| iii !i"' ii ' j i ii : M,n, i .. ii. II I I I I ML IIIIII I IIIIIIIIW H I III I IN THE BEGIN! H il ' !! !. ' j !|i i l lii| n m > ii I .- . Boole for the New Era Mm 1I8S, IKll? W, M E AD miHI pll MMim— IMHWHWU MIl U M yW ■iii m i mn i iiiiiii i ii u I I Ull.iljii .iliin «W Mm i lMJJHH WII W i iU^ljm ^il rare .hFi^O / Book ^__L_._ CopyrightN°_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. IN THE BEGINNING A Book for the New Era By Mrs. Emily W. Mead ^^W^^_*/A-Z^< A Nineteen Ten eCI.A205143 IN THE BEGINNING. A Book for the new era. Gives a sketch of the creation of the mundane -universe, the begin- ning of animal life and the origin and creation of man, from the "nucleated cell," under the ocean, by progressive evolution to ' the super-animal- man, etc. Bead carefully to understand this "Book". Dedicated to Eighteousness and Truth; Truth and Righteousness will set you free from the bondage of sin. By MRS. EMILY W. MEAD. "I, God," I am "that I am," do glorify this Book. A ' ' Power, ' ' took my hand and wrote the above. —"Name." In the Beginning As I sat one day reading Genesis the passage "There was no 'God' before 'Me' and shall be none after 'Me' ". I shut my eyes and thought, "that looks equivocal." And a spirit voice or word, over my head, said, "In the beginning the spirit was, and in perfecting 'Form' was pro- duced, and the 'Spirit' and the 'Form' were the 'Perfect', 'Perfect' One." A grand spiritual Be- ing, that we call "God". "The celestial trinity". "God," made manifest in the 'Son,' the 'proto- type' of all forms, the creator of all things; by infinite laws — the cosmos, and the spirit, (God, immanifest) being co-eternal, contained the pos- sibility of all things spiritual and material, under conditions and laws. One night, (my room was securely locked that no one could enter) I woke with a consciousness of a spiritual presence, and I saw dimly a 'Spirit- ual Being,' who appeared of great 'power,' and a vast space was spread out before me, and the Be- ing said, "I have searched the universe around and there is no 'God' beside Me." There is seven universes, three are not yet finished" and— — A 'word' said to me, "Bead and write, and be strong and fear not, for I am with thee." After years of study and research, and teaching, I give you the result. I give you a sketch of creation 6 IN THE BEGINNING from the beginning to the end of this Kalpa, when all material things will be resolved into their origi- nal condition, and a new creation will commence on a higher plane.' ' The universe as shown to me, and what was told to me, by word, by impression and by inspiration. A new era has commenced and the earth and the people are in a transition state to higher condi- tions and the people require a more comprehensive knowledge of spiritual things. One night as I turned my thoughts away to the Supreme Being with an exclamation, "How de- graded and poor we are, who live in the dirt. And a sensation came to me, like rays of feeling and thought; but some Spiritual Being appeared to be between me and God. In a moment it stepped aside and in the center of the 'universe'. A 'face' as bright as the sun, in the midst of a mass of golden vapory clouds, a ' Being ' was surround- ed, all but the 'Face', and the 'Face' looked at me and smiled, till, filled with joy I returned the smile; and the 'Supreme Being' communed with me in thought, which reached me like rays direct from Him to me, and a blessing came with the thought, and an unseen 'Power' impressed me, that the 'Being' I saw was 'God' and I saw fthe 'Divine Light,' that illumines 'heaven', and reaches to the earth. But there appeared to be a cloud or darkness round the earth in which we live, unconscious of the 'Divine Light radiating from the Divine mind with blessings and gladness to those who will receive them.' " A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA INTRODUCTION. In this volume I have put together scraps of knowledge, old and new, as you put together scraps to form the figures of a kaleidoscope, and when you look into one end of the tube you see a beautiful figure, formed by the pieces of broken glass, dishes, paper, etc. In the same way I have put together scraps of knowledge gleaned from various sources: reading, thought, study, inspira- tion, etc, etc., and the result is a perfect whole, a complete circle, commencing with creation, and ending with the dissolution of material things ; re- flecting the glories of a grand, glorious, limitless heaven, and a boundless, black, dark, limitless, hideous hell. G. E. S. M. says: "An accurate text of the Bible is a crying shame and necessity." I sup- pose 'tis impossible to find the entire original text, unless it is hid away in the "Vatican", or among some obscure tribe of people. In translating, the Bible has been modified, but the principles have mostly been preserved. By reading most of the translated traditions and manuscripts, I find that the genesis of all people agree with ours, when we set aside symbolism, allegory and superstition. The Old Testament is obliged to be a compilation of scraps of manuscripts and tradition. Except by hieroglyphics and symbolism, 'twas the only method of keeping historical facts and "religion." 8 IN THE BEGINNING Cosmogony, creation, science and religion, were all kept by symbolism; and the translations make a nice bungle of them,, in some cases. When trans- posed, we find a counterpart of our genesis in nearly all the traditions and old manuscripts of all people. Our genesis, and the genesis of all peo- ples were derived from the same source, and the truth has been transmitted to us from Adam down. G. R. S. M. says: "The Polychrome Bible gives ground to hope great things for the religion of the West". As if there could be any difference be- tween the religion of the East and the West. Re- ligion is like the sun: (The same shines every- where). He says: "It will prepare the way for a new consideration of the religious problem". Re- ligion is not a problem; 'tis a "principle", as firm- ly fixed as God himself. But I presume that the Polychrome Bible will throw some light on what is mysterious to some persons. Religious opinions pertain to man, and vary according to the superstitions and ignorance or knowledge of the people. (Persons properly educated in the True Religious Principles, who live according to those principles, are free,— as Christ and Paul taught them. "The truth sets them free". Religion is conservative, and can't be changed or encroached upon.) But G-. R. S. M. says: "A new theory of religion has to be evolved and with it a revision of religion". How, when, or by whom will the revision be made ? H. F. Bow- ling speaks of Christ's teaching as a "new re- A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 9 ligion". Christ did not teach a new religion; he merely lifted the people out of symbolism. The religious forms of the Old Testament were typical of the New Testament, and the true religion, as taught by Christ. Eeligion is not a doctrine ; doc- trines may be false, religion never changes. The Church, established by Christ, was the ful- fillment of the Typical Church led by Moses and represented "heaven" on earth. G. R. S. M. says: "The traditional face of Christ does not resemble a Jew, but does resemble a Hin- du". Moses represented God and Aaron Christ. The teacher and high priest of Hindus are a cross between the Israelite and the Hindu. Therefore, they may resemble Christ in face. Christ was not a Jew, he was an Israelite, by his mother. Some twenty years ago, Christ manifested himself to me in a cloud. To me His face was an oblong, oval, with clear, fair, ruddy complexion, dark hair and small beard ; well formed forehead, rather straight eyebrows, large, dark, blue eyes, straight nose, with delicate nostrils, a small, fine sensitive mouth and chin; and the whole illumined by a smile that no one can imitate. 10 IN THE BEGINNING CHAPTER (1). Primo-Genesis. The first differentiation. of all things. 'The Di- vine Trinity \ The germ, from which all proceeds. A voice said to me, "In the beginning the Spirit was, and in perfecting form was produced, and the Spirit and the Form were the perfect, perfect 'One', 'father-mother-son.' " The Divine Trin- ity, the archetypal form of all forms. "Grod" the first form. The evolution, and co-relation, of the mysteries of kesmos,, physical, spiritual, abstract, and con- crete, were first recorded in geometrical forms of symbology. Every true cosmogony was expressed by a cir- cle, a point, a triangle and a square. All cosmic and religious history was expressed by symbology in the beginning. The circle represents the uni- verse, and also the "Decad" or circle "Pass-not", which contains the ' ' triad ' ' the sacred ' ' four ' ' and the "square" within the circle, being the most potent of all the magical figures. Thus the spirit is one and father-mother-son are three. Thus the i triangle' or triad, forms the sacred four, or square. It is the most magical figure in symbol ogy. Christ also represents the celestial triad or trinity. The double triangle symbolizes the celes- tial triad and the earthly triad. The circle with a point symbolizes the universe with the crown in A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 11 the center. The great central, spiritual "sun", the place of the - ' throne ' \ The Hindu philosophy says, "Father, Mother" spun a weh, and fastened the upper end to spirit, and the lower end to matter as a symbol of the universe. The central "vortex" is supposed to be the realm of pure spirit, diffused, uncreated, form- less; self-existent Divinity, the realm of unmani- fested being and the first emanation from the realm was motion, caused by thought and motion, caused vibrations; from the deific mind, and the first vibrations; were dual, Love and Wisdom, the foundation of all future greatness in creation. At- traction and repulsion are male and female prin- ciples, co-equal and co-eternal, and the one primal force contains unlimited potentialities. ' ' Adisanet ' ' signifies ' ' Ancient of days ' ', ' ' Bra- ma ' ', the creator. The number ' l ten ' ' signifies the "universe", which contains three sacred spheres, and seven lower ones. "Svabhavat" is the mystic essence in its unity on the highest plane: the "vor- tex", the archetypal form whence proceeds the creative, formative force. The scintillated rays of the creative, formative, central, spirit-sun, pass through the material central sun, and carry the most sublimated rays of matter to form centers of suns and systems and spheres. Thus, the focal- ized rays from the great, central, spiritual and ma- terial suns, formed the first circle of sun outside of the sacred circle "pass-not". Then the second circle was formed; then the third; then the fourth; then the fifth; then the sixth, and it is said there is 12 IN THE BEGINNING a seventh circle forming ontside of that. Our solar system is situated in the fifth circle of suns, in a small wheel or circle of suns called the "milky- way". A circle of suns is composed of many "milky ways" or small circles. When the polar- ized mass, composing our solar system commenced to rotate and form axes and poles, after a long pe- riod of time, the fiery mass, feeding the centripetal and centrifugal forces of the center, commenced to rotate on its axis ; at first very eccentric, but as the earth become more solid, under the influence of great heat, they took their places nearer the sun, each one according to its affinity and density, After millions of years of storm and tempest and volcanic action our earth was formed. But it was buried in an ocean of boiling water and vapor, that extended many miles, and the moon being a small mass of the same materials thrown off from the earth, by the rotary motion, formed a small globe, but, being too small to act independently, it revolves round the earth as its center, and axis, keeping one side to the earth. The sun has two motions, one on its axis and one round a great center, and in a long period of time, our astral sys- tem, including our solar system, revolves round the great central sun. The sun's center is a mass of liquid fire, evolving heat, light and electricity, and its atmosphere is composed of strata of ele- mental gases. — Genesis. After millions of years of development, the earth was cool enough to produce insect and ani- mal life, as I have explained; at first, under water. A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 13 There was a kind of fish called the "man-fish" (something like the seal) from which the man ani- mal was developed, at first, amphibians, very large and imperfect. From them (by progressive de- velopment) man was perfected, as I have ex- plained. There were many millions of various types. After millions of years of evolution of the "sperm-a-to-zoa" through the animal, a higher type of organization was formed, called "Adam", and from that small tribe was selected a pair, male and female, of whom was born a pair called "Eve" (the perfect) and they are the ones "made in the image and likeness of God." The cause of all material bodies is in the gener- ative, vital life of the universal father and mother. The organization of the soul is an effect of the physical body and spirit. As the physical body was derived from the ante- human ovum, which was impregnated with a su- per-animal principle within the matrix of the ma- tured animal female of the approximate type. The human foetus holds the reproductive principle, which principle, by the universal, divine, procrea- tive force" first organized the body within the ma- terial nature, and the germ of the soul is in the egg or foetus but the human soul can not be prop- erly organized without the two physical brains, and the two "spirit-vitalizing" influences of both parents, which takes place at conception. (Unless the "germ-soul pre-exists in the foetus or egg, the immortal spirit can not quicken or impregnate it 14 IN THE BEGINNING with immortality".) Tlie ever-present spirit of God acts upon the human spirit as the sun does upon the physical and vegetable life. The ' ' soul-germ ' ' is impregnated in the ' ' spirit- brain ' ' of the foetus by the parents, who transmit the physical and intellectual also; and under proper circumstances the immortal individual commences life at conception. But without the spirit-brain there is no soul-germ and no immor- tality as a being. The physical man at death de- composes and enters into the mass of cosmical sub- stances to form new or other combinations. F'ohat or electricity is the life of the vegetable world. Animal life is a step higher, still it is warmed into life by the ever-acting fo 'hat. The first twelve weeks of foetal growth is devot- ed to nervo-vital formation; the next two months the dual brain organism is in process of elabora- tion, and the following eight weeks organize and mature the soul or spirit-brain, so that near the seventh month of foetal configuration the immor- tal lifts the mentality far above the animal king- dom if the mental and spiritual predominate in the true human. There are three stages of growth in the foetus, the first, or masculine, is of all spiritual essences as they exist in nature below man ; next, the negative, spiritual forces on the feminine side, co-extensive and comprehensive with the positive forces, and the circle is complete in the spiritual body. In the course of this effort of nature, the physical body is also eliminated ; and the 1 1 physical, mental, spir- A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 15 itual" being is completed; the positive and nega- tive forces are married in one individual if the foetus possesses the spirit-brain or (spheno lobe- brain). From this oneness comes the unfoldment of the ' ' spirit-germ ' \ The positive organization with its physical investiture, acts on the negative side of the spiritual organization with its physical inves- titure, thus depositing and unfolding the spirit- germ in soul substance; and the negative side, re- acting, unfolds the organized, "immortal spirit," which is indestructible. In the justly or harmoni- ously formed foetus, the individual is fixed a few weeks before birth. The form and proportion of the brain determines the quality of mind of the individual. The brain contains and eliminates mind. The spirit as an entity begins to exist at conception, as I have explained; but if not suffi- ciently developed becomes extinct. The whole use of organism in nature is to eliminate and form the spirit body of man. The spirit brain and faculties form the key-stone to the perfect arch of man's interior cerebral organism, which is indestructible, as I have explained. The physical body is a fac- tory in which to form the spirit body ; which holds the golden soul, the sacred, the divine. ("Love and wisdom") or (spheno lobe-brain). Old writers speak of the "beautiful face". One day as I sat thinking of the greatness of God, in a moment a large, beautiful face, smiling and radi- ant and dazzling with the most brilliant light, flashed before me. It appeared to be in the center 16 IN THE BEGINNING of the universe; the most dazzling light radiated from the "face". Yet very near, and I thought "can 'God' photograph himself at or to long dis- tances by the Spirit?" In this chapter I give a description of "primo- genesis". "Primo, primus, first, the first form". The great "archetypal", the celestial "trinity", the " One ' ', the ' ' Two ' ', the < ''Three ' ', the < < Four ' ', the celestial ' ' Crown " or " Heaven ' \ I have told you of the seven circles of suns. The earth-bear- ing suns are the most remote from the centre sun, have told you of the origin of man and his fall. Madam Blavatsky says in Vol. 1, page 216, "that man was created with human affections and high aspirations from which state he fell into the brute and savage, is diametrically opposed to Eastern teachings. The ancient book of D-Zan, and all the ancient traditions and manuscripts with the Genesis in our Bible and the Mormon Bible, etc., says ("that man was created on a high spiritual plane and fell to the animal plane;) as I have ex- plained. Old tradition speaks of the "fall of the angels". Man, spiritually gifted, was as the angels, having immortality. But by the fall he be- came mortal. He fell from immortality or heaven, to hell or spiritual death. That was the tradition of the "fall" of the angels. Many of the translat- ors and commentators, not understanding the alle- gories and symbolism, mislead the people in re- gard to circumstances and dates. M. B. in her writings speaks of a book so old A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 17 that no one knows who wrote it. Old writings were not dated or if they were, moderns do not un- derstand the figures. The book she speaks of is small and written in ' i Sen-Zar ' \ Tradition says, " It was taken down in the secret sacerdotal tongue, from the words of divine beings who dic- tated it to the ' ' Sons of Light ' ', in Central Asia, at the very beginning of our fifth race. M. B. says, "No one knows who wrote it." Now let us see if we can not find out who wrote it. The secret, sacerdotal tongue was known to the priesthood. Moses was teacher and leader of the priesthood and people. "From the words of di- vine beings to the sons of light" — Moses and Israel were in central Asia and our Bible says, "Moses wrote the words of the Lord, dictated to him". Israel were called "Sons of Light", and as Moses and Israel were some time in central Asia, and possessed the "secret, sacred language" and sym- bolism, and Moses had a knowledge of letters and papyra, it is evident that he wrote the book. M. B. says of the genesis of nearly all people after the flood, ' l that it was derived from Moses ' teaching. ' r I have explained them all and they reflect the same "genesis and religion". We have followed man down till the degeneracy of Israel, who, like the first race, crossed with inferior races and fell. They also committed the "evening sacrifice" by the "death of Christ", and the slaughter of thousands that followed His teachings, as "Cain committed the morning sacrifice by the death of Abel and his tribe". 18 IN THE BEGINNING Some will say " Abel had no tribe", but seers and tradition say ' ' that he had ' \ I have explained primogensis, cosmogenesis and the genesis of man. It is not necessary for all per- sons to understand symbology if they have a true interpretation of it. I have explained enough to show you the true method of " creation, genesis, heaven, hell, the true religion", etc., and I will show you something of symbolism. In primitive symbolism, the circle represents space. Tims ' ' space ". ( " potential space ' ' — third stage, ) di- ameter — and motion). The horizontal diameter crossed by a vertical one becomes a mundane cross thus — a. sign that by the cross of the second and third races, humanity would be crossed' with a curse". That is, "the crossed race would be a ' curse ' to mankind ' \ The cross without the circle is the sign that the fall of man was accomplished and a fourth race commenced of the cross, thus — ). The "golden egg" signifies the great central, spir- itual ' ' sun ' \ The ' ' triangle ' ' represents the ' l ce- lestial : trinity", and the double triangle repre- sents the junction of spirit and matter, in Christ, who represents the "celestial Trinity"— God on earth. Solomon used a seal in the form of a double triangle. "Christ" represented "God" on the earth. One writer says, "If God is an 'objective being', how can he be omnipresent? By the omnipresent spirit, which pervades all space, and acts as (tele- graph wires by which God can act upon and com- mune with the entire universe). By the spirit, A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 19 God knows every man, his deeds and thoughts, etc. The hnman mind can not conceive of infinity or eternity. But mind is seeking its equilibrium and gravitating to the sphere that is attractive to it. If it seeks good to heaven, and if it seeks evil to hell. Until an eternity is accomplished by im- mutable laws originally given there will be cre- ated new worlds of supreme excellence and exal- tation, and high states of excellence and perfec- tion, until every particle composing all suns and systems of suns and worlds become the essence of vegetable and animal existence and the latter passes to spiritual essence and all things arrive at an exalted state of spiritual and celestial perfec- tion, and all matter material passes through the multifarious forms and stages of existence, and be resolved into the unparticled state, and ascend to associate with higher and more glorious spheres of spiritual combinations. Then the great posi- tive mind will be positive to all things and the great negative formed by the perfection of all tilings will be negative material. Then deity and spirit only, will be ex- isting. The negative will be perfect in affection, and pure as space, but without knowledge. Thus, the great negative, the ultimate of all material things will be negative to the great "positive mind". All material things will become a mass of spiritualized substances and a new crea- tion will commence. Before this sublime and glorious end, all the labyrinths of finitude will be occupied by systems 20 IN THE BEGINNING of vast magnitude. And after vegetable and ani- mal has been disseminated through all systems as agents of refinement to higher existences, and all motion has become so perfect as to result in sen- sation and all elements attract and associate with each other, and worlds have become too rarefied to form dense bodies, and gravitate to higher spheres and when all things have arrived at this state of perfection, then will be accomplished the end an- ticipated. I was given a glance of the creative motive force of creation. Then all matter will be resolved into one glor- ious sun. Then it will roll into space, successive- ly, a corresponding, yet more perfect universalum. God's will, being the executive, unspeakably grand and glorious is the end contemplated. (The de- sign is manifest, that the whole may, by virtue of inherent attributes, power and motion, ultimate, a substance, a principle, so refined that it may as- sociate with the celestial forms and spheres). A knowledge of those things will throw a bright- ness upon the mind, above the brightness of all earth. We should be governed by the most per- fect principles of truth and justice. Then we would receive influences of Divine Law, the perfection of goodness and truth. (Before this great time, and the commencement of another creation, the righteous will have passed through the spirit spheres, beyond the line, "Pass- not". I will speak of the evil in another place.) I have explained that the great central, spiritual sun developed the great central material sun, and A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 21 they developed the systems of suns, etc. Now, I will give yon a sketch of the spirit-spheres and heaven, etc. The earth is in the first sphere or plane. The second sphere is above the earth, and is enveloped in resplendent brilliancy. It is divided into three societies. The first society is in darkness and gloom; the second society is in the plane of effects; the third circle is exceedingly luminous, within unfolded spiritual pQwers. They behold the vast landscapes of the spirit home. They are too beautiful to be comprehended on earth, on the ex- tended and diversified fields. The flowers and foliage are of the most variegated colors, and frag- rance ascends perpetually from those vast planes, giving brilliancy and life to the atmosphere. Riv- ers of placid waters flow through those vast plains and gardens. Waters of translucent brilliancy, reflecting the azure heavens and celestial scenery above them. In the enchanting groves are repos- ing those who love wisdom and divine teaching. Each society has mansions, according to their degree. The first are in darkness and gloom. Those of the third society are too vast and elegant to describe. They are too perfect and magnificent to be understood on earth; purity and holiness per- vades this sphere. Music floats along the atmos- phere into the senses, as the fragrance of flowers. Every labyrinth of the spirit-land is governed by order and heavenly harmony or law. There is a glory of holiness and happiness, that pervades 22 IN THE BEGINNING and quickens into life, the spirit-home, that defies expression. As there are millions of humans born on the earth in a minute of time, so there are millions in- troduced into the first sphere and an equal num- ber pass from the second to the third sphere in the same length of time. The third sphere is celestial. It is impossible to describe the delight of the spirit, which lies down to be quickened into life. In the first circle of the third sphere are also three societies, which correspond to perfect love, perfect wisdom and celestial purity. Their love is. so pure that it radiates from their countenances, and a halo of purity as of electric fire surrounds them, and the third society radiates a light more brilliant than the sun. They are guardian angels to those below them. The valleys and rivers of the third sphere are sublime, above description. The rivers seem to sparkle and play with the atmosphere and reflect the unspeakable grandeur of the celestial heaven. "In -our Father's house are many mansions, illumined by divine love. Heaven is lighted by divine love." The stately palms and beautiful gardens, abounding in luxur- iant creations of the spirit-home, are the impres- sions of worlds on this "Divine Book" and give instructions to the inhabitants. They walk in the gardens of celestial love. We have only entered the vestibule of the great temple of divine love. In the fourth sphere, everything is still more lovely. Colors of every conceivable description A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 23 surround their local habitations; every sphere grows more lovely and beautiful, indicating a spiritual progression, and that they are wending their way up to the (throne and immortality.) The first society in the fourth sphere is almost infinite in numbers; and from them flows love, brighter than the brightest crystal. Its reflections clothe lower societies as with a garment, pure as the jewels that adorn the crown of the "Lord of Lords". In the fourth sphere are streams, valleys, plains, fountains and groves, that transcend all descrip- tion of the grand and beautiful, and the inhabi- tants are of the most exquisite purity and loveli- ness, and they are also wending their way up to the City of the "Living God". "They call all to come, and go with them to the fount of purity and love on high. ' ' The atmosphere of this spirit-home is rainbowed and clothed with resplendent brightness, reflecting all things below it, and when the inhabitants are ready to enter a higher sphere, they repose a mo- ment in silence and awaken in the fifth sphere. Language is inadequate to describe the fifth sphere. An exultation ascends from each society, forming a halo more brilliant than the sun. The scenery is of redoubled grandeur and holiness, and the spiritual beings here are still more lovely and attractive. This sphere is the ultimate of all beau- ty and the crown of loveliness and purity. Count- less millions dwell in each sphere, yet creation has only just begun. Here are the "Fields of Para- 24 IN THE BEGINNING dise" and the " House of many mansions". In this sphere is combined all the beauties of earth and heaven. Here the angels and spirits rejoice and give thanks, From this sphere can be seen the great spiritual sun, which illumines the whole spiritual universe. The spiritual spheres are allied to the spiritual sun, and the natural universe ap- proaches the material sun. Thus we approach the "throne of -God", Here I will describe a spirit-birth as seen by a seer: "As the man ceased to breathe the spirit Aura swiftly ascended to a height above the ceiling and hovered about the house. It appeared like a throb- bing ball the size of an orange, but it expanded rapidly. Its attraction was downward by means of a line of golden light, to all parts of the earthly form. The spirit head was first formed. Sudden- ly, several celestial persons approached and super- intended the birth of the spirit-body, which con- tinued to acquire compactness from the eternal sea. It was like a young, beautiful child, and was carried to the spirit-home by the angel friends." From what I have learned all spirits are not born with beautiful bodies. They are evil. They have not lived in harmony with the ever-present spirit of righteousness, and Christ says, "Sin against the Holy Spirit is never forgiven ' \ Now, I have explained creation, the universe, the spheres that lead to heaven, as much as man can understand it while on the earth plane, and I have described a spirit-birth. In another place I will A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 25 show you more of the condition of spirits; now, I will show you a chart figurative of heaven. (On page 147). The letter "G" is in the center, denotes the throne and the great central spiritual sun; "C" denotes the region called the "Star of light and beauty" and is typically described as "beneath" the Throne of God. It signifies the vast celestial realms of unknown extent, the impenetrable, the central sun of being is summed up in the grand solvent name "GOD". The region "C" signifies the realm of earth's risen martyrs and saviors, called "Christs". This sphere is divided into "realms" and called "heaven", with thrones, principalities, dominions, powers, etc. Thus we see that heaven is divided into realms, suited to the merits and degrees of peoples. The superior races will not occupy the same realms as the in- ferior races. There will be degrees of honor and station and occupation. No person can understand heaven while on the earth-plane. The letter "D" on the chart is the great, living, material sun, supposed to correspond to the "apex" of the great central-spirited sun, beneath it, a material source and centre, whence issue forth the rays of material light that radiates through suns, systems, planets and all material bodies in space, and carries the more sublimated rays of the great "spiritual sun". It is signified by the suns and rays E. K. L. M. The semi-circle between P and M represents a focalized tone of celestial light, ema- 26 IN THE BEGINNING nating from the spiritual sun and generating- the physical, central, material sun of the universe, which become a combination of ethereal ized and materialized elements, from which the life centers of spirit and matter flows to form the universe, as I have explained. The crosses on one side rep- resent Christ's throne called "heaven". Below the throne are seven spheres, representing the "Bottomless Pit" or "Hell". The glorious revelations in this chapter are almost above the comprehension of man. A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA DIAGRAM. 27 The following diagram was given by a boy 15 years old, a "clairvoyant". The letter "G" typi- fies the central "Sun of Being", summed up in the grand solvent name "God". The great cen- tral, spiritual sun. The place of the throne. (I 28 IN THE BEGINNING have seen a grand, glorious Being on the Throne). D is the great material snn corresponding to the apex of the spiritual sun. A material source and center whence issue rays of light, material light, which radiate through suns, systems, and all ma- terial bodies in space, carrying the sublimated rays of the great spirit sun signified by the rays E, K, L, M, and the five suns. The semicircle be- tween P and N is a focalized zone of celestial light emanating from the spiritual sun and generating the physical central material sun of the universe, which becomes a combination of etherealized and materialized elements from which the life centers of spirit and matter flows out. The region called the star of light and beauty is typically beneath the throne of God and signifies the vast celestial realms of unknown and illimitable extent. C signi- fies the realms of earth's risen martyrs, saved and exalted ones, called Christ, is divided into realms, called heaven, with thrones, principalities, do- minions, powers, etc. The three crosses on the right hand of the cen- tral sun signifies the throne of Christ. The cen- tral one is more elevated than the others and sur- mounted by six spears, eternal emblems of His cru- cifixion by man. The star of light and beauty is the vast realms of heaven. Far below the celestial realms is represented "The Pit or Hell". This chart was given for the benefit of unbe- lieving man. The grand spiritual sun and corresponding l^-K. /vh-*+~-ys>^{- -c*^s\St-~_ ^V^iA-e A- X -&~ £* t o4~^ 0~^ C*~-<1*— (/ft /p^.-0/L^— j^S, A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 29 physical sun are mystically related on the conso- ciative principles of soul and body and both cen- tralizing all the forces of being and sending out in radiative streams of eternal life through firma- ments, spheres, and worlds and spirit spheres. All sustained in the illimitable gravitating arms of the eternal sun of life whom we worship as God. There was much writing descriptive of the rainbowed semi-circes and circles of suns over and around the throne that was not understood by the clairvoyant. CHAPTER (2). Cosmo-Genesis. In the beginning the universe was filled with in- candescent cosmical matter, containing the possi- bility of all things. All forms, forces and sub- stances, minerals, vegetables, animals and man were contained in the mass. Evolution was em- bodied in the first law of creation. It does not antagonize, but is in itself a divine revelation and explains the origin of man not only from the low- er animal life, but as derived from the primordial substances by evolution. In the beginning the universe was one unbound- ed ocean of liquid fire, an eternity of motion, one eternal sun, without beginning and without end, one infinite circle. Matter and power were in- 30 IN THE BEGINNING sphered as a whole though separate, containing the power and material to produce all things. Matter and motion are co-eternal and the great material sun of liquid fire is many times hotter than any fire that we know of. The great original mass contained the embryo of its own greatness and perfection. The elements then developed were light, heat and power. In the great vortex was the great positive mind, God. The principles de- veloped were eternal motion, mind, matter and spirit were co-eternal. Matter contained the ele- ments of all things, and the whole was flaming with eternal heat; light was an effect. The terra and terminus were contained in an ocean of un- particled substances. An eternal system of heav- ens was produced, which was the foundation of all terrestrial and corporeal things, yet developing that which is -celestial and heavenly. The first form material was angular. Progres- sion of the angular produced the circular, this pro- duced the angular and rectangular plane and a continuation of the angular to the circular, was a perpetually progressive form, ascending toward the spiral and this developed the diameter, axes and poles, containing the perpetual angular, and progressed to a still higher form, the vortic and celestial. This vortex of pure intelligence was first cause eternal (the spirit immortal). Mo- tion was second, or an effect, and creation was third or ultimate. Thus, in the beginning God created the heavens, as I have explained, then the universe of universe, A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 31 then animals, then man. God is the positive, ac- tive and creative power, and matter is negative until acted upon by the laws and will of God. The combination first repulsed from or perfect- ed by the center power formed a sun so vast that man can not imagine its size and this great cen- tral material sun formed similar suns of smaller size, an index of an eternity of suns, having sub- ordinate suns and satellites, revolving in order round them and all round the great central sun that produced them. This eternal establishment, was the first system of concentric circles of suns. Thus an incompre- hensible number of suns formed the first great ring of converging formations, and after, millions of years. A second circle of suns was formed at a great distance farther outside of those and after another immense period of time a third circle of suns was formed. In the incandescent atmos- phere outside of the second, and a fourth was formed farther outside, and a fifth was formed still farther out, and in the order of progression, a sixth circle of suns was evolved, and each circle is composed of astral systems, similar to our milky way. All processes in nature compromise and har- monize under the law of progressive evolution. Centripetal and centrifugal forces, cohesion and disruption, attraction and repulsion. The inher- ent co-relation of matter and force. The genesis and phenomena of all life is governed by the law of evolution. Progression is the central idea in 32 IN THE BEGINNING evolution. It recognizes the fact that the individ- ual is, by the adjustment of two sets of factors. (The personality of man is the result of inherited and acquired knowledge and progressive laws. Evolution expands and elevates to higher condi- tions or planes. It pushes to higher types and forms of life, from the lowest to the highest until the celestial is reached. The lower animals are fragmentary types, man is the ultimate.) Still the center of all those great systems is a magnificent and glorious sun, an exhaustless foun- tain of materials, round which all the suns and systems of suns revolve. It is an everlasting germ, containing the possibility of all things. Theosophists say, "In the beginning there was but one substance". They mistake. In the be- ginning, all substances were combined, forming a sun that filled the universe, and by progressive motion, the elements were separated into forms as I have explained. Our solar system is on the in- side of the small circle of suns, called the "milky way", and revolves with it, round a vast circle, and all together round the great "central sun". Material sun. The human mind can not conceive of infinity, but mind is seeking its equilibrium, and is gravi- tating to the sphere that is attractive to it. If it seeks purity and perfection, it will gravitate to and find perfection, but if it seeks vice and evil, it will gravitate to that which is evil and attrac- tive to it. The great eternal elements first developed by A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 33 the great center of the universe were heat, light and electricity. Electricity pervades every sub- stance. Every sun in the fifth circle is accom- panied by a system of worlds, governed by im- mutable laws originally given, and new worlds of superior excellence and exalted states of perfec- tion will be created or formed until every particle composing every sun and system of suns and worlds become the essence of animal and vege- table existence and pass to an exalted state of spiritual and celestial perfection. Thus all mat- ter will pass through the multifarious forms and stages of existence, and ultimately be resolved in- to the unparticled state and ascend to associate with higher and more glorious spheres of spiritual combinations. Then the great positive mind will be positive to all things else in being. Then deity and spirit will be existing only, and the last of all things will be negative in the great sphere of the divine mind and eminently perfect. In knowledge it will be negative, but in affection pure as the worlds in space. Thus the ultimate of all material things will be negative to the great positive mind and between the two will ema- nate new worlds an epoch of a new beginning. Before that sublime and glorious end will be consummated all the labyrinths of finitude will be occupied by systems of worlds of vast magnitude, and after animal and vegetable existences shall have disseminated through each system, as agents of refinement and transferred all things below them to higher existences, and all motion has be- 34 IN THE BEGINNING come so perfect as to result in sensation and all elements attract and associate with each other, and all worlds have become too rarefied to form dense bodies, and shall gravitate to higher spheres, and when all things have arrived at this state of exaltation, then will be accomplished the great and glorious work end contemplated. The principles of spiritual life, in its magnitude is be- yond the grasp of all minds except that of the great actuater. As I told you in the beginning, the universe was filled with incandescent, primordial substances, forming one vast sun, from which was created or formed six circles of suns and systems of suns, ac- companied by world and satellites; our earth is in the fifth circle of suns, situated in the inner side of one of the small circles of suns, that compose the " milky way". After millions of years, the atmosphere of our earth separated from the ocean and hung round the earth in dense clouds and the earth was cov- ered miles deep in a boiling ocean, and Genesis says, ' ' Darkness was upon the face of the deep. ' ' A certain very bright person asked a short time ago, "How could darkness be on the deep and not on the land?" As I told you, the land or rock surface was buried miles deep under the ocean, and the ocean was surrounded by clouds of hot va- por to a great distance and mingling with the surging waves of the ocean. No sun rays could penetrate the dense clouds for many years and darkness was on the deep. A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 35 After millions of years, the earth's crust be- came cool and solid enough to allow the ocean to settle on the surface, still for many years the ocean was boiling hot, and thunder and lightning and storm and tempest rent the elements of the at- mosphere. And Genesis says, "God divided the waters from the waters and let the dry land ap- pear". Xow as the earth is buried in an ocean of boil- ing water, how will we get dry land? As the earth's crust hardened, great, volcanic action com- menced to split the crust of the earth, and throw up mountain ranges, by which the waters were divided, and we have dry land in the form of islands, and yet for a long time no vegetable or animal life could exist on the hot surface. By the great heat granite rocks were formed as the basic foundation. Xow we have no vegetable or animal life, and it will require a long period of time, or day, to produce soil and vegetable and animal life. Genesis in our Bible divides the time required to form the earth, into six days. In the old times the term "day" represented any period of time. The days spoken of in Genesis comprise millions of our years, but as Genesis was rewritten by the Jews, they used the term "evening and morning" as one day, and by doing so, caused great misun- derstanding, as most people suppose that every word in the Bible is the "word" of God. But re- cent revelations and manuscripts found in India 36 IN THE BEGINNING and other sources confirm what I tell you, though I wrote it before reading them. Genesis. At the time I speak of the land and water were not formed as they are now. The land was more level and the ocean covered more surface and was not so deep as it is now. But substances settled in the ocean and formed beds of mucous and on the land formed soil, in which mosses and lichens commenced to grow, until large forests shaded the earth. Meantime the beds of mucous in the ocean were pregnant with animal life, (by spon- taneity and "cell" formation). At first, small insects, succeeded by larger and more perfect ones until animals resembling man stepped out of the ocean, like the frog at first, ' ' amphibious ' '. From them man was developed. Everything in nature is produced by positive and negative or male and female laws. Matter contains all forms and forces. In the vast beds of gelatinous, primordial, brainlike substances in the bottom of the sea, was contained all organisms — all the vitalizing es- sences and principles found in animals and man. All matter in the universe is permeated with the laws of life and progressive development by spon- taneous impregnation under certain conditions governed by infinite laws. The particles forming the beds of brain-like sub- stances under the ocean, at first chaotic, gradually coalesced and formed a submarine jelly-like sub- stance in which to form or make a first physical manifestation on this earth. At first only a single motion was visible in the mass, which began at A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 37 the center and moved spirally out to the surface; it was the negative or female force. The opera- tion of the spirit of mother nature by spontaneous impregnation. The second motion was dual or compound; contractive and expansive, from the center and back, establishing a principle of circu- lation, prophetic of veins and arteries, also illus- trating the legitimate male and female laws. Nothing in nature is illegitimate, except by pro- hibition, as all tilings were formed by God's laws, and the first insect or animal-life was formed un- der water, in beds of brain-like substances by the motive power of God's laws and nature, and when the compound motion I spoke of was established, corrugated masses and globular cells were formed in the masses, and in those cells embryonic eggs were formed, and the first insect and animal life were polyganian and cotyledonous; that is, the first forms of life were formed produced by the motive force and nature, and being formed with reproductive organs they were parents to success sive generations. Thus you see that we do not contradict science, evolution or genesis, which says, ■ ' Let the waters bring forth abundantly". I have shown you that man was formed of the earth substances. But the first model was a rude specimen, from which to evolve the perfect man. There was a variety of types and half-types. Of the ante-human types there were many hundreds of millions. Eecent revelations say, "that three or four hundred mil- lions ascended to the outmost step of the human 38 IN THE BEGINNING form, but they were not immortal. Some of the ante-human tribes approached almost to the bal- ancing point, but none of them possessed the in- tellectual, spirit-brain. A small tribe approached nearly to the human form. Of them, God selected a pair from which to develop the true htiman 3 whose body, through the medium of innumerable spermatozoa and mole- cular changes had been brought up to the perfect form in the ante-human embryo, just.before the ap- proximate of the true human type. As I said the ovaries of the anti-human parents were impreg- nated with a super-animal principle within the matrix of the parents, whose offspring were the true human. But the human soul could not be perfectly organized without the two physical brains, and the impersonal, infinite spirit could not be embodied unless the soul pre-existed; hence in the formation of the human there is a spirit- brain added to the physical organism, which is the seat of the soul. By the union of the two physical an intellectual, spiritual, immortal being, with the spiritual brain, the ante-human became human, an (intellectual, spiritual, immortal being), with the ability to. commune with and receive instruc- tions from God. There is a period in the development of the em- bryo, when the omnipresent principles of immor- tality, transmittd by the parents received the im- press of father-mother God to be developed by the everpresent spirit, as the physical is developed by the physical elements. The soul of the human A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 39 child is individualized at conception, and is de- veloped and perfected by contact with the spirit. If the child lives pure and just; but if the individ- ual lives and desires evil, the spirit of God does not act with him, because they do not harmonize, and the soul receives only evil impressions. The mind is the production of the brain, and the formation of the brain determines the quality of the mind. For that reason children require careful instruction from infancy. A perfect hu- man possesses the religious department of spirit- brain, which contains the religious moral attri- butes, collectively called "righteousness", which, if cultivated by righteous thoughts, deeds and de- sires, insures "immortal life". Mind is the final end of organization, the culmination, the apex of matter, as it contained body and soul, the perfect fruit of the "Tree of Life".' I have given you a description of genesis and creation and my description is true. It agrees with A. J. Davis and all old writings and tradi- tions. The Genesis in our Bible is attributed to Moses, but he did not write it. It was re-written long after his death. When I think of Moses, I see him, a tall, spare man, with an earnest, sober visage, a little stooped in the shoulders and plain- ly clad. He might represent one of the old Eoman generals. Between three and four or five thousand years ago, Moses was instructed to go and teach the na- tions of creation religion, laws, man and his des- tiny. These instructions have been mostly lost, 40 IN THE BEGINNING but we find part of them in the traditions and manuscripts of India and in New Revelations. The descriptions in our genesis are covered by allegory and the true meaning, hid under figurative lan- guage. But I have given you the true method of creation and will explain it more fully in another chapter. I uncover the esoteric or hidden side. As man is the ultimate of all forms created before him, so God is the super-superlative being in the universe, from which all forms were modeled in part. I have shown you how the earth was formed or created, and that it required millions of years to form it, each day spoken of in Genesis consisting of million of our years. I will continue the de- scription : Genesis says, ' ' The earth was formless and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep". After thousands of years the waters of the atmos- phere separated from the waters of the ocean and the mountain tops appeared, and by the action of the water and the elements a submarine matrix was formed under water, and the first animal life was formed under water by the spontaneous im- pregnation. Man-animal was first produced from an animal resembling the seal as the frog was from the polly wog. Old writers speak of a " man-fish ' ' from which man was first derived, only as a model from which to develop higher types. There was at first a variety of models, some more, some less perfect, until there were hundreds of millions of pre-humans in human form not perfect on the A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 41 earth, as I told you, and the first-born of the "pre- human pair prepared v was the true human, the first formed in the "likeness of God". Genesis says, "The serpent tempted Eve and she fell", and an old manuscript says, "The serpent went with Eve instead of Adam ' ', thus, the first great, great sin was adultery. Adultery was forbidden to all the inhabitants of the earth, even to animals. The subtle beast, in the form of a human, saw the beautiful Eve and took her for a companion, and the first son born of a human mother was a semi-human and they called his name "Cain", which signifies "Evil" or "Devil". His half brother was called "Abel", which signifies "good" and "beautiful", and he was called a shepherd and his tribe was so gentle that they were called "sheep". When Cain was grown, as I told you, he was driven out of the beautiful gar- den of peace, lest he should cross with Abel's tribe, and degrade them to semi-humans, and Cain went to the "Land of Nod" and took a wife. "Nod" signifies "asleep" without spirit brain. Cain took a wife of the tribe called "beast" and they become a large tribe of semi-humans and quadroons, etc. Meantime, Abel's tribe became very numerous, but Cain's joined to the old tribe, called "Beast", formed a large tribe of giant strength. The first tribe called "Man" dwelt in Central Asia, but Asia was not formed as it is now. It occupied from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The semi- humans did not posses perfect vocal organs and 42 IN THE BEGINNING their language was monosyllabic. They were im- perfectly organized and manifested all the evil passions of the beast, called the "Animal Adam". They were deceitful, false, tyannical, ambitious, licentious and cruel, and correspond to the one called "Cain" in our genesis. They became well versed in sensuous knowledge, for which they were called the "Tree of Knowledge". Owing to a change in climate, which had become frigid and unequal, Abel's tribe migrated farther south and located near Cain's tribe; and Abel's tribe, who represented the true Adam, was told not to "eat" (cross) with the Tree of Knowledge in the midst of the garden. If they did, they would die. That is, if they crossed with the semi-humans they would lose the attributes of immortality and be- come mortal or dead. As Cain's race knew no other God, they worshipped Cain as the head of their race and were called the "Sons of God" after the death of Abel's tribe. Our genesis says, "The sons of God (Cain) saw the daughters of men, that they were fair and took them wives of all they chose". Here again we find the "serpent", Cain's race, committing the sin of adultrous amalgama- tion, by tempting or compelling the daughters of men to wife with the forbidden tree, and by doing so the true Adam fell to the condition of semi-hu- mans, "except a few", who would not cross with the "evil race". Cain's race seeing Abel's build altars and sacrifices to a god that they did not know, became so jealous and angry that they arose and banded their tribes together and made war on A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 43 Abel's tribe, who were joined to Eve's tribe, and exterminated them (except a few) and sacrificed them on their own altars, and Cain's tribes or Sa- tan, took possession of the whole earth and ruled and reigned a thouand years, but the majority of them were mere animals in human form, and by their licentious and evil practice they became mis- erably depraved and beastly, and after destroying Abel's race and all that was good, they migrated to Atlantese, then a part of Spain. (Atlantese signifies ' ' inferior " ) . They became the dominant nation on the earth and as Genesis says, "became a nation of renown", but the "greatness" spoken of was derived from the cross with Abel's race. They were strong physically and after the war with Abel, they learned to commune with evil spirits and professed to know everything and have all power; and they were called the "Tree of Knowledge", and "Satan" and the "Prince of the Powers of the Air" (spirits) and "Powers of Darkness" and "Devil". They were enemies to God and all good and righteousness. They had destroyed the true man on the earth and brought death to those who were created for immortality. They converted the "Earth heaven to a hell". Hell signifies "place of the dead". At first there were two root-races, Cain (dark) and Abel (white), both born of the same mother, "Eve", and both claiming to be the "sons of God". After Cain's race took possession of the earth, many of them crossed over to America on 44 • IN THE BEGINNING the slips of land that formed the earth at that time. One large tribe, located where the Gulf of Mexi- co now is, became quite civilized. They used hieroglyphics to express their history and religion. By associating with Abel's tribe many years, some of the crossed race became quite intelligent, but they lacked the higher intellectual spirit brain, possessed by Abel and his tribe, and retained all the evil nature of the old tribe or beast. The crossed race colonized every part of the earth. Previous to the flood, the north of England (Angle land) and north of America were under water, and formed part of the Arctic Ocean, and as the warm waters of the equator were shut off from the north, the snow and ice accumulated in mountain heights, and the waters of the then com- paratively small ocean were frozen at the north and south poles, and the atmosphere became frigid and cold, and for a long period of years large ice- bergs and glaciers descended from the poles to- wards the tropics, and the atmosphere became un- equal in density to the expansive force of the in- terior of the earth, and from the pressure, the in- terior of the ^arth assumed impetuous motion, which acted on the crust of the earth bursting the entire mass and causing an upheaval of the north of England and the north part of America with all the adjacent parts and lands. The explosion shook the whole earth to the cen- ter, breaking in some parts the whole combined strata; some parts sank and some parts were A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 45 raised as high mountain ranges; and the water, which before was in a united body of streams, ex- tending through many valleys, joining the same body of water. At that time the Pacific Ocean was not formed as it now is. It was a large, marshy continent, appearing as islands above the water. Suddenly the valley sank, and the hot wa- ter of the melted ice from the north flowed over it and formed the Pacific Ocean as it now is, separ- ating the two continents which were joined before by strips of land. The continent of Atlantese also sank, forming the Atlantic Ocean; and a part of Yucatan also sank, forming the Gulf of Mexico, destroying nearly all the inhabitants that had col- lected on that part : and a few fled. They were of the dark Cain's cross — "Indians", lacking intel- lect and manliness. Their religious doctrines were esoteric. They were cannibals. In the war with Abel they sac- rificed and ate Abel's race and the world was left in darkness spiritually. Many persons have wondered why mankind was so diversified in form, feature and complexion. I have told you there were several ante-human types and the crosses with them produced a variety of inferior sub-races, and as the dark race was re- tarded in the law of progressive development by the curse, they could not progress to the high state of the pure race and remained in inferior types even to this day as we see them. The earth was inhabited many, perhaps millions of years by pre-human types, but the true race of 46 IN THE BEGINNING man, as I have told you, were white, with perfect form and feature, but by crossing, as I have said, with inferior, sub-races possessing evil natures, thus forming the fallen, unprogressive nations called "men". When the animals, who developed the frame- work of man, lived on the earth, as I told you, the land and water were differently distributed and inhabitants could pass from island to island all round the earth, and the climate was humid and warm and they lived in a temperate climate from pole to pole. But, as the earth and ocean became cold, and the vapors from the ocean were carried by the trade winds to the poles, and descended there in snow and ice, and as there was no open ocean to carry it back to the equator, the ice accu- mulated, forming mountains; and melting under- neath, formed glaciers which descended towards the equator, grinding down mountain tops and filling up valleys, strewing the bed of the ocean with rocks and boulders, some of enormous size, and when parts of the earth were heaved up by the great earthquake, they were brought to the surface and may be seen on many parts of the earth. "When the earthquake burst the earth's crust, volumes of fire and smoke and melted metals burst forth, filling the air with flames of fire and smoke. Fire burst forth at the North Pole and the valley of the Pacific sank and was submerged by the hot waters from the poles. A part of Asia sank and formed the Caspian and Mediterranean seas and A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 47 other seas were formed, and nearly all the inhabi- tants on the earth were destroyed, and darkness was on the earth a long time, caused by the dense clouds of smoke and vapor. The great continent of Polynesia was submerged, leaving only islands. Previous to the flood, many tribes of the crossed race migrated to America. In time they learned to build with stone and built cities and towers. One tribe built a city where Pompeii was built af- terwards, and the remnants of cities have been found on some of the islands that were not sub- merged by the flood. But the people who built them were submerged and destroyed. The island of Australia is the remnant of a continent and the natives found there were of Cain's race; some of them are still there. The submerged lands were densely populated, mostly by Atlanteans and still lower types. A few of the true man, much degenerated, located in Middle Asia after the flood. Many suppose that only Noah and his family were left on the earth. But there were remnants of the low races where the earthquake and flood did not destroy them. Noah was told, "Go, multiply and replenish the earth" and not to mate with the lower crosses. But history says, "Some migrated to Hindustan and married with the Atlanteans, who were left after the flood and sought shelter in the moun- tains ' '. And Ham went to Africa and by crossing with a low tribe became "Cain-Hamites", and Ja- phet colonized more northern parts, but they all found the low races, and those of the true race did 48 IN THE BEGINNING not all obey the command t ' Eat not of the forbid- den tree', thus contaminating the true race by ' ' amalgamation ' '. To Cain, who represented the old serpent, God said, "On thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life". They were dropped out, they could not attain to the high plane of the true race. God commanded the true race to keep to their race, as by them man must be redeemed. God had his eye over the true race, and from time to time selected one with whom he could commune for a teacher to the people, to instruct them in the truth and righteousness. After Noah, others of the same family were chosen as prophets to in- struct the people. Previous to the flood there were two gardens in Eden. The true Adam and Eve occupied a garden in Asia, and Cain's race occupied one in what is noAv called Africa, then called Hesperides or "Western Paradise" near Mount Atlas. After the flood, a few of the sub-races were found in every part of the earth, and we see in the curse of Noah to Ham the same that was put upon Cain's race in the beginning. Having proceeded thus far in my endeavor to explain the Bible and religion, etc., to make them more plain and comprehensive, I will re-state some of the facts. The term "Bible" is derived from "Bable", babble, talk, word, logus. "Logus-de- bar- Jehovah ", the "Word of Jehovah". "Logus" signifies "Word". The Platonists speak of the A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 49 word in this way, "By whom, (eternally exist- ing) all things were made". And the Indian Bible says, ' ' The law is the body, nnder which the prim- itive word, which created the world, is manifest- ed", by whom all things were made. That is, by the law given to Moses, through the "word" God was made manifest. God was made manifest by the "word". If God had not spoken to the people they would not have known there was a God. God spoke to the people by the omnipresent spirit. Clark says, "It is remarkable that Moses and the prophets, the ancient Chaldeans, Targumists, the author of the Zendavesta, Plato, Philo, the Jew John and Mohammed should so perfectly agree in their ideas of a glorious person in the "Godhead". That is not remarkable, for Moses taught, "That man was made or formed in the image of God". Where there is no person, there can be no image. An image represents some form. There can not be an image of the mind (properly speaking), though an artist may represent the wind, figura- tively by an image as ' ' Goulds ' West wind ' ', but man is not a figurative representation, but a real image of God. The idea that the Lord, Jehovah, is a glorious being is not accidental; Moses and the prophets received the divine doctrine from God Himself and taught it to the people. He con- versed with them, and they saw His glory. The "Lord, Jehovah" and the "Spirit" are one and occupy, not fill, the universe. There is a real 50 IN THE BEGINNING personal God. I have seen him on His throne. I have seen His glorious ' ' face ' \ I have communed I with Him, and my testimony is true. Christ is the son, and represented "God". After the flood there were two dominant races, Noah and his family located on the river Oxus in Asia, and the other chieftain located in Hindustan. Noah's family remained there many years, and our Bible history says, "That in journeying from the east, they come to "Ur", in the land of Shinar, near the Euphrates, and built a city and a tower. ' ' The people of the true race kept the beauty of form and face, more perfect than the sub-race. Tradition says that "Ur" was a magnificnt city, adorned with gold and silver and precious stones. "Ur" must have been a small city and built by Noah's family, after the flood. The fabled Eden after the flood. Some persons say, "Why did Egypt, the val- ley of the Euphrates and adjacent countries be- come so polished in literature, learning, the arts, etc., while the more remote nations became bar- barous, losing all knowledge of their origin and practicing religious rites the most revolting?" To answer the above question, I must return to Noah. Egypt was colonized by one of Noah's children (Ham), possessing a knowledge of the true religion, creation, etc., and all other knowl- edge understood at that time, and they were in commune with God. But they found a remnant of Cain's race there, and by crossing with them, they fell and became " Cain-Hamites " in time. A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 51 Part of Noah's family went to Hindustan and commenced a civilization there. And Japhet colonized a more northern land, and Noah and Shem built on the Euphrates, and those parts be- came enlightened. But the distant lands were in- habited by remnants of Cain's crossed race, on whom the curse of Cain rested, and they formed the heathen or barbarous nations, but Noah blessed Shem (in prophecy). They formed the enlightened nations. The church was formed of those two nations. Those prophecies have all been filled. Noah put the same curse of servility on Ham's crossed race that was put on Cain's race in the beginning. Hume says, ''The southern parts of Britain, or England, had increased to a great multitude, and made the first steps in civil government by agri- culture before the age of Caesar. But in the north- ern parts they lived in huts, in the forests, and clothed themselves in skins, and their priests were Druids, who practiced horrid rites in dark forests. They were cannibals. They taught the religion and rites of Cain's race; their religion was their law, and those who refused to submit to the rule of the priest were exposed to the most severe pun- ishment. They were forbidden access to the sac- rifices, and all intercourse with the citizens, and their intercourse was shunned as dangerous. They were refused the protection of law, and death be- came a relief from infamy and the misery to which they were exposed. The original Hindus had the same laws, and our so-called churches cultivate the 52 IN THE BEGINNING same feeling toward non-church members. In the beginning Abel was teacher and ruler, under the instructions of God, but after the death of his tribe, Cain claimed to be God, and ruled according to his desires. He was an Anarchist. Now, I will follow a branch of the true "root- race", down from Abraham. Our Bible history says, "that God called Abraham out of 'Ur' in Persia, and said ' Get thee out of thy country to a land I will show thee, and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will make thy name great, and thou shalt be blessed' ". According to Bible chronology, Abraham was born two hundred and fifty years after the flood, and we find him in "Ur", the fabled "Garden of Eden", and Peter supposed he was the Adam spoken of in Genesis. He was not "Adam", but he represented Adam as the head of the chosen race at that time, and Sarah represented the Eve who tempted Abraham (Adam) to sin by giving him to eat of the forbid- den "fruit" (Hagar was of the forbidden race or tree) and Sarah gave her to Abraham to wife, and the child of the union represented Cain and was a curse to the world. He was the father of the Ishmaelites, Mohammedans, a retarded race, who strove to destroy the true race, and today we have to contend with those heathen nations, to compel them to an enlightened civilization.— Witness the Filipinos. "Ur" was the fabled garden after the flood. Abraham and Sarah represented Adam and Eve ; Hagar represented the Tempter and also the "For- A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA ' 53 bidden Fruit". Her son represented Cain, and Isaac represented Abel, etc. Abraham was fair and very handsome; Sarah was his half sister, and very fair; Isaac's wife was Abraham's niece and very fair; Jacob's wife was daughter of Abraham's nephew (Laban of Chal- dea) and was very fair. (We see that the Lord en- deavored to keep the original beauty of man in the chosen race.) And Abraham took Sarah and his family and went to Canaan and built an altar near Bethel. Bethel signifies "bread". Bethlehem was built there afterwards, but as the famine was great in the land, he continued his journey in- to Egypt. After the famine was over he returned to Canaan and stopped at Bethel; and the Lord came to him in a vision and said, "Fear not, Abra- ham, I am thy shield and exceeding great re- ward". I am the Lord that brought thee out of "Ur" to give thee this land. Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a strange land and shall serve them and be afflicted four hundred years. After that they shall come out with great substance and the nation whom they serve will I judge". Here we see a part of Genesis filled. The descendants of Cain ruling over the race of Abel, "In the fourth generation they shall come here again, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full". The Amorites were of the forbidden race and were always at enmity with the true race. Some persons ask, "Why did God, being just and good, drown Pharaoh and his army in the sea!" 54 IN THE BEGINNING Because they were Cain-Hamites and enemies to God, and persecuted and destroyed the true race. In the Bible history, Abraham represents Adam as Peter supposed he did; and God made a cove- nant with him by the "seal of circumcision". By the seal, Abraham and his family were separated and sat apart from other nations. They repre- sented the true race of Adam. "Church" signi- fies "called out, exalted". They were called out and exalted above the other nations., to continue the church, that was established with Abel and keep the pure race. But Abraham sinned by crossing with the forbidden tree and her offspring, Ishmael, represented Cain, having the same enmity for the superior race, and was marked with the same curse. Isaac represented Abel, the Prophet. Abraham was called to instruct the people, and while in Egypt he taught them religion and mathe- matical creation (from which Masonry is derived) But I think the Masons have lost the true inter- pretation. God told Israel, "Your first father sinned". Abraham was the father of Israel, and sinned, as I told you, by adultery with Hagar. The Hindu Bible speaks of Abraham as "Adjagorta", who plays the same role of sacrificing his son as told in our Bible of Abraham. The sacrifice of Isaac is not understood. It is figurative. Isaac represented "Abel", the true race that must not be sacrificed and the sacrifice of the red or brown "goat" represents the dark race that must be sacrificed. The beast, or animal A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 55 race must be sacrificed, for if left to overrun the world, they would exterminate the white man, the true race. And was not Moses told in his wars to destroy those who opposed his "progress", and make room for the white race 1 Isaac represented the true race, and the goat represented those hav- ing the "mark of the beast". Some ministers teach that Isaac prefigured the sacrifice of Christ, who must die. Not so; it was shown by the sacri- fice of the goat that Christ must not die. Abraham did not realize in his desire for a son, that by taking Hagar he committd a great sin, by introducing a race that would be enemies to God and man and retard their progress to enlighten- ment and perfection, for God designed man as the "ultimate", to eliminate angels, who might in- habit "heaven". I have shown you the method of creation — the origin of man; how Adam fell, and how he must be redeemed, and how the variety of low races were formed by crossing with the pre-humans and semi-humans. But one of the oldest traditions says, "That an ugly black beast, stole a white woman, but she was half serpent (Cain's race) and carried her to his den, and of them arose a large tribe of nagas and God was so angry that he caused a flood and de- stroyed both man and beast except a few. And we see by reading closely that the white man must be the dominant race or fall as Adam did in the beginning, as I have explained. 56 IN THE BEGINNING CHAPTER (3). Genesis — As given by two Cheelies, one in the East and one in the West. It was given to them on a written manuscript by an old-time spirit-sage. J shall only give you the interpretation of the true principles as taught to them by the sage. He, the sage, says: " Six or- ders of existence preceded man". I have ex- plained that in "Primogenesis". He says: "Ani- mals preceded man". Correct. He says: "The first representatives of humanity on earth were spiritual men, gifted with immortality". He says: "The first entities of humanity evolved seven races of men, man's "ancestors", (ante-hu- mans), some writers call them "man-fish". T showed you how the frog was evolved from the tadpole, so the first entity, resembling human form, was evolved under water from a fish or seal, called the ' ' man-fish ' '. He says : ' ' By the middle of the third race man became as we know him now". (Explained in another place). He says: "After the flood, as the true type progressed the sub-types retrogressed" (as we find by looking at the races of the sub-types.) He says: "The first sexual sin was the subjec- tion of woman by man". Another writer says: "The first sin was adultery". I will explain. The old beast, called "Adam", represented man, and Eve represented woman; and another writer says: "The beast, the yellow Adam, went with Eve, and A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 57 the result of the adultery was Cain, a semi-human, whose race caused the true mankind to fail, as I have explained in another place. He says : ; ' The elementals had no place or existence until human- ity descended into matter". (The cross between human and animal men were called "Element- als ' '. They were not immortal, they were with- out the "spirit-brain". A writer says : * ' That at this time we find the higher grade of spirits assisting and teaching man to a higher condition, but the lower races are in- capable of higher attainments ' '. (They are of the crossed race). The two Cheelies say, l ' The absolute wisdom in the universe is the central-spiritual-sun". (Ex- plained in another place). The Adepts speak of the "degrees of brother- hood" and their emblems and symbols (Masonic). They say, "The object of those studies and prac- tices is to be worthy of heaven". They say, "We must care for others, be chaste, pure, humble, pa- tient, truthful and righteous in all things". (Christ taught the same principles or religion). Their system of religion is first to free yourself from "karma" or sin, as karma, or sin, has no bonds for the righteous. They say, "Karma produces 'Life and Death'. That is, by the right- eous law of karma, the righteous man has eternal life, and by the same righteous law the evil man has eternal death". They say, ' ' To attain heaven, we must be master of our own acts, be righteous in life and' renounce 58 IN THE BEGINNING all ceremonious religion". Christ taught the same religion. The knowledge was given to them by an old-time "Mahatma" (great mind). Their writings witness to the truth of my writings which I wrote before I read their book. We see by read- ing all the old books that there is no mention made of redemption by the death of Christ. Christ had the power to baptize, or re-incarnate the immortal spirit, that was lost by the fall, to all who could and would receive it, and thus to redeem man to eternal life. (Explained further in another place). They say "that during the history of the first Aryans, the women were equal with the men and marriage was a sacrament ". (Those conditions were changed when Cain's race came into power). They say, "Geologists will not admit that man was on the earth during the glacial period". Our great seer and present revelations say, "that man was on the earth before or during the glacial pe- riod that caused the great cataclysm, called Noah's Flood". They say, "that the Aryans did not come into contact with the Atlanteans till they had developed a civilization of their own". (At- lanteans, an inferior race). The Cheelies say, ' l The cradle of the Aryan race was central Asia ' \ Correct. They say, ' ' The first emigration to India was the flower of the Aryan race". (Correct). And that they reached a pitch of greatness and civilization, which has not been equalled, and they say, ' l Their philosophy and re- ligion is but dimly outlined by the custodians of A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 59 the ancient "wisdom religion". The migration they speak of was Moses and Aaron and Israel, who was the flower of the Aryan race at that time. The Aryans were white and rnddy and the higher class of Hindus found there by Moses were a cross of Cain and Abel's races, and a branch of Ham's race, who had crossed with the Hindus and at- tained for that a high state of civilization, which had degenerated before Moses went there; but Moses renewed the civilization and restored the true religion, and gave them laws. They say, "Long years might have elapsed before the West recognized the gems of wisdom left in India by the Aryans, (Israel) had not England gone to India". The English are of Shem and Japhet. They are the "star" spoken of in Revelations. That would open the "Pit", India, etc. They say, ' ' The presence of the English in India will steadily add to its splendor". They say, "The first language given to man was given to the Aryans". Correct. They only had perfectly de- veloped organs of speech. They say, "The ma- terial prosperity of the Atlanteans was much in advance of the Aryans at one time". After they destroyed Abel's, the Aryan race, they continued to progress for a time, and ruled the earth for a thousand years, as I have explained. The Atlan- teans, Cain's crossed race, were enemies to the "spiritual heroes" or "gods", as they called them, and they killed them and sacrificed them on their own altars and feasted on their flesh as I have explained in another place. They say, "the 60 IN THE BEGINNING Atlanteans and their highest pitch of civilization before the Aryans were out of their swaddling clothes. The Aryans were the civilizers, but after their destruction the Atlanteans, Cain's cross, be- came the dominant race, until the flood and after the flood they outnumbered the Aryans. But they were without their talents and intellect, and we find them in the dark races and the Cheelies say, "In the Brahmanicai writings they are described as raw-eaters (cannibals). The Cheelies say, ' i that at the time of the inva- sion of India by the Aryans (Israel with Moses and Aaron), the Atlanteans occupied a large fort". (That looks as if their civilization was very small at that time). And they say, "The Atlanteans were developed in occult forces and the highest mysteries called ' Black Magic'. The rites and ceremonies of Black Magic are horrible and revolting. They were the "Tree of Knowl- edge forbidden to the Aryans', Abel's race". They say, ' ' The fourth race based their civiliza- tion on personal desires" and our Genesis says, "They became so corrupt and sinful that God de- stroyed them by a flood". They were a cross of Cain's and Abel's races, as I have explained in another place. They say, ' ' The fifth race will develop the intel- lectual faculties to the highest degree". The present and the sixth race will be highly spiritual, and before the close all human beings will attain enlightenment". (The millennium or Lord's Day). A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 61 They say "The last submergence of the Atlan- tean continent took place some five thousand years ago". Nearly correct. They say, " The fa- mous battle that subdued the Atlanteans took place " (The leader of that battle was Moses* as I find by reading other manuscripts). They say l * The Sanscrit is nearest to the original speech and the sacred language of Zoroaster (Moses). Was the "Zend" a dialect of the Sanscrit! While in Persia Moses wrote in the "Zend". They say the incantations of the inferior races was a call to the spirits to manifest themselves in person or power. They did not understand the commune of the superior races with God and the angels. They say, "Religion had no existence before man was developed". The principles of religion were and are an eternal law, manifested in all "righteousness". But previous to man there was no one to manifest religion or the laws of right- eousness. Man was taught true religion. But when Cain's race destroyed Abel's race, the true religion was lost, except to few persons, the "priesthood". The Cheelies say, "To kndw the absolute 'consciousness or God', the knower must cease to have any existence in the world of phe- nomena. That idea led many persons into se- clusion and superstitious acts. The Cheelies say, "The Aryans were the first inheritors of divine knowledge, and that they had to face the great problem of self-knowledge". (Immortality). The beauty and greatness of primitive religion was harmony with God and nature, but as Cain's race 62 IN THE BEGINNING got in the ascendant, they worshipped the planets and the spirits of their ancestors and idols, etc. They say, "The Dyhan-Cohans ' ' are the ascend- ing spirits to higher spheres, and evil spirits de- scend to lower spheres. Those things are tanght at the present time. They say, "High Adepts or Mediums can commune with Dyhan-Cohans of dif- ferent grades and obtain knowledge". (One of the mysteries). Many of the mediums of today can obtain knowledge of higher spheres. They say, "The transition of spirits from one state to another is the natural condition of man". (Ex- plained in another place). Theosophists have two lodges in India, a black and a white; the black gives the power to obsess. In the Middle Ages it was called "witchcraft". The Adepts say, ("At the next period of activity the black magicians commence a period of name- less life, of spiritual wickedness".) The mys- teries of the grades of lost spirits are never spok- en of except by the initiated. The mysteries of the "bottomless pit" appear to be hidden, even from seers. But it is said by seers, and revela- tions confirm it, ' ' that the evil ones in the pit take on the forms of those animals they represent by their lives." The Adepts say, "There was a time when the Adepts, as kings and priests, guided the progress of our race ' \ In the beginning, man was a ' ' The- oracy", taught by the "Sons of God". Abel's tribe were called "Sons of God". The Adepts say, "That God appeared to mankind and com- A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 63 municated to them eternal truths", through men set apart for that purpose". (Prophets). The " Dyhan-Cohan, " spoken of by the two Cheelies, who established the hierarchy in India to watch over and instruct the people was "Moses" and the "Hierarchy" was the priest- hood formed by him, called "Brahmans". The Adepts say, ' ' The truth has been known in all ages, that the unknown something underlying phenomenal manifestations is absolute conscious- ness", (spirit) "and that the manifested 'cosmos' will in time return unmanifested and be re-man- ifested. (I have explained). That is the meta- physical doctrine of cycles, which divide eterni- ties into manifestation and chaos. They say, "There must be on our earth human beings on different planes of consciousness". True, and there is material and spiritual consciousness. We find that the revelations, given to the old masters, whose knowledge we respect, agree with present revelations, but we find that translators have made many mistakes and ignorant readers adopt superstitious opinions. They say, "The third race marked a new con- dition of things, that material development slow- ly dimmed man's spiritual nature". That sig- nifies that, as man fell by crossing with animal- men, to a lower plane, he lost his spirit brain and spirit nature, as I have explained before. They say, "that after man was perfected they fell into, or by generating with animals, in human form, called "beasts" (as told in allegory in our gene- 64 IN THE BEGINNING sis). They say, "The first race (Adam and Eve) were gifted with immortality, and the second race (Cain's cross with animal men) grew turbid by the loss of spiritual consciousness. They say, "that even at this time some men can not tran- scend the limits of their race in developments". They are retarded by a law of fitness, as they have not the higher brain-organization. They speak of the "necessity of evil". Evil was caused by the fall. If man had not fallen, he would have progressed in goodness and knowledge instead of retrogressing to the evil, beastly nature of the animal plane and spiritual death. They say, "As man plunged into matter, the more he lost his spiritual consciousness, and he became animal- like, but there were exceptions". But bye and bye they banded together (Cain's race) and de- stroyed man, and death marked the evolution of man at that time ' \ (Explained in another place) . This chapter teaches Genesis as given in alle- gory in our Bible, and agrees with mine. Genesis.. CHAPTER (4). The mystery of the Garden of Eden in our Bible explained. As all our religious opinions are founded on Genesis, 'tis right that we should understand the A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 65 truth of the mystery contained in Genesis. The "fall" of Adam, the old serpent, the Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge, the origin of man, etc. Men have been searching for hundreds of years for the truth without finding it. After years of research I have found the truth, as given in Gene- sis. The Genesis, in our Bible, was written by the Jews a long time before the Babylonish captivity; and 'tis asserted by recent revelations "That the accounts given in it are exceedingly truthful, (figuratively), as they reflect the general theology and genesis of the Persians and all other nations, from traditional history. Our genesis gives an allegorical sketch of the genesis of man, but tells us nothing of cosmogene- sis, or by what process man was formed. From traditional history 'tis authentically said, "that genesis was systematized by the first Zoroaster or Moses, while in Persia". Moses was called Zor- oaster while in Persia, which signifies "Legisla- tor", and "Monue" by the Hindus, and "Mosa" by the Egyptians and others, and while in India lie was considered as a "god" — he represented God, and Aaron, the Allegorical Christ or "Brahma". While he was in Egypt he had access to their Aekines, which contained all their traditional knowledge, and as Mercurious the Second, invent- ed letters. Moses had a knowledge of the use of those letters, and carried the knowledge with him to Persia and India, and as Moses mar- ried the daughter of the priest in Persia, and re- 66 IN THE BEGINNING mained there a long time, he was learned in all their knowledge and traditions, and being de- scended from Abraham and Noah, he knew their traditions and history. While in India Moses selected, combined and harmonized the figurative, traditional genesis and cosmogonies of all nations into one comprehensive ' ' Allegory ' ', which was preserved and kept by the "priesthood" in temples; and when Moses left India he left the knowledge with the priesthood he had formed. Long after Moses was dead, the Jews, while in captivity, re-wrote, abridged and covered Genesis, in obscurity, as we find it in our Bible. From the beginning, all knowledge was kept by symbol and glyphtics; there was an "esoteric" for the initiated, and an "exoteric" for the uninitiated. In our Bible we have the ex- oteric meaning of Genesis, which only "reflects" the true cosmogony and genesis. Moses taught the cosmogenesis, genesis and religion of the universe, and when he left India he left a priesthood called "Brahmans", and with them the true religion and knowledge of crea- tion. But the priests and people degenerated to the condition in which they were found by Eng- land, who were attracted there for wealth. Some of Moses' teachings are found in their "Vedas", but most of his teachings have never been written, and are kept only traditionally. Perhaps some will say, "When did Moses go to India"! (Explained in another place). After Moses and the white race "Israel" left India, the A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 67 Hindus degenerated naturally, as they were a cross of the inferior race; but there were other causes for degeneracy, which I can't explain here. But they hold in their temples manuscripts of the true religion and genesis, mixed with super- stition, allegory. Buddhism, and other isms. I will return to Genesis. In the beginning religion consisted in a knowl- edge of creation and righteousness of life. We read in Genesis '.'that the Tree of Knowledge grew in the midst of the garden, and a river went out of the garden to water it, and became four heads". Now, the rivers spoken of were not in existence before the flood, called "Noah's Flood", and it is evident that Genesis was not written till after the flood, and the writer did not know where the first garden was situated. But the place he speaks of "Canaan" was given to Abra- ham and his posterity, who represented Adam, and 'twas called "Adam's land". If the Jews knew the truth of Genesis, they covered it, but the allegory covers Genesis as far as it goes. At the time of "Noah's Flood" the whole earth was transformed, continents were elevated, moun- tain ranges were raised, and large tracts of land were submerged, rivers were formed and the ocean which was in broad streams became one body of water as it is now; and the face of the whole earth was changed. I have a scrap of printed tradition that says: The garden and the chosen people were situated on the river ' ' Oxus ' ' in Upper Asia. That was the 68 IN THE BEGINNING place where Noah located for a time after the flood, and we read in our Bible history, "that in journeying from the East, Noah, or a part of his family, came to a place in the land of Shinar on the Euphrates, and built a tower and a city". They must have lived in Upper Asia some time previous to building the tower and city spoken of, and I think "Tlr" was the first garden after the flood. Genesis is traditional and was written in symbols until the time of Moses, and only the initiated understood symbology. Man was on the earth many years before the flood, and the pre-human or animal man, inhabited the earth thousands of years previous to man; we can tell about how long man has been on the earth ; and at this time we have new revelations, throw- ing more light on creation, etc. In the transla- tions from the Sanscrit, found in India, we have a great variety of opinions on genesis and creation, but most of them are fabulous superstitions and very ridiculous. Still their manuscripts contain the truth in figure, but everyone can 't understand the figurative language. The Genesis in our Bible, though reflecting the truth, comes very short of a description of crea- tion, the origin of man, the fall, etc. I find a part of the same allegory in the translations from different writers, though unexplained. In speak- ing of genesis in another place, I give the genesis of nearly all peoples. Much time has been spent by writers, thinkers and scientists to discover the truth contained in A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 69 Genesis, the mystery of the Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge, the old serpent, the fall of Adam, etc., but they have failed to do so. Though 'tis no mystery when you understand the allegory and figurative language. Every nation had a different explanation of Genesis figuratively, but the Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge, the old serpent, etc., were not in them, except only in ours. The manuscripts in Egypt were mostly de- stroyed. (In the early ages, religion and creation was a sacred mystery, and was explained by sacred characters, not understood by the common people, and especially by the "semi-humans", from which circumstance arose "esoterism".) Amongst the semi-humans arose some persons possessing the intellect of the human, added to the evil nature of the beast, and without the high spiritual nature and gentleness of the true man. They, seeing the sacrifices and commune of Abel 's tribes, soon caught the idea of a spirit world and communion with a higher Power, but lack- ing in spiritual gifts and the gentle, divine nature of Abel, and possessing all all the evil nature of the animal. They used their knowledge for evil purposes, and Genesis says, "Behold the man (Cain's race) has become like one of us, knowing good and evil". Their eyes were opened to a knowledge of good and evil, and with that knowledge ,and the assistance of evil spirits, they (Cain's race), prac- ticed magic, witchcraft, alchemy, idolatry, human 70 IN THE BEGINNING sacrifice, etc., and they became a Tree of the Knowledge of Evil Practices, hidden from the world; and man became so corrupt that God said, "I will destroy both man and beast". The pre-human was a beast in human form. A certain writer tries to make science and the Bible agree by misconstruing the Bible. I make them agree by science itself and a true interpre- tation of the Bible. In reasoning on the fall of man, he reasons without knowledge, as all writers have done before him, except the old writers. who kept the knowledge in symbolic characters. I have read the genesis of nearly all people, and the old serpent was expressed by symbolism only. In our Genesis he is covered by allegory. In the Indian Bible the serpent is not mentioned. The Indian Bible says "that God placed Adima and TIeva on the beautiful Island of Ceylon, and com- manded them to remain there till He gave them permission to leave". But they left the island and God was angry, but he forgave them on Eve's account, as she did not sin except in obeying her husband. But He told them "that their pos- terity would become very corrupt and sinful, but after a long time they would be redeemed". Of course, the above is traditional. There is no other mention made of a redemption in all the writings I have read except in our Bible. I will speak of the redemption in another place. By much reading and inspiration, I have found the true method of creation and the fall of man. Men have discussed the mysteries of creation and A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 71 the fall for thousands of years, without finding the truth, and the writers of the Middle Ages used to say, "that if any one found the truth, they must not divulge it to the vulgar or common peo- ple". Why not? Because the priest would lose his power over the people. But as all our relig- ous opinions are founded on Genesis, 'tis our privilege and duty to find the truth contained in Genesis. 1 have read nearly all the books that throw ]ight on creation, man, the fall, etc., and have found the mystery that has been hid so many years. I have been assisted by inspiration and instruction, and I will prove the truth of my ex- planations. But the readers of the Bible are so stiff-necked, superstitious and :gnorant, that 'tis difficult to convince them of anything or truth outside of their opinions. As the allegory in Genesis covers a long space of time, 1 must transpose it. Create signifies to ' ' form ' ', not to make something out of nothing, as our catechism says, that ' ' God made the world out of nothing". Paul says, "The first man was of the earth, earthy". He appears to have had some idea of the truth, as the first created in the human form were mere animals, without intellect or spirit-brain; and they as a type were called "Adam". But they had not the cerebellum and "corpus collosum" which contain the higher order of intellect and spirit-immortal. They were mere animals as were the horse and others. They were cunning, subtle and intelligent, as the higher 72 IN THE BEGINNING order of animals previous to man, but there were many anti-human tribes of various types. But we see in one small tribe, the "Adam asleep" as spoken of in our genesis and in some of the writ- ings of India. This tribe called "Adam" were intellectually and spiritually asleep. They were pioneers to the true Adam, to guard and protect their way in their infancy. They were strong giants and pro- tected man as their own offspring. Our Bible says, "Adam was asleep when God took one of his ribs to form Eve". That is figurative, as I will explain. We read in our Bible "that God created man, in his own likeness ; male and female, created He them". From the tribe of the animal Adam was selected a pair (rib), male and female, of whom was born a son and a daughter, of per- fect beauty; with the (spirit-immortal brain added;) and they were called "Eve" and they were also the "Adam and Eve" made in the "image of God", but in the allegory they are called "Eve", the "perfection of creation", the "ultimate" of creation, by evolution. (The per- fect race, Eve, was evolved from the imperfect race Adam, who was only an animal in the human form.) The allegory says "the Lord took a rib from Adam while asleep, and of it formed Eve". That is figurative, it is the hidden side of the Bible. I show you the hidden, esoteric side, how Eve, the perfect, was derived from Adam, the im- perfect. In our Bible, called "a rib". Now this perfect race, Adam and Eve, were A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 73 told "not to eat (cross) with the old stock or dead race, for if they did they would lose their human "spirit-brain", and "fall back to the level of the sleeping or dead Adam, from whom they were derived, as a rib and become spiritually dead. We read in our Genesis that the serpent tempted Eve and she fell. * I suppose that Eve in her innocence was easily tempted; or rather, that one of the old stock took her for his com- panion without her consent, and Genesis says "After eating the fruit, they were turned out of the garden". The true Adam and Eve left the old stock and dwelt near a beautiful fountain eastward in Eden. But the first child born of a human mother was a "semi-human"; the first born of the beautiful Eve, the "son of the morn- ing" was a beast; the first son born of a mother, lightened by the spirit-brain the son of the in- tellectual, spiritual, immortal life on earth, was a cross between the "subtle beast" and the human; * An old writer says, "the beast took Eve, instead of Adam", and St. Peter says, "Cain was the son of Satan", the serpent, and called his name "Cain", which signifies "evil", "sinful". 'Tis said in an old, old manu- script "that the first great, horrid sin committed on earth, the sin that caused so much misery on the earth, and nearly destroyed the human race was "adultery", compulsory adultery, and the adultrous race was cursed by a law of retardation (on thy belly shalt thou go, etc.) and enmity was 74 IN THE BEGINNING put between the true white race and the race of the adulterers. In the old manuscripts it is said that there were two Adams, a white and a dark Adam. Abel represented the white Adam and Cain represented the dark Adam. They were both called "Sons of God". Being half human Cain was awakened from the slumber of the old Adam (pre-human), and became a ' ' Tree of Knowledge "as I have explained. When Cain was grown, the Bible says, "Now lest he (Cain), who represented the animal Adam, put forth his hand and take and eat of the Tree of Life and live forever, he was turned out of the garden". Abel was to them a "Tree of Life". Now lest Cain should cross with the true race, "Abel's", and degrade them to the semi-human, Abel, who was a prophet, was directed to command Cain to leave the garden, and Genesis says, ' i Cain went to the Land of Nod, and took a wife". "Nod" signifies mindless, asleep, drowsy, without intellect. Cain went and took an animal in human form for a wife, and of them arose a large tribe of semi-humans, quad- roons, etc., and many of them were mere animals and they worshipped Cain as a God, and in Genesis they are called the "Sons of God". Cain was to them as God. Genesis 3:22 says, "Behold, the man is become as one of us," etc. "Man" here signifies Cain, who though a beast, was a man. Abel, the prophet, was taught to build altars, and cook his meat and not eat it raw as the animals did, and to give thanks. In A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 75 time Abel's tribe united with the tribe called "Eve" and Cain's tribe united with the tribe called. "Adam", the animal Adam. Here, you see, we have two races: one is pure human, white, with intellect and spirit- brain added and immortal life; and the other is dark, semi-humans, with evil natures, and the most of them are mere mortals. Yet both races were derived from a human mother. Some will say, "Why are not both races equal?" Be- cause, as I told you, both the parents of the true race were selected and prepared. In the old glyphs, both races claim to be celestials and ' ' Sons of God". One race was pure human, gentle and spiritual in their natures, and the other race was only part human; they were a strong giant race, beastly and licentious in their natures, having very little intellect or spirit-brain which made them more evil than an animal. They were sub- ject to Cain's rule, who was their God and king and was worshipped by them; they were cunning, cruel and crafty. In times both tribes had be- come very numerous, but Cain's far outnumbered Abel's, Abel's represented the true Adam and the Tree of Life, and taught them of immortality and creation, and Cain's race represented the old serpent, the animal Adam, and the Tree of Knowl- edge, — prophetically. After a long number of years the climate began to grow frigid, and Abel's tribe migrated back to where the old tribe of Cain's race were located; and they (as Adam) were told "not to eat of the 76 IN THE BEGINNING Tree of Knowledge, Cain in the midst of the gar- den, for if they did they would snrely die". "And there were giants in those days" (Cain's race), and Genesis 6:1 says, "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the Sons of God (Cain's tribe) saw the daughters of men, that they were fair and they took them wives of all they chose, the same became mighty men of renown". Here Abel's race are called "men" as "man" or "manas" signifies one with spiritual brain and intellect. And Cain's race took wives of Abel's race, and the cross race became mighty men; By crossing with Abel's race, many of the crossed race became or acquired sufficient in- tellect to be considered "mighty" in war and rude mechanical arts. Genesis says, "Adam fell into a deep sleep, and the Lord took one of his ribs, and formed Eve and gave her to Adam" (esoteric). I have explained how Eve was formed, but the allegory is double. By crossing with lower types of pre-human, Cain's race, who were called "Adam", being the oldest form of human, fell into a deep sleep (esoteric). That is, they fell by losing the higher brain and spirit immortal and while they were asleep. * Abel's race, who represented Eve, and was derived from the true Adam, as I have explained, came near the garden where Cain's were, and Cain's race, who were giants, and called "Sons of God", took wives of all they chose, and their eyes (Cain's) A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 77 were opened, * and they became mighty, as I have explained. Cain 's race were dark and ugly from crossing with lower types, and Abel's race were white and beautiful, and as 'tis said in Genesis, Cain's race, who were called "Sons of God", crossed with the white men, and the same became "mighty men". They were warriors and destroyed the other tribes, and after destroying Abel's tribe, mostly they became the dominant race. And by the cross of the two races, the true race, * "Abel's, called "Adam", fell to the level of semi-humans,' (except a few who escaped contamination). The Atlanteans, who were descended from Cain say "that while their fathers were asleep", as I have explained, "the Lord brought other weak mothers and brothers to them, and they took wives and lived one with another, and their eyes were opened" (mentally). Abel's race "weak" because they were smaller in stature, and were kind, affectionate and spiritual minded. But Cain's race had all the evil pro- pensities of the old beast, and were ever at war, or enmity with the true race. By crossing with Abel's race, their eyes were opened, and seeing Abel's race sacrifice to an unknown power, Cain's built altars and made sacrifices also. But the Bible says, "The Lord had not respect to their sacrifices". And Cain complained to the Lord, who said "If thou doest well, shaft thou not prosper?" . "And if thou does not well, sin lieth at the door". That was a prophecy. Cain was 78 IN THE BEGINNING so jealous of Abel that lie made war with his tribes, and exterminated all but a few, who were dispersed. He sacrificed them on their own altars and ate them, hence the name "Cannibal" — Cain killed and ate AbeL In our Bible, the tribes of Cain and Abel, are represented by two persons only. Here we see the two races, and the enmity be- tween them as told in Genesis. Old writers say, "There were two 'Adams', a dark and a light one, (Cain and Abel) ". The Mormon genesis says, "Man was created on a high spiritual plane, and fell to the animal plane". I have told you how he fell. Genesis, "And unto thee shall his (Abel's) desire be, and thou (Cain) shall rule over him". That was a prophecy. The "fail" spoken of in Genesis was a double allegory as I have explained. Cain, of the animal Adam, by crossing with the old stock, lost the human brain, derived from Eve, and his tribe fell into a deep sleep, until Abel's tribe, who represented Eve, came to them and by crossing with them their eyes were open and Abel, the prophet, said to his people "Behold the man (Cain's race) has be- come like unto us, knowing good and evil ' '. Genesis 3:14 says, "Because thou hast done this, on thy belly shalt thou go and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life", and he put a mark upon him". God put the mark of servility and inferiority on Cain's race; and we find by reading the history of the world that the mark still rests on that race wherever we find them and A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 79 they creep spiritually; they have not a true knowledge of spiritual things, though they al- ways strive to rule and oppose progress. Genesis : "I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed. It shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel". "What did the serpent do to cause God to condemn him to crawl and eat dust all his life""? In the first place, one of the old stock took the perfect human Eve and the "Son of the Morning" that should have been a perfect man was a cross be- tween the human and the beast, and in the next place Cain's race, (the serpent) took wives of Abel's race, who represented Eve or woman and bruised their heads to the level of the semi- humans, or dead race, and after that, Cain's race committed the sin of cannibalism on the true race and took possession of the world. Genesis, verse, says, "And Cain rose up and slew his brother Abel". Cain here represents Cain's race, and Abel represents Abel's race as 'tis said in Genesis. Genesis says "that Adam lived a thousand years ' '. But we see that the true Adam, by cross- ing with Cain's race were fallen and literally dead as a nation. A few were dispersed, and the crossed race, who remained with Cain, were sub- ject to Cain and his race, as was told in Genesis, 4:7. "And thou, (Cain) shalt rule over him (Abel)". I have told you how and when Adam fell. Old writers say, "that the dark Adam fell first, as I have explained. But the old serpent, 80 IN THE BEGINNING semi-human race of the animal Adam, lived and ruled a thousand years. Cain was the "Prince of the powers of darkness", as darkness covered the earth after the death of Abel, the prophet and teacher, the i ■ Tree of Life ' '. These ' - dark ages ' ' lasted a thousand years. The sacrifice of Abel's race is called by old writers • ■ the great sacrifice ' ' and commemorated as the "morning sacrifice' '. Man must be resurrected and redeemed from the fall to the condition of the true Adam, to his normal condition, a divine man. During the reign of Satan, "the Prince of the powers of darkness", the true Adam was fallen, and the Bible says, "They forgot God and wor- shipped the beast". They worshipped Cain or his image, and most of their rites and ceremonies were beastly as figurative and svmbolic (eso- teric). Cain and his people, called "the old beast, and Prince of the powers of darkness", ruled and governed the world a thousand years instead of God, to whom he (Cain's race) were enemies. They are the one called "Satan, adver- sary and devil". At the time of the flood, man would have been on a very high physical and spiritual plane, if they had not fallen, but they became so degraded and licentious that God said, "I will bring a flood and destroy both man and beast ' '. This proves that man fell by crossing with the beast. Most of them were literally spiritually dead, and were swept away by the flood, and the few who re- mained were dwarfed in their understanding by A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 81 the beastly rule of Cain's race. We are told that only a few were saved from the flood and by them the world must be re-peopled and restored to its original high state. Mr. Russell in his ' ' Millennium Dawn" inquires, ' ' Was death a penalty or a consequence ! ' ' Death was a consequence caused by the fall, and as God punished them with death by the flood, it became a penalty and by the infliction of the penalty the sin was atoned for. But as man was made for im- mortality, (he must be restored to the perfect con- dition from which he fell) as nno thing but perfec- tion has immortal life. In the beginning man was perfect, (as man) and on the progressive plane, but instead of progressing he fell to the animal plane, which is death. Progression and retro- gression are two great laws in nature, given for special purposes. There is no inertia. Matter in some states appears to be inert. A rock ap- pears to be inert, but it is slowly undergoing de- composition. If man does not progress until he" reaches the ultimate, he will retrogress to a lower plane. But if man lrves the true life, the voice of the spirit will lead him in the progressive path until he reaches the ultimate of man's existence (Immortal Life). The first government on earth was a "Theoc- racy". God ruled till the fall; then Satan (Cain's race) ruled as a monarch a thousand ^sears, until the flood. By the fall man lost the perfect human form and the perfect intellect and spirit-brain, which contains the soul, and as evolution signi- 82 IN THE BEGINNING fies to evolve a higher from a lower, man must be redeemed by the slow process of evolution physi- cally, which process has been in operation ever since the flood. The evolution of man is a very interesting and important subject; for that reason Israel was told not to cross with the lower races. One of the writings, translated from the San- scrit, says "that when the animal had arrived by evolution to a certain stage of development the "immortal thinkers" stepped in and took- pos- session of the bodies prepared for them". "Thinker" in Sanscrit signifies one with mind, intellect and immortal spirit. They gave the esoteric, hidden side of the description that I gave you in the above. I told you that Abel's race, having the immortal spirit and brain, were called "Immortal Thinkers", and as I told you they "stepped in" or crossed with Cain's race, who were mostly mere human ancient forms, and admissible awoke them. In one sense and by re-incarnating or bap- tizing with the Holy Ghost, which was part of Christ's mission. The same writer says, "They took possession in the third sub-race". This is not explained correctly in their books. I will explain. Adam and Eve was the first race, Abel was the second race, and Cain formed a third race by a cross with Abel's race. At the same time Cain was a sub- race or cross between the beast and human, as I have explained. Theosophists generally do not A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 83 understand the above. They do not get at the esoteric, hidden meaning. Another translation of Sanscrit says: "When the animal had arrived by evolution to the human form, the 'egoes' or spirit entities descended and took possession in the fourth race". This has the same signification as the other, only the translator made a mistake. Madam Blavatsky, the great Russian author and compiler, says, "If we can prove the evolu- tion of the spiritual man, as we can the evolution of the physical man, we can prove the evolution of both". Well, we can prove both the evolueion of the "physical and spiritual man." Madam also says, "that the fables of the mythapaic ages will be found to have but 'allegorized' the great- est truth of geology and anthropology, and in their fables, science will find their 'missing links' ". In Darwin's "Evidences of the Evolution of Man from the Animal" there was a link missing; he could not find any animal suitable to take the place between man and the gorilla, etc. I have shown you the link in the "pre-human" Adam; the old animal Adam, that caused man to fall is the link that Darwin could not find. After years of research, I have found the link and the fall of Adam and place them before you. There are still found in parts of the eartli, ani- mals in the human form, but without his intelli- gence. They are the remains of human models. There were millions of animals in imperfect human 84 IN THE BEGINNING form on the earth previous to man, who were de stroyed by the flood. There are a great many interesting facts connected with the fall to be ex plained, but not here. (The influence of the fall is shown in all the Bible history and in mankind on the earth.) Genesis says, "Man was formed of the dust of the earth". Yes, we can prove that he was by "evolution", and not as an old negro preacher told his congregation, saying, "De Lord, he make Adam ob de dust of de arf, and he stan' him by de fence to dry". "Well," said one of his lis teners, "who make de fence"? "Put dat nigger out", said the speaker, "he is a rebelutionist". I heard an evangelist say one evening in the pul- pit, "I don't understand the Bible, and never ex- pect to*", and I heard De Willett say one evening in the pulpit, "I don't know what religion is and no one else does". * Then what do they teach? Genesis says, "that a mark was put upon Cain's race", and by crossing and re-crossing many of us have the "mark of the beast" in our natures which must be eradicated, and the human, in tellectual, spiritual man must harmonize and be come as perfect as Christ, or a perfect likeness of him, then the redemption will be perfect. The old manuscripts and traditions of India are being translated and brought out to the world, but they are so cumbered with comments, and the opinions of the writers that very few persons can extract and understand the truth. But the time A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 85 has come when the truth must be revealed to the people. * Eeligion is righteousness as taught by the commands. We send missionaries to India to teach them religion. They have manuscripts in their temples that teach primogenesis, cosmogenesis, the fall, the curse put on Cain, the flood, the birth, life and death of Christna or Christ, his mission, his sec- ond coming, and the new era or cycle that will commence in about one hundred years. But the truth is hidden from the people by superstition, allegory and the opinions of commentators, etc. Most ordinary people might read their books col- lectively (called theosophy) and never find the truth. But according to my understanding and instruction, a new era has commenced (with man on a higher plane). And according to the teach- ings of theosophy, a new cycle will commence soon, with man on a higher plane. There we agree. But even theosophists do not understand their writings, as I have explained them. The white, Caucasian, represents the true Adam. The Chinese and other dark races repre- sent the "yellow Adam" (Cain's crosses). And the "nagas", negroes represent the cross between the ugly, black beast and one of Cain's crosses) — (Adam's fall produced those mongrel races, that cause so much discord on the earth). By reading the "genesis" of all peoples we find that their "genesis" agrees with the Genesis m our Bible, as I have explained it. 86 IN THE BEGINNING CHAPTER (5). Science and Religion, on Both Sides of the Question. All law, all life, all principles, every manifesta- tion we see around us is by science. Religion is a principle of ''eternal life" and life is by science. The war so long waged between science and re- ligion in the Middle Ages kept the people in ignorance and was caused by the arbitrary rule of the Church, and proves the ignorance of both scientists and church at that time, as science and religion are one. The universe was formed by science; God having perfect knowledge and power, formed laws by which He created all things. The Church and people did not understand those things. In some of the oriental writing we find a more comprehensive description of creation than is given in our genesis, though it is given in symbol and allegory, not explained to the people and only a few can comprehend the manuscripts. Our Bible is a large book and a full book, and yet it is only an abridgement of the writings called "Bible" and it would be presumptuous to suppose that all knowledge and wisdom was contained in one book. God's knowledge is infinite and His wisdom equals His knowledge. I heard "De Wil- lett" say one evening in the pulpit, "I don't be- lieve anything outside-of the Bible". How sim- A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 87 pie! Shall we prescribe limits to God! We read in the Bible "A word came to Isaiah, or some other prophet", and we believe it, though it was given thousands of years ago and comes to us "hearsay", and we really do not know who wrote a part of the Bible. We take it by faith and not by knowledge. Now, if some one should say at this time "A word came to me" would it not be just as reliable as the word given thousands of years ago, though not contained in the Bible? It would be a part of the Bible as Bible signifies "Babel, babble, talk, logus, word". The "Word or talk of God". It is narrow-minded to suppose that God can not commune with you or me, if we are prepared to receive it, as well as He could with Abraham and others. I told you that as all our religious opinions are founded on creation, the fall and redemption of man, it is necessary for us to know the truth. I explained that partly in the first chapter. But it will take many chapters to explain fully. I will not only explain, but will prove to you the truth of my statements by other writings, yet I had my genesis written previous to reading those I will quote from and I was very, very much astonished to find them agree with mine in the essentials. If we seek for data in the recognized fields of positive knowledge, for scientific facts in matter, which sliall serve as stepping stones by which we can intellectually gain a knowledge of celestial and heavenly things, we enlarge our understand- ing and clear the mysteries that darken our minds. 88 IN THE BEGINNING To understand religion the people require more knowledge. With knowledge and faith man can reason to the truth; but without knowledge, faith is blind and the people of this generation of elec- tricity and light are not willing to walk blindly. We are struggling for the truth, for a higher plat- form, but there is none higher than the one laid by the Christ when on the earth, but the people do not understand, they want more true knowledge. In the hazy glimmerings of remote ages man intuitively saw tlie higher spheres, and the en- tranced poet and inspired artist and scientist, and the struggling minds of men yearned for more light and more positive knowledge of the un- known abysses of space. But he had no positive knowledge, especially after the fall, and it was natural for the individual mind to be narrow in its conceptions, because its opinions were mainly de- rived from outward observations of the sky with- out the aid of the telescope. But now, when the human race is no longer in its infancy, the in- dividual reason can take in larger conceptions, derived from discoveries of laws and principles governing and regulating the stupendous com- binations of infinite harmonies. But I must return to Genesis. We read "God created the heavens and the earth, He made the stars also, and God said, 'Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, etc. ' ' ' I told you that the true genesis was covered by allegory; we have the hidden side. Yet, there is more in this Genesis than meets the general eye. The allegory A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 89 takes in all of Darwin and more. He sees only nature in creation and leaves out the mind and governing wisdom. Even Bob Ingersoll's bor- rowed opinions do not undermine Genesis, when the allegory is understood. Yet it is only a sketch of creation, written in the offhand style of a lec- turer, without giving a description of the process of creating, and without a thought of primo or cosmo-genesis, which I have explained in another place. The people of the Middle Ages supposed that the earth was flat, and the center of the universe, and the firmament or sky, was formed like a cylin- der, with the sun, moon and stars fixed in the sur- face; and they thought the earth was like an isl- and surrounded by water, which they called "the river of ocean", and they supposed the cylinder- like firmament, with the sun, moon and stars, revolved around the earth as the centre of all things. They had no knowledge of the relation- ship and sympathy between the earth and spheres of immensity. They thought the universe as narrow as their minds, and their ideas of Grod were as limited as their knowledge of His creative power and laws and process of forming or creat- ing. To them the earth was flat and surrounded by water, and all the rest of the universe revolved around this little speck of an earth. For hundreds of years that was the opinion of the people, under the rule of the church, and if a man with a broader intellect looked round upon the manifestations of wisdom and knowledge and 90 IN THE BEGINNING power, and attempted to teach the possibility of a vast universe and that our world was only one of a number that revolved round our sun as a center, and that the earths were all round and that the sun itself revolved on its axis, and attempted to make an assertion of progressive science, he was condemned as a "heretic", because his asser- tions were not in the Bible. Hence the church and science took different paths. The church took the path supposed to be given in Genesis, and science spread her wings like an eagle. She explored the earth from east to west and from north to south, and by the aid of the telescope she explored the heavens, step by step, until reason, philosophy and revelations reached to her a hand and elevated the scientists to a knowl- edge of the great "central sun" and "heaven" and by studying the science of the universe and the religious principle, we find that science aud religion are one. In old symbolism it is called the "wisdom religion". One of the Ptolomies and Hypargus of Alex- andria, Egypt, during the reign of Adrian and Antoninus of Rome, made considerable progress in astronomical science; but it was not received except by a few, and the world still held to the narrow opinions of the church until recently, as taught in the Bible. In the early ages of the world, the people had a knowledge of "primo and cosmo-genesis". But after the fall, only a few persons (the priest- hood) kept the true knowledge and when all A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 91 knowledge was forbidden by the clmrch, even the key to the true knowledge was lost by the church. The church condemned science as a damnable heresy and Pope Diocletian, Emperor of Rome, decreed that any person believing that the earth was round or reading any books pre- scribed by him should be punished with the in- quisition and death. All knowledge was forbid- den and all books destroyed because the church- pretended to consider them to be the "fruit of the forbidden tree of knowledge", and the world fell into darkness, superstition and ignorance and the church held men's lives and intellects under her feet; even the souls of men were in chains and subject to the will of pope and priest. Those Dark Ages lasted about a thousand years arid the church and people are just emerging into the twilight of truth and the dawn of the day that is coming. Combined circumstances broke the power of darkness and set men free, and the seventh day, of a thousand years each, is dawn- ing. Scientific astronomy, by its marvelous discov- eries, has expanded men's minds in respect to the magnitude and planetary splendors of the uni- verse and it is now conceded by the most unpro- gressive parts of the church that instead of the earth being the center of all things, our solar system is only one of the millions that form the astral system called the "milky way". I heard Dr. Willett say one day in the pulpit, "The idea of God being way out in the center of our solar 92 IN THE BEGINNING system". How ignorant the man mnst be on that subject. Instead of being in the center of our system, God's throne is countless thousands of miles from here, in the center of a " universe ' ' so large that the finite mind can not grasp its dimensions. A certain writer says: "Where are we after all, but in the center of a system, whose circum- ference is thirty-five thousand times as far from us as Syrius, and beyond whose circuit bound- less infinitude stretches unfathomed". He says: "The positiveness of ignorance seals the soul against influx or commune of God's spirit and wisdom". But to a heart that loves truth, the over-reaching heavens come very near in their gracious light and serene beauty. Dull minds sleep behind dull senses; but star-eyed persons possess minds shining full of heavenly splen- dors". But all minds can not come in rapport with the fount of knowledge for certain reasons. But great changes have taken place since Genesis was written; the world has moved forward; the nations have come closer together and science has progressed, as by electricity, in the last cen- tury, opening new pathways to new fields of knowledge. With all this knowledge before us, will the reasoners and scholars of the present age hold on to the narrow views of the Middle Ages that the earth is flat and the center of all things, and that God made it out of nothing, in six of our solar days, as we read in our catechism? The earth was not created out of nothing. Noth- A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 93 ing, absolutely nothing, does not exist and the Bible does not say the world was made out of nothing. Create, signifies "to form". God and matter co-existed eternally and God created all thing by laws, as I will explain by and by. Our Bible says: "Man was formed out of the dust of the earth". Man has misconstrued the Bible. I told you in the first chapter how man was formed, but I did not explain minutely. I left those complex explanations for another place. We have many lessons around us to instruct and teach us how man was formed or created. Look ! What an exhibition of power and wisdom and laws of development are placed before us even in the creation of a frog. If I ask you, "Who created the frog", perhaps you will say, "God". I say, "Yes". But howf Go look in that pond over there! What do you see? Why, myriads of little black creatures with clumsy bodies and heads and tails resembling fish, and they swim and float, like fish in the water. Go a few weeks later and what do you see? The "pollywogs" are all gone, and a number of crea- tures with large, bright eyes and arms and hands resembling man's; and lower limbs also; and see how they jump and walk on all fours, like a child in his first attempts at locomotion; and listen! they have a language! How they sing in their joy as they bask in the sun. Listen! they have a bass, tenor and soprano, and some attempt alto. But don't be alarmed, I don't mean to insinuate that man descended from a. frog, or a monkey 94 IN THE BEGINNING either. But from the frog we learn a lesson of progressive development, assisted by another law called 'evolution". Those laws are used in cre- ating or forming, as scientists have learned, and we are not prohibited from learning them, if they are not in the Bible. We can not prescribe limits to God, and if He wishes to make new revelations to the world, to whom must He make them? To the church? They will not believe it is not in the Bible, and if a revelation is given to one outside of the church, the churches combine in condemnation. Then who may receive a new revelation? "Oh!" the churches will say, "There is no new revelation, or if there were, it would certainly be given to the church". If one is right, the rest are all wrong. The old church thought that all revela- tions were given to them, and when the Father made new revelations by the Son, what did they do ? Why, they maltreated Him, as much as they well could, then crucified Him. And today, in this day of professed enlighten- ment, Grod sends many new revelations to the world and the churches are the first to condemn them because "they are not in the Bible". They have been shadowed forth hundreds of years ago. Why do not the leaders of the church explain the Bibie? The great evangelist "McCurry", when he was here last, said, "I do not understand the Bible, and never expected to, and that no one could under- stand it". The first people kept their knowledge A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 95 in symbols, understood only by the initiated, and the translators of the Bible have not explained it clearly. But when we understand, it is very clear. The churches compel the people to obey laws, rituals and church discipline, and believe nothing outside of their teaching, under pain of ex-communication and disgrace and thus prohibit all progress in the churches. There is very little preached at this time but " Christ" and that He is coming, and yet, if any- one should tell you of the time of His coming, would you believe it? No, you would say, "It is not in the Bible". But it is in the Bible, and the signs foretold are before us daily and the people mock at them. But I tell you that Christ is here already, and I have seen Him in His own person. Do you believe me! But He has not come with the power and glory that will accompany Him in about one hundred years. Then the Father will come and the Son will come, with great power and glory and all flesh shall see the "Glory of God in the flesh". Those things were revealed to me by a word or voice, and a word said to me, "Not only the Son, but the glory of God has come to the earth already". - But the people, all joined to their idols, do not understand. I will return to Genesis. We read "that God created the heavens and the earth", but we have learned that instead of one earth, there are count- less millions of earths. In the beginning men were taught of the mys- teries of creation, etc., but after the fall men's 93 IN THE BEGINNING minds were not competent to take in and under- stand the grand idea of a vast, illimitable uni- verse. To them the earth was flat and the stars were candles and the sun and moon were lamps, suspended in the firmament or sky. "Yet", a certain writer says: "looking into the past ages, and marking the laborious march of man's his- tory with regard to his acquisition of positive knowledge, I find accurate conceptions, more or less mixed with the reflections of superstition and colorings of fancy". Those people were very superstitious, but there was a time, previous to the fall, when they were instructed in the truth. But they lost the true knowledge mostly and kept only vague allegories. But we have risen from the fall, and can understand the old and new revelations. The cosmogonies of illimitable space are fast coming into popular education with a more com- prehensive, knowledge of higher things and true religion. In past times, the people believed not only that the earth was the center of all things, but that it was created out of nothing and formed in six of our solar days. Must we believe those narrow opinions? I think not. I have shown you the flat earth and the solar system and the folly in believing the earth to be the center of all things. Now, I will take the first sentence in Genesis, "God created the heavens". It is estimated by astronomers that the "milky way" or visible heavens is composed of millions of suns, many of them being many A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 97 times larger than ours, with their planets revolv- ing round them. Our solar system is supposed to he on the inner side of the circle of the ' ' milky way", and is but a speck compared with the stellar system. From the magnitude and har- monious arrangement of the stellar universe, it is estimated that by comparison with our solar sys- tem beings like ours inhabit the millions of worlds that revolve in our "milky way", and it is supposed from certain data that two billions, nineteen trillions and one hundred millions of worlds circle round suns, visible to us in the firmament; and calculating the number of in- habitants on those earths by the number on ours, it is estimated that there are sixty quadrillions, five hundred and seventy-three thousand trillions of people on those earths. Now compare those magnificent manifestations with the narrow views and opinions of the church, derived from misunderstanding "Genesis". The churches have been steady to their lights, nevertheless the people have been kept in ignorance and darkness. The other day a scientist and church man were conversing about the possibility of the earths in our solar system being inhabited. "Well", said the church man, "If they are inhabited, that kills our Christian religion, for Christ could not go to all those earths to save the people". How ignorant some people are. They still think that the earth is flat, and the "New Jerusalem" the only city in heaven. Heaven is boundless, as I have explained in another place. 98 IN THE BEGINNING Our solar system is one of millions that form the milky way and our astral system belongs to the sixth circle of suns that revolve round the great central sun of the universe. Inside of that is a fifth circle, and a fourth, and a third, and a second, and a first, and outside of the sixth there is a seventh forming. Science and revelation have revealed to us a great universe with mil- lions of suns and systems and spheres, and the sublime idea of a heaven so large that man can not comprehend its glorious and boundless re- sources; and in our expanded knowledge of truth pertaining to the universe and creation we have lost sight of Genesis, as given in our Bible. While science has expanded our knowledge of material things, the religious idea of the church has been kept in chains by the ignorant teachers. Many are so earnest in teaching sectarianism that they lose sight of the grand morale and simplicity of the true religion as taught by the Christ. A certain writer says, "It is my impression that the millions of suns and systems, notwith- standing their amazing and overwhelming vast- ness and sublime beauty, are nothing more than a look into the divine temple". I have given you just a look into the vestibule of the grand temple of the universe. In another place I have explained more fully the creation, evolution, gen- esis, primo-genesis, cosmo-genesis, etc. A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 99 CHAPTER (6). Electricity and Light. Astronomy is the oldest and youngest of the sciences. It combines all sciences. The term science is derived from the Latin ' ' scio ' ', to know In a general sense it is a knowledge of truth or facts ; bnt in its most perfect sense, it is the power io enact or create, or produce those facts, and that power belongs to G-od alone, who is the master scientist. In philosophy it is a knowledge of certain prin- ciples, based on truth in correct or scientific order, as mathematics, chemistry, philosophy, metaphysics, etc. Mathematics is from the Latin and treats of quantity, measure, magnitude. Arithmetic, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, conic sections, are also branches of mathematics. Chemistry is from the Arabic, "kama", to con- ceal. In olden times it was called "alchemy", the art of converting base metals into gold, etc. It was practiced by the philosophers of the Mid- dle Ages, with other arts called "science". The old philosophers supposed that everything in the universe was composed of one substance which they called "Darkness" or "Space". I will speak of that in another chapter. Diocletian caused the Books of Alchemy to be burned. They were cabalistic and understood only by the initiated. Their doctrines were esoteric, secret. A certain scientist at this time 100 IN THE BEGINNING says: lie can convert certain metals into gold by pressure. I don't agree with them in supposing that all tilings are composed of one substance. To be explained. Chemistry, as now used, is the science which explains the intimate, mutual action of all bodies, and also treats of analysis or decomposition, and synthesis or recombination, which are the two great principles in nature. In the old philoso- phies, now known collectively by the term "the- osophy", those principles were called " God's" or attributes of God. One was the creator and the other was the destroyer. In old times philosophy was called- "wisdom". The term "philosophy" is derived from the Greek, "to love wisdom", but particularly speak- ing, it is to investigate or acquire knowledge by reasoning of effects from causes. The old time people made a study of those sciences hid in their temples and were called "kedim or wise men". The philosophy which treats of God is called "theology" and that which treats of nature, "physics", comprising natural philosophy and natural history, and that which treats of man is called "ethics", or moral philosophy. That which treats of mind is called intellectual or mental phil- osophy or metaphysics. It is the natural hypoth- esis or system on which natural effects are ex- plained. Metaphysics is from the Greek and is said to have been given to science by Aristotle, one of the Greek philosophers, who considered the science of matter to be first in order of study, and A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA • 101 the science of mind or metaphysics to be second. The science of "ontology" or essence, quantity or attributes of being, was much studied by the old philosophers, and the result of those studies are all being brought before the people by the- osophists, but the results are not always correct as we find. "Cosmology", treats of the laws of matter; "psychology" treats of mind; "pneu- matology" treats of spirit; "theodicy" claims to treat of God, his essence and attributes; modern theosophy claims to understand the truth of those philosophies or attributes of being; spirit- ualists are seeking for the same truths, but the churches are fossilized and unprogressive, they stand nearly in the same tracks they were left in by the "Dark Ages". Those divisions of philosophy, once studied in the schools of the philosophers, are now resolved into two parts, that of physics or the science of matter, and metaphysics or the science of mind and spirit. Those philosophers, who lived before the Christian era, had not God so clearly revealed to them as at or after the birth of Christ. Many of the old philosophers supposed there was but one substance matter : ■ ■ God ' ' from which or from whom all things were formed. Our catechism says: "that God created all things (the world) out of nothing". It is difficult to say which opinion is the most unreasonable. Those old philosophers sought God in his works, measuring* Him by the limited knowledge they had or could have from the works of nature, which are only 102 IN THE BEGINNING manifestations of his power and laws, and thongh revealed to the Israelites, other nations did not recognize Him as a being of form and speech. Bnt in the beginning, in prehistoric ages, God made Himself manifest to the people and we find by reading a few scraps of manuscript. The old commentators and cnrions ideas of God, as I have explained in another place. Science is the basis of all law, which laws are formed by perfect knowledge, and religion is a principle or law of perfection, moral and spir- itual and governs the universe. Colbert says: "The first and greatest of the recorded enactments of creation is: "Let there be light". Here he speaks only of material light. There is a great principle involved in light, which I will explain in another place. Material light is of matter, and that presupposes that God and matter are co-existent. Science teaches that all space is filled with matter, (the spiritual atmos- phere permeates space) and there can't be a vacuum and star-chemistry indicates to us a part of the conditions under which matter exists around us in the universe, as mathematics does of space, and Colbert says: "In order to compre- hend those deductions it is necessary to know something of that force that lies at the founda- tion of matter". The force that underlies the material universe and so much sought after by scientists, is electricity combined with other ele- ments. Electricity is the great moving factor of the material universe, it is the soul of the ma- A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 103 terial world and is controlled and governed by creative laws. The first fact about light is that it moves. Eadiated light proceeds from hot bodies, a cold body may reflect but not radiate light. The centers of all suns are liquid fire and their bodies are of liquid metal or minerals in constant motion. Colbert supposes that light is immaterial. I think he is mistaken as light con- tains what is called "the seven primary colors. " The sun's atmosphere is extremely hot and pure; at a certain distance from the sun the atmos- phere remains in a seeming state of inertia, called the "inter-planetary spaces". There are differ- ent opinions about the material composing those spaces. The sun is a mass of pure metals in a high state of heat; no moisture can come near it. Some theosophists suppose that the center of our sun is hollow and that God dwells in the center. The body of the sun is composed of hot molten metal and the center is a portion of liquid fire of great heat and force. If possible that is a higher force than the electrical. Sir Isaac Newton, the great "philosopher", dis- covered that a ray of light contained the seven primary colors. The colors he speaks of are a reflection of the rings of gases, contained in or composing the sun's atmosphere. The material world appears to us under a great variety of forms, but chemistry has shown to us that those forms are built from a comparatively small number of elements. Some of the old writers on philosophy assert that there is but one 104 IN THE BEGINNING element from which all things are composed, and some writers assert at this time that God com- prises all things. In the beginning the elements were combined in one mass. I have explained that in cos-mo-genesis. Angstrong, Eoscoe and Volzner discovered that a burning body gave a spectrum, unmarked by lines; but when reduced to a gas it gave a spec- trum crossed by light lines, characteristic of the substance, like the gases composing the sun's atmosphere. Colbert says "The heat of the solar surface is great enough to reduce to vapor many of the ele- ments fusible only with great difficulty". ■ The vapor of iron, detected in the sun's atmosphere, necessities not less than 4500 Fahrenheit. If the sun was composed of the same materials as our earth they could not remain together in one body in so high a temperature. The sun is composed of pure metals, having great affinity for each other. Many of the elements composing our earth would be thrown millions of miles away from such intense heat. It is supposed that the incandescent atmosphere of the sun extends f ve or six thousand miles, and outside of that the coronal or sun's rays, which are electricity, appear to form two-fifths of the sun's diameter — are three hundred and forty miles, its diameter being thirteen millions of miles. And the coronal or rays he speaks of is the action of vast sheets of electricity in constant motion; the light rays of his activity extend far bevond the remotest earth A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 105 in our solar system. It is supposed that the attraction of gravitation to the earth extends twenty-two thousand miles; the moon is in our attractive atmosphere. Some suppose that the sun's atmosphere and the earth's atmosphere contain nearly the same materials". The earth is in the sun's atmosphere, but it has an atmos- phere peculiar to the earth. The body of the sun consists of an incandescent liquid mass of pure metals surrounded by an incandescent gas- eous envelope four or five hundred miles in ex- lent. This envelope is surrounded four or five thousand miles deep by the true chromosphere, containing six or seven elements, of which hy- drogen is supposed to be in large quantities. Those gases we see reflected in the "rainbow". The telescope shows the sun to be in constant motion, causing the appearance of spots on his surface, and the astronomers suppose the motion to be caused by tremendous storms in the sun's body, accompanied by storms in his atmosphere. His body is of dense, liquid metals and the motion is caused by intense heat in his center. Many of the spots on the sun are more than a thousand miles in area; they are whirlpools of liquid metals, changing their forms and positions at the rate of a hundred or more miles per second. It is supposed that those movements are sufficient to warm and light a million worlds like ours. Colbert says: "The philosophers of olden times grouped in their ignorance of nature's laws and sighed for more light to illumine their pathways, 106 IN THE BEGINNING but we have attained that for which they sighed for in vain". True, modern science has illumined our path into a more perfect knowledge of na- ture's laws, and Colbert says "The grandest step was taken when we had puzzled out the way in which we could slice up light into infinitesimal parts and study the dissected beams". The human mind is so constituted that it can grasp immensity, when taken in small parts; and knowledge expands the mind. Science is always progressive to the finite mind, and as the pro- gressive path is an ascending one, it can not turn on itself and go opposite to truth. The ancients had many erroneous ideas, yet they had more true knowledge than we moderns are willing to admit. They had puzzled out many grand truths, though without our advantages, and when we compare their situation with ours we find that they are not only our brothers but our peers. (We speak of the true race). Colbert supposes "the working motion of the sun's body to be caused by large masses of clouds, composed of incandescent hydrogen, kept in motion by the sun's body". To me the sun's body is kept in motion by internal heat; the seven gases are his atmosphere; the true chromosphere of the sun is electricity in con- stant motion. It generates the light and heat in the physical universe. Electricity in its action produces light, heat and galvanism, which com- bine again after action; in a hidden, subtle man- ner, electricity is always active, in some manner A BOOK FOR THE NEW ERA 107 never at rest : it is the great underlying force of the physical universe. Without the action of elec- tricity, the physical man would be dead. It is the soul of the physical universe. The action of the heart and the circulation of the blood com- bined with the circulation of the atmosphere in the lungs, receive and eliminate electricity, which is the life of the physical body. The lungs act as a safety valve, throwing off superfluous heat and nitrogen. They eliminate the life principle by motion. The great "working forces" of nature, by their action, eliminate the substance called "elec- tricity". It is the highest form of matter, except spirit, and is composed of the highest, finest par- ticles of matter and endowed with the greatest degree of force, and explosive in its highest action. What we call the ' ' working forces of nature ' ' is by the action of "laws" which we call "fixed". The creative laws are infinite and beyond our comprehension at present, and those laws being- perfect, to change them would produce other laws, which would destroy the harmony of the universe. To us they appear "fixed". To God they are not fixed, except being "perfect"; there is no necessity to change them until the time for (dissolution, preparatory for a "new creation"). Some say that "God can not change his laws". To change them would destroy his works. It is the same in the spiritual universe. Law governs, and as nothing but the pure and beautiful and righteous can enter "heaven" the evil and all the 108 IN THE BEGINNING unrighteous are attracted to "hell" by the same ' ' righteous law ' ' of affinity. Electricity is diffused through all space and governs motion. By its agency atoms move and worlds revolve; the human system inhales it at every breath; it is essential to existence; it is the life of the physical universe; by it mind evolves thought and intelligence. It is an eternal ele- ment; its operations are endless. Magnetism is a refinement of electricity. It constitutes the most refined external agency to the realm of spirit. Magnetism is a positive principle to all below the sphere of spiritual agencies. Some suppose that "ether" fills the inter- planetary spaces. Astronomers suppose there is more than five millions of suns in one "milky way" or "astral system". Each sun, comprising a "solar sys- tem", the whole universe is lighted by electricity. But there is a "spirit-atmosphere" that I will speak of in another chapter. The working forces of nature are a very inter- esting study. Our solar system is supposed to contain three thousand six hundred millions of miles in extent and "Seneca" says, "Is it to this little spot of earth that men's minds are confined?" A few vears ago I was awakened from sound sleep an^ found myself so near to our sun that I could touch it. The rays and atmosphere were shut off, leaving the body of the sun visible. It ap- peared to be composed of liquid metals, the color same ■ ove and it. at 5 the 5 0] ■ = " " >r "astral iolar . • is little spot of P' A few sound sleep and I ^re shut ^ i>^vv.. ^ut C^-0 &^cr~l; !