farming. Dec. 24, 1867, he married Sancy Gulp, who was born May 29, 1S4Y, in Decatur county, this State. Their children are Nellie, Melissa, Levisa, Kichard, Freddie and Anna. Mr. Field served four years and three months in Co. F., 9th Ind. Yet. Vol. Inf. He was in the commands of Millroy, Nelson, Buell, Grant, Sherman and Thomas during his time of serv- ice. He owns 91 acres of land. Janus V. HopMns was born in Bourbon county, Ky., in 1802, son of Lemuel and Mary Hopkins, the former a native of Delaware, and the latter of Pennsylvania. At the age of ten years he was taken to Ohio, and in 1835 he came to this tp., then went to Centre tp., thence to Porter county, Ind., thence to Michigan City, and in 1852 settled on his present farm. In 1827 he married Miss Elizabeth Koss, born in New Jersey in 1804. Their 2 living chil- dren are Hazzard M. and James T. Mrs. Hopkins died in 1874; she was paralyzed for seven years. Both are members of the Christian Church. P. O., Michigan City. G.R. Madison ^N2.& born in 1847, in Denmark. His parents, Robert and Gertrude Madison, were also natives of Denmark. When 18 years old he came to America, locating in Cook county, where he worked by the month for 5 months; he then went to the pineries of Michigan w^here he met with a severe accident, caused by the falling of logs from the sled. In the spring of 1867 he went to Chicago, where he worked in a carriage factory until he met with another accident which caused the loss of most of his fingers; he then returned to Michigan, worked on saw-mill, thence to Wiscon- sin, Chicago, Nebraska, Iowa, Porter county, Ind., and to this county in 1873, locating in Cool Spring tp., afterward to this tp., where he bought mill property which he is operating; also owns 15 acres of land. In 1870 he married Christine Johnson, who was born in Sweden in 1844; their 4 children are, Gertrude, Addie, Mabel and Edda, Mr. and Mrs. M. are members of the M. E. Church. P. O., Michigan City. Residence sec. 6. E. S. Organ, farmer, sec. 28; P. O., La Porte; was born in 1813, in Campbell county, Va. His father, John Organ, was a native of Maryland, and his mother, Elizabeth Organ, was a native of Vir- ginia. He came to this county in 1836, settling in La Porte, where lie lived 14 years, then settled on his present farm; he again removed to La Porte, where he filled the ofiice of County Treasurer for 5 years, and then came back to his farm. He held the ofiice of Trustee three times, and has been delegate to State Conventions. In 1844 he, married Miss Catharine N. Early, who was born in Campbell county Va,, in 1836. Her parents, Jacob and Elizabeth Early, were also natives of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Organ have 8 living children, namely: Ellen, Alice, Docia, Francis, Walter E., Nettie, Lucy and Cora. Mr. O. owns 900 acres of land in this county, 600 of which is in the home farm ; both are members of the M. E. Church. 862 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. Solomon Ross^ deceased, was born in Shenandoah county, Ya., Dec. 1, 1807; was raised on a farm, receiving a common-school education, he emigrated to this county in 1884: or 1835, locating in this tp., where he followed farming and operated a saw-mill and flouring mill until his death, which occurred in 1869. Feb. 9, 1849, he married Ann Finley, who was born March 23, 1833, in Decatur county, Ind. Their 5 living children are Catharine, Andrew J., Amos J., Eldora (Downey) and John S. Mrs. Eoss still lives on the farm, consisting of 400 acres, her son Andrew superintending. She is a member of the Christian Church. Her parents, Jonas and Sally Finley, were also early settlers; her father was born in New York in 1805, and her mother in 1804. Nine of their 11 children are living. Mr. Finley emigrated to this State in 1818, first settling in Wliitewater, where he resided for some time; then moved to Terre Haute, where he lived until 1825; he then moved to Decatur county, and finaliy, in 1835, to this county, first settling in Galena tp. ; thence to this tp. in 1848, where he resided until ins death, which occurred in 1878. He followed farm- ing and milling. Mrs. Finley lives with her daughter Ann. Mr. and Mrs. F. were members of the Lutheran Church. P. O., La Porte. Kesidence, sec. 1. Amos J. Ross, son of the preceding, was born in this county in 1859; was raised partly on a farm, and followed milling a portion of the time; the latter occupation he stills follows. In 1879 he married Miss Chloe Bishop, also a native of this county, born in 1863. P. O., La Porte. Eesidence, sec. 1 G. W. Sht'ppe, farmer, sec. 13; P. O., New Bufi'alo, Michigan; was born in tiiis county in 1837; his parents, Nehemiah Shippe, a native of Rhode Island, and Laura Shippe, a native of New York, came to this county about the year 1834. Dec. 13, 1860, Mr. Shippe married Miss Ellen Wilson, who was born in this county in 1843. Of their 7 children, 4 are living. Both are members of the Christian Church. Mr. S. owns a good farm and is a successful farmer. Charles Yail, son of Isaac and Sarah Yail, was born in Plain- field, New Jersey, in 1803. In early lite he went to New York city, where he followed the baker's trade. In 1829 he emigrated to this State, locating in Terre Coupee Prairie, St. Joseph county, where he resided until 1832, and then came to this tp., where he erected a saw-mill on sec. 31. He followed the lumber business nntil his death, which occurred Feb. 25, 1872. Since that time his sons, A. S. and C, have operated the mill. Two mills have been worn out, and the third one erected on the same site. Mr. Yail was among the first settlers of this tp. ; he built a school-house at his own expense, and paid teachers for 3 years. In 1S32 he mar- ried Miss Olive Stanton, born in Union county, Ind. Her parents, Aaron and Lydia (Fosdick) Stanton, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of Massachusetts, were also early settlers. Mr. Stanton died in 1850, and Mrs. Stanton about 1845. HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 863 Mr. and Mrs. Yailhave had 9 children, 7 of whom are living: Augusta Y., wife of Mr. Brooks, the inventor of Brooks' water wheel; Caroline V., wife of Mr. Gushing; Isaac, Aaron S., Julia (now Mrs. Quinby), Charles and Olive (now Mrs. Riley). Mrs. Yail still occupies the old homestead. She was reared a Quaker, as was also her husband. John A. White, farmer, sec. 6; P. O., Michigan City; was born in this county in 1836; his parents, John H. and Elizabeth White, came to this county in 1833. He has traveled tlirough Iowa, Mis- souri, Kansas, Colorado, Jdaho, California, Oregon, Washington Territory and many other States. In several of these States he followed carpentering. In 1865 he returned to this county and married Miss Sarah J. Mayhew, who was born in this county in 1843. Their 4 children are: Minnie G., Hugh, Guy and Matilda. Mr. White owns a good farm upon which he bestows his entire attention. His wife is a member of the M. E. Church. 54 UNION TOWNSHIP. The township of Union includes the whole of the Congressional township No. 35, range 2 west, the 12 sonthern sections of town- ship 36, same range, sections 25 and 36, and part of sections 26 and 35 of township 36, range 3 west and sections 1 and 12, and part of sections 13, 24 and 25 in township 35, range 3 west. Thus it con- tains 52 sections and five fractional sections, and is the largest township in the county. The first settler came to this township in 1831 and built a small hut on the farm of D. H. Norton. This was Thos. Stillwell, from whom the prairie takes its name. He was a " border man," and he loved the company of Indians better than that of the whites. Pie was for quite a while without white neighbors. It was not until 1833 that any more permanent settlements were made, Mr. John Winchell and family being the first, John and Henry Vail soon after. The Yails built the first grist-mill in this township. Mr. Winchell also erected one the same year. Other persons arrived this year; among them were Henry Mann, whose cliildren are yet living in the township, and Henry Davis, the father of Handy Davis, who opened the first store at Kingsbury The same year Mr. N. J. and W. H. Winchell came. Jesse Winchell came in 1834. For a time he occupied the place since owned by Mr. France. Still other settlers came that year, among whom were Col. Josiah Grover, now of Valparaiso, and Grustavus Evarts, who was the second Judge of the Circuit Court. During the year 1835 the immigration was lively, among whom were Dr. Sylvanus Evarts, who was the first physician in the township, and one Mr. Farmer, who opened a blacksmith shop in Kingsbury, which was the first in the township. He died some time during the " sickly season " of 1838. Ephraira Barney came in 1835. Geo. W. Reynolds, the present Justice of the Peace, settled in Kingsbury May 4, 1835, when there were but two others in the place, which were Farmer, the blacksmith, and Davis, the merchant. Mr. Reynolds was a mechanic by trade, and put up the first buildings in the place. Mr. R.'s father, Abraham Reynolds, came in June, 1836. He died in March, 18T4. In 1836 Jeremiah Hiser came. His widow is still living in the township. Daniel Shaw came in 1837; he now lives in Kingsbury. In 1834 the first saw-mill in the township was built by David Winchell, a brother of Mrs. Geo. W. Reynolds, of Kingsbury. He sold the mill to Jacob Early, who replaced the log structure with a frame work, which stood for 30 years. This was purchased by H. P. Lans, and was torn down and replaced by another frame structure. (864) ' HISTOEY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 8(J5 Itis now owned by Mrs. Y. JBedley, of Cincinnati, a sister of the Biit- terworth brothers. The mill is now running under the management of H. D. Lans, a son of H. P. The first mill in the township, as already stated, was built by John and Henry Yail, in the early part of 1833. It was a log building, and in 1837 was rebuilt with a frame. A fulling mill and distillery were added, and in 1838 a wool-carding machine was attached. At the death of John Yail the property passed into the hands of Lot and Edward Yail, and some time since was purchased by Messrs. Butterworth. All except the grist-mill works have long been discontinued. The only village in the township is Kingsbury, It was laid out in 1835 by De Witt Culver. It then contained 300 lots; all of these but 51 have long since been disannulled. The first store in this village was opened by Henry Davis. After the death of Davis another store was opened by Jacob Early. Stores were opened by different persons, but did not long continue in business. Jan. 1, 1871, Mr. Brand opened a large store and has since carried it on quite extensively. Winehold Brothers also have a store. The busi- ness of Kingsbury consists of two grist-mills, two dry-goods stores (one, Mr. Brand's, has an implement and hardware store attached), one separate implement store, one drug store, two blacksmith shops, one boot and shoe shop, one grain elevator, one railroad station, one telegraph operator, one Church, of the Baptist order, and a two-story frame school-building. The upper story of this is used as a town hall. The Masonic fraternity owns a good frame building, the upper story of which is occupied as a Masonic lodge hall. In 1873 the Peninsular railroad, of Michigan, now called the Chicago & Grand Trunk railroad, was completed, much to the gratification of the wishes of the people. This has given a much brighter out- look to the business interests of Kingsbury, as it has already be- come quite a shipping point for grain. Agriculture forms the leading pursuit of the farmers. Stock- raising is last becoming the leading feature of employment of the people. Union township is well adapted to these branches of in- dustry. Among the leading iarmers of the township^ most of whom are old residents, are: William H. and N. J. Winchell, A. P. Lilley, W. W. Travis, Daniel N. Hay, Hugh Glasgow, R. D. Craft, D. B. Collings, C. Travis, Jr., John Moyer, D. P. Closser, Wm. Reynolds, E. Barney, and H. P. and E. S. Ellsworth, The prominent stock- raisers are A. P. Lillej^, John Moyer and Wm . Reynolds. Moses Butterworth is a farmer, grain dealer, miller and stock-raiser. Mr. D. P. Grover is a farmer and County Commissioner. Dr. H. M. Ellsworth is the only physician in the township. This township is fast developing. Its productive capacity is hardly equaled by that of any other. The land is being drained very rapidly, and in a few years, if the work is prosecuted zeal- ously, will become unexcelled in qualit}^ and productiveness. 866 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. • RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATIONAL. The first scliool-boiise in the township was built of logs in 1834, and stood near the present site of the Baptist church, in Kings- bury. This remained for about 10 years, serving as both school and meeting house. About 18M it was pulled down and a frame one built on the same site. Meetings were also held in this building till 1854, when the Baptists erected a church edifice. In 1872, un- der the superintendence of Edward Hawkins, a large two-story frame school- building was erected. There are also six other school- houses in the township. The Baptist Church at Kingsbury was the first in the township. About 1843 a Methodist Protestant society was organized at Kingsbury. They continued to hold their meetings until 1858, when, by the liberal contributions of 0. P. Switermeister, Curtis Travis (deceased), William Goodall (deceased), Hugh Glasgow and others, they were enabled to build a church edifice, which was erected near Tracey Station, under the. ad ministration of the Rev. B. B. Bain. Soon the German element became quite large, and having no place to worship, joined the Methodists. At this the German preacher was ofi'ended. The Germans then made an appli- cation of permission to the Methodists to worship in their church. It was granted them, and they continued to hold meetings there till 1875, when, by tiie assistance of their father Methodists, they erected a German Lutheran church building near Tracey Station. The Union Bethel church, which stands on sec. 35, was built in 1878, by a society of Quakers. The Union Church, which stands on section 3, was erected about the same time by the Unionists. The branch of the Red Ribbon Temperance Society at Kings- bury is one of the most prosperous in the county. THE PREHISTORIC MOUNDS. Some of the most celebrated mounds are found in this township, on sec. 21. They are 14 in number, arranged in the form of a semi- circle. They run diagonally across section 21, terminating in sec- tion 20. The first one, beginning at the north, is a large terrace of earth six rods in diameter, and 26 feet high; the next is smaller; each decreases in size and dimensions to the last, one on section 2, which is not more than two rods in diameter and 8 feet high. Con- siderable excavations have been made in these mounds, and various relics of their prehistoric origin have been found ; but to give the full details of the race that built them, and for what purpose, is a matter of impossibility. Yet it is very evident that they are of very remote date, as stumps of trees fully two feet in diameter are yet standing on the mounds, CYCLONE. A remarkable cyclone occurred in Union township July 2, 1878. The first indication of this terrible storm was seen north of Yalpa- HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 86T raiso. It appeared in the form of an inverted cone about 100 feet in the air. No damage was done until it struck the passenger house at Wellsboro on the B. & O. R. K, and took a part of the roof off. No more damage was done till it struck on sec. 7, on the farm of Wm. Reynolds, Union township. It swept along to the farm of J. Travis, sec. 8., then arose ana seemed to redouble its fury and next fell with destructive power on the residence and build- ings of A, E. Barney, removing his residence about 40 feet from its foundation, taking off the roof of the north end to the first floor, and the south end to the basement floor. His barn was completely demolished, and the corn-crib, wagon-house and two other tenant buildings were destroyed. There were at Mr. Barney's, besides his own family, Mr. H. P. and H. H. Ellsworth, Lee Endolph and O. H. Chapman. As the storm approached, the last named persons started north through the fields in a buggy to get out of the way of its fury. They succeeded iu getting about 20 rods from Barney's residence when it appeared to them that their course was leading them into the storm. They then turned their horses southward, but the storm was upon them. Mr. H. P. Ellsworth and another occnpantof the buggy alighted (the others having got out before) and caught the horses and clung to the fence; but the impetuosity ot the storm was so great it caught the rear part of the carriage and hurled it into the air to the height of 100 feet, at the same time Mr. H. P. Ellsworth was caught up in the air and carried about 200 feet, and fell in whore a large apple-tree had been torn out. He received no injury, and immediately returned to the wreck of Mr. Barney's house and property. Mrs. Barney and her four daughters, one 18 years of age and the others younger, ran excitedly into a small tenant house jnst opposite their residence, which was occupied by one Mr. Joiner and family. This house was blown to atoms. Mrs. B. was found some distance from it with two large timbers lying across her body, showing the ]>athway of death. Her eldest daughter. Miss Loretta, was found near her, mortally injured, from which she died the next day. The otlier persons that were in the house escaped without very serious wounds. One young man, Edward Collings, who lived at Mr. D. B. CoUings', was found dead in a rail pile not far from the barn. The last seen of him lie was standing in the barn door. Mr. Barney remained in his house, and escaped the terrors of the storm. The Winchell school-house was entirely destroyed. School had been dismissed only thirty minutes before it was struck. The entire section of country was left in deso- lation. All the rail fences were swept away and the hedge fences completely stripped of their leaves. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. We append to the above, as a part of the history of Union town- ship, brief biographies of prominent citizens. JEphraim Barney, retired farmer, sec. 17; P. O., Kingsbury; one of the early settlers of Union tp., coming in the fall of 1835. Mr. 868 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. Barney was born in Steuben county, IST. Y., June 24, 1803. His parents were Jonathan and Mary Barney, the former a native of I^ew Hampshire, and the latter of Pennsylvania, whose ancestors came from England. Ephraim was reared on a farm, and was edu- cated in the Prattsburg Academ3% and came to this county, as above stated, in the fall of 1835, and settled on the west side of Stillwell Prairie, where he lived for about 20 years. When Mr. Barney came here he had about $1,000, which he immediately invested in land; he also entered 80 acres in the sec. where he lives. He owns at present 280 acres in sec. 17, and also 200 acres in Minnesota. He was married June 15, 1828, to Miss Rutli Holmes, by whom he had 6 children; 5 of these are living: Emeline, now Mrs. A. Mc- Clain, and residing at Erie, 111.; Ellen, now Mrs. H. C. Schaefer; Charles, residing in La Porte; John ; Blair, at Marble Rock, Iowa, and Clark, deceased. Mrs. Barney died in 18G3, and Mr. Barney again married July 9, 1868, Eunice A.. Holmes. L. D. Brand, one of the prominent merchants of La Porte county, began life with scanty means, but by economy and con- tinued industry he has accumulated considerable. He owns a fine brick store building, in the upper story of which is the noted Brand's Temperance Hall. He carries a stock of goods consisting of general merchandise, hardv;are and farming implements, to the vafne of $10,000. His annual sales amount to $20,000. Mr. Brand M'as born near the noted Chautauqua lake, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1837. His parents were Morril and Sarah Brand. He was reared in Silver Creek, N. Y., and also had access to the common schools of the village, which were not known for their excellence. In 1855 he came to this county, first settling in Kingsbury, and about one year later went to Valparaiso, Porter county, and was engineer in the flouring mills of that place till 1858, when he went to Pleasant- ville, Iowa, and engaged in the same business, which he followed to the spring of 1859; he then went to Denver, Colorado. He followed mining in the Rocky Mountains that summer, and in the fall he returned to Valparaiso. He again left the latter place in 1861 for Hudson, Mich., and was engineer in the flouring mills there till the spring of 1862, when he came to Kingsbury, and purchased a steam threshing-machine; he ran this machine till 1870, when he opened the above named store. He was united in marriage Dec. 23, 1863, to Miss Mary Catlin; this union was blessed with 6 children, viz.: Carl D., Grace E., Percy, Claud and Maud (twins) and Olie. We give a portrait of Mr. Brand in this volume, from a photo- graph taken at the age of 25 years. It faces page 870. Will'tam Callison, one of the early settlers of this county, was born July 9, 1808, in Greenbrier 'county, Va. He came with his parents, James and Isabella Callison, to Mercer county, Ohio, in 1820; in 1826 he went with them to Ft. Wayne, Ind.; in 1829 to Elkhart county, and in 1834 he came to this county, with his wife and 2 children and a yoke of oxen, which was all the property he HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 869 owned. Thus he begun in life, and by his untiring energy and perseverance he acquired means so that he can live in retirement the remainder of his days. His property consists of a farm of 600 acres, besides town property. In 1845 (Aug. 2) he met with a seri- ous accident while with a threshing-machine. He was walking on the top part of the machine, when he slipped and fell, and his right foot caught in the cylinder, which severed his leg about six inches below the knee. After he had sufficiently recovered he started with the machine again, which he followed for two years. Oct. 28, 1830, he was wedded to Lorahanna Crow, and they have had 13 children, only Y of whom are living, viz.: James W., Benjamin J., Charles L., John L., Johnson L., Joseph M., William L. Mrs. Callison died June 19, 1879. Jas. Y. Cattro 11^ diewtht and school-teacher, Kingsbury, was born in this county June 8, 1818, a son of Samuel and Nancy Cattron. He was reared on a farm in this county. From 1860 to 1865 he attended school at the Valparaiso Presbyterian Institute; from 1865 to ^QQ he was in the Valparaiso 7'/bWs.^; ■a \ Ij-^M-^^^^^ •-^■A^ Rv;V^^,<|% \, Jpu 5 ^^ *i^^*' ''' 5;^^ i? bf^^Pl^vTsC''^''"" i) # "*' " "*' " i CV aP £^^^^ HISTOEY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 883 William H. WincheU., brother of the preceding, was born Aug. 14, 1812, and settled in this county in 1833. In 1826 he, with his father's family, had located in Franklin county, 111., near Terre Haate, Ind, When he came here he had but little means, but by strictest economy and the most industrious efforts has accumulated great wealth. He owns about 1,800 acres of first-class land, princi- pally on Stillwell Prairie. His property at a very low rate is estimated at $150,000. He farms on a very large scale, and raises a great deal of stock. He was married April 5, 1840, to Miss Louisa Osborn, by whom he has had 4 children, Olive M., now Mrs. Lamb, of La Porte; Francis Marion, White Rock, 111.; Daniel, Edwin and Henrietta B. 55 WILLS TOWNSHIP. Wills township, which is number 37 north, range 1 west, is situ- ated in the eastern part of La Porte count3\ and is bounded on the north bj Hudson and Galena, on the west by Kankakee, on the south by Pleasant and Lincoln townships, and on' the east by St. Joseph county. This township is somewhat peculiarly laid out. It is composed of sections from both range 1 and range 2 of township 37. A portion of the Congressional township, of which Wills forms a part, lies in St. Joseph county, 12 sections on tlie east and northeast of Wills township being thus cut off from La Porte county. As originally constituted it included all of the present Hudson township and six sections on the east side of Galena, extending to the Michigan line. Its six southeastern sections were then in St. Joseph county. The township was organized, and its boundaries designated on the same day with Pleasant township, both being carved out of the original township of Kankakee. On the third day of March, 183-1, at the regular March terra of the Board of County Commissioners, the following order was passed: "• On motion of Henry F. Janes for a division of Kankakee town- ship and to form the township of Wills in the northeast corner of said county, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the south- east corner of section 33, township 37 north, of range one west, thence north wath the county line to the northeast corner of La Porte county, thence west with the county line to the section line, one mile west of the range line dividing one and two west, thence south with said section line to the south side of township 37, thence east to the place of beginning; and that the house of William West shall be the place of holding elections in said township, and that Henry F. Janes be appointed inspector of elections." Thus tracing the outlines of the township upon the map, they will be found very irregular. Why it is thus, there seems to be no good reason. The earliest pioneer settlers of this township were John Wills and his 3 sons, John, Daniel and Charles, who came as early as 1830; they settled on section 6. These were the first permanent settlers of the township, and in all probability the name of the town- ship was derived from them; although Asa Warren, now a resident of Hudson township, claims to have visited it as early as 1829; how- ever, he did not settle then. Closely following them came a good many others who made this township their home in 1830, the names of all of whom it is not easy to obtain. A few of them are: Joseph Lykins, John Sissany, Andrew Shaw and J. S. Garoutte. In 1831 came Matthias Dawson, James Wills and Dr. Chapman. (884) HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 885 In 1832 then came John Hefner, who settled on section 23; in 1.S82, Joseph Starrett bought an " Indian float" and settled on it in 1833. Among other early settlers not yet mentioned were Jesse Willett, Jacob Gallion, Himrod West and J. Clark. During the year 1834, there came from Clarke county John Bowell and his wife; they first camped out for two weeks just over the line, in Kankakee township, and then finally settled in Wills township. Three of their children. Dr. B. C. Bowell, A. J. Bowell and Mrs. Jas. Drumniond, are still residents of this township. Their mother, Elizabeth Bowell, died April 3, 1866, and on April 10, just one week afterward, her husband, John, died. Both now^ lie buried in the edge of Kankakee township, within 20 feet of where they camped out for two weeks 32 years previous to their death. And thus, like them, one by one have the early pioneers of this township passed away and taken their rest in the silent halls of death; many of them now sleep on, sleep ever in the cold and silent o-rave, whilst the lightnings flash and the thunders roar, calmly ^'aiting for the shining dewdrops of time itself to be gently silvered o'er, when the grave shall give up its illustrions dead and the pioneers shall be rewarded. In the year 1834 it is said that Joseph Lykins put up the first frame house that was ever erected in the township; it was built somewhere in the northeast part. Some time prior to 1835 came Howell Huntsman. Mr. Kitchen, George Hunt, Asher White, Edmund Jackson, Wm. Ingraham, John^Galbreath, Martin Baker, William Nixon, Andrew Fuller, Samuel Yan Dalsen and a great many others. The first grist-mill in the township was builtby John Galbreath,^ on a branch of the Kankakee. John Wills was the first Justice of the Peace in this township. CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS. There is only one church in the township. It is a Baptist church building, situated on section 13, and was built in 1843. In 1837 there was built a log church which served every purpose for relig- ious worship until 1843, when the present one was built. June 13,, 1836, a Baptist Church was organized by Elder T. Spaulding, of La Porte, and Elder T. Price, oV Edwardsburg, Michigan, at the residence of James Hunt, consisting of the following charter mem- bers: James Hunt, Nancy Hunt, Phebe Hunt, Sabrina Salisbury, John Salisbury, Matthias"" Dawson, Sarah Dawson, Alsie Dawson, Martha Whitehead, Catharine Whitehead, Martha Hunt and Cla- rissa Canada. To-day the congregation is not large, but composed^ of some of the best citizens of Wills township. The organizers of this Church were the earliest ministers in this community. The first school-house was built at Independence, or '' Sauk Town."_ There are now six good new, substantial, frame school-buildings, situated conveniently throughout the township, in which are furn- ished about nine months of school annually. The educational g86 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. interests of this township are well cared for by the people in gen- eral, and by John W. Zigler in particular, who is now and has been School Trustee for the last IS years, with the exception of 18 months. VILLAGES. There is nothing in Wills township that deserves the name of a town, and the only thing that adds to the business interests of the township is one small store at what is known as Puddletown, and two saw-mills situated upon a couple of small lakes. Puddletown was never laid out as a village, but at an early day it might possibly have deserved the name of a village. It is situated on Puddletown lake, on section 9. In 1851 a steam saw- mill was built at this place, where it remained until a few years ago, when it was removed to anotlier location. The only thing that is now any indication of a town is a small store, kept by L. C. Vandusen, who first engaged in the boot and shoe business at that place in 1857. In 1872 he added a small stock of groceries; in 1876 he abandoned the shoe shop and now carries a small stock of groceries, drugs, dry goods, hardware and queensware. In 1856 Waters and Dugan started a blacksmith shop, and continued in that business for about three years. During the year 1862 a postoffice \vas established, J. W. Gulp being postmaster; this was discontinued after about two years. This little country village can no longer be called a town; it was never laid out as such. In 1837 plats were filed with the county recorder for laying out the village of Independence. It was to be situated on section 28. In 1835 Andrew Fuller started a little country store in that com- munity, but soon afterward discontinued the business. In the same year Elias Axe started a cabinet shop. In 183*> William C. Pellett bought out the rural village formerly owned by Mr. Baker, and started another small store. The town afterward passed into other hands. In 1837 Mr. Sparrow started a boot and shoe shop. Soon after a wagon shop and tailor shop were established, the former by a man named Chapman, and the latter by Wm. Costello. About the same time two mills were built; the one a grist-mill, by John Galbreath, and the other a saw-mill by his father, Benjamin Gal- breath. These were Intended to be run by water-power, but the water drying up, both mills were soon torn down. Another mill was built afterward which run until 1851, when it was removed to Puddletown. The town of Independence is now no more. Not even a building or ruin marks its former existence. The country close bv the site of this once so-called town is now known as " Sauk Town." And still another place deserves to be mentioned under this head. It is a place on section 6 known as " Boot Jack." At this place, in 1835, a small store and trading post were started by an Indian whose name was Pice; upon his departure with the rest of the Indians soon after, it was discontinued. In 1851 Harvey Kellogg opened a HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 887 tavern, and soon after, John Parker, father of John Parker, who is now a resident of the same place, started another. A tavern-keeper in that day did a very lucrative business, but afterward, when the railroads were surveyed through the country near by, the taverns were closed. One still stands, though somewhat dilapidated by time; and only the ruins of the other are in existence. There are several old houses in the place which still stand to perpetuate the location of "Boot Jack," and serve as a memento of the fact that a countrj^ village once existed there. The town was probably named from the pecu- liar manner in which the two roads crossed each other at this point. RAILROADS AND WATERING FACILITIES. Wills township does not have the advantage of a railroad station, that which is most necessary to promote the business interests of a community; however, it is situated midway between New Carlisle on the east and Rolling Prairie on the west, both of which towns receive a liberal patronage from the inhabitants of Wills township. ISTo rivers or creeks cross the township; for watering facilities, it is dependent entirely upon five or six small lakes which here and there dot the low lands bordering closely upon the timber. A large proportion of the land in this township is excellent for farming purposes, while a great part in the east and south is timbered land, which adequately supplies the wants of the inhabitants for fuel. PERSONAL MENTION. The following are short biographical sketches of many prominent citizens of Wills township, wiiich in fact constitute a legitimate portion of its history and will be found of great interest. Dr. B. C. Bowell^ a farmer and practicing physician, of Wills tp., was born in Clarke county, Ind., in 1820; he is a son of John and Elizabeth (Carr) Bowell, deceased^ natives of Pennsylvania; they lie buried in the Kankakee cemetery, within 10 feet of where they camped out when first coming to this countj^ J.6 years ago. The mother was of Irish descent, and father of Welsh descent. The Doctor, coming to La Porte county March 31, 1834, in company with his father, camped out for two weeks in this tp. and then finally located where he is now living. He was married the first time in Clarke county, Jan. 17, 1S50, to Elizabeth Drummond, who died May 17, 1851; she was a native of Clarke county, and was the mother of one child, which died when an infant. He was married the second time Feb. lO, 1852, to Eliza A. Jackson, who is a native of Ohio and is now 47 years old, the mother of 7 children; of these, 4 are living: Frank A., Flora A., B. C, Jr., and Fred. J. The Doctor owns 445 acres of fine land, which he values at $75 per acre. He has a fine large brick-house, which he built in 1870 at a cost of $10,000. Politically, he is a Democrat; he and wife are members 888 HISTOKY OF LA I'URTE COUNTY. of the Christian Church. The Doctor when a boy hired out and drove seven yoke of oxen to a plow while breaking prairie. His educational advantages were quite limited, but were very good for the time; he graduated at the Eclectic Medical College, at Cincin- nati, Ohio, in 1849; commenced the practice of medicine in 184.5 at New Carlisle, St. Joseph county, where he remained seven months, and then went to Chicago; here he practiced five months and then returned to Wills tp., where he has been ever since as a farmer and physician and surgeon. He has a good practice, amounting to about $3,000 annually. Broadrich Bunion^ son of Peter and Jane (Good ridge) Bunton, was born in New York in 1810, and is of Dutch descent. He came to La Porte county in 1842, and to this tp. in 1854. In 1850 he was united in marriage to Maria Dawson, a native of Indiana, who is now 45 years old, and the mother of S children; of these, (> are living: James, George, John, Marion, Samuel and Hamilton. He owns 73 acres on sec. 31, of this tp., and 117 in Lincoln tp. He and wife are members of the Methodist Church. Politically, he is a Democrat. His school advantages were poor, not being able to receive sufficient education to enable him to read and write. Jesse Coleman^ a farmer on sec. 32, P. O., La Porte, is a son of Jonatlian and Rachel Brown, both of whom are now deceased, and was born in Butler county, O., in 1813, and is of English descent. He came with his father to Indiana when only a small child and settled in Fayette county, where they lived 21 years. He next went to St. Joseph county, from there to this county, where he remained 10 yeai's; he then removed to Marshall county, and returned after a lew years to this county. He was married in 183B to Dorcas Dawson, who died in 1856; he was married the second time about 20 years ago. Mr. C. owns, on sec. 32, 225 acres of land. Politically, he is a Democrat. John L. Coxchman, farmer, sec. 5; P. O., New Carlisle; is the son of George and Elbenia (Chineworth) Couchman, and was born in Wayne county, O., in 1850. He was married in 1872 to Eva E. Brown, who is now 26 years of age, a native of Indiana, and the mother of 2 children, both living: Florence and Cora. Mr. C. and wile are members of the Christian Church. Politically, he is a Pepublican. His educational advantages were not very good. He owns 40 acres of excellent farming land on sec. 5, worth about $75 per acre. He has worked diligently all his lite, and had very little start when he commenced. He came to this tp. eight years ago. Bichard Cranmer^ P. O., New Carlisle, the son of Job and Mary (Headley) Cranmer, was born in New Jersey in 1796, and is of English descent. His parents, both of whom are now deceased, were natives of New Jersey. Coming to Indiana in 1836 he first settled at New Carlisle, where he remained two years and built the firfet tavern at that place; he then came to this tp., where he has been ever since. He was married to Mary Bowker, who died about 16 years ago. She was a native of New Jersey and was about HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 889 65 years of age at the time of her death. They were blessed with 8 children, 6 of whom are living: Samuel, Esther, Mary, Michael, Alice and Richard. His education was only such as vvas ailorded by a subscription school. He is a member of the Methodist Church ; his wife was also a member of the same. Politically^ he is a Dem- ocrat, and was formerly a AVhig. He has held the oflice ol Justice of the Peace in this tp. He owns here, on sec. 4, 130 acres ol land, which he values at about $50 per acre. _ ^ ^ . . Georqe Bawsoiijarxxier, seci. 10; P. O., La Porte ;_ was born in this county in 1857, and is of English descent; he is the son ot Obadiah and Polly (Warren) Dawson, both of whom ai-e now living in this tp In 1876 Mr. D. was married to Miss Belle Tuley, a native of La Porte county, Ind., who is now 28 years oi age and the mother of one child: Gerald, who was born July 16, 1877. His wife is the daughter of Simeon a^d Maria (Leming) luley. Mr D is living on his father's place, consisting ot 220 acres, which he farms prettv extensively. Politically, he is a Democrat. His educational advantages were tolerably good, and he reads a good deal Mr D is a hard-working man and successtui tanner. d Dawson, ^ m^ominent farmer and old settler of Wills tp., is the son of Matthias and Alsey (Harding) Dawson and was born m Favette county, Ind., in 1820; he is of English descent Mr. D cai'ne to this county with his father in 1833; here his father and mother both died. In 1841 he was married to Sophia Warren who died in June, 1845; she was a native of Indiana, and at her deatii was 26 years of age. She was the mother of 3 children, ol whom one is now living,"named Nancy Jane. In 1848 he was married a second time, to Pollv Warren, a sister of his first wife. She is now 55 years old and is the mother of 9 children, of whom 8 are living: Elizabeth, Mary, Rosilla, George, Ella, Aaron, Alice and Irvin. Mr D owns in' this tp. over 500 acres ot land, and has also 370 in Pleasant tp. His educational advantages were limited, but he is a man who reads considerable now. Politically, he is a Democrat. He had a small start when he commenced lite lor himselt, and has succeeded well,, financially speaking, and also in bringing up a tam- ily of children. ij 4.4.1 ^„ Gahriel DrolUnger, a farmer on sec. 33 and a very old settler of this tp., was born in North Carolina in 1810, and is ot German descent; he is the fifth child in a family of 7 children, whose parents were Frederick and Barbara (Warrick) Drollinger; they were na- tives of North Carolina, and are now both dead. Mr. D. came to Indiana in 1830 and first settled in St. Joseph county, where he lived as a hired hand most of the time for five years, and then came to La Porte county in 1835 and located in Wills tp. He was mar- ried in 1834 to M'ary E. Chapman, who is now 65 years ot age, a native of New York. They have had 13 childreii, o whom 9 are now living: Martha M., now the Widow Tennis; Polly, the wite ol Joseph Hostotler, a farmer of this tp.; Josephine A., tormerly the wife of Dr. Collins, of La Porte; Joseph, a larmer in Kansas; 890 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. Jared, a farmer of this tp. ; Manford, Qninby, Schuyler and George. Two of the last four are physicians in South Bend, the other two are residents of this tp. Mr. D. held the office of School Trustee in this tp. for two or three terms. Politicallj^, he is a Kepublican. His education was confined to that of a subscription school in a log house, having paper for windows. Mr. D. owns 350 acres of ordi- nary land, well improved. He had no start in life, but worked as a hired hand until he was 24 years old. He has succeeded well. Jared Drolllnger, son of the preceding, is a farmer on sec. 33; P. O., Mill Creek. He was born in this tp. in 1848, and has.always been a resident of the same. In 1879 he was united in marriage to Miss Amanda Jarrell, who is a native of Marshall county, Ind., and is now 25 years old; they have one child. Mr. D. has held the office of Constable in this tp. Politically, he is a Republican. He is now living on his father's place, and has worked hard all his life. He is an industrious, prudent farmei', who is highly respected in his community. James Drummond is a farmer on sec. 1; P. O., Rolling Prairie. He is a son of James and Nancy (Griffith) Drummond, both of whom are dead, and was born in Clarke county, Indiana, Aug. 9, 1810, and is of Scotch-Welsh descent. Coming to this county in February, 1835, he first settled in this tp., where he has resided ever since. He was married March 9, 1834, to Amy J. Bowell, a native of Indiana, wlio is now 64 years ot age and the mother of 4 children, of whom all are living: Ann E., the wife of T. J. Foster, now County Treasurer; Margaret J., the wife of J. Oglesby, a farmer in this tp. ; Jesse, also a farmer in Wills tp., and Marietta, wife of George W. Roe, a resident of Chicago. Mr. D. owns 330 acres of good land, worth about $75 per acre. He has been County Com- missioner in this county. He and wife are meraliers of the Chris- tian Church; politically, he is a Democrat. His educational advan- tages were limited; was compelled to attend school in log houses. He has worked hard during his whole life, and has earned all. he has by manual labor, having had onh' $400 in money and a little personal property when he commenced life for himself Rossfinna Harris^ daughter of Joseph Cnrni and Rebecca McBride, both of whom have been dead 20 years, was born in La Porte county, Ind., in 1828, and is of Irish descent. Her parents were natives of Ireland, and when they came to America they first set- tled in New York, where they lived about 19 years, and came to Indiana in 1840. She owns here 40 acres of good land worth about $75 per acre. She was married in 1845 to David Harris, who died in 1876; he was a native of Canada, and was 50 years old at his death. Politically, he was a Republican, and a member of the Odd Fellows lodge. Mrs. H. is the mother of 6 children, 4 living: William H., Charles, James, and Mary J., the wife of Dr. Conner, a resident of Michigan. Philip Haussauer^ son of Martin and Henrietta (Bruch) Haus- sauer, was born in France in 1824; his parents are now both dead. ^-^y*^^ "^"^ -is-fefj "%. cv -f ^>^ (^^^:a/z,^^-^L^ HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 893 He was brought to America by his father when only two years old, who first settled in New York, where Philip lived until 1854, when he came to this tp. He was married to "Wilhelmina Bruch, a native of Prussia, who is now 55 years old and the mother of 11 children; of the latter, 8 are now living: Henrietta, Phil., Christina, Sarah A., Franklin, Clara, Lillie and Alle. Mr. H. owns in this tp. 200 acres of land, all of wliich is well improved and worth about $05 per acre; he has also 80 acres in Hudson tp. He and wife are mem- bers of tlie Presbyterian Church; politically, he is a Republican. His education was such as was given to children in his day by ordi- nary district schools. He has worked hard all his life, commencing witii nothing. For awhile he worked by the month, and when mar- ried they had only $15 in money. Joseph Hostotler, a prominent and successful farmer on sec. 22; P. O., New Carlisle; was born in Pennsylvania in 1829 and is of German descent. His parents were Joseph and Maria (Miller) Hostotler. Mr. H. came with his parents to this State in 1842 and settled in this tp., where his father and mother both died. He was married in September, 1855, in this county, to Polly Drollinger, a native of this State, who is now 43 years of age; they have had 11 children, and have 8 living. Politically, Mr. li. is a Democrat, but claims to be somewhat independent in home political affairs. His education was such as was afforded by the subscription schools of pioneer times. He owns in this tp. 859 acres of land, and in St. Joseph county 240 acres; there is considerable marsh and timber on it; he does not farm very extensively now, but rents most of it and raises some stock. He had very little start in life when he commenced for himself, but by hard work and careful management and industrious habits, he succeeded in accumulating considerable wealth. Duncan M. Hunt is a farmer on sec. 1; P. O., Polling Prairie; he is a son of Phineas and Hannah (Robison) Hunt, and v/as born in Kalamazoo county, Mich., in 1832; he is of Scotch descent on his father's side, and Irish on his mother's side; his father and mother are both living in Kankakee tp. ; the former is a native of Ohio and is now T9 years old; the latter, a native of Yirginia, is now 78 years of age. The family first settled in Scipio tp. in 1836, where they remained only two years; they next went to La Porte, where they remained but a short time; thence to Kankakee tp. After residing there 30 years the subject of this sketch came into Wills tp. about 13 years ago. In 1860 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary C. White, who is now 43 vears of ao:e and a native of La Porte county, Ind.; they have been blessed with 7 children, of whom 5 are now living: Loraette, Schuyler, Clai-a M., Cata and Hannah. Mr. 11. owns 100 acres of land in this tp. wliich he values at about $45 per acre; he was elected Assessor of this tp. two years, and also was the same by a])pointment; he is a member of the Masonic lodge No. 101, at Polling Prairie, and is a Republican. Mr. H. takes an active part in political matters and has been a member of 894 HISTORY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. the Central Committee since lie has been in the countj. His edu- cational advantages were rather poor; had to attend subscription schools in log houses; he had no start in life at all, and has earned all he has by liard work; he now owns a threshing-machine which he bought five years ago at a cost of $1,675. Jacob R. May^ a farmer on sec. 28; P. O., Mill Creek; was born in Pennsylvania in 1838, and is of Dutch descent. His parents, George and Susanna (Bolinger) May, are now both living in this tp. Mr. M. came to Indiana in 1849 and first settled in La Porte county; he came to this tp. with his father 25 years ago, and then moved out of it, returning again in 1867. In 1860 he was united in marriage to Miss Louisa Little, a native of Pennsylvania, who is now 38 years of age. Mr. M. owns 148 acres of land in this tp., which he values at about $50 per acre. He and his estimable wife are devoted members of the Christian Church and live consistently with their profession. Politically, he is a believer in the principles and platform of the Democratic party. His educational advan- tages were limited, but he reads a great deal now. He has been an industrious man all his life, and when married he had only $12 in money and a note for $35. Mr. M. is a highly respectable citi- zen in his community, a kind and obliging neighbor, and an upright man. luaac Miller a farmer, on sec. 36; P. O., Rolling Prairie; was born in Union county, Tnd., in 1813, and is the son of Tobias and Sarah (Henderson) Miller. Coming to this county in 1834, he first settled where he now is. He was married in 1833 to Susanna Hardman, who died in 1844. She was a native of Kentucky, and was 32 years old at her death, and was the mother of 5 children. He was married the second time in 1845, to Phebe Jones, a native of Indiana, \A\o died April 7, 1880, leaving her husband 2 children. Mr. M. is a minister in the Dunkard Church. Politically, he is a Republican. He owns here on sec. 36, 210 acres of land, worth about $30 per acre. In his business he sets a good example of industry and economy. Jacob Miller, a farmer on sec. 31 ; P. O., Rolling Prairie; was born in Union county, Ind., Nov. 11, 1826, and is of Dutch descent. He is a son of Peter and Elizabeth (Petre) Miller, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania, and are now dead. His parents came to this county in November, 1835, and first settled where Jacob, the subject of this sketch, is now living. In 1841 the latter was married to Polly Davis, a native of Virginia, who died in 1877. Slie was the mother of 12 children, of whom 8 are now living: Eva C, Cindrilla, Daniel, John E., Benjamin E., Jacob L., Mary C. and James W. He is a memder of the Methodist Protes- tant Church ; his wife was also a member of the same. Politically, he is a Democrat. He owns over 400 acres of land in this tp., and 106 in Lincoln tp. He is a hard-working, industrious man. John P. M'dls^ son of David and Elizabeth (Patterson) Mills, was born in 1816, in Maryland, and is of Scotch descent. His HISTORY OF LA POETE COUNTY. 895 parents, who were natives of Maryland, are now both deceased. Coming to this county in 1842, he first settled in La Porte, where he was a shoemaker until 23 years ago, when he came to this tp. He was married in La Porte in 1842, to Ruth J. Thomas, a native of Virginia, and now 54 years of age. She is the mother of 3 chil- dren, of whom one, George T., is 'now^ living. Mr. M. owns here 40 acres of good land worth about $60 per acre. Politically, heis a Democrat. His wife is a member of the Protestant Methodist Church. Mr. M. is an industrious, exemplary citizen. Harvey Worr'ts, a farmer, on sec. 29; P. O., Roiling Prairie; is a son of Thomas and Sarah (Brock) Norris, both of whom were natives of North Carolina, and are now dead; he was born in Mis- souri, in 1819, and is of Irish-Dutch descent. He was married in 1840 to Sarah A. Miller, who is now 69 years old, a native of Pennsylvania, and the mother of 8 children; 6 of these are living: George, Ann, Seth L., Charlotte, Harriet E. and John. Miles F. died "in Alabama in the army, in Rosecrans' division, and Mary died when quite young. Mr.'lSTorris owns here 252 acres of land, worth about $60 per acre. He Avas once Constable in Pleasant tp. Politically, he is a Democrat. Coming to this county in 1834, he first settled in Pleasant tp., where he remained about 17 years, and then came to this tp. His educational advantages were limited; however, he reads a good deal now. He is an industrious, faithful and exemplary citizen. John C. Parker, the son of John and Beulah (Cranmer) Parker, who were natives of New Jersey, and came to this State at an early day, was born in this State in 1836. He was brought to this county in 1840, to Boot-Jack, where he now resides. He was married in 1863 to Caroline Shaw. She w^as born in this State in 1842. They have 5 children: Minnie, A., Charles A., Lydia E., Linda A. and Bes ie J. Mr. Parker's early education was confined to a few months' attendance at the district school in the winter time. He now owns a farm of 76^ acres on sec. 6, this tp., under a good state of cultivation. He is a member of the Christian Church, and politically, he is a Republican. Jom-ph Iiee.< who was born in Monroe county. New York, Dec. 3, 1829. His father, Isaac Powell, was born in the year 1783, and died in La Porte county, in August, 1863, in his 80th year. His mother, Miss Anna Ileaton, was born in the year 1791, and died in August, 1871, likewise in her 80th year. She also died in this county. Mr. Powell removed with liis parents from Monroe county to Cattaraugus county. New York, in 1833, where they remained until 1837, when they again changed loca- tion, settling in Erie county. New York. Here they remained until the year J 810. Believing that they could enhance their temporal interests, the parents of Mr. Powell again determined to change their location; and coming West, they settled in Clinton township, of this county, thus making their son a citizen of the county at the age of 10 years, and he has continued to reside in it for 40 years. The school education of Mr. Powell is such as the public schools of New York and Indiana afforded in the years of his boyhood. But men are often educated who do not attend schools, academies 908 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. and colleges. They are students, whether in or out of school. Mr. Powell bec^an his literary and paper career by writing for the papers when quite young. He wrote especially for the Indianap- olis papers as early as 1854, during the excitement consequent upon the agitation of the Kansas and Nebraska question. This correspondence gave him a free hold upon his pen, and confidence in its ultimate power. His paper career began when he assumed the control of the Westville Herald, as narrated above, in Novem- ber, 1856. From that period until February of the present year his life has been sketched in giving the outline of the papers with which he has been connected. Mr. Powell is a man of strong Republican convictions as to poli- tics, and his papers have always defended them. He has maintained the confidence of those with wliom he has afiiliated, and twice have the Republicans sent him to the National Convention, — 1st, to the convention at Chicago in 1868; and, 2d, to the Convention at Philadelphia in 1SY2, at both of which General U. S. Grant was nominated as the candidate for President. He has also been the President of the Northern Indiana Editorial Association for four years, — from 18T2 to 1876; and is at ]iresent connected with the State Editorial Association, being one of its Directors, and a member of its Executive Committee. Besides these recognitions, he has received the appointment, and is now the Postmaster of the city of La Porte. Mr. Powell was married to Miss Nancy Jane Ireland, a native of the county, having been born in Kankakee township June 1, 1838, and thev have had 4 children: 1st, Schuyler Colfax, born April 1, 1857, died April 18, 1861; 2d, Fred Emerson, born May 24, 1862; 3d. Frank Lester, born July 29, 1868 _; 4th, Charles Car- roll, born Nov. 14, 1875. All of this family remain, except Schuyler Coltax, who died as given above. Having now given this biographical sketch of Mr. Powell, one so long connected with the papei'S of the county, we will now resume the thread of our history, — the ante-history of the Herald- (JhroniGle. The Chronicle. — Hon. Jasper Packard, believing that the county could and would sustain a paper which should be issued oftener than once a week, determined to establish a semi- weekly at La Porte. Accordingly he made his arrangements in that direction, and on July 18, 1874, issued the first number, the paper bearing the name of the Chronicle. He continued to issue it twice a week until Nov. 8, 1875, when, on account of the stringency of the times, it became a weekly paper. While General Packard was in charge of the paper, it was at enmitj'- with the practice of defaming the characters of men simply because they belonged to an opyjosite party and had been entrusted with official position by their fellow- citizens, or by the Government, Mr. Packard continued in charge of the Chronicle until in May, 1878, when he sold out to Messrs. Taylor and King. With this HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 909 change in the proprietorship of the paper, came also a change ol editors; Mr. Edward Malloj mounted the tripod, and kept the compositor in " copy." This organization of the Chronicle forces was maintained until February, 1880. At that time arrangements were made to unite the two papers, the La Porte Herald and the C'Awmc^d, in one paper. Accordingly it was issued as the Serald- Chro7iicle, retaining the names of both papers. Mr. Malloy became the editor, and Mr. Archibald Beal, of the St. Joseph Yalley Begister, South Bend, became one of the controlling owners and business manager. The paper is now in a nourishing condition. Following is a biographical sketch of Mr. Beal. ArGhibald Beal, the subject of this sketch, was born in Wills- borough, Essex county, New York, April 22, 1830. His father, Dexter Beal, died in Ohio, in 1840, thus leaving him an orphan at the age of 10 years. His mother, whose maiden name was Sarah French, died in 1868 at South Bend. Young Beal removed from his native place in Essex county, ]S"ew York, with his parents to Wyandotte county, Ohio, in 1839, where, as stated above, he lost his father the following year. The family continued to reside at this place until its removal to Mishawaka, Ind., April 5, 1853, In the meantime the support of the family, consisting of the widowed mother, two sisters, and a younger brother, fell almost entirely upon the exertion of Archibald. To illustrate something of the qualities of Mr. Beal, as they manifested themselves in the boy, we refer to the following fact: While but a youth, going to school, he made rails at fifty cents per hundred, and cut wood at thirty-one cents per cord and supported the family, and went to school at the same time. This indicates a good heart that he was willing to do it, an exceptional industry that he was able to do it, and an admirable perseverance that he continued to do it. Another characteristic is set forth in the fact that the first twenty-five cents which he earned was spent for Wilson <& Co.''s Dispatch of New York, a monthly paper. It was from this paper that he was first tired with the ambition to become a newspaper man. Under the impulse of the inspiration which this paper gave, he used to print papers with his pen and circulate them among his companions. His education at first was that of the common school; but he afterward entered the Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware, Ohio, at which place one of his preceptors was the celebrated Dr. Edward Thomson, who was then the President of the institution and who was at one time the editor of the Ladies^ Repository^ at another, the editor of the Christian Advocate and Journal, and was elected a Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. After removing to Mishawaka, Ind., he gave himself up to teach- ing school, and continued at it until lie taught eighteen terms. He then became the editor and proprietor of the Mishawaka Enterprise. He continued thus connected with the paper from Aug. 1, 1S,38, 910 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. up to Nov. 1, 1865. He then purchased the St. Joseph Valley Register., at South Bend, succeeding Schuyler Colfax in its man- agement. He continued this connection until the 12th of Oc- tober, 1878. It should have been stated that he was, previous to his embarking in the paper business, bookkeeper for George Milburn, a noted manufacturer of wagons at Mishawaka, and said to be one of the most skillful of business men. Mr. Beal was married to Miss Sarah E. Hutchinson, of Michis^an, Aug. 3, 1851:. They are the parents of 3 children: 1st, Willis E., born in Ohio June 27, 1856; 2d, Mary E., born in Ohio Jan. 27, 1858; 3d, Martha E., born in Indiana Oct. 8, 1860. These chil- dren are all living. Mary E. is the wife of Andrew J. Warner, of South Bend. Mr. Beal is public spirited. While living at Mishawaka, he was for some years the President of the Town Board of Trustees, an office similar to that of Mayor in the larger cities; and he was also the President of the School Board. In political sentiment, the subject of this sketch is strongly Re- publican, and does what he can to see his principles prevail in the policyof the Government. But Mr. Beal is not wholly given over to politics. He has strong religious convictions, and he is not back- ward to let people know it. He has long been a member of the M. E. Church; and while he resided in'South Bend he filled many of this Church's responsible positions. He was the Assistant Super- intendent of its Sunday-school, a leader of one of its classes, and the President of its Board of Trustees. Perhaps the most striking of his traits are his business charac- teristics. Beginning, as we have seen, poor, and the care of his widowed mother's family on his hands, yet by the dint of his industry and business tact he has accumulated quite alarge fortune, amounting at one time to at least 840,000. Tliis fortune, however, has been considerably impaired on account of misplaced confidence, which led him to pay large sums in the payment of the debts of others, yet we are assured that he has left quite a competence still. His last business venture is his connection with the Herald- Chron- icle, in which he is a controlling owner and business manager. The Herald-C hronlde, through the whole of its course, whether as the La Porte Herald, or the La Porte Union, or tlie La Porte County Whig, has been a staunch opponent of the Democratic party, 1st, as a Whig, and 2nd, as a Republican paper. It has participated in all of the Presidential campaigns from that of 1840, to the present one of 1880, — from William H. Harrison to James A. Garfield. Its candidates during the whole of tiiis time have been Harrison, Clay, Taylor, Scott, Fremont, Lincoln twice. Grant twice, Hayes and Garfield. In only three of the ten campaigns through which it has passed has its candidate been deteated. UISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. 911 THE MICHIGAN CITY ENTERPRISE, 1854 1880. In the Slimmer of 1854 Mr. Eichard W. Colfax established a paper, witli Whig proclivities, at Michigan City, which he called the Michigan Citj Tfanscript. He did not continue proprie- tor of the paper very long, but in the spring of 1855 he sold it to a company of which Mr. Hecock was a member. Mr. Colfax lived only about a year longer, dying in the spring of 1856. With the advent of the new company, the name of the paper was changed to that of the Michigan City Enterprise, which name it still wears. At the close of the year 1855, or at the beginning of the year 1856, the proprietorship again changed, Mr. L. J3. Wright becoming the owner and publisher. Mr. Wright continued its publication "^m til April, 1859, at which time he sold it to Mr. Thomas Jernegan, the present editor and proprietor. The Enterprise has not had so many changes, nor has it had so many accretions as the Herald- ChroniGle, but it has gone on stead- ily in its course from the time of its founding until the present time, except a period of about two years and six months during the war. May, 1863, to l^ovember, 1865, during which time its editor was Assistant Paymaster in the navy. Since its resumption in November, 1865, it has gone on without change, Mr. Jerneo-an remaining at the helm all the time. ^ Here we would like to insert a biographical sketch of its editor, but have so far been unable to obtain it. Suffice it to say that not even excepting Mr. Powell, no one has so long maintained his con- nection with the papers of tlie county as Mr. Jernegan. Including the two years and a half wliich he was absent as Paymaster in the navy, this connection has been 21 years with the Enterprise. Now add to this the period of his connection with the Indiana Tocsin, and the Mieliigan City News,~Si period of 11 years,— and you have a journalistic experience of 32 years. This certainly ou^ht to make him a full-grown man in journalism. The Enterprise is Republican in politics, and has been for many years. Its name indicates, at least, one of its qualities,— it is enter- prismg, and keeps well abreast of the times. Since it hascontiuued through so many years, 26 in all, it may well be supposed that the hnterprise is one of the fixtures of the county. THE LA PORTE ARGUS, 1869^1880. From the suspension of the La Porte Democrat until April 15, 1869, the city of La Porte was destitute of a Democratic paper; and doubtless this want was keenly felt, for no aggressive partv in these days can long do without the press to maintain its principles and to " press " its demands. During these days, though the Repub- lican party was dominant in directing the poficy of the Government, It was felt, even by many Republicans, that in some things there could be a better policy adopted. This state of affairs so prevailed 912 HISTORY OF LA PORTE COUNTY. that in the year 1872 there was quite a defection from the dominant party, which was called the Liberal Republican. Just at the time when these feelings and sentiments were beginning to set in, John B. StoU and Henry E. Wadsworth supplied the deficiency in the Demo- cratic paper ranks in thecity of LaPorte by establishing the La Porte Argus^ which was done, as noted above, on the 15th of April, 1869. The only changes that have occurred in the management of the paper from its establishment until the present time are the retire- ment of Mr. John B. Stoll from the proprietorship and editorial department of the paper, and the acquisition of Mr. S. I. Kessler as partial owner and business manager. Mr. Wadsworth has main- tained his connection with the paper from its founding until the present; first as joint owner and editor "svith Mr. Stoll, and after- ward as joint owner with Mr. Kessler, and at the same time assum- ing the entire editorial control. The Argus is rigidly and unflinchingly Democratic in its princi- ples of governmental policy, and wields a trencliant pen in their advocacy and defense and to secure the advancement of the party with which it affiliates. Henry E. Wadsworth, editor of the La Porte Argus, was born in Noble county, Ind., March 3, 1830. Llis father's name was Elihu Wadsworth, a native of Connecticut, and of English ancestry. His mother's name was Phebe Wadsworth, born in Maine, and of German ancestry. This parentage makes Mr. Wadsworth a genu- ine, modern Anglo-Saxon, and he is a good specimen of it. In his boyhood and youth he received a common-school and academic education. After arriving at manhood, be remained on the farm where he was born until he was 24 years of age. Then changing pursuits, he engaged in the hardware trade at Ligonier, Ind., remaining in the business for four and a half years. He then removed to La Porte and began his journalistic career by founding, jointly with Mr. Stoll as noted above, the La Porte Argus. The partnership with Mr. Stoll consisted both of the proprietorship and editorial control of the paper. He afterward purchased Mr. Stoll's interest, and took Mr. Samuel I. Kessler as business partner, and assumed the entire.^editorial control, which he has continued. In 1875 he was elected by the State Legislature a Commissioner of the Northern Indiana prison, at Michigan City, which office he held for two years. So faithfully did he perform the duties of his trust, that, at the next session of the General Assembly, he received the unanimous vote of the Democratic members for re-election. On June 9, 1870, Mr. Yv'adsworth w^as married to Miss Sarah E. Akin, of Hudson, Michigan. They are the parents of 3 children: 1st, Laura, aged nine years; 2d, Dudley L., aged seven years; 3d, Lula, aged five years. Mr. Wadsworth is now approaching the prime of life, being 41 3'ears of age; and now having a journalistic experience of 11 years, he can doubtless be of great use in developing the interests of the great profession in which he is engaged, than which there are none more responsible. HISTOKT OF LA POBTE COUNTY. 913 THE MICHIGAN CITY DISPATCH, 1879 — 1880, The youngest of all the papers of the county is the Michigan City Dispatch. It was founded Sept. 4, 1879, by Harry H. Fran- cis, its present editor and proprietor. It is an eight-column folio, 26 by 40 inches in size. The Dispatch is the only paper in the county which is entirely made up and printed at liome. It enjoys a large advertising pat- ronage, and its circulation is second to no paper in the county. In politics, the Dispatchis decidedly Democratic, and fearless in the defense of its party doctrine. Although but a young paper, its success has been great, and a most brilliant future we believe to be before it, and it will doubtless be a powerful auxiliary in attainino- the objects and ends of the party with which it affilia^tes, and whose interests it subserves. Enjoying this brilliant future, it will have the opportunity of aiding to lift journalism into that lofty plain in which it ought to stand, a plain which is supported upon four matchless pillars,— humanity, philanthropy, patriotism, and truth. Aiding in this, as well as in standing by the interests of its party, •it can but be a blessing to the community in which it circulates. Barry H. Francis, founder and editor of the Michigan City Dispatch, was born in Michigan City, Feb. 24, 1852. His father was Thompson W. Francis, a sketch of whose life is ffiven on page 763. Mr. Francis, at the age of 17, entered Eacine College, Wisconsin, and graduated in 1873. He then entered the Law School of Mich- igan University, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and graduated two years later. The same year of his law graduation he went to Indianapolis and began the practice of his profession. He continued to reside there until Jan. 1, 1878, when he removed to Michigan City. Here he continued the practice of his profession until the establishment of the Dispatch, which is now edited and published by him. Mr. Francis takes a decided interest in politics, and is at present a member of the Democratic State Central Committee. He is still a young man, and the opportunities of life are certainly open- ing up to him in a graceful way. LA rORTE JOURNAL. The large, intelligent and enterprising German element of North- ern Indiana demanded a news and literary journal printed in the German language, and devoted to the advocacy of the interests of the German people of this district. For many years the need for such a paper was apparent, but it was not until 1877 that the want was supplied. On the 27th of November of that year the enter- prise was inaugurated by Mr. Henry Goodman, the present editor and proprietor of the paper. He had previously been engaged on the German press of Chicago, and well understood the wants of his countrymen of this section of their adopted country. Although Mr. 914 HISTOKY OF LA POKTE COUNTY. Goodman came to La Porte witli little means to start his paper, he has by economy, energy, good judgment and perserverance built up a large and prosperous journal. It was introduced to the public as a nine-column folio, but has been enlarged until it is now a seven- column quarto, and the largest German paper published in the State of Indiana. It is also the only paper printed in the German lan- guage in this and the five adjoining counties. The office of the paper is located on the east side of the Square, at La Porte, in the same building where the office was first opened. As a part of the institution there is a large job printing office. Politically, the paper is strongly Democratic, and during the present (1S80) political campaign both paper and editor are doing efficient service in the interests of the Democratic party. The paper employs a paid reporter at Michigan City, and all of the news of that city and vicinity are weekly chronicled. Henry Goodman^ editor of the La Porte Journal^ was born Oct. 31, 18-10, in Northern Prussia; attended elementary school in that county until 16 years of age, and then a College at Bei-lin two years, and graduated at Heidelberg University; perfected himself in English at Edinburgh (Scotland) University, with a son of Rev. Guthrie, D. D., a celebrated divine of that country; wrote a disser- tation on German philology, in competition with his class, and obtained the first prize; came to America in 1866 and entered a literary pursuit; in 1868 he went to Chicago, where he was employed as city editor on the Chicago DemoGrat, and afterward on the Staats Zeitung and Eiilenspiegel\ finally came to La Porte, where in November, 1877, he established the present prosperous La Porte Jo^iTual. June 13, 1869, in Chicago, he married Carrie Henshel, and they have 2 children, Jennie and Flora. \ L! LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 752 209 5 Wi% X '■ t4 U^-X .--,'-■- ■ -"^ •, ;:>■■*■ I.;" ■., ■■■'■■■'I .,.-,- -.: •;<■:■ ^■i.'i;.-. i'.i;. •.:r^?.i^^*ti: fti'.! '1 't^A , ■% V "' '-.■.i''C!'!r'i?^