D 638 .U5 fl2 1914 Copy 1 Metal Edge, Inc. 2007 RAJ. d Congress, ) @d Session. ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, j Document 1 No. 1136. RELIEF, PROTECTION, AND TRANSPORTATION OF AMERICANS IN EUROPE. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, REQUESTING AN APPROPRIATION FOR THE RELIEF, PROTECTION, AND TRANS- PORTATION OF AMERICAN CITIZENS IN EUROPE. August 3, 1914.— Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. To the Senate and House of Representatives : The present disturbances in Europe, with the consequent inter- ruption of transportation facilities, the increase in living expenses, coupled with the difficulty of obtaining money from this country, have placed a large number of American citizens, temporarily or permanently resident in Europe, in a serious situation and have made it necessary for the United States to provide relief and trans- portation to the United States or to places of safety. < The situation has also thrown upon our diplomatic and consular officers an enormous burden in caring for the interests of Americans in the disturbed areas and makes it necessary to provide for greatly increased expenses. In view of the exigency of the situation as above outlined, I recom- mend the immediate passage by the Congress of an act appropriating $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be placed at the disposal of the President, for the relief, protection, and trans- portation of American citizens, for personal services, and for other expenses which may be incurred in connection with or growing out of the existing disturbance in Europe. Woodrow Wilson. The White House, August 3, 1914. o J. OF D, St? 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 005 877 601 4 Metal Edge ,lnc. 2007 RAJ. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 005 877 601 4