|M^;ji^^ .i|||i LOOKING EAST FROM THE CAPITOL STEPS. >^ ALBANY NBW YORK ^ PUBLISHED BY THE ALBANY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A beautiful and attractive city in which to live A most advantageous city in ivhich to do business c; liKA\'l':K I'AKK In Exchange F. BEAVER PARK. ■"•JA*y LOOKING UP BROADWAY FROM STATE STREET. A VIEW FROM THE CAPITOL. LOOKING UP STATE AND PEARL STREETS. ALBANY AT A GLANCE ^ GEOGRAPHICAL Albany, being situated at the head of tidewater of tiie Hudson River, and at the eastern terminus ( tiie Erie Canal, is naturally as well as artificially the centre of a great, growing and prosperous sectioi Within two hundred miles of the Capitol, one-third of the population of the United States is located ; and here converge not on! the river lines, with thirty-three passenger steamers daily, but also six steam railroads, with one hundred and fifty passenger ar over two hundred and fifty freight trains each day, while a network of well equipped inter-connecting trolley lines, both within tf city and to suburban points, rounds out the city's many geographical advantages. ALBANY COUNTY COURT BUILDING. ARCHITECTURAL The architectural growth and development ot Albany have jeen such that to-day its public and semi-public buildings may successfully challenge comparison with those of other cities, n any part of the country. Column upon column of descrip- ion, by writers from all over the world have made the great state Capitol famous, and caused it to be the first building sought by most visitors to Albany. But, if less widely known, the architectural style of the City Hall is admirable for its simple classic beauty. To these and other public buildings will soon be added a long-needed State Educational Library building, attractive in design and thoroughly adapted to its purposes. The many new semi-public buildings, banking offices, private residences and modern apartment houses, have so transformed the ancient city in which Dutch traditions lingered even a decade ago, that the metamorphosis is little less than startling. The "entrance gate" — the new Union MIL DUDLEY OBSERVATORY PUBLIC BATH No FIRST PRECINCT STATION HOUSE. ■■Ju SWIMMING POOL— PUBLIC ;tiATH No. i. PUBLIC BATH No. 2. THE KING FOUNTAIN- MOSES SMITING THE ROCK.- WASHINGTON PARK. K i Wi B^^ w^i HHP |||mb 1 Sml "^B^^X^w n^'i ^> jjumn ^^^^^Hl^^— f ' j^ > ^*^^pl ^^P 1 ^r "^Sivm^ ' ^^^B "'^.^^^ 1 1 1 Ob' i| m ^ 1 1 P S ■ THE LAKE — WASHINGTON PARK. Depot, a model of attracti\e and convenient up-to-date railway facilities, might not inaptly be termed the gateway to Albany in the architectural sense, as well. EDUCATIONAL, CIVIC AND RELIGIOUS Albany is justly proud of her standing as an educational centre. Not only in her public school system has she long been pre-eminent, but no less than twenty-six colleges and private schools are here located. Among those of far more than local fame are the State Normal THE LOTL'S BEDS- WASHINGTON PARK. THE CAPIT(JL. >Mlege, Albany Law School, the ahna mater of President '\cKinley and other great men; Albany Medical College, the ilbany Boys' Academy, where Joseph Henry first demon- trated the practical use of the magnetic telegraph; the Albany icademy for Girls, the oldest school exclusively for the edu- ation of girls in the world; Albany Business College, Acad- my of the Sacred Heart and St. Agnes School. Incidental 3 educational and scientific research, there is the Dudley Observatory, with its director, Prof. Lewis Boss, a well- known astronomical authority, and there are twelve available libraries, of which the State library is second to but few in the world. On the religious side, Albany is most fortunate in having seventy-three fine church edifices, (including two cathedrals), w^here as has been the case ever since the days THE CAPITOL— EASTERN APPROACH. THE CAPITOL — THE GREAT WESTERN STAIRCASE. THE CAPITOL -THE GREAT WESTERN STAIRCASE. THE CAPITOL- THE GREAT WESTERN STAIRCASE. .ALUAXV .\Si tiKKN K1%10M **'! mil "' rii"i im TMK HlJUiSCJM KiVKK. .^gr-i CATIIEURAL OF THE IMMACULATE CONXEPTluX . TEMPLE BETH lEMETH. ST. PETER'S CHURCH. C.A.THEDRAL OF ALL SAL\TS. of Diiminie Megapolensis, able and devout men of scholarship and reputation occupy the pulpits. Albany has four daily newspapers, of which some have a national reputation. The city is supplied with an abundance of pure drinking water from a large filtration plant. There are over eighty-seven miles of paved streets and nearly a hundred miles of sewers. There are seventeen parks, comprising over three hundred and si.x s.r:^ 'Wm^ .1 • i IHh ALI'.A.W Hdsl'ITAl. THE SMALLPOX HOSPITAL. THE CONTAGIOUS DISEASE HOSPITAL. ST. PETERS HOSPITAL. WASHINGTON PARK — THE BURNS STATUE. acres; the most pretentious of these, Washington Park, is unsurpassed in any city of the appro.\imate size of Albany. In this park are to be seen the statue of Robert Burns, and the King fountain — "Moses smiting the rock." In connec- tion with the park system, there are ninety-five acres of boule- vards under park care. Albany has five excellent hospitals; THE PUBLIC MARKET. THE SCHUYLER MANSION - ERECTED IN i76.> FIRST REFORMED CHURCH — ERECTED IN i7Qq. ERECTED IN 1666. the fraternal organizations are exceptionally strong and rep- resentative in their membership; there are forty-two social clubs, and as might be expected from the antiquity of the place, there are numerous patriotic-hereditary societies, based on revolutionary and colonial descent. NEW YORK STATE NATIONAL BANK. Original building erected 1803. The oldest building in the United States used continuously for banking purposes. ' liil —jJI? ' SOME STATE SfREET BANKS. WASHINGTON PARK— LAKE AND BRIDGE. THE PRUYN LIBRARY. Uil. Vl'L.W, WU.MKXb LHI^lbllAX AbbULlAlli THE CENTRAL VOUNG MEN'S CHRlsnAN ASSOCIATION. rOMMFRPIAI Albany has long boasted a municipal credit and market value for her bonds and securities unsurpassed by most and equalled by but few cities. Albany's banks and financial institutions, comprising six banks of discount, two trust companies, and seven savings banks, are far-renowned for enterprise, coupled with caution and good judgment; so that "as sound as a bank of Albany" might appropriately be substituted for the familiar saying as to the Bank of England. THE EXECUTIVE MANSION. CLIMATIC Albany's situation is such that the city is rarely subjected to extremes, either of heat or of cold. HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL Albany is the oldest settled city in the United States; was organized in 1686, and has been the Capital of New York State since 1797. In peace and in war, in sunshine and in storm, this ancient city has made history, taking part in the greatest events, from times pre- revolutionary, and giving her distinguished sons to high places I.OUKING UP STAIK srKKI'.r. AI.HANYiFIRE'DEPAUTMENT-STEAMER Hol'SE Nn. THE RAILROAD STATION. in the councils alike of State and Nation, as well as to bear the sword in defense of our institutions. The very soil here is reminiscent of great and valiant deeds; so that it might well be said, in the words of Holy Writ: " Put off thy shoes from off thy feet; for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground." ALBANY FIRE DEPARTMENT — STEAMER HOUSE No. 5. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE. MASONIC TEMPLE. ^ The Secretary of the Albany Chamber of Commerce will be pleased to answer any inquiries which may be made in regard to Albany, and to give any special information that may be desired. JUL Id mr THE MANNING BOULEVARD. l-IBRftRY OF CONGRESS 111 014 109 048 3