m Price, 15 Cents. T H E Worcester almanac, DIRECTORY BUSINESS ADVERTISER, ^ .OK g 185 0, m INCLUDING - il^ THE CITY ORDINANGES. i \V 3 r. C ■ 5 T E R : . • .TKINTEDAND PUBLISHED BY HENRY J. ROWLAND, ■f 199 Main SUect* pOiiZs! By Cargo ''BEST VARIETIES OF Bituminous aud jfljithra'^'*e Coal. Red and White Ash, > ^vill be deUvered . orcestex, audi a thfe line of Pi-ovidence anc. Worcester, Worcester and! 'asbua, and Western liaihoads, at Lowest Rates. t * | "-^ Also, at retail, - i I'ill b^d'^livered in best possible order, at^o vesf prices,; ^ from our Yard in Worffeslw. * f Office, No. 1 Gi^e^n.^istreet, | •jf^osite Providence & Worcester R. it. Depot. ! E. soitthwice: & co. i edVacd souTuuacK. ... Geo. a.' dresser, l i OOiK ',\l)/ii,4\^' I B O S T O ]¥ \ Blank Book Manufactory, TFAREHOUSE. OLIYER HOLMAN, No. 24 State St., opposite Broad St. Q (^ S ^ C© STa IMPORTER OF STATIONERY, MANUFACTURER OF ^^ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. OENEBAIi AOENT FOR E. LAMSOH FERKISTS' Enamelled, Porcelain, Pearl Sux-face, Satin Enamelled, Satin Surface Colored, People's, and Blank CARDS, and Sheet Card Stock, manufactured at the New England Card Factory. A large Stock of Superior Blank Books, and Staple and Fancy Stationery, embracing almost every article for Banks, Railroad and Manufacturing Corporations, Insurance Offices, Merchants, Traders, Professional Gentlemen, Engineers, Artists, School Teachers, aud others, for sale very low. Every variety of Profile, Cross Section, Protractor and Drawing Papers. EETTEB COPYING PRESSES, The greatest variety to be found in the city, and at the lowest prices. Blank Books made to order in the very best manner, at short notice, and at low prices. Purchasers at wholesale or retail, for cash, are invited to call before buying elsewhere. aac* i-)S<^, — tni O. F. HARRIS Office and Residence, 158 Main St., Corner of Walnut, and nearly opposite the Central Exchange. iry SATISFACTION GIVEN IN ALL CASES. .=0 OP ALL KINDS, IS STILL DONE BY HENRY J. HOWLAND, AT HIS OLD STAND, l^o. B99 Main street, (Up Stairs,) OPPOSITE BRINLEY HALL. 1 addition to his previous stock of Machinery and Materiel, he has lately added several varieties of new Types, and aq W CD n- which a SILVEE MEDAL was awarded at the Mechan- s Fair in Worcester, 1S49, and which is just the Machine turn out Bill Heads, Circulars, and other small jobs with neatness and despatch." Pamphlets, Handbills, Cards, c. printed in the best manner. [t^Please Call and see. I §mmmmmmmmm I DRY 600DS& CARPET \ WAREHOUSE, I Nos. 168 and 170 Main Street, Worcestci I FOR THE SALE OF I Shawls, Merinos, Cloaks, Visiles I Dress Goods, Trimmings. Bonnets, I Ribbons, Millinery, Hosiery, ^ Gloves, Yarns, Threads, i Carpets, Oil Cloths, ^ Domestics, dec. > The above establishment is so well known to residents it > this City, as hardly to require any advertisement. Stran gers visiting Worcester to purchase any description o \ FURNISHING GOODS, I OR CARPETS, * Will find as above, one of the most extensive assortments ? to be found in any store in the I PMllTII© iT^THS. ' It is the design of the proprietor that this shall continue tr ^ be, in variety, excellence and cheapness of the Stock, I The First Store in Worcester, 5 And he will use every effort to induce an increase of public < patronage, by fair dealing and by offering at all times an ex- > extensive and well selected Stock, at the Lowest Prices of I ANY MAKKET. HENRY H. CHAVIBERLIiV. # .^X/^ ^-V^ %<%/* */V% V\/VV-W V'X/VWX V\rt. WVVX'WX'V ■VA/A. ^w^ ^ THE WORCESTER ALMANAC, DIRECTORY, AND BUSINESS ADVERTISER, FOR 18 5 0, INCLUDING ' THE OEDINAXCES OF THE CITY OF WORCESTER. ! BY HENRY J. ROWLAND. WORCESTER: PRINTED BY HENRY J. HOWLAND, 199 Main Street. IC?" Entered according to the act of Congress, in the year 1S49, by Henry J Howland, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of Mas- sachusetts. aUt i-^X • The subscriber has on hand a large stock, amounting to over In Rich Changeable Brocade and Siripe Silks, Magnificent Camelion Satin Turcs and Iligh Lustred Silks, entirely new, and not to be found elsewhere in the country. Also over NEW YiRtC STii^ er has on hand a large stock, aniounl of new and elegant styles of f iiei mmm mm% 1 Siripe Silks, Magnificent C; ed Silks, entirely new, and in the country. Also over Of every style, embracing elegant Plaid Long Shawls, in beautilul colors, Cashmere Long and Square Shawls, New Thibets, and Lyonese Cloths, Rich VelTet Trimmings to mach. All Wool De Laines and Cashmeres, Alpaecas, very cheap ; and every description of Dress Goods at much less than Old Prices. 100 Roils of ryEW CARPET! NCS, AND SPLENDID FLOOR CLOTHS. It is an universally acknowledged fact that Carpets have always been sold cheaper at this house than at any other establishment in N. England, and we nowotfer our splendid assortment at prices still lower, defying any dealer in this State to compete with our prices. Pure tiive Geese FeatBicrs, Always on hand ; good renovated Feathers for Ohm Shilling a pound. Quilts, Ticking, Linens, Damask and Flannel Sheetings. Every thing in the HOUSE FURNISHING line, and -Domestics of every kind. BROWN AND BLEACHED GOODS ; Broadcloliis, Cassimeres, Veslings, &c. Therefore call and make your purchases at the The Cheapest Store in Neiv England ! I The same amount of Goods for Sl,00 that can be bought elsewhere for $1,25 ; so you save your dollars. '' Quick Sales and Small Profits." L, L. AROH£.R. Next door to Am. Temp. House, Worcesler. Fit U set CONTENTS. Eclipses -:___-.- Page 8 Public Streets 13 Private Streets 13 Worcester Children's Friend Society _ _ _ 15 Police Court .-..'.-_- 16 Meeting Houses and Ministers - - - - - 16 Coroners - - - - - - - - - 16, 58 Valuation, Taxation, »kc. ------ 16 Justices to qualify civil officers ----- 16 Commissioner to 'fix and take bail _ - - - 16 Bank Officers --.._--_l7 Institution for Savings ----- . 17 Calendar and Memorandum pages - - - 18 to 41 City Officers . _ 42 City Ordinances - - - _ - . - 45 Schools --_--_._- 55 Various Associations ----- 56, 59 Rail Roads -.---..-57 County Officers -_-_-. .53 Courts 5S Deputy Sheriffs ------- 5s Dress Makers --------60 Nurses 8,60 Tailoresses -------- 60 Laundresses --.---_. 60 Directory ------__- 61 Advertisements ---_.-_ 140 City Ordinances- 31 Concerning Warrants for Meetings - - Page 44 32 To establish sidewalks in Trumbull and Front Streets 45 33 Relating to Highways ---.._ 47 34. Salary of Mayor -'- - _ _ _ . 47 35 In relation to" Portland Street - ... 47 36 To establish the Seal of the City - - . 45 37 To establish sidewalks in Exchange Street - 48 38 Amendatory of an Ordinance establishing a system of Accountability in the Expenditures of the City, and the Assessment of Taxes - - - 48 ECLIPSES, ETC 39 Of Health -------- 40 40 In relation to the Weighing of Hay - - - 51 41 In relation to Pleasant Street - - - - 51 42 Amendator}' of an ordinance establishing a system of accountability in the expenditures of the City, and the assessment of Taxes - - • - 51 43 Directing -when the taxes of 1S49 shall-be committed bj' the x4ssessors to the Collector. - - - 52 44 The weighing of Hay and other Articles - - 52 45 To establish sidewalks in Main Street •• - 53 An order for the Regulation of Hackney Carriages, ECLIPSES. There will be hut two eclipses this year. I — An annular eclipse of the Sun on the 11th and 12th of Febru- ary, invisible in this hemisphere; beginning at lOh 41n)., on the evening of the 11th, and ending at 4h. 49in , on the morning of the 12th This eclipse will be centrical and vertical in the Indian Ocean, near the Isle of Madagascar. IT. — A partial eclipse of the Sun on 7th of August, visible through- out the United States as follows ; beginning 2h. 12m., middle 4h. 48m., end, 7h. 26m. This eclipse will be central, total and vertical at 18 deg 10m. east of the Sandwich Isles ; consequently it will be noon there. It will be total from the Caribbean Sea to the Gulf of Mexico. Saturn and Mars bear rule in the eclipse of February the 12th, and the Sun and Saturn in that of August the 7th ; they being the lords thereof. ADDITIONS. Since the list of Nurses, on page 60, was printed, two ad- ditional names have been handed in, viz. Mrs. Clark, at Amos Thayer's, Myrtle st Lucretia Marsh, at Asa Walker's, Pleasant st Index to Advertisements. Accoucheuse— Mrs. Goodwin, . . . Pao;e 157 1 Agricultural Implements — 0. Converse, 150 Auctioneer— T. W Bancroft, .... 165 Apothecary — Lewis T. Lazell, 143 E. D. Weatherbee, 156 Aqueduct Castings— W. A. Wheeler, 162 Artificial Limbs— S. Howland, 172 Architects— Joy & Hapgood, .... 159, 168 Atwood's Medicines— A. P. Albee, Agent, 170 Blacksmithing— A. Tolman & Co., 149 Blanks— K. N. Tucker, 172 Blank Books-E. N. Tucker, 172 0. Holman, .... 2 J. S. Wesby, .... 154 Book Binding— William Allen, 148 J. S. Wesby, . . . 154 Book and Job Printing— H. J. Howland, 140 Book Store— E. N. Tucker, .... 172 E. Merrill, , 154 J. S. Wesby 154 1 Boot & Shoe Patterns— G. Valentine, 160 Boots & Shoes— Jos. D. Fuller, 147 ! Smith & Brother, 140 0. F. Thompson, 144 T>oot and Shoe Manufacturer— J. JIunyan, 165 Bonnets— Mrs. Williams, .... 161 A. Flint, ...... 159 Boys Clothing— L. Brigham, 151 W. H. Hudson, . 167 Bruslies— C. C. Clapp, 155 ButTalo Robes— See Hats and Caps Builders — Toy & Hapgood, .... 168 Candles— G."W. Rugs 165 Cabinet Shop— John W. Healy, . 166 Camphine— F. P. Oliver, .... 169 Card Manufactory— T. K. Earle & Co., 145 Earl Warner, . 145 Cards— E. N. Tucker, 172 0. Holman, 2 Card Printing— H. J. Howland, 140, 171 Carpenter Work— S. Howland, .... 172 Carpet Warehouse— H. H. Chamberlin, 4 L. L. Archer, 6 Carpet Maksrs— W. & F. A. Brown, 157 Carriage makers— A. Tolman & Co., 149 M. T. Break, 146 G. W. Wilder, . 146 10 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Castings, Iron, Brass &c. — W. A. Wheeler, lfi2 Fitch & Jones, 147 Circulating Library— E. N. Tucker, 172 Clothing— L. Brigham, 151 L. Clapp, .... 105 Sturtevant, .... 163 Clothing Warehouse— L. Brigbam, 151 W. H. Hudson, . 167 Coal— B. BufFum, ...... 152 E. Southwick & Co. Cover. Collector— L. Thayer, .... 168 Communion Wine — L. T. Lazell, 143 L. Spring, 2d, 157 Coffins— W. G. Maynard, 160 Cooking Stoves— See Stoves, Copper Ware— See Stoves, Dentist— 0. F. Harris, .... . . 3 Drawing Materials— 0. Holman, 2 Dressmaking- at H. H. Chamberlin's 4 Dictionary— Webster's, .... 141 Druggists — Lewis T. Lazell, 143 E. D. Weatherbee, 156 Dry Goods— H. H. Chamberlin, 4 L. L. Archer, . . 6 Dye House— H. B. Adams, 15t5 M. K. Williams, 161 Fancv Goods— C. S. Ellis, . . . . 151 D. Goddard & Son, 155 E. Merrill, . . . . 154 Fire Insurance— See Insurance, Fire. Findings (shoe)— C. C. Clapp, . . 155 Flour— Draper & Clark, 163 Furniture — J. W. Healey, 166 Furs — See Hats and Caps. Furnace— W. A. Wheeler, 162 Fitch &. Jones, 147 Glass-H. W. Miller, .... 175 Grass Seeds— Draper & Clark, 163 Groceries— B. Butnxan, 151 Draper &. Clark, 163 L. Spring 2d, 159 Gutta Percha Pipe— J. Sutton, 166 Hartford Fire Ins. Co., . 152 Hardware— H. W. Miller, 175 Hats and Caps— Bowles & Blood, . . 153 Levi Clapp, J. H. Knights, 155 152 E. Merrill, 154 Harnesses— A. Tolman & Co., . . 149 B.E.Hutchinson, 142 G. W. Wilder, 146 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 11 Health Insurance Agency — L, Thayer, Hydraulic Kams — J. Sutton, . ' . lusurauce, Fire — Hartford Co. Worcester Co. Mutual, Lewis Thayer, Insurance, Life-^New England Co. State Mutual Co. Intelligence Office — L. Thayer, iron Foundry — \V. A. Wheeler, Iron — Richardson, Loring &. Co. Jewelry — D. Goddard & Son, W. I). Fenuo & Sou, L. Katon, .... Lamps— F. P. Oliver, Lead i'ipe — John Sutton, Leather — C. C. CJapp, Lathes — S. Flagg & Go. A. & S. Thayer, Life Insurance Cos. Lumber— T. & O. K. Eavle, John Gates, Machine Cards— T. K. Earle & Co. Earl Warner, Machinery— Samuel Flagg & Co. A. & S. Thayer, W. A. Wheeler, Manufacturers' Articles — S. Dinsmore, J. Kendrick, Medicines — F. Barnard L. r. Lazell, E. D. Weatherbee, Merchant Tailor — \V. H. Hudtjon, Millinery Good? — Mrs Willixuns, A. Flint, x^Ionochromatic Painting — D. F. Pond, Models— J. VV. Healy, Mu'^ical Merchandize— C. S. Ellis, New England Life ins. Co. Parasols— C. S. Ellis, Patterns, Boot & Shoe— G. Valentine, I'atterns — J. W. Healy, A. & S. Thayer, W. A. Wheeler, Periodicals — E.N.Tucker, Picture Gallery — Pond's Plows — A. Billing, Printing, of all kinds — Henry J. Howland Pump Manufactory-— John Sutton, Real Estate Agent — L. Thaver, T. W. Bancroft, 12 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Reeds and Harnesses— J. Kendrick, 147 S. Dinsmore, 158 Rubber Goods — B. E. Hutchinson, M2 Rubbers— See Boots and Shoes Saws Filed, &c.— J. W. Healy, 1G6 J. Rice, . . .' . 103 E. M. Elwell & Co. . 1G3 Saw Manufacturers— E. M. Elwell & Co. 103 School House Stove— H. W. Miller, . 175 School Books— See Book Stores Shoes— See Boots and Shoes Soap and Candles— G. W. Rugg, 105 State Mutual Life Assurance Co. 173 Stationery— 0. Holman & Co. . . . 2 See also Bookstores Steam Engines— W. A. Wheeler, 102 Steel— Richardson, Loring & Co. . . 174 Stoves— A. Billing, 150 P.F.Phelps 164 H. W. Miller 175 Richardson & Loring, 174 L D. Russell 150 W. A. Wheeler 162 Straw Bonnets Repaired— M. R. Williams, A. Flint, Tailors — L. W. Sturtevant, 101 159 103 W. H. Hudson, . . . . 107 Thomsonian— F. Barnard, . . . . 119 Tin Ware— See Stoves Trusses— A. Cutting, 149 Trunks— C. C. Clapp, 155 B. E. Hutchinson, 142 E. Merrill, 154 Turning — G. Valentine, . . . . 100 Umbrellas— C S. Ellis, . . . . 15! Undertaker— W. G. Maynard, 100 Upholsterers— R. E. Hutchinson, . 142 W. & F. A. Brown, 157 ! Vegetable Medicines — F. Barnard, MOi Watches— D. Goddard & Son, 155 W. D. Fenno & Son, 150 L. Eaton, .... 157 i Webster's Dictionary, 14li Wedding Cards— Printed by Henry J. Howlanc 1, . 171 Weaver's Reeds & Harnesses — See Reeds & H arnesses. ^^^e^S) PUBLIC STREETS. Arch St. from Orchard to Liberty st. Belmont st. from Lincoln Square eastwardly to Shrewsbury. Bloomingdale road, from Givifton st. east. Bridge st from Front st. northwesterly to Summer St. Central st from Main st. eastwardly to Pine. Chestnut sf. from Pleasant to Walnut st. Elm st fro Ji Main to Chestnut st. Exchange at. from Main st. to Summer st. J^'raukliii st from Park st. eastwardly to Grafton st. front St. iiom Main st. eastwardly to Washington Square. Grai'ton Su. from Washington Square southeast towards Grafton. Green's lane from Lincoln st. to house of VV. E. Green. Green st. from Franklin st southwardly to Vernon st. Grove st. f.-om Salisbury st, northwardly towards W. Boylston. IlauoTcr St. from Prospect to Arcli st. Harrison sc. from Water to Providence st. Highland ,■ t. from Lincoln Square west towards Paxton. Jo Bill road from Salisbury st westwardly. Laurel st. from Summer st. east. Liberty st. from Belmont to Arch st Lincoln st. from Lincoln Square northeast towards Shrewsbury. Lincoln Scuare is located between the entrances of Highland, Lin^ coin, Main, Salisbury, Summer and Belmont sts. Main st. fr.an Lincoln Square south v/ardly towards Leicester. Market st trom 39 Main to Summer st. Mechanic st. from Main st. eastwardly to Bridge st. Millbury Avenue, from Grafton sn. to Millbury. Myrtle st. from Main st. eastwardly to Orange st. Park St. from Main st. eastwardly to Franklin st Pine Meadow Koad. (or Old Pine st.) from Washington Square east- wardly ever the end of Oak Hill I Pine St. from Pine Meadow Pioad eastwardly to Belmont st. Pleasant &l,. from Main st. westwardly towards Paxton. 1 Provideucy st. from Grafton st. over Union Hill. i Portland St. from Park st. southwardly to Myrtle st. j Quiii'ley ro;id from Salisbury st. northwardly to Grove st. I Salem st. tiom Mechanic st. southwardly to Myrtie st. Salisbury st from Lincoln Square towards Holden. School St. from Main st. eastwardly to Summer st. Southbridge st. from Main st. southwardly towards Southbridge. Spring st from Front st. northvv'ardly to Mechanic st. Summer sn fm Lincoln Square south'.vai-dly to Washington Square. Thomas st. from Main st. eastwardly to Summer st. TiunibuU st from Front to Park st. Union st. fiom Mechanic st northwardly to Lincoln Square. Vernon st. from Green st. southwardly towards Millbury. Ward st from Vernon st. southwardly to Water st. Washiugtcn Square is located between the entrances of Front st. Graftoji St. Pine Meadow Road, and Summer st. Water st, trom Grafton st. southwardly to Quinsigamond Village. PRIVATE STREETS, &c. A-fh St. from Green to Washington st. Ashland st. from Pleasant to Highland. A'j.-^tiu St. from 266 Main, westwardly. r.'.rflett place, from Front st. south. I'esicon St. from Madison to Lagrange st. 14 PRIVATE STREETS. Beech st. from Winter to Pond st. Bigfclow's Court, from Front st. north. Blackstone st. from Exchange st east of Canal. Bowdoin st from Harvard st. to N. Ashland. Brown st. from Beech to Pond st. Burnside's Court, from 297 Main st. east. Burt St. from Grafton st. to Canal. Canal st from Front to Winter st. Carlton st. from Front to Mechanic st. Carroll st. from Prospect to Arch st. Catherine st. fi-om Lincoln st southeast. Cedar st. from Chestnut st. west. Central Court, rear of Central Exchange. Chandler st. from Main st. northwest. Charles st. from Summer to Blackstone st. Charlton st. from Beacon st. to Main. Chatham st. from High st. west. Cherry st. from Bartlett place to Canal st. Clinton st. from Pleasant to Chatham st. Columbia st from Water to Providence st. Concord st. from Grove st east. Congress st. from Crown to Newbury St. Corbett st. from 258 Main to High st. Cottage st from West to Fruit st. Cross St. from Pine st. to East Central. Crown st. from Pleasant to Austin st. Cypress st. from Exchange st. south. Eden st. from Sudbury st. north. Edward st. from Belmont st. south. Elizabeth st from Belmont to Reservoir st. Elliot St. from Carroll st. east. Elm st, from Chestnut st. west Essex St. from Chandler st. southwest. Everett st from Cedar st. to William. Foster st. from 215 Main st. southeast. Foundry st. from Vine st. to Canal, French Row, from Union st near Court Mill. Fruit St. from Pleasant to Elm st. Fulton St. from Summer to Mulberry St. Garden st. from Lincoln to Mai-gin St. George st. from 60 Main st. to Harvard Glen st from Liberty st. east Go-ldard st. from Green st. east. Gold St. from Green to Washington st. Hamilton Square, east of Prescott st. Hancock st. east of Hamilton Square. Harvard st. from Sudbury to Highland st. Henchman st from Lincoln to Margin st. Hibernia st. from Washington Square, north. High st from Pleasant st. southerly. Hinds Court, from Maple st rear of Citizens Bank. Howard st. from Summer to Blackstone st. Irving st from Pleasant to Chandler st. Jackson st from Msiii to Beacon st, John St. from Harvard to Ashland st. Kendall st. from Lincoln st southeast. Kendall Hill, between I'elmont and Kendall sts. Lagrange st. from Main to Beacon st. Leicester st from Vlain to Beacon «t. PRIVATE STREETS, 15 Lexington st from Grove st. east. Locust st. from Southbrid-ie to Beacon st. Linden st from Elm to Pleasant st. Lynn st. from Salem to Orange st. Madison st. from Main st. to ^Vestern Rail Eoad. Maple st from Main to Walnut st. Maple place, from Maple st. west. JNlargin st. from Hancock to Henchman st. Mulberry st. from Pine Meadow Road to Shelby st. Milk St. from Franklin to Grafton st. Newburv st. from Pleasant st south. North st from Grove st east, beyond the Cemetery. Norwich st. from Foster to Mechanic st. Oak Avenue, from Belmont to Catherine st. Oak st from Pleasant to Cedar st. Orange st. from Park to Plymouth st. Orchard st. from Belmont st. south. Otis St. from Pie.scott to Hancock st. Oxford st. from Pleasant to Chatham st. Oxford place, from Oxford st west. Palma st. from Pleasant to Elm st. Pearl st. from 220 Main to Chestnut st Perr}' plac*;, from Median ic st. to Rail Road. Pine Courc, from Pine st. north. Plymouth st. from Green to Orange st. Pond St. from Green to Winter st. Prescott st from Concord st. north. Prospect St. from Summer st. east. Quincy st. trom Chatham st to Austin. Iteservoir pt. from Edward st. east. Sever st from Pleasant to Elm st. Shelby st from Carroll st east. Spruce St. from Chandler to Austin st. State st from Main to Harvard st. Sudbury st from Chestnut st east. Summit st from Gold to Ash st. Sycamore .st. froua Mriin to Beacon st. Temple st. from Green st. to Canal. Tremont st from Front to Mechanic st. "\ernoii place, from Yernon st east. Tine st. trom Front to Cherry st. Walnut St. from Main to Chestnut st Warren st from Front to Cherry st. Washington st from Park st. southerly. West st from Pleasant st. to Cedar. William st from Chestnut st wfst. AVinter st from Green st. to Canal. Worth St. from Ward to Water st. Worcester Children's Friend Society. This Society ha':; been organized about one year, and has received a charter from tup J-fgisiature. Its object is to " rescue from evil and misery, such children as are deprived of the care of their natu- ral parents " Through the liberality of John W. Lincoln, Esq. a comfortable asylum has been provided on Pine Street, where children are re- ceived. Mrs. J. M. Miles, 26 Juestnut !^t is Superintendent. I 16 CLERGYMEN, ETC. Meetinghouses and Ministers. I All Saints Church, (Episcopal) Tearl St. Eev. Justin Field. I Calviiiist, Main Street, Rev. S. Sweetser. I Church of the Unity, (Unitarian) Kim St. Rev. E. E. Hale. j Chapel at Counfy House, Kev. \V. Burton. I First Baptist, Salein Street, Kev. S. B Swaim. I First (.'ongregational. (Old South) Rev. George P. Smith, I Fiiends, corner of Chatham and Oxford Streets I Hospital Chapel, Kev. George Allen. I -Methodist, Park Street, Kev. Nelson E. Cobleigh. ! Pine St. M E. Church, Kev J. A. Sauford. I Pleasant Street Baptist, Kev. John Jennings. j Sa'em Street Church, Salem Street, Kev. Geo. Bushnell. I Second Advent, Warren Hall, Geo. Needham. I Second Congregational, (Unitarian) Kev Alonzo Hill j Second Methodi.st, Laurel Street, llt-v. Francis A Griswold St. John's Church, (Catholic) Temple St. Kev M. \V. Gibson. Union, (Congregational) Front Street. Kev. Elam Smalley. Universalist. Foster Street, Kev. 0. H. Tillotson. Zion Methodist Church, Exchange Street, Kev. Leaven Smith. Coroners in Worcester. Claudius B. Long, Timothy W. Bancroft, William Eaton, Jonathan Day, Edward H. Hemeu way, Asa Matthews. Valuation, Taxation, &.c. of Worcester, 1849. Wards. Polls. Taluation. 1 40S 618,810 2 (iOO 1616 195 3 G17 1075,873 4 470 620,274 5 o75 582,490 1081,845 1978,473 2:^99.312 783 010 6 647 7 556 8 464 Nou, Res. 4135 10,756,: County Tax, 4,139,42 City Tax, 72 850,00 Overlayings, 1818,28 Total Tax, 78807,70 j The poll tax was Sfl,50, and j the balance assessed on proper- | ty, at the rale of $6,75 on ."glOOO ! Births in the vear ending i May 1, 1849, 449 Deaths, 424 j Marriages, 97 ^ j POLICE COURT. In East City Hall. i WILLIAM N GREEX, Justice. ELISIIA FULLER and J. W. WETHEKELL, Associate Justices. Sessions for Criminal business, daily, at 9 A. M. For Civil business, 1st and 3i Saturdays of each month. Justices, airpo'mted to QaaJifij Civil Officers. Henry Chapin, Wil- liam Jennicon, Abijah Bigclow, Charles W. Hartshorn, Levi Lincoln. Commissioner, to fix and take Bail, in Criminal Cases, ^-c. William Jennison. BANKS. 17 Banks in "Worcester. j WORCESTEHBANK. 185 Main st. Capital §200,000. STEPHEN SALISBURY, President. AVM. CROSS, Cashier. Chas. D. Whiting, Assistant Cashier. Levi Lincoln, George T. Hice, i S. M. IJurnside, Kejoice Newton, John W. Lincoln, Benj. F. Iley- I ■n-ood. Directors. Solicitor — Kejoice Newton. Discount day, Tuesday I CENTRAL BANK. 100 Main st. Capital $100,000. | THOS. KINNIGUTT, President, WM. DICKINSON, Cashier. Thomas Kinnicutt. Lewis Barnard, Chas. L. Putman, Edward H. i Ilemenway, Chas. G. Prentiss, Ichabod AVashburn, John Green, [ i Directors. Solicitor — Thomas Kinnicutt. Discount day, Monday. ! QTJINSIGAMOND BANK- 138 iMain st. Capital 8100,000. | ' W.M. JENNISON, Presidcnl! CHAS. A. HAMILTON, Cashier. W'm. Jennison, Isaac Davis, Otis Corbett, Samuel 11. Colton, Chas. , Thurber, Directors. Solicitor — I. Davis. Discount day, Wednesday I CITIZENS BANK. 190 Main st. Capital $150,000. F. T, MERRICK, President. GEO. A. TRUMBULL, Cashier. Fra's T. Merrick, Pliny Merrick, George Bowen, Anthony Chase, Fra's II. Kinnicutt, Directors. Solicitor — Benj. F. Thomas. Discount day, Monday. MECHANICS BANK, 62 Main st. Capital g;100,000. ALEX'R DE WITT, President. PARLEY HAMMOND, Cashier. Alexander De V\itt, Henry Gonlding, Wm. T. Merrifield, F. II. Dew- ey, W in. M. Bickford, Cha's Washbvirn, Harrison Bliss, E H. Bow- en, Directors. Bank hours, from 9 to 1, and from 2 to 4 o'clock in Summer, from 10 to 1, and from 2 to 4 in Winter. The Banks are not open for business on Saturday Afternoons. Banks in "Worcester County. BANKS. CAPITALS. Fitchburg, 5^100,000 Lancaster, 100,000 Leicester, 100,000 ftlillbury, 50,000 O-^ford. 100.000 Southbridge, 100,000 Blackstone — Ux- bridge 100,000 Central, Worcester,lO0,000 Citizens, Quinsigamond," Worcester, " Mechanics, " Milford " Roulstoue — Fitch bursr. 150,000 100,000 200,000 1lth ; and to cause all such nuisances, sources of filth, and causes of sickness, to be removed, destroyed, or preven- ted, when practicable, as the case may require, conformably i to such Ordinances and Rules, and the Laws of the Com- | mon wealth. | Sec. 3. When the Board of Health shall be satisfied that any building is not furnished with a sufficient drain, privy ; and vault, or either of them, they shall give notice in wri- ' ting to the owner or agent, if known, and if either of them be resident within the City, and if otherwise, public notice j by advertising in some newspaper published and circulated ! in the City, requiring that a suitable drain, privy and vault, or either of them, be constructed within such time as they i shall appoint, for the use of such tenement. And in case i such lequisition be not complied with, the Board shall cause i such drain, privy and vault, or either of them, to be con- structed, the expense of wiiich shall be charged to such ow- ner or agent. Sec. 4. Whenever the Board of Health shall find that the number of persons occupying any tenement is so great as to be a cause of nuisance or sickness, or source of filth, j the Board may cause all or any persons occupying such tenement to be removed Mierefrom, first giving them notice I in writing to remove, and allowing them the space of at 50 CITY ORDINANCES. least forty-eight hours, in which to comply with such notice. Sec. 5. Every vault or privy shall be so constructed that the inside of the same shall be at least two feet from the land of every adjoining pi'oprietor, and also two feet from every street, lane, passage-way, or public place. And whenever any privy or vault shall become offensive, the same shall be cleansed. And in case the condition or con- struction of any vault or privy shall be different from the re- quirement of this section, the City Marshal, under the direc- tion of the Board of Health, may cause the same to be cleansed, repaired, amended, altered or removed, as may be necessary, and shall charge the expense incurred in so doing to the owner, or party occupying the estate in which such privy or vault may be. Provided he shall first notify such owner, or party occupying, in the manner provided in the third section of this Ordinance; and allow the space of at least forty-eight hours, for such owner or occupant to com- ply with such notice. Sec. 6. All house dirt, filth, rubbish and waste matter collected in any part of the City, which may be a nuisance, shall, with the approbation of the Board of Health, be re- moved by the City Marshal therefrom, at the expense of the owner or occupant of the place where such cause of offence may be, unless such OAvner or occupant shall remove the same within twenty-four hours after being ordered to do so by the City Marshal. And the City Marshal when there- to ordered by the Board of Health, shall at any time be- tween sunrise and sunset, enter into any building or other place in the City, for the purpose of examining into, de- stroyk=ig, removing or preventing any nuisance, source of filth, or cause of sickness therein. And in case such en- trance be opposed, he shall make known such opposition to the Board of Health, in order that a warrant may be ob- tained to enforce the same as provided by law. £\ic. 7. All persons who shall offend'against any of the provisions of the fifth and sixth sections of this Ordinance, shall forfeit and pay for each offence, a penalty of not less than one, nor more than twenty dollars. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal to keep an exact and true account of all costs, outlays and expen- ses that may be incurred in carrying into effect any of the purposes and provisions set forth or contained in this Ordi- nance, and without delay to report the same to the Treas- urer, with the names of the various persons to whom they may be chargeable, and the proportion or amount payable from each person. And he shall examine, correct,' and charge the same in his books, and without delay make out bills therefor accordingly and collect the same. Sec. 9. The City Council shall annually, in March or April, choose, by a concurrent vote, some suitable person to be Citv Physician, who shall remain in office until another' CTTY ORDINANCES. 51 is appointed in his stead, and whose place, in case of vacan- cy by reason of resignation, removal, or any other cause, may be supplied by a new appointment. And it shall be the duty of said Physician, to attend under the general di- rection of the overeeers of the poor, upon all sick paupers and patients under the care of the City authorities at the City farm or elsewhere, (within the limits of the City,) to render all services by law incumbent upon physicians ap- pointed by Boards of Health, and to report annually in March, to the City Council, a list of deaths of the previous year ; stating the age, sex, and disease of the person de- ceased. In case of alarm of an}' infectious or contagious dis- ease, to give to either branch of the City Council,or any Com- mittee thereof, all such professional advice and counsel as they may request of him, to vaccinate all scholars of the public schools, that may be sent to him by the School Com- mittee for that purpose,' and generally to perform such other professional services as may reasonably be required of him by the Board of Health, or either Board of the City Council. Sec- 10. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in- consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed June 6, 1849. 4:0 Ail Ordinance in relatioii to the Weighing of Hay. Be it Ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of the City of Worcester, in City Council assembled, as follows : Sections ninety- five, ninety-six, ninety-seven and ninety- eight, of Chapter twenty-eight of the Revised Statutes of Massachusetts, are hereby adopted by the City of Worcester. Passed June 11, 1S49. 41 An Ordinance in relation to Pleasant Street. Be it Ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of the City of Worcester, in City Council assembled, as follows ; That sidewalks be and are hereb}"- located on the North- erly side of Pleasant street, between Main and West streets, and also on the Southerly side of said Pleasant street, be- tween Main street and the West line of Wm. A. Wheeler's | farm on said street ; said sidewalks to be six and one half | feet wide on each side of said street, as before described ; j and subject to all the provisions and requirements in rela- tion to sidewalks. Passed July 2, 1S49. An Ordinance amendatory of an ordinance esiahlishing a. syttem of accoimtability in the expenditures of tJie City, and tlie assessment of Taxes. Be it Ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of the City of Worcester, in City Council assembled, as follows . Sec. 1. The Assessors shall deliver to the Collector a 52 CITY ORDINANCES. complete tax list, showing the amount assessed on each per- son liable to taxation on his poll, oi- estate, or both, on or before the first day of August in each year. Sec. 2. All ordinances and parts of Ordinances inconsis- tent with the provisions of this Ordinance, ai'e hereby re- pealed. Passed July 16, 1849. ^3 An ord'matice directing when the taxes of 1819 shall be com- mitted by the Assessors to the Collector. Be it Ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of the City of Worcester, in City Council assembled, as follows : Sec. 1. The Assessors of the year 1849, shall deliver to the Collector a complete tax list, showing the amount as- sessed on each person liable to taxation on his poll, or es- tate, or both, before the 15th day of August of the present year. Sec. 2. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances incon- sistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby re- pealed. Passed Aug. 6, 184-9. 44 A7i ordinaiice regulating the weighing of Hay and other Articles. Be it Ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of the City of Worcester, in City Council assembled, as follows : _ Sec. I. It shall be the duty of the City Council, from time to time, as the public good may require, to establish a sufficient number of public scales, furnished with decimal weights, for the weighing of hay and other articles. Sec._ 2. The City Council shall annually, in the month of April, by concurrent vote, appoint suitable persons to be weighers of hay and other articles, who shall hold the office during the pleasure of the City Council, each of whom, shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, be sworn to the faithful discharge of the same by the Mayor or City Clerk. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the persons so appointed, to attend at the scales that may be assigned to them respec- tively, to deliver to the driver of every load of hay, straw, or other article weighed, a certificate specifying the name of the driver or owner, the town from whence driven, the weijiht and tare, the amount of fees received and the date, and to keep an account of all hay and other articles weighed in books to be furnished by the 5layor and Aldermen, which shall at all times be open to their inspection, and when filled shall he phiced with the other records of the City, and the persons so appointed shall settle their accounts' quarterly with the Mayor and Aldermen, and shall pay over to the City one half of all the fees received for weighing ; the other CITY ORDINANCES. 53 half shall be retained by each weigher, as full compensation for the services prescribed in this Ordinance. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Mayor and Aldermen to furnish each person appointed weigher with duplicate copies of all laws in force, relating to the weighing of hay and other articles, and of all Ordinances of the City of Wor- cester, relating thereto ; one of which copies shall be posted up in some conspicuous place in his office. Sec. 5. The fees for weighing hay and other articles, to be received by the weighers, shall be as follows, viz : one cent for every hundred pounds of hay or straw, and one half cent for every hundred pounds of all other articles. Provided, however, that the fees for weighing any article shall never be less than twelve and a half cents. The vehicle containing the same, and other tare, shall be weighed without charge. No fees shall be taken for any weighing done for the City. Sec. 6. The owner or driver of any wagon, cart, sled or other carrriage containing hay, straw, or anthracite coal, for sale in larger quantities than five hundred pounds, who shall proceed to deliver the same within the City, without first causing the same to be weighed by some one of the weighers appointed by the City Council, shall forfeit and pay for the use of the City, the sum of five dohars, to be recovered by complaint before the Justice of the Police Court. Sec. 7. Persons having hay or straw for sale, may stand with the same in Lincoln or Washington squares, and in such other places as the Mayor and Aldermen may appoint. Sec. S. All By-Laws of the town of Worcester, or Or- dinances of the City, inconsistent with the provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed, Patsed Aug. 13, 1&49. 45 An ordinance, to establish sidewalks in Main Street. Be it Ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of the City of Worcester, in City Council assembled, as follows : Section 1. That eight feet in width, of all that part of the southeasterly side of Alain Street, lying between Myrtle street, and Sycamore street, be, and the same is established as a sidewalk. Sec. 2. That eight feet in width, of all that part of the northwesterly side of Main street, lying between Austin street, and a point opposite Charlton street, be, and the same established as a sidewalk. Sec. 3. The before mentioned sidewalks, shall be sub- i ject to all the provisions, restrictions, conditions and require- j ments provided for sidewalks, contamed in the ordinances I the c icy of Worcester. Passed Sept. 24, 1S49. 54 CITY ORDER. For the Regulation of Hackney Carriages. In Board of Aldermen, March 6, 1849, Ordered, that the following rules be made and adopted, by authority of an act of the Legislature of this Common- wealth, passed on the twenty third day of April, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-seven, entitled ' An Act to pre vent Obstructions in the Streets of Cities, and to Kegulate Hackney Coaches and other Vehicles.' 1. Every Hack, Stage Coach, Omnibus, or other vehicle, | whether on wheels or runners, drawn by one or more horses or other animal power, driven bj' the owner thereof, or by any person in the employment of the owner, which shall be used for the conveyance of passengers for hire from place to place within the Central School District, in the City of Worcester, shall be deemed a Hackney Carriage within the ' meaning of these rules. 2. No person shall set up, use or drive any Hackney Car- riage as aforesaid, for the conveyance of passengers for hire, unless he shall have obtained a license so to do from the Mayor and Aldermen, under a penalty of not less than five dollars and not more than twenty dollars for each time such carriage is used. 3. The Mayor and Aldermen will, from time to time, grant licenses to suitable persons to set up and use Hack- ney Carriages for the conveyance of passengers for hire in the Centre School District in this City. Such licenses shall expire on the first Mondaj' of May next after the date there- of, and may be revoked by the Mayor and Aldermen at their discretion. No license shall be sold or transferred without the consent of the Mayor and Aldermen endorsed thereon by the City Clerk, for which a fee of one dollar shall be paid ; and a record of all licenses so granted, stating the name of the person to whom granted, the number of the license and the description of the carriage shall be kept by the City Max'shal. 4. Every person so licensed shall pay to the City Treas- urer, for the use of the City, one dollar for each Hackney Carriage for which the license is obtained, and the like sum for the renewal of the license. 5. Every licensed Hackney Carriage shall be marked and numbered on the outside, on the right and left sides thereof, on some conspicuous place, with tJbe number of the license in figures not less than one and one half inches in size ; and such figures shall be of a light color on a dark ground, and and of a dark color on a light ground ; and any owner or CITY ORDER. SCHOOLS. 55 driver of a licensed Hackney Carriage, who shall drive, or { permit to be driven, any such carriage not numbered as i aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than two I dollars and not more than twenty dollars for each offence. 6. The persons in whose name a license has been taken for a Hackney Carriage, shall be considered as the owner of the same for all the purposes of these rules and shall be liable I to all fines and penalties hereby imposed, unless, on the sale [ of his carriage, notice thereof shall be given to the City I Clerk and the license be surrendered up to him. 7. The price or fare for Hackney Carriages for carrying passengers from one place to another within the Centre j School District shall not exceed twenty-five cents for each ': adult passenger. For children more than three years of age, and less than twelve years of age, half price is to be charged for each child ; and for children under three years of age, under the care of an adult person, no charge is to be made. Each driver of a Hackney Carriage, if requested so to do, shall carry with each passenger one trunk and one i valise, carpet-bag, or other article, and to contain clothing, ^^'ithout compensation therefor ; but for every trunk or other such article more than two, the driver shall be entitled to demand and receive five cents. 8. Licenses fur Hackney Carriages will be revoked by the Mayor and Aldermen, on proof of the demand or taking of excessive fares, or of the misconduct of drivers. 9. These Rules shall be in force on and after the first Monday in ]\Iay next. Attest, C. A. HAMILTON, City Clerk. SCHOOLS. The Schools in the Centre District of Worcester are of four grades, viz. Infant, Primary, English, and Classical and English. The latter is open to pupils from all parts of the City, and is of a high grade, fitting its pupils for the University, or for the common business of life. The Schools in the Centre are in session through- out the year, with the exception of three vacations, amounting in all to seven weeks. The Schools out of the Centre commence on the Monday after the annual Thanksgiving, and the first Monday in May, and con- tinue as long as the money appropriated to each holds out, with sucli vacations as may be thought best by their several Sub-Com- mittees. Each School is under the special charge of a sub-committee of one or more members, who report monthly to the whole Board. Scholars are admitted to the High School by examination, at the commencement of each term ; and to the other Schools at any time bv ticket from the Secretary, "VV. Lazell, Esq. 205 Main Street. " CITY AND COUNTY REGISTER. Post Office. In Central Exchange. Edward W. Lincoln, Post Master. Adam L. Harrington, Chief Clerk. A. B. Barnard, Geo. C. Pike, James W. Sykes, Clerks. E. W, Bartlett, Penny Post. Worcester Academy, Haifa mile west of the village. Chas. C. Burnett, A. M. Principal ; Emmons P. Bond, Assistant Teacher ; Martin Jacobs, Steward. College of the Holy Cross, About a mile sonth of the Tillage. Rev. J. Earley, President ; Rev. Geora;e Fenwick, Vice President ; Kev. Mr. Brinkerhoff, Procu- rator ; Kev. J. McMnllen, Prefect ; Rev. M. Clark, Prof, of Chemistry ; Eev. Mr. Kennedy, Prof of Mathematics ; Rev. Messrs. Sacchi, Vicianza, W. Logan, Mr. Bra- dy, Professors. Worcester Lyceum Has a valuable Library of 900 vols, which is open Saturday after- noons ; and a course of Lectures through the winter, Thursday evenings. Henry Chapin, President ; Edward Southwick, Secretary ; Geo. Jaques, Treasurer. Mrs. J. Wood, 1 School St. Librarian. Association of Mutual Aid in detecting Thieves, Warren Lazell, Treasurer and Clerk. Directors, John W. Lincoln, Alpheus Merrifield, Lewis Bigelow, James Estabrook, Edward Earle, Samuel Banister, Joseph Lovell, Artemas Ward 2d, Maturin L. Fisher, Lewis Thayer, John Jones. Ladies Washingtonian Sewing Circle, Meets every other Friday afternoon and evening at the houses of the members. Its object is to promote temperance by free so- cial intercourse, personal services to the sick, and pecuni- ary assistance to families suffering from the use of strong drink. Pakachoag Division, No. 27, Sons of Temperance, Meet at Masonic Hall every Saturday evening. Zenith Temple of Honor, No. 8, Sons of Temperance. Meet at Masonic Hall on the first and thirdThursdays of CA'ery month, Bethlehem Union, No. 11, Daughters of Temperance, Meets every Tuesday afternoon at the Masonic Hall, Its object is to improA'e the social and moral condition of its members, to render aid in seasons of sickness, to elevate the female character, and advance the cause of Virtue, Love and Temperance. Officers chosen quarterly. New England Protective Union, Division No. 12. Instituted December 12, 1846. Store, No. 53 Main St. New England Protective Union, Division No. 42. Instituted Dec. 18, 1847. Store No. 38 Front St. Newton's Block. [0=" The two Divisions h.ave aL^^o a Provision Store in the base- ment of the Franklin House, on Tliomas Street. CITY REGISTER. 57 Morning Star Lodge of Free Masons, Meet at Masonic Hall ncrtli end Waldo Block, 1st Tuesday of every month. Jas G. Henderson, Master ; Francis Davis, S, W. ; Al- fred Chaffin, J. W. ; Geo. Blood, Treas. ; Levi Clapp, Sec. ; Henry Goddard, S. D. ; Zebina Lee, J. D. ; Rufus W. Newton, Tj'ler. Worcester Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, Meet at Masonic Hall, 1st Wednesday of every month, Henry Earle, High Priest ; Hollis Ball, King ; Jas. A. 'Whipple, Scribe. Wor. Co. Encampment of Knight Templars. Jas. Estahrook, Most Em. Gr. Conimander ; Asa Woodbury, Gen- eralissimo ; Levi Clapp, Capt General ; Nahum Flagg, Prelate ; Levi Rawson, S. W. ; Billings Mann, J. W. ; Asa Walker, Treasurer; Lewis Thayer, Secretary. Worcester Lodge, No. 56, 1. 0. of 0. F. Meet at Masonic Hall, Friday evenings. H. G. Bates, N. G. ; Jacob Belyea, V. G. ; Francis W. Eaton, Sec. ; Wm. T. Farr, Treas. Quinsigamond Lodge, No. 42, 1. 0- of 0. F. Meet at Masonic Hall, Monday evenings of each week. Edwin Ha- ven, N. G. ; Thos. L. Bughee, V. G. ; Charles P. Wilson, Sec. Tilley Raymond, Treasurer. Wachusett Encampment, No. 19,1. 0. of 0. F- Meet at Masonic Hall, on the 2d and 4th Thursday evenings in each month. E. M. Holman, C. P. ; T. L. Bugbee, H. P. ; Geo. C. Taft, S. W. ; Edward Rice, J. W. ; Charles F. Wilson, Scribe ; Tilley Raymond, Treasurer. St. John's Mutual Relief Society. Rev. M. "W. Gibson, President; Patrick Rourke, Vice President; Henry Murray, Secretary ; Thomas Maginnis, Treasurer. Young Catholic Friend Society. Rev. M W Gibson, President ; John L, Murphy, Vice President; John Murray, Secretary ; Henry Murray, Treasurer. The Rural Cemetery Is situated on Grove street, north of the village. Levi Lincoln is Pres't ; H. K. Newcomb, Sec'y ; Samuel Jennison, Treas. Railroads. Bos;ton and Worcester. Passenger Cars leave Worcester 6 times every week day. Fare to Boston, $1.00. Norwich and Worcester Accommodation Cars leave in the morn- ing and afternoon daily. The Steamboat Train leaves for New York everv night, not far from 6 o'clock. Fare to Norwich, $1,50 : to New York, .«;4,00 W'estcrn Railroad. Passenger Cars leave Worcester three times daily. Fare to Springfield, $1,65 ; to Albany, a?4,25. The Providence and Worcester Railroad. Passenger and Freight Trains pass over the road daily, from Green Street. Fare to Provi- dence, !i{;l,25. Worcester and Nashua Railroad. Cars pass over the road daily, three time.s each way, connecting at Groton Junction with trains for Ijowell, Fitchburg, Boston, and Townsend. Fare to Nashua, Si, 25. OJMce in Worcester, at Lincoln Square. Pliny Merrick, President ; J. W. Stowell, Superintendent ; T. W. Hammond, Treasurer. 58 COUNTY REGISTER. County Commissioners. William Crawford, Oakham, Cbairman. Jerome Gardner, Harvard ; Joseph Bruce, Grafton, Special Commissioners. Stephen Davis, Oxford ; Jason Goulding, Phillipston. Sessions in the Urick Court House, March 26, June 18, Sep. 10, and Dec. 24. County Treasurer, Anthony Chase. Office in Court House. Register of Deeds, A. H. Wilder, Office in Court House. Clerk of the Courts, Charles W. Hartshorn, Office in Court House. Sheriff, John W. Lincoln. Office in Brick Court House. Crier of the Courts, Thomas Chamberlain. Overseers of the House of Correction, Nathan Heard and John W. Lincoln. Rufus Carter, Keeper. Commissioner of Insolvency, Henry Chapin. Probate Court. Thomas Kinnicutt, Judge. Chas. G. Prentiss, Register. Courts are held at the Probate office, at the New Court House, on the first Tuesday of every month. At W. Brookfiekl, on the 2d Tuesdays of May and Oct. At Lancaster, on the 3d Tuesdays in May and October. At Fitchburg, ou the Wednesday next after the 3d Tuesday in May and Oct. At Templeton, on the Thursday next after the 3d Tuesday in May and Oct. At Barre, on the Friday next after the 3d Tuesday in May and Oct. At Mendon, on the 4th Tuesday in May. At Uxbridge, on the 4th Tuesday in Oct. Court of Common Pleas. Daniel Wells of Greenfield, Chief Justice. Edward Mellen, Wayland ; Geo, T. Bigelow, Boston; Jona Per- kins, Salem ; Horatio Byington, Stockbridge ; E. RockwodQ Hoar, Concord, Associate Justices Ezra Wilkinson, Dedham, Dis. Attor'y- Sessions in Worcester, for criminal cases, Jan. 21, May 27 and Sep. 23. For civil cases, March 4, Juue 17, Sept. 2, Dec. 2. Supreme Judicial Court. Lemuel Shaw, of Boston, Chief Justice. Samuel S. Wilde, of Boston; Charles A. Dewey, of Northampton; Theron Metcalf, of Boston ; Richard Fletcher, of Boston, Associate Justices. Sessions in AVorcester, April 16, and Oct. 1. Deputy Sheriffs in Worcester County, And their places of residence. Those marked with a * are Coroners. John II. Partridge, Athol. * John W. Whipple, Sutton, Luther Clifford, Barre, Joshua Ilosmer, Templeton, Sumner Balcom, Douglas, AVm. C. Caprou, Uxbridge, Kilburu Harwood, Fitchburg, Luther Blackmer, Brookfield, Lovell Baker, Jr. Grafton, *Jonathau Day, Worcester, *Nathaniel Rand, Lancaster, Solomon Shumway, Webster, Samuel Smith, Oxford, P. W. Reed, Westminster, *Cephas Willard, Petersham, A. T. Ammidown, Southbiidge. Trumau Charles, Sturbridge, Appleton Clark, Hubbardston, Rufus Carter, Worcester, Jailer. Justices of the QuoTitm. Abijah Bigelow, William Eaton, Rejoice Newton, WilUam N. Green, William Jcnnison, Henry Chopin, Thomas Kinnicut, Pliny Merrick, Charles Allen, Ira M^ Barton, Isaac Davis, Samuel M. Burnside. John Green, Samuel Jcnnison, Benjamin F. Thomas. COUNTY REGISTER. 59 Worcester Mutual Fire Insurance Company- Incorporated Feb. 11, 1823. Office ia the Court House. Fred. Wm. Paine, President. Anthony Chase, Secretary. Manufacturers' Mutual Insurance Company. Office, 138 Slain Street. James Shepherd, President; Samuel Allen, Secretary ; F. ^Y. Paine, Treasurer. Merchants and Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Office, 98 Main Street. Isaac Davis, President. Charles L. Put- nam, Secretary. Peoples' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Office, Brinley Row, 182 Main Street. E. H. Ilemenway, Presi- dent. Oliver Harrington, Secretai'y. State Mutual Life Assurance Company. Office, 100 Main Street, AVorccster. Hon. John Davis is Presi- dent; lion. Isaac Davis and Hon. Steplien Salisbury, Yice Presi- dents; John Green, Consulting Physician; William Dickinson, Treasurer ; Clareudou Harris, Secretary. Worcester Association for the Protection of F ruit. John W. Lincoln is President; William S. Lincoln, Secretary ; Charles A. Hamilton, Treasurer. Worcester County Mechanics Association. Rufus D. Dunbar, President; Wm. T. Merrifield, Vice President ; Joseph Boyden, Treasurer ; AVm. Greenleaf, Secretary ; S N.Story, Librarian. The Library is open to members at the store of S. N. Story, Vraldo Block, Main Street, every Saturday afternoon, frojoi 12 to 9 o'clock. Worcester County Ag-ricultural Society. Levi Lincoln, President ; John W. Lincoln, Cor. .Secretary ; An- thony Ciia^c, Treasurer; Wm. S. Lincoln, Rec. Secretary. The Worcester County Horticultural Society, J. M. Earle, President; Geo. Jaques, Secretary; F. W, Paine, Treasurer ; A. Chase, Librarian. Worcester District Medical Society, Holds its Annual IMeeting in Worcester on the third Wednesday in June. John G. Metcalf of Mendon, President ; VS'm. D. Peck, Ster- ling, Sec'y; Benj. Hey wood of Worcester, Treas'r and Librarian. State Lunatic Hospital. Present number of patients, 420 ; of whom 211 are males, and 209 females. Trustees, Wm. Appleton, Levi Lincoln,, Ensign H. Kellogg, Stephen Salisbury, Stephen C. Pliillips, George Chandler, M. I). Superintendent. John R. Lee, M. D. and Merrick Bemis, Assistant Physicians. Samuel Jennison, Treasurer. Rev George Allen, Chaplain, Thomas Hill, Steward. Miss Eli.sabeth A. Reed, Matro^i. American Antiquarian Society' Library in Antiquarian Hall, Lincoln Square. President, Hon. Edward Everett ; Yice Presidents, Hon. John Davis, Rev. Wm. B. Sprague ; Secretaries, Jared Sparks, Esq. Foreign, Hon. Benj. F. Thomas, Dom-estic ; Hon. Rejoice Newton, Recording; Committee of Publication, Samuel F. Haven, Esq, Rey. Joseph B. Felt, Rev, E. E. Hale ; Librarian, Samuxd F, Haven, Esq. DRESS MAKERS. Babbitt Mrs. 4 Howard, Bassett Mrs. A. cor. Mulberry &. Shelby, Bullard Mary Ann F. ) at, Calvin Billiard Harriet, \ Bullard's Calligan Ann E. at MrsCalligans Calligan Frances, " " Chaffin Harriet, at E. Chaffin's, Kendall Hill Con ant Mrs. M. P. Irving Cummings Drusilla, Gold Dexter Mrs. E. A. 25 Portland Goodrich Amelia, 17 School Green Julia A. 25 Green Hall Mrs. 36 Mechanic Hart Sarah E. 133 Main Henderson M. J. Front cor. Vine Howes Mary B. Grove, near Cemetery Lawrence Sarah, Chandler Luce Mrs. at E. W. Parker's, Orchard Nelson Miss E, 92 Summer Newton Louisa, Pifscott Newton Rebecca, Prescott O'SuUivan Margaret, at P. Her- netl's. Pine Osland Eliza, rear 83 Summer Paine Sarah L. 10 Charles Putney Elizabeth, Gold Richardson Mary Ann, Austin Riley Mercy, at A. Baylies' Stedman Mrs. 39 Salem Waters Martha, 7 Irving LAUNDRESSES. Barton Mrs. Pond Conner Ellen, Hibernia Connoway Mrs. Brown Edwards Mary, Market Hemenway Betsey 53 Exchange Hemmenway Hannah, 17 Me- chanic Hoy Catharine, Hobbs Court Jittim Eliza, Old Pine Mourley Mrs. Milk Powers Nancy, 96 Summer Riley Mrs. 21 Temple Ryan Mrs. Franklin Tourney Mrs. Franklin Welch Mr^. Franklin Wilson Almira, Market NURSES. Bowen Lydia, atPeter Williams' Hwrbank Betsy, bds 6 Park Clark Mary, c. Orange & Myrtle Conley M. at E. Boyden's, Geo. Farnum Caroline, 24 Park Fuller Mrs. at T. C. Flagg's 69 Main Harrington Sarah, at O. Weth- erbee's. Pine Holman Eliza, at L. Shepard's Miller Elizabeth, at Hunt's,Gar- den Sampson Asenath, .36 Summer Smith Nancy, at Win. L. Smiths Stocking Fanny, 1 School Tarbell Harriet, at J. Burnet's Webber Mrs A.atYeaw's 1 Vine Woodbury Cliniena, 48 Thomas Wortman Harriet G. Trcmont TAILORESSES. AUis Phebe, 71 Southbridge Brennan Ann, h Temple Bullard Elizabeth, at Calvin Bullard's Chapin Clarissa, 1 Laurel Flint Sarah, 3 Union Fulsom Eliza, Union Glazier Barbary, Grafton Geer Sarah, 35 Exchange Howard Sarah, 23 Main Howard Saran J. ai A. Taft's Leary Margaret, Bridge Lyford Lucinda, 7 Howard Magoun Ann H. 20 Exchange Peirce Mrs. James, Foundry Stockwell Martha, I Arch Sulla Susan T. 4 Central Wright Charlotte, .54 Mechanic DIRECTORY ABBO IT EZKA, truckman, bds Grafton Abbott Hubbard, shoe bottomer, h 66 Salem Abbott James, teamster, bds Grafton Adams Charles, moulder, h Fine Adams Edward W. bds 6 Central Adams Ephraim, boot click, h 73 Southbridge Adams George, daguerrean artist, 142 Main, bds 118 Main Adams George W. bds 6 Central Adams Henry, silk d^^er, Grove Adams Henry B. silk dyer, 6 Central Adams Henry C. varnisher, bds 1 Salem Adams Hezekiah, farmer, 4 Millbury Avenue Adams John agt. for Feoples Fire Ins. Co. h 21 Washington Adams John J carbuilder, bds 37 Salem Adams Nath'l M. wire worker, 24 Front, h Elizabeth Adams Oliver M. boot crimper, h Orange Adams Rufus, clerk at B. Butman's, bds 3 Maple Adams Thomas L. cigar maker, h 7 Brown's Block Aikins George, laborer, h 3 Temple Aikins Thomas, boot treer, h 3 Temple Ains worth Nathan, card machines, Union, h 29 Pleasant Aitcherson George, carriage maker at Breck's,bds Mrs. Eno's Albee Amos P. agt. for veg. med. &.c., h 34 Southbridge Albert Charles B. painter, Norwich, h 19 Washington Albro Isaac, carpenter, h Charlton Aldin Edward j\I. tailor, bds Worcester House Aldrich Chas. E. clerk, bds Franklin House Aldrich Cheney, machinist, h 50 Salem Aldrich Cyrenus, carpenter, h 10 High Aldrich Elbridge, carbuilder, h Beech Aldrich Mrs. Geo. W. h 18 Pleasant Aldrich Paine, millwright, &c. & High, h 1 High Alexander Aaron, coachman, h High Alexander Cincinatus, boot finisher, h 306 Main Alexander (Geo.) & Parmenter (H, R.) restorateur, &c. 2 Front, h 42 Salem, Allen Alvan, pianoforte dealer, 236 Main, h 16 Trumbull Allen Albert S. pianoforte teacher, 236 Main, bds 16 Trumbull Allen Asa M. Grove mill, h Otis Allen Benjamin D. bds 16 Trumbull Allen Benjamin T. clerk at Archer's, bds 318 Main Allen Charles, counsellor, 212 i\Jain, h 285 Main Allen Charles Francis, printer, bds 318 Main Allen Charles L. armorer, h 54 Central Allen Elisha D. teamster, h Beech Allen ( Ethan) & Thurber (Chas.) manfs. of fire arms, Union, h 250 Main 62 DIRECTORY. Allen Frederic, blacksmith at armory, h Clinton Allen Rev. Geo. chaplain at Hospital Allen Geo. L clerk in Cen. Bank, rooms 158 Main Allen J. Addison, printer, h 31 Washington Allen James, jeweller, bds 1 Oxford Allen James F. acct. at Wm. A. Wheeler's, h Everett Allen John, boot fitter, h Orange & Lynn Allen Joseph, chemist, h 318 Main Allen J. W. mason, h31 Myrtle Allen Mrs. Lucy, h 44 Front Allen Owen W. boot click, h William Allen Samuel, Sec. of Man. Mat. Fire Ins. Co. 188 Main Allen Willard E. harness makei-, Foster, h Sycamore Allen Wm. bookbinder, 237 Main, h IG Summer Allis Isaac, shoemaker, h 71 Southbridge Alverson R. G. carpenter, h 37 Green Ames Edwin, mason, bds 23 IMechanic Ames John D. painter, bds IS Salem Amidon Thomas, apprentice at Wm. Allen's Andrews James, grocer, 85 Front, h Congress Andrews John A. physician, 2 Salem Andrews John D. daguerrean artist, bds Concord Andrews Wm. D. machinist, bds 2 Salem Angier Augustus, clerk, bds 8 Arch Angler Austin, laborer, h 8 Arch Angier Calvin W. refreshment rooms at B. & W. R. R. Station, Angier John, laborer, h Old Pine Angier Roswell P. ticket office, R. R. Station, h Cedar Angulum Daniel, laborer, h East Central Annable Wm. H. machinist, h 113 Salem Archer L. L. dry goods, 209 Main, bds Wor. House Armsby J. M. C. (R. N. Mason, & Co.) h Walnut Armstrong James, horse nail maker, bds 64 Front Arnold Daniel, boot crimper, h Elliot Arnold Israel, boot treer, Bliss's h Lexington Arnold Wm. confectionary &c., 123 Main, h 121 Main Arnold ( Wm. E ) & Thompson (J. F.) eating house 177 Main h 11 Exchange Arper Joseph, moulder, h French row Arper Paul, laborer, h French row, Arthur Samuel, moulder, h 15 Summer Ashton Daniel, blacksmith, bds Market Atherton David, carpenter, h 39 Wa;shington Austin Joseph, Wor. & Nash R. R. bds 42 Summer Averill George, machinist, bds 8 Wash. Square Averill Joseph W. attendant at Hospital Avery Lovetus K. machinist, bds Franklin Ayres Emory, machinist, bds 35 Mechanic Ayres Horace, grocer, 238 Main, h Corbett Ayres Samuel, wire worker. John Ayres Wm. A- laborer, h 7 J hoinas DIRECTORY. 63 Ayres Wm. W. boots, &c., 255 Main, h Ashland BABBITT HARRISON W. auetioneer, h 4 Howard Babbitt Samuel F. carpenter, h John Babcock Abraham, carj>enter, h 34 Mechanic Bacon L. L. watchman, at Hospital Bacon Peter C. counsellor, I Cen. Ex. h 18 Elm Bacon Samuel, carmaker, h Grafton Back Arthur, machinist, h North Ashland Bailey Addison, book agent, h 25 School Bailey Daniel W. paper hanger, h 37 Exchange Bailey George, watchman, h Pond Baird Charles, engineer B. & Wor. R. R. h 7 Fulton Baker Asa, carpenter, h IS Winter Bak«r Bezaleel, S. ston« mason, h Blooraingdale road Baker Cyrus, carpenter, h 10 Greeja Rak«r David, farmer. Pine Baker George F. boot maker, bds 79 So-uthbridge Baker Healey (W. «fe H- Baker) h U Portland Bak-er Henrj', machinist, bds 33Green, Baker James E. engineer Wes. R. R. bds IS Plynaoutli Bak-er James H. carpenter, h 40 Portland Baker James S. moulder, h Pleasant Baker Leonard, carpenter, h 3 Shelby Baker Lorenzo, forger, bds 12 Pearl Baker Luther, boot treer, bds 29 Southbridge Baker Marvin, lather, h Sever Baker W. & H. furniture & iipholstery, 244 Main ' Balcom Elias T. h 20 Portland Baldwin Benj. hostler, bds Mrs. Wakefields, Union Baldwin George, cabinet maker, h U Thomas Baldwin Wra. R. R- track layer, bds 23 JMechanic Ball Edwin is. mo-ulder, h 27 Hanoyer Ball Hollis, Grove mill, h Prescott Ball Homer J. wire drawer, bds Preseott Ball Lewis F. carpenter, bds 6 High Ball Phineas, surveyor, 14 Cen. Exchange, bds <3rove Ball (Richard) dz- Rice (Thos. H ) manufacturers of planing machines, Union Mill, h Chestnut Ball Warren, carpenter, h 19 School Ballard Charles, paper manufacturer, h Chatham, Ballord Marshall S. sash & blinds, 27 Main, h 16 Portland Ballou Amasa, painter, bds 4 GentraJ Bancroft Charles P. auctioneer, h 17 Portland Bancroft Clarkeoji W. apprentice at S. p. Champney's Bancroft Henry G. acct at J. Grout's bds Temp. Ex. Bancroft Henry L. carpenter, bds Austin Bancroft James H. acct. 7 Cen. Ex. bds 29 Thomas Bancroft Josepu R. car trimmer, h Locus.t Bancroft Lydia A. h 61 Southbridge B&neroft T. ticket office, Western station, bds 67 Front Bancroft Timo. W. auctioneer &c., 175 Mai-n, h 54 Front 64 DIRECTORY. Bangs Anson, cabinet maker, Exchange, h 34 Portland Bangs Mrs. E. D. bds Hamilton's, High Bangs Elbridge, printer, bds 7 Winter Bannister Emory, acct. h Harvard Bannister Geo. F. clerk B. & W. trans, bds East c. Reservoir Bannister Julius C. clerk, Franklin House Bannister Lucas, butcher, 7 Exchange Bannister Samuel, proprietor of Franklin House Barber A. A. engineer, Court mill, h 21 Main Barber Asahel W. boot finisher, bds Sudbury Barber Benjamin, stone cutter, h 15 Green Barber Dwight J. tailor at Sturtevant's, bds Sudbury Barber Geo. A. (A. Parker & Co.) h Laurel Barber Isaac, wheelwright, h 21 Central Barber James, 10 Winter Barber Walter, forger, bds 3 Salem Barber Wm. T. butcher at Gates & Stowell's Barbour Chas. W. clerk, bds 12 Green Barbour Henry, bds Pleasant Barbour Rev. Isaac R. h 12 Green Barbour ( Wm, C.) & ChafRn (A.) paints, oils, &c., 247 Main h 8 State Barker Bazzil C. barber at Jankins Barker George, carpenter, bds 21 Park Barker James M. office 212 Main, bds Heard's, Belmont Barker John, tailor at Mumford's Barker Levi, boot maker, h 19 Park Barker Richard, carbuilder, h 21 l*ark Barker Samuel A. painter, h 3 Blackstone Barker (Wm ) &- Newton (C.) shoes & leather, Lincoln Sqr. bds 1 1 Main Barlow Henry, sheet iron worker, bds 300 Main Barnaby Mrs. Elizabeth, h Belmont Barnard Andrew B. clerk in Post Office, bds 3 Maple Barnard Benajah, teamster, h Market Barnard Franklin, Thomsonian, &3 Main Barnard Lewis jr. clerk at H. H. Chamberlin's, h 17 High Barnes Adams P. h 22 Park Barnes Baxter, carpenter, h 34 Mechanic Barnes (Jos ) & Stockwell(E. M.) livery stable, 13 Mechanic Barnes Philander, machinist, bds High Barnes Sumner S. painter, h Carroll Barrett Mrs. Nancy L. h 2 Howard Barrett Henry M. nail maker, bds 2 Howard Barrett Joseph, foreman at G. & Rice's, h 45 Salem Barrett Marcus, stage proprietor, bds Am. House Barrett Rufus, engineer, Prov. R. R. h 88 Southbridge Barrett Thomas E blacksmith. Market Barrows Foster, brakeman, h 14 Plymouth Barrows Wm. machinist, h 25 Summer Bartlett Dwight, truckman, h 3 Trumbull DIRECTORY. 65 Bartlett Ephraim W. h 3 Sudbury Bartlett Gill, boarding house, 3 Maple Bartlett Herman, machinist, bds Exchange Bartlett Isaac, painter, h 37 Exchange Bartlett John A. carpenter, h Elizabeth Bartlett Jonas, armorer, bds Bridge Bartlett Jouas, coachman at S. Salisbury's Bartlett Perley, truckman, h cor East and Reservoir Bartlett Stephen, h Bartlett place Bartlett Tlieodore, printer. Cataract oflSce, h 86 Southbridge Bartlett Wm. O. counsellor, office, 212 Main Barton George S. bds 13 Pearl Barton George W. mason, h 15 Washington Barton Ira M. counsellor, 1 Cen. Ex. h 254 Main Barton J. H & Co. gi-ocers, 16 Park, h 13 Myrtle Barton Martin, laborer, h Pond Barton Wm. S. counsellor, 1 Cen. Ex, h 23 High Bassett Ahaz, clerk at Sprague's, h Mulberry Bassett Daniel H. beltmaker, 61 Main, h 55 Salem Bassett Ellery E. machinist, (G & R.) h 16 Liberty Bassett Hiram, carpenter, h Reservoir Bassett Lucius J. carpenter, bds Reservoir Batchelder N. Walter, dry goods, 214 Main, bds 118 Main Batchellor George O. cabinet maker at Noyes Batchellor John, shoemaker, h Chandler Bates Geo. A. physician, 8 Pearl, bds Am. House Bates Henrv G. druggist, 242 Main, h Walnut Bates (I. K."^) & Poole (Sam'l) hardware, 231 Main, h Maple Bates Wm. brakeman, h 4 Winter Baxter George W. carpenter, bds 20 Summer Baylies Adoiphus, grocer, 57 Main, h Crescent Beach Lucius, wool dealer. Mechanic', bds Am. House Beaman A. C. copperplate printer, 212 Main, h 16 Portland Bean Otis, wire drawer, h Grove Belcher Charles, baker, h Myrtle ^ Belden James E. laborer, h Pine Bell Joseph, grocer, h Pine Bellows Absalom, Grove mill, h 9 Grove Bellows A. W. cabinet maker, h 78 Front Bellows Eliza, milliner & dressmaker, 59 Main Bellows E. D. currier, 15. h 16 Central Bellows Ephraim H. (S. Flagg & Co.) h 14 Trumbull Belvea Jacob, car seat builder, h Irving Remis Chns. H. traveling agent, bds 2 Park Bemis Edward, boots &c., 223 Main, bds 7 Park Bemis Elias T. printer, bds Washington cor. Plymouth Bemis John W. boot treer, bds Washington cor. Plymouth Bemig Merrick, assistant physician at the Hospital Bemis Nathan T. stage driver, h 12 Exchange Bemis Reuben, grain mill builder, h 17 School ^^enchley Albert L. armorer, h 71 Salem 66 DIRECTORY. Benchler Hefiiry W. armorer^ h S3 Salem Benedict Rev. Amzi, h Elm Benjamin Abram, laborer, h Cros» Benjamin Joseph, laborer, bds Cross Bennett Asahel C. jobber, h 29 Exchange Bennett Geo. B. repairer on R. R. bds 44 Central Bennett Mrs. Margaret, Fox's boarding house, Water Beimett Wm. H. boot fitter at Lakins, bds d High Benson Wm. J. boot treer, h Grove Bent John Q. blacksmith, h 34 Green Bently Geo. clerk in Supt's office, Nash. R. R. bds 15 Main Benton Calvin, truckman, bds rear 42 Summer Berigan John, laborer, h East Central Berry Leonard A. mason, bds 23 Exchange Berry Russel W. carpenter, h Chatham Berry Scotto, acct. at Foster & Co's, h Crown Berry Zebina E. carpenter, h Irving Bickford Wm. M. loom builder. Grove mill, h 12 Main Bigelow Abijah, counsellor, h 52 Front Bigelow Calvin, plowraaker, bds 41 Main Bigelow Charles, bds American House Bigelow Chasv P. & Co. wireworkers^ 1 Maple, h Hinds Court Bigelow David B. boot maker, bds 65 Main Bigelow E. H. boot finisher, bds 5J Winter Bigelow E. W. clerk in Reg, Deeds Office, bds Temp, Ex. Bigelow Francis E. h 6 Vine Bigelow George, farmer, bds Vernon Bigelow Geo. C clerk in Mer. & Far. Ins. office, bds Grafton Bigelow Henry C. clerk, bds 4 Elm Bigelow H. D. P. shoe manf'r, 228 Main Bigelow Horace W. attendant at Hospital Bigelow Jabez, wire worker, h 10 Cherry Bigelow J. H. (C. P. B. & Co.) bds Hinds Court Bigelow John J. clerk, h 78 Southbridge Bigelow John W. wire worker, h 16 Winter Bigelow Lewis, farmer, Vernon Bigelow Silas, boot bottomer, h 5^ Winter Bigelow Walter R. carpenter, h Grafton Bill Wells R. acct. 2 Warren Block, h Walnut Billing Aaron, stove store, 24 &- 26 Front, h 1 Orange Billings Jerome, carpenter, h 75 Pleasant Billings Joseph, boot treer, bds Prescott Billings Lorenzo, h Franklin Billings Siimuel, h 8 Chestnut Billings William, boot treer, h Pleasant Bingham Lorenzo, blacksmith, bds 12 Pearl Bishop Henry F. dentist, 156 Main Bishop Wm.'W pattern maker, h Bridge Bixby Austin W pattern maker, h 57 Salem Bixby Henry, clicker, bds U. S. Hotel Bixby Hiram, laborer, h Arcade DIRECTORY. 67 Bixby John, mechanic, h 14 Myrtle Bixby M. clicker, bds U. S. Hotel Black Edwin M. machinist, bds Mrs. Wakefield's, Union Black H. M. & M. C. dressmaking, 73 Main, bd Franklin Hs. Blackman Hiram M. carpenter, h Arch Blake H. G. O. select school, 105 Main, bds Maple Blake John, at Angier's refreshment rooms, Boston station Blake Mrs John, h -i Market Blake John E. machinist, h 55 Summer Blake Simon, stone mason, h Pine Blanchard Andrew J. boot maker, bds Temp. Ex. Blanchard Henry C. boot maker, h Orange Blanchard Thomas, harness maker at Whitings, bds 18 Salem Bland en Geo. W. farmer, h Water Blanden Gilbert, h on tow path, rear of Water Blankenhorn John, coppersmith, h 46 Mechanic Bliss Aruna, bootmaker, h Lincoln Bliss Charles W. boot closer, bds 20 Mechanic Bliss C3'rus, boot manuf'r, Lin. Sqr. h Chestnut Bliss Edward, tin «fc sheet iron worker, bds 59 Summer Bliss Elmer, carpenter, bds Pleasant Bliss George W. clicker, h Concord Bliss Harrison, (Bliss, Sutton & Co.) h Lincoln Bliss John, carpenter, bds Pleasant Bliss Orson, boot finisher at Bliss's, bds Lincoln Bliss Perrin, carpenter, h 20 Summer Bliss Samuel, carpenter, h Austin Bliss, Sutton & Co. flour, meal &. grain dealers, 7 Mechanic Bliss Timothy S. farmer, bds Bliss's, Austin Bliss "Wm. R. boot manuf'r, h Concord Bliven Henry, machinist, bds 23 Mechanic Blood George, (Bowles & Blood) h John Blood John, coachman, bds High Blood John, millwright, bds 5 High Blood Loring, hostler, Central Hotel Blood Oliver H. dentist, 206 Main, h Lincoln Blood Samuel N. machinist, bds 5 High Boardman Mrs. Charles, h 75 Front Bodwell Philander, truckman, h Grafton Bolan Wm. F. machinist, bds 5 Orange Bolster Lyman, wool sorter, h 43 Green Bolster Moses L, paper hanger, h 24 Exchange Bond Emmons P. asst. teacher at Wor. Academy Bond J. B. carpenter, h I Warren Bond Jeremiah, h 9 Portland Bond Washington, boot crimper, bds Hinds Court Bonney Geo. F. livery stable, Foster, h 11 Mulberry Bonney H. T. (Tucker & Bonney* American House Bonnell John B. carriage maker, 14 Central Bonner Alexander, laborer, h Ward Booth Mason, painter, h 12 Libe rt n' DIRECTORY. Borden John, mason, bds William Boswell Henry, machinist, Union Mill, h 13 Union Bothwell E. G. wire drawer, h 2 Grove Bovven Eb. H. shoe & leather dealer, 232 Main, h 313 Main Bowen George, leather dealer, 228 Main, h 12 Pleasant Bowen George H. clerk, 232 Main, bds 343 Main Bowen Joseph T. machinist, li 37 Green Bowles (Th's. )& Blood (Geo.) hat store, 125 Main, h 2 Cherry Bowman Aaron, shoemaker at Lakins, h Austin Boyce Rev. John, h Temple Boyce Walter, laborer. Temple Boy den Elbridge, architect, 14 Cen Ex. h Geo. cor. Harvard Boyden John, city treasurer. City Hall, h 43 Pleasant Boyden John D. blacksmith, bds 5 Cherry Boyden Joseph, watchmaker, bds Central Hotel Boyle Francis, laborer, h Hibernia Boyle Robert, carpenter, bds 12 Pearl Boynton Jesse (J. M. Curtis & Co.) h 15 Myrtle Boynton Wm. repairer on R. R. bds 44 Central Bracket Amos, veterinary surgeon, li Pine Bradford Ebenezer P. truckman, bds rear 42 Summer Bradford Lewis, carpenter, h Austin Bradley Charles, carriage trimmer, bds 23 Thomas Bradley Daniel, tailor, at Walkers, bds 31 Mechanic Bradley John, clerk, bds 30 Front Bradley Osgood, car manufacturer, Grafton, h 30 Front Bradley Russell C. attendant at Hospital Bradway Wm. H. foundry, h Grove Brady Christopher, hod carrier, h Old Pine Brady Patrick, laborer, h 50 Southbridge Brady Thomas, laborer, h 91 Summer Brainard Bernard, stone cutter, h 99 Front Braman Andrew, carpenter, h 309 Main Braman Mrs. Anson, h 309 Main BrajTian Bradish, matchmaker, rear 133 Main Braman Otis, h 18 Portland Brannen Michael, laborer, h Temple Breck Moses T. coach maker. School, h 20 Thomas Brennan Ann, tailoress, h Temple Brewer Alfred, machinist, h Union Brewer Almon D. truckman, h Burt Brewer Benjamin H. machinist Central, h 19 Summer Brewer John, machinist, h 4 Carroll Brewer Wm. M. grocer, 234 Main, h 296 Main Brewster Franklin, blacksmith at Wm. Flagg's Bride John, at Fox's, h 3 Water Bridges Sumner, laborer, bds 23 Mechanic Brierly James, avooI sorter, bds Green cor Ash Brierly John, carder, h 43 Green Brierly Wm. wool sorter, bds Green cor Ash Briggs David E. harness maker, bds 8 Washington DIRECTORY, 69 Briggs E. Bailey, Cataract Office, 199 Main Briggs Manson, watchmaker, 166 Main Briggs Wm. blacksmith at armory, bds 3 Spring Brigham Anna, h 10 Arch Brigham Edmund R. boot bottomer, (Lakins) bds 2 Prospect Brigham Frederic, reedmaker, h Eden Brigham J. D. carpenter, h II Portland Brigham Leonard, clothing store, 180 Main, h 10 Portland Brigham Leonard 2d, foreman at C. White's, h 22 Green Brigham Levi C. blacksmith, b French row Brigham Levi E. boot bottomer (Lakins) bds 2 Prospect Brigham Luther, machinist. Union Mill, bds Mulberry Brigham Mary, h 2 Prospect Brigham Mrs. M. boarding house, 12 Thomas Brigham Wm. A. agent for Ins. Go's, h 2 Green Brigham Wm. B. machinist, h T)? Summer Brigham Wm. R. clicker, h Orange Brimhall Alvan, lather, bds 78 Southbridgo Brimhall Caleb, bds 78 Southb ridge Brimhall George, plowmaker, bds 84 Southbridge Brimhall Hosea, J. mason, bds 78 Southbridge Brimhall Joel, h Grafton Brimhall Joel J. h 78 Southbridge Brimhall Nathaniel, carpenter, h 84 Southbridge Brimhall Silas J. plowmaker, bds Belmont Brimhall Wm. E. plowmaker, bds 84 Southbridge Brioda Irene, boarding house. Ash Brooks Amos J carpenter, h Vernon place Brooks Charles E. clerk at Spy Office Brooks C. M. counsellor, office 206 Main Brooks Elijah F. clicker, bds 15 Thomas Brooks James B. mechanic at Ball & Rice's, bds 15 Thomas Brooks Joseph S. music teacher, 203 Main Brooks Lyman, conductor on Nash R. R. bds Am. House Brooks Samuel, stair builder, bds 3 Maple Brooks Silas, bds 28 Portland Brosnihan Cornelius, laborer, h Perry's Court Brosnihan John, grocer, h 60 Front Brosnihan Thomas, laborer, h Franklin Brown Albert (W. & A. B & Co.) h 9 Peari Brown Albert S. tailor, bds 9 Pearl Brown Alonzo, laborer at A- Bigelow's, 52 Front Brown Alzirus, sash & blind niaker, h 5 G'>ld Brown A. J. crockery &c. 148 Main, h Walnut Brown Mrs. Amos, 264 Main Brown Arad, works at Am House Brown Charles, machinist, bds 18 Exchange Brown Charles H. printer, h 31 Washington Brown Danforth, real estate agt, 5 Cen. Ex. h 56 Pleasant Brown Daniel, machinist, h 42 Portland Brown Erastus A. copperplate printer, bds 52 Pleasant 70 DIRECTORY. Brown Ezra P. lumber man, h 29 Green Brown Felix, farmer, Green's Lane Brown Frederic A. (W. & F. A. Brown) h 23 Union Brown George A. h 8 Orange Brown Henry W. moulder, h Lincoln Brown Isaac N. clerk, bds Mrs. Eno's, Summer Brown John, shoemaker, h 52 Mechanic Brown Lebbeus Jr. boot bottomer, bds Temp. Exchange Brown Lyman, boarding house, 85 Main Brown Lyman, mason, bds 6 Fulton Brown Nathaniel, jobber, h Tremont Brown N. T. shoemaker, bds 52 Pleasant Brown Robert, paintei, h Temple Brown Sarah, boarding house, 18 Salem Brown Smith S. clerk at S A. Rowlands Brown S. P. printer, 82 Main, h 52 Pleasant Brown Theophilus, ( VV. & A. Brown & Co.) h Chestnut Brown Thomas, tallow chandler, 17 Park Brown W. A. armorer, bds Spruce Brown Willard, soap manufacturer, 17 Park Brown Willard H. boot treer, Lincoln Brown Wm. & A. & Co tailors, 220 Main, h 22 Pearl Brown Wm. & F. A. upholsterers, &c. 89 Main, h 23 Union Brown Wm H. at A. Billing's, bds 1 Orange Browning Charles, shoemaker, 255 Main, h Temple Browning R. H. boot maker, h Austin Bruce Elmira S. teacher of drawing, 6 Warren Block Bruce Ezra T. carpenter, h 57 Summer Brunnell Peter, moulder, h French row Bryan J. G. cigar maker, bds U. S. Hotel Bryan Michael, laborer at Fox's, h 7 Water Bryant Calvin, clerk at 1 Front Bryant George P. dry goods, 154 Main, bds Maple Brj-ant Ira, carpenter, 15 Park Bryant Morgan M. confectioner, h Bloomingdale road Bryant Walter A. confectioner, bds Bloomingdale road Bryant Walter A. counsellor, 5 Brinley Hall, h 14 Pleasant Buck Spaulding, millwright, h 20 Green Budd John, laborer, h 91 Summer Budding Benjamin Q. boot bottomer, bds 14 Exchange Budreaux Francis, furnace man, bds 21 School Buffum Benjamin, coal dealer Park, h 10 Pleasant Buffum J. F. machinist, bds Sudbury Bugbee (Lyman) & Stephens (T.) butter & cheese, 15 h 13 Exchange Bugbee Thos. L. stone cutter, h 5 Plymouth Bugbee Walter, clerk, bds 13 Exchange Bullard Augustus, shoemaker, bds North Bullard Calvin, teamster, h Orchard cor Belmont Bullard Chas. refreshment rooms Wes. station, h Grafton Bullard Francis R melter in C. mill furnace, bds Shelby DIRECTORY. 71 Bullard Horace, laborer, h 15 Summer Bullard Silas, farmer, h North Bullard Valentine R. boot clicker, h Highland Bulloch Alex. H. counsellor, Waldo Block, h 14 Elm Bullock John, shoemaker, h North Ashland Bullock Richard, boot crimper, h 23 Myrtle Bullock Thomas, h North Ashland Bullock Thomas Jr. boot treer, h North Ashland Bump Henry, armorer, bds 67 Summer Bundy Danforth H. shoemaker, h rear 8 School Bunton John D. carpenter, bds Hanover Bunton Wm. laborer at Western R. R. station, bds Grafton Burbank George, clerk at Jas. Green's, bds Dr. Heywood's Burbank James L. clerk at M. B. Green's, bds Am. House Burbank Rev, John F. h 3 Millbury avenue Burbank S. D. machinist, bds 20 Summer Burdick Stephen S. tinman, h 28 Myrtle Burgess Alvin T. mason, h 11 Myrtle Burgess Edwin, mason, bds 11 Myrtle Burgess Daniel S. mason, h 12 Winter Burgess Henry M mason, bds Austin Burke Mrs. E. h Franklin Burke Patrick, laborer, h Temple Burke Patrick, machinist, h 48 Mechanic Burke Richard, bootfitter, bds A. Bliss's, Lincoln Burke Richard, laborer. Bridge Burke Sylvester, boot maker, h Franklin Burkley Carey, laborer, Arcade Burkley Richard H. cigar maker, bds 307 Main Burnett Chas. C. principal of Worcester Academy Burnett John, stone mason, h rear of Prospect Burns Bryant, brakeman, h Temple Burns James, laborer, h Belmont Burnside Samuel M. counsellor, 206 Main, h 14 Chestnut Burr Charles H. machinist, bds Pleasant Burrage John M. (J. Tolman & Co.) h William Burrill Frederic, painter, h 32 Washington Burrill Lyman, draughtsman & machinist, h 29 Park Burritt Elihu, editor Christian Citizen, 212 Main Burt James O. shoemaker, h 23 Myrtle Burt Joseph, cabinet manuf'r, Hinds Ct h Maple place Burt (Mellens)iS!: Holmes (E. N. ) carpenters, 19, bds 14Thos. Burt Wm. H. carmaker, h Grafton Burt Wm. S. spinner, h 31 Mechanic Burton Rev. Warren, h Laurel Bush Wm. manfr. Sarsapai-illa syrup, 9 Park Bushnell Rev. George, bds at Wm. B, Fox's Butler Daniel, laborer, h Brown Butler Ellen, bds 3 Maple Butler Patrick, laborer, h Spring Butler Wm. P. tinman at R. & Loring's, bds 19 Union 72 DIRECTORY. Butraan Benjamin & Co. grocers, 186 Main, h 4 Elm Button Charles G- plowmaker, h Carroll Buttrick Samuel D. laborer, h Carroll Buxton Charles, painter, bds Thurston's Cen. Ex. Buxton Frederic, shoemaker, h 17 Main Buxton Simon B. carpenter, h rear of Essex CADY GEORGE F. moulder, bds Franklin Cady P. G. moulder, bds Franklin Cahan Dennis, laborer, h Franklin Cahill John T. R. Road contractor, h 4 Green Cahill Patrick, moulder, h 44 Mechanic Callahan Daniel, laborer, h Temple Callahan Joseph, laborer, h 5 Winter Cttllagan Eugene, bootmaker, h 56 Front Calligan James, hackdriver, bds Mrs Wakefield's, Union Calligan Mrs James, h Union, near Court Mill Calligan William E. carpenter, h Prospect Campbell Ezra B. clicker, h Market Campbell James, farmer, h Old Pine Campbell James, spinner, h 6 Water Campbell Patrick, tailor, h 59 Exchange Campbell Wm. bandbox maker, 218 Main, h 10 Vine Campbell "Wm. H. at 0. Bradley's, bds Grafton Canning William, marble cutter, bds Liberty Cannon Anthony, laborer, h Pine Cannon Mrs Catherine, Pine Canovon James, laborer, h 41 Mechanic Capistras Stanislas, ware cleaner, h Pine Capron Effingham L. woolen manufacturer, h Oxford Gapi'on Francis M. machinist, h 26 Summer Capron Gilbert, shoemaker, h 8 Myrtle Gary Alanson, machinist, bds 20 Summer Gary George E. armorer, bds 11 Summer Care}^ Lucius H. armorer, bds 3 Howard Carey W, L. armorer, bds 3 Salem Gary Wm. A. clerk, bds Chestnut Carley Simon, laborer, h Bridge, Carlisle Charles, blacksmith, h 7 Charles Carlisle James, printer at 199 Main, h 6 High Carmel Michael, bootmaker, h Pond Carney Charles, tailor, bds Hinds Court Carney John, carriage trimmer, bds Central Hotel Carney John, laborer, h Brown Carney John, painter, h rear of Franklin Carney Patrick, painter, bds Thurston's, Central Exchange Carpenter Albion, carriage trimmer, h Grove Carpenter Betsey, boardinghouse, 3 Washington Carpenter Dennis, furnaceman, h Pine Carpenter Elliott, teamster, h Exchange Carpenter Ephraim W. blacksmith, h 33 Green Carpenter Galen, machinist, h 14 Main DIRECTORY. 73 Carpenter Harvey, laborer, bds 61 Exchange Carpenter Lafayette, teamster, h 61 Kxcliange Carpenter P. Henry, carpenter, bds Southbridge Carr Dexter, blacksmith, h Gold Carr John S. clerk, bds coraer Park and Green Carr Patrick, laborer, h Belmont Carroll Barney, stone cutter, bds 39 Green Carroll David, carpenter, h 50 Southbridge Carroll Dennis, laborer, h rear 22 Winter Carroll James, carpenter, h Charlton Carroll John, shoemaker, h Temple Carter Armory, carpenter, h 54 Pleasant Carter Daniel', laborer, h Franklin Carter Eleazer VV. carpenter, h 19 Myrtle Carter Kufus, jailor, Summer Carvil Thomas N. tailor, bds 35 Mechanic Casey Lawrence, hostler at Gunn's, bds 3 Spring Casey Michael, at Merrifieid's, h Cypress Cashmen Jeremiah, at Fox's, bds Water Casin Thomas, carpenter, h SS Salem Castle Horace C. machinist, h Salem Caulkins Ed. M. foreman of car repairs, hj 24 Hanover Caulkins Samuel, car repairer, bds 16 Thomas Chad wick Mary, seamstress, h Mulberry Chaffee Aldin B. brass founder, h 33 Washington Chaffee Josiah H. truckman, h Shelbv Chaffin Alfred, (Barbour & Chaffin) h 1 Southbridge Chaffin Elisha, roadmaker, h Kendall Hill Chaflfin Haftord H. moulder, bds Kendall Hill Chaffin Hollis, at the Junction Station Chamberlin Arathusa, h 6 Portland Chamberlia Calvin, painter, h S5 Southbridge Chamberlin Charles C. clerk at Chamberlin's, h Lynn Chamberlin Henry H. dry goods, 16S & 170 3hiin, li Elm Chamberlin Ichnbod, h 5 Charles Chamberlin Lee N. shoemaker, h Pleasant Chamberlin Thomas C. attendant at Hospital Champney S. P. jeweller, 279 Main, h 9 Orange Chandler Geo. superintendent at State Lunatic Hospital Chanley Nathaniel, cloth dresser, h Water Chapin Charles P. sign painter, 98 Main, h 8 Maple Chapin Clark, teamster, bds Milk Chapin Edwin, acct. at Wm T. Merrifieid's, bds IS Oftinge Chapin Henry, comrais'r of insolvency, 136 Main, h Linden Chapin Jason, brass moulder, h Laurel Chapin John L. boot bottomer, bds Grafton Chapin Moses S. daguerrean artist, 9 & 10 Brinley Hall, h 25 Green Chapman I. S. boot & shoe store, 63 Main, h 5 Thomas Chapman Moses, boot maker, bds 5 Blackstone Chapman Robert, carpenter, h 14| Thomas 74 DIRECTORY. Chase Albert N. carpenter at Hudson's, bds Glen Chase Anthony, county treasurer. Court House, h 258 Main Chase Esther, boarding house, Grafton Chase Frank A. clerk at Telegraph Office Chase Leonard P. sash and blind maker, h Chandler Chase Olney B, laborer, h 17 Main Cheever Perry, attendant at Hospital Cheney Edson D. carriage maker, h Charlton Cheney John (Howe, Cheney & Co.) h Grove Cheney Jonas S. painter and glazier, Union, h Grove Chesley George H. ma K. Homoeopathic physician, 4 Walnut Clark Joel C. mechanic, h 19 Union Glark John F. clerk, bds 10 Thomas DIRECTORY. 75 Clark John S. (Draper & Clark) h 7S Front Clark J. Stedman, music teacher, h 1 Madison Clark Julius L. h 6 Portland Clark Mrs Mary, h Orange Clark Perry, warper, bds Water Clark Samuel, stove dealer, h 21 Park Clark Samuel D. seraphine maker, bds 12 Thomas Clarke Mrs, Susan, h 27 Portland Clark Theodore, painter, h Grove Clark (Thomas A.) & Sanford (E. H) dry goods, &c. 198 Main, and 1 Flagg's Building, h Salisbury Clark Wallace, spinner, h 7 Water Clark Wm. C. stage proprietor, h 2 Elm Clark Wm, L. & Co. grocers, 40 Main, h 1 Thomas Cleary Joseph, laborer, h Temple Cleaveland Cutler C. mason, bds 12 Winter Cleaveland Edwin C. patternmaker, (G. «Sc R.)bds 18 Salem Cleaveland Moses A. carpenter, h 20 Union Clemens Aaron, grocer, Lincoln Square, h Lincoln Clements Mrs. Bailey, h Charlton Clements George B. tailor, at Hudson & Go's, bds Charlton Clements Luther, butcher, bds Charlton Clemmons Samuel, laborer, h Liberty corner Arch Clifford Anson, planer, h 9 Charles Clifford John, boot bottomer, bds 94 Front Clifford Mrs. h Milk Clifford Warren, proprietor of Central Hotel Clifford Young Square, carpenter, h 31 Portland Clough Francis A. hair dresser, 275 Main, h 98 Summer Clough George H. carpenter, h Beech Cloyes Francis, carpenter, h 4 Central Cloyes Nathan, shoemaker, h 6 Grove Clyne Winthrop W. fireman, bds 23 Mechanic Co'bb Jacob, blacksmith, h 10 Prospect Cobb John, shoemaker at Goodvyin's, 93 Main Cobb Leander P. machinist,^ 16 Water Cobb Mary, bds 2 Goulding's Block Cobleigh Rev. Nelson G. h'29 Portland Coburn Asa F. blacksmith, bds 5 Cherry Coburn Benj. V. machinist, bds Mrs Wakefield's, Union Cobnrn Francis C Engineer at T. Davis & Co. bds Wash. Coburn Josiah, machinist, h 61 Salem Codding Wm. W. at Norwich Station, h 18 Mechanic Coe Mrs. John, 1 Portland Coe Nathaniel D. bds 1 Portland Coe William, h 1 Portland Coes John G. fish market, 17 Exchange, h Market Coes Levi, stone maeon, h 17 Mechanic Coes Mrs. Sabra, h 40 Mechanic Coes Wm. W. boot maker, h 40 Mechanic Coffee Michael, laborer, h Franklin 76 DIRECTORY Coffee Patrick, laborer, bds 21 Winter CofFee Patrick, laborer, Arcade Coffee Patrick, laborer, h Hibernia Cogswell John C. farmer, Water Cogswell Mason, truckman, h rear Cypress Colburn Calvin, carpenter, h 3 Plymouth Colby M. G. machinist, bds 1 Fulton Cole'^Alva, boot finisher, bds Austin Cole Henry, boot finisher, h 24 Washington Cole Joseph, boot maker, h Austin Cole Wm. boot maker, bds Austin Coleman Amherst E (Kendrick & Coleman) h Goddard Coleman Chas. C jeweller, 205 Main, h Oxford Coleman G. C. printer, bds 65 Main Coleman George B. carpenter, h East Coleman Jimies, laborer, h Rourke place Coleman Thomas, boot finisher, at Bowen's, h Mechanic Coleman Mrs. Z. h 5 Charles Collier Charles W. clerk, bds 2 Fulton Collier Ebenezer, h 7 Maple Collier Francis A. machinist, h 2 Fulton Collier J. W. wigmaker, 161 Main, bds Temp. Exchange Collier Wm. F. jewelry, &c. 20S Main, bds Crown Collins Cornelius, laborer, h Milk Collins George T. shoemaker, h Tremont Collins Mrs. Harriet, boarding house, OS Front Collins John, grocery store, 1 Water, h G Water Collins Michael, laborer, h Franklin Collins Michael, machinist, h 2 Temple Collins Peter, laborer, h Winter Collins Robert, blacksmith, h rear Cypress Collins Thomas M. gardener. Temple Collison John H. painter, h Blackstone Colomy Wm. machinist, h Prospect Colton Edwin R. clerk at Term). Exchange Colton Samuel H. nursery, h 2d6 Main Colvin Olney, armorer, bds 59 Salem Colwell Andrew, laborer, h Columbia Combs Ezra, striker, h Lincoln Combs S. C. & Co. (M. Lathe, R R. Shepard, & C. Wheel- ock) machinist's tools, Hey wood's shop, h Congress Combs Royal, carpenter, h Lincoln Combs Simon E. blacksmith, bds 4 Liberty Comins Danforth B. coffin maker, 36 Thomas Comins Hugh, laborer, h Brown Comings Isaac M. physician, 2 Chatham Comstock Robert F^ carpenter, bds 29 Thomas Conant Benjamin K. mason, h 9 Maple Conant Edwin, h Lincoln Conant Edwin A. paintings, 1 Warren Hall, bds Temp Ex. Conant Henry, daguerotypist, h 12 Trumbull DIRECTORY. 77 Conant Hezekiah, machinist, bds IS Exchange I Conant John, (Swan & Conant,) h 59 Main ; Conant Otis, bootmaker, h Irving I Conaway Patrick, hiborer, li Brown \ Congdon Samuel, h 2 Sudbury j Conke3' WilHam, machinist, li 15 Grove Conklin Henry W painter, li George Conley Edward, bootmaker, bds Cypress j Conley D. carriage trimmer, at G. W. Wilder's I Conle}' John, laborer, h Bridge j Conley John, laborer, h Pine I Conliii Martin, gardener, at Isaac Davis's j Conlin Andrew, hiborer, h Pond j Conlin Martin, hostler tit Dr. Heywood's, h rear 25 Central Conlin Mears, laborer, h Pond ! Conlin Michael, larmer, h Pond I Conlin Patrick, laborer, h rear 25 Central I Conlin Timothy, laborer, h Pond I Connell John H cigar maker, bds U. S. Hotel j Conner Daniel, laborer, h East Central I Conner Edmund, teamster, h Pine j Conner J^mes, laborer, h Arcade ! Conner James, laborer, h •'■ Washington Square ! Conner James, hiborer, h 4S Mechanic i Conner Jeremiah, laborer, h 9 Vine i Conner John, laborer, at Fox's, h 3 Ward I Conner John, laborer, h Arcade j Conner John, shoemaker, h Uibernia ; Conner John li. lal)orer, h 2 Washington Square i Conner Michael, laborer, h Hibernia i Conner Patrick, laborer, h I'ond { Conners John 0. shoemaker, 101 Front ' Converse (Clias. E.) &, Culver, (J. S. ) provisions, City Hall, ^ j h Ashland ^ i j Converse Henr}^ M. moulder, h Exchange i I Converse Mrs .foseph, h A-hland Converse Merrick 1> moulder, h 55 Summer Converge Otis, agricultural warehouse, 21(3 Main, h Irvin< Converse Silas, clerk, bds Irving Cook David W. mason, h Austin Cook Nathaniel H. cabinet maker, h 4 Southbridge Cook Thomas, carpenter, bds I'leasant Cooper David G. machinist, bd< 9 Thomas Cooper Ezra, job wagon, h Tremont Cooper John, spinner, h 32 Green Cooper Samuel, carpenter, h 11 Thomas Copeland Salem, (Thomson, Skinner & Co) h Harvard Corbett Henry M. carriage smuh,bds 49 Salem Corbett Horatio N. clicker, bds 4!J Salem •Corbett Moses, painter, h 49 S:!lem Corbett Otis, shoe & leather (! ;iler, 248 Main, h Corbett 78 DIRECTORY. Corbin Alpheus, h fc5 Main Corey Albert S. printer, h John Corey John, h Chestnut Cosgrove Francis, blacksmith, li Brown Cosgrove John, stone mason, h McKenna place Costelow Edward, spinner, h 9 Water Courtney Daniel, laborer at Wheeler's, h 97 Front j Courtney Patrick, moulder, h 97 Front 1 Covin James, painter, bds 11 Blackstone i Co wee Alviii G., machinist, bds SO Mechanic I Cox Albert W., carpenter, li 23 Myrtle Cox Amasa S., seraphine builder, "h b9 Salem i Coxon Wm. G., machinist, h 8 Grove I Coyle Howard, baker at B. P. Rice s I Crabtree George, machinist, h Cottage i Crafts John, machinist, h 4 Washington Square Crandall Joseph, farmer, h Spruce Crane Amaziali B. machinist, h 2 Foundry Crane George W., carpenter, h Lexington Crane Samuel, overseer of shoe shop at County House Crane Mrs. Susan, h Vine Crapper Wm. tailor, bds 33 Mechanic Crawford Ethan A. porter at American House Crawford Stephen, works at American House Crocket David, engineer, h Pleasant Croft Obadiah, moulder, bds French Row Croning Daniel, laborer, h 13 Spring Crooks Chauncy, machinist, bds 65 Main Croome James, hatter, h 70 Salem Crosby Elisha, armorer, bds 32 Portland Crosb}' Hiram, truckman, h 26 Mechanic Crosby Thomas S. wire drawer, h 2 Grove Cross Benjamin C currier, h Portland place Cross Courtlananiel, laborer, h i\lilk Donnaho Micliael, laborer, h Arcade Donnaho Patrick, laborer, h Franklin Domiovon Catherine, h 4 Spring Dorman Charles K. machinist, C. mill, bds Kendall hill j Dorman Henry E. machinist, C mill, bds Kendall hill Dorman Lathrop, clerk, h Lincoln Dorr En)=!, bookseller, 205 Main, h IS Summer Dougherty Edward, laborer, bds Union Dougherty Hugh, tailor, h 11 Vine Douglas Eugene, painter at Holmans', bds 79 Salem Douglas Francis, carpenter, h 79 Salem Dow" Hiram P. clerk at Temp. Exchf^nge Dowling Frederic, carpenter, bds Crown Downe Newton, carpenter, bds High Downs Francis E- moulder, h 21 Summer Downs Thomas, harness maker at Allen's, bds Spring Doyle Edward, carpenter, bds 33 Mechanic Doyle .Tames, laborer, bds 48 Southbridge Doyle Patrick, laborer, h 48 Southbridge Doyle Wniiam, laborer, bds Mechanic Drabble . Joseph, machinist, h 4 Ward Drake .'Mexander H. cabinet maker, h 10 Wa.shington Drake Cvrus, shoemaker, h rear Unitarian church 82 DIRECTORY. Drake James H. marble cutter, h Grove Draper Josiah, car builder, h Grafton Draper (Edwin,) »& Clark (J. S.) Flour & Groceries, 105 Front, h 8 Portland Draper Fanny C, h S Portland Draper Wm. A. & Co. (S. Houghton,) leather dealers, 35 Front, h 18 Orange Dresser Chas. C. fireman on West. R. R. bds IS Plymouth Dresser Geo. A. (E. South wick & Co.,) h 7 Pleasant Dresser John, fireman on W. R. R., bds BrimhalFs, Grafton Dresser Lucy, h Bartlett place Drew Thomas Jr. editor of Christian Citizen, h 45 Pleasant DriscoU Alonzo, engineer, h 44 Front Driscoll Michael, grocer, 9 Spring Driscoll Michael, laborer, h Milk Drury Benjamin, painter, h 22 Green Drury Lyman, (Eldred & Drnry) h Sycamore Drury Marshall L. painter, h 22 Green Drury Mrs. Mary, boarding house, 6 Washington Drury Thomas A. lather, bds 6 Washington Drury Willard B. shoe bottomer, bds Dr. Newton's Drury William E. stone mason, h 9 Arch Drury Wm. H. clerk at H. W. Miller's, bds 6 Washington Dryden Artemas, mechanic, bds Temp. Exchange Dryden George, machinist, h Glenn Dryden John, machinist, h Lincoln Dryden John P. machinist, h Lincoln Dryden Martin F. machinist, bds 5 School Dudley Mrs. Eunice, h 20 Park Dudley Francis, clerk, bds 20 Park Dudley William, teamster, h Sever Dunbar R. D. watch & jewl'y store, 144 Main, h .36 Summer Duncan Wm. engineer on Nash. R. R , h 15 Mechanic Dunham Cephas, boot bottomer, h 21 Main Dunn Cornelius, laborer, h East Central Dunn James, watchman, h Temple Dunn James, tailor, h Vine Dunn John, laborer, h Perry's Court Dunn M. harness maker, h 21 Southbridge Dunton Robert, butter dealer, bds Maple place Dustin Charles, boot fitter, bds 4 Vine Dutton Chas A. car'ge maker at Bonnell's, bds Mrs. Eno's Dwight, .Mrs. Elizabeth H h 18 Exchange Dwinnell Henry A. mechanic, bds 7 Austin Dyer Calvin, conductor on B. & W. R. R. h 11 Pleasant Dyer George H. copper plate printer, bds IS- Salem Dyer Thomas, laborer, h Pine EAGER CHARLES, wheel-wright, h 32 Summer Eager George L. carriage maker, bds 23 Thomas Eager Oliver, carpenter, h 40 Mechanic Fames D. H. clerk, bds Wor. House DIRECTORY, 83 Eames George, tinman at Oliver's, bds Thurston's Eames Wm. A. card manufr. h 2S Southbridge Eurle Charles C card maker, li 35 Salem Earle Kdward, (T. K. Earle & Co.) h 10 Summer \ Earle Enoch, machinist, Union Mill, h 14 School | Karle George, boot bottomer, Ijds 2 Central Court 1 Earle Henry, stair builder, h 7 School j Karle Henry W. shoemaker, at Swains, bds Grafton } Earle John, carpenter, h 5 School : Earle John M. Ed. & Pub. of Spy, ISS Main, h 262 Main I Earle < Oiver K. (T. & O. K.) h 34 Pleasant ! Earle Ruth, h 34 Pleasant Earle Thos. & 0. K lumb. d'lrs. Wash. Sqr. bds 34 Pleasant Earle Timothy K. & Co. (E. Earle) card manufacturers, 11 Wash. Sqr. h Edward Eaton Amherst, laborer, h 17 Mechanic Eaton Daniel, carpenter, bds Summit Eaton (Ed.) & Phelps ( H.) crockery, ISl Main, bds F. House Eaton Franci^i W. tailor at Brown's, h IS Portland ' Eaton Frederic, shoemaker, h Spruce cor. Austin j Eaton George W. car builder, h 32 Green Eaton Henry T. at B. Butman's, bds 9 Mechanic I'^aton James, tailor, at Brown's, bds 37 Summer Eaton Leander, jeweller, H5 Main Eaton Mrs Lydia, h Chatham ; Eaton Mrs. Mary, h 37 Summer j Eaton Bus.^ell, farmer, h iMulberry j P>aton Thomas B. h 9 Mechanic j Eaton William, apprentice to T. T. Slay Eaton William, h 56 Main I . Eddy Henry \V. carpenter, bds 41 Main ; I Edes Henry, bds \\ilson's. Maple place I ' Edgarton John, mason, bds 23 Exchange ! Edgarton Ward, h Jackson j Edgarton W. P. clerk, bds 23 Exchange I j Edgecombe Joseph, pattern maker, h Shelby j Edmund Thomas, fireman, bds 23 Mechanic j Edwards Frederick, machinist, h 43 Summer I Edwards George, shoemaker at Swain's, h Mechanic Ed wants John, teamster, h Burt Edwards R. C' h 67 Front EdAvards Thomas, bootmaker, h 4 Ward Elder Ansel, hostler at Am. House stable Elder Nath'l, farmer, h 6 Fulton i Eldred ( F. A.) & Drury, (L ) cabinet makers, 65 Front, li { Pleasant I Eldridge Julius A. bread pedlar, bds 26 Mechanic Eldridge Lewis, spiimer, h 138 Southbridge Eldridge Sam'l, carpenter, h 7 Grove Eldridge Wm. B. painter, h 21 .Main Elliot F. F. plow maker, h Shelby 84 DIRECTORY. Elliot Joseph, machinist, h 73 Front Elliot Thomas, cab. mak'r at Noyes', bds Dr. Newton's Kllis Charles S. toy shop, &c., li2 Main, h West ElHs George, bootVeer, h 54 Mechanic Ellis Jedediah, miller at Sutton's, h Bridge Ellis Mathan B. carbuilder, h II Winter ? Ellis Sylvester, butcher, h 1 Vine ElwellE. M. & Co. saw manuf'rs, 26 Excliangc, h 3 Laurel Elwood James, blacksmith, h rear 19 Central Kmerson Satn'l J. whip manufr. 249 .Main, h 1 Madison Emerson Win. F. tailor at Walker's, h IS Salem Emmons Elijah, wheelwright, h 11 Arch Engley Charles W., painter, h Lincoln Engley James N. painter, h Ash English, Patrick, laborer, h 11 Vine Eno E. Caroline, bds at .Mrs. Eno's Eno Mrs. J. A. boarding house, 2 Goulding's block Estabrook E. R. (Barker & Estabrook) h 30 Pleasant Estabrook Geo, W. currier, 15 Central, h William Estabrook James, real estate agt. h 51 Southbridge Estabrook Stilhnan, livery stable, S2 Front, h 300 Main Estey James F pump maker, 10 School Estey J. Lawrence, printer, Spy otiicc, h Chandler Evars Charles, laborer, h Belmont Everett George, tin plate worker at Oliver's Everett J. Hartwell, pub. of Wor. Journal, 206 .Main Ewins Ralph, attendant at Hospital FAG AN J AMES, mason, bds William Fahy John, blacksmith, h HG Front Fairbanks Emory, maulder, h ■>) Howard Fairbanks F. cabinet maker, bds Temp Exchanfe Fairbanks Henry M. blacksmith, h 7 Carroll Fairbanks Ira, carpenter, bds Sever Fairbanks Willard U. bootmaker, h Orchard Fairbanks William, moulder, bds 9 Howai-d Fairfield, H. P. pattern maker, bds 31 Portland Fales Andrew, machinist, h Guddard Fales Joseph E. machinist, h 10 Green Fallon Patrick 0. blacksmith, (Bradley's) h Temple Falvy Cornelius, laborer, Arcade Falvy Daniel, laborer, Arcade Fanning Elihu, machinist, bds Bridge Farley (Nathan) & Pearson (J. G ) manufrs. of serapliines &c. 203 Main, h 42 Portland Farley J. A. seraphine ancroft's Jones George, city marshal, office City Hall, h High Jones John, farmer, h 300 Main Jones Lewis, machinist, bds 85 Summer Jones Mrs. Luke, h 44 Front Jones Samuel, carpenter, h Pine Jones Samuel H. bootmaker, bds IT. S. Hotel Jones Sylvester, moulder, bds 24 Central Jones Willard, melter, h 19 Mechanic Jordan Stephen, marble cutter at Lewis's, bds Main Joslin Hezekiah C. machinist at G. & R. bds 33 Mechanic Joubert Masell, moulder, h Pine Jouvet Johu H. dry goods, 86 Main, h Lincoln Jouvet Wm. clerk, bds Maple Joy (Lewis E.) & Hapgood, (N. R.) carpenters, Union, h Grafton Joyce Martin, laborer, h Cross Joyce Peter, li 11 Orange Joyce Peter, laborer, h Pine Judge Andrew, ware cleaner, h Temple Judge Lackev, laborer, bds Temple KANE GEORGE, bootmaker, bds Exchange Kane Jeremiah, baggage master. Nor. R. R. h Temple Kane John, laborer, h Blackstone DIRECTORY. 101 Kane Morris, laborer, h Pine Kane Patrick, laborer, h Tenaple Keating Sylvester, laborer, h 33 Mechanic Keech George W. jr. clicker, bds 41 Main Keitli Henry, carpenter, bds 5 High Keith John, carpenter, bds 5 High Keith Timothy, jeweller, 219 Main, h Lincoln Kelar Truman, armorer, bds 8 Cherry Kelley Daniel, painter, bds S Prospect Kelley Edward, laborer, h Old Pine Kelley J. Clawson, physician, office 20 Mechanic Kelley John, engineer, h Grafton Kelley Michael, boarding house. Perry's Court Kelley Michael, laborer, h Franklin Kelley Michael, shoemaker, bds Temple Kelley Patrick, laborer, h Old Pine Kelley Oran A. grocer, 1 J Arch Kellogg Henry E. carpenter, bds Grafton Kelton A. H. mason, bds 12 Winter Kelton Sabin, coachman for IMrs. Salisbury, h Prescott Kendall Albert G. shoemaker, h Lincoln Kendall Daniel F. clicker, h 9 Summer Kendall John, clerk at J. H. Knights, bds 13 Beacon Kendall John G. agt for Wor. Co. Mut. Fire Ins. Company Kendall Maro, hat store, 271 Main, bds 5 High Kendall Mrs. R. W. boarding house, 20 Mechanic Kendall Smith, chair painter, bds 11 Main Kendrick Dan'l H. letter cutter at O Ware's, bds C. H. Rice Kendrick (Geo. P.) & Coleman, stable rear Franklin, h Goddard Kendrick Henry C. machinist, bds 4 School Kendrick John, reed & harness maker, 22 Front Kendrick Joseph, bds 20 ]Mechanic Kennedy H. I), engineer, h Charlton Kennedy Michael, carpenter, h 6 Winter Kennedy Misses Polly & Sally, h 1 Summer Kenney Emmons S. carbuilder, h 22 Washington Kenney ]\Iichael, laborer, h Pond Kerns Patrick, laborer, at Wheeler's, h Summer Kettel! John P. hat & cap store, 215 Main, h 41 Thomas Kettell James S. hatter, 215 Main, bds Harvard Kettell Thos. J. whitewasher & stainer, h 57 Summer Kevar Wm. L. repairer on R R. bds 44 Central Keyes David D. agt. N. E. P. Union, 53 Main, h Lincoln Keyes George W. clerk, at Munyan's, bds 16 Exchange Keyes Israel N. carpenter, h Lincoln Keyes J. B. law student E Washburn's office, bds W. House Keyes Joim L. carpenter, h Lincoln Kidder Timothy E. cabinet maker, h 43 Green Kilbo Daniel, laborer, h [v.ibt Central Kilbride John, laborer h 3 Spring 102 DIRECTORY. Kilday -Martin, laborer, h Union Kimball John S. h 24. Pleasant Kimball Wm. bootmaker, bds 12 Thomas King Daniel, currier, h I Summer King George T. baker at Hospital King Rufus C. painter, h 26 Exchange Kingsbury Jona'n, boot manul'r, h Hanover Kingsbury Russell, at C. mill, h 23 Summer Kingsley Jos. A Dennison, armorer, h 24 Liberty Kinnicutt F. H. & Co. (S. Woodward) hardware, 162 Main, h 6 Chestnut Kinnicutt Thomas, Judge of Probate, h 19 Pearl Kinsley Geo P. dentist, at Miller & Newton's otfice Kinyon Daniel S. engineer, bds Grafton Kirby Benjamin, carpenter, h 312 Main Kirby Charles, armorer, bds Mulberry Kirby Heurv, machinist, (G. & R ) bds 95 Main Kirby Tyler C. baker, h 58 Salem Kirwin Mark, spinner at Fox's, h Water Kittridge Austin W. shoe bottomer, bds 23 Mechanic Kittridge Otis, h 47 Summer Kittridge Mrs. seamstress, 47 Summer Knapp C. C. grocer, Wash. Square, h 69 Front Knapp John C. trusses, supporters, *S:e. 245 Main, h Clinton Knapping Horace, engineer. Nor. R R. h Sycamore Kneeland Andrew, laborer, h Brown Knight Albert, machinist, bds 23 Central Knight Albert R. watchman at Wor. & Nasb. R. R station Knight Edward B. engineer at Goulding's, li 10 !\]yrtle Knight Franklin H. at Norwich freight, h 15 Beacoq Knight Frederic, tailor, bds Pleasant Knight John H. clerk, h 10 Myrtle Knight Jona. H. hat & cap store, 163 Main, h 13 Beacon Knight Orrison W. plowniaker, bds 41 Mfvin Knight Sylvester, plowmaker, bds 41 Main Knight Wm. machinist, h 3 Liberty Knowlton Calvin, freight agt. Nash. R. R. h Market Knowlton Daniel, carpenter, h 27 Summer Knowlton Daniel jr. at Dr. Hooker's office, 281 Main Knowlton Daniel H. carpenter, h Laurel lane Knowlton George, fruit dealer, Franklin Knowlton J. S. C Ed & Pub. of Palladium, 9 Cen. Ex. b Salisbury Knowlton Mrs.' Mary, 5 Howard Knowlton Pomroy, sa.-h maker, h Chestnut Knowlton Thomns W. carpenter, h Congress Knox Theodore, boot clicker, bds Bartlett place Koan Patrick, laborer, h Simimer L.ACROSS CYPRIAN, moulder, h Market Lacioss Mitchell, mason, bds Market Lacross Moses, laborer, h Market DIRECTORY. 103 Lacy Henry, stock! ns: weaver, h rear of Austin Ladd George, shoemaker, li 10 Brown's Block Ladd Vernon A. clerk, at Central Hotel Ladds Joseph, hatter, at Kni.2;ht's, bds Am House Ladoux Ezra, engineer at Wheeler's, h 23 School Laforest Frederic, boot bottomer, bds 7-") Front Laforest Hannah, boarding hout, h 2 Arch Ligiil Jos. F. ( V\'uo(ibnri), Light & Co.) h 4 Arch Lighten Wm. B h 4 Warren's block, iMadison Lilley Andrew, at D. C. Thurston's, Cen. Exchange Lilley George W. marble cutter at Lewis's, Market Lillie David, moulder, h 24 Central Lincoln Ambrose, machinist, (Ball & Rice) bds 16 School Lincoln ehas A groceries, 74 Southbridge, bds 81 So'bridge DIRECTORY. 105 Lincoln Daniel W. nursery, &c. Pleasant Lincoln Edward W. post master, bds Worcester House Lincoln John W high sherift^ffice brick C- house, h 193 Main Lincoln Levi, office 105 Main, h Elm Lincoln Nfanoy & Charlotte, bd Hobbs's, William Lincoln Sanford W. carpenter, h Exchange Lincoln Wm. S. Sec. Agricultural Society, h Elm Litch Joel H. sash & blind manuf r, Foster, h 29 Mechanic Littlehale Hosea, machinist, bds Grove Livermore Edward, bookstore, 184 Main, bds Wor. House Livermore Edwin, nail cutter, h 42 Summer Locke Thomas, M. blacksmith, h Lexington LockJear Charles F. shoemaker, bds 1 Chandler Locklear Robert, barber, lb Front, h rear 56 Exchange Lombard N. A. machinist, Union mill, h 5 Carroll Lone James A. laborer, h 13 Temple Lonergan Patrick, gardener, h Pleasant Long C. B. Ins. agt. 2 Warren Hall, bds 12 High i Longley Charles W. h IS Thomas ! Looby Patrick, dyer, h Temple ! Looby Richard, laborer, h Bridge j Loomer Johii G armorer, h 14 Portland j Loomis Henry F. carpenter, bds 106 Alain I Loomis Horace, machinist, Ii rear of Austin j Lorrimer Alexander, rope maker, h Prospect ' Loring Caleb, bds 31 Portland j Luring George H. music store, 203 Main, h 31 Portland Loring Joseph, (Richardson »So Loring) h 59 Summer j Loring Willard, clerk at B. W. trans bds 59 Summer ! Lothrop Jlark, cabinet maker, h IS Plymouth I Loughlin Peter, laborer, h Pine I Loveland David M. engineer, h 1 Fulton I Lovell A. B. mason, h '310 Main I Lovell Albert, armorer, h Elm I Lovell E. B. mason, li 314 M'lin j Lovell George, clerk, bds Maple I Lovell George, painter, h 4 1 rumb-all Lovell Jolm r. truckman, h Orchard Lovell Joseph, 312 Main Lovell Joseph jr. mason, h 47 Pleasant Lovell William, armorer, h Foundry Lovely Francis, moulder, h 21 School Lovering Daniel, carpenter, h 2S I\Jyrtle Lovering Hiram H. truckman, h Burt Lovett John, laborer. Arcade Lowd l^dward H. boot freer, h Chatham Lowd George VV. stone cutter, h Pond Lowe Robert, engraver, 10 Pearl, bds 76 Main Lucas Wm. coppersmith, h 13 Central Lufkin Franklin G. shoemaker, h 2 Charles Lumbard Samuel, hostler, h 35 Mechanic 106 DIRECTORY. Lumbard Sumner, tailor, h Carlton Lummis Daniel, overseer at Hospital Lund Ebenezer, cooper, Canal, h 4 Cherry Luther Renj. S. clerk, bds 21 Pleasant Luther John E. cigar maker, h 62 Salem Luther (Jona.) & Freeland ( C. W.) clothing, 192 Main, h 21 Pleasant Luther Martin, wheelwright, h 2 Park Lyman Nathan G. currier, bds 16 Central Lvon Edward, carpenter, h Chandler MACHETTE THOMAS H. tailor, h Oxford Maculler A. & Co. clothing store, 172^ Main, bds Temp. Ex Mack Dan, laborer, h East Central Mack Wra F. painter, bds 6 Washington Madigan John, brakeman, h 11 Spring Magee John W. machinist, bds 33 Mechanic Maginnis Thomas, sexton, 2i Temple Magoun Isaac W. mason, h 20 Exchange Magoun Margaret, h 20 Exchange Magoun Matthew S. moulder, h 24 Central Mahan John, carpenter, h 12 Spring Mahan Mark, laborer at Fox's Mill, h Water Mahedy James, laborer, h rear Dr. Hey wood's Mahon John, warp dresser, h 8 Water Mailly Chas. E. teacher of French, bds 12 Pearl Maixham Gagenon, teamster, bds Pme Malican Michael, laboi-er, h rear Blackstone Mallon James, h 7 Spring Mallone Lans, laborer, h 2 Spring Mallory Obediah B. machinist, h Tremont Mandell H. E. acct. bds 6 Portland Mann Mrs Abagail, h 74 Front Mann Benjamin F. bds S Washington Square Mann George E. acct. at City coal yard, bds Grafton Mann George W. carpenter, (T. Davis & Co.) h Orange Mann Jeremiah, carpenter, h 8 Washington Sqr. Mann Mrs Narcissa E. boarding house, Grafton Mann Sidney B. truckman, bds 7 Thomas Manning Charles M. armorer, h 14 AVinter Manning John, boot crimper, bds Exchange Manson George F. boot bottomer, bds 1 School Manson Otis L. car builder, h IS Green Maple Francis, moulder, h French Row Maple Peter, at Wheeler's Foundry, h Exchange Maple Zebedee, at Wheeler's, h 23' School Marble Edwin T. machinist, bds 18 Thomas Marble Solomon, watchman, at B. & W. trans, h Pond March Andrew, machinist at car shop, bds Grafton Marchants James W. merchant tailor, 271 Main,bds Pleasant Marcy A. D. carpenter, bds 24 Central Marcy Andrew A. carpenter, h Jackson DIRECTORY. 107 Mnrcy Charles, currier, bds 68 Front Marcy Charles D. carpenter, bds 14 Exchange Marcy Daniel, ap[)rentice at J. H. Knights' bds 13 Beacon Marcy Daniel C armorer, bds Wash. Sqr. Hotel Marcy J. S. blacksmith, West. R. R. shop, h21 Summer Marrs Augustus, (Clapp & Marrs) bds 3 Trumbull Marsh Alexander, music rooms, 203 Main, h Elm Marsh Benj. C carpenter, h 2S Summer Marsh Catlierine, boarding house. Maple Marsh Charles W. marble cutter, bds Grove Marsh Daniel M. teamster, h Pine Marsh E. fl. clerk at L. T. Lazell's bds Temp. Exchange Marsh F. Oscar, clicker, at T. S. Stone's Marsh Henry, blacksmith, h Exchange Marsh John,' laborer, h Milk Marsh Mary W. h Grove Marsh Silas, hostler at Central Hotel Marshall Charles G. soap & candles, h Prospect Marshall James E. carpentei*, h 14 Exchange Martin Andrew, spinner, bds 14 Water Martin Edwin, machinist, bds 24 Portland Martin E. T. teacher of penmanship, ISS Main, h 14 Port'd Martin George, hack driver, for N. Parker, bds Union Martin George H. armorer, h 34 Portland Martin James, apprentice to Thos. T. May Martin Peter, spinner, h 14 Water Martin Walter S. armorer, h 73 Salem Marvin Charles, carpenter, bds 23 Thomas Mason Abel jr. painter & glazier at Litch's, h 5 Fulton Mason Alonzo, beer maker, h 21 Southbridge Mason Jerome, clerk at J, Grout's Mason John, brakeman, bds 84 Southbridge i Mason John, piano forte maker, h Harvard Mason John C. (R. N. Mason & Co.) h 11 Elm 1 Mason Joseph, counsellor, 136 Main, h 20 Elm I Mason Joseph, dealer in butter & cheese, under Temp. Ex. j Mason Lemuel G. nails & brads. Union, h 58 Front Mason Lyman G. clerk, bds 1 Park I Mason Lyman L. jeweller, 2-33 Main, h 32 Pleasant i Matthews Asa. h 2 George Matthews John, counsellor, 2 Cen. Ex, bds A. Matthews Matthews John, roadmaker, h 11 Fulton Matthews Wm. turnkey, at County House Matthewson Peter, machinist, bds Ash Maxwell VVm. B. counsellor, Cen 3 Ex. bds Franklin House May Clinton, boottreer, bds 3 Washington May Tho's. T. carriage maker, 10 Exchange, h 6 Blackstone Mavers Francis R wireworker, h Highland Maynard Clarendon, (Forbush & M.) bds 4 High Maynard Efingham, clerk at Livermore's, bds Maple Maynard Mrs. Jane, h rear 68 Front 108 DIRECTORY. Maynard (J. Q.) & Nye. (E. W.) shoes, 277 Main, h 9 Park Maynard L. A. counsellor, 98 Main, bds Am. House Maynard Samuel A. coffin maker, h 3S Summer Maynard Wm G. sexton, office 30 School, h 38 Summer Maynard Wm G. 2d, armorer, bds 54 Central Maynard Wm H. machinist, bds 4 School Mayo Simeon, bds Goddard Mayo William, carder, h Ash McBride Matthew, laborer, h rear 21 Central McCamra James, blacksmith bds Temple McCan Arthur, mason, h Perry's Court McCan Hugh, mason, h Perry's Court McCan John, hostler, h rear Franklin McCarn Charles, boofitter, at A. Bliss's, Lincoln McCarn John, bootfitter, at A. Bliss's, Lincoln McCarn Thomas, bootfitter, at A. Bliss's, Lincoln McCape Stephen, bootmaker, h Winter McCarty John, laborer, h Pine McCarty Mary, h Belmont McCarty Patrick, bootmaker, h 94 Front McCarty Patrick, tailor, h 93 Summer McCaughil Patrick, moulder, h 44 Mechanic McClosky Patrick, laborer h 12 Spring McColiff"^Michael, laborer h Franklin McConvill Hugh, tailor, 111 Main, h Temple McCue John, laborer, h Pine McDaniel Thomas laborer, h old Pine McDermot John tailor, bds 31 Mechanic McDermott Thomas, laborer, h Perry's Court McFarland Gardner, (Rice & McFar'land,) h 12 Orange McFarland James, cutter, h Bartlett Place McFarland James H., victualler, h 2 Arch McFarland Jospeh E bootreer, bds 9 Triomas McFarland Mellen, clicker, h Bartlett Place McGarvish James, gardener, at C Thurber's, bds 3 Madison McGinnis John, blacksmith, carshop, h Temple McGrath Edward, laborer, h Bridge McGrath John, carpenter, h Vine iVIcGrath Michael, laborer, h 9G Salem McGrath Patrick, laborer, h 4 Spring McGraedy Michael, laborer, h rear Summer McGuigan Lawrence, laborer, h Summer Mclntire Amos A. painter, h 11 Blackstone McKale Patrick, laborer, h rear Pine McKay Michael, warecleaner, h Franklin McKeep Michael, stone mason, h Pond McKenna James, stone mason, h Beach McKenna Patrick, mason, h Temple Mc Knight Elijah, carpenter, h Tremont McKoan Arthur, stone mason, h Brown McKoan Patrick, stone mason, h Brown DIRECTORY. 109 McLarin Daniel, eng. on B & W. R. R. bds 23 Mechanic McLudden Jolm, moulder, h. Front McMalian Michael, blacksmith, h 44 Mechanic JMcNerney James, stone cutter, h Temple McNuIty' Francis, teamster, h 8 Spring McNulty John, stone cutter, h Temple McQueenj"- Thomas, laborer, h Kourke place McVoy Patrick, laborer, h Bridge Meacham Benjamin, shoemaker, h 54 Salem Mead Cephas, carpenter, h 10 Prospect Meadowcroft James, boot treer, bds 43 Summer Meadowcroft John, boot treer, h 43 Summer iVIellin Isaac P. attendant at Hospital Merchants VVm. L. carpenter, h 65 Exchange Merriam Henry W. clerk at Hardon's, bds Mapte Merriam Rufus N. carpenter, h Carroll Merriam Samuel, tin plate worker, bds 8 Cherry Merrick Francis T. Prest. Citizens Bank, bds Wor. House Merrick Mrs. Mary, h Pine Merrick Pliny, Prest. Nash. R. R. h 10 Chestntit Mernfield Alpheus, lumber dealer, 50 Central, h41 Summer Merrifield Alpheus M. carpenter, h Shelby ^lerrifield Francis N. carpenter, h Bridge Merrifield Wm. T. sash & blinds. Exchange, h Harvard Merrill Enoch, hat & cap store, 221 Main,"h West Merritt Jesse S. moulder, h 11 Union Merritt|Truman, carpenter, bds 7 Thomas Messenger Daniel F. tailor at Parker's, bds 12 Blackstone Messenger David S. h 15 Chestnut Metcalf Alfred E. iTiachinist, h Lincoln Metcalf Caleb B. teacher in boys Eng. School, h Linden Metcalf Erastus, h Chatham Metcalf Mrs. boarding house, 5 High Mignault Peter B. physician, cor Park Si, Trumbull ]Milian Mrs. boarding house, 3 Spring Mihan Patrick, tinman, bds 3 Spring Miles Charles, boot treer, bds Union Miles Charles M. clerk in Co. Treas. office, h Lincoln Miles Edward W. clerk at I. H. Upton's, bds Lincoln Miles E. T. clerk at C. Foster & Co's, bds 26 Chestnut Miles Jonas M carpenter, h 26 Chestnut Miles Joseph jr. attendant at Hospital Miles Willard M. h Lincoln Miller Benjamin S. painter, C. mill, bds Grove Miller Edward, bds 23 Thomas Miller Edward B. tinman, bds 8 Cherry Miller Elijah F. bootmaker, bds Austin Miller Henry W. machinist, h Irving Miller Hemy W. hardware, &c. 46>Iain, h 21 Pearl Miller J. F. civil engineer, h 14 Park Miller Louisa, tailoress, 87 Main 110 DIRECTORY. Miller Lucy, boarding house, 11 Main Miller Rev. Rodney A. bds Belmont Miller (Setli P.) & Newton, (James) dentists, 142 Main, h 1 Harvard Mills Charles, bds 29 Thomas Mills James, carpenter, h 77 Salem Mills Marshall, mason, h 22 Portland Mills Otis, mason, bds Fulton Mills Wm. E. engineer and survej'^oi*, office 7 Brinley Hall Miner Albert, clerk, bds 3 Plymouth Miner Henry S stage proprietor, bds Cen. Hotel Minter James, blacksmith, h SI Salem Minturn Wm. E tailor, 271 Main, h 2 Cen. Court Mirick Horace, boot crimper, h 73 Southbridge Mirick John T. supervisor, at Hospital Mirick Merrill D. machinist, bds 15 Union Mirick Mrs. Phebe S. supervisor at Hospital Mitchell Joseph, laborer, h 95 Summer Mixer Charles P. carpenter, h 1 Warren Moen Philip L. h 14 Summer Moies John, produce dealer, 240 Main, h Austin Monahon Thomas, hostler, Bonney & Co. h Union Montgomery Asa, armorer, bds Chandler Montgomery John, laborer at Benj. F. Thomas's Moody Edwin, B. & W. R. R. agt. h 16 Trumbull Moony Richard, carpenter, h 96 Salem Moore Addison, boot treer, h Tremont Moore Alonzo. machinist, bds Pleasant Moore Amos H. armorer, bds Wash. Sqr. Hotel Moore Anson, machinist, (C. mill) h 19 Central Moore Calvin, carpenter, bds 12 Thomas Moore F. mason, bds William Moore Garrett, laborer, h McKenna place Moore Henry S. tailor, 261 Main, h 26 Pleasant Moore Hiram, moulder, bds Exchange Moore James H. carver & gilder, 114 Main, h 27 Main Moore Joseph, boottreer, bds 29 Southbridge Moore Michael, laborer, h Pine Moore Nicholas P. umbrellas & parasols,9 Exch. h Lexington Moore Thaddeus, brakeman, h I Madison Moore Thomas, blacksmith, h Union Mooie Tyrus C. fruit, &c. Front, h 33 Mechanic Moore Wm B. attendant, at Hospital Morey John, hair dresser, Foster, h William Morgan Andrew, boottreer, h Pleasant Morgan Henry D. cabinet maker, at Noyes's, Exchange Moriarty John, laborer, h Pine Moriartv iMorris, laborer, h rear 48 Mechanic Morrill Henry, store 45 Main, h 81 Summer Morrill Nathaniel H. boot bottomer, bds 29 Southbridge Morris Thomas B. cai-penter, h Grafton DIRECTORY. Ill JMorrison Robert, rope maker, h I Blackstone Morse Adolphus, counsellor, office 8 Cen. Ex, bds 9 Park Morse Andrew, carpenter, bds Chandler Morse Augustus, at George Adams, bds 7 Summer jMorse Azubali, boarding house, 23 Exchange Morse Brigham, carpenter, h Chandler Morse Charles, carpenter, h Chandler Morse Edward, farmer, h Pleasant Morse F.dward, machinist, bds Pleasant Morse Edwin, carpenter, bds Sudbury Morse Elizabeth, h 7 Summer Morse Erastus, bds 7 Park 3Iorse George W. boot maker, bds High Morse Graves, truckman, bds Orchard Morse ,James, mechanic, bds 16 Thomas Morse J. C. h 7 Park Morse Luther, carpenter, h Chandler Morse Mason H. carpenter, h 7 Elm Morse Milton M seraphines tfe melodians, 236 Main, h Crown Mosely Charles B. clerk at Hardon's, bds 2 Goulding's block Moses" Sheldon C. painter, h 113 Salem Mossman Aaron, clicker, 245 Main, h Elm Mossnian Tyler, clicker, h 10 Plymouth Moulton Henry C. carpenter, bds 23 Thomas Moulton Wm M. oyster saloon. Main, h 6 Prospect Mower Ephraim, farmer, 321 Main Mulligan Michael, machinist, h Canal Mulligan Michael, machinist, h Water Mullins John, laborer, h East Central Mullins PJitrick. laborer, h East Central Mumford Lucian C. tailor 107 Main, bds Worcester House Munroe Henry, hostler, at Wash. Square Hotel Munroe Mrs. iSarah, h Belmont Munroe William, shoemaker, h Grafton Munyan Chester G. clerk, bds 70 Front Munyan Jona. boot & shoe manuf'r, ■?49 Main, bds 2 Ashland Munyan Joseph, laborer, bds 21 School Munyan Mrs. Sally, li 70 Front Murdock Abel, painter, h Ashland Murneyhan John, laborer, h Ronrke place jMurphy Arthur, horse nail maker, h 64 Front Murphy Dennis, laborer, h P.ast Central Murphy John, laborer, h Ronrke place Murphy John, tailor, h 5 Spring Murphy John, laborer, h Summer Murphy John I,, machinist, bds Temple Murphy Martin, laborer, h 11 Vine Murphy Patrick, laborer, Ii Pine Murphy Patrick, laborer, h Ronrke place Murphy S. P. cigar maker, bds 307 Main Murry Henry, carj)enter, h Temple 112 DIRECTORY. Murry James, bootmaker, h Union Murry John F. machinist, bds Temple Muzzy Elisha, blacksmith, h Lincoln Muzzy Nathan, blacksmith. Market Myers Joseph, laborer at Fox's mill, bds Water NALIN PATRICK, laborer, h Pine Nason Charles, Miss Waldo's coachman, h 1 Central Court Nason Christopher, painter & glazier, h 13 Green Nason Edw. S. music teacher, 3 War'n. blk., bds Am. House Nason Samuel, harness maker, bds Franklin House Navens Patricii, gardener, h cor. Prescott & Lexington Nearey Patrick, laborer, h Summer Needham Chandler, moulder, h 52 Central Needham Rev. George, h John Neff Ebenr. A. trunk maker, 2 Mechanic, bds 35 Mechanic Neir Joseph, trunk maker, 2 Mechanic, h Spruce Nelson IMiss Betsey, h 16 Park Nelson David, painter, h 92 Summer Nelson Marcus, carpenter, bds 92 Summer Newcomb C J. dry goods, ISO Main, bds High Newcomb Henry K, h 6 Elm Newell Chas. cross'g. tender, West'n Stat'n, bds 78 Front Newell Nathan F. machinist, h 51 Summer Newton A. H. paper hangings, Foster, h 12 Charles Newtoa Benj, F. law student in Benj. F. Thomas's office Newton Calvin, physician, 36 Front Newton Charles, blacksmith, Ct. Mill, h IS Liberty Newton Courtland, (Barker & Newton) h 13 Summer Newton Geo. F. boot treer, h 47 Salem Newton Geo. J. wire iSnisher, bds 5 Grove Newton James, card setter, bds 6 Wash. Square Newton James, (Miller & Newton) bds Pleasant Newton John C, raaso.n, h 1 Orange i Newton Josiah H. clerk at Dr. Newton's Newton Mrs. Merriam, h 13 Summer Newton Paul, butcher, bds Wesson's Hotel Newton Rejoice, counsellor, 136 Main, h rear Ct. House Newton Rufus W. machinist, h 5 Grove Newton Samuel D. carpenter, h Sycamore Newton Silas W. mason, li 21 Portland Newton William, dentist, 237 Main, h 7 Park Nichols Abijah, pattern maker, h Pleasant Nichols A. P. carriage trimmer at Tolman's Nichols C. P. painter, Norwich, h 2SS Main Nichols Cyrus H. engineer on Wes. R. R. h 286 Main Nichols Ebenezer W. machinist, h 7 Grove Nichols George, clerk at Hall & Thompson's, bds Maple Nichols George M. pliysician, office 281 Main Nichols (reo. "W. student, 9 Park Nichols Henry B. machinist, h Lincoln Nichols Henry P. agent Wes. R. R., h 25 Thomas DIRECTORY. 113 Nichols Nelson C. machinist, bcls 1 Arch Nichols Samuel H. painter, bds 2&S Main Nichols Stephen 1). bds Temp. Kxchange Nichols Sumner B. cigar maker, bds 2fJ3 Main Nickerson Asa W. greenhouse, Highland Nickerson Francis, h 7 Austin Nims Henry, grocer. Wash. Sq., bds 67 Front Nolen David, laborer, h Bridge Norcross Gideon L. paper hanger, li 75 Summer Norton Allen, provisions, &c., 6 Thomas, bds Temp. Ex. Nourse Asahel, jobber, h Carroll Noyes Frederic A. armorer, bds 21 Southbridge Noyes Richard P. painter, h 76 Front Noyes Wm. A. cabinet manufr., Exchange, h 6 West Nudd Mrs. Betsey, h 44 Front Nudd Geo. F. hostler at Gunn's stable, bds 16 Mechanic Nugent Charles, furnace man, h Summer Nurse Cyrus, wire drawer, bds Grove Nye Edwin W. (Maynard & Nye) h 79 Summer Nye Jesse A. baggage master Wes. Station, bds Carlton Nye Salmon, carpenter, bds 12 Thomas Nve Salmon S. carpenter, h Carlton OATLEY JOSEPH, employed at Worcester House Oatley R. S. laborer at Earle's, bds Pine O'Brien Bernard, laborer, h Belmont O'Brien Daniel A. soap & candles, h Shelby O'Brien Patrick, spiinier, h 9 Water O'Burn Francis, boot treer, h Temple O'Connell Burnett, laborer, h Cross O'Connell Dennis, laborer, h 10 Spring O'Day Patrick, laborer, h 39 Mechanic O'Keefe Patrick, R. R. contractor, h 6 Green O'Lanney John, shoemaker, bds Temple Oliver Chas. W, furniture, 145 Main, h 45 Pleasant Oliver Francis P. glass, &c., 104 Main, bds 106 Main Oliver Mrs. G. W. 106 Main Oliver Horatio D. boot bottomer, bds 19 Washington Oliver James L. stoves, &c- 108 Main, h George O'iMailley Joseph, hostler, h 39 Mechanic O'Neill Charles, laborer at Fox's, h Ward O'Neill Daniel, contractor, h Temple O'Neill John, laborer, h Perry's Court O'Neill Thomas, laborer, h 43 Mechanic Onion Mrs. Clarissa, h 44 Front Onion Wm. M. H. acct. at armory, bds 44 Front Orcutt Asa, cordwainer, bds 95 Main Orcutt Joel H. moulder, h 19 Union O'Regan John, painter, h Temple O'Rourke Hugh, laborer, h 93 ummer O'Rourke Patrick, carpenter, h Ward Osbon Elisha H. butcher, h 19 Exchange 114 DIRECTORY Osgood Samuel W. carpenter, h II Hanover Osiand Mrs. Martha, h rear 83 Summer Osmer A. C. painter, h 52 Mechanic Otis B. B. &- Co. (J. C. Otis) boots, shoes, &c. 43 Froutjh Orchard Otis John C. (B. B. Otis & Co ) h High Otis Roland L. mason, h Burnside's Court Otis Silas D. truckman, h Carroll PACKARD AMOS, hackman, bds Central Hotel Packard William, tailor, bds 37 Summer Paige Christopher, carpenter, h Chandler Paige Samuel, machinist, bds 7 Thomas Paine Charles, h 24 Elm Paine David H. cook at Thurston's, Cen. Ex. Paine Frederic W. h Lincoln Paine Gardiner, farmer, h West Paine Henry M. naval const' r. 2 Cen Ex., h Beacon Paine William, stone mason, h 10 Charles Palmer Addison, carpenter, bds SS Southbridge Palmer Henry, carpenter, h &S Southbridge Palmer. lames W. machinist, h Spruce Palmer Paul T. farmer at Edwd E;\rle's Papino Jo eph, laborer, h Grafton Park Daniel H. carpenter, h Grafton Park George, machinist, h West Park John, bds Worcester House Park Sidney M. coachman at S. M. Burnside's Parker (Alfred) & Co. (S, Foster & G. A. Barber) livery stable, School Parker Amos, dealer in Western Produce, h 15 Park Parker Amos, machinist, h 17 Main Parker Andrew J. carmaker, h 51 Central Parker Asa, moulder, bds Wash. Sq. Hotel Parker Charles, inspector of cars, h Temple Parker Chas. W. clerk at Maculler & Co 's, bds Maple Parker Cliarles W. painter, h Grove Parker Ebenezer W. carpenter, h Orchard Parker Edward H. baker, bds Southbridge Parker Eli, clerk, bds Temp Exchange Parker Francis, carpenter, bds Chestnut Parker Grenville, counsellor, h 45 Thomas Parker H. Edward, carpenter, bds Orchard Parker Jerome S. plow maker, h Prescott Parker Nahum, livery stable, Foster, bds Am. House Parker Otis, wire drawer, li Quincy Parker Robert, measure maker. Milk I Parker Samuel, tailor, 139 Alain, h 5 Hanover Parkhurst Benj. B. pattern maker, bds 4 Fulton Parkhurst Chas. A. carpenter, h Beech Parkhurst Chas. W. machinist, bds Gold Parkhurst Edward G. machinist, bds 4 Fulton DIRECTORY. 115 Parkhurst Ephraiin, boot bottoiner, bds US Main Pnrkhurst Katli'l. H. machinist, h 4 Fulton Parkliurst Nath'l. R. niaiiufacturer, h Cliatham Parkinson J. H. machinist, bds y Thomas Parks Harvey F. carpenter, h o-O Washington Parmenter Edward L. boot finisher, h Grove Parmenter Henry R. (Alexander & Parmenter) h Chandler Parmenter Mrs. Sarah K. milliner, h Chandler Parsons Anthony, laborer, h Old Pine Parsons Daniel A. bds Goulding's Block Parsons George, bootmaker, 245 Ma n, bds 20 High Parsons H. E. shoe store, 119 Mtiin, h Pleasant Parsons R. harness & trunk maker, 77 Main, h 3 Trumbull Partridge Benjamin, boarding house, 42 Summer Partridge David, wheelwright, 3 School, h 9 Howard Partridge (E. G.) & Tabor (Wm. 13.) furniture, 150 Main, h I Chatham j Partridge Elisha G. attendant at Hospital I Partridge Ezra, carpenter, bds 4 Central i Partridge Horace, carpenter, h Highland ! Partridge James M. boot crimper, h 19 Washington ! Partridge .lohn F. boot crimper, bds 19 Washington j Partridge Micajah, carpenter, bds 6 High Partridge O. M. boot maker, 245 Main, up stairs Patch Albert, painter, h 3S Southbridge ^ Patch Asahel H. plow maker, bds Concord i Patch John A. carpenter, h 6 Mulberry j Patch Leonard, tailor, h Union j Patch Mrs Lucy, h Gl Pleasant I j Patrick John, extra engineer, bds 15 Mechanic | Peabody Mrs. boarding house, Austin | Pearson"' John G. (Farley & Pearson) h 28 Portland i j I'ease Alva, shoemaker, h 30 Southbridge | ! I'ease Guy B. painter, 10 Central, h It) Mechanic j \ I'ease Richard S. machinist, h 1 Arch ! ; Pease Wni. boot treer, bds 4 Central Court I I Peaslce Abram, laborer at Gates & Stowell's, h 18 Mechanic ' I'eck Clias. H. caipenter, bds 19 (Jreen j I Peck Cyrus H. boot maker, bds Bowdoin i '■ I'eck Earle, 03'stcrs, &c. Wash. Sq., h Goddard I ] Peckham George R. tinman, bds 87 Summer I Peckham James blacksmith, h 21 Union Peckham Jeremiah, blacksmith, h 24 Union ! Peckham Robert, portrait painter, h 87 Summer | Peebles Lyman, h 4 Goddard j Peirce James R. confectionery &c. 2-57 Main, h 1 Austin j I'eniiiman (T. S.) tfe Parsons.'boots&c. 20 Main, h Newburg Perham Selah, brakeman, bds Union ! Perkins Chas. boot ^reer, h 38 Salem Perkins John M. carriage trimmer, bds 16 Thomas Perkins Joseph, merchant, h Carlton 116 DIRECTORY. Perkins Qsman, carriage triiumcr, bds 16 Thomas Perkins Wm. barber at Jankins' Perkins Wm. H. carriage maker at Break's, bds 20 Thomas Perkins Wm. P. truckman, h rear 42 vSummer Peri-y Adolphus B. carpenter, h 41 Green Perry Benjamin E. mason, h Bridge Perry David, musician, h 13 Winter Perry Emory, professor of music, 1 IS Main Perry Hiram H. armorer, bds S Cherry Perry J. B. E. armorer, bds High Perry John, carpenter, h Chandler Perry John L. armorer, bds High Perry John B. carpenter, bds 42 Summer Perry Luke N. machinist, h 67 Southbridge Perry Rowland, carpenter, h 23 Washington Perry Samuel M. machinist, bds Gold Perry Sereno H. laborer, h 9 Brown's Block Perry Wm. machinist, (G. & K.) h Elm Peterson Lysander, carpenter, bds 23 Central Pheland Matthew, spinner, h 14 Water Phelps Geo. clerk at Angier s ticket office, R. R. Station Phelps Henry, (Eaton & Phelps) bds 9 Mechanic Phelps Horatio, mechanic, h Lexington Phelps John, laborer, h Belmont Phelps John E. wire finisher, bds Belmont Phelps Joseph E. nursery man-, Belmont Phelps Philo F. stove dealer d^c. 70 Front, h 19 Park Phelps Russell, hose manufr. Union, bds Temp. Ex. Phelps Simon, hackman, bds IS School Phelps Stephen, boot treer, bds Chandler Philbrick Newell, foreman on R. R, repairs, h Grafton Phillips George W. fish pedlar, h L'ine Phillips Luther, blacksmith, Union mill, h I Laurel Phillips Manson, carpenter, h 3 Wadisou Phillips Moses D. bookseller, h 23 Park Pierce Addison S. clerk at C. Upton's, bds Maple place Pierce Calvin W. stone mason^ h 16 Plymouth Pierce Charles L. currier, h East Pierce George W. boot treer, bds Mrs Eno's Pierce Gilbert, carpenter, h Chandler Pierce Harding, truckman, h 3-5 Green Pierce .hmaes B. carpenter, at Western Station, h Providence Pierce John R. mason, bds 12 Pearl Pierce loseph W. job wagon, bds 6S Front Pierce Levi, keeper of V. S. Hotel Pierce ftJrs. Lois, h Fnimdry Pierce Marshall, h 73 Front" Pierce Oliver, farmer, fi 11 Union Pierce Royal S truckman, h 2 Vine Piette Lewis, moulder, h French Row Pike A. bootmaker, h 10 Vine DIRECTORY. 117 Pike Augustus, moulder, h Washington Pike James S. moulder, h 21 Mechanic Pike George C. clerk in Post Office, bds 5 High Pinkham James S. clerk, h High Piper Edwin, cabinet maker at Noyes's Piper William, h 9 Irving Pitt VVm. I. ai-morer, bds 20 Central Pitts Mrs. Mary A. h I Plymouth Plaisted John, boot criniper, bds Prospect Piaisted Wm. A. printer, bds S. Congdon's Plastridge Asa, cook at Arnold & Thompson's Plum Philip, tailor, bds Hinds Conrt Plummer J. C. machinist, bds Sudbury Plympton John H. mason, bds Austin Plympton Linus, armorer, bds 14 Exchange Pollard George A. clerk, bds 5 Thomas Pollard John, foreman at Eox's mill, h rear of Water Pollard Thomas, presser at Fox's mill, h Water Pollock James, painter, bds Charlton Pond Charles W. machinist, bds 15 Union Pond D. F. teacher of paintins, Flagg's building, bds High Pond Lucius W. (S. Flagg & Co.) h Carroll Poole John W. farmer, 2 Millbury Avenue Poole Leonard, blacksmith, 16 Mechanic, h 27 Mechanic Poole Samuel (Bates & Poole) h 4 Irving Poole Ward, farmer, 2 Millbury Avenue Porter Jeremiah H. carpenter, h Carroll Porter John, laborer in furnace, bds 17 Main Porter Samuel A. carpenter, h 41 Main Porter Mrs. Sarah, 41 Main Potter Ezekiel, cigar maker, bds Sudbury Potter Hervey K. shoe maker, bds Pleasant Potter Matthew R. armorer, bds Spruce Powers Catharine, h 7 Water Powers Martin, spinner, h 6 Water Powers Nancy, h 96 Summer Powers Nicholas, stone layer, h Brown Powers Nicholas, stone layer, h Perry's Court Powers Patrick, laborer, h Perry's Court Powers Thomas, laborer, h 3 Spring Pratt Charles B. moulder, h Market Pratt Chas. C. at Dinsmore's, bds 65 Main Pratt Daniel R. h 14 Park Pratt George K. hostler, bds Bridge Pratt James H. machinist, bds Grafton Pratt John B. fruit, vegetables &c. Salisbury Pratt John M. h 49 Summer Pratt Joseph & Co. iron & steel. Wash. Sqr. h Grafton Pratt Joseph, h Congress Pratt Lowell A. clerk, 238 Main, bds Walnut Pratt Uscar J. clerk at Hardon's, bds 3 Maple 10 118 DIRECTORY. Pratt Sam'l A. jr. agt. N. E. P. Union Div. 42, h 1 Green Pratt Sumner, manufacturer, office 22 Front, bds 9 Portland Pratt Sylvanus, clerk, 233 Main, h 12 Park Pratt Wra. L. shoemaker, 245 Main, bds Maple Pratt Wm. W. h Walnut Prebble J. Q. bds 5 High Prentice Addison, counsellor, old C. House, h Crescent Prentice Henrj'-, butcher, 90 Front Prentice Henry, laborer, at West'n station, bds Bridge Prentice Robert, boarding house, 26 Chestnut Prentiss Chas. G. register of Probate, bds 52 Front Prentiss George M. clerk in Probate office, bds 11 Main Prentiss James, soap maker, h North Prentiss Mrs. S. P. dressmaker, 4 Thomas Prescott E. A armorer, h 10 Fulton Preston Cornelius, engineer, h Sudbury Preston Samuel H. coachman at Hospital, h 7 Arch Prevost L. L. J. physician, 227 Main, h Newbury Prew David, in furnace, bds 17 Main Price Allen B. carpenter, b 7 Liberty Priest Jabez G. collar under 91 Main Prince Alpheus, farmer, h Chandler Prouty Calvin L. h 70 Front Prouty Edward, shoemaker, bds Southbridge Prouty Elliot, wire drawer, h 1 Grove Prouty George W. wire drawer, bds 1 Grove Pi'outy William, wire drawer, h 1 Grove Prouty William B. painter, h Eden Prouty William D. clerk at C. VV. Oliver's, h Sudbury Prouty Winthrop, wire drawer, h Grove Puffer Seth, carriage trimmer, School, h Elliot Purington Frederic H. machinist, h Grove Putnam Alexander, clerk, h 24 Park Putnam Chas. L. Sec. Ins. Co. 98 Main, bds Wor. House Putnam Clark, h Ward Putnam Darius, clerk, h 4 Sudbury Putnam F. H. optician, 219 Main, h Crown Putnam Jason, h Prescott cor Concord Putnam John, cabinet maker, bds 18 Salem Putnam Otis E. clerk, at Chamberlin's, bds Austin Putnam Mrs. Rebecca, h 7 Summer Putnam Salmon, carpenter, h Austin Putnam Samuel, clerk at Chamberlin's, bds Austin Putnev Mrs. Lvdia, h Gold QUILLIHAN DENNIS, boot stitcher, h East Central Quinn George W. carpenter, h 19 Liberty Quinu John, laborer at Jos. Pratt's, Grafton Quirk James, grocer, 2 Washington Square Quirk Michael, brakeman, h 6 Howard Quirk Morris, laborer, h Milk BADY MICHAEL, laborer, h Pine DIRECTORY. 1 19 RafFer^y George, laborer, h 45 Mechanic Rand James S. bonnet rooms, 90 Main, h Eden Rand Wm. D. mason, h Prospect Randall Reubin, card setter, h Grafton Rawson Caleb, bootmaker, h Bowdoin Rawson D. Jones, fruit & confectionery, h Grafton Rawson Elisha J. R. R. repairer, h Plymouth cor Washington Rawson Elisha Otis-, bottler, h East "Central Rawson J. Dexter, painter, h 7 Liberty Rawson Silas, carpenter, bds 7 Hanover Rawson Wm. H. carpenter, bds Pleasant Ray Warren E. engineer, h 5 Salem Raymond Daniel, hair dresser, 2 Thomas, h 17 Orange Raymond James, carpenter, h 13 Myrtle Raymond Tilley, (Tower & Raymond) h 6 George Raynolds Barney, boot treer, bds 02 Ki-ont Rayuolds John, "harness maker, 172 Main, bds Central Raynolds Thomas, boot & shoe mnker, h Rridge Raynolds Thomas, laborer, h rear 4S Mechanic Read INIrs. A!)igail, h 15 Portland Read Joseph H. machinist, bds 9 Thomas Read Josiah T. 15 Portland Read Joshua R. clerk at Norwich R, R. office, bds 5 High Read Airs, h 9 Thomas Read Wm. W. machinist, h Gold' Reardon John, mason, bds William Reardon John O. currier 15 Central, bds Front Reardon Patrick, bootmaker, bds Bowdoin Reardon Timothy, tailor, bds Tead's, 76 Main Reave Thaddeus" S. machinist, bds 65 Main Reed Arba, laborer, h Lincoln Reed Benj. { Wm L. Clark & Co.) h 1 Thomas Reed Benj. A. bds U. S. Hotel Reed Edwin J clerk, bds Lincoln Reed Elbridge H. laborer, h 90 Southbridga Reed Hammond, mechanic, h 14 Thomas Reed John D. moulder, bds 24 Central Reed Rufus W. boarding house, 4- Cen. Court Reed Samuel H. boot treer, h 5 Central Court Reed S. G. wheelmaker, Union, h IS Central Reed Thomas, cabinet maker, h Southbridge Reekie James, clerk, h 2 Blackstone Rees George, carpenter, bds Grove Reid Miss Elizabeth A. matron at Hospital Remley Jonathan, brakeman, Nash. R. R. bds Union Rhodes Edwin R carpenter, bds 42 Summer Rhodes Mrs. Mary B. 4 Central Rice Benjamin, baker, at B. P. Rice's Rice Benj. P. baker, 29 Central Rice Charles H. victualing, 241 Main, h West Rice Charles W. watchmaker 197 Main, h Linden I 120 DIRECTORY. Rice Dexter, coach & sign painter, Mechanic, h 9 Maple Rice Ebenezer, M. pattern maker, h rear Unitarian church I Rice Kdward, carpenter, h 3 Arch ' Rice Edward B. h 10 Park Rice Wijah, farmer, h Gold Rice Emerson K. carpenter, h Summit Rice Enoch P. laborer at Dr. Green's, h 106 Main Rice George F. bootmaker, bds IS Thomas Rice George H. clerk at Hardon's, bds Am. House Rice George M. (Goddard & Rice) h Walnut Rice (George T.) Fox & Co. manul'rs, Green, h 260 Main j Rice Gillum, machinist, h 9 Grove j Rice Henry, boot bottomer, bds 9 Grove ' Rice Hiram, blacksmith, bds 4 School I Rice James M. boot treer, h Tremont I Rice James P. (Thos C. & Jas. P. Rice) h Grafton j Rice John, acct. at Court Mill, h 36 Thomas I Rice (John 2(1) & McFarland, boots, leather, Front, h Pl^'m'th I Rice John 3d, carpenter, h Austin j Rice Jonathan, sash & blind maker, h Austin j Rice Josiah, saw repairer & dealer, 227 Main, h 5 Union ! Rice Lorenzo, bootmaker, h Myrtle \ Rice Lorenzo D. bootmaker, bds 18 Thomas I Rice Mrs Mary, h Austin Rice Patrick, laborer, bds IG Summer I Rice I'eter, fruit & confectionery, 175 M lin, h 47 Summer I Rice Rufus, ncct. h High Rice Mrs Samuel, h head of Prospect ; Rice SeMen, boot crimper, h Austin I.Mce Sewell, spindle manuf'r, h 61 Southbridge : Rice Thomas C & Jas P. stabling, 22 Exchange, h 3S Salem i Rice 'I'homas H. (Ball & Rice) h 15 Hanover i Rich Geo. VV. machinist, bds 5 Orange i Rich OtU, laborer, bds v3 Mechanic ; Rich Peter, h 97 Summer i Richards Charles J. mechanic, bds 49 Summer Richards George, bds 4 High Richards John, slioemaker, h Market Richards John jr. tailor at Walker's, h Pleasant I Richards Joseph M. Leonard's Express, h Irving j Richards Moses, fireman, bds 23 Mechanic j Richards Ransom, carpenter, Litch's, h 14 Trumbull I Richards Ravmoiid, emploved at American House Richardson Geo. W counsellor, 6 Brinley Hall, h 17 Elm Richardson (Henry A.) & Loring ( Jos. F.) stove & iron dealers, 75 Main, h 25 Pleasant Richardson Jonathan, h 22 Green Richardson Stephen, carbuilder, bds Rartlett place Richmond A. K. carriage painter, h 13 Winter Richmond Willard, merchant tailor, 229 Main, h West Rideout Joseph, carbuilder, bds Tucker's, Bart, place DIRECTORY. 121 Rider Benjamin, machinist, h 92 Summer Ridgeway Edward W. conductor, h IS High Riedell James, carpenter, h Hinds court Riley John, liatter at Bowles & Blood's Riley Mrs. boarding house, 13 Temple Riley Matthew, laborer, h 91 Summer Riley Owen, laborer, h Belmont Riley Patrick, hatter, bds 13 Beacon Riley Patrick, laborer, h Madison Riley Philip H mer. tailor, 207 Main, bds, Temp. Ex. Ripley John C. ass't cashier Citizens' Bank, h 399 Main Rivers Andrew, machinist, h French Row Roane Michael, grocer, 1 Temple Roath Albert, brakeman, bds 23 Mechanic Robbins Robinson, switchman, Nash. R. R. h 39 Summer Roberts David, variety store, 122 Main, h Union Robertson George, printer, bds 31 Washington Robinson Alexander, moulder, bds Thomas Robinson John, printer, bds Hinds court Robinson Thaddeus, carpenter, h 25 Central Robinson Warren, carpenter, bds 29 Thomas Rockwood Calvin R. carpenter, h 1 Howard Rock wood Misses Fanny P. & Mary, 6 Park Rogers Abner, carbuilder, h 1 Gold Rogers Austin L. clerk in Reg. of Deeds office, h 18 Sum'r Rogers Cheney, carpenter, h 15 Beacon Rogers George H. clerk at Hardon's, bds American House Rogers Hardin C. painter, bds Austin Rogers Simon, attendant Hospital Rogers Thomas M. (J. P. Soutligate & Co ) h 9 Trumbull Rogers Winslow B. painter, bds S4 Salem Rogers Zaccheus, woodsawyer, h Grove Rollins lOnoch W. laborer, h Charlton Root Calvin H. boot closer, h S Grove Root Charles, stoves, tin & wooden ware, 11 Southbridge Rose Richard, barber, at F. A. Clough's, 275 Main Ross Mrs Eliza, boarding house, 12 Thotnas Ross Hibbard P. funcy soup nianuf 'y, IS Park, h 13 Myrtle Ivoss Luther, h Everett Ross Wm. mason, h 3 Austin Ross Wm. painter, bds 4 Central Court Ross' Xpress office, 211 Main Ruby Sanford, machinist, h 52 Central Rugg George W. soap & candles, 11 Prospect Rugg Warren, laborer, h rear Cypress Ruggles A C. cabinet jobber, h 2 North Ruggles (Draper) Nourse, Mason (John C ) & Co. (J. M. C. Armsby) agricultural tools. Court Mills, h Liucoin Rug^es Mrs. boarding house, 16 School Ruggles Franklin L. machinist, bds 16 School Russell George VV. (A. Tolman & Co.) h 46 Central 122 DIRECTORY. Russell Isaiah D. stoves & tin ware, 94 Front, h 8 Cherry Russell John, laborer, h Garden Russell Samuel, clicker, h Clinton Ryan John, laborer, h 41 Mechanic Ryan John, laborer, h Franklin Ryan Patrick, laborer, h 2 SpiMng Rvan Roger, clothing store, 42 Mechanic SALISBURY Mrs. ELTZABE i H, h Lincoln square Salisbury Stephen, Pres. Wor. Bank, h Highland Sampson Charles H. moulder, bds Blackstone Sampson Fotion, machinist, h Franklin Sampson Isaac, carpenter, h t3 Exchange Sampson P. H. h Franklin Sampson Reuben, carpenter, h 59 Exchange Sampson William, machinist, bds Franklin Sanders, Charles, carpenter, bds 14 Exchange Sanders Charles, clerk at Court Mill, h Union cor. Market Sanders Samuel R. shoemaker, h Lincohi Sanders Willard, clicker, h Lincoln Sanderson Augustus H. carpenter, h 21 Washington Sanford Estes H. (Clark & Sanford) h Chesnut Sanford Rev. George A. h Pine Sanford Myron, clerk, bds 27 Thomas Sanger Horatio N. carpenter, bds Austin Santon Joseph, moulder, h Cypress Santon William, moulder, h Market Sargent Henr3% physician, 256 Main Sargent Henry H. boot treer. bds Salem Sargent H. E. freight agt. B. & W. R. R. h 10 Trumbull Sargent Joseph, physician, 256 Main Sargent S. B. oysters, &.C., 2S Front, h 51 Salem Sarsfield Michael, wool dyer, h Water Savage William, boot treer, h Summit Sawin Charles H. machinist, h Orchard Sawin Charles N. laborer, h Oxford SaAvtell Homer N. carpenter, h 15 Exchange Sawtell Robert, at Daniel Gates' restorateur Sawyer Andrew W. at Justin Forbush's, Cen. Ex. Sawyer Benjamin, cook at 47 Main Sawyer Ezra, machinist, G. &. R., bds Chatham Sawyer F. W. armorer, bds 59 Salem Sawyer George M. clerk, bds Chickering's, Harvard Sawyer Isaac G. wire drawer, h 5 Grove Sawver Robert L. machinist, h Franklin Sawyer Stephen, (B. L. Hardon & Co.) h 10 Portland Sawyer Wm. armorer, bds 59 Salem Sayles Pardon, boarding house, 31 Pleasant Scaniel Dennis, laborer, Arcade ^ Scarborough Carroll D . nail cutter, bds 58 Fi'ont Schuyler Peter, root doctor, Summer st. Court Scofield George W. moulder, bds 35 Mechanic DIRECTORY. 123 Scofield John, laborer, h Water Scott David Jr. & Oo. druggists, 243 Main, h Pleasant Scott Gilman, truckman, h Milk Scott Nelson R. clerk at Lazell's, bds 41 Main Scott Samuel B. h 43 Thomas Scranton S. C. carpenter, bds 5 High Scribner Benj. F. truckman, h Grove Scribner Cyi'u?, laborer, h Pine Seagrave Daniel, printer. Spy office, bds 25 Exchange Searle Chas. F. boot bottomer, bds brick house, Elm Searle Orville, shoemaker, h 12 Blackstone Sears Alden H. icedealer, h Grove Sears Francis, blacksmith, bds 42 Central Seaver Abraham, laborer, h Cypress Seaver Augustus, bread pedlar, bds Burt Seaver Leonard, fruit dealer, h Tremont Seaver Newman, laborer, bds Exchange Seaver Perley, machinist. Union Mill, h 6 Arch Seaver Sally, seamstress, E. Central Seaver William, tin pedlar, h Burt Seaver Wm. wood sawyer, h East Central Seaverns John L. (T. Davis & Co.) h 18 Green Selby Saml. W. & Co. (E. W. Vaill) auct's 68, bds 118 Main Servey Jonas W. coffin maker, bds 38 Summer Sessions Asa, machinist, bds Grove Sessions Emory, plowmaker, bds Lathrop's, Lincoln Sessions George, boot crimper, (E. H. Bowen's) h 1 Arch Sessions George Oscar, plowmaker, bds Sudbury Shannon Patrick, laborer, h Pine Shannon Patrick, laborer, h Water Shattuck Saml. F. farmer, h Elm Shaw John B. manufacturer, h Goddard Shaw Joseph W. coppersmith, h 3 Winter Shaw William, boot bottomer, bds 65 Main Shawkee Leander, laborer, h Burt Shawkee Theophilus, blacksmith, h Burt Shea James, laborer, h 20 Winter Shea John, blacksmith, h 99 Front i Shea John, laborer, h Hibernia I Shean Mrs. Ellen, h Franklin Shean James, laborer, h Pine Shean Thomas, laborer, h Pond Sheldon Hiram V. (Howe. Cheney & Co.) h Grove Shepherd Constant, Grove Mill, h Prescott Shepherd Felton, wool sorter, h 130 Southbridge Shepherd Francis H. tailor at Wm. H. Hudson's Shepherd Frederic, clerk, bds 18 High Shepherd James, Pres. Manufrs Ins. Co. 188 Main, h High Shepherd Luther G. farmer, h Sever Shepherd Russell R. (S. C. Combs & Co.) h 3 Crown Shepherd Samuel, machinist, h Austin cor Spruce 124 DIRECTORY. Sherburne Wm. overseer at Hospital Sherman Aaron, machinist, h William Sherman Charles, machinist, h 8 Liberty Sherman Jonas, boot treer, bds 4 Plymouth Sherman Nathaniel, armorer, bds 71 Salem Sherwin Alden, carpenter, bds 5 High Shervvin Charles K. carpenter, bds 5 High Short Timothy W. machinist, h 43 Green Shotal John, laborer, h Old Pine Shumway Emory L. pattern maker, bds 9 Thomas Shumway Stephen, farmer, h 3 Washington Sibley Charles, at Dr. Bates' office. Pearl Siblej' Charles i\I. mason, h Plymouth Sibley George L. forger, bds 12 Pearl Siblev Simon D. boot bottomer, bds 24 Portland Sibley Wm. E. clerk at C Upton's, bds Maple Sikes Misses S. C. & E., bd 1 Harvard Silsby Ithiel, clerk, h Austin Simmons Edward, h 61 Salem Simmons Elbridge PI. carpenter, h Chatham Simmons John, carpenter, h 14 Plymouth Simonds F. A. boot treer, bds Chatham Simonds James M. boot treer, h Chatham Simpson Robert, machinist, bds 1 Fulton Skerrett Mark, spinner, h 3 Water Skerry Daniel B. painter, bds Chandler Skillins Edward H. boot bottomer, bds 17 Main Skimmons John H. machinist, C. Mill, bds 42 Summer Skinner Franklin, (Thompson, Skinner & Co.) h 47 Central Skinner Wm. S. machinist, h Grove SkoUins John, laborer, h 7 Spring Slater Luther, rope walk, rear 131 Main, h rear 21 Thomas Slater Mrs. Nancy, h rear 21 Thomas Sleeper James P. seraphine builder, h 3 Chathani Slocomb C. C. Apollo Saloon, 1 Pearl Smalley Rev. Elam, h Crown Smith Mrs. Abigail, h 17 Summer Smith Alfred carpenter, bds 6 High Smith Benoni, painter & glazier, h Brown Smith Charles, plowmaker, h 24 Exchange Smith Charles, apprentice to Benj. Goddard 3d, bds Salem Smith Chas. D. clicker, h 312 Main Smith Chas. F. armorer, bds 23 Thomas Smith Chas. L. car shop, h 34 Green Smith Daniel, machinist, (G. & R.) h Goulding's block Smith Dai'ius, painter, bds 5 Brown Smith Edward A. clerk at Hospital Smith Edward R. armorer, bds Orange Smith Elisha, laborer, bds 51 Salem Smith Ellen, seamstress, bds 15 Winter Smith Estes, h 28 Salem DIRECTORY. 125 Smith Finlev, plowmaker, bds Kendall Hill Smith Geo. E. (Smith & Brother) bds Prescott Smith George H. clicker, h 25 Portland Smith Kev. George P. h 29S Main Smith (John F.) & Brother, boot & shoe store, 116 Main, h Prescott Smith Henry G. painter, h 38 Mechanic Smith Hiram, machinist, h Otis Smith Jerome, painter, bds 61 Sonthbridge Smith John, armorer, bds 6 Blackstone Smith John A. painter, bds Washington Smith John C. armorer, bds 8 Cheriy Smith John C, R. R repairer, li 136"Southbridge Smith John P. machinist, bds High Smith Joshua, plowmaker, h Union cor Market Smith Rev. Leaven, h 22 Union Smith Lemuel, h 13 Portland Smith Mrs. Levi, boarding house, 4 Maple Smith Lewis, lime dealer, h rear Mulberry- Smith Mrs. Mar}' L. boarding, 9 Thomas Smith Morton, machinist, h 4 Grove Smith Nathan, boot treer, bds 9 Thomas Smith Perry, truckman, h 23 Summer Smith Samuel, h 57 Sonthbridge Smith Samuel, machinist, h 65 Main Smith Samuel A. machinist, bds 4 Arch Smith Seymour, armorer, h 6 Charles Smith Sidney, baker, 36 Exchange, h 62 Exchange Smith Thomas, armorer, b(ls 77 Salem Smith Thomas, machinist, bds Mrs. Calligan's, Union Smith Thomas, machinist, h Otis Smith Thomas H. painter, 48 Central, h 4 Prospect Smith William, blacksmith, 12 Exchange Smith Wm. A. counsellor, 218 Main, h"l9 High Smith Wm. L. laborer, h Orchard Smith Wm. P. baker, at Walton's, 46 Sonthbridge Smith Wm. P. wire drawer, h 12 Grove Smith Wj'man B machinist, bds 95 Main Smyth Jas. W. plumber, at H. W. Miller's, bds Washington Smyth Wm. A. S. shoemaker, h Orchard Snow Alonzo, machinist, h 83 Summer Snow C. B. clerk at C. C. Chickering's, bds 14 Prospect Snow Mrs. Eli, bds 14 Prospect Snow James, shoemaker, h 8 Mulberry Snow John, machinist, h Liberty Snow Jonathan, machinist, bds 51 Central Snow VV. N. dentist, 153 Main; bds Franklin House Southgate J. P. & Co, shoefindings, 269 Main, h 12 Salem Southwick Eddy, clerk, bds 25 Exchange South wick Ed. '& Co. (G. A. Dresser) coal yard, Green, h 23 Green 126 DIRECTORY. Southwick Isaac H. Snpt. Prov.RR. Sta'n, h 11 Green Southwick John, laborer, Prov. R. R. Station, bds 1 Green Sparrell Jas. N. pattern maker, h 19 Portland Spanlding Edward, clerk, bds IS Thomas Spaulding George, moulder at Wheeler's, h 9 Liberty Spaulding Gilbert, ticket office at Junc'n Sta'n,h72 So'bridge Spaulding Leonard W. farmer, h Grafton Spencer John S. machinist, h 3 Union Spencer Newell A. freestone cutter, at Lewis's, h Grove Spencer Wm. laborer, h Franklin Spofford Benj. F. Clintonville Express, office 163 Main Spooner Harmon C. cabinet maker, bds 12 Pearl Spooner L3'sander, counsellor, 206 Main, bds 4 Central Spooner Moses, printer, 199 Main, h 40 Front Sprague A. B. R. (Lee Sprague & Co.) bds Prospect Sprague Amos, shoemaker, h 4 Charles Sprague Edw. L. clerk, h 26 Thomas Sprague Harry, stone cutter, h 59 Salem Sprague Lee & Co. com. merchts.42 Main, h Prospect Sprague Nathan G. fish market, 18 Front, h SO Southbridge Spring Chas. C. & Co. machsts., Exch^', h 33 Exchange Spring George, boot bottomei*, bds 16 Thomas Spring Luther, boarding house, 16 Thomas Spring Luther 2d, grocer, 297 Main, h Austin Sproat Michael, boot treer, bds 6S Front Spurr Klijah, clerk at Hardon's, bds Wor. House Spurr Mrs. IVfary, h 264 Main Spurr (Zeph.) & Lewis, (Benj.) victualling, 267 Main,h High Squire Alonzo, furnace man, h 10 Arch Staples Charles, machinist, h4 School Staples Charles E. machinist, h 1 Plymouth Staples Henry C. clerk, bds 4 School Starr Wm. E. teacher in high school, h Chandler Stearns Collins M. bootmaker, h Orange Stearns David B. bootmaker, bds Goddard Stearns Miss Hannah, young ladies school, 13 Main Stearns John W. shoemaker, h Kendall Hill Stearns Joseph E. mason, bds 31 Myrtle Stearns Nathaniel, h Belmont Stearns Stiles, clicker, h Goddard j Stebbins O. F. shoemaker, h 24 Portland I Stebbins Oscar F. clerk, bds Wor House Stedman Mrs. dressmaker, h 39 Salem Steel John, engineer, h Water Stephens Daniel, painter & glazier, h Sycamore Stephens Henry W. engineer, bds 42 Central Stevens Samuel H. machinist, bds Ash Stevens Theodore, (Bugbee & Stevens) 15 Exchange Stevens Wm. H. engineer at Wm. T. Merrifield's Stewart Charles, armorer, h 34 Green j Stewart George, mechanic, h 20 Central DIRECTORY. 127 Stewart James, armorer, h 59 Exchange Stewart James, wheelwright, bds 6 Central Stewart John, armorer, bds 34 Green Sthromper John P. cabinet maker, bds Maple Court Stiles Abigail, h 17 Pleasant Stiles Charles, laborer, h 30 Union Stiles Frederic G. carriage painter, h 27 Central Stiles John C. conductor Nash. R. R. h 47 Central Stockdale Peter, laborer, h Water Stocking A. «fc Co. armory. Foundry, h Franklin Stocking Henry, armorer, bds Wash. Sqr. Hotel Stockwell ilrs.' Cyrus, boarding house, 25 Exchange Stock well E. U. (Barnes & Stockwell) bds U. S. Hotel Stockwell Jnraes C. clerk, bds 25 Exchange Stockwell Josiah B. plowmaker, bds 41 Main Stockwell Lysander, butcher, h 4 Prospect Stoddard E B. counsellor, 210 Main, bds Wor. House Stoddard Sylvester, boot maker, bds 12 Thomas Stone Alva A. (Dexter & Stone) h Fligh Stone Andros B. bridge builder, h High Stone Andrew, eye and ear infirmary, 237 Main Stone Charles W. machinist, bds 50*Salem Stone Daniel, acct. h 5 Portland Stone Henry A. machinist, bds 56 Salem Stone Henry D counsellor, 4 Cen. Ex. bds Wor. House Stone Hiram, blacksmith, h 5G Salem Stone Israel, h High Stone James M. carpenter, bds 6 Prospect Stone Oliver, wheelwright, h Glenn Stone Phineas T. carpenter, h 100 Southbridge Stone Timo. S. boot maimf'r, 16 Southbridge, h 1 Chandler Stone Wm. T. printer, (.Egis office) bds Pleasant Storrs Joseph W. coffin maker, bds 2S Summer Story Simeon N. jeweller, 149 Main, h Oxford Stowe Martin, dry goods, Flagg's Block, h Goddard's C't Stowell Francis P. (Gates & Stowell) bds 25 Thomas Stowell George H. carpenter, h 1 Prospect Stowell J. W. supt. of iNash. R. R. bds Am. House Stowell Penniman H. carpenter, bds I Prospect Stowell Miss Servilla, h IG Park Stowell William, building mover, h 27G Main Stoyle Richard, blacksmith, h 2 Union Stratton Alpheus, laborer, h 45 Exchange Stratton Cyprian K. boot treer, h Chatham Stratton Frederic, carpenter, bds 24 Central Stratton Geo. (Leonard, Goodhue & Co.) bds Maple Stratton Harris, clerk, at H. E. Parsons, bds Pleasant Stratton John F. armorer, bds 14 Exchange Stratton Josiah B. hostler, h 73 Front Stratton Mrs. M. h 20 Green Stratton Samuel, shoemaker, h 84 Southbridge 128 DIRECTORY. Stratton Willard S. clicker, bds 45 Exchange Stratton Wm. J. boot treer, h 32 Southbricfge Strobridge Frederic H. printer, h 37 Sa]em Strong Enoch, boot bottomer, bds 33 Mechanic Strong Francis, livery stable, h 20 Green Strong J. E telegraph office, Norwich st. h High Strong R. L. machinist, h 20 School Strong Zebulon, stone mason, h Pine Studley John M. stair builder, bds 5 Prospect Studley Tlieo. E. clerk 174 Main, bds Prospect Studley Zenns, stair builder, Excliange, h 5 Prospect Sturtevant Harvey, machinist, h 22 Liberty Sturtevant Lewis," farmer, 2 Millbury Avenue Sturtevant L. W. tailor, 131 Main, li" Prospect cor Mulberry Sullivan Daniel, laborer, h Franklin Sullivan James, boot bottomer, h 94 Front Sullivan James, carpenter, bds Carroll Sullivan James, laborer, h 2 Washington square Sullivan James, laborer, h Franklin Sullivan James 0. laborer, h Pine Sullivan Jeremiah, laborer, h 2 Wash, square Sullivan Jeremiah, ware cleaner, h East Central Sullivan Jeremiah O. tailor, bds 35 Mechanic Sullivan John, ware cleaner, h 99 Front Sullivan John 0. currier, 15 Central, bds Front Sullivan John O. laborer, h 95 Front Sullivan John O. painter, h Beech Sullivan ftlicliael, laborer, h Water Sullivan Timothy, laborer, h 95 Front Sullivan Timothy, shoemaker, bds 3 Spring Sumner George, clerk at Chainberlin's, bds Am. House Sumner Oliver, bootmaker, bds Lexington Sumner William, teacher of music, bds 69 Southbridge Sutton George T. pump & lead pipe maker, h iO School Sutton James (Bliss, Sutton & Co.) bds 59 Summer Sutton John, pump & lead pipe maker, 12, h 10 School Sutton Mrs. Lucy, h 89 Summer Sutton Sumner F. at Prov. station, h 15 Wftshington Sutton Thomas, (Bliss, Sutton &- Co,) h 59 Southbridge Swaim Rev. Samuel B. h 12 Cherry, cor Bartlett place Swain Charles P. shoe manufacturer. Market, h Orchard Swan (DanT) & Conaiit (John) city eating rooms, 47 Main Swan Elliot, stage proprietor, bris Central Hotel Swan James, carbuilder, h Bridge Swan Michael, laborer, h Pond Sweeny Edward, laborer, h Franklin Sweeny Hugh, shoemaker, h Pond Sweeny John, hod carrier, l)ds Temple SAveeny Patrick, laborer, h Franklin Sweeny Patrick, laborer at L. Bigelow's, Vernon Sweetser Chauncy B. boot cutter, li Pleasant DIRECTORY. 129 Sweetser James, tailor, bds Maple Court Sweetser J. E. at Western freight station, li Mulberry Sweetser Rev. Seth, h 3 High Sweetser S. S. livery stable, Foster, h Pleasant Swift Henry, clerk, at Kinnicutt & Co. bds 15 Main Svkes Richard, h 6 Washington square TABER WILLIAM B. (Partridge & Taber) h 27 Pleasant Taft Andre, h Prescott Taft Daniel W. clerk at Hardon's, bds 16 Thomas Taft Geo C. copying presses, h 44 Salem Taft Geo. S. law'student in H. Chapin's office, bds Linden Taft Henry, carpenter, h 12 Arch Taft Jacob, tailor, bds Pleasant Taft Mrs Joanna, h SI Southbridge Taft John E. conductor on Prov. R R. bds Wor. House Taft J. R. book keeper at H. S. Moore's Taft Moses, carpenter, h 19 Rlackstone Taft Putnam W. carpenter, h IS Pearl Taft Sarah J. h Pine Taft Sophia, h 4 AVinter Taft (Stephen) & Harrington, grocers, 31 Front, h 43 Salem Taft Timothy F. machinist, h Lynn Taft Warren J. shoemaker, bds Temp. Exchange Tahon John, laborer, .Arcade Tally Peter, laborer, h Mechanic Tainter Carver, machinist, bds 5 Hanovor Tainter Dan'l, woolen mach'y, Hey wood's mill, h 5 Hanover Tainter Harvey S. machinist, bds 5 Hanover Tanner Henry C carpenter, h Carroll Tarbell John,' clerk at Brewer's, 23G Mai'.., bds Exchange Tarbell Sarah, h Exchange Tatman David 1). nail maker, h 14^ Thomas Taylor Addison, butcher, h Grafton Taylor Clark W. harness maker, 42, bds 90, Southbridge Taylor George, mason, bds SI Summer Taylor John B. machinist, h 15 Summer Taylor 0. T. machinist, bds Chestnut, cor. William Taylor Otis S. laborer, bds Bracket's, Pine Taylor Royal, farmer, bds Chandler Taylor Samuel, clockuiaker, h 17 School Taylor Samuel, machinist, h 15 Biackstone 1 Taynton James, machinist, bds 3 \\'ashington Taynton William, machinist, h 3 Washington Tead Nathaniel, boarding house, 74 & 70 Main j Tebbets Edwin, h Bridge Telft Samuel, armorer, bds 65 Main i Temple Charles, mapseller, h 75 Summer j Temple Dennis G- engraver, h 31 Exchange I Temple Stephen E. clerk, bds 75 Summer i Templeton John, clicker, h Otis I Tenney James, oysters &.c. 62 Front 130 DIRECTORY. Tenney John E. seniphine maker, bds 12 1 homas Tenney Joseph A. h 5 Vine Tenney Marshall R. boot enmper, h 8 ^^yrtle Tenney Mrs Mary, boot corder, h Gold Tenney Rufus, boot crimper, bds S Myrtle Thatcher Elisha, truckman, h Carroll Thayer Alden, grocer, 57 Exchange, h 83 Summer Thayer Alden jr. bds 83 Summer Thayer Alex. & Sewcll, machinists, Armory, h 47 Thomas Thayer Alex. W. boot manufr. 23G J\Iain,h"3 Gouldings bl'k Thayer Alvin E. hatter, bds Central Hotel Thayer Amos, farmer, h Orange Thayer Benjamin jr. clerk, h 2S Portland Thayer Cushman, h Main cor. j\Iay Thayer Eli, principal of Oread Inst.tute Thayer Henry R. li Pleasant Tha}'er Mrs J. h Park Thayer Lewis, ag't for Ins Cos. 208 Main, h 318 Main Thaver Moses, carpenter, bds Mulberry Thayer Sewell (A. & S.) h 11 Portland Thayer Stephen, gardener at Charles Paine's Thayer Thomas W. h Lexington Thomas Benj. F. counsellor, 1 Brinley Hall, h Lincoln Thomas Orison, farmer at Hospital Thomas Seneca, h Pine Thompson Absalom, K. R. repairer, bds 130 Southbridge Thompson Adams, blacksmith, h 2 Union Thompson A. G. armorer, bds 23 Exchange Thompson Albert H. boot crimper, h 15' School Thompson Alex. Y. (Hall & Thompson) bds Wor. House Thompson Arvin, baggage master, h 22 Mechanic Thompson Elias W. bootmaker, bds 11 Thomas Thompson, (Elijah) Skinner&Co machinists' tools, C.mill Thompson George F. boot bottomer, bds 2 Union Thompson Giles, boot bottomer, bds 2 Union Thompson James F. (Arnold & Thompson) Cen. Exchange Thompson John, mason, h Chandler Thompson Olney F. shoe store, 176 Main, bds Maple Thompson Prentiss, painter, bds 87 Salem Thompson Prescott A. boot bottomer, h 29 Southbridge Thompson S jr. periodical agent, 2 Walnut, h West Thompson Wm. C. armorer, bds 2 Union Thompson Wm. H. railroad overseer, h Goddard Thompson Wm. W. boarding house, 14 Exchange Thorpe James D. porter at Worcester House Thrasher John R. blacksmith West'n station, h Temple Throop Wm. L. blacksmith, Salem, h 56 Southbridge Thurber Charles, (Allen & Thurber) h 319 Main Thurston Daniel B. machinist, bds 33 Mechanic Thurston Daniel C. eating house, Cen. Ex. h 3 Cen. court Thurston David C. at J. L. Oliver's DIRECTORY. 131 Thurston Jona. V. fruit dealer, U. S. Hotel, h 16 Exchange Thwing Edwin A. machinist, bds 12 Orange Tibbetts Clark J. carpenter, bds 3 Arch Tifianv Frederic, striker, bds 7 Union Tillotson Rev. O. H. h 39 Salem Tinker 0. G. watchman at G. & Eice's, bds 1 Warren Titus Charles, fireman, Nash. E. E. bds 22 Central Titus Mrs Sarah A. h 61 Exchange Tobey Charles N. gas fitter, Warren Hlock, bds Wor. House Tobey Gustavus, copperplate printer, bds 5 High Todd Julius A. printer, bds 66 Exchange Tolman Albert & Co. (G. W. Russell) carriages & har- nesses, 10 Exchange, h 6 Maple Tolman John & Co. curriers, 15 Central Toner Dennis, tailor, h Perry's court Toney Alfred, barber, 109 Main, h 21 Union Tonrey Patrick, laborer, h Pine Tooker Josiah, carpenter, bds 23 Washington Toole Owen, laborer, h East Central Toomey Michael, varnisher, h 42 Mechanic Tourney John, laborer, h Franklin Tourtellot Daniel C, millwright, h 25 Washington Tourtellot G. H. clerk, bds 29 Washington Tourtellot (Sam'l) Davis & Co. machinery, Wash, h 21 Green Tourtellot Stephen D. carpenter, h 27 Washington Tower (H. N) & Raymond, carpenters,Union, h 19 Pleasant Towle Levi N. carpenter, bds Bridge Towne Joshua, carbuilder, h 33 Portland Towne Loison D. cutler, h 8 Trumbull Towne Preston D. cutler, h 8 Trumbull Towne Wm. H. machinist, h Orange Townsend Frederic, machinist, bds 54 ^lechanic 'J'ownsend Henry G. (Hatch & Townsend) h 31 Southb'dge Townsend R. H. painter, h 30 Southbridge Tracy Christopher C. shoe bottomer, 215 Main, h Pleasant Trac}' Stephen, physician, 3b Main Troy David, shoemaker, 1x41 Mechanic Trumbull George A. cashier Citizens' Bank, h Park Trumbull George C. (A. Stocking & Co.) bds Park Tubbs Joseph O painter, Norwich, h Bartlett place Tucker Augustus, bds C B. Metcalf 's, Linden Tucker Benj. F. machinist, h Pine court Tucker Charles, carbuilder, h Bartlett place Tucker Edwin, boot treer, bds 11 Fulton Tucker Erastus. pump maker, h 13 Pleasant Tucker Erastus N. bookstore, 96 Main, h Harvard cor. State Tucker George, bds 11 Fulton Tucker George, clerk, bds Temp. Exchange Tucker Jasper G. wheelwright, h 7 Blackstone Tucker Nathaniel G. pumj> maker, bds 13 Pleasant Tucker (Thomas) & Bonney (H. T.) American House 132 DIRECTORY. Tuhey Peter, oysters &c. Franklin Twiss Asa, machinist, h Grove Tyler (Albert) & Hamilton (Chas.) printers, 12 Central Ex- change, h 6 Wash. Tyler Charles K. barber, 1C3 Main, h 3S Mechanic Tyler George, hatter, bds 13 Beacon Tyler Hiram, engineer, h 14 Blackstone Tyler J. B., Leonard's express, bds American House Tvler Rufus D. machinist, 4 Columbia court UPHAM ARAD, (Thompson, Skinner & Co.) h 11 Liberty Upham Benj. F. machinist, bds 11 Liberty Upliam Chas. A. boot dresser, bds Irving Upham Freeman, carpenter, h 4 Goulding's block Uphara George, card manufr. Union, bds Temp. Exchange Upham Harvey G. millwright, h 10 George Upham Joel W. millwright, h Austin Upham Lyman T. laborer, jBost. & Wor. trans, h Mulberry Upton Chas. A. dry goods, Flagg's Building, bds Pleasant Upton Isaac H. &'Co. Waldo block, h Pleasant VAIL EDWARD W. (S W. belby & Co.) bds 118 Main Vail Joshua M. moulder, bds Browns, Lincoln Vail Wm. laborer, h Temple Valentine Gerry, boot-pattern maker, Heywood's, h 49 Sum'r Valf ntine Gill, grocer and surveyor, Central, cor. Summer Valentine Henry C. clerk, bds Maple Valentine Henry E. clerk, bds 53 Summer Valentine Jones, boot-pattern maker, h 5 Prospect Van Alstin A. W. daguerrean artist, h Maple Place Van Orman Daniel D. mason, h William V ansolea Jared, machinist h 13 Vine Vaugh William, laborer, h East Central Veazie George H. sash & blind maker bds SI Summer Verry George F. law student, bds 31 Pleasant Verry Nathan T. merchant tailor. Pearl, bds 31 Pleasant Vickers Chandler, shoemaker, b Pine Vickers George, armorer, bds 71 Salem Vickers John H. armorer, h 71 Salera Vioceut Africa, laborer h Water Vinton Frederic B. livery stable. Market, h 7 Cherry WADSWORTH JOSEPH, carpenter, h Carroll Wait Alvin, carpenter and builder, h '294 Main Wait Andrew J. carpenter, h 71 Front Wait Chas. E carpenter, h 23 Thomas Wait Emory W. restorateur, Wash. sqr. Wait John Q. A. bootmaker, h 10 Howard Wait P. W. proprietor of Temperance Exchange Wait Samuel, carmaker, h Brown Wait Stephen D. laborer, bds 71 Front Wakefield Mrs Caroline, h 74 Front Wakefield Freeman G. truckman for Sutton's, bds 74 Front AVakefield George W. machinist,bd3 Mrs Wakefield's, Union DIRECTORY. 133 Wakefield Mary Jane, boarding house, Union Wakefield Samuel W. bds li Front Wakefield Timothj, machinist, h Exchange Wakefield Willard C. carpenter, h Pleasant Walbridge Henr}', overseer in furnace, h 5i Central Walbridge Henry D. moulder, h 9 Fulton Walbridge William, moulder, bds 42 Central Waldo Daniel, R. R. repairer, h 19 Central Waldo Miss Sarah, 193 Main Walker Appleton, plater, 67 Main, h Lincoln Walker Asa, merchant tailor, 217 Main, h 3S Pleasant Walker Asa Augustus, farmer, h Highland Walker Benj assessor, h Prescott, cor. Lexington Walker Benj. Ross' Xpress, bds Central Hotel Walker Edwin S. carpenter, bds Gould's, Providence Walker Gilbert, laborer at Wm M. Bickford's Walker James, carpenter, h Summer Walker James, confectioner, h 17 Main Walker John W. blacksmith, h rear 15 School Walker Joseph, carpenter, h SO Southbridge Walker Joseph jr. shoe & leather dealer, 7 Main, h 4 State Walker Lyman T. laborer, bds 1 Vine Walker Melville, boot cutter, bds 12 Pearl Walker Seth, furnaceraan h 2G Liberty Walker Seth J. moulder, h 10 Howard Walker Svlvanus, furnaceman, h 15 Summer Walker W. H. milhvri£^ht, bds 1 High ! Wall Caleb A. printer," Spv office, bds 31G Main Wall James H. h 373 Main Wall Mrs Sarah, h 316 Main Wallace Wm. A. Spy office, bds 1 Madison Wallis Moses, carpenter, h 10 Trumbull I Walton Joseph B. bakery, 44 & 46 Southbridge I Ward Artemas, h Lincoln i Ward Artemas 2d, farmer, h 39 Green ! Ward Artema* jr. blacksmith, h 40 Washington I Ward Charles G. clerk, bds Temp. Exchange Ward Daniel, in Rog. Deeds' office, bds U Main] Ward George H. machinist, bds 39 Green Ward Hem-y, telegraph office, bds High Ward J. H. harness maker, at Wilder's, bds Temp. Ex. Ward Willard, carpenter, h 37 Green I Warden John (Wetherbee &. Warden) h 20 Park i Warden Samuel, carpenter, h 32 Salem I Warden Samuel jr. carpenter, h 48 Salem i Ware Albert, clothing store, 2U0 & 202 Main, h Pleasant Ware Charles, clerk at A. P. Ware's, h Clinton Ware George, spinner, h 6 Water Ware John O. at J. Day's office, bds at Orlando Ware's Ware Joseph, gunsmith, at O. Ware's Ware Joseph S. gunsmith, 2 Mechanic, h 32 Salem 11 134 DIRECTORY. Ware Orhmdo, gunsmith, rear Waldo block Warfield Alex. J. boot crimper, bds Bridge Warfield Stephen T. boot crimper, bds 1 Brown's block Warner Earl, card maniifr. 92 Front, h 12 Myrtle Warner Horace, butcher, h 1 Vine Warner Moses, laborer, bds Laurel Warner Kussell, cabinet maker, bds 68 Front Warren Austin, moulder, h Shelby Warren Calvin, stairbuilder, h 33 Washington Warren Charles, Brinley Hall, h 2 Warren Warren Daniel, moulder, h 10 Liberty Warren Frederic, constable, 4 Brinley Hall, h 2 Warren Warren George, laborer, h 53 Salem Warren Joseph, plow shop, bds Prescott Warren Joseph G. carpenter, bds Temp. Ex. Warren Joseph H. boot finisher, h Elm Warren Lewis, moulder. Fitch & Jones) bds Liberty Warren Sam'l P. printer, (Spy) bds Hinds' Court Warren Timothy F. hostler at Witt's, bds 69 Front Warren Wm. boot maker, h 1 Blackstone Warrenware Francis, boot treer, h Grove Washburn Benj. F. hatter at Kettell's, h 5 Park Washburn Charles, h 12 Summer Washburn Chas. F. bds 12 Summer Washburn Emory, counsellor, office Flagg's Bdg h 15 Pearl Washburn Henry S. rolling mill, Quinsigamond Village Washburn Ichabod, Avire manufr. Grove mill, h 14 Summer Washburn Martius H. moulder, h 1 Arch Washburn Nathan { Converse & Washburn) h 1 Washington Washburn Rufus A. moulder, h 9 Hanover Waters Augustus, harness maker, h 47 Main Waters Charles, brakeman, bds 42 Summer Waters John L. clerk, 239 Main, bds 7 Irving Waters Mrs. Martha, h 7 Irving Waters Samuel, h 10 Orange Watkins Andrew J. carpenter, h 13 Winter Watkins Elbridge G. carpenter, h 14 Green Watkins Francis G. carpenter, h 14 Green Watkins John F. carpenter, bds 14 Green Watson Horace C. boot manufr, 9 Southbridge, h 34 Salem Webb Chas. B. printer, h Chariton Webber Thomas K. boot & shoemaker, h Grove cor Lex. Wedge Benjamin, brickmaker, h Pine Weeks Augustus, boot bottomer, bds Southbridge Weeks Joseph, livery stable, bds 1 Warren Welch James, laborer, Madison Welch John, shoemaker, bds 3 Spring Welch John, .tailor, bds 35 Mechanic Welch Mrs. Mary, h Franklin Welch Patrick, laborer, h 2 Spring Welch Thomas, marble cutter, h 7 Spring DIRECTORY. 135 Welch Walter, laboi'er, h 96 Salem Weld Wm. S. proprietor of Worcester House Weller Henry, carpenter, bds 35 Mechanic Wells Enos B. hackman, h 306 Main Welts Edward P. miller at Sutton's, bds S9 Summer Wesby Joseph S. book binder, 124 Main, bd? Elliot Wesson Ephraim, butcher, h Belmont Wesson Calvin, shoemaker, h Tremont Wesson Calvin A. shoemaker, bds Tremont Wesson George, bds Wasfi. sqr. Hotel Wesson Rufus Jr. shoe manufr. 4.'S Front, h IS Orange Wesson Samuel Jr, carpenter, h Spruce Wesson Wm. R. Wash. Sq. Hotel West D. armorer, bds Bridge West Geo. B. machinist, bds 16 School West John A. mason, bds 23 Excliange West Nath'l, clicker, h Pond West Prescott, shoemaker, h Pond Weston J. Allyn, counsellor, Flagg's Build'g, bds Wor House Wetherbee E. D. druggist, 4 Green cor Temple Wetherbee (D. F.) & Warden, clothing, 196 Main, h Irving Wetherbee Franklin, machinist, bds S Fulton Wetherbee George, Engineer, bds Pine Wetlierbee Lyman P. clerk, bds Temp. Exchange Wetherbee Oliver, fish dealer, h Pine Wetherbee Prescott, teamster, h 53 Central Wetherell Issachar, h 2 Howard Wetherell John W. counsellor, 206 Main, bds Am. House Wetherell J. W. carpenter, rear 14 Exchange, bds Sudbury Wetherell G. A. law stud'tat J. W. Wetherell's office Wetherhead Avery, boot bottomer, bds Austin Wetmore Charles P. bds IS Saiem Wheaton Chas. law student at B. F-Thomas's, bds Am. House Wheeler Amos A. bag. mas. Nash. R. R. bds 14 Exchange Wheeler Beiij. F. clerk at Upton's, bds Maple Place Wlieeler Charles A. clerk, bds 39 Thomas Wheeler Charlotte, infant school, 24 Thomas, bds 48 Tho's. Wheeler David, carpenter, h 7 Vine Wheeler Ebenezer, boot &, shoe maker, h Pine Wheeler Edmund, h 76 Front Wheeler Edw. B. tin plate worker, bds 8 Cherry Wheeler Elisha, shoemaker, Winter cor Pond Wheeler Misses Frances »Si Nancy, h 61 Summer Wheeler George H. clerk at Spurr «fc Lewis's Wheeler George W. clerk, h 25 Thomas Wheeler Gilman, carpenter, h 10 Howard Wheeler .Mrs. Henry, h 33 Main Wheeler Jesse B. card setter, bds 6 Washington square Wheeler Joshua S. machinist, bds 5 Summer Wheeler Nelson, principal of high shcool, h 317 Main Wheeler Thomas, at Wm. A. Wheeler's farm, Pleasant 136 DIRECTORY. Wheeler Wm. A. iron foundrv, machine shop, &c. 32 Thos. Wheeler Wm. F. bds 39 Thomas Wheeler Wm. R. h Austin Wheelock Abner, cigar manufr. 2-53^ Main, bds 48 Thomas Wheelock Amos M. armorer, h 50 Salem Wlieelock Clarendon (S. C. Combs & Co.) h West W^heelock Eleazer, armorer, h 36 Pleasant Wheelock Estes, hostler, Am. House stable, h 20 Exchange Wheelock Gardner L. clerk, h 67 Summer Wheelock Henry G boot bottomer, bds 7 Summer Wheelock Joel H. painter, h 16 Liberty Wlieelock Luke, gunsmith at J. S. Ware's, bds Elm Wheelock Mrs Lydia, h Austin Wheelock Rinaldo R. machinist, bds West Wheelock T. P. acct at armory, h 23 Portland Wheelock Wm. R. clerk, h Austin W^hipple Amaziah B. baker, h 7 Orange Whipple Edwin E. armorer, h 2-'') Washington, Whipple George C. baker, h 10 Vine Whipple James A. machinist, h 12 Orange Whitcomb Alonzo (C. Whitcomb & Co.) bds 16 Thomas Whitcomb Carter & Co. copying presses, &c. G. & Rice, bds 16 Thomas Whitcomb Charles, physician, office Pleasant, h 293 Main Whitcomb Clements, armorer, bds 18 Salem Whitcomb Geo. boot bottomer, 145 Mnin, bds 14 Exchange Whitcomb Jeremiah, hack driver, h Pleasant Whitcomb John F clerk at James Green's Whitcomb Lewis A. clerk at Hardon's, bds Maple White Aaron, h 48 Thomas White Augustus, clerk, bds Chestnut White Austin, barber h 97 Summer White Benjamin, gardner, h Everett White Chas. boot manufr. Front h 26 Portland White Clarendon A clerk at Hardon's, bds Maple White David, Grove mill, bds Grove White Darius, carpenter, h Everett White Dutee, flag tender, h Chandler White Ellery, laborer, h Austin White Emery, building mover, h 31 Myrtle White Erastus C. building mover, h 31 Myrtle White George, laborer, h Temple White James, carpenter, h rear 8 Trumbull White John, tin & sheet iron worker, h Southbridge White Jonas, boot treer, bds 6 School White Joseph, clerk, bds Franklin House White Leonard, h 17 Winter White Luther, knife grinder, Merrifield's, h 2 Central White Oliver, shoemaker, h Lexington White Rowland, hack driver, bds IS Mechanic White Samuel C. druggist, 24 Wash. sqr. h 65 Summer DIRECTORY. 137 White Talbot C. grocer, 6 Wash, square, h 8 Fulton White W. J. coffee manuf'r, Union, bds 7 Maple Whitehouse J. W, armorer, bds 1 Fulton Whiting Chas. B asst. cashier Wor. Bank, bds 7 Trumbull Whiting Chas. H. clerk, h 7 Trumbull Whiting David, fireman Nash. R. R. bds 8 Wash, square Whiting George F. clerk, bds 7 Trumbull Whiting George W. carriage maker, h Carroll Whiting Hudson L. pump maker. Wash. sqr. h 8 Portland Whiting Wm. C carriage maker 1 Mechanic, h West Whitman Augustus, (C Foster & Co ) bds Chatham Whitmore Josepli, armorer, bds 65 Maia Whitney Ephraim, bds Elm Whitney Harvey S. bootmaker, h I School Whitney Jarvil C. lather, h Glen Whitney Joshua, blacksmith, h Clinton Whitney Miss Polly, uphol-terer, h Lincoln Whitney Sam'l N. sash & blind maker, h Oxford Court Whitney Sumner A. h Elm Whittemore Asa D. pattern maker, h 5 Prospect Whittemore Charles, machinist, Union mill, h Harvard Whittemore Charles A. clerk, bds 41 Main Whittemore Ishs. Clark, h 9 Summer Whittemore Edward H. carpenter, bds f) Prospect Whittemore Eli .T. wheelwright, bds 2 Park Whittemore Harold J. machinist, h Vernon place Whittemore John R. plow maker, bds Prescott Whittemore Joseph, painter, bds 4 Central Whittemore Kendall, stucco mason, h 6 Salem Whittemore Reuben, wire drawer, bds 6 Vine Whittier A. W. F. law student, 2 Cen. Ex. bds 7 High Whiton John F. plowmaker, bds 41 Main Wiess Mrs. Mary, bds Worcester House Wiiiht Charles B. clerk at 217 Main, bds Pleasant Wight Edwin, clerk at Merrill's, 219 Main Wight Hiram C. carpenter, h 87 Summer Wi'iiht Oliver, bds 87 Summer Wilber Isaac, carpenter, h Columbia Wilber Sanford S. blacksmith, h Mulberry \Vilcox Alfred W. watchmaker, bds 4 Maple Wilcox Jason, machinist, bds Bridge Wilder Alexander H. register of deeds, h 8 School Wilder Chas. clerk at W. A. Wheeler's, h 3 Goulding block Wilder Charles E. machinist, bds Grove Wilder Mrs. Elizabeth, h 11 Union Wilder Geo. W. carriage & harness maker, h 3 Goulding bl'k AVihler Joel, mason, h 79 Salem Wilder Martin, manufacturer, h Grove Wilder Sam'l N. carpenter, h 86 Southbridge Wihler Thomas, portrait painter, h 67 Southbridge Wilkins Elisha, teamster, h Pine 138 DIRECTORY. Willard Calvin, counsellor, h 3 Portland Willard Jldward H. car builder, bds Kranklin Willard Ephraim, stone cutter, h Belmont Willard Fitzroy, machinist Union mill, h 1 Union Willard Henry W. truckman, h Summer st. Court Willard I. H. teacher of penmanship, 92 Main j j Willard John,carbuilder, h 6 Goddard ' Willard Joseph, farmer, h Jackson Willard Josiah, painter, Mechanic, h Walnut Willard Luther, laborer, bds Old Pine Willard Mrs. Ruth K. shoe binder, East Central Willard Tyler, h 13 Arch Willard Wm. H. carriage smith, h Belmont Willey Nath'l cabinetmaker, bds Temp. Exchange Willey Samuel, painter, C. mill, h 5 Prospect Williams Andrew A. agenk for Ins Co. h 59 Southbridgc Williams Giles, groceries, 240 Main, h 49 Central Williams Hartley, Dewey's office 218 Main Williams James, farmer,'Salisbury Williams John, (Woodburn, Light & Co.) h Bridge Williams Lemuel, counsellor, 20(3 Main, h Elm cor Oak Williams M. R millinery goods 127 Main, h 129 Main Williams Noah, barber, Wash. Square, h Summer st. Court Williams Obed, farmer at Paine's, Lincoln Williams Peter, laborer, h French row Williams Peter T. hair dresser, bds Union Williams Warren, machinist, Union mill, h 13 Hanover Williams Wm. A. counsellor, 7 Cen. Ex. bds Temp. Ex. Willington Mrs. Clarissa, 4 Union Willis Andrew W. overseer on K. R. h 44 Central Williston Gordon, tin plate worker, h 32 Southt>ridge Williston John M. tin plate worker, bds 32 Southbridge Willoughby John, plow maker, bds 9 Thomas Wilson Mrs Almira, Market Wilson Charles F. bookbinder, bds Oxford Wilson Dexter, boot mannfr. 9 Sorthbridge, h West Wilson Emory, attendant at hospital Wilson DO BliOCK, JOHN F. SMITH. GEORGE E. SMITH. ^^,^^^^.^li^ WOOD &. COPPER ^_iiON HENRY J ROWLAND 199 Mam st , Woicester ADVERTISEMENTS. 141 'GUT THS BEST/ ' All young persons should have a standard at their elbows. And while you are about it, get the best ; that Dictionary is NOAH WEBSTER'S, The great work, unahridged. If you are too poor, save the amount from off your back, to put it into your head.'-— Phrenolog. Journal. ' Dr Webster's great work is the best Dictionary of the English language.'— Lorarfow Morning Chronicle. ' We can have no hesitation in giving it as our opin- ion, that this is the most elaborate and successful un- dertaking of the kind which has ever appeared.'— Lo/i- don Times. | ' This Dictionary is, undoubtedly, the most complete | Dictionary of the English language that has ever been i published, and ages will elapse before any other die- i tionary of that language will be required. It is in ev- j ery respect, far superior to the folio editions of John- i son's Dictionary. The introductory matter — on the ■ origin and progress of language — Etymology — the ! changes of the English language, and other topics — , contains an immense mass of useful information, which I must liave cost the author a very great degree of labor j and research. The pronunciation of Scriptural, Class- ical and Geographical names, forms a most valuable appendix to the Dictionary, and cannot be too highly appreciated.' Thomas Dick. liroughty Ferry, near Dundee, Sept. ]2, 1849. WEBSTER'S Quarto Dictionary. — aiessrs Merriam have just re- ceived an order for a c;\se of Webster's Quarto Dictionary, from a j merchant in Calcutta. They have previously received several or- ders for quantities of the work, from Bombay, and Ceylon. Pro- fessor Stowe has said of it, that " it deserves to be, must be, is, and will be, THE STANDARD, whorcver the English language is spoken." The demand for the work, in foreign countries, as well as at home, warrants the belief that he is correct in his estimate of its merits and popularity.— Springfield Republican, Oct. 4, 1849. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass , and for sale by all Booksellers. 142 ADVERTISEMENTS. OLD STAND OF WM. LEGGATE. B. E. MUTCHINSON5 Harness Maker and Upholsterer, AND DEALER IN Saddlers' and llpliolstcrers' Csoods. B. E. II. would tender his thanks to his friends and cuf-tomers for \ past favors, and hopes by his best endeavors to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage which this establishmeut has al wajs received, j STABLE KEEPERS, and gentlemen keeping private j teams, will always find a general assortment of Harnesses, Saddles nnd Bridles, AVliips, ftlats, Curry- combs and Brushes, &.c., of the best quality. Also, in their seasons. Horse Blankets, Bells, Buifalo Eobes, & Fly Nets, Thin Covers, etc. Travelers will find a good assortment of 0« Among the Upholstei-y articles may be found Plush, Damasks, Moreens, Fringes, Bindings, Gimps and Tufts of superior quality. SADDLERS' SILKS, AVIIOLESALE AND RETAIL. Harness Manufiicturers will find Harness and Lace Leather, Buck Skins, N. F. Oil, Sponge Blacking, Leather Preservative, and Harness Thread from the Manufacturers, together with a general assortment of Harness and Saddlery Hardware. Cusliions for Cliiirclies, and Curled Hair Mattresses, made to order. Also, Leather Belts for Machinery. All the above Goods will be sold low for Cash. KI?^ Repair- ing in the above business done at short notice. ADVERTISEMENTS, 14i^ LEWIS T. LAZELL, Successor to Scott 6c Lazell, {Formerly D. Scott Jr. ^ Co.,) Wholesale aud Retail Dealer in every variety of DRUGS, MBDICI17ES, ©[K]i[Jl[]©^[Li, Perlisfiiiery, Eiiropeaii liceches. Patent Medicines, Bruslies, &c. Sole Agent for HART'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT, the only medi- cine for the cure of Fits, Spasms, Convulsions, etc. Also Agent for Souther^ s Cod E/iver Oil, which is the purest Cod Liver Oil manufactured. COMMUNION WINE, — ALSO — Port Wine, and other Liquors, The purest the market affords, always on hand and for sale, For Medicinal Uses. Particular attention is given to the retail branch of the business. All the medicines dispensed are selected with especial reference to PURITY, and in compounding medicines, great care is taken that they are according to the received standard ; for it is obvious to everyone that the strength of medicines should always be uniform. And the public may rest assured that every thing obtained at this shop will be perfect, both as to quality and mode of preparation. O:;^" My facilities for preparing PHYSICIANS^ PRESCRIPTIONS, are ample ; and they will be put up in a style Unsurpassed in Boston, or elsewhere. Shop never left wiilioid a competent Apothecary. LEWIS T. LAZELL No. 201 Main Street, 4 Doors North of Am. House. 144 ADVERTISEMENTS. OLHEY F. THOMFSOF, PROPRIETOR OF THE CITY SHOE STORE, 176 Mahi Street^ Worcester, Has constantly on hand and for sale, the largest and best selected stock of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS S, RUBBERS, That can be found in the City. The people of Worcester and Adcinity, will at all times find hero EVERY VARIETY OF Meal's & Boy§' Boots S^ Slioes, Adapted to the season, and among them a large lot of tlie rORK SOLE, DOUBLE SOLE, AND DOUBLE VAMP SEWED LOOTS, Avhich were awarded a At the late Fair of the Worcester Co. Mechanics' Association, for their superior Stock and Workmanship. t.adies' TSisses' and Children's GAITERS, POLKAS, SHOE-TIES, AND TIES OF EVERY DESIRABLE STYLE AND QUALITY. The Largest Assortment of Ladies' Philadelphia Boots & Shoes IN NEW ENGLAND. R n B B E R S, OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES. Ladies', Gents', & Misses Rubber Boots, &c., &c., &c., all of which will be sold At the Lowest Market Pifices. (C/*To Country Merchants, I offer rare facilities for replenishing and filling up their Stocks, and would respectfully invite all to favor me with a call . O. F. TIIOI^IPSOIV, 176 Main Street, Nearly ojjposite the Am. Temp. House. ADVERTISEMENTS. 145 SUCCESSOS TO EARLE &o EAMES, MANUFACTURER OF SUPEEIOll PREMIUM OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, OE ROUND OK ANGULAR WIRE, Square Cut or Diamond Point. [C^At the Lite Fair of the Worce?ter Co. Mechanics Asso elation, E. W. received, "for excellent specimens of Card Work, a Silver Medal." -:- ALSO -:- STRETCHED LEATHER Of Philadelphia or Hcmloch Leather, At 92 (late 43) Front Street, WOECESTEE IVlACHii^E CARD [M]^[Miy[Fi^©T©[^Yo The subscribers are manufacturing a superior article of all kinds of MACHINE CARD CLOTHMG, At their WELL KNOWN stand. Over J. Pratt At Go's Iron Store, Bfo. 11 Wasliiaigton Sqtaarc, T. K. EARLE & CO. EDWARD EARLE, TIMOTHY K. EARLE. 146 ADVERTISEMENTS. M. T. BRECK, MANUFACTURER OF CARRIAGES. All kinds of Carriages made to order, IN THE BEST MANNER, And all work warranted ; — at the Old Stand, Corner of School and Union Streets, Having erected a new and commodious Shop, he is enabled, by the aid of Steam power, to do work with greater facility, and at satisfactor}' prices. REPAIRING, In all its branches, done by experienced workmen, and of the best materials. Carriages and Harnesses. At his "Old Stand, ' on School Street, Continvies to manufacture, in the best manner, all kinds of CAKEIAGES & HARNESSES, And pledges himself to sell as good articles, for the amount paid, as can be obtained in the country. !n7"ne would call the attention of STABLE-KEEPERS, PHYSI- CIANS, and others in want of durable and tasteful articles, to his samples, at all times on hand. Worcester, Dec. 1849. ADVERTISEMENTS. 147 JOS. D. FULL.E5S, DEALER IN SI9 Main iStFeet, Worcester, ITIs. i REPAIRING OP ALL KINDS | done at short notice. i f@HS ElHa«ii^g: IF I m MaiiufacUirer of all kinds of Weavers' Eeeds & Harnesses, ANT* T)Ka[-ERS in MANUFACTURERS' ARTICLES. 22 Front St., Worccsler. ^VORCESTER IROM & BRASS FOUNDRY. M.VNUFACTDREUS OF Lbcsiezcr M. llice's Patent Coisplliigs. ALSO PuUeySj HangerSj Hydraulic Press, — AND — MACHINE CASTINGS GENERALLY. IJiiion Street, near Mectiaiiic, Epwi/"'^' . } Worcester, Mass. j 148 ADVERTISEMENTS. \~~ BOOK BINDING. 1 PERIODICALS, BOOKS, and all kinds of Binding, done I promptly, with neatness, and at the lowest prices. i 237 Main Street, over Grout's Bookstore, I WILLIAM ALLEN. JIIITIAL ! IRE li\SllllA NCE. TME l^ORCESTER MUTUAL. Fire Insurance Company, Incorporated Feb- 11, 1828, and Charter renewed 1847, Continue to insure on buildings of every description and use, except Cotton and Woolen Factories, Paper Mills, Furnaces ! and Blacksmith's Shops, Tanneries where Furnaces are i I used, Carpenters', Wheelwrights', Chair makers' and Cabi- j ■ net Makers' Shops, or buildings so near tliem as to be ex- j I posed thereby, and buildings in which steam power is em- j I ployed, or shavings are made in such quant. ties as to increase ' j the risk, and buildings used for unlawful purposes or in which j I unlawful business is'carried on with the consent and know-i I ledge of the owner, ] j 'i'hey also insure Household Furniture, including Books, j Wearing Apparel and Family Stores kept in dwellings; and I (witii the exception of the stock of Livery Stables,) tliey i insure Ray and Grain, Live Stock, Carriages and Harnesses, j j The long and successful operation nf tha OLD WOR- '< ICESTER MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COM- j PArj'Sr,and the large dividends paid at the expiration of a j j Policy, have secured the confidence of the public, and the ; present Managers of its concerns are desirous that the people i should be in possession of the above information. i j The amount of their cash fund exceeds one luindred and j I twenty thousand dollars; and with their vigilance in looking i I after their risks (having a competent person constantly em- 1 j ployed in examining buildings insured by them,)they con- I iklentl^' believe it will continue to increase. j 'I"he Company have been desirous for a long time to con ; I fine their insurance to the safest kind of risks, which tliey j j are now enabled, effectually, to do, in consequence of other | Mutual Otfices having recently gone into operation, which are willing to insure the most hazardous kinds of property. Tlie inducement to persons owning the kinds of property to be protected against loss by fire which the Company can insure, is as great, if not greater, in that otiice than in any other in New England. Office in Court House. FREDEEICK WM. PAINE, President. ANTHONY GHASE, Secretary. ADVERTISEMENTS. 149 A. TOLMAN & CO. 10 Exchange St. Worcester, Mass. Carriage 8c Harness Makers, AND DEALERS IN Carriage Trimmings, Leather Springs, AXLES, VARNISH, Atc. Have on hand an assortnient of New and Second-hand €ARRIAO£8 & HARHE^SES. We are now building Carriages of new and elegant patterns, which will be sold at very low prices. We have a Connected with our establishment, and experienced workmen, so that we can do Smith's work of various kinds, and all repairs to Carriages, with promptness and in the best manner. t Tv°.T„"si..., ! A. TOLMAN & CO. DOCT. F. BARNARD Would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he CONTINUES TO PRACTICE WITH VEGETABLE MEDICINE At the Old Stand, 83 Iflain St. ABRAHAM CUTTING, Manufacturer of vai'ious kinds of TRUSSES, Over 227 Main Street, N. B. Repairing done at short notice. 13 150 ADVERTISEMENTS. OTIS CONVERSE, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, MACHINES AND SEEDS, No. 246 Main Street, Opposite City Hall AARON BILLING DEALER IN Cooking and Parlor Stoves, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Martin's Celebrated Plows, HOVEY'S STRAW CUTTERS, Dewey's Patent Spring-Tooth Horse Rakes, Dodge's Ox Yokes, Cast Iron Wheel Wheelbarrows, Ox Shovels, WOOD SAWS, HOWAKD'S CHURNS, &c. 24 & 26 Front Street, Opposite the City Hall, Worcester. ADVERTISEMENTS. 151 Worcester Clothing Store. 180 MAIN STREET, 180 WHOLESALE ANl) RETAIL DEALERS IN Fashionable Castom made Clothing, RICH FURNISHING GOODS, BOYS CLOTHES, Cloth and Glazed Caps and Umbrellas, Together with every article wanted in the Wardrobe of men or boys, all of which are warranted to be thoroughly made, and to give perfect satisfaction. Store under Brinley Hall, opposite Am. Tern. House. CHARLES S. ELLIS, Manufacturer of UMBRELLAS & PARASOLS, And Dealer in all kinds of Always on hand, a great variety of Fancy Goods, Baskets, Willow Wagons and Cradles, Canes, &c- 112 Main Street, opposite Waldo Block, WORCESTER, MASS. QIT" TJm"brelIa8 and Parasols New Covered and Repaired at short notice. BEN J. BUT JUAN, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER, No. 186 MAIN STREET, Opposite the American Temp. House, 152 ADVERTISEMENTS. J. H. KNIGHTS, JManufacturer of HATS, CAPS & MUFFS, Aud Dealer in BUFFALO ROBES, FANCY FUrxS, (^loDes, ilUttcna ^ ISmbrclla^, Central Exchange, 163 Main Street, WORCESTER, MASS. B. BUFFUM, Dealer in ANTHRACITE & BITUMINOUS COAL, Lime, Plaster, Moulding Sand, &c. PARK STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! The tlartford Fire Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Continue to insure Factories, Machine Shops, Dwelling Houses, and all kinds of personal property, on the most rea- sonable terms. Hartford, Conn. James G. Bolles, Sec'y. Persons desirous of obtaining Insurance in Worcester, or vicinity, are referred to Hon. ISAAC DAVTS, Worces ter. Mass at his office. No. 141 Main Street. ADVERTISEMENTS. 158 JOSIAH RIGE, DEALER IV SAWS AND SAW FRAMES^ No. 227 Main Street, Tip Stairs. Particular attention given to Repairing and Filing of Saws. SAMUEL. FLAGG & CO. I\Ianufacturers of ENGINE LATHES, Hand iailies, Planisig Macliincs for Iron^ SLIDE RESTS, At Merrifield's Building, UNIO]\' STREET, WORCESTER, MS. SAM'L FLAGG, henry HOLLAND, LUCIUS W. POND, EPH. H. BELLOWS, JB. BOWLES & BLOOD, 125 MAIN STREET, ^^ AVORCESTEE, J^ Manufacturers of Hats, And Dealers in BUFFALO ROBES, MUFFS, FUR CAPS, Of different kinds and qualities, Cloth Caps trimmed with Otter, Fur, Seal, Nutra and Fitch. Yelveteen Caps, Youth's Fancy and Infant's Caps, Umbrellas, &c. N. B- Beaver, Otter, Nutra and Mole Skin Hats, made to order and Warranted not to be surpassed by any in the State ; if you don't believe it, come and see. 125. Don^t Forget the Number ! 125. 154 ADVERTISEMENTS. ENOCH MERRILL., "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HATS, CAPS, MUFFS, BOAS, BUFFALO ROBES, GLOVES, MITTENS, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, TImbrellas, Parasols, Bosoms, Collars, Feeting, &c. Trunks, Valises, & Carpet Bags, — ALSO — Oold Pens, Ink, Quills, Clothes, Tcetli, Hair, Hearth, Shoe and Shaiing BRUSHES AND BOXES, Soap, Razors, Knives, Scissors, Wallets, Purses, Pins, Nee- dles, Combs, Thimbles, Cards, Feather Dusters, &c, together with a great variety oi articles not enumerated. No- 221 Main Street. Book s, and Book Bin ding. J. S. ^IVJESBY, No. 124 Main Street, Worcester, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS -BLANK BOOKS, In all their various Bindings Annuals for 1850, and other Gift Books, Bibles, Testaments, llynsn Booths, Life and Observations of Eev. E. F. Newell, Stationery, of all kinds Miscellaneous and Toy Books, Cap, Letter and Note Paper, Pens, Ink, Slates, AND FANCY ARTICLES. mm mm mEmmwmm Of all kinds done in a neat and durable manner. Old Books carefully Re-Bound, with neatness and despatch. 124 Matn Street. J. S. WESBY. ADVERTISEMENTS. 155 D. GODDARD & SON, Continue at the Old Stand, I¥o. 107 Mam Street, Where may always be found a first rate selection of Gold and Silver Watches, Silver Spoons, Gold Beads, Gold, Silver, and Steel Specta- cles, together with other goods usually found in such shops. Watches of all kinds KEPAIRED in the most faithful manner, bj' experienced workmen only. Engraving done in the neatest manner, at short notice, by C. W. Rice. LE YI CLAPP & SON, Dealers in HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, fiiittens, Socks, Green Spencers, Sack Coats, Pants, Vests, Overalls, Stocks, Scarfs, Bosoms, iJickej's, Shirts, Drawers, Hdkfs, Suspenders, Wallets, Purses, Umbrellas, Glazed Caps, Tarpoleons. MUf f i, B®Ai, IIGE Till, Collars, Fur Mo, 223 Main Street. CHARI.es C. CLAPP, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Also, Oak and Hemlock Tanned SOLE LEATHER, Kip, Calf, Lining and Binding SKINS at Boston prices. Boots & Shoes Made and Repaired, ^o. 225 Main Street, OPPOSITE THE WORCESTER HOUSE. 156 ADVERTISEMENTS. E. D. WEATHERBEE, Corner of Green and Temple Sts, q;^ Particular attention paid to putting up Physicians' Prescriptions. E. D. Weather bee. Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in COPPER, SHEET IRON, Also, Dealer in STOVES OF ALL KINDS, Copper Pumps and Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, Zinc, Wire Selves, Glass and Britannia Ware, &c. 94 Front Street, Near Washington Square, WORCESTER. Ct^Particular attention given to Factory Work ; and Job- bing of all kinds done in the best manner, at short notice. H. B. ADAMS, SILK, COTTON AND WOOLEN wwmmw No- 6, Central Street, Worcester, tO' Particular attention paid to cleansing Shawls and Clothing. WILLIAM D. FENNO & SON, DEALERS IN Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, ANU FANCY GOODS, cH"aLE''sw.'F™. 166 Main Street, Worcester. ADVERTISEMENTS, 157 W. & F. A. FASHIONABLE UPHOLSTERERS Drawing Room Furniture, Curtains and Window SHADES furnished at short notice. All kinds of Upholstery work Ke paired in a neat and superior manner. SS main ^tfi'eet, Worcester. TO MARRIED LADIES. By the strong solicitations of her Iriends and patrons, MRS. GOODWIN has at last reluctantly permitted her name to be brought before the public, for the benefit of those Married Women who prefer not to risk their lives in the hands of male Physicians at the most delicate period of woman's life. Mrs. 0. is an Experienced and Successful Accoucheuse, and holds herself in readiness to the calls of all who wish to secnre her services, and she feels confident, by her long experience in her profession, to give entire satisfaction to all who may wish to employ her. Mrs. G will be found at her bouse, No. 11 Brown's Block, Salem-Street, Worcester. R E M O T A L . j Has taken one half of the New Store in connection with C. W. OLI- ! VER'S Furniture Ware Kooms, No. 145 Main Street, corner of Central Street, ; where will be found superior | WATCHES, SILVER SPOONS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, AND LADIES' COMBS, In great variety, which will be sold as cheap as they can be bought in this city. Persons wishing to purchase will find it for their ad- vantage to call, as they will be sure of a good article CHEAP. (TT^-Also, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry REPAIHED Cheap. 14, 158 ADVERTISEMENTS. A. & S. THAYER, MANUFACTURERS OP GUAGE & HAND LATHES, I Planing Machines for Iron, I Screw Machines, Upright Drills, Slabbing Machines, GEAR CUTTING ENGINES, REED MACHINERY, BORING MILLS Of Hie latest and most approTed Patterus. Also, Jol) Work done at Short Notice, ! Such as SHAFTING, SAW ARBORS, SCREW CUTTING, &c. ! Patterns made to order. Iron Planing done at short notice, j and in the best manner, j At Alien & Thurber's Armory, Union Street, I WORCESTER, MASS. ALEXANDER THArER. SEWELL THATER. MANUFACTORERS' FINDINGS. SILAS DINSMORE. MANUFACTURER OF [Etl[l©§, ffli^IEElflSSSS, AND WIRE HEDDLES, AND DEALER IN MANUFACTURERS' ARTICLES. 61 Main Street, WOECESTER, MASS. ADVERTISEMENTS. 159 AUSTIN FLINT'S B O H H H T, fiiLi IL [L fl sn n a ¥, a/" and FANCY GOODS No. 133 Main Street, Worcester, ■where may be found an assortment of Silk, Satin, Velvet and Plush Bonnets, Made of tlie best material, and in the most fasbionable style. Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, new and beautiful styles Laces, Embroideries, Ladies' Dress Caps, Collars and Capes, Head Dresses, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. &c. Bonnets Bleached, Pressed and Wired for the low price of 25 cents. JOY & HAPGOOD, No. 7 Brinley Hall, Worcester, WILL DRAW PMM§ FOR Bllttl)me.§ Public or Private, in all the various Styles, AT SHORT NOTICE. O^Particular attention paid to DETAIL DRAWING. LEWIS E. JOY, NAHUM R. HAPGOOD. L., SPRING, 2D, T-DEALEH IN in general. Also, GRAPE JUICE, FOR COMMUNION PURPOSES. Nos. 297 Main, and 7 Southbridge Street, Worcester. 160 ADVERTISEMENTS. LUMBER, LUMBER. The subscriber keeps constantly on hand, a good assortment of LUMBER, €>F VARIOUS lOI^OS, which he will be happy to furnish to his customers and the pubUc generally, on the most favorable terms. At his Lumber Yard, Union Street, K«ar the Ai'iiioi-y, Worcester. JOHN CxATES. GERRY YALEJVTIJ^^Ej Hey wood's Mill, (Third Story,) Central Sta'eet, IrVorcester, Continues manufacturing to order, all kinds of Boot and Shoe Patterns, Stitching Benches, Closing Clamps, Pegging JACK^, ANi> JCm IVOI^M OF ALL KIl^BS, -:- ALSO -:- WOOD AND IVORY TURNING. WILLIAM G."mAYNARD, keeps constantly on hand ALL THE \/ARIOUS KINDS OF COFFIN PLATES, SHROUDS, &c. furnished at short notice. Office, No. 30 School St. Residence, No. 38 Summer St. WORCESTER. ADVERTISEMENTS. 161 . CITY BONNET MILLINERY STORE, In Central Block, 127 Main Street. MRS. M. R. WILLIAMS Would respectfully inform the Ladies of Worcester and vicinity that she still continues the Millinery Business at the Old Stand, with a large Stock of HAIR WORK, &c, China, Pearl, Coburg, and English Braid Bonnets, Bonnet Silks, Satins, and Velvets, Ribbons, French Flowers, Crapes, Laces, Gloves, &c. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Particular attention paid to REPAIRING, BLEACHING, and PRESSING Florence and Straw Bonnets. Milliners and Merchants supplied with Bonnets &/ Mil- linery Goods, on the most favorable terms. j ORDECIS by Express or otherwise promptly attended to by j MAKTIN K. lVII.L.IAJfIS. I ltlIlir.]L.2l!i:E¥ MJET) f AlfCT M. R. W. is Agent for BARRBTT'B DYE HOUSB, 140 V/asMngton Street, Boston. LADIES' DRESSES, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, H'DK'FS, SCARFS, BONNETS, &c. GENTS' COATS, OYER COATS, AND PANTS, Dyed and finished in the very best manner. BI^ATVliETS, COUMTERPAiVES, §mA'Wh§ Amm (^iAm>mmwm Cleansed and warranted to look nearly as well as new. ^aai^ o::)^^ c^ ^ ^ c^ ^ Watered in a superior style. 162 ADVERTISEMENTS. WILLIAM A. WHEELER, MANUFACTURER OF Iron, Brass and Composition CASTINGS, For Machinery, Plows, Railroads, &c. Steam and Water Pipe, from 2 to 16 iiicli. Hydrants, Stop Cocks, &c. and pays particular attention to Forging, Turning, Boring, and Fitting FACTORY SHAFTING: ALSO Babbitt's Patent Soft Metal Boxes. He also manufactures STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, and makes Patterns of every description to order. He manufactures and keeps constantly for sale, a general assortment of Both for Wood-*nd Coal, among -which are the following, Tiz. 3 sizes Great Western 4 boiler Cook Stoves, 3 sizes do do 4 boiler do with Furnace, 3 sizes 3 boiler Cook Stoves, with Furnace, 3 sizes 2 boiler do do Parlor Cook, 5 sizes Wood Franklin, 5 sizes Six Plate, 3 sizes 2 column Fancy Parlor, 3 sizes Vermont Parlor, 2 sizes 4 column Fancy Parlor, 6 sizes Fire Frames. Wood and Coal Furnaces, For heating Houses, Factories and Churches. He also manufactures and keeps for sale, 25, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 gallon Cauldrons, together with PIPE BOXES, from 2 1-2 to 5 inches diameter, and a general assortment of Wheel Boxes, Oven, Ash Pit and Boiler Doors and Grates, Cook Furnaces, y tlae Case or Dozen. 166 ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN SUTTON, MANUFACTURER OF COPPER PUIViPS, i of all sizes, and diflferent patterns, for Suction and Force j Pumps, and Brass Lifting Pumps for use of Houses. I Also, constantly on hand, j Lead Pipe of all Sizes, I FOR PUMPS AND AQUEDUCTS, AND iGUTTA PERCHA PIPE, I suitable for Pumps. Havina" purchased the right for I GATCHELL'S PATENT i IfDRillMG lilli, of different sizes, for raising Water above its own level by self-acting motion, is now prepared to sell and put them in operation, if desired, at short notice. done as iisual, by an experienced workman. Old SJan€l, 12 Scliool Street. CABINET SHOP. JOHN W. HESLY, Is now ready at his new Establishment, on Foundry St., JSt the Sign of the i'lock^ to manufacttre to order, at the shortest notice, in the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms, all kinds of Cabinet and other Woodwork. He will also pa}' particular attention to UPeOIiSTERING, And to thePeparing, Trimming, and Varnishing of damaged or second-hand Furniture, such as Antique Chairs, either at his shop or at the house of the owner. Models, Patterns, &c. made in a superior manner ; Clocks cleaned and repaired to order ; Saws filed in the very best manner. ADVERTISEMENTS. 167 WM. H. HUDSON, MlRGliMf fillOE, DEALER IN Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, TAILORS' TRmrailMGS, MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING, Wholesale nml Hetail. No. 1 Flagg Building, Main Street, Opposite Central Hotel, "n:;^^^ C2:> i^ c^ c^ ^ (^ c^ 12^ o Mutual Life Insurance. The Fifth Annual Report of the Directors of the NEW i;iV«L.ANI> LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, shows that the Company has been exceedingly successful during this early period of its progress. * A dividend of twenty per cent has been declared, amounting to S45,89G, after the payment of which, it hafl a reserve fund of more than SI 80,000, exclusive of the Guaranty Capital of 100,000 Dollars, The surplus will be distributed to the members every fifth year. Insurance may be effected lor any length of time and for any amount not exceeding !$10,000 for any one risk. Policies are issvied for the benefit of the Creditors, and for the exclusive Benefit of tlie Wife and Children of the in.sured. Insurance at the lowest rate may be obtained by application at the Office of the Company, No. 91 § Main Street. HARTLEY WILLIAMS, Agent. 168 ADVERTISEMENTS C I T "Y" WasMngton Square- □ T. & O. K. E A R L E . TIIOS. EATILE. | 0. K EARLE. JOY & HAPGOOD, 5lr,cl)it,c:cts & BxixiiTirs, Corner of Central & Union Sts, LEWIS E. JOY. NAHUM R. HAPGOOD. LEWIS THAYER, No/ 2 8 Main Street, Worcester, Agent for the People's Fire Insurance Company, And for liealih Insurance Companies. He also keeps an INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, And attends to Procuring Employmeut of various kinds, for Males and Females, and help for those who are in want of it. Buying and Selling Keal Estate, Renting Tenements, Collecting Rents, Accounts, &c., &oc- ADVERTISEMENTS. 169 FRANCIS P. OLIVER, 104 Maiji Street, (Old Number 108,) DEALER IN SolaFj Camphene, and Fluid Girandoles, and Candelabras, Bohemian and Porcelain Vas- es and Colognes, Mezzotint and Lithographic Engravings, plain and colored ; Bhick Walnut, Rosewood and Gilt Pic- ture Frames. Also, rich Cut and Plain Ground j Solar Globes and Shades. | French, colored, Embossed and Perforated Paj^er Shades, | in great variety. | HALL LANTERNS, GLASS LAMPS,! C AMPHSNB, AND BURNIKG FLUID, Of a superior qualit}' at wholesale and retail. Old Lamps and Fancy Articles, Of every description, rebronzed, or finished in Ormolu, (or imitation Gilding,) so as to look as well as new. ly Oil Lamps altered for burning Fluid. Lamps of all kinds neatly repaired. 170 ADVERTISEMENTS. Pond's Free Picture Gallery, AND MONOCHROMATIC ACADEMY, Is now open for visitors and pupils in Flagg's Building, Second Story. The finest specimens of Monochromatic Painting in the country, T/ill from time to time be exhibited in connection with other works of art, in the beautiful gallery above mentioned, daily from 9 to 12 A M., and Irom 2 to 4 P. M. An opportunity is now offered to those desiring to receive Instruction in Monochromatic Painting, a style of picture making at once easy and rapid of execution and beautiful when completed. None know of their capacity for draw- ing, till opportunity has afforded them the means of testing it. Eve- ry one who has received instruction in this style of Di-awing, ex- presses satisfaction and delight at the unexpected progress made in one course of lessons of fifteen hours. The unqualified praise, this style of drawing received from almost every quarter at the Mechan- ic's Fair, is conclusive evidence that it is only to be known to be ap- preciated, and receive the attention of the lovers of the fine arts. Mr. Pond's rooms are furnished with every convenience for giving instruction in this desirable accomplishment. TERMS — 15 Lessons, one hovir each, $6 Class exclusively for Ladies, from 9 to 11 A., M. Class for Ladies and Gentlemen, from 2 to 5 P. M, Evening Class; from 7 to 9 P. M. Evening Class except Wednesday and Friday. Extra charge for private instruction at the house. |0="Mat«rials furnished, wholesale and retail. A T ^V O O B ' S Vegetable Physical Jaundice Bitters. AVarranted to cure headache, dyspepsia, worms, dizziness, darting pains, colds and fever, if taken in large doses in season. It is also good for liver complaint, stranguary, dropsy, ci-oup, phthisic and fits, — when caused by worms, or foul stomach ; and is an infallible restorer of the appetite. It has been objected by many that they have no confidence in medicine which is recommended to cure so many diseases. But it should be considered that all the diseases for which this medicine is recommended, originate in a diseased state of the stomach and bow- els ; let THBBE be properly regulated and disease will vanish. Byseiitery Drops. A certain cure for diarrhoea or dysentery, if taken in the first stages cf the disease ; and a certain remedy for cramp and pain in the stomach and bowels. Canker Drops. A sure cure for canker, if taken in season, — and perfectly safe in all cases if taken according to directions. 0:;7=-For sale at retail by most dealers in medicines, in Worcester, and throughout the United States. A. P. ALBEE, Gen' I Agent for Atwood's Medicines^ No. 34 Southbridge St. i Worcester, Mass. ADVERTISEMENTS. 171 To which was awarded a SILVER MEDAL at the late Fair j of the Worcester County Mechanics' Association, | is still in operation at H15iRf J. HOWllND'g PBINTING OFFICE, No. 199 Main street, OPPOSITE BRINIiEY HALL. Business, Yisiting, and Wedding Cards, Forwarding Cards, Tickets, Billets, Labels, &c., neatly printed, at the shortest notice, and very cheap. Books, Pamphlets, Handbills, Shopbills, Posters, and other Jobs, promptly printed, in any style required. 172 ADVERTISEMENTS. WORCESTER BOOKSTORE, No. 96 MniiB Street. ERASTUS m. TUCKER, }?ufiltsfjei-, JSooftstllcc &• Stationer, lias for sale MISCELLANEOUS, CLASSICAL, AND SCHOOL BOOKS, All kinds of BLANKS in common use, and of good paper. Paper of all descriptions. All New Books received as soon as published, making the largest i assortment to be found in the cioj'. j \]C/^^- N. T. respectfully invites the attention of Merchants, and I those purchasing Goods in his line, to his extensive [ assortment, all of which ai'e warranted as * 'Cheap as the Cheapest, and Good as the Best." j General Agency for Periodicals. IMPROVED \ The subscriber continues to manufacture Artificial Legs and Hands, upon the most approved principh^s. Having procured all 1 the recent improvements in the manufacture of Artificial Limbs, he I is cuablcd to warrant bis work equal, in every respect, to the best that can be obtained, whiie his terras are much more reasonable than those of any other manufacturer. Please address (post paid) SOTJTHWORTH ROWLAND, Worcester, Mass. S. HOVVLAND is also prepared to do JOBS OF CAUPENTEiSS' WORK, Setting Glass, <^c., on the most reasonable terms, at No. 14 Main Street. W^K/X'W%V>/% 1 ^73 ■W^ ■W^'W^'W.W->'W%WX^/V # STATE MUTUAL. LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, Of Worcester, Massachusetts. Hon. JOHN DAVIS, President, William Dickinson, Treasurer. Clarendon Harris, Sec'y. Guarantee Capital, $10Q,0C0. This Company commenced issuing Policies of Assurance, June 2, 1S4;3, on ages from fifteen' to sixty years and in amounts from One Hundred to Five Thous^and Dollars. Applications for Assurance may be made at the office of the Company, at the Central Bank, in Worcester, and to the Agents in the towns and cities in Mew England, ISew York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Premiums of Assurance for $100 I 1 § %l 1^* %4 i < II Me3 i < I li II li 1! II "SticS <;0 a, ^a ll Years C )- <<2 m ^^ This is the oldest temperance paper in the Union, ifc? 18th vol- ^m ume commencing in Jan. 1860, and will continue to be UTorthy of| •^pl the pa trotiage of every Sunday School, family circle, &t>^ teetotal!; ^9( society in the laud. If xeetotalleks don't sustain thO'^rEEXOTAL i ^^ PRESS, who will ? ^' Jt^- jj I ■^p '|):5°A11 orde"s and casljfor either of these pJjCs, sj|^uld be sent' ^^ to the Publishers in AVorfcester..«0 >t.., LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 434 197 1