36X 2 i ;>- LP 262 .H3 P2 1917 Copy 1 Educational Survey of Hart County Georgia BY M. L. DUGGAN, Rural School Agent No. 16 i / ^ "t^t/ Under the Direction of the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION M. L. BRITTAIN State Superintendent of Schools 1917 v«ff>^f&'?i\» GEORGIA. NOTE: An experience with county-wide local school tax is the most effective argument for it. Counties adjacent to local tax counties, seeing its benefits, most readily vote for it. See map. r, R R a I A. run I It, I /////// /cOUNTY-fflPg t,OCAL TAX. 1111 in COUNTY-WIDE LOCAL TAX. Bacon, Ben Hill, Bibb, Bryan, Burke, Butts, Camden, Chatham, Coffee, Columbia, Crisp, DeKalb, Echols, Emanuel, Fulton, Glynn, Hancock, Henry, Houston, Irwin, Jasper, Jeff Davis, Jenkins, Jones, Lee, Mcintosh, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Muscogee, Newton, Quitman, Rabun, Randolph, Richmond, Screven, Spalding, Tift, Terrell, Walton, "Wayne — 41. 0. Of D, FEB ro 19 HON. W. B. MORRIS, County Superintendent of Schools. HART COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Superintendent, Hon. W. B. I\lorris, Hart well, Ga. County Board of Education, Hon. R. L. B. Shii-lev, Chairman Lavonia, Ga., R. 3 Hon. N. J. White . . .'. Hartwell, Ga., R. 1 Hon. I\rack S. Richardson Hartwell, Ga., R. 3 Hon. T. 0. Herndon Canon, Ga., R. 1 Hon. G. W. Ray Canon, Ga., R. 1 County Farm Demonstration Agent, W. AV. mark, Hartwell, Ga. County Home Economics Demonstration Agent, Miss Lizzie Laird, Hartwell, Ga. HART COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. The paramount public school problem confrontmg Hart county just now is the question of " County- wide local tax" vs. "District Tlie people of the county are strongly in favor of better rural schools, for more than four-fifths of the county has already voted by more than two-thirds majority for local school taxation. _ But this local school tax is levied and administered by the "District Plan," which has proven both expensive and unsatisfactory. There are thirty school districts in the county, of which twenty- five have voted in "favor of the "District local tax." Four of these have repealed it, leaving twenty-one districts still operating under it with more or less unsatisfactory results. These are as follows: Districts. Rate. Amount. Airline (and Adams) 5 mills •$ 314.07 Bio 5 mills 115.02 Beulah 5 mills 257.35 Cedar Creek 4.5 mills 196.6H Cross Roads 5 mills 174.62 Cokesburv 3.5 mills 188.97 Camp Ground 4 mills 202 39 Duncan 3 mills 166.51 Eureka 4 mills 146.11 Flat Shoals • 2.5 mills 114.08 Goldmine 5 mills 250.78 King's Bench 4.5 mills 204.12 Liberty Hill 5 mills 157.36 Midway (and Mt. Hebron) 5 mills 160.64 Nuberg 5 mills 299.08 Reed Creek 5 mills 220.08 Rice 4 mills 191.26 Shoal Creek (and Rock Springs) 5 mills 185.87 Sardis (and Riverside) 5 mills 347.40 Thomas 5 mills 112.67 Viola 5 mills 231.16 Average rate 4.5 mills Total amount $4,236.01 UNSATISFACTORY RESULTS. A careful reading of the reports of the schools herein will show : 1st. That the rate levied in the twenty-one local tax districts is generally high, in most cases reaching the maximum constitutional limit of five mills. 2nd. That the schoolhouses (with exceptions of some recently built) were very poorly planned for school purposes, usually "in- sufficiently lighted," etc. 3rd. That important and necessary school equipment is gen- erally lacking, often ''very poor blackboards, no maps, no charts, no globes, no reference dictionaries, no pictures, no library, or other helps." 4th. That the school year is everywhere inadequate, in most instances only twenty weeks, or 100 days. 5th. The absence of organized activities in the schools on ac- count of the very short terms. A COUNTY-WIDE PLAN. If the same average rate (4.5 mills) that is now levied by twenty- one separate administrations (local boards) against more than two- thirds of the property of the county was levied by a central admin- istration (the County Board of Education) against all of the prop- erty of the county ($2,201,916.00, exclusive of Bowersville and Hartwell) it would yield for the schools $9,090.86 for the benefit of ALL the schools of the county, as against $4,236.01 as now col- lected for the benefit of two-thirds of them. Without increasing the average rate (lowering it in the majority of cases) the "county-wide phm" would more than double the amount of school funds now received under the "district plan" of local taxation. This is a startling statement and may need to be verified before becoming credible to most citizens, but it is nevertheless an accurate statement which can be easily verified from tlie Hart county tax books. It means that under the "county-wide plan" the County Board of Education coukl, without increasing the tax rate, give to the largest local tax district (Airline) as much of the local tax money as it now gets, and at the same time give to every other school dis- trict in the county (including the nine that now get none) as mucli as the largest one now gets under the "district plan." Furthermore, judging from experiences under the *' county-wide plan" elsewhere it is safe to conclude that under administration of the County Board of Education the funds would be more economi- cally and wisely expended towards securing better planned school- houses, better school ecpiipment, longer terms, and better trained teachers, because there Avonld be a single administration directly responsible to all the people of the county for better rural schools. Forty-one counties in the State are now operating their schools under the "county unit plan" of support and administration, and none have found cause for dissatisfaction. We therefore confidently commend the "county-wide plan" to the careful consideration of the voters and citizens of Hart county in the interest of better rural schools for the county. M. L. DUGGAN, March 15, 1917. Rural School Agent for Georgia. HARTWELL SCHOOL. High School Department. Faculty: Prof. C. G. Power, Superintendent; Prof. George V. Timmons, Principal ; ^liss Winne Power, Miss Clara Barrett. Grammar School Department. ]\Iiss Lucile Patton, Seventh Grade ; Mrs. Octavia P. Linder, Sixth Grade; Mrs. Nettie Oglesby, Fifth Grade ; Mrs. Lois Patton, Fourth Grade ; Miss Mattie Humphries, Third Grade ; Miss Mildred Pagett, Second Grade; Miss Burnie Legg, First Grade ; Miss Nina Thornton, Music ; Miss Alice King, Mill School. Grounds : Two and one-quarter acres, well located ; ample play- grounds, improved ; play supervised by grade teachers ; sanitary toilets in building. Building-: Brick building; value .$35,000.00; eleven class rooms and auditorium ; no cloak rooms ; well lighted and ventilated ; com- fortably heated ; kept in sanitary condition. Equipment: Single patent desks and teachers' desks; first-class blackboards ; full sets maps ; charts ; globes ; reference diction- aries and encyclopedias; framed pictures; library, etc. Organization: TAvelve teachers; eleven grades; recitation periods forty minutes; thirty-six weeks school year; boy's debating club; girls' literary society; no domestic science or industrial work. ]\Iaintenance derived from State fund, municipal school tax, and tuition ; amount, $6,500.00. BOWERSVILLE SCHOOL. Faculty: Prof. W. D. Stephenson, Principal; Miss Elizabeth Archer, Mrs. W. D. Stephenson, Miss Kate Carithers. Grounds : Area five acres, well located ; titles in trustees ; ample playgrounds, partly improved ; no school gardens ; two toilets in good condition. Building's: Brick building, well planned; value $10,000.00; six class rooms and auditorium; well lighted and ventilated; cloak rooms ; steam-heated. Equipment : Double patent desks and teachers ' desks ; good black- boards ; maps ; charts ; pictures ; reference dictionaries ; library of 150 volumes. Organization : Four teachers ; ten grades ; eight months school year (continuous) ; enrollment 160 pupils. Operated luider a special municipal system ; school tax levy 5 mills. AIR LINE SCHOOL. MISS BERTA BROWN, Principal. MISS BESSIE HEWIN, Assistant. MISS BERNICE GAINES, Assistant. Three acre lot ; well cleaned up and improved ; concrete covered well in good condition ; ample pla.ygrounds ; two new toilet.s in sanitary condition. Three class rooms ; cloak rooms ; well lighted ; painted ; floors oiled ; well kept ; covered water coolers, individual cups. Double patent desks and teachers' desks; fairly good black- boards; several good maps; framed pictures; reference dictionary; library of 150 volumes, in good case ; organ, etc. Three teachers ; 5 months school year ; enrollment 159 ; average 103. Local tax rate 5 mills ; amount $314.07. BEULAH SCHOOL. MR. C. S. ADAMS, Principal. MISS UNA CARLETON, Assistant. Two acre lot, grove, well cleaned up, otherwise unimproved; ample playgrounds ; two toilets in good condition. New building, well planned; cost, $1,600.00; two class rooms-, perfectly lighted ; cloak rooms ; ceiled and painted. Single patent desks; good blackboards; one map; chart; small globe; reference dictionary; framed pictures; sandtables; small library, etc. Two teachers; five months school year; nine grades; enrollment 103 ; average 58. Local tax rate 5 mills; amount $257.35. BIO SCHOOL. MISS IDA McGUKIN, Principal. MISS JEAN CRAFT, Assistant. Two acre lot, well cleaned off, but bare and unimproved ; ample playgrounds ; two sanitary toilets. New building, well planned; cost $1,600; two class rooms, per- fectly lighted; cloak rooms; ceiled and painted. Double patent desks: good blackboards; one State map; framed pictures; globe; library of 100 volumes; no other equipment as yet provided; covered water cooler, individual cups. Two teachers; seven months school year; ten grades; enrollment 88; average 47. Local tax rate 5 mills; amount $115.02. CROSS ROADS SCHOOL. W. J. A. CLEVELAND, Principal. MRS. F. D. POWELL, Assistant. One acre lot ; unimproved ; in fair condition ; toilets. Large, unsuitable building; cost about $1,000.00; two class rooms; insufficiently lighted; cloak rooms; painted outside only; ceiled in- side. Double patent desks; good blackboards; no other equipment. Two teachers; five months school year; eight grades; enrollment 130; average 77. Local tax rate 5 mills; amount $174.62. 10 COKESBURY SCHOOL V. L. HERNDON, Principal. MISS NONA RUCKER, Assistant. Area of lot one-half acre ; title in Board ; oak grove entirely un- improved ; very small playgrounds ; toilet. Old building ; two class rooms, and vestibule ; painted outside ; ceiled inside ; barely enough light. Double patent desks ; good blackboards ; one map ; no other equip- ment. Two teachers ; five months school year ; eight grades ; enrollment 74; average 45. Local tax rate 3.5 mills; amount .^188. 97. CEDAR CREEK SCHOOL. MRS. V. L. HERNDON, Principal. MISS LUCILE CASH, Assistant. Area of lot (?) ; unimproved; small playgrounds; toilets. Two class rooms ; no cloak rooms ; improperly lighted ; painted. Double patent desks ; poor blackboards ; set maps mounted in case ; small globe ; no library ; no reference dictionary. Two teachers ; five months school year ; eight grades ; enrollment 93 ; average 55. Local tax rate 4.5 mills; amount $196.68. 11 DUNCAN SCHOOL. MISS BLANCHE McWHORTER, Principal. MISS CLEO McWHORTER, Assistant. Two acre lot; bare and unimproved; ample playgrounds; play supervised; toilets. Building cost $1,200.00; two class rooms; hall used for cloak rooms ; well lighted ; in good condition and well kept ; ceiled inside ^ painted outside. Single patent desks ; good blackboards ; maps ; no framed pictures, charts, reference dictionary, or other equipment. Two teachers; five months school year; nine grades; enrollment 93 ; average 50. Local tax rate 3 mills ; amount $166.51. EUREKA SCHOOL. GROVER HEATON, Principal. MISS RUTH BROWN, Assistant. MISS EDNA LEARD, Assistant. Area of lot one acre ; title in Board ; oak grove ; grounds neglected ; small playgrounds ; one toilet. Three class rooms ; insufficiently lighted ; cloak rooms ; unpainted. Double patent desks ; good blackboards ; set maps mounted in case ; library of 100 volumes; no framed pictures; no reference dictionary. Three teachers; five months school year; eight grades; enrollment 129 ; average 86. Local tax rate 4 mills ; amount $146.11. 12 FLAT SHOALS SCHOOL. MR. HOYT ADAMS, Principal. MISS EVA BUFFINGTON, Assistant. ' Two acre lot ; titles in Board of Education ; plenty of shade ; grounds unimproved. Two class rooms ; no cloak rooms ; insufficiently lighted ; unceiled ; unpainted. Home-made desks; very little blackboards; no school equipment. Two teachers ; seven grades ; five months school year ; enrollment 98 ; average 55. GOLD MINE SCHOOL. W. A. MOSS, Principal. MISS LOIS REID, Assii^tant. MISS EVIE SEYMOUR, Assistant. One acre lot ; well cleaned up, but unimproved ; ample play- grounds; two toilets. Three class rooms ; halls used for cloak rooms ; floors well oiled ; ceiled and painted ; lighting and ventilation poor. Double patent desks; fair blackboards; one globe; no maps; library of 75 volumes ; reference dictionaries. Three teachers ; six months school year ; nine grades ; enrollment 110; average 61. Local tax levy 5 mills; amount $250.78. 13 KING'S BENCH SCHOOL. P. W. CLEVELAND, Principal. CLARISE SANDERS, Assistant. One acre lot ; bare and unimproved ; playgrounds ample ; one toilet in average condition. Two class rooms ; no cloak rooms ; bnilding in bad repair ; un- painted. Double patent desks; poor blackboards; no maps, charts, globes, reference dictionary, or other equipment. One teacher ; seven grades ; five months school year ; enrollment 105; average 58. Local tax lev}^ 4.5 mills ; amount $204.12. LIBERTY HILL SCHOOL. MISS EMMA RICE, Teacher. This school is temporarily quartered in a church, the school build- ing having burned. A new building is being planned at a new loca- tion. One teacher; five months school year; seven grades; enrollment 50; average 30. Local tax levy 5 mills ; amount $157.35. 14 CAMP GROUND SCHOOL. MISS MARY HOLBROOK, Principal. MISS LEONORA GAINES, Assistant. Large oak grove, unimproved ; small playgrounds ; two toilets, in fair condition. Good building, not well planned ; two class rooms ; vestibule for cloak room ; lighting poor ; painted. Double patent de.sks; good blaekl)oards; charts; globes; framed pictures ; reference dictionary ; no library. Two teachers; six months school year; nine grades; enrollment 87 ; average 52. Local tax levy 4 mills; amount $202.39. LIBERTY SCHOOL. H. C. EDDLEMAN, Principal. MISS GERTRUDE BOND, Assistant. Small lot ; unimproved ; small playgrounds ; one toilet in fair con- dition. Two class rooms; cloak rooms; fairly lighted; partly ceiled; un- painted. Double patent desks ; good blackboards ; no maps, globes, pictures, library, reference dictionary, or other equipment. One teacher; seven months school year; eight grades; enrollment 58 ; average 37. Individual tuition is charged at this school to supplement the State funds. 15 MIDWAY SCHOOL H. S. CLEVELAND. Teacher. Lot entirely neglect ed; one toilet in bad condition. Two class rooms ; no cloak rooms ; building in bad condition ; un- painted. Double patent desks; poor blackboards; no maps, charts, globes/ library, reference dictionary, or other equipment. One teacher ; five months school year ; seven grades ; enrollment 103 ; average 50. Local tax levy 5 mills; amount $160.64. MT. ZION SCHOOL. MISS WILLIE RICHARDSON, Teacher. One acre lot ; oak grove ; unimproved ; small playgrounds ; one toilet, condition fair. One-room building ; cloak rooms ; well lighted ; ceiled inside ; painted outside. Double patent desks ; poor blackboards ; a reference dictionary • no maps, charts, globes, or pictures ; a library of 50 volumes. One teacher ; five months school year ; seven grades ; enrollment 32; average 22. Local tax repealed in this district. 16 MILLTOWN SCHOOL. MISS VINNIE VICKERY, Principal. MISS GRACIE VASSAR, Assistant. Small lot ; small playgrounds ; one toilet ; grounds unimproved. Two class rooms; no cloakrooms; lighting fairly good; ceiled in- side ; unpainted. Long benches for seats ; no blackboards ; no maps, charts, globes, library, reference dictionary, or other equipment. One teacher ; five months school year ; enrollment 61 ; average 41. No local tax. MT. HEBRON SCHOOL. MR. PARKER BANNISTER, Teacher. [ ;]||tf"i| -^^ *■»"- % Wm ^fcgLJBl||B r-W " ^ - ^ Small lot; grove unimproved; very small playgrounds; one toilet. One class room ; no cloak rooms ; insufficiently lighted ; unceiled ; unpainted. Long benches for seats; poor blackboards; no maps, charts, globes, reference dictionary, or other equipment. Ofiie teacher; five months school year; seven grades; enrollment 70; average 40. No local tax. 17 m NEW PROSPECT SCHOOL. MISS EUNICE VICKERY, Teacher. One acre lot : bare and neglected ; one toilet in fair condition. Two class rooms ; cloak rooms ; insufficiently lighted ; ceiled ; un- painted. Double patent desks ; poor blackboards ; one U. S. map ; no other school equipment. One teacher; five months school year; enrollment 54; average 35. No local tax. OAK BOWER SCHOOL. MRS. W. H. HEMBREE, Principal. MISS MACIE VASSAR, Assistant. Located in rear of a church in fine oak grove ; unimproved ; small playgrounds on the school lot. Good building ; two class rooms ; cloak rooms ; fairly well lighted ; ceiled ; painted outside. Double patent desks and teachers' desks; good blackboards; no maps, charts, globes, library, reference dictionary, or other equip- ment. Two teachers ; seven grades ; five months school years ; enrollment 68 ; average 43. Local tax levy repealed in this district. 18 RICE SCHOOL. DOUGLASS BURNETT, Teacher. Elevated lot facing railroad ; unimproved ; two toilets in fair con- dition. One-room building ; no class rooms ; ceiled ; unpainted ; improperly lighted. Home-made double desks ; poor blaokbcards ; no maps, charts, globes, library, dictionary, or other equipment. One teacher ; six months school year ; seven grades ; enrollment 36; average 20. Local tax levy 4 mills; amount $191.26. ROCK SPRINGS SCHOOL. MR. LEE GURLEY, Teacher. Small lot ; open, bare and neglected ; no toilets. One-room building; no cloak rooms; fairly well lighted; ceiled; unpainted. Double patent desks ; poor blackboards ; no other equipment. One teacher; five months school year; seven grades; enrollment 36 ; average 25. Local tax levy 5 mills; amount $185.87 (divided with the Shoal Creek School in same district). 19 REED CREEK SCHOOL. MISS ANNIE HOLBROOK, Principal. MISS BERTHA CRAWFORD, Assistant. MISS LIZZIE CRAWFORD, Assistant. Two acre lot; open, unimproved; good- playgrounds; one toilet in poor condition. Three class rooms; halls used for cloak rooms; insufficient light- ing; ceiled; unpainted. Double patent desks; poor blackboards; small globe; reference dictionary; no maps, libraiy, or other equipment. Three teachers; five months school year; nine grades; enrollment 132 ; average 88. Local tax levy 5 mills ; amount $220.08. SANDY GROVE SCHOOL. MISS ETHEL PURCELL, Teacher. H^^f'^M ■m^ ■^W^?:'^^^!^ fg %^ ' :.^^ m flP Small lot; fine grove; well kept yards; one toilet in bad condition. Two class rooms; no cloak rooms; insiifficiently lighted; ceiled; un- painted; well kept rooms. Home-made double desks ; insufficient amount of good blackboards ; maps ; globe ; chart ; framed pictures ; bird boxes ; no library. One teacher ; five months school year ; seven grades ; enrollment 53 ; average 35. No local tax. 20 ^ ^^^_ ij; /' ^ t FT ■■JtP'J^f r ^ i^ji ^^^ m rt^iJL^HHJ i^H n ^Miim '■'■■ ,'X| SHOAL CREEK SCHOOL. T. J. HERNDON, Principal. MISS WILLIE KAY, Assistant. One acre lot; grouJids neglected; very small pla ygroitnds ; one toilet. Two class rooms ; no cloak rooms ; building in bad repair ; fairly well lighted. Double home-made and patent desks ; very poor blackboards ; no maps, globes, charts, pictures, reference dictionary, library, or other equipment. Two teachers ; eight grades ; five months school year ; enrollment 110 ; average 60. Local tax levy 5 mills; amount .$185.87. VERNON SCHOOL. SAMUEL HEMBRY, Principal. MISS ELIZABETH HENRY, Assistant. Two acre lot; titles in Board; grounds badly neglected; ample playgrounds, unimproved ; one toilet in bad condition. Two class rooms; well lighted; no cloak rooms; building in good condition and well kept ; ceiled, but unpainted. Double patent desks; good blackboards; no maps, charts, globes, reference dictionary, library, or other equipment. Two teachers; seven grades; five months school year; enrollment 87 ; average 60. No local tax. 21 VANNA SCHOOL. MISS BERTA NELMS, Principal. MISS MAYNE MILLIARD, Assistant. mvi^m^ '■ '^''^^'Kl m'- Large grounds, well located^ but unimproved and neglected ; ample playgrounds; two toilets in bad repair. Large building, unfiiiished and in bad repair; three class rooms; insufficiently lighted ; neglected ; no cloak rooms .; unpainted. Home-made double desks ; veiy poor blackboards ; no maps, globes, charts, reference dictionaries, library, pictures, or other equipment. Two teachers; eight grades; five months school year; enrollment 70; average 50. No local tax. RIVERSIDE SCHOOL. MISS MINNIE CASH, Teacher. One acre lot ; bare and unimproved ; one toilet in medium condi- tion. One class room ; no cloak rooms ; well lighted, except for one front window ; in good condition and well kept ; ceiled, but unpainted. Double patent desks ; good blackboards ; maps ; charts ; a small globe ; a reference dictionary ; no library. One teacher ; seven grades ; five months school year ; enrollment 35 ; average 17. Local tax levy 5 mills; amount .$69.04. 22 SARDIS SCHOOL. (A Standard School.) MISS HELEN K. ECKARDT, Principal. MISS LUCILE MEREDITH, Assistant. Large school grouiuis adjacent church lot; ample playgrounds; cleaned up ; two toilets in good condition. Two class rooms fairly well lighted ; cloak rooms ; painted inside and outside ; in good repair and well kept. Double patent desks; good blackboards; maps; charts; framed pictures ; library of 100 volumes. Two teachers; eight grades; seven months school year; enrollment 94; average 50. Local tax levy 5 mills; amount ^278.36. 1- ^ ^^MH^A ..-^_ HHte fm:' :\ CAMP GROUND SCHOOL. MISS MARY HOLBROOK, Principal. MISS LEONORA GAINES, Assistant. Large lot in oak grove; unimproved; small playgrounds; two toilets in fair condition. Two class rooms; insufficiently lighted; cloak rooms; building painted and in good repair; well kept. Double patent desks; good blackboards; one history map; charts; pictures on walls ; no reference dictionary ; no library. Two teachers; nine grades; six months school year; enrollment 87; average 52. Local tax levy 4 mills; amount .$202.89. 23 VIOLA SCHOOL. MR. LAMAR SANDERS, Principal. MISS MAi SANDERS, Assistant. MISS ETHEL DAVIS, Assistant. Large lot ; unimproved ; ample playgrounds ; two toilets in fair condition. Three class rooms; well lighted; cloak rooms; building in good condition ; painted. Double patent desks; good blackboards; framed pictures; no maps, charts, globes, reference dictionary, library, or other equipment. Three teachers; nine grades; six montlis s;'hool year; enrollment 121 ; average 66. Local tax levy 5 mills; amount .+281. 16. MAGDALENE SCHOOL MISS FLOSSIE THORNTON, Teacher. One acre lot; titles in Board of Education; small playgrounds; grounds tinimproved. One class room ; poorly lighted ; no cloak rooms ; ceiled, but un- painted ; building in bad repair. Home-made and patent desks; i>oor l)lackl)oards; no maps, charts, globes, library, or other ecpiipment. One teacher; seven grades; five months school year; enrollment 43 ; average 25. 24 NUBERG SCHOOL. (A Standard School. F. C. GAINES, Principal. MISS INA GAINES, Assistant. Lot six acres; titles in trustees; partly improved; ample play- grounds; two toilets in good condition. Two class rooms; fairly well lighted; cloak rooms; building in good condition ; painted. Double patent desks and teachers' desks; good blackboards; one U. S. History map ; no charts, globes, framed pictures, or reference dictionary; library of ]00 volumes. Two teachers; nine grades; seven months school year; enrollment, 80; average 54. Local tax levy, 5 mills; amount, .^209.08. UNION HILL SCHOOL. MISS SUSIE ANDREWS, Principal. MISS ALLIE GAINER, Assistant. Lot five acres; titles in Board; fine grove, unimproved; ample playgrounds ; two toilets in good condition. Two class rooms, with Lodge overhead; fairly well lighted; cloak rooms; in good condition and well kept; ceiled; painted outside. Double patent desks; very poor blackboards; no maps, charts, globes, or reference dictionary; a few boo,ks for library. Two teachers; eight grades; five months school year; enrollment, 110; average, 75. No local tax. 25 LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 019 877 515 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 019 877 515 Hollinger Corp.