LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 487 750 • BURLINGTON Cr OK BOOK ^ or^ BURLINGTON COOK BOOK 25 =SECRETS Of SUCCESS flow Jo ^Makc .a POFiTW^ published by Gus. Bree Bnrlingtcn lo-va. Copyriglit 1901 By, Gus. Bree Burlington Iowa. PR^EFACE The Burlington Ladies Cook Book, is especially designed by the Publisher to assist the Ladies, in good cheap, substantial, and economical cooking; explained by the Ladies, so plain, that it can be very easily understood by any-one, to avoid mistakes The Publisher kindly thanks the Ladies, whose recipes appear here-in, hoping that the^e recipes may belp those that have nt/t had the oppertuniiY to obtain them. Gus. Eree piEX AP"tKS Sti-anio'l Page 31 HTi:\X« Boston b IfcJ 5 KISCIKTS 61 ifn»:AS> <\>rr, 8 57«4 " Gin-er 9^8 04 " " Soft 51 " " S-piced 41 " Gr^^ham 8 ye 66 " V rciitia brown 5i Wbrat 8 CAKE Alice 19 " Aiisrel Food 30 *' Aulas 59 " Bl Tkbr-rry Jam 64 " Brides 70 " IJiRokbprry 73 " < of fee 9 10 G9 ** Corn T9 " Cream 58 78 " " Almond 41 50 " Cno 44 " riiorelate Caramel 44 *' Corn Starch 61 " thrift mas 68 *• I'evil 43 €3 " D.v Is Fo"d 37 78 " Deviled '* 37 " Uollv VartJen 73 " Jruit 38 72 Hk & I>ate layer 61 " Gold 43 " Gififff-r 62 " Hiekor»-nut Custard 35 Hola -d 75 '* Ict! Cr.ann 76 CAKE Lemon Snonce Pagre 38 Fillei 39 " l.oaf Cocoa nut 68 " l^t^mon 70 " TAs:'\t 70 Lady 80 " Mands 70 " Bland S. 36 47 63 74 " Marble 73 " Tench 38 " Pink & White layer 50 ' * Q n e f n 43 •' Kaisiii 34 " icich Bride 40 Kibbon Fig 63 '' J^alis actory 38 " Sponte 36 43 55 59 73 " gi'.ver 55 " Suice 66 73 76 " Snow 71 77 " J^uipr'se 75 " Sour Cream 77 " Vienna " 62 White 55 " " Cream 40 " Fruit 75 " " Mountain 47 " Watermelon 55 Wine 80 CAvM>Y Cocoan.jt 49 '' Molasse;: 53 " Butter ^ colc'i 63 Caramt-ls Choc >late 33 59 fi7 71 Celery Frien 69 *' >Iola«is<-s 31 COL> ltoil«a 33 CROQUETTES Chicken 13 " Potato 6 CRACKERS Oatmeal 38 54 CUSTARD Bakefi 36 Roiled 39 " ,/el!y 54 J D\TES Stewed 3.) DO i; G H N UTS 33 34 34 55 " Ial 63 HAI.I UT B ked 31 H :5t!*HT<» 67 HO.MINY Baked 37 ICKCKEA Chocolate 61 ICING Cen^on Page JKLl.Y MA( t^AROXI MAKM ALADK M NCK >1 KAT Muffins Kas " Rice NOODI.KS I'otato OMKL^T OYssTE.iS Corn " Scalloped PAN-cakes EnsJish 1 ASIE i rpnui PEACHES Pickled PICKLES Mnstard •' Spanish PIES A >ple " isanana Cream " KutterinilU ♦* ChncoJate " G'oseberry '* L'lnon " " Apple •' Rhubarb '* Sweet rotate ** SQ:i:ish " Vinetrar POTATOES liak d in Milk PUDDING American Creai AoiiJe " Riria-nest " Kiaok " Bread * ' c'ai>b ise Cocoatint *» Cracker «' Cranberry « Cottage " Fioe Plum " Emit Rice 69 71 31 74 81 33 86 58 6 30 36 38 4i) 46 81 83 79 3 5 io 19 63 19 41 30 35 44 3 > 31 46 56 31 45 n 15 16 14 17 33 77 18 14 43 17 5:j 15 le PUOUING Newton 60 • AUCE Winchaha 33 " Orangre 14 17 SCOFFLK Prune 53 " I'ench Taplooa 18 SHAVE Sugar 80 " Plain Chocolate 16 SLAW ^3ot 25 42 68 Rice 63 SNAPS Ginger 52 66 Tapioca 67 SOUP Fruit 12 CJUAlt Fried 45 " > oodles for 53 R \RKHIT Welih Gl " l>yitor IS ItlCK Kaked 37 " I'otnto 48 Ror,i.s Jelly 3i43 " To i.olor 6 " \* tr, J^lCHlfiS KiTK 67 TOMATOfcS Fried 53 SAUCK rhlJli 8183 WAFiiKS Vanilla 60 " Kec 74 WAFf-I.h:s 11 " Oyvter 18 '• Fvpncli 11 SEGRETS of SUCCESS Chinese Starch Polish Electric Pnin Killer Brillient Shoe Polish Electric Silver Plating Moth Preventer Bed Bu^ Distro3'er Uneeda Liquid Glue Wonderful, Pain Killer Electric Toothache Relief French Hair Oil Mexican Corn Cure Mexican Toothache Drops Ladies 0\^'n Perfume The Wonder Grease Remover Uneeda Cement for China. Spanish Rheumatic Liniment Glassware & Wood Aunt Betsys Mag-ic Head- P<3ste That Will not Sonr ache Cure 19 til. C^itury Patent Boot. Diarrhoea & Stomach & Shoe Blacking Cramp Cure Limlnous Pvat & Mouie Grandma's C'^U2:h Cure Oistrover British Corn Distroyer TM''^t ^ovder B-> )t & S 103 Watc-proof Polish > r\ECipES < X^EH Bt TE^ Burlington Ladies To Color Soups A fine amber color is obtained by adding finely grr- ted carrot to the clear stock, when it is qnite free from scum. Red is obtained, by using red skinned tomatoes from which the skin and seeds have been strained out. Only white vegetables should be used in white soup* as chicken. Spinach leaves pounded in a mortar, and the juice expressed then added to the soup will gi\^ a green color Miss Rosa Kammith. 502 N 5 th Str. Boston Baked Beans. Boil the Beans untill about half done, then boil a piece of fresh pork about half hour, then take a one gallon crock and put in half of the beans, then a layer of sugar, salt, and pepper, then pnt in the pork and put in the rest of the beans, then another layer of sugar, salt, & pepper, then fill crock with the water the meat was boiled in, then cover crock with a tight cover, and bake one half day. Mrs Nellie Calhouiv — — S26 Washington ^t;". \c.ri\i. Look about a dozen good sized potatoes, then grate them fine,, when they are cool take atcut 2 e^^gs 2 tablesroorfiil of fku", and salt aneough to taste, then roll it np in the shape of a finger, then put aneough 1 -rd in the skillet, so they can swim, then fry them, aiirough to brown, then, that is what you call finger noodles. Mrs, John Orth 1700 Mt. Pleasant Str, Potato Croquettes Take coM boiled potatoes, mash and season with pepper, salt, and nutmeg, mix a teaspoonful of butter with each (u iful of potatoes, and l>eat to a cream, add the whites of I egg and beat altogether, roll into cakes or balls, dip into yolks of eggs well beaten, then into bread, or cracker cnimbs. and fry in hot butter. Miss. >.laude Spitzmueller. 537 Wcod vStr. Salad Potato Dressing Bacon cut in fine chops, heat them on the stove. and pour on }A cup of vinegar, boil for 2 minutes.and pour over tlie potaloes, with sliced onions and set aside to cook- Mrs. Carrie S'mms. 414 Ada:ns Sir. .■\rrrAcga Cliipn 7 Peel tlie potatoes and cut them into very thin slices put them in very cold water, for an hour or more, drain rff the wa^er, lud rub the potatoes between towls until dry put a ha dful at a time into a kettle, of vcrv hot butter or lard, stir with a fork so as to keep them from sticking together, or to the kettle, as soon as they area light brown, and become crisp remove with ^ a skimmer and sprinkle with salt. Miss. Maude Spitzmueller. 507 Wood Str. Potato Salad Peel 5 medium sized potatoes, that have been boiled with the peelings on, 2 onions, 4 boiled eggs sliced, and a V3 cup of vinegar. Cut some bacon in small pie- ces, and fry to a crisp, using bolh thefryingsai d the meat, salt and pepper, then stir altogether. Mrs Chas. Westing. 129 S 5 th. Str. Dressing For Cold Slaw Beat I egg well, stir into it i teaspoon of sugar, half teaspooii of mustard, ^ teaspoon pepper & salt, but- ter, half the size of an egg, half cup of vinegar. Heat this, stirring all the time, and while hot, pour it over I quart of chopped cabbage. Mrs Jchn Fisch 415 S Adams Str. ^ Corn Ere ad I pint .'our milk, 2 eggs, >4 teaspoon of soda, I f n all teaspoon of baking powder, 2 tablespoons of flcuri 3tal khpocnsof iuj £r, a little salt to taste, then mix stiff with corn meal, put a lump of lard the size of a walnut in a jar and melt, then mix alltogtther, and bake in a slew oven. Mrs. J- L. Harc'y 815 Wa.hiijg1cn St . Wheat Bread Take 6 quarts of sifted flour, make a hole in the middle of it, and put in i tablespoon of salt i quart of luke warm water, and a teacup of yeast, Beat thor- oughly with flour, aneough to maKe a stiff batter, which is called sponge. Set at night and in the morn- ing add the rest of the flour, Kneeding it about half an hour. It is easier to taKe it en the Kneedboard aLd Kneed, rather than do it in the pan.L^et it rise untill quite light, then mould into loaves, with very little worriug, and let rise alout j4 hour before baxing. Mrs. E. Kammith. 502 Washington St. Graham Bread I cup molasses, 3 cups sour milk, 2 cups flour 2,^2 cups Graham, i teaspoonful of salt one and one half teaspconful of soda. BAKE i HOUR. Mrs. G. Ring. 4::o A4ams Str. Ginger Bread 9 I pint of sugar, i pint of (Orleans) molasses. I " " lard Abutter mixed, 4 eg^>^. I " " cold water, 2 scant tablespoonful of ginger 4 " " flour, 2 " " " cinnamcn 3 scant teaspconful of soda. Miss Geogia Page. Wells Sir. Coffee Cake Take 2 quarts of flour, and mix with warm water aneongh yeast to make it raise to a ligbt sponge, after raised, put in ^ of a cup cf butter, i cup of sugar and aneough salt to taste, then stiffen it with flcur, and let it raise once more, then roll i^ out about i mch thick, then let it raise again, then spread butter on top aneough to moisten it, then sp^ inkle it with sugar ai.d cinnamon, and baxe in a quicK oven. Mrs John Orth. 1700 Mt. Pleasant Str. Scrambled Eggs 4 eggs, itablespoontulof butter, >^ t as^>oon cf stlt. Beat the eggs, and add the salt to them, melt the but- ter in a saucepan, turn in the beaten eggs, stir quick- ly, over a hot fire for one minute and serve. Mrs S.ump. 1435 Thul Str. :o Coffee Ca'ie }2 cake of compi-o^sed yeast, )- cup of sugar 2 eggs I pint of milk (boil milk) i tablespoon of butter or lard a little salt, aneougli flour to stiffen it, let raise very iigi:t before putting in pan, roll out and put in pan then let rai::e again, put sugar and butter on top be- fore baking. Mrs. J. A. Eraun. .715 Central Ave. liamlurg StcaK Ckc;:> fine one pourd of round steak, add 2 sm-all onions clioppcd fine, and pepper and salt to taste, flour 3-our hands, take 2 tablespoonful of the mixture, and make into small flat caKes^ have a large lump of but- ter, very hot, in your frying pan, drop in the cakes, and fry brown on either side. Miss Katie Robinson. 607 Gertrude Str. Deviled Eggs Boil I dozen eggs well done-, cut in halves, take the yolks from the whites, put in a bowl, chop ^ dozen small pickles, i tablespoon of I utter, i teaspccnful of mustard. 3^ cup of vinegar, salt, and pepper, to taste mix together, and place in the whites again. Mrs Carrie Simms. Waffles ' I 4 cgrs, bcatcu ccperatcly, hali cup ot niclted lAitter I cup of Gwcct iniiK, flour sufficient to make a soft lat- ter, 2 tcaspconful of baxliig powder mined v/itli the flour. Stir in whites of eggs last, and fry in waffle iron, have iron vcr}r hot. Mrs Franiv Walz. no Cleveland Str. French Waffles Sift I pint cf flour, 3 times, and add i teaspooi.fnl of salt, beat the Yolks of 2 eggs until very light, add to them I cup of rich milK, add this to the flour, with 2 tablespoonful of butter, and teat until light ^ and smooth, beat the vdiites of the eggs to a stiff dry froth add to the butter, and beat again v/hcn ready to take add I teaspoonful of BaK. Povvder, put the batter in a pitcher, have tlie waffle irons very hot and thor- oughly, greased, pour in the batter carefullv, and as soon as the edge:; are set, turn the iron and bake the second side. In making waffles, as much depends upon the eyen "and quick baking as r pon the recupe used. . " '. / Mrs Mary Robinson. 607 Gertrude Str. ^2 Fiult w-cup ? quarts nt water, i prune! of prunes, }4 cup rai- sins, ^ pound of dried peaches, pears, and apricots, mix together, add cloves and cinnamon to taste. Mrs Otto Sheagren. 418 Adams Str. Tomato Soup I quart of tomatoes, i quart of water, boil one hour, when ready to season, have a pint of boiling milk, add I teaspconfnl of soda to the tomatoes, while vStill fcaminf^, add the boiling milk, add butter, size of an tgg, pepper, and salt to taste. Before serving, put cracl. ers in the bowl, and pour the hot soup over them. Mrs John Fisch. 415 S Adams Str. Mayonnaise Dressing Break carefully 2 eggs, and put the yolks into a shallow dish, then add drop by drop of Lucca oil a- necugh to work to a cream, stirring steadily one way with a wocden r r plated fork rever steel, add salt to taste, a d follow with mustard to taste, and a very small pinch of powdered sugar, and last of all vinegar to taste, drop by drop. The stlrrir g schould be continu- ous, and always one direction, and when properly made the Ma} cnnaise will have the sm.oothness and con- sistency of the richest cream, someuse all of the Ggg, Miss Tea Smith. 1 50 1 Doemland Str. OvGtcr t-'oup 13 2 quarts of oysters, i quart of milk, 2 tablespoonful of butter, i teaspoonful of hot water, pepper and salt strain A\ the liquor from the oysters, add the water and heat, wiien near the boil, add the seasoning, then the oysters. Cdo^ abont 5 mnutes from the time they begin to simmer, untill they ruffle, stir in the butter coDk one minute, and pour into the tureon, stir in the bailing milx. Mrs George Mcsena. High & Avenne. Chicken Croquettes Put one cup of chicken broth on the stove, when it boils, add one tablespoonful of flour, and 3 of bi tier . which have been creamed together, when mixed sLir in a pint of fine chopped chicken, seasoning to taste, just before removing from the fire, add 2 w^ell beaten eggs, let it cool, shape as desired, roll th i croquettes in beaten eggs, and in cracKer crumbs, put a few at a time in hct lard, and cock until bicvn. Mrs Sarah Lin doff. 2030 Gilbert Sir. Egg Calls For S'up Boil 4 eggs, put in cold water, mash yolks with yoU' of one raw egg, one teaspocnl'ul of flcur, pepper, calt and parsley, maKe in balls, and boil two minutes. Mrs Al. -Eouquet. Eart:e:t Sir. I-!- Orange Fiidding Peel and cut 5 sweet oranges, into tliin slices, tak- ing out the C2eds, pour over them a coffeecup of white ;:rgar, leL a pint of milK get boiling hot by setting it in a pot of boiling water, add the voIks of 3 egg;s well beaten, i tablespconful of cornstarch, made smooth witn a little cold milk, stir all the time, as soon as tJickend pour over the fruit. Eeat the whites to a stiff froth, adding a tablespconful of sugar and spread over the top for frosting, set it in the oven for a few minutes to harden, eat cold or hot, better cold for dinner or supper. Eerrics or peaches can be substituted for or- anges. Miss Tille Fepmeyer. 16 19 Thul Ctr. Birds Nest Pudding Take 8 or 10 good flavored apples, pare and core, leaving them whole, place in a pudding dish, fill the cores with sugar and a little grated nutmeg, then make a custard allowing 5 eggs to a q^^art ol milk and sw^eeten to taste, pour this over the apples and bake about >2 hr. Mrs Almira Spitzmueller, 507 S Weed Str. Cracker Pudding I quart of scalded milk, 5 tablespccnful of rolled crackers, a small piece of butter, 4 eggs, bake i Yz licur's, and serve with any kind of sv/eet sauce. Mrs C. Smith. 1 50 1 Doemland Str. I quart of milk. .;. ci.(>;';;, one hAt box of cox's gcla- lixe, 8 tablesp'-on's of siig;ar, flavor with vanilia. Put the gelathie in the "lilK in a rice boiler, when Doiiin^ add the eggs, seperate, with _;. tablespoon's of sr.gar. First add the yolks then the whites, do not let it boil or it will curdle, put 0:1 ice and eat with whipped cream. Miss H. Horning. 1 01 2 Pine Sti Fhie Plum Pudding I cup of chopped suet, i cup of grated bread crumbs I " " " apples, I " " raisins, I " " currants. Vi " " b'rovrn si: gar, X " " C sugar, pinch of salt .bf cup of citrcn pmch of all Kind of spices, a piece of butter the size of a walnut, cliop this altogether very fine, then add j^ cup of molasses, % cup of water, 2 ergs, mix aitogeth-- er with a little flour, then spread cut a thin cloth or flour sack, cover with a layerof flour, pnt the pudding en the cloth and tie very tight mabing a round ball, then put a saucer in the bottom of a cook po:, then put the ball of pudding on the saucer cover wnth boil- ing water, always Keeping the pudding covered with water, and boil constantly for 4 hours. Serve with wine cauce. Mrs Geo. vSameon. 509 S 3 d. Str. 1 6 Apple Fnclding vStir 2 tablcspccnftil of butter, and half cup of sugar to a cream, stir into this, the ^xlks of 4 eggs, well beaten, the juice and grated rind of one lemon, and ha:f a doz2n sound tart apples grated. Then stir in the beaten whites of eggs, season with cinnamon or nut- meg and bake. To be eaten cold with cream. Mrs M. D. Hirtzler. 1033 N. 10 th Str. Plain Chocolate Pudding Scald one quart of sweet milk, with j4- of ^ cupfnl ol grated chocolate, when cool, add 3- oiks of 5 eggs I cup of sugar, flavor with vanilla. Bake >2 hour beat whites stiff, and add 4 tatlespoonful of fine sug- ar, spread en tcp and brown in oven. Mrs M. D. Hirtzler. 1033 N 10 th Str Fruit Rice Pudding One large teacupful of rice, a little water to cook it partially dry line an earthen basin with part of it, fill nearly .full with pared, cored, ar^d quartered apples, or any fruit you chcor.e, cover with the balance of your rice, tie a cloth tightly over tcp, and steam cne hour. To be eaten Vv'ith sweet cream. Mrs M. D, Hirtzler. 1033 N. 10 th. Str. O range Pudding 17 S oranges cut up fine, i quart 01 sweet milk, 2 table - spoonful of cornbtarcli, 6 tab!espoonful of sugar, pinch of salt, Yollrs of 6 eggs. Maice the custard and stir ni the oranges after you taice it off of the stove. Make an icing of the whites of the eggs, i cup of sugar beat a long time until thick. Dish up custard, and pr.t seme of the icing on each dish. Miss Agnes Newquist. 540 8 th. Str. Black Pudding y.t cup ot molasses, i cup of warm water, i cup of raisins, 2 cups of flour, Yi teaspoon uf soda, i teaspoon of allspice, 2 teaspoon's of cinnamon, steam 3 hour's. Sauce; Yz cup of butter, i cup of sugar. Beat to a cream, and add the whites of 2 eggs, well beaten, and flavor. Mrs Rundcrff. 321 S 6 th. Str. Cranberr^^ Pudding- Stir 2 tablespoon 'sful of butter, and i cupful of sug- ar, to a cream, then add i ^zz^ % cup of sweet milk, and flour enough to make a stiff batter, i teaspoon of baking powder. Line a pudding dish with a thicK lay- er of cranberries, that have been stewed and sweetened pour the batter over them, and steam half an hour. To be served with a sweet sauce. Mrs M. D. Hirtzler. 1033 N 10 Ml. Str. K) Cccoaiiut Pudding I quart of milk, 3 tablespoouful of corn starch, 3-olks of 4 eggs, a 34 cupfpi of s-ugar, and a little salt, put part of milk, salt, and sugar, on the stove and let it boil dissolve the cornstarch in rest of milK, and while boil- ing add yolivs and a cupful of grated chocolate., prosting; Whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth, j4 cupful of sugar, flavor with lemon, spread on pud- ding, and put into oven to brown saving a little frost- ing to moisten top, then cover with grated cocoanut. Mr^ . I\i. D. Hirtzler. 1033 N 10 th Str. Peach Tapioca Pudding Soak over night a large teacupful of tapioca in cold water, in the morning put half of it in a buttered pud- ding dish, sprinkle sugctr over top, then on this put one quart of fruit peaches, or strawberries, or any kind j/ou ciicosc, and then. add rest of tapioca, then fill dish v\'ith wate/ covering tai3ioca. Baice in* moderate oven until it lDok5 clear. Eat cold v/ith cream. Mrs M. D. Hirtzler. 1033 N 10 th Str. OyvSter Sauce I quart of scalded milk, 5 tablespconful of rolled cracKers, small piece of butter, 4 eggs, bake i }4 hrs. Serve with any kind of sweet sauce. ' M-s. C. Smith. 15'ji Doemland Str. Banana Cream Pic tq One quart of mill:, one cup of su^ar. half cup of but- ter, 5 Qgg^, 2 y2 tablespoonsful of cornstarch; banana and powdered sugar on top. Heat milk, add sugar, butter, eggs, and cornstarch, disolved in a little milk, add the bananas sliced, and bake with one crust. Miss Agnes Newquist. 540 S 8 th Str. Chocolate Pie Yolks of 3 eggs, 2 large tablespoons of grated choc- olate, cne tablespoon of flour, two thirds cup of sugar one cup of sweet milk, a very little sweet milx, a very little butter, set on stove until thickens, flavor with vanir.a, bai-ce wdth an under crust. Beat the whites of 3 eg£-:} and add 2 teaspoons of sugar, spread ^on the pie and brown slightl}'. Miss Mabel Thompson. 2006 Miller Str. Apple Pie For 1 Pie; To a cup of stev.^ed apples, sauce the yolks ot 2 eggs, bajie in one crust, make a frosting fof top of pie. Put in oven and brovrn. MiFs Fordncy. 516 Wa^hirgtcn £tr ^sr' ^ Oa L LIMG * X * e A R OS ^ I i. S. GO. 1 91 3 MOe::- Si'?. BimiRfiT*?!] Ui ©rdci-f. will be ir.-o::iiycly aUcnded to. Gt!S ;-:-:e ^ P".. 20 Rhubarb Pic For one pie; To a cup of stewed rhubarb, taice cnc tablespoonful of flour, yolks of 2 eggs, abcu': a cup of sugar, then beat it altogether, and bake in one crust. Beat the whites of the 2 eggs to a stiff froth, then add 2 tablespoon's of pulverized sugar for the frosting then put in oven and brown. Miss Fordney. 516 Washington Str. Lcn:cn Pie Grate 2 lemons, take 2 cups of sugar, 3 eggs, i cup of niilK, boil in a kettle, niaKe a pie crust, and turn into the pie tins, make a frosting, of the w^hitee of the eggs and 2 tablespoon's of sugar, put over the pie and set in the oven to brown. Mrs Carrie Simms. 414 Adams Str. Lemon Pies For 2 pics; Grate the yellow^ off of 3 lemons, take i cup of sugar, half cupcf cornstarch, 4 eggs, i V^ pints boiling water. Squeeze the juice out of the 3 lemons, and pour in the last thing after your filling is done, and off of the stove, bake the crust first before you put in the filling. After you mix the parts contained in the filling together, put on the stove, and cook un- til done, then make a frosting for top. Miss Rosa Kammith. 502 N. 5 th. Str. Sweet rotate Tie 21 One pint of stewed sweet potatoes finely mashed, 2 cups of sug;ar, i cup of cream, butter size of an egg, 2 well beaten eggs, flavor with nutmeg, and bake hi an under crust onl}'. |Vrs. |-"iunter. 813 Washington Str. Vinegar Pie Ci:e egg, one heapiug tablespoon of flour, one tea- cup of sugar, beat all well together, then add, i table- spoon of sharp vinegar, r cupful of cold waler, flavor with :iutmeg, and baice in two crusts. Mrs. h^"^^^^^^' 813 Washington Str. Macaroni One 1 c. box of macaroni in a tin pan and cover with cold water, let boil until tender, then dram, have an earthen dish, then cut in small pieces 10 cents worth of cheese, then taxe one half of the macaroni, and put in the dish salt and pepper to taste, put in a tablespoonful of butter, then half of the cheese, tllen ^nt in tlie rest of the mrxarcni, then same amount of rait, pepper, and butter, then the rest of the cheese rover with fresh milk, then baKc 20 minutes to a 11 rht b.-own. Mrs J, L. Hardy. 815 Washington St'-. CALLING CARDS. Is what ycu want \J. S- CO 22 Cookies Yl cup of butter, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of milk, i cup of sugar, i teaspoon of vaniila, i teaspoon of bak- ing powder, flour to roll as soit as possible. Mrs J. p. Ebcrt 1525 Thul Str. ixaised Doughnuts Take a quart of laised coffee caKc dough, i cup of milk, I egg, -nd i cup of butter, flour enough to niaxe a stiff dough, then let raise light, roll it cut an inch thick, and cut out like cookievS. and then let them raise light, then fry in lard, when cold to serve, rcll in powdered ^ugar. /\/\iss ^ille pepmeyer. 1619 Thul Str. Egg Muffins Cuart and a half of sifted flour, 3 eggs, the whites and yolks beaten ^eperately, 3 teacupsful of sweet indx, I teaspocnful of salt, i tablespoonful of sugar, 2 tablespoonful of butter, 2 heaping teaspconful of B; Powder, sift together flour, suerar, sail, andB. Pow- der, rub in the butter and the beaten eggs and milk, mix quicKly into smooth batter ( a little thinner than lor griddle cakes ) fill mm'fin pans well greased with butter, % full Eai:e 15 or 20 minutes in hot oven. f/iss jV^aude Qpitzmueller. 507 Wood vStr. Idas DoiigliiiUts -3 One cup of niiJk, r cup of sugar, 2 eggs well tcatcn, seperately, 2 teaspoons of melted butter, i teaspoon 01 salt, mix sugar \vith vvliites, then with yelks, and ac.a butter, 2 large teaspoons of E. Powder, flour enough to make a stiff dough, fUvor with nutmeg or vanilla. Mfs Edward pepnicj/er. 1323 Corse Str. Doughnuts One cup of sugar, 2 eggs. 2 tablespoons of melted butter, 7/3 cup of milk, 2 even teaspoons of B. Powder I even teaspoon of soda, flour enough to roll, salt and nutmeg. T^Irs Chas. Herr. 1605 Thul Sir. Fried Cakes or Doughnuts Two cups of sugar, i pint of sweet mill', 3 eggs, 3 tablespoonsful of melted butter, 3 tLaspocnsiui of B. Powder, nutmeg, flour, fry in hot lard. Mrs Mithews. 1209 S 13 th. Str. / ^ S^.1 M^^, 19i3MiLlEESTE. Vvm pieace ''^'"^'^ '^^ yuu in that line. Nothing nicer then to have your card with :70U while making a visit. Print same as mv name, maiies an attractive card. 4 Ggg^, I 'A cups of r,ugar, i cup of bptter. i quart of flour, 3 heaping spoonful of baxing powder. Fry in plenty of hot lard. ^Viss. Rosa [<{9.VAm\t\u 502 N 5 th Str. Ginger Cookies 3 cnps of ( Orleans ) molasses, i cup cf lard, 2 eggs /2 cup of sugar. 3 teaspoonful of ginger, i Lcaspocn- fui ot allspice, 2 teaspoonful of soda, a pinch of salt, disolved in a )4 cup of warm water, flour enough so it will not stick. Mrs cJ- L. Hardy. 815 Washington Str. Cold Water Cookies Stir together i ;4 cups of granulated sugar, 2 eggs half cup of lard, pinch of salt, i cup of cold water, 2 teaspoonful of baking powder with flour to stiffen. Add flavor Jig to taste, bake in a quick oven. Mrs Long. Cor. 14 th & Louisa Str. ^^^ ^ Gfl LLI NG ^ X * Gfl R DS ^ Vi. 8. GO. 1 913 Miner Str. BURLIWGTON lA Orders Vv^ill be promptly attended to. Gus Eree. mgr- ENVELOPES We will furnish a good hJO. 6 vhite envelope' with your Return Card and a ccniic picture on them at 50 c. per 100-3: c. jcf 50 . - 25 for 25 c. G:is Bree. Sponge CaKe Rolls -5 2 cups of sugar., 4 cegs beaten to a icGtn, 2 cups ot flour, 2 teaspoons of B. Powder, i cup of boiling wa- ter, add water last it vAll seem tbiii but will come cut of the oven all right, roll while hot. j\/\rs S^P^^i^ B^tts. 1 735 Corse Str. Tapioca & Peaches One cup of tapioca soaked over night, in tho morn- ing cook until tender, and add sugar, when you taice ir from the stove, whea cold, stir in canned peaches, and eat with cream. If you vvish to frost the top, beat t:ie v/hites of 2 eggs to a stiff froth, then add a heap- i!ig1:5bl25poonful of pulverized sugar, then p]a:e in oven t ^' be lightly browned. 502 Washington vStr. Hot Slaw Cut fine what cabbag^e is desired for a dish of slaw^ 2 eggs, 4 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 heaping tablespocns- iul of sugar, i cup of sour cream, salt, and pepper, to taste, beat eggs well, stir eggs vinegar and sugar to- gether and boil until thick. Stir altogether and serve, Mrs G- Westing. 129 S 5 th. Str If you get in company with a stranger, and w^cidd Hkc to (Tct acquainted hand him your card. -?6 Omelet 6 eggs whites and 3'o1ks taken seperately, Yi pint of :i'ilK, 6 teaspoons! ul of cornstarch, i teaspoon of Bak. Powder, and a Httie salt, add the whites beaten to a stiff froth, last cook in a little butter. Miss H attic Johnson. 1909 Dewein Str. Corn Oysters Grate 6 large ears- of sweet corn, roll 6 soda crack- ers, whites of 2 eggs beaten to a stiff froth, a little salt mix ail thoroughly, and fry in deep lard. Mrs prank \/\/2ilz, no Cleveland Str. Baiced Custard I quart of milk, 4 eggs, beat whites seperate, 5 table- spoons of sugar mixed with the yolks, flavor with nutmeg or vanilla, Scald the milk, add by degrees to the Yolks and when v/ell mixed stir in the whites. Bake in deep dish or custard cups, grate a little nutmeg on each. Mrs E- Kammith. 502 Washino:ton Str. ^^^ ^ GALLING * X *GflRDS ^ U. S. GC. 1 91 3 Miller Str. BURLINGTON lA Ordcrr. will be promptly attended to. Gus Bree. Mgr- a^.T-ain ^mUifc iCO at •40 c 5D " 30c 25 ' 2Cc Cackles 27 2 cups of molasses, i cup of sugar, 4 eggs. 4 table- spoons of butter, cloves and orange peeling to taste, flour to thicken, roll thin and cut. Mrs Otto S^^^^g^^^^- 418 Adams Str. Clam Chowder Wash the Clams thoroughly cover them with boiling water, and let them stand 10 minutes when the3^ can be easily opened, taKe them from the shell, cut off the blackheads and pnt the bodies in a clean dish. For a pecK of clams use 6 large potatoes peeled and sliced thin, and half an onion cut in small pieces, cut a /i pound of porK into small pieces and fry brovsm, put the potatoes and onions into the kettle with the pork with a tablespoonful of salt a little pepper and hali' cup ot flour shaken over them, strain over this 4 quart of the water in w^hicli the clams were scalded, and boil 15 minutes, now add the clam.s, and 6 crackers Split and cook 10 minutes longer. Mrs f\lmira Spitzmueller. 507 S. Wood Str. Cocoanut Cookies I cup of sugar, V^ cup of butter, i Qgg 2 tablospocn of milk, 1 teaspoonful of Cr. of Tartar, ^^ teaspoonful of soda, a little salt, and i cup of coccanu^. Mrs p^lmira ^P^tzmueller. 507 S. Wood Str. 2:'> Sculicpcd Oysters Butter an oval dish, put in a layer of ousters, and dredge in a little salt pepper and butter, then a layer of roiled crackers, pour over this a fev^ spoonsful of milk, just enough to moisten the cracker, then a la^^er of Oj^sters with salt pepper and butter, another of crack- er with a little more milK, and ^oon until the dish is full, before putting into the oven pour a little more milk over the top, bake about y^ hour. Mrs Mary Robinson. 607 Gertrude Str. Oat Meal Crackers I cup of molasses, i cup of lard, i cup of water, 6 cups of oat meal, 2 cups of flour, i teaspoon of salt i teaspoon of soda. Miss T^liie M \isj\\\eX\. 719 Lewis Str. Ginger Bread I cup of molasses, Vz cup of butter, Yz cup of sugar T cup of sour milk, 2 eggs, i teaspoon of soda, 2 tea- spoons of ginger, i teaspoon of cinnamon. Flour to thicken . fs/\rs VVillett. 719 Lewis Str.. I made a visit to mrs (i5:n^d on Main Str. but she was not at home. I happened to have my card with r-ieGUS- BREE. l9l3MlLLESSTii- Has them Boiled Cod 29 La}^ the fish in cold water, a little salt for Y^ hcur wipe dry and sew up in a linen cloth, coarse and clean fitted to the shape of the pi see of cod, leave but one fold over each part, lay in the fish kettle, cover with boiling water, salted as discretion, allow nearly an hour for a piece weighing 4 pounds. Mrs /=\1. Bouquet. Bnrtlett Sir. Boiled Custard One quart of milk, 8 eggs, ^2 pound of sugar, teat to a good froth the eggs and sugar, put the milk in a tin pan and set it in boihng water, pour in the eggs & sugar, and stir it until it thicKens. Mrs George jv\osena. High & Avenne Orange Fritters 6 large oranges peeled and sliced, 2 v/ell beaten e^-gn 2 tablespoonsful of su2:ar, and enough flour to make a batter about as stiff as for flannel cakes, dip the oran- ges hito the batter being sure they are well covered by it then fry in plenty of boiling lard, drain on coarse brown paper, sift powdered sugar over the fritters and serve. Miss K''^'-"^'^ p^obinson. 60 7 G-rtrude Str. GRLLiNG GflRDS At 40 ^-^ (^ !00 With your NAME. Try GUS, BRE3 :-p Stewed Dates Wasli and pick over i pound of dates, taKe out the stones' simmer on a slow fire witli just sufficient wa- ter to cover them, and cook until they become like apple sauce, add a piece of butter about half tablespoon- ful, sweeten to taste and flavor with lemon peel. This is a very healthy sauce. Dates are also excellent chop- ped and mixed with the breakfast oat meal, to be eat- en VA^itli cream and sugar. Mrs Qeo. S^^''^^^^^- 509 S 3 c^. Str. Duck Dressing Take 6 nice sized warm boiled potatoes, }( ^<^^^ ^- bread, i pound of crackers, mix this with a little hot water enough to moisten, then add 3 nice size chopped onions, I teaspoonful of sage, i teaspoonfulof salt, i teaspoonful of pepper, i lump of butter the size of an ^'S^y 2 eggs, mxix this all well together and stiff again. This dressing is fine, made in potato balls and fried in hot butter. Mrs Qeo. C)ewein 312 Vine vStr. Ginger Ccckies 1 pirit of molasses, 2 tablespoons cf lard, i table- vSpoon of ginger, i teaspoon of soda, flour to mix. Mrs J. E. Black. 417 Bassett Str. Molassas Ccokics 31 1 Yz cups of molasses, i cup of brown sugar, 2 egps I cup of lard, i cup of water or milk, 2teaspocnsfulof soda, I Yq, teaspoonsful of ginger, i >2 teaspoonsful of cinnamon, i teaspoonful of salt, mix in flour enough to roll out soft as possible. Cpt withcooKie roller and baKe in a quick O'^en. Mrs Gus. S-^^^^^^e-'- 1305 N Oak Str. Steamed Apples TaKe 4 nice large apples and cut in halves, takeout ^-he cores and be careful not to bn aic the apples, then set them in a large pie tin and half cover with water coverthemwith another pie tin, and .Irs Rundorff. 321 S Sth. Sir. Ertad Pudding Us:; the stale bread you have, and put in the pan yon bake in, then mix the yolks of 4 eg2:s, and a pint of r^ilk, beal that together, then add half cup of sugar and pour that over the bread, then grate a little nut- meg on top and bai-ce, when done put the whites of the 4 eggs with a litile sugar on^top and bake until brown. Mrs Jensen. 520 Curran Str. O^'fier ycur V\/edding Cakes, Q'-^^'^^'* Patties, Cream Rolls, z? puffs, a^ BXJEL. B:EE.^D: GO 34 DoTHhiiUts 1 cup of sugar, i lahksuoon of buticr, - eg^-'S, i cup of milk, 2 teaspoons of B. Powder, pinch of salt, stiff- en to suit, and when done roll in powdered sugar. Miss Dora Jensen. 5>S Curran Str. Cocoanut Cookies 3 cups of sugar, 3 cups of butter, i cup of lard, 3 ^£i"ir^-. I pint, of milk, 4 teaspoon of B. Powder, roll thin then sprinkle over the top with cocoanut, cut out and baivc in a hot oven. Mrs cJ. E- Black. 417 Basseti Str. Raisin Cake I j4 cups of sugar, 2 eggs, 3'3 cup of butter, 1 cup oi raisins, cook the raisins till they swell dud get done good, then use half cup of the juice and half cup of milk, 3 teaspoons of B Powder, i teaspoon of allspice iialf teaspoon of nutmeg, stiffen with ilour. Eaks in a modern oven and brown. Mrs Jcn^^cn. GAL LING CARDS At 40 A («) 100 With your MAI^E. Try GUS, BREE ^-^^GflLLING *x*GaRDS^ U. S. GO. 1 91 3 Miller Str. BURLINGTON lA Order;: will be promptly attended to. Gus Bree. Mgr Lomo:. Pie 35 MaKe pie crust same as always. For filling; grate half of a lemon the outside and all, use 2 egg-^, i cup of milk, half cup of sugar, 4 teaspoons of cornstarch cook till btiff, baKe the crust and then put in filling, beat up the white of eggs, and put on top and bake. Miss Dora Jensen. 523 Curran Str. Ccccanut Drops Grate a coccanut and weigh it, then add half the weight of powdered sugar and the white of i egg beat- en to a stiff froth, stir tht^ ingredients together, then drop the mixture with a dessert spoon upon buttered white paper, or tin sheets, and sift sugar over them. Bake in a slow oven 15 minutes. Miss Laura Slingluff. 522 Curran vStr. Hickory Nut Custard Cake Cream i cup of butter, and i cup of sugar, add 5 eg^s beaten separately, i cup of swest milk. 3 cups of flour, 3 teaspoons of B. Powder, flavor wiih lemon, and baKe in jelly pans. For custard;, place i pint of milK in pan, when boiling hot add i tablespoon of cornstarch disolved in a little milk, 2 eggs, }A cup of sugar, I cup chopped hicKory nut meats well mixed together; stir and put between the layers of the cake. This is excellent. Mrs Rundorff. 321 S 6 th. Str. 36 Maud S Cake I y^ Clips of sugar, half cup of butter, 3 eggs, half cup of milk, half cup of flcur, then stir the chocolate custard in, which is as follows;: Chocolate Custard,: 8 tablespoons of grated chocolate 5 tablespociisof gran- ulated TUgar, half cup of milk, cook until it thickens a little, beat until cool, then stir into the cake, and add • K- cups of flour and 2 teaspoons of B, Powder. Miss [N|ellie/ \\!\. Slhigluff. 522 N Curran Sir. Angel Focd Cake ir eggs whites, and 2 cups of granulated sugar, i Vz cups of flour, and V^ tcaspocn of Cr Tartar sifted with flcur. Beat whites stiff, add sugar and flour, sift flour and sugar 3 times. BaKc in dow ovtn. Mrs \'\. Wall. 523 S 8 th. vStr. Fruit Cake I quart of molasses, i cup of currants, half cup of lard, half cup of raisins, 5 centL^ of citron, big cupful of black coffee, 5 cents of prunes a cup of sugar, half spoon of sirup, half spoonful of ground cloves, a big tablespoon of ginger, 2 cup^^ of sour milK. Mrs V/alker. 625 S 8 th. Sir. For the [-incst Bakery 3o;^<^^ i" the city, call at the Dc'vilcs Food Cake 37 2 cupF5 of brown sug-ar, half cup of butter, half cup of sour milk, 2 eggs, 3 cups of flour, mix well; half cup of boiling water, stir in the water i teaspoonful of soda, and half cup of grated chocolate ^tir with the batter. For Filling;, 2 cups of sugar, l^ cup of sweet milk, >^ cup of butter. Cook until it threads. Miss Rose Rynott. 317 Kmmett vStr. Devils Food Cake No. 1 : cup of grated chocolate, half cup of sweet milk, I cup of granulated sugar, cook in water half hr. or till it thickens. Let cool and add 2 teaspoons vanilla. No. 2 I cup of brown sugar, half cup of butter half cup of sweet milk, 2 eggs yolks and whites bedt up, 2 cups of flour, I small teaspoon of soda. Beat sugar and ivutter 10 cream, then add voIks of ^z^'^^ ^^^^^^ -^^- I then flour, then whites of eggs, then soda. Possibly add a little more flour. Miss Glara W^^lett. 719 Lewis vStr. Baked Rice or Hominy Mix with cold boiled rice or hominy a beaten q^^, a little milk and butter & season, put into a baice-pan and brown in the oven. May be served as a vegetable. Mr J. C. Walter. 1430 S 5 th. Str. Try G"^' B^ee V/itb an Q^der for CiVRDS. .i3 Ivdiou Sponge Cake 3 eggo, T cup of sugar, i large tablespoonful of but- ter, 2 teaspoonsful of B. Powder, icup of flour, i table- .spoonfi-J of milk, bake in layers. Filling: — i ciip of cold water, t ecrg^ i cup of sug^ar, the juice and grated 1 ind of one lemon, i large tablet^poon of corn-starcli. Cook this in a dish of hot water till it becomes thick. Miss /-^maiida hi^y^"^- 1329 K ej) 111. vStr. Peach Cake Bake 3 sheets of spongecake, same as for jellv cake, cut peaches in thin slices, prepare cream b}^ sweeting and whipping it, flavor with vanilla. Put layers of peaches between the caKes, and pour the cream over eachlayei. Miss ftmanda Hty^r. 13 K) N 9 th. Str. Satisfactory' Cake Beat I }4 cups of sugar, pinch of salt, and voIks of 3 egfgs togetlicr, add the well beaten whites of 3 eggs, and half cup of cream, and half teaspconful of vanilla to this add 2 teacupsful of flour into which has been sifted 1 tsaspoonful of B. Powder, when baxed pour over it a frosting made a^ follows;, i cup of sugar, 2 teaspoonful of cold water letting conie to just a boil, llieii pour it into the well ])catcn ^\•hites of one egg, aUogetiier. Miss M'^T^^-'i'^'^t Gushing. 1205 Agency Ave. SpOiigc Cuke 39 2 Clips oi sugar, 4 eggs beat thorougiily, i teacup of flour, I tabiespoonful of B. Powder, flavor with one tca^|:'ici:ful of vanilla. Miss IjUln Qhnss, 12 Id N 7 til. Sir. IvcaiOii b^jUeJ Cake ]:4 cup of butter, 1 >2 cups of sugar, -A cup of milk -; eggs, 2 j4- cup^ of flour, 2 level teaspoons of B. Pow- der. Cream the b^utter, add gradudlly the, sugar, eggs., yolKs well beaten, and the milk Mix and sift the flour '.!id B. Powder and add, then the eggs whites beaten nntil stiff. Bake in layers, andput together with lemon filling. IMiss l_^illian Rodin. igoi Herchler Str; Chocolate Caramels 3 pounds of brown sugar, half pound of butter^ half pound of chocolate scraped fine, one pint of cream or r.iilK, melt •dl these together with care, and boil 20 miAutes or half hiour stirring constantly, just before taking off of the fire flavor with vanilla, and add a small cup of granulated sngar, pour in a buttered tin a:id partly cool, marK in pieces about i inch square. Miss K^-^^ Robinson. 607 Gertrude Str. "' ^W^"^ GALLING =^ X =^= GRR DS ^ U. S* GQ. 1913 Milicv str. BML!l!JSTO?J lA Orders will ])c promptly attended to. Crus Brce. Mgr. jo Eiiglisli Pan cakes T pint of mi:K. i tablespoonhil of sugar, t cupful of flour, I teaspoonful of B. Powder, i cupful of cream l)inch of salt, sift flour, salt, and powder together, add to it eggs beaten with sugar and diluted with milk and cream, mix into batter, have small roinid frj'ing pan melt a little butter in it, pour about half a cupful bat- ter in it, turn pan around that batter ma}' reach other side, butter each and roll it up and sprinkle with pow- dered sugar. Miss flmelia S^^i^<^^"^^"- 1434 vS 5 th. Str. White Cream Cake Stir t<:)getlier 2 cupsful of white sugar, 2tablespoon- ful of butter, i teacupful of sour cream, i teaspoonful of soda, when these are well mixed stir in 3 teacups of flour. Last of all add the well beaten whites of 8 eggs, baKe in shallow baxing pans, in a moderate oven. Miss Tille Hetz, 611 vS 9 th. vStr. Ricli Bride Cake Take 4 pounds of .-lifted flour, 4 pounds of sweet fresh butter beaten to a cream, and 2 pounds of white powdered suirar. taxe 6 eggs for each pound of flour, I ounce of ground mace or nutmeg, and a tablespoon- ful of lemon extract, or orange flavor water. Mi"^ St"nip- 1435 Thul Str. spiced Ginger Bread 4^ I cup eacii, sugar, butter, and molasses, 3 eggs, 3 cnps of flour, I teaspoon of soda disolved in a cup of sour cream, half of a nutmeg, teaspoon of cloves, tablespoon ol ginger, exira good. Miss h^tlie Link. 1216 Patterson Str. Gooseberry Pie TaEe cither green or not to ripe gooseberries, put in .SHUcepan with enough Wdter to prevent burning, and J-.t-^jw slowly until the}- breai:, stirring often, sweeten "^^-ell and set away to cool, when cold, pour in piepan lined with past^. Kat cold but fresh, with powdered rno-a - lifted over top, or use the ripe berries without f'rst cooking (as in b^rrypie). Some also add a pinch of silt. Miss ["iattie L^ii^- 1216 Patterson Str. Cream Almrrd Ccke I cup of butter, 2 cups cf rdgar, i eup cf milk, i cup of cornstarch, 2 cups of flour, 2 level teaspoons of B. Powder, 5 eggs, j.4 teaspoon ful of almond extract. Cream the butter, add gradually the sugar, then the almond, mix and sift the flour, cornstarch, and B. Pow- der, and add alternately with the milKtothe first mix- ture, beat the egg 'whites' until stiff, add and beat vigorously. Miss Lillian Rodin. I901 Hcrchler Str. 42 Hot Slaw Take one halt firru white head cf cabbag^e. cut into fine pieces, and put in pan with a teaspoonful of salt, about the same quantity of pepper, and a piece of but- ter the size of an egg, adding a half teaspoonful of vin- egar and half that quantity of water. Cover and cook until the cabbage becomes tender, stirring frequently. Miss f\mclia 3^^i^^G^^^^i- I43J. S 5 th. Str. Cracker Padding One quart of scalded milk, 5 tablespoonsful of rolled crackers, small piece of butter, 4 eggs, baKe one ha^f hour, and serve with any kind of sweet ?auce. Miss S^^^^^^^^i^^^" 1430 S 5 th. Str. Queen Cake Beat I pound of butter to a cream with a tablespoon- ful of rosewater, then add 1 pound of fine white sugar 10 eggs, beat very light, and 1% pound of sifted flour beat th*- cake well together, then add ^4 pound of shell- ed almonds, blanched and beaten to a paste, butter tin round basins, line with white paper, put in the mixture an inch and a half deep. Lake du hour in a quiet oven. Mrs ftl. Bouquet Eartktt Str. Your NAME X? ADD:.::-\S, withTvetum Card, and good No. 5 white envelopes furnished at 40 <^^ per 100.— Gus. Bree BURLINGTON, IOWA Spcngc- Cake 43 I cup of sugar, Y^ cup of butter, beat 4 eggs, flour to stiffen it. 1 teaspccn of vanilla, 2 teaspoons of B. Powder. Mrs Mewquist. 5:;o S Sth. Str. Jelly Rolls Cream i cup of sugar with i tablespoon of butter, r.nd add 3 eggs, whites and yolks beaten s^perately, i cup of flour, and i teaspoon of B. Powder. BaKe caic- ^^lly in large square pan lined with buttered pa{:tr, spread tlie under side with jelly, and rcH while hot, folding in clean towel or paper, to keep in place. Eco- nomical and good for chocolate rolls use this fiUnig; ' 3 cup of powdered sugar, >^ cup of grated chocolate i egg. nearly '/a cup of niilK or water, boil st-a-^ily until IhicK as jelly, let it cool before your caKe is leadv. Mivi hattie l_,\n\^. I2i6 Patterson Str. Dcvcl Cake Half cup of butter, 2 level cups of susfar, i cup ci cold water, 3 cups of sifted flour, 3 level teaspoons o.^ B. Powder, 4 eggs, (whites only) i tcaspoonful of va- nilla, 1 teaspoon of lemon, i teaspoon of clove^, 1 tea- spoon of nutmeg, liquid spices;. If dry spices are used take only half as much of each. One square of EaKers bitter chocolate. Miss f\manda Lindoff. 20-^0 Gilbert Str. .14- Lc::ion Apple Tie One cup of cliopped apples, r^rated rind and chop- ped pulp of I lemon. I cup of sugar and a well beaten egg. Bake in 2 crusts, or in one and cover with a meringue. Miss f-jattie Link. I2i5 Patterson Str. Cup Cake vStir I cup of sugar, an.d >4 cup of butter together until they cream. Beat 2 or 3 eggs scperaterr, thtn mix with butter and sugar. Add i cup of milk, and 2 cups of flour, mixed with 2 teaspoonsful of B. Pow- der, add flavoring to taste. Icing:: >^ cup of granu- lated sugar with water to disolve, let boil to crystal '. Beat whites of egg, then pour the sugar onto the cg:g beating hard all the time, putting icu^g on cake while warm. Mi-^s plorence Lo'^'g"- Cor. T4th. & Louisa Str. Chocolate Carmel Cake I K cup of sugar, I cup of butter, i cup. of sweet milk, /.cups oj flour, ,-:^ eggs, 2 tcaspocns of B. Pow- der. Bake in ]a}/ers. — Filling- i pint of brown sugar, 1 cup of sweet milK, butter the size of an egg a little vaniila, 1 square of chccclate, boil 20 mhiutes, spread on cake while warm. Mrs. cj F- Elack 4I7 Basset. Str. MO Adulteration used in HAWKEYK RICKLES The ^Qzt and Ri^rer/. in the MARKET Fried guall 45 Split open on the bacK, and boil until tender, have a quantity of butter and lard hot in frying pan, put in th'^i bird and fry a nice light brown _ay the qudil on slices of toasted bread, aJid pour over them a nicegra. vy made in pan. Pheasants may be cooKed in ^aine way served on platter without toast Mrs Stohlcr. 1502 Caiueion Str. Celery Salad Cut off the root end of 3 heads of blanched celery, \ t^e each stalk carefully, cut nito small pieces, put ui ^^ia.a bowl. Place a potato cr niavonaise dressing over iiiiG serve. May be garnished with white celery leaves t'f water crisses, or arranged on a flat dish, and encir- cled with poinis of pickle cuts Another salad is made by mixing a head of cabbage wiih 3 bunches of celery lirst chopping both fine, and :idd dressing preferred. Mirs Ellice pader. I118 Agency Str. Potatoes Baked in Milk Slice 6 large raw potatoes thin in a buttered pan, sprinKle over this ^2 teaspoonful of salt, i tablespoon - ful of chopped pa^sle3^ and i of butter, cut into small pieces. Cover with milk, and bake verv slowly, for i)4 hours until brown & tender. Miss Mame H^i^^bsch. 4 16 Sumer vStr. W. Burlington. 4^ Crtam Faste To a pint of sifted flour, add an even tt asfccnfulof B. Powder, and sweet cream enough to v, et the flour, leaving crust a little stiff, eneugh for 2 pies. For a rich- er paste allow iathern:ore than a gill o[ cream with frcni J. to 6 tableppoons of Intter, and a yaltspoon of salt, fur eacli round of ilcur, emitting the B. Powder. Make a pa-te 01 tlie cream and lieur, roll cut and spread \vith butter, rolling again and spreading all the butter is u.-ed. In making any pah te, have flour and wet- ing as cold as possible. Miss L'llie Pletka. I222 Linden Str. Sweet Potato Pie Take 2 small sweet potatoes, and boil uniil well done then peel and mash until thev are smooth, th-n take 3-oll-'S of 2 eggs, Yi cup of sugar, i cup of milk, small lump of butter, and pinch of cinnamon. Mix this well and bake in your pie crust. This curtard is sufficient for I pie. whenbaKed. taice the whites of 2 eggs, and beat until stiff, and spreadover pie and baKe until stiff. Mrs Ekl'ind I ic6 Cbaliant Str. "lA/AMTCn" Ladies. Girls and Boys to work for YlfAWItU us .luri.i- then- spare .noKienrs i »»-j««— ii i i »— tu-day r<.r circulars and ooiiimence worK at once, for iliis "Ad"' will not Hppear airain. Yours, For Tlic Bf-st Goods On Karth. THE A. F MILLER CHEiVIICAL WORKS. 522 Jefferson Street. BURLINGTON, '.OVVA. White Mountain Cake 47 Two cups of sugar, Yz cup ot Luiiei-, the whites of 7 eggs, well beaten, -/z cup of swe^t njh.., 2cuphOi tjour, 1 cup of cornstarch, 2 teaspoonsfuloi B. I'owdtr. La .e in Jelly caxe tins. — prosting : whites of 3 eggs, and some sugar beaten together not quite as stiff as usual for frosting; spresd over the caxe, add some grated cocoaiiut; then put your cakes together, put cocoanut and frosting on top. Mrs Kate \J\^\\\^r, 1009 Camel on Str. Herring Salad Take 6 good size herring, and clean and soak until all the salt is soaked out of them. Then remove bones and cut up tine, and season with pepper Then add i pint of sweet cream, and i cup of viregar. Mrs \io\ pints of mJlK in which have been boiled an onion and 2 stalKS of celery, season wiih salt, tablespoon of butt r , and white pepper, adding cup of cream os above, cr whipping it and putting in tureen, lub throucrh puree sieve, and serve at once Soiie parboil the onions in water, then add to potatoes, and boil altogether, mas.i and add the boiling milk with a little sage, cook 15 min utes stirring all the time, and serve without rubbing- through sieve, a little butter or cream may be added but however made, it must be served as LOon as ready to be at its best. Miss Mabel B^i^^'^c i2o5 Patterson Str. Tomato Soup Take i quart of tomatoes, boil until soft, and then steam, wh^n steamed, put the liquid on to loil, and add }A cup of w^ater, i pint of milk, i t.blespcon of su- gar. >2 teaspoonful of salt, a pinch of pepuer, before adding milk add a pinch of soda. Serve with cracKer, or toasted bread. Mrs E- Wagner. 321 N Plane Str. Cocoanut Candy 49 One Clip of v/ater, 2>^ cups of fine white sugar, 4 spooiisi'ul ci viiierar, u pic'oe of butter as large as an ^gg, boil until Click, about "4 of an hour. Just before removing stir in i cup of ccc ar.r.t, and lav in sir all flaten cakes en butter plntes, to cool ?,n^"I harden. Mrs Haugh. 300 Blard Str. W. Burlington. Hf;gle>s Cookies 2 cups of sugar, i cupof sweet niilK, 1 cup of butter. M ^' aspoonful of soda, flour enough to roll. Use vanil- la, leinon, or nutmeg for seasoninc:. The}- are very nice Mrs Fay. 221 Sumer Str. W. Burlington Gold Cake The yolks of S eggs, 2 cups of sugar, i cup of butter, }4 cup of sweet milK, 3 cups of flour, 2 tea.^pccnsfulof E. Povrder. Flavor with orange extract. Mrs K"oPP- 1200 Plank Str. Fried Celery Boil the celer}' until entirely tender, drain it, divide into small pieces and fry in dripping until lightly biowntd. Miss fv|ellie fiangh. 1400 Plank Str. Liberal percentage paid to "AGENTS'" to take orders for CALLING CARDS, & Return Envelopes with name & Address. Qns Bree 1913 Miller Str, Burlington la. 50 Almond Cream Cake On beaten whites of lo eg;g3, sift 1% gobUts of pul- verized bugar, a goblet of fiour through which has been stirred a heaping teaspoonful of Cr. of Tartar, stir very gently and do not beat it. Bake in Jelh^ tins. For cre^mi : take a Y^ pint of sweet cream, yolKs of 3 eggs, tablespoonful of pulverized sugar, teaspoonful of cornstarch, disolve starch smocthlv with a little milk beat eggs & SQcrar together with this, add the cream ?.nd stir these ingredients in, as for any cream cake filling onl}^ mal-e a little thicker, mix % pound almonds with cream. Put cake together like jelly rolls, while icing is soft and place ]^ pound of almonds on top. Mrs Qeiber. 317 Gerirude Str. Pink & White Layer Cake I cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, beat to a cream, i cup of sweet milK, 2 teaspoons of B. Powder, sifted with 234 cups of flour, \\hites of 6 eggs beaten light. This makes 5 layers. Seperate enough dough for two layers, add to it i tea?pccntul of red fruit coloring and baKe. — Filling & Frosting; : whites of 2 eggs, 1 cup of jDowdered sugar, V2 cup of butter, and flavor to taste Pink Frosting : whites of 2 eggs, i cup of red sugar, ^■2 cup of butter, and spread on top of caKe. Mrs G- H f^bbisiefken. IS03 Agency Ave. (CaUln^ (iavd5 40 C. . loo (HIJ5. ^it, Burlington Soft Ginger Bread 51 6 cnpsful of flour, 3 of molasses, 1 of cream, t of lard or butter, 2 ergs, 1 teaspoonful of saleratus, and 2 of ginger. '^^^ B- Sei^ii- 1607 Agency Ave. Baked v^qua«h Cut in pieces, scrape well, baKe l"ro;n one to one & a half hours, accordnig to tliicKness of squash. To be eaten with salt and butter. Mrs K- Sen"- 327 Gertrude Str. Breakfast Gems 1 cup of sweet milk, lyj cups of Hour; i egg, 1 tea- spoon of salt. 1 teaspoon of B. Powder, beaten together 5 miriUtes; bake in hot gem pans, in a hot oven about 15 minutes. Mrs Sowden 609 Garfield Ave. Corn Starch Cake 2 cups of sugar, 1-2 cup of butter, 1 cup of sweet milk. 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of cornstarch, the whites of 7 eggs beaten stiff, 2 teaspoonsful of B. Powder. Stir the butter and sugar to a cream, sift the flour and cornstarch together, add the eggs last. Mix in the dish and ilavor with lemon. Miss pann}^ pritsche 2107 Agency Str. 52 Cottage Pudding AVarm 2>'^ taljles^wonsriil of bntlcr, stir iu a cup of sugar, atid 2 eggs well beaten. 2 teaspoonsful o*' C:\ai:i of Tartar, in 1 pint of flour, and iteaspoonful of soda disolved -n r cup of milk, flavor with nutme,2: or knicn. Eake j^v, of -^tj hour, and serve hoi with sauce. Miss Aggie Haiigh laoo Plank vStr. A^ienr.a Crcnrj Cale 4 cg'gs, I cup of .sugar. I cup of fiour, i tablespoon of melled butter, 3 teaspoons of E. Powder, 1 teaspoon of lemon; bake in Jelly tins. —Cream : 1 cupof thxK sour cream, 1 cup of sugar, i cup of hickory nut or walnut m.eats rolled fine; .-tir altogether, and boil 5 minutes, spread between the layers; ice the top. Delicious. Miss f\nna [^ink. 12 r 6 Paterson Str. Molasses Candy T cup of molasses, 2 cnps of sugar, i tablespoonful of vinegar, a little butter & vanilla. Boil 10 minutes, then cool enough to pull. Miss Bertha S^nn. 1607 Agency Str. Ginger Snaps Boil together i cup each, butter, and su^^ar add 2 teaspoons each soda, and cinnamon, 1 each elo- • ves and ginger, flour enough to roll out smooth, roil thin, and caKc quickly. Miss Ruth pink. 12 11 Hartktt Str. Prune Scoffle 53 Take i pint of prunes already \vell stewed & shredded and seeds taken out, the whites of 4 eggs beaten very stiff. 1 tablespoonful of powdered sugar, i pinch of baKing soda, add the last thhig i tablespoonful of prune juice. Bake in pudding dish about I5 minutes. Serve cold with cream. N^' rs tVorrison 80S N lo th. .-^tr. Fried Tomatoes Take a couple of large ripe tomatoes and wash clean, but do not peel; slice in thick slices, then season with v'^^^iigar, Fait & pepper, and dip in flour, then fry in hot butter Serve them while hct. Miss E'^i"i^^ Vessuer I5T9 Thul Str. Noodles for Soup Beat I Qgg light, add apmch of salt, and flour enough ti make a stiff dongh, roll out in a verv thin sheet, dredge with flour to keep from stickhig, then roll up tightly, begin at cue end and shave down fine, lil e cabbage for slaw. IMrs Ki^'^PP I200 PlaiiK Str. Candy Butter Scotch One cup of molasses, one cup of sugar, cue half cup of butter. Boil until done. MibS L y<^^^ie K^^i^P- 1200 FlaEK Str. 54 Virginie Biown Bread 1 pint of corn meal, pour over enough boiling wa- ter to thoroughly scald it, when cool, add 1 pint of light white bread sponge, mix well together, add i cupful of molasses, and graham flour enough to mold, this will make two loaves, when light, bake in a moderate oven for an hour and a half. Mrs B- S^i'a^^^^ 32S N Plane Str. Cr.tmeal Crackers 6 glasses of oatmeal, 2 glasses of flour, i cup of lard, I cup of sugar , i cup of water, i teaspoonful of soda disolved in one tablespoonful of vinegar, i pinch of salt. Mix same as for cookies only cut them in squares. Mrs M- E- E"gle S60 Franklin Sir. Jelly Custard To r cup of any sort of jelly add 1 egg, and beat well t'^gethcr with 3 tcaspconsful of cream or milK; after mixing thoroughly, bake in a gocd crust Miss flggie H<^ugh I400 riank vStr, Ginger Cookies T cup of sugar, 1 cup molasses, i cup of butter, i *^gg, I tablespoonful of vinegar, 1 tal)lespoonful of gin- ger, I teaspoonful of soda, di^olvc in boiling water, mix like cookie dough rather soft. Mrs V/icmer ^22 Plane vStr. Silver Cake 55 7 eggs, the whites beaten to a stiff froth, 2 cups of powdered sugar, Yh cup of butter, Y^ cup of milk, 2 teaspoonsful of B. Powder, 'or i teaspoonful Cr. of Tar- tar and Yz teaspoonful of soda', 3 cupsful of flour, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, or 4 drops of almond essence. Bake in a loaf for an hour. Mrs L- W^^^^- 310 N Gertinie Str. Dcugl nuts 2 cups of sugar, ^z cup of shortening, 2 eggs, i crp of sour milK, i teaspoon of soda, flour to make stiff e- nough to roll. Bake in hot lard. Mrs Nillian Ramke. 1417 Bodeman Str. Watermelon Cake 1)4 cups of sugar, Yi cup of butter beaten to a cream 3 eggs, 1 cup of milK, 2)4 cups of flour, 2)^ teaspoons- of B. Powder, take half of the butter; and put a few spoons of red sugar, and add a teaspoon of vanilla. Mrs cJoe. Euehl, I419 Bodeman Str. White Cake I 1-2 cups of sugar, 1-2 cup of butter, 1 cup ofmilK, wdiites of 4 eggs, 2 teaspoons of B. Powder, 3 cups of flour, cream sugar, and butter together, then add milK and beat eggs to a stiff froth. Mrs H^i^^"^' Ramke 20 ?o Osborn vStr. 5^^ Rye , Bread Make a sponge as for wheat bread, and let it rise over night., then add Yh cup of molasses, i teaspconful of salt, 1 quart of milk ar.d water,* ( equal parts ) and mix with rye flour, not as stiff as wheat bread, t> taxe. Mrs [finder, 8x8 Vally Str. Tomato Soup 7 gocd sized tomatoes, to 2 quarts of milk, stew and season tomatoes highly with salt, and pepper; have the milk hot, break into it a few crackers, stirinalarge lump of butter, pour into a tureen, and just as you take to tl:e table, add tomatoes mixing them w^ell together. Miss A^gie Hawgh. 1400 Plank Str. Squash Pie 2>^ cups of sirained squash, 2>< cups of milk, 3 eggs T tablespoon of melted butter, i heaping cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, r teaspoon of ginger, i scant teaspoon of m.ace. This niaKes 2 pies. I'.Iiss Eertha Boelsche 142S N 7 th. Str. Spanish Toast Leat 3 eggs to a foam, tca^t a few slices of bakers bread, dip them in the egg and fry them to a light ^^^*'C'.vn, M*s3 Lizzie K"opp l2co P^ank Str. Tend 1C cents for S A M P L ES ^f Gfl R DS w'tli your name on to taKe orders by; to, - Qus. B^^^ Com Brectv^ 57 Sift 3 quarts of corn meal, add a tablespoon of salt, I teaspoonftilcf E. Powder, and mix sufficient water with it to make a thin batter. Cover it with a bread cloth, arid set it to rise, When ready to lake stir it well pour it into a baKing pan, and bake slowly. Use cold wat^r i:i sum ner, and hot water in winte.-. Mrs D^c^i^^'-- I611 Agerxy Ave. Tapioca Pudding Cover 3 tablespconsful of tapioca with water, let s aiid over night, add i quart of milk, a small piece of butter, a little salt, and boil. Beat the volks of 3 eggs '\ ith a cnp of sugar, 1)oil the whole to a very thick cus- lard, flavor v/ith vanilla. When cold cover with whites < f eggs beaten. Mrs G- M. Vs/agner. 321 N Plane vStr. Hgg Sandwiches Chop finely the whites of hard boiled eggs, force the yolks through a strainer or potato ricer. Mix 3^olks and whites, season with salt and pepper, and moisten with mayonaise or cream ^aladdrcssiug. Remove end slice from bread, spread end of loaf sparingly and evv^nly with ll-.c moisture; cut off as thin as possible; repeat until the number of slices required arc prepared, Re- move crusts, put together in pairs and cut in squares, clIcrgT cr triangles. Mrs Qrawfoid ; 804 S 8 th. Str. 5^' Loaf Coeoanut.Cake One grated nut, one cupful of butter, three of sugar one of niilK, f(3ur and a half of flour, four eggs, one teaspoonful of Dvvights Ccw Brand ^cda, and 2 tea- spoonful of pure Creani of Tartar. Miss E"^^^^^ Pieckmann 17 1 1 Agencv Ave. Cream Cake 2 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, >j teaspoon of salt, % lea- spoon of mace, 24 cup of cream, i^s cups of flour, '<2 teaspoon of cinnamon, % teaspoon of ginger, 1 ^^ tea- spoons of B. Powder. Sift all dry ingredients ( except sugar ) together; beat eggs, sugar and cream vigorous- ly, then add dry ingredients slovvlv. Mix well and bake 34 hour. Miss fsjellie Sli"Rli^l'f 522 Curran Str. Rice Muffins 2 cups of flour. ^2 teaspoon of vSalt. i cup of milk, X cup of melted butter, i cup of boiled rice, 2teavSpoons of B. Powder, i q^^. Sift together flour, salt and B. Powder, add the rice, and worK in lightly. Mix to the batter with the ^gg milk and butter, and baKe in hot greased gem pans about thirty minutes, Mrs Qoi'VA3i'A 516 Curran Str. Lady canvassers can make good profits by having a (sideline) of GflLLlHG CARDS Send 1 Q c for Samples with your name on, to Gus. Bree. Cliccolate Caranieis 59 One cupful of grated chocolate, 2 cupsful of brown sugar, I cupful of West India mclasscs, 1 cupful of millc, or cream, butter the size of an egg, boil until thick, ahnost brittle stirring constantly. Turn it out on to buttered plates, and wl:en it begins to stilTen, marK it in squares, so that it will break easily wh^n cold. lixeit flavored with a tablespoonful of vanilla. Mrs \_,hz\e [jingle Si I r:im Str. Ca:-a:nel Filling I scant cup of butter, 2 cups of brown sugar, % cup of sweet milk. Mix well together and cook very fast until it hardens slightly, when dropped in cold water. Miss Minnie Ranike I4I7 Bodeman Str. Sponge Cak2 10 eggs 2 cups of sugar, 2 cups of flour, i teaspoon of B. Powder, beat yolks and eugar to cream, Beat whitesof eggs seperately. Flavor to suit t-dste. Bake 1 hour. Mrs W- f^agnus 863 Arch Str. Anias Cakes Take i prr.nd of sugar, and 4 eggs, stir >^ hour, then add ^,4 tcaspconful of hartshorn well powdered. Anias to taste, and flour to make very stiff; then bake libs Minnie B^'^c I9I3 ^.lilkr rtr. 6o Vanilla Wafers You take Vs cup of butter, fivA Vs cup of lard mixed and then taKe 1 cup of su^iar, i erg well beaten, % cup of milk, 2}i cups of flour, 1 level teaspconful of B Pow- der, ^s teaspcon of salt, at;d 2 teaspoons of vanilla. Cream tbe butter and lard add the sugar egg milk and vanilla, sift together thoroughly the flour, B. Powder and salt, and add. Cut into shape and bake in a moder- ate oven, lilies Hanna Rodin. 190I Her:.chler Str. Ginger C.)')kies I cupful of sugar, i cupful of molasses, 1 cupful cf lard or butter, 2 eggs, i teaspoonful of salt, i teaspcon- ful of ginger, ^2 teaspoonful of cloves, % teaspoonful of cinnamon, }4 teaspconful of allspice, 1 eup of hot water, stir in this water 1 teaspoonful of baKing scda. Add enough flour to stiffen it, then bake in quick oven. Miss Rose Rynott. 317 Emmett Str. Welsh R-irebit I cup of grated cheese, 1 egg. i teaspoon of mustard 2 tablespoons of butter, i cup of scalded milx or cream Salt and paprica, toast or crackers. Melt the butter, add the cheese and seasonings, when nearly melted, pour over them the scalded milK or cream, and just before seiving, the egg well beateu. vServeon, the toast or crackers. Mrs Jensen. 528 Curran Str. Newton Pudding 61 7 t^?gs, 7 tablespoons of flour, i qt of milk. Put the ^\'hites of the eggs, beaten lo a stiff froth, on the top of the crust. Bake one hour in a slow oven. Serve with a wine sauce. Mrs T. G. Kelly 3o5 N 6 th. vStr. Chocolate Ice Cream 8 oz. of chocolate, i pt. of milk 2 cups of sugar. Boil until thick and s:nooth, then cool. When cool, add I qt. of cream. Flavor with vanilla and freeze INI i ss E nim a R amk e 141 7 Bodeman vStr. Biscuits To 1 quart of flour, add 3 teaspoonsful of B. Powder, shorten with i tablespoonful of sweet butter, or lard, add r teaspoonful of salt, mix with sweet milk, or cold water, make as soft a dough as you can handle, knead r.s-Iittle as possible, and bake immediately in a quick oven Mrs. C Peterson 319 G;atten Str. Ccckics Take 2 cups of sugar, 2 eggs, ^'2 cup of lard, % cup of L utter, I tcaspccnful of scda, disolved in a cup ol sour milk, i teaspoonful of vanilla, flour enough to stiffen, arid roll tliin ar.d bake in liot oven Mrs. 3ha-:i^)C"la"n 1519 Thul Str. ^2 Ginger Cake I cup of sugar, i cup of molasses, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoonsful of lard or butter, i teaspoonful of salt, 1 teaspDonful of ginger, I-2 teaspoonful of cloves, 1-2 teaspoonful of cinnamon, stir in 1 cup of sour milk, i teaspoonful of soda, then add i quart of flour. Mrs. F\. Rvnott 317 E^"^^i^^^^t Str. Ivice Pudding I quart of mllK, t tablespoonful of butter, 2 table- vSpoonstul of rice, 1-2 cupful of raisins, sweeten to taste add a delicate taste of cinnamon, or nutmeg. Seed the raisins, do not let the pudding brown until it is thicK- ened sufficiently. Cool before served. Mrs. A. Petersen 319 Gi-attcn Str. ^:ar.d S. Cake I ^2 cup •, cf brown sugar, 3^ cup of butter, 3 eggs, )4 cup of milk, j4 cup of flour, thenstir in the chocolate custard, which is made as follows; - Chocolate CusLard,: 8 tablespoons of grated chocolate, 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1-2 cup of milk. Cook until it thickens a little, beat until cool, and stir into the cake, add 2 1-2 cups of flour, 2 teaspoonsfulof B. Powder. . Mrs Rappold 86q FrauKlin Str. Small jobs of tables. Circulars, Cards Envelopes etc. are printed very reavSonable by; Gus. E^^^ C) evils Cake 63 I cup of grated chocolate, boiled in >3 cup of milk , and let cool, i >^ cups of sugar, ^^2 cup of butter, 3 eggs, Yt. cup of milk, an even teaspoon of soda disolved in a little lict ^vater, 2 heaping cups of flour, i teaspoon of vanilla extract, i teaspoon of lerion extract, Put choco- late in at last. INIrp. Rappokl S69 Franklin Str. Ribhcn Fig Caxe I cup of butter, 2 cups of sugar, 3 cups of sifted flour, 4 eggs, whites and voIks beaten seperately, i cup of milk, 3 heaping teaspoons of B. Ponder, 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Take half of the batter, pour it in 3 jelly tins, on each put a layer of split figs; seeds up! Bake. To the rest add; 2 tablespoonsful of molasses, i cup of seedless raisins, Yz cup of currants, 1 teaspoon of cin- i:aaion,r-2 teaspoon of cloves, a little more flour. Bake in 2 or 3 jelly tins, place the lavers alternately with frosting between, having a Fig Cake for the top. Mrs \j\] , Magnus S63 Arch. Str. Buttermilk Pie For 2 pies:- 2 eggs, 2 cups of sugar, I-2 cup of butter, 4 tablespoons of flour, 2 teaspoons of lemon extract, i pint of fresh buttermilk. Mrs. Gus Bree I913 Miller Str- ^4 Blackberry Jam Cake 1 cup of suo^ar, V2 cup of butter, Y-i cup of sour cieam or milk, 2 cups of flour 1 cup of blackberry jam, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon of .'oda, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon i teaspoon of allspice. EaKc in three layers. Mrs T. G. Kellv 306 N 6 th. vStr. Fig & Date Layer Cake 3 eggs, 2 cups of sugar, 2 cups of flour, 2 teaspoons of B. Powder, >^ cup of butter, i cup of milk. Flavor to suit taste. — Filling : >^ pound of figs, >4 pound of dates, Y-i cup of sugar, chopped fine, and cooked to a paste. Mrs M- E- Engle 869 Franklin Str. Corn Bread I cupful of corn meal, i ^2 teaspccns- frJ cf very finely chopped l:am or tongue, salt and pep- per, fill the hollc^v of each v/hite, having the surface level, press one half to another, dip in e^^: then in c-ur.ibs, then in eo;g then in erumhs agahi. Fry in hot hutter, remove and drain on a piece cf paper, aranged 0:1 a platter. Serve with cream sauce; made Vv^itli i tea- spoonful of melted butter, and i of flour, ccgk togeth- er and add 1 cup of milk, salt, and pepper, let it boil live miiuites. Mrs \-\. G^i^"--'- 826 Washingtcn vStr. Herring Salad G herring vScak.ed ever night in water, and tlien all skin and bones 2nd parts net fit for use removed, cut fine into tin^3^ slices 2 dill pickles, i small beet, 4 hard 1- oiled eggs, 2 cnicriS, 2 apples, anri }.4 pound of ccoktd veal, mix well together, with this dressing. — ^4 cup of cream, and 2tablespccnsiul cf olive oil togelher, rub the soft herring, roll to a cream, and stir in to this, add a little sugar, mustard, salt, and pepper. Mix ^4 cup of water, and stir in dressing; mix with salad, and set awav for 8 hours, in a cold place before serving. Tar- nish witii dried currants. Mrs KaLtie f'/illcr. S^S Washington Str. 65 Spi-e CalvCS 8 eggs, 2 pounds of brown sugar, i tsaspccn of scc!a I teaspoon cf CiCves, 1 teaspoon of nutmeg, i teaspoon of cinnamcn, >^ pctinc cf c'trot\ cut fine, ^' pints of nuts, eggs beaten ccpcralcly. and then together add them to sugar, then scda; dough fairly stiff with flour and roll, liKe a broom-stick, and cut about i ^4 inches apart, and bake in a moderate oven. Mrs. L- Kocpf. 855 CViUmbia Str- Kt.? M'lTIns Sift together 3^^ cups of flour, 3>^ teaspccnsful of B. Powder, 1 spoon of salt, and 3 level tallespocnsfu^ of sugar, beat 1 egg until light, and add to it ij4 cn]^s- fulof milk, with 3 tablcspccns cf melted buttei ; acd this gradually to the flour, and teat to a smccth letter. Bake in hct buttered gem pans fcr 25 mirutes. Mrs. Kattie filler 84S Washington Str. Ginger Snaps I cup of sugar, i cup of molasses, i cup of lard, 1 tablespoonful of ginger, ^4 teaspoonful of blacK pepper I teaspconful of soda, dissolved in y? teacup of hot v;a- ter, as much flour as you can stir in with a spoon, do not roll out with rolling-pin, work little cakes with your har.ds as you would sausage cakes, and bake. Mrs H- Gantz. 825 Washington Str. Cider Cookies 67 2 cups of bUgar, i cup of butter, 2 cups of cider, nut- meg: to flavcr i^^ tcarpccns ci scd?; zdd ilcur as ether ccc!::cs, and baKe in a hot oven. Mrs. L- Kcepf C35 Cclunibia Sir. C'.iozo'.at^ Carr.iels 2 cups of brown sugar, 1 cup of molasses, 1 cup of chocolate grated fine, i cup of boiled niilK, i table- spoonful of flour, butter the size of a large english wal- nut, let it boil slowly, and when dene, put on plate to cool, mark off while warm. Miss Rose Rynctt. 317 Emtnett Str. Hermits 2 cups of eugar, y2 cup of butter, 4 teaspoons of scur milk, 3 eggs well beaten, 1 cup of chopped raisins, i scant teaspoonful of soda, 3 cups of flcur, l heapmg teaspoonful of cinnamon, i nutmeg grated, >4 tea- spoon of cloves, in water. Mrs. O^rt. 1224 Doemland Str, Cream Dressing 2 tablespoonsful of whipped sweet cream, 2 of sugar and 4 of vinegar, beat w^ell and pour over cabtage, pre- viously cut very fine, and seasoned with salt. Mrs. Rynctt. 317 Emmett Str. <^8 ^ _ Hot Slav/ Cut fine what cabbage is 'desired for a dish of slaw, two Qggs, 4 tablespoonsful vinegar, 2 heaping table- spoonsful of sugar, 1 cup of sour cream , salt and pepper to taste, beat egeswell, stir ergs, vinegar, and sugar together, ar.d boil until tliick. vStir altogether and ^t;rve. Mrs. Kay Claytcn Agency Ave. C^tmeal Gems 1 pint of ccoiced catnical, i pitit ofbwcct mill:, 4 tablespoor.sful of ^ugar. 2 eggs, i tcaspccniul of salt. 2 tablespoons of melted butte^r, 2 teaspoonsful of B. powder, and enough flour to mix. Bake in hot gem pans in quick oven. .V^rs S- Sl^illing Si 5 Washington Str. Christmas Cakes I2 eggs, 6 p(.ui:ds of granulated sugar, beat i>2 hr. add 2 tablespconsiul of anise seed, and what hartshorn will stay on tlie end of a knife, and mix veil, add flour to stiffen, and roll and eut tliem willi anise er:Ke moulds and Ice them lay over night, and bake the next morn- ing in a hot o\c!i. Make them 4 weeks bexre Clirisl- mas, and ])ut them in a jar and cover tight. Mrs f^niQi' 84S Wasiiingcon Str. £end 25 cents tor advice how to do a Mail Order Business, to; Gus. Eree 191 3 Miller Str Eurlingtrn Ta. Ginger Ccokits 69 I cup ot molasses, 1 cnpof sugar, t 1-2 cups cf but- ter, 1 tfibkspccn cf scc'a, c!irrclvcd in 1-2 cup cf Ixt water. Cinnamon, clcves, ginger and nuinieg, to taste flour enough to make a pretty stiff tatter, and roll real ihin. Miss [^irdie M- Coi^^-'-ai^ 516 Cur ran Sir. Parker iHcuse Rcl's Scald I pint of sweet n.i:k;\\len cccl, ac'd 2 talk- spoonsful of sugar, 2 of lard, 2 of ^^cast, and a little salt, let rise over night, knead down in the morning; let rise again, and at uoon, knead and rcll cut tlin, cut with a la-ge cutter, butter the t<3p, fold ever, let rise again and take. Mrs. S- S^^l^^ng 81 5 Washington Str. Co: fee Cake I X cups of sugar, i cup ot mclasses, i cup of cold coffee, 3^ cup of butter, 4 eggs, well Lcaten, i cup of raisins cut fine, i cup of currants, i Yz teaspoons of B. powder, I teaspoon cfcloVv-^s, i tablespoon of cinnamon, 4 zw^-y 3f fio-i:. Mrs. Gus Bree 191 3 Miller :i^t/. L-Uion Icing Whites of 2 eggs, i cup of sugar, juios aid a part of the rind of 2 lemons. Miss Lfizzia p(i'-<^?P l20D Plank Str, 70 Mauds Cake 2 teaspooiisful of B. Powder, in 2 cups of flour, i cup of sugar, y^ cup of butter, 2 eggs, V^ pint of milk. Cake Filling- Vs pint of milk, i ounce of chocolate filling, I ounce of sugar. Miss TiHie Hetz 611 S. 9 th. Str. Brides CaKe Whites of 10 ^^ teaspoons of B. Powder. Beat the sugar and butter to a cream. Miss Qeorgie Page Wells Str. Lcmcn Cake 1 cup of sugar, 2 eggs, butter size of an ^%%. i cup of milk, 1 ttatpoonful of lemcn e^v^ence, pinch of j:alt. 2 teaspoonsful of B. Powder, and flour to make stiff, bake in three jelly tin^. Filling; — Rind of one lem- on and juice of 2; powdered sugar to thicken, and beat together w^ell, spread between layers when they are cool. Mrs. H- Gantz. 826 Washington. Str. Light Cake 1 cup of sugar, Yi cup of butter or lard, i cup of r.iilK or water, iVi teaspoon of B. Powder, 2 eggs, i>^ cuoi Oi flour, and bake in layers. Mrs. J. Grupe 1 3 19 Brick Str. Veal Breast Filling 71 5 slices cf bread, 2 of onions, 2 or3eg-^s, salt and pep- per, 3 potatoes sliced fine, mix together and fill the veal breast. Mrs. J. Qi'^iP^ 13T9 Brick Str. Len:r.n Jelly Dissolve 3/}^ package of gelatine, in ^4 cu^d of water, pour into same when all dissolved, a quart cf boiling water; adding i cup of lemon juice, and 2 cups of sug- ar. Stir until sugar and gelatine, are fully dissolved; then strain and pour into a mould, placing into a refrig- erater, xmtil firmly set. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs {_,. WesterbecK Snow Cake 1-2 teacup of butter, 1 teacup of sugar, 1)4 tca.up of ilour, >2 teacup of sweet milx. whites of 4 eggs Lcct- cntoa stiff froth, I teaspoon of B. Powder. Flavo/ \v:ch vanilla. Mrs. [_, fester beck loii Grricn d". Chocolate Cai'amels 2 cups of brown sugar, i cup of molasses, i cup of chocolate grated fine, i cup of boiled milK, 1 table - spoonful of flour, butter the size of a large english wal- nut; let ii boil slowly, and when done pour on flit t'ns to cool, marK off while wa^m. y.i.'S |-' at lie q'( 1 i:rcn 1909 Dewcin Ttr. 72 Marble Cake Dark part. — i big cupful of brown ^ugar, 1-2 cup- ful of molasses, 1 cup of flour, 3 yolks of eggs, 1-2 pound of raisins, 1-2 cup cf whisky, 1-2 teaspoon each of cloves, allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg, and i teaspoon of B. Powder. How to mix darx part; — Cream the sugar and butter, add the eggs, and beat well, then add fruit and spice, and last flour, with i teaspoon of B. Powde", s'fted in it, White part; — i cup of white sugar, 3^ cup of butter, ^A cup of sweet milk, i cup of flou-, 2 t;a?.poon3 cf B. Pcwder, >^ pound of almonds, 34 pourd of citicn, (chopped). How to mix white pait; — Cream sugar, and butter, add the niilx, silted flour, and B. Powder, almonds, and citron and last; beaten \vhitcs of e^gs. Select a deep baKiiig tin, the lottcni with t uttered paper, put in a layer ef dark; then a layer cf \^hite; until the pan is -/z full. Bake i hcr.r cr so. — Frcst it. Miss ftnnie B^^<^- 705 S. Central Ave. Frait Ca'ce 1 pounel of butter, 1 pound of sugar, 1 pound of raisins, i pound cf currants, y2 pounel of citron, 12 eggs, I glass of brandy, 1 glass of wine. Spi?eto taste 5 teaspoons of B. Powder, add flour, and 1 aKe for 2 Lours, ii a '^low oven. Mrs. L- Ko^pf. 835 Columbia Str. Spice Cake 73 1/2 cups of sr.rar, 1-2 cup cf butter I-2 cup cf milk, 3 eg£-s, I i:ulr.:cg, 1 tccspccn cf cinnamcn, 1 teaspccn of cloves, 2 cu[:ccf chopped laisins, mix rather stiff. Mies Lertl-a Larder. iCc5 Thr.l Str. Sponge Cal c 5 eggs. 1 cup o: sugar, i cup of flcur, }i tea.pccn of r. Pc^vder, yolks beaten light with i cup of sugar, xvhites beacen very stiff, and added with the flcur, ar.d fJavo. ed to suit the taste, bake slcwly. Mrs. Earbara Kuthler 6I4 S TO th. Str. Dolly Varden CaKe 1 cup of sugar, >^ cup of butter, fi cup of milK, 3 cups of flour, whites of 3 eggs, i teaspccixof E Powcer, 1 teaspccn of lemon, maKe a frosting of the yolks, and set a few minutes in oven. Mrs. Ga""i^ S.imms ,\\:\ Adams Str Blackberry CaKe IV2 cup^ of sugar, i>^ cups of butter, 2>4 eups cf sifted flour, I cup of blackberry jam. 3 ^rg^. ^ tca- spooniul of cloves, i tcaspecnful cf cinnamxn, i tca- snccnful of, 3 tablcspccns ci scur m.-k, i Ica- G'occ:: cf ccda. l^.Irs. John Fisch 415 S Adams Str. -! Marmalade TaKe 12 ora:igec,ai]H 4 lemcns. Cut in quarters, take out the pulDb, put in a basin, pick cut the S£cds and skins; then boil skins in a good quantity of water, until tender. Dra:n and cut them in thin slices, and put them to the pulp; add to every puund, i j/2 pcu.nds of sugar; boil them together 20 minutes; must be stirred all the time, but gently, and put in glasses. ' Miss y{a.iiQ f/ asters. 607 Harrison Ave. Maud S Cake 8 tablespoonsful of grated chocolate 5 ta' l^spocns- ful of granulated sugar, ^2 cup of milK. Loil to a cus- tard, and let cocl. : i}4 cups of brown sugar, 2 cups of butter, T,}i cups of milK, 3 eggs. — Cream butter, and sugar, and add beaten eggs, then add milk; to this add 2 cups of flour, in which 2 leespconsful of B. Pow- der have been m'xed; then add the custard, then add another cup of lifted flour. Cover vAth icing; - made by mixing to a very stiff cream; confectioners sugar, and cream. Flavor with some flavoring. Mis3 ^c\n'd Ffggleston CoS Harrison Ave. Egg Sauce Add the chopped 3-clks cf 2 or 3 hard boiled eggs to drawn butter. Mrs. G- Sn^ith 1 501 Doemland Str. iHkH ihis Kotik and a »in»* of Stamples of CAL,f INti CAKl>8. GUS. BRKE, 1913 Miller Str. Burlington Iowa. White Fruit Cahe 75 1 cup cf butter, 2 cups of surar. i cup of sweeiinilk. Q-Yz cup5 of ficur. whites of 7 eefs, 2 even tecspcciis of B. Powder, T pound each, of raisins, fio^s, dates and ])Ianched a'monds, .; pounds of citron; cut all fine. Beat all well, before adduig fruic, stir fruit in last, Vvdtli a silting of ricur over it. EaKe slowly. Mrs K^O' Robinson 607 Gertrude fetr. 5i:rprise Cake I ^ZZ^ I cup oF su^ar, i cup of water, 2 cups of flour I larre tablespoon of butter, 2 teaspoons of B. Powder. Mrs. J. E- E^ack. • 417 Eassett Str. Tomato Scup Take one quart of ripe tomatoes, and cook thorough- ly, then add a level teaspoonlul of soda. Heat i quart of milk; add salt and pepper to taste, and a tablesporn- lul of butter. Pour tomatoes to the milk, and serve ci'acivcrs. This makes a delicious soup. Mrs K<2^^i&- 716 Summxcr Str. IlDlUnd Cakes T pound of flour, 1 pound of sugar, 4 eggs, cloves, and B. Powder. Work the dough well; maKemto balls the size of a v:alnut; put on ahnond, or a piece of cr- a::ge peel, en each and bake. Mrs- [^ora B^ee 809 S 3 d. Str. ^ Far CAiytiNa CARD^^ 7^ Cplc2 Cake I /^ cupful ci' vrater, i y^ cups of sugar. 2 teaspconsful of B powder, a large tablespocn of lard, and salt to taste teaspoonful cf each, ciinianion, cloves and allspice, tea- cupful of currants or raisins as desired, flour enough to batter, and baKe in a moderate oven. Spice Cake burns much quicKer than any other. Mrs. Kendig. 716 Summer Sir. Ice Cream Cake 2 cups of sugar, i cup of butter, i cup of sveet milk 2 cups of flour. I cup of cornstarch, 2 teaspoons of B. Powder, fifted in the flour, and cornstarch, bake in layers. Filling to put on layers; —Whites ot 3 eggs, 3 cups of sugar, pour Vi pint of boiling water on the sugar, and let boil, until car.dy, then pour boiling sug- ar over well beaten whites; add quite ccld, i teaspccn o: vanil.a. Mrs. \-\. |-|orning 10I2 Pine Str. Ice Cream Cake I cup of .sugar, 1-2 cup of butter, i cup of flour, the whites of 3 eggs, i spoon of cornstarch, 1 teaspoon of B. Powder. Bake in 2 layers; when cold, or nearly so. Spread between and over; Cream — made of yolks of 3 (t'l'^^':^, 1 cup cf LUgar, i teaspoon of vanilla. Mre. cJ. E- B^ack. 417 Bassett Str. ^ f>ii cHii iii«ik»^ ii :p a (lay * D2viis Food Cake 2 squares of chocolate, 3'olkof i egg, ^4 cup of milk, I cup of sugar, i>2 cups 01 flour, t teaspoon of soda I teaspoon of vanilla mix these ingredients then add chocolate mixture, cover with boiled iceing; use white of egg for iceing. Mrs. J A Bi'^^i^ 715 S. Central Ave. Cream Cake I pint of thicK cream, and a }4 cup of sugar, stir this until it gets hard; and after that take 2 tablespoons of white flour, and 4 yellow parts of eggs, and then 3 tablespoons of fine sugar, and then the whites of the eggs, mixed thoroughly. Bake in little pans, size of cookies. Mre. G^Hege. I903 Herschler Str. Spanish Tart I pound of butter melted, and then take 16 eggs, the yello'V part only, beat the eggs to a froth, and then take the pound of butter, beat it together thoroughly, and then 3'ou ta>e 1 pound of fine sugar, 1 pound of Wiiite flour, cerate a little citron shell, and mix this al- together good, and then you let this stand until you b^at tiie whites of the eggs to a stiff troth, add the whites of the eggs last; and let it bai-ce in a moderate oven, with apap^r over the top. Mrs. clohnson. 1 9 10 Dewein Str. Corn Cakes 79 You taKe a can of corn, and a cup of milk, and 2 eggs, a pinch of salt, and then keep on adding flour, until it is pretty thick. Fry on a hot griddle. Miss H- Rcdin. 1 90 1 Herschler Str. Alice Cake i>^ teacupsful of sugar, Y^ teacupful of cream, 4 well beaten eggs, and a little salt. Beat with 2 teacups- ful of flour, mixed with 1 teaspoon of B. Powder. BaKe in a hot oven. Miss /=\nna (Johnson. 1505 Mt. Pleasant Str. Orange Filling Take the juice of oranges, and maKe thick, and cream with powdered sugar, and spread on cake Lemon juice may be used the same way. Mrs J. E- Black. 4I7 Bassett Str. Mustard Pickles 3 quarts of small cucumbers, 3 quaits of r/^:iall onions caulifhAver, 3 quarts of green beans, 2 quarts of cider vinegar, 2 cups of sugar, >^ cup of flour, ^4 pound of Coleman's mustard, and 3 cT: tumeric. — Put onions, beans, cucumbers, and cauliflower, in vinegar, and kt come to a boil; mix tumeric rugar, niustard, and flour, with a little water, and stir into boiling vinegar. Put up in glass fruit jars. Mrs C- O- Er^^estcn 6o3 Karriscn x\vc. So Lady Cake Cream together 2 pounds of powdered sugar, with I >2 pounds of butter; rub in slowly the whites of 8 eggs then beat the whites of 8 more eggs to a frcth, and add part of it to the above, the rest alternately with 2% pounds of pastry flour. Bake in a moderate oven. Mrs. John Moo^-e. 507 S 3 d. Str. Wine Cake Cream together 2 pounds of sugar with ^ pound of butter or lard; add 8 eggs slowly, 1 quart of milk, vanilla or lemon, 3 pounds of flour, and 2 oz. of B. Powder. Dust with sugar before baking. Bake at 370 degrees. Mrs. John f^oore 507 S 3 d . Str. Sugar Shave X pound of melted butter, and stir while melting, then add i cup of sugar, and 2 eggs, and i pint of flour Stir this together, only in one direction for half an hour. Put it in a large pan, or a.bake-pan, and put just one spoon for each caKe in the pan. Bake in a moderate oven, until they raise, then taKe them out of the pans and lay them on your dough roller, until they bend like shavings. Mrs. La -son. 1210 S 12 th, St;. For sr/.all jobsof printing; Circulars, Return Envel- opes, Letter Heads, Lables & GALLING QARDS at reasonable prices, that will surprise you; try GU3. BREE, 191 3 Miller Str. Burlington Iowa. Tomato Catsup 81 Select good ripe tomatoes; scald and strain through a coarse sieve, to remove seeds and skins; then add to each gallon, when cold; 3 tablespoons of salt, 2 of ground mustard, i of blacK pepper, Yz of cayenne pep- per, I of ground allspice, Yi of cloves, i pint of cider or white vinegar; simmer slowly 4 hours. Bottle and cork tight. Mrs. A- cJ- L^Ppert 501 George Str. Piekled Peaches I gallon of vinegar, sweeten with sugar to taste; then tie allspice, cloves, and cinnamon, in a cloth and boil 1-2 hour, then peel the peaches and let them heat through and then bottle them. Mrs. hlellie Calhoun 826 Washington Str. Mince Meat r pt. of chopped beef, 2 pints of chopped apples, 1-2 pt. of stoned raisins, 1-2 pt. of cane molasses, i pt. of brown sugar; cider to thin it a little, brandy, cinna- mon, spice, cloves, and nutmeg, butter, and suet Cook all for 2 hours, adding the spice just before removeing from the stove. Mrs V/ilbur /Vlosena 1527 Thul Str. Chilli Sauce 1 8 large ripe tomatoes, 6 la-ge onions, 3 red peppers. 3 tablespoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 2 table- spoons ofgingei, I tablespoon of cinnamon, i 1 able- spoon of cloves, 5 cups of vinegar. Chcp all this fine and boil I hour. Mrs. H Kaf^ll 511 S. Weed St. 82 Chilli Sauce I peck of tomatoes, 3 teacupsful of peppers, 3 tea- cupsful of sugar, 2 teacupsful of onions, i teacupful of salt, 3 pints of vinegar, 3 teaspoonsful of cloves, 3 terispoonsful of cinnamon, 2 teaspoonsful of nutmeg, and ginger, boil 3 hours. Miss panna B^own 1909 Dewein Str. Chilli Sauce 24 good size ripe tomatoes, 8 large onions, 8 green or ripe peppers, 4 tablespoons each of salt, cloves, and spice, - powdered, i gill of mustard seed, and 4 cups if vinegar. Boil i hour; add vinegar if to thick. This v:il make 3 quarts. Mrs R. J. Lippeit. 501 George Str. Pickled Peaches Peal the peaches, put a cup of sugar to a cup of vine- gar, put in sugar and vinegar. 5ct. cinnamon whole, 5 't. cloves whole, boil a short time. Then cook the peach- ' s a few minutes, dont boil them to soft, take out and put in jars and cover with vinegar. Pour the vinegar f] om the peaches and let come to aboil, repeat 3 morn- ings. Mrs. M- Masters. 607 Harrison Ave. Tomato Catsup To 1 gal, tomato juice, take 2 tablespoons mustard, 3 tablespoons salt, }4 tablespoon red peppers, j^ table- r.poon cloves, ^4 tablespoon cinnamon, i cup brown sug- ar, 5 good sized onions, chopped fine, and i pint cider vinegar. Boil 3 or 4 hours. Mrs, H • K^roU. 511 S Wood Str. The fluther of this book, believes that if the work- ing class of this country, would pay less attention to politics; and look more to domestic orhcusthcld econ- omy, there would be a vast change in their financial conditions. While these " &ECRKTS of SUCCESS " are to the interest of the general public, they are es- pecially desighned for that class of people, known as Working men; or the E^ck-bcne of TVianicind. The Workingman lives hard, works hard, and remains peer The cause can easily be seen. He relieves the lowest wages; and pays the highest retail price for all he neeels. The '' SHCRHTSof SUCCESS ' in this book, are published with the belief that it will do good to these; that have never had theoppertunity to obtain iheni. Whoever puts any of these on the market, can Rive them such names that might have a tendency to add to their sales. From the sales of some of these secrets; thousands of dollars have been made. If you desire to commence Business; select one of these Pvcciepts which you tl.i ik would be tiie most saleble in ycur locaMtv. and manufacture It in small quantities, until your de- mand grows larger. Sell to families and stores, leave it on commission, and advertize it in every way; and ycu will soon have an income, that will surprise 3^011. Fortunes can be made now days as well a3 5oyrs. ego 84 HOW TO FIND EMPLOYMENT when cut of work f'T^I»aration To Clean Wall Paper. Take 1 quart of wheat flour, and )^ p*nt of powder- ed prepared whiting; and mix thoroughly, add enough water to make an ordinary stiff dough. Use a piece a- bout the size of a goose egg, and maKe long stroKes, by pressing hard against the wall; alter each stroke knead into the dough, and continue until it is useless. This is enough for a good sized room. CAUPEr CLKANER. Take 3 pints of alcohol diluted with 1 pint of water, and mix with >^ gallon of liquid ammonia. — Remove the dirt by applying this solution first; then dissolve 2 V^ pounds of soap in 3 quarts of water, and add i lb of soda, and 2 oz. of liquid ammonia and spirits of wine now apply this solution; and the carpet will regain its original color, and the carpet need not be taken up. A good worker can do a good sized carpet in a cou- ple of hours. What To INVKNT. Cheap useful articles that vrill sell at sight. Some- thing that everyone needs, and the poorest can afford- Invent simple things for the benefit of the masses, and your fortune is made. Some ^y^ears ago a yankee made a fortune by attaching a rubber string to a wooden ball A German made a fortune by patenting a simple wood- en plug for beer barrels. These things cost scarcely anything:, yet millions are sold. All it takes is; Pluck SECRETS Of SUCCESS ]40W Jo 'jVlAKE A J'OHT^'tJ^'^ CniNKSE STAHCH PCLISH nfake a vessel holding about a % gallon, and melt with a very gentle heat, 2 pounds of paraffine; be careful that you do not burn it, after melted take otf of the fire; and add % ounce oil of citronelli, have a flat tin pan ready, and oil it with a little sweet oil is best, you can wet the pan with water to keep from sticking, but the sweet oil is tiie best; have a pan or pans enough to contain the amount you have made a- bout Ye of an inch thicK; because it will not do to heat again, as it would injure the flavor. Before it gets hard mark it off, in small squares, about >2 inch square, then cut it in 2 inch square blocks, and put up 4 of these squares in boxes and lable, to sell at lo cents a box. Use good hard paraf fine, which 3/0U can buy for a- bout i>^ to 2 cents @ pound. This is a very valuable reciept, and by giving it your attention, and a little pushing you can make quite a good business out of it Sell it to stores and get it on tne maiket. hA^KlV tic I»AI-V KILL'-:^ '"'akc I pint ol aqua-an nonia, i pint of sulphuric ether, and i phit of alcohol, and mix together; v/ill give instant relief. Put up in 2 oz bottles to sell at 15 cts. 85 BKILMFNT FHOE rOLl«H Stir I pound of broken up Glue, 2 pounds of Log- Vv'ood chips, I oz of Isinglass, i oz. of finely powdered Indigo, and i oz. of the best soap; into i^^ gallon of 30 grain vinegar; and boil 15 minutes. Then strain it, bottle, and corK it, and let it cool. When cold, it is then read}' for use. Put up in I5 cent bottles, and you will have a good sale on it. Apply with a sponge. ELEC^RIC ^II.VEH FLATIXG Stir into 1 gallon of v/ater; >^ oz. of Whiting, i oz. of Hyposulphite of soda, 2 ounces of Cynate of Potash and 4 ounces of precipitate silver. Put this up in i oz. bottles, to retail at 25 cents This reciept is worth § 5. to any one that will make use of it. Lable it with an at- tractive Lable, and caution; to shake before using. GUS. BRHK 1913 Miller Str. BURLINGTON la will please you at very low figures; if you only want a small amount of Lables. He will also inform you where to get your bottles etc. if you want to make a start. Take I pound of Florentine orris-root, and 2)^ oz- of cinnamon bark 2^2 oz. of cloves, 2)/^. oz. of mace. lY^ oz. of carraway seed, 2>^ oz. of nutmeg, and 2>^ oz. of Tonquin beans; grind these ingredients well to powder, and mix them thoroughly, and put up in little cloth bags, holding about a ^ of an oz. that you can sell at lo cents, this gives ycu a good margin. Lable tlie bags before filling them. Good for moths and a very nice perfume. I'KD BIG DrSTKt/VER Take I £;alIon cf alcohol, and dissolve i pound of Corrosive sublimate (in powder), thoroughly. Put up in 3 cz. bottles, to sell at 25 cents, an lable (Poisen). Place it out of reach of children, Dnections;. Apply with a feather or stick in crevices. One application a year will keep them away. This is a pest that naturely creates in any home unhss prevented. Turpentine is frequencly used but has very little effect. Tais reciept is worth more than the price cf the book itself. Take a vessel holding a]x>ut 2 gallons of water, put in 3 quarts and boil it. Take another tin vessel holding about I gallon and put in I-2 ^al of rain water and 2 pounds of best white glue and 1-2 pound of dry white lead and melt together, after melted heat a little more, and add I- » pint of alcohol, and it is ready to bottle while hot This is an excellent glue, and will sell well. UNKD\ CK'TKMT f r CHIN \ Gl. \S- W \l\ &Wi>(>'> This cement is unequalled, and will do the work to a finish. Take 1-2 gallon of rain water, 2 pounds of white glue, i pound ot dry white lead, in a pot of boil- ing water, until dissolved; do not put it on direct fire; but place the vessel with contents in another of boiling water, until dissolved; then add i pint of alcohol, and let boil a few minutes until it isthoroughly mixed, take it off of the fire, and let it cool a few minutes, and add 1-2 oz. of camphor to preserve it. Put it up in 25 cent bottles and lable. lASiE IKAT Will. NOT S>Uf^ Take Vq, g-ollon of boiling water, and dissolve 2 0z. of alum, now take 3 pounds of flour, and make a smooth batter, and add 15 drops oil of cloves, now mix Ihe alum water and let it come to a boil. Put up in small glass ja'-s to retail at 10 cents. This is a good Lable paste and will keep for months 19 fh « «>n*urv PATI N r R'***-*' & «iMOK RIA'KING T^^^he 1 gallcn of alcohol, and add to it i>^ pounds Gum Shellac, and i ounce Sulphuric acid, let stand 48 hours; then add Y^ pound of Ivory Black ; let stand 24 hours; then earefullv pour off the top which is ready to put up in 3 oz. bottles to sell at 50 cts. This is a good Polish for all kinds of leather and is waterproof. lAJniSOl'S HA! Si VOIMi i KbTE CYKll Take a 'arge m.outhecl bottle, hclding about 1 quart, and melt Yi pint of lard, to a very gentle heat, ty plunging it in warm water; then add X oimce cf phcsphcrous and V^ pint ot proof spirits; cook it ai d as it cools shaKe ic frequently, so as to mix it thoroug- ly; when cold, pour off the spirits, and save it to l;e r.std again, thicken the other up with flour; which will be ready to put up in small tin bcxes to sell at 25 cts. This pa to retail at 15 cents. LofC. 89 BOOT & shoe: watk»:.pkoof polish Have a vessel holding abcut 3 quarts; put in i pound of Beef suet, % pound of Rosin, Yi pound of Beeswax, and ^ pound of Lampblack; melt these on a good strong fire; after melted, add a Yz pint of neats- foot oil to it, and put up in small wide mouthed bottles; or boxes, to sell at 10 or 15 cents. A good Shoe polish will always sell. This is a good reciept and worth a for- tune to any-one that wdll push and advertize it. WONOKR'UL f^'^IX KirrER nThe following preparation is a great salve and equal to any on the market, and better than a good many. Take 1 pound of mutton tallow, and melt it, let cool and when nearly cold, before it commences to stiffen add 2 ounces of laudanum, 2 ounces of Spirits ammonia and 2 ounces of oil of oforganum. If properly mixed, this is a great Pain killer; and if you once get it on the market, there will always be calls for it. '^'^.»<:C TRIC TOOTH V^-^'E fllC».IKF Take Yi pt. of laudanum, >4 pint of amrronia, >4 pt. of tincture cayenne, Y? pt. of sulphuric ether, 54 pt. of camphor, and i 02. of oil of cloves; mix this 1 horongh- ly together, and put up in 2 drachm bottles, to stll at 25 cts. This is a valuable reciept andmaxes a big pro- fit. Directions;. Apply with a piece of .saturpted crt^cn to the tooth, and it will kill the pain i:-:n:ediR^f !;-. Select 3 or 4 of these rr-ciepts ai d manufacture them; and you will never regret it ♦ . - r!:KN<;H HATP. OTI. TaKe 6>4' pints of Castor Oil 1^^ pints of alcohol, y2 oz, Oil of Citronella, ^ oz. of Lavender. Mix well and ixit up in 4 oz. bottles, to sell at 25 cents. This is a Hair Oil worth pushing. >2 oz. Tincture of Iodine, Y^ oz. Cloride of Antimony and 12 grains Iodine of Iron. Mix thoroughly; and put up in I oz. JDottles, to sell at 25 cents. — Pare the corn with a sharp knife;apply with a featfier or pencil brush. This is a simple,' and most effective remedy, that was ever discovered; and will sell readily at 25 cents a bot- tle. Is a fortune to any-one that will take hold of it and push it Take % pound of pulverized alum, and i pint of sv/eet Spirits of Nitre. Put up in 1 oz. bottles. ' I ake y^ pound of fine cut orange peel, and put into I pint of spirits of wine, add to this 4 grains of musk, and 2 drachms of powdered orris root; shake this well, shaking it once a day for 4 days, then strain it through a fine piece of cloth ; and put up in Yz ounce bottles. This is a very nice perfume, and would pay you a big profit to manufacture it and use it as a side line If you would like to be lich and be yoUr own boss,, f-elect severel of tlicse recicpt-, and manufacture tiicm on a r,mall sca^.e, and j^ou will soon have to increase.. ,. 9l THI<^ WON'>EK r.KKASK RKVlOVETi For taking out grease paint etc. TaKe I pt. of Aqua ammonia, 4 oz. of Sulqhuric ether 4 ounces of glycerine, and 4 ounces of alcohol, mix thoroughly in i gallon of water. - No. 2 — Taxe i pound of Castile soap (cut fine), and dissolve in i gal- lon of hot water; mix No. i and No. 2 thoroughly to- gether, and put up in small wide mouthed bottles to sell at 25 cents. SFAMSIT RHE'.niATK: 1.1NI>IKNT Take I pint of alcohol, and mix into it. 8 ounces of Glycerine, 8 grains of Aconila, and 8 drachms of Es- sential Oil of Mustard. Apply by rubbing ^vith the hand. An excellent liniment, for rheumatism; neural- gia; headache; toothache; and all nervous pains. Put up in 2 oz. bottles to sell at 25 cents. This artickle was at one time at $ i. @ bottle, and $ 5. for reciept. Talv-e a large bottle holding a full pint, put in 2 oz's carbolic acid, 2 ounces of camphor, 2 ounces of oil of- hemlock, and 2 ounces essential oil ot mustard; this will fill half the bottle; nov/ fill up bcitle with alcohol, and shake it up thoror-ghly, and keep well corked. f-jave some >2 ounce bottles and put in i-i^'^th. of an ounce in each; now tie a small piece: of copper and zinc, to a very small r-iece of sponge drop into tlie bot- tle to hold moisture and keep well corred. This will make 250 bottles. Inliale through, repeat if necessary. 92 F»TAKRHOEA & STOMACH CRAMP CURE Mix thoroughly; I4 ounces Essence of peppermint, I pint Tincture opium, i pint Tincture of camphor, 14 ounces Tincture African cayenne, and Y^ pint Tincture rhubarb; and put up in 25 cent bottles. This reciept will make an artickle that will advertize itself wherev- er it is put on the market. Directions;. From 5 to lo drops for a child, and 1-2 teaspoon for an adult; repeat in 20 minutes; if not relieved, and bathe bowels with strong vinegar. nRANI>MA*S i'OUGH CURE This is a excellent simple remidy; put I-2 gallon 01 hoaraound in 3 pints of water and boil down to i quart, then add i 1-2 ounces Essence of lemon, and 5 sticks of Ivicorice to it, and put up in 25 cent bottles. This is a simple but valuable reciept, to any-one that will make use of it. Directions:. Take a tablespoonful 3 times a day, or oftener, if it is troublesome. ♦4HITIWH CORN OTST^K'UKH TaKe I quart of Glycerine, and mix into it, % pound of powdered starch, heat it and stir until thor- oughly dissolved. — Take i pint of water, and dissolve I pound of Costic soda (or pottassa), heated to a boil; then add the other mixture to it. Put up in small boxes to sell at 10 cents @ box. — Directions;. Spread a little of the salve on the corn, bunion, or wart, but do not touch the healthy part; let it remain for severel hours, and then soak the part in warm water. Need net be apnlied but once or twice. CALLING-CARDS, put up in Style so neat, At prices that are so cheap; No-one need to be without, They are nice to have, when no one about The place, where your visit is made; To be in some convenient place laid. 'V'^here they will be sure them to find, And be received very kind. I have the latest that is out now; Something the people all say! how? Can he, put up this work so cheap? With both sides printed, and so neat. One will contain your name, and address, The other, a very pretty verse. Of your own selection, that you prefer To your own taste, for him or her. f\s prices on material is often changed, you see; To make the price here, would not be policv, for me. But by dropping me a card, I'll not get mad; And give you the lowest price, that can be had. Address! Gus. Bree, 191 3 Miller Street, Who will put them up for you, so neat That you will be glad to make a visit any day; And not worry your life altogether away. The following pages will give an assortment of verses, that I can give you assorted, of 6 of these your own selection, for 10 c. additional per 100 Your 1 anie on cue side and one of these verges, on the olher. Order l^y numl)er. I /V\ Y Card I leave with you today, Please do not put it so far away, But lay it where it can be found; And before the World turns many times round, MaKe me a visit, while your health is sound. 2 phase bear in mind; It you can not find, Me at home, the day you call; Leave your Card wdthin the hall, I'll be sure to come, before next fall. 3 M}' visit to you, has been the last; And before your time has passed, Please return the call I've made. And you 'I never be left in the shade. 4 I 've come to see you as a friend, And the only thing I have to send; Is- my good wishes, to you and all. Please come and see me before my next call. 5 |f my Card you'l keep in sight. And you have any time, within a fortnight; I'll be,pleased to have you call, and see That your visit will be enjoyed with me. 6 I.m sure I've made you the last call to-day, Now dont linger along, and stay away; But call on me at an early date. Before you can't, and gets to late 7 f\s soon as you have any idle time, Remember my Card, and keep in line; Come and see me, at my home, We will have a good time, even if alone, 8 This Card I leave with you to-day. To remind you, when I'm away; For you to make me a call just as soon, And if some day 'twould be before noon. 9 The grave is nearing every day. Now dont worry your life away, Knjoy yourself, make me a call some day; Remember this Card, and dont delay. 10 Let us enjoy life together. And not grumble about the weather; But call on me, next pretty day, ' - And we'll have a time all our own w^ay. II V\/hen this Card you see, remember me; And I'd like for you to call some day, '- If my visit has b<^en a pleasant one, I'm sure you'l come before long. 12 I F I'm not at home, when you maKe a call; And you've got no Card with you at all, Leave a note, beneath the door to show; The call you've made, for me to know. 13 When this Card you see, Come and see me. We'll have a time you bet; That you will never regret. No. 14 a Card to use when no one at home I find that you are not at home today, I leave my Card, and must go away; To entertain' you today, I see Is impossible, unless you come to see me. Cards sent by Mail are 5 cents per (00 more. If you would like some of these Cards; and live in the city, leave your Order, at your Trading place with money as security, and notify me by Postal. I F you want your Mail preserved for you. And as soon as Uncle Sam gets through, Hunting the one he can not find; He will return to you, awfully kind. If on one corner, your Address is there, He'l not leave it to the Dead Letter Office care. PRINTING in a St3'le no neat, By GUS BREE, on Miller Street; Envelopes that 3-011 can alwavs Iveep Out of the Dead Eetter Office heap. Your Return Card, he'l put on so cheap, Make it an object to investigate; The. price to you, that he will make. Circulars printed; but not for any fake, No matter, how large a stake, Is Offered for me to taxe, For sizes up to six b}^ eight; Larger than that, I do not maKe. L,ables but not up to date; Square, Oblong, or in any shape, Tnat is not round, but only straight; In that line I do take the caKe. For Lithographing I'm not in shape. Why I to you, do this state, That you do not m.ake a mistake. And order something, I do not make- CALLING CARDS for you, I'l make. No matter what time it will take; I'm sure, I'l not make a very large stake; If Your order does take a week to make. You will get them at price so cheap, That you can make a visit 7 times a week, And just think ; only i . 3 S Is all, lliat the visits, for a whole year will taxe. Visit once a week, it'l be but 12 cts. and 8. IF YOU WANT VALUE RBCIBVED For 3-oiir money, try pQLL0Wi[4q [VlEF^erlAfsiYS p\ NDRK wants yon to come and see, His latest stocK of Shoes today; Bought with his ready Cash, I say From the factory just yesterday. T"he sign of the elk horn is the place, You cant miss it, in a pace; He smiles at you with a good looking face, When you enter into his cozy place. P[t Lange & Minton you can find; Piano's, Organs, of most any kind, Or any other musical Instruments; W^ith not many dollars, and very few cents. n he place to buv your Wood and Ccal, Is from Frank Millard & Co.just out of the hole B.-iught to his place on MarKet street; Where he would be pleased you to meet. Or ask Cenlral to give 3^ou 14. both phones you'l find Your order recieved very kind; At the lowest figures he will make, That there is now, in the State. T'he Publisher of this book, places confidence; In the-e Merchants, as being Gent's, I 1 3A^,Lri^>.; will fit' nil th^ir aarreements. If you prefer the purest, and test, And cheaper than any of the rest; Burhngtc.n Bread Co. at 876-878 Jefferson street, They will supply your wants very neat. For Fine Cakes I'm sure they can't be beat; By any- one on that .street, To be convinced give them a trial, And you 'I always enter with a smile, F\ point that's well to be understood, Is to find the place to get food; Something you can not do without, Or you will soon go up to spout. Now at Knoener & flndre is the place to try. And I'm sure you'l always buy, From tliem the very best; At price to compete with any of the rest. (-|ere we have a Butcher on a certain street. Who always keeps the poorest of Meat, PorK, Beef, Mutton, Veal, all for sale; At your choice, plenty; but always stale. He can supply your table very neat, V^ith anything in that line always cheap If you would like a suit to fit Go to the J BW on Jefferson street. Where he will politely show, At prices that will be way below. The Cost of others, in the town, Or any other town a-round. Man^e.iftDi ■ 1901 . . Something that will make Here is a Line that I can fill in' If you get some of these Cards; You'l be right in the swim. f\ nice clean Shave, and a ^ocd Hair-cut; Is something can't be rrt, in every old rut, If you want w^orl-r done nice and neat. Come to my place on street. For a good glass of beer, and a good hot punch. And always find the best of Lunch; Come to my place, as a Q^nt, You can fill up, to 3'our hearts content. Wo^ild 3^ou like to have a good smoke. Try the just for a joke; I'll bet you'l never smoke no other kind, It's sold by me. It's the best you can find. Similar to these above for any kind of Business will be furnished, when called for |Fyou have 25 cents, you want to sink; Send it to me, and I'll make you think, On something, that'l make you sail; If you want to do Business, through Uncle Sam's Mail. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 487 750 •n ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 487 750 •