T* A %J, ' • 4 O. 'o. \« A <^ ."^^ " " ° ■» <^ ■ • .^ <,'^^\0** \,--f.^.'A* %-?^'.&* *^^''— \* <^.^ CU. *^ ' Or • .^^Tm:?^ o > y<\ •» ^^ • %^^ A^-^^ v*^^ ^^<^- v-^^ O^ • O « ' -0 r ..^ 0^ ,.^". ^o 0^ .'^ - ^oV^ " \f ^...''^^^'"'^ A^\... ---^^ > SB. State of New York, j On this 25th day of April, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-three, before me personally appeared, Eleanor Van Rensselaer Fairfax, Mary Van Wyck Church, Katherine E. Turnbull, Ruth Lawrence, Maria Duane Bleecker Miller, Ma- tilda Oakley Rhinelander, to me known, and known to me to be the parties described in and who executed the foregoing instru- 8 ment, and they severally acknowledged that they executed the same. (Signed) JOHN G. DAVIS, [sEAL.Jss. : A''. Y. Co. State of New York, | City and County of New York. ) I, Henry D. Purroy, Clerk of the City and County of New York, and also Clerk of the Supreme Court for the said City and County, the same being a Court of Record, do hereby certify, that John G. Davis, whose name is subscribed to the certificate of the proof or acknowledgment of the annexed instrument, and thereon written, was, at the time of taking such proof or acknowledgment, a Notary Public in and for the City and County of New York, dwelling in the said City, commissioned and sworn, and duly authorized to take the same. And further, that I am well ac- quainted with the handwriting of such Notary, and verily believe that the signature to the said Certificate of proof or acknowledg- ment is genuine. In testimony zvhcrcof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court and County, the ^8th day of April, 1893. (Signed) ' HENRY D. PURROY, (Endorsed) Clerk. Certificate of Incorporation of the Society of "The Colonial Dames of the State of New York." Supreme Court, Special Term, City and County of New York. I hereby consent to and approve of the incorporation of the within named society. EDWARD PATTERSON, Justice Supreme Court. Dated April 26, 1893. State of New York, Office of Secretary of State. Filed and recorded, April 29, 1893, ii A. M. TH. E. BENEDICT, Deputy Secretary of State. City and County of New York, Office of the County Clerk. Filed and recorded, April 29, 1893, 11 :o5 A. M. 9 CONSTITUTION CONSTITUTION of The Colonial Dames of the State of New York Which is the Constitution of the National Society. PREAMBLE. Whereas, History shows that the remembrance of a nation's glory in the past stimulates to national greatness in the future, and that successive generations are awakened to truer patriotism and roused to nobler endeavor by the contemplation of the heroic deeds of their forefathers ; therefore, the Society of the Colonial Dames of America has been formed, that the descendants of those men who in the Colonial period, by their rectitude, cour- age and self-denial, prepared the way for success in that struggle which gained for their country its liberty and constitution, may associate themselves together to do honor to the virtues of their forefathers, and to encourage in all who come under their influ- ence, true patriotism, built on a knowledge of the self-sacrifice and heroism of those men of the Colonies who laid the founda- tions of this great nation. ARTICLE L This Society shall be known by the name, style, and title of The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, and shall be composed of State Societies, of which there shall be one 13 in each of the thirteen original States, and one in the District of Columbia. There may be an Associate Society in any of the non-Colonial States by and through the consent of the National Society. ARTICLE 11. The objects of this Society shall be to collect and preserve manuscripts, traditions, relics and mementoes of by-gone days ; to restore and preserve buildings connected with the early history of our country; to diffuse healthful and intelligent information concerning the past ; to create a popular interest in Colonial his- tory; to stimulate a spirit of true patriotism and a genuine love of country, and to impress upon the young the sacred obligation of honoring the memory of those heroic ancestors whose ability, valor, sufferings, and achievements are beyond all praise. ARTICLE III. The State Societies shall be composed entirely of women who are descended in their own right from some ancestor of worthy life who came to reside in an American colony prior to I750> which ancestor, or some one of his descendants, being a lineal ascendant of the applicant, shall have rendered efficient service to his country during the Colonial period, either in the founding of a commonwealth, or of an institution which has survived and developed into importance, or who shall have held an important position in a Colonial government, or who, by distinguished serv- ices, shall have contributed to the founding of this great and powerful nation. All services which constitute a claim for membership must have been rendered before July 5th, 1776, but this date shall be held to include all the signers of the Declaration of Independ- ence. ARTICLE IV. The regular meeting of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America shall be held every two years, in Washington, D. C. Special meetings may be held upon the order of the Na- tional President or upon a request of a majority of the State 14 Societies. Such meetings shall consist of the National officers and a representation not exceeding five delegates from each Co- lonial State Society, and the District of Columbia. Each Society in the non-Colonial States may send one delegate to the Biennial Council, with the right to vote on all questions except changes in the Constitution. The vote of each of the fourteen Societies now forming the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, however cast, shall count as five. The necessary ex- pense of such meeting shall be borne by the National Society, and it shall be empowered at its regular meeting to assess each State Society in order to provide requisite funds. At the regu- lar meeting of the National Society, a President, three Vice-Presi- dents, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Registrar, Treasurer and Historian shall be elected by ballot, a majority of the States present being necessary to a choice ; all officers to serve until the next regular meeting, or imtil their successors shall be duly chosen. The National Society shall have power at any meeting to admit a State Society thereto from the thirteen original States and from the District of Columbia, and also an Associate Society from any of the non-Colonial States ; a majority of the States admitted forming a quorum. ARTICLE V. The State Societies of the Colonial Dames of America shall meet annually on the day appointed by their several by-laws, and oftener if found expedient. Their affairs shall be conducted by a Board consisting of a President, two Vice-Presidents and twelve or more Managers, who shall be elected by ballot by the members of the said State Societies. The Presidents and Vice-Presidents shall be chosen annually ; the Managers shall serve for three years, and the term of one third shall expire annually. The Board shall fill its own vacan- cies, the member chosen to serve until the next annual election. At the first meeting of the Board after the annual election, they shall organize by choosing from their own members two Secre- taries, a Treasurer, a Registrar, and an Historian. All officers shall continue to hold office until their successors are elected. 15 The members of the State Societies of the Colonial Dames of America, at the date of the certificate of the incorporation of the State Society, shall be elected members of the corporation at the first meeting of the said Society, subsequent to the incorpora- tion ; and thereafter no person shall be a candidate for admission unless invited and proposed by one member and seconded by an- other member of the Society, to both of whom the candidate must be well known, and by whom she shall be recommended. The President shall, from time to time, appoint from the Board of Managers three persons who shall examine the claims of each candidate, and report in writing to the President. When such reports are unanimously favorable, the name of the candi- date shall be presented at any meeting of the Board of Managers next after the report of such nomination shall have been received by the President. The name of each candidate shall be voted upon separately, and, if any member of the Board of Managers so demands, by ballot. Two negative votes shall act as a rejec- tion of the candidate. Each member shall contribute, upon her admission to the Society, and annually thereafter, such sums as the by-laws of the respective State Societies may require; but any State Society may provide for the endowment of life memberships by the pay- ment of a proper sum for that purpose. The State Societies shall regulate all matters respecting their own affairs, consistent with the general good of the Society ; judge of the qualifications of their members, or of those proposed for membership, subject, however, to the provisions of this con- stitution ; and shall have the power to expel any member who, by conduct unbecoming a gentlewoman, may render herself un- worthy to continue in membership. The Registrar of each State Society shall transmit to the National Registrar a list of the members thereof, and from time to time, as the same shall be printed, the names and official des- ignations of those from whom such members derive their claim to membership ; and thereafter upon the admission of each State Society, the Registrar thereof shall transmit to the National Registrar information respecting such members similar to that herein required. Each State Society shall cause to be transmitted annually, to the other State Societies, a circular letter calling attention to i6 whatever may be thought worthy of observation concerning the welfare of the Society, and giving information of the officers chosen for the year; and copies of these letters shall also be transmitted to the National Secretary, to be preserved among the records of the Society. Each State Society shall adopt its own seal. Each member, when admitted to the privileges of her State Society, is entitled to receive a certificate of membership, signed by the State President and State Secretary, and bearing the seal of the State Society. The form shall be : has been duly elected a member of the Society of the Colonial Dames of America, in right of her ancestor In testimony whereof, the names of the President and Secretary and the seal of the Society are hereby affixed. ARTICLE VI. The custodian of the insignia shall be the National Registrar, who shall issue the badge to the members of any State Society, upon an order from the Registrar of that State; and she shall keep a register of such issues wherein each badge issued may be identified by the number thereof, and each State Society shall have its own numbers. The badge shall consist of a round disc with a centre of light blue enamel, and the figure of a Colonial Dame in gold, modelled in relief on the same. Around the center of blue enamel shall be a circle of white enamel, with the title of the Society, "Na- tional Society of Colonial Dames of America," in gold letters, flush. Surmounting this shall be the modelled figure of an eagle, in gold, and diverging from the disc twenty rays in gold, ar- ranged in four groups of five each, the three centre rays in each group to be surmounted by stars of blue enamel; these, with a similar star placed immediately below the central disc, being em- blematic of the thirteen original States. On the reverse side of the badge shall be the motto, "Virtutes Majorum Filiae Conservant." The materials of the badge shall be 14-carat gold, and enamel, and it shall be worn suspended by a 17 silk ribbon of blue and yellow from a gold bar on which is the name of the State. This ribbon shall be one and one-half inches wide, the central section of blue being one inch, with a section one quarter of an inch wide on each side. The badge shall be worn by the members on all occasions when they assemble officially for any stated purpose or celebra- tion, and may be worn on any occasion of ceremony. It shall be carried conspicuously on the left breast, but members who are or have been National Officers may wear it suspended from the ribbon around the neck. The seal of the National Society shall be : Within a beaded annulet a title scroll bearing the inscription, "National Society of the Colonial Dames of America." Within the scroll a shield, surmounted of the crown, quarterly of four — I. Quarterly, one and four azure, three fleurs-de-lis, or, two and three gules, three lions passant, guardant in pale or, for England. II. Azure, three fleurs-de-lis, or, for France. III. Azure billettee, a lion rampant, holding in his dexter paw a naked sword and in his sinister paw a sheaf of arrows, or, for Holland. IV. One and four (Sweden modern) azure, three open crowns, or, two and three (Sweden ancient) azure, three bend- lets sinister, wavy, argent, over all a lion rampant, or, crowned gules, for Sweden. This seal is to be used on the certificate, for further authenti- cation, and with it the signatures of the National President and National Secretary. ARTICLE VII. The Constitution shall not be altered, added to or amended, save by the vote of thirteen out of the fourteen Societies now forming the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America ; due notice of one year of any proposed change, alteration or amendment, having been given to each of the fourteen Societies before the meeting of the Council at which action is to be taken on said change, alteration or amendment. Revised, April, 1896. Amended April, 1898. 18 BY-LAWS THE BY-LAWS of The Colonial Dames of the State of New York Revised March i8th and April 27 th, 1899. SECTION L GOVERNMENT. The control and management of the affairs of the Col- onial Dames of the State of New York shall be vested in a President and two Vice-Presidents and a Board of Managers of fifteen members. The officers shall be the President and two Vice-Presidents, who shall be elected annually by the Society by ballot, and a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, a Registrar and an Historian, who shall be elected an- nually by the Board of Managers from their own number. The President and two Vice-Presidents shall act as ex-officio mem- bers of the Board. SECTION II. PRESIDENT. The executive power of the Society is vested in the President. She shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and act as Chair- man of the Board of Managers. The President shall be ex-officio a member of all committees other than the Nominating Committee, and she shall have power to call meetings of the Society or the Board of Managers. In the absence of the President, the first Vice-President shall discharge the duties of the President, and in the absence of both 21 the President and first Vice-President, the second Vice-President shall discharge said duties. SECTION III. RECORDING SECRETARY. The Recording Secretary shall keep Minutes of all the proceedings of the Society and of the Board of Managers at their Meetings, and shall make a report of the same at the Annual Meeting. She shall notify the members of their admis- sion, issue notices for all Meetings, and together with the pre- siding officer shall certify all acts of the Society, and when nec- essary shall authenticate them with the Seal. She shall have charge of the Seal, Certificate of Incorporation and all records of the Society, and shall keep a list of its members. The Record- ing Secretary shall give notice to the several officers or commit- tees of all votes, orders or proceedings of the Society or Board of Managers appertaining to their respective duties, and shall perform such other duties as her office in the Board of Managers requires of her. SECTION IV. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society and shall keep a record there- of. When required by the Board of Managers, or in the absence of the Recording Secretary, she may assist in or per- form the duties of that office, and may in such case authenticate any acts or records until cause for such assistance shall cease. SECTION V. TREASURER. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect and under the direction of the Board of Managers disburse the funds of the Society, and to keep a true account of the same. She shall make a statement of the Funds at each Annual Meet- 22 ing, and at such other times as required by the Board of Man- agers. Her accounts shall be audited by a committee of three, appointed or elected at the Business Meeting of the Society next previous to the Annual Meeting. All moneys shall be deposited in a bank of the City of New York to the credit of the Colonial Dames of the State of New York. SECTION VI. REGISTRAR. The Registrar shall file and keep on record all the proofs upon which membership shall be granted, and shall receive all applications for membership. She shall keep a list of the members of the Society and of the certificates of member- ship issued. She shall order from the National Registrar the in- signia for the members and keep a record of the number of each badge, and to whom issued, and shall perform such other duties as the Society or the Board of Managers require. SECTION VII. HISTORIAN. The Historian shall keep a detailed record, to be de- posited with the Recording Secretary, of all historic or com- memorative celebrations of the Society. She shall edit and pre- pare for publication any historical addresses or essays, or other documents of tjie same character that may be directed by the Society or Board of Managers. At every Annual Meeting, if there be a necrological list for the year then closing, she shall submit the same with biographies of the deceased members. She shall also perform such other duties as may devolve on her as a Member of the Board of Managers. SECTION VIII. BOARD OF MANAGERS. The Board of Managers, exclusive of the President and the two Vice-Presidents, shall consist of fifteen members, 23 who shall be divided into classes, so that not less than one third of their number shall be elected annually by the Society. No member shall be eligible for election to the Board of Managers for more than two consecutive terms. No two persons within the relationship of mother, daughter or sister, shall be members of the Board at the same time. It shall be the duty of the Board of Managers to recommend plans for promoting the purposes and objects of the Society. They may appoint any committee, representatives to kindred organizations or subordinate officials, and they may require the attendance of any member, or committee of the Society, at any meeting of the Board for consultation or advice. The Board of Managers shall have the power to remit the dues of any member for such cause and for such period as in their judgment may be advisable. The meetings of the Board may be held at their discretion, or at the call of the President, or at the written request of three members of the Board, ad- dressed to the Recording Secretary. Seven shall constitute a quorum. SECTION IX. VACANCIES AND TERMS OF OFFICE. Whenever an office in this Society shall become vacant, the Board of Managers shall fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term. The Board of Managers shall have power to fill a vacancy pro tempore in any committee. SECTION X. STANDING COMMITTEES. The Standing Committees of the Society are the Van Cortlandt House Committee, and the Committee in charge of its grounds ; the Library Committee, in charge of the Genea- logical and Historical Library of the Society; the Tablet Com- mittee, charged with the marking of historic spots throughout the State; the Committee on Prizes for essays on Colonial His- tory; the Relief Committee to act in connection with the Relief Association of the National Society ; the Finance Committee ; the 24 City History Committee, which works in co-operation with the City History Club ; a Committee on History and Tradition, which shall from time to time cause to be prepared and read before the Society, papers on the history, tradition, and genealogy of the Colonial Settlers ; and a Committee on the Search of Supple- mental Claims to Membership in the Society. SECTION XL NOMINATING COMMITTEE. The Society may at the Annual Meeting elect a Nomi- nating Committee of nine members to nominate candidates for the Board of Managers, and for President, and the two Vice- Presidents, to be voted on at the succeeding Annual Meeting. Should the Society fail to act in this matter, the appointment of the Committee shall rest with the President. All nominations made by the Nominating Committee shall be printed and mailed by the Recording Secretary to each mem- ber of the Society at least three weeks before the Annual Meeting. Any member of the Society may also be placed in nomination for any office by any five members of the Society, who may com- municate such nomination to the Secretary, in writing, over their signature, at least two weeks before the Annual Meeting; such nominations shall also be printed and mailed by the Recording Secretary to each member of the Society at least one week before the Annual Meeting. Nothing herein shall preclude the right of any member to vote as she individually shall desire. SECTION XII. ADMISSION OF MEMBERS. The members of this Society shall consist exclusively of women of Colonial descent, not less than eighteen years of age. No person shall be eligible for admission as a member unless she be lineally descended from an ancestor whose qualifying service, to enable such descendant to acquire membership, shall 25 for the State of New York be comprised in one of the following classes, viz. : DUTCH PERIOD. Directors-General of the Province of Nieuw Netherland. Vice-Directors of Fort Orange, and of the South River Colony. Members of the Council of the Directors-General. Members of the Representative Bodies of Nieuw Netherland, known as "The Twelve Men," "The Eight Men" and "The Nine Men." Members of the Provincial Conventions. Patroons of Nieuw Netherland. Burgomasters of Nieuw Amsterdam. Schouts-Fiscaal. Acting Commissioners of Indian Affairs under Dutch Colo- nial Rule. Commissioners of Boundaries and of Treaties with other Colonies. Commissioned Officers of Troops under Dutch Colonial Rule. Naval Officers under the Dutch. ENGLISH PERIOD. Governors. Lieutenant-Governors. Chief Justices of the Province of New York, Members of the Governor's Council. Secretaries of the Province of New York. Justices of the Supreme Court. Judges of the Court of Admiralty. Chancellors. Masters of the Rolls. Attorneys-General. Presiding Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. High Sheriffs. Speakers of the Provincial Assembly. Members of the Assembly who served five or more years. Members of the Colonial Congresses of 1722, 1754 and 1765. Commanders of the Forces of the Province. 26 Commissioned Officers of the Militia of the Province prior to 1765- Commissioned Officers of the Army and Navy for the protec- tion of the Province prior to 1765. Commissioners appointed to treat with other Colonies. Commissioners of Indian Affairs, prior to 1776. Receivers-General of the Province. Surveyors-General of the Lands. Rangers-General of the Island of Nassau. Chief Magistrates of the Islands of Nantucket and Martin's, now Martha's Vineyard, 1 664-1 691. Mayors and Recorders of Albany, prior to 1776. Mayors and Recorders of New York, prior to 1776. Lords of Manors. Presidents of King's College. AMERICAN PERIOD. Members of the Continental Congresses of 1774, 1775 and 1776. Members of the Provincial Congresses of 1775 and 1776. Signers of the Declaration of Independence. No service of an ancestor shall be deemed as qualifying serv- ice in this Society, where such ancestor, from whom the descent is derived, adhered to or took protection from the enemy, during the War of the Revolution, or who failed to maintain an honor- able record. The Society may be augmented by the addition of thirty new members annually. Each candidate for admission shall be in- vited and proposed by one member and seconded by another member of the Society, to both of whom she must be well known. No member of the Society shall be entitled either as a proposer or seconder to sign a paper of application for membership more than once during each year. Every candidate shall furnish to the members who have pro- posed and seconded her, such proof of eligibility as the Board of Managers may exact and which shall be satisfactory from per- sonal knowledge to each nominating member. If the nomination prove acceptable to the Board of Managers, the candidate shall then be called upon to set forth in a written application sub- 27 scribed to by herself and stating in detail her claim of eligibility and line of descent from her ancestor or propositus, in the form prescribed by the Society, and upon blanks furnished by the Society for that purpose. Said blanks shall contain a declara- tion that the statements made therein are true to the best knowl- edge and belief of the candidate, and that if admitted to member- ship in the Society, she will endeavor to observe and comply with its By-Laws and Regulations, the whole being duly attested before a notary. The Board of Managers may require more detailed statement, or proofs, concerning the eligibility or qualifications of the pro- posed member, and at their discretion may demand the same. No admission shall become effective unless by a vote of the Board of Managers at a legal meeting, and two negative votes shall prevent favorable consideration of the applicant for membership. No person shall be eligible as a candidate whose name has at any time been rejected by the Board of Managers, unless fresh proof of acceptability can be adduced. No candidate shall be enrolled as a member of the Society until after the payment of the stated initiation fee, and dues for the current year, notice of which shall be sent by the Treasurer. SECTION XIII. INITIATION FEE, DUES AND CONTRIBUTIONS. The initiation fee of every member shall be fifteen dollars. The Annual Dues for every member shall be five dollars, payable on or before the day fixed for the Annual Meeting of the Society. In event of the date of admission of a member falling within two months before such Annual Meeting, her dues paid at such time shall be held to cover the ensuing fiscal year, but this favor shall extend only to admission within the said two months. The payment of one hundred dollars shall thenceforth exempt the member so paying from the payment of Annual dues. There shall be for the use of the Society a permanent Fund, to be derived from contributions ; this fund shall be in the hands of a Finance Committee of three well-known bankers and one member of the Board, to be invested to the best advantage. The income only of this fund shall be expended. Any member who 28 may contribute four hundred dollars to this fund shall be exempt from the payment of Annual dues, and such exemption may ex- tend to her lineal successors in membership from the same pro- positus, such successor to be appointed by herself or in default of such action to be chosen by the Society. SECTION XIV. NON-COLONIAL MEMBERSHIP, The members of non-Colonial State Societies, who on ac- count of New York ancestry enter through this Society, are required to pay only an initiation fee of fifteen dollars, the yearly dues being fixed and collected by their own organiza- tions. This shall constitute them associate members of the Colonial Dames of the State of New York, and they shall there- after be connected with this Society only by the payment of the per capita tax to the National Treasury, which in accordance with the ruling of the National Council, must be paid through the Parent Society for each member of a non-Colonial State So- ciety by its Treasurer. No rule limiting this membership of this Society shall be held to apply to these associate members. SECTION XV. CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP. The National Certificate of Membership may be procured upon the payment of two dollars and a half, by application to the Registrar. SECTION XVI. RESIGNATION. No Resignation of Membership in the Society shall become effective unless consented to and accepted by the Board of Man- asfers. SECTION XVII. DECEASE OF MEMBERS. The membership of any person in this Society shall be deter- mined by her decease. Upon the decease of any member, notice thereof shall be given at the next succeeding General Meeting of the Society, and at each Annual Meeting the names of those who have died during the year shall be entered in full on the Minutes of the meeting by the Recording Secretary. SECTION XVIII. EXPULSION AND SUSPENSION. The Board of Managers shall have the power to expel any enrolled member of this Society, provided that such member shall have received at least ten days' notice in writing of the charge preferred against her, and of the time and place of hearing, that she raay have an opportunity to be heard in her own favor. When the cause of expulsion shall not have in- volved moral unworthiness, the member expelled may be restored by the Society to membership, upon the unanimous vote of the Board of Managers and at any meeting of the Society. Should any member of the Society become two years in ar- rears in payment of her dues, the Board of Managers shall have power to drop her name from the roll, after she has failed to answer a notice to this effect. Upon her application to the Board of Managers for re-membership, and the payment of her indebtedness to the Society, the Board of Managers may restore her to membership at any time. An officer may for cause be suspended from the performance of her duties, by the Board of Managers, which proceeding must be reported to the Society and acted upon by it within thirty days, or the suspension shall cease. When an officer is thus re- moved by the Society, the Board of Managers shall fill the va- cancy for the unexpired term. 30 SECTION XIX. MEETINGS. There shall be an annual meeting of the Society for the election of members of the Board of Managers, the Presi- dent and the two Vice-Presidents. It shall be held on the first Wednesday in April of each year. The Society may also hold meetings for the transaction of general business at the call of the Board of Managers. Special Meetings of the Society shall be held by direction of the Board of Managers or upon the written request of not less than fifteen members of the Society, at such time and place as the Board may direct. At such Special Meeting no business shall be transacted except such as shall be specified in the notice thereof. At least one week's notice shall be given of time and place of Annual or Special Meeting, by mailing notice to every member of the Society, the postage on every such notice to be duly prepaid. The business of the Annual Meeting shall be limited, at the end of which the polls shall be opened for election, any unfin- ished business to be postponed to a subsequent Special Meeting. Twenty-five members shall constitute a quorum. No question involving the party politics of the day within the United States shall ever be discussed or considered at any Meet- ing of the Society, or of the Board of Managers, or of any committee thereof. SECTION XX. SERVICE OF NOTICES. It shall be the duty of every member to inform the Recording Secretary, by written communication, of her place of residence, and of any change thereof, and of her Post Office address. Service of any notice under these By-Laws upon any mem- ber of the Society, addressed to her at her last recorded place of residence or Post Office address, and forwarded by mail, shall be deemed sufficient service of such notice. 31 SECTION XXI. ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING. 1. Meeting called to order by Presiding officer. 2. Reports of Officers. 3. Reports of Standing Committees. 4. Special Notices. 5. Election of Managers, President and Vice-Presidents. 6. Adjournment. The meetings of the Society for business shall be generally conducted according to parliamentary laws, and in the following order : 1. Meeting called to order by Presiding Officer. 2. Reading of the Minutes. 3. Reports of Special Committees. 4. Specially Noticed Business. 5. Written Communications requiring Action by the Society. 6. Miscellaneous Business. 7. Adjournment. SECTION XXII. INSIGNIA. The insignia or distinctive Badge of the Society shall be that prescribed by the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, and shall be worn in accordance with the rule of that Society. The Registrar of the Society shall order the Badge for the members thereof, and no member shall receive more than one Badge, unless to replace one, the loss or destruc- tion of which shall be satisfactorily established. Every Badge of the Society heretofore or hereafter issued to a member thereof, shall be the property of such member. SECTION XXIII. SEAL. The seal of the Society shall be one and seven eighths of an inch in diameter, and shall contain therein the arms 32 of the Province of Nieuw Netherland, the whole encircled by a hand three eighths of an inch wide, thereon in the upper half the words "Colonial Dames," and in the lower half the words "New York." The Recording Secretary shall be the custodian of the seal, which shall be identical in every particular with this description. SECTION XXIV. ALTERATION AND AMENDMENT. These By-Laws may be amended at any Annual or Special Meeting, provided such amendment shall have been : Firstj Proposed in writing, and signed by five members of the Society at a previous Business Meeting; and Second, Printed and a copy mailed to each member, with the notice of the meeting at which the same is to be voted on ; and Thirdly, Adopted at such meeting by the vote of three fourths of the members present. 33 OFFICERS OF The National Society of the Colonial Dames OF AM ERICA President. Mrs. HOWARD TOWNSEND, New York. Honorary Vice-President. Mrs. BEVERLY KENNON, District of Columbia. First Vice-President. *Mrs. E. D. GILLESPIE, Pennsylvania. Second Vice-President. Mrs. HERBERT A. CLAIBORNE, Virginia. Third Vice-President. Mrs. SAMUEL COLT, Connecticut. Secretary. Mrs. WILLIAM REED, Maryland. Assistant Secretary. Mrs. J. J. JACKSON, Maryland. Treasurer. *Miss ELIZABETH BYRD NICHOLAS, Washington. Registra}'. Mrs. EMIL RICHTER, New Hampshire. Historian. Miss ANNE HOLLINGSWORTH WHARTON Pennsylvania. * Deceased. OFFICERS OF The Colonial Dames of the State of New York FROM ITS INCORPORATION Honorary President. Mrs. HOWARD TOWNSEND. Presidents. Mrs. HOWARD TOWNSEND, Mrs. SAMUEL VERPLANCK. Vice-Presiden ts. Mrs. ROBERT E. LIVINGSTON, Mrs. PIERRE VAN CORTLANDT, Mrs. WILLIAM RHINELANDER, Mrs. BENJAMIN SILLIMAN CHURCH, Mrs. EDWARD MITCHELL, Mrs. HERMAN T. LIVINGSTON, Mrs. WILLIAM CROSWELL DOANE, Mrs. ANSON PHELPS ATTERBURY. Corresponding Secretaries. Miss KATHERINE E. TURNBULL, Mrs. CHARLES B. CURTIS, Mrs. THEODORE WOOLSEY SCARBOROUGH, Mrs. DALLAS BACHE PRATT, Mrs. MONTGOMERY SCHUYLER. Recording Secretaries. Mrs. benjamin SILLIMAN CHURCH, Mrs. ALFRED ELY, Miss MARGARET SEYMOUR HALL, Miss MARY H. HALDANE. Treasurers, Mrs. WILMOT TOWNSEND COX, Mrs. ELIHU CHAUNCEY, Mrs. OLIVER LIVINGSTON JONES, Miss JULIA G. McALLISTER. Registrars. Mrs. SAMUEL VERPLANCK, Mrs. WILLIAM BEDLOW BEEKMAN, Mrs. MONTGOMERY SCHUYLER, Mrs. HENRY L. STIMSON, Mrs. DANIEL M. STIMSON. Historians. Miss RUTH LAWRENCE, Miss ANNE DEAS DUANE, Miss MARGARET SEYMOUR HALL, Miss MARY ISABELLA FORSYTH. Life Members. Mrs. WILLIAM RHINELANDER, Mrs. JAMES M. LAWTON, Mrs. JOHN D. JONES. Mrs. OLIVER LIVINGSTON JONES, Miss LOUISE ELIZABETH JONES, Mrs. CHARLES ERNEST PELLEW, Mrs. henry G. TREVOR, Mrs. CHARLES W. WHIPPLE, Mrs. CORNELIUS VANDERBILT, Countess VON FRANCKEN SIERSTORPFF, Mrs. FREDERICK J. COX, Mrs. ROBERT W. PATERSON, Miss OLIVIA E. PHELPS STOKES. Incorporators ELEANOR VAN RENSSELAER FAIRFAX, MARY VAN WYCK CHURCH, KATHERINE E. TURNBULL, RUTH LAWRENCE, MARIA DUANE BLEECKER MILLER, MATILDA OAKLEY RHINELANDER. REGISTER OF MEJVIBERS Register of Members. MRS. HAMILTON R. FAIRFAX (Eleanor C. Van Rensselaer). By right of descent from Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, Lord of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck. Jeremias Van Rensselaer Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Robert Livingston Stephanus Van Cortlandt Philip Livingston Philip Pieterse Schuyler Philip Livingston Nicholas Bayard Pieter Van Brugh Stephen Bayard William Paterson Mrs. BENJAMIN SILLIMAN CHURCH (Mary Van Wyck). By right of descent from David Provoost, Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland, known as "The Nine Men." Abraham Van Wyck Stephanus Van Cortlandt Theodorus Van Wyck Philip Van Cortlandt Abraham de Peyster Pierre Van Cortlandt Johannes de Peyster Philip Pieterse Schuyler Robert Livingston David Provoost, 2d Gilbert Livingston Jan Strycker Wilhelmus Beekman Cornells Melyn Henricus Beekman Samuel Howell Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Peter Stretch MISS KATHERINE EUPHEMIA TURNBULL. By right of descent from Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, Lord of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck. Jeremias Van Rensselaer Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Pieter Van Brugh Stephanus Van Cortlandt Philip Pieterse Schuyler Robert Livingston Dirck Wesselse Ten Broeck Philip Livingston Dirck Ten Broeck Philip Livingston Stephen Groesbeck William Paterson 43 4— MISS RUTH WOODHULL LAWRENCE, By right of descent from Thomas Lawrence, Major of Queens County Troops, Province of New York. John Lawrence Richard Woodhull Jonathan Lawrence Nathaniel Woodhull Matthias Nicoll William Smith Jan Strycker William Smith, 2d Jonathan Lockwood Richard Floyd Samuel Edsall MRS. WILMOT TOWNSEND COX (Maria Duane Bleecker Miller), By right of descent from Rip Van Dam, Acting Governor of New York as President of the Council. Robert Livingston Jochem Staats Philip Livingston Barent Staats Robert Livingston Coenradt Elmendorph Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Pieter Haring Pieter Van Brugh Thomas Jones Jan Jansen Bleecker Epenetus Piatt Rutger Bleecker Epenetus Piatt, 2d Philip Pieterse Schuyler Eleazer Miller Abram Ver Planck Burnet Miller Abram Staats James Duane 6 MRS. WILLIAM RHINELANDER (Matilda Cruger Oak- ley). By right of descent from John Cruger, Mayor of the City of New York. Henry Cruger Hendrick Cuyler Jesse Oakley 7 MRS. ANSON P. ATTERBURY (Catharine G. Van Rens- selaer). By right of descent from Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, Lord of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck. Jeremias Van Rensselaer Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt 44 Robert Livingston Stephanus Van Cortlandt Philip Livingston Philip Pieterse Schuyler Philip Livingston Nicholas Bayard Pieter Van Brugh Stephen Bayard William Paterson MRS. S. E. JOHNSON HUDSON (Susan Edwards John- son). By right of descent from William Samuel Johnson, Judge of the Supreme Court of Connecticut. 9 MRS. F. E. CHADWICK (Cornelia Jones Miller). By right of descent from Thomas Jones, Major of Queens County Troops, Province of New York. Robert Livingston Philip Pieterse Schuyler Philip Livingston Abram Staats Robert Livingston Jochem Staats Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Barent Staats Pieter Van Brugh Coenradt Elmendorph Rip Van Dam Pieter Haring James Duane John Jackson Jan Jansen Bleecker Epenetus Piatt Rutger Bleecker Epenetus Piatt, 2d Eleazer Miller 10 MRS. WILLIAM BEDLOW BEEKMAN (Katharine Morris Parker). By right of descent from Stephanus Van Cortlandt, Lord of the Manor of Cortlandt. Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Thomas Welles Philip Pieterse Schuyler Charles Chauncey Elisha Parker George Denison John Parker Edward Griswold James Parker John Gallup John Johnstone David Goodrich William Skinner Joseph Piatt Joseph Piatt Cooke 45 II MRS. PHILIP LIVINGSTON (Juliet Morris). By right of descent from Lewis Morris Governor of the Province of New Jersey. 12 MRS. SAMUEL cott). By right of Governor Henry Wolcott Simon Wolcott Ohver Wolcott John Strong Thomas Bull Thomas Welles Thomas Welles, 2d Nathaniel Chauncey Charles Chauncey Edward Griswold VERPLANCK (Katharine Rankin Wol- descent from Roger Wolcott, of the Colony of Connecticut. George Denison John Gallup James Judson William Chittenden William Leete Daniel Clarke David Goodrich William Worthington William Ely Daniel Ely 13 MRS. HOWARD TOWNSEND (Justine Van Rens- selaer). By right of descent from Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, Lord of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck. Jeremias Van Rensselaer Johannes Schuyler Hendrick Van Rensselaer Philip J. Schuyler Stephen Van Rensselaer Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Stephen Van Rensselaer, 2d Pieter Van Brugh Robert Livingston Philip Livingston Robert Livingston, Jr. Philip Pieterse Schuyler Pieter Schuyler Abram Staats Nidholas Bayard Samuel Bayard Stephen Bayard Samuel Vetch 14 MRS. PRESCOTT HALL BUTLER (Cornelia Stewart Smith). By right of descent from Nathaniel Woodhull, President of Provincial Congress of New York. Matthias Nicoll William Nicoll Richard Floyd Edward Holland Henry Holland Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Jeremias Van Rensselaer 46 15 MRS. KILIAEN VAN RENSSELAER (Olivia Phelps Atterbury), By right of descent from Elisha Boudinot, Judge of the Supreme Court of New Jersey. William Peartree Thomas Dudley William Peartree Smith Henry Wolcott John Haynes George Wyllys i6 MRS PHILIP RHINELANDER (Adelaide Kip). By right of descent from Hendrick Hendricksen Kip, Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland, known as "The Nine Men." 17 MRS. LINDSAY FAIRFAX (Grace Bradford). By right of descent from William Bradford^ Governor of Plymouth Colony. William Bradford, 2d John Alden 18 MRS. EDWARD DE ROSE (Susan Graham Varnum). By right of descent from Joseph Varnum, Colonel of Massachusetts Militia. 19 MISS AMY LENOX VARNUM. By right of descent from Joseph Varnum, Colonel of Massachusetts Militia. 20 MRS. JOHN BLEECKER MILLER (Cornelia Jones). By right of descent from James Duane, Attorney General of the Province of New York. Rip Van Dam Pieter Van Brugh Robert Livingston Philip Pieterse Schuyler Philip Livingston Pieter Haring Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Thomas Jones John Jackson 21 MRS. ROBERT E. LIVINGSTON (Susan M. Clarkson de Peyster). By right of descent from Abraham de Peyster, Mayor of the City of New York. 47 *22 MRS. PIERRE VAN CORTLANDT (Katherine Eliza- beth Beck). ' By right of descent from Daniel Brodhead^ Chief in Command of the Forces at Esopus, Province of New York. 2Z MISS ANNIE NICOLL. By right of descent from Matthias Nicoll, Mayor of the City of New York. *24 MRS. LYDIG M. HOYT (Geraldine Livingston). By right of descent from Morgan Lewis, Major, Second New York Regiment. Francis Lewis Henricus Beekman Robert Livingston Henricus Beekman, 2d Robert Livingston, Jr. Phihp Pieterse Schuyler Robert R. Livingston Pieter Schuyler Wilhelmus Beekman Gooszen Gerritsen Van Schaick William Smith *25 MRS. STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER TOWNSEND (Janet King). Fifth in descent from George De Kay Captain of a Troop of Horse, Province of New York. 26 Resigned. 27 Resigned. 28 MRS. PHOENIX REMSEN (Sarah Louisa Wagstaff). By right of descent from Robert Ogden, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Province of New Jersey. *29 MRS. JOHN TAYLOR COOPER (Angelica Schuyler). By right of descent from Pieter Schuyler, First Mayor of the City of Albany. 30 MISS CLARISSE HAZELTINE LIVINGSTON. By right of descent from Philip Livingston, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 48 31 MRS. ALFRED ELY (Helena Rutherfurd). By right of descent from James Alexander, Attorney-General of the Province of New York. Walter Rutherfurd Johannes de Peyster Robert Livingston Wilhelmus Beekman Gilbert Livingston Gerardus Beekman Lewis Morris Henricus Beekman Lewis Morris, 2d Philip Pieterse Sdhuyler Lewis Morris, 3d Judah Champion James Graham James Landon j^bram Staats John Russell Samuel Staats William Whiting Edward Collins 32 MRS. DEVEREUX EMMET (Ella Batavia Smith). By right of descent from Nathaniel Woodhull^ General in Command of Forces of Suffolk and Queens Counties, Province of New York, S3 MRS. WILLIAM M. HOES (Annie Nicoll). By right of descent from Matthias Nicoll. Mayor of the City of New York. 34 MRS. PIENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN (Lucretia That- cher Perry). By right of descent from Lion Gardiner, Lord of the Manor of Gardiner's Island. Henry Adams George Lyddall John Webster Gurdon Saltonstall 35 MRS. HILBORNE L. ROOSEVELT (Kate Shippen). By right of descent from Edward Shippen, President of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania. 36 MRS. THOMAS H. BARBER (Harriet Bayard Town- send). By right of descent from Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, Lord of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck. Hendrick Van Rensselaer Philip Pieterse Schuyler Robert Livingston Pieter Schuyler 49 Philip Livingston Johannes Schuyler Robert Livingston, Jr. Philip J. Schuyler Stephanus Van Cortlandt 37 MRS. CHARLES J. NOURSE (Julia Livingston Pea- body). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Brant Arentse Van Slichten- Pieter Van Brugh horst Philip Pieterse Schuyler Hendrick Cuyler Rip Van Dam Jacob Kollock John Swift 38 MISS CHARLOTTE LUCIA LIVINGSTON. By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Philip Livingston Brant Arentse Van Slichten- Robert Livingston horst Pieter Van Brugh John Swift Rip Van Dam Jacob Kollock Philip Pieterse Schuyler Thomas Hicks Hendrick Cuyler John Alden 39 MRS. JOHN M. BOWERS (Susan Bowler Dandridge). By right of descent from Alexander Spotswood, Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia. 40 MISS BLANDINA DUDLEY MILLER. By right of descent from Jan Jansen Bleecker, Mayor of the City of Albany. *4i MRS. WILLIAM PAYNE (Clara Keyes Paige). By right of descent from Kenelm Winslow, Deputy to the General Court of Plymouth Colony. Matthias Nicoll Edward Richmond Jeremias Van Rensselaer Edward Thurston Olofif Stevense Van Cortlandt Philip Sherman Thomas Mumford. 50 42 MRS. JAMES MARSLAND LAWTON (Eliza Mcintosh Clinch Anderson), By right of descent from Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam. James Alexander Stephanus Van Cortlandt Robert Livingston Philip Pieterse Schuyler Philip Livingston Johannes de Peyster Peter Van Brugh Livingston Nicholas Bayard Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Samuel Bayard Pieter Van Brugh John Spratt Jacob Leisler 43 MISS HELEN FREDERICA KING SHELTON. By right of descent from Thomas Willett, Mayor of the City of New York. Roger Ludlow Anthony Stoddard Thomas Welles William Pitkin, ist Richard Treat Timothy Edwards Thomas Hooker James Pierpont John Ogden 44 MISS EDITH JOHNSON. By right of descent from Samuel Johnson, First President of King's College, New York. Thomas Hooker Abram Ver Planck Nicholas Newlin Gulian Ver Planck Nathaniel Newlin Matthias Nicoll 45 MRS. WOODRUFF SUTTON, JR. (Helen Rosalie Rem- sen). By right of descent from Robert Ogden, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Province of New Jersey. 46 MRS. JOHN D. JONES (Josephine Katharine Floyd- Jones). By right of descent from David Jones, Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province of New York. Richard Floyd Matthias Nicoll Elbert Elbertse Van Stoot- Thomas Willett hof William Willett 51 47 MRS. JAMES HILLHOUSE (Hildegarde Speyers). By right of descent from Robert Livingston^ First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Philip Livingston Brant Arentse Van SHchten- Robert Livingston horst Pieter Van Brugh Hendrick Cuyler Rip Van Dam Jacob Kollock PhiHp Pieterse Schuyler John Swift 48 MRS. HENRY E. PELLEW (Augusta Jay). By right of descent from John Jay, President of the Continental Congress. Robert Livingston Jacobus Van Cortlandt Philip Livingston Hendrick Cuyler William Livingston Anthony Brockholles Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Govert Loockermans Pieter Van Brugh Frederick Philipse Philip Pieterse Schuyler Philip French Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Daniel Whitehead, 2d 49 MRS. STANFORD WHITE (Bessie Smith). By right of descent from Nathaniel Woodhull, General in Command of Forces in Suffolk and Queens Counties, Province of New York. William Nicoll 50 Resigned. 51 MRS. L. BAYARD SMITH (Louisa Norwood). By right of descent from Lewis Morris, Governor of the Province of New Jersey. James Graham Lewis Morris Ashfield 52 MRS. CHARLES S. FAIRCHILD (Helen Ledyard Linck- laen). By right of descent from John Ledyard, Deputy to the General Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut. h2 53 MRS. THOMAS J. OAKLEY RHINELANDER (Edith Cruger Sands). By right of descent from John Cruger, Mayor of the City of New York. Henry Cruger Peter Bard, 2d John Sands John Walker Comfort Sands Hendrick Cuyler Peter Bard Pierre Fauconnier Abram de Normandie 54 MRS. OLIVER LIVINGSTON JONES (Mary Elizabeth Jones). By right of descent from Lion Gardiner, Lord of the Manor of Gardiner's Island. Robert Jackson John Seaman John Jackson Thomas Jones William Washburne 55 MRS. MORRIS P. FERRIS (Mary Lanman Douw). By right of descent from Volckert Pieter Douw Vice-President of the Provincial Congress in New York. Volckert Janszen Douw Nicholas De Meyer Jonas Douw Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Petrus Douw Hendrick Cuyler Jeremias Van Rensselaer Richard Warren Hendrick Van Rensselaer William Collier Kiliaen K. Van Rensselaer Henry Wolcott Olofif Stevense Van Cortlandt Roger Wolcott Philip Pieterse Schuyler Daniel Clarke Myndert Schuyler Constant Southworth Johannes de Peyster Benjamin Church Johannes de Peyster. 2d Charles Church Johannes de Peyster, 3d John Chandler Hendrick Van Dyck Matthew Griswold Abram Ver Planck Samuel Coit 56 MRS. LANSDALE BOARDMAN (Levantia White Cox). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston, Philip Livingston Rip Van Dam Robert Livingston Philip Pieterse Schuyler 53 Wilhelmus Beekman Hendrick Cuyler Gerardus Beekman Rutger Jacobsen Van Schoen- Pieter Van Brugh derwoert 57 MRS. BAYARD CLARKSON (Eliza Livingston de Peys- ter). By right of descent from Johannes de Peyster^ Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam. Johannes de Peyster Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Robert Livingston Pieter Van Brugh PhiHp Livingston Wilhelmus Beekman Robert Livingston Gerardus Beekman Robert Livingston, Jr. Rip Van Dam Peter R. Livingston Pieter Sdiuyler 58 MISS EMILY MARIA DE PEYSTER. By right of descent from Johannes de Peyster, Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam. Johannes de Peyster Wilhelmus Beekman Robert Livingston Gerardus Beekman Philip Livingston Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Robert Livingston Pieter Van Brugh Robert Livingston, Jr. Rip Van Dam Peter R. Livingston Pieter Schuyler 59 Resigned. 60 MISS ALLETTA LAWRENCE CLARKE. By right of descent from Thomas Lawrence, Major of Queens County Forces, Province of New York. 61 MISS KATHARINE M. CLARKE. By right of descent from Thomas Lawrence, Major of Queens County Forces, Province of New York. *62 MRS. WALDO HUTCHINS (Elizabeth Ellsworth). By right of descent from William Bradford, Goveror of Plymouth Colony. William Bradford, 2d Samuel Welles 54 John Webster Tristram Coffin Stephen Greenleaf William Whiting Stephen Greenleaf, 2d Samuel Gookin William Greenleaf Daniel Gookin Henry Wolcott Richard Treat David Ellsworth Joseph Hawley Oliver Ellsworth John Hollister Thomas Welles John Steele 63 MRS. CHARLES F. OSTRANDER (Mary Morris Ed- wards). By right of descent from Lewis Morris^ Governor of the Province of New Jersey. 64 MRS. LOUIS THURSTON HOYT (Frances Mary Jones). By right of descent from Benedict Arnold, First Governor of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. 65 MISS LUCY CARLILE WATSON. By right of descent from William Robinson^ Deputy-Governor of Rhode Island. John Brown Samuel Stafford Stukely Westcott John Watson Ralph Earle Richard Waterman William Wodell Walter Clarke John Mason Robert Hazard Thomas Arnold Edward Kinnicut Philip Sherman William Baulstone John Coggeshall 66 MISS HELEN LINCKLAEN MILLER. By right of descent from John Webster, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. ej MRS. MONTGOMERY SCHUYLER (Katharine Living- ston). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Gilbert Livingston John Russell 55 Robert Gilbert Livingston Edward Griswokl Wilhelmus Beekman Edward Collins Henricus Beekman William Trask Jacob Leisler William Dudley Philip Pieterse Schuyler Richard Warren Jacob de Loper Roger Ailing Cornells Melyn Richard Borden Johannes Jansen Thomas Cook Brant Arentse Van Slichten- John Cooke horst Thomas Cornell David Provoost James Pecker David Provoost, 2d William Fowler David Provoost, 3d William Fowler, 2d Ebenezer Burrill Bernard Lombard Ebenezer Burrill, 2d Joseph Moss William Whiting John Moss John Whiting Thomas Newberry William Phelps Samuel Russell John Briggs 68 MISS LOUISE WATSON CLARKE. By right of descent from Edward Winslow, Governor of Plymouth Colony. Josias Winslow Benjamin Marston Isaac Winslow Herbert Pelham John Brown 69 MRS. J. WELLS CHAMPNEY (Elizabeth Williams). By right of descent from Thomas Dudley, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Simon Bradstreet Ephraim Williams John Cotton Edward Johnson 70 MRS. HENRY G. TREVOR (Margaret Helen Schiefifelin) . By right of descent from William Lawrence, Captain of Queens County Forces, Province of New York. 71 MISS MELISSA DODGE ATTERBURY. By right of descent from Thomas Dudley, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. John Haynes Elisha Boudinot 56 Henry Wolcott William Peartree George Wyllys William Peartree Smith 72 MISS LAURA JAY EDWARDS. By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. 73 MISS MADELEINE LeROY SATTERLEE. By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Johannes Pieterse Van Briigh Rip Van Dam Pieter Van Brugh Hackaliah Brown Philip Pieterse Schuyler James Avery Volckert Janszen Douw John Avery Ilendrick Cuyler John Gallup John Crary 74 MISS JULIA CHESTER WELLS. By right of descent from John Haynes, First Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. Thomas Welles John Chester, 3d Thomas Tracy John Chester, 4th Joseph Tracy William Pynchon John Clark James Pierpont John Lothrop James Noyes Edward Holyoke James Noyes, 2d Elizur Holyoke Thomas Stanton Joshua Huntington Josiah Winslow Jabez Huntington John Loomis Jabez Huntington, 2d John Glover Benjamin Huntington William Peck Richard Lord Samuel Buel John Talcott Samuel Buel, 2d Samuel Talcott , Thomas Gardner John Chester Jonathan Walcott John Chester, 2d Edward Griswold 75 MISS HELEN STUYVESANT DUDLEY. By right of descent from Petrus Stuyvesant, Director-General of Nieuw Netherland. 57 *76 MRS. CHARLES F. CHANDLER (Anna Maria Robin- son Craig). By right of descent from Robert Sedgwick, Major-General of the Forces of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. y-j MRS. CHARLES ERNEST PELLEW (Margaret Walton Chandler). By right of descent from John Chandler, Judge of Court of Common Pleas, Worcester County, Massachusetts Bay. Robert Sedgwick Nathan Gold, 2d 78 MISS LOUISE ELIZABETH JONES. By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston.. Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh John Swift Pieter Van Brug*h Lion Gardiner Rip Van Dam John Avery PhiHp Pieterse Schuyler Hercules Shepard Thomas Jones John Hicks Jacob Kollock Thomas Hicks Oswald Peel 79 MRS. HORACE CLARK DUVAL (Ida Livingston Frost). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Philip Livingston Rip Van Dam Robert Livingston Philip Pieterse Schuyler Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Rutger Jacobsen Van Schoen- Pieter Van Brugh derwoert Robert Feake 80 MISS FANNY SCHUYLER. By right of descent from Philip Pieterse Schuyler, Vice-Director of the Nieuw Netherland at Fort Orange. Stephanus Van Cortlandt Philip Livingston Robert Livingston Jeremias Van Rensselaer Philip Livingston Kiliaen Van Rensselaer 58 8i MISS ANNIE LAWRENCE HORN. By right of descent from Nathaniel Woodhull^ General in Command of Forces in Suffolk and Queens Counties, Province of New York. Thomas Lawrence John Lawrence Jonathan Lawrence 82 MRS. JUNIUS MORGAN (Josephine Adams Perry). By right of descent from Lion Gardiner, Lord of the Manor of Gardiner's Island. Richard Saltonstall Henry Adams Henry Adams, 2d 83 MRS. CHARLES E. SHERMAN (Hannah Newbold Law- rence). By right of descent from Nathaniel Woodhull, General in Command of Forces in Suffolk and Queens Counties, Province of New York. William Lawrence Richard Woodhull Thomas Lawrence Matthias Nicoll John Lawrence William Smith Jonathan Lawrence Richard Smith 84 MRS. MOSES TAYLOR PYNE (Anna Margaretta Stock- ton). By right of descent from Richard Stockton, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 85 MRS. JOHN ROMEYN BRODHEAD (Eugenia Blood- good). By right of descent from Sybrant Goszense Van Schaick, Mayor of the City of Albany. Gooszen Van Schaick Johannes Bleecker Jan Jansen Bleecker Abram Staats *86 MRS. GEORGE FOLGER CANFIELD (Sarah Kit- tredge). By right of descent from Simon Willard, Sergeant-Major in the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 59 8; MRS. JOHN FREDERICK MAYNARD (Mary Adams Beardsley). By right of descent from John Haynes, First Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. John Haynes, 2d Edmund Freeman WilHam Pynchon John Freeman WilHam Brewster Thomas Prince Richard Lord Samuel Knowles Richard Lord, 2d Henry Smith Richard Lord, 3d John Hatheway John Glover William Dudley 88 MRS. HENRY CADY STURGES (Sarah Adams Mac- Whorter). By right of descent from John Webster, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. Henry Adams John Buel Henry Adams, 2d Ebenezer Marsh William Pitkin, ist George Lyddall 89 MRS. JEREMIAH POTTER ROBINSON (Margaret Downing Lanman). By right of descent from Jonathan Trumbull, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 90 MISS SARAH BLEECKER TIBBITS. By right of descent from Jan Jansen Bleecker, Mayor of the City of Albany. Abram Ver Planck Abram Staats Rutger Jacobsen Van Schoen- Jochem Staats derwoert Barent Staats David Pieterse Schuyler 91 MRS. STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER (Mary Thorn Carpenter). By right of descent from Roelof Swartwout, Schout-Fiscaal for Wiltwyck. Thomas Jones Epenetus Piatt John Underbill 60 92 MISS ANNE STEVENSON VAN CORTLANDT. By right of descent from Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt^ Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam, Philip Pieterse Schuyler Abraham de Peyster Myndert Schuyler Johannes de Peyster Wilhelmus Beekman Volckert Pieterse Douw Robert Livingston James Stevenson Jeremias Van Rensselaer Daniel Brodhead 93 MISS ELIZABETH RICKARD INNES. By right of descent from Francis Lewis, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 94 MRS. CHARLES W. WHIPPLE (Josephine Katherine Jones). By right of descent from Thomas Jones, Major of Queens County Troops, Province of New York. 95 MRS. WILLIS E. FORD (Mary Ledyard Seymour). By right of descent from Edward Antill Member of the King's Council in East Jersey. 96 MRS. LEWIS B. ATTERBURY (Annie Townsend Law- rence). By right of descent from William Lawrence, Captain of Queens County Troops, Province of New York. 97 MRS. EDWARD CURTIS (Augusta Lawler Stacey). By right of descent from John Ap Bevan, Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly. 98 MRS. WILLIAM H. WATSON (Julia Millard). By right of descent from James Parker^ Captain of a Military Company, Massachusetts Bay. John Coggeshall John Briggs Nicholas Easton John Hollister Peter Easton Richard Treat Jeremiah Clarke Thomas Wheeler Weston Clarke John Moss 61 99 MRS. CHARLES B. WHEELER (Frances Munro Rochester) . By right of descent from James De Lancey, Chief Justice of the Province of New York. loo MRS. ROBERT LENOX BELKNAP (Mary Phoenix Remsen). By right of descent from Johannes de Peyster, Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam. Hendrick Rutgers Henry Remsen WilHam Hallett loi MISS MARY BLEECKER SEYMOUR TIBBITS. By right of descent from Jan Jansen Bleecker^ Mayor of the City of Albany. 102 MRS. THEODORE WOOLSEY SCARBOROUGH (Laura Hoadley). By right of descent from William Smith^ Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province of New York. Thomas Hooker Samuel Partridge Timothy Dwight James Pierpont Timothy Dwight, 2d Thomas Willett William Burnet 103 MRS. HOMER H. STUART (Margaret Elizabeth Dun- bar). By right of descent from Thomas Welles^ Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. David Goodrich Wilham Ely Charles Chauncey Daniel Ely Nathaniel Chauncey George Denison Elihu Chauncey William Chittenden Samuel Boreman Edward Griswold James Judson William Worthington John Gallup *I04 MISS ANNA POTTER. By right of descent from Thomas Welles, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 62 I05 MRS. ELIHU CHAUNCEY (Mary Jane Potter). By right of descent from Thomas Welles^ Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. io6 MRS. WALTER GEORGE OAKMAN (Elizabeth Cock- burn Conkling). By right of descent from John Webster, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 107 MRS. JAMES M. RANKIN (Anna Evelina Schenck). By right of descent from Francois Rombouts, Mayor of the City of New York. Abraham Schenck Robert Blackwell Henry Schenck Jacob Blackwell 108 MRS. FRANK WHEATON (Maria Bleecker Miller). By right of descent from Rutger Bleecker, Mayor of the City of Albany. 109 MISS ELIZABETH KENNEDY VAN RENSSELAER. By right of descent from Kiliaen Van Rensselaer Lord of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck. no MRS WILLIAM ROBISON (Jeannie Floyd-Jones). By right of descent from Richard Floyd, Colonel of Suffolk County Troops, Province of New York. Thomas Jones John Jackson David Jones Matthias Nicoll Thomas Willett Elbert Elbertse Van Stoot- William Willett hof Pieter Haring III MRS CONDE RAGUET THORN (Louise Akerly Floyd- Jones). By right of descent from David Jones, Justice of the Supreme Court, Province of New York. Richard Floyd Epenetus Piatt Matthias Nicoll Elbert Elbertse Van Stoot- William Willett hof 63 112 MRS. EDWARD BOYNTON ANGELL (Florence Mont- gomery). By right of descent from Nathaniel Rochester, Member of the Provincial Congress of North Carolina. 113 MISS CORNELIA LEONARD NEVINS. By right of descent from George Wyllys, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. Samuel Wyllys John Leverett Roger Wolcott William Leete John Haynes Simon Lothrop Thomas Dudley Matthew Griswold Richard Russell David Nevins 114 MRS. CHARLES B. CURTIS (Isabella Douglass). By right of descent from Thomas Dudley, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. William Leete Daniel Whitehead William Brenton Frederick Lubbertsen John Eliot Jan Strycker Joseph Elhcott Jacques Cortelyou Cornelius Sebring 115 MRS. JAMES SPENCER VAN CLEEF (Harriet Mul- ford Howell). By right of descent from Edward Howell, Magistrate of the Colony of Connecticut. John Howell Lion Gardiner Ezekiel Mulford 116 MRS. WALTER MOTT JONES (Ellen Shepherd Van Cleef). By right of descent from Edward Howell, Magistrate of the Colony of Connecticut. John Howell Lion Gardiner J^n Van Cleef 64 117 MRS. SAMUEL WILLIAM JOHNSON (Mary Newlin Ver Planck). By right of descent from Abram Ver Planck, Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland, Known as "The Twelve Men," Gulian Ver Planck Matthias Nicoll Samuel Ver Planck Nicholas Newlin Govert Loockermans Nathaniel Newlin William Samuel Jolinson Richard Floyd ii8 MRS. GEORGE de B. GREENE (Harriet Mumford Campbell). By right of descent from Matthias Nicoll, Mayor of the City of New York. Samuel Campbell Edward Richmond Jedediah Elderkin Kenelm Winslow John Keyes Thomas Mumford Philip Sherman Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt 119 MISS MARIA STARKWEATHER CAMPBELL. By right of descent from Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt, Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam. Matthias Nicoll John Keyes Kenelm Winslow Edward Thurston Thomas Mumford 120 MISS JULIA RAYMOND LIVINGSTON. , By right of descent from Rorebt Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Gilbert Livingston Brant Arentse Van Slichten- Robert Gilbert Livingston horst Wilhelmus Beekman Cornells Melyn Henricus Beekman Jacob de Loper Philip Pieterse Schuyler Ebenezer Burrill Ebenezer Burrill, 2d 121 MRS. J. PIERPONT MORGAN (Frances Tracy). By right of descent from Joseph Tracy, Captain of Norwich Train Band, Colony of Connecticut. Thomas Tracy 65 122 MRS. BENJAMIN RUSH WENDELL, Jr. (Sarah Delano Swift). By right of descent from William Fitzhugh Colonel of Maryland Troops. 123 MRS. HENRY EARLE (Alice Morse). By right of descent from Hugh Mason, Captain of a Military Company, Massachusetts Bay. Samuel Bullard Joseph Morse Thomas Browne Thomas Morse Richard Heard Joseph Mason 124 MRS. LEVI PARSONS MORTON (Anna Livingston Reade Street). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Gilbert Livingston Stephanus Van Cortlandt Wilhelmus Beekman Etienne De Lancey Henricus Beekman Frederick Philipse Jeremias Van Rensselaer Joseph Reade Philip Pieterse Schuyler 125 MRS. J. BLOOMFIELD WETHERILL (Kate Annette Smith). By right of descent from Matthias Nicoll, Mayor of the City of New York. 126 MRS. SANFORD BISSELL (Florence Sanford Bissell). By right of descent from Roger Wolcott, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. Erastus Wolcott John Webster William Bradford William Bradford, 2d Thomas Welles Matthew Allyn Nathan Gold John Loomis Daniel Clarke William Wadsworth Thomas Stoughton Edward Griswold Nicholas Olmsted John Chester Benjamin Newbury John Bissell William Pitkin Samuel Buel James Fitch Ebenezer Marsh William Pynchon Joseph Talcott 66 127 MRS. JOHN CROSBY BROWN (Mary Elizabeth Adams). By right of descent from William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony. William Bradford, 2d George Soule Thomas Thacher Edward Johnson Peter Thacher William Johnson John Oxenbridge John Doane Edmond Hobart Thomas Payne Peter Hobart John Gallup Stephen Hopkins Edward Bangs Nicholas Snow Joshua Ripley Thomas Leonard Ralph Partridge Humphrey Atherton 128 MRS. WILLIAM WATSON WEBB (Mary Clarke). By right of descent from Janna Meigs, Captain of a Train Band, Connecticut Colony. Josiah Meigs Peter Ward John Griswold Samuel Buel Simon Willard Samuel Buel, 2d William Spencer Edward Griswold Andrew Ward Daniel Hand 129 MRS. EDWIN H. WOOTTON (Mary Hill Wright). By right of descent from Robert Carter, President of the Governor's Council. Province of Virginia. John Carter John Armistead John Carter Edward Hill Robert Chapman 130 MRS. CHARLES COOLIDGE HAIGHT (Euphemia Kneeland). By right of descent from Peter Bard, Member of the King's Council, Province of New Jersey. 131 MRS. SAMUEL SLOAN (Margaret Zabriskie Elmen- dorf). By right of descent from Coenradt Elmendorph, Captain of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York, 67 132 MRS. FREDERICK PERCIVAL ALLEN (Caroline Clarke) . By right of descent from Janna Meigs^ Captain of a Train Band, Connecticut Colony. Josiah Meigs Edward Griswold Samuel Buel John Griswold Samuel Buel, 2d Simon Willard Andrew Ward William Spencer Peter Ward Daniel Hand 133 MISS HENRIETTA WARD ALLEN. By right of descent from John Stanley, Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony. Janna Meigs William Spencer Josiah Meigs Andrew Ward Edward Griswold Peter Ward Jdhn Griswold Simon Willard Daniel Hand 134 MISS ANNE DEAS DUANE. By right of descent from Benjamin Franklin, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Richard Bache 135 MRS. NEWTON PERKINS (Mary Sowles). By right of descent from Reinold Marvin, Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony. George Soule 136 MRS. EDWARD LYMAN SHORT (Anna Livingston Petit). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston, Philip Livingston Rip Van Dam Robert Livingston Peter Schuyler Robert Livingston, Jr. Wilhelmus Beekman Peter R. Livingston Gerardus Beekman Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Johannes de Peyster Pieter Van Brugh Johannes de Peyster, 2d 68 137 MRS. A. G. BROWER (Jennie Helen Vedder). By right of descent from Dirck Wesselse Ten Broeck, Mayor of the City of Albany, Gerritt Symonse Veeder Johannes Wynkoop Matthew Ten Eyck Evert Bancker Jan Wemple Johannes Sanders Glenn 138 MRS. DANIEL M. STIMSON (Edith Parker). By right of descent from William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony. William Bradford, 2d Thomas Dudley John Haynes George Wyllys Richard Treat Robert Treat William Pitkin William Pitkin, 2d William Pitkin 3d Samuel Symonds John Rowland Samuel Clap Thomas Clap John Woodbridge Timothy Woodbridge William Whiting John Whiting John Gorham John Gorham, 2d John Mason Richard Mather Samuel Mather Humphrey Atherton John Strong John Moore Matthew AUyn Thomas Allyn Francis Higginson John Higginson John Higginson, 2d John Higginson, 3d Thomas Savage Jonathan Prescott Thomas Gardner Samuel Gardner John Whitfield Zachariah Symmes Daniel Epes Daniel Epes, 2d Daniel Epes, 3d Daniel Epes, 4th William Hathorne Israel Porter George Hull John Warham Edward Collins Edmond Hobart Peter Clark Cyprian Nichols Cyprian Nichols, 2d William Spencer Simon Willard William Adams Samuel Wyllys Caleb Stanley John Putnam James Putnam 69 139 MRS. JAMES KENT (Louisa Morris Stewart). By right of descent from Lewis Morris, Governor of the Province of New Jersey. Lewis Morris, 2d Gooszen Gerritse Van Schaick Lewis Morris, 3d Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt James Graham Jacobus Van Cortlandt Govert Loockermans Abram Staats Wilhelmus Beekman Samuel Staats Gerardus Beekman Rutger Jacobsen Van Schoen- derwoert 140 PRINCESS CANTACUZENE SPERANSKY (Julia Grant). By right of descent from Noah Grant, Captain of Connecticut Troops, 1756. 141 MRS. ETIENNE ST. GEORGE (Alice Lee Goodrich). By right of descent from Thomas Welles, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. David Goodrich John Gallup Edward Griswold Charles Chauncey George Dension Nathaniel Chauncey James Judson William Worthington 142 MRS. MARTIN WRIGHT SAMPSON (Frances Gard- iner). By right of descent from Pieter Schuyler, First Mayor of the City of Albany. Philip Pieterse Schuyler Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Philip Schuyler Gooszen Gerritse Van Schaick Nicholas Schuyler Evert Jansen Wendell Harmanus Schuyler Nicholas de Meyer Jeremias Van Rensselaer Dirck Wesselse Ten Broeck Hendrick Van Rensselaer Hendrick Van Dyck Johannes Van Rensselaer Lion Gardiner Robert Livingston, Jr. Brant Arentse Van Slichten- Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh horst Edward Thurston 70 143 MRS. JONATHAN THORNE (Harriet S. Van Schoon- hoven). By right of descent from Jacobus Van Schoonhoven, Captain of a Company in Albany County, Province of New York. 144 MRS. WALTER S. SCHUYLER (Mary Miller Gardi- ner). By right of descent from Hendrick Van Rensselaer, Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York. Jeremias Van Rensselaer Harmanus Schuyler Johannes Van Rensselaer Nicholas Schuyler Brant Arentse Van Slichten- Edward Thurston horst Nicholas de Meyer Robert Livingston, Jr. Hendrick Van Dyck Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Philip Pieterse Schuyler Dirck Wesselse Ten Broeck Philip Schuyler Gooszen Gerritse Van Schaick Pieter Schuyler Lion Gardiner Evert Tansen Wendell 145 MRS. EUGENE AUGUSTUS HOFFMAN (Mary Crooke Elmendorf). By right of descent from Coenradt Elmendorph Captain of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York. ♦146 MRS. EDWARD H. JEWETT (Sophia Seymour Mil- ler). By right of descent from Jan Jansen Bleecker, Mayor of the City of Albany. Eleazer Miller Abram Staats Coenradt Elmendorph John Underbill John Webster 147 MRS. WILLIAM R. SANDS (Mary Thompson Gar- diner), By right of descent from Lion Gardiner, Lord of the Manor of Gardiner's Island. 71 148 MRS. CORNELIUS VANDERBILT (Alice Claypoole Gwynne). By right of descent from James Claypoole. Member of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania. 149 MRS. SAMUEL VERPLANCK HOFFMAN (Louisa Norwood Smith). By right of descent from Lewis Morris, Governor of the Province of New Jersey. James Graham Anthony Rutgers Lewis Morris Ashfield Leonard Lispenard Humphrey Atherton ■•'■150 Mrs. THOMAS PARMELEE WICKES (Harriette Douw Alley). By right of descent from John Alden, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. 151 MRS. T. WOLFE TONE (Rosalie Colhoun). By right of descent from Matthew Clarkson, Secretary of the Province of New York. 152 MISS MARY VAN BUREN VANDERPOEL. By right of descent from Benjamin Williams, Captain of Massachusetts Company, in Expedition Against Crown Point. Richard Williams Anthony Fames Richard Warren Francis Griswold John Lothrop Abram Ver Planck Edward Griswold Melgert Wynant Vanderpoel Isaac Van Vleeck 153 MISS LUCIE HOW DRAPER. By right of descent from Anthony Checkley, Attorney-General of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 154 MRS. RIPLEY HITCHCOCK (Martha Wolcott Hall). By right of descent from Roger Wolcott, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. Erastus Wolcott David Ellsworth 72 William Bradford Oliver Ellsworth William Bradford, 2d Matthew Allyn John Talcott John Minor Samuel Talcott Nicholas Olmsted Thomas Welles Daniel Clarke Samuel Welles John Chester William Pynchon John Webster Edward Holyoke 155 MRS. WILLIAM GORDON VER PLANCK (Harriet Anderson Clark). By right of descent from Richard Ingoldsby, Commander-in-Chief of the Province of New York. William Pinhorne Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Nicholas Stillwell Philip Pieterse Schuyler Kiliaen Van Rensselaer Johannes de la Montagne Hendrick Hendricksen Kip 156 MRS. FREDERICK BUTTERFIELD (Caroline Fal- coner). By right of descent from John Burr, Assistant in the Colony of Connecticut. Andrew Ward 157 MRS. WILLIAM A. THOMPSON (Harriet Clarkson Crosby). By right of descent from Philip Pieterse Schuyler, Vice-Director of Nieuw Netherland at Fort Orange. 158 MRS. LOCKWOOD DE FOREST (Meta Kemble). By right of descent from Nicholas Bayard Secretary of the Province of New York. 159 MRS. GEORGE MAY ELWOOD (Mary Cheney). By right of descent from William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony. William Bradford, 2d William Mullins John Alden William Paybodie (Peabody) 73 i6o MRS. HENRY E. DA VIES (Louisa Ver Planck Knev- els). By right of descent from James De Lancey, Chief Justice of the Province of New York. i6i MRS. CHARLES H. HUNT (Anna de Peyster Living- ston). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Philip Livingston Rip Van Dam Robert Livingston Wilhelmus Beekman Peter R. Livingston Gerardus Beekman Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Johannes de Peyster Pieter Van Brugh Johannes de Peyster, 2d Pieter Schuyler 162 MRS. WALLACE CLARKE (Sarah Elizabeth Scoville). By right of descent from Thomas Dudley, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Simon Bradstreet William Pynchon Thomas Danforth William Parke Thomas Welles Peter Bulkeley Samuel Talcott Samuel Whiting Edward Holyoke William Barron 163 MISS EMMA SCHENCK. By right of descent from Francois Rombouts, Mayor of the City of New York. Abraham Schenck Henry Schenck Joris Jansen Rapalje 164 Resigned. 165 MRS. LOUIS COPE WASHBURN (Henrietta Salton- stall Mumford). By right of descent from Gordon Saltonstall, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. John Winthrop Thomas Hart John Winthrop, 2d Philip Sherman Thomas Dudley Anthony Hawkins Joseph Dudley Thomas Mumford 74 i66 MRS. WILLIAM L. HALSEY (Helen Mumford). By right of descent from John Winthrop, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Thomas Dudley Anthony Hawkins Gurdon Saltonstall Thomas Mumford Philip Sherman Thomas Hart *i67 MRS. ROSWELL-SMITH (Annie Goodrich Ellsworth). By right of descent from Charles Chauncey, Second President of Harvard College. Thomas Welles David Goodrich Oliver Ellsworth Edward Griswold Henry Wolcott William Pitkin Caleb Stanley William Chittenden i68 MRS. JOHN BROOKS LEAVITT (Mary Keith). By right of descent from William Peartree, Mayor of the City of New York. 169 MRS. HENRY BEEKMAN LIVINGSTON (Frances Redmond). By right of descent from Walter Hoyt, Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony. 170 MRS. WILLIAM HENRY McCLURE (Catharine Bar- clay Jermain). By right of descent from Henry Pierson, Speaker of the Assembly of the Province of New York. 171 MISS IRVA STRUTHERS. By right of descent from Richard Stockton, Lieutenant of a Troop of Horse of Flushing, Province of New York. 172 MISS ANNIE BREESE DEXTER. By right of descent from Nathaniel Stanley, Treasurer of the Colony of Connecticut. 75 173 MRS. GEORGE CORNELL FREEBORN (Adelaide Yates). By right of descent from Christopher Yates^ Captain of New York Provincial Troops. 174 MRS. CHARLES H. CRANE (Sarah Payne Nicoll). By right of descent from Matthias Nicoll, Mayor of the City of New York. 175 MRS. PIERRE LORILLARD, Jr., (Caroline Hamilton). By right of descent from John Bradstreet, Major-General of Provincial Troops. 176 MRS. JOSEPH LEDLIE MOODY (Ida Jorane Schan- der). By right of descent from Simon Van Ness, Ensign of Troops at Albany, Province of New York, Joris Jansen Rapalje Paulus Van Der Becq 177 MRS. WILLIAM TEMPLE EMMET (Cornelia Boor- aem Zabriskie). By right of descent from Johannes de la Montagne, Chief in Command of Military Forces of Nieuw Amsterdam. 178 MRS. JOHN DeWITT PELTZ (Catharine Barnard Walsh). By right of descent from Myndert Schuyler, Mayor of the City of Albany. 179 MRS. JOHN PURDON (Frances Nelson Bogert). By right of descent from Michael Jackson, Adjutant of an Orange County Regiment, Province of New York. William Jackson William Sheffield Johannes de la Montagne Richard Denton 180 MRS. CHARLES H. DOOLITTLE (Julia Tyler Sher- man). By right of descent from Philip Sherman, One of the Founders of the Colony of Portsmouth, (Rhode Island) 76 i8i MRS. STANLEY WALKER DEXTER (Gabrielle Mani- gault McAllister). By right of descent from James Graham, Attorney-General of the Province of New York. Lewis Morris Cadwalader Golden Lewis Morris, 2d Gabriel Manigault Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Arthur Middleton Stephanus Van Cortlandt Richard McAllister Etienne de Lancey Philip Pieterse Schuyler 182 MRS. ALFRED COXE (Mariette Doolittle). By right of descent from Philip Sherman, One of the Founders of the Colony of Portsmouth, (Rhode Island). 183 MISS REJOYCE BALLANCE COLLINS. By right of descent from Roelof Swartwout, Schout Fiscaal for Wiltwyck. Arie Roosa Hugh Caulkins David Provoost Robert Green 184 MRS. CHARLES ASHMEAD SCHAEFER (Evelyn Schuyler). By right of descent from Philip Pieterse Schuyler, Vice-Director of Nieuw Netherland at Fort Orange. Philip Schuyler Dirck Wesselse Ten Broeck Harmanus Schuyler Nicholas De Meyer Jeremias Van Rensselaer Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Hendrick Van Rensselaer Hendrick Van Dyck Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Nathaniel Scribner Hendrick Cuyler 185 MRS. CHARLES A. PEABODY (Athenia Livingston). By rigfht of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Philip Livingston Samuel Staats Robert Livingston Brant Arentse Van Slichten- Pieter Van Brugh horst Hendrick Cuyler Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Rip Van Dam Nicholas Hoffman Philip Pieterse Schuyler Martinus Hoffman Abram Staats John Ogden Samuel Swaine William Swaine i86 Resigned. 187 MISS MARY TABER. By right of descent from John Bradstreet, Major-General of Provincial Forces. 188 MRS. FRANCKE H. BOSWORTH (Mary Putnam). By right of descent from Israel Putnam, Brigadier-General of Connecticut Troops and Major-General in the Revolutionary Army. John Putnam John Douglas Hugh Caulkins Israel Porter William Hathorne Daniel Warner 189 MRS. J. BLACKBURN MILLER (Pauline Rives Clark- son). By right of descent from Matthew Clarkson, Secretary of the Province of New York. *i90 MRS. JOEL WOLFE (Margaret V. S. Brinckerhoff). By right of descent from Epenetus Platt Captain of a Company of Foot, Suffolk County, Province of New York, 191 MRS. HENRY C. BREWSTER (Alice Elizabeth Chapin) By right of descent from Samuel Partridge, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Massachusetts Bay. 192 MRS. LOUIS FITZGERALD (Gelyna Ver Planck). By right of descent from Abram Ver Planck, Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland, Known as "The Twelve Men." 78 193 MRS. ALFRED CORNELIUS ROWLAND (Clara Ward). By rigtht of descent from Edmund Ward, Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York. Andrew Ward 194 MRS. ARCHIBALD ROGERS (Annie Caroline Cole- man). By right of descent from James Habersham, Secretary of the Province of Georgia. 195 MISS ELIZABETH B. PERKINS. By right of descent from Nathaniel Thomas, Captain of Massachusetts Troops in King Philip's War. Nathaniel Thomas, 2d John Appleton William Thomas George Soule Reinold Marvin 196 MRS. MAUNSELL van RENSSELAER (Isabella Ma- son). By right of descent from Jabez Hamlin, Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony. Nicholas Danforth Richard Dummer Samuel Danforth Jeremiah Dummer David Cowpland Adam Blackman John Wilson Edward Bromfield 197 MRS. ELIPHALET REMINGTON (Jane Strawbridge Ledyard). By right of descent from William Fitzhugh, Colonel of Maryland Troops. 198 MRS. HENRY DELAFIELD PHELPS (Katharine Mor- ris). By right of descent from Lewis Morris, Governor of the Province of New Jersey. 79 =^199 MRS. HENRY A. NEELEY (Mary Floyd Delafield). By right of descent from William Floyd, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Richard Floyd Joseph Hallett Matthias Nicoll Thomas Willett John Underhill William Leete William Hallett Thomas Hazard Thomas Hooker 200 MRS. WILHELMUS MYNDERSE (Hannah Gould). By right of descent from William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony. William Bradford, 2d William Collier William Brewster Thomas Stoughton Humphrey Atherton Edward Griswold Atherton Mather Francis Griswold Constant Southworth William Wadsworth John Alden Joshua Ripley 201 MISS MARGARET SEYMOUR HALL. By right of descent from Joshua Scottow, Chief Justice of Court of Common Pleas, Province of Maine. George Yeardley John Powell Argall Yeardley John Powell, 2d Adam Thorogood Benjamin Gibbs 202 MRS. LOUIS LEE STANTON (Pauline Dickson). By right of descent from George Denison, Captain of Connecticut Troops in King Philip's War. Thomas Stanton James Noyes Isaac Williams James Noyes, 2d John Williams Peleg Sanford William Williams William Coddington 203 MISS KATE PRIME. By right of descent from Henry Pierson, Speaker of the Assembly of the Province of New York. John Wheelwright William Earle Samuel Wheelwright Thomas Gardner 80 John Wheelwright Samuel Gardner Thomas Putnam Edward Howell Ralph Earl John Howell Jonathan Walcott 204 MRS. EBEN ERSKINE OLCOTT (Katherine Lawrence Van Santvoord). By right of descent from Thomas De Kay, Colonel of Orange County Troops, Province of New York. Jacobus De Kay Jacob Lansing Volckert Janszen Douw Henry Quackenbush Johannes Sanders Glen Samuel Cook Abraham Pieterse Van Deu- Thomas Miles sen 205 MRS. ROBERT FULTON CRARY (Agnes Boyd Van Kleeck). By right of descent from Francois Rombouts, Mayor of the City of New York. Abraham Schenck Henry Schenck 206 MRS. THOMAS S. NEWLIN (Julia M. Onderdonk). By right of descent from Lewis Morris, Governor of the Province of New Jersey, Lewis Morris Abram Staats Richard Morris Samuel Staats James Graham Abram Ver Planck Gabriel Ludlow Jan Jansen Bleecker Rutger Bleecker 207 MRS. JOHN HENRY PIATT (Julia Chester Goddard). By right of descent from William Leete, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 208 MRS. ARTHUR ROBINSON (Jane Howell Porter). By right of descent from Johannes Abeel. Mayor of the City of Albany. Edward Howell Peter Mathews Vincent Mathews Joshua Porter 81 209 MRS. JAMES WALSH (Susan Newbold Lawrence). By right of descent from William Lawrence, Captain of Forces of Queens County, Province of New York. 210 MRS. WALTER WOOD ADAMS (Harriette Augusta Hillhouse). By right of descent from Dirck Wesselse Ten Broeck, Mayor of the City of Albany. Johannes Cuyler Gooszen Gerritsen Van Schaick Jeremias Van Rensselaer Hendrick Van Rensselaer Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh John Mason William Hillhouse Henry Wolcott Matthew Sherwood Richard Arnold Randall Holden Samuel Comstock Chad Brown 211 MRS. WILLIAM HENRY SAGE (Isabel Whitney). By right of descent from John Alden, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation George Denison John Gorham John Gallup Nehemiah Smith Constant Southworth Thomas Stanton William Mullins John Howland 212 MISS MARGARET PROUTY HILLHOUSE. By right of descent from Dirck Wesselse Ten Broeck, Mayor of the City of Albany. Johannes Cuyler Gooszen Gerritsen Van Schaick Jeremias Van Rensselaer Hendrick Van Rensselaer Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh John Mason William Hillhouse Henry Wolcott Matthew Sherwood James Fitch John Wickes 82 Richard Arnold Thomas Angell Obadiah Holmes Thomas Arnold Peter Winne Randall Holden Samuel Comstock Gideon Comstock Joseph Stafford Samuel Gorton John Brown Chad Brown (Weekes) 213 MRS. FRANCIS G. WOOD (Mary Gilbert). By right of descent from Samuel Coit^ Colonel of Connecticut Troops. 214 MISS CAROLINE T. LAWRENCE. By right of descent from William Lawrence, Captain of Queens County Troops, Province of New York. 215 MRS. HORATIO SEYMOUR (Abigail Adams Johnson). By right of descent from Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh, Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam, Hendrick Van Rensselaer Edmund Quincy Nicholas Schuyler John Quincy Nicholas de Meyer John Alden Hendrick Van Dyck John Stephens John Adams Thomas Shepard 216 Resigned. 217 MRS. WILLIAM BENNETT JACKSON (Cornelia Franklin Sherman). By right of descent from Simon Bradstreet, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Samuel Whiting Thomas Danforth Edward Holyoke Thomas Welles Kenelm Winslow Thomas Dudley Peter Bulkeley William Barron William Pynchon Philip Sherman 218 Mrs. WILLIAM A. WALKER (Jeannie Livingston Ed- mond). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Philip Livingston Brant Arentse Van Slichten- William Livingston horst Philip Pieterse Schuyler Anthony Brockholles Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Frederick Pbilipse Hendrick Cuyler Philip French 83 219 MRS. GEORGE HUNTER BROWN (Cornelia Emily Moss). By right of descent from Matthew Griswold, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. Henry Wolcott William Lewis Roger Wolcott Nathaniel Merriman William Hubbarid Daniel Clarke Thomas Tracy John Moss Richard Bushnell William Lewis Josiah Winslow Zabdiel Rogers Thomas Leffingwell 220 MRS. GARRETT A. VAN ALLEN (Elizabeth Morgan Barker) . By right of descent from Roger Williams, A Recognized Historic Founder of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Jeremiah Clarke Samuel Cranston John Coggeshall Nicholas Easton Richard Borden Peter Easton Giles Slocum James Barker John Cranston William Barker 221 MISS ALICE SCARBOROUGH. By right of descent from Thomas Willett, Mayor of the City of New York. William Smith Samuel Partridge 222 MRS. CHARLES PRICE BRITTON (Caroline Berry), By right of descent from Thomas Welles, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. William Clark Nathaniel Berry William Clarke William Berry John Strong Theophilus Baldwin Jethro Hatch John Hollister Timothy Hatch Ephraim Stiles Richard Treat 84 223 MRS. F. W. H. SHEFFIELD (Sarah Kellogg). By right of descent from William Coddington^ Governor of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Thomas Minor Thomas Noyes William Lewis Thomas Stanton George Denison Peleg Sanford Joseph Kellogg 224 MRS. WILLIAM SEELYE LITTLE (Caroline Crafts). By right of descent from Samuel Campbell^ Lieutenant-Colonel of Tryon County Troops, Province of New York. Jedediah Elderkin 225 MRS. H. T. WILLIAMS (Mary Frances Ward). By right of descent from David Buel^ Major of Connecticut Troops. 226 MRS. P. V. ROGERS (Elizabeth Butler). By right of descent from Thomas Munson, Deputy for New Haven to the Connecticut General Assembly. 227 MRS. JOSEPH TUCKERMAN TOWER (Maria Bockee Carpenter). By right of descent from Thomas Jones^ Major of Queens County Troops, Province of New York. 228 MRS. L. WARD CLARK (Mary Eliza Hall). By right of descent from Henry Champion, Colonel of Troops of the Province of New York. 229 MRS. KATHARINE SCHUYLER BAXTER (Katharine Schuyler Malcolm). By right of descent from Philip Schuyler, Commander of the Fort at Schenectady with the rank of Lieu- tenant. Jeremias Van Rensselaer Robert Livingston Hendrick Van Rensselaer Johannes Schuyler Johannes Van Rensselaer Philip Pieterse Schuyler Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Philip J. Schuyler 85 "230 MRS. JOHN BRANDEGEE WOOD (Sarah Miller). By right of descent from Eleazer Miller, Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York. 231 MRS. WILLIAM M. KINGSLAND (Mary J. Macy). By right of descent from John Gorham, Captain of Plymouth Colony Troops. John Gorham, 2d John Rowland Thomas Gardner Tristram Coffin Richard Gardner Thomas Macy Christopher Hussey ♦232 MRS. ISAAC H. WALKER (Cornelia Macy). By right of descent from John Gorham, Captain of Plymouth Colony Troops. John Gorham, 2d Richard Gardner Tristram Coffin John Rowland Thomas Gardner Thomas Macy Christopher Hussey 233 MRS. WILLIAM HOPKINS YOUNG (Martha Innis), By right of descent from Henry Pawling. Captain of Troops at Esopus, New York. Tjerck de Witt Jacob Hasbrouck Petrus de Witt Cornehus Decker Wessel Ten Broeck Louis Beviere Pieter Maese Hoogeboom Louis Beviere Philip Hooghtyling Philip Du Bois 234 MISS ANNE DALUSIA PROCTOR. By right of descent from Peleg Redfield, Captain of Connecticut Troops. 235 MISS LOMY REDFIELD PROCTOR. By right of descent from Peleg Redfield, Captain of Connecticut Troops. 86 236 MRS. GEORGE HOADLY, Jr. (Genevieve Groesbeck). By right of descent from Abram Ver Planck, Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland Known as "The Twelve Men." 237 MRS. CHRISTOPHER STARR LEFFINGWELL (Catherine Beatty Alsop). By right of descent from Richard Betts, High Sheriff of Yorkshire County, Province of New York. Richard Alsop John Underbill William Whiting Nathaniel Gilbert Joseph Whiting Anthony Stoddard Charles Chauncey Thomas Gregson Timothy Edwards 238 MRS. THEODORE CLARENCE WOODBURY (Cor- nelia Delafield). By right of descent from William Floyd, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Richard Floyd Matthias NicoU William Hallett Thomas Hazard Joseph Hallett William Leete Thomas Willett Thomas Hooker *239 MRS. WILLIAM S. LIVINGSTON (Emily Augusta Green). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, Jr., Mayor of the City of Albany. William Green William Smith Nathaniel Dickinson William Henry Smith Jonathan Dickinson Adam Blackman William Smith Cornelius Meyln Jacob Melyn 240 MISS ETTIE SHIPPEN. By right of descent from Edward Shippen, President of Provincial Council of Pennsylvania. 87 241 MRS. GEORGE WILLIAM DOUGLAS (Cornelia de Koven). By right of descent from John Winthrop, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 242 MRS. ROBERT LUDLOW FOWLER (Julia Groes- beck). By right of descent from David Pieterse Schuyler Indian Commissioner as Magistrate of Willemstadt (Albany). James Claypoole. 243 MRS. EDWARD MITCHELL (Caroline Woolsey). By right of descent from John Howland, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation 244 Resigned. 245 MRS. CHARLES DAVIS MERRILL (Elizabeth Deblois Jackson). By right of descent from Petrus Stuyvesant, Director-General of Nieuw Netherland. Kiliaen Van Rensselaer Abraham Ten Broeck Dirck Wesselse Ten Broeck John Alden 246 MRS. FREDERIC H. BETTS (Mary Louise Holbrook). By right of descent from John Underhill, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Samuel Gorton. 247 MISS MARY CROOKE ELMENDORF. By right of descent from Coenradt Elmendorph, Captain of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York. 248 MRS. WILLIAM H. PERKINS (Sarah Olivia Dewey). By right of descent from Seth Pomeroy, Brigadier-General of Massachusetts Troops. 249 MRS. WILLIAM AVERELL (Mary Perkins). By right of descent from Seth Pomeroy, Brigadier-General of Massachusetts Troops. 88 250 MRS. ALAN HARTWELL STRONG (Susan De Lancey Van Rensselaer). By right of descent from Jeremias Van Rensselaer, Acting Indian Commissioner as Magistrate of Fort Orange. Hendrick Van Rensselaer Gerardus Beekman Johannes Van Rensselaer Henricus Beekman Robert Van Rensselaer Jacob Rutsen Philip Pieterse Schuyler Jacob Rutsen, 2d Pieter Schuyler Samuel Russell Robert Livingston John Russell Robert Livingston, Jr. Edward Collins Wilhelmus Beekman John Whiting 251 MRS. JAMES A. GLOVER (Frances Livingston). By right of descent from William Smith, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province of New York. Robert Livingston ,Jr. Isaac Roosevelt Philip Pieterse Schuyler Nicholas Hoffman Pieter Schuyler Martinus Hoffman Brandt Arentse Van Slichten- Englebert Lott horst Abraham Lott Rutger Jacobsen Van Schoen- Abram Staats derwoert 'Samuel Staats Anthony Rutgers Benjamin Kissam Andries Coeymans Adriaen Hegeman Daniel Whitehead 252 MRS. WILLIAM E. HOYT (Susan Rogers White). By right of descent from Joseph Williams, Colonel of Massachusetts Troops. 253 MRS. WILLIAM BAYARD VAN RENSSELAER (Louisa Lane). By right of descent from Jeremias Van Rennselaer, Acting Indian Commissioner as Magistrate of Fort Orange. 254 MRS. JOHN MARSHALL BROWN (Alida Catherine Carroll). By right of descent from Cornelius Van Horne, Member of the King's Council, Province of New Jersey. 89 255 MRS. WILLIAM OILMAN THOMPSON (Harriet Pomeroy). By right of descent from William Pitkin, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 256 MRS. WILLIAM NICHOLS (Elizabeth Brinckerhoff Miller). By right of descent from Rutger Bleecker, Mayor of the City of Albany. *257 MRS. WILLIAM GREENOUGH (Alice Mary Patter- son). By right of descent from Richard Warren, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. 258 MRS. HENRY GILBERT HART (Lucy Lord Kimball). By right of descent from Thomas Leffingwell, Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony. Humphrey Atherton Thomas Stebbins Atherton Mather Thomas Stoughton Roger Clap William Pratt Preserved Clap Thomas Tracy Matthew Allyn Simon Lothrop Benjamin Newberry Samuel Smith John Clark Nathaniel Dickinson William Wadsworth Edward Jackson 259 MRS. THOMAS HICKS (Angle King). By right of descent from Gerrit Wolfertse Van Couwen- hoven. Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland, Known as "The Eight Men." 260 MISS FRANCES BARNARD HAWLEY. By right of descent from Thomas Welles, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut, Joseph Hawley William Pitkin 90 Richard Treat Thomas Macy WilHam Pynchon William Curtis John Talcott John Gardner John Mason Henry Quackenbush 261 MRS. ROBERT FANSHAWE BLOODGOOD (Eloise Pirsson). By right of descent from Jonathan Hoyt, Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony. 262 MRS. THOMAS WHITE NICKERSON, Jr. (Mary Louisa Hoffman). By right of descent from Coenradt Elmendorph^ Captain of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York. Wilhelmus Beekman Stephanus Van Cortlandt Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Philip Pieterse Schuyler Philip Ver Planck 263 MRS. SYLVANUS F. JENKINS (Eliza Macy). By right of descent from John Gorham, Captain of Plymouth Colony Troops. 264 Resigned. 265 MRS ABRAHAM RIKER LAWRENCE (Eliza Williams Miner). By right of descent from Jonathan Lockwood, Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony. 266 MRS. FRANCIS B. AUSTIN (Mary North Weston). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. 267 MISS LOUISA EMILY NEVINS. By right of descent from John Haynes, First Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. George Wyllys Richard Russell Samuel Wyllys Simon Lothrop David Nevins 91 268 MRS. WILLIAM RUFUS BARR (Rosalie Greenleaf Ford). By right of descent from William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony. William Bradford, 2d Stephen Greenleaf, 2d John Webster William Greenleaf Robert Webster Charles Chauncey Tristram Coffin Nathaniel Chauncey Stephen Greenleaf Daniel Gookin Samuel Gookin 269 MISS CATHERINE NORWOOD By right of descent from Lewis Morris, Governor of the Province of New Jersey. 270 MRS. EDWARD MONROE-SMITH (Gertrude Huide- koper). By right of descent from Edward Shippen, President of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania. Edward Shippen Andrew Colhoon Joseph Shippen Andrew McDowell John Evans John Lukens Evan Evans Valentine Hollings worth Thomas Budd 271 MRS. GEORGE WALTON GREEN (Harriet Brodhead At water). By right of descent from Daniel Brodhead. Chief in Command of the Forces at Esopus, New York. Charles Brodhead Abraham Hasbrouck Jan Jansen Bleecker Nathaniel Turner Johannes Bleecker Johannes Hardenbergh Jacob Rutsen Moses Mansfield 272 MRS. JOSEPH R. SWAN (Emma Mann). By right of descent from Samuel Stone, One of the Ministers of Parishes, active in forwarding the In- terests of the Colony of Connecticut. 92 273 MRS. ROBERT ABBE (Katherine Amory Bennett). By right of descent from George Denison, Captain of Connecticut Troops in King Philip's War. James Avery Thomas Greene John Avery James Babcock Jonathan Mitchell Thomas Hazard Chad Brown George Lawton John Greene Jonathan Amory 274 MRS. J. EDGAR BULL (Sarah Adams Wilhams). By right of descent from John Alden, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. 275 — Resigned, 276 MRS. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS JOHNSON (Caroline Curtiss). By right of descent from Myles Standish, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. 277 MRS. RICHARD HOFFMAN BENSON (Sarah Van- derpoel ) . By right of descent from Benjamin Williams. Captain of Massachusetts Troops in the Expedition Against Crown Point. 278 MRS. BENJAMIN KNOWER (Mary Constance Allen). By right of descent from William Phelps, Magistrate of the Colony of Connecticut. Joseph Phelps Roger Ailing Noah Phelps Asahel Hall 279 MRS. HENRY J. COOKINHAM (Mary Louise Sher- man). By right of descent from Thomas Dudley, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Simon Bradstreet Elizur Holyoke Peter Bulkeley William Pynchon Thomas Danforth Thomas Welles Philip Sherman 93 280 MISS SARAH MERWIN PROVOOST. By right of descent from David Provoost Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland, Known as "The Nine Men." Robert Treat 281 MRS. EDGAR SHEPHERD (Cettie Moore Gwynne). ' By right of descent from James Claypoole, Member of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania. Roger Williams 282 MRS. JOSIAH T. MAREAN (Elizabeth Richards). By right of descent from Henry Wisner, Delegate to the Continental Congress for the Province of New York. Samuel Hooker John Brown John Hooker Thomas Willett Tristram Coffin 283 MISS CAROLINE HOMANS PATTERSON. By right of descent from Richard Warren, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. 284 MISS JESSIE PATTERSON. By right of descent from Richard Warren, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. 285 MISS CATHARINE de NAVARRE MILLER. By right of descent from Rutger Bleecker, Mayor of the City of Albany. 286 LA COMTESSE de MONTSAULNIN (Anna Elliott Morris Zborowski). By right of descent from Lewis Morris, Governor of the Province of New Jersey. 94 287 MISS RUTH MORGAN. By right of descent from Walter Hoyt, Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony. 288 MISS ELOISE LAWRENCE BREESE. By right of descent from William Lawrence, Captain of Queens County Troops, Province of New York. 289 MRS. JOSEPH C. FOSTER (Frances Mary Livingston Hubbell). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Gilbert Livingston Thomas Welles Henry Livingston Samuel Welles Philip Pieterse Schuyler John Hollister Brant Arentse Van Slichten- John Nelson horst Melancthon Taylor Woolsey 290 MRS. JACOB W. ELSEFFER (Harriet Eliza Mesick). By right of descent from Hendrick Mesick, Captain of Troops in the Manor of Livingston, Province of New York. 291 MRS. THOMAS W. SPENCE (Maria Cornelia Tall- madge). By right of descent from William Floyd, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 292 MRS. WILLIAM BARCLAY PARSONS (Eliza Living- ston). By right of descent from Cadwalader Colden, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of New York. Philip Livingston Pieter Schuyler 293 MRS. ANGUS CAMERON (Mary Papillion Baker). By right of descent from Thomas Topping, Member of the Governor's Council of the Province of New York. Thomas Baker 95 294 MRS. CHARLES L. HACKSTAFF (Margaret Euphe- mia Hoffman). By right of descent from Martinus Hoffman, Colonel of Dutchess County Troops, Province of New York. 295 MRS. CHARLES H. HEDGES (Anne Livingston). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. *296 MRS. JAMES E. H. NICHOLS (Mary Winthrop Tap- pan). By right of descent from John Winthrop, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 297 MRS. THOMAS REDFIELD PROCTOR (Maria Wat- son Williams). By right of descent from Thomas Hart, Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony 298 MRS. WALTER JEROME GREEN (Sarah Kettelhuyn Swartwout). By right of descent from Daniel Kettelhuyn, Lieutenant of Troops of the Province of New York. Roeloff Swartwout Simon Hansen Toll Thomas Swartwout Karl Hansen Toll Jacobus Swartwout Johannes Ter Bos Cornelius Swartwout Hendrick Ter Bos Thomas Judd John Webster 299 MRS. MICHAEL MYERS (Margaret Piatt). By right of descent from Epenetus Platt, Captain of a Company of Foot, Suffolk County, Province of New York. 300 MISS ELLEN ROSE NYE, By right of descent from Charles Chauncey, Second President of Harvard College. Edmund Freeman Gershom Bulkley 96 Edmund Freeman, 2d Richard Warren Jonathan Prescott Henry Smith Peter Bulkeley Timothy Dwight Samuel Partridge 301 MRS. JAMES L. MORGAN (Alice Matilda Hill). By right of descent from John Howland, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. Thomas Gardner Peter Coffin Richard Gardner John Gorham 302 MRS. HENRY CLARK PERKINS (Eliza Martin Sey- mour). By right of descent from John Webster, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 303 MRS. JOHN L. LAWRENCE (Alice Work). By right of descent from William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony. Henry Wolcott Edward Collins Roger Wolcott William Sumner Daniel Clark John Strong William Whiting Thomas Newberry 304 MRS. CHAUNCEY STODDARD (Pauline Cady). By right of descent from Epenetus Platt, Captain of a Company of Foot, Suffolk County, Province of New York. 305 MRS. CHARLES PARTRIDGE BOSWELL, (Harriet Oliver). By right of descent from William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony. 306 MRS. HENRY F. DIMOCK (Susan Whitney). By right of descent from William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony. 97 307 MISS MARY PERCIVAL ALLEN. By right of descent from Simon Willard, Sergeant-Major in the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 308 MRS. FREDERIC E. HAIGHT (Alice Post). By right of descent from Stephen Barber^ Captain Twelfth Regiment, Connecticut Colonial Troops. 309 MRS. LAUREN C. EASTMAN (Sarah Elizabeth Gardi- ner). By right of descent from Lion Gardiner, Lord of the Manor of Gardiner's Island. 310 Resigned. 311 MRS. GERRIT Y. LANSING (Sarah Rathbone Town- send). By right of descent from John Underhill, One of the Recognized Founders of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 312 MRS. FREDERICK T. PROCTOR (Rachel Munson Williams). By right of descent from Thomas Munson, Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony, 313 MRS. A. WENTWORTH ERICKSON (Cecile Rusch Macy). By right of descent from John Gorham, Captain of Plymouth Colony Troops. 314 Resigned. 315 MRS. DAVID LITTLE (Catherine Augusta Livingston). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. 316 MRS. WILLIAM BROOKFIELD (Kate Morgan). By right of descent from Theophilus Eaton, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of the Colony of New Haven. William Brewster William Coddington Jonathan Brewster John Sanford 98 John Warren Peleg San ford Richard Treat George Denison Edward Griswold James Noyes John Griswold James Noyes, 2d William Jones Daniel Witherell James Morgan Ephraim Goodrich James Avery John Ledyard Ebenezer Avery William Hutchinson 317 MRS SIDNEY de KAY (Minna Craven). By right of descent from Jacob Jansen Schermerhorn, Indian Commissioner as Magistrate of Fort Orange, Nieuw Netherland. 318 MISS MAUD WILLARD BARTLETT. By right of descent from Thomas Angell, A Founder of the Colony of Providence Plantations. 319 MRS. CHARLES A. DOREMUS (Elizabeth Johnson Ward). By right of descent from Henry Soane, Speaker of the House of Burgesses, Province of Virginia. Thomas Harris James Taylor William Harris James TayJ ir, 26. John Harris Thomas Tjrpin Christopher Branch Littleberry Mosby Peter Field Benjamin Cave Francis Thornton William Johnson Thomas Jefferson William Cannon 320 MISS ELIZA THEODORA MINTURK- By right of descent from John Greene, A Corporator Named in the Royal Charter of Rhode Island. Caleb Carr 321 MRS. JOHN V. L. PRUYN (CorneHa Van Rensselaer Erving). By right of descent from Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, Lord of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck 99 322 MRS. ALBERT VAN WYCK (Fanny Gilfillan). By right of descent from James Bishop, Deputy Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. *323 MRS. GEORGE HENRY WARREN (Mary Caroline Phoenix). By right of descent from William Spencer Deputy to the First General Court of Massachusetts Bay. 324 MISS JULIA HENRIETTA BUTLER. By right of descent from John Mason, Major in Command of Connecticut Forces in the Pequot War. 325 MRS. EDWARD H. LANDON (Mary Lucretia Grinnell). By right of descent from William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony. 326 MRS. ELBERT FLOYD-JONES (Elizabeth M. Smith). By right of descent from Nicasius de Sille, First Councillor to Governor Stuyvesant, Nieuw Netherland. Jean L'Escuyer Joris Jansen Rapalje Gerrit V/o!fertse Van Cou- William Smith wenhoven 327 MRS. ROBERT HOE (Olivia Phelps James). By right of descent from Thomas Dudley, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. George Alcock John Haynes John Woodbridge William Gaylord Timothy Woodbridge Henry Wolcott Timothy Woodbridge, 2d George Wyllys Edward Griswold Samuel Wyllys 328 MRS. CHARLES F. ROE (Katherine Bissell Bogert). By right of descent from John Marsh, Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony. Abram Ver Planck John Webster Casper Stymets David Demarest Gerrit Bicker William Pitkin Laurens Andriese Van Bos- John Buel kirck Samuel Buel ICXD Jan Strycker John Loomis Adriaen Cornelisen Van Edward Griswold Schaick Ebenezer Marsh Minne Johannes John Bissell Albert Terhune 329 MRS. DANIEL MANNING (Mary Margaretta Fryer). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Robert Livingston Waher Tong PhiHp Livingston Pieter Van Brugh Robert Livingston, Jr. Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Peter R. Livingston Olofif Stevense Van Cortlandt Phihp Pieterse Schuyler Jacobus Van Cortlandt Pieter Schuyler Hendrick Cuyler Brant Arentse Van Slichten- Johannes de Peyster horst Abraham de Peyster Rip Van Dam Abraham de Peyster, 2d 330 MRS. FRANK L. PERIN (Matilda Hulbert). By right of descent from John Underhill, A Recognized Historic Founder of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Robert Feake John Seaman 331 MRS. WALTER S. RUSSELL (Mary E. Rumney). ' By right of descent from Anthony Rutgers, Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York. 332 MRS. JOSEPH WALKER, Jr. (Elizabeth La Grange Sloan). By right of descent from Coenradt Elmendorph, Captain of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York. 333 MRS. ESTEVAN A. FUERTES (Mary Stone Perry). By right of descent from Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt, Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam. Jeremias Van Rensselaer Henry Wolcott Hendrick Van Rensselaer Henry Adams Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh William Hillhouse lOI Gooszen Gerritsen Van James Fitch Schaick Matthew Sherwood Dirck Wesselse Ten Broeck John Wayte Johannes Cuyler Joseph Hills John Mason Edward How *334 MRS. EDWARD H. BUTLER (Harriet Pierson Stry- ker). By right of descent from Jan Strycker, Captain of Troops at Midwout, Long Island, Province of New York. 335 MRS. EDMOND E. MILLER (Mary Kilgour). By right of descent from James Alexander, Member of the Governor's Council in the Province of New York. Robert Livingston Philip Pieterse Schuyler Philip Livingston Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Peter Van Brugh Livingston Stephanus Van Cortlandt John Spratt Brant Arentse Van Slichten- Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh horst Pieter Van Brugh Nicholas Bayard Hendrick Cuyler Samuel Bayard Johannes de Peyster Jacob Leisler 336 MISS MARIANA VELASQUEZ. By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Philip Livingston Hendrick Cuyler Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Philip Pieterse Schuyler Pieter Van Brugh Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Johannes de Peyster Jacobus Van Cortlandt Abraham de Peyster Brant Arentse Van Slichten- Abraham de Peyster, 2d horst 337 MRS. FREDERIC R. LEFFERTS (Elizabeth Morris Waring). By right of descent from Lewis Morris Governor of the Province of New Jersey. Thomas Hazard John Gallup Chad Brown James Avery George Denison Nehemiah Palmer Thomas Stanton 102 338 MISS JULIA G. McALLISTER. By right of descent from Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt, Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam. Stephanus Van Cortlandt Lewis Morris Philip Pieterse Schuyler Lewis Morris, 2d Brant Arentse Van Slichten- Lewis Morris, 3d horst Gabriel Manigault Samuel Staats Peter Manigault Abram Staats Nathaniel Johnson Wilhelmus Beekman Robert Johnson Gerardus Beekman Arthur Middleton Cadwalader Golden Thomas Middleton James Graham Richard McAllister Peter de Lancey Jonathan Amory Etienne de Lancey Pierce Butler Ralph Izard Stephen Bull Ralph Izard, 2d Henry Izard Alexandre Thesee de Chastaignier 339 MRS. GEORGE P. SLADE (Cornelia Wheeler Strong). By right of descent from Nathaniel White, Captain of Middletown Troops, Connecticut Colony. Thomas Wheeler Caleb Stanley Nicholas Olmsted Thomas Yale John Moss Nathaniel Turner William Pitkin Thomas Bull Roger Pitkin John Strong 340 MRS. GEORGE B. ABBOTT (Eva Topping Reeve). By right of descent from James Reeve, Captain of a Company of Suffolk County Troops, Province of New York. 341 MRS. PAYSON MERRILL (Emma Harrison Strong). By right of descent from Nathaniel White, Captain of Middletown Troops, Connecticut Colony. Thomas Bull William Pitkin John Moss Roger Pitkin Nathaniel Turner Caleb Stanley 103 342 MRS. HENRY L. STIMSON (Mabel Wellington White). By right of descent from Myles Standish, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. John Pynchon Francis Higginson Nathaniel Rogers George Wyllys William Hubbard Simon Willard Jonathan Prescott John Clark John Alden Roger Sherman Nathaniel White Richard Bushnell John Webster Henry Whitfield Thomas Savage 343 MRS. HERMAN T. LIVINGSTON (Susan Bard Rog- ers). By right of descent from Peter Bard, Member of the King's Council in the Province of West Jersey. Peter Bard Pierre Fauconnier Daniel Whitehead Samuel Fitch 344 MRS. WALTER P. TILLMAN (Ellen Augusta Free- man). By right of descent from Edmund Freeman, Assistant in Plymouth Colony. John Otis 345 MRS. WILFRID HARTLEY (Leonora Berry). By right of descent from John Winthrop, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 346 MRS. CHARLES EDWIN SMITH (Anna Louise Mal- san). By right of descent from Rorert Morris, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 347 MRS. JOHN J. BRANDEGEE (Martina Louisa Condict). By right of descent from Coenradt Elmendorph, Captain of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York. 348 Resigned. 104 349 MISS JOSEPHINE LAWRENCE BEEKMAN. By right of descent from Wilhelmus Beekman, Vice-Director of Nieuw Netherland at the Colony of South River. Gerardus Beekman Hendrick Rutgers James Beekman John Seaman Johannes de Peyster John Underhill Johannes de Peyster, 2d Adam Hude Isaac Bedlow James Hude 350 MRS. ELLWOOD HENDRICK (Mary Josephine Pome- roy). By right of descent from John Webster, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 351 MISS GRACE VIRGINIA POMEROY. By right of descent from John Webster, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 352 MRS. JOSEPH C. JACKSON (Katharine Perkins Day). By right of descent from William Pitkin, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. Thomas Dudley George Wyllys William Bradford John Haynes Thomas Clap Samuel Whitman John Howland Solomon Stoddard John Webster John Warham Timothy Woodbridge William Whiting 353 MRS. LOUIS WILHELMI (Julia Pauhne Malsan). By right of descent from Robert Morris, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 354 MISS MARGARET STIMSON. By right of descent from George Wyllys, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. William Bradford John Gorham, 2d William Pitkin, 3d Samuel Symonds John Mason Richard Mather John Johnson Henry Bowen Isaac Johnson Peter Palfrey John Haynes Francis Higginson Simon Willard 105 355 MRS. EDWARD T. LEA (Lucy Phillips Este). By right of descent from Cornelis Melyn^ Patroon of Staten Island. 356 MRS. WILLIAM ADDISON HOUGHTON (Charlotte Morris). By right of descent from Benedict Arnold, First Governor of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. 357 MRS. CHARLES S. BROWN (Lucy Barnes). By right of descent from Nathaniel White, Captain of Middletown Troops, Colony of Connecticut. 358 MISS SARAH BALDWIN PITKIN. By right of descent from William Pitkin, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 359 MRS. ROSWELL SKEEL, Jr. (Emily Ellsworth Ford). By right of descent from Charles Chauncey, Second President of Harvard College. 360 MRS. JOHN H. OSBORNE (Julia Mathews Porter). By right of descent from Johannes Abeel, Mayor of the City of Albany. 361 MRS. WILLIAM ALLEN BUTLER, Jr. (Louise Col- lins). By right of descent from William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony. William Bradford, 2d William Leete Thomas Tracy Timothy Dwight Thomas Leffingwell John Lyman Samuel Partridge 362 MRS. FREDERICK FERRIS THOMPSON (Mary Clark). By right of descent from William Clarke, Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay. 106 363 MISS LOUISA WEBSTER TAYLOR. By right of descent from Giles Hamlin Assistant of the Colony of Connecticut. John TIanihn WilHam Whiting Jabez Hamlin Richard Treat Comfort Sage Edward Collins John Webster William ferewster Robert Webster Christopher Christophers Richard Christophers 364 MRS. HORATIO STEVENS WHITE (Fanny Gott). By right of descent from William Leete, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut, 365 MRS. REGINALD CANNING (Jeanie Shattuck). By right of descent from Timothy Wheeler, Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay. Thomas Brooks Hugh Mason James Minot Jonathan Prescott 366 MISS ANNA TOWNSEND VAN SANTVOORD. By right of descent from Thomas De Kay, Colonel of Orange County Troops, Province of New York. Joseph Hull Thomas Munson Nathaniel Merriman Robert Coles Sander Leendertse Glen Robert Jackson Elbert Elbertse Van Stoothof Robert Feake Thomas Willett 367 MRS. WILTON MERLE SMITH (Zaidee Van Sant- voord). By right of descent from Thomas De Kay, Colonel of Orange County Troops, Province of New York. Jacob Sanders Glen Jacob Lansing Elbert Elbertse Van Stoothof Thomas Willett Thomas Miles John Underbill John Jackson Robert Titus Samuel Cook Henry Quackenbush 107 368 MRS. J. WARREN GODDARD (Geraldine Augusta Winslow). By right of descent from Kenelm Winslow, Deputy to the General Court of Plymouth Colony. Cyprian Nichols Thomas Seymour Samuel Corning Thomas Seymour 2d Thomas Leonard 369 MRS. ARTHUR BREEZE JOHNSON (Eliza Stringham Hunt). By right of descent from John Savage, Captain in Command of a Company of Massachusetts Troops. 370 MRS. GEORGE P. LAWTON (Jeannie Monteath Wilson Lathrop). By right of descent from Hendrick Kip, Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Amsterdam Known as "The Nine Men." Sander Leendertse Glen Resolved Waldron Jacob Janse Schermerhorn Hugh Caulkins Evert Jansen Wendell John Lothrop Cornelis Hendrickse Van Nes Peter Winne Isaac De Forest Philip Sherman Jacob Sanders Glen Daniel Hyde Johannes Beekman George Gardiner 371 MRS. CHARLES FULLER (Anna Pendleton Rogers). By right of descent from Pierre Fauconnier, Receiver-General of the Province of New York. *372 MRS. CHARLES E. FOGG (Elizabeth Van Kleeck). By right of descent from Baltus Barentsen Van Kleeck, Captain of Dutchess County Troops, Province of New York. 373 MISS ELIZABETH BUTLER KERNAN. By right of descent from James Avery, Captain of Connecticut Troops in King Philip's War. 374 MRS. EDWARD GRIFFIN SELDEN (Abby Spencer Lansing). By right of descent from Sander Leedertse Glen, Indian Commissioner as Magistrate of Fort Orange. 108 375 MRS. DOUGLAS MERRITT (Elizabeth Cleveland Coxe). By right of descent from Stephen Sewall, Captain of the Fort at Salem, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Aaron Cooke Henry Sewall Aaron Cooke. 2d Samuel Porter William Westwood Jonathan Mitchell . 376 MRS. E. FRANKLIN BREWSTER (Sarah Macy). By right of descent from John Gorham Captain of Plymouth Colony Troops. 377 MISS JANE EUNICE BREWSTER. By right of descent from George Denison Captain of Connecticut Troops in King Philip's War. 378 MRS. RICHMOND MAYO-SMITH (Mabel Percy Ford). By right of descent from John Webster, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut, 379 MRS. HENRY ANSTICE (Flora Helen Fenner). By right of descent from Arthur Fenner, Commissioner to the Court of Commissioners of Rhode Island. 380 MRS. MORDECAI MORRIS WHITE (Hannah Amelia Coffin). By right of descent from Tristram Coffin, Chief Magistrate of Nantucket. 381 MRS. JOHN O. ROE (Jennie Pomeroy). By right of descent from Ebenezer Kingsbury, Captain of Troops, Connecticut Colony. 382 MRS. WILLIAM P. HULBERT (Caroline M. Bowne). By right of descent from John Underbill, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 109 383 MRS. HENRY RUTGERS REMSEN COLES (Mar- garet M. Davidson). By right of descent from John Underhill, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 384 MRS. SIMEON B. CHITTENDEN (Mary W. Hill). By right of descent from John Howland, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. John Gorham Peter Coffin Thomas Gardner *385 MRS. GEORGE PENDLETON BOWLER (May Wil- liamson). By right of descent from James Taylor, Member of the House of Burgesses of Virginia. James Taylor, 2d Hugh Moss James Taylor, 3d Benjamin Hubbard Francis Thornton 386 MRS. THOMAS HILLHOUSE (Harriet Prouty). By right of descent from Randall Holden, A Corporator Named in the Royal Charter of Rhode Island. Samuel Comstock Joseph Stafford Samuel Gorton Gideon Comstock Obadiah Holmes Peter Winne Chad Brown Thomas Angell John Brown Thomas Arnold John Wicks (Weekes) Richard Arnold 387 MISS MARGARET MIDDLETON. By right of descent from William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony. William Bradford, 2d John Chester William Adams John Chester, 2d William Whiting John Talcott John Whiting Samuel Talcott John Whiting, 2d Edward Holyoke no Edward Collins Elizur Holyoke Thomas Welles William Pynchon ' Robert Welles Joseph Hawley Gideon Welles Robert Coe WilHam Sumner John Coe 388 MISS ALICE LANSING ATOCHA. By right of descent from Samuel Woodruff, Member of the King's Council in New Jersey. John Woodruff Sander Leendertse Glen John Ogden Jacob Sanders Glen Jacob Lansing, 2d 389 MRS. ARTHUR LATHAM BAKER (Elizabeth Coit Hand). By right of descent from Samuel Coit, Colonel of a Connecticut Regiment. 390 MRS. JOHN T. MOTT (Alice Wright). By right of descent from Hananiah Parker, Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay. William Locke Josiah Parker 391 MRS. ISAAC N. PHELPS (Anna Frances Swartwout). By right of descent from Daniel Kettelhuyn, Lieutenant of New York Provincial Troops. Johannes Ter Bos Roeloff Swartwout Hendrick Ter Bos Jacobus Swartwout Karel Hansen Toll Cornelis Swartwout Simon Hansen Toll Thomas Judd Thomas Swartwout John Webster 392 MRS. WILLIAM M. MARTIN (Lydia Mathews). By right of descent from Francis Newman, Governor of the Colony of New Haven. Dirck Wesselse Ten Broeck Abraham Schuyler David Pieterse Schuyler James Bishop 393 MRS. HENRY D. NICOLL (Anne Bancker Camac). By right of descent from Evert Bancker Mayor of the City of Albany. HI 394 MRS. JAMES HENRY PARKER (Julia Augusta Jones). By right of descent from William Gaylord, Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut. 395 MRS. LEWIS LAMPMAN (Adelaide Ely Bronk). By right descent from Jan Leendertse Bronck, Major of New York Provincial Troops. Jan Pieterse Bronck William Worthington Leendert Janse Bronck George Denison Pieter Winne William Mullins Martin Cornelisse Van Thomas Stanton Buren Richard Treat Andries de Vos John Gallup John Alden Daniel White William Paybodie (Peabody) Henry Wolcott 396 MRS. ARTHUR COSSLETT SMITH (Elizabeth Storer Atkinson). By right of descent from Joseph Storer, Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay. 397 MRS. FRANCIS J. HIGGINSON (Grace G. Haldane). By right of descent from Henry Filkin, Lieutenant-Colonel Kings County Troops, New York, 398 MISS MARY H. HALDANE. By right of descent from Henry Filkin, Lieutenant-Colonel Kings County Troops, New York. 399 MISS HARRIET BARROWS. By right of descent from Richard Beers, Captain of Massachusetts Troops in King Philip's War. 400 MISS LOUISE BARROWS. By right of descent from Richard Beers, Captain of Massachusetts Troops in King Philip's War. 401 MRS. JOHN GODFREY MOORE (Louise Taylor Harts- horne). By right of descent from Richard Hartshorne, Member of the King's Council in New Jersey. John Van Couwenhoven Samuel Forman 112 Gerrit Wolfertse Van Cou- Jonathan Forman wenhoven Samuel Wilbore Simon Van Aersdalen Samuel Wilbore, 2d William Lawrence Richard Borden Elisha Lawrence Obadiah Holmes James Bowne Jonathan Holmes John Bowne James Ashton Richard Salter James Hubbard Richard Salter, 2d James Hubbard, 2d John Porter Pieter Claesen Wyckoff 402 MRS. JOSEPH RANKIN DURYEE (Margaret Elmen- dorf Sloan). By right of descent from Coenradt Elmendorph, Captain of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York. 403 MISS MARY ELIZABETH BEERS. By right of descent from Nathan Gold, 2d, Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. Nathan Gold John Talcott, 2d John Talcott Joseph Hawley Samuel Marshall *404 MRS. CHARLES R. BURKE (Maria Cowenhoven Ben- son). By right of descent from Nicasius de Sille, First Councillor to Governor Stuyvesant, Nieuw Netherland. 405 MRS. HERBERT LE ROY SATTERLEE (Louisa Pier- pont Morgan). By right of descent from Samuel Eells, Judge of the Superior Court of the Colony of Connecticut. 406 MRS. THOMAS DYER CONYNGHAM (Harriette Michler). By right of descent from Edward Howell, Magistrate of the Colony of Connecticut. 113 407 MRS. WILLIAM LORING ANDREWS (Jane Elizabeth Crane). By right of descent from Jasper Crane, Magistrate of New Haven Colony. James Havens 408 MRS. THEODORE F. KANE (Bessie Henley Higbee). By right of descent from John Howland, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. *409 MRS. FRANCIS H. SALTUS (Eliza Howe Evertson). By right of descent from Rip Van Dam Acting Governor of the Province of New York as President of the Council. Jan Hendrickse Van Baal Nicholas Evertsen William Teller Jacob Evertsen 410 MRS. EDGAR S. AUCHINCLOSS (Maria La Grange Sloan). By right of descent from Coenradt Elmendorph, Captain of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York. 411 MISS ELLEN GILDERSLEEVE GILBERT. By right of descent from Jonathan Gilbert, Marshal of the Colony of Connecticut. 412 MRS. MARCELLUS HARTLEY (Frances Chester White). By right of descent from Thomas Welles, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. Francis Bell William Pynchon Josiah Jones John Talcott John Jones Samuel Talcott Isaac Dayton John Bissell George Clark John Bissell, 2d Nathaniel Kingsley John Hollister Daniel White William Pitkin Daniel White, 2d William Pitkin, 2d Joel White Edmund Rice Daniel Sterling Thomas Gardner 114 Peter Ayer Richard Gardner Samuel Welles Hugh Caulkins Samuel Welles, 2d John Mason Thomas Welles Tristram Coffin Edward How Thomas Macy Edward Holyoke Richard Treat Elizur Holyoke Peter Bulkeley Caleb Stanley 413 MISS SUSAN TABER MARTIN. By right of descent from John Howland^ One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. Samuel Brocklebank John Gorham James Avery Thomas Hazard John Johnson Hugh Cole George Lawton Joseph Clarke Philip Taber John Thompson 414 MRS. JOHN B. PINE (Caroline Pryor). By right of descent from Eleazer Miller, Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York. 415 MRS. EDWARD MITCHELL TOWNSEND, Jr., (Alice Greenough). By right of descent from Richard Warren, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. 416 MRS. GEORGE NORTON WILLIAMS* (Abigail Stan- ley Clark). By right of descent from William Clarke, Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay. 417 MRS. N. LANSING ZABRISKIE (Louise Morgan). By right of descent from Theophilus Eaton, A Recognized Historic Founder of New Haven Colony. William Brewster John Coggeshall "5 James Barker George Denison William Coddington Nicholas Easton James Morgan 418 MISS HELOISE BEEKMAN. By right of descent from Wilhelmus Beekman Vice-Director of Nieuw Netherland at the Colony of South River. Gerardus Beekman John Johnston James Beekman Adam Hiide Johannes de Peyster James Hiide Johannes de Peyster, 2d William Skinner Isaac Bedlow John Underhill Hendrick Rutgers John Seaman Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt Thomas Welles Stephanus Van Cortlandt William Ely Philip Pieterse Schuyler Daniel Ely Brant Arentse Van Slichten- Charles Chauncey horst Joseph Platte Elisha Parker Joseph Platte Cooke Elisha Parker, 2d George Denison John Parker John Gallup James Parker David Goodrich 419 MRS. AUGUSTUS F. RODGERS (Serena L. Croghan). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. 420 MRS. JAMES HERVEY STEBBINS (Frances Ames Phelps). By right of descent from John Willis, Deputy to the General Court of Plymouth Colony. 421 MISS MARY ISABELLA FORSYTH. By right of descent from Abraham Hasbrouck, Major of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York. Francis Bloetgeet Coenradt Elmendorph Severyn Bruyn Petrus Edmundus Elmen- Jacobus Bruyn dorph maker Hendrik Jochemse Schoon- Jacob Hendrickse Schoon- maker 116 422 MRS. THOMAS S. HARRIS (Margaret Schenck Van Kleeck). By right of descent from Francois Rombouts, Mayor of the City of New York. 423 MRS. THOMAS S. BERRY (Anne E. Sylvester). By right of descent from John Winthrop, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 424 MRS. WILLIAM A. KEENER (Frances Smith). By right of descent from John Nixon, Captain of Massachusetts Provincial Troops. 425 MRS. THOMAS TOWNSEND SHERMAN (Anne Wiggin). By right of descent from Thomas Dudley, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Roger Clap Thomas Han ford Preserved Clap Benjamin Newberry Samuel Comstock Matthew Allyn Thomas Wiggin Richard Olmsted Thomas Fitch James Olmsted Samuel Fitch John Taylor Simon Bradstreet Samuel Couch 426 MRS. ALFRED HINES HICKS, Jr. (Margaret Law- rence Hoyte). By right of descent from Thomas Lawrence, Major of Queens County Forces, Province of New York. John Berrien John Alden Thomas Mayhew 427 MRS. PERCY WARNER (Margaret Elizabeth Linds- ley). By right of descent from Thomas Lawrence, Major of Queens County Forces, Province of New York. 428 MRS. RALPH EARL PRIME (Anne Richards). By right of descent from Jonathan Walcott, Captain of a Troop of Horse, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Thomas Gardner Daniel Weld 117 Samuel Gardner James Lewis John Gardner Edward Holyoke Joseph Weld Thomas Putnam 429 MRS. WILLIAM A. COPP (Emily Maltby). By right of descent from James Bishop, Deputy Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. John Russell John Lothrop Samuel Russell Edward Collins John Russell Abraham Fowler Edward Russell William Maltby William Whiting Samuel Maltby John Whiting Micaiell Taintor Edward Barker 430 MRS. CYRUS L. W. EIDLITZ (Jennie Turner Dudley). By right of descent from Thomas Dudley, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Sander Leendertse Glen Peter Bogardus Johannes Sanders Glen Andries de Vos Gerrit Teunisse Van Vechten Johannes Van Eps Johannes Wendell William Teller William Teller, 2d 431 MRS. WILLIAM A. BUDD (Margaret Hardenbergh). By right of descent from Johannes Hardenbergh, Major of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York. 432 MRS. GEORGE L. GILLESPIE (Frances Rhoby Mc- Master). By right of descent from Stukeley Westcott, A Recognized Historic Founder of Providence Plantations. 433 MRS. NICHOLAS FISH (Clemence Stephens Bryce Smith). By right of descent from Augustine Herman, Lord of Bohemia Manor, Maryland. 118 434 MRS. WILLIAM EDWIN STIGER (Mary Hamilton Morris). By right of descent from Lewis Morris, Governor of the Province of New Jersey. 435 MRS. S. BEACH JONES (Gertrude R. Crosby). By right of descent from Jacobus Van Schoonhoven, Captain of Albany County Troops, Province of New York. 436 MRS. HENRY BURDEN (Julia Radcliife Hart). By right of descent from John Gallup, Captain of Connecticut Troops in King Philip's War. 437 MRS. THOMAS RAINEY (Grace Priscilla Ogden). By right of descent from John Ogden, A Corporator named in the Royal Charter of Connecticut. 438 MRS. WOLCOTT GRISWOLD LANE (Edith Green Perkins). By right of descent from Matthew Griswold, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 439 MRS. ALFRED NELSON (Emily Fairlie Ogden). By right of descent from John Ogden, A Corporator named in the Royal Charter of Connecticut. 440 MRS. WILLIAM T. INNES (Elizabeth Goodrich Le Moyne). By right of descent from Thomas Hinckley, Governor of Plymouth Colony. 441 MRS. CLARENCE WINTHROP BOWEN (Roxana Atwater Wentworth). By right of descent from John Wentworth, Chief Justice, Court of Common Pleas, New Hampshire. William Wentworth John Gilman Timothy Baker Nicholas Gilman Thomas Baker John Hollister 119 George Colton Richard Treat Charles Frost Samuel Loomis John Frost Henry Wolcott 442 MISS KATHARINE BRATTLE HARRIS. By right of descent from Gurdon Saltonstall, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. Richard Saltonstall Johannes Wendell Richard Saltonstall, 2d Jacob Wendell Nathaniel Saltonstall Thomas Brattle Thomas Dudley William Brattle John Webster Samuel Moseley Hugh Mason Joseph Lynde William Bond Thomas Stanton George Denison Ralph Wheelock William Tyng Peter Oliver Simon Bradstreet 443 MRS. DANIEL BACON (Charlotte Macy Vantine). By right of descent from Thomas Macy, Chief Magistrate of the Island of Nantucket. 444 MRS. LAURISTON L. STONE (Martha Noyes Burt). By right of descent from William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony. 445 MRS. GEORGE F. ADAMS (Rebecca Raymond). By right of descent from David Demarest, Delegate to a Convention in Nieuw Amsterdam. William Washburne Jacob Walingen Van Winckel 446 MRS. EDWARD FOULKES (Virginia Tallmadge). By right of descent from William Floyd, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 447 MRS. DE WITT KNOX (Louise Chambers). By right of descent from Frederick Frelinghuysen, Member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey. 120 448 MISS MARY ROOSEVELT CROSBY. By right of descent from Johannes de Peyster, Mayor of the City of New York. 449 MISS LOUISE GARVIN ZABRISKIE. By right of descent from Johannes de la Montagne^ Chief in Command of MiHtary Forces of Nieuw Amsterdam. 450 MRS. CHARLES HENRY ADAMS (Judith Crittenden Coleman). By right of descent from Richard Lee, Secretary of the Royal Province of Virginia. Hancock Lee Thomas Turpin John Lee William Brewster Adam Thorogood Henry Willis Francis Morgan Isaac Allerton James Taylor Isaac Allerton, 2d Christopher Branch Thomas Harris Henry Soane William Harris Peter Field John Harris Thomas Jefferson 451 MRS. WILLIAM McCORD (Helen Washburn). By right of descent from Jacobus Kip, Secretary of the Province of Nieuw Netherland. 452 MISS MARY LIVINGSTON CHASE. By right of descent from Pieter Schuyler, First Mayor of the City of Albany. 453 MRS. DAVID G. THAYER (Helen L. Vose). By right of descent from Martin Crygier. Captain-Lieutenant of all the Military Forces in Nieuw Nether- land. 454 MRS. RICHARD J. SHERMAN (Julia Avery). By right of descent from John Humfrey, A Recognized Historic Founder of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 121 455 MRS. W. IRVING KENT (Helen Van Cortlandt Stew- art). By right of descent from Lewis Morris, Governor of the Province of New Jersey. 456 MRS. JOHN TOWNSEND (Mary Learned Cook). By right of descent from John Jackson, High Sheriff of Queens County, Province of New York. *457 MRS. FRANCISCO AZOY (Anastasia Velasquez). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. 458 MRS. JOHN GATES (Frances Amelia White). By right o? descent from Tristram Coffin, Chief Magistrate of Nantucket. 459 MISS JEANNE CLARKE IRWIN-MARTIN. By right of descent from George Clarke, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of New York. 460 MRS. WALTER LESTER CARR (Grace Elmendorf). By right of descent from Johannes Schuyler, Colonel of Troops in the Province of New York. Coenradt Elmendorph Joachim Schoonmaker Thomas Stebbins Johannes Snyder 461 MRS. WILLIAM B. HORNBLOWER (Emily Sanford). By right of descent from Thomas Hooker, A Recognized Historic Founder of the Colony of Connecticut. 462 MRS. LEONARD GREEN QUINLIN (Mary Amis). By right of descent from George Taylor, Colonel of Militia, Orange County, Province of Virginia. Jonathan Gibson John Catlett, 2d John Catlett John Ashby James Taylor 122 463 MRS. MELBERT B. GARY (Julia Metcalf). By right of descent from Theophilus Eaton, A Recognized Historic Founder of the Colony of New Haven. Joseph Curtiss William Jones 464 MRS. EDWARD S. RAWSON (Elizabeth Rogers). By right of descent from Pierre Fauconnier, Receiver-General of the Province of New York. 465 MRS. VAN GAMPEN TAYLOR (Anna Buckham Wright). By right of descent from Nicasius de Sille, First Councillor to Governor Stuyvesant. Joris Jansen Rapalje William Holton Jeronimus Rapalje John Russell Theunis Rapalje Samuel Russell Denys Theunisse Thomas Russell Jacques Cortelyou Samuel Stearns Pieter Jansen De Witt Eleazar Wright Andries de Vos William Whiting Johannes Lott John Whiting Albert Heymans Roosa Edward Collins Gerrit Wolfertse Van Cou- Thomas Newberry wenhoven 466 MRS. GEORGE H. HULL (Lucia E. Houston). By right of descent from Thomas Polk, Colonel of Militia of North Carolina. 467 MRS. FRANCIS HILLHOUSE (Sarah Griswold Fitch). By right of descent from John Mason, Major in Command of Connecticut Forces in the Pequot War. 468 MRS. JOHN HOWARD SOUTHWORTH (Mary Lyon). By right of descent from Philip Pieterse Schuyler, Vice-Director of Nieuw Netherland at Fort Orange. 469 MRS. JOSEPH T. THOMPSON (Jane Remsen). By right of descent from Johannes de Peyster, Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam. 123 470 MRS. THERON GEORGE STRONG (Martha Howard Prentice). By right of descent from John Howard, Lieutenant of Plymouth Colony Troops. Nathaniel Sartell Joshua Howard Nathaniel Sartell Prentice Thomas Lynde Ezra Parmelee Edward Morris 471 MRS. CHARLES PHELPS (Helen Minerva Stowe). By right of descent from James Barker Deputy Governor of Rhode Island. William Brewster 472 MKS. OLIVER JONES WOODHULL (Virginia War- wick Jones). By right of descent from Thomas Jones, Major of Queens County Troops, Province of New York. John Jackson John Seaman William Washburne 473 MRS. JOHN CUNNINGHAM HAZEN (Emily Hall). By right of descent from Francis Bloetgoet, Delegate to the Convention in New Orange. Samuel Frye Thomas Johnson Abiel Frye Joshua Hall Abiel Frye, 2d Adriaen Hegeman 474 MISS EDA JORANE MOODY. By right of descent from Joris Jansen Rapalje, Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland, Known as "The Twelve Men." 475 MRS. SPENCER ALDRICH (Harriet Holley Dall). By right of descent from William Phelps, Magistrate of the Colony of Connecticut. 476 MRS. WILLIAM H. SEWARD (Janet Watson). By right of descent from John Winslow, A Recognized Historic Founder of Plymouth Plantation. Edward Winslow Joshua Moody 124 William Thompson Edward Hutchinson Thomas Weld William Hutchinson Thomas Weld, 2d Samuel Whiting 477 MISS ELIZABETH MAYHEW THOMSON. By right of descent from Thomas Mayhew, Chief Magistrate of Martin's Vineyard. 478 MRS. WILLIAM GRAY PARK (Elizabeth Sweitzer). By right of descent from George Stevenson, Justice of the County of York, Pennsylvania. 479 MRS. FREDERICK C. TRUSLOW (Annie Gates Bab- cock). By right of descent from James Babcock, Deputy to the General Assembly of Rhode Island. 480 MRS. LEON MARIE (Carolyn Phelps Hoe). By right of descent from George Wyllys, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 481 MRS. FITCH J. SWINBURNE (Laura Perry). By right of descent from Thomas Minor, Deputy to the General Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut. John Dunham Hugh Caulkins Thomas Roberts Daniel Hyde James Avery John Lothrop Philip Sherman 482 MISS ANN E. HASBROOK. By right of descent from Henry Filkin, Lieutenant-Colonel of Kings County Troops, Province of New York. 483 MRS. JOSEPH C. ANDERSON (Fanny Goodrich Un- derwood ) . By right of descent from Richard Treat, One ot the Corporators Named in the Connecticut Charter of Charles II. Edmund Rice Joseph Buckminster 125 John Sprague Edmond Hobart Ralph Sprague Peter Noyes Edward How Walter Haynes Ephraim Goodrich William Bassett Phineas Leland John Sharpe 484 MRS. W. ROBERT NEAL (Mary Alley). By right of descent from John Alden, One of the Recognized Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. 485 MRS. EDWARD KING (Mary Augusta Le Roy). By right of descent from Petrus Stuyvesant Director-General of Nieuw Netherland. 486 MISS MARY LE ROY KING. By right of descent from Petrus Stuyvesant, Director-General of Nieuw Netherland. 487 MRS. WILLIAM CROSWELL DOANE (Sarah Katha- rine Condit). By right of descent from Robert Treat, ^ Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. William Swaine Richard Treat Samuel Swaine Jasper Crane John Ogden Abram Ver Planck 488 MISS LAURA VALLETTE DAY. By right of descent from Theophilus Eaton, A Recognized Historic Founder of the New Haven Colony. 489 MRS. ROBERT H. TURLE (Kathleen Gordon Ford). By right of descent from Tristram Coffin, Chief Magistrate of Nantucket, *490 MRS. SETH SPRAGUE TERRY (Gertrude Putnam Fenner). By right of descent from Arthur Fenner, Commissioner to the Court of Commissioners of Rhode Island. 126 491 MRS. JOHN MILES GROUSE (Mary Conklin). By right of descent from John Webster, Governor of the Golony of Gonnecticut. 492 MISS GHARLOTTE ELIZABETH DUDLEY. By right of descent from Gooszen Gerritse Van Schaick, Indian Gommissioner, as Magistrate of Fort Orange; Andries Draeyer 493 MRS. JOHN THOMPSON (Caroline Piatt Halsey Bailey). By right of descent from Isaac Halsey, Gaptain of Southampton Gompany, Suffolk Gounty, Province of New York. 494 MRS. ASHTON BRYANT HEYL (Gharlotte Kilgour). By right of descent from James Alexander, Attorney-General of the Province of New York. 495 MRS. GHARLES B. POTTER (Jennie Weaver). By right of descent from Thomas Welles, Governor of the Golony of Gonnecticut. *496 MRS. ALFRED G. BARNES (Josephine Richardson). By right of descent from Thomas Dudley Governor of the Golony of Massachusetts Bay. 497 MISS SOPHIA F. PALMER. By right of descent from Thomas Hinckley, Governor of Plymouth Golony. 498 MRS. JOHN W. McBURNEY (Louisa Eldridge). By right of descent from Anthony Thacher, Deputy to the General Gourt of Plymouth Golony. John Thacher John Gorham Joseph Thacher Edmund Hawes William Thompson William Thomas 127 499 MRS. JOHN GODFREY DUNSCOMBE (Katharine Dunbar Stuart). By right of descent from Thomas Welles, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. John Browne John Bulkeley John Prentiss Peter Bulkeley Thomas Newton Gershom Bulkeley James Newton James Boosey John Colt Reinold Marvin 500 MRS. JAMES TERRY GARDINER (Eliza Greene Doane). By right of descent from Lion Gardiner, Lord of the Manor of Gardiner's Island. John Doane. 501 MRS. ROBERT McCARTEE (Julia Jermain). By right of descent from Henry Pierson, Speaker of the Assembly of the Province of New York. 502 MRS. JOHN SUMNER RUNNELLS (Helen Ruther- ford Baker). By right of descent from Petrus Stuyvesant, Director-General of Nieuw Netherland. 503 MISS OLIVIA EGLESTON PHELPS STOKES. By right of descent from Thomas Dudley, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 504 MRS. ARNOLD WOOD (Ethel Hartshorne). By right of descent from Richard Hartshorne, Deputy to the General Assembly of East Jersey. 505 MISS ADELE KNEELAND. By right of descent from Peter Bulkeley, One of the Ministers of Parishes, active in forwarding the inter- ests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 128 506 MRS. C. A. DE PEYSTER SMITH (Catharine A. de Peyster Greene). By right of descent from Abraham de Peyster, Mayor of the City of New York. 507 MRS. JORDAN LAWRENCE MOTT, JR. (Katharine Jerome Purdy). By right of descent from Moses Mansfield, Major of Troops in New Haven County, Connecticut Colony, 508 MRS. ALEXANDER T. VAN NEST (Margaret Taylor). By right of descent from Roger Sherman, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. *509 MRS. THOMAS E. STILLMAN (Elizabeth Greenman) By right of descent from Joseph Clarke, Assistant in the Colony of Rhode Island. 510 MRS. EFFINGHAM MAYNARD (Helen M. HolHster). By right of descent from Richard Treat, A Corporator named in the Connecticut Charter of Charles 11. John Hollister Samuel Talcott John Talcott William Pynchon 511 MISS MARY HOLLISTER MAYNARD. By right of descent from John Talcott, Assistant in the Colony of Connecticut. Richard Treat William Pynchon Samuel Talcott 512 MRS. A. ALEXANDER ATOCHA (Anne Hunloke Brotherson). By right of descent from Jacob Lansing, Jr., Colonel of Albany County Troops, Province of New York. John Ogden Samuel Woodruff Sander Leendertse Glen Jacob Sander Glen 129 513 MRS. VOLNEY T. MALOTT (Caroline Macy). By right of descent from Tristram Coffin, Chief Magistrate of Nantucket. 514 MISS ELIZABETH WENTWORTH ROBERTS. By right of descent from Thomas Dudley, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 515 MRS. FRANK H. CROUL (Julia Josephine Toll). By right of descent from Karel Hansen Toll, Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York. 516 MRS. JAMES MEAD BELDEN (Jessie Perry Van Zile). By right of descent from Edmund Rice, Deputy to the General Court of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 517 MRS. MAURITZ F. H. DE HAAS (Alice Preble Tucker). By right of descent from Jedediah Preble, Brigadier-General of Forces, in the Province of Maine. Edward Bangs Samuel Wadsworth William Mullins Abraham Preble Francis Peabody Robert Tucker Ralph Partridge Henry Sherburne Constant Southworth Thomas Clarke John Alden Renald Fernald William Brewster Ambrose Gibbons George Denison James Milk Thomas Stanton Thomas Thacher 518 MRS. DALLAS BACHE PRATT (Mary Gordon Lan- don). By right of descent from John Leverett, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. John Bartlett Ralph Hunt Henry Crane Samuel Ruggles Benjamin Fenn Thomas Ruggles 130 William Hubbard Joseph Stout Jonathan Horton William Wells John Brown William Leete Thomas Hooker Thomas Willett Samuel Hooker 519 MISS MARIE ROBINA VOORHIES. By right of descent from Coert Stevense Van Voorhees, Delegate to the Conventions in Nieuw Amsterdam. Cornelis Coert Van Voor- Gerrit Wolfertse Van Cou- hees wenhoven Joris Hansen Bergen Joris Jansen Rapalje Jan Strycker 520 COUNTESS VON FRANCKEN - SIERSTORPFF (Mary Knowlton). By right of descent from William Ward, Colonel in Massachusetts Militia. Edward Bangs William Carpenter Thomas Howes Edward Johnson Thomas Howes, 2d. Matthew Johnson 521 MRS. JOHN ULMER BROOKMAN (Sarah Carleton). By right of descent from John Webster, Captain of Provincial forces in New Hampshire. 522 MRS. HERBERT PARSONS (Emehne Furman Coe). By right of descent from Jonath.^n Hoyt, Deputy to the General Assembly of the Colony, of Connecticut. 523 MRS. WILLIAM VAN ANTWERP (Elizabeth Hough Trotter). By right of descent from Joseph Trotter, Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly. 524 MISS FRANCES SAMPSON ADAM. By right of descent from Myles Standish, A Recognized Historic Founder of Plymouth Plantation 131 525 MRS. ARTHUR B. KINSOLVING (Sallie Archer Bruce). By right of descent from William Cauell, Member of the House of Burgesses of Virginia. 526 MISS LUCY WARD ROLLINS. By right of descent fiom John Plaisted, Speaker of the General Assembly of the Province of New Hamp- shire. Michael Jackson Roger Plaisted Thomas Bartlett Josiah Converse Robert Clement Henry Dow Jabez Dow Thomas Dudley Samuel Dudley William Estowe Charles Frost Charles Frost, 2d. Simon Frost Abner Fogg Ambrose Gibbons Paul Gerrish Edward Hilton Richard Hilton Ralph Hall Kingsley Hall Christopher Hussey Jeremy Houchin Samuel Ingalls Edward Jackson Tobias Langdon Moses Leavitt John Leighton John Pickering Robert Page Henry Robie Jeremiah Rollins Ichabod Rollins Henry Sewall Anthony Stanyon Roger Shaw Henry Sherburne John Shapleigh Benjamin Swett John Winthrop John Waldron Ezekiel Wentworth Benjamin Wentworth John Wheelwright John Wheelwright, 2d. Samuel Wheelwright 527 MRS. ARTHUR HAMILTON LEE (Ruth Moore). By right of descent from Joseph Hills, Deputy to the General Court of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. John Woodbury John Andrews Peter Woodbury PeterAyer John Wayte John Bissell 132 William Wadsworth Daniel Clarke John Warham Edward Griswold Jacob Hyde Joseph Kingsbury George Giddings Thomas Newberry Nathaniel Giddings William Phelps Edward How Isaac Pinney John Greene Thomas Stoughton Thomas Greene John Strong Thomas Tracy 528 MISS SARAH ELIZABETH FISHER. By right of descent from Daniel Fisher, Speaker of the General Court of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Edward Adams Nathaniel Dickinson Joseph Otis 529 MRS. SAMUEL BOWNE DURYEA (Kate Flanders). By right of descent from Humphrey Atherton, Major-General of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. John Ward John Whipple James Trowbridge Robert Clement Simon Stone Edmund Greenleaf Ebenezer Stone Stephen Greenleaf William Hart well Richard Swan Edward Jackson John Andrews Tristram Coffin William Andrews 530 MRS. HENRY B. WILLIS (EHzabeth Livingston). By right of descent from Robert Livingston, First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Govert Loockermans Walter Tong Philip Livingston Pieter Schuyler Robert Livingston Philip Pieterse Schuyler Robert Livingston, Jr. Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh Peter Robert Livingston Peter Van Brugh Hans Kiersted, Jr. Gooszen Gerritse Van Schaick 133 Rip Van Dam Brant Arentse Van Slichten- Hendrick Cuyler horst Adriaen Cornelisen Van Schaick 531 MRS. JAMES RODMAN TOWNSEND (Martha Rosa- lie Coe). By right of descent from Jonathan Hoyt, Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony. 532 MISS LOUISE McCULLOUGH ROLLINS. By right of descent from John Plaisted, Speaker of the General Assembly of the Province of New Hamp- shire. Edward Jackson Roger Plaisted Thomas Bartlqtt Josiah Converse Robert Clements Henry Dow Jabez Dow Thomas Dudley Samuel Dudley William Estowe Charles Frost Charles Frost, 2d. Simon Frost Abner Fogg Ambrose Gibbons Paul Gerrish Edward Hilton Richard Hilton Ralph Hall Kingsley Hall Christopher Hussey Jeremy Houchin Samuel Ingalls Michael Jackson Tobias Langdon Moses Leavitt John Leighton John Pickering Robert Page Henry Robie Jeremiah Rollins Ichabod Rollins Henry Sewall Anthony Stanyon Roger Shaw Henry Sherburne John Shapleigh Benjamin Swett John Winthrop John Waldron Ezekiel Wentworth Benjamin Wentworth Samuel Wheelwright John Wheelwright John Wheelwright, 2d 533 MRS. S. VAN RENSSELAER COGSWELL. By right of descent from Kenelm Winslow, Deputy to the General Court of Plymouth Colony. 134 534 MISS KATHARINE SEYMOUR JACKSON. By right of descent from John Haynes, First Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. Philip Pieterse Schuyler Solomon Stoddard Brant Arentse Van Slich- John Talcott tenhorst John Warham William Bradford John Webster Thomas Clap Thomas Welles Thomas Dudley William Whiting John Rowland Samuel Whitman William Leete Oliver Wolcott William Pitkin Roger Wolcott William Pitkin, 3d Timothy Woodbridge William Pynchon George Wyllys 535 MRS. JOHN BREMOND (Julia Swart). By right of descent from Abram Gaasbeeck Chambers, Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York. 536 MRS. DENNIS EAGAN (Katherine Livingston). By right of descent from Dirck Wesselse Ten Broeck, Mayor of the City of Albany. Pieter Schuyler Johannes de Peyster Wessel Ten Broeck Robert Livingston 537 MRS. EDWARD LOWDEN PARRIS (Mary Ida Du Bois). By right of descent from Frederick Lubbertsen, A member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland, Known as "The Twelve Men," Cornelius Sebring 538 MRS. FRANCIS WISNER MURRAY (Mary Gertrude Lawrence). By right of descent from William Lawrence, Captain of Queens County Troops, Province of New York. 135 539 MRS. ROBERT WARDEN PATERSON (Marie Louise Fahys). By right of descent from Thomas Topping, Member of the Council of the First English Governor of the Province of New York. 540 MISS LOUISA VERPLANCK RICHARDS. By right of descent from George Richards, Captain of Train Band, Colony of Connecticut. 541 MRS. CHARLES HENRY HALL (Elizabeth Margaret Ames). By right of descent from George Yeardley, Governor of the Royal Province of Virginia. Argall Yeardley John Powell Adam Thorogood 542 MRS. GEORGE W. GIBBS (Augusta Kane). By right of descent from William Whiting, Treasurer of the Colony of Connecticut. 543 MRS. WILLIAM J. LYSTER (Martha Guthrie Doughty). By right of descent from John Jackson, Colonel of Queens County Troops, Province of New York. 544 MRS. WILLIAM NEGLEY (Susan M. Jones). By right of descent from Thomas Jones, Major of Queens County Troops, Province of New York. 545 MRS. SAMUEL MORLEY EVANS (Ellen James Hoe). By right of descent from Timothy Woodbridge, A Charter Trustee and Founder of Yale College. 546 MRS. FREDERICK J. COX (Elizabeth Butler). By right of descent from Nathaniel Turner, Chief Military Officer of the Colony of New Haven. 136 547 MISS M. LOUISA BENSON. By right of descent from Francois Rombouts, Mayor of the City of New York. 548 MRS. EDWARD SANDERSON (EHzabeth A. Byron). By right of descent from William W. Gilbert, Lieutenant in Battalion of Independent Foot Companies of New York City. 549 MRS. WILLIAM ALLEN BARTLETT (AHce Hunt). By right of descent from John Webster, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 550 Resigned. 551 MRS. ROBERT RYLAND SIZER (Mary Theodora Thomsen). By right of descent from Myles Standish, A Recognized Historic Founder of Plymouth Plantation. 552 MISS KATHERINE GRISWOLD PRATT. By right of descent from William Pratt, 2d, Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony. Constant Southworth George Denison Thomas Buckingham James Fitch William ColHer Robert Chapman John Clark John Mason William Pratt 553 MISS RUTH LANCASTER HOE. By right of descent from John Haynes, First Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 554 MRS. ANDREW HEERMANCE SMITH (Jane Terry Sheldon). By right of descent from John Loom is. Deputy to the General Assembly of Connecticut Colony. William Bradford John Haynes William Bradford, 2d Jonathan Sheldon George Wyllys 137 555 MISS MARTHA VALENTINE BUSSING. By right of descent from Johannes Vermilye, Member of Leisler's Council. Resolved Waldron Johannes Benson 556 MRS. JAMES WILLIAMSON HENNING (Sue Thornr ton Meriwether). By right of descent from John Baylor, Member of the House of Burgesses of Virginia. 557 MRS. ISAAC SMITH WHEATON (Helen Fairchild). By right of descent from Thomas Dudley, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 558 MISS MARGARET SOPHIA REMSEN. By right of descent from Johannes de Peyster Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam. Johannes de Peyster, 2d Rutger Jacobsen Van Schoen- William de Peyster derwoert Joris Hansen Bergen Evert Bancker Joris Jansen Rapelje George Steuart Rem Remsen, 2d James Stewart Henry Remsen Hendrick Rutgers Abraham Brasier Jan Strycker Thomas Spicer 559 MRS. CALVIN D. STOWELL (Amelia Wilgus Esty). By right of descent from John Winslow, Deputy to the General Court of Plymouth Colony. Edward Winslow Joshua Moody William Hutchinson Thomas Weld Edward Hutchinson Thomas Weld, 2d William Thompson Samuel Whiting 560 MRS. BRYAN LATHROP (Helen Lynde Aldis). By right of descent from Epenetus Platt, Captain of Suffolk County Troops, Province of New York. George Colton Jonathan Wells 138 David Hoyt Jonathan Wells, 2d John Sheldon Roger Williams Ebenezer Sheldon Jonas Wood Epenetus Piatt, 2d *56i MISS FLORENCE RUSSELL WRIGHT. By right of descent from Nicasius de Sille, First Councillor to Governor Stuyvesant. Jacques Cortelyou Thomas Newberry Andries de Vos John Russell Pieter Jansen de Witt Samuel Russell Johannes Lott Thomas Russell Joris Jansen Rapelje William Whiting Theunis Rapelje John Whiting Jerominus Rapelje Eleazer Wright Albert Heymans Roosa William Holton Denys Theunisse Samuel Steams Gerrit Wolfertse van Cou- Edward Collins wenhoven 562 MISS HONOR ELLSWORTH BARR. By right of descent from Charles Chauncey, Second President of Harvard College. 563 MRS. WILLIAM PLATT KETCH AM (Lydia Coit Collins). By right of descent from William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony. 564 MRS. CLINTON GILBERT (Margaret Gray Bacon). By right of descent from Thomas Dudley, Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 565 MISS MARY FLORENCE MALOTT. By right of descent from Tristram Coffin, Chief Magistrate of Nantucket. 566 MRS. SILAS WODELL (Marion Ruthven Adriance). By right of descent from Thomas Noxon, High Sheriff of Ulster County, Province of New York. 139 567 MISS CAROLINE PHELPS STOKES. By right of descent from John Haynes, First Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 568 MRS. WILLIAM ADAMS BROWN (Helen Oilman Noyes). By right of descent from Thomas Hinckley, Governor of Plymouth Colony. James Noyes William Hutchinson Peleg Sanford William Coddington Francis Willoughby 569 MRS. CHARLES FRANCIS CHICKERING (Garafelia Oakes). By right of descent from Daniel Pierce, Colonel of Essex Regiment, Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Daniel Pierce, 2d Tristram Coffin Edmund Greenleaf Tristram Coffin, 2d William Gerrish 570 MISS SARAH ELIZABETH GILBERT. By right of descent from Jonathan Gilbert Marshal of the Colony of Connecticut. 571 MRS. F. ABBOTT INGALLS (Martha Houghtaling). By right of descent from Jan Willemsen Hooghtyling, Lieutenant of Kingston Troops, Province of New York. 572 MISS MARY ARNOLD PETRIE. By right of descent from Marcus Petrie, Lieutenant-Colonel of Herkimer County Troops, Province of New York. 573 MRS. PROSPER HARVEY ELLSWORTH (Sarah Elizabeth Van Patten). By right of descent from Karel Hansen Toll, Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York. 140 574 MISS HELENA RUTHERFURD FLY. By right of descent from William Brewster, A Recognized Historic Founder of Plymouth Colony. 575 MRS. WILLIAM H. PARSONS, JR. (Laura Wolcott Collins). By right of descent from Roger Wolcott, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 576 MRS. AUSTIN D. MIDDLETON (Catherine Cornell Tompkins). By right of descent from Frederick Lubbertsen, A Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland, Known as "The Twelve Men." Jonathan Griffin Tompkins. 577 MISS MAUD AGUILAR LELAND. By right of descent from Simon Willard, Sergeant-Ma j or in the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 578 MRS. EDWARD WILKINS DEWEY. By right of descent from George Denison, Captain of Connecticut Troops in King Philip's War. William Gaylord John Moore 579 MRS. JAMES HALE BATES (Mary Elizabeth Field). By right of descent from Robert Treat, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 580 MRS. DWIGHT PRESTON MONTAGUE (Genevieve Allan). By right of descent from Philip Pieterse Schuyler, Vice-Director of Nieuw Netherland at Fort Orange. 581 MRS. GEORGE INNESS, JR. (Julia Goodrich). By right of descent from Charles Chauncey, Second President of Harvard College. 141 582 MRS. LOUIS BUTLER McCAGG (Edith Edgar King). By right of descent from Petrus Stuyvesant, Director-General of Nieuw Netherland. 583 MRS. RICHARD COLLINS COLT (Mary Adelaide Sloan). By right of descent from Coenradt Elmkndorph, Captain of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York. 584 MRS. WILLIAM EDWARD VER PLANCK (Virginia Eliza Darby). By right of descent from Reinold Marvin, Deputy to the General Court of the Colony of Connecticut. 585 MRS. EGBERT CHARLES LAWRENCE (Mary Syl- vester Dering). By right of descent from Henry Dering, Commissary-General of Massachusetts Forces. 586 MRS. WINTHROP BURR (Frances Page). By right of descent from Thomas Wright, Member of the Assembly of the Province of New Jersey. 587 MRS. DANIEL SWIGERT (Annette Magdalen Brod- head). By right of descent from Daniel Brodhead, Chief in Command of Troops at Esopus, New York. 588 MISS ELIZABETH HUNTINGTON WOLCOTT JACKSON. By right of descent from Roger Wolcott, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut. 589 MRS. WILLIAM GRANT (Sarah A. Bates). By right of descent from Martin Crygier, Captain-Lieutenant of all the Military Forces in Nieuw Nether- land. 590 MRS. HENRY W. EVERETT (Ella Waite Truman). By right of descent from Benjamin Waite, Major of Massachusetts Provincial Troops. 142 591 MRS. WILLIAM NEWTON CLARK (Hannah Matilda Anderson). By right of descent from Philip Pieterse Schuyler, Vice-Director of Nieuw Netherland at Fort Orange. 592 MRS. EDWARD CODMAN PARISH (Mary Brincker- hoff Perkins). By right of descent from John Webster, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut, 593 MRS. EDWARD WARD COREY (Louie Churchill Boyd). By right of descent from Tristram Coffin, Chief Magistrate of Nantucket. 594 MRS. ANASTASIO C. M. AZOV (Mary Letitia Bolton). By right of descent from Charles Clinton, Major of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York. 595 MRS. THEODORE VAN ANTWERP TROTTER (Lucy Byrd Allibone). By right of descent from John Kay, Speaker of the Assembly, Province of New Jersey. 596 MRS. CHARLES ALFRED SPALDING (Katharine Culver) . By right of descent from Jasper Griffing, Lieutenant of Southold Troops, Long Island, Province of New York. * Deceased. • 143 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS The Committee having in charge the editing of this register, has felt that a false impression is sometimes given of the usefulness of a man's work by confining its record within the lines laid down by the Society as eligible. It has therefore, in preparing the record of services of ancestors for publication, added a second paragraph, when deemed advisable, to that recording their eligible service, giving an account of their further work, which is in some cases the most important of their lives. In every record, the Committee has adopted the plan of putting the colonial service, through which each man is best known, at the head of the list, and of separating the civil and the military service. To insure correctness, the claims have in many cases been sent for verification to the societies of the colonies in which the service was rendered, and the Committee wishes to thank the officers and genealogists of such societies for their kind interest and help. Since the publication of the last register of members, the eligibility list of our own Societj', as well as those of several other State societies, have been altered and amended. This has caused several names on which members have entered, to become ineligible for future use. Such names on the list which follows this, are marked with a star. It is of course almost impossible in a work of this kind to avoid some inaccuracies, and if such are found, the Commit- tee would beg the clemency of the Society. Every effort has been made to avoid such faults, and it is with hope that it may be found entirely acceptable that the Com- mittee presents the register of names and ancestors of the Colonial Dames of the State of New York. Register of Ancestors. The names marked with a star are those of ancestors whose services are no longer eligible according to the present lists, but who have been accepted on the requirements of lists no longer in use. JOHANNES ABEEL, 1667-1712. Mayor of Albany, 1694, 1709. Recorder, 1702. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1695-1698, 1 702- 1 704. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1706-17 12. 208, 360. EDWARD ADAMS, 1630- 17 16. Representative for Medfield to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1689, 1692, 1702. Called Ensign. 528. HENRY ADAMS, 1604-1676. Deputy for Medfield to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1659, 1665, 1674, 1675. Lieutenant of the Medfield Company, 1673, served in King Philip's War and was killed by Indians, 1676. 34, 82, 88, 333. HENRY ADAMS, 20, 1657-1733. Representative for Medfield to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1706, 1709, 1710, 171 1, 1717-1719, 1721- 1724, 1728. 82, 88. JOHN ADAMS, 1735-1826. Second President of the United States. Representative to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay," 1770. Delegate from Massachusetts to the Continental Congress, 1774- 1776. Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Commissioner to France, 1777, 1778. To Great Britain, 1783. Minister to Holland, 1783. Minister to Great Britain, 1785-1788. Member of a Committee of five appointed to draft the Declaration of Independence; Signer of the Treaty of Peace, 1783. 215- 147 WILLIAM ADAMS, 1650-1685. One of the Ministers active in forwarding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Preached the election ser- mon, 1685. 138, 387. GEORGE ALCOCKE, 1640. Deputy for Roxbury to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1634, 1635, 1636, 1637. 327. JOHN ALDEN, 1 599-1687. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. As- sistant 1632, 1633, 1 634- 1 639, 1 650- 1 686. Deputy for Duxbury to the General Court of Plymouth, 1641-1649. Treasurer of the Colony, 1656- 1659. Member of the Councils of War of 1646, 1653, 1658, 1667. I7> 38, 150. 159. 200, 211, 215, 245, 274, 342, 395, 426, 484, 517- JAMES ALEXANDER, 1691-1756. Member of Governor's Council in the Province of New York, 1721-1737 and 1750- 1756. Member of the King's Council in the Province of New Jersey, 1722- 1756. Re- ceiver-General and Collector of Quit Rents for the Province of New Jersey, 1716. Surveyor-General of East Jersey, 1716-1756. Attorney-General of the Province of New York, 1721. Commissioner on Boundaries of New York and New Jersey, 17 19 and 1737. Came to America from Scotland, 17 16, after having fought for the cause of the Stuarts in 17 15. Was a mem- ber of the Board of Lords Proprietors of East Jersey from 1725-1756. One of the founders of the American Philosophical Society, with Benjamin Franklin. Naval Officer of the Port of New York, 1723-1733. Member of the New York Assembly, 1737-1738. 31, 42, 335, 494. 148 ISAAC ALLERTON, 1 583-1659. One of the Recognized Historic Founders df Plymouth Plantation. Assistant, 1634. Member of the Representa- tive Body of Nieuw Netherland known as the "Eight Men," 1643. 450- ISAAC ALLERTON, 2d, 1630-1702. Member of the House of Burgesses, Virginia, 1676, 1677, 1696. Member of the Governor's Council, 1683, 1688. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1680. Major, 1675, in Indian Wars, 450. ROGER ALLING, 1674. Treasurer of New Haven Colony, 1661-1664. Signer of Fundamental Agreement of New Haven Colony, 1639. 67,278. MATTHEW ALLYN, 1605- 1670. A Corporator named in the Connecticut Charter of Charles II., 1662. Commissioner of the United States for Con- necticut, 1660, 1664. Magistrate and Assistant of Con- necticut, 1658-1667. Deputy for Cambridge to General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1635. Deputy for Windsor to Connecticut General Assembly, 1648- 1657. Moderator of Connecticut General Assembly, 1660-1662, 1666, 1667. Commissioner of Connecticut for adjustment of Colonial Boundaries, 1664. Member of Committees appointed by Connecticut General Assembly to treat with the Colony of New Haven respecting union with Connecticut, 1662, 1663. 126, 138, 154, 258, 425. ♦ THOMAS ALLYN, 1696. Captain of Train Band of Windsor, Connecticut, 1690. 138. *RICHARD ALSOP, 1726- 1776. Deputy for Middletown to Connecticut General Assembly, 1764- 1 767, 1 770- 1 774. 149 JONATHAN AMORY, 1642-1699. Member and Speaker of Provincial Legislature of South Carolina, 1695. Treasurer of the Province under the Lords Proprietors. Receiver-General. Advocate in Admiralty, 1697. Received from King William a commission as Ad- vocate-General of the Province, 1697. ■273, 338. JOHN ANDREWS, 1621-1708. Commissioned Lieutenant of the 3d Company of Chelsea, Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1683. 527, 529- WILLIAM ANDREWS, 1649-1715. Ensign, Military Company of Chebacco, Ipswich Parish, Col- ony of Massachusetts Bay. 529- THOMAS ANGELL, 1618-1694. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Providence, being one of the five who accompanied Roger Williams, 1636. One of the Signers of the First Written Compact of Providence Plantations, 1637. Commissioner for Provi- dence to the General Court of Commissioners of Rhode Island, 1652, 1653. 212, 318, 386. EDWARD ANTILL, 1701-1770. Member of the King's Council in East Jersey, 1745, 1761. As Proprietor of East Jersey, signed the surrender to the Crown in 1702. 95- JOHN APPLETON, 1622-1699. Deputy for Ipswich to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1656-1660, 1662-1665, 1667, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1674, 1678. Lieutenant, Ipswich Troop, 1654. Captain, 1683. Captain of the Second Essex Troop, 1675. 195. 150 JOHN ARMISTEAD. Member of the House of Burgesses, Virginia, 1685. Mem- ber of the Governor's Council, 1687. Lieutenant-Colonel of Horse in the Gloucester County Militia, 1680. 129. BENEDICT ARNOLD, 1615-1678. Governor of Rhode Island, 1663-1666, 1669-1672, 1677, 1678. One of the Thirteen Signers of the First Written Com- pact of Providence Plantations, 1637. Commissioner^ the Court of Commissioners, 1654-1663, for the towns of Newport, Warwick, Portjsimiouith and Providence. As- sistant, 1655, 1660, 1661. President of Providence Plan- tations, 1657-1660, 1662, 1663. Named in the Royal Charter of Charles II., 1663. 64, 356. RICHARD ARNOLD, 1642-1710. Deputy for Providence to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1671, 1676, 1679, 1680, 1681, 1696, 1698, 1700, 1701, 1702, 1705, 1707, 1708. Assistant, 1681-1686, 1689, 1690, 1698, 1699. Member of the Council of the Royal Province of New England, 1686-1689. Speaker of the General Assembly, Rhode Island, 1707, 1708. Captain, 1698-1710. 210, 212, 386. THOMAS ARNOLD, 1 599-1674. Deputy for Providence to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1666, 1670, 1 67 1, 1672. 65, 212, 386. * JOHN ASHBY, 1707-1797. Captain 2d Company Virginia Rangers, 1755, I757- Captain 3d Company, 1776. 462. LEWIS MORRIS ASHFIELD, 1724-1769. Commissioned Member of the King's Council in New Jer- sey, 1751. Served, 1753-1769- 5i» 149- 151 JAMES ASHTON, 171 1. Member of Assembly, Province of New Jersey, 1667, 1672, 1675. Commissioner in Rhode Island, 1652, 1658, 1659, 1663. 401. HUMPHREY ATHERTON, 1609-1661. Major-General of Massachusetts Troops, 1661. Deputy for Dorchester to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1638, 1639, 1641, 1643-1646, 1648, 1650, 165 1, 1653. Speaker of the House, 1653. Assistant, 1654-1661. Com- missioner of the United Colonies, 1653. Commissioned Lieutenant, 1643. Captain of the Dorchester Company, 1646. Elected Ensign of the Ancient and Honorable Ar- tillery Company, 1645. Lieutenant, 1646. Captain, 1650, 1658. One of the Purchasers of the "King's Province," 1659. 127, 138, 149, 200, 258, 529. EBENEZER AVERY, 1704- 1780. Colonel of the Eighth Regiment of Connecticut, 1739. Lieu- tenant of Train Band of Groton, Connecticut, 1728. Cap- tain of Train Band of Groton, 1733. 316. JAMES AVERY, 1620- 1700. Deputy for New London to Connecticut General Assembly, 1 659- 1 66 1, 1664, 1665, 1 667- 1 669, 1 675- 1 678, 1680, 1682- 1686, 1689, 1690, 1692, 1694, 1695, 1697. Marshal of the Court for New London County, 1676. Lieutenant of Train Band of New London, 1665. Assistant Military Officer to Captain John Winthrop for New London County, 1672. Captain in King Philip's War, 1675. Captain of Train Band of New London^ 1681. 73. 27Z> 316, 337, 373, 413, 481- JOHN AVERY, 1654 • Captain of Train Band of New London, Connecticut, 1697. 73- 273. . . 152 JOHN AVERY, 1682. President of the Court in Delaware, 1675. Appointed Lieu- tenant of Foot Company of Militia at the Whorekill, 1675 ; Captain, 1676. Commissioned Justice, 1678, 1681, 1682. 78. PETER AYER, 1633-1699. Deputy for Haverhill to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1680, 1683, 1686, 1689, 1690. Cornet, 1689. 412, 527. JAMES BABCOCK, 1612-1679. Commissioner for Portsmouth to the Court of Commission- ers of Rhode Island, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659. JAMES BABCOCK, 2d, 1650- 1737. Deputy for Westerley to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1701, 1707, 1708, 1709. Called Captain, 1701. 479- RICHARD BACHE, 1737-1811. Secretary of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1775, 1776. Register-General, 1775- 1776. Appointed Postmaster-General in November, 1776, and served until 1782; Member of the Board of War, 1777. One of those commissioned to sign the Bills of Credit of the United States, 1780. 134- TIMOTHY BAKER, 1729. Ensign in a Company of Northampton, Massachusetts Bay. Lieutenant in Captain Turner's Company in the Falls Fight, 1676. 441. THOMAS BAKER, 1682-1753. Lieutenant, Deerfield, Massachusetts Bay, 1704. Captain, and commanded a company in an expedition against the Indians in Northern New Hampshire, 1712. 441. 153 THOMAS BAKER, 1618-1700. Magistrate of Connecticut Colony, 1658- 1663. Delegate to the Convention held in New York, 1665. Ensign of East- hampton Troops, Nieuw Netherland, 1654. 293- THEOPHILUS BALDWIN, 1694-1745. Captain of Train Band of New Milford, Connecticut, 1738. Lieutenant of Train Band of Stonington, Connecticut, 1734. Deputy for Stonington to Connecticut General As- sembly, 1729-1731, 1737; for Stonington and New Mil- ford, 1735, 1736; for New Milford, 1739-1741. 222. EVERT BANCKER, 1665-1734. Mayor of Albany, 1695, 1707- 1709. Commissioner of Indian Affairs for the Province of New York, 1696-1698, 1706- 171 2, 1 720- 1 734. In command of the Fort at Oswego, 1727. 137, 393> 558. EDWARD BANGS, 1 592-1678. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. 127, 517, 520. STEPHEN BARBER, 1724-1806. Captain of the Fifth Company of the Twelfth Regiment of Connecticut Colonial Troops, 1769. 308. PETER BARD, 1678- 1734. Member of the King's Council in the Province of West Jer- sey, 1 720- 1 725, 1 727- 1 734. Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1734. Colonel of a Regiment of Foot, 1722. 53, 130, 343- PETER BARD, 1712-1769. Commissary-General of the Province of West Jersey, 1756. 53, 343. 154 EDWARD BARKER, 1668- 1727. Deputy for Bran ford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1708, 1710-1717, 1721, 1724-1726. 429. JAMES BARKER, 1623- 1702. Commissioner for Newport to the General Court of Com- missioners of Rhode Island, 1648, 1661, 1663. Commis- sioner for Providence, 1655, 1661. Named in the Royal Charter of Charles II., 1663. Assistant, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1 67 1, 1672, 1 676- 1 678. Deputy for Newport to the General Assembly of Rhode Island and Providence Planta- tions, 1667, 1669-1671, 1674, 1681, 1683-1686. Deputy Governor, 1678, 1679. 220, 417, 471. WILLIAM BARKER, 1662-1741. Deputy for Newport to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1709, 1721-1724. 220. WILLIAM BARRON, 1734- 1784. Captain in a Massachusetts Regiment at Crown Point and in an Expedition against Canada, 1760. 162, 217. JOHN BARTLETT, 1692- 1747. Captain of Train Band of Guilford, Connecticut, 1737. 518- THOMAS BARTLETT, 1594- 1654. Ensign, 1639. Lieutenant in a Company of Watertown, Massachusetts Bay, 1639-1645. 526, 532. WILLIAM BASSETT, 1667. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. Dep- uty for Duxbury to the General Court of Plymouth, 1640, 1642, 1643, 1644, 1648. 483- : ^55 ■ • ■ WILLIAM BAULSTONE, 1600-1678. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Portsmouth, being one of the Eighteen Original Proprietors of Aquid- neck who settled Pocasset, 1638. Treasurer for Ports- mouth and Newport, 1640- 1642. Treasurer for Ports- mouth, 1643-1649, 1650, 165 1. Assistant, 1641-1644, 1648, 1 656- 1 673. Commissioner for Portsmouth to the General Court of Commissioners of Rhode Island, 1654- 1656, 1658-1663. Named in the Royal Charter of Charles II., 1663. Lieutenant, 1640, 1642. 65. NICHOLAS BAYARD, 1644-1709. Secretary of the Province of New York, 1673-1680, 1688. Receiver-General of the Province, 1683, 1689. Mayor of the City of New York, 1685. Member of Governor's Council, 1685, 1 687- 1 688, 1689, 1 691 -1698. Lieutenant of Burgher Corps, City of New Orange, 1673. Colonel of Foot, New Yofk Troops, 1686. Commander-in-Chief, 1691. I, 7, 13, 42, 158, 335. SAMUEL BAYARD, 1669-1745. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Bergen County, Pro- vince of New Jersey, 171 1. Member of New York Assembly, 1713-1715. 13. 42, 335- STEPHEN BAYARD, 1700 . Member of the Governor's Council in the Province of New York, 1 746- 1 747. Mayor of the City of New York, 1744- 1747- 1,7,13- JOHN BAYLOR, 1705- 1772. Burgess for Caroline County to the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1742, 1745, 1746, 1747, 1750. Commissioned County-Lieutenant of Orange Countv, 175^. 556. 156 ISAAC BEDLOW, 1673. Captain of Burgher Corps, New York, 1671. 349, 418. GERARDUS BEEKMAN, 1653-1723. Acting Governor of the Province of New York as Presi- dent of the Council, 1710. Member of the Governor's Council, 1702-1723. Commissioned Captain of New York Troops, 1686. Major of Horse and Foot in Kings County, 1680. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1700. Served as Member of New York Assembly in 1698. Judge of Kings County Court, 1700. Judge in Special Court to try Pirates, 17 17. Member of Leisler's Council in 1690, and as such was tried for treason and acquitted. 31, 56, 57. 58, 136, i39> 161, 250, 262, 338, 349, 418. HENRICUS BEEKMAN, 1652-1716. Colonel of Troops in Dutchess and Ulster Counties, Province of New York, 1701. Captain, 1685. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1693. Member of the New York Assembly, 1691-1693, 1695-1698, 1702-1715. 2, 24, 31, 67, 120, 124, 250. HENRICUS BEEKMAN, 1688-1776. Colonel of Dutchess County Troops, Province of New York, 1737. Member of New York Assembly, 1725-1758. 24. JAMES BEEKMAN, 1732-1807. Member of New York Provincial Congress, 1775, 1776, 1777. 349. 418. JOHANNES BEEKMAN, 1732. Captain of a Company of Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 1709. Served in Expedition to Canada, 1709. 370- 157 WILHELMUS BEEKMAN, 1623-1717. Vice-Director of the Nieuw Netherland at the Colony of South River, 1658-1664. One of the "Nine Men," 1652. A delegate to the Convention of 1653. Commissioner of Indian Affairs under the Dutch, 1658. Schout-Fiscaal of the Nieuw Netherland at South River, 1661. Schout- Fiscaal at Esopus, 1664-1671. Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam, 1674. Lieutenant of Burgher Corps, 1651. Lieutenant of New York Troops, 1673. Wilhelmus Beekman came to Nieuw Netherland from Holland, 1647. Acted as Schepen in Nieuw Amsterdam, 1650, 1673. President Schepen's Court, 1657. Orphan Master, 1658. A Commissioner to fortify the city, 1654. As Chief Magistrate of Esopus in 1667, it fell to him to quiet the rising there against the English. A mem- ber of Leisler's Assembly in 1690. 2, 24, 31, 56, 57, 58, 67, 92, 120, 124, 136, 139, 161, 250, 262, 338, 349, 418. RICHARD BEERS, 1612-1675. Captain of Watertown Company in King Philip's War, 1675. Lieutenant of the Watertown Company, 1664. Deputy for Watertown to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1663-1675. Slain by the Indians at Northfield, 1675. 399. 400. FRANCIS BELL, 1690. Deputy for Stamford to the General Court of New Haven Colony, 1641, 1653-1659, 1661-1664. Lieutenant of Train Band of Stamford, Connecticut, 1655, 1666. 412. JOHANNES BENSON, 1655-1715. Lieutenant of Albany Troops, Province of New York, 1688. Captain, 1689. 555- JORIS HANSEN BERGEN, 1736. Captain of Brooklyn Troops, Province of New York, 1701. 519. 558. 158 JOHN BERRIEN, 1711-1772. Judge of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1764- 1772. Member of the Assembly from Somerset, 1769, 1770, 1771. 426. NATHANIEL BERRY, 1690-1757. Captain of Train Band of Kent, Connecticut, 1750. 222. WILLIAM BERRY, 1600-1654. A Historic Founder of the Province of New Hampshire. 222. RICHARD BETTS, 1713. High Sheriff of Yorkshire, Province of New York, 1678- 1680. Delegate to the Convention at Hempstead, 1665. 237- JOHN AP BEVAN, 1646-1726. Member of Pennsylvania Assembly for Philadelphia, 1687, 1695, 1699, 1700. Born in Glamorganshire, Wales ; came to Pennsylvania in 1683. Justice of the Peace for Philadelphia County, 1685, and for Chester County, 1689. 97- LOUIS BEVIERE, 1647-1720. Ensign, Ulster County Troops, Province of New York, 1698. 233- LOUIS BEVIERE, 1684-1753. Ensign of a Company at New Paltz, Province of New York, 1717. 233- GERRIT BICKER, Commissioner and Commandant at Fort Casimir, South River Colony, 1652. 328. 159 JAMES BISHOP, 1691. Deputy Governor and Lieutenant-Governor of Connecticut, 1 683- 1 687, 1 689- 1 69 1. Secretary of Colony of New Ha- ven, 1661-1665. Magistrate and Assistant of Connecti- cut, 1 667- 1 682. Deputy for New Haven to General Court, 1661-1664. Member of Committee appointed by the Gen- eral Court of New Haven Colony, to treat with the Colony of Connecticut respecting union with New Haven, 1664. 322, 392, 429. JOHN BISSELL, 1591-1677. Deputy for Windsor to Connecticut General Assembly, 1648, 1 650- 1 656, 1658, 1664. 126, 328, 412, 527. JOHN BISSELL, 20, 1693. Captain of Troopers of Windsor, Connecticut, 1676. Quar- termaster of Troops of Hartford County, 1677. 412. ADAM BLACKMAN, 1598-1665. One of the Ministers of parishes who were active in founding or forwarding the interests of the Colony of Connecticut prior to 1675. Minister at Stratford, 1640. 196, 239. JACOB BLACKWELL, 171 7- 1780. Deputy to the New York Provincial Congress, 1775, 1776, 1777. Deputy to the New York Provincial Convention, 1775- 107. *ROBERT BLACKWELL, 1717. Member of Fourth Assembly of the Province of New York, 1693-1695. 107. BENJAMIN BLAKE— About 1689. One of the Lords Proprietors of South Carolina. Member of Council under Governors Moreton and Colleton. Ap- pointed "Clerk of the Crown and Clerk of the Peace," 1687. Member of a Committee to draw up a new form of Government for the Province. 338. 160 JAN JANSEN BLEECKER, 1642-1732. Mayor of Albany, 1700. Recorder of Albany, 1698. Com- missioner of Indian Affairs in the Province of New York, 1 691. Captain of Albany Troops, 1684. Member of Leisler's Assembly, 1690; Member of New York Assembly, 1698-1701. Justice in Albany County, 1683, 1685, 1690. 5, 9, 40, 85, 90, loi, 146, 206, 271. JOHANNES BLEECKER, 1668-1738. Mayor of Albany, 1701. Recorder of Albany, 1701. Com- missioner of Indian Affairs in the Province of New York, 1690, 1720. Captain in Colonel Pieter Schuyler's Regi- ment, 1698. Member of the New York Assembly, 1 701 -1702. 85, 271. RUTGER BLEECKER, 1675-1756. Mayor of Albany, 1726-1729. First Judge of Court of Com- mon Pleas, Albany County, 1726-1733, Recorder of Al- bany, 1726. Commissioner of Indian Affairs in the Prov- ince of New York, 1728- 1734, 1738- 1746. 5, 9, 108, 206, 256, 285. FRANCIS BLOETGOET, 1635-1676. Delegate to the Convention held in New Orange, 1674. Sec- retary for the Province of the South River Colony, 1659. 421. 473- PETER BOGARDUS, 1645- 1703. Commissioner of Indian Aifairs, Province of New York, 1690. 430. 161 WILLIAM BOND, 1625-1695. Representative for Watertown to the General Court of Mas- sachusetts Bay, 1689-1695. Speaker of the House, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1695. Member of the Committee of Safety, 1689. Lieutenant of a Troop, Watertown, 1675. Cap- tain, 1690. 442. JAMES BOOSY, Deputy for Hartford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1639- 1649. Lieutenant, 1647. 499- RICHARD BORDEN, 1601-1671. Assistant, Providence Plantations, 1653, 1654. General Treasurer under the Parliamentary Patent, 1654, 1655. Commissioner for Portsmouth to the Court of Commis- sioners, 1654, 1656, 1657. Deputy for Portsmouth to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1667, 1670. One of a Committee of Seven in the case concerning war against the Dutch, 1653. One of the Original Pur- chasers of Land in New Jersey, 1667. 67, 220, 401. SAMUEL BOREMAN, 1615-1670. Deputy for Wethersfield to Connecticut General Assembly, 1 657- 1 667. 103. ELISHA BOUDINOT, 1749-1819. Deputy to the Continental Congress from New Jersey. Member of the Committee of Correspondence, 1775. Member of the Committee of Safety, 1775. Secretary of Council of Safety, 1777. Mayor of the Borough of Elizabeth. Commissary for Prisoners, from New Jersey, 1778. Judge of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1798. 15, 71- 162 HENRY BOWEN, 1638-1724. Lieutenant, Massachusetts Troops, King Philip's War, 1675. 354- JAMES BOWNE, 1636-1695. Member of Assembly, Province of New Jersey, 1667. 401. JOHN BOWNE, 1684. Member of Assembly, Province of New Jersey, 1668, 1675, 1680, 1681-1683. Speaker of the House, 1680. Justice of the Peace, 1679, 1683. Major of Provincial Troops, 1683. 401. WILLIAM BRADFORD, 1589-1657. One of the Founders of Plymouth Plantation. Governor, 1621-1633, 1635, 1637, 1639-1643, 1645-1656. Assistant, 1634, 1636, 1638, 1644. Commissioner of the United Col- onies, 1 647- 1 649, 1652, 1656. Member of the Councils of War of 1642, 1643, 1653. President of the Councils of 1643 and 1653. 17, 62, 126, 127, 138, 154, 159, 200, 268, 303, 305, 306, 325, 352, 361, 387, 444, 534, 554, 563- WILLIAM BRADFORD, 20, 1624-1703. Deputy Governor of Plymouth Colony, 1682- 1686. Deputy for Plymouth to the General Court, 1657. Assistant, 1658-1681. Treasurer of the Colony, 1679-1686, 1689- 1692. Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1682-1686. Councillor of the Royal Province of New England, 1686- 1689. Named Councillor in the Charter of Massachusetts Bay, 1692. Councillor, 1693- 1698. Ensign Plymouth Company, 1648. Captain of a Troop, 1659. Major Ply- mouth County Forces, 1685. Member of the Councils of War of 1657, 1658, 1667. 17, 62, 126, 127, 138, 154, 159, 200, 268, 354, 361, 387, 554. 163 JOHN BRADSTREET, 1711-1774. Major-General under Royal Commission, 1772. Major Com- mandant of Town and Fortifications of Louisburg, and Lieutenant-Colonel in Sir William Pepperell's Regiment, 1745. Captain of Regulars, 1745. Lieutenant-Governor of St. John, Newfoundland, 1746. Adjutant-General un- der Governor Shirley, 1755 ; also under Abercrombie in the Attack on Ticonderoga, 1758. Colonel, 1762. Com- mander of an Expedition against the Western Indians, and made peace with them at Detroit, 1764. 175, 187. SIMON BRADSTREET, 1603-1697. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Assistant (elected first in England), 1629- 1678. Secretary of the Colony, 1630-1636. Agent to Eng- land, 1662. Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1644, 1648, 1661, 1663-1666, 1670-1672. Governor of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1 679- 1 686, 1689- 1692. President of the Council of Safety, 1689. Member of the Council named in the Charter of 1692. 69, 162, 217, 279, 425, 442. CHRISTOPHER BRANCH, 1591-1681. Member of the House of Burgesses from Henrico County, Virginia, 1639. 3I9> 450. ABRAHAM BRASIER, 1668- 1747. High Sherifif of New York County, Province of New York, 1 69 1. Ensign of New York Troops, 1689. 558. / THOMAS BRATTLE, 1682. Deputy for Lancaster to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1671, 1672. Deputy for Concord, 1678-1681. Cornet of a Suffolk Troop, 1670. Lieutenant, 1675. Captain, 1676. 442. 164 WILLIAM BRATTLE, 1662-1717. Fellow of Harvard College, 1685- 1700, 1 703-1717. 442. WILLIAM BRENTON, 1674. Governor of Rhode Island, 1666-1669. Deputy for Boston to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1635-1637. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Newport, being one of the nine who settled Newport, 1639. One of the Elders of Aquidneck, 1639. Deputy-Governor of Aquidneck, 1640- 1647. President of the Colony of Prov- idence Plantations, 1660-1662. Commissioner to the Gen- eral Court for Providence, 1660, for Portsmouth, (Octo- ber) 1660; for Newport, 1661-1663. Deputy-Governor of Rhode Island, 1663- 1666. Named in the Royal Char- ter of Charles II., 1663. Elected Governor in 1672, but refused to serve. 114. JONATHAN BREWSTER, 1 593-1659. Deputy for Duxbury to the General Court of Plymouth Col- ony, 1639, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1644. 316. WILLIAM BREWSTER, 1644. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. Chosen Teaching and Ruling Elder of the Plymouth Plan- tation. 87, 200, 316, 363. 417, 450, 471-517. 574- JOHN BRIGGS, 1609-1690. Commissioner for Portsmouth to the Court of Commission- ers, 1648, 1654-1656, 1659, 1661, 1662, 1663. Deputy for Portsmouth to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1668, 1669. 67, 98. 165 ANTHONY BROCKHOLLES, Acting Governor of the Province of New York as Com- mander-in-Chief, 1677, 1681. Member of the Governor's Council, 1 674- 1 679, 1 683- 1 688. Receiver-General, 1681- 1683. Lieutenant of Royal Troops, 1674. Commandant at Albany, 1680. Major of Horse, 1684. Came to New York with Governor Andros as second in command, 1674. Represented that Governor in Boston, 1689. Purchased from the Indians part of Morris County, New Jersey, and was living there in 1705. 48, 218. SAMUEL BROCKLEBANK, 1636-1676. Captain of the Foot Company of Rowley, Massachusetts Bay, 1673. Captain of a Company in King Philip's War, and killed at Sudbury Fight, 1676. 413- CHARLES BRODHEAD, 1660- 1724. Ensign of Foot in Ulster County, Province of New York, 1685. Patentee of Marbletown, 1694. 271. DANIEL BRODHEAD, 1667. Captain of Royal Musketeers, commissioned 1660. Chief in command of Troops at Esopus, New York, 1665. 22, 92, 271, 587. EDWARD BROMFIELD, 1648-1734. Councillor, Massachusetts Bay, 1703- 1724. Representative for Boston to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1693, 1694, 1695. 196. *JAN LEENDERTSE BRONCK, 1723-1794. Major of New York Provincial Troops, 1775-1778. Cap- tain, 1770. Adjutant, 1777. 395- 166 JAN PIETERSE BRONCK, 1650-1742. Lieutenant of Foot Company, Albany County, Province of New York, 1709. 395- LEENDERT JANSE BRONCK, after 1738. Lieutenant Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 1718. 395- THOMAS BROOKS, 1667. Deputy for Concord to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1 642- 1 645, 1654, 1659, 1660, 1 66 1, 1662. 365. CHAD BROWN, —died before 1650. One of the Thirteen Signers of the First Written Compact of Providence Plantations, 1637. 210, 212, 273, 337, 386. HACKALIAH BROWN, 1784. Captain of Westchester County Troops, Province of New York, 1756. In command of Westchester Levies, 1756. JOHN BROWN, 1744-1780. Member of a Committee of Correspondence, Massachusetts Bay, 1774, 1775. Major in the Expedition against Can- ada, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel, Continental Army, and killed at Stone Arabia. 68. JOHN BROWN, 1 584-1662. Assistant, Plymouth Colony, 1636, 1638-1655. Commis- sioner of the United Colonies, 1644-1655. Member of the Councils of War, Plymouth Colony, 1642, 1646, 1653. 65, 282, 499, 518. 167 JOHN BROWNE, 1630-1706. Commissioner for Providence to the General Court of Com- missioners, 1654. Deputy for Providence to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1664. Governor's Assistant, 1665, 1666. 212, 386. THOMAS BROWNE, 1645-1709. Representative for Sudbury to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1692, 1694, 1702. Captain, 1692. 123. JACOBUS BRUYN, 1680-1744. Commissioner of Boundaries, Province of New York, 1731. 421. SEVERYN BRUYN, 1726- 1759. Quartermaster of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York. 421. THOMAS BUCKINGHAM, 1646-1709. Otie of the Trustees named in the Act of 1701 establishing a Collegiate School (Yale College). Fellow of Yale Col- lege, 1701-1709. One of the Ministers of Parishes who were active in founding or forwarding the interests of the Colony of Connecticut prior to 1675. Minister at Say- brook, Connecticut, 1669-1709. 55 '• JOSEPH BUCKMINSTER, 1666-1747. Representative for Framingham to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1709, 1710, 1713-1716, 1718, 1719, 1721, 1722, 1723, 1733. Captain of a Company of Grena- diers in Sir Charles Hobby's Regiment, Port Royal, 1710. Colonel, Massachusetts Regiment, 1722. 483. 168 THOMAS BUDD, 1698. Member of the King's Council, Province of West Jersey, 1683. Receiver-General of the Province, 1681. Member of Assembly, 1682, 1683, 1685. Treasurer of the Pro- vince, 1683. Secretary of the Board of Lords Proprietors, 1728. Signer of the West Jersey Charter of Fundamental Laws, 1676. 270. DAVID BUEL, 1679-1749. Deputy for Killingworth to Connecticut General Assembly, 1717-1719, 1721-1728, 1730, 1731, 1733-1736, 1738, 1739- Captain of Train Band of Killingworth, 1727. Major of Seventh Regiment of Connecticut, 1739. 225. JOHN BUEL, 1671-1746. Captain of Train Band of Litchfield, Connecticut, 1729. 88, 328. SAMUEL BUEL, 1641-1720. Deputy for Killingworth to Connecticut General Assembly, 1692, 1693, 1696-1698, 1700-1702, 1704, 1706, 1708, 1710, 1711, 1714, 1715. 74, 126, 128, 132, 328. SAMUEL BUEL, 1663-1732. Captain of Train Band of Killingworth, Connecticut, 1718. 74, 128, 132. GERSHOM BULKELEY, 1636-17 13. One of the Ministers of Parishes who were active in found- ing or forwarding the interests of the Colony of Connecti- cut prior to 1675. Minister at Wethersfield, 1667-1677. Preacher of Connecticut Election Sermon about 1680. Deputy for Wethersfield to Connecticut General Assembly, 1679. Surgeon of Connecticut Troops in King Philip's War, 1675, 1676. Chaplain of Connecticut Troops, 1676. Fellow of Harvard College, 1658-1661. 300, 499. JOHN BULKELEY, 1679-1733. Preacher of Connecticut Election Sermon, May, 1713. 499. 169 PETER BULKELEY, 1 583-1658. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding and for- warding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 300, 412, 499, 505. PETER BULKELEY, 1641-1688. Deputy for Concord to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1 673- 1 676. Speaker of the House, 1676. Agent sent to England by the Colony with an address to the King, 1676. Assistant, 1677- 1684. Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1682, 1683. Councillor of the Royal Province of New England, 1686-1688. Captain of the Concord Company, 1677. Major of the Middlesex Regi- ment, 1680. Fellow of Harvard College, 1663- 1666. 162, 217, 279. STEPHEN BULL, 1706. Member of the Governor's Council in South Carolina as Deputy for Lord Ashley, 1669- 1672, and for Lord Corn' bury, 1 674- 1 682. Appointed by Governor Archdale to make a treaty with the Indians of the North Carolina Coast. Surveyor-General of the Province, 1685. Regis- ter, 1696. Master of Ordnance, Captain and Engineer of the Forts, 1671-1675. Colonel of Provincial Forces, 1 687- 1 703. 338. THOMAS BULL, 1610-1684. Captain of Troops of Hartford County, Connecticut, 1673. Lieutenant of Troops of Hartford County, 1653. In com- mand of the Fort at Saybrook, 1675. 12, 339, 341. SAMUEL BULLARD, 1667- 1727. Representative for Sherborne to the General Court of Mas- sachusetts Bay, 1708, 1709, 1723, 1724, 1725. Captain, 1724. 123. 170 WILLIAM BURNET, 1730-1791. Chairman of the Committee of Safety, Essex County, Pro- vince of New Jersey, 1775. 102. EBENEZER BURRILL, 1679-1761. Representative for Lynn to the General Court of Massa- chusetts, 1725, 1728-1731, 1746. Councillor, 1731-1740, 1742, 1743, 1746. Special Justice Superior Court, 1739. Commissioner to treat with Indians at Casco Bay, 1732. 67, 120. EBENEZER BURRILL, 1702-1778. Representative for Lynn to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1 764- 1 774. 67, 120. JOHN BURR, 1673-1750. Assistant of Connecticut Colony, 1729- 1739. Speaker of the House, Connecticut, 1723, 1724. Deputy for Fairfield to Connecticut General Assembly, 1704, 1705, 1708, 1710- 1714, 1717-1721, 1723-1729. Judge of Fairfield County Court, 1726-1744. Captain of Fairfield County Troop, 1714. Major of Forces in Expedition to Port Royal, Nova Scotia, 1 7 10. Colonel of Fourth Regiment of Connecticut, 1739- 156. RICHARD BUSHNELL, 1652-1727. Deputy for Norwich to Connecticut General Assembly, 1691- 1694, 1696-1699, 1702-1720. Speaker of the House, 1713, 1715, 1717, 1719, 1720. Member of Governor's Council, 1703-1705, 1719-1721. Clerk of Connecticut Gen- eral Assembly, 1707. Judge of New London County Court, 1717-1719. Lieutenant of Train Band of Norwich, Connecticut, 1698. Captain, 1701. 219, 342. 171 PIERCE BUTLER, 1744-1822. Lieutenant with Royal Commission, serving in South Caro- lina, 1755, 1760. Captain, Twenty-second Regiment of Foot, 1761. Major Twenty-ninth Regiment of Foot, 1766. 338- WILLIAM CABELL, 1730- 1798. Member of the House of Burgesses, Virginia, 1 757-1761, ^77 S- Chairman County Committee of Amherst County, 1774, 1776. Member of Committee of Safety, 1775, 1776. Colonel of Militia of Albemarle County, 1760. First County-Lieutenant of Amherst County, 1761. Member of the Virginia Convention, May 1776, which adopted the famous Declaration of Rights and directed the Virginia delegates in Congress to offer a Declaration of Independence. 525. *SAMUEL CAMPBELL, 1738- 1824. Lieutenant-Colonel of Tryon County Troops, Province of New York, 1775. Ensign, 1768. Lieutenant, 1772. Member of a Committee of Safety in Tryon County. Colonel Tryon County Troops, 1778. 118, 224. WILLIAM CANNON, 1820. Member of a Committee of Safety, Cumberland County, Vir- ginia, 1775. 319- WILLIAM CARPENTER, 1658. Deputy for Weymouth to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1641, 1643. Deputy for Rehoboth to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1656. 520. 172 CALEB CARR, 1624- 1695. Governor of Rhode Island, 1695. Commissioner for New- port to the Court of Commissioners, 1654, 1658-1662. General Treasurer for the Colony of Rhode Island, 1661. Deputy for Newport to the General Assembly, 1664, 1665, 1667-1672, 1674, 1678, 1679, 1690. Assistant, 1679-1685, 1686, 1690, 1 69 1. 320. JOHN CARTER, 1669. Member of the Governor's Council, Virginia, 1658, 1662, 1665. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1642, 1644, 1649, 1654, 1 657- 1 66 1. Appointed Justice of Lancaster County, 1653. Presiding Justice, 1656. Major, 1653. In command of the Forces sent against the Rappahannock Indians, 1656. Colonel commanding the Militia of Lan- caster County, 1656. 129. JOHN CARTER, 1690-1742. Secretary of State, Virginia, 1722. Member of Governor's Council, 1724. 129. ROBERT CARTER, 1663- 1732. Member of the Governor's Council, Virginia, 1704-1732, and President of that body. Acting Governor, 1726- 1727, until the arrival of Governor Gooch. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1690. Speaker of the House, 1695- 1699. Treasurer of the Province, 1699. Member of the Board of Visitors of William and Mary College. 129. JOHN CATLETT, 1670. Presiding Justice, Rappahannock County, Virginia, 1665. Appointed one of the Commissioners on the part of Vir- ginia to settle the boundary line of Maryland, 1663. Cap- tain, and later Colonel of Militia of Rappahannock County. 462. 173 JOHN CATLETT, 1724. Member of the House of Burgesses for Essex, Virginia, 1700, 1702. Presiding Justice of Essex, 1699, 1702. 462. HUGH CAULKINS, 1600-1690. Deputy for New London and Norwich to Q)nnecticut Gen- eral Assembly, 1652- 1654, 1656- 1660, 1662- 1666, 1669. 183, 188, 370, 412, 481. BENJAMIN CAVE, 1762. Member of House of Burgesses from Orange County, Vir- ginia, 1752, 1753, 1754, 1755, 1756. 319- ABRAM GAASBEEK CHAMBERS, 1680-1759. Lord of the Manor of Foxhall. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1717-1727, 1728-1738. Lieu- tenant Colonel of Ulster County Troops, 17 17. Colonel, 1738. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in Ulster County, 1729. Major Thomas Chambers, Lord of the Manor of Fox- hall, having no natural heirs, bequeathed his property and name to Abram, the son of Dominie Van Gaasbeek. 535- HENRY CHAMPION, 1723-1797. Major of Twelfth Regiment of Connecticut, 1772. Captain of Connecticut Troops for invasion of Canada, 1758. Captain of Train Band of Colchester, 1760. Deputy for Colchester to Connecticut General Assembly, 1761, 1765, 1767-1775. One of the Commissioners to supply stores and provisions for Continental Army, 1775. Lieutenant- Colonel of Twelfth Regiment of Connecticut, 1775. Col- onel of Twenty-fifth Regiment of Connecticut Militia in Continental Army, 1776. 228. 174 JUDAH CHAMPION, 1729-1810. Preacher of Connecticut Election Sermon, May, 1776. 31. JOHN CHANDLER, 1665-1743. Representative for Woodstock to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1711, 171 7, 1720, 1721, 1722, 1724, 1725, 1726. Councillor, 1727-1732. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, Worcester County, 173 1- 1739. Judge of Probate, 1731-1739. Captain of Woodstock Troop, 1706. Captain Snow Shoe Men, 171 1. Major, Worcester Scouts, 1722. Colonel of a Foot Regiment. 55- JOHN CHANDLER, 20, 1693- 1762. Representative for Worcester to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1732-1735, 1737-1740, 1742- 1753. Councillor, 1743-1762. Judge of Court of Common Pleas 1754-1762. Judge of Probate, 1757-1762. Special Jus- tice of Superior Court, 1756. Commissioner from Mas- sachusetts to the Congress held in Albany, 1754. Cap- tain Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1736. 77- ROBERT CHAPMAN, 1616-1687. Assistant of Connecticut Colony, 1681-1684. Deputy for Say- brook to Connecticut General Assembly, 1653, 1654, 1656- 1665, 1667-1671, 1674-1680. Captain of Train Band of Saybrook, Connecticut, 1675. 129, 552. CHARLES CHAUNCEY, 1592-1672. Second President of Harvard College, 1654- 1672. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding or forwarding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Preacher of Election Sermon, 1656. 10, 12, 103, 141, 167, 237, 268, 300, 359, 418, 562, 581. 175 ELIHU CHAUNCEY, 1710-1791. Deputy for Durham to Connecticut General Assembly, 1734, 1 730- 1 776. Clerk of the House, 1754- 1757. Judge of County Court of New Haven County, Connecticut, 1773- 1776. Captain of Second Company of Durham, 1738. Major of the Tenth Regiment of Connecticut, 1742. Lieu- tenant-Colonel of Tenth Regiment, 1755. Colonel of P'ourth Regiment of Connecticut in expedition against Crown Point, 1755. Colonel of Tenth Regiment, 1773. 103. NATHANIEL CHAUNCEY, 1681-1751. Preacher of Connecticut Election Sermons, 1719, 1734. The first graduate of Yale College. B. A., 1702. M. A., 1705. 12, 103, 141, 268. ANTHONY CHECKLEY, 1636- 1708. Attorney-General of Massachusetts Bay, 1692- 1702. En- sign of a Foot Company, 1675. Elected Ensign of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company 1680, and Lieu- tenant, 1683. 153- JOHN CHESTER, 1635-1698. Deputy for Wethersfield to Connecticut General Assembly, 1 676- 1 689. Lieutenant of Train Band of Wethersfield, 1672. Captain of Train Band of Wethersfield, 1677, 1689. 74, 126, 154, 387. JOHN CHESTER, 1656-1711. Assistant of Connecticut, 1701-1711. Deputy for Wethers- field to Connecticut General Assembly, and Speak- er of the House, 1699, 1700. Member of Governor's Council, 1696. Judge of County Court of Hartford Coun- ty, 1703, 1704, 171 1. Captain of Train Band of Wethers- field, 1698. Sergeant-Major of Hartford County, 1702. 74, 387- 176 JOHN CHESTER, 1703-1771. Assistant of Connecticut, 1747-1766. Deputy to the General Assembly for Wethersfield, 1727-1747, 1766-1771 ; Deputy for Groton, 1736. Judge of County Court of Hartford County, 1754. Captain of Train Band of Wethersfield, 1725. Captain of Train Band of Groton, 1738. Lieuten- ant-Colonel of Sixth Regiment of Connecticut, 1739. Col- onel, 1756, 74- JOHN CHESTER, 1749-1809. Colonel of Connecticut Battalions of Foot, 1776. Captain of Ninth Company of Second Regiment of Connecticut, 1775. Major of Sixth Regiment of Connecticut, 1775. Deputy for Wethersfield to Connecticut General Assembly, 1772, 1774, 1776. 74- WILLIAM CHITTENDEN, 1 594-1661. Lieutenant of Artillery of New Haven Colony, 1648. 12, 103, 167. CHRISTOPHER CHRISTOPHERS, 1682-1729. Assistant of Connecticut, 1723- 1728. Deputy for New Lon- don to Connecticut General Assembly, 1 721 -1723. Judge of County Court of New London County, Connecticut, 1724-1728. Captain of Second Company or Train Band of New London, 171 5. Naval Officer of the Port of New London, 1714. 363- RICHARD CHRISTOPHERS, 1662-1726. Assistant of Connecticut, 1699, 1703-1722. Deputy for New London to Connecticut General Assembly, 1691, 1693. Judge of County Court of New London County, 1709- 1712, 1714-1717, 1720-1722. Judge of Superior Court of Connecticut, 1 7 1 1 - 1 720. 363- 177 BENJAMIN CHURCH, 1641-1718. Commissary-General in King Philip's War, 1675. Member Plymouth Council of War, 1676. Commander of the Ply- mouth Forces, 1676. Commissioned again by the Ply- mouth Government, 1677. Major in command of the Ply- mouth Forces in the expedition against the Eastern In- dians, 1689. Commander of the second expedition, 1690. Commander of third expedition to the Penobscot River, 1692. Commander of the fourth expedition, 1696. Com- missioned Colonel, by Governor Dudley, for service east of Casco, 1704. Deputy for Bristol to the General Court of Plymouth, 1682, 1683, 1684. Deputy for Tiverton to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1696. Deputy for Little Compton, 1706, 1710. Judge of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas of Bristol County, 1708-1715. Captain Church conducted the attack which resulted in the defeat and death of King Philip. 55- CHARLES CHURCH, 1682- 1746. Deputy for Bristol to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1730-1735, 1743, 1746. Captain of a Company of Indians in Sir Charles Hobby's Regiment, 1710. 55. PRESERVED CLAP, 1643- 1720. Captain of Northampton Company, 1689. Representative for Northampton to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1697, 1704, 1705- 258, 425- ROGER CLAP, 1609-1691. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Deputy for Dorchester to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1647, 1652-1657, 1659-1665, 1671. Lieutenant of Dorchester Company, 1646. Lieutenant, Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1655. Captain of "The Castle," 1665-1686. 258, 425- 178 SAMUEL CLAP, about 1641 . Deputy for Scituate to the General Court of Plymouth, 1680, 1 68 1, 1682, 1683, 1684, 1685, 1686, 1690, 1 69 1. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1699, 1703, 1704, 1705, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1714, 1715. 138. THOMAS CLAP, 1703-1767. President and Fellow of Yale College named in the new Charter of 1745. President of Yale College, 1740-1766. Fellow of Yale College, 1740-1745. 138, 352, 534- GEORGE CLARK, 1690. Deputy for Mil ford to the General Court of New Haven Colony, 1664; to Connecticut General Assembly, 1665, 1666, 1668, 1669, 1 672- 1 676. 412. JOHN CLARK, 1673. A Corporator named in the Connecticut Charter of Charles n., 1662. Magistrate of Connecticut, 1656. Deputy for Saybrook to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1649, 1651-1659, 1661-1663, 1665-1668. 74, 258, 342, 552. PETER CLARK, 1693- 1768. Preacher of the Election Sermon before the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1736. 138. WALTER CLARK, 1640-1714. Governor of Rhode Island, 1676, 1686, 1696, 1697, 1698. Deputy for Newport to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1667, 1670, 1672, 1673. Assistant, 1673-1675, 1699. Deputy-Governor, 1679-1686, 1700-1714. Member of the Council of the Royal Province of New England, 1686- 1689. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1705. 65. 179 WILLIAM CLARK, 1656-1725. Deputy for Lebanon to Connecticut General Assembly, 1705- 1713, 1715, 1717-1719, 1723, 1724. Speaker of the House, 1723. Captain of Train Band of Lebanon, 1708. 222. DANIEL CLARKE, 1623-1710. A Corporator named in Connecticut Charter of Charles II., 1662. Magistrate and Assistant of Connecticut, 1650- 1657, 1663, 1664, 1667. Secretary of Connecticut, 1658- 1663, 1665, 1666. Captain of Troop of Horse, 1664. Lieutenant, 1657. 12, 55, 126, 154, 219, 303, 527. SIR GEORGE CLARKE, 1676-1760. Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of New York, 1736- 1743. Member of the Governor's Council, 1716-1736. Secretary of the Province, 1703. 459- JEREMIAH CLARKE, 1652. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Newport, Rhode Island, being one of the nine who settled Newport, 1639. Acting Treasurer for Portsmouth and Newport, 1639. Treasurer for Newport, 1644- 1647. General Treasurer for the Colony of Rhode Island, 1647- 1649. Assistant, 1648. President Regent, 1648, acting as Gov- ernor under this title, pending Governor Coddington's clearance of certain accusations. Lieutenant, 1642. Cap- tain, 1644. 98, 220. JOSEPH CLARKE, 1618-1694. Commissioner for Newport to the General Court of Rhode Island, 1648, 1655, 1657, 1658, 1659. Assistant, 1658, 1659, 1663-1665, 1677-1680. Named in the Royal Charter of King Charles II., 1663. Deputy for Newport to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1668-1672, 1690. 413, 509- 180 THOMAS CLARKE, 1599-1697. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Colony. Deputy for Plymouth to the General Court of the Colony, 1651, 1655, 1656. 517- WESTON CLARKE, 1648- 1728. Deputy for Newport to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1672. Attorney-General of Rhode Island, 1676, 1677, 1680, 1681, 1683, 1684, 1714-1721. General Treas- urer, 1681-1685. General Recorder, 1690, 1691, 1695- 1714. Ensign. Captain, 1715, 1716. 98. WILLIAM CLARKE, 1609- 1690. Deputy for Northampton to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1663, 1664, 1668-1677, 1680, 1681-1682. Lieutenant Northampton Company, 1661. Lieutenant Northampton Company, Hampshire Regiment, in King Philip's War, 1675. Associate Magistrate Hampshire County, 1 665- 1 685. 222, 362, 416. MATTHEW CLARKSON, 1660-1702. Secretary of the Province of New York, 1691-1702. 151, 189. JAMES CLAYPOOLE, 1634- 1687. Member of Assembly, Province of Pennsylvania, 1686. Reg- ister-General, 1686. Member of Provincial Council, 1687. Treasurer of the Free Society of Traders before coming to this country ; in 1684 ^^ was one of those in Pennsyl- vania commissioned to sign patents and grant warrants ; commissioned Justice of the Peace, 1685. Appointed to the Council for three years, 1689, but died early in the first year. 148, 242, 281. 181 ROBERT CLEMENT, 1658. Deputy for Haverhill to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1647, 1648-1653. Magistrate of the Court of Nor- folk County, 1648, 1649. 526, 529, 532. CHARLES CLINTON, 1690-1773. Lieutenant-Colonel of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York, 1758. 594- WILLIAM CODDINGTON, 1601-1678. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Chosen Assistant in England, 1629. Chosen Assistant in Massachusetts Bay, 1630-1637. Treasurer of the Colony, 1634- 1636. Deputy for Boston, 1637. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Portsmouth, being one of the Eighteen Original Proprietors of Aquid- neck who settled Pocasset, 1638. Judge at Portsmouth, 1638, 1639. A Founder of the Historic Colony of New- port, being one of the nine who settled Newport, 1639. Judge at Newport, 1639, 1640. Governor of Ports- mouth and Newport, 1640-1647. President of the Colony, 1648, 1649. Commissioner for Newport, 1656, 1663. Deputy for Newport to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1666. Named in the Royal Charter of Charles II., 1663. Assistant of the Colony of Rhode Island, 1666, 1667. Deputy Governor, 1673. Governor of Rhode Island, 1674- 1676, 1678. 202, 223, 316, 417, 568. JOHN COE, 1658-1741. Captain of Train Band of Stratford, Connecticut, 1709. 387- ROBERT COE, 1 596-1650. High Sheriff of Yorkshire (Long Island), New York, 1669- 1671. Delegate to the Conventions of November 26th and December loth, 1653. 387. 182 ANDRIES COEYMANS, Member of the Assembly, Province of New York, 1701, 1702, 171 5, 1 716- 1726. Ensign in a Foot Company, Al- bany County, 1700. 251. PETER COFFIN, 1631-1715. Chief Justice of the Superior Court of New Hampshire, 1697. Associate Justice, 1699-1712. Councillor, 1692- 1714. Deputy for Dover to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1672, 1673, 1679. Served as Lieutenant in King Philip's War, 1675. 301, 384- TRISTRAM COFFIN, 1605-1681. Chief Magistrate of the Island of Nantucket, 1671, 1677. 62, 231, 232, 268, 282, 380, 412, 458, 489, 513, 529, 565, 569, 593- TRISTRAM COFFIN, 20, 1632-1704. Representative for Newbury to the General Court of Mas- sachusetts Bay, 1695, 1700, 1701, 1702. Lieutenant, New- bury Company, 1683. 569. JOHN COGGESHALL, 1 591-1647. Deputy for Boston to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1 634- 1 637. A Founder of the Historic Charter Col- ony of Portsmouth, being one of the Eighteen Original Proprietors of Aquidneck, who settled Pocasset, 1638. Treasurer of Portsmouth, 1638. A Founder of the His- toric Charter Colony of Newport, being one of the nine who settled Newport, 1639. One of the Three Elders of Aquidneck, 1639, 1640. Assistant, 1640-1644. President of Providence Plantations, 1647. Banished from Massachusetts Bay, 1637, for upholding the doctrine of Ann Hutchinson. 65, 98, 220, 417. 183 SAMUEL COIT, 1708-1792. Deputy for Preston to Connecticut General Assembly, 1742, 1743, 1746, 1749-1751, 1753, 1754, 1757, 1758, 1760-1762, 1764, 1766-1769, 1771-1773. Colonel of Eighth Regiment of Connecticut Troops, 1768. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1761. Major, 1746. Captain of Preston Company, 1739. CADWALADER GOLDEN, 1688- 1776. Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of New York, 1760- 1762, 1 763- 1 765, 1769, 1770, 1 774- 1 776. Member of the Governor's Council, 1 721- 1776. Commissioner of Bound- aries, 1723, 1725, 173 1. Surveyor-General, 1720-1762. 181, 292, 338. HUGH COLE, 1627 Deputy for Swansey to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1673, 1674, 1675, 1680, 1683, 1684, 1685, 1686, 1689. 413- ROBERT COLE, 1655. One of the Thirteen Original Proprietors of Providence Plantations (Rhode Island), 1636. 366. ANDREW COLHOON, 1794. Justice of the Peace, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania^ 1764, 1770, 1771. 270. WILLIAM COLLIER, 1670. Assistant, Plymouth Colony, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1639-165 1, 1654-1665. Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1643. Member of the Councils of War of 1642, 1643. 55, 200, 552. EDWARD COLLINS, 1603-1689. Deputy for Cambridge to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1 654- 1 670. 31, 67, 138, 250, 303, 363, 387, 429, 465, 561. 184 JOHN COLT, 1658-175 1. Deputy for Lyme to Connecticut General Assembly, 1712, 1718, 1719, 1722-1724, 1726, 1728-1731. Captain of Train Band of Lyme, 1723. 499- GEORGE COLTON, 1699. Deputy for Springfield to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1669, 1671, 1677. Quartermaster of the Hamp- shire Troop, 1668. Served during King Philip's War. 441, 560. GIDEON COMSTOCK, 1709 Assistant, Rhode Island, 1758, 1778, 1780. Deputy for Cranston to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1770, 1771. Member of Council of War, 1761, 1777. Justice of Superior Court, 1780. 212, 386. SAMUEL COMSTOCK, 1654-1727. Deputy for Providence to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1699, 1702, 1707, 1708, 171 1. Ensign, 1707. Cap- tain, 171 1. 210, 212, 386, 425. SAMUEL COMSTOCK, 1680-1752. Deputy for Norwalk to Connecticut General Assembly, 171 1, 1714, 1720, 1723, 1725-1730, 1738. Captain of the South Company of Norwalk, Connecticut, 1730. 425. JOSIAH CONVERSE, 1660-1717. Captain of Foot, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Bay, 1706. 526, 532. SAMUEL COOK, 1667-1725. Clerk of the House, Connecticut, 1713, 1714, 1715. Deputy for New Haven to Connecticut General Assembly, 1712- 1715- 204. i8s SAMUEL COOK, 1695-1745. Captain of Train Band of New Cheshire, Connecticut, 1742. 367- ^ THOMAS COOK, 1694. Captain, Rhode Island, 1659. Commissioner to decide the western boundary Hne of the Colony of Rhode Island, 1659. 67. AARON COOKE, 1610-1690. Major of Troops of Hartford, Connecticut Colony, appointed by Governor Andros, 1687. Captain of Troops of Wind- sor, 1655. Appointed Chief in Command of 65 Con- necticut soldiers in the War against the Dutch, 1653. Deputy for Northampton to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1668. 375- AARON COOKE, JR., 1641-1716. Representative for Hadley to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1689, 1691, 1693, 1697. Associate Magis- trate, Hampshire County Court, 1679, 1680, 1682, 1684, 1685. Captain of the Foot Company of Hadley, 1678. 375- JOHN COOKE, 1695. Deputy for Dartmouth to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1666, 1667, 1668, 1673, 1674, 1675, 1678-1683, 1686. 67. JOSEPH PLATT COOKE, 1729-1818. Colonel of Sixteenth Regiment of Connecticut, 1771. Deputy for Danbury to Connecticut General Assembly, 1763, iy6y-iyy6. Colonel in the Continental Army in Revolutionary War. 10, 418. 186 THOMAS CORNELL, —about 1656. Ensign, Portsmouth Company, Rhode Island, 1642, 1643, 1644. 67. SAMUEL CORNING, 1694. Ensign in a MiHtary Company of Beverley, Massachusetts Bay, 1677. 368. JACQUES CORTELYOU, 1693. Surveyor-General of the Province of Nieuw Netherland and later of New York, 1657-1683. Member of the Con- vention held at Hempstead, 1665. Captain of a Company of Utrecht, Long Island, 1673. 114, 465, 561. JOHN COTTON, 1585-1652. One of the Founders of Harvard College. One of the Min- isters of Parishes active in founding and forwarding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Minister of the First Church of Boston, 1633. Preacher of Election Sermon. 69. SAMUEL COUCH, 1741. Captain of the West Company of Fairfield, Connecticut, 1710. 425- DAVID COWPLAND, 1779. Member of Committee of Safety, Pennsylvania, 1774, 1775. Elected Chief Burgess of Chester, March 29, 1779. 196. 187 HENRY CRANE, 171 1. Assistant of Connecticut, 1665. Deputy for Killing- worth to Connecticut General Assembly, 1675-1685, 1687, 1689, 1 69 1, 1 693- 1 696, 1 700- 1 702. Judge of County Court of New London County, 1698, 1701-1703. Lieutenant of Train Band of Killingworth, 1676. Captain of Train Band of Killingworth, 1704. 518. JASPER CRANE, 1681. Magistrate of New Haven Colony, 1658-1665. Assistant of Connecticut, 1665-1667. Deputy for New Haven to Gen- eral Court of New Haven Colony, 1645, 1647- 1649, 1653- 1657. One of the signers of fundamental agreement of New Haven Colony, 1639. O^ie of twenty-three subscrib- ers to fundamental agreement in the settlement of New- ark, New Jersey. Deputy to Assembly and Magistrate in the town of Newark, New Jersey, 1675. 407, 487. JOHN CRANSTON, 1626-1680. Governor of Rhode Island, 1678-1680. Attorney-General for Providence and Warwick, 1654. Attorney-General for the Colony, 1654- 1656. Commissioner for Newport to the General Court of Commissioners, 1655-1658, 1660, 1661, 1663. Deputy for Newport to the General As- sembly of Rhode Island, 1664-1668. Assistant, 1668-1672. Deputy-Governor, 1672, 1676-1678. Captain, 1654-1676. Major and Chief Captain, of Rhode Island Forces, 1676- 1679. 220. SAMUEL CRANSTON, 1659- 1729. Governor of Rhode Island, 1698- 1727. Assistant, 1696. Captain, 1696. Major, 1698. Colonel, 1705. 220. 188 JOHN CRARY, 1685-1759. Deputy for Plainfield to Connecticut General Assembly, 1724, 1728-1733, 1737, 1744-1750. 73. HENRY CRUGER, 1707-1778. Member of the Governor's Council, Province of New York, 1767-1772. Commissioner of Boundaries, 1753. Member of New York Assembly, 1745- 1758. 6, 53- JOHN CRUGER, 1744. Mayor of the City of New York, 1739- 1744. 6, S3- MARTIN CRYGIER, 1713. Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam, 1653, 1654, 1659, 1660, 1663. Delegate to the Convention at Nieuw Amsterdam, 1653. Captain over Swedes at the Colony of South River, 1659. Captain-Lieutenant over Military Forces of Nieuw Netherland, 1663. Captain of Burgher Corps, 1668. Came from Holland, 1642. Orphan Master, 1653, 1658, 1661, 1662. Commissioner to superintend fortifying Nieuw Amsterdam, 1673. 453, 589- WILLIAM CURTIS, 1618-1702. Deputy for Stratford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1667-1670, 1672-1687, 1692. Captain of Train Band of Stratford, 1672. Captain of all the forces of Fairfield County, 1673. Member of the "Grand Committee of the Colony," or Council of War, 1673. 260. * JOSEPH CURTISS, 1650-17—. Assistant of Connecticut, 1698-1721. Deputy for Stratford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1689-1694. Judge of County Court of Fairfield County, 1698, 171 1, 1725. Commissioner of Connecticut for the adjustment of bound- aries between Connecticut and New York, 1710. 463- 189 HENDRICK CUYLER, 1637-1690. Major of Foot, New York Troops, 1689. Lieutenant of Foot, Albany County, Province of New York, 1685. Cap- tain at Fort James, 1689. A Member of Leisler's Council, 1 689- 1 690. 6, 37. 38, 47. 48, 53. 55. 56, 71, 184, 185, 218, 329, 335, zz^, 530. JOHANNES CUYLER, 1661-1740. Mayor of Albany, 1725. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1705-1712, 1715-1726. Indian Commissioner, 1706-1712, 171 5-1732. 210, 212, 333. NICHOLAS DANFORTH, 1638. Deputy for Roxbury to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay; two terms in 1636, and three terms in 1637. 196. SAMUEL DANFORTH, 1626-1674. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding or for- warding the interests of the Colcmy of Massachusetts Bay. Fellow of Harvard College, 1650-1654, 1668-1674. 196. THOMAS DANFORTH, 1622- 1699. Deputy for Cambridge to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1657, 1658. Assistant, 1659-1678. Councillor, 1 693- 1 699. Deputy-Governor, 1679- 1686, 1689- 1692. Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1662- 1679. Mem- ber of the Council of Safety, 1689. Commissioner to Eastern Maine, 1665. President of the District of Maine, 1679-1686, 1689-1692. Justice of Superior Court, 1692- 1699. Treasurer of Harvard College, 1650-1668. 162, 217, 279. ISAAC DAYTON, 1720-1800. Lieutenant-Colonel of Troop of Horse, Newport, Rhode Island, 1772. Quartermaster, 1759. Captain, 1767. Ma- jor, 1770. 412. 190 CORNELIUS DECKER, Lieutenant of a Troop of Horse of Ulster and Dutchess Counties, Province of New York, 1700. 233- ALEXANDRE THESEE DE CHASTAIGNIER, 1743- Member of the Commons House of Assembly, South Carolina, from Craven County, 1693. 338. ISAAC DE FOREST, 1616 One of the "Nine Men" of Nieuw Amsterdam, 1652. 370- GEORGE DE KAY, 1728-1757. Captain of a Troop of Horse, Province of New York, 1754- 25- JACOBUS DE KAY, 1672 . Lieutenant of Troops, Province of New York, 1709. Cap- tain, 171 1. 204. THOMAS DE KAY, 1697-1758. Colonel of Orange County Troops, Province of New York, I 742- I 757. 204, 366, 367. JOHANNES DE LA MONTAGNE, 1 593-1670. Vice-Director of Fort Orange, 1656, 1664. Member of the Council of the Director-General of Nieuw Netherland, 1638-1656. Delegate to the Convention at Nieuw Amster- dam, 1653. Commander of Troops on Manhattan Island, 1 640- 1 656. Doctor of Medicine and President of the Company of Chirurgiens in Nieuw Amsterdam, 1652. Sent in command of Troops to defend Fort Good Hope, 1641. Commissioned to investigate an alleged conspiracy of Dutch and Indians against the English, 1653. Commis- sioner to superintend the fortifying of Nieuw Amsterdam, 1654. Commissioner to settle disputes with English, 1655. 155, '^77^ 179, 449- 191 ETIENNE DE LANCEY, 1663-1741. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1702-1709, 1710-1715, 1726-1737. 124, 181, 338. JAMES DE LANCEY, 1708- 1760. Acting- Governor of the Province of New York, 1753, 1757. Lieutenant-Governor, 1753- 1760. Member of the Gov- ernor's Council. 1729-1753. Chief Justice of the Prov- ince, 1733. 99, 160. PETER DE LANCEY, 1705-1770. Member from Westchester, of the New York Provincial As- sembly, 1 750- 1 768. 338. JACOB DE LOPER, 1650. Member of the Council of the Director-General of Nieuw Netherland as the Commander of a Ship of War, 1647. Captain-Lieutenant of Troops in the Island of Curacao. 67, 120. DAVID DE MAREST, about 1625 Delegate from Staten Island to Convention in Nieuw Am- sterdam, 1664. 328, 445- NICHOLAS DE MEYER, 1690. Mayor of New York City, 1676. Captain of New York Troops, 1677. Major, 1684. Appointed Member of the Governor's Council of the Province of- New York, 1690. 55, 142, 144, 184, 215. GEORGE DENISON, 1620- 1694. Deputy for Stonington to Connecticut General Assembly, 1654, 1656, 1671, 1674, 1675, 1678, 1682-1687, 1689, 1693, 1694. Captain of New London County Troops, 1675, 1676. Captain of Hartford and New London County Troops in Indian War, 1689. 10, 12, 103, 141, 202, 211, 223, 273, 316, 337, 377, 395, 417, 418, 442, 517, 552, 578. 192 i JOHN ABRAHAM DE NORMANDIE, 1688-1757. Sheriff, 1719. Justice of Peace, Bucks County, Pennsylva- nia, 1745, 1749, 1752. Member of Assembly, 1756, 1757. John Abraham de Normandie, or Abraham de Norman- die, as he was sometimes called, came from Geneva and settled in Bristol, Pennsylvania, between 1710 and 1717. 53- RICHARD DENTON, 1 586-1662. One of the Ministers of Parishes who were active in found- ing or forwarding the interests of the Colony of Connecti- cut prior to 1675. Minister at Stamford, 1641-1644. 179. ABRAHAM DE PEYSTER, 1657-1728. Member of the Governor's Council in the Province of New York, 1698-1702, 1708, 1710-1722. Mayor of New York City, 1691. Chief Justice of the Province, 1701. Receiver- General, 1708. Treasurer of the Province, 1706-1721. Colonel of a Regiment of Foot, 1695. 2, 21, 92, 329, 336, 506. ABRAHAM DE PEYSTER, 20, 1696- 1767. Treasurer for the Provinces of New York and New Jersey, 1721-1767. 329> 336. JOHANNES DE PEYSTER, 1620-1685. Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam, 1673. Orphan Master, 1659, 1660. Member of the Commis- sion appointed to confer with the Dutch Naval Command- ers, 1673. 2, 31, 42, 55, 57, 58, 100, 136, 161, 310, 329, 335, 336, 349, 418, 469, 558. JOHANNES DE PEYSTER, 1666-17 11. Mayor of the City of New York, 1698. Lieutenant of Foot, 1689. Captain of a Troop of Horse, 1700. Master in Chancery, 1701-1705. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1699- 1702. 55, 57» 58, 136, 161, 349, 418, 448, 536, 558. 193 JOHANNES DE PEYSTER, 1694-1789. Mayor of Albany, 1729, 1732. Recorder of Albany, 1726, 1728. Commissioner of Indian Affairs for the Province of New York, 1734-1738, 1739-1746. Lieutenant of Foot, Albany County Troops, 1717. Captain of a Troop of Horse, 1744. Paymaster of Provincial Troops, 1755. 55, 92- WILLIAM DE PEYSTER, 1709-1784. Second Lieutenant of New York Provincial Troops, 1738. Ensign in 1738. 558. HENRY DERING, 1717. Commissioned Commissary-General of the Massachusetts Troops, 1690, 1691. Representative for Boston to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1693. Clerk of the Court, 1695, 1696. Commander of the Transport Abi- gail in the expedition of 1706. 585. NICASIUS DE SILLE, 1600- Schout Fiscaal of Nieuw Netherland, 1656-1664. First Councillor to the Director-General, 1653-1664. Commis- sioner of Boundaries, 1654-1656. Captain-Lieutenant of the Burgher Corps, 1656. Commissioner to superintend the fortifying of Nieuw Amsterdam, 1654, Commissioner to settle affairs at the South River Colony, 1659. Commissioner to counteract the mutinous proceedings in the English towns on Long Island. 216, 326, 404, 465, 561. ANDRIES DE VOS, Acting Indian Commissioner in Nieuw Netherland, 1648. 395, 430, 465, 561. T94 PETRUS DE WITT, 1722-1790. Captain of Troops of Rhinebeck Precinct, Province of New York, 1758. 233- PIETER JANSEN DE WITT, Delegate to the Convention in Nieuw Netherland, 1664. Magistrate of Bttshwick, 1661-1665. 465, 561. TJERCK DE WITT, 1683-1762. Captain of Foot, Ulster County Troops, Province of New York, 1738. 233- JONATHAN DICKINSON, 1688-1747. One of the Charter Trustees of the College of New Jersey, 1746. First President of the College of New Jersey, now Princeton University, 1747. 239- NATHANIEL DICKINSON, 1615-1676. Deputy for Wethersfield to Connecticut General Assembly, 1 646- 1 656. Recorder for Wethersfield, 1645. 239, 258, 528. JOHN DOANE, 1662. Assistant, Plymouth Colony, 1633. Deputy for Plymouth to the General Court of the Colony, 1639, 1642, 1643, 1644, and for Eastham, 1649, 1650, 1651, 1653, 1654, 1659. 127, 500. JOHN DOUGLAS, 1703-1766. Captain of Train Band of Plainfield, Connecticut, 1745. Lieutenant of Train Band of Plainfield, 1741. Deputy for Plainfield to Connecticut General Assembly, 1739, 1741, 1742. 188. .195 JONAS DOUW, 1736. Lieutenant of Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 1700. Captain of Troop of Horse, 171 5. Captain of Foot for Coxsackie and Catskill, 171 7. 55- PETRUS DOUW, 1 692- 1 775. Member of the Assembly, Province of New York, 1747- 1750, 1 752- 1 758. Ensign of Provincial Troops, 1717. Captain of Troops at the Manor of Rensselaerwyck, 1733. 55- VOLCKERT JANSEN DOUW, about 1681. Lieutenant of a Foot Company at Rensselaerwyck, Nieuw Netherland, 1669. Acting Commissioner of Indian Af- fairs, 1699. Magistrate at Albany, 1669. 55, 73, 204. VOLCKERT PIETER DOUW, 1720-1801. Vice-President of the Provincial Congress in New York, 1775. Recorder of the City of Albany, 1750- 1760. Mem- ber of the Provincial Assembly, 1759- 1768. Mayor of Al- bany, 1761-1770. Indian Commissioner, 1774. 55. 92. HENRY DOW, 1634- 1707. Representative for Hampton to the General Assembly of New Hampshire, 1693, 1697, 1698, 1699. Assistant Judge, Inferior Court, 1699. Councillor, 1702-1707. Ensign, Hampton Company, 1689. Captain, 1692. 526, 532. JABEZ DOW, 1672-1752. Captain of a Company in Hampton, New Hampshire, 17 18. 526, 532. 196 ANDRIES DRAEYER, before 1699. High Sheriff of Albany County, Province of New York, 1673. Commandant at Fort Nassau for the Dutch, 1673. 492. JAMES DUANE, 1733-1797. Member of the Continental Congress from New York, 1775- 1784. Attorney-General, 1767, 1768. Commissioner on Boundaries of Massachusetts and New York, 1768, 1784. Indian Commissioner, 1774. Member of the New York Provincial Congress, 1776- 1777. State Senator from New York City, 1782, 1784, 1785. Mayor of New York, 1784- 1789. 5. 9> 20. PHILIP DU BOIS, 1690 Lieutenant of Foot, Ulster County Troops, Province of New York, 171 5. 233- JOSEPH DUDLEY, 1647- 1720. Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1702- 17 15. Deputy for Roxbury to the General Court of Massa- chusetts, 1673, 1674, 1675. Assistant, 1676-1683, 1685, Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1676-1681. Agent to England for the Colony, 1682. Sergeant-Major, Suf- folk County, 1681. Of the Council of the Royal Province of New England, 1686- 1689. President of the Council, 1686. Chief Justice of the Superior Court, 1687. Chief Justice of New York, 1691-1692. Member of the Gover- nor's Council of New York, 1691. 165. SAMUEL DUDLEY, 1610-1683. Minister at Exeter, New Hampshire, and active in founding and forwarding the interests of the Colony. Deputy for Salisbury to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1641, 1643, 1644. Associate Judge of County Courts, 1647, 1648, 1649. 526, 532. 197 THOMAS DUDLEY, 1576-1653. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Ba3^ Governor of Massachusetts, 1634, 1640, 1645, 1650. Deputy-Governor, 1630- 1633, 1637, 1638, 1639, 1 646- 1 649, 1 65 1, 1652. Assistant (in England, 1629), 1635, 1636, 1641-1644. Commissioner of the United Col- onies, 1643, 1647, 1649. Lieutenant-Colonel, South Suf- folk Regiment, 1636. Sergeant-Ma jor-General, 1644. A Founder of Harvard College. One of the Commissioners to treat with d'Aulnay, 1646. 15, 69, 71, 113, 114, 138, 162, 165, 166, 217, 279, 327, 352, 425, 430, 442, 496, 503, 514, 526, 532, 534, 557, 564. WILLIAM DUDLEY, 1701. Deputy for Saybrook to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1 682- 1 687, 1 689- 1 695. 67, 87. JEREMIAH DUMMER, 1645-1718. Member of the Counsel of Safety, Massachusetts Bay, 1689. Justice Inferior Court of Common Pleas, Suffolk County, 1702-1715. 196. RICHARD DUMMER, 1 599-1679. Treasurer of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1636. As- sistant, 1635, 1636. Deputy for Newbury to the General Court, 1640, 1 644- 1 647. 196. JOHN DUNHAM, 1589-1688. Deputy for Plymouth to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1639, 1640, 1 642- 1 647, 1649, 1650, 1 652- 1 656, 1 658- 1 662, 1664. 481. 198 TIMOTHY DWIGHT, 1629-1718. Deputy for Dedham to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1 69 1, 1693, 1694. Cornet of the Suffolk Troop, 1676. Lieutenant of a Boston Troop, 1683. Captain, 1693. 102, 300, 361. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, 1694-1771. Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for Hampshire County, Massachusetts Bay, 1722- 1729, 1737- 1748, 1748- 1758. Judge of Probate, 1 748-1 761. Lieutenant, 1724. In command at Fort Dummer, 1724-1726. Colonel in the Militia, 1750. 102. ANTHONY EAMES, Deputy for Hingham to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1637, 1638, 1643. Deputy for Marshfield to the Gen- eral Court of Plymouth, 1653-1658, 1661. Member of a Council of War, 1657. Called Lieutenant, 1645. 152. RALPH EARL, 1606- 1678. Treasurer of Portsmouth, 1649, 165 1. Commissioner for Portsmouth to the General Court of Commissioners of Rhode Island, 1650. Captain of a Troop of Horse after 1667. 65, 203. WILLIAM EARLE, 1640-1715. Deputy for Portsmouth to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1693, 1704, 1706. 203. 199 NICHOLAS EASTON, 1593-1675. Governor of Rhode Island, 1672- 1674. One of the Elders of Aquidneck, 1639. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Newport, 1639. Assistant, 1640, 1642-1644, 1653. President of the Colony of Providence Plantations, 1650, 1651, 1654. Commissioner for Newport to the Gen- eral Court of Commissioners, 1648, 1660. Deputy for Newport to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1665, 1666. Named in the Royal Charter of Charles II., 1663. Deputy Governor of Rhode Island, 1666- 1669, 1670, 1671. 98, 220, 417. PETER EASTON, 1622-1694. Commissioner for Newport to the General Court of Com- missioners of Rhode Island, 1660. Deputy for Newport to the General Assembly, 1666, 1667, 1671-1675, 1680, 1681. General Treasurer of the Colony, 1672- 1677. Attorney- General, 1 674- 1 676. 98, 220. THEOPHILUS EATON, 1591-1658. One of the Historic Founders of the Colonies of Connecti- cut and New Haven. First Governor of New Haven Col- ony, 1639-1657. Commissioner of the United Colonies for Connecticut, 1643-165 1, 1653-1657. One of the signers of the Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies, 1643. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay. Assistant of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, appointed in England, 1629. One of the seven pillars of the Church in the Colony of New Haven, 1639. 316, 417, 463, 488. WILLIAM EASTOWE, 1655. Deputy for Hampton to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1644, 1648, 1649. 526, 532. 200 SAMUEL EDSALL, . Member of Leisler's Council, appointed by Committee of Safety, 1689, 1690. 4- TIMOTHY EDWARDS, 1669-1758. Preacher of Connecticut Election Sermons, 1708, 1732. Chaplain of the Colonial Forces of Connecticut in an ex- pedition against Canada, 171 1. 43. ^17- SAMUEL EELLS, 1666- 1753. Assistant of Connecticut, 1709-1740. Deputy for Mil- ford to Connecticut General Assembly and Speaker of the House, 1 706- 1 708. Judge of Superior Court of Connec- ticut, 1711-1739. Commissioner of Boundaries, 1718- 1720, 1723, 1724, 1730. Naval Officer for the Port of Mil- ford, Connecticut, 1714. Colonel of the Second Regiment of Connecticut, 1739. Major of Regiment of New Haven County, 1709. Captain of Second Train Band of Milford, 1699. 405- JEDEDIAH ELDERKIN, 1702- 1794. Deputy for Windham to Connecticut General Assembly, 1751. 1755-1757- 1761, 1765-1768, 1771, 1774-1776. Mem- ber of Council of Safety of Connecticut, 1775, 1776. Col- onel of Fifth Connecticut Regiment, 1775. Lieutenant- Colonel of Fifth Connecticut Regiment, 1774. Major of Fifth Connecticut Regiment, 1759. 118, 224. JOHN ELIOT, 1604-1690. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding and for- warding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, and called the "Apostle to the Indians," 114. JOSEPH ELLICOTT, 1732-1780. Sheriff of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1768, 1769, 1770. Member of Provincial Assembly, 1772, 1773. 114, 314. 201 DAVID ELLSWORTH, 1709-1782. Captain of Train Band of Windsor, Connecticut, 1742. 62, 154. *OLIVER ELLSWORTH, 1745- 1807. Deputy for Windsor to Connecticut General Assembly, 1773- ^77^- Judge of Superior Court of Connecticut, 1784, 1807. Chief Justice of the United States, 1796- 1799. United States Senator for Connecticut, 1789. Member of Gov- ernor's Council of Connecticut, 1780- 1784, 1802. 62, 154, 167. COENRADT ELMENDORPH, 1669-1738. Captain of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York, 1693, 1700. 5, 9, 131, 145, 146, 247, 262, 332, 347, 402, 410, 421, 460, 583. PETRUS EDMUNDUS ELMENDORPH, 1715-1765. Adjutant of Ulster County Regiment, Province of New York, 1738. 421. DANIEL ELY, 1693- 1776. Deputy for Lyme to Connecticut General Assembly, 1729, 1734, 1735, 1738, 1739. 1741, 1742, 1744, i745> 1749-1751. 1761. Major of Third Regiment of Connecticut, 1739. Captain of Train Band of Lyme, 1738. Lieutenant of North Company of Lyme, 1733. 12, 103, 418. WILLIAM ELY, 1647-1717. Deputy for Lyme to Connecticut General Assembly, 1689, 1695, 1697, 1709, 1711-1713, 1715. Member of Gover- nor's Council, 1703, 1705. Captain of Train Band of Lyme, 1697. 12, 103, 418. 202 DANIEL EPES, 1622-1692. Representative for Ipswich to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1682, 1684, 1689. Captain of the Ipswich Company, 1683. 138. DANIEL EPES, 2d, 1649-1722. Representative for Salem to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1708. Councillor, 1708-1713. Appointed Chaplain in the Port Royal Expedition, 1707. 138. DANIEL EPES, 3d, 1679-1764. Representative for Salem to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1715, 1721, 1723-1727, 1731-1736, 1742, 1743. Major of Salem Company. 138. DANIEL EPES, 4th, 1710-1773. Captain of a Company, Danvers, Massachusetts Bay, I757- Representative for Salem to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1 754- 1 758. 138. EVAN EVANS, . Member from Chester County, Pennsylvania, to the Provin- cial Conference, held June 18, 1776, at Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia. 270. JOHN EVANS, 1700-1738. Member from Chester County to the Provincial Assembly of Pennsylvania, 1734- 1737. Commissioned Justice of the Peace, 1737. 270. JACOB EVERTSEN, 1734-1807. Member of the New York Provincial Congress, 1775, 1776. 409. 203 NICHOLAS EVERTSEN Captain of New York Troops, 1704. 409. NICHOLAS EVERTSEN, JR., 1699-1783. Justice of the Peace, Monmouth County, Province of New Jersey, 1747. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1746. 409. PIERRE FAUCONNIER, 1660-1749. Receiver-General of the Province of New York, 1702, 1705. 53, 343, 371, 464- ROBERT FEAKE, 1( One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Deputy for Watertown to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1634, 1635, 1636. Appointed Lieu- tenant, 1632. 79, 330, 366. BENJAMIN FENN, 1672. Assistant of Connecticut, 1665-1672. Magistrate of New Haven Colony, 1654- 1659, 1 661 -1664. Commissioner of the United Colonies for New Haven Colony, 1661-1663. 518. ARTHUR FENNER, 1662- 1703. Commissioner for Providence to the Court of Commission- ers of Rhode Island, 1653, 1655, 1659, 1660, 1662, 1663. Assistant, 1657, 1665- 1668, 1672- 1676, 1679- 1686, 1690. Deputy for Providence to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1664, 1670, 1672, 1678, 1679, 1692, 1699, 1700. Captain at Providence before 1670. Chief Commander of King's Garrison at Providence during King Philip's War. Agent to England, 1683. 379. 490. RENALD FERNALD, 1656. One of the Historic Founders of New Hampshire. 517. 204 PETER FIELD, 1640- 1707. Member of the House of Burgesses in Virginia, 1668. 319. 450- HENRY FILKIN, 1713. Lieutenant-Colonel, Kings County Troops, Province of New York, 171 1. Member of New York Assembly, 1693-1695. 397, 398, 482. DANIEL FISHER, 1619-1683. Deputy for Dedham to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1658, 1 660- 1 669, 1671-1682. Speaker of the House, 1680, 1681, 1682. Assistant, 1683. Ensign, 1660. Cap- tain of the Dedham Company, 1673. 528. JAMES FITCH, 1622-1702. One of the Ministers of Parishes who were active in found- ing or forwarding the interests of the Colony of Connec- ticut prior to 1675. Minister at Norwich, 1660. Preacher of first Connecticut Election Sermon, 1674. Chaplain of Connecticut Troops and Minister of the Army in King Philip's War, 1676. 212, 333, 552. JAMES FITCH, 20, 1649-1727. Assistant of Connecticut, 1681-1687, 1689- 1697, 1700- 1708. Commissioner of Connecticut for adjustment of boundar- ies with Rhode Island, 1698. One of Committee to revise laws of Connecticut, 1696. Captain of Train Band of Nor- wich, 1680. Sergeant-Major of New London County, 1696. In command of Fort at New London, 1697. 126. SAMUEL FITCH, 1701-17— . Deputy for Norwalk to Connecticut General Assembly, 1736, 1741-1748, 1 750- 1 754, 1760, 1 76 1. Justice of Court of Common Pleas of Fairfield County, 1752- 1766. 343, 425- 205 THOMAS FITCH, 1704. Captain of a Company in Fairfield County, Connecticut, 1673. 425- WILLIAM FITZHUGH, 1721-1798. Captain in Colonel Gooch's Regiment, and served in the at- tack on Carthagena, 1641. Burgess for Stafford County to the House of Burgesses, Virginia, 1750, 1753, I754- Colonel of Maryland Troops in the expedition against the French and Indians, 1755. Member cf the Council, Mary- land. Member of Convention of August, 1776. Council- lor under the State Government. 122, 197, RICHARD FLOYD, 1665-1728. Colonel of Suffolk County Troops, Province of New York, 1709. Lieutenant, 1700. High Sheriff, Suffolk County, 1708-1710. 4, 14, 46, no, III, 117, 199, 238. WILLIAM FLOYD, 1734-1821. Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Member of the Continental Congress from New York, 1774, 1775. Member of the Committee of Safety in New York, 1777, 1778. Member of the Senate, 1777-1783. 199, 238, 291, 446. ABNER FOGG, 1704- 1788. Captain, Fifth Company New Hampshire Cavalry, 1756, 1757- 526, 532. JONATHAN FORMAN, 1688-1762. Judge of Common Pleas, Monmouth County, Province of New Jersey, 1751, 1756. 401. SAMUEL FORMAN, 1662- 1740. High Sheriff of Monmouth County, Province of New Jer- sey, 1 696- 1 699. 401. 206 . ABRAHAM FOWLER, 1652-1719. Assistant of Connecticut, 1712-1719. Deputy for Guilford to General Assembly, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1701-1712. Speaker of the House, 171 1. Captain of a Guilford Company, 1703. 429. WILLIAM FOWLER, 1662. Magistrate of New Haven Colony, 1643., 1653, 1654. Dep- uty for Milford to New Haven General Court, 1657. 67. WILLIAM FOWLER, 1683. Deputy for Milford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1670- 1677, 1679, 1680. Member of Grand Committee or Coun- cil of War of Colony of Connecticut, 1673. Captain of Train Band of Milford, Connecticut, 1676. 67. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, 1706-1790. Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Founder of Philadelphia Library, 1731. Founder of the Philo- sophical Society, 1743. Founder of the University of Pennsylvania, 1749. Commissioner to the Colonial Con- gress, held in Albany, 1754. Agent to Great Britain, 1757- 1762, 1765-1775. Member of Assembly, 1751-1763, 1773, 1775. Speaker of the House, 1763. Member of Provincial Conference, 1775. Delegate to Provincial Convention, 1776. President of Council of Safet}^ 1775-1776, Mem- ber of Continental Congress, 1775. Minister to France, 1776. Signer of the Treaty of Peace with England, 1783. Member of the Committee to draft the Declaration of Independence, 1776. 134. EDMUND FREEMAN, about 1590- 1682. Assistant, Plymouth Colony, 1640-1645. Deputy for Sand- wich to the General Court of Plymouth, 1646. Member of the Councils of War of 1642, 1647. 87, 300, 344. 207 EDMUND FREEMAN, 2d, 1620 . Deputy for Sandwich to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1669, 1 67 1, 1674, 1 68 1. 300. JOHN FREEMAN, 1627-1719. Deputy for Eastham to the General Court of Plymouth Col- ony, 1654, 1656, 1661-1666. Assistant, 1667-1686, 1691. Justice of the Court of Common Pleas of Barnstable Coun- ty, 1692, 1693, 1694. Ensign, Eastham Company, 1655. Lieutenant of a Troop, 1659. Commissioned second in command under Major Winslow, 1671. Major of the Barnstable County Forces, 1685. Member of a Council of War, 1658. 87. FREDERICK FRELINGHUYSEN, 1753-1804. Member of Provincial Congress of New Jersey, 1775. Mem- ber of Committee of Public Safety, 1775. Captain of Ar- tillery, 1776. Colonel, 1776. Member of Continental Congress, 1778. Senator of the United States, 1793. 447- PHILIP FRENCH, 1667-1707. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York. 1698, 1 702- 1 704, 1 705- 1 707. Speaker of the Assembly, 1698. Mayor of the City of New York, 1702. 48, 218. CHARLES FROST, 1631-1697. Deputy for Kittery to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1658, 1660, 1661, 1669, 1672, 1674. Councillor. 1693-1697. Commissioner Oyer and Terminer, 1692. Judge of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas for York, 1692- 1 697. Lieutenant at Kittery. Captain, 1668. Com- mander of Maine Regiment, 1680. Major West Regi- ment, Maine, 1687. Member of the nrst Provincial Coun- cil of Maine, 1680. 441, 526, 532. 208 CHARLES FROST, 1678-1724. Councillor in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1719-1724. Judge of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas for the County of York, 1 719- 1724. Deputy for Kittery to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1700, 1703. Lieu- tenant, 1703. 441, 526, 532. JOHN FROST, 1681-1732. Member of the Governor's Council, New Hampshire, 1 724- 1 732. 441. SIMON FROST, 1706-1766. Special Justice of the Superior Court, Massachusetts, 1750. Judge of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas for the County of York, 1749- 1766. 526, 532. ABIEL FRYE, 1703- 1757. Captain in a Massachusetts Regiment in the expedition against Crown Point, 1756. 473- ABIEL FRYE,, 2d, 1734-1806. Lieutenant in a Massachusetts Regiment, 1761. 473- SAMUEL FRYE, 1650-1725. Ensign in a Company of Andover, Massachusetts Bay, 171 2. 473- JOHN GALLUP, 1675. Captain of Connecticut Troops in King Philip's War, 1675. 10, 12, 73, 103, 127, 141, 211, 337, 395, 418, 436. GEORGE GARDINER, 1670. Ensign in a Company, Newport, Rhode Island, 1644. 370. 209 LION GARDINER, 1 599-1663. Lord of the Manor of Gardiner's Island. Lieutenant of Troops in Connecticut, 1636- 1639. Served in Pequot War, in command of the Fort at Saybrook, 1637. Lieutenant in the EngHsh Army ; Engineer and Master of Works of fortification in the Low Countries under the Prince of Orange. 34, 54, 78, 82, 115, 116, 142, 144, 147, 309, 500. JOHN GARDNER, 1624-1706. Chief Magistrate of Nantucket, 1680. Judge of Probate, 1699-1706. Captain and Chief Military Officer of Troops on Nantucket Island, 1673. 260. JOHN GARDNER, 1681-1724. Representative for Salem to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1716, 1719, 1720, 1721. Called Cap- tain. 428. RICHARD GARDNER, 1689. Chief Magistrate of Nantucket, 1673-1675. 231, 232, 301, 412. SAMUEL GARDNER, 1648-1723. Representative for Salem to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1692, 1694, 1697, 1698, 1701, 1703, 1705, 1707, 1710. Ensign, Salem Company, 1678. Captain, 1692. 138, 203, 428. V THOMAS GARDNER, 1591-1674. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Deputy for Salem to the General Court, 1637. 74, 138, 203, 231, 232, 301, 384, 412, 428. 210 WILLIAM GAYLORD, 1585-1673. Deputy for Windsor to Connecticut General Assembly, 1639- 1647, 1649- 1662, 1664. Z^7^ 394, 578. PAUL GERRISH, 1674-1743. Representative to the General Assembly of New Hampshire, 1 726- 1 739. Captain of the Dover Troop, 171 7. 526, 532. WILLIAM GERRISH, 1677-1687. Deputy for Newbury to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1650-1653. For Hampton, 1663, 1664. Cap- tain of Foot and Horse at Newbury, 165 1. 569. ELBRIDGE GERRY, 1744-1814. A Signer of the Declaration of Independence for Massa- chusetts. Member of a Committee of Correspondence, 1773- Delegate to the Continental Congress, 1776-1785. A Signer of the Articles of Confederation. Presidential Elector, 1793. Minister from the United States to France, 1797. 59- AMBROSE GIBBONS, 1600-1656. A Historic Founder of New Hampshire. Associate Gover- nor, 1640. Captain, 1642. 517, 526, 532. BENJAMIN GIBBS, 1677. Captain of a Company of Massachusetts Volunteers in King Philip's War, 1675. 201. JONATHAN GIBSON, 1761. Burgess for Caroline County to the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1736, 1738. Justice, Caroline County, 1721. Sheriff, Caroline County, 1733, 1734. 462. 211 GEORGE GIDDINGS, 1608-1676. Deputy for Ipswich to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1641, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1659, 1660, 1661, 1664, 1668, 1672, 1675. 527- NATHANIEL GIDDINGS, 1705-1771. Captain of Train Band of Norwich, Connecticut, 1746. 527. JONATHAN GILBERT, 1618-1682. Marshal of the Connecticut General Assembly, 1662- 1664. 411, 570. NATHANIEL GILBERT, 1689- 1756. Captain of the Train Band of Middletown, Connecticut, 1746. 237. *WILLIAM W. GILBERT, . Member of a Committee of Safety, New York, 1775. 548. JOHN GILMAN, 1624-1708. Councillor, Province of New Hampshire, 1679- 1682. Rep- resentative for Exeter to the General Assembly, 1693. Speaker, 1693- 1897. Lieutenant of the Exeter Military Company, 1669. 441. NICHOLAS GILMAN, 1672-1741. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, New Hampshire, 1729, 1730. Judge of the Superior Court of New Hampshire, 1731-1740. 441. JACOB SANDERS GLEN, 1645-1685. Lieutenant of an Albany Company of Foot, Province of New York, 1684. Z^7, 370, 388, 512. 212 JOHANNES SANDERS GLEN, 1648-1731. Captain of Schenectady Company of New York Provincial Troops, 1700. Served as Captain in Canada Expedition, 1709. Commissioned Senior Captain of Foot, 1717. 137, 204, 430. SANDER LEENDERTSE GLEN, 1685. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs in Nieuw Nether- land, 1 654- 1 660. Magistrate of Fort Orange, 1654-1660. Magistrate of Schenectady, 1673. 366, 370, 374, 388, 430, 512. JOHN GLOVER, 1600-1653. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Deputy for Dorchester to the General Court, 1637-1644, 1647-1651. Assistant, 1652, 1653. 74, 87. NATHAN GOLD, 1694. A Corporator named in the Connecticut Charter of Charles n., 1662. Magistrate and Assictant of Connecticut, 1656, 1657, 1 659- 1 667, 1 668- 1 687, 1 689- 1 694. Commissioner for adjustment of boundaries with New York, 1684. Judge of Fairfield County (appointed by Governor Andros), 1687. Lieutenant of Fairfield Troops, 1657. Captain of Fairfield Troops, 1669. Major of Fair- field County Troops, 1673. Chief Military Officer of Fair- field County, 1672. 126, 403. • NATHAN GOLD, 20, 1663- 1723. Lieutenant-Governor of Connecticut, 1708-1723. Deputy for Fairfield to the General Assembly, 1691, 1694. Assistant of Connecticut, 1695- 1708. Judge of Fairfield County Court, 1 700- 1 707. Chief Judge of Superior Court of Connecti- cut, 1712, 1714-1722. Captain of Train Band of Fair- field, 1695. 77^ 403- 213 DAVID GOODRICH, 1667-1755. Member of Governor's Council, Connecticut, 1724-1729. Deputy for Wethersfield to the General Assembly, 1716- 1727, 1729-1739. Adjutant and Quartermaster of Connec- ticut Troops, 1709. Captain of Train Band of Wethers- field, 171 5. Colonel of Connecticut Troops, 1724. 10, 12, 103, 141, 167, 418. EPHRAIM GOODRICH, 1663-1739. Captain of Train Band of Wethersfield, Connecticut, 1716. 316, 483- DANIEL GOOKIN, 1612-1687. Called Captain in Virginia, 1642. Deputy for Cambridge to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1649, 1651. Speaker of the House, 165 1. Assistant, 1652-1675, 1677- 1686. Captain of the Cambridge Company prior to 1659. Sergeant-Major Middlesex Regiment, 1675. Colonel Mid- dlesex Regiment, 1680. Sergeant-Ma jor-General of the Colony, 1681-1688. Appointed Superintendent of Indians, 1656, and Agent in 1661, and so continued until his death. 62, 268. SAMUEL GOOKIN, 1652-1730. Called Captain, Massachusetts Bay, 1692. Lieutenant in Grenadier Company, Colonel Tailer's Regiment, in Port Royal Expedition, 1710. 62, 268. JOHN GORHAM, 1621-1676. Captain of the Second Company, Plymouth Colony Regi- ment, in King Philip's War, 1675. Lieutenant, 1673. Deputy for Yarmouth to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1653. 138, 211, 231, 232, 263, 301, 313, 376, 384, 413, 498. 214 JOHN GORHAM, 2d, 1652-1716. Deputy for Barnstable to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1689, 1690, 1691. To the General Court of Mas- sachusetts Bay, 1692, 1695, 1702, 1703. Captain in the ex- pedition against Canada, 1690. Captain, second in Com- mand, under Major Church, 1696. Lieutenant-Colonel in expedition against the French and Indians, 1703. Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1711-1714. Commissioner of Oyer and Te'rminer to try Indians, 1713. 138, 211, 231, 232, 354. SAMUEL GORTON, 1592-1677. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of War- wick, Rhode Island, being one of the twelve Pur- chasers, 1642. Commissioner to England, 1644. General Assistant, 1649, 1652. President of Provi- dence and Warwick, 1651. Commissioner for War- wick to the Court of Commissioners of Rhode Island, 1651, 1652, 1655-1660, 1662, 1663. One of the Purchasers of the Narragansett Country, later called "The King's Province," 1659. One of those named in the Royal Char- ter of Charles II., 1663. Deputy for Warwick to the Gen- eral Assembly of Rhode Island, 1664-1666, 1670. 212, 246, 386. JAMES GRAHAM, 1701. Member of the Governor's Council, Province of New York, 1685, 1687, 1688, 1699, 1700. Recorder of New York City, 1683-1701. Attorney-General of the Province of New York, 1685-1687, 1691-1701. Receiver-General, 1687. Member and Speaker of the Assembly, 1691-1693, 1695, 1 697- 1 699. 31, 51, 139, 149, 181, 206, 338. NOAH GRANT, 1718-1756. Captain of Seventh Company of Second Connecticut Regi- ment, 1756. Lieutenant in expedition against Crown Point, 1755. 140. 215 ROBERT GREEN, 1695-1747. Burgess for Orange County to the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1736, 1738, 1740. Sherifif of Orange County, 1740. 183. WILLIAM GREEN, 1722. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, 1714-1721. 239- JOHN GREENE, 1597- 1658. One of the Thirteen Original Proprietors of Providence Plantations, 1638. One of the twelve Purchasers of War- wick, Rhode Island, 1642. Commissioner to England, 1644. Commissioner for Warwick to the General Court of Commissioners, Rhode Island, 1652, 1654-1657. Mag- istrate at General Court of Trials, 1655, 1656. 273. 527- JOHN GREENE, 2d, 1620-1708. Commissioner for Warwick to the Court of Commissioners of Rhode Island, 1651-1663. General Recorder, 1652- 1654. Attorney-General, 1657-1660. Named in the Royal Charter of Charles II., 1663. Deputy for Warwick to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1664, 1674, 1675, 1677. Assistant, 1660-1673, 1677, 1678, 1680-1686, 1689, 1690. Agent to England for vindication of the Charter, 1670. One of the Council of the Royal Province of New England, 1 686- 1 689. Deputy-Governor of Rhode Island, 1690- 1700. Captain, 1664-1683. Major for the Main, 1683-1686, 1690, 1 69 1, 1696. 320. THOMAS GREENE, 1628-1717. Commissioner for Portsmouth, 1662, and also Deputy for Portsmouth to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1683. Deputy for Warwick, 1667, 1669-1672, 1674, 1678, 1681, 1684. Assistant, Rhode Island, 1678, 1679, 1680, 1684. 273, 527- 216 EDMUND GREENLEAF, 1573-1671. Ensign of the Military Company of Newbury, Massachu- setts Bay, 1639. Lieutenant, 1642. 529. 569- STEPHEN GREENLEAF, 1628- 1690. Deputy for Newbury to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1676, 1686, 1689, 1690. Ensign Newbury Com- pany, 1670. Lieutenant, 1685. Captain of the East Regi- ment in expedition against Canada, 1690. Member of the Council of Safety, 1689. 62, 268, 529. STEPHEN GREENLEAF, 1652- 1743. Representative for Newbury to the General Court of Mas- sachusetts Bay, 1694, 1703. Captain of the Newbury Company, 1694. 62, 268. WILLIAM GREENLEAF, 1725-1803. Member of a Committee of Correspondence, Massachusetts, 1772. The Sheriff of Boston who first proclaimed the Declara- tion of Independence from the State House. 62, 268. THOMAS GREGSON, 1646. Treasurer of New Haven Colony, 1641. Magistrate of New Haven Colony, 1641, 1643, 1646. Commissioner of United Colonies, 1643, 1644. Signer of Articles of Corporation of United Colonies, 1643. Appointed by the General Court of New Haven, Agent to Parliament of England to pro- cure a patent for the Colony, 1645. 237- JASPER GRIFFING, 1648-1718. Lieutenant of Suffolk County Troops, Province of New York, 1693. 596. 217 EDWARD GRISWOLD, 1607-1691. Deputy for KilHngworth to Connecticut General Assembly, 1656, 1658-1660, 1662, 1667-1687, 1689. 10, 12, 67, 74, 126, 128, 132, 133, 141, 152, 167, 200, 316, 327, 328, 527. *FRANCIS GRISWOLD, 1635-1671. Deputy for Norwich to Connecticut General Assembly, 1664- 1669, 167 1. Lieutenant of Connecticut Troops, 1666. 152, 200. JOHN GRISWOLD, 1652-1717. Deputy for Killingworth to Connecticut General Assembly, 1690, 1697-1699, 1701-1704, 1707-1712, 1715, 1716. Mem- ber of the Governor's Council, 1714. Captain of Train Band of Killingworth, 171 2. 128, 132, 133, 316. MATTHEW GRISWOLD, 1714-1799. Governor of Connecticut, 1784-1786. Deputy Governor, 1 769- 1 784. Deputy for Lyme to Connecticut General As- sembly, 1748, 1 75 1, 1 754- 1 759. Assistant, 1759- 1767. Judge of Superior Court of Connecticut, 1765- 1769. Chief Judge of Superior Court, 1769- 1779. Member of Council of Safety, 1775- 1779. Major of Third Regiment of Con- necticut, 1765. Captain of Train Band of Lyme, 1739. 55, 113, 219, 438. STEPHEN GROESBECK, 1744. Commissioner of Indian Afifairs, Province of New York, 1728-1738, 1 739- 1 746. 3- JAMES HABERSHAM, 1712-1775. Came from England, 1737, with General Oglethorpe to found an Orphan House. Secretary of the Province of Georgia, 1754. Appointed Councillor by the King, 1754. President of the Upper House of General Assembly of Georgia, 1767. Acting Governor as President of the Councii, 1771. Member of a Committee of Safety. 194. 218 ASAHEL HALL, 1717-1795. Captain of Train Band of Wallingford, Connecticut, 1764. 278. *HUGH HALL, 1693-1773. Special Justice of the Court of Common Pleas of Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay, 173 1- 1734. 201. JOSHUA HALL, 1703-1789. Captain of Train Band of Reading, Connecticut, 1754. 473- KINSLEY HALL, 1652-1736. Representative for Exeter to the General Assembly of New Hampshire, 1694- 1695. Councillor, 1696, 1698- 1736. Judge of the Supreme Court, 1696-1699. Lieutenant of the Exeter Company, 1692. Captain, 1695, 526, 532. RALPH HALL, 1618-1701. Representative for Exeter to the General Assembly of New Hampshire, 1680. Lieutenant of the Exeter Company, 1680. 526, 532. JOSEPPI HALLETT, 1731-1799. Deputy to the New York Provincial Confess in 1775 and 1776. Member of the Committee of One Hundred, 1775. 199, 238. WILLIAM HALLETT, 1647-1729. Captain of Company of Foot, Province of New York. Judge of Oyer and Terminer in Queens County, 1705. 100, 199, 238. 219 ISAAC HALSEY, 1660-1757. Captain of Suffolk County Troops, Province of New York, 171 5. Ensign, 1700. 493- GILES HAMLIN, 1622-1689. Assistant of Connecticut, 1685-1687, 1689. Deputy for Mid- dletown to Connecticut General Assembly, 1666- 1668, 1670, 1671, 1673-1675, 1678-1684. Member of Grand Committee or Council of War of Connecticut, 1673. Cap- tain of Connecticut Troops, 1683. 363- JABEZ HAMLIN, 1709-1791. Assistant of Connecticut, 1758- 1766, 1773- 1779. Deputy for Middletown to Connecticut General Assembly, 1731-1758, 1766-1773. Speaker of the House, 1770-1772. Judge of Hartford County Court, 1754-1779. Major of Sixth Regiment of Connecticut, 1739. Lieutenant-Colonel of Sixth Regiment of Connecticut, 1756. Colonel of Sixth Regiment of Connecticut, 1771. 196, 363- JOHN HAMLIN, 1658-1733. Assistant of Connecticut, 1694-1730. Judge of Hartford County Court, 171 5. Judge of Superior Court of Con- necticut. 1 7 16- 1 72 1. 363- DANIEL HAND, 1732-1816. Captain of Sixth Company of the Seventh Regiment of Con- necticut, 1773. 128, 132, 133. THOMAS HANFORD, 1693. One of the Ministers of Parishes who were active in found- ing or forwarding the interests of the Colony of Connec- ticut prior to 1675. Minister at Norwalk, 1654-1693. 425- 220 JOHANNES HARDENBERGH, 1670 . Lieutenant-Colonel of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York, 1746. Major, 1717, 1728. High Sherifif of Ulster County, 1690, 1709. Member of New York As- sembly, 1 737- 1 743. 1 745- 1 747' 175O' 1751- 271. 431- PIETER HARING, 1664-1732. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1701, 1702, 1709, 1716-1726. Presiding Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Orange County, 1717-1727. 5, 9, 20, no. JOHN HARRIS, 1800. Member of Committee of Safety of Cumberland County, Virginia, 1775, 1776. 319. 450. THOMAS HARRIS, 1586 . Member of the House of Burgesses, Virginia, 1623, 1639, 1647. Member of the Virginia Company, 1609. 319- 450. WILLIAM HARRIS, 1678. Justice of Henrico. Burgess for Henrico to the House of Burgesses, Virginia, 1652, 1653, 1656, 1657. Appointed Major of the Henrico and Charles City Regiment, 1656. 319. 450- THOMAS HART, 1643-1726. Deputy for Farmington to Connecticut General Assembly, 1 690- 1 700, 1702, 1 704- 1 707, 1 709-171 1. Speaker of the House, 1700, 1 704- 1 706, 1709. Captain of Train Band of Farmington, Connecticut, 1695. 165, 166, 297. 221 RICHARD HARTSHORNE, 1641-1722. Member of the King's Council in New Jersey, 1684, 1695- 1698, 1699. High SherifY of Monmouth County, 1683. Member of Provincial Assembly, 1683, 1686, 1687, 1692- 1699, 1703, 1704. Speaker, 1686, 1688, 1692, 1695. Patentee of Middletown and Shrewsbury, 1672. One of the Commissioners appointed by William Penn to lay out the Province of West Jersey, 1676. 401, 504. WILLIAM HARTWELL, 1613-1689. Quartermaster, Captain Thomas Wheeler's Troop at Con- cord, Massachusetts Bay, 1673. 529- ABRAHAM HASBROUCK, 1717. Major of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York. Lieutenant of Foot, 1685. Captain, 1689. Came to America, 1675. Member of the New York Assembly, 1698-1701. 271, 421. JACOB HASBROUCK, 1728-1806. Deputy from Ulster County to the Provincial Congress of New York, 1775. Captain, Third Regiment, Ulster County, 1776. 233- JETHRO HATCH, 1722-1818. Captain of Train Band of Kent, Connecticut, 1764. 222. TIMOTHY HATCH, 1695-1 766. Captain of Train Band of Kent, Connecticut, 1740. 222. JOHN HATHEWAY, 1629-1705. Deputy for Taunton to the General Court of Plymouth Col- ony, 1 680- 1 684, 1 69 1. To the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1696, 1697. 87. 222 WILLIAM HATHORNE, 1607-1681. Deputy for Salem to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1635-1646, 1648-1654, 1656-1661. Speaker of the House, 1644-1646, 1648, 1650, 1657, 1661. Commissioner of the United Colonies for Massachusetts Bay, 1644, 1650- 1654, 1673. Assistant, 1662-1679. Captain of the Salem Company, 1645. Major, 1657. ^ Commander in King Philip's War. Appointed Agent to treat with d'Aulnay, 1646. 138, 188. JAMES HAVENS, 1742-1828. Member of New York Provincial Congress, 1775. 407. EDMUND HAWES, 1693. Deputy for Yarmouth to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1645-1649, 165 1, 1653-1661, 1665, 1674, 1675. 498. ANTHONY HAWKINS, 1674. A Corporator named in the Connecticut Charter of Charles IL, 1662. Magistrate and Assistant of Connecticut, 1666- 1673. Deputy for Farmington to Connecticut General Assembly, 1657, 1658, 1660- 1667. 165, 166. JOSEPH HAWLEY, 1603-1690. Deputy for Stratford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1658, 1665, 1667-1671, 1673-1675, 1677, 1678, 1680-1685, 1687. 62, 260, 387. JOSEPH HAWLEY, 1654- 1 711. Deputy for Northampton to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1683, 1685, 1 69 1, 1692, 1693, 1695, 1 697- 1 699, 1700. Lieutenant, Northampton Foot Company, 1685. Later called Captain. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Hampshire County, Massachusetts Bay, 1692- 1711. 403- 223 JOHN HAYNES, 1594-1654. Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1635. Assist- ant, 1634, 1636. First Governor of Connecticut Colony, 1639, 1641, 1643, 1645, 1647, 1649, 1651, 1653. Deputy- Governor of Connecticut, 1640, 1644, 1646, 1650, 1652. Magistrate of Connecticut, 1642, 1648. One of the recog- nized Historic Founders of the Colonies of Connecticut and New Haven. Commissioner of the United Colonies for Connecticut, 1646, 1650. I5» 71. 74, 87, 113, 138, 267, 327, 352, 354, 534, 553, 554, 567- JOHN HAYNES, 2d, 1669-1713. Assistant of Connecticut, 1708-1713. Judge of County Court of Hartford County, Connecticut, 1713. Assistant Judge of Superior Court of Connecticut, 1713. 87. WALTER HAYNES, 1583- 1665. Deputy for Sudbury to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1646, 1648, 1651. 483. ROBERT HAZARD, 1689- 1762. Deputy for South Kingston to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1734- 1736, 1738, 1739. 65. THOMAS HAZARD, 1610 A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Newport, be- ing one of the nine who settled Newport, 1639. Member of General Court of Elections at Newport, 1640. 199, 238, 273, 337, 413. 224 RICHARD HEARD, 1720-1792. Lieutenant of a Troop, Sudbury, Massachusetts, 1762. Called Captain, 1774. Delegate to a Provincial Congress, 1774- 123. ADRIAEN HEGEMAN, 1639-1672. Delegate to the Convention held in Nieuw Netherland, 1664. Magistrate and local Schout Fiscaal of the five towns, 1 654- 1 658, 1 66 1. 251. 473- AUGUSTINE HERMAN, 1605-1686. One of the "Nine Men," Nieuw Netherland, 1649, 1650. Commissioner from Nieuw Netherland to Rhode Island, 1652. Commissioner to Maryland, 1659. Justice, Balti- more County, Maryland, 1665. Justice of the Quorum, Cecil County, 1674, 1675. Presiding Justice of Cecil County, 1676-1683. Commissioner to treat with the Dela- ware Indians, 1678. Received patent of Bohemia Manor, 1662, and was Lord of the Manor until his death. 433- JOHN HICKS, 1672. Delegate from Flushing to the Conventions held in Nieuw Netherland, 1653, 1665. 78. THOMAS HICKS, 1642-1717. High Sheriflf of Queens County, Province of New York, 1702, 1703. Captain, Queens County Troops, 1686. Called Colonel in 1693. Member of the New York Assembly, 1701, 1702. 38, 78. 225 FRANCIS HIGGINSON, 1587-1630. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Minister of the First Church in the Colony. 138, 342, 354. JOHN HIGGINSON, 1616-1708. One of the Ministers active in founding and forwarding the interests of the Colonies of Massachusetts Bay and Con- necticut. Chaplain at Saybrook, 1637. Preacher of an Election Sermon, 1663. 138. JOHN HIGGINSON, 2d, 1646-1720. Deputy for Salem to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1689, 1690, 1692. Councillor, 1700- 17 19. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1708- 1720. Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, 1703. Special Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1705- 1708. Ensign, Salem Company, 1675. Lieutenant, 1677. Captain, Salem Troop, 1683. 138. JOHN HIGGINSON, 3d, 1675-1718. Lieutenant of a Company in Salem, Massachusetts Bay, 1700. 138. EDWARD HILL, 1637-1700. Member of the Council, Virginia, 1688. Appointed Judge of the Court of Admiralty of Virginia and North Carolina, 1697. Colonel of Charles City and Surrey County Militia. 129. WILLIAM HILLHOUSE, 1728-1816. Deputy for New London to Connecticut General Assem- bly, 1 756- 1 760, 1 763- 1 780, 1 783- 1 786. Quartermaster of Troop of Horse of Third Regiment of Connecticut, 1750. Major of Second Regiment of Horse of Connecticut, 1776. Member of Council of Safety of Connecticut, 1776- 1779. 210, 212, 333. 226 JOSEPH HILLS, 1602-1687. Deputy for Charlestown to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1646, 1647. For Maiden, 1650- 1656, 1660- 1664. For Newbury, 1667, 1669. Speaker of the House, 1647. Captain of the Maiden Company, 1650- 1665. 333. 527- EDWARD HILTON, 1671. One of the Historic Founders of New Hampshire, being the Leader of the Company sent by the Proprietors of La- conia who settled Dover, 1623. Appointed to hold court for Dover, 1641, 1642. 526, 532. RICHARD HILTON, after 171 5. Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province of New Hampshire, 1698, 1699. 526, 532. THOMAS HINCKLEY, 1618-1706. Governor of Plymouth Colony, 1681-1686, 1689-1691. Dep- uty for Barnstable to the General Court of Plymouth Col- ony, 1646, 1648, 1649, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1659. Assistant, 1658-1679. Deputy-Governor, 1680. Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1673-1684, 1686, 1689-1691. Council- lor of the Royal Province of New England, 1686- 1689. Named Councillor in the Charter of 1692. Member of the Councils of War, 1658, 1667. 440, 497, 568. EDMOND HOB ART, 1570- 1646. Deputy for Hingham to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1639, 1640, 1642. 127, 138, 483. PETER HOBART, 1604-1679. First Minister in Hingham, Massachusetts Bay. Active in forwarding the interests of the Colony prior to 1675. 127. 227 MARTINUS HOFFMAN, 1706-1772. Colonel of Dutchess County Troops, Province of New York, 1759. Adjutant, 1739. "^ 185, 251, 294. NICHOLAS HOFFMAN, 1680-1750. Captain of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York, 1715- 185, 251. RANDALL HOLDEN, 1612-1692. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Warwick, be- ing one of the twelve Purchasers, 1642. Commissioner to England, 1644. Assistant, 1647, 1653-1659, 1664, 1665, 1676. Treasurer of Providence and Warwick, 1652-1654. Commissioner for Warwick to the General Court of Com- missioners of Rhode Island, 1652, 1654-1660, 1662, 1663. Captain, 1658. One of the Purchasers of the Narragan- sett Country, called later "The King's Province," 1659. Named in the Royal Charter of Charles II., 1663. Dep- uty for Warwick to the General Assembly of Rhode Is- land, 1666, 1667, 1669-1673, 1675, 1680, 1686, 1691. 210, 212, 386. EDWARD HOLLAND, 1702-1756. Member of the Governor's Council, Province of New York, 1748-1756. Mayor of Albany, 1733-1741. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1734-1741. Mayor of the City of New York, 1 747- 1 756. 14. HENRY HOLLAND, 1661-1736. Captain of Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 171 1. Lieutenant, 1709. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1706, 1720, 1724, 1726, 1728, 1732. High Sheriff of Al- bany County, 1 706-1712. 14. 228 VALENTINE HOLLINGSWORTH, 1710. Member of Assembly, 1682, 1683, 1687-1689, 1695, 1700. Justice of Peace and Courts, New Castle County, Dela- ware, 1685. Received a patent for 986 acres of land in Brandywine Hundred, New Castle County, Pennsylvania (now Dela- ware), in 1682. 270. JOHN HOLLISTER, 1665. Deputy for Weymouth to General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1643. Deputy for Wethersfield to Connecticut Gen- eral Assembly, 1644, 1645, 1650, 1653-1659, 1661. Lieu- tenant of Train Band of Wethersfield, Connecticut, 1657. 62, 98, 222, 289, 412, 441, 510. JONATHAN HOLMES, 1637-1713. Deputy to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1690-1691, 1696-1698, 1700-1702, 1706, 1707. Speaker, 1696-1698, 1 700- 1 702, 1706, 1707. Member New Jersey Provincial Assembly, 1675. Captain of Provincial Troops, 1673. 401. OBADIAH HOLMES, 1607-1682. Commissioner for Newport to the General Court of Com- missioners of Rhode Island, 1656, 1658. 212, 386, 401. WILLIAM HOLTON, 1611-1691. Deputy for Northampton to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1664, 1665, 1666, 1667, 1669, 1670. For Hadley, 1671. 465, 561. EDWARD HOLYOKE, 1660. Deputy for Lynn to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1 639- 1 643, 1647, 1648. Deputy for Springfield, 1650, 1660. 74, 154, 162, 217, 387, 412, 428. 229 ELIZUR HOLYOKE, 1676. Deputy for Springfield to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1656, 1 66 1, 1667, 1670, 1673, 1674, 1675. Com- missioned Ensign, 1653. Captain, 1670. Magistrate Hampshire County Court, 1665. 74, 279, 387, 412. PIETER MAESE HOOGEBOOM, 1758. Lieutenant of Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 17 17. 233- JAN WILLEMSE HOOGHTYLING, 1702. Lieutenant of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York, 1673. 571- PHILIP HOOGHTYLING, 1680 . Captain Ulster County Troops, Province of New York, 17 17. 233- JOHN HOOKER, 1664-1734. Assistant of Connecticut, 1723-1733. Deputy for Farming- ton to Connecticut General Assembly, 1699-1701, 1704- 1707, 1709, 1713-1716, 1718-1720, 1722, 1723. Clerk of Connecticut General Assembly, 1707, 1709, 1716. Speaker of the House, 1713-1715, 1718, 1720. Judge of the Su- perior Court of Connecticut, 1 723-1 731. 282. SAMUEL HOOKER, 1635-1697. Preacher of Connecticut Election Sermons, 1677, 1693. One of the Ministers of Parishes who were active in founding or forwarding the interests of the Colony of Connecticut prior to 1675. Minister at Farrington, 1661-1697. Fellow of Harvard College, 1654- 1656. 186, 282, 518. 230 THOMAS HOOKER, 1586- 1647. One of the recognized Historic Founders of the Colonies of Connecticut and New Haven. One of the Ministers of Parishes who were active in founding or forwarding the interests of Connecticut Colony prior to 1675. Minister at Hartford, 1636- 1647. 43, 44, 102, 199, 238, 461, 518. STEPHEN HOPKINS, 1644. One of the Historic Founders of the Plymouth Plantation. Assistant, 1633, 1634, 1635,1636. 127. JONATHAN HORTON, . Captain, Foot Company of Suffolk County, Province of New York, 1700. 518. JEREMY HOUCHIN, 1670. Deputy for Hingham to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1651-1655, 1657, 1658, 1659. Deputy for Salisbury, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1667. Ensign, 1653. 526, 532. EDWARD HOW, 1644. Deputy for Watertown to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1635, 1636, 1638, 1639, 1642, 1643. 333, 412, 483, 527. JOHN HOWAT^D, OR HAWARD, about 1700. Deputy for Bridgewater to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1678, 1683. Ensign of the Bridgewater Company, 1664. Lieutenant, 1689. 470. JOSHUA HOWARD, 1 696-1 781. Lieutenant of Massachusetts Troops, from Easton, 1757. 470. 231 EDWARD HOWELL, 1584-1653. Magistrate of Connecticut, 1647-1653. 115, 116, 203, 208, 406. ■• JOHN HOWELL, 1624-1690. Assistant of Connecticut, 1663, 1664. Delegate from South- ampton to the Convention held at Hempstead, Long Isl- and, 1665. Major of Southampton Troops, 1680. Com- missioner and Judge under Connecticut Colony, for the towns of Southampton, Easthampton, and Southhold, 1674. 115, 116, 203. SAMUEL HOWELL, 1723-1807. Member of Pennsylvania Committee of Safety, 1775- 1776. Deputy to Provincial Convention, 1774. Member of Assembly, 1776. Member of Common Council, 1774. One of the signers of the Non- Importation Agreement, 1765. Member of the Committee of Correspondence, 1774, 1775; a Signer of Provincial currency, 1772, and Port Warden of Philadelphia, 1791. 2. THOMAS HOWES, 1 590-1665. Deputy for Yarmouth to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1652, 1653, 1658-1662. 520. THOMAS HOWES, 2d, 1634-1676. Deputy for Yarmouth to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1668, 1669, 1670, 1672, 1673, 1675, 1676. Ensign, 1670. Lieutenant, 1673. Captain of Yarmouth Company, 1674. 520. JOHN HOWLAND, 1 592-1672. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. As- sistant Plymouth Colony ,1633, 1634, 1635. Deputy for Plymouth to the General Court, 1641, 1645- 1656, 1658, 1659, 1 66 1, 1663, 1666, 1667, 1670. 138, 211, 231, 232, 243, 301, 352, 384, 408, 413, 534. 232 DAVID HOYT, 1651-1704. Ensign in a Deerfield Company, Massachusetts. Lieutenant, 1703- 560. JONATHAN HOYT, 1683- 1768. Deputy for Stamford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1724-1757, 1 760-1767. Captain of Connecticut Troops, 1724. Colonel of Ninth Regiment of Connecticut, 1739. 261, 522, 531. WALTER HOYT, 1618-1698. Deputy for Norwalk to Connecticut General Assembly, 1658, 1659, 1 66 1, 1667, 1668, 1670, 1 67 1, 1673, 1674, 1676, 1678, 1681. 169, 287. BENJAMIN HUBBARD, 1775. Member of Committee of Safety, Caroline County, Virginia, 1774, 1775- 385. JAMES HUBBARD, 1613 . Delegate from Gravesend to the Conventions held in Nieuw Netherland, 1653 and 1655. Commissioner to Connecti- cut in 1664. 401. JAMES HUBBARD, 2D, 1665-1723. Member of the Supreme Court as Justice of the Peace, Mon- mouth County, Province of New Jersey, 171 1, 1720. 401. WILLIAM HUBBARD, 1 595-1670. Deputy for Ipswich to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1638, 1639, 1 643- 1 646, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1660. 219, 518. 233 WILLIAM HUBBARD, 1621-1704. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding and for- warding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Author of "The Present State of New England." 342. ADAM HUDE, 1662- 1746. High Sheriff of Middlesex and Somerset Counties, Province of New Jersey, 1709. Member Provincial Assembly, 1710- 1715. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, Middlesex Coun- ty, 1718. Presiding Judge, 1720- 1733. 349» 418. JAMES HUDE, 1695-1762. Member of the King's Council, Province of New Jersey, 1744-1749. Member Provincial Assembly, 1727-1745. Judge of Common Pleas and Justice of the Quorum, Mid- dlesex County, 1739. One of the Charter Trustees of the College of New Jersey, 1748. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel of Provincial Troops, 1739. 349- 418. GEORGE HULL, 1659. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1634, 1636. Deputy for Fairfield to Connecticut General Assem- bly, 1 637- 1 646, 1 649- 1 65 1. 138. JOSEPH HULL, 1662-1744. Captain of Train Band of Derby, Connecticut, 1716. 366. JOHN HUMFREY, 1661. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Named Assistant in the Royal Charter of Charles I., 1628-9. Deputy Governor, 1629. Assistant, 1 634- 1 64 1. Sergeant-Ma jor-General, 1641. A Founder of Harvard College. 454- 234 RALPH HUNT, 1677. * Commissioned Lieutenant in a Newtown Company, Province of New York, 1665. 518. BENJAMIN HUNTINGTON, 1736 . Member of Committee of Safety of Connecticut, 1775-1777- Deputy for Norwich to Connecticut General Assembly, 1771-1780. Clerk of the House, 1776, 1777. Speaker of the House, 1778, 1779. Delegate for Con- necticut to the Congress of 1780. Member of the Conti- nental Congress for Connecticut, 1780-1784, 1787, 1788. Representative from Connecticut to the first Congress of the United States, 1789. Member of the Upper House of Connecticut Legislature, 1 781 -1793. Judge of Superior Court of Connecticut, 1793- 1798. Delegate to New Haven Convention, 1778. Delegate to Hartford Convention, 1779. 74. JABEZ HUNTINGTON, 1691-1752. Deputy for Windham to Connecticut General Assembly, 1726, 1728-1733, 1735-1750. Sheriff of Windham County, Connecticut, 1726. Captain of Connecticut troop of horse, 1735. Colonel of Fifth Regiment of Connecticut, 1739. 74. JABEZ HUNTINGTON, 1719-1786. Assistant of Connecticut, 1764- 1775. Member of Council of Safety of Connecticut, 1775- 1779. Colonel of Con- necticut troops, 1776. Second Major-General of Connec- ticut Troops, 1776. First Major-General of Connecticut troops, 1777. 74- JOSHUA HUNTINGTON, 1698-1745- Deputy for Norwich to Connecticut General Assembly, 1740- 1745. Captain of Train Band of Norwich, Connecticut, 1745- 74. 235 CHRISTOPHER HUSSEY, 1599-1686. Deputy for Hampton to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1658, 1659, 1660, 1672. CouncHIor in New Hamp- shire, 1680-1685. Lieutenant, 1658. Captain, 1672. 231, 232, 526, 532. EDWARD HUTCHINSON, 2d, 1613-1675. Ensign of the MiHtary Company of Boston, Massachusetts Bay, 1645. Lieutenant of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1654, and Captain, 1667. Captain of the Three-County Troop, 1659- 1674. Deputy for Boston to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1658. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Portsmouth, 1638, being one of the eighteen original proprietors of Aquidneck, who settled Pocasset. A Purchaser of the "King's Province," 1659. Captain in King Philip's War, 1675, and wounded in the Brookfield fight. 476, 559- WILLIAM HUTCHINSON, 1586-1642. Deputy for Boston to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1635, 1636. A Founder of the Historic Charter Col- ony of Portsmouth (Rhode Island), being one of the eighteen original proprietors of Aquidneck, who settled Pocasset, 1638. Judge of Aquidneck, 1639, 1640. Treas- urer of Aquidneck, 1638. 316, 476, 559, 568. DANIEL HYDE, 1694-1770. Captain of Train Band of Norwich, Connecticut, 1746. 370, 481. JACOB HYDE, 1703-1782. Captain of Train Band of Norwich, Connecticut, 1742. 527- SAMUEL INGALLS, 1714. Lieutenant, in a Company of Ipswich, Massachusetts Bay, 1691. 526, 532. 236 RICHARD INGOLDSBY, 1719. Acting Governor of the Province of New York, as Com- mander-in-Chief, 1691. Lieutenant-Governor, 1709. In- dian Commissioner, 171 2. Major of Provincial Troops, 1 69 1. Colonel, 1696. 155- HENRY IZARD, 1717-1749. Member of the Commons House of Assembly of South Carolina from St. James Parish, Berkeley County, 1743, 1 745- 1 748. 338- RALPH IZARD, 1710. Member of the Commons House of Assembly of South Carolina from Berkeley County, 1692, 1693, 1696- 17 10. Commissioner of the Charleston Public Library, 1700. Commissioner of Free Schools, 1710. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1710. Introduced the bill to establish the Church of England in the Province of South Carolina, 1703. 338. RALPH IZARD, 1688-1743- Member of the Commons House of Assembly, South Caro- lina, 1711, 171 6- 171 9. Commissioner of Free Schools, 1710, 1712. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1719. Lords Proprietors' Deputy in Governor Craven's Council, 1712-1716. Member of Governor's Council, South Caro- lina, 1719-1734. Attorney-General of the Province, 1737. Assistant Judge in the trial of Pirates, 1716. 338. EDWARD JACKSON, 1602-1681. Deputy for Cambridge to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1647-1654, 1656, 1661, 1662, 1665-1668, 1675, 1676. 258, 526, 529, 532. 237 JOHN JACKSON, 1725. High Sheriff of Queens County, Province of New York, 1691. Member of New York Assembly, 1693-1701, 1702- 1709, 1710-1716. Captain of Queens County Troops in expedition to Albany, 1687. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1699. Colonel, 1700. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in Queens County. 9, 20, 54, no, 367, 456, 472, 543. MICHAEL JACKSON, 1708-1789. Adjutant of a Regiment of Foot, Orange County, Province of New York, 1738. Cornet in Troop of Horse, 1738. 179. MICHAEL JACKSON, 1734-1801. Lieutenant in Captain Dunlap's Company, Massachusetts Troops, 1761. In Captain Moulton's Company, 1761, 1762. Served in the Revolutionary War as Captain, Major and Colonel of the Eighth Regiment, Massachusetts line. 526, 532. ROBERT JACKSON, 1686. A Delegate to the Convention held at Hempstead, New York, 1665. 54,366. *WILLIAM JACKSON, 1745-1824. Captain, Orange County Troops, New York, 1775. Member of the Committee of Safety for Hanover Precinct, 1775. 179- JOHANNES JANSEN, 1660 . Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1709-1711, 1 716- 1 726. Mayor of New York City, 1725. 67. 238 JOHN JAY, 1745-1829. Member of the Continental Congress, 1774, 1775, 1778, 1779, 1784. Member of New York Provincial Congress, 1775- 1776. President of Continental Congress, 1778-1779. Member of the Committee of One Hundred, Province of New York, 1775. Member of the Convention for framing the Constitution of New York, 1777. Chief Justice of the State of New York, 1777- 1779. Minister from the United States to Spain, 1779. A Commissioner to negotiate peace with Great Britain, 1782. A Signer of the Treaty of Peace, 1783. Envoy Extraordinary to Great Britain, 1794. Governor of New York, 1795-1801. 48. THOMAS JEFFERSON, 1678-1731. Justice of the Peace, 1706. High Sheriff of Henrico County, Virginia, 1718, 1719. 319. 450- MINNE JOHANNES, 1664 igh 168 328 High Sheriff of Orange County, Province of New York, 1685. EDWARD JOHNSON, 1 599-1672. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Deputy for Woburn to the General Court, 1643-1647, 1649-1671. Speaker of the House, 1655. Lieu- tenant, 1644. Captain, 1650. One of the four men appointed by the Courts of the Col- ony to keep the Great Patent and be responsible for its safety. • 69, 127, 520. 239 ISAAC JOHNSON, 1675. Ensign in the Roxbury Company, Massachusetts Bay. Cap- tain, 1653. Ensign, Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1666. Captain, 1667. Captain of a Company of Praying Indians, King Philip's War, 1675. Deputy for Rexham to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1671. 354. JOHN JOHNSON, 1659. Deputy for Roxbury to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1634-1638, 1641, 1642, 1645-1653, 1656-1659. Cap- tain, 1653. 354, 413- MATTHEW JOHNSON, 1634- 1696. Deputy for Woburn to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1686, 1689, 1690, 1 69 1, 1692. 520. SIR NATHANIEL JOHNSON, 1644-1712. Landgrave under the Lords Proprietors, 1703. Governor of Carolina under the Lords Proprietors. Provincial Governor of South Carolina, 1702- 1709. Governor of the Leeward Islands under James II. 338. ROBERT JOHNSON, 1677-1735. The last Proprietary Governor of South Carolina, 1717- 1719. Royal Governor, 1730-1735. 338. SAMUEL JOHNSON, 1696-1772. First President of King's College, New York City, 1754- 1763. 44. 240 THOMAS JOHNSON, 1631-1719. Lieutenant in a Company of Andover, Massachusetts Bay, 1696, 1697. 473- WILLIAM JOHNSON, 1630-1704. Deputy for Woburn to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1674, 1 676- 1 683. 127. WILLIAM JOHNSON, 1714-1768. Burgess for Louisa County to the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1764. 319- WILLIAM SAMUEL JOHNSON, 1727-1819. Assistant of Connecticut, 1766, 1771-1775- Deputy for Stratford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1761, 1765. Judge of Superior Court of Connecticut, 1772, 1773. Delegate to the Stamp Act Congress, 1765. Special Agent from Connecticut to England to manage the case of the Mohican Indians, 1766. Lieutenant of Train Band of Stratford, Connecticut, 1754. Captain of Train Band of Stratford, 1758. Major of Fourth Regiment of Con- necticut, 1772. Lieutenant-Colonel of Fourth Regiment, 1774- 8, 117. JOHN JOHNSTONE, 1661-1732. One of the King's Council, Province of East Jersey, 1686- 1688, 1 704- 1 726. Member of the Provincial Assembly, 1709, 1710, 1720-1733. Speaker of the Assembly, 1720- 1733. Mayor of New York City, 1714-1718. Member of the Governor's Council, Province of New York, 1716- 1722. Boundary Commissioner for East Jersey, 1719, 1720. Came from Scotland, 1685. As a member of the Board of Proprietors of East Jersey, he signed the paper ceding that Province to the Crown, 1702. Judge in Monmouth County, 171 1. 10, 418. 241 DAVID JONES, 1699-1775. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1737-1758, 1761-1768. Speaker of the Assembly, 1745- 1758. Commissioner of Boundaries, 1753. Justice of the Supreme Court, 1758. 46, no, III. JOHN JONES, 1593-1665. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding or for- warding the interests of the Colony of Connecticut prior to 1675. 412. JOSIAH JONES, 1640-1714. Lieutenant, 3d Company Militia of Watertown, Massachu- setts Bay, 1691. 412. THOMAS JONES, 1665-1713. Major of Queens County Troops, Province of New York, 1707. Captain, 1702. High Sheriff of Queens County, 1704. 5, 9, 20, 54, 78, 91, 94, no, 227, 472, 544. WILLIAM JONES, 1624-1706. Deputy-Governor of New Haven Colony, 1664. Magistrate of New Haven Colony, 1662, 1663. Commissioner of the United Colonies for New Haven, 1664. Deputy-Gover- nor of Connecticut, 1691-1697. Assistant of Connecticut, 1665-1687, 1689-1691. Judge of County Court of New Haven County, 1698. 316, 463- THOMAS JUDD, 1608-1688. Deputy for Farmington to the Connecticut General Assem- bly, 1647-1651, 1656, 1658, 1659, 1661-1663, 1666, 1668, 1670, 1 677- 1 679. 298, 391. 242 JAMES JUDSON, 1650-1721. Deputy for Stratford to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1689-1692, 1694, 1696, 1698-1701, 1703, 1705-1709, 171 1- 1715, 1718, 1719. Captain of Train Band of Stratford, Connecticut, 1698. 12, 103, 141. * JOHN KANE, 1734-1808. Appointed Member from Dutchess County of the Second Provincial Congress in New York, 1775- 1776. 67, 120. JOHN KAY, 1656-1742. Member of the Assembly of New Jersey for Gloucester County, 1685, 1703, 1704, 1707-1713, 1716, 1718, 1719, 1 72 1. Speaker of the Assembly, 1709- 1713, 17 16, 17 18, 1719, 1721. 595- JOSEPH KELLOGG, 1627- 1707. Ensign, Hadley Company of the Hampshire Regiment, Mas- sachusetts Bay, May 9, 1678. Lieutenant, October 7, 1678. 223. DANIEL KETTELHUYN, 1674-, about 171 7. Lieutenant of New York Troops, 1709. Served in an expedition against Canada, 1709, and in the Indian War, 171 1, when he petitioned that he might go to Canada to ransom his wife and children from prison. 298, 391. JOHN KEYES, 1745-1824. Major of Third Brigade and Adjutant-General of State of Connecticut, 1776. Captain of Twentieth Continentals, 1775. First Lieutenant of Third Connecticut Regiment, 1775- 118, 119. 243 HANS KIERSTED, JR., 1644 . Commissioned Lieutenant of Militia, Province of New York, 1689. 530- EBENEZER KINGSBURY, 1716 . Deputy for Coventry to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1754, 1755. 1758, 1759, 1764, 1766, 1767, 1769, 1771-1776, Captain of Ninth Company of Fifth Regiment of Con- necticut, 1756. 381. JOSEPH KINGSBURY, JR., 1682-1757. Captain of Train Band of Norwich, Connecticut, 1748. Deputy to Connecticut General Assembly for Norwich, 1731. 1734, 1738, 1739; for Windham, 1756. 527- NATHANIEL KINGSBURY, 1684- 1763. Captain of Train Band of Windham, Connecticut, 1730. 412. EDWARD KINNICUTT, 171 5-1 754. Lieutenant-Colonel of the Rhode Island Troops raised in 1746, to assist in the proposed invasion of Canada. As- sistant, 1749. 65. HENDRICK HENDRICKSEN KIP, 1576 . One of the "Kine Men," Nieuw Netherland, 1647, 1649, 1650. Schepen in Nieuw Amsterdam, 1656. Magistrate at Nieuw Amstel, 1660. 16, 155, 370. JACOBUS KIP, 1631-1690. Secretary of the Province of Nieuw Netherland, 1650. Dele- gate to the Convention held in Nieuw Amsterdam, 1663. Secretary of Governor Stuyvesant's Council, 1649. Secretary of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens, 1653. President of the Court of Schepens, 1674. 451. 244 BENJAMIN KISSAM, 1728-1782. Member of Provincial Congress, New York, 1775, 1776. Member of the Committee of One Hundred, 1775. 251. SAMUEL KNOWLES, 1651-1737. Representative for Eastham to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1697, 1 703- 1 708, 171 o, 171 2- 171 6. 87. JACOB KOLLOCK, 1692-1772. Justice of Peace, 1726, 1727 (part of which time he was Presiding Justice), Sussex County, Delaware. Member of Assembly for the three Lower Counties, 1732- 1772; Speak- er for the Lower Counties, 1758, 1760, 1762- 1764. Lieu- tenant of Shannon's Company raised for service against Canada, 1746. Colonel of Sussex Regiment, raised for service in the French and Indian War, 1756. Overseer of Highways for Lewes, 1727. Clerk of Or- phans' Court and Register of Wills of Sussex County, 1 724- 1 770. Collector of Customs at Lewes, 1767- 1770. Trustee of Loan Office, 1751, until his death. 37. 38, 47, 78. JAMES LANDON, about 1722-1785. Captain of Train Band of Salisbury, Connecticut, 1752. 31- TOBIAS LANGDON, 1660-1725. Ensign of the Company of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1690. Lieutenant, 1692. Captain, 1696. One of a Coun- cil of War, 1707. 526, 532. JACOB LANSING, 2d, 1714-1791. Colonel of New York Provincial Troops, in Albany County, 1775- Member of a Committee of Safety, 1775. 204, 367, 388, 512. 245 ELISHA LAWRENCE, 1666-1724. Member of the Assembly, Province of New Jersey, 1708, 1709, 1716. ,, 401. JOHN LAWRENCE, 1659-1729. Captain of a Troop of Horse, Province of New York, 1689. High Sheriff of Queens County, 1691, 1698. 4, 81, 83. JONATHAN LAWRENCE, 1737-1812. Member of Provincial Congress of New York, 1775, 1776, 1777. Major of Provincial Troops in Queens County, 1775. Captain, 1772. 4, 81, 83. THOMAS LAWRENCE, 1625-1703. Major of New York Troops, and in command of all the forces of Queens County, 1689. Captain, 1665. Raised troops for the defence of Albany against the French, 1690. 4, 60, 61, 81, 83, 426, 427. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, 1623-1680. Captain Burgher Corps in Nieuw Netherland, 1655. Com- manded Flushing Troops, 1673. Came to America, 1635. Patentee of Flushing, 1673. Magistrate of Flushing, 1655, 1658, 1661. 70, 83, 96, 209, 214, 288, 538. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, 1704. Member of Assembly, Province of New Jersey, 1667, 1672, 1688, 1694, 1695, 1698. 401. GEORGE LAWTON, 1693. Commissioner for Portsmouth to the Court of Commission- ers, 1648. Deputy for Portsmouth to the General Assem- bly of Rhode Island, i555, 1672, 1675, ^^7^> 1679, 1680. Assistant, 1680- 1686, 1689, 1690. 273, 413- 246 MOSES LEAVITT, 1650-1730. Representative for Exeter to the General Assembly of New Hampshire, 1693, 1695, 1699, 1702, 1703. 526, 532. JOHN LEDYARD, 1700-1771. Deputy for Groton to Connecticut General Assembly, 1742- 1749; for Hartford, 1753-1761, 1766-1769. 52, 316. HANCOCK LEE, 1653-1709. Burgess for Northumberland County to the House of Bur- gesses of Virginia, 1688, 1699. Captain of County Militia, 1680. 450. JOHN LEE, 1 743- 1 802. Ensign, in a Virginia Regiment, 1775. 450- RICHARD LEE, 1 597-1664. Came to Virginia about 1641. Clerk of the Council, 1642. Attorney-General, 1643. Burgess for the County of York, 1647. Burgess for the County of Northumberland, 1 65 1. Secretary of State of Virginia many years, cer- tainly 1651, 1659-1663. Member of the Council, 1663. Colonel of Militia, 1651. 450- WILLIAM LEETE, 1616-1683. Governor of the Colony of Connecticut, 1676-1682. Deputy- Governor, 1669-1675. Assistant of Connecticut, 1665- 1668. Governor of New Haven Colony, 1661-1664. Dep- uty-Governor of New Haven Colony, 1658-1660. Magis- trate of New Haven Colony, 1653-1658. Commissioner of the United Colonies for New Haven, 1655-1664. Com- missioner of the United Colonies for Connecticut, 1665, 1667, 1668, 1672, 1675, 1678. 12, 113, 114, 199, 207, 238, 361, 364, 518, 534. 247 THOMAS LEFFINGWELL, 1622-1714. Deputy for Norwich to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1662, 1663, 1665, 1668-1674, 1676, 1677, 1679, 1681-1687, 1689-1691, 1693, 1696, 1700, 1703. Lieutenant of Troops of New London County, Connecticut, in King Philip's War, 1676. 219, 258, 361. JOHN LEIGHTON, 1661-1724. Called Ensign, Eliot, Maine, 1703. Commissioned Captain by Governor Shute, 1704. Representative for Kittery to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1704, 1705. 526, 532. JACOB LEISLER, 1691. Commissioned Captain of Provincial Troops in New York, 1684. Assumed the title of Commander of New York City Troops, and Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, 1689. Tried for High Treason and executed 1691, attainder reversed by Act of Parliament, 1695. 42, 67, 335. PHINEAS LELAND, 1730-1773. Lieutenant in the 3d Regiment, Massachusetts Troops, 1759. 483. THOMAS LEONARD, 1641-1713. Deputy for Taunton to the General Court of Plymouth Col- ony, 1 680- 1 686, 1689, 1690, to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1 692- 1 696, 1698, 1699. Judge of the Superior Court of Common Pleas of Bristol County, 1692-1713. Ensign, Taunton Company, 1665. Captain, 2d Company, Taunton, 1690. 127, 368. JEAN L'ESCUYER, 1657-1713. Ensign of Kings County Troops, Province of New York, 1686. 326. 248 SIR JOHN LEVERETT, 1616-1679. Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1673-1678. Deputy for Boston to the General Court, 1651-1653, 1663, 1664. Speaker of the House, 1663, 1664. Assistant, 1 665- 1 670. Deputy-Governor, 1671, 1672. Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1668, 1669. Captain in an expe- dition against the Indians, 1645. Captain of the Suffolk Troop, 1652. Elected Lieutenant of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1648. Captain, 1652, 1663, 1670. Major-General of the Forces of the Colony of Mas- sachusetts Bay, 1663-1673. Agent of the Colony in Eng- land to appear before the Lord Protector, 1655. Appointed by the Governor and Assistants to present an address to the King and Parliament, 1660. Commissioner to Rhode Island, 1664. One of the four appointed by the Courts of the Colony to have the care of the Great Patent and be responsible for its safe keeping. 113' 518. FRANCIS LEWIS, 1713-1803. Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Member of the Provincial Congress of New York, 1776- 1777. Member of the Continental Congress, 1776. Member of the Provincial Convention, 1775. Member of the Committee of One Hundred, 1775. Member of the New York Assembly, 1776, 1777. 24, 93- JAMES LEWIS, 1637-1713. Lieutenant of a Company in Barnstable, Plymouth Colony, before 1690. 428. ♦MORGAN LEWIS, 1754-1844. Major of the Second Regiment, New York Provincial Troops, 1774. 24. 249 WILLIAM LEWIS, 1683. Deputy for Hadley to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1662, 1663 ; for Northampton, 1664. 219. WILLIAM LEWIS, 1690. Deputy for Farmington to the Connecticut General Assem- bly, 1 680- 1 690. Lieutenant, 1651. Captain of Train Band of Farmington, 1674. 219, 223. LEONARD LISPENARD, 1715-1790. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1759-1768. Commissioner of Boundary between New York and Massachusetts, 1764. Member of the Colonial Conference of 1765. 149. GILBERT LIVINGSTON, 1689-1746. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York for the Manor of Livingston, 1728-1737. 2, 31, 67, 120, 124, 289. HENRY LIVINGSTON, 1714-1791. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1759-1768. 289. PETER R. LIVINGSTON, 1737-1794. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1761-1769, 1774-1775. Member of Provincial Congress, 1775, 1776, 1777. President of the Congress of 1776. Colonel of Militia, 1778. 57, 58, 136, 161, 329, 530. PETER VAN BRUGH LIVINGSTON, 1710-1793. First President of the New York Provincial Congress, 1775. Member of Provincial Congress, 1776. Member of the Committee of One Hundred, 1775. 42, 335- 250 PHILIP LIVINGSTON, 1686-1749. Second Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Secretary of In- dian Affairs, 1722, 1723, 1727, 1728, 1730; Province of New York. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1720- 1743. Member of the Governor's Council, 1725- 1749. Speaker of the Council, 1725, 1750. Commissioner for New York to treat with Massachusetts and Connecticut, as to the war against the Indians, in 1737. President of the Commis- mission on Boundaries between New Hampshire and Massachusetts, 1737. Commissioner on Boundaries be- tween Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1740. I. 3. 5» 7. 9. 13. 20^ 36, 38, 42, 47. 48, 56, 57. 58, 79. 80, 136, 161, 185, 218, 292, 329, 335, 336, 530. PHILIP LIVINGSTON, 1716-1778. Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Member of the New York Assembly, 1759- 1769. Speaker of the Assem- bly, 1768. Member of the Provincial Congress, 1776, 1777. Member of the Continental Congress, 1775-1777. I, 3. 7> 30. 80. ROBERT LIVINGSTON, 1654- 1728. First Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Member of the New York Assembly, 1709-1714, 1716-1725. Speaker of the Assembly, 1718-1725. Secretary of Indian Affairs, 1675-1695, 1696-1702, 1704-1711. Commissioner to Con- necticut, 1689. Commissioner to Massachusetts Bay, 1689. Commissioner of Boundaries, 1723. Member of the Gov- ernor's Council, Province of New York, 1698- 1 701. Cap- tain of New York Troops, 1693. Colonel, 1710. I, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 20, 24, 31, 36, 37, 38, 42, 47, 48, 56, 57, 58, 67, 72, 7Z' 78, 79, 80, 92, 120, 124, 136, 161, 185, 218, 229, 250, 266, 289, 295, 315, 329, 335, 336, 419, 457, 530, 536. ROBERT LIVINGSTON, 1710-1790. Third Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York 1737-1758. 5. 9, 38, 47> 56, 57. 58, 79. 136, 161, 185, 329, 530. 251 ROBERT LIVINGSTON, JR., 1725. Mayor of Albany, 1710-1719. Recorder of Albany, 1710. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Province of New York, 1715, 1719, 1720, 1724. Member of the New York Assembly, 1711-1714. I3» 24, 36, 57. 58, 136, 142, 144. 239, 250, 251, 329, 530. ROBERT GILBERT LIVINGSTON, 1713-1789. Member of the New York Provincial Congress, 1775- 1776. 67, 120. ROBERT R. LIVINGSTON, 1718-1775. Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province of New York, 1763. Member of the New York Assembly, 1759- 1768. Commissioner of Boundaries, 1764, 1767, 1773. 24. WILLIAM LIVINGSTON, 1723-1790. Member of the Continental Congress from New Jersey, 1774, 1775, 1776. Member of a Committee of Correspond- ence, 1774. Commissioner of Boundaries, 1754- 1764. Commander-in-Chief of New Jersey Troops, 1775. Governor of New Jersey, 1776, 1778, 1782, 1783. 48, 218. WILLIAM LOCKE, 1624- 1720. Surgeon of the Massachusetts Forces in the Mount Hope Campaign, 1674. Surgeon of the Massachusetts Forces during King Philip's War, 1675. 390- JONATHAN LOCKWOOD, 1634-1688. Deputy for Greenwich to Connecticut General Assembly, 1 67 1, 1673, 1674, 1676, 1683. Commissioner of Connecti- cut for adjustment of boundaries with New York, 1674. 4, 265. BERNARD LOMBARD, 1605-1664. Ensign of a Barnstable Company, Plymouth Colony, 1652. 67. 252 GOVERT LOOCKERMANS, 1603-1670. One of the "Nine Men" in Nieuw Netherland, 1647, 1649, 1650. Indian Commissioner under the Dutch, 1663. Lieutenant, Company of Foot, in the City of New York, 1670. Schepen in Nieuw Amsterdam, 1657, 1660. Orphan Master, 1663. Commissioner to investigate alleged con- spiracy of Dutch against English, 1653. Indian Inter- preter, 1658, 48, 117, 139, 530. JOHN LOOMIS, 1622-1688. Deputy for Windsor to Connecticut General Assembly, 1666, 1667, 1675-1687. 74, 126, 328, 554. SAMUEL LOOMIS, 1689. Ensign of the Foot Company, Westfield, Massachusetts Bay, 1674. 441. RICHARD LORD, 1611-1662. A Corporator named in the Connecticut Charter of Charles II., 1662. Captain of the First Troop of Horse of Con- necticut, 1658. 74, 87. RICHARD LORD, 1636-1685. Deputy for Hartford to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1669-1676, 1681, 1682. Member of Governor's Council, 1675, 1676. 87. RICHARD LORD, 1669-1711. Secretary of Connecticut, 171 1. Lieutenant of Troop of Horse of Hartford County, 1700. 87. 253 JOHN LOTHROP, 1584-1653. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding and for- warding the interests of Plymouth Colony. 74, 152, 370, 429, 481. SIMON LOTHROP, 1689-1774. Lieutenant-Colonel of Connecticut forces in expedition against Cape Breton, 1745. Captain of Train Band of Nor- wich, Connecticut, 1738. Deputy for Norwich to the Con- necticut General Assembly, 1735, 1742, 1743. 113, 258, 267. ABRAHAM LOTT, 1684-1754- Member of the New York Assembly, 1737- 1749. Treasurer of the Province of New York, 1767-1776. Judge of Kings County Court, 1 745-1 749. 251. ENGLEBERT LOTT, 1654-1730. High Sheriff of Kings County, Province of New York, 1698. 251. JOHANNES LOTT, 1692-1775. Member of the New York Assembly, 1727-1761. Lieutenant of Kings County Troops, Province of New York, 1728. Captain, 1728. Colonel, 1741. 465, 561. FREDERICK LUBBERTSEN, 1609-1680. One of the "Twelve Men" of Nieuw Netherland, 1641. Delegate to the Conventions of 1653, 1663, 1665. 114, 537, 576. GABRIEL LUDLOW, . Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1739-1745. Clerk of the Assembly, 1699-1738. 206. 254 ROGER LUDLOW, 1590 . Deputy-Governor of Connecticut Colony, 1639, 1642, 1648. Magistrate of Connecticut, 1640, 1641, 1643- 1647, 1649- 1635. One of the Commissioners appointed by the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts Bay, to govern Connecticut, 1653. Commissioner of the United Colonies for Connecti- cut, 1648, 1651-1653. Assistant of Massachusetts Bay, 1630-1633. Deputy-Governor of Massachusetts, 1634. 43. JOHN LUKENS, 1720-1789. Surveyor-General of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1761- 1789. 270. GEORGE LYDDALL, 1705. Major, 1675, and commanded at Fort Mehicton. Lieuten- ant-Colonel of the Militia of New Kent County, Virginia, 1680. 34, 88. JOHN LYMAN, 1624-1690. Ensign of a Company of Northampton, Massachusetts Bay, in the Falls Fight, 1676. Lieutenant. 361. JOSEPH LYNDE, 1636-1727. Deputy for Charlestown to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1674, 1680. Member of the Council of Safety, 1689. Councillor, 1694- 1705, 1707- 171 6. Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for Middlesex County, Massachusetts Bay, 1692-1719. Ensign, !2d Charlestown Company, 1680. Lieutenant, Ancient and Honorable Ar- tillery Company, 1692. Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, Provincial Troops, August, 1695. 442. THOMAS LYNDE, 1594-1671. Deputy for Charlestown to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1636-1638, 1645, 1657. 470- 255 THOMAS MACY, 1608-1682. Chief Magistrate of the Island of Nantucket, 1677. 231, 232, 260, 412, 443. ^ SAMUEL MALTBY, 1693-1751. Captain of Train Band of Branford, Connecticut, 1716. Deputy for Branford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1722, 1728-1730, 1734, 1735, 1739. 429. WILLIAM MALTBY, 1710. Deputy for Branford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1685, 1686, 1689-1691, 1693-1703, 1705-1709. 429. GABRIEL MANIGAULT, 1704-1781. Treasurer of the Province of South Carolina, 1740. Mem- ber of the Commons House of Assembly. Vice-President of the Charleston Library Society. 181, 338. PETER MANIGAULT, 173 1 -1773. Member and Speaker of the Commons House of Assembly in the Province of South Carolina, 1755, 1766-1773. 338. MOSES MANSFIELD, 1639-1703. Assistant of Connecticut, 1692-1703. Deputy for New Haven to Connecticut General Assembly, 1676- 1679, 1681- 1687, 1 689- 1 69 1. Judge of New Haven County Court, 1698, 1699, 1701-1703. Lieutenant of Troops of New Ha- ven County, 1676. Captain of Train Band of New Haven, 1683. Sergeant-Major of New Haven County, 1694. 271, 507. EBENEZER MARSH, 1701-1773. Deputy for Litchfield to Connecticut General Assembly, 1740-1752, 1754-1769, 1771. Major of Thirteenth Regi- ment of Connecticut, 1741. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1754. Colonel of Thirteenth Regiment, 1757. 88, 126, 328. 256 JOHN MARSH, 1668-1744. Deputy for Hartford to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1693, 171 3, 1715, 171 6, 1 730- 1 744, Captain of Train Band of Litchfield, 1722. Member of Council of War, Connecti- cut, 1740, 1743, 1744. 328. SAMUEL MARSHALL, 1675. Captain of the Second Company of a Connecticut Regiment in King Philip's War, 1675. 403- BENJAMIN MARSTON, 1697-1754. Representative for Salem to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1727, 1728. Special Justice of Superior Court, 1737, 1738, 1739, 1740. Justice of Inferior Court of Common Pleas, 1737- 1754. Colonel in the Provincial Militia, Massachusetts Bay, 68. *REINOLD MARVIN, 1634-1676. Deputy for Lyme to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1670, 1 672- 1 676. 135. 195- REINOLD MARVIN, 1669-1737. Deputy for Lyme to the Connecticut General Assembly, 171 1- 1713, 1716, 1718, 1720-1725, 1727, 1728. Captain of Train Band of Lyme, 17 18. 499. 584- GEORGE MASON, 1600-1688. County-Lieutenant of Stafford County, Virginia, 1675. Colonel of Militia, Stafford County, 1680. Burgess, 1676, 164. 257 HUGH MASON, 1605-1678. Deputy for Watertown to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1644, 1645, 1660, 1661, 1664, 1671, 1675, 1676, 1677. Lieutenant of the Watertown Company, 1645. Captain, 1652. One of the Commanders in the expedi- tion against the Dutch, 1664. Captain of the Watertown Company, Middlesex Regiment, 1675, 123, 365, 442. JOHN MASON, 1600-1672. A Corporator named in the Connecticut Charter of Charles II., 1662. Magistrate and Assistant of Connecticut, 1637- 1659, 1669-1671. Deputy-Governor, 1659-1669. Com- missioner of the United Colonies for Connecticut, 1647, 1654-1657, 1661. Major in command of Connecticut forces in the Pequot War, 1637. Deputy to General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1634, 1635. Lieutenant of Massachusetts Troops, 1633. Captain, 1633. Planned the fortifications of Dorchester, Massachusetts. 65, 138, 210, 212, 260, 324, 333, 354, 412, 467, 552. *JOSEPH MASON, 1688-1755. Representative to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1733, 1734- 123. ATHERTON MATHER, 1663, 1734. Representative for Suffield to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1712, 1713, 1715, 1716. 200, 258. RICHARD MATHER, 1 597-1669. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding and for- warding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay prior to 1675. 138, 354. 258 SAMUEL MATHER, 1650-1728. A Trustee named in the Act of 1701 establishing a Collegiate School (Yale College). Fellow of Yale College, 1701- 1724. 138. PETER MATHEWS, 17 19. Major, with Royal Commission, of New York Troops, 1714. As Captain, 1692. Provincial Commission, as Lieutenant, 1702. Captain, 1714. Commissioner of In- dian Affairs, 1715-1719. Came to this country with Godwin Fletcher, 1692. Special Messenger to Europe for Lord Cornbury, 1702. 208. VINCENT MATHEWS, 1699-1784. Colonel of New York Troops, 1738. Member of the Assem- bly of the Province of New York, 1728- 1739. Commis- sioner of Boundaries, 1731. One of the original Patentees in Orange County of Mathewsfield. County Judge, 1733, 1735. 208. THOMAS MAYHEW, 1592-1682. Chief Magistrate of Martin's Vineyard, 1674- 1682. Lord of Tisbury Manor in Martin's Vineyard, 1671. 426, 477. RICHARD McAllister, 1725-1795. Justice of the Peace, York County, Pennsylvania, 1771-1774, 1776. Member of a Committee of Safety, 1775. Member of the Provincial Conference, 1776. Colonel Third Bat- talion of the York Associates, 1775. Colonel, Battalion of Minute Men, 1775. 181, 338. ANDREW Mcdowell, — Captain in 2d Battalion of the Pennsylvania Regiment. Commissioned May 6, 1759. 270. 259 JANNA MEIGS, 1672-1739. Captain of Train Band of East Guilford, Connecticut, 1717. Deputy for Guilford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1716-1718, 1726. ]{ 128, 132, 133. ' JOSIAH MEIGS, 1701-1774. Captain of the Sixth Company of Seventh Connecticut Regi- ment, 1747. 128, 132, 133. CORNELIS MELYN, 1602-1674. Patroon of Staten Island. President of the Council of "Eight Men" in Nieuw Netherland, 1643. 2, 67, 120, 239, 355. JACOB MELYN, 1640- 1700. Treasurer of the Province of East Jersey, 1668. Member of the Provincial Assembly, 1668-1673. Captain of Pro- vincial Troops, 1673. Magistrate of Elizabethtown, 1673. Deputy to the Council of Dutch Commanders held in New Orange, 1673. 239- NATHANIEL MERRIMAN, 1613-1694. Captain of Dragoons, New Haven County, Connecticut, 1675. Commanded Train Band of Wallingford, Connect- icut, 1692. Deputy for Wallingford to Connecticut Gen- eral Assembly, 1674, 1 678-1 681, 1683, 1685. 219, 366. HENDRICK MESICK, 1714-1809. Lieutenant of Troops in the Manor of Livingston, Province of New York, 1764. 290. 260 ARTHUR MIDDLETON, 1681-1737. Member and Speaker of the Commons House of Assembly, South Carohna, 1706-17 10. Naval Ofificer, 171 1. Mem- ber of Council, 1711-1717. Commissioner to Virginia, 1 71 5. President of the Convention which overthrew the Proprietary Government, 1719. President of the Council, 1721-1725, 1731-1737. Royal Governor of South Carolina, 1725-1730, as President of the Council. 181, 338. THOMAS MIDDLETON, 1719-1766. Member of the Commons House of Assembly, South Caro- lina, from St. James Parish, 1742. Afterwards from St. Helena's or Prince William's until his death. Captain, Berkeley County Regiment, 1750. Commander of an ex- pedition against the Cherokee Indians. Colonel, South Carolina Provincials, 1760. 338. THOMAS MILES, 1741. Major of the Tenth Connecticut Regiment, 1739. Captain of Train Band of Wallingford, Connecticut, 1731. 204, 367. JAMES MILK, 1711-1772. Captain of a Company in Falmouth in the Province of Maine, and served against the Indians, 1757. 517- *BURNET MILLER, 1719-1784. Member of the New York Assembly, 1777-1783. 5. 230. ELEAZAR MILLER, 1697-1788. Member of the New York Provincial Assembly, 1747- 1769. Member of the Committee of One Hundred, 1776. 5, 9, 146, 230, 414. 261 JOHN MINOR, 1635-1719. Deputy to Connecticut General Assembly for Stonington, 1667; for Stratford, 1676; for Woodbury, 1683-1687, 1689, 1692, 1 695- 1 698, 1703, 1705. Captain of Train Band of Woodbury, Connecticut, 1684. 154. *THOMAS MINOR, 1607-1690. Deputy for Stonington to Connecticut General Assembly, 1650, 1 65 1, 1665, 1670, 1672, 1677, 1679, 1680, 1689. 223, 481. JAMES MINOT, 1653-1735. Representative for Concord to the General Court of Massa- chusetts, 1700, 1 70 1. Captain of a Concord Company, 1689. 365- JONATHAN MITCHELL, 1624-1668. A Fellow of Harvard College, 1650- 1668. Censor of the Press, 1662. Preached Election Sermons before the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1658, 1667. 273. 375- . JOSHUA MOODEY, 1632- 1697. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in forwarding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Preacher of an Election Sermon, 1675. Fellow of Harvard College, 1656, 1657. 476, 559- JOHN MOORE, 1677. Deputy for Windsor to Connecticut General Assembly, 1665- 1677. 138, 578. FRANCIS MORGAN. Member of the House of Burgesses from York County, Vir- ginia, 1647, 1652, 1653. 450- 262 JAMES MORGAN, 2d, 1644-1711. Captain of Dragoons of New London, Connecticut, 1690. Appointed adviser of the Pequots in Township of New London, Connecticut, 1694. Deputy to Connecticut Gen- eral Assembly for New London, 1689, 1691, 1692, 1695, 1699; for Groton, 1706. 316, 417. EDWARD MORRIS, 1630-1689. Deputy for Roxbury to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1 678- 1 686. Leader of the first settlers of Woodstock and their first military officer, 1689. 470. LEWIS MORRIS, 1671-1746. First Governor of New Jersey as a separate Province, 1738- 1746. Member of King's Council, 1710-1738. Member of the New York Assembly, 1711-1738. Boundary Commissioner, 1723. Acting Governor of New Jersey, 1 73 1. Judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, 1692. Chief Justice of the Province of New York, 171 5-1733. II, 31, 51, 63, 139, 149, 181, 198, 206, 269, 286, 337, 338, 434, 455- LEWIS MORRIS, 1698-1762. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1 732- 1 745, 1 747- 1 749. Speaker, 1737, 1738. Boundary Commissioner, 1723-1725. Judge of the Court of Ad- miralty, 1 760- 1 762. 31, 139, 181, 206, 338. ^ LEWIS MORRIS, 1726-1798. Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Member from New York of Continental Congress, 1775. Appointed Judge of the Court of Admiralty in the State of New York, 1776. Deputy to the Provincial Congress, 1 775- 1 776. Member of the State Senate, 1 779-1 781. Brigadier-General of Westchester County Troops, 1776. 31, 139, 149, 338. 263 RICHARD MORRIS, 1730-1810. Judge of Admiralty, Province of New York, 1762- 1776. Member of the New York State Senate, 1778- 1780. Chief Justice, 1779. 206. ROBERT MORRIS, 1734-1806. A Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Member of the Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1775. Dele- gate to the Continental Congress, 1775. Vice-President of the Committee of Safety, 1775. A Signer of the Non-Importation Agreement, 1765; Member of Congress, 1777, 1778. The Financier of the Revolution ; organized the Bank of North America, 1781 ; Member of the Pennsylvania Legislature, 1786; Member of the Constitutional Convention, 1787; Member of the United States Senate, 1788-1795. 346, 353- JOSEPH MORSE, 1649-1717. Captain of the Company of Sherburne, Massachusetts Bay, which in 1675 defended the place against 500 of the enemy. 123. LITTLEBERRY MOSBY, 1729- 1809. Member of the Committee of Safety for Cumberland County, Virginia, 1774, 1775. Captain in the Continental Army. Colonel, 1777. 319- SAMUEL MOSELEY, 1641-1680. Captain of the 2d Company, Massachusetts Regiment, in King Philip's War, 1675. 442. 264 HUGH MOSS, 1780. Major of Militia in Goochland County, Virginia, 1770. Captain, 1760. Served in the War of the Revolution and died from wounds received in battle. 385- JOHN MOSS, 1604-1707. Deputy for Wallingford to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1667-1670, 1672, 1673, 1675-1677, 1682-1684, 1686. 67, 98, 219, 339, 341. JOSEPH MOSS, 1679-1732. Preacher of Connecticut Election Sermon, 171 5. Fellow of Yale College, 1730- 1732. 67. *EZEKIEL MULFORD, 1812. Captain of Suffolk County Troops in the Province of New York. Commissioned February, 1776. 115- WILLIAM MULLINS, 1621. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation, 1620. 159, 211,395, 517. THOMAS MUMFORD, 1706-1764. Captain of Train Band of Groton, Connecticut, 1736. 41, 118, 119, 165, 166, THOMAS MUNSON, 1612-1685. Deputy for New Haven to Connecticut General Assembly, 1666, 1669-1679, 1681, 1682. Captain of New Haven County Troops, 1676. Member of the Grand Committee or Council of War, 1673. 226, 312, 366. 265 JOHN NELSON, 1656-1721. Member of the Committee of Safety, Massachusetts Bay, 1689. Leader of the Boston Troops who forced the sur- render of Governor Andros, 1689. Commissioned by Lieutenant-Governor Stoughton and the Council of Mas- sachusetts Bay to treat with the Eastern Indians, 1701. 289. *DAVID NEVINS, 1747- 1830. Ensign, New York Provincial Troops, 1775. First Lieu- tenant, Continental Army, 1776. 113, 267. BENJAMIN NEWBERRY, 1689. Assistant of Connecticut, 1685-1687, 1689. Deputy for Windsor to Connecticut General Assembly, 1656, 1662- 1675, 1677-1684. Commissioner of Connecticut for Ad- justment of Boundaries with Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1664; with Rhode Island, 1670. Captain of Dra- goons of Hartford County, 1673. Major of Regiment of Hartford County, 1689. 126, 258, 425. THOMAS NEWBERRY, 1635. Deputy to the General Court of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay, 1634, 1635. 67, 303, 465, 527, 561. NATHANIEL NEWLIN, 1660-1729. Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1698, 1700, 1701, 1705, 1710, 1711, 1713, 1714, 1717, 1719, 1721, 1722. Jus- tice of the Peace, Chester County, 1703, 1718, 1722, 1723. Member of the Committee to draw up a new frame of Government and to revise the laws, 1700. Subsequently appointed one of the Proprietories' Commissioners of Prop- erty. Appointed a Trustee of the General Loan Office of the Province, 1722, which position he continued to hold until the time of his death. 44, 117- 266 1 NICHOLAS NEWLIN, 1699. Member of the Provincial Council, Pennsylvania, 1685-1687. Justice of the Peace, Chester County, 1684, 1685, 1689. Justice of the Peace, Bucks County, 1689. Emigrated from Ireland in 1683. An active Member of the Society of Friends. 44, 117. FRANCIS NEWMAN, 1660. Governor of New Haven Colony, 1658- 1660. Deputy, New Haven Colony, 1645-1649. Magistrate, 1653-1657. Secre- tary of the Colony, 1646-1649, 1653-1657. Commissioner of the United Colonies for New Haven Colony, 1654, 1658-1660. Ensign, Connecticut Troops, 1642. Lieuten- ant, Connecticut Troops, 1645. 392. JAMES NEWTON, . Deputy for Colchester to the Connecticut General Assembh', 1713-1723. Captain of Train Band of Colchester, Con- necticut, 1716. 499. THOMAS NEWTON, . Schout Fiscaal of Middleberg, Nieuw Netherland, 1653. As a citizen of Connecticut Colony, in 1644 and 1645, he served as Deputy to the General Assembly. 499. CYPRIAN NICHOLS, 1642 . Deputy for Hartford to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1680, 1683, 1 685- 1 687, 1 689- 1 696, 1 698- 1 700, 1 702- 1 708, 1715. Captain of Train Band of Hartford, Connecticut, 1702. 138, 368. CYPRIAN NICHOLS, 2d, 1672-1756. Captain in Command of Connecticut Troops in Expedition against the Indians, 1725. 138. 267 MATTHIAS NICOLL, 1621-1687. Secretary of the Province of New York, 1664. Member of the Governor's Council, 1667- 1680. Mayor of the City of New York, 1672. Speaker of the New York Assembly, 1683-1684. Judge of the Court of Admiralty, 1686. 4, 14, 2S, 33, 41, 44, 46, 83, no, III, 117, 118, 119, 125, 174 199, 238. WILLIAM NICOLL, 1657-1723. Member of the Governor's Council, Province of New York, 1691-1698. Member of the New York Assembly, 1701- 1723. Speaker, 1702, 1705, 1708-1714, 1715, 1716, 1718. 14, 49- JOHN NIXON, 1727-1815. Lieutenant, 1755. Captain in a Massachusetts Regiment, 1 757-1763, serving at Crown Point, Ticonderoga, and in the Canadian Expedition of 1761. Captain, Colonel and Brigadier-General in the Revolu- tionary Army. Resigned in 1780. 424. THOMAS NOXON, 1736. High Sheriff of Ulster County, Province of New York, 1696- 1699, 1702, 1703, 1 705- 1 709. 566. JAMES NOYES, 1608-1656. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding and for- warding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay prior to 1675. 74, 202, 316, 568. JAMES NOYES, 1640-1719. One of the Trustees named in the Act of 1701 establishing a Collegiate School (Yale College). Fellow of Yale Col- lege, 1701-1719. One of the Ministers of Parishes who were active in founding or forwarding the interests of the Colony of Connecticut prior to 1675. Minister at Ston- ington, 1665-1719, 74, 202, 316. 268 PETER NOYES, 1591-1657. Deputy for Sudbury to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1640, 1 64 1, 1650. 483- THOMAS NOYES, 1679-1755. Captain of Iraln Band of Stonington, Connecticut, 1723. Deputy for Stonington to Connecticut General Assembly, 1713, 1717, 1725, 1727, 1729, 1733. 223. *JESSE OAKLEY, 1748-1827. Lieutenant Fifth Regiment, New York State Militia, 1775. 6. JOHN OGDEN, 1610-1682. A Corporator named in the Connecticut Charter of Charles n., 1662. Magistrate of Connecticut, 1656-1660. Mem- ber of Governor's Council of New Jersey, 1665. 43, 185, 388, 437, 439, 487, 512. ROBERT OGDEN, 1716-1787. Chairman of the Committee of Safety in New Jersey, 1776. Speaker of the Assembly, 1759- 1764. One of the King's Council, 1765. 28, 45- PETER OLIVER, 1618-1670. Comet in the Suffolk Regiment, Massachusetts Bay, 1652. Lieutenant in the Narragansett Expedition, 1654. Ensign, Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1658. Cap- tain, 1669. 442. JAMES OLMSTED. Captain of a Company of Nor walk, Connecticut, 1691. Deputy for Norwalk to the Connecticut General As- sembly, 1691-1693, 1699. Member of the Committee of Safety for Fairfield County, 1704. 425- 269 NICHOLAS OLMSTED, 1612-1684. Captain of Dragoons of Hartford, Connecticut, 1675. Deputy for Hartford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1672, 1673. 126, 154, 339. RICHARD OLMSTED, 1607-1686, Deputy for Norwalk to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1653, 1654, 1660-1663, 1665-1668, 1671, 1679. Member of a Committee of Safety, 1665. Captain of a Company of Norwalk, 1680. 425- JOHN OTIS, 1657-1727. Representative for Barnstable to the General Court of Mas- sachusetts Bay, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1695, 1 697- 1 699, 1700. Councillor, 1708-1727. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Barnstable County, 1702- 1727. Judge of Pro- bate, 1714-1727. Captain, 1702. 344- JOSEPH OTIS, 1665-1754. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Plymouth County, Massachusetts, 1703-17 14, 528. JOHN OXENBRIDGE, 1609-1674. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding and for- warding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Preacher of the Election Sermon, 1671. 127. ROBERT PAGE, 1604-1679. One of the Historic Founders of New Hampshire. 526, 532. 270 PETER PALFREY, 1663. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Deputy for Salem to the General Court, 1634, 1635. 354- NEHEMIAH PALMER, 1637-1717. Deputy for Stonington to the Conecticut General Assembly, 1668, 1669, 1674, 1676, 1 68 1, 1685, 1686, 1689, 1 69 1, 1693- 1695, 1699, 1700, 1703, 1705, 1707. Member of the Gov- ernor's Council of Connecticut, 1703-1705. ZZ7- WILLIAM PARKE, 1683. Deputy for Roxbury to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1635-1638, 1640, 1644-1651, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1659- 1670, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1676, 1677, 1679, 1680. The long- est service under the Colonial Charter. 162. ELISHA PARKER, 1700. High Sheriff of Middlesex County, Province of East Jersey, 1694. 10, 418. ELISHA PARKER, 1660-1717. Member of the King's Council, Province of East Jersey, 1713-1717. Member of the Assembly, 1708-1710. Cap- tain of Provincial Troops in Middlesex County, 1707. 10, 418. HANANIAH PARKER, 1638- 1724. Representative for Reading to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1683, 1684, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699. Ensign of the Reading Company, 1680-1684. Lieutenant, 1684. 390- 271 JAMES PARKER, 1617-1701. Lieutenant of the Groton Company in the Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay, May, 1673. Captain, October, 1673. Cap- tain of the Groton Company, Middlesex Regiment, in King Philip's War, 1675. Deputy for Groton to the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1683, 1693. Member of the Council of Safety, 1689. 98. JAMES PARKER, 1725-1797. One of the King's Council in the Province of East Jersey, 1 764- 1 775. Captain of Middlesex County, East Jersey, Troops. Served in the Canada Expedition of 1746. Elected to the Continental Congress, 1775, but did not serve. Mayor of Perth Amboy. 10, 418. JOHN PARKER, 1692- 1732. One of the King's Council, Province of East Jersey, 1718- 1732. Mayor of Perth Amboy, 1726. Commissioned Captain of Middlesex County Provincial Troops, 171 5. One of the Judges in a Special Court to try Pirates, 1718. Chairman of a Committee to prepare an ordinance for regulating the Courts of Judicature, 1724. Several times Chairman of a Committee to Regulate the Expendi- ture of the Public Monies. 10, 418. JOSIAH PARKER, 1694-1756. Lieutenant in a Massachusetts Regiment commanded by Colonel Phipps, 1744. 390. EZRA PARMELEE, 1745-1838. Lieutenant, New Hampshire Troops, January, 1776. 470. RALPH PARTRIDGE, 1658. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in forwarding the interests of Plymouth Colony prior to 1675. 127, 517- 272 SAMUEL PARTRIDGE, 1645-1740. Deputy for Hadley to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1683, 1685, 1686. Representative for Hatfield, 1689, 1691, 1692, 1694, 1695, 1697-1700. Councillor, 1700-1714, 1718-1723. Associate, Hampshire County, 1685, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1692-1737. Judge of Pro- bate, 1 702- 1 729. Quartermaster, Major Pynchon's Troop, 1683. Called Captain, 1693. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1702. Colonel of the Hampshire Regiment, 1707. 102, 191, 221, 300, 361. WILLIAM PATERSON, 1745-1806. Member and Secretary of the New Jersey Provincial Con- gress, 1775, 1776. Attorney-General of New Jersey, 1776- 1783. Delegate to Federal Convention, 1787. United States Senator, 1781-1790. Governor of New Jersey, 1790-1793. Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1793-1806. One of the Framers of the Federal Constitution and a leader of the party for State's Rights. Trustee of Prince- ton College, 1 787- 1 802. I, 3. 7- HENRY PAWLING, 1692. Captain of Troops at Esopus, New York, 1670. 233- FRANCIS PAYBODIE (or Peabody), 1614-1697. One of the Historic Founders of the Province of New Hamp- shire. Lieutenant in a Military Company of Topsfield, Massachusetts Bay, 1668. 517- WILLIAM PAYBODIE (or Peabody), 1619-1707. Deputy for Duxbury to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1 654- 1 663, 1 670- 1 682, i59> 395- 273 THOMAS PAYNE, 1706. Deputy for Yarmouth to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1639. For Eastham, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1676, 1678, 1690. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1696. 127. WILLIAM PEARTREE, 1642-1717. Mayor of New York City, 1703- 1707. Member of the Gov- ernor's Council, Province of New York, 1708, 1709. Colonel of New York Troops, 1705. 15, 71, 168. JAMES PECKER, 1622-1696. Ensign, Haverhill Military Company, Massachusetts Bay, 1669. 67. OSWALD PEEL, . Member of Pennsylvania Assembly, 1741-1747. Burgess of Philadelphia, 1741-1743, 1745-1747. 78. HERBERT PELHAM, 1602- 1673. Assistant in the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1645- 1649. Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1645, 1646. First Treasurer of Harvard College, 1643-1650, 68. MARCUS PETRIE, 1710-1776. Captain of Troops in Northern District of New York, 1757, 1762. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1767. 572. JOSEPH PHELPS, 1667-1750. Deputy for Simsbury to Connecticut General Assembly, 1709- 17 18, 1 72 1, 1 724- 1 726, 1 73 1, 1732, 1736, 1737. Captain of Train Band of Windsor, Connecticut, 1732. 278. 274 NOAH PHELPS, 1740- 1789. Captain of a Troop of Horse of the Eighteenth Regiment of Connecticut, 1774. Captain of a Battahon of Connecticut MiHtia in the Continental Army, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel of the Eighteenth Regiment of Connecticut, 1777. Colonel of the Eighteenth Regiment of Connecticut, 1779. 278. WILLIAM PHELPS, 1599- 1672. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1634, 1635. One of the Commissioners to govern Connecticut; appointed, 1635, 1636. Magistrate and Assistant of Con- necticut, 1636-1642, 1658-1662. Deputy for Windsor to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1645- 1652, 1657. 67, 278, 475, 527. FREDERICK PHILIPSE, 1627-1702. First Lord of the Manor of Philipseburgh, 1693. Member of the Governor's Council, Province of New York, 1675- 1688, 1691-1698. Secretary of the Province, 1688. 48, 124, 218. JOHN PICKERING, 1640-1719. Representative for Portsmouth to the General Assembly of New Hampshire, 1680, 1684, 1689, 1690, 1692, 1694-1704, 1707-1709. Speaker of the House, 1693, 1696, 1697, 1699, 1702-1704, 1707, 1708. Clerk of the House, 1694. Cap- tain, 1689. 526, 532. DANIEL PIERCE, 1610-1677. Member of the King's Council in East Jersey, 1668. Came from Massachusetts, 1660, returned there, 1671. 569- 275 DANIEL PIERCE, 2d, 1642-1704. Deputy for Newbury to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1682, 1683, 1692. Member of the Council of Safety, 1689. Councillor, 1693-1703. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Essex County, Massachusetts, 1698- 1704. Captain of the Newbury Company, 1678. Colonel of an Essex Regiment, 1697. 569- JAMES PIERPONT, 1659-1714. One of the Trustees named in the Act of 1701 establishing a Collegiate School (Yale College). Fellow of Yale Col- lege, 1701-1714. Preacher of Connecticut Election Ser- mon, 1690. 43, 74, 102, 186. HENRY PIERSON, 1652-1701. Speaker of the Assembly, Province of New York, 1693, 1694. Member of Assembly, 1 691 -1695, 1698- 1700. Lieutenant- Colonel of Suffolk County Regiment of Provincial Troops, 1700. 170, 203, 501. WILLIAM PINHORNE, 1719. Chief Justice of the Province of New York, 1701. Speaker of the Assembly, 1685. Recorder of the City of New York, 1691, 1692. Member of the Governor's Council, 1 69 1, 1 693- 1 698. Justice of the Supreme Court, 1691- 1693. Captain of Provincial Troops, 1684. 155- ISAAC PINNEY, 1716-1791. Deputy for Stratford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1762-1767, 1769-1773, 1775-1779. Captain of the Seventh Company of the Fifth Regiment of Connecticut, 1756. Captain of Train Band of Windsor, Connecticut, 1766. 527. 276 ROGER PITKIN, 1662-1748. Captain of Train Band of Hartford, Connecticut, 1698. 339» 341- WILLIAM PITKIN, 1635- 1694. Treasurer of Connecticut, 1676- 1678. Deputy to Connecticut General Assembly for Greenwich, 1678; for Hartford, 1675-1684, 1689, 1690. Assistant of Connecticut, 1690- 1694. Commissioner for Adjustment of Colonial Bounda- ries, 1683, 1693. Commissioner of the United Colonies for Connecticut, 1678. Attorney-General of Connecticut, 1 662- 1 664. 43, 88, 126, 138, 167, 260, 328, 339, 341, 412, 534- WILLIAM PITKIN, 1664-1723. Assistant of Connecticut, 1697- 1723. Deputy for Hartford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1696, 1697. Judge of County Court of Hartford County, Connecticut, 1702, 1707, 1709-1711. Judge of Superior Court, 1711-1714. Commissioner for Adjustment of Colonial Boundaries be- tween Connecticut and Massachusetts, 1712-1714, 1717; between Connecticut and New York, 1718, T719. 138, 167, 412. WILLIAM PITKIN, 1694-1769. Governor of Connecticut, 1766- 1769. Lieutenant-Governor, 1754-1766. Deputy for Hartford to the Connecticut Gen- eral Assembly, 1728-1733. Speaker of the Plouse, 1732, 1733. Assistant of Connecticut, 1734-1766. Judge of the County Court of Hartford County, 1735- 1752. Judge of the Superior Court of Connecticut, 1741-1765. Commis- sioner of Connecticut, appointed to the Congress held in Albany, 1754. Captain of Train Band of Hartford, Con- necticut, 1730. Major of the First Regiment of Connecti- cut, 1739. 138, 255, 352, 354, 358, 534. 277 JOHN PLAISTED, 1660-1745. Member of the Assembly of New Hampshire, 1693-1700, 1717, \y22-\']2'j. Speaker of the House, 1696, 1717. Councillor, 1 702-1717. Justice of the Supreme Court, 1699-1719. Chief Justice, 1716. Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, 1707. Captain in Provincial Militia, 171 5. Colonel, 1723. 526, 532. ROGER PLAISTED, 1626- 1675. Deputy for Kittery to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1663, 1664, 1673. Lieutenant, Kittery Company, 1668. Associate Judge, York County Court, 1675. 526, 532. EPENETUS PLATT, 1640-1693. Captain of Toot, Suffolk County, Province of New York, 1684. 5> % 299, 304, 560. EPENETUS PLATT, 20, 1672-1745. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1723-1738. Lieutenant of Provincial Troops, 1700. 5, 9, 91, III, 190, 560. JOSEPH PLATT, 1672-1748. Deputy to the Connecticut General Assembly for Milford, 1700; for Norwalk, 1705-1714, 1716, 1718-1722, 1724-1734; 1 737- 1 739. Commissioner for the Adjustment of Colonial Boundaries between Connecticut and New York, 1720. Captain of Train Band of Norwalk, Connecticut, 1710. 10, 418. THOMAS POLK, 1732-1793. Member of the Assembly of North Carolina for Mecklenburg County, 1766-1771. Delegate to the Mecklenburg Con- vention, and Signer of the Mecklenburg Declaration, 1775. Member of the Plillsborough Convention, 1775. Colonel of the Mecklenburg County Troops, 1775. Colonel of a North Carolina Regiment, 1775. Colonel of the Fourth North Carolina Regiment, 1776. 466. 278 SETH POMEROY, 1706-1777. Ensign, Massachusetts Troops, 1743. Captain, 1774. Colonel of Fourth Massachusetts Regiment in the Expedition against Louisburg, 1745. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1755. Com- missioned Brigadier-General by the Continental Congress, 1775. Member of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress, 1774, 1775- 248, 249. ISRAEL PORTER, 1643-1706. Commissioned by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, Ensign of the Salem Foot Company, 1681. Lieutenant, 1683. 138, 188. JOHN PORTER, 1674. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Portsmouth, (Rhode Island), 1638, being one of eighteen original Pro- prietors of Aquidneck, who settled Pocasset. Assistant, 1 640- 1 644, 1650, 1664. Commissioner for Portsmouth, 1658 to 1661. Named in the Royal Charter of Charles II., 1663. 401. JOSHUA PORTER, 1730-1825. Deputy for Salisbury to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1 764- 1 779. Lieutenant-Colonel of the Fourteenth Regi- ment of Colonial Troops, 1774; of the Seventeenth Regi- ment, 1775. 208. SAMUEL PORTER, 1660- 1722. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Hampshire County, Massachusetts Bay, 1711-1722. 375- JOHN POWELL, 1624-1718. Member of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1658-1660, 1663, 1666. 201, 541. 279 WILLIAM PRATT, 1622-1678. Deputy for Saybrook to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1666-1677. Lieutenant of Train Band of Saybrook, Con- necticut, 1661. 258, 552. WILLIAM PRATT, 1653-1718. Captain of the First Company of Saybrook, Connecticut, 1717. 552. ABRAHAM PREBLE, 1600-1663. Appointed one of the Commissioners to hold Court in the Province of Maine, 1653, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1659, 1660. 517- JEDEDIAH PREBLE, 1707- 1784. Captain of Infantry, Massachusetts Bay, 1746. Lieutenant- Colonel, 1754. Colonel, at Crown Point, 1758. Brigadier- General, 1759. Appointed Commander-in-Chief of Massa- chusetts Forces, 1775, but declined to serve on the score of age. Councillor, 1773, 1774. Member of Provincial Con- gress, 1774. 517- JOHN PRENTICE, . Captain of the Fort at New London, Connecticut, 1692, 1693, 1695, 1702. Deputy for New London to Connecti- cut General Assembly, 1703, 1704. 499- NATHANIEL SARTELL PRENTICE, 1735-1815. Member of Provincial Congress, New Hampshire, 1775. Member of Committees of Correspondence and Safe- ty? 1775) 1776. Representative to General Assem- bly, 1775, 1776. Captain of New Hampshire Troops, March, 1776. Major, September, 1776. Member of Committee to Re- vise the Constitution of the State of New Hampshire, 1791, 1792. 470. 280 JONATHAN PRESCOTT, 1643-1721. Representative for Concord to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1692-1695, 1697, 1698, 1699, 1712, 1713. Lieutenant, 1693. Captain of a Foot Company, 1706. 138, 300» 342, 365- THOMAS PRINCE, 1600-1673. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. Gov- ernor of Plymouth Colony, 1634, 1638, 1657-1672. As- sistant, 1632, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1639-1656. Treasurer of the Colony, 1636, 1637, i^S^- Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1645, 1650, 1653-1658, 1661, 1663, 1670, 1671, 1672. Member of the Councils of War, 1642, 1643, 1646, 1653, 1657, 1658, 1667. President of the Councils of War of 1657, 1658 and 1667. DAVID PROVOOST, 1608-1657. One of the "Nine Men" in Nieuw Netherland, 1652. Schout for Breukkelin, Amersfort, and Midvvout, 1651. Officer in Burgher Corps. Commander at Fort Good Hope, 1646. 2, 67, 183, 280. *DAVID PROVOOST, 1 642-1 721. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1699-1701. 67. DAVID PROVOOST, 1670-1725. Mayor of the City of New York, 1699. Member of the Governor's Council, Province of New York, 1708-1711. Member of the Assembly, 1711-1713, 1716-1725. Com- missioner of Boundaries, 1723. Captain of a Company of Foot, 1700. 2, 67. 281 ISRAEL PUTNAM, 1718-1790. Major-General in the Continental Army, 1775. Captain of the Fourth Company of Connecticut Troops, 1756. Major of the Third Regiment, Connecticut, 1758. Lieu- tenant-Colonel of Connecticut Troops in the Expedition against Ticonderoga, 1759. Lieutenant-Colonel in the Expedition against Havana, 1762. Colonel, Connecticut Troops, in the Detroit Expedition, 1763. Colonel, 1775. Brigadier-General, Continental Army, 1775. Representa- tive for Pomfret to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1766, 1767, 1775. 188. JAMES PUTNAM, 1661-1727. Lieutenant of a Troop of Horse in Salem, Massachusetts Bay. 138. JOHN PUTNAM, 1627-1710. Deputy for Salem to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1680, 1686, 1691. Lieutenant of a Troop of Horse, 1678. Called Captain. 138, 188. THOMAS PUTNAM, 1614-1686. Lieutenant of the First Troop of Horse, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay, 1662. 203, 428. JOHN PYNCHON, 1702. Deputy for Springfield to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1659, 1662-1664. Assistant, 1665-1686. Agent for Massachusetts to confer with Sir Edward Andros, 1680. Member of the Council of the Royal Province of New England, 1686- 1689. Councillor of Massachusetts Bay, 1 693- 1 702. Commissioner to settle the Southern Boundary Line of Patent, 1671. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Hampshire County, 1692- 1702. Judge of Probate, 1692-1702. Lieutenant, 1653. Captain, Springfield Company, 1657. Sergeant-Major of the Hampshire Regiment, 1671. 342. 282 WILLIAM PYNCHON, 1590- 1662. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Named Assistant in the Charter of Charles I. and served in England, 1628, 1629. Assistant in Massa- chusetts Bay, 1 630- 1 636, 1 642- 1 650. Treasurer of the Colony, 1 632- 1 634. One of the Commissioners to govern Connecticut, 1636. Commissioner to govern Springfield, 1641. 74, 87, 126, 154, 162, 217, 260, 279, 387, 412, 510, 511, 534. HENRY QUACKENBUSH, 1737-1813. Lieutenant of Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 1757. Captain, 1775. Chairman of Albany County Committee of Safety, 1775. Colonel of the Fifth Regi- ment, New York Troops, 1778. 204, 260, 367. EDMUND QUINCY, 1627- 1698. Deputy for Braintree to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1670, 1673, 1675, 1679, 1681, 1692. Lieutenant of the Braintree Company, 1676. Captain, 1684. Major of the Suffolk Regiment, Massachusetts Bay, 1692. Lieu- tenant-Colonel, 1694. Member of the Committee of Safe- ty, 1689. 215- JOHN QUINCY, 1689-1767. Representative for Braintree to the General Court of Mas- sachusetts Bay, 1717, 1719-1740, 1744, 1745, 1747, 1755, 1756, 1757. Speaker of the House, 1729-1740. Council- lor of the Province, 1742, 1747- 1753. Called Majoi and Colonel in the records of Braintree. 215. JERONIMUS RAPALJE, 1643 . Delegate to the Convention in New Orange (New York), 1674. Captain of Provincial Troops in Brooklyn, 1673. Justice of Kings County, 1689, 1690. 465. 561. 283 JORIS JANSEN RAPALJE, . One of the "Twelve Men" in Nieuw Netherland, 1641. 163, 176, 326, 465, 474, 519, 558, 561. THEUNISSE RAPALJE, 1671-1723. Ensign of a Foot Company in Brooklyn, Province of New York, 1700. 465, 561. JOSEPH READE, 1694-1771. Member of the Governor's Council, Province of New York, 1764-1771. 124. PELEG REDFIELD, 1723-1760. Captain of Train Band of Killingworth, Connecticut, 1760. 234, 235. JAMES REEVE, 1672-1732. Captain of a Company, Suffolk County Troops, Province of New York, 171 5. 340. HENRY REM SEN, 1736- 1792. Captain of New York City Troops, 1775. Colonel of the First Regiment, New York Troops, 1775. Ensign, 1760. 100, 558. REM REMSEN, JR., 1685-1752. Lieutenant of Kings County Troops, Province of New York, 1738. 558. EDMUND RICE, about 1 594-1663. Deputy for Sudbury to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1640, 1643, 1652, 1653, 1654. 412, 483, 516. 284 GEORGE RICHARDS, 1695-1750. Captain of Train Band of New London, Connecticut, 1739. 540. EDWARD RICHMOND, 1632-1696. Attorney General of Rhode Island, 1677-1680. Deputy for Newport to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1678, 1679. Deputy for Little Compton to the General Court of Plymouth, 1686. Lieutenant in the Militia of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, 1676. Lieutenant, Bristol County Company, Plymouth Colony, 1686. Cap- tain, 1690. 41, 118. JOSHUA RIPLEY, 1658-1739. Deputy for Windham to Connecticut General Assembly, 1699, 1701-1703, 1706-1716, 1719-1722. 127, 200. THOMAS ROBERTS, 1673. One of the Historic Founders of New Hampshire. Appoint- ed Governor of Dover, 1640. 481. HENRY ROBIE, 1618-1688. One of the Historic Founders of New Hampshire. Judge of the Court of Sessions, 1684. 526, 532. WILLIAM ROBINSON, 1693-1751. Deputy for South Kingstown to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1724- 1728, 1734- 1737, 1741, 1742. Speaker of the House, 1735, 1741. Deputy Governor of Rhode Island, 1745, 1747. Judge of the Court of Equity, 1741. 65. 285 NATHANIEL ROCHESTER, 1752-1831. Member from Orange County to the Provincial Congress, North CaroHna, 1774- 1776. Member of Committee of Safety, 1775. 112. NATHANIEL ROGERS, 1 598-1655. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding and for- warding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 342. ZABDIEL ROGERS, 1737-1807. Major of Twentieth Regiment of Connecticut Troops, 1774. 219. ICHABOD ROLLINS, 1722- 1800. Member of the Provincial Congress of 1775, when the Inde- pendency of New Hampshire was determined. 526, 532. JEREMIAH ROLLINS, 1768. Ensign in a Company of Dover, New Hampshire, 1731. 526, 532. FRANgOIS ROMBOUTS, 1691. Mayor of New York City, 1679. Member of the Governor's Council, Province of New York, 1691. Captain of Pro- vincial Troops, 1684. 107, 163, 205, 422, 547. ALBERT HEYMANS ROOSA, . Captain of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York, 1673. 465, 561. 286 ARIE ROOSA, 1700. Captain of Foot, Ulster and Dutchess County Troops, Province of New York, 1700. 183. ISAAC ROOSEVELT, 1726-1794. Member of the New York Provincial Congress, 1775, 1776, 1777- Member of the Provincial Convention and of the Com- mittee of One Hundred, 1775. Senator in New York State, 1777, 1780-1787, 1788-1792. One of the Council of Appointment, 1781. Member of the Convention to adopt the Federal Constitution, 1788. 251. SAMUEL RUGGLES, 1629-1692. Lieutenant, Roxbury Company, 1676. Captain, 1692. Rep- resentative for Roxbury to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1689, 1690, 1 69 1, 1692. 518. THOMAS RUGGLES, 1671-1728. Fellow of Yale College, 1710-1728. 518. NOADIAH RUSSEL, 1659-1713. One of the Trustees named in the Act of 1701 establishing a Collegiate School (Yale College). Fellow of Yale Col- lege, 1701-1713. 186. EDWARD RUSSELL, 1733-1819. Captain of Train Band in the Second Regiment of Connecti- cut, 1774. Captain of Second Company of Fifth Battalion of State Troops, 1776. Afterwards Colonel under State authority. 429. 287 JOHN RUSSELL, . Deputy to Connecticut General Assembly for East Haven, 1709, 1710; for Branford, 1714-1716, 1718, 1719-1721, 1725-1735. 1737. 1739. 1741, 1745. 1749-1753- Speaker of the House, 175 1. Clerk of the House, 1726-1735, 1737, 1739, 1741. Captain of Train Band of East Haven, 1710; of Branford, 1719. Major of Second Regiment of Con- necticut, 1748. Lieutenant-Colonel of Second Regiment of Connecticut, 1752. 429. JOHN RUSSELL, 1626-1692. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in forwarding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Preached an Election Sermon, 1665. 31, 67, 250, 429, 465, 561. RICHARD RUSSELL, 1611-1676. Deputy for Charlestown to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1643, 1646, 1648, 1 650- 1 658. Speaker of the House 1648, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1658. Treasurer of the Colony, 1 644- 1 676. Assistant, 1659- 1676. 113, 267. SAMUEL RUSSELL, 1660-1731. Fellow of Yale College, 1701-1730. Preacher of Connecticut Election Sermon, 1699. (yy, 250, 429, 465, 561. THOMAS RUSSELL, 1729-1801. Deputy for Cornwall to Connecticut General Assembly, 1761- 1769, 1 772- 1 774. 465, 561. WILLIAM RUSSELL, 1690-1761. Preacher of Connecticut Election Sermon, 1730. Fellow of Yale College, 1 745-1 761, 186. 288 ANTHONY RUTGERS, 1680-1746. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, I 726- I 737. 149, 251, 331. HENDRICK RUTGERS, 1712-1779. Ensign of New York Troops, 1737. Lieutenant, 1737. Captain, 1738. 100, 349, 418, 558. WALTER RUTHERFURD, 1723-1804. Captain and Major in the Royal American Regiment, 1750- 1760. 31- JACOB RUTSEN, 1650 . Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1693-1695, 1699-1702, 1713-1726. Lieutenant-Colonel of Ulster and Dutchess County Troops, 1700. Colonel, 1710- 1721. 250, 271. JACOB RUTSEN, JR., 1693 . Cornet of Ulster and Dutchess County Troops, Province of New \ork, 17 17. Captain, 1740. 250. COMFORT SAGE, 1731-1799. Colonel of the Third Battalion of Foot of Connecticut, 1776. Captain of a Troop of Horse of the Sixth Regiment of Connecticut, 1763. Lieutenant-Colonel of the Twenty- third Regiment of Connecticut, 1775. 363- RICHARD SALTER, 1728. King's Attorney, Shrewsbury, Province of East Jersey, 1697. Member of the Provincial Assembly, 1695, ^7^4^ ^7^5^ 1706. 401. 289 RICHARD SALTER, 2d, 1699-1762. Member of the King's Council in East Jersey, 1 749-1 751, 1753-1762. Justice of the Supreme Court, 1754, 1761, 1762. Member of Special Court to try Pirates, 1761. 401. GURDON SALTONSTALL, 1666- 1725. Governor of Connecticut, 1707- 1724. Member of the Govern- or's Council, 1704. Agent of Connecticut to England, 1710. Commander-in-Chief of Connecticut Troops, 1708. Chief Judge of the Superior Court of Connecticut, 171 1. Preacher of Election Sermon, 1697, 34, 165, 166, 442. NATHANIEL SALTONSTALL, about 1639-1707. Deputy for Haverhill to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1666, 1669, 1670, 1 67 1. Assistant, 1679- 1686. Named Councillor in the Charter, 1692, and served until 1694. Member of Council of Safety, 1689. Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, 1692. Justice of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas of Essex County, Massachusetts Bay, 1702-1707. Captain of the Haverhill Company, 1665. Major, commanding the Second Essex Regiment, 1680. 442. SIR RICHARD SALTONSTALL, 1586, after 1658. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Named as Assistant in the Charter of Charles I., 1628, 1629. Served as Assistant in New England, 1629, 1630, 1631, 1633. An Original Patentee of Connecticut. 82, 442. RICHARD SALTONSTALL, 20, 1694. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1635, 1636, 1637. Assistant, 1637- 1649, 1664, 1680, 1681, 1682. Sergeant-Major of the Essex Regiment, 1641. 442. 290 COMFORT SANDS, 1834. Member of the Provincial Congress of New York, 1775, 1776. Member of the Committee of One Hundred, 1776. Member of the New York Assembly, 1784, 1785, 1788, 1789. One of the Commissioners to open the Erie Canal, 1792. 53. JOHN SANDS, 1649-1712. Deputy for New Shoreham to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1678, 1680, 1690. Captain, 1678. 53. JOHN SANFORD, 1653. President of Portsmouth and TSTewport, 1653. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Portsmouth, bemg one of the Eighteen Original Proprietors of Aquid- neck (Rhode Island) who settled Pocasset, 1638. Assist- ant, 1647, 1649. Lieutenant, 1641. 316. PELEG SANFORD, 1639-1701. Governor of Rhode Island, 1680-1683. Assistant, 1667-1670, 1 677- 1 679. Deputy for Newport to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1670, 1677. Agent to England, 1677, 1683. General Treasurer for the Colony, 1678-1681. Cap- tain of a Troop of Horse, 1667. Served in King Philip's War, 1676. Major, 1679. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1687. C02, 223, 316, 568. NATHANIEL SARTELL, 1681-1741. Representative for Groton to the General Court of Massa- chusetts, 1732, 1733, 1739, 1741. 470. JOHN SAVAGE, 1707-1792. Captain in Command of a Company of Massachusetts Volun- teers at Forts Frontenac and Ticonderoga, 1758. 369- 291 THOMAS SAVAGE, 1608-1682. Deputy for Boston to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1654-1657, 1659-1663, 1671, 1672, 1677, 1678. Speak- er of the House, 1659, 1660, 1671, 1677 1678. Assistant, 1680, 1681. Captain, 1653. In command of the Forces of the Colony at Medfield, 1675. Commander-in-Chief of the Forces of the Colony, 1675, 1676. Lieutenant of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1641, 1645. Captain, 1651, 1659, 1668, 1675, 1680. A Founder of Rhode Island as one of the Eighteen Original Proprietors of Aquidneck. 138, 342. ABRAHAM SCHENCK, 1720- 1784. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1759-1768. 107, 163, 205. HENRY SCHENCK, 1743-1799. Member of the New York Provincial Congress, 1775, 1776, 1777. Major of Minute Men, Dutchess County, 1775, 1776, 1777. 107, 163, 205. JACOB JANSEN SCHERMERHORN, 1623-1688. Acting Indian Commissioner under the Dutch Rule, and Magistrate of Fort Orange, 1656, 1657, 1664, 1674. 317, 370. HENDRICK JOACHEMSE SCHOONMAKER, 1681. Lieutenant of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York, 1657- 421, 460. JOCHEM HENDRICKSE SCHOONMAKER, 1658-1730. Captain of Ulster and Dutchess County Troops, Province of New York, 1700. 421, 460. 292 ABRAHAM SCHUYLER, 1663-1729. Captain of Scouts, Albany County, Province of New York, 1702. Lieutenant in Command of the Indian Expedition, 1689. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1703-1706. 392. DAVID PIETERSE SCHUYLER, 1690. Acting Indian Commissioner as under Dutch Rule, and Magistrate of Albany, 1673. Justice of the Peace for Albany, 1683. Alderman, 1686- 1689. Member of a Convention that assumed the Govern- ment of Albany and protested against the claims of Leis- ler, 1689, 1690. 90, 152, 242, 392. HARMANUS SCHUYLER, 1727-1796. High Sheriff of Albany County, Province of New York, 1761-1770. Assistant Deputy Commissary-General, Northern De- partment, 1776. 142, 144, 184. JOHANNES SCHUYLER, 1668-1747. Colonel of New York Troops, 1710. Lieutenant of Cavalry, 1700. Captain, 1705. Lieutenant-Colonel, 17 10. Com- missioner of Indian Affairs, 1698- 1700, 1710-1715, 1732- 1734, 1 739- 1 742. Mayor of Albany, 1703- 1706. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1710-1713. Indian Commissioner to represent the Gov- ernor of Massachusetts at Albany, 1724. 13, 36, 229, 460. MYNDERT SCHUYLER, 1672-1755. Mayor of Albany, 1719-1721, 1723-1725. Member of the Assembly, Province of New York, 1701-1710, 1713, 1716- 1726, 1 728- 1 737. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1706, 1710-1712, 1715, 1728-1734, 1739-1745, 1752. Captain of Albany Troops, 1710. Major, 17 14. 55, 92, 178. 293 NICHOLAS SCHUYLER, 1692-1748. Captain of Schenectady Troops, Province of New York, 1747. Member of New York Assembly, 1727. 142, 144, 215. PIETER SCHUYLER, 1657- 1724. First Mayor of the City of Albany, 1686- 1694. Presiding Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Albany County, 1691, 1702. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1691-1698, 1706, 1 71 2- 1 724. Member of the Governor's Council, Province of New York, 1692- 1720. Acting Governor as President of the Council, 1709, 1719. Lieutenant of Horse, 1685. Major of Albany Troops, 1691. Colonel, 1697. Lieutenant-General, 171 1. 13, 24, 27, 29, 36, 57, 58, 136, 142, 144, 161, 250, 251, 292, 329, 452, 530, 536. PHILIP SCHUYLER, 1666-1724. Lieutenant of New York Troops, 1703. In Command of the Fort at Schenectady, 1703. Served as Lieutenant in Can- ada Expedition, 1709. Captain, 171 1. 142, 144, 184, 229. PHILIP J. SCHUYLER, 1733-1804. Member of the Continental Congress, 1775, 1777, 1778, 1779- 1781. Commissioner of Boundaries, Province of New York, 1764, 1783. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1774. Captain of New York Troops, 1755. Colonel, 1768. Ma- jor-General of the United Colonies, 1775. Member of the New York Assembly, 1750, 1768, 1775. Surveyor-General, 1781. State Senator, 1780- 1784. 13, 36, 229. 294 PHILIP PIETERSE SCHUYLER, about 1628-1683. - Vice-Director of Nieiiw Netherland at Fort Orange, 1655. Acting Indian Commissioner, 1655-1658, 1659, 1662, 1666- 1679. Captain of Troops in Albany County, 1667. Cap- tain of a Company at Schenectady, 1669. Magistrate of Fort Orange, 1655-1679, excepting four years. I. 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 20, 24, 31, 36, 37, 38, 42, 47, 48, 55, 56, 67, 73, 78, 79, 80, 92, 120, 124, 142, 144, 155, 157, 181, 184, 185, 218, 229, 250, 251, 262, 289, 329, 335. 336, 338, 418, 468, 530, 534- 580, 591- JOHN SCOTT, 1725. Lieutenant of Fuisiliers, New York Troops, 17 10. In Com- mand at Fort Hunter on the Mohawk, 1711-1725. 264. JOSHUA SCOTTOW, 1615-1698. Ensign, 1653. Captain, Scarboro Company, York Regiment, 1676, and of Garrison of Scarboro, District of Maine. Judge of Probate, 1687, 1688. Member of the First Pro- vincial Council, Maine, 1681, 1689. Ensign, Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1657. 201. ♦NATHANIEL SCRIBNER, 1743-1799. Lieutenant of Dutchess County Troops, Province of New York, 1776. Captain, 1778. 184. • JOHN SEAMAN, 1694. Delegate from Hempstead to Convention at Nieuw Amster- dam, 1653. Captain, Queens County Troops, Province of New York, 1665. Magistrate of Hempstead, 1656. 54, 330, 349- 418, 472. 295 CORNELIUS SEBRING, 1662-1721. Member of New York Assembly, 1695- 1726. Major of Kings County Troops, Province of New York. 114, 537- ROBERT SEDGWICK, 1 590-1656. Deputy for Charlestown to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1 637- 1 644, 1648, 1649. Captain of the Charles- town Company, 1636. Commander of the Fort on Castle Island, 1641. Major, 1644. Major-General of the Col- ony, 1652. Captain, Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany, 1645, 1648. In 1654 went in command of a Regi- ment to Jamaica, where he died. 76, 77. HENRY SEWALL, 1614-1700. Deputy for Newbury to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1 661, 1662, 1663, 1666, 1668, 1670. 375, 526, 532. STEPHEN SEWALL, 1657-1725. Captain, Salem Company, Massachusetts Bay, 1690. Ma- jor, 1701. Commander of the Expedition against the pirate Quelch, 1704. 375. THOMAS SEYMOUR, 1668- 1740. Deputy for Hartford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1719- 1728. Captain of the South Side Company of Hartford, 1725. Lieutenant of the South Side Company of Hart- ford, 1 72 1. 368. THOMAS SEYMOUR, 2d, 1705- 1767. Captain, Second Company of Troops of Hartford, Connecti- cut, 1752. Lieutenant, 1744. 386. 296 JOHN SHAPLETGH, 1640-1706. Ensign, in Kittery, Province of Maine, 1665. Called Lieuten- ant in Records of Massachusetts Bay, 1696. 526, 532. JOHN SHARPE, 1643-1676. Lieutenant, Captain Wadsworth's Company, Massachusetts Troops, in King- Philip's War, and killed in Sudbury Fight. 483- ROGER SHAW, 1661. Deputy for Hampton to the General Court of Massachusetts , Bay, 1 65 1, 1652, 1653. 526, 532. WILLIAM SHEFFIELD, 1699-1778. Lieutenant, Foot Company, Mendon, Massachusetts Bay, 1757- 179. EBENEZER SHELDON, 1691-1774. Lieutenant at Deerfield, Massachusetts Bay, 1747. Later called Captain. 560. JOHN SHELDON, 1658-1733. Ensign in a Deerfield Company, 1689, and also at the time of the Massacre, 1703. Sent by the Governor of Massachu- setts, with Captain Livingston, to negotiate with Vaudreuil for the exchange of the prisoners carried away by the French and Indians. Captain, 1727. 560. 297 JONATHAN SHELDON, 1687-1769. Lieutenant of a Company in Suffield, Massachusetts Bay, 1735. Captain, 1743. , 554- HERCULES SHEPARD, before 1706. Member of the Assembly of Pennsylvania, 1684. Justice of the Peace, Sussex County, Delaware, 1683-1685. 78. THOMAS SHEPARD, 1605-1649. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in forwarding the in- terests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. A Founder of Harvard College. Preacher of Election Sermons, 1637, 1638. 215- HENRY SHERBURNE, 1612-1680. One of the Historic Founders of New Hampshire. Deputy for Portsmouth to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1660. 517. 526, 532. PHILIP SHERMAN, 1610-1687. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Portsmouth, 1638, being one of the Eighteen Original Proprietors of Aquidneck, who settled Pocasset. General Recorder, 1648- 1651. Commissioner for Portsmouth, 1656. Deputy for Portsmouth to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1665, 1667. 41, 65, 118, 165, 166, 180, 182, 217, 279, 370, 481. ROGER SHERMAN, 1721-1793. Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Signer of the Articles of Association of the Congress of 1774. Sign- er of the Articles of Confederation, 1778. Signer of the Constitution of the United States, 1787, (The only man who signed "these four supreme papers of American In- dependence.") 298 Deputy to General Assembly of Connecticut for New Mil- ford, 1755, 1756, 1758-1761 ; for New Haven, 1764-1766. Assistant, 1766-1785. Judge of Superior Court, 1766- 1789. Member of Council of Safety, 1777- 1780, 1782. Member of Continental Congress, 1774, 1781, 1783, 1784. Representative in the Congress of the United States, 1789-1791. Senator of the United States, 1791-1793. Member of the Committee of Five to draft the Declaration of Independence, 1776. Member of the Board of War and Ordnance, 1776. Delegate to the Convention with respect to Currency, Monopolies, etc., at Springfield, Mass., 1777. Delegate to the Convention to regulate Prices, etc., at New Haven, 1778. Member of a Committee of Two to Revise the Statutes of Connecticut, 1783. Delegate from Con- necticut to the Constitutional Convention, 1787. Commis- sary of Supplies for Connecticut Troops at Albany, 1759. 342, 508. MATTHEW SHERWOOD, 1643-1715. Captain of Dragoons of Fairfield County, Connecticut, 1690. Captain of Troops of Connecticut, 1697. Deputy for Fair- field to Connecticut General Assembly, 1691, 1692. 210, 212, 2^s- EDWARD SHIPPEN, 1639-1712. Member of Assembly, Pennsylvania, 1695, 1700. Speaker of Assembly, 1695. Member of the Governor's Council, 1695- 1712. President of Council, 1703, 1704. Presiding Jus- tice of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1697. Judge of the Supreme Court, 1699, 1701, 1702. Justice of the Peace, 1697, 1700, 1701. Mayor of Philadelphia, 1701. Puisne Judge, 1703- 1705. Deputy Keeper of the Seal, 1702. Commissioner of Property, 1701-1712. Treasurer of the City of Philadel- phia, 1705-1712. 35, 240, 270. 299 EDWARD SHIPPEN, 30, 1703-1781. Member of the City Council, Philadelphia, 1733- 1743. Mayor of Philadelphia, 1744. Justice of the Peace, 1749; of Lan- caster County, 1753, 1761, 1764, 1770. Charter Trustee of the College of New Jersey, 1748. A Founder of the University of Pennsylvania, 1749. 270. JOSEPH SHIPPEN, 1732-1810. Captain, Pennsylvania Troops, 1756, Major Second Battal- ion in Expedition against Fort Duquesne, 1758. Lieuten- ant-Colonel of Second Battalion, 1759. Secretary of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1762- 1776. Sent to Lancaster in 1756 to inquire into Indian affairs. Appointed Judge of the Lancaster County Court, 1789. 270. WILLIAM SKINNER, 1687-1758. Missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in New Jersey, 1723- 1758. 10, 418. GILES SLOCUM, 1680- 1749. Deputy for Portsmouth to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1705, 1717, 1718, 1720, 1722, 1724, 1725, 1726, 1735-1739. Assistant, 1722, 1723. 220. HENRY SMITH, 1 588-1648. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding or for- warding the interests of the Colony of Connecticut prior to 1675. 300. HENRY SMITH, 1681. One of the Commissioners appointed by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay to govern Connecticut, 1635. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1641, 1 65 1. Magistrate at Springfield. Lieutenant at Spring- field, 1646. 87. 300 NEHEMIAH SMITH, 1646-1727. Deputy to the Connecticut General Assembly for New London, 1690, 1 69 1, 1694, 1 698- 1 705; for Groton, 1706, 1707, 1718, 1 721- 1724. Member of Governor's Council, 1703- 1705, 1711-1715, 1724. 211. RICHARD SMITH, 1720. Member of that Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland known as the "Eight Men," 1645. Member of the Gov- ernor's Council, Province of New York, 1688. 83- SAMUEL SMITH, 1602-1680. Deputy for Wethersfield to the Connecticut General Assem- bly, 1640, 1641, 1643-1651, 1653, 1655, 1656, 1662. Lieu- tenant of a Company of Wethersfield, Connecticut, 1656. Deputy for Hadley to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1661, 1663-1665, 1667, 1668, 1671, 1673, 1678. 258. WILLIAM SMITH, 1655-1704. Chief Justice of the Province of New York, 1692-1699, 1700. Justice of the Supreme Court, 1691-1693. Member of the Governor's Council, 1691-1704. Judge of the Court of Admiralty, 1693-1696, 1697-1701. Acting Governor of the Province, 1701. 4, 83, 102, 221, 239, 244. WILLIAM SMITH, 1696-1769. Judge of the Supreme Court of the Province of New York, 1763. Recorder of New York City, 1736. Attorney-Gen- eral, 1 75 1. Member of the Governor's Council, 1753- 1767. Commissioner of Boundaries, 1754. Member of the Col- onial Conference held in Albany, 1754. 24, 239, 251. WILLIAM SMITH, 1720-1799. Member of the New York Provincial Congress, 1776, I777« Member of the State Senate, 1777-1783. 4. • • 301 WILLIAM SMITH, 1723-1808. Delegate to the Provincial Congress of New Hampshire, 1775. 326. WILLIAM HENRY SMITH, 1690-1742. Major of Suffolk County Troops, Province of New York, 1715. 239- WILLIAM PEARTREE SMITH, 1724-1801. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Province of New Jer- sey. Charter Trustee of the College of New Jersey, 1748. Member of a Committee of Safety, 1774. Member of the Provincial Congress, 1775. Member of the First State Convention in New Jersey, 1774. 15.71- NICHOLAS SNOW, 1676. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. Dep- uty for Eastham to the General Court of Plymouth, 1648, 1650, 1652, 1657. 127. JOHANNES SNYDER, . Member of the New York Provincial Congress, 1776. Major of a Northern Regiment of New York Troops, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1775, and served through the Revolutionary War. Member of the Council of Safety, 1777. Member of the Assembly, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1786- 1787, 1791. 460. HENRY SOANE, 1620-1662. Speaker of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1660, 1661. 319- GEORGE SOULE, 1680. Deputy for Duxbury to the General Court of Plymouth Col- ony, 1642, 1645, 1646, 1650, 1 65 1, 1654. 127, 135, 195- 302 CONSTANT SOUTHWORTH, 1614-1678. Deputy for TDuxbury to the General Court of Plymouth Col- ony, 1647, 1 649- 1 656, 1 658- 1 669. Treasurer of the Colony, 1659-1678. Assistant, 1672-1678. Ensign of the Dux- bury Company, 1646. Member of the Councils of War of 1658, 1667. 55,200,211,517,552. WILLIAM SPENCER, 1640. Deputy for Newtown to -the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1634, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1638. Lieutenant, New- town Company, 1636. Committee to the Connecticut Gen- eral Assembly, 1639, 1640. 128, 132, 133, 138, 323. ALEXANDER SPOTSWOOD, 1676-1740. Governor of Virginia, 17 10- 1722. Made the Treaty with the Six Nations, 1722. Postmaster-General of the English Colonies in America, 1730- 1739. Commissioned Major- General Commanding in the Expedition against Cartha- gena, with Admiral Vernon, 1740. Colonel of an English Regiment, and fought in the Bat- tle of Blenheim, 1704. 39- JOHN SPRAGUE, 1624-1692. Deputy for Maiden to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1689, 1690, 1 69 1. Lieutenant. Captain of the Mai- den Company, 1685. 483. RALPH SPRAGUE, 1650. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Deputy for Charlestown to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1635-1641, 1644, 1645. Lieutenant, 1637. 483. 303 JOHN SPRATT, . Speaker of Assembly of the Province of New York, 1690. Member of the Assembly, 1693- 1695. 42, 335- THOMAS SPYCER, 1658. Delegate to the Convention held in Nieuw Amsterdam, 1653. 558. ABRAM STAATS, 1694. Major of Albany Troops, Province of New York, 1669. Captain, 1669. Special Indian Commissioner as under the Dutch Rule^ 1690. 5, 9, 13. 31, 85, 90, 139. 146, 185, 206, 251, 338. BARENT STAATS, 1680-1752. Captain of Albany Troops, Province of New York, 1722. Lieutenant during French and Indian War, 1706- 1709. 5, 9. 90. JOCHEM STAATS, 1654-1712. Captain of New York Troops and in Command of all the Forces at Albany, 1690. Ensign, 1684. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1690. 5. 9. 90- SAMUEL STAATS, 1657-1716. Member of the Governor's Council, Province of New York, 1698-1702, 1710-1716. 31, 139, 185, 206, 251, 338. JOSEPH STAFFORD, . Captain, Rhode Island Troops, 1731. Major, 1739. Deputy for Warwick to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, i730-'^733, i735> ^7S7> i739. I74i-i744, 1746. J 1 2, 386. 304 SAMUEL STAFFORD, 1636-1718. Deputy for Warwick to the General Assembly of Rhode Is- land, 1670, 1672, 1674, 1679, 1682, 1686, 1690, 1705. Lieu- tenant, 1705. 65. MYLES STANDISH, 1586-1656. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. Cap- tain of the Plymouth Forces, 1621. Captain of an Expedi- tion against the Dutch, 1653. Member of the Councils of War of 1642, 1643, 1646, 1653. Deputy for Duxbury to the General Court of Plymouth, 1642, 1643. Assistant, 1632-1635, 1637-1641, 1645-1656. Treasurer of the Col- ony, 1 644- 1 656. 276, 342, 524, 551. CALEB STANLEY, 1642-1718. Secretary of Connecticut Colony, 1709-1711. Deputy for Hartford to Connecticut General Assembly, 1683, 1684, 1689, 1690. Assistant, 1692-1701. Commissioner of In- dian Affairs for Connecticut at Albany, 1694. Captain of Train Band of South Side of Hartford, 1689. 138, 167, 339, 341, 412. JOHN STANLEY, 1624-1706. Deputy for Farmington to Connecticut General Assembly, 1659, 1 664- 1 67 1, 1673, 1674, 1676, 1 678- 1 687, 1 689- 1 69 1, 1693, 1695, 1696. Captain of part of the Forces of Hart- ford County, 1675. Captain of Train Band of Farming- ton, 1691. NATHANIEL STANLEY, 1683-1755. Treasurer of Connecticut Colony, 1649-1655. Assist- ant of Connecticut, 1725- 1749. Lieutenant-Colonel of First Regiment of Hartford, 1739. 172. 305 THOMAS STANTON, 1610-1677. Deputy for Stonington to the Connecticut General Assembly, 165 1, 1666-1674. 74, 202, 211, 223, 337, 395, 442, 517. ANTHONY STANYAN, 1611-1684. Deputy for Hampton to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1654. Representative to the General Assembly of New Hampshire, 1680, 1684. 526, 532. SAMUEL STEARNS, 1673 . Representative for Watertown to the General Court of Mas- sachusetts Bay, 1714, 1715, 1718-1721, 1730, 1731. Called Lieutenant. 465, 561. THOMAS STEBBINS, 1620-1683. Lieutenant in Springfield, Massachusetts Bay, 1683. 258, 460. JOHN STEELE, 1665. Secretary of Connecticut, 1636- 1639. ^^^ o^ the Commis- sioners appointed by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay to govern Connecticut, 1635. Deputy for Hartford to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1636-1658. 62. [N STEPHENS, 1740. Captain of a Company of New York Troops in the Expedi- tion ap"pin<;f- r*prt1-iacrpna T'7'2n 215- DANIEL STERLING, 1671-1749. Captain of Train Band of Lyme, Connecticut, 1728. 412. 306 CtEORGE STEVENSON, 1718-1783. Justice of the Peace and Ranger-General, in York County, Pennsylvania, 1749. Register of Wills and Recorder of Deeds, Cumberland County. Appointed on the Commission to settle the accounts after the capture of Fort Duquesne. 478. JAMES STEVENSON, 1688-1769. High Sheriff of the County of Albany, Province of New York, 1 73 1. 92. GEORGE STEUART, 1708-1780. Represented Annapolis in the House of Burgesses of Mary- land, 1 757- 1 764. Member of the Council of Maryland, 1 769- 1 773. Justice of Anne Arundel County, 1746- 1748. Justice of the Provincial Court of Maryland, 1 749- 1 766. Judge and Register of the Maryland Land Office, 1 747- 1 766. Mayor of Annapolis, 1759, 1760, 1763, 1764. Judge of the Court of Vice-Admiralty, 1760. Cap- tain of the Annapolis Company of Militia, 1761. 558- JAMES STEWART, . Captain of a Militia Company, Harford County, Maryland, 1775-1777- 558. EPHRAIM STILES, 1645-1714. Deputy for Stratford to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1686, 1690, 1692, 1695-1697, 1699, 1702, 1704, 1709, 1710. 222. NICHOLAS STILLWELL, 1671. Lieutenant of Troops at Esopus, Province of Nieuw Nether- land, 1663. 155. 307 RICHARD STOCKTON, 1707. . Lieutenant of a Troop of Horse, at Flushing, Province of New York, 1665. \ 171. RICHARD STOCKTON, 1730-1781. Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Member of the King's Council, Province of New Jersey, 1768- 1775. Jus- tice of the Supreme Court, 1774. Member of the Conti- nental Congress, 1776. Author of "An Expedient for the Settlement of Ameri- can Disputes," 1774. One of a Committee to visit and re- lieve the Army, 1776. Member of a Committee to devise means to reinforce General Washington, 1776. Captured by Tories and imprisoned until Congress interfered for his release, 1777. 84. ANTHONY STODDARD, 1617-1686. Deputy for Boston to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1650, 1659, 1660, 1 665- 1 684. SOLOMON STODDARD, 1643-1729. Fellow of Harvard College, 1666, 1667. Preached an Elec- tion Sermon before the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1703. 352, 534. EBENEZER STONE, 1662-1754. Representative for Newton to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1 720- 1 724. Councillor, 1730, 1731, 1732, 1733- 529. SAMUEL STONE, 1602-1663. One of the Ministers of Parishes who were active in founding or forwarding the interests of the Colony of Connecticut prior to 1675. Chaplain of Connecticut Troops in the Pequot War, 1637. 272. 308 SIMON STONE, 1631-1707. Deputy for Watertown to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1 678- 1 684, 1686, 1689, 1702. 529- JOSEPH STORER, 1648-1730. Commissioned Ensign of a Company at Wells in the Province of Maine, 1681. Lieutenant in Command of a Garrison, 1690. 396. THOMAS STOUGHTON, 1661. Deputy to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1639, 1640, 1643, 1645-1648. Ensign of Connecticut Troops, 1636. Lieutenant of Connecticut Troops, 1640. 126, 200, 258, 527. JOSEPH STOUT, 1767. Colonel of New Jersey Provincial Troops, 1755. 518. PETER STRETCH, 1746. Member of the Common Council, City of Philadelphia, 1708- 1746. 2. JOHN STRONG, 1605-1699. Deputy for Taunton to the General Court of Plymouth Col- ony, 1 64 1, 1642, 1643. 12, 138, 222, 303, 339, 527. JAN STRYCKER, 1615-1697. Captain of Troops at Midwout, Long Island, Province of New York, 1673. Delegate to the Conventions of 1653, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1674. 2, 4, 114, 328, 334, 519, 558. 309 PETRUS STU YVES ANT, 1592- 1672. Governor and Director-General of Nieuw Netherland, 1647- 1664. Governor of the Island of Curagao, under the Dutch West India Company, 1644. Commanded an expedition against the Swedes at South River, 1651. Established the Dutch Colony at South River, 1655. 75, 245, 485, 486, 502, 582. CASPER STYMETS, • 1702. Lieutenant of Bergen County Troops in New Jersey, 1673. Captain, 1673. Delegate to the Convention held in New Orange, 1674. 328. WILLIAM SUMNER, 1605-1688. Deputy for Dorchester to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1658, 1 666- 1 670, 1672, 1 678-1 681, 1683- 1686. 303, 387- SAMUEL SWAINE, 1682. Deputy for Branford to the General Court of New Haven Colony, 1 653- 1 659, 1 661-1664, and to the Connecticut Gen- eral Assembly, 1665. Burgess from Newark in the first General Assembly of New Jersey, 1668. Lieutenant and Chief Military Officer at Branford, 1653. Captain of Mili- tia at Newark, 1673. 185, 487. WILLIAM SWAINE, 1585 , after 1657. A Commissioner appointed by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay to govern Connecticut, 1635. dep- uty for Watertown to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1636. Deputy for Wethersfield to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1636, 1637, 1641-1643. Magistrate of Connecticut, 1637, 1643, 1644. Deputy for Branford to the General Court of New Haven Colony, 1654- 1657. 185, 487. 310 RICHARD SWAN, 1678. Deputy for Rowley to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1660, 1667, 1668, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1675, 1677. 529- CORNELIS SWARTWOUT, 1722-1775. Captain of Dutchess County Troops, Province of New York, 1760. 298, 391. JACOBUS SWARTWOUT, 1692-1749. Captain of Ulster County Troops, Province of New York, 1710. Assistant Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Dutch- ess County. 298, 391. ROELOF SWARTWOUT, 1634-1715. Schout Fiscaal for Wiltwyck, 1661. Member of Leisler's Council, 1689. 91, 183, 298, 391. THOMAS SWARTWOUT, 1607-1670. Delegate to the Convention held at Nieuw Amsterdam, 1653. 298, 391. BENJAMIN SWETT, 1626-1697. Ensign, Newbury Company, Massachusetts Bay, 165 1. Lieu- tenant, 1675. Commissioned Captain, June 21, 1697, and killed in the Battle at Black Point, Maine, June 29. 526, 532. JOHN SWIFT, 1720-1802. Member of the Common Council, Philadelphia, 1757-1760, 1762, 1771, 1773. 37, 38, 47, 78. 311 *ABRAHAM SWITS, 1730-1814. Lieutenant New York Troops, 1768. Major, 1775. 366. ZACHARIAH SYMMES, 1 599-1671. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in forwarding the in- terests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Preached an Election Sermon, 1648. 138. SAMUEL SYMONDS, 1678. Deputy Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1673- 1678. Deputy for Ipswich to the General Court of the Colony, 1638-1642. Assistant, 1643-1673. 138, 354. PHILIP TABER, 1605-1673. Deputy for Yarmouth to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1639, 1640. Commissioner to the General Court of Commissioners of Rhode Island for Portsmouth, 1660, 1663; for Providence, 1661. 413- MICAIELL TAINTOR, 1652-1731. Deputy for Colchester to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1708-1716, 1718-1721, 1723-1726. 429. JOHN TALCOTT, 1660. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1634- 1636. Treasurer of Connecticut, 1654- 1660. Deputy for Hartford to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1637- 1653. Assistant of Connecticut, 1654- 1660. Commissioner of the United Colonies for Connecticut, 1656-1658. 74, 154, 186, 260, 387, 403, 412, 510, 511, 534. 312 JOHN TALCOTT, 1632-1688. A Corporator named in the Connecticut Charter of Charles II., 1662. Commissioner of the United Colonies for Con- necticut, 1662, 1663, 1669-1677, 1683, 1684, 1686. Dep- uty for Hartford to the General Assembly, 1660, 1661. Magistrate and Assistant of Connecticut, 1662-1687. Treasurer, 1660-1676. Chief Military Officer of Hartford County, 1672. Major of Troops of Hartford County, 1673. Commander-in-Chief of the Military Forces of Connecti- cut sent against New York, 1673. Lieutenant-Colonel of Connecticut Troops, 1687. 403- JOSEPH TALCOTT, 1 667-1 741. Governor of Connecticut, 1 724-1 741. Lieutenant-Governor 1723. Deputy for Hartford to Connecticut General As- sembly, 1 708-1 710. Speaker of the House, 17 10. Assist- ant of Connecticut, 1711-1723. Judge of the County Court of Hartford County, 1714. Judge of the Superior Court of Connecticut, 1721. Major of a Militia Regiment of Hartford County, 1710. 126, 186. SAMUEL TALCOTT, 1635-1691. Assistant of Connecticut, 1685-1687, 1689-1691. Deputy for Wethersfield to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1669- 1684. Captain of a Troop of Hartford County, 1681. 74, 154, 162, 387, 412, 510, 511. GEORGE TAYLOR, 1711-1792. Burgess for Orange County to the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1748- 1758. Colonel, Militia of Orange County, 1755- 462. JAMES TAYLOR, 1674-1729. Member of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1702-1714. Justice for Kings and Queens County, 1702, 17 14. 319* 385, 450. 462. 313 JAMES TAYLOR, 1732-1814. Burgess for Orange County to the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1762- 1764. Member of the Committee of Safety, Orange County, 1774, 1775. Member of the Conventions of 1774, 1776. 319, 385- JOHN TAYLOR, 1641-1704. Captain of a Company of Northampton, Massachusetts Bay, and killed by Indians while leading his Company. 425- WILLIAM TELLER, 1620-1701. Lieutenant of a Company of Foot, Albany County, Province of New York, 1669. 409, 430. WILLIAM TELLER 2d, 1695 • Lieutenant of Schenectady Troops, Province of New York, 1733- 409, 430. ABRAHAM TEN BROECK, 1734-1810. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1761-1775. Member of Provincial Congress, 1775, 1776, 1777. Colonel of the Third Regiment of Albany County Troops, 1775-1778. Brigadier-General, 1778. 245- DIRCK TEN BROECK, 1686-175 1. Mayor of Albany, Province of New York, 1746- 1748. Mem- ber of the New York Assembly, 1728- 1737. Commis- sioner of Indian Affairs, 1732-1738, 1742-1746. 3- DIRCK WESSELSE TEN BROECK, 1642-1717. Mayor of Albany, Province of New York, 1696- 1698. First Recorder of Albany, 1686. Member of the New York As- sembly, 1691-1698. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1691- 1700. Major of a Regiment of Albany County Troops, 1700. 2, 137, 142, 144, 184, 210, 212, 245, 333, 392, 536. 314 WESSEL TEN BROECK, 1636-1704. Acting Indian Commissioner, as under Dutch Rule, and Magistrate of Albany, 1689. Lieutenant of a Troop of Horse, Province of New York, 1685. Lieutenant of Foot, 1700. Special Ambassador to Canada from Governor Dongan, 233> 536. MATTHEW TEN EYCK, 1728-1809. Lieutenant, Dutchess County Troops, Province of New York, 1759. 137- HENDRICK TER BOS, 1704-1762. Lieutenant, Dutchess County Troops, Province of New York, 1737. Captain, 1739. 298, 391. JOHANNES TER BOS, 1665 . Member of the New York Assembly, 1 717-1726. Lieutenant of Dutchess County Troops, Province of New York, 171 5. 298, 391. ALBERT TERHUNE, 1651-1704. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New Jersey, 1696. 328. ANTHONY THACHER, 1587- 1667. Deputy for Yarmouth to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1643-1647, 1651, 1652, 1654, 1659, 1663, 1665. Member of the Councils of War of 1642, 1658, 1667. 498. 315 JOHN THACHER, 1638-1713. > Deputy for Yarmouth to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1 668- 1 67 1, 1673, 1674, 1676, 1678, 1679, 1680. Member of the Council of War, 1681. Assistant, Plym- outh Colony, 1682-1686, 1689-1691. Councillor in Massa- chusetts, 1 694- 1 707. Justice of the Court of Common Pleas of Barnstable County, 1 692-1 71 3. Lieutenant, Yar- mouth Company, 1681. Called Colonel, 1692. 498. JOSEPH THACHER, 1699-1763. Captain of the Third Company, Seventh Massachusetts Regi- ment, 1745. Colonel of a Massachusetts Regiment which served in the Expeditions against Fort William Henry and Crown Point, 1756. 498. PETER THACHER, 1651-1727. Fellow of Harvard College, 1674-1676, 1697-1707. Preacher of Election Sermons before the General Court of the Col- ony of Massachusetts Bay, 171 1, 1726. 127. THOMAS THACHER, 1620- 1678. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding or for- warding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. First Pastor of the Old South Church in Boston. ^27, 517- DENYS THEUNISSE, 1654-1707. Lieutenant of Richmond County Troops, Staten Island, Province of New York, 1700. 465- NATHANIEL THOMAS, 1606-1675. Deputy for Marshfield to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1642. Ensign, Marshfield Company, 1638. Lieu- tenant, 1643. Captain, 1644. 195- 316 NATHANIEL THOMAS, 1643-1718. Deputy for Marshfield to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1672, 1677, 1 682- 1 685, 1690, 1 69 1. To the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1692. Councillor of the Province, 1693- 1702. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Plymouth County, 1692-1712. Judge of Probate, 1702-1718. Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, 1713. Justice of the Superior Court, 1712-1718. Member of the Councils of War of 1681, 1685. Lieutenant, King Philip's War, 1675. Captain of the Marshfield Company, 1681. Colonel, 1702. 195- WILLIAM THOMAS, 1573-1651. Assistant, Plymouth Colony, 1642- 1644, 1646- 1650. Deputy for Rexham to the General Court of the Colony, 1641 ; for Marshfield, 1645. Member of the Council of War, 1642. 195. 498- JOHN THOMPSON, 1616-1696. Deputy for Barnstable to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1671, 1672. Deputy for Middleburgh, 1674, 1675, 1680, 1681-1686. Lieutenant of Plymouth Soldiers in King Philip's War, 1675. 413- WILLIAM THOMPSON, 1 599-1666. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding or for- warding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 476, 559- WILLIAM THOMPSON, 1731-1818. Commissioned Major in a Massachusetts Regiment, 1756, and served at Fort William Henry and in the Crown Point Expedition. 498. FRANCIS THORNTON, 1682-1726. Burgess for Spottsylvania to the House of Burgesses of Vir- ginia, 1 723- 1 726. Justice for Essex and Caroline Coun- ties. 319. 385- 317 ADAM THOROGOOD, 1603-1639. Burgess for Elizabeth City to the House of Burgesses of Vir- ginia, 1629, 1631, 1632, 1636. Member of the Governor's Council, 1637. Presiding Justice for Lower Norfolk, 1637. 201, 450, 541. EDWARD THURSTON, 1617-1707. Commissioner for Providence to the General Court of Com- missioners, 1663. Deputy for Newport to the General As- sembly of Rhode Island, 1667, 1671-1674. Deputy for Westerly, 1680; for Newport, 1681-1686. Assistant. 1675, 1686, 1690, 1 69 1. 41, 119, 142, 144. ROBERT TITUS, 1600 . Deputy for Rehoboth to the General Court of Plymouth Col- ony, 1648, 1649, 1650. 367- KAREL HANSEN TOLL, 1663 . Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1715-1726. 298, 391, 515, 573. SIMON HANSEN TOLL, 1698-1777. Captain of Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 1733- 298, 391. JONATHAN GRIFFIN TOMPKINS, 1736-1820. Member of the New York Provincial Congress, 1776, 1777. Member of the Council of Safety, 1777. Member of the New York Assembly, 1780, 1781, 1782, 1786, 1787, 1788. Judge of Westchester County Court, 1793- 1797. Member of the Convention of 1801, 577. WALTER TONG, . Lieutenant of Queens County Troops, Province of New York, 1 7 10. 329. 530- 318 THOMAS TOPPING, 1610-1688. Member of the Governor's Council, New York, 1665. Deputy from Southampton to the Convention at Hemp- stead, 1665. Assistant in Connecticut, 1651-1656, 1659- 1661, 1663, 1664. Captain of Train Band of Southampton, 1650. 293, 539- JOSEPH TRACY, 1682-1765. Captain of Train Band of Norwich, Connecticut, 1732. Dep- uty for Norwich to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1729. 1733. 1735-1737- 74, 121. THOMAS TRACY, 1610-1685. Deputy for Norwich to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1662, 1663, 1667, 1670, 1672, 1673, 1675-1678, 1682-1684. 74, 121, 219, 258, 348, 361, 527. WILLIAM TRASK, 1589-1666. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Captain, 1632. Captain of the Salem Company, 1636. Muster-Master of the East Essex Regiment, Dec. 7, 1636. Commanded a Company in the Pequot War, 1637. Deputy for Salem to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1639. 67. RICHARD TREAT, 1 584-1669. A Corporator named in the Connecticut Charter of Charles II., 1662. Deputy for Wethersfield to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1644- 1657. Magistrate and Assistant of Connecticut, 1657- 1664. 43, 62, 98, 138, 222, 260, 316, 363, 395, 412, 441, 483, 487, 510, 511- 319 ROBERT TREAT, 1622-1710. Governor of Connecticut, 1683- 1687, 1689- 1698. Deputy- Governor, 1 676- 1 682. Lieutenant-Governor, 1698- 1708. Deputy for Milford to the General Court of New Haven Colony, 1653-1656, 1658. Magistrate of New Haven Col- ony, 1659-1663. Assistant of Connecticut, 1673-1675. Member of Sir Edmond Andros's Council, 1687-1689. Commissioner of the United Colonies for Connecticut, 1681, 1682, 1684. Commander-in-Chief of Connecticut Troops, 1675. 138, 280, 487, 579. JOSEPH TROTTER, about 1696- 1770. Member of Pennsylvania Assembly, 1739-1755. 523- JAMES TROWBRIDGE, 1637-1717. Lieutenant, Cambridge Company, Massachusetts Bay, 1675, 1676. 529- JONATHAN TRUMBULL, 1710-1785. Governor of Connecticut, 1769- 1775. Lieutenant-Governor 1766-1769. Deputy for Lebanon to the Connecticut Gen- eral Assembly, 1733, 1736-1740, 1751-1754. Speaker of the House, 1739, 1752, 1754. Assistant of Connecticut, 1 740- 1 75 1, 1 754- 1 766. Judge of the County Court of Windham County, 1746-1753, 1757-1767. Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Connecticut, 1766-1769. Lieu- tenant-Colonel of the Twelfth Regiment of Colonial Troops, 1739. Colonel of the Twelfth Regiment, 1753. Agent of Connecticut to England, 1756. 50, 89. ROBERT TUCKER, 1604-1682. Deputy for Gloucester to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1652. For Milton, 1669, 1680, 1681. 517- 320 NATHANIEL TURNER, 1647. One of the recognized Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Deputy for Saugus to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1634, 1635, 1636. Chosen Captain of the Saugus Company, 1633. Magistrate of the New Haven Colony, 1639-1643. Deputy to the General Court of New Haven Colony, 1643- 1645. Commissioner for the United Colonies, 1643. Captain and Chief Mil- itary Officer of New Haven Colony, 1640. Lost in the 'Thantom Ship." V^, 339. 341, 546. THOMAS TURPIN, 1708-1719. Lieutenant-Colonel of Militia, Cumberland County, Virginia, 1754- 319. 450- WILLL\M TYNG, 1653. Deputy for Boston to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1639-1644, 1646, 1647. Deputy for Braintree, 1649- 165 1. Treasurer of the Colony, 1640- 1644. Captain of the Braintree Company, 1647. 442. JOHN UNDERHILL, 1600-1672. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay, 1630. Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland known as the "Eight Men," 1645. Delegate to the Convention at Hempstead, 1665. High Sheriff of the North Riding, Island of Nassau, 1665. Captain of Massachusetts Troops, and Officer of the An- cient and Honorable Artillery, 1636. Captain of Rhode Island Troops, 1653. Captain under the Dutch, and Com- mander of Troops engaged in the Indian War on Long Island. Deputy to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1634. One of a Committee to build fortifications in Boston Harbor, 1634. Served in Pequot War, 1636. Commander of Saybrook Fort, Connecticut, 1637. 91, 146, 199, 237, 246, 311, 330, 349, 367, 382, 383, 418. 321 SIMON VAN AERSDALEN. . Delegate from Flatlands to the Convention in Nieuw Amster- dam, 1663. 401. JAN HENDRIKSE VAN BAAL, before 1683. Indian Commissioner and Magistrate of Albany, New York, 1664-1666, 1670-1672. Comet in the Troop of Captain Jeremias Van Rensselaer, 1670. 409. LAURENS ANDRIESSEN VAN BOSKIRCK, 1694. Member of the King's Council, Province of New Jersey, 1672, 1673. Judge of Bergen County Court, 1674, 1676, 1677, 1679. President of the Court, 1681, 1682. 328. JOHANNES PIETERSE VAN BRUGH, 1624-1697. Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam, 1673, 1674. Captain of Nieuw Amsterdam Troops, 1673. 3, 5, 9, 13, 20, 37, 42, 48, 55, 57, 58, -]},, 78, 79, 136, 142, 144, 161, 184, 185, 210, 212, 215, 218, 329, 333, 335, 336, 530- PIETER VAN BRUGH, 1666-1740. Mayor of Albany, Province of New York, 1699, 1721, 1722, Member of the Assembly, 1705-1707, 1713-1715, 1727. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1706- 1734. Captain of Albany County Troops, 1710. I. 3. 5, 7> 9. 13. 20, 37, 38, 42, 47, 48, 56, 57, 58, jz, 78, 79, 136, 161, 185, 329, 335, 336, 530. MARTIN CORNELISSE VAN BUREN, 1710. Captain of Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 1700. 395. JAN VAN CLEEF, 1628 . Delegate from Bushwick to the Convention at Nieuw Am- sterdam, 1664. 116. 322 JACOBUS VAN CORTLANDT, 1658-1739. Mayor of New York City, 1710, 1719. Member of New York Assembly, 1691-1693, 1698, 1702-1709, 1710-1716. Colonel of Kings County Troops, 171 3. 48, 139, 329, 336. OLOFF STEVENSE VAN CORTLANDT, about 1600- 1684. Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland known as the "Eight Men," 1645. President of the "Nine Men," 1650. Burgomaster of Nieuw Amsterdam, 1655- 1660, 1662, 1663. Commissioner of Boundaries, 1663. Special Commissioner of Indian Affairs under Dutch Rule, 1645. Colonel of the Burghers' Corps, 1649. Member of the Governor's Council of New York, 1674. Commissioner to treat with the English Forces, 1664. I, 2, 3, 7, 10, 14, 41, 42, 48, 55, 92, 118, 119, 139, 142, 144, 155, 181, 184, 210, 212, 229, 262, 329, 333, 335, 336, 338, 418. PHILIP VAN CORTLANDT, 1683-1746. Member of the Governor's Council in the Province of New York, 1 730- 1 748. 2. PIERRE VAN CORTLANDT, 1721-1814. Member of the New York Assembly, 1768-1775. Member of the Provincial Congress, 1775, 1776, 1777. 2. STEPHANUS VAN CORTLANDT, 1643-1700. Lord of the Manor of Cortlandt, 1677. Mayor of New York City, 1677, 1686. First Judge of the Court of Ad- miralty, 1678. Member of the Governor's Council, Prov- ince of New York, 1680-1688, 1691-1700. Secretary of the Province, 1688. Chancellor of the Province, 1696. Re- ceiver-General, 1687, 1698. Chief Justice of the Province, 1700. I, 2, 3, 7, 10, 36, 42, 80, 124, 181, 262, 335, 338, 418. 323 GERRIT WOLFERTSE VAN COUWENHOVEN, 1610-1645. Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland known as the "Eight Men," 1643. 259, 326, 401, 465, 519, 561. JOHN VAN COUWENHOVEN, 1734-1803. Member of Provincial Congress of New Jersey, 1775, 1776. Colonel of New Jersey Troops, 1776. 401. RIP VAN DAM, 1660-1749. Acting Governor of the Province of New York, as Presi- dent of the Council, 1731. Member of the Governor's Council, 1702-1735. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1706. y Master in Chancery, 171 1, 1720. 5, 9, 20, 37, 38, 47, 56, 57, 58, -jz. 78, 79, 136, 161, 185, 329, 409, 530. PAULUS VAN DER BECO, 1680. Delegate from Brooklyn to the Convention in Nieuw Am- sterdam, 1653. JOHANNES VAN DER POEL, 1705-1777. Ensign of Troops at Kinderhook, Province of New York, 1733- MELGERT WYNENT VAN DER POEL, 1649-1710. Lieutenant, Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 1690. Ensign, 1689. 152. ABRAHAM PIETERSEN VAN DEUSEN, 1605 . Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland known as the "Twelve Men," 1641. One of the "Eight Men," 1643. 204. 324 CORNELIS VAN DYCK, 1642-1687. Acting Indian Commissioner, as under Dutch Rule, in the Province of New York, 1679, 1682. Magistrate of Rensselaerwyck, 1673. Magistrate of Al- bany, 1679, 1682. HENDRICK VAN DYCK, about 1687. Member of the Council of the Director-General of Nieuw Netherland, 1642, 1644. Schout Fiscaal, 1647- 1652. En- sign in the service of the Holland West India Company, 1639, 1640. 55, 142, 144, 152, 184, 215. JOHANNES VAN EPS, 1690. Lieutenant, Schenectady Troops, Province of New York, 1684. In Command of all Troops in Schenectady, 1685. 430. CORNELIUS VAN HORNE, . Member of the King's Council, Province of New Jersey, 1727-1745. Commissioner of Boundaries, 1740. Member of the Assembly, Province of New York, 1743- 1758. Cap- tain of Provincial Troops, 1737. Colonel of New Jersey Troops, 1756. 254- BALTUS BARENTSEN VAN KLEECK, . Captain Dutchess County Troops, Province of New York, 1700. Member of New York Assembly, 171 5-1726. 372. CORNELIS HENDRICKSE VAN NES, 1681. Acting Indian Commissioner under Dutch Rule, as Magis- trate of Fort Orange, 1665, 1666. 370. SIMON VAN NES, 1665 . Ensign ol Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 1689. 176. 325 HENDRICK VAN RENSSELAER, 1667-1740. Major of New York Troops, 1722. Captain, 1714. Mem- ber of Assembly, Province of New York, 1705-1715. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1706, 1724, 1726, 1732, 1734. i3» 2>^, 55> 142, 144, 184, 210, 212, 215, 229, 250, 333. JEREMIAS VAN RENSSELAER, 1630-1674. President of the Convention in Nieuw Amsterdam, 1664. Commissioner of Indian Affairs under Dutch Rule, as Magistrate of Fort Orange, 1659-1660, 1663-1665. Captain of a Troop of Horse, 1670. I, 3. 7» 13. 14, 41, 55' 80, 92, 124, 142, 144, 184, 210, 212, 229, 250, 253, 333. JOHANNES VAN RENSSELAER, 1708-1783. Captain of Troops in Claverack, Province of New York, 1733. 142, 144, 229, 250. KILIAEN VAN RENSSELAER, 1663-1719. Lord of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck, erected 1685. Member of the Governor's Council, Province of New York, 1704- 1719. Member of the Provincial Assembly, 1691-1704. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1706, 1710, 1712, 171 5. Cornet of a Troop of Horse, 1684. Captain, 1700. Lieu- tenant-Colonel of Albany Troops, 1702. Colonel, 171 5. I, 3, 7, 13, 26, 36, 80, 109, 155, 245, 321. KILIAEN K. VAN RENSSELAER, 1717-1781. Lieutenant of Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 1743. Colonel in the Continental Army, 1778. 55 ROBERT VAN RENSSELAER, 1740-1802. Member of the Provincial Congress of New York, 1775- 1777. Colonel of the Eighth Regiment, Albany County Troops, 1775. Brigadier-General, 1780. 250. 326 STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER, 1706-1747. Fourth Lord of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck. Commission- er of Indian Affairs, Province of New York, 1745. Captain of New York Troops, 1733. Lieutenant-Colonel, 1745. 13- STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER, 1742-1769. Fifth Lord of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck. Captain of a Troop of Horse, Province of New York, 1764. Lieuten- ant-Colonel, 1768. Colonel, 1768. 13- ARIE CORNELISEN VAN SCHAICK, 1642-1700. Captain of New York City Troops, 1689. Ensign, 1684. 328, 530. GOOSZEN VAN SCHAICK, 1736-1789. Lieutenant-Colonel First Regiment, 1761. Captain of Troops of the Province of New York, 1759. Colonel, Second New York Regiment Continentals, 1775. Colonel, First Regiment of the Line, 1776- 1783. Brigadier-General by Brevet, 1783. 85- GOOSZEN GERRITSE VAN SCHAICK, 1676. Acting Indian Commissioner in Nieuw Netherland, as Mag- istrate of Albany, 1649- 1664. Lieutenant of Troops at Fort Orange, 1670. Captain, 1676. 24, 139, 142, 144, 210, 212, 251, 333, 492, 530. SYBRANT GOOSZENSE VAN SCHAICK, 1708 . Mayor of Albany, Province of New York, 1 756-1 761. 85. RUTGER JACOBSEN VAN SCHOENDERWOERT, about 1665. Acting Indian Commissioner, under the Dutch, as Magis- trate of Fort Orange, 1655, 1656, 1660, 1661. 56, 79, 90, 139, 251, 558. 327 JACOBUS VAN SCHOONHOVEN, 1749. Captain of a Company of Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 171 5. ^ 143, 435- BRANT ARENTSE VAN SLICHTENHORST, about 1660. Acting Indian Commissioner, under Dutch Colonial Rule, in Nieuw Netherland, as Chief Magistrate of Rensselaer- wyck, 1 646- 1 65 5. 37> 38, 47» 67, 120, 142, 144, 185, 218, 251, 289, 329, 335, 336, 338, 418, 530, 534- ELBERT ELBERTSE VAN STOOTHOF, 1620-1688. Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland known as the "Nine Men," 1649, 1650. Delegate from Flatlands to the Conventions of 1653, 1664, 1665. Cap- tain of New York Troops, 1673. 46, no. Ill, 366, 367. GERRIT TEUNISSE VAN VECHTEN, after 1700. Captain, Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 1689, 1 69 1, 1700. Ensign, 1669. 430- ISAAC VAN VLEECK, 1644-1695. Captain of Troops, Province of New York, 1684. 152. CORNELIS COERTE VAN VOORHEES, . Ensign of Kings County Troops, Province of New York, 1700. 519- COERT STEVENSE VAN VOORHEES, 1637-1702. Delegate to the Conventions held in Nieuw Amsterdam, 1664 and 1674. Captain of Kings County Troops, Province of New York, 1689. Magistrate of Flatlands, 1664-1673. 519- .-.28 JACOB WALINGEN VAN WINCKEL, 1657. Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland known as the "Twelve Men," 1641. 445- * ABRAHAM VAN WYCK, 1748- 1786. Captain of New York Provincial Troops, 1775. First Lieu- tenant in RomboLit Precinct, 1775. 2. THEODORUS VAN WYCK, 1718-1776. Member of the New York Provincial Congress, 1775-1776. 2, JOSEPH VARNUM, 1662-1749. Captain of a Dracut Company, Massachusetts Bay, 1721. Major, 1722. Colonel, 1732, Representative for Dracut to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1721, 1722. 18, 19. GERRIT SYMONSE VEEDER, 1755. Lieutenant in one of the Military Companies of Schenectady, Province of New York, 17 14. 137- JOHANNES VERMILYE, 1632-1696. Commissioner from the Province of New York to confer with Governor Treat of Connecticut, 1689. Member of the Governor's Council of New York, 1689. Member of a Committee of Safety appointed by the Citizens of the Province of New York to organize the Government under Leisler, 1689. 555- ABRAM VER PLANCK, . Member of the Representative Body of Nieuw Netherland known as the "Twelve Men," 1641, 1642. 5, 44, 55, 90, 117, 152, 192, 206, 236, 328, 487. 329 GULIAN VER PLANCK, 1637-1684. Ensign of Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 1673- 44, 117. PHILIP VER PLANCK, 1695-1771. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1734-1768. Ensign of Troops, 1722. 262. SAMUEL VER PLANCK, 1739-1820. Member of the New York Provincial Congress, 1775. One of the Committee of One Hundred, 1775. 117. SAMUEL VETCH, 1668-1732. Envoy sent by Governor Dudley to treat with Vaudreuil, 1705. Captain, 1702, Adjutant-General of all her Majes- ty's Forces in America, 1710. Governor of Port Royal, 1710-1713. Captain of Company at Placentia, and Com- mander in Newfoundland, 1713. Governor of Nova Scotia, 1714. 13- SAMUEL WADSWORTH, 1631-1676. Captain of a Company of Massachusetts Volunteers in King Philip's War. Killed in Sudbury Fight, 1676. 517- WILLIAM WAUSWORTH, 1675. Deputy for Hartford to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1656-1675. Member of the Grand Committee, or Council of War of Connecticut, 1673. 126, 200, 258, 527. BENJAMIN WAITE, 1725-1812. Captain and Muster-Master in Colonel Waldo's Regiment, Province of Maine, 1760. Major, 1762. 590- 330 JONATHAN WALCOTT, 1699. Lieutenant, 1685. Captain of the Salem Company, Massa- chusetts Bay, 1689. 74, 203, 428. JOHN WALDRON, 1740. Captain of a Company of Dover, New Hampshire, 1732. 526, 532. RESOLVED WALDRON, 1647- 1690. Special Commissioner from Nieuw Netherland to treat with Maryland and settle the Dutch title to the South River Col- ony, 1659. Deputy Schout Fiscaal of Nieuw Netherland, 1658. Schout Fiscaal, 1673. 370, 555. JOHN WALKER, 1647. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Portsmouth, 1638, being one of the Eighteen Original Proprietors of Aquidneck who settled Pocasset. 53- ANDREW WARD, 1587-1659. A Commissioner appointed by the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1635. Magistrate of New Haven Colony, 1646. Deputy to the Connecticut General Assembly for Wethersfield, 1636-1639; for Stamford, 1643, 1644; for Wethersfield, 1648-1656. 128, 132, 133, 156, 193. EDMUND WARD, 1732. Member of the Assembly of the Province of New York, 1705-1709, 1710-1712. 193- JOHN WARD, 1626-1708. Representative for Newton to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1692, 1693, 1694, 1696, 1698. Ensign, New- ton Company, 1689. 529- 331 PETER WARD, 1676-1763. Captain of Train Band of Killingworth, Connecticut, 1731. Deputy for Killingworth to the Connecticut General As- sembly, 1718. 128, 132, 133. WILLIAM WARD, 1680- 1767. Captain of Massachusetts Militia, 1724. Colonel. Special Justice of the Superior Court, Massachusetts Bay, 1738, 1739- Judge of Court of Common Pleas, Worcester County, 1731-1744. 520. JOHN WARHAM, 1670. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. One of the Ministers of Parishes who were ac- tive in founding or forwarding the interests of the Col- onies of Massachusetts and Connecticut prior to 1675. 138- 352, 527> 534- DANIEL WARNER, 1734-1823. Captain of a Company of Hardwick, Massachusetts Bay, 1757- 188. JOHN WARREN, 2d, 1622- 1702. Lieutenant in the Train Band of Watertown, Massachusetts Bay, 1680. Called Captain, 1691. 316. RICHARD WARREN, 1590- 1628. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. 55, 67, 152, 257, 283, 284, 300, 415. WILLIAM WASHBURNE. Delegate to the Convention held in Nieuw Amsterdam, 1653. 54, 445, 472. 332 RICHARD WATERMAN, 1 590-1673. One of the Thirteen Original Proprietors of the Providence Plantations, 1638. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Warwick, being one of the twelve Purchasers, 1642. Commissioner for Providence to the General Court of Commissioners of Rhode Island, 1652, 1655, 1656, 1658. 65- JOHN WATSON, . Deputy for Kingston to the General Assembly of Rhode Is- land, 1 718, 1 72 1, 1722. Deputy for South Kingston, 1 723- 1 726. 65. 391- JOHN WAYTE, 1618-1693. Deputy for Maiden to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1666-1684. Speaker of the House, 1684. Called Lieutenant, 1662. Captain of the Maiden Train Band, 1665. Captain of a Maiden Company in Middlesex Regi- ment, 1675. 333> 527- JOHN WEBSTER, 1590-1661. Governor of Connecticut, 1656. Deputy-Governor, 1655. Magistrate of Connecticut, 1639-1654, 1657-1659. Com- missioner of the United Colonies for Connecticut, 1654. 34, 62, 66, 88, 106, 126, 146, 154, 268, 298, 302, 328, 342, 350, 351. 352, 3^2, 378, 391. 442, 49I' 534, 549, 550, 592. JOHN WEBSTER, 1710-1788. Ensign, Sixth Massachusetts Regiment, 1745. Lieutenant in Goffe's Company, 1747. Captain, 1747. Served as Major and Colonel in the Revolutionary War. 521. ROBERT WEBSTER, 1676. Lieutenant of Train Band of Middletown, Connecticut, 1654. Deputy for Middletown to the Connecticut General As- sembly, 1653-1659. 268, 363. 333 DANIEL WELD, 1642-1690. Chief Surgeon in the Narragansett Campaign, King Philip's War, 1675. 428. JOSEPH WELD, 1595-1646. Deputy for Roxbury to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1637, 1638, 1641, 1643. Captain, 1645. Ensign of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1638. 428. THOMAS WELD, 1590-1660. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding or for- warding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Agent for the Colony in England, 1641. A Founder of Harvard College. 476, 559- THOMAS WELD, 2d, 1626- 1683. Deputy for Roxbury to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, August, 1676; September, 1676; May, 1677. 476, 559- JONATHAN WELLS, 1659-1738. Representative for Deerfield to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1692, 1698. Lieutenant, 1689. Captain, 1693, and Commanded the Garrison at Deerfield at the time of the Massacre, 1703. 560. JONATHAN WELLS, 1684-1735. Ensign in a Military Company of Deerfield, Massachusetts, in Father Rasle's War, 1722- 1725. 560. WILLIAM WELLS, 1671. Delegate from Southold to the Convention held at Hemp- stead, 1665. High Sheriff of Yorkshire, New York, 1665- 1669. 518. 334 GIDEON WELLES, 1 692-1 739. Captain of Second Train Band of Wethersfield, Connecticut, 1735. 387. ROBERT WELLES, 1649-1714. Deputy for Wethersfield to the Connecticut General Assem- bly, 1690-1694, 1697-1701, 1704, 1705, 1707-1714. Mem- ber of the Governor's Council, 1697, 1698. Captain of Train Band of Wethersfield, Connecticut, 1689. 387- SAMUEL WELLES, 1630-1675. Captain of Train Band of Wethersfield, Connecticut, 1670. Deputy for WetTiersfield to the Connecticut General As- sembly, 1675. Member of the Governor's Council, 1675. 62, 154, 289, 412. SAMUEL WELLES, 2d, 1660-1731. Captain of Train Band of Glastonbury, Connecticut, 1698. Deputy for Glastonbury to the Connecticut General As- sembly, 1697, 1705, 1707, 1712, 1713. 412. THOMAS WELLES, 1598-1660. Governor of Connecticut Colony, 1655, 1658. Deputy- Governor, 1654, 1656, 1657, 1659. Magistrate and Assist- ant of Connecticut, 1639-1653. Secretary, 1640-1648. Treasurer, 1639, 1641, 1643-1645, 1647, 1648. Commis- sioner of the United Colonies, 1649, 1659. 10, 12, 43, 62, 74, 103, 104, 105, 126, 141, 154, 162, 167, 217, 222, 260, 279, 289, 387, 412, 418, 495, 499, 534. THOMAS WELLES, 2d, 1629-1688. A Corporator named in the Connecticut Charter of Charles n., 1662. Assistant of Connecticut, 1668. 12. 335 THOMAS WELLES, 1693-1767. Assistant of Connecticut, 175 1 -1760. Deputy for Glaston- bury to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1725, 1726, 1728, 1730-1751. Speaker of the House, 1746-1751. Com- missioner for Adjustment of Boundaries between Massa- chusetts and Connecticut, 1739. Captain of Train Band of Glastonbury, 1724, 1725. Colonel of Sixth Regiment of Connecticut, 1739. 412 JAN WEMPLE, . • Lieutenant of a Company of Foot in Schenectady, Province of New York, 171 5. 137- EVERT JANSEN WENDELL, 1615- about 1702. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs under Dutch Colonial Rule, as Magistrate of Fort Orange, 1660-1663. 142, 144, 370. JACOB WENDELL, 1691-1761. Councillor, Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1734-1760. Cap- tain of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1735, 1745. Lieutenant-Colonel, Boston Militia Regiment, 1733. Colonel, 1736-1743. 442. JOHANNES WENDELL, 1649-1691. Indian Commissioner, Province of New York, 1684, 1690. Captain of Albany County Troops, 1684. 430> 442. BENJAMIN WENTWORTH, 1691-1725. Lieutenant of a Company of Dover, New Hampshire, 1717. Captain, 1721. Representative for Dover to the General Assembly of New Hampshire, 1724, 1725. 526, 532. 336 EZEKIEL WENTWORTH, about 1651-1712. Representative for Dover to the General Assembly of New Hampshire, 1709, 171 1. 526, 532. JOHN WENTWORTH, 1719-1781. Representative for Dover and Somersworth to the General Assembly of New Hampshire, 1748-1775. Speaker of the House, 1771-1775. Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1773. President of the Provincial Congress, 1775. Liertenant-Colonel under Colonel John Goffe, 1767. Col- onel of the Second New Hampshire Regiment. 441. WILLIAM WENTWORTH, 1698. One of the HTstoric Founders of New Hampshire. Elder over the first Church in Dover. 441. STUKELEY WESTCOTT, 1592- 1677. One of the Founders of the Historic Charter Colony of Prov- idence, being one of the Thirteen Original Proprietors, 1638. Commissioner for Warwick to the General Court of Commissioners, Rhode Island, 165 1, 1652, 1653, 1655, 1660. Assistant, 1653. Deputy for Warwick to the Gen- eral Assembly, 1671. 65, 432. WILLIAM WESTWOOD, 1606-1669. One of the Commissioners appointed by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay to govern Connecticut, 1635. Dep- uty for Hartford to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1636, 1642, 1643, 1644, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1651-1656. 375- THOMAS WHEELER, 1672. Ensign of a Company of Fairfield, Connecticut, for service against the Dutch, 1653. Lieutenant, 165 1. 339- 337 THOMAS WHEELER, 1676. Lieutenant, Middlesex Troop, Massachusetts Bay, 1669. Captain, Second Middlesex Troop, 1671. Captain of Troop in King Philip's War, 1675. 98. TIMOTHY WHEELER, 1601-1687. Deputy for Concord to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1 663- 1 666, 1668, 1669, 1671, 1672. Ensign of a Con- cord Company, 1646. Captain, 1663. 365- RALPH WHEELOCK, 1600-1684. Deputy for Dedham to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1639, 1640. Deputy for Medfield, 1653, 1663, 1664, 1666, 1667. 442. JOHN WHEELWRIGHT, about 1592-1679. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding or for- warding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 203, 526, 532. JOHN WHEELWRIGHT, 1664-1745. Representative for Wells to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay, 1692, 1699. Councillor, 1708- 1732. Commis- sioner of Oyer and Terminer, 1707. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for York, 1 702-1 731. Judge of Probate, 1715-1745. Captain, 1706. 203, 526, 532. SAMUEL WHEELWRIGHT, 1635-1700. Deputy for York and Wells to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1 67 1, 1677, 1693. Councillor, 1694- 1699, Commissioner of Oyer and Terminer, 1692. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1692- 1700. Judge of Probate, 1 694- 1 700. 203, 526, 532. 338 JOHN WHIPPLE, about 1605-1669. Deputy for Ipswich to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1646, 1650-1653. 529- DANIEL WHITE, about 1639-1713. Lieutenant of the Hatfield Company, Massachusetts Bay, 1692. 395. 412. DANIEL WHITE, 1671-1726. Captain of a Troop of Horse of Hartford County, Connecti- cut, 1 71 6. 412. JOEL WHITE, 1705-1789. Deputy for Bolton to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1750-1757, 1759-1762, 1767-1775. Captain of the first Train Band of Bolton, Connecticut, 1755. Member of Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, 1777. 412. NATHANIEL WHITE, 1629-1711. Deputy for Middletown to the Connecticut General Assem- bly, 1659, 1661-1687, 1689-1710. Captain of Train Band of Middletown, 1690, 1699. 339, 341, 342, 357. DANIEL WHITEHEAD, 1646-1704. Member of the New York Assembly, 1691-1704. Captain of Queens County Troops, Province of New York, 1692. 48, 114, 251, 343. HENRY WHITFIELD, 1591-1658. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding or for- warding the interests of the Colony of Connecticut prior to 1675. Minister at Guilford, 1639-1650. 138, 342. 339 JOHN WHITING, 1635-1689. Preacher of Connecticut Election Sermon, 1686. Chaplain of Connecticut Troops in King Philip's War, 1675. 67, 138, 250, 387, 465, 561. JOHN WHITING, 1705-1786. Captain of Train Band of Stonington, Connecticut, 1741. Captain of a Rhode Island Company in the Crown Point Expedition, 1755. Fort Major and Adjutant at Lake George, 1755. Captain, Third Company, Rhode Island Troops, 1757. Captain, Fourth Company, 1758. Major, 1759. Lieutenant-Colonel of Regiment raised by Rhode Island for Expedition against Canada, 1760. Col- onel, 1 76 1. 387, 429- JOSEPH WHITING, 1680- 1748. Assistant of Connecticut, 1 725-1 741. Deputy for New Lla- ven to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1716, 1722, 1724. Clerk of the House, 1716. Judge of the Superior Court of Connecticut, 1732- 1744. Captain of a Troop of New Haven County, 171 5. Lieutenant-Colonel of the Second Regiment of Connecticut, 1739. 237- SAMUEL WHITING, 1597- 1679. One of the Ministers of Parishes active in founding or for- warding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 162, 217, 476, 559. WILLIAM WHITING, 1647. Treasurer of Connecticut, 1641-1647. Magistrate of Con- necticut, 1641-1647. Commissioner of the United Col- onies for Connecticut, 1646. 31, 62, 67, 138, 237, 303, 352, 363, 387, 429, 465, 534, 542, 561. 340 SAMUEL WHITMAN, 1676-1751. One of the Fellows of Yale College named in the New Char- ter of 1745. Fellow of Yale College, 1724-1746. Preacher of Connecticut Election Sermon, 1714. 352, 534. JOHN WICKES, 1609-1675. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Warwick, be- ing one of the Twelve Purchasers, 1642. Commissioner for Warwick to the General Court of Commissioners of Rhode Island, 1651, 1652, 1655-1663. Assistant, 1650, 1656, 1666. Named in the Royal Charter of Charles II., 1663. Deputy for Warwick to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1664-1673, 1675. 212, 386. THOMAS WIGGIN, 1667. Proprietary Governor of Dover Plantation at Piscataqua, 1 632- 1 637, and Agent of the Proprietors of that Plantation. Assistant, Massachusetts Bay, 1650-1664. Deputy to the General Court of the Colony, 1645. Appointed Commis- sioner to hold Court at Piscataqua, 1642, 1643-1646. To hold Court in Norfolk County, 1648, 1649. Called Cap- tain, 1638. 425- SAMUEL WILBORE, 1656. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Portsmouth, Rhode Island, 1638, being one of the Eighteen Original Proprietors of Aquidneck who settled Pocasset. 401. SAMUEL WILBORE, 20, about 1679. Commissioner for Portsmouth to the General Court of Com- missioners, 1656, 1658, 1659, 1660, 1662, 1663. Deputy for Portsmouth to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1664, 1665, 1669, 1670. Assistant, Rhode Island, 1665- 1669, 1677, 1678. Named in the Royal Charter of Charles XL, 1663. Captain, 1676. 401. 341 SIMON WILLARD, 1605-1676. Major and Commander-in-Chief of the Forces of the United Colonies in the Expedition against Ninigret, 1654. Lieu- tenant, Concord Company, 1636. Captain, 1646. Ser- geant-Major, Middlesex Companies, Massachusetts Bay, 1653. Deputy for Concord to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1636-1642, 1645, 1646, 1649-1653. Assist- ant, 1654-1675. Commissioner to lay out the Northern Boundary of Massachusetts, 1652. 86, 128, 132, 133, 138, 307, 342, 354, 577. THOMAS WILLETT, 1610-1674. Mayor of New York City, 1665, 1667-1668. Assistant in Plymouth Colony, 1651-1664. Commissioner to organize His Majesty's Government in the Province of New York, 1665. Member of the Governor's Council, 1665-1672. Commissioner of Boundaries, 1650. Captain of Plymouth Colony Train Band, 1647. 43, 102, 186, 199, 221, 238, 275, 282, 518. THOMAS WILLETT, 1645-1725. Colonel of Queens County Troops, Province of New York, 1686. Lieutenant, 1673. Major, 1685. High Sheriff of Queens County, 1683-1689, 1707. Member of the New York Assembly, 1701, 1710-1725. Member of the Gov- ernor's Council, 1691-1697. Judge of the Court of Com- mon Pleas, Queen's County, 1702, 1723. 46, no, 366, 367. WILLIAM WILLETT, 1670-1733. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Westchester County, Province of New York, 1721-1733. Member of the As- sembly, 1701-1714, 1716-1738, Commissioner of Bound- aries, 1718, 1723, Colonel of Westchester Troops, Prov- ince of New York, 1722. 46, no, III. 342 BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, 1695-1775. Ensign, Sixth Massachusetts Regiment, 1744. Lieutenant, Second Regiment, 1745. Captain, 1757. 152, 2^7. EPHRAIM WILLIAMS, 1691-1754. Colonel of a Regiment of Massachusetts Militia. 69. ISAAC WILLIAMS, 1637- 1707. Representative for Newton to the General Court of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1692, 1695, 1697, 1699, 1701, 1705. Lieu- tenant, Cambridge Foot Company, 1677. Called Captain, 1697. 202. JOHN WILLIAMS, 1692-1761. Deputy to Connecticut General Assembly for Lebanon, 1727, 1739-1741, I743> 1748; for Stonington, 1753-1757, 1759" 176 1. Captain of Train Band of Norwich, Connecticut, 1735. Major of the Eighth Regiment of Colonial Troops, 1739. Lieutenant-Colonel of the Eighth Regiment of Col- onial Troops, 1746. 202. JOSEPH WILLIAMS, 1708-1798. Colonel of a Regiment raised by the Province of Massachu- setts Bay for the Expedition against Canada, 1759. 252. RICHARD WILLIAMS, 1606-1693. Deputy for Taunton to the General Court of Plymouth, 1643, 1645, 1646, 1648, 1650, 165 1, 1653-1657, 1659, 1664, 1665. 152. 343 ROGER WILLIAMS, 1 599-1683. The recognized Historic Founder of Rhode Island and Provi- dence Plantations, 1636. One of the Original Proprietors of Providence Plantations, being Grantor of Deed of In- dian Lands to Twelve Others, 1638. Agent to England to secure a Charter from Parliament, 1642. Assistant, 1647, 1648, 1664, 1665, 1670-1672. Deputy-President of the Colony, 1649. Agent to England for Providence and War- wick concerning the Charter, 1651. President of the Col- ony, 1 654- 1 657. Commissioner for Providence to the Court of Commissioners, 1655, 1656, 1658, 1659, 1661. Named in the Royal Charter of Charles II., 1663. Deputy for Provi- dence to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1667. Captain of Providence Train Band during King Philip's War, 1676. 220, 281, 560. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, 1716-1801. Captain of Train Band of Stonington, Connecticut, 1759. Deputy for Stonington to Connecticut General Assembly, 1775, 1784, 1785- 202. HENRY WILLIS, 1690- 1740. Burgess for Gloucester County, Virginia, to the House of Burgesses, 17 18, 1720, 1722, 1723, 1726. Burgess for Spottsylvania County, 1740. 450. JOHN WILLIS, 1692. Deputy for Bridgewater to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1 657- 1 660, 1664, 1 666- 1 680. 420. 344 . FRANCIS WILLOUGHBY, 1671. Deputy Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1665- 1670. Deputy for Charlestown to the General Court of the Colony, 1642, 1646, 1649. Assistant, 1650, 1651, 1664. Member of a Committee to draw up a Code of Maritime Laws, 1667. Member of a Committee to adjust the affairs of Harvard College. 568. JOHN WILSON, 1588-1667. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. A Founder of Harvard College. Chaplain in the Pequot War, 1637. 196. PETER WINNE, 1695. Major of Albany County Troops, Province of New York, 1689. Magistrate of Willemstadt, 1674. 212, 370, 386, 395. EDWARD WINSLOW, 1595-1655. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. Gov- ernor of Plymouth Colony, 1633, 1636, 1644. Assistant, 1634-1638, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1645-1650. Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1643, 1644. Agent for the Colony in England, 1646. Member of the Councils of War of 1642, 1643, 1646. Sent by Cromwell on a Mission to the West Indies and died on the voyage thither. 68. EDWARD WINSLOW, 1669-1753. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay, 1743-1753- Major of a Boston Regi- ment, 1729. Colonel, 1733. Lieutenant, Ancient and Hon- orable Artillery Company, 171 1. Captain, 1714, 1729. 476, 559- 345 ISAAC WINSLOW, 1670-1738. Councillor, Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1703-1724, 1726- 1736. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Plymouth County, 1702, 1712-1738. Special Justice of the Superior Court, 1727. Judge of Probate, 1718-1738. 68. JOHN WINSLOW, 1597-1674. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. Dep- uty for Plymouth to the General Court of the Colony, 1652, 1654. Member of the Council of War, 1653. 476, 559- JOSIAH WINSLOW, 1605-1674. Deputy for Marshfield to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1643, 1646, 1647, 1651, 1653, 1654, 1655, i659» 1660. Member of the Council of War, 167 1. 74, 219. JOSIAS WINSLOW, 1629-1680. Governor o? Plymouth Colony, 1673- 1680. Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1658- 1660, 1662- 1680. Assistant, 1 657- 1 672. Ensign, Marshfield Company, 1648. Captain, 1655. Major, 1658. Commander-in-Chief of the Plym- outh Forces, 167 1. Member of the Councils of War of 1658, 1667. 68. KENELM WINSLOW, 1 599-1672. Deputy for Marshfield to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1 642- 1 644, 1 649- 1 653. 118, 119, 217,368, 533. JOHN WINTHROP, 1 588-1649. First Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1629, 163 1 -1633, 1 637- 1 639, 1642, 1643, 1 646- 1 648. Assistant, 1634, 1635, 1640, 1641. Deputy-Governor, 1636, 1644, 1645. Commissioner of the United Colonies, 1643, 1645. Colonel of Suffolk Regiment, 1646. A Founder of Harvard Col- lege. 165, 166, 241, 296, 345, 423, 526, 532. 346 JOHN WINTHROP, 2d, 1606-1670. Governor of Connecticut, 1659-1675. Magistrate of Massa- chusetts Bay, 1632-1641, 1643-1649. Commissioner of the United Colonies for Connecticut, 1658- 1660, 1663, 1665, 1666, 1668, 1669. Lieutenant-Colonel of Regiment of East Essex, Massachusetts, 1636. 165. HENRY WISNER, 1720-1790. Member of the New York Assembly, 1759- 1769. Member of the Continental Congress, 1775, 1776. Member of the Provincial Congress, 1776. State Senator, 1777- 1782. 282. DANIEL WITHERELL, 1630-1719. Assistant of Connecticut, 1690- 1709. Deputy for New Lon- don to Connecticut General Assembly, 1679-1681, 1683- 1686, 1689. Judge of the County Court of New London County, Connecticut, 1698, 1 701 -1709. Captain in Com- mand of the Fort at New London, 1695, 1699. Naval Officer of Connecticut, 17 10. 316. WILLIAM WODELL, 1693. A Founder of the Historic Charter Colony of Warwick, be- ing one of the Twelve Purchasers of Warwick, 1642. Commissioner for Portsmouth to the Court of Commis- sioners, 1656, 1663. Deputy for Portsmouth to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, 1664-1667, 1669, 1670, 1672- 1675, 1 680- 1 684, 1686. 65- 347 ERASTUS WOLCOTT, 1722-1793. Speaker of the House of Connecticut, 1776. Deputy to Con- necticut General Assembly for Windsor, 1758-1762; for East Windsor, 1768- 1780. Member of the Council of Safe- ty of Connecticut, 1778. Captain of Train Band of Wind- sor, 1 761. Major of the First Regiment of Connecticut, 1762. Colonel of the Nineteenth Regiment of Connecti- cut, 1774. Brigadier-General, Connecticut. 1776. 126, 154. HENRY WOLCOTT, 1578-1655. Magistrate of Connecticut, 1643-1655. 12, 15, 55, 62, 71, 167, 210, 212, 219, 303, 327, 333, 395, 441. OLIVER WOLCOTT, 1726- 1797. Signer of the Declaration of Independence for Connecticut, 1776. Member of the Continental Congress for Connecti- cut, 1775. Deputy for Litchfield to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1764, 1767, 1768, 1770. Assistant of Connecti- cut, 1771-1775. Sheriff of Litchfield County, 1762. Judge of the County Court of Litchfield County, 1774- 1776. Major of the Thirteenth Regiment of Connecticut, 1771. Colonel of the Seventeenth Regiment of Connecticut, 1774. Brigadier-General of the Connecticut Militia, 1776. 12, 534- SIMON WOLCOTT, 1625-1687. Captain of Train Band of Simsbury, Connecticut, 1673. Deputy for Simsbury to the Connecticut General Assem- bly, 1 67 1, 1673, 1675. 12. 348 ROGER WOLCOTT, 1679- 1767. Governor of Connecticut, 1750- 1754. Lieutenant-Governor, 1741-1750. Deputy for Windsor to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1709-1714, 1718, 1719. Clerk of the House, 1710, 171 1. Speaker of the House, 1719. Assistant, 1714- 1718, 1720-1741, 1754-1760. Judge of the County Court of Hartford County, 1723- 1732. Judge of the Superior Court of Connecticut, 1 732-1 741. Chief Judge of the Su- perior Court, 1 741 -1 750. Commissioner of Connecticut for the Adjustment of Colonial Boundaries, 17 17, 17 18, 1 723- 1 726, 1728, 1730, 1737, 1740, 1742, 1750. Captain of Train Band of Windsor, Connecticut, 1722. Sergeant- Major of Regiment of Hartford County, 1724. Colonel of the First Regiment of Connecticut, 1739. Major-General, Connecticut, 1745. Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in the Expedition to Cape Breton, 1745. 12, 55, 113, 126, 154, 219. 303, 534, 575, 588. JONAS WOOD, 1689. Delegate to the Convention held at Hempstead, 1665. Lieu- tenant of Suffolk County Troops, Province of New York, 1684. 560. JOHN WOODBRIDGE, 1613-1695. Assistant, Massachusetts Bay, 1683, 1684. Deputy for New- bury to the General Court of the Colony, 1637, 1638, 1640, 1 64 1. Associate Magistrate of the County Court of Es- sex, 1678, 1679. 138, 327- • TIMOTHY WOODBRIDGE, 1656-1732. A Trustee named in the Act of 1701 establishing a Collegiate School (Yale College). Fellow of Yale College, 1701- 1732. Preacher of Connecticut Election Sermons, 1698, 1727. 138. IV ^ 352, 534> 545- 349 TIMOTHY WOODBRIDGE, 1686-1742. Preacher of Connecticut Election Sermon, 1739. 327- JOHN WOODBURY, 1641. One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. Of the Cape Ann Colony, 1624. Deputy for Salem to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay, 1635, 1638, 1639. 527. PETER WOODBURY, 1640-1704. Lieutenant in a Company of Beverley, Massachusetts Bay, 1689. 527- NATHANIEL WOODHULL, 1722- 1770. President of the Provincial Congress, in New York, 1775, 1776. Member of the New York Provincial Congress, 1775-1778. Major of New York Troops, 1754. Colonel, 1760. General in Command of the Suffolk and Queens County Troops, 1775. 4, 14, 32, 49, 81, 83. RICHARD WOODHULL, 1649-1699. Delegate to the Convention held in Jamaica, Long Island, 1673. 4,83. JOHN WOODRUFF, 1691. High Sheriff at Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 1684. Ensign of Elizabethtown Foot Company, 1673. 388. SAMUEL WOODRUFF, 1700-1768. Member of the King's Council, in the Province of New Jersey, 1757, 1761-1768. Mayor of Elizabethtown, 1751- 1759- Trustee of the College of New Jersey, 1749- 1768. 388, 512. 350 . ., MELANCTHON TAYLOR WOOLSEY, 1717-1758. Colonel of New York Provincial Troops, 1757. 289. WILLIAM WORTHINGTON, 1695-1756. Preacher of Connecticut Election Sermon, 1744. 12, 103, 141, 395. ELEAZER WRIGHT, 1668-1753. Lieutenant, Northfield Company, Massachusetts Bay, 1719. 465, 561. THOMAS WRIGHT, . Member of the Assembly of the Province of New Jersey, 1682, 1683. 586. PIETER CLAESEN WYCKOFF, 1695. Delegate from Flatlands to the Convention held in Nieuw Amsterdam, 1664. 401. GEORGE WYLLYS, 1590-1644. Governor of Connecticut, 1642. Deputy Governor of Con- necticut, 1641. Magistrate of Connecticut, 1639, 1640, 1643, 1644. 15, 71, 113, 138, 267, 327, 342, 352, 354, 480, 534, 554. SAMUEL WYLLYS, 1632-1709. A Corporator named in the Connecticut Charter of Charles II., 1662. Assistant of Connecticut, 1654-1684, 1689- 1693, 1698, 1699. Commissioner of the United Colonies for Connecticut, 1661, 1662, 1664, 1666-1668, 1670, 1671. 113, 138, 267, 327. JOHANNES WYNKOOP, 1730. Major of Kingston Troops, Province of New York, 1728. High Sheriff, 1730- 1744. 137- 351 THOMAS YALE, about 1647-1736. Deputy for Wallingford to the Connecticut General Assembly, 1684, 1686, 1687, 1689, 1690, 1 692- 1 697, 1702, 1704, 1706, 1707, 1709, 1710, 1712. Captain (so called in Connecticut Colonial Records), 1692. 339- CHRISTOPHER YATES, 1737-1785. Captain of New York Provincial Troops, 1757. Member of a Committee of Safety, 1775. 173- ARGALL YEARDLEY, 1621-1655. Member of the Governor's Council, Virginia, 1643-1646, 1652, 1655. Colonel of Virginia Militia. 201, 541. SIR GEORGE YEARDLEY, about 1580- 1627. Governor of the Province of Virginia, 1619-1621, 1626, 1627. Acting Governor, 1616, 1617. Member of the Council, 1621-1626. 201, 541. 353 •ffn micmoriam. In den Herr ontslapen, So the forefathers said, When one has passed through Death to Life — She sleeps, she is not dead. Mrs. WILLIAM KEYES PAYNE, died July 27, 1894. Mrs. CHARLES F. CHANDLER, died May 6, 1894. Mrs. PIERRE VAN CORTLANDT, died January 12, 1895. Mrs. JOHN TAYLOR COOPER, died March 6, 1896. Mrs. JOHN BRANDEGEE WOOD, died March 13, 1896. Mrs. EDWARD H. JEWETT, died October 19, 1896. Mrs. JOEL WOLFE, died February 27, 1897. Mrs. LYDIG M. HOYT, died April 17, 1897. Mrs. ISAAC HENRY WALKER, died May 15, 1897. Mrs. GEORGE FOLGER CANFIELD, died July 15, 1897. Mrs. WILLIAM GREENOUGH, died November 27, 1897. Mrs. EDWARD H. BUTLER, died March 12, 1898. Mrs. CHARLES E. FOGG, died September 21, 1898. Mrs. FRANCIS H. SALTUS. died March 15, 1899. 353 Mrs. THOMAS PARMELEE WICKES, died May 25, 1899. Mrs. FRANCISCO AZOY, died July 8, 1899. Mrs. S. van RENSSELAER TOWNSEND, died August 19, 1899. Mrs. JAMES E. H. NICHOLS, died October 21, 1899. Mrs. ALFRED C. BARNES, died October 25, 1899. Mrs. THOMAS DYER CONYNGHAM, died November 11, 1899. Mrs. ROSWELL-SMITH, died January 21, 1900. Mrs. WILLIAM S. LIVINGSTON, died March 22, 1900. Mrs. CHARLES R. BURKE, died March 31, 1900. Mrs. SETH SPRAGUE TERRY, died July 5, 1900. Miss ANNA POTTER, died January 4, 1901. Mrs. GEORGE HENRY WARREN, died January 18, 1901. Mrs. WALDO HUTCHINS, died January 20, 1901. Mrs. THOMAS E. STTLLMAN, died February 20, 1901. Mrs. HENRY A. NEELY, died July 2, 1901. Miss FLORENCE RUBSELL WRIGHT, died July 10, 1901. Mrs. GEORGE PENDLETON BOWLER, died August 22, 1901. 354 MEMBERS. Members. 273 — Abbe, Mrs. Robert. 340 — Abbott, Mrs. George B. 524 — Adam, Miss Frances S. 450 — Adams, Mrs. Charles Henry. 210 — Adams, Mrs. Walter Wood. 475 — Aldrich, Mrs. Spencer. 132 — Allen, Mrs. Frederick Percival. 133 — Allen, Miss Henrietta Ward. 307 — Allen, Miss Mary Percival. 483 — Anderson, Mrs. Joseph C. 407 — Andrews, Mrs. William Loring. 112 — Angell, Mrs. Edward Boynton. 379 — Anstice, Mrs. Henry. 512 — Atocha, Mrs. A. Alexander. 388— Atocha, Miss Alice Lansing. 7 — Atterbury, Mrs. Anson Phelps. 96 — Atterbury, Mrs. Lewis Boudinot. 71 — Atterbury, Miss Melissa D. 410 — Auchincloss, Mrs. Edgar S. 266 — Austin, Mrs. Francis B. 249 — Averell, Mrs. William J. 457* — Azoy, Mrs. Francisco. 554 — Azoy, Mrs. Anastasio C. M. B 443 — Bacon, Mrs. Daniel. 389^Baker, Mrs. Arthur Latham. 36 — Barber, Mrs. Thomas H. 496* — Barnes, Mrs. Alfred C. 562 — Barr, Miss Honor Ellsworth. 268 — Barr, Mrs. William Rufus. 399 — Barrows, Miss Harriet. 400 — Barrows, Miss Louise. 357 3i8— Bartlett, Miss Maud Willard. 549 — Bartlett, Mrs. William Allen. 579 — Bates, Mrs. James Hale. 229 — Baxter, Mrs. Katharine Schuyler. 418 — Beekman, Miss Heloise. 349 — Beekman, Miss Josephine L. 10 — Beekman, Mrs. William Bedlow. 403 — Beers, Miss M. Elizabeth. 516 — Belden, Mrs. James M. 100 — Belknap, Mrs. Robert Lenox. 547 — Benson, Miss M. Louisa. 277 — Benson, Mrs. Richard Hoffman. 423 — Berry, Mrs. Thomas S. 246— Betts, Mrs. Frederic H. 126 — Bissell, Mrs. Sanford. 261 — Bloodgood, Mrs. Robert Fanshawe, 56 — Boardman, Mrs. Lansdale. 305 — Boswell, Mrs. Charles P. 188 — Bosworth, Mrs. Francke Huntingfton. 441 — Bowen, Mrs. Clarence Winthrop. 39 — Bowers, Mrs. John M. 385* — Bowler, Mrs. George P. 347 — Brandegee, Mrs. John J. 288 — Breese, Miss Eloise Lawrence. 376 — Brewster, Mrs. E. Franklin. 191 — Brewster, Mrs. Henry Colvin. 377 — Brewster, Miss Jane Eunice. 222 — Britton, Mrs. Charles Price. 85— Brodhead, Mrs. John R. 316 — Brookfield, Mrs. William. 521 — Brookman, Mrs. John U. 137 — Brower, Mrs. A. G. 357 — Brown, Mrs. Charles S. 219 — Brown, Mrs. George Hunter. 127 — Brown, Mrs. John Crosby. 568 — Brown, Mrs. William Adams. 431 — Budd, Mrs. William A. 274 — Bull, Mrs. J. Edgar. 436 — Burden, Mrs. Henry. 404* — Burke, Mrs. Charles R. 586 — Burr, Mrs. Winthrop. 555 — Bussing, Miss Martha V. 334* — Butler, Mrs. Edward H. 324 — Butler, Miss Julia Henrietta. 14 — Butler, Mrs. Prescott Hall. 361 — Butler, Mrs. William Allen, Jr. 156 — Butterfield, Mrs. Frederick. iig — Campbell, Miss Maria S. 86* — Canfield, Mrs. George Folger. 365 — Canning, Mrs. Reginald. 140 — Cantacuzene-Speransky, nee Grant, Princess Julia. 460 — Carr, Mrs. Walter Lester. 463 — Cary, Mrs. Melbert B. 9 — Chadwick, Mrs. French E. 69 — Champney, Mrs. J. Wells. 76* — Chandler, Mrs. Charles F. 452 — Chase, Miss Mary Livingston. 105 — Chauncey, Mrs. Elihu. 569 — Chickering, Mrs. Charles Francis. 384 — Chittenden, Mrs. Simeon B. 2 — Church, Mrs. Benjamin Silliman. 591 — Clark, Mrs. William Newton. 60 — Clarke, Miss Alletta Lawrence. 61 — Clarke, Miss Catharine M. 68 — Clarke, Miss Louise Watson. 228 — Clarke, Mrs. L. Ward. 162 — Clarke, Mrs. Wallace. 57 — Clarkson, Mrs. Bayard. 533 — Cogswell, Mrs. C. Van Rensselaer. 383 — Coles, Mrs. H. R. Remsen. 183 — Collins, Miss Rejoyce Ballance. 583— Colt, Mrs. Richard Collins. 406* — Conyngham, Mrs. Thomas Dyer. 279 — Cookinham, Mrs. Henry J. 29* — Cooper, Mrs. John Taylor. 429 — Copp, Mrs. William A. 546 — Cox, Mrs. Frederick J. 5 — Cox, Mrs. Wilmot Townsend. 182 — Coxe, Mrs. Alfred Conkling. 174 — Crane, Mrs. Charles H. 205 — Crary, Mrs. Robert Fulton. 448 — Crosby, Miss Mary R. 491 — Crouse, Mrs. John Miles. 114 — Curtis, Mrs. Charles Boyd. 97 — Curtis, Mrs. Edward. D 160 — Davies, Mrs. Henry E. 488 — Day, Miss Laura V. 359 158 — de Forest, Mrs. Lockwood. S17— de Haas, Mrs. M. F. H. 2,'i7 — de Kay, Mrs. Sidney. 58 — de Peyster, Miss Emily M. 18 — De Rose, Mrs. Edward. 578 — Dewey, Mrs. Edward Wilkins. 172 — Dexter, Miss Annie Breese. i8r— Dexter, Mrs. Stanley Walker. 306 — Dimock, Mrs. Henry F. 487 — Doane, Mrs. William Croswell. 180— Doolittle, Mrs. Charles H. 319 — Doremus, Mrs. Charles Avery. 241 — Douglas, Mrs. George William. 153 — Draper, Miss Lucie How. 134 — Duane, Miss Anne Deas. 492— Dudley, Miss Charlotte Elizabeth. 75 — Dudley, Miss Helen Stuyvesant. 499 — Dunscomb, Mrs. John Godfrey. 529 — Duryea, Mrs. Samuel Bowne. 402 — Duryee, Mrs. Joseph Rankin. 79 — Du Val, Mrs. Horace Clark. 123 — Earle, Mrs. Henry. 72 — Edwards, Miss Laura Jay. 430 — Eidlitz, Mrs. Cyrus L. W. 159 — El wood, Mrs. George May. 247 — Elmendorf, Miss Mary Crooke. 290 — Elseffer, Mrs. Jacob W. 31 — Ely, Mrs. Alfred. 574— Ely, Miss Helena Rutherfurd. 32 — Emmet, Mrs. Devereux. 177— Emmet, Mrs. William Temple. 313— Erickson, Mrs. H. Wentworth. 545 — Evans, Mrs. Samuel Morley. 590 — Everett, Mrs. Henry Waite. 52— Fairchild, Mrs. Charles S. I — Fairfax, Mrs. Hamilton R. 17 — Fairfax, Mrs. Lindsay. 55 — Ferris, Mrs. Morris Patterson. 360 433— Fish, Mrs. Nicholas. 528— Fisher, Miss Sara E. ig2— Fitzgerald, Mrs. Louis. 326— Floyd-Jones, Mrs. Elbert. 372* — Fogg. Mrs. Charles E. g5_Ford, Mrs. Willis E. 421 — Forsyth, Miss Mary Isabella. 242— Fowler, Mrs. Robert Ludlow. 173 — Freeborn, Mrs. George Cornell. 333 — Fuertes, Mrs. Estevan A. 37i_FulIer, Mrs. Charles D. 50o_Gardiner, Mrs. James T. 564_Gilbert, Mrs. Clinton. 411— Gilbert, Miss Ellen Gildersleeve. 570 — Gilbert, Miss Sarah Elizabeth. 432— Gillespie, Mrs. George Lewis. 251 — Glover, Mrs. James A. 368— Goddard, Mrs. J. Warren. ii8_Green, Mrs. George de B. 271 — Green, Mrs. George Walton. 298— Green, Mrs. Walter Jerome. 257*_Greenough, Mrs. William. H 294— Hackstaff, Mrs. Charles L. 130— Haight, Mrs. Charles Coolidge. 308— Haight, Mrs. Frederick E. 398— Haldane, Miss Mary H. 541— Hall. Mrs. Charles Henry. 201— Hall, Miss Margaret Seymour. 166 — Halsey, Mrs. William L. 442— Harris, Miss Katherine Brattle. 422— Harris, Mrs. Thomas Robinson. 258— Hart, Mrs. Henry Gilbert. 412— Hartley, Mrs. Marcellus. 345_Hartley, Mrs. Wilfrid. 482— Hasbrook, Miss Ann E. 260 — Hawley. Miss Frances B. 473 — Hazen, Mrs. John Cunningham. 361 350 — Hendrick, Mrs. Ellwood. 556 — Henning, Mrs. James Williamson. 259 — Hicks, Mrs. Thomas. 397 — Higginson, Mrs. Francis J. 467 — Hillhouse, Mrs. Francis. 47 — Hillhouse, Mrs. James. 212 — Hillhouse, Miss Margaret Prouty. 386 — Hillhouse, Mrs. Thomas. 154 — Hitchcock, Mrs. Ripley. 327 — Hoe, Mrs. Robert. 553 — Hoe, Miss Ruth Lancaster. 33 — Hoes, Mrs. William M. 145 — Hoffman, Mrs. Eugene A. 149 — Hoffman, Mrs. Samuel Verplanck. 81 — Horn, Miss Annie Lawrence. 461 — Hornblower, Mrs. William B. 193 — Howland, Mrs. Alfred Cornelius. 64 — Hoyt, Mrs. Louis Thurston. 24* — Hoyt, Mrs. Lydig M. 252 — Hoyt, Mrs. William E. 8 — Hudson, Mrs. S. E. Johnson. 466 — Hull, Mrs. George H. 161 — Hunt, Mrs. Charles H. 62* — Hutohins, Mrs. Waldo. I 571— Ingalls, Mrs. F. Abbott. 93 — Innes, Miss Elizabeth Rickard. 440 — Innes, Mrs. William T. 581 — Inness, Mrs. George, Jr. 459 — Irwin-Martin, Miss Jeanne C. 588 — ^Jackson, Miss Elizabeth Huntington Wolcott. 352 — ^Jackson, Mrs. Joseph C. 534 — Jackson, Miss Katharine Seymour. 217 — ^Jackson, Mrs. William Bennett. 263 — Jenkins, Mrs. Silvanus F. 146* — Jewett, Mrs. Edward. 369 — Johnson, Mrs. Arthur Breeze. 44 — Johnson, Miss Edith. 276 — ^Johnson, Mrs. John Q. A. 362 117 — ^Johnson, Mrs. Samuel William. 46 — Jones, Mrs. John D. 78 — ^Jones, Miss Louise Elizabeth. 54 — Jones, Mrs. Oliver Livingston. 435 — ^Jones, Mrs. S. Beach. 116 — ^Jones, Mrs. Walter Mott. K 408 — Kane, Mrs. Theodore F. 424 — Keener, Mrs. William A. 139 — Kent, Mrs. James, Jr. 455 — Kent, Mrs. W. Irving. 372 — Kernan, Miss Elizabeth Butler. 563 — Ketcham, Mrs. William Piatt. 485 — King, Mrs. Edward. 486 — King, Miss Mary Le Roy. 231 — Kingsland, Mrs. William M. 525 — Kinsolving, Mrs. Arthur B. 505 — Kneeland, Miss Adele. 278 — Knower, Mrs. Benjamin. 447— Knox, Mrs. De Witt. 395 — Lampman, Mrs. Lewis. 325 — Landon, Mrs. Edward H. 438 — Lane, Mrs. Wolcott Griswold. 311 — Lansing, Mrs. Gerrit Yates. 265 — Lawrence, Mrs. Abraham Riker. 214 — Lawrence, Miss Caroline T. 585 — Lawrence, Mrs. Egbert Charles. 303 — Lawrence, Mrs. John L. 4 — Lawrence, Miss Ruth. 370 — Lawton, Mrs. George P. 42 — Lawton, Mrs. James Marsland. 168 — Leavitt, Mrs. John Brooks. 527 — Lee, Mrs. Arthur Hamilton. 337 — Lefferts, Mrs. Frederic R. 577 — Leland, Miss Maud Aguilar. 315 — Little, Mrs. David. 224 — Little, Mrs. William Seelye. 38 — Livingston, Miss Charlotte L. 30 — Livingston, Miss Clarisse Hazeltine. 363 169 — Livingston, Mrs. Henry Beekman. 343 — Livingston, Mrs. Herman T. 120 — Livingston, Miss Julia Raymond. II — Livingston, Mrs. Philip L. 21 — Livingston, Mrs. Robert E. 239* — Livingston, Mrs. William S. 175 — Lorillard, Mrs. Pierre. 598 — Lovell, Miss Isabel. 543 — Lyster, Mrs. William J. M 338— McAllister, Miss Julia G. 498— McBurney, Mrs. John W. 582— McCagg, Mrs. Louis B. 501— McCartee, Mrs. Robert. 170— McClure, Mrs. William H. 451— McCord, Mrs. William. 329 — Manning, Mrs. Daniel. 282 — Marean, Mrs. Josiah T. 480 — Marie, Mrs. Leon. 413 — Martin, Miss Susan Taber. 392— Martin, Mrs. William M. 510 — Maynard, Mrs. Effingham. 87 — Maynard, Mrs. John Frederick. 511— Maynard, Miss Mary H. 378— Mayo-Smith, Mrs. Richmond. 341 — Merrill, Mrs. Payson. 375 — Merritt, Mrs. Douglas. 576— Middleton, Mrs. Austin D. 387~Middleton, Miss Margaret. 40 — Miller, Miss Blandina Dudley. 285 — Miller, Miss Catharine de Navarre. 335 — Miller, Mrs. Edmond E. 66 — Miller, Miss Helen Lincklaen. 189— Miller, Mrs. J. Blackburn. 20 — Miller, Mrs. John Bleecker. 320 — Minturn, Miss Eliza Theodora. 243 — Mitchell, Mrs. Edward. 286 — Montsaulnin, Mme. la Comtesse de. 401 — Moore, Mrs. John Godfrey. 301 — Morgan, Mrs. James L. 121 — Morgan, Mrs. J. Pierpont. 82 — Morgan, Mrs. Junius S. 287— Morgan, Miss Ruth. 364 124— Morton, Mrs. Levi P. 390 — Mott, Mrs. John T. 507— Mott, Mrs. Jordan Lawrence, Jr. 538— Murray, Mrs. Francis Wisner. 299 — Myers, Mrs. Michael P. 200— Mynderse, Mrs. Wilhelmus. N 484— Neal, Mrs. W. Robert. 544— Negley, Mrs. William. 43g_Nelson, Mrs. Alfred. ii3_Nevins, Miss Cornelia Leonard. 267— Nevins, Miss Louisa Emily. 206— Newlin, Mrs. Thomas S. 296*— Nichols, Mrs. James E. H. 256— Nichols, Mrs. William. 262— Nickerson, Mrs. Thomas W., Jr. 23_Nicoll, Miss Annie. 3g3_Nicoll, Mrs. Henry D. 269— Norwood, Miss Catherine. 37_Nourse, Mrs. Charles J. 300 — Nye, Miss Ellen Rose. o 106— Oakman, Mrs. Walter George. 204— Olcott, Mrs. Eben Erskine. 34— Osborn, Mrs. Henry Fairfield. 360— Osborn, Mrs. John H. 63_Ostrander, Mrs. Charles F. 497— Palmer, Miss Sophia F. 592 — Parish, Mrs. Edward Codman. 478— Park, Mrs. William Gray. 394— Parker, Mrs. James Henry. 537_Parris, Mrs. Edward Lowden. 522— Parsons, Mrs. Herbert. 292 — Parsons, Mrs. William Barclay. 575— Parsons, Mrs. William H., Jr. 365 539 — Paterson, Mrs. Robert Warden, 283 — Patterson, Miss Caroline Homans. 284 — Patterson, Miss Jessie. 41* — Payne, Mrs. William. 185 — Peabody, Mrs. Charles A. 'J^ — Pellew, Mrs. Charles Ernest. 48 — Pellew, Mrs. Henry E. 178— Peltz, Mrs. John de Witt. 195 — Perkins, Miss Elizabeth B. 302 — Perkins, Mrs. Henry Clark. 13s — Perkins, Mrs. Newton. 248 — Perkins, Mrs. William H. 572 — Petrie, Miss Mary Arnold. 471 — Phelps, Mrs. Charles. 198 — Phelps, Mrs. Henry Delafield. 391 — Phelps, Mrs. Isaac N. ■207 — Piatt, Mrs. John Henry. 414 — Pine, Mrs. John B. 358 — Pitkin, Miss Sarah Baldwin. 351 — Pomeroy, Miss Grace Virginia. 104* — Potter, Miss Anna. 495 — Potter, Mrs. Charles B. 518— Pratt, Mrs. Dallas Bache. 552 — Pratt, Miss Katharine Griswold. 203 — Prime, Miss Kate. 428 — Prime, Mrs. Ralph Earl. 234 — Proctor, Miss Anne Dalusia. 312 — Proctor, Mrs. Frederick T. 235 — Proctor, Miss Lomy Redfield. 297 — Proctor, Mrs. Thomas Redfield. 321 — Pruyn, Mrs. John V. L. 179 — Purdon, Mrs. John. 84 — Pyne, Mrs. Moses Taylor. Q 462 — Quinlin, Mrs. Leonard Green. R 437 — Rainey, Mrs. Thomas, 107 — Rankin, Mrs. James M. 464 — Rawson, Mrs. Edward S. 197 — Remington, Mrs. Eliphalet. 366 558— Remsen, Miss Margaret Sophia. 28— Remsen, Mrs. Phoenix. 16— Rhinelander, Mrs. Philip. 53— Rhinelander, Mrs. T. J. Oakley. 6— Rhinelander, Mrs. William. 540— Richards, Miss Louisa Verplanck. 514— Roberts, Miss Elizabeth W. 208— Robinson, Mrs. Arthur. 89— Robinson, Mrs. Jeremiah Potter, no— Robison, Mrs. William. 328— Roe, Mrs. Charles Francis. 381— Roe, Mrs. John O. 194 — Rogers, Mrs. Archibald. 226— Rogers, Mrs. P. V. 532— Rollins, Miss Louise McCullough. 526— Rollins, Miss Lucy Ward. 35_Roosevelt, Mrs. Hilborne L. i67*_Roswell-Smith, Mrs. 211— Sage, Mrs. William H. 141— St. George, Mrs. Etienne. 409*— Saltus, Mrs. Francis H. 142— Sampson, Mrs. Martin Wright. 147 — Sands, Mrs. William R. 405_Satterlee, Mrs. Herbert Livingston. 73_Satterlee, Miss Madeleine Le Roy. 102— Scarborough, Mrs. Theodore Woolsey. 184— Schaeffer, Mrs. Charles A. i63_Schenck, Miss Emma. 80— Schuyler, Miss Fanny. 67— Schuyler, Mrs. Montgomery. 144— Schuyler, Mrs. Walter S. 374 — Selden, Mrs. Edward Griffin. 476— Seward, Mrs. William H. 223— Sheffield, Mrs. F. W. H. 43— Shelton, Miss Helen F. King. 281— Shepherd, Mrs. William Edgar. 83— Sherman, Mrs. Charles E. 454- Sherman, Mrs. Richard J. 425— Sherman, Mrs. Thomas Townsend. 240 — Shippen, Miss Ettie. 136— Short, Mrs. Edward Lyman. 520— Sierstorpff, Countess von Francken. 367 551 — Sizer, Mrs. Robert Ryland. 359 — Skeel, Mrs. Roswell, Jr. 339 — Slade, Mrs. George P. 131 — Sloan, Mrs. Samuel. 554 — Smith, Mrs. Andrew Heermance. 396 — Smith, Mrs. Arthur Cosslett. 346 — Smith, Mrs. Charles Edwin. 270 — Smith, Mrs. Edmund Munroe. 51 — Smith, Mrs. L. Bayard. 367 — Smith, Mrs. Wilton Merle. 468 — Southworth, Mrs. John H. 596 — Spalding, Mrs. Charles Alfred. 202 — Stanton, Mrs. Louis Lee. 420 — Stebbins, Mrs. James Hervey. 434 — Stiger, Mrs. William Edwin. 509* — Stillman, Mrs. Thomas E. 138 — Stimson, Mrs. Daniel M. 342 — Stimson, Mrs. Henry L. 354 — Stimson, Miss Margaret. 304 — Stoddard, Mrs. Chauncey. 567 — Stokes, Miss Caroline Phelps. 503— Stokes, Miss Olivia E. Phelps. 444 — Stone, Mrs. Lauriston L. 559 — Stowell, Mrs. Calvin D. 250 — Strong, Mrs. Alan Hartwell. 470 — Strong, Mrs. Theron G. 171 — Struthers, Miss Irva. 103 — Stuart, Mrs. Homer H. 88 — Sturges, Mrs. Henry Cady. 45— Sutton, Mrs. Woodruff, Jr. 272 — Swan, Mrs. Joseph R. 481 — Swinburne, Mrs. Fitch J. 187 — Taber, Miss Mary. 363 — Taylor, Miss Louisa Webster. 465 — Taylor, Mrs. Van Campen. 490* — Terry, Mrs. Seth Sprague. 362 — Thompson, Mrs. Frederick F. 493 — Thompson, Mrs. John. 469 — Thompson, Mrs. Joseph T. 157 — Thompson, Mrs. William A. 255 — Thompson, Mrs. William Gilman. 477 — Thomson, Miss Elizabeth M. Ill — Thorn, Mrs. Conde Raguet. 368 143 — Thorne, Mrs. Jonathan, loi — Tibbits, Miss Mary B. S. 90 — Tibbits, Miss Sarah Bleecker. 344— Tillman, Mrs. Walter P. 151— Tone, Mrs. T. Wolfe. ^2"] — Tower, Mrs. Joseph Tuckerman. 415 — Townsend, Mrs. Edward Mitchell, Jr. 13 — Townsend, Mrs. Howard. 531 — Townsend, Mrs. James Rodman. 25* — Townsend, Mrs. Stephen Van Rensselaer. 70 — Trevor, Mrs. Henry G. 595 — Trotter, Mrs. Theodore Van Antwerp. 479 — Truslow, Mrs. Frederick C. 489— Turle, Mrs. Robert H. 3 — Turnbull, Miss Katherine E. 220— Van Allen, Mrs. Garrett A. 523 — Van Antwerp, Mrs. E. H. 115 — Van Cleef, Mrs. James Spencer. 92 — Van Cortlandt, Miss Anne S. 22* — Van Cortlandt, Mrs. Pierre. 148 — Vanderbilt, Mrs. Cornelius. 152 — Vanderpoel, Miss Mary V. B. 508 — Van Nest, Mrs. Alexander T. 109 — Van Rensselaer, Miss Elizabeth. 15 — Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Kiliaen. 196 — Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Maunsell. 91 — Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Stephen. 253 — Van Rensselaer, Mrs. William Bayard. 366 — Van Santvoord, Miss Anna T. 322 — Van Wyck, Mrs. Albert. 19 — Varnum, Miss Amy Lenox. 2,Z^ — Velasquez, Miss Mariana. 12 — Verplanck, Mrs. Samuel. 584— Ver Planck, Mrs. William Edward. 155— Ver Planck, Mrs. William Gordon. w 232* — Walker, Mrs. Isaac H. 332 — Walker, Mrs. Joseph, Jr. 218 — Walker, Mrs. William Augustus. 369 2og — Walsh, Mrs. James W. 323* — Warren, Mrs. George Henry. 165 — Washburn, Mrs. Louis Cope. 65 — Watson, Miss Lucy Carlile. 98— Watson, Mrs. William H. 128 — Webb, Mrs. William Watson. 74 — Wells, Miss Julia Chester. 122 — Wendell, Mrs. Benjamin Rush, Jr. 125— Wetherill, Mrs. J. Bloomfield. 108 — Wheaton, Mrs. Frank. 557 — Wheaton, Mrs. Isaac S. 99 — Wheeler, Mrs. Charles B. 94 — Whipple, Mrs. Charles W. 364— White, Mrs. Horatio Stevens. 49~White, Mrs. Stanford. 150* — Wickes, Mrs. Thomas Parmelee. 353 — Wilhelmi, Mrs. Louis. 416 — Williams, Mrs. George Norton. 225— Williams, Mrs. H. T. 566— Wodell, Mrs. Silas. 190* — Wolfe, Mrs. Joel. 504 — Wood, Mrs. Arnold. 213 — Wood, Mrs. Francis G. 230* — Wood, Mrs. John Brandegee. 129 — Wootton, Mrs. Edwin H. 561* — Wright, Miss Florence Russell. Y 233— Young, Mrs. William Hopkins. 417 — Zabriskie, Mrs. N. Lansing. 449 — Zabriskie, Miss Louise G. 370 Associate Members Residing in Non- Colonial States. California 542 — Gibbs, Mrs. George W. 589— Grant, Mrs. William. 295 — Hedges, Mrs. Charles. 474 — Moody, Miss Eda J. 176 — Moody, Mrs. Joseph Ledlie. 419 — Rodgers, Mrs. Augustus F. 453 — Thayer, Mrs. David G. 519 — Voorhies, Miss Marie R. Illinois 560 — Lathrop, Mrs. Bryan. 597 — McCormick, Mrs. Robert. 502 — Runnels, Mrs. John S. Michigan 515 — Croul, Mrs. Frank H. 331 — Russell, Mrs. Walter S. 215 — Seymour, Mrs. Horatio. Minnesota 456— Townsend, Mrs. John. 530 — Willis, Mrs. Henry B. Iowa 309 — Eastman, Mrs. Lauren C. 280 — Provoost, Miss Sarah Merwin. Ohio 289 — Foster, Mrs. Joseph C. 458 — Gates, Mrs. John. 494 — Heyl, Mrs. Ashton Bryant. 236— Hoadley, Mrs. George, Jr. 382— Hulbert, Mrs. William P. 355 — Lea, Mrs. Edward Tatnall. 330 — Perin, Mrs. Frank L. 221 — Scarborough, Miss Alice. 380— White, Mrs. M. Morris. Maine 254 — Brown, Mrs. John Marshall. 593 — Corey, Mrs. Edward Ward. 356 — Houghton, Mrs. William A. 237 — Leffingwell, Mrs. Christopher Starr. 245 — Merrill, Mrs. Charles D. 199* — Neely, Mrs. Henry A. 238 — Woodbury, Mrs. Theodore C. Wisconsin 293 — Cameron, Mrs. Angus. 446 — Foulkes, Mrs. Edward. 548 — Sanderson, Mrs. Edward. 291 — Spence, Mrs. Thomas W. Tennessee 426 — Hicks, Mrs. Alfred Hines, Jr. 580 — Montague, Mrs. Dwight Preston. 427 — Warner, Mrs. Percy. Kentucky 587 — Swigert, Mrs. Daniel. Indiana 445 — Adams, Mrs. George F. 565 — Malott, Miss Mary Florence. 513— Malott, Mrs. Volney T. Texas 535 — Bremond, Mrs. John. 472 — Woodhull, Mrs. Oliver J. Arkansas 573 — Ellsworth, Mrs. Prosper Harvey. 506 — Smith, Mrs. C. A. de Peyster. Florida 536 — Eagan, Mrs. Dennis. 373 W 68 4^ * ^. ^- .<^^ .. "o^^ '^ -^--0^ !^^^'-. -o^y K^ °^ V 5,0' v'-!^-/ 'V'^^/ V*^'"y \. '• • • • » *^-s. > \'^ 1^ ^^-n^ ■0^