s 128 426 opV List of Places and Institutions oi \ Public and Semi-Public Character in New York City Compiled bj the Honorable Cabot Ward for the convenience of die Delegates to the Second Pan American Scientific Congress, and presented with the compliments oi the Reception Committee mr the Port of Nch York THE PAN AMERICAN SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES 15 BROAD STRUT, NEW YORK TCLCRHOsr HANOve* 6127 .5 / .Vvzto LIST OF PLACES AND INSTITUTIONS OF A PUBLIC DEPARTMENT Correction. Correction. Correction. Correction. BUILDING The Tombs. Penitentiary. Brooklyn Prison. Riker's Island. PARTICULARS Water Supply, Gas and High Pressure Pumping Electricity. Station. Health. Willard Parker Hospital. Health. Riverside Hospital. Health. Kingston Avenue Hospital, Brooklyn. Health. Municipal Sanitarium. Parks. Metropolitan Museum of Art. •* . * Parks. 'Museum of Natural History. Parks. Aquarium. Parks. Jumel Mansion. Parks. Central Park Menagerie. Parks. Battery Park. Where prisoners are kept while waiting for trial. Where prisoners are kept for misde meanors. Where prisoners are kept awaiting trial Prisoners are kept at this place — the\ do construction work and other kind; of labor. Pump supply of water at fires in certaii zones. This does away with the en- gines of the Fire Department. Contagious diseases. Contagious diseases. Contagious diseases. For the care of consumptives. Objects of art from all parts of tht world. Natural history exhibits. Exhibition of fishes. Old headquarters of George Washingtor — now headquarters Daughters of the American Revolution — exhibit relics. Exhibition of animals. Southern end of city — view of the har- bor and Statue of Liberty. Statue is on Bedloes Island about 2 miles from Battery. ITIiLIC CHAR boat in use only .'IS — run all til BO KN 1 J — no ■ urdays unl A ! 1 1 -no hour. 1I< \ >< partn • rection. irtment o Departmi ion. anhat- tan. Kingni !yn. .. V. and Fifth Battery Park. \ M P If. ■ )". i:. .1. . t, will :• rang* tin.- visitor., any of U • of M I • ■ LIST OF PLACES AND INSTITUTIONS OF A PUBLIC DEPARTMENT Parks. Parks. Parks. Parks. Parks. Parks. Parks. Parks. Parks. Parks. Parks. BUILDING Central Park. The Obelisk. The Maine Monument. Grant's Tomb. Soldiers and Sailors Monu- ment. Riverside Drive and Park. City Hall Park. Van Cortlandt Park. Bronx Park Zoological Gardens. Botanical Gardens. Museum of Arts and Sciences. PARTICULARS Largest of the city parks in Manhattan. Known as Cleopatra's Needle — presented I by the Egyptian Government to Museum of Art. Erected by the school children of United States in commemoration of soldiers and sailors who lost their lives in the Spanish-American War. Erected as a memorial to President and General Grant. Erected in memory of the soldiers and sailors who lost their lives in the Civil War. River Park. The City Hall, containing the offices of the Mayor and governing boards of the city, situated in the midst of this park. One of the largest parks in the city — contains exceptionally fine golf courses, tennis courts and baseball grounds; is also a parade ground. Exhibition of animals. Exhibit of palms and plants. Exhibit of arts and sciences. Borough President. Borough President. Municipal Building. Public Bath and Pool. Contains the offices of most all the city departments. AND SEMI-PUBLIC CHARACTER IX NEW YORK CITY. imr lliith Street, Fifth Open all hours. Kitfhth Avenues. • l>rive. and Eighth Avenue. llo\V AD et and Riverside 1 >r t and Riverside Drive. :> A. If. 6 P. M. . Xurth to 156th Street and Hudson R Mail and Chambers Streets — trk Row. and Jerome Open all hours. Avenue. N'.rth to Fordham M. Boston Road west luthern Boulevard. : of Zoological Gai Jth [Q \. M P H ue. rn Parkway ami Washin>rt<>n 10 \. M Ct Park. I and Thursdays when a chl cents is mail.-. md Thurs- when a mta is char I'hamhers and I •ue A. \\ LIST OF PLACES AND INSTITUTIONS OF A PUBLIC DEPARTMENT Borough President BUILDING Public Gymnasium, Bath and Pool. PARTICULARS Borough President Docks and Ferries. Municipal Baths, Coney Island. Building Pier A, North Contains offices of the Department Docks River. and Ferries and a pier used by ex- cursion boats in the summer time — view of harbor and Statue of Liberty. Bureau of City Markets Washington Market. Bureau of City Markets Fulton Fish Market. Stalls rented by the city for sales of market supplies. Sale of fish. Police. Police Headquarters. Headquarters of the police force of the city and the detective bureau — con- tains detention rooms and examination Bridge. Bridge. Brooklyn Bridge. Manhattan Bridge. Bridge. Bridge. Bridge. Williamsburgh Bridge. Bridge. Bridge. Fire. Fire. Queens Borough Bridge. Bridge. Headquarters. Example of City Fire House. Fire apparatus. 1 harities. Metropolitan Hospital. City hospital. New York Public Library. Main building. MI-Pl'IiLIC CHAR fY. md. w - A . M M. IHiV. I Kit I • rand and I M. - - ■ . Branches in all parta of the OIU air .1 i:it tat! 1:1ms- klyn. wit! Queens. . I rout f the ill in- M LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 221 853 7