Class Book COPYRIGHT DFPOSIT Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress THK d$ oC haritu : : : : : z zzzzzzzzzzzozzzzzzzzczzzzzzzzzzzzc Conemaugh Valley Sufferers e ::::::: c ::::::::::::::::::::::: c :: c ::::::: : Who Hereiccd it. PUBLISHED in BARBY M. BEN8HOFF, .JolINSTnWN. PA. CO O Q m EB < ~z. i UJ X CO o h- LLi _j N it i -J >3 ^ JOS. HORNESCO.'S PENN A VENUE STORE & IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Fine Dre^g Goock 4t §ilkg Ladies ' Cloaks and Suits a specialty. Curtains, Upholstery Goods, Household Linens and Bed Furnishings, JOS, HORNE & CO., 6 ° 9 - 621 PEN P N «T A T V S E B N U U R E Gk PA. ^jCKLES & CO., Limited. < -^j! IMPORTERS, K^ WHOLESALE GROCERS, * PITTSBURGH, PA. b miih mm jfhe mm As the people of Johnstown can fully testify. Decker Bros., Knabe, Fischer and Estey Estey, and Story and Clark ORGANS. The perfection and Quality of above Instruments is fully guaranteed. Call in at HAMILTON'S MUSIC HOUSE, "' tZXAT: Or write for Catalogue. We are also importers and dealers in MU- SICAL MERCHANDISE, wholesale and retail. Horne & Ward, 41 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh. Largest house in the city devoted exclusively to the sale of Dress and Wrap Trimmings, Millinery, Laces, White Goods, Embroideries, Seal Skin Jackets, Small Fans, Capes, Fur Trimmings, Muffs Taple Linens and Towels. FFFFFFFSUj FFFFFFF^TS LADIES" AND GENTLEMAN'S FF ||ff mgg&& sli i li m 4k#-®' &Am FF ££ IN OENERAL. L' ** Pay us a visit when you are in the city, or send us your orders by mail, ifc^ Polite and prompt attention guaranteed. ^ fffff . * H'OOD st^ The Oldest and cheapest Music Store in Pittsburgh. STEIJYWA Y PJ I M AO OPJ^ i JV KB i? I Hill V EMEKSOW Krom $200 to $1,000. EarhuiT Mouse and Dust-Proof Organs, $50 to $100. You can save 825 to $50 on the price of a Piano or Organ. Warranted for ten years. time payments given. Best Brass and String Instruments. 508 WOOD STREET. B. & B. ■IE BEST I ALWAYS AT THE LOWEST PRICES, SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS : Silks, Velvets, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Cloaks, Suits,Wraps, Furs. Largest lines popular Fur Capes in the fash- ionable Furs. Seal Skin Sacques, Walking Coats and Jackets. BOGGS & BUHL. Allegheny City, Pa. ESTABLISHED 1S3I. MELLOR & HOENE 77 Fifth Ave. H A RDM AN, KRAKAUER, YOSE & SON Organs! Pittsburg, Pa, , a Pianos ! UNITED STATES, CHICAGO COTTAGE. We sell for lowest possible prices and on easy payments, and take your old Instrument in part pay for new one. Call on us, or write for Catalogue and particulars of our easy payment plan. MELLOR & HOENE, 77 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg. DEMMLER BROTHERS, 52 o a 528 SRHTHFIELD ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. Headquarters for House Furnishing Goods and the best Novelties for the kitchen. Agents for the Wonderful Pasteur Water Filters, the best Filters in the United States. The celebrated Gem Ice Cream Free- zers andPerfectionMeat Cutters. Curtain Stretchers, Washing Machines, Brass Fenders and Fire Irons, Bird Cages, &c, &c. Gas Cooking and Heating Stoves. (I^SLATER'S DDD RRRR XT U GGGG SSSSSS TTTT 0000 RRRR EEEEE D D R R U U G S T O R R E D D R R U U G 8 TO O R R E D D RRRR U U G 8SSSSS T O O RRRR EEE D D R R U U G GG S T O R R E D D R R U XT G G S T O O R R E DDD R R UUUU GGGG SSSSSS T OOOO R E EEEEE %vm M?M$* ifed^uus I Cliemicals t TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Cor. Mam and Clinton Streets, JOHNSTOWN", PA. ^^ 207 M MASN ST., Johnstown, Pa. Headquarters for Baohs , Statioaenj, Scliool Sujjplies t dc. ^ Wail Paper. Window Shades, Curtain Poles, etc. GIVE THEM A CALL. j-jK-Iiarigin&Go., JOHNSTOWN, PA. 4. S. As h bridge Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, &c. -§^- WHEN YOU WANT Don't forget that , you can buy them cheapest and of best quality, at SCOTT DIBERT'S Cor. Main and Franklin Sts. ALL STYLES AND PRICES ! 1YTW VAv JjjirvftVo^ THE ?Jj> j Gy9 '-> !0RiiD * HpRIT¥ 6on@maugli *Uall@y + ciuffererg wm mmwED m. " SEP 30 1890^ J/ """ASHING PUBLISHED BT^— — _— — *"^ -^ * HAEEY M. BENSHOFF. JOHNSTOWN, PA. ! Copyright 1890, BY Haeey M. Benshoff, 4? PRE FA C E N presenting to the public this volume, containing an - explanation of the distribution of that charitable fund, lonated to those of the Conemaugh Valley who were made 1 3 the breaking of the South Fork Dam, on Friday, 889, it is not the intention of the author to enter in to a ogthy discussion regarding the manner in which the money was distributed; merely to furnish an authentic list, giving the names of those who received and those who did receive benefit from the fund. The author has had free s to the books of the Board of Inquiry, and can assure .^ readers that this is a correct and true copy of all the v. orn statements, together with the amount of relief (in- cluding cash, houses and furniture) received out of the fund by each individual'. The plan adopted by the Board of Inquiry to ascertain the losses, and to procure the names of those drowned, was to have oiirvivors of each district make a statement as to their losses, both real and personal, also to have them furnish name, age and description of those of their family who had been drowned. Upon the completion of this, the committee, after weeding out the fraudulent claims ( of which they found quite a number ) classified those that were honest as follows : Class 1. Under this class were placed widows who had four or more children under sixteen years of age, and whose husbands had been drowned. Class 2. Under this class Avere placed widows who had less than four children, yet had lost their husbands in the flood. Class 3. Under this class were placed all widows other than those enumeratod in Classes 1 and 2 ; the old and de- crepit and all others, male or female, who had received bodily injury in the flood. Class 4. Under this class were those who had their property in the flood, but were able to work. Class 5. Under this class were those who were L ate circumstances before the flood and lost a part property, or who lost all of their property and were yet ily employed, and not in immediate want. Class 6. Under this class were those who, although ing lost largely, were still in comparatively good circL m stances. To the different classes the Flood Commission directed the Board of Inquiry to award at first distribution as follows: To Class 1, $600; Class 2, $400; Class 3, $200; Class 4, $125; Class 5, $S0 ; Class 6, not anything at this distribution ; and where the sum lost was less than the amount ordered t paid, in Class 3 or 4 the Board should be governed bj the physical condition and circumstances of the applicant. Upon the completion of the work of classification Board notified all of those in the different classes, that entitled to aid, to come and receive an order on the < mission for the amount awarded. Upon the prese: tion of this order to the Commission's representative, Ji Cummin, he directed them to fill out and swear to physical condition at that time, and the amoun of sustained, and when they returned the sworn state gave them a check on the banker for the amount c in the order of the Board of Inquiry. The sworn statement was then turned over to the Board of Inquiry, classified and regularly entered on their books, an account opened with each applicant, and then re- turned to the Commission ready for the final distribution, which was made by Secretary J. B. Kremer, under rules adopted by the Flood Commission, as follows : In losses in Class 4 of $500 or less, a sum shall be paid not exceeding $400; on losses of $1,000 and over $500, a sum not exceeding $600 ; on losses of $2,000 and over $1,000, a sum not exceeding $8,00; losses over $2,000 shall be paid a pro rata of the amount appropriated to the class remaining after payment had been made on the recommended basis, but no payment shall exceed $6,000. In Class 5, losses as established by the Board of Inquiry of $500 or less shall be paid a sum not to exceed $200; losses of $1,000 and over $500, a sum not to ex- ceed $350 ; losses over $1,000 shall be paid pro rata of the sum appropriated to the class of the amount remaining after the payment of above claims. But no payment shall exceed the sum of $2,500. The Commission also resolved that, in making payments in these classes, any amount received heretofore by the claim- ants shall be charged against the payments in this distribu- tion, which resolution was strictly carried out by the Board of Inquiry. The Commission directed that Class 1 should receive $1,000 ; Class 2, $800 ; Class 3, $,500 ; and all orphans, made so by the flood, should receive $50 a year until they arrive at the age of sixteen. The Flood Relief Commission, through their Secretary, aimed to make as equitable a distribution as possibly could be made by persons not familiar with the sufferers in the valley. There has, no doubt, been mistakes made, but they are comparatively few and were not made intentionally. The amount of money received by the Commission from the thousands, who in their charity contributed to relieve the sufferers, does not appear on the books of the Board, nor does the thousands of dollars taken from the fund to be appropriated to other purposes show up, as the Board of Inquiry have no account of any moneys, except what went directly to the people. THE world's charity to the FIRST DISTRICT. SEVENTH V^ARD. wamc Sworn MNlE - Statement. Atkinson, Thomas.-----. ._-- $ 450 Amos, H. J - 229 Ascher, Emil 850 Axmaker, John 725 Ambrose, Samuel 10 Adair, Alexander 30200 Beliford, J.H 2950 Boyer, Henry J. 1230 Barrick, W. R , 50 Butland, Mrs. Charles 1600 Brendle, John _-___, 728 Bloch, Christ^ - 475 Beaner , John 450 Buckey, James H 75 Buckey, Wilson 75 Barrick, W. R. & Co 4500 Berkey, Jonathan 675 Bloch, Charles 800 Birk, John 210 Beuke, Henry 750 Blough, E. J 340 Burk, Charles 235 Baker, Catharine 200 Buchanan, J. W 450 . Blough, Henry B 180 Collier, Robert 350 Campbell, John W 2500 Campbell, Wm. R 1825 Clark, Walter 50 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 $ 234 80 70 125 120 125 280 80 420 80 2420 80 670 80 440 50 90 400 500 80 230 125 240 80 50 50 40 75 40 80 850 80 220 125 375 80 60 80 285 80 245 80 60 125 205 80 220 50 55 40 150 400 520 80 560 50 40 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. NAME. Sworn Statement. Coyle, Peter $ 300 Cusic, Homer 510 Cove, Charles M 200 Cobaugh, Harry S 25 Cully, Fred 650 Conners, W. A 550 Coyle, Daniel 70 Coyle, Charles 180 Clay comb, John 40 Davis, James C 343 Diefenbaugh, John 80 Diefenbaugh, Anna B 105 Dodson, Win. M 5600 Davis, James K 950 Diefenbach, H. G 700 Dodson, Nicholas 465 Dodson, James M . 390 Decker,M. S 312 Dishong, Mrs. Enoch , Emmil, John B 695 Englehart, Henry 1250 Emerick, Aaron 665 Ellenberger, Geo. W 70 Emerick, Wilhelm 45 Fulmer, Adam J 2520 Fulmer, Samuel E 210 Fritz, John, Jr 2000 File, Eckhart 1000 Frank, Chas. A 900 Fronheiser, Jas. J 47488 Frick, Mrs. Kate 230 Fisher, John A 400 Frank, C. A 1075 Fearnly, Geo 170 Fockler, Mrs. L 10600 Frank, Frederick 250 Awarded by Bd. of inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. \ 125 $ 75 80 140 125 40 80 250 80 145 20 20 50 60 20 125 150 80 310 60 80 560 125 470 80 440 125 110 60 100 -- 120 80 150 80 390 80 270 __ 35 __ 100 400 80 50 125 630 80 220 80 310 125 90 80 125 80 175 80 25 80 2420 100 THE WORLD'S CHARITY . . TO, THE. NAME. Sworn Statement. 'elton, Mrs. Sarah $ 60 k)ldie, Mrs. Catherine - - - 2395 roldie, Conrad 1550 terhardt, William 1010 roldshine, Henry 1850 Hitch, Annie E 460 toldie, Wm - 1750 tearhardt, Wm. F____ 300 George, W. J., M. D.._ 500 tearhardt, Catherine. •— 2300 rarhardt, John C -- 285 rarhardt, Mrs. Mary K 650 Uedhill, Henry 190 rrafe, Edward 1275 foove, Henry — 180 rockley, John __ 1125 rrafe, Jacob 1205 kiegsman, Mrs. M 40 J-lich, Conrad 215 Griffith, Annie ■- '.__ 300 rleissner, Geo., Sr 550 Jrey, Nora ----- 35 leubner, Louis 515 lorner, Watson 1505 loover, George.------- 200 larshberger, G. M l 1600 lorner, Jacob C 1700 lorner, Curtis A ,_'___ 375 lipner, Elizabeth 175 lileman, John 370 lorner, Jacob's Estate 600 larbeugh, John ±___ 150 lorner, A. J 165 lorner, Aaron A 330 leubner, Adam 587 lammer, Alex 50 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 20 $ 10 80 260 80 205 125 170 80 200 80 120 80 285 80 70 80 220 125 570 80 95 125 270 80 80 80 190 80 45 80 155 80 320 40 50 25 20 30 120 35 80 120 80 370 80 70 125 340 80 220 80 45 80 30 80 100 no 130 125 310 80 150 40 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 11 »>«iiic Sworn NAME - Statement. Harrison, John 39 Hornick, Barbara 1850 Hecker, Mrs. James 300 Horner, Alison 1150 Horner, Mrs. Jacob 640 Judy, Theodore 800 Jones, Wm. J 90 Janson, George 60 Jones, John L 75 Kimmel, Wm 140 Koch, Conrad 1150 Keighner , Wilhelmina 200 Keyser, Alexander 250 Kuntz, Frank R 500 Kegg,A. J 225 Kerchner, Jacob 125 Layton, W. G 300 Lay ton, Jordan 360 Layton, Matilda 600 Logan, J. W 718 Lohr, W. J 550 Long, Samuel E 250 Lohr, A 135 Lininger,JohnW 100 Lutz, J. A 200 Loebrich, Henry G 70 Metz, Airwine 600 McClelland, C. L 1067 McFeaters, Mrs. Belle 2000 Murdock, John 850 Mackin, Dorsey C 110 Marks, Markin 75 Miller, J. C 225 Miller, S. W 2250 Miller, John C 150 Miller, Chauncey - __ 400 Awarded by Bd. of inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 220 80 250 80 450 125 75 80 240 __ 50 __ 40 50 __ 125 50 80 195 80 40 125 115 125 310 125 45 __. 70 50 110 80 70 80. 200 80 220 80 220 125 75 75 50 80 30 125 40 80 220 125 400 125 680 80 250 60 50 80 30 80 __ 80 520 80 310 125 200 12 THE WORLD S CHARITY TO THE NAMF Sw0rn hlkmh - Statement. Miller, Nathanil $ 115 Miller, Albert.-. 80 Miller, Peter 800 Messenger, John 800 Miller, David H 35 Miller, Martin S 55 Miller, J. H 25 Menser, McClelland 50 Miller, B. F 200 Myers, Mrs. Emma J 200 Miller, Jacob D 429 Miller, B. O 175 Merton, Mrs. Annie 600 Menser, Sarah 50 Neisner, Herman 3160 Noon, Etta 75 Neinsteel, Mrs. Anne 125 Orms, J. C 1175 Orms,Wm. H 1975 Ott, Daniel ___- 695 Ott & Sons, Peter 12750 Ott, Elizabeth, Estate 800 Ott, Noah 150 Orms,Morris 300 Ott,Chas 500 Ott,David 230 Penrod, Gillian 450 Parker, H. L 600 Purser, Charlotte E 75 Penrod,Eliza 35 Ream, George 150 Eeam, Wm. L 158 Eapp, Charles 517 Eeam, Peter E 235 Eoth, Christ 1665 Ripple, Christ 450 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. ; 80 50 80 60 80 240 80 120 35 10 10 __ 10 __ 20 __ 30 70 50 100 30 200 __ 50 80 290 10 40 200 600 __ 25 70 50 125 250 80 370 80 220 125 1500 30 25 125 15C 80 50 20 50 125 75 30 370 25 10 __ 80 70 80 30 125 360 80 40 80 220 80 170 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 13 NAME. Sworn Statement. Ripple, Valentine 350 Rose, George J 130 Rininger, Geo. F 250 Roth,Wm 2398 , Riser, Joseph 2802 Rhode, Adam 540 Ripple, J. D 25 Rausche, Mrs. Lizzie, lost husband. Riblett, Nannie J 25 Rhode,Wm 750 Riblett, Jennie 50 Ream, Mrs. Amelia 110 Ross, Henry 100 Swank, Levenia 600 Stray er, Sylvester 150 Strayer, David G 800 Strayer,E 1000 Shugars, Jacob W 300 Slater, W. H 1050 Seese, Emanuel 600 Schott, August 150 Sheeler,Geo 600 Sheeler, Mrs. Rachel 450 Schnabel, Gonrad — Scott, C.W 555 Schwing, Conrad 200 Schmerer, Henry 1453 Sommers, W. H 125 Slick, Chas. V 250 Swank, Geo. W 550 Stormer, Peter 225 Swank, John Smith, Wm 80 Seaffer, E.W 85 Sechrist, Nellie C 260 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 120 80 20 125 80 80 620 80 750 80 230 __ 10 400 1200 125 10 150 25 100 ___ 50 200 100 80 30 80 200 80 120 125 100 125 260 80 120 75 50 80 220 200 100 80 120 80 70 125 770 125 50 80 80 80 170 80 130 80 30 60 __ 10 175 14 THE WOELD'S CHARITY TO THE NAME Sworn mmE ° Statement. Scott, D. G 70 Stophel, Frank M 150 Stork, Elizabeth 75 Scott, A. C 325 Shaffer, E. W 110 Thorn, John 650 Treese, Samuel ,. 500 Tross, Conrad 450 Thorn, Ralph 575 Tice, George . 687 Tyler, Mrs Mary E., lost husband- _ Treese, Harry L 100 Treese, John 90 Teeter, G. W 50 Vonalt, John 3 000 Vivis, Albert 550 Yarner, John 100 Wolfe, T.J 1 800 Wolfe, Frank 550 Weaver, Mrs. Lewis 200 Wendell, Davis 150 Weaver, Harry 180 Wilhelm, Geo 165 Weismeeler, Fidus 160 Wertz, Jacob Estate 175 Wertz,J.M 175 Weisheier, John 1 400 Wehn, George _ 1 200 Waters, Geo. A 400 Woodward, H. E 700 Waters, Josiah 1 200 Workinger,W. L 740 Wilson, James M 2 200 Wehn, Chas 975 Will, Mrs. Casper, lost husband Wilson, Geo. W 65 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 10 15 -- 475 40 100 40 15 90 150 80 220 80 120 80 120 80 280 600 650 20 20 __ 20 20 80 670 80 220 50 25 125 580 125 200 30 50 80 __ 125 60 80 30 80 50 __ 60 125 60 125 200 80 400 125 135 80 360 80 290 80 230 80 420 125 280 400 700 50 ___ CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 15 mamc Sworn NAMt - Statement. Wilson, J. L 450 Yost, Chas. J 875 Zipp, August 600 Zimmer, Frederick 280 Zimmerman, Jacob 21 100 Zimmerman, Rudolph 130 Zimmerman, Theo. F., Est — Awarded by Bd of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. __ 100 200 485 125 260 80 100 80 2 520 80 30 16 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE SECOND DISTRICT. FOURTH WARD. NAME * Statement- Ashe, Jessie 150 Briber, Edward L 4300 Baker, E.T 1250 Berkeybile, Geo. W - 350 Bowser, John H 2130 Brown, John J 10000 Bielstine, Mrs. Mary 12950 Brown, John H 135 Bracken, James 347 Bailey, Mrs. Ellen 200 Blauset, Mary A 20 Baldwin, R.H 1000 Berkey, Wm 90 Blough, Josiah 8 140 Blain, John A 65 Buck, Mrs. Ann 25 Boyle, Mary____ 20 Berkebile, Wm. R 30 Cook. Chas L 2300 Cooley, Mathew 875 Condon, J. Frank 267 Custer, Emma J Cover, Chas 7100 Cover, Bros 14175 Cover, Wm 8425 Campbell, Curt G 5700 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 50 125 675 80 420 80 130 80 660 80 1420 125 2050 80 125 270 ___ 20 80 530 __ 35 __ 70 __ 25 10 70 10 -- 125 375 80 380 80 30 80 1570 80 2000 80 720 80 1175 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 17 NAME Sworn NAWIh - Statement. Chilcoat, Nathan $ 1500 Caldwell, Wm 4200 Caldwell, Jacob L 2500 Clark, Harry G 1900 Cook,W.G - Cover, Wm. C 300 Clark, Annie E., lost husband 1800 Clark, Mrs. Elizabeth 200 Constable, Jabez 400 Clincf elter, Miss Lyda 250 Catlin, N. B 45 Carroll, G. W 85 Clark, Jeremiah 75 Callihan, Mrs- special Dom, Walter E 100 Downey, John 500 Downey, Mrs. Eliza 275 Davis, Sarah A 5000 Davis, Elmer E 5625 Davis, C. W Davis, Owen 225 Dibert, Samuel's children___. 1200 Dibert, David 9500 Dolen, Kate 145 Dibert, John's Estate 69800 Dillen, Mrs. James, lost husband. _ 1400 Dishong, Daniel H 200 Doyle, Mary . _ 28 Dean, S. A 290 Dean, Mary F 100 Elder, V. C .__. 9700 Edwards, J. D. & Co 6600 Eldridge,Mrs. Sam'l, lost husband. - 1000 Faust, J. C 225 Fisher, Louisa 2555 Fend, Jacob > 43175 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. .$ 80 $ 530 __ 540 80 830 80 320 80 30 200 2000 100 205 80 35 __ 20 __ 25 __ 25 __ 25 80 __ 200 200 75 75 80 1310 80 720 80 85 80 400 110 80 1000 125 1375 80 15 __ 2020 125 1500 600 800 80 95 80 730 125 5 875 IS THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE Frank, Fred $ 118 Frank, Ephraim 375 Fisher, James L> 40 Fry, Susan E 4000 Feichter, Miss Carrie 20 Foust r Levi 115 Griffith, Eli 2925 Geary, Daniel 544 Gallaher, J.S 1500 Gard, James Sr 600 Griffith, D.D 700 Griffith, Isaac W 3500 Goldenberg's, D. D., Est 16300 Glen, Wilber 300 Gard's, Andrew,Est Good, Frank B 200 Geis & Schry 30000 Gouchenour, J. M 70 Gouchenour, David Gillen, Catharine 75 Gephart, Isaiah 85 Griffith, Minnie special Herald Printing Co 6000 Helsel, Michael 250 Henry, Aloes 275 Henry, Joseph A 435 Heubner, Nicholas 29200 Hellsteine, Catharine 1510 Hellsteine, Joseph 325 Horan, W. A 700 Horner, Sylvester 6500 Hager's, C, Estate 35950 Hager,Geo. A 7650 Hanna. W. E 1000 Heubner, Mary 500 Humphreys, John J 2055 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded! by Com- mission. $ 80 $ 70 80 100 __ 15 80 320 __ 10 -- 35 125 285 __ 440 80 240 80 260 80 800 80 2640 80 20 125 40 125 5040 — 30 75 25 25 125 975 125 80 120 125 125 80 4050 125 210 90 ___ 125 220 80 1090 80 80 920 125 310 80 70 200 650 cone:mauctH valley sufferers. 19 NAME. Hamilton's-, Jacob, Estate $ Hoerle, Nancy J - - ^ Hohman, Mrs, Elizabeth - . Henrich, Joseph - „_.- Henderson, John Henderson & Alexander - Howe, W. EL-— — _— _ Hohman, Ed, E:_— -.__-- - Hamer, Dr. J, W_ — ~ Hammond, E. R - -- ~ Hohman, Geo. H -__ Hull, D. O _.___.___. Hay, Geo. M___ T _J— — — -. — —- Heinline, Maggie — Hanch Emma - . ~ _,. Heubner, Geo. W -- Horner, Ananiah ~ - Inglis, John A > . „__^ Johnson, Alex - Johns, Florence M - - - Jones, Miss Lizzie - Kilgore, David ^ _ _ - . „ Kramer Bros Kramer, Joseph ~. ~ - ^~. Kramer, Daniel - Koch, Henry __ _._„__^ Kurtz, Geo ~- -___-_ Kinley, Jane - .___ Kennedy, Mrs. M. J., lost husband- Kuhn, Mrs. Lena ~ ~ ~_- Kagarise, Miss Annie M_-_ — Keyser, Henry - _ _ ~ Kirchman, J. Paul _~~ - Levergood, Peter H .,__. Lorentz,E. C Lay ton, Joseph H ,.- __ ~- ^ ~ v - Sworn Statement. Mwaraea by Bd. of Inquiry. Mwaraea by Com- mission, ; sooo 6600 $ 80 125 $ — 1420 4700 650 10500 80 SO 80 495 320 2420 21750 80 2000 380 •80 300 2229 m 480 150 __ 650 8240 ■ 80 75 600 75 20 2050 _.. 220 125 300 130 SO 100 70 35 50 275 • 75 — 10 120 15 50 100 -- 15 25 130 8000 275 80 80 90 30 1220 900 80 255 1000 80 130 24050 180 150 125 270 13600 200 2810 300 185 328 215 400 2700 500 320 80 125 80 125 175 100 60 810 120 185 20 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. Levergood's, Jacob, Est $ 17000 Levergood, J. C 11500 Levergood, W. H 9700 Leffler, Cyrus 1100 Lenhart, Rebecca 700 Ludwig's, H. G., Est 9000 Lloyd & Son, Wm 450 Lichan, Rudolph "_ 1500 Luther, W. C 1200 Lowery, Samuel 600 Lowry,N. R 150 Leffler, Amanda.. .._ 50 McKee, Wm 393 Miller, Bella 10 Markferding, Joseph, Sr 1465 Metzgar, John 2900 Masterton, Wm 30000 McLaughlin, David G 1300 Moses, Geo. W i 9300 Miller, Daniel 360 McMillian, James A 10000 Mildren, Mrs. J. L 5500 Marshall & Weakland 8900 Muller, Mrs. G. E___ 8320 Miller, W. H 150 McKinstry 's, Mary, Est Metz, C.H 60 McDermott, Thomas 60 Miller, Hiram 130 Miller, Geo. R _'_ 300 Miller, M.I___._ , Mitchell, Mary 100 McCune, Mrs. Catharine Manuels, James 90 Murrett, Mrs. Eva Metzgar, Miss Maggie 378 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ - $ __ 80 2310 80 850 __ no 200 260 80 830 __ 50 80 470 80 340 80 320 __ 30 __ 15 400 -- 220 80 500 80 2510 80 480 80 2320 125 195 80 2420 125 1280 80 810 80 850 100 --- 20 — 40 -- 170 -- 25 -- 25 50 CONEMATJGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 21 NAME. Sworn Statement. McKeel, Annie $ 60 Marf erding, Joseph A 100 Nary, children of Kate, lost mother. Nilson, August 500 Overdorf, Dr. F. T 16720 Parker, D. B 1400 Parke's, John, Est _ 24800 Price, Wm 150 Poland, Wm Pershing, Susan 2040 Porch Bros ! 9000 Parke's, Wm., Est Rainey, Wm. R 1600 Rose & Son,W. J 34625 Rose, W. J 8100 Rose, Walter E 150 Rose, John M 1700 Ripple, Mrs. Anna D., lost husband- 900 Reed, John H 518 Seibert, Michael 500 Seese, Harvey 700 Swank, Morrell 1000 Slick, Mrs. A. H 15 Spenger, John 19300 Schrader, Geo 18925 Slick, W.R 2480 Schnable, Mrs. Henry 3200 Sproul, J. R 800 Speck, Herman A 500 Slater, Alfred 900 Schnable, Lizzie 175 Smith, Jeremiah L 1000 Swank, Son & Co., J ._ 66000 Swank's, Jacob, Est 29000 Slick, Mary A., lost husband 600 Slick, H. W 2200 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. 175 125 80 Awarded by Com- mission. $ 25 50 450 110 1500 200 100 125 410 80 510 80 210 80 2500 50 80 220 200 1200 80 320 125 375 350 80 500 2500 __ 1730 125 620 80 810 125 200 60 230 150 ___ 80 310 -- 2500 200 1000 80 270 22 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. Shaffer, Daniel . $ 2400 Singer Manufacturing Co 29200 Spangenberg, A. A ______ 276 Sigfried, W. E_ _..______.. Sullivan, Hannah 30 Snyder & Son, Gr.H__- 1000 Swank, Geo.T . 6500 Slick, Charles - „ J- 30 Speero, Isidore - 250 Shomo, Charles A-.__.___. „.__ 100 Swank, Harry ' 250 Smith, Isaiah __^_«__ 125 Shires, James - - 200 Swank, Wm . 650 Strayer, Sadie .__- .___-_ 10 Slick, Geo. A 205 Shaver, Geo. B _ 100 Spenger, Geo -_~_ 400 Spenger, Conrad __ . Spenger, Jno. N 250 Shaffer, Elmer Swank, D, F 125 Smadel, Nicholas - 60 Sing, Hop 243 Stong, Anton _. 230 Thomas, John 21700 Tref ts, Mrs. Elizabeth . . 5430 Thomas, Harry D - 800 Thomas, W. H 500 Taney, Kobert L - 1000 Turner, Mrs. Clara 250 Turner, George 900 Trefts', J. J., Est Thomas, John & Sons 45000 Veith, Herman 3200 Von Lunen, Chas - _. 3600 Awarded Awarded by Bd. of by Corn- Inquiry, mission. 80 70 140 120 25 ___ 125 170 ___ 750 ___ 25 — 25 70 35 --_ 100 — 120 35 35 110 35 25 25 ___ 50 -- 25 125 1290 80 230 80 130 80 270 80 110 80 320 2500 80 720 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 23 NAME. o+ Sw0rn , Statement. Vanvalkenburgh,T $ 170 Vonalt, Henry 350 Wagner, Wm, H 175 Woolf , Son & Thomas 85000 Williams, H. L 9500 Weishier, Martin 480 Weaver, W. S 20600 Wilson, Wesley Weir,F.P ~ 140 o Welfel, Conrad 2700 Wentworth, Elmira 80 Wolf,W.C-: 5083 Williams, Lizzie 125 Wheat, James 55 White, Annie V ■_ 23 Young, Edward 1200 Young, Emil, lost husband 10000 Young, Annie M., lost husband 1000 Young, Jacob H 375 Zimmerman, Jno. A 600 Zang, E 21300 Zitterland, John 220 Zimmerman, Chas 19300 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. fr 145 $ — 80 95 155 80 2530 80 950 125 95 80 3520 80 190 80 830 __ 25 200 1300 — 50 — 20 20 80 520 200 2550 200 1600 — 75 125 180 80 3000 __ 50 80 2530 24 the world's charity to the THIRD DISTRICT, SIXTH WARD, c.»,« Pn Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement by Bd. of by Com- statement. Inquiry . mission. Alwine, Moses__ - $ 810 $ 80 $ 220 Allen, John F -______„____ 900 200 320 Allen, S.W 5200 80 1130 Ambrose, George -__ 42 __ 72 Arthur, Sylvester B - 450 80 230 Berkey, George .:_- 375 120 185 Blaugh, A. W________ 6000 80 • 1360 Boecher, Charles.--- _.___ 2750 80 490 Burket, Mattie - 75 30 30 Byron, Ralph A 1400 80 220 Bowers, Charles V 870 80 280 Butler, Lovicy - - 1750 200 935 Bader, Peter 440 80 80 Bloom, Nicholas- - 4810 80 1020 Bader, Conrad 3425 80 550 Berkey, Rachael 450 200 155 Barnhart, E. F 800 80 330 Bergman, John G___ —_.___- 5430 80 600 Butler, Nathaniel 500 2l0 105 Brown, Morganza A 8000 125 920 Best, John ___- 465 80 130 Boyer,MaryC 1433 200 200 Brehm, Frederick 900 80 120 Bricker, J. G 900 80 265 Butler, Aleck 610 80 240 Barnes, Henry B _._._._ 1450 80 510 CONEMAUGH Y ALLEY SUFFERERS. 25 ^ME. st |C nt Bowden, John $ 1400 Biershenk, Salona 28900 Brubaker, Walter 78 Bowers, Josiah 225 Burrell, Henry 1050 Brinker, T. H 6525 Betts,John R 275 Bracken, Jeff 350 Bell, R. S 590 Bradymire, A 420 Bee, James C 190 Bee, David 989 Berry, John 600 Baer, Agnes special Blough, Josiah J 710 Blyler, Joseph 125 Bullock, WalterE 100 Brennenstahl, J. A 800 Bates, W. H 2540 Burtnett, E. J Earnhardt, Louis Burtnett, Ellen Bowden, William ' 300 Buchanan, H. M 200 Berkey, William .__ 75 Cozens, Anderson 175 Coover, A. M :__ 775 Cover,B. F 2160 Crawford, Daniel 550 Croyle, A. M 1000 Coleman, S. M 300 Chapell, Helen 1215 Cramer, Wilson 300 Cobaugh, Susanna 1200 Clark, Clara 30 Chappie, Belle 150 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. fr 200 $ 580 125 5795 48 20 80 120 80 370 80 690 80 95 80 110 200 130 80 60 80 20 200 330 125 270 ___ 30 80 270 80 40 80 10 125 275 80 890 80 330 80 30 __ 25 80 30 80 230 80 415 80 95 80 140 80 130 200 320 80 125 260 15 80 45 26 the world's charity to the Cohick, F.W $ 200 Cover, B. A 140 Croyle, Laura 85 Cozens, Joshua 75 Costill, Geo. W 225 Davis,A. L 1690 Devine, John H 320 Dice, Conrad 1780 Dull, Jonas 100 Davis, Susan 2000 Deater, William 325 Decker, Jno. H 2900 Decker, George 600 Dick,Chal. L v . 4000 Day, R. A 1125 Dill's, James, Est 500 Dibert, Samuel : 350 Decker, Ed. G 125 Devine, W. T 2600 Deater, Mack 125 Darr, Kimmel 15 Dull, Eliza 190 Dibert, Florence M 800 Eiser, Henry 950 Engleback, Clara A 300 Ellsworth, Chas. B 2220 Etchison, Amanda, lost husband 125 Eschrich, George 250 Englebach, George, Sr 350 Erwin, Geo. M 285 Edwards, George 915 Eschlick, William 353 Everhart, Jacob 50 Fisher, Pearson 6000 Frankhouser, Jacob __ 550 Frank, Chauncey E 200 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ - $ 60 __ 40 __ 25 20 __ 125 125 230 80 175 80 610 80 200 640 125 105 SO 610 80 220 80 1060 80 220 80 80 60 __ 20 80 440 -- 30 185 __ 210 80 200 200 ___ 200 810 600 745 80 45 200 80 80 70 50 __ 80 -- 125 230 80 70 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 27 NAME Sworn NAmt ' Statement. Cockier & Levergood $ 25500 Fox, David. 155 Ferner, R. H 25 Greer, D. F. A 3500 Gonn, John R 550 Galbreath, Alonzo H 250 Goudy, Betsey _ 319 Glass, John 700 Grove, Wm. B _■ 140 Griffith, Levi 625 Graham, P 1976 Govier, E. J 1700 Griffith, James P 450 Garman, John H 193 Growden, Margaret 41 Growden, Catharine 40 Goodchild, Horace R 1200 Gerhardt, John F. C 80 Haynes, Lavinia 2250 Hoerle, Edward 200 Henderson, Alice 74 Hoerle, Louis A 1250 Happe, W. H 200 Halferty, E L 175 Hinchman, Joseph 1100 Hill, Stewart A 1050 Heffley, Samuel A 100 Harmony, F. B 600 Hartzell,N. B 4494 Hahn, Conrad 7800 Hite, Henry J 650 Howard, J. F 750 Hartzell,C. C 2145 Harshberger, Jacob 575 Hamilton, C. VV 500 Haynes, Milton J 850 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. % - $ 2500 80 20 __ 10 200 1050 80 140 80 70 200 300 80 220 80 30 80 320 80 170 80 220 80 10 20 __ 40 __ 80 420 __ 25 200' 710 80 20 70 _. 80 170 125 75 80 70 80 160 80 225 20 50 80 95 80 480 80 710 200 250 80 250 80 385 80 320 80 270 80 220 28 the world's charity to the NAME< Statement. Hamilton, John___ $ 625 Hite, James C 875 Henderson, Charles 700 Hummell, Kate 20 Hoffman, Margaret 180 Hoffman, George 2150 Hostetter, Lydia _ 250 Hamilton, W. H 115 Harbaugh, James 20 Hecker, Ellen 22 Haynes, D. M 120 Hassenplug, J. W 500 Hill, Henry 175 Hohman, Adam 215 Irwin, Sarah 365 Irwin, Albert 320 Jordan, George O 3500 Jones, Isaac 975 Enable; J. B 550 Kennedy, James R 1950 Kuntz, Samuel 350 Kuntz, Joseph 6900 Kuntz, E. M 700 Kuntz, E. M. & Bro 2800 Kinter, Charles 300 Kinter,Mary 1000 Kimmell, Lizzie 115 Kuntz, W. J 120 Krissinger, Catharine 175 Kane, Mrs. Lou 135 Kress Mrs. A. C 12000 Lavely, Aaron 990 Lane, Daniel S 135 Lohr, William 1425 Longshore, C. L 2300 Lehman, Charles 475 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 80 $ 140 125 275 80 240 20 125 10 80 500 5 60 80 30 20 __ __ 15 __ 50 __ 220 __ 50 80 200 100 80 120 80 370 125 410 200 300 80 320 200 150 80 740 80 45 300 80 205 400 110 80 10 __ 25 80 90 60 80 50 80 200 125 80 190 80 560 80 100 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 29 NAME. c+ Sworn . Statement. Lamison, Jno. M $ 400 Litz, John N 240 Litz, Mrs. John, lost husband 6375 Lotz, Conrad 875 Lotz, Margaret, lost husband 1400 Lindsey, Ed 300 Lohr, Newton 320 Layman, Amanda 25 Lohr, Neff. A 75 Lohr, Daniel M 325 Lewis, John 500 McCleary, Paul 400 Mellinger, George 2725 Menoher, Samuel 2500 Miller, Adolph 1850 Morris, James 150 Miller, Isaac T 350 Mosholder, J. S _ 425 May berry, Edward 470 Miller, P. R 888 MeKee, W. A 300 Mover's Susan, Est 600 Moyer, William 800 Miller, Nate 550 McKeever, Chas. H 4300 Martz,W. H 450 Marsh, David 325 McAteer, Priscilla 80 McGarry, Lillian 2000 McGarry , Geo. W., Jr 2000 Mack, J. W__ 200 Martin, H. G 225 McGarry, Geo. W., Sr 9450 Meloy, Hugh 1390 Miller, J. L 450 Miller, A. L 300 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 200 $ 50 125 320 125 1185 80 370 400 1100 80 70 SO 80 25 10 __ 15 __ 270 __ 420 80 205 SO 700 80 610 80 420 55 70 80 115 80 230 80 250 80 190 80 115 80 ___ 80 270 SO 70 80 1070 80 50 80 140 60 20 400 610 125 630 80 90 80 70 __ 630 80 410 SO 250 SO 120 30 THE WOELD'S CHARITY TO THE SttKnt. Myers, Maggie.-- $ 300 Maurer, Mrs John, lost husband- __ 180 McKeever, Alexander 1750 McKeever, Ealenor 1300 Myers, W. F 225 Miller, Myra 38 Marlow, Nelly 60 Martz, David E ... 255 Mapledoram, Blake A 1000 Miller, George W 125 Miller, Susan Marsh, Benjamin 400 McCleary, Wilson 125 Miller, James P 500 Miller, William W 100 Maloy, Emma 75 Mapledoram, George 500 Nestor, Chas.B 450 Nickodemus, F. H 700 Noble, E 700 Noon, Andrew J 750 Ostheim, George 550 Ogilvie, Thomas 550 Ogle, J. Earl 600 Osborn, Mrs. G. A 3550 Ostheim, Annie M Palmer, Joseph H 500 Palmer, George 590 Potter, Robert 591 Pepler, William 550 Powell, Chas. R 850 Petriken, David 950 Peden, S. A 1300 Paul, Elias 1245 Peden, Edward 15000 Peterson, Fred 40 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 200 $ 100 200 1000 80 250 80 210 80 20 10 10 60 __ 80 10 80 110 -- 50 80 320 __ 25 60 __ 25 __ 25 __ 360 80 220 80 120 80 370 __ 200 80 115 80 130 80 210 200 400 200 310 80 350 80 330 80 220 80 280 80 460 80 405 80 350 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 31 NAME Sworn NAIWt ' Statement. Pringle, Sadie E $ 75 Plitt, George A 3000 Roberts, N.I 350 Roberts, Milliard 275 Reed, Josiah 385 Robison, R. P___ 860 Rutledge, George 850 Ripple, Levi 885 Rullman, Louis 260 Reese, John G 800 Rankin, R. L 300 Richards, Ann 300 Ross, George 110 Reese, Winfield 180 Ramsey, Ann Raymond, Sarah J 300 Repp, Wm. H 300 Riddle, Conrad 125 Rose, Emma 60 Rose, Horace R 150 Rittger, J. R.,Rev 350 Reihl, Charles 200 Snyder, Thomas W 200 Stern, Frank M 350 Schreckengost James 200 Stevenson, George G 1000 Siter, Edward 8400 Schaffer, Henry 11500 Stattler, W. H 400 Seibert, Gerhardt 500 Swank, Samuel 2000 Snyder, George H 425 Severing, Julia Ann 700 Smith, W. C 300 Storm, Maria 100 Southwell, William 3600 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. t - $ 30 125 180 125 10 200 180 125 370 80 380 80 340 80 90 80 390 80 130 200 100 80 60 80 50 80 120 80 135 80 15 __ 220 __ 110 80 70 80 170 205 80 420 80 770 80 1070 80 220 80 230 80 470 125 120 400 140 80 80 100 30 80 520 32 the world's charity to the Sharretts, Edward $ 400 Shaffer, William 1100 Severing, Catharine 2900 Shearer, Mrs. R. E 400 Swank, Jacob J 1300 Swank, Hirman 4127 Shaffer, F. 230 Swank, H.& S 4000 Stutzman, A. F 500 Strauss, William 10400 Samuels, Ebenzer 350 Stiffler, Joseph 1800 Seese, W. D I 230 Sweitzer, Henry 300 Stroup, John 516 Sheerer, Rev. D 290 Strayer, Samuel 800 Snook, S. A 1050 Shaffer, James 150 Seiger, Agnes 175 Swank, John 600 Sipe, Isaiah 180 Swank, Newton 250 Swank, Mrs. Harriet 400 Sidman, Wm. R 100 Scanlon, Michael L__ 50 Schwitzer, Frederick 125 Tantlinger, Daniel 185 Thomas, George J 875 Trent, Albert 300 Thompson, Geo. W 1600 Thompson, J. P 3000 Tommins, Robert 900 Thomas, Joseph G 4650 Tayman, J. R 90 Tantlinger, Daniel M Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 200 $ 310 80 330 80 780 200 120 80 220 90 80 150 __ 300 80 220 125 1570 80 175 80 280 125 75 125 175 80 370 80 120 80 200 80 320 80 20 40 60 80 330 80 75 __ 155 -- 110 20 __ 35 80 50 80 320 80 80 80 180 80 530 80 360 80 670 70 40 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 33 NAME. S worn . Statement. Taylor, Mary P $ 1223 Thomas, J. A 94 Uphouse, Wm. H 450 Ullery, G. F 200 Urback, Frank 45 Yarner, F. J 650 Yickroy, Almira 4150 Von Alt, John 60 Vorsatz, John 415 Wagner, Ernestine 11 CO Wilson, Herman H 1140 Wissinger, J. P 400 Worley, A. Q 1050 White, Wm. E 1500 Walker, Mrs. Eonald 837 Wise, Edgar H 510 Wilson, Henry 280 Walls, A. L 1400 Wissinger, Jno. A 217 Whipkey, W. W 300 Wesner, Wm. F 240 Walker, Wm 125 Walter,J. H S00 Walters, James M 1500 Woodring, Jay, Jr 600 Wonders, Norah Wagner, S.J 850 125 285 Walters, Chaarles A ; Young, Milton M 100 80 30 Young. Simon ._ 9714 SO 1240 Zigler, J. B 150 80 Zimmerman, J. S 190 80 30 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. & 125 $ 460 __ 25 125 190 80 45 __ 15 80 230 125 900 15 120 200 435 125 550 80 230 80 510 80 390 200 ___ 80 250 80 80 80 480 80 120 80 155 80 125 125 50 80 80 80 520 200 150 34 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE FOURTH DISTRICT. FIFTH WARD. NAME. Sworn Statement, Arthurs, John $ 7200 Amsler, Mrs. Fred 300 Akers & Banmer 10500 Arthur, W. H 875 Adams, W. A 2600 Ankeny, Wm. W 300 Alter, F. E 600 Ankeny, Joseph 2200 Arthur, Samuel 4425 Alexandar's, John G., Est 6500 Ashbridge, Mrs. Millie 375 Alexander, Silas 75 Auman, John 165 Anderson, P. A 200 Alberter, Priscal * 20 Boyle, Allen 4642 Byron & Son, Wm 19000 Bishop, Amelia 1750 Brazil, John M 850 Barkley, H. G . 405 Brubaker, Mary J 2650 Bishop, John 3100 Benshoff , Mrs. J Q. A., lost husband, 29000 Blackford, Samuel 375 Barhart Bros_- 1500 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. } 200 $ 1440 125 100 125 2375 80 570 125 750 125 75 125 180 80 720 125 940 80 680 125 175 35 25 75 10 200 940 50 1820 125 730 80 320 125 290 400 830 125 860 125 4875 125 220 200 300 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 35 NAME. Sworn Statement 520 Buchanan, John L Barkley, Wm. C ' 1025 Blough, Mrs. B. E 40 o Benford, James 2900 Baumer, Herman 7 600 Benton, Mary A 6 70 q Briber, Edward, Sr 3575 Butler, Charles C 296 Bantly, Herman 3325 Bittner, Wm 3q Benczyk,E i90 Bowman, Henry 12 q0 Bricker, James C 495 Brechenbush, Mrs. Johanna 3095 Bowman, Luther M ]2 50 Burley, Elizabeth r 2500 Bowen, Mrs. Mary 6g50 Burnett, John 1950 Berkebile, Lewis 410 Berkely, Clayton 675 Bannon, Lizetta 20 Barch, Lewis _ 385 Bosley, Samuel 3 500 Bosley, J. T ~ 2000 Byron, Mrs. Mary 1200 Brubaker, Mrs. Lizzie ~ 240 Bracelin, Ellie 250 Bolsinger, Frank 1100 Barnhart, Miss Laura ~~_ 40 Briber, Adolph _ 25 Black, Ella__ ~"~~~~ 45 Bailey, Maggie E """ 50 Barclay, May " 25 Byron, Mary ~ " ~ 19 q Q Baumer, Herman, Jr 7 00 Bauers, Richard ~ ~ " 1500 Awarded Awarded [ by Bd. of by Com- mission. Inquiry. $ 125 $ 190 125 500 200 200 125 925 125 1500 400 1285 125 1090 SO 10 -_ 875 125 30 80 290 80 175 125 70 200 940 80 405 125 800 200 1910 125 685 125 125 125 20 10 125 180 125 1040 125 510 125 360 75 65 -- 60 80 430 -- 10 25 10 -- 15 -- 15 -- 15 -- 210 -- 85 -- 340 36 the world's charity to the cu,«r« Awarded Awarded Benshoff, Miss May $ 950 $ __ $ 210 Bearl, Jonas F Barclay, children 75 __ 60 Bomgardner, Christian 2550 Blackburn, Emma 650 Carthew, John _ 2100 Cobaugh, P. A 17300 Canan, S. Dean 3600 Canan, C. H 715 Coho,John 6190 Cuunningham, J. H 4150 Cranston, James _ 850 Coulter, H. L 2365 Coleman, Mrs. M. P 3725 Conser, W. H_ — 3050 Clawson, F. W 440 Cobaugh, Paul J 2600 Conrad, Dr. G. E 10316 Caddy, Thomas H 1635 Chappie, C 150 Cadugan, Wm. Jr 380 Closson, Ross 2325 Condo, Howard 370 Cooper, Wm 350 Crawford, W. A 220 Comer, M. J 3000 Clarke, Henry _ 375 Crawley, Mrs. James 255 Clawson, J. C 100 Cunz,F. B 1967 Clitz, Randolph 85 Coleman, Jefferson 25 Davis, Mrs. Martha 500 Decker, John 1000 Decker, Wm. B 190 Dill, Henry 1840 125 375 3020 200 630 125 325 200 1170 80 480 200 290 125 775 200 830 125 940 200 150 125 475 200 2070 125 480 30 80 120 200 830 80 195 125 110 80 100 80 310 125 230 80 250 __ 30 80 620 __ 25 __ 25 200 300 200 300 60 200 630 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 37 NAME. c , S f» pn , Statement. Dnncan, Miss H. A $ 728 Dibert, Walter 3900 Dyer, Nathan 650 Diefenbach, Henry 2750 Davis, Miss J 25 Davis, Mrs. Francis E 1065 Doeffer, Wm 1560 Denner, Mrs. Mary 75 Dyer, Samuel H 800 Davis, Mrs. Mary A 115 Doty, Miss Maud 100 Davis', Walter, children 700 Evans, Dr. D. W 2500 Earych, Joseph 4700 Edwards, Robert J 385 Edwards, M. S 1800 Edwards, John 315 Edwards, E. T 500 Engelbach, Harry C 700 Edwards, David 850 Ellsworth, Lizzie 150 Ellis, Richard 4275 Ellis, Samuel 45 Ferner, Abraham 300 Fisher, E. 21950 Fisher, John, Butcher 13465 Folsom, Josiah „ 2750 Fisher, Charles C 2375 Fisher, Milton B 775 Fink, Rev. R. A 3200 Fulton & Caddy * 708 Frank Clayton 650 Fockler, George 5700 Fei, August 340 Fisher, Annie C 500 Friedline, Ross 300 Awarded bv Bd. of inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 5 200 $ 110 80 630 125 330 200 800 20 10 • 200 60 200 520 50 10 125 440 80 35 __ 25 200 640 125 475 80 1010 125 120 200 540 125 105 125 120 125 230 200 430 80 330 80 1100 __ 25 80 170 80 1310 200 3130 200 790 125 680 125 600 200 830 — 100 200 240 80 610 80 95 125 135 80 105 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. Ferner, William $ 180 Frazer, Catharine 100 Fink, Herman D 395 Fairfax, G. W 207 Frank, J. W 250 Finley, Susan P 500 Fredricks, Mrs. Sadie J 149 Flemming, James M __ 100 Fockler,Adam G 315 Fulton, Ella 45 Fairfax, Tillie and Siddie 100 Gunder, Elizabeth 250 Gobert, Charles, Jr 175 Griffith, DavidS 2230 Gerber, E. P. & Bro 2550 Gerber,E. P 600 Guist, James J 400 Gobert, Henry 5400 Geer, J. H_ 1150 Griffith, Lemuel 1450 Gerber, W. D 600 Graft, George 2730 Griffith, Charles 12600 Galbreath, Archie 450 Glass, Jacob A 450 Galbreath, John 250 Gonder,W. F 100 Gruber, Jacob 830 Gerber, A. G — - 3250 Gore, Minnie . 32 Hoestin, William 2150 Hite, John L 650 Hopper, L. G 2050 Hinkel, John, Jr 150 Haberlein,Wm., Sr 2450 Horner, B. F 39000 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 80 $ 20 80 35 125 75 125 40 80 75 __ 200 __ 110 __ 100 __ 60 __ 25 __ 100 125 145 80 130 80 520 125 700 200 100 200 80 125 1205 125 195 200 200 200 150 125 980 80 1280 200 290 125 155 40 — 200 10 200 360 125 320 125 630 125 225 125 675 200 5030 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 39 NAME. S worn , Statement. Hoerle, Frank C $ 3400 Hamilton, Margeret 2325 Haberlein, Wm., Jr 1850 Hinkel, John, Sr 1 650 Hayes, Mrs. Alice 3300 Hochstein, Yost 2550 Hough, Mary A ._ 90 Hertzberger, Casper_.__.__ 3150 Hunt, Timothy L 150 Hunt, Mrs. Timothy L 1500 Harron, Harry 170 Hicks, J. M r 2200 Houpt, Bella F ._ 750 Hoffman, J. C 500 Howard, Levi G 1800 Haynes, John F 3500 Hunter, John W 250 Hanson, Edward special Hummel, Adam 2750 Haynes, Napoleon 650 Houston, Miss Laura E 250 Horner, Mrs. Lafeyette 600 Horrel, Irvin 800 Hershey, F. P 225 Hocker, John 2815 Heslop, Alf 800 Hite, Thomas E 891 Harding, Henry 1200 Harshberger, Shanon O 600 Harshberger, George W 375 Hinkel, Henry 650 Haynes, James W 80 Hancock, Albert Home, Columbia 700 Hilderbrand, W. H 100 Hulls, H.L 250 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. ! 125 % 940 200 720 125 410 80 120 125 700 80 80 125 860 150 80 45 125 570 200 315 125 120 125 550 200 950 80 290 __ 20 125 760 125 280 200 10 125 385 125 180 125 60 200 600 125 210 125 420 80 400 80 80 125 30 200 200 __. 10 80 110 __ 40 __ 60 40 THE WOKLD'S CHARITY TO THE NAME. c A worn 4 Statement. Hamilton, Howard _ $ Hammers, Sadie 40 Head, Alfred 650 Hamilton, Annie . . 60 Horner B HuntL. B 300 Isaacs, P. C 1700 Inscho, Wm. E., Sr 1000 Irvin, Mrs. M 1200 Inscho, W. E., Jr 500 Inscho,Emma J . 15 Inscho, Jacobs 100 Judy, Daniel 3000 Johnson, J. W 1750 Jones, Isaac, Plasterer 1000 Jacobs, Alfred 320 Jenkins', John, child special Kimmel, T. R _ 910 Kelly, John 150 Knable, Bruce 515 Keim, Mrs. M. W__-. 6300 Kinkead, D. H ^ 600 Kennedy, Samuel 575 Keene, Frederick "W 4000 Keggy, J. B 1300 Kreamer, Edward 550 Kuhns, Arthur 500 Kreps, Andrew 300 Krebs, Fred 1986 Krebs, Albert 1800 Kramer, Riley 640 Knable, Wm 190 Kough, Lucy 400 Kelley, James 500 Kefer, Adam J 75 Kelley, Susan 43 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. % - __ 20 -_ 340 -- 20 60 125 305 125 330 125 675 125 230 10 25 125 820 125 580 150 125 95 100 125 430 50 10 125 225 125 1550 200 250 200 200 80 810 125 560 125 320 125 280 125 100 80 220 __ 230 80 210 __ 100 -_ 50 __ 80 __ 20 20 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 41 NAME. c* SW ° rn * Statement. Kelso, Vanvert $ 75 Kennedy, Miss Lizzy 70 Lavely, Geo. H 500 Luke, Sarah A . 692 Lininger, Amos 375 Laurence, Philip M 625 Lavely, David 6380 Leber, John A 450 Leber, Pauline 2800 Levingston, L. S 260 Lane, Levi W 360 Lynch, Samuel M 1200 Launtz, Geo 610 Layton, Joseph P 13677 Lane, C. A 250 Lenhart, Milton 375 Lowenstine, Anna 125 Lenhart, Samuel, Est Lundy, Mrs. Annie E 325 Lenhart, H. C 1630 Levergood, M. L 1500 Linton, R. P 4900 Lardin, Miss Carrie 412 Launtz, Eliza 300 Litzell, Peter 450 Lewis, Thomas M 345 Lenhart, Chas 75 Lancaster, C. F 675 Lohr, Molly 50 Miller, R. P 2500 McLaughlin, Daniel, Mrs 7500 Myers, Mrs. Agnes C 1100 McCann, Mrs. Anna 800 Myers, Almira ._ 75 Morrison, Mrs. S. J __ 3100 McDaniel, A. B Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. I - $ 25 __ 50 125 270 80 820 125 160 125 140 200 1060 125 75 400 570 85 200 60 125 390 80 230 200 2740 125 75 125 195 125 40 200 70 200 290 80 240 125 1000 200 60 200 60 125 75 125 175 15 220 25 200 780 125 1950 200 480 125 440 75 10 200 810 10 42 the world's charity to the Michael, Elizabeth _'___$ 230 Menoher, William C- 450 McGuire, Thomas 3500 Masters, Samuel 1800 Morgan, Jr„ Joseph 12000 Miller, Fred 1425 McAllister, Alonza 430 Miller, S. M 350 Mapledoram, G. W 5551 Miller, Cyrus 375 Markle, Geo. A 1000 McClellan, Mrs. Sarah 2670 Mohr, Elizabeth 175 Murdock, J. M 6505 Miller, Lloyd 450 Miller, Mrs. Emma 3225 Myers, David 500 Moses, Willis A 500 Mattern, Henry 2950 Moffit, Albert H___ r . 315 Myers, Laura A 95 Mattern, Conrad 650 Miller, F. S, 3650 McPherson, Mrs. Eliza 500 Miller, Rev. D. M 7800 Morley & Meldren 800 Mullen, August H 483 Mapledoram, F. L 1450 McCabe, Geo 400 Mangus, Mrs. Ann 350 Murphy, M. F 4300 McDowell, Harry 135 Morrow, Mrs. Jennie, lost husband- 100 Mullor, Frank 905 Mertz, Chas 300 McClellan, Geo. E., Mrs 475 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 80 $ 290 80 160 125 790 200 640 80 1120 200 480 80 70 80 40 200 1070 125 200 200 . 450 200 760 125 50 125 880 125 475 80 870 250 125 250 200 770 125 160 75 10 200 180 200 820 200 110 125 1780 80 100 80 170 80 490 80 240 200 150 125 610 40 80 1070 210 __ 100 100 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 43 KiAuc Sworn Awarded Awarded NAME " Statement. *?**:* H Com- Inquiry, mission. Mohr, Henry $ 50 $ __ $ 10 Matteson,Geo 130 50 25 Miller, Lizzie B 155 Morris, Harry A 30 Metzgar, Emma 300 Mader, Geo. B 200 Nelson, Mary 200 cSO 120 Neff,John 285 Nitche, Mary 75 Ott, Edward 588 O'Neal, Thomas 250 150 25 150 50 100 25 80 120 io Oxnard, A. W 2800 125 880 Ott, Otto : 450 75 27o Ogle, J. Earl, and H. G. Rose 1050 200 150 Penrod, Jerry 400 125 175 Partch, Chas __. 300 125 130 Petriken, H. B___ 500 125 215 Price, Jas. H 1675 200 460 Pike, R. H 630 o 400 1155 Paulson, Wm 1000 200 400 Patterson, Frank. _■ 235 125 155 Paul, Samuel 1150 80 360 Price, Jas. B 1 375 125 180 Peden, Margaret. 3600 125 970 Peden, John's Est Peden, Mrs. Eve 3500 125 970 Parker, Ann J ,____ 7200 200 1500 Pugh, L. S 1872 125 600 Painter, Mrs. E 200 80 60 Phillip, Mrs. Elsie .___ 100 80 10 Painter, David 3325 125 910 Peterson, Franklin P 650 200 190 Price, Chas. H 481 125 240 Peden, Abel J 1820 125 640 Petrikin, A. B 460 125 260 Porch, E. H 800 125 330 44 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE NAME Sw0rn NAME - Statement. Parks, Miss Ella W $ 300 Phillips, Est. P. E .___ 4000 Parks, Mary A____ 800 Price, Geo. W '_ . 590 Porch, Miss M. C- . 60 Porch, W. W 140 Quealy, John 100 Rightenour, W. D 575 Riley, John, -— 330 Reutsch, William 550 Reed, Barbara 300 Raab, Henry J 3410 Reid, E. E 1100 Rhodes, Lincoln, Est Richmeyer, Susan 3300 Rhoads, R.R ---- 900 Riley, Wm. W 375 Reynolds, Thos. E 550 Roming, Benton 518 Rumberger, W.J 375 Robb, Mrs. James 3800 Reed, L. F 400 Ruckser, John 1000 Rutlege, Mrs. Millie _ _ _■ 400 Range, Henry _ . 250 Robb, B. F '_ 525 Rice, Virginia 250 Rutledge, Irvin 5000 Rogers, Mary F 1500 Robb, Mrs. Emma 1200 Rapp, Philip 425 Ryder, Mrs. M. E 400 Ritz, Joseph 492 Reed, Scott W 290 Ringler, F. B 875 Reese, John M 100 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 200 $ — 125 650 125 90 80 410 __ 35 __ 35 __ 25 80 375 2t/0 730 125 140 125 175 125 745 200 230 400 760 80 250 125 150 200 160 125 220 125 130 400 125 175 125 395 80 220 125 80 200 215 175 20 200 1315 200 550 200 610 80 320 200 110 200 280 200 40 200 290 35 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 45 NAME. Sworn Statement. Reed, Geo $ 175 Rutledge, Trvin, Jr 500 Robb,Cora 70 Rutledge & Miller .____ 500 Robb, Matthew - 80 Rogers, Ida B 50 Robb, Blanche---- 400 Smith, James V 450 Slater, Jas.B___ 5520 Sharretts, Jacob 1650 Sharretts, Wiri 1125 £hireds, C. R 450 Saylor, F. P 1 1050 Seibert, Thomas S 1000 Specht, M. G 1700 Snavely, David J ___ 4025 Stnzman, A. A 940 Sharp, Wm. H 350 Snedden, Mrs. Agustus 480 Shellenberger, D. S 425 Shaffer, Geo 5300 Slick, Wm :__-_ 2900 Swank, Levi 400 Schnable, C.J 5900 Sharp, John 7202 Speck, Miss Mina 300 Stewart, Mrs. Ellen. 550 Stewart, W. A 1500 Smith, C. C 6800 Swank, N. J _• - 1450 Shields, Harry A 2250 Sy mons, James 75 Scholl, Carl ____ Sarlouis, Elizabeth 2760 Shaffer,John 370 Stutzman, Stephen 1000 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. * — $ 45 89 120 __ 60 80 120 30 25 110 125 250 125 1020 200 620 200 400 200 250 200 600 200 210 125 330 80 930 125 480 125 290 200 23CL 200 130 125 1120 125 870 200 100 80 1050 200 1540 80 70 200 280 200 390 80 1000 200 620 200 730 75 --- 125 820 125 175 46 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. Singer, Alonzo $ 500 Scheeffer, S. R ■_ 225 Stophell, Thomas $ 1087 Shaver, J. J 490 Singer, Aaron 9462 Swank, KB :':' 3100 Seigh, T. F 10100 Stutzman & Wilson 2000 Schryock, Geo. K._ 5300 Smith, Geo. W-L 1620 Stonder, John 350 Stewart, S. M 280 Snavely, Wm. E 400 Sarlouis, Mrs. Mary 100 Schreffer, Mrs. Kate 400 Shields, O. E . 2500 Sarlouis, Andrew. 160 Shaffer, Frank M 125 Shaffer, "Addle---! 330 Shaffer, Geo. G 75 Shaffer, Christie. I'l 25 Snow T den, Rev. W. H 575 Smith, Mrs. C. C-.-- Special. Shatto, Harry Taney & Co., John M 3000 Thomas, Daniel Jl__ 1600 Thomas, E. O 490 Trent, George :_ 3500 Truss, Henry 331 5 Tantlinger, Daniel, Ex'r •_ 700 Thompson, John H _ 150 Trawatha, S. C 850 Thomas, Will R__2 2000 Thomas, James P 2000 Trabert, Charles 225 Varner, Steven R___, 2600 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. f! 125 80 80 125 125 125 125 80 125 80 125 125 125 60 80 50 125 200 200 200 80 125 80 80 80 200 Awarded by Com- mission. $ 275 70 370 230 1840 840 1900 480 1030 570 175 100 100 25 200 25 35 110 25 20 300 400 750 210 330 820 1020 200 10 350 330 320 60 850 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 47 ....._ c wnrn Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement. b ,V B * of by Com- Inquiry, mission. Yeiring, August $ 2550 $ 200 $ 870 Vike, Christiana ___ io Williams, Alexander 942 125 375 Weigand, Paul 750 200 250 Wagoner, Geo. W 3600 125 775 Wolfe, John F _ 1420 -200 220 Waugh, Clinton 450 200 200 Wagner, W. H 640 125 310 Wonders, John W 2250 200 710 Wern, John 525 200 230 Whitelock, Edwin _. 650 125 240 Wilt, Joseph 520 200 205 Woy, John '___ 625 200 245 Waugh, James R 3857 125 940 Wehn, C. H 700 80 240 Wingard, Chas. & Bro 270 80 40 White, Samuel _ 3800 400 510 Walter, W. H 3300 200 640 Woods, John 1200 80 215 Wisegarver, Tnomas B 1550 125 210 Warden, E. F 800 125 280 Warden, Wm 3110 200 840 Wilson, Harry 250 125 20 Wingard, Mary 275 125 80 Wilson, Chas. 0_-_- 612 200 300 White, Oscar , 50 ___ 20 Wakefield, A.N 6405 125 1060 Walter, Fred 625 125 250 Wright, Mrs. Kate 250 200 50 Woodring, James O 435 80 200 Wright,Mamie 150 125 10 Wilt, Charles H 800 125 310 Warner, Theodore 394 125 130 Watkins, B. F 5950 80 560 Williams, Jane K 400 80 340 Walbeck, Mrs. Mame 50 25 48 the world's charity to the mamc Sworn NAME - Statement. Williams, John F $ 1165 $ Warden, William, Jr _ _ _ _ 200 Welsh, Eobt. W 200 Wingard, Daniel 170 Wright, Wm 50 Williams, Talliscin , 196 Whitaker, Mrs. S. C Special. Young, M. B 900 Young, C A _..-_ 750 Young, Emanuel 4475 Yeagle, Conrad 3100 Young, John H 3030 Yoder, Tobias J___,_ ,__ 1890 Zimmerman, C. F 115 Zimmerman, Frederick 4965 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. r - $ 310 ■ 50 __ 50 __ 25 __ 100 __ 125 _. 100 125 220 125 220 200 650 125 720 200 800 125 10 125 1030 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 49 FIFTH DISTRICT. FIRST WARD, NAME. Sworn Statement. Allendorf er, William $ 75 Allendorf er, John H 2925 Anderson, John J 450 Allendorfer, George M 1600 Ambrose, John _ _1 Special. Akers, George J 600 Allendorfer, Henry 3425 Arnold, G. W 1000 Ansibach, Helmuth 150 Altman, Morris 448 Boyle, G. M 470 Burrell, Joseph 430 Bailey, S. C 9283 Bush, Joseph 7925 Baker, Conrad 2300 Barnett, William 790 Boyd, J. K *__ 1300 Blight, S. S 525 Bingham, Uriah 7320 Brinker, John Barnes, James W 4310 Barkley, Abner K 750 Byers, Susan 5175 Brown, Charles 4285 Bennett & Greer 1600 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. & 40 $ 10 80 910 125 240 80 530 __ 25 80 380 125 1070 125 445 20 60 125 290 125 305 125 1590 125 1620 125 770 80 220 80 655 80 290 80 1600 80 1030 80 255 200 1050 125 1060 600 50 the world's charity to the NAME. Sworn Statement. Boyd, William 800 Bell, S. H 1130 Brumbaugh, L. H 1000 Butler, S. A., Mrs., lost husband. ._ 1320 Bostert, Gustave 9100 Bradley, Hugh 3987 Brown, Rachael 400 Brown, George H 3750 Bryan, David R 700 Black, Alexander 4625 Bear, Rheinhardt 380 Beard, Mary E 380 Bernd, Joseph 2100 Brehme, C. F 1400 Blough, S. T Baum, John 300 Blough, Sadie M 500 Bridges, Jane, Est 1800 Bennett, Benjamin 190 Brown & Thompson __ 3500 Bennett, Harry 500 Bolsinger, P. G 12400 Beegle, William 1085 Barnicle, John 700 Burns, C. A 100 Banfield, George 1800 Boring, A. J 47 Bonfield, James 60 Beale, L>. J., Rev 3500 Barkley , Eliza 600 Barnes, Gharles 28000 Butts, John, Mrs 185 Bennett, M. E 350 Butts, Mary Ann 300 Benigh, John S 800 Brice, Edward 75 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 220 80 370 80 420 125 1080 80 2000 50 1090 200 200 80 680 80 390 80 1030 80 130 125 125 80 630 -- 150 125 90 80 160 200 80 45 80 200 335 80 2560 80 370 125 230 20 10 125 620 25 25 30 80 1080 200 500 125 2010 80 20 80 60 80 260 80 355 . _. 25 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 51 wflime Sworn NAME - Statement. Barnhart, Sadie J $ 40 Bolar, Jennie 150 Benner, Daniel G 100 Brown, Chas. W 116 Blough, Jerry 80 Burrell, Frank 200 Bennett, Elias _._ 200 Boyle, Peter - Butler, Chas. D 396 Benford, C. W 60 Brinkey Bros. Est Brown, Maggie 450 Bruce, Mary 100 Burkhardt, Lizzie 40 Burkhardt, Katie 40 Bolsinger, Bertie 650 Bolsinger, Minnie 675 Byers, Charles 400 Byers, Gertrude 300 Beckley, E., Estate 100 Bush, Ida 350 Bansco, Annie 100 Boyle, Owen ^ _ 50 Bergen, Charles 520 Bauer, Frank 319 Bonner, Jane Alice 150 Bender, Nettie.-- 40 Confer, A. M., Mrs 4200 Clark, F. W., Mrs 4000 Carroll, J. C 2310 Caples, W. S 650 Caples & More 5250 Custer, J. P -___ 1525 Closson, James A 685 Caro, M., Rev 1000 Costlow, Joseph 300 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. ? • $ 20 __ 50 __ 50 __ 45 __ 25 60 80 70 60 -- 20 250 _- 50 __ ' 30 __ 25 _.. 110 __ 110 __ 60 -- 110 50 __ 25 -- 25 250 __ 150 __ 15 80 225 80 830 125 •540 125 240 80 500 80 665 125 290 80 310 80 35 52 the world's charity to the NAME. Sworn Statement. Conrad, Geo $ 3000 Crane, Martha 400 Cooper, Geo 1700 Crouse, E. G 1600 Carpenter, Mrs. Anna C 3700 Coleman, Frank M 1450 Carroll, M. J 365 Carpenter, A. L 4100 Cronin, Mary, lost husband 400 Campbell, Mary R 9500 Cricks, John 2600 Cohen & Marx 16300 Cohen, J. L 1000 Cooper, John 1470 Cooper, B. F 270 Clark, Mary A 800 Carlson, Hugo 100 Clark, Maurice 7150 Connors, Wm 775 Conrad, Frank 600 Carroll, John J _'_._ 300 Clayton, C. E 2125 Caddy & Davis : 1300 Caddy, Wm. J 650 Centner, Mary 75 Caddy, Sarah, Mrs 540 Corn, Aaron A Carney, Geo. W., Mrs Special. Conroy , Sarah 125 Crafford, Woods ■ 50 Cooper, Harry 115 Conrad, Jas. B 225 Calahan, Rachael, Miss 50 Clinf eldter, Francis 100 Collins, Thomas M 1200 Campbell, Eva A 750 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ - $ 150 200 260 80 625 80 430 200 940 80 300 125 270 80 630 600 800 125 950 300 80 2210 80 260 125 475 30 200 250 30 80 1630 125 300 125 320 125 300 125 685 80 220 80 295 __ 60 80 370 120 __ 50 __ 110 25 __ 50 _.. 30 __ 20 __ 600 225 COXEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 53 NAME. Sworn Statement. Carpenter, Geo. B $ 80 Carpenter, Chas. H 255 Creager, E. C 235 Clark, Charles B 1087 Clossin, Irene M 140 Dempsey, W.W 600 Deitenhafer, Frank 1500 Dixon, Mary 1000 Duncan, D. J., Mrs 5200 Dick, Chas. D 112 Doty, G. M 100 Dellette, S. C, Miss 50 Daniels, John 600 Davis, James R 4950 Davis, D. H 450 Donaldson, Wm. A . 1500 Drury, John F 1000 Danges, A., Mrs 6100 Douglass, Minnie E 475 Davis, Mary 100 Davis, D., Mrs 9900 Davis, Thos. D 6200 Dawson, Margaret 250 Dibert, Scott 29000 Dougheny, Laura 1300 Davis, Price 1400 Doerr, George 8150 Dawson, Thomas 2635 Davis, W. J 6000 Davis, David M 2500 De France, H. T 4975 Davis, Martha, Mrs 1900 Delaney, L. W 1200 Davis, David J 450 Durst, John 1000 Davis, Owen W 4500 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 5 - $ 20 35 __ 50 100 __ 95 80 245 125 520 125 375 125 1060 25 __ 30 __ 60 80 285 125 1270 125 235 125 450 125 230 200 1330 125 60 50 200 1260 125 1425 125 110 80 3550 200 650 80 400 125 1690 125 850 80 1000 80 770 80 1060 200 610 80 645 80 170 80 250 80 1050 54 THE world's charity to the Dunn, Maggie : $ 30 Driscoll, Elias 510 Davis, C. H., Mrs 17400 Dunn, Margary 30 Doubt, Wm, T Davis, C. L SO Dunham, Edgar A 150 Dopp, Emma. 100 Doubt, Mollie 75 Edwards, Rachael 1000 Etchison, Wilson _. 1655 Etchison, James 266 Easterbrook, Alfred 2430 Edwards, Thomas 6080 Edwards, Henry 175 Edwards, John T 1250 Edminston, Newton 550 Evans, Josiah 10000 Edwards, D. R 4390 Evans, Mary 50 Eck, S.P 125 Evans, Edw. S 900 Ellwood, J. H 850 Evans, Sarah 100 Edwards, E. L 3775 Eckel, Peter 1025 Engle, John 220 Evans, W. W 135 Evans, Noah 350 Evans, Thomas T 155 Evans, Wm. F 172 Frank, Fred 400 Frazer, C.T 24800 Fritz, Adolph 2500 Foster, Conrad 4380 Frank, John, Jr 500 Awarded by 8d. of Inquiry. $ 30 125 125 20 200 125 80 80 200 50 80 80 80 125 25 70 125 80 80 80 125 125 80 80 80 80 125 80 Awarded fay Com- mission. $ 10 290 1680 30 25 20 30 400 600 10 560 1640 85 670 230 2030 680 30 340 370 60 860 400 20 30 120 120 175 180 20 700 780 230 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. «..,«-« Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement by Bd. of by Com- Matement. , nquiry- m i SS i on . Fredericks, W. H 480 80 200 Felt, E. T 2425 80 670 Froshberger, Otto 100 100 Friedman, Aaron 2500 80 280 Furlong, W. C 825 80 415 Faulkner, Annie, Miss 525 80 160 Fredericks, Mary E 300 80 220 Foster, Mary Jane, Mrs ----- 300 80 1 20 Fredel, John A 180 __ 125 Fleischaur, Hubert 350 200 Fink,W. E 150 __ 75 Feg, Mary 15 Fritz, Katie 75 __ 25 Frank, John's Est ----- 5100 80 Geist, Lewis 900 200 430 Galbreath, Geo 800 125 325 Glass, Margaret, Mrs 1800 400 510 Gribble, John 500 80 320 Gribble, Benjamin 1050 80 550 Gore, John A 300 80 120 Gobert, Christian 3900 125 1020 Greer, J. C, Rev 1550 125 575 Griffith, James 10400 80 2270 Gloser, Mary, Miss 80 50 Grubbs, A.K 550 125 290 Geisel, Samuel 800 80 380 Green, Wesley 4100 - 350 Glass, Andrew 400 125 185 Gibbons, D. B 2000 80 520 Geddes, Geo., Est Giffen, S.J 1400 80 420 Gathagin, Jane, Mrs 250 125 110 Gettings, Richard 1800 — 600 Gregg, A. M 4200 80 930 Golde, Henry 445 200 300 Griffith, Chas 158 20 310 56 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE »»«• SifEnt. Gobert, Charles 1785 Gardner, Geo. A 800 Griffith, John F 4900 Goilden, Max 75 Greer, D. N 185 Gregg, H. H 100 Gardner, Curt 50 Glan's Est 650 Gardner, Mattie 100 Gardner, Frank M 35 Gabert,W. D 300 Goodwin, Wm 50 Griffith, Francis .75 Grumbling, Lillie 80 Gabert, Henry 136 Gregg, Josephine 440 Goodwin, Jonathan, children 86 Hannan, John 24800 Heidingfelder, J. B 6325 Hay, F. W 36500 Housedorfer, R 970 Hidingsf elter, John G 400 Haldeman, B. F 2000 Houghton, F. C 700 Hopp, G.B 1200 Hawthorne, W 570 Henderson, Wm 775 Hanson, John . 50 Hood,Emma J 1275 Harris, W. B 200 Haws, H. Y 7250 Huber, W. R 4976 Hoffman. Benj., Est 14425 Hughes, Winifred 9250 Heffley, Adra 125 Hughes, Philip 890 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 125 610 125 280 80 1140 __ 30 80 10 50 __ 25 __ 110 __ 40 __ 10 80 120 __ 20 __ 25 __ 25 __ 35 110 ' 60 125 5875 125 1120 125 2540 80 420 80 240 80 630 80 285 80 380 125 270 80 330 __ 30 400 330 50 __ 530 80 820 80 1355 200 1695 __ 60 80 320 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE 57 NAME. Sworn Statement. Hughes, Daniel $ 175 Humphreys, E.J 860 Harris, Thomas T 720 Hamilton, Alex. Sr 5000 Heslop, Gale 1800 Heslop, Mrs., C 2300 Hamilton, E. Y. T 810 Hanekamp, Annie E 6150 Hurrel, C. E 500 Hughes, Richard 1200 Hart, Alex. M 600 Hamilton, James A 775 Harris, Henry J 4000 Hamilton, H. H 975 Harris, John B 700 Howlet, Mary 1050 Hagerty, Chas 600 Harris, Isaac 500 Harris, Wm. T 6000 Harris, John T 14925 Holm, Albert 120 Hanekamp, S. E., Est Hogen, Franklin P__ 275 Horner, Miss Hannah 150 Hawkins, Job 385 Hammond, C. H 150 Howell, Est Hartzell, Mrs., Kate Hartzell, M. H 2144 Hanecamp, Oscar 200 Humphreys, Wm 350 Hammond, A. F 188 Hildebrand, Chas 60 Hare, E. B 150 Harshberger, J, M.C 350 Harris, J. J., Fst Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 60 80 320 125 270 80 1030 80 550 400 710 80 220 200 710 80 180 80 430 80 320 80 120 125 1040 125 470 125 550 125 400 80 270 80 340 125 1490 125 3020 --- 55 80 35 __ 90 80 130 50 --- 80 400 __ 35 80 120 -- 100 70 80 120 58 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. NAME Sw0rt1 NAMt - Statement. Hay, Frank R $ 250 Hartman, Jacob 375 Hill, Miss Beckie 100 Hepline, Alice B 130 Harris, Annie 300 Heslop, Harriet 120 Hawthorne, Chas 33 Horner, Samnel W 339 Hopkine, Matilda 25 Hulsbecke, Christina 50 Hughes, Wm. A 115 Hunt, Samuel H 60 Haggins, Nettie 50 Haddoway, Joseph 250 Hart, Maria 40 Inscho, Elizabeth 265 Irwin, Mrs., M. M 1000 Icklow, John 150 Irons, Charles W 435 Ingram, Sam'l S 960 Ickes, Chauncey 120 Ickes, Geo. C 75 Jones, D. R 4500 Jenkins, David 530 Jones, Richard W 3810 Jones, Mrs., Ellen 660 Johnson, August 580 Johnson, Hannah 274 Jones, Evan W 7270 James, David W 3800 James, David E 7660 Jones, F.B 900 James, Wm 65 James, Mrs., Sadie 190 Jones, James 1 — - 400 Jones, D. J 6500 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ - $ 35 __ 270 70 __ 40 80 60 __ 20 __ 50 80 140 __ 15 25 __ 35 20 -- 25 25 80 185 80 260 80 20 125 155 80 355 __ 35 40 80 1030 125 200 80 1240 200 260 80 320 80 20 80 1310 80 1030 125 1370 80 380 __ 20 75 10 80 120 80 1520 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 59 NAME. Sworn Statement. Jones, John A $ 975 Jones, Mrs. , David 2900 Jones, David W 5200 Jones, Thomas J 4000 Johnston, Jno 2500 Janosky, M 7085 Jelbart, Thomas 500 Jones, Lizzie 500 Jones, Thos. D 270 Jones, Martha 100 Jackson, E. H 125 James, Benj. F 120 Jones, Asaph ._. 110 Jones, Harriet 180 James, Eben 12100 James, Thos. D _'___ 175 Kinney, A. P 3100 Kenly, Mrs.,Charlotte 1165 Keller, Logan W 2250 Killer, Wm. B 1900 Kopelin, Mrs., M. M 3300 Kern, Jos- 5033 Kerchner, Henry 800 Kramer, W. A 12600 Kuhn, H. H 2150 Kuntz, Mrs.,Sadie 300 Kidd, John A 1688 Kidd, J. J 890 Keiper, Dorotha 2100 Keiper, George 7550 Keene, Henry, Jr 2775 Keene, Henry, Sr 5100 Kinney, Wm. J 1150 King, Dorsey 800 Kerwin, David 2000 Kelly, Mrs., Alice J 100 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. i 125 $ 280 80 1230 80 565 125 1330 200 245 80 430 80 320 80 70 80 130 35 45 __ 20 __ 35 __ 25 __ 35 125 2875 80 45 125 1190 200 410 80 310 80 380 80 410 80 830 125 475 80 1520 125 620 125 85 125 600 125 490 200 680 80 1830 80 880 125 1270 80 330 80 190 125 620 40 45 60 THE world's charity to the NAME. Sworn Statement. Kidd, Wm. H $ 750 Kinney, Wilson 350 Kinney, S. M. 650 Keene, Fred 300 Keene, Henry H_i 1395 Kuckkuck, Henry 375 Kidd, Joshua Est 5500 Kane, Miss Anna 70 Kimmel, A. F 275 King, Mrs.,Dorsey '. 2800 Kinney, Jno.T 3500 Long, Lydia J., lost husband 900 Leckey, J 2950 Llewelyn, Thomas J 1500 Lloyd, E. A 8775 Lueppe, Robt 2095 Lias, George - 325 Legal, A. J 450 Leitenberger, Lewis, Est 5500 Litzinger, Robert 1400 Lininger, Miss Lizzie 60 Lininger, Miss Hettie 360 Lynch, John D 600 Lewis, Mrs., John J 815 Linton, John P 21750 Lloyd, Ann 300 Linton, Mrs., L. H 1000 Lewis, Wm., Jr 425 Lloyd, W. T 570 Layton, John H 780 Lego, W. A 500 Lloyd, E. A. & Jones 2400 Lewis, Wm. J 7600 Llewelyn, J. T., Est Lloyd, Wm 4415 Lossom, Gust Awarded by Bd. of inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 $ 390 80 50 80 70 80 120 125 375 80 220 35 __ 35 1030 80 500 125 1275 200 810 125 480 80 1520 125 660 80 170 80 130 80 _ ._ _ 80 540 30 10 80 110 125 175 80 340 80 3920 125 75 400 220 125 14C 125 225 80 330 80 300 80 350 80 1680 80 830 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 61 NAME. Sworn Statement. Lewis, John E r — $ 1100 Lindquist, Frank 170 Liningner, Solomon 4100 Levy, Mrs., Peter 675 Lininger, Jacob 300 Lowry, John F — - 300 Lee, Mrs., Emily M., lost husband- 12700 Lundin, A. G 1400 Lavan, Miss Lizzie, 50 Lorentz, Mrs., Johanna 600 Lunderen, Chas 110 Lambert, Miss Lizzie 35 Lloyd, Jno. P - 1775 Lloyd, W, D 275 Lamb,M. B 60 Long, Elmer 75 Lark,John 120 Llewellyn, Wm 245 Linton, R. M ' 300 Lorentz, Miss Johanna 200 Maneval,C 775 McClouskey , Hugh 750 McCauliff, Pvobt 550 Miller, Elizabeth 500 Morgan, J. Thomas 400 Morley, Mrs., Anna 5350 Morley, John H 3825 McDivitt, John 125 McCune, John 1400 Moore, James 8075 Miller, E. L 1200 McGuire, Hugh 500 Mock, A. D 275 McClouskey, James 135 Masters, A. M 500 McGarvey, Homer A 4800 Awarded by Bd. of inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 % 320 35 125 770 200 280 80 80 45 200 2500 125 380 50 80 260 __ 25 _. 15 __ 260 __ 50 __ 30 __ 35 __ 50 SO 50 __ 25 __ 60 80 230 125 290 125 260 200 240 80 240 125 1480 80 650 80 10 80 740 80 1925 80 520 125 560 80 195 80 55 80 330 80 825 62 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE NAME. Muehlhauser, Geo $ Marsden, Geo Moore, John Marker, David Morley, James, Est Milspaw, G. W Matthews, W. E Metz, Henry McCloskey , Jane McCreight, James B Makin, Jennie McClelland, Thomas 1 Moses, Anna Bell Morr,R.H Moses, Lucy M Moses, Sadie F Moses, Annie M Moses, Emma C Marx, J Mainhart, David Marsh, Angie Miller, Valentine Morgan, R. J Moore, Robert A McNiece, John C Mayer, W. F Miller, H. F Miller, George Mitchell, W. D Moore, W. H McElcar, Nimrod Moses, W. A. & Co Murdock, Mrs., Emma Murdock, Margaret . Miller, Sarah Masterton, John G Sworn Statement. Mwarueu by Bd. of Inquiry. nwarueui by Com- mission. ; 4350 $ 80 $ 920 4000 125 775 100 25 500 210 10000 80 600 1010 125 390 888 80 300 3050 125 780 2830 400 710 880 125 340 20 __ 10 500 80 80 250 80 -- 300 100 10 220 125 10 1000 125 110 4900 125 510 1000 80 270 3675 80 820 200 125 10 600 125 270 525 80 240 730 80 270 700 125 315 9255 80 1020 575 80 325 400 125 220 900 200 320 900 125 390 475 80 160 1351 125 150 475 200 110 65 60 60 150 125 80 4280 80 530 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE 63 NAME. Sworn Statement Miller, Ed. J $ 22 Mingle, W. H., Rev 1200 McFeaters, Jennie 50 Morgan, James 60 Masters, Sarah 50 Moses, Andrew 161 5 Murray, Mrs., M. E 200 McGuire, Eliza 150 Mertz, Amelia 108 McGwire, Laurence ,___ 87 McHugh, Mary 60 Moore, Jno. L 40 Marker, Mrs., David 150 Miller, John A 256 McGuire, Harry F 26 McDivitt, Pat 116 McCafferty, Katie 50 McDowell, B. G 112 Makin, Miss, Mary 65 Moses, Mrs., E. W Special. Neville, W. F 900 Naugle, Rebecca 160 Nihiser, James H 86 Nonberger, Louis 148 Nathan, Mrs., Fannie, lost husband 25035 Nilson, John 200 North, Emma 110 Neville, children 1000 O'Neill, Peter 340 Ott, W. F 400 Opperman, Charles 2650 O'Connell, P.F 700 O'Conner Bros 1000 Otto, C. W . 180 Opperman, Henry 110 Patterson, Hiram 511 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ — 80 640 50 20 40 40 10 125 460 80 60 40 110 __ 35 __ 35 25 __ 10 __ 60 100 10 25 25 30 __ 15 __ 75 125 430 80 170 50 _■_ 130 125 3530 . _ _ 60 60 200 125 175 125 175 125 880 125 475 40 25 80 320 64 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. fja: Sworn Statement. Palmer, Wm. A $ 725 Probert, Richard 500 Petriken & Miller 6200 Piper, Mary A 500 Palmer, Elizabeth 3695 Potter, Joseph 410 Patton, James 4324 Peters, Samuel 3080 Patterson, Sarah 500 Price, J. J., Est 2500 Peelor, Harry S 2150 Pinder, Thomas 5550 Peelor, David 1475 Powell, Howell 300 Powell, Evan 100 Phillips, Robert 5000 Price, Chas. S 7700 Phillips, Mrs., H. S 3400 Pickworth, Frank 75 Peterson, Charles 250 Phillips, Miss Maggie 550 Phillips, Margaret 170 Prosser, David '___ 55 Piper, William 400 Poland, S.C 3000 Parry, George 80 Prescott, Annie J 00 Prosser, Charles . __ 200 Powell, Eleanor 400 Petterson, Ella 80 Peterson, John C ' 110 Price, John 217 Peoples, W. J Rees, D. G 5850 125 880 Reese, John D., Est 3000 Rish, William 720 125 400 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 $ 360 80 270 80 1420 125 - 283 80 770 125 250 125 1060 125 890 200 210 80 420 80 260 125 1050 200 510 80 120 80 10 80 1020 80 1030 200 810 25 80 373 80 320 __ 60 25 __ 35 80 770 25 __ 35 60 80 353 25 __ 50 35 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. Ho Ruth, Joseph .$ 350 Roberts, John D 15800 Replogle, Jacob 1850 Rogers, G.W 1200 Reese, Lewis D 125 Rhoads, Samuel 350 Rankin, Lee H 530 Roth, Sophia, lost husband 280 Reighard, R. A 9850 Reese, Mary D., Est 3900 Rhodes, Wm. T 550 Riale, Sadie 650 Raab, Margaret 7510 Rowland, W. K 800 Roberts, I. E 5100 Roseborough, C. C 100 Ribblett, John A 400 Reese, John 225 Reese, Robt. W 400 Reed, W. M 580 Reese, Mary A 600 Reese, Rachael 850 Randolph, Geo. F 18000 Reese, Margaret M 2820 Rowley, John T 26300 Rich, William 1500 Reese, Hannah 1250 Romig, Jacob 4810 Raab, Henry 3900 Rankin, John B 83 Reddick, Harry 625 Roberts, William 265 Replogle, R. Z 500 Richards, Daniel 300 Riley, Pat. K 50 Reese, Wm. L 100 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 125 $ 140 80 3050 80 250 80 520 80 45 80 120 125 370 600 900 80 770 125 320 125 320 125 1250 125 320 125 625 35 125 200 125 100 125 260 80 320 200 300 400 210 80 2540 200 770 80 1810 80 510 125 560 80 1130 125 1020 30 125 330 80 40 125 375 25 30 66 THE WORLD S CHARITY TO THE iua met Sworn NAME - Statement. Reese, Ida $ 140 Rhodes, Maggie C 100 Reese, John E 380 Riggs,0. D 125 Roland, I. O 200 Rankin, Wm. R 50 Rutledge, Frank 65 Rowland, Maggie 70 Rosenthal, Benjamin 1000 Richards, Jno. H 100 Roth, Ann Elizabeth 90 Rodd, Nellie 300 Romig, Hannah 250 Reese, Sarah J. and sister 700 Raab, Susanna - 150 Simon, Charles 2475 Spotz, Moses 700 Scanlan, John . 200 Stroup, Daniel 3950 Schultz, John 1250 Seigh, Jno. W 2861 Stevenson, J. W 15500 Slick, E. E 200 Smith, Harry R .205 Slick, Thomas V 225 Stewart, T.G. & Co 45000 Seigh, Michael 217 Strouse, Mrs., Moses, lost husband. 1000 Story, Mrs., R. E 3200 Speedy, B. F 1650 Story, H. W 1650 Sleep, Charles - 500 Strayer, John E 300 Statler, Sanford 75 Suppes, Mrs., R. E 9500 Suppes, Chas. H 11500 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 30 30 25 25 100 50 30 25 80 540 30 60 50 85 410 __ 110 125 650 125 412 80 125 1072 200 590 200 810 125 2290 80 25 80 20 125 85 80 3500 80 105 80 1020 200 710 80 750 80 660 80 270 __ 120 __ 30 80 2300 80 1070 CONEMTAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 07 c«/Ann Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement b * Bd ' of b * Com - btatement. , nquiry m 'j SS j n. Sleep,E.P $ 385 $ 80 $ 200 Sanford, W. B 325 125 95 Sheeler, Wm 840 80 380 Smith,R. E 1450 80 454 Seigh, Wm.P 500 80 320 Sutton, CO— 100 40 20 Sherman, Otto. 1115 80 270 Strayer, Jacob B 750 80 480 Stewart, Lizzie 95 35 25 Shaffer, George 345 80 220 Stroup, Sherman 475 80 220 Swan, S. M.,Dr 5155 60 Shaffer, Samuel 630 80 430 Statler, Dorothy 610 125 490 Sheridan, J, C 6385 80 650 Smith, Malinda 5600 125 760 Seigh, J. T 1720 125 530 Schultz, Mary 2100 125 960 Smith, O. E 870 200 330 Sculley, Charles 90 ___ 60 Slick, W. W 3340 80 640 Seigh, Mrs., Susan 2750 200 940 Sharp, Blanche 80 80 10 Shulteis. Philip :!__ 4800 80 1583 Shryock, W. L 5300 125 1275 Slater, Emanuel 600 125 280 Sloan, Margaret..--- 5950 125 1280 Shaffer, Henry 900 125 560 Solderbnnd, Amanda Stophel, George 325 80 120 Strauss, Augustus 500 80 270 Sell, LeroyA 1340 80 420 Slagle, August 775 200 320 Sann, Frederick 200 80 60 Sloan, Robt. A 900 80 340 Slosser, Maggie 60 50 10 68 THE WOBLD'S CHARITY TO THE c lwn ._ Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement b * BtL of b * Com " Matement. , nqujry . m ' lss j 0n . Sterns, Herman $ 390 $ __ $ 60 Slick, James 125 40 45 Swank, Mrs., N. M 5000 125 1125 Simons, William 550 80 220 Sedelmyer, Joseph E 3900 80 630 Smith, F. M 100 60 20 Simpson, Geo. J 120 20 Stephens, Mary__. 600 80 330 Shryock, Ada L 900 260 Schubert, C. T, Mrs., lost husband 2700 600 1500 Sanders, Wm, J 257 __ 25 Seymore, William 1375 80 500 Shatto, Frank __ Scherman, John 290 __ 110 Sheridan, W.S '_ 245 . _ 85 Suver, Joseph 600 80 330 Scanlan. Jennie 90 __ 70 Statler,Lyda 150 __ 70 Stephenson, Charles 150 __ 40 Sanford, H. G 185 50 Suline, Lizzie 85 __ 25 Sheulteis, George 500 80 360 Slater, D. B 129 __ 35 Seigh, Eachael 275 110 Slick,A. K 50 40 Shone, George 40 __ 20 Smith, Nellie 50 __ 25 Smith, Wm. A 1 170 25 Sing,Lee 299 50 Swanson, E 250 35 Stophel, Maud 23 Sanford, Ed. E 58 __ 15 Stephens, Alice 65 _"_ 40 Smith, W. R 40 __ 10 Sanford, Chas. F 45 __ 20 Stroup, Sallie A 135 __ 60 CONEMAUGH VAT/LEY SUFFERERS, w su/nrn Awarded Tradenick, Mrs, Joseph $ 4000 $ 80 Tice, Maria 1600 400 Tremellyn, Wm 1200 80 Taylor, James S 1200 80 Thomas & Walters 8100 80 Taney,Adam 500 125 Turner, Achsa 800 125 Thomas, Ivor 800 125 Thomas, James 700 80 Tropp,Chas $40 SO Tremellen, Jno. H 430 80 Trimbath, John 250 125 Thomas, Jno. E 300 80 Thomas, R. R 1260 125 Thomas, Annie 2913 200 Thomas, Benjamin 500 80 Test, Jane 300 80 Tredeimick, Emma 300 Tredennick, John 1115 Thornburg, A. L ■_ 30 Tredennick, Joseph, Jr 60 Thomas, John 200 Tompkins, James T 1525 W Tremellen,Ella---' 200 Utecht, G. A 1825 80 Uhl, Russell 250 Vanatta,J. P 660 125 Vance, W. B 1000 80 Varner, W. H 1835 125 Yarner, Hannah 200 Williams, Wm. J 700 125 Williams, Harry J 1575 125 Walters, Dr. W. W 14008 80 Woefberg, Annie 179 80 Walters, Jno. W 1800 80 Williams, Hannah H 2050 125 Awarded by Com- mission. H 1000 600 470 820 1500 290 310 225 120 130 550 70 290 420 836 240 200 60 110 20 20 60 500 50 600 50 230 430 530 110 130 360 2320 10 520 795 70 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. »»«•£- mSs* ml* oar Awarded Awarded by Bd. of by Corn- Inquiry, mission. Williams, Wm.P- -$ 1525 $ 125 $ 523 Waters, John & Bro 8080 80 1135 VVeitz, Peter 1250 80 430 Williamson, O. W 15 Watkins, Thomas 1700 125 554 Wilhelm, George , 1745 125 500 White, Thos. J 1700 SO 550 Wier,J.C 1688 80 470 Walters, Gomer 1500 80 470 Walters, A. H 1180 80 420 Wherry, Jno.T 2500 125 1050 Williams, Mrs. Wm. J 2912 200 1930 White, Thomas 1510 125 617 Witt, Ed. S 1297 80 320 Wilhelm, Wm 750 80 285 Wisegarver, Jno. C 700 200 300 Wisegarver, A, L 150 40 Wissinger, C. L 900 80 120 Williams, Howell 100 80 10 Watt, Thomas 700 125 220 White, Mary J 2600 80 760 Wicks, C. W 450 125 120 Williams, Annie 600 125 200 Wilson, Joseph 1040 125 400 Wood, James - 700 125 310 Williams, David 240 ___ 25 Wilson, Samuel 8 887 125 315 Wise, Adam 1900 125 670 Will, Margaret 1500 200 573 Wannell, Harry 3075 80 720 Wineman, G. W 3220 80 780 White, John 5900 125 1380 Woolf,L.M 8500 80 30 Waters, David 800 80 420 Wier, Mrs. M. C 1050 125 400 Willour, R 400 200 170 THE WORLD S CHARITY TO THE 71 NAME. Sworn Statement. Widdersheim, Henry $ 4000 $ Wolf, John P 300 White, Hugh 5465 Watterman, N. V 520 White, A. C 120 White, Mary 1000 Williams, Robt. J., Est 1000 Williams, Ann : 225 Williams, Lizzie 160 Williams, Elizabeth 325 Woods, Frank 85 Warren, Thomas 350 Worthington, Jennie 104 White, John L 570 Ward, Rosie 35 Williams, B.L 225 White, Ida M 400 Woods, Mollie D 200 Williams, John 100 Williams, Geo. H 275 Wilson, C.W 1500 Weaver, Wm. F 400 Wise, Lizzie 30 Weakland, Ellen 3000 Walker, Addie 50 Wilson, Henrietta Special. Young, Wm. H 2600 Young, H.S 1000 Young, Geo. A 890 Young, S. E 1950 Young, Harry C Young, Barbara 100 Zimmerman, H. S 80 Zimmerman, James S_- 850 Zimmerman, E. A 4900 Zimmerman, G. A 6020 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. 80 80 80 80 80 200 80 80 80 30 80 125 80 125 80 SV 80 80 80 Awarded by Com- mission. & 920 100 1080 240 310 85 25 210 25 250 25 25 20 120 100 50 25 25 620 250 15 700 25 100 1275 370 300 310 25 10 420 860 1440 72 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE SIXTH DISTRICT. SECOND WARLD. NAME. Sworn Statement. Aubrey, Mrs. Elvira, lost husband- $ 850 Apple, John H 2390 Alter. Chas. H '500 Ashbridge, J. S 12470 Allison, Wm. F 775 A ndrews. Ann , lost h u sband 2285 Andrews, John 300 Adams, James A 450 Andrews, Minnie 100 A ndrews, Lizzie 175 A lexander, Dr. Clara 800 Aubrey, Wm 125 Beam, W. C, Est 7090 Brinker, A. D 7650 Brown, John W 450 Buchanan, John's Est 2(300 Brown, Samuel J 750 Berry,A.C 1500 Buchanan, Ed. R 250 Burdick, Thos. E 900 Boyes, Wm, and Sister 200 Byroads, O. W 780 Breniser, Mary E 2870 Beam, L. T., Est 19000 Breniser, Chas. L 2930 Booser, Joseph 590 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awardeol by Com- mission. 400 $ 800 80 720 110 125 1550 80 370 400 1400 125 105 220 __ 35 _■_ 50 300 40 125 700 80 780 125 560 125 _'__ 210 125 290 125 80 430 80 70 80 440 80 910 1575 80 730 125 195 CONEMATJGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 73 NAME. Sworn Statement. Backenhime, L. B $ 400 $ Burkett, John 1200 Barnhart, Jacob 373 Brown, Mrs. F. P 1200 Bell,W. H SO Bender, R. S 280 Bell, Louis R 175 Brendman, R : 200 Blackburn, Mrs. Mary 450 Breniser, C. M 410 Begley , Ann Special. Bell, Anson L 67 Bremer, Mary 50 Buchanan, Frank M 259 Brown, Mrs. R. H 400 Bumgardner, Jennie 100 Brawley, Wm. A 1500 Brindle, Anna T 45 Creed, David, Est 13500 Carney, Theo. M 440 Crouse, Joseph 8100 Caples, Mrs. Hannah 400 Coxe, Fred W 900 Caltabach, Geo 660 Canan, Mrs. R, H 800 Colliver,Wm 1550 Cooper, J. M 8350 Carrol, Thos. A 1400 Clark, Mrs. Mary A., lost husband- 310 Carswell, Edwin T 7500 Cessna, Chas 30 Chandler, J. E 8000 Coad, John's Est 8400 Carthew & Cronin 300 Collins, Mrs. Lizzie Special. Conlogue, Patrick 2345 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 110 125 480 125 355 125 480 80 60 30 20 125 400 110 35 130 25 50 50 ___ 35 ___ 500 ___ 25 80 560 80 220 80 1000 125 250 ___ 100 80 370 125 500 200 630 80 1520 200 580 600 750 80 950 __ 10 20 80 870 125 75 15 15 80 420 74 the world's charity TO the Qujn , n Awarded Awarded NAME. StaRmSnt b * B(L of b * Com " btatement. ,' nquiry# mission. Conroy, Bridget 236 50 Carr,E. H 130 __ 60 Delaney, Thos. K 300 80 100 Diggins, W. H „ 500 125 320 Daly, Frank, Est Dobbins, J. R 1000. 125 430 Davis, James F 400 80 270 Dick, Thos 800 80 320 Dotterer, E. J 500 __ 50 Dowling, Walter F 2200 80 1520 Davies, Eli- '__- 1000 __ 570 Decker, S. H 800 80 320 Dishong, Peter 760 125 260 Delany, G. W 1350 200 310 Davis, R. D 12890 80 2420 Dibert, G.W 1000 80 10 Davis, Mrs. W. L 925 125 1375 Davis, Thos. E r 600 80 200 Davis, W.N 100 35 Davis, Thos., Est Dibert, W. B 5000 80 840 Drew, Harry 1050 125 390 Dibert, Mrs. Kate R 3500 125 910 Davidson, Chas 75 _._ 20 Diefenback, Annie 30 ___ 30 Dull, Kate 75 „_ 25 Dougherty, Rosa 100 ___ 15 Engelbach, Geo. H 635 125 375 Ellis, S. P. S 11100 _.- 500 Evans, Timothy 400 80 70 Elder, Cyrus 14750 1480 Edwards, Thos. J 4750 80 1140 Edwards, Ann, Est 9785 _. Ellis, Harry and wife 500 80 Emerson, Lizzie and Jessie 500 200 50 Eble, Frank. ____ 200 80 70 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. Sworn Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement by Bd. of by Corn- Statement. |nqujry m j ssion> Erisminger, W. H 2625 80 360 Engle, J. W 1335 125 385 Ernst, Annie 70 35 Endsley,W. K 540 _-_ 60 Ellis, Wm 1800 80 320 Fink, E. S 2600 80 270 Fleming, Joseph F 1000 80 420 Findley, R. H 2380 750 Fulton, John 13120 1280 Farley, Sadie 125 80 10 Fitzharris, C, Est 3000 125 760 Fingeshute, Phillip 100 50 Fulton, Alfred ___. 200 80 Fisher, Jacob 200 __ 35 Feik, Christina 40 __ 35 Greenwood, Daniel 600 1 25 275 Gegeby, Capt. J. H 600 80 130 George, Chas 125 80 10 Gull, A. M 1116 80 430 Geist,T. A 3600 200 500 Gilfand, Lander 5550 80 595 Gallagher, Frank 410 210 Green, G. M 3155 125 775 Gaither, John O 360 80 215 Graff, D. T 500 80 10 Green, Joseph 100 80 10 Gilmore, Anthony 800 100 Gilmore, W. J 2420 310 Gilmore, Abram 250 60 Gerber, Lizzie __ 10 I'D Gerber, Barbara 50 Gardner, Mary 100 __ 35 Home, Nathaniel J 2400 125 720 Hancock, John 200 — 35 Hamilton, T.F 3300 80 740 Hamilton, Alex., Jr., Est THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE "*«■ S,a S =„ t . Howells, Tommy $ 800 $ Hanekamp, John H 550 Higson,John 2000 Hill, Samuel 450 Hughes, Susan, lost husband 400 Harris, Miss Minerva 180 Hamilton, Geo. W 2970 Harris, David 350 Hay, Mrs. Annie M 5000 Harris, John W 2250 Hill, John Q .__ 1450 Helsel, Hiram L- 3100 Hopkins, Mrs. Mary 500 Hablich, George 2275 Hunt, G. W 2330 Henrie,S. B 1900 Hughes, Thomas J Hopkins, Morgan 100 Harris, Lewis J 375 Herrington, Emma 300 Hoffman, C, Est Hinchman, H. C 519 Hawthorne, A, J 100 Harris, Louis Higgins, Jacob 250 Hay, Harry M 1000 Horn, Patrick 1200 Higson, Kate 331 Hayncey , Mary Special. Horn, Mollie 250 Higson, Carrie 220 Hagan, Eva 100 Hartweiger, Theresa 108 Hosking, Seth 150 Hill & Aubrey Holroyd, Susan 340 1_ 100 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 125 $ 260 80 120 125 650 200 105 400 1100 80 10 80 730 __ 110 125 1270 125 860 80 420 80 910 125 375 125 245 80 100 " 125 440 40 80 270 125 10 80 190 - 30 80 70 80 320 125 640 __ 110 15 35 50 __ 35 __ 35 30 TON EM A UGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. M«Mie Sworn NAME. Statement. Huth, Jacob $ 145 $ Hoffman, Gottfried, Est 2800 Idinger, John 650 Ingram, Mrs. Catherine €75 Ivey, John 900 Ingram, Jno. S 175 Ingram, Edward E 160 Jones, David J 70 James, John 900 Jones, John J 380 Jones, Mrs. James, lost husband-. 1000 Jones, JohnO-^ 1000 Johnson, T.J___- 350 Jones, John D 1120 Jones, Rev. E. W., Est 1280 James, John W 8220 Jones, John S 700 Johnson, Howard B _ 150 Joder, Reuben J 430 Jones, Evan D 200 Jenkins, John D 600 Johnson, C. M 1500 James, E. A., Jr 840 Johnson, Samuel C 60 Jonas, Daniel 160 Jenkins, Sarah 2200 Jackson, T.J 60 Jackson, Louisa C, lost husband. _- Jenkins, Ann 200 Jones, Lizzie 175 Kegg, James P__. 800 Kies, Chas.F 51025 Kirby, David 2300 Kunkle, Mrs. Mary 1500 Kennedy, Alex 2200 Kraft, W. A 1600 arded 3d. of quiry. Awarded by Com- mission. -- $ 30 125 270 80 360 80 470 _.. 135 145 __ 20 SO 210 80 70 400 1220 125 420 80 10 135 410 80 870 125 85 __ 30 80 280 __ 35 125 275 __ 110 125 310 80 10 __ 60 125 770 __ 20 1200 __ 200 __ 60 80 320 __ 50 __ 260 200 700 125 500 125 510 78' CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. NAME. Sworn Statement. Kitto, Cyrus 750 Kreddle & Farrell 5225 Kane, Victor A 454 Kohler, Elizabeth ,__.„. 3636 Kough, Geo.W 7733 Kearns,JohnJ 119 Karns, Jno 863 Keiper , Louis 3620 Kress, Justina F 20000 Kenney, Thos 550 Kinney, John 750 Karns, Wm. H 350 Kinney, James 50 Kane, Mrs. Sarah 100 Kinney, Wm . --->-- 30 Kress, Jacob 240 Kress, C. F., Jr 250 Kugel, Maggie • 120 Kane, Walter 500 Kast, Charles, Est 3900 Lambert, Mrs. Louisa 7200 Lewis, Ann 1360 Lewis, D.E 1450 Lavelle, Pat 730 Lewis, G. H ----- 1200 Leitenberger , Gottlieb 5440 Lowman, Dr. W. B 11000 Lewis, Mrs. Sue M 150 Lane, James A 3000 Leggett, McClellan 1012 Lewis, W. C 4450 Lowman, Dr. John_ 1200 Lambert, Carl F 375 Lewis, Maggie E '_ 160 Lewis, Lizzie 100 Lind, Wm 250 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 125 465 125 1020 125 75 125 910 SO 1320 __ 40 200 370 80 990 125 260 80 10 80 320 20 __ 50 10 25 25 60 -- 210 80 1560 200 530 125 520 125 580 125 525 125 1180 125 1830 80 35 200 1020 80 430 __ 770 210 50 __ 90 __ 50 35 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE 79 CuiB , n Awarded Awardep NAME. Statement ty Bd. of by Com- aiaiemem. Jnquiry> mission. Litzinger, Miss Maud G 300 50 Sing Lee - 100 Lewis, Mrs. Elizabeth .___. 950 510 McConanghy, James P 121200 McKelbey, Lettie 250 Morrell, Thos. T 2600 Murr, Mrs. Ghas., lost husband 16100 Murphy, J. J., Est -- 32000 Murray, Georgia 275 Mayer, Dr. L. H . 2600 McCreery, Samuel 500 McMeans, Thomas 363 McMeans, Mrs. Wm., lost husband- 1050 Murphy, John D 1510 Myers, Jacob 350 Murtha, Joseph 635 Murtha, Thos 250 Masters, Geo. H 563 Masters, Joseph 1400 McGee, Thomas _ 250 Morgan, Mrs. Job, lost husband. __ 30800 McConaughy, B. B 800 McDowell, Robt., Est 4850 Marshall, Thos. R 1125 Mangus, Abram 1000 Murty, James T 1600 Marbourg, Esther, lost husband. . - 4000 Merle, J. C 2000 McGee, Mrs. Ann, lost husband 1300 Mickey, Frank 260 Maclay, Sarah H 11500 Murphy, Mrs. Ella 8200 Morgan, T. E 2140 Morgan, Morgan 100 Miller,Katie B 20 MaLzi, Mrs., Jacob, lost husband. . 750 125 __ 80 570 600 2880 200 3050 SO 75 so 420 80 420 80 70 600 900 200 690 ___ 50 125 380 125 80 80 210 125 560 110 400 3040 80 370 80 380 200 400 125 720 400 1760 125 510 400 1200 125 75 200 2685 500 80 670 __ 35 10 10 600 1090 SO THE W()KL1) ; S CHARITY TO THK NAME, Sworn Statement. McCauIey r Michael $ 300 | Murray, W. C 600 Marshall. Mrs. Dellia, lost husband \.__ McMillen, James 1 39500 McMillen, Mrs. Margaret 4200 McVeigh, R. F 370 Monteverdo, Constantine 2000 Marboug, Sarah and Annie 5758 Miller, Henry 50 McCleary, J. F 100 McPike, Bridget 75 McConaughy, Mary L 600 McConaughy. Margaret P 800 McConaughy, Florence 900 McConaughy, Caroline 1000 McDermott, Bridget 30 McFall, Mary 75 Masters, W. F 200 Murphy, Robt. S 600 Murphy, Mrs, J. D 300 McLaughlin, Kate Special. Miller, Miss Tillie 50 Nittersaur, Mrs. M. M Special. Nennstiel, Emma 160 Nennstiel, Melly 180 Owens, Moses l 2800 Owens, Mrs. Catherine 1000 Ogle, Chas 3700 Ortenan, J. D 300 Olinsted, Daniel 1450 Owens, J. W 3285 O'Connell, Daniel, Est O'Toole, John and Margaret 2475 O'Donnell, Frank's Est 2575 Overbeck, Mary, lost husband 1850 O'Rourke, Mary - 150 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded! by Com- mission. 125 $ 375 80 200 400 80O __ 10 80 420 80 95 125 500 125 1125 __ 20 30 25 __ 280 280 __ 280 ■ • 280 '__ 20 __ 25 30 310 __ 110 __ 25 25 __ 60 __ 50 __ 50 125 870 125 520 125 275 80 70 80 320 125 860 80 1020 400 820 200 820 45 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 81 NAME. Sworn Statement. O'Donnell, John $ 1250 O'Connell, Bridget F 50 O'Connell, Bridget, Miss 75 O'Donnell, Wm •_ 60 Owens, Thomas 200 Overbeck, Mrs. Jennie, lost husb'd_ Owens, Wm., Est (3800 Prosser, A. G 2250 Prosser, Lew. J 21 25 Prosser, David, Est Parsons, Robt. A 3000 Parsons, Robt 7620 Parker, F. G____ . 800 Parsons, John W 1024 Potts, Thos 1550 Packer, H. G 235 Phillips, Seth E 6500 Patterson, James D 400 Peabody, Geo. L Potts, James 9700 Pritchard, Wm. H 16300 Parsons, Joe E 400 Powell, Mrs. Martha 2300 Patton, Wm. J 720 Potts, Mary Ann 100 Prosser, John 400 Pugh, Evan, Est 2500 Price, Mrs. Susanna 600 Peden, Henry 500 Patterson , Annie 50 Peck, Guy D 400 Pritchard, Thos 115 Richards. David 550 Raab, John _ 8000 Rees, Benjamin 381 Ream,Wm 2900 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ -- $ 410 25 __ 30 __ 25 __ 100 1000 80 20 80 235 80 210 125 780 200 1530 no 125 430 125 670 80 85 80 1430 80 230 400 3020 __ 300 __ 110 125 870 440 80 110 100 125 __ 420 50 __ 25 50 80 10 125 210 125 1880 80 280 125 575 82 the world's charity to the c,™,. Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement by Bd. of by Com- btatement. )nquiry _ mi3S j 0n , Ready, John K $ 600 $ 200 $ 290 Ramsey, Mary II 1900 125 600 Rose, Mrs. Harry G., lost husband. 1250 400 1210 Rees,Wm 800 125 340 Rose, W. Horace 29750 80 5100 Rees, John D 350 80 220 Rees, Mrs. Sarah 8500 125 1760 Reese, David L _ 575 125 290 Roberts, H. J., Est 12400 Raab George C, Est 1800 200 500 Radofsky, Abe 100 __ 25 Radofsky, H 975 80 190 Ryan, John's Est _-_'__ 34000 400 4070 Rosensteel, Mrs. W. H 27500 125 Rose, Robt. G 1650- 80 620 Ream, Mrs. Nancy 150 __ 120 Royer, Mrs. Sadie J :__ 500 200 300 Russell, Joseph 69 _, 25 Rigg, Benj 85 _- 25 Ramsey, W. R 500 r . 60 Ramsey, Chas 150 __ 30 Ramsey, J. H 150 __ 30 Ramsey, H. C 125 __ 30 Rhodes, Samuel S 450 80 370 Ryding, H. C 350 __ 60 Raab, Miss Jennie Special. -- 50 Rees, James W 600 80 220 Scholz, Henry 225 80 35 Sharkey, Cornelius 7141 80 1430 Stremel, Angust 10175 80 1730 Strauss, Win. H 2700 80 510 Skinner, John 115 __ 35 Strayer, Ulysus 2000 125 260 Smith, Joseph S 1776 125 650 Stuver, Sylvester 3235 125 740 Stark. Miss Kate 175 80 10 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 83 NAME Sworn NAMt - Statement. Statler, Jonn A $ 1125 Staekhouse, Daniel M 550 Shotts, Leonard 2350 Smith, L. L 2400 Schotz, John ■___■ 2350 Stewart, A. G 500 Seider, Miss Emma 2500 Statler, Geo 12650 Statler, Chas. H 2800 Sherman, M 3500 Smith, Andrew J 225 Schiffhouer, John, Est 4525 Shelley, John 1400 Schoff, George C 200 Steel, Walter S Stem, Charles . 1650 Shumaker, Geo 400 Sauer, Josephine 150 Siebert, Miss Kate 150 Speckler, Howard J 125 Stone, Belle 70 Sullivan, Patrick 70 Stein, S 500 Speckler, Chas 62 Schuman, Elizabeth 50 Seth, Jennie 135 Seth, Mrs. Mary 90 Stahl, Emma 30 Schock,Ida M 200 Shaffer, Miss Lida K 75 Thomas, Daniel H 1744 Thomas, Jenkin 3250 Thorney, Robt 200 Tesh, Fredrick 310 Tittle, Jno. S 8500 Tesh, Chas. L 25 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. |i 125 $ 470 __ 60 125 780 80 790 80 770 80 340 80 710 125 1820 80 710 80 410 80 90 80 10 200 200 35 80 660 80 490 80 10 80 10 __ 25 __ 25 25 . _ 35 ,.__ 85 __ 15 __ 60 __ 25 80 620 200 850 50 80 300 80 2030 10 84 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE NAME Sworn NAMt - Statement. Tyler, Marshell H - $ 100 Thomas, Daniel .___*— 150 Unversaght, Daniel, Est- — 28800 Valance, Adam A 1240 Vincent, Rachael - .— 900 Williams, Wm, H— - 119 Wier, Mrs. F. P 1000 Williamson, C. W Withers, Thomas - — 150 Wagoner, George, Eat___- 5000 Worthington, Thos 1 140 Walters/Ellen M - 1200 Walters, Kate K 300 Williams, David J—" • 3100 Walters, Howel P - — 200 Williams, David H_ — . 1680 Williams, James 520 Walker, Mrs. Ann „ 13000 Williams, W. R ----- 1000. Werry, Joseph 2290 Wehn, Geo.W 590 Wonders, Geo— - 1180 Weaver, Herbert 2800 Worthington, Richard 650 Wilson, J.N — _ 1200 Walters, Mrs. Anna B — 300 Williams, Jno. J 665 Wess, Francis — _ — ... 83 Williams, James C 750 Wills, Henry 100 Wier, W. C-~- - ! — 90 Wier, Jennie C - 275 Walters, Wm. J 150 Walters, Sue 75 Walker, Wm. D 210 Wehn, Geo. Est- — - - Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 25 20 80 400 125 385 125 510 80 10 125 310 70 80 __ 80 10 200 330 125 35 80 820 __ 50 80 410 125 180 80 2530 125 485 125 675 125 175 80 420 80 640 125 260 125 430 80 70 125 290 40 10 125 340 __ 25 __ 25 __ 50 _ 25 __ 25 50 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 85 - Eichenseager, Miss Rosa Entriken, Hettie - - - - Friant, Joseph _ _ _ _ Friedhoof , John - __ ~ - Frick,Miss Mary ~- Friedhoof, Mary Ann . Fisher, Wm _ _ _ ^„ _„ Fearl Thos. J — -- Fox, Mrs. Mary, lost husband Fitz, Clia_-- „._-_- Fullmer, Sam -____--__... Fullmer, Harry Prick, John A ~ _ - Fitzsimmons, Andy — _ --_ Fisher, Fred Flippo, A. L Friedhoof, Joseph ~ Fisher, Andy - - - Ford, J.D.-L . Friedhoof, P. S Fenlon, Ann, lost husband Faloon, Ann E., Est .._-. Firkins, Thomas A Fogle, Peter Flick, Russel Fesler , James ~ ..._...., Sworn Statement. by Bd. of Inquiry. by Com- mission. 139 $ 20 $ 139 600 80 170 340 80 155 9600 80 1920 13616 80 1130 110 50 250 75 300 6100 125 110 200 80 120 300 80 120 25 __ . 70 25 900 125 ' 240 180 80 20 30 __ 20 3150 125 875 325 80 133 26000 80 900 3150 600 1400 400 125 280 150 __ 100 650 80 375 1500 : 125 454 1100 80 430 600 80 215 22450 SO 2165 140 20 100 700 80 120 500 400 572 60 --- 10 • 485 80 255 900 80 340 104 THE world's charity to the NAME. Sworn Statement. Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. __ $ 10 80 120 25 Forbes, John R-_ $ 30 Fagan, W. C 330 Parbaugh, Celia 60 Faber, Chas 70 Fox, Henry 120 __ 30 Francis, Annie Feeg, Mrs. Catherine 125 Fisher, Gerharf .350 Fox, Celia Fitzpatrick, Joseph 600 Gerber, Anthony 2005 Gatins, Frank Gaus, John 7100 Geiselhart, Albert 952 Gatins, John 1606 Gardill, John 85 Gobin, Benj 125 Gerhardt, John 8550 Grubbs, Mrs. Daniel J 400 Gorman, Richard H 1200 Gleichauf, Mrs. M 740 Gerhardt, Conrad 550 Geisel, Henry 332 Gordon, W. H 1375 Gerber, Joseph 4000 Gates, John S 576 Green, James 84 Gordon, Ed. J 105 Griffith, John 2700 Gordan, Martha J 700 Grabill, Levi 125 Greenwald, Martin 397 Gerhardt, Gust 70 Gaundler, Geo. A 50 Getline, Peter 400 Gebhart, Mrs. Rosa 250 __ 15 30 280 80 120 125 775 125 1805 80 360 125 680 __ 10 30 70 80 1120 80 325 80 155 125 340 80 410 80 170 80 320 80 1320 80 420 __ 10 __ 10 80 810 80 320 __ 35 80 170 __' 20 20 ._ 50 45 150 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 105 «._«..-. Awarded Awarded NAME. statimlnt by Bd. of by Corn- Statement. ,' nquiry m i S sion. Gantz, W. C __--$ 250 $ __ $ 150 Goucher, Samuel 75 Gormely, Ann_ 40 __ 40 Gates, Gilbert 60 Grebenstein, J. K 170 Gaus, Albertina 50 Glace, Fred 400 Gonghnour, Mrs. Harriet, lost Son_ Grwynn, Geo 254 Hassinger, John G 350 Howard, Julia, lost father _ _ Hoffman, Chas. J 1600 Hetzinger, Philip 3100 Hagerish, Christ 400 Hesselbine, Henry 600 Horn, John S 4025 Hudson, H. E __ 7040 Harney, Mrs. Pat 700 Henry, Jacob 840 Horn, John N 525 Hines, Thomas-..-, 1750 Hof elder, Mrs. Geo 2300 Habercorn, Geo 975 Hoffman, Chas 6200 Holfelder, Geo 100 Henderson, 'Squire 400 Hinger, Joseph 577 Habel, Mrs. John, lost husband 350 Holmes, Chas 852 Havercorn, Mrs. Mary 150 Hoos, Mary 230 Hinger, Theresa 3550 Helstine, Francis 425 Humphreys, Harry 20 Hollfelder, John 2500 Hornick, Frank 2332 30 90 __ 25 270 __ 300 __ 40 125 130 200 230 125 250 125 990 80 165 80 120 80 670 125 1500 125 350 125 340 125 430 125 706 125 675 80 360 125 740 30 30 50 100 80- 337 600 800 80 120 60 259 80 70 125 1076 125 240 80 826 80 420 106 THE WORLD'S CHAEITY TO THE NAME. Summ Awarded Awarded Statement by Bd. of by Com- statement. , nquiry- mission . Held,George $ 1500 $ 80 $ 320 Hough, John C- 1030 125 451 Hutzel, Ephraim 300 80 130 Hunter, Ella 135 45 55 Hale, Jennie 110 30 270 Herdman, John 550 80 320 Hetzinger, H. G 60 __ 15 Helsel, Cyrus 115 ... 25 Harris, Henry K 800 80 470 Hornick, Christ C 1350 80 220 Hornick, John's Est _- 400 Hellrigle, Jennie 375 40 140 Holsopple, Wm 594 80 400 Huebner, Otto 465 80 50 Hetzinger, Otto 110 _. 10 Higgins, Thomas Harker, John 375 200 500 Hahn, Henry 50 20 20 Hauber, Chas 330 80 302 Hayes, Mrs. E. P 80 25 Hochstine, Mrs. Eliza J.,lt. husb'd_ 100' 600 . 600 Hipp, Josephs 830 80 352 Horner, Robert H 800 80 350 Hogan, Mrs. Mary 300 80 410 Haubich, Fred ___ __ 15 Hughes, Lottie Hershberger, D. M 230 80 70 Hoffman, Henry 500 185 Hudson, Geo. M 143 __ 60 Haberkorn, John 500 80 70 Hoffman, F. W., Est 1500 200 590 Hammer, Chas 100 _. 20 Hines, John 550 80 32Q Hipp, John 150 50 100 Hipp, Elizabeth 20 "__ 25 Huffman, J. C 350 __ 15 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 107 NAME. Sworn Statement. Heddrich, Henry $ 310 Hadzline, Jno 1100 Ivory, Albert 80 Ickes, Joseph 55 Itell, Thomas J 200 Johnson, Robt 40 Jones, Myrtle V 4500 Jones, John G 115 Jones, Jenkins' Est 3475 Johnson, Geo 435 Jones, Win. H 165 Jefferson, Jordan 200 Jones, Joseph 120 Johnson, Wilson 750 Jones, Annie 175 Jose, John 75 Jones, M. D 2605 James, Emanuel 37000 Jasper, Rev. Elias 300 Jones, Miss Tillie 200 Jones, Miss Ida ,_-_ 150 Jaurving, Oscar 75 Jones, Mary A 400 James, Mary A 1250 Johnson, Oliver _ 50 Jeffers, Benj. G 300 James, Jno. A 100 Kiefer, Mrs. Mary 800 Kirkwood, Wm 300 Keifer, Max 125 Kimmel, Elmer 520 Karr, Jno's., heirs 4600 Kost, Markus 500 Krauss, Mrs. Chas. H 470 Kopelin, David 74 Keating, Michael J 400 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. __ $ 60 80 500 40 __ 15 50 __ 20 __ 820 80 20 80 220 __ 200 80 70 __ 25 80 70 80 20 __ 15 125 700 80 4300 80 450 __ 35 _._ 35 __ 35 80 135 __ 135 __ 50 __ 250 __ 15 125 120 125 150 35 80 230 600 720 80 331 125 275 40 125 225 10S THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE ««,o- n Awarded Awarded NAME. ctoJimant b y Bd - of by Com- Statement. f nqujry m ] ssj0n Karsher, Ignatius— $ 100 $ __ $ 50 Kelly, Annie M 250 80 70 Klug, Elizabeth 730 125 175 Knee, Harry 900 80 220 Kiefer, Henry 1000 80 470 Kist, Ben 2100 80 540 Kinney, Catherine 950 80 410 Kaufman, Lena 400 125 177 Kugel,JohnC 2830 80 820 Kessler, Jacob 350 80 320 Kessler, Mrs. Joseph 2000 80 680 Kinsy, Mrs. Peter_ — 800 80 430 Kist, Michael 375 80 75 Konig, A. Louis 600 80 320 Kirby, John, Sr 1100 80 310 Kuckuck, Christ 1840 80 420 Kaltenbaugh, J. C 100 25 Kohr, Win 125 80 40 Kuntz, Henry J___ 775 80 270 Kudel, Annie 50 __ 25 Keifline, August 1477 80 550 Kelley, James G ----- 300 80 120 Kopelin, Mathias 30 20 Kirby, John, Jr 1120 80 320 Kurtz, Jacob .- 180 25 Kohler, Mathias 1650 80 723 Kurtz, John __'■ — Kurtz, Adam, Est 150 __ 30 Kantz, Harry 120 _. 25 Keifer, Henry, Jr 60 20 Kuhule, Kate Special. __ 25 Kist, Lewis 795 „ 370 Knee, Samuel & Bro 80 ._ 120 Kaylor, Wm 25 __ 10 Kepple, Thomes 60 -- 10 Lutz, D, & Son CON'EMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 109 mamc Sworn NAME - Statement. Lynn, A. H $ 560 i Luther, G. 8000 Lynn, Samuel 525 Liberty, Ed 125 Lynch, Mrs. Owen, Special. Lee, Mrs. Samuel H 550 Lay ton, Samuel 60 Lehmeyer, Louis 1540 Laf ranee, Joseph..' 638 Lewis, L. W ^ 318 Landon, David 700 Lucas, Robt 360 Lehmeyer, August 3840 Law, Mrs. Sarah.___, 130 Long, Jacob 185 Lane, Wm 25 Ludden,Miss Mary 150 Luther, A.J 250 Lynch, James 500 Lichider, Jane_. 180 Lawler, Laughlin 200 Layton, Charley, lost mother Leipfried, Rose 40 Murphy, Maurice 590 McCann, Stephen 50 Muntzer, Wilhelmina 2300 McMullen, H. A 1200 McGraff, Jas Morland, August McGinness, Patrick 80 Murton, John 3350 Murphy, Mrs. Bridget 1200 Mayer, Augustine 5518 McCarble,Jas 608 Maurer, Sam. E 350 McGrary, David 270 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 $ 240 125 1500 80 120 __ 200 '__ 220 155 190 __ 15 80 310 80 240 __ 20 80 145 80 120 80 670 80 30 -- 25 50 __ 210 80 75 100 191 __ 450 __ 20 125 403 __ 30 125 470 80 220 -- 25 80 720 125 475 125 840 80 370 80 149 100 no THE WORLD SS CJIARITY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. McKenna, John $ 28350 McDill, Mrs. C. A 1050 Mullen, Ellen, lost husband 800 McGinley, Mrs. James, lost husb'cL Malzi, John 330 McCoy, Augustine 750 Malzi, Peter 900 Moore, Mary 205 Moore, Henry 300 Miner, L. L 210 Muntzer, Geo 900 McGovern, Thos 700 Mecasline, Wm. H 350 Morgan, Mrs. Wm. H 118 Monthe, John 1380 Mitchell, Geo. L Miller, Thomas Mullin, August 800 Mullin, Fritz , 499 Moebs, Wm 815 Murton, Nicholas 150 McBride, Roger 600 Morgan, J. M 500 Morony, Jas 200 Murtha, Sarah 200 Morgan, Alfred 400 McCann, Michael 75 Mullen, Mary 70 McVeigh. Jos 40 McCullough, Frank 480 McBride. Patrick 60 McMullen, Wm. H 250 Mackin, Sarah J 150 McCreery, Jas. H 425 Murphy, W. J 350 Mitchell, Jno 40 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 125 $ 5875 80 460 (>00 1055 600 650 50 80 447 80 100 125 120 50 150 25 __ 360 80 320 60 80 97 80 870 10 80 330 25 80 185 40 80 210 __ 40 __ 100 __ 100 200 60 __ 20 _. 20 -- 90 50 ._ 130 125 150 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. Ill wamc Sworn NAME - Statement. Morrison, Carrie $ 100 Xoon, Jerome "15 Ness, Fred 35 Nagle, Chas 65 Neitroar, Chas 45 Neal, Isaac 150 Neelis, Miss Sarah 100 Xeatrour, Sophia 45 Oschger, B. O 27q Ott, J. A 1675 O'Connell. Patrick, Est -,,_ Opperman, Chas 150 O'Shea, Henry 625 Oldham, X.J 240 Peppier, Christ 1600 Penrod, Geo. AV 400 Pfeffercorn. Wm 490 Pfister, Erhard 1300 Paul, John B 1800 Peyton, Geo. A - i_. 410 Penrod, James I) 3960 Polsler, George 2500 Peyton, Chas. L 375 Penrod, Kittie 100 Pepler, Catherine, special 476 Pettes, Riley 45 Prosser, Wm. S 38 Progner Dili. Est., lost husband 350 Penrod, Mrs. Martha, lost husband Penrod, Susan 200 Procter, James 75 Patton, Mrs. Mary 265 Pfeil, Mrs. Elizabeth 300 Peterson, Lydia Quinn, J. M 1350 Quinn. Michael 525 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. 125 SO 80 125 125 80 125 80 80 80 80 vSO 400 Awarded by Con- mission. p- 90 130 25 75 15 50 30 20 45 640 35 215 770 290 230 530 5S0 300 790 674 100 25 320 600 750 600 600 ___ 110 25 30 100 80 120 125 079 80 518 112 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE Cmi „, Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement by Bd. of by Com - statement. | nqujry> m j ssion . Quinn, Terry $ 150 $ __ $ 50 Riddler, Robt's. Heirs 1848 __ 270 Redinger Henry 600 80 330 Reiderl, Joseph 2830 125 480 Rose, J. D 550 80 340 Rubritz, Jacob 1900 80 720 Reich, Mrs., Mary 5900 125 1260 Reynolds Philip 650 80 320 Robison, John 87 _. 40 Rowland, Louis Est 2400 125 820 Reitz, Lewis 500 80 110 Ray, Mrs. Mary 20 Ripple, Geo 365 80 190 Rogers, James 470 50 270 Russel, Emma 700 80 120 Ruhley, John 20 Rapp, Barbara 3000 80 260 Reed,Chas 50 :. 25 Ross,Harry 110 _. 10 Ross, Wm 250 80 100 Roos, Mrs. Eliza, lost husband ___ 400 845 Ross, Mrs. Lucinda, lost husband-- 600 635 Regan, Martin Rauft, Michael 71 ___ . 30 Riffle, James 48 .__ 20 Rist, Martin 75 ■___ 25 Reynolds, Mary 58 _ __ 75 Rider, Geo 40 ___ 15 Rittweger, Fred_. 50 ___ 15 Ross,Alice 80 ■_:_ 35 Randolph, Mrs. Margaret 270 ___ ' 270 Sahn, Nicholas. 650 80 390 Sandyer, Philip 200 40 70 Steckle, John 1300 125 520 Studeny, Geo 2600 125 706 Snyder, W. H 377 80 190 COXEMAUGII valley sufferers. 11: . mmmrm c wnrn Awarded Awarded NAYiE. Statement by Bd. 9 f by Com- btatement. |nquiry m J issiorii Stormer, Laura, $ 1200 $ 115 $ 520 Stormer, Wm 2000 80 662 Schonhardt, John 270 80 60 Schry, Chas. B 400 125 175 Seivert, Jno 1800 125 620 Spareline, Annie, lost husband 50 300 050 Scheetz, Jno. P 800 125 460 Smay, Orlandus :_'_ 400 50 130 Sherman, Russell 50 ■__ 25 Shaffer, Lewis R 335 80 250 Smith, Wm 400 80 220 Stream,Ed 465 80 70 Sheetz, Jacob 700 89 350 Sheetz, Kate, lost husband 2900 200 1510 Snyder, Jacob. 1000 80 315 Swartzman, John 1000 80 •' 313 Snyder, Joseph 174 80 105 Seibert, Conrad ,. 1510 80 250 Smith, Robt. B 125 50 10 Stonebraker, W 2800 80 652 Schnurr, Mrs. Chas., lost husband- 2700 600 885 Shelhammer, Lena, lost husband. _ 800 600 900 Sehring, Ernest 700 80 380 Strathmeyer, F. H 20 Sheetz, Chas 535 80 270 Springer, Earnest 370 80 280 Stahr, Fred 375 80 210 Schonhardt, Fred 3120 80 830 Sedlemeyer, Jos. J 2150 80 773 Scherer, Henry 700 125 330 Smith, Wm 60 __ .25 Smonse, Barbara 250 125 95 St. Clair, B. F 300 50 100 Steiginwald, Wm., Est 5500 600 800 Smitteberger, Lewis 1875 80 570 Schweitzer, Wm 545 80 330 114 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. Singer, Jas. B .$ 2050 $ Schwing, Geo 325 Swalwell, Joseph . 41 5 Stombaugh, Henry . 300 Strayer,J. J . _. 09200 Sedlemeyer, Catherine --. 1690 Seibert, Jno . 500 Snyder, Andrew 225 Sievis, Wm 40 Su mmers, Annie M . ~ . 45 Sour, John . 50 Scritchfield, Samuel. Spencer, Ed 60 Smay, Frank 466 Schutz, Mrs. Charlotte, lost husb'd. 600 Studeny , Geo. W ,- - 2250 Stych, Wm 25 Stormer, Jno 200 Schnnrr, Mrs. Robt., lost husband. 75 Shaffer, Fred. J 1840 Smith, Mrs. Lucy 50 Seiple, Wm . 50 Seibert, Chas „ .. 195 Slater, Margaret, Est Seese, Mrs. Susannah . 58 Seibert, Lizzie . 310 Sheibley , Miss Minnie - .... 200 Smith, Chas . .... 165 Smith, Lewis -...._„__ 46 Stahl, Owen .: 60 Schlosser, Miss Mary 50 Strauch, Mrs. Henry, lost husband. 476 Schneider, Conrad 40 Sister Julianne, O. S, F 1200 Tomb. Dr. H. F 750 Tonnenbaum, Frank. __ . ...... 680 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 % 760 80 100 80 120 80 95 80 2500 80 540 50 100 80 so __ 20 25 80 340 600 800 80 720 80 95 600 630 125 620 41 25 -- 75 15 86 50 45 __ 25 .„ 15 35 200 210 __ 10 450 80 320 80 330 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 115 NAME. Sworn Statement. Taylor, Frank $ 2445 Temple, Jno. E 925 Thornton, Geo , 99 Tice, AVm. B 3500 Thomas, J. H 225 Thomas, G. AV 930 Trawatha, Mrs. Annie 500 Thornstadt, Christ 650 Taylor, AVm. A Truman, Spencer 125 Toohey , Laura's, children 400 Trueb, Henry ■__ 96 Tynon, Michael, Est - Varner, Geo. W 1 75 Voeghtly, Wilhelmina, lost husb'd. Volk, Justus 120 Vogel, J. E 935 AVright, J. H 975 AVilliams, Chas 150 AVilliams, Harvey 930 AVidman, AVm .___ 850 AAldman, John 8920 Wiseman, August ______.". 425 West. Emery 3500 AVatson, Mrs. David 500 AVehn, Wm. L 2675 Wiserman, Mrs. Ellen, lost husb'cL 700 Wiseman, Airs. Sophia 1300 AVeiserman, Emma , 975 AVilliams, Thomas 330 AVess, Mrs. Charles 1650 AVare, L. L 170 AValter, Charlotte 40 Winston, Kate 300 AValcher, Joseph 6600 AVehn, Chas. C 1600 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 125 $ 620 125 584 25 SO 820 50 50 80 120 SO 410 50 __ 220 -- 100 20 400 800 __ 50 __ 50 125 • 195 80 30 125 390 80 230 SO 890 80 170 80 1000 80 200 125 230 200 1200 125 709 80 410 50 90 80 210 _. 25 20 80 70 80 1734 125 530 116 THE WORLD S CHARrTV TO THE NAME - StfKni Walters, Walter $ 195 $ Widman, Sue 140 Woods, Larkin . Webster, Earnest : 48 Washington, Alice 65 Wiggans, Wm_. 700 Wess, Peter 50 Woodhead, Mrs. James 100 Widman, Mrs. Mary 125 Wilhelm, Lewis 147 West, Harry J 130 West, Katie.-, 30 Waters, Thomas 30 Walls, Wm. A .. 157 Walker, Carter 620 Williams, Thos. E_-_- 45 Wolford, Annie 1 350 Young, Joseph M 7217 Vurt, Joseph 600 Yonker, Thomas 325 Yonker, Jacob 500 Young, Sarah O , 90 Yurt, Joseph 97 Zimmerman, Geo. B 1200 Zipf, Chas. A 1500 Zobel,Jno 800 Zimmerman, Caroline 175 Zipf, John F • 200 Zollner, Mary A 600 Zang,Rosina 2000 Zimmer, Geo 145 Zollner, Victoria 150 Zimmer, Max.-.. 240 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 $ 20 50 310 20 15 10 __ 168 25 10 _._ 65 60 25 -- 15 50 50 __ 15 __ 100 80 1170 80 500 80 155 80 70 -- 100 125 300 125 430 80 250 125 64 80 300 125 330 80 210 30 __ 35 140 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 117 NINTH DISTRICT. WOODVAL,© B O R O U Q H . NAME. Sworn Statement. Ashbridge, Jacob H % 1600 Anawalt, Frank - 725 Anawalt, John..: 819 Axmacher, William ._ 2650 Axmacher, Mary 268 Augustine, Catharine ... 150 Allison, Maggi B., lost mother Brannon, Patrick 5000 Bracken, James 1400 Barbour, Thomas 713 Bole, D. B 250 Brickner, Charles 1000 Bishop, Sophia, lost husband 1850 Baker, William 760 Bowen, Alvery 600 Blair, Gilbert 4000 Bowman, F. P., Est Burkhardt, E. J 950 Bowers, G.W 100 Beitle, Edward 440 Barker, Edward, Est \ Buckley, Mary, Est Bennett, William 2400 Benshoff, E. & Son 600 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 $ 610 125 270 ___ 420 200 700 80 270 80 200 __ 400 125 1110 80 663 125 120 35 125 371 600 1200 125 380 80 225 80 410 80 420 80 125 325 80 500 .. 100 118 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE Su/Arn Awarded Awarded NAME. statement by Bd. of by Com. Statement. , nquiry ^ ssion ^ Baker, Mrs., E. L $ 360 $ 125 $ 120 Bittman, Ferdinand 1350 80 260 Bennett, James, G 485 125 175 Bergman, J. A 650 80 250 Brown, Joseph, G 6970 125 1590 Berkey, Samuel 900 80 420 Barbour, Geo. M 860 80 210 Bowers, Amos 610 125 270 Berkhart, Edwin 920 __ 170 Boxler, Rosalia 3000 200 828 Burkhardt, Elizabeth 920 200 280 Bloch, Fred 1700 80 420 Bonn, S. G 575 80 495 Bole, George 1330 125 500 Bader, Leo 500 80 310 Brown, Cyrus E 300 80 125 Beck, W. F.,Est Brady, Michael 300 50 30 Brennan, Edwin 325 125 200 Berg, John 500 80 410 Barley, D. K 950 80 420 Briner, Mrs. Anna B 5750 125 975 Beecher, H 300 75 110 Brememan, Abe 600 300 Bennett, Mary 100 __ 70 Brallier, Mrs. Lizzie 75 __ 75 Beard, Henry 300 30 175 Baker, A.J 615 ._ 300 Bunting, Mathew 1440 80 640 Barley, E, J 270 80 175 Burns, James M 140 __ 35 Bole, Lizzie 140 __ 85 Baumer, Mrs.E. Est. Baker, Mattie 200 _- 60 Boyton, Michael 400 __ 200 Crouse, Chas. E 3700 30 760 COXEMATGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 119 NAME. Sworn Statement. Cobaugh, Mrs $ ___ $ Cobangh, Charles 645 Carter. Jas. B 750 Conrad, Michael 2200 Crouse. Jno. H 6900 Custer, Obe-_. 2855 Coleman, H. L 538 Clark, Miss Susan.--- - ____ 150 Cain James . * 2075 Croyle, Wm._-_ 1390 Cameron, Daniel, __ 443 Cartin, Thos. H , 811 Costlow, James 1380 Costlow, Clara - 82 Conner, James 900 Conrad, Lizzie 536 Dittmar, Annie - Special. Davis, C F 2900 Devlin, Francis __. 8000 Davis, Mrs. Chester M 3300 Dibert, George H 735 Davis, Alfred 735 Davis, Thomas T 3750 Detmyer, Christ 4990 Davis, F. D 440 Dible,Chas 265 Davis, Chas. B _, 7498 Donnelly, Margaret--- - 5160 Dishong, Mary J 325 Davis, Richard 343 Emmons, Ed. S ._ 2900 Ely, Henry 400 Early, Pafrick, Est 2650 Edwards, James S 800 English, Thomas 790 Evans, E. B., Est 12450 Awarded bv Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ — 370 125 125 430 125 570 125 1210 80 980 80 240 110 10 200 630 80 520 80 380 80 684 125 620 25 80 520 __ 60 25 125 900 80 850 80 390 125 . 240 80 980 80 1267 80 295 80 120 125 1270 400 1010 200 355 _,._ 50 80 580 125 175 80 125 220 125 230 260 120 the world's charity to the NAME. Sworn Statement. Egan,Jno $ 4000 $ Evans, H. C ._'__ 275 Eckman Jno. W __. 350 Eldridge Edward F 3710 Eberly, Jacob ----- 2200 Eck, Thomas J 850 Eldridge, Sarah, Est 225 Eldridge, Elmer E :_. 400 Empfield, Luella 175 Eskdale, Jomes, Est 1100 Ellery, David Special. Fardy, Pat 3210 Fulton, Geo 760 Farrell, John H 2000 Ferguson, Samuel 85 Findley, Wm/R 750 Findley, Geo. D „_ 170 Foltz, Jane K 1150 Foster, Mary and sister 4040 Furlong, Robt K 591 Ferguson, W. P 2630 Findley, S. H 700 Findley, Elizabeth 100 Farrell, Frank E 365 Fritzinger, Fred 55 Gillinger, George., Sr 570 Goads, Jno 310 Geisel, Howard r 600 Good, Millard ._ 320 Groue, Charles 140 Geddes, Geo., Est Griffith, J. W s 2450 Goss, Catherine 3600 Gray, Taylor, Est Gillinger, John A 1725 Graff, Michael 640 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com. mission. $ 800 125 342 80 144 125 660 125 800 125 375 360 80 10 50 125 840 125 325 80 420 __ 50 SO 423 80 423 80 530 200 1020 . 125 270 80 780 80 300 30 70 __ 50 20 200 220 80 130 80 . 120 125 115 60 10 500 200 948 80 820 80 320 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 121 Qumrn Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement by Bd. ef by Com- btatement. |nqujry m J iss ; on . Geres, Jno $ 200 .$ __ $ 30 Giles,Geo 400 80 120 Geddes, Jno 130 __ 150 Gardner, Geo._ Special. __ 100 Hinchman, Benj. F 3750 125 820 Hildebrand, Y 510 80 230 Horton, Jno 6505 80 920 Hoffman, Jno. F 2460 80 790 Hatch, H.E 575 80 320 Hilderbrand, B. W 400 80 50 Hilderbrand, Victor 150 80 10 Hill, Daniel - 800 125 424 Harris, Reese 550 200 150 Hilderbrand, A. J 100 ___ 25 Horton, Francisca, lost husband. __ 4000 400 1810 Hellriegel, Chas 4500 125 1050 Holzman, Seiney, lost husband 1285 600 1115 Horton, Joseph, Jr 1650 80 653 Horner, Andrew J 210 80 40 Hildebrand, J. C 810 80 413 Haslbauer, Joseph 2400 80 750 Horton, Peter 1000 80 430 Hildebrand, Samuel 225 80 70 Heidenthal, B. F 2400 80 620 Hite, Mrs. Julia Ann, lost son 80 400 Hedrick, Charlotte 50 Horner, Lizzie 225 __ 40 Hoover, T. J 360 __ 10 Hannan, Jas. AV 135 80 Hirsh, Miss Fronie 112 __ 35 Houston, O.H 35 Horton, Chas. P 130 __ 50 Holt, Nathan 195 __ 150 Haws, Miss Fanny 1115 80 100 Horner, David 2700 __ 275 122 the world's charity to the NAME. c A* 0rn ♦ Statement. Hunter, Alice . $ 116 Hildebrand, Mrs. R. M 100 Harmony, Francis J 200 Haws, Katie 385 Johns, Stephen 375 Jones, Richard 3940 Jones, John E 500 Jones, David E 150 Judy, Mary . 170 Johnson, Andrew 160 Joblin, Ralph Special. Kugel, Catherine. ._ 2000 Kudel, Ernest 400 Kuntz,E. B 640 Kough, Wm. A. and sister 1635 Kelley, Mrs. Rose 2650 Kurtz, Ignatius 450 Kaldenbaugh, Christ 125 Lucas, David R 3975 Logue, Jno. JH . _ 2295 Lux, Frank 235 Leckey, Albert F 525 McGuire,Mrs. Bridget, lost husb'd_ 250 McClaren, Thomas 41 McKee, Chas. W 700 Munday , Mrs. Clara 2895 Marchl, Philip 3250 Mahew, Edward .. 1530 Marks, Joseph 2600 McClarren, Geo __ 50 Murdock, Mrs. Harriet 4300 Markley, Frank 3550 Marron, James 1290 McCallen, Michael 1150 McClarran, Mrs. Ann 200 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com. mission. $ .. $ 25 __ 100 ... 50 50 80 160 125 260 125 260 80 10 125 195 __ 35 100 125. 600 80 20 125 275 125 1160 125 800 80 260 125 1130 125 675 80 70 80 170 600 800 25 80 340 125 740 80 780 125 530 125 975 10 125 1180 125 875 125 510 125 300 125 110 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 123 NAME. c A worn . Statement. Markey, Elizabeth $ 3195 McClarren, Clem 50 Miller, Robt 3460 Morrow, Hugh 500 McDivitt, Edward 1000 Michaels, W. A '_ 350 Morgan, James W 140 McCarrel, E.H 210 McGinn, Jno 300 Morgan, Jno 80 Miller, H. A r 1250 Nixon, II. H 9250 Nenstiel, Charles 2315 Netherlander, Mike 3000 Nicholls, Luke 500 Nenstiel, Christ 3400 Niderlander, Victor 130 Nicholl, Samuel 40 Oyler, Herman.... 400 Oaks, Geo 550 Oaks, Jeremiah___ 300 Oaks, Samuel 760 Orth, Mrs. Wm 200 Overholt, Jno 88 Partch, Frank 2323 Peterson, H. L 1600 Priest, James 4525 Phillips, Lemon ___ 50 Potter, Emma B 5500 Peak, Robt 10961 Pringle, Mrs. Nancy 200 Pearce, David W 500 Peak, Thomas 368 Potts, Wm. H 1500 Preall, A.J 350 Awarded by Bd. of inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. & 125 $ 927 __ 25 80 750 80 230 80 670 80 200 40 80 130 125 120 __ 15 450 80 2010 125 640 125 850 125 375 125 720 35 10 125 135 125 315 125 175 125 395 100 10 125 580 125 520 125 1030 25 125 610 f 125 2270 125 70 125 315 80 30 125 430 125 290 124 the world's charity to the MA..e- Sworn Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement by Bd. of by Com- btatement. |nqujry m * ssion< Pfeifer,J. C $ ___ $ ___ $ .„ Phillips, Mrs. M. A 5085 80 470 Pfaller, Addy J 500 40 325 Palmer, W. S ._... 75 ._ 45 Quigg, B. F 1220 80 440 Eeam, Chas. F 2915 125 750 Repp, J. F 280 125 100 Roidle, Adam 2400 125 620 Robinson, Thomas, Est Robb, Wm 965 125 395 Renolds, Archie 1310 125 370 Rodgers,Mrs Rogler, Geo 1880 125 660 Reed, Jno. F 300 80 130 Repp, Geo - 560 80 230 Rudge, Thomas . 400 125 330 Rafferty, Jas._ 2600 125 790 Rafferty, Catherine, Est Rosensteel, W. EL, Sr 21000 125 2890 Rosensteel, Wm. R 800 80 60 Rosensteel, W. H., Jr 55143 125 5875 Rightbower, Xavier 425 ___ 150 Ream, Adolphns 800 125 310 Ryan, Wm 35 — . 25 Roth, Lizzie 105 ___ 25 Rosensteel, Lillian 1500 Rickabaugh, Tanzin . Special. _-_ 200 Repp, George W 105 ... 25 Speicher, Abraham 960 125 583 Snedden, Margaret 600 ___ 200 Sherman, Wm. W 832 125 537 Stahl, J. P 1358 80 560 Schry, Peter, Jr 800 80 110 Schry, Wm 450 125 130 Stehr, Jno 1700 125 683 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. & 125 % 790 125 270 200 620 CONEtfAUGIT VALLEY SUFFERERS. 125 ma me: bworn NAME - Statement. Short, J. M $ 2875 Sebastian, Joseph 704 Schallner, Mary - 1500 Schry, Peter's Est Smith, Jas 2230 125 750 Stahl, Karl F 80 Smith, P. M - 900 Sloan, Joseph 150 Snyder, John - Smay, H.G 2050 Smith, Wm - 440 Smay, Ann l 280 Smith, L. A - 700 Sheable, Adolph 1000 Stahl, EdmundK 700 Shaffer, Gasper - 1900 Smith, Chas 2625 Smith, H. W •- 1500 Strahr, Jos 330 Schaller, Andy - 260 Schotler, Joseph Sigman, Jno 865 Strickler, Lottie 430 Shea, Wm. E Stahl, S. H 500 Sigreist, Conrad 277 Stahl, J. H 120 Slagle, Lena 100 Smith, Henry 225 Shaffer, Jno. H 25 Stansfield, Jno. C 1225 Stiltz, Maggie A 40 Stiltz, Lucy A 40 Schoffner, August 84 Stahl, R. P 90 125 775 75 50 125 620 80 140 125 155 80 230 125 470 125 410 80 780 80 605 125 410 125 10 80 130 200 110 -- 10 80 205 __ 25 25 __ 50 40 110 80 210 __ 25 25 . _ 25 ._ 25 126 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE Sworn Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement b X Bd - of *>* Com btatement. f nquir „ mission nquiry. Spangler, Miss Mary $ 180 $ _._ $ 25 Stufft, J. W., Est Schaller, Miss Mary 50 30 Shoup, Wm. G 160 __ 10 Settlemeyer, Jno 95 __ 20 Semler, Joe Stiltz, Ida - 30 20 Tacy, Peter L., Est Thomas, Miss Leo 3900 125 860 Tross, Wm., Est 2800 Trefts,W. H 3063 80 850 Thomas, Edward M., Est 1200 Thomas, W. J 2500 Thomas, Wm 8400 Tucker, Jno. 1500 Thomas, Mary 55 Tangert, Lydia 75 Updegraff, James M --- 175 Updegraff . Margaret A 500 Vorhauer, Jno. A 6250 Varner, Jas. H ] 835 Vorhauer, Mrs. M. M 1860 Wendell, Robt. W 165 Wylie, Frederick S 1360 Weaver. David _ 500 Wettergreen, Jno. B 985 Wess, Jos. A 4300 Wise, Frank 45 Weber, Frederika, lost husband_-_ 1795 Williams, Lewis 7016 Wilford, W. F 3325 Williams, D.Curtis 1820 Wendell, Chas 11300 AVagoner, Amos 4380 Wagner, Henry 195 __ 500 600 125 570 25 ___ 25 50 200 400 125 1320 650 125 680 80 10 80 480 125 370 125 380 80 960 400 1200 80 1560 80 790 80 660 125 2300 125 1010 ___ 15 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 127 NflMF Sworn NAIWE - Statement. Weaver, Wm. H $ 1337 Wolfe, Joseph E 5100 Wendell, Lemon 30 Williams, Wm 25 Williams, Jno.W 460 Warsing, Martha 78 Zimmerman, Andrew 2975 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry.. Awarded by Com- mission. > 125 $ 1060 125 1080 10 10 . 300 25 125 933 to G e) cT 128 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE TENTH DISTRICT SOUTH FORK. *rftn*ir Sworn NAME. Statement. Akers,T.B $ 1150 Benden, G. X 660 Brown, Joseph 305 Bowen, Jno. R- 500 Bone, Robert '- 530 Boyle, Edward 120 Barber, W. W 618 Commins, Jno. W 685 Cogan, Pat 450 Collins, Wm. E 245 Custer, Wm 1100 Collins, Jno. S 5129 Colwitz, Frederick 25 Confer, Martha A 150 Croyle, P. S 758 Cook, Samuel 125 Dingle, J. W 630 Duncan, David 1 15 Dimond, H.M 50 Dougherty, Christ B 700 Dreaden, Elizabeth 22 Egan, Jno 7140 Edwards, Geo. W 283 Ehrnfeld, Emma 125 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com. mission. $ 80 $ 447 430 ^ 195 150 80 222 __ 55 80 77 125 175 125 184 80 70 200 404 125 1091 __ 15 80 10 80 16S __ 50 125 300 80 18 __ 15 80 365 400 1140 80 130 50 COXEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 129 ma luc Sworn NAME ' Statement. Fisher, Geo. C _■ $ 2830 Fisher, Geo 300 Finegan, Thos 75 Grimm, Christ 300 Gillespie, James 345 Gates, Michael 800 Gillespie, Wm 150 George, N. S 700 Gall, Mrs. Mary 80 Hutzell, Wm 262 Hamilton, Jno 981 Hartman, Purcival 575 Hubert, Geo. B Harfman, Henry 170 Harris, Joseph 532 Jones, Mathew H 50 Jones, Thomas M 565 Jones, Thos. E 2500 Keelan, Patrick 767 Keelan, Thos 1050 Kaffman, Joshua and. Stephen 1322 Lang,Alax 240 Lytle,A. H 500 Lamb, Geo. S 3150 Lynn, Henry 60 Link, Elias 125 Luke, Dr. J. C 2050 Luke,D. D 250 Moseman, James 200 Moses. Wm 935 Manns. Michael's, children 110 Moore, Elizabeth 140 Murphy, Dan 3500 Martin, Chas 60 Miller, Wm 500 Moreman, Elijah 78 Awarded by 3d. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 560 __ 150 40 125 150 125 120 125 227 30 70 80 68 __ 50 80 120 125 467 125 270 90 150 20 10 125 197 125 600 125 300 80 180 __ 318 70 58 80 320 80 365 -- 25 80 300 50 300 80 80 125 257 120 40 110 80 566 __ 20 __ 50 .. 35 130 THE WORLD S CHARITY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. McGowen, Jno $ 375 McGarry, C.W 100 Neads, Solomon 40 Pitchford, Timothy 200 Paul, J. S 195 Pentoney, P. E 500 Penrod, Rachael 22 Poling, Rev, D. S 350 Paul, E. E 75 Penrod, George W 250 Robertson, W. H. and W. G. S 2650 Rourke, Jno 5500 Rager, W. E 70 South Fork Supply Co 6000 Snowball, Robt 345 Strausbaugh, Wm 270 Seese, Ed. F 390 Smith, Mrs. Jno 500 Soady, Alfred 255 Stineman & Murphy 2400 Soady, Thomas.-.- 22 Shaffer, Mrs. Lizzie, lost husband- _ Stineman, J. C 20450 Stineman, G.B 2096 Suman, Eliza J ■_ 50 Thomas, Margaret 1275 Voyce, Wm. J 150 Vivian, Jas 465 Varner, Jacob 453 Vivian, Wm 25 Wilk,Thos. J 300 Williams, J. J 1600 WTlson, Wm 250 Wicks, J. H 135 Watterson, Jacob 400 Wilson, J. P 697 Awarded by Bd. of inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. -- $ 198 20 60 45 80 54 200 170 :_ 25 286 __ 25 __ 25 125 646 80 971 25 25 __ 1134 125 170 80 79 125 80 50 157 80 73 125 792 200 950 __ 647 __ 81 25 80 345 80 __ 80 50 80 5 125 75 80 446 80 320 80 20 80 120 80 220 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. J 31 Sworn Awarded Awarded NAME. Statemlnt ^ Bd. of by Com- statement. |nq . )jry m | ssion . Wills, Richard $ 150 $ __ $ 07 Wilson, Jno. W 300 __ 163 Yonell, Joseph ]44 HO 40 ST (3 "db" 132 THE AVORLD 7 8 CHARITY TO THE ELEVENTH DISTRICT. MINERAL POINT. NAME. Sworn Statement. Brown & Wilson $ 7000 Berkebile, Chas. A 75 Bomgardner, George 525 Bomgardner, Henry H 30 By ers, Abraham 1549 Burkhart, Catherine Bracken, Michael ' 1500 Finley, J. G 2035 Ford, Stephen J 75 Fyock, Jacob B.___ 100 Grove, Albert 100 Gromly, Christian 350 Hildebrand, Aaron 250 Hildebrand, A. L 190 Hicks, Mrs. A, C 1700 Johns, William 1700 Jose, Mary E 800 Kimmell, H. A 900 Kemmerer, Hiram 406 Martin, Thomas 382 Neville, J. H 350 O'Neill's heirs 800 Page, George 3960 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 $ 700 20 80 190 10 125 695 150 125 769 __ 20 __ 25 40 25 125 110 25 310 80 50 125 520 80 570 200 200 80 520 80 386 125 300 __ 150 125 500 125 625 COXEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 133 Statement. Page, W. F $ 600 Pickerill, W. H 782 Plummer, J. A 120 Reighart, B. F 1090 Riverside Furniture Co 2009 Reighart, Eve 1580 Ribblett, Samuel L 500 Reighard, Wm. H 1450 Reighard, Emanuel 1950 Reighard. Joseph 500 Rager, A. J 115 Rager, Nancy J 100 Shrift, Simon T 950 Stutzman, Jacob 85 Shaffer, Geo. A 400 Sensebaugh, James 1232 Thomas, Samuel L_: 240 Walters, Wm. T 360 Walter, Daniel 980 Walter, Jacob 60 Wilson, D. B 2050 Wilson, Ella, lost husband L 520 Wilson, Scott 100 Awarded bv Bd. of inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 125 $ 280 80 275 __ 25 125 430 80 520 80 440 80 180 80 630 80 620 80 220 40 __ 75 80 415 __ 20 125 90 125 400 80 105 125 80 80 450 __ 25 80 530 400 1000 40 134 THE WORLD S CHARITY TO THE TWELFTH DISTRICT EAST CONEMAUGH. NAME. Sworn Statement. Alcorn, Emma $ 25 Atkinson, Mrs. Jane, lost husbancL 579 Alexanders 2075 Adams, Thomas 125 Barclay, Wm 1 50 Buck, John AV 200 Byers Samuel 800 Barkebile, A. M _■— . 900 Burk, John 500 Boyle, J. H ._ 500 Boiler, AVm. O 200 Barbour, James 467 Bickford, Geo. AV 478 Brown, Michael 110 Blough,C. E 75 Burgoon, D. M 40 Berkebile, Mary S 50 Bergoon, Nellie 24 Bishop, L. J :__ 250 Bole, Elizabeth 150 Coy, Isaac 300 Coy, Philips ' 35 Cannon, AV. J 7270 Custer, Ephraim 4250 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com. mission. $ 20 125 1275 80 635 30 70 50 250 50 80 510 125 245 80 280 SO 240 110 80 380 100 30 20 20 20 10 80 100 __ 150 230 10 80 1540 425 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 135 NAME. Sworn Statement. Confer, G. A $ 11400 Cherry,S. A 95 Cassidy, Thos. P 3525 Carr, Mrs. Alex., lost husband 160 Cooney, Maggie 200 Colbaugh, G.B 400 Conrad. Mrs. Easter Canfield, John 150 Cooney, John's children 1300 Davis, M. H '__ 1450 Dettling, Wm 570 Davis Bros 3525 Davis, L. J Special Davis, Timoty R 4180 Dishong, George B 150 Davis, W. H 150 Day, Mrs. Martha S., lost husband 485 Eanigh, Samuel 60 Fisher, Noah __ 150 Frank, Mrs. Maggie 100 Gochenour, Harvey 190 Gochenour, Samuel 130 Giffin,J.W 533 Goddard, Louisa 349 Gochenour, D. D Gosse, Celestial 560 Gochenour, Margaret C 800 Gochenour, Minnie 33 Garrety, Michael :_ 300 Geyer,N.H 410 Geyer, A. C , 110 Harvey, E. G 6820 Hollister, Earl 512 Hoffman, Samuel J ••_■_. 2000 Humphrey, Mrs. David 3400 Hill, Isaac B 1110 Awarded by Bd. of inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. > 80 $ 1826 __ 35 70 450 300 800 40 30 80 390 25 80 753 125 515 125 300 125 710 __ 50 80 940 80 70 - 50 85 __ 800 20 __ 260 _: 30 __ 35 __ 35 __ 240 125 195 450 125 475 __ 15 70 250 80 170 25 125 1385 80 220 200 810 10 ___ 136 the world's charity to the NAME. Sworn Statement. Hess, John C $ HO Hippie, John P 40 Hirsh, Elizabeth 1000 Humphreys, Thomas, 250 Hill, Isaac B's. heirs Hubert, Geo 550 Hite, Miss Maggie M 55 Haak, Chas. V 90 Horn, M. E 65 Hall, Harry C 100 Henderson, John 60 Jelitzka, Chas 85 Kinney, Kate and sister 1500 Kist, Christian 1700 Kirkpatriek, Ellen 800 Krouse, Andrew 500 Kauff man, Jonas B 300 Krieder, Carrie J 200 Kelley, Mrs. Margaret 10480 Klinefelter, D. W 1385 Kist, Jacob 25 Launtz, Richard 900 Luther, Mary C 150 Lee, Martha 300 Lowman, W. A 41 Michaels, Mrs. Margaret.-- 900 Miller, Martin L 800 McHugh, D, A 6000 Miller, Mrs. Annie 100 McGuire, John 2800 McCabe, Mary J 8100 McCabe, Martha J 6850 Mock, Mrs.Mary E 350 Mumma, R. F 1300 McGovern, Hugh 3300 McGuire, James, Est Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. __ $ 100 20 125 385 — 140 80 170 25 40 __ 50 __ 25 __ 25 __ . 25 __ 10 80 720 200 580 125 175 125 290 __ 30 __ 60 80 1050 80 460 __ 10 125 425 35 60 80 370 __ 10 80 230 80 400 200 1030 30 40 80 790 80 1260 80 1010 80 220 __ 170 125 960 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 13 1 ; NAME. Sworn Statement. McCabe, Michael $ 1675 .$ Marlow,C. D 425 Mosebach, Louis F 250 McCabe, Thomas, Jr Maben, Samuel C 1000 McLain, N. R 350 Mabon, J. L 1142 Masterson, Jas 284 McFeaters, Jas. A 80 McCartney, W. H 75 McDowell, C. R 70 Niz, Robert and wife 1 3500 Pringle, Robt 40 Poorman, Frank 500 Pringle, Harry M 600 Pringle, W. N 850 Parks, Mrs. Rebecca 525 Plummer, John B 85 Plummer, Joseph 408 Plack Bros . 600 Palmer, Clara 50 Rushenberger, G. "W 395 Ramsey, Sabot 400 Reichard, Jacob 450 Reighard, Abram J 200 Reed, Oliver 375 Rubrits, Peter's Est 21225 Riley, Farrell Saxton, M. J 225 Stormer. Jno. F 300 Shaffer, J. J " 263 Steiner, Margaret J 1500 Shaffer, Isaac 500 Snyder, S. M 1000 Shaffer, Phillip F 20916 Shuman, Joseph _ 1425 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. _. * 85 80 155 80 120 80 280 80 150 _ _ . 30 80 280 __ 20 __ 25 25 80 2660 __ 20 __ 205 80 270 __ 480 360 __ 25 __ 320 __ 300 _. 25 195 125 200 80 320 80 310 125 180 80 150 80 100 80 140 __ 50 80 360 80 472 __ 310 80 2050 125 430 138 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE JS2* Saxton, D. H $ 86 Stephens, Harry C 160 Stormer, Joseph 300 Speicher, J. L Swartz welder, Jno. R Steward, Edward R 100 Shick, Jane S., lost husband Thompson, Sadie 150 Toohey, Bridget 349 Thompson, Emma 25 Thompson, Belle 20 Tarbell, Farney S 500 Wike, Wm.W 2800 Wentz, Mrs. Lizzie 150 Wyatt, Hannah I 2785 Wisinger, Lizzie 18 Williams, J. E 400 AVilson, James Wertz, Samuel V___ 750 Walker, J. W 195 Wareham, Jno. L ._ 200 Zane, George 100 Zane, Redinger 6000 Zook, Theodore 30 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 25 __ 35 80 120 -- 25 80 70 10 __ 10 200 125 920 50 100 200 750 125 300 125 290 ___ 80 — 350 125 650 20 COXEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 139 THIRTEENTH DISTRICT FRANKLIN BOROUGH. NAME. Sworn Statement. Adams, Wm $ 8928 Burkhart & Hubert 6325 Burkhart, Jno. W 1278 Berkebile, Franklin 523 Boyer, Mrs. Mary, lost husband. - _ 350 Byer, Simon 650 Boyer, J. C 160 Bowser, Bart 500 Bailey, C. E 50 Berkebile, Cornelius Special. Constable, Mrs. Elizab'h, It. husb'd, 600 Crouse, Jno 2500 Custer, Abram 12200 Crouse, Chas 60 Campbell, Albert 20 Custer, Jacob L 100 Dewalt, Mrs. S. N.J 600 Forsyth, Jas 2536 Gailbreath, Celia 2000 Gouchenour, G. W 100 Good, Jno. R 30 Hutchinson, Jno. P 1767 Hershberger, Geo 110 Johnstown Chemical Works Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 125 $ 1120 80 1420 125 305 80 245 265 900 80 120 80 40 80 215 __ 15 __ 100 600 890 125 795 80 2240 -- 20 125 400 125 630 80 300 25 125 630 140 the world's charity to the Cumm Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement by Bd " of b * Com ' statement. , nquiry miss i on . Keiper,Jno. A $ 600 $ 80 $ 280 Kelley,Jno., Sr 9953 125 1940 Kelley, J. S 20 Knouff, Annie E 45 __ 20 Lear, Henry 407 125 310 Leech, J. W 75 ___ 20 Leech, Sarah, Est 950 80 Leech, Calvin 225 80 710 Mills, Mrs. Barbara, lost husband. l . _ 600 750 McGough, Mrs. Mary 1400 125 640 Miller, W. E 200 80 45 Mitchell, T.C 700 125 400 McGough, Harry and Joseph 102 __ 110 Michler, Rachel 80 __ 80 Mulhollen, Martha 205 __ 260 Parks, Perry 528 80 260 Paul, Geo. S 11800 125 2654 Parks, Frank 46 _.. 25 Parks, Daniel 300 125 175 Parks, Jas ' 300 125 105 Parks, Tary 72 __ 25 Parks, Verna Special. __ 300 Pittman, Samuel 40 __ Reighard, Sylvester 370 80 290 Roger, Isaac 500 125 275 Reighard, Samuel 346 __ 25 Redmond, Geo.. 291 80 410 Redmond, James 115 __ 25 Seeger, Anton 360 125 145 Singer, Jacob 1600 Shearer, Jno 3750 125 900 Sanderson, Margaret 3575 125 1010 Shearer, Mrs. Wm 3600 200 840 Shriver, Jno 850 80 260 Shriver, Peter 300 __ 25 Skelly, Mrs. Mary A 550 200 240 CQNEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 141 NAME. Sworn Statement. Strayer, W. C $ Stembrein, Gottfried 150 Tradenick, Richard's heirs 2500 Trout, Frank A 200 Tantlinger, B. F 125 Uteler, Mrs. Wm 250 Varner Sylvester 800 Wilson, Herman W 7900 Wissinger & Burkhart 481 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ — 25 80 300 80 45 __ 25 80 200 125 285 80 710 80 60 142 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE FOURTEENTH DISTRICT CAMBRIA BOROUGH. NAME. Amann, Wm $ Aubly , Romannus Ambele, Jno Amerline, Arthur Aechler , Fred Albert, Andrew Axmacher,, Charles Anderson, Paul Ambrose, A. M Axmaker, Annie M Aigner, George Alberter, Geo Andro, Mike Amps, Miss Annie Baran, Martin Bridges, Robt. H Bendle, Michael Brotz, S., Est Buny an, George Boyle, Mrs. Chas., lost husband Bridge, Henry Brown, J. L . Boyle, Patrick Boyle, Michael P Sworn Statement. Mwaraeu by Bd. of Inquiry. Mwaraeu by Com- mission. 535 $ 80 $ 230 600 80 420 250 80 100 180 60 40 300 30 145 275 125 120 ___ 40 15 100 __ 25 800 80 300 50 -- 75 250 80 65 50 50 225 __ 170 35 __ 15 1260 125 630 1600 400 610 1490 80 630 185 30 155 15465 200 2280 163 50 325 80 165 7375 80 725 75 __ 20 COXEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 143 NAME. Sworn Statement. Broderick, Patrick $ 1250 Burns, Wm 50 Bridges, Samuel, Jr 75 Bershala, Chas Beske, Jno 130 Benson, Thomas 690 Bridges, Sam., Sr 280 Buser, Peter 250 Benson, Eliel 40 Brown , Frank 625 Brehm, Jno - 750 Beaujohn, Emil 500 Beggin, Patrick 3508 Boes, George 700 Baes, August 653 Barley, Jerome 375 Benson, Reuben 300 Burkhard, Leonard Bernar, Mary 50 Brownstedder, Jno 550 Blimmel, Jno 260 Bormann, Henry 70 Beaujohn, Josephine 770 Blimmel, George 600 Burkhard, Elizabeth 480 Berkhart, Joseph M 1200 Blauch, Henry 330 Bunhamer, Jno. A 165 Boylin, Jno 300 Betzler, Joseph 5000 Bishop, Mrs. Anna, lost husband-- Brown, Neal 125 Brotz, Joseph 2700 Burkhard, Jno 100 Briding, Geo 50 Boyle, Jno Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 125 $ 475 50 40 -- 50 50 80 260 80 95 80 110 15 75 80 245 200 255 80 120 __ 900 80 110 125 190 125 170 125 82 __ 100 __ 35 80 140 80 10 __ 40 125 223 80 140 125 10 125 375 80 60 80 10 125 40 200 1798 •__ 600 __ 75 125 980 __ 90 35 144 the world's charity to the <;«,«..« Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement by Bd. of by Com- Matement. f nquiry . m j ss j on . Bunker, Andy $ __ $ __ $ Burns,Chas 250 25 100 Busch, George W 345 80 125 Brown, Magdalena, Est Bender, Joseph Barcock, Jno Bueke, Joe _ _ Barlow, Louisa 150 _ _ 60 Benling,Mike Bazila, Paul 675 125 175 Barbche, Martin Bartosh, Martin 400 80 20 Blough, M. J 125 20 80 Bartis, Jno 5 Brown, Chas. A 590 __ 300 Brown, Maggie Boyle, Mrs. Mary 50 20 Boyle, Daniel J 50 Barkheimer, Wm 160 Bate, Mrs. Frank Barotksy, Joseph 70 Buchala, Joseph 85 Barner, Andy 250 Boyle, Maggie 60 Brehmer, AVilhelm 158 Bramer, Mary — Boylan, Peter 175 Cush. Jno 2600 Cush, Patrick 565 Corcoran, Ann 1350 Clark, Owen 1200 Carroll, Peter 325 Culliton, Francis 975 Cullin, Jno 650 Cole, P. H 400 Campbell, Margaret 60 __ 20 80 80 35 __ 20 80 120 __ 30 -- 60 100 80 310 80 160 125 680 125 612 80 100 80 270 125 160 160 20 40 CONE.MAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 145 NAME. Sworn Statement. Crowley, Cornelius $ 265 $ Cush, Thomas 60 Curley, Michael 2135 Carver, Jno 500 Culliton, Peter 280 Curley, James 250 Cochalko, Chas 45 Craig, Adaline 450 Christensen, Andrew 125 Culliton, Mrs. Ann 200 Chizar, Emery 65 Clicker, Andy 60 Connelly, Wm 2150 Clarke, Jno 100 Coller. Jno 350 Cummins, Peter ._ 75 Christ, Jno Corcoran, Maggie 25 Carowthers, James Special, Carr, Mrs. Jane, lost support Cush, James 105 Cusha, Andy Casper, Nashke 25 Coyle, Jno__- 30 Clarke, Catherine Chumo, Michael Crinock, Jno Crossen, Neal 410 Dougherty, Patrick 500 Derlin, Margaret 650 Donehoe, Mary 1100 Dowling, Patrick 2300 Dhipos, Stif 100 Ducotey, Lewis 1000 Deitrich, Henry 425 Dierbeck, Fred.J 750 Awarded by Bd, of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. __ $ 130 25 20 125 630 125 180 140 125 108 15 100 420 25 80 120 20 60 350 140 25 25 40 180 20 20 10 __ 25 -_ 400 -- 25 10 -_ 15 -- 35 -- 100 200 130 80 310 200 593 80 910 25 80 130 125 130 200 220 146 the world's charity to the NAME. Dudak, Joseph $ Deurling & Green Dowling, Walter, Jr Dowling, Walter's, heirs Dowling, Peter Dorean, Neal Ducotey, O'Killey Dout, Alice. Ducotey, Jno Dowling, Jno Dorian, Mrs. Wm Davin, Rev. Father Degnan, Jno Drebes,August Daily, Wm Dowling, Mrs. Walter Dudshick, Albert Darilek, Mathias Doran, Mrs. Matilda Dintner, Andy Devlin, Frank Dinda, Andrew Drotzoir, Jno Dutko, Jno Degman, Jno., Jr Dunko, Paul Drosokivzi, Peter Dvoiovsik, Mike Dougherty, H. A Duram, Jno Dorony, Stephen . '-- — Dostarl, Fabein _ 60 - . 25 Dinterd, Emery Doran, Bridget 125 __ 35 Duffey, Mrs. Annie ■__. 80 ._ 65 Dzwisen, Peter 200 . 100 Sworn Statement. Hwaraea by Bd. of Inquiry. Mwaraea by Com- mission. 125 $ $ 110 795 80 100 200 20 160 __ __ 140 __ 25 550 80 321 800 80 200 360 90 150 60 25 20 1600 125 285 300 ._ 140 3300 80 20 565 125 210 800 40 375 405 80 120 100 25 10 90 25 3000 80 900 70 55 80 30 20 45 __ 10 55 __ 20 150 20 75 __ 50 200 __ 40 275 60 510 365 200 80 70 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 147 NAME. * S i WOrn * Statement. Ellsworth, Jno $ 20 Enright, Mrs. Jno. M 300 Eicher, Theodore 480 Egan, Daniel 2000 Egger, Christ 2500 Eckstein, Jno Eckstein, Joseph Edminston, Thos Egnot, Jno Elbert, Martin 200 Feeny, Jno__ 240 Ford, Mrs. Catherine 725 Fish, Morton 5300 Frankofski, Anton ' 400 Fleckenstine, Frank 450 Fitz, Mrs. Ann 200 Fitzsimmons, Wm 480 Fitzpatrick. Jno : 40 Fallon, Patrick and daughter 75 Fitzpatrick, Peter, Adm'r 3125 Fitzpatrick, Daniel 500 Frankoska, Albert __ 800 Fleck, Mrs. Catherine 775 Feith, Victor J650 Forgash, Jno 280 Fronold, Mrs. T ___ 350 Fleckinstine, Conrad ]70 Frick, George 425 Fiddler, Jacob Forgack, Stephen 65 Friedberger, Albert 50 Foraj, Joseph 110 Frick, Joseph 700 Fisher, Joseph, Est 2000 Fees, Jno. C 240 Fulstock, Jno '.__ Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. __ $ 60 80 __ 80 240 80 400 125 470 __ 44 __ 25 -- 50 37 150 40 60 200 451 125 1047 125 100 210 125 50 80 120 _- 30 __ 63 200 1300 125 175 125 175 125 210 80 630 80 100 125 175 50 100 80 110 40 10 15 40 __ 80 340 40 230 80 120 148 THE \VORLD ; S CHARITY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. Fori, Jno $ 40 Fordfor, Stephen Flemyack, Andy Forbes, Jo _; Flenak, Jno 120 Fetkete, Stephen 80 Frence, Joseph 140 Freidberger, Albert Flrrinek. Geo 150 Forgach, Matthias 30 Fitzpatrick, Miss Eugene 400 Frihlioh, Wm 150 Friklish, Alex 80 Fedor,Mike Fees, Wm 25 Forgues, Joseph 59 Frazer, James Joseph 160 Green, Patrick "_ 6350 Guy, Jas 61 Grady, Jno 3000 Gallagher, Ellen 470 Gloor, Chas 615 Grady, Jas 800 Gerntz, Julius 250 Gallaher, Thos :___ 800 Garvin, Patrick 150 Goggin, Daniel 550 Gropsky, Joseph 130 Gallaher, Margaret 3310 Green, Mrs. M. B 150 Garney , Bernard, Sr., Est 4000 Goenner, Mrs. Jacob 30290 Gilbert, Andrew 1200 Gaffney , Catherine 2740 Green, Mrs. James M 110 Gauerman, Michael 400 Awarded Awarded by Bd. of by Corn- Inquiry, mission. _. $ 15 __ 30 ,_ 20 50 15 __ 25 __ 10 200 __ 20 -- 20 10 __ 10 50 1290 125 341 200 770 80 223 10 50 80 330 80 120 80 380 40 91 125 150 126 200 1020 80 10 80 800 20 80 300 125 795 __ 70 80 50 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 149 wAiuie Sworn Wfl,tfIt - Statement. Grizzy, Emil $ 75 Gloor, Arnold 9050 Galligher, James 750 Greiner, Albert 150 Gaffney, Jno 1066 Gaffney, Jas 165 Goenner, Wm 500 Greenwood, Maud and Minnie 514 Gillman, Michael Glesco, Michael 80 Gyern, Michael. . _ . Gordage, Jno Gochnour, Andy Gochick, Jno .__ 80 Gochick, Andy Gouchock, Joseph 150 Goetzel, Frank 200 Gobocok, Jno 105 Gagan, Mike 25 Gallagher, Dorinda J 200 Gacod, Louis 125 Gilln, Adam 200 Gallaher, Mitis 5 Gedcy, Jno., Jr 599 Glast. Joseph 40 Gouchan, Jno 50 Glastzy , Andy 30 Gillnour, Boyd 75 Gaffney, Wm 550 Gomorrow, Mike 40 Guntza, Andrew Greitzer, Mary, lost husband 250 Grezy, Frank 90 Hirsch, Jno _____ 500 Herbert, Mrs. Margaret 950 Harvey, George 990 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 50 $ - 200 710 125 175 40 65 70 495 80 10 80 220 200 220 10 10 20 50 40 20 86 30 40 __ __ 20 80 10 __ 65 -- 80 80 70 __ 10 __ 15 __ 10 __ 15 80 185 -- 60 -- 35 125 270 125 530 80 259 150 the world's chaeity to the NAME Sworn NAMt - Statement. Hass, Alexander $ 400 J Harze, Joseph 300 Holtzman, Morris 215 Halleran, Mary 800 Holtzman, C 5900 Hayes, Thos 1350 Humbert, August 1 460 Hughes, Peter 430 .Hacket, Patrick 150 Hill, Mrs. Sadie 75 Hay, Stephen 50 Hartfield, Caroline 400 Hoffman, Agustia 200 Hunky, Martin 250 Hammer, Aug __ 550 Hammil, Pat 1200 Hauber, Chas., Jr 325 Hankey, Emil 120 Heider, Joseph ^ 500 Hearch, Joseph 90 Heckman, Jno.'s, heirs Heine, Aug 945 Hocker. Jno 200 Hays, Jno I 270 Harbaugh, Lem 2100 Higgins, Jane ■.-.. 200 Hays, Edward 400 Hays, Mrs. Johanna 150 Heider, Frank 192 Hillegass, Wm 90 Himes, Jno 125 Hecker, Jno_ 250 Haas, George 200 Howe, Richard 1 6000 Holzicks, Andy 50 Harding, Ella Awarded )y Bd. cf Inquiry. Awarded by Com. mission. 80 if 25 40 110 25 35 80 120 80 910 125 275 125 580 80 220 $5 50 '__ 10 80 295 70 100 80 100 60 140 80 120 80 280 80 125 160 -- 25 200 100 80 70 100 100 200 580 30 150 80 220 60 60 60 90 70 __ 75 80 120 80 30 80 1375 50 COXE.MAUGTT VALLEY SUFFERERS. 151 NAME. Sworn Statement. Hines, Owen $ 50 Hecker, Fred Havvik, Tom Hisler, A. J 2650 Hopt, Joseph 40 Hazi, Jacob , Hormann, Edward 100 Hackett, Arthur 100 Hipp, Richard _. 550 Hoalsman, Jacob 90 Hugnenin, Geo 125 Hocker, Henry 600 Howe, Miss Mary 2500 Henderson, Mrs. Mary , 75 Himes, Mary 45 Hudak Valentine _ - Holtzman, Gregory 110 Hosech, Stephen 80 Ho vinka, Thomas 80 Herritz, Geo Hargas, Steford 181 Henderson, Robert 60 Heera, Emil 200 Hessler, Theodore 125 Hecker, Catherine Mary 400 Hider, Jno 130 Holzman, Simon 258 Hasselberger , Enos . _ _ _ 150 Hecker, Andrew and brother. _ _ . _ _ 50 Ihm, Teresa 125 Ignaz, Jno 200 Ickaen Teresa Jacobs, Samuel ,___ 50 Just, Paul _..__ 450 Jones, Martha 3500 Jacobs, Mrs. Lewis, lost husband.- 250 Awarded Awarded by Bd. of by Corn- Inquiry, mission. 15 $ 125 560 25 25 20 55 20 55 80 320 50 25 35 80 360 80 610 30 40 -- 25 70 10 -- 10 100 30 __ 110 50 200 400 __ 80 60 80 50 50 50 __ 155 __ 25 25 25 125 330 125 1050 600 400 152 THE WORLD S CHARITY TO THE NAME - StaKnt. Jordan, Frank $ 350 Jensen, Mathias 100 Jarkar, Jno 15 Karchner, Poland 80 Kintz, Jno 43975 Kisforsy, Konstant 200 Kline, Miss Mary 110 Kennedy, Mrs. James 300 Keelin, Peter 3350 Kintz, Jno. P 1466 Keertz, Mrs. Adam 5725 Kazimaier, Jno. 1300 Kelley, Bridget C 300 Kotz, Theodore - . Kelley, Chas 1580 Kelley, Patrick 200 Kelley, Joseph .__ 550 Kunti, Henry 150 Koskowski, Christ 8 178 Komorrow, Joseph 1300 Kopko, August 600 Kyle, Adolph 100 Kane, George 385 Kagelmacker, William 200 King, Win. J 355 Kelly, Thos 350 Krapp, Barbary 275 Kabler, George, Sr 2800 Kabler, George, Jr 250 Keller, Mrs. Otilia 2030 Kleinoski, Albert 1500 Kosalko, Joseph 125 Kis, George Kowalkiz, Alex 280 Koarchat, Mike 450 Kopcsok, Jno Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com. mission. 125 $ 90 -- 25 10 50 80 2510 __ 150 25 10 80 120 80 822 80 320 200 1520 __ 500 125 75 250 80 380 80 20 80 220 25 80 20 125 473 80 170 100 80 160 .._ 50 125 75 80 120 125 93 125 770 80 70 80 640 80 350 -- 25 310 80 170 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 153 NAME. Oi Sw0rn . Statement. Kreachs, Jno $ 30 Koahie, Emery Kramach, Jacob 15 Keopski, Construe 100 Kelbok, Joseph 40 Korchnick, August 150 Kazak, Annie Kanson, Geo 675 Koby, Regina 835 Kepple, Alonzo 60 Klly, Mrs. Ann, Est 5000 Krewach, Jno Kealan Est 6400 Kennedy, Hugh 150 Krewack, Karl 45 Keelan, Patrick 200 Kelley, Jno. J 90 Kane, James Krofzik, Jno 40 15 Kupski, Jacob Kurntz, Jno 75 Kane, Patrick 1180 Krol, John 90 Konrod, Mary 30 Kelly, Chas 298 Kelly, Francis E 1925 Karchninak, Jno 600 Kennedy, Philip 20 Kebler, Geo 150 Kotzeimaier, Jno 30 Kurtz, Adam, Est 250 Lardtich, Geo 4400 Lousinger, Harry 800 Lorditch, Joseph 310 Lee, J. L 220 Logan, Martin 1325 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. -- $ 25 -- 250 15 80 30 SO 220 80 410 50 ___ 125 570 125 650 50 25 _•_ 15 -_ 25 __ 35 25 __ 260 -_ 25 -_ 25 25 80 320 -_ 300 __ 20 35 __ 10 __ 200 80 970 125 410 __ 100 80 20 80 450 154 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. Lamberski, Sam $ 630 $ Lortich, Michael 200 Lyseet, Jno 1800 Lightener, Jacob 600 Lecke, Henry 360 Lenz, Conrod ■_ 3550 Luke, Julius 30 Lee, James 93 Loradich, Michael 920 Lambrecht, Jno 1500 Lynett, Juo 415 Lacky, Conrad 300 Lightner, James, Est Limbacker, Joseph 310 Luther, Mathias 1200 Lendel, Daniel . 75 Leben, Jno 300 Lightner, Miss Maggie 200 Lewis, Stephen 110 Letski, Jno 100 Lokotos, Steve 75 Leitenberger, Fred 3000 Lich, Geo Lopares, Steve Lenkin, Mike 60 Libet, Steve .__ . 75 Loaher, Matkiag 1 60 Laffey, Michael 225 Lenz, Jno 75 Luikart, Jno 490 Lehrman, James E__ 170 Luther, Mrs. Michael, lost husband McClouskey, Henry Matiasesik, August 335 Myer, Edward 2100 Myer, Susan 150 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 $ 320 80 290 70 180 25 200 80 100 80 694 __ 35 40 125 455 80 680 50 120 80 90 80 70 125 350 25 20 125 50 50 75 25 63 125 850 15 __ 30 50 30 50 __ 25 25 60 -- 600 80 145 80 590 25 121 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 155 NAME Sworn NAIWE - Statement. McLaughlin, P.J $ 5000 Morrison, Mrs. Ellen 30 Moden, James 60 McClouskey, Mrs. Jno J. 150 McColgan,Mrs 600 McAlear, Michael 290 Mullen, Mrs. Jno 1800 Melvin, Martin 600 McConnell, Margaret 2950 Murphy, Jno 310 McAneny, P. F 8800 Minahan, Wm 2000 Mayer, xlugust 1630 McCaffrey, Catharine 902 McPike, Daniel .2900 McGowan, AVilliam 189 McXamara, James 120 Macka, Elizabeth, lost husband McCann, Mary 110 Melvin, James 700 McCaffrey, Bernard McCloky, James 130 Maug, Jno 670 Maher, Thomas 600 McClosky, Jno. H 490 McHugh, Mrs. Cornelius..-. 580 McCann, Jno. C 392 Marcsy, Joseph 1560 Maholidays, Tewig 300 McCloferty, Chas 4800 Machelety, Jno Miller, Jacob 152 80 10 McClosky, James Myer, Andy S i__ 2200 200 600 Mattes, August __ 90 McKerman, Thos., Jr __.__ 305 80 120 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 $ 819 -- 75 30 20 25 60 80 290 125 280 125 630 125 475 125 730 80 100 80 2020 80 510 80 280 125 340 so 520 40 50 25 35 400 1382 30 55 80 220 80 30 100 315 80 380 125 50 70 230 80 120 80 520 __ 25 200 720 156 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. McDermott, James $ 293 McAleer, Mrs. Ella 1000 Myer, Andrew 205 McGraine, Thomas 128 Moran, Pat 255 Mattes, Stanislaus 1100 McAlear, Owen Mauser, Johanna 550 Megan, James 3600 McKernon, Thos., Sr 3400 McCabe, Pat 1250 Myer, Theodore . - - 55 Myer, Jos. A 200 Murry. George 30 McGaham, Jno., Jr 65 Melvin, Edward 3300 Maier, Conrad 225 McCarety , Mrs. Kate 100 Micheletoch, Steph Meke, Joseph 80 Morick, Andy . 80 Michko, Michael 40 Martinedes, August 100 Myers, George 85 Masenigo, Thomas Malinak, Geo 20 Matuscsak, Jno -• 83 — 15 Mordingack, Jno Miller, Mrs. Kate, lost husband 200 Martin,F. P 1200 Melvin, Katie 40 Mattes, George 107 Mette, Fredrica 45 Madden, Mrs. W. B 765 Moran, Michael 70 Meredith, Mrs. Josephine Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 125 $ 93 80 469 35 120 __ 25 80 70 125 420 250 125 240 80 700 200 760 125 230 80 60 50 100 30 30 10 200 750 80 80 40 60 15 20 15 20 10 10 __ 20 30 125 875 80 415 15 10 40 30 __ 15 80 670 L20 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. lh~, NAME Sworn roMmt ' Statement. McClosky, Lena $ 130 Milchuck, Joseph 90 McKoskey, Jno 100 Manki, Jno 14 Maher, Mary 50 Maxczy, Steve 40 McGurk, Edward 160 Madden, Patrick's children 3100 More, Henry 50 McCrory, Mary and Kate 125 Murray, Matilda 300 McClafferty, Minnie 65 Mohr, George 50 Maricuiko, Marcus 35 Millchuck. Valentine 300 Martz, Jo., Jr 100 Martze, Stephen 40 Meklus, Jno 115 Miller, Jno. F 105 McPike, James __ 160 McCabe, Bartholomew 3150 Murray, Wm 150 Myer, Wendling 350 Murray, James 20 McClousky, Jas 150 Mooney, Mary 200 Melly, Geo ' ___ Narry, Mrs, Bridget 400 Neightbour, Jno 375 Nich, Peter's Est 3000 Nitch, George 550 Nightengale, Mrs. D. J . 60 Neatrour, Jno 3580 Neatrour, Andrew 450 Neipdner, Andrew 870 Neatrour, Frank 260 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. __ $ 25 __ 15 60 25 _._ 10 100 200 680 __ 10 75 80 280 __ 25 -- 15 100 - 20 40 _- 55 __ 70 800 80 20 -- 110 100 - 210 125 95 80 230 . 80 170 20 20 80 720 80 120 80 220 _„ 100 158 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE vamp Sworn IVAIW£ - Statement. Nogan, Muma .. $ 425 Namesanski, Anton Neley , George 560 Nightengale, Patrick 500 Naubauer, Maria 50 Nightengale, Jas 1 00 Nilson, Andy 25 Nelson, Soren " Novak, Andy Neatrour, Jno.'s, Est 3580 SO Neff, Frank Nightpower, Joseph 1 1 35 Nugent, Mary 150 Nather, Frank 200 Nightengale, Thos 83 O'Conner, Henry 130 O'Connell, Jno 350 O'Neal, Edward E 1340 O'Neal, Jno 650 O'Neal, Edward 6450 Odenbach, Fred 200 O'Donnel, Mrs. Maggie S85 O'Neal, Mrs. Jno 105 O'Maria, Mrs. Mary 140 O'Connor, Ellen Ohron, Stephen 150 Olttznauer, Samuel 120 Oluski, Frank 300 Orkies, Jno 68 Olborn, Joseph 40 Ortsan, Samuel Preston, Antony Paff, Jno 835 Peith, Frank 320 Pfarr, Mrs. Adam 2350 Puhala, August 620 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com. mission. 70 $ 240 80 420 125 75 25 __ 60 -- 15 __ 85 __ 100 .._ 25 50 20 25 340 80 710 80 315 25 1394 80 70 80 510 285 80 60 250 125 60 40 80 120 25 80 570 80 140 400 560 80 220 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 159 NAME. Sworn Statement. Pfarr, Jno. A $ 450 Pascquith , Anthony 260 Robert, Wm 250 Pfarr, Jno. J _._ 260 Plank, Jno 50 Pratt, Elisabeth 350 Pukey, Mary, lost husband 300 Petz, Jno 275 Pollock, Martin 190 Pablitsko, Jno 120 Pap,Gabor 26 Pramuka, Jno 60 Parabist, Jno Pedor, Andy 40 Poll, Frank 200 Poshincyh, Jno 117 Porch, G. B 1925 Quigley. Jno 2030 Quinn, Jno 350 Queyso, Albert Quinehild, Jno. Ream, Elizabeth 1893 Eoberts, Joseph 250 Roonley, Bridget 237 Riley, Edward P., Jr 500 Rader, Jno 173 Ream, Wm 300 Ritter, Mrs. Catherine 300 Ruginack, Anthony 580 Roth, Mrs. Jno. Casper • 450 Rush, James 270 Roth, Albert 550 Rinebolt, Catherine 1850 Rechtler, Aloissa 35 Ream, Michael 400 Roth, Peter 5650 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 $ 125 125 50 80 130 80 135 20 20 125 95 400 410 80 70 40 40 70 25 8U /O __ 20 80 550 125 637 80 170 80 420 80 130 15 110 125 170 __ 25 SO 95 125 75 80 280 80 120 ._ 50 200 455 80 510 140 80 50 125 880 160 the " world's charity to the 5 U , n . n Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement b . B(L of b > Com - btatement. Inquiry- m i ss j n. Ritter, Jno $ 400 $ __ $ 50 Roloff, Charles 1950 125 570 Robertson, J osiah 80 __ 50 Ruddon, Michael W 100 40 285 Roberts, Henry. _____ 1270 125 580 Romensdorfer, Jno 200 50 60 Ryan, Jno. O 175 10 Roberts, James 762 125 350 Ritter, Jas 1400 125 330 Rogers, Michael 850 200 330 Rogers, Edward 20 ___ 10 Ruddan, Terrance _— 310 Reager, Louisa 400 125 135 Reitzner, Mrs. Margaret 200 80 70 Ramsi, Mrs. Jno. L 125 125 Ramsdorfer, Chas ___ ___ __ — Raber, Valentine Rinehart, Lizzie 50 __ 25 Rollingchick, Jno Richards, Julius Henry ___ 100 __ 25 Riffle, Mrs. Ann 225 __ 150 Rudlf, Camer -__ __ — Ruthner, Jno — -- — Regetko, Samuel 55 __ 35 Rosenberger , Martin 250 1 05 Rohr, Robert Special. __ 200 Smith, Jno. A 977 80 420 Stack, M. A 950 200 400 Smith, Win. J 400 80 180 Schnell, Edward E.'s, Est 1450 Smith, Joseph A 700 125 175 Sible,L. A 2200 80 620 Sorlouis, Peter 5330 80 1420 Smith, Jno. L 300 -_ 133 Stein, Frank . 540 __ 240 Stremele, Fred 1240 80 230 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 161 NAME. Sworn Statement. Scanlin, Patrick $ 12448 Sucilkouski, Joseph 400 Sack, Stoff an 225 Swartzman, Frank . 190 Sesak, Charles 200 Seninger, Peter 611 Stibech, Joseph 35275 Stibich, Jno. L 2535 Smith, Mrs. Julia, lost husband 1230 Sabo, Joseph 280 Stackhouse, Joseph 90 Smith, Anthony 250 Schull, Charles 75 Sides, Joseph 235 Striken, William 650 Seibert, Julius 14T0 Sweitzer, Lewis 2600 Staehr, Charles 225 Schiffauer, Jno 875 Stenger, Jno 7500 Steager, Michael 850 Shuster, George 30 Schneider, August 350 Stewart, James Stadmiller, Charles 300 Skeeba, Martin 1 400 Sanders, Mrs. Margaret 400 Scott, Jno. F 110 Smith, Lewis 700 Stekman, Mrs. Caroline, It. husband 800 Stahler, Andy 450 Shaffer, Geo. T 3950 Slane, Jno 700 Saly, Henry 2200 Smith, John 225 Snell, Elizabeth 225 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 $ 1840 80 310 25 75 40 85 80 45 185 80 2800 80 630 600 850 40 110 _ 40 _- 170 -, _ 35 80 70 80 220 125 580 80 500 80 120 125 160 80 1420 125 451 15 80 70 320 80 120 125 220 125 75 100 125 250 125 1225 125 130 400 1040 80 10 125 600 125 75 100 100 162' THE world's charity* to the c.«nn« Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement by Bd. of by Com- aiaiemeni. | ntJuiryi mission. Sallen,Joseph $ 81 $ ___' $ 250 Seifliene, Andrew 335 80 210 Suttner, George , 1100 100 300 Sailer, Joseph, Jr 200 __.. 115 Stinely, Jno 1150 200 320 Sweeny. Michael 1400 80 632 Shatillin, Gnstav---- , 30 15 Sweeny,Tom 40 20 Stanko, Michael 260 20 80 Schafny ski, Joseph 50 35 Salena, Paul Snico, Andy Smith, Mrs. Mary C •- 315 125 175 Schmidt, Ferdinand Special. .__ 100 Sanity, Harry * 500 80 120 Saints, Albert 250 80 175 Smith, Patrick F , 120 __ 25 Sgodda, Wm 350 80 150 Semio, Joseph 60 60 Schmitt, Mrs. Geo 800 80 210 Sabo, Lenpole 266 50 150 Strusene, Joseph _ __ 50 Schwerwas, Jacob 40 Samen, Jno 100 25 Schmit, Martin — Samen, Steve 40 20 Suhie, Mary 200 80 70 Signeska, Jno 125 110 Schmitt, Wm. H 370 .80 110 Solz, Mrs. Jno 40 30 Schohi, Emery 60 30 Schmelosky, Jno 60 40 Sklarman, Harris 225 40 Socks, Steve 80 25 Sweeny, Wm , 220 125 Smith, Geo. A 300 -- 190 CONEMAUGH V ALLEY SUFFERERS, 16c NAME. Sworn Statement. Spisak, Thomas $ 140 $ Sikora, Andy 55 Szabol, Jno 72 Smith, Elizabeth 25 Schotz, Powell 210 Semher, Jno Skaaba, Mike 175 Scherosky , Andy 270 Spichler, John L 100 Shaffer, Wm 140 Singlarsky, xindy 70 Steele, Mrs. Elizabeth 100 Schowisky, Jno 105 Scholtz, Stephen. ._■ 40 Schaffer, Jno. V 500 Spickler, Jno 100 Springer, Thos.'s, Est 2245 Tokar, Jno 625 Trainer, Sarah 1670 Tackach, Jno 400 Topenzer, Alex 2700 Thumann, Joseph 85 Tony, Blouch 130 Tasyanovoski, Wilhelm 160 Tonchick, Joseph 212 Tongert, Mrs. Ann M 75 Trou twine, Rev. E. W _ 500 Tomeska, Steven 350 Toth, Jno Tremcoh, Jno 40 15 Tehwar, Jno Tokar, Miss Mary 45 20 Tarboy, Andrew 250 80 50 Terlem, Theodore 25 Tokas, Andy 450 80 100 Truxell, Wm. B 225 __ 50 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. __ $ 75 35 __ 20 ^_ 20 -- 60 25 100 50 30 __ 20 25 • 25 __ 15 320 __ 70 600 125 120 80 530 80 70 80 520 __ 40 __ 70 80 40 50 40 40 20 125 260 80 80 164 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. Topparzar, Ed $ Tacicnovski, Frank 200 Tome, Jacob.. 1 50 Tacicnovski, Wm Tonner, Peter 569 Uhl, Joseph 400 Varner, Wm 850 Verespey, Amelie 40 Vogle, Jno 1500 Vockorod, Charles 775 Yonalt, Casper 200 Yabrek, Jacob Vice, Martin 150 Vasto, Paul 50 Vasula, Johan Varner, Albert 75 White, Gregory A 30 Weber, Jno. L 3950 Waters, Jno 275 Wilson, Thompson A 210 Wesser, George 210 Wyar, Andrew 175 Winn, Mary___ __: 1035 Ward, Jno 1 75 Wissell, Valentine 5350 Weaver, Jno 250 Wopesick, Jno 200 Wolf, Nicholas J 430 Werner, Charles , 540 Winn, Andrew Wirgold, Stephan 150 Wichman, Ferdina 150 Weich, Mrs. Mary, lost husband- _ . 1600 Wilter, August 90 Wise, George 100 Wagnor, Grestavas 1 000 Awarded bv Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. -- $ - 100 -- 15 170 80 170 125 360 20 125 360 __ 120 80 90 80 10 -- 10 20 __ 30 125 890 80 80 15 165 80 70 80 80 80 310 80 110 80 680 120 130 20 130 125 290 125 195 50 55 15 135 400 1300 40 __ 15 125 360 COXEMAFGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 1(35 Weinziere, Maggie $ 3200 ! Ward, Jno 300 Wagoner, George 265 Ward, Susan's Est - 475 Wass, John 350 Ward, Malichy 340 Wolf, Mrs. Mary, lost husband 600 Witt, Susannah 60 Wanneeker, Jno__.-- 100 Warvik, Jno — Weiz,;Martin 650 Weaver, Michael 60 Wilkenson, Abram 220 Wargo, Albert ----- 70 Wagner, Paul 50 Weiss. Martin- 2900 Wolclfel. Katie 25 Warger. Martin-. 75 Werer,Andy 250 Wallace, Jno - 200 Wagner, Mike 45 Wikiesz, Mrs. Andy 40 Werner, Louisa 93 Wachschaski, Joseph 320 Wolf hope, Henry 100 Yammitz, Jno 70 Yager, Christ . Yehle, Joseph 55 Yehle, Mrs. Jno 288 Yarkaine Mike Yochman, Michael Zimmer, W 310 Zeeki, Caroline 160 Zahbringer, Bertha Zacks, Jno 200 Zahranitz, Geo 50 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 600 $ 830 80 180 80 40 80 350 125 290 80 300 400 1000 20 40 15 60 80 135 20 30 80 95 10 25 25 80 780 15 15 __ 25 180 40 125 __ 30 __ 40 __ 90 15 50 -- 75 20 115 80 53 -- 80 40 03 20 166 the world's charity to the q u ,.. b Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement by Bd. of by Com. Matement. , nquiry< m i ssion . Zelinoo, Paul $ 50 $ __ $ 25 Zahner, Thomas i 250 20 120 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 167 FIFTEENTH DISTRICT MORRELLVILLE. NAME - Statement. Austin, F. H $ 750 Adams, Geo 400 Beam, Samuel 2000 Burgess, Wm. A 1025 Betzell, Joseph . Beam, Jas. H__. 175 Boyer, Jas. F 130 Bochm, Fred 50 Brown, Wm 138 Callio, W. H 150 Claridge, Henrietta 350 Constable, Philip _ Special. Carlson, Gust 125 Cessna, Stephen D 84 Cochran, Mrs. Sidney 50 Claridge, W. H 225 Dishong, Fred 1100 Dishong, J. C 140 Davis,Ella 300 Dorman, Orange 598 Eugh, Chas. A 315 Eldridge, Fannie, lost husband.. ._ Easterly, Jno 30 Fisher, Jerry 75 Glacken, Thomas 400 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. fr 80 80 80 50 80 80 000 40 Awarded by Com- mission. $ 315 370 120 320 90 25 90 60 200 75 100 40 25 180 320 20 85 207 100 650 10 10 170 ]68 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. Gemmi, Z $ 225 Horner, Elanor 147 Hanely, Levi 500 Harris, David S 75 Johnson, James H 175 Johnson, James T 4645 Kelmko, Michael 75 Kratzer, Jno 40 Keystone Soap and Fertilizing Co_ 30000 Lecky , Francis 250 Love, Jennette 75 Lindquist, Adolph 90 Leslie, Win 120 Myer, Henry 725 Marsh, Mrs. Sarah . 115 McMillen,J. C 3825 Noblespiece, Fidel 40 Olson, Jno 96 Oyler, Geo Powell, Daniel 150 Reed, Hiram 400 Reynolds, Jenny Scott, Mary A 150 Switzer, Mrs. Elizabeth, lost husb'd Springer, Josiah 1000 Smith, Elizabeth 280 Sowers, William 50 Sauers, Jno 300 Strayer, Barbara 100 Womer, Jno. L 225 Williams, Hugh 540 Young, Daniel W 825 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 150 50 80 300 125 10 125 1010 -- 45 2500 50 - 25 25 80 220 . 50 80 220 20 -- 25 150 80 220 80 20 600 650 -.-- 30 __. 200 25 30 30 ■ ___ 160 30 150 30 200 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 169 SIXTEENTH DISTRICT. COOPERSDALE. NAME. Sworn Statement. Adams, Wm.B $ 200 $ Apple, Loss 250 Adams, Mrs. Elvira 450 Butler, Caleb 2320 Betterman, Rienhold. Boring, Frank Boyer, Jno- Boyer, Wm. L 135 Boyer, Jacob 450 Brendlinger, D. W 1850 Betterman & Vaughen 1400 Brallier, L. R. & Co 200 Bryan, J. D 550 Boyer, Leonard 125 Barringer, Mrs. Mary E 125 Bowser, Wm :_ 400 Colbert, Jno. E 260 Cameron, Hugh 173 Colbert, Wm Colbert, Wesley 175 Cooper, Mrs. E. A 1700 Cummings, Jno 300 Corner, George 61 00 Davis, S. J 565 Davis, W. L 100 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 15 $ 50 80 135 150 75 80 420 __ 100 80 230 80 20 80 420 20 80 170 ._ 60 70 125 150 30 120 80 40 50 70 80 160 95 80 1240 80 155 50 170 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. Ellis, Matilda S $ 600 Eppley, Jno 100 Edmimdson, Mrs. Maria 250 Fisher, Mrs. Mary 125 Felix, Peter 1570 Fisher, Henry 50 Fiscus, Mrs. Nancy 19 Griffith, N.B.__ 4000 Galbraith, C. M !_ __ Glenn, Root 1__ 100 Griffith, Samuel 250 Goughnour. Henry.. 200 Hale, Esther 50 Hileman, W. C 100 Hoover, Wm 375 Hoover, W. A Hoover, James L - 1 200 Higins, Jno 100 Hess, Jno 200 Hess, Hannah 2550 Hess, Mrs. Jane M 1300 Hess,W.H 150 Hess, Jacob M 250 Hess, Jacob, Jr . 125 Hudson, J. W 110 Haws, Wm. H_ 385 Haws, Mrs. Cynthia Hess, James C , 400 Hoover, Jacob 1900 Jenkins, Mrs. Sam'l L 100 Kunkle, Sylvester 1 32 Kunkle, Ellsworth _._ 194 Kunkle Bros. & Sheridan ._ 3000 Leech, Jno. C Loughrey, D. P. M BOO Lou o-h rev , M rs. M . R 1 000 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 80 $ - 50 __ __ 140 40 60 200 795 20 80 440 85 80 147 15 75 30 20 50 80 40 80 400 25 80 __ 400 780 80 230 15 no 80 45 70 40 10 SO 90 100 125 530 __ 75 30 70 60 30 80 820 80 120 125 330 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 171 mahjic Sworn NAME - Statement. McCoy, Mrs. Harriet $ 125 $ Merrits, Judson 110 Masters, Mrs. Elizabeth 420 McCurdy, Jno 750 McDivitt, Cornelius 1 55 McMillan, Chas ------ 85 McCurdy, W, L 125 McCurdy, Emery. 425 McLaughlin, Jno 535 Neely, H. G 75 Patch, Alvah 150 Rose, Noah 525 Ribblet, Jno. W 175 Richabaugh, Nelson 375 Reed, Geo. W 450 Skutchall, Samuel 50 Stateman, Mary 65 Snyder, Simon H 100 Snow, Dempsy 1 150 Stutzman, G. W 1050 Snow, Stephen 65 Secondgoss, Jas 218 Sheehan, Jno. H 575 Stiffler, Jos. W 400 Sweitzer, L. M 600 Shehan, Jas. A 175 Stutzman, Geo. W. and Co 5750 Schramm, C. T 225 Settlemire, H — Sheehan, Mary 60 Strong, S. J 85 Settlemire, Isaac H 350 Utsler, Mrs. Wm. L 600 Utsler, Wm 50 Voughen, Jeremiah ... 600 Yanghen, S. W 730 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. __ $ 50 80 80 120 125 305 40 60 40 __ 50 80 225 80 95 20 40 __ 80 125 240 30 115 80 120 125 100 __ 30 50 10 25 40 40 60 80 220 40 20 130 80 290 80 170 80 130 90 80 750 -- 100 157 40 80 20 125 260 __ 50 80 130 80 220 172 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO^THE NAME. st S nt . Van, Jno.H $ 215 Williams, Morgan L 2000 Warsing, Jno 68 Warsing, Geo. B 180 Wisor, David 275 Wagner, Elizabeth 490 Wells, Luella 100 Walters, Thomas 250 Williams, Richard 200 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com. mission. 100 80 450 60 50 100 270 125 260 75 100 15 190 170 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 173 SEVENTEENTH DIST'T. MILLVILLE ,, A m C Sworn NAME - Statement. Allison, Jno $ 800 ^ Adinger, Lizzie 200 Andrews, Joseph 1100 Aubrey, David 853 Adams, E. R Special. Allen, Albert S 130 Benson, James 200 Briny, Edward W 1175 Brixner, Charles 1665 Bolar, Gibson 900 Barringer, Daniel A 450 Brixner, Amanda 400 Berringer, David R 350 Beemish, Peter 800 Burns, Elizabeth 250 Barry, Johanna 50 Baker, Ellen 400 Burnes, Bartley 200 Barttebaugh, Wm 30 Braden,Jno. F-__ 250 Benson, Mrs. Julian 875 Bird, Lydia 4075 Bowers, Henry 510 Bland, Wm. C 437 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 125 $ 320 80 157 125 465 125 338 ___ 60 ___ 85 80 260 125 475 125 375 125 485 125 175 80 125 125 195 125 337 25 85 25 35 __ 200 __ 100 __ 30 80 85 125 375 200 1210 125 413 80 95 174 TfTE WORT, TVS CFTARTTY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. Broderick, Thos. D _$ 1630 Briney, Robt 1260 Baker. Mrs. Maggie 1863 Berringer, Mrs. Elizabeth 500 Blackford, Frank 575 Berringer, George 400 Brehm, Joseph : 50 Blosko, Mike - ---- 20 Brown, James E 615 Bowen, J. H 200 Boyle, Mrs. James 10 Burns, Catherine 1 00 Betterman & Myers 1400 Bushock, Paul 25 Brady, E. H 125 Burns, Zeph Barry, Wm. J_: 107 Bowers, Lizzie 50 Boyle, Daniel - 500 Brown, Samuel N Benson, Rebecca 1 50 Benson, Sue 140 Brown, Harry L 152 Brown, Ellie 110 Bartlebaugh, James - 175 Coyle, Thos 341 Cadngan, Wm., Sr 3100 Conn, Harry 800 Cadngan, David 5600 Carthew, Jno. L 325 Crowley, Cornelius 50 Carney, James .. _ - 2 200 Carney, Robt _ . . . 30 Connel ly , Patrick 3000 Clarke, Hill 80 Closson, David L 583 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 125 $ 190 125 530 125 775 125 225 125 280 125 150 -- 20 80 355 -- 35 100 80 120 __ 20 -- 50 20 __ 25 80 150 60 60 (50 70 _<_ 80 ._„ 320 125 710 125 375 80 1210 80 145 40 80 70 20 80 450 __ 35 429 CO ;FM kVGH VAT, T FY -UFFEEFFS 175 NAME. Sworn Statement. Cavanaugh, Sarah-- ___$ 500 $ Custer, Lizzie J., lost husband 425 Custer, Samuel J 100 Chambers, Francis 280 Carney, Frank 800 Connors, Mary 50 Constable, Noroh 700 Davies, David I) 7507 Drew, Mark 900 Davis, Thos. P , 419 Datz, Catherine 200 Davis, George A 750 Dolin, Patrick 100 Donivan, Mrs. Catherine 120 Douris, Jno 650 Downs, Thos 4150 Davis, David M 4000 Deckert, F.S 1800 Davies, Jno. M 3960 Davis, George 300 Davis, James 600 Dunn, James 1 05 Duncan, James 23 Dooley, Richard 50 Davis, Celia 1 50 Dixon, Jean N., lost husband 2000 Drew, Mollie 175 Davis, Minnie 80 Davis, Maggie L 100 Edwards, Kate 800 Ellsworth, Mrs. Ella 450 Evans, Edward 550 Edwards, Jno. R 380 Einon, Wm 250 Edwards, Evan 510 Ernst, Miss Katie.. . 100 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. 125 400 SO 125 125 125 125 80 125 125 200 125 125 125 125 80 000 125 200 125 80 80 Awarded by Com- mission. | 303 900 135 40 30 276 1570 310 175 110 270 60 130 205 600 725 440 950 100 170 25 15 60 1 200 (50 85 100 470 296 220 192 85 45 80 176 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE Awarded by Bd. of inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 80 25 125 210 100 200 • 420 200 500 __ 20 125 330 10 NAME Sworn NAMEl Statement. Eddingor, Jno $ 150 $ Finerty, Jno 75 Fredericks, Anthony G 618 Findley Bros 500 Flanagan, Edward 2200 Fitzgerald, Jno 51 5 Forsman, Angus 85 Fitzpatrick, Wm 800 Forest, Andrew 50 Fox, Mrs. Grace 20 Fagan, Matthew, Est Fox, Henry Fleck, James 550 Grosset, Jno 420 Given, Wm ,__ 1100 Given. Samuel 50 Gillian, James M 10000 Griffith, Hannah 1000 Goughenhoer, H. S 545 Gill, Wm Goggin, James 205 Goggin, Jno 40 Gray,Jno. B 200 Grady, Robt.O...-. 130 Gregory, Stephen B 1690 Given, D. M 752 Grady, Mary A 395 Griffith,B.R 100 George, Richard 4025 George, Mrs. Thomas Special. Griffith, Nettie Special. Head, George 450 Howard, Mary 200 Hess, Mary E., lost husband 800 Hager, Louisa < 3150 Hager, Lewis G 650 80 70 80 195 200 611 10 80 125 577 125 388 160 50 30 120 40 110 125 600 125 325 80 120 __ 35 80 920 __ 500 _. 25 125 220 80 120 200 1320 200 780 80 210 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 17: NAME. Sworn Statement. Herington, Bridget $ 850 $ Herington, Michael 15 Honan, Jno 50 Hayes, Mrs. Tom 300 Harkins, Dennis 700 Hornberger, Joseph 133 Harris, J. W 300 Hickey, Jno 300 Harrigan, Jerry's children 50 Hornberger, L. B 450 Harlen, Jennie. .- 23 Heavern, Chas 140 Heavern, Michael Hartnett, Mrs. Michael 20 Hitchins, Miss Amelia 20 Hurt, Catherine, lost husband Ivey, Thos 600 Ivy, Samuel 5(3 Ivy, Wm. H 200 Izeenhoot, Jacob.--- 80 Jones, Jno. Tuder 1200 James, David E . 100 James, Wm. and daughter 1925 James, Benjamin D ----- 750 Jones, Lewis R 9000 James, Emanuel, Jr 123 Jenkins, Jno.T 4000 James, Thomas J 820 Jones, Enoch A 670 Jorden, Kobt. S 200 James, Miss Mary Ann 200 James, Enoch 800 James, John 985 Jantz, Andy 29 Jenkins, David 500 Jenkins, Miss Kate D 1600 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 200 $ 350 20 80 130 125 375 -- 50 145 80 50 __ 450 125 270 55 _- 900 125 285 __ 25 __ 30 __ 50 125 450 20 200 480 125 260 125 1760 25 125 1269 125 375 125 310 80 25 80 00 125 105 125 374 15 80 220 110 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE MAMF Sworn NAWt - Statement. Keedy, E. H $ 300 i Keedy, Tracey 1000 Keedy, Thos. P 2360 Kelly, Jas 1590 Keedy,Mrs. S. E 999 Killen, Silas 200 Keener, Mrs. Eachael 900 Kechnear, Mary 200 King, Edward 135 Kane, Mrs. Ann 80 Keelan, Mary 100 Kane, James 160 Keedy, Wm. L 924 Lewis, Thos. J 95 Lewis, Maria J 5525 Lewis, Ananiah 4063 Lewis, David M 190 Little, Charles F 985 Lewis, Jane 1 350 Lightner, Jas 800 Lewis. David J 525 Lane, Wm 1665 Lynch, Mrs. Bridget 87 Luther, Mrs. Ann 5 Longstreth, W. S 80 Lloyd, Jno 1000 Lightner, Wm 550 Lewis, Wm. D 600 Leslie, Alexander 680 Lewis, Mary J 195 Lewis, Wm. W 500 Leas, Geo. J , 1000 Lambert, Mrs. Ann 500 Lewis, Jno. W 375 Lambert. Lizzie 250 Lloyd, Ben . 140 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. __ $ 85 200 410 125 580 125 510 125 475 100 80 360 50 . _ 25 __ 15 __ 40 25 80 170 40 200 1200 125 975 25 200 299 125 430 125 280 80 260 125 645 -- 20 60 125 379 125 175 125 315 200 100 80 25 80 330 80 340 80 220 60 __ 50 50 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 179 NAME Sworn NAMfe ' Statement. Maloy, Mrs. James $ 300 Martin, Jno 750 McCue, Owen, Jr 3700 McGough, W. R 560 Marsh, Noah 650 Meyer, Phillip 500 Mardis, Martha A 600 Mangus, Joseph J 400 McGlough, Thos 900 McGlaughlin, Frank 950 Morgan, Thos 4850 Murphy, Jno 546 Miller,J. R 650 McGinnis, Jno 750 McCue, Owen, Sr 130 Marshall, Thos 100 Morean, Jno 50 Marshall, Ellen 450 Marshall, Wm 115 Maley, Patrick '... 50 Mangus, Hiram 40 Miller, Margaret 100 McPoland, Wm 50 McGovern, Patrick 30 McDermott, Michael Morgan, Wm. T 300 Mitchell, George W 500 McDonnell, Jno 58 Miller, Henry R 445 McCabe, Mrs. Bridget 1100 McNeelis, Edward 1500 Mooreland, Thos 32 Murray, S. H 1400 McNeelis, E. T 325 Maloney, Jno. J 3000 McLoughlin, Ed 1 150 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 200 % 100 200 520 125 770 125 340 125 380 125 310 125 175 125 270 125 430 125 320 125 810 125 280 80 320 80 400 50 __ 20 __ 30 __ 170 __ 60 __ 20 __ 60 __ 80 50 -- 20 125 85 125 320 20 125 210 200 350 125 649 __ 10 125 430 80 40 125 560 125 550 180 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE NAME. Sworn Statement. McNaley, Mrs. Patrick, Ifc. h»sband$ _ - - Maloney,Mike 150 Murphy, Mrs. Katie 60 McBride, Mrs. Mary 45 Mennin, Mrs. Thomas 170 McNeelis, Sarah 200 Morgan, Wm. M 215 MeCrory, Daniel 1000 McAchren, Max 145 McCune, Mrs. Ed 120 McNeelis, Miss Ella 250 Meyer, Philip, Est 1800 McMeans, Robert McCabe, Mrs. Alice 75 McLoughlin, Dennis 55 Murray, Mrs. Bridget Magee, James 875 Nightly, Celia, lost husband 350 Noon an, Jno Nolin, Grant 32 Owens, Miss Martha 275 O'Brien, Wm., Sr 2682 Owens, A. G 800 O'Keefe, Jno 110 O'Brien, Wm. 8 4450 O'Brian, Morgan 200 Orr, Mrs. Harriet 1000 Oakley, James 950 O'Callaham, Miss Mary 800 O'Brien, W. A 800 O'Brien, Mrs. Johannah 150 Pettier, Meyers 1185 Pettier, Harris 1400 Plunkard, Henry 627 Pugh, Wm 500 Pittler, Wm 275 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. $ 600 $ 80 40 80 25 20 80 600 200 125 125 200 125 125 125 80 125 80 Awarded by Com. mission. 650 85 25 50 35 60 390 60 80 20 500 77 20 200 870 20 330 610 360 25 1280 110 525 492 410 20 25 200 250 250 318 110 CONEMAUG-H VALLEY SUFFERERS. 181 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 30 __ 25 __ 200 125 910 __ 30 __ 110 _ . 60 125 450 80 70 80 418 80 40 486 210 "*«*. S,S„t. Poultney, James H $ 142 $ Plunkard, Wm 152 Price, Mary Special. Perry, Mrs. Barbara 3600 Palm, Jno. .J 62 Prosser, Elvira Special. Parfitt, Thomas 80 Robinson, Laura 700 Reese, Wm. P 700 Reighard, David 640 Rigney, Grace and Sadie 177 Rhodes, Mrs. A 525 Ryan, Michael Redmond, Maria 225 Rodgers, Jno 450 Rager, Mrs. Malinda 50 Reighard, Samuel 350 Rogers, David L___ 400 Robb, Martin W 235 Reighard, Lucinda 500 Rogers, Pat.'s Estate 6000 Reese, Morgan 32530 Reese, J. D 7000 Rhodes, Samuel A 510 Reese, Wm-__ 500 Rodgers, Wm 375 Richards, Henry 350 Rodgers, Bethilda 25 Ream, Christian 70 Ray, Mrs. Jessie 155 Rodgers, Bridget 1000 Rude, Samuel 70 Reed, Patrick 169 Reamus, August 50 Reese, Jno. R 2800 Rvan, Mrs. Patrick 200 __ 30 125 130 125 170 80 80 125 350 400 1000 125 2781 125 1370 125 340 125 341 __ 350 -- 85 25 80 40 80 140 __ 50 80 __ 25 125 1167 125 120 182 THE WORLD S CHARITY TO THE ma Mir Sworn NAmE - Statement. Robertson, Robert $ 295 Stewart, Sarah Jane 600 Stremel, Wm ' 2500 Smith, James 672 Shomo, J. W 610 Sweitzer, Henry __ ■ 60 Scott, Mrs. Margaret 1 25 Springer, Jackson 60 Seeley, Samuel 75 Stutzman, Frank 115 Skutchall, Daniel 40 Sharp, Elwood 60 Suver, Jno. C 200 Shultz, Chas 2095 Spitzbaugh, Barbara 796 Suder, J. W 425 Stonebraker, Joseph H 1 000 Sweeney, Jno 711 Seeley, Jno. P 80 Stutzman, AVm 195 Scott, Wm 60 Smith,DavidM 125 Shank, Peter 70 Smith, Mrs. Emma 18 Swindell, Geo. W 150 Stewart, W. C 100 Schrantz, Sarah, lost husband Turner, Wm 7500 Tighe, Michael 35 Thomas, David H 7000 Taggert, Jas 365 Thomas, Ivor 80 Thoburn, Chas 525 Tolf, Alex 120 Vaughn, Lander 1100 Vaughn, Harry 770 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. ! 50 $ 50 125 250 125 630 125 360 125 250 30 120 60 50 __ 40 __ 50 30 50 125 600 125 270 125 540 80 520 80 241 45 __ 80 __ 25 __ 50 -- 10 50 60 _. 1000 125 1560 20 125 1470 80 no __ 25 200 420 __ 25 125 550 125 330 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 183 NAME. Sworn Statement. Williams, Jno. W $ 370 Woffington, Annie and daughter__ 450 Williams, Thomas P 2885 Weisner, S, A White, Jas 75 Williams, Wm. N 500 Walters, Thomas , 800 Wilson, R. E 150 Wlloid, Ben Williams, Geo. W__ _-■ 340 Witt, Miss Florence 120 Wunderleigh, Edward 170 Yarnell, J. B 110 Zachariah, Richard 600 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. 125 $ 210 125 220 80 510 30 125 397 280 -- 50 30 35 160 15 125 440 184 THE WORLDS CHARITY TO THE EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT Grubbtown, Upper Yoder, Moxham and Nineveh. NAME. Sworn Statement. Ashton, Mrs. C. Celia $ 450 $ Austin. John 150 Akers, Mrs. Catherine, It. hushand Ankeny, W. M 460 Baer, It. L !_ 1728 Bowman, J 350 Boetcher, Emil 182 Bird, Jno 117 Blough, Ephraim 85 Brown, Jno. E 300, Bird, James 145 Bracken, Joseph H : 265 Berkey, A. J 380 Bnrket, Mrs. Agnes-___ 80 Bowser, Chas-1 40 Confer, J. C 400 dinger, Geo. W 700 Coleman, Millard 100 Croyle, Joseph 150 Coffman, John 50 Cupp, Mrs. Eliza 100 Colbert, Nancy 200 Cable, Jno. C 160 Cupp, George 825 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. __ $ 290 __ 120 600 600 220 420 80 95 80 65 100 80 90 80 20 70 __ 100 __ 145 __ 50 __ 80 __ 15 150 80 __ 95 - 50 75 __ 30 80 125 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. 185 NAME. Sworn Statement. Downey, Walter E $ 225 Dodson, Dorsey 260 Dick, Mrs. Ruth 400 Dougherty, Geo , _ 45 Depple, Christ 100 Fisher, Daniel 685 Fulcomer, Jno 300 Fulcomer, Samuel 150 Fulcomer, Henry 947 Fee, Robert 220 Fulcomer, Geo 450 Fulcomer, Andrew 200 Faust I.N 987 Gilbert, Jno. J 400 Gardner, Harry H OS Gardner, Jno. P __ 590 Graham & Leuffler 1100 Graham, Frank 85 Grubb, Sadie 35 Hochstine, Wm 967 Hair, Jno. E 90 Hochstine, Chas 100 Horner, Geo. E 1 75 Hostine, Jno 500 Heiple, Elizabeth 100 Horner, AVm.C 550 Heiple, Henry 400 Hostine, August 75 Hummer. Nancy E., lost son Hill,Jno. G 700 Harris, David 400 Hull, George W 500 Horner, H. F 240 Hill, Wm. R 80 Hull, Taylor I 700 Hann, Andrew 1260 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. __ $ 95 __ 25 80 70 -- 15 160 30 _ r 15 __ 50 __ 50 50 __ 15 25 __ 170 __ 50 125 350 20 25 80 200 50 90 100 170 120 130 280 50 400 515 100 __ 100 50 100 80 80 75 200 ._ 200 186 the world's charity to the NAME. Sworn • Statement. Howard, Elizabeth $ 75 $ Hare, Hester Ann .__ 40 Irvin, Wm Special. Igo, Wm 300 Jenkins, Joseph 187 Koontz, Jno-_ 450 Kauffman, Tobias 435 Louther, Daniel 1499 Leventry, Henry F 605 Louther, Grant 60 Livingston, Robert M 100 Leventry, Wm 815 Livingston, Jno. A 407 Leventry, Catherine 500 Leggett, Wm. M 585 Leggett, J. N 540 Livingston, Mary A 135 Lewis, W. E 36 Liggett, Robert C 1540 Lute, Christoph H 305 Luther, Jane A 255 Little, Chas. B 75 Mowry, Harry 620 Miller, Christian 175 Maloy, Harry J 75 Mowry, Mrs. Mary J 24 Mitler, Solomon 200 Moore, Patrick 1 1000 Moore, Jno., Sr 500 Mangus, George W 223 Miltenberger, Albert 675 Macon, Jno. H 200 McClarren, Mrs. Catherine 400 Makin, David F 125 Myers, A. W 20 Morris, Geo 225 - 50 Awarded by Bd. of Inquiry. Awarded by Com- mission. $ 50 40 ' 25 __ 75 __ 25 60 140 80 120 50 200 __ 20 __ 50 __ 250 80 155 100 __ 50 __ 50 80 75 __ 10 __ 100 __ 75 __ 35 __ 50 140 50 30 .._ 20 100 80 50 50 100 SO 170 50 __ 250 50 CONEMAUGH VAIJ.EY SUFFERERS. 187 c..,«n„ Awarded Awarded NAME. Statement b * Bd .' of by C ? m ^ siateraem. | nquii . y . mission. Xagle, Conrad $ 400 $ __ % 150 Newton, Jno.D __ 50 49 O'Brien, Wm 20 Osborn, Mrs. W. B 300 Piatt, Wm 260 Peoples, James 758 Peoples, Wm ._- 732 Peoples, Geo 660 Pershing, Daniel, Est Quigley, E 190 Beam, J. S - 200 Ream, Daniel 1200 Robb, Isaac 325 Rogers, J. W 1141 Ream, Emma K 450 Rude, Albert 11 Eager, Reuben 40 Eager, Hugh 100 Reed, O. C 375 Reid, Elizabeth A 179 Reed, Henry 75 Ream, Catherine 800 85 Riley, Miss Kite Sloan, Jno 230 Sell, Jno 175 Suppes, Mrs. Freda 1000 Smith, Mrs., A. E 250 Shuman, Catherine 200 Shomo, Milliard Shomo, H - 1085 Stephens, Geo. W 450 Sigler, Edward H 50 Schat, Margaret 250 Suppes, Gertrude • 250 Suppes, Miss Alice 390 Suppes, Lizzie K 325 80 120 80 100 80 80 20 100 120 200 80 500 80 70 -- 20 30 150 40 80 no __ 00 ._ 500 80 50 125 50 150 80 50 __ 20 __ 120 __ 510 __ 510 510 188 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO THE P „.„„ n Awarded Stevens, J no. G $ 05 $ Steele, Wm 195 Shaffer, H.J 80 Sigler, Geo 125 Saylor, Geo 400 Trimble, Mary E 1150 Taylor, Mrs. Mai vina 58 58 Trindle, Mrs. Jno., lost husband Vanatt, Samuel 400 Yickroy, Nathan _._ 197 Van Horn, James W 586 Van Horn, Florence 300 Van Alt, Mrs. Kate.- 30 Wakefield, D. S 1720 125 Welshouse, H. A 540 Whitaker, Leslie P 80 Young, Jacob M 50 Zimmerman, W. H 850 125 Zimmerman, M. A 315 Ziegler, Louisa, lost son __. Awarded by Com. mission. f 40 100 20 20 100 200 1250 100 75 100 100 700 100 15 15 340 200 CZ aJt TV S \Q CONEMAUGII VALLEY SUFFERERS. ■ 89 PARTIES WHO REGISTERED And received Ten Dollars per head under the per cap-la distribution made by the Finance Committee, but never made a sworn statement as to their Josses. Anvt. Awarded. Alt, Charles $10 Ahlborn, Fred 60 Alt, Wm _._ 10 Biershank, Lillie 10 Burston, Mary 10 Burns, Wm 30: Burkhardt, Maggie. 10 Bittner, Frank 40 Bnrckner, Frank 30 Bundy, Louis F 10 Brady, Thomas F 10 Brady, Jno. R 10 Clark,P.H 40 Ducoty, Maggie 10 Dnrsty, Andy 10 Flanagan, James 50 Fitzimons, Maggie 10 Ferrence, Geo 10 Fox. Edward 10 Greenwood, Andy 10 Goughnour, A. D 30 Gollas, Mike 10 Gordon, L. B 40 Am't. Awarded. Gallagher. Peter : $30 Gruntsa, Martin "JO Gallagher, Daniel 40 Gerhardt, Emma i0 Ham il ton , Frank 80 Hager, Jno _=_ 70 Hayes," Alice .10 Harmony, Mrs. Annie 20 Hess; Frank 10 Helriegle, Jennie 10 Hager, Milton JO Hamlan, Mary 10 Hobbs, Chas 00 Hesselbine, Henry 40 Hess,Ella 10 Jones, Minnie 10 Keighley, Wm 10 Klink, Joseph 40 King, Harry 40 Klaum, Conrad 20 Lohako, Stephen.-, 10 Lloyd, Robert 10 Michaels, Amelia 10 190 thp: world's charity to the Am't. Awarded. Mangns, Wm $70 McDivitt, David 10 Murphy, Margaret 50 Mehaffey, Joseph 90 Milsah, Peter 10 McKernon, Pat 60 Murray, Owen 10 MHnar, Mike 10 Morgan, W; H., Jr 30 Myers, Christ 10 Mulvehill, Thomas 50 MiOor, Albert 10 Mxachler, Josiah 10 Now, John 20 Pearod, Mrs. Annie 10 Pfarr, Katie 10 Quigley, Peter 10 Rosenberger, Martin 80 Rock, Christ 80 Ritter, Mary 10 Raider, Peter_._. 20 Soss, Tennie 10 Btutzman, Jacob--- 40 Am't. Awarded. Suttmiller, W. H $100 Suskone, Mike _. 10 Scott, Hubert 10 Shutz, Ludwig 10 Slane, Joseph 40 Scott, John 60 Sarbar, Martha 60 Smith, Chas 10 Stibich,Adam 50 Smith, Jacob 00 Schwartzman, Jno., Jr 10 Tincho, Andy 10 Turner, Peter 70 Turner, James 100 Ward, Barbara 10 Welsh, Mollie 40 Wicks, Elizabeth 10 Walters, Mame 10 Yost, Carrie 10 Yost, Jno 10 Zinner, Henry 40 Zider,Jno 10 CONEMAUGH VALLEY SUFFERERS. i91 NAMES OF WIDOWS Who Lost their Husbands in the Flood. Mrs. Ann Andrews. Elvira Aubrey. Catherine Alt. Catherine Akers. Jane M. Atkinson. Alary Boyer. J. Q. A. Benshoff. S. J. Berkey. Sophie Bishop. Annie Bishop. Mary Bopp. Charles Boyle. S. A. Butler. Annie E. Clark. Alexander Carr. Mary A. Clark. Elizabeth Constable. Mary Cronin. Lizzie J. Custer. Jonathan Carlin. W. L. Davis. Sue C. Davis. Martha D. Day. Jane Dimond. Malta Dibert. Jean Ann Dixon. Mrs. Mary J. Dillon. Mary Dorris. Samuel B. Eldridge. Fannie Eldridge. Amanda Etchison. Anna Fenn. Ann Fenlon. Mary Fox. Mary Greitzer. John Habel. Wm. Henry. Mary E. Hess. Eliza Jane Hochstein. Lenie Holzman. Francisca Horton. Susan Hughes, Geo. C. Humm. Catherine Hurt. Louisa C. Jackson. Lewis Jacobs. James Jones. M. J. Kennedy. Alary Kinder. Emily M. Lee. Michael Luther. John Litz. 192 THE WORLD'S CHARITY TO 'Villi Margart Lotz. Lydia J. Long. Nancy W. Little. Charles Murr. Ellen Mullen. Jennie Morrow, Job Morgan. Barbara Mills. Kate Miller. Elizabeth Mecke, M. S. Maloy. Jacob Malzi. Esther Marbourg. Dellia Marshall. John Mauer. Ann McGee. James McGinley. Bridget McGuire. William McMeans. Patrick MeNally, Celia Nightly, FaLnie Nathan. Mary Overbeck. Magdalena Oswald. Jennie F. Overbeck. Martha Penrod. Mary Pukey. Dili Progner. H. G. Eose. Mary Randolph. Lizzie Rausch. Annie D. Ripple, Eliza Roos, Mrs. Sophia Roth. Lucinda Ross. Mary A. Schmitz. Charles Schnurr. Annie Schnurr. C. T. Schubert. Lizzie Shoffer. Kate Sheetz. Lena Shellhamer. Jane S. Schick. Mary Slick. Julia Smith. Henry Strauch, Moses Strauss. Elizabeth Sweitzer, Caroline Steckman. Sarah Schrautz. Charlotte Schutz. Annie Spareline. John Trindle. Mary E. Tyler. Mary L. Unverzagt. Wilhemina Voegtly Conrod Walker. Frederica Weber. Ellen Wiseman. Mary Welsh. Casper Will. Ella Wilson. Mary Wolf. Wm. J. Williams. Annie M. Young. Emil Young:. BE HEALTHY AND WEAR THE 111 !ggfe!i jtgtii ntm n FOR SALE AT Igimon g ||lioe Miom, !*» Ill IMffi |te^ d complete line of foot wear on hand at REASONABLE PRICES. Repairing neatly and promptly done. OLDEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE CITY. Q , . u , ( The Peerless Steinway, ) %£| a Sole Agts for' The Unapproachable Sohmer, £ JBPlCMlOS, { The Krakaner and Wasel Bros The Old Reliable South American and the! ADP A xto t Far rand and Votey I W IvVjtAIN O ! A full line of Musical Merchandise, Sheet Music, Books, etc, Sendl for our Cataloge of LATE MUSIC, at ten cents per coo.v. a. a jordan, W3 ,U %*' *t (^ tflU^ JOS. HINCHMAN. Manufacturers of ^^ § AND § CONFECTIONS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Crackers. Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Toys, etc Nos. 270 and 272 Main Street. ICE CREAM,Wholesale and Retail. muv "all ^ispla^ O K II L9¥HIRG. P¥ ,^ni&Aing I^qqgLq IS COMPLETE. We offer you the productions of the best Manufac- turers, which are in everyway reliable and serviceable, at prices you'l surely sanction. -■,,^-J \-^,s> -. - -■-■- — ■- - ■■—-.■%/, ,7/ 288 MAIN ST.,- Near Clinton, ^n&l^ka^di THE OLDEST AND LARGEST IN THE CITY. 259 Main St. Johnstown, Pa. R. H, PIKE. J. P. MILLER. Wl Mr- HfN3*lM|- ■? Manufacturers of and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in shoves & f rprps, Roofing and Spouting a Specialty. Mw, 142 and 144 Franklin St. Johnstown, Pa. E. A. ZIMMERMAN, ^©^ o^a-g K®* No. Sol MAIN STREET. CAMPBELL'S " ' . ■ . 0"Y«39 y ...v.-' <• ?X-' ..., ^^^ IS THE PLACE TO GO WHEN YOU NEED ANYTHING IN ' THAT LINE. No. 264 MAIN STREET. PARTIES DESIRING WILL DO WELL TO CALL AT KLEBER & BROS. PITTSBURGH, PA. Successor to Samuel Lenhaet. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN HARNESS, SADDLES & WHIPS, Nets, Blankets, Robes, etc. Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done. No. 145 Clinton Street, Johnstown, Pa. ffii Wholesale Dealer in Sole Bottler of The Celebrated PILSENER BEER. No. 637 SMITHFIELD STREET, Telephone 1936, PITTSBURGH, PA. fjpgBgR § gfR WELL KNOWN MUSICAL TALENT MAKE THEM SAFE PARTIES TO PURCHASE AN INSTRUMENT FROM. No. 506 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ^ •Sfc -m Geo. W.Smith, ft AND DEALEK IN LIME, LATH, PLASTER, HAIR & CEMENT. HAYNES STREET. % Between Morris and Somerset. \jj? ACT5. 'HE desire of every man is to make i It e purcha* power of his doHai greal as possible. In m Held i- there more op portunity to do this thai in i.i.n ing in the family'* supply of Clothing. Ou fall stock <>i Men's, I and ( Children's CLOTHING! is now in and more com- ing from ilu- workshops daily. On every $10 in- d in our < 'lathing, you have a net gain of a( least $3; thai II aSnii for $10 thai you may he compelled '<» pa} *i:; for elsewhere We art- the Low Price Clothiers. L M. Woolf & Son, J0WNST0WNS GREATEST Clothiers. Hatters. Shoe Dealers. —