*o ■% *o ■%- * ( ."., ' - ■4* r ■ ■ : *+ V L / V. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from T , . .. . _ a -. V,/ The Library of Congress V *< *£* "O, *?* A. 7 . . „ http://www.archive.org/details/planforeducationOOmine . '.•" A PLAN FOR AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT OF FISHES * * * From BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES, Volume XXVIII, 1908 Proceedings of the Fourth International Fishery Congress Washington, 1908 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 A PLAN FOR AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT OF FISHES * <* <* From BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES, Volume XXVIII, 1908 ProcecdiJigs of the Fourth International Fishery Congress : : Washington^ igoS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 & BUREAU OF FISHERIES DOCUMENT NO. 721 Issued May. 1910 i'i 1 19)0 A PLAN FOR AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT OF FISHES By Roy W. Miner Assistant Curator, American Museum of Natural History Paper presented before the Fourth International Fishery Congress held at Washington, U. S. A., September 22 to 26, 1908 and awarded one-half the prize of one hundred dollars in gold offered by the Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences for the best plan for an educational exhibit of fishes A PLAN FOR AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT OF FISHES. By ROY \V. MIXER, Assistant Curator, Americati Museum oj Natural History. J* An exhibit to be educational must be attractive as well as instructive; that is, its features must be so arranged as to stimulate attention, and when that is accomplished, to offer instruction that will be appreciated not only by the casually interested observer, but also by those who have come for the express purpose of learning, namely, the pupils and teachers of the public schools, university students, and others specially interested. Its lessons there- fore must be simple, direct, and systematically arranged. But when we endeavor to accomplish this end with an exhibition of fishes, certain special problems are involved. In the first place, the material is refrac- tory and difficult to prepare effectively for exhibition; in the second place, the very monotony of the fish form makes the study of arrangement a matter of special concern. The consideration of these questions will be taken up as follows: (i) The nature of the material available for exhibition will be discussed; (2) various methods for arranging and labeling the exhibit will be brought forward; (3) supplementary suggestions will be offered for rendering the exhibit instructive and attractive, and (4) the paper will close with a pro- visional list of fishes to be exhibited. The writer does not pretend that he has solved the question of fish exhi- bition, but offers these suggestions partly as the result of his attempts in this direction and partly as tentative schemes which may aid in meeting some of the difficulties. NATURE OF THE MATERIAL TO BE EXHIBITED. The material for exhibit may be (1) alcoholic specimens, (2) mounted and painted skins, (3) casts, (4) models, (5) skeletons, (6) colored plates and pho- tographs, (7) groups. (1) Alcoholic specimens should be used but sparingly, as for the most part they have little exhibition value because of distortion, shrinkage, and loss of color. A few good anatomical preparations might be used to show certain I 3 1 8 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. peculiarities of structure (pi. cxxvii), or certain kinds of accessory material, such as sharks' and skates' eggs, for example, may add to the value of the exhibit. A rare and interesting form like the goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) might be shown, especially if placed beside a model of the living fish; but on the whole alcoholic specimens decidedly detract from the interest of the exhibit. (2) Mounted and painted skins are sometimes effective for exhibit, espe- cially with fish like the gar-pike (Lcpisosteus osseus), the enameled scales of which are very successfully treated in this way. (PI. cxxviii.) In fact, this method may be used with many forms that have close-set, substantial scares (see yellow perch, pi. cxxix), and is especially effective in a fish of either gaudy or dark colors (e. g., the angel-fish, or the groupers). It does not, however, effectually reproduce the smooth, gleaming, iridescent body of other fishes, as the shrinkage and hardening of the drying skin and the paint that is applied obscure the original quality of the surface. Hence, painting a skin practically amounts to nothing more than painting on an inferior surface. (3) Casts, however, though but a reproduction, are faithful, if well executed, and furnish a surface much better adapted for coloring. Transparent colors over a metallic silver paint may be made to give the effects of iridescence, especially with such fish as the mackerels, pompanos, and the lookdown. But even the plaster .cast, no matter how well painted, nevertheless does not perfectly succeed in giving the surface bloom of the living fish. (4) Models. — Some fishes, especially the rarer forms, are hard to procure except as distorted alcoholic specimens, yet it may be desirable to represent them in the exhibit. In such cases, if sufficient data can be procured, a model may be constructed giving a restoration of the original and it may be well to exhibit the alcoholic specimen beside the model. (5) Skeletons. — The exhibit may be varied and its value greatly increased by the use of mounted skeletons of typical forms. These may be correlated by appropriate labeling so as to bring out their chief differences. (6) Colored plates taken from published works will add to the attractiveness of the exhibit and may be used to represent rare species which could not other- wise be shown. Many of these plates possess artistic beauty and represent the living fish better than any known method of artificial preparation. At the same time they portray the extraordinary variety of color and form possessed by the fishes of tropical seas. Some of these plates are shown in plate exxx. (7) Groups. — It is the pictorial group, however, that calls forth the greatest display of interest on the part of the visitor. Groups are the attractive feature, the drawing card of an exhibit. In bird and mammal collections they have been employed with great success. There are, however, comparatively few fish groups, and in these the mistake is often made of producing an aquarium PLAN FOR AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT OF FISHES. 1319 effect without a central point of interest. A fish or school of fish swimming among seaweed and rocks is not sufficient excuse for the time and expense incurred in producing a fish group. There must be a central idea or theme, such as the life history of some interesting species, an instance of peculiar breeding habits, or an illustration of some biological phenomenon, like adaptation, protective coloration, symbiosis, or sexual dimorphism, which can be emphasized in a descriptive label for the benefit of the visitor. Instead of being merely a spectacle, the group now has educational value; while it is the pictorial effect which at first arrests the attention of the observer, the lesson it has to teach is impressed on the mind more vividly than by any other method. (See appendix, p. 1340, for specific suggestions for these groups.) The nature of a fish exhibit is such that no one kind of material should be used to the exclusion of the rest. To show to the best advantage it should be so arranged that casts are interspersed with mounted skins, skeletons, and colored plates, while the monotony of single specimens is broken by groups at judicious intervals. METHODS OF ARRANGEMENT. In general, the synoptic or systematic arrangement is the best to follow. This is most readily effected by using single specimens in the bulk of the exhibit, which should, however, be varied with groups and accessory exhibits of a faunistic, commercial, and biological character. The synoptic series has great teaching value for the student of elementary zoology, since the orderly grouping of fishes carries with it an orderly grouping of facts readily retained by the mind. It is true that many casual visitors may not appreciate the advantages of the system, but when well arranged it sets forth, rather than obscures, the attractive and striking forms. For the benefit of such visitors the individual labels are made clear, simple, and interesting, while those placed with the groups are particularly adapted to their requirements. The student, however, needs a classification that is more in line with his studies, and this is furnished by the synoptic method of arrangement. The classification to be followed will vary of course according to individual judgment. The writer has found that a combination of the American system of Jordan and Evermann with the English system of Boulenger is best adapted for purposes of exhibition. Valuable help in this connection has been derived from W. K. Gregory's article on "The Orders of Teleostomous Fishes. " a The scheme of classification will be given later in connection with the provisional list of fishes already referred to. Three methods of arranging the exhibit in the hall are offered in the present paper, as follows: (1) the corridor arrangement; (2) the alcove arrangement; (3) the gallery arrangement. "Annals New York Academy of Sciences, vol. xvn, part II, no. 3, p. 4.37-508, pi. xxix-XXX. I320 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. (i) The corridor arrangement. — This method is in use in the American Museum of Natural History, where the fish exhibit is at present placed in an L-shaped corridor (text fig. i) connecting two wings of the museum. Here the cases are placed in end-to-end series along the walls on both sides, an arrangement well adapted for this style of hall. The cases for the synoptic series are of similar size and shape, of the variety shown in plate cxxvi. The two doors in front open outward. The back is solid and covered with a fabric (in this instance a blue denim) , which sets off well the varied colors of the fishes. The specimens are attached directly to the back of the case and are removable. Nine- teen cases are used at present for the synoptic series. The main features of the arrangement and classification may be readily seen in the accompanying plates. The class Pisces is defined in a general label (pi. cxxxi) to be found at the entrance of the hall and also at intervals throughout the exhibit. Its subdivision into three sub- classes is indicated at the bottom of the label. The parts of the hall devoted to the individual subclasses are shown by the large signs suspended from the ceiling (pi. cxxxii) , while the orders are identified by fed 5. i.— Plan of fish hall in the A: the cases. The synoptic cases the corridor. Museum of Natural History, illustrating the " corridor method" of arranging imbcred i to 19. The illustrative group cases are represented in the middle of PLAN FOR AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT OF FISHES. 1 32 1 small white-lettered boards at the top of each case (pi. cxxxin). A cast- may contain as many as four or five suborders, or if many forms are shown, as in the Perciformes (pi. cxxx), or if the specimens are large, as in the Selachii (pi. cxxxv), two cases may be devoted to a single suborder. The location of each suborder is indicated by black lettering on the glass doors of the cases (pi. cxxxvi), and a definition of the group, together with a list of such of its included families as are represented in the exhibit, are found in descriptive case-labels hung on the doors of the cases (see pis. cxxxvi, cxxxvih, and fig. 4, p. 1324). The families are separated from each other by narrow bands of adhesive tape (pi. cxxxvii), harmonizing in color with the background, and are identified by small family-labels (text fig. 2) giving both the popular and scientific names and fastened to the back of the case in each family group. Under each specimen is a special descriptive label (text fig. 3) which gives the popular name pie of family label. in prominent type, while the scientific name is printed in smaller italic characters below. The name is followed by a brief popular description of the fish's habits, peculiarities, economic value, and geographical distribution. No effort, how- ever, has been made to exhibit anything like a complete fish fauna, as the exhibit is entirely synoptic in character, only the principal families being shown and the typical and most interesting species in each family. Geographical distribution maps are being provided for the typical forms. Through the center of the hall will be placed groups illustrating life habits and other biological features. These will be of the general style shown in plate cxxxii. None are completed as yet, but in their places a few reptile groups have been installed temporarily. The arrangement of the fish plates may be seen in plates cxxx, exxxm, cxxxiv, cxxxvi, and cxxxvii. They are mounted in passe-partout style and are hung to the backs of the cases in their proper synoptic position. 1322 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. Very large and striking specimens are grouped in panels or friezes extending the length of the hall in the space between the ceiling and the tops of the cases (pi. cxxxviii). The labeling in this hall is based on the principle that since the exhibit has a double aim, being intended for both the general public and the students and instructors of the city schools and colleges, there should be a double system of labeling to meet the needs of the two classes. To this end the method of utilizing the exhibit by each class has been studied. Rainbow Trout Sahno irideus Gibbons The so-called Rainbow Trout comprise several closely related species, and are noted for their garneness, dash, and beauty. They are found in mountain streams of the Pacific States and on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The typical Rainbow Trout (Salmo irideus) is found only in small brooks of the Californian Coast Ranges, and considering its size is perhaps the gamest of the series. It takes the fly with great readiness, even leaping from the water to meet it, and the struggle that follows is sure to be a long and keen one. The weight of the Rainbow Trout varies from a half to 5 or 6 pounds, though the latter weight is exceptional. Fig. 3. — Example of popular label for individual specimens. The average person who enters the hall simply to see the exhibit is attracted first by the group cases. Then he passes before the synoptic cases, stopping here and there as his eye is attracted by some specimen. That is, it is the pictorial effect of the groups, or the striking features of some specimen, that draws his attention. In either case, if his interest is sufficiently aroused, he reads more or less of the accompanying label. Therefore the pictorial group labels and those with the individual specimens should be popular in character to meet his requirements (see fig. 3, p. 1322). The elementary student of fishes, on the other hand, requires a systematic presentation of the subject, which will supplement and illustrate his studies. PLAN FOR AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT OF FISHES. 1 323 To him the exhibit should appeal somewhat as an enlarged text-book, with object lessons for illustrations. It is to the elementary student, therefore, that the systematic arrangement is primarily directed — though it doubtless has its uncon- scious effect of orderliness upon the casual visitor as well — and the labels which bring out this classificatory side are aimed more directly at the student's under- standing. Such are the labels indicating the larger groups, and especially the descriptive case labels defining the orders and suborders (see fig. 4, p. 1324). As these are based on anatomical features, especially those of the skeleton, they are necessarily more technical. An attempt, however, has been made to simplify them as much as possible, and to eliminate or explain technical terms. These labels also endeavor to bring out the phylogenetic relationship of the larger groups. Accessory labels are freely used (fig. 5, p. 1325) to illustrate special features of biological interest. (2) The alcove arrangement. — This is really an adaptation of the preceding method to a museum hall lighted by many windows from the side, thus permit- ting the cases to be placed alcove fashion with their ends to the windows, as in figure 6, page 1326. With this arrangement, instead of having a solid back, the cases are provided with glass on both sides, while a solid partition is constructed midway between, thus making it possible to utilize both sides of the case, in two adjoining alcoves. The partition is covered with a colored fabric, e. g., blue denim, as in the preceding arrangement, and is framed in at top, bottom, and sides by light boards (fig. 7, p. 1327) inclined at an angle of about 45 degrees and wide enough to slant from the partition to the front edge of the case area, thus giving a beveled or countersunk effect. These inclined surfaces are covered with the same material as the partition and may be utilized for accessory labels, dia- grams, etc. The bottom incline may also be utilized for such specimens as flatfishes, which would appear out of place when hung on a vertical surface. 1324 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. THE TROUT-LIKE FSSHES Order Malacopterygii Suborder Isospondyli Families Elopidce Clupeidee Albulidce Salmonidce Mormijridce Thymallidce The fishes of this group include many of the most important food and game fishes, such as Tarpons, Trouts and Salmons, and the Herrings and Sardines. They are distinguished from the Ostariophysi (Case 6) by having the four anterior vertebrae of the spinal column unaltered and separate, and from the Eels (Apodes — Case 9) by the complete and well-developed skull. These characters, together with the soft-rayed dorsal fin and the cycloid scales — rounded in form and with smooth edges — also distinguish them from the Spiny-Rayed Fishes (Order Acanthopterygii — Case 9-14), most of which have ctenoid scales (i. e., scales rounded but with finely toothed edges) and fins partly supported by spines. Like the Ostariophysi (Case 9) and the Pikes (Case 1 1 ) the Trouts have their ventral fins well separated from the pectorals and placed far back on the abdomen. This is a primitive arrangement and may be seen in all the lower fishes (e. g., the Sharks, Lungfishes, and Ganoids) and contrasts with the more specialized Acanthopterygian condition, in which the ventrals are attached close to the pectorals. iple of descriptive case-label defining a suborde PLAN FOR AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT OF FISHES. 1325 The fish in this case illustrate the natural phenomenon of degeneration, or rather specialization to an inactive life. The five suborders represented form a graded series of steps leading from fishes adapted to an extremely active existence clown to relatively in- active, sluggish forms, incapable of rapid motion, but protected from their enemies by coats-of-mail or by the poisonous alkaloids in their flesh. In the left-hand section may be seen the large, active wrasse-fishes and parrot-fishes (Suborder PHARYNCOGNATHI) well furnished with means of locomotion (i. e., fins), and with large gill-openings which permit the rapid oxygenation of the blood necessary to swiftly mov- ing animals. The large cycloid scales are evenly distributed over the body and allow the greatest flexibility of movement. The teeth are adapted for seizing, and indicate carnivorous habits. Everything seems adapted to an extremely active life. On the other hand, there is a significant tendency toward fusion in certain bones of the skull, and (e. g., the parrot-fishes) in the teeth as well. This tendency is still more evident in the Scaly-Fin group (Suborder Squamipinnes), where it appears in the fusion of the upper jaw elements, and in the gradual reduction of the gill-slits and the ventral fins. The body becomes later- ally compressed and the transition to the type found in the next suborder (SCLERODERMI) is very clear. This suborder is represented in the upper right-hand section of this case by the trigger-fishes and file-fishes. Here the same flattened form is seen, and the reduction of the spinous dorsal and ventral fins to a few stiff spines is very evident. The bones of the skull have further fused, the gill-opening is a mere slit, and the upper jaw-teeth are compressed or even completely united, while the scales are reduced till, in the file-fishes, they become mere prickle--. With the trunk-fishes (Suborder OSTRACODERMI) an immovable box- like armor takes the place of scales; the bones of the skull are almost completely joined; the gill-slit is extremely small; while the ribs and other skeletal elements have been practically reduced to a mere bony axis bracing the weak, soft dorsal, anal, and caudal fins. The spinous dorsal and the ventral fins have disappeared. Finally, in the puffers (Suborder GYMNODONTES) we have tin- last stage of degeneration or specialization to a sluggish existence. Scales, spinous dorsal fin, and distinct teeth are gone. Pelvis, ribs, and caudal vertebrae are degenerate and, in extreme forms, even absent. The remaining fins, like those of the trunk-fish, are weak, and the body incapable of rapid motion, while the leathery skin, power of inflation, and poisonous flesh act as protective factors. The largest example of the group, the head-fish or mola, sluggishly floats on the surface of the sea, leading an inactive and lazy existence. Fir,. 5.— An accessory label to illustrate a biological phen 1326 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. Each alcove should be devoted to one or two related subdivisions of fishes, arranged synoptically, as already described, and in the center of the alcove may Fig. 6. — Plan showing hall adapted to the " alcove arrangement " of cases. be placed a group case illustrating some features connected with one or more of the species in the surrounding cases. PLAN FOR AN EDUCATIOXAL EXHIBIT OF FISHES. 1327 (3) The gallery arrangement. — The idea for this somewhat more elaborate method was suggested by the gallery of habitat bird groups in the American Museum, but differs from it in that it combines a synoptic with a group exhibit. It is adapted for a gallery surrounding a hall occupying the space of two stories, such as occurs in most museums. At the side of the gallery farthest from the windows is a continuous screen to cut off all light from other parts of the hall (fig. 8, p. 1 328), while the window side is entirely taken up with a series of exhibits, framed in by a casing, which, while it shuts off the light from the gallery, yet diverts it so as to illuminate the exhibit from within. \ V X // j s\ r\ TOP ^ i ■■ 7 1 SIDE FRONT Fig. 7. — Diagram of fish case to be used in ball with " alcove an countersunk effect. i£cment," showi: atral p.irtition witb The adaptation of this method to a fish exhibit is shown in figure 9, page 1329. Through the opening (A) is seen a pictorial fish group representing some inter- esting feature. In the sketch an exhibit of fish life in the vicinity of a coral reef in tropical waters has been indicated in outline. This -roup is the central feature of that portion of the synoptic exhibit containing the suborders Pharyn- gognathi, Squamipinnes, Sclerodermi, and Gymnodontes, which contain so many of the brilliantly colored tropical species. i 3 28 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. The panels B and C are devoted to the synoptic portion of the exhibit and contain representative species of the typical families included in the above- mentioned suborders. These specimens are fastened to a cloth-covered backing O o o o Fig. 8.— Plan illustrating the "gallery arrangement" of fish exhibits, showing screen (A) and row of group exhibits (B) of the kind shown in figure 9. page 1329. PLAN FOR AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT OF FISHES. 1329 placed just far enough behind the glass to comfortably accommodate the fish and show them off well. Small labels identify each specimen. The names of the suborders are lettered in black on the glass. The panels are lighted electric- llltllllll '« II iWPElffl ally from above and below. At D and E are placed illuminated ground glass descriptive labels defining the synoptic divisions and describing the interesting features of the central group (.4). The light from the windows behind may I33O BULLETIN OP THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. be utilized to a large extent during the daytime for illuminating these exhibits with the help of properly arranged reflectors. Colored plates and photographs may be used to good effect on the walls of the hall at the ends of the gallery. (The two latter methods are offered as tentative suggestions for adapting to other museum conditions some of the ideas contained in method no. i.) SUPPLEMENTARY SUGGESTIONS. (i) Small fishes. — Some species which should be represented in a synoptic series are so small that they would appear lost if placed directly against the case background. A good setting for such forms is shown in plate cxl. Here two specimens of Hippocampus hudsonius are mounted against a colored plaster panel, modeled in relief to give a suggestion of seaweed. (2) Small balanced aquaria of living fishes may be used with good effect at or near the windows of the exhibition hall (pi. cxxxn) . They may be either fresh water or marine, and forms may be exhibited from time to time that will be objects of interest in themselves. In such instances, small descriptive labels may be placed near the aquaria to bring out the interesting features. These labels should have removable backs to permit the insertion of new descriptive material as the fish exhibited are changed. (3) Colored plates like those used in the synoptic series may be arranged in panels as wall decorations, as in plate cxxxn. These panels should harmonize with the general color scheme of the exhibit setting and may be devoted to the fauna of specific regions. (4) Photographs of living fish, or illustrating the commercial fisheries, etc., may be used to add interest and attractiveness to the halls. (5) A plan of the hall should be placed at the entrance to aid the visitor in orienting himself and in finding groups of which he may be in search. (6) Many of the descriptive labels may be effectively illustrated either by indexed outline drawings for the sake of added clearness (pi. cxxxi) or by water-color sketches illustrating interesting habits (pi. cxxxix) . (7) A special exhibit of the fishes most abundant locally could be made an attractive feature, or this could be arranged as a seasonal exhibit by changing the fishes to correspond with their seasonal abundance in local waters. (8) Single specimens may sometimes be artistically mounted on a pedestal, with just a suggestion of accessory setting, as in plate cxli. PROVISIONAL LIST OF FISHES FOR A SYNOPTIC EXHIBIT. In the following list selection has been made from species which would fall under the five following classes: (1) Typical forms; (2) commercial forms; (3) peculiar and striking forms ; (4) forms with interesting life-habits ; (5) forms valuable for illustrating biological phenomena like protective coloration, symbi- PLAN FOR AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT OF FISHES. 1 33 1 osis, adaptation, etc. Only a tentative selection is given, and many of the species named could be replaced by other forms. The classification used in the list, as above mentioned, is a combination of the English and American systems, adapted for exhibition purposes. It is natural that particular emphasis should be laid on North American fishes, and these are chosen to represent the families where possible. More room is also given to commercial fishes than to others. CLASS PISCES. Subclass Elasmobranchii. order plagiostoml Suborder Selachii. Family Notidanidae. Notidanus (Hexanchus) griseus (cow shark). Family Seylliidae. Ginglymostoma cirraium (nurse shark). Family Galeidse. Mustetus canis (dog shark). Carcharinus lamia (cub shark). Family Carchariidae. Carckarias liltoralis (sand shark). Prionace glauca (great blue shark). Scoliodon term-nova; (sharp-nosed shark). Family Sphyrnidae. Sphyrna zygoma (hammer-head shark). Sphyrna tiburo (bonnet-head shark). Family Alopiidae. Alopias vulpes (thresher shark). Family Lamnidae. Carcharodon carckarias (man-eater shark). Lamna cornubica (porbeagle). Family Cetorhinidae. Cetorhinus maximus (basking shark). Family Squalidae. Squalus acanthias (dogfish). Family Rhinidae. h'hina squatina (angel shark). Suborder Batoidei. Family Pristidae. ' Pristis pectinatus (common sawfish). Family Rhinobatidae. Rhinobatus lentiginosus (guitar-fish). Family Raiidae. Raia erinacea (common skate). Raia kevis (barndoor skate). Family Torpedinidse. Tetronarce occidenlalis (torpedo). Family Dasyatidse. Dasyalis cenlrura (sling ray). Family Myliobatida?. Myliobatis jrcminvillci (eagle ray). Mania biroslris (sea devil). 1332 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. ORDER HOLOCEPHALI. Suborder Chimaeroidei. Family Chimaeridae. Chimara monstrosa (ehimaera). Ckinncia colliei (ratfish). Chimtrra purpurascens (purple chimaera). Subclass Dipneusti. order monopneumona. Family Ceratodontidae. Neoceratodus forsteri (Australian lungfish). ORDER DIPLOPNEUMONA. Family Lepidosirenidae. Protoptcrus dolloi (African lungfish). Protopterus annectens (African lungfish). Protoptcrus (ethiopicus (African lungfish). Lepidosiren paradoxa (South American lungfish). Subclass Teleostomi. order crossopterygii. Suborder Cladistia. Family Polypteridse. Polypterus bichir (bichir). ORDER CHONDROSTEI. Family Polyodontidae. Polyodon spathula (paddlefish). Family Acipenseridae. Acipenser sturio (common sturgeon). Acipenser rubicundus (lake sturgeon). Scaphirhynchus platyrhynchus (shovel-nose sturgeon). ORDER HOLOSTEI. Suborder Rhomboganoidea. Family Lepisosteidae. Lepisosteus osseus (long-nose gar). Lepisosteus platostomus (short-nose gar). Lepisosteus tristtzchus (alligator gar). Suborder Cycloganoidea. Family Amiidae. Amia calva (bowfin). ORDER OSTARIOPHYSI. Suborder Nematognathi. Family Siluridae. Ameiurus catus (white cat). Fcliehthys marinus (gaff-topsail). Ictalurus punctatus (channel cat). Ameiurus nebulosus (common bullhead). Schilbeodes insignis (mad torn). Suborder Eventognathi. Family Catostomidae. Catoslomus commersonii (common sucker). Family Cyprinidse. Moxostoma aureolum (common redhorse). Ictiobus cyprinella (red-mouth buffalo-fish). PLAN FOR AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT OF FISHES. 1333 ORDER OSTARIOPHYSI — continued. Suborder Eventognathi — Continued . Family Cyprinidae — Continued. Cyprinus carpio (golden carp). Campostama anomahnn (stone roller). Semotilui atromaculalus (horned dace). Notropis sp. (shiner) . Rhinichihys atronasus (black-nose dace). Suborder Heterognathi. Family Erykhrinidae. Macrodon microlcpis (trahira). Family Characinidae. Brycon dcnlcx (characin). Hydrocyon goliatk (characin) . Telragonoptcrus argenlatus (sardina blanca). Suborder Gymnonoti. Family Gymnotida?. Giton jasciatus (carapo). Gymnotus electricus (electric eel). ORDER APODES. Suborder Colocephali. Family Muraenidse. Lycodoniis moringa (common spotted moray). Lycodoniis ocellalus (spotted moray). Lycodoniis funebris (black moray). Murccna rctijera (moray). Echidna ncbulosa (moray). Suborder Enchelycephali. Family Anguillida;. Anguilla chrysypa (American eel). Family Leptoeephalidae. Leptocephalus conger (conger eel). Family Nemichthyidae. Nemichthys scolopccus (snipe eel). Family Myridae. Myrophis punclalus (worm eel). Family Ophiehthyidae. Ophichthys gomesii (sea serpent). ORDER MALACOPTERYGII. Suborder Isospondyli. Family Elopida?. Tarpon allanticus (tarpon). Elops saurus (ten-pounder). Family Albulidae. Albula vulpes (ladyfish). Family Hiodontidae. Hiodon tcrgisus (moon-eye). Family Clupeidae. Clupca liarengus (common herring). Alosa sapidissima (American shad). Pomolobus pseudoltarengus ilewife). Brevoortia tyrannus (menhaden). 1334 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. ORDER MALACOPTERYGH — continued. Suborder Isospondyli — Continued. Family Salmonidse. Coregonus clupeiformis (common whitefish). Oncorhynchus ischawytscha (quinnat salmon). Salmo irideus (rainbow trout). Salmo sebago (landlocked salmon). Salmo solar (common Atlantic salmon). Salvclinus jontinalis (brook trout). Cristivomer namaycush (Mackinaw trout). Family Thymallidae. Thymallus ontariensis (Michigan grayling). Family Argentinidae. Osmerus mordax (American smelt). ORDER MESICHTHYES. Suborder Haplomi. Family Synodontidae. Synodus varitis (lizard-fish). Synodus fat ens (lizard-fish). Family Ipnopidae. Ipnops murrayi (lantern-eye). Family Dalliidae. Dallia pectoralis (Alaska blackfish). Family Esoeidae. Umbra pygmaa (eastern mud minnow). Esox masquinongy (muskallunge). Esox reticulatus (pickerel). Family Pceciliidae. Fundulus heteroclilus (common killifish). Cyprinodon vaiiegalus (sheepshead minnow). Anableps dovii (four-eyed fish). Heterandria formosa. Family Amblyopsidae. Typhlichthys sublcrraneus (small blindfish). Amblyopsis spclaus (blindfish of Mammoth Cave). Suborder Synentognathi. Family BelonidEe. Tylosurus caribbaus (needlefish). Family Hemirhamphidae. Hyporhamphus roberti (common half-beak). Scombresox saurus (saury). Family Exoccetidae. Fodialor acutus (sharp-nose flying-fish). Exocaetus volitans (flying-fish). ORDER THORACOSTRACI. Suborder Hemibranchii. Family Gasterosteidae. Gasterosteus bispinosus (common eastern stickleback). Gasterosteus aculeatus (European stickleback). Family Fistulariidae. Fistularia tabacaria (trumpet-fish). PLAN FOR AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT OF FISHES. 1335 ORDER THORACOSTRACI — continued. Suborder Lophobranchii. Family Syngnathidse. Siphostoma fuscum (common pipefish). Hippocampus hudsonius (common sea-horse). Hippocampus stylijcr (sea-horse). Hippocampus punctulalus (caballeto de mar). Hippocampus zostcra (sea-horse). . ORDER ACANTHOrTERVGII. Suborder Percesoces. Family Atherinida?. Menidia gracilis (silverside). Family Mugilida?. Mugil ccphalus (common mullet). Mugil curcma (white mullet). Family Sphyra-nidae. Sphyrxna borcalis (northern barracuda). Family Mullidae. Upcneus maculatus (red goatfish). Upencus mariinicus (yellow goatfish). Family Holoeentridae. Holocentrus ascensionis (squirrel-fish). Family Ammodytidae. Ammodytes amcricanus (sand launee). Suborder Scombriformes. Family Scombridae. Cymnosarda pelamis (oceanic bonito). Thunnus thynnus (tunny). Scomber scombrus (common mackerel). Sarda sarda (bonito). Scombcronwrus maculatus (Spanish mackerel). Family Trichiuridae. Trichiurus lepturus (cutlass-fish). Family Istiophoridae. Istiophorus nigricans (sailfish). Family Xiphiidae. Xipliias gladius (common swordfish). Family Carangidae. Oligoplites saurus (leather-jacket). Caranx hippos (crevalle). Caranx crysos (runner). Vomer setipennis (moonfish). Selene vomer (lookdown). Trachinolus goodei (threat pompano). Trachinolus carolinus (common pompano). Family Pomatomid.e. Pomatomus sallalrix (bluefish). Family Coryphjenidae. Coryplurna hippurus (common dolphin). Family Stromateidae. Poronolus iriacanlhus (butterfish). Family Rachycentridae. Rachycenlron canadum (sergeant-fish). I33 6 BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF FISHERIES. order acanThopterygii — continued. Suborder Perciformes. Family Centrarchidae. Centrarchus macropterus (round sunfish). Lepomis auriius (redbreast bream). Lepomis pallidus (blue-gill). Family Percidte. Stizostedion canadense (sauger). Pcrca flavescens (yellow perch). Ammocrypta pcllucida (sand darter). Family Serranidse. Roccus chrysops (white bass). Roccus lineatus (striped bass). Morone americana (white perch). Bodianus Julius punctatus (nigger-fish). Epincphelus stria/ us (Nassau grouper). Epinepkelus adscensionis (rock hind). Epincphelus quttatus (red hind). Epincphelus morio (red grouper). Garrupa nigriia (black jewfish). < entropristes striatus (black sea bass). Family Priacanthida:. Priacanthus arenatus (catalufa). Family Lutianidae. Neomasnis griseus (gray snapper). Neomcenis guttatus (flamenco). Neomcenis jocu (dog snapper). Neomcenis apodus (schoolmaster). Lutianus aya (red snapper). Lutianus analis (mutton-fish). Ocyurus chrysurus (yellow-tail). Family Hcemulidae. Huinulon album (margate-fish). Hicmnlon plumieri (common grunt). Bathystoma rimator (red-mouth grunt). Orthopristis chrysopterus (hogfish). Family Sparidae. Calamus hajonado (jolt-head porgy). Stenotomus chrysops (common scup). Archosargus probatocephalus (sheepshead). Archosargus unimaculalus (salema). Family Gerridae. Gores olisthostomus (Irish pompano). Family Sciaenida;. Cynoscion regalis (common weakfish). Cynoscion nebulosus (spotted weakfish). Bairdiella chrysura (mademoiselle). Scicenops ocellatus (channel bass). Micropogon undulatus (croaker). Menticirrhus americanus (Carolina whiting). Menlicirrhus saxatiiis (kingfish). Pogonias cromis (drum). Aplodinotus grunniens (freshwater drum). PLAN FOR AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT OF FISHES. 1 33 7 order ACANTHOPTERYGir— continued. Suborder Perciformes — Continued. Family Pomacentridae. Eupomacentrus leucosticlus (Beau Gregory). Eupomacentrus fuscus (Maria Molle). Abudcjduj saxatilis (cow pilot). Suborder Pharyngognathi. Family Labridae. Tautogolabrus adspersus (eunner). Tautoga onilis (tautog). Lachnolaimus maximus (hogfish). Ilalichoeres sp. Family Scaridae. Sparisoma abildgaardi (red parrot-fish). Callyodon ccsruleus (blue parrot-fish). Scarus vetula (old wife). Suborder Squamipinnes. Family Ephippidae. Cluztodipterus faber (spade-fish). Family Chaetodontidae. Megaprotodon ti i;■ '— c » = -* = to CflZ < 3 Z-" z * I- Oi < 3 (0 :/. 2 -C — c - d ., 4P u a H R £2-5 s - -3 _ -= s - y = « u= s- " - 'S u i — * s - -3 J= O -2 .2 « <*-. 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