NOV 19 1900 NO PLAYS EXCHANGED. k ™ \her'3 Edition i 6T PL7W3 19 L5 Copy 1 THE LITTLE BOSS s $ $ $ /IN /♦N & /♦> «S US 'IS w $ T T \t/ I I NEW OPERETTAS FOR CHILDREN. EDITH'S DREAM.l Sn ©peretta for Cljiltiren. Wordl by MARGARET FEZANDIE and EDGAR MORETTE. /(> Music by EUGENE FEZANDIE, Jr. Eleven characters, girls and boys, or all girls, as preferred ; ten or more addi- tional tor chorus. Scenery unnecessary; costumes, pretty and fanciful, but easily arranged at home, this admirable little piece is printed complete with music. It is very tuneful and gracefully imagined, and is strongly recommended for private theatricals or for schools. It is particularly well suited for the latter use, as it deals whimsically with the question of youthful study, inculcating, however, an excellent moral. Price 35 cents. US US k /Is (US ODD OPERASHEVENTIDE. J f t I f f A Collection of Short and Simple Musical Entertainments for Children. By MRS. G. N. BORDMAN. This collection provides a simple operetta, a fairy opera, a picturesque motion song, a quaint musical pantomime, a pretty musical sketch, and two original humorous recitations for children, complete, with all the music, and full instruc- tions for performance. The music is tuneful and simple, and is specially written with the tastes and limitations of children in view. The solos are easily learned and sung, And all the choruses are written for voices in unison. The collection is strongly recommended for its simplicity and perfect practicability. Neither stage nor scenery is demanded, nor any other requirements that cannot be met without trouble by the equipment of the ordinary hall or church vestry, and the zeal of the most economical committee of arrangements. Price CONTENTS. 50 cents. A Glimpse of the Brownies. A Musical Sketch for Children. Any number of boys. Market Day. An Operetta for Young People. Seven speaking parts and chorus. Oueen Floral's Day Dream. An Operetta for Children. Six speak- ing parts and chorus. Musical Thirty The Boating Sketch for Little Children boys and girls. Six Little Grandmas. A Musical Pantomime for very Little Children. Six very little girls. Jimmy Crow. A Recitation for Little Girl. A House in the Moon. A Recita tion for a Child. The Little Boss A Comedy Drama in Four Acts By FRANK L. BIXBY The rights to perform this play, for both professionals and amateurs, must be secured from Dore Davidson, care of American Dramatists' Club, Townsend Building, Twenty-fifth street and Broadway, New York City. Any unauthorized production will be rigorously prosecuted. WALTER BOSTON H. BAKER & CO 1901 *m ■i L The Little Boss Chip Whitsell, Alice Wentworth, Ann Blake, Mammie Caroline, Harry Woodson, John Lydecker, Mo. Simons, Ward Sylvester, Terry Donovan, Silas Whitsell, CHARACTERS Soubrette. Lead or juvenile. Heavy. Character comedy, negro. Lead or juvenile. Heavy. Character heavy, Jew. Character juvenile, stutters. Lrish comedy. Character, old man. Time, — Now. THE SCENES. Act I. — Whitsell's farm in the Tennessee Hills. "A dis- appointed land buyer." Act II. —Alice Wentworth's room, City Hotel, Rushville, Tenn. "A pair of sixes." Act III. — Scene i, — On the road to Bryan's Rock. Scene 2, — The counterfeiter's den in the mountains. ''Taking the men red-handed." Act IV. — John Lydecker's room, Rushville, Tenn. "Join- ing hands." "• '■ 77*06 ' Library of Congress Two Copies Received NOV 19 1900 Copytieht entry No..v!r.« .v^r/»^ Copyright, 1900 SECOND COPY Delivered to ORDER DIVISION DEC 3 1900 by Dore Davidson All rights reserved The Little Boss. ACT I. SCENE. — Mountai?i drop in 4. Set cottage at r. 2, e., «//M window to audience. White picket fence crosses at 3 with centre gate open. Old farm tools, etc. Make the scene as picturesque as possible, but with a general air of neglect about it. Chi. (outside, calling). Daddy ! ! 0, daddy ! Whi. {inside cottage, dozing by window). Ugh ! Chi. {outside, singing). " Dis is de way we alius do — meet my daddy in de mornin' . Kase you love me an' I love you — meet my daddy in de mornin'." {Runs to c. behind 'fence.) Well, I may meet him in the morning, but — (calling) O-oh, daddy ! Whi. (inside, rousing up). Yes, yes, coming, Chippy, I'm coming. (Rises slowly.) Chi. So is the day of judgment. (Runs down to door of house; sings.) "Oh the June bug loved a bumble bee — meet my daddy in de mornin' " Whi. (enters from cottage). Why, Chippy, child? Chi. Yes, that's me — your child — your for true, onliest child. {Laughs.) Whi. Wherever have you been ? Chi. Been huntin', don't you see? (Shows gun ; puts it against cottage.) Whi. You have ? Chi. Yes, I have, daddy. {Kisses him.) Whi. And you Chi. Yes, I did. How'd you know? I killed a great whoppin' wild turkey gobbler. Whi. You did ? 4 THE LITTLE BOSS. Chi. 'Deed I did. Dead as a door nail, and I think-that's purty nigh the deadest thing there is. Whi. No 'tain't, Chippy. Times is deader ner that roun' here. Chi. Well, anyhow, that old gobbler is dead enough to be too heavy for me to carry. (Terry starts to cross at back.) Hey, there ! Ter. (stops'). Is it me ye're callin', hay? Chi. Yes, before it's cut. Ter. Listen to that, now? It's grass I am. Chi. Oh, no ; only the color of it. Whi. Chippy ! Chippy ! Chi. Oh, Terry don't mind me, do you, Terry? Say, where you goin' ? Ter. To Rock Canyon powder house fer a kag o' powder. Whi. The company keeps a big supply of it in that house. Ter. Indade, yis. Enough to blow up the whole county to wanst. [Whitsell exit to cottage. Chi. Well, before she goes up, I want you to do me a favor. Ter. (comes down, takes off his hat). Indade I will. Chi. Say, Terry. Why do they call you Terry ? Because you are a tarrier? Ter. Sure, Terry's not me name — it's a condinsation. Chi. What kind of a sation ? Ter. It's an abrevature. Chi. Oh, yes. An abrevaturestftion. Ter. No, no. It's an abrevature of Terrence O'Neil Scallan McHugh Chi. Clip it off there. Ter. Hinnissey O'Regan Chi. Stop it ! stop it ! Ter. Donovan. Chi. I really believe, Terry, you're Irish. Ter. Yis, I am. Who towld ye? Chi. Oh, I measured you. Ter. Ye did ? Whin ? Chi. Oh, just now. Ter. I didn't see ye. What wid ? Chi. That 17th of March name of yours. Ter. Luk at that now. Chi. Smart, ain't I? But I didn't tell you what I want. I — want — you THE LITTLE BOSS. 5 Ter. Do ye now ? Well, I niver thought that before ; but ye might do worse. Chi. To get my game Ter. It's game yer makiii' o' me, I'm thinkin'. Chi. Yes, a big wild turkey gobbler. Ter. Howld on, now, howld on. Ye may call me hay and grass, but whin ye call me a turkey, why Chi. I might just as well say, Terry, you're a bird — hey ? Ter. Ye might. Chi. Yes, sir, an owl from the owl'd sod. Ter. Arrah, would ye listen to her ; but I must be goin'. Chi. Wait. I want you to bring up the turkey gobbler you'll find hanging on a branch, about a hundred yards this side of Bryan's rock. Ter. Hung was he? What for? Chi. For gobblin' his own gobble. {Laughs?) Ter. Thin I'll bring him up, an' ye can cook him wid that owl ye spake about. [Laughs and exit through gate and off l. Car. (in cottage). Whar she is? Dat's what I wan' ter know. Whi. (in cottage). Outside, mammy, I told ye outside. Car. {in cottage). Been gallopin' an' rompin' roun',hugh? Wait 'til I done lay my han's on dat chile. Chi. Oh, but Mammy Car' line is takin' on. Car. (at door). Dar yo' is — jus' lafin' an' caperin' afore my very eyes, an' me dat worriet 'bout yo'. Chi. Worried about me ? That's funny. Car. (starts at her). 'Deed 'tain't funny, 'tain't funny one bit. Wait 'til I git my han's on you, dat's all. Chi. Goin' to beat me ? Car. Yas I is, I Chi. (coquettishly). Wha-t? Car. (stops and looks at her). Well, I declar' ef my baby chile ain't de pootiest thing I evah did look at. Whar yo' bin ? Chi. Oh, down yonder. (Points l.) Car. Has, huh? an' yo' po' ole mammy, dat's done rais' yo' up fum a baby, evah sence yo' po' ma die — worriet haf to def. Chi. You do look badly, mammy. Car. Who does? Yo' don' come in de hous' dis minit. Dat fried chicken all git burn to nothin' waitin' fo' yo'. I nevah did see sich good fer nothin'— no 'count chile as yo' is. O THE LITTLE BOSS. Chi. That's right, mammy. That's what everybody says. Car. Sez what ? Chi. That I'm no 'count. Just like daddy. A chip of the old block. Car. I jus' lak to hyar dem say it, dat's all. Dey fine dey's got in waspuses nes' hard an' fas', dat's what. Who say dat — done tel' me who say it ? Chi. Why, let me see — um Car. Huh ! Don't go an' talk no mo' sich foolishnis lak dat to me. Come in dis house I te' ye dis berry minit. Chi. And get a beating? Car. Who's gwine to beat yo', I lak to know? Chi. Why Car. Huh ! I jus' lak to see any livin' bein' tech my chile, dat's all. Chi. Except you, mammy. Car. Well, yo' does aggerwate me mos' awful. Chi. I'm a bad worrisome child, I know. Car. No, ye ain't. Yo' is my sweet baby lam', dat's what yo' is. How offen mus' I tell yo' dat? Come in de hous', sweetie. (Takes her hand.) Chi. Here goes for the fried chicken. [Chip and Caroline exeunt to cottage. Lyd. {enters at l. 3, followed by Moses). I hope we will find the old fool at home. This thing must be closed up quick. Mo. The quicker the better, ain't it, Jackie? Ve vant de money, huh? Lyd. That's nothing new for you. I never saw you when you didn't want money. Mo. Who, me ? Vat a scantal on the name of Simons. Lyd. It's a pity about you. Mo. Ain't it? Put vat are ve do do, Jackie tear, now ve're here? Lyd. Do? Why get this land. Mo. Oh, I see. Do dear old Mr. Vitsell, hybnotize him, ain't it ? Get the lant for a song. Lyd. That's the idea. Mo. A crate itea, Jackie tear, crate. Put I can't sing, I hafen't my nodes. Lyd. Oh, yes, you have, plenty of them — and some of them are counterfeit too. Mo. Sh — ssh ! for de lof of hefen, not so lout. THE LITTLE BOSS. 7 Lyd. Oh, no danger of them in this deal. Now mind, don't try to shove any of the queer stuff this time. Use good money, and we will turn it all into gold. This land is full of it. Mo. {looking at ground). Ant olt Vitsell ton't know it. Ain't id peautiful, Jackie, ain't it peautiful ? Lyd. It will be'if we get the land. Now here's the idea — Whitsell is hard up, — needs some money, — ain't very bright anyhow. I'll do the talking ; be careful you don't chip in, and spoil the trick. Mo. I'm as dumb as an oyster, so helb me. Lyd. There's some one coming. Let's walk down the road, until they are gone, and we can catch old Whitsell alone. Mo. Ant sing him a song for his lant. Ain't it peautiful? [Moses and Lydecker exeunt r. 3. Syl. (enters l. 3, with shawl, cloak, sun umbrella, cane, etc. He stutters). G-g-good g-gracious ! {Lays down wraps.) G-g-good g-gracious ! Did I s-s-say good g-g-gra- cious? Y-y-es, I d-d-did. Chi. (enters from cottage; aside). Jimminy ! look at the swell. Syl. Ah, y-y- young 1-1-lady? Chi. If it troubles you, don't say it. But don't start your deal with young lady. I'm only a girl — plain everyday g-i-r-1. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Chi. Yes. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Chi. You said that before. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Chi. If you say ah, y-y-yes to me again, you'll get in trouble. Syl. Ah, y-yes. I m-m-mean I'm in tr-tr-trouble now. Chi. Yes, I've noticed it. Too bad, ain't it? Were you born that way ? Syl. N-n-no ! I m-m-mean, yes. But th-that's not my tr-tr-trouble. Chi. No ? I thought it was. What is it — got chilblains ? You seem uneasy on your feet? Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Chi. There you go again. You give me the fidgets. Syl. Ah, y-y Chi. Stop. Ter. (runs on l. 3). I will thin. 8 THE LITTLE BOSS. Chi. Hello, Terry. Look at that. {Nods at Sylvester.) And say, wait 'til you hear him say Ah, y-y-yes. Ter. I've no time to wait. I just run to tell yees a young woman had sprained her leg down below, an' Mr. Woodson's helpin' her up the hill. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. (Chip starts at hini). That's my tr-tr- trouble. Chi. 1 think it's the young lady's. Ter. Yes, an' Mr. Woodson said would I run ahead an' give yees the word. Chi. You're a good fellow, Terry, and Harry's a brick. Syl. Ah ! Chi. Will you please keep quiet ? Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Chi. Head off that calf, will you, Terry? (At door.} Mammy ! Mammy ! Daddy ! Car. {enters from cottage, folloived by Whitsell). What's de mattah, honey lam' ? Syl. Ah ! Chi. There ! Oh, mammy, a young lady has sprained her ankle down the path Car. Whar she is? I don' run down an' see. (Starts.) Whit. I better go an' Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Chi. Stop ! Of all the lunatics. Mammy, run and bring out a easy-chair ! Daddy, get the camphor ! (To Sylvester, who is bustling round.) You stand still, will you? Terry, run down and help Harry. [Caroline and Whitsell exeunt to cottage. Ter. I will. \_Exit l. 3. Car. (rushes on). Which cheer yo' want, honey? Chi. Any one that's comfortable. Car. Yas-sum. (Starts to exit; runs into Whitsell.) Urn ! Ugh ! Whi. (coming from cottage). Can't find no camphor, Chippy, but here's the caster ile. Chi. Castor oil ? Ugh ! It makes me sick to look at it. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Whi. Anything else I can get ? Chi. Lord, no. You might bring the Bible and frying-pan next. I'll get the camphor. (Whitsell exits to cottage.) Say, you stay right where you are. Don't move. [Exit to cottage. THE LITTLE BOSS. O, Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. D-d-deuced f-f-ine girl, full of 1-1-life. (Caroline rushes to c. with chair ; Chip follows with cam- phor bottle.) Whi. {rushes on with bottle in one hand and bundle of herbs in the other). Here's some turpentine an' pennyr'yle. Car. Yo' pa's mighty fine han' wid sick fokes, honey. 'Deed he is. Chi. Ain't he? Ter. {enters l. 3.; throws down turkey). There's the burrud. Chi. That old thing ? Why, where' s the young lady and Harry ? Ter. They're comin'. Chi. Why didn't you stay and help him ? Ter. Oh, he's doin' quite well, I'm thinkin' ; he don't need any help. [Exit r. 3. Har. {enters l. 3, chatting pleasantly with Alice). Here we are, and the folks all at home. All Quite a rustic spot. Har. Allow me to introduce you, — Miss Wentworth, this is Mr. Whitsell and his daughter. (Alice bows.) Chi. Which one was it ? All Which one? I don't understand. Chi. Which leg did you sprain ? All {laughs). Neither, thank you. I saw Mr. Woodson coming. I intended stopping at your house, and, — oh, well, I knew how Mr. Sylvester would hurry to tell you I was coming, if he thought he could be of service to me. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Har. So you invented a sprained ankle. Mr. Sylvester hurried — met Terry here, and between them, you are prepared for an invalid. Whi. Reckon I'll take these things in the house? [Exit to cottage. Car. An' I don' tote back de cheer. Chi. No, mammy. Leave the chair for the lady. Car. Yes-sum. [Exit to cottage. Syl. G-g-good gracious ! I've lost my c-c-cigawette holder. Chi. What a pity. How you must suffer. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. 10 THE LITTLE BOSS. Chi. I will see no one suffer pain. I'll run down the path and look for it. \JBxit L. 3. Syl. If y-y-you don't o-o-object, Miss W-W-Wentworth, I'll g-g-go with her. All By all means do, Mr. Sylvester. Har. It must have been some distance down, Mr. Syl- vester. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. \_Exit l. 3. All You don't know how glad I am to see you, Mr. Woodson. Har. Are you indeed glad ? (Lydecker and Moses appear at back.) All Now, ain't you mean ? To seem to doubt my sincerity ? Mo. Stranchers ! Holy Moses ! they're after the lant. Lyd. Shut up, you fool, and listen. Har. It's been some time since we met. All Yes, you cruel man, and you surely can't blame me for it. Har. Um — not exactly All I should think not. Well, then, who is at fault? Har. I can't say that any one is, but All Stop. I'll not listen. I know what you are going to say — that my good fortune and so forth — I know. Pshaw, Harry Woodson, to think that you would feel that my having fallen heir to a fortune would make any difference in me. Har. Well, you see, Miss Wentworth All Don't be so chillingly formal. It used to be Alice and Harry. Har. I know, but All Of course you do, and ought to be punished. Come, now, down on your knees and sue for pardon. Har. I am certainly sorry that All You made a goose of yourself? There, that settles it. Now, bring that chair — no, let's sit on this bench. (They sit with backs to Moses and Lydecker.) Now, tell me all about it. What are you doing here? When did you come? How long are you going to stay ? How have you been ? and Har. Wait — wait ! One thing at a time. All Well, sir, begin with number one. What are you doing here? Har. I think I can answer all of your questions in a few THE LITTLE BOSS. II words. I'm in the Secret Service. There is a bad gang of counterfeiters somewhere in these old Tennessee mountains, and I've been sent here to locate them. Mo. {starts to go). A dedecdive ! I'm hybnotiset. Lyd. {catches him). Stop, you d d idiot. All Rather a dangerous undertaking. Har. Yes. But then our business is always so. I've only been here a few days, and I think I've found Mo. Sufferin' Moses, he's caught us ! Lyd. If you don't shut up, Moses will suffer. All I thought I heard a noise ? Har. It was in the house, I think. But you haven't said a word why 1 find you here among the hills. All So I haven't, but being a woman, my curiosity had to be satisfied first, of course. Now for yours. You see riches bring troubles. I had some money and didn't know just what to do with it by way of investment. Har. You are quite a business woman now. All Indeed I am, and chuck full of speculation. My bankers couldn't advise me just what to do — so I took forty thousand dollars, turned it into drafts, packed my trunk, and came to Tennessee, as they say gold has been discovered here, and that money can be made in lands. Har. And you are prospecting? All Yes. Ain't it funny? I made up my mind to see for myself — act for myself — and if I saw a good chance, to buy for myself. Har. So here you are. All Here I am — all by myself, with good stout shoes — lots of determination, and drafts for forty thousand dollars sewed up in my corset. Lyd. Forty thousand dollars ! Mo. Isn't it peautiful? Har. And if you find the right lands, you'll be a Tennes- see real estate owner ? All That's it, exactly. {They rise.) Lyd. Forty thousand dollars in sight ! Mo. Isn't it peautiful, Jackie? [Moses ^;^Lydecker exeunt r. 3. Chi. {enters l. 3, laughing, followed by Sylvester). Well, if you had as much trouble walking as you do talking, you'd be a cinch in a running match. Syl. W-w-wouldn't I, though? 12 THE LITTLE BOSS. Har. Did you find it ? Chi. Oh, no. Whoever thought you could ? All Oh, Mr. Woodson, I forgot to tell you, that Mr. Syl- vester is a friend of my father's. He is also looking for some mining property ; I met him, by accident, in Knoxville. Svl. Ah, y-y-yes. Chi. I don't want to be rude, but do, please, say "Ah, no," once in a while, for a change. Har. Well, as you are both looking for gold lands, I don't believe you will have to go far. This land right under our feet is said to be valuable. Chi. Who says so ? Humph ! Reckon they don't know. Why, it's nothing but rocks, and wouldn't raise punkin vines. Har. Probably not. But if what I hear is true, it will be worth a fortune to the man who owns it. Chi. Gosh ! That's good. Why dad can't even pay the interest on the mortgage. All And is it of value, really ? Har. Prospectors have been secretly at work here Chi. What's prospectors ? All Men who dig holes, here and there, to try to locate gold. Chi. Dig holes ? Now I know what them fellers was doin' down yonder, two weeks ago. I thought they was diggin' fish worms. Har. On your father's land ? Chi. Well, rather. But come down, I'll show you the place. Har. You may put your forty thousand right in the ground here. All Don't laugh. I'm in earnest. Har. And so am I. Chi. Come on, miss, and you, too, Harry. Excuse me, miss, for callin' him Harry, but I knowed him afore you did, I reckon. Har. Yes. We were neighbors years ago. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Chi. Say. If you do buy land, and settle round here, I'll move. {Picks up gun and exit l. ^followed by Harry, Alice, and Sylvester.) Lyd. {enters r. 3, followed by Moses). They're gone. There's no time to be lost, Mo. Mo. Ve musd sing the song quickly for Mr. Vitsell, ain't it ? THE LITTLE BOSS. 1 3 Lyd. Yes, there is no question about it. There's a fortune buried in this farm. We will pay him a bonus to-day, and he can make the deeds to-morrow. See if he is at home. Mo. {crossing to cottage). Suffering Rebecca, isn't it peau- tiful ? {Knocks on door. ) Car. {comes to door). Howdy; no, we doan wan' ter buy nothin' ter-day, sah. Mo. She dinks I'm a beddler, ain't it? Lyd. Auntie, we want to see Mr. Whitsell. Car. Yas, sir. Won' yo' all done come in ? Mo. No, my goot laty, ve vill enchoy de sunshine. Car. Luk hyar? I'se decent cullud 'ooman, I is. Doan yo' go pokin' no fun at me. [Exit to cottage. Lyd. Now you keep your tongue between your teeth, and let me work him. Mo. Put subbose he von't sell? Lyd. He will, if we pay enough. Mo. Put vere is all de money ? Lyd. You have five hundred with you, you told me ? Mo. Yes. Lyd. That will bind the bargain. You can dig up some more, I know, if that ain't enough. Besides, you heard that girl say she had forty thousand dollars about her? Mo. Apout her, put nod apout us, Jackie, tear. Lyd. No, but it will be about us, if we need it. We must keep watch over that woman and her forty thousand dollars. Ssh ! here comes Whitsell. Whi. {enters from cottage). Good-day, neighbors. What kiu I do fer ye ? Mo. {aside). Oh, he's a bigeon. Isn't it peautiful? Lyd. I'm looking around for a piece of high land, for a consumptive brother of mine. Do you want to sell this place ? Whi. Wal, now — sometimes I reckon I do, an' then agin I reckon I don't. Lyd. How many acres have you ? Whi. Wal, — urn — thar's 'bout one hundred and sixty less a fraction, nigh as I can calc'late. Lyd. What's it worth ? Whi. Wal, — urn — that de-pends on what you want it fer. Mo. {aside). De chay von't sell. Ditn't I said it? Lyd. What is it worth to you ? Whi. Wal — I kinder reckon 'tain't wuth much nohow. Lyd. How much? Come on — what's your price? 14 THE LITTLE BOSS. Whi. Wal, now, mister, I hain't got no price. Now ef Chippy wus here , Mo. (to Lydecker). Ton't vait for de girl, he'll nefer sell if you do. Lyd. Shut up. Mo. I'm a clam, ain't it? Whi. Or per'aps old mammy might have an idee. (At door of cottage. ,) Say, mammy ! Car. Wha' yo' all wan' wid mammy? Lyd. Mr. Whitsell said you were smart at figures, and might have an idea what this farm was worth. Car. 'Tain't wuth nuthin', dat's what 'tain't. Whi. Oh, yes, mammy, I calc'late 's wuth a little som'- thin'. Car. Who you all anyhow ? 'Sessor men what says erbout taxes ? Lyd. Oh, no. Car. Yas, yo' is. Dat's why yo' all wan' me to say 'bout de Ian'. 'Tain't wuf a cent. Whi. No, mammy, these men wanter buy the farm. Reckon we better wait fer Chippy ter come home. Come in an' set down. Lyd. I have an important engagement at the village, and must be going. Car. Yas, wha' you wan' ter wait fer dat chile fer? Wha' she know erbout Ian' anyhow ? Whi. Wal, mister, what'd ye calc'late ye'd pay ? That is, what'd ye take ef yew wus me ? Mo. (aside to Lydecker). Ovver him a huntert tollars. Lyd. I am willing to pay a fair price. What do you say to five thousand dollars ? Mo. (aside). Forty-nine huntert tollars drown avay for notting. Car. Whoo-e-e ! Dat's a heap o' money, hain't it? Whi. Yas' 'tis, but I reckon I won't sell the old place nohow. Mo. (aside to Lydecker). Vat dit I dold you ? Lyd. There's a mortgage on the place, isn't there? Whi. Tha's so. I didn't think o' that dad blamed old morgige, as has worritted the life outer me. Say? Wha' d'ye wan' this place fer, anyhow ? Lyd. For my consumptive brother, as I told you. Whi. Honest, is that all ? Lyd. That's all. THE LITTLE BOSS. 15 Whi. Then -I calc'late, ef you'll give me four thousand dollars right in my hand, an' pay thet dern'd morgige fer a thousan', ye can have her. Car. Fer yer 'sumtive brudder ? Lyd. Yes, of course. I'll tell you what we'll do, we will pay you five hundred dollars now, and the balance to-morrow when the deed is signed. Whi. All right. She's yourn on the terms I said. {Laughter heard outside.') Lyd. (to Moses). Quick ! some one is coming. Give him five hundred. (Scribbles receipt in note book.) Mo. I'fe got de money here, all fresh from te pank. Oh, Mr. Lytecker, vy to you drow avay such goot money on your brother, who's as goot as det now. (Counting money to Whit- sell.) Lyd. Just sign this little receipt to bind the bargain. All (enters l. 3, followed by Harry and Sylvester ; they are all laughing). She's too much for you, Mr. Sylvester. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. F-f-funny to see her r-r-run back to catch that c-c-calf. Har. Hope we don't intrude, Mr. Whitsell ? Whi. Oh, no. I've jus' bin sellin* my farm. Har. Selling your farm ? Impossible. Whi. Yas, sir, sold the farm outright. (Chippy appears at back). Whar's that bit o' paper ye wanted me ter sign ? Lyd. Here it is, and my pen. Chi. (rushing down between them). Hold on, dad. Who's sold the farm ? And who's bought it ? Whi. I sold it, Chippy, an' - Lyd. And I — John Lydecker — bought it. Chi. But you haven't got it, and you can't have it. Whi. But, Chippy, I've got this much money on it frum him. (Points to Moses.) Chi. (snatching money). Then give it back to him. {Throws money in Moses' face.) Mo. (scrambling for money). Put ve pought de lant — vair ant sqvare. Ve'll haf de law Chi. (cocking gun). Ye will, hey? Now you two make tracks, fer on this farm I am the law and the gospel too. (Presents gun.) CURTAIN. ACT II. SCENE. — Alice Wentworth's apartment at City Hotel, Pushville, Tenn. Plain Chamber in 3. Doors c. and R. and l. 2. Plain furniture. Supposed to be a sitting- Ann (discovered, putting room in order). I can't see, for the life of me, the good of living if you're poor. But I intend to live, and what's more, I don't intend to be poor. Look at this Miss Wentworth, with all her fine clothes — ain't I as good looking as she is? But then I am a chambermaid at the City- Hotel, and she's the fine lady, if you please. Humph. All (enters l. 2). Are you almost through, chamber- maid ? Ann. Yes, miss, entirely through. Is there anything else you want ? All Not now. I am going out presently, then you can tidy up my bedroom a bit. Ann. Yes, ma'am. (Aside.) I'm just as good as her any day. [Exit r. 2. All Now, for my letters. (Sits at table c. Knock c. d.) Come. Har. (opening door). It's rather early for a call, but this is purely one of business. All So you only come on. account of business ? Thank you, Sir Gallant. (Pises.) Har. No, it isn't that, but this is important. All And you don't consider a friendly call of any impor- tance? Come in. Let me take your hat. (Goes to him.) Har. Oh, no. I haven't a moment to stay. All Oh, yes you have, several of them. Now, come — be real nice, and sit down like a good fellow. What's on your mind ? Har. Lots. All Good. Now tell it all to me. Har. Everything ? All Yes, sir, everything. Har. I wish I could. 16 THE LITTLE BOSS. 1 7 All That's a brave speech for a daring Secret Service man who hopes to win fame, catching bold, bad counterfeiters. Afraid of a woman. Har. Yes, I know, but you see men All Are easier to catch than women. (Laughs.) That's what you wanted to say. Har. Not exactly, but something like it. You see, a fel- low may be as brave as a lion among men, but frightened to death at a woman. All And I am a horrid bugaboo of a woman ? Har. Indeed you are. All What? Har. No, I don't mean that — I mean you are just the best woman I ever knew, and All Well? Har. Alice, did you really mean it yesterday, when you said you were glad to see me, and that money hadn't changed you? All (giving him her hand). You should know me better than to ask. Har. I'm so glad — you don't know how glad — for I really, and truly (Knock at door.) All Oh, pshaw ! Come. Ann (enter c. d. with card). The gentleman is waiting, ma'am. All Tell him I'm engaged. Do you know him, Harry? (Shows card. Ann bows and starts to exit.) Har. I think so. (To Ann.) Wait. (Aside to Alice.) I am very anxious to study this fellow. Let him come up — listen to him — humor him. All Certainly, if you wish it. (To Ann.) Show the gentleman up. Ann. Yes, ma'am. [Exit c. d. Har. I have every reason to suspect that this is one of my men. May I just step in that room, and close the door? All Certainly, but I warn you — the room is in fearful dis- order. (Knock c. d.) Har. Never mind the room. [Exit l. 2. All Come in. (Ann opens door, ushers in Moses and exit.) Mo. I drust I haf de distinguishet honor of powing low to the peautiful vasinating Miss Ventvorth ? 1 8 THE LITTLE BOSS. All I am Miss Wentworth, sir. Mo. I'm hybnotiset vid telight, my tear Miss Ventvorth — I am, pelieve me. All Won't you be seated, sir? Mo. Oh, Miss Ventvorth, how could I pe so fulgar, as do zit in your bresence ? All You are Mr. Simons ? Mo. Moses Finklestein Simonts, commission proker, ant Infestor's Achent, my tear Miss Ventvorth — Infestor's Achent, Miss Ventvorth. Dot's vy I make my gall. All Indeed ? Mo. Yes, Miss Ventvorth. I haf hert you haf a vew huntert tollars to infest in lant. All (laughs). A few hundred ? Oh, if I can find the right lands, I'll invest several thousands. Mo. Dousands ? Oh, isn't it peautiful? To you vish farm lants or mining broberdies ? All Gold lands. And as I will pay cash Mo. Oh ! All Sir? Mo. Oxcuse me, my tear Miss Ventvorth, put I haf heart tisease. Oh, you will bay cash ? Isn't it peautiful ? I've just the blace you vant — just the blace, put it dakes a lot of money, Miss Ventvorth. All How much ? Mo. Oh, Miss Ventvorth, this is the richest golt lant in Dennessee, put dey vant so much money. Dink of it — forty dousant tollars ! Put id is vorth vifty dousant, my tear Miss Ventvorth, it is, pelieve me. All If the property is what you say, I'll look at it, and if I like it, buy it. Mo. Oxcuse me, Miss Ventvorth, oxcuse me — dot's vy I callt. Do ask you if you vould only look at the lant. (Takes out large pocketbook, lays it on table, after taking map out of it.) Isn't dot a peautiful map. Dot's de broberty. All I can't tell anything from a map. I'll look at the land itself. Mo. Ven vill you to it, my tear Miss Ventvorth, say ven, Miss Ventvorth? All To-day, this afternoon. Mo. Oh, Miss Ventvorth, I am so habby do pe your slafe. All I will call at your office. THE LITTLE BOSS. 1 9 Mo. Oh, Miss Ventvorth. Oxcuse me. I'll sent a car- riage do de hodel for you, my tear Miss Ventvorth — say at dree o'glock? All That will be satisfactory. Mo. You sait cash money, Miss Ventvorth? Isn't id peautiful ? I bit you goot-morning, my tear Miss Ventvorth — goot-morning. {Botvs out c. d.) Har. {enters l. 2, imitating Moses). Isn't it peautiful? I notice he has left his pocketbook — pardon my professional curiosity. {Opens pocketbook, takes out notes?) I was right. Coney every one of them. That's one of my men. I'll just keep these as evidence. {Pockets notes.) All You don't mean ? Har. Yes, I do. That gentleman is one of my counter- feiters. I'll shadow him. All And he was so polite. Lucky I didn't go with him to look at the land. Har. Just the thing you must do, to help me. I must work up this case, and catch the others. All Do you really mean I must go with that horrid counterfeiter ? Har. I certainly do. But I don't like the idea of your making these tours alone, so I have taken it upon myself to hire a strong honest Irishman named Donovan — the one you met at Whitsell's yesterday — to accompany you. I will be too busy, and besides I mustn't appear too much in evidence. All Then I must really go ? Har. Yes. Donovan will be here, to report to you shortly. All You are very thoughtful, Harry. Har. No more than any man should be for — for All Yes ? Har. Say, I've got to go now. If I drop in to-night and finish what I was saying when your " Infestor's Achent " calied, {picks up his hat ; at C. d.) what do you think you would say ? All I don't think — I know. Har. You do? If I told you the whole story — then — you would say ? All Do you mean everything you have on your mind ? Har. Yes. All Then that would be my answer. {Kisses her hand to him ; runs off l. 2.) 20 THE LITTLE BOSS. Har! Harry Woodson, you are the happiest man in the State of Tennessee this minute. [Exit c. d. All (enters l. 2 with hat and wrap). He's gone — the dear old boy. I don't care — I just couldn't help making him say it. (Rings bell on table. Ann, enters c. d). Ann, I am going out. If any one calls, say that I am out on business, and ask them to wait. [Exit c. d. Ann. If I only had her money. Oh, dear, it's a crime to be poor. (Knock at c. d. ; she opens it.) Ter. Good-morning to ye, miss. Ann. Well ? Ter. I'm the man, darlin'. Ann. I see you're a man. What of it ? Ter. Pfvvat of it? Didn't Mr. Woodson tell yees? Ann. I don't know such a person. Ter. Worse luck to ye. Do ye mane he didn't tell ye? Ann. I've told you I don't know him. Ter. Ye did. Ann. And I've been told nothing. Ter. Do ye b'long in the place? Ann. I do. Ter. Thin Miss Wintworth shud give ye warnin', fer yer timper. Ann. Miss Wentworth has nothing to do with me. Ter. She hasn't, now? Well! well! I was thinkin' ye was her gurrul, darlin'. Ann. Don't be so familiar. I belong in this hotel, and look after these rooms. Ter. Oh, ho ! That's the milk in the cocynut. Do ye mind spakin' wid Miss Wintworth, an' tellin' her Mr. Dono- van's come. . Ann. Miss Wentworth is out. Ter. She is, now ? Ann. She said if any one called, they could wait. Ter. I'll do it. (Starts to sit.) Ann. You can wait in the office downstairs. Ter. I can that same. Axin' yer pardin, Miss Stuck-up- in-the-air, or I kin wait in the road, or fly away to the moon — who knows ? [Exit c. d. Ann. Such impertinence, all because I am poor, and have to work. (Goes up to c. d., opens it and meets Lydecker.) Jack! Lyd. What are you doing here ? THE LITTLE BOSS. 21 Ann. Oh, Jack, I couldn't help it. I had to work. Lyd. That don't answer my question. What are you doing here? Ann. Why, Jack, I told you I had to go out to work. You wouldn't give me any money, or help me. So I had to take this place as chambermaid in the hotel. Lyd. Do you work here now ? Ann. Yes. Lyd. Isn't this Miss Wentworth's room ? Ann. Oh, Jack, you haven't come to see her just because she's rich? Lyd. That's just why I have come. Ann. You don't love her, do you, Jack ? Lyd. Love her? Bah ! I don't love anybody. Ann. Not even me ? Oh, Jack, you said you did. Lyd. {laughs'). Oh, well, that was some time ago. Where's this Miss Wentworth ? Ann. (crying). She's gone out. Lyd. Has, hey? Then I'll go myself. Hold on — what did you say you did here ? Ann. I'm the chambermaid. Lyd. 'Tend to these rooms, do you? Ann. Yes. Lyd. Now stop your sniveling, and crying. I've got an idea. I was just bluffing to see if you really did love me. Ann. And you do care for me, Jack ? Lyd. Of course I do. I'll kiss you in a minute. Look here, how would you like a lot of money ? Ann. Better than anything but you, dear. Lyd. Then listen. This woman Wentworth has got a pile, and it's in cash, too. Ann. Yes, I know. I listened at the door, when Moses Simons was here. Lyd. Has that d d Sheeny been here ? Ann. Yes, just a little while ago. He is going to sell her some land, and she said she would pay cash for it. Lyd. D n him, he's trying to throw me; but I'll do him and her too. Where'd you say she'd gone? Ann. Gone out, but she said if any one called to see her, to tell them to wait. Lyd. Well, I want to see her, so I'll wait. Now I tell you — help me get hold of her money, and I don't mind giving you, say — a hundred dollars. 22 THE LITTLE BOSS. Ann. What am I to do, Jack ? Ter. {outside). That's the dure, Miss , I'll not go in meself, I might meet that Miss Fly-away-high agin. Chi. All right, Terry. I'll have a shy at her myself. Lyd. Hush, some one is coming. Say nothing — the hun- dred's yours, if you help me. Chi. (at door). Hello ! I'm looking for Miss Went worth. I've been in half a dozen rooms down the hall. Gosh ! if it isn't the land buyer. Lyd. How do you do ? Fine day. Chi. Reckon it is. Haven't noticed. Been too denied mad. Lyd. Indeed? (To Ann.) You needn't wait; Miss Wentworth will soon be in, I'm certain. Ann. Thank you, sir. [Exit c. d. Chi. Hope she will. I'm just bilin' over. Lyd. I trust there's nothing serious, miss. Chi. Don't Miss me. I'm just Chip — Chip Whitsell — no account, just like my dad. Lyd. Ah, I remember you. Chi. Yes, and I remember you, too. Gosh ! but I'm mad. Lyd. Not at me, I hope ? Chi. No, not exactly ; but say, did you ever have a denied fool old dad ? Lyd. Why, I ' Chi. No, I suppose ye didn't. You're too smart to have a dad with no more sense than a grasshopper. Lyd. If you are angry about that land deal Chi. That's it. You hit the bull's eye square. Lyd. Oh, that's all over, you know. Of course, when I found you objected Chi. Oh, yes, I know — you pulled in your horns, that is what I call it. But dad's worse than ever. He's just pestered the life out o' me ever since yesterday. Lyd. That's too bad. Chi. Yes, sir. Bound to sell the land or bust.* Denied old woodchuck. I call him a woodchuck, mister, 'cause they got the least sense o' anything in the world. Lyd. You don't say? Chi. W r ell, he's just bustin' to sell the land, and wouldn't give me no rest 'til I come over to see Miss Wentworth, if she'd buy it. Lyd. Do you want to sell? THE 'LITTLE BOSS. 23 Chi. Now don't you get frisky. You can't buy it with your measly old five thousand dollars. If the farm's got to go, I'll get money fer it, ye can bet yer eyelashes on that. Car. (outside). Whar' dat chile is? Good Lawd, diswurl done turn sum' set sence yisterday. Chi. Dern me, if mammy hasn't follered me. {Goes to c. D.) Car. (at c. d.). Dar yo' is. I don' knowed yo' was hyar 'long this lane somewhar's. Chi. Come in here. What ever made you come trapseing along after me, anyway ? Car. (in door). 'Tain't no use to go an' git huffy at yo' po' ole mammy, dat's don' bring yo' up fum weenty-teenty little baby so big. Dat's what 'tain't. Chi. Who's huffy at you, mammy? I ain't, and you know it, but dad's such an all-fired e-diot. Car. Reckon dat's what he is, honey. 'Kase he don' pester de life outer me arter yo' go away. He say he mus' come, an' he say I mus' come wid um. Chi. I'm glad my dad ain't twins. Car. Yas, sir. An' he fuss an' fuss, an' bimeby I hat ter say I'd come wid 'im. Chi. Well, didn't he come ? Car. 'Cose he did. Chi. Where is he ? Car. He's down in de road. He say, mammy, yo' don' go fine her fus', an' jus' wodden' budge er step, but jus' stick to hit I mus' come in de hous' an' fine you. Chi. Just like a mule, mister. That's what he is. Car. He was wusser dan a mule, I tell ye. Chi. Well, go bring him up. We got to wait fer Miss Went worth, now we're here. Car. Yas-sum. \_Exit c. d. Lyd. It's a big job to sell a farm, ain't it ? Chi. No. Sellin' the farm's nothin'. It's havin' a daddy that bothers me. Car. (outside). She right down dis-away. Whi. (outside). Did she sell it yet ? Car. Doan' reckon she did. (Caroline and Whitsell at c. D.) Chi. Well, you're here ? Whi. Yes, Chippy. Hain't ye glad? 24 THE LITTLE BOSS. Chi. Tickled to death. Whi. Why, Chippy, this is the man that wanted* ter buy the farm yisterday. Howdy, neighbor. Fine day. Lyd. {shakes hands). Yes, very fine. Chi. Well, sit down — all of you. We've got to wait. (All sit but Chippy.) Lyd. I suppose you have got your price fixed on the land ? Chi. Well, dad ain't exactly settled in his mind. Said to ask ten thousand dollars; if I couldn't get that, to take nine; if she wouldn't give that to take eight, and to let the thing go fer seven thousand dollars, if I couldn't get any more ; but I want to tell you right now. I've made up my mind that the farm don't go fer less than twenty-five thousand dollars, dad er no dad. Whi. Chippy's kinder good at figgers, neighbor. Lyd. So it seems. Here is a deck of cards. What do you say to a little social game while we are waiting ? Whi. Wal, I calc'late I hain't much at keerds. I play old sledge now an' then. An' me an' Chippy plays muggins, an' now an' agin a game o' euchre. Lyd. Then we'll have a little game of euchre. Cut for deal. {They play cards.) Ann {shows Sylvester to door). This is her room, sir. Chi. There's " Ah, y-y-yes," by Jimminy. Howdy? Syl. Why h-h-how are you ? D-d-d-d Chi. Delighted to see me. I know. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Chi. Say, don't begin that again, or I'll have a fit. I'm half wild, now. Syl. Ah, n-n-no. Chi. {grabs his hand). Good, you've changed your luck ; thank you, that's great. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Whi. Jerusha ! When I was in the army and played poker Lyd. Then you do play poker ? Whi. Use ter, some. Syl. I was 1-1-looking for Miss W-W-Wentworth. Chi. Needn't look. She's out. Syl. Ah ! Chi. Don't say it, I'll go on. She will be back after while. Any one that calls is to wait — you called — you wait. Syl. D-d-delighted to w-w-wait with y-y-ou. THE LITTLE BOSS. 25 Chi. Say, if you'll promise not to talk — tell you what I'll do. I'll sing you a song. {Specialty.') Lyd. That was excellent. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Car. Lawdy ! but I'se gettin' tired. {Dozes off.) Whi. Jemimah ! If we wus playin' poker, now, I'd bet my pile on that hand. Lyd. I don't believe you would dare. Whi. Ye don't, hey? By gum, there's two dollars I've got the best poker hand. Lyd. (takes out roll of counterfeit bills). There's ten bet- ter you haven't. Whi. That don't skeer me, neighbor. Not a bit. ( Goes in pocket and takes out ba% of coin.) There's yer ten, an' there's a twenty dollar gold piece I hev got the best hand. Do ye flop ? Lyd. Hardly. (During the above he has slipped two cards from his sleeve, and discarded two.) I like a little excite- ment. I'll raise ye a hundred — yes, I'll try your nerve — I'll make it two hundred. (Chip and Sylvester at back of table.) Chi. Don't you take a bluff, daddy. We didn't come here fer this, but don't take water. Whi. I hain't got no more money about me. Chi. Good Lord ! You've got to lay down. Lyd. Then I'll take the money. Syl. W-w-wait. I g-g-got two hundred dollars. (Hands money.) S-s-see what he's g-g-got. Chi. Stay with him, daddy. Don't lay down, or I don't sell the farm. Whi. There's your two hundred, and I'll bet the farm at a thousand Lyd. There's an even thousand dollars in that package. What have you got ? Whi. Three aces. Lyd. Sorry for you. There's three kings and a pair of fives — I win fairly. Chi. Oh, no, you don't. Lyd. Who says' so ? Why ? Chi. ( two revolvers on him). I do — 'cause dad's got a pair o' sixes besides. CURTAIN. ACT III. SCENE i. — Landscape in i. Ter. {enters R.). Be the powers, Terry, ye are a man ov importince. If ye kape on ye' 11 be prisident of these United States of America, wan of these fine days, and it's a fine prisi- dent ye'll be makin'. (Struts about. .) Sure, I'd say to thim sinitors, " Here, now, make thim laws up, an' don't be soldierin' at yer work ; don't ye see I'm lukin' at ye ? " Chi. {enters l.). Hello, Terry, have you seen Harry Wood- son? Ter. Have I seen Mr. Woodson ? I have that. Chi. When ? Where ? Tell me quick ; I must find him. Ter. Which do ye want to know first ? When I saw Mr. W T oodson, or where I saw the gentleman ? Chi. Both. Be quick, can't you ? Ter. I can. Sure there's not a man in the county can be quicker than I can. Chi. Will you tell me what I ask you ? Ter. I will, indade. Have I refused to do it ? Chi. No. Ter. Thin I'll tell ye. Chi. Be quick about it. I am in an awful hurry. Ter. And ain't I that same? Let me see, ye axed me had I seen Mr. Woodson. I have. Chi. When ? Ter. Yisterday mornin', at yure house. Chi. Terry, you're an e-diot. Ter. I am ? Chi. Yes, you are. Don't you suppose I knew all the time you saw him yesterday ? Ter. Uv coorse I do, but I thought ye wanted to prove it by me. There, I can't be palaverin' wid ye, I must run along. Miss Wintworth '11 be lukin' fer me. Do ye remimber owld Sammy Miggles, that lived alone, down by Bryan's Rock ? Chi. Yes, I know him well. Ter. Well, ye won't know him long, thin, unless ye go to the other wurruld. Chi. Is he dead ? 26 THE LITTLE BOSS. 27 Ter. No, but he's awful sick. Good-bye — I'm off. Chi. If you see Harry Woodson Ter. I suppose I'll get abused fer tellin' ye about it. [Exit l. Chi. Now, I don't know what to do. That land buyer got out so quicv he forgot some of his money this morning, and I just picked it up, but I don't want to keep it unless I won it fair. Dad he reckons he don't know 'bout it. Mammy she was asleep, and the day of judgment would get round be- fore that stutterin' feller could tell what he thinks. I got to see Harry Woodson. (Starts r.; meets Harry.) Har. {enters r.). Ah, Chip, you seem in a hurry? Chi. Say, where did you come from ? I've been looking all over for you. Har. I just come Chi. Never mind — that's all right. You're here, that's all I want to know. Say, if you was playin' a game of poker Har. But I never play poker. Chi. I didn't say you did, smarty ! I said if you was playin' a game of poker, and the other feller sneaked two cards out of his sleeve, and didn't have as good a hand as you did until he sneaked them cards, what would you do ? Har. I should object Chi. That ain't what I mean. Any old fool would object. What would you do about the money ? Har. That depends. Chi. Look here ! See that money. {Shows bills.') Har. {looking at bills'). Is this the money you are talking about ? Chi. That's it. Har. Then I shouldn't worry about it a minute. It isn't worth it. Chi. I don't see why ? I want to know whether I shall keep it ? Har. No. Chi. Why not ? Har. Because it's counterfeit. Where did you get it ? Chi. That settles it. Dad's a bigger fool than I thought. Har. He hasn't been dealing in this stuff? Chi. Lord, no ! But he just put up his farm agin it in a gnme of draw. Bettin' the farm agin counterfeit money ! Say, if we don't sell that farm, we'll be in jail, or mebbe get hung. 28 THE LITTLE BOSS. Har. Where did you get this? Chi. Didn't I just tell you? Dad bet the farm agin it with that land buyer, that was at our house yesterday. Har. John Lydecker? Chi. That's the man. Har. Then I am right. Chip, you must help me. Chi. Lick that fool dad o' mine ? Har. No, catch these counterfeiters. Listen. I have found out they have a meeting place down near Bryan's Rock. An old fellow named Higgles has charge of it. I've evidence enough now to arrest both Lydecker and Simons, but I want to catch them at work, and get the plates. Chi. Old Higgles don't eat off plates — he's too stingy; he uses tin pans — they won't break. Har. No, you do not understand. Chi. I know dad bet the farm, anyhow. Har. That's all right, but I want the plates these notes were made from. Come, you must go down to that place with me. Chi. Want me to go with you down to old Higgleses ? Har. Yes, and we must be cautious, not to be recognized. Chi. Why old Sammy Higgles 'd know me in a minute. There ain't a girl round here he knows any better than me. Har. I have it. He knows you as a girl, but not as a boy. You shall go as a boy. Chi. What, me? Well, I suppose it's all right, but I have no — no (Points to legs.) Har. Never mind the clothes. I'll fix all that. Come. (Starts l.) Chi. All right. I'll help you get their plates, or cups and saucers, or anything, but, don't you say a word to dad, 'cause he don't know enough to water a goose. \_They exeunt l. SCENE 2. — Dark wood hi 4. Hut rou^h, but strong look- ing, half across stage 2 to 3. Door in hut r. with prac- tical lock. Side of hut to audience to be painted scrim. Lyd. {enters l. i). I'll bring that Hebrew to terms, or my name's not Black Jack. Oh, ho ! I thought my message would fetch him. (Hoses enters l. 3.) Well? Ho. Ah, Jackie tear, you see how qvkk I come, ain't it? Ant I hat an encagement vith a laty, doo. Lyd. What an infernally gay dog you are. Mo. Ain't I peautiful ? Put Jackie, dis vas pisness. THE LITTLE BOSS. 20, Lyd. Am I in on it ? Mo. Vy, Jackie, tear poy, how can you tout me? Id preaks my heart. Lyd. Stop your cant. You deal squarely with me, and don't try any side cuts, or I'll do worse than break your heart —I'll break your head. Mo. Vy, Jackie, you hybnodise me. Vat to you mean ? Lyd. What have you been trying to do on the sly with this Wentworth woman ? Mo. No, not on the sly, Jackie. Tidn't I dold you, I hat an encagement? Tidn't I hurry here do dell you all apout id ? How can you pe so gruel, ven you know I haf heart tis- ease? Lyd. Well, what's the game ? I guess you are trying to do the right thing. Mo. Dot's peautiful of you, Jackie, peautiful. I've vixed an eighteen carat, all-vool-ant-a-yart-vite scheme. Oh, it's peautiful. Lyd. Out with it. Mo. {takes out letter, fancy colored stationery). See dot, Jackie, ain't id peautiful ? Smell id, Jackie, aind dot a peau- tiful liddle ledder, such a berfume. Lyd. What d d nonsense is this? What do I want to go smelling letters for? I've no time for such idiocy. Mo. Oh, Jackie, ton't say dot. {Goes to hut and looks about.) Dake another smell, Jackie. Oh, id's peautiful — dere's an odor of forty thousand dollars apout id. Lyd. What do you mean ? Mo. Tidn't I said id? Miss Ventvorth, the sharming peautiful younk vooman — oxcuse me, Jackie, younk laty. Lyd. Well, what of her? Mo. Vait, Jackie. {Smells letter.) Oh id's such a peau- tiful itea. Lyd. {catching him by collar). If you don't stop this mon- key business, and tell me what you mean, I'll shake your clothes off. Mo. Ton't to id, Jackie — ton't to id. Dis suit cost me three forty-nine ad a fire sale. Ton't shake so hart, you gif me a shill. Lyd. Then talk sense. What do you mean ? Mo. Veil, in the first blace, ve vill divite de forty thousand dollars equally, Jackie, after my oxbenses are baid, ain't id ? Lyd. Expenses ? 30 THE LITTLE BOSS. Mo. Yes, Jackie. I hat do puy dis new suit, tidn»'t I dold you, do gall on Miss Ventvorth ; then I'fe baid for a carritche. Lyd. All right. Go on. Mo. Miss Ventvorth is lofely — such a vine younk laty. She is do co vith me do look ad some iant do-day. Ain't id peautiful ? Lyd. I begin to see. You get her in a nice lonely place, and then you'll rob her of the forty thousand dollars. Mo. Oh, ton't say you'll, Jackie — say ve'll. Ve'll, nod you'll, Jackie. Say veil oxchanche some goot adfise for de fordy dousand. Lyd. But what has that letter to do with it ? Mo. Ah, dot is a node from de peautiful Miss Ventvorth saying, vould I sent de carritche ad vour o'glock instead of dree. [Shows note.} See her peautiful name? Lyd. {looks at note). "Yours, Alice Wentworth." I'll keep this for the present. {Pockets note.') Now, what's the scheme ? Mo. A peautiful itea, Jackie — so peautiful. Ve ged de younk laty town here, do dis nice quiet blace. De younk laty vaints, mebbe, ven ve vant her peautiful money. Den ve bud her quiedly in dis nice liddle house, ve light a liddle vuse, dot runs do a keg o' powder in de house. Lyd. But there isn't any powder or fuse here? Mo. Dot's gospel druth, so helb me. Put, Jackie, tear, dere's lods in de Rock canyon bowder house, ain't id? Lyd. That's so. I never thought of that. Mo. De liddle vuse is lighded — ve dake a quick valk — de younk laty vont know anything apout id — viss — viss goes de vuse, den pang goes der bowder, antvere'sde effidenceacains't us? Isn't id peautiful — de boor younk laty gommitted suicide. {Cries.) Lyd. What are you crying for? Mo. I'm crying to think she should have killed herself. Lyd. Mo, you're all right. I didn't think you had the nerve to commit murder. Mo. Oh ! Oh ! Lyd. What's the matter? Mo. Ton't say murter, Jackie, ton't. I'fe god heart tis- ease. Id isn't murter do lide a liddle pit of a vuse, ant valk avay is id ? Lyd. Oh, no. But come, we are fooling away our time. Stop, old Miggles may give us some trouble. THE LITTLE BOSS. 3 1 Mo. Oh, no, Jackie, he's sick. He sent me de key do de hud. I'll unlock id. (Goes to hut.) Ve musd leaf id oben, so de peautiful younk laty vont susbect. Lyd. Moses, you're a wonder. You get the girl, and I'll get the powder and fuse. But how do I get in the powder house ? Mo. De key is unter de steb, Jackie. Unter de bowder house steb. I saw de man locking id yesterday. Lyd. All right, I'll get the powder and fuse. This is a big trick, Mo, if we can only turn it. But are you sure she has the money ? Mo. Tidn't you heart her sait yesterday, she hat id sewt ub in her gorsed ? Oh, isn't id peautiful ? Lyd. Then everything is understood ? Mo. I'me do meed de peautiful younk laty ad Villed's cross roads. Lyd. I'll be waiting for you, when you get here, with everything prepared for business. \_Exit r. 3. Mo. Now, I'll co for de peautiful younk laty. [Exit l. 3. Har. {enters r. 2, with Chip who is in boy's clothes). Ah, ha ! They are up to some mischief. We are just in time. Chi. Gosh ! I think we're just too late. They're both gone. Har. Patience, my dear girl. Patience. We must watch them. You say that's the shanty ? Chi. That's it, and I'll bet a dollar that's where they hatch up all their devilment. Har. Then that's our trap. They will come back, and we must catch them red-handed and 'at work, mind. Chi. Right smack in the house, hey, grindin' out this kind o' money? (Shows bills.) Har. That's the idea ; but we will need help. Donovan is big and strong — find him, and bring him here. I'll follow this fellow, and see what he is up to. (Points r.) But re- member, we must catch them in the house, and at work, to make sure of the plates. Chi. All right, I'll remember. And when we do catch them, we'll break up their whole chiny closet. Got a gun ? Har. I am always armed, but you? Chi. Ain't heeled ? Now, what do you take me for ? Didn't I tell you I'd been selling our farm? Har. (laughs). So you did. Remember, catch them in the house at work. {Exit r. 3. 32 THE LITTLE BOSS. Chi. I'm a regular sure enough detective. This, beats sellin' a farm, but I can't boss this job like I can that one. Oh, well, here goes for Donovan. Then to catch the counter- feiter men, and their dishes. \_Exit l. i. Svl. {enters l. 3 with Whitsell, both made up as near like Moses and Lydecker as possible). D-d-deuced lonesome p-p-place. Whi. I calc'late 'tis a little sorter quiet like. Hope mammy don't tell Chippy that I sent her home, an' come off with you, er Chippy'd be follerin' me up. Syl. She's d-d-deuced s-s-smart. Whi. Who, mammy? No, she hain't. Syl. N-n-no, your d-d-daughter. Whi. Oh, Chippy ? Reckon she is, but then she com' by it hones'ly. I hain't no slouch meself when it comes to smart. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Whi. An' Tm ded set ter ketch that ar land man. Syl. You're s-s-sure this is the p-p-place? Whi. Wal, I calc'late I've seen him roun' hyar. Let's look in the house. Dern him, I'd jus' like ter take a fall outer that feller, an' his bogus money. {Starts to hut.) Syl. W-w-wait. Are y-y-you armed ? Whi. Me ? No, are you ? Syl. N-n-o. Besides it's t-t-too 1-1-light yet. W-w-wait 'til it gets darker. Whi. That's a derned good idee, mister, not thet I'm afeered. I'd face a regiment if they all had guns. No livin' bein' could make me knuckle. Syl. I k-k-know you're a b-b-brave man. B-b-but don't let's r-r-run any r-risks. Whi. Calc'late yer right, but jus' let me get er sight o' one uv them bogus 'bill men. I'll show them what fight is, by gum. Syl. {pointing r. ). W-w-where does that p-p-path lead to? Whi. That goes down t'ward Si Pilchard's hill paster. Syl. L-1-let's look the g-g-ground over. Whi. All right. Come on. ( Crosses.) But I'm jus' akin' ter ketch up with one uv them fellers in that shack over there. {They exeunt r. i ; stage grows gradually dark. All {enters l. 3, followed by Moses). I'm afraid we started too late, Mr. Simons. It's growing dark. Mo. Dot's only a clout ofer de sun, my tear Miss Vent- THE LITTLE BOSS. 33 vorth, only a clout. {Aside.) I vonder has Jackie got de bovvder ? All Rather a heavy cloud. However, you said this was part of the land ? ( Crosses to r.) Mo. Yes, Miss Ventvorth, isn't it peautiful, an' joost town de; e (pointing r. 3), is vere dey mate deir virst obening on der broberdy. All Yes, I see some little mounds of earth, just below. Mo. Aind dey peautiful, Miss Ventvorth, led me show you. [They exeunt r. 3. Lyd. (e filers r. 2 with powder keg and fuse ; watching off r. 3). He's caught the bird. (Laughs.) I might say the golden bird. Now to hide this material, and wait develop- ments. (Crosses up behind hut.) All (enters r. 3, followed by Moses). It's all very nice, Mr. Simons Mo. Aind id peautiful, Miss Ventvorth ? All But this is a transaction involving considerable money. I can't decide hastily — to-morrow. Mo. Oh, Miss Ventvorth. Ton't drow avay sooch a peau- tiful shance. All I certainly shall not, but it's rapidly growing dark. I will return to the carriage, and think the matter over to-night. Mo. (aside). She's running avay vid our money. (Sees Lydecker, who motions him from behind hut.) Put ve musd seddle dis pisnis do-night. All I can see no hurry. Besides it's growing late — the place is dark and lonesome. Mo. .Put see vat a peautiful cane I haf, Miss Ventvorth. I will brodecd you. All I can protect myself, thank you. Come. Mo. You mustn't go ? my tear Miss Ventvorth. All (turns to him quickly). And why not ? Lyd. (seizing her from behind). Because you have money and we want it. All (screams). Help ! Help ! Thieves ! Lyd. (hand over her mouth ; she struggles). Stop that d d noise, you infernal cat ! Lay hold there, Mo. Mo. (with bottle and handkerchief ). Oh, you don't know how she kicks, Jackie. There ! (Slaps handkerchief over Alice's face ; she gradually sinks to ground.) A liddle chloroform, Jackie, is so soothing do a female vooman. Isn't id peautiful ? 34 THE LITTLE BOSS. Lyd. The powder and fuse are there behind the hutr Fix them quick, while I look after the money. {Stoops over Alice ; fumbles with dress.') Mo. I ton't abbrofe of laties using bowder, except in a gase like dot. {Crosses behind hut.) Lyd. The devil. A woman can hide a thing in her clothes to defy — ah, here we are. {Pulls out drafts.) One — two- three Har. {enters l. 3, hurriedly). I thought I heard a woman scream. Ah, ha ! {Down quickly behind Lydecker.) Lyd. Quite a neat haul. {Pockets drafts.) Quite neat. Har. {revolver in his face). Ain't it? Lyd. Hell ! Mo. {sneaks round to front of hut). De dedecdife, an' I can't run avay. Har. You miserable cur. Lyd. My sister has fainted. Har. Your sister, hey ? Throw up your hands. I want you, Mr. John Lydecker. Lyd. {throwing tip hands). This is tough. To be robbed, just as your sister has fainted. Har. I'll attend to your sister. {Snaps handcujf on Ly- decker' s right wrist ; as he does so Alice groans ; he turns quickly, kneels over her. ) My God ! It's Alice ! Alice ! Alice, dear ! Speak to me — it's Harry ! Mo. {has sneaked from behind house up behind Harry ; hits him on head with cane. Harry starts up, drops pistol ; Moses hits him again ; he falls, fust as Lydecker is about to strike him with the handcuff.) Ton't hid a man ven he's town, Jackie — vight vair alvays. Lyd. By God, that was a narrow escape. That fell5w is on to us — he has followed us to the place yonder. Mo. Led's bud dem poth in de hud — den vizz ! poom ! Ah ! Jackie. Lyd. It won't do. He evidently had his plans laid to pinch us. This place is under suspicion. Mo. Ve can't leaf de peautiful younk laty ant her loffer here? Lyd. No — the Rock Canyon powder house ! There's THE LITTLE BOSS. 35 enough powder there to blow them into atoms. [Picks up Harry.) Quick, I can manage him, you take the woman. ( Goes off r. 3 with Harry. ) Mo. {picks up revolver). I'fe captured the pattery. (Picks up Alice.) Pe sure you ton't loose any of te money, Jackie. Oh isn't id peautiful? [Exit r. 3, with Alice. Chi. (enters l. 3 followed by TERRy ; stage quite dark). Now you understand, Terry. There may be a fight. . Here, take this gun. Ter. (speaking loudly). An Irishman's better in a fight wid his fists. Chi. Sh ! sh ! Don't talk so loud. They may be in the house now. Let's look. (Sneaks down to door.) Ter. Are they there, darlin' ? Chi. No, but the door's open. They're round here some- where. Duck down there in the dark, that side of the house. I'll scrooch up here. Ter. I'm wid ye. Chi. Keep yer eye peeled, and yer ears open. S-sh ! there's some one now. Lay low. Gosh, we'll get 'em before Harry gets back. (Whitsell and Sylvester enter r. 3, sneak cautiously down to door of hut without a word ; as they do so, Terry from l. side of hut and Chip from r., crazvl round hut on hands and knees, coming to door Just after Whitsell and Sylvester have entered.) Whi. (in hut ; in muffled voice). Light! (Sylvester strikes match and lights candle ; they both grope about the floor of hut. ) Chi. (at door). That's them. We've got 'em ! Where the dickens is Harry ? Ter. I can't be sayin'. Whi. (makes noise of plates rattling together). Hist? (Sylvester goes to Whitsell.) Chi. (as plates rattle). Plates ! by thunder ! It's them, an' the trail's hot. Je-whillikins ! we can't wait all day for Harry ! What' 11 we do ? 36 THE LITTLE BOSS. Ter. I'll run an' find him. Chi. You're an e-diot. Now's the time to catch them, an* get dishes an' all. Ter. Le's lock the dure. Chi. Not by a denied sight. Harry said we must catch 'em red handed, an' I'm going to do it. Come on. (She strikes against door.) Ouch ! Whi. Hist ! (Sylvester blows out light.) Chi. Now you take the farthest one over, when I throw open the door. I'll grab the other feller. Got the lantern I give ye? Ter. I have, an' the rewolwer. Chi. Then come. (She dashes in, seizes Whitsell, who wilts. Terry catches Sylvester, who also wilts. As the rush is made, Terry fires the revolver two or three times ; there is a hurried scramble, Chip drags Whitsell through the door to c. folloived by Terry with Sylvester. ) Chi. (in assumed voice). Throw up your hands ! (Whitsell at r., throivs up hands. Sylvester on knees l.) Ter. We got 'em. {Flashes lanter?i in Whitsell' s/ace; lights up.) Chi. Good Lord ! I've arrested dad. CURTAIN. ACT IV. SCENE. — John Lydecker's room in 3 ; c. n.and doors R. and l. 2, chairs, table, etc. Fancy box lounge at l. c. with large rug thrown over it. Screen about six feet high at l. of c. D. Lyd. (discovered). That wasn't a bad bit of work. Heavens ! what an explosion that powder house made last night. It's roused the neighborhood, and the whole town's gone out to-day to look at the ruins. Humph ! I don't think they will find enough of that woman, and the clever Secret Service man, to give an excuse for a funeral. (Moses enters c. d.) Now (lights cigar) I'll just practice a little on the charming Miss Wentvvorth's signature — put it on the back of these — (takes out drafts) — get them cashed and Mo. (over his shoulder). Ve'll divite the poodle, aind it, Jackie ? Lyd. The devil ! Mo. No, Jackie, it's me, your peautiful bardner, hey ? Lyd. Yes, you are a beautiful partner. Mo. Aind I? Co on vid your writing, Jackie. Co on. You are sooch a peautiful writer. Ant de peautiful money — ven to ve ged de peautiful money ? Lyd. You're in a devil of a hurry. ( Writing.) Mo. Can you plame me, Jackie? Tidn't I earned id? Lyd. Perhaps. But we haven't got it yet. I've been waiting for the bank to open. What time is it ? Mo. Nine o'clock. Lyd. Well, I'll just take these down to the Merchants' Bank, and see if I can negotiate them. (Rises.) You wait until I get back. Mo. Hattent I petter co vith you, Jackie. Some pat dief might rop you of de peautiful money. Lyd. D n it ! Don't you trust me? Mo. Oh, Jackie. How can you say id ? I only vant do brodecd de peautiful money. Lyd. Yes, I know. Getting leery you won't get your bit. (Aside.) You're lucky if you do. Mo. Vat vas id, Jackie ? 37 38 THE LITTLE BOSS. Lyd. Oh, nothing. I said that's just like a Jew. * Come on. Mo. Pe gareful vid de peautiful trafts. [They exeunt c. d. Ann {enters l. 2, hat and wrap on). His room is all in confusion — everything packed up, and his trunk locked. This looks suspicious, Mr. John Lydecker. Going to give me the slip again, after promising, only last night, that you would marry me right away, and settle down here comfortably. He's up to some of his tricks ! I'll go out the back way and watch him, and if he tries to shake me again Humph ! Well, he better not, that's all. [Exit l. 2. Whi. {at c. d., slightly drunk). I calc'late they may all say what they like, but I'm after thet denied skunk of a bcgus man, an' when I git after a thing, it ginerally comes, right frum th' roots. This here's his room, but he hain't here. Don't make no difference, I'm jest goin' ter hunker down here, an' wait fer him ; an' when he comes, I'll give him the dad- burnedest lickin' he ever had ; then I'll make him shell out Miss Wentworth's money. Purty fine sort o' place. Won- der where he keeps that counterfeit money? 'Tain't on the table, ner under the table, ner — {at couch) bet he's got it stuffed away in thet sofy. {Pokes about couch.) 'Tain't there. I'll jest turn the derned thing over. {Goes to lift couch ; raises lid.) Wal-b'gosh, it's a box. Who'd a thought it. Chi. {outside). You're puffin' like a porpoise, mammy. Whi. Halle-lujah ! There's Chippy. She'll skin me erlive fer drinkin'. I'll skedaddle. {Starts.) Dern it all ! I don't kno' whar to go. I kno' what'll do — I'll git in the sofy. ( Gets into couch, and closes lid. ) Chi. {enters, followed by Alice). This is the place, but he's gone — jumped the game. All I don't think so. He does not suspect that I am alive, and well — thanks to you. Car. {enters c. d., puffing). Land-ee ! Dem's de stepes' steps I evah did see^ in all mah life. I'se tired as a dog. {Sinks on couch.) Chi. Too bad, mammy, but you would come. Car. 'Deed I hain't goin' ter stay at home 'lone no mo', when all de fussin's goin' on. No, in-deedy ! All That's right, Mammy Caroline. Car. [rises). Cose hit is. Luk hyar, wha' yo' think I goin' ter do, ef anythin' happen ter dat chile? (Whitsell raises lid of couch slightly.) THE LITTLE BOSS. 39 Chi. Oh, I'm all right, mammy. Sit down, and rest. Car. {flops on couch). 'Deed I will. I jus' set hyar 'til Gabrul blows de hawn, 'fore I leaves yo' all. All Chip, you are quite a heroine. How did you happen at the powder house so opportunely last night? Chi. Oh, easy enough. I told you 'bout 'restin' dad. Terry he found a keg o' powder behind the shed that was from the Rock Canyon powder house, and we found blood on the ground from the cut in Harry's head. Well, sir, you never heard that stutterin' feller talk so fast. He said p-p-p-pow- p-p-pow, and by that time I caught the idea. We followed the trail of blood — 'tain't fer, ye know. All I don't remember anything. I was insensible. Chi. That's so. Well, we got to the powder house. The door wasn't locked. I busted in an' fell over you, fust thing. Terry an' me carried you out, an' dad and Mr. Ah, y-y-yes dragged out Harry. Dad was yellin' like mad to run — the house was afire. I jus' kinder took a peek over my shoulder, an' there was a fuse at the corner of the house, spittin' an' sputterin' like blazes. I took another grip on your legs — you know I was totin' yer legs — and yelled to Terry to hustle, and just as we all got behind Crazy Horse boulder, there was the all-firedest explosion ye ever heard. All It must have been awful. Chi. Awful? Why there ain't enough of that powder house left to make a tooth pick for dad — and he don't use tooth picks. Harry did take on awful, 'til you come round. Guess he's spooney on you. All Oh, Chip, don't use such an expression. Chi. Well, I don't care what you call it. I can see through a mill stone. You're in love with Harry? All Yes, Chip, and he has asked me to be his wife. Chi. Bully ! And what did you say ? All I promised him his answer the next time I saw him. Chi. And you're goin' to say yas ! Hooray ! Get married right away, won't you? I never was to a big weddin', an' Harry Woodson's such a good feller. I'd fight my way through a stack of wild cats for him. All You are a brave little girl, and I don't know how to reward you. Chi. Don't want no reward. But, say, there'd be some peace in the family, if you'd buy our farm, 'cause dad's dead bent to sell it, so's ter git rid er payin' the morgige. 40 THE LITTLE BOSS. Syl. (ate. d.). I-i-it's too 1-1-late, Miss W-W-Wentworth. (Out of breath.) All Have they cashed the drafts ? Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Chi. I don't believe that feller can say anything else. All This is serious. I had hoped to stop payment. Syl. I h-h-hurried to the b-b-bank f-f-fast as I could. Mr. Whitsell d-d-don' t walk very b-b-b Chi. Beautiful? Syl. B-riskly. Chi. Where is the old katy-did, anyhow ? Syl. D-d-don 't know. Asked me to w-w-wait 'til he saw Higgins. Chi. That settles dad. All Anything serious ? Chi. Oh, no, not killin' ! Higgins keeps the saloon. Dad wanted ter get a drink o' licker. (Caroline is nodding off to sleep. ) All We must find Harry, and tell him about the drafts. (Caroline drops asleep, falling full length on the couch.) Chi. That's right. Come ahead. No, you and Mr. Syl- vester go ; I'll stay here with mammy. All There is no time to be lost. Come, Mr. Sylvester. Syl. Ah, ye-e-ss. [They exeunt c. d. Chi. 'Tain't no harm to jus' peek round a little. Wonder where that goes to. (At r. 2.) I'm going to see. [Exit R. 2. Car. (snores ; goes to turn over, and falls off the up stage side of cot; sits up). Golly ! Who hit me? Whar I is, any- how? I know, dot chile don' push me outer bed. (Rises.) No, 'tain't — we's lookin' fer dat Ian' man, an' dey's don' gon' an' lef me — I foller 'em, dat's what I do. . [Exit c. d. Chi. (enters r. 2). Can't find nothin' in there. Guess I'll try this door. {Crosses to l. 2 ; Whitsell ?nakes a noise in couch.) What's that ? Why, mammy's gone ! (Whitsell groans.) Lordy ! This house is haunted. (Whitsell lifts top of couch.) Look at that thing move ! Somethin's wrong in this place. (Lid raises.) There it goes agin. (She goes round in front of couch ; down on her knees ; peeping.) No, sir, it's the bogus man, and he's hidin' in there. Oh, if I only had a stick I'd poke him out fast enough. (Turns away from THE LITTLE BOSS. 4 1 couch ; Whitsell lifts lid ; she turns back facing him.') Dad ! by thunder ! Whi. (rising). Why Chippy, it's you, ain't it? Chi. The fool killer's dead in this dee-strict. Whi. Yo' ain't mad, er ye? Chi. No, but I will be, if I keep fallin' over you every time I turn round. Come, now, get out er here quick. Whi. Why, I come here Chi. Never mind your past history. Get out. I've got business on hand, an' you'd spoil any settin' of eggs in the world. (Pushes him toward c. d.) Whi. I calc'late I kno' a thing er two. Chi. Well, nobody suspects you of it. (Pushes him out c. d.) Har. (at c. d., disguised with beard, etc.). Chip? Chi. Little familiar, ain't you ? Har. Chip, don't you know me? Chi. Harry ! Well, I'll swan to Moses ! What are you doing like that ? Har. I didn't want them to know in town that I was alive, so I disguised myself. Lydecker and Simons are com- ing here. They've drawn the money on the drafts, and have just left Simons' place. Come, they mustn't find you here. Chi. Well, I reckon they will. That's what I came for. Har. No, no ! Not yet. We must recover the money, but it will take strategem. Chi. Well, I'd take a club or a gun. Har. That's all right, at the proper time, but not yet. Chi. All right. You're bossing this detective job, but I'd rather stay. (Starts to c. d.) Har. No, no, not that way; we might meet them. This door leads out the back way. Chi. It's bad luck to go out another way from what you come in, but all right. [They exeunt l. 2. Lyd. (enters c. d.). I've got the money and given the Hebrew the shake. Now to get a few things in my room, and get out for New Orleans. (Starts to l., meets Ann, who enters l. 2.) Oh ! Ann. Surprised, ain't you? Lyd. Why, yes, — that is, no. I was just going to look for you, my dear. Ann. You lie, Jack Lydecker. Lyd. What ? 42 THE LITTLE BOSS. Ann. Yes, and you know it. Lyd. Why, Ann, dear, you're excited. Ann. No, I'm not, but I'm not such a fool as I have been. You've lied to me for the last time. You've got your things packed, and are going to jump. Lyd. {starts). Who says so ? Ann. I say so, and I know you. You're trying to shake me, but you can't. You'll marry me, and take me with you, or you'll not go — that's all. Lyd. Now, what would you do ? Ann. Stop you with this. (Shows knife.) Lyd. Oh, come. I promised you some money. Here. ( Takes out money. ) Ann. Oh, you can't do that any longer. Lyd. D n you, get out of my way. (Pushes her aside ; she seizes him.) Ann. I'll die first ! Lyd. (snatching knife ; stabbing her). Then die, d- n you ! (She falls.) You might have saved me all this trouble, if you had stood out of the way. (Throws rug over her.) Another little encumbrance disposed of. [Exit l. 2. Mo. (enters c. d.). He's gone, ant all — all de peautiful money. Vat shall I to — vat shall I to? I'fe pin rob't — oh de peautiful money. (He stumbles against Ann.) Vat is dot ? (Throws off rug.) A vooman, an' she's asleeb ! (Kneels.) No — no — she's tead ! Tead ! Vat's dis? (He gets blood on his hands.) It's blood ! She's pin murteret ! Here is a knife. (Picks up knife.) She's pin murteret ! Who shall say who dit id ? Lyd. (enters l. 2, with grip and overcoat). I will — that you did! Mo. Vat ? Lyd. I am sorry to have caught you, Mo. Such an old friend, too. However, I am going away. If they don't catch you before I go, I won't have to testify. Mo. Coing avay ! Coing avay ! Put de peautiful money, Jackie — de peautiful money ? Lyd. Will all go with me. Mo. Oh, Jackie ! Jackie, you ton't mean id ? Lyd. Yes. It would be too bad to make two bites at a THE LITTLE BOSS. 43 cherry, my boy. Besides, I'll have to be paid for my silence about that. {Points to Ann.) Mo. Oh, de peautiful money ! Lyd. You're all right, Mo., if you did kill the woman. Tell you what I'll do — I'll help you get rid of her, seeing that you give your consent for me to keep the dust. Mo. Put I ton't gonsend do nodding. (Lydecker points to Ann. ) Ton't ! ton't ! Keep de money. Lyd. I thought so. Come, catch hold. {They carry Ann off l. 2.) Chi. (enters c. d.). This here de-tective business keeps a feller hustlin'. Sellin' a farm an' ketchin' counterfeiters an' robbers is business. (She conceals herself behind screen, behind which there is a chair. ) Lyd. (enters l., followed by Moses). She's all right in there 'til night. Mo. Oh, Jackie, Jackie, ton't leaf me. Lyd. Didn't I tell you I'd do the square thing by you ? Sit down. ( They sit at table.') Mo. Vat shall I to ? vat shall I to ? Lyd. Shut up. See here — to-night I'll help you toss that in the river. Mind, I'm doing you a great favor, putting off my little trip until to-morrow. Mo. Put de peautiful money — de peautiful money? Lyd. Here. I'm going to be liberal with you. (Takes out a roll of bills.') Chi. (behind screen). Oh, why can't I reach that table? Mo. Isn't it peautiful? Lyd. There ! There's a hundred dollar note. (Pockets balance of money in right hand coat pocket. ) Mo. Is dot all ? Lyd. Oh, no. But I keep the rest. Mo. Put, Jackie ? Lyd. All right, then. (Pises ; crossing l.) I'll tell about that. (Points l.) Mo. (jumping up ; running to him.) I'll dake de huntert tollars. 44 THE LITTLE BOSS. Lyd. {up close to screen ; picks up his hat). Good ! .Then to-night, we close up that little matter {points l.) and I — say — nothing. Mo. Svear id, Jackie — svear id ! ( Close to Lydecker on his right side. ) Lyd. All right. I swear. Mo. Holt up your right hant so. {Puts up his left hand close in front of screen.) Ant svear — so helb you — nefer do say a vort Lyd. {holds up his right hand close to Moses' left). There you are. I swear. Chi. {quickly snapping handcuffs on both their wrists). I should think you would. {Conies from behind screen.) Lyd. What's that? Mo. Ve're binched. {They struggle.) Chi. Couldn't help it. Jewelry becomes you. Lyd. The jig's up. (Chip blows whistle.) Har. {enters c. d., followed by Alice and Caroline). We are just in time. Chi. Bet you are. {To Lydecker.) Here, shell out — 'scuse me, your right hand's busy. {Takes money from his pocket ; giving it to Alice.) There. All She has saved the money, and handcuffed the men. Car. Good Lawdy ! Dat chile done it all by hersef. Whi. {enters c. d., followed by Sylvester). By gum 1 She's goin' ter buy th' farm. Syl. Ah, y-y-yes. Chi. {to Alice). Did you say it ? All {giving her ha?id to Harry). Ask Harry. Chi. Jimminy ! Think I've had a heap to do with joinin' hands all round. Come here, dad. {He crosses to her.) I forgive ye, but the next time ye want to sell a farm, let me know ahead o' time. Ye see what it's led to. {Points to Alice and Harry, Lydecker and Moses.) CURTAIN. I offc "The man or woman who doesn't "The Black Cat is without doubt read The Black Cat misses the greatest the story-telling hit of the century."— Stories in the world. — Boston Post. San Francisco Chronicle. It Will Pay You to read The Black Cat, not only because it publishes the most unusual and fascinating stories that genius can devise and money can buy, but Because it presents to young and unknown writers an opportunity offered by no other publication. It pays the highest price in the world for short stories. It pays not according to the name or reputation of a writer, but according to the merit of a story. It pays not according to length but according to strength. It pub- lishes no continued stories, no translations, no borrowings, no stealings. 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Costumes, modern and character. Scenery, varied but easy. This is a typical Western drama, with a soubrettc, lead, similar to the popular " Triss." The dramatic interest is very strong, the characters widely diversified. Two " heavy " characters, one a Mexican, good comedy, male and female, and strong " character " bits. Little Trump is a capital soubrette, and Gushington Splatterbee (comedy) a part of great oppor- tunity. Plays a full evening. PRICE 25 CENTS. SYNOPSIS. Act I.— In the Rockies. Rube's home. Phil and the " greaser." Prospect- ing. A leaf from the past. Little Trump. " The face of the senora." Uncle Rex. A heated interview. " If you hurt my gran'pa, I'll let daylight through you!" The lost locket. A clue. A gentleman from the East. The breakdown. Hospitalities. Rex's romance. On the trail. Gushington's little stunt. Minerva, the tenderfoot. Seeing the sunset. Trump's story. The tin box. "She is my daughter's child." Rube breaks the news. "I ain't gone yet, gran'pa." The abduction. Rex lias the drop on the " greaser." " Shoota now, if you dare ! " Act II. — The pursuit. The ruined Hacienda. Old Pepita. Trump's new grandma. Under guard. The road-agents. Raising the wind. Pepita's friend. On guard. Splatterbee to the rescue. A ghost. Pepita the witch. A proposal. " When Trump is found you shall be in truth her Uncle Rex." An angry father — perhaps. The effect of moonlight. An old hen. Trump's escape. The discovery. Pepita's death. A forged story. The meeting. A duel to the death. Another chance. A cowardly ruse. Shot in the back. Destroying the traces. The explosion. In the nick of time: Rex's rescue. " And I've mislaid my note-book ! " Act III. — In New York City. Six weeks and no clue. A close call for Rex. Who is Philip Cranston? Claiming her promise. "A gentleman below." An interview. A familiar face. A clue. Making terms. The price of crime. Identified at last. A change of plans. " No opera to-night." Gushington ahead. A close call. Good news. Splatterbee holds a " little Trump." Safe at last. Squaring accounts. " The devil ! Rex Kenyon alive ! " Beaten at every point. Manuel turns. Gushington throws off the mask. " And just you make a note of that." A POLITICAL PULL. c/1 Comedietta, in One This series is offered to meet a growing demand f abused and hotly-discussed writer, whose influence o is enormous even if his vogue in the American small. These plays are intended for the reading p for the use of literary societies and reading clubs, a. suggested to dramatic clubs, as providing unconventiona. *>u ble material. As a dramatist Ibsen is absolutely " actor-tight,'' more successful parts and inspired more " hits " than any of his ... contemporaries. This edition is printed in large, clear type, well suites use of reading clubs. The following titles are ready. acters, and three children. Price, 25 cents. THE PILLARS OF SOCIETY. J /ft a doll>s house | Aass^g^^SftSSKJg: & •' /IS /s ■ W. GHOSTS. I A' si/ ROSMERSHOLM. A Play in Pour Acts. Translated by William ' Archer. Ten male, nine Price, 25 cents. A Drama in Three Acts. Translated by William Archer. Three male, two female characters. Price, 25 cents. A Drama in Four Acts. Translated by M. Carmichael. Four male, two female charac- ters. Price, 25 cents. THE LADY FROM THE SEA. | SI/ yp w si/ Sf/ si/ w Si/ SV 71 characters. AN ENEMY OF SOCIETY. ters. A Drama in Five Acts. Translated byCLARABELL. Five male, three female Price, 25 cents. A Play in Five Acts. Trans- lated by William Archer. Nine male, two female charac- Price, 25 cents. Drama in Five Acts. Translated by E. Price, 25 cents. I HE WILD DUCK. | M AvELTNOt ■ characters. THE YOUNG MEN'S LEAGUE. male, six female characters. HEDDA GABLER. A Play in Five Acts. Translated by Henry Carstarphen. Twelve Price, 25 cents. A Drama in Four Acts. Translated by Edmund Gosse. Three male, four female characters. Price, 50 cents. THE MASTER BUILDER. female characters. A Play in Three Acts. Trans- lated by Edmund Gosse and Wil- liam Archer. Four male, three Price, 50 cents. ^ ^ *£> *£- j£- j£ *£> jt- >*• jg- J*> -^ ^ » x^ - ^ -^ -^. -^ ^ •>. .^. ^fi 1 * as $ ... w^- '^-^'^''^'^''^ i *r>*r\^^\ f TAS FOR CHILDREN* 2 OPE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 799 644 7 y H. r*v ^^ji^i^h^v»b«i-»ita. by M. L. COOLEY. female characters, and as many as desired for chorus, but not difficult ; scenery desirable, but not absolutely '"' .rten primarily for boys, particularly for boy choirs, boys' ' . . iiibs, it was intended originally that boys should play the female . ..lacters, but girls may be introduced in these parts, if desired, and also in the chorus. The music is easy, catchy, and easily learned. Five of the parts demand good singers, but the other characters are not exacting. The music is printed complete with the text. The plot of the operetta is inspired by the familiar enactment of King Cole in the nursery rhyme, and is fancifully developed with much humor and a satirical side glance at recent political hap- penings. Plays one hour and a half. Price 50 cents. A DREAM^S FLOWERS. & Cantata for ffiijitornt. CONSISTING OF SONGS, CHORUSES, RECITATIONS, DIALOGUES, ETC. By NELLIE E. CASE. For fourteen little girls, one little boy, and chorus. Costumes fanciful, but easily gotten up. No scenery needed, though it can be employed to advantage. This cantata primarily celebrates May Day, introducing a May-pole Dance, but .' it is good and not unsuitable for performance at any season. It is published SXi complete with music, pretty and very easy. This piece is the work of an expe- vK rienced teacher, familiar with the needs and limitations of children, and is \V offered with confidence. * \|f Trice 25 cents. f f T w Y Y W f w ¥