^S7'ested comi)ensated emancipation, to which you replied yon wished not to be taxed to buy negroes. But I had not asked you to be taxed to buy negroes, except in such way as to save you from greater taxation to save the Union exclu- sively by other means. You dislike the Emancipation Proclamation, and perhaps you would have it retracted. You say it is unconstitutional. I think differently. I think that the Oonstitution invests its Oomniander-in-Ohief with the law of war in time of war. The most that can be said, if so much, is that slaves are property. Is there, has there ever been, any question that, by the law of war, property, both of enemies and friends, may be taken when needed ? And is it not needed whenever taking it helps us or hurts the enemy ? Armies the world over destroy enemies' pro- perty when they cannot use it ; and even destroy their own to keep it from the enemy. Civilized belligerents do all in their power to help themselves or hurt the enemy, except a few things regarded as barbarous or cruel. Among the excep- tions are the massacre of vanquished foes and non-combatants, male and female. But the Proclamation, as law, either is valid or is not valid. If it is not valid, it needs no retraction. If it is valid, it can- not be retracted, any more than the dead can be brought to life. Some of you profess to think its retraction would ope- rate favorably for the Union. Why better after the retraction than before the issue ? There w^as more than a year and a half of trial to suppress the rebellion before the Proclamation was issu ed ; the last one hundred days of which passed under an explicit notice that it was coming unless averted by those in revolt returning to their allegiance. The war has certainly progTessed as favo- rably for us since the issue of the Proclamation as before. I know, as fully as one can know the opinions of others, that some of the commanders of our arinies in the field who have given us our most important successes, believe the 4 PRESIDENT'S -LETTER. emancipation policy and the use of colored troops constitute the heaviest blow yet dealt to the rebellion ; and that at least one of those important successes could not have been achieved when it was, but for the aid of black soldiers. Among the commanders holding these views are some who have never had any aflBnity with what is called Abolitiouism, or with Republican party politics, but who hold them purely as military opinions. I submit these opinions as being enti- tled to some weight against the objections often urged, that emancipation and arming the blacks are unwise as military measures, and were not adopted as such in good faith. You say that you will not fight to free negroes. Some of them seem to be willing to fight for you. But no matter ; fight you then exclusively to save the Union. I issued the Proclamation on purjjose to aid you in saving the Union. Whenever you shall have conquered all resistance to the Union, if I shall urge you to continue fighting, it will be an apt time then for you to declare that you will not fight to free negroes. I thought that in your struggle for the Union, to whatever extent the negroes should cease helping the enemy, to that extent it weakened the enemy in his resistance to you. Do you think differently ? I thought that whatever negroes can be got to do as soldiers, leaves just so much less for white ^soldiers to do in saving the Union. Does it appear otherwise to you ? But negroes, like other people, act upon motives. Why should they do anything for us if we will do nothing for them ? If they stake their lives for us, they must be prompted by the strongest motive, even the promise of their freedom. And the promise being made, must be kept. The signs look better. The Father of Waters again goes unvexed to the sea. Thanks to the great Northwest for it. Nor yet wholly to them. Three hundred miles up they met New England, Empire, Keystone, and Jersey, hewing their way right and left. The sunny South, too, in more colors than one, also lent a hand. On the si^ot their part of the his- tory was jotted down in black and white. The job was a great national one, and let none be banned who bore an honorable part in it. AVhile those who have cleared the great river may well be proud, even that is not all. PRESIDENT'S LETTER. 5 It is hard to say that anything has been more bravely and well done than at Autietam, Murfi?eesboro, Gettysburg, and on many fields of lesser note. Nor must Uncle Sam's web-feet be forgotten. At all the watery margins they have been present. JSTot only on the deep sea, the broad bay, and the rapid river, but also u^ the narrow, muddy bayou, aud wherever the ground was a httle damp, they have been aud made their tracks. Thanks to all for the great EepubUc, for the x)rinciple it lives by and keeps alive — for man's vast future — thanks to all. Peace does not ai^pear so chstant as it did. I hope it will come soon, and come to stay, and so come as to be worth the keeping in all future time. It will then have been x^roved that among free men there can be no successful appeal from the ballot to the bullet, and that they who take such appeal are sure to lose then* case, and i^ay the cost. And then there will be some black men who can remember that, with silent tongue, and clenched teeth, and steady eye, and well-poised bayonet, they have helped mankind on to this great consummation ; while I fear there will be some white ones unable to forget that, with malignant heart and deceitful speech, they have strove to hinder it. Still, let us not be over sanguine of a speedy final triumph. Let us be quite sober. Let us diligently apply the means, never doubting that a just God, in his own good time, will give us the rightful result. Yours, very truly, A. LINCOLN. LETTER OF EDWARD EVERETT To the Union Mass Convention at Springfield, Illinois. Boston, Aug. 24, 1863. James C. Conlding, J^sq., Chairman, &c.: My Dear Sir : I received a few days ago your letter of the 12th, iuviting me to atteii.d " the grand mass meeting of the Unconditional Union men of the State of Illinois," to be held on the 3d of September at Springfield. It will not be in my power to attend the meeting, but its objects, as explained by you, have my cordial sympathy. The elections soon to be held will be of more than usual importance. They will throw light on the great question, how far it is x^ossible for a free Government, controlled in its legislative and executive branches by popular choice, to prose- cute with vigor a war of considerable duration, and which entails heavy burdens ujjon the community. As a represen- tative government is mainly carried ou by party organizations, the great interests of the country, both in peace and war, are too apt to become the arena in which the ojjposite parties strive for tbe mastery. Questions in themselves of secondary importance to the general welfare, are often contested with vehemence and passion, and that by men of ability and patriot- ism working tlieniselves up to the belief that they are contend- ing for matters of yital importance. Within my experience, the politics of the country have successively turned upon fom* or five questions, regarded at the time as of the greatest moment, but now utterly obsolete and forgotten. These unprofitable contests, while they last, are the source of great embarrassment to the administration of the general Government for the time being, which finds itself thwarted in all its measures, however patriotic and beneficent their ten- dency, by indiscriminate opposition, aiming only at an elec- tioneering triumph. This is a very serious evil in time of EVERETT'S LETTER. 7 peace, greatly eiiliaucing the diflficulties and burdens of public life, and liigldy detrimental to the public interests. In time of war the evil becomes one of treniendous magni- tude. The questions tbat then present themselves are natu- rally more important than ordinary political issues in time of peace, while every blow strnck at the measures of the Govern- ment, though designed only to effect a cbange of admiiustra- tion, really aifords aid and comfort to the enemy. This will })e the Ciise when the opposition to government measures is sincerely dictated by honest diherence of opinion. Nay, it will even be the case when the opposition is directed against measures palpably mistaken either on grounds of principle or policy. No Administration is free from error, and if i>arty spirit is allowed to prevail, its errors will be severely criticised, usually exaggerated, and often fiercely denounced, till the attention of the country, instead of being hxed on the great juid main questions on which all good patriots are agreed, is turned to side issues of minor and often factitious importance. In this way the administration of the Government is weakened and endjarrassed, and the vigorous prosecution of the war, which every patriotic citizen admits to be the ])aramount object, is in some degree paralyzed. I have doubted the policy of some measiu'es of the Admini- stration, and strongly disapproved others, but regarding the persons in power for the time being as the constitutional agents of the people for carrying on the Government, con- sidering the war which has been forced upon us by the ambi- tious demagogues of the South as a question of national life or death — that to have the doctrine of secession established at the mouth of the rebel cannon, is simply to consign the country to a future of eternal border war, and to lay its dis- honored fragments at the feet of foreign powers ; I cannot but think it unpatriotic to attempt, for the sake of a party triumph, to make i)olitical capital out of the difticulties, or, if you idease, the errors, unavoidably incident to the conduct of a war of such gigantic dimensions. It is a pretty safe test, in cases of this kind, to ask how the views and measures of a [)arty are regarded by the common enemy. Applying this test in the present case, nothing is more certain than that the triumph at the approaching elec- 8 EVERETT'S LETTER. tion of any party, organized and operating for the prostration of the Administration, would be regarded with unmingled satisfaction by the leaders of the rebellion and their sympa- thizers abroad. Indeed their last hope is in our divisions. Candor requires me to add, that, if it is the duty of good citizens to abstain from factious opposition, it is, in time of war, not less the duty of the Administration, in civil as in military and naval affairs, to assume a position wholly inde- pendent of party. I am afraid it is impossible, in time of peace, to carry on a representative government except on a party basis. During the existence of war, especially of a war which tasks to the utmost the exertions and resources of the country, party support, in proportion as it is relied on, is an element not of strength but of weakness. If all good men and good patriots in the loyal States, whether in or out of office — sacrificing, when necessary, a little of the pride of personal feeling and of party associa- tion — would cordially unite for the attainment of the objects, which they all approve, viz. : the vigorous prosecution, and successful termination of the war, the next New Year's day would witness the prostration of the rebellion and its leaders, the return of peace, and the restoration of the Union. With the best wishes that the meeting at Springfield may promote these great ends, I remain, dear sir. Very respectfully. Your friend and fellow citizen, EDWAED EVEEETT. A } 8 tioD 1 ^ ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 709 333 9 §